HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit File 1114 10th Street i 0923604-1 0007 08/24/2009 002 4 Engineering and Development Sql-y,jpfi$t Fee... 008193 skirt:,, 4G, G1I Y , -4 PO Box 547,Anacortes,WA 98221 „O A d` f TN:360.293.1920 FAX 360.293.1938 u n EMAIL: engineering@cityofanacortes.org ul Ilik, .e RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT APPLICATION ..-.� `SCOW 4•P.W•P m Appli nt shall submit application 5 days prior to start of work and application shall include: 1) Payment of assessed fee 1111 Drawing illustrating proposed work and its location. See checklist on Page 2 of 2. 3) Liability insurance CG 2026 or similar. City named as additional insured. Minimum$1,000,000 each ccurrence,$2,000,000 general aggregate and$2,000,000 products-completed operations aggregate limit. 4) Proof of both state and city business licenses 5) Performance Bond—Construction cost x 150% before work begins AVNw ❑ (6) Encroachment Agreement Required To be completed by City: ❑ Yes O Site Address: City Approved Exemption ❑ Yes ❑ No d 1(If I 0 1�, EDEN ASSIGNED PERMIT NUMBER: Parcel No. "Roo -- z c 009 2 55 277 Owner Information (Required) Contractor Information (Required) Name c(1 motif (G" s C. GIW' g Name Ski°601 IYldONT/40 Sete 1<iGe_5' Address Address ml6 sc2 i _D City City Avltt.CO i'-'e t vtd�-` C0 C i•Derj ,G'v4- Phone "Xrq -3 — Q 2 0'd Phone lss 9, ! /ek Email _ ✓.__ Address SAjt f`/; v cc/e ict5e erg%2G/�°'`• Address �� Work Includes(check all that apply) ❑ Curb Cut ❑ Water ❑ Sewer g Storm X Street Cut ❑ Sidewalk ❑ Phone ❑ Other Describe Work to be Performed: (Notification of Utility Companies is Required) CO1 PIE c-'t f-o61-ii•-) 64' 1o0F ®PA1/05 —re> TOR,IA 5 WE.&. REPL. C `(0EWAL< Ar 6 ikEVL CE atZ,W1:l.•.. At_t..t y APiQ12pAcCt-( u,I TI--( PAUEPtiEN \ ,,h , , v\- ., :vilwlit , :„.. ,.,, , Ito.%9 '041, 1 t_;ti. Approval Signature D.- e By sig ature below Applicant concurs that the Applicant shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officials, em- ployees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arisi ut of or in connection with activities or operations performed by the Applicant or on the Applicant's behalf ou f is ance of is Pe/rmit,e for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. scant Signature Date Final Inspection Approval Signature Date { 11 e_ W- aUC 'y — b�7C -' NON- REFUNDABLE PERMIT FEE: (To Be Completed by City) ❑ Curb Cut $50.00 Street Cut $50.00 ❑ Inside Travel Way $50.00 ❑ Outside Travel Way $20.00 ❑ Sewer Inspection Fee $50.00 ❑ Sewer Re-Inspection Fee $25.00 TOTAL FEE ASSESSMENT $ A Site Plan (to scale) must be attached that include all of the following: This checklist will aid the applicant in preparing a site plan. Permits that require installation of substantial improve- ments may require plans drawn and designed by a licensed engineer. Please check with City staff prior to submit- ting your application. • Draw the plan to a standard Engineering Scale[1"=10', 1"=20"etc.]on a minimum size sheet of 8'/x 11 and a maximum size of 11x17. • Include the owners name,the parcel ID number,site address, north arrow, drawing scale and date. • Include the contractor's name,address and phone number. • Existing Right-of-Way lines, property lines,edge of pavement, curb/gutter,sidewalks, driveways and plant- ing strips with dimensions between each. • Adjoining street name(s)to the reference property. • All existing public and private utilities in the area of the proposed project(Water, Sewer, Storm, Phone,TV, Gas and Power), dimensioned to the edge of pavement, curb/gutter, sidewalk, driveways, planting strips. • If applicable show easements, critical areas such as streams,wetlands and steep slopes. • Proposed new construction.The proposed improvements shall be shown in heavier line type than the ex- isting information • Dimension the proposed new construction to the edge of pavement,curb/gutter, sidewalks, driveways, planting strips, or another identifiable site feature that will help identify the proposed improvements in the field. • Erosion Control Plan. • Traffic Control Plan per current MUTCD (See standard drawings at htto://mutcd/fhwa.dot.gov). If the work requires any lane or street closures,the City of Anacortes Public Works Inspector must be notified a mini- mum of 48-hours prior to scheduled work for proper public notification by the City of Anacortes. Work within the City Right-of-Way is permitted by approval of the City Engineer. All work in the right-of-way must be bonded. The applicant and owner must use warning signs,traffic control, and barricades as necessary to ensure public safety in the work area. The applicant and owner must restore the right-of-way to previous condition. Perma- nent restoration may include overlays of portions of the right-of-way and restoration of landscaping which have been E' disrupted by excavation work. The applicant and owner are liable for damage to public and private property. Page2of2 .1WO 1� UUU! U7(!•,'/L Engineering and Development Serv1C �'�r ! q G.81Y 0� PO Box 547,Anacortes,WA 98224i t.; F eeS 008193 "1 A c4. TN:360.293.1920 FAX 360.293.1938 \n EMAIL: engineering@cityofanacortes.org .< -4 CO3- RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT APPLICATION P.vii• Ap 'cant shall submit application 5 days prior to start of work and application shall include: �� Payment of assessed fee (2) Drawing illustrating proposed work and its location. See checklist on Page 2 of 2. ❑ (3) Liability insurance CG 2026 or similar. City named as additional insured. Minimum$1,000,000 each occurrence,$2,000,000 general aggregate and $2,000,000 products-completed operations aggregate limit. ❑ (4) Proof of both state and city business licenses ❑ (5) Performance Bond—Construction cost x 150% before work begins ❑ (6) Encroachment Agreement Required To be completed by City: ii Yes No Site Address: City Approved Exemption ❑ Yes No /Wt. (cD T N -5T EDEN AISSSIIGNED PERMIT NUMBER: �f Parcel No. " " " a009 " 00 "0 Owner Information (Required) Contractor Information (Required) Name s (, Name //t&— Address i�6 �?f��i=/JC t_(t-F.S Address City .p/4 AC-G S W City Phone 0,9 rZ — 2' 70 0 Phone Email 7 Email Address Address Work Includes (check all that apply) ❑ Curb Cut ❑ Water X. Sewer ❑ Storm ❑ Street Cut ❑ Sidewalk ❑ Phone ❑ Other Describe Work to be Performed: (Notification of Utility Companies is Required) O 1VZ T'-- Approval Signature Date By si nature below Applicant concurs that the Applicant shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officials, em- ployees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries,damages,losses or suits including attorney fees, ar ' out of or in connection with activities or operations performed by the Applicant or on the Applicant's behalf u of suance this Per t.for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. (d � a l Applicant Signature Date I Inspection Approval Signature Date • NON-REFUNDABLE PERMIT FEE: (To Be Completed by City) ❑ Curb Cut - $50.00 O Street Cut $50.00 ,41p. Inside Travel Way $50.00 ❑ Outside Travel Way $20.00 0 Sewer Irispectidn Fee $50.00 ❑ Sewer Re-Inspection Fee $25.00 TOTAL FEE ASSESSMENT $ t A Site Plan (to scale) must be attached that include all of the following: This checklist will aid the applicant in preparing a site plan. Permits that require installation of substantial improve- ments may require plans drawn and designed by a licensed engineer. Please check with City staff prior to submit- ting your application. • Draw the plan to a standard Engineering Scale[1"=10', 1"=20"etc.]on a minimum size sheet of 8'h x 11 and a maximum size of 11x17. • Include the owners name,the parcel ID number,site address, north arrow, drawing scale and date. • Include the contractor's name,address and phone number. • Existing Right-of-Way lines, property lines, edge of pavement, curb/gutter, sidewalks,driveways and plant- ing strips with dimensions between each. • Adjoining street name(s)to the reference property. • All existing public and private utilities in the area of the proposed project(Water, Sewer, Storm, Phone,TV, Gas and Power), dimensioned to the edge of pavement,curb/gutter, sidewalk,driveways, planting strips. • If applicable show easements,critical areas such as streams,wetlands and steep slopes. • Proposed new construction.The proposed improvements shall be shown in heavier line type than the ex- isting information • Dimension the proposed new construction to the edge of pavement,curb/gutter,sidewalks,driveways, planting strips,or another identifiable site feature that will help identify the proposed improvements in the field. • Erosion Control Plan. • Traffic Control Plan per current MUTCD (See standard drawings at http://mutcd/fhwa.dot.aov). If the work requires any lane or street closures,the City of Anacortes Public Works Insriedor must be notified a mini- mum of 48-hours prior to scheduled work for proper public notification by the City of Anacortes. Work within the CityRight-of-Way ispermitted byapproval of the CityEngineer. All work in the right-of-way must be 9 Y� PP 9� bonded. The applicant and owner must use warning signs,traffic control,and barricades as necessary to ensure public safety in the work area. The applicant and owner must restore the right-of-way to previous condition. Perma- nent restoration may include overlays of portions of the right-of-way and restoration of landscaping which have been disrupted by excavation work. The applicant and owner are liable for damage to public and private property. Page 2 of 2 t City