HomeMy WebLinkAbout1920 City Council Minutes • • • • r dI Ii 111 Ip • ,! January 6th, 1920. I1rft jj ' - --- Roll Gall The city council of the city of nacortes did on the 6tr� day of Ja3nu-,ry CURRENT E ENSi FUND '', t 1920 meet in regular session with L•iayor Hauge presiding and Counciln.e.. ,, ') Crout, Gibbons, LcCallu Trraft+�n and queen resnondin�; to Roll call. i'.:_ Clyde Ball 2066 Special no!ice 26 50 I• ` • sent, Bessner and Harris. 75 Dick Rollins 2067 Speed officer 50 . C. W. Fleming 2068 Cash advanced 2 65 ' ! ' • i Linutes approved The minutes of the previous :meting were read and unon motion aonroved C. W. Fleming 2069 Salary as chief of police 125 00 . , . read. . F. C. ',:erner 2070 Justice fees 22 50 1 t ` ! 1 ;: t Thos. Conway 2071 Salary as fire chief 125 00 . ' ,: .i City attorney on case The reportof the city attorney on the cause of Laura Fisher vs City E. G. Ratliff 2072 Salary - v,ruck driver 110 00 �'•:- • { of Laura Fisher was read and u;,o :notion aaflpted. . Anacortes L.erc. Co . 2073 Supplies fore fire deparen eat & city hall 12 90 it ! .' Fidalgo Furniture Co 2074 Blankets for fire department 14 00 • 1' City attorney on claim The report of the city attorney to room was ref'erre the matter of the Anacortes Stir Ldy 2075 Laundry for fire depart»-ent 5 55 i° . • of •':aehin, ton P L & W claim of the Waseington Posner, Light be 'dater Company; for electric sere Standard Oil Co. 2076 Zerolene for fire department 13 45 , ` t , vice in December 1 16, was read and u'on irotien adopted.Company . 9 p hicLeans Groc. 2077 Supplies for fire department 3 50 Ji • Thos. Conway 2078 Fire roll 18 00 • • T: : - City attorney on vac- The retort of the city attorney on the ordinance requesting the state ii. A. Taylor 20?9 Blacksmithing for street department 1 25 . ; . -�.tion of Cap ::ante Land Coin::issioner to vacate a portion of Cap b me '::a.t4.rway \I:'.s reed and Knapp u. honneberger 20o0 Repairs on street truck 212 35 ' . "-^terway. upon motion adopted. ,?:-.shin ton PL&W 2081 !)ecerrber street lights 131 10 • ' t L '.'est Co -:t Dairy 2082 Feed g 113 32 r i attorney on vac- The report of the city attorney on the vacation of all that portion of L Standard Oil Co. 2083 Zerelene for street department 2 20 . �. 14 CO '` ':;•';y, - � �Lion of portion of L Avenue lying norm of the north line of 4th atreet, was read and u ,on «atone �ortenson 2084 Rep��irs for street department � f.- • ��%�=; ;, i avenue motion adopted. 0 A. Lenning 02 5 Salary - s su e n e e 00 : - _ :::?,r _ ='- e 8 - Street p ri t neck nt 125 :, � ,� ", ;• ; Teamster 100 00 `• Lon Sutton 2086 :u.�st r i ��-t.: �� :;:', .`'k• City Trees. report for . The report of the city treeeurer w s presented e city coupistreets92 25 ' y P t d to the cal andLinn 3 o 2087 Labor on le •:i,:;;.•� a,c mb L� t ti.. . .y 4 ! Dece .per upon motion was referred to the committee on finance. " Labor streets43 CO ` ' ;; t Martin n Ewald 20iib L or o i . •c• `` :' . F. T . Church 2089 Tear hire 15 00 `• ', e. Chief of Police report The report of fire chief of Police ways presented to the city council rd Curtis Whaff Co . 2090 Coal for Library 112 45 ' 1 L . `t`'_` for 2ecenber upon motion referred to the con:r_ittee on finance. '''sshington PL&WCo 2081 Lights et Library 11 75 ` is • Griffith iLorris 2092 Janitor at Library 20 00 t :':'' . I ' ? Report of place just- . The report of the police justice saes presented to the city council and : E. Luella Howard 2093 Services as Librarian 60 CO • ``ei ice for Dece:.ber :=.nd ueon motion referred to the corr.. ittee on finance. Puget Sd. i:ev,s Ce . 2094 cooks tor Library 19 ;6 ! H. W. Wilson 2095 Books for Librc.-ry 6 OC , i ;' I'� r {` • 1 Report of health off. me report of the -health officer w:,.s presented to the city council -.nd -1:iacortes American 2096 Printing cards tor Library 11 GO ! 1. : : '` me,: :it t , I for 3 months w es upon motion referred to the committee on finance. Water t . 0; a eLibrary1 35 1,• ! s. ,'.,!';l Dee 2 7 t r for r ; ,� Water Dept . 2098 Cite fountain 1 15 - \• i ; 1 0 e reportengineer e a e meter ' ept. 20)9 eater at city ut�ll 10 05 I'! ;`: : 7 j Report of city ng. The of the ctiy ngi r to whoa tin:�^ referred tile matt r of the f• , € , . r ,,; building in the street on it and 26th streets, was read and upon motion • Dave,, Bros. 2100 Bro'on for cite ::ail 1 75 ;. z- ; , V i adopted. Leston Snort 2101 Salary janitor at city ,tall 10 CO IE . ," Et. : ' ;lasaington PL&WCo 2102 Light globes ttor city haall 5 60 ;tt ; - ';.t Roo rt of Sunt. of The report of the Sunt. of struts vr:, _ e i t; o presented to the city c..uncil • Do 2103 Light at cite hall 14 65 .;; .1 i ' Streets f.') Decembera.nd upon motion wee referred to the coin.-ittee on finance. `tin 10 P a ll t , V '! rn 1 50 A. .:ioore 2 4 Plumbing g city Ezra r. '` + The annualof the fire chief wasCurtis �lrr�.rf Co. 2105 coal for cat; Ball 47 Of, ��}. j :.,. Annual repor., of fire d. report i read and upon motion dopted. Puget Sd. Ni Co . 2106 'loss 1 65 i 1 : ' t , ! 1 Union Printing C- . 2107 Supplies for tre surer 9 12 r, ' r_• f The report of the corn,:: i ttee on fin._ace to whom a e Watkinson 6 25 M !:. sI l Fin. on claim of ',.a.sh- on who r t rred the tter ILL. 21Gb Gael: advanced ` ; eteae ee :' ington P L Co . of claim for lights for month of Decee ,er 1916, of ':'.. Power , 2109 g40 25 • ' I,, , tj E''`i 9 :,:!ington o,;-r Kane Harcus Co Ledger tor tre anon } ` ' Li lit :liter Com .-n recor. endingth the claim be d a e5000 • ', allowed, r I ,,. Jcity , and upon motion adopted. was s read t�cinson 2110 Salary �s tre :purer t, • ... F. D. Cartwright 2111 eaala.ry cite clerk 50 ) ' •r r - i. f Ben rriftrnier 2112 Salary t city attorney 50 00 E:' i r, ji ;el.. ' , : , ! ,1,, - t Report of Special The re;.ort of the special harbor committee on the matter of Ordinance W. B. Short 2113 Salary as city enginner 100 00 il, ''i- !''� t, ;',!t Harbor Committee on :ac,�ti b portion of Ca Same waterway, recorr :. ending that the ordinance r , , 't• P y H. L Frost 2114 Salary s Health officer a:er and cash advanced 77 50 ;;,;.1 ; Cap • S me :.ester:r' be oa3ssed was read end upon :: !, tiUn adopted. a ,' ;`:Y p�, r ay P Anacortes American 2115 Publishing 30 05 '0 .1 I,, ' Water Department 2116 Hydrant rental 215 CO u`' ' ' '''? : .P4,!; Petition from :',nacor- • Petition tom Anacortes S- iegle and Lumber Company asking for vacation of . Washington PL&WCo 2117 Adjusted claim for light service-Dec . 1916 2 55 ' 1. - ' : �, ; , + k' ,ii tes Stlgl :a. Lmbr. Co . all that portion of 29th street lying e•ist of the east line of the + - Do 2118 Do 1?_ 85 • E for vacation of por- right of way of the Great Ilortnern Railway. Upon motion the petition va:.s Do 2119 Do 16 70 �1 �'f ,; ,;• ' ;• .; nF' ' ! � tion of 29th street . reterred to the City _.ttorne�- and Streets and Parks Cornnittee. - It,., i� ! ,, t y t 11( t' ',,1, ,t.��j , C 1 t ' Petition frog.• '.Rost Petition fr�_�rr� West Coast Dairy for permission to ins„=ll platform, scale f' , l ,► ' ,1 tee ..1 I ' t uo . - t Dairy for scale at corner of btu :and .. streets, was upon mtion referred to the City , '! •�. ,) 1" f-• !i t i , Attorney and Committee on .streets and Perks with pourer to act. LOC . '',' DISTRICT- iTU• 122 . I ' ,q '!i'',,Sh 1 , ' ! 1 Protests on Commercial Protests from 'II S. Sewell, Geo. Der'ore and others on the proposed ester- f t I ave. wetern ain main on Cor.�:� ercir1 Avenue from 17 th to 38th street were read and upon Anderson c,. Ii,, '•' 'MM J j P Stanley .,nd rs n le j Hauling gravel 21 00 ' :t S, ;( ( ili!Iei:e.! motion were considered vei! taken. e e 75 l i -'. t', ";,,!