HomeMy WebLinkAbout97-005-FIR-001 Interlocal Agreement MULTI-CASUALTY INCIDENT(MCI)TRAILER AGREEMENT This agreement is entered into between SKAGIT EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES COUNCIL,hereinafter referred to as EMS Council, and ANACORTES FIRE DEPARTMENT, CITY OF ANACORTES,WASHINGTON,hereinafter referred to as"Host Agency". WHEREAS, EMS Council,with input from a multi-discipline committee,has developed, constructed and equipped Multi-Casualty Trailers for use by Skagit County fire protections districts and municipal fire departments for responding to Multi-Casualty Incident's or natural disasters in which the magnitude and demands of the incident exceed the resources of the responding Skagit County fire services agencies. WHEREAS, The purpose of this Agreement is to establish the terms and conditions under which the EMS Council shall cause the Trailers to be in the custody of selected fire protection districts/municipal fire departments for emergency response. DEFINITION of: MULTI-CASUALTY INCIDENT(MCI): an incident in which the medical needs of the patients exceed the immediate available resources of the responding jurisdictional emergency services agency. 1. Emergency Use. In the event the Host Agency is involved in an emergency response in which it does not have adequate pre-hospital medical equipment and supplies,the Host Agency may request an additional Trailer as needed under the procedures established in existing mutual aid agreement. Host Agency agrees to provide mutual aid,with MCI Trailer,within available means, when requested. 2. Training Use. The Host Agency will maintain possession and is encouraged to use the MCI Trailer for training purposes. Host Agency is encouraged to conduct joint training with other agencies with which they would normally provide mutual aid. mciltr_ 6/24/97 3. Trailer Expense. The EMS Council shall furnish or replace expendable supplies and other materials damaged or consumed from the Trailer while Trailer is deployed in an actual Multi-Casualty Incident or during mutual aid training exercises.(must be approved by EMS Executive Board) 4. Inventory of Trailer. Attached to this Agreement is a listing of equipment and supplies to be maintained in the Trailer. A serviceability inspection and inventory shall be performed not less than one time per year to ensure that the quality of expendable supplies have not deteriorated and are suitable for use. 5. Trailer Maintenance. Host Agency agrees to provide housing,security and routine maintenance inspections of the Trailer in compliance with all governmental laws,ordinances,and regulations. The Host Agency agrees to maintain the Trailer in good condition to present a serviceable and clean appearance at all times. The appearance of the Trailer should be maintained to create a positive public image for the Host Agency and emergency services. 6. Trailer Licensing and Insurance. Trailer shall be licensed and insured by the Host agency. 7. Title. Trailer shall be titled and registered in the name of, and shall be considered the property of the Host agency. 8. Trailer Markings/Identification. Trailer shall be identified on both right and left sides with letters_(Host agency) Fire Department(or Fire District),(department logo),as appropriate. Trailer shall also be identified(with smaller lettering not less than 1 1/2 inches in height)with additional credit to: Skagit EMS Council, "Paid for by EMS Levy"and any sponsoring business entity which has contributed financially towards the Trailer. (list any corporate or business donations in the particular fire district/department service area that have contributed.) See attached diagram for placement of signage. 