HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetter of request form for 3007 West 3rd Place kp t~ > City of Anacortes t", Engineering and Development Services e,,,�T Engineering Service Request Request No. L j Date In 3 Customer Contact Information Requested Via [] Phone Time In [! 8_ 10 am First/Last Name f o ! j Front Desk ® Company 10- 12 am -1 lif: Appointment 12- 1 pm r , r7—� —� Email ® 1 3 pm Street Address 11 :229i,,ATE/ g 5 � IN Fax [] 3 -5 pm City, ST ZIP ?e4B4fzi-k[iel `7_2<l [i] Mail Phone j/6Q-_- 6x 1e 7 iI ri Fax Ljr1/C _____ - _i E] Email Q _I11.5kYi1..gOTkin_r q Customer's Request a GC 1S-_s Lot (/I/fry i ( )?), L Y ui I �5 a k-� --404 EDS Staff Responding L' . i Date Completed I OL Fee $0 00 Staff Response 1. I -�r�,-e_ l c�i Ci i a- LoT `cams {-,r L �- 1 I Documents Provided 100 sc-iaL -i L VI"( ► er? L1111-‘ C I D t r1 PiaAi=1' s- `3 l 4a .. r. ebS x.WD l`3�it, --04\- -10 33kJrL e - 1 R(- $.11v) 4,..-1 PLV ia ) +�aS`- :eXl'� City of Anacortes Engineering Department P.O.Box 547 Anacortes,WA 98221 (360)293-1920 (360)293-1938 FAX engineering@cityofanacortes.org Open 8 a.m.to 5 p.m.Monday- Friday t J' F ANACORTES PUBLIC _ .. P.O BOX 547, ANAWATES, we 98221 P (360) 293-1919 ROB Ri' H';rd'E'' , i1f4 CT € FAX (360) 293-1938 k � �� A _(19�ii a bobtunle@cityotonocortes.org e May 22, 2006 Mr. Jay Smith 13620 State Route 9 SE Snohomish, WA 90296 Subject: Required Improvements for proposed Rear Lot Access to 3007 West 3rd Street Dear Jay, Thank you for your March 13, 2006 Engineering Service Request for required improvements for rear lot access to 3007 West 3rd Place. On May 9, 2006, I emailed to you a PDF drawing of the below mentioned required improvements. This letter is a follow up to the PDF drawing. Based on your Service Request, discussions with you at the counter and a site visit, the required improvements are: 1. Main access to the property will be off of West 3rd Place. 2. Install a driveway approach. See attached City of Anacortes EDS Standard Detail ST-04 "Sidewalk Barrier Free Route of Travel". The applicable part of this detail is "Sidewalk Interrupted by Driveway". The sidewalk and driveway approach shall meet ADA specifications. 3. The asphalt improvements on Erie Avenue, extended, shall be 20-foot in width with a thickened edge. The drainage for this portion of paving shall be designed to not allow the surface runoff to drain across the driveway approach. 4. Maximum grade allowed, per the Anacortes Municipal Code is 12%. 5. The asphalt improvements on West 4th Street shall be 20-foot in width with a thickened edge. This will allow for future potential access from the easement above for ingress and egress. 6. Provide a drainage system for the new asphalt. 7. Improvements shall be designed by a Professional Engineering Licensed in the State of Washington. 8. Subject to Engineering Review and Construction Inspection Fees. See attached forms. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 360-661.3468. Sincerely, CITY OF ANACORTES Steven R. Lange Project Manager CC: Bob Hyde, Fred Buckenmeyer, Dave Walde, Don Measamer, Rick Harvey 6.Cas,r W7o..tewaster St G€''.s w Storm Droirow f.ngineering .L'i CI .fstt; tons oont n crnd Equipment *Capitol Projects *Development Services , 20 K` J�/; 13 1.404 i 1g02 � is q 1 , No / \\ `, �* -v , /'- / r / :� 1319,r 3033 /%j/� �� \j f�, r=' /��, fi b 131' \� ,f i 301� \� ! 13 \ �` f --21` e iy c:\. 3. / v ` \qW < 14. mac \ ' t ' J,' \v a, s 300 d ,a : 4/...1 ;,',..-4$tP V ‘ .. „v Cfl ` 's' ooS /v ' •y am - ` '' , .- . ' \ ....., \, �> / t 001 \ to i ✓1' / _ pia a ,c` ,,. "v'.a l E Q1� /� /� •s` r'r�i Jr; \`\,. \ ` 'i` �`•sa=,,`�:r} \C'4 f rya t� age 1 \�' D''''` z 1«- 4",....'"