• . ; ..:,1,,::::,.. ; ', , . Blythe cC�ll aly lug hauling ,,r .v 1 22 1't ; ! is ;, 'I 1:, !• � ,;.,.•; . 1 a • Ordin_ince ilr,. j 3 d e ce o. 703 i g and c n:r ce requesting the Comr.issio er of • ��•a t: "0 Or in n _l be nor li n n ',i t'.0!;i, mee e ) t • , -, Public Lands of the St:,te of ':1 .si;ington to vacate a portion of Cap GENERAL WATER P'JlND ; ' ' t'' ' • 1 4• :11 gi': • t •t Sante ..'tterviay in the City of Anecortes, Was. ington, was placed upon I,,;i E` ': :i:'. its third and final reading by sections. Unon notion the title was 1111, ;`," . 1I adopted read; upon motion section 1 was adopted as reed; upon mr'ti elRevolving fund 70 Payroll 45 CO t ! ' i'. ' '• '4 • secti 'n 2 was adopted as read; upon motion tyre ordino.n . e as a whole and Uacanaugh c.. Co • 71 Repairing motor at Heart L:",ke 4 70 E + !f �;; `t - es read was adopted. Lietill` tlake ' 1 ) ' '. I' �, � Roll Call : Ayes, Crout, Cibb_ns , 1LLc,Czllum, lr�zft��r Anacrotes Transfer 72 Hauling •ri s .; A to 3 00 s '.,'E, �, � , ..• ii ' • and queen. slays, none. Standard Oil Co. ?3 Supplies for water department 193 38 11 ' 1 :t ';''' ; • H. L. Dodge 74 Repairing water gauge clock 1 50 ? e '1 , ! 1' , t. e ' :street lights at 2 The natter of a street light at 32nd and IB streets and 32nd rind K stre�:'��� ft &. R nnebe e :;ecen, payment52 `jt' ' '+• , 3 ES nape o rg r 75 d pzym n o� car 00 , 1 , : & i:: :-�_no K streets was upon notion reterred to the !Eire, ';rater and Light Corrr:ittee with no,.Al An:-."cortes A' erican 'j6 T'ublishing 9 Co •,f'.1• ' ' : '� ', to act. An: cortex C, tizen ?7 Canvass for water department J. 35 "' }I !' ' # ?, ` J , ' - U. F. Crout 'j8 Groceries for 'Thistle L :ke 5 20 • ; , • ',I i• Claims Claims against the Current Expense Fund, General . . ter Fund, Special Puget Sound Ti Co . 79 Tolls 6 50 Lt. . t '• •It' ��' ..•_meter 'rind and Local Improve;i ent District No. 127, for the month of Bell :achine Works 80 L. bon and materiel for engine r t Lake 27 84 11 • i Dece per, - s follows, were rend and up n motion referred to the Com- Knapp honneberg�r 8! La�eor en-'- supplies 10 05 ' i ,', , ' � • t. • v. mittee on Finance. L:ari ",n iia.t-:inson 8 S clerk ' `, ' • • 3 alr��„ ._. chief 150 00 � .� ,t ' t i� i - " ' F. :,i. Snort 84 La':.nor 65 00 • i �i ,ii, :, t , W. S. Sir es 85 Labor 56 ?5 It ..II F r. d , 0 . S. Cronkrite 86 Laor 118 75 1 • i .tt t ' P. Win inghanis b'j Labor 13 'j5 i •I i, 1) ; r 'jib � (,t Clay Berry 88 Caretaker Heart Lake and overtime 166 25 I ` ''� ( , Lou amitn 89 Salary and overtime .;fli stie Lake 137 25 `t. , ' ti ; . B. .;.,:ort 90 Sails', as Superintendent 125 GC, ' ii , till .• ' i ' • lielr Jersey Fire Ins, 91 Insurance o.- .ore car 13 IJI .. '• i; ! ,' t, t' •• t �•', : ,' • H. - . Taylor 92 Repairs for water department a 00 ;•.', •i t t� i ),)41411 . . rt,, ice•, ( • • f � __ L l ' 1 - � ! " =C1 V...... I..." - • � a -_ • f . i C 3., S • • . . January 20th, 1920. -- - t ., ` ~4 f ,o.,.._...1� lh +• T. ~SPECIAL WATER 1U1'» THE CI COUNCIL U, iu' T CITY OF :�-:',C �z':'�S did or the 2Ct:t -�� of r.. ry, 1920, :oll Call meet ir reul_ r sessi " n with L::;or l::.uE-n presiciirg and Counciln en Crout, Gi eons, Revolvin• g; mound _G27 Payroll - vr:�ter ?ep deportment n arris, Lcc" --lurt. ..nd t,ueen _esrur:.ang to roll call . ._osent, Bessnc'r and Trattor. : } i Co^ tinentai Pipe Co . 1028 Supplies for water department �3- ' •- i L Fairbanks-_ox'se Co. 1029 Supplies for water 4 c -- _••inutes a.vprat. The n.inures of the previous .�•eetir.�; were re:,i'. :nd upon motion approved as re,:r. {'_ ' t _r de-.o;_rt::ent i • • . Revolving; Fund 1030 _'ayment on car (first) ")%. Revolving Fund 1031 Freight on pipe :;� = wit. 1_ttorr,_'y The report f :-..he city tLorn.ey on L:2e petition iron'• Ls.e An .=.tortes =_ur . '-i ' ; } . An:.cortes Junk Co. 1032 Cable for water dept. - - + o 29th i,_ on petition Sni ae Comp.:ny for vacation of portion at street lying e�- st of the Greot �' r Fio.•-�'_•go Furniture 1033 p e >r. ;r� was rFc_c rd up _.n notion �p;ec. i { Co.0 Su plies for 1 �: s t r U .. of C. • r•ol:. :,n�t.Lfc�(..o port .e n Railway o-.p�.ny s �•ib:r� y i B. Short 1034 t, .sh c_ iv .nced • . Dave Bros 1035Supplies l' a r-'ferr d r ct' :o tition _r.TM_ ; . P_ 1._ o f ;,; •_t torn _y The report of" toe city :ttorne„ to whom e ...re o o tte e ^• • - An•--cortes L & B Co . 1036 LW per ;;� pet. from rest Uo st �' iry fol ermission i,o inst;i� . platiorl: sc.'le, r,�_:> re:, nd upon • Puget Sound Tel Co. 1037 Tolls - :' ,t Coast Dy. Inotian adopted. • }' ; G. ti. Soornon a. eo . 1038 Supplies - 1 _nr.cortes �r�lnsfer uo . 103g 1'rea t .nd dr`drayage an pipe e e t y : ; Freight y' P ; ,,, on Dec. lii r porgy et ti:e Losr. . i tee or: =i n:e or trte Lece~: er re_aort o t ti,e Cit '.re G- ll:. A. Phillips 1040 i=:..terir�l for water dept. 1� ;:port of Cit; urer v;•s re. .: .•n^ u 'un r_ otior opted. ; • .• - st 104 . Labor 2 tTice_ urer ; - - G. F . hlli o i 1042 L or I {he report of the Comm i ttee on xinc;•nce on Life F�ecen per report •_•f the Chief of ' ar" t c'i.! .� L 1�=T3 ��r 1-r foreman l C;T r rePolice, re , • Pc , 4 { 0 oo ;✓ o 11. on report COL:. nding tlil't the S:.It:e be accepted and placed Or: ilia vas rend nd Z. Rademacher 1044 Labor G_ of n ,pte �' 'r ;;� : • V. J. Raderna skier 1045 Labor Cirief of Pol upon. u: ; _1 ; I . f ' yi1 ( S. tt. lion 1046 Labor 1 l ' n. on report The re e C r n' c o n ' . • . , :;t• r�i / e part of t '�'_' i � t?P O �'j » P r. the 110CPtr�i"� report ^ the Police t >;.: ' {: :k•. •;:ade Thomas 1 4` Fin. P s: • _ b y �`: , 0 T]a .ar /3 o f PO st. t e en rg th . t_:e - e e accep ed •-nd D� . ced O i 1 , tin:' `: •, ,.5- i r �, � .v i l i.c'.? Ju.� Ju i Ce} r C:OP_'.:" dl `' a a --' 7 �' rP: �.nC I � �• { �:ad_ Thomas 104 i Labor :' I ; '' :: t ,r tin cr! motion opted. , 1 -• : i � Gust Doers 1049 Tear hire 1� G� 1!.i: i=; 'N. S. Dexter 105 Labor 7: 6,( --in.•.nce on Tne r tite Cor-�i an e n P e per e,� : e e liti 0 e anti f , ee on -in c o `rie c r art i_ Bun gin- ;:t- ; W. S. S1..nor's K Labor r cp e A is, the 5:...'t' be accepted _nd pi-cod o On the h 1051 0 4C co, report of Suot . tendent of - tr �s, r corn:_ ndi o th; t , • I. ` •„ o�oert:-igc_i ns 1 Labor 3 _ • • � ' • Current Lxbense Fund 05E seal e and1 of Streets w.� s read nd upon :notion adopted. 1053 L of team truck 4� lr; Joe ,c Parks , the !t`r �• eC` o ':n :1 t o whom - - .;,.. � � �':iig;ins �:, ; G .,is• 1 A P' _ Con ._�tre t' - t _ .; 1054 L^ ?ror 1" b. 7.rrs on �]r r ;�-rt of or.... itte A d Parks � v;' referred the n• `er E;•.'. ' ' I' Uh' se Wiggins 1055 Labor 1O ` _ 20 .. - ,• :tll'O�.Ch'?S P_t of OnDTO ?.0 E'S built t S�rViC� t1On On CraSsi:1` t t?. ni l:0'_: 'L'rCi :� , TE'C- i A. I Vrneel�r 10 .� La :or 5 ( r •ant �omrr. on."end that the e_ n Oe grEa.nted :I 1'et..._ 7rd u-o'r: s: 'tion a. opted. t'jr � `'s, l �i i i i c.. t i rt�; , t p t 1 t 1 O , I :s { :i;`:i;? W. Johnston 1057 Labor 50 - , - • Parks of iiie report of _ _. - •; E the CO'..ml . tee on . tree' : P£=.rtiS Or t:= *t ' meter O t !? p�>ti lion { 1 , • pet. from • est from the '::nst Co t airy for platform scale , reco:i .enc i nL, tit t the petition be i .S• r 1 4 to t D: iry granted, vr__ re c'. �'.n - motion 'pted. � ' • '�• i , { d upo: �; r, - ; i T t C' � : oc P- i e vacation of ortior 0� • t ix :Parks on the report of the On . l ? on Streets t� ,.n., t _rt:5 a L:. p 1 ,t.• , ?• T port of t.