HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit File BLD-2019-0569 1819 10th Street .:..G� City of Anacortes Invoice/Permit#: BLD-2019-0569 904 6th Street Applied date: 08/28/2019 `" ' P.O.Box 547 K Issue date: 08/30/2019 Anacortes, WA 98221-0547 Expire date: 02/25/2021 �>•iii� n (360) 293-1901 Job Address: 1819 10TH ST Permit Type: Single Family Alteration/Repair Permit ANACORTES WA 98221-1417 Project: APN: P56060 Remarks: Install Solar PV system. Owner: RICHARD REEVES Contractor: WESTERN SOLAR INC. Address: 1819 10TH ST Address: 4041 HOME RD ANACORTES WA 98221-1417 BELLINGHAM WA 98226-9158 Phone: (360)293-9248 Phone: (360) 746-0859 License#: General Information: Fees: Building Valuation 3965 Building Permit Fee 97.25 Plan Review Fee 63.21 State Building Code Fee Resi 6.50 Total Calculated: 166.96 Deposits/Receipts: 0.00 Total Due: 166.96 r° m c ••I, 1.4 -: of ,p ? N. --I Q• i, el- e- ' I I Ii tf N• z• G CI w rti, 0 _ ,_f m tJ IX, 0 r_rt 0) 11,4 c, ,,•. —i m z 12 ; .. f1J .: Irf N• F-=• T 0) , Lf 0 77. fr. CO -n r- .y. t..., ,`f THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 180 DAY$';. CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 180 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED.µ Ica HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIO WS`;' OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT, T ;', GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE •-•t ISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE pRon LOC W REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. ri NI I 17, • _tt f�f TI SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR AUTHORIZED AGENT !SSW • 61 0 5- 0 m 0 \`113F'' • i ,- ING COMMUNITY, & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT • RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION '', a 2 0 2019 1 7 - Mailing Address: P.O. Box 547, Anacortes, WA 98221 % pIS5 51 \N„ ....., Office Location: 904 6Th Street, Anacortes WA 98821 871 Phone: (360) 293-1901, Fax: (360) 293-1938 PLEASE REFER TO THE RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT CHECKLIST BELOW FOR SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS PROJECT ADDRESS(Street,Suite#): 1 .-. . — Parcel(s)4: ?5 G0(.0 0 611 mil, ST. Subdivision/Lot ft: Project Valuation: S I 39(05 1 APPLICANT: Phone: Fax: Cher tj 1 N0.414 WO--er 1-, Sotar 3Cp0- -ILICP-0859 Address(Street,City.Stale.Zip): 9 s 2Z G E-Mail Address: 140H l ii orne R EL ,S-u-Orr P,, g-e it ifica run .N/J4, CA-vcrt & AveSicrn5blcmri nc. cam PROPERTY OWNER: Phone: Fax: Pick Reeves 8os-Lic15- 332f0 I Address(Street.City.State,Zip): E-Mail Address: i -8 I 9 10i-h ST , A n ckcer+-es,WI\ 9 $22_1 r f ci(E) rrsa.r‘boi-r. Com CONTACT PERSON: Phone: Fax: Cheri41 ewei.J. le. 3c,o- -1,44,- 0259 Address(Street,City,State,Zip): ' GI $224 E-Mail Address: 4(pq I H-cinYe R 0. 3 SW' 1-t A ,PatIti'r031,,,,", WA , Ck-ty 41 (E)uitsitYrtSalthY 5' AC. Cov...-\ LENDING AGENCY: Phone: " Fax: Address(Street,City,State.Zip): E-Mail Address: CONTRACTOR:* 1 ,. Phone: Fax: Ws-km Qs+eitl Solos _i_ne . 