HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit File 1905 10th Street rGt 1'Y 0 :. City of Anacortes Permit#: BLD-2012-0004 904 6th Street {. Issue date: 01/04/2012 P.O.Box 547 Anacortes, WA 98221-0547 Expire date: 07/02/2013 et 4F (360) 293-1901 COW Job Address: 1905 10TH ST Permit Type: Mechanical Permit ANACORTES WA 98221-1419 Project: APN: P56070 Remarks: New gas insert Owner: BARNEY CAROLYN L Contractor: Address: 1905 10TH ST Address: ANACORTES WA 98221-1419 Phone: Phone: License#: General Information: Fees: #of Gas Fireplace 1 Mechanical Permit Fees 38.90 #of Gas Piping 1 Total Calculated: 38.90 Deposits/Receipts: 0.00 Total Due: 38.90 • THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 180 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 180 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. Oje,e,t5La n SIGNATURE OF OWNEIR AUTHORIZED AGENT nISSUED BY 1 1 TT 'Mr.", _Z ... t C �: 1� j� .43 --• -;$1.• , ft _ ram` _ Ky .441141111 . - 3. -ems F. it,. ark./4 kw1t 7 II • r] = s li • \ may. AM i 141 . . PP' .. BQM 32,1 t, _„— ._ - - ...5i--- .... rct c) s-- , 1 0 -i-Ocelt.v\ L 1 i/k) e-- , ...... .. . . •..,, g - a - 1 1,'IP- Il• 14 i • , ... . .._ , „....4 . . 4 .., •. ...,.. . . .. ... t --ii illr, ‘ \b '4% ...- ......... .. . IR +.1 - ..., 4111011" I i.., k 5 -. '...I* • :y.tr's .1110.4. ., • ... •' -- * -... , .: '' 11950 ._1 0001 07/14,''2011 n01 1 Engineering and Deveioo xignt Se v+rpes 4 CP(_\ p O4 PO Box 547 Anacortes�'W,4kf 822r'r c .. sU er.;9 386Si. A , Gt TN 360.293 1920 FAX 360.293 1938 , - "' EMAIL engineering@cityofanacortes org v , S v RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT APPLICATION `; , e , RCW 19.122 Underground Utilities l' 4CoW CALL BEFORE YOU DIG -(800)424-5555 "f•p�";"W�' Applicant shall submit application 5 days prior to start of work and application shall include: o (1) Payment of assessed fee ri (2) Drawing illustrating proposed work and its location. See checklist on Page 2 of 2. Li (3) Liability insurance CG 2026 or similar. City named as additional insured. Minimum$1,000,000 each occurrence,$2,000,000 general aggregate and$2,000,000 products-completed operations aggregate limit. I_, (4) Proof of both state and city business licenses Li (5) Performance Bond—Construction cost x 150% before work begins ❑ (6) Encroachment Agreement Required To be completed by City: [1 Yes Li No Site Address: City Approved Exemption ri Yes I No 1 7t 5 /e 4449 e,®ic 5, Wiog EDENc ASSIGNED PERMIT NUMBER: 11�t;:: - , fit Parcel No. K Owner Information (Required) Contractor Information (Required) N Name �y��1- eif�AiLey Name 04 ke� Address G Address 7t'5 i ow .9iz r City Alin; Cd, rz,�,. u i z f City ' Phone 6602 9, r le,7.5-- Phone i Email Email Address Address Work.Includes (check all that apply) L Curb Cut ❑ Water Sewer- Storm i-' Street Guth Sidewalk L1 Phone - Other Describe Work to be Performed: (Notification of Utility Companies is Required) / ` 4. 491M-4 j,x./ -- me°fiAeit r a, //°I'di r ry ztysiN ae,A4-/iJ P/'I'A d 1/A-'L ,i' ' i>e/� /A./ /ice '' e //7 ' ,'9-,V.2 4 l/e Pil-A/' m/o--- AI 4- A. 4-Ls i.0 e i-Li Pr- C— 60 Pi P/ 2;- el,-51, ,eu1O &R A OIL, 'ty Approval Signature D e By signature below Applicant concurs that the Applicant shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officials,em- ployees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or in connection with activities or operations performed by the Applicant or on the Applicant's behalf out of issuance of this Permit,except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. 644,1,,L`o(//f.3 ck,i,„,i 7'( 2, -1 Applicant Signatur Date Final Inspection Approval Signature Date tt • • NON-REFUNDABLE PERMIT FEE: (To Be Completed by City) ❑ Curb Cut $50.00 ❑ Street Cut $50.00 ❑ Inside Travel Way $50.00 • Outside Travel Way $20.00 ❑ Sewer Inspection Fee $50.00 ❑ Sewer Re-Inspection Fee $25.00 TOTAL FEE ASSESSMENT $ A Site Plan (to scale) must be attached that include all of the following: This checklist will aid the applicant in preparing a site plan. Permits that require installation of substantial improve- ments may require plans drawn and designed by a licensed engineer. Please check with City staff prior to submit- ting your application. • Draw the plan to a standard Engineering Scale j1"=10', 1"=20"etc.)on a minimum size sheet of 8 1/2 x 11 and a maximum size of 11x17. • Include the owners name,the parcel ID number,site address, north arrow, drawing scale and date. • Include the contractor's name, address and phone number. • Existing Right-of-Way lines, property lines, edge of pavement,curb/gutter. sidewalks,driveways and plant- ing strips with dimensions between each. • Adjoining street name(s)to the reference property. ; • All existing public and private utilities in the area of the proposed project( �y�', Sewer, Storm, Phone,TV, Gas and Power), dimensioned to the edge of pavement,curb/gutter, sidewalk,driveways, planting strips. . -• If applicable show easements, critical areas such as streams,wetlands and steep slopes. • Proposed new construction.The proposed improvements shall be shown in heavier line type than the ex- isting information • Dimension the proposed new construction to the edge of pavement,curb/gutter, sidewalks, driveways, planting strips, or another identifiable site feature that will help identify the proposed improvements in the field. • • Erosion Control Plan. • Traffic Control Plan per current MUTCD(See standard drawings at http://mutedtfhwa.dot.gov). If the work requires any lane or street closures,the City of Anacortes Public Works Inspector must be notified a mini- mum of 48-hours prior to scheduled work for proper public notification by the City of Anacortes. Work within the City Right-of-Way is permitted by approval of the City Engineer. All work in the right-of-way must be bonded. The applicant and owner must use warning signs,traffic control, and barricades as necessary to ensure public safety in the work area. The applicant and owner must restore the right-of-way to previous condition. Perma- nent restoration may include overlays of portions of the right-of-way and restoration of landscaping which have been disrupted by excavation work The applicant and owner are liable for damage to public and private property. Page 2 of 2 • 5, id ..-;. , i - 01 0 i ot D6 r j t 0 Alex 64 6nitc.a.Arlritet) t [AP? , AA 6 ) le .,,,--------- 0144"‘ gliti(J. Av 14 vidt, &IN I- , 1 5 1 4 ay-FEW iiiitiCt-# \D ', ki L-T, -,1 t- citoritii,Ri 1,..003-ritt.i Id 114,154)$ _ 11 ' 4....n cfr, et kik/rit.)-C.- tori.. .A ' D...icapez jolt, -1K1-- -- le: f' co/lot- 0d pi 0 , BUILDING PERMIT CITY OF ANACORTES PERMIT NO. : BLD93-0537 P.O. BOX 547 APPLIED: 12/21/93 ANACORTES, WA 98221 ISSUED: 12/23/93 (206) 293-1901 EXPIRES: 12/23/94 SITE ADDRESS: 1905 10TH ST ASSESSOR' S PARCEL NO. : 3772-202-003-0009 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Remodel kitchen and den, remove existing wall between kitchen and den, extend kitchen wall, ad atrium door. — OWNER — CONTRACTOR — LENDER ICI CAROLYN BARNEY KREIDER CONSTRUCTION 1905 10TH STREET 1725 HWY 9, M ANACORTES WA 98221 MT VERNON WA 98273 k 293-9075 422-5329 KREIDC*1010G TYPE OF WORK •ADD AREA (sf) VALU. . . $: 4500 TYPE OF USE ' SF LOT • 0 REQUIRED SETBACKS---- CENSUS CATEGORY •434 1ST FLR • 0 FRONT 0 ft ZONING 2ND FLR • 0 SIDE • 0 ft :7 BASEMENT • 0 REAR • 0 ft OCCUPANCY GROUP GAR/CARPORT. . . : 0 REQUIRED PARKING-- :R3 :7 : 2 : 7 OTHER 0 TOTAL • 0 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION HANDICAPPED: 0 :5N : 2 : 7 : 2 NUMBER OF UNITS • 0 COMPACT • 0 OCCUPANT LOAD STORIES • 0 IMPRV SURF. : 0 sf . 