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Permit File 1113 10th Street
BUILDING PERMIT CITY OF ANACORTES PERMIT NO. : BLD97-0222 P.O. BOX 547 APPLIED: 06/05/97 ANACORTES, WA 98221 ISSUED: 06/05/97 (206) 293-1901 EXPIRES: 06/05/98 SITE ADDRESS: 1111 10TH ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. : 3772-058-008-0000 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Demolition Wood Shed — OWNER — CONTRACTOR — LENDER JOHN JURKOVICH 395 GUEMES ISLAND ROAD ANACORTES WA 98221 293-2379 TYPE OF WORK 'DEM AREA (sf) VALU. . . $: 0 TYPE OF USE •') LOT • 0 REQUIRED SETBACKS---- CENSUS CATEGORY •999 1ST FLR • 0 FRONT • 0 ft ZONING 2ND FLR • 0 SIDE 0 ft : ? BASEMENT • 0 REAR • 0 ft OCCUPANCY GROUP GAR/CARPORT. . . : 0 REQUIRED PARKING-- :? :? : ? : ? OTHER • 0 TOTAL • 0 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION HANDICAPPED: 0 :? : ? : ? . . NUMBER OF UNITS 0 COMPACT • 0 OCCUPANT LOAD STORIES • 0 IMPRV SURF. : 0 sf . 0: 0: 0: 0: BUILDING HEIGHT. : 0 ft — FEES — NOTES Code Amount---- By- Date---- Receipt PRMT $ 0. 00 MD 06/05/97 NC TOTAL $ 0. 00 I hereby acknowledge that I have read this permit and state that the above information is correct, and agree to comply with all ordinances and laws regulating activities covered by this permit. ictEtAn r Issu by Applicant or Owner' s Sign ture 24 Hour Notice Required For All Inspections bld,_prmt, Rev: 06/11/92 7, ;:::‘n. '6;bs .................................... ntElliNHOWEVDM.a!:Ii;;t1t3L;kirAIN M4gUntriAntaliP ig FHAWARR .................................................................................... !I!.. .::;iDEMOLITION ETERMIT:APPLIeATIONsgiwua Site Address: MI HI ! '1> 0 -U.._ .5- • Date: 6 - 5 - 9 Assessors Account No.: Y7 2 0 a _O 0 00 a Lot(s): Block: ,s-r Addition: og/C, 1/4, Owners Name: lAvh-10-1..;,( Contractors Name: Address: 3 9E* sb.A.Lx. .. cg& iRSL Address: State: Zip: State: Zip: Phone: Z 9 1 - 2. 3 1 q Contractors License: Phone: Have Utilities Been Notified? Describe Work & Tools To Be Used. How Will Materials Be Disposed? Water Dept.: Yes No .A,ozia Electric: Yes No Cable: Yes No Gas: Yes No Phone: Yes No BARRICADES TO BE PROVIDED FOR PUBLIC PROTECTION,AREA MUST BE ROPED OFF""" SEE SECTION 4409 U.B.C. ketS, (Aiplioinnt's or Agent's Signature) ASBESTOS WARNING Breathing asbestos is hazardous to your health. Before starting a renovation or demolition project, survey for friable asbestos materials. Notify Northwest Air Pollution Authority prior to asbestos removal or containment. 201 Pioneer Bldg., Mt. Vernon,WA 98273. (360)428-1617 Fire Department Approval: Date: (Fire Chief or Fire Marshal) Police Dept. Notification: Date: Public Works Dept: Date: (Speed Garrett) • Comments: • • CITY OF ANACORTES "AS-BUILT" . 14 Sewer �iTRACTOR fl Storm PLAT/DIVISION: • BLOCK LOT ADDRESS: • ip li i r:y`�:�r 1 DATE: i AUG 26 2013 PERMIT# SCALE _ in` '4 LT�LJ = � STREET• 111111111111111111/. m in.mom...............__I 111 I I I I I NI III 0 II I IIIIIIMMINE.............s in........._____I Ill 111 I II.I ll 11111 I I 111 I"WWI 0, ' ...........unimmummt , . ■ _ d ' mm................mnimaL • iiimm__________NummiummeraliiN. .