•e -.in:�,nce Cog: i tee, to whoa vr.', referred the claims -gairst nvition of 2 tli street east of ttie G. i,. li/yt for t:_e _.n cor;.e , �:.i .gyp Corr.pc3"ny, l core,:- nc_ t; , y the various tit; funds, rPcor::. ending th _t the;; be allowed and warrants ,y 9 A " e` •+ •� � �,,�Ui'te5 L & ln(: that tllP Ili -tter be 1'_1C over further i. v.,�tir;:.tior , woo re:.C_ nCG UpUi? I?-�ti.On '.!� t� , 1 '', ��- drawn in favor sane, was rea,O and u . r motion ,,dopted. Roll. Call Ayes, - e e 1 { Crout Gi:� ions ._cC�,ilurr '£r, t•ton r�.nd >tueen. Nays none. y ;;,_, . �- �rCo . for dopt r�. ts• . f i , r:' street ac:_tion �f The Comrlit ,"ee on !sire, ';;. ter ;to Light, on tie Ir,'.tter of lights for 32nd and : ii! ;' ; �` , o. I , 1 Ups n:otior- the council r'.id then adjourn . _ ire, V & L on M and K streets, recon _ enc_ino th:•.t the lig_,hts be not allowed, vra� read and upon ' , ; ; t,i:.�:` treet lights motion a,-dopted. - ' ` Approved in open session this 20th day of January, 1920. J �. i y 1`es <"sk far Councilman h:cCallum presented verbal petition from the :���les Lodge for street i f: r;..• r ; i • • � street ri ;Fits rights for a Fourth of July celebration which upon motion wa. referred to the 1,,- ' j ; • :� ': _ I - to {�- -��- Con .:ittee or. License and Police ancd City Attorney. • • `. • ' i 1 11 yS M I't�rtt� ;,: i1 I 1 �crc mayor ii i �9,!'.. - .il., l`� 1• 'Kles ask The '_!'�-lge- also -ksed per' issinr to dunn dirt tairen t•rom excrr"va.tion for building '•1,I!• I f :0t!::, ': „. • Attest. streetsP L streets. rt� ;'.;. ,tlo': Bern i ssi on to on 7th and Q up to the bulkhead on 9th and ee Upon motion the ;� : ' ; ;;i: s • a o 1. • ' I" r_',un-p ~irt matter w- referred to the Corrni . tee on Streets a nc_ P::.rks wit:: pourer to act . i ' x' ' '4,.; t,j1 F. D. Cartwright, City Clerk, i•I{ , .4., I S 4. ' is '�' may, ;P c es t'i�e m:.tter of sell in a five acre tr .ct of water shed land near the Collier '' . ,�,, �t •1 By of tershedr place vra s referred t� tiie c,i t; i:r`i r d co::" it`. nP o; *�roA cn,enciirran , �.. l '' :3: I t Deputy 1•:nd Gi -r s, queer and _..cCa.11um, vrt.ich ,;he .:afar upon motion appointed. . �t` ,� .. 1 r' ! adjourIn . -j. i :.. Idjourn Upon tion the tit; council did then tart. �II jj',1i i 's ,, ,1 � . Approved in oven session ti.is 3rd daj ot• Februc-_ry , 19r0. l , ir�i i 1 ' ; 1 I '! II ;' 1. ,i- 11• .•: th•• 1` G,. i i t i 11 's,j ;.ij.i:.j1 j :; 1 L ' i f )11:41-..: 1:7„4. 4.7 4.-------..._ 1' 'I II (i Ill 11' 414 i : j ; i 1 ,` i3 I •i I l • At tesst: i,''I, ' 1 ;,,, t',i1 t 'b'. 1), u- rtvrri1,tti , City t "rk, 1 1 , ;; ., BY •71/47,‘,4-74,„.„ ,9"/.6e.---7/4„.",...,_,,o,o_____---- ,i ,•I j, ; 1,,,. 1 !., ' •: Ii 1 . Deputy . :.► f ; , • • i ' 1 ' . L. �, , . 1 I .` t ,, t f i!' I t I i I ' {,' i , 1 I 11 .0 '� i I , 1 I I II. sl °1, 1 , i '. • i:.; 1 '0 t 1 : ) : di • ' 4'4 ' r ��'...�. _.,, • ,ram _.____. - _• . . _ — ________ ---- f- ti 1I. I' 1 L • •f.... f 376 ______AL...w 37r-, A.- - \ .7 l it '1 c K l'�,� 1 1 1 ,yZ. + , ; ., ' ' February 3rd, 1920 i 6 t _ --- -__ _ -- - roll fall ' The city council of ttie city of nr.-'_cortes did on toe 3x'd day of 1`ebru7Lr s-contL' `nacortes furniture Exchange 2140 :-actress tor fire dept. 9 50 - L : ::, ' ' . 1920, meet in regular session with i.h jor Raugen presiding and Councileee . A. G. Long J 2141 Pump assembly for fire truck 3 63 . • : : ` 1 • Gibbons, 1_c(:allurr., Y'ra�tto a d Harris responding to Roll Call/ Absent, Thos. Conway 2142 Fire roll 1`l 25 ` I Lessner , tJr•�ut and queen. Knapp & fop-eberger 2143 Adjusting v� lves for fire truck 1 50 ''i ' e r the P Aa n r Water• T}Ap Lrtn ent 2144 Hydrant rental _ 215 00 ; i �; • ` i Zt s -�poroved Tne minutes of the previous rc. _ _tin gwere read :_na upon moti•� . ;adop„ec. .s ,.n::.co.tes ::teat► Laundry 2145 L•'Lndr, for tire departrtent 4 25 r , 3 .1 k 1 t ' read• Pnat Sound Tel Co 2146 Tolls 65 , ., Washington P L & W• 147 Globes for cit,,' hall 2 25 ` s.eport of Chief of • 'file report of Lie ''ilief of Police pia presented to the city council -nd Western Union Tel Co.Co.• 2148 Telegrams 35 r ' # 1 Police up Lotion wa_s referred to the. uomo ittee on Finance. AmericanPublishing 18 15 f Anacortes g • I . :, _ L. Short 2149Publ i s. i - 2150 Janitor at city hall 10 CO i ;.•• ! ` •snort of Police Just- llle report of the Police Justice w;.s presented o toe city council : nd W. H. Richards (Rl') 2152 State audit 116 69 , '. ice up.::' notion vne, referred_ to the Uom..ittee on •>~iranoe . books 10b GO • . • . Union Printing Co. 2153 Registration : it R. _okler 2154 Cleaning stove pipe clerks office 1 00 ! Fenort of Supt. of •the report Of toe Suoerir t nc. nt O Streets woe presented t ?e city1;1 21 U1 in_ win'.oCw. s city ti-.11 5` Si • i.:r_ ockhold 5� ` • Streets council and upon motion ein : referred ts ene (.ore,:: lttee on Finance. Dave;; Bros. 2156 Sup')iICS for city hall 95 , , W. A. Johnston 2157 Repairs in clerks office 4 50 ! F:e net of Sts. a Parkz The report of the uornirittee on Streets rents Parks on the matter of dumping Wic ter op:.rtrrent 2156 Water at cif,, Hall 6 05 Con :•ittee dirt on bul.ic::ead at 9th and 4 streets, adore ending that permission be ,rater Deo,;:•tr: e :t '159 City fountain 1 40 ' : is ' ► granted, war. read and upon notion adopted. ; 1 • • 1,rt ��. sr i nt;tor P L c,_ 1� Co.Co160 Lights t city hall 'j 30 ip ':'r : ' F. D. Cartwright 2161 Salary as cif clerk 5G 00 ; • '{ ?��' t: i Petition from to 6 K� ;{ . :3 Arthur Petition from Art nur Rogers for permission to operate dance hall was Kati or• Jatkinson 2162 Salary as city tee :surer 50 OG I ne! - >.::.+ �� ' i:0 'prs for dance i 't'` g fall Dresented to tine city council and upon metio' wan referred to to City karion Watkinson 2163 Casa ;;_ati anted 13 15 I 1 ;= • attorney end license Police Uozr,•ittee. A 2164 i ;r_ tit :rt:vr ey 5G 001. Ben Drifts: i r ��._ n f ';;;:..::,'.: a • ► i P b. B. Snort 2165 Sa.lor,; -s ci t,. e`��bineer •1GC: C, E r.ertonstrance froze i:err:oestr :nce presented by the `:omens Christian Temperance Union, nest_ i;. Lueli Ii award 216u Salary �:,s Librarian and assistant - t�;'' ' churches ! o 6b COCG :ti•:, a jai st dance • n ins-er Presbyterian ,...'{ y ruin Church, by R. il. Rroadovoks and G. D. hannon, . Griffith 1,.orris 2167 Janitor �.t Library 20 00 _• I . hall Letho ist Episcopal }lurch b J. Fletcher Longa me 2168 e atL i •• ; i y o and D. Jackson, th t':ater re rt nty 35 _t r Library ar 1 ' i:orwegian Lut}:erian Church and Christian Church, asking that dance h P. T. Cepµ 2169 Tee,• : - �' • hall 1 . :urch hire 15 00 ' l , license be withheld, woe read and upon motion received and plgced on fi e. L & B Co. 21` 0 Lumber for street teat. 16 50 _ , ► ; 1 rsn-.cortes j • Bond form :estern Un- , o tires eLite �. Griffith Drug Co. 2171 Drut;s for street dept . 2 55 r •i �,, nd from, t rn Unior. Lit' Insurance Company for duplicate warrant, ezn :cortes Piledriving Co . 2172 Gravel for streets 6`r 5t= '► - ion Life Co. r� • s presenters to the city council and ur)ort notion !as referred to toe Hodson-Ferau -nt Co_ 2173 Grader 135 95 1 i City -•_t torney and Finance Corrt. i ttee. e e1' 4 Prc'. e '•nd t'rei ht 1 1 ' ` A tort s Transfer Co .Co i Y '€: i 5 1 . Sts. Parks on grader , toeP=.vet, 3ros. 2175 Sup lies for fire dep^.rt:r ant 15 80 .' 1 ' t �~ Uoo motion „), acts ot the Corn ittee on Streets and Parks to urch-se S_ O U 21 6 Oil and gasoline tor Tire c'ept . 22 45 „ ' P Standard 11 0 . 7 E, , ,.. e; tractor for =l 575. 00 were confirmed, and first' payment was authorized. 