HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-09-06 City Council Minutes Approved Anacortes City Council Minutes - September 6, 2022
Call to Order
Mayor Matt Miller called to order the Anacortes City Council meeting of September 6, 2022 at 6:00 p.m.
Councilmembers Jeremy Carter,Anthony Young, Carolyn Moulton, and Amanda Hubik were present.
Councilmembers Christine Cleland-McGrath and Bruce McDougall participated in the meeting remotely via
Zoom. Councilmember Ryan Walters was absent.
Pledge of Allegiance
The assembly joined in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Announcements and Committee Reports
Mayor Miller reminded the public that school started today and encouraged drivers to be vigilant for pedestrians
and cyclists in school zones and throughout the City.
Tommy Thompson Trestle Fire Update
Mayor Miller thanked the many community members who reached out to offer support following the Tommy
Thompson Trestle fire, and expressed optimism that the community would rally to repair the damage done.
Mayor Miller introduced Fire Chief,Bill Harris,and Parks and Recreation Director, Jonn Lunsford,who
provided a status update on the Tommy Thompson Trestle,which sustained fire damage on August 30, 2022.
Chief Harris summarized the incident response and damage details,which were included in a slide presentation.
He encouraged the public to report any tips regarding the cause of the fire to an anonymous tip line at 360-299-
1985. Mr. Lunsford updated the trail status as closed indefinitely from the RV Park to March's Point Road. He
mentioned that the Parks Foundation are accepting online donations on their website
(www.anacortesparksfoundation.org). An investigation into the cause of the fire and a damage assessment are
currently in progress.
Mr. Young asked if the anonymous tip line was just for this investigation or other matters. Police Chief,Dave
Floyd,responded that it is the anonymous tip line for the Anacortes Police Department Investigations Division.
Mr.Young then asked if there were any plans to make bicycle travel along State Route 20 safe. Mr. Lunsford
replied that the City is discussing the matter with the Washington State Department of Transportation,though
the focus currently is on investigating the cause of the fire and associated damage assessment.
Ms. Moulton cautioned against cyclists traveling against traffic on State Route 20 after transiting eastbound on
Fidalgo Bay Road as an alternate route while the trestle remains unavailable. She encouraged cyclists to follow
the current available legal route along State Route 20,which allows for cyclists to exit the highway west of the
roundabout and use a lighted crossing and connector route north of the Swinomish Golf Course to Reservation
Road for eastbound travel.
Fiber Committee
No Councilmembers who attended the Fiber Committee meeting were available to report. Mayor Miller
directed that the report be moved to the September 12th City Council meeting agenda.
Public Works Committee
Ms. Moulton reported from the Public Works Committee meeting held earlier in the evening. The topics
discussed included the outfall project and associated delays due to project complexity and permitting
challenges,R Avenue improvements including a planned roundabout at 30th Street, and a reminder that this
Saturday, September 10th is free garbage day for Anacortes residents from 9am-noon.
Museum Committee
Mr. Carter reported from the Museum Committee meeting held the previous month. The topics discussed
included opening hours for school field trips, QR codes added to sites and murals around town,the availability
Anacortes City Council Minutes- September 6,2022
of digital copies of the Anacortes American back to 1890, augmenting the Museum's social media profile with
additional digital photos and stories published on You Tube, and an operations update that the Maritime
Heritage Center will stay open year around while the WT Preston will have limited opening hours due to
scheduled maintenance.
Parks and Recreation Committee
Ms. Hubik reported from the Parks and Recreation Committee meeting held on August 23,2022. The topics
discussed included the skate park renovation,the A-Town is Our Town newsletter, fall sports season,and an
update on the Grand View Cemetery phase 2 project, and the Anacortes Senior Activity Center hosting a
vaccine clinic in October.
Public Safety Committee
Ms. Hubik reported from the Public Safety Committee meeting held earlier in the evening. The topics discussed
related to law enforcement included the Tommy Thompson Trestle fire,recruitment for a records support
position, officer recruiting, and ongoing preparations for Oyster Run. The topics related to the Fire Department
included Fire Station 3 feasibility study progress report,upcoming Federal Emergency Management Agency
presentation for Emergency Operations Center drills,pending delivery of a ladder truck in December 2023,
possible locations for displaying an antique fire engine, and ongoing updates to the Capital Facilities Plan.
