HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit File BLD-2019-0833 1211 10th Street (5) --- -- site Wikstrom Residence _ _ • a . .. - o 0 0 A UNDERWOOD - � eg o off _ [ ° 0� 00n 0n A [r� a © oJto W ` the'St &ASSOCIATES,LLC ail 1 1 CITY OF ANACORTES 10054thStreet in- Iiiiiii .-- anacortes, washington 98221 "'" PLANNING & BUILDING DEPT: 360.588.0471 q �, mike underwood, AIA I;21 ! 10tri St .- I 1 PERMIT LANS tt: APPROVEDF Q ?o ` 5 I)- 209lilta - t. icil a MIS* 3 www.underwoodarchitecture.com �I II +� • ADDRESS: 1 j 1 10 -ill S"r S APPROVED 8Y: /y� yr Is /ZF72o ' -� rh-.�t t SUBJECT TO FIELD INSPECTION. APPROVED PLANS L . - SHALL NOT BE ALTERED WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION, Z • - `' i_ ffi - , t -Anacortes• FILE COPS, Ill:_ - /J .- . Architecturalsheet List 1 : - : . --,1;27i:11-0.:.:\ Nr,U Sheet t Number I Sheet Name r1 , I . r ;5 AO.0 Title Sheet • A1.1 Site Plan + Landscape Plan A2.1 Foundation Plan Vicinity r1" Map IL 1 A3.1 Demo and Floor Plan /4 V �l��l I�ty IVIap M.1 Lateral & HVAC Plans \ 1/4" = 1'-0" A4.2 Floor Framing Plan & Fence Details A4.3 Roof Framing Plan A5.1 Building and Wall Sections A6.1 Building Elevations A6.3 Interior Elevations SP1 General Notes Grand total: 11 This Is A Standard List Of Abbreviations Used By This Office. Items Listed May Or May Not Be Used On This Set Of Drawings. kb. Anchor Bolts �± Ga. Gauge p R. Riser AAc. Acoustical V Galv. Galvanized R Rad., R Radius 9878 Registered Add. Addition Glu-lam Glue Laminated R.d. Roof Drain ARCHITECT Adj. Adjustable/Adjacent GLB Glue Lam Beam Ref. Reference A.f.f. Above Finished Floor Gr. Grade Reqd. Required �-- Michael G. Underwood Alt. Alternate GWB Gypsum Wallboard Rm. Room State of Washington RO Rough Opening Bld. Building HB Hose Bib 9/22/21 B Blk Block H HC Hollow Core B.O. By Owner Horiz. Horizontal SC Solid Core Btm. Bottom Hr. Hour S Sect. Section Permit Set B.U.C. Built Up Column Hdr. Header SF Square Feet BWP Braced Wall Panel Shtg. Sheathing General Notes Building Code Energy Code Notes Project Directory Building Information Sim. Similar Project name: Insul. Insulation Spec. Specification cCab. Cabinet Int. Interior Sq. Square 1. All potential contractors shall thoroughly Zoning Category: OT, Old Town This building is governed by the 2015 WSEC,Prescriptive Energy Code,for Owner: Brom and Anne Wikstrom Site Address: 1211 10th Street W i kstro rn Cdr. Cedar SS Stainless Steel Small Dwelling Unit. 1.5 Points 2715 W Lynn Place Anacortes,WA 98221 C.j. Control Joint Jt. Joint familiarize themselves with job conditions before Clkg. Caulking J Jst. Joist Std. Standard bidding to ensure that they understand the scope of Occupany Group: R3 Energy Credit Requirements: 3.5 points Seattle,WA 98199 Residence C.L. Centerline Stl. Steel the work. These notes aregeneral in nature and are Parcel Number: P55411 Energy Credits Proposed: 3.5 points Stor. Storage intended to set the minimum standards for Construction Type:V-B Architect: Underwood &Associates, LLC CMU Concrete Masonry Unit K Kit. Kitchen yP SS Storm Sewer 1005 4th Street Legal Description: Col. Column construction. Any conditions which are not clear or Efficient Building Envelope 1a:0.5 Energv Credits Susp. Suspended Anacortes, WA 98221 LOTS 5 AND 6, BLOCK 78, MAP OF THE CITY OF ANACORTES, SKAGIT Project Address: Conc. Concrete L Lay. Lavatory are different than required by code or site conditions Permitted uses: Prescriptive compliance is based on Table R402.1.1 with the Constr. Construction Ivl Microlam timber shall be brought to the attention of the designer Single Family Dwelling units following modifications: 360-588-0471 COUNTY, WASHINGTON,AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 2 OF Cont. Continuous Is' Timberstrand timber T.TOF Tread Top of Footing immediately. The contractor shall verify all Vertical fenestration U=028 PLATS, PAGES 4 THROUGH 7, RECORDS OF SKAGIT COUNTY, 1211 1 0th Street T TOC Top Of Curb dimensions and conditions on all sheet drawings Lot Size (minimum in zone): Floor R-38 Contractor: Quantum Construction WASHINGTON. D. Dryer Mat. Materialand in the field, and notifythe designer of any6,000 sf for Single-Family 12761 Quantum Lane Dbl. Double T&G Tongue & Groove 9 9 Y High Efficiency HVAC Equipment 3d: 1.0 Energy Credits Anacortes, WA 98221 BuildingAreas: Max. Maximum discrepancies before proceeding, 7,500 sf for Duplex Thk. Thick P P 9 P Df Douglas Fir M.b. Machine Bolt Ductless Split System HeatPumps,Zonal Control:ln homes 360-293-0656 Existing Residence Area: 768 sf Dn. Down Mech. Mechanical TOW Top Of ab TOW Top Of Wall 2. Specific notes and details shall take precedence Setbacks: where the primary space heating system is zonal electric #QUANTCI166DF Demo of Existing Residence Area :240 sf DS Downspout Memb. Membrane heating,a ductless heat pump system shall be installed and Project Year: 2019 Tv Television over general notes and typical details, Front: 20 feet provide heating to the largestzone of the housing unit.To C Dtl. Detail Min. Minimum Issue Date: 12/20/19 E DW Dishwasher Washer Mir. Mirror Typ. Typical Side Interior Lot: 5 feet quality to claim this credit,the building permit drawings shall Codes Existing Garage Area: 527 sf Mtl. Metal 3. Dimensions shall supersede scale, and are Rear: 20 feet specify the option being selected and shall specify the Demo of Garage Area: 527 sf I. 0 UNO Unless Noted Otherwise measured from edge of stud. Where the rear yard abuts a platted alley, a heating equipment type and the minimum equipment 1. building 2015 IRC Revisions EEa. Each EL Elevation detached accessory structure,or that portion of the efficiency 2. mechanical 2015 IRC Addition to Residence: 1,284 sf Elec. Electrical (n) New Var. Varies No. Date Description N NIC Not In Contract `I 4. All work shall conform to the latest approved primary structure used as an accessory structure, may Efficient Water Heating Category 5a 0.5 Energy Credits 3. plumbing: 2015 UPC b Elev. Elevator NTS Not To Scale V VCT Vinyl Composition Tile editions of the standards listed in "codes", be built in a rear yard up to the alley property line, Total Residential Area: 1,812 sf Vert. Vertical residential bathroom lavitory sink faucet: 1.0 gal/min 4. energy and ventilation: 2015 WSEC EQ Equal provided that it is set back a minimum of three feet Vest. Vestibule residential kitchen faucet. 1.75 gal/min Equip. Equipment OC On Center 5. Provide 6" high temporary and permanent from any side property line, and is no larger than oneSite Area: 6,000 sf (e) Existing OFCI Owner Furnish I W Washer address numbers on site that are viewable from the thousand square feet and no more than sixteen feet in residential shower heads: 1.75 gallmin g Q q Project Description Exist. Existing Contractor Installed W WI With street. height. Efficient Water Heating Category 5c: 1.5 Enemy Credits Lot Coverage by Building: 2,070 sf 16,000 sf= 34.5% <35% ok!! , Ext. Exterior Opng. Opening WC Water Closet ° Water heating system shall include one of the following:Gas, Remodel and partial demolition of existing ° OSB Oriented Strand Board WD Wood 6. Confirm location of all utilities within easements Lot Coverage (maximum allowed): 35/o or oil water heater with a minimum EF of 0.91 Lot Coverage by Impervious Surfaces: 3,806 sf/6,000 sf= 63.4/o FD Floor Drain propane residence with addition. N F Fin. Finish W/O Without and on site prior to excavation work, o P-lam Plastic Laminate WP Water Proof Allowable Height: 25 feet Landscaping: 1,200 sf=20% F.f. Finished Floor P Ply Plywood WWF Welded Wire Fabric Proposed: 19'-9" r4 FS Finished Slab PR Pair FLR Floor PSL Parallam timber End. Foundation Parking: Two off-street parking spaces per dwelling unit. F.o.c. Face Of Concrete PT Pressure Treated Title Sheet B Fo.s. Face Of Studs o Ft. Foot Or Feet Fur. Furring Project Info r n n -� m F.e. Are Extinguisher > 1J 1/4" = 1'-0" t I,I 1'I co iii 11 DEC 232019IL pjj . 0 it, ^ITY OF ANAGORTES U 12/20/2019 3:49:07 PM alley alley alley I 27...r 5.0' N t :: .:. j tel ped Y 5 l telped "— _ N89°26'22"W 60.04 sid_setback — — — — — — — — — — — x N89°26'22"W 60.04 ❑ — - -1 — — — : — — — — — — — 36'0" 37'0' ` s existing garage/shop r 3T-17 cD \ to be removed t � I b I I I I ,;_ ...:_ _- I b � I UNDERWOOD I I I &ASSOCIATES, LLC Gravel Drive •P +p I I I I I anacortes, washingion 98221 I �t _ bN1005 4th Street � Ifence r° Iji' 360.588.0471 �'I t �DS° U I I Ur l r i i ' �_� mike underwood, AIA 1� I I �' I o deck `Al I www.underwoodarchitecture.com I I o deck I I I � I�� I I I 1 4 1 Covered Car Port n, 1 1 Car Port drain deartout t\ °DS II I I �C0 % I I I Aso' G I I — - I I G SeeA3.1 for I - - ,Y I I I Required Landscaping Demo Plan • nil r Calculations I U I r r} Area to be I I I I I t t I az:" I Site Area 6 000 sgft DemolishedIcm II gt I Covered Porch I W W ( _ _ _ _ 1 W % of site area to be landscaped 20% OT Zone E 0GM I o o I GM I z I / I (per AMC Tables 19.42.020-.030) 11,200 sqft,200 sqft reprquired zI IZ ZI I I 1 I I I 1 Addition I I a I Addition I Compliance with AMC Ch 16.50 Tree unit credits required: Tree Preservation • 6 tree units required Tree unit credits retained: Existing Residence I • none Existing Residence front to remain I I Tree unit credits provided: i I Existing Residence I I front to remain I I I I I I • I+4' I I ° I (min. caliperdeciduous© threes above ground) I I I z le Box I I DS Te "'� """" `" • new evergreen trees (8' TeleBox I I L �N 1 I i in height) amp DS meter I 4� I jJ _ . ___ \power meter L `� se ® se Number of required street trees 1 per 30' of frontage r� ( +s-c P ' / 5"� Vr: P— W I ''r') , © • UP Sa 1N1 60 lineal feet of frontage = W I r + ) 2 street trees required idesdbad _J r� gement5;pro,�e I ', C\� !do 3 street trees provided L _ _ �y _ j b I Icover and silt fence at wI - - o II temporary soil \ unwonted soil stockpiles I I — C. A z, gravel oaraet°prtbq stockpile a� // F g�� 9878 I Registered driveway x / _ — a a — — _ - _ I ARCHITECT _ _ _ — _ — a as a . �. \ � ' a — — — a .�� — 36'-0° ~—j— /1091,43"W3. W 37'-0° 36'-0' N89'26'43'W W 3T tl' MicSthte l Wand Washi G. ngton 9/22/21 Jr sidewalk W sidewalk sidewalk W —_ Permit Set ::water meter ::water meter 111114. ----- -‘ ,1 ° flre hydran1120 away 9 \ \ �' Project name: ovefiead powerhu li curb cut overhead powerlutility \ _ ., driveway drop \ _driveway drop — curb curb curb Wikstrom Residence +Irciter y s 10th street 12 t0lhsheet 10th street Project Address: N — — — CL — _ — — c,L — _ 1211 10th Street it Al - Existing Site Plan r- ,I Al - New Site Plan i'3- Al - Landscape Plan 1" = icy, 1" = 10'-O" 1100 Project Year: 2019 Issue Date: 12/20/19 Landscape Notes: Plant Schedule types and quantity as available 1. Any discrepencies with the 5. Where shrubs and groundcovers 10. Top dressing to be Skagit Soils Revisions y drawings, specs, and or site conditions abut curbing, walks, and or catch compost or equal. symbol-qty. trees-(botanical name,common name,-size/comment) �, �, '- shall be brought to the attention of the basins minimum planting distance shall No. Date Description M1 Date 1 Revision 1 ✓ 2 z n•�. `Q5 architect prior to proceeding with be 9" from same. 11. Landscape contractor to S 4 Acer arcinatum,Vine Maple - 2'cal. '"''4 construction. coordinate with dirt and grading 1 planting mix.water and tamp y r)wjl �!