* • • ■ it........ ainNI ' - ' . illiiiiiiiii ......._____1111111111mmummr_ 4. ,,,, i 0'1 Li • :„...m 1- p, � '' . . ""mnrima.'"amminmiawntmiE i,... . t . ,. - 01,....... . . . OCATE STREET(S)O G p MAP ' 0 . . • FIN 1 PSF INDUSTRIES, INC. WWW.PSFINDUSTRJES.COM 65 S. HORTON/P.O. BOX 3747 SEATTLE,WASHINGTON 98124 CRAFTSMEN SERVING INDUSTRY SINCE 1900 PHONE:206-622-1252C FAX:206-682-1070 - ASME DESIGN-FABRICATION-ERECTION-PLANNED MAINTENANCE-EMERGENCY REPAIRS BOILERS-HRSG'S-HEAT EXCHANGERS•SPHERES-STACKS•VESSELS , - k . tiN'''' . , !1 2 p Vc sic I v /L------ .... ,,, 47,/, a, j Q r . i , 17 ;4 . . , _ ,' ,, , (7 _ , ,,,____ ,_„.. - /7( y . . . STEEL PLATE FABRICATORS ASSOCIATION FABRICATED PRODUCT OF THE YEAR AWARD 1998 &2002 AINACOE11% WASIIIIItil-UIN • 1 BLOCK 59 —, I 1 -3-1.4 --- ._.:- _ FBUI0 CINC. 1 \ STREET I OT'14'-. : S 8958'06' E 319:44! WAS. 044T ;3801) ,.„., .. _ ....._ \ 00101011: Ili CASE ' .., Eigiiii9 - i - - 1 I 11 If ; -r 19 :L.,. _ - 'fp 1i7-C- . .„ • elf I ,, , f id e.... tx.-- -1 q= . . . ,,, . -,- 4 -- c (3 -I- i • . , ,_ --, - -. , , 6---/—t4' - ,-, --, d , i - • 1...,....,..., if 1- r.....: f (e.. 40' , /11 'C 3 :-A,..1 , 1 :, I . k.. Ld LLI IC? / LI-, ZA: , / ,-/ 4 • .44 r . ,, zi) 10 -- -t -7-1 LOT 3 '411'-' -:1,13T 4 07:1E1 • cb ei LOT 2 4359 SF '''"' 4358 SF c) 1 V -L,z 4359 SF cl• -4,... Z . 1.--...- ec.—cv , s4c)-k4, z 4:t'.: ,...,,, ,..'tk .. . :!--:- ..,,, ., . : . • EX. 13L1Xv, N.4 .. P 4 . ...,... S • ... ,. „ ,i69' ._,.., ,., . LEY \ .•: -,.-. , . .. .. (i_ ' , ,-..1 . .., 1 - \ 2C--I_ ..---1 T;Sit 'et",i../ C-n Date' �.. \(`CJ Plata, `r► ErNir n to ®� `�so`a$,a Cent l,ca structure\ocated at e rneOt assures that t \fl ands by #his dock !�� with industry stand \lance tion instal\ed in c°gyp u\ t\on ad iosu\a :::t3‘ rs ::tfic°: eet1::Q p Str A22 C5DEge �EoyiSecee \ \ nts\nsta\\ed: COmp°r'e ned: R Sig F\at lei\ings: R f� �e\irgs R/ • Tit\e: V au\ted wa\\s �xteriorUnderheat' Sh°u\d be passed°nt �, �\OpCSt ,this cep#irate °u ever 5e\\this rti#irate W ith your other va\ued papers `the purchase �sce \(eep th 1 - .. . . • _ ___ _z = • • �u.blic W. t. orks- . - - - - .Engirieering.a.nd Development Services . _ • Residential Inspection - - - - " - - _ _ Address: 1 r -t-"1- \ 1 Date: q -2.°7— 13 - . owner . - w L`l i- . �;�,s..'S` i�. " . _ . . . • Contractor_ it J LtC - Coi?0'''T?k-t (..X- L0v • - . . . . . . Inspected by: ;p08\ ►'` e ---- i1la�L� ,tv�- . • - `l. Water Meter Box • - !d' - firm and level to finished grade or backside of sidewalk elevation. - " - - and box undamaged_ _ •- - . � -- l er meter and customer shutoff installed. . • - - - • _l• No debris_ - - . - . - �--7Accessible—no landscape obstruction_ -- . -Q Driveway installation has tin-ye-over box and lid_ . " . _ . . _ M"ustorner gate valve intact_ - " - - - . - a/66 leaks at connections. - . . - _ - - 0\t1 2: Curb and Gutter • • o cracks, damage, graffiti,footprints;.finishing.blemishes, or other objectionable - marks• _ - If road frontage improvements:: " . ❑ Expansion joints every 15-feet and at driveways_ " ❑ Concrete has.broom finish.. • -No low,spot-at curb line, especially at driveway cut_ Maximum grade change in 20 feet is l inch. . - - . 