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1922 City Council Minutes
4 ir"j • 468 ! '171 ...v..41. ,:, . ":. • ; , ! : -:,4,,,,.. i : 1:: • :,. ,.tii , . . ._ . • . . 1 4 .11) : _ ,i: ;li ,; •:„ i • January 3rd, 1922. _- -- - - l.,, ! 'P t tel j i" •� .,.•:411 • ,, City _, ineex on road i;ity Engineer '�. B. Short again brought up the matter of road s.t _arani Poduets aT; ;�,. �. boll Call The citycouncil of the Cit of Anacortes did on the3rd day of Januar , urgin immediate repair, and upon motion the pity Engineer was instructed i y .� ,; . 5; t,i products Plant P • IN- . ' ' meet in regular session with Mayor queen presiding and councilmen Bro ks,1,;F - r`' to ascertain if road was on city property. ' Dwelle McCallum and Snyder responding to roll Call. Absent korr' •-�t :+ ` y, Y P g lson 4; d - ! 1 Upon motion the Committee on Fire, `slater and Light in conjunction with the ,� ..i. ;r-, • l:inutes approved The minutes of theprevious meeting were read and upon motion adoptec a fits. & Parks Committee was instructed to investigate the extent of damage to lt . .t; g ps rep. :tees to in- r '!` '', ��'r� road at i�arani Plant. ;,.) ;## ' i } , c • Comm from Senator : Communication from bales Poindexter, United states Senate, was read and u .:n�' FH •• ' i ' ' ` '' ' Poindexter motionplaced on file. pot: Upon motion the various departments were instructed to make inventory and report ; ' 3 i : , ~S to the city council within thirty gays. , • ' - ., ' Comm. from A. C. Hein= Communication from Alice C. Reinert, Washington Title Insurance Company, S : ' +i ert re L.I.D.bonds Seattle, addressed to the city Treasurer, was read and upon motion referred t Claims against the various city funds for the month of f rredmtorthe9Committeelonws• ; ' ; � 'i '1 , ; the Judiciary committee and City Attorney, were presented to the city council and upon motion e e Finance: :. _1• : - . i I Comm~:. from northwest . Communication from 1.:arvin 't:. Smith, Secretary Northwest Rivers and iiarbor•s �.; I , -•ivers & Harbors Cong. Congress, Fverett, -,.ashington, relative to government dredge for use in t.,e , T+ Puget Sound district, was read and upon motion referred to the Judiciary CURRENT EXPE�i_SE r UND . t Committee and City Attorney. it • 178 Meals for prisoners 6 2.40 :+• Reports of departrr,ents Reports of City Treasurer, Justice, Chief of Police and Superintendent of btr Maryland .afe 3 12 .Ou i ' 1 Salary as chief of police 5 c ' • • referred were presented to the city council and upon motion referred to tie Committee o, C. W. Fleming 31799 salary chief fire dept. a cash adv. 131.92 ,, . i >�. ,{,y_ + finance. ' J J . S. Carter 3 • '' ` ' Ads'' 4, • . Alex Latshaw 3181 Salary Gasoline fordept. 22.m0 '..'^ha.. �. ��� ' �• 182 Ga r fire 4 1 f ti.•• . ,;,;ti Comm. from City �ng. i.orrrruirication frog+ the City Engineer on matter of road leading from Oaks :,vet Standard Oil Go. 3 29.17 �c 18 Gasoline for street dept. ! ;:,:;a a ::: ;r ; # referred to Larani Porducts Plant, stating that part had been washed away during recent ' Standared Oil Co. 3 3 5.00 t'. :;• :i.::: ;� .: ,; heavy rains, was read and upon motion referred to iie Streets a Parks Uomnitte ' W. V. Wells 31b4 Rent of Darn for street dept. 3.00 • , _ ,. ;2...., f r H. Taylor 3185 Blacksm T wining 80 GO •t t u. aylo • y g• City gstatingWatson, r: I, nn Balcomb 3186 Labor on streets .. : ,, i . • Comm. from City Eng. Communication from Engineer, that Seiler and �Xatson well din- y • 12. 35 adopted had been unable to obtain a $2,000 'bond, was read and upon motion adopted Island Transfer Co. 3187 Team hire 103.25 , ;t' . : Tom n 3188 n streets 66. 50 ` Dodson 18 Labor o t' ,�``- Labor on d•reets "�; City fit torney on Report of City _lttarney to wriom was referred the matter of proposed ordinance Tom Conway 3180 y S Supt. and cash adv. 125•$5 '; t�+'i ► ` : li uor ord. relatin to intoxicatin was read and u or_ motion ado ted. Salary as t . i ; ". :� p oposedq g liquors, P P 0. n Let►ping 3 _ G. W. Shannon ec Co. 3181 Supplies for street dept. 64.48 .-A 4 `{ .. i reportsReportP. re. Industrial Insurance De t 1 2 Industrial Insurance j " ' � 4 Finance on of of rinance Committee on matter of month reports of departments, was P 3 9 7. 36 ira .t • :;''..x..;:: • departments and upon motion adopted. Industrial Insurance " 1 Medical Aid , ,,:t: i r •.•r • Z. Luella Howard 3194 `�a1-ry as Librarian ''"` : • ,� �- 1 Janitor at Library 20.00 ;� ' y . It': , r , E Judiciary on proposed Report of nommittee on Judiciary to whom was referred the matter of proposed • L. R. Ames 3 95 103.00 y ,, t 3196 Coal for library n . i ►t f liquor ordinance ordinance, recommending that the ordinance be passed, was upon motion adopted Curtis Wharf Co. 12.10 i" • M. 1GcC%allum 319'j Insurance policy for 1ii�rary t, y ' 0 1 8 Repai ri r,g halyards on flagpole 5• , . ;. t,: ,:n• 1 '" ' Sts. & Parks on Report of Committee on Streets and Parks on matter of repairing roads at ,eri e;. G. F. Simps_n 3 9 0C ' 1. - 1 Printing and publishing 3• ?'� � � � � � 1 . . ��;` + ''t roads at Cemetery & and ':reaverlings, stating that the cemetery road had been repaired and that tii: Anacortes CiLizen 3 �9 3 5 1.. °,;i ;'200 ate oat forms ' 33i?; , Weaverlings •:;eaverliiig road would be put in shape as soon as gravelcould be obtained, vies Black & King 3 p 163 85 ' t '•t t ;: , read and upon motion adopted. ig i i L 1'r Co. 3201 bights at its pal' , treets G Lib. .1. ::: :,.;► ;rasitit tot & 55. 50 ,t ' 't; , `,.,.:. 3202 Coal for city ty hall - ' �., i !,, :� Sts. & Parks on cross- Report of Committee on Streets and Parks on repairing of crossing at 18th m . Curtis Wharf Co. 1• �`� • • ' :',. w • i 3203Denatured alcohol for fire dept. 50 ;t.c, 1t, t4., • + ing at 18th and 0 Sts.' 0 streets, stating that Street Commissioner had beet► instructed to replace s�, Eureka Pharmacy ant rentals, water at Library & fount. 222. 50 ;i - i `, .:'1• . 3204 Hydrant is + i , i was read and upon motion adopted. 'Cater department 2.75 f: I + i �, ' Puget Sound Tel Co. 3205 lolls i 72. 50 ,,; 20tr renewal premium on '1reasurer s bond ; r . f • Sewers cc Buildings on Report of Sewers & Buildings, two whom was referred the matter of complaint Schreiber ec ti:erner 320. Salary as city clerk 50 .00 0 i ij , y �� t •• : i' dance kale pavilion i; against dance pavilion as being unsafe, reported that the foundation of the F. D. Cartwright 3207 10.00 , "► `> �'; S goodshape, beingplumb. Uponestop Shorg 320o La or cit.i hall 5 t J `,. I buildin was in the timbers sound and motion i, ° O.OG ii` f � ' `�'t ' ,: 20 Salary as city attorney if 1 •,a: - • the report was adopted. Bet. Driftmier 3 y , treasurer ,. `` t 3210 Sal Try as city �. cash adv. 59• 40 {��,; ;7s; • Marion ,,aticinson -,211 Public ir►g y,r�';, ; ' � `+' Fire, Water & Light Report of the Committee on Fire, Water and Light , to whom was referred the Anacortes American 2 .00 ,:1: , f't '•� !. t:' 3212 Salary as health officer 5 t1 ,,. a,! f ; t,; : on digging wells at matter of digging wells at Latkpro Springs, stating t'rhat tine work would start Dr. A. B. Cook 100.00 ,, i' >'+ , `,i ' , Lathor Springs in about 10 days, was read and upon motion adopted. Milo Strock 3213 Salary as truck driver �,.t . ', rf ,. :. } , y ' + License & Police Report of Committee on License a Police to whom was referred the matter of �,t1 ,yi ,. c, on allowing minors allowing minors in pool halls was read and upon motion adopted. 4t.14 aa. , .'�,,i , $- j • • , , . , • 4r.i in pool halls �, r• ; ; �' Petition from tor- Petition from i.:orrison Lill Company foot permanent road as outlet from mill, ;" 1 ; i y., i? ' t ' ri i r . rison Mill Company ask ing that Fifteenth Street from Commerical Avenue east be paved, was read WATER. k'UI.D ''c'° !c `• for paved street and upon motion referred to thr City 1ngineer and Committee on Streets �- rai'ka ,. • ' 1' •�� t Ernest 714 Wooden water pipe 10.00 33.40 �`'r. 1e ea-vs ';t,. 3. • Ordinance 1'o. Ordinance No. being and ordinance relating to intoxicating liquors in the Ern iCasch r i;:,i', , ;:•, + -•••--�-r Vola Trading Co. 715 Transmit-o-phone �. . 'a; ' ; ,!; City of Anacortes, Washington, pro;tibiting the manufacture, keeping, sale, 6 Coy 716 Leter 19. 46 � ' 'Ili• ff t . ,ot. t .` :z i , Pittsburgh i,:eter21 .76 '�'4' � `'I having possession of and disposition thereof, except in certain cases, 1 ideter ,Ti ,_,,„, t due . {;;i;iii. . ; `• Nation is►eter Co. 7 l 6.75 i't ''�'''� f�,?,''';,.i;;; soliciting and taking orders therefore or advertizing thereof, and providit Transfer Co. 710 Drayage h , c., =�.:iy; ii;: 11 ',' '' for the search and seizure and destruction thereof, and prescribing the dutie- Island. 719 Rent of barn 5.00 +s' +,,. ` ,.-. ,::.;; W. V. Wells 7. 30 ' 1 4 : t- a,k i, ' certain officers and the form of procedure and rules of evidence in cases =:r,:. ey 720 Readi,.g meters ,, t .;,;':•.;.:,;.l II , •` ` . proceedings hereunder, and fixing thepenalty for the violation of any of the Francis Short721 Labor 33'65 11++ provisions of this ordinance and repealing all ordinance and parts of O ±dint ►-c 722 ales 7 5 1!C' +i; ;,,a :� + Black a King 54. 50 ,, i- t ; in confoict herewith, was upon motion placed upon its first and second re:-.di;•" 2 receipt books Anacortes Citizen 7 3 5.25 'i�. ' ; j! .` ; ,1 4 + by title. Upon motion the ordinance was placed upon its first reading by ti <. 24 Rentals and tol _s •{,, u.. Puget mound Tel Co.Go 1.20 I.;f, t I ,+ r upon motion the ordinance was placed upon its second reading by title; Spot. g . r 25 Supplies for water dept. , 4 • motion the ordinance was referred to the JudiciaryCommittee and nit Attorney ',,sues roc. 1 .00 '.'4, ;• '�; 1i ��'; : ma ,, h 1 y „r►._cc,rtes American j2G Printing i; - i 727 Lumber for water dept. 4.65b0 ' �' iiin ,j Snacortes L b B C;o. , f Judiciary on corn.. . the Judiciary Committee trade verbal report on communication from Marvin 726 Blacksmitning il n• + � , �:; Ii. t�. Taylor 1 10. 50 ., • .+ :, , .• I t l' •, I . ! • from Northwest Riv. Secretary Rivers and i:arbors uor►gress, that resolution be passed petitior,it,g 729 Labor • ,, ) j , a: ' & Har. Congress Congress for use of government dredge on Puget Sound. Upon motion the report J. Anderson ' + tirade Thomas 730 Laoor 150.00 • ,� .t. 1 t , : ► ' , : was s adopted. 1 Payroll + ; ' •; �'i , Marion �'rati:inson j3 150.00 f �. : ( I . Roy Wilson 732 Caretaker Whistle Lake 5.00 , • �) 1 ; .. Resolution . Resolution that t}ie ci,� council favors and herebye + Salaryas superintendent 250.00 y expresses itself ��s favo.itt; , . , , ; , ,, • B. .-Fort 733 P , • tr. . , ; I„ ' that Congress m,�ice such provision as may be necessary to provide a govern 0t.t Bnsurat,ce policy for jitney11 .31 , 1 • '' 0 t': , dredge for use in the Puget Sound Li strict and further expresses its wish ci,'•t • h. . b�eCallum 734 37 .00 �ti" ;t •, , , . .: ti+ �• b xpLauor 1 e :' provision o e made therefore by the present co►,�•ress byembodiment of such C. F. merry 735 2 .. • jv Cash advanced for labor l 75 t 1► i t provision in the i.ivers and • Bill, was read and upon motion adopted. i�ol Revaluing Fund 736lb 3 ..rtruos i,i11 oc Ronnebert,er 737 Repairs on car and oil •� ' •� ; . ; , � Knapp fI 46. 0 , .'� ,I ' . ,t i`. gall: Brooks, Deane, Dwelley, �:.cCallum, Snyder. mays, none. Industrial Insurance Div 738 Gral=11;milal nsurance , i• ,0., 1 I. 71.95 S ;�i i; , ,tandard Oil Co. 73944.4 .,jl " . for water dept. �',,�; , + � I „ City Clerk instructed Hipon motion the city clerk wasinstructed to send copies of Reslution to pa='tic Pittsburg► =.-eter Co. 740 �'eter' parts f r 1 20 16 11 ' f� • c: to send copies of Rea. interested. Industrial Insurance Div 741 Medical aid o 9 3•�5 ' ' •� }� • + '�{ Supplies - 'il i ) ' 42 „4 : G. W. Shannon Co. 1 , .Z 1 ' to vl� 1 .14$.11 Ink ,.:1: +...�� r and ofwell diggers :..otter of reduction in bond of Seiler ,�atson, well diggers, ,,n .a ;i " ` �g , from2000 t was Drought before the city council, but upon motion the bond was ordered left 1 t �, } ( ' at its • or�,ginal figure. • a . 972. 31 i ,i : . 1 1166 • 6th payment on judgment ' i W. D. Perkins r "s`; ;; 0 .r% \ . • • . { :ti. . ._ . ... ........ ., _. ._ ..,,, .,:,...., - • 470 . 471 --,- -- , .....‘,. • , ^} ' r , i i, 'th�A, _! . I I- t �` Janupr ' ` th, 1 22. !.i; ' Fr!'I• _. ,• ::trek, - t.' i'' -• ' L . Finance o' :"1__iLrs Report of the Committee on rina.nce to whom were ref erred the claims �i �,, :;� IN i'° ; : against the various city funds for themontn of December, 1921, was ream`" :oi.2 call • The city council of the City of Anacortes did on the 7th day of January, 1922, upon motion adopted. boll gall: Ayes, Brooks, Deane, Dwelley, i-cCallun meet in special session with 2na�yor Queen presiding and- Councilmen Brooks, Deane, , • c. Snyder, frays, none. Dwelley, Morrison, 1dcCallum, Snyder and _raftan responding to roll call. Abae_�t, ,;. • ' , i, '; none. d .I. f• ` apprroved in open session this 17th day of January, 1922. ..:.1 : I ' : p,�Ipose of The meeting was for the purpose of considering the extension of J Avenue r,= I. '� Adjourn Upon motion the city council did then adjourn. vre?ting .,1. : :('' { ; d from 22nd street south.it , .. ' ,. ,, ;; 0ouacilmen to The city council made a motion that a price be obtained from George Lamphear, ;-, ! • x :' ' I ;; r • i�'tai n price of owner of land lying imalediately south of 22nd street and across "4" avenue, I`' '_ i ; , t ' 4 {: • t;0 ft. strip for a sixty foot strip through his property for the purpose of opening "J" ave. i i, Biro Lamphear' s Report to oe made at the next regular meeting of the city council. �'{{ '' : ! ed2ege.-e-c........_ _______Le..-e_e_...e.--,_,. land Upon motion the city council did then adjourn. ; • T • I • , { _...=y ,d j ourn • : s• Witte=t: ' L. ' 2'L'?!•1g?2L, e:f*fir .�rz• Me.-r- -e-` ;,j i! ' I {i iLayor �� 1' 1 1 :'' F. D. Cartwright, City Clerk, t : �,s r '„ 0 i 'ii itr' a ` , •• : Deputy ,, ice' f`• t i 1 1,▪ ( S� it • 1, 1! i f ,.{1 ; :., ,.•.,:.,,,. - •.,.. ,..,,:..„.„ „ ..,:,., ,,,:,,. .:. . 4, � 1. `' I i- ' ti: :,,,., . . ,.,....: , , , , if ! 1i 1r11,, ; ,: t , t • ; {e . ,i' 'f ': �;S • i. i'•:•. ..;:,'!'. ): ,11 •: i i Al I :r.:;,'••'•'•,T4. { • 1,, y: • F; t '•t I tE I I' ,r •i ., / , ;, ti"a tl I t, ttti , ! : . I I 1 I v 1 I [::;i :'i. ' i f, ;. { (". i::';::. !::'Y*.f. ••I • ' 1 Ili ip.,, lf,,J,:‘Ti, i.:.!:i:,, ;i,::......,: .a 4 r 11, 1 j ' ,1 f r 1: { . '' • !I!t `:I .t:. ,� 1 I i i'. 1/,1 ... 1 °' ' 'il 4 , II,/ t i 1 I 1 , ' I I 1 lf.; 1 . i l r + r 1( ' ' i .:' ,{ : 11 -;t Wol 'A • ( ,I I " "'• '"-' i••:•:. -: .v.............,........„, . , . . . • .4 7,----, •-•--4 .,... _ 1414r', , !ii le:. J• • [ !! ;1:. • .' , . . f January 17th, 1922 f' February 7th• 19 22 ; ' ' ; Roll Call 'the City council of the City of an:.cortes did on the 17th day of January, - ';' • i` _ _ 1 meet in regular session with i.ayor queen presiding and Councilmen .Brook �' call The city council of the city of i.r-'.cortes did on the7th day of February, 1922, Dwelley, McCallum and :,nydFr. absent, :..orrison and Trafton. s, :r;. ;,013 meet in regular session with Councilmen Brooks, Deane, Dwelley, McCallum and ., , S Snyder responding to roll call. absent, Morrison find Trafton. } • ? i Lin ap roved The minutes of theprevious meeting were read and upon motion adopted :�;; t ' i . Attorney for Keeler Brothers, Portland, ref von pro ter owing to the absence of the Mayor, Councilman Brooks was elected temporary Mayor ,;' Comm. from attorney communication from a. W. G'Connnell/addressed to Farmer Brothers, Contractor, L Pro Tem. o o for Keeler Bros. a,.d Builders, relative to issuance of v18,000 of 7% Sidewalk Improvement OE • • + I . ; Bonds, District n129, was read and upon motion copy of leeter was ordered ,,�o ' a LayormeetingopenCap ante Waterway The announced that the was for the discussion of the 1 ' received and placed on file. Sante Waterway project, and invited expressions of approval or disapproval ' 1 . `1 • from the citizens present. Mr. Hensler came forward and gave the history of i• •, a- : , Comm. from. 'liar Dept. Cornr_unication from 'jar Department, United States Engineers Office, asmir,, - the waterway from the time of its inception to the present date; Messrs. Wells, ` f o ` re Cap Sante 'iaterway city council for information as to when the City of Anacortes expected to '•e Morrison, Werner, Joiner, Van Buren and Allmond were then called upon to ex- ';i: the terms of cooperation in connection with its harbor improvement, Cap press their views. The City Engineer was asked to give such data as was at !' I 'Waterway, as re uired b Act of Congress of March 9 9 - hand relative to the cost of constructing bulkhead and terminal and manner of - ` I' i . I i " 4 Y qnd, 1 1 was read �.n:d .G ; . motion made to have letter published in the local papers, and a public 'rne�;r1:; assessing property to be benefited. After much discussion a motion was made : L, ;.� on the Fatter of the waterway announced for February 7th, 1922. i to appoint a committee of eight,two to be appointed from the Cit3•Council, two • from the Chamber of -omn,erce, two representing the abutting property owners, Com. from Geo. •• Corr•unication from Geo. a. Lanphear offering to vacate or deed to the Lit• and two from the property owners at large, for the Purpose of formulating plans ;s , ' . Lanphear re land anacortes for street purposes a strip of land 30 feet wide across his or�,per ' to finance the project. The motion was carried. • ` , i south of 22nd street for ;� 00 read and upon motion referred to the i,or�, it ' � 3 was P Upon motion V. Funk and E. Van Buren were appointed as members of the committee ,; , t' ` '; 4 ,.,;�,,.� ..- • on .streets Paris Lit Attorney Engineer. r ;�' r�,, y y and City E gi ee representing the property owners at large. • i � :{� ; • ``<? + pond of Sieler Bond of Sieler and ..atson, well diggers, for ;�2000 waspresented to to w � '� ' i gg e cite Co_ from Lon Communication from Lin H. liadley,Congressman, relative to the plan for securing `:; M1^ ,� ' .; Watson coutncxl and upon motion referred to the City Attorney and judiciary Cow itta H. Hadley government dredge for use on Puget Sound,was read and upon motion placed on file. • ; +' I $ity attorney on Report of City Attorney to whom was referred the matterof eomrr;urlic,ttion fro:; { �'' `� ' , o%; U. iMports of Report of City Treasurer, Chief ofPolice,Justice, and Superintendent of Streets, i• • t;�::::•ar . comounication from Alice . Reinert re L. I D. bonds, stating that same has been answered, v departments were presented to the CityCouncil and upon motion referred to the Committee on a 1• .4-• ` A. C . Reinert read and upon motion adopted. r . i Want e. + ::, 1 Attorney on liquor Report of City ;attorney on matter of liquor ordinance, stating that same erg:; ,-,mort of JudiciaryReport of Judiciry Comittee on Latter of bond of Sieler and tratson,w ell diggers, .,• 't ,... :..mti • •ordinance correct - s to form, was read and upon motion adopted. bond of Sieler that the bond be aproved, was read and upon motion adopted. •I :moot,.' `` on recommending P A P • ,,s c �: :^• : . .. amity Attorney on Report of City Attorney to whom w - referred tire- n+�i:'? ,� aielt•r ^n« rtts�;i, 'Ls. � :4:. Parks Report of Streets and Parks Committee on vacation of Geo. Lamphear property• Md bond of Sieler & • ` _ ..• saidbond correct �• . � i , ��._ ''3:.�J1:'•i .�t('.� sa' J T+7'�,_..Lint that ba._„ �}: 1 r of -. to L _1 `7:, "'"`.i ni streetrecommending c 1 ;�i\ . 1 Watson �'' va.ca- for 300, that the offer of L'�riPhear be accepted and the Mayor 1 �� 1.:•:, �. moom1 .+ t read and upon motion adopteu. tion and City Clerk instructed to enter. into contractirith the property owner. The 1 ` • zr r ", �. Y•• �• f +, ^s vacation calls 30f t from the c enter`;")f J Avem�le i loom 22ndStreet t souththroughI r:': •i ' ` t ee ! 1 i : t Judici;�r,� (,om,.ittee .:e• _r L +t..2c1-..,i L.'r .1t�a`e or. ..ond or Sieler and t atsorl �vcri�r;1) • Lanphear property. Roll Cali.: ZIyes,Brooks,Deane, Dwelley,bcCallum and Snyder. 't; i , I on bond of Sieler & recomrendinng tr:,t ►_•o: o tic' :�cc?-oTCL1, was upon motion adopted 1 • ' �:. ' , WatsonNays,none. r1�� ' 1::E:�,,. �. i ' , l 'i; MMo:MOi; f Ordinance #716, being an ordinance relating to intoxicating liquors in; tree ; rvrers Bld s . Report of Committee on ownrs and Buildings relative to new doors in fire depart- :'; I r,. ..:,:;:if, , ' 0rc?i,1ance bo. 716 City of anacorte , �'tashii:gtoi. , prohibiting the manufacture, keeping, g p a I ' ' ' '` g g, ale on new doors ment, stating that new doors were being installed at a cost of about $210 was l 1• • Jr+ •- ,: havingpossession of and disposition thereof, except in certain eases, the ' +•. - o ` ` •.omo P i:- .ire dept. read and upon motion adapted. i,- ,, I `r ' solid t n g and taking orders therefor or advertising thereof, and its g g g pro•ri di n;}; o!m ``a i + for the search and seizure and destruction thereof , and prescribing thec-t:ties Petition form Petition from R. E. Trafton, Fd Rogers, and others for street lights on Commercial ;.y� ,' ; j 1 ' :•;, if certain officers and the form of procedure and rules of evidence in cases R. E. Trafton and 10th and 11th Streets, was read and upon motion referred to the Committee on ' 1 •: •; and proceedings hereunder, and fixing the penalty for theviolation of an.'•; ��: "• et al for street Fire, dater and Light. ';,; 1; �i•. ''f�'• ' ';l �: the provisions of this ordinance and repealing all ordinances and ports of - li hts ,, `;i �mm , tt ordinances in conflict herewith, wasplaced on • t ' i ' ,`z �;i`. o + rf: Iits third and final rertdin:�, by Complaint that the light company had not installed light at the corner of 15th �,, � ) w x=• ,r 1 sections. Upon: notion_ the title was adopted as read; upon motion section one ' Complaint against and K streets, ordered some time ago by the City Council, was received and a II •II to • :. +. '• 1 ;:i' •• was adopted as read; upon motion section two was adopted as read; upon noti 1, ? }' I !''':' `•'•: >,, + ; i i '1 P I P P ight Comparny motion made that he company be notified that if light was not installed immediately �: Ti :,a::.,;,,�;; section three was adopted as read; upon motion section four ways adopted re the matter would be taken upwith the Commisior, of Public +orks. }, 1. + i.:;.: ' `.. " .4 ( II .� , upon motion section five was adopted as read; upon motion section six w: s -do �1#�;'F ;'• • ,r, 1 as read; upon motion section seven .I� + ! •;y� , .,,,,;a , {, +, p e tion was adopted as read; upon, motion sectl_n. . Councilman Dwelley stated that the Elks lodge desired permission to use entire `±, : � i .� ; 1;:.;.; ;;•;,. �, , . eight was adopted as read; upon motion section nine was adopted as read; unoo Elks desire to street in front of their premises for building material. The council granted 1 i )'•'` ' .1, i ' motion section 4Pn was adopted as read; upon motion section eleven was adop--ca use street in ��� K• , • t• • , I as read; upon motion the ordinance as a whole and as read was ad bed• /loll ; permission on the condition that a roadway and sidewalk on southsi de of street !;i : �; , , ,, P Front of premises be left open. 1 . i 'I' . Call, ayes, Brooks, Deane, Dwelley, idcLallum arnd Snyder. bays, none. . 1 .1 '' oo—o1 �, I City Engineer ' U on motion the City Engineer was instructed to survey and obtain deed for o• i. J�`'{•� 3 Doors in fire Beet Doors inn fire department were reported broken storm and upon rrotira. to P �. '' 1 > I. (' Iduringp instructed to Russell property to be vacated for street purposes. The Mayor and Citm Attorney +• I {?' ;,i! �.3 1 broken ' matter was referred to the Committee on Bliildi rg and Serers with power to act ++ ++ �• +' ' 't ; .;i ; . } i! survey J . St . were also instructed to see that deeds be received in time for the next regular m I K . ' k 1. �' Roll Call, Ayes, Brooks, Deane, Dwelley, McCallum, Find Snyder. ha s i lie. ? ! ; l ,c ammo,. ;:, 1 I I Y Y meeting of the city council. om" +c • ;:; , o,: I•a: III Sieler �- '.;�Ltso n E;; ;:, to: +� r ask ,oiler and Watson, well diggers, asked the city council for extension of tine special Committee . r '{ + �i<'''l..,� . •':. Upon motion the i,.�.y or ap.�ointed Gity rngine.er .,hort and Councilman Brooks as , ' E �',? 1 for extension of or, their contract for digging wells, s;.atin�; thr..t weather conditions over t::•• appointed for Ca • 1 + (,' � .�I ;' �: P members of a special committee to meet in' the interests of the Cap Sante Waterway. i.I, 1 !;lii.ii•!ii.:� o :.�.''.' P,� 1 time art contract they had riO control clad delayed their oper:�tionls. Upon motion an externeloti toote wAerway ' ' • t' �:I t: of 30 days was allowed on their contract . ''1 + Claims filed against the current Eiiennse Fund ad other city funds, as follows, ,11 • it .•'•',:.;.".'' ! Claint�s for the month of January, were read and upon motion referred to the Committee ,. 1 .� oo.o., •,;• :o. ' Transfer of funds A motion was made and carried to transfer from the General eater Fund to ti,e , . 1 . :. :i ; c . 1 1 , 1 I Revolving Fund $250 for well digging purposes, t on finance: 1 . , p p the amount to be returned t`� !;� ', ' `' • water fund at the next meetingof the citycouncil. The city Treasurer q!:- ` 1:,' ' . i. • r •� Knapp w Ronneberger 3214 Cylinder oil for fire dept. 6.00 t1„ J •, , i ! !' also instructed to make payment to Seiler and Watson of ;;250 according to The Tire Surgery 3215 500 ft. fire hose 450.00 `'• 1 I , : + agreement. Roll Call: Ayes, Brooks, Deane, Dwelley, I.icCallum, L:na Snyder. �1 G. Long 3216 Test pump for fire dept . 32.45 �{ " I# none. + , ' J. S. Carter 3217 lay as fire chief arid cash dv. 130.26 + : : �i„•, as/4,/f Alex Latshaw 3218 Salary as fireman '15 CO ;, ' • ; I'; Purcoa�,e of concrete Upon motion the purchase of a o-etas-Fe e mixer for the use of toe street deg t S`` ''i;' ' � + ' Kilo Strock 3219 Salary as truck driver 100 00 i ' • o, ' ' mixer from Howard-Cooper Company, W: s authorized, in amount u , date of c=e- Leston Short 3220 Lhbor city hall 2 00 , t ' ' ' ' livery Ziay 1st, any decline in price to be guaranteed; de s p' payments to be ma L. R. owes 3221 Jadtor city hall 8 40 ' ; follows: $100 on delivery of mixer, one-half of balance July1st, and reraun•d F. . A. 1 . Schreiber 3222 Police judge fees 2 50 i ;. 1 , Decer.i:er 1st, with 5,, discount for cash on deterred payments. boll call: C . W. Fleming 322 Solaro as c:,ief•of police 125 00 •I :' ', , . , ! , !