1 e t e 217 r Groceries for pauper b } I Aa .tort s _arm t 1 j P P 95 , • : '' , I Claims Claims against the various city funds, for the month of January, 1920, i ,i s follows, Were re�La and upo' motion on referred to the Committee ttee on Finance. FIThI GO ROAD-"I TRICTjj127 •I;! %I i 1. ` 'ail • r, - , An' ,cortes ilecrivir,b Co . 18y Gavel for �'idalgo Road 20�, 50 ;; �� r GUFi}tL. EXPrii:SL r�ItD. '1' ;• • • - • i Clyde Hall 2066 Special police 26 50 ULITLRAL \iitT R FUND ;i . �, . i(� • Dick Rollins 2067 Speed officer 50 75 1 r' C . W. r•leming 2068 Casc, advanced 2 65 Wn Jo;.nc ton 93 -,,eparis in re,.ter office 9 5(' :. i,, i t: j ` C . W. Fleming 2069 Salary s theft of police 125 Or 'n p,) L. i�o 'eberger 84 :supplies for �'� Lter dept. l� 90 $ + ► ► F. u . `;Teener 2070 Justice `fees 221 i, de on rinci al re''et.•,�tion 00 Or '�,, a'I . 1{ . I 50 , apecia ester Bond Funds 95 ,..onthly posit P P 5 i �i s Thos. Conway 2071 Salary as fir chief 125 G` ;;peci - _ ter -,n;_ lL.nci 96 Interest on special bonds for J u:-.ry 300 00 t cos n�. P A '1 • E. G. Ratliff 2072 5alci-r• au - p 110r "n0 f i 1t .;1 ! t{ ,r II trots. 00 nPublishing ii n 12 �'y cortes ' prcrnti driverAn :c r tu..ericr: 97 g ',.i , i ` ; •; +, >,_ 1 S r. e e de t . i State audit �', ,Y•. ' n• t- e 2073 a �nli tor fire p city hall 12 90 IIop'_;ins jt: t_ to 3`I 75 �. .,) ,, ' ,{ ,,. 1 1 Ficalgo Furniture 2074 Blankets for fire dent . 14 CO Gritfitn Drug �'o. 99 hen".tueed alcohol for a-,;, t'•r dept. 1 75 ff °,1 : .tip., r i, t An cortes Steam Ldytiredept . F �: .-,7 3 ��• a e• 2075 Laundry for 5 5 100 �•,• advanced 13 $1 .. 4 ` ,1. �1, �rrort7., _L !: } 1 • i I ' Standardl l P e 'C, , - , _ e e : ' t ' . • ', t t; I y, '}i Co.0 2076 Gerol ne for fir dept. 1 4 1^1 _ n g water 15 00 i' a 1 3 Current i;x;��nse 1LTC_ 1 yt uditor i stall.in . r: ry 2077 Supplies for tire ., s st ► CI �. .j f , '' i/.CZA::.T'►s GrOCe r-' � v;x �? r'a- t 3 %r a,y � n•�; , � r . , ' 1 .i 1: ; I k Tn. s. c'on fay 2078 .Fire Roll 18 , L. A. Phillips 102 S; ,L ; es 35 25 • • '1`"• !2 I. I . ,1• , , t p H. A 'Taylor 2079 Blc.c:.srr i thing 1 25 Puget Sound Tel Co 103 l en t.•I . n., tolls 4 60 s; - !. , , 1 1 r ' Knapp & Ron•�eoer er 2080 he L irs on truck-streets �' :i ,� ?a f' , n aN i t, 'I't ,� CC r 'I ' ' c !�` ' g n 21?_ :; D .vim Bros. 104 up li 3 or ti ' t r p• i,�' 1 :+ \ .s::in ton P L & :ail 2081 Lecer_ bee street is 1311 stovepipe .:.rd i n� y' 50 '� �Y • ' ; ( i; li�_r,,, A. I,. ...older -.5 C_ �, s n n m 2 !- 1,, :',-, . I i .! ';West Co ••t Dairy 2082 Feed 113 32 u V. bha'1non __ Co . 106 ..upnlies 22 32 `rg=' 11•� ii :I 'ri 3t. .ndard Oil Co . 2083 Lerelene for street de t 2 2C r 1 n 107 I', roll '• 60 �' . 't v , :' : i ' Ii j Antone iiL rt r et dept. • 14 G'. :n A. T y1 nr d ='-•1�-c_ r.€. 10 Cr, ;)t� t ►;' p • o so:^ 2Go4 tiep..irs for stye ay 1GC ' 11 ►�it t i ;i t I '1 I , 01 A. Lenning 2085 bal,..ry . street superintendent 125 UC O ., ti, Le ,:yin. 109 _extra to .:r used bo otter apt 1G •GO ;'. { !': ;; , Lon Sutton 2086 Teart-ster 100 ;..`;,;a uald 110 U. ., ,- _ street force 2' 50 1 . .11 +' `I '►rr i,ri::'{:Y! ;In,":::.:::.:: 1 •. 1'' 1 ,�i. , , i' ,' Linn :ilcori o 2'i8 L:1 i-.r ^'.� streets •s l.tlr l -I' ;:i - - {{ 1 . i , ,, j t$ 92 Cureeet .x = 'se tn-1 111 Ti .,e of ce .. n, driver 59 60 t, I 1 rr t.fit•' ' l� , i ', • r.-:,rip Ewald 2Obt; labor on streets 43 „o W. n� `='n"1 " t 1^5 00 ► {i` i `'>; ' ' • D . T .. C.,uT'"Cl 2i U' _ci ! B. ,.art 112 ;il .i `; U 1'1 r' : ,a ie.O. e: t .1r# i, ) c :: hire -el a . :it 00t a ! ' : 15 _r_ n 'Jins�n 113 Tar ;. , chief clerk 150 c 1 ;; Curtis ',:ziarf Co. 2090 Coal for Li Dreary 112 '' ,t� 114 �l - r• • • foreman 1C' 00 :i , `'' v' 1 A 1 t 'sins:tin,ton P L & 2091 Light at Library 11 75 iJ e n:en , 115 Labor 105 OG ;l 'i I � • ;� Griffith ..Lorris 2092 J:�_nifor _t Library 20 Or, Lou Sr:ith 1, 6 C:.retatcer ..Whistle Luce 85 00 i,1, ;'' I L. Luella lioaard „ i e+ lip La 7 G 00 •,! i 2093 Li r�arian 6G ( i Clay Berryo _ f :r ,suer art eke j 4. J�; '; ', I H 3tc:ndar i Oil Co. 118 Di:ttill.:tt" 16 48 .•,1 .li. ' :,I )., �. ., T. ti'Jinningil;i 119 L. ayr 65 6u I `II .I 71. i ,.:edical Aid -und 2120 i..edi c�tl Aid 6 6; 120 L�,-bor 87 50 �'i• �' ,.; I,, : !IVest Co. st ra_iry 2121 Feed 33 �C Daa, S1Ir ns �' ± 1 `„atPr DepartmentU F. wort 121 L: �or 50 00 .1 , ( '► 1, I • 212. S•.rent Sprinkling 6 4" G. A. Hilton 112 La..�or 30 00 •, i• , E. A. Taylor 2123 Blacksmi tiring 5 2 o ' • I ' 1 O. A. Lenning_ 2124 street O . S. Cronitrite 123 L:.� r 12G 10 , •'1 1 :_salary .�.s str suet. 125 C' 3 10 I' ' ; ly Hodson-i'er,au ;nty Co 2125 Ports for trader 14 ,> t. C a rtes L s Co.Uo 124 Lumber 2 42 t labor0C An cores Transfer Co 125 •k'reigot. and dra;/aoe I, :i; t1j • .I • ,r ., Lirn Balcorr'b 21-- 6 on streets 96 !`', , , I• �' !' i-:. Ewald • 2127 Lnbor :�n streets 64 (,• ' ;i Lon Sutton 21?8, -'eonster TOG C.' =in -nc:e on Hepot of t:.e Cornnlittee on t�'in�in to w:,on: erere referred tiie claitr.s ;L� � Est the �1 !' #' i; ;and warr::nts dwn in f<wor I 'G►� t �;l , -'awe,; Bros. 2129 Supelies for street dent . 3 '''' •'� ams vaLri�ous city f�Lnds, rec,o:: - _ndinL �ii: t tt,a ; be al _o�; _d a , i .last Co._ ' :L � ; ''13U il.i and oats 1( 1 55 a �acis rA .:1 nd a otian ;fed. }poll oral. dyes, Gibbons, Harris, 1i ii if I t ii c ✓ 1 Ot 3 rl:e, I r �. U. . r Qt yes n Li. `C(:,.11un ;,na y / '=• (, "i 1 in 21 1 a�:: :,. }i,.rris. �.. s :,on 3 1:.r,- a. chief f police 125 � •` ' 'i I +t Richard Rollins 2132 Speed officer 55 _raj 1, Dorn i• II f: • �'i`' `{ F. U. .,e e 2 fees 5(' U Un notl'ln tI•? City iounCll 1Q e . n. li , 1'� rn r 21 03 Justice 1/ n th n .djour I` I, i 'i ' • I' ',!, ,I . , Larie Jackson (RP) 2134 :.itness fees 2 ( 'J 1 [[[[' ti i ' 1, Nora Haynes (}11') 2135 witness fees 2 G'-' Approved in voen session this 17tiI day of h'ebru::.ry, 1920. i� '' ' �' 1 Ul c',e ii;Lll 2136 Special police 16 . It -I r y ' ; j .1 , - ► � 'f. ,j,' ; , ,.<:.s:,ington P L :.. ,. Co 213'j .street lip;:)ts tor Ja:nu;.ry 131 1(: � , .1 1 : I ... i'l,os. Conway 21 6 ...-.lnr ;.s ti re c;ieif 125 C' 1F F. Clerk l:a;;or ,t e t . -1 ► 3 y lltte.,�. D. G;artvrri} nt , City , j•• ;I: • : L. G. Ratliff 2139 U:�l..yr as truer: driver 110 • C ':•'' •I :J. • . i f r . 1 _ ,. ,. - . ,. .. ••,t, Bye • • J >J � i -- - -- - -- ------- ------- - -- -- .r. I., 3 7 Et ...,_,1 ( 7 . -11 . - tt'ci•\ yj .t Y.}• 4 ; } •'1 i ` -' 'February of 1920. 2=Pbru .ry 17tn, •1yG'( • -- Aa,ri.:,, ._ -- — 1 Call Tue cit,; council of` the City of :-n _tortes did on tti 1`jtti ,'.-; of r'ebrL..::ry Roll call The tit;, council of the city of .���._cortes did on the 6th dad' of Februar• y, meet in re ul:;r session with Ciunciluan Grout, s. rris,:�cCallur nd 1'rafton , , • 'i 1920, meet in special session with layor li; ugen presiding and Councilren resnonding to Roll ua 1 : Absnet Jes,nor, Gibbons, :nd queer . •',� I • 44 Crout, Gi: ions, Harris :.�:d '�'r �ftan respondir to ro_� caul. :absent; a_s_ sner, Cc:,.11U and queen. �.�r Pro Te c OWi n , to tt:e absence o► t,.e Mayor, ' • `(.ouncill:.� .n , rafton wzts up_�^ :c.otion ?lecte3 Layor Pro Te:r. ,. •',i..- . i . Purpose of ireeting The purpose of the meeting was to consider the closing of public places • • 1 1 n6ai nst the influenza epidemic. . ,._i.;ourn Upon r- „1 the citycouncil aid adjourn until the next re ulr:r rc ti. ,..., • 1 ' 4 :• s Coue,cil addressed Robert Fulton, principal of the schools, addressed the council relative nporoved in open session this 2nd day of l..arch, 1920. ' to the epiae_^ic, also Dr. Brooks and Dr. Shaw. I j, ' 4 :I I . _icCallurr enters councilman :.:teallu: entered the Ch aber and the .Layor ordered his name I ' • • c''- - ',o=s placed upon the roll . �7 • 27 • 'rcu ar issued • U on motion the issuance of „^ � e �`� 7 • n - _ c_� .ul:r- subject_ct to the a.pnroval of the Layor Pro iee: / - • I , . • .physicians - i�.'