�j to remove air pockets 6. Landscape drawing is schematic contractor to allow proper material i 2 Comus SP'Eddie's White Wonder',Ornamental Dogwood-6'ht min. ' +" 2. The contractor is responsible for and actual locations may vary due to heights. °c� 3" mulch 3"mulch locating utilities prior to beginning utilities, irrigation, drainage pipe, or LJ (,„ 7" construction. existing conditions. Mulching in and around plant areas is N �r backfill mix to be 2 3" thick and should be checked o symbol-otv. shrubs&perennials-(botanical name,common name, size/comment) watering basin berm watering basin berm 3. Plant material locations shall be 7. Fertilize all plants at time of planting at least before and during summer and a 3"mulches' o se 5 Tinus'Spring Bouquet -2 gal. llm�\ GIm��� coordinated with sprinkler irrigation per manufacturer recommendations. rainy winter seasons so that an x planting mix.water and tamp '� head locations to avoid any conflicts. adequate base is present. H to remove air pockets • imnamoioiroia fertilizer tablets-2'-6"de th c.o.... r 3 3 Assorted Azaleas 2 gal. "oi"oioioi"`e p _ lino nap 8. Contractor to apply a pre-emergent ����������_ ����������� peel burlap back from top Site Plan + watering basin berm i I' 1/2 of root ball after 4. Landscape contractor shall be weed killer to all planting beds per To establish a healthy root system N ,�� ,� ��. peel burlap back from top —IME It —placing shrub in planting t (D 13 Lavandulaxintermedia' rosso'-2gal. .g: A 1/2 of root ball after I I hole- remove fiberglass responsible for any coordination with manufacturers recommendations. watering is an essential requirement for Landscape g „�,„,,,,, ,,,.,.., I the first 2-3years while plants are "WS',,* ••4• •gyp• I placing shrub in planting r I —III ,t or treated burlap subcontractors as required to —i , 1 , III— , hole-remove fiberglass u I completely accomplish plantingoperations. 9. 6" of topsoil to be distributed being established. Prevent over Q J1 or eyurlap I � _III—III " p P Plan planting pit shall l be a minimum of plantingmm lof twice the root throughoutg to be Skagit Soils or watering which may rot plant roots. CIJ j — p groot ball diameter ball width and twice the equal. Watmorning timesr or late evening.limited to early twice the root ball width and twice root ball depth g � III — the root ball depth ' - Detail - Tree Detail Landscape Notes A 1 . 1 pp co N Ground Cover Detail 5 Shrub �6,� 1/4" — 1'-0" 7 4 _ 1/4" = 1'-0" 12/20/2019 3:49:08 PM u' 2 �. 38'-4112' A4.2 " � - � �� Pier 24 \ r - -L � 2x6 stud wall w/studs at 16 or 24 inches on center,,/2 E y g.w.b.,R21 insulation at core,with wall sheathing at exterior tt _ _ _ • Y--r-it-n-- —I 314"T&G plywood-glue&nail to ►� per structural. 'house wrap'moisture barrier and siding per I _ _ _J L - T i i o I (-8 I supporting members •�� elevations. metal flashing-extend 12" .-• a \A2./ I I,r 1 below top of stem wall I I 1 • 15#building paper l' : ,yp ;-' I tYP Manufacturered Hoist-see plan(see plan ' ` 5/8'X10'anchor bolts,embedded 7"into concrete,at W r; Pier 16 4x10 d.f.#2 girder \ I I for direction R38 insulation concrete slab \y �. or vapor barrier - O 4-0 olc,and set between 31/2"AND 12°from board ends '1 - - - - with 3'X 3"X 114'thick washers.Min.(2)A.B.'S per board �►_� I r— J r - lyp v [R403.1.6.1]Use galvanized washers or provide an �� b 1 I L - - G p - - �— I ilL �� �� I ` isolator asketbetween washer and sill late. 14 "' 1. ,1 4madmen T b #4 bar cunt at top Si ='. .e— 4'rigid tightline downspout drain, Sign 'i - ' U N D E R W 00 D + tie to storm sewer. g _ < control joint - r I a I I 6 ASSOCIATES,ciC 6'concrete foundation wall w/#4 bars @ 18' Ii° grade, / I I I :. I 18 tY et- II 1005 4th Street olc horiz.&#4 bars @ 32"olc vert. ��; .• filter fabric •-- G J1. , �C //����Ic- ,• .., - I 0 I I anacortes,Washington 98221 6 MIL black vapor barrier ,,, :� 4'rigid pert.footing drain,with 12°min.of — A2.1 b I I I I L ] t a • _ • • •r`- mrke underw d 360.588.0471 I m a �. o o• drain rock cover. tie to storm sewer — oo ALA 1 Gx6'concrete footing W(2) - , I I I I I ' 44 0' • mikek3�underwoodazchitecture.wm #4 bars coot. I �, firm,undisturbed earth y s 6 s I I I -:4 I Foundation Plan Notes: ' 4, 17 [ 1. Coordinate W/ Mechanical And I I I J \A2.1 L. Electrical For Locations And Sizes Of T Foundation Detail Foundation at Porch „'-p J L_ J Foundation / Slab Blockouts. - . J ! c— — 1 A2•� 2. Fasteners: Metal Elements Including, C3 - r Connectors, Must Use Hot dipped re, _ Galvanized Metal When In Contact With M I A2., p_to 3.0' Acza Pressure Treated Materials. , tr _ I I �J yy rr _ _ -j . , I _ E jr319.3) - See 37/sp1 go ocb ii beam per plan E—I3/4"t&g strand board decking �' • 3 Trusses All Concentrated Loads WI I.a, From Roof Trusses Must Be Transferred seeA4.1 for bracket callouts floorjoist-see plan �J • 5 t •? To The Foundation With A Built-up Post 4, LI And Footing As Required. Verify NOTE.Fasteners for pressure treated and fire = o retardant wood must be of hot dipped � girder-see plan CA271 �y1 a Locations With Truss Engineer. 6x6 P.T.df#1 post with cedar wrap galvanized steel,stainless steel or copper. �� N- - - (Except 1/2"diameter or greater steel bolts.) — pc-44 EIMIll o-- - I I ' . Simpson SimpsonCB66orABU66zpostbase R319.3 (—Th "i _ _ �' I I Crawl Space Ventilation 112"weather resistant spacer 4x4 P.T.elf#2 post 1. I (4)#4 hooked into fooling I II Pier 18typ • ; Simpson P844 I • Addition Crawl Space: r weather resistant spacer Required: (1) 220 CFM Power Ventilator ,1 IIram A2.1 I I 1,262 sf x 2.5 sf= 3,155 cubic ft Finished grade • ••- • ` ' =• •% : . - 1 3,155 cubic ft/ 15 minutes = 210.3 CFM of 1 - r see schedule r� I J I FC. ventilation. 210.3 < 220 CFM = o.k. .9��, a, 24"X24"X10"thick footing I I 10\ I I —=- _ wl(3)#4's each way ���1�,!! L. is I I I -__,.. ' I A2.1 existing foundation I I Existing Crawl Space: 9 . Firm,undisturbed earth I I ' �� Firm,undisturbed earthsee stherkiesee 2 V I Required: (1) 110 CFM Power Ventilator I I I I A2.1 I I I 528 sf x 2.5 sf = 1,320 cubic ft I I ©10Post Footin Floor Joist Girder Support Detail CD 0 ikgLn 4t I I - I I 1,320 cubic ft 115 minutes = 88 CFM of �\ I o I I ventilation. < 11Q CFM - o.k. m I I I I I Note: See 6/SP1 for vent placement notes. t' 6' , I a I Iqi I I I I y o Jr(' SPwk ` a l space - 314'T&G plywood-glue&nail to /5 ( J I 9878 Registered supporting members horizontal metal flashing wl drip edge 1 • S : ARCHITECT ='' a existing floor joists �Mtg. �ff _ I n A2., I , . 1 Manufacturered I-joist-see plan(see plan • • - I Pier 24 3 I I I I Michael G. Underwood for direction),R38 insulation '; 3 /a� tt4 top Cont. rebar place vents below L_J 1 , r I State of Washington A�1 I I I. oistlinsulation L J I . r , 1///���^^^''' ��.11 5 I 4" concrete slab I � ,. a Q ; I � • • Q. •r l "g _1.° • I I I exp. 09/22/19 i • i�iik".//Vixiivin 9 F' I I _ 2" sand base 220CFMPower I , m I I I ff Ventilator i• _ III /12.1 ' Vain: � Pi9r4 I I I Permit Set . see deck framing plan for joist callouts 1'-11' r ,,I,, 6" thk concrete stemwall r' • J J I ' a I: rode . .I #4 rebar @ 24" oc horiz. " •. -o° _ - $ I I I Project name: 11' - 2x8 pt.ledger wl 112"x3"lag screw at 12"cc. I •- and 32" oc vert. - hook 1 d 1 .•._ _.J r/12 -`1 a I I I 11 _ � • � �. staggered high and low,set into rim with _ .:�- into footing � -11. .N _ o HU48TF joist hangers b I I\A2•) I L ,- - -a J. L _ _ i W i kstro m ;P •- q� • 6x12 foots 4, ` r1 - 6MILbladkvaporbartier > •,: ,°-... �� r footing t J - - - - - - - - - - - - I Residence firm,undisturbed earth --> - 1 H ,1 -, i 1 1 „ (2) #4 rebar continuous z-8' ,1s ' r-- ti ,z-o' • _ - _ _ _ - grade I I I• I ,g-r' _ - - g - I- Project Addrs: 2019 t FbaFoundation at Back Deck Section at Patio Stairs I I ;..--)13 4'conc.slab arrierover 6 n2"gralvapor mer on 2"gravel bed Issue Date: 12/20/19 �,.p (2)#4's continuous\� 3/4" = 1' 0" \ / 1/2" = 1' 0" rs Revisions e I I I slope landing away from I I I 4, 2 , 6'-O' , No. a Description structure for positive drainage ,�•,r Thickened Slab Edge LI 3/4" = 1'-0„ #4's©18"o.c. �^ new existing 314'T&G plywood-glue&nail 5'-0° • - nose - ver fy existing structure to supporting members j prior to ledger attachment 7 e' 1, A2 - Foundation Plan t. 13 �� 1/4" = 1' 0" interior N N k • -�1 Manufacturered I-joist see plan(see11, �' 4 o slope tread 118'max • • g plan for direction),838 insulation �� ^''ems/►° b conpactad fl1 10 ��`� 1 112• ramp landing walkway slab reinforced concrete across joint -. 5 i 1- ' ,--- 1 1 2x p.t sill-modify to full stem wall thickness-smpson top flange hanger-isolate hanger with 30#felt for 118"saw cut x 114 slab depth-saw f 11- I c 1=-^. .. - , within 4 to 12 hours of pouring slab fill ---: . lam. �, separation from concrete Foundation Plan II S• note: o 2x101edger wl 518'dia.lag screw at 6' - -� I ' I i g (2)#4's o.c.staggered top and bottom .' .° locate joints at non-bearing i m p.p - - - •• walls where possible co Concrete Stair Section New to Existing Floor System Control Joint Ramp Landing co = A2 . 1 93/4" = 1 �) 3/4" = 1'-0" 3/4" = 1 -0 ] \ J 1 -0 12/20/2019 3:49: 009 k I # I 1 a a.• I I I I , , s 1 I + '..' i I I I I i '+ I I 1 ei r 1 (11 ,j,W)II . II MB 04 VP i i . I a i eV I 1 f .. a a-4 I I 1,,, I I 0I I I_ I I — 1 ! c� I I 1 16'-3114' 8.6° 28-10' , 41 mils;isim. ji Floor Plan Notes: - U 1. All dimensions are to face of stud unless noted otherwise. UP ) 2. See foundation plan for additional framing notes. \ . a 3. All exterior walls are 2x6 - 16" o.c. Studs unless - . noted otherwise (u.n.o.). Sheath all exterior walls a 4"` 1 with 15/32" wood sheathing. Block panel edges and A5.1 co nail with 8d at 6" o.c. at panel edges and 8d at 12" G. o.c. at intermediate framing (u.n.o.). 'y: r ' 7-10' 15-2' ,_`z fr _'= _'� _'� _'= _'= �'_ �'_ .'_ C'_ _' 4. All interior partitions are 2x4 - 16" o.c. Studs ' �r-z s-o" unless noted otherwise. Jr UNDERWOOD n n &ASSOCIATES,Lit n U 5. Provide backing in all bathrooms for towel bars, z n g> shed>obe 11 toilet dispensers, medicine cabinets, etc. 10054thStreet anacortes,washin on 98221 n demolished ii Coordinate with owner for locations. ♦ D2 •rs ♦ ` 360.588.0471 A15 n n 6. Provide Digital Automation and Intelligent home + t, mike underwood,AIA n n controls throughout. handrail guardrail 1 W3 as lb _ ._ =._ =./=. _ _ _ _ =._ =._ _.= =,= A ,[ CD7) "'� www.underwoodarchitecture.com 6. See Sheet A3.4 for Structural Lateral Callouts, holdowns, shear wall locations and nailing O ? V) 1 Master patterns. °a Fr -g Bedroom a:, zr- `r Legend: 1 F/ Exhaust Fan - vent to outside - See 145 & e. 1 �p7� ~ /50 146/SP1 ® b � _ _ _ 8-6' S-0' 8.6' T-10' 4. g-0' E01 S.d. 0 g, ill -�-T I t 1 i( SD Smoke Detector- hardwire connect all ' ' 1 s-9' 10�-11 v2° i, „ „ ' 4, detectors and provide each with a battery — — — — — — b L rJ i1 Lii I backup - See 104/SP1 "'l. _ 6 ��s� ♦ ♦ __ u ' _ _� I - ° - d- - + - , 48'x 36' � I 116 attic access' e ` - I ` I N See SP1 for keynotes linshower 30'x22' C ss tin ( ) Storage sink 7 NI I 11 ! CDs L J Bathroom l 4 M 0 0 0 0 d 11 \� urI m N > r's �sz� g \ b. ii I II 0 ` - EU— r ^ 1M.31 10 As.3 8> 1 ;, I \ ® t-6, \\bathtub safely 1 r - -A I �D4� cao p \g/ `I E01 S.d. c 02 t ill R:stroorr 0 0 , 6 A6.3 40 Fully support existing roof to remain prior to demo work. ♦ ` / — covered xeersway 3 3117 no 4x,,�-!-; I- a �// j 3 p a L a i 1 I __ , CDC r [� ^r r Moz i 4Tnel P�,I 1 I I De-energize and cap all utilities behind new finish levels ' ( 1VI 1 I vi prior to demolition <D5� "lib �+ ,•x �I — — v 0 W4 III roll in shower wlc 4'-p r) V. n r n L__-___-J11 �'D3 _1 CDCI \\\N ll • b _ n p ♦ 4 0' !-p, m =-- -6 36"ref -unde counter1 + 214 Skylight a. ♦ ta �- I � r— --� Kitchen u - I I wa III 1 _ _ • , L -Li b / 1 0 � ro ,f �� Foyer z� Dining \A6.3/2> I Elt ® N (I solid hatch walls indicate new construction b I0 Studio safety ` y878 E i1 N J �� r Registered —� r I I = S dashed lines indicate walls/windows/doors to be removed L ARCHITECT 4 and/or openings to be made for new windows or doors �__ � N -.S w^—' existing framed 1 I m I' ,III ®T® Michael G. Underwood ii safe " - -ELK- — t — t State of Washington opening to remain existing walls to remain W4 safeiiity , safety I I b g 4- _ _ --IL J� - - + - aN __ W5 CD1) W I L_.i — � 9/22/21 Note: 7-� '' 3-0' Pi' [ / Contractortoexercisecautionduringdemolitionto , , , CD )ensure safety at all times. Unforeseen/Unknown 1tr-10' Eo1 s-d. CD7) -a. n conditions may require additional input and analysis. ~ 0 -31 II Inform architect of any unknown conditions during ❑ ,_ -* `�D Eo®s.d. 5 exploratory demolition .