�; ' t►yes, Brooks, Deane, Lweli ey, 'WC—kiwi' and Snyder. i.ays, none. Clyde Ray 3224 p eci of police 12 00 1' • �Ii. ' 1'(ii O. • Maryland CL•_fe 3225 Leals for prisoners 1 Co + � II! Adjourn Upon motion; the city council did then adjourn. • C. Shahrnot. c Co. 3226 Sup;dies for libr..ry 50 1 ;'I'► i ,' , ; 1 ' • L. R. ni es 3227 Joni to r at li ! nary 20 00 I E y 1 ; approved in open session this 7th dad of 1'ebrua.ry, 192i-. L. Luel a :coward 3228 Solaro as librarian 6L UO 1,, r %, i Revoly:ing fund 3229 State Examiners audit 92 61 ; ,` G. i.. Ry Co . 3230 Bent on southsi de hosehouse 2 00 h' , ',`' (/ � Q� t !i' ___`��""'`-(4'-&4�,. �!!t ft 1''ester:i Unioo e_ l•o. 5231 �J elegr:urs 2 20 �i ! 't t 1, I I . Mayor Pioneer Printi ,g Co. 3232 Registrations books 116 27 •1 i l it fittest: ,' , 2/ + An tortes licsdtirare Co. 3233 Su:,.�lies for r ci t; i,ail , . fire ' , 11. I, F.. D. C:�rtwright , City Clerk, and street depts. 16 05 " 1 !d I • �, I 1 s ' 2._,?:// A. L. e1t,.r. 3234 Freight and drayage 1 10 " a '� 1 1 ' Deputy L:'r, on ,:atkinson 3235 Solana ci tj tre:�.s. m cash adv . 55 00 0 c ,,,+ v.. 1. : ! . , . •,,,,i- . 1. •.' _T. ._ _ _ _ - .. • ,' , `f L i . ,_ /2177---4---- - - " -- . . - - --- - ------ - - - - -- -- --- -- - - ---- _ . .....: r. . 47 to .., , .. . . . .... , , 4 ,. ., :‘,.,,,, . „it . . . ,, 3-.,, ., ,„ . , , _ . . F bruary 21st, 1_422. __ _ _ '{ j 11 • ,;:1 1 ' i'';I: ,, • - 1 ; F. D. Cartwright 3236 Salary ci t;, clerk wing to lack of quorum on this date no meeting was held. : . t� ., ' Ben Lriftmi er 323 Sal_r, city attorney 5c' C� - ! . Dr. A. Cook 3238 Salary health officer 25 Cr,: i ' • :, -.n ei rtes --c eri can 3239 Publishing 2 2 - E t " • , t. t 3c i. .,: , •.a.sriirigton P L & I. Co. 3240 Street lights, lik;iits at city �: .' +�� ; I , '' ha _ and library 166 ci ' ' 1 1 West Co.-.st Dairy 3241 Feed 1b Ec • f'1. I. ' • ', - H. A. Taylor 3242 Blacksmi thing 1G _ ! .~ 1 I.; '. . - `. -. Howard Cooper Corporation 3243Cutting edge e for grader / ,.- , _ ' P P 155� '-? + '' ! W. V V . Wells 3244 Rent of barn for storage �; .},1 ; • 1 I i : • \rater Department 3245 Water at library, fountain 5 0 `• - 1 ' and hydrants 225 . 5� 1. C. L. Berry 3246 Labor on streets 14 pc ?If i • Thos. Conway 3247 Labor on zstreets 26 -. t ; • , i v. ez. 1`er.ning, 324o Salary as St. Supt. & cash adv. 126 0• ...�.,, t•, d + Lynn Balcomb 3249 Labor on streets 80 L0 - ;' ;, • (. •) • = •; Tom Dodson 3250 Labor on streets 99 • 5 i • !; ` j .; , : ( • • Anacortes Ice co. 3251 reed 4:; 7< • `. �• !!. i• c I, a' ..?,i ,,, . .,• y r ! 1 . ; liLrL.?:h11L iTiiL th 1t�UZ21J '1 +#• ;" { �_,s 1 I r •i i Geo. Abbey 743 Readirg meters 2 . :3'; ' •:: ` ' Oak Smith 744 Labor 2 00 ## I •„_ `. ` ', I • Revolving Fund 745 Cash advanced for labor 9 Clr, ,.II' L}i ' • ! ' ; ; W. B. Short 746 Salary as superintendent 250 00 Caretaker Whistle Lake 85 1 i Roy Wilson 74700 ' City Treasurer-M. �',fatkineori 748 Payroll 15c 0C, , , t,' ; i. s i r t.... Francis port 749 Labor 22 �0 • , 1 i ; . 7•: C. L. Berry 750 Labor 14 00 • : ;, r.. • 1 Wade Thomas 751 Labor 150 00 ;,1 ! ..'; • =4 ! ' Anacortes Hardware Co. 752 Supplies 4 25 I i , , 'i Union Printing Co. 75- Binder -14 EC ? ` i • , ::H• .: . , . , i .. ' , • } G. W. 5harinoit & Co. 754 Supplies 6 0( r` t ` . 4.::,...: ,..., • : •: i 1 . , H. A. Taylor 755 Blacksmithing • 3 05 IL it! :' • • Standard Oil Co . 756 Gasloline for water dept. 5 55 r i' i' i! ..; 1 Revolving Fund . 757 Supplies for dep is . 10 45 , ; 1 S .. D. Temple & Co . 758 Supnli es 1 3C I; } :1.• ; Puget Sound Tel Co. 759 Tolls and rentals 5 30 j, il ?. I j R. E. 3�aftor► & Son Repairs on car 51 55 13-,:; it ' Ed Rogers 761 Repairs on auto top 1 00 •,,'}}` 1y'+,.' { ` I 1 ( i. • 1? { ' E. A. i�nii�ips 7b2 5Upaii rs 122 31 - 1 ' 1 i �i. ' 1 ' ' , ,1 Knapp & Ronneberger 763 Repairs on car 13 02 "�i r i ii. ; , Sieler & \atson 764 Payment on well digging cont-i t. 250 00 ��; 7` ,1 • ` _ F l'• ' }( - "urrent Expense Fund 765 Use of city team & lumber 32 92 .i. '•".:;i,. ,I,s C•• { ? �' r$1,207 53 { _ r.J'�4 1. ,,,. , r. 1 II' it ! �,, .i • ( li', : , Report of ,' Report of the Committee or. Ifnance to whore were referred the claims for the ,'• ;, ,;:, Finance on month o t :r ebruary against tine various city depart!! ents, recommending that is If� • `i+i ;t i 4 ' ; • j �' '1;. , , i• t claims the claims be allowed and warrants drawl in favor of same, was read and upon "4� Iy1 i�' ' 1'1 1 1 ' 1 %; motion adopted. Roll Call, Ayes, Brooks, Deane, Dwelley, McCallum ;a4d ;ii-y1'ei '�<<�, ', .' , 1i' + i. , i, ( �'� t.ziys, rionep a t; .�I 1i� iI '{ r 1 1'1 ;?til' } 1 ' +` L' 1on motion! the city council did then. adjourn 1,ti 1..'• 1.,I , ;ItTtL,i... .+ 1 't; 1 . .•r I Approved in opens session this 7th day of March, 1922. rI ? 1! t Pi A,.1 L �` �,; ' • , :f;•..ti-„ •r, , Jy`t :;...,,.:. ,,,..:,.., 1 4 / ' , ' : .' I. . • LILM6J0i Nii.„,Ji:...,,,.• . R v v 1 , r :' i;• '. • II ; .. Attest: Mayor , v 7 '> r ., . . . F. Il Ca,.r tw i ght , C'i ty Clerk � �,' ,�•.,;..,.,�;',. ,7,1A-t...c,,,---,-E/ A.---/Le.,---t e..-,t,7 i { Deputy illi I.r, ., '1 '' r1{Ol1 1 ,M • . . t, ::I I +I '+i 1;1 4'' JI' ; r i,; ; ' , 'f I. I�I 1 1 ; ', r . iI ,' 1 'I .:, , • ;,i . a y' 11 ,, • ,, ., 11 + i , f 1;+ i` . i. . ' t.• •,I 1I, ,',i' ,.;I , , • 11 'I' I 1 ` ,i! i1, 1- . � 1 1 1i .t li . 11I I 4 • , : 1 .I. Itil ,.ii'. '1 ' •.. • S . . �. r • , \ , { i _ 4 7 ''' ' . ' ' . 1ri ; i Larch 7th, 1922. frr f ' • ` Roll Call The city council of the city of £uns_cortes did on the 7th day of Marc __ - ' '. • ' ' in regular session with L,:ay.r queenpresidingand Councilmen Brooks March, 1,22' Brooks, Trafton and Snyder. Rol_ t 11: Ayes, gooks, ..ea�ne, Dvielley, la:Callus-, a.F .,'i'• • ,,• , if t�'e• orri son, Snyder and Trafton. Lays, none. t .4 , a • L=:eCa].lunr, Lorrison, Snyder and Trafton responding to roll call. Absent r.or.e• ,� � . n • d t Shingle Co addressed the CityConnell and ta'. . ;' Mn. The minutes •of the previous meeting were read and upon correction of item rcwition fron: Representative from Independent E: Company • t , • . relating to the vacation of "J" street, were adopted as corrected and read. g- i. ,Fr:dent Sh -� asked assist:: tee of city in putting road in shape to their mill, :Aso permission • 1 • n to use prt of 20th for a spur from the Great :.orthern }.ailway tracks, and the ,d. , .: ,} • City _.ttorrney Report of City Attorney on deed of Ressell & wife re the opening of "J" s.a.e., right t-: build a shed on tidewater on 20th street. Upon motion }emission was ';, O. s on deed was read and upon motion adopted. granted the Shingle CorpFr�y to build the shed, and the other two petitions were •_:, ' si . , referred to the Conwattee on Streets L. Parks wits oor;o-r to act. , Roll all Ayes, : , ' ',: ' Chief of Police, Justice and Su t. of Sa L Brooks, Deane, Dwelley, :.ci.:allum , I.Iorrison, Snyder and •afton. i. ;,s, none. ��;, .4.' H i i Reports of dep- Reports of City Treasurer, p �ree�s }ere ti , • 1 oo artn'ents ref. presented to the City Council and upon notion referred to the Committee o:, ii ' ' • 1 i Finance on report Report of Committee on Finance to whom was referred the reports of departs 7K41 .tefill:::::Jme i Verbal petition from FraEk F. Fuller to remodel same buildings in the rear of the I . k . , • • • 1 of ccp-,rtn=•ennis for the month of January, recommending that the same be accepted and placed l Wilson Hotel was referred t_• the Committee on sewers a Buildings. i•i file, was read and u.:orn notion adopted. i Spec . Con'. o�. L_r. Sigler of "t-aLtsorn c.. Sigler, well diggers, asked for extension of tire on well i The Special Committee appointed for the Cap Sante Waterway reported verbally contract, and upon motion the matter was referred to the Committee on Fire, ' 3j ,!p y � ;i � ,.:. Cap a. rte :'aterwa;ir they had met with the other committees in connection with the waterwaye ;`Fr contract �`;a�ter and Light with power to act. Roll Call: .yes, Brooks, Deane, Dudley, �j : .?.. ! and that they had arranged to meet with the Colonel of Engineers at Seattle cc - kcea,lluw Lorrison, Snyder and Trafton. .'lays, none. t' ;. I ••."r,.�, , 00to... jt • I before taking any further steps in the matter. The report was upon motion ii a:. y; i f �;gharnt patrol • Councilman Snyder brought to the attention them__t Ler of the merchant patrol, ,i•. j ' ° •:•• Y'; Bayseball Com• ihe base ball uom .itteee reported verbally that the matter of a baseball i stating that the present officer etas not efficient , and suggesting that a competent !' -. ,,,, �• was at a standstill. r}he report ,.a s upon notion adopted. p�,r . . man be appointed and the city pay . l5.00 month toward his salary, the balance to if t:: '.' from the merchants. Up motion the ount w allowed .1 • • be raised by subscriptionon mo i :.s t . ? ! f ( Comm. from R'v- won :.ur.ication: from the tcivers a harbos congress was read and uponand the appointment by the Chief of Police authorized. Roll Gall: ayes, Brooks • ' 1 '.� >,1: F o i motion Pecs ; • ! ens & Harbors Cong. and placed on file. Deane, Dwelley, m.cCallum, i�orrison, Snyder and Trafton. Lays, none. '` r S>:!:::i`- i Councilman granted. •,: , ; u ilman Trafton asked to be excused and request w�_ : Elks Petition from Petition from Park Board asking that top dirt from excavation made by Elks Doc_ i.: `:•'•� 1 t Claims filed against the Current Expense fund and other cityfunds, for t"rie month • + Pr k Board oe placed on uauslaand Park and balance to be placed on 6th street between. i & ,1 .ims 6 p i ' follows were presented to the tits tiouncil and upon: motion '': :�, ':: ri of February, : •, 'I ; - t'!::.tip• Avenues for filling to grade, was read and upon motion referred Con.:.ittee on. n !t - r �: referred to the Committee on Finance: , r. • k Parks v;ith power to act. Roll Call: byes, Brooks, Deane, Dwelley, Lcua;lu^ • I 1 Liorrison, Snyder and Trafton. bays, none. + . ` :. Su ,plies " '`� ; ! . ' Ana.cortes Hardware Co . 3252 1 51 a-io•...;c o ' I 1 '' D . a at this point Er. -.• ells asked thatHoward Cooper Corporation 3253 7' `sestern. Blade 15 46 r' f ,• ; '•':: _ ! �lht from exc4- part of the dirt from the excavation mode H; A. Taylor 3254 Blacksmith 1 25 'i t�; fir•: ' ' ' ' va,tion ' by the Elks Lodge be placed on Commercial between 2nd and 3rd streets where s 3 r 17 c_. ` ` } • ' I walk has collapsed. The matter was referred to the Corr^.ittee on Sts. & Parks tnacortes Ice Co. 3255 Feed 01 � 1, , . ''t J. B. Bell 3256 eldin�; wheels '/ 50 r ! H.r :resolution Resolution of the City Courncil to improve 15th Street from the east line of ti An-..cortes Iron Works 325' Repairs for fire - st. depts. 1 25 } �` ,'' ! `;. ' •}i. G. ti!. <-har.non & Co. 325� Supplies for streets .. Library 2 65 ' I--; : ;, : present pvaEn,ent on Commercial Avenue to the east line of tivenue by layinL , , down a.nnd placing o. n said described street and intersections or ' Standard Oil Co . 3259 Gasoline for street dept. 48 00 p C portion of `,, . :; • "" . intersections pavement of such character and material, as may be hereafter Ch::.s. Freeman 3290 L ': _or on. streets 21 00 ,,7 { 1 .: ,:i. 1 Tom Cornway 3261 La for on streets 1' i .:,,"'• ' r determined by the Council, of concrete, asphalt, or brick or combinations of 35 00 i ' fTom Dodson 3262 Labor on streets 96 25 �; ; s! `` i'` • • • ! r ; ( any thereof, ei tihteen (18) feet in width, being nine. (9) feet on each site of , ' . the center line of the said street, and by doingand constructingsuch. other U. Le,�rnirng 3263 Street Supt. end cash adv. 126 00 r; }: ' ' work necessary to complete the said improvement in accordance with the p1:-r.s Lynn iaalcorr.b 3264 Labor on. dreets _• • ' 11nnatcortes L LB Co. 3265 Lumber for streets, year ending ii, of the city engineer, was 'read and -upon motion adopted . Roll Gall , eves, ; .:;tit i i II { • Brooks, Deane, Dwelley, LcCallym, i.:orrison, Snyder and Trafton. Lays, none. December 31st, 1921 17fi. 40 .„!. ; A . ,t,; •fRepairs on typewriter _ 'i J. J. Lockett 3266 yp titer 7 50 t1 i '.�+ 'If •'- ! ' j r` • Resolution Resolution of the 6ity Council to improve Commercial avenue from thecer_ter . S. D. Temple a Co . 3267 Stationery 95 '• • t .•( E I 1;aahi n t oi. L & .. Co .j; line of 15th Street to the center line of 36th street by removing therefrr�rr E� 3268 Lights at city hall, library sts. 161 25 !.ii ` { Union. Printing Co . 3269 Local Improvement forms 1 63 '• 1-14 ',... , :N:. :i:; •: 3' .!' ' the present plant sidewalks and constructing thereon, cement sidewalks six (6, Wiley Iiormanh 2'JO Labor surveying "J" st. 4 40 ; .:� {i� �t! I'. , feet in width on each side thereof and 3 g . f {7 f assessing therefore fir, proportion, to L - c Water Depa.rtn ernt 3271 Hydrant rentals, water ,.t libr<<ry + t I, ' t�' ' � special benefits all the lots and parcels of land with the following descri :P� :•; ! j ,.;..: } i f ' !• - ; boundri.es , was rear and upon motion laid upon the table. a.rdfountain 223 00 1 t� ,! : 1 '' t i ! Puget Sound Tel Co. 3272 Tolls 40 1, ' • r I' • , •L:�:ri on •atkinsonn 2 Salar city treats. b. cash adv. ' ` is i.i: •soaoo , ' I, 21 Deed of Russell Deed of Russell and wife ways presented to the City Council and upon motion: �-., 3 �/3 Y ., 59 3C' ; , . +•1�• i; ` referred to the Cit, .ttorney and Judiciary Committee. 1 . D. Cartwright 3274 Salary cit., clerk 50 GO �n�f �f .r .! ��'i ' and wife a { i' ' Bei. Lriftn,ier 3275 Salary cit,i attorney 50 0n I .�'t` •fl ,_` ii t + Delincuent I.. I.Ds The matter of foreclosingdelinquent local improvement districts woo a a:in, br, `'urtis `�:harf Co. 3276 Coal for city mall 65 50 ;o. ••i ' T L. �.. a.rmer 2j Doors for fire department T1 ',1!.!1 • ` to the attention of the city council d Judi , 1 3 / P 0 00 !� i` • 'll } 'ii ounc �,r; upon motion was referred to the •. '1';;':!. :,� � :�i. r,I !,' Cor:rri ttee and City ,orne R. H. Lildi ne 327b y,ood for city hall 2 50 r f ,.;lf 1''i; Attorney. aall 10 00 ,' ;!a,� 1 II 'i'' :!r L. R. Ames 3279 J �n.i for city h • i $: ,{ ; ! �' Bid for doingthefor '� cif Gus Hensler 3280 Insurance for li . . ors 11 00 ;, 1 `�' n !' ' City. printing cit,, printing the year 1922 vv: s presented to the !i l �,, 'E .! [iiil'i!!• S'I' '`' ' i' Coal for l i b r- r ,' � ,. P.; . 'ci ' ', , . arnd u :onn motiorn the Clerk v ao instructed t o opern � o os f• c' �c y 7b 10 s 1.�. {., . ,,`, City the bid, which e.a.' urtis "'harf Co 3281C t; 1 , E. Luella Howard 3282 Salar aslibrarian 68 00 ;!i ;1�•�'� i } .4r• �i ii;• ff i, - American: "" 3 3 y 20 0 ;In. .l� a,, . ' � � ' ` t "an,• tortes t,rr L. R. ��mes 28 Janitor at library Q 1 � + �� ��:�':' ::iA'';i. : , • �� Davey Bros. 3284 Supplies December acct . 8 90 G' ':� i '+ .', . ':,`:�k it ! ; All advertisements to be set in six point (legal type) cornforr.�in.� Anacortes L B Co. 3285 Lumber for fire dept. 40 • ' !' tdhe city ordirnarnc . I. U. Liatsorn 3286 Paint for city hall 6 00 I ry ' : ,I11. Standard Oil Co . 3287Gasoline for fire dept. !('t 'il 15 cents per inch first insertion p 12 00 ! .l.:. i J . S. Carter 288 Salary as chief fire de s ., �, . 50 cents per irnch encnn subsequernt insertion 3 ,, pt . c� cash a.dv 129 66 � I !•, :1 ex Latshaw 3269Salary as fireman y :4 ':1 . �` Bond to be furnished. 75 00 ' Lilo Strock 329G Salary :.s truck driver 100 00 ,I,., Tit;�i ''� ,' . '1 . laryland Cafe 3291 i.:ea:.ls forpri soners 4 40 ' !! ,• J. in.. Post ' i •' t , ! , • A. F. Schreiber 3292 Justice fees for February 10 UC " ' 1 , ;." Bid accented Upon motion the bid of the Ana:cortes American was accepted. Rolm. Coil.: .nor" , : C%. W. i'leminng 3293 Salar;; as chief of police 125 00 ; ' ; n 1 . ,; Brooks, ':wane, Dwelley, LLcCa lium, ._orrisonn, Snyder and Trafton. Lays, n; i•e• Clyde Ra;, 3294 Special police 16 00 �r i r,,� .1 11 ' j Island transfer Co. 3295 Drayage 4 00 �,. i Peti ti onfrorr Verbal petition of F1Y.s Lodge for permission to build outside stairway on ► F'' ' I i, 7,1ka Lodge ' building 'nd port of front erntr.•nnce to extend over sidewalk vas upon motions } tf ' ' rcferrcd to the Committee on Building and Sewers. , ,;: ; ! I. 0' Proposed ferry Y• ..e_ _s of the '}n noel of Commerce introduced the subject of the propose '' • ! r? e ferryfrom Sidney, b. C. to rnnacortes ,askin the City Council to cooperate GF:.}�Lt,� ';.,:1'sh hULD , ' !' ' { .r from Sidney, _ .�. Y �o ' t+ . to .:n:• eortes . ' to its fullest extent in the project. Upon motion the i.•ayor was instructed ' I n !' '- , • 4' write to Geo. I . '':.amen , Secretary of the Victoria Char ber of Ce,x-n�erce, s The Tire Surgery 766 Tire repairs 6 90 ,i: fir; :I ,�r,,' : '—}n'' • , - t r tha:.t landing facilities would be provided, also suitable offices for ir,iria,ra't ` tin_ cort,es `L rdware Co. 7c,1 supplies for viater dept . 1 40 ;il'1!< • 5 ••p �11: Ayes, Brooks, Deane, Bv.elle , Ca.11ur. , Standard Oil Co . 68 Gasoline 75 2b : : ' ' • • ', i� officers and inspectors. ,: Roll C. y y L.c 7 i. • !" r r ' T Fairbanks L:orse a Co. 769Re : it arts for engine ' ,,:,� • • 'II ' ! i ;..ox•ri son, ten.; der and Trafton. i.,,yes, none. p p r; / 74 ;i { • ! h • , ' ' f ! ;�' �snacortes I. a n Co . 770 Lumber 15 35 I ►'` ! t t Upon. motion. a con- ittee of ti:ree vr.:.s ao oirntec, b the ...a' or, �•ri tin oowe:' to ' 0 W. ' ` r • ,{+ ' ;I Cot :: i ,. , c e a�ppoir. , pp ' y y V . ells j jl Rent of barn for storage 5 00 1;,.l�' ',,i, i: 1 1 ' 1 ed E, y project. The committee consisted of Councilmen Cit,, Treasurer-L. .atkinson 772 (.1 1', +'��. ' !j , to take ct: r e of the fern Payroll . r:d cash c l V. 150 5C ri; L' `l,,,ii. ;li ;fir i G . G. `�han.nhon a Co . "/73 Sup•hl i Cs 12 1 '; )1!,f 4+1$', . 1, i 1 .61(ce„ -11IrH:. 478 ;/j ' , ` „ : Larch 21st, 1922. .f . , ; •' r • -;..r 1 , lq ( �� •r h• r_ , _ - all Call The City Council of Lae city of r.n_.cortes did on ti,e 21st day of aarch, 1922, '• ' _r�_ft�n Son 774 Repairs on car 4 v_ + . nri�cortes L e 13 Co. 'j'15 Luber for year l-21 -mmeet in regular session with Councilmen Brooks, Lea iie, Dwelley, y.cL,_llurr. and • , *! Puget Sound Tel Co. 40 4 27Snyder responding to Rol :-. C�.11 . Absent: _orrison and r�tfton• ':_' ,br=entz is and tolls D. Temple Co. ' i.: , P 777 =uoplies c ` g778 Ledger forms 2 oar Pro • Tem gyring to the absence of the Layor and '"z�yor Pro Tea. a temporary i__oyor Pro '''erg ,• ' Uirioi. Printing Co.(.o. Roy �•i1son f79 caretaker ohistle L.:.ke b� was elected. Upon notion Councilman L_cCalluir: was elected .errporary _._ayor Proter+ ,` . ' ; , '..ade Thomas f c0 Labor 1 {, �. ; . 7 Pdept. 2�p GC _irktes approved The minutes of the previous n.eetin,✓ were read and upon r:otion adopted as read. ,ii • 1 'F - W. B. �iivi-t j�l Salary supt. of water �: �, t Francis Short 782 Labor 2c, ` • c • ' C. L. Berry 783 L�.00r 30 CG from Victoria Comrunication from. the `victoria chamber of Con':rerce re the Sidney-..naocrtes ferry - ` i• Revolving Fund 784 Cash advanced for labor 6 ,., r:ae_ of Cocr-r�erce was read and upon. motion accepted nd placed on file. - i Knapp & Ronneberger 785 Final payment on 'ord car ! 1 Bell Lachine :orks 786 'o`elding ZJ �` �,�_ • from B. B. Co' unication from Brian =?• Vivian relative to theatre licenses was read and upon i 1' 1 i Islzu:d Transfer Co. 78'j IiaulinL. lumlper and pipe to lake 6 �r li1ic;.r. re licenses motion accepted and placed on file. ; l' E, •• . i ' • i -------T 7 •• : - • �.9i1 c, , io,ort of City heportof the City attorney on natter of deed from Russell and wife, was read and +• ( ( r, .•t:;rney upon motion adopted. i tv.art of City co:r•:sunication from City attorney relative to delinc_uent L•I •D assess:-e-its was : :.racy .. read and u a notion adopted.ted. ,, • i' f�r�' ' i is Finance or: hcport of the Committee on 1- ..rice to vmJn: were referred that claims aL i.. ; ' • ;;) :i r.• ,,,, ' *.:' ::;! . ,3 i claims the various city funds, reconrnendir., that the claims be allowed and warr::r.;.;; :in• on monthly Report of Corr::_ittee on Finance to whom were referred the monthlyreports o�- ceaart- , ,, 3 + °• u •:. r, <s`.. t drz.wh in favor of s.uee was read and upoi. motion adopted . }loll C all, y y P- ,, .,; p i • fis-� es r s merits wa= re:. and u� n otion adopted !:::::t. ,...;:,::::.;':'`;,�,;i L;roo.s, _'eane, Lwelley, 1+ecallunt, i:.oirisoil, Snyder �.iid 'afton• 1:..js, r!�„�l.e• ; ' : : - a Report of the Judiciary Con ::i ttee on deed of iiussel� wife, rccor l rndirr� that the iti�a<': �$:. ,a�rciz_ry on deed p .� , : .b.'. :;..r:.. i adjourn Upon motion the city council aid then adjourn:. • ,f J;ussell & wife • deed be accepted, was rear_ and up .r_ motion adopted . # {f 41� . is + : Approved in open session this 4th day of April , 1922. ti Parks on f e;�ort of Corcittee on Streets Parks relz..tive to placing too dirt frog exc�v ,tion �` si t • 1 1' gdirt in park sadopted. c! �.i,. p .cii at Flics Lodge on Causland Park was read rid upon L tion adopt t E. r t' ! ! tad". ;t:i• �. Parks on Report of Comrri ttee on .Streets c... P rks on ._ .,tter of plu.ciag dirt from excavation • i : n1 sing dirt on at Flks Lodge on 'omn ercial between _ streets where . • c f,- <,t• .•••. c 6 � ' g G 2nd and "-,rd t here sice•-•z.�.1k had collapsed :i' � •`;� •'�: . �'���`,r �5:raercial was read and upon motion ad_pted. ' "c" '3• f*er For y ��}'rQ.; : Va oaa �• , :t. est: e ate' & Light Report of Coin i ttee on lire, '_ter Light to whom was referred tree rz . -tter of ! •:: •; Cartwright, CiL,; clerk , or1extension of extension of time on Si eler & ,:atson' s well contract, Vas rend and upon notion ii r;::!:!• -' } Ii tine on crater Cont. adopted. �` ,• ,_ . ':;:l ��' /lf?`Q"� `�'�" t�L"� "`/ ,nec • ceer. on ferry Report of Special Committee on new ferry project was read and upon motion adopted. i rc`' "l ::,, Deputy c i ' :;•• :: : . • .Fars a Bldgs on Re-port of Committee on .:curers o: Builains on petition of Frank Fuller to remodel ' . � ' j'• - E�:'{-•c • •} p-tition of _Fuller buildings in rear of :ilson Hotel , recon.:: canna that peition be not granted, was • c • i• ';. + read and upon motion adopted. ; ' , 1. ,,- i ii;` n. `;; ' 1 Uit� Clerk instruct- Upon rotion the City Clerz was instructed to read the proposed ordinance submitted ii `ii• • ; 3` ;'':''!' i: ! r� to read proposed by the City Attorney relative to delinquent L. I.D. assessments, settinc, forth ; 3' ' +' °,.'.:,.; .3/, ' :s. - ` •: 1 ordinance manner o f cre--ting revolving fund to take care of delinc ', i :;1... .:::•3:J•'' r3 .• ; . ,Cenci es. .` � i ' � ;F�'i; i ' i j ! 3 =eFa from. Lamphear ' Deed from George I_ampliear on "J" Avenue property was presented to the City Council rti �: .' 1 „:`i W' o and upon :notion alas referred to the City attorney. t � '+ 'r�� ? 'i ;f i ! i I ,i 1 z, 3� t h 1;1 . 1 i iity att• on deed Report of City attorney on deed from Lamphear was read o adopted. {1 , ` ' .,,. . _ 'lid unoi, notion it ,+� . ,ti i +r-. 'l '; • ie;.tre licenses Con -unication from B. B. Vivian relative to the-_tre licenses was taken up , ond � �� �' t•` Cit•1 ..ttorney instructed to ''.raft ordinance :�z_sing license on se:�ting capacity of ! i '1 '� ', .•`:.:, �.�"r }. ii • ,. , • ! theatre, or the Rialto to pay ,.25,00 annually and the T'mpire Theatre license to ' ' ,,;` �: is i 3 remain un }ii:i.F;ed. , I � .'• t ,a t 1. :;:::;' ,i,0; I. + ; • 3, :�.-!:s designated as Upon 'notion the city Council desicu,-ted .the Bc:_r.a o t' non.:- crc •"rid the ..i ;.izens :izar:.. �(i J,�l r ;:::!i: ;!.: . ( o .e: sitories as depositories for Lne city funds, and also authorized the renting of .a safety • ,•',I'til (( ; ;;c , depositeachbank y the City Treasurer• If:.. •�{ i '4. ;?. .`,.. 1' t box at b :� j. ;-i • tion from Hud- Verbal petition frog' chc-_s. Hudson, asking permission to improve portion of .t•• . i ' ;','•::• ! : t ' :or. re sidew lk "0" Street 6_ 15th by ;_,r�adiug sidewalk wao un�.ii motion granted tine work to be '' ' ' . "•` :•: ,'> done under tc:e s:-ipervi sion ;f the ci t J r." i i.eer. ; •°k'' ' ' i:il:; ,, ' • ; . as. c•- Parks to Upon motion tiie,Corr �i :;tee on :.treets P;:rks was instructed to dispose of garage (`•� 1 14' �i.•S{� c`. .l r. se of garage at end of 9th street ' :,� ,�•1 � ' :�- , ; ;1,j : 5'; r} Fire Chief Carter brought to the attention 'f the City Council matter of building ' •, . i IWO E. �.{.iti. + I. + on 3rd Street, '.nest of the iieltonwas ` ,, .�;lid:•�J�• 11� garage, stating that same a fire menance. ?; '! A motion made that owner should be notified to remove or repair building. '��,; �t •I., ;:III �, i ! -. b. Pol . to L'non potioi. the Corri:ittee on Licease c,. Police was instructed to send the Chief of ,, i ' , 11 1� •-•e- ti�,r;te Hunt Police to investigate complaints relative to Chas• i:unt. on 3;th :street . f.. :: ',•. " - E,3 i • ` ! + ,i �. Clerk tot notify Upon riotiion the City clera v.'a instructed to notify dance hall managers that E;'. i ji�''• 1, i, ::.a� e halls to en- unless law forbidding entrance of all persons under twenty-one years of z:.ge be 1 1"ice age law enforced up to the age of 18 years , that license would be revoked• ; `,• j, ►1 Lit• a Pol . to en- Upon o oti oo the Cor�+i'i ttee on License & Police was i i.. tru cted to take up with, the ., ' ( `'.U , . 'i,, ` �I :-_.c'e liquor law Chief of Police the matter of enforcing the liquor ordinance. ! ,., tl l 1, , k -s• '•t I'idalgo Lill Counc ilma:. Dwelly asked axixte fxmfxi~imexx$7dm2gvxxsil:: Arrnxung that road at 35th ' ' ' ' be shortened a avenue be straightened, :Aid upo:. isot ion this ratter wa referred to the City , ' re; ' i' '.1, it it Fngiiler and Co::zittee oil Streets L Parks, .with po::er to act. Roll Call: ayes, all. . i 1 ' I,I t ' 1" + ; ' r _,urn upon r'otioil the Citj Council aid ti.en adjourn. i ;, iI ''I 1. i, I ' ol .��K 1 ;,1 1 ,. 1 ,1' I i•' i 'Approved in open sessi h Lids 4tn dry,, o t itpril , y j`,3 `i • ! - 1`'22. , • i I •,' . 1 i t . � 1.1 • ' j; Layor Pro Tern f'+ 1,•' 1 i ` i, ' V' 4 1 attest: ' ` I �' '• ( I:, ' F. D. Cartwright, City Clerk, !iit' t i)1 11 1lt • H. i t•, a i 1/// ( i' , '. 4 .•,• N By .7�1,4Les>,i `'(// A�e-ender?/� - J. . ..a ------- b e•u t • 48 1 n r. _.,. . �jt , . I i ; • • 4 ' 1 A ri1 4th, 1 22, continued. . - • I • ! �c,ril 4th, 1922. _ t�''' -P.)0 1 • I' n • • << of a::d with privilege of renewal for tent of three (3) years if desired. :i featly :.: 'tr' �.. Roll Call the cite council of the city of nr �_c.ortes did o the 4th day pril 1c is ch r ed. s:o11 hail• ryes, Brooks, �sirre, �rrellea ,+ {1' ' : . > l� rental of one dollar to e g , i , meet in regular session with L.ayor queen presiding and Councilmen Brooks. ' cCallum, i.:o:rison and Snyder. Lays, none. 1 Deane, Dwelley, hcuallum, t,orrisor, and Snyder a espandir.g to roll call. __i -•e, . : :3= I Tr.