.rni,g citizens of the danger, w,-..s authorized. _� report of >. . conditions vc:-.s to be made to the Layor the following L-onday morning. R_ Chief of Police app. e chief • ti • ' Upan. _: otian the ni f of Police s appointed to fill the vacancy caused :Ind was to Attest:I Health officer a�� the bsence of iiea3 t1: Officer Dr . H. E. Frost, instructed .. .: ,�t; placard those :zouses where thee s inevidence .,t _ z,.; disease w :� p F. D. Cartwright City Clerk, . ':::: it! • ,� • Chief of Police Uoon motion the Chief of Police vas in .trusted to notify dance it 1 I , '. •,•i^,q' .� ; , • to notify dance halls, theatres, churchs and other places of ublic gatheringto open halls , J � t p doors y � , etc. re ventilation and windows and maintain a thorough ventilation. Deputy '� i µ ;;:::::4 .: • • I __d urn Upon r� otion t:�e city council did teen adjourn. , i 1 „Approved in open session this 17th day of _ebruary, 1920. • • r i �; ! ' Z Z2. /ter., ,,,,C,,••'1.---7' '• : # r Ili Mayor r .' `` , Attest: t F. D. Cartwright, City Clerk, ij, • � �1' a t yy ' r ': i .��� : Density ( t 4:: . t 5 i i i • ''::'::. 4ii I, ! ; t '' ��. i ' t is j 'i(` 111• ,• I, a , I y ' , i it ``�, I °I''i 1 1 i 1',' , ' r'• �. t ' 'j ; III I :•s I '' •• ,ids ' y'i' if ' ,,,:,,,A I I I i:- lilt 1 , ti ldi 1q: �i I 11 .i.• :' HI. t. .: ii. 1;` ' t., •. .., • i:• i. } is ( ^ • I- is , A, ,,_i' pt. ,, • • .„' i. : I ; 1 1 j i i �4 i •I . • 1 'i •1 Ito i i i ►I, i ,s • ' I 1 t I 1i1 i 'i i • • • ,•, I1 1 • • .. ,�I lilt/ - - ` i•Ii •I �' I..,I ,��1 i • .j' ( i 1, 14 i i ' • i i,i i ', I`'1 i� • i 'i,i t t l 1 i ' 'I (I t� y: �11r • r• , ' I : ,, I • , i 1! j • • t ' 1 I1 '' iI• : I 4l'i I'� + I iit 'If • I , • , l• . • • i • • • -- lr,-.84 .. 'j �1 �, \l . 8 _w1 1 I Larch 2nd, 1920. -.'rrw •,,�,., �y ; . f .14. . • , - ... 1:oll Cell The city council of the city of Anacortes did on the 2nd day ot Larch Cl-:iisis t_g,.i est the 1<_rious cit fonds for toe e nth of 1'ebru..ry, , s follows, . meat it regular session with Layor =iauLer presidir•g and Councilmen Gleims Y;eee reo ,d u . •tion referred the Co=._:ittee on Finance . . • i 1 Bessr•Ar, Crout , Gibbons, Harris, LCCallunl, Tr_,_t'ton and Queen res orcdj ,,:- I . to roll Call : :absent none. Justicefees10 00 / t . �; . =�F°rner �l jo l .., i C. `a _ Fleming 2i.7; Salary _ . c+•eif' of police 125 G') ;', 1: .1 { 1 . _inutes approved The ainutes of the orevi :'us ri:=.''^ti -g were read r nd upon notion approved Clyde hall 21c0 Special police 1, 00 • ,• e,,:. A . ' s re:�d. RicnardShort Rollins 2181 Speed officer 49 65 1 .I W. B. Short 2182 Salarycity engineer 100 GC ' I . , . ne�.,,at� of Chief '• f "_'he report of tie Chief of Police woe pre e led to the city council ..I:c. .�n tortes rrericr�n ^183 Publishingn�:_ p:. tinb 28 4G - .'.._, ' it? - P _ice referred .err ec . u _en nation ti on referred ..o the Corr i a:teA � }I on =in;Xl�e. Union Pri^ i ~'� Co. 2184 undies .S 90 n Cash -,dvanced 470 i; I ,_:.ri ,n t ki son 2185 C�.. .- ' !1 he :olt of Cit . ire:_ . The re )ert of tre City -re .surer w_s presented to the city coonci1 errs Ben Driftr er 2186Sa1^ry city attorney 50 00 i i•referre u?crtoti -n re=erre_ the Corittee onrin: nce. F. P. Cartwright 2187 lr, titcla k 56 00 + nO 1 e T a''� + ?, are On `2 ctinson 21� 8 1ar� Ci +tre'.surer 5 GG r . r t i PC' 1( he r Q]rt, i : -ie POl1CP Justice Ill pie�en eLJ �rie(.lt,,' (: Unci1 "(: (. . cl. =leing ?18gJ1�r„� :,�' _ a,l. Ot_1Cer �5 GG i - I• J'tiStice referred u Ur• .SOtion x'�ferred L i LS"S - COrfr;'ie On PiniUlee. '. c r n ^n �, r� ` {'P Clyde L. h .y 2190 _i t-i uti ,s .lam_. d• ill _ �r 1�. o . 10 GOn��ryrt of �Li_Oeri'' :I_e ref:^r e tie t S e e _� -S'P.^l: Of -T^:?neCti??121rj1 �'I'a?�SCri ) Y ?t't!'_lt �'G g- t of the Superint n n treets w:'.e pr sent d t-- the Cit;,y '::ester -en_:rt::'ent 2192 City fm:ntai- 2 10 ; ': i' er.tent of streets ref. , Council :nd u�)o., motion referred the Committee on Finance. Puget Sound Tel Co . 2193 Tolls 1 90 • 'Leston Si:ort 219k Ji_+..it^r t ci t -_11G 0`.� -> •ip.,.�•• Or;, O. ref '1'r:e p rt OY tli ileZitli O�ficer lire::eritf'd t0 tie Cltj COUnCli :'nd 'jester ?:p _. t::eYt Litj L U c 65 111 • •� :;I 1 • up:;.) notion was referre to the Cow._i t tee on xin�ince. An--cartes r-et 2196 tau n_ 75 J curds `' • r - r - 64 45 #".'i :: .'`• , + fi ....hart' Co 21y j moo. �ot cl ty ,�_ _l ^u: _, _ e' ruc.z'y `;''`',' : -11 r_a�,o_t cf Fin• . on The repor,, o i „._e Committee on hin«nce on the Janu..r, rep ort port f the ,- chin`ton P L c; Co 2198 Light ae c i o, iis._1 11 10 r.: �::.:. Jan. report tCity Tr ,-ur r r com end_ t�. _t th .rre be n2 • : :::'• ^ "r o ort of . i e e e a s< accepted and placed o Davey Bros . 2199 Paint for fire dept. 1 I c :_ • _. 're surer file, was read end upon : otion alootea. ester �)ep tr..ent 2200 hydra t P 2l 00 • `+ - 'x n rentals y :: :<• An: ortes •=�t' l'' Laundry 2201 Laundry for fire dept. 9�� t Eenort of }'i�e. or Jan . The report of the Coir-rittee on Finance or the January report Of the Thos. Conway 2202 Fire roll 20 I report of %a:ief o Pol . Chief of Police, recom:_ending t�i-:t the s-re be accepted and placed on LcLears Grocery 2203 Soap for _fire �,ept. 2 00 ' .;: : - ( rile, was read „nc upon r!otion Wonted• Standard Oil Co . 2204 Gasoline and oil for tire dept . 26 70 + . i i,i - Thos. Conway 2205 Salary :�s fire chief 125 00 1 �. "in. or J:.nuor re- The report of the Coat: ittee on Finance or Ja.nu•:ry report of the f truce: 110 00 {''�' - _ ✓ _ _ ther n� z n E. G. Ra11it 2206 , 1. r rut.. driver I port of Pol . Justic policeJ n�; e e a cpt c and 1 .codon t_n:.ca Citizen 7 Pr nti for Library yl I ' •e u :tire recorrrrsndi th; t the s .^. b c A p I: i� r 6 �0 1 `_ ile WETS re: and upon :�otion adopted. Water rtes iti en 220820 i _ . r_ er jJep•.rt:: e,, `':'.ter �i r:.ry 1 35 ', : - : ' ( f `i i.i uensa c; r e License ,. Police : ae uur ti s '::h'rt' C. . 220`9 Cool for Library 'r 0 45 ' ,4 I ,.,,.e i _ Pol o_. 11__ report of the Lic . se e Con-- i .t . on the matter of license ` rJ - r'`l`' o R �^ .e e { y GriffithGritfiti. Dorris 2210 Janitor I�i 'ro. 10 00 { , 1 � r :t, (:x"�l�y -i'ao` _r� :�...e_ for Cry Ram-ro rs dance reCOr: ' nnirt , . et �n sane o granted, _� , a 2 2 1 ,j �r� t d, Peter Peterson • 22 III li cinders for Li r ry 5 a• 1 ! 4 3l 1 :) n r,n nMte Ayes, P i 22 7 , )�i. i 2 a tl ti .C._ `a )loll Cal Bessner, Grout, Gib- Mrs. Jhowater 2212 Janitor L i'l.ro 10 00 ,, ' I•. .. •I Dons, Harris, i._cCallum, Trattor. and queen. Nays, none. : E. Luella Howard 2213 Salary s Li br:,ria r ' `i s ' - bc, 00 �,� i , s::in�ton r I_ i, Co . 2214 Lid .t at _ i 'nary-Jrnur.ry '_ e'.Iv ry 20 OC +;I .� ; If �' ' , Spec.i.._1 Cor.-lrittee on Te report ot toe Special Col: ittee on the sole of watershed 1:�nd near °- Buick Co . 2215 P yle nt grader 400 00 - t; t• i. I . le o t':__„�rS._6' Collier lace recoa.- endin tr tthe ^n ,r_as i ul i{ :,� ..e t on c�'r?. T. , P Gland be not sold, wa od d 6 �• t _ e . H. 1 �i f rr l .n� . upon notion adopted. re n ;';as •1i to„ P L �: ,l Co 2.21�i Street lid::tom zor r _ ,.h of b 131 10 ' P d r: ,r Sullivan 2217 Filing ,�_vrs 2 00 ''I f , :•,:: { f �' 1'.. A. Taylor 2218 Labor a' m:Iterir:i -or streets 13 25 , - il i+ ' ' •;' . Petition of Burke Petition of Burke Shingle Co , by W. R. Burke, President, asking for Stanley I�ndersoi, 2219 True hire -6th street till 267 75 .; .i, 1':i ' S:.in le _._ill for street light at the Sountii Side Fire Hail was read -and 1 " � 'a d upon motion Blythey 22 Truck PP- fie 20825 1, ' fe. ' .