HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit File 2105 10th Street 0529104-1 0003 10/18/2005 002 4 Y CQ ., City00 of Anacortes Permit Fees 006712 BLD-2005-0805 Permit#: BLD-2005-0805 904 6th Street Issue date: 10/18/2005 "!+ +' P.O.Box 547 Expire date: 10/18/2006 /CO.' Anacortes, WA 98221-0547 ; /y01:y (360)293-1901 tt ,Job Address: 2105 10TH ST Permit Type: Single Family Alteration/Repair Permit ANACORTES WA 98221-1423 Project: APN: P56194 Remarks: Repair water damage on belly boards. Owner: SOKOL ELLERY Contractor: TALBERT CONSTRUCTION Address: Address: 1604 15TH ST ANACORTES WA 98221-2219 Phone: Phone: License#: TALBEC146PH General information: Fees: Building Valuation 1000 Building Permit Fee 17.50 State Building Code Fee 4.50 Total Calculated: 22.00 Deposits/Receipts: 0.00 F Total Due: 22.00 THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 180 DAYS, OR IF ' CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 180 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. CFS11 /N� SIGN U E OF OWNS OR AUTHORIZED AGENT ISSUED D BY R�� Fa90 � , } CITY OF ANACORTES BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT NO.: BLD2002-00208 P.O. BOX 547 APPLIED: 6/17/02 ANACORTES, WA 98221 ISSUED: 6/18/02 (360)293-1901 EXPIRES: 6/18/03 SITE ADDRESS: 2105 10TH ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 3772-196-004-0101 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: addition to existing residence I OWNER CONTRACTOR ELLSKY SOKOL 2105 10TH STREET ANACORTES,WA 98221 I Primary Phone: Primary Phone: Phone 1: 293-5588 Phone 1: License#: TYPE OF WORK: ADD AREA VALUE: $ 15,000.00 TYPE OF USE: SF CENSUS CATEGORY: 434 LOT: sf REQUIRED SETBACKS: 1ST FLR: sf ZONING: ? FRONT: ft 2ND FLR: sf colt 1• rr Occupancy Groups BASEMENT - 1: R3 2; GAR/CARPORT 3: 4: OTHER .. - Construction Types • 'NUMBER OF UNI w __ - .a ' 1: 5N 2: STORII :" 3: 4: BUILDING HEIGI '= .^r t _ FEES = - _ ' r - Type By Date Receipt Amount ; µ.:'t PLCK DM 6/18/02 $71.83 ,': PRMT DM 6/18/02 $110.50 .: - - STBC DM 6/18/02 $4.50 I; ' '' :7: 'J Total: $186.83 " , --. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this permit and state that the a , ordinances and state and federal laws regulating activities covered by this •ermit. 7---- z---......_. _Issued by Api.244() ant or Owner's SignatureCONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 24 Hour Notice Required For All Inspections I MECHANICAL PERMIT CITY OF ANACORTES PERMIT NO.: MEC2002-00010 P.O. BOX 547 ANACORTES,WA 98221 APPLIED: 2/5/02 (360)293-1901 ISSUED: 2/5/02 EXPIRES: 2/5/03 SITE ADDRESS: 2105 10TH ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 3772-196-004-0101 TYPE OF WORK: NEW CITY OF ANACORTES TYPE OF USE: RES MUNICIPAL BUILDING PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Instlal gas furnace in insulated garage. 