�fton. ttorney were irnstucted to draw up a Cpecial Com , Upon motion the Special committee ttee and City in ,� t•, draw up contact rri th the mound rre fight Line and submit same to the City Council. •�•_:.i;t, �'+ ,i ., • The minutes of the revious meetin were read and after the correction of - ; { kin. approved P g items were approved as corrected. ` ' contract i ' ' Councilman Snyder brought to the attention of the City Council the scandalous , {. Corr__=:unic_.tior. from the a or of Bellingham invitir_ the ::ayor of Are co Jail in bad condition of the city jail, and recommended beddirrgleaUpon�motior,`rtlielrratter Has i- •• * " . • Corr. from Belling- Y g g rtcs �� ?iria of same, also the rene �• n % ; ' l� ti hake attend the 'Tulip Festitsl, vaa read quid upon motion accepted and plycec o;. _, condition referred to the Committee on License and Police with power to act. Roll Call: , } i i ` Ayes, Brooks, Deane, Dwelley, locCallum, L'orrison arsi. Snyder. mays, none. .i I 1 ,� Justice and Supt. I'= t f 1 �orthly reports of Reports of City i're__:urer. chief of Police, P of Sts. wer • e -.,, i departments ented to the City Council and upon motion referred to the Finance Corm:-il.tes, Q wood Fire Chief Carter addressed the Cit;, Council in relation to the piling of wood �:�. f Piling, ' . • I ' Health Officer i:esigr,atior, of Health Officer Dr. A 3. Cook was presented to the City Crrrcl in. alleys in alleys, . laid upon manor: the Chief was instructed to clean up the alleys. {. •1 . :1 ' and upon notion accepted. resignsClaims filed against the various city funds, as follows, for the month of Larch, •s,. • #{ • } were presented to the City Council and upon motion referred to the Committee on 4 - ;$, • , Sts . & Parks on cut Report of Comrr.ittee or: Sts. & Parks on matter of cut off in road at Fidal ,, C1�lmS ririarnce• '•! - ! t ' �' . stating that surveyhad been made and that the committee recommended the . •::'; '. off in road at Fi- • a in-- t , ,� I dal go 1:i11 provement of the road, if sa>71e could be lawfully done, eras re�:d and upon, rro.; •• ' i t, '�;' :r ;y i g adopted. a g 3 00 t :•••, l � John Savage 329`j P intirrg for en ineer I!' " 2�- ?�;,�`�Y,a;:�•= ,* . ; 2 8 glue prints for engineer 1 60 ; i •: :•;:: Report of the Committee on & Black G King 3 5 Sts. & narks or. road Sts . arks on repairing road to Independent ;;;,i c • 3 yo Su lies fore fire, streets & city hall 7 05 ,� -� ' `� Ana ortes Hdwr. C 2 , pp - 00 •.aca•oaA }}. to hill to useas fireman " a ` ,�� : f. , to Independent :ill Lill, and giving permission i ssi or. part of 20th St. for spur frog r;.i 0G oalary1005 00 `{ ` •'F i``'''`3 �'. r'tilex Latshow 33 •:_ also spur on 20th st. road, stating that repair of road would be made as soon street department c ILilo Strock 3301 Salary s true. driver � t a: :; << find time to attend to it; also .that the use of a part of 20th street for spa J J . ;. Caxtex 3320 Solar;; as fire chief b-. casi� r.dtat.riced 121. 31 taa. • be ranted, eras read and upon, rr•otion ado ted . :ialar a ty marsiaall 5 •�%' g P Scot Leely 3. 03 .i s depu 3,`` ..•, ;c. G . lamina, police 125 00 s • r c• 6 n= on outsidestairway rwon Elks . '��. Fl em 3304Salary as chief of of 17 50 �•:. . , .: ,• �• , •Y : ;SKY 4�:. Sewers & Bldgs. on report of Committee on enters Builda 4s to ay 1Acs new i ;l• l•• Schreiber 3305 ,ru5tice fees i ..._ 6 oo ) ; , • stairway at T1sk new ; building ana extension of front entrance over sidewalk, recommending ttrc.t t:.� Ov Leal for prisoners 12j 25 '; i Laryland Cafe 33 , . }. € .� request of lodge be granted, was read and upon motion adopted . p� Solar a.s su t . of streets ;::: s% - bui buildingO. A. Leaning 33 j r p 2 00 ; '-.a_,.• i . ' ' _ �, Txulson motor Co. 3306 .apark plugs fc.r tractor �, ��'F . • I,' i , Fire, ;rater 3- :report of t,or:: ittee on lire, Water Light on petition of R. T. lraftorx c.r.d Labor on streets 104 00 1;I • : : LightLynn Balcomb 3309 00 J r' . 1 others for li hts at loth and llth Streets and commercial recona i,dh _ 'f:,,, ' on i�ftGllirg light g Avenue, 77 :^ i.: . ' l0 La%or an: streets �� }. Ton Dodson 33 4 a ; ; r. at 10th a: commercial the placing of a light at 10th street only, was rend and upon motion adop ed . "' Conw 3311 Libor or, streets 9 5 {�: �; ti • 1 lion'A Taylor 331� Blacicsrri thing 9 •65 ,,- .{ • ::R ,i l 11 10 il` . i �c 1, i { Special Comm. on The Special Corraittee on the Victoria Ferry stz.ted verbally that the present 1 La:�oor at park I ,; P trade Thom.: 33 3 4 00 : ' I t Victoria slip could be usea with an additional expenditure of six or seven hundred. dot3314 Labor on 1'idalgo Road , _, :oasts ::: ferry • C. L. Berry 2 0 ' � including the buildings for the t overturent officials. Upon motion, the retort1 " L Lbor fir. �zrk 5 • ' aoaa'oI Kenneth Terry 33 5 P 5 00 l �'.; :•aaa. _ ,. , vra.s adopted. Roll Call: Ayes, Brookk, Deane, Dweliey, LicCallum . I.:orrison c:_ Si, �y• Z�• `'ells 3316 Rent of barn fo storyae ; i ; ,� ;i • I+�=• -ys, none. _ • `urek:. •hartnacy 3�17 �i si nfectants 1 35 t 1 'c Corrm. from bond Communication from Baillargeonj t`;inslow L Company relative to Ike local irr- Dr - A. B. Cook 3316 Sa_loro as health Officer-2 mos. 50 00 i ` ;�., :. ' nroverrent bonds was read and upon motion acce ted and laced on file. 50 CO ! c ompany p P P Beh Driftmi e5 3319 Sal,ry a s city ey G 00 it ji, ,i �, ;O. `:'.. . ttorr. ;i3i ► i ' 1 ; p. D. Cartwrigh 3320 S l .ry as city clerk :. p Ordinance • lia . imposrnt; a license ur�or. the theatres <nd moving picture ,,a1r r - as citytlerk. case, ado. 50.10 rdinance ho. L. \':avkinSon 3321 , :} 33 ,;. : • ; ; ;; shows, with the the City of i�r. :s:ortes, ,:asni rrgtorr, and repealirl, all ordir:_.r.c , 'i'elet;rasrs 1 " 1 '"' • Western Union TPl Co 3�22 �' >? i' andparts of ordinances in conflict herewith, was upon motionplaced upon its i'l i i ,''.' iii;, • # pp • : Department of Labor ,.. o . ;ill ; first reading by title; upon :notion it was placed upon its second readin by P Industries, O1 323 I.djusted payroll , ind. inns. tom. 57 • 50 LH-•� .i•.+ }. ', ,.•, Ym 3 r '-, i ' title; upon motion the ordinance was referred to the City A:ttorne•` °.n.d Judici. , 39 85 t ` • • .> i , I �' y I.nauortes american 3321 Publishing 20 00 - � �'` '', .. „ ',: i i I ;! uorrnittee. L. R. ::n es 3325 J libra: f , anitor i '` � 'r i E. Luell• Howard 3326 Salary as librarian 6b 00 1 ! ,1 a `•• j. t ! Ordinance i.o . Ordinance ho. providing for the improvement of 15th Street from the e:at , Co-_i for library 25 00 :i j, 'I. 7; 4 .I t�.:a;;.�' -': • of thepresent 1 Curtis Wharf CoG . 33 7 c f, f ,k ; I - . • pavement on Com. ercial Avenue to the east line o f q avenue o 33G6 for _ibr�_r 12 65 i; . 1 i l ; Insurance Y `:" Gus Hensler 2 00 s" , ' ' i, r, ` laying down and pla.cir,t; on said described street and intersections or porti �: rf Co . 3329 Coal for city hall 3 a, ;` ,:' ! t, , Curtis -•,;hr�. 10 00 ': :�. :, ` ;�, !, ' intersect : .nos concrete paver.errt eihteer, (18) feet inn width a.nd by doirrt c.r:d O Janitor city hall ' } r ! , tl - L. It Ares 333 221 t 1 , a F • constructir� all other work neces:car to complete the said Iry-lover in FI.GC 1 1�r firer at li: r�r h c.ran�s 35 j i' rii to the plans of tee city en.- ineer , ycreatA g Local Fnlar -ed Improvement Dist +'ester Deportment oi �33 1 , ��i ; ',. , ; �; ': y n g g p ✓ 15�i 63 l.ti t r,.: t ,i slti ngto a P L "' 00 .3332 Li gtrtti: a t city hall , l i brat, c� s is. ,� h S• , Ito . , and eutablishina and firm the boundary of the said district anic. G . C Su Julies fur street dept . 7 59 ii; ' ';;• i1 t ,E l Shrtn:rnon c. o. 333� y i!` ''' .1: 'r • i i. ;; to be as_ es_.ed fo.. thecost of said improvement , and creating enlarged ir. ?I- rn'rre-cr3334 R�W across property on "J " .eve. 3U0 00 i', ,;'� •�%',�'� `'';�: • L Geo . L�_ . i i s _' ;, fund l,o for the paymenta d cost of paid in !Arovement orovidin a ro toe Zis ti;2,026 3b .:', ..:::...!:4' 1 , ,t t meat o f thehe porpert, benefi tea for the pryn•ent of the costs thereof under the ' � >, . 'i:. ! medhtod of immedi ate was mot •1 i• `u., ' J Y'i 4 �':; i E payment, uponion. placed ucran its first re, d .�, �= !I �� � �� , + ±" i;Ii ,,'�;•; ;+ •:1 ' I !7 upon motion oridn�unce r;- s placed upon its second reading by title; u ,o:. . .otl „ , : y i . �'4 ri,:j:iiiiti,,+: ' i` t; ordi �.ar�ce rr GFL-PliA L W ATFi. b U2:D 'r fi' as referred to the City Attorney :ad Judicir-ry Committee. � ''tlii ,; ;t , i 1. 'i•; , 2 2 4 88 Gasoline I :.27 { iff`''';.:E• " •!il ' I ' ' Remonstrance on ; Protest from Fred :�ourne, property owner in the proposed 15th Street erilc:r c 'irulson lLotor Co . 7 �!' tc'd :6:• e' The Tire Surgery 789 Tire repairs 4 00 i� �'.° i — •'.!: :;.!' < . 's' i# i; ` ! 15th street paving ; paving district , eras read rand upon motion the protest was not well taken. •, • • s ,E•i�4 ,:!;,ik 1, 1 ; Knapp A,. Ronnebereer ?90 Gasoline d. repai rs on engine c�.t lake 14 64 , . • Co . 791 iLeter p its 35 4a 11; i ''' '''''`'' { Bond of J. L. Post for city printing was presented to the City Council and u ' Pittsburgh Sieter o .1 , 1 � , '��� Bond of Post for � 792 r..eter parts26 01 ��'• ' �, ' city printing • motion referred to the C: tom• attorney and Judiciary Corr• ittee. iational meter Co. 14 0 t 4? ' isCo . Gasoli ne9 .: ' ,�. ,� ,• 3tandard Oil 'j93 � . •i 7 „ „ Atnacortes Hdwr. Co. 794 Supplies 99 i , i.. ,i c Partial release from Partial release of mortgace from Geo. Lanphear on his J Aver: property, 'E-s PuE.et Sound Tel Co. 'jy5 mental s and tolls 4 30 7' S`,i';'�',,;, „ Lanphear presented and upon. motion referred t . the Ci t3 Attorney. i[i'.- •i'1i.' ,, ,( !,c. , P Dep..rtment of Labor .0o- i 0 -,,1 • s'`l r . i Bond of I.00F for ' Bond of I.O.O.F. for repairing foundrl.tion at lod• e hall, wa_ resented to be ' 6 ,'adjusted payroll , ind. ins. com 93. 40 i' '.I I,'• , & Industries jy s;, n e p H. A. Taylor 79y Blacksmithing 1 55 :; ' , i !` . . ' I y. " re airin r hall ; City Council, a.nd upon n•nti •_�n w<s referred to the City ;Attorney. 23 1 , {{{ P g F�rreka Pharmacy 798 Bluestone ;`1 a `!'he Cit y have verbal re art ors bond of I.O.G.T. , statin. th:.t e ` Rev _•lving Fund 799 Cash advanced for sundries 12 1 {!•i ,' is"� {:;• :j City r. ttorney on bond ✓ At torte p • ' ' of IOOF cue safely accepted. 1 0 ' 4 '�' , ;'� ... �' ' 1 CityWilsorluxer 800 PCayroll retaker '.•histle Lake 55 00 i`;1 • i ( Li. Colli er &U2 La or 8 OU , lc. ' { ' 't Bond rzccpted Uno.. notion. the above bond rras accepted. 2 1, , + ' : ,. , 1,. . Geo. Aubey 803 Labor 3 5 I ;, , : , . ` 1 ,• , i_ Uoor. Noti on the ei t - T-r: i peer yr .s i r:structed to establish the line of the a,iAde Thom�.s 604 Labor 136 00 7 `r , � r � l.it, nt;inePr in- y � ' � 1 • ic o,�nt• road ,, ;, ' i strutted to establish ✓ beyond the i i dal., o Lill. C. L. Berry 605 Lccoor 1,1.; • i, , Burke Shingle Co. 806 Shingles 3 20 , � � - i y line . •, i r• ; kayor queen appointed Dr. Austin Shaw health Officer to fill the unexpirec te' Y! .i. Short 607 laiary a.:; superintendent 250 00 ! , 11 Co. 0�3 Lumber fit 85 �" '�{, I `''4 ; • +' '; Austine Shaw of- Dr. A. B. Cook, resigned. Upon notion the appointment wc:.s confirmed ax1C t r�nr.cortes L B o. , E Dr.. , t ` �. ,' t' �' anointed Health Off. ' City Clerk instructed to notifypDr. Shaw. pp Francis Short 809 Labor 25 90 ";' 1'�-`• ,I • ,i' ( 'I �, P. S. D Tempt e'j Co. 810 applies 1 45 ! ►, 1 . ' . i „ „ f G. VI. Shallr�orA Co . 811 Su )li es 3 Contract with Sound Representative o t' the bound Frei c ht Line addressed the City (,pencil. .kin'c I4' ; -ti7(I , I!. , ' •1•!.• ' ; 'i t I i. , freight Line contract for the exclusive right to use ferry slip on the Anacortes-Victoria ;�1 ,022 45 �lre;; i{; .. .1. . ;i• ; to prevent possible competition on this rut. during pioneer period. Upon n='t'' `li' 1' , . . i ' ; the City Council agreed to enter into contract with the Company for a period I. ��,�I `. ; ' r , of two (2) years, the contract to be terminated if serviceproved to be 0 -:4 s- ` \;: , . • • N ' i t } . . . .. •'?G3 .. "1�: .... _ ram. - ', s. . ,• .k.,- ! 48 - , 4-8 1 ( r I i' ( { '. ,pril loth, 1922. tt.,: > :s l r, ''_ — - _ __ - --- - - - - �t'' �a, aor I f ,...-•'i!! • '1' JUDGLYbT F1J.ND The City Council of the city of nnacortes did on the 18th day of April 1922, '.; , ;' o, , •:,00l call , ',, • with Councilmen Brooks, Dwelley, _orrison and Snyder responding to roli. call . i •' r; and 2rafton . f '1 .' 4 2._. •tti ;• f Owing to the absence of the Layor and K yor Pro Tem, Councilman: Brooks was ,:•, ' 4.:` o; Pro !em elected 'fiery, orary :.:a or Pro rem. r •'' ` • ..' -' •� Finance on Report of the Corrlrrittee on Finance to wtrorr= were referred the claims file, P Y c;,,:f . + 1 claims against the various cite funds for the month of i.-arch, recommending th tµ ';; ' • �. r claims be allowed .;.Q The minutes of the previous meeting were read and upon trction adopted as read. , • • . +, and uwarnnts drawn in favor of same, was read •and u-,_: 2pproved + �r•= • , 1: . motion Adopted. Roll Call: .yes, Brooks, Deane ,Dwelley, i.:cCallu„ i.ol::. + . r ` ' x �r _ and Snyder. .nays, none. Contract with ii. E. Trost, relative to property adjacent to roadway leading out ,,,_;.. .r_ ct with I i ; ': i "rost of city, submitted by City ;attorney, v s read and upon motion the contract was i, , 1 4 _adjourn Upon motion the city council did then adjourn. accented anti the La./or or and City ele instructed to enter into contract with ' al I. 1;. , y;fir. Frost. .• f 1 ,r Approved in open session this 18th day of April, 1922. i_� �torney on r ' ` r ? i-.e :ort of Ci t�. Attorney on Urdi i.. nce ;f718, improvement of 15th Street , east, :. ( ; ;,r':i t�:..nc e ii718 stating that same was correct as to form, was read and upon notion �_dpted. i_. ., , Report of bit- Attorney on Ordinance ;t719, regulating licensing of theatres, : ' ; • Attorney on p the �-a�� i1`� stating that same cos correct ,_s to form, was red ��nd uoor. notion adopted. ' � ' r y Gr-.ioance #719 ; V !_ • ;�,. k ,. r f' u. onmonthly , 1 r ++ ' f ,v� _ rr heport of Com�:ittee on Firr�:nce or. matter of monthly reports of dep::rtr:ents, was j �" : �� f I .:;��ti>° �: ;;:: !,1 read and u on __ oti on o opted +4 ! ;,I:.tr?:, • • iva;or r��orts :fji # :!t M•:•.,. : •. Attest: ^ o , 4,� F D. c; 1 i� ciar�� Committee on ;; J !•.._• N • • ,.rtwright, City C Clerk, Tudiciary on epor„ of Judi ,, Uraih.�_nc e 1`/8 iI:<prove�ent of 15th street e: :t R :.,,«,• ,, <` of coir: .:ercial, recom�._ cnci that Los, orai _..zn4e be pissed, w�._ .re�_a �.nd upon moti :r: ' . .Gs . . t. ::.:; r , Grr.. ;;718 opted. , _ �'...:.; ?�: .- /�/� • old t' t !r"� ti:-.:. j: Deouty -, sidewalk `':`' '' ;f:• & marks orr Report of Cor. :'i tee on Streets Oc Parks to wtrom yr referred the matter of ; that propert,, Jv:nc�rs had " ;'' -- � ::evra,lk on 2nd ion second St. between Corm.. ercial and 0 Avenues, stating �.,. �{•;�� i 9, `" & 0 agreed to repair walk and keep it in shape, was read and upon .- otion adopted. ,••,' •o' o' '': y e: Corr,. : _ ., E;. 1 �,, Lie. L. Po1 . on t ;; • . Report of Colrrittee on License & Police relative to the unsanitary condition of city ! 1 To.- .t 'if t cco ition of jail Jail, was read and uoon motion adopted. , , ! ' • tY ' , i'he Special Committee reported verbally that the preparations for the operation • `i ' nFcial Comm;i ttee ='p .e ' or. ferxy of the ferry between Arr..cortes and progressing °` ::Victoria were satisfactorily, that slipwould cost G. little more •t'X .�i � r'• !'' 'i , > i the construction of the buildings and the ferxy y. , ti � , 1, + • "j than was anticipated, out could be taken care of. t'll. 1 . ' .- >_ : I` 1 . • 'I , ti fit,' : ;i f ;Ordinance Eo . 718, being at ordinance providing for the improvement of "15th" ; . .rdinrxrce #718 ,Street form the a st line of :` 'Fast the present pavement oh. Comp: ercial Avenue to the :�. ► # :. .y • east line of "(�" i.genue, by l.-ryint down and placing or. said described street , 1 , I +. ' �`! ! and intersections or portions of intersections concrete pavement eighteen (18) ° ' , 'i' {' !:::t,,, „.... , , , .., :i: , I , •,' ;feet in width r.na by doing and constructing all other work necessary to complete `}.' I';1'�• ``• ! s' the said improvement in accordance v:ittr toe plraxrs of the city engineer, was upon f ,� 1 emotion placed upon its third and final rer.� ih by sections. Upon motion the g .11 1,,, ' E i ! ; title eras adopted as read; upon motion section one wa•s adopted s read; noon moti on ,`s � ! i' ' ,section 2 wa s, adopted as read; upon m'�tion section three was adopted as read; ; ,' • ,i f • i , upon motion section four ways :_dopted 4 s read; upon motion secti on five v:��s adopted `�' ,I t' !. t r i''' read; upon. ' 1� (,• motion section six was Adopted �_e read; u++gin i_ cti ��n section seven ; ;�+ -w:'s adopted as read; upon motion the ordinance as a whole and as read was adopted. ( ,:. , f k '' 1 •!! , 'Role Call : Ayes , Brooks, Dwelley, i:oxrison and Snyder. mays , none ',0 1 '"'r�' , �(� :!a , . � , ' ►'. .' I:.surance policy 'Insurance policy, uov erin insurance on tine city hall , .s presented by Gus Hensler, �•,.. , �� •; • , :;•: ! � {'' , was upon motion referred to the lino�►ce non.--ittee. �`'r' !t(` � ''� ` ' '• �, ' '1 1 ' i n ,, fr r Hensler E.� 'r .t 'a City of ��nacrtes for lea:�e of �,',, ���� r ., .' '?; 1 , 1+ t 'I ?robe from G . N . ,;Great Lorthern hailwao Company contract to the y , r 1� ,"� �.' ;;;. i1 •; , I', i land for southside fire station, vas presented to the City Council :rhd u on rr 'ti n { 1;. rid Co . , ,. •,1 4 r 'I referred to be Finance Committee. ,+ s�� r ?. •s' 4 11 Flocs ask concess- Fred Crowell, representing i3POE r-12O4, asked the city council for certain street r;} „! !4i ' ' i j`i aj r VMS concessions during the period of the Elks Convention in August, a.nd also that the _, ,• 4 �;rl? +'a; ! I 4 '' Carnival Shows , or one simil _.r, be i\ I('' , . f E ' that the license fee ontained from: the Eurke a niv«1 '} .: ;, 'i , ,I. E' diverted to the Convention funds to help drfray expenses of the Convention. Unor� �� • ( ' t `;, :,;, ;:;;' motion the reoue . t for street concessi ons w�._ grr>.nted, the natter to be in the O . 11�'' T, , E ;i''ii: '.: • ' and Park Committee; also theas b jj r1-• ' `` ,' ' hands o f the treet P� ' C t e; license fee w to e refunded �� I' „ .•a: :;E�i:l • i i r e C ,� ,y 11ey oxrison rld nyder. ` ` �`::` to th Elks omad ttee. r oli call r` es, Bro_�ks, Dwe , 1_ S �i 'v.i. 5:•;?'i`i1-• ':;••: ,} r i hays, none. ;+ ` ;,E;:;.4!C I 3..rnc'y petitions 1,' t k,,. �r c,uit claim ' H. C. Barney petitioned the City Coiricil for quit claiir deed to Lot 8, clock 112, ; � '' . 1' cerd to ra ert g 9 P p' 1 , Ori inrrl Plat to cler.r title of lei 2 tax, the princi al of tax to be �tid by (' ' S+ ' � ' : � , P P Y `., .,: r ,, i; pcitioner. Uuon : otion toe Lay�or and city Clerk were ir_,tructed to execute deed ,•,I ¶' upon pr:ymeiit of tax. holl Call: Ayes, B�r�oks, Dwelley, Lorrison and Snyder. rays, r;. ),I, o ; .'i• !' r none. 1f' 1 II1 ; `' ' ' ! �i�J team to haul Councilman Dwelley stc.ted Lhot he ladies of the town wanted the city team to haul i l l d ! ' I ' rubis rubbish on Friday and Saturday of clean-up week. Upon motion the Street Commi ssi _nerro' ,' r, t h was instructed to take core or the matter. " '1 i ! , , !�: -i�1 �-,nd walk on That the fill on Conn:ercir',l .venue between 2nd and 3rd Streets was not in very fl!. 1114 ; 1' .r yo:^ ercial between passa�ule condition was .�rought to the attention of the city Council by Couucilrrnn !I• 1,I r: a r Dvrelley. A new temporary board walk was needed on the west side also . the matter I•r 1 1 f : 2 1 ' 3 d was. referred to the Comni ttee on :streets & Parks. ..'.•1, '' I •; -11 ' ;• 1 ` (•or:rrm. from Col . 'Cora unication from Colonel Schulz of the :.ar Dep..rtrr:ent relative b the cap Sonte '11 + ', I • 1 y �c`jultz waterway . addressed to Councilman -crooks, was read. �'� I ► • • � '! ' 1., a' i }burn Un on Lotion the city Council did then adjourn. 4. , 11 1 1 r Approved in open session this 2nd day of Lay, 1922. 1! 1 11 ; ;, "1 f.4 !1.' •'.1 ' , . � t t r . ; �' ' �' r' . .. 1,„' r ' ' Attest: :.ayor Pro Terr, j��i1 � : 1 +�'t' F. Carteright, City clerk `';1�,! ,► y • �•�- v//Q�Lc.o-'i/ 0 //L�t -LLO �. I. L .. _ . 48 -5 ''',-, ,.:. . ,.. .7 ,..--/. 484 .. % g.,,, , . - !I . • . ,- :,../"." , ... , ,. , , .......-i,,, ,, , . . ,„ . -... ,• -- --f: ,!i : , , . i" -" . - . , ......! , i • • !,, : , 4 •1 I, • Lay 2nd, 1922. 2nd, continued i `j a+ +• 1cs.rl�' •il �. • ! i j:; _ Roll Call • The flit,. Co,.uicil of the cityof �,r: :cortes did on the 2nd day of -ay 1 GF��FRAI. 1;t,1'�h 'sbkD ► ;" f° - • meet in regular session with Councilmen Brooks, Define, Dwelley, �cCr2Z, 25.00 1. ; :`s ' Snyder and r.:fton responc•i i.g to Roll Call. In the absence of May or l� • Eureka Pharmacy 812 Bluestone r ;.j L ; i.-:your Pro Tel! 't'rr.ftori c�sst:�-ed the chair. f" s1► ,� auk Y zr_d Transfer Co . 813 Hauling lumber to lake • j5 • , a. 814 gorse hire spra;/in,✓ orchard .at farm 4.00 - . 0.00 - Lin r_pproved The minutes of tie previous meeting were read and upon motion adopted as 1 �,; ; VI. Short 815 Curt• water department 285 00 #''-1' ' t L. t Roy Wilson 816 (..:retaken +hi stle La.�e 30• i''i I, City attorney on Report of City Attorney on bond of J. L. Post for city printing was read • Francis 'port 81j La or40 : • , ! : . Bond of Post upon motion adopted. Be.r y 816 La'��or 22.00 a C. L.��u mas 81`/ La Jon r `j .0 fy.he arts c,f Ie art- Reports of Cit Treasurer, Ci.ief of Police, L ' de .2P P" ,� Justice, and Supt of Streets pp y {4 L'arine Su 1 Hard�+are 820 Supnlies for water .ep,.. 11 •: ''. ,. 1 It :` CityadoptedRevolving Fund 821 Cash. adv. for labor a supplies 9.55 s went • were presented to the Council and upon motion as read. i . 6.00 ' • } • i 9 }oriacortes nmerican 822 Supp_i es c n , l i . Finance on insurance polio on city- hall ,+ , Y. hent of barn for storage 5 OU ' , 1! Report of Committee ony y as pre ' 'xiells 823 t P E':.i Fc. -� 1. 2 ,: I ! 1 ! Pin. or: insurance by Gus Hensler, stating that same was correct and recommendir� that sr.,, F National Let Co . 824 Meter p�its b i.. s L, 25.b5 ,:. .. :• policy o:_ city 'r::ll • carried and paid. a Pior_eer Printing Co. 825 ,ater forms 150.00 • City` Treasurer 826 Payroll ; . I ! f Special Loran:. or. Ana- , The Special Committee on the And:cortes-Victoria stated verbally that theRogers82 Cellu1oids for car 1.75 ' p Fd J. 7 1.75 : cortes Victoria Ferry City Engineer had the figures on the cost of the work, that the ferry slip ;1.� ' Puget Souna iel Co . &26 Rentals 22 ± , ' , ' . building were completed, with the exception of a coat of paint for the 1,�.;,t-_ KKnapp & ronr_eoer ger 82/ Laoor and material for car 15.63 9 �' .; �., � ��, 1 i' ° .+ tip, G. t Shannon L. Co. Zi�0 supplies ,, t, ^� , n ,.,;, C aims Claims against the various city funds as presented this 2nd day of Lay E. A. Phillips 831 supplies (Larch Tact} 16. /1 ,, _ ;� P '' ? ! as follows, were read and upon motion referred to the Comfrittee on Fir�•rae.`, Standard Oil C . ii32 Gasoline for water dent . 9. 25 ,' �1 ,•1 ► ;; '• 3 t i 765.89 x. i t, ; z ,: 1 : ., : Anacortes Hardware Co. 3335 Supplies for Victoria ferry landing 4. `, ` • : ., 'i ' .nacortes Iron. Works 3336 labor and material for ferrylanding <<,G4 ®9 ,ii; , '' • Anacortes L d.. 3 Co. 3337 LLumber for ferry 4-� • . , F . rnaeortes File Drii�i Cc . �'�` 3338 Driving piles for ferry 370•CC ir:..nce o:: claims Report �f the Corr.-ittee o:: yinance to Wixom, were referred the wed as ag. ir_st • • :: Marine Sunnl, 1_ardtrare 3339Su plies for fear he various cit ' funds, •recommendi►,g tt,_.t the claims bP al�otred �xld warrants ty ` `•: ;: ! P y :1 t y • { Island Transfer Co. 3340 slauling lnrlber for ferry3� drawn in favor of same, were read r�nc uoorl motion adopted. }i�11 Call , ryes, :}4ii`! :1 a } j1.GC' Snyder 2nd '_'rafton. ha;;rs, nol:e. + { ,, shirigtol. Tub, & Barge 3341 Pulling piles for ferry 24 OC, Brooks, Deaiie, >;�•relley, _�cc.allurr, °�' :''''l_� ' • 1 ' 1 F. A. I ililiips Supplies for fery ,, :< r` :;; ' 3342 S c F `'`. E G. • '-xaLArloli a GO . 3343 Supolies for ferry L. Custom house 5;,.2+ r y d ourn. t "_ • :djounr Uc�on r. . ion t'r e cit council did then e. j '' t i i C. V . Brothers 3344 Layingshingles at customhouse 1 .ltj 1 22 • � •, 4 ` �. suing ! ; Joan Grossbusch • 3345 Work at ferry 15,0rJ rporoved it open session this 16ti: da; of l:ay, y �. E.,, 1i: i. L. A. Comr_ons 3346 La:�or ferry and custom house cj.u0 ;r i ,.4 John Lovelace 3347 Labor at ferry and customhouse / c k ' , ! . -,. ,v: ' James Bai►.ter 3348 LLa,.or at ferry and custom douse 14.CC . ''t I. E. Cahail 3349 Labor r-:.t ferry and custom house - ) ;� ' : f E. G. Beff 3350 LLa or _,t ferrycustom i.muse • c5,'5•CG #f •. �, '-, " t�;:: and ,l ! y .` Thios . Paxton 3351 Laoor at ferry and custom house ��.o,, �� "; 1 ' I. Elmer Ray 3352 La000r at ferry tom house20.1 , '1� , ;:` : R j and cos ; C Mayor P o Ter>' 1 � �,• de Thor' s 3353 Labor �:.t ferry and custom house `f2 _� D ! • ii • .I C. L. Berry 3354 Laoor at ferry and custom house 12. '0 '' ►: Il•t , i Chas . Wood 3355 Laboar atferry and custom house 11.C- rltest; t', ' ;� {t" ,; C. W. Fleming 3356 Salary as cheif ofpolice 1�'F.G� F. D. Cartwright . f - ~`' Sc Ci t Teri:, '.� ' f' • Scott i:eely special f < , ,-' . `, • •,-,,,..:, , f I 3357 Sal s ;.s sp i al police 1 , „C i ` tf t. ,,, i ; + +'+ G. F. Simpson 335£i ti7irin6 city jai-1 4�y5 By ,Q� � . ita'�GG-fc.,.s. �,:, � ,) �,' M : .:,, ,:. :-.. , . , j r . Au stir+ Shaw 3359 Salary as Ifer<}lth Officer 8 -d s in A r 6.G� % Deputy t ' ' .�t', t :; 3360 Salary- a. P ';1, 1 y- s health of 22 dys in li:. is ;y � 1 I I Dr. B. Cook '� .'s ,`, : „: ` ' 1:, , !! Eureka Pharmacy 3361 S. npli rs for health officer 2.2G !`+1` I111 ?i r 1! { ' L. R. Ames 3362 Janitor at library 4 2,.J, .`.;. a� i ' ;�' I !;, ''; E. Luella: Howard 33b3 Salary �_s librarian 6c,.r " : • �' • :;' 1 c.; ', , t' ; .pater Department 3364 azi.ter at library L hydrants 22i i!, �' �✓ r ! 'j j ' ' i ;, Washington PL & l°l Co. 6 Lightat JUI Gi-r r'ui�� I1::,•••;' ., 4: • f i1. 33 5 g city hall , library & sts 16G. ;0 I•. ' , ��i i i i �:,` ; I L. R. Er. Ps 3356 Janitor city hell & extra cleaning 1� 5C �1 ' ff { �' f g r f ; 'i, •• •.,, I • Gus Heisler r 3367 fire irisurar�ce premium on city hall .Gt� Vim. D. Perkins 1170 Final payment on judgment 2,372. 51 ;;.',,M ��r' 4 , Isltuld _ra.r:sl er Co. '� r , ; i; 3368 Drayage, Coco,rl to city hail .G� �, ! ct? ' i f ; !; J• F. o.rdir.g 3369 La'-or Gap S�,_nte park 42.C_ � f KI, ? 1 ';: ` „ C1 i nt Kn -► 33`�G Le . .,r Cap rk 42.G'_ i R. 4 f( i° : '. � � '� ' .;ante Pa � :, ' r f", '• ' T. Oherrier 33'/1 L�:.uor Gap Sainte Park j•,.