� � street ii i.t ,street t the (: .. .. �' �:; 3.:cCalule � 0 c:. hire 6tii street �. ,, f ' ti referred oittee on ire, ter and Li 6ht ,} ; G ` Mils i.lson Co . 2222 OilOrnd ot fillePts 66 CoGi ;•' , J ' is • t i , Standard Oil o ,i ,1 . :: �f Petition from ',:.V.'::e116 Petition from W. V. .f:elis, et al,, for w:_termain extension on Irifth Ernest '�i11Lr:=,t 2223 'f,•ali '°i' : at r;,rk 30 00 ; I ',; 11 Ili a '� I.,' l >,'r'-- terra• in on Street to 0 to t st of to F - - ' �t for t1 11 ,� 9 e` the e P t lir.eAot Q ,�v�nue, vrr'.,prerid nd J . Ti ley � 224 L: or at P Park 1� 00 t3' ./ 1• , . _ ,` i ,•_ . _ 5th street-t to c� pa _ . upo- motion referred to „n_ Gi Attorney and Cityi4i- in _er. i+ it 7 E, i ' { r• •' :: ( 'i" ,1 Resolution . Resolution of the city council of the city of ,.n:�cortes to improve • 'r! a'" .ii,' ;?+ ''' I; Fifth .� ee be aeon the e ; , � '.' il, `'tr t tr eact line of Conger l ue r.rd L +f ; �' ; ci Avenue a point ROAD .L'"r- BRIDGE F _.D. •• ( f �' , I (90) feet e;.st of the east line of ,1 11 -=' Avenue, together with all in- f' _ ,.'• ,i4 • 111 '� 1 1 i , } tersections lying within s::id limits .-nd all being ';ri thin the city of Linn Balconb 32 L z• or 105 75 r • + let ';' ,j •,`'I i r An- c:)rtes, V 1 tying down "nd1 plecieo along the seid avenue a six inch { Jack PhisLips 33 Lr, or 4c' S0 ii• 1I i ii, ,;.• i', w ,o�en �•�- .ter n :in to�et,:er iti, fire .,drants, con„ectins r�rd to do Lon Sutton 34 Tee-uuster 5:) .)) i, f't,1i ti'I ', ,{• t I ' ' �; -lid Cor strut t .;r other ':fork t1,.-.t r. iLr.t be receosar-' to comnlr,te the L. C. Crookston 35 1..•1 ,or 51. 75 Ii,j f' 1 1 s I , .;} ilrorOvP:. e :ri :,in tllelin'at ' o f ti;�� ici �? i sari c t in accordance witl. 6 L� 'or 94i I t >•~'c_rtir Ewald 37 00 `! i' . v, t ``' ` -( It ill? plans and specific:-: tins^ns ot t}"I? cit.; on j�,ncr Yl;: ., re. ,a urn , S 'VC'_n d 1 �•/ 75 4 rr ft . ';;...I;. .; , d.. n O. A. Le: inL, 37 S::_1 r;, d. cash ce 1 ;!0p ,1- , , •,•+. I ,' ,, ' Onted . '1 1 ,' I. I , , +111111 I 1 r 'l I :,; ' 1 4, iii foi• c;i print- Bids for t:, ci or r �, ye; e " `e ' ir '`I ;;}. 1 `� �� ,! � � _ " �' ty _ i ti � foi. tale � •.r 1920, �-r r . pre r led t n the �, • '.'`! i:;::;, ; _'' in city` council ^d upon r ,.lnn the clerk 1'r::.S i,�5txuCt „' ethe ids, 1 _ { +t 1 , ed to 0 1 n o ,f• ,� 1 5' ii..i, • �` : .. :;ij ; ( . I. i. i which were s follows: C RF�I:LT A EK MI �; {' -I•!� t as 0 101.£3 j] T MID , .i I• .. t ` i ! i 1.:' .,e to be set 1`+ sixpoint P r 1 ;• > I „ type: t 17 i' 1 y I'1 are , G e' r� Pri')n ' ntkinsor llr :.: l-�r,, cruet clerk 5 { t . �' :'•; i - ir,- ,. i _ „icr �,5/ p -1 si , i colu:rn ,ci :3. c;. o p a n4:: i<. i I + 11 su ?sec;uPr i �sertl s o i' t-::rc e I: • , er} 2 i P e r nrt 12� Jun ri �t rc-e t 150 COCG .,I I `'�, `� 1 , 0 per x i cl inch. s 128 La 'or 1. 6 5G ii,' ' ' ;``�r:ado 1;,orr , • II If iL r, mil• is :yet in Ipoint, c::.,,.r e cox s: n,e t' :p no ore 1.1_. John O'Day, Jr . 129 L Y)r 111 30 `el o 4. ' ': :• • ;, i ror s e m:.tter i '_ set in tt�r i., t Sim:eons 12 L:.: nr r I ;; ;A; ' •�., I !,.1' 1 ,uzov=;1 of nt�, co:.nittn 6 point . No u.:. 8 point Facer, on 0. S. Crr,bkrite 1 1 L �'�or 12_G 20 •• •`II P. J ,art 132 Lzz:nor 50IIII ' ' • i.� , ' . J. 0. i.:cl:ary, A -torte„ Citizen. Cl , ; 3erry 133 �,-L�:.ry c re .a.cer ._e:art L .ke d5 CO i ;- 'I t 1 r: c c, � 1 l J J 4 C ' •I. ., 1' "The �:i Prlc ,:1. O1QS JJfI� per l lrl, l)£lrie 1 i er�iLou Snith 131 JPli:r/ _ C Oi:Amine lG�/ CO1�' + i 1 + solid n n l , i rs a n , on, Wade Piton. _ 135 '-' r, hire. ; I i f O;� per inch SI:bseCu=i t 111 _"x'ti P$. II 1ay it i ''.i t 4 95 ! i kl �' t Curtis 'i erf Co Co. 136 a 1 1. ' I J . ai. Post, r.'' eo es American. Coast 1il sh Co . , 137 Chin .nc: :ll::'.L'tlnL 5 00 • 1 ,� I . 1 I • ? Upon r' _'tlOn toe bid of „li .,t! c e t '�� e e best _.. A. Taylor 138 L:ioor ci.n n:' t'rii:l 1., 4G 1 'I ' 1 I� ` p_ i e o.'L s Citizen , - ire t,I loves, mid W. B . Start 139 Gosh civ.-ne c r '`• i' . ,; :id t`r- .' r>.ccepte . Roll C: . ye e o , , na e 14G 4th payment .r d i r 5`' 35 i, i! . I dll' r`' s, BeSsn r, Grout, Gibbons, ti-,rI'is Knapp a lion �' I'zcron C:' rt rl+a s�� t, c ,4 ; 1 CC!--1. urn, Tr:.fton . nc Harris . n.1 queen. I'','.ys, n ne. ;1.-. ,.:ingto'- P I. L. W Co . 141 B - nee eo- on flat :• ri-.1 - e tered coll. 261 10 ` ' • I '',,,, I' ' s.: crdv,;n�ed for 1:..t)or ` ' , li r i , Rvolvin6 Fund 14:' G: 93 95 �' ' +' ', f I, "elli rya porti o 1 of Counciln,. n 1.•cCallun vero..11;i preren tec: to the council the :: : tter of Pu :et Sound i'el Co. 143 Rental :,nd tolls 4 85 il.. 1� ' I' I '' tir ebei• on '•r' ers:,ec' selling a portion of the timber on w—,ters;:ed 1:-,nd near Cranberry L;, 90 I; ,�' ' I . • ! i E r y' ke Union Pri n ti n` CoC . 144 Supplies_s ;� t , '11l; A oi. I } ii 1- n'- Uoon notion' t!_e ratter v—. referred t:, the (:it ":nl,lnear C'nd Con . Ittee D ' . + �.n :trams nf.' ;? rl;s. Davey Bros 145 Supplies 5 03 1' ,i `!, • < , -:n:,_tortes Citizen 140 Print�r� aac- puuli5uing 13 00 E�' c 1 �. i. • r ; ( , i9 ti ', 1 Burk. .__ ''.resew Colin- '::. ;c. Burke s� e city e + e , e e U A. P:iil�ips 147 Suppliesloe108 00 I i I c :I ., " adc:re ed the c. t, council r aiv to . tie li�ut at Oirthsia Cr ,nP Co . 14b Valves �i , c ! p } . I �, cil re lio}.t ._t Tire li;_,.11 , ulEir;-- ts- e neces.-ity of „'- inn ec':.ir-te inst<'ll^.tion. U-,.�7n v- :�ti - Co•. tioental Pipe Co . 149 Pipe �G ` 5 �'. .�; ! ; , _; ,• ! s''cltusi .`.e f r 1'e n it toe Builr' •.i .I s (i. Se�'1''I'- Con . i ttee w' . appointed tolr:ve t econ- e t .!'.d .. I' e on r:.r „ 1 GC 1 } �: �` , .i 1�,:ate the fl!'l.c; .1L?S lx'=:rsferl,O l�C J:r 1,_,, •y' '� � •,,'' , ;+ i ,, i ti o f the ..J.ilci ' I. ; i , G Jt :nd:.rd Oil Co . 151 Listii_ to 'j4 4J ; (i ` '�. Ci, s Trrfton lr�' Erecting; ouilci ,1; on ,ri>terGi.ea 1 „d }5 G OG i ( e ' Ic e rlr l �, Princi <11 1 :I � ` :I -I,..; ' , a,pecl<,1 oanus lied. lu � � P '1l •I� �• ' , ' ;, c II II ,1 „ 154 Interest 300 GO ; � 1 1 f 6 n . -•,•44:f:",.‘;-C3 0 r' .., „ i , 11#411 \ i i it ' + ? ' i i I 1 . • : , ...:1. . • • _ - - - --- - - - - 1.. t � :tom _ TJiF•'•I�.�rvy 1 ', - liiti_'fce on claims. .noort o ,. _..e Col. 2 ;teO on -in__r•ce to wt:OLr were referred he cl�;irt: _ • S • i • •• ,I • +.._e various city funds, reCO:'. : - rdirg thnt Lr a claims b" allowed z r vi- o 1 ` e ' t _ le tit Jt .'_^ _(:Ors did :,1: tie 1�`..: C'_ _ Of _..:•.rch, 20, �, ;+ r1in T._-. of sore yin!: rP ,nn o -- • l.nll �'ri_ Citj/ cosnci_ ,.. y _Yr o� ad ,r,C uc otion c.On;.ec icol� �, F, meet in regular sessi ni witt L.,oor li<,ugen presiding _ rd C',uncii en Gibbons, a Y I Be_ -e_, Crout., Gibbons, 'Harris, ._u:=-11wi , _rat'tor• _nd queen. i.ays, nor: . ' h?rris, irc h,t_lun. ." .i �t :ee i'esp ndi to i oll c.: 11 . �.oSent, s;rer, (%rout, •' • } ' and Trafton. I ' •' urn j s . o : ri . . _ ' . 1 i ^ . approved The !!.].flutes of the previous .t eeti were readrd uri:?n 1r _`ti 'n approved - s read. on, i • } ppi"JVE'G 2!1 O*Je", Sessl ?`� 33 l0t.. .? f yctrc , 1920. _in . 1 `� I...1 . ' one. on Feb. The re ort of the Co ittee on finance on he bebru"_'ary re'+or t of the city Trees- I-' I j•. , _ --^,opt of City urer, rr.:or' ding that the reoort be :'c .•ented n placed on file , via. re.-d arc'. ; , i 4 _re s, upon motion ac ted. l , .' I' { ' t+ z r 4/,,_....4,..