904 6TH STREET (360) 293-1908 FINANCE DEPARTMENT REG-RECEIPT:03-0107515 C:Feb 05 2002 CASHIER ID:$ 8:28 am A:Feb 05 2002 _ OWNER CONTRACTOR ELLSKY SOKOL 1120 BUILDING PERMIT FE $43.05 2105 10TH STREET TOTAL DUE $43.05 ANACORTES,WA 98221 RECEIVED FROM: SOKOL i OHECK: $43.05 Primary Phone: Primary Phone: TOTAL TENDERED $43.05 Phone 1: 293-5588 Phone 1: CHANGE DUE $0.00 License#: Equipment Fees Equipment Type Quantity Type By Date Receipt Amount Furnace< 100k btu 1 PRMT MRD 2/5/02 0107515 $43.05 1 Gas Outlets 1 Total: $43.05 NOTES: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this permit and state that the above information is correct, and agree to comply with all ordinances and state and federal laws regulating activities covered by this permit. • L` Issued By: AppliLran or Ow is Signature 1 24 Hour Notice Required For All Inspections CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: I MECHANICAL PERMIT CITY OF ANACORTES PERMIT NO. : MEC95-0122 P.O. BOX 547 APPLIED: 11/13/95 ANACORTES, WA 98221 ISSUED: 11/13/95 (206) 293-1901 EXPIRES: 11/13/96 SITE ADDRESS: 2105 10TH ST ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. : 3772-196-004-0101 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Gas Fireplace — OWNER — CONTRACTOR ELLERY SOKOL CLEMAR MFG, INC. 2105 10TH STREET ANACORTES WA 98221 424-9800 293-1017 CLEMAM109902 TYPE OF WORK. . . :ADD BOILERS/COMPRESSORS- DOMES. INCIN •0 TYPE OF USE •RES 0-3 HP • 0 COMML. INCIN •0 3-15 HP • 0 RELOC/REPAIR. . . : 0 FUEL TYPES 15-30 HP • 0 CLOTHES DRYERS. : 0 :/GAS/ / / : 30-50 HP • 0 GAS WTR HEATERS: 0 FURN < 100K BTU: 0 50+ HP • 0 STOVE, APPLI. . . : 0 FURN >=100K BTU: 0 AIR HANDLING UNITS-- FIRE LOG/LITE. . : 1 FURN - FLOOR. . . : 0 <= 10000 cfm. : 0 WOODSTOVES • 0 UNIT HEATERS. . . : 0 > 10000 cfm. : 0 OTHER UNITS • 0 VENT FANS • 0 EVAP COOLERS. . . : 0 GAS OUTLETS • 0 VENT SYSTEMS. . . : 0 HOODS • 0 VENT W/O APPLI. : 0 — FEES — NOTES Code Amount---- By- Date---- Receipt PRMT $ 31.50 MD 11/13/95 4700 TOTAL $ 31.50 I hereby acknowledge that I have read this permit and state that the above information is correct, and agree to comply with all ordinances and Laws regulating activities covered by this permit. Issued by A licant or Owner's Signature 24 Hour Notice Required For All Inspections mec_prmt, Rev: 06/11/92 ' i� I '` / \ / \ -- - Oufl,',ve of /srFGocx. — 6:., A sire PGAA is ' -3.Koz_ ,esthcAtc` 2 tos /0779 sT , 0 ,4N4-0O277f5 , Wfh, LoI S / EE 60 ' x b e ' c ‘ki41 S I eg I RECEIVED 1 RUG 1 ;s 1`!` I —t----- I II -,--.---- /o re/ sreeef 1 r , 0 0 .FOR INSPECTIONS CALL: CITY OF ANACORTES PERMIT ! ' 9070 293.1901 BUILDING PERMIT 24 Hrs. Notice Requested Site Address 2105 i0th Street NAME (OR NAME OF BUSINESS) PLIIMts. ' E11ery H. Sokol ING ' MAILING ADDRESS 2105 1Gth Street Na TYPE OF FIXTURE OR ITEM FEE CITY TELEPHONE NUMBER 2 Water Closet S 4.0o Anacortes, WA 9822' 293-8920 2 Bathtub 4.00 NAME 2 Lavatory 4.U0 I Shower 2 .00 , ADDRESS Kitchen Sink Dishwasher CITY TELEPHONE NUMBER Laundry Tray Clothes Washer NAME Water Heater ' Urinal ea ADDRESS Drinking Fountain Floor Sink or Drain CITY TELEPHONE NUMBER Slop Sink 0 Water Piping o STATE LICENSE NUMBER CITY LICENSE NUMBER • ❑ kesidential ❑-Non-Residential PERMIT $ J.00 ❑ New ❑Add D4ltee ❑ Repair TOTAL FEE $ i 1 .00 ❑building ❑TItanbirig 0 Mechanical MECHANICAL ❑)Sign ❑ Demolition 0 Other ❑ GAS ❑ OIL 0 ELECT. ❑ OTHER Legal Description of Property or'lax Account Number No. TYPE OF id 3+4 g ne EQUIPMENT FEE LCny af1ftna to 3712-lt46 004- • AirCond. Unit $ • Refrigeration Unit- HP Boiler— HP Forced Air System— BTU/KW Describe Work Floor Furnace Remodel 2nd story. Wall Heater Unit Heater Clothes Dryer Occupancy Use Ventilation Fan ❑)Single Family Residence 0 Multi-Family Residence Range Hood ❑ Office 0 Retail ❑ Storage 0 Church Air Handling Unit— CFM ❑ Restaurant 0 Other Pre-manufactured Stove or Fireplace NOTICE Gas Piping This permit is issued by the Building Official and,under the provisions ' of the Uniform Building Code,shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not corn- PERMIT 8 menced within 180 days from the date of permit issuance,or if the building TOTAL FEE S or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is commenced for a period of 180 days. TOTAL FEFS VALUATION FEE By affixing my signature, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the Building d0,00V.VL) $ 1 k13.oo property for which this permit is issued or am an authorized represen- tative of the owner. Plan Check Plumbing --1 T.00 All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will Mechanical be complied with whether specified herein or not,including routine calls for inspections. Sign '05. (" Enyu } / 84 C//9 f Demolition Surcharge Signature or or Authorized Agent (Date) State Surcharge 4.50 Street Setback side Yard Setback Rear Yard Setback Other Ya TOTAL s -'BB• 5U Use Zane Occupancy Group Type or Cone. Conditions: Lot Area Vacant Site Dwelling Units ❑Yea ❑No Fire Sprinklers Required Na of Stories Bedrooms Occupant Load ❑Yea ❑No Size of Bldg. plans Checked By: LC WHEN SIGNED AND DATED REWW.TOW IS YODL PEEWIT PerIi_.m in hreby Oen to do approved theibord'•- - s .wLaeamyingto the conditions hereon and seeding Mae proved Flamm • .. >'.' +, pertaining therto,subjectb compliance with the Sidemen of the CITY ;>ANAOi1RTFS. 08/30/91 Permit Issued B ,, ,es Building Official (Dale) dwin Frank - g��y `. PERMIT NQ $0 iM 9069 2105 10th Street 8-30-91 Ellery M. Sokol VN R3 RN Addition t- 1 5 -9 \ F-g---P,orm( x oa. ig a- 91 eFpw>er„Nc, 731 -9 trait uatio ois wc,+_ \ 421 Go Ss \6-4 C2 �` r ) mess s2 2,€f2oopm FOR INSPECTIONS CALL: CITY OF ANACORTES PERMIT N" 2 293-1901 BUILDING PERMIT 24 Hrs. Notice Requestede Site Address 20105 l t)t kr Street Eccccee�mE(r(bY NADt�SoogkolUSINESS) PLUMBING 14 5 7 F tMh t.reel. No. TYPE OF FIXTURE OR ITEM FEE R 'I, L.1;PI1.01� NUMBER _ Water Closet S rtacortes , WA 98221 t.1— a+ !) Bathtub l NAME Lavatory - Shower ADDRESS Kitchen Sink , Dishwasher CITY TELEPHONE NUMBER Laundry Tray Clothes Washer ; NAME Water Heater owner Urinal at ADDRESS Drinking Fountain Floor Sink or Drain CITY TELEPHONE NUMBER Slop Sink 8 Water Piping STATE LICENSE NUMBER CITY LICENSE NUMBER ❑'ltesideitial 0 Non;Residential PERMIT S ❑ New ❑Add ❑ Alter ❑ Repair TOTAL FEE S ❑iOBuildin'g 0 Plumbing 0 Mechanical MECHANICAL ❑Sign ❑Demolition ❑Other ❑ GAS ❑ OIL, ❑ ELECT. ❑ OTHER Legal Descrip n of Pronecty or Tbx Account Number Na TYPE OF Loth Block 19t�- of EQUIPMENT FEE Air Cond. Unit S Refrigeration Unit— HP Boiler— HP Forced Air System— BTU/KW Dacritie Work Floor Furnace Add e).t.erior wall & relocate Wall Heater CA tt&• iia- duo/ . Unit Heater Clothes Dryer Occupancy,..y Use Ventilation Fan