HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-07-25 City Council Minutes Approved Anacortes City Council Minutes - July 25, 2022
Call to Order
Mayor Matt Miller called to order the Anacortes City Council meeting of July 25, 2022 at 6:00 p.m.
Councilmembers Jeremy Carter,Anthony Young, Christine Cleland-McGrath, Carolyn Moulton,Bruce
McDougall and Amanda Hubik were present. Councilmember Ryan Walters participated in the meeting
remotely via Zoom.
Pledge of Allegiance
The assembly joined in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Announcements and Committee Reports
Mayor Miller shared current COVID case statistics for Anacortes and Skagit County, describing a decrease in
hospitalizations and an increase in cases with one person currently under care at Island Hospital. He then
provided a construction update,reporting that the 32nd Street and M Avenue project would be wrapping up
next week and water line maintenance projects starting this week in the Skyline area on Sands Way and
Parkside Drive and in the east side of town on 37th Court. He then concluded by mentioning places to cool
down during hot weather days, including the splash park from 11 am-6pm,the library from 1 Oam-6pm and the
senior center from 8am-4pm.
Planning Committee
Ms. Moulton reported from the Planning Committee meeting held earlier in the evening. The topics discussed
included a presentation from the Downtown Anacortes Alliance that covered their Main Street initiative,which
focuses on revitalizing the downtown, and an upcoming Planning, Community and Economic Development
department update.
Housing Affordability and Community Services Committee
Mr.Walters reported from the Housing Affordability and Community Services Committee meeting held the
previous Thursday. The topics discussed included the Anacortes Family Center social worker contract,the First
Step Center in Burlington,the Housing Action Plan and associated survey, and the draft Housing Conditions
Public Comment
Mayor Miller invited the public to comment on any item not on the agenda.
Mr. David Duff of West 3rd Street in Anacortes spoke about a traffic issue in his neighborhood,which he
posited is due to development occurring in Rockridge and other area construction projects. He cited a street grid
bounded roughly by Lovrics marina and Anacopper Road that is completely developed except for a two-block
area on Kansas Avenue which,he asserted,was intended to be the main access for the neighborhood. Mr. Duff
pointed out that the area is unused today except for a graveled area being used as a private parking zone. He
recommended that this area be converted to a city street and provided the Council with a written proposal,
asking that the matter be placed on a future agenda.
Consent Agenda
Mr. Young moved, seconded by Mr. McDougall,to approve the following Consent Agenda items. The motion
carried unanimously by voice vote.
a. Minutes of July 18,2022
b. Approval of claims in the amount of$400,516.27
The following vouchers/checks were approved for payment:
EFT numbers: 103763 through 103810,total$282,724.74
Anacortes City Council Minutes-July 25,2022
Check numbers: 103811 through 103838,total$106,592.16
Wire transfer numbers: 307275 through 307579,total$11,199.37
c. Street Fair Application-Open Streets 8/28/2022
Mr. Walters removed Item 5.d. Contract Modification: Social Worker Agreement#21-061-IDS-001
from the Consent Agenda.
Contract Modification: Social Worker Agreement#21-061-IDS-001
Mr. Walters mentioned the commitment the Council made to re-evaluate the contract when approving the initial
term last year and then detailed separate discussions held at the Housing Affordability and Community Services
Committee,with Police Chief Dave Floyd and Family Center Director,Dustin Johnson to reconsider the
contract extension. Mr. Walters expressed that following those conversations he is in favor of moving the
contract forward. Mayor Miller mentioned that staff could have timed the progress report to better coincide with
the Council's consideration of the contract.
Mr. Young expressed support for the social worker agreement,but asked for data points regarding contract
performance to assess what type of work was performed during the initial term of the contract. Ms. Cleland-
McGrath pointed out that on February 22,2022, Chief Floyd and Director Johnson provided a detailed
presentation that included some of the data that Mr.Young was seeking. She continued, emphasizing the
importance of having a social worker conducting training for key city staff, such as the library and parks, in
conflict de-escalation and being available for in-person contact for prompt treatment of those in need. Ms.
Cleland-McGrath, as a member of the Anacortes Family Center board,recused herself from the vote. Mr.
