HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit File 1409 10th Street 0804504-1 0003 012114i2005 002 8 'r u2riiliL Fze= 005328 :$Gi.90 1`t C7 _ City of Anacortes Permit#: BLD-2008-0064 904 6th Street Issue date: 02/14/2008 P.O.Box 547 Expire date: 02/13/2009 CO,. Anacortes, WA 98221-0547 .,1 (360) 293-1901 Job Address: 1409 10TH ST Permit Type: Mechanical Permit ANACORTES WA 98221-1923 Project: APN: P55729 Remarks: Install gas fire place and gas piping Owner: JOHNSTON/CONRAD TRUST Contractor: CRAFT STOVES INSTALLATIONS, IN Address: 605 5TH ST Address: 900 W DIVISION ST APT B301 KIRKLAND WA 98033-5693 MOUNT VERNON WA 98273-3226 Phone: (425) 889-4724 Phone: (360) 336-2532 License#: CRAFTSI97OBT General Information: Fees: #of Gas Fireplace 1 Mechanical Permit Fees 38.90 #of Gas Piping 1 Total Calculated: 38.90 Deposits/Receipts: 0.00 Total Due: 38.90 THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 180 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 180 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT Es NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOC REGULA .CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION \ r g bi G Vr.e-4 _ rage "1-7--) SIGNA URE OF OWN THORIZED AGENT ISSUED BY y c,. Y o CITY OF ANACORTES WASHINGTON coatW BUILDING DEPARTMENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY This is to certify that the(Description of Building or Structure): Single Family Addition Located At: 1409 10th Street STREET a NUMBER Owner: Samuel McDonald Constructed By: Owner OWNER OR CONTRACTOR Bldg. Permit#: BLD-2000-00058 Date Issued: March 16, 2000 Occ.Group: R3 Use Zone: R2 Has Been Inspected And Occupancy Is Hereby Authorized. This 22nd Day of December 20 05 AUTHORIZING OFFICIAL SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS. n COMBINATION PERMIT CITY OF ANACORTES PERMIT NO: COM2000-00058 P.O. BOX 547 APPLIED: 00-03-16 ANACORTES,WA 98221 ISSUED: 00-03-16 (360)293-1901 EXPIRES: 01-03-16 SITE ADDRESS: 1409 10TH STREET ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 3772-114-005-0004 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Two story addition to existing residence per approved plans. OWNER CONTRACTOR LENDER SAMUEL D.MCDONALD 1409 10TH STREET ANACORTES,WA 98221 293-4089 TYPE OF WORK: ADD AREA(SF) VALU: $28,000 FEES TYPE OF USE: SF LOT: 5,000 REQUIRED SETBACKS CENSUS CATEGORY: 434 1ST FLR: 390 FRONT: 20.00 Type By Date Receipt Amount ZONING: 2ND FLR: 540 SIDE(1): 5.00 PMEC EF 00-03-16 03-010457 $53.40 I R3 BASEMENT: SIDE(2): 10.00 PLCK EF 00-03-16 03-010459 $119.60 OCCUPANCY GROUP: GAR/CARPORT: REAR: 20.00 PRMT EF 00-03-16 03-010459 $184.00 R3 OTHER: 100 REQUIRED PARKING PPLM EF 00-03-16 03-010459 $62.00 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: TOTAL: 2 STBC EF 00-03-16 03-010459 $4.50 5N NUMBER OF UNITS: 1 ACCESSIBLE: ESPL EF 00-03-16 03-01045`i -$100.00 9 OCCUPANT LOAD: STORIES: 2 COMPACT: Total $323.50 BUILDING HEIGHT: 28.00 IMPRV SURF: MechanicalEquipment Plumbing Fixtures _i7; _,a, ;, -, Equipment Type Quantit Fixture Type Quanti 'i6 i..n r, s f EL1 i}.�. .. r.�. Ventilation Fans 2 Lavatories 2 -t,;3 y,. T 1 j"''5 Fireplace . 1 Showers 2 _ i'iNFii;•_ q'Lf",Ri;�_i„' Gas Outlets 1 Water Closets(Toilets) 2 -c;Jccs.!S=i-` i11:7-at 7 C€,3e7 i- E,L,LID i_d dli f!; ;:,i -_ E3u t Ails. LJ1LU1c.6 PE,:I'iiI 'L..___. li.'i7 b_i;LvLru rl_'i;',Al FE -i-'h.;_ 1JL :Q__S:Ii:i :-Lida i-E :r.:f,Oti tbluliu bf fliE }DUAL]! ii,_- ILINI _IIUG YLE,I,L0 .1'vcL' I' a: .0 : ritIEL l,I.i_I'UI::4Lt� aNEC., i ,. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this permit and state that the above information is correct, and agree to comply with all ordinances and laws regulating activities covered by this permit. Al ce e,,,hawa. 4/ Issu:. •y A plicant or Owner's Signature 24 Hour Notice Required For All Inspections C p City Council 6th and Q Street Anacortes, Washington 98221 Dear City Council Members: We, the undersigned, who reside on 10th Street, between K and L Avenues, are in opposition to the proposed conversion of a home owned by Dave and Kathy MacDonald, located at 1409 10th Street, into an adult-assisted living facility designed to accomodate up to six elderly invalid people, plus two live-in nurses, and any additional workers (both paid and voluntary) necessary to run a business of this nature. In the course of the remodel, the MacDonald's did not fully inform all the neighbors of their intentions. Only as time wore on did most neighbors find out about their plan to turn their home into a profit-making facility for the elderly. We are not opposed to anyone caring for elderly people; however, we are unanimously opposed to a business of this nature on 10th Street for the following reasons: 1. The facility will be located in a residential neighborhood, on a small lot, in the middle of the block, that has not been zoned commercial. 