0: 0: 0: 0: BUILDING HEIGHT. : 0 ft — FEES — NOTES Code Amount---- By- Date---- Receipt PRMT $ 50. 50 MD 12/23/93 1830 STBC $ 4.50 MD 12/23/93 1830 TOTAL $ 55.00 I hereby acknowledge that I have read this permit and state that the above information is correct, and agree to comply with all ordinances and laws regulating activities covered by this permit. Issued by Applicant or Owner ' s Signature 24 Hour Notice Required For All Inspections bld_prmt, Rev: 06/11/92 . f 0 0 FOR INSPECTIONS CALL: CITY OF ANACORTES PERMIT NI gels 293-1901i BUILDING PERMIT 1905 10th Street 24 Hrs. Notice Requested Site Address NAME(OR NAME OF BUSINESS) PLUMBING arry Wien MAILING ADDRESS t Na TYPE OF FIXTURE OR ITEM FEE 1905 10th Street CITY I TELEPHONE NUMBER Water Closet S Anaaorte WA 98221 i 29:.3-2/WS. Bathtub NAME Lavatory , Shower ADDRESS Kitchen Sink Dishwashet CITY TELEPHONE NUMBER Laundry Tray Clothes Washer NAME Water Heater FOSS & CO Urinal I ADDRESS Drinking Fountain e 91 Padilla Hts Floor Sink or Drain CITY " TEEM?, NUMBER Slop Sink , uo WA `3(3221 knacortee, 8b4 Water Piping STATE LICENSE NUMBER CITY LICENSE NUMBER ?.U{) El Residential ❑ Non-Residential PERMIT $ 3•UU O New ❑ Add ❑ Alter ❑ Repair TOTAL FEE $ ❑ Building tt] Plumbing d Mechanical ECHANICAL ❑ Sign 0 Demolition ❑ Other 0 GAS ❑ OI 0 ELECT. 0 OTHER Legal Description of Property or Tax Account Number Lot Block of No. TYPE F EQUIPMENT FEE Air Cond. Unit S Refrigeration Unit— HP t Boiler— HP 9 UU Forced Air System— BTU/KW Describe Work Floor Furnace Gas Water Heater and Piping Wall Heater Unit Heater Clothes Dryer Occupancy Use Ventilation Fan D Single Family Residence 0 Multi-Family Residence Range Hood ❑ Office ❑ Retail ❑ Storage 0 Church Air Handling Unit— CFM ❑ Restaurant 0 Other i Pre-manufactured Stove or Fireplace 3.OU NOTICE Gas Piping 1 This permit is issued by the Building Official and,under the provisions of the Uniform Building Code,shall expire by limitation and become null 15.00 and void if the building'or work authorized by such permit is not corn- PERMpp $ 27.00 menced within 180`days from the date of permit issuance,:or if the building TOTAL. E S or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time - - :4 ... - , after the work is commenced for a period of 180 days. TOTAL FEES VALUAI#''ION FEE • By affixing my signature, I hereby certify that I ani the owner of the Building S C .UU property for which this permit is issued or am an authorized represen- tative of the owner. Plan Check Plumbing 2 / .00 All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will Mechanical be complied with whether specified herein or not,including routine calls for inspections, Sign /4 L--/ / Demolition 7 c./J/ _,l1 7 c.% - M // Energy Surcharge i ' i Sigowm oPOarer or*valorized Agent (Date) State Surcharge Street Setback Side Yard Setback Rev Yell Setback Other 36.00 TOTAL $ Use Zone Occupmcy Group Type of Conet. Conditions: Lot Area Vacant Site Duelling Units ❑Yes ❑No Fire Sprinkkn Required No.of Stories Bedrooms Occupant Load ❑Yes ❑No Size or Bldg. Plans Checked By: maw SIGNED AND DA7t£b BELOW,me pa root PEBaDT Permbaioa Y Matter,to do the above described tfak,awarding to the conditions Wawa and*tali*to-the approveiplas and specifications pertaining Warta abject to tompWme with the ordinances of the CITY OF ANACORTES. 06/03/91 Permit Issued By It ; s i ti 4' l -• (( :I S. Building Official (Date) Edwin Frank I PERMIT Address /9 ,5 Legal Description Jr y 5 3 -5— /3( /C /c4F 04(c Assessors Account No. 3`) `72- /( - coi--ODOc� Permit No. Date Description Date Finaled 211-41 zerx39Add. 38—G //-zr-2-3 , c op •