HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit File 1901 10th Street .41 Y, Q City of Anacortes Permit#: BLD-2005-0063 904 6th Street Issue date: 02/01/2005 P.O.Box 547 4;1' r Anacortes, WA 98221-0547 Expire date: 02/01/2006 (360) 293-1901 Job Address: 1901 10TH ST Permit Type: Renew Building Permit ANACORTES WA 98221 Project: APN: P56069 Remarks: Renew building permit Owner: HOLLY NEWMAN Contractor: Address: 1901 10TH ST Address: ANACORTES WA 98221 Phone: (360)299-9940 Phone: License#: General Information: Fees: Renew Building Permit Fee 33.75 Total Calculated: 33.75 Deposits/Receipts: 0.00 Total Due: 33.75 :r Ci n b ti n r..I , to r i I. !iy THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 180 DAYS, OR IFI-1 -' CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 180 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. LA ;A HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT, THE C-'N N OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE ►- LOCA W REGU G CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION N4 Ont_LAJq. rakrAdit,r1 SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR AUTHORIZED AGENT ISSUED BY Ili //S. 0 .- City of AnCirtes Perm4: BLD-2003-8819 904 6th Street Issue date: 07/08/2003 .y P.O.Box 547 Expire date: 07/07/2004 O i Anacortes, WA 98221-0547 'Bw 4 it 't (360) 293-1901 ? Bt Job Address: 1901 10TH ST ANACORTES WA 98221 APN: P56069 Permit Type: Renew Building Permit Project: Remarks: Renew building permit No. Bld2002-00098 Applicant: HOLLY NEWMAN Owner: HOLLY NEWMAN Address: 1901 10TH ST Address: 1901 10TH ST ANACORTES,WA 98221 ANACORTES WA 98221 Phone: (360)299-9940 Phone: (360)299-9940 Contractor: Addressr: Phone: License#: General Information: Fees: Renew Building Permit Fee 33.75 Total Calculated: 33.75 Deposits/Receipts: 0.00 Total Due: 33.75 THIS APPLICATION IS RECEIVED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE, AND SHALL EXPIRE BY LIMITATION AND BECOME NULL AND VOID IF PERMIT IS NOT OBTAINED WITHIN 180 DAYS OF THIS APPLICATION. BY AFFIXING MY SIGNATURE I REBY CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL OWNER OF THE PROPERTY FOR WHICH THIS APPLICATION IS ISSUED OR AN AUTHOR! OF THE OWNER.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WIT - ! HEREIN OR NOT, INCLUDING CALLS FOR INSPECTIONS. Ay _ P M rr,8 tt-L e .(S)-r- 1 Airnatu Issued by DA(_F I nc I BUILDING PERM"" `---) CITY OF ANACORTES PERMIT NO.: BLD2002-00098 P.O. BOX 547 APPLIED: 3/26/02 ANACORTES, WA 98221 ISFUED: 3/27/02 (360)293-1901 r FIRES: 3/27/03 SITE ADDRESS: 1901 10TH STREET ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 3772-168-002-0003 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Alteration of existing pitched roof to flat roof OWNER CONTRACTOR HOLLY NEWMAN 1901 10TH STREET ANACORTES,WA 98221 Primary Phone: Primary Phone: Phone 1: 299-9940 Phone 1: License#: TYPE OF WORK: ALT AREA VALUE: $ 2,800.00 TYPE OF USE: SF LOT: sf REQUIRED SETBACKS: CENSUS CATEGORY: FLR: sf ZONING: R3 1ST FLR: sf FRONT: ft 2NDOccupancy Groups BASEMENT: sf SIDE 1: ft GAR/CARPORT: sf SIDE 2: ft 1. 2. OTHER: sf REAR: ft 3: 4: REQUIRED PARKING Construction Types NUMBER OF UNITS: TOTAL: 1: 2:. STORIES: HANDICAPPED: 3: 4: BUILDING HEIGHT: ft COMPACT: IMPRV SURF: sf FEES NOTES: Type By Date Receipt Amount PLCK DM 3/27/02 -0107724 $43.88 PRMT DM 3/27/02 -0107724 $67.50 STBC DM 3/27/02 -0107724 $4.50 Total: $115.88 I hereby acknowledge that I have read this permit and state that the above information is correct, and agree to comply with all ordinances and state and federal laws regulating activiti co re b this permit. Issued by Applicant or Owner's Sig ure CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 24 Hour Notice Required For All Inspections r r ) COMBINATION PERMIT CITY OF ANACORTES PERMIT NO: COM2001-00158 P.O. BOX 547 APPLIED: 10/15/01 ANACORTES, WA 98221 ISSUED: 10/24/01 (360)293-1901 EXPIRES: 10/24/02 SITE ADDRESS: 1901 10TH STREET ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 3772-168-002-0003 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Laundry room and exercise room. OWNER CONTRACTOR LENDER HOLLY NEWMAN 1901 10TH STREET ANACORTES,WA 98221 299-9940 TYPE OF WORK: ADD AREA(SF) VALU: $10,000 FEES TYPE OF USE: SF LOT: 6,000 REQUIRED SETBACKS CENSUS CATEGORY: 434 1ST FLR: 256 FRONT: Type By Date Receipt Amount ZONING: 2ND FLR: SIDE(1): PLCK MRD 10/24/01 0107178 $52.33 R3 BASEMENT: SIDE(2): PRMT MRD 10/24/01 0107178 $80.50 OCCUPANCY GROUP: GAR/CARPORT: REAR: PMEC MRD 10/15/01 $0.00 R3 OTHER: REQUIRED PARKING PPLM MRD 10/24/01 0107178 $34.00 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: TOTAL: STBC MRD 10/24/01 0107178 $4.50 5N NUMBER OF UNITS: ACCESSIBLE: Total $171.33 OCCUPANT LOAD: STORIES: COMPACT: BUILDING HEIGHT: IMPRV SURF: MechanicalEquipment Plumbing Fixtures Equipment Type Quantit Fixture Type Quanti Clothes Washers.. . . . .. . . 1 Water Piping and Water Treatment 1 I hereby acknowledge that I have read this permit and state that the above information is correct, and agree to comply with all ordinances and laws regulating activities covered by this permit. Issued by Ally or Owner's Signature 24 Hour Notice Required For All sections t ' ,, i 4j' * 4 '71111F.t11:441 • . r ;1•.• . R S- 1901 10`h Street Smoke coming out of vent. Date: 12-14-2000 STEVEN R. LANGE SR. ENG. TECH 2000 SEWER REPLACEMENT SMOKE TEST I ? a ----- .57-72ce-7- 4 71-7544L 1V/11\l zoo Y/11/4.1 ` - 'e4 ANACORTES PLANNING Et COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. PERMIT CENTER PH (360)293-1901 FAX(360)293.1938 P.O.BOX 547,ANACORTES, WA 98221-0547 IAN MUNCE,DIRECTOR 1891 Ai EDWIN FRANK, BUILDING OFFICIAL•E-mail:ed@citgofanacortes.org 4 Co3 May 8, 2002 � II IL�CC®p Y Carolyn L. Barney Lynden E. Greene 1905 10th Street Anacortes, WA 98221 RE: 1901 10`h Street Dear Ms. Barney and Mr. Greene: Please be advised that Holly Newman has withdrawn permit No.BLD2002-00098 issued March 27, 2002,to alter the western portion of her residence. Your appeal of the issuance of this permit is scheduled to be heard before the Board of Adjustment May 16,2002 at 7:00 p.m. With withdrawal of this permit, the issue is mute. Please advise me at your earliest convenience if you wish to request a refund of the appeal4ee. Sincerely, CITY OF ANACORTES E rank Building Official EF:md Enclosure: Newman Letter Holly K. Newman Attorney at Law 411 Main Street Mount Vernon, WA 98273 Phone: (360)336-1515 FAX: (360)336-3488 May 6, 2002 Don Messamer Planning Department City ci Anacortes Sixth& Q Anacortes, WA 98221 RE: 1901 10th Street, Building Permit# Dear Don, Please be advised that we have decided not to build the bartizan as detailed on the plans we submitted previously. I have spoken with several attorneys who specialize in land-use issues and their unanimous opinion was that the City's grant of our permit would be upheld were the issue to make it to Superior Court. However, I do not want to pursue such litigation, and I also do not wish to have prolonged conflict with my next door neighbors. Please consider the above- referenced building permit application withdrawn. Although we believe that the proposed bartizan would have made the house more aethestically pleasing, we hope that a re-design of the project will accomplish the overall effect we are trying to achieve while decreasing any possible "legal" basis to protest our plans. We do want to finish the roof before the next "rainy season" (whenever that is!), and will submit new plans at a later date for your review. Thank you very much for your continued diligence in this matter. ( S' r Q , � Holly Newman it•itt; 1V'E MAY 7 2002 BUILDING 14-23 -a e_. RFc Fd ��t lc E'IV 6u,lit geft/erif AA?252002 P Th o sii? 4Ndeorf / � 9 a 2- I "v'" s w "'vo oFpT 2 19e gte