Young added that Anacortes is at the forefront of providing social services to those in need. Mr. Walters
pointed out that Director Johnson provides social services statistics to the Police department on a quarterly basis
and that those numbers can be made available to the Council. He concluded the discussion by mentioning that
there is more work to be done to extend human services to those in need,but that what is in place is working at
RYAN WALTERS moved, seconded by AMANDA HUBIK,to approve Contract Modification: Social Worker
Closed Record Decision Hearing
CUP-2022-0003 Anacortes Readiness Center Conditional Use Permit
Planning, Community and Economic Development Director,Don Measamer introduced Associate
Environmental Planner,Nathan Goldschmidt,who presented an application for a Conditional Use Permit with
Site Plan Review from the Anacortes Readiness Center. Mr. Goldschmidt summarized the project,referring to
the extensive packet materials for this project. Mr. Goldschmidt reported that the project meets all code
requirements and that one public comment was received requesting that the project be completed during normal
working hours. Mr. Goldschmidt reported that the Planning Commission and Staff recommended approval.
Ms. Moulton reported that she received a phone call from former Councilmember Erica Pickett with concerns
about the razor wire and fencing,which she pointed out is normally not permitted under the Anacortes
Municipal Code. In this case,however, since the applicant represents a sensitive government facility related to
homeland security,razor wire and fencing are permitted if the facility operator demonstrates that security needs
cannot be reasonably met with other fence types. Ms. Moulton wondered if the current fencing had been
previously considered and if there might be reasonable alternatives available that would be less foreboding or
prison-like in appearance. Mr. Goldschmidt responded that the fencing is required to house or store mechanized
Anacortes City Council Minutes-July 25,2022
prison-like in appearance. Mr. Goldschmidt responded that the fencing is required to house or store mechanized
equipment. Mr. Measamer pointed out that there have been a couple of past exceptions made to the barbed wire
ban to ensure physical security of mechanical equipment and that the current applicant's needs meet these
criteria. Ms. Moulton offered that it is unfortunate there could not be an alternative type of fencing that could be
employed. Mr. Measamer said that there could be a couple of alternative options that could be considered in
upcoming code amendments that would be brought before the Council in the near term. Ms. Cleland-McGrath
pointed out that this type of fencing makes sense for the applicant's mission,but that perhaps there are other
means by which it could be kept secure and make it less foreboding. Mr. Young also understood the facility's
security requirements,but suggested that further discussion could reveal other options and allay community
concerns. Mr. Walters voiced concern about the chain link fencing,which is allowed in this case,but advocated
that perhaps the Council could require some landscape buffering between the property line and the existing
fencing. Mr. Measamer expressed appreciation for former Councilmember Pickett's comments and reminded
the Council that she is not a commenter of record on the Closed Record Hearing prior to the closure of the
Planning Commission hearing,but that it would be possible to work with the applicant to come up with
alternative measures that would address community concerns. Mr. Walters expressed appreciation for Mr.
Measamer's point,but as a voting member of the Council he would have raised the same concern and asked Mr.
Measamer if some conditional language could be added to the permit. Mr. Measamer offered proposed language
that the applicant shall provide landscape screening somewhere between the sidewalk and the fencing at the
Director's discretion that does not adversely impact site security. Mr.Walters suggested that the landscaping
could be placed in the City right-of-way to minimize the impact on the applicant's property. Mr. Carter
proposed that the applicant might prefer to add a fence surrounding the entire property, as the applicant
currently experiences members of the public walking freely throughout the unfenced portions of the property.
CHRISTINE CLELAND-MCGRATH moved, seconded by BRUCE MCDOUGALL,to approve CUP 2022-
0003 Anacortes Readiness Center Conditional Use Permit subject to the conditional language offered by the
Planning Director,Don Measamer. Vote: Ayes-ANTHONY YOUNG,RYAN WALTERS, CHRISTINE
None.Abstain-JEREMY CARTER. Result: Passed
Public Hearings
Amending the 2022 -2027 Capital Facilities Plan (CFP)
Finance Director, Steve Hoglund, mentioned that the hearing was preceded by a required two-week notice
period as required under Anacortes Municipal Code Chapter 19.16 that was posted on the City website and
published in the Anacortes American. He then outlined the amendments to the 2022-2027 Capital Facilities Plan
including the 32nd Steet and M Avenue roundabout and the Skate Park replacement project. The complete
materials were included in the packet materials for the meeting. Mayor Miller invited members of the audience
to comment on this agenda item.No one present or online wished to address the Council. Mayor Miller closed
the public hearing.