3(0014(D-085g Address(Street,City,State,Zip): E-Mail Address: q a 4( dome D.) .LA;1-e /\ ,Nttnhare,,N J'c cr‘aa, c heirjt pix.R9-ty,,s410,r;N C. • Professional License 4: Exp.Date: *All Contractors&Subcontractors must have a valid City of Anacor1es ONIES-MN 9103-0 business license prior to doing work in the City. Contact the CiO,'s Business License#: Exp.Date: Finance Department at(360)299-1968. Co 0 az_521 g 1 tz• t• ic) PROPOSED WORK: MP s-1--c„t k 5o Icky. PV Ski R 1-err, PROPOSED NEW SQUARE FOOTAGE: Basement SQ': Finished Basement: El Unfinished Basement El 1 Floor SQ': Garate/Carport SQ": 2'Floor SQ': Deck,/Covered Porch/Patio SQ': Fire Sprinkler: Yes D No El Lot Area SQ': Is construction associated with an accessory dwelling unit? Yes Cl No El I declare under penalty of perjury that the information I have provided on this form/application is true,correct,and complete,and that I am the property owner or duly authorized agent of the property owner to submit a permit application to the City of Anacortes. Print Name: CV-I-L1'.rtjt 123PG-A It. Owner 0 Agent Dis(specify):WtSletn Solar /itr Signature: - --- .......r Date: .7 • LS. I c) Page 1 of 3 ,r,-- R il k. r p -_ 2 pJe2O19 To Be Completed By the Applicant Project Address: 12 10 * T. a . 1kr S 3 \ cl Z --1 Project Applicant: WesiRynl So 1 o r __rn C . i C Ke y 9 I I R-., Applicant Email: C. - "1(Do tAbR it Y :C (3) c,rC AC - Cow Phone No.: 3CA . 1 0 9 Site Owner Name: \ ) c tr e PV System Description: ri. .9 a Id. (2 , ) 111 1 s 'ion 305 n pitko,s_p 4, ,--.- Determine if your project is eligible for an over-the-counter Permit (Check Yes or No) Yes No 1. PV System is designed and proposed for a detached single-family house, duplex or townhome. 2. PV System is designed for rooftop of house in general compliance with applicable codes. 3. Mounting system is engineered and designed for PV. ❑ 4. Rooftop is made from light weight material such as shingles. ❑ 5. PV system will be permitted and pre-approved by Labor & Industries Electrical n division. 6. To address uplift, panel are mounted no higher than 18" above the surface of the CI ❑ roofing to which they are affixed. Except for flat roofs, no portion of the system may exceed the highest point of the roof. 7. Total deal load of panels, supports, mountings, race ways, and all other N ❑ appurtenances weight no more than one of the following. IF Yes, indicate which: ,�,,No more than three and one half (3.5 pounds per square foot (PSF) o Frameless panels on at least 3/12 pitch roof weighing no more than four and one-half(4.5) PSF o Frameless panels on at least 5/12 pitch roof weighing no more than five (5.0) PSF 8. Supports for solar panels are installed to spread the dead load across as many roof-framing members as needed to ensure that no point loads in excess of fifty (50) pounds are created. 9. Attachment to the roof is specified by the mounting system manufacturer. 