Aft1145. - Qdd 4&S 4f l90 i / Sri. Le 14. --Inrok - ifilY a 4 A A du v;r/-em bw e ,ei( " my eatlogiler is al 'if "him' /c " agrfi(uheffly, not t e he- t i ea,wc cfrsd euccatt duce G . ' hue e go? low st. QzuJ Om verif Concerned otdoa 4e 4otrli,e eats-t-n 14Uy %a/416 fleet down `rWe 2*noef, C GOots 4bMa� co( '-/ ` t-e e � dlcd glift v sate l` "�r� to AT „LA �s Where no aPeArfec-{uva reUiew bawd' ? J7"d / TWere is = f( WAS were_ icy_ (nkrti 5r u4 r y '/res-11;itptst <' 77�l> e eere cc — Ant ken Y� We_ 4eevc k//r dl(ece 4f ta.4 °'n, t-c iacvm & am_ G910�e_7cv�a Vow ordter /ferbo�`s I e a s_e_,. y €(,,ptmil- he amass Y14,e Si^ce J` of Al &t- resedii45 .4tri door f 7471i ro/// Most er ta(5 AaVe ten "act 00 Pea( es/d-e title(&os in Yoe 4 , /its rs-_ - Sum- a eacd7gc./ e Yttunr c 0 e- rai _Aackies dersWfe- ciiask/'teae, 4, fl(rrui.s hod g gig s 1, /Je Uery &Mervece d - ---------- as"- esLO ed ?aeon s ( W4 - CITY OF ANACORTES REQUEST FOR PUBLIC RECORDS Please Print Clearly Requester Name: Q Y o ( �YL to. a.r ti e Vy Address: 1 q 0 s 10 tL S4--VR.+ Phone Number: 3 (n O- l 9 — g 0 7 S Request Made By: Ain Person [] In Writing [] Telephone Date of Request: / 4 I I ' 0 2 Nature of Request: g l 1 o rO t 1 1 p-0 �oij oLe c (fib (l r e v Is information requested to be used for commercial purposes? k.t Note: Use of intellectual property is not authorized by approval of this request. c Si Signature of R ester FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ACTION ON REQUEST FOR PUBLIC RECORDS MUST BE TAKEN WITHIN FIVE (5) BUSINESS DAYS (SEE R.C.W. 42.17.320) 1. Action taken: [] Request Granted [] Acknowledgement Estimated Response Date Provided (See No.4) [] Record Denied (See Nos. 5 &6) [ ] Record Withheld in Part (See Nos. 5 & 6) 2. Request forwarded to attorney for review: [] Yes Date Forwarded [] No a' ... 3. Notification of Action Taken to Requester: Date of Notification: a) [ ] Request granted b) [ ] Need for additional time How long? c) [] Request denied d) [] Record withheld in part 4. If additional time needed, explain why: 5. If request denied or record withheld in part,name the exemption contained in Chapter 42.17 RCW which authorizes withholding or denial: 6. If request denied or record withheld in part,explain how the exemption applies to this record: 7. Request received by: Department: Date: FEES 8-1/2x 11 - $.25 per copy Large Format Corvine 8-1/2x14 - $.30 per copy l lx17 - $.35 per copy 18x24- $2.00 per copy 24x36-$4.00 per copy 30x30 -$4.25 per copy 30x36-$5.00 per copy 36x48 -$8.00 per copy 36x60-$10.00 per copy x$ = Total Fees DOCUMENTS PROVIDED: DATE: MAILED: PICK UP: RECIPT #: DATE: RECEIVED APR 092002 April 9,2002 BUILLANG DEPT Mr. Don Measamer,Building Inspector City of Anacortes 904 6th Street Anacortes, Wa. 98221 Dear Mr. Measamer: We wish to appeal the Planning Department's determination to issue a building permit regarding the property at 1901 10th Street (permit#Bld 2002-000983-27-02). We live at 1905 10th Street. We are adversely affected by this decision to allow the applicant to expand on an already nonconforming structure. The permit as approved would allow the applicant to build a much larger and higher structure. This proposed structure would encroach into the minimum setback requirement, and it would result in inadequate light and privacy between the two dwellings. Therefore, we believe the proposed structure is in violation of the following ordinances: * Chapter 17.04, Section 17.04.020, entitled Title and Purpose * Chapter 17.60,Section 17.60.010, entitled Intent, paragraph B * Chapter 17.60, Section 17.60.040, entitled Nonconforming Structures,paragraph A We believe the appropriate action in this situation should have been to pursue a variance through the Board of Adjustments because of the unique circumstances associated with the proposed structure. This would have allowed for an open hearing among all affected parties in the neighborhood. Perhaps such an approach would have resulted in an acceptable outcome. Regardless, any outcome should be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and should not be injurious to a particular neighbor or neighborhood. Thank you for your consideration. Respectfully, Carolyn L. Barney L donY r ne 1905 10`h Street 1905 10th Street Anacortes, Wa. Anacortes,Wa. Ekuy -, c� phxQ( riot Z- . sa cA 0-6 r"`-A) a 0.)