of Anacortes Permit#: BLD-2009-0199 904 6th Street Issue date: 07/02/2009 '`"" !' P.O.Box 547 Expire date: 12/29/2010 0 ` Anacortes, WA 98221-0547 111211,61 (360) 293 1901 Job Address: 1114 10TH ST Permit Type: Single Family Residence Permit ANACORTES WA 98221-1921 Project: APN: P55277 Remarks: New single family residence to replace demolished one. Owner: C&J STAVIG Contractor: Address: 3686 GREEN CLIFFS RD Address: ANACORTES WA 98221-8552 Phone: (360)293-8700 Phone: License#: General Information: Fees: Lot Area 3000 Plan Review Deposit 100.00 1st Floor Square Footage 960 Building Permit Fee 808.00 2nd Floor Square Footage 960 Plan Review Fee 425.20 Garage Square Footage 405 Sewer Inspection Fee 50.00 Building Valuation 250000 Plumbing Permit Fee 125.00 # Forced Air Furnace<=1,000 1 Mechanical Permit Fees 118.05 #of Bathtubs 1 State Building Code Fee 4.50 #of Clothes Dryers 1 Total Calculated: 1,630.75 #of Clothes Washers 1 Deposits/Receipts: 1,630.75 #of Dishwashers 1 #of Gas Fireplace 1 Total Due: 0.00 #of Gas Piping 1 #of Gas Water Heaters 3 #of Water Piping 2 #of Hose Bibbs 3 #of Kitchen Sinks 1 #of Lavatories 3 #of Showers 1 #of Ventilation Fans 3 #of Water Closets 2 THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 180 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 180 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR AUTHORIZED AGENT ISSUED BY 1 Anacortes Planning&Community Development Dept. SIT° 4 4. Permit Center P.O.Box 547,Anacortes,WA 98221-0547 PH(360)293 1901 4.y m Ryan Larsen,Director•Don Measamer,Building Official FAX(360)293-1938 40010. June 17, 2009 Charles Stavig 3686 Greencliffs Road Anacortes,WA 98221 RE: Plan review notes for the project at 1114 10th St.. Dear Mr. Stavig Please address the following issues so we can complete the plan review for the new residence at the above address. Supporting code sections included on following pages. 1. Please mark building height from original grade to peak of roof on elevation plan pages. 00 r9 C The Old Town Overlay District(OTOD) zoning limits that to 25 feet. It appears that your plan shows about 26 feet. 2. The brick courtyard fence appears to be continuous on your site plan and appears to be about 7 feet tall on the North Elevation,page 3. The zoning code limits that height to max. 7 feet above adjacent grade and requires a gate for emergency purposes. ' et/ 3. If seems that pages #5 &6 are mislabeled as "west", while they look more like the east wall as shown on floor plans. 4. The north and west first story walls don't appear to meet prescriptive bracing requirements. However, we need all of the i �. floor plans to confirm this.Perhaps you could consider using" he Braced Wall Panels" (ABWP)for some wall segments. 4 5. The wall segments adjacent to the car door in garage need to be ABWPs. Holdown 1281 locations for ABWPs need to be marked on plan. 6. The windows &doors require headers with trimmers or jack studs,neither are shown on 1` plan. A e 7. Please show upper deck membrane and flashing detail. The 6x6 beams supporting the first story floor are inadequate for the load. 9. Please identify interior bearing walls on first floor plan and show how these are supported on floor framing plan for first floor. 10. Show tempered glazing where required. Thank you, Paul Ingalls Building Inspector City of Anacortes 2 Code References #1 17.27.090 Maximum building height. Maximum building height shall be twenty-five feet. However, buildings may be increased to a maximum of thirty-five feet if two conditions are met: A. The upper floor shall not contain a floor area greater than eighty percent of the floor below. B. No exterior wall higher than twenty-five feet shall be closer to an adjacent property line than fifteen feet. (Ord. 2794, § 1(Att. A), 12-15-2008) #2 17.52.010 General requirements. Regardless of other provisions of this chapter, fences, walls, and hedges may be permitted in any yard or along the edge of any yard. In residential zones, no solid fence, wall, or hedge within or along the sides or front edge of any front yard, to the required depth of that yard, shall be over two feet six inches in height. Non-sight obscuring fences, walls or hedges in this required front yard setback area shall not exceed four feet six inches in height. Fences, walls or hedges in side and rear yards shall not exceed seven feet in height. In the nonresidential zones fences, walls or hedges in any yard shall not exceed seven feet in height. (Ord. 2557 (part), 2001; Ord. 2528 Att. A § 14, 2000; Ord. 2482 Att. A § 16 (part), 1999: Ord. 2316 (part), 1994) (Ord. 2794, § 1(Att. A), 12-15-2008) 17.52.020 Fences, walls, and hedges which create potential safety hazards. No fence, wall, or other such structure, or hedge, over three feet in height, shall be placed within three feet of any dwelling or dwelling unit where such fence, wall, or hedge substantially interferes with access to such dwelling unit for fire and public safety purposes or substantially impairs the ability of an occupant of a dwelling unit to use windows, doors, etc., as emergency exits. Where a fence, wall, or hedge forms a complete enclosure of an area adjacent to a dwelling or dwelling unit, a gate shall be provided for emergency egress. (Ord. 2316 (part), 1994) (Ord. 2794, § 1(Att. A), 12-15-2008) 198ttlSt 1159tli'S 9100A1 11 ;. m S 1113 9C t i _, _-�.1 911 0 A no o q 1124 1O91 St 116 10111 1110 10t St 114 10111 ` y' --i ( ' ' T ( p . 1�...feeti� 1 ,, _____i____ _ ______ =, .. , 1 ., ,, e ,, , — 1 „,, , 1---- ., ,„ , „ 1. ,: :, 11Q;x 1d�Ltt St I 11�� 1� 1St ..., 6 Title 17 ZONING Page 1 of 3 f Chapter 17.27 OLD TOWN OVERLAY DISTRICT 17.27.010 Purpose. 17.27.015 Applicability. 17.27.020 Prohibited uses. 17.27.080 Maximum land coverage. 17.27.090 Maximum building height. 17.27.095 Large structure requirements. 17.27.100 Design standards, 17.27.110 Role of the Historic Preservation Board. 17.27.010 Purpose. This overlay district is intended to recognize the unique heritage, scale, and character of the oldest residential area of the City of Anacortes by establishing particular standards for certain land uses and building forms. These standards also seek to encourage sensitively designed infill in keeping with the existing character of Old Town. To maintain the scale of buildings currently existing in Old Town, it is important that the scale of surrounding buildings be taken into consideration when designing additions and new buildings. (Ord. 2794, § 1(Att. A), 12-15-2008) 17.27.015 Applicability. The provisions of this overlay district shall apply to the area from Twelfth Street north to the Guemes Channel and from D Avenue east to the mid-line of 0 Avenue, excluding the R4 zone and existing commercial and industrial zones. Standards of the underlying zoning remain in effect, except as modified by the provisions in this section. (See official zoning map.) The provisions of this overlay district shall apply to new construction and to alterations and additions to existing buildings. Existing properties are not required to be changed to meet these provisions. (Ord. 2794, § 1(Att. A), 12-15-2008) 17.27.020 Prohibited uses. No new construction of triplexes and fourplexes shall be permitted, even as conditional uses. An existing triplex or fourplex substantially destroyed by fire, earthquake, or other natural causes may be rebuilt not exceeding the original dimensions. Planned unit developments shall not be allowed. (Ord. 2794, § 1(Att. A), 12-15-2008) 17.27.080 Maximum land coverage. Maximum land coverage shall be no more than thirty-five percent for any single structure and up to fifty percent with multiple structures. (Ord. 2794, § 1(Att. A), 12-15-2008) http://library4.municode.com/default-test/DocView/16193/1/25 6/17/2009 Title 17 ZONING Page 2 of 3 17.27.090 Maximum building height. Maximum building height shall be twenty-five feet. However, buildings may be increased to a maximum of thirty-five feet if two conditions are met: A. The upper floor shall not contain a floor area greater than eighty percent of the floor below. B. No exterior wall higher than twenty-five feet shall be closer to an adjacent property line than fifteen feet. (Ord. 2794, § 1(Att. A), 12-15-2008) 17.27.095 Large structure requirements. If a structure covers more than three thousand square feet of land, or if two or more structures on a lot cover more than four thousand square feet of land, the following additional requirements shall apply: A. The minimum side yard setback shall be ten feet. B. For each two hundred square feet of land coverage beyond the above limits, the minimum side yard setback shall be increase by one foot. (Ord. 2794, § 1(Att. A), 12-15-2008) 17.27.100 Design standards. A. No new curb cuts shall be permitted on a numbered street serviced by an alley; existing curb cuts may be maintained. Detached garages shall be set back a minimum of fifty feet from the street property line on a numbered street. B. Any roof above fourteen feet shall have a minimum roof pitch of 4:12, except for roofs on porches, dormers, bay windows, and similar appurtenances. C. The maximum continuous wall length shall be forty feet. Buildings may be longer but shall incorporate setbacks, recesses, porches, balconies, bay windows or offsets of at least eighteen inches in depth and at least eight feet in length and height so that no increment of wall exceeds forty feet. (Ord. 2794, § 1(Att. A), 12-15-2008) 17.27.110 Role of the Historic Preservation Board. In order to encourage the preservation of historically and architecturally