HomeMy WebLinkAbout24-019-MCT-001 Interlocal Amendment 01 DocuSign Envelope ID:CBE2AOCA-CA5441A9-B32B-42D87C3BEDFE
AMENDMENT#1 Amendment#A20240061
ORIGINAL AGREEMENT# C20230584 Page 1 of 3
City of Anacortes, hereinafter called "City", and Skagit County, hereinafter called
"County", agree to amend Agreement No. C20230584, as set forth below under
"Terms of Amendment".
TERMS OF AMENDMENT: Amendment #1 shall replace language in #2, 2.1-2.3
RESPONSIBILITES, and#3 TERM OF AGREEEMENT, to reflect the implementation of
out-of-custody financial screening interviews.
2. RESPONSIBLITIES: The Office of Assigned Counsel, County, agrees to provide the City
of Anacortes with assigned counsel screening services for individuals in and out of custody. The
screening shall consist of an independent confidential interview and determination of indigence
for those persons referred by the Municipal Division of the Skagit County District Court, pursuant
to RCW 10.101.020.
2.1 The interviews will be conducted in the Skagit County Community Justice Center
and the Skagit County Office of Assigned Counsel. The interview process ensures that
only those meeting financial eligibility standards are provided with counsel at City
expense, determined by 125%of the current federally established poverty level.
2.2 Upon completion of the financial interview, an appointment of counsel referral will
be sent to the City of Anacortes Public Defender for notification of representation for
indigent defendants.
2.3 Those found "Indigent and Able to Contribute" while in-custody, will be given the
option to sign a promissory note agreement toward their attorney fees or assigned an
attorney on a provisional basis (Release Only). They shall be directed to follow-up with
the Skagit County Office of Assigned Counsel upon release from custody for further
determination of indigency. Out-of-Custody Individuals found "Indigent and Able to
Contribute" will be given the option to sign a promissory note agreement. All executed
Promissory Note Agreements shall be sent to The City of Anacortes for tracking and
collection of payments.
3. TERM OF AGREEMENT: The term of this agreement shall be from April 11, 2024
through December 3181, 2026. City and County shall evaluate effectiveness and economies
achieved by the agreement and may extend the agreement by subsequent written document.
All other terms and conditions of the original contract shall remain in effect.
Contract Amendment
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DocuSgn Envelope ID:CBE2AOCA-CA54-41A9-B32B-42D87C313EDFE
Matt Miller, Mayo
ShAAL V. IkA lun�_
Clerk, City of Anacortes
Attorney, CitV Anacortes
Contract Amendment
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DocuSgn Envelope ID:CBE2AOCA-CA54-41A9-B32B-42D87C3BEDFE
DATED this 0 day of dA4114 2024.
Peter Br nip , Chair
Lisa Janicki, Com sioner
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Attest: Ron Wesen, Commissioner
Clerk of the Boar
For contracts under$5,000:
Authorization per Resolution R20030146
c mmended: County Administrator
�inAAN r--
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Approved as to form:
Civil Deputy Prosecuting Attorney
Approved as to indemnification:
Risk Mandiber
Approved as to budget:
Budtet& Fgharife Director
Contract Amendment
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