„___,...7 _,.. _ _. ir. ro . The report of the committee or, Fi '' :MCA o The Z'eoru. ry reoort of the , of =f of in . 4 ...ci.JOr /' --r C._lef of Police, =?Co'::: endinn Thot the ? e _.Cl ?per". rd Led or file, ':, reof 3n:: I:at%- i . police u ,on >'otinn adopted r �. F. D. Carty:ric;at, Ci Clerk, 1 : I tTheCo ? '�~ t o Inc e O i tt. I e J .l:u „� �j� �/. reoortreport of theI'1 3 ///`<i'c �c/f/ on r: o o a P e �o ht t i r- y r , z. of th Sup rint d nt , L r_ i= �, +' e e to a t* no r. : t ? y -�' r t . �`i�t recoL ~en!l] that Cite s? e 7 acc .p„ ( .nd p_nc d o: tile, of 'rd u o:'? II tion 11 Deputy .It :� dop tp' . E , I ; '''' ui c,, -tip The report . y fmatter • : � `' rney e ` o' •�',o bit Attorney an the of petition of ':e�ls, et al, for , � y o„ W_.terinain on Fifth Street, 1. read :i u:�o:, notion ed. :i • 2:1::':i.,•i.,,,.' ells, et al`'; • _c ,,,,. e on The report he . itJ ittorne;y to whot=. w _ ref rrec. th at1 s . '' '• `':�' . `l - l PSvIJPt, tor street rig"ts for celeor_ „io , r P e matter ot .:o e petition - .' ••. .• .!_ _ • s eP �? n vas read and upon motion adopted. ,� •` '��-� �. I i ` ad nt d f } , it . + i; y - : 1y The report o L the Ci t Attorney on renewal of Ire .surer' s bond, vr<:7. re- _na '' c • i` or Pre—, .. bond ' upon motion adopted. ► • •` „P':r. Lc F1ci an The report of the Cor-'i.ttee on Severs %,.'1•_. Buildings to whomcr'_-= referred the t nor iti �n of Ih Witter of condition of fire hall at southside, was read and upon motion the . ' I i • fireli li , SQ . s�-. Committee vvs instructed to obtain e,t.ur:: .te of cost of repairs for the building. 1 ( ,::: i - i er The report o the Committee on Fire, `: .tel ^^ !,izat to whom we's referred tIle • 1'it, 1L on lin,ht a m A •:. ` r ac.' u-" otion '�. ;;:;Y �tt r of installing; li5nt at southside fire ilall , li' e '�^ r t. 7 s I , '1 so , fire hl c..C'.onted. i,..., :g,: I ' f r Upon nthe �; ??, ee �n Tire , ?.ter red Light was instructed to investigate �+ f •• + .'t: . Z_ o» motion o -'itt ``'' : ! — ,iro e of lot the matter of purchasing lot rdj oining the City hall ;i' , ` ., Ot Streets ,'i' •i y4 }i ' - t. Supt. to Upon motion the Sunerinter:,.ent was directed to remove portions of the walk on '-i' ' 4I 1 •' ;�` , -'• 'e'�.ove " :.1:•c south Commercial f.venue '••r't. re such was found to be dangerous. r' 4 1 `t! '• j; f, ' :;i : Clark to Upon . 'ition the Ci Cl-rs. ;r' i c,tructed to notify holders of property a^_tti -g •: . i i• ` I notify - on the Can Sante :7 . terway to be prey -r.t t tee . eetir`g of t..e city council on +. t ., r • no .ify propel t ,," f , c + rev ens l e ':. ter April 6th, too for+, ,.:l .te n1:'.rs 'r the further.-nce of the -:a„erwn project ' ` i x • �y project • ' •,Z `�' ►� `s 3,ind of l�.caary, Bond of :1,-,icortex Citizen, by J . 0. i;.cainry, publisher, was presented ;,o the 'I ; r : • I pd'J.Lis!ler cites; council :end upon motion was referred to the Gi t,, _.ttorney. i }, 'I• ,• r i • I,.rt ii' I ' '' ' 'j ;•� ' of ( •i'i 1 - _,c;n.lf pi ce Upo , motion the street sweeper, i•. rtin _Ewald, :i •_ )1...cec. u .,. ', -fixed s:'1 .ry of f , • 1 „• (, ' fixed• . si-,.i . ,i 090, 0G per month., to take effect April 1st 192'U'. ' ;,; 1 ; l . ' '` 1 li I `r; 'tTA . HealthOfficer ' Upon ILo ti o ' ' .:e office of health officer :<:.s ,1ecl:.red vacant. Upon :. -'tion !t�c4 , , 1;' jri t„ �' •i! ' O. • npnointed Dr• • appointed tie:lth officer. 1o' + , i ` I 3 G Brooks vru � �� • ' t + I ' i r, • 'iourn Upon Iz:tion the city council - i : t„en adjourn .•urn . • • !: t•: j; ` + ,, 1 ' '/ I , ,; ' ± approved in open session tt,Z s bt.. . :'•; o f Aori1 , 1920. 1. •:1, f 170; i 1 �C'i ! }` I !'I iI £ram / /, �--e I,,,i,,, `I ;1.i r ��,1 t•• Z. • 'j 1 i' I 1, • ,. I 1 ` ';'.I.-{ ,I, ,;-+ itI:t I 1, {{ titte:it. •�.i '4, •�iI'1'11 fL t:r.;..;; 4, : .;:i 1 , . ' I F. D. C• rtwri ilt City Clerk j, I; ' }{.j. ,f: t '' , i 1 E, , ./ , 'nil Eliic { •ii:i'iiiii•;:4 • ' i : " By //74,-0/t2ftnie,f,Li__,-7 f :' 1 Uty '+s:t: '•7:•.'' .. I I . 1 1 ,.q I • 1 , ; ?', 1, . . Fi'it.:'. ';''''',-i. - 11 • li i; + . • •(,+ ' 1 . • st '� i� 1 i ,I! t i • 11 1A ! t 1 . I'• Y h ``I` '/� r+�A. • " • NIF 1{i\ 1 1 i__ • • I ( i I I 1�. .,,,,, ,t.:i.4.9"-- 3 c..*. , .,- ..*- r ; f rsl ,_ ...._. ..... iroo . A, it 1 y : r April of -- - -- - - _ �''_'1' "'" e of - council G .' roieGi 7f r 1:_eortes :lid or the Ut .._;; ot April, CURs"t1•,1:T I:N"r)_. :R1 1 : ..oll L%::�1 -ee n� ,n with Gouneili!:en Bess ,er, Gi cons, Cr.00t, LcC� - 1 - ! ' rI._ . u _ retool .r sessi1 _ ._ tan _d soieen res ,ondinz, t'., ._o_l G----• KG. 07 ^` 5 os on lr_ ,�r- • 'oe f •r 1919 1, I .1-. Industrial IYsura'ice Co. L I`' ior s t. 25 �6 + • :.`.::y'o 71'O Lem Gl'r_ :, to c' _. i S1CF' Of __ :yo H mil _a•I, f o_ P o Ter :ir?s :FI' ?5SvL.?C: _..n Zn'S St' d � Oil CO . 222�� -•• ` .S• ^11 _ e_ , t. • t i ! . U oo c r r c^.'.22 r -. L,_.S: �.t!.1 ^� �'Cir+^�j �eot. 2G + t chair. ii. A. laylo_ 6 r �: p.. Ice Co 222b i eed 85 , P corgi 2229 S St TP * . 7 r t Supplies for pL, + � . ' . lilt:e.L re -.. The :ri'_ ti.Le o1 toe ore.viou3 _. e�t1• o, were 1•' " C`_ upon .. O i .r . -ooi.7..e l`cVpj =ros` 2230 '1 c_tsl:.2ii:in i, 00 : r�Y t n,,Q .-..' e' n e 24 80 1 ' {' �.i- ...t.1. On Re-oo1't o f toe .:i :,, '; t ..Orn� n -n i _ " e r Fidel n G. Co . 2231 L Irbir5er t o0 r streets 8 ; > ct O e :'e nit ir': ,t test n Union I.ifP = ;2 r nr 5 i } • j _ond o_ .:est . .;n . -,..ife In .tar:.'ice Calm= ^y •errs re.a+ii ana u-oo^ irroti .n ado�oteo . Prooressi':e. .".. tor eo . ._v. Su .s. 12c 25 G. 11. e.,. 1n� 2233 t3 r� 1' L 2�4 ;;tree sweeper �%; ,G r f i _ _. rn' an )0i-1,_ • hoot of t:le ci -., . torney on O,n._ of J. O. L.1cL'ary, in cortes i,i tizer. -'-rtir r,wa l:_ - 3 , r. • V t Revolt i �:^d 2235 P , row -< < ( P::illips 4j �G '• } ,_ • o _ uLltltee^ cit.,' Jilrt� 'o tint: re...;-3 upon " 1 'r adopted . T C • C^.okS 2236 �L000r ,'_ Str' ets 68 ,i5 11 . '• 1.1 f1 ' :41er �,_ =>;;-' t� Rego t of ci ` re'a.surer on -,e_inquent loc:�l improve., �r.t •- ; �•tTi.:ts tI-- � n= _ ':..os. ::,•ntii:.;, . 22230 ?_?; roil j 'e f0_ i'ir _ eft. 2 40 i. , '_ •. . ` _• 1.� =nte u _ evcitt+ council U00 .. o ion referred t _ t le Clt =i • ''F_v€j �rOS . CD . 22393 Gasoline for fire "FiV• �2 7.' Standard Oil ..i of 125 00 _ ( P L 1 " re Chiefof -police for -11e .. '�n „_. f ' - 2240 .i. '_' - -ire' 1 - of �... _ . _ . Fi n c t !.i vvli r, i_ .rcii woo? pre-entp Pros. C;'� ,_.',��3. Sol or_. e 11G 00 r 2241 ;...1'..r„ r'i x Y r • 1 {�a city council fn „ e Co oittee. L. G. ;-.tiilt � _ v 5 1 , tl{ ti'-`� n. i.:l ILOt,l ?YI re Ari t ) the 1'1 !'. 7 242 L: 'nilry ioi fire dept. 4 i ) tr :....: y�, may?, .torten Oteoo; Lc. n _pry20 CO '•-}'�` t : _ - .1 „1 ..=o0_ t , e Police 1 ce Ju - tice for t-.e L' Olt:_ o1 Larch Via .:1 presented to -he :ors. Snows. .,e Lc 43 Jo 's to ` t 2_1 y r ` - .t;-•;, �,,:. • .is .. . RA .may .. 7 _ �' :l + - - L- '.� a-t 6P t' .r .P L elli• i1Q�rl:r(1 7L44 Ll OTc�.rl .�� CC 'i " '' ','•',1•,, {r:, c Cl t C o'er^CZ1 rtri d O 1 ?Y) 11:t referred . ) the Uou rl vt _ O _ 1' s u :r„, 11• S�,!) yip, f,,7 libr ry ('� f G. +'. -�rlr�, n,t 4_ t, 424-5 T 26 7 r ' - ..t::',' ,' EE t '.l for _.i _i y .a t4.o,-, ,! ` t ., Y R , - Brno:,s �s iie;_lti. Officer cr: re pntec; uo tl. u rt Co .(,o 1 G { • :,psi_ tl _ . o � _ l ..o�ign:_t1 r of 1)r. u P C ytis ,.. ; 1 - T , ,4 r s c:lief r)a i i c , r. 1 {; .-;: : 'r: �� 5• G. =r_ �cs cite- GOiinLl1 '�__ il'1') If the ream .