�1 I of e r q Project name: Living Wikstrom Bedroom 2 t safety safety safety i�s:� (E) Residence Carwsi 4 10° { � � , , h = _ _ _ DN AM Project Address: ` =UP= _ _ 4 (E) (E) verify that existing hand guardrail 1211 10th Street � t window meets egress 5-7114' jr 3'-0'. 3'-0' 3-0'. 9-71H' , ' _ requirements A3 - Demo Plan . � C?) - 3/16" = 1'-0" Project Year: 2019 Issue Date: 12/20/19 ai 0 Revisions :P.: Li A3 - Floor Plan No. Date Description i 0 1/4" = 1'-0" 0 1 1 Door Schedule Floor Plan Legend N' Type Mark Width Height Count Hardware Comments Window Schedule Key N D1 3' - 0" 6' - 8" 1 Value Keynote Text D2 5' - 0" 6' - 8" 3 French Door Type Mark Count Width Height - Comments 74 D3 3'- 0" 6' - 8" 2 Exterior Back Door A15 Emergency Egress Opening/Path, see 102/SP1 D4 3' - 0" 6' - 8" 4 Interior Door W1 1 2' -6" 3' - 6" E01 Smoke Detector- hardwire connect all detectors and provide Demo a n d s D5 3' - 0" 8' - 0" 1 Exterior Art Studio Door W2 1 3' - 0" 5' - 0" each with a battery backup- See 104/sp1 D6 5' - 0" 6' - 8" 1 Laundry bifold door W3 2 2' - 0" 2' - 0" E02 Install an approved carbon monoxide alarm outside of each Floor Plan D7 4' - 0" 6' - 8" 3 Closet slider door W4 3 2' - 0" 4' - 0" Skylgiht sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of any and all to D8 4' - 0" 6' - 8" 1 Barn Door W5 2 1' - 6" 6' - 0" bedrooms 5'0" above floor- see 103/SP1 D9 3' - 0" 6' - 8" 1 Pocket Door Pocket Door W6 1 3' - 0" 5' - 0" M07 Exhaust Fan - vent to outside - See 145 & 146/sp1 on A3 . 1 Grand total: 17 Grand total: 10 M08 Clothes Dryer, see 144/SP1 NOTE:all exterior doors to have low threshold and to be weatherstripped. NOTE:Windows within 18"af t,within 24"of door swings,and within 24"of wet surfaces(tub/shower areas)to be safety glazed. u 12/20/2019 3:49:10 PM Ss #�k4 is exterior wall airy . ,' let handler inilit - II V N UNDERWOTO�D I y - II 47 1005 4th Street anacortes, washington 98221 Master 360.588.0471 Bedroom mike underwood, AIA A ® www.underwoodarchitecture.com e T Storage Restroom \ 5 � 1 / Bathroom 4 ci o III outdoor condenser �\ I -R/— I 20-O' 10-10' 18-0' 4 0' Jr i interior wall I l' 1 g-0' mounted mini-split fl- air handler sw7 A I Studio Foyer Dining Kitchen HDU2I \ A) a HDU2 I M 1 1 Ilice___.. - ro exterior wall I / 20'-0' 3'-p mounted mini-split �e -► , HDU2 air handler sw9 111 Living 1Bedroom2 • B 8HDU2 I 9878 I Registered H0U2 r ARCHITECT 6 d S P q /N F Michael G. Underwood A4 - HVAC Plan State of „St...—. ��A HDU2 4 � 3/16" = 1'-0" HDU2 �' r� q 4-r 4' o Permit Set • Sw10 ' Sw10 r . — o DU2 HDU2 -� /°\, Project name: 3 I Eltilirs. • �c) Wikstrom H HDU2 Residence Project Address: I to 1211 10th Street /r\ HDU5 HDUS t LProject Year: 2019 HDU2 ' — l LJ — I Issue Date: 12/20/19 ct HDU2-SDS2.5 6-SDS 1/4 x 2 1/2"screws, 5/8"bolt, 3" min wood thickness, [3075#] HDU4-SDS2.5 10-SDS 1/4 x 2 1/2"screws, 5/8"bolt, 3"min wood thickness, [4565#] 7•S 7-5' HDU2 Revisions v sw11 SW11 C HDU5-SDS2.5 14-SDS 1/4 x 2 1/2"screws, 3"min wood thickness, SB5/8x24 bolt, 18"embed. [5645#J Die HDUS SDS2.5 20-SDS 1/4 x 2 1/2"screws, 3.5"min wood thickness, PAB7-18 bolt, 15"embed. [6970#] • l A Description HDU11-SDS2.5 30-SDS 1/4 x 2 1/2"screws, 5.5"min wood thickness, PABB-18 bolt, 15"embed. [9535#] 3 — m CO o HDU14-SDS2.5 36-SDS 1/4 x 2 1/2"screws, 4x6 min wood thickness, PAB8-18 bolt, 15"embed. [10,770#] C m rn m ao HDU2 HDU2 � � � � HDU2 I Holddown Schedule I 1 2) 6 A wa 1/2 or 5/8"GWB, use 6d coolers at T'oc [50 plf] to c B wa 7/16"shtg, use 8d's at 6"edges-12"field, blocked edges [155 plf] n B J� � j rj Pi; r4 C wa 7/16"shtg, use 8d's at 4"edges-12"field, blocked edges [230 plf] S.7114' 5-71144' Stye— D wa 7/16"shtg, use 8d's at 3"edges- 12"field, blocked edges [310 pit] 1. # s e G S — O E wa 7/16"shtg, use 8d's at 2"edges- 12"field, blocked edges, 3x studs at edges [395 pH] 7 ` r F wa 7/16"shtg-BOTH SIDES, use 8d's at 4"edges-12"field, blocked edges, 3x studs at edges [460 plf] ler� U I G wa I 7/16"shtg-BOTH SIDES, use 8d's at 3"edges-12"field, blocked edges, 3x studs at edges [620 plf] / HDU2 �l HDU2 Lateral & H wa I 7/16"shtg-BOTH SIDES, use 8d's at 2"edges-12"field, blocked edges,g 3x studs at edgesg [790 plf] SW12 stw12 far. � F - r . o HVAC Plans J wal 19/32"shtg-BOTH SIDES, use 8d's at 2"edges-12"field, blocked edges, 3x studs at edges [950 I rift N 3 Shearwall Schedule / Lateral Plan a'd ful-,��4, si a SW'3 1/4" = 1-0" 1k �k Urhj� E 1/4" = 1'-0" h. cu A4 . 1 0 12/20/2019 3:49:11 PM -4117 to" 2 W S! -, -- ":-_. -7 . IIIIIlIIIIilIIIiIiIlI_ UNDERWOOD s ASSOCIATES,{ II =,At 1005 4thStreet IIanacortes,washington 98221 I 360.588.0471 I mikeUnderwood, AIA IIHIIHIIPI wppII II i ' .. .. ... I , . . _ \ 11111111 lli w. I �` 1 1 I:1. CAM2v2 • 216 > 111 1 i • 1 I 11111111I, J. IITO 6x6 post 1 Ell 1 li o A 1x6 cedar boards _ = ero— %6) 1 wllx2cedarstops(allsides)i .1 pl.. III si. 1_4 , I 0 it%171R%.%%1 IMW I 4 491, is, , I r ,I it , l 1 I r I -N���t\�\t\t\t\t\t\�\t\t�t\t\�\t\t 111 II I I I �V ulF 1 �%� I Ni-- . 6x6 post • %�' 02x8 p.t rim wl 112"x3"lag screw into each post ..1 t\t�t\t\Z�Z\t\�\t�t\Z\Z\t\t.i. 9878 ��•-• Registered _ _ _ _ _ . existing foundation and 3(16d)'s @ each joist r�! 1 ARCHITECT 2 _ y �� p.t sill Michael G. Underwood ;Ti \ — — — — = 2 see deck framing plan for joist callouts ��1 A21 s ;, J /� 2x6 > _ State of Washington co al R— — — — —o= — —1 m— #— — 10 �p %;t� 1\t\t\t\tit\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\Z see deck framing plan for joist callouts I/�/Y7 /t%�/V//(�f///Y//l// 9/22/21 r� ntr x Permit Set — — — — — I 1 2x8 p.t.rim wl 112"x3"lag screw into each post —� �' m , and 3(16d)'s @each joist � - Pi -• 2x6p.tsill iI I _\ Project name: 1 r \ existing floorjoists °' +rq Wikstrom ;i• II r a . a i Residence t - - - - I I . ° F i� Project Address: Il A2.a ; al+ 1211 10th Street :a \ \ e 8 - P 12 to A2.1 Project Year 2019 firm,undisturbed earth 1 �— Issue Date: 12/20/19 20-0. 10-w o Revisions u Fence Plan View and Section No. Date Desolation oo A2 - Framing Plan 1/4" = 1' 0" 2 b i 0 N b Floor Framing 3 Plan & Fence E 1 1 Details E A4 . 2 a) 12/20/2019 3:49:12 PM u Roof Framing Notes: Roof Diaphragm Sheeting: 1. Layout Shown Here Is For Schematic Design Only. 9. Wood sheathing and nailing per structural calculations. Face grain 2. Manufacturer shall provide and submit engineered design to the perpendicular to supports. Use metal "h" building department for approval prior to fabrication and installation. Clips at unsupported edges. 3. Provide 2x overfill as required & designed by truss engineer. 10. Provide diaphragm edge nailing above all exterior walls, interior shear walls, hip ser �4. All truss to truss and truss to beam connectors to be designed by and Valley locations. ' _ level 01 front tow ' ce:.,.. ,. ..:., .7 truss engineer. c f i 11. Overlay framed areas shall be built 'Bay 5. Typical roof pitch = see plans. upon framing with sheathing already UNDERWOOD attached. &nssou 6. Typical truss spacing = 2'-0" o.c. ATES,LW 12. Provide solid blocking between the 1005 4th Street 7. Typical truss tails u.n.o. = See roof framing plan. bearings of every rafter or truss and a anacort 0 5 4 hStreet 98221 Simpson H2.5a clip at every member. - 3, was i .0471 8. Underlayment: For asphalt shingle roof slopes of 4:12 or greater, underlayment shall be one layer applied shingle fashion, parellel to and 13. Provide a built-up or solid wood r mike underwood,AI A starting from the eave and lapped 2 inches, distortions in the column beneath the bearings of all girder i underlayment shall not interfere with the ability of the shingles to seal. truss, roof beams, and floor beams. i www.underwoodarchitecture.com End laps shall be 4 inches and shall be offset by 6 feet. sxs DF#1.col. _ _ _ level 01 floor 1 I1. 14. Align stud wall framing with supported r-p (2)2x b.u.col. 1 1' - 10" For metal roof slopes of 2:12 to 4:12, underlayment shall be two layers. trusses, rafters, and joists unless noted Apply a 19 inch strip of felt parallel to and starting at the eaves. Starting otherwise. ' -ftr— qa . r( : . = . : ground at the eave, apply a 36 ince wide sheet of underlayment, overlapping - . -W,- ill , II mil I __11 1 1 successive sheets 19 inches and fastened sufficiently to hold in place. ` rb3:6x10 DF#1 pr 1 1_ 1 y 8' Section 2 8"strip of vycor wrap over A. �1 y 1/4" = 1'-0" e------ 'z'flashing • Install building wrap per s 8"strip of vycor wrap over manufacturer's instructions. 4------- window flange \/ I • Install window per manufacturer's recommendations. > iyp.window and casing x t' a' Caulk all windows to sheathing L covered car portiti • As Req'd joints with flexible butyl caulk. N Q I e I 5�\ --IRoof Ventilation Install siding and window trim. A4.3 4x8 di#2 Required: 382 s.f. / 300 = 1.27 s.f. . / 1--1 g,, Install metal"z"flashing over top of �— 8112 slope (50% at Ridge and 50% at eaves) trim. Provide at Ridge: 14 I.f. ridge vent at .09 •cestill. old 'v Caulk top and side trim to window izi frame and siding. 11 Provide at Eave: min. 25 blocks with (3) t Flashing i 2" dia. screened holes at .06 S.f. each = Follow Grace Vycor self-adhearing 1.5 s.f. > 0.64 s.f. ok! flashing application instructions for 8"strip of vycor weather resistive barrier (2)2x b,u.col. (2)2x b.u.col. wrap each side installation. 00 v �� 9878 ' Registered ARCHITECT ` 8"strip of vycor wrap • _- -!�. a a Si I _ &a over rough sill _ rb1:6x10 d.f.#1 u 8/12 slope Michael G. Underwood State of Washington Elevation — ' ;; ' V� 9/22/21 Window Flashing Permit Set u u I i 1 1 0 i---1I I II II Project name: I N II II IIrIIIrau I Wikstrom I v I I composition roof over 30'felt r II ` " Residence co OSB sheeting with'H'clips at unsupported joints-size and nailing per schedule ,I 24'x48'Skylight I 1I 'I I .@ I premanufadured roof trusses at 24'o.c. _ I II _ L JI_�.—. - — -� - ""Ir_ ae>_I . I_ m I II insulation baffle w/1 112 air space at truss tails ■■■ ' R38 insulation ' c ° 4x8 d.f.#2 I _= 4L _ _ �6_ vented blocking between rafters I. g II I I II Project Address: 518'GWB-orange peel finish IIIMIIIII i I u ' I = _ ��_ _ J ' ---.' —�la , i overframingonexistingroof 1211 10th Street 4n self-adhering ��� bir _ -.membrane over flashing 4'x— Skylight i 1 it "� a it �I 1 In TF4'. • � VS 1 0o _ _ _ _ m metal flashing r•• „..• • 1 v,,, Hzt<�����, I Project Year: 2019 ::_ �!:-: 8/12 slope i > it Issue Date: 12/20/19 ,�i Simpson H2.5a hurr cane continuous metal gutter u o —' r dip each truss-typ. Revisions u. ..r.. ~ P throughout to r II double top plates 24'x48'Skylight ii 4x8 d.f.#2 sealant three way wrap at th 9 P P '� L 48 — ,I r-- — .� '"7 I No. pie Description owners option tales min.48° n ° P P .�. il� 1'-0'. co II ° Existing roof to Remain c ': % metal flashing 514x8 cedar fascia ts: °° rb1:6x10 d.f.#1 — �(_ . , % 514x3 cedar trim cepii vented soffit fi►=1 r ���� — 2x4cedartrim I 1xi Pi .,E sfll and apron sealant% i ,_41rht:4x8 d.f.#1 v du h 3 sealant _ 4 , z window where occurs NI-- •®�- ■ I, Roof Framing N n siding N Plan 11-01 g house wrap 11��1 le) (e) o O v a° OD E 7\ Window Trim Detail Roof Eave Detail A4 - Roof Framing Plan A4 . 3 1 1/2" 1 -0 1 1/2" = 11-0" \ \ 1/4" = 1'-0" 12/20/2019 3:49:13 PM U *egiiirir,, ,..., --..iji,..:-.---.- al continuous ridge wart A5.1 7- 11 ' I � I I I 1 1 1 1 I " 1 . " 1 . " I - 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 . I' I . I . I . I . I . I . I . l . l . l . l . l . l I " II 11111111111111111 ` 1 " I ' I I ' I " I . 1 - 1 . 1- 1 . 1 1 . 1 " 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 - 1 . 1 " 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 - 1 . 