Port-City Liaison Committee
Mr.Young reported from the Port-City Liaison Committee meeting held earlier that morning. The topics
discussed included the North Basin development project,possible modifications and improvements to T Dock,
assistance with the repair of the Tommy Thompson Trestle, a discussion of the Islands Inn proposal to become
affordable housing, and Port consideration of possible uses for the Rockwell property near the airport. Mayor
Miller added that the main issue related to T Dock is the weight bearing capacity for trucks,that Dungeness
crab and shrimp are the leading revenue producers for the facility, and that the committee discussed the
relinquishment of utility easements that would be discussed later on in the meeting.
Economic Development Committee
Mr. Young reported from the Economic Development Committee meeting which met earlier in the morning.
The topics discussed included the committee structure, identifying community partners, forming steering
committees to address relevant issues, and determining focus areas and accompanying legislative efforts. Ms.
Cleland-McGrath added that the committee is taking a holistic approach, including discussions with local
stakeholders to avoid duplication of efforts,possible advocacy for land improvements and emphasized that the
committee is open to additional community stakeholders.
Public Comment
Mayor Miller invited the public to comment on any item not on the agenda.No one present wished to address
the Council on any topic not already on the agenda.
Consent Agenda
Ms. Moulton moved, seconded by Mr. Carter,to approve the following Consent Agenda items. The motion
carried unanimously by voice vote.
a. Minutes of August 22,2022
b. Approval of claims in the amount of$724,226.30
The following vouchers/checks were approved for payment:
EFT numbers: 104110 through 104166,total$559,884.19
Check numbers: 104109 through 104186,total $150,425.51
Wire transfer numbers: 307463 through 309784,total $13,916.60
Anacortes City Council Minutes - September 6,2022
Other Business
Resolution 3097: Declaring Certain Retained Utility Easements to Be Surplus in favor of the Port of
City Attorney,Darcy Swetnam,re-introduced Resolution 3097,Declaring Certain Retained Utility Easements
to be Surplus in favor of the Port of Anacortes in a slide show presentation that was included in the packet
materials for the meeting. She detailed changes to the draft resolution as discussed with the Port project
manager,Brad Tesch, including a commitment from the Port to grant the City an easement for the existing
water line within 60 days of adoption of Resolution 3097. She then detailed the reasons that the relinquishment
is in the best interest of the City including attaining the aforementioned waterline easement,allowing the Port to
obtain grant funds from the Recreation and Conservation Office, and satisfying the conditions of the related
Conditional Use Permit.
Mr. Young expressed appreciation for the visual depiction of the area in question and declared that this
resolution is in the best interest of the Port,the City and the citizens of Anacortes.
ANTHONY YOUNG moved, seconded by AMANDA HUBIK,to adopt Resolution 3097, declaring certain
retained utility easements to be surplus to the needs of the City and directing the Mayor to execute the
Relinquishment of Retained Utility Easements. Vote: Ayes-JEREMY CARTER,ANTHONY YOUNG,
HUBIK.Nays-None. Result: Passed
Opioid Settlement Agreement
City Attorney,Darcy Swetnam, introduced the Opioid Settlement Agreement referring to a presentation from
the State Attorney General's Office that was included in the packet materials for the meeting. Ms. Swetnam
outlined the requirements for the settlement to go into effect,which requires all 37 jurisdictions that filed a
lawsuit to join and the participation of 90%of the local governments with a population of over 10,000 that did
not file a lawsuit. It requires the Council to authorize the Mayor to sign the participation form not later than
September 23,2022. Ms. Swetnam concluded that the City would receive$324,000 over 17 years and
recommended that the City accept the settlement agreement. Mayor Miller recounted that the City joined the
lawsuit two years ago and that this is the result of those efforts and that the funding could be used to support a
police canine and distribution of Narcan.
Mr. Carter asked if there was any negative point to proceeding with the settlement. Ms. Swetnam responded
that the City could no longer pursue legal action against the named opioid producers,but could still pursue
action against others not named in this suit.
Ms. Cleland-McGrath asked if there are other agencies in Skagit County participating and if settlement
resources could be pooled. Ms. Swetnam responded that Skagit County, City of Burlington, City of Mount
Vernon, Sedro-Woolley School District and others are also participating and that discussions did occur
regarding formalization of collective use of the settlement resources among local jurisdictions.
JEREMY CARTER moved, seconded by ANTHONY YOUNG,to authorize Mayor Miller to execute the
Distributor Settlement Agreement on behalf of the City of Anacortes.
There being no further business, at approximately 6:50 p.m.the Anacortes City Council meeting of September
6, 2022 was adjourned.
Anacortes City Council Minutes - September 6,2022