<., ion rr.. ;t cent ed. C. W. Fierrjn�; 1 `'`- r Clyde Hall 2248 eciy , nolic �0 1 '�' l L :.Z.1 S ;e-oo t Report t o f the city en i deer on ,,.:e ::'-. ter of plocin... rock on 35 tr1 street. nS 2249 ;Peer•. officer 5 . s ,. � Ric ?.r•� Ho1._i c f 2r. 00 • E ;� ' on p1" t: rock On St. 1'�' 3 Te and anon l `_ flop accented fin,- rll ._Ced O:"? file• C. rn Z' 2950 251 n�i' ITi ?'_- ^VPS-Cit r ,- CC i . , R. R. 1:_olker t , ! i 1 �G CO ' `l �. Tl S:'?Ort ^�`' J�1 i ,`OLC:7 i Yi= _1 - i'.i't +, Oi t ,.,, 1 - e-. t te ' i n " `he. en,, ioeer on the result obtc.>1ned Jy L.riliir= . `,Fells i ' Lesto L P r S i .7'�i Report u i the. C1 t u v '12 3 Go for, .i 11 -V 35 . i r �•� �� ,r n t of t..e iie. rt Lake ..eservoir 1;+'__.. re ._ d anon .- otion ,-ccepted • -`? Curtis . _..rf Go . 225 "1 `'' ' i 1 � ,, '� illin� iui i ,� 254 ..en;�.irs i�-, t ; er:.s o ice 1 GO i i.'� , wells pl .c d on file 2255 Sun-:_i P• -CO -• Lit ;1 . ._J {; ' G. :� . ::�.nnor. �. Co . L _ �^ r { • { , , -_,-,t^� �o'•i� 'o.. ,�; ..ram . ..�,er (� �G ,;t4 '" �, f P.,•, , P e . enc.en o metre t.` r . ..� I: t.; o i rl h pra_o. to :�chr?1;,?T L. rr r 5 y = 1; is t; : :, i 11 .�n_ � f ::up'�. o _ :. _ yi f :iUr) __ i - 'rr( PTe: iL'u. „ rC4 t'pt' 1 re lc 7v 1:, i a :, u�� Iouj . n i rr _ 2 , •, for tit ':�` ::: '•1 . k � I __ tire .,.. t • the city L'. .. "Cl.i _ n •'n P a, t :.:Le OIL' lttee �� `''i ^•t;p Tylt.nci l%:rS':.:�.;t,; l;0 � �� P - 1� (`G '' i t„ t,o . . �5 rei iu:r o. _or= 4 clerk Y 1..;Lryii, ?')Ci �+i'.Sl.!''-1 Co. � �J �?'.: 1i.1:. _ I-or' ,,P,,.') l:_ t`; Ci . 14 GC ,;, ,• • , ', - t,�`- f <c 1* :' C. 01 i'"'? en rG of ttie l:!1?'Ili on O 3t1'e''t. and Parks t0 1il.iOLt '.7 ._ referred t..P i..:LT;flf'.r'Q C'.siii'., t ' ? 2 ' ', ,t: t i P' 1r r s. t r_ L L - .� Pa t n east • theCr . „ Lynn i3-.ICo: 0 ut L r '( %.• �) :r `1 : h ti'P,t " of o. tter Of vo t, r' the o1 tter - ru Or to street lyl ._ a u o vii (3 //,, . (� _. , f' n Union Tel Go . �Ul ':'e1.e`r.'.'I"S k • •i!' t�i111 �!,. '1 >? �' .I;.i:/ ort�. rn i.:)il�r' , ri ;.t-of-rrr tir=.s rest.:'.. ^.nd a n).otion of ..:ioptivn rrr�de. per �nl , 2e1 ; __ - 1, 1 , -L- it t oPn If' 3 Ol'O`J nS ord. '"_ .rtnn. .:Otio lost. A C1r` eS a: Frl :;..'i v2 i'ri �_ Pl 11 .. � '. �Jtl . i 4! ! Grout, cl _u;:. n u y 22o3 ..1 r,;' tit.. Lr, 1n;'+=r 1CC, G } i s °- t t s c i t c1F=r c 5G 0G t•, t ' I•, r._ ;, ' ' n )e..;• t o Street.- „ rks C ?' a or. the Petition c s-_ '• r tlt �U`� � ''r t P " ; �. r :�1 .;t�. L. i'. :c'_�� o --Paor,. _ _• the St _ t. Pr or_ itt ` _ t •f Coast Fish 1 D. t, tc>rri� .:2u~ '• _ s .;i ��. tr ui•er 5G i:� ' �,''' '�', ';'::�: .i. . ` 0;' l;_ l'1"[i 1,0 . 1;0I:�1:'.!ly for �I -.t, t1 Zn of pOrtiU?" ot ti?n' e �: ro 1t1 unn11 motion i_. r:l 6o ; ,' • , 1+ ,, E : 'i ':1-otfir13O?i ,)2;.0 i;: V 1:'e:. 1 1 ,ntPr.. -��•� .�.. t i ��' tt�y.'e 5G oo 1 '1 ' : + 1'ift ter r 25 j Petition t or Brew- Petition frl: O. :. Brewster, et al , nor set::nx• in __e;r in Block 12, 'co:,. C1 tizen 22u8 P t _i s11ir • u1 �^ + . , lii� -t 01't ,' U'� r:4T�, 1 �'S T)i i '` C1 t� ..1! �' lir r' f r 1'4 ,,::-..„.:HA ' , L c., , a j L? c? 1 +I1 �-a C, Y,a t' 1r1. r�• i-. o P 1 4_ 20 + {i' �} er, a l' sew- ( TF i S e• n }1.9Dr Ott r) referred L'r r_ u the Gi L _u r ` 1 u 1 V 1 , .. ..l ) for J ��- VJ •/r P t , '.r I _ r!. - t� l.['1' 11 -✓ T' 'r Co . �n ♦ t f ( • _ p - - '1 L tee �� lA'•,=n� J n '�'..t1 1 J • ' 'l.<....L1 nrL r, r L }•• y LC,r �. trP :fit .L1` t. t'J l� c�l LLt �1G •� F t 11• '..:?,. .:!i, • er _::,•-j -r . Como i „ 1 ., t 7 t � 0 E' : a ! - L. .. Co 22(1 l.i;,:.� t lty ".11 i'1 ,c :+.;: t } 1r<1.:... in�;t0 P L r. l 45 i i Gri �e ')1' 1 Z '�( P oei �, L �i i1 nt - pP':1'1 fr+r t:.0 1: ?71'C)ti E?'^t O 1 v.- ��� .. ..1 to"P L C: 11Co . .?L 7 ` u -1 1 { t / * , r. G 'lLr 2 L�L+,r .r,t Tyr t�ly 220 GO o • .;•.ilf 'r1 r 1 r•:1 Str.a_ at -•)n t.t•{a .n t.Ae- e , t line' ) f C: II .. -iciai ..•'e �'.tc_' - ):,int`ninety 1, I ..ter ._�?pt • 2 7 3 ' Ir t reLi ;) l�f 1 35 t. : �{ i t'g R •���' n + '' n v nP ° rt orr P ?` :E! �i1 tii intersecti '�'rs '; tel ? ep• rt» ?nt 22f14 ` to 4 [) , �' (• , ; � feet a . th . :t 1i. _ of Lv . a tom 2275 ter ..t tit, ;J 11 5 a.I O `', •'�� • 'i - - n e + Y' •o '' a' er 11e rtn nt ✓ .j rI ;to .;.). j •? -� '� I +:j' I, lrin rritriin S::1(1, il.lr.l i, -�L �� _je, l•'1 ..:Lli, .;11 _ cit.,/ 0 .. ..n• (._rues, ,� ll.• ., .-p l 35 . I k'. n_ . down - na c _ On t:_-- . i .. same t'. Six 1ncli wooden Yi,;.t'_'r v ini _A +) I'tirert 276 Cl f i-,:nt: .1n • A. 1 { r• i 1 :.fl ` L_ ti', r�l ► x' 27.f Feed 15 30 ;l �Z i `` t,'n s t C o t ''.^.l ry tI .l. j i+ 1 i toLetoer wito Lire U. .r opts, Connecti ns ;Ind to dO :old coo eruct any ot., - 4 i' , be e - tocomplete. lie iinl rove:: e.nt wit i n toe .i1l i.,- t3 + Cn • 2278 Stolle p •ts rn;' i u i 1,• { work. l u ') .Ce 3 ...:1'� t t1 T'LlT �l ^r' ��';l. .r 5 F: i tL . f1C4T 1. JO 1 ,'• .t �1 { 1 t •e :^.1 :� .1 .- tr i �'.t in ,a;�;O1' . dnL;e t:rl t., ,;..e 31. ' _:r1 :? cspo : ' toe r . -2 r, cCS tar ,, '' lt:_ Off 1CPT 1? 51 I'i: i i1 0,i • , • �. - r r cl t1C. ulon , ,, ., r - �' t.l v e 1 'n=r, 1;.: ec L1,)'? 1 v 1i.,v �I.i S�UJ' 1'?' ,t ;�u �l Le C. Fleming c J ly y P on ; re truer: �G 5,: . ;�,� ;{• ,, r: :\. 1 � ' 1I , ., J Y •ef to tLe ult../ l.Ut .i n� , lu C"r, 1 ..'L.Pr• - 1 .-�) �L,I' � 1.1 Proe,resoivo Ion 4o1 t,o . � 2 1 •L,�)�lrry - {• Pnti l�'� ' l.; To;l l,'� . '�j' ,.1 ,notion referred'i _ ^28� ,; P s • *, i t� corL� '._ Co L • = Lu..• ,, r for �r �� { ? : r ' 1 P + n t •1' n 'c' o ri t i '11L"+?rOVP 'run t_1'A iue >r�:: ln�' t�fc' ? :j- 1Ve Le t :i _ r f Ci O'. t' u • 1 ii) t• �� I •'�� t.� ;; :r!'•' ) ' ' •r. ...sol utl - '') td, irrol - ti . oeoolutio t• , .'•I''t 1� i , 'f n, " s 0 ',. i.L> .'P in ;i3(1...1 line ._) i' yore: vletl_ tre .' o _ 1. _ 1 I ty- . l fee „ ,. '1.1 t1L t toe L _ _ t .t t f �1 l:t , „ . t :,? La }tO.J AI:Ds}iT G,: y j r �..4 '.I ,1 t y, .;,. r r , t`;Ce.,t- :t; -) :7U s tr Q t 3 F; =1X 1 -Cil C:. tc_'rli,._ln :!C".. o'e , n _. u ; 1_, ..0 ..h 1, i+ I �. Yi. 23 10 'o;t; , 1 r a.:op Gu - n tt'�n 3� �_� or 30 oG t r: r _ �;� �� L. 'OT ti ,'•i2 4 1 1 Bond of Julius ::els `,•i :3ond of Julius, ::elson for :).Lu:,'t)1 ',g, t:! - ore ' .,r'C: t • t..e ci � Loli:'rCil Lo-c� StiLLOn J t 1. t - 4y L. r 4� SG 1 t .r ; (• ';` s' ', ) I::otian ref errU,'. te ci ' tt - r',e, and Ju.'ici ).ri; Cor: .: ittL'n, ii. J . =lorrrC,n y • ' .,{ ;r L� I - I 1 .3i-ipt • }1 ems• .:eo rids :;unr'ri tPndent of :,trPn; :> , A. lLen''ii .lg, t-C '.resse,'I toe i council , ' ' + Un ?. V t 1 •to the I UC:>SL i._�}iU11:�1.1 _.!' Dj ;;ItIC`l' 110. 122• tr i, y) Inc-re .�? i'1 �,"s for iei. L ).)?lA c'.� increase in pi,j+ for i19 street force 0 4 , � , St. force ,,er- incre.osed to ir'5 3r o r L1 t:'.t:e et'fect .tpril ls+ 15:,�. 35 Gr ,.,t�i .i �� , .:.. J y u y� " n S 190 L;:.•.or 35t.1 street J J t1 'I' ''' ' + , de Thom- 3J 9G �� �, ,� �. • ' file' i . t t:,e l;urren t' 1'.Xn?nse l'Und ,.n'a 1 ...1c'._ v .rinus .:1 fo- - •1i;. :i Si On5 191 L.. or 5r ^e e to thevCor. . i Curtis rf Co 192 Cp' n. �r�tvel 1 .' 1 Srnt" Ore.. :n �ed t o the .:i to 000ncil and upon motion f' . L d 1.i ,G 00 't' L r I 1. on '.`ir'-•.nee: -Lynn B--.lcoi: a 1 3 L or �L 0/5 +11 5 �t • I . L. U . C,,okst uo 1%4 5 pp I. f • ! QA The matter of tue i:ap :.3ante ')+aterway came before the city council . ProPe `'J Uleor nuttan 195 L ' or 11 oo 1 it : 1', • owners witu Laid abuttln6 upon the waterway addressed trite city council ur:L)` Guy hoot 19b L - lur 31 25 • • i ! to t the matter be postponed until such time as prices o ,• labor :Jidffi.,.terii-tl Current ]';x-+e'Ise Y'.lnd 1')7 Use t' t='alt and truc'i� i were within reason. The city council took no action on the subject . _ • i I. ;1;'' k '• , GE:1;1.- L \ATt:ii _''U....D ' '' • 1 t;,!r 1' