HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit File 1420 10th Street 0535404-1 0005 12/20/2005 002 4 Permit Fees 006802 $45.75 G1"r Y Ofi. City of Anacortes Permit#: BLD-2005-0945 904 6th Street Issue date: 12/20/2005 P.O.Box 547 Expire date: 12/20/2006 Anacortes, WA 98221-0547 tri`` (360)293-1901 Job Address: 1420 10TH ST Permit Type: Single Family Alteration/Repair Permit ANACORTES WA 98221-1924 Project: APN: P55722 Remarks: Extend existing deck and porch roof around east side of house. Owner: LYNN RIES Contractor: Address: 1420 10TH ST Address: ANACORTES WA 98221-1924 Phone: (360)672-8770 Phone: License#: General Information: Fees: Building Valuation 1500 Building Permit Fee 25.00 Plan Review Fee 16.25 State Building Code Fee 4.50 Total Calculated: 45.75 Deposits/Receipts: 0.00 Total Due: 45.75 • THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 180 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 180 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCALO � LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. v SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR AUTHORIZED AGENT ISSUED BY r N ( ; }w ... , CITY OF ANACORTES FERMI �-73 � , -- a,- - - _ CLANS , r'.:t e..D H "pAMt7 NO. ` 4. nn ADDRESS tt11 t�++CC�� t, kAPPROVED By' Si OE pro- lc„ IS I Ocfifr t Q�, ,� 1UBJECT TO FIELD �, a Z o CI.' p(1-`e .. �� vrcatar3onr OCODE torn. aVERst y 1 UI L / c A. 1, NOT INCLUDED; ' it Cl 2 x rn P,f i C O i / U Jars i -0 ci •. fi il `del e c P1 �Z" 1d E r�Z,r Pack Ti' _ , , ss I ill aNIE1 P�ot'aSr� RCQ -i ii 1 0 �( e � � ��CsS / Cj 74 _e, jlfr/L a � t � �' ,SSv per-lc coot 1) rim( -oviJ rt c (g 6 aN s Z « etcs rrevf t k $4�. €'e ) o p, s ti. Pr1 L ° ' eLc d c ANk, PZ. A4 Fey®,1 ar X sfv}9 11oU - SI0 LA -a�GS • • ________________ t L(72-a c p6t-L---' S- " S0E JtE s a ; ; t 1 qi-Th% , r', �7 �-r-" # 9 a 2 k E t I F� I ij s- cokr j'h1\S , C� e14- J(r -- 7 �1 i �6 Qom, .. t : _J{y xto cC4,K4 Po Sr Paec*- Roo ?R 0(705act ROOF E ENS(od•J 1 if — — — — — — — — — —I ® 2 x Co mFp..S 21- O. C- . `t 1 ® 2_x.4 C_.c1LENG *V)aS-rS 24 0,c , 1 • I '" o v td. NG1/4 WVcAb No U S 6-4TCCIA_, m Co 1,4poSt i t ®,nJ -5LH0Q._.L4. RuOFt tJG J ® t/4. tt pLt SoF t atdffrienkf Jc cr C- Go Lyn r..J o o S 5 o F-F E....,1- \\J',lw-rr N G., ® f//Z, `t 055 Kt,cif- Stl,.ii 11-1.41 NGt i . 0Zt l62` > 6 Tx 5Ub'Po tztAT�s €vc - Gt N II 'PRoroSFt 'PoP_cik 5z.�� t'rw5totJ i ® �LViat.J1' 4LO F4^Sm.j � 3 P- 44,0446. .,5 4 — 1 ' PoSTs &ct. gotrc✓o 1 DLC,K. EJ.AM int -a- tst,aC-bc. • DEct Sego , 2 aA-u& A Pit fri €43 it SD (r - i y�V. 6 C". �y�r11 \ 2Xb j 0'0 5 re---_\ (. _ 1 11"-` of 40 C-F- l- CO ,s � �oGa eah, g, /17 CP w Bo 2 ,UGP5�� ,,4T-S .. L_ ) '°51 C=; '0 ,fir ; /Zxra DEcKWG ry :r::a r ' "] ' r ,1 1 a .1 11f-� 2Kr. 5la G4NG- 4- .S 0(STS (Ztk " O-f . ) ' ‘ I / L t911 Ct .. t/ 14 0(Y11--- $cbr& ( if_ / O i 51orz- W0--L.It I. Sr . FIE-NC E __ ..... a Z r )'' rn ( U— Poa.ciA , 7 1 1 _ i ;1 O Ar I r y 11 ' I N poP...C{+ N _._ _._.