HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006 City Council Minuteswow At 7:30 [znn. Mayor K8oxvve\l called the regularly scheduled evening rnmethlo of January 3, 2006 to order. Ms. Wanda Johnson, City Cherk, administered the Oath of Office to Mayor Maxwell. The at - large Counoi|nlernbena. Erica Pickett, Bill Turner, Cynthia Richardson, and Brian Geer were then sworn in. Roll call found Loren Hoboy, Nick Petrish.Erica Pickett, Brad Adams, Bill Turner, Cynthia Richardson, and Brian Geer. The Pledge of Allegiance followed roll call. Minutes of Previous Meetinq K8c Richardson rnoved, seconded by K8c Pethohto approve the minutes of December 12, 2005 and December 19. 2005 as if read. Vote: Avea—Petheh. Adams, Richardson, and Hoboy. Abstain: Pickett, Turn8r, and Geer. Motion carried. Citizen Hearoqs Anocortes School District Presentation: Replacement Levv Mr. Chris Borgen, Anacortes School District Superintendent, thanked the Mayor and Council for support of the long-term positive partnership between the City and the AnaoorteS School District. Mr. Bor0en then asked to share information on the District's upcoming four-year maintenance and operations replacement levy. As part ofhis presentation, Mr. Borgen referred to an analysis provided by the Citizens for/\nacurtee Schools — he answered four significant questions: (1) why is the levy needed; (2) how is the Anacortes School District using their funds; (3) what are the benefits of quality schools; and /4\ boVV can senior citizens receive special exemption from school levies. Aspart ofthe planning process, a23-nnamberCitizen Committee was formed with the mandate to study the financial condition of the district and to develop a budget incorporating a4-yeorlevy. Mr. Bmrgen highlighted that local tax dollars provide 1996 of school revenue sources. With regard to ependin0, even though Washington ranks below the national average, Anacortes District is completely focused on the classroom. |nAnacorteo.O596 of the District's budget is earmarked for doemruomn instruction. This positive focus has brought about learning success aeevidenced by SAT scores and national placement indicators. A /oxv drop-out ro&a and highly qualified teachers are also o District plus. Mr. BorQen also emphasized the significant after -graduation eVCCea5 experienced by Anacort8a students. Mr. Kirk Kennedy, Committee rnenlbar, spoke in favor of the levy. He then discussed the changing national work place and the critical need for young people to acquire professional skills. M[. Borgen thanked the Mayor and Council and reported that in this Anaoorteo High School Centennial year, the District is committed to passing on a legacy of excellence. cilCorDDlun�abon ' Mayor Maxwell announced that there will be a Port/City Liaison Committee Meeting at 10:00 a.m.onJanuary 8=. Counoi|nlemberaRichardson, Adams, and Hnboywill beattending. The Mayor was pleased to announce that the Conservation Easement Program ' pecent� au the $1.000.000 mark.mark.Established in 1998. the goal of this ouCoeaafu| fund raising ' program is to raise sufficient monies to support the Forestlands management in perpetuity. Mayor K8axvve|| recommended the reappointments of Clay Leming, Laurie Gens. and Martin LgumbattuStOthe Planning Commission. Mrs. Richardson moved, seconded bv�[Geer h} confirm the reappointments: Vote: AveG—PiCkett Adams, Turner,Ridlardson.^ Hoboy, and Petrish. Motion carried. Mr. Pethah asked that a Council retreat be organized to exchange ideao, policies, and goaka &4[ HoboyeUggBStad that the Council [neetvv�h the Planning Commission as well. /\ bus trip ' toview development sites was also recommended. The Mayor directed staff hJfacilitate these Consent Aqenda K8c Pethah moved' seconded by Mc Ho6nx, to approve the following Consent Agenda items. Vote: Ayes — Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, Hoboy, Petrish, and Pickett. Motion carried. Approval CfVouchers/Cancellation ofWarrants Council voted unanimously that the following vouchers/warrants audited and certified by the • Council Finance Committee on December 22, 2005 and December 29, 2005 for payment as of this date January 3, 2006. Claims Warrants for the month of December and January Warrant Numbers 34519 through 34663 in the total amount of $574,636.86 Prewritten Claims for the month of December Warrant Numbers 34515 through 34518 in the total amount of $96.56 In the same motion Council: Accepted the 41St Street Sidewalk Improvement project (04-049- TRN-001) as complete thereby initiating the mandatory 30 -day lien period; if no valid liens are filed any retainage now held by the City will be returned to the contractor, Schwetz Construction, Inc. Final Plat: The Orchards Planned Unit Development Mr. Ian Munce, Planning Director, presented the procedural aspects for Final Plat approval of The Orchards, a 60 -lot Planned Unit Development at 41St Street and "H" Avenue. Approval shall be granted if the applicant has addressed all the issues and conditions placed on the project by City Council. If the developer meets those conditions they are entitled to Final Plat approval. The Final Plat stage is not an opportunity to revisit earlier decisions, but rather, to administratively review the details of the completed project. If approved, the City of Anacortes would accept the plat of the Orchards and the entire infrastructure as public improvements; the City will maintain the improvements in perpetuity. No lots can be sold until this final approval is in place. The Planning Commission reviewed this application on December 14th and recommended approval subject to bonding; Public Works itemized those remaining tasks to be done and recommended a bond in the amount of $143,265. Mr. Adams asked for clarification on condition 30 regarding the Heart Lake Road connector, specifically, the applicant's proposal to construct the first 434 I.f of this road in lieu of payment. Mr. Munce explained that the City has awarded a contract to secure permits for the associated wetland crossing; permitting could take from 2-3 years. A Council -approved conditional use permit for the stream crossing would also be required. The Applicant asked that they not be required to wait the 2-3 years for these environmental approvals and have proposed certain improvements to cover their "fair share" of the street extension costs. Questions followed regarding the sidewalk construction completion schedule. Staff recommended Final Plat approval subject to the receipt of an acceptable bond in the amount of $143,265.00. Mr. Hoboy asked for more information regarding the "fair share" equation of Condition # 30. After discussion, Ms. Pickett called for this question to be placed before the Council. Vote: Ayes - Turner, Richardson, Gere, Petrish, Pickett, and Adams. No — Hoboy. Motion carried. Appeal: Zoning Administrator's Decision to ADprove a Home Occupation Permit at 2027 "N" Avenue Mr. Ian Munce, Planning Director, described the Home Occupation administrative process; neighbors within 300 feet are notified of the proposed use, staff reviews the application, comments are submitted, and a decision is made. An appeal of the Zoning Administrator's decision can made to the City Council. Home Occupation permits are specific to the person who secures the permit, and are subject to an annual review to address any complaints. The application before Council was made by Christopher Steckler at 2027 N Avenue for his Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine Practice. The application package forwarded to Council included the application, attachments, and all correspondence with the appellant, Mr. Richard Weyrich. Due to a delay in setting an appeal date, Mr. Steckler was given permission to operate his Practice on a temporary basis. The review criterion is: will this activity have a detrimental affect on the surrounding neighborhood. Mr. Weyrich, the appellant, was not present. Mr. Christopher Steckler, 2027 N Avenue, said that he is prepared to open his practice and would like to move forward; the circumstances are well within the guidelines for Home Occupations. Additionally, the home is located in the high density, mixed-use R 4 zone. The traffic volume will be low with 1-6 patients per day. Mr. Steckler reported that the property next door owned by Mr. Weyrich, has been vacant for the last 3 years. Mrs. Richardson pointed out that the Steckler's home is only one block away from the busy 22"d Street arterial. Mr. Steckler then answered questions regarding potential odor from the herbs, customer volume, pick up and delivery of the herbs, and location of the herb grinder. Mr. Hoboy suggested reviewing decibel level at the property line. Mr. Adams said that the proposed use is well within the code guidelines and moved, seconded by Mrs. Richardson, to deny the appeal. Vote: Ayes — Gere, Hoboy, Petrish, Pickett, Adams, Turner, and Richardson. Motion carried. Presentation: Tree Preservation Ordinance 1983 Mr. Ian Munce, City Attorney, presented a draft of the Tree Preservation Citizen's Committee proposed Tree Conservation Ordinance. The Committee will meet again on 5:00 on January 17th to finish the review. The Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing on February 22"d Mr. Munce underscored that this is a significant citywide ordinance and involves a tree credit system that will apply to property larger than half an acre. When development activity occurs a one tree credit per thousand square feet of property will be required. The draft Ordinance will be on the City's website with copies available at the Planning Department. Mr. Munce then reviewed the Tree Unit Credits Table (17.80.120(E)3); March is the target date for adoption of this legislation as an Interim Ordinance. Mr. Munce also said that written and oral testimony will be taken at the Public Hearing in February. Ordinance: Providinq for Alternates on the Board of Adjustment Mr. Ian Munce, City Attorney, presented an Ordinance to Council for review and adoption. By way of background, Mr. Munce explained that the Board of Adjustment is made up of 5 members. The Board hears variance requests dealing with height, setback, lot coverage, and dimension. The Board meets at least once a month and securing a quorum for those meetings has been a challenge. According to the draft Ordinance, alternates to the Board would sit at the meeting but wouldn't vote unless they were asked at the beginning of the meeting to participate. Board of Adjustment members, staff, and Municipal Research have reviewed this Ordinance. Mrs. supported this action. With that, Mr. Hoboy moved, seconded by Mr. Turner to adopt Ordinance No 2728 Providing for Alternates on the Board of Adjustment. Vote: Ayes — Hoboy, Petrish, Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson, and Geer. Motion carried. At approximately 9:30 p.m. Mayor Maxwell announced that this meeting will be continued to Monday, January 9, 2005 to hear the following items: Closed Record Meeting: The Highlands Preliminary Plat; On -Call Public Works Contract Arrangements; and an Executive Session on the Critical Areas Ordinance (legal issues). Wanda P. Johnson, Xity Clerk -Treasurer �, H. Dean Maxwell, Mayor quncilmember R � ���� ����������� �x u���� Continued from January 3, 2006 Mayor Maxwell called the continued meeting b}order at7:3Op.[D. Roll call found present: Nick PEdr\oh, Cynthia Fl\chendaon' Loren Hoboy, Brad Ada[nS, Erica Piokett, Brian Geer and Bill TUOle[ The Pledge of Allegiance followed nJU call. Mayor/Council {�mmmx�mnic��xxm, Mayor' Maxwell passed - ' ^' ' '- request fromfromBoeing and the Seattle P| for the community to suggest �� a�et nnmin a for a Jefferson Award. The contact number is 1-877-293-3025 or Seattle F,|.corn/Jefferson. Submittals can be made through the City offices. Mayor K8aXVve|| then reviewed the current procedures for council committee appointments; he asked that the Council provide input regarding changes to these procedures. On -Call Public Works Co Mr. Bob Hvde,Public \&orhs[>inaotV�addressed the Council regarding the benaf�eofusing on- o@U consulting contracts rather than a roster method. Four Dnne are recommended for on-call projects: Gray& (]nboFD. Leonard BoudinCt & Shndie. CHS Engineers (a Pacific Northwest regional firm), and HDR (an international firmwith 8 local office in Mount Vernon). Any project under $30,000 can be approved by the Mayor. Proposals over $30'000 will need Council approval. There is no current work being performed VO any projects but staff expect to begin work on the Transportation Comp Plan, Sewer Design, and Annual Paving Program soon. Mrs. Cynthia Richardson moved for approval, seconded by Mr. L0[8D HOboy, and passed unanimously. Closed RecordHearinct: HiahUamdsPms|[mmimarVPlat |@D N1UDce. P!oDOiOg Director, initiated the closed record hearing by describing the current application p[OCedUnBg for property specific applications. The procedure Used to consist of two public hearings - one before the Planning CD[OnliSSiOD and one before the City COUOoi|. The Legislature changed the process to only one hearing (open record) and then a closed record naVieVv. The Planning CoD101iosiOO holds open record public hearings, then transcripts are pnepared, and the full application goes to City Council with m recommendation. 7-hena is one week to file an appeal of this recommendation. He indicated there are no appeals tonight but Council is not bound tVfollow the Planning CVD101\Sa\OO recommendations. M[ K8uOQe asked the Council to revisit when and how they want t0 n8CaiVe complete packages, i.e.' early on, vvEtGh DVOo, early transcript, vV2tCh Channel 10. He asked that they (8t Joann St3VV8d kOOVx how they would prefer receiving the information. Mr. LOF8D HOboy requested DVDs be recorded So they can be viewed VD both a computer and mte|evisioO. Mrs. Cynthia Richardson asked that the Council receive advanced notice Ofsite visits bythe Planning Commission. Mr. K8UocetheO proceeded with the description of the process for 8 standard subdivision. The subject property is 16 acres which could hold Up to 84 units; this aotV@| application is for 47 units. ' This is the second time that this acreage has been to the Planning Committee and the City Council. The first application was for the (�|u[e property. An additional property has been added 10this theLovejoy prOpe�»). Approval xv8Sgranted DhgiD8\\y. |tinvolved GcO[np\io@ted switchback coming up the hill. The City {|oUOd\ approved that very reluctantly after a lot of discussion about getting better access tothat area. Mr. Strandberg and Mr. VVooding have taken over that project fnorn the Clunes and they now propose an expanded project. Access to their project comes all the way over from "D" Ave. on 17 th Street. This is a substandard street with gravel portions. The layout provided in the {}OunCi| packet follows the comprehensive plan directive from about 10 years ago which was to connect streets where reasonable and practical. The proposal would be to come in from 17m Street, COrne up the hill with a full city street and connect tOGeorgia, The record from the Planning Commission meeting indicates the neighbors on 17m street started out being very skeptical and opposed tOthe project because there are @ lot of existing drainage problems on 17m Street and the street is not designed for the intensity that is planned. Without committing the City Council to anything, the City staff worked with neighbors and Planning C0rn0iSSioD to come Up with a package that will vxVrk, i.e.' fixing existing drainage problems before continuing, and developing @ cost sharing on the road. The applicant would do some blocks, the City vVOu|d do some blocks. This VvOV|d be Si0i|o[ to cost sharing on the Kansas project and the 28th Street extension from ''H^tm ^J.'' but it is o major cost of approx - $4OO'OOOtothe City. A O�nOr8ndunfrom B� Wanda Johnson, Finance Director, outlines the cost sharing. Mr. Fred BuCkenmeyer, City Engineer, has met with the neighbors and developed a design that works with the neighbors of 17 m 8tnaet, keeping some significant trees, jogging in certain areas, sidewalks in certain configurations, aidevvo\ke on one side of the street, and also some proposed traffic calming measures. A final decision is not required tonight. The Public \Kk][hS Committee reviewed this last Friday and the Finance COrnnnh±ae vvaOto to look at finance issues. The purpose of presenting this information tonight was to get started on the process. Another feature Mr. K8unoe pointed out is that the project does include the requested 30 ft. forest land buffer zone. There are noappeals because the neighbors have agreed tothe street configuration and the regional drainage nyS1e/D. The Planning Commission recommended approval of this project subject to 30 conditions. Mr. K8unca stated he does not believe action tonight iaappropriate but rather that the project shVu|dbeputontheo0endaforna»tN1ondayao that the Finance Committee can look atitnext week and perhaps the Public Works Committee can have another meeting. Both Fred BuChennleyarand Mr. K8unne will be available to answer any questions. Mr. Adams expressed concerns about transportation and drainage. |fCity Council did not agree regarding the funding from A to D Avenue, would the development still have adequate drainage without that work being done? Mr. MUDQeresponded that itwould not and the neighbors would be opposed to the project based on their testimony because it had not solved the existing problem. Mrs. Richardson expressed concern with blocks B to [} in that those blocks already have reasonable drainage and she did not see anything in the record that those people in those two blocks had any concern. She believes it is really those people in the upstream blocks that had the most concern and asked that if those two blocks were separated out for later consideration in funding, would solve most problems inthe neighborhood? M[ Buoken[neyer responded that during the three meetings with the neighbors, the concerns were vehicle safety, drainage, and pedestrian safety. If the last section is left out, there will not be o sidewalk connection to [}Avenue, Mr. Hoboy raised a question regarding the section from Bto D and asked what the Cost is for doing that piece. He stated that this is a cost that the City bears directly and voiced his concerns regarding the City's funding priorities. Mr. Adams added another point to consider in that this does create a connection between D Avenue and the west side even though that is not the primary intention. He explained that in case of an ennergency, someone could get from D Avenue up to Georgia and Up to West 7 if necessary. Mayor Maxwell agreed that consideration should really begiving to completing this project now as opposed to later because of the connection to D Avenue. He added that there (s a lot of water on that hill and that it would be wise to take oana of it now. He also commented that costs are going tVgoupand probably not by@small amount. Mayor Maxwell stated that it would be helpful to get more detailed cost breakdown even if we have to do some guessing and maybe obtaining information from g couple of different sources just to provide o good idea of the costs. Mrs. Richardson asked Mr. Buckenmeyer if it was possible to gat engineering done on an entire length and more detailed costs estimates and then determine atthat time if the entire project should be completed at one time or save last piece for the funding season. Mr. Buokennmeyerresponded that this was definitely possibility and that before proceeding with a developer agreement, definite numbers would have to be provided. The City will not enter into any kind of an agreement until the exact numbers for cost are known. Mrs. Richardson then asked Mr. BVokenrneyerwhether there is any vxmy to know what fraction of the total project cost is eaten up by things like writing the contract and getting equipment on site. Mr. Buckennneyer responded that the City generally allocates 20-25 percent to contract administration. He also added that in this particular case the savings would come from the contractor doing the project. Mr. Pethgh added that at the Public Works Committee meeting on Friday Mr. Buohenrneye[anevverad all questions and Mr. Petrieh sees no problem except for final tweaking for financial information. Mr. HObOy added that major positive e|e0aDtS of this project are the drainage improvements on the Georgia Street aide because it deals with deteriorated storm water drainage and offers e good alternative. Mr. Hoboy'a auQQontjon is that the project andinfnaatructunebeinstal)edaubotanUa||yaepreeentedtocounci|aodofferngood value tothe community. Healso expressed concern about adriveway Urnarrow road that isnot a city road and believes that if this road een/ao 4 or 5 houses, it should be a city rood. Mrs. Richardson responded access tothe houses from the front would betoo steep and that builders are trying tomake the best out ofwhat they have towork with. She believes some fine tuning is needed and ask fellow council rnennbenS to review her suggestions for inclusion in the project plan. Also parking spaces should beinserted ifpossible. Mr. &1unms reiterated that if this does not work then it should go back to Planning Commission for further public hearing and give the neighbors m chance to appeal. &1r. Hoboy again raised the question that if part of the project is postponed, it does not change the scope, justthe time frame. Heiaconcerned that other places need the money more now than later. Mayor Maxwell stated that he believes we are getting way ton far into the details and that if the CoUncil members d0 not aQree, then it should be sent back to Planning. Mr. Adams proposed not to take action tonight and tnbring this back next week. The Finance Committee can take alook at the costs and the Council members will consider the project next week. Mrs. Richardson asked if there is a finance committee to look at this. Cap Sante Historic Property Report Gary Robinson, Parks Director, introduced the members of the Historic Preservation Board. He then introduced Julie Koler who reported on history of historic preservation in Anacortes and registered buildings on Cap Sante. Ms. Koler thanked the Historic Preservation Board for their volunteer efforts and then reported on the survey and inventory procedure and the documentation of historic properties including 27 new properties, 13 updated older properties as well as 90 properties outside Cap Sante. She explained that Inventory is just pool from which landmark properties are drawn and that landmarking is a volunteer effort. She added that the Board is developing incentives to encourage people to participate. Ms. Koler reviewed her recommendations to the Board for future work. She stated that there are many administrative types of recommendations that will ease work at the city level. Ms. Koler reviewed the long term such as amendments to existing city code regarding landmark nomination and designation. She stated there are a number of things in the code that could be revised that would make it easier for the applicant and for the Board to process. One change is to allow for Board membership outside the city limits of Anacortes. She stated this is a problem everywhere and gave as example the need for a preservation architect who may be difficult to find within the city limits. She also suggested amending the code to allow for creation of historic districts as Anacortes does have historic districts. The Board has two landmark nominations — Eagles Hall and Bank of Pacific Building. The Eagles organization is running into problems due to the property taxes on the building. She informed the Council that there is a program called Current Use Taxation for Open Space Program that needs to be implemented locally. It is adopted in Skagit County, but it can be expanded to include locally registered historic landmark properties as eligible categories. This would allow the owner to apply for and reduce their property taxes. Identifying and implementing additional incentives to encourage individuals to preserve their properties is something you can do as elected officials. Mr. Petrish let the Board know that he met a lot of new people that live in the Old Town area and that they enjoy this area for convenience (shopping, mail, etc.). He added that he did not think we were going to have to think about redevelopment until we reached build out, but was informed by a couple that have a house on the waterfront area of Old Town that they been contacted by a contractor who wants to buy their house to tear it down and build condominiums. He concluded by saying that we are going to have to take a hard look at declaring Old Town (22nd Street North) as a historic district. Ms. Koler then concluded that regular meeting of the Historic Preservation Board are held on the 3rd Tuesday of every month which anyone can attend (at city hall). Marine Resource Committee Ms. Erica Picket presented the Marine Resource Committee report. She introduced members of Marine Resource Committee and thanked Dr. Paul Dinnel for putting the presentation together. She explained who the Committee is and their background. Volunteers are appointed by the Skagit County Commissioners. In 1997 and 1998 it was obvious something needed to be done for our fisheries resources. Various proposals were made but rejected and then Representatives Jack Metcalf and Senator Patty Murray got together and suggested an experimental process be set up and funded by Congress. She stated we have good representation from a whole variety of fields. There is funding attached so they can do the projects. One of the first projects was the possibility of setting up bottom fish reserves. What we know about bottom fish now and what we used to know are entirely different. There have been eight sites identified for possible preserves. The MRC compiled information regarding populations and locations. Spartina eradication is another project the MRC has been working on. Spartina is a cord grass and is not native to this area. It is as invasive and destructive as English Ivy and chokes out clams. Eradication is accomplished by digging up the grass and volunteers work on that. Derelict gear is another big problem. An abandoned net or trap continues to fish for years and years. The MRC funded a major undertaking with professional divers and professional gear. They brought back 694 crab pots and 196 gill nets. If we would have stretched them out, we would have covered 45 acres. We also brought up 2 purse seines and an aqua culture net. To give an idea of just how destructive these nets can be, one was brought up from near Lopez Island and there was a pile of bones three feet deep from underneath it. Fish bones, bird bones, seal bones. Another project is the forage fish in our area (the little fish that the big fish eat). They are absolutely essential to the survival of Orcas and salmon as well as to our economy. Trees are 1987 very important for the survival of forage fish eggs. Ms. Pickett presented slides of the tree plantings on the Tommy Thompson trail that the MRC organized in cooperation with the Parks Department in the City of Anacortes and the Skagit Conservation District who supplied the trees. The overhanging vegetation such as the trees is vital to keep the eggs of the forage fish from being burned in the sun. Another project is the native oyster restortation. She explained that the native oyster is called the Olympic oyster and that the MRC planted 90,000 oyster sets in 2002 and 162,000 in 2003. They were performing some monitoring to see what the survival rate is and how things are coming along. She explained the history of the Olympia oysters in that they were almost decimated due to harvesting in the middle 1800's. Pacific oysters were introduced for culture and are more numerous in these areas. Ms. Pickett described the planting of Pacific oysters in March Point. She explained the benefits of a healthy oyster supply. They are good to eat and also improve beach habitat for other oysters. Oysters also help improve water quality. Ms. Pickett described another project which is the Freestad Lagoon on Samish Island and the Lone Tree Point Lagoon on the Swinomish Reservation on the south end of the Island. One of the major discoveries is that the salmon fry have a better survival rate if they transition in brackish water (half salt/half fresh water) prior to entering the Sound. Lagoons are also good if they are connected as they offer protection for the little fish. Another project the MRC has been working on is the removal of treated timber. This timber is coated with creosote which is very harmful to the fish population. Research has shown that very small concentrations of creosote will weaken their life expectancy. Efforts are being made by volunteers to remove creosote logs from beaches. To date, the MRC has hauled 75 tons to eastern Washington to a hazmat site. Ms. Pickett reviewed Skagit Bay's Blueprint project which was an early project of the MRC. This project categorizes the inventory of the shorelines and identifies the projects for future conservation and restoration work. She added that the process that the MRC works under is to take inventory, analyze the data, prioritize the projects and determine the feasibility of a project. Mr. Petrish stated that he does not believe that planting trees along the Tommy Thompson Trail will provide any benefit because the sunlight stays on the trail from morning to night. He also added that the trees could also pose a problem in that the roots will eventually destroy the trail. Ms. Pickett explained that the trees also attract bugs which is a major source of food for the forage fish. Dr. Dinnel added that this is not the ideal situation along the Tommy Thompson Trail and a better location is out on March Point and that they are working with Tesoro on that. It was just an opportunity to add a few trees to make the habitat just a bit better. It is not so much to restore but to rehabilitate our shorelines that have been changed. There being no further business at 9:15 p.m. Mayor Maxwell continued the meeting in order to reconvene in Executive Session on Critical Areas Ordinance (legal issues) (approximately 1 hour). No action was taken and the meeting adjourned at 10 p.m. 41J/1 71 �, 4LZnY Wanda P. Johnson, Ci Clerk -Treasurer H. Dean Maxwell, Mayor �o ri ' I' cilmem�er f At 7:30 p.m. Mayor Maxwell called the regularly scheduled evening meeting of Tuesday, January 17, 2006 to order. Roll call found present: Loren Hoboy, Nick Petrish, Erica Pickett, Brad Adams, Bill Turner, Cynthia Richardson, and Brian Geer. The Pledge of Allegiance followed roll call. Minutes of Previous Meetinq Mr. Turner moved, seconded by Mrs. Richardson, to approve the minutes of January 3, 2006 as if read. Vote: Ayes — Petrish, Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, and Hoboy. Motion carried. Citizen Hearinqs No citizens present wished to testify on matters not on the agenda. Mayor/Council Communication.- Election: Mayor Pro-Tem/Sub-Committee ADDointments Mr. Hoboy moved, seconded by Mr. Adams to nominate Mr. Petrish for Mayor Pro -Tem. Vote: Ayes — Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, Hoboy, and Petrish. Motion carried. Mr. Petrish asked for staff recommendations and for a current list of all Council committees and committee members. Mr. Petrish said his goal as Mayor Pro -Tem is to work closely with the Mayor to continue moving Anacortes forward. Appointment: Planning Commission Mrs. Richardson moved, seconded by Mr. Hoboy, to confirm the appointment of Mr. Bertis Rascoe to the Planning Commission. Mrs. Richardson added that Mr. Rascoe brings an architectural background and experience in community development to the Planning Commission. Vote: Ayes — Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, Hoboy, Petrish, and Pickett. Motion carried. Proclamation: Salvation Armv Celebratinq 100 Years in Anacortes Mayor Maxwell read a Proclamation proclaiming January 21, 2006 as Salvation Army Day in the City of Anacortes in recognition of 100 years of service and faithful ministry to the community. A celebration of this significant event will be held on January 21St at Brodniak Hall. ADpointments: Board of Adiustment Alternate Members Mayor Maxwell said that based on recent Council action, two alternate Board of Adjustment positions can now be filled. In that regard, the Mayor received letters of interest from Mr. Stuart Janke and Mr. J.B. Smith which were forwarded to Council for review. With that, the Mayor asked for Council to confirm the appointment of Mr. Stuart Janke and Mr. J.B. Smith as alternates to serve on the Board of Adjustment. Mr. Petrish so moved, seconded by Mrs. Pickett. Vote: Ayes — Turner, Richardson, Geer, Hoboy, Petrish, Pickett, and Adams. Motion carried. Mrs. Richardson asked the Council and audience to recognize one of the many organizations and individuals who have contributed to the Forestlands Conservation Easement program; the Program has now reached the $1,000,000 mark. Mrs. Richardson invited Ms. Nancy Chapman of the Plymouth Congregational Church to tell how their small organization worked for 5 years to contribute $5,000 to adopt a 5 -acre grove through the Easement program. Ms. Chapman challenged other small groups and congregations to participate. The Mayor and Council expressed appreciation for this noteworthy effort. Mr. Adams then noted the significant sidewalk projects recently constructed throughout the City. In particular, Mr. Adams said that the new 41St street sidewalk from "A" to "O" Avenue makes for safer pedestrian travel. Hiqhlands Preliminary Plat: Deliberation and Action Mayor Maxwell introduced the Highlands Preliminary Plat deliberation phase. The Council held a Closed Record Meeting on the Plat application on January 9th and continued the matter to discuss project conditions and development agreement details. The project, a 2 -phase 47 -lot residential subdivision located east of Georgia Place, was reviewed by the Planning Commission in Public Hearing. The Commission recommended approval subject to 30 conditions including upgrades to 17th Street and cost sharing arrangements between the applicant and the City for 17th street and associated drainage improvements. Mc Fred Buckenmeyer, Assistant City Engineer, recapped the meetings of the Public Works Committee subsequent to the Council meeting of the 9"' The Committee discussed the Planning Commission recommendation that the entire portion of 17m Street be completed. The Committee determined that this project is worthwhile and warranted shared costs with the developer with aspecific target of835O,UOOofCity funds. The owners then worked diligently to hold down costa and offered a revised project cost of $378,000; staff recommends approval. AddidonaUy, the owners are guaranteeing that there will be no increase in the contract amount over time even though the cost of materials may go up during construction. Additional considerations are that the engineering work for the improvements will be provided at no cost to the City and there will be no mobilization charges. Again, Staff recommends approval of this. Further. the City will have an opportunity to place a latecomers agreement on a portion of the project to recoup a portion of the funds; plat fees, stonnxvatmr General Facility Chmrges, and transportation impact fees will also offset costs. The finished project will provide for o continuous sidewalk from the plat to^[]"Avenue. Mrs. Richardson re-emphasized that with this proposal, over time the City will recoup significant project costs. MrHoboy pointed out that the improvements provide analternate emergency connection tothe west end. Mr. Adams and Mr. Turner spoke iDfavor ofthe project and ofthe efforts by both the applicant and the Public Works Committee tomove this project fonwand. With that. K8na. Richardson moved, seconded by Mr. Hoboy, to approveThe Highlands Preliminary Plat application subject to the conditions recommended by the Planning Commission as modified in a January 11, 2006 Memorandum from Fred Buckenmeyer, Assistant City Engineer, entitled "Staff Proposed Revisions to Planning Commission Recommendations"; and to authorize the Mayor toenter into aproject Oeve|opment/4greennentinanannountnCttoe»oeed $378,000.00. Vote: Auee—p{ichardoon. Geer, Hmboy, Petheh. Pickett, Adams, and Turner. Motion carried. Consent Aqenda K8c Pethah moved' seconded by YWc Adams, to approve the following Consent Agenda items. Vote: Ayes — Geer, Hoboy, Petrish, Pickett, Adams, Turner, and Christiansen. Motion carried. Approval ofVouchers/Cancellation ofWarrants Council voted unanimously that the following vouchers/warrants audited and certified by the City's Auditing (]ffioar (Finance Director) and subsequently reviewed and approved by the Council Finance Committee on January 5. 2006 and January 13. 2006 for payment as of this date January 17,2OO6. Claims Warrants for the month of.anuary Warrant Numbers 3467Othrough 34O75inthe total amount of$ EFT for the Month ofJanuarY EFT Numbers 34004through 34O69iOthe total amount of $490.00 Poyrn))#1for December 3O.2OO5inthe total amount of$644.O47.S3 Warrant Numbers 28461through 2853Ointhe total amount of$21S'2O1.63 Direct Deposit Numbers form 17O24through 17125iDthe total amount of$23S.828.O4 EFT Numbers from 486through 4Q7inthe total amount of185.557.30 In the same motion Council: Accepted the Thompson Trail Trestle Retrofit project (NM-20as complete thereby initiating the mandatory 30 -day lienperiod; if no valid ikano are filed any retainage now held by the City will be returned to the contractor, Wilder Construction Company; Accepted the "T^ Avenue Overlay and Sidewalk Improvement project /05-058-TRyJ-001\ as complete thereby initiating the mandatory 30 -day lien period; if no valid liens are filed any retainage now held by the City will be returned to the contractor, CJ Construction (Corey Johnson); and Accepted the Marine Drive Safety Improvements as complete thereby |D0@UOg the mandatory 30 -day lien period; ifn0valid liens are filed any retainage now held by the City will be returned to the contractor, Island Construction Site & Utilities. Ana#ortes Familv Shelter Pmmiect: Update Mr. Ian K8unce. Planning Director, briefly described the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development Community Development Block Grant pnogn3nl to fund city rehabilitation projects that benefit the low income. Through this program the City has earmarked grant funding for the Housing Authority asour contribution tothe New Wilson Hotel project 8ndbmaagreedto hold the Community Action Agency harmless for Agency social service programs in Anacortes. 1990 With regard to an additional request for community development block grant funds, Mr. Eric Johnson and many others have been working to develop a family shelter project in the City of Anacortes. Mr. Munce explained that a Public Hearing will be scheduled for March to consider this and other requests for next year's grant monies. Prior to that, however, Mr. Johnson has asked the Council for a draft letter from the City confirming that the Shelter Project will be considered for funding; however, the Council decision to fund would come after public hearing and input. Mr. Eric Johnson, proponent, said that the property at 1011-1017 27th Street is an appropriate location for a shelter close to schools and other facilities. The program to help those in need includes case management, an action plan, and support. Mrs. Richardson remarked on the considerable effort by Mr. Johnson and others to make this critical facility a reality. In response to a question from Mrs. Pickett, Mr. Johnson explained that a high percentage of homeless families find themselves in difficulty due to unexpected and inordinate medical expenses. By consensus, a letter of encouragement for the Shelter Project was to be prepared that that every consideration will be given to this project through our regular hearing/public input process. Library Director Appointment: Geraldine Veenstra Ms. Emily Schuh, Human Resources Director, was pleased to introduced Ms. Geraldine Veenstra, the new Library Director for the City of Anacortes. Ms. Schuh described the extensive recruitment process used to fill this position. From that process, Ms. Veenstra was selected as the top candidate and has accepted the position as Library Director subject to Council approval. With that, Mrs. Richardson moved, seconded by Mr. Hoboy, to approve the appointment of Ms. Geraldine Veenstra as the Library Director for the City of Anacortes. Vote: Ayes — Hoboy, Petrish, Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson, and Geer. Motion carried. The Mayor thanked both Mr. Doug Everhart, outgoing Director, for his 33 years of dedicated service and the Library Board for its diligence and commitment to the Library and to the community. Forest Board Request Zoning on South Fidalqo Mr. Rick Haley, 1804 Lea Place, Chair of the Community Forestlands Advisory Board, presented a request to the City Council from the Board. The Board has asked the City Council to consider urging the County to retain the current 10 -acre zoning on the land adjacent to the Anacortes Community Forest Lands in order to preserve and protect the forestland habitats. Mr. Petrish suggested hearing from proponents of the 2.5 acre zoning. Mr. Turner as a former member of the Citizens Advisory Committee , reported that surveys have indicated that landowners on south Fidalgo Island were not in favor of the 2.5 zoning. Mr. Ian Munce, Planning Director, explained that legislation already exists to protect fish and wildlife habitat conversation areas (City forestlands). In light of that, the Board's goal could be achieved with a letter to the County underscoring that there is no justification to change existing zoning next to a fish and wildlife habitat conversation area. Resolution: Personnel Policv Update Ms. Emily Schuh, Human Resources Director, presented a Resolution to Council for review and approval. If adopted the Resolution would update the City Personnel Policies Section 606 to accommodate legislation that establishes designated smoking outside areas. Under 1-901, smoking outside is prohibited within 25 feet of entrances and exits, windows that open, and ventilation intakes. On a question from Mr. Adams, Ms. Schuh reported that employees have been notified of this new restriction. With that, Mr. Hoboy moved, seconded by to adopt Resolution No. 1716 regarding personnel policies and benefits for the City of Anacortes employees. Vote: Ayes — Petrish, Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, and Hoboy. Motion carried. At approximately 9:30 p.m. the Mayor continued the meeting to Monday, January 23, 2006 at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of reviewing Airport planning documents and the Airport Perimeter Buffer Encroachment Mitigation plan. aP 6,p4h Van rk-v' 1 da P. Johnson, C yClerk-Treasurer H. Dean Maxwell, Mayor Counc-ilmember 1991 January 23, 2006 Continued Meeting of January 17, 2006 At 7:30 p.m. Mayor Maxwell called the continued meeting of Tuesday, January 17, 2006 to order. Roll call found present: Loren Hoboy, Nick Petrish, Erica Pickett, Brad Adams, Bill Turner, Cynthia Richardson, and Brian Geer. The Pledge of Allegiance followed roll call. Ian Munce, Planning Director, described in some detail the recently adopted sub -area plan, zoning regulations, and development agreement covering the Anacortes Airport. Mr. Munce explained that these documents had been agreed to between the City and the Port with the explicit concurrence of the Federal Aviation Administration. Additionally, no appeals were filed to these documents and so they can be expected to control development at the airport over the next 20 to 30 years. Finally, Mr. Munce described the additional mitigation work that would be done at the Anacortes Airport this year and next. Mr. Munce then presented a January 13, 2006 counter -proposal from the Port of Anacortes as to mitigation for an airport buffer incursion that occurred last fall. The Council discussed the adequacy of this mitigation in the context of their overall working relationship with the Port of Anacortes. The Council accepted this January 13, 2006 mitigation proposal with the stipulation that the adequacy of the mitigation would be reviewed a year from now with a view to the City requesting additional work from the Port if appropriate. This action was taken on a motion by Mr. Adams and seconded by Mr. Geer. Under discussion, Mr. Hoboy argued that the buffer was being placed in an undesirable location and should be moved up closer to the city street in order to take advantage of the additional elevation next to the street. Vote: Ayes — Richardson, Geer, Pickett, Turner, Petrish, and Adams. No — Hoboy. Motion carried. At approximately 8:30 p.m., the meeting was continued to February 3, 2006 at the W.T. Preston Snagboat Heritage Center at 8:30 a.m. for the purpose of conducting the 2006 Mayor and Council Retreat. Wanda P. Johnson, Cit C -TreasureY H. Dean Maxwell; Mayor bbuncilmem6er At7:30p.0.Mayor Maxwell called the regularly scheduled meeting of February 0.2006 to order. Roll call found present: Nick Petrish, Brad Adams, Loren Hoboy, Cynthia Richardson, Bill Turner, and Erica Pickett. Absent: Brian Geer. Minutes of Previous 0Yeetio�q After making corrections, the'minutes of January Q` January 17. and January 23. 