3_ Sidewalk - . . . - o cracks,damage,graffiti,footprints, finishing blemishes, or other objectionable - " - - marks. " . . _ . - . . ' ❑ ADA compliant=1 .percent slope to curb_ •. s. If road frontage improvements: - • - . ❑ -.Expansion joints every 15.feet and at driveways_ - - . - . ❑ . Concrete has broom finish • - - . . • . . • 4_ Driveway Approaches iSt\i - - " Li No cracks,damage, graffiti,footprints, finishing blemishes, or other.objectionable _ Marks_ . ❑ ,ADA compliant.. - - - 5:. Streets NI f - - - .• - - n No.cracks,blemishes. . - If road or alley improvements: - -- : • " . - 1 I - Received proctor and sieve analysis of.ballast, crushed rock, and-asphalt_ -� "Received passing.materials testing reports for sub-grade,.baflast,crushed . rock,and asphalt. - - - . - n Received tonnage tickets consistent with required thickness.per approved-- . - . - plans. - . - -. 6. Sanitary Sewer " - • f� spection card-signed off and/or verified in Building Department"database_: •- - • �-built record filed in the address file_ - - - - • - j� rew cap(s).installed on clean-out(s)_ - . Clean-outs)set at finished grade. - 7. Storm Drainage : - . n inspection-card.signed off.and/or verified in-Building Department database- _ - . n As-built-record filed in address file... . . • fl Not blocked or.diverted to adjacent.parcel_ _ _ . • Public.Utilities Out of Traveled Way •. " • n .Concrete collars around-City-Utilities_ " - • n Final grading ok. . • " •• : - - •• . n Restored to prior-condition or better.- - • 9_ Landscape . - . n Bonded for completion at later date. - • - - _ - Vrrd against approved landscape plan: C ` �� "l //Installation_ ype and quantity of plants. . •• • • 1 Sod or seed in place. . - - - : ` - rJ,Ji, - n. Root barrier(receipt filed). _ 1 . 10.Erosion ntrol Measures _ - - . . - I s removed. •• - - -. - r'i - I ebris removed. Site dean. • • • : - • - - Permanent vegetation established_ - .. o 116 *tit CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY This is to certify that the below listed building or structure has been inspected and occupancy is hereby authorized: Description: New single family residence Location: 1111 10th Street Owner: Fidalgo Northwest LLC Constructed by: Irving Construction Corp Building Permit#: BLD-2013-0154 Date issued: May 7, 2013 Use Zone: R4 Dated: September 30, 2013 Authorizing Official: (47 .T X 6 Cityof Anacortes Permit#: BLD-2013-0154 904 6th Street Issue date: 05/07/2013 `!"" a P.O.Box 547 1. Expire date: 11/03/2014 ;� ^ Anacortes, WA 98221-0547 _001011104,7- (360) 293-1901 C0i " Job Address: 1111 10TH ST Permit Type: Single Family Residence Permit ANACORTES WA 98221 Project: APN: P55262 Remarks: Construct new single family residence per approved plans. Owner: FIDALGO NORTHWEST LLC Contractor: IRVING CONSTRUCTION CORP Address: 819 COMMERCIAL AVE Address: 819 COMMERCIAL AVE STEG STE G ANACORTES WA 98221-4130 ANACORTES WA 98221-4130 Phone: (360)293-6354 Phone: (360)293-6354 License#: IRVINCC044KG General Information: Fees: Building Valuation 222400 Building Permit Fee 1,682.55 # Forced Air Furnace<=1,000 1 Plan Review Fee 1,093.66 #of Bathtubs 1 Mechanical Permit Fees 129.15 #of Clothes Dryers 1 Plumbing Permit Fee 132.00 #of Clothes Washers 1 State Building Code Fee 4.50 #of Dishwashers 1 Sewer Inspection Fee 50.00 #of Gas Fireplace 1 Storm Drain GFC-Residential 1,301.75 #of Gas Piping 1 Sewer GFC-Residential 7,622.00 #of Gas Water Heaters 1 Park Impact Fee 615.00 #of Water Piping 1 Traffic Impact Fee 900.00 #of Hose Bibbs 1 Total Calculated: 13,530.61 #of Kitchen Sinks 1 Deposits/Receipts: 0.00 #of Lavatories 5 #of Range Hoods 1 Total Due: 13,530.61 #of Showers 1 #of Ventilation Fans 6 #of Water Closets 4 fD CA 53 i• ,-(- CI ,:a r:, ,w s N: .."