significant buildings in Old Town, owners of houses on the Anacortes Registry of Historic Places shall petition the Anacortes Historic Preservation Board (AHPB) to review plans when an owner plans to significantly restore or remodel the exterior of such a house ("significantly remodel" is defined as costing more than ten percent of the house's assessed value). The goal of such a review would be to determine whether bringing such a house into conformity with current building or zoning codes would significantly alter or compromise the historic integrity of the house. If the AHPB should determine that bringing a house on the historic registry into conformity with current building or zoning codes would significantly compromise the historic or architectural integrity of the house, the AHPB is encouraged to so inform the building department of the City of Anacortes and the city building department is encouraged to approve the restoration or remodel provided that the http://library4.municode.com/default-test/DocView/16193/1/25 6/17/2009 Title 17 ZONING Page 3 of 3 intent of the codes can be achieved with alternate means and methods that would have less negative impact on the historic and architectural characteristics of the building. (Ord. 2794, § 1(Att. A), 12-15-2008) http://library4.municode.com/default-test/DocView/16193/1/25 6/17/2009 REVISIONS: BY: 2 3 Upper Floor Framing 11 7/8"BCl/90 @ 16"O.C. Framing Schedule-Nominalized Tag City Description Length 1 20 11-7/8"BUS 90-2.0 DF 24'0" ge w 2 9 11-7/8"BCI®90.2.0DF 21'0" 2LL9 em 3 1 3-1/2"x 11-7/8"VERSA-LAM®2.0 3100 DF 7'0" g S u 4 1 3.1/2"x11-7/8"VERSA-LAMS 2.03100 DF 4'0" amp '103 40'0" START 5 1 5-1/8"x 12"BOISE GLULAM^'24F-V4/DF 26'0" C 1A�) `o,A) FRAMING 6 BLK 11-7/8"BCI®90 2.0 DF 14'0" It I �0 v j } r )_HERE 7 TL 1-1/8"x 11-7/8"BC RIM BOARD.OSB 144'0" I' O 7 1 E J I a.2 g I �13�$8 7 NOTE:CONTRACT OR,EIRO[R TO z MS 1 I �1—rL aERET ALL DIMENSIONS,LOCATIONS ¢3¢ b i j I 1 1 ` 0 OOANTITES,AND CONNECTOR. gI M� 1 2 io EEFOEESI SEO. 42 o N 3 7 SEINED ,.e. 7 �FYaz f litz .F'2 2%deck ill!! I ' ; I framing by i ,:tc 6"--•- ' 5-.---+" 7.zs7..—T6N"Z fz— others. 1 g 4N Aec Field cut rim „ay II " k,_, into blocking Sa /- per sheet 9/14. 8 � 1 1. 5'4" 12'8" 8'0" �— \ APPROVAL DRAWINGS J NOTE:BLOCKING MAY BE REQUIRED AT INTERMEDIATE BEARINGS FOR VERIFY ALL FRAMING FLOOR DIAPHRAGM PER IRC,CONSULT WITH LOCAL BUILDING OFFICIAL. AS BEING CORRECT lift! ,00 o"•ri w,i"n Borve Jam Blocking ta� Q6� r.neEer.yeNI�I/..ill Conferee,at CUL ,L i S 61 Do mgmia Sw:::: ""N ,,n",N.T ,•\\ 1�+1 '�-- ea...„,_ �'Q¢1b% \ ���a Uniform Loading �� \.\\� \\a - 100%LOAD DURATION iki; ,:.:., '�\(/�j/i Tom\ 40 PSF Live Load EI RAMEr�2.0 4r� 1" sN a '� 1' SCALE:N.T.S. f 10 PSF Dead Load Nd.,R.r. o -6 I. ReacmeDEe Dletmon.na 50 PSF Total Load ByTJeuzlmos and web alter insteltel.on. eg,kle /Oenter Sul over bearing. FILE'28367.bcl c NOReeI JN.I WINA iIGN (A�) O6B RM OSe RIM `F✓Joist CUM Mmnedate N.T Bearing Plan#28367 DWG. N.T.S. SHEET:2/2 Last Saved Date:421/2009 3-02 PM Pont Dee: 421/2069 325 PM REVISIONS BY: Main Floor Framing , 11 7/8"BC1/5000 @ 16"0.C. 3 . Framing Schedule-Nominalized I Tag Oty Description Length 1 28 11-7/8'BOO 5000-1.7 DF 24'0" 40'0" 2 2 11-7/8"BCia 5000-1.7 DF 9'0" ,^ HSTART g' 3 1 6 x beam per plan 38'0" yuic) FRAMING HERE m iT p; 4 BLK 11-7/8'BC10 5000-1.7 DF 38'0" i1 . 5 4Er‘" 5 TL 1-1/8"x 11-7/8"BC RIM BOARDTM OSB 144'0" 9qV 5 b ., . 1 ' 1 ] i ' , 1 LIT I! . 1 1 li i 1 1 ! . NOM CONTRACT°!P.a.,.TO I VINO,ALL DINIENSIONS.LOCATIONS 01.PIITITISLAND CONNECTORS II EPSOM SUPPING. stp ita ! . MOW. i ', 1 1 1 . 5 g 1 g3 I . : : IVO Do not cut notch c r an.b..me r5— ' 1 I 11 l 1 : , 5 gV.8 ID 1 i. I 1 I 11 e : b) 2 i PI a2"1 11 Hil ' ' , .2.31 ,--- _. (A.) (roe)2nd floor post to pad 'ill8.'! `----'below 1 st floor. Block BC!as required. gelgp. b'32R NOTE:BLOCKING MAY BE REQUIRED AT INTERMEDIATE BEARINGS FOR 2 ri A FLOOR DIAPHRAGM PER IRC,CONSULT WITH LOCAL BUILDING OFFICIAL. hig r , ., ti ,,,,i 1 ,,,,,_, r .... ft.,.t.:•";:el up ID T 0 nod••••ft:P.M. APPROVAL DRAWINGS ....) Elg DJ-A) Onsei Jew*O&M C VERIFY ALL FRAMING ( AS BEING CORRECT. ) Load beeriness,Wore otos=/c4n i Bel-1W Block.ng (WOW ova sel Hese (... 5 Uniform Loading 14h :'• I i]a 2000 Pk mks]bed POWS. 100%LOAD DURATION a _---111 k• -'' 1 - 40 PSF Live Load „ ---›-'; •) - . )7. ,!ii .,, 10 PSF Dead Load d (: ,-., '‘ ,, t-,., ,-- '' '<<,-? 50 PSF Total Load ----,...----.;-- --. ,----„-, III • , ----, -------:,-,,,,- :-'-.. --,----, BC FRAMERS 2.0 "<j1 I SCALE.Br.1-0. 1 f1,-,,,, DATE:4/21/2009 BY:JB FILE:25367.1x1 OSB RAI OM PIM ,---1 Past LOW Trot t EICIJamt lath M&Span elohcn DWG:28367 --- '-.- Plan#28367 SHEET.1/2 Last Saved Data:421/2009 3:02 PM • Peel DMA 421/2009 32§PM , (-) ::-.-•••••- . rk, ' '''' 1 .,I L_, . m:,`„), it,,,4‘... „:,,L,,,,•1 i 4 1, 1,4:4) 4, , V 1 'r '1111S1W I' NFRC Certified U-Factors for Thermal Break Windows - NW. Mligard. Edgegard1VIA) Tm(Super Spacer) • Washington Default U Window Window CLR/CLR SUNCOAT/CLR SUNCOAT MAX/CLR Factor Series Type AIR ARGON AIR I ARGON AIR I ARGON Clear I Low-E 1120 Slider IIKOSI111101.1107inaill gf,ligTO, jiradrftel AMON 0.69 0.61 gigixin.e.,..wdlisak Himookirlom .a,im om,,,,,,b,u;‘,. ;:6,,,itill•:. ,.......•„4„,,, ..,,A.4.,0.„„„; ,,,„, 1520 Single Hung lir,;-1417).0,811'il:n'r'illA41110.14,1.9Wm- 0.69 0.61 tifiiiip_- :.:: ':".j iii. ,. „ • ..—' ,ffiltit'7,'•• ••.:1.-'',.. :,,',7.:,.-:,,%,:'1.'k 420 Sliding Door -1,- riattiLlf,i-AW'!7, :iilli"!.. 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Please refer to entered quote/order for accurate values when using grids. ! ittraNtiliffillig fillAgie a til.MINENI igiON tilli lig g511.44",111Vil !atisn1047116iNalilifig.±:14 „.--- A T''r I l' I ' r"/N I C,., k ) 1 4', 1 r t'''' te(4,,„,,, ' , ' S Nfrcnw revised 7.30.08 5 !c-7 /�,.-1 Pg / of / 'j, .. IDDDf Customer _1,° z�•}�` le/y .0 AP,' U' � f Project ,.,774--v .F r6 A., kb,e..! Pa: r _ Sales kTe'c a r0/ 1 a Ap rV I ,: S' Phone# i? ///TC Y-- ' Cenc..,. i' - I. , i . i , i " L 1,,,,,/Ht,„ .. , , : , ; , ,,,,, , _ , , _ : 7 '— ---, / . id , I ; j ' i I L ' I � i l i ____/� t -, , k4,2 .1 , : -27� 'x_ - \ Alt- -•-_ _. 1 1 sir ri ' 't, I1. h' V__4 y'3is v , - , , ; , 5 -�' 'e! ' ,i(rt i� - - V--- : rti---- -6 ' - 7 - . - --- : G, ROOF & FLOOR TRUSS MANUFACTURING RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • AGRICULTURAL Z00/ZOOEJ uolTUM'udJEH XVd OT:9T TZ/10 600Z . t N r,„ _ N , , • N N c \-, N -N "NN'N N':-NNN N \N' L-; _•',. ,N.- --\\N`7NI , frfl --, 4 v .fii .. . • A , ------- 9) . . , CA , I . SU --- P Z. a -I z.-• ,x5_i --1 ' 1> -it.c...12). • 9-) ° 11 1 s r .c) '1' ' • _a -Q cy Y- '.. GOkATH PRoPEf0-sr L INC: WIDTH 50 ,. S•Kis7 it-4 G SI \VALK e \/ 6---- • ' • , A,-. X . - • r 151-1 NG GmsriNG 19 (7)_, 1 !.ATELAT`r . VVATZP\ s- POLE '-, • ci- 1 f F- —\ \ ----'3 v' 1 ( , , . --,A.--.11 - 1 ' ci..uz.6 LLe\- Cc-Cr - ' SITE PLAN '. . 11-14 0-Ekt, STrii7 ANACORTtl-5 u, tAV I G COK<L kl "-OM = ril ,:. 673 _ . • ' 7 — COecit 013 -- f€3— 7----- ci-q----FS kr), At-laNc, wik (18'),r4j4 l .1 8' I 7 „-(0 , ,,)-- si-kof AR/1,qc*. , 1 , , , -...... 1 , 1 , , . i 1 11 , .....- , 77 1 i , I 1 i , ', 1 ! v IC- , ‘ ( \Li- Is‘COT e--5/ •\..N) A k . 4 _ 27 ' -------- .)0 _ • . - . - . . _ _ _ • •• . . . '. . . • '- . • .... ... .... . .... _ . ._.. . _ --- _- ----- - ---------- lw! < ---- ---‘10'----- --•- - ____ ______‘. 1 ---) ._ . .. =11 fff JF,ffvwFm —I" Zaitt r\ ) / I i 1111' 40 3T I 7q0" mi EXHALAST" < 7'9" > , g 3" MASTER CLOSET •°.1 1 1 1,-5,4 . , • ///// /%// 't '2 if %1 LLJ ii Y. ,-.-. 1 SKy , 1 • AAASTER F_SEDRO 0 tA I I K } ' LIGHTO . . 0 UPSTAIRS 13ATH ROO M / 4. 1Y C:20g..ST ROO M ,II it t.1,1 4 l' --) io'Id' '! • - , K ,--- 3'9".,....j - —3' A 0 4 , ATTIC ACCESS . 77---- --11 { cr '/.//// 2.Q'X33" 18;3" >, 17- _. (r-- et „ 2.3- CLOSET E3Roo AA / cioser __------_ / J. ' . ART STOLuo 7,q.„ /)%//////////////////// < ' g' 15'5" NN\m s... I --)- UP:I-AIRS HALLWAY Y N.T1 '--" __:i sk-tokT , , , 7, L_7710 VOL 7// //./h//// .// (/ w 4 /• 5EAT rri / . I i 1 r,4 ftri ___—/ / ,• II P444_;; .. i/, ':/ ' . 7/17.7k17.11-11777777k---_—.i_ Y/t/A _ t I i_____ l_ZZZ, • STAVIG—COM KL IN SCALE 1/2."--.1.1 t) FLOOR E. Cs) . — ----- 4- __ . ---- - .,1 I1___ 11---- - :11----=-11 . ' r-------ITT—----TT --—"-I -1 \ ,. ------_, , 7'5" ) -2L / '‘1— , OFFICE ;1-R,i •G i. c, i I- I / I l'‘.)C., 1-< 0 0 1-1 _ -- 29' 1., /Zir . z'''-' "., 7" / 7.• /,•• r, ----- —5'6"- (/ COAT 2'6" f '/„. CLOSET , / 14 E--2' s r) ) , . 1.---I ..9 . RONT ENTRY HALL VA 1 9'3" • > BACK ENTRY vf, Jo, 4 __.,r_ i I I I / HALF 513" 1 FRIG ( O A K tI.S LAN L, . BAI-H g3,4,..4 a .32' ..) I rAN . . ! A „____---" ----<" ... -:I r. ''',/,/ p-.— si"----. KITCHE. ‘i N.. F3' i 1 r„,\ ), ) 36" 0 , 1 OFFICE 0.s"\-4-'1., ' '' -- : : 7 _7_ __ ___ ____ __ ___ -.:_- T _ 11 _ , _ _ _' • 1 - —I- 5' 1 \ 2 1 PANTRY ,_ (-- • I , , \ , ) ....- • — 11 % - -- 1 V 1 \ , i It / k-______J._._.) fF,F , 1,7777E----- TAVIG- '2ONKLILi HOME SCALP" '*_",--1' ' 1 G )LD FLOOR E C) * , -----,- • - . . .,. . . —,. _ lork sTpc:FT .' . PA. ,< NG STD D ( ' SI{.)-EV/A L V ' 1 ' I i i SOUTH PROPERTY LINv---), LOT = `-g —< 1--(2 -0— II+ 30' LOT 13 LOT LOT 30' 12 . 30' rima= NW t I 1 30' 1 , . . Y , Lu\ / / LIJ , \ ; 1\ I_ • 0 C..J 1_i; = . u Lit (3 0 0 CY Z 7 a n -_-_-J i Ci_ >--- 0 ( L --- )---- 7 0 0 _i -21-- — (Th D ' _7_ LI) 7 1-- 0 0 - (r) 1 II V) _J I-- U ELO 0 1 „_< >< 0 cf) .,-" o 1 1 t 11-1 H I— [ 'I U.) ' I , I 1 ANF\coRi-Es Lor V+ 6L1-‹ 59 1 , -----1. 