•i 'lf ;`1'' c t, Ii. Schwartz 3372 u��usl;,l.d P _r�, attendant �;•;G ! ' l : ''1. t: ` ''' II } - ' G . Shannon a_ Co . j3`/3 �up,�iaes for rk : C, ►1 I (ti f ��, fir', ,..,: i '1 i ., , J . S. Carter 3374 Cash adv. for laL ndr,; , etc •'r'- q t'�` 1 ‘';, ii.i.iiTW ' ; • 11 ;, 1 ' •I Anocortes hardware 3375 P it fire, sts & pol . 21. "1'' ,`i,==1 :� all Ali es G. labor f 4 ;:,: + i : 1 ,• ,.. ' '.:ilo Strock 33'/6 ��1a.r,; a3 ,• ' truck driver 1G�.O'- '••t' f �•. ,',''�k ''' t l'' Alex Latenaw 3377 b "-try "s f P c G� 1•'"{. i i't .':t',• 1; 1 i rerr,an �, f i�► . ; ii .• ',,, , ,� 1 J . S. Garter 3378 Salary as fire ct:ief 1:'5•C • • 1, �' , ' .t sa.:• ', : I . ► 'l , Knepp ._. Ro1.1:ebFrger 33`/9 Oil for fire dent. u•(�. r�S • .,�.�" ' Anacortes •--dada:;;.tile Co . 33A Gauze for cleaning fire engine 6.4' ;;;G ;: t • '' Lori ne Supnly Hardware 3381 bails for street dept. t(;;.;'�1,t y.•. il. A... Taylor 3382 Blacksmi thing 14.: ; ,, t ,• '•�, ; 1' ;,: .l:dr.rd Cif Co . 33834`".uG I ill .i,,i', Gasoline for street dept. •T • O. " 3384 Sslary as Supt . of Sts. 1',`;•C ;, 1,, • 1 11. el.l.i : ,, t !i ' Lynn Balcor,b 3385 Labor on streets 9 •C'� 1. 1,, ;'' I • ! 'Pon --odson 3386 Labor on streets 5u.: `� f+ "I Tor_ Conway 338`/ Laoor on streets ao.;C• • +� i , '' • t ,, r 1 Puget Sound Tel Co . 33_G of. s 1 .'+c t�'• '- 11 , ' Depr•.rtm:ent of Labor L. Ind. 3369 i._edical Aid for k' ending Apr. 30th , 4.; ,1! t • ,, t De rtment of Labor Lid. c .l; � � � ,1 �'' , P'--'• •0 Ind. Iris. for 3 - endi:.g ripr.. 0 �n 3 1 f' ; Ii ii' .ievolvi i,b i'u►:d 3391 Trip to ::eat tle re Cap Sante V.aterwa�► ��,' 'A s ! j : S. 1i _ errple o_ C . 3392 6up ,1i es 4. �.• +., ,, • r . ; ,: Union Pr.r:ting Co . 3393 Forms '� t•G - 1,I' 1 ', r t t, F, ._ . u artwri ght 3394 .alr, a:, city clerk 5 •" , • '3 1 lk . 'i I Liar., �. .. ',:ate:i nson 33 Salry _, cat,, teas �.. cash adv. 5.:'• .,�11; i` Be.. I'll f tn.' er5 C( ,�; 3396 Sal;.r, as ci L .torney C ,., j i ', 'I j Anacortes American 3 ,97 Publishing 24.4; !•f'.t ; ; :. , t ' ' Department of Labor Ind. , ',t �;3y8 Industrial Insurance covering i�,,f �i1 ,.I ; , constructs on of ferry landing 5•-`� Ili' • i , 1 i Den-«tr► el.t u I. Laoor w _d. 3399 1. edi c� 1 411c,. coven ng constructi . 1. of • i; t i • ' ferry landing • %`' !I�. {l. ' 'f' f ; ' lj ,2 Lewis ',iooten 34UU •Pile, for fErr • ' .: Standard landing 1•y, T. ' '! • f. and ui 1 Co .Co . 3401 Gasoline for fire dept . l'o ii � '';' . I• t fOS' .`:1/4,,!,' 4. . `i . sli . . 1 1 ! +1 ! _ _ _}! ...................................._ .,:.:7 i . , 4 8 6 4_ P !7'''''. . . i ( I .: , __a;, ?Eith, 1�2?_. lure 6ti., 1�22. ,ei i , r Roll Call ; The city council of the cite of .n:.cortes did on the 16tia da;, of gay, ;•_,.) rnticouncil i1 22 r' y .� � gall The city •: f the City of _:a►:�.corte.. did on: :,n:e bt:� da,; of June, 7 meet , f , meet iaa reaul. r session with ac:,yor queens presiding and Councilmen Brooks:-4, : in. regular session with i.:ayor queen presiding and Councilmen . rooks, Deane, Dwelly, • 1 =' y roll xs, acCallum, :rorrison gad Snyder respoi.di:.,; to roll call. Absent, Trgfton. t. Dwelle• , Morrison and Snyder responding to tali. absent. Deane, _ c� - and _r:�_fton. 2nd and 16th were read and upon mot' o_i •'onas �'' _in•u:es approved The n:inates of May i tied read. x , t t: ; : . Corr . uni c itior: from Comrunicati orh from the City j.n,piaieer relative to the estimated cost of 1, i oa ; Cato Ea gi •-eer.re con.structiig a six inch water main on Second Street from Compercisl to ;•n:: . t'roi r�r: -cortes Coma:unicatiorn from tortes Junk Company relative to quarterly license, addressed ';:l ;' watermain on 2nd c. r`ica installing hydrant at 2nd and q, aid in:st�_lliug a two inch C q. Co. re titer- to the City 'ire .._urer, was read and upon: motion referred t�• the Committee on Licen.ee " : �t • oaivat:i zed q . ri or; pipe from 2nd annd 4 to f err,; landin a.�:d Police. . , : . _:,Y ,, g, at a cost of , 601.00, xra,, re..: �e • upon notion accepted ., aid placed on file. i } i - s from de- of CityTreasurer, Chief of Police, !' ' • ' #�-', LI Comm. form Ui ty Fun. C:om..ua,lc ati on from Ci r F..gineer ozi rn;:tter of local improvement bonds w;,s r t , Reports Justice and Supt. of St efts, were i , - on: L.I .D. s and upon motion accepted sand placed ors file. e r =t:• Pats presented to the city council and upon. motion referred to the Committee on rianance. i , i, „., 'Prom police C.o:rrzzunication from Police Justice relative to se.�rc.i warrant blanks was read and , I' , I, .} . Resolution Resolution oh theintention of the city council to lease, for a ;,.-Nice upon motion referred to the Cit,, :attorney and Judiciary t;orr::rittee. � , ' (5) years , at the annual rental of One a 00) Dollar per toriod of o•i.;G (vl. year Sound _ ., Lines , Irnc . , a co oration., and to Victoria & l�n _tortes err Co. , Inc. 1 P `.: f + m•, d ::': .• p Ferry ,, on ordinance report of Judici..r; Committee on Ater of or �_�: zice imposing ,a ?ices:se upon: the . poration, all of that ortioz. of " ° a c •._ : t , p Avenue Lyifa north of the preseait ra21r, , int a Ii- c1Patres and movies picture shows, recomzn. etrdi n that the ordinance be not passed ,; right of way north to toe inner harbor line for the purposes of the use of 7 :sr. on theatres was read id upon motion adopted. • i;.i! '' , t ! a ;Ai.{. �. ' said street and as a ferry landing and slip, was read and upon motion �adootP _ +, , • ! • Roll Call: ryes, Brooks, :hielley, Lorrison & Snyder, Lays, none. , .,&. L 3r: 2nd St. Report of �orrn.ittee on late, Water and Light on water main on Second Street , static i . k. ' The Special Corn::i ttee reported that all the work at the ferrySan =earain that the pipe had been laid aid main installed at a cost of ;;418.81, was read and :''y! y i �; w dung had • b. ttj} '+ '� ;�. f p painting building and insta.ilin•� light c.. upon motion adopted. , .; r # completed with the exception of float . Also t+xrit the County had allowedbuilding a o t over fit'` ;:�I• 1200 toward the bui l di nn - •:..la• ;s;° c . . landing. Upon motion tnae rport was adopted. b of the Z$ ecia:l Com. on she Special Committee reported verbally that they had not yet met with the Base- ' _ : ., t ryr� pall ball League in order to formulate plans to finance the purchase of a baseball park. . ' ;'` t '={ ' 1 e main. on 2nd st he matter of water on Second Street from Commercial to , The i:ayor instructed the Special Committee to meet with League and report at the t; l`" t``•,`.' ^: 601. 00 was upon main referredat n cost st of n p n motions to the Committee on Fire, Water and L' next meeting of the city council ti poorer to act. Roll Call ayes, Brooks, Dwelley, i}i t ;•_t �f; , ey , :iorriscn and Snyder. .,«�:s , ' e.ci_'.l Coin on The Special Committee reported verbally toot the street light had been installed �'' .i Bids for prvirnb 15 aids for the paving of 15th street east of Conn ercial to railroad •..• '�'.� . p.. a . landing at the ferry landing. and that after a few minor changes about the float the ferry { mil , were pre e,, 1_�aadia.g would be finished. to ;',;;Al 'tt Street• to the city council and upon apion toe clerk was instructed_ to open t Li _ j•. t c:fir' ! p the ids. The following bids were read: rc`..i tion from Petition from W. C. Liner and others for a water main on 1 th street between ! : :.z. : 6 7 r000t E .. . L . _:.itner et a]. ii. and Commercial Avenues , was read and u•oon motion referred to the City Engineer , r:.::.:=;f ( Barmen Brothers, preliminary iminary estimates: Yr= term_in and Committee oar Fire, .:`rater axnd Light. 1;� 1. Excavation 130 cu. C.. `. . ' rl a oflocal n o L :+ ` �,. 3 yds u ,0s- per yd . 'al1j.U0 to: ./Lance #_ Ordinance providing for the creation a c impr r_.Fnt revolvioo fund, ,• o ' : :•.,..a:o ;. �.! .' Preparing subbase 780 sq. yds CI 20/ per : sq• yd. 1 6.0G was upon motion placed u +�ui its first and second reading by title. L n motion ! :` ` . ion: ; • . Concrete in place 7t'•0 sq yds n: 2.17 per 1,692.60 the ordinance w_',s plr.ced upon its first reading bar title; upon motion tine orf'.i . ._c:e •!. i�d.vertizing, printing, inspection, etc , tir,.s olr4ccd unor► its second reading by title; upon motion the ordi..once crr.s referred �;. .'.' 1 ' i ,` ' Total bid 200.G0 to the Judiciary Committee and City attorney. j;o{ ,, • : ;.•, ' i , j ::e:aing on reso- The hearing on the resolution to le:zse the ferry dock to Victoria and iu coites !'�:` ' ` I • ' lotion of ferry PerryCo and T gInc . , thecity council Upon motion �#;'• :j i ''. • :�our,c' rei htlines Sr,c, . camp before 1` t An-:cortes Pile Driving Co. , G. H. Do�ist. ie .se the Uity attorney wits instructed to draw up lease with the ferry companies giving j' i I , l I• ' ' them exclusive use of the Victory ferry slip and rights of approach to municipal i , r I. Excavation 130 cu. yds a 95,E per cu. yd 123. 5G dock. .;s long as boat companies m::intr.in:ed satisfactory ctory service no competing $v ,Il \i ' is , .,� >.; ! ; Pre arias subbase ' cs sq. lines to that route wouldp g j 0 yds . 5� 'iq yd• 3i.OG oe allowed privilees of dock. Lease to be for period ;:,.•• of two (2) years with privilege of extending same three (3) .more yrs. if service • `;H 1 + �'� aata f ) I r„ J t;orncrete in place 780 sq. yds. u 2.21 1,723.80 ;; : +. ' +, ! i ndvertiLin<� , printinng, inaspectio�,, etc . ^_ticulturists n.,essrs. Fred •;tinnier, Deputy Horticulturist D. E. hunter , . District Horticulturist ' 11 ; Total bid '2 '• earwigs C. ti. Wise and Professor Frank of the , ashington Experimental Stationaddressed .. s "} ,0o6.30 the city council in regard to the earwig menace. The city council promised to jai l.1, 1;l, . j • c , co-•3nex'rt and upon motion the matt •er + • to to its fullest extent t er ti{ _s referred to they } ct .�. ; ; • ' ' Upon r.,otionn the bid antes Piler Comrri ttee on Health "� i+ �: I y U �o d of tine .�z: '-c �.riv and the Health Officer. p„$ !j :: �inng Co. ,t:o. w�.., accepted as toe 1_�, a ,.�;: ! 1, ,! and best bid. ;to.: Call: Ayes, Brooks, Dwelley, Inorrieon and Snyder. i,r z:: 4 �, '. 1, y � ` �: .nbeck on Mr. Shrinbeck addressed the city council with reference to the blocking of streets ;;, 11'1. . t:' '`:�t;"if #• T check returned contested traffic at tie fern, lr.anding by sightseei tg automobiles, especially "Q" Avenue, stating !?i,I`,• 1 It f': ' Uponn motion the certified check accompanying the bid of Former Brothers �: sre r tht! ,.+'` h , �i. a; ;• ' #'�'; . ; ;"` ' `! ; , turned. ti7rlt foot passengers had to walk in ,.E:e dust to rerici. tine ferry. rtlsa �aat a si ;rn I, •;N' f ;,' i E was needed at toe railroad crossin. . t'Oon. nr.o Lion the matter o '���;'; I �; r tier was referred t the 4 , ,j., 1• `. ...: 'z:i , Baseball League t; committee on License rtn:f Police. cos' i 1; , 0. Lennni a and LloydY • ';, ' !' !t ,.' tresses council B;,seb,11 League as kin town appeared before the city council in behalf di ..e ,s +•1 ,;l .:,.,s1 ar; .:in. for as�,i et__nce in the pur�hrhse of a baseball �r_c. '.e �, + r i 1 '!I ' p ims Claims against the Current lxoeose Aiod and other cis funds as follows , : s ores- .I: '' a ! ; j inr�yor instructed the =3r;sehrrll CozrrritteP to r r' ( f f r: `•, meet with the League and discuss tinted ;rais 6th dog of June, 1922, were re:d and u or. motion referred '.o the C m- � ' ' '! ` `' 1';t;:;:{; ;3aoi.t :,1'� 1 i :anti tp at ' ' i `,,.; , • • pions for f rn ref the project. (Conlr"i ttee,brooks , Deane and Croft��u� r i t tie on Finance. : o !. i,••:, ,?,;, :i . 1 ; Adjourn as the +! ;�' it '! ;.r:';i} "� r, Uponn motion e city co onci l did then adjourn . ',i ,r'i �'k• c: � : + + • Oscar 4 Painting o lid:; ...• !' 72.00 �' ;:l;:�, ;. i� Harte0and v:.rnishi nt; custom ! .1 t '� eves � , F # , , ` ! i "�A:�r d in, open sessi oi, tlu s 6ttc day of June, 1922. t�n<:torte I. a. '3 Co . 3403 Lumber far ferry landing 12. 50 ,' if ` ' �% d 3 s 14.40 �� I;Ki ik' 1 iWade 2h m._s 404 Labor one fern dock ' i t I �' � C Julius Idelson 3405 Plumbing at fern„ l�:.nding 30. 08 ; £ � ��`1r G . F. Simpson 3406 Wiring ferry custon house 14.00 ?,,;,t.. i' I. i;ick Bessner 3407 Installingcounter weight at' fern land 1fi,00 I ! ! �ic4 {zt c of c. �t �. i !,, F. ci . _.ef'f j4Uc C%:.rpPnter ~cart .t cust�•:z, house 24 .30 �' i;, , + + • day r Curtis ';ii,;:rf Co . 340; Cora for li nr::ry �/00 Ii ; i Fattest. L. R. --n.es 3410 Janitor at library 20.00 • { ' E. Luella: Howard 3411 ::glary Lts li raring 68.0O ;Ili ,' ' 'I j F. D. :.rtwri�,ht , Cal , Clerk, :ter Penrart rent 3412 ;;,tter at li orrar, , i ouait:_i n: & ste . 22: . 5G 'I, . , ' . f ; G By %� -rr� �_�//�� L. k. ��nres 3413 Janitor at ci tit pall 10 00 !�' �! j Deputy tiAl::cortex .iardw<ire Co. 3414 Supolie for tit,, holi & sts. 2.18 'l I ,i ; �'j �}' �� s1 J . H. Dildinne 3415 •••ood for city hall 2. 50 l': ; t' 1 f r ti+-. s„ir,c;to:. i' ,ac •. Co . 3416 Lights at city hull, library c., sts 161 .10 , ; ` i Curtis Marl io . 341/ Co. .1. for oft, h�-.11 48. 20 � .. +' Cart ..Pruner 3418 Car hire for chief of police 1 .00 ` j' + 1. A . P. Schreiber 3419Justice fames 1r. 50 tin, ;,1, , • U . t. Flerriitt 3420 Sal arm ao chief of police 125.00 i •, Al 1 13 1,1 Scott i i eely 3421 Special police 15 00 t 1' a. C . hus.ng 3432 Special police 1 . jC, ;I'i 1 y +1' I, i i . 'a.uwortz 3. �-3 Lit col of o rc `J5 •00 ••a'!3'• i.lo �1 i . ! (I Sh,a,.i.onn cc. 3424 :iup ili e'er for p::rks 2( . 20 f .C.' f l !i 30;, Scouts 3425 I.:,-c ox l . ;,aik ' 25. 5U i ;L t i. a. �,t,erri er 3426 L:L,_or i s p. rk 'o.8b t+rl ;II .i , j '; , J . F. nnarding 342i Labor in pork ` , + Ana r .f• it - f t' Clint, 3428 Labor i o o ark 0.88 ,! ;�' ; +., • .' ' !( o. n;itaat , 1 1 { ANIMMINIPP- 4 8 9 ;N .. • , • •` .r.,, ..„,, I . 4 ! � !t " 'vr • _ - June lath, 1922. i ; r f '— � Lilo :�trock 3429 :3a1 .. E • A. r�r;,- as true driver so "i `*- --"' 3430 rs as fireman • call The city council of the City of nrlacortes did on the 20th day of June, 1922, `•f ' h •.cortex Ilerc. Co 3431 Supplies fore fire dept. meet in regular session with s_ayor queer. presiding and Councilmen brooks, Deals .•..� l St: :1d^re Oil Co . 343 C soline for fire dept . Drrelle A. G. Long 4 , y, 1,:cCallum, _tiorrison, Snyder and Traftori resoondi ng, to roll call. Absent f `;li 3 33 Links for rosin crive chain - none. .,!.. ;. : 4 Ch s. yoitus 3434 Supplies for fire dept. „ + x r.._cortes J. 3co , 3435 Lumber for streets • • ; . rtes approved Linutes of the previous meeting were read and Yritl; the correction of item regard .` 'j� !,1 3' 3o v<-solii.e far street dept . ing lease of Victoria-�:nacortea ferry slip, were upon motion approved as read. •± • ' .in _tortes Ice Co. 3437 Feed ,; _es ~✓oa _:airy 3438 Feed 1= r i . r i.a:r:,rd-Cooper car. 4 - • =ro Rivers ,Sc Comrunication from Rivers Harbors Congress tr-s read arid upon motion referred k ' f x : • 3 3� payment on asphalt kettle the Cornoittee on FiKarice, : } G. oha>:1.•_ Co . rs Ci7i1 ress to .. I 1 i .1.: . ;li a , 344rJ Su ;plies for sts• 1t r • = {I' i ey :Norman 3441 Survey Pi dal�ro Rood D. Downe r , _:�torlcey on Re.�r,ri; �.f City _►ttorney on Ordinance #719, being an ordaince creating a L.I .D. } 3442 Labor on streets • ? • Tor; Conway _._ i:_C riee m j19 ievolving Fund, statino la: t same was correct as to form, was read and upon Is. : ' T'orr • • Conway 3443 Labor ' 3444 Labor on streets motion adopted. °�• �' Lynn 3 c1c or b3445 ; - • : . • • J. a, Lenrlil Labor ^1. streets `;4: ,ttorney on Report of Ci ty Attorney oil courr,rr.unication from Police Justice relative to search r '-• A. ..Lenni m 3446 Salary as erupt. of Sts. u,Tch warrants warrant blanks, w.Ls read and upon motion adopted. 4:;,! 3447 Insurance 1 . . . �.evalving Fund j44f; t;:asil advanced fur labor K } 4,1! ' ' ► Lowman. a_ Mulford 3449 hepairili; deters from Stenger Cor*,:unication from John Stenger, addressed �o the City Clerk, giving city council • •: :3s : 1rt.r.cor�es_�:ericax� 3450 Publishing �� �ln buildings permission to burn the old buildings situated on Lots 15 and 16, Block $, 3:•�r- , :' ; -aaaw ! 1 Ben Drifmier 3451 Sr,1syg mans CSH F Plat, was read and upon lotion referred to the Chief of the Fire Depart- `'Hs !,; - �' ;:;r, P. D. Cartwright 2 as city r,ttor.ey meat with power to act. + •4 ,•. `' � ; ,�, 3 5 Salary as ci t,, cl erk 7-• i.1, ;�, ;l t La.rioh ..atkinsorl �453 5 - {'::z <.;,.; Lowman ;'� , - Salary as city treasurer " _ from City rng. Conunication from City Engineer relating to tos Santepark, was read and ono ys i ;:Y _�:1_ford 4 4 Dr"vr r' a P n ,, , '' 3 j �; is str menu for ci t; engineer _Q�,;;.:a S :rlte paxk motion referred b the City F11 insect and Corn.?i ttee on Sts . 4 �'' Prick i:.urray 3455 Sup ilia for ci t� eng ii4eer gand Parks . , 7. i.! . 1' '? ;��: ' • Lowman & Hanford •e i 'fit 3456 Supplies "tr, fr.lr Ci ty Cora?�tnicatio:_ froze pit„ F1igil.eer wit!: reference tal the Fid ?Co road, -,r s tea? and {. +, I 'i Dr. �ustiri ::hour 3457 :ial�x as i1 `:stir officer 1-' re �idalt;a Rd upon motion referred �o tie Gaznrittee on Streets arks. ; f Vera i o on e J e` , { : J. S. i;:irter 3458 �ypan� specifications for city engil_ + •3459 Sa1ar,; .:s fire chief & fire ' i F. A. Phillips.: r foil lJ��: :finance on monthly Report of the Comnittee on Finance oh the monthly reports of departments, rec- r , ;. .i';' i �; 3460 Sun :lies or park :_� • , ' V. ';lelis 11, r• �_rts • omrelidill�; that that ttie/ be accepted :?.l.d placed on file, was read and upon motion 8;, ,+ f �: ;: , r 461 F.ent anti I ± f1n:�ccrt r 3 of b for storage adopted . Ij , c Y • es �, d pare Go3462 Suppli e:: for ferry ;. • • i {' i �[� __'i c i�.ry an_ hi rzicsllec�ort of the Judici��.ry Committee on search warrant blanks fdr Police Justice, r `` '=� � ' :4. 1 : 2 -.r Justice reco_� .ending tioat the Justice purchase a supply, was read and uoon motion adopted. '' j ± • !'� i i ;r on Ord. Reoort of Judiuiar Co rritte }I • Ye on Ordiarsoce I _ 19, recommending that ne •U e C ``'`' + , 19 be passed, w-is read and u�)oz. :notion; adopted.. #` • } �'• t; ` -i rp, ;inter & Lgt Report of Corsi ttee on !'ire, ':>r .ter and Light o11 petition for water rain on 1'jth T ,s GT'I.FIiAL '/ATrR FUl+D a. petition for ai,xeet betwe ;._ and Coca lilercial, record:r eiidin that thepetition be granted �.r 'r' g g nted when s i •E. ' sufficient names had been abtail.ed, w-.s read and upon lotion adopted. r E. J . Rogers 833 Germain Oh 17tiI J . } ;alto top and curtain. xeoairs ? Tire Surgery �3�4 ' 'i! ,,. Tire a tube _.ic .& Pol. on Report of License cc Police relative to car- . unication front �,nuc;ortes Junk Co . f'yi • i • A11 ,cartes . n eri can 835 Pri:.t i rg' and aublistlj a ;r:'r. license on reducing carter! license,1 g cI , 1 ce1 se, recom._ ending that the license fee remain as r.1'.,Revolving Fund 836 C,..sh adv. far +; ` :; .<� A. Phillips !poor, frii�,ht sun<<ries 1, formerly, was read and upon notion adopted. ;, t F I } G. A a 1? 837 Sup" i P� for water dept. 1. ' S f{. h 1<lio I` : , r. C,• - 38 Supplies for water dept. b• :.i c. L. Pol. on Report of Committee an License azAd Police on matter of congested traffic at i, ,'±, , '.;('. s ' >; ;:3 ; ti'><i lei �,a ern.:n 8 35k • ' Labor �`• tr ffic at ferry ferry landing and sign act railroad track, stating that same had been reported to i' � ;!) . ;} I �j Fr:u:ci s Short 840 b • ' ,, 1 tiro Julie Bonney 841 Labor e the police department, vacs read and upolt motion adopted. �` + 1• :i• • i t icy C` net cker Heart Lake Reservoir ' " : 'r C Treasurer 842 Payroll " Ordinance i , •- • ::a':' -4 Or„,..i : Hulce ho . j19 lro . 719, oei it; and ordii •note provi ding for the creation of a Local `z�'' ' •: • • t: ,, r Roy B;'Iilsort Improvement iievo1vi t1; Fund, aunts u.)on motion placed upon its third and final read- c t 14', "'t 843 Salary as sup erintendent t }Sia:A ;, • ,i � ,' '' ,Z .Wilson �544 Caretake Whistle Late . inL by sections. Upon motion the title was adopted as read; u�oli r� ^tion section ,.,� ,_,' t "�r <<.; :': .•`: ,a j t t,. 3erry 845 Door f ;. ti;._rz �•- a, , 1 was adopted read; upon notion section 2 was adopted as read; :u ' Its ... ' '=a.l e its lr�.s 846 r p • ,, a uo 11 motion Jr ,�,. ; •,; i i.: J ! ; 1•, i-J L`a' ° 1 section 3 w,.s ac1.opte;) read; upon motion section 4 was adopted ! 1,} Ii • . as r p p ed as read, upon ti r ;+,�urc.h %4� Hauliz.� g.rsoltie to lake motion 'section was ad opted ��s read upon me v� ,., s r • Continental Pipe Co .$4$ PipeJ 5 motion section as adopted ,s rend r. .j �' ± r I� r• I �. ,�s r• ; t: upon motion section 7 was adopted as read; upon notion section 8 was <!.do ted as { :r: I �•, 1 ';i. I'c Callum 849 ,: p : i ' .� :� �� � r' •r1 ;•I Desk chair ,•• r hatianal Leter Co . 850 i.eter posts ;•7 read; upon notion section 9 was adopted as read; u±roo motion the ordinance as a r}}1 I. ~t' f ' '1 • �rholeand as read was adopted. Roll call : Ayes, i3rooks, Deane, Dwelley, L.cC;,l;ur `{' { :�,; ;. >'�s. ' r k Knapp �� Iio.i _eber�er 11 1J. �t`� 1 co: y!• anOil Co . 852 C .e}line c r 1_,;S Dorris 5 .afton. Lays, n r ;I 1 r, Standard on Snyder and 'fir ..,� one. �,{ • • `.t .j1Y t t , ,�� 1 (. ! Ar. .COY tP�: I'rP �'i :r ? Labor . C . l.,, ' 'r' • . "} or' u 53 Labo =.nd mattri . 1 for rater dept . ,.. Clerk to Unot1 motion the City clerk vi instructed to notifyRailroad '.'tI1 ';.�. ''i �• I' ,. Puget Sound Tel Co. 854 F t:=_ p the Rrrilr. ..d Company to place _ ', a ,• t;;,. ? , S. 7 and 5 yG 'r I'' „ 44 { P. 1 e Co .Cn 4 •eo s one., tolls •1 Itify kttailwa Co , signs at all da igerous crossings in the city. :� ::: • ' : , , met e 5, Supplies for vet ter dept . �' liI ' ' Kifiti;"...j • •?1i e .rd�rrcre iscr+56 Su �11 es fOr I', L;,I i. ' i �rter r ed d ri P rI to ob- ;, e;i1 eFr wK.rt P w de t Ot1 , L F Upon motion the sit rl► z ;ruct <;,{, , �, ins ,,o obtain grades at railraa crossing }N.,; , : si`iy .'># }. __. .in grades oh 4th street ,' _t ' .: • + y ti' to ' f jt ::'i' Z! • {j sad from 2 th to the L.�1ttei of opening a road from 2uth to 34th street eidroad was l; `:'-}{''`�`'�c• p C p_rrr:1 el t G r� • ;'`� ,, '•+tip St. discusoed ao.d aphn Doti -'u referred to the lilt,. ri.gi i.e er to work with the cols- + : " • ' • 1` mittee froi:- Cz.•.u'�bei of Goat._ erce. t 3' JUDO'1'LT FULD ' ' 1! J ourn Upon loot! al. the city council did then adjourn. 1 f �,'' ' Ni. L. D. Perkins, & Co . 1171 Costs of judgment , _.0 - �� Approved in open session this b da;; of July, 192o. '+ . '.i, .t• ;1{ ;? 't} • • 4, 'j ;` ill' Finance on claims Report of Le ColrrrittPe on Finance to whom were referred the cl�irrs rri . Jt. = '' jc+ . '• i+ Current Fxpense Fund and other ci ty funds, for the month of :.,ay, recorrr cz.': , ' ,' •{ +� ' fill that the cl_arts oc r+llovr�d�r ' and warrants drawn in favor of s �r r•ef , V , ; p' uY,or: motior. =:do ted. Ho11 cone, vr.•� re_:r_ ;or.' r .. n� Gall , .ayes, Brooks, Deane, Dwelley, t(1L•Ca' �� i�v+.ht./ .�Gi-C._��� i • i ziy..Pr. lays, none. La or :, } i, +1 ' I •' i +; ii adjourn Upon Pptl 'lii�ttE'st. , SI � ; Ii. the city council did then adjourn. „ht, ui t; clerk, , • t ! 1 �i .�+ ipproved fill op�r. session. this 20tti d- of June, 1922, By Q'`'`-''"'''1 / "-='x`'' i:+, I . , ` 1 Deputy li }' P Y f: �) • { �, f �: 4; Attest: F. D. C:_rt�rrj <ht, Cit C for i'. 'it' eiti(e'‘'61""L/,/1:&•.€4 ./. ; ' �'• { ' ., , 4 ' : kok,i • --- -•- - --- iv...,.._ ,• ., '' /ill! •,:i'• -. ; i 1 1 i . 4 749- -0 _ i , , is/i' tl. , . I July bth, continued #.i I,' . ! July 4th, 1922. I-• ' s,r.z I i., . , _ - _______ _ ,,,K. „t," �,� r.r;a�1l.st tihe c:urrellt ;.xpense Lurid ar.d other city fuh.ds for the rTolhtll .. i I. ,. .„ ,t ._ . _ _.. __ . • . _• •_ _ __ __ ___ . __ , _ .___ _ _ ___•• , 1.i + ,s ' + 1 V _ Claims filed t �,aur:cil . ::-.d uoo,. notiol referred r . • - Roll call The cito co••ncil did on the 4th cloy of July, 1922, meet in re��ular sess_:•_ •i"-s of Julie, as fol-oti7s, were presen�ed to .►2e City �, . ,. .o and dic? upon Motion adjourn until TnurPday, July 6th. to the Com:ri :.tee on Finance. ' Co ;463 Supplies for library 2.35 F' 4 G. tl. Shaa.r�on r 60 00 '' �•,t 'I, ';� : July 6th, 1'322. E. Luella, Howard 3464 Salary «s librarian 20 00 •''; i. . • R. times 3465 Janitor t library 00 L. ,46� L nor i li n _rk 15 ; .; 1 . The cit., co;.ncil of the city of Anacortes did on the 6th day of July, 1;_, , R. Schwartz aeor ih. n��rk 85 75 , ';? moil call . meet in regular session witji Liatror queer. presiding and Councilmen Bro ks, P. Cherrier 3467 L• - 77 00 k• r 1 4b8 La: cr i li n crk ; . - DWeile , :�:cCallurr. :_orris:in and Trafton:eso'?lldil:� to roll call. Absent, - Clint Kna_p 3 33 25 €:. ::, ;. Y � -f 46 L�cor in park , s F. �:arding for pork 00 a , 1• {_ +; r =4;C -�1acksmithin pr.rk I` :.mutes aooroved ire minutes of the previous Ir:eetil.L v'ere re:ad and upon r�otiot, adnroved rf,. H. A. Taylor J47] meals for prisoners 1 60 ,; { s • 1 Laryl:aid G of e 3 17 50 !T(. .. • I I , ,, , - 4 o Justice fees � : ` •�i iieaarts of r Reports of the Su of Streets, Justice and Cit ' Trea`_lirer were read r. ' ; A. F. Schreiber 3 l- del t_ en s P P` ' 34,r3 Salary as chief of police 125 00 I,....i. referred motion referred the Comr�ittee oc. Finance. G. .. . Llemi ! 104 00 Scott ::eels • 3474 :special police 15 00 : • j 4?5 ILechant patrol t Fila::r_ce on co?r.unie tian'. deport of ;,he Cor_�r:ittee oh _ it.anc:e to w-•om was referred the matter of co, u:•, Clyde Ray S Special �1 0Q i i Ivor rivers c: iir:r-oors fry_r :avers and ii::raors Go,.bress, 1ec Out e.:diha ;.het the rr-embex•s:.ip fee of •__t. ;'lmer Grandy 3476 P P 10 25 ' 4' Repzirs on jail 110 QO :iii:',,.ri:ti,',•,.4.,ii,..'-..:.,:!.,.,` • ` be paid, ii„s reed and noon motion adopted. Roll call,.3ro_oks, Deane, Dvrei_r_ , C. F. •r,d`os 3 l7 Corlress 4 6 Truck driver for june LicC_11um Lorrison .:.id "�rafton La.,ys, l:one. xiilo Strock• 3 7 `i500 ! .;:t�1 Alex Latsnavr o. 3434r30 9 irerr.ane fo dept 25.40 : '„t ? w.r?i r fire• _he S ecial Coumi ttee re )or,.ed ver .:all tact Custom Officials asked tat , ba„o: Standard Oil C Gwsol J fire chiof cap:h dv. 131 d2 ; � ,r Special i:or�l!it ,.ee an P 481 lurk « i • : , r ' S. Carter 8 ;:;.'it-o I castor house room at custom_ house be used as detention room, for occasional overnight p: s .f, 3 75 i ; .•:.,_'. 482- }:cn irs nn fire true;:t b oil 5 , , .' • I Upon r_;otion the matter was referred tc the Com i ttee o:t Sewers a Buildi _ g 1 1 ( - `' R'" . • - i_rlapp c� Rollhheerber er 3 5 ! ! ShannonCo 34�i3 Supplies for streets & panc� i; :R. •:A ?! 484 Gasoline for streets. 17� 20 ' ': ' w` .