9. Warranty Disclaimer. EMS COUNCIL MAKES NO WARRANTY NOR REPRESENTA11ON,EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,REGARDING THE QUALITY, DESIGN, CONDITION, CAPACITY, SUITABILITY, OR PERFORMANCE OF THE TRAILER OR OF THE MATERIALS OR WORKMANSHIP IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE l'RA1LER. The EMS Council will not be responsible for any repairs,service,or defects in the Trailer or its operation. Host Agency agrees it will not make any claims against the EMS Council for any deficiency of the Trailer. Host mciltr_ 6/24/97 . . Agency further agrees,regardless of cause,not to assert any claim whatsoever against the EMS Council for consequential damages. 10. Indemnification. Host Agency assumes the risk of liability arising from or pertaining to the possession,operation,or use of the Trailer. Host Agency shall indemnify and hold EMS Council harmless from and against any and all claims, costs, expenses, damage,and liabilities, including attorney's fees, arising from or pertaining to the use,possession, or operation of the Trailer. 11. Amendments. Amendments to this Agreement shall be made in writing,signed by both parties to this Agreement,and become part of this Agreement. 12. Revocation/Cancellation. This Agreement shall remain in force until either party issues written notification to the other party at least 60 days prior to cancellation or revocation. Written notification shall be delivered to the signers of this Agreement at the below addresses: EMS Council: Skagit EMS Council 311 State Street Sedro-Woolley,WA 98284 HOST AGENCY: Anacortes Fire Department City of Anacortes 1016 13th Street Anacortes,Washington 98221 IN WITNESS THEREOF, the undersigned executes this Agreement this day of 1997. ERVIN D.LINDALL H. DEAN MAXWELL President Mayor Skagit EMS Council City of Anacortes mciltr_ 6/24/97 ,• . ` ' Attacluneot to: / MULTI-CASUALTY INCIDENT (MCI) TRAILER AGREEMENT - -- ----- --1 AREA 0N QTY ITEM ' | | ' �----- ----'—' > FP | A 14 Oiaou��b|eB|ankeb | --- --- | | FP B 10 Retrieval Packs | 1 Trauma Shears � ' | 2 2.Tape _ S 7.5x8ABD | -- — | G_4" Kling VVroo | | 4 | Triangular Benoogon | | 3 pr Heavy Gloves 1 Far��hkyk�K8aak _ 2 Hand Disinfectant | 2 Pens and PaperFP ' 131 1B|N Retrieval Resupply � 10 Multi-Trauma Dressings 20 7'5xQABDDressing \ | | 13 "Kling \ [ 2 Boxes Heavy 8 Rolls 2,Tape | — — —[— | FP [ 1 BIN Immobilization Supplies | � 4 Collar, ! ' —'-- --T — 6 Collar, Rooubx _ ' 10 Collar, Short 1O� Co�� No-Neok - -- 4 Collar,.Pediatric - 4 {�oUa[ Bobvnn-n�o� / ' -- -- FP D 1 BIN Immobilization Supplies - _ 12 Rolls Duct Tape -- 20 Head Immobilizers - ------ 2 Emergency Blankets — ` ' Page ' ^ . . . ^ . ' AREA 8|N ITEM � | ^ �P � / 1 Bin ��th�v�| | " ' a°"g "°"a"=""" | | ' 3 Barrier Tape ' - 250' 1/4" Nv�nRooe 1 _ 20 |O Arm Bands FP F 1Bin Protective Equipment | ! | 10 Govvns, Disposable l | | 25Face Shields/Mask | 10 3O gal Bio-HazardBags _ 1 Geni-ClothOiaponaer | 2 Emergency Blankets / | b FP W1ISC 1 Bin Funnel Point Removal Equipment ' 20 Spine Boards ��� �� 18 Life-Lite Shetche � -_� T G 1Bhn Treatment Supplies } _ | 24 Triangular Bandages \ 10 K8u|ti'TnaumoDramsinQs 20 7.5 x8A8D Dressings / 24 4, Kling Wrap S Box of1O4x¢m � ) | � | 12 1" Tape | G 2" Tape 4 Burn Sheets | 40 Treatment Tags / -- | T H1 1 Bin ' Splinting 25 18' Cardboard Splints T H2 1 Bin Splinting ^ G24" Cardboe� S�in� - G 35' Cardboard Splints | 2 K4iso/Di''---- e Blankets | � Page • AREA BIN QTY ITEM T H3 1 Bin Splinting 6 24" Cardboard Splints 6 35" Cardboard Splints 2 Misc/Disposable Blankets T I 1 Bin Oxygen Supplies 10 Adult Masks 10 Nasal Canula 10 Pediatric Masks 10 Connecting Tubing 10 Tubing Connectors - . T J 1 Bin Treatment/Protective Equipment 20 Gowns/disposable j 25 Face Shields/Masks 2 Heavy Gloves Lrg 2 Heavy Gloves XLrg 2 Sani-Cloth Dispensers. T K 1 Bin Treatment 3 Multi-Cuff B/P Set 1 Barrier Tape 1000' T Misc 1 Set Treatment Area 02 Equipment 1 "M"Cylinder/Cart 1 Oxygen Regulator 1 6' Oxygen Hose 1 5 Outlet Oxygen Manifold T • L 1 Bin 14 Disposable Blankets I T M Misc 20 Heavy Insulated Blankets Page 3