2006 were approved in a motion by Ms. Richardson, seconded by Mr. Adams, and passed unanimously. Citizen Hearinas None. Mayor/Council Communication� Mayor Maxwell announced t.e had signed the Benevolent and Protective Order ofElks "Patriotism Week Proclamation" for the Week of February 2ObJ24.2OO8. W1[. Turner thanked all \Ov0|Ved for organizing last Friday's retreat. He commented that he thought itwas very useful. Unfinished Business None. Consent Aqenda The vouchers were approved 8Sfollows: Council voted that the following vouchers/warrants audited and Certified by the City's Auditing Officer (Finance Director) and subsequently F8Viavv8d and approved by the Council Finance Committee on January 20, 2006. January 27, 2006. and February 3. 2008 are approved for payment 2sOfthis date, February O,2OO6. Council vote was unanimous. ! Claims Warrants ! � January, 2O0G:Warrant Numbers 34884through 35O8Ohnthe total amount of$748'429.0O /\CH # 34876 in the total amount of $164.587.85 Pavroli # 1 of January 13, 2006 in the total amount of $441,472.11 Warrant Numbers 28531 through28582inthe total amount of $63'070.80 Direct Deposit Numbers 17105through 17328iOthe total amount Vf$237,232.93 i EFT Numbers 490through 5O5iDthe total amount of$141.168.38 Payn}U#2ofJ8nUarV31.2OO6iOthe total amount Of$836.2O3.28 Warrant Numbers 28593through 28O02iOthe total amount Of$237'S8S.S1 Direct Deposit Numbers 17327through 1742OiDthe total amount Df$244'330.59 i EFT N be 5OOthnD h�11iOthe�t@|@0OUOiof�15387O78 |nthe same motion Council: Cancelled Claims Warrant # 34260 in the amount of $33.89; Claims Warrant # 34712 in the amount of$2.453.58; Claims Warrant #32510inthe amount of$1OO.00; and Claims Warrant # 31S27inthe amount of $78.20; and Resolution No. 1717 was adopted setting K8anoh 0. 2006 as the date of Public Hearing on o proposal toVacation aPortion ofUAvenue. This action was taken oO3motion byMr. Turner, seconded Ms. Richardson, and passed unanimously. New Business Parks Oinector, Gary Robinson, andAnaoortea Parks Foundation President, Doug Co|g|@zier, presented a draft Memorandum of Agreement between their two organizations for consideration. Mayor Maxwell thanked the Parks Foundation for all Vftheir efforts on behalf of the community and expressed 8willingness to continue to provide some limited staff support. M[. Robinson explained that the agreement satisfies auditors' coOC8[Ds in that 0UtUa| benefits are secured. After making some editorial changes in the Memorandum of Agreement Ms. Richardson moved that the Mayor be authorized to sign the K8arnonandunn of Agreement as presented. The motion was seconded byMr. Pethahand passed unanimously. 19 " Lruary 6, 2006 & February 13, 2006 - continued At 7:45 p.m. the Mayor continued the meeting to 7:00 p.m. on February 13, 2006 in the Municipal Building Council Chambers for the purpose of holding an executive session on labor negotiations. Wanda P. Johnson, C' Clerk-Treas rer H. bean Maxwell, Mayor I?P- C( CuunciIrL Continued Citv Council Meetinq from February 6, 2006 to February 13, 2006, All Council members were present. At 7:00 p.m., the City Council convened in Executive Session to consider labor negotiations (commissioned police arbitration). At approximately 7:35 the Council reconvened and without taking any further action the meeting was adjourned. k10 " q) a. -74- 4L- M-'4� nda P. Johnson, it Clerk -Treasurer H. Dean Maxwell, Wayor i A �Council ember February 21, 2006 At 7:30 p.m. Mayor Maxwell called the regularly scheduled meeting of Tuesday, February 21, 2006 to order. Roll call found present: Loren Hoboy, Nick Petrish, Erica Pickett, Brad Adams, Bill Turner, Cynthia Richardson, and Brian Geer. Minutes of Previous Meetinq Mr. Petrish moved, seconded by Mrs. Richardson to approve the minutes of February 6, 2006 and February 13, 2006 as read. Vote: Ayes — Petrish, Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, and Hoboy. Motion carried. Citizen Hearings No citizens present wished to testify on matters not on the agenda. Mayor/Council Communication', Mayor Maxwell read a Proclamation naming May 4, 2006 as the Day of Prayer in the City of Anacortes. Resolution: Police Barqaininq Aqreement Mayor Maxwell introduced Resolution 1718 authorizing the execution of the Bargaining Agreement between the City of Anacortes and the Anacortes Commissioned Police Guild effective January 1, 2004. Mrs. Richardson moved, seconded by Mr. Hoboy, to adopt Resolution 1718. Vote: Ayes — Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, Hoboy, and Petrish. Motion carried. .......... ............ . . . . .... ........... .................. - .............. .............. ....................... ......... . Consent Aqenda Mr. Adams moved, seconded by Mr. Hoboy, to approve the following Consent Agenda item. Vote: Ayes — Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, Hoboy, Petrish, and Pickett. Motion carried. Approval of Vouchers/Cancellation of Warrants Council voted unanimously that the following vouchers/warrants audited and certified by the City's Auditing Officer (Finance Director) and subsequently reviewed and approved by the Council Finance Committee on February 10, 2006 and February 17, 2006 are approved for payment as of this date February 21, 2006. Claims Warrants February 2006: Warrant Numbers 35088 through 35275 in the total amount of $255,103.40 Prewritten Claims February 2006: Warrant Number 35087 in the total amount of $14,522.25 Pavroll # 1 for January 15. 2006 in the total amount of $434,373.76, Warrant Numbers 28663 through 28723 in the total amount of $62,833.63 Direct Deposit Numbers 17488 through 17630 in the total amount of $233,962.46 EFT Numbers 512 through 517 in the total amount of $137,577.67 Cancellation of Warrants: Warrant Number 31325 in the amount of $366.80; Warrant Number 32939 in the amount of $8.00; Warrant Number 32473 in the amount of $14.00; Warrant Number 33830 in the amount of $8.53; Warrant Number 34904 in the amount of $8,338.10 ;.-- .... ...... ........... . ........... . ...... .......... ............ ....................... 1995 February 21, 2006 - continued Ordinance: Establishinq Public Works Citizen's Advisors+ Committee Mr. Bob Hyde, Public Works Director, presented a draft Ordinance to Council that would establish a Public Works Citizen's Advisory Committee and terminate the existing Public Works Advisory Board (PWAB). Mr. Hyde explained that the PWAB, established in 1994, has been an important asset in helping establish water rates and utility policies. However, as configured, the PWAB cannot be utilized to support other Public Works services. In light of that, the draft Ordinance now before Council would create a Public Works Citizens Advisory Board to consist of 5 residents who would assist the Mayor, Council, and staff on matters relating to the function and operations of public infrastructure, evaluate existing services, and perform studies and special projects. Councilmembers supported this concept; Mrs. Richardson recommended a number of language clarifications. After discussion, Mrs. Richardson moved, seconded by Mrs. Pickett to approve the establishment of a Public Works Citizen's Advisory Committee. Vote: Ayes — Turner, Richardson, Geer, Hoboy, Petrish, Pickett, and Adams. Motion carried. Mr. Hyde said that an Ordinance incorporating the proposed modifications would be brought back to Council for review and adoption. Arts Commission Update Mr. Gary Robinson, Director of Parks and Recreation, introduced Ms. Rita James, Chairperson for the recently formed Anacortes Arts Commission. Mr. Robinson explained that the Commission is charged with the responsibility for helping facilitate the arts in the community. In that regard, the Commission has been inventorying public art and studying associated maintenance issues. A Charles Smith sculpture has recently been discovered and the reconstruction of the piece will soon be underway. Also, the Commission will oversee the restoration of a Kenneth Callahan painting located at the Post Office. Other projects include the seagull artwork project at the Tommy Thompson Trail, and working with Island Hospital and the Port of Anacortes to incorporate public art into their facilities. Ms. James also reported to the Council that the Parks Department support has been invaluable. With that, the Mayor and Council thanked Ms. James for her stewardship of this noteworthy endeavor. There being no further business, at approximately 8:30 p.m. the Mayor adjourned the meeting of February 21, 2006. in & "'6' �, \M ))`n TJ _ 7 G2t�� Wanda P. Johnson, City , erk-Treasurer H. Dean Maxwel% Mayor 1 C� '�, � s Councilmembier At 7:30 p.m. Mayor Maxwell called the regularly scheduled meeting of Monday, K8an:h G. 2008 to order. Roll call found Loren Hnbov, NkkPetrish. Erica Pickett, Brad Adams, Bill Turner, Cynthia Richardson, and Brian Geer. The Mayor recognized K8c Keith Rubin. port Commissioner. Roll call was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes of PrevioumQ8eetinq K8c Petheh nnoxed, seconded by K8c Geer to approve the minutes of February 21` 2006 as if read. Vote: Avee—Pethsh. Picket, Adanls, Turner, Richardson, Geer, and Hoboy. Motion carried. Citizen Hearncis No citizens present wished to testify on matters not on the agenda. Mayor/Council Mayor N1aXvveU introduced a FznJC|annation naming Ma[Ch, 2006 as N8tk}D8} \8/VDleD'S History Month iDthe City Of/\D@c0rteS. |O1S87Congress established this tribute t2recognize the many strides, occmmp\iehments, and contributions that women have made in the past century and the great expectations, challenges, and success for women inthe future. The Mayor read a card from the Anacortes Farmers Market vendors thanking the Mayor and Council for the Market's tourism fund grant; the note also reaffirmed the Market's goal toattract tourists to our area and to encourage them to stay a while. Public Works Citizens Advisory Ordinance K8[ Bob Hyde, UineCtV[ of Public Works, introduced o revised Ordinance for Council approval and adoption. By vV@y Of b@ckVnDUOd. yW[ Hyde explained that at 2 pF8ViOUS meeting the Council approved, in concept, establishing a revised Public Works Citizen's Advisory Committee Ordinance. Following that meeting, the Public \8/o[kS COnDDlitt8e' 81@ff' and Mrs. Richardson reviewed and revised language inthe Ordinance now before Council. With that, Mr. Turner moved, seconded by Mr. HVbVy, to adopt Ordinance No. 2729 entitled "An Ordinance Establishing a Public Works Citizen's Advisory Committee, and Repealing Ordinance No. 2333 Passed and Approved the 3 rd day of October 1894.^ Vote: Ayee— Piohatt, Adams' Turner' Richardson, Geer, H0bOy.and P8trish. Motion carried. South Fidaiqo Sub -Area Plan: Proposed Comment Letter hmSkaqit County K8c Ian K8unce. Planning Director, presented adraft letter LoSkagit County regarding Council COnO0eOtS on the South Fid@|gO Sub -Area Plan. The letter emphasizes: SUppOd OfAD@COrteS Community Forest Lands (ACFL) Advisory Board recommendation to retain the 10 -acre zoning on land adjacent tothe ACFL; supports securing a 304bot Native Growth Protection Easement (NGPE) buffer around the ACFL- and supports a Sub -Area Plan policy requiring that any open apace provided as part of the oVbdivision process be adjacent to the ACFL The letter also restates the City's position that South Fidg|go |3\@Dd retain its rural character; further, the City is adamantly opposed to creeping urbanization. In oOndVaion. the letter urges the County Planning Commission and Board of County Commissioners to properly address the City of Anocortea' issues and interests. Mr. Turner and Mr. Petrieh expressed concern regarding the 1O-oorazoning with regard to the rights of property owners in this Area. Mr. Adams, K8[ H0bOy' W1[G. Pickett, and &4[S. Richardson spoke in favor of the letter. Mrs. Richardson suggested that Copies of the letter be mailed to the County Commissioners. With that. Mr. Gee[ 0Oved, seconded by Hoboy. to authorize the Mayor to Sign and distribute the March 7' 2000 letter to N1[ Gary Christensen, Director, Skagit County Planning Dapadment, regarding comments on the South Fida|gn Sub -Area Plan. Vote: Ayes —Admmo. Turner, R}ohmnJson, Geer, Huboy, Petrioh.and Pickett. Motion carried. _____ ____ �Consent Aclenda Mr. Adams nnoved, seconded by Mr. Hoboy, to approve the following Consent Agenda items. Vote: Ayes —Turner, Richardson, C3eer, Hoboy, Potrish, Pickett, and Adams. Motion carried. Approval ofVouchers/Cancellation ofWarrants Council voted unanimously that the following V0U audited and certified by the City's Auditing Officer (Finance [}iraobzh and subsequently reviewed and approved by the Council Finance Committee onFebruary 24.2OO6 and March 3.2OOOare approved for payment a8Cfthis date March O. 2006. | MARCH GL2006-CONTINUED Claims Warrants March 2OO8:Warrant Numbers 35276through 3543Ointhe total amount of$5O7,830.81 PavnoU#1for Februarv28.2000inthe total amount of$GO8.23370 Warrant Numbers 28724through 28785inthe total amount of$231.834.35 Oinaot Deposit Numbers 17631 through 17792 inthe total amount of$237.752.O7 EFT Numbers 518through 523inthe total amount of$138.547.37 Paymo||APD retro inthe total amount of $194.791.18 Warrant Numbers 28786through 28817inthe total amount of$1S4.781.1O In the same motion Council adopted Resolution No. 1719 entitled "Authorizing a Contnacti Amendment with the Skagit County Community Action Agency" in the amount of $16,350 for the � year 2006. � ����� Public Hearinci: Vacation mfa Portion of"KX" Avenue Mayor Maxwell opened the Public Hearing on a Petition to Vacate a portion of^U^Avenue submitted by Mrs. Ann Firkins and K8c Thomas Hole. Using an overhead display, K8c Ian K8unoe. Planning Director, highlighted the proposed "U" Avenue right-of-way vacation between 34m m and 35 Streets; 10 feet of the right-of-way was previously vacated to each abutting property owner. The Petitioners are each requesting permission to purchase the remaining 30 feet of U" Avenue abutting their property. The Board of Adjustment held a Public Hearing on this matter and on a 3-2 vote, recommended approval. The Public Works [}epartnnent, citing concerns regarding the 2O" waterline in the right-of-way and a potential ^U" Avenue street connection between 34m m and 35 . recommended that Council deny the Petition. K8c Mike Thompson, 5505 \/aka Stnaet, representing Petitioner Ann Firkns, said her intent is to landscape, to provide driveway aooeos, and that no permanent structures will be constructed in the vacated right-of-way.Mr.Thomas Hole, 401 B 34m Gtnaet. Petitioner, stated his intent to use the hght'of+mayfor parking. Although Mr. Hole currently has on Encroachment Agreement with the [|ity, his future plans are to Petition the City to rezone his pnopedy, demolish the existing houso, construct a buoinmse, and use the vacated ri0ht-of-vvayfor parking. Mr. KAunce clarified that the rezone request will beconsidered with the 2OOGproposed Comprehensive Plan amendments. There were nofurther comments and the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. Discussion followed regarding encroachment oQnsemaut and ub|kv easement po|icism, and potential residential development inthis area. With that, K8c Pethoh moved, seconded by Mrs. Pickett, to deny the Petition to Vacate a portion of "U" Avenue submitted by Ms. Ann Firkins and Mr. Bob Hole. Vote: Ayeo—Richordoon, E)ear, Hoboy' Pethmh. Pickett, /\da[no. and Turner. Motion carried. Closed R&ecordMeetina: GrimmmmConditionaUUse—Residencein CN@Zone Mayor K8axvvo| iOUUotod the Closed Record Meeting on m Conditional Use Permit Application submitted by K8c Don Grimm for the construction of single family residence at 4205 Fida|go Bay Road in the Cornnneroim| Marine (CM) zone. Mr. Ian Munne. Planning [}ireotor, first presented m procedural question regarding on appeal form submitted by Mr. Ross Barnes. Mr. Barnes asked to speak on behalf of the Planning Commission recommendation and conditions should Mr. Grimm file an appeal. Mr. K8uno8recommended that, aonoappeal was forthcoming, the Barnes request is out of order. After the Planning Commission hearing Mr. Grimm's representative, K8[ Ne|s 8trandberQ, clarified that the applicant could not accept the project as conditioned but Mr. Grimm neither withdrew the application nor appealed the Planning Commission recommendation. By way of background, Mr. &1unce explained that in 2001 the City Council issued a Conditional Use Permit for the development of a single family residence at 4205 Fida}go Bay F|mod. During the land use hearings access toTommy Thompson hght-of- vvayand other critical access issues were negotiated. Now, security issues have prompted the application before Council for the construction of m caretaker's residence on the property. &1r. K8unomthen discussed Condition #Srequiring a 25'vegetatedshaded buffer tobeapplied along the shoreline; Condition # 11 requiring that the caretaker's quarters be setback at least 20 feet from the Tommy Thompson Parkway; and CoDditioO# 12 requiring public access along the parcel's entire beach frontage m/atenmardofthe rock bulkhead. Council addressed the issue regarding K8c Barnes' appeal; K8na. Richardson rnoved, seconded bvMr. Adams, that the Barnes appeal ioout oforder and will not boheard. Vote: Avea—Geer. Hobov, Pethsh. Pickett, /\danns. Turner, and Richardson. K0cdiDn carried. It was reiterated that those with standing can rebut an appeal without filing a fonn@| appeal before Council. Discussion then followed regarding the p|aoarnant or removal of the existing RV; beach access in the CK4zone; consideration of the Grimm property as a marine protection area; rerouting MARCH 6, 2006 - CONTINUED existing stream into the lagoon; protection of the habitat as a condition; the appropriateness of pursing public access on this property; preservation versus access with regard to the public; and application of residential standards in the CM zone. After discussion, Mr. Hoboy moved, seconded by Mr. Turner, to approve the Grimm Conditional Use Permit for the construction of a caretaker's house at 4205 Fidalgo Bay Road subject to the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law recommended by the Planning Commission with modification to condition # 12 as follows: "Public access, as established by the City Park Director, shall be provided along the parcel's entire beach frontage waterward of the rock bulkhead. Vote: Ayes — Hoboy, Petrish, Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson, and Geer. Motion carried. Public Hearinq: CDBG (HUD) 2006 Action Plan Mayor Maxwell opened the Public Hearing to take public comment on the 2006 Action Plan for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. The 2006 CDBG funding allocation is estimated to be $109,000. Mr. Ian Munce, City Attorney, presented a overview of the first three years funding totaling $249,177 — this leaves approximately $12,000 for allocation in the 2006 Action Plan. There were no public comments and the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. Council directed Mr. Munce to draft an Action Plan including commitments to the Housing Authority for the New Wilson Hotel project; allocations to Skagit County Community Action Agency; and allocations to assist the Anacortes Family Center Project. The Mayor urged the community to contact their congressional delegation and ask that these funds be continued so that the City can better serve its low income citizens. Contract Award: Aerial Photo Update Mr. Bob Hyde, Director of Public Works, presented a request to Council to update the City's aerial photographs. Significant economic and development activity has occurred over the last few years and the 2001 aerial photos are now outdated. Mr. Hyde said that updated photos would include tracking the waterline along SR 20; once compiled new detailed digitized information will be available to the public. David & Smith Associates, prepared the 2001 data and would be better able to update the previous survey; total project cost is $48,500. After discussion, Mr. Turner moved, seconded by Mr. Hoboy, to authorize the Mayor to enter into a professional services contract with David Smith & Associates in the amount of $48,500 for a new over flight and aerial maps of the City of Anacortes. Vote: Ayes — Petrish, Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, and Hoboy. Motion carried. Contract Award: Kansas/Oakes Task Order to HDR Mr. Bob Hyde, Director of Public Works, explained to the Council that a new roadway on Kansas Avenue from West 2nd to Oakes was a requirement of the Isles Planned Unit Development plat approval. As of January of this year the Kansas connection has been constructed; in order to proceed with the connection from Kansas to Oakes the City must design the intersection and receive approval from the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) to make the connection. This work will require analysis, surveying, design, and construction support. Planning and Public Works staff recommends awarding this Task Order to HDR Engineering. If approved, a Budget amendment will come before Council to provide funding for this design project. After discussion, Mr. Hoboy moved, seconded by Mr. Petrish, to authorize the Mayor to enter into a contract with HDR Engineering in the amount of $49,914 for the Kansas and Oakes intersection Task Order. Vote: Ayes — Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, Hoboy, and Petrish. Motion carried. Contract Award: Odor Control Proiect to HDR Mr. Jeff Miller, Assistant City Engineer, presented a request to Council to award a Task Order to HDR Engineering for an odor control project at the wastewater treatment plant. Mr. Miller explained that the ductwork at the plant is experiencing significant corrosion; in addition other metallic surfaces within the headworks are corroding. Also, the ventilation rates within the headworks are inadequate to remove moisture and corrosive gases. As a result, the City must evaluate the ventilation and odor control systems for improvements. The associated 2 -phase Task Order will evaluate and prepare plans and cost estimates for the selected solution. Without this work the City would be subject to fines from the Northwest Clean Air Agency and would continue to experience erosion at the Plant. After discussion, Mrs. Richardson moved, seconded by Mr. Geer, to authorize the Mayor to enter into a contract with HDR Engineering for Phase I in the amount of $35,882 for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Odor Control Evaluation. Vote: Ayes — Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, Hoboy, Petrish, and Pickett. Motion carried. Modification of Ambulance Ordinance — Establishinq Fees Fire Chief Richard Curtis presented a request to Council to modify the existing City of Anacortes Ambulance Ordinance by directing City and Island Hospital staff to set ambulance rates. This has been a long-standing practice; however the Ordinance adopted in 2003 requires that the 1999 MARCH 6, 2006 -CONTINUED City Council establish this annual rate. The recommended modification clarifies that staff will determine this rate due to past practice and the routine administrative nature of the task. The Public Safety Committee has reviewed this modification and endorses its passage. With that, Mr. Geer moved, seconded Mr. Turner, to approve the amendment to Municipal Code Section 13.54.160 setting ambulance service fees at the discretion of the Mayor and thereby adopting Ordinance No. 2730 entitled "Ambulance Service Fees Ordinance # 2612 for Ambulance Services". Vote: Ayes — Turner, Richardson, Geer, Hoboy, Petrish, Pickett, and Adams. Motion carried. There being no further business, at approximately 9:40 p.m. the Mayor continued to the meeting to Monday, March 13, 2006 to consider Ship Harbor Residential Community (Gilbane) next steps (procedure). The matter will then come before Council for deliberation and possible action on March 20, 2006. -Y/\-;� Id _.. lt P. Johnson Chi Clerk -Treasurer H. Dean Maxwell, Mayor a�ncilme= 2000 March 13, 2006 Continued from March 6, 2006 The Mayor called the continued meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Roll call found present: Erica Pickett, Loren Hoboy, Nick Petrish, Brad Adams, Bill Turner, Cynthia Richardson, and Brian Geer. Gilbane Conditional Use 1 PUD at Ship Harbor. The Council turned to consideration of three appeals that have been filed on the Gilbane Conditional Use / PUD at Ship Harbor. The Planning Director, Ian Munce, reported that the Planning Commission had taken no action after the Council's remand of this issue to them and stated his opinion that under these circumstances, the appeals were not in order. Mr. Munce added that the Council heard appeals on the original Planning Commission recommendation and that the entire record could be reviewed and a decision reached at the Council's meeting on March 20, 2006. After discussion, Ms. Richardson moved that the new appeals not be heard. The motion was seconded by Mr. Adams and passed unanimously. Approval — 2006 Small Diameter Water Main Replacement Project The City Public Works Director, Mr. Bob Hyde, then introduced the bids submitted on the "2006 Small Diameter Water Main Replacement Project." Mr. Hyde explained the specific segments of line included in this project and reviewed the three bids submitted together with the engineer's estimate. After discussion, Mr. Turner moved that the bid be awarded to the low bidder, C. Johnson Construction, in the amount of $136,256.12. The Motion was seconded by Mr. Geer and passed unanimously. There being no further action, the continued meeting of March 13, 2006 was adjourned at approximately 7:45 p.m. Wanda P. Johnson, Ci Clerk -Treasurer H. Dean Maxwell, Mayor a C:)uncilme ber March 20, 2006 At 7:30 p.m. Mayor K8oxxvaU oo|kad the regularly scheduled meeting of K8onday. March 20. 2008 to order. Roll call found present: Loran Hobov, Nick Pethoh, Erica Pickett, Brad Adams, Bill Turner, Cynthia Richardson, and Brian Geer. Roll oo!l was followed by the Pledge of Minutes of Previous Meetinq Mr. Hobnv asked that the following sentence be added to page 3. paragraph 2 of the March 6t"' minutes: "it was reiterated that those with standing can rebut an oppao| without filing a formal appeal before Council." With that amendment, Mr. Adams moved, seconded by Mr. TU[ner, to approve the minutes of March O' 2008 and March 13. 2008 as if read. Vote: Avee— Petriah, Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, and HVbVy. Motion carried. CitizenHearnas K8c John KJUingovvorth, 2404 Highland Drkxa, representing the Anaoortes Museum, gave the Mayor and Council a progress report on the John Sabe||a & Associates documentary on the fishing heritage ofAMaoortao. The fi|nl has been a 5 -year collaborative effort and is nearing completion. When the film is in hand the KAusaurn will organize a premiere showing both now and again inthe fall. The film title, "Perfect Port" was coined by local muralist and historian, Bill Mitchell. Mr. Ki||(Dgsvvorth then distributed @ copy of the film jacket artwork to CnUOCi) and concluded with expressing appreciation to the Mayor and Council for support of this activity, ' noi8C�m�mmumicaton —' Mayor Maxwell presented M[ Rob Hcxie with the Mayor's Award of Merit. M[ Hoxia was nominated by his co-workers and selected by the Mayor for this award becaUm8, in p@rt, of his exceptional work in coordinating the geographical information SySteOnS and developing City comprehensive overlays and nO@pm of the various City utilities. Of particular note are K8.. Hoxia's organizational sKi||o, professional work athic, and sense of humor. Because of Mr. HoXie'o expertise, the City is on the forefront in graphical information and data collection. In recognition of his outstanding efforts, the Mayor presented Mr. Hoxie with a gift certificate to a local restaurant. McPetrish remarked onthe rapid response from the Parks and Public Works Departments in repairing recent storm damage to the Tommy Thompson Trail. Ship Harbor RemidentiaUCo0mmmunitv (GiUbano): Deliberation and Possible Action K8c Turner stepped down from deliberation on this matter. KAc Ian Munce. Planning Director, described the planning process leading to tonight's deliberation. In 2005 the Manning Commission held Open Record Public Hearings on Planned Unit Development and Conditional Use applications submitted by Gi|bang Development Company to develop the Ship Harbor Residential Community iOthe CK8Zone. After completing the Hearing process the Commission recommended that Council deny the project and reopen Comprehensive Plan Public Hearings toconsider rezoning this property from CK8toR2. The Council reviewed the ex1enaiveGi|bane file including tronschnts, exhibits, and Planning Conlnline/on recommendation. Rather than follow that recommendation, the Council voted to ask the Planning Commission to review and recommend proposed conditions should the Council elect to approve these permit applications. The limited remand Public Hearing was scheduled specifically for the purpose of considering this one question. However, the Planning CoDlrniSSiDn heard testimony on the DlehtS of the project, did not address the oonditiune, and reasserted its previous position. Therefore &1r. K8unca viewed this as an optional Public Hearing that did not generate the action required by Council. Although appeals were filed after the remand hearing the Council subsequently dismissed them. The Council must now decide how to prooead, npenUica||y, with regard to the new record and exhibits created at the remand hearing and who can appropriately respond to the new mateho|. Also, if site visit is schedu|ad, would the original appellants be able to comment on the information gathered at the site visit. Mr. Pethsh then addressed a February 15. 2008 letter he received from Gene and Marilyn Oerig and Barbara VVe|/a. Mr. Petriah reviewed each key point ofthe Dorig'eletter and responded toeach issue. Discussion followed regarding procedural issues. K8nS. Richardson spoke infavor ofa site visit suggesting that Council first review the conditions and then see the property. The Mayor emphasized that the Council cannot receive e-mails or letters on land use issues once a Public Hearing is closed. After discussion the Council elected to conduct a site visit on K8oOday. March 27. 2000 at 5:00 p.m. No testimony will be taken; key features will be pointed out by applicant/appellants. Transcripts, exhibits and all material from the February 8' 2006 Planning Commission hearing will be forwarded to Council phO[ to the April 3' 2006 meeting. The deadline for written MARCH 20, 200G -CONTINUED comments uDthe February nmmaterial from the applicants, original and respondents is Thursday, March 30, 2006 at noon. The Council then reviewed the 43 conditions proposed by City staff; included are modifications to the original conditions recommended by PNna. Richardson and K8c Hobov. The Port of Anac0desSnd Gi|bgn8 have also reviewed the 43 modified conditions and have no objections. W1[ MUODe reviewed the first 8 standard C0OditiOOo and highlighted key features of the project. Condition # 8 ShOU|U be 8[neOdad to read "...both G small large p@[c8| StoF[OVVater...^ Condition # 9 states that all streets shall meet City standards: 50 foot right-of-way with 32 foot pavement. The exemption is to sidewalks: Edwards Way on both sides; all other sidewalk on one side offset by 1'670 If of public access trail system through parks to vv8ta[frODt. This trail system shall be open to the public. Regarding condition # 15' K8[ HOboy inquired about appropriate review of the geo-tech work. Condition # 18' item (g) should read: "...if approved by the P4apmigg Co0mOhs}ien City Council as 2 part..." The Mayor highlighted Condition # 17 requiring the applicant to release any and all interests in the achauaRt abandoned Burlington northern Railroad right-of-way to the City. Condition # 34 transfers approximately 22 acres of wetland and wetland buffer tothe City. |nCondition #25the Port shall transfer "Tract /Y'tothe City. Park impact fees shall be $1,000per lot rather than the current figure Cf $600. The Native Growth Protection Easement shall be 20 feet. Condition #20 will give the option of excepting 5 lots from the 3Ofoot frontage requirement. Condition# 30 addresses lot size and density. It was also suggested that the issue of front porches and detached garages being @||ovved in the setback beclarified during the Final Development phase. View corridors and landscaping were addressed. K8[o. F|iChgrdSOD suggested adding to Condition # 31C: ".....sufficient p|oOtS to substantially obscure..." K8F. Hoboy raised the issue ofetonnvvateFdrainage and asked that language be added to Condition # 35 regarding the Clearidge stormwater system. CoOdition# 36 should be amended by deleting "portions of'. Condition #43 should contain a reference to "preliminary plat". Mr. PsthSh suggested some baseline reporting be prepared prior to development. Again, the site visit is scheduled for Monday, March 27. 2006 at 5:00 p.0. The proponents were asked tostake the property prior tothe site visit Final Plat — the Isles Planned Unit Development K8r. Ian K8unca. Planning Director, presented G Final Plat application for The Isles Planned Unit Deve|opnlant- o17-|otdevelopment adIsle Way and Cottage Place off ofAnacopparRoad. As part of the review package the Council received minutes from the Planning Commission meeting, a memo from staff regarding punch list items, the applicant's response tOthe project omnditionS, and a final plat drawing. The Planning Commission recommended that the Fina) Plat be approved subject to bonding in the amount of $42,750. Mr. Hoboy expressed concern over the steepness of the gr@ws| path to (}mhee /4venue, and potential drainage problems. Mr. Bob Hyde, Public Works Director, clarified that the bonding does cover vegetation and the berm. Also, the design for the straight gravel path has been approved and the applicant has complied with all requirements. The City will look into stabilizing the grade. With that, M[ Geer moved, seconded by K8nS. Richardson to approve The Isles Planned Unit Development final plat application subject tobonding inthe amount Of$42.75O. Vote: Ayes — Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, Hoboy.and Petrioh. Motion carried. Conservation Easement Proqrmmm: Final Approval of145Acres Conservation EasemneoƒK»roqramm: Next 100 Acres Mr. Jonn Lunsford, Park and Forestlands Manager, presented (1) a request to permanently place m conservation easement on 145 acres (previously reviewed by Council) bringing the total number ofacres conserved to 1.005; and (2) o request for approval of 100 acres to be made available for non -grove donations — this area is known as Sugarloaf \/oUoy, north of Mt. Erie. With that, Mr. Turner moved, seconded by Mr. Geer to approve the Conservation Easement Program requests as outlined in March 13. 2006 memorandums from Jonn Lunsford, Park and Forestlands Manager. Vote: Avea—Adarna. Turner, Riohandeon, Geer, Hmboy. Petrish' and Pickett. Motion carried. Ordinance: Final 2005Budoet Amendments K8a. Wanda Johnson, Finance Director, presented an Ordinance to Council representing the final 2005 Budget Amendment to reflect additional expenditures from the Sanitation (450) Fund. With that, Mr. Geer moved, seconded by Mrs. Pickett to adopt Ordinance No. 2732 entitled An Ordinance Amending Ordinance NO. 2679 Approved and Adopted on November 1. 2004 and entitled "An Ordinance Adopting the Budget and Salary Schedule for All K8unio}pm\ Purposes and Uses for the Year 2OO5." Vote: Ayes —Turner, Riohardson, Geer, Hoboy, Pethoh. Pickett, and Adams. Motion carried. MARCH 20,2006 -CONTINUED Ordinance: Short-term Imterfund Financinq K8a. Wanda Johnson, Finance Dir8ctor, presented an Ordinance to Council that, if adopted, would authorize a short-term loan from the General Fund 001 to be made tothe Arterial Street Fund 105 for $148.000. for the duration of 3 montha, at e market nate of 5.5%. After discussion, Mr. Turner moved, seconded by Mr. Adams, to adopt Ordinance No. 2733 entitled "4n Ordinance Authorizing a Short Term Loan from the General Fund 001 to the Arterial Street Fund 105 for $148,000". Vote: Avem— RiohondaOn, Gee[, Hoboy, PetriGh, Picket. Adams, and Turner. Motion carried. ConsentAcieodm Mrs. Richardson moved, seconded by K8[ Goer, to approve the following Consent Agenda items. Vote: Ayes — Geer. Hoboy, Petheh, Pickett, Adams, Turner, and Richardson. Motion C@[[i8d. /\nurovg|ofVouchers/Cancellation ofWarrants Council voted unanimously that the following vouchers/warrants audited and certified by the City's Auditing Officer (Finance [Vneot0h and subsequently reviewed and approved by the Council Finance ConnnlU1ae on March 10. 2006 and March 17. 2000are approved for payment mSofthis date March 20, 2008. Claims Warrants March 2000:Warrant Numbers 35441through 35O45inthe total amount of$293.513.75 Prexvhttan {}|minls March, 2006: Warrant Numbers 3543Sand 3544Ointhe total amount of$13.7S2.38 PaYro||# 1 for March, 2006 in the total amount of$523.O34.18 Warrant Numbers 28818through 28883inthe total amount of $83'000.80 Direct Deposit Numbers 177S3through 17S38inthe total amount of$237.287.87 EFT Numbers 524through 528iOthe total amount of$222.745.52 |nthe same motion Council: Approved the /\nacortesAntique Machinery Show @1naet Fair Application: the event will be held on September9. 2006 on both sides ofMarket Street and 6 m Street; staff recommended approval subject to applicant's submitted plan including street closures; Approved the /\O@cDrtes\8/8terf[OFt Festival Street Fair Application: the event will be held on Saturday May 20. 2006 and 8undgy. May 21. 2008 at the Port ofAnaoDrteo Cap Sante Boat Haven; staff recommended approval subject to applicant's submitted plan including street ( |o|oSuneS; and � | I adopted Resolution # 1720 entitled "A Resolution Naming Official City Newspaper for Year |2006^(AolacOrteoAnlehC@D). | ESCI Presentation of Cooverative Effort and Strateoic Plan Studies Fire Chief Richard Curtis reported to the Mayor and Council that last fall the City contracted for consultant services tnview two aspects ofthe Fire Department operations: (1)development ofo strategic plan (internal document) for the organization to operate from for the next 3-5 yeare, and (2) to investigate how the City, together with other agencies, could explore cost savings and expansion oflevel ofservice inamore efficient manner. Consultants Riley and Karen Caton of E8C|prepared the study. The Chief then recognized Mr. Mike Noyes, Fire Chief District #11; Chief Noyes has worked with the City in support of this cooperative effort study, Mr. Caton then explained Phase | 1oah: to investigate cooperative efforts and feasibility study for fire sen/ice resources on the island to work together to batter serve the citizens. Mr. Caton reviewed the purpoae, observations, findings, options, and recommendations associated with the Study. He emphasized that the trust level between the City of Anacortes and other fire districts is a critical issue. Also, methods of communication need to be identified and codified in an agreement; this action could potentially alleviate future obstacles. Rather than dwelling on past issues Mr. Caton suggested identifying ways to avoid repeating past actions as a way for everyone to move forward. Additiono||y, communication between firefighters themselves is a key factor; the City was encouraged toidentify parallel labor and management goals. All agencies one facing future financial shortfalls; options include increasing taxes, cutting oen/oes, and generating new rax8nWo. Recommendation: Enhance mutual aid and standardize emergency operations procedures and guidelines between the agencies. Expand joint purchasing and encourage coordinated training (underway). Healso suggested sharing training officers amongst the organizations and sharing facilities at March Point. Option 1 has 2004 MARCH 20, 2006 -CONTINUED the greatest success potential. Phase II is the strategic plan for the Fire Department to develop a new mission statement, a new vision statement, and a new set of value statements. Discussion followed regarding established performance measure and response time including the existing service delivery gap. Chief Curtis reported that in the March Point area part time service and joint mutual aid with Fire District # 13 are now in place. Mr. Geer pointed out that steps are well underway to improve communication and performance. The Mayor and Council thanked Mr. Caton for his presentation. Ordinance Declarinq Public Use and Necessitv for New York Avenue Drainaae Mr. Ian Munce, City Attorney, presented an Ordinance to Council that if adopted, would condemn property generally located at 3904 Oakes Avenue for the improvement and extension of the City's storm water drainage system in that area. Mr. Bob Hyde, Director of Public Works, pointed out the key features of the very steep property on an overhead display; he emphasized that the property is necessary to prevent erosion and to affect better control of storm water. In that regard, the City has determined to establish rights in or acquire an easement to extend the New York Avenue storm water drainage line across private property to the Guemes Channel. A previous public/private arrangement to secure the right-of-way did not develop. The City will be required to pay fair compensation for this property; if an amount cannot be agreed upon the Courts will establish the value. Mr. Hyde emphasized that this property is essential to the drainage system for that entire part of the City. After discussion, Mr. Hoboy moved, seconded by Mr. Geer to adopt Ordnance No. 2731 relating to the City's Stormwater drainage system and providing for the condemnation of certain property located generally at 3904 Oakes Avenue. Vote: Ayes — Hoboy, Petrish, Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson, and Geer. Motion carried. Contract Award: Minnesota Storm Drainage Mr. Bob Hyde, Director of Public Works, introduced a contract award proposal for the Minnesota Avenue storm project. The existing system along Minnesota Avenue and West 6th and Minnesota storm pond to the outfall into Guemes Channel at New York Avenue has been a long-term maintenance problem. Also, the West 6th storm water pond has been viewed as a possible area to construct a City park. After discussion, Mr. Turner moved, seconded by Mrs. Richardson, to authorize the Mayor to enter into a contract with Gray and Osborne Engineers for the engineering design and plans needed for construction for the Minnesota Avenue storm water project in the amount of $59,900.00. Vote: Ayes - Petrish, Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, and Hoboy. Motion carried. Sanitation Trucks Purchase: Authorization Mr. Bob Hyde, Director of Public Works, reported to Council that the City is on a 7 -year replacement cycle for the garbage trucks. The City's Capital Facilities Plan includes replacement of refuse Truck # 502 with the purchase of one 2006 frontload refuse truck through a bid extension with the City of Tacoma. In its present condition Truck # 502 has a trade-in value of $26,000. An additional unit can be purchased at the same base price of $225,747.81; with a $30,000 deposit the second unit could be purchased in 2007 for this price. With that, Mr. Geer moved, seconded by Mr. Adams, to accept the Western Peterbilt, Inc. bid in the amount of $225,747.81 for the Frontload Refuse Truck and to approve a $30,000 deposit for an additional unit for delivery in 2007. Vote: Ayes — Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, Hoboy, and Petrish. Motion carried. Contract Award: Commercial Business District Sidewalk Replacement Mr. Bob Hyde, Director of Public Works, reported to Council that two bids were received for the sidewalk replacement between 8th Street and 9th Street, including sewer work in alley behind the Wilson Hotel. This project also wraps around the Wilson Hotel and the sidewalks on the south side of 8th adjacent to the Hotel will be replaced. The low bid was received from Schwetz Construction in the amount of $221,191.30. With that, Mr. Turner moved, seconded by Mr. Hoboy, to award the Commercial District Sidewalk Replacement project to Schwetz construction in the amount of $221,191.30. Vote: Ayes — Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, Hoboy, Petrish, and Pickett. Motion carried. There being no further business, at approximately 10:30 p.m. the Mayor continued the meeting to Monday, March 27, 2006 to Edwards Way and Oakes Avenue to conduct a site visit for the Ship Harbor Residential Community. No testimony will be taken. The matter will then come before Council for d liberation and possible action on April 3, 2006. Wanaa P. Johnson, Ci Clerk-`Treasurelouncilm H. Dean Maxwell, Mayor 4Z q 4' er 2005 MARCH 20, 2006 - CONTINUED Citv Council Continued Meetinq of March 20, 2006 - March 27, 2006 Mayor Maxwell reconvened the continued meeting of March 20, 2006 in order at 5:00 p.m. in order to conduct a site visit in conjunction with the Ship Harbor Residential Community PUD and Conditional Use applications. No testimony was taken and at the conclusion of the site visit the continued meeting of March 20, 2006 was adjourned. Wanda P. Johnson, CiYClerk-Treasurer H. Dean Maxwell, Mayor o ncilmember April 3,2006 At 7:30 p.m. Mayor Maxwell called the regularly scheduled meeting of Monday, April 3. 