�' ' s Surety Bond of Bank of Corr. erce, covering n city deposits, was resented t: .:tc_lidr.x•R Oil CoC • 2 Q� ;.;; :4 +7 _ Sur et �,ond of 3al:k p ':.e 3485 Hore hire ,L , I •1 , I of U m Cit.,/ Council !and upon, .;�otion referred to the Cit.; Attorney and Judiciary Uo; i Joe i,:eCleali 3485 Sup lies z'or streets castor! .souse 3 81 • I ;•;._;�: - a. c.o._....erc e ' G . A. l.el.n.il,g !1 75 -�; La.0o r on streets Plumbers pond of J . Plumbers 'Dowd • of Julius I:elson for ir2,000 was presented to the Cite Co;,l,c.i_ - Anacortes hardware Co . 343! V.,' , _- ;. t:elson Judiciary City Attorney. 3489Labor oh �fi:.. unor: n;oti referred to the Corr:rittee and i'om Dodsali 3490 Labor on streets 65 OC a' 2�,i D. L. Downe 8 OG i- 4 1 Teal: hire 1-, • : I:,surance policy coveringinsurance on ci ty h•=ll %las presented to the cit,�_c- Chas. Hudson 3 9 + 104 0v 1y t In1:-. ! • :::o.:t.:-...1. surance policy4 ' ,� C rr L nn Balco}b 3492 Labor on streets 11 13 f t� '4 I covering Ci to _Tall .and u ol. motion referred to the Cit,; . tto-rues and Judiciary or -i ttee. y 3493 Publis lint- i:',1 ;: .-' , 1 r' '' -_nacortes ;areri an ,�f r foreclosure LID f109 +, `° = • 4 4 ees rtdv o Ill).. ► ,.:•; �; .: • • i Petitioi. {'rat• Pittsburgh meter Company for re-issuance of General •s',.tea ';,:• Bel. DImftmier 3 y 7 50 1t,i! , ) :� '-':: Deti ,.i eh, from r i tts- r 34 1 ees for foreclosure ;} c.,,.;::; ` t heel: a H. Beard 95 •r,: .I 1 re-is Deter Co. for rant rr 191 far 3�.40, t'1Ie original warranthaving lost , w._s read r_.ier 3496 :gal:.r; ' city ..t crleos;;r 5U GO (; �. ;i, a motion referred to he Ci t,. of torr.ey and Judici :a• ., Committee.ttee. Ben Drift n `:'' re-issu, 1 c _ of warrant ; ' 1, L Co 34y7 Li gilt s a t ci �y :,a.li , l i orary, custom trial:_gton GI 165 45 , '' � ( house hid streets 3; •,; Petition fr,•r� ::arren K. i'eylor for quit clai m deed to Lot 20, ?lock 71 , Ti. i • +�� Petition from K. 349�; J _itor city i 10 00 f . P1 -_t to the City o-f Ana cc.rtes, coveri n== ;.he old 1892 tax, was read and upon P.-5 L. R. Ames50 00 • ., ! Taylor for q [_ t claim 4 ,,al„r , :zi.v,t,,,c, clerk i ; 1 t 1' 1�. Crirtwri lit 3 99 ; deed referred to the Cit- �tttori.e, Tnd Judici .r Cor_:trittee. S 5 • 2 Q G I .fa ;;r, sti n :�h yr 350U 2 ar;; s health officer I . A, s 7;. •, : the 3�Q1 Oat=,r" Z „�f tTPi o �: e }>u i.. c�.sli ac'.v 55 2. ; It , . ::,�` �l:3tkinsonI:. +: ; �.' ' Resolution vacating road leading frcl. western end of Oakes Avenue of s•.i lI• 3502 Tolls 1 15 �.; .; =`` '• ,i Resolution � • , . city to Burrows Ba:y, and approximately so. thwesterl,; through Lot 1 ; the nor� .r Puget Sos-ndiTel Co ater at li��rarf, fountain a hydrants 50 , ;', . '• ' ;� quarter , r Lot 2- `1southwest quarter of 5O3 2?_6 i ter �'er� :rvrnent 1_Iarter of the 9� uthe«s„ quarter; he the s u� r; 00 , ";504 ouppli es t.. `!! .i(• �. :; ,:; : i I ; i quarter; ,::a the south half of the southwest quarter, of ,ection 22, i'owrns:li•• . Lowman a- Hanford 3505 56 65 �'. ;1 }: = '' �' c :i P and s h 1 t' x• u,-hti;e Re o Fufl i C :sh claw. for labor 00 ;`' :'':' • , 35, l:ox th r.a,.� e 1 east, , .... , all." t:,erh e we t rly mutt er n O v lvi I>v ,' i. - : ;';, ! northeast quarter of ..,,e northe,�-st �.u,.x•ter of Section. 28, Township 35, no.t - f Smit'hh c•• atson 3506 Prii:.fir:L signs for pork 5 r+ , ''•o i ��� C 3507 2nd payr_dnt oh: asphalt kettle 18'! 50 .• laril <,`;, • { ,: range 1 east, ••, .L:.. a public irianway oy prescription, was rend and upon mo,,i �r- H..•ward Cooper op } r r, ,t P.rma.l n ,.a y 410 0 ;� i . t _ =.ter l : i adopted. Ftoli call, Ayes, rooks,j Deane, D��e11ey, cl:alyun �uic. orris_lr i.. Department j508 fern �; : ` �Y3509 Salar 'e ci t/ eligineEx 100 00 o- rf4 r • s o ;:,t , ' bays, :.one. ' 1�i . B. Short „ 2l OZ t; it , . - -- �. I '4, ; h1h A• ,Cort es Hardware Co 3510 :,up'�li Ps f') 0, 1 , ';>� I c s o that , 40. 2 i<1P, th di r Resolution Resolution by the city ounci l of toeCi ty of An c:or a asninat n, , tr . 3,0 9 P + •., -n., ' `o'' `I' ii Fred J . Wood of the Ci toy- of Bellihxjham. :3t,�te of '.•a�s►;ihbton, h:..s represei,:.e: •. ; f 1 ;;.. �• the city council Vth..t he contemplates the •ouilding of a lumber mill on riis ' , �,i. .' f-' I' • + '.x; 1 property sportionso s Twenty-six (26) , Twenty-seven . itu'.ted on f �ecti n ( i )• , ``" hirt four 4 and i,i -f v ,• Hu...� ck: BitIDGE 1rUbD i .•/;','; a ', ', � ►� l; f� �i' y` (� ) y ( �5) hie 35 north Range 1 ;t •,r ;{ II ,t! ;1 : � rt i e ,, of !owns I e , { t: 'o ti h v d d that _ire 2` 1 y� '� �� ! I, i 1 beiltfror � in tlhe Gi ty of �n uortes, git C ants, shingtol , pro i e 1, ,, tirrtvei t'or Taal 's Ro ,_a Ci t' of Ail 4ortes agrPF to extend hI� eight 6 itrcl, water mail, Iron-. itsJr 00 r t. of sts . & cash adv. 141 fi0 � , i' {! {, s' g ( ) c0 ,medlar,; a� sup It , l , i ,' , , _ • water suste to lir_iop of his said rooerty . and further sh '.-.. y t ravel pit 3 1,..1r4 ; t n the * _ 0 A. Lerhl.irig 6 C, 00 .. pto establish+ rI , I' improve a ° d usat7le road; the , s cityCOL:ncil . 1• . • non Co . ; cable for t' use �. i M 'i i. :': • t , t said i premises ,, 1,: fh FS11E11. a u2 ', 1 1 i GP C G . E. Griffin t n ulcer 16 I •I' d: it to the i__ �erest .)f ,.i,c sair ci that bold ertethslon and imor:�verrer,t• Gravel �T iidalc,� } Dad � ' ,c . + I { ! 64 Haulini, �xnve� fox 1'idal�;o ho�:a 4 GO • ,n'' ` i ? •i ,F i in cosideration of sold Lill ?eil.�, built was read and uooln motion Dal •ot;c . Vm• Dolph l:tul r �Or h�lulli. =iv el 0 f •.i • �.� , • : • { };oil l::+il , Ayes, 2 Brooks, ll r � '.. ev lvi it iced E� 3 3� 50 l�,i '�� ., ��' 1•, x ` Deane, v elley ,_cGa um it:orrison and Trait ton• g T' u5 sr,,j t(hilh 2 ,{ 1' , •''� r-, ri��• �and I; a �� �. ,,;,:.•,,; ,,. 6b Black , ,.;. �• : ;1� ,� ' • H. A. Taylor } . ''_ • ; :{t �,,,,. 1� " ' 1 , '.,gter:n:Lin on C P :;ante ••-elville Curtis of the P•,rr Bo asked �.t water rRain on Cap Sante be e:::•F•= • ;989 5 1 t '°' j`` ^,; , t 1 and t:i. , cii < < + , :A.': .:�^ ,� ;, to park. iipoi. motion the m:.ttPr cr:�� referred c the Committee b' t,'I ` 1 1.•,; st, i I o ommi tte on ire c ! i:k t ' + + ( Dii ol! Fid:a'-o Ro< ' U;,c.. :cation the Superintendent of streets was instructed to use such oil : 1, r • , D t +t 4 I 1 , , g ,� GFii_ FiAL t.A FR FU.. ,,l„Y, ; , ` . ; : be i,ecessa�x•y on Fida:lao Road. Rol ; C:1 Ayes, Brooks, Deane, Dw lley ;,•�L- -- i,,. . 1 , e roe e , ,� 1, 1 I !' and l rafton. Lays, none. 85'j Li: •,or 46 20 ii; ,, a Soo r' • • 1 1' . . naTlni s r x'hergAr l35b ep: i rs on c r 41 cb �ti' �� '' ,', , A motion u:t9 made „r, the Clourch1,se from Dr. H. E. host the R „ Bost _ p c Roi: e Ci V �o north .se H/�l ✓ �` 859 Gasolinic for w:.ter dent . : • • ! ' ✓ tire ;t line of proposed cut in 1'idal� o Road, at :i price of �250. 00. Roll • 11, St..11dnrd Oi i Co 3 p( -0 ' ,:,I, +,' , from Dr. i..F'. r cost �,• ._ 660 _-_aulinL, pipe f 1 { I 'rooks, Deane, Dwelley ,, o-cC:J1ur , ,•-orri©on and .�rn.fton, i.2.•"s, none. G . . ngen-oerg 8 GU , y y 8o1 _:aulihc pipe a + P. T . Church 862 Repa�i ro or. roof • t house iiL reservoir 10 GO ;,,•, ,' ' t ' ii,ic,u4i, c,;uncilmalh :..cCalluzr the Irr�terr.«i Order of I a=rles asked ermissioo t ' C . `:1. Brothers 2 65 ,`i� ;`, ;:'!c i 1' �.oles ask fox naver^ent 4 P lc:ti;. ' S . D. Temple a Cn. Supplies 105 3`� ,� , . ; y for ,, Lee : p .tv en,en t on 7th street front cohi.:: erci al toq for pavement dance on July 86364 Supplies „ 1' •+ i motion ti,e request was �,ralrted, under s�,pervisiolh of the ..treets a: Parks a- G . W. Shannon li Co . :'' ti I , Harte 86, :'aprri,:g watchm• irs residence at iiL 63 90 {,i • o + +! '� �o t, •2_ Z L`�- Oscar }.arse •11I•iK93r? euB444es-der-eustrff--!-leas , 1'j h1' th-s� aid of the council in obtaining lights, nA-se3�tz8-i e4FEIWhFa-6e . ��� �" + '; I • I Residents on „reef asked ; ' , 31 40 „i I !, � ; ��,. f � i :. ,.s oil 1' th street1 city U 8Cj .:aso;.ilhe � - ,,. �ti, 1 I stating that houses had been wired for many months and that Light Company ::,.c J . George 1 65 4 :,I„ r ! .r :dh' .�I! ,�:OrtP9 ::f..rdYltil P Co. �i6c quo•:lies ,: I` , , , h; promised to �,ive then light, but notuin£, h:ao been done. Coon motion .,her , c Rentals -old tolls 4 40 it r,, cr_._s referred ;, n thec%o:_::ittee on ;'ire, inter Light. Puget ;;ouiid 'i'el Co . 86> i,:.�i, y;,t.cPc for i ; bon c sundries 4'r 19 , r I •; : I �: u 1.ev3lvih,i; land 8'r(i d 150 00 �o . {; -, Local ! 2 , U. of C & J of . Erica asked permission for d: xiCC hall lip: ,. `:,aide Thomas 1 L:�oor + t ! arse i:ai 1 licei.se 53P U�2 Labor -' 60 i1 ' 1 '�'t;. ' ,ti ► j f . •it 4tu and Corr.• erci al. Upoit motion license wr ,ranted upon paymei.t of ,':::: e• ueaEiAbbeyott �i`r3 L:.::or ,�i. 17tih st. mail, 10 50 ;;�11 75 1I: I `� L. I'• !. � „ li -e, Graver '.homy s 674 Fia;�htino fire at :thistle Lake 1 75 ' 1+ s ,., ' I occident to ,,,rs. F. T. church from canine, on board walk and s rainil.g .•1 L:z,:or 1 0 00 ` ' occident, toirs . I'. T . �' ,' ''' i askin :i ,t ci t a for rr,edi c:: p t'r;F' ��, F. Kn: _gip �'T5 ; 1 ;I) Church on sid� ewa-..k i .r P Y it attenti n, wos upon motion referred b W. �. ;;,,_ rt 8'JG Jr31« j c15 su�F r, . .elide h, t � ` �, • ; • • ; 1 or. Printing, Health c- Cemetery. 7' } �;j/ P roll 1�(J QO � • + , y Treasurer `y " i : Ci +I` i' + ';'�6 Garetarer hi stle Lake 65 00 , { i '' ' { s Police Judge Schreiber asked toe cif council to furnish him with new dock''t • Roy Gilson . ' '1 + ::c: .:rPl'_er ssk.� �o. near y - i;; C:.retiikPr lie:.irt Lake 2� 00 ! ,'.;`, i.' ' ,1 d t+ J i�ttor:•r'.i i:.rs. Julie mot.:.ey 79 Coreta lilac ii Rea 00 Iji+I, t,' '} j po ,icc docket ills tiep:irt:. cnt, cLi. u ,ot. .:oLi LIP „er ir:.� ref'errFd to :..he l%it �tSOtains j I ' lip: i tee on Finance. H. A. 'Taylor c i' , sI :! -9,6 13 , '�: \ . • ! V f' I I I I : !:Ik.'4:::: • t F �_1,__ - - Jul., ietix, .922, zrl.._.ce on 1.1 .i:::s F:F fort of the Committee onf Finance to �hOLe.. were referred the claims '• •Ot, call The City Council ^f file ci ; ; of :I::_cartPs did on the 1Sth day• of ::ul ' f l'. the V r1GU8 Clt fonds for 'ie ^o2.t% nr :rune, �CGIr.: c2id1:: that t11E Chin.. meet li. I'e�Ll:ir session with __.f)r ltueel: ol ;21ar•ed nr_d craxr�.l.ts presiding, :u-zd Councilmen Brooks, Deane, �=: draw. in favor ll s, "* woo rF::d ' ':. + • `P rwelley, L:ui;,�llun. r:na '�'rafton responding to roll call. Absent , kox•rison =:r:c? :di:yder. 't '� t : Roll Call: Air a upon mn.,lon . r PS, rnOtt�3► �?::t_E?, ' v1e11Py, '+-CC_ilaunl, ,O�riS011 and ir-�ftoa,1�y� i;r • none. ,;es approved ne minutes of :,tle �.re•:ious r�:eetil: were re,:d and upon notion adopted as rend. ,,'. i ,1_n ^• IiOt ti] C 1 -- U' _►: . inn e ci t_ council did then adjourn. ,i: _�pnx o red i I open session + g duplicate warrant �; . I; .1 ttorney on Report of tilt, : ttoxi,e; on matter issuing t for Pittsburgh 1 p Dior. this 18th day of Jtll f, 1y22. is te warrant u-eter Co . to repl;:ce on toot 11: d. bee,_ ,.use, strotil�U tl::_t bona furnished by ! i company 1i2:.S le�,a31 r correct azia warrant n.ioil:. be le.g:;lly issued, was read and {'1 t f ' R '•i { upon r.oti on _ci opted. ;i' • ��cu / s�Gc ce.,,. c z torney on Report :f City i_ttorney on plumbers pond of Julius i:elscn, st:..t il: . t::: t sr:' a 1 � ' I • ri • Liayor - - _ _•'" of ::elson was correct r , w• to form, l_read and upon notion adopted. •, . 1 • ' Attest: i " Ui i - ::ttorriey Report of City Attorney on ne•:. docket for Police Justice w: s read .nd upon Li y' D. i;••_rtwright, City Clerk, ,:: ;,olic e docket motici adapted. / that one . ' , Py -j u.�•-,z- �,c..,1, -s`,,,,n.- __ttorl�ey on Report of City attorney on si. P , ofCommerce, statingr I` , + r t bond Bank of ; '' }r f t Deputy __•et;y bond of pa.ra.oraph should be changed, wo_s re:•.d and u,-vor, motion bond vies referred back to :;:: t f ' `. • of Colrrerce City =�ttorlley . r • � ' -i: ^.2iee on reports Report of Committeeliri_ince en matter o x•eoorts of aep�'_rt?I?c2: .a, rccom rI.^ 6 ' '''i�� ,! • y, .� lt :3. 1� that the r e accepted : :•�',� '.:: p rtme is eport o cold placed on file, was read o motion :..1t�i•� • and upon fro „i c n adopted. .1 r :,a •_i ci ar on bond ne ort of Jukici r Canna � plumbers :,nof Julius1, . . . , . .74:+'ti`,! • .�', • :.elsol� t' accepted, was read' motion adopted. `•' ;4: • ,i' Y p , p_ bond 1.elson, rEcor. -l.dirlg i;-c• n .t bond be ac c i``' 'S ' _za:. n, u r r •n t for ' �'1 1 ;6 : ;(; { uo.ici ry on dap- Report of Judici ry Comri , tee o d plic to v+?. a Pittsburgh _._Ater uhnni.ry. . •t c=.�' � . t curgr , ``: ' to warrant for rec:on ,_ endinb th::t duplic •te warrant be issued, vr�:.s rer,-a .nd upon rrc tion o o i • �t ; ci -.r on quitReport of Judici ._rclaim � ' a i y orrri ..tee on quit deed for K. aylor for 1892 tax ; ;1' I � , ti I ei:.in: deed for recap: : end hoe ,. tll<3.t aeca be rendered, was read and upon. motion dcpted . -1 ; `� • : • ? • ! ` 'Lil(113: S & sewers Re.vaxt of COrrI-i tee On �suildil.c.` a Sewers oil n. -tter of detention room Ott custom t: }� ` '"`fi' ' .P.tent10Ti room use, sta„i. ;rti..t CI.,.I. .e iIi(iU Q d accommodate '< se 'ides. + '#� t ',�ti <' i c made to • odate the defend on c s custom douse tu�.t come, w:,s re..c nd upon nG ;1o1i dc�pted i � ;;::�;-pia _iis, . e.ter ik. Light ReoorL of the Cor-:_it � t i' ' , tee on Fire, .1 ei' a L2�lib il, the matter of �:�'ter r j` t , t ^: .;,: �i] rl t G ii i • ,;: -a:-iter main to Cap Saute Park, recorr. erai ,_g _n;.t to ,. otter be t�,.ken up l�.ter, was re•:�, , .nci upon y . • • r ` :y li r:• o ..,oaite pork motion .�dooted . � 4 r 1 , `� 1 j' r xh.: • ' f from Pi ttsb- Letter frog! Pi tl.sbur�;i: �:et1 r Co. addressed to the Ci t ; L1 cx•k we s ` .` 1 read rlld upon ; :, ur„ i._eter Co motion referred .,o the city Attorney for reply . +`' '',; , {- : 1 { cam .: .- j ' :idfnt to :Ors. Councilman Deane replanted verbally in re;;: .rd to accident to ::rs. F. T . Church t • I' !; s;`�' a ;�� , T. Church from f�:ll ins oz. sidewalk, ste, i 1ii tY,: t walk r.'�.: i I, f ; condition i on in II •,,:: `''�'t� 'y� iit con• parts , , d ::• . - that he hr.d been una.ole to obtain physician ' s report so far. The committee .•, '„•.~'' `'" I • ;;1 prop i sod f drtrer investigation. I .1 .'i A' I' .. d, ' ! • :, reic tion from i,iilo Strock fireman, asking :ill ( �` ;� '' OTT. from ::.ilo CoCorr: it g for two weeks • I_ ,, o h: referred leave Fabsence, 1 rr I .r'ock fi rerr:an w; read and1' ' upon rr}] fPTx'Pd �O the cire, •.`2.tFT c`t,h.: L1�,}'lt. ill • �•�' •;<�'i'c?ti'' '�" iJOn.. i ttPe on 1' ;'�,• ! ' . . r•�= Si::::::: Ni ::r'. `� , ' i s eb-ill rou d Councilman ullc D ,/ ` E n ilman. Deane reported verbally that base .all around could be ourchosed for ��: . '�� ,i.:;o-4:.: 1 2,100, plus t�..xes, _no t'u t option could be secured if the city v:ould pay the •.;r. I ;l; '1' !,i .. 1` ! r:' I.la • 1, 1 ! Ir. taxes. Upon motion the Inatter was referred to the c,it , t:ttorney to dr:wr up : �:' q. ' ''� ' i oorecrr:ent for ouchase of soave. Roll Call: eyes , Brooks, Deane, Dwelley, 'allum 11;'• .;;'.-''q•: ! • ,1 and •- rafton. kays, none. 1i� J' a •i' I 1 , cn from C F Petition from C . F. drP. for building pc for : `` , I titi. n i r m A s g it erecting building within fire it ! I �(, � '''.r.' . ��y .i • ~rs for permit limi is v:: s rend .:hid upon notion the rec_uest woo or;.nted provi rled buil'ing '•!` l it :::.:-''� 'I•• ` !. I'i 'r . is ,,�build in fire n lied eritll fife ardil.cnc ,'.I .�' '4' ; ; + limits I •.:- • ,• 'i• skew for +� � ;� ;:::�.• . rSi ;, i , # 1 j : - erinirlg, vac.-.t1 G21 tI'e+t (�OmIr:185101.Pr LQill,l i.t E•. ' a months V:,r`::lt] -•2"1 Un01: '~'Otlan tills Yr^S ' ,Ire;�'7i 'f'~ i. (;t , !1 ' is ; • 'i' iI ; ( ' i i r r:iy ! , • erti ol. i n U �G1: t4i ferry ° � IOtiar he :.:i:. .ti ;.,.torl.e tiva i l •- x• c ed a l.iuse :; 1 4`•:`'��``��•��! 1y .> ilisert addition, c in 1Pa e ,� r• s••;:' f e Anr� s i tc ri c. ferry. i.oll (:. r : �' ` � �`�'�;` ` ; or til cGrt 1 c 'ii t es, �3 oaks, e<<n.e, IY+PI-�ey, :1,' 1'1 ,y'. ;•�, . :'�'1r1t:rfi� I' 'I. j �.cC i11uP.! iiltd ixtft011• l.:• , none• 1 • (' I ? is �otl IOti tie Jon arld Clerk were instrl '.:ted to sign quit cl::im deed covering j • I "` '` {�`'�` �f 1892 tax on property belonging, to '"arren K. Taylor. Roll Gall: ,eyes, gooks , 4.�! ' Deane, Dwelley, i..Ccallum and 1r.Ston. iiays, zone. l ' •(' t ;u ' .l,t for Pitts- c + 1 ,, I. Upon motion the ci to clerk yr a i notructed „o dr: w vlarr: IA in favor of Pittsburgh " , 1:1 ,.! I 1,' . ; -=:roih :..eter Coin. Deter Co . for 35. 4G to cover lost warrant in like amount. Roll call : ,ayes , j', ' , rE' '.I I f ! ' ; .....plicate 13rooks, Tearie, 1 ielley, LicCallum and ' rafton. 1%ays, none. 1 ' 1;• ili;,• ‘•,,'Is. . ! -c',ei tion room at '.'he matter of changing room at custom house for detention room was discussed yto1T• house Arid upon motion referred tc, ;he Committee on .3uildi i s Sewers and City Engineer. s ; 4 • S� ,i[I I . . I'' . Lith o e to act . Roll Cal i:rr Brooks, Deane, Dwelley, i.: U .. Tr 'ton. ! ' tt ovr r �: Ayes, lire. ks c c.11un at I, , .' ,,; :; 1' i•Dlice stars Upo!_ motion the Committee on 1'indnce was instr..cted to purch:.se one dozen prlice 'I . I ' t 1,, i p Roll Call : '' r 1 ,It •: i stg,r.h i'G� the police e P.x'tl! eat. Ayes, _,r;: i:8, CE�I;F, vlP11Ey �! ! �. I� Lcual_Lull .:rid Ilraft:o�n. i.�_ys ,nole. i jI L to i A �I i; s to block Request of Flks Comn•i ttee to block Cou. erc ial :venue from 2nd to 8th streets ' ro! I' ,' •! , t y�� 4; ;? reetS �':ith except. Al of interseeti :.s, :'uri1.E; '"lks coh,venti (�l, vas referred to the 1 ' ' ' l . , Coco:i ttee on Streets c Parks. ! I !` ' { !I h 1 li {'i ' ��Ei y ; .ry gs Health Offi cer, ;:r . dhow, reported the earwig condi ti on in tiie ci t,, _.nfavorar_•le. ",• I 1 ' l 1. U,,011 10Ot� 1: the rl,L,tter woo referredto the uomIiittee onPri,.ti1_t;, Lealth and j!!`1`� ,. I +'ill �. i • 1 1 , , :• �)OUr71 L'po1. rr•oti _,i. the City council did then adjourn. i I1 1 1',, ,‘,i,:‘,,.. '1 ,. .. ``fibt i ;l �;' ; t ; Approved i1. open session this 1st d of nu _ust, 1922. i' t ��,• - F. D. Cartwri t,c,i ty Clerk e:ele-c-e-e-or,-&—.. /iteee.i.,....„ '1 .J �°i�trN - xa. s ,q, aaaaivu --- - - ------ - _ �Izcn /ial,�L. a,v'De ---- nuty , , r. ... .._.,s. .. • • \ •. : } iI rills;LlSt 18t, 19'?r. nt.tbust l t, 17_2, colstinued :•.j:i : ' oi Roll . .. . , i• , • , , , ,---- _ _ . , _ __. _ . ....___._ i r.-.,,";.:, ::,------ - - - - _ _ _______. . . .4•_, .•: -* ___ . ____ :, ,• -•:.:4-, :, call The •_ it s , ztt .,L,t .., r‘• ., ' ; , ' ci couscIl of Llle t:it of ..1:_.cortes did Oh the 1st do O1 rtUjUst, 1, Labor _ • ., ,, 1 • .,„ Tian• chewier 3511 i .. park �7, 5p i + 11 trneet :in re;�+.i1T°_i session with iouncilt_er_ �Jrooks, Dwelley, i.:c0a11ur:a c.r,d ' r e: Clint Knapp 3512 I.:� -ar i:: park 24 res c.aait to roll call. ;.osent Deane isorrison alid '!rafton. r 4 C t p g _ J r xdi is, Sil3 Lc.:�o x i li p•.ram K' 'c' :� . ;. I • r' ;�;?_.'nI' Pro Ten' I the <iobeliCe of the __ .,.�x' and , n or Pro :etc e ternporc,ry i.a;ar iro Ter R. .�.cilf:cirt 5314. Llocr i1. p<.rk f r� �( 7 , . i }•� J . �. :_rter �71 ' _= fire chief . . cash adv. 131 .77 elected. Upoi LOtiot, Councilman Brooks wets elected i.ertporery L_tyour Pro St;r.dnrd Oil Co . ;;516 Gaso'_ir.e for fire wept. 34.8o l '. '!' ; '1.' • ` •_• G. r:. }tJ . Co . 351� r.eut,..1 soutiisi ae tire et:-tion 1. 00 :; � - �; 1Lirutes approved i _..inutes of the previous arc 'tin were I•e. .d and upoi_ motion approved5� d 90.0�, Osi t 3 i meeting �s re;, L'i to :track 3;�d 1• xy truck river • . Z 14 i-_erc'rtcntt patrol 39. 00 .:4 ' • , k -* 1 Scott Leely �5 p- a City stt . o1: po=. docke Report of Cit " r.ttorriey on police judge docket w��s read aiia upon rr.otioio. �.rs�lc.rtci C�.fe 3520 Seals for prie' ne1•s 1 . 2.0 :1' . - is 1! 1 .1', t , . - F. �:ch eii�er 35 1 Justice fees 5 50 '` "1'" 4 ; 4 : i: :.: : f' Report of City Attorney on drawl r ; up of :.Lreerrent for lease of ball park, - > ,;. '' R. F. Brown _5�2 :ti tl.ess fees ?.20 •,I Cit,; :,tt . on le-_se of st;-ti:.g the=t baseball cowrittee had not been able to obtain, definite priers 0• W. enila; 523 Sc.l- ' ry :_s chief of police 125.00 ''4; } 1 • baseball pork terms for lard was read and upon :; -ticl_ do ted as read. _ ? p P cific uo ._L ..;t«::p \ ks 352:4 3Bacges for police dept . 2.00 i • Clyde Ray 3525 Special police l3 00 !,` '`� ; ' Ci ty Att. on surety i.epart of Ui ts Attorney on. sux ets- solid of mark of' Con- ere e. stntil.g that 35 0 1 : i� 6c;.GC LuEllr. ,ov,=:_xx ? :ibrr`ri oh. .,,• ' oond of Bank of Com. now correct as to form, was read and upon notion adopted. �, z eS 3527 Janitor �=ibro y 2.•00 - v. ii. :I -E. 3528• ,-�1._ry as supt. of sts . a cash «cv . 12e.00 ;i Judiciar; ol, surety ', Report of Judiciary oh suret,; oot:d of =a.:r of' Co1r:_ erce, recomrrendir.g ti: t Balcorrb 2529 L:.Xr oi, streets 96 .00 bond o f Bank of Com I . i . P + T Lynn l' ; b accepted, was re.-d .11d u,�J1. mOtior�d. � �' p Tom Dodson. 3530 L:-,oar y6. 25 } ti•.•,,-; I' St P �. Tor• C :l.w�,y 3531 L _.or '/ .0 i i "''1 '{< '`.a;;:�` S y� c: srks on Report of Co'r.-i t„ee or. Streets S. Parks on straighteningr t; s r' mc.n 2 ::,1t ` .s: • idGlgo ho�_d, �; h . _ ee �5� i ^nr 40.25 .- . , _ 1 Fidalgo Road : a dele, was csused by inability to obtain deed from Dr. H. F. }frost . 1 ? t "` i ,!,W • L Helton 3533 Drayage .� �t .•�� `' _ ' , 4 Cancelled -- 'w ` r :x Sts. a Parks on block- h now of' tir t Gc_l.celled 35i '' ` • 1i •+ s, ';,,41 e_ rt Cora• i �eee c•' streets & arks on trotter of blocking, Corr:• erci c=1 --:F-. _ T535 hatior 40. 25 i ;4•:'c r4`i:: ; . t t ing Corrrercial Ave. with exception: of intersections, by Flks, stating that same had been left i-. -D. �o�lilswne 3 6 I„_ r 6 50 t i ;��:�,s } : s �+; ci,::rge of Committee cr. p:_r{it_` 1.d police. Ch. s . iiuds0l. 353`l lea axe 6. 00 •r, �A• t ,r ,�. sr .cortes ;_ardwsre Co . 3536 Su:� ;lies for streets library b. o5 r . • �, ; i Bldg. & Sewers on he,�ort of Con:._1 , tee on Buildil.gs & Sewers to whoa was referred the >~•-tte_ 3 00 j'` t- ` i` ,° 'is ssoitV. ells 353, }lent of barn for storage - July ; . .:; c .. : detention room at c:-etenti �n room: at custom h-use, et_-.tii_s tri. .t sure hadbeet_ out ir. order, 1-= Standard Oil Co. 3540 Oil for street dept . 15.80 !rill ',' ; • , `K '. 1 ; ' custom, house • slid u. ^.1 rcti on adopted , :_.ea Aitacortes L B Co . 3541 Lumber for streets 4.5C �'? .; . 'il , 3 • ;,: '''`� s. Fire, j•c�terct Light On Report of uorr,i tt on Fire, r.' H. A. Taylor 3542 31acksrri thing lj 50 '}' • t ;,;:`, ' ter 1.Lht on electric lights for resi oet_,:: ,. 35 p. l:�:.. F ; 4 . :. ` , .. I electric 1ightsg :: 17th street , was eec.d and u..on motioh =__dopted . G . ��' . S}latxlolt & Co . 4= Supplies for street dept. 5_45 i' i. Cancelled '544- C;aneelled ++ ; Fire, ter fc Lighta f I sl Baia r:gin sf er Co . 3546 Drays Le 5 5 i on `•epoirt Conrr,ittee on tire, '.•c-ter & Lis'nt on Car'irunicc:ttoo -CCron i,-110 :it: i;<„ 3517 f t - ` `` i �''`` ifpil,g sheaf �1( L:�10rts 2 .00 1 ► :g Vera Looney � ' vacation for Strock eskin,, for two reeks vacation, recons• etidit:g ti.-�t vacation be brc�lited for tr. + r;,^ • - i,v r r_ts library &. fountain 222 �0 ,� ; ' : ,,er S1PD',rtr; Brit 3 +ti ester d a l_ ;:s I 1,# creeks, but not doting the Flk$ convention, w::8 rer�'= .'t.d Li t. motion :id ••�t:� 1 c• r• , ;-��. .',,;: ' ' W. B. ac: _rt 354: envy ces �.i t; eli( i ttrer 25. OG !. i .� ` -t r'arts of Reports of Ci t.,'. r rcr 1 �, Police, Justice, .Departmentschief . Ares 3550 Ja In tax' ci t,, hall c 10. 00 [ •` :aft., :,' P Vasoili�- tor, '_' Ls.. Co 3551 LiL;t.s at cif stall , streets library 164. 15 os 4 ' j'' '�► referred •. .; , Urricer, were pre... cited to the city Council and upon notion referred to toe ;. , :ati;irlsort 3552 Solar;. =:s city tre:�_3urer b.. cosh adv . 5 .25 (4 : :�' :.:sss:t.. ;,i ::,i Corr.•:_i ttee on Fina:.ce• F O.OG F4It ;. r t T?, Cartwright 3553 :l -ry �.s cif„ clerk 5 1 i' . �� City �'ri :Thecapresents C �,� _- « n. Tiribtmi 3554 `• ... •,"x City Ingineer ,• . :3. ►tart presented the City CoC .nail the Assessment er Salary as i t� attorney 50 0 j ' ; E-t. '`- ,: I � . r se srrer� , i.J_� J'-evolvirt Fund 3555 C,.-sit advanced for lrtbnr Sri 50 l i • ` ; M ;: ,t• LID Roll for -Dist .i;133 for District So. 1 3 . �-t-d ctoal= r. oticri the Ci ;;J Council set September 5th g , �` c eptemb . 72 ` ,. n�lccrtes Amer,�rrericali 3556 Pub1i ,�lin� ''2.00 • 1 •v:.' !E as date of hearing. The Cit . l.lerK was instructed to publish the Recess• r Furka Pharnacy 355r Sup_- lies for fire dept. . i : notices. 355 4 1 !, : ' - lit i' t' C F.l�d:ms L bar ca.d r .,,eri c1 detention Ols room 11� • 1G , ;' }',f ;� 1 j j Petition • from Oscarfor Dr . Austine Shaw 355; Sai p - F. heklch officer 25.'00 is 1.'{1 `pail SS � . :,, Petition from Oscar (.lit.tor. and others better protection from live steer. , ; L. A. L.cGsliu , ,560 died nremiurr on policy �.00 Is.; :.,R I , ?Tit V�1• • .00sss Clinton et all re cows L the streets =rid c.11ey was reed aid uoon motion referred to the Go: •.i: v5. 00 t ' 'ji..:• 't. ji ? rca� ili A. L 3561 :a..l..r, s fireman : ,' ++ t 1 '; i! on License �.. Police. r,1:_COrtc'uv{L 1 ✓ ferry landing ' y ' • ' " : . f 1 &. B Co 3544 Lumber for f e 54'05 i 41• �` ,' 1 Communication an from T. l;�.rker from the Uri oem ,of Coffn'ercpresented to the Ci t' Cou l 2,342.44 ; �!� `''. •' e y Council 1 .y I ;�' i ' 1 'i , , , I Is Gus Hensler re tract comorsnication from Cus itel.sler,relotive to trc_ct of land containing :`� : :'i ' • • t { It of land for ball park, talning appro�.. i. ...;, k• :II: t `I i 5 acres , extendir.f; in 1engtl, -Crfr ..r. 1?th "treet to center of 20th .street ir. ;,V; , '. ':, oSos-s; j ' ' ; ! also ..it. 'ri a width from from ii «venue ores t I, iI t ,.• G. I' Hy. R/tii for baseball k. L i 33 i...tif • '_ park. The c,_t e tr t :1 I '.f,; , S , of this 1 :,rid Li tie C lP' x ,11 free G n Local 1 t•��x'n'ven'Pt. ] C j%1 •; "•j� ,• t ` tax or encu.- brance, 45,000, paysable i:- , ili : ,, {a;r:: (1 I, i i:_ =t:..11n,P1.ts. In case the cif accepted the offer s. Hensler would dEed evil: 5 �5 ;,,,, Superior Portland cer-ent Co . 1172 Ce:sent fox- 15th street pa e 6 ti • I` 1 . ; ', ; '' ;,ate C:1 t , of _axi:.cortes free :t cost, ail t::x id the approach to and Lois, et 1 Sri pc Sn_-cortes piledrivins Co . 1173 Balance of 80S; on estimate of 930.6y I 41 t ?' , el,d of .._t. Frie for public purposes. L ,o1. ration the matter was referrer. ; ' ? con facie t � 1 ' :!! Special Uorr,r i ttee. ! l• '' ,� ' saes: 'Y,i • 1 1 t' ,' :! it Snyder a;ooanted or Lois or Pro Ter Brooks i as i i:t. O theE - GeriFrcli �i..tl'r Fund hl `'ti• Ii(1,*;Y‘i, i t, , 1.•;, , a opui 1. d Councilman Unyder chil rani f �p ct "e i, I�' iSpecial Comr�itt I. ee i;_seball t:op:ritteE• to rer,lrce Coullcilr: t_n Leone. ` :, ,:' '• ' 1e. Fd L:�rtin1 t y ' ' :;$ ,. 882 I'i L 1 fire �.x .r.bPrr wr + ersl.ed 2 50 1�: 'i ,1 , ' . �erx j 11 8 3 i �, .