1 1. . . WHWW 1WH 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1I I1 I1 I I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I 1 I I I l 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 I l I I l I I I I I l I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 I 11 1 1 1 1I I I I I I 1 I I 1 1 I 1 I I I 1 1 I I 1 I I I 1 I 1 1 1 I I 1 I J I I I I I l l I I I I I I I I I 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 II I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 L 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 _i���_ 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I l I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 11 1 1 1 I I 1 I I I I 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 I I I I III 1. I l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I l l l 1 I 1 I I 1 I I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 I I I 1 1 I I I I I _I I I II I I I I 1 . - I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 II I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 11 1 I I I L I I II I r38 insulation- at roof I I I I I I I I I I I , insulation- . - •• I I I I I L I I I I I I 11 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 y'_, I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 l I I I 11 1 1 ill ,••r•♦•••♦••1♦•♦•••••♦••1••♦•♦1♦•♦•�•••••••••1♦•♦••1••♦••� �7 V N E R w Q 0�, •♦t•I ••t••♦••t••t•••t•ttt•t••♦••♦••••It•1• •tt••t•♦•••t•••t1•• ♦t•It•♦♦tt♦•♦♦♦t•1•♦•ttt••1•• ♦ttt♦•t•t�ttt••♦••tt•••�t • .••...•.•.. . ..•.•.. .•1..•. . . .•.". . ..•. .•-•.•. ...•.•.•1..•_•. ... . .••. ..•. . . .•.•.•. . ".•.•.•.••A • 1 ,• • level 01 front tow ; - &ASSOCIATES,cec • 11' - 10" 1 insulation--typ at exterior walls 1005 4th Street f11 insulation-typ at exterior walls — anacortes,5 4t washington 98221 360.588.0471 , ,/ , • jh � , mike underwood,AIA LW J i , , . _ , , , II I (e) �•—•—•� www.underwoodarchitecture.com Masterp _ r D2► -li • ai„ I S�Z Bedroom = .off _ C ;o � I _ level 01 floor 1y • iipirpnguinis�'i7z'i'isi'i71' . I ♦ ♦ • •• ♦ 1' 10" ' . . .<- F -^ r 1 e •q .'° °'_ �.' - : �: -- e. 4 �.�' '..�•aJ -y•.. • a: f "Y.- - e• e'a •�• - 'Q - P I a - .eY -e .Y - Via ° .f - BuildingSection. 3 Building Section. . . O1/4" = 11-0" / 1/4" = 11-0 r ------ - 1 1 . . 1 1 0910 r ��'� vv.-, I ry7 . 1 1 L _ 7 •\° , level 01 front 10 • 9878tripos, 4.\: ; r38 insulation-typ at rooflevel 01 roof .— — — — r•N•ii♦♦ ••i•1'•�♦I i•♦Iffir•i♦i••ii ti♦♦♦•i yti•N♦ ♦ - 1211 1/8" CT Michael G. Underwood ei r21 insulation-typ at exterior walls State of Washington 9/22/21 Hall I Bathroom �' Permit Set .1* Studio outside I r I i1 I , Project name: licid.. ,_ .7. 1 . ,, .. .. . : , ..... ... ..: � Wikstrom level 01 floor 1i�J_.... . _ .....Ji... .....•?4A4...,...�.........J_......J., 1' - 10" ta ir : Residence • - •.° _e:�....• _ — --rd.•- - .—. _- •, ., 4� .; • ,-r38 insulation-lyp atfloor.- ground:v: _,—.. •- . .. , .r.- 0' - 0" exterior siding per owner . _ s. '.1°• Via? - � . .� - .a. - - • - .. . . .-a . .•' - - : < :, . �'.°� � - � - - . .. . Project Address. ` "housemoisture barrier,under siding wrap" 'din Walllocations ss on c don, lie ementbard panels r1, 1211 10th Street f continuous sheathing p I. l a prAgh: li siddcss sled ed shape r l grate d bough: UdiSs pedoraIed �r loFb d fetid staggered dolts 2x6 wood studs @ 16"o.C. . Building Section. . 11 r4'thick tie per interior dewtons, Curtless hoodoo R-21 insulation • — 314"T&G plywood-glue nail to / trap riff proof A specifications on Weisel t tie t&SNOW supporting members Project Year: 2019 1/4" = 1' 0" nwmhone IB up toter prod merrbane to cover shover tioor— .ds $ trout, trough and tars 0 Issue Date: 12/20/19 Slope eat spe ----- • Li of d�d Concrdemul-sdlpan, • �I ---� [ - fI ff q Shope j' per trough p' Revisions I Y _ j"mil .r level 01 floor 1 .T i I \ 1' - 10" No. Date Description h� H. , Level dope • � �:� � j lC� �\ � c 3�1?Wong vmie me \ (A2.1/ i Ii. i t ; / ao ed is cenlff d bough I ar Manufacturered I-joist-see plan(see plan r y , Tode for direction),R38 insulation I i�; l 5 Bb franil h concrete ' __ ,.0 . . >I firming pershucked plan I o� r� I oN oo < I 6 MIL black vapor barrier N I op • _ -. ..1c w'. o , 1 I_ I I C- (t* -- : III—. b • x E-J=-flan,undisturbed earth Building and a Wall Sections Q et Roll-In Shower Detail r4. Section y © 3/4 = 1 -0 \ / 3/4" = 1'-0" I A5 . 1 I 12/20/2019 3:49:14 PM U continuous ridge vent 1 III ` fti' - -- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 :a•' ter-: ar. _ 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -WT --------------\�-----------------maim---------maim-\\ • maimmaimmaim---ram t I--------maimemalennwom----aim----maim------maimmaim--\\• ..7 m ame maim--� ---► .a----m--m------aim warn-maimaim-maimaim-maim--ai-mm-aim- --�-- k I I I I I l I I III I I I 1 1 I 1 I I I . 1 I I I I t I I L I 11 1 I I I I I 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 11 I I I _♦ 1111111 1111111111111 IIIII I I11 11 I 1 1111 ,,, 11 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 I t I 1 1 I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 T 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7T� I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 IIII 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I 1 1 I I 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 I I 1 . 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CD 12/20/2019 3:49:15 PM v �ggrr. tsi a;"k P-3' z-6 2-B 2G 2 zc It t I I ��\ UNDERWOOD �� \ &ASSOC/AT€S, tLC \ 70tili / to ® ham, N range 1005 4th Street / tall tau \ ( I\��\\ anacortes, washington 98221 \\ �J(// 1 360.588.0471 \Paniq' 0 Pantry/ mike underwood,AIA fi rro ro to n n . �� } L www.underwoodarchitecture.com \� o e e �� �� I I °0 e 6 e e , o Nfi o 1 r i+a i� / , L 1 1 6' 3 0 1 B' 1 3' I 7 6' I I 7 0' JrT 0' 3 O. 1 8' { 4, 2-6' E-6' Jr 2-6' 4, Jr 71 Kitchen - North 2 Kitchen - East Kitchen - South it I) 1/2" = 1'-0" -j 1/2" = 1'-0" )�) 1/2" = 11-0" • is �� I' _i� ��ouraimmI II11��11■Nij— �NEI N IN Ibdis: — m I�IIIr^II r _ t 11ra-�-P/3,... INE gin.. I hael G1 ate of WII=� IVA "'� � 9/22/21 . KiiI iilll�lllilllilll�l■Vi 5 I $ Ill y! LIM Silk! i // Permit Set Jr i Project name: 5-IT 3'-0' f Lt Wikstrom M. Bath - East r5 M. Bath - South �6 M. Bath - West Residence J 1/2" = 1'-0" \ } 1/2" = 1'-0" Project Address: 1211 10th Street Project Year: 2019 Issue Date: 12/20/19 0 1 J L J _ IL — Revisions II L1fJ 11 1 yyvirr - i No. Date Description 0 co r v i a, TiI 1 E 1 11 1 1 III I L t11p1[ I, II , llillll II III o 11 1 V lY�f I �f E I —_ , _ ._. 1 1 1r .r. 1111111 / -._. \- r4 II II II II II 11II1IIIIII _ -\ a N Interior I I II II u q II II I �K � —L.1 • 0 / 1o � AI���� 4,-0., t Elevations cu eo ba Bathroom - North Bathroom - East Bathroom - South 10 Bathroom - West 1, 1 Wet Bar - North 1/2" = 1'-0" `'� 1/2" = 1'-0" �/ 1/2 = 1 -0 i 1/2 1 0 \ A6 • 3 U 12/20/2019 3:49:16 PM General 1. Not all buried utilities located on this site are shown on these drawings so call 37. Fasteners for pressure treated and fire-retardant wood must be of hot dipped 73. Notches on the ends of solid joists may not exceed one-fourth the joist depth. 111. Attic Access: Provide min of 22x30 access to attic areas greater than 30 square { UTILITIES UNDERGROUND LOCATION before doing any digging anywhere on this galvanized steel, stainless steel or copper. (Exception: 1/2-inch diameter orgreater feet. Construct with 5/8" GWB and capped with r-49 insulation. Provide plywood Energy and Envelope Notes �� PP Notches in the top or bottom of joists may not exceed one-sixth the depth or be _ _ site of any depth 1-800-424-5555. steel bolts.) [R317] located in the middle one third of the span. Holes bored in joists may not be within 2 baffle at edges to contain adjacent insulations. Provide min. 30" vertical clearance .. 2. Verify all dimensions at site, all dimensions are to outside or center line of wood inches of the top or bottom of the joist and the diameter of any such hole may not above opening. [R807.1] prior to jurisdiction department having Requirements: Check with building g framing members and concrete unless noted otherwise. exceed one-third the depth of the joist. Holes and notches must not be within 2 inches 112. Stairs shall have a max. of 7 3/4" high risers and 10" deep treads. Provide a 161. \ Exterior Shell of each other. [R502.8.1]. 3/4"to 1 1/4" max. toe overhang. Handrails shall be 34 to 36 inches above the toe, bidding to determine if that building department has any special framing or backing �� 3. All stumps &roots shall be removed from the ground to a depth of 12" in the area and be set 1.5"off the wall, and have a grip of 1 114" min.to 1 112" max.. [R311.7J requirements to meet the energy code or for any other reason. occupied bythe building. No excavated material is to be used for backfill under any91. Flashing: Flash and counter flash all exterior openings as required to make them P 9 For notching and boring of manufactured floor joists refer to the manufacturer and concrete without approval of the city/county.All fill under concrete to be compacted weatherproof. Tops of all exterior horizontaloisturwood fenestrations to be flashed with 113. Fireplace to be supplied with outside combustion air duct of at least 6 sq. 162. Air leakage: Sole plate is to be caulked or glued to floor. Rim joist between := I, PP P ii follow their requirements fully. [R502.8.2] pit-run fill to 95%. metal caps with drip edges to direct moisture away from wood. See [R703] inches, and provide a readily operable damper. Install gas fireplace with clearances stories to be caulked/sealed. All holes in building envelope are to be caulked / UN D E RWOO D 74. Joists, rafters and trusses must be supported to prevent rotation by installing solid and combustion air per manufactures recommendations and by code. sealed including but not limited to electrical, plumbing & HVAC penetrations. Outlets, 4. Building and Structural Design Loads 92. Trim:All exterior trim splices&siding joints to be mitered. Provide a 15 degree blocking at each bearing point or as required by manufacturer. [R502.7] &ASSOCIATES,LTC switch boxes and recessed fixtures on exterior walls or ceilings are to be caulked/ ground snow load: see stgructural notes min. bevel on ends of joining boards. 114. Window fall protection: See R3122• sealed with approved sealant, or have foam face gaskets installed. All recessed lights 1005 4th Street Roof live load: 20 psi-see notes for other pitches 75. Bearing partitions perpendicular to joists must not be offset from support by more Roof dead load: see structural notes 93. Make all roof penetrations for venting etc. on non-conspicuous side of ridges. than the depth of the joists. Joists must be sized to accommodate the load and as are to be IC rated, air tight&sealed to surrounding surface. Rough openings around anacortes, washington 98221 Floor live load: 40 psi (residential) Coat any ABS or PVC piping with a protective paint, designed for UV protection and minimum double joists are required under parallel bearing partitions. Joists framed Plumbing all windows&doors to be sealed/caulked. 360.588.0471 sleeping only 30 psi to match the adjacent roof color. into sides of girders must be supported by joist hangers or ledger strips. [R502.4] - - mike underwood, AIA Floor dead load: see structural notes 121. Inspection: No plumbing or drainage system or building sewer may be covered, 163. All ceiling exhaust fan ducting to be insulated as per code &to have as few deck live load: 40 psi 76. Bearing: In floor construction,joists and beams must have not less the 1.5 inches concealed or put into use until it has been tested, inspected, and approved. [UPC bends as possible &to terminate at the exterior of the building. mike@underwoodarchitecture.com 5. Lateral Design Conditions of bearing on wood or metal and not less than 3 inches on concrete. See [R502.6]for] additional exceptions and requirements. 