1114- 10L1' ST. R-3 C,51-4\/ q 0Q-CM2-09 SCALE AS L')PA.,/- 1111 1111 • Variance Request (rn5 111 , City of Anacortes 1 Finance 0904103-1 02/11/2009 BR1 T9 Wed Feb11,2009 11 :04AM Trans#10-10 Name: STAVIG 10 $100,00 1360 - Variance Fees 1 ITEM(S): TOTAL: $100.00 Check _ PAID $100.00 I Thank- YOU! o NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Adjustment will hold a Public Hearing the evening of Thursday, March 5, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. in the Municipal Building Council Chambers, 6th and "Q" Avenue. The purpose of the Public Hearing is to consider a variance request to reduce the front yard setback to construct a front porch located at 1 1 14 10th Street. Anyone wishing to comment on the request may do so at the above stated date, place and time. Written comments are welcome and should be addressed to Don Measamer, Assistant Director of Planning, P.O. Box 547, Anacortes, WA 98221. JX_Id Steve Hoglund, Finance Director If reasonable accommodation due to a disability is needed contact Don Measamer at 293-1901 two weeks prior to the meeting date. PUBLISH: Anacoites American — February 18, 2009 Applicant Information: ` ' Name: .kctr(es . St ay To 5 A . Conk Stavirs Address: 3(, 8(, G r e e n c I i��5 ���1• �hq�ar�'e s Daytime Phone Number: 2 9 3 - 8 7 O O Interest in Property: Warranty Title Holder Contract Buyer Lease Holder Renter Other Name of Applicant's Representative or Person(s) that will be attending the Board of Adjustment meeting: c W b1 e r Daytime Phone Number: 4 v ************************************************************ Title Holder of Record: If applicant is not the Title Holder of Record (a contract buyer is not a title holder), the owner's name and address must also be given. Title Holder Name: o Address: Owner(if different from Title Holder): Owner Address: Owner Contact Number: ********************************************************** General Information: Date Property was acquired: Jan - 'a , aOC� Street Address of Property: 1 I I I 0 -rji 5 T. Zoning District Classification in which property is located: R- 3 **All required drawings and documents as outlined on the associated"project type submittal requirement"sheet must be submitted a the time of the application in order for the project to be accepted and started in the appropriate review process. 4 VARIANCE REQUEST Application Fee—full fee is due at time of submittal 0$100.00 for Variance or Appeal • The fee is not refundable unless the request is withdrawn prior to staff starting the review of the request A. Your submittal must include the following: ❑ A letter describing the project, identifying the project contact person(s) and any other information relevant for staff's review. If the applicant is other than the legal owner,the applicant's interest shall be indicated and the legal authority to apply shall be included in a certified form. ❑ Completed application. ❑ One(1) 8-1/2 x 11" location map showing the proposed site location, adjacent existing land uses within five hundred(500) feet of the property, and general existing land uses within one thousand(1,000) feet of the property. Location map must be to a discernable scale with the scale denoted (Rob Hoxie, GIS) ❑ Twelve (12)copies of a site plan(min 11"x 17") ❑ Two (2)reduced copies of a site plan 8-1/2"xl1") ❑ Other information deemed necessary by the Director of Community Development for the review of the proposed project. ❑ Applicant shall attach names and addresses of all property owners within 300 feet of the property. C. Your site plan shall include at least the following: ❑ Date, compass point, legend of symbols, scale(written and graphic), ❑ Legal description including total area of the property ❑ Vicinity map that accurately represents the area including recent developments ❑ Assigned address(es) ❑ Land owner's and applicant's name, address and contact information ❑ Existing zoning district classification ❑ Property boundary lines including dimensions ❑ Location and dimension of all setbacks ❑ Location, footprint, size and use of all buildings and structures, existing and proposed, and their relationship to setbacks. ❑ Location of utilities, labeled with size, type, existing or proposed and whether public or private ❑ Location of existing easements for all utilities,rights-of-way, buffers,railroad, drainage facilities, etc... shall be shown and appropriately labeled with reserved width, type,book and page and whether they are public or private ❑ Location of all existing and proposed roads, alleys, streets and highways on or adjoining the subject property labeled with name, pavement width, half right-of- way widths dimensioned from centerline of right-of-way, full right-of-way width dimension and whether public or private. ❑ Location and details of other site development features that are related to or impacted by the requested variance ❑ Other considerations pertinent to the proposal may be requested for illustration or statistical purposes 7 \)(Ar v c.e P(1 ` or- , ct'\otrAeg Ian Co�4G1i�,-��au� vJ:s°e t iDr0perty Lot t�t b k 5-4 C t {`r, oc Avt_accirte S ( ( t4- 16 i Or V cot-to v.C e_ at S o Uv i,►h Pctr-+ I (O. O it-0 Ia c"c p v'a&I AY e_ 1 -1A A"ec-t L c. 7' fo make rec. w,w,e�.oQa`�a� s o p resey-Ue..... tcAev :ty• CAL TaWrJ , s w` ey\--e_cQ �'•�� v,e �.a V,owie.s \\a. ie -cronA" eorct-.es *a be. Gow.pitt6le w;-k-L 6:)C1 sk-i3 st,e vc ocre.S c v,c *o took Qrc a'So St.���es��=c�C--�-�a'�- lnomEs be 5e* SeveYctk "c€G (Opole. raoQe - or- e re_aScAA 5 , cowlly w���, �,� 4ko\ie. �ov,c� , -S ,��; , v se o rem w\-A-11) est,v\CQ - or practt cc d ay.oQ 5a'c'c ivnreSS avG( evteSS ra ot. r 1,A0►v.e- req(,iesi U vexptotvvc e. 4-row, Cv.rce-6 - Se COac-k) `fie t. %rerneritS ±o of0pc.,) 5 v \,\co2 forc. n pr o�-rlAr�Cn 1 i v<3 6 çt - r aY+,. - �,e \AenAse 'c ro;"\--. (see aiYovoitA35) t P\150 She oQrv1w ;ti3 5 0 „4 P hotoS o rS y�tthborS f\0 e S �at� t w� 4-A,Nck‘s\-" OIA v- r e s± t,v o v.`cQft cc>vv-+) ,,--1/4-10 v\ Gahsit q Spec‘a prig t ease. , \r‘ -yr-) 06144b VARIANCE REQUEST RELATING TO (Check all that apply): ❑ Area 0 Height • Yard (setbacks, separation, etc.) 0 Sign ❑ Other: (i.e. —exception to district regulations) Please Specify below: ❑ Appeal Description and purpose of variance being requested. (Use additional pages if necessary) W w ; s "to b� gb(e_ -c.) kr\gver c \roCit pofJ^ Ova 5 v^noi Horne, l/D cAjci -1 fin\ S s e ar--t,\g- a v\A. 5 LA on e-sr. e tnrt_e o s e. .s -f a n q v e. T e a S a v\- o k2.. c c e 5 5 iY1 a "�_�. �1 Owl , t o Crew, e c\`i`a 6(e. e.L;C' '/N X\'stt k o r,e 5 co/4 f"o Cow, l)t y „a r2Low.w� Mr <� 1 `ns. Provision of Zoning Ordinance from which variance is requested, include section and page number. Justification for variance as outlined in Part 17.10.040B of the Zoning Ordinance. (Use additional pages if necessary) " e a oMo.cke J . LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY(include separately if lengthy): Pc5 77 3'772-059-01'1--O0ov 1 O+ 5EC t3 TOsP 35 R of 11-1- l O T—" 5 r ANACo►QTC 5 V.J & :.t R, a. a i 5 _ LIBRARY t • r_DEMAPOLoUS_xQusE_ NnRTH „,--7-4310 • M. VALNNTYNE RoL $E F + • \ / \A SHOP / SPACE - .o _PROP05ED_Ho�,SE FooTPRINT t CouI�T YAW yARAGE R I1'ALLEY in 940 SQ.FEET n ... -I-SQ.FT. • ANACORTES LOT 14- DLK 55 3, Ltio 15"4 1111+ 10m STREET En' / 3,000 SQ.F T. R-3 y v�o� Y \ �9�10"3� < 6' >-< C- —SouTH PROP.LIME • `� • 13\ `Y i Y \ 1< -100' 'ALLEY -ZONED COMMERCIAL SCALE f = I' C.STAVI O(-17-08 11'Y 17" • r) n ±,:f:,„-This --NOPTI � _ Z � 6`�-< >< CHO > ( 1 = n0 p. STAVIG-CONKLIN HOVEo � � , —T RE BUILT- a 71 wo�o PROPOSED PORCH--I O ,g2 \\:_6'.--0-1 ifr ti /S y- M.VALENTINE HOME 0 • 17y v oII ��, p _ o _ D o EX ISTIVG PORCH - ig 7a'-- -1 U1 frl rn i r- p o -. nF T. DEMOPOLOUS HOME i tn IL EX STING PORCH j¢6, 0 :1 X, Li SRAR'( € T. DCMOPOLOuS HouSE -_ NORTH , i I M. VALEI T YNE House 1__Li 1 Li N " ' _ t \ \ A SHOP i / , SINLL- CAR V ALLEY PROPOSED HOSE FaoTPR►NT ,1- cli of COURT YARDYARDGARA G- q�0 sa- rCET s� � sQ_� T. I A\ACORTES LOT 11+ NLK 59 w -< - 15'�' �- 1114- 10T4 STREET a ir-i 4.0 3,000 SQ. FT. R,-3 Y / i \ 9Io= '-< 4,' > < ./,' ,.< SouTH PROP. LIME ..T < 13 \ I{ ? I I aO'ALLEY -ZONED CoMMERCtAL SCALE = I I CSTAVIc Ol.,-17-O8 1 Anacortes Planning & Community Development Dept. Permit Center y�'cog��� P.O.Box 547,Anacortes,WA 98221-0547 PH(360)293-1901 Ian Munce,Director • Edwin Frank,Building Official FAX(360)293-1938 February 12, 2009 Charles and Janis Stavig 3686 Greencliffs Road Anacortes, WA 98221 RE: Variance Request 1114 10th Street Dear Mr. & Mrs. Stavig, We have received your application for variance and after review there are additional items that need to be provided. 1. Please provide a cross section to show roof elevations, will there be stairs, handrails, and landings? 2. Please provide a site plan to show existing and proposed setbacks. 