� Cranberry ,, I 4 ''`':l,t: :; ' :i 1 i Po_ Justice authorized ;,�", I i-, t is fire ranberr v,r.ters ed 4 COGU ` ,6 ``' .1 U tl ration the .Police Justice uc_s a.utt4ol•ized to buy OrdI+�;`+ � !,, ' I;�.s,,,st to purchase dockety jnr:ry justice c:c'• J. T. at, ith 884 11 ntjr: fire c�raii'�err' v+�.tersllPd 2.OU �' 1 : rid ruo' er stamp. },all c£'.i1. Ayes, Brooks, Dvre_ g �" j;l; 1 , _I ••'• ;l`' jP y ley, L-cUailum and Sn oex ,� 1 5 G i} ►, P 1 `,W. Johnson a i'i silting fire Crr:�.t�bPrx� w: , er ed 0 s , . I! 1:; {i;El:, i' • ; n ,1. .•• �' • �I P. Qu1ltt :��6 1'iG;1t1rt .'ire Las:n=nerr, v;r.tcashFd 4. 00 ��;R. t i:'j; e t _ t . rshed 4 0C t 'I• + 1+Ea F. }'e..r:.m: Uuj r'igl, 11n fire Granberr•, wr. W '; 'I t I 1 }} Alluond on 15th street ? r. Allmotid. addressed. ttte lift,. Council relative to new p.verrent on 15th • : - i ' : „ t._ fire U aliberr vr� tens;led 4.00' t•: ' 1 t ;, 1, pavement Stati r that arc. er fiii i car:s needed to }i.s. s . t 74.1i- c89 to t� s y 'a ;i` 1 1✓ p preserve pnver. etlt . Upon rra „J E � . ul.is bb9 =iblltit.0 fire c r:ulehPrry rr<<tPrsr.e 4.00 l..4, •,r 1 1 r' . tier w,.s referred to the Corr a ttee on 'Streets G. Parks �'nd Ci ty -l'i-�,lr,F'er. Geo . A1�uey 890 1_:coon 6`i 75 :II i,.i t,i' I F. S . ?rlliott 891 L. cor j4.85 :;1 ,•, ' 1. e: :.lasitin, road to loe . . :.ter of slc�st,ing ro�:d to >;urrov;s Bay was t,rou`ht to the attextinl: s :Y,x 3 .50 II r _i' s ' Guy Simpson 8y2 L a ;. � t ► : ,i . . Borrows Bay Cit, Co,_ncil m.nd 1 el t to the uort-n.i ttee a:. Streets & Y:-rks . F. C . Sn'i th 893 Lc� or 13. /5 itil . . i150. 00 c .; .,. j , ,.fade Thomas Labor , ' + i; < < i OE�icious spectators the ratter of officious spectators at ferry lcu.dit{, , troubling the custom Grover Thonas 895 Labor 19. 30 s .,1 ,. ') s . I ', , 1: at ferry landing vr,.s referred to the Committee on :.i cerise a Police. r ; 1 • ,•' • ;I ,, ',I, 1 1 rsocis Short 896 La .or ;•0.45 I I 1 . 00 t+ I E D. Temple & so . 8;7 up:llies - es 1 1 ;'-�, 'it : IIS, I. Light bill cif custom Upon tt 0 tion 1 . 25 was deducted fron the bill o . the '..c:s;,it: t�• i. T' i. a ',: t; 898 Drctycc�. ! • .It : '1! house 14hts at cyst r., house, A. L. Helton �e • 1 • , ', +�`{i ` St;;a.dhired (,i1 Co . 899 • asolit.e 92. 39 . I�1as ' uorbett .._ill co . 9Gt, ar.it.c;le.; for ilL reservoir 7s, . 50 i. 1 Claims ul::im,s filed ; Bust the current 7'x-oei se :`11.A : :.' oti:C'r ci :.j i.,r: s for tI,E '1+I' ' I',' aryl .lid C. fe 901 �._.,Pls for fire fJg•:tE is 3 , �5 . ; H. A .. 1 j. I of' J�-ly, 19 2;- , ss follows, were nx'e'.entec to the City Council „nC: - L_r20 0G •;5,, x'f{'exrPCl to`toe CO. 1 ttEe on 1'il.'.1"i( e• woof, 1. t".x'S. Julie �011t.ey 902 C'.reLc,ker Heart :Lake I 1 i .'t ' ; # Ii }Toy Ylilao1. 903 85 . CC ji' ' ; t �x et;.�ker t,i 5Li F I=...;e I. `' I city +_'re..surel 904 PiL, roll 150. OL it1 r •��'t. ; 11 Xi. art 905 S:.1 s;.io er ii ten.dertt S 25.00 Al ,j,t'‘ f''. '; �) � 1: u . `„. s11= i x c n & Co . 906 Supplies 8y '18 'E.1., ' I .• ' '.,'' e� ,t x, !, - 3 i Pittsburgh Leter Go . 907 i.:et ens 335 40 • ti A. Taylor 908 Blacks: i ;hi t.g 6:20 '11 1 p' I I 1 t . V . ','.ells 909 Rent of bars, fox storage June 5.CC j, ;.:1 ' i .i • • l,evolvirg Fund 910 U•lsh acivc_nced fox labor sot.dries 5b. 55 I ! ! a' , j i „ �; r i! :soxortes _ ocrican 911 Prit., i1.4 14 .00 j``' �tl; t • If 1, ' PuE;et Sound ei Co . 12 20 )11iik401 ,j ' 'j ; I'I . • - 1 aulru�iesdrPlttc:lsFi✓, U • , • nacortes Hardware Co .Co y 3 9 �"",. .. • ' y 1 `'.= - - } • 1 E '1: . ' I .- '' 4 9 e .. • 1 I i +• ' ' i u i • _ •+rust lt, 1�22• usi : . <b . '�. ; { { �- t , , .' 4. henort of the Corr::ittee on Pinatee to v::,om were referred the claims , { , 1 The city council of the City of ,L.:•-cartes dad o:-. the l;t.c day of Hu:-ust 1�� 2 � � �' — i ti.e vr.rious city funds for the r.nth of July, recoc•rending that the c1-. ` h • meet ilc regular session wit:. _:;or queen presidil:` and Councilmen rooks, Deane, ;�' i, i i' be allowed r.r_d warrants drawn ir: favor of sure, was read and upon moor. • r �,;d �'• der rPspcn. i:_ to roll c 11 . __bser:t , :_cCalluir, �orrisari :.1:d ( !' l ► l " L-Cl:ttll and •-n der. i.�.;s none. �'�re1le; Snyder " ,, poll cell . Fs Brooks , Duel_e,, . , ; � •� _r�.fton. �t ; 1i- ' . : ,�22ac Dates Ci ;izen y14 s�rintilig ` es a,;iprnvPC The minutes of iie previous r e�tii:a were read and up'sl. Lratic._ :Doted as reud . {, ,,. Leo. S g 9l _ ice r v + : fs „c Pferred t e r: tter s r_s:iir► 'l 'f • p !lulIl •, f l i oc Parks al: Report of �o._:. i � „ee on :�trPP:.s G t' r_ * -,r �l: r ,; ' . . �%l,'. to Burrows ro:._ to .'urrovai =3::y, st:'.ti ._ ;,:i:_t p.-eser.t road had oee21 sl ashrd _•:d put it shape '' ' w:._ nearer c�lia u jai. sti^c: :io•�ted. :' ' ' X ;` ' Upon notion the citj council aid ti.en adjourn I ' • ire art of Co2n.rittee o:_ streets w I'�:.rks o2. carnplal:t C:�..1 new nave.:Prlt on 15ti1 • i it :approved • in open session ticis 15ti2 d�a,/ of Huf-,ust, 1;,22. o Pc.rks P - i : !t street , stating that complaint .::.5 not we_i taken ::1'_G th;::. �t"ie fill Or S::at�l .er ; . :1 Is,.. complaint t; , n. : I ' .. ' :.i:St ti ewe,t or: the sides vier e sufficiently strong to protect the aver. ent , ��:.s re.:.. and uo0_1 ( i 1 nth st• motion adopted. r • . t /4/(e-e--e-e-'1 ' '' tt 1a; ✓ a Pal on :• read and u�o2, lntion co-�tednse Police on tter of cows roarriiz at lame :as • ( l►ttest: CA15. • F. . .I I , • - • F. D. Cartwright City Clerk, o] ,`fie c rt of C:arr�i ttee a2: ,_icelise P.�l i ce relative to troublesote soectatars at •• ` 1 ct tors. O lc r that, :i tter beer reported to tuepolice and proper s3 . 1 � +• , ;r j; / �`_ _ y__,.., /�f/ A s✓z� � err j �crldi 2 , s twit i s:,✓_� t t e is m. ::u � ,'s+! i it: '`" j "' 1 ili protection d w:.s react -lid upon is-ation adopted. 1 1 ••! ; 1';� ` �'% M Deputy ez z y and +ouid b afforded, , ' :• !:1 e -it cis-- Detentic•1_ rooir at the custom. house was re sorted _ot sr•_tisfactory, a C y c to • , to c cy.• ' plurlbii:_ were needed, _:lso other c::=�1.`es. Upon motion the matter was referrer: :I _ �� ' `' • •< 1 T :;1: 1:-use - _ �x•, r,: I , I the Committee on Sewers :and Bl_s ;44 ::•�`''L , Oscfr 1,1a:ct�: Stateu Vc. the peapl ►; 4 •- r Clinton e of .hie southsie mere riot satisfied ith the • ';;;:;,;.:.!.:-..1,*:.;:' 1 ,•^float.$ 2F_a12'St action by the city council in regard to cows roariin� at I ra_e, acid cr:L1.ted s•_•me :;•, ,; _ :��„� immediate relief fr_•m the nuisance. �"l.. E l,fi ` :t ,.: .• ' i -ties on Councilman Dwelley reported tilt thistles on tiacant lots were of h_ eav;� growtrl !..1 .- '{: '; f Up-_-,1, :notion the Committee on Street: Parks �;r:s ..::: Meg( ._i. lots rlCl {ere spreading rapidl„ . authorized to take whatever coon they vee red necessary2 Sr� dereliminatenthe :1 i ' 1 `• .,}j. , i. I I ` thistles. loll Call . !ties , r oks, Dea2.e, e ey y , : + t ! {, �: i t i '-1,:. a..,ti'' . . {{ • I, , • :_cCa.11ur' > Councilman _:cCallum entered the council ct:ar ber a d the _.:a;� or ordered his n--.rye : ; • . f • i t .1 : : tar I ' :,:ens ch ar..ber pi- :c ed upon ti:e roll . ; c .,a;` !a •r . The building recently erectP' PI the 1lrcacortes :_ark et Sias declared built contrary ; ; ' •' .• • :t :: f -_:i1�•ing erected g . •. , .:1.• cortes to the fire ordinance, and u:)on motion the ..ratter was referred to the Committee ` ' ' ' t :, '.;; • 1 `'._net on`i tire, grater .zid Li ant �i2:d .'ire utlaef. is 'i - `c " : JY r•`•' ` I� _ The State Board of health asked Cor list of property north of 10th street and :�s� i • `•:` ' (. of health :4 ' 's I I 4 east of tr for the pl:i dose of CO:'b'_tang earwigmell_ince. ....-lie City clerk was tY, 'i;^�i. • £' '_'�.is .c' !' • instructed to obtain list. •, `(.'. : ::, z•: `j •� nepresenta.tive from. t.,le Independent Shingle ,,.ill addressed the city council , , 1 :>s�: f •a .!► ' ±. t:i_ c:-.d asking for completion of road from street to mill, stating tit-�t the road �':r:s •� ;it ;• ''` ;' ;: • !. the rain began it would. be impassable. F1+ � ' t'j� ; `;`` : • . ? t1 ; - now in good shape, but tii • t as soon as �•.� • y' r i i t . _ t•.} t;i Co: i t tee on :streets � '1'1 r,.'• f I :;, Upon ti:oti on „11P ir.- t . er vrr ref erred e t Parks with 7` ?{:�; '' . i�cCallum ar_d Snyder. ,.1 : ' ; ;i : wer • to act• Roll cam _, es, Brook a e, ' �' `'',1 • ., Y a a;y s .- l.n Dw e11 e;;>• a.r:el ' � r' P T� r,f ., }f '1 IP: Pi . , t ; i.ays, none i1,• Iii/.i:4 a%, ;.,,,o•� ;� ,: . I. ., I, the t' 11 ' i . (1 ► o-: ,4 • • ;, {•: ,:' i �, n }teSOlUtiall Yc1Ci tlli� La�001i '�1� terWay. l. wl101e t',ereOf c'aS deSi hated o27 rl4tite {� • + '� ' :,c,"• } ,y, 'I i f s lu ti on `' 1 •. '•''1 } ico . 4, fide airi shore _L_Lands of ae t o d 2; , iwp 35 ,•:.h.i L Wm An:lcnrte • " •4, , . I C;:+lri� La�;0011 C 1 I7S 2tS a27 . , S , ? i•g,: I . t the office o f the eor.r.i ssi•�ner of Public Lalcds at Olympia, i '1 ''' ; , er�,ny Harbor, on file iri :i 11 j :i�,9• •:i;;;;,; :; ,!.;„; (- i f :ilea i t (,unty, was ' ,tc. - - - n ' i ' u a f the .=.udi nor o � ; '�• ia , �, ` I, ','fast.iri�t_�11, ace: also _ 2i fa_e air tc:e oftl a :c., ., ! �,� • 1, ,I, 4,a ' ! read -nd upon motion adopted. holl Call: ides , rooks, leane, Dwellcy, .cCallurr• j.:; .1, I i' lr Sn der. i•� s none. (' S' ,'"1! �ae.,. r t. i :i " d •1 ,t 4. :!,' I r f' �'i `. tarriey Councilman Brooks suggested that the city Attorney be instructed to write the ? • '„`, ••,'• f C 'tit' ;;a', 1 ' '' ( •''4 ! -o obtain rates Public Service Commission and find out Yi1iwt othercitieslf the 3rd class were 4 'i1' •if' • • c' ` `•ye 1 both heat and power. I ;11 . tle` '.,,. '�' ; I •"c i' electricity p f•y i nt, for electricity,,,r i c i ty, _ : i' •'lj�'' : 1P, I : ' ' 'i i i._. Ir.proverr'nt ep Lrs . Parchman r resenti ng the An: carte; Improvement Club, asked the city 14 �1'-') ,I�� ; 1:111:!:fi!..i*: � `r*. :;' ! . f, . : ; 1 asksco.incil to Bassist the club in buying the •a.kefield property' at Burrows Bay for .1 •1 i t�'i< ,; :'i:, ., uisnc for h club to pa 'lOG to �,rd e •._ C, ;. ! + . ssi _ t iice in a tourist park, t e y ;� w• th first payment of the land, ' '• 4�1'11;' �i {� Ii..t� !�l' I; ,u Upon motion the city council tendered a vote o - thanks to the ladies of the club '� ' ''' `` _ towardtheproperty. A coirritter of I' 1 . y l:c al,i c._r , Henser for their efforts obtaining 1 ;, three, consisting of Council:tan Brooks, Dweil,ey and i.cCallum, were apnointed by ;.` g :it I. 1. I, , ;; '' the .Mayor to devise ways :L:lri means to make the purchase. ! i.( i, ' , , , ,•.�`:tsic.•-s ah Me raattPr r'f' awnings on Cow::rercial !_venue being too low c4:ire before the city ;' �� I,1 ` ' 1 I . : ercial Ave. c -uncil and upon motion was referred to the Tire Chief. ' {i,I• 1.;'; 4 . •'' Upon ration the hit ' Clerk. �•r-t.a instructed to insert notice in paper inviting 1 Ii c.�it: tior to ,, L ',I , I' I' • ,•t „ : ' terse? budget taxp,iyers to be present at bucket meetinc on Septe:rbe: 5th, at 2 p.m. �,• .'I y, .. � r eeti.rag' ' i { ,��„ ; Upon motion the city council did then adjourn. '1`1 ' 1 „ _urn i :I I ' •t ' 1 1! 'I .p.irn`!ea''. in one21 sessi the �,th �.' _ i Sep tie:r}ier, l ;22 . r i ';1' i'?,, '' Fattest : 'l I 'S 1 , I. ' F. D. G--rtwrit,tct , Ci ta cl erk, '';' 1.; ' ' -R 1" 1' I By i�"4..re•-.'me- I ,�. ' , ( Den.�.t y � e-� -w �i ( _eve,-./ ,.!1,,j ; I . , f r ij ,'1 4 1 ail ;i' ''. , .. sil1/4 - •-•,, .. S, _ii/; - ,.';') ' , • • 1 i •-.... , ., ._ . .........a.mmme.1100.0.1101 .---. - ...' .. 4. L.+ ;7'7 Z.:i •*;i7v,i#, su . • ! •'T.l'.*:' ) .' ;141 • ilk-, ‘• ' ; ' fl II t7i : ' • : ! ! ' i ti i: .', 1.•I ii -, •,,. i-. *'', ________________ . , Sept:IT:Ler 5th, 1922 Sentenber t:: 1 22 continued . , l.1ot,1 "•,.1;" =,4, ,0...11 , _ _ __ . .. _. _._ _ i 1,' ,.. . , . • __ - . :1 i _ - , - : - - • :: Roll call " The city council of tneci zo. •_-•foi: -.L.,o, rtes did on the 5tn day of Septezber .. . .; ! • il . - .i,. J4: ii• i: , . meet in renul,: • - , o_ n psd len RECEIPT'S m i sessi A witn L or ouee reidint, -...o•--••••"&f... '' ' -••-• i . . on Counci 0 - IS A, 1 ' ' ; 2 '1• • rwelley, .-LcUal o lun ond Snyder reso.o_iiot to roll coll. obsente 1.:orric fi oo, „. t ;'• , • .. ! . .,. , ';'1•• j :_fn to , al:r1 3rooks - - Direct T..-.•-•Lxation, 15 mills on a va.3.uation of • . • : , 41,963,671.00 29,456.05 o . - - . . •• -• • -, lo :, o ... . . Five (5) mill lev for 1914-15 C.F. ',its 9.819.36 :-. . : -• f' . . Linutes appr.oved , 'Zoe minu tes of -he previous meeting were read i'71:d. upon no ti or. :-,..dooted -s ',i-,1/-• : • % - ' ; • - Interestn o c i ty deoosi to . . . . 300.00 ntl, -• 1 . • . ; .. re o.d. '•ftl. • , 1 -; • Eoad and =ridge 900.00 4 it n . i:.•J .: ,• : i•,,4; . • ... c. r .:ority.Ly reports of heo •-,s of Ci '... Tre• strer. Justice, Chief o C Police ord :-., Geer al licenses 600 oo :upt. of :: treets • :•! i . . oio. , - , ' il • den rtn met e s poesnted. to toe cito cooncil • nd uoon n notio referred to the Gosaittee ro. - Police curt collectons 6o oo }lirnee -00und fees . . . . . . . . 10 .00 _ .‘..• ,, : ,- . • .: . ,;" •i • . 1 j : 2,-,..7 on tel ephoire rentals - fronchise ts-...-„x 400.00 her.tal of. street ends 310.00 ''. • 1 i •t . ., t . ...- orks on ileoort of the conniotee on nt.reets L- 2Lorks to Y:01.'•:, li L.F referred the r...y :.o „.. • f)ne (1 ) mill levy foroorks 1 ,963.87 to Indf..pendent o_ rond to Independent ..;hint„,-ie GompLn.y, sc. c.ii‘L, tn .t, the street deport, E .... One and one-tenth (1 .1) mill levy- for librot.ry 2. 160. '36 -hi i.„__e ,.c.. 11...,.,.:, commenced ViOrl{ ("4 . . ;_f .1'.4:.:..d 1-1(2 woo-ol in_ve i ., -Cinisned within two ci- • .. ... E.,. ,, -ine-tenths ( . 9) .will .levy. fvr.eccr..tir „lowlaLds. 1 ,767.48 re: . - id u %oh loot.: .. 1. adopted. .: . , i 1 . 48,289.02 "i• -'• ' •• •, ' E.4) ,-ci ..1 Corrittee on 1..ne Gpeciol GOY:A :tee to whon w. . referred ti.,(motter of purchasing the ',io.• '• ‘. , 1 kefield. property , property :-t :-„urrows Bay, reeorted L-nnt T...he coin-.i -tee I'ee07.. ended t'nen, tooi .- , 1 • -px•onerty be rchased ond. tho ,_ wcos be -provided zi:€.1.• ii. _he 1923 budget for . :- Uoon -notion the above estimates as prepared' o the Committee on Finance ) • • ; • • - , . 6;Ni..,...--,.••.:H. raisin:, of the necessory funds. 'Joon iotion the re9ort was adopted . were tentatively accepted snbj ect to final adoption. Roll Ual1l: Ayes, n -0 .1; i • . •:..:.•-•-. .n.:, .. 1.,,'-', 1 i il ..%, - • :;:.:::.,!...,,• .:•.,,,, oo,!•,1::...4 i • 1 - ' . . . r•eane, Dwelley, iOcCallum and. Guy-der h 'ys, none. ..•t1 , . 7,:.,...... :iVi:!:,:4-S"'• Corm. fro. D. A V of ," Con:T.1.111i cF-.ti on from the Disabled .aberi c:-._ 1. V eternns of L'ne 'orla I. LI- announcon , ,% . 1 . , "..! ' ! * '''' •-*:.÷1:.$.•'it', -+ rthe ':',".1 t'rie ".oati orn.-.1 rort,et-1. -1.o t Days' wos re nc' nnd upon motion received and pi er: _ ins (2.1a.ims fil ed. list the Current 'xpense 1:o_nd fe_nd v:.?.rioo.s cito funds for . , - n:::::::W" .. '::::'..'::: :';'::i:li • : . • • .1 '• '• t: 'i4.,•:',.: ) -.., .• - .. .on file. ',lie L'..o......oi: appointed a committee consisting or Councilmen Brookt- , the month of Auoust , 1‘)22, as presented this 5th do.] of oeotember, as follows: 1 ,..•,. , .. , .,. .. ,.•:;.:,s..?;.y, k :. ! . , ,..• .k...g. ;•,. ki: Snyder :::11c-,, Dwelley to take core of the -ratter. i::!:•-:.:•• I on t : 11 • t , •.:, :., :.,:.::: • i • ' . P. Uherrier 3562 L: . 00r i. •-eark 8.75 i; : .. 4-- ,..r:iiii4-:•'.' , e• - I , • oo:-.4.;..t.::: :. Invitation from Gap- Invitation from the otate Capitol CoLr.:ittee announcing the lorlying, of the Clint -Krivo? 3563 L- oor io -., .rk 12. 25 ii., _. - : -.-. •:',,..t.n:NU::: '•!:O:' !',.:i':.i • ! ' . : , n itol- re laying corner , Corner Stone at the Admiriistrnti on Building of the ':1.'ne,cningtoo. St.ate Gapit,n •.!.•:.,::::::: , 3. 7-13,• t es 3564 La'oor ii, oork 6.00 .. • . . . , stone :i Group, at 61yoi,pia, was rezt'n.-:. and -u,,)or, notion received and plieced on file. R. 'Schwartz 35iL.,5 Ln2or i. .. oork 75 .00 •,-.1' .• ,_., ,. •,' '1 '.,i;:: :1 1 ' • J . S . C,arter 3566 3alan„, :.s fire onief e., C aBil adv. 129.92 .. , ... ': ' .•:.o • . Confirming LID -#133 .: There 'oeinn no remonstio-i.nces agoiest the assessment roil of Local Impro.. e:. /1.: , i-ilo ..,'trock 3.:;67 :_O--....loro as fireman 90.00 • , .i:..;i::: :I.'''. .. .7.,;!!:::::!::::13:6:.,4:- .. .: -- . :: ..• asses SP ent roll . l'i stric t Too. 133, a mo :ion to confirm the assessment roll was made :yid c- _ -_.-., € J . S. tiarter, ,Issi.c.„!_ 356b C-,q,. : dv _need for speci ;LI ti. rerro:n 87 .50 ''' 1' .:':h iaif':••••,•:..,.4 f- . Roll Gall , Ayes. all. 1: is, one Knoiap ,,,.. Ronnerberger 3569 Cylinder oil Cor fire de-pt. 6.00 flit; •. i i .i • ...,.., '.,.: ::..'• ''.. . , • ' ' 1 •I : ::7:::::::::: •,:: ' , li • ..--)t%.indared Oi 1 Co • 35; u :,asol i ne or fire dept . 17.25 II;ti, ', I. •1' ,,00.:..,:- ..: . o.':.:,Ho,. • ) . ! n 1 Ordincnce `' Ordiro•nce Tn.o . being: ar- ordinooce confirrii., the assessment roll of Local I: Bell :Ciao-nine ';.'orks 3571 -..:ork. or. fire truck -,. 50 --.' 'llo , ; ‘ ' • icr::..A.',..,i. - . • : .::.-on.,.:-:. •.•:•••: •:"; • ' . . .i ' . t ' . pr...-,oen•ent District ..o . 133 :for the ino_oveo-entof 15th ,-;t..reet from. Gon ..ere.; .. Lynn B:- lc ornb 3572 L:- bor 106.00 IT, .n !-K . :::'•:':1,:'..,,.',Ii.1 • I,. ' • Ovenue tc.. "CI," Avenue, es described in ordiroonc.e ,;.:o. 718, as eque..2. ized by ...! , Thos. Conway 35v 3 L000r 62. 25 .. ., :•. .. ! tnn:'!-.-o . •:•;.::• •.:: • •:.o.,o:,! • - I • C i t j COUlt cil of the Ci - of An cortes . Oh the fifth day of 3eot-ember, 1 -;22. , . . 'Pon' 7.•o(ISO?", 3574 L.: ..or 103.25 oi • i ', :,•. • ::•,.i.•:i:r .:. •• --- ‘.- .:o...... ::.:i 22.00 -11,i • I' '. i. •:•;.. ...-wo .. prescribioo us.on vin:tt Lime sucn ssessnents shall. be paid, was lIDC41. motI. 0:- . D. M. Doane -157g" Labor ..), , ::':,•:::,.. :•:. •;• • '•:::.;:•;; , ' ' upon its first reodiin -oy title; upon motion same ordinonce was pl'a.ced uo.,:e. f. Sh .1...i.non. • CO . 35',/o Supplies for streets 5.74 IJI: ! : 'r!:r.'.'::A,,-.:: . . ;::- • •,:::::: •,:•:•••::::-..41i- •.:,, •. ,,::::: H ' ,'.1 ', second rcooir.n. by or tie; upon ootion ordiroalce was referred to the Judici - ry Revolving Fund 357/ Cash advonced for labor 33.00 •• ., , . t ::::..:::t:telz- .e: •.• .:!:•:;::: !: :. ,; , ,,; , . coLlii „ Ln-..tee d .. -,.,1 .i _,,tCor_ey. H. 11.; Soule - 57E; Feed 22.80 fl nr•••••.., -::,.. •; :••;:::: .:: . :;.i......:....1,:i...: 1,*: .i.: ::' . 1 .1 1 •, ,.. . Anocortes Ice. Co . 3579 Feed (Jul., bill ) 20.70 0 I :-.'• ' :,:.:•:::: . : .:. , .. ,.:!;:t i • • : , :-::::::•:: -..,, . „, .. • • •''-'•• . ,! 1, Wakefie1.1 pI w oncrty A. rroOion as mode to purchase the 1,•akefield property' :.i.1, ::urrows Lay Iii t,i1 • r Curti s '.":1 .rf Co . 35:o0 .3and -4..1.,:i ceo.ent, for street dept . 14.30 .,-,1. o. :! '',... ';::::.:::•,E; ;;;I , • I ,::,, .i,•!i:;,:. . , , 1, , ' at -Burrows "9ay .',Issistance of the Ai. coort4 :3 in•proveioeot Club, the club to furrlis'n VIGGO, H. A. Taylor 3581 -21 acksm i thing 17.00 ••,. .:, .1,o; oo-o::7*;. t :::::.:.•:,Too ,1 $100 of unich being already deposited with the city, the city to furnish An. cortes Ice Co . 3582 Feed 24 38 - ' '-'. i 1 . , •• . 111 , , o ....!• • •1, .,,,o, •::':!,";,: .7..:•EV: .• .;;, • :;:o: . ,i I 1illilr Isuffic i ent .....ddi ti onal funds to meet the i-iiimErILL payment. Roll Call , 1-..yes, Standard Oil Co. 3583 Gasoline for streets 24.15 .1. ,',/ .,l;•el , •,:; O ,,,i.ii : ! I ,. ..:?,o,1....•;;. ,. .. .t. Deo.ne. ".r,yoelley , -..:cCallurn on‘l Snyder. i.ayel, one. Curti s ',,I,oxf Co . 3584 Sewer pipe 5.63 111- :. .i ;fyi i i..„,.::§. -•::::. 1 . ' :! .!;.W * i: I , . , • ii,ii . 41••; ;i'!". ' :iri:!.:.i,g' -,,.i- . i ••••,::.,,,:i ! 1 . . j I , •1 I,• .., • , tiarylandea-. fe 3585 Lie is for oris-u 4.00 ie"1,2;Y, i:.:O.t;••••-t•i: .. •••..: :::: :•Oi. . .: ii , •: :: , . , .. . . .. Ghns . %V. Fl erri lin 3586 Sal:-ro . .•.- chief o f poli ce 216.00 .• r •'1 • oi .:-.:::::::'„:.,,1: :!:oo:,,,!. o • :, o : ' : i' ' 1. Li '''::',-, ' i7;."11. 4!:": • ';''o:: : ;:;:.,:' , •,: 11! ; 7 r• : : Channes in detention The matter of cht--noes in detention room ot custom: use was left to the Go-, . ....: Scott Eeely 3587) Deputo L' rshall 15.00 c11 •11,.. f. '. ••••,,,,.::••• -.;•:;::: , :,:;! • '''. ,,;.. .. . ,{ ' I room at custom house ion Buildinns anc:". ',7,ewers to investigate. A. 1.71 . Schreiber 3588 47ustice f•- es 33.00 .o.:: • ,.,e:, • . :, • :1'11•11.:.1:':' ,1.'.1:1illitl ,':.-1.:1;i ;''(:' :.:. :1:1.1,.. • • •:....: , ,:::::: -, . '."- i; : , ;al •-cortes Hardware Co . 358' :-.3upnlies for fire dept . 4.95 o ,o ,..,,,,:;: ,i • , • %.. ::' i , :..::;::::.:. .. • o •• Tentative Budget. ,1 Th e Corral ttee on I'd nonce pit't1 on ted the fol owi ng esti me--t e of arf roonts recon oc ' Union Printi II:: Go . 359c Justice docket 5.00..•:::.•. ;.,:ii,,1 . . ., 11 ' • , -Ii:..;,':!•,,.: . • i-`. .. • ,1, ; to meet the nubile ex.oense for tne ;:rr .r 1‘,-,,23: ‘ Curtis •••:h:.rf Co . 3591 co aa for ci to- hzill 116 35 '•• 11 •,F4'1,..!]:;, '":• ..ii• , : ' 1 , II I: ' Gurtis '-.horf Co . 3592 coal for cit h:11 32. 40 :P4V h.:::,:.::, ;;.;:;t 4 j• . ;', I , .1 i • . •.••.-:::•;•.4.; :- ; .;,;,'.-.'::::,..A • 1 - I. DISBUROF..._71:TS • '...aslinntoo P L & 0 . 3553 Licr: 1 ,F at cit / bral , lihr.,:ry 6, sts. 167 .754..10 •••;;--::4.-1. :i..,..i.. ......A , .,;.!•:•;,....- -."1'... ..H1 t ; 1; i. . , _ L. R. 211:.es 3554 J: .nitor cit" n..111 10.0c ..i.i;':;•::4-1`. t • % •i - . ti ••1' * -4...:,,,e • .. ..,.'••'••:.,:i.'i .. "Peporti: e t of 7.--xecutive :4.4: 2 5 0 0 0 rion -atkinson 3595 .3,..1z.I., -:-.3 cito tre. s. - cash adv. 53.0h., ,t3: •. Ic , :&::::'!4:1'. .. •:•;?.:, ,;:.::;:i1:. , , , . . . . . : o 1 , ,o''. . :•:!:•:!•.o.,: ••:,,,:!.,:,,:•::::,f • i .... :., -, .1: •1! i. Legislntive 50.00 F. D . CortwriOr 3596 ....)aiL.r, ..c, eit , uk crk 5o.00 .4 - .,,:,...:,:.:•,:i.1 , , .:,, •.,:•::;•1„; , , :,;• t, ;, . 1. : Cl erk 700. 00 Ben Dr i f tinier 3597 sal. rs,. i'.`.3 Cita' att -orne, 50.00 t'..,':-.4,, i,if,' . ';;:,::-:•:,;;' :- i:.i:.,: t.:.•" 1 1 l :/ .:3 .l ' I ill' . •, LreLt . . it Sa .Vi 13-3urer . . . 1,'.25. 00 Dr . . , 35 .-:L.1.:. . , 7..r LIC'. tii Off icer 25.00 it.. , •,. i .., •.:t:'::::;1•••:i:. !i•! : ,:::il. . . , .. j• !.,' , 3 •4i f ', .„lo 1?;I:olt?-„;...:-.III , , .I., •,. . ,•: ot to rii ey 6 '0. 00 ',Inion ng Pi Co . 35 hp.;,-.,. 4-lie stoLs Cor police justice 2.40 hHilP0 0!..,,14 , , ...1 ii- .-,,!:; N:,; ,... i,,,,::,.... :!:;,,„.: ..• :. t;i ,, , , . , ;;:.:.;.;.:,:i;:;•; .; i I !, • I 7 ; i : 1'1:gins-or 300. 00 l'...11,•CO rt es .a:. Clic ill 3600 Publi slot, 4E, 95 qcr il.. igmt ;:.,.,.;:::,:-:‘.4 , 1 : ' ! •. h! 3601 Abstrac. Sheets 21 .13 .: • .: P%rks . 536.13 Union Printino, Go . I,- L .• lire I'(moo tr: en t 8,000.0r_ 3. r:. l'exple - Go. 3602 Sup ol ic s for ci crk 1 . 45 4.'-;"! . • :" Tr.- i:!;iliqiit•i'og • 7::::•::::•;.:.;!..>. : H ; i ) 1 . :•:,.:•:.:•.I.:I , I Police 2,100.0C -,,-. G . Freer 3603 Regi stra.ti co. services 12.00 .','1, '•' ; , ,: l ,:s..i:i*i::.;.ik Ilif: v.:, ' I • ' . . e : • • .. ,• •. , •,,to ' ' ' , 1 I C . streets . 8, 500. 00. . L. T . .7•"razier 3604 Re .i,. strati oi. servi oes 5.00• Publishinn 300. 00 ' Puget Sound Tel Co . 3605 Tolls . 30 .'; •ti '.. .1.1 : i., •''.; • .i., health 325. 00 - : '..---:ter 7ep..rtment 3606 Via ter at 1 i broro , f ountain o. hyd. - 223.65 '.11 '1.1 • 'i ' ' . Sewers 150.00 • _ L. :- ..- es (N -',60: .L. itor at libnry 20.00 LiLlits 1,800. 00 Low/roil-. c.. Hanford - , 3O09 lue print pe.per city P...61.i.eer 1 . 5E '.'..! l';', '.'; "AH1 1 • , i. .i. . ' Flections 200. 00 Be... 12 iv tri•i. er 3610 Clerks fee LID fr113 7 .00 iooiot : -Ai 11 :. t v,,• , . .:, % , Library 2, 160.26 . L. A. ..1..'•-•1.rrner 3611 rrecting fin.: pole in p rk 164 64 ', 111,!' ,•.1.1, o,i ,• . .•,: Pork9 1 ,96:.87 uurti.,- 1.,h .rf Co . 3612 Goal for library 173 t:,5 J. .::, • .• ; 1.• , . t;.• : iipz-,..:4. .L Bridge ,900. 00 i'i.. -1,.•-•.1..S.nalii - 3613 : .]. • Il ..:3 Cireli,nri 85.00 " :,,H.,, . • i. , Letiring '14- 115 CE 'ots. 9,819. 36 U. A. Le nni ng 36114 :-...aln..-iy as street sopt. 12,5.00 .4,- :t1 i- ':'‘ • ', I ,• ,..1 '.!1,•,; . 0 , 1:1 ; ! i ' • Acquiring 1 ow loll ds 1 ,76, . 48 E. Luella Howard60 .00 ,;+,1 •• 1 . :, , w 3608 Sal .ri as librarian : . .• I . ; . . ;, d I Contin6ent • 7 , 266.92 :)2 .641 . 77 • , ,, •i Locol Improvercent Dist . ill33 . • ::,--,48, 289.02 . •• i 1 I; .j.• 1 i • on--.cortes Pile Drivi !.i. G . 1174 Thlonce of: estiirote of contractor 322. 24 •': 41,%.',..1., I :l 1 • ,i • ' . . ' 1.1', .' • ...:1: I°. 1 . d.' . '' 1: i•ii . , 10 I T 1- .01, ,,, •,. : , . „ ,,• . .• i . , . ..-1, i • , ,, i. , ,I,, . • 1 . , •! , I, • , , t, . •-- . . 1 ,, •• . , .. ,. ,, . .. i .„ • , • i , ; • ,I, , , . ;•, ..• ,, . 1 . .. . • , I, , i • . • 1'1/4(i • I.J 1 , 1 A ' I . . . . ..- , . . . -• . . • ' • -- . . .:, • ,. , . • \ . \ • • ••. L-_____ I ' __. ._ 1r: - 0 o 5 0 i .--- , - • Al `, Sente�pber ?ytir, ly?2, '! f } " vF_.Fh L _,.1.„ 1, 1.,D c The city council of the City of Anacortes did on the 19th day of September, 1922, • •j +': . __ Roll all meet in regular session with Mayor Queen presiding and Councilmen Brooks, Dwelley, j :i 1• ; Roy ',,'i?son 916 caretaker '+ :iistle Lake McCallum, Morrison, Snyder and Trafton. Absent, Deane. •�i �'rs. Julie �oni:ey 91.j Caretaker }�, reservoir 4 is : : 4 -�r:s.ci s :;:�•_rt 916 L:.- or• k,inutes approved The minutes of the previous meeting were read and upon motion adopted as read. • • Geo . :1h2e 919 L . .or - ;"! ' ,}� �''` , F. S. Elliott :, from Health Communication from Health Officer, Dr. Shaw, relative to the unsanitary condition 20 L :eor ,, Comm. i_:de <_':_ },�.:.s 92_ L::o :rdump of the Officer regarbage dump, urging that conditions be remedied, was read and upon motion ! ;; : : .:•chreioer :; .:eri_er 922 =ire adjustment adopted. • : `• ''f r.oi_ Go. 923 Supplies for ��=tPr dent . j .__._ _d `_i Co . 924 Gasoline City Attorney on Report of City Attorney on Ordinance confirming Local Improvement Assessment , ' • f j i Leores �er�i c e ::ta. y 5 wsolir.e for ..r 1.✓r Ordinance #720 Roll for District No . 133, stating same was correct as to form, was read and , • • , : :: . V. ,;ells 926 Rent of b.x:: fo storage :' upon motion adopted. �, 1 , } Void 2 # ` . y l ---- Kill: 2b . eo irs o:_ ; r rim. on reports Report oftheCommitteeonFinancetowhomwasreferredthematter of monthly F,. _,. ::iihrerberer �s j2 Supoli :s �f departmentsreports of departments, recommending that same be accepted and placed on file,# ei _' rer 930 Pay roll was read and uoon motion adopted. fiure ca !! F�cJ 93i :uo•�licc i�r t,: te= ire )t.Pu;,et Tel Co . 