•, c C. j M+ tl'•. p.0 1:.4 1•.5 ' THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 180 DAYS, OR•tF 0 ' CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 180 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. !; HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. Al::2 ,-, PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN Oft ;y' NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. i/ ` i . , �ai4 SIGNATURE O' OWNER •R AUTHO-,,ZED AGENT ISSUED BY , = ,cr Y o , Cityof Anacortes Permit#: BLD-2013-0154 904 6th Street Issue date: 05/07/2013 P.O.Box 547 Expire date: 11/03/2014 _'"`' ' Anacortes, WA 98221-0547 Ali 19" b_ (360) 293-1901 Job Address: 11 10TH ST Permit Type: Single Family Residence Permit ANAL ORTES WA 98221 Project: APN: P55262 Remarks: Construct ne single family residence per approved plans. Owner: FIDALGO NOR WEST LLC Contractor: IRVING CONSTRUCTION CORP Address: 819 COMMERCIAL'VE Address: 819 COMMERCIAL AVE STE G STE G ANACORTES WA 98 1-4130 ANACORTES WA 98221-4130 Phone: (360)293-6354 Phone: (360)293-6354 License#: IRVINCC044KG General Information: ---., Fees: Building Valuation 23`400 Building Permit Fee 1,7.I.55 # Forced Air Furnace<=1,000 Plan Review Fee ,130.06 #of Bathtubs 1 Mechanical Permit Fees 129.15 #of Clothes Dryers 1 Plumbing Permit Fee 132.00 #of Clothes Washers 1 State Building Code Fee 4.50 #of Dishwashers 1 Sewer Inspection Fee 50.00 #of Gas Fireplace 1 Storm Drain GFC-Residential 1,301.75 #of Gas Piping 1 Sewer GFC-Residential 7,622.00 #of Gas Water Heaters 1 Park Impact Fee 615.00 #of Water Piping 1 Traffic Impact Fee 900.00 #of Hose Bibbs 1 otal Calculated: 13,623.01 #of Kitchen Sinks 1 •eposits/Receipts: 0.00 #of Lavatories 5 #of Range Hoods 1 Total Due: 13,623.01 #of Showers 1 ��� #of Ventilation Fans 6 ,i9ew #of Water Closets '4 4 y,41,-4 C 7 1 0, #./ ° 600 1, -e-t THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION AUTHOR! . . IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 180 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 180 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR AUTHORIZED AGENT ISSUED BY `4 City of Anacortes Permit#: BLD-2013-0211 904 6th Street ? Issue date: 05/13/2013 3.4 P.O.Box 547 Expire date: 11/09/2014 �' 40 Anacortes, WA 98221-0547 r 01: �M.Y.N'M1'•+I.