6, ❑ 10. Panels are mounted no higher than the roof ridge or apex of roof (applies only to K pitched roofs). Comments: By Checking this box, I certify that all of the information provided on this form is correct. If you answered yes to all of the above questions, your PV installation is eligible for an over-the-counter building permit. To apply please bring in this completed form to our permit center at City Hall for an over-the-counter permit. To be-Completed By Staff Project is eligible for over-the-counter permit? ❑ Yes o No Notes: Exterior/Interior DC Conduit Runs 0 \\fl 1- 1-1 to be labeled as: I. , ,,"Photovoltaic Conductors Main Disconnect to be Identified as:" , 1, iujs 2 0 2014 Prime Consultants Inc. ii ,A ' , 1.- , ,..., " 1r .1.',hl• ,k ' "Photovoltaic Power Source" dba. Western Solar Inc. 4041 Home Rd Ste A l'T,' L,1 4 ' Bellingham, WA 98226 Design meets requirements of: WAC 51-54A-0605 LIC#: WESTES*91030 ',' Section 605.11.1.1, 605.11.1.2 1'r.0 ,r4,,,1%. - ' -\ Jo, ,,41,1,,trAto,,,,,,,' Project Manager: Total PV Array Area: 465.14 sqft - - ,k,', qoA7` iiii:, , . ,. t.‘,41 ,A1,F[1,,,,,i,10:,,, Eric Blatz Total Roof Area: ,‘, 1,957 sqft ,, ,r4,,,,J,Ptir '-' * '-''','"I'ie,'111. 4.1"" ,0'6V,00,1 , ,,,i4t, 4 , ii 4041 Home Rd Ste A 0/0 Roof Area of Array: 23.80/0 Bellingham, WA 98226 ''' '.1 '1 l'''''''''''','L',$'1')„k61ir'.?' '4 ' - ' ' A " n ' , .',4Av,,14414), 33% Rule Applies Tel: 360-224-9839 PV System tristajjjediwithlal.8" setback , kr from ri Installing Electrician: f*! 713 8 = , ..,.. Prime Consultants Inc. "CI PSE Utility meter& -.q.--- dba. Western Solar Inc. 0 _.i r^ R.) 1 PV System Disconnect \ 4041 Home Rd Ste A 0 Bellingham, WA 98226 --4 '•-• ill 2 ,..... LIC#: WESTES*872DD ...,11 t )t i - III -I 18" ridge arld r — \+0 1 "IZ7 22.' -< hip setbacks Client Name: - Z iL • (A G) 0 -0 Rick Reeves %\ III r:) .73 10' samossi .CD 1819 10th St -ri n Ob• % 0 Ca° .v.... .._... —i Anacortes, WA 98221 :" 0 ('N, < co •'•"" -- -.-- \.T • rn Z Project Size: C- 1 C' C > 11111111 6 7.93 kW PV System --, > C ......iil 11.;up, 1:1 r-, -4 ,,,\ f I > ••••• ‘.-1 = < 0 2 Z X) Sales/Designer: ra k V) Josh Miller 0 \11 I GI —I Z ts.4 -0 M iy-y c-5 Issue Date:8/1/19 Z sCi Parcel e..1, .060 "0•1 I % III Ex•• N , Ro if SFR: r-, 1,957 sf Site Plan ,i 6! 6 j Propos ',V Solar Array: 465.14 sf ) EE I-3 \.-. I k AUG 2 0 2019 L_...,...0' Exteglor/Itatenlor DC Conduit Ruins --,r-f.c.,-.e. to be labeEed as: (26) Mission Solar 310 Watt Photovoltaic Modules :'„riIV .Jr A ., '''''-k---.jtr-t j .,..,0 "Photovogtak Conductors" Total System Size: 8,060 Watts DC, 8.06 kWs Mahn Dh.s.zonnect to be Identg5etril as: Vmp=33.17 V, Imp=9.345 A, Voc=40.12 V, Isc=9.76 A Pn:Igne Consuitants ]Inc. "PhotovolltaEc Power Source" Module Dimensions: 39.33" x 65.53" x 1.58" dba,, Western Solaw tnc. 4041 Home Rd Ste A Design meets requirements of: Installed per Manufacturer Recommendations BeRtingFnam, WA 98226 WAC 5154A-0605 LIC#: WESTES 4'91030 on roof of residence using flushmount Snap N Rack Section 605.11.1,1, 605,11,1.2 Mounting System installed at 48" on center, into premanufactured trusses at 24" o.c. Prrollect Manager: E3iic BOatz Meets all City of AnacortesStructural Permitting Requirements 4041 Home Rd Ste A 40.1 lbs per solar module x 26 modules = 1,042.6 lbs 8e[115r-pgharn, WA 98226 17.89 sqft per solar module x 