2006 to order. Roll call found present: Loren Hobov` Nick Pathoh, Erica Pickett, Brad AdarOo, EUU Turner, Cynthia Richardson, and Brian Geer. Roll call was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes of Previous Meetinq Mrs. Richardson nloved, seconded by K8c /\dorno, that the minutes of March 20. 2000 and W1ench 27. 2008 be approved as if read. Vote: Avaa — Pethmh, Pickmtt, Admms, Turner, Richardson, Geer, and H0boy. Motion carried. Citizen Hearinqs K8[ EHU K8itoheU, 807 27 1h StReet, gave the Council copies of the 2005 M8CGFeQor'S NevvCODlerg' and Visitors' Resource Guide bzAnacorteo. He also reported on the recent "Zig-zag" tour of historical and doxVOtoVVO sights. He's also working OD other projects related to the waterfront and salmon industry including a campaign to put replicas of salmon |obe|S on the City's trmohcaOa. Mr. Mitchell than extended an invitation to the Council to oonOo to his home to discuss his mural project andtoseehis unique antique collection. Mayor/Council The vayor ' ^' `reported 'o'rthe =`~-` ^ ' SSfU| opening ceremony for the /\nacOrtee to Sidney B.C. international ferry [un. On that day over 5OAoacodao Sister City members rode the ferry and were greeted by 200 people on the Sidney side. Mayor Maxwell remarked on the strong community ties fostered by the Sister City program, and on the cooperative relationship between both cities and the Washington State Ferry System. The Mayor then asked for Council's confirmation of Ms. Cynthia Harrison as Library Director for the City of Anaoortee. K4c Richardson rnoved, seconded by K8r. Hobov, to confirm the appointment VfMs. Cynthia Harrison. Vote: Aveg— Pickett, 8d8nlS` TUrner, RiChGrds0D, Gee[. HnbOy, and P8t[iSh. Motion carried. K8G. Harrison then addressed the Mayor, COunni|, 0e0boFS of the CO0Dlunitv, and Library staff; she thanked the {}OUnci| for this appointment and is looking forward to being part of the Anauortes community. In a related matter, Mrs. Pickett moved, seconded by Mr. Pet[ioh, to confirm the appointment ofMs. Dianne Moritz t4the Library Board of Trustees. Vote: Ayes —Adomns. Turner. Richardson, Gaer, Hoboy. Petriah. and Pickett. Motion carried. The Mayor then presented oseries nfProclamations: Proclamation - Honoring Gloria Shelton asthe Depot Farmer's Market manager for the past five years — Ms. Shelton accepted this honor and spoke of the Market's development and contribution to the community. The Market opens on May 20" and the Mayor encouraged everyone to stop by; Proclamation - April 12i 2000 as the City's celebration of Arbor Day Library —there will be e ceremony on April 13 t».11:OO a.m. at the Library (the City has been designated a Tree (City USA for consecutive ya�ra\� Proclamation - June 3rd and 4 mgh8|{ be observed as the Relay for Life, American Cancer Society event; and Proclamation - the week of April 9' 2006 through April 15. 2006 Sh@(| be designated as N@tiODm| Communications VVoeh in Skagit County — the Mayor thanked those men and women whose diligence and professionalism mePublic Safety Dispatchers keep our County and citizens safe. KH[. Turner announced that the dedication for the bathroom facilities at Washington Park was held On April 1". The construction of this facility was brought about by a 2 -year conntruction/|abVrpar[nerahip between Rotary Club volunteers and the City. The Mayor added that this work was well done and at a considerable savings for the public. The Mayor and Council thanked all the contractors and volunteers who made this outstanding public amenity possible. As Chairman of the Relay for Life Cempoign, Mr. Geer thanked the Mayor for the Proclamation highlighting this annual event. He shared that to date volunteers have raised over $20,000 toward this year's fundraising goal. Anyone looking for additional information Can e-mail K8[ Geer atBrian G (a)-citynfanaonrtea.orq. ShiD Harbor Residential CommmunitV(GiYbane): Deliberation and Possible Action Mc Turner stepped down from deliberation On this matter. The Mayor convened the deliberation/ possible action portion of the Ship Harbor Residential Cn0rnVnitv Planning United APRIL 3,2006 -CONTINUED Development (PUD) and Conditional Use permit approval; a site visit was held on the afternoon of March 27th.As part of the proceedingsthe Mayor added that the Council will hear closing remarks from those appellants who participated in the original appeal action. Mr. Ross 0. Barnes,1004 7 th Street #202.spoke on behalf of himself and Evergreen Islands. Mc Barnes emphasized that the project conditions should be accurate and address all substantive issues raised during the PUD hearing process. In particular hesuggested that 25Y6 of the land area for Commercial Marine zone permitted uaao be set aeide, and that a shoreline permit application be submitted with the PUD Final Development Plan. Referencing his March 30. 2006 memorandum to Council, Mr. Barnes then recommended three new conditions: (44) regarding an easement for the shoreline @ocaaS trail; (45) the trail easement from Oakes Avenue Sh@|| iDC!Ud8 the fU|/ 20' width of the underlying utility easement; and (40) existing atormvvatarbiofiltration evva|ashall be moved. Mr. Jon Briggs, 280Morrison Court, suggested the following amendments: M\delete proposed condition # S and adopt K8[ Hobovo condition # 13^ and yWne. FUuhardsoD'e condition A—the proposed street standards do not support the proposed average daily trips for this and adjacent projects.; (2) delete the |mot sentence of Proposed Condition 31C and adopt Mr. Hoboy's condition #11 requiring that the Oakes Avenue right-of-way be preserved for future expansion� (3) delete proposed conditions 31A and 31B and adopt Mrs. RiChardsoD's condition # 1 requiring R 2 and R 3 standards be applied to lots; (4) adopt Mr. Hoboy's condition #3 and K8nS. F<ichapdson'e conditions K and L regarding shoreline trail, 81onn drgin@ge, and shoreline permit; (5) delete proposed condition # 30 and adopt Councilman Hoboy's condition # 2; (6) require that 20% of the property be reserved for CM permitted uses; (7) revise Condition # 24 to add "Upon approval of the Preliminary Development Fz|mn" language; (8) replace condition #43 with KAna. Richardeon'econdition V;and (S)add acondition regarding concurrency. Ms. Phyllis Dolph, 2320'6th St..submitted several condition revisions inaMarch '0th e-mail. /\ddhdonoUy' she suggested that the Ship Harbor wetlands, wetland bufer, and the path along the shoreline be transferred to the City; that a 30-40' greenbelt between Oakes Avenue and the Gi|bana project be established; that homes be set into natural surroundings; and that the City make use ofarchitectural rules and standards along Oakes Avenue. Mr. Ross Lindquist Development Manager for the Ship Harbor Residential Community PUD, spoke infavor ofthe project and ofthe 43revised conditions now before Council. He reported that the appUoai|on, together with comprehensive engineering, drainage, geotechnical, and traffic studies was presented tothe City inJune of2UO5. Through the detailed staff and public review process, the applicant has thoroughly addressed all required information OamaaSary at this stage of the application process. Mr. Lindquist said that the project demonstrates that the single family concept with parks, open space, landscaping and public acoeos, will enhance the surrounding neighborhood. Although implementation of the proposed conditions is not without difficulty and would also require o reduction in the number of |ots, the project could be completed as envisioned. Key project features ana: pedestrian friendly; extensively landscaped; harmonious in o highly livable neighborhood setting. There will also be: on extensively landscaped buffer along Oakes Avenue, saving as many trees as possible with a trail leading to the waterfront and open to the public; two association maintained parks open to the public; 1.700 linear feet of trails linking the parks and the community to the waterfront. Also, the existing Edwards Way will be completed to City standards and Ship Harbor will pay its share of the Ship Harbor lift station latecomers fees. The applicant has also agreed todouble its impact fees tohelp fund the S.H.|.P.interpretive trail. Further, the applicant has purchased anadjacent 3 -acre parcel and will donate it to the City to buffer and enhance the Ship Harbor wetlands. Mr. Lindquist concluding by thanking all those who participated in the hearing and review process. CounoUmembarethen discussed project conditions. K8c Hoboydiocueoed paving the shoreline trail on its adjacent property and submitted a proposed condition, in part requiring that the City seoUna @ shoreline permit for trail improvements within 3 years of Final Development Plan approval. He also discussed the traffic Level of Service on Oakes Avenue Level and put forth a future roundabout approach; in that ragond, he suggested that the following amendment to condition # 10: ''the selection and details of the intersection design shall be determined as an integral part of Final Development plan approval; the intersection shall meet Leve) of Service C^ K8na. Richardson discussed the issue of concurrency; Mr. K8unce confirmed that this project, as conditioned, is in compliance with the City's Transportation Plan and concurrency standards. Because this project contains elements of public access and parhs, it also is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code. Although marine -associated uses might be appropriate at this site due tnthe terrain, water -dependent uses would not be viable. Mrs. APRIL 3, 2006 - CONTINUED Richardson then turned to the process under which preliminary plats must be reviewed. &0[S. Pickett remarked that this project brings with it the rare opportunity for the City to acquire considerable public amenities including: GVannes Channel trail, access to the water, wildlife COnDeCtivitv, and public parks. N1[. Adams Said that, while he has had CDnceOla about the Conditional Use pPDCeSs' the revised conditions added by Council will bring the project into CDDhonD\tv. He also pointed out that the Port VfADaC0rtes will reinvest proceeds from the g@|e of this project intO other community projects. Mr. Petheh pointed out that, although this property has been marketed bvthe Port for over 2Oyears, noother viable proposal has been submitted. Mr. Geer suggested that, as conditioned, this project will ofhar considerable benefits for future generations. Council recommended revisions to the Conditions are as h]UoxVG: Condition # 18 odd ..."together with the face of the bluff'. Condition # 43 should read: "The details Of the homeowners association structure shall be aUb0hƒed with the Final Development Plan 8ubrniogion, together with draft covenant that address all of the permit conditions." Add to Condition # 10: "The selection and the details of the intersection design shall be determined as an integral part of Final Development Plan approval; the intersection shall meet level of service C." K8na. Richardson suggested that Conditions 1, 3, 4. 48 should refer to Preliminary Plat and/or Final Development Plan approval; level of detail of the [)ohea Avenue frontage improvements; add "...prior to any construction beginning" to Condition # 17; (z) of Condition # 18 ShOU\d read "...landscaping D/GD eE*de,'; Condition # 25 ghOU|d read ..."preliminary plat rather than final development plan". Condition # 31 A should read "...twenty /201 with hen /100 feet..."; {|DDditiDD # 31 C add: "Existing nlatUnB trees shall be saved wherever possible."; Condition #41 add "..chemical pesticides, and herbicides". Discussion of design details followed regarding gatbacke, organic ferti|izane, etOnnvvoter disoharge, restricted access to the Vv8UaDdS, design options for the project; ShOPe|iD8 anDSion. drainage; native growth protection easements; balance of conditions Ve[gUs private property issues. With that, K8nS. Richardson rnoved, seconded by Mr. Pethoh to approve the Preliminary Development Plan (PUD) and Conditional Use permit applications for the Ship Harbor F{eoidanL\a| Community '�� subject Vote: Richardson, (�e�[ Hoboy, Pethah project _, � � , - . . , . Pickett, and Adams. Motion carried. The revised conditions will be brought back to Council for final review OnApril 1Om Mr. Turner returned tothe Council Chambers. Consent AcIenda Mr. Adams rnovad' oeoondad by Mr. Geer, toapprove the following Consent Agenda items. Vote: Ayes —Geer, HobDy' Pethsh. Pickett, /\d8[OS' Turner, and Richardson. Motion carried. Approval OfVouch ena/Cance||atiVnofWarrants Council voted unanimously that the following VOUch8[S/N/@[r@DtS audited and certified by the City's Auditing Officer (Finance Director) and subsequently reviewed and approved by the Council Finance Committee on W1annh 24, 2000 and March 31, 2000 are approved for payment |aSDfthis date April 3,2OOO. Claims Warrants March 2OO6:Warrant Numbers 35847through 35829inthe total amount of$431.25O.14 Pnevxrh±an Qa\rns March, 2006: Warrant Number 35G4Ointhe amount of$1.2S5.OD payno\\#1for March, 31.2OOOinthe total amount cd$O70.O3O.00 Warrant Numbers 28888through 28S05inthe total amount of$235.389.O4 Direct Deposit Numbers 17S39through 1OO41iOthe total amount of $238.811.11 EFT Numbers 499through 535inthe total amount of$2OO.837.85 Cancellation 0fWarrant Warrant Number 353OOinthe total amount Df$180.1O In the same motion Council: Approved the Interlocal Joint Purchasing Agreement between the City of Tacoma and the City \ OfAnacOrt8Sfor the purchase OfSolid Waste Trucks. 1 Closed RemcomdBQeetinq: Conditional Use—Triplex in R 3 Zone - Mr- Pethah stepped down from deliberation onthis matter. Mayor Maxwell initiated the Closed Record Meeting on a Conditional Use application submitted by Howard Rogero, et oi for a Conditional Use Permit for the development of one tri-plex at 1820 28"' Street. Triplexes are listed osa conditional use inthe R3zone and as such, are reviewed on a case-by-case basis to determined if the proposal will or will not have a detrimental impact on the neighborhood. Mr. APRIL 3, 2006 - CONTINUED Ian K8unoe.Planning Director, used anoverhead display topointoutthehevfeaturmointheanaa including recent paving improvements to 28th Street. The current lot size' would accommodate a duplex and single family home outright; no additional density will be created with ath-p\er. If appn7vad, the building footprint and 22' height are less than what could be permitted. The Planning Commission held two public hearings on this proposal and recommended approval of the project; five appeals were filed. The @pp|ication, tngnsoriots, minuten, appem|s, and all exhibits were forwarded to Council for action. As part of the review packet the Council received copies of all appeals and supporting documents; there was no testimony from the appellants. On a question from K8ny. Richandaon, Mr. Don K8eaoarner, Assistant Planning Director, explained that the applicant does not have enough square footage to apply for afour-p}ex. [Nr. Turner spoke in favor ofthe design and moved to approve the Conditional Use application fora thm-p|�� at 1G2O 28 Street subject to the Findings of Fact and Conclusions ofLaw and to deny the appeals. Mr. Geer seconded the motion. Mr. Adams spoke against the motion and in support of the appellants. Discussion followed regarding the appropriateness of the use at this location and daneity. character of adjacent structures, and landscaping. Mr. Hoboysuggaeted mature vegetation as part ofthe landscaping plan. Mr. K8unca said that this would be a good topic for the upcoming Tree Preservation Ordinance discussion. Vote: Ayes — Hoboy' F`iohot, Turner' Richardson, and Geer. No —Adamo. Motion carried. Mr. Patheh returned to the Council Chambers. Contract Award: 2006 SanitarVSem/er Replacement Mc Bob Hyde, Director of Public Works, presented a request to Council for approval to proceed with the replacement ofcertain eevvedinesand manholes aepart ofongoing maintenance ofthe City's Sanitary Sewer System. This project will replace blocks of sanitary savvar main and 4 manhole and 3c|oanoUts. Staff recommends that the bid baawarded toCallen Construction in the amount of$2O7.331.00. With that, Mr. Hoboymoved, seconded byMr. Geer toaward the 2OO8Sanitary Sewer Replacement project toCeUenConet[untionintheamoun[cf $207.331.00. Vote: Ayes —Pethsh.Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, and Hoboy. Contract Award: West 8 mStreet Q@iticiation9mroiect W1c Ian K8unme. Planning Director, introduced a contract award proposal for the West nm Street Wetland Enhancement project. The work will provide offsite wetland mitigation for the Jasper VVoy extension project and provide wetland credits for future mitigation work at the \8/eat 81h Street and Minnesota Avenue wetland complex. Contract language includes 3 -year performance criteria. The area isunder City ownership and includes anexisting wetland area. The low bid was received from Sky Native Plant Nursery in the amount of $62.064. After discussion, Mr. Hoboy rnoved, seconded by Mr. Turnar, to award the West Om Street Mitigation Project to Sky Native Plant Nursery in the amount of $62,064. Vote: Aveo— Pioked, Adams, TVnner, Richardson, Geer, Hoboy, andPstrish. Motion carried. Resolution: Shoreline Master Plan Update Schedule and Committee Appointments K8r. Ian K8unoe. Planning Director, presented a Resolution to Council for review and adoption. If adopted the Resolution xvOu/d establish m Citizens Advisory CononnU±ee (CAC) to assist in updating the City's Shoreline Master Plan/Critical Area Regulations /|S/ � \ prior to December 1, 2006. With this deadline in mind. the City determined that combining CA(] shoreline protection and restoration measures with a complete rewrite of the GMP would be most effective. Review of wetland exemptions and wetland buffers issues are already underway. Of significant importance is the issue of imposing m 200' forested vegetative buffer along the shorelines. In that regard, Mr. K8unoe explained that decisions on fonaei|mnd buffers can be made on a case-by-case basis; this individual approach can be applied to ohuna|inaa through an updated Shoreline Master Plan, A new draft shoreline master plan is on the City's vv website for public navi�. l-he[�`��vvou|dbocon*poeedof1Omernberseach �Vmthe [}itvand � Port: the PopadicipantsareEtema HDp|ey, Pat D. Mooney, Bob Elsner, C�onnieThman. Anne Farr, Mike Ne|aDn, David Aahbach, James Tay|or, Patrick Banet, Brenda Lavender with Keith Rubin, aeonAlternate. The City's participants are Nick Petriah` Brian Geer, Erica Pinkatt, Bob Hyde, K8ody Laurnbattus, Jeff Layton, [}ae Oliver, Don VVick, Howard E3emO. and Mike Trafton. After discussion, Mrs. Richardson 0oved, seconded by Mr. Geer, to adopt Resolution No. 1721 entitled "A Resolution Establishing m Citizens Advisory Committee /�A��\ to Assist in Updating the City's Shoreline Master Plan/Critical Area Regulations Prior to December 'be[ 1. 2006^ (Attachments /\ and D outline the hearing/adoption schedule and CAC participants). Vote: Avea—R��h�. Adams, Turne[, Richardson, Geer. Hnboy. and F»etheh. Motion carried. APRIL 3, 2006 - CONTINUED There being no further business, at approximately 10:00 p.m. the Mayor continued the meeting to Monday, April 10, 2006 for the purpose of a final review of the Ship Harbor (Gilbane) project conditions and to conduct a Public Hearing on the City Comprehensive Plan. ML V G"Ax_'na� w a-,. Wanda P. Johnson, City Clerk -Treasurer H. Dean Maxwell, Ma- or 3 Couicilmember/ April 10,2006 Continued Meeting of April 3, 2006 At 7:30 p.m. Mayor Maxwell called the continued meeting of Monday, April 3, 2006 to order. Flo\\ call found present: Loren Hoboy' NichPethgh, Erica Pichett, Brad Adams, Bill Turner, Cynthia Richardson, and Brian Geer. Roll call was followed bythe Pledge DfAllegiance. &8emaod Bank Stabilization Proiemt Ian K8unco. Planning [)ineotOr. described the Morand property situation VnAnocV Beach Road. He informed the Council that he has put together a package for their review on the situation that may require some emergency action. A site visit is scheduled at Tugboat Park at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, April 17, 2008. The site visit and rnatehm| provided will a|}ovv the Council the opportunity totake action to expedite the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife's response and allow construction before June 15.2DO6. Acceptance of Ship Harbor Residential CommmmunitV(KS0bane)Conditions The editorial work reflecting adjustments tothe conditions made at the previous meeting was accepted. Public HearinqComprehensive Plan Update Mayor Dean K8oxvveU opened the public hearing on the Comprehensive Plan. He informed the public that they would have 3minutes tostate their opinions and the comment period would bG open until April 21. 2006, for additional written comments. Ian Munme explained the process of updating the Comprehensive Plan and the work the Planning Commission has completed to date in reviewing the public comments and incorporating many oornrnento in their proposed Comprehensive Plan update. Mr. K8unce pointed out that there are two issues that are generating the most comments: large-scale retail and the MJB property north of22nu Street. With that, the open comment session commenced. Warren Tessier argued that allowing retail development in areas currently zoned for industrial and light manufacturing such as March's Point will take away from the dOVvntOxVO and businesses that are currently expanding there. John Briggs spoke on the inappropriate use of the conditional use process and basically agreed with Mr. Teaa|er. Ross Barnes, speaking on behalf ofhimself and Evergreen Islands, argued that the existing industrial and light manufacturing zoned areas ofAnaoortea should be preserved to eeouna future job expansion. Dams KAa|seed, speaking on behalf of the K8ahna Trades Aaaocimtion, pointed out that if the industrial zoning is changed to allow residential housing, it will undermine a successful local boat building and repair industry, Don Yankgoyargued that large scale retail and the K8JBproject vvou/dundenninoexistinQretai| business and views would be blocked by the hotel proposed for the MJB property. Paul Suhxvaiaaspoke insupport ofthe K8JBplan todevelop their property. Judy Ballinger argued that the MJB property should be developed as currently zoned. Charles Tull talked about the review process and argued that the "appropriate studies" need to beconducted prior iomaking any changes inthe Comprehensive Plan. Patty Pattee described the stresses on the City that would result from construction of large retail stores on Highway 20. Kirk Kennedy presented his opinion regarding the need to continue the economic study and include that new information in the Comprehensive Plan; "Phase 11" of the economic study would evaluate alternatives for the City's economic needs. Anna Nelson, a land use planner working for N1JB. reiterated K8JB's desire to amend the Comprehensive Plan that would allow mixed-use development on their property. April 17, 2006 At approximately 5:00 p.m. the continued Meeting of April 10. 2000 was reconvened at the Skyline Tugboat Part in order to conduct a site visit relative to the K8ongOd property, 4801 Anaco Beach Road. No bastirnmDy was taken and at the conclusion of the site visit the continued meeting ofApril 1»mwas adjourned. At 7:30 p.m. K8ayorF'ro4enl Pethah called the regularly scheduled meeting of Monday, April 17. 2006 to order. Roll call found present Nick Fzsthoh, Erica Pickett, Brad Adams, Bill Turner, Cynthia Richardson, and Brian Geer. Absent: Loren Hoboy. F{o|| call was followed by the Pledge ofAllegiance. Minutes ofPrevious A8eetinq Mrs. Richardson asked that the second paragraph, page 3 be amended to read: ''N1ns. Richardson discussed the issue Of concurrency; K8[ MVnce confirmed that this project, as oonditionad, is in compliance with the City's Transportation Plan and concurrency standards." Mr. Adams asked that the last paragraph oDpage 4boamended tnread: "As part ofthe review packet the Council received copies of all appeals and supporting documents; there was no testimony from the appellants." With those amendments, Mrs. R\Ch@PdSOn DlOv8d, seconded by K8[ Adomo, that the minutes of April 3. 2006 be approved. Vote: Ayes — P*thah. Adams' Turner, Richardson, Geer, and Pickett. Motion carried. Citizen Hemrinqs &1r. Alan Jett, 3684 Rosario Crest Lmne, member of Save South Fido(go, addressed the Council regarding the proposed rezone of rural reserve land on South Fida/go Island to runa(, and the proposed 2 1/2 acre lot size. Mr. Jett suggested that these plans and the current recommendations of the Citizens Advisory Committee are flawed and do not refect the wishes of the citizens involved in the proposed rezone area, To support this viewpoint, 2.000 advisory ballots were mailed to property owners of South Fidm|Qo; of the 999 received 902 were opposed to the rezone and 87 were in favor of the rezone and increased development. With the increased demand in services that the rezone would encourage Mr. Jett asked the City Council to adopt a resolution opposing the rezone of south Fida|go and supporting the majority of affected property owners. Mr. |8n K8unoe. City Attn[Dey, clarified that a previous letter from the Mayor and COUOCi| to the County COOlnli8sioOe[a on this matter included specific cO[OrneDt8 regarding concern about providing urban services and about the property around the forestlands designated as fish and wildlife habitat conservation anama. Discussion followed regarding a public 6nrunn to develop a brooder consensus on these issues. If m public hearing was to be held, K8[ Adams asked that information regarding the G[Omdh Management Act in relationship to these issues be part of the hearing process; Mrs. Pickett asked that Washington State Health Department procedures relative to failed sewer systems be included in the review. Mr. Turner spoke in favor of o public h]runn and 0oxed, seconded by yW[. Geer to hold a Public Hearing on the evening of June 12. 2008 to take public testimony on South Fida|go Zoning and associated issues as they pertain to the City of AnacoUaa. \/o1a: Ayes — Pickett, Pethoh. /\darne. Turner. Richardson, and Geer. Motion carried. ,Mayor/Council CommmmunicaKxxn' , Mr. Scott Thomas, President of the Skagit County Bar Association, presented a Proclamation to the Council that would celebrate May 1. 2006 as Law Day. Law Day has been celebrated for the last 45 years in recognition of our nation's heritage with a focus on the theme of Liberty Under Law: Sapanshs Branches, Balanced Powers. This year m commemorative luncheon will be held at McIntyre Hall and Mr. Thomas invited the Mayor and Council to attend. K8ayorPn3- te�rn Petrieh then read the Proclamation that otatee, in part' that our system of separation of powers and checks and balances stands as a model for other nations of the world. The Mayor then turned tomsecond Proclamation declaring the week of April 30 through May O. 2OOOaaNative Plant Appreciation Week. All citizens were encouraged tmlearn more about our native o}ante, how to protect them, and to enjoy and appreciate our native flora's value and Mr. Geer reported that the City's April 15 thSpring Clean-up program was well -attended and 2013 APRIL 10, 2006 - CONTINUED Bill Reading stated his support for retail development on the MJB property and opposition to residential use. Brent Morrison stated his support for keeping the MJB property as a CM -1 zone due to the problems caused by conflicts between industrial use and residential use and the loss of jobs if the area is rezoned. Jack Rosellini reiterated MJB's proposal for the change in the Comprehensive Plan to allow mixed-use residential and multi -residential use on the MJB property. Ross Barnes asked that the language pertaining to the industrial zone under the commercial goal 1 policy (g) be stricken. The Public Hearing was closed, except for written comment that will be accepted through April 21, 2006. Councilmember Petrish added that he would like to have the council members sit down for a round table discussion without pressure from any side on the Comprehensive Plan issues. At approximately 8:45 p.m. Mayor Maxwell announced that this meeting will be continued to Monday, April 17, 2006 at 5:00 p.m. wherein the City Council will meet at the Skyline Tugboat Park to conduct a site visit in conjunction with the Morand bank stabilization project. No testimony will be taken. At the conclusion of the site visit, the regularly scheduled meeting of April 10, 2006 will be adjourned. �N)CkAIJ el � 6t -A �A --I/- Wanda P. Johnson, City Clerk -Treasurer , H. Dean Maxwell, Ma or `Councilmem r ApriX17,2006 At approximately 5:00 p.m. the continued Meeting of April 10. 2008 was reconvened at the Skyline TUgbootP3� in order to conduct site visit relative to the Morand property, 4801 AnaCo Beach Road. No testimony was taken and at the conclusion of the site visit the continued meeting of April 1 Ot' was adjourned. AJ7:3Op.rn.Mayor Pro -tem Pethshcalled the regularly scheduled meeting of Monday, April 17, 2006 to onJer. Roll ooU found present Nick Petrish, Erica Pickett, Brad /\do[no. Bill Turner Cynthia Richardson, and Brian Geer. Absent: Loren Hoboy. Roll call was followed by the Pledge CfAllegiance. Minutes of Previous Meetinq Mrs. Richardson asked that the second paragraph. page 3 be amended to read: "Mrs. Richardson discussed the issue Of concurrency; Mr. K8Unc8 cOOUOned that this project, as conditioned, is in compliance with the City's Transportation Plan and COOCUrnaOCV at8Dd8PdS.^ Mr. Adams asked that the last paragraph onpage 4boamended toread: "As part ofthe review packet the Council received copies of all appeals and supporting documents; there was no testimony from the appellants." With those amendments. Mrs. Richardson mDved, seconded by K8[. Adams, that the nninu1aa of April 3. 2006 be approved. Vote: Ayes — Pethoh. Ad8[ns, Turner, Richardson, Geer, and Pickett. Motion carried. Citizen Hearincis Mr. Alan Jett, 3804Rosario Crest Lane, member of Save South Fida|0o.addressed the Council regarding the proposed rezone of rural reserve land on South Fida|gm Island to rura|, and the proposed 2 1/2 acre lot size. Mr. Jett suggested that these plans and the current recommendations of the Citizens Advisory Committee are flawed and do not reflect the wishes Ofthe citizens involved iRthe proposed rezone area. TOsupport this viewpoint, 2,0OOadvisory ballots were mailed to property owners of South Fidalgo; of the 999 received 902 were opposed to the rezone and 97 were in favor of the rezone and increased development. With the increased demand in services that the rezone would encourage KX[. Jett asked the City C0VOCi) to adopt a resolution opposing the F8zVOe of south Fid2|go and supporting the majority Of affected property OVvO8rs. K8[ Ian K8Unoe. City Attorney, clarified that 8 previous letter from the Mayor and Council to the County Commissioners on this matter included specific cO[nOleDtS regarding concern about providing urban services and about the property around the forestlands designated as fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas. Discussion followed regarding m public forum to develop o broader consensus on these issues. If a public hearing was to be held, M[ Adams asked that information regarding the Growth Management Act in relationship to these issues be part of the hearing process; K8rG. Pickett asked that Washington State Health Department pnooadunaa relative to failed sewer systems be included in the review. Mr. Turner spoke in favor of a public forum and nnoved, seconded by Mr. Geer to hold a Public Hearing on the evening of June 12. 2000 to take public testimony on South Fida|go Zoning and associated issues aathey pertain tnthe City of/\nocortaS. Vote: AvoS—PiCkett. Petriuh.Adams, Turner, Richardson, and Geer. Motion carried. ,Mayor/Council Communication, M[ Scott Thomas, President nt othe Skagit County Bar Association, presented o Proclamation to the Council that would celebrate May 1' 2006 as Law Day. Law [J8y has been celebrated for the last 45 years in recognition of our nation's heritage with o focus on the theme of Liberty Under Law: Separate Bnanohaa, Balanced Powers. This year a commemorative luncheon will be held at McIntyre Hall and Mr. Thomas invited the Mayor and Council to attend. Mayor Pro - tem Petrish then read the Proclamation that stateo, in part, that our system of separation of powers and checks and balances stands as a model for other nations of the world. The Mayor then turned toosecond Proclamation declaring the week ofApril 3Othrough May O. 2OOOasNative Plant Appreciation Week. All citizens were encouraged tolearn more about our native p|ante, how to protect Ulenn, and to enjoy and appreciate our native flora's value and beauty. Mc Geer reported that the City's April 15 th Spring Clear-up program was well -attended and �.1 APRIL 17, 2006 - CONTINUED Morand Property (4801 Anaco Beach Road): Request for Imminent Threat Declaration. Mr. Ian Munce, Planning Director, recapped the jurisdictional issues, emergency work, and future applications connected to the Morand bulkhead project along the shoreline at 4801 Anaco Beach Road. During this winter's storms extensive erosion occurred on Mr. Morand's property; Mr. Morand contacted State and local agencies for approval to conduct emergency work. The City approved a temporary access road and some stormwater work. This approval does not cover the balance of the site which may be subject to future development applications. To verify that the current situation is an imminent threat to the existing single family homes the City commissioned its own geotechnical work. That report verified that a serious threat exists. During this time, Mr. Tom Sheehan, Director of Skagit County Department of Emergency Management, reported to Mr. Munce that the County has approved an Ordinance declaring an imminent threat at this site, subject to the City's concurrence. However, the Ordinance was approved and forwarded to the Department of Fish and Wildlife without further approval from the City. Mr. Munce underscored that this declaration does not relieve the applicant of mitigation requirements; nor does the County's action cover the balance of the site which may be subject to future development applications. Mr. Munce also discussed the Fisheries Department's trend toward soft armoring to prevent further degradation of our shorelines. Again, any future subdivision of land or shoreline use proposals will be processed through public hearings before both City staff and the Planning Commission. ............. _... _............... ..... Consent Aqenda Mr. Adams moved, seconded by Mr. Geer, to approve the following Consent Agenda items. Vote: Ayes — Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, Pickett, and Petrish. Motion carried. Approval of Vouchers/Cancellation of Warrants, Council voted unanimously that the following vouchers/warrants audited and certified by the City's Auditing Officer (Finance Director) and subsequently reviewed and approved by the Council Finance Committee on April 6, 2006 and April 13, 2006 are approved for payment as of this date April 17, 2006. Claims Warrants April 2006: Warrant Numbers 35831 through 36070 in the total amount of $527,946.41 Prewritten Claims April, 2006: Warrant Number 35830 in the total amount of $16,284.40 Cancellation of Warrants Warrant Number 33120 in the amount of $84.00 Warrant Number 35717 in the amount of $107.90 Warrant Number 3381 in the amount of $117.60 In the same motion Council: Adopted Resolution No. 1722 setting May 15, 2006 as the Public Hearing Date on a Petition to vacate a portion of 3rd Street. ........................................ _ .......................... Ordinance: 30th Street Public Access Float Mr. Ian Munce, Planning Director, presented an Ordinance to Council for review and adoption. If adopted the Ordinance would limit parking to four hours in any 24 hour period at the Public Boat Float located at the 30th Street Public Access Float. Violations of the Ordinance would be subject to penalties and impound fees. Mr. Munce explained that the Shoreline Permit and Lease Agreement with Fidalgo Marina restricts boat and/or watercraft to the four (4) hour maximum. With that, Mrs. Richardson moved, seconded by Mrs. Pickett, to adopt Ordinance No. 2734 entitled "An Ordinance Setting a Maximum Time Limit of Four Hours to Use the 30th Street Public Access Float to be Enforced and Punishable as a Civil Infraction." Vote: Ayes — Turner, Richardson, Geer, Pickett, Petrish, and Adams. Motion carried. Contract Award: West End Parks Consultant Contract Mr. Gary Robinson, Director of Parks and Recreation, introduced a contract award proposal for the planning and design of two west end neighborhood parks generally at West 6th Street and West 12th Street. Using the open selection process for bid review, staff recommends Barker Landscape Architects for the design process. The contract cost will be $45,975 and will include planning, permitting, design, and some construction monitoring for the two multi -generational parks. With that, Mr. Turner moved, seconded by Mr. Adams, to award the West End Parks Consultant Agreement to Barker Landscape Architects in the amount of $49,975. Vote: Ayes — Richardson, Geer, Pickett, Petrish, Adams, and Turner. Motion carried. 1 • APRIL 17, 2006 - CONTINUED Contract Award: 13th Street CSP Upgrade Mr. Bob Hyde, Director of Public Works, introduced a professional services contract proposal to eliminate a known Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) located in the 13th Street corridor between "Q" Avenue and Commercial Avenue. In order to accomplish this, the City will need to acquire additional and better information on the existing storm and sanitary infrastructure located in this area, to design improvements to accommodate the CSO elimination, and to construct the proposed improvements. Staff recommends contracting with Gray and Osborn to use modern pipeline technologies to locate the storm water system so that sound decisions can be made to accomplish these tasks. After discussion, Mr. Adams, moved, seconded by Mr. Geer, to award the Phase 1 13th Street CSO/Storm Project to Gray & Osborn, Inc. in the amount of $38,100 for field work and mapping of the storm system. Vote: Ayes — Geer, Pickett, Petrish, Adams, Turner, and Richardson. Motion carried. Budget Amendment: Clvde Creek Monitorinq and Adoptive Manaqement Proiect Mr. Ian Munce, Planning Director, presented a proposal from Mr. Jim Wiggins, ATSI, for the Clyde Creek Monitoring and Adaptive Management Project. The Scope of Work will include, in part, site assessment including walking the stream corridor, taking photographs, mapping the site, and collecting data on existing conditions. Findings will be reported, meetings will be held with adjacent property owners to discuss findings and recommendations, and mitigation/mitigation banking will be identified and quantified. After discussions, Mrs. Richardson moved, seconded by Mr. Turner, to approve the expenditure of $13,200 to contract with Aqua-Terr systems, Incorporation (ATSI) for the Clyde Creek Monitoring and Adoptive Management Project. Vote: Ayes — Pickett, Petrish, Adams, Turner, Richardson, and Geer. Motion carried. Budqet Amendment: Water Treatment Plant Telemetry Control Award Mr. Bob Hyde, Director of Public Works, presented a proposal from Technical System Incorporated for the Water Treatment Plant 2006 Telemetry Upgrade Project. Mr. Hyde explained that in 2004, the City began a multi-year project to update and upgrade the Water Treatment Plant telemetry systems. The project now before Council will provide telemetry improvements on the Fidalgo Bay Pump Station, "A" Avenue pump station, Whistle Lake Pipe Arch, 33rd and "R" PRV, Castilleja Bluff Pump Station, and the Water Treatment Plant intake. Mr. Hyde then used an overhead display to illustrate the telemetry screen as it appears at the Plant. After discussion, Mr. Geer moved, seconded by Mr. Turner to award the Water Treatment Plant 2006 Telemetry Upgrade Project to Technical System Incorporated in the amount of $102,930.00. Vote: Ayes — Petrish, Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, and Pickett. Motion carried. Aqreement: Charlie's Restaurant: Pavment of Sewer Hook-up Fee Over 5 Years Mr. Ian Munce, City Attorney, reported that Charlie's Restaurant hooked up to the City's sewer system in 2002. The hook-up was made without payment of a General Facilities Charge. The City's current Ordinance authorizes staff to establish 3 -year agreements for payment. Charlie's restaurant has offered to pay the full amount due (the 6% interest would be waived) but over a 5 -year period. After discussion, Mrs. Pickett moved, seconded by Mrs. Richardson, to approve the agreement with Charlie's Restaurant for time payment of sewer hook-up fees in the amount of $47,782 over 5 years. Vote: Ayes — Petrish, Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, and Pickett. Motion carried. Comprehensive Plan Review Schedule Mayor Pro -tem Petrish encouraged the public to review the wide variety of comments that the City received regarding the Comprehensive Plan update. In that regard, the upcoming Council round -table discussions will be open to the public but no further public testimony will be taken. Starting May 17th, the roundtable meetin js will be held the first and third Wednesdays of the month. There being no further business, at approximately 10:00 p.m. the Mayor Pro -tem Petrish adjourned the regularly scheduled meeting of April 17, 2006. �,.'1-74 Wanda P. Johnson, y Clerk-Treasu%er H. Dean Maxwell, Mayor' CC'ouncilmembe 2017 4 City Council Minutes — May 1, 2006 9'�oR2 At 7:30 p.m. Mayor Maxwell called the regularly scheduled meeting of Monday, May 1, 2006 to order. Roll call found present Loren Hoboy, Nick Petrish, Erica Pickett, Brad Adams, Cynthia Richardson, and Brian Geer. Absent: Bill Turner. Roll call was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes of Previous Meetinq Mr. Petrish moved, seconded by Mr. Adams, that the minutes of April 17, 2006 be approved as if read. Vote: Ayes — Petrish, Pickett, Adams, Richardson, and Geer. Abstain — Hoboy. Motion carried. Citizen Hearinqs No citizens present wished to testify on matters not on the agenda. .Mayor/Council Communication; Mayor Maxwell reported that the recent opening of the Museum's historical retrospective was an outstanding success. The Mayor and Council thanked the museum staff who worked so hard tc create and organize this display. The program will be available to the public for approximately 2 years. Mr. Jon Lunsford, Operations/Forest Lands Manager, clarified a recent newspaper article referencing the multiple recreational uses at Mt. Erie in light of environmental concerns. The article references a work party organized by Mr. Dallas Kloke, member of a climbing organization. This small group of climbers have set out to help clean the Mt. Erie trails and pick up trash. Concerns were raised when it was thought that so many people would participate in the work party that the park area could sustain damage. Mr. Lunsford explained that this was not the case and that he would be at the event to assist. During the month of May the Forest Board, Park Board, and Council sub -committee will meet to discuss how to serve the public as well as how to protect Mt. Erie as a vital resource. The Mayor then turned to series of Proclamations: Proclamation establishing the month of May, 2006 as Conservation Easement Month in the City of Anacortes. The Conservation Easement Program was established by the Mayor and City Council in 1998 for the purpose of protecting the Anacortes Community Forest Lands and generating revenues for their protection. To date, more than $1,066,000 has been donated to the program and easements have been placed on 1,015 acres thereby protecting them in perpetuity. Proclamation establishing May 29 — June 4, 2006 as Capidalgo Week in the City of Anacortes. Capidalgo is an annual event involving the Anacortes Fidalgo Yacht Club of Anacortes and the Capital City Yacht Club of our sister city, Sidney, B.C. Mr. John Killingsworth, 2006 Rear Commodore for the Fidalgo Yacht Club introduced Mr. Don Hill, Commodore, and Mr. Bob Rendleman, Fleet Captain. This year the Fidalgo Club will host the 25th anniversary of this 3 -day event; the Mayor thanked the members for fostering the true spirit of the Sister City program. Proclamation establishing May 2006 as National Preservation Month in the City of Anacortes. The Proclamation states, in part, that it is important to celebrate the role of history in our lives and the contributions made by those individuals helping to preserve our heritage. In that regard, Ms. Margaret DeLourme, Anacortes Historic Preservation Board member, presented awards for Project Excellence to the City of Anacortes for the Tommy Thompson Trail; Project Excellence to the Anacortes Museum 1 MAY 1, 2006 - CONTINUED Foundation for development of the City's Historic Walking Tour; and Individual Award of Excellence to Bill Mitchell for the Anacortes Mural Project. Proclamation recognizing the commissioning of the R/V Hugh R. Sharp on May 7, 2006. Built by Dakota Creek Industries of Anacortes, the RN Hugh R. Sharp is the nation's most advanced coastal research vessel. The ship will make its way from Anacortes to the University of Delaware; the Mayor and Council conveyed best wishes from the City where the ship was built. Mrs. Pickett volunteered to sit in for Mr. Turner at the Port/City Liaison meeting on May 2"a Mr. Petrish announced that the City Council will have the first Comprehensive Plan Work Session on Wednesday, May 3, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. _.._..............._._................................................................................................................................................ ....... _............................... ............................................................. ......................................................... _........