•"'rN~ Job Address: 1111 10TH ST Permit Type: Foundation Permit ANACORTES WA 98221 Project: APN: P55262 Remarks: New Single Family Residence Owner: WILLIAM GILLESPIE Contractor: IRVING CONSTRUCTION CORP Address: PO BOX 866 Address: 819 COMMERCIAL AVE STE G MOUNT VERNON WA 98273-0866 ANACORTES WA 98221-4130 Phone: (360)293-2135 Phone: (360)293-6354 License#: General Information: Fees: Building Valuation 10000 Building Permit Fee 181.25 / Plan Review Fee 117.81 State Building Code Fee 4.50 Total Calculated: 303.56 Deposits/Receipts: 0.00 Total Due: 303.56 SL1 HJ / C /7-e/ pa, c N ft lq/Cu /4jlri THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 180 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 180 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR AUTHORIZED AGENT ISSUED BY a .444 site location 9 :, ,: j " A4 ar" ' f .1 �' �` Underwood & � � .. F Associates,Ilc ,: :.; 4 � � ." ;; LA, ::',1� anac 1005 4th street '' Off a M78,ga gen ones,wastdn t 98221 ., " H • ,,• ` ;,. 6 ( 360 588.0471 "; s,,j. ,I s•';%."7 t. ke underwood,ALA.11 y s rb; ' „ .I� nunuke@underwoodarchnecture com 'w „"�s1a.N °t,,w`ia,°""j5 +bkittirt'. sidewalk r, — .. "* .,L d ?a r.. 41° '1 d9 CD, Google Image fence a '.:, aproperty line �rassand �r= a I1 ntlscePtng Stormwater Management — _ Requirement#1..storm water site plan 1.Access Road ® ® ® ®` „, See site plan,for property lines,location of building and drives,and t I existing patio and landscape areas near the additions.Other Construction vehicle access shall be limited to one route, /�/' covered g e e unless otherwise approved by the official �.�� entry porch „ d requirements are noted on drawings. <t.y) Requirement#2:construction storm water pollution prevention A gravel construction road shall be installed which will remove as much mud and dirt from the vehicles as 1 iii • 1.park clearing limits.clearing limited to building site as shown effective prior to entering t e public roadway.The \ ' site lan. effectiveness and efficiencyof the removal shall be to the satisfaction of the official. r 2.Establish construction access:construction access is existingand If conditions are such that an Insufficient amount of • r shown on the site plan. \ s•.o' material is removed from the tires by contact with the I o,,,(---�,,,���^ \ sme yore 3.Control flow rates'n/a aggregate,right -tins shall ebewashed pproris entering the \78 eln'dance\ublicn tit-of-wa If wear from this rocess shall be u u4. Install sediment controls:natural vegetation retained where directed to a sedimentation pond or other appropriatesediment trapping imp for treatment prior to release to \\\\\\\\\\�\ rpractical.Provide silt fence as necessary for protection of sediment deposition to adjacent areas.Install silt fence per department of the public storm water system. Lot 4: 4375 S\ r ecology's guidelines for BMP C233 at locations shown on storm water The entrance shall be maintained in a condition that shall \+ \ • site plan. prevent the racking or flow of mud onto the public right- of-way.Periodic maintenance of the entrance,including \ provide silt fence as necessary for 5.Stabilize soils:sedimentation trapping measures as shown on the removal and replacement of aggregate,and cleaning r protection of sediment deposition to storm water site plan(silt fence).All soil stockpiles shall be covered r 1 adjacent areas and/or repair of sediment trapping devices shall be .t ' • with plastic,mulch,or straw A not worked after 2 days in the rainy •performed as conditions dictate or as directed by the °'1 r season(Oct.1-May 1)or 7 days in the dry season.All exposed soils,stockpiled or at final grade,will be stabilized as above and official. a i surrounded with a silt fence until such time as natural vegetation ` `1'1.