3. It would also be good for the Board to have a picture of your residences, like the ones you submitted of your neighbors. If you have any questions, please contact me at 293-1901. Thank you in advance for the additional information. Sincerely, CITY OF ANACORTES Michelle Deaton Permit Technician II Development Application Variance or Appeal ,`,Ke, xa�s Building Department City of Anacortes 904 6th Street Anacortes,WA 98221 360-293-1901 (phone) 360-293-1938 (fax) www.cityofanacortes.org Updated 5-10-06 1 0 Variance/Appeal Application NO VARIANCE APPLICATION CAN BE ACCEPTED FOR FILING UNLESS ALL OF THE REQUIRED INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED. The City of Anacortes Zoning Board of Adjustment is empowered by Municipal Code of the City of Anacortes to hear requests and make decisions on said requests in regard to certain appeals for variations in the Zoning Ordinance..The Board of Adjustment (Board) is a quasi- judicial body with authority to grant variance permits for area and dimension in exceptional cases when the request is consistent with the general purpose and spirit of the comprehensive plan and zoning regulations. The Board has no authority to allow a variance whose effect would be the establishment of a use not otherwise permitted by the Zoning ordinance or to extend a non-conforming use of land or to change district boundaries except as outlined in the Zoning Ordinance. Specifically, the board of adjustment shall have the following powers and duties; 17.10.040 Anacortes Municipal Code A. Administrative Review. To hear and decide appeals where it is alleged there is error in any orders requirements, decisions, or determinations made by the Administrator in the enforcement of this title. B. Variances, Conditions Governing Application, Procedures. 1. To authorize upon appeal in special cases such variance from the terms of the area and dimensional regulations of this title as will not be contrary to the public interest where, owing to special conditions, a literal enforcement of the provisions of this title would result in unnecessary hardship. A variance from the terms of this title shall not be granted by the board of adjustment unless and until a written application for a variance is submitted demonstrating all of the following: a. That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structures,or buildings involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structure, or buildings in the same district; b. The literal interpretation of the provisions of this title would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same district under the terms of this title; c. That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant; d. That granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this title to other lands, structures, or buildings in the same district. 2. No conforming use of neighboring lands, structures, or buildings in the same district, and no permitted use of lands, structures, or buildings in other districts shall be considered grounds for the issuance of a variance. 2 3. The following steps are required for consideration of a variance: a. Notice of public hearing shall be given. Written notice shall be mailed to property owners within three hundred feet of the boundaries of the subject property; b. The board of adjustment shall obtain reports from all affected city boards or departments as part of the information to be considered at the public hearing; c. The public hearing shall be held. Any party may appear in person, or by agent, or by attorney; d. The board of adjustment shall determine in writing whether all of the requirements of subsections(B)(1) and(2) of this section are met; e. The board of adjustment shall further make a finding whether or not the reasons set forth in the application justify the granting of the variance, and that the variance, if granted, is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building, or structure; f. The board of adjustment shall further make a finding whether or not the granting of the variance will be in harmony with the general purposes and intent of this title, and will not be injurious to the neighborhood, or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. 4. In granting any variance, the board of adjustment may prescribe appropriate conditions and safeguards in conformity with this title. Violation of such conditions and safeguards, when made a part of the terms under which the variance is granted, shall be a violation of this title. 5. Under no circumstances shall the board of adjustment grant a variance to allow a use not permitted under the terms of this title in the district involved, or any use expressly or by implication prohibited by the terms of this title in said district. Variances shall be limited to the area and dimensional requirements of this title. 6. Whenever a variance provides for or anticipates future construction, such construction must be commenced, or application made for a building permit, within ninety days from the date on which the variance was granted. (Ord. 2316 (part), 1994) Please Read Carefully: The following arguments cannot be considered to justify granting a variance. • Lot Coverage • Profit or Loss • Neighbors Support • Need • Best Interest • Cost 3 LIBfAYt t # 1 T_ DEMOPoLQu.S _Hou E I NopTH ,, M. vALENTYN E {-{Oci sE 1 ry --- 'm pi t , N clt O y SHOP '^' } N S Pit.c�:.. 1 1 1 . COu 1 YARD S__(NL`L-CAR l�O' /ALLEY _PROPOSED HOUSE FOoTPNNT `� C�ARAC�E orb O 94,0 5Q. F .ET i } i SQ_�T. 4 i P\ ACORTES LOT 1'+ B`.K 55 w 15'(a y- 1111+ 1O T" STREET- / Y 3,Ooo SQ. F T. P.-3 7 `i-0 9lo`�'-- < (01 > < 6 5OuTH PROP. UNE ,'� ' v m �, 13 - 1 k — ------------------------------ loot -. i aO'ALLEY -ZONED COMMERCIAL SCALE 8,11 = I I C. STAVI 0(-17-O8 I N 01U1-1 ?L too c4. n _ Z A -`- 6 - --F-6 >< ?so >. o � TAVIG -CO \ KL1 \ I-OVIE TO 3C 3U 11_T 3 1I U� O' OHO 0I Q � � PROPOSED PU CI-I CP 0 7 -e--: 6/--4 ,k,tpt,....._,,, U1 B- loc.) c- v A I' /S-4 K. VALEKTYNE. HOME , 0 ft ors D �,, U o EXISTING PDCI-I , 73, 0 _ :Ul -*--7 1.;---->-1 'I-- U) FT In rl T) ) ..,c) , r- n T. DLMOPOLOUS NOM- 0 N c ___ 4uiiii „ \ EX ST( NG DORCH ' 0 r) in ______ . . . , . . _. ____ __________ _ . _._ __________....... • r) el, . BALCONY FOR FIRE ROUTE I Ii -* - .M I I ill In cl I 1 2n1D C'LOOR Lv-.L i i 6X6 TREATED POSTS I I I r I � l � I I I � � it - � �� I I I m 1 1, I I III I f III' � �III �� IIIII � III G R1sE- la TREAD III 111 1 1 11 I T I5T FLOOR LEVgL __ ,Mc1 ' 7...y., Jam' GRADC � - PROPOSED SCALE %aK = I ' PORCH DETAI_ — WEST ELEVATION STAVIG — CONK L_IN HOME RECORD OF FINDINGS AND DECISION OF BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Date of Hearing: March 4,2009 Applicant: Charles Stavig Site: 1114 10th Street Parcel No.: P55277 Description of application heard(variance,appeal, etc.): Reduce front yard setback from 15'6"to 9'6"to construct a new single family residence on a substandard lot. Date Application Filed: February 2009 Zoning: CBD DECISION After review and hearing on the application in accordance with applicable provisions of the Zoning Ordinance the Board finds that: (findings) The Board found that there is not a hardship in this situation since the residence has not been constructed and that it is a design issue. In accordance with above findings the application is granted/denied(circle one). In granting the application the Board prescribes the following conditions which must be met: .--Pi % - IC4�A1Q- �( 4 Secretary,Bo d of Adjustment Date Any person or persons aggrieved by this decision of the Board of Adjustment may seek review of the decision by a court of record,within twenty-one days in a manner provided by the laws of the State Ch. 17.10.060 AMC. CITY OF ANACORTES DEMOLITION PERMIT APPLICATION �r. Site Address: j WI— to '� T, A/JAG Assessors Account No.: Y 5.S-a ri q Date: j I 6 O -O S L•ot(s): - V 't- Block: '* 5-9 Addition: / Owners Name: C . 4• J . t F A V i C Contractors Name: E X Po S / D. plc r c Y (a r.r( Address: 3&. sc: (IRE Et,c-L+FFS Rt.). Address: 971 '-f MoP-me), 1 Ak)E , ANAC , State:A 1JAC , 1 cc A Zip: ct g 2,2 + State: w q Zip: q g a,a + Phone: ?Nei — ya ;Inc, Contractors License: t` _; */ L i, ; --,J -i- ✓``-. .i.e-le`i.c.� Phone: 360 - .5-0S 1O i O Have Utilities Been Notified? Description of proposed demolition. How will materials be disposed? ;i i .- t s ->, . - , J. i ., - n C Water Dept.: es)No �t+ �cl + �J v�vct�e v t c c ��, J�Ca J + l Electric: e No Cable:o A, ,-Yes—No. Cou Ci }l7r' ',,ICJ ci.s l 1 e )3 i 51 of..,4 - C o n c vete Gas: es No to 1.-.alie5 Lc( a._ (DX. s, BARRICADES TO BE P' •VIDED FOR PUBLIC PROTECTION, AREA MUST BE Ve ROPED OFF! J I _ r ;! 4-4 4 0 �a�z�� -- v ) . Applicant's or Agent's -stir) * nature \ ASBESTOS WARNING r Breathing asbestos is hazardous to your health. Before starting a renovation or demolition project, survey for friable asbestos materials. Notify Northwest Air Pollution Authority prior to asbestos removal or containment 1600 S. 2°d Street, Mt.Vernon,WA 98273 (360) 428-1617. Fire Department Approval:N"''\--t IDPA rP �Date: ( I —/a'— per-pi. SG4.sSla') /0i f� 0° Police Dept. Approval: Date: i ,' Public Works Department Approv • ��. ,� 4 t., .,--- Date: j('!D/OS Comments: C W mac" - .``'_ _ --‘,-_.l VJ cst cw,, ig. :---CC1:' •�C6(' - Dcutie, e 1(), /7-2/- .C' ti Off. City of Anacortes Permit#: BLD-2008-0542 904 6th Street Issue date: 11/12/2008 P.O.Box 547 Expire date: 01/11/2009 Anacortes, WA 98221-0547 41,S eW (360) 293-1901 Job Address: 1114 10TH ST Permit Type: Demolition Permit ANACORTES WA 98221-1921 Project: APN: P55277 Remarks: Demolish single family residence. Owner: C&J STAVIG Contractor: Address: 3686 GREENCLIFFS RD Address: ANACORTES WA 98221 Phone: (360)293-8700 Phone: License#: General Information: Fees: Total Calculated: Adjustments: Deposits/Receipts: Total Due: THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 180 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 180 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR AUTHORIZED AGE T ISSUED BY i Applicant Information: Name: C<ti Ai2 L-FS 1 . STAV( Cj A N is Act LD Address: . 