&v\--0 t).-4 "\--tp CA• t.) t b a TAkkt1/49- k%rl- trAs'SZCND\ -tti c •?s- Y ov'' 336 -- r jifr-V7 i Ohm .tt, i\ \ y a�3y1&) re--Inv-to 3°1 a� I jjej ------ ---- /9 /4 /° tt cz-±- / 9 0/ / cz6 RECEIVED April 9,2002 APR 0 9 2002 BUILDING DEPT Mr. Don Measamer, Building Inspector City of Anacortes 904 6`h Street Anacortes, Wa. 98221 Dear Mr. Measamer: We wish to appeal the Planning Department's determination to issue a building permit regarding the property at 1901 10th Street(permit# Bld 2002-000983-27-02). We live at 1905 10th Street. We are adversely affected by this decision to allow the applicant to expand on an already nonconforming structure. The permit as approved would allow the applicant to build a much larger and higher structure. This proposed structure would encroach into the minimum setback requirement, and it would result in inadequate light and privacy between the two dwellings. Therefore,we believe the proposed structure is in violation of the following ordinances: * Chapter 17.04, Section 17.04.020, entitled Title and Purpose * Chapter 17.60,Section 17.60.010, entitled Intent,paragraph B * Chapter 17.60, Section 17.60.040, entitled Nonconforming Structures,paragraph A We believe the appropriate action in this situation should have been to pursue a variance through the Board of Adjustments because of the unique circumstances associated with the proposed structure. This would have allowed for an open hearing among all affected parties in the neighborhood. Perhaps such an approach would have resulted in an acceptable outcome. Regardless, any outcome should be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and should not be injurious to a particular neighbor or neighborhood. Thank you for your consideration. Respectfully, Carolyn L. Barney L donV r ne 1905 10`h Street 1905 10th Street Anacortes, Wa. Anacortes, Wa. RECEIVED APR 0 9 2002 April 9,2002 BUILDING DEPT Mr. Don Measamer,Building Inspector City of Anacortes 904 6th Street Anacortes, Wa. 98221 Dear Mr. Measamer: We wish to appeal the Planning Department's determination to issue a building permit regarding the property at 1901 10th Street(permit#Bld 2002-000983-27-02). We live at 1905 10th Street. We are adversely affected by this decision to allow the applicant to expand on an already nonconforming structure. The permit as approved would allow the applicant to build a much larger and higher structure. This proposed structure would encroach into the minimum setback requirement, and it would result in inadequate light and privacy between the two dwellings. Therefore,we believe the proposed structure is in violation of the following ordinances: * Chapter 17.04, Section 17.04.020, entitled Title and Purpose * Chapter 17.60,Section 17.60.010, entitled Intent,paragraph B * Chapter 17.60, Section 17.60.040, entitled Nonconforming Structures,paragraph A We believe the appropriate action in this situation should have been to pursue a variance through the Board of Adjustments because of the unique circumstances associated with the proposed structure. This would have allowed for an open hearing among all affected parties in the neighborhood. Perhaps such an approach would have resulted in an acceptable outcome. Regardless, any outcome should be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and should not be injurious to a particular neighbor or neighborhood. Thank you for your consideration. Respectfully, & use