26 modules = 465.14 sqft Tel: 360-224-9839 Mssloall Solar 310W Modules 1,042.6 lbs / 465.14 sqft = 2.24 lbs/sqft. Enstalling EEectit Fla-lair): Prime Consulltants Enc. dhe. Western Solar Inc. .18" setback from 11-fios - 4041 Home Rd Ste A --- BeClinghann, WA 98226 \ L1.C#: Vt/ESTES*872DD 18" Ridge setback \ \ \ \\ Ghent Name: Rick Reelfes 1819 10th St 30° standing seam roof • Auaacortes, WA 98221 Project Size: 8.06 kW PV System ..., Szdes/Des5gater: ' 3osh Miller f, EssIne Date: 0 7/31/19 ' .....w.,...,04.........................,,E,,,:k,s.„1.4,—,,..2-......,,,,,.......... iv flat tar roof . Roof Overview cirli 7.,,., 1 /7 r . ( /. AUG 2 0 2019 1 Prime Consultants Inc. dba. Western Solar Inc. L , , (26) Mission Solar 310 Watt Photovoltaic Modulle,s 4041 Home Rd Ste A ':,-b,r,-;!(-r: s ,,/ Total System Size: 8,060 Watts DC, 8.06 kWs Bellingham, WA 98226 , , Vrnp=33.17 V, Iniip=9,345 A, Voc=40.12 V, Isc=9.76 A Lac#,r; WESTES*91030 Module Dimensions: 39.33°' x 65.53" x 1.58" : 7.1, -,,,,,'-,:,-, -777, I Znstailed as (1) Strings of (12) Modulles with Project Manager: ''''''n'I V'''''-ukk ,.. W''-ta,''' -it iielfr''..,. Er 4 ri,.• , . a- --,.,i.at;i-„--. .. .,.,4/ (12) Enphase ItO7 Microinverters in parallel and Eric Bllatz t4airtrillin If4S-14114‘ 1 ii, , (1) Strings of (14) llqodules with (14) Enphase 4042 Home Rd Ste A -----, t 11Q7 Microinverters 'hi) paralllell Bellingham, WA 98226 ...,g Tell: 360-224-9839 L Installing Electrician: ___,4E-?,,A___, --0.- Prime Consultants F.nrc„ --77-11---11-4---7--, -1,---1----7.----- - --I—. Solla L _._ .-- _ • -;.---J-_, ',-;•=.: ._, ./ it,J ,-13--,..-...;.iiir , ..., _ dba Veste. lirn r Enc 4041 Home Rd Ste A Module PV Wire with MC4 Connectors Bellinohai-n, WA 98226 1 i II.C#: WESTES*872DD '----- Enphase IQ7 AC Interconne.ct Cables ._. Primary PSE Utility Meter Black - ill Red - L2 to be changed to Solar Net Meter Located ll\ll-Exterior House Client Name: Roof Mounted Junction Sox 0 Rick Reeves 1819 lUlth St ( ) 1.5 Amp St (1) 20 Amp, 240VAC Solar Interconnect Breakers Anacorte.s WA 98221 (4) #12 THHN, / Circuit 1 : (1 Amps max output per inverter) x (12 inverters in parallel) = (12 A) • (1) #12 EGC „ (12 A) x (1,25 NEC Safety Factor) = (15 A Maximum Output Current) Project Size: 78.06 llcW Kb' System , , / Circuit 2 : (1 Amps max output per inverter) x (14inverters ilil paralKi r-t (14 A) / (14 A) x (1.25 NEC Safety Factor) = (17.5 A Maximum Output Current) / 240VAC Sub-Array \ ,/, Drawn by: Combiner Panel \\ / AC Disconnect for Line Side Tap , Dana Hickenbottom, WSJ( \ , AC Disconnect ,e, / 1... 11 -re/ Initiates Rapid Shutdown ,, issue Date: , Auld 19, 2019 / - ,-- (3) #8 TAHN„ , ..1].t..., , One Line Diagram vs-ii. ' (1) #1.0 EGC / ir...:=4, .. ,. .,.. ' ,, ! i 40 Amp, 240VAC Solar Interconnect Breaker 1 All conductors from rooftop junction box (/, Amp Peak Output) x ( 26Microinverters) = (26 A) ; to combiner are pulled through 3/4" ENT (26 A) x (1.25 NEC Safety Factor) = (32.5 A Maximum Output Current) I raceways per NEC Located on W-Exterior Residence 200A 24OVAC I sQD HI Main Panel Located NE-Interior Basement