164. Insulation to fill all exterior wall cavities. Do not compress. Cut to fit around Lateral wind load: 110 mph see structural notes for exceptions Framing 122. SupplyTesting: Plumbingsupply piping must be tested with workingwater wires, pipes, &outlet boxes. Seismic category: D1 - 77. All plywood and OSB subflooring is to be glued to the supporting framing 9 PP Y P P 9 p P Soil Minimum: 1500 psf members; glue is to be applied in strict conformance with manufactures directions. pressure or,except plastic piping, 50 psi at pressure. [UPC 609.4] Residential General Notes Walls 78. Provide solid blocking for lateral support at each end of joists, and at all 123. Drain Testing: Plumbing drains must be tested with water filled to the highest 165. All HVAC ducts installed outside the heated habitable space to have sealed 2015 IRC 51. Cripple walls must be framed of studs not less in size than the studding above. intermediate supports. vent in or 5 air UPC 712.2, 3 joints, corners, and boots, and insulated to a min. R-8. Foundation And Site Preparation When exceeding 4 feet in height, such walls must be framed of studs having the size pP systempsipressure. [ ] updated 6120116 required for an additional story. Cripple walls less than 14" high must have solid 124. Protection:All pipingpassingunder or through wall must beprotected from 166. A one perm or less vapor retarder(le: kraft paper, PVA paint etc..) is to be 10. All wood used in forming and placing concrete, if within the ground or between 9 installed on the warm side of all insulation. blocking or with sheathing on one side. All cripple walls shall be supported on Roof breakage. Approvedprovisions must be made for expansion of hot water piping. Voids foundation sills&the ground shall be removed. Remove all loose or casual wood in 9 • PP P P P 9 continuous footings or foundations. [R602.9] around piping passingthrough concrete floors on theground must be appropriately contact with the ground from under the building. P P 9 9 52. Wood columns must be restrained to prevent lateral displacement at the bottom. 81. Plywood roof sheathing, if exposed on underside, must be exterior grade. sealed. [UPC 313.1] 167. All recessed light fixtures in the thermal envelope to be certified under ASTM 11. Access:Access shall be provided to all under floor spaces. Access openings [R407] [R803.2.1.1] E-283 and so labeled, or sealed around the exterior in an approved manner to be air through the floor shall be a minimum of 18 inches by 24 inches. Openings through a perimeter wall shall be not less than 16 inches by 24 inches. When any portion of 53. Column and posts located on concrete floors exposed to weather, water splash 125. Support: Horizontal piping must be supported at sufficiently close intervals to tight. the through-wall access is blow grade, an areaway not less than 16 inches by 24 or in basements must be supported by concrete piers or metal pedestals projecting 82. Ventilation: Enclosed attic and rafter spaces must have cross ventilation for each prevent sagging. Pipe supports for ABS may not exceed 4 feet on center. [UPC 314.5 inches shall be provided. The bottom of the areaway shall be below the threshold of above the floors, unless approved wood of natural resistance to decay or treated separate space by vent openings protected against the entrance of rain and snow. 1314.5.1] 169. not used The required area shall be 1/150 of the area, except may be 1/300 of the space if the 126. Whirl ool bathtubs mustprovide a removable panel of sufficient dimension to the access opening. Through wall access openings shall not be located under a wood is used. The pedestals must project at least 6" above exposed earth and at openings are split with 50% but less than 3 feet below ridge. [R806.1] P door to the residence. [R408.4] least 1"above such floors. [R317] access the pump. [UPC 415.1] 169. Exterior doors to be adjusted so weather-stripping, threshold, &door sweep 12. Ventilation:All under-floor areas shall beprovided with 1 sf of foundation vent for are working properly&seal well. 54. Separation: There shall be maintained a minimum clear separation of 6" between 83. Insulation dam must be provided at the attic access opening when using blown-in 127. Water heater relief valves must be provided with a drain, not smaller than the each 150 sf of floor area. Locate vents within 3 feet of corners as practical and any wood and earth, or the wood shall be of a type with a natural resistance to decay insulation. [WSEC 502.1.4.4] relief valve outlet,extending to the outside of the building and discharging downward 170. Blown in attic insulation, if used, to be installed in strict conformance with provide cross ventilation, cover vents with corrosion-resistant wire mesh with openings or treated wood is to be used. [R317] 6-24 inches above grade. [UPC 608.5] of 1/4" in dimension. Continuously operated mechanical exhaust ventilation at a rate 84. Trusses must be designed by a registered design professional, in accordance manufactures recommendations for density&coverage. Provide vent baffles as of 1 cu ft. per minute for each 50 sq feet of crawl space may be used. [R408.1] 55. not used with ANSI/TPL1 standards. [R802.10.2] required & insulate &weather-strip attic access door. 128. Hose bibs must be protected by an approved non-removable type backflow 13. Foundation drains shall be provided around all concrete or masonry foundations 56. Place a vapor barrier of tyvek or equal over all exterior walls. [R703.2] 85. Truss must beprovided toprevent lateral rotation andprovide lateral prevention device. [UPC 603.4.7] bracing 173. All Gas Combustion Appliances, Except Stoves&Cloths Dryers, To Have that retain earth and enclose habitable or usable spaces located below grade, stability in accordance with the individual truss design drawings. [R802.10.3] Combustion Air Ducted Directly To Them. Drainage tiles,gravel or crushed stone drains, perforated pipe and other approved 57. Top Plate: Exterior wood stud walls must be capped with a double top plate 129. Water heaters must be anchored or strapped in the upper and lower third of the materials must discharge bygravityor mechanical means to an approved drainage installed to provide overlapping at corners and intersections with bearing partitions. 86. Truss members must not be cut, notched, drilled, spliced, or otherwise altered in tank to resist horizontal displacement due to earthquake motion.A distance of 4 inches 9 End joints must be offset at least 24 inches. [R602.3.2]. Exception: advanced framinganywaywithout the approval of a registered designprofessional. Addition of loads 174. Provide programmable thermostats to all heatingsystems. system. [r405.1] PP 9 9 must be provided between the lower strap and the controls. [P2801.8] P 9 Y 14. Vapor Barrier: Cover ground at crawl space with min. 6 mil black colored, shall be allowed with one top plate, provided all provisions of stud, rafter,joist, and that exceed the design load for the truss will not be permitted without verification that moisture barrier, laps to be 12" min, and sealed, and ends to extend up foundation truss locations are aligned per[R602.3.2 exception]. the truss is capable of supporting such additional loading. [R802.10.4] 130. Water Heater Pan: When a water heater is located where water damage may occur from a leaking water heater, a watertight pan must be installed beneath with a Supplemental Energy Notes walls a min. 12". 58. Notches:Any stud in an exterior wall or bearing partition may be cut or notched minimum 3/4"drain to outside of building. [P2801.6] - 15. Damp-proofing: Foundation walls enclosing basements below finished grade to a depth not exceeding 25 percent of its width. Studs in non bearing partitions may must be damp-proofed from the top of the footing to the finished grade. be notched to a depth not to exceed 40 percent of a single stud width. Any stud may Safety 130b. All electric water heaters in unheated spaces on concrete floors shall have a R-Value and U-Value Minimums for zone 4c: be bored or drilled, provided that the diameter of the resulting hole is no greater than R10 incompressible surface under unit.16. Yard piping for water service shall be at least 12 inches below grade. Water 40 percent of the stud width, the edge of the hole is no closer than 5/8 inch to the Fenestration U-Value: 0.30 ' a.'" ,, / "C/^S`�' 1 pipes may not run or be laid in the same trench as the building sewer or drainage edge of the stud, and the hole is not located in the same section as a cut or notch. SGHC: 0.40 General Requirements 131. Seal: All plumbing fixtures, including toilets, must be caulked or sealed at their unless both of the following conditions are met: [R602.6] Skylight U-Value: 0.50 a. The bottom of the water pipe, at all joints, shall be at least 12 inches above base. [UPC 407.2] Window U-Value: 0.30 the top of the sewer line. Drilling: 1. A stud may be bored to a diameter not exceeding 60 percent of its width, 101. Address: Every building must have its address plainly legible and visible from Exterior Door(w/glazing): 0.30 9878 Registered t the street. Numbers shall be minimum of(inches high with a minimum stroke width 132. Freeze Protection: All water lines to be protected from freezing. If water lines ARCHITECT b. The water pipe shall be placed on a solid shelf excavated at one side of the provided that such studs located in exterior walls or bearing partitions are doubled 9 Ceiling (attic): R49 of 1/2 inch. R319.1 are not located completely between heated space and insulation provide insulation as common trench with a minimum horizontal distance of 12"from the sewer or drain. and that not more than two successive studs are bored. [ ] Ceiling (attic w/adv. framing): R38 P2604.3 2. Approved stud shoes maybe used when installed in accordance with the required to assure pipes are protected from freezing. [ ] pP 102. Emergency Egress: Basements, habitable attics and every sleeping room must Ext.Wall: R21 Michael G. Underwood manufacturers recommendations. have at least one openable window or exterior door approved for emergency egress 133. All water pipes to be insulated to a min of R-3. A circulation system to provide Floor(over unheated space): R30 State of Washington Concrete And Reinforcing 3. Provide metal nail plates in all locations where plumbing or wiring comes or rescue. Windows must have a minimum open area of 5.7 square feet(5.0 square hot water to all fixtures requiring hot water is MANDITORY.The pump shall be Floor(unheated slab): R10 and 24" at perimeter horizontal or vertical at stem. within 1 1/4"of the edge of anystud. [R602.6.1] Floor(heated slab): R10 under entire slab exp. 09/22/19 9 feet if on the ground level), minimum net clear opening height of 24 inches and a capable of turning off when the desired temperature is reached and demand is Hill. ) 21. Footing top surfaces must be level. Footings shall be stepped when necessary minimum net clear opening width of 20 inches. Finished opening may not be more Below grade walls: R10 Rigid at exterior of stem wall or, to change the top surface of a footing or where the bottom surface of a footing 59. Fire Blocking shall be provided to cut of concealed draft openings(both vertical than 44 inches above the floor. [R310] R15 Rigid at interior of stem wall or, o and horizontal)and to form an effective fire barrier between stories, and between a topMechanical R 21 at 2x6 framing on interior of stem wall w/ 1" thermal break Permit Set exceeds a 10/o slope. [R403.1.5] story and the roof space. [R602.8]and [R302.11] 103. Carbon Monoxide Detectors: Install an alarm outside each sleeping area per between stem wall and framing. 22. Sleeves shall be provided to protect all piping through concrete and masonry R315. walls. [UPC 313.10.1] Install fire blocking at: 104. Smoke Detectors: When work is performed that requires a permit,or when a 141. Approval: No mechanical system or equipment regulated by this code may be note: Additional energy efficiency features are required. Project name: 1. Concealed spaces of stud walls and partitions, including furred spaces and sleeping room is created, the entire building must be provided with smoke alarms. A connected to fuel source until approved by the building official. [R111.1] 1. small dwelling unit(>1,500sf): 1.5 credits required. parallel row of studs or staggered studs as follows: smoke alarm must be installed in each sleeping room and outside the sleeping room 2. medium dwelling unit(1501-4999sf): 3.5 credits required. 