HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-09-12 City Council Minutes Approved Anacortes City Council Minutes - September 12, 2022 Call to Order Mayor Matt Miller called to order the Anacortes City Council meeting of September 12,2022 at 6:00 p.m. Councilmembers Jeremy Carter,Anthony Young, Christine Cleland-McGrath, Carolyn Moulton,Bruce McDougall and Amanda Hubik were present. Councilmember Ryan Walters was absent. Ms. Moulton moved, seconded by Mr. McDougall,to excuse the absence of Mr. Walters. The motion carried unanimously by voice vote. Pledge of Allegiance The assembly joined in the Pledge of Allegiance. Announcements and Committee Reports Mayor Miller provided an update on the Tommy Thompson Trestle Fire investigation and damage assessment. He reported that the investigation is ongoing and that the fire,which started at 1:40am on August 30th,was almost certainly human-caused. He encouraged anyone with information to contact the City of Anacortes tip line at 360-299-1985. Mayor Miller then declared that the community is united in its desire to repair the trestle as soon as possible, and cited the previous successful effort to restore the Tommy Thompson Trestle after it burned in a 2009 fire. He continued by saying that design work is complete and a structural engineer would be on site this week for a detailed assessment. He mentioned that local construction companies have offered support to complete the restoration and reminded the public that the Parks Foundation website is open for online donations via the City's web page. He concluded by announcing that he would introduce an emergency declaration resolution at next week's Council meeting,waiving competitive bidding requirements to leverage local expertise to restore the trestle and that staff are also working with the Washington State Department Of Transportation(WSDOT)to identify possible supplemental safety measures for cyclists using State Route 20 during the closure. Finance Committee Mayor Miller reported that the Finance Committee did not meet and there would be no report provided. Planning Committee Ms. Moulton reported from the Planning Committee meeting held earlier in the evening. A principal topic discussed was riparian management zones regulations updates,which will be considered at a September 28th public hearing before the Planning Commission and then come before the Council before the October 18th deadline. Additionally,the committee discussed the Islands Inn permit process to become 36 small-unit market rate residences and the Housing Action Plan. Fiber Committee Mayor Miller reported that the Fiber Committee did not meet and there would be no report provided. Public Comment Mayor Miller invited the public to comment on any item not on the agenda. Ron Lindsay of Anacortes commented about a jackhammer noise in his neighborhood that has persisted for over three weeks from 7:30am-4:30pm most days of the week. He asserted that the noise is loud enough to make outdoor conversation difficult and that one individual should not be able to disrupt the peace and quiet of a neighborhood for weeks on end. Mayor Miller responded that there are noise ordinances and that City staff had just received Mr. Lindsay's letter and would contact him after fully considering the matter. Anacortes City Council Minutes- September 12,2022 1 Consent Agenda Mr. McDougall moved, seconded by Mr. Young,to approve the following Consent Agenda items. The motion carried unanimously by voice vote. a. Minutes of September 6,2022 b. Approval of claims in the amount of$999,030.09 The following vouchers/checks were approved for payment: EFT numbers: 104187 through 104244,total$706,860.79 Check numbers: 104245 through 104262,total$284,986.64 Wire transfer numbers: 30995 and 309772 through 310139,total $7,182.66 Public Hearings Ordinance 4030: An Ordinance of the City of Anacortes,Washington,Amending Chapter 10.12. Regarding Stopping, Standing, and Parking Planning Community and Economic Development Director,Don Measamer, introduced a public hearing for Resolution 4030 to adopt the proposed amendments to Anacortes Municipal Code Chapter 10.12 Regarding Stopping, Standing and Parking. Mr. Measamer reviewed the amendment which had been included in the packet materials for the meeting. The amendment would limit parking to two hours on 5th Street between 8am- 6pm Monday through Saturday each week. He detailed that several abutting business owners requested the change,which was then reviewed and approved by the Traffic Safety Committee. Ms. Moulton asserted that she and the other Traffic Safety Committee members were all in solid agreement with the proposed amendment, as it brings 5th Street into conformance with the other streets in the area and seemed a reasonable request. Mr. Young expressed support for the ordinance,but said that other issues regarding parking will need to come before the Council. Mayor Miller Mayor Miller invited the public to comment on the agenda item. Wilhelmus Houpermans of Anacortes asked how the ordinance would be enforced. Mayor Miller responded that there is a parking enforcement officer in the Police Department who will enforce this ordinance along with all other parking provisions of the Anacortes Municipal Code. CAROLYN MOULTON moved, seconded by AMANDA HUBIK,to approve Ordinance 4030 as presented. Vote: Ayes-JEREMY CARTER,ANTHONY YOUNG, CHRISTINE CLELAND-MCGRATH, CAROLYN MOULTON,BRUCE MCDOUGALL,AMANDA HUBIK.Nays -None. Result: Passed Other Business Shoreline Master Program Periodic Update-Draft 3 Discussion Planning Manager,Libby Grage,opened the Shoreline Master Program Periodic Update discussion,referring to draft 3 that was included in the packet materials for the meeting. The periodic update is meant to incorporate updated state laws and guidance regarding Shorelines and Comprehensive Plan and development regulations changes over the past eight years to achieve harmony and consistency. She added that the update includes reorganization of the Shoreline Master Program from a standalone document located on the City website to having the goals and policies added