932 !rentals -u tolls Judiciary on Report of the Judiciary Committee on the matter of Ordinance No . 720, being an ; .Ret• _vund y33 (;2s}. - dv . for l_.00r Ordinance #720ordinance confirmnng theassesment rollof DistrictNa. 133, recommendingthat I ' -?:a>�" ::. 934 1aC csi'i ti,iug the ordinance be passed, was read and upon mtion adopted. , � , ;i zti.� -`.`},r� • tt t� ::,, 's: i G3� :> .� .z, as sLinPr is ers�er:t 0 1,:_ cor es .-�: eric.n ; Pri1:ti _:• pub?is}:i::g Sewers & Bldgs. Report of the Committee on Sewers & Buildings to whom was referred the matter of •• .., tortes __ ,.r6.vr rr C•� . 937 L::_:�„ advanced `'c s._:n 1i Fs • ; on chimney at chimney at detention room at custom house, recommending that an expenditure of " `' :' � ; ' + e 1 ir.t; rand 93 Gash z.dv. J ; : ,� ; . • �. v� v detention room $75.00 be made to improve the building, was read and upon motion adopted. �^ i,t,•Ii .vr. 1,4� •; Comniinication from Communication tom Gus Hensler presenting to the city counil a conveyance from ' E• j - r, ;� `, :, Gus Hensler Fred J . Wood and Anna B. Wood, deeding to the city a roadway as described in deed, , i::; j • • presenting deed that would afford public acces to Washington Park, was read and upon motion '••' : f • , from F.J.Wood referred to the City Attorney and Committee on Finance. the City Attorney to make E• r•1 �• The report o theCon..:i ttee or. i in.lice to whom �. referred the cl ._irrs out the necessary papers. 'E ', ` `I� , " :j ?. Fi....i:c e ci . irr:s ire :,Ll rr ' xi,P:.s e uric, a tnc r city funds, f .•r t:1e i onth of «u�u st , S ecial Com. on The Special Committee recommended the immediate purchase of Wakefield property a ?' r: `~ =` i ' r�co:. . �n�.i th.t �:1e c� i:r _. be 110`: dram f .vor urchase of Wake- at Burroughs Bay for city park, a p ' „ed =nd warran` n i r. st ting that the An�Lcortes Im rovement Club had !; � . •::: ,i • 1 ' ,:,• _ re:.:d ..,- un.'i. „ ot, G:. . _ pte . i; 1 G _. = . „Lip,;,. P s r her share of the cost,and in order to obtain :► '••'` ,,,}'� � d o -.� 'eat:e, .a: Flley field property provided the $1000 mete gory fo t i �. , � `�`�' �;Y. , is ;.; f .. : i.fuer. :. . ;s , none. the land the payment should be made at once. Upon motion the City Clerk and �;, i • . !i ;•ii%.,: } Mayor were instructed to complete the contract and draw warrant for $1500 in paPy- ;i • . , ':. :. ! ; ,:I dj ^urn U;� :. c , ne ci ,; c o�.: t i __ i .. t::e:: v ^ R ll Call: es Brooks Dwelle a um, y F „ .d arm. meat thereof. o Ay , y Z6CC 11 Morrison, Sn der and ,.,,,i' ', : , ?-':' Trafton. N s, none. �� , •j •,,• r.,. :rII F :.p �_oved .._. open ses .,,, s r ' _ r r, _922. ordered - , .; i` .s ''' s i l7t i �: ept r_.. ii Transferring Upon motion $736.99 remaining in the Judgment Fund was transferred to the Cur- i ' i • a;:; funds rent Expense Fund. Roll Call: es Brooks Dwelle McCalum Morrison Sn der r'�' `r' s ' 1 ! and T•afton. Nays, none. ' :••••:;:, 'yy• i , Cu,c 0_, tPQa�, s inviting members of thecouncil ! • '!" j ` ' ' __;for Com. from Rivers Communication from the Rivers and Harbors Congress in iti g me er -� • t • • & Harbors Cong. to attend the annual meeting of the organization was read and upon motion placed a`� !` $ t. • on file, the Mayor to appoint delegate to attend, later. ; {•'`'��`i'` • } _ . . , • j'i , + , D. l,. . tw r i _ it ` , l;i t '1 Pr;c, 1:..:,:i..1::::: :. i• :4;;�, +Ei , - Petitionfromfrom F. G . Abbey, J. A. Davis and others, for hydrant at 34th and "T";? ` Petition Y :,:� �,�'-:Y 1 ? ! , 13 / �_ ,_ Abbe et al for Avenue, was read and upon motion of e ,i yt.�w� �f�l/ ,., y r err d to the Committee on Fire Water and ti P ' .;. ? e ,uty hydrant Light and City Fngineer. ! :Es'., `:. . . l !r : . r, `! Ordinance No. Ordinance No. 720, being an Ordinance confirming the assessment roll of Local t;, E;: •;.a i • 1; ; 720 Improvement District No. for the improvement of 15th Street from Commercial r'` tl.f1 ' i�'• � S. !i 133, ., •' :: , i to Q Avenue, as described in Ordinance No . 718, as equalized by the city council 4'-•i r ' !'`'''': ' '' fof S to'b er 1 22 and prescribing `` I'll '`, ; :;::• i ' . ,:� •� , � , j� ! of the City of Anacortes, on the 5th day ep 9 . T;�1��s. � ; rc r:yr7:• upon what time such assessments shall be paid, was upon motion placed on its third ,, i ,;,: ''` ::1 ! 1, ,' • j', and final reading by sections. Upon notion the title was adopted as read; upon ; �,' >> ; .a, ' : ' ar y - motion section 1 was adopted as read; upon motion section 2 was adopted as read; "j !, :Ii ``'` "` • !i + upon motion section was adopted as read; upon motion theT.o,.rdinance as a whole [J ;'t ii• ' ;, :;, _ 1 j P P ! LEI Cc allum 1.1, i•,�, ',_ ` ..„:::,: ` •. and as read was adopted. Roll call: Ayes, Brooks, es e, elley, • 'k , '`i ,1 ! { ` P' • Morrison, Snyder andTrafton. Nays, none. , ' • t'1; .i;ill; I. , , , i . tter o sbruhtu the ma �. _ ,, Garba e d Councilman Brook o g p Y g g , !• !, g �P f the unsanitar condition of the arba a f,,.,. i•;;. I g;i::::: i ' ; d ,whichu on motion was referred to the Street Commissioner and Chief of Police 1' ' ` :„. :� i ' : , , with ' ower to act. Roll call: Ayes, Brooks, Dwelley, McCallum, Morrison, Snyder , ' • ' and T afton. Nays, none. I ear'' V •` , yi: : : :?:� 1 , Lerchant' s pa- Councilman Snyder brought to the attention of the city council the need of extra ; «.::: �'� y ' f S. Neely, in order to retain him in '+�, • . rr,.: ,, 11� I , ' trol compensation for the merchant' s patrol, W. ,. , • I i', the service, stating that at present Mr. Neely was not receiving sufficient amount ;H . . 1•�w • • to warrant his remaining on the police force. Upon motion the Committee on Lie- i ;; i• '' {. enbe and Police were instructed to confer with Mr. Neely and ascertain how much ' , 1;i .i • I would be required to retain him. 1r{'r ' 1;' ,1 . ; ';'� Dangerous parts Certain dangerous parts in the Fidalgo Road were brough to the attention of the • •:i 11!f' ‘•',•i;' J q • •'. in Fidalgo Road city council and upon motion the matter was referred to the Committee on Streets Iand Parks. It • . . 1 ' iy f krs. Parchman Mrs. Parchman of the Anacortes Improvement Club thanked the city council for their t !, r • 'L 1 L . ;: ,� ; addresses council part in the purchase of ��tashington Park. i j ' ' �j stdjourn Upon motion the city council did then adjourn. • 0 . .• Approved in open session this 3rd day of October, 1922. . . 1 .i' �.: s i , 62,e_.l r--r,t�, v • e'r_PLC- I i 1 Mayor ) . , • . ! ,t ? Attest: F. D. Cartwright, City Clerk, k , 1 .1 •i'; • +JJ By Ti/!1-/u vrr/-)Ia-s/�,s r2-✓ •a Al i�j'; ' ���: ��: a Deputy >�,�,� . :- _ - - - - - -. .__. _ __. -.• ..r 1l 1 t I • / D�^^�'-_"-' +•+_--�.-.z-_�_ _. - _- _ �.' ... , '.�i�r'� 'm?.'��Fii"ar...�.rote---- ` . r- - '' 50,9 502 ' '' '• ' . - . 'P.(; 1: i . --....i t ' i t :llf. s' ,i ► ; ki �,�.,:_r October 2nd, 1922. c, ' , • ` ""i at October 3rd, 1922 I , = Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes did on the 2nd dayThe city council of the City of Anacortes did on the3rd day1 22 : ylli -., .i41*._ of special roll call of October, 9 , • + session with councilmen brooks, Dwelley, Morrison and Snyder responding to meet in regular session with. Mayor queen presiding and councilmen 'rooks, Deane, -, •S +•: ' roll call. Absent Deane, McCallum andTrafton. Dwelley, Snyder and Trafton responding to roll call. Absent 1+�orrison and McCallum. j': ii . Temporary Mayor �.u.- ! Pro Tem In the absence of the Mayor, Councilman Brooks was elected to • orar kin. approved Minutes of the previous meeting were read and upon motion approved as read. S� '? !. Pro Teri. temporary Mayor . .,. `. ; + 1ity Att. on Report of City Attorney on matter of obtaining data relative to light charges - .j Budget The purpose of the meeting was for the final adoption of the Budget as lie,ht charges and submitting reply from Department of Public Works, was read and upon motion ^ .1 : ' , ' - ,. • prepared and tentatively adopted by the city council on September 5th. 1 adopted . R f ' . :; all in accordance with provision of Chapter 38 of the Session Laws of 199 2. +.:, ; ,E ,_ 't ' ;report s of depts Reports of City Treasurer, Chief of Police, Justice and Superintendent of Streets ` Upon motion the Budget as prepared and shown on September 5th was adopted referred were presented to the city council and upon motion referred to the Committee on . ` f ';:. ` Finance. without amendment, as follows: • DISBURSEMENTS Department of Executive Communication Communication from J . S . Carter, Chief of Police, askingfor twentydays �' - 25.00 frox fire chief b vacation, c : Legislative 50.00 beginning October 5th, was read amd upon ration referred to the Committee on Fire, • - - ! Treasurer 825.00 Water and Light with power to act. Roll call: Ayes, Brooks, Deane, Dwelley, Clerk 700.00 Snyder and Trafton. hays, none. Attorney 600.00 • • ; Engineer Sts. •� Parks Report of Committee on Streets & Parks to whom was referred the matter of ` 300:00 dangerous parts in Fidalgo Road, stating that posts were set and railing ready S` ' ,;a;;' • , Parks 536.13 K on Fidalgo Road toput upir, few days, was read and upon motion adopted. ' `"" I_ Fire Department $ a,Y p • ` - Police .000.OQp c K x �.;;• 2,100.00 , r �: f Streetsic . & Pol on RLicense & Police gpNeelyI ,;• - . iM: 8,500.00 Report of Committee a li a relative + ` , ' on L c s a ive to retainin atrolman ,.; .r, `'``` i i Publishing retaining &veely on police force, recommending that payment of $30.00 each month be made, beginning ' •• - ; c :k ; a. AriY ' Health 325•oo October 1st, instead upon { `{a of the �15.00 previously paid, was read and motion r! .{ • Sewers 150.00 ado adopted. Roll call. Ayes, Brooks, Deane, iv • �''I? P Dwelley, Snyder and Trafton. ays, none. i i ? ;.� ,,: • Lights �'• `{` `; : :d • 1,800.00 t ' ' • Commn. from the Communication tom fable E. Rosekrans and l.ina B. Rosekrans, joint owners of acreage ` • ';`er-` • Elections 200.00 T'isses Rosekrans '�' f • ; Library 2,160.26 in Chapman' s Addition, requesting the city to move water system fence from this ;� I Parks1,963.87property to proper location, was read and upon motion referred to the City Engineer ' ••f ''�'•'`E:..... Road Bridge 00.00 - with power to act. Roll call: Ayes, Brooks, Deane, Dwelley, Snyder, Znd Trafton. 4 � a : I Retiring '14-'15 CE Wts 9 819 36 Nays, none. ;' !t , r, C • } �_ Acquiring lowlands 1,767.48 • '. • : ,,r .- I; Contingent Petition from Petition from J . A. esford, Carl J. Hemin sen and others, for street light �= 4 .esford et al on the corner of 20th and ii Avenue, was read and upon motion referred to the •' i � r i ; j i� $48,289.02 for street light CLight. +',t.� •` ' :``I,-•,•• 1 ,, 3 CommitteeFire, Water .i ,! on and ., = • s RECEIPTS Ord.# f :' :� • Ordinance No. being an ordinance ,: .;' -' i� a e levying a tax upon the real and personal �;': ;: • a Direct Taxation 15 mills on valuation of property within the City of Anacortes, (' p p y Skagit County, Washington, for municipal ' i•t �; i'1 6 purposes for the year 1923, was upon motion placed upon its first reading by title; :11i _ • } . .;.;;�; , Five $1'S3•�71.00 29,458.05 upon motion. ordinance was placed on its second reading tr title; upon motion same } ' {h(5) mill levy for 1914r15 CE Wts 6. t;: '` } city d 9,819.3 i e a of err ed t o th CInter st on ord nano w s r e by Attorney and Judiciary Committee. � E.:. t,d;5 , e eposiis 300 00f . , Road a- Bridge 900.00 Broken sidewalk T ',,•. faf.a�`iGe :eral L he matter of defective sidewalk on the corner of 5th and Commercial was brought :! ;•; :;:f ! , itenses - 60o.00 oni th & eomner- •��? � �, a ourt Col 60 5 to th e tion of the tit c .�, Polio C lections a att n y ouncil The tlayor instructed the Committee on '�' � �:;' T !, Pound Fees o. 00 cial Streets and Parks to interview the owner, W. H. McCracken, for the purpose of ' '"' •`•`�•�'N. :, ' • I ; 2% on Telephone Rentals - Franchise Tax •00.00 having the walk repaired. f1'. E `�•: 400.00 • � � '''�i'` Rental of street ends 1 `i• ' "' f310.00 Comm. from Dept. -'`r _ � .. ,� � �i� One (1) mill levy for parks e'P Communication from the Department of Public Works relative to light rates in ��',i ,} ;�,�';' �.�''='�: ' 1,963.87 of Public Works cities s€ similar in size to Anortes, was read and upon motion accepted and r�. ' ;;,41 '.... ' ; '. e and one-tenth (1.1) mills levy for 1 • 1 , nine-tenths ( .9) mill levyfor iba�ry 2,160.26 placed on file t;; • acquiring i :„�� ::� f . , �t1,767.48 I �„ : :..:.� '- . 7 . �; ! • lowlands1,767.48 Claims CZims filed a i nst theC ' •q `- Current Expense Fund and other cityfunds as follows i `' �, '' !, ! 'F ' Total $48,289.02 for the month of September, were presented to the city council and �' 'i'.'''ii ` �. i referred to the Committee tt a on Finance. upon motion E j{ 'x i I, 1,; , . H. H. Dildine 3615 Wood for city hall 2.5p 1'y� �� Y, �' J Anacortes hardware Co. 3616 Supplies for city hall and fire dept. 9.10 -' ( i::`�'' !i Levy ordinance Upon motion the city attorney was instructed to prepare levy ordinance. (f is , , ?,.,. ii 'S, ' • ,1 ,i 1 Upon motion the city council did then adjourn. Washington P & W Co 3617Lights city , ;, :j; g at hall, sts. Library 168. 55 • ,�``t �' :. ?c- ''!.''i' , ' , i ' Bess icto 3618 Janitor for city hall 10 00 '�' t' L. R. Ames ! •11411 - Adjourn approved in open s s ber 17th, 1922. C . W. Fleming 3619 Sal as chief ofpolice cash adv 128.00 • 7` c s w.t' < : -, .' 1 � Scott Neely 3620 Merchant patro . & act. chief of pol. 71.00 , ,, : '•/. ;'" 1;;; ;: ;. Maryland Cafe 3621 ia.eals for prisoners 2. 40 ' ' '4.'` ii' r ��`. ' , �'� 'i , y j A. F . Shreiber 3622 Police justice fees 27. 50 • E;`° �� }% j I Water Department e ar tm ent222. 50r �, .: ekain 3623 Water at hydrants, library fount 1;jij�' ►fi ,2 ii;•tNj r,. , C. p 3624 Leahterfor fire engine . 50 • • +•, I ,''' i .t�'; �f 1I*? + f1t I - 3625 Salary as fireman 0.00 ,;.i� i:; •;•• . •it i Temporary Milo Strock 1 �_' ,1 ; !I` P ' ay J. S. Carters 79• 5 i ! : ,dE�` ' : { I. i mp ary a or ro T A. Latshaw 3626 Salary as fireman 2 a t:` .. . i ( Attest: 125.00 iJ;i; e t: , 3627 Salary as fire chief ,i • . �;•' r � Ed Martin 3628 Special fireman 8.00 : '' "1 F. D. Lynn Balcomb 3629 Labor on streets 100. 00 + '.i, • _ - 1 : I Cartwright, City Clerk, • t ! Tom Conway 3630 Labor on streets 84.00 i ; • Chas. Freeman 6 1 Labor �? , By 111 a�/•�.�..-� 3 3 .oo I t.H i .. , Deputy D. M. Doane 3632 Labor 59.75 ,�, , ': • . Tom Dodson 3633 Labor 96. 25 ' i'; 1s J. B. Bell „ �� 3634 Welding tractor shaft 1M00 li '� Shay, .on & Co.: " } G . W. 3635 Supplies for streets 14.49 '; !� i i . 0. A. Leming 3636 Salary as street supt. 125.00 i•s .• , • I' ' ' 'j ; , j H. A. Taylor 36577 Blacksmithi ng5.00 , ; ' t; 'i E. Luella Howard 36381 ' =r1: Salary as librarian 68.00 ' • L. T. Frazier 3639 Distribution & coll. regis. books 5.00 i •P Anacortes American 3640 Printing and publishing ; ''` 30 .14 1 Puget Sound Tel Co. 3641 Tolls . 40 ,'. '� , ; .i,� ,i - A. L. Helton 3642 Hauling coal to city hall 11.75 , .j • ,� ;, Bell Machine Works 3643 Labor and supplies for fire engine 7.70 ! - ,, a, ,'•'1 • ; i Austin Shaw 3644 Salary as health oficer 25.00 1 Revolving Fund 3645 Cash advanced for wages 54. 50 1.i ti : ' rs:, i '} Lowman Hanford 3646 Election supplies 81. 30 •• , i•, Trick Murray 3647 Election supplies 1.01 F. D. Cartwright 3648 Salary as city clerk 50.00 !• , r� Ben Dri ftmi er 3649 Salary as city attorney 50.00 i ' 1 1•, ' I. M. Watkinson 3650 Salary as city treas. - cash adv. 55.00 t' =l { �, 1;• - S. D. lemple ;Co.S 3651 Supplies for clerk 1 .85 ''+ ?; ti . • Anacortes Citizen 3652 Printing 5.15 �.' 1' • ' 'i � Gus Hensler • 3653 Full payment on Wakefield prop. at ' • --a__ • Burrows Bay for park purposes 1 ,500.00 ;. , i 1 R I. { I i . .i . ,_ ., . . • , ___ _ ______________ _ __ • 'i.;- - , •- i '0,,- / T.' ; ° • Iti : 2,. ,, A/ :t ;5 er/5047 .� • i • i _►'*�_ - October 17th, 1922. _ :� • GENERAL %TER FUND oIl call The city council of the City of Anacortes did on the 17th day of uctober, 1922, ,• !, ,. i:. ' 1: • A. L. Helton Haulingmeet in regular session with Mayor Queen presiding and Councilmen Brooks. Mea;�re, `�' tl 939 pipe 1 •j i S. D. Temple & Co. 940 Supplies 5 50 Dwelley. McCallum, Morrison and Snyder and Trafton responding to Roll Call. Ab- ;{ • The Tire Surgery 941 Tire repairs .90 sent Deane. 1 , : I Francis Short 942 Labor $ - F. Lewis .00 tin. approved The minutes of the -! I 943 Laborprevious meeting were read and upon motion giopted a� ,read. •; {, 8'75 I 'ti • W. B. Short 944 Salary as superintendent 250.00 Rep rt of City Report of city attorney on levy ordinance, stating that same was correct as to • I ' +M. Collier 945 Salary labor J st. water main 26.25 ?,ti. on levy ord. form was read and upon motion alopted. , ' '� ; i ,B. Pollard . t ; x ' 1 i 946 Labor J st. watermain 3.50 J. Lamphier 947 Labor J st. watermain . !�_, . J. Korman 947 Labor I st. watermaiwtermain 3.50 j'i1 nce on monthly Report of the Committee on Finance to whom were referred the reports of depart-F.P. Elliott 949 Labor 4•$0 reports of depts. ments, reco^ ending that the reports be accepted and placed on file, was read 1 i E• Henry Nelson 35.00 and upon motion adopted. . ; _ 950 Labor 3.50 t' •. , ' 1 i Wade Thomas 951 Labor 150. .0 on levy Report of the Judiciary Committee on levy ordinance, recommending that the , ' • City Treasurer 952 Payroll 150.00 Jud• Com. : i Mrs. Julie Bonney 953 Caretaker H lake reservoir 12046 ordinance ordinance be passed, was read and upon motion adopted. Roy Wilson 954 �areta'�er Whistle Lake 85.00 Anacortes L & B Co, 955 Laretakumber • ,;is. & Parks on Report of the Committee on Streets & Parks on matter of defective sidewalk . i , ± Shannon • Co. 956 supplies 20.15 defective walk on 5th and Commercial was read and upon motion adopted. i:r f 1 • ''` Puget Sound Tel Co . 95`j Rentals and tolls 2.84 •• ' • :* .40 sire, Water & L Report of the Committee on Fire, Water and Light to whom was referred the matter • 1 ) . ;`!; $ Fidalgo L & B CoC . 958 Lumber Pg !. ' �i' H. A. Taylor 13.83 or. petition from petition from J. A. Mesford and others for street light on 20th and M street, �: ' ' � f ' ^' -4. Y 959 Blacksmi thing ..'.:`'‘..1 :.::::' . 5.00 ;.esford and others recommending that the peition be granted, was read and upon motion adopted. '=a-- •:`t••.•� ::f;; I Hersey Mfg. Co. 960 Spindles 2.12street light ` `f t''` ': ` Crane Co. 961 Valves for g :i �*,_` ;:•i.:;?:�,': : 68.40 Petiition from Morrison & Barker for relinquishment to Laura I. Rogers, for i :`?Z=` ;.E. it Phillips 962 Supplies 101. 77 Petition from old 1892 tax on lots 15 and 16, Block 102 of the Original Plat to he City of ``` '; • Rennsselaer Valy Co. 63 Su - ~ e o. Supply parts arts 7 G �, ,;.;. ,: -�' 5 orrison h. Barker Anacortes, amounting to 10.90 (check attached was read Upon motion the } �':? 1 Trick « MurrayA� 964 Supplies P ;; >► I03 for 1892 tax Mayor and pity Clerk were instructed to issue deed on approval of the City . ,' 165 Supplies y �- rinacort es Hdwr. Co .Ca . 5.33 deed Attorneyand CityTreasurer. PP .::1 '! Schwartz Iron Works 966 Sharpening . 3 •�'`f tools .40 . Continental Pipe Co. 967 607 ft. 12" pipe for water main � � . {-i;�.•t�• :• ' ,.. ' Standard Oil Co. 968 Gasoline 588.79 Ordinance #721 Ordinance No. 721, being an ordinance levying a tax upon the real and personal ' �,�i w , ;; C.• , � I ` 124.46 property within the City of Anacortes, Skagit County, Washington, for munici al i i ' '-- 'i :`ii ':;''I;.L Anacortes Citizen 69y Printing P � ,I. � t ..:c.:.'-:.-, + 1 .10 purposes for the year 1 2 was upon motionplaced upon its third and final i r • 1 j , Revolving Fund 9 3 P P is s Y = 9 j0 Cash advanced 2 �! 33. 50 readi rc by sections. Upon motion the title was adopted as read; upon notion i . •• %- • ' - section 1 was adopted as read; uponmotion section 2 was adopted as read; upon ._ i Ei::: :A i , motion section 3 was adopted as read; upon motion the ordinance as a whole was j , ' '_'i'r N; 1 I adopted as read. Roll call. Ayes, Brooks, Dwelley, McCallum, Morrison, Snyder • it.• ' `+' r 'i 'r;;i , ROAD •& BRIDGE and Trafton. Nays, none. a:, �' !! RIND ,I P i ; , :, Hero ti Resolution4 ..., ;,• ul on namingand appointing inspectors and judges for the City Primary 1.1 '' s ;. Standard Oil Co . 67 Oil for Fidalgo Road PP S P ;r: I 108.81 Election to be held November 7th, was read and upon motion adopted. Roil Call : ! " �'' ' Ji I I ';1 Ayes,Brdoks, Dwelley, McCallum, Morrison, Snyder and Trafton. Nays, none. '� A '�`''`•` ` Taxes against Councilman Trafton brought to the attention of the City Council taxes against 1 , i?''� {;t:, : x city property certain property owned by the city, formerly owned by The Anacortes Water Company, : :t Finance on claims Report of the Committeer ;.,, 1� ��,; : :: P on Finance to whom was referred the matter of '?escribed as Tax 1 Ain Section 25 T 35 Rl E W # . �± ! ' claims for the month of September, recommending that9�` .1.� .and ain,unting to �18.00. (1 ;� 4.; � • j • ' { it, , and warrants drawn n favor of September, g the claims be allowed Upon�rotion the matter was referred to the City Attorney and Judiciary Committee = ! 1,- 'E Y•'• i ; , was read and upon motion ado opted. 1 ��; , i , , Roll Call: Ayes, Brooks, Deane, Dwelley, Snyder and Trafton. IV P to pay taxes before November lst, and endeavor to collect same from Douglass 1 r;.' { 1:1' ays, none. Alwmond. If taxes could not be collected from Air. Allmond then hold the amount I{ v I `' . % ,;;1,{ �. ' Adjourn Upon the .' ' 1 ' ( '' ' : . mtian city council did then adjourn. out of the light bills. i� � ^il. •} r Petition from i.{�,, vr= s`;'..: ' r 1' i' Apparoved in open session this 1 th dayMayor Queen presented request from E. B. O'Grady of the Longshoremen' s Union . . ,/•; � :`` '„ ', I P 7 of October, 1922. leot,gshoremen s ,'l ` i{, ,:..:,:::, i,,:: , '; ,, for use of city hall for mass meeting. After some discussion Councilman Mc- , �.! a�l > , if 'I` { c . union Callum made motion that the request j +' li ; . { '�" ,i f ' be not granted. Ayes, all. {.t f. • 3 I j ,. i I, t, !'' , f, , , ; Adjourn burn ,4, I • iii•i':x'-, :: • • Rece-z.1, Upon motion the city council did then adjourn. ( : ;' I:::::•��:.��: ' Attest : Mayor :��:o, Approved session this7th day . i-1 i� 'I' 1 !i. •1' PP ed in open of November, 1922. j.'., !.` ,� ,i. :::?.. :j 4 1 ► r P. t f,� 161y •,' 'I ,t;{ !'I I. �', F. D. 11�artwrigh City Clerk, ! '� ��, � :;•7 ,. .1gf I; ,i1 ' 1 i` By J,,r 7�rrrrl � tS�• c,` �I'. . 1 A Deputy Mayor ( 'z'1. ii ,• .•..c.;,,fi:. 111 {:' I { , �, ( Attest: F. D. Cartwright, City Clerk, i \ ' ,,.it•'••. ;.1 ,, i'ci {E . / l�iLu�?� �it !�w.- �. h , tit ti i.:4 I 'i ; Deputy , • ,-lid' :IiE : ` • • :, li --� +1• !,! i •'1j' lei • I Ir� ,{' { 1 i{ 1 1 i _ Ii I .'r, 1 li' 1 '1 , !' 1 ,1I1, 1 • . I! ' }' I`I1 I • yr • 'hill' +t I, i. `ti il � r ; 1, i, II ; ' { k. i,c' , - ,. il I I i i l ' 'r l I i • '' '; . / 5 0 6 ! i I ': 3 • 11 1 Z:ovenber 7th, continued. '' i : ����:.� s aset - -- -. . .. - - ---- - - - - - - - - - - ------- - I,z34t, November th j i i I tr-- I ; The city council of the City of Anacortes did on the 7th day of-2November, 1 &Ei.Fi L :EATER FUND ; ,. �4 ' Roll call meet in regular session with Mayor , „5� �.'t} g y queen presiding and Councilmen Brooks, Le •` ' Dwelley, Morrison and Trafton responding to roll call. Absent McCallum, ,.� Mrs. Julia Bonney 9?1 Caretaker Heart Lake 20.00 . 2 0.00 ," • • ' Snyder. • W. B. Short 972 Salary as suet Laoor 5 50 t.� • Min. approved The minutes of the previous meeting were read and upon motion adopted as •rP,iµ FrancisnShort 973? L en 89.60 t i t' ,:' ', ' ' City attorneyonWade Thomas 975 • • Labor 150.00 ai; I .. ., • ' Report of the City AttOrney re taxes against certain property belonging to ` t • eater system property water system, stating that taxes had been paid by Mr. Allmond to the Count,- H. Nelson trom 976 Labor 78.75 +.:. ' taxes J. Strom 917 Labor 3 5o I .' i . f. `i ' Treasurer, was read and upon motion adopted. • '! ' A. cortex American �78 Printipg Strom 66.00 • . Reports of depart- Reports of the City Treasurer, Police Justice, Chief of Police and Supt of ;;. Ana 979 1 0 i • • S. D.semple & Co. 980 Supplies 5 i I '` .� meats were presented to the city council for the month of October, and upon mctioi,y E. A. Phillips 981 Supplies 78. 26 a accepted and placed on file. 982 uasoline 109.29 '✓ Standard Oil Co. ' Judiciary on water Report of the JudiciaryCom Continental Pipe Co. 9�3 Pipe 97. 55 • rittee on matter of taxes against certain portion .4 • system property taxes : water system, stating that these taxes had been paid, was read and upon motiot Knapp & Rnd 2eberger 984 Repairs on 37 3 adopted. p Puget Sound Tel Co. 985 Rentals 4.00 i ;Elm. fiayi.es 986 Tire 11.80 , - , } • Revolving Fund 987 Cash advanced for freight & wages 50.38 i Petition from Latshaw , Petition from A. N. Latshaw, fireman, for two weeks holidzy, was read and upo, 988 Caretaker Whistle Lake 85.00 t for vacation • motion referred to the Committee on Fire, Water & Li ht .with Ray '�rireasi ' I. •, ; �•: f g power to act 150.00 ,:y�; ',; : �:l • ! City Treasurer 989 Payroll ' Chas. 990 Haulingsupplies to lake ti_:. Hudson P. 4.00 i'� . -i :t:a•ti a;: ! hrs. Church improving Councilman Deane,reported verbally that Mrs. Church, who was injured by fall Tire repairs 6.15 "'•` i:ti. '`�"•'' Tire Surgery , +' , �; ,,, y' ; sidewalk, was still under care of physician, but was improving. 991 p 2 . ` . from injury' g Y1 j ; G. VI Shannon .- Co. 992 supplies 5 35 ;�. ; .` r.'e engineer to take upW. ti .Tl•afton 993 Rebuilding cottage dannaged 1 ;; i 't ' SE> ? 4? k']::!f. I •i g u ; Upon motion the City Engineer was instructed to take up matter of sidewalks oflood 200.00 ..'i t ' �' >•. ;: by Cranberry lake 1 '�:, :: a; ! matter of sidewalks 17th and 2Oth streets and ascertain from bonding companies if local inrpro .e.•E i + r !:: { on 17th & 2Oth Sts. bonds could be sold. - 41 ,525.11 - , 1. 'j� ;;� • . , Mayor to have vacation mayor Queen asked for extended vacation, which, upon motion was granted to iii,. �; E f ' ; Finance on Re ort of . the Committee on Finance to whom were referred the cltindlswagarVar.rliZts 3 r' • I Light ti ferry dock Upon motion from Councilman Brooks the light at the ferry dock was ordered of claims the vaiaurs city funds, commending that the claims be allowed ' a - 3 .4cc discontinued i drawn in favor of same, was read and upon motion adopted. Roll call: Ayes, ,: >• ' Ellis Hambly appeared before the city council and asked to have road at the Brooks, Deane, Dwelley, Morrison and Trafton. Nays. none. �I .