__.. V �_ _ '1 L n `--' BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MINUTES - OCTOBER 7, 1999 REGULAR MEETING Meeting called to order by Vice-Chairman John Curtis at 7:15PM. Members present: John Curtis, Ken Wilson, George Mehier Staff present Don Measamer Minutes of the September 2, 1999 meeting were approved. Mayer/Kern Vacation (Portion Alley Block 229 Original Anacortes) Mr. Mayer reviewed this Petition for Alley Vacation: that portion of the undeveloped platted 14-foot alley between Lots 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and west 20 feet Lots 7 and 14 in Block 229 Original Anacortes. Mr. Mayer will acquire the full alley via a dealing with Mr. Kern for his half of the alley adjacent to the Kern property Mr Mayer explained that the vacated alley, added to his present property (Lots 11 - 14), will significantly improve the flexibility in establishing a building site on the property. The terrain in this area slopes west-to-east, for this reason, when the adjacent downslope property (Lots 14 - 17) was recently graded for a building site, a 25-foot cut was made along their common property line This effectively reduced the buildable area on the Mayer property. There is no likelihood that the alley will be developed in this newer residential area, particularly because of the existing terrain There were no City Staff comments/objections, nor from neighboring property owners. Board recommendation to Council moved (Mehler/Wilson) and passed with all ayes the City approve the requested alley vacation subject to possible City requirements for utility easements. The Board concluded that this portion of the alley served no purpose and that both the applicants and the City (through revenue) would benefit from the vacation. Broderick Variance (1420 10th Street)) Mr. Broderick reviewed this request for variance in solid fence height from 2' 6" to 6 feet along a portion of the front-yard property line and the front 20 feet of the property (in two places) and along a portion of side-yard property adjacent to K Avenue A proposed 3-foot solid fence along the remaining front-yard and aforementioned side-yard property lines, although not requested in this petition, would also require a variance Mr. Broderick explained that his corner house with garage on a 60-foot lot leaves little room for private outdoor activity when in compliance with the Zoning Ordinance setback requirements. The proposed 6-foot front yard fences will enclose an area adjoining a to-be-fenced interior side yard creating a useful private area. The fence along K Avenue will replace and extend forward an existing unattractive 6-foot fence and enclose a patio area. Mr. Broderick mentioned that the proposed attractive picket fences will have four-inch pickets on one-inch spacing. He also felt the 3-foot fence along the front-yard and side-yard property lines, intended to enhance the appearance of his property, would not create a traffic sight hazard at the 10th Street and K Avenue intersection. In City Staff comments Mr Lervik noted the potentiality of setting a. precedent for future fencing variance requests. Mr. Broderick stated that the neighbor immediately adjacent to the proposed interior side-yard fence did not object to the variance request. l • i 2 In discussion, the Board echoed Staff concern about precedent setting and also stated that a 6-foot fence in the front property would have a very negative visual impact in this residential area. A motion was made (Mehler/wilson) and passed with all ayes as follows grant variance for a) a 6-foot solid fence in the K Avenue side-yard as outlined in the request and b) a 3-foot solid fence along the K Avenue property line and the front-yard property line and extending back along the interior side-yard property line 20 feet; deny the variance request for a 6-foot solid fence within the 20-foot front -yard setback requirement. The Board reasoned that the variance approvals recognized the hardship a small corner lot creates in having a private outdoor activity area and the desire of the applicant to improve the appearance of the property, with minimum impact on the neighborhood; but that the variance request denied would have a significant negative impact on the neighborhood. Berry Variance (810 38th Street) Mr. Berry reviewed this request for variance in setback to.approximately 8 feet to construct a two-car garage Mr. Berry explained that his residence is at the end of a private dnve which serves three properties in a small island of unplatted acreage, His house is accessed from R Avenue, but would face 38th Street only if the street were extended into the area, thus the definition of front yard/side yard is muddled The proposed garage will be at the "front" of his house He noted that on the property I adjacent to the proposed location of the garage, his neighbors have constructed a large two-story garage and automotive repair shop about 8 feet from their common property line. This structure dominates the area so his proposed garage will have negligible impact on the neighborhood- - Mr. Berry also noted that the proposed garage will greatly buffer his residence from the activity and noise of the automotive shop The only City Staff comment addressed the front yard vs. side yard matter: there were no comments from adjacent property owners A motion to grant the variance as requested was made (Mehier Vilson) and passed with all ayes. The Board reasoned that the unusual circumstance of an objectionable business in close proximity to the applicant's residence creates a hardship justifying the setback variance which, in itself, will have minimum impact on the neighborhood. I Meeting adjourned a %sat Respectfully submitted, Gr. (Th RECORD OF FINDINGS AND DECISION OF BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT (/� DATE: CCtc 7 l9 gelAPPLICANT: R (LH ��J (/IS ODC 1C K ADDRESS: ) -p I D S Description of application heard(variance, appeal,etc.) i� VAAA&CE — feMJCF lln&i+'T 2`C 7o 62\ IV leArr YAe9 - Fetz aE1 Eft 2' 6`‘ -tv &' too 5 I D E YM9 A DJ Ac e nar 'lam K A1,eiJltl✓ ADS f t.\lcE tIettitT -to 3 Feor%T 4 ytDe P/tv Lin 5 DATE APPLICATION FILED: � 17 14' I61Gi 6' DATE OF HEARING: O( 171 I a)tiC3 DECISION After review and hearing on the application in accordance with applicable provisions of the Zoning Ordinance the Board finds that: (findings) 04/1 W 6 ; s t YMt FVCE I-1e6nr -Tv 61 AwD 1Riuir4 5i YARD YAIZO ,-- .th6 -iz2 3i < Sctit►k(.c-, , d tv4v0��-r 5N IP foIL Aj%v w-r-7D HAW- A Phyme pi.l'.Tts ' kzrn v YY Ai ; Al i ddl PI>_G'1,�, P LE OP 9 2OUl (Y In accordalrth abfrrtittra aT hca oh¢s�fi e"d7died (circle one). In granting the application the Board prescribes the following conditions