to the Comprehensive Plan and migrating shoreline development regulations into Title 19 of the Anacortes Municipal Code, effectively locating all property development regulations in one place in the Anacortes Municipal Code. Ms. Grage set forth that the goal this evening was to consider the third draft and ensure that the Council and the Planning Department are on a level of mutual understanding regarding the changes prior to releasing the document for a public comment period. She then introduced Mr. Alex Capron and Mr. Dan Nickel of The Watershed Company to discuss the third draft of the Anacortes City Council Minutes- September 12, 2022 2 Shoreline Master Program. Using a slide presentation,Mr. Capon addressed several public comments and then presented a case study of a shoreline development scenario involving a cannery site along the Guemes Channel. Mr. Young asked exactlywhere the cannery site mentioned in the case study scenario was in Anacortes. Ms. Grage responded that it was the former Sebastian-Stuart Cannery near 1 lth Street and B Avenue. Mr.Young asked if the presentation Mr. Capon made could be shared with the Council for their review.Ms. Grage promised to place it on the website as soon as possible after the meeting. Mayor Miller asked the Council to bring forth any recommended changes to the draft prior to its release for public comment. Ms. Moulton commended the staff for their efforts in bringing this update forward and expressed her appreciation for the clear and well organized update format. Mr. McDougall read an email response from Ms. Grage to his question about the length of tracking and performance monitoring reports. Ms. Grage responded that it lasts 5 years,paid for by the applicant and the reports go to the City and the State of Washington. Mayor Miller expressed his hope that SmartGov would assist staff with tracking and monitoring as it becomes fully implemented. Mayor Miller asked Ms. Grage to remind the public about the comment window. Ms. Grage responded that barring significant changes from the Council to the current draft,the comment period would last 21 days from September 21 st through October 12th,2022. Ms. Grage added that the staff concurred with Mr. Capon's recommended change to the definition of"no net loss". Ms. Cleland-McGrath commended the staff and the Watershed Council on the thorough revision effort. R Avenue Long Term Improvements Project National Highways Freight Program Grant Acceptance Public Works Director,Henry Hash,presented the R Avenue Long Term Improvements Project National Highways Freight Program grant acceptance,providing an overview of the $3.48 million grant to build a roundabout at R Avenue and 30th Street. He added that the City had applied for a grant from the Transportation Improvement Board for$550,000 or 13%of the grant total to provide the required matching funds and detailed outreach efforts to project stakeholders, envisioning construction commencement next year. Mr. Hash then introduced Engineering Services Manager, Tim Hohmann,who presented the project proposal using an overhead map, explaining that the grant is supporting a mobility project to improve traffic in the R Avenue corridor by improving three intersections that currently have failing traffic scores for the 20-year planning period with the single improvement of the proposed roundabout at 30th Street and R Avenue. He provided further project details, including the closing of the center median at 28th and 34th Streets and that the roundabout will provide enhanced access to the areas both east and west of R Avenue and the left turn at 32nd Street will remain in place to provide continued access to residential areas and the ferries. Mr. Young summarized a discussion in the Public Works Committee that fully addressed questions and concerns surrounding the placement of the roundabout at 30th Street and R Avenue. He thanked Mr. Hohmann and Mr. Hash for a clear presentation of the project and associated rationale for the placement of the roundabout at 30th Street and R Avenue. Mayor Miller echoed Mr. Young's sentiments in commending staff work. Ms. Moulton asked where the pedestrian crossings are on R Avenue. Mr. Hohmann replied that pedestrian crossings are located near 23rd Street,29th Street and 33rd Street. Ms. Moulton followed up asking if those crossings had flashing indicators. Mr. Hohmann confirmed this is the case and added that the proposed roundabout would provide full pedestrian and bicycle access to either side of R Avenue. Ms. Cleland-McGrath asked what other measures are being taken in addition to the grant to improve accessibility between R Avenue and Commercial Avenue. Mr. Hohmann responded that the City applied for another grant to facilitate pedestrian improvements along the west side of R Avenue to include wider sidewalks and multi-modal paths and study where to best place pedestrian crossings on R Avenue. Mr. Hohmann further pointed out another grant through WSDOT bike and pedestrian program to connect 29th Street and Q Avenue into the 30th Street roundabout,providing enhanced bicycle and pedestrian access to the bike route on 29th Anacortes City Council Minutes- September 12,2022 3 Street and an improved crossing at 29th Street and Commercial Avenue. Ms. Cleland-McGrath responded that this is just one phase of a multi-phase effort to make the area where the majority of future density growth will occur more livable. Mayor Miller added that the City hopes to provide a matching grant for the federal funds. CAROLYN MOULTON moved, seconded by ANTHONY YOUNG,to authorize the Mayor to sign agreements with WSDOT accepting the NHFP grant. Vote: Ayes-JEREMY CARTER,ANTHONY YOUNG, CHRISTINE CLELAND-MCGRATH, CAROLYN MOULTON,BRUCE MCDOUGALL,AMANDA HUBIK.Nays -None. Result: Passed Mr. Young thanked the City Operations staff for the efficient process on bulk garbage collection day held on Saturday September loth. Adjournment There being no further business, at approximately 7:00 p.m. the Anacortes City Council meeting of September 12, 2022 was adjourned. Anacortes City Council Minutes - September 12,2022 4