23. All footings to be placed on firm inorganic, undisturbed soil of 1500 psf(min) 99 p g p g i kstro m a. vertical) at the ceiling and floor levels. 142. Testing: Gas piping must be tested at a minimum pressure of 3 psi. Gauges 3. large dwelling unit <5000s 4.5 credits required. bearing capacity and to extend a min. of 18" below finished grade. Tie wall vertical y 9 area in the immediate vicinity. There must be at least one smoke alarm on every floor 9 9 ( fl� q b. hor zontal) at intervals not exceeding 10 feet. used for testing must have an upper range of not more than 1.5 times the test additions<500 sf: 0.5 credits required. Residence reinforcing steel to continuous footing steel. All reinforcing steel below grade to have Y g level.All smoke alarms must be hardwired and interconnected. Smoke alarm shall be q a 3" in embedment, lap all rebar splices and corners 30 bar diameters. Unless 2. All interconnections between concealed vertical and horizontal spaces such installed not less than 3 feet horizontally from the door of a bathroom[R314] see IRC pressure. [IRC G2417.4.1] as occur at soffits,drop ceilings, and cove ceilings, for buildingalteration exceptions. 143. Equipment in Garages: Gas appliances generating a glow, spark or flame otherwise noted on plans. 3. Concealed spaces between stair stringers at the top and bottom of the run. capable of igniting flammable vapors may be installed in a garage, provided the pilots, Girders And Joists 4. Openings around vents, pipes, and ducts at ceiling and floor level, with an 105. Guards must be installed when a floor or grade is 30 inches or more above an burners, heating elements and switches are elevated at least 18 inches above the Electrical Project Addrs: 2019 E. approved material to resist the free passage of flame and products of adjacent floor or grade that is within 36 inches horizontally from the edge of the floor. [IRC M1307.3] Issue Date: 12/20/19 0 31. Wood joists closer than 18"or woodgirders closer than 12"to theground, must combustion. walking surface. Guards must be a minimum of 36 inches in height. Open guards I 144. Clothes dryers ducts must be smooth metal and terminate outside the building. 181. Electrical outlets shown on the plans are those required for convenience only, a; be of treated wood or wood of natural resistance to decay. [R317.1(1)] 5. Site built chimneys and fireplaces, fire blocking must be a minimum of 1 must have intermediated rails or ornamental pattern such that a sphere 4 inches in Screens shall not be installed at the duct termination. Ducts may not be connected or provide all outlets as required bythe national electric code & rovide required hookups nch thick and supported on metal strips or metal lath. [R1003.19] diameter cannot pass through, except at the toe triangle where 6" is allowed, or at q p qRevisions 6. Comices of a two-family dwelling at the line of dwelling unit separation. stairway guards where 4 3/8 inches is allowed. [R312] installed with sheet metal screws. Maximum duct length is 35 feet. The maximum for all appliances and equipment. Provide recessed meter base. Provide GFI &WP 32. All wood in contact with concrete, masonry or earth must be pressure treated length must be reduced 2.5 feet for each 45 degree bend and 5 feet for each 90 protection where required by code. No. Date Description b wood or foundation grade cedar or redwood, and marked by an approved agency. 106. Garage Separation: Garages must be separated from a residence and attic degree bend. [IRC m 1501.1 /m 1502] 0 Cut ends of treated posts must be re-treated or be provided with protection from 60. Headers: All openings in bearing and exterior walls are to be provided with a space with not less than 1/2" drywall on the garage side. If there is residential space 182. Lighting -75% of permanently installed lamps shall be high-efficiency lamps. [R404.1.1] header as indicated on plan or plan legend. 145. Exhaust Fans: Bathroom, laundry rooms, kitchens and similar rooms must be contact with concrete. [R317] above the garage, the ceiling must have 5/8"type-x drywall and all supporting walls vented by an exhaust fan. Duct must terminate outside the building and be not less 33. Pressure treated wood shall be used for those portions of wood members which 61. Stud partitions containing plumbing, heating, or other pipes shall be so framed and must have 1/2"drywall. [Table R302.6] than 3 feet from any opening into the building. [IRC M1506] form the structural support of buildings, balconies, porches, etc., when such the joist underneath so spaced as to give proper clearance for the piping. Where a 107. Garage Door: Any door between a garage and a residence must be either a 1-3/8" 146. Exhaust Fan Rating: Kitchen exhaust fans must be 100 cfm minimum. N partition containing such piping runs parallel to the floor joists,the joists underneath q PPself-closing Bathroom exhaust fans must be 50 cfm minimum. [IRC Table M1507.4] members are exposed to the weather without adequate protection from a roof, eave, wood or metal door, or a 20-minute rated door equipped ed with device. such partition shall be doubled and spaced to permit passage of such pipes and shall o overhang or other covering. Such members may include girders,joist and decking, [r302.5.1] E posts, poles and columns. [R317] be bridged. Where plumbing, heating or other pipes are placed in or partly in a 108. Garage Floor The floor surface in a garage must be an approved non- 147. Water heaters: Appliances located in garages shall be elevated at least 18" o partition, necessitating the cutting of soles or plates, a metal tie not less than 1/8"thick 99 9 pp above garage floor. P280ian 4 34. Ends of girders entering concrete or masonry walls shall be provided with a min. & 1 1/2"wide shall be fastened to the plate across and to each side of the opening combustible material and sloped toward the garage door or floor drain. [R309.1] 9 9 [ ] air space of 1/2" at tops, sides, &ends. [R317] with not less than 4-16d nails. 109. Showers must have a nonabsorbent wall covering extended to 72 inches 148. Electric resistance zone heating: one mini-split heat pump must be installed in 6 above drain inlet with water-resistant backing. [R307.2] the largest space. 35. Post Connection: Provide a positive connection between the post support& post Floor General Notes and between the post and the beam sufficient to ensure against uplift and lateral 71. Joists framing into the side of a wood girder shall be supported by framing 110. Furnace shall be installed to have a min total clearance of 12" @ sides with a 0 displacement. anchors of the required finish and type. [R502.6.2] min clearance of 3" along sides, top, &back. If placed in a garage,set unit on a General Notes 0bo 0 36. Deck Materials: Structural exterior posts, girders,joists and decking to be cedar platform to provide a minimum of 18" height above garage floor. [IRC M1305.1.1] ra, 72. not used 1/4" = 1'-0" w or treated material. 3 SP 1 a) Ca U 12/20/2019 3:49:16 PM EROSION CONTROL NOTES Ii��� Lh Strec 3' PIPE A. A CERTIFIED EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL SUPERVISOR (ESC) IS REQUIRED. A THROUGHTHE ESC SUPERVISOR MUST HAVE ATTENDED A CERTIFIED EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CURBCITY CONTROL CALSS WITHIN 3-YEARS FROM TODAY'S DATE. MUST PROVIDE CERTIFICATION y+ BMP C105 OR C107 DETAILTST-03 INLET PROTECTION B. THE CERTIFIED EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL SUPERVISOR WILL OVERSEE AND A o BMP C220 BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL EROSION CONTROL. THE FACILITIES SHALL BE INSPECTED DAILY CONSTRUCTION WSDOT DETAIL I-40-20.00 AND MAINTAINED TO ENSURE PROPER FUNCTIONING. WRITTEN RECORDS SHALL BE KEPT CB AT KINGSWAY ❑F WEEKLY REVIEWS AND AFTER EVERY SIGNIFICANT STORM EVENT ❑F THE ESC FACILITIES ENTRANCE DURING THE WET SEASON (OCTOBER 1 TO APRIL 30). MONTHLY REVIEWS DURING THE DD DRY SEASON (MAY 1 TO SEPTEMBER 30). WRITTEN RECORDS SHALL BE TURNED INTO THE Z E FACE E _F CUR 3 PROJECT MANAGEREF OR INSPECTOR ❑N A WEEKLY BASIS AT THE WEEKLY SCHEDULED 0 BMP C154 ' II PROJECT MEETINGS. C55 CONCRETE WASHOUT 1 ater meter p (l� d veWdy clitop C. ERROSION TO ONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE IN PLACE PER THE APPROVED SET OF PLANS w TUB NO DIRECTPIORIx DISCHARGE TO EXISTING D. THE EROSION CONTROL SHALL BE INSPECTED ONCE A DAY AND MODIFIED TO MEET THE SOILS �� SURROUNDING CONDITIONS AS NEEDED. Lb -7J' CD _ E. PROVIDE A SIGN DISPLAYING A 24-HOUR CONTACT NUMBER AND NAME ❑F THE ESC OD E X, S I� E W A L K SUPERVISOR. THE LETTER SIZE SHALL BE A MINIMUM ❑F 2-INCH LETTERS. THIS SHALL BE �j I IN PLACE PRIOR T❑ CONSTRUCTION START, REMEMBER, THE LOOK ❑F THE SIGN WILL BE A BMP C233 I REFLECTION OF THE CONTRACTOR, DEVELOPER AND DEVELOPMENT. C�2 a SILT FENCE 89 +43 i 60,00' BMP C233 F. THE STORM DRAIN SYSTEM AND EXISTING DITCHES SHALL BE CLEANED DAILY (SECTION 7- �� CQ W SILT FENCE 07.3). ALL DRAINAGE SYSTEMS SHALL BE CLEANED TO THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE CITY OF [71 cc — ANACORTES PRIOR TO THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE PROJECT. l`1 W Q m BMP T5.10C 4"CI EXIST. G. STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES AND ROADS SHALL BE INSTALLED AT THE BEGINNING Cr a O BMP C123 cQ parking BURLINGTON CB OF CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTAINED DURING THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT. ADDITIONAL - 1 l� PERFORATED STUB OUT11:i TEMP, SOIL STOCKPILE ° \ 1 \ MEASURES MAY BE REQUIRED SUCH AS WASH PADS TO ENSURE THAT ALL PAVED AREAS ARE w 9� SF CONNECTION 10 FEET IN KEPT CLEAN. NO MUD IS ALLOWED TO ENTER ONTO CITY STREETS. COVERING WITH 1 I LENGTH SEE DETAIL. �I STRAW OR VISQUEEN ' r _ H. ANY SOILS EXPOSED THAT WILL NOT BE DISTURBED FOR TWO (2) DAYS DURING THE WET 0 =p: _ ..' - SEASON OR SEVEN (7) DAYS IN THE DRY SEASON SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY STABILIZED WITH �j a W & SILT FENCE AROUND M dui_. I FENCE X X X X APPROVED ESC METHODS (SEEDING, MULCHING, PLASTIC COVERING, ETC.) Ix a SIDES, , I. TWO (2) WEEKS PRIOR TO THE BEGINNING OF THE WET SEASON (OCTOBER 1), ALL DISTURBED rT, = cn w Sc ^y 'y AREAS SHALL BE REVIEWED TO IDENTIFY WITHCH ONES CAN BE SEEDED IN PREPARATION FOR "-' kp GAS G THE WINTER RAINS. DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE SEEDED WITHIN ONE (1) WEEK OF THE a - t DN BMP C24O BEGINNING OF THE WET SEASON. A SKETCH MAP OF THOSE AREAS TO BE SEEDED AND THOSE ram, 196 SF: 0 AREAS TO REMAIN UNCOVERED SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE PROJECT MANAGER. THE PROJECT +l W N TEMP SEDIMENT UNDERGROUND MANAGER CAN REQUIRE ADDITIONAL AREAS IN ORDER TO PROTECT SURFACE WATERS, ADJACENT ,� ' O� d CO IF CONDITION UGP PROPERTIES OR DRAINAGE FACILITIES. A m Z REQUIRE P U W E R J. PENALTIES FOR AN EROSION CONTROL VIOLATION ARE SUBJECT TO A $300 TO $1,000 FINE Lb a; Existing Residence TRAP 8'X8' UNDER CHAPTER 17.66 - PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION (AMC). EACH DAY IS CONSIDERED BMP IG C103 w front to remain Addition N SEE DETAIL SANITARY A DIFFERENT VIOLATION, r'\ HIGH VISIBILITY SS REMOVE ALL TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL MEASURE WHEN THE SITE IS LANDSCAPED AND SOILS ARE �i FENCE AS 00 SEWER STABIUZED. REQUIRED IF NO .. 1791 SF ALL DEWATERING SHALL DISCHARGE INTO A SEDIMANT TRAP OR SEDIMENT POND. FENCE EXIST. CO � STORM O S D THE CONTRACTOR IS TO PROVIDE TO THE CITY INSPECTOR THEIR SPILL PREVENTION PROGRAM TO BE INPLACE CD GM Lj_J SEWER DURING CONSTRUCTION. o 0) WATER CD Porch MAIN W z 1 0 BMP T5.13 POST-CONSTRUCTION SOIL E O QUALITY AND DEPTH ON ALL Catch Basin o Cm) cra j !; O DISTURBED SOILS a, BMP T5,13 9 : 1 , : 1 I z Sanitary Sewer Clean Out POST-CONSTRUCTION SOIL l i I I I • . • a.