_... _.................. ...... Consent Acienda Mr. Adams moved, seconded by Mr. Geer, to approve the following Consent Agenda item. Vote: Ayes — Pickett, Adams, Richardson, Geer, Hoboy, and Petrish. Motion carried. Approval of Vouchers/Cancellation of Warrants Council voted unanimously that the following vouchers/warrants audited and certified by the City's Auditing Officer (Finance Director) and subsequently reviewed and approved by the Council Finance Committee on April 20, 2006 and April 27, 2006 are approved for payment as of this date May 1, 2006. Claims Warrants April, 2006: Warrant Numbers 36071 through 36212 in the total amount of $350,831.95 Pavroll # 1 for April 14. 2006 in the total amount of $442.702.77 Warrant Numbers 28966 through 29033 in the total amount of $67,458.73 Direct Deposit Numbers 18103 through 18250 in the total amount of $235,498.80 EFT Numbers 536 through 543 in the total amount of $139,745.24 Cancellation of Warrants Warrant Number 29932 in the amount of $21.10; Warrant Number 30058 in the amount of $2.65; Warrant Number 30607 in the amount of $28.00; Warrant Number 30828 in the amount of $25.00; Warrant Number 31655 in the amount of $4.00; Warrant Number 31706 in the amount of $9.60; Warrant Number 32578 in the amount of $5.00; and Warrant Number 33572 in the amount of $14.00 ................................................................._................... _............... .................................. ........................ ACFL Land Acquisition Mr. Jon Lunsford, Operations/Forestlands Manager, presented a request to Council for authorization to purchase property in the Anacortes Community Forest Lands owned by Ms. Iva Ewing. Ms. Ewing owns six lots (approximately 18,000 square feet) on the east shore of Little Cranberry Lake; the purchase price is $2,300. Staff recommends approval; this action would further diminish private ownership within the ACFL. Funds are available for the purchase. With that, Mr. Hoboy moved, seconded by Mr. Petrish, to approve the purchase of the six Ewing lots in the amount of $2,300. Vote: Ayes — Adams, Richardson, Geer, Hoboy, Petrish, and Pickett. Motion carried. Contract Award: Pump Station 15 Rehab -Telemetry Mr. Bob Hyde, Director of Public Works, presented a request for authorization to move forward with renovation of the sewer pump station # 15 on 12th Street and "B" Avenue. City staff will act as the prime contractor on this project resulting in significant cost savings and less risk for the City. However, the City will have to contract for electrical and telemetry work. This renovation project will also provide secondary benefits in energy conservation. Technical Systems Incorporated is the provider for installation and programming assistance. After discussion, Mr. Geer moved, seconded by Mrs. Richardson to award the Pump Station 15 telemetry project to Technical Systems Incorporated in the amount of $43,000.00. Vote: Ayes — Richardson, Geer, Hoboy, Petrish, Pickett, and Adams. Motion carried. Aldridqe Final Plat Approval Mr. Ian Munce, Planning Director, presented the Final Plat Application for the Aldridge 2 -lot plat at 28th Street and "H" Avenue. Normally, a 2 -lot subdivision of land would be handled administratively; however, the Aldridge property was subdivided less than five years ago via Short Plat # ANA 03-010/Evans. The City's Subdivision Ordinance prohibits the further division of land within a short plat within a five year period without filing a standard plat. Previously, the Planning Commission held public hearings on this matter and the Council voted to approve the Preliminary Plat application. The last step in the approval process is Final Plat review; the x��� � �� �r K� 8 �� -� � = ~ MAY 1, 2006 - CONTINUED Planning Commission recommends approval. With that,Mr. Adams moved, seconded by Mc Hobov, to approve the Aldridge Final Plat application. Vote: Ayes —Geer, Hobov. Pickett, Adams, and Richardson. Abstain: Pethsh. Motion carried. Closed RecoxdY0eetinq: "J"Avenue Cottacies PmmlimminarVDevelxxpmment Plan (PUD) Mayor yWaxmoU initiated the Closed Record meeting for the ''J^ Avenue Cottages Preliminary Development Plan (PUD). The proposal isfor a 10-|ot PUDPUDat28 m 8tnaetand ^J" Avenue. Mr. Ian K8unce. Planning Director, explained that "cluster housing" means homes clustered around e courtyard. He discussed the associated F{ 3zoninQ. The Planning Commission held Public Hearings on this matter and all tranocricta, exhibito, and appeals have been forwarded to Council. The Planning Commission recommended approval but reduced the number of units to 8 and required sidewalk extensions to meet existing eidmvva|ho at the entrance of the project. Two OgiQhb0nS have appealed the Planning C0[DnOiSGioO recommendation citing incompatibility of the cluster housing with the existing character of the neighborhood. The Public Works and Fire Departments have filed an appeal regarding access ienueo, and the applicant filed an appeal ofthe lot reduction and off-site improvements. Mr. Greg VVi|oon, applicant, said that as oubrnU1ed, this project is in the right location for cluster housing; it's oioa8 to toxvn, in g predominately single family neighborhood, and amenities are dose by. The proposed 20' of driving surface meets minimum fire department requirements allowing for emergency vehicle access to the homes even if parking occurred in the "no parking" street. Private utilities will be within the project. The cul-de-sac staff proposal eliminates the cluster concept. He spoke in support of the 10-|ot concept offering that intensity rather than density is the essential issue. The small scale project includes lower building heights and will be marketed at a moderate price. Mr. Wilson also spoke against extending off-site sidewalks suggesting that it was unjust and unreasonable requirement for a project of this size. He asked for Council's authorization to demonstrate that cottage housing Can be successfully built in /\nacOrteS and spoke in support for the original concept Of 1.000-1,200 square foot units with 8 22foot maximum height. Mr. Pat Robinson, 1304 "1" Avenue, suggested that 2-atory houses on 2.500 square foot lots are not appropriate for Anacortes. One acre and half acre parcels are on either aide of the proposal. School traffic is heavy at this location and garbage containers on ^'J" Avenue would create safety issues. The impacts tothe neighborhood would be detrimental and Mr. Robinson asked Council todeny the project. K8[ Gerald Watson, 2702 "J" Avenue, submitted on appeal but was not in the audience. His appeal spoke tmthe increased density and safety issues. Mr. Bob Hyde. Director of Public Works, said there were two major issues at hand' alternative housing and alternative public infrastructure. Hesuggested that the alternative housing should not come at the expense of infrastructure. There's no opposition from staff regarding cluster housing; however, objections are centered on substandard utilities. Mr. Hyde spoke of safety issues associated with increased density on "J" Avenue. Staff recommends a cul-de-sac with on -street parking. Fire Chief Richard Curtis spoke against the project as designed because of limited fire apparatus access and restricted area for equipment deployment in this development. Also, he expressed further concern regarding private oversight of fire hydrant maintenance. AdditionaUy, on a private street there's no way to enforce the no parking restrictions. Mr. Fred Bucken[neyer. Assistant City Engineer, highlighted studies on cluster housing projects from neighboring communities and researched traffic data on comparative projects. Eosentia||y, the project would create 80q6 of normal single family development traffic. Staff recommends public infraotrucfure, bmm+may traffio, and parking ota||s, with parking in lots or on the street. Mr. Buckan0eyerpointed out that there are several short cu(-de-oacdevelopments already inplace inAnacorteo. He concluded byadding that ininitial development conferences with the applicant staff requested public utilities. Questions from Council centered on parking enforcement and road vvidth, aidexva|hG, and safety issues. Mr. PGtriah suggested that there is in fact need for cottage housing in the community; however, he wants to address staff concerns. After further discussion, Mr. Petrieh moved, seconded by M[. Geer, to deny the Greg Wilson appe@|, to uphold the appeals from staff, Mr. Robinson, and Mr. Watson, and to deny the "J" Avenue Cottages Preliminary Plat application. Mrs. Richardson spoke iDfavor ofthis development. She said that 1Ounits are consistent with zonimg, o market exists for variety of housing Choioes, cluster hVuSaS around oonnDnon area is a positive community design, and that a loop road provides more flexibility than cul-de-sac. After discussion, Mr. Petrish and Mr. Geer withdrew their motion and second. Mr. Pethsh then 2020 MAY 1, 2006 - CONTINUED moved, seconded by Mr. Geer to remand the matter back to the Planning Commission after the applicant has conferred with City staff and submitted a revised drawing. Vote: Ayes — Hoboy, Petrish, Pickett, Adams, Richardson, and Geer. Motion carried. Public Hearinq: Tree Preservation ordinance Proposal Mayor Maxwell opened the Public Hearing to take comments on the Tree Preservation Citizen's Committee proposal for a Tree Conservation Ordinance. Mr. Ian Munce, Planning Director, explained that some time ago a tree preservation proposal was submitted to Council as part of the annual Comprehensive Plan amendment process. A detailed tree preservation Ordinance was submitted at that time. After review, the Council appointed a Citizens Advisory Committee to further study and analyze the Ordinance. By way of background, Mr. Munce explained that the City currently requires new commercial, industrial, or residential projects of any size to set aside 10-20% of the project site for landscaping. Although there is encouragement in the landscape Ordinance to do so, there is no requirement to retain large, existing, significant trees. Significant trees have been retained in residential developments over the years through the Native Growth Protection Easement program. Key issues of the tree preservation ordinance are: it covers commercial, and industrial property as well as residential; sets an exemption level at Y2 acre; provides a tree credit formula; and adds an incentive system. Rachel Griffin, Ariel Gould, Sarai Gould, and Mary Ellen Reyna, school students, spoke in favor of saving trees to preserve the environment and animal habitats. Ms. Kathleen Brown, 5314 Quiet Cove Road, pointed out that existing trees adjacent to developments can be a hazard. Ms. Barbara Jackson, 1318 Haddon Lane, introduced several native plants and encouraged the Council to move forward with the Tree Ordinance. Ms. Kristi Hein, 3100 "B" Avenue, speaking on behalf of her husband, Casey Bazewick and as a member of the Citizens' Advisory Committee, clarified the term "tree unit" credits and read from a May 1, 2006 letter. Mr. Jon Briggs, 2808 Morrison Court, said that lots don't have to be clear cut and listed the trees on his property. He suggested a change in the tree unit on page 14, asked for an appeal procedure to be included in the Ordinance, variance section should be amended, and suggested declaring this an emergency ordinance. Ms. Carol Meek, 3636 Rosario Crest Lane, encouraged the Council to take care of the planet. Mr. Don Power, 3739 Birch Way, said that trees on his property provide a noise barrier and encouraged Council to place value on our trees. Mr. Bob Barry, 1914 22"d Street, said that mature trees enhance the marketability of property and contribute to the neighborhood. Mr. Paul Sund, 4819 Green Hills Court, spoke in favor of the Tree Ordinance. Mr. Tony Malo, 3809 W. 11th St, clarified that shrubs are not included in this Ordinance and that the Ordinance is cumbersome and lacks pragmatism. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Derig, 1302 "K" Avenue spoke in favor of the Tree Ordinance. Ms. Anna Torgeson, 4910 Paisley Place, submitted a May 1, 2006 letter and used an overhead display to illustrate the tree unit credit formula. Ms. Betty Kuehn, CAC Chair, spoke in favor of the Ordinance. Mr. Terry Christiansen, 3302 "K" Avenue, spoke in favor of the CAC but suggested that the Ordinance, as written, is cumbersome, difficult to read, and lacks a clear threshold definition. Ms. Phyllis Dolph, 2320 26th Street, shared the 4 -year history of the Tree Ordinance development and spoke in favor of adoption. Ms. Rosette Dawson, 4210 Owen Way, submitted a May 1, 2006 letter and said that although the Ordinance was not very restrictive she encouraged adoption. Mr. Norman Ainsley, 18008 Piper Circle, asked about enforcement. There were no further comments and the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. Written public comments may be submitted until May 15, 2006. Resolution: Authorizinq 6 -Acre "Q" Avenue Land Purchase from the Port of Anacortes Mayor Maxwell presented a Resolution to Council regarding the purchase of a six -acre parcel of Commercial Marine 1 zoned property east of "Q" Avenue at approximately 15th Street. If adopted the Resolution would authorize the Mayor to: purchase services necessary to evaluate the site, including an appraisal and to execute an option to purchase agreement with the Port of Anacortes to purchase the site at a price to be set by an appraiser mutually agreed upon by the Mayor and the Port. Mrs. Richardson asked that the Resolution clarify that the purchase price is subject to Council ratification. Mr. Petrish pointed out that, as part of the Comprehensive Plan review, a number of citizens have asked for additional retail in the City. After discussion, Mr. Geer moved, seconded by Mr. Petrish, to adopt Resolution No. 1723 entitled "A Resolution Authorizing Six Acre "Q" Avenue Land Purchase from the Port of Anacortes". Vote: Ayes — Petrish, Pickett, Adams, Richardson, Geer, and Hoboy. Motion carried. 2021 MAY 1, 2006 - CONTINUED There being no further business, at approximately 10:30 p.m. the Mayor continued the Meeting to Wednesday, May 3, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. to conduct the Council's Comprehensive Plan work session. Ork Ar,,kG � Wanda P. Johnson, qty Clerk -Treasurer H. Dean Maxwell, Mayor i Councilmefnber 2022 May 15, 2006 At 7:30 p.m. Mayor Maxwell called the regularly scheduled meeting of Monday, May 15, 2006 to order. Roll call found present Loren Hoboy, Nick Petrish, Erica Pickett, Brad Adams, Bill Turner, Cynthia Richardson, and Brian Geer. Roll call was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes of Previous Meetina Mr. Petrish moved, seconded by Mr. Geer, that the minutes of April 10, 2006 and May 1, 2006 be approved as if read. Vote: Ayes — Petrish, Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, and Hoboy. Motion carried. Citizen Hearings No citizens present wished to testify on matters not on the agenda. Mayor/Council Communication Mayor Maxwell reported that the City Council Comprehensive Plan Work Session for Wednesday, May 3rd will include pages 13-17 (Manufacturing and Commercial). The Mayor read a Proclamation declaring May 20-26, 2006 as National Safe Boating Week and the start of a year-round effort to promote safe boating; in that regard, the boating public was encouraged to make use of the more comfortable life jackets now available. The Mayor introduced a Resolution to Council that would support the City's application for the Preserve America community designation. Mr. Garry Cline, Museum Director, explained that this designation stems from a White House initiative encouraging communities to participate in preserving the country's irreplaceable cultural and natural heritage assets. The Resolution is the final step in the application process. With that, Mrs. Richardson moved, seconded by Mr. Adams, to adopt Resolution No. 1724 entitled "Resolution for Preserve America Community Designation." Vote: Ayes — Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, Hoboy, and Petrish. (Motion carried. Mr. Hoboy said that it appeared that the latest revisions to the Comcast franchise agreement are consistent with previous Council discussions. He suggested that the final version could be reviewed by the Council sub -committee or brought back to the Council for action. iGilbane Findings (adoption) Mr. Turner stepped down from deliberation on this matter. Mr. Ian Munce, Planning Director, presented the final Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the Ship Harbor Residential Community (Gilbane) Preliminary Development Plan (PUD) and Conditional Use for Council review and approval. The Findings represent action previously taken by the City Council to approve the Ship Harbor Residential Community subject to conditions. Mrs. Pickett and Mrs. Richardson pointed out misspellings. Mrs. Richardson asked that condition # 12 be deleted (duplication), and that condition 31 B should refer to "two lots" rather than to specific lot numbers as the design configuration may change during the preliminary plat phase. With those amendments, Mrs. Richardson moved, seconded by Mr. Hoboy, to adopt the conditions and Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the Ship Harbor Residential Preliminary Development Plan (PUD) and Conditional Use Permits. Vote: Ayes — Adams, Richardson, Geer, Hoboy, Petrish, and Pickett. Motion carried. Mr. Turner returned to the Council chambers. Tree Conservation Ordinance: Next Steps Mr. Ian Munce, Planning Director, explained that, as part of a previous annual comprehensive update, a group of citizens proposed a tree preservation ordinance. The City Council reviewed the proposed document and then asked that a citizen's advisory committee review and revise the proposal. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on the matter, comments were incorporated, and the current recommended draft was reviewed at a May 1St Public Hearing. The deadline for written comments is May 15th and all letters were submitted to Council. Mr. Munce pointed out that the City's Municipal Code contains comprehensive tree/land clearing and landscaping regulations that already address a number of the tree conservation issues. Additionally, the landscaping code allows shrubs and ground cover; the tree ordinance does not. The proposed legislation addresses incentives to retain larger trees. Mr. Petrish disclosed that a member of his family owns an undeveloped acre and a half of property. Mr. Hoboy discussed uniformity of threshold figures; Ordinance language should say �� �� �� "� �~ K� �� �� '� — °� _ MAY 16, 2006 - CONTINUED require document submittal of development proposals; and consensus on a maintenance threshold that would trigger permitting. Mr. Petheh suggested an oone threshold. He said that Parks and Forestlands trees belonging to citizens; trees on private property belong to the owners. Mefu�hersuggested that arbitrary rules to save ornanlovetrees 'on't necessarily factor safety issues. He then catalogued the 30 trees and numerous shrubs in his backyard habitat. Mrs. Pickett thanked the Committee for the hours of work involved in developing this draft Ordinance. She then discussed current landscaping credits versus the credits proposed; a reduction in the 20' height requirement; the wide variety of landscaping eh/|es in the community; and the proposed language limited tolarge trees. She also spoke infavor oftheuseofaT Board assessment sothat the City and public can review official inventories on development projects; she also referenced securing a Native {3n]mdh Protection Easement around a development so that public trees can be retained. Mr. AdoOle discussed the safety aspect of retaining trees in developments; his family experienced significant damage totheir home from a tree downed during awinter storm. Mr. Turner expressed appreciation for the rational thought and increased community awareness associated with the deVa|VpDnont of the draft Ordinance. He spoke in favor of safely saving large trees. He also supported the use of an arborist to identify hazardous trees. Mrs. Richardson suggested that the Council Planning sub -committee (Mr. Hoboy, Mrs. Pickett, and K8a. Richardson) meet to review and incorporate Council and citizen suggestions. Mr. Geer supported fair legislation that also protects private citizens; he supported the sub -committee review concept. Mayor Maxwell said that the City has set aside significant parks and foreot/ands, has worked to pnaoen/e tneao, and has �rnp/mrnentad a backyard wildlife habitat program. He suggested that the taller trees targeted in the proposed Ordinance may not provide the habitat that works best inthese environs. The Mayor also had other administrative questions on the application of the restrictions and on regulating phvGb* property. He supported identifying those areae where the larger trees can be saved. Mr. K8uDoe suggested that a xvod« session of the Committee of the VVho|e, with support from the Planning GUb-oonnnlittee, would allow for a broader range of citizen input. Council agreed to this process. Resolution: Street Vacation Compensation Policies Mr. Ian K8unoe. Planning Director, presented @ Resolution to Council for review and adoption, If adopted, the Reao|uUonvvou|destablish anodminietrabveprocess for calculating compensation for vacated right-of-way; the Resolution was previously reviewed by Council in Study Session. Subsequent tothe Study Session, Mrs. Richmrdaon, via e-mail to Councii, discussed the need for G definition of "properties in the immediate " Section 2; a reduced square footage threshold; and more detailed language in Section 3 regarding appraisals. Mr. Munce explained that with this Resolution in place, the Council would be able to review compensation values prior to o vacation Public Hearing. Mr. Turner suggested that a 50-7596 value would be more appropriate. After discussion, Mrs. Pickett moved` seconded by Mr. Adams' to adopt Resolution No. 1724 entitled "A Resolution Establishing Policies for Establishing Compensation for Street and Alley Vaoa1ione.^ Vote: Ayes -Turner. Geer. Hoboy` Petriah, Pickett, and Adams. No—Riohordoun. Motion carried. Ordinance (2)Budqet Amendment 2006:2005 Capital Proiew:tsRollover K80. Wanda Johnaon, Finance Dineotor, presented two Ordinances for Council review and adoption. The first Ordinance references Public Works and Parks Department projects �s that were budgeted and fully funded in 2005 but have been delayed into 2006 thereby requiring re - appropriation of funds. The second Ordinance references projects that were not fully anticipated at the time of the 2006 budget and are now requiring additional appropriations. /\fta[ discussion, Mr. Adams moved, seconded by Mr. Turner tomdootOrdinance No. 2736 entitled "2005 Capital Projects Rollover Amending Ordinance No. 27�5 Adopted on November 7 of 2005. entitled 'An Ordinance Adopting the Budget and Salary Schedule for All Municipal Purposes and Uses for the Year 2008' ^ and Ordinance No. 2735 entitled ')4n Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 2725 Adopted on November 7 of 2005. entitled 'An Ordinance Adopting the Budget and Salary Schedule for all Municipal Purposes and Uses for the Year 2006' ". Vote: Ayes—Richondaon. Geer, H0boy, Pethsh. Picket. /\darna, and Turner. Motion carried. 2024 MAY 15, 2006 - CONTINUED ......................................................................... ............ __._.......................... ............ ...................... ....................... ............................................... _....... .............................................. ---- .... _..... ........ Consent Agenda Mr. Hoboy moved, seconded by Mr. Petrish, to approve the following Consent Agenda items. Vote: Ayes — Geer, Hoboy, Petrish, Pickett, Adams, Turner, and Richardson. Motion carried. j Approval of Vouchers/Cancellation of Warrants Council voted unanimously that the following vouchers/warrants audited and certified by the City's Auditing Officer (Finance Director) and subsequently reviewed and approved by the Council Finance Committee on May 4, 2006 and May 11, 2006 are approved for payment as of this date May 15, 2006. Claims Warrants May, 2006: Warrant Numbers 36213 through 36446 in the total amount of $578,380.28 Pavroll # 2 for April 28. 2006 in the total amount of $619.114.73 Warrant Numbers 29034 through 29111 through $237,271.04 Direct Deposit Numbers 18251 through 18353 in the total amount of $239,870.11 EFT Numbers 544 through 549 in the total amount of $141,973.58 In the same motion Council: Approved the Anacortes Car Show Street Fair Application and associated downtown street closures for July 16, 2006 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The applicant and City staff has agreed to conditions regarding parking, sanitation, and street services; Approved the Shipwreck Days Street Fair Application and associated downtown street closures for July 15, 2006 from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. The applicant and City staff has agreed to conditions regarding parking, sanitation, and street services; Approved the Fourth of July Extravaganza Street Fair Application and associated downtown street and park closures for July 4, 2006 from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Staff recommends approval subject to applicant's submitted plan and conditions regarding services. Ovster Run Street Fair Application Mrs. Richardson asked that this item be removed from the Consent Agenda. After having read the Oyster Run Street Fair proposal Mrs. Richardson noted that the applicants propose to place signs on Highway 20 warning about potential ferry delays on the day of the Oyster Run. In light of that, Mrs. Richardson suggested temporarily re-routing ferry traffic down 32nd Street to "D" Avenue. Police Chief King said that he will be in contact with the Department of Transportation regarding this alternative. Mr. Ian Munce, Planning Director, pointed out that this issue could be brought to the attention of the Ferry Citizen's Advisory Committee at their May 18th meeting. With that, Mrs. Richardson moved, seconded by Mr. Geer, to approve the Oyster Run Street Fair Application subject to parking and Public Works services recommended by City staff; the closures will occur on September 24, 2006 from 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Vote: Ayes — Hoboy, Petrish, Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson, and Geer. Motion carried. Public Hearinq: Vacation of Portion of 3rd Street and "R" Avenue — Port of Anacortes Mayor Maxwell opened the Public Hearing on a Petition submitted by the Port of Anacortes to Vacate a portion of 3rd Street and "R" Avenue. Mr. Ian Munce, Planning Director, explained that the Mayor and Council have established a transfer of property at several locations between the City and Port. The Council sub -committee and staff will be working with the Port to develop compensation proposals. The Petition now before Council is part of this overall proposed street plan exchange. Using an overhead display, Mr. Munce highlighted the existing Dakota Creek office and boatyard adjacent to the right-of-way to be vacated. The Board of Adjustment held a Public Hearing on this matter and recommended approval with the following conditions: that adequate parking arrangements to protect City infrastructure through easements, relocation and/or replacement is addressed; that public parking lost by vacation is, to the extend feasible, provided in public accessible areas; and that adequate off-street parking be provided as necessary to accommodate employment needs of the Port and Dakota Creek Industries. Mr. Ross O. Barnes, 1004 7th Street, suggested that Dakota Creek employee parking be provided off-street, and that public transportation needs be met, including the Tommy Thompson Trail extension to the Guemes Channel, via 3`d and 4th street frontage. Ms. Margaret Schwertner, Port of Anacortes, described the proposed truck route to Pier II, property 2025 MAY 15, 2006 - CONTINUED ownership, and number of employee parking spaces and locations. Mr. Munce pointed out that those issues raised by the Board of Adjustment will be addressed by the Council Planning Committee and City staff; the matter will come back to the full Council for disposition. There were no further comments and the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. Closed Record Meetinq: LDS Church Expansion — Conditional Use Mayor Maxwell initiated the Closed Record Meeting for the LDS Church expansion Conditional Use application to expand the existing church complex by adding a 3,100 square foot addition to an existing 12,274 square foot church, and to add 23 parking stalls to the existing 133 stalls. The project is located at 3720 "H" Avenue. Mr. Ian Munce, Planning Director, reported that the Planning Commission held a Public Hearing on this matter and recommended approval subject to conditions. All hearing exhibits and transcripts were forwarded to the Council prior to this meeting. Based on neighbors' testimony Mrs. Richardson recommended adding a 14th condition: "The dumpster shall be moved to a location near the center of the property to reduce noise impacts on neighbors; location to be approved by the Public Works Department." Mr. Bob Hyde, Director of Public Works, described the associated private waterline and hydrant maintenance issues. With the addition of Condition # 14, Mrs. Richardson moved, seconded by Mr. Hoboy to approve the LDS Church expansion Conditional Use and Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. Vote: Ayes - Petrish, Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, and Hoboy. Motion carried. Closed Record Meetinq: Prutzman — Conditional Use — Residences in the CM Zone Mayor Maxwell initiated the Closed Record Meeting for a Conditional Use Permit application submitted by David Prutzman (Channel Landing) to develop 9 residential units on 3.93 acres generally at 4406 and 4408 Oakes Avenue; the property is located in the CM Zone. Mr. Ian Munce, Planning Director, reported that the Planning Commission held a Public Hearing on this matter and recommended approval subject to conditions. During the hearing process, Mr. Prutzman expressed an interest in keeping Lots 7 and 8 for Commercial Marine use; however, the Planning Commission recommended the 9 lots be approved for residential use. Mr. Prutzman is committed to working with the City on retaining as many significant trees as possible. Additionally, the potential street access has been coordinated with the Woolworth property to the east and the Gilbane property to the west. Discussion followed regarding safety issues associated with access onto Oakes Avenue. Mr. Munce explained that, if approved, the Oakes access will be subject to intersection improvements including channelization and traffic signal preparation to be coordinated with the Department of Transportation. After discussion, Mr. Turner moved, seconded by Mr. Geer, to approve the Prutzman Conditional Use Permit for a 9 -lot residential project in the CM Zone together with the 24 conditions outlined in the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. Vote: Ayes — Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, Hoboy, and Petrish. Motion carried. Contract Award: Pump Station 15 Electrical Contract, 03 -070 -SEW -003 Mr. Bob Hyde, Director of Public Works, presented a request for Council approval of a contract between the City of Anacortes and Seven Sisters, Inc. for the necessary electrical work for the reconstruction of Pump Station 15 at the intersection of 12th Street and "B" Avenue. Bids were distributed to companies that are experienced with pump stations and can provide instantaneous response. The low bid was received from Seven Sisters, Inc. in the amount of $26,105.76. After discussion, Mr. Hoboy moved, seconded by Mr. Geer, to award the Pump Station 15 electrical work contract to Seven Sisters, Inc. in the amount of $26,105.76. Vote: Ayes — Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, Hoboy, Petrish, and Pickett. Motion carried. There being no further business, at approximately 9:50 p.m. the Mayor continued the Meeting to Wednesday, May 17, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. to conduct the Council's Comprehensive Plan work session. Wanda P. Johnson, City)Clerk-Treasurer H. Dean Maxwell, m6yor CV 'C uncllmembe June 5, 2006 At 7:30 pm. Mayor Maxwell called the regularly scheduled meeting of Monday, June 5. 2086 to order. Roll uoU found present Loren Hoboy, Nick Petrish' Erica Piokett, Brad Adanns, EUU Turner, Cynthia Richardson, and Brian Geer. Roll call was followed bythe Pledge ofAllegiance. Minutes ofPrevious K0emtinq , Mrs. Richardson recommended that the following sentence be deleted from page 2: Ordinanceio|| hczar�nes-trees.^ With that correction, Mr. , that minutes of 15 20OS be approved as if naed Vote' Pathshnnovod. seconded by Mr. 6a�r' a the �y . � � Ayee-Petriah. Pickett, Adanns, Turner, Richardson, Geer, and Hobny. Motion carried. CiiizeoHamrin-qs Nncitizens present wished totestify onmatters not onthe agenda. K0 dCounciYConnmmmmicatmm/ Mayor�'^. '`''xp`'presented '"''�, �ngCoonnnendmbonfor Police OfDcer(�hadPruie�vvhoeabnaveryand selflessness was responsible for saving a life and the prevention ofatragic drowning. He is to be commended for placing his own life at risk to assure the safety of member ofour community. Officer Pruitt received the Commendation to a standing ovation. Police Chief Mike King added that it was a p|eeauna and honor to award this commendation; Officer Pruiett's actions were representative of the City's officers who, when na||ed, are willing to take the hake and make the sacrifices that are being honored this evening. Ms. Nicole Johnston, the Recreation Coordinator for the Parka and Recreation Departmont, reported on the 14m annual Kids All American Fishing Derby at Heart Lake. Of the 83 participants, 53 caught fish. K8o Johnston said that the event would not have been possible without the support of the Fidalgo Chapter of the Puget Sound Anglers. The club members used their boats and equipment to take the children fishing; they also fed the families and participants. yWo. Johnston then presented o Certificate of Appreciation to Angler club member, Mr. Karl Frantz together with thanks from the City ofAn000rten Parks Department. Mr. Frantz said he took two young nnan out in his boat and they both caught their first fish. Mr. Fnantc, an employee of the City otthe Water Treatment P|ont, thanked the Parks Department personnel for allowing the Anglers to participate in this positive event. The Mayor then read the first of two Proclamations: A Proclamation designating Annoortes as "A City of One" participating in o global movement to significantly reduce poverty in 2006; the Mayor thanked Anocortes High School student' Ma. Lindsey Hearn, for her advocacy and for this noble cause and for bringing community focus hnthis significant campaign. The Mayor read o Proclamation designating June 2006 as Hire-o4/etenan Month in the City nfAnacodea; the Proclamation ready, in part. "VVheraam, we recognize those who have responded without hesitation tn the oa|| to duh/ and have aen*ad to make our country fnae, and those men and women that are serving today to keep our country free, especially our troops in troubled spots around the world." The Mayor asked for Council confirmation of the reappointment of Mr. David Sbston as the third ward representative on theAneoortes Improvement Board. Mr. Parrish an moved, seconded by Mr. Hoboy. The vote was unanimous. There will be a Public Safety Committee meeting June 6 th 4:00 p.m. at the Anacortes Police Department. Mr. Geer thanked the K8ayor. City ofAnomartes. and the citizens who participated in the Relay for Life fundraising emant- total donations to date: $82.000This significant effort tn carry on the fight against cancer will continue through August 31st Mrs. Richardson wished the Mayor oHappy Birthday. Tree Ordinance: P]amnimq Sub -committee Recommendation By way of background, Mr. Ian K8unce, Planning [>irector, explained that the Council's subcommittee met to review how the proposed tree preservation element can be incorporated into existing land clearing and landscaping statutes. Discussions have been held on updating land clearing provisions to include expanded environmental reviews, larger performance bonds, and arborist assessments. Additiono||y, significant restrictions will be placed on new development: If property is subdivided, those actions will trigger tree preservation requirements. Mr. yWunon added that the landscaping coda specifies that shrubbery alone is acceptable as ground cover; in the proposed language half ofplantings would typically be trees that grow to over 20' at maturity. It was agreed that drafts of the modified ordinances will be brought back toCouncil for review and possible adoption. JUNE 5, 2006 - CONTINUED ConsenAcienda Mrs. Richardson moved, seconded by Mr. Adams, to approve the following Consent Agenda items. Vote: Ayes — Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, Hoboy, Petrish, and Pickett. Motion carried. AoDroval ofVouchers/Cancellation ofWarrants Council voted unanimously that the following vouchers/warrants audited and certified by the City's Auditing Officer (Finance Director) and subsequently reviewed and approved by the Council Finance Committee on May 18. 2006, May 25, 2008, and Juno 1. 2006 are approved for payment os of this date June 5.2UO8. ! Claims Warrants May, 2006: Warrant Numbers 3G450through 3G7O2inthe total amount of$73U.2O9.25 PrewhttenVVernanbs: May, 2006: Warrant Numbers 3G447.38448.38440inthe total amount of$5.830.S4 PnvnnU#1for Mav15.2OOGinthe total amount uf$45U.198.0B Warrant Numbers 2Q112through 2Q17Sinthe total amount of$GG.784.8O Direct Deposit Numbers 1841Othrough 185GOinthe total amount of$241'743.15 EFT Numbers 550through 555inthe total amount of$141.67O.U3 |nthe same motion Council: Approved the Anacortes Arts Festival Street Fair application and associated downtown street closures for August 4, 2006 and August 5, 2006 from 10:00 .nn. to 8:30 p.m., and August 6, 2006 from 10:00 a.m. to | 5:00 p.m. Staff recommends approval subject to applicant's submitted plan and conditions regarding ' services. Mrs. Pickett asked that the City streets remain open until 6:00 p.m. on Thursday night. Award: Stevenson Road Sewer Contract Mr. Fred Buokenrnoyer, Assistant City Engineer, explained to the Council and audience that portions of the City in the yWan:h point area south ofHighway 2O are currently on septic systems. The City initiated the design for sanitary sewer in this area in 2002; the City has also worked with several property owners inthe area toseek grant money for economic development. The request before Council istnaward the construction contract for the Reservation, Stevenson, and Thompson Roads Sanitary Sewer extension construction project, Contract #03-012-GEVV-DU5. |ƒ awarded, afuture budget amendment for the project will berequired. Additionally, a Conditional Use application has been submitted for a small wetland buffer encroachment. Approximate project cost is $710,000. VVith that, Mr. Turner moved, seconded by Mr, Gear, to award Cnntnynt# 83-012-SEVV-005 to Trico Contracting in the amount of $682.412.04. Vote: Ayes—Tunner. Richardson, Gear, Hoboy, Pethsh' Pickett, and Adams. Motion carried. Interlocal Aqeementvvith Port of Commission Mc Gary Robinson, Park and Recreation Dinautor, presented an |ntadouo| Agnaanoant for Council review and adoption. The agreement establishes a structure for the Arts Commission to assist the Port in selecting artwork for their central plaza at the Cop Sante Boat Haven. Mr. David Corte|you, od commission nnernber, reported that the Commission has worked with the Port, with Island Hospital in acquiring fine art for their remodel project, and has had discussions with the State relative to the Ferry Terminal artwork selection process. The Commission has encouraged various types of artwork throughout the community. Mr. Adams commended the work of the Commission. With that, Mr. Hoboy nnoved, seconded by &1r. Gaer, to authorize the Mayor to enter into an Interlocal Agreement with the Port of Anacorteo regarding the City of Anaoortes Arts Commission — Selection of Artist and Conceptual Design for Central Plaza P|ooemarkerotthe Cap Sante Boat Hoven." Vote: Ayes - Richardson, Geer, Hoboy.Petriah,Pickett, Adams, and Turner. Motion carried. Closed Record KOeetoq: Woods atSunset Cove Planned Unit Development NF&0Uand Conditional Use Permits Mr. Gear said that he lives on Shannon Road near this project. Neither the applicant nor the appellant objected to Mr. Geer's participation. Mayor Maxwell initiated the Closed Record Meeting for the Woods mtSunset Cove Planned Unit Development and Conditional Use Permit applications. Mr. Ian K8unoo outlined the procedure for this PUD project. The Planning Commission held Public Hearings, took public testinnony, and conducted o site visit; all the extensive and complete application nnateria|o, exhibits, transcripts, and recommendations were forwarded to Council for review. K4c K8unoe then outlined the features of the project. Substantial buffer averaging is requested. The property was platted many years ego and the preliminary proposal re -designs rather than uses the old grid system; as a result the Woods lot layout better suits the terrain and works around the wetland areas. Mr. Munce then used a series of overheads to highlight the project area located off of Sunset Avenue and adjacent to Sunset Cove. Staff supports buffer area averaging in exchange for the wetland and buffer area oust over 7 acres) being deeded to the City; in that ragord, half the site would be in protected open space. While current zoning would allow for 52 units, the Woods proposal is for 25 units. No deviations from City standards were requested; small !oto are proposed; infrastructure will maintain the existing water balance; and Public Works will manage the detention levels and discharge rates. Final engineering will be brought back atthe preliminary plat process. The Planning Commission recommends approval subject to37conditions. One appeal was filed. 