c �Singie Family Residence 0 Multi-Family Residence Range Hood ❑ Office 0 Retail 0 Storage 0 Church — Air Handling Unit— CFM 0 Restaurant 0 Other Pre-manufactured Stove or Fireplace NOTICE Gas Piping This permit is issued by the Building Official and,under the provisions , of the Uniform Building Code,shall expire by limitation and,bcvome null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not com- PERMIT S menced within 180 days from the date'off permit issuance,or if the building TOTAL FEE $ _ or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is commenced for a period of 180 days. TOTAL FEES VALUATION FEE By affixing my signature, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the Buil ' C 00.00 , 13.0C property for which this permit is issued or am an authorized represen- S S 0 .0 0 tative of the owner. Plan Check Allprovisions of laws and ordinances Plumbing governing this type of work will Mechanical be complied with whether specified herein or not,including routine calls for ins io �`+ Sign ( ,. f, Demolition �L ✓ ( Energy Surcharge Sig re owner or Aohoriaed Ageet (Date) State Surcharge 4 . G I, Street Setback Side Yerd Setback Rear Yard sesxck Other 10 . 50 TOTAL $ use zone Occupancy Group Type of Cant. Conditions: - Lot Area Vacant Site Dwelling Units ❑Yes ❑No I Fire Sprinklers Required No.of Stories Bedrooms Occupant Load ❑yes ❑No Size of Bldg. Plans Checked By: AG DATED BELOW.THEE YOUR PERMIT ` to the stove deaotbd week secotding la the conditions and the 'Ritz and*anti= thatto,abject to cooplisna iiith thi - the CITY OF s s• r:. Permit Issued B ). I. .r i odd' Official (Date) E lw'tr1 Fronk PERMIT 'c°Pr' CITY OF ANACORTES BLDG. 4 PLUMBING ❑ MECHANICAL ❑ PERMIT N 7116 Telephone 293-1901 / Anecortes,WA Date ,2/ t f G+ / 1969. PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: OWNER e lUfsG STREET / , ADDRESS 4) Location where work is to be done CONTRACTOR .5(l1-yt,v r ' TO ERECT Ii'' INSTALL ❑ OR REPAIR ❑ IN THE FOLLOWING MANNER: "GPtj A £ �14 irAt �s •! ,9 f r�t%q PERMIT EXPIRES ONE YEAR FROM DATE ISSUED PLANS FOR CONSTRUCTION WERE NOT ❑ SUBMITTED WERE Ty WORK TO BE DONE BY OWNER.OWNER Ig CONTRACTOR 0 RECEIPT OF FEES IS ACKNOWLEDGED AS FOLLOWS: TYPE PERMIT VALUE hERlllll'f FEE§, OF WORK State Building Code Surcharge / 5-0 State Energy Study Surcharge Building '0 �G ',$E'J Plumbing and W.S. Mechanical Plan Check Fee TOTAL 4j9 LEGAL DF,SCRIPTION i/ S � ' S° /?i% 4/� glai ;/Of.:.,a-,a`CNSPECTOR Address 2/D /' Legal Description , --c- / •- 1 73e (k /g4 Assessors Account No. 77 Z.-- /9/ — bOc/—©(o Permit No. Date Description Date Finaled 32 s'3 Z z G x z,G 64/ 461 e . f BLOCK 196 ALLEY - - o - - t 1 I 1 i I' y -I EXISTING GARAGE 10'-0" LOT AREA= 6,000 RESIDENCE AREA= 2,268 LOT COVERAGE=38% / (With Addition) a R 0 o EXISTING HOUSE BEAM y ;;;TA ., I LOTS 1&2 I N LOTS 3&4 LOTS 5&6 �-- - --\ ao.oa -- — — { , „, , � r I' C' w i o m b i o 8 NA' - - - - - - \ —CENTERLINE OF 10th STREET---------------- is ®Z DOS s' ti l �J py J SITE PLAN .1 , ' -. o zo ��Q -_ SCALE= 1"=20' �®V s- II • 135985 PAGE 1 ' OF 1 M, •l 9TH STREET Z 380,00 1 -379.76 4-. 