which must be met: tlAILIIWE MAO— Fag\TF- YMOTervce I}fI 61ft To 6 ; tecOvE wauc9 its A S1,6ry cites vtsi, .. i&Acr 0A Af161-1101 D As 1,14)&-I't— A-5 Sim AP eYFcvsule Pr 7t Secr , of Adjustment RECORD OF FINDINGS AND DECISION OF BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT y a R DATE: 0 '7) tin I APPLICANT: kAiUJ jAe t`�i- y(f ✓ ADDRESS: U (0 0 4 6/ Description of application heard(variance, appeal,etc.) VCe — -Yive SL-1 pattm5v Fes" DATE APPLICATION FILED: 9 1 i2 I s3 I Cfic ) DATE OF HEARING: On-P l- 17/ I CV)h DECISION After review and hearing on the application in accordance with applicable provisions of the Zoning Ordinance the Board finds that: (findings) (tit ii51)241,6-t l00 V r A Cie frVicele \ !fL FAA f rt - vies'Gi it2A, ei,I? lona lki,R4 N6 6 u i5 ess `TD Env ec- u FlPPota - In accordance with above fmdings the applicatio rante Denied(circle one). In granting the application the Board prescribes the following conditions which must be met: Az Secre , B f Adjustment it MECHANICAL PERMIT CITY OF ANACORTES PERMIT NO. : MEC96-0062 P.O. BOX 547 APPLIED: 07/10/96 ANACORTES, WA 98221 ISSUED: 07/10/96 (206) 293-1901 EXPIRES: 07/10/97 , SITE ADDRESS: 1420 10TH ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. : 1420 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Gas furnace, water heater and piping I — OWNER — CONTRACTOR GEORGE FLIPPO FOSS 8 CO. 1420 10TH STREET 329 E BLACBURN ANACORTES WA 98221 MT. VERNON WA 98273 293-6984 FOSSCH*072MF TYPE OF WORK. . . :ADD BOILERS/COMPRESSORS- DOMES. INCIN • 0 TYPE OF USE •RES 0-3 HP • 0 COMML. INCIN ' 0 3-15 HP • 0 RELOC/REPAIR. . . : 0 FUEL TYPES 15-30 HP • 0 CLOTHES DRYERS. : 0 : /GAS/ / / : 30-50 HP • 0 GAS WTR HEATERS: 1 FURN < 100K BTU: 1 50+ HP • 0 STOVE, APPLI. . . : 0 FURN >=100K BTU: 0 AIR HANDLING UNITS-- FIRE LOG/LITE. . : 0 FURN - FLOOR. . . : 0 <= 10000 cfm. : 0 WOODSTOVES • 0 UNIT HEATERS. . . : 0 > 10000 cfm. : 0 OTHER UNITS • 0 VENT FANS • 0 EVAP COOLERS. . . : 0 GAS OUTLETS • 1 VENT SYSTEMS. . . : 0 HOODS • 0 VENT W/O APPLI. : 0 — FEES — NOTES Code Amount---- By- Date---- Receipt PRMT $ 50.25 MD 07/10/96 5633 I T `TOTAL $ 50.25 I hereby acknowledge that I have read this permit and state that t - - formation is correct, and agree to comply with all ordinances and laws regulating activities covered by this permit. 1 If P2/cAzea, a1 Issued by Applicant or Owner's Signature 24 Hour Notice Required For All Inspections mec_prmt, Rev: 06/11/92 0 CI FOR INSPECTIONS CALL: CITY OF ANACORTES PERMIT slut; $955 293.1901 BUILDING PERMIT 24 Hrs. Notice Requested Site Addresst 420 10th Street NAME(OR NAME OF BUSINESS) PLUMBING 3eorge Flippo . MAILING ADDRESS No. TYPE OF FIXTURE OR ITEM FEE 1420 10th Street. CITY TELEPHONE NUMBER Water Closet $ anacortes , WA 98221 293-6984 Bathtub NAME Lavatory Shower ADDRESS Kitchen Sink Dishwasher CITY TELEPHONE NUMBER Laundry Tnry Clothes Washer NAME Water Heater 'Qntinent:al Roofing Urinal at ADDRESS Drinking Fountain ^'y 21 3 Hori''eons Street Floor Sink or Drain CITY TELEPHONE NUMBER Slop Sink o taunt Vernon, We 428-1.900 Water Piping STATE LICENSE NUMBER CITY LICENSE NUMBER 10NT1R010403 El Residential ❑ Non-Residential PERMIT S ❑ New ❑Add ❑Auer ❑Repair TOTAL FEE $ SO Building 0 