2028 JUNE 5, 2006 - CONTINUED Mr. Ross O. Barnes, 1004 7th Street, referred to his appeal and supporting documents. Speaking on behalf of himself and Evergreen Islands, he addressed issues that are not clarified in the existing conditions. In particular, lots on the north are reverse frontage lots and he recommended revisions for lots 1, 7, and 8 setbacks. He then challenged the water balance calculations submitted as part of the application; Mr. Barnes also discussed his concerns regarding water flow with regard to drainage basin C. He asked for clarification on the methods to be used. Mr. Glenn J. Amster, attorney with Lane Powell, 420 5th Avenue, spoke on behalf of the applicant, Chaffey Homes. Mr. Amster underscored that while the property is platted for 52 lots, the proposed lot layout adds design flexibility as the code suggests. That, together with a buffer averaging and reduced setbacks proposal, will provide for quality home sites. None of the next door neighbors filed an appeal of the Planning Commission recommendation. Further, the City's code establishes that the setbacks are to be determined by the Planning Coordinating Committee during the Final Development (Preliminary Plat) phase. With regard to the drainage issue, Mr. Barnes has introduced a new argument with his criticism of the hydrological analysis. Mr. Amster asked Council to reject Mr. Barnes' interpretations of the reports submitted with respect to retaining a predevelopment water regime. Mrs. Richardson asked for a clarification of the proposed setbacks. Ms. Marianne Manville-Ailles of Skagit Surveyors, said that reduced setbacks were requested so that design flexibility can be maintained; she referenced the project narrative for more detail. The proposal also includes upgrades to the drainage system in order to maintain the existing flows but not to exceed them. Mr. Fred Buckenmeyer, Assistant City Engineer, using an overhead display, described the water flow/drainage system in the project area. An increase in flow is not anticipated with the proposed mitigation. Mr. Hoboy suggested that "storm" be deleted in condition # 15. Mr. Adams emphasized the flexibility of this proposal and benefit to the community. Mrs. Richardson suggested certain amendments: add to Condition # 16 "... and shall also be subject to a Native Growth Protection Easement."; add to Condition # 23 ".. trees shall be included along all street frontages;" various typos were addressed; add to Condition # 37 "...and herbicides"; add two Conditions # 38 "Building setbacks adjacent to the wetland buffer shall be 20' minimum."; and Condition # 39 "front yard setbacks shall be 20 feet; rear yard setbacks shall be 10'; side yard setbacks shall be 5'; except 10' side yard setbacks on corner lots; and lot coverage shall not exceed 45%." Mrs. Pickett responded that it was clarified earlier in the discussion that setbacks would be designated at the Preliminary Plat stage. Mr. Hoboy supported Mrs. Richardson's buffer setback suggestion. Mr. Munce responded that these proposed changes may well cause a loss of the unique public benefit provided by this project. Mr. Turner suggested the use of an arborist to monitor lots adjacent to the buffer. After discussion, Mr. Adams moved, seconded by Mrs. Pickett, to approve the Woods at Sunset Cove Preliminary Development Plan together with the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law as recommended by the Planning Commission. Mr. Hoboy moved to amend the motion to include Mrs. Richardson's amendments. Mrs. Richardson seconded the motion. Vote on the amendment: Ayes — Hoboy, Richardson No - Geer, Petrish, Pickett, Adams, and Turner. Motion failed. Vote on the main motion: Ayes — Petrish, Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson, and Geer. No — Hoboy. Motion carried. Public Hearing: 2006 Development Regulations (referral to Planning Commission) Mayor Maxwell opened the Public Hearing to consider which proposals should receive further consideration as part of the 2006 Comprehensive Plan (CP) and Development Regulation (DR) Amendment process: Mr. Ian Munce, Planning Director, reviewed the three new proposals: (1) De -list the Anaco Bourn as a stream protected under the City's Critical Area Ordinance. (2) Delete the requirement that wetlands only be delineated by a professional wetland scientist. (3) Add a specific "Reasonable Use" exemption to stream regulations. Staff recommends that all three items be brought forward for Planning Commission consideration. The Planning Commission will also consider the remaining items from 2005 at that time. There were no further comments and the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. With that, Mrs. Pickett moved, seconded by Mrs. Richardson, to move these three items forward for further consideration by the Planning Commission. Vote: Ayes - Petrish, Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, and Hoboy. Motion carried. Executive Session At approximately 9:45 Mayor Maxwell announced that the City Council would convene in Executive Session to discuss City water rights litigation. At approximately 10:30 p.m. the Council reconvened and without taking any further action, continued the meeting to June 7, 2006 for the purpose of conducting the City Council Comprehensive Plan Work Session; Council then continued the meeting to June 12, 2006 for the purpose of conducting a Public Hearing: South Fidalgo Zoning and asso .ated issues. c f Y 1 Wanda P. Johnson, City Clerk -Treasurer H. Dean Maxwell, Mayor "�o uncilmember 2029 June 19, 2006 At 7:30 p.m. Mayor Maxwell called the regularly scheduled meeting of Monday, June 19, 2006 to order. Roll call found present Loren Hoboy, Nick Petrish, Brad Adams, Bill Turner, Cynthia Richardson, and Brian Geer. Absent: Erica Pickett. Roll call was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes of Previous Meetinq The minutes of June 5, 2006 will be available on July 3, 2006. Citizen Hearinqs Mr. Bill Mitchell, 807 27th Street, addressed the Mayor and Council regarding the Tommy Thompson Trail and the Depot Master Plan. Mr. Mitchell recently conducted informal community surveys regarding "Parkway" versus "Trail" to the Tommy Thompson Trail; regarding two designs for the Trail signage including a blue heron and Tommy Thompson's train; and regarding the use of Tommy Thompson's car house adjacent to the Depot as a Museum and as a place to present Bill Lowman's gill-netter, the 'Zig Zag." Mr. Mitchell suggested that the car house should be used for display not for storage; the building is ground level with easy public access. The Council received copies of a biography of Mr. Loman. Mr. Adams suggested that Mr. Mitchell work with the Museum Board and Parks Department for further support of his proposals. Mrs. Richardson pointed out that Mr. Mitchell's recommendations have been discussed as part of the Depot Master Plan development. Mr. Petrish suggested that a purse -seiner be preserved and included in the overall plan. Mayor Maxwell then introduced Mr. Randy Brackett, member of the Board of Directors, Washington Chapter of the American Public Works Association. Mr. Brackett was pleased to honor the City, Public Works Director, Mr. Bob Hyde, and the Public Works Department for the Tommy Thompson Trail project. It was reviewed along with a dozen other projects statewide and was selected as the best project of the year for those projects under $2,000,000. Mr. Brackett then presented a commemorative plaque to Mr. Hyde. Mayor/Council Communication' Mayor Maxwell introduced Ms. Wanda Johnson, Finance Director. Ms. Johnson reviewed the CFP and 2007 Budget calendar with the Council. The Budget process begins with the September 5th Mayor's address. Work sessions, Public Hearings, and Ordinance adoptions have also been scheduled; Mr. Hoboy supported a similar procedure as last year's. Mr. Petrish said his two areas of interest are historic district classification and the funding for the Depot Arts Center. Mrs. Richardson suggested starting the CFP plan discussions with the Depot Master Plan improvements; she also inquired about the Cemetery Master Plan implications with regard to the CFP. Mr. Hoboy asked to discuss economic development. Ordinance: Vacatinq Portions of New York Avenue, 2nd Street, and Ohio Avenue — The Isles Mr. Ian Munce, Planning Director, presented an Ordinance to Council for review and adoption. If adopted, the Ordinance would vacate those rights-of-way associated with off-site improvements included in The Isles Planned Unit Development project; Mr. Munce added this action constitutes compliance with the Development Agreement between the City of Anacortes and The Isles. Using an overhead, Mr. Munce highlighted those portions of West 2nd Street and New York Avenue to be vacated. Mr. Hoboy suggested that a reference to the Ohio access issue be included in the Ordinance. With that amendment, Mrs. Richardson moved, seconded by Mr. Geer, to adopt Ordinance No.2737 entitled "An Ordinance Vacating Certain Portions of New York Avenue adjacent to Blocks 1305 and 1405, west Second Street between Blocks 1503 and 1504, and Ohio Avenue lying within the extended northerly and southerly right-of-way of Section Street, all in the Northern Pacific Addition to the City of Anacortes." Vote: Ayes — Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, Hoboy, and Petrish. Motion carried. ........... .................... _................... ........... _.................. .............. __._............................... _........................ ............... .................................... _............................ ..... ......... ... Consent Aqenda Mr. Hoboy moved, seconded by Mrs. Richardson, to approve the following Consent Agenda items. Vote: Ayes — Petrish, Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, and Hoboy. Motion carried. Approval of Vouchers/Cancellation of Warrants Council voted unanimously that the following vouchers/warrants audited and certified by the City's Auditing Officer (Finance Director) and subsequently reviewed and approved by the Council Finance Committee on June 8, 2006 and June 15, 2006 are approved for payment as of this date June 19, 2006. Claims Warrants June, 2006: Warrant Numbers 36709 through 36921 in the total amount of $434,907.81 Prewritten Warrants: June, 2006: Warrant Number 36703 in the total amount of $20,548.72 EFT June, 2006: EFT Numbers 36704 through 36708 in the total amount of $687.00 Pavroll # 2 for Mav 31, 2006 in the total amount of $651,569.53, Warrant Numbers 39181 through 29262 in the total amount of $246,946.53 Direct Deposit Numbers 18567 through 18670 in the total amount of $252,761.60 EFT Numbers 556 through 561 in the total amount of $151,861.40 JUNE 19, 2006 - CONTINUED Cancelled WarrantWarrant Number 36503 in the total amount of $102.01In the same motion Council:Accepted the 2006 Waterline Replacement project (05-002-WTR-002) as complete. Final Plat The Breeze Mr. Turner stepped down from deliberation on this matter. Mayor Maxwell introduced the Final Plat application for The Breeze. Mr. Ian Munoe, Planning [}ineotur, explained that the project infrastructure and improvements have been installed, all conditions have been met, and a standard 2 -year Maintenance Bond inthe amount of$18.572.50isproposed. Additionally, City staff and the applicant worked together to meet the challenges of adverse site conditions not anticipated at the preliminary plat stoge, in particular, the need for a"small ou|-da-aac^ The Planning Commission reviewed haFinal Plat documents and recommended approval. Mr. Petrish inquired about the content of the Covenants and Restrictions for the Homeowners Association. After discussion, Mrs. Richardson nnoved, seconded by Mr. Petriah to approve the Rno\ Plat application for The Breeze as pnaaented, subject to the Maintenance Bond in the amount ofS18,572.5O. Vote: Ayes - Richardson, Geer, Hoboy.Pethsh,and Adams. Mr. Turner returned tothe Council Chambers. Closed Record H0eetmq: Cooditiona|UmePennit—CKck—Dupkyx inR2Zone, Mayor Maxwell initiated the Closed Record Meeting for Conditional Use application submitted by W1c Randy Click for a duplex to be located at 710 Fida|go Avenue. An existing house at this site has been removed. The Planning Commission held Public Hearings on this matter and all testimony, transcripts, and application materials have been forwarded tothe Council. During the Hearings the neighbors raised concerns over the layout and overall appearance of the proposed duplex; they felt it was not in keeping with the neighborhood atmosphere. Mr. Click responded with o revised design showing access for each unit from a different street (Fida\go Avenue and "S" Avenue) and with an architectural look similar to single family homes. The Planning Commission voted to recommend approval subject to conditions. No appeals were filed. K4c Randy Click, 806 Haddon Rnad, answered oquestion from yWc Hoboyregarding the evergreen trees located in the northwest corner of the property. Mr. Adams thanked K8c Click for responding to the neighborhood issues. Questions followed regarding vehicle off-street parking spaces. Mr. Turner also complimented the proposed design. W1m. Richardson said that the revised layout creates the look of two annaU houses. After discussion, Mrs. Richardson moved, seconded by Mr. Pstrioh' to approve the Conditional Use Application for the Click duplex project at 702 Fidalgo subject to the conditions contained in the Findings and Fact and Conclusions of Law recommended by the Planning Commission. Vote: Ayes—Geer, Hnboy, Pethsh, Adams, Turner, and Richardson. Motion carried. Closed Recerd8Oeetimq: Conditional Umn—StevenmmmRmmd—VVetlandBwffer Mayor Maxwell initiated the Closed Record meeting on aConditinma| Use application submitted by the City ofAnacortos Public Works Department. The sewer construction project on Stevenson/Thompson Roads will require a directional bore under the adjacent wetlands thereby disturbing proximally 1,400 feet ofwetland buffer. Mayor Maxwell added that while the directional bore procedure is more expensive it is the preferred method. The mitigation plan will be monitored and managed by professional wetland scientist. The Planning Commission held Public Hearings on this matter; there was no public testimony and the Commission voted to recommend approval subject to conditions outlined in the March 31, 2006 K8DNS issued by the City ofAnaomrtee. Vote: Ayes — Hoboy. Potriah, Adaona, Turner. Richardson, and Geer. Motion carried. Closed Record K8eetnm:Knutson Repbat Mayor Maxwell initiated the Closed Record Meeting for a Preliminary Plat (replat)application submitted by Douglas Knutson for an 8 -lot subdivision generally located at 5318 Sunset Avenue. The Rep|ot application includes a request for the vacation of the south 30' of Park Avenue adjacent to the subject property; the proposed hght-nf-vvoy. Grady Lane, will bededicated tothe City. Mr. Ian K8unco. Planning Dinaotor, used an overhead display to highlight the property location and to show the lot layout. The Planning Commission held Public Hearings on the matter and voted to recommend approval subject to 30 conditions. Also, g site visit was held and as o result, the Planning Conomniea\oo added Condition #2Q "Lots 7 and 8 shall not be sold separately as long as the garage remains on Lot 8." One appeal was filed with n portion of the appeal dedicated to o property line disputeIn that response to the appellants concerns, Mr. Knutson volunteered a 10` natural vegetation landscaping strip along that subject property The appellant was not av�|ob\efor comn1ente�houghher appeal forn�and non�rnentevvenaforwarded to the Co'mj| prior to this meeting. Having reviewed the appeal, K8c Turner nnoved, seconded by Mrs. Richardson, todeny the appeal. Vote: Ayoa-Pethoh. Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, and Hoboy. Motion carried. 2031 JUNE 19, 2006 - CONTINUED Questions followed regarding the Sunset Avenue plans in relationship to this project. Mr. Hoboy inquired about the center cul-de-sac landscape island referred to in Condition # 27. Mrs. Richardson asked about the enforcement of future ownership relationship for the 10' easement. Mr. Munce explained that a landscaping plan with easement language will be brought back to Council at the final plat stage. It was also explained that the inclusion of the vacated right of way into the project area, vacating of the underlying plat, and the resulting dedication of a City street have all triggered the replat process. With that, Mr. Hoboy moved, seconded by Mr. Petrish, to approve the Knutson Replat subject to the conditions and Findings of Fact and Conclusion of Law recommended by the Planning Commission. Vote: Ayes — Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, Hoboy, and Petrish. Motion carried. There being no further business, at approximately 9:00 p.m. Mayor Maxwell adjourned the regularly scheduled meeting of June 19, 2006. Wanda P. Johnson, Ciify Clerk -Treasurer _&AA4"V� Cduncilmember (:W�L 044�� H. Dean Maxwell, Mayor 2032 July 3, 2006 The Mayor called the regularly scheduled meeting of July 3, 2006 to order at 7:30 p.m. Roll call found present: Loren Hoboy, Nick Petrish, Erica Pickett, Brad Adams, Bill Turner, and Cynthia Richardson. Absent: Brian Geer Roll call was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes of Previous Meetinq Mr. Petrish moved, seconded by Mr. Adams, to approve the minutes as corrected. Vote: Ayes — Richardson, Picket, Hoboy, Turner. Motion carried. Citizen Hearings No citizens present wished to testify on matters not on the agenda. Mavor/Council Communication ' American Red Cross — Carina for Kids: Mayor Maxwell presented the program by the American Red Cross — Caring For Kids. This is a program to help assure that every child on Fidalgo Island starting the first day of school is equipped with clothing, shoes and supplies. Caring for Kids is run through the local Red Cross. They have a list of items they are seeking. Anyone wishing to help should contact either Kelly Highberg or Michele Hanson at the Anacortes American Red Cross. Comprehensive Plan — Transportation:, The Mayor emphasized that the City Council will be going though the transportation element of the Comprehensive Plan and making revisions. The 2006 Comprehensive Plan has not been approved by the City Council as of yet. Kisakata. Japan: Mr. Petrish presented a letter from the Mayor of Kisakata, Japan, inviting Brian Geer to represent the City of Anacortes to a ceremony to celebrate the building of a monument in honor of the sister city relationship between Anacortes and Kisakata. Unfinished Business Public Works Citizens Advisory Board: Mr. Hyde, Public Works Director, asked to reactivate the Public Works Citizens Advisory Board that would help Public Works and Mayor determine the effectiveness and functions of public works projects. A new committee consisting of five people has been approved. The nominees include Lynn Folsom as Chair along with John Polk, Kirk Kennedy, Jim Pemberton and Ken Wilson. Ms. Folsom will also be a member of the Public Works Sub -Committee (in addition to the three council members) that meets once a month on the first Friday. She will be the link to the Public Works Committee. Mr. Petrish moved to appoint the nominees, seconded by Mr. Hoboy. Ayes: Richardson, Pickett, Turner and Adams. Motion carried. I—_ ............... ­ ­ ......................................... ­ ................................... ............ ............... ... . . .............................. Consent Agenda Mr. Adams moved, seconded by Ms. Pickett, to approve the following Consent Agenda items. Vote: Ayes — Turner, Richardson, Petrish and Hoboy. Motion carried. Approval of VoucherslCancellation of Warrants: Council voted unanimously that the following vouchers/warrants audited and certified by the City's Auditing Officer (Finance Director) and subsequently reviewed and approved by the Council Finance Committee on June 22, 2006 and June 29, 2006 are approved for payment as of this date April 17, 2006. Claim Warrants June, 2006: Warrant Numbers 36927 through 37086 in the total amount of $541,901 EFT Claims June, 2006: EFT Numbers 36922 through 36926 in the total amount of $448.00 Payroll Warrants Payroll #1 for the June 16, 2006 in the total amount of $462,100.93 Warrant Numbers 29263 through 29334 in the total amount of $71,289.15 Direct Deposit Numbers 18737 through 18887 in the total amount of $245,854.80 EFT Numbers 562 through 567 in the total amount of $144,956.98 Cancellation of Warrants Warrant Number 36754 in the amount of $4.00 Warrant Number 36815 in the amount of $14.00 Warrant Number 36823 in the amount of $5.00 Warrant Number 36917 in the amount of $25.00 .............. ............. ............ .......................... .......................... ........ . . 10 2033 JULY 3, 2006 - CONTINUED New Business Technical Corrections to the Buildinq Codes Ordinance: Mr. Ed Frank presented a revised building codes Ordinance. Technical errors and omissions were recently discovered which include coordinating with the language in the Zoning Ordinance and a clause to establish an inspection fee in those instances where the applicant failed to pick up their permit prior to starting their work. Mr. Hoboy moved to approve the technical corrections as presented (Ordinance 2738, Adopting the International Building Code, International Building Code Standards, International Mechanical Code, International Fire Code, Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, Uniform Plumbing Code, Providing for the Issuance of Permits and Collection of Fees Therefore, Providing Certain Changes to Said Codes, Providing Penalties Therefore, and Repealing Ordinance Number 2669, Passed and Approved on the 21St day of June 2004) seconded by Mr. Petrish. Vote: Ayes — Pickett, Turner, Richardson and Adams. Assistance to the Homeless: Mr. Munce presented a request for continued support of the Skagit County Community Action Agency Homeless Assistance Program. After discussion, Mr. Turner moved to go forward with the proposed interlocal agreement, seconded by Mr. Hoboy. Vote: Ayes — Richardson, Pickett, Adams and Petrish. Ordinance Identifvinq an Aqent to Receive Damaqe Claim: Mr. Munce presented the issue regarding naming the person within the City that accepts service of lawsuits filed against the City. Currently Wanda Johnson, as City Clerk, accepts any claims against the City. Wanda Johnson has officially changed her last name to Phillips and will be signing all documents as Wanda Phillips. Mrs. Richardson voted to adopt Ordinance 2739 entitled An Ordinance Repealing Ordinance No. 2684 Identifying an Agent to Receive Damage Claims and Identifying City Clerk Wanda Phillips as Agent to Receive Damage Claims. The motion was seconded by Mr. Adams. Vote: Ayes — Turner, Hoboy, Petrish and Pickett. The Mayor reported that the fireworks donation fund is currently up to approximately $15,000 for the 4th of July display; he thanked all those who contributed time and money to this community event. There being no further business, at approximately 8:45 p.m. Mayor Maxwell adjourned the regularly scheduled meeting of July 3, 2006. Wanda P. Johnson, Citi Clerk -Treasurer H. Dean Maxwell,/Mayor *ucilm�eZer 2034 July 17, 2006 At 7:30 p.m. Mayor Maxwell called the regularly scheduled meeting of Monday, July 17, 2006 to order. Roll call found present Loren Hoboy, Nick Petrish, Erica Pickett, Brad Adams, Bill Turner, Cynthia Richardson, and Brian Geer. Roll call was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes of Previous Meetinq Mayor Maxwell pointed out that the minutes of July 3, 2006 should note that Mr. Geer was absent. With that correction, Mr. Petrish moved, seconded by Mr. Adams, that the minutes of July 3, 2006 be approved as if read. Vote: Ayes — Petrish, Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, and Hoboy. Motion carried. Citizen Hearinqs No citizens present wished to testify on matters not on the agenda. Mayor/Council Communication Mayor Maxwell announced that Mr. Allen Lindbo is the current recipient of the City's Safety Incentive Award. The Mayor explained that the Wastewater Treatment Plant operators have to maneuver heavy and cumbersome equipment during maintenance and repair. This moving process is slow and has led to injuries. With that in mind, Mr. Lindbo suggested the City purchase a portable hydraulic roll -around table to help move the heavier equipment. The purchase was made, and the new table provides for a more efficient process, and more importantly, for a safer working environment. Ms. Becky Fox, Treatment Plant Lab Supervisor, accepted the award on Mr. Lindbo's behalf. Ms. Nicole Johnston, Recreation Supervisor, announced that the first annual Art Dash Half Marathon and 5K Fun Run will be held on July 29 h; children 12 and under can run for free. The Run will start at City Hall and end at the Port warehouse for closing ceremonies and awards. The event will also kick off the Fire Art Show at the Port; in that regard, Run participants are encouraged to dress artistically. Registrations will be taken up to the day of the event. The Mayor and Council thanked Ms. Johnston for this and other excellent Recreation programs. Mr. Petrish shared that the Seattle Times picked Tommy Thompson's Trail as the "Hike of the Week". Also, Mr. and Mrs. Petrish recently spent time in the Bellingham Fairhaven District and Port of Bellingham facility. A business owner in the Fairhaven area said that the successful revitalization program was due, in part, to the significant number of condos in the Fairhaven neighborhood. ........................................................................................ ................... .... ... .................................. ............._............. _................................ _............................. ..................................... ................................. _... _...... ......................................................... ConsentAgenda Mr. Hoboy moved, seconded by Mr. Geer, to approve the following Consent Agenda items. Vote: Ayes — Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, Hoboy, and Petrish. Motion carried. Approval of Vouchers/Cancellation of Warrants, Council voted unanimously that the following vouchers/warrants audited and certified by the City's Auditing Officer (Finance Director) and subsequently reviewed and approved by the Council Finance Committee on July 6, 2006 and July 13, 2006 are approved for payment as of this date July 17, 2006. i Claims Warrants July, 2006: Warrant Numbers 37094 through 37338 in the total amount of $983,397.34 EFT July, 2006: EFT Numbers 37088 through 37093 in the total amount of $1,511.00 Prewritten Warrants: July, 2006: Warrant Number 37087 through $501.43 Pavroll # 1 for June 30. 2006 in the total amount of $686.199.52 Warrant Numbers 28335 through 29421 in the total amount of $241,306.40 Direct Deposit Numbers 18888 through 18991 in the total amount of $245,484.09 EFT Numbers 537 through 573 in the total amount of $199,409.03 Cancelled Warrant Warrant Number 37011 in the amount of $264.00 In the same motion Council: Approved the Eagles Annual Barbecue Street Fair Application; the event will take place on August 18, 19, and 20, 2006 from 7:00 a.m. to 8:OO p.m. each day. .......................................................................................................................................................... Tourism Committee Appointments/Schedule Mr. Ian Munce, Planning Director, presented the proposed annual cycle for the 2007 Tourism Promotion Fund program. Applications will be due to the City's Legal Department by September 15, 2006; applications will be reviewed by the Council Committee on September 29, 2006; and Committee recommendations will be presented to the Council on October 16, 2006. The Fund supports projects which bring tourist dollars to the City's economy; the grant funds must be used for costs associated with promotion/advertisement of the project. The Mayor, 2 representatives from the hospitality industry, and Councilmembers Geer, Petrish, and Adams will form the 2007 Committee. Mr. Adams asked for some flexibility regarding the September 29th meeting time. With that, Mrs. Richardson moved, seconded by JULY 17, 2006 - CONTINUED Mrs. Pickett to approve the 200Tourism Promotion Fund Time Line and Committee participants. Vote: Ayes — Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, Hoboy.Pehish.and Pickett, Motion carried. Closed RmomrdKAeetimq: Comdddona|UsoPemnit—Pattenson—TwoDoplexamin the 2 Zone — 3S'n Street and '^D',Avenue Mrs. Richardson characterized her previous conversations with the Testermano. property owners hothe east ofthe Patterson project. Mayor Maxwell then initiated the Closed Record Meeting for mConditional Use application submitted by Mr. Chuck Patterson todevelop two duplexes generally located along the east side of "D" Avenue, south of the 35m Street right-of-way; the duplex property is in the R-2 Zone. &1r. Ian Munce, Planning Director, used an overhead display to identify the condominium developments in the adjacent R-4 high density zone. Mr. Patterson also owns R-4 zoned property to the south of the duplex {oto and, as part ofhis ovansU development plan, proposes to develop o 12 -unit condominium building at that location. ''D" Avenue 000esa and sight visibility were initial concerns and staff encouraged the applicant to develop 35mStreet to the north. Neighbors suggested that increased density could be an issue; however, the duplexes will provide a transition from high density to residential housing. Conditions were recommended regarding temporary access and easements to the Testmnnan property. The Planning Commission held Public Hearings and recommended approval subject to 17 conditions. Although the applicant expressed some reservations about the additional proposed condition regarding sidewalk development, noappeals were filed. Council questions followed regarding required parking, zoninQ, and easements. In that regard, K8na. Richardson recommended: amending Condition No. 10: "Prior to Building Permit issuance for the duplexes permanent easements shall be provided for ingress and egress to the existing single family residence easterly of the project site and to the multi -family and duplex units."; adding Condition # 18: "The applicant shall provide a City water connection, at no charge, to the Testerman property easterly of the project site." With those changes, Mrs. Richardson moved, seconded by Mr. Hoboy. bnapprove the Patterson Conditional Use application for the development of two duplexes subject to 18 conditions, and toadopt the Findings ofFact and Conclusions ofLaw amamended. Vote Ayea—Turner. Richardson, Geer, Hoboy.pethah.Pickett, and Adams. Motion carried. Tree Preservation Ordinance Mr. Ian YNunoe, Planning Director, presented an Ordinance to Council for review and adoption. This Ordinance represents interim zoning and subdivision controls for tree preservation. Mr. K8unma recapped the intensive City and public participation in the development of new code language to protect trees. As the public hearings and committee meetings prognaaeed. Counoi|nnemnbans noted that the City's existing Lend Clearing and Landscaping Ordinances will contribute to and be affected by the new tree preservation controls. Mr. K8unce highlighted key features of the new code language: tougher land clearing requirements; controls will be triggered by subdivision activity; half ofnew plantings shall be trees. The use of all components (landscaping, land deahng, and tree preservation) and the overall application process will bereviewed and evaluated. Staff recommends moving forward with adopting the immediate protections provided by this interim Ordinance. Mr. Turner recommended to the community tomake use ofanarborist during the planning phase ofland development. APublic Hearing will beheld in GOdays toconsider a progress report onthe new code language. Mr. Adams clarified that private property owners can take action to protect their property from hazardous trees. With that. Mrs. Richardson nnovod, seconded by Mrs. Pickett, to adopt Ordinance No. 2741 entitled "An Ordinance Adopting Interim Zoning and Subdivision Controls for Tree Pneservation." Vote: Ayes — Richardson, Geer, Hoboy, Psdhoh, Pickett. Adams, and Turner. Motion carried. Mrs. Pinkett thanked all the volunteers who worked over the last two years toward the preservation of trees. publicBamrina: Wetland Ordinance Amendment Mayor K8oxvveU initiated the Public Hearing to consider staff proposed changes to City Critical Area Ordinance provisions regarding VVet|and Exemptions and Wetland Buffers. Mr. Ian K8unca. P|onn�.nQ Director, explained that this contested issue will be brought before the Growth Hearings Board; the Council has received all public comment submitted thus far. Mr. K8unoeexp\ained that beginning with the adoption of the wetland Ordinance in 1990, the Qty ofAnacortea has consistently protected wetlands, Under the current statute revievv, two key issues have emerged: what size wetland could be exempted from the Drdinonoe, and what is the appropriate buffer width. The Department of Ecology naoomonnenda using Best Management Practices guidelines in defining a wetland's quality of habitat. That assessment would then determine the buffer width; yNc Knunoe used an overhead chart to i||umtrobs the proposed buffer characteristics and width ranges. Property owners ofwetlands ofless than 4.O0Osquare feet are entitled to fill with mitigation. Mr. K8unce said that the Ordinance before Council balances both environmental preservation and development community interests. Ms. Margaret Studer, 1114 20th Street, on behalf of Evergreen Islands, stated that wetlands are a vital key hxhealthy habitat nomatter what their size. She then spoke against exempting the small wetlands. She spoke for wildlife corridor protections and to keep stornnvvater nutfa||a out of wetland buffer areas. Mr. Ross {}. Barnes, 1OO47 t»Street.onbeho|fofhimoe|fandEvergreen|s|ands.pnaaanteda|etternagarding minimum wetland exemptions. He said that the proposed Ordinance omits wildlife corridor protections; column 3 should be added back to Table 1 -a; categories of sensitive wetlands should be added back into the Ordinance; and that buffer averaging be removed from the proposal. Mr. Gene Derig, 1302 K Avenue, spoke against the City's proposal. Ms. Ellen Gray, Futurevvise.submitted aletter toCouncil; she then offered that the staffs proposal under protects important wetlands and overprotects unimportant wetlands. The Ordinance should incorporate wetiand protections based on variety of land use intensities 2030 JULY 17, 2006 - CONTINUED and incorporate protections based on that intensity. Exempted wetlands should require mitigation for the values that they hold. There were no further comments and the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. Mr. Petrish asked for a map showing available information regarding wetlands and buffers. Mrs. Richardson asked to consider a more gradual difference between points and associated buffer widths. This matter will be brought back to Council for further study. Proposed Ordinance for Communitv Advertising on Solid Waste Trucks Mr. Bob Hyde, Director of Public Works, presented an Ordinance to Council for review and adoption. If adopted the Ordinance would provide a process whereby non-profit organizations could advertise on the sides of solid waste trucks. Charge for advertising would be $50.00/month/side. The organization would provide the sign; the same sign review process/criteria for the Commercial Banner would be used. After discussion, Mr. Geer moved, seconded by Mr. Hoboy to adopt Ordinance No. 2740 entitled "An Ordinance Establishing a Solid Waste Truck Public Service Advertising Program." Votes: Ayes — Geer, Hoboy, Petrish, Pickett, Adams, Turner, and Richardson. Motion carried. There being no further business, at approximately 9:20 p.m. Mayor Maxwell continued the meeting to Monday, July 24, 2006 for the purpose of considering the Lehman Appeal. Wanda P. Phillips, -pity Clerk -Treasurer H. Dean Maxwel , Mayor 64 JULY 24, 2006 - CONTINUED FROM JULY 17, 2006 The Mayor called the continued meeting of July 17, 2006 to order at 7:30 p.m. Roll call found present: Nick Petrish, Erica Pickett, Brad Adams, Bill Turner, and Cynthia Richardson. Absent: Loren Hoboy and Brian Geer Roll call was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Contract Award HDR for Phase II — Transportation Comprehensive Plan Mr. Bob Hyde, City Public Works Director, introduced a proposed contract award to HDR for Phase II of the Transportation Comprehensive Plan update. Mr. Hyde explained the details of the scope of work presented and explained that $45,000 of the total negotiated price of $139,972 would be reimbursed from the Washington State Department of Transportation. Finally, Mr. Hyde explained the detailed public participation process that had gone into this scope of work. After discussion, Mr. Turner moved that the contract be awarded to HDR as presented. The motion was seconded by Mr. Adams and passed unanimously. Construction Contract Award Rinker Materials — Skvline Division Six Overlays, Mr. Hyde, City Public Works Director, then presented the bids that have been received for the Skyline Division Six Street Overlays. One bid was from Rinker Materials of Everett in the amount of $403,622.50. The other bid was from Lakeside Industries in the amount of $501,851.50. After discussion, Mr. Adams moved that the contract be awarded to the low bidder, Rinker Materials of Everett. The motion was seconded by Ms. Pickett and passed unanimously. This continued meeting of July 17, 2006 was adjourned at 7:45 p.m. (Al iViol P -- ., � L A4, Wanda P. Phillips, CitV Clerk -Treasurer H. Dean Maxwell, Mayor Coun ilmember August 7, 2006 At 7:30 p.m. Mayor Maxwell called the regularly scheduled meeting of Monday, August 7, 2006 to order. Roll call found present Loren Hnboy, Nick Pethsh, Erica Pickett, Brad Adams, Bill Turner, Cynthia Richardson, and Brian Geer. Roll call was followed bythe Pledge ofAllegiance. Minutes of Previous 8#eetinq Mr. Petrish moved, seconded by Mr. Geer to approve the minutes of July 17, 2006 and July 24, 2006 as if read. Vote: Ayes —Pethah'Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, and Hoboy. Mr. Hoboyabstained m from voting onthe minutes ofJuly 24 . Motion carried. CitizemHemri=cis Nocitizens present wished totestify nnmatters not nnthe agenda. Communication, `'� - - Cities for Climate Protection Mayor Maxwell introduced Ms. Coley Gibaon, Program Assistant for the Cities for Climate Protection Campaign (CCP). Through this program, KAe. Gibson provided o baseline emissions analysis for the City and community. Ms. Gibson explained that |CLB —Looa| Governments for Sustainability, is avvoddvvide movement dedicated to achieving innpnovonnonte in global environmental conditions through cumulative local action. The CCP Campaign, the largest /CkB program, has been made possible through a partnership with the Northwest Clean Air Agency in Mt. Vernon. yWa. Gibann'a presentation to the K4oynr and Council included the following information: overview of the science regarding greenhouse gas amiaaiona� regional impacts of climate change including reduced snow pack in the Washington Caacoden, increased risk offorest fires and pest invoaionn, coastal arosion, and elevated levels of air pollution and smog. Ms. Gibson reported that the base year emissions inventory is oonnp/ete, and an emissions reduction target and timeframe has been recommended together with a local action plan. The recommended emissions reduction target is 15% below 2000 levels by 2020. Ms. Gibson also inventoried the measures already underway otthe City horeduce emissions including the new boiler atCity Hall, energy efficient |ighUng, hybhd vehio|es, and a residential recycling program. Recommendations were submitted for future action and methods for achieving these measures. Suggested actions included development ofa trip reduction program with incentives for people to drive less; lighting retrofits; promotion of green building practices; expansion of the recycling program to include the commercial sector. The City was encouraged to adopt a reduction target; to further develop an action plan; to utilize a PSE resource conservation manager program; to form a community committee to support the conservation manager; and to incorporate these policies and regulations into the City's Transportation, Comprehensive, and Capital Facilities Plans. K8a. Gibson concluded by thanking the K8mymr and Council for the opportunity to work with the City ofAnaoortea on this exciting program. [We. Gibson also thanked Mr. Russ Pittis, Facilities K4onager, for his support during her internship. The Mayor and Council expressed appreciation for Ms. Gibaon's well thought out presentation and for her professionalism and enthusiasm ingathering this significant data. Reaopointnnent Museum Board — Lewis Jones The K8uaeunn staff has recommended the reappointment ofMr. Lewis Jones to the Museum Advisory Board. The Mayor asked for Council confirmation of that appointment. Mrs. Richardson so nnoved, seconded by Mr. Hoboy. Vote: Ayem— Piokatt, Adams, Turner, Richardsnn, Geer. Hoboy. and Petriah. Motion carried. K8c Geer just returned from participating in the 1nm anniversary of the Sister City relationship between Kjnakate. Japan and Amncortea. K8c Geer presented the Mayor with n gift from K8ayorYokoyamo. The Mayor thanked Mr. Geer for his representation atthis significant event. Mrs. Richardson remarked on the successful Ahs Festival and congratulated the event organizers and clean-up crew. K8ernbena of the Wrestling Club he/pad with clean-up and behind the scenes support throughout the festival. Pn|ioa Chief King said there was just one minor incident reported during the entire weekend. Ordinance: |normmsinqWetland Protections Mc|onK8unoo.PkanningOinacto[praeantedanOndinanoehoCounoi|fnrreviexwnndadopdon, If adopted, the City's wetland protection levels would be increased. With regard to protection levels, the Department of Ecology said that if performance measures were added to the Ordinance the City could require slightly smaller buffers. Other features include significant habitat function ranking, and the reduction ofthe regulatory exemption to1,0OOsquare feet. Mr. KAunoeadded that the changes reflected inthe Ordinance meet DOE requirements. Mr. K8unoealso pointed out that these new vvet|and protections will be reviewed during the City's annual Comp Plan and Development Regulation amendment/review process. With that, K8c Psthsh rnoved, seconded by K8c Adams, tnadopt Ordinance No. 2743 entitled "An Ordinance Amending Critical Areas Ordinance No. 2702 Passed and Approved April 18,2O05with Respect toWetland Exemption and Wetland Buffers"Vote: Ayae—Adanno.Tunnar. Richardson, Geer, Hoboy, Pethsh.and Pickett. Motion carried. 1 AUGUST 7, 2006 - CONTINUED ............... ... I .................. _....... ........ ........................... ............... .................... ............... _.................................... ...................... ................................. ............................... ............ Consent Aqenda Mr. Geer moved, seconded by Mr. Petrish, to approve the following Consent Agenda item. Vote: Ayes — Turner, Richardson, Geer, Hoboy, Petrish, Pickett, and Adams. Motion carried. Approval of Vouchers/Cancellation of Warrants Council voted unanimously that the following vouchers/warrants audited and certified by the City's Auditing Officer (Finance Director) and subsequently reviewed and approved by the Council Finance Committee on July 19, 2006, July 26, 2006, and August 2, 2006 are approved for payment as of this date August 7, 2006. Claims Warrants July, 2006: Warrant Numbers 37346 through 37633 in the total amount of $661,781.53 EFT Aug, 2006: EFT Numbers 37341 through 37345 in the total amount of $1,125.00 Prewritten Warrants: July/Aug, 2006: Warrant Number 37339, 37340 in the total amount of $367.00 Pavroll # 1 for Julv 14. 2006 in the total amount of $467.720.62 Warrant Numbers 29422 through 29497 in the total amount of $71,117.14 Direct Deposit Numbers 19058 through 19208 in the total amount of $245,284.25 EFT Numbers 574 through 581 in the total amount of $151,319.23 Pavroll # 2 for August 1, 2006 in the total amount of $644.283.39 Warrant Numbers 29498 through 29583 in the total amount of $242,429.48 Direct Deposit Numbers 19209 through 19311 in the total amount of $247,605.47 EFT Numbers 582 through 587 in the total amount of $154,248.44 Cancelled Warrants Warrant Number 36409 in the amount of $1,489.13 Warrant Number 34790 in the amount of $51.00 .__..............................................................................................