71 j ,i cc NiD'I ) 't OI Ma Iz1 ,,„tivtity: 4 /� a 1 1'7 __ (' CENTERLINE OF LOTH STREET (80' R/W)" PLAT 380.00 (MEAS. 379.60) v 40 ' S- 60'-59.9Z 60'-59.92 S Ir 30' II „ „ 30' .• yr 0Hi SiNCT o 10 = 9 = 8 = 7 = 6 = y co I n z 5 r zro4 Cn>z+ d jr= 2 y z 1 o r .9- o ty hs Ne II cnd 3 Z 1-1 n1-3 511 cex o d M 0 30' „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „ 30' ^o n 601=59,93 S 60`=59 .93 S oo .0 BLOCK 196 (A L L E Y) rn oo I o N 30' „ It II „ „ „ IT „ 30 cc 0' 50' 100' 150' o SCALE 1" = 40' o z ;2 a x 7 0 11 = 12 = 13 = 14 = 15 = 16 = 17 = 18 = 19 = 20 0 w O o SYMBOLS co - c_ o =REFERENCE POINT • S o=REBAR AND CAP SET (1/21/91) 30' " 11 30' 40' ®=STREET MONUMENT (FOUND) (1/21/91) r 0 PLAT 380.00 (MEAS. 379.68) ,• , _ . _ _ , __ . _ s CENTERLINE OF 11TH STREET (80' R/� • PLAT 296 .00 MEAS 295 .84 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 012TH S"REET (PER OWNER'S STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED VOL. 932 AT PG. 571 AFII 9009280067) "LOTS 1 THROUGH 4, BLOCK 196, MAP OF THE CITY OF ANACORTES1 ACCORDING REMARKS_ TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 2 OF PLATS, PAGES 4 THROUGH 7, 1) RESURVEY OF SUBJECT LOTS AND THE PREPARATION OF THIS PROPERTY "SURVEY MAP" WAS BASED ON THE RECORDS OF SKAGIT COUNTY, WASHINGTON.' FOLLOWING SOURCES: SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS, ETC. , OF RECORDS. (IF ANY) A) OWNER'S STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED (VOLUME 932 AT PAGE 571 AFt! 9009280067) . B) THE INFORMATION SHOWN ON THE SUBJECT PLAT OF, "MAP OF THE CITY OF ANACORTES", (VOLUME 2 OF PLATS AT PACE 4, RECORDS OF SKAGIT COUNTY, WASHINGTON.) C) AVAILABLE STREET MONUMENTS FOUND IN THE VICINITY OF SUBJECT BLOCK AS SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING. "BASIS OF BEARING" (LOT DIMENSIONS WERE ADJUSTED AS SDOWN) "MAP OF THE CITY OF ANACORTES" 2) CONSTRUCTION OF DWELLINGS, DRIVEWAYS, FENCES, ETC. , ARE SUBJECT TO THE APPROVALS OF THE (ASSUMED LOCAL) APPROPRIATE CITY OFFICIALS. 3) SURVEY EQUIPMENT USED: }IEWLE'IT I'ACKARI) 3810—A (TOTAL STATION) , SURVEY IN GOV'T LOT 4 - SEC. I3 - TWP. 35N-RNG. IE..W. M. AIIDI [OR ' G CEIt'I'IFICA'I'h:: LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: JIM AND KIMBERLY BASHOR THIS MAP CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE BY PREPARED FOR: 3201 COMMERCIAL AVENUE FILED FOR RECORD ON THIS J DAY OF / 1991 ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION IN CONFORMANCE WITH 0 .1• Vq ANACORTES, WA 98221 TEL: (206) 293`-4581 Al 1 '�M. , IN VOLUMh: i 0E ',URVF.YS AT PAGE Ll� _ THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SURVEY RECORDING ACT AT 0 ' Watot 0"� THE REQUEST OF: JIM AND KIMBERLY BASHOR of SCALE: 1"=40' DRAWN BY: RE JOB NO: 1664-91 UNDER hat ALAII'I'OR ' S FILE NUMBER : ,' _� �...� s.`. ! ON: JANUARY 2, 1991 $ DATE: 1/24/91 APPROVED BY: JV DRAWING NO: " Al' THEREWIIEST OF IO11N I . VADAI ` ` DATED IN ANAGORTES, FEBR UAR Y / 1991 DESCRIPTION: SEE ABOVE 1;\1110,70644 / 1 ' '6. , , . , •. ..' . �._. ,,) c!�_1+ t . ___ `/' -- -L-x-k-CIL/ �I JOHN J. VADAI & ASSOCIATES MERIDIAN: 'OUN'I'Y AUDI'"I'P1R BY DEJ9ITY AUDITOR JOIN J. AI Phone; (206) 293-9591 5809 SANDS WAY - SUITE F, Anacortes, Wn. PER SUBJECT PLAT ERTIFICAT 9636 _