Carolyn L. Barney L donT r ne 1905 10`h Street 1905 10th Street Anacortes, Wa. Anacortes, Wa. RECEIVED APR 0 9 2002 April 9,2002 BUILDING DEPT Mr. Don Measamer, Building Inspector City of Anacortes 904 6th Street Anacortes, Wa. 98221 Dear Mr. Measamer: We wish to appeal the Planning Department's determination to issue a building permit regarding the property at 1901 10th Street (permit#Bld 2002-000983-27-02). We live at 1905 10th Street. We are adversely affected by this decision to allow the applicant to expand on an already nonconforming structure. The permit as approved would allow the applicant to build a much larger and higher structure. This proposed structure would encroach into the minimum setback requirement, and it would result in inadequate light and privacy between the two dwellings. Therefore,we believe the proposed structure is in violation of the following ordinances: * Chapter 17.04, Section 17.04.020, entitled Title and Purpose * Chapter 17.60,Section 17.60.010, entitled Intent,paragraph B * Chapter 17.60, Section 17.60.040, entitled Nonconforming Structures,paragraph A We believe the appropriate action in this situation should have been to pursue a variance through the Board of Adjustments because of the unique circumstances associated with the proposed structure. This would have allowed for an open hearing among all affected parties in the neighborhood. Perhaps such an approach would have resulted in an acceptable outcome. Regardless, any outcome should be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and should not be injurious to a particular neighbor or neighborhood. Thank you for your consideration. Respectfully, Carolyn L. Barney L dont r ne 1905 10th Street 1905 10th Street Anacortes, Wa. Anacortes, Wa. Z. 7TH ST. j / 1019 en t rico; ((� ® ig 61 EN '-1519litiMIC0 1515 711.1 NW NE 7 9,1 w �� I 4zol[ 1 _ 32 s e / 8TH ST. Q 1616 I610 1604 a Isz 1 O,r. -- / 1■_- iu� 1619 rest 11609 I 109 151E I1511 N T r/ j 2: 01 s _ 1 1],9 —L 1 Tl IL JI IlrJ}j 0001 , C ��JI� zJzz ys�'-/ 1 R1 �1 4cft �4190B '�yV�y Q '_' ®. „❑ 16 [114 iill 20 iIY1. 160• I 0 0,1a 16 0 - 9TH ST. - /�\'" 1I1_ r-/y�fN-II 1II�o�1II _ 9m _ °' R QI1 l -20+ 1r IIIIiS .Ii ! C ti �j, L 1 11=�v Ot RQOfi ;6 �' 1 1]O6 Ifi14O L75i iSIZ 10TH ST. �Iry' 99�1 RR55 yIp 01.t 0RY R0� {{{//Y(%�//}(,/' n , r �I 1607 05 IE 1 1] 1" ni. P -G ui 9 0 31 - 191� 19f, 190 14" 65*15113IV Lox" 0 0 ,„ r2 `Ir Q flu- J ¢ rl 7 4 +� > w, I _ - �- �,�'J .� -� i_ 1 9Qf,',�,.jfll,'o JD Ig O 1-19- 2 O(f r RO I� Q J_ 10`n a 0t I ; f0 0 U0in) rl 7D U 1ii 111„"R.4L2BllIiSL01 e1• 0 g1♦ IgIY 1 yTc0n 15 ff _ 1 1 TH ST. 19I 9 I6 }IBp9I 1 1 TH ST.7)17 H lu-- 6t$IQ '6 RI inNIB •'�- 'R!It73r� en [1" cQI'0]9rIJ cn 16� I �1-_� 9 I -'�n❑ B pq __ __ I� 1 9 in III u`—, `r 1 R. L W ��LLLIII (1 ni- I ci 1f �t IU r. cn 15 05 7 n n (120 IOR I� 2006Ei 19 19 R 1 ,i 11 L106 IW2miliging pi "\OLY 4618 [6'1'g Ibo6 1 R 514 a6 �ry 12TH ST. ���� '. fl — � I; Earl LI--n !� z1 1210 W o 'Lo U I J 0 I ill [� a if u _ 1Bz0 1614 Is06 /504- , '2R0 Ia • Rz0 �+— x? zm6 vox zoza z01s zmz zoos zooR lszo 1916 z Isoe - 13TH ST. REMIE,ED DATE. 04 17-02 1901 10TH ST-PEET 00-00-00 COMPUTER NAME. 1001 LOTH RE.dwg CREATED BY CITY OF ANACORTES ENGR DEPT. 9—<- JUILOINc, JEnV�IT REDEAR 904 STH STREET 44 .00, VID NIT'( MAP RNH ANACORTES, WA 98221 OS Y G+Ci trey CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I mailed,postage prepaid, copies of the foregoing document on I, Michelle Deaton, certify that a ,p g p p p g g the 16 of April 2002 of the attached-named parties at the last known post office addresses, with the proper postage affixed to the respective envelopes: Document: Appeal to revoke building permit No. BLD2002-00098— 1901 10t°Street. See Attached Michelle Deaton, Permit Technician Date "VAOeiY: _,,c10040; Fig P '1/4 ;9�oR2 p4D 'h a NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Adjustment will hold