__... ........................................................................._................. ................... : Ordinance Adoptinq 2007 CFP (Public Hearing) Mayor Maxwell opened the Public Hearing to take comments on the City's 2007 Capital Facilities Plan (CFP). Written comments on the CFP are welcome; a Public Hearing will be held at a later date for the adoption of the 2007 Budget and CFP. Copies of the Plan are available at the information desk at City Hall. There were no comments from the audience and the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. Mr. Hoboy asked if the Pennsylvania Avenue improvement design plan schedule could be moved up. The Mayor explained that with extensive permitting and environmental work still to be done construction won't be scheduled until 2008. Mr. Jeff Miller, Assistant City Engineer, reported that a design contract for the Pennsylvania Avenue improvements will be brought to Council for approval; however, wetland mitigation work and right-of-way issues will put the project outside the 2007 schedule. After discussion, Mr. Petrish moved, seconded by Mr. Geer, to adopt Ordinance No. 2742 entitled "An Ordinance Adopting the Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) for the 6 -Year Period 2007-2012." Vote: Ayes — Richardson, Geer, Hoboy, Petrish, Pickett, Adams, and Turner. Motion carried. San Juan Passage Planned Unit Development (Gilbane): Preliminary Plat Phase Mr. Turner stepped down from deliberation on this matter. Mayor Maxwell initiated Council review of the Preliminary Plat of the 100 residential lot San Juan Passage Planned Unit Development. Mr. Ian Munce, Planning Director, explained that earlier this year the Council approved the concept for the San Juan Passage PUD; the transfer of wetlands to the City, funding for the Ship Harbor Interpretive Preserve, and access issues have been addressed through conditions. The applicant has submitted detailed drawings and has been working with City staff to make sure the conditions were addressed in the revised submission; staff recommends approval. The Planning Commission held a Public Hearing and all comments and exhibits were forwarded to the Council. Mr. Munce pointed out that the intersection at Edwards Way and Oakes and signalization issue was to have been addressed at the Preliminary Plat stage; that has not been done. Staff recommends that the implementation of the intersection improvements be deferred to the Final Plat stage. One appeal was filed by Mr. Jon Briggs. Mr. Jon Briggs, 2808 Morrison Court, appealed the Planning Commission recommendation because the preliminary plat submittal does not incorporate all of the approved conditions nor does it provide the required information for preliminary plat submittals. He suggested that more detailed information should be provided verifying that the trail can be constructed as shown; without that verification the sidewalk exception should not be granted. Mr. Briggs then turned to Condition # 10 regarding improvements to the intersection of Edwards and Oakes Avenue; he pointed out that there was no detailed intersection design or any evidence that the intersection will meet level of service "C". Also, two lots have 20 feet of frontage rather than the 30' minimum required in Condition # 29. Condition # 31 (c) states that existing mature trees shall be saved where feasible. The Plat does not include the tree clearing plan indicating the site vegetation to be removed as required by Code. Mr. Russell Lindquist, Gilbane Development, stated that the applicant will comply with all the conditions of the PUD approval. The trail referred to by Mr. Briggs is currently used by the public and can be navigated. Again, the applicant will comply with City and Department of Transportation requirements for the intersection improvements. Trees will be saved where feasible and when they will not create a hazard; the applicant will continue to work with the State of 2039 AUGUST 7, 2006 - CONTINUED Washington on a clearing plan. Mr. Lindquist concluded that the Preliminary Plat is in compliance with the project conditions. Mrs. Richardson emphasized the need for a connecting trail to Portalis; Mr. Lindquist will work with the Portalis subdivision for the development of a common connection. Discussion followed regarding the pedestrian trail characteristics and the channelization plan. On a question from Mr. Hoboy, Mr. Fred Buckenmeyer said that the large parcel stormwater plan addresses staff issues. Staff recommends that the conditions clarify that final plat approval will not be issued without complete compliance with all development requirements. After discussion, Mr. Geer moved, seconded by Mrs. Richardson to deny the appeal and to approve the San Juan Passage PUD Preliminary Plat with the following amendment to Condition # 10: "...The selection and the details of the intersection design shall be determined as an integral part of Final Plat approval; the intersection shall be level of service C." Vote: Ayes — Geer, Hoboy, Petrish, Pickett, Adams, Richardson. Motion carried. Mr. Turner returned to the Council Chambers. Resolution: International Ferry Tourism Marketinq, Mr. Ian Munce, Planning Director, presented a Resolution to the Council for review and adoption. If adopted, the Resolution identifies expenses properly incurred by the Chamber of Commerce under its contract with the City for the allocation of tourism promotion funds for International Ferry Marketing for 2005. In that regard, the Resolution directs that the 2005 marketing contract be extended through December 31, 2006. After discussion, Mr. Adams moved, seconded by Mrs. Richardson, to adopt Resolution No. 1726 entitled "A Resolution to Authorize Extending the Term of the International Ferry Marketing Contract with the Anacortes Chamber of Commerce." Vote: Ayes — Hoboy, Petrish, Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson, and Geer. Motion carried. Amendment to Consultinq Contract for Water Transmission Line Proiect — Segments 5 and 6 Mr. Gordon Bruchner, Special Projects Engineer, presented the new design parameters and related work necessary to cover approximately 3,300 feet of the 16,600 foot length of the Segments 5 and 6 of the 36 - inch water transmission pipeline. Difficulties in easement acquisition and potential construction concerns regarding proximity to existing buildings have prompted modifications to the pipeline alignment route. The total increased cost to the City is $41,321.00. After discussion, Mr. Turner moved, seconded by Mrs. Pickett, to approve Change Order # 4 to the Segments 5 and 6 Design Contract (MWH Americas, Inc.). Vote: Ayes — Petrish, Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, and Hoboy. Motion carried. Sunset Avenue Construction Contract Award Mr. Jeff Miller, Assistant City Attorney, presented a request to Council to approve the Construction Contract with Colacurcio Brothers for the Sunset Avenue Improvement Projects. Four bids were received; approval of the contract award will require a Budget amendment. The project will improve pedestrian safety, roadway connectivity, and enhance the area; additionally, two water quality structures to treat the storm water prior to being discharged into Burrows Bay will be provided. With that, Mrs. Richardson moved, seconded by Mrs. Pickett, to authorize the Mayor to enter into an agreement with Colacuricio Brothers for the Sunset Avenue Improvement Projects in the amount of $2,049,783.00. Vote: Ayes — Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, Hoboy, and Petrish. Motion carried. Service Agreements) with Skaqit Countv Mayor Maxwell read a July 31, 2006 letter from the Skagit County Board of Commissioners seeking funding support from Cities in Skagit County; the funding will be necessary as the County proposes to cut certain regional programs as part of the County's 2007 Budget process. The letter offered that cities within the County derive benefits from these programs thereby justifying the request for additional city support. The Commissioners hoped to discuss this matter at the next SCOG meeting and to investigate means to share revenues including redistributing sales tax revenue from the current percentages. Mayor Maxwell then reviewed a letter responding to these issues. The letter states that the City has always been open to discussing ways to improve services to our residents and businesses. The letter drew attention to the following City services: libraries, EMS, water, and solid waste; it also emphasized that RCW 36.115 envisions a process in which both City and County issues are addressed. Ultimately the necessary work could be completed in time for the City's 2008 budgets. In the interest of good faith discussions it is essential that programs important to cities not be cut in the County's 2007 budget and that no general tax increase over 1 % is imposed on City residents and business. There being no further business, at approximately 9:20 p.m. Mayor Maxwell adjourned the meeting of August 7, 2006. Wanda P. Phillip, City Clerk-reasurer H. Dean axwell, Mayor Council member City Council Minutes — August 21, 2006 4d7:3Oprn.WlaynrK8axvveUoak*dthenagu|adyeuheduledmeatngnfK8onday.Au0ust21.20O8tnorder Roll md| found present Loren Hoboy, Nick Pethsh, Erica Pickett, Brad Adenns, Bill Turner, Cynthia Richardson, and Brian Geer. Roll call was followed bythe Pledge ofAllegiance. Minutes ofPrevious Meeting Mr. Pethsh rnoved, seconded by Mr. Adams to approve the minutes ofAugust 7. 2006 as if read. Vote: Ayes — Petrish, Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, and Hoboy. Motion carried. Citizen Hearings No citizens present wished to testify on matters not on the agenda. Communicatiow Pnodonnation-Unit*dVVovCamPaiqn\nSkoqitCnuntV Mayor Maxwell shared a document proclaiming September, October, and November 2006 as United Way Campaign Months inthe City ofAoacortaa. The Proclamation reads, inpart, "The Mayor and City Council encourage everyone in the community to step forward with vigor and generosity to help our fellow man by volunteering and contributing financially tmthe United VVay.^ Comprehensive Plan, 200@(Next Stems) K8c Ian K8unce Planning Director, reported that the City kscurrently engaged in o comprehensive update of the City's GKAA-compliant 1903 Comprehensive Plan. In addition to this overall 10-ymar review, K8c K8unoaoxp|ained that the City Council considers changes/revisions tothe Comp Plan and Development Regulations every year, and that key elements of the Plan are amended every five or six years. This year alone the Qh/ has been reviewing the transportation, parks and nenneotion, and stonnvvabere\ennents. An part of the 10 -year review cycle, citizen workshops were held, and the Planning Commission and Council held public hearings generating significant public comment. The Council's open roundtable meetings also helped organize the proposed changes included in the Draft Plan now before Council. Staff recommends that this document be forwarded to the State for the mandatory 60 -day comment period and agency review. Mr. W1unoe explained that the Council can also review changes during this 60-doy comment period if the revisions are within the scope of the original notice. As an example, the Council could consider the question orwhether or not the City should establish a process to allow retail stores greater than 50.000 square feet. If the Council chooses to move this concept forward a Hearing should be scheduled in September or October for public comment. The goal is for Plan adoption by the end of 2006. Mayor and Council thanked the considerable citizen input and support of this review process. With that. Mr. Turner moved, seconded by Mr. Petrioh. toforward the Draft Comprehensive Plan update to State agencies for the 80-doy review/comment period, and to hold a Public Hearing to review the retail floor space issue as part of the Comprehensive Plan process. Vote: Ayes — Pickett, Adnnno' Turner, Richardson, Geer, Hoboy.and Petrioh. Motion carried. &nmoortas Chamber ofCommerce Tourism Presentation —2O06 Contract Amendment, W1c Ian K8unma. City Attorney, recapped recent action token by the Council to extend the Chamber of Commerce 2005 Contract to allow for appropriate reimbursements not billed. Mc K4unmythen introduced Mr. Mitch Everton, the new Chamber Director, with a follow-up request for authorization to spend $14,000 on expenditures in 2006 (the money was earmarked for use in 2005). N1c Everton explained that the funds will be used for essential newspaper, ha|evis|on, and interned advertising all in support of the International Ferry Run. After discussion, Mrs. Richardson nnoved, seconded by Mr. Geer, to authorize the Anacortas Chamber ofCommerce Contract and budget amendment for the use of 2005 budgeted monies ($14.00O)inthe year 2OO6. Vote: Ayes — Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, Hoboy.Pathsh.and Pickett. Motion carried. Special Events (Omdinamum) yWc Ian K8unue. City /N±onnay, presented an Ordinance to Council for review and adoption. The Ordinance was reviewed in detail at an earlier Study Session; if adopted the Ordinance would adopt permit procedures for use of public streets and public perks. After discussion, Mr. Adnnna, moved, seconded by Mr. Hoboy' to adopt Ordinance No. 3744 entitled ''An Ordinance Adopting Permit Requirements for Special Events to be Held in the [)hy ofAnaoortes. Creating Tide 7 of the Anaoortea Municipal Coda." Vote: Ayes—Turner, Riobondeon, Geor, HVboy, Petriah. Pickett, and Adams. Motion carried. Public Records Act (Ordinance) k8c Ian Munoe. City &ttomney, reported to Council that the State of Washington recently updated the Public Records Act; inthat regard, the Attorney General's Office provided K8nde| Rules and guidelines for the City to consider when drafting its own rules, The City followed these guidelines while tailoring some procedures to local processes and issues. The City has incorporated the default charge per page of copying; the Ordinance language also highlights the responsibilities of both the citizen requesting 2041 AUGUST 21, 2006 - CONTINUED information and the City staff member responding. Mr. Munce added that the Ordinance can be modified as the City studies the application of the Ordinance and as the State authorizes further amendments to the Act. With that, Mr. Hoboy moved, seconded by Mr. Turner, to adopt Ordinance No. 2745 entitled "An Ordinance Adopting Public Records Act Rules for the City of Anacortes." Vote: Ayes — Richardson, Geer, Hoboy, Petrish, Pickett, Adams, and Turner. Motion carried. ...................... ! Consent Aqenda Mr. Geer moved, seconded by Mr. Hoboy, to approve the following Consent Agenda items. Vote: Ayes — Geer, Hoboy, Petrish, Pickett, Adams, Turner, and Richardson. Motion carried. Approval of Vouchers/Cancellation of Warrants. Council voted unanimously that the following vouchers/warrants audited and certified by the City's Auditing Officer (Finance Director) and subsequently reviewed and approved by the Council Finance Committee on August 10, 2006 and August 17, 2006 are approved for payment as of this date August 21, j 2006. Claims Warrants Aug, 2006: Warrant Numbers 37640 through 37826 in the total amount of $472,473.87 EFT Aug, 2006: EFT Numbers 37635 through 37639 in the total amount of $923.00 Prewritten Warrants: Aug, 2006: Warrant Number 37634 in the total amount of $20,578.66 Pavroll # 1 for Auqust 17, 2006 in the total amount of $470,960.06 Warrant Numbers 39584 through 29654 in the total amount of $66,403.89 Direct Deposit Numbers 19058 through 19208 in the total amount of $245,284.25 I EFT Numbers 574 through 581 in the total amount of $151,319.23 Pavroll # 2 for Auqust 1, 2006 in the total amount of $644,283.39, Warrant Numbers 29498 through 29583 in the total amount of $242,429.48 Direct Deposit Numbers 19378 through 19533 in the total amount of $251,046.27 EFT Numbers 588 through 593 in the total amount of $153,509.90 Cancelled Warrants Warrant Number 37554 in the total amount of $47.37 In the same motion Council: Accepted the 2006 Sewer Replacement Contract with Callen Construction Co., Inc. (06 -011 -SEW -001) as complete. Woods at Sunset Cove Planned Unit Development (Preliminary Plat Phase) Mayor Maxwell initiated the Council review of the Planning Commission recommendation regarding the Preliminary Plat of the 25 -lot Woods at Sunset Cove PUD. Mr. Don Measamer, Assistant Planning Director, explained that the City Council previously approved the Woods Preliminary Development Plan with conditions. A subsequent Public Hearing was held before the Planning Commission to determine if the Preliminary Plat submittal met those conditions. A key feature of this project, explained Mr. Measamer, is the 7.5 acres the applicant proposes to dedicate to the City at Final Plat stage. Concerns regarding wetland recharge and storm drainage were addressed at the Hearing. In response, the Planning Commission recommended Condition # 38, "The monitoring plan shall include a contingency plan for control of water elevations in the wetlands." Staff will continue to work with the applicant on this matter. AdditionallYt concerns were raised regarding public notice and sufficient comment period. The meeting of July 26 was continued to August 9 to accommodate the required comment period and a revised notice was published, posted, and mailed to property owners within 300'. The total public comment was 21 days. Mr. Scott Thomas, Attorney, advised staff that this provided adequate time for notice. No appeals of the Planning Commission recommendation were filed. After discussion, Mrs. Richardson moved, seconded by Mr. Geer, to approve the Preliminary Plat for the Woods at Sunset Cove PUD together with the addition of Condition # 38. Vote: Ayes — Hoboy, Petrish, Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson, and Geer. Motion carried. There being no further business, at approximately 8:30 p.m. Mayor Maxwell adjourned the meeting of August 21, 2006. 0 n w.b 61,1�Pau�Qr�%,X44 Wanda P. Phillips, City Clerk -Treasurer H. Dean Maxwell, Mayor �-� 7 �'�� Councilmember d 2042 September 5, 2006 At 7:30 p.m. Mayor Maxwell called the regularly scheduled meeting of Tuesday, September 5, 2006 to order. Roll call found present Loren Hoboy, Nick Petrish, Brad Adams, Bill Turner, Cynthia Richardson, and Brian Geer. Absent: Erica Pickett. Roll call was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes of Previous Meetinq Mrs. Richardson suggested that on page one, "Anacortes Chamber" should be changed to read "The Anacortes Chamber of Commerce." With that correction, Mr. Petrish moved, seconded by Mr. Turner to approve the minutes of August 21, 2006 as if read. Vote: Ayes — Petrish, Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, and Hoboy. Motion carried. Citizen Hearings No citizens present wished to testify on matters not on the agenda. Mayor/Council Communication Mayor Maxwell reported that the City's annual audit process has been successfully completed and received an unqualified audit. The Mayor thanked Mrs. Pickett for her support and participation in this significant review of the City's financial statements. Mavor's Budaet Message Honorable City Council Members The budget for the City of Anacortes as proposed for the year 2007 is submitted for your review, comment and action. The proposed 2007 budget for the City of Anacortes is $49,259,628 and reflects a balanced budget with substantial capital investment. In 2007 the capital budget increases to $16,857,221. This increase is driven by several major utility infrastructure projects such as the replacement of the last sections of our 24" main transmission waterline segment from Bradshaw Road to the water treatment plant, sections 5 & 6, for $10,546,400. The proposed 2007 budget again utilizes real estate excise tax, impact fees, and general facility charges to fund and build new parks, improve streets and intersections, continue our substantial street overlay program, pour sidewalks, improve existing parks, and continues to fund our strong investment in our utility infrastructure. Our operational budget for 2006 increases in 2007 to $32,402,407 and includes new positions for a 12 - hour per day 7 -day per week ambulance service and fire response from March Point beginning in July of 2007. By staging and deploying ambulance response from March point we are able to better serve Shelter Bay, the fifth most concentrated residential area in Skagit County, we will also be able to provide a quicker response to the residents of South Fidalgo Island. These residents rely on Anacortes and our paramedics for their Advanced Life Support ambulance service as we serve this region. This additional service is dependent upon the Emergency Medical Service Levy passing this November. In 2007, the Public Employees Retirement System has increased contribution rates from both the employer and employee to rectify under funded pension programs. This state mandate has an impact on the operating budgets of all the departments. In 2006 we reduced a position in the Finance Department by consolidating a position after a retirement. We are currently down a Directors position in our Public Works Department. Fred Buckenmeyer has assumed a Deputy Director role and Jeff Miller has assumed an Assistant Deputy role until we decide how we will ultimately structure PW administration. I would once again like to thank the department heads and departments who have worked closely with Finance and my office to prepare a prudent yet progressive, balanced budget that provides high levels of service to our community within the parameters of Initiative 747 and a 1% property tax increase. We continue to focus on ensuring that our budgets remain balanced and we continue our practice of retaining healthy fund balances for future years. Anacortes remains the lowest taxing city in Skagit County. Property tax revenues largely fund operations of the City's general government departments; Police, Fire, Museum, Parks, and Library. We will continue to review user fees during 2007, but no increases are proposed in this budget except for improved paramedic service. In addition, there are no general rate increases proposed for our utilities in 2007. At this time I would like to point out some highlights related to this year 2007 -projected budget. (Public Works The City of Anacortes has experienced substantial growth in the past decade. That growth has led to an increase in the amount of monies received from both development impact fees and real estate excise tax. The 2007 budget takes advantage of these increases and will allow us to undertake some much-needed projects. The Growth Management Act set aside specific fees and taxes to enhance those communities absorbing the impacts of growth. The City has received substantial revenues in Impact Fees for Streets and Parks and Real Estate Excise Tax on the sale of homes within our city limits. The 2007 budget takes SEPTEMBER 5, 2006—CONTINUED advantage of these moneys, and uses them on projects that will greatly enhance our city streets, infrastructure, and parks. The Kansas and Oakes connector Th /venue, allowingn�ore direct access tothe VVeat2�. West Pennsylvania Avenue improvements This project will irnprove the existing temporary gravel road to full city standards. This will result in much more convenient and safer travel from the Gkv|ine/Kingaxvay area to Anaoopperond Oakes Avenue. Design in2OO7Projected Cost $7D.ODO 17 mstmset improvements This project will improve 17 m street from D Avenue, west to full city standards. Construction 2007 Projected Cost $3DD'UOD Thompson Road traffic signal This project will install a tnyfho signal on Hwy 20 at Thompson Rd. Washington Stade Department of Transportation iaour partner inthis project. Cnnstmuotion2OO7P jeotedCoat$21O,O0U Guanmes Channel water front trail This project will build on the success of the Tommy Thompson Trail with an extension from the Washington Park / State Ferry terminal area easterly into the Downtown area. This first phase will 000ur in the Ship Harbor Area in partnership with Washington State Ferries, SHIP and Gi|bone in 2007. In addition we will be seeking grant funding for other sections of the trail. Initial design 2007 P auted Coat $375,000 ' Sidewalk program and Street Overlay program We are looking forward to another successful year with both programs being fully funded. P aoied Cost $543'5OO ' The City continues its commitment to the Community Business District with $227,000 in the budget for a S`' block ofinfrastructure and sidewalks. Water Treatment, Transmission and Distribution: 24"Waterline Replacement Projects Segments &G. This project anticipates replacement of the final section of 1920'm vintage water transmission main with construction starting in20O7. The budget anticipates orevenue bond bosupport this project. Pn�entedCost $i0,54G,4OO. Sedimentation basin and filter addition The 2007 budget includes the design, aaeements, and permitting for the new sedimentation process that will reduce turbidity loading on the existing filters. Projected Cost $650,000 Deception Pass 10" waterline The 2007 budget will finish construction on the DeceptionPass 10" waterline replacement for $500,000 Wastewater Treatment. Collection, and Connmvanoe: Pump station #1fand #12replacement: The 2OU7budget will provide $5OO.0UOfor replacement ofpump stations #11 and #12.This project will replace anaging sanitary sewer pump station located on 5mstreet in the Cap Sante area and rebuild another located atEast Park Drive, also onCap Sante. Odorous Air Duct Reolacement $500,000 is budgeted for design, replacement and construction of odorous air ducts at the WWTP. Storm Drainacie: NYhmoesmta Ave Storm Drain construction. This project will improve the drainage system on Minnesota Avenue, downstream to the Oakes Avenue area. The 2007 budget has funding for the Minnesota Ave Storm Drain construction for $180,000 Dakota Ave storm line. This project will improve the drainage system on Dakota Avenue including the aging outfall to Guemeo Channel Projected Cost $75,000 Public Safety Police: The Police Department anbans 2007 with all budgeted positions filled. Updating equipment and training in areas of communications, patno|, and investigation continues. 2007 will see the second half pnoQnannrned implementation of Mobile Data Computers in our patrol vehicles. Crime prevention and associated community policing activities continue to have high priority. Fire: The Fire Department continues hmmaintain ahigh level and qua|Uxservice. VVeare responsible for ourconnnnun�v residents and serve the residents ofFida|go and (�ua' es Island with medical service, SEPTEMBER 5,2006—CONTINUED The department has been able to serve our region, funded in part, through the countywide EMS Levy and ambulance billing system. The added value to our citizens is a high level of EMS service. but Fina Protection services are also provided by crossed -trained dual role Firefighter/Paramedics. Reflected in this years budget as touched upon for the Fire/Medic Department is an additional 12 hours of fire suppression and EMS services delivered from the March Point area. VVeare continuing todiscuss options with Fire Districts #11 and #13for possible options holocate our personnel atajoint facility. We annexed the March Point area in 1999 and have been working steadily toestablish aevvor, po|ima, and fire/emergency medical service as the revenue from that area has been generated. This additional service will predominately be funded by ao|ee tax revenue from the March Point area we've set-aside for Fire/EMSservioes. on appreciably higher negotiated EMS suboidy, and a modest increase in ambulance billing rates. Library The Library has two significant capital purchases in 2007 that will be funded from the Library Construction Fund. ACD/DVD self -checkout machine for $36,650, which will house and dispense 1.500 of the most heavily borrowed C[] and DVD's in the library's collection. The yNanierh Foundation will match the City's contribution 50/50. The Library will also be upgrading the integrated library system from the Dynix to Sira\Dynix; and the forecasted coatis $58,251. The Library is a great source of pride for our community and it is experiencing heavy use so these upgrades will greatly assist the Library in its operations. Legal/Courts The 2007 Court budget is relatively unchanged from 2DOG. Cost containment continues towork due to sound contracts for services with Skagit County District Court. a City Prnsouutor, and a Qty Public Defender. No significant increases in the budget despite continual annual case load increases. Planning No major new planning iniUadveaana refected inthe 2OO7 budget. The Comprehensive Plan, Shoreline Master Plan and Development Regulations Update should be complete by the end of the year. The Planning Department continues under heavy workloads with our building activity, in 2007 the focus will beoneconomic development projects nangingfronnp|ymoodnniUoitec|eonuptoeconomniodave|opnnent of the 6 acre parcel of property we hope to acquire from the Port of Anacortes. The 2007 planning budget a�so sets aside $25,000 for Historic Preservation of established neighborhoods. Human Resources Eadvin2OO6U`eCKxreoe�edthede�a�nofsmarb�ercmthePo|�eCon�oot2UO4-2OOG.fo|�vvnghwo years of negotiations. The City is currently in contract negotiations with the Police Guild for our next contract. The City istaking aproactive approechtoconta\noostsvvithaotivepnrbcipationonthendvisory benefit committee of our Benefit Trust. The 2007 budged provides the option of partial medical benefits for regular part-time employees for positions that are afull time equivalency of5096to7Q96. This benefit is limited to employees only; hovvever, this provides an option for family members to join on to the City's plan with nnCity contribution. Museum The yWusounn'o 2007 budget is very similar to the 2008 budget. This department continues to provide stellar service while holding their budget growth at almost zero. TheVVa||ie Funk Exhibit will remain in the Museum through 2007 and the Museum will continue to add displays at the Snagboat Heritage Center. Parks The growth in Anaoortes has provided additional Park Impact fees and the Real Estate Excise Tax that are used in2OO7tofund several major Park projects. The 2OO7budget provides $175.008hoexpand and improve our existing cemetery. $25.00Oiaincluded tobegin Depot Area improvements. The City hopes to obtain grants and donations to do major improvements including an expanded plaza area, landscaping, and wetland and rnodrone grove preservations. The SHIP Wetland Interpretive Trail is started in the budget with $275.000. This project will build on interpretive/education tnyU through the Ship Harbor wetlands and iafunded through park impact fees onnew construction. The ACFL Conservation Easement Fund continues to be e huge suonaae. This community has n*a|}y stepped up and supported this program to the tune of over $1,020,000 to date. Administration/General The City continues to maintain strong Restricted Reserves in all the funds. We maintain our policy of 5% of budgeted dexpenditures held inreserve for each fund. The City has continued toexperience increasing medical costo and pension contributions. Departments have worked to absorb these costs in their budget. The City continues to be a strong supporter of the Senior Services with $23.500 contributed to Skagit County Senior Services and $100.000 budgeted toward our Fida|Qo Center for maintenance and operation. »��� � �� ~~ � , _ SEPTEMBER 5, 2006—CONTINUED The 2007 budget is capital strong but fiscally prudent, reflecting these times. All major capital projects will have been funded through the accumulation Impact Fees, Real Estate Excise Tax, and Utility General Facilities Chargee. The street projects, pocks, and utility enhancements will continue toenhance our community, its infrastructure and will ensure thetAnacodes nannaina n beautiful place to live today and tomorrow. Proclamation: The Mayor shared a document proclaiming September 15-17. 2006 as the City's celebration ofthe /\nacortesJazz Festival. The Mayor and Council urged all citizens toattend one nfthe best gatherings ofjazz talent inthe Pacific Northwest. Passports: Mr. /on K8unoe. City /#tunney, reported that the City's Municipal Court staff will be able to process passport applications and renewals naofSeptember 12.2OO& Mrs. Richardson announced that the annual Antique Gam and Steam Engine Show will be held on Saturday, September gth on Market Street behind the Depot; there will be a public event/Library fundraiser onSunday, September 1»m The K8onienicollection will boshowcased atthis time. Interim Tree Preservation Ordinance: PobUicHmarina Mayor Maxwell opened the Public Hearing h7take comments on Ordinance No. 2741' the interim zoning and subdivision controls for tree pnaaervation, and to consider Administration's progress report on developing new code language. NYc Ian YWunms. Planning Director, provided an overview of the CounoJ, shaft and connrnunhx process to develop this Ordinance. At this current stage, one option would be to move the Ordinance into permanent regulation status; the Ordinance could aUU be amended through the City's annual Development Regulation review process. The Mayor then opened up the meeting for comments. Ma. Ann Oursoh, 3618 Oakes Avenue, emphasized that Section 16.50.010 (E) clarifies the individual homeowner's ability to choose and manage their own landscaping without the necessity of obtaining permits. However. Section 16.50.050 Tnsa Preservation Plans — APD/imabi|ib/. stmhao that a tree preservation plan shall be required as part of the application for subdivision of residential land. Also, an exception is also provided for hazardous tree removal. K80. AnnnTorgenaan. 4910 Paisley P|aoa. o 3- yearvolunteer with the tree preservation ordinance deva|opmant, clarified the committee's primary focus of protecting eximting, healthy trees. With regard to the table on Page O. K8a. Torgensen recommended that the Council give one half credit for any replacement tree. (Ms. Torgernen submitted her written comments). Ms. GoUy Turner, 4401 Anano Beach Place, m tree conservation committee member, emphasized that this proposed legislation protects large trees that provide multiple benefits to the community. Ms. May Ho|oy, 1804 Lea P|aoa, spoke in support of the proposed Ordinance; she also offered that committee rnennbara are available for community educational outreach. There were no further comments and the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. The Ordinance will be brought back toCouncil for any further revisions and/or permanent adoption. Public Records Ordinance: Uoda%e Mr. Ian [Nunma^ City Attorney, recapped recent action taken by the Council to adopt new public records ordinance. Recent correspondence from Mr. Greg Overetreat, office of the Attorney General, compliments the City for adopting the rnoda| rules and for being the first municipality in the State of Washington to comply with the Public Records Act; however. the letter further discusses the Ordinance's lack of compliance with the deliberative process exemption from disclosure. In that regard, Mr. K8unco will be developing proposed language that will satisfy both statutory n*qu/rarnanto and City Council concerns. ConsmotAcieuda � -- K8cAdannamoved'aeonndadbvWYcGaer,hoapprovethefo|lovvngConsentAoende�enno. Vote: Ayes —Adanns.Turne�Richardson, <�ea�Hobov'and Petheh. Motion carried. - Approval ofVouchers/Cancellation ofWarrants Council voted unanimously that the following vouchers/warrants audited and certified by the City's |Auditing Officer (Finance Director) and subsequently reviewed and approved by Council Finance Commi�aeonAuguot23.28OGandAuguet3O.2O0Ganeopprovedforpaymontasof ^ this date September 5,2006. Claims Warrants |Aug'2006: Warrant Numbers 37O34through 37087inthe total amount of$327.768.A0 � EFT Aug.2006: EFT Numbers 37828through 37833inthe total amount of$1.O8O.0O | PrevvhttenVVarrants: Sept, 2000: Warrant Number 37827 inthe total amount of$1.210.78 ( PeYroU#1 for September 1.20OSinthe total amount of$G47.481�88 | Warrant Numbers 2S855through 2Q735inthe total amount of$23558S.11 | ' | Direct Deposit Numbers 1S534through 1BG38inthe total amount cf $257,373.08 � EFT Numbers 5S4through 5SSinthe total amount of$154,522.7S Cancelled Warrants Warrant Number 371G4inthe total amount of$24.21 2046 SEPTEMBER 5, 2006 — CONTINUED In the same motion Council: Adopted Resolution No. 1727 setting October 2, 2006 as the Public Hearing date on a Petition to Vacate aportion of "V" Avenue. ........... ...... ...... ......................... ................................................................... .................. __._................................................................. ............. .......... ...................... ............. ......................... ................................................................................................................ ........................................................ ................................. Consideration of Bids for 36" Pipeline Reinforcement Mayor Maxwell initiated the Council review of the 36" waterline backfill reinforcement bids. Mr. Fred Buckenmeyer, Deputy Public Works Director, explained that the project is located at the intersection of SR20 and 536; WSDOT will expand SR 20 into 4 lanes toward 1-5 beginning at this intersection. The new roadway will cover a portion of the City's 36" waterline that is currently without a casing. The reinforcement project includes keeping the pipe in place and encasing it with Controlled Density Fill (CDF). Two bids for the work were received; the low bid was from Snelson-Company, Sedro Woolley. Questions followed from Council regarding the maintenance, inspection, and life expectancy of the 36" line, and appropriate fund/budget amendment. Mr. Gordon Bruchner, Project Engineer, described the condition of the various sections of the pipeline. After discussion, Mr. Geer moved, seconded by Mr. Hoboy, to award the 36" pipeline reinforcement project to Snelson Company, in the amount of $211,270.68. Vote: Ayes — Turner, Richardson, Geer, Hoboy, Petrish, and Adams. Motion carried. Noise Variance Request: Kiewit (Pier 2) Mrs. Richardson disclosed a potential appearance of fairness issue; however, no one objected to her participating in this matter. Mayor Maxwell opened the Public Hearing to take testimony on a Noise Variance Request submitted by Kiewit Pacific. Mr. Ian Munce, Planning Director, explained that Kiewit Pacific contracted with the Port of Anacortes for the use of Pier II to off-load the 6-24 ton armor stone used for completing repairs for the Columbia River entrance south jetty. Kiewit has been loading on a 24- hour/day basis; neighbors complained about the nighttime noise. The Port and Kiewit made some modifications to their operations but the complaints have continued. In response to the concerns, Kiewit proposes to eliminate loading between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. However, in spite of this measure Kiewit suggests that noise will be generated above permissible levels and is requesting a variance from WAC, Section 173.60-0040, Maximum Permissible Environmental Noise Levels. A neighbor, Mr. J.B. Smith, submitted an August 16, 2006 letter responding to the Variance outlining his issues with the project, the variance, and the Port's oversight. The Port submitted an August 28, 2006 letter suggesting that, according to WAC 173-60-050, Port operations at Marine terminals, including Pier 2, are exempt from WAC standards. Mr. Munce said that the WAC, interpretations of this section, and a review of administrative rulings will have to be conducted. The Mayor then opened the meeting for public comment. Mr. J.B. Smith, 414 3rd St., said he would like to have more time to respond to the Port's exemption issue. Mr. Smith agreed the Kiewit modified their operations based on neighborhood concerns; he felt that any variance granted should be temporary. He thought that Kiewit should have been better informed that they would be operating adjacent to a residential neighborhood. Discussion followed regarding decibel readings. Mr. Bob Hyde, Port Executive Director, Mr. David Collentine, Kiewit, and Mr. Hachey of the Port were available for comments and questions. Mr. Hyde confirmed that Port operations are conducted 24 hours/day. In response to the neighbors, Kiewit has also removed backup alarms and lighting has been redirected. The Project Manager for Kiewit Pacific explained the barge loading schedule with a 3 d week in October completion date. Other noise muffling options, and future Kiewit contracts were discussed. The matter will be further researched and brought back to Council. There being no further business, at approximately 9:00 p.m. Mayor Maxwell adjourned the meeting of September 5, 2006. I 10 j t h _Rokv) vl?' Wanda P. Phillip, City Clerk-*reasurer H. Dean Maxwell, aayor Co nu cilmem er September 18,200G At 7:30 p.m., Mayor Pro -Tern Nick Petrish called the regularly scheduled meeting of Monday, September 18, 2006 to order. Roll call found present Erica Pickett, Loren Hobny, Nick Pathmh, Brad Adams, Cynthia Richardson, and Brian Geer. Absent: Mayor Maxwell and Bill Turner. Roll no|| was followed by the Pledge ofAllegiance. Minutes of Previous 01eetimq Mrs. Richardson moved, seconded by Mr. Adams to approve the nninubaa ofSeptember 5. 2006 as if read. Vote: Ayes — Pethsh. Adorne, Riohardson, Geer and Hoboy. K80. Pickett abstained. Motion carried. CitioemHearinqs Bob Hvde, Executive Director of the Port ofAnaoo�es. announced that he had signed the closing donum'nts on the Ship Harbor land transaction which deeds 26 onnas over to the City to incorporate it into the park system. Mr. Hyde also expressed n special thank you to Ian K8uncafor his work on this complex transaction. :Maymr/Cmmmci;Commmumioatiom ^ - Tulip Festival Presentation: Kathy Larson, a former president and current representative of the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival, discussed the upcoming trip toAustralia to attend the Tulip Festival World Summit. Ms. Larson and two others from Skagit County will be part ofagroup ofrepresentatives from the United States attending the World Summit, She explained the reasons for attending this festival in Australia are to promote agritnuriom possibilities in Skagit County as well as to observe and prepare for the 2010 World Summit which will be held here inSkagit County during the local tulip festival. Proclamation: Constitution Week: Mayor Pro -Tern Pethsh read the Constitution Week Proclamation designating September 17 through September 23ooConstitution Week. Unfinished Business Oakes Avenue Vacation Compensation,: Mr. K8unoe provided o brief explanation of the request to address right-of-way vacation compensation. The vacation itself has already been approved. The property in question is City right-of-way that edone time lined up with Oakes Avenue right-of-way. This is part ufan old plat that does not need to be built. Mr. K8unoe pointed to the new road that will be extended together with a cui-de-oao, full city street standards, curbs, Qutters, eidavvo|ks, and drainage improvements. It is not an exact square foot for square foot issue, but Mr. Woolworth will release any claim to the shoreline strip where the City wants to put the Gunnnea Island trail, plus an additional 20 feet south from that strip. In searching the title, Mr. Woolworth does not appear to have a claim on that railroad right-of-way; however, we would like to get a release ofinterest just incase. VVoare not completely sure vvaneed itbecause the design work has not been completed yet, but it would give the City greater flexibility. Mr. K8unoe reournnnmnda that the City Council authorize vacation of Oakes Avenue in exchange for the dedication of the new hght-of+way, an easement along Oakes Avenue for utUiUea, the release of interest along Guemnea Chenna|, and the additional 2Ofoot easement, K8c Hoboy asked if the strip going to Oakes would be a secondary ecoaoa. Mr. Munoe stated it would be an emergency access for the fire department and most \\he|y would be gated. Mr. Hoboy asked for clarification of initial access through the adjacent parcel. Access will be from Edwards Way through Gi|bane to Mr, Woolworth's and Mr. Prutcnnon'e projects. Mr. Hoboy suggested that the City work to direct the construction traffic through the permanent entrance. Mrs. Richardson stated that it would be foolish for the City to pass up this opportunity because even if the trail could be built without the extra 20 feet. it would be very nice if periodically along the trail there was a wider spot for picnic tables and seating areas. Mr. Adams secured a clarification on the subdivision process and the Port ownership of the shoreline right-of-way. The Port has indicated as part of the whole Gilbane discussion that they will give the City an easement along the entire hnnbyga that they own. Mr. Adams atohad his belief that this is o fair trade, Mayor Pro Tern asked \sthere was any further discussion. Mr. Hoboy called the question. N1c Adams requested a call for the vote. Mr. K8unne called fora vote. Vote: Avaa - Adams, Rjchondson, Geer. Hoboy, Pickett andPathsh. Motion carried FidalqoBan88itiqadomSite: Interlocal with Port pfAnocmrtes: Mr. K8unca provided background information. This project has been 10 years in the making. The whole issue on the Fida|Qn Bay waterfront \a having industrial activity (nnahnas, boat repair, ship building, and boat launching) adjacent to significant habitat areas. The issue in the early 90's was that we were locked inand nopermits were being issued because it was essentially impractical todevelop the site and dothe t SEPTEMBER 18, 2006 -CONTINUED mitigation for the development on the same property. The leadership back then (the Port, the City, the Chamber, private property owners) approached the State and asked how to get out of this box. The question was how to have an economy and activity on the waterfront while being sensitive to the environment, work on restoration projects, and perform mitigation. The answer was to work with all the state agencies, tribes, and federal agencies to come up with a baywide approach. The document that came out of this is the Fidalgo Bay Subarea Plan. It was adopted into our City Comprehensive Plan. There is significant science looking at where the marine critical areas are. What happened in the plan is that the public and private sectors and environmental community looked at how to do some development and still be protective of marine resources, particularly water dependent uses. The Guemes Channel is part of the study area and it does have eelgrass but no herring spawn. The sensitive, more critical areas are in Fidalgo Bay. The outcome of the research proved why it was reasonable to allow for some development and mitigation and why it was important to secure more protection and restoration. Mr. Munce described the Fidalgo Bay Mitigation Project. The City will lease from the State Dept. of Natural Resources and then sublease to the Port of Anacortes. The Port wants to capitalize the lease and provide full cash contribution up front. The City would be able to invest these funds against the possibility that the State may have some modest increases over the 30 year period. Mr. Munce then discussed in detail the work that would be done regarding dredging, filling, and planting of eelgrass. Permits are in place from all the state and federal agencies. Mr. Munce asked the City Council to authorize the lease with DNR and then address the specific terms of the sublease with the Port at a later stage. Mr. Bob Elsner, Director of Planning, Projects & Environmental Affairs, Port of Anacortes, presented the history of the Port working on this project since the mid-1990s. The Port's work will impact 1 acre of eelgrass at the Dakota Creek Shipyard and they will plant 6 acres in Fidalgo Bay. The Port is doing compensatory mitigation as well as some advanced mitigation in preparation for future work that might occur either at the ship yard or Cap Sante. The work is scheduled to begin in October and the contractor has already been selected to begin the dredging in Swinomish Slough. Mr. Hoboy asked Mr. Elsner about the whether the log pocket is being used for eelgrass mitigation. Mr. Elsner pointed out that is it not being used for eelgrass but for intertidal mitigation. Mr. Hoboy asked what the lease payment would be with DNR. Mr. Elsner responded that it would be approximately $2,300 per year and they are working on the capitalization numbers and will provide those numbers soon. Mr. Hoboy then asked how long the lease term is and was informed the lease is for 30 years. Mr. Elsner added that at the end of the term, the property reverts back to the State of Washington. The Port has a duty to perform and cannot default on the lease. Ms. Pickett discussed the history of the Fidalgo Bay Plan and councilmember Jeanne Robinette's work to get all the agencies together using a set of rules of engagement that helped them work together. Mr. Munce said that they were really breaking this into two pieces. One is authorization to sign a lease with DNR and then the second would be to come back and sign an interlocal with the Port of Anacortes. Mrs. Richardson moves to authorize the Mayor to sign the lease with DNR and then direct the City staff to finish the fine points to the agreement with the Port and then back to City Council. Motion seconded by Brian Geer. Vote: Ayes — Petrish, Pickett, Adams, Richardson, Hoboy and Geer. Motion carried. ...... . .......................................................................................................................................... .......................... ................. ._..................................................................... _... __..... _._........................... Consent Agenda Mr. Adams moved, seconded by Mr. Hoboy, to approve the following Consent Agenda items. Vote: Ayes —Adams, Richardson, Geer, Hoboy, Pickett and Petrish. Motion carried. Approval of Vouchers/Cancellation of Warrants Council voted unanimously that the following vouchers/warrants audited and certified by the City's Auditing Officer (Finance Director) and subsequently reviewed and approved by the Council Finance Committee on September 6, 2006 and September 13, 2006 are approved for payment as of this date September 18, 2006. Claims Warrants September, 2006: Warrant Numbers 37996 through 38212 in the total amount of $606,600.93 EFT September, 2006: EFT Numbers 37990 through 37995 in the total amount of $1,057.00 Prewritten Warrants: Sept, 2006: Warrant Number 37988-37989 in the total amount of $21,674.81 Pavroll # 1 for September 15, 2006 in the total amount of $466.434.87 Warrant Numbers 29736 through 29803 in the total amount of $62,597.57 Direct Deposit Numbers 19709 through 19863 in the total amount of $251,155.19 EFT Numbers 600 through 605 in the total amount of $152.682.11 Cancelled Warrants Warrant Number 37546 in the total amount of $1,547.00 Warrant Number 33878 in the total amount of $138.24 ..........I..._...................................................................................... ........................................... ................................................................................................................. ..................... 2049 SEPTEMBER 18, 2006 -CONTINUED In the same motion Council: WSDOT Variance to Noise Ordinance — LM 1 Zone — 2007 Proiect: Mr. Munce introduced the WSDOT variance request to the City Noise Ordinance. The WSDOT asks for 14 nights to perform construction from Sharpes Corner to Reservation Road instead of twice that many days to complete the work. The noise levels will be exceeded and so the WSDOT needs Council approval to perform this work. Ms. Pickett pointed out that the work would be pretty much the same as the stripping work done on Commercial Avenue a few years ago. Ms. Pickett moved to approve the variance to the Noise Ordinance. Seconded by Mrs. Richardson. Mr. Hoboy added that we gain more than we lose because we minimize the traffic problems that forcing them to work in the daytime which would be a far worse situation by the citizens. He stated that we did not receive any complaints from any of the neighbors. Vote on Motion: Ayes — Pickett, Geer, Petrish, Richardson, Hoboy and Adams. Motion carried. ORDINANCE: Formalizinq the Governance of the Firemen's Pension Board: Ms. Emily Schuh introduced the Firemen's Pension Board issue. This has been in place for many years but never formalized and put in City code. The proposed Ordinance formalizes the rules and responsibilities of the pension board. Mr. Petrish asked for clarification as to who this pertains to — working or retired firefighters. Ms. Schuh stated that this pertains to two retired firefighters and explained the history of this pension board. This Board predates Plan I and is only for employees hired prior to 1971. Mr. Adams reiterated that this Ordinance is just a housekeeping issue for two retired firefighters. Mr. Adams moved to adopt and assign a number to this Ordinance. Mr. Hoboy seconded. Vote on the Ordinance: Ayes: Pickett, Petrish, Richardson, Hoboy, Geer and Adams. Motion carried. Citizens Advisory Committee: Mr. Munce introduced, with Council approval, a call for nominations for a citizen advisory committee to work on the affordable housing issue. Mr. Munce pointed out that this issue is actually part of a much broader goal of increasing housing opportunities as set forth in the Comprehensive Plan. The City Council will make the appointments and outline the process for submitting nominations. Mr. Munce discussed some of the many options as to what the committee could consider. Mr. Petrish believes that someone from the Housing Authority should be included in the committee. Mrs. Richardson moved that the Mayor formally appoint, with Council approval, a committee to consider housing opportunities in Anacortes and encouraged anyone interested in serving on this committee to send their resume and a brief statement of interest to the City. Vote: Ayes: Petrish, Richardson, Adams, Geer, Pickett, and Hoboy. Motion carried. There being no further business, at approximately 10:00 p.m. Mayor Pro -Tem Petrish adjourned the meeting of September 18, 2006. "Ji, Wanda P. Phillips,ICify Clerk -Treasurer ,i �Councilmember H. Dean Maxwell, Mayor October 2'20OG At7:3Op.m,K8ovnr�WamwaUcalled the re0u�r�ochadu�dn�aet�gofK8onday Cx�ober2'2OOGtoorder. RoUcaUfound 'raaontLonsn Hoboy, NichPethsh, Erica Pickett, Bill Turner, and Cynthia Richardson. Absent: Brad Adamsand Brian Geer. Roll call was followed bythe Pledge ofAllegiance. Minutes of Previous Nleetim� The minutes of September 18, 2006 will be distributed to Council prior to the October 16, 2006 meeting. CitizemHeerimqs Noone present wished totestify nnmatters not onthe ogendo. uoci|Cmnmrounbcotion Park Board RamopViotmemt Mayor Maxwell reported that Mr. Aaron M. Rasmussen's term on thaAnacurtes Parks and Recreation Advisory Board will expire at the end of October, 2006. Mr. Rasmussen would like to serve another term; the Mayor and City staff support this reappointment. With that Mr. Petriah nnomad, seconded by Mr. Huboy, to confirm the reappointment ofMr. Aaron Rasmussen to the Anacortes Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. Vote: Ayes —Patrinb,Pickett, Turner, Richardson, and Hoboy. Motion carried. Phase 2—Economic StudY0Retai0 Mayor Maxwell distributed a September 29. 2006 Memorandum from Berk & Associates to Council regarding retail sales potential and related development implications. In that nagand. Mr. Ian K8unce, Planning [}ineubor.added that this evening's mneetinQwill beunn�nuedhoOctober D"'inorder toconduct a Public Hearing regarding removing the cap on large retail stores. The Berk QAssociates Memorandum contains key information regarding this issue; the material is available on the vvebsito, has been distributed tothe Council's Advisory Committee, and ieavailable tothe public. The Mayor shared that the September 30th recital by the Croatian dance troupe from KorkulaIsland was a total success; the perfoonance, held at Bnodniak HaU, was an ancient avvond dance, Kurnpanya. Representatives from Anacortes' Sister Chv, Vela Luka, were also in Anoozrtea for the event. An additional performance is scheduled for Sunday, October 15 th at the Mt. Baker Theater, Bellingham. The October vm Liaison Committee meeting will teheld in the Office. Amendment toPublic Records Act Ordinance, Mr- Ian N1unoe.Planning Director, explained that the Council previouslyadoptedanOrdinanoecnnoplying with Washington State legislative directives that the City clarify and codify its policies about public records. That Ordinance contained e blanket exemption for draft documents; the Attorney General's office disagreed with this approach and recommended the language changes contained in the revised Ordinance now before Council. The revision states, inpart, that \norder torely onanexemption the City must show: that the nauonda contain pnedecisiona| opinions or recommendations of subordinates expressed ospart ofodeliberative prnoeso�that disclosure would beinjurious tothede|ibenativefunction of the process; that disclosure would inhibit the flow of recommendations; and that the materials covered by the exemption reflect policy recommendations and opinions and not the raw factual date on which a decision is based. Mr. Hoboy expressed concern regarding distribution of erroneous data; Mrs. Richardson asked for clarification on the Council deliberative process. On a question from Mr. Petrish, Mr. K8unce explained that the proposed language changes apply only to Section 5. Exemptions. /benn (3j After discussion, Mr. Turner moved, seconded by Mr. Hoboy, to adopt Ordinance No. 2747 entitled ''An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 2745(Adopting Public Records Act Rules for the City ofAn000rtee)' Vote: Ayes — Pickett, Turner, Richardson, Hoboy.and Petrieh. Motion carried. __ 'ConaantAqenda Mrs. Richardson nnoved, seconded by K8c Pathsh, to approve the following Consent Agenda item/. Vote: Ayes — Turner, Richardson, Hoboy, Petrish, and Pickett. Motion carried. Aoorova|ofVouchers/Cancellation ofWarrants Council voted unanimously that the following vouchers/warrants audited and certified by the City's Auditing Officer (Finance Director) and subsequently reviewed and approved by the Council Finance Committee on September 20, 2006 and September 27, 2006 are approved for payment as of this dote October A.2OOG. Claims Warrants Saptember, 2006: Warrant Numbers 3822Othrough 3@3G7inthe total amount of$525.74731 EFT September, 2006: EFT Numbers 38213through 38210inthe total amount of$1'770.O0 Cancelled Warrants Warrant Number 35O58inthe total amount of$241�UO I Warrant Number 2Q388 inthe total amount of$1.517.63 Final Plat: Eaqle Ridcie Mr, Ian K8unce.Planning Director, explained that the Planning Commission recommended approval of the Eagle Ridge final plat. However, K8c Tom Preston hos filed on appeal. The appeal and Planning Commission recommendation will be brought back to the Council on October 16th PobGmHmarimq: Vacation efaPortion mf''V"Avenue Mrs. Richardson stepped down from deliberation on this matter. Mayor Kxoxwe|/ opened the Public Hearing onmpetition submitted byLaOonnaK merfordhevaoationofopordonmf"V'Avanue(an 80' right-of-way) adjacent to her property at 401 3m Street. Mr. Fred Buokennneyer, Deputy Public Works Director, presented the history of this request. The Petition initially requested the vacation of a pie - shaped parcel along the full length ofLot 1. Additionally, the petitioners suggested that their building site was compromised by a previous Board of Adjustment decision to allow a 40' long garage at zero setback on the adjacent property. The Development Review Group and Public Works staff expressed concern over a number of issues; for example, if granted, the vacation would leave less than 10' of public right-of- way next to a water utility. In light of these ooncerns, the applicants amended the Petition to request vacation nf1O'of^V°Avenue east of4O13rd street toadistance approximately 5Ofeet south, The Board of Adjustment held a Public Hearing on the revised Petition and recommended approval; all Hearing materials and exhibits were forwarded tothe Council for review. W4e. La[Jonnn Knautknarnerand Mr. Dennis Cullen, petitioners, 404 4m Street, suggested that the vacation would odd to this on)o|| building site thereby providing for more development options. An October 2, 2006 letter in support of the vacation request was received from Joe and Nancy Halton, 518 V Avenue. There were no further comments and the Mayor declared the Public Hearing dosed. Questions from Council followed regarding the configuration of the area to be vacated. After discussion, Mrs. Pickett moved, seconded by Mr. Turnar, to approve the vacation as requested, and to authorize absff to calculate compensation values and toprepare an Ordinance reflecting this action. Vote: Ayea—Hoboy. Petrish, Pickett, and Turner. Motion carried. Mrs. Richardson returned tuthe Council Chambers. Interim Ordinance: Stream Restoration and Monitoring: Mr. Ian yWunoe, Planning Director, explained that the City has identified and mapped approximately 16 streams ospart ofthe Critical Areas inventory process. |fdevelopers choose tnsubdivide property near any of these atroonn or wetland ansas, there shall be a 50' buffer set back from those streams; as an alternative the developer can also apply fora conditional use permit for approval of mitigation plan. However, most of those existing streams run through homeowner's backyards; in those situations the City would work with the homeowners, on a voluntary basis, to develop an adaptive management process. If, over time, no progress is being made under the adaptive plan other regulatory measures would have to be taken by the City to protect the streams. yWc yNunma suggested that guidelines for this voluntary program need tobedeveloped. The Ordinance now before Council would adopt interim standards via the addition of Municipal Code Sections 17.70.540(7)b(iii) and 17.70.540(7)b/iv); both sections oa|| out all adaptive management program documentation requirements. Council discussed annual tracking and follow-up measures. After discussion, Mrs. Richardson nnovad, seconded by Mr. Patrish, to adopt Ordinance No. 2748 entitled "An Ordinance Adopting Interim Adaptive Management for Streams." Vote.- Ayes: oba�Ayem: Pathsh, Piukett, Turner. Richardson, and Hoboy. Motion carried. Procedural Issues: AomcmBourne Issue (October 1GmPublic Kearinq) Mr. Ian K8unoe. Planning Director, reported that Anaco Bourne was one of the streams identified and mapped in the City's Critical Areas inventory. As part of the annual Comp Plan and Development Regulation updates, on An000 Bourne adjacent property owner asked that the stream be de -listed. Detailed and expert testimony on this issue were put forward by the property owner through the Planning Commission hearings; Mr. Floan Barnes, representing himself and Evergreen Islands also presented detailed testimony to the contrary. The Commission recommended to Council that the stream not be de- listed; the Hearing exhibits have been distributed toCouncil for review. The Public Hearing onthis rnoUar has been scheduled before Council on October 16 m; the matter now before Council is what hearing/deliberation procedure should the Council follow on the 1Gm. Mr. Munne outlined various options; even if time limits are imposed on baetinnony. Council would still be able to ask questions. Mrs. Richardson suggested that testimony take summary form. /#tar discussion, Mrs. Pickett rnoved, seconded by Mr. Hoboy' to limit the testimony to either party on the Anaoo Bourne issue to 15 minutes. Vote: Ayea—Piokett. Turnor' Richardson, Hoboy. and Petrish. Motion carried. Shoreline Master Pmmqmamm,2O06: Consultant Services Mr. Ian K8unca. Planning Director, explained that the Department of Ecology (DOE) has suggested that the Qty retain a marine scientist to focus on some of the outstanding issues regarding the Shoreline Master Program, 2OD0Update. Mr. K8uncefirst explained the background onthe Master Program update schedule; other State agencies support keeping with the schedule hocomplete the update this year. Ultimately, Council legislative action regarding Shoreline Plan updates must beendorsed by DOE. A Public Hearing was held before the Planning Commission and recommendations and comments will be incorporated into n new draft. With regard to hiring a marine consultant, Mr. K8unce summarized the responses received from six firms; staff requests authorization to hire K8CK Environmental (Tracey McKenzie) in an amount not to exceed $38.000. If approved, a budget amendment for this expenditure will be required. With that. K8na. Richardson moved, seconded by yWna. piukett, to authorize the Mayor to enter into o contract with K8CK Environmental (Tracey McKenzie) for professional services on the City's Shoreline yNoabar Program update in an amount not to exceed $36.000. Vote: Ayes — Turner Richardson, Hobwy, petrieh,and Piohe� y�otionu�ni�d. ' � 2052 OCTOBER 2, 2006 - CONTINUED There being no further business, at approximately 9:00 p.m. Mayor Maxwell convened the Council in Executive Session to discuss park property purchase (small inholding) and a real estate purchase (Public Works). At approximately 9:30 p.m. the Council reconvened and without taking any further action, the Mayor continued the meeting to Friday, October 6, 2006 at 4:00 p.m. at City Hall in order to conduct a site visit relative to the Anaco Bourne issue (no testimony will be taken). At the conclusion of the site visit the meeting will again be continued to Monday, October 9, 2006 at 7:30 p.m. in order to conduct a Public Hearing: Large Scale Retail. Wanda P. Phillips, ity Clerk -Treasurer H. Dean Maxwell, Mayor 97 Councllmember 2053 October 16, 2006 At 7:30 p.m., Mayor Maxwell called the regularly scheduled meeting of Monday, October 16, 2006 to order. Roll call found present Loren Hoboy, Nick Petrish, Erica Pickett, Brad Adams, Bill Turner, Cynthia Richardson and Brian Geer. Roll call was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes of Previous Meetinq Mr. Petrish moved, seconded by Mr. Geer that the minutes of September 18, 2006 and October 2, 2006 are approved as if read. Vote: Ayes — Petrish, Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, and Hoboy. Motion carried. Mr. Adams abstained from voting on the minutes of October 2"d Citizen Hearings No one present wished to testify on matters not on the agenda. Mayor/Council Communication; Citizens Award — Ken Oakes: Mayor Maxwell shared that Mr. Ken Oakes has continued to build and maintain trails in the Anacortes Community Forest Lands for over 40 years. Mr. Oakes has served as a steward of our community lakes and forests long before the City was able to provide staff to do so. The Mayor then presented Mr. Oakes with a Citizen's Award from the Mayor, Council, and community; Mr. Oakes accepted to a standing ovation. Proclamation — United Nations Dav Mayor Maxwell read a proclamation proclaiming October 22"d as United Nations Week in the City of Anacortes as part of the UN's Year of Good Health and Peace. The proclamation touched on the UN objectives of social progress, tolerance, maintenance of international peace and security, and promotion of economic advancement of all people. Skvline Marine Condo Association # 8. Mayor Maxwell read from a letter commending City Engineering staff Rob Hoxie and Eric Pipkin. The letter praised their assistance in the preparation of bathometric charts of Flounder Bay showing where sedimentation has accumulated and the locations requiring dredging. Initiative 933 Mayor Maxwell passed out copies of a summary from the Association of Washington Cities in reference to Initiative 933. The summary highlighted cost estimates to the City if 933 were to pass on November 7m The information will be made available on the City's website. Special Events — Homecomina Parade The Mayor let the community know that the Homecoming Parade will be held on October 20tH from 3:00 to 3:30 p.m. in the vicinity of 3rd Street on O Avenue; the route will follow Commercial to 20th. Public Works and Public Safety departments reviewed the application and have no objections. The Mayor and Council thanked the High School representatives in the audience for their support of this activity. Anacortes Historic Preservation Board Appointments. Mayor Maxwell listed the three candidates recommended by the Board interview committee: Robert Harrison, Steve Cox, and Don McKee. Council received copies of the resumes and applications. With that, Mrs. Richardson moved, seconded by Mrs. Pickett, to confirm the appointments of Robert Harrison, Steve Cox, and Don McKee to the Anacortes Historic Preservation Board for 3 -year terms. Vote: Ayes — Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, Hoboy, and Petrish. Motion carried. Conservation Easement Program — Approval of Groves Mr. Jonn Lunsford, Parks and Forestlands Manager, presented a request for Council's final approval of additional acreage for the Conservation Easements Program. If approved, these 140 acres would bring the total number of acres conserved through the program to 1,155. Council previously reviewed the legal descriptions and maps showing where the groves are located via an August 1, 2006 Memorandum. With that, Mr. Geer moved, seconded by Mr. Turner, to adopt the 140 acres to be protected through the Conservation Easement Program. Vote: Ayes — Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, Hoboy, Petrish, and Pickett. Motion carried. ............................................. _.............. ....... ........................................ _.......................... ................... _...................... .............. _................... ...... .. ...............; ConsentAgenda Mr. Adams moved, seconded by Mr. Hoboy, to approve the following Consent Agenda items. Vote: Ayes —Turner, Richardson, Geer, Hoboy, Petrish, Pickett, and Adams. Motion carried. Approval of Vouchers/Cancellation of Warrants, Council voted unanimously that the following vouchers/warrants audited and certified by the City's Auditing Officer (Finance Director) and subsequently reviewed and approved by the Council Finance Committee on October 4, 2006 and October 11, 2006 are approved for payment as of this date October 16, 2006. OCTOBER 1G.2006 -CONTINUED Claims Warrants October, 2006: Warrant Numbers 38373through 38578inthe total amount of$547.Q31.3Q � EFT ' October, 2006: EFT Numbers 383G8through 38372inthe total amount of$758DU PaYroU#1for October 2.2OOGinthe total amount of$S7U.40Q.G1 Warrant Numbers 398O4through 28878inthe total amount uf$228.O32.S8 Direct Deposit Numbers 1Q864through 19888inthe total amount of$242.478.37 EFT Numbers 575through G11 inthe total amount of$1SO.8S8.2O Cancellation ofWarrants Warrant Number 37065 in the total amount of $282.88 |nthe same motion Council: Adopted Ordinance No. 2749 entitled "An Ordinance of the City Council of the City ofAnacnrtes Authorizing n Service Award Recognition Program for Employees and Superseding Ordinance No. 2586 inits Entirety, passed and approved onthe 1 - day cfApril 2UUZ.' Adopted Resolution No. 1728 entitled ''A Resolution Regarding Personnel Policies and Benefits for the City ofAnaoortes Employees and Superseding Resolution No. 1718 in its Entirety, passed and approved onthe 17 mday ofJanuary 2OOG.";and Authorized the Mayor to proceed with easement acquisitions for the Segments 5 and G waterline construction project; the total aggregate amount will not exceed $150,000. Final Plat: Eamle RidQe Mr. Ian Munce, Planning Director, explained that an appeal of the Planning Commission recommendation to approve the Eagle Ridge Final Plat was filed by K8c Tom Preston. His issues regarding a gnova| surface were addressed bythe applicant and the appeal was withdrawn. The Final Plat proposal isnow before Council for approval; the Plat is a 14 -lot standard subdivision on a cul-de-sac. The staff reported that plat conditions have been met and recommends approval subject to o 2 -year Maintenance Bond in the amount of $28.642.50 and a Latecomer Fee payment for the sanitary sewer in the amount of $1.882.00. With that, Mr. Turner moved, seconded byMrs. Richardson, toapprove the Eagle Ridge Final Plat subject tothe Maintenance Bond and Latecomer Fee payment. Vote: Ayes - Richardson, Geer, Hoboy.Petrish.Pickett, Adams, and Turner. Motion carried. PubdicHearioq: 2OQ7Budoetand CaDitalFacilities Plan, 20S7 -2Q12) Mayor Maxwell opened the Public Hearing totake comments unthe 2OO7 Budget and Capital Facilities Plan, 2007-2012. The Mayor shared highlights of his Budget message; all Budget and Plan documents were previously distributed to the Council and public. (See minutes of September 5. 2006 for complete message.) The 2007 balanced budget is in the amount of $40.259.628 with a substantial capital investment inthe community. Ms Wanda Phillips, Finance Director, reported that adjustments were made to: the and Planning Director's tnama| budgets; and to revenues reflecting the $18.000 Jazz Festival matching funds. Ms. Phillips distributed a comment letter from K8c Terry Christiansen. On November G~' the Ordinance adopting the Budget and the Resolution setting the levy limit will be before Council for review and approval. Mr. Ed Fnank, Building Df5cia|, reported that the City pursued grant monies for seismic retrofit of the Municipal Building; the Building Department recently received notice from the State that the grant was awarded. in that regard, Staff requests permission to proceed with the retrofit design in an amount not to exceed $50.000. There were no further comments and the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. Mr. Hoboy suggested staff investigate street widths for 17 m Street, from "O" to "R" Avenue. Ms. Pickett inquired about follow-up onarecent study ofways toreduce hazardous emissions. Closed Record AQe*tinq: ''J" Avenue Cmftmqes PUD Remand: Mayor Maxwell initiated the Closed Record Meeting onthe ^J^Avenue Cottages PUO remand. Mrs. Richardson clarified anAppearance ofFairness issue. K0c Ian Munce. Planning Director, explained that the Cottages PUD. for 10 lots onjust over an acre in the R 3 zone, was previously before Council for review. The PUD process supports innovative development design within the parameters of the Zoning Code and Comprehensive Plan; ie., in this case one entrance, small \ots, single car garages, and a shared courtyard. The initial proposal was remanded back tothe Planning Commission to include public rather than a private street; after the remand Hearing the Planning Commission recommended approval subject to a maximum of O lots with e public street. Three appeals were filed. The nauond developed by the Planning Commission, including transcripts and axhibits, was forwarded to the Council prior tuthe Closed Record meeting. K4c Pat Robinson. 1304 ^|^ /4/enue, appellant, suggested that the proposed density would not be an appropriate use in this long-established neighborhood; parking on the street should be limited to 2 -hours; the high density project would add to an already crowded right-of-vvny� and he reported that there are 25 trees on the subject property. Mr. Gerald Watson, 2702 ^J^ Avanue, oppeUont, resident at that address for 32 yeora, spoke against the project; the narrow right-of-way; and suggested that the project is not compatible with the neighborhood. Mr. Greg Wilson, applicant and appellant, was directed byCouncil ho work with staff to address roadway issues. The proposed homes will be 1.000-1.200 square feet; Mr. 2055 OCTOBER 16, 2006 —CONTINUED Wilson emphasized that density issues affect affordability, and that if the 8 -lots are approved he asked Council to waive the requirement for connecting sidewalks on both sides of "J" Avenue. Mr. Adams spoke against the proposal citing the marked reduction in lot size as not in keeping with the surrounding development, and lack of neighborhood support. Mrs. Richardson reviewed alternative development scenarios allowed under the current zoning versus benefits to be derived from the PUD process. Mr. Petrish characterized the current trend to downsize living space. Mr. Turner underscored the need for this type of housing choice in Anacortes. Mr. Hoboy spoke in favor of the Planning Commission recommendation for 8 units. After discussion, Mr. Hoboy moved, seconded by Mrs. Pickett, to approve the "J" Avenue Cottages Preliminary Development Plan (PUD), limited to 8 -lots and subject to conditions recommended by the Planning Commission outlined in the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and to deny the three appeals. After discussion, Mr. Turner moved, seconded by Mrs. Richardson, to amend the main motion to eliminate the requirement for sidewalks to the south. Vote on the amendment: Ayes — Turner, Richardson. No — Geer, Hoboy, Petrish, Picket, and Adams. Motion to amend failed. Mrs. Richardson then moved to amend the main motion to establish a 5' side yard setback on all units and to set back all units 10' from the right-of-way. Vote on the amendment: Ayes — Pickett, Turner, and Richardson. No — Hoboy, Petrish, Adams, and Geer. Motion to amend failed. Vote on the main motion to approve the "J" Avenue Cottages Preliminary Development Plan, limited to 8 -lots and subject to the conditions recommended by the Planning Commission outlined in the findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and to deny the three appeals. Vote: Ayes — Petrish, Pickett, Turner, Richardson, Geer, and Hoboy. No — Adams. Motion carried. Public Hearing: 2005/6 Comprehensive Plan and Development Regulations Amendments (The Anaco Bourn portion will be continued to the City Council meeting of November 6, 2006 Mayor Maxwell opened the Public Hearing to take public comment on the 2005/6 Comprehensive Plan and Development Regulation Amendments. Mr. Ian Munce, Planning Director, received public input from Mr. Dave Malseed regarding proposal # 2, definition of temporary structure. Mr. Malseed is concerned that this change may impact businesses in the industrial zone that make use of containers and boat covers. Mr. Ross O. Barnes, 1004 7t" St., on behalf of himself and Evergreen Islands, spoke to proposal # 10, reasonable use exemption to stream regulations. He suggested that the exemption should not include destruction of the open stream channel; he offered alternative measures, and discussed proposed language in the Shoreline Master Plan regarding streams. Mr. Barnes then discussed proposal # 11 deleting the requirement that wetlands only be delineated by a Professional Wetland Scientist, he then read from his July 26th letter supporting # 11 with the proviso that the City implement the provisions of AMC 17.70.300. There were no further comments and the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. Pennsvlvania Avenue Design Contract Mr. Fred Buckenmeyer, Deputy Public Works Director, presented a request to move forward with the design contract award for Pennsylvania Avenue, part of the Kingsway and Anacopper Road connection. Design would begin in early 2007 with an early 2008 construction start. Discussion followed regarding street width; design updates will be reviewed with the Public Works Advisory Committee. Staff recommends awarding the Design Contract for the Pennsylvania Avenue Road Improvements to HDR Engineering in the amount of $106,807. Mr. Geer so moved, seconded by Mrs. Richardson. Vote: Ayes — Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, Hoboy, and Petrish. Motion carried. Bid Award: Deception Pass Waterline Mr. Fred Buckenmeyer, Deputy Public Works Director, thanked Bob Clumpner and Gordon Bruchner, the City's team that prepared the bid specs. This project will, in part, construct a new waterline on Miller and Lunz Roads which will provide for abandonment of the aged 1 -inch asbestos cement waterline in WSDOT right-of-way in those areas. After discussion, Mr. Hoboy moved, seconded by Mr. Adams, to award the Deception Pass Waterline project to TRICO Contracting, Burlington, in the amount of $1,317.366.71. Vote: Ayes — Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, Hoboy, Petrish, and Pickett. Motion carried. There being no further business, at approximately 10:30 p.m. the Mayor adjourned the regularly scheduled meeting of October 16, 2006. Wanda P. Phillips, 91ty Clerk-TreasIrer H. Dean Maxwell, Mayor `� Councilmember / 2056 November 6, 2006 At 7:30 p.m., Mayor Maxwell called the regularly scheduled meeting of Monday, November 6, 2006 to order. Roll call found present Loren Hoboy, Nick Petrish, Erica Pickett, Brad Adams, Bill Turner, and Cynthia Richardson. Absent: Brian Geer. Roll call was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes of Previous Meetina The minutes of October 16th and November 6th will be available for approval on December 4, 2006. Authorization for Public Opinion Survev (Fred Mever) Aqenda Item # 7a. Mayor Maxwell asked Mr. Ian Munce, Planning Director, to address this issue. Mr. Munce explained that random sample survey could be done to address preferences on retail. However, he agreed that a more realistic proposal would be to do a comprehensive survey addressing multiple issues. Citizen Hearinas Mr. Doug Thurber, Anacortes, suggested that the research and development for retail projects would be best handled through the Chamber of Commerce rather than through local government. Mr. Bill Mitchell, 807 27th St., discussed the Anacortes Mural project. He spoke against the Ants Commission's decision to award the Wilson Hotel mural to an artist; he suggested that the Commission reconsider its decision. The Mayor clarified that on this issue the Arts Commission is an Advisory Board to the Housing Authority. ,Mayor/Council Communication; Mayor Maxwell reported that the National Weather Service has issued a flood warning for the Skagit River; the river will crest at 38' at 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday. The Water Treatment Plan continues to meet all water quality standards. The Mayor thanked the NAS Whidbey Island Construction Battalion for its efforts to protect the Water Treatment Plant; the Mayor also expressed appreciation to Willie LaRue and all the plant personnel for their diligence. Samish Indian Nation Award: Mayor Maxwell presented Ms. Dana Matthews with a commemorative certificate dedicating 5 -acres of the City Forestlands to the late Ken Hansen, Tsa-wac-ton, Chief of the Samish Tribe. Certificate of Appreciation — GeorQe Mehler Mayor Maxwell presented a certificate of appreciation to Mr. George Mehler who has served on the Board of Adjustment since October of 1974. Pride of the Neiahborhood Award: 801 Commercial Avenue Mayor Maxwell presented the Pride of Neighborhood Award to Mr. Mike Trafton, Bank of the Pacific, to recognize the beautification project at 801 Commercial Mavor's Award of Merit — Doua Liddle Mayor Maxwell presented the Mayor's Award of Merit to Officer Doug Liddle; Officer Liddle has served the City as of police officer for over 30 years. Mr. Liddle was nominated by his co-workers and has demonstrated his dependability in handling any task assigned. In particular, the Mayor highlighted Officer Liddle's work to assist the Parks Department by patrolling the Anacortes Forestlands. Officer Liddle received the award to a standing ovation. The Port/City Liaison Committee Meeting has been postponed to November 14th It was announced that Bill Turner recently became a grandfather. Continued Public Hearinq: 2005/2006 Comprehensive Plan and Development Requlation Amendments — Anaco Bourn (This hearing is on tape and filed at City Hall.) Mayor Maxwell initiated the continued Comprehensive Plan and Development Regulation Public Hearing/Anaco Bourn. Mr. Ian Munce, Planning Director, explained that the City, under GMA, is required to designate and protect critical areas; further, State statues and guidelines specify that streams of particular interest are to be addressed with regard to protection. In response, the City's environmental consultant, ATSI, inventoried City streams; the list was then incorporated into the City's Critical Areas Ordinance (CAO). With regard to new subdivision a designated stream requires a 50' setback on both sides of the stream; the City is also developing a voluntary stream protection program applicable to existing homes. The matter now before Council is a request from Mr. Rob Seip to amend the Critical Areas Ordinance by removing Anaco Bourn (on Mr. Seip's property); the request is made through the annual Comprehensive Plan and Development Regulation amendment process. The Planning Commission held a Public Hearing on this matter and recommended that Council not delist the stream. Mrs. Richardson disclosed a potential appearance of fairness issue. There were no objections to Mrs. Richardson participating in this matter. MM, NOVEMBER 6,2006—CONTINUED Ms. Rosemary Larson, attorney with Ensley Best, 7771mthAvenue NE, Bellevue, represents Mr. Rob Seip who is requesting that the City amend its critical areas ordinance toremove the water feature known ooAuaoo Bourn from the list cfstreams that are protected as fish and wildlife habitat. K8e. KAerth Walker, lead professional wetland scientist; Jinn Schammer' SchemmarEngineehng; J.B. Scott; andVKD. Punne|i were available for questions on the existing and historical characteristics ofAnaou Bourn. Ms. Larson added that o key component tothis matter iswhat is the appropriate definition of stream to be protected. She referred to stream definition contained in WAC 222-16-030. Ms. Wa|ker, a wetland and water scientist for over 16 yeans, was asked by Mr. Seip to investigate the existence ofAnaoo Bourn; she applied scientific methods and considered weather conditions and any disturbance factors that might affect the hydrogen|ogy, moi|o, or vegetation an the basis for her conclusions. She also reviewed supplemental napoda including the City's A7S| naport, and assessments byJ.B. Scott andVV.D. Purnell and incorporated those conclusions into her work. Based on this review, K8a. Walker concluded that the Anauo Bourn is not stream; but rather short dry gully eroded by the original stornnvvaterdisoharge from Marine Heights prior to 2004; plant data independently verified the soil data conclusions. Runoff from Marine Heights created the drainage channels now visible. She also discovered 2channels newly eroded, but noold continuous stream channels present onthe site. Her recent on-site work isconsistent with prior onsite and uphill environmental investigations and reports; Anaon Bourn did not exist before Marine Heights construction. WAC 222stream definition was used toanalyze findings. PNo. yWerthsaid that the opposition's argument does not represent best available science nor has the information risen to the level ofexpert. Mr. Ross (}.Barnes, 1OO4fmGt..onbehalf onhimself and Evergreen Islands, read from oNovember 8. 2OOGletter (1)entitled "An000Bourn atAnaoortesCity Council — Part VI: The A.B.C'sofAnaooBourn." The letter states that Mr. Barnes has "...the longest and most extensive professional relationship on the record, to the whole watershed from the headwaters beaver pond, Merritt's Marsh, to the confluence with River Clyde." Additional exhibits include (2) n November 8. 2006 letter entitled "Anauo Bourn at Anaoortea City Council — Part V. The letter requesta, in pert. that Mr. 8eip's petition of October Q. 2006 be returned to the Planning Commission for review and recommendation prior to City Council consideration; and (3) a November 6, 2006 letter entitled "Anaco Bourn at Anacortes City Council — Part V||: Rebuttal" Mr. Barnes concluded that "...ewell-defined aboveground channel system in y0ohna Heights conveys the type 5 portions of natural water Anaco Bourn directly into the downstream type 4 perennial portion of the stream, wherever that may begin' and it begins by the time it gets to the Seip property." He also discussed protection standards for state waters; Anaco Bourn is a type 5 water body. He also suggested that in the absence of a WAC 222 topographic definition of a channel, an appropriate working definition would be"...a topographic pmofi|ethat confines surface flow toa defined area with e defined OHVVK8 and this defined area can be identified on the ground topographically." Mr. Barnes concluded that the Wiggins April 1, 2004 report definition of a natural stream supported this; he then used photos to illustrate the water flows in the Marine Heights area and to naoep Council field trip routes. In response, Ms. Walker offered that o ravine is not a natural or a defined stream channel. Flagging sLreonna requires identification of defined bed and bank; further, o topographic impression does not necessarily mean the existence ofanintermittent stream. Further surface flow to..."otype 4water does nota type 5 water make; it has to be in a defined above ground channel." &1s. Larson stated that the findings and opinions based on these presentations and all the information on record suggested that the evidence supports the conclusion that the Anaco Bourn is not a stream as defined by WAC 222; that the action to remove the stream is consistent with the disclaimers on the City's Critical Areas Map. The evidence submitted by this individual property owner offers overwhelming evidence tosupport removing Anaoo Boum from the CAO |iobad streams. Questions followed from the Council regarding water quality that comes from a drainage ditch as opposed to o stream. Ms. Walker described the environmental testing necessary to make such a determination. Mr. Barnes answered questions regarding ground water infiltration from Marine Heights and highlighted field characteristics of the Council's site visit. In answer to a question from Council, Ms. Walker said she did not conduct a historic aerial photo analysis. On a 1094 site viait, during a drought. Mr. Barnes amvv etnoarn channels but no water; he said he saw evidence of the three channels that exist today. Mr. J.B. Scott, Geotechnical Engineer, first visited the site in 1992 or 1993 and photographed the site; he reported that no channel orvvet|and existed in K8anoh of 1904. Mr. Purnell, President of geotechnical geology and civil engineering firm, first visited the site in 1994 and continuously observed the property for 2 years. He explained that the water flow is from e glacial channel with intermittent flow for excess surface water. There is ground water recharge in back nfMarine Heights; itcollects water and excess flows through Marine Heights. Mr. Tom Glade, representing Evergreen |a|unds. submitted 31 articles regarding measures necessary to protect the vital waterways ofPuget Sound. Mr. Gene Dehg. 1302 K Avenue, spoke in support ofMr, Glade's and Mr. Barnes' comments. Mr. Brian Watcher, 814 20`n Gt., questioned the procedure; emphasized the City's commitment to protect streams; and asked Council to consider the potential to open up challenges to the existing CAO. Mr. Michael Sternberg, 2208 31m St., said that four scientists have testified that there was not stream in 1894. K4a. Julie White, 3708 W. 12 m St., submitted a November 6 t letter asking the Council not to remove Anaoo Bourn as @ protected stream. She encouraged innovative planning through the Planned Unit Development pnn0000 to protect both the environment and boallow for development. There were nofurther comments and the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. Mr. K8unce reported that the Council will review this and all proposed 2005/2006 m C�onnpnahenaiveP\anendDewe\npnnentRagu\otionchangaaonKAonday'Nnvennber13 NOVEMBER Gi2006—CONTINUED ConomotAWeodm Mc Petrish moved, seconded by Mc Adams, to approve the Aveo— Pethsh' Picket Adanns, Turner, Richardson, and Hobov onAgenda Item Gd.) Motion carried. AoProva/ofVouchers/Cancellation of Warrants following Consent Agenda items. Vote: (Mrs. Richardson abstained from voting Council voted unanimously that the audited and certified by the City's Auditing Officer (Finance Director) and subsequently reviewed and approved by the Council Finance Committee on October 18. 2806, October 25, 2006 and November 1. 