Plumbing C] Mechanical MECHANICAL ❑ Sign ❑ Demolition b Other 0 GAS 0 OIL ❑ ELECI. ❑ OTHER • Legal Description of Property or Tax Account trumber No. TYPE OF EQUIPMENT FEE Lot Block of - Air Cond. Unit $ Refrigeration Unit— HP Boiler— HP Forced Air System— BTU/KW Describe Work Floor Furnace Revco Wall Heater Unit Heater Clothes Dryer Occupancy Use Ventilation Fan 1{] Single Family Residence 0 Multi-Family Residence Range Hood 0 Office ❑ Retail ❑Storage 0 Church Air Handling Unit— CFM 0 Restaurant ❑ Other Pre-manufactured Stove or Fireplace NOTICE ' -. Gas Piping This permit is issued by the Building Official and,under the provisions of the Uniform Building Code,shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such Permit is not corn- PERMIT $ menced within 180 days from the date of permit issuance,or if the building TOTAL FEE $ or work authorised by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is commenced for a period of 180 days. TOTAL FEES VALUATION FEE By affixing my signature, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the Building 5,000. 00 $ 51 .00 property for which this permit is issued or am an authorized represen- tative of the owner. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will Plumbing be compli ith whether specified herein or not,including routine calls Mechanical for ' ns. Sign 4ro ---^-t „ Demolition �_T/j%t',,,� �e�j,,� Energy Surcharge sigmare or , -l AWhotized Agent /I/V//-"" .(D.rc) State Surcharge ( . fi e Street Setback Side Yid Seym.ck goer 1i,y tt- -mk Other TOTAL $ 55 . 50 Use Zone Occupancy Group Type of Coast. f.'OBdifiOBa: Lot Area Vaunt Site Dwelling Units ❑Yes ❑No Fire Sprinklers Required No.of Stories Bedrooms Occupant Load ❑Yes O No . Size of Bldg. Flans Checked By: • . AND DATED DELOW,T®®YOUR p*JgQr s' thou.*ev ouwe dmbi. d vat raCCenIig f'o the eatdmioms ' hereon ' the applivectgareitaid itiecifililionsipertaining therm subject to compliance with the ereinawies 6f the CITY OF ANACOR'1'ffi; ( { 07/18/91 Permit Issued By f `y °A t tt t jJJ Q _4. Jt .,.. Building Official .r•) Edwin Frank PERMIT M 'sock: . CITY OF ANACORTES BLDG. -fg PLUMBING O MECHANICAL ❑ PERMIT 6116 Telephone 293-1901 / A A Means,WA Date �6/ lvi *f 19.5Ed PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: _ - - - -- OWNER C ,ye , /,h* e, STREET 1-1-4ADDRESS /4/2,j, `�J Location where work is to be done CONTRACTOR b itt "i/" - TO ERECT 40 INSTALL [l OR REPAIR ❑ �Z IN THE FOLLOWING MANNER: .(4,:s♦fe thew /< �� �Cr� 4 tf PERMIT EXPIRES ONE YEAR FROM DATE ISSUED PLANS FOR CONSTRUCTION WERE NOT ❑ SUBMITTED WERE ❑ WORK TO BE DONE BY OWNER 0 CONTRACTOR 0 RECEIPT OF FEES.IS ACKNOWLEDGED AS FOLLOWS: TYPE • APPROXIMATE VALUE PERMR FEES OF WORK State Building Code Surcharge 3 Se-' State Energy Study Surcharge 3GT'� Building _ Plumbing and W.S. i Mechanical Plan Check Fee i - TOTAL 9 LEGAL DESCRIPTION 3772^^ /1 , I �� ^! , cITY IN TOR~ - i Address Jgzo /d £ Legal Description/cry J/ '/ Z Y3(fc J(3 Ode/C, Assessors Account No. 3772 -J/3 612- OC)l Permit No. Date Description Date Finsled 3 '4)/.J0Oa)5 �2 3._ 26:73 5;eec_ 5(e2 26 1,X 30' e4ePar 3c;77 3 - 27 1 /y' Katf 79•92e4 113.91 /=exc e 4/517 11-7 -71r Cabo. 5-rvJc' L(34' 3-2y-- r /037-411 gagAre c ®a