a Public Hearing the evening of Thursday, May 2, 2002 7:00 p.m. in the Municipal Building Council Chambers, 6th and "Q" Avenue. ; The purpose of the Public Hearing is to consider an appeal of BLD2002-00098 issued for an addition located at 1901 10th Street. Anyone wishing to comment on the proposed appeal may do so at the above stated date,place and time. Written comments are welcome and should be addressed to Ed Frank, Building Official,P.O. Box 547, Anacortes, WA 98221. George Khtaian, (ity Clerk PUBLISH: Anacortes American—April 17, 2002 MetroScan/Skagit Owner : Wilkins Creamola Parcel# :P56050 Site : 1811 9Th St Anacortes 98221 Sale Date :07/08/1999 i Mail : 1811 9Th St Anacortes Wa 98221 Sale Price . i Use : 111 Res,Single Family,Inside City Total AV : $202,300 RTS : OlE- 35N - 13 Parcel Type:Platted Phone . Bedrm :2 Bath:2.00 BldgSF : 1,538 LotAc: LotSF : YrBlt: 1920 Owner :Dahlstrom Ted S Parcel# : P56051 Site : 1817 9Th St Anacortes 98221 Sale Date . Mail : 1817 9Th St Anacortes Wa 98221 Sale Price . Use : 111 Res,Single Family,Inside City Total AV : $205,300 RTS :OlE- 35N - 13 Parcel Type :Platted Phone Bedrm :4 Bath: 1.50 BldgSF :2,106 LotAc : LotSF : YrBlt: 1905 Owner :Knox Martha E;+ Parcel# :P56054 Site : 1806 10Th St Anacortes 98221 Sale Date :09/21/2001 Mail : 205 W Mimosa Cir San Marcos Tx 78666 Sale Price Use : 111 Res,Single Family,Inside City Total AV : $274,300 RTS :OlE- 35N - 13 Parcel Type :Platted Phone . Bedrm : 3 Bath: 1.50 BldgSF :2,038 LotAc : LotSF : YrBlt: 1993 Owner :Morrison Bruce G Parcel# :P56057 Site : 1807 10Th St Anacortes 98221 Sale Date : 11/01/1984 Mail : 1807 10Th St Anacortes Wa 98221 Sale Price : $57,500 Use : 111 Res,Single Family,Inside City Total AV : $144,400 RTS : OlE- 35N - 13 Parcel Type :Platted Phone . Bedrm :3 Bath: 1.00 BldgSF : 1,588 LotAc: LotSF : YrBlt: 1970 Owner :Kay Jane Edwards Parcel# : P56058 Site : 1813 10Th St Anacortes 98221- Sale Date : 12/28/1995 Mail : 19723 21St Ave NW Shoreline Wa 98177 Sale Price :$109,000 Full Use : 111 Res,Single Family,Inside City Total AV : $116,200 RTS :OlE- 35N - 13 Parcel Type :Platted Phone :206-542-5916 Bedrm :3 Bath : 1.00 BldgSF : 1,104 LotAc : LotSF : YrBlt: 1922 Owner :Click Randy A Parcel# :P56059 Site : 1815 10Th St Anacortes 98221 Sale Date :08/06/1999 Mail :2109 34Th St Anacortes Wa 98221 Sale Price . Use : 111 Res,Single Family,Inside City Total AV : $107,800 RTS : OlE- 35N - 13 Parcel Type :Platted Phone . Bedrm :2 Bath: 1.00 BldgSF : 850 LotAc : LotSF : YrBlt: 1925 I Owner : Schroeder Frederic J Parcel# :P56060 Site : 1819 10Th St Anacortes 98221 Sale Date : 01/20/1997 Mail : 1819 10Th St Anacortes Wa 98221 Sale Price . Use : 111 Res,Single Family,Inside City Total AV : $175,700 RTS :01E- 35N - 13 Parcel Type:Platted Phone . Bedrm :3 Bath :2.00 BldgSF : 1,687 LotAc: LotSF : YrBlt: 1935 Owner :Duo Properties Llc/Tri Properties LIc Parcel# :P56063 Site : 1816 11Th St Anacortes 98221 Sale Date :05/28/1997 Mail : 1819 10Th St Anacortes Wa 98221 Sale Price . Use : 111 Res,Single Family,Inside City Total AV : $99,800 RTS : OlE- 35N - 13 Parcel Type : Platted Phone . Bedrm : 1 Bath : 1.00 BldgSF : 744 LotAc : LotSF : YrBlt : 1940 N.--\e/ vAY ckb 1 Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained m this report. • MetroScan/Skagit Owner : Small Emily P Parcel# :P56064 Site : 1810 11Th St Anacortes 98221 Sale Date : 10/01/1999 Mail : 1810 11Th St Anacortes Wa 98221 Sale Price . Use : 111 Res,Single Family,Inside City Total AV : $118,200 RTS :OlE- 35N - 13 Parcel Type :Platted Phone . Bedrm :2 Bath : 1.00 BldgSF : 962 LotAc : LotSF : YrBlt: 1900 Owner :Auclair Existe L&Charlotte L/E Parcel# :P56066 Site : 1808 11Th St Anacortes 98221 Sale Date : 10/01/1973 Mail : 1808 11Th St Anacortes Wa 98221 Sale Price :$8,500 Use : 111 Res,Single Family,Inside City Total AV :$107,900 RTS :OlE- 35N - 13 Parcel Type :Platted Phone . Bedrm :2 Bath: 1.00 BldgSF :970 LotAc : LotSF : YrBlt: 1930 Owner :Barney Carolyn L Parcel# :P56070 Site : 1905 10Th St Anacortes 98221 Sale Date :04/21/1993 Mail : 1905 10Th St Anacortes Wa 98221 Sale Price :$108,000 Use : II 1 Res,Single Family,Inside City Total AV :$161,900 RTS :OlE- 35N - 13 Parcel Type: Platted Phone :360-293-3782 Bedrm :3 Bath : 1.75 BldgSF : 1,721 LotAc : LotSF : YrBlt : 1940 Owner :Dansingburg Fred I Parcel# :P56071 Site : 1911 10Th St Anacortes 98221 Sale Date Mail :PO Box 711 Anacortes Wa 98221 Sale Price Use : 111 Res,Single Family,Inside City Total AV :$106,500 RTS :OlE- 35N - 13 Parcel Type: Platted Phone Bedrm : 1 Bath : 1.00 BldgSF : 816 LotAc : LotSF : YrBlt : 1930 Owner :Franulovich Marija Parcel# :P56072 Site : 1915 10Th St Anacortes 98221 Sale Date : 12/01/1972 Mail : 1302 N Ave Anacortes Wa 98221 Sale Price :$1,500 Use : I 1 l Res,Single Family,Inside City Total AV : $126,200 RTS :OlE- 35N - 13 Parcel Type :Platted Phone :360-293-7751 Bedrm : I Bath : 1.00 BldgSF: 608 LotAc: LotSF : YrBlt: 1930 Owner :Wolfe Ben&Lois Parcel# :P56074 Site : 1914 11Th St Anacortes 98221 Sale Date :05/24/2001 Mail : 1914 11Th St Anacortes Wa 98221 Sale Price . Use : 111 Res,Single Family,Inside City Total AV :$143,600 RTS :OlE- 35N - 13 Parcel Type :Platted Phone . Bedrm :3 Bath :2.00 BldgSF : 1,292 LotAc: LotSF : YrBlt: 1900 Owner :Guard James L Parcel# :P56075 Site : 1910 11Th St Anacortes 98221 Sale Date :02/20/1998 Mail :PO Box 1395 Friday Harbor Wa 98250 Sale Price . Use : 120 Res,Multi-Family,2-4 Units Total AV :$155,700 RTS :OIE- 35N - 13 Parcel Type :Platted Phone Bedrm :6 Bath :3.00 BldgSF : 1,776 LotAc: LotSF : YrBlt: 1980 Owner :Knudson Archie L&Patty A Parcel# :P56076 Site : 1020 G Ave Anacortes 98221 Sale Date : 12/01/1978 Mail : 1206 30Th St Anacortes Wa 98221 Sale Price :$39,500 Use : 111 Res,Single Family,Inside City Total AV : $132,700 RTS :OlE- 35N - 13 Parcel Type :Platted Phone . Bedrm :3 Bath : 1.00 BldgSF : 1,032 LotAc: LotSF : YrBlt: 1977 Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations P i or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. MetroScan/Skagit f Owner : Folsom Margaret F Parcel# :P56077 Site : 1903 9Th St Anacortes 98221 Sale Date : 11/16/2000 Mail : 1112 18Th St Anacortes Wa 98221 Sale Price : $313,000 Full Use : 111 Res,Single Family,Inside City Total AV :$244,600 RTS : OlE- 35N - 13 Parcel Type :Platted Phone : 360-293-7084 Bedrm :3 Bath : 1.50 BldgSF :2,372 LotAc: LotSF : YrBlt: 1910 Owner :Legg Evelyn S;Aka Legg Evelyn M Parcel# :P56079 Site : 1917 9Th St Anacortes 98221 Sale Date : 09/14/1995 Mail : 1917 9Th St Anacortes Wa 98221 Sale Price . Use : 111 Res,Single Family,Inside City Total AV :$253,400 RTS : OlE- 35N - 13 Parcel Type :Platted Phone . Bedrm :4 Bath:2.00 BldgSF : 2,296 LotAc : LotSF : YrBlt: 1908 Owner :Corbin Carl Parcel# :P56080 Site : 1918 10Th St Anacortes 98221 Sale Date . Mail : 1918 10Th St Anacortes Wa 98221 Sale Price . Use : 111 Res,Single Family,Inside City Total AV : $213,500 RTS : OlE- 35N - 13 Parcel Type:Platted Phone : 360-293-6496 Bedrm :4 Bath :2.00 BldgSF :2,198 LotAc: LotSF : YrBIt: 1950 Owner : Petrish Nicholas J&Maria A Parcel# :P56082 Site : 1916 10Th St Anacortes 98221 Sale Date : Mail : 1907 9Th St Anacortes Wa 98221 Sale Price . Use : 111 Res,Single Family,Inside City Total AV :$22,300 RTS : 01E- 35N - 13 Parcel Type :Platted Phone . Bedrm : Bath : BldgSF : LotAc : LotSF : YrBlt: Owner : Ennes Phyllis L Parcel# :P56083 Site : 1914 10Th St Anacortes 98221 Sale Date :08/01/1973 Mail : 1914 10Th St Anacortes Wa 98221 Sale Price : $24,200 Use : 111 Res,Single Family,Inside City Total AV : $151,200 RTS : OlE- 35N - 13 Parcel Type :Platted Phone . Bedrm : 5 Bath:2.00 BldgSF : 1,210 LotAc : LotSF : YrBlt: 1954 Owner :Hardy Michael J Parcel# : P56084 Site :920 G Ave Anacortes 98221 Sale Date : 10/01/1980 Mail : 920 G Ave