•'•-•'..`•"• fence Sediment tracked onto the public roadways shall be provides the same level of protection. cleaned on at least a daily basis. 1.„I.:_ 6.Protect slopes:excavated materials to be placed on uphill side of - ,a. ` �t exposed area. silt fence I• ,it..'.•:,t. I, 2.Soil Stabilization ° 1_;.1„:patio:..:._,' 1 7.Protect drain inlets.all exposed vertical tight lines to be covered r \, :'4 ' ••{ ' `-•• r ur`:\ until final connection.Other drains to be buried in drain rock. All exposed soils shall be prevented from moving off-site ,for onto natural or artificial drainage systems through / l `. 0,`-' 8.Stabilize channels and outlets:erosion outlets to be prevented as suitable application of bmp's,including but not limited to I ''I'.'.I ..•,a i sod or other vegetation,plastic covering,mulching,or / temporarysoil t' r with surface run-off and with stockpiling of removed materials. application of ground base on areas to be paved I stockpile area I r g Downspouts to tie into tight line and run to sloping grade to be e878 I dispersed by rock out fall away from house with a 50'vegetative / \\���\ I ReOst buffer.Per BMP T5.10,provide splash control at locations shown on / __ r ,,�"x, site plan to provide no more than 700 sf of impervious area drainage 3.Protection Of Adjacent �\\ �� rI p �`I\ a ra Michael G Underwood per block,and separate the blocks a minimum of 50 feet. Properties \)1`I \ ,• f State of Washington Adjacent properties shall be protected from sediment b� —, \\\ r _ __j 9.Control pollutants:potential pollutants shall not be stored on site. a — deposition by appropriate use of vegetative buffer strips, 1 � '. \^�'` All solvents,paints,gasoline,oils and other chemicals to be removed s from the site at the end of each work day by the contractor.Concrete sediment barriers or filters,dikes,berms,or mulching,or ( `I`1, sa �'. Q p by a combination of these measures and other �`\�P \ p//'/�/ Permit Set wash-water will return with truck and will not be dispersed on site. ` I- I� appropriate BMP's. % ���,,y ' I Eo.Control de-watering'n/a.,as per#8 ���r�.41''I'.�' , Project name: e 11.Maintain bmp's:bmp's will be maintained.Inspection will be vt 4.Maintenance 1011 �, .•7� � 1 0th Street Lot 4 3 completed after run-off producing storm.Contractor to manage and All erosion and sedimentation control methods shall be , w`--i' maintain all BMP's. maintained and regularly inspected by the permit t, applicant in order to ensure continued performance 1 s-v N r}I; i•.I .-.11. -Tii 1 >', 12.Manage the project'management of project following the plan during the like of the construction.(Note:without proper q,'(; • •s 'detailed above will be done by contractor. maintenance,city/county building inspectors may _ _ suspend all authorized work on your project until '3 Requirement#3:source control of pollution corrective measures are completed.) propery Imes, No new source pollution. •�' Project 1223 -zi5. Unusual Events - Issue Date: 4/3/13 Requirement#4:preservation of natural drainage system. Natural drainage to be unimpeded. Any adverse effects of increased runoff(unusual or large p N storm events)resulting