• •: o Water Meter ® CURB/GUTTER AND SIDEWALK WORKMANSHIP AND AESTHETICS C�� QUALITY AND DEPTH ON DS `� °m ALL DISTURBED SOILS • i i i I 1. CURB/GUTTER AND SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION SHALL FOLLOW A TRUE AND UNIFORM p a co HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL ALIGNMENT. A 0 CA Covered Car Port 2. THE VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL SURFACE SHALL BE A SMOOTH 0 BROOM FINISH WITH • ri ^c7 a NO DETECTABLE FINISHING BLEMISHES, UNDULATIONS, RIPPLES, SWELLS, WAVES, RUTS, deck S NQ . -492 SF TRAP OUTLET SECTION C-C FURROWS, GRAFFITI OR OTHER OBJECTIONABLE MARKS. THE END RESULT SHALL BE A cj r NEAT AND PROFESSIONALLY FINISHED APPEARANCE. r ___ N 0 LC . 8' r 4 1 1 3. THE EDGE FINISH ADJACENT TO THE EXPANSION JOINT MATERIAL SHALL BE CLEAN AND F--�� - 3.5' OVERFLOW DISCHARGE TO STABILIZED FREE OF EXCESS SLURRY. THE EXPANSION JOINT MATERIAL SHALL BE TRIMMED TO A 0.i C��2 En Cn 2'-4 ROCK RIPRAP CONVEYANCE TO DRIVEWAY LEVEL EVEN WITH THE ADJACENT CONCRETE RESULTING IN A NEAT AND PROFESSIONALLY 34 SIDE FINISHED APPEARANCE. SLOPE BOTTOM ELEV. 311 SIDE J-r = 172' , FLAT BOTTOM SLOP1 '�3/4'-1.5 \` 4. THE CITY ENGINEER IN HIS SOLE DISCRETION RESERVES THE AUTHORIY TO ORDER THE O l PI WASHED ROCK GEOTEXTILE GRAVEL BMP C233 REMOVAL OF SECTIONS OF CURB/GUTTER AND SIDEWALK THAT DO NOT MEET THE O DIVE SILT FENCE TYPICAL TRAP CROSS SECTION B-B WORKMANSHIP AND AESTHETIC STANDARDS OF THE CITY OF ANACORTES. 4..) r-1 SCALE: 1'=5' 5. SECITONS OF NEWLY CONSTRUCTED CURB/GUTTER AND SIDEWALK THAT EXHIBIT COD r...f 407 SF CRACKING FOLLOWING THE CURING, SHALL BE SUBJECT TO REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT. r4 p s 1' 6' - CRACKING RESULTING FROM SUB-BASE FAILURE OR CONSTRUCTION SITE DAMAGE • r• 4 tel ed EXPANSION JOINT. � MIN. DEPTH SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY REMOVED AND REPLACED TO THE NEAREST !—i OVERFLOW - MINOR HAIR LINE STRESS CRACKS MAY, AT THE DISCRETION OF THE PROJECT N IT=II=1f-ll= SPILLWAY MANAGER, BE MONITORED AND RE-EVALUATED FOR POSSIBLE REMOVAL AT THE END OF 89°26'22" W 60 0$ = If- -D —1==fir 1T-�r_,—r , ILII:11:1 �-4' ROCKIafJ, THE MAINTENANCE PERIOD. co e SS S SGEOTEXTILEI III' WASHE.5' aileWASHED ROCK CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE y TRAP OUTLET SECTION C-C SCALE: 1 -5 1. Install BMP C105 Construction Entrance, BMP C233 Slit Fence, BMP C103 High Visibility 0••-4 Construclton Fence and catch basin sock inserts, Q 2. Install BMP C154, Concrete Washout Basin, 3, Install BMP C240, Sediment Trap as required. LOT AREA = 6 000 SF 4, Excavation of foundation, -i••-? 5, Install footings, 6. Ba addkfillfoundationoandaiutilities,additional to minimize Sediment transfer and erosion. 7. Install dispersion trench, Protect infiltration trench from sediment until site Is stabilized. rZ'•1 IMPERVIOUS AREAS 8. Construct home with gutters and connect to dispersion trench. O O 9. Connect to driveway as soon as concrete pavement is in place. HOUSE ROOF 2,283 SF 10. Installation of BMP T5.13 Post Construciton Soils and landscaping. PORCH AND RAMP 196 SF CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS DRIVEWAY P A R K N G 392 S F ALL IMPROVEMENTS IN CITY RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO THE CURRENT WSDOT GRAVEL PARKING 407 S F SPECIFICATION AND CURRENT CITY OF ANACORTES ENGINEERING STANDARDS. TOTAL 3,278 SF • r—' CirD SOIL AMENDMENT NOTE 00 _r GRAPHIC SCALE BMP 15.131 POST CONSTRUCTION SOIL QUALITY AND DEPTH. ;T.:; f SEE APPENDIX OF DRAINAGE REPORT FOR SPECIFICATION ON PROVIDING SOIL AMENDMENTS FOR ALL 10 0 5 10 20 40 DISTURBED SOILS OUT SIDE OF IMPERVIOUS AREA AROUND BUILDING AND PAVED AREAS. This plan sheet is accepted for construction in accordance with the \c, HERRT,� City of Anacortes ordinances and policies. Actual conformance of the SHEET NO. of wASH, C�• design with applicable laws is the sole responsibility of the Pc 4c), professional engineer, whose name and stamp appear on this sheet. 1 ( IN FEET ) �� i� Acquiring, complying with, and providing mitigation for all Federal, IlJ 11 1 inch = 10 ft.. i State, County, and Local Laws, permits, and mandates, including but %, not limited to the Endangered Species Act, Federal Wetland Permit, State Department of Fisheries Hydraulics Permit, Federal Flood Plain REV.: - 27807 A- Permits, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permits is �Aze. 'Pe 9C;-\ the responsibility of the Developer, Landowner, and their Engineer. JOB NO: 2019-165 SS/ONAL EN The issuance of this permit shall not be construed as proof of DATE: Dec. 2019 compliance with applicable laws and permit requirements. SCALE: Noted December 18, 2019 DRAWN: D. HERRIGSTAD CITY ENGINEER DATE CHECK: D. HERRIGSTAD The acceptance will expire one year from the date noted above. SHEET 1 OF w EROSION CONTROL NOTES Q 1 11� k,li SLree L DE:A:HST-03 3' PIPE A, A CERTIFIED EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL SUPERVISOR (ESC) IS REQUIRED,THE ESC SUPERVISOR MUST HAVEATTENDED ACERTIFIED EROSION AND SEDIMENTATIONCONTROL CALSS WITHIN 3-YEARS FROM TODAY'S DATE, MUST PROVIDE CERTIFICATION TNDINLET PROTECTIONB. THECERTIFIEDEROSIONANDSEDIMENTATIONCONTROLSUPERVISORWILLOVERSEEANDBMP C10S OR C107CS- BMP C220 BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL EROSION CONTROL, THE FACILITIES SHALL BE INSPECTED DAILY CONSTRUCTION WSDOT DETAIL I-40-20,00 AND MAINTAINED TO ENSURE PROPER FUNCTIONING, WRITTEN RECORDS SHALL BE KEPT CB AT KINGSWAY OF WEEKLY REVIEWS AND AFTER EVERY SIGNIFICANT STORM EVENT OF THE ESC FACILITIES DURING THE WET SEASON (OCTOBER 1 TO APRIL 30). MONTHLY REVIEWS DURING THE ENTRANCE DRY SEASON (MAY 1 TO SEPTEMBER 30). WRITTEN RECORDS SHALL BE TURNED INT❑ THE Z FACE U E Cu 3 PROJECT MANAGER OR INSPECTOR ON A WEEKLY BASIS AT THE WEEKLY SCHEDULED UD PP PROJECT MEETINGS. C/2 BMP C154 dr ve :y drop C. EROSI PRIOROTOCANYRCONSTRUCTMEASURESIONSSTARTBE IN PLACE PER THE APPROVED SET OF PLANS w CONCRETE WASHOUT ater meter o TUB NO DIRECT D. THE EROSION CONTROL SHALL BE INSPECTED ONCE A DAY AND MODIFIED TO MEET THE DISCHARGE TO EXISTING (4 SURROUNDING CONDITIONS AS NEEDED, Lb __ E. PROVIDE A SIGN DISPLAYING A 24-HOUR CONTACT NUMBER AND NAME OF THE ESC p SOILS SUPERVISOR, THE LETTER SIZE SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 2 INCH LETTERS, THIS SHALL BE E X SIDEWALK REFLECTION cn IN PLACE R F THE CONTRACTOR,CONSTRUCTION TO DEVELOPERM ANDS DEVELOPMR, THE EENTK OF THE SIGN WILL BE A �-+ az ,; BMP C233MS � � a � F. THE STORM DRAIN SYSTEM AND EXISTING DITCHES SHALL BE CLEANED DAILY (SECTION 7- tom+ SILT FENCE w. / BMP C233 ANACORTESDPRIORGTOE STHEEACCEPTANCEEOFLTHEEPROJECTE ACCEPTANCE OF THE CITY OF Q i� 89° 43" W 60,;00 ° SILT FENCE \ EXIST, G. STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES AND ROADS SHALL BE INSTALLED AT THE BEGINNING a '-. Ill, . BMP T5.10C 4° BURLINGTON CB OF CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTAINED DURING THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT. ADDITIONAL . ° aran L..._ F [ l F \ j MEASURES MAY BE REQUIRED SUCH AS WASH PADS TO ENSURE THAT ALL PAVED AREAS ARE f BMP C123 • p• PERFORATED STUB OUT I KEPT CLEAN, NO MUD IS ALLOWED TO ENTER ONTO CITY STREETS. .pp SF CONNECTION 10 FEET IN TEMP, SOIL STOCKPILE ° ° •" .7 -„Jt X H. ANY SOILS EXPOSED THAT WILL NOT BE DISTURBED FOR TW❑ (2) DAYS DURING THE WET a4 a COVERING WITH o LENGTH SEE DETAIL. ^� SEASON OR SEVEN (7) DAYS IN THE DRY SEASON SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY STABILIZED WITH a STRAW OR VISQUEEN M ° APPROVED ESC METHODS (SEEDING, MULCHING, PLASTIC COVERING, ETC.) �. FENCE x x x x & SILT FENCE AROUND TWO (2) WEEKS PRIOR TO THE BEGINNING OF THE WET SEASON (OCTOBER 1), ALL DISTURBED r?� '��' 7,5- I. AREAS SHALL BE REVIEWED TO IDENTIFY WITHCH ONES CAN BE SEEDED IN PREPARATION FOR ^y �1 SIDES, THE WINTER RAINS, DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE SEEDED WITHIN ONE (1) WEEK OF THE ``T� = El •: . : SC GAS G BEGINNING OF THE WET SEASON. A SKETCH MAP OF THOSE AREAS TO BE SEEDED AND THOSE CD DN >.:\ AREAS TO REMAIN UNCOVERED SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE PROJECT MANAGER, THE PROJECT W O U 196 S F D� BMP C240 MANAGER CAN REQUIRE ADDITIONAL AREAS IN ORDER TO PROTECT SURFACE WATERS, ADJACENT 25 0 Z TEMP SEDIMENT UNDERGROUND UGP PROPERTIES OR DRAINAGE FACILITIES. 2 A d, d N IF CORDITION REQUIRE POWER J. PENALTIES FOR AN EROSION CONTROL VIOLATION ARE SUBJECT T❑ A 5300 T❑ $1,000 FINE a; Existing Residence y, TRAP 8'X8' UNDER CHAPTER 17,66 - PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION (AMC). EACH DAY IS CONSIDERED BMP C103 a) SANITARY A DIFFERENT VIOLATION, 44 front to remain SEE DETAIL SS REMOVE ALL TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL MEASURE WHEN THE SITE IS LANDSCAPED AND SOILS ARE HIGH VISIBILITY w Addition SEWER STABILIZED. FENCE AS REQUIRED IF NO 1791 SF op ALL DEWATERING SHALL DISCHARGE INTO A SEDIMANT TRAP OR SEDIMENT POND. FENCE EXIST, O STORM THE CONTRACTOR IS TO PROVIDE TO THE CITY INSPECTOR THEIR SPILL PREVENTION PROGRAM TO BE INPLACE O X SD LiJ SEWER DURING CONSTRUCTION. CD GM ^ I a, WATER W oCovered Porch MAINxr o z ro BMP T5,13 POST-CONSTRUCTION SOIL O QUALITY AND DEPTH ON ALL Catch Basin o FS O DISTURBED SOILS p cn Sanitary Sewer Clean Out °' BMP T5,13 ; ' CURB/GUTTER AND SIDEWALK WORKMANSHIP AND AESTHETICS C rz D z Water Meter ® a' POST-CONSTRUCTION SOIL Y. QUALITY AND DEPTH ON DS Hi I 1. CURB/GUTTER AND SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION SHALL FOLLOW A TRUE AND UNIFORM Q,� �" 0.' / HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL ALIGNMENT. v'z 00 ALL DISTURBED SOILS 1 i , 11 , , ' , : 1 i F . 2. THE VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL SURFACE SHALL BE A SMOOTH BROOM FINISH WITH It 1� Ot 1 , I j j COVered Car Port NO DETECTABLE FINISHING BLEMISHES, UNDULATIONS, RIPPLES, SWELLS, WAVES, RUTS, II . , 492 SF X TRAP OUTLET SECTION C-C FURROWS, GRAFFITI OR OTHER OBJECTIONABLE MARKS. THE END RESULT SHALL BE A N N a) deck l ' I ,I ' Na NEAT AND PROFESSIONALLY FINISHED APPEARANCE. +~' s' r o ►nt g 4 1' 3. THE EDGE FINISH ADJACENT TO THE EXPANSION JOINT MATERIAL SHALL BE CLEAN AND _ 1' FREE OF EXCESS SLURRY. THE EXPANSION JOINT MATERIAL SHALL BE TRIMMED TO A r - o' •'G P „ D DS - 3,5' OVERFLOW DISCHARGE TO STABILIZED LEVEL EVEN WITH THE ADJACENT CONCRETE RESULTING IN A NEAT AND PROFESSIONALLYet UD 7777 ROCK RIPRAP CONVEYANCE TO DRIVEWAY FINISHED APPEARANCE. 3S SIDE BOTTOM ELEV, 34 SIDE -`' `' '" SLOPE ( F= 172'LAT BOTTOM SLOP 1, 3/4'-1,5' 4. THE CITY ENGINEER IN HIS SOLE DISCRETION RESERVES THE AUTHORIY TO ORDER THE Q -I--� a WASHED ROCK GEOTEXTILE REMOVAL OF SECTIONS OF CURB/GUTTER AND SIDEWALK THAT DO NOT MEET THE r;. •4 C p GRAVEL BMP C233 WORKMANSHIP AND AESTHETIC STANDARDS OF THE CITY OF ANACORTES. DRIVE SILT FENCE TYPICAL TRAP CROSS SECTION B-B X 5. SECITONS OF NEWLY CONSTRUCTED CURB/GUTTER AND SIDEWALK THAT EXHIBIT Cl) ,--•1 SCALE; 1'=5' CRACKING FOLLOWING THE CURING, SHALL BE SUBJECT TO REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT. �M 407 SF , - CRACKING RESULTING FROM SUB-BASE FAILURE OR CONSTRUCTION SITE DAMAGE tel ped SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY REMOVED AND REPLACED TO THE NEAREST EXPANSION JOINT. 1' MIN. DEPTH - MINOR HAIR LINE STRESS CRACKS MAY, AT THE DISCRETION OF THE PROJECT OVERFLOW =1I-1t-M:-i-. SPILLWAY 111=11:=:af.