� `: iVt )a'; i I !' . Falls Banally on road northeast corner of Section 27, which had been -closed by Chas. Hambly arid J. ;'� ;;: i..• .11 at Section 27 Carlton, open for travel. ( ` �,{ f p Upon motion the city clerk was instructed to notii Upon motion the city coucil did thenadjourn. , , r � • y , ( I i , lies srs. Hambly and Carlton to open this road. The city engineer was also i�. ' ;-,: •'' �I to locate lines in order,,i to allow fc�•new roads. Aplroved in open session this 21st day of e 9 t r .,,. i Nov mb er 1 22. �� �; +' ' ' ' .! Claims against the current expense fund and other city funds for the month ofI-it i'l i '' . • ' :::::;;•i: t: ;;' Claims October, 1922, as presented to the city coucil , as follows, were read' w r and upo ,. `':`� ;1: I • motion referred to the Committee on Finance: t . `l: `n;w ;; •I: ' W. R. Rusing 3654 Special police 2.50 i� I ;' • ,i Wallace Jones 3655 Special police 2 50 '� +�! , ` -�; I A. Jackson 3656 Special police 2• a • :t i •5G' Attest '.-Cr,' ;.' .• ,. WileyNorman • . °I :'t3657 Special police 2.;0 F. D. Cartwright, City Clerk, ,, ' ' }4 ` Clyde Ray 3658 Special police 'j.5a ---- '� rl ' 1 •• - '` :::.> , ;Vii , C. W. Fleming 3659 Salary as Chief of Police & cash adv. 130.00 BYE-->� �� 1��,,-,, i,?ly � '; c :;`: ;I i i�, A. F. Schreiber 3660 Police justice 20.60 Deputy r t s. ` city hall3.7 1 :�b:orrison MillCo . 3661 Screen door for c y 5 ` I:{ .<] ., I '!' ' }.. , ! Maryland Cafe 3662 Meals for prisoners 40 a• " !' • , Scott Neely 3663 Merchant patrol a 0.0 `� ,4� ' Is :�'� ;; Standard Oil Co. 3664 Oil for sreet abpt 2 .00 • I it #1� ;••a,!;r•- 1 ;; 1 ) iI. West Coast Dairy 3665 Feed 2b 65 ��,'H. i. :: , . ; i , �; ;}, , H. A. Taylor 3666 Blacksmi thing 15.35 '11 ' r' '•'' . ?;, ,; , l Chas. Hudson 3667 Labor on streets 16. ' �, i••.t ?',': t• •-• ,I . Dave Moody3668 ' ' • c Labor or. streets 21.00 ,: I., ' •7 i I: ,!'� W. W. Johnson 3669Labor 84.00 ;I 4','•,;r '�. , I ti �.. •{:. i `+ 1 i;•I I . E. S. Rose 3670 Labor 50 75 ' �,�c�t'�t -. , i• Tom Conway ��a r ,,.1 I, :. Haaa'1�s I . : 3671 $ 7 • H ,r . :ii".::::,, .i.: Yt tom;;,: L ti ! i' I Tom Dodson 3672 La}'or 99.75 a a " . la i� iV „'' ::;1 :1 l' I Anacortes Lumber & Box 36?3 Lumber for streets 3 I �• P. o .1' E::i'' t 1 Lynn Ba lcomb 3674 Labor 104.CO O R',.t. �.- ,t I. , I',, :,.I::; .� ,::;3; ;!• ., + + + , i . Anacortes Ice Co. 3675 Feed ' 4.4 �s '�D1IN 6' :I +;s:t :S• � .4{,: " { G. W. Shannon & Co. 6 6 Supplies eets j1 3 ^IQ S� � , �. ;,s;�' . :,�;.�ii , ,. ' : . 3 7for streets . 0 .-- • "i .::t,•;4 is ' `'•:'` ` + ; ' ' 0. A. Leaning 3677 Salary as street supt . 132.1r ;'' . • II r!1:: "I Elk , , .... I, .' Pioneer B & P Co . 3678 Bupplies 5.40 . ,.+ .I CIE;:;=::�� • i An_\cortex Citizen 3679 Publishing 6,05 :,r, •' ' • ,l�I, ' Washington P L t,, VI Co . 3680 Light at leery dock for 3 mo s 5.06 I ,all 1 • ': Washingto:. P L & Co. 3681 Lights at city hall, streets & lib. 1' ' •75 • Knapp & Ronnerberger 3683 Repairs lawn mower for park ',.0O '�� �' .1 , . ,r F. C . Werner 3684 Registration services 6.00 I r ' i' 'J 'y M. Watkinson 3685 Salary �.s city treasurer 50•00 11( ,' �‘ .!1 1i1 I 4 ; ; F. D. Cartwright 3686 Sal:=.ry as city clerk 50.00 !At !' r ' + '; ' ;•! , • Ben Driftmi er 3687 Salary as ci ty attorney 5c• r `•c , , ,, ,`. 'I i. i Anacortes Am eri can 3688 Publishing 41.6•r . ,•1:+I I ' I L. R. Ames 3689 Janitor city hall 10.00 ► ',j: ; -. .I �• +'• , II, E ; ' ' Revolving Fund 3690 Cash advanced for labor 112.03 i,I Al ' , , �' f I• r I C. F.Adams 3691 Book shelves for engineers office 3.5G' t. i I11' ' • -t ' f'; i'' F. G . See 3692 Building chimnery atferry dock 20.0`. , ; }; • . , I . t' • Glen power 3693 Janitor at library 20.G; 'I;t �!'t;I I {1' • ,Water Department 3694 at library, y Water fountain & hydrants 222•b`, 1, 1; ,',.1 . j E. Luella Howard 3695 :ailary aslibrarian 68.0E ,; , i'. .i, . I i,; J . Carter 3696 Laundray for fire dept. 2.0`.' , ,�, "�; `+ , ; Standard Oil Co. 3697 Gasoline for fire deptl 25.)7 nil ' ��F1 ';'1 1 t , J . S. Carter 3698 Salary as fire chief 125.00 ; • • �•�'`+ ' '' r ;Will• /,' Bell Lachine ;'forks 3699 Labor and material for fire turck 6.45 '•' 0 • " I i A. Latshaw 3700 Salary as fireman 7rj Cr, !' 'i' 1 �. t 9G• ` ' I1' �, ' { , i:ilo Strock 3701 Salary as truck : i rver I i I I a, i! ' W. H .heard 3702 Search= tide land tract #4 Plate 5 3.00 ;; i , , ' . Tire Surgery 3703 Battery charged on fire truck 1 . 5r- i" tI '' i ) lot i .. , t , • . 1 ( IL . . t 1 . . _ _ . .0 () '. ,'''' •-• ' ,.... , ,,,, . - - // 508 , . , . . ---- . „ , 1 it:, *, , -, _, 0.- 1, ;. , 1 ., • . 1 1 ..i-, ! .. ' I I } I l.ovember 21st, 1922, `f `: � continued �� •�� Y ;.f i• .'I.► lioverrber 21st, 1922. `: 1____ 1 ..' , . i i . i.,„1, •_, + ,eport ac- Upon motion the report of the Committee of the Whole was accepted by the city if';. ___ , Roll call The city council of the City of An:cortes did on the 21st day of boveirbe►_., e�pted by council council. `i' r � '' • 1922, meet in regular session with Councilman Brooks, Deane, Dwelley, Trafntonroll call. Councilman Deane reported verbally that the Washington Power Light & `i:ater ;, and responding to r 1 al - for 20th p ' •• Morrison, LcCallurr, Snyderht }f'• ' y 1Gtreet residents Compar�,y had c cmpleted their contract and were now furnishing lights to the In the absence of L.ayor queen, Mayor Pro Te:.+ Trafton assumed the chair. residents on 20th street hill. ' _,t. ; ' • • i�.yor Pro Tem I�ii ies from bonding . Report of the City Engineer on matter of bonds for the tentative iwprovenEnt. Upon motior, the city council did then adjourn. If�' . ' t;-.• ` Repl o 14.11. • houses of 17th and 20th streets, stating that several replies from bonding houses `I � ', had been received and were attached to his report, was read and upon motior. • Approved in open session this 5th day of December, 1922. :s ., • �j p The communications from the bonding houses were read and upon: motion referre.l , �i , ' •• ; . i to the Committee on Streets and Parks. 2 f Lagoon Waterway The City Engineer re orted that the State Land Commissioner had filed in the City Fngineer' s office a copy of map and resolution vacating a portion 61 tn: .,i r Pro em • Lagoon laterway. on Burrows Bay. Upon motion the report was accepted arid pl, ' Attest: on file. I ' F. D. Cartwright, City Clerk, ; - , • 1' I Report of the Committee on Fire, \Yaterand Light on matter of vacation for Al . � ; ,- I Vacation for Latsharr P � G,-z% ��_) � Latshaw, fireman, recommending the granting of same, was read and upon motion Deputy 43 ;� • adopted. �. '� '�,��r?.. � t� :{ .` ` t ' • Resolution Resolution naming the Inspectors and Judges in their respective wards and !,,:,.....-.. ` •-.. ; ; • : ,' . recincts for the city General Election to be held on the 5th day of Dec r F! • ` e.:;:i:Kzi:x:.r,r p er b F �� : `f�i = 1922, was read and upon motion adopted. it I ' ^-' "•. .f 1 r { ;t . is Councilman Brooks stated that County Commissioner Van Buren had offered the u 1 I !ept�•'`{ Ballots to be used in ; ,, `i ' citygeneral election on December 5th. It t7:-, ..` • Genera • elect ion of the voting machines for the '`' - ; decided that ballots only would be used. Upon motion a vote of thanks was ex 'Y' ' „ ' tended to Lir. Van Buren. 4n� l : • ; i 2-plank sidewalk on The matter of a two-plank sidewalk on J Avenue from 22nd to 29th streets was '`' y . � ` of the city council, aid upon motion vas referred to !V: ,. { ; ; i J between 22nd a.. 2 th brought to the attention i y T �`�`•�' _ ' I ' the Committee on Stsreets a- Parks. • • P I bond of { •j �'"' ,'! Claim filed against t%laim filed against T. B. Watson and Geo . Sieler, well diggers, by W. A. a ,.' . w' '' •1 bond of Sieler & Watson h. W. Sparks for drayage, was presented to the city council, and upon motion ' .' and placed on file. The City Clerk was instructed to notify the • ! ' `? ' !,I „ was received contractors and bonding company. , . " �";: • :; . • Garbage dump !� Upon motion the work on the garbage dump on#1 Avenue was directed toward Cora- ?', 1:`• t` mercial Avenue instead of M in order to cover the trunk sewer on Avenue. °� ' ' `' ` '` • c City Attorney Driftmier advised the city council that a petition had been fil f4'1tF�• I '' ''� Petition filed to vacate' ,>r ; 1 :]x _ ' ; '; old county highway with the County Commissioners asking for vacation of old county road across `` ._' "-- 1 • �' ' 1; Lot 10, Section 30, about 34th and U Avenue, which .would close outlet at this • ` 1 ' l 4' �' The matter was referred to the City Attorney. } i � ;, ' { f-! ' 1 ; Road from R to U Ave. , • Messrs. Trafton, Palmer and others,appeared before the city council • and asked 1•! I` "``;'' i. 4i; • . on 30th for • assistance in building road from R to U Avenue on 30th Street. Upon moti ' ' � 'i • I I +; the matter was referred to tie Committee on Streets and Parks, City Engineer JAI;.4y, y ' ' and Supt. of Streets. if4� �'a��'<�; i ; I '' :r �' ,;'.f. �.. i, I� Canvass of primary ` Upon motion the city council resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole, ., • t' , 'I with the Mayor as chaffrmand the city clerk as secretary to canvass the votes li:' ¢' �tt: election returns Y 3 r.:i. :' �I �� ! :f of the city primary election. C, l ,, i' ' After the votes had been canvassed the committee upon motion aose and TeX'''rte� $ ` ' i. t the council as follows 0.: {'4. i ! .„- ,: ;!, to •{„ 'tl • '1, l+ 11 11&2 11 21 22 2� 1�2 Totalt . [, ;l i,i `; I 1• 3-..awry �__ . - . 4(1: 1,, i ir'• '': Mayor: c 1 ;. s �. If l , j ,1,Z .��L P. �•, 'II ;' ') S.G.Bbooks 237 45, 104 79 164 38 1044 .`{A .{ , I, �. ,:4 • { ,'' 1 t 1 '' I / .i I Ci ty Treasurer , ,,,`tl 1:,, �f k ; v i 1 t • t••f•;;•Ii.q !'' 11 II 1 ' i • Li�,ric�rl 1,atkin- I son 247 50 124 80 x7x 389 38 99 t i , 1 '' I I , . I :.0 I 4 l I Cit Clerk ' u , ' )1 ' ' + I ' ' Lnurania Fraz- • !. ,a I, + j i er 230 50 102 77 16o , 363 36 1038 �' ;I;f 'I .' .; 1. City Attorney �`• t .!1 ' , Ben Driftmier 230 44 107 68 149 365 35 998 k.I r`1, ' :. ,' • J,• I ` , . . 1 I E' •;�.' � j'i z . Councilman-at-large �j `' ,. �! f ' Arc id e Germain 241 51 107 72 168 358 34 1031 1 j'' • Councilman First Ward 287 '.,1• • {'+ t` 1I. ', . It I Fred Snyder 236 51 1 1 t1 f '; t, ' 1 ' ;'f' i1'' i Councilman Second Ward • 1 ;f; W.M.Haynes 115 79 16o 359 Ir 1 �•I , i I • ',g;• • I Councilman Third 'lard 1 ' ; 1'�('I '•I I `•`I ' { {i . John Brisky 255 33 289 i': 1. °+� 1- ;:� '; ` #;'.I A.A.Thole 144 7 151 (` c ; 4! '' i. I,I 3 ' idates ,k ,F�,.• tl' , t 4 Committee of the Upon mtion the report of the Committee of the ''hole was adopted and card j { c or nom nc:ted in their respective art I j Whole d e l ed i P party. 1t+i, 'r 1 I ; 1'; , .: 1f i I i !1'.; 5 I .4 ',' -‘,"at 4.2,- I continued j Dec er,ber 5th, :922, Ili': ;.�. 1 •1 'I December 5th, 7/22. i ., Barn t far 3 mo s ., is , ' ' - - , • _ callcity City of i,nacortes did on the 5th day of December, 1.. Ed Mosney',Wharf Co. 3756 Cewent for street dept. .90 `i I Ili r Roll The council of the i y , • Curti - t2.20 •. 31: 1 meet in regular session with Mayor Pro Tem presiding aid Councilmen Brooks, Curtis Pharmacy 3757 Sup %li es or s . & health officer 23.50 Dwelley, Snyder and Traftor:. Absent, Deane, McCallum and Morrison. r c. Grader blades • f fit i 1 ' Lliasiiiri�tor� s:acanPry & S• �15 Gasoline for street dept. �5.30 :t; • 1 ! Standard :ail Co. 3159 1.00 ;_it . Lin. ao roved The minutes d' be Tvious meeting were read aid upon notion adopted as read. � 60 Drift bolts for sts. ' Arl�cortes •sunk Co. 3l 20.00 • s1 :;. 3761 Cleaning library • Swan Widlon petition 1Jidlon before County Commis::i-,, Glen Hlla 6E 00 i ,. ' . . - 6tir Sal y as librarian ? ;+ Report of City Attorney or. petition of Swan P E Luella Howard 31 2+ , 169.?5 { i ,� ; ;. • to County for road for vacation of road, stating that notice had been sent to Board of County • if'ashingtar� P L & f`J co. 3`j6? Lighter t i ty hall, lio. & sts. ; , ll.ao Commissioners objecting to granting of peition, was read and upon mtior, n a;• Iorrison 8 Barker ' . 376 Insuran Qr library 110.00 • • . , • ;° ' . + • _ . . • ' brary 1 , i �:or,tt.- reports of Puget Sound I:e�;s Co. 3165 BO•` tfor library, streets & fire 2.20 .i • ; ► y Monthly reports of City Treasurer, Police Justice, Supt. of Streets, prescl.te Anccortes Hardwa e Co . 3?66 ..-faupn • depr.rtment:. to the citycouncil and upon motion referred t o the Committee on Finance. Fund3767 Ca a ienced for wages & frt. 38.50 :, i f i P , Revolving 50.00 , 6$ Salary as city clerk • . • F. Ta Cartwright 37 & cash adv.. 55.10 . •',• . Reprots of Sts. p rF. „atartsrr, 6 Salary as city trer�. & Pks : Report art of Committee on Streets a arks on atter of two plank sidewalk or, �:_. 31 9 50.00 . on J Ave. sidewalk J Avenue from 22nd to 29th streets, stating that material had been orderer Ben Driftnier 37t0 Salar:: as city attorney . • aid walk c, ould beplaced shottly, was read and upon motion, adopted. 3771 Salary as healt�, officer for 2 mos 5�• OS , on 30th street A. ShamPublishing ;. • �Ii�_corte:- American 3773 1$ 67 I Sts. p • ` Dept. to Labor ;Sc. Ina 3773 Ind. Iris. & Med. Aid for sts. 15. 8 t . , b Parks on road Report of Committee on streets a Parks on road from R tc recommending �c::: ' on 30th needed repairs be made, was rear, and u>>on motion adopted. F. Barron 3775 La or 27 50 • Pter for clerks office :' ! 4 '',fn ' ! Vh:�s. Voi tus 37 j6 Hea , -. Corr runic L;tior. from Police Justice A. F. Schreiber, askir_g that City httorr.e.. Pu et Sound Tel Co • 3777 Tolls 4.70 •; a. ?r:.4 t Comm. from Fol . Just. re are affidavits and search warrant blanks to conform with Ordinance I o. ''1 „ ` 8 Fertilizer for nark J c _e i t P p^ b #� City Attorney. E. �:. Phillils ill 24. 50 ;1 - - :: • '� re report forms was read and upon notion referrede 3 j79 Labor ir, park p. Cheed er 37o0 Repairs to g 6.00 s ` fla pole ai:' ':` s tothe Committee Geo. ledlund 3781 Mt. Vernon re ferry 5 i ' ; `k:•s ,.s: ' Petition, for light Petition for light at Avenue and 32nd street was referred ttee Fxnense to : I on 32nd and I.I Streets a. Parks with power to act : .. brought to the attention of the city !a:`� •' Southside hose house The matter of southside hose house was rout � � council and some arrangements for having i t occupied will be made. ' • ` = Repair of dock at "Councilman L�welley reported verbally that lumber for repair of dock at foot o RC�t�S BRIDGE FLED ! • Comm Commercial Avenue had been purchased. 26 foot of Commercial 0. A. Lex:._ing :salary as street supt. be cash adv. l0U•00 '..25 ' ? 1 c• ' t : 'City Treasurer reported that all assessments in Local Irt_prober"ent District Iat�or • ! Lynn B�-.1 comb i�'' f I,.z.D. 133 delinquent . bo. 133, created for the improvement of 15th street between Commercial and 4 • 1:• i �.'•K ,V. ' I had s ref rred to the CityAttorr,: ,�,, • r'.'•• Y•.. it � � bPE'n paid with one exception. The matter wa e " ' :;�'`�• " �' nd JudiciaryCommittee. r tii��' • `' ,'• I,i• aGEI:FR=;L \CAT Fh FUND , - • claims :Claims filed against the Current Fxpense Fund and other city funds, as fol:o�•, ',y ••� . ,.. -�h_ th month of November, 1 22, were presented to the city council and unon 994 L:. Yon Cranberry Lake dam 71. 45 ,• - ,,;; � for e 9 �C. Anderson► 5? 2 5 ►, '.!, {� . motion referred to the Committee on Finance. ',H. Jenson 995 Do 13.15 s • ' ; • •J . L. Berglund 996 Labor 126 00 •.1• ' .a i Joe McC1 can 997 Labor 8.00 ii. .,li �•:, F ! 1 •1 Elizabeth A• Graham 3?04 Judge of election 6.7 GPO 2ricClean 998 Labor 1 30 00ti.1 `, :,..w. y 3 Labor 50 1 c ; _,�' " ?f !Drury Farley 05 Do 6.7 J S. Jenks 999 16E. ' f . E }ls• • f , Carrie A. Graham 3?06 Inspector 6.7` F• ,1�• Church 1000 La''Or 588.25 • P. E. Nelson son 3707 Do 7.5� i of Labormaterial al yx �L. A. Churer anc. r!. , 'i ,;' 15 .00 : '�' Ir { ' i .:Rita Moore ` 08 Judge 7 K� Wade Thomas 1002 La bor 82.70 i'f, ' t + # '�;, . T ) ;;� 3l .'I 100 Labor , + ," `} :.,car l Thelma Temple 3'J09 Clerk 7• Geo. Abbey 3 11. 25 ,'. : :> • :;i 1 I fl ' t Gladys; Jorgenson: 3710 Judge 7.5� 'John Duranso 1004 La 'or , ,��:, c r° r 25.35 �A. ;1, �. I , , + ? i 1 j ;. Grace LaFleiu• 3?11 Judge 7• F. Si.art 1005 La 13.15 R. h�� ;�'�r ,;::4 i ;: Fva Young 3712 inspector 7 �r 1006 L mr ! Y '' HUTH DODSOlti 3113 Judge �j• �'S. Bunter 10 C7 lbaor 41 5o.75 0 • i ; 'tl '` !! 6. .. Works 10 C8 L br anc, lake ,.,' ::r ;, ,'1., �a ,;11 E , t. Harry Ferguson 3114 Clerk ' C at Pri al on engine at !' ''', Bell Machine valve 112. 50 !.#" f;,:,+• , y�' cS' '+ Aletha Proud 3'j15 Judge 6•�a Continental PipeCo . 1009 Gate 0 i' '; 1 ° .` d Tel C 1010 Rentals and tolls 7.9 ,;i :} "�' ? t.' i ` �; • .� L. L. Hutoon 3?16 Judge 6•SU Pu et Soun Go °' loll rsey regi 5'06 ,� �'t' .Jl.y# '•''fa1 • g ,He stern is >�, I t ,, ., Mrs. J as. Cavanaugh 3?1 J l e Hersey b fg . 1 1 39 ' ''•' • '•• '•►, ; Mrs. Claire Hutton 3f7b Clerk �'• Shannon & Co. 0 2 Supplies 9• "�' , �' ;i' '? •r; 1 Clck .7 1U1' Tire repairs .lo ! a� a*.- . ! ;• f Dorothy McCallum 37 9 Tire Surgery '' ;� • On oiler •7, J,� :1 ,�?d' ;•::'+•'�'3� T 1014 Weld ste. �" ;!c':�;� . 1, 1z I � ' 4� ., 01 F. Leatherwood 3720 Judge 6.ii Schwartz Irol. ti,ork� 1 .75 ;;a.• !! ;i 7' Co . 15 `' +!�nli es a6 }!' '�t ' {`• ; ,�, ' '' E C. F. 7iush 3721 JudC;e �• S. D. Temple 10 36. '. �' l y :!�; . . ', l �' I�. McGill 3722 Inspector °•7% i ;s:ortes Hardware Co• 1016 pup :dies for car 3o 554. '� ..... f:• . ,, G he airs and taws , . ' ' +, i Julia dber 3723 Judge 7'' Kn- Iiolir,erbE r�;er 101 j P 11.55 i�i .�, 1 . cf.,` :' „•, 1 , g apeGasoline �.. ., y? ,� �' 3724 Judge r• r Oil Co. 10Th •83 � , �i • ,. yi • ti, • 1 H. J . TaylorB c Standard 1019Supplies 3 ' `'�' ��. `• �} ' { Blanche George 3725 Inspector �C F Phillipsp 250.00 #, �' r�S y • :; ? ! t E, .,•� ,. ,i. p S al aT a s sup t. .t, , i,c??Y:,,,li ':1.:Z , ,,llan 26 Rento of room for election - �j* B Short 1020 y 250.00 r' {�„- ' :`� ift11 372`1 Flags for voting precincts ?c.GC " • 21 1� , ( ; Ana. Mercantile Co .o C:it Treasurer 10 Rayroll T 11 Lake $5 00 `!!.�I '`•E it:. '•;;.• , i I ' A. L. Latehaw • 3728 Salary as fireman !, •G Roy Wilson s n 1022 Caretaker H Lrk e 20• CO 1• , la f t 1`.il o • + '... ,?# • 'f Milo Strock 3729 Do 0.00 Mrs. Bonney 1023 C<retak e b 220.CO li , ,k '' t 4'. + ' 222.�G ash advanced for l a or, etc . , r . ,. 1' ,, 4, ,. Water Department 3?3o Hydrant rental, etc. •hes. Bong Fund 1024 C' & ed 4 ii l , 4 J . S. Carter j31 Salary as fire cheif & cash adv. 12 9 T'e t. of Labor & Ind. 1025 In ustrial Ins. hid T 5 54 i;l' 1: 3 p 1026 Rent of barn for Oct. Nov. & Dec . , , ,; , ' • ''1. L:sine Supply Hardware C. 3732 Supplies for fire dept. W. V . ':'ells �j'. ;''; ,. • • l .Bell Machine Works 3733 Labor on fire truck 1.1_ '_•, . 1 : 3 S. Carter 3734 Fire roll % r � ' ., 1: ! ' Wages for Fd Martin 5 r .:'i J . S. C,�rter, Assignee 37�5 <c ':,', ;• :: .; c ' , t , Knapp &. Ronnerberger 3736 Oil for fire dept. j•`, ••. •;, , �� , !I Standard Oil Co . 3737 Gasoline for fire dent. • 2 `'t $ Maryland Cafe Meals forpriosners ' rf ' ' i f y 37383'fir. • aa.. tee on claims Report of the Cormttee on Finance. to whom were referred the claims against the :( , Sal,ar a:� chief of olive & cash ad. l�r•' funds for the month of i�overrber, 1922, �. ray, j 'C. W. Herring 3739 y P Current Fxnel:se Fund ..nd othPx• city ' q J1 . i;; Scott Neely 3740 Merchants patrol 3�-%•c'i' ending, that the claims be allowed and warrants dr vat in Evan s�une, was �.i recorr. erg Brooks, T''well ey, Snyder and Trafton . •.: ,'' 43741 Special police „' ' '' ' ` 1 Clyde Ray ' " ! ; a� ' p - read and u.)on notion aiopted. Roll call: Ayes, ' Al 3: W. Jones 1 '�C, Nays, t i ' 3742 Special z (, " none. • + f ,4 ; A. F. Schreiber 3753 Justice fee: �, ! ; ? Cl de Ray 37 4 �$xtness fees ;`'0� Upon mtian the ci t;y council did then adjourn. i� ;' � ,1 ; ' ' H.JA. Taylor 3?4�. Blacksmi thing = )aura -? ` • 1 ,i' howard-Coop er Cor. 746 3rd payment on asphalt kettle 187 ti Approved ir; o .>en �ssia>: this 19th day of necerber, 1922. ;1'1 I1: ll T. Dodson 3747 Labor 9 .�C ,;(1,-,; • ' I i Chas . Hudson 3 j48 Labor team hire _ 1.. ± �'�, ,, ' 1 ' .' 1.7. W. Johnson 3749 Laos 83.10;r' ltilay r0 1'er` !�� j ' :d?. faody 3'I50 Labor 1 ' ' , - •'chwartz iron Works 3751 repairs on tractor ""0 Attest: s• ,;1' . :�.' 1 • • 1 i ;} Anacortes Ice Co. 3752 Feed 4`• C ` `.�. :1' a . '�{�, -•-rtrine S,•.r. -,ly hardware Co. 3753 Supplies for streets 6.1C F. D. Cartwright, Ci tr Clerk, ,;I #I�,, f }I'; '' Shan:r�or. !� CO. 3`l53 ` uppli es for ste. city hall , etc 2U•%r z. >� � l •�r� Deputy �� I {' 222 ��. ' � +a • I• , ► I Ar: -''' • 14: I - 51 3' ' ' 4 � • - .�, ••ice. .... _ .- . - - 'Hr1,.lr -—J • 4 , I Dec errber 19th, 1922 . 1 1 : 2nd, 1923. + ' t,,».- Januaryhin }, - � _ The city council of the City of Anacortes did on the 2nd day of January, 1923, i_ ,• `� 1 Roll call The city council of the city of Anacortes did on the 19th day of Dece.r�,er Roll call meet in regular session with Mayor queen .residing and Councilmen Brooks, i ii +f i • s— 1922 meet in regular session with Mayor Pro Tem Trafton presiding and Deane, Dwelley, McCallum; Morrison and Snyder responding to roll call. Absent. i; ; . ' I ' Councilmen Brooks, Dwelley, and Snyder responding to roll call. absent. Trafton. ? = . ' Deane, McCallum and Morrison. approved The minutes of he previous meeting were read and upon motion adopted read. �,: • fin. pp ,} 1 , I.:An. -approved The minutes of the previous meeting were read and upon motion dopted :,,- r�; ,j ', • 4 Chief of Police, Supt. of Streets. Police Justice, ; 1:.. ` ' Reports of City Treasurer, Reports of ? ; , Con'^_.. from City Treas. Com^uncntion from City Treasurer relative to Local Improvement District were presented to the city council and upon motion referred to the Committee `E ' re LID rr117 117 , Commercial Avenue from llth to 36th, by paving, was read and upon �Jcl•, departmentson Finance. .1 . . : X `f • referred to the City Attorney and Judiciary Committee. - L sneer City Engineer W. B. Short submitted report on fail en timber on Aaterabed at I y 1 ; . Fin. on monthly reports Report of the Committee on Finance on monthly reports of City Treasurer City at the cit could sell this to adore wale Upon 1 .; i :I ► •I of Streets, Police Justice and Chief of Police, recommending that same be -* on timber on 'Cranberry Lake. suggesting th y Water & Light. I {� • accepted and placed on file, was read and-upon motion adopted . watershed motion the miter as referred to the Committee on Fire, {{ Peet light The street light on 20th and M streets not yet being installed, the City Clerk t _ire, Pater Light Re or:.of Committee on Fire, ,• - St g p Kates d: Light on petition for street night L, ; • 1 ' , on street light at and L. Avenue, recommending that the petition be granted, was read and ur,o,:" on 20th and it was instructed to notify the light company again. ( i , 32nd & IL motion adopted. !• ' t : Street light Upon motion the matter of street light on 35th street was referred to the �, i , E ' Water and Light. �, e I Old court r w Councilman Brooks reported verballythat recommendations had on 35th at. Committee on Fire. Y � p gone farQ�ar�_ �� • , • . •t. t the CountyCommissioners for the deedingof old countyroad r w to the ( were reported not ro• erly filled and the } : ` f >>: ' ::,: aJacross s Heart •� .�' I; i c^ � e i dater mains Water mains ac o Lake road p p P ' s i� .; c.; ;;:; i - across HI, rd Street Superintendent was instructed to repair same. '.: Boys breaking C i i; to nun. s eu s complaints having been received, the city council ordered ` windows notice published that all boys found breaking windows would be prosecuted, Mayor and Mayor Queen and Councilman thanked the citizens for their cooperation r 1 oun and honorgiven them '•, , f :, (,` oilman and retired. a � :4 ti4q})1; Car_v. of votes Upon motion the city council resolved itself into a Committee of the +�i_;le, Unon motion the city council did then adjourn sine die. • I `: • .•. ` with the T�a;{or Pro Ter as chairman and the city clerk as secretary to c0,1 Adjourn { ; i • . , the votes of the city general election of December 5th, 1922. Approved in open sessin thisl6th day of January. 1923• ' ; - : 1';� -•i:'• After the votes had been canvassed committee upon motion arose e � '- '' a ed the ommi tt e p and r o_ ,1 :+ ,, to the city council as follovrs. '� ' 1 `;. Mayor p` • a It Mayor: f S. G . Brooks C if i. :!';;;;;''..t ii �i i ti zsris • 159 24 55 37 96 246 23 603 t+r,t -ei: f ` ►,1 J .. A. Denton, Peoples 63 33 40 25 52 65 7 2,t Attest; '}!f' l , ;�r; F. D Cartwright, City Clerk, �'',t` '•, ' ` ''., City treasurer. r Pit.-i: 4;: :: Marion �:atkinson, Citizens 197 35 76 54 116 262 27 ��.� B „� �!/may✓ + i # •��'',,. L` i y_Deputy {'` ! :{� . ;.L I City Clerk, ',' i :: •k ► i Lourania Frazier er " 200 34 72 54 113 7 7 c •:,.. r City attorney .. ,-- • i 0.1,,., x ,t `.' Ben Dri ftmi er " 188 33 66 54 111 268 25 745 \, i .� ' Pi;: �( � j ; Councilman-at-large " 185 30 64 45 114 270 24 732 ,4.! 11 '1IY, , (• .fir.: `y ',' • Ci Archie Germain 3 , .;+ qq,`' :; i ; 1 s Ch ems. F. Fisher, Peoples 32 25 29 13 43 35 6 18,E t 1 � ;' :`•.`'.' -': . cs., <( LIJ;. • p Councilman 1st Ward. ,.!,hill'• Uoi• i Fred Snyder, Citizens 185 33 ?it '�i • { ''. i I ' ; 1 I Councilman �.nd Ward 56 50 103 209 i� ►� 1.*:1 �,�y I F ;, J W. M. Haynes, Citizens 411 i , .J' ,, :I i; , i i 1 1 ' , . ': 1 { i } P . W. Bi ckn er, Peoples 40 11 43 94 ,1y, ' , �, ;� ,;? � }. ;'Ill Councilman i.. ,+ ;1, 1 .,:; .- ( R 1 an 3rd Ward ' .*:: I '; ,! t !, of ' John Bri sky, Citizens 266 25 291 .,.1 `4 �: ; ! '. .I, 1 s. 1 F ;^sti r: , + , ' , '' Ballots cast 223 57 96 64 148 113 30 c _, ` 'tr,,.�,�i ` �7; :L ,; , j 'ii ' ' i�j,'I .t '�,+ Ell �y • •'i .�:;'; '# ,, , , t ' Ili. Report of i;am:rittee of a .;+ I a; ;.}ifs;:l: .! 1: Upon motion the report of the Committee of the l':hol was adopted and candic:. ;F + . �? ► 14,-,, 1` i �. the l7riole declared elected p ;h ,, i! „;� ti; : ;,, # I' dec ar a ted to their respective v s c';•: • i e offices. ,,.t • 1� .1, ! 1 i Upon motion the report of the Committee of the Whole was accepted by the eic, ►� I7y. 1 Jt !. ^ co �ncil. . 't: - • I �' I 1 • 1.i'1�1'si ', adjourn Upon motion the city council did then adjourn. 1; 1: , Approved in opens session this 2nd day of January, 1922. il!ll' i; ;,, il I I. r , ,4 / ►i d,.../W,rfr,IPZ, tl,.,,,,,-'71,, . , I ` 1 - , Maur Pro Tern 'l ; ',4 ' Attest: �± �, ;; : i�, I: J.i F! F. D. Cartwright, City Clerk, } � ', By .71J_. ,,,v �4--l16t.. )_h-✓ •' i!" ',1 • , ,`I. 1i , Deputy , • ; , ,I' 1. j j ; 1.,1' i :ri "1 I'f ' I' - 11 ..i' I'ti .; ' ! t ti� •1 ! F i • ,..�( 1r'I cf 1 1,i1 , 1 ' • + .`4lt. 1 I % 1 • ji.1F . I. 1 • 4 -