1-r Y, rc I PPP (Z NRCnr2y S, IAEA 1Saat Daytime Phone Number: 36 g700 Interest in Property: Warranty Title Holder Contract Buyer Lease Holder Renter Other Name of Applicant's Representative or Person(s) that will be attending the Board of Adjustment meeting: Daytime Phone Number: Title Holder of Record: If applicant is not the Title Holder of Record(a contract buyer is not a title holder), the owner's name and address must also be given. Title Holder Name: // Address: Owner (if different from Title Holder): Owner Address: ,f Owner Contact Number: '1a r. General Information: Date Property was acquired: �`,-A Sy 2 3 ZOOS +rr C Street Address of Property: Fit Si"r Ott - tiY hf e Con -�ro 1 q ea = Zoning District Classification in which property is located: R" 3 V co **All required drawings and documents as outlined on the associated "project type submittal r requirement"sheet must be submitted a the time of the application in order for the project to be accepted and started in the appropriate review process. 4 r- i VARIANCE REQUEST RELATING TO (Check all that apply): ❑ Area ❑ Height Yard (setbacks, separation, etc.) ❑ Sign ❑ Other: (i.e.-exception to district regulations)Please Specify below: 0 Appeal Description and purpose of variance being requested. (Use additional pages if necessary) See lie- Provision of Zoning Ordinance from which variance is requested, include section and page number. eo,3 I ) ( `l . o6 - 7`j5 Setback reyprew‘en+s Justification for variance as outlined in Part 17.10.040B of the Zoning Ordinance. (Use additional pages if necessary) 5 e e. cdj ctcLa LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY (include separately if lengthy): AlJt\C© ,-iE5 LOT 1Lf e*K 59 P.NRC.t G P55 77 5 i • INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT ®®®y® �2\`i A.ag. 47%111 N � NVIp1 STATE OF WASHINGTON, \ ° Fdq•,p t c( m a �OTAs County of Sg,& r J ss ocP, JBLttC • *. VVF%.19/t 9,20@9• �O 1 Or InamAS N��; `�e® I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that('.H-AJ1 ES _S_if1V1AND a IS ._C CNYL I is are he person(s)who appeared before um, and said person(s) acknowledged that Tftey signed this instrument and acknowledged it to he I (-_tt i Y2 h'ee and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated this 2?iR-D day of rr\((=. 2� i Print Name_ K L`_->`7 ` M _l Notary Public in and for the Stale of L'U 1ILN6VT\J My appointment expires: AP&-IL 61/2fl9j tIWIh Ilnal Acknmvludgrk,rnl f- r IMN mlei,''.h AV Iyr iA,IEP. CIIIIJGL.WA Pores Oft th :V911 j Mnl'IJtI,\LMAI'IJO'I'IIL It P:I'I<UIRK:I�.I)IN WI IOW UIt iN viva IN ANI'I'pkM W)lA'RtiOHVF.It. . . r -, j i • CERTIFICATION: NOTE: ALL APPLICATIONS MUST HAVE SIGNATURE(S) OF THE CURRENT PROPERTY OWNER(S) OR INDIDUAL WITH THE PROPER POWER OF ATTORNEY,NOTARIZED BY A CERTIFIED NORTARY PUBLIC (attached if necessary) Part A: r Owner's Signature and Consent en I/w$ A Ai, /rti tit f;.- affirm that I mare the owner, owners, authorized t-present. iye for a corporate owner, person with power of attorney for the owner/owners or a non reside tial tenant of said property. I/personally affirm that this application has been prepare, in compliance with the requirements of the City of Anacortes Municipal code as printed herein and that the statements and information above referred to are in all respects true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief. Further, Uwe hereby submit this development application for review and consideration by the City of Anacortes in compliance with the requirements of the City of Anacortes Municipal Code. U e, =/ ,'„/� ii W. / gree to grant the City permission to access sai roperty fort oses o i talling Public Notice sing(s) and completing the necessary on- MI6-hi ectipns, if applic bll . Signature of L I vvher Date c../ Part B: A licant's Si nature and Conse t (Use only if the applicant is different fr m Property Owner) Uwe, affirm that Uwe hold legal interest in this property and do hereby submit this develop ent application for review and consideration by the City of Anacortes in compliance with th requirements of the City of Anacortes Municipal code. Uwe, agree to grant the City permission to access said property for purposes of i tailing Public Notice sign(s) and completing the necessary on-site inspections, if applicabl . • Signature of Appl' ant Date 6 VARIANCE REQUEST Application Fee— full fee is due at time of submittal O$100.00 for Variance or Appeal • The fee is not refundable unless the request is withdrawn prior to staff starting the review of the request A. Your submittal must include the following: ❑ A letter describing the project, identifying the project contact person(s) and any other information relevant for staff's review. If the applicant is other than the legal owner, the applicant's interest shall be indicated and the legal authority to apply shall be included in a certified form. ❑ Completed application. ❑ One (I) 8-1/2 x 11" location map showing the proposed site location, adjacent existing land uses within five hundred (500) feet of the property, and general existing land uses within one thousand (1,000) feet of the property. Location map must be to a discernable scale with the scale denoted (Rob Hoxie, GIS) ❑ Twelve (12) copies of a site plan (min I I"x17") ❑ Two (2) reduced copies of a site plan 8-1/2"xl 1") ❑ Other information deemed necessary by the Director of Community Development for the review of the proposed project. ❑ Applicant shall attach names and addresses of all property owners within 300 feet of the property. C. Your site plan shall include at least the following: ❑ Date, compass point, legend of symbols, scale (written and graphic), ❑ Legal description including total area of the property ❑ Vicinity map that accurately represents the area including recent developments ❑ Assigned address(es) ❑ Land owner's and applicant's name, address and contact information ❑ Existing zoning district classification ❑ Property boundary lines including dimensions ❑ Location and dimension of all setbacks ❑ Location, footprint, size and use of all buildings and structures, existing and proposed, and their relationship to setbacks. ❑ Location of utilities, labeled with size, type, existing or proposed and whether public or private ❑ Location of existing easements for all utilities, rights-of-way,buffers, railroad, drainage facilities, etc... shall be shown and appropriately labeled with reserved width, type, book and page and whether they are public or private ❑ Location of all existing and proposed roads, alleys, streets and highways on or adjoining the subject property labeled with name, pavement width, half right-of- way widths dimensioned from centerline of right-of-way, full right-of-way width dimension and whether public or private. ❑ Location and details of other site development features that are related to or impacted by the requested variance ❑ Other considerations pertinent to the proposal may be requested for illustration or statistical purposes 7 \//`✓{,Aic dYPP. rvr� � 4fd>r�1_�5 JAM rgAv1C 3C,FL, ciss2.Y.eNCL trrS . ABJAC. ' JA .. DE5cP0P T tot3 , -rtaSTtFICATdc-t$f cs-.A Pv1/4tSPot7 crc \/t_ki A tc t be.on/ r ec� tec W (�av e Pje. _r ckna Sep' i + 61k_- L,e C I VY of 11_v4.4Cot-te w\/z ic-h kh cc_3o'$ too ,.'5 (. 00.5to nelar0t lot Tkere 5 _Q as year olck Inc u S cht. "A" . e* �� �c L__LA_S v,crk. e_e jv\V\o\loci '-ee\ or over .3.Q )(ears ay.ocrAueSho .. WA % 5S1wn e`tav) 5 c+'C rc_ne ( S Y'o dsn ecki- ' knck e 5r0ke1/4n ` c, of)c; cer ' reQ. _c ; re R e pcit4Vv\ ,t Glba * tests v cj E ` �'� clotAse cot dCi�v� ( v1co qC I,� C - V\e_ S ev\il' vise ' C Le c" A esk Cs -to 6 l.O; ? - I \'e 1 xK's- ivkq 'e W `1 ‘C--k LAS. -"3 3c>A. elcl< 5 oh ei-\•.gr 'as_,1cQG rek-fl.e_t,- 6 f C)C 'r\arww.11y relifttireCQ , Q4Y- CAv.c(ers�a�, ',rr5 coo,-,,. -Ci p1uv,r � \c btA,1cL_ -r �_ k0 1- -��.c -- is '�-�,v:� use � a�� p lC r 'i .e \i cctu�se_ 'T ' ca\ley +V\ere_ C.VN C.Gt1_ e o gincrt \, , 5 I„*a o +\t`i s hecaLlse__We 1 c\ `nQw,4_ +_\',cazt Qi+S Cc cC' rv15 alD©attiv.a:tv\tex,iniyeq �-h -- -- ft Ct � 'TOIwvl' Ce w pcftoL�_`, 1iky. We Ce1 J��' uo f _1 tv- Av iv\ ct r efy '- -Ur ) ntkac i Q cr, lcat- l iv\� S "y c sc _{fer .- 'c l 'tv1 cIc, '-t' e kow.le s lw, partcav:*We._ also inte.v.ei to bt/ , \4. ©, octrc-oe- has'«G�IY 4-1 1,j� L 11a, jj_ 04 La \"ca "pr-;w. 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The raative pvvtwney of map lectures I , 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 I 1 L to one another results from conbning different men 1f 1 f2 13 , 14 15 ,I16 77 , f8 19 120 1f , 12 13 I >4 15 1 14 17 , >8 19 , 20 , 4 1 12 13 14 15 16 1 17 18 119 , 20 f1 ,12 1, sources without field'ground trammy C (Tr I < TNIS MAP IS NOT A SVBSPNTE FOR FIF10 SURVEY 10TH ST. 10TH ST. t AcuR l 5 loTH 5T' /�---n— �--�--a 10 ' 11 8 7 ' 6 I5 1 4 ' 3 ' 2 ' 1 10 ' £ 8 ' 7 6 ' 5 A 1 3 1 ' 1 10 1 9 8 ' 7 6 ' 5 \4 , 3 2 1 1 1f0 ' 9 8 ' 7 ' 6 S 4 3 2 ' f Pf�O 9 8 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I i 1 I 1 I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 I I SUt120Y I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I I a Ih 1,1 1, ;0 1 1, 1 o AP �ozl'17120o1 1VO�I . w Jo ,I� P51102 DATE INIT. 541'1� S. 1 1,49 ,t10i I ry1 5�� P55997 P56596 P55595 14?' Sol' y4, 5e1` t1M 1 r,, I I I �' ti 1 t DRAWN : 9/22/97 KAS Ui 4' r a� P56730 1a05 I aya'� I a qyh l I I I 1 qtP • q5 I Q`3 I qy 1 q"i Reg .}tL 10 1 1 1 h ni 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I A"t 1 J ql t' v.k• REVISED 10/27/05 RS a I 1 I I I I I I 1 I i 1 1 1�1 I I �5526[ p/t U {�j / x a I .1/ , l I Q I 1 I I I I 4 1 I 1 _I 1 I W 11 1 I 1 1�I I �� 1 D PLOTTED 10/27/OS RS MAR fi 114 97 x • a ' 58 Q• COJNTYOMAPP NO SERVICES 1 1 I I ; I I I I 1 1 I a ( 1 1 1 I x I 1 x I I I I x 1 11 JZ x'1 r~`. 