`"-- .-c1,%. 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FILE: ST-04 SIDEWALK ROUTE OF TRAVEL.DWG SIDEWALK BARRIER EFFECTIVE DATE: REVIEW BY DATE: REVIEWER: FREE ROUTE OF TRAVEL 01-20-2005 01-03-2007 q ° HYDE APPENDIX A - STANDARD DRAWING 2006 Y Q� ANACORTES PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 0 ENGINEERING PLAN REVIEW FEE AND CONSTRUCTION FEES SITE INFORMATION AND PROJECT VALUE OWNER: SITE ADDRESS: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: PROJECT VALUE [PV]: (Page 3 of 3 Total Cost) ENGINEERING PLAN REVIEW FEE ENGINEERING PLAN REVIEW FEE ( .005 of Project Value) $ TOTAL ENGINEERING REVIEW FEE $ DUE AT TIME OF SUBMITTAL OF PLANS FOR REVIEW CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION FEE CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION FEE BASE FEE $ 500.00 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION FEE ( .015 of Project Value) $ CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION FEE SUBTOTAL $ REDUCTION * TOTAL CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION FEE $ DUE UPON CONSTRUCTION PLAN APPROVAL * SUBJECT TO THE DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING& DEVELOPMENT SERVICES APPROVAL, A 50% REDUCTION TO THE CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION FEE MAY BE ASSESSED IF THE DEVELOPER PROVIDES ON-SITE CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION AND CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING THROUGH PRIVATE CONSULTANTS TO THE SAME STANDARD AS THAT OF THE CITY. Page 1 of 3 Engineering Plan Review Fee and Construction Inspection Fee Project Number APPENDIX D: INSP-07 JANUARY 2006 ANACORTES PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT `V ENGINEERING PLAN REVIEW FEE AND CONSTRUCTION FEES CpIL ENGINEERING AND INSPECTION FEE WORKSHEET (DEVELOPER DEDICATED ASSETS) Engineering Project No. Project Location Project Name Project Engineer Developer The Developer shall enter the quantities shown on the construction drawings to be submitted to the City for review. This document is used to maintain the City's inventory of Public Works infrastructure and determine the amount of Engineering&Inspection Fees due to the City. DESCRIPTION UNITS QUANTITY Unit Cost Total Cost FEE AMOUNT 6" L.F. 8" L.F. 10" L.F. 12" L.F. 15" L.F. ce 18" L.F. w — 24" L.F. cn Other 2 Other o Catch Basin, Type I EA C Catch Basin,Type II EA Storm Manholes EA Ponds EA Bioswales EA Vaults or other water EA quality measures 6" L.F. 8" L.F. 10" L.F. tY 12" L.F. 15" L.F. 11.1 18" L.F. cn >- 24" L.F. Other z Other to Sanitary Manholes 48" EA Sanitary Manholes EA Other Lift Station EA Page 2 of 3 Engineering Plan Review Fee and Construction Inspection Fee Project Number APPENDIX D: INSP-07 JANUARY 2006 (1, ter, ANACORTES PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Lys `` ENGINEERING PLAN REVIEW FEE AND CONSTRUCTION FEES cos DESCRIPTION UNITS QUANTITY Unit Cost Total Cost FEE AMOUNT 4" L.F. 6" L.F. 8" L.F. cc w 12" L.F. I- a 16" L.F. Other L.F. Water Meter EA Fire Hydrant EA Street Construction S.F. Length_Width_ ci) Street Lights EA w Street&Stop Signs EA w - Curb&Gutter L.F. I- Overlay, Asphalt TON Overlay, Concrete S.Y. Sidewalk S.Y. Wheelchair Ramps S.Y. Landscaping S.Y. Trails S.F. Stream Enhancement S.F. Other Other Temporary ce Erosion/Sediment Lump Control** Sum Earthwork C.Y. _ Traffic Control Erosion Control Utility EA Relocation/Adjustment TOTAL COSTS $ Temporary Erosion/Sediment Control includes: Clear and Grade, Fill and Grade, ESC Supervisor, and Silt Fencing. Page 3 of 3 Engineering Plan Review Fee and Construction Inspection Fee Project Number APPENDIX D: INSP-07 JANUARY 2006