from land distribution activities -' •a I I G shall be controlled by appropriate measures as soon as +. .tl requirement#5:On-site Stormwater management possible.Additional erosion control measures may be - Site Plan BMP's will be inspected and followed as outlined In requirements 1-4 necessary where your project is located adjacent to a 1 critical area. CD Stormwater Management 2 Tesc Notes N Al Site Plan 44 �, 1/4"=1'-0" 1/4„=1'-0" +°� O 1/8„=1'-0„ A 1 .1 0 Li 4/12/2013 3851:32 PM ✓ 20' 9" 13-0" - 7.' -.. .7c lic 2'-6" 2'-0" 3" 4'-0" 3' 2'-0" 4'-412' 3'-0" 2'-41f7 4'-9112' 51/2" 7.6' S'-3" 1''0 © 1'-9114" 2'-7114' © © 1'-0" ;' ' s ' a ZIP 4 1 . 2cc> A52.1 A53.1 safety r10111- Underwood & g 0112" 1T-8" 8'-0112" t 2'-0" ,3" 2'-0 3" 7-0" 5'-7" Associates, C COI Io �T� � © ,D37// r 10054thStreet tes, washington 98221 lisiI '� 1 pedlav MOT, to 360.588.0471 • lit. 11• � \ CD1) _ N P .2 C. WIC mike underwood, AIA Open to below o l mike(�underwoodarchitecture.corn 1—b entry O O Vkr m r-0 •--�--- -._.,. 48x36 shower - - Floor Plan Notes: 0 , CIOSet pr 1- All dimensions are to face of stud 7-7" 1r-°" )' landing platform bath - unless noted otherwise. jr v A03 1 rod&shelf MO7 • o ro- 1 �11 (D2) 2. See foundation plan for additional zero clearanceL , rod&shelf • framing notes. to ] gas fireplace — la n 36"high sot d wall v 1 I K to ^ M. closet I �\ 3. All exterior walls are 2x6 16"o.c. v. 1 v____ __ m " Studs unless noted otherwise (u-n-o-) — 7 r �_ a CD lay Slav to A15 media/bedroom 1 - ' bedroom 2 D 11"t _ s 4. All interior partitions are 2x4 - 16" o-c. o Studs unless noted otherwise- A15 Al 0 I 22x30 min.attic acess L I 0 1t0 �I rod&shelf D2 NS 5. Provide backing in all bathrooms for m � to � - � ��\ do � i% 4x4 post u `� towel bars,toilet dispensers, medicine 5.2 �) ' s.d. 8, IA12i D2` 40" hWallwlwood cap ® 1 ® Eot sd locations.etc. Coordinate with owner for o d. m.oE0 Dz iq A15 [E01 I _� a E E02 s.d. $ \ i e s.d. ° I — _ , Legend: �> d w, 1 F Exhaust Fan - vent to outside- 1 �� ta b F �. See 145 & 1461sp1 E01 1% E01i 1 sin -a D37 C D3 I Smoke Detector- hardwire l lav0 1 15-0tub/showeroav52 j i kitchen dining SDr provideteachwith battery _ _ O [ -- 8 master suit backup See 104Isp1 NI MOT A01 - wo COi L Xx See sp1 for keynotes attic dressing 1 bath C) dressing 2 attic o c Oro m �A01 "„ M07 H it I tit St , 01112 .--, ...1.11,1 1 I r-,,, Floor Plan Notes b 1 0 <Dr) a,? 1 J 1/4" = 1'-0" rat&shelf 1 r w/c t, rod&shelf fiai[ 'il ■- SI 0 I COI CO f. 5 i di.•9112" 2'•0" 1'-9112" fe, m ( �� • a - - -1" 5'- III 7,-0" 19'-9" 7,0 9 .11 E.'33,-9, i� II _ O b - tN jMOe I- — I lain' pantry 3 laundry — S shelves vacuum 1111111 OI A3 Second Floor Plan �� 1/4" = 1'-0" 24'-0" 7-0" 7.6' 7-6' 4'-6" 5 5'-2" 9'•10' 5'-4112" I 13'-4112" b lain FL 9878 Registered Door Schedule Floor Plan Legend 'S °• ARCHITECT Type Mark Width Height Count Hardware Comments Key Value Keynote Text -( Michael G.Underwood I State of Washington D1 3'-0" 6' 8" 1 threshold and weatherstrip entry door A01 ,Provide backing in all bathrooms for towel bars, toilet paper 02 2' -8" 7-0" 7 holders, medicine cabinets, etc. Coordinate with owner for - D3 2' -6" 6'- 8" 4 locations. Permit SetD4 3'- 0" 6' -8" 2 threshold and