1 AF 200408 70063 SURCY I I PSS6�t5 I l , 1 i Z Ip I '[ I I I f/0 P5510J �• 1 I I ry I I I I I 1 J.T" A 75;69 t A.,��11 14,. 4 l p, l 1 1 ,� to I y 1 p F I 10 1 1 1 m �� 1 y nI 15rvr' 1 row 'lL�s/1' 1 1 �[ ,t'S O n O I ," ei` p, .0 > 1 ry0 C 1 n� I 1,4)50 1 !<i" 5ry "f I +�E I f`F oflaP124564 P54736 ,, ° '� ' �' S 17 �' h5q'PSSI733 a`{ I IQA q qh h55606qy`� q4I Qt'7 ay� A5 a 1I 0 1 q�l 6 11 -I11 12 13 14 15 II16 17, 1 18 19 r 20J7 1 12 13 f4 1 f5 16 ' 17 18 ' 19 ' 2011 1f2 13 1 1 ' 15 f6 17 t8 19 ' 20f0r 1 13 1J4 'r 15 16 r 77 11 12 f3 SE /4 11TH ST. 11TH 5T. ��� _ Laction 13 iiTH $T. T 35 N 01 E 1 I — I , , 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 , 1 +II I I \, yt I 1 , 1 I — 5 1 4 1 3 2 f 13 2 ,1 f0�9 6, 7 �6 5 y4 3 1 2 1 1 10.4a9 1 8 17y01156 5 ,44 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 p5525F n P5525�\ I �5524 �f0 ,9 ,R I'58728 0�` n Ltfr° yj1 g`21 0'4> 55'I 55 P5558N y I 3 h I I 1 1 ,,.c;�e t - r I Qh I e"j cp. Q5i 4.,`, 1 qy a 1 a 1 I 1 ! q I L. �q q ' - 1 I la I I I '- \ r 1 1 — --' - JAN PROPERTY NAME $ ADDRESS SITUS ADDRESS P55100- PACIFIC RESOURCES ASSOC 911 0 AVENUE C/O PACIFIC REALTY ASSO ANACORTES, WA 98221 15350 SW SEQUOIA PKWY # PORTLAND OR 97224 P55102' ANACORTES CHRISTIAN REF 1019 10TH ST 1019 10TH ST ANACORTES, WA 98221 ANACORTES WA 98221 P55260 / MENDUM WILLIAM 1103 10TH ST P 0 BOX 1656 ANACORTES, WA 98221 ANACORTES WA 98221 P55261 ., TIBBLES DOUGLAS W 1105 10TH ST 1105 10TH ST ANACORTES, WA 98221 ANACORTES WA 98221 P55262 ✓ ANACORTES 10TH STREET L 13142 PERSONS ROAD BOW WA 98232 P55264✓ JANSEN-OLLIGES LOUISE 1120 11TH ST PO BOX 605 ANACORTES, WA 98221 ANACORTES WA 98221 P55266 / CULP WADE A 1106 11TH ST 1106 11TH ST ANACORTES, WA 98221 ANACORTES WA 98221 P55267 , CLAUS FAMILY CORP 1104 11TH ST 15193 DORIS ST ANACORTES, WA 98221 ANACORTES WA 98221 P55268/ ANDREWS AUDEL E 1020 0 AV 1020 0 AVE ANACORTES, WA 98221 ANACORTES WA 98221 P55269 / AKERS FAMILY REV TRUST 1116 11TH ST AKERS ORVAL W TRUSTEE ANACORTES, WA 98221 AKERS JUANITA I TRUSTEE 1116 11TH ST ANACORTES WA 98221 P55270 , ANACORTES 10TH STREET L 1119 10TH ST 13142 PERSONS ROAD ANACORTES, WA 98221 BOW WA 98232 P55271' OSBRINK ROBERT L 1110 11TH ST 1110 11TH ST ANACORTES, WA 98221 ANACORTES WA 98221 P55272✓ SAUER STEVEN 0 1113 9TH ST 4015 ASTREA PL ANACORTES, WA 98221 ANACORTES WA 98221 P55273/ PEREZ VICTOR M 1115 9TH ST PEREZ GRACE M ANACORTES, WA 98221 1115 9TH ST ANACORTES WA 98221 P55274w GATES THOMAS A 1119 9TH ST 1119 9TH STREET ANACORTES, WA 98221 ANACORTES WA 98221 P55275/ DEMOPOULOS THEMO 1120 10TH ST 1120 10TH ST ANACORTES, WA 98221 ANACORTES WA 98221 P552761 VALLENTYNE MARY ELLEN 1116 10TH ST 1116 10TH ST ANACORTES, WA 98221 ANACORTES WA 98221 P55279/ CITY OF ANACORTES PO BOX 547 OPERTY NAME & ADDRESS SITUS ADDRESS , ANACORTES WA 98221 '5281 r US BANK OF WA 910 0 AV C/O US BANK CORPORATE P ANACORTES, WA 98221 2800 EAST LAKE ST LAKE0012 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55406 15288' MASALONIS MELVIN 815 N AVENUE MASALONIS BEVERLY ANACORTES, WA 98221 24091 WILDW000 CANYON R NEWHALL CA 91321 ;5289' YOSEMITE MGMT GROUP LLC 817 N AVENUE P 0 BOX 1989 ANACORTES, WA 98221 MARIPOSA CA 95338 6291 / BALLOW GILBERT 1110 9TH ST 1110 9TH STREET ANACORTES, WA 98221 ANACORTES WA 98221 35292 J ZUKER JOHN 1108 9TH ST ZUCKER ANGELA ANACORTES, WA 98221 1250 N WENATCHEE AVE H- WENATCHEE WA 98801 55293 BEEDLE CRAIG 816 0 AVENUE BEEDLE KELLY ANACORTES, WA 98221 2900 T AVE #E ANACORTES WA 98221 55407V SPAULDING TIMOTHY L 1202 9TH ST PO BOX 6 ANACORTES, WA 98221 FRIDAY HARBOR WA 98250 i5408 I ANACORTES PUBLIC LIBRAR 1220 10TH STREET P 0 BOX 849 ANACORTES, WA 98221 ANACORTES WA 98221 55409 ✓ WINTERBOTTOM RALPH J 1203 10TH ST PO BOX 784 ANACORTES, WA 98221 GLENNS FERRY ID 83623 55410 t HENSON JOHN L 1207 10TH ST HENSON REV LIV TRUST ANACORTES, WA 98221 HENSON MARY A TRUSTEE 1207 10TH ST ANACORTES WA 98221 55420 ✓THOMPSON GERALD N 1020 N AV THOMPSON MARCIA L ANACORTES, WA 98221 1801 L AVE ANACORTES WA 98221 i records listed. - LIBRARY T.DEMOPOLOus-HoLtSE- ►1!TH M VALENTYINE I;ORsE H I JR RH T -- M n 0 \ % / SHOP N � SPhCL Loi PROPOSED Hou SE FOOTP0.�IJT � COuf�i YARD GAQAL CM T6 ALLEY 1 9&O SR.PEE 77 G 3 1 Sq.F T. 3' ANACORTES LOT14 al_K59 o w 5'6" \ 1114 10T—N STREET 3,00o Sq.F R-3 E-110.4 - 6: - -L'- -SOUTH PRoR UNE ,a -- ' /-- 3 —\ I - -.._-.------- 100' --I �W'ALLEY -ZONED COMMERCIAL SCALE t = I I C. STlW ICj 06-17-08 I 1 11'\x 17' Chapter 17.34 RESIDENTIAL MEDIUM DENSITY DISTRICT (R3) Page 1 of 1 17.34.060 Minimum setback requirements. Minimum setback requirements in an R3 district shall be as follows' A. Front yard, minimum depth twenty feet; B. Interior Side. A minimum of five feet on one side and nkless than fifteen fee on both sides combined, except that in nin n"mince shall a setback ad tacenf to a street be less than ten feet. C. Side yard on a flanking street, ten feet from property line. If street is a designated arterial, twenty feet; D. Rear Yard, Twenty Feet Minimum. 1. Where the rear yard does not abut a platted alley, no portion of the primary structure shall extend into the setback area, regardless of the use of that primary structure. A detached accessory structure no larger than one hundred forty-four square feet and twelve feet in height may be placed in a rear yard, or in the rear twenty-five feet of an interior side yard, provided that it is set back a minimum of five feet from the rear property line, and three feet from any side property line. 2. Where the rear yard abuts a platted alley, a detached accessory structure, or that portion of the primary structure used as an accessory structure, may be built in a rear yard up to the alley property line, provided that it is set back a minimum of three feet from any side property line, and is no larger than one thousand square feet and no more than sixteen feet in height. If the accessory structure is a garage, built so that vehicles enter the garage from the alley in a direction substantially perpendicular to the alley, the garage doors shall be set back a minimum of ten feet from the alley property line to allow adequate turning distance for vehicles. 3. The lot coverage of any accessory structure exceeding one hundred forty-four square feet shall count as part of the percentage of lot coverage permitted in this zone. E. Accessory structures may abut property line at alley when built parallel to the alley, or shall be set back a minimum of five feet when perpendicular to alley. (Ord. 2776 § 1 Att. A(part), 2007: Ord. 2614 Att. A(part), 2003; Ord. 2482 Att. A§ 12, 1999; Ord. 2316 (part), 1994) http://municipalcodes.lexisnexis.com/codes/anacortes/ DATA/TITLE17/Chapter_17_34_R... 8/7/2008 --.- _ .... _ • i air . Nrrof'ff),,1 gm r II firt J ' Mai 'g 1111141% i,. ,, _ ., if -044* „..... ..„„r_i „._. LI PI a NIP ; 11 sc. ow r.-; ,,• .• ii ... 1.11 r ii I twit t TA-- ""Pil,-01 f ,. v IIIIII Mi. 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BM =t ---.Pr:.;" -- ,., ,: 1 ItPUILIAV• ' r, ''`' CCIWil ' . l', 4' r • 7: 1 1 • .. ...r 1 , :CA V t. $ - • ....;.' 1 i Cal .' _ .--. - .... -- IP /•1 ,... .,iiiii. . ..„.._ r • ts, ' --`-'7,2 ,, rl''''Ir't 7t r-.-----' - 1114 10th Street CIty el Anfficartes 40 i i 1 I Feet Variance Request 411111111L- .,.,••2008 cr,,....d as Ard.15 9 1 mop AMM41. 0 250 500 1 000 Vicinity Map ......• ____ Building Department Memo To: Steve Lange, Dan Harju, Gary Robinson, Sandi Andersen, Marc Krueger, Richard Curtis, Bonnie Bowers From: Don Measamer Date: 7/15/2008 Re: Variance Request Please let me have your comments on the attached request by July 21,2008 Attachments 6.4 AmseeAnaan are6 -dae-cj-- 44-4- adielt-es 44-144:4 44.4-4veue-41( fd..„4.4;3fr(4. • Page 1 Cased Monument, Pin in Concrete Basis of Bearings - Survey per AFN 200011150152 NOO°0I'19"E 245.18 (record) 215.15 (recent measure) IUHUI� i s�i ������� Cased Monument, Pin in N2 N89°56'33"1^1 Concrete Skagit County Auditor Cased Monument 311.51 3B112008 Page 1 of 1 9:48AM "X" in concrete • Qb Skagit County Auditor Deputy Auditor ' 40' qth Street Auditor's Certificate N89°5653"W 251.51 40' Survey Notes a This survey has been prepared from a closed random traverse using C an electronic instrument measuring angles to 5 seconds of arc. and Otu W distances rounded to hundredths of feet. '( O I 0 Ce 5 � p d? The purpose of this survey has been to locate, describe and to set z 2 e- . ITkr monumentsto mark the existing lines and corners of the above described property. z Lots l - 10 This survey was performed without benefit of a current title report. This survey does not purport to show all easements, restrictions, Shed is located reservations, provisions covenants or restrictions which may affect the north and east of Corner Is Inside building. surveyed property. 1 ' Reference monument set. Corner boundary Bears 500°OS'10"W 1.22 C ill The dimensions of all lots according to the plat of the City of 1 � u- .i N89 5136 W c Ili ', N89°5l'36"W 219 56 0 m Anacortes (seebelow) are 30 feet by IOO feet. . O 10 0.5' 21.16 Alley p ui OO iN84°51'36"W n N8a W°51'56" O n N z 89b1 2 4'-- shed I 114.14 Q op Lot II Lot 12 Lot 13 a- In Lot 14 Lot 15 Lot 16 Lot 20 m s mTr Property Description tr '�Tr 0 I ;4- ,I, m Auditor's File Number 200430124001 r p Lot 14, Block 54, "Map of the City of Anacortes," Skagit County, - ,0 tV O t4 r Washington, as per plat recorded in Volume 2 of Plots, page 4, a� p O p t- records of Skagit County, Washington. O ouse Situate in the City of Anacortes, County of Skagit, State of O po . 1114 Washin ton. z 4i I P5S211 Ip > g 14 t House_ 2.1' 3.l' a "0 ..