2008 are approved for payment as of this date November 6, 2006. Claims Warrants � October, 2006: Warrant Numbers 38583through 3880]inthe total amount of $661,920.83 BT October, 2006: EFT Numbers 3D578through 38S82inthe total amount of$1.324.OU Pnamritten C|einnn October, 2006: Warrant Number 38577inthe total amount uf$3,S23.7O PayroU#1for October 18.2OO8inthe total amount of$445.380.3D | Warrant Numbers 2987Qthrough 20937inthe total amount of$57.25O.11 Direct Deposit Numbers 20O35through 2U18Binthe total amount of$243.1G1�54 EFT Numbers O18through O23inthe total amount of$144,QO8.73 Payno|\#2for October 31. 2008 \nthe total amount of$G28.GO0.17 Warrant Numbers 2Q838through 3O008inthe total amount of$228'75S.75 Direct Deposit Numbers 2O18Othrough 2O2Q3inthe total amount of$248.844.52 | EFT Numbers G24through 828inthe total amount nf$151'O55.gO |nthe same motion Council: Adopted Resolution No. 1730 entitled "Resolution Authorizing Execution of Tourism Promotion Fund Contracts by and between the City of AnecoMtesand Twelve Agencies for Fifteen P ; Adopted Ordinance No. 2750 entitled "An Ordinance Vacating a Portion of Oakes Avenue Contained in The Baring Addition tothe City ofAnaumdes.Skagit County, VVoohington^; Adopted Ordinance No. 2751 entitled "An Ordinance Vacating a Portion of V Avenue Adjacent to Lot 1 of Block 286 Located in the /\naoortao Original Addition to the City of Ananurtes. Skagit County, Washington"; Accepted the 2O00CBD Sidewalk Replacement Project aanomp|ete(PVV#05-O84-OEV); Accepted the 3O"Waterline Backfill Reinforcement project asconnp|ete(PVV#O5-O68-VVTR-0O2);and Awarded the 2OOOSidewalk Pnojmeot(�2 Street from ^L"Avenue tu"N"Avenue) toK8PConstruction inthe amount of$37.74G.2O. Ordinance: Adopt 2DD7Budqatand SaharySchedule and Resolution: Settinq2O07Lmvn K80. Wanda Phillips, Finance Dhector, presented an Ordinance tothe Mayor and Council for review and adoption. The 2007 Budget was reviewed by Council in Study Sessions and a Public Hearing was held. The Ordinance aurnnnorizaa, by fund, the expenditures that have been set for the 2007 Budget; the total budget is $40`471.865. In addition, K8e. Phillips presented e Resolution authorizing the 196 |irnihad levy which will yield approximately $35,800.94. With that. Mr. Turner moved, seconded by Mr. Petrinh, to adopt Ordinance No. 2752 entitled "An Ordinance Adopting the Budget and Salary Schedule for all K8un(oipo| Purposes and Uses for the Year 2007^. and adopted Resolution No. 172$ entitled ^A Resolution of the City Council of the city of Anacortes Setting the City's Year 2007 Property Tax Regular Levy Increase". Vote: Ayes — Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson, Hoboy.and Petrish. Motion carried. Closed Record K8eetn#: Conditional Use Application — Private Drive amAccess Mayor Maxwell initiated the Closed Record Meeting on a Conditional Use application submitted by Ms. Sara White to use a private drive as access to Lot 1 of Short Plat # ANA 86-003 (41~ Street and ^O^ Avenue.) Mr. Ian Nlunoe. Planning Director, explained that atthis time, the applicant intends to build one house only on the entire 1986 4-|otshort plat. Without permission to use private drive as access, the applicant would be required to develop the 000esa to full City standards. If approved, the authorization would apply to this one residence. If any further development ocounn, the access would have to be fully developed. The Planning Commission held a Public Hearing on this matter and recommended approval subject to 12 conditions. No appeals were filed. With that. Mr. Turner nnoved, seconded by Mrs. Riohnndson, to approve the Conditional Use Application subject to the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. Vote: Ayes — Adams, Turner, Richardson, Hoboy.Pethsh.and Pickett. Motion carried. 2059 NOVEMBER 6, 2006 — CONTINUED Closed Record Meetinq: Preliminary Plat and Conditional Use: Marine Crest Preliminary Plat and. Private Drive as Access: Mayor Maxwell initiated the Closed Record Meeting on Todd Kirkpatrick's Preliminary Plat and Conditional Use applications to further subdivide Lots 7 and 8 of Short Plat # ANA 04-003, generally at 4305 Marine Drive. The Marine Crest Plat will have 6 lots with a cul-de-sac and a private drive as access to Lot 8A only. The Planning Commission held Public Hearings on this matter and all transcripts and exhibits have been forwarded to Council; the Commission voted to recommend approval subject to 21 conditions. Staff also recommends acceptance of this project and conditions. Mrs. Richardson discussed clearing and drainage improvements. In that regard, she proposed Condition # 22: "No lot shall be cleared until a Building Permit is secured for that lot; and Condition # 23: "Final Plat approval will not be granted until all necessary drainage improvements are either installed or bonded." Mrs. Richardson moved, seconded by Mr. Hoboy, to approve the Marine Crest Preliminary Plat and Conditional Use permits subject to the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law as amended by the addition of Conditions 22 and 23. Vote: Ayes – Turner, Richardson, Hoboy, Petrish, Pickett, and Adams. Motion carried. Proposed Relinquishment of Easement/Paulson Mr. Fred Buckenmeyer, Deputy Public Works Director, presented a request to Council to relinquish 15' of a utility easement adjoining 2320/2322 11th Street, property owned by Mr. Bradley R. Paulson. The applicant and staff have held discussions on this matter and finding no adverse impacts recommends moving forward with the request. The subject 80' right-of-way was vacated a number of years ago; Mr. Paulson owns 40' of that vacated right-of-way subject to a City utility easement. Mr. Paulson has requested that the City relinquish 15' of that easement; negotiations regarding compensation were successful. Questions followed from the Council regarding use of the remaining easement for public access to the water as part of the Council's long range planning. Mrs. Pickett suggested that this access could provide a link from the Guemes trail back to the neighborhood. Mr. Ian Munce, Planning Director, said he would research the original easement language. Public Hearinq: Revisions to Stream Manaqement Rules Interim Ord. # 2748) Mayor Maxwell opened the Public Hearing to take comments on amendments to Ordinance No. 2748 adopting Interim Adaptive Management for Streams. Mr. Ian Munce, Planning Director, explained that the Ordinance establishes a regulatory approach to streams in relationship to new development; there shall be a 50' protective corridor on both sides of the stream. Conversely, the City has not taken a regulatory approach to existing streams on developed property. In that regard the City has adopted an adaptive management approach; i.e., community monitoring coupled with a net loss/ecological function value if corrective action becomes necessary. An appeal of the Ordinance was filed; the Growth Hearings Board determined that the City shall adopt detailed language on implementation. Mr. Ross O. Barnes, 1004 7" St., did not object to the proposed language proposed but expressed concerns about implementation. He raised two issues: (1) who will pay for the studies? (2) Who will bear the burden of corrective action, if necessary? Mr. Tom Glade, Evergreen Islands, emphasized that actions affecting streams do ultimately affect the waters of Puget Sound. Mr. Gene Derig, 1302 "K" Avenue, supported the comments of Mr. Barnes and Mr. Glade; he asked if the hearing procedure was appropriate. Mr. Ian Munce, City Attorney, said that the City is in compliance mode. Mr. Brian Wetcher, 814 26th St., asked that the standards set by this Ordinance be successfully implemented, and suggested developing a process to address past damage to waterways. There being no further business, at approximately 10:45 p.m. the Mayor adjourned the regularly scheduled meeting of November 6, 2006. \0 o_�k 0 �, 4,J Lio a— wvzo/� Wanda P. Phillipe, ity Clerk-Trebsurer H. Dean Maxwell, Mayor �ACoun2dlmem er / At 7:30 p.m., Mayor K8@XVv8U called the [egU|3d« scheduled meeting Of K8Onday, NOV8[nb8[ 20' 2008 to On18[ Roll C8U found present Loren HOboV, Nick PetriSh, Erica Pickett, Brad /\d@nlS, Cynthia RiChandsOD, and Bh8D Gee[, Absent: Bill Turner. Roll call was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes of PrevioumMeetinq The 0\nu�o����bgr16ma�No�m�r�will beavailable for approval 0nDecember 4. 2006. Citizen Hearings No citizens present wished to testify on matters not on the agenda. Mayor/Council Mayor Maxwell 'reported `^''- the []tv opened the Emergency Oo8[@tOOS Center last Wednesday at 12:3[ p.m./\wind st0D0, with gusts Up to 74 m.p.h.,hit /�O@co�eG on the heels of floods, oVv and ice. The Mayor and Council extended Gspecial thaDhs for all Public Works and Public Safety employees who worked around the clock to respond to this 8rOerg8OCy situation, The Mayor asked the community, during these difficult weather situations, to check on the elderly and those unable tOcope with loss ofpower and transportation. Mr. Adams reported tothe Council that h8had @ scheduling conflict and would be leaving the meeting 8t8:30p.0. 2005/2006 Comprehensive Plan and Develooment Reaulatiom Amendments 2007 Comprehensive Plan Update Mr. Ian K8unce. Planning Director, asked Council to direct staff to prepare an Ordinance reflecting 2005/2000 annual amendments. The Ordinance would oddnaGa theAnaco Bourn issue; specifically with the addition of use section regarding streams in ditches or culverts. The added option VvOu|d 8||0vV @ property owner to take the Gtr8@0 out of the ditch or culvert subject to o 10' setback. This category would be applicable to the review of any newsubdivision. If this new |@ngV2g8 is approved, no action vV0U|d be taken to de|iSt the An8oO BnU[D Stream atthis time. Additionally, language regarding large scale nat@i| will be included in an Ordinance adopting the Comprehensive P|8D 2007. After discussion, Mrs. Richardson Rloved, seconded by Mrs. F/iCkett, to direct staff to prepare the two {}rd\D@UceS. Vote: Ayes — F»ethsh.Pickett, Adams, Richardson, Geer, and Hoboy. Motion carried. Consent Aqenda M[ Adams 00ved, seconded by M[ Geer, to approve the following Consent Agenda hems. Vote: Ayes — Pickett, Adams, Richardson, Geer, Hoboy, and Petrish. Motion carried. /\Dorovg|OfVouchers/Cancellation Of Council voted unmOinnouak/ that the following vouchers/warrants audited and codified by the City's Auditing Office[ (Finance Director) and subsequently reviewed and approved by the Council Finance Committee on November 15, 2000 and November 8, 2000 are approved for payment aaofthis date November 2O.2OD0. Claims Warrants November, 2UU6:Warrant Numbers 38815through 38SS7inthe total amount of $945.823.28 EFT ---'November, 2OO6:EFTNumbers 388OSthrough 38O14inthe total amount of$845.DO PrevxhttenC\mirne November, 3OO6:VVmrraOtNumbers 38OO7-388O8iDthe total amount of $17,409.98 Pay[O||#1 for November 17. 2OD0iDthe total amount of$471.480.00 Warrant Numbers 3OOOSthrough 30004iDthe total amount Of$58.175.7S Direct Deposit Numbers 2O3S3through 2O515inthe total amount of $256,438.28 EFT Numbers O3Othrough O35iOthe total amount of$156,854.02 !mthe same motion Council: Approved the surplus of fleet vehicles listed in the "City of 8nacortes Surplus Request Report for Calendar Year 2006^ doted November 16, 2006; the vehicles have been transferred or 2061 061 NOVEMBER 20, 2006 — CONTINUED DoVxo1ommmGarbacie Cans and Bike Racks: Budqet Authorization Mr. Gary Robinson, Director of Parks and Recreation, presented m request to Council for authorization to purchase twelve garbage mane and six bike racks for placement in the downtown area. The cans will be handsomely decorated with depictions ofdifferent antique salmon can labels. /\ prototype garbage can and bike rack were in the Council Chambers for viewing. Staff proposes that donors pay $550 per can and $300 per bike rack; the City would pay the balance. Mrs. Richardson said that thanks should go to Bill Mitchell for his idea to connect the City to its historic fishing industry in this way. After discussion, K4[ Goer moved, seconded by Mrs. Richardson, to authorize the purchase of twelve garbage cans without |aba/s, including shipping, at approximately $7'250. and six bike naoho at approximately $2.700. Vote: Ayes —Adannm. Richardson, Gea[, Hoboy' PethSh. and Pickett. Motion carried. Contract Award: Pilina Removal 30th Street K8c Ian K8unoe. Planning background for this contract award request. The C�` �mwnothebaqgedock atend of30th street; two finger piersare used by Cap Sante Marine to launch boats. The City also owns the boat ramp for Industrial Park tenants to the south of� nm street. The associated 15 existing pilings interfere with the ease of use by marine traffic at these locations; removing creosote pile is also environmentally responsible. The {ow bid for the project was raoeived from Culbertson Marine Construction in the amount of $47,100.60. After discussion, Mr. Hoboy rnoved, seconded by Mr. PethSh, to award the Cap Sante South Pile Removal Project # 06 -080 -|DS to Culbertson Marine Construction in the amount of $47.001.60 including tax. Vote: Avas—R\chardSon. Geer, Hoboy' Pethsh' Pickett. and Adams. Motion carried. Contract Modification: Sunset Avenue.: Mr. Fred Buokennleyar, Public Works Deputy Director, presented a request for approval of Change # 1 for the Sunset Avenue Road improvements Project (04-010-TRyJ). Mr. Buckenmeyer explained that three new developments would be constructed at the same time as the Sunset project; the City coordinated utility installation for these projects together with Sunset Avenue improvements. To accommodate and nnstoh these innpnomsnnenta, staff identified and quantified the necessary Contract changes including: frontage changes along the Knuteen development; frontage changes along the Chmffey Homes development; and City project additions and changes. AddidonaUy, agreements have been reached regarding reimbursement of the dEwe|Ope/S portion of the improvements, With that. K8[S. Pickett moved, seconded by Mr. Hoboy to approve Change Order # 1 to the Sunset Avenue Road Improvement Project, and to authorize the Mayor to enter into a contract with Co|a:urcio Brothers in the amount of $57,791.30. Vote: yea—Richmrdaon. Geer. Hoboy, PetriSh. Pickett. and Adams. Motion carried. Ordinance: BadQetAmendment for 2006 K8a. VVondo Phi||ipa, Finance Dinaotor, presented an Ordinance to Council for review and adoption. If adopted, the Ordinance would reflect amendments to the 2000 Budget in the General Fund /001\; Ambulance Fund (110); and Sewer Fund (440). Mr. Geer m0ved, seconded by Mrs. Richardson, to adopt Ordinance No. 2753 entitled "An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 2725 Adopted on November 7m of 2005, entitled 'An Ordinance Adopting the Budget and Salary Schedule for all K8unioipe! Purposes and Uses for the Year 2006"'. Vote: Ayes —Geer, Hoboy, Pethah, Pickett. Adan/a. and Richardson. Motion carried. Resolution: Authorization: Master Licenainq Service Aqmeemmemt K8u. VVondo Phillips, Finance Director, presented a Resolution to Council for review and adoption. If adopted, the Resolution would authorize the Mayor to enter into a data sharing agreement between the City of Anacortes and the State of Washington Department of Revenue and Department of Licensing. Mr. Adams said that this action would increase efficiency by authorizing the Department of Licensing Master License Service to act as the Cib/"o agent for business licensing activities; he then moved to adopt Resolution No. 1731. Vote: Ayes — Hoboy, Pathnh.Pickett, Adams, Richardson, and Geer. Motion carried. Final Plat: Rock Ridqe South K8nG. Richardson stepped down from deliberation on this matter. Mr. Ian K8UDce. Planning DimeotOr, presented the F{ooh Ridge South Final Plat application. The 22 -lot preliminary plat was previously approved bythe City Council; the decision was appealed toSuperior Court and the City's planning process was upheld. The improvements have been constructed; the Planning {}onnnnieoion reviewed the application and recommended approval subject to: completion of the landscape installation; completion of the water pump station; provide a fire flow report; project compliance with the 10-ym8[ VVGta[ C>Va|itv Monitoring Plan; a 1 -year Maintenance bond inthe amount of$11O,763.18; final review and approval ofthe plat drawing 2 NOVEMBER 28'2006—CONTINUED 2062 assuring conformance tOthe project requirements; and geotechnical analysis shall be dome OD each and every site prior to building pBrDitS being issued. The projects key fBEdu[eS include a 30' forestland buffer on this project total; this will he added to approximately S miles of forested buffer in/\O000rteesecured through the plat process. Additionally, Tract Bwill bededicated to the City outright, With that, Mr. |Xob0y nlVVed, seconded by K8[ Geer to approve the Final Plat of Rock Ridge South subject to the 7 conditions recommended by the Planning Commission. Vote: Aueo—Petrieh' P�ckett, Adams, Gear. and Hoboy. Mrs. Richardson returned tothe Council Chambers. Quail Run Planned Unit Development Mayor K8a»xNeU initiated the Closed Record meeting On the Quail F{Vn Planned Unit Development located off of ClU8i/ Drive and "H" Avenue. Mr. [)OO Me@moFn8r` Assistant Planning Director, explained that (}Uai| Run is located on approximately 14 oCPeS with 28 pFDpOa8d single family lots; the project also includes 8 3.1 acre Category 1 wetland. The Planning Commission held Public Hearings On this matter and necOnlnleDd8d app[OVo| of the C)V8i| Run PUD'S Preliminary Development P|8O and Conditional Use permit for 8 wetland urneainQ, both eubi����o conditions. Council r8ma\wad copies of all transcripts and exhibits from Vo� 8o[O�S� two appeals Vx� those H \ ' | re filed but were withdrawn. � K8K0r eae8[nerueed overhead displays to show the project vicinity and lot layout. The proposed wetland mitigation includes removal Ofan0�s�Og dvv�hthe wetlands to be ' �red inthat area; buffer enhancement and mitigation will be provided as required by the Chv'e (�hdoa| Area Ordinance. FurFurther,h�the wetlands and buffer will be dedicated as Native' Growth Protection Easements. The detailed Final Development Plan (Preliminary P|oM will follow on approval of the project concept; Mr. KAeasanner clarified that the applicant has proposed R 2 Setback neSthC[iODa. Council discussion fO||ovvod regarding St0[OOVYater and runoff concerns were addressed; the application will retain the services of hydro, geologist to review the site and to VVOrh with the GChoV| [}isihCt and City to develop @ atn[0vvat8r plan. VVEt|and monitoring will be conducted- neighborhood connectivity was encouraged; the fence issue will need to be F8So|V8d. With that, Mrs. Richardson moved, seconded by K8F. Hob0y. to approve the Quail RVA Preliminary Development P\8D for the C}V@i\ FlVn PUD subject to the Findings of Fact and CODC|USinOs Of Law as recommended by the Planning C0OlrDi8GiUO. together with Condition # 33: '`N18XimU0 \oOd coverage by buildings shall be thirty-five percent /35%\. Vote: AveS— Pickett, Adams, Richo[dSon, Geer, HDb0y, and Petrimh. K8oboD carried. There being nOfurther business, atapproximately S:00p.m.the Mayor adjourned the regularly scheduled meeting of November 20, 2006. Steven D. H46nd, City Clerk -Treasurer &V�JJ4,vi .61 Councilmember V. 0., &J�IA H. Dean Maxwell,/Mayor/ 2063 DECEMBER 4, 2006 At 7:30 p.m., Mayor Maxwell called the regularly scheduled meeting of Monday, December 4, 2006 to order. Roll call found present Loren Hoboy, Nick Petrish, Erica Pickett, Brad Adams, Bill Turner, Cynthia Richardson, and Brian Geer. Roll call was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes of Previous Meetinq Mr. Petrish moved, seconded by Mr. Adams, to approve the minutes of October 16, 2006 and November 6, 2006 as if read. Vote: Ayes — Petrish, Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, and Hoboy. Motion carried. Citizen Hearings No citizens present wished to testify on matters not on the agenda. 'Mayor/Council Communication', The Mayor announced that there will be a Port/City Liaison Committee meeting on December 5th at 8:30 a.m. in his office. Mr. Rick Harvey, Operations Manager, reported to Council on the recent snow events. Mr. Harvey explained that the crew maintains 120 miles of roadway within the City limits; during a storm, the crew has a window of about 12-24 hours to remove the snow before it turns to ice. City equipment includes two 5 -yard sanders and one 2 -yard sander; one sander has a plow and a road grader. The streets are cleared using a priority system: priority 1 main streets are cleared continually until they're passable. Priority 1 also includes entrances and exists for the hospital, police and fire facilities, and schools. Priority 2 roads are neighborhood collectors, hills, and curves; those streets are then cleared continually until passable. Priority 3 streets are in residential neighborhoods. There are also emergency situations requiring that the equipment be pulled off the priority jobs. After the event, the crews are then busy with sweeping the streets. Mr. Harvey reported that in spite of the storm, sanitation crews were able to follow through with their routes. The Mayor and Council sent a special thanks to all the members of the Public Works crews who worked round the clock to protect the community. Public Works Annual "Excellence in Infrastructure" Awards, Mr. Fred Buckenmeyer, Deputy Public Works Director, presented the second annual Excellence in Infrastructure Awards. One development and one capital improvement project are singled out for this recognition. The private development award goes to the Orchards, a 60 lot -subdivision at 41St Street and "H" Avenue. Notable project improvements are: regional detention facility; 1,000 lineal feet of forestland buffer; offsite sidewalk extension; dedication of 5 acres of open space; and restoration of Ace of Hearts Creek. The developer, Mr. Scott Irving, maintained an excellent relationship with the neighborhood and was quick to respond to Public Works Department punch list items. Mr. Irving and Mr. Craig Decker accepted the award to a standing ovation. The capital project award goes to City of Anacortes sewer pump station # 15 at the intersection of 12th Street and "B" Avenue. Improvements include a larger wet well, new manholes, and new grinder. Mr. John Franz, Wastewater Treatment Plant Manager and plant staff took on this project when the bids for this project came in over budget. Using the expertise of the plant workers and other city employees, the project was completed under budget and on time. The project was completed in the safest manner possible and saved the citizens over $200,000 in construction costs; additionally, there will be ongoing energy savings. Everybody in the wastewater, operations, and engineering divisions played a part in the success of this project. Of particular note was Mr. Dave Walde, Public Works Construction Inspector, who ran the excavator for this development. Mr. Franz accepted the award to a standing ovation. Museum Advisory Board Appointment: Libbv Walqamott, Mayor Maxwell introduced Ms. Libby Walgamott; Ms. Walgamott applied to the Mayor's office to be considered for the Museum Advisory Board position vacated by John Killingsworth. The Council previously reviewed Ms. Walgamott's application and resume. With that, Mrs. Richardson moved, seconded by Mr. Hoboy, to confirm the appointment of Ms. Libby Walgamott to the Museum Advisory Board. Vote: Ayes — Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, Hoboy, and Petrish. Motion carried. Final Acceptance: Stevenson/Thompson Road Sewer Proiect Mr. Fred Buckenmeyer, Deputy Public Works Director, presented a request to Council to accept the Stevenson/Thompson Road Sewer Project as complete. The extension will serve over 90 �� o� �� � � |0 �� �� DECEMBER 4, 2006 acres ofund8Vo|ODedpn]pe�vvv�hinthe (�hv|iDl�s conl[debOQseVVa[Sen�c8hothe annexation area. The area i� between SR2O and Stevenson Road from Reservation Road b3Thompson RO8d, Mr. BuCkeOmey8rDoted that the property oVvDe[S cooperated with the City to secure easements at no cost; approximately $42O.00Onfthe contract cost has been reimbursed by Skagit County. The $32.597.81 Change order is attributable to the need to repave larger portions of eVensoO Road than originally anticipated; also, addit\0n8l traffic control was required to provide a larger safe work area. After discussion, Mr. Turner moved, seconded by Geer, toapprove Change Order #1inthe amount of$32.597.81. Vote: Avea—Adams.Turner, Richardson, Geer` HVboy, Pet[ish. and Pickett. Motion carried. K8[ P8triGh then DlOVad' seconded by Mr. Hoboy, to accept the Steve naon/Thomp80n Road Sewer Project as complete. Vote: Ayes —TVrner. Richardson, Geer, HOboy, Pet[ish. Pickett, and /\daOnS. Motion carried. Final Acceptance: SkvDine Division GOverlavF»roiect Mc Fred Buckenrneyer, Deputy Public Works Director, presented a request to Council to accept the Skyline Division 0Overlay Project aeconlp|ete. The work has been inspected and the City has full and unrestricted use and benefit ofthis facility. K8[. Buckenrneyerexp|ained that flat gnsdea, difficult overlay for multiple driveways, improvements to the edge of the mopha\t, and a lack ofdrainage conveyance all provided challenges. The City's Project Manager, &8r. Lyle Davis, and the contractor, Rinke[ Materials, worked closely with the neighborhood; the work was completed ontime and OObudget. The Mayor thanked the Skyline Division 8neighborhood for their support and cooperation. After discussion, Mrs. Pickett moved, seconded by K8[ FzBt[ish' to enoe[t the Skyline Division 6 Overlay Project as complete. Vote: Avee— Riohordaon, Geer, HVbOy'pet[imh`Picket, Adams, and Turner. Motion carried. Consent Aqenda Mr. Hoboy moved, seconded by Mr. Geer, to approve the following Consent Agenda item. Vote: Ayes — Geer, Hoboy, Petrish, Pickett, Adams, Turner, and Richardson. Motion carried. /\Dio[ova\of of Council voted unanimously that the following vouchers/warrants audited and certified by the {}Kv'S Auditing Officer (Finance Director) and subsequently reviewed and approved by the Council Finance Committee on November 30. 2000 are approved for payment as of this date December 4.2QO6. Claims Warrants November, 2OOO:Warrant Numbers 39003through 39150iDthe total amount of $892'082.05 EFT November, 2008: EFT Numbers 38998 through 89002 in the tote/ amount of$720.84 Payroll # 1 for December 1. 2006 in the total o0oUOt 0f$054.828.72 Warrant Numbers 3OD85through 3O13Ointhe total amount Of$23O.244.38 Direct Deposit Numbers 2O516through 2OO18iDthe total amount Vf$203.S11.85 EFT Numbers O8Othrough 641inthe total amount of$18O.67271 Ordinance: Limitinq Parkinq Impound ' Police Chief Mike King presented an Ordinance to Council for review and adoption; the Ordinance was previously reviewed b«Council inStudy Session. Chief King explained that the proposed technical correction would o\|Vvx Public Safety personnel to implement the City's parking restrictions now in force. Without this amendment language, before impounding a vehicle the City would be required towait an additional 24 hours beyond the current 72 -hour waiting period. On a question from Mrs. Richardson, Chief King described the extensive staff process used to encourage owners to bring a vehicle into compliance rather than have their vehicle impounded. A number of questions fOUOvVed regarding the definition of "abandoned vehicle." With that, Mrs. Richardson nnovad, seconded by Mr. Turnar, to adopt Ordinance No. 2754 entitled "An Ordinance Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 1830 Relating to Limiting Parking on Streets and /\venV9S within the City ofAn@corteS." Vote: /4/e8 — HobOy` PethSh, Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson, and Geer. Motion carried. Affordable Housinci Committee: Next Steps Mr. |@n N1Unce' Planning Director, Deported to Council that 13 nmDnoS togethervvbh supporting information have been submitted in response to a call for volunteers to serve on the Affordable Housing Citizen Advisory Committee; the 14m representative will o0nne from the Housing Authority. Mr. KUunce said that [}@vo Prutznnan. Rex Orkney, Don CoVgh|in, and Terry Christiansen have also submitted their names for consideration. Mr. K8unoa explained that the Committee meetings will center on a specific work program and will be open to the public with advance notice. Council discussion followed regarding establishing a balance of interests amongst the Connrnh±ee membership. Mr. K8unoe suggested that spaces be held for the DECEMBER 4, 2006 following categories: School District, Community Action, Hospital, and Anacortes Family Sheltar. Council also discussed place holders for the Food Bonk and the nnohne trades. Mr. Munce will follow up in two weeks. Resolution: Adoption of Updated Barqaininq Aqreememtwith lAF1537 Fina Chief Richard Curda, presented a progress report on establishing port time fire protection/EMS service in the March Point area. The City's 2007 Budget a|{0vvs for this expansion toinclude additional personnel and temporary facilities; 5 additional personnel will be hired to staff the new facility. The temporary 12- hour service from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. will improve the insurance ratings in that area and will significantly reduce response times. Through a series of slides, the Chief highlighted the Fida|Qo Island 85 -square mile service area which includes 25.000 residents (service is also provided to Guemmea Island residents). These proposed improvements will support the current negations with other providers for even greater oan/ioe levels. Further. Shelter Bay, an area with a high need of medical een/iceo, will be greatly assisted bythe new services; response time will becut inhalf. Chief Curtis also referred to the City -owned 4.3 acnes as a potential regional training site. Discussions are also ongoing with Fire District # 13 to co -locate equipment at Fire District # 13. Another plus is the opportunity for Boundary Drops with Summit Pork Fire [}apartment and Skagit Central Medic One, KVa. Emily Schuh, Human Resources Direcbxr, reported onthe successful negotiation pn»cmaa on the updated Bargaining Agreement with IAF 1587. Ms Schuh pointed out that an executed agreement will ai|ovv the [}Uv to move forward with hiring and implementing the expanded services. After discussion, Mr. Geer 0oved, seconded by Mr. Admms, to adopt Resolution No. 1732 entitled ')4Resolution Approving o Revised Labor Agreement byand between the City of Anacorteo and The International Association of Firefighters Local 1537." Vote: Avee— Petheh, Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, and HVboy. Motion carried. Public Works Annual Year-end Brieknq K8[ Fred Buckenmeyer, Deputy Public Works Director, reported that, during 2000. the department held fast tothe mission statement to operate and maintain a robust infrastructure in order to maintain and improve the quality of life for the community. Mr. Bucken0eyer gave m detailed report ofthe following: organizotional chart; spring open house; substantial storm impacts; use of emergency operations center; mmbar system updates; cooperation between multiple departments on Pump Station # 15; incinerator feed line; sludge management u|oae; etonnvvaberand 97 detention ponds; Ace of Hearts Creek; updating StormvvmterConnpraheneive Plan; water quality improvements; 120 rn\>eS Of streets; Skyline 0ViSiVO # 6; Sunset Avenue; sidewalk replacement; downtown aidavva\h replacement; development projects; Rock Ridge South; Guemeo Channel Trail; developments on Oakes Avenue; solid waste; and fleet service. Council thanked Mr. Buohenrneyarfor his presentation; Mr. Willie LaRue, Water Treatment Plant Manager, fielded questions from the Council. K4r. Ian K8unce' Planning Dirador, explained that the Council will be receiving a staff report prior to the December 11 m Public Hearing on issues raised on the Shoreline Master Plan; K0c K8unma also explained the dual Plan approval relationship between the City of Anacorteo and Department ofEcology. There being nofurther business, sdapproximately 9:00 p.m. the Mayor continued the regularly scheduled meeting of December 4, 2006 to the evening of December 11, 2006 at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose ofconducting the Shoreline Master Program Public Hearing. December 11,20g8—Continued &OeeKncimfDecember 4L2006 Mayor K8axvveU reconvened the continued meeting of December 4, 2008. Roll call found present: Loren Hnbov, Nick Fratrah, Erica Piohett, Brad Adorne, Bill Tunnar, Cynthia Richardson, and Brian Goer. The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing to take testimony on the Shoreline Master Program update. The proceedings are ontape and filed atCity Hall. After all testimony, the Public Hearing was closed and the Mayor then continued the meeting ho Monday, December 1O.2OOGai7:OOp.m.inorder toconduct an Executive Session for aPolice negotiation update. eve 9d, City Clerk-Treasu St' n D. H H. Dean Maxwell, qayor CAOUnci =; 2066 DECEMBER 18, 2006 — CONTINUED MEETING OF DECEMBER 11, 2006 At approximately 7:00 p.m. the Mayor opened the continued meeting of December 11, 2006. All Council members were present. The Council then convened in Executive Session to discuss police negotiations. At approximately 7:30 p.m. the Council reconvened and without taking any further action, adjourned the continued meeting of December 11, 2006. DECEMBER 18, 2006 At 7:30 p.m., Mayor Maxwell called the regularly scheduled meeting of Monday, December 18, 2006 to order. Roll call found present Loren Hoboy, Nick Petrish, Erica Pickett, Brad Adams, Bill Turner, Cynthia Richardson, and Brian Geer. Roll call was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes of Previous Meetinq Mrs. Pickett moved, seconded by Mr. Petrish, to approve the minutes of November 20, 2006 as if read. Vote: Ayes — Petrish, Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, and Hoboy. Motion carried. Citizen Hearings Ms. Patti Pattee, 1302 6'" Street, program where an entire town reads the same book; this has proved to be effective in promoting provocative community discussions. In the new year Ms. Pattee hopes to recommend book titles for Anacortes to consider reading. In that regard, Ms. Pattee recently discovered a book germane to some of the land use decisions the City Council now faces and recommended that the Council read Stacey Mitchell's, The Big Box Swindle. Ms. Pattee then presented the Councilmembers and Mayor with a copy of the book. The Mayor and Council thanked Ms. Pattee. Mayor/Council Communication, Planning Commission Reappointments Mayor Maxwell explained that the Planning Commission terms of Bertis Rasco and Larry Nelson will expire on December 31, 2006; both Commissioners are willing to serve if re -appointed. Thanking both gentlemen for their service to the community, Mrs. Richardson moved, seconded by Mr. Adams, to confirm the reappointments of Bertis Rasco and Larry Nelson to the Planning Commission. Vote: Ayes — Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, Hoboy, and Petrish. Motion carried. The Mayor reported that the Public Works Department submitted a grant application through the Pedestrian and Bicycle safety grant program; the application focused on the Guemes Channel Trail and associated safety improvements. Anacortes ranked seventh in this very competitive statewide grant process; the City anticipates funding in the 2007-2009 biennium. The next update centered on last week's wind storm and Sugiyo fire; the Mayor reported that City crews fought the fire in 60 mile/hour winds. With assistance from Mt. Vernon, and great response from the Anacortes Fire Department, the fire was brought under control; Sugiyo plans to be operational within two weeks. The Police Department and operations crews also spent a long night dealing with power outages, a drifting Guemes Island ferry, and downed power lines. The Mayor was pleased to report there was no infrastructure loss during the storm. The water and wastewater facilities functioned perfectly with backup systems; additionally, PSE was very responsive during the outages and brought in out-of-state crews in anticipation of storm damage. Also, Police Chief King warned those citizens without power to protect themselves against carbon monoxide poisoning while using alternative heat sources. Mr. Ian Munce, Planning Director, reported on the proposed Affordable Housing Citizens Advisory Committee representation: 14 named individuals previously recommended and 7 reserved spaces from the following groups: Anacortes Family Shelter; Anacortes School District; Skagit County Community Action Agency; Island Hospital; Anacortes Food Bank; a representative from the marine trades; and a representative from City Teamsters. Mr. Adams expressed an interest in participating on this Committee. With that, Mrs. Pickett moved, seconded Mr. Turner, to approve the Affordable Housing Citizens Advisory Committee comprised of the 14 named individuals, 7 additional groups, and Mr. Brad Adams representing the City Council. Vote: Ayes — Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, Hoboy, Petrish, and Pickett. Motion carried. Ordinance: 2005/2006 Comprehensive Plan and Development Requlations Mr. Ian Munce, Planning Director, presented an Ordinance to Council for review and adoption. The Ordinance incorporates the Council approved amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and Development Regulations. Mr. Munce drew attention to a clarification in the Land Clearing language: Attachment E, item (D) adds: "Failure to comply will result in a ban on subdivision of the parcel in question for a period of 5 years from the date of violation, in addition to other penalties under City Ordinances." Mr. Munce then highlighted editorial changes submitted by Mrs. Richardson. With those clarifications, Mr. Hoboy moved, seconded by Mr. Geer, to adopt Ordinance No. 2756 entitled "An Ordinance Amending the Development Regulations for the City of Anacortes." Vote: Ayes — Turner, Richardson, Geer, Hoboy, Petrish, Pickett, and Adams. Motion carried. Ordinance: 2007 Comprehensive Plan Adoption Mr. Ian Munce, Planning Director, presented an Ordinance to Council for review and adoption. Mr. Munce explained that the last complete review of the City's Comp Plan occurred in 1993; there have been DECEMBER 18, 2006 annual updates since that time. After several citizen group noeaUnQa. Planning Commission and City Council public hearings, the draft document now before Council reflects the policy direction the community will take. K8c W1unoe reported that the difficult issue was the question of large scale retail; also, no comments on the draft Plan were received after the State of Washington 60 -day agency review. The new Plan language would allow discussion next year Vn larger scale retail proposals; residential zones can remain with their current character, These new policies will also lead toaseries ofworkshops in which the Council and public can further develop and define development issues. After discussion, Mr. Geer moved, seconded by Mr. Hnboy, tuadopt Ordinance No. 27S7 adopting a New Comprehensive Plan. Vote: Ayes — Richardson, Geer, Hnbuy.Patriah.Pickett, Adams, and Turner. Motion carried. Paulson Easement Purchase Reauamt KAc Ian W1unce. Planning Director, introduced a December G. 2006 letter from Mc Brad Paulson outlining his noepunes to the Council's proposal to forgive a portion of the $23'000 com 'aat n required for the relinquishment of15'nfau�Utyeasement adjacent tohis pnope�yot232G11"Street. \nthe letter, Mr. Paulson asks the Council to consider his original request to purchase the 15' easement. Mrs. Pickett suggested that a site visit and further investigative work from staff will be needed in order to access the potential at this location for public access. Council agreed and staff will prepare background information prior toosite visit tnheheld later inJanuary. Cuunci/nnennberethanked Mr. Paulson for his thorough and informative letter. Consent Aqemdo Mrs. Richardson moved' seconded by KAna. Pickett, to approve the following Consent Agenda hann. Vote: Ayes — Geer, Hoboy, Petrish, Pickett, Adams, Turner, and Richardson. Motion carried. Approval nfVouchers/Cancellation ofWarrants Council voted unanimously that the hdkmvino audited and certified by the City's Auditing Officer (Finance Director) and subsequently reviewed and approved by the Council Finance Committee on December 14, 2006 are approved for payment as of this date December 18, 2006. Claims Warrants December, 2006: Warrant Numbers 3Q1G3through 3Q33Sinthe total amount of$7OG,87O.3O EFT December, 2006: EFT Numbers 39158through 3Q182inthe total amount nf$GO2.00 PnewrittonC|airns December, 2006: Warrant Number 30157inthe total amount of$16'O52.g5 Warrant Cancellation: Warrant Number 381O3inthe total amount of$15.00 Ordinance: 2006 Budiciet Amendments Ms. Wanda Phillips, Finance Director, presented an Ordinance toCouncil for review and adoption. If adopted the Ordinance would reflect additional expenditures from the following funds: Parks Fund (1O1); Library Fund (103); Washington Park Fund (107); Tourism Fund (135); Sanitation Fund (450); Equipment Rental Revolving Fund (SO1)-and Firemen's Pension Fund (G11). Ms. Phillips then presented mdetailed narrative on each fund amendment. After discussion, W1c Turner rnoved, seconded by Mrs. Pickett to adopt Ordinance No. 2755 entitled "An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 2725 adopted on November 7 m of 2005, entitled 'An Ordinance Adopting the Budget and Salary Schedule for all Municipal Purposes and Uses for the Year 2UO6."'Vote: Ayes— Hoboy, Petrish, Pickett, Adarna, Turner. Richardson, and Geer. Motion carried. AHRB—Wilson Hotel Nomination to AnaomrtesRecilisterefHistoric Places Mr. Garry Cline, Museum Director, presented a request for Council action to place the Wilson Hotel on the Anaoortms Local Register (ALR). TheAn000rtea Historic Preservation Board reviewed the application from Wilson Hotel Housing, LLC and voted unanimously to raunnnnnend approval of the application, Mr. Cline explained that the Wilson Hotel has been a prominent inoa/ landmark since 1880. With that. K8na. Richardson mnnved, seconded by Mr. Petrish, to confirm the p|om*rnent ofThe Wilson Hotel on the Anouortea Lnoe| Register (ALR). Vote: Ayea— Pathsh' Pickett, Adomna, Turner, Richardson, Geer. and Hoboy. Motion carried. Reamest for Approval: Consultants for Old Town@umev of Historic Places Mr. Garry Cline, Museum Director, presented a request to Council for authorization to enter into a contract for the development ofa aunxay of historic properties in the Old Town area. K8c Ian K8unme clarified that homes will not be |iebyd on the survey without the permission of the home owner. Mayor Maxwell also pointed out that the associated consultant costs will be paid for by o CLG grant from DAHP. With that, Mr. Geer moved, seconded by Mr. Turner' to authorize the Mayor to enter into an agreement by and between theAnocortea Historic Preservation Board, Julie Ko{orond Mildred Andress (consultants) in an amount not to exceed $10,000 for the development of a survey of historic properties in the Anacortes Old Town area, Vote: Ayes — Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, Hohoy.and Perish. Motion carried. Resolutions (3): Update Procurement PoOcv K8n. Wanda PhiUips, Finance Director, presented three Resolutions to Council for review and adoption. U DECEMBER 18, 2006 noted that this Council action would approve an updated Purchasing Policy and allow for Finance to update policy yearly; would authorize the Mayor to execute contracts under $30,000, repealing Resolution 1301; and would establish a vendor list. All documentation was previously reviewed by the Council Finance Committee. After discussion, Mr. Hoboy moved, seconded by Mr. Turner, to adopt Resolution No. 1734 entitled "A Resolution Adopting the City Purchasing Policy"; Resolution No. 1735 entitled "A Resolution Adopting Amendments to the Policy for City Contracts and Repealing Resolution 1301"; and Resolution No. 1736 entitled "A Resolution of the Council of the City of Anacortes, Washington, Establishing New Procedures Relating to Purchasing; Establishing a Vendor List Process for the Purchasing of Supplies, Materials, and Equipment." Vote; Ayes — Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, Hoboy, Petrish, and Pickett. Motion carried. Resolution: 2007-2008-2009 Non -Commissioned Police Baraainina Agreement Mr. Hoboy moved, seconded by Mr. Petrish, to adopt Resolution No. 1733 entitled "A Resolution Authorizing Execution of Bargaining Agreement by and between the City of Anacortes and the Noncommissioned Police Services Guild". Vote; Ayes — Turner, Richardson, Geer, Hoboy, Petrish, Pickett, and Adams. Motion carried. The Mayor said a decision would be forthcoming on the cancellation of the January 2, 2007 meeting. There being no further business, at approximately 9:00 p.m. the Mayor adjourned the Anacortes City Council meeting of December 18, 2006. 17/ Steven D. Hog4Gnd, City Clerk -Treasurer H. Dean IVIZ 1, /la or Y _ � Councifinember