weatherstrip rear patio door and garage man door A02 Handrails: 36" above stair toe, provide 1 1/2" diameter rail, set - D6 5'-0" 6'- 8" 1 1 1/2" off wall - D4 D7 5' -0" 6'-8" 2 A03 Guardrails: 36" above adjacent finished floor. Space uprights o Project name: 1 D8 2'-6" 6' -8" 2 Pocket Door dressing room doors in upper bdrm baths so that a 4" sphere cannot pass through the guardrail plane, 4" attic access 1 Oth Street Lot 4 y D9 2' -0" 6'-8" 1 pantry door min. between floor and bottom rail. A04 Fireplace: gas fireplace - zero clearance rating as selected- ti G1 16' 0" 7 0" 1 threshold and weatherstrip garage overhead door Install gas fireplace with clearances and combustion air per v Grand total:21 manufacturers recommendations and by code- 173/SP > Al2 Disappearing stairs or 22 x 30 attic access panels with 5/8" garage �, L La g-w-b- cover panel and provide wheatherstrip gasketing - see 6 et Window Schedule tip 83/SP1. Provide min- 30" head clearance- Use plywood dams window window to control ceiling insulation as required- 103/SP1 Project 1223 size size A15 Emergency Egress Path, see 102/SP1 Issue Date: 4/3/13 -� Type Mark Width Height Count Description Comments E01 Smoke Detector- hardwire connect all detectors and provide ypg p each with a battery backup - See 104/sp1 ti E02 Install an approved carbon monoxide alarm outside of each First & Second 4 A 2' -0" 5'-0" 2 single hung with grid sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of any and all bedrooms B 2' -6" 4' 0" i single hung with grid 5'0" above floor Floor Plans C 2'- 6" 4'-0" 4 single hung with grid M07 Exhaust Fan - vent to outside - See 145 & 146/sp1 F 3 D 2'- 6" 1'-6" 2 fixed window M08 Clothes Dryer, see 144/SP1 1 Q E 2'-6" 4'-0" 1 _casement with grid c0 F 2' -0" 3'-0" 6 single hung with grid G 5'-0" 4' -0" ` 2 horizontal slider if H 4'-0" 5' 0" 1 fixed window a'•°" 16'•9 a•°" A3 First Floor Plan A3 . 1 Grand total: 19 19 24'•0 tj \�� 1/4" _ 1 -0" 4/11/20134:31:19PM - -Sift QA: ANACORTES PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. PERMIT CENTER "it P.O. BOX 547, ANACORTES, WA 98221 I (360) 293-1901 - FAX (360) 293-1938 IAN MUNCE, EDW N FRANK, BUILDING OFFICIAL CO % June 28, 1999 Chris Buck Enterprise Rent-A-Car 2222 Riverside Drive Mt. Vernon,WA 98273 RE: Address Change 1004 Commercial Avenue, Suite D Dear Mr. Buck: If an effort to get our addressing system in proper order for the 911 dispatch system and help the Post Office be more efficient in there operation we are readdressing several portions of the building your office is located in. The new address for the office in Anacortes on 10th Street will be(113 10th Street)Suite B. This information will be circulated to the utilities and Post Office. Past experience has been that the Post Office will recognize both addresses up to one year from the date of change. This should give time for notification to your customers and other correspondents. If you have any questions concerning this change,please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, CITY OF ACORTES E rank Building Official EF:md cc. Rob Hoxie Utility Billing US Postal Service Cascade Natural Gas Puget Sound Energy GTE TCI Skagit County 911 Addressing System