=':II:;:B MANAGER, BE MONITORED AND RE-EVALUATED FOR POSSIBLE REMOVAL AT THE END OF "=" 'r° 11' - - - THE MAINTENANCE PERIOD. T�I :-2'-4' ROCK ihr. co / GEOTEXTILE -41 - Ir-I' 3/4'-1,5' WASHED ROCK SS SS TRAP OUTLET SECTION C-C alleyCONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE SCALE 1'=5' 1, Install BMP C105 Construction Entrance, BMP C233 Silt Fence, BMP C103 High Visibility i l Construciton Fence and catch basin sock inserts. O 2, Install BMP C154, Concrete Washout Basin, ;. .43, Install BMP C240, Sediment Trap as required. +_ 4, Excavation of foundation. LOT AREA = 6,000 SF 5. Install footings, foundation and utilities, 6, Backfill foundation and add additional BMP's to minimize Sediment transfer and erosion. IMPERVIOUS AREAS 7, Install dispersion trench. Protect infiltration trench from sediment until site is stabilized, rt �1 8, Construct home with gutters and connect to dispersion trench. Q `9, Connect to driveway as soon as concrete pavement is In place, r 1 10. Installation of BMP T5,13 Post Construciton Soils and landscaping, ../ HOUSE ROOF 2 ,283 SF CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PORCH AND RAMP 196 SF DRIVEWAY P A R K N G 392 S F ALL IMPROVEMENTS IN CITY RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO THE CURRENT WSDOT C GRAVEL PARKING 407 S F SPECIFICATION AND CURRENT CITY OF ANACORTES ENGINEERING STANDARDS. , r--1 TOTAL 3,278 SFCt Cn SOIL AMENDMENT NOTE 0 ;-1 ► GRAPHIC SCALE BMP APPE1 POST CDNAGETI SOIL QUALITY AND DEPTH. SEE APPENDIX OF DRAINAGE REPORT FORRSPECIFICATION ON PROVIDING SOIL AMENDMENTS FOR ALL This plan sheet is accepted for construction in accordance with the 10 0 5 10 20 40 DISTURBED SOILS OUT SIDE OF IMPERVIOUS AREA AROUND BUILDING AND PAVED AREAS. \c, HERR City of Anacortes ordinances and policies. Actual conformance of the SHEET NO. of WAS,y �� design with applicable laws is the sole responsibility of the vcc- ti-, ], professional engineer, whose name and stamp appear on this sheet. r'EO'P ?� Acquiring, complying with, and providing mitigation for all Federal, ( IN FEET ) ' State, County, and Local Laws, permits, and mandates, including but 1 inch = 10 ft `�' not limited to the Endangered Species Act, Federal Wetland Permit, REV.: - 1, / State Department of Fisheries Hydraulics Permit, Federal Flood Plain ` • 27807 Permits, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permits is JOB NO: 2019-165 �,r RFCISTE?. ��c� the responsibility of the Developer, Landowner, and their Engineer. FSS/ONAL EN(' The issuance of this permit shall not be construed as proof of DATE: Dec. 2019 compliance with applicable laws and permit requirements. SCALE: Noted December 18, 2019 DRAWN: D. HERRIGSTAD CITY ENGINEER DATE CHECK: D. HERRIGSTAD The acceptance will expire one year from the date noted above. SHEET 1 OF 1 w EROSION CONTROL NOTES A 11th SLreeT3' PIPE HROUGH A. A CERTIFIED EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL SUPERVISOR (ESC) IS REQUIRED. THE ESC SUPERVISOR MUST HAVE ATTENDED A CERTIFIED EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CURB CONTROL CALSS WITHIN 3-YEARS FROM TODAY'S DATE. MUST PROVIDE CERTIFICATION CITY STND INLET PROTECTION B. THE CERTIFIED EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL SUPERVISOR WILL OVERSEE AND BMP C105 OR C107 DETAIL ST-03 BMP C220 y BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL EROSION CONTROL. THE FACILITIES SHALL BE INSPECTED DAILY CONSTRUCTION WSDOT DETAIL I-40-20,00 AND MAINTAINED TO ENSURE PROPER FUNCTIONING. WRITTEN RECORDS SHALL BE KEPT CB AT KINGSWAY OF WEEKLY REVIEWS AND AFTER EVERY SIGNIFICANT STORM EVENT OF THE ESC FACILITIES ENTRANCE DURING THE WET SEASON (OCTOBER 1 TO APRIL 30). MONTHLY REVIEWS DURING THEDRY GO _r PROJECTSON (MAY 1 TO MANAGER OR INSPECTORE ON A WEEKLY R 30). NBASI3 AT THE WEEKLY RDS SHALL BE USCHEDULED RNED INTO THE CD FACE _ C U 3 PROJECT MEETINGS. BMP C154 Ivn CONCRETE WASHOUT 4 s c, dr vewlay drop C. EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE IN PLACE PER THE APPROVED SET OF PLANS w ater meter o PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION START. fx TUB NO DIRECT DISCHARGE TO EXISTING \, D. THE EROSION CONTROL SHALL BE INSPECTED ONCE A DAY AND MODIFIED TO MEET THE SURROUNDING CONDITIONS AS NEEDED. Lb O SOILS co E. PROVIDE A SIGN DISPLAYING A 24-HOUR CONTACT NUMBER AND NAME OF THE ESC 00 w E X S ID E W A L < SUPERVISOR. THE LETTER SIZE SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 2-INCH LETTERS. THIS SHALL BE IN PLACE PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION START. REMEMBER, THE LOOK OF THE SIGN WILL BE A c!2 BMP C233 REFLECTION OF THE CONTRACTOR, DEVELOPER AND DEVELOPMENT. ['\ a cq SILT FENCE 8 • 9° .4 3�r W 6 0 0 0! BMP C233 F. THE STORM DRAIN SYSTEM AND EXISTING DITCHES SHALL BE CLEANED DAILY (SECTION 7- '�{ a ' 07.3). ALL DRAINAGE SYSTEMS SHALL BE CLEANED TO THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE CITY OF� SILT FENCE ANACORTES PRIOR TO THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE PROJECT. W Q cep EXIST, �^ 6 .. •. , G D . STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES AND ROADS SHALL BE INSTALLED AT THE BEGINNING C ) Cc a c .--i BMP T5.10C 4° Ii H \ BURLINGTON CB OF CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTAINED DURING THE DURATION ❑F THE PROJECT. ADDITIONAL PERFORATED STUB OUT H MEASURES MAY BE REQUIRED SUCH AS WASH PADS TO ENSURE THAT ALL PAVED AREAS ARE = W • KEPT CLEAN. NO MUD IS ALLOWED TO ENTER ONTO CITY STREETS,BMP C123 '� CONNECTION 10 FEET IN TEMP, SOIL STOCKPILE ~. .� ► H. ANY SOILS EXPOSED THAT WILL NOT BE DISTURBED FOR TWO (2) DAYS DURING THE WET d COVERING WITH s I LENGTH SEE DETAIL. STRAW OR VISQUEEN y_ SEASON OR SEVEN (7) DAYS IN THE DRY SEASON SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY STABILIZED WITH O •l.9 S, •.• M X x x x APPROVED ESC METHODS (SEEDING, MULCHING, PLASTIC COVERING, ETC.) (Y p��+ a & SILT FENCE AROUND >. FENCE a4 P • ' I. TWO (2) WEEKS PRIOR TO THE BEGINNING OF THE WET SEASON (OCTOBER 1), ALL DISTURBED 44 cg ,w=, 4 w SIDES. : .� AREAS SHALL BE REVIEWED TO IDENTIFY WITHCH ONES CAN BE SEEDED IN PREPARATION FOR ^y "ti Sf THE WINTER RAINS. DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE SEEDED WITHIN ONE (1) WEEK OF THE by R4 v X GAS G BEGINNING OF THE WET SEASON. A SKETCH MAP OF THOSE AREAS TO BE SEEDED AND THOSE 1� CD~°N BMP C240 196 S�. D' AREAS TO REMAIN UNCOVERED SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE PROJECT MANAGER. THE PROJECT p U TEMP SEDIMENT UNDERGROUND MANAGER CAN REQUIRE ADDITIONAL AREAS IN ORDER TO PROTECT SURFACE WATERS, ADJACENT Z N _ UGP PROPERTIES OR DRAINAGE FACILITIES. A d., Z CO IF CONDITION POWER Lb 0; Existing Residence X REQUIRAP 8EX8 J. PENALTIES FOR AN EROSION CONTROL VIOLATION ARE SUBJECT TO A $300 TO $1,000 FINE UNDER CHAPTER 17.66 - PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION (AMC). EACH DAY IS CONSIDERED BMP C103 front to remain AdditionCNJ SEE DETAIL SANITARY $$ A DIFFERENT VIOLATION. W HIGH VISIBILITY Lt I REMOVE ALL TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL MEASURE WHEN THE SITE IS LANDSCAPED AND SOILS ARE FENCE AS SEWER STABIUZED. REQUIRED IF NO 1791 SF ALL DEWATERING SHALL DISCHARGE INTO A SEDIMANT TRAP OR SEDIMENT POND. FENCE EXIST. CO Cfl STORM THE CONTRACTOR IS TO PROVIDE TO THE CITY INSPECTOR THEIR SPILL PREVENTION PROGRAM TO BE INPLACE • LLJ SEWER SD DURING CONSTRUCTION. O GM 0 0) WATER o w o Covered Porch MAIN z I) BMP T513 POST-CONSTRUCTION SOILo C QUALITY AND DEPTH ON ALL Catch Basin . C ) ... O DISTURBED SOILS Sanitary Sewer Clean Out o CURB/GUTTER AND SIDEWALK WORKMANSHIP AND AESTHETICS r••1 Ca POST-CONSTRUCTION SOIL III 1 I Ilil Xz Water Meter ® ----1� a' a� .-- • QUALITY AND DEPTH ON DS 1. CURB/GUTTER AND SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION SHALL FOLLOW A TRUE AND UNIFORM C ) G7 Q" 00 ALL DISTURBED SOILS _ I l i I li 1 HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL ALIGNMENT. Covered Car Port 2. THE VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL SURFACE SHALL BE A SMOOTH BROOM FINISH WITH • r� ^d a ' NO DETECTABLE FINISHING BLEMISHES, UNDULATIONS, RIPPLES, SWELLS, WAVES, RUTS, DO b deck I I L ! NO ooTRAP OUTLET SECTION C-C FURROWS, GRAFFITI OR OTHER OBJECTIONABLE MARKS. THE END RESULT SHALL BE A cd 4.7� SF X r NEAT AND PROFESSIONALLY FINISHED APPEARANCE. s' C � 1� 8' r I 4 1 3. THE EDGE FINISH ADJACENT TO THE EXPANSION JOINT MATERIAL SHALL BE CLEAN AND r 1' 1FREE OF EXCESS SLURRY. THE EXPANSION JOINT MATERIAL SHALL BE TRIMMED TO A' o DS — 3.5' I OVERFLOW DISCHARGE TO STABILIZED 2' 4' ROCK RIPRAP CONVEYANCE TO DRIVEWAY LEVEL EVEN WITH THE ADJACENT CONCRETE RESULTING IN A NEAT AND PROFESSIONALLY FINISHED APPEARANCE. i.: 3a SIDE BOTTOM ELEV. 3d SIDE SLOPE = 172, S FLAT BOTTOM 11 374 t.s'J \ 4. THE CITY ENGINEER IN HIS SOLE DISCRETION RESERVES THE AUTHORIY TO ORDER THE Q -a--� a GRAVEL WASHED ROCK `GEOTEXTILE REMOVAL OF SECTIONS OF CURB/GUTTER AND SIDEWALK THAT DO NOT MEET THE ,� C O BMP C233 WORKMANSHIP AND AESTHETIC STANDARDS OF THE CITY OF ANACORTES. +Q .--4RIVE SILT FENCE TYPICAL TRAP CROSS SECTION B-B X SCALE. 1'=5' 5. SECITONS OF NEWLY CONSTRUCTED CURB/GUTTER AND SIDEWALK THAT EXHIBIT Cr . CRACKING FOLLOWING THE CURING, SHALL BE SUBJECT TO REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT. r4 ..--44Q7 SF 6 - CRACKING RESULTING FROM SUB-BASE FAILURE OR CONSTRUCTION SITE DAMAGE tel pad IP 1' MIN. DEPTH SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY REMOVED AND REPLACED TO THE NEAREST EXPANSION JOINT. OVERFLOW - MINOR HAIR LINE STRESS CRACKS MAY, AT THE DISCRETION OF THE PROJECT II=11=II=fI= SPILLWAY M n=D.aaf,.11 MANAGER, BE MONITORED AND RE-EVALUATED FOR POSSIBLE REMOVAL AT THE END OF �TI1i 2 a ROCKTd��I'n � THE MAINTENANCE PERIOD. N 89°26'22" W 60,0 ' ar _ ' n / y GEOTEXTILE ,�.WI. WASHED'ROCK SS SS alley TRAP OUTLET SECTION C-C SCALE: 1'=5' CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE 1. Install BMP C105 Construction Entrance, BMP C233 Silt Fence, BMP C103 High Visibility •••••—il Construciton Fence and catch basin sock inserts. O 2, Install BMP C154, Concrete Washout Basin. 3, Install BMP C240, Sediment Trap as required, .4...)4. Excavation of foundation. LOT AREA = 6,000 SF 5. Install footings, foundation and utilities. 6. Backfill foundation and add additional BMP's to minimize Sediment transfer and erosion. 7. Install dispersion trench. Protect infiltration trench from sediment until site Is stabilized. ;-48. Construct home with gutters and connect to dispersion trench, O IMPERVIOUS AREAS 9. Connect to driveway as soon as concrete pavement Is in place. 10. Installation of BMP T5.13 Post Construciton Soils and landscaping. HOUSE ROOF 2,283 SF PORCH AND RAMP 196 SF CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS DRIVEWAY P A R K N G 392 SF ALL IMPROVEMENTS IN CITY RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO THE CURRENT WSDOT O CIO GRAVEL PARKING 407 S F SPECIFICATION AND CURRENT CITY OF ANACORTES ENGINEERING STANDARDS. TOTAL 3,278 SEOct SOIL AMENDMENT NOTE O r`� r l GRAPHIC SCALE BMP T5.13' POST CONSTRUCTION SOIL QUALITY AND DEPTH. n SEE APPENDIX OF DRAINAGE REPORT FOR SPECIFICATION ON PROVIDING SOIL AMENDMENTS FOR ALL This plan sheet is accepted for construction in accordance with the 10 0 5 10 20 40 DISTURBED SOILS OUT SIDE OF IMPERVIOUS AREA AROUND BUILDING AND PAVED AREAS. \c, HER City of Anacortes ordinances and policies. Actual conformance of the SHEET NO. of wnS R cci E ti1c -A professional engineer, whose name and stamp appear on this sheet. �Y 1 a- yP `);& Acquiring, complying with, and providing mitigation for all Federal, 1\J 11 el, . . State, County, and Local Laws, permits, and mandates, including but ( IN FEET ) • p� 1 '`�; not limited to the Endangered Species Act, Federal Wetland Permit, 1 inch = 10 ft. 1 I , ^ State Department of Fisheries Hydraulics Permit, Federal Flood Plain Rom" d✓ 27807 Lq- Permits, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permits is JOB NO: 2019-165 ' $ RfGISTEriC0 \÷ the responsibility of the Developer, Landowner, and their Engineer. €SS/OVAL EN(' The issuance of this permit shall not be construed as proof of DATE: Dec. 2019 compliance with applicable laws and permit requirements. SCALE: Noted December 18, 2019 DRAWN: D. HERRIGSTAD CITY ENGINEER DATE CHECK: D. HERRIGSTAD The acceptance will expire one year from the date noted above. 1 SHEET 1 OF_