Anacortes Wa 98221 Sale Price :$59,500 Use : I 1 I Res,Single Family,Inside City Total AV :$152,300 RTS : OlE- 35N - 13 Parcel Type :Platted Phone . Bedrm : 3 Bath :2.00 BldgSF : 1,495 LotAc: LotSF : YrBlt: 1972 II Information compiler/from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. - MetroScan/Skagit Owner :Knight William E;Napolitano-Knight Bonni Parcel# : P57111 li Site : 1803 11Th St Anacortes 98221 Sale Date : 10/07/1997 Mail : 1803 11Th St Anacortes Wa 98221 Sale Price : $143,000 Full Use : 111 Res,Single Family,Inside City Total AV : $165,400 I RTS :OlE- 35N - 24 Parcel Type: Platted Phone . Bedrm :5 Bath: 1.50 BldgSF : 1,888 LotAc : LotSF : YrBlt: 1910 Owner :Eckert C J Parcel# :P57112 Site : 1805 11Th St Anacortes 98221 Sale Date :09/01/1987 Mail :PO Box 145 Anacortes Wa 98221 Sale Price : $27,900 Use : 111 Res,Single Family,Inside City Total AV : $94,400 RTS : OlE- 35N - 24 Parcel Type :Platted Phone . Bedrm :2 Bath : 1.00 BldgSF : 904 LotAc : LotSF : YrBlt: 1925 Owner :Petersen Family Living Trust Parcel# : P57113 Site : 1809 11Th St Anacortes 98221 Sale Date : 06/10/1994 Mail :PO Box 251 Anacortes Wa 98221 Sale Price : Use : 111 Res,Single Family,Inside City Total AV : $84,700 RTS :OlE- 35N - 24 Parcel Type : Platted Phone :360-299-8128 Bedrm :2 Bath: 1.00 BldgSF :520 LotAc : LotSF : YrBlt: 1930 Owner :Macy James W/Linda S Parcel# :P57114 Site : 1815 11Th St Anacortes 98221 Sale Date : 11/01/1999 Mail :4501 Anaco Beach Rd Anacortes Wa 98221 Sale Price : $93,700 Full Use : 120 Res,Multi-Family,2-4 Units Total AV : $180,500 RTS :OlE- 35N - 24 Parcel Type :Platted Phone . Bedrm :2 Bath: 1.00 BldgSF : 906 LotAc : LotSF : YrBlt: 1910 Owner :Oneil Floyd Parcel# :P571 l7 Site : 1819 11Th St Anacortes 98221 Sale Date . Mail : 1819 11Th St Anacortes Wa 98221 Sale Price Use : 111 Res,Single Family,Inside City Total AV : $141,100 RTS :OlE- 35N - 24 Parcel Type : Platted Phone . Bedrm :3 Bath: 1.00 BldgSF : 1,468 LotAc : LotSF : YrBlt: 1920 Owner :Clark Stephen M Parcel# :P57134 Site : 1102 G Ave Anacortes 98221 Sale Date :08/01/1985 Mail : 1102 G Ave Anacortes Wa 98221 Sale Price : $60,000 Use : 111 Res,Single Family,Inside City Total AV : $165,900 RTS :OlE- 35N - 24 Parcel Type :Platted Phone . Bedrm : 5 Bath : 1.00 BldgSF : 1,550 LotAc : LotSF : YrBlt: 1916 Owner :Cook Philip/Mary Parcel# :P57136 Site : 1913 11Th St Anacortes 98221 Sale Date : 08/31/2001 Mail :3308 N Crockett St Seattle Wa 98199 Sale Price : $124,000 - Use : 111 Res,Single Family,Inside City Total AV : $130,200 RTS :OlE- 35N - 24 Parcel Type : Platted Phone . Bedrm :2 Bath : 1.00 BldgSF :992 LotAc : LotSF : YrBlt: 1917 Owner :Newbrough Living Trust Et Al Parcel# :P57137 Site : 1101 F Ave Anacortes 98221 Sale Date : 03/23/2000 Mail : 1101 F Ave Anacortes Wa 98221 Sale Price : Use : 111 Res,Single Family,Inside City Total AV : $155,700 RTS :OlE- 35N - 24 Parcel Type: Platted Phone . Bedrm :2 Bath: 1.00 BldgSF :992 LotAc : LotSF : YrBlt: 1935 Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. r l MetroScan/Skagit Owner :Rolston Judith Ann Parcel# :P57143 Site : 1102 F Ave Anacortes 98221 Sale Date :05/17/1994 Mail : 1102 F Ave Anacortes Wa 98221 Sale Price Use : 111 Res,Single Family,Inside City Total AV :$122,400 RTS : OlE- 35N - 24 Parcel Type :Platted Phone Bedrm :2 Bath : 1.00 BldgSF : 890 LotAc : LotSF : YrBlt : 1945 Owner :Duo Properties Llc/Tri Properties Lk Parcel# :P57144 Site :2005 11Th St Anacortes 98221 Sale Date : 05/28/1997 Mail : 1819 10Th St Anacortes Wa 98221 Sale Price . Use : 111 Res,Single Family,Inside City Total AV :$119,700 RTS :OlE- 35N - 24 Parcel Type: Platted Phone Bedrm : Bath : BldgSF: LotAc : LotSF : YrBlt: Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. T' raer s Gil -,��2z f .. - .34 Airy, get- Thu'i fC Bwis4iL bee4cizl Pro'. 30X Pi? 1414aket-es, w� . g ,z zJ s ' ihi.,i::1,.ki,i„1;imiliimit.t„iamiihili„Limiii