-- 3.0'--n 40' • 2,9g3 5c1 Ft O Reber 4 Cap, LS 21535 (typical) 589°58'3A"E 551°58'54"Q S81°583:i"E �e-' I 81.81 21.16 111.15 1,1413 sidewaik - '-, Utility pole 4 _ram- 4,Iry SI, '-o -40---- - - water meter_ curb S6 .6, % `Y 58Q°58'39"E lath Street k. 319.55 Cased Monument, Pin In Calculated corner location per curb Concrete AFN 200011150152. (No nail found) ;t ' . .;� Surve or s Certificateo y Record of SurveyGraphic Scale x:F� �' ., ' _ - _ , 30 0 IS 30 60 �: ' This map correctly represents a survey made by m o, [FILE' NAME: 803-417 C H A R LE S I . S TA VI G C under my direction In conformance with the0 �i • 29535 `1 requirements of the SurveyRecordingAct at the SCALE: i" = 30' I inch = 30 feet Sro-L'U `� request of Charles L. Staig, owner f property in DATE OF PLAN: 3-15-08 p p y DRAWN BY: RFP ��� 1114 10TH STREET, ANACORTES, WA. Emus t2/ot/oe Skagit County, Washingto in March, 2008 ) F.B. No. 27 �/� /� ParrishOBox Land Surveying f aSE SECTION i35 NIP R1 E p0 Eoz 314,Lopez,Washington 98261 EXPIRES % /— er IFicate No. 215 5 SE 13 35N lE ` Anemias(360)sse-1467 email penbjt'mciMlastcom J Building Department Memo To: Steve Lange, Dan Harju,Gary Robinson, Sandi Andersen, Marc Krueger, Richard Curtis, Bonnie Bowers From: Don Measamer Date: 7/15/2008 Re: Variance Request Please let me have your comments on the attached request by July 21, 2008 Attachments r\',A ) V) • Page 1 When recorded return to: Mr. Charles Stavig Mrs.Janis Conklin 3686 Green Cliffs Lane Anacortes,WA 98221 Filed for Record at Request of Land Title Company Of Skagit County Escrow Number: 121665-PAE Grantor: June Antonia Jurkovich Larsen and Estate of John Jurkovich Grantee: Charles I.Stavig and Janis A.Conklin BARGAIN AND SALE DEED THE GRANTORS JUNE ANTONIA JURKOVICH LARSEN, AS HER SEPARATE PROPERTY, AS TO 50%, AND ANN E. JURKOVICH, AS PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN JURKOVICH,AS TO 50%for and in consideration of ONE HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND AND NO/100 Dollars $ 150,000.00, in hand paid, bargains, sells, and conveys to CHARLES I. STAVIG AND JANIS A. CONKLIN,husband and wife the following described estate,situated in the County of Skagit,State of Washington: Lot 14,Block 59,"MAP OF THE CITY OF ANACORTES,SKAGIT COUNTY,WASHINGTON,"as per plat recorded in Volume 2 of Plats,page 4,records of Skagit County,Washington. Situate in the City of Anacortes,County of Skagit, State of Washington. Tax Parcel Number(s):P55277/3772-059-014-0000 The Grantors for themselves and for their successors in interest do by these presents expressly limit the covenants of the deed to those herein expressed, and exclude all covenants arising or to arise by statutory or other implication, and do hereby covenant that against all persons whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim by, through, or under said Grantors and not otherwise, they will forever warrant and defend the said described real estate. Dated:January 22,2008 C.tcnL an a nto- J urfrovic-4 Larsen by Ctnm... %w E . � -f «I June Antonia Jurkovich Larsen by Ann E. Jurkovich, iA car aotht in 7'a c,* her attorney in fact I Estate of John Jurkovich By:Ann E.Jurkovich,Personal Representative STATE OF Washington ) County of Skagit , 5S: I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Ann E.Jurkovich signed this instrument,on oath stated that She is authorized to execute the instrument a . . '10 :+r_ed it as the Personal Representative of Estate of John Jurkovich ¢, J UR. to be the free and voluntary act of such 1 party for the uses and purposes . nrlsthriC3':.I:. + t. r s ,Dated: January a5 2008 t' 40'1 P+Rs 16.2(110 y >, tf"+.:ryPus s P . fo �`teo Was ' gton 110FWA`'\At . idingat :.w My app.. , ent expires: 7/16/2010 LPB-15-050-1) STATE OF Washington } COUNTY OF Skagit } SS: On this _day of January,2008 before me personally appeared Ann E. Jurkovich ,to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument as Attorney in Fact for June Antonia Jurkovich Larsen and acknowledged that she signed and sealed the same as her free and voluntary act and deed as Attorney in Fact for said principal for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that the Power of Attorney authorizing the execution of this instrument has not been revoked and that the said principa is now lit•_•, •d is not incompetent. Given under my hand and official seal the day a• e. :.ove writ,•n. (Seal) V` k Lisa �, CURE Mary 'ublic in a,: for the State of Washington .N EXP/R Residing at Bow v .r 6s My appointment expires: 7/16/2010 nioki n.. LPB-15-05(i-1) 9coge,W CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I, Michelle Deaton, certify that I mailed,postage prepaid, copies of the foregoing document on the July 15, 2008 attached-named parties at the last known post office addresses,with the proper postage affixed to the respective envelopes: Document: Board of Adjustment—Request for Variance— 1114 10`h Street Michelle Deaton, Permit Technician Date y(9�rwi " vl si NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Adjustment will hold a Public Hearing the evening of Thursday, August 7, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. in the Municipal Building Council Chambers, 6th and "Q" Avenue. The purpose of the Public Heating is to consider a variance request to tear down an existing single family residence on a substandard lot and rebuild with new single family residence in the existing footprint with 3 foot side yard setbacks located at 1 1 14 10th Street. Anyone wishing to comment on the request may do so at the above stated date, place and time. Written comments are welcome and should be addressed to Don Measamer, Assistant Director of Planning, P.O. Box 547, Anacortes, WA 98221. A rill Steve Hoglund, Finance Director If reasonable accommodation due to a disability is needed contact Don Measamer at 293-1901 two weeks prior to the meeting date. PUBLISH: Anacortes American — July 16, 2008 t. r Pacific Resources Assoc Steven Sauer 911 "0"Avenue 1113 9th Street Anacortes, WA 98221 Anacortes, WA 98221 William Mendum Victor Perez 1103 10th Street 1115 9th Street Anacortes, WA 98221 Anacortes,WA 98221 Anacortes Christian REF Thomas Gates 1019 10th Street 1119 9th Street Anacortes, WA 98221 Anacortes,WA 98221 Douglas Tibbles Themo Demopoulos 1105 10th Street 1120 10th Street Anacortes, WA 98221 Anacortes,WA 98221 Anacortes 10t Street Mary Ellen Vallentyne 13142 Persons Road 1116 10th Street Bow, WA 98232 Anacortes,WA 98221 Wade Culp 1106 11th Street Anacortes, WA 98221 Claus Family Corp 1104 11th Street Anacortes, WA 98221 Aduel Andrews 1020 "0" Avenue Anacortes, WA 98221 Akers Orval Trustee 1116 11th Street Anacortes, WA 98221 Robert Osbrink 1110 11th Street Anacortes, WA 98221 �Tx° Anacortes Planning & Community Development Dept. Permit Center '.y+rpgijrw P.O.Box 547,Anacortes,WA 98221-0547 PH(360)293-1901 'CpP' Ian Munce,Director • Edwin Frank,Building Official FAX(360)293-1938 July 15, 2008 Charles Stavig and Janis Conklin 3686 Green Cliffs Road Anacortes,WA 98221 RE: Variance Request 1114 10' Street The above referenced request has been scheduled for August 7,2008 at 7:00 p.m. in the Municipal Building Council Chambers located at 6`11 and"Q" Avenue. Please make sure someone is present at the meeting to answer any questions the Board may have. If you have any questions,please contact me at 293-1901. Thank You, CI tij I ►, YL Michelle Deaton Permit Technician II CITY OF ANACORTES '1 v o,� C ^ P.O. BOX 547 m4 \ n J u ANACOATES, WASHINGTON 98221-0547 Q ��./ - - - - ..--- r`... Pacific Resou 'Assoc - - GN K 911 "O" enue •,; _ / g - ,£ ' Ana rtes, WA 98221 NIXIE 982 DC 1 00 07/31/08 RETURN TO SENDER ATTEMPTED - NOT KNOWN UNABLE TO FORWARD y�.y� MC: 982221054747 *1526-03330-17-41 �....-..-..-. ' }6n�s a s.A7 iIl lnlllIIII II Ii1'II111ilIL111I1I11Illlllllll(ll lllllll hill ffir ' Nrobeaar M1 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Adjustment will hold a Public Hearing the evening of Thursday, August 7, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. in the Municipal Building Council Chambers, 6th and "Q" Avenue. The purpose of the Public Hearing is to consider a variance request to tear down an existing single family residence on a substandard lot and rebuild with new single family residence in the existing footprint with 3 foot side yard setbacks located at 1114 10th Street. Anyone wishing to comment on the request may do so at the above stated date, place and time. Written comments are welcome and should be addressed to Don Measamer, Assistant Director of Planning, P.O. Box 547, Anacortes, WA 98221. „1—P teve Hoglund, Finance Director If reasonable accommodation due to a disability is needed contact Don Measamer at 293-1901 two weeks prior to the meeting date. PUBLISH: Anacortes American — July 16, 2008 • • I 1 Ifirl .111WEENME " •. al e• ••• • r -, limiriiiiir . - "7?,131.11 ' !Mail 1 to .,...rk4, i Ir.i r, „.,_ .: ft r"auit ! , . •=,,!,!, wr,n . .4111166, ..,-1GE Rm ,. TR. irl r-- --- b AI . i tty iii t Pir 1 . -Aiii ' rp . 0 ,.„ • - 'r '-'-i alp mirl 1 . ' IIIIII---- III .a 4 -. - ,_ ezi . IV n'7 •41 ME -1,7- ...r.4-• A i 1 1 r i - i-t_ 1, - l.•^ . , . i •1 4 ithgleno m:s.ii ^,. ... 4 1 : -7- • 416., I . e — IPLIiiii.l• SW ir- rt•zi iifa41 1111111r'i "9111 ILIA4iii I . :i.: ,N.4 ,.... , l . iz:elitimrell .1 • - e. ,4.•• •• 44 .Mil li, I , -. . .liallial , li _ ' 1 . '- ---mr, . or N ,111111 , i .',7=RM ',cr i s.iiir, , _ . ..._ .., „ .; .„ . . . , .1 . 7 , - 1 i71 1111111;.;.: • ' . . -' ' .•*.i'ha "' . ••• .;,.: .• .-t"Na • VIII lie) I! 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