2. The expansion of the MacDonald house has taken up most of their back yard (south side), and side yard (west side), leaving little room for vehicles. Since they are in the middle of the block, room for parking on the street side is severely limited. Due to it's location and size, traffic and parking problems, already occurring, will undoubtedly worsen. We were told by the owners of the Barth Nursing Home building that one of the major reasons it cannot reopen as a nursing home at 1407 5th Street is because there is inadequate parking in the vicinity. 3. The MacDonald's, who own the house on 10th Street, do not live at this residence. They have recently bought another home at Anaco Beach, where they now reside, and will continue to reside. Kathy MacDonald would oversee the business side of operations, as owner/proprietor of the facility. Most of the care is to be given by the nurses, one of which now rents and lives in the house. 4. As of August 14, the MacDonalds have not applied for a business license. It is suspected that at least one elderly person is now residing at 1409 10th Street. 5. The impact to the people who live on 10th Street will be felt in many ways: the home will be turned into a business run by the owners, but will not be occupied by the owners. Traffic and parking for the small lot at 1409 10th Street is a major concern. Parking consists of a small space in what used to be the back yard, and, perhaps, two spaces on the street directly in front of the 1409 address. There will be no parking available for deliveries, pick-ups, emergency vehicles, or guests visiting the residents. . page two For the people living the closest to the MacDonald's, as of now, there often is no parking available for their extraneous needs. Due to the above listed problems, we request City Council to deny application from the MacDonald's for an adult-assisted living permit at 1409 10th Street. For the record. There has been an incident where Dave MacDonald was overheard using verbal abuse regarding the attitudes of neighbors' concerns regarding his "plans". Any further harassment from anyone associated with the 1409 10th Street address, to any individual signing this request, will be met with immediate legal action. Signed, . j ()Auto' 17tg1tVDAVIS HO& iCr/I Sr 92 1 knit a - DOGE& CAmP&ELt— /�l q-/off St, M a ! 1 cdo - 5r i+ goi icK it-an 10m5t co .-F/-4 --L _ - `R tiRD 132O'DCVc . (cc ao (© .eL+Wi7 ie. i <at/ it),,,....„, L> 44,r S /`f A�2 /Ad c f- 44-vc7/ epS 72a^jj6 `v 7Yle-zt, �/�,, 7y/2 /0 Sk 57 G / r c j�,�(1// _ /i/iJ _ CJ //A Ol//:a',.a�Y Za/ ei9.a JJJIIIJ` ) U 0 L ) 0`J.c /' / . g> vki L KF}Y W d'w.Nn aA„ PO I ' I o 6k ✓ . II oaiviest 14-0I i0 �'l� • Original to: Dean Maxwell Copies to: Bill Carlisle Ray Sizemore Bud Rock Jeanne Robinette Nick Petrish Ken Brown Terry Christensen Mary Fisher, Complaint Resolution Dept. , Olympia, WA -- 0 CITY OF ANACORTES BLDG. bigiPLUMBING D MECHANICAL 0 PERMIT 0.` 4620 Telepbone2g3.5173 t / ANACORTES, WASH. DATE + ' op 19) PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: OWNER •iOAt/A JrS !,t L '(5 ' STREET 1L/ram2 /riz''j; z= ' ADDRESS LOCATION WHERE WORK IS TO BE DONE CONTRACTOR TO ERECT E' INSTALL 0 OR REPAIR 0 IN THE FOLLOWING MANNER: //a f= - f-. .pp7 PERMIT EXPIRES ONE YEAR FROM DATE ISSUED PLANS FOR CONSTRUCTION WER RE W SUBMITTED WORK TO BE DONE BY OWNER-1 CONTRACTOR 0 RECEIPT OF FEES IS ACKNOWLEDGED AS FOLLOWS: TYPE APPROXIMATE VALUE PERMIT FEES 1 OF WORK ISSUING BUILDING - 7'i U✓ ,,;�.� GAS PIPING PLUMBING AND W.S. SEWER CONNECTION INSP. MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE MISC. TOTAL r^: ') . "' e �' acJ LEGAL DESCRIPTION lice 7 Al; ;Pr' cr2;2/"/ 1 Address !4 J /tomi , Legal Description /3 2D/ OP tit AL(. Dom- r 71C/c 9 f'-( Assessors Account No. "j77 5=669a Permit No. Date Description Date Finaled /S 7` - ft,d/Ne, y#a f q-25173-- Gi) F o€DAc e 26,47 q-q rfeioor 16,in 7-24 -RS' .J e e.