HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-08-22 City Council Minutes Approved Anacortes City Council Minutes - August 22, 2022
Call to Order
Mayor Matt Miller called to order the Anacortes City Council meeting of August 22,2022 at
6:00 p.m. Councilmembers Jeremy Carter,Ryan Walters,Anthony Young and Carolyn Moulton
were present. Councilmember Amanda Hubik participated in the meeting remotely via Zoom.
Councilmembers Christine Cleland-McGrath and Bruce McDougall were absent. Mr. Walters
moved, seconded by Mr.Young,to excuse the absence of Mr. McDougall and Ms. Cleland-
McGrath. The motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
Pledge of Allegiance
The assembly joined in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Announcements and Committee Reports
Mayor Miller shared an update regarding the 32nd and M roundabout opening,mentioning
Congressman Larsen's attending the ribbon-cutting ceremony earlier that day and reporting that
pedestrian flashing beacons are expected to be installed by the end of September. He emphasized
that drivers use caution when driving through the area, especially with the commencement of the
coming school year.
Planning Committee
Ms. Moulton reported from the Planning Committee meeting held earlier in the evening. The topics discussed
included the Critical Areas Ordinance revision of riparian corridors with Evergreen Islands input,Habitat for
Humanity Cottages on 5th Street,the Daycare II resolution that will be discussed in this evening's public
hearing, and an MJB property development update.
Traffic Safety Committee
Ms. Moulton reported from the Traffic Safety Committee meeting held the previous Tuesday. The topics
discussed included an unmarked Skyline Way pedestrian crossing,a crosswalk request across 32nd Street
between Cap Sante Court retirement community and Storvik Park,parking on 6th Street near the Guemes Ferry
terminal, deer crossing signs on Oakes Avenue,motorcycle parking on Commercial Avenue in the 30-foot
intersection approach zone, east side of Commercial on 5th Street having 2-hour parking limits, and bike lanes
south of the 32nd and M roundabout. Mr. Carter added that speed limit signs on Anaco Beach Road would be
changed to reflect the coded 25 mile per hour speed limit.
Finance Committee
Mr.Walters reported from the Finance Committee meeting held the previous Wednesday. The topics discussed
included a requested customer refund on a utility bill, a request for proposals for City banking, demonstration of
the OpenGov software, a thorough review of the Capital Facilities Plan(CFP), and options for expanding the
low income utility discount program.
Mr. Walters also noted that he has received many reports from constituents that dogs are being left off leash,
causing a public safety hazard. Mr. Young mentioned that he has also received reports that there are reports of
dog owners failing to pick up their dog's waste. Mayor Miller encouraged all pet owners to do their part in
controlling and cleaning up after their pets and mentioned that he has asked staff to provide detailed
descriptions for each element of the CFP.
Public Comment
Mayor Miller invited the public to comment on any item not on the agenda.No one present
wished to address the Council on any topic not already on the agenda.
Anacortes City Council Minutes -August 22,2022
Consent Agenda
Ms. Moulton moved, seconded by Mr. Carter,to approve the following Consent Agenda items.
The motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
a. Minutes of August 15,2022.
b. Approval of claims in the amount of$535,640.57
The following vouchers/checks were approved for payment:
EFT numbers: 104032 through 104106,total$458,705.31
Check numbers: 104074 through 104103,total$60,612.56
Wire transfer numbers: 308808 through 309126,total$16,322.70
c. Contract Modification: Periodic Review of The Shoreline Master Program#19-111-PLN-001
d. Contract Modification: WWTP Annual Incinerator Compliance Testing#22-149-SEW-001
e. Street Fair Event-Lion's Club Holiday Parade
f. Street Fair Event-What the Heck Running Company Anacortes Half Marathon&5K
Public Hearings
Resolution 3096, a resolution reaffirming Ordinance 4024 and confirming the 6 month duration of the
interim regulations contained therein concerning the development of daycares in the R4 Use Zone as a
permitted use and adopting a work plan.
Planning, Community, and Economic Development Director,Don Measamer, introduced an advertised public
hearing for Resolution 3096 reaffirming Ordinance 4024 and confirming the 6-month duration of interim
regulations pertaining to the development of daycare facilities in the R4 Use Zone as permitted use and
adopting a work plan. Mr. Measamer reviewed the plan and the schedule for adoption which had been included
in the packet materials for the meeting. Mr.Young asked for a listing of daycare facilities to inform the
Mayor Miller invited members of the audience to comment on this agenda item.No one present wished to
address the Council.
ANTHONY YOUNG moved, seconded by JEREMY CARTER,to approve Resolution 3096 as presented.
AMANDA HUBIK.Nays -None. Result: Passed
Other Business
Resolution 3097: Declaring Certain Retained Utility Easements to Be Surplus in favor of the Port of
City Attorney,Darcy Swetnam, introduced Resolution 3097, declaring certain retained utility easements to be
surplus in favor of the Port of Anacortes. Ms. Swetnam summarized the rationale for the resolution and
underlying authority for the Council to act,referring to the slide presentation. Mayor Miller reminded the
Council that the City recently permitted the north re-development plan for the Port. Ms. Swetnam introduced
Brad Tesch,the project manager for the Port of Anacortes,who mentioned that the City issued a conditional use
permit for the land in August 2021 and the Port received a$1 million grant award from the Washington State
Recreation and Conservation Office(RCO),which are both contingent upon the City granting the easement
relinquishment. Ms. Moulton added that she appreciated the context provided for the justification of granting
the easement relinquishment, as those details had not been included in the meeting packet materials and asked
that these details be added to the packet to provide a written record of why the Council would take a decision to
relinquish the easements in favor of the Port of Anacortes. Ms. Moulton then pointed out some required
technical and substantial revisions in the draft resolution to include deletion of a duplicated recital and the
addition of specific mention of the Port granting the waterline easement to the City as an offset for the
Anacortes City Council Minutes-August 22,2022
relinquishment of the other utility easements. Mr. Tesch mentioned that the development's frontage and access
improvements in the north basin area will provide a substantial public benefit. Ms. Moulton added that the
project would generate lodging tax revenue. Mr. Walters asked if there is a written guarantee in the form of a
contract or other legal instrument that ensures the Port would grant the waterline easement to the City. Ms.
Swetnam responded that the desired changes to the draft resolution could incorporate language noting the
exchange of the easement relinquishment for the waterline easement. Mr. Walters replied that he is not
persuaded that this exchange should be done without financial compensation to the City, as this is a separate
transaction from when the City vacated the property to the Port in 1956. He posited that the Port granting the
City the water line easement in exchange for the City relinquishing the other utility easements on Port property
would be adequate compensation. He then summarized the edits to the draft resolution to include the statutory
authority for the Council to act, amending the recitals to contain the justification for the relinquishment, and a
written guarantee signed by both parties specifying the aforementioned value exchange. Ms. Swetnam replied
that she would consult with the Port about the suggested changes to ensure that those elements do not
unnecessarily prevent the Port from obtaining its grant funding. Mr. Walters agreed with this course of action,
but emphasized that the City should have high confidence in the exchange. Mr. Young agreed with his
colleagues'previous proposed changes and expressed his support for the initiative, emphasizing that
demonstrating the mutual economic benefit to the Port, City and citizens is of the utmost importance. Mayor
Miller summarized the proposed changes to the resolution and asked that it be brought back before the Council
as soon as possible.
There being no further business, at approximately 6:35 p.m. the Anacortes City Council meeting
of August 22,2022 was adjourned.
Anacortes City Council Minutes -August 22,2022