Other Business
Lodging Tax Advisory Committee-Recipient Presentations
Ms. Schelleen Rathkopf of Whidbey Island Race Week presented her organization's use of Lodging Tax
Advisory Committee(LTAC)funds. She mentioned that through substantial marketing efforts enabled by
LTAC funds to rebrand the event as Race Week Pacific Northwest,that it is sometimes referred to as Anacortes
Race Week. She mentioned that Race Week adopted creative marketing strategies, including having the
Rockfish Grill open a beer garden,which in turn resulted in a donation to the Anacortes Family Center,the
commissioning of Anacortes artists Terri McDonald and Jennifer Bowman to produce event trophies,race
posters and merchandise for participants and spectators alike. LTAC funds also allowed Race Week to run full
page print ads and a digital campaign to re-brand the event. The strategy was successful in promoting Anacortes
Anacortes City Council Minutes-July 25,2022
and the event as highly desirable,virtually promising strong revenue for local hotels and businesses during
future events.
Mayor Miller thanked Ms. Rathkopf for her presentation. Mr. Young commended the event and characterized it
as fitting in well with the goals of LTAC. Ms. Cleland-McGrath thanked Ms. Rathkopf for her presentation and
commended the group for their positive comportment and expressed her appreciation for the event being
scheduled as a mid-week event. Ms. Rathkopf mentioned a possible expansion of the event to other age groups
and experience levels, and that they are working with the Coast Guard to accomplish appropriate permitting to
facilitate the expansion.
Second Quarter Finance Update
Finance Director, Steve Hoglund,presented the Second Quarter Finance Update. The complete materials were
included in the packet materials for the meeting.
Mr. McDougall asked about Real Estate Excise Tax charged per sale to confirm his understanding that sales are
down,but values are generally up. Mr. Hoglund responded that his understanding of the data as presented was
correct. Mr. McDougall followed up by asking if some streams of sales tax revenue were up in an exceptional
way. Mr. Hoglund responded that tax revenues from online sales went up during the pandemic and have
remained high,but other streams are performing as expected. Mayor Miller added that marine services and sales
have experienced significant increases over the past couple of months. Mr. McDougall wondered what portion
of the private utility sales tax revenue stream is comprised by phone and cable. Mr. Hoglund answered that
natural gas and electricity make up the majority of the category by a large margin. Mr. McDougall then offered
that with phone and cable decreasing,that it would not represent a significant negative impact on private utility
sales tax revenues. Mr. Hoglund agreed. Ms. Moulton wondered about the low revenues in the Anacortes
Community Forest Land fund. Mr. Hoglund responded that the quarry contract had completed and therefore that
revenue stream was no longer coming into the fund. He pointed out that the fund should remain healthy for the
next several years with a balance of more than$400,000. She wondered if there were any possible replacement
revenue streams coming in the near future. Mr. Hoglund was not aware of any replacement funding for the
quarry contract.
Mayor Miller invited the public to comment on the agenda item.No one present wished to address the Council
on the agenda item.
Ordinance 4027 Amending the 2022-2027 CFP
Finance Director, Steve Hoglund,presented Ordinance 4027: Amending the 2022-2027 Capital Facilities Plan.
The complete materials were included in the packet materials for the meeting. Mr.Walters pointed out that
future budget amendments that could be more complicated should include more detailed funding data to comply
with a statutory requirement that budget amendments be considered concomitantly with the Capital Facilities
Mayor Miller invited the public to comment on any item not on the agenda.No one present or online wished to
address the Council on the agenda item.
ANTHONY YOUNG moved, seconded by JEREMY CARTER,to approve Ordinance 4027 amending the
2022-2027 Capital Facilities Plan as presented.Vote: Ayes -JEREMY CARTER,ANTHONY YOUNG,
Ordinance 4026: 2022 Second Quarter Budget Amendment
Finance Director, Steve Hoglund,presented Ordinance 4026: 2022 Second Quarter Budget Amendment.He
explained that after further consultation with the Mayor and staff that he pulled the significant edit for Fiber
Anacortes City Council Minutes-July 25,2022
from the Ordinance, as there will be time later on in the fiscal year to consider the matter further. The complete
materials were included in the packet materials for the meeting.
Mayor Miller invited the public to comment on the agenda item.No one present or online wished to address the
Council on the agenda item.
AMANDA HUBIK moved, seconded by JEREMY CARTER,to adopt Ordinance 4026: 2022 Second Quarter
Budget Amendment as presented.Vote: Ayes -JEREMY CARTER,ANTHONY YOUNG,RYAN
AMANDA HUBIK.Nays -None. Result: Passed
There being no further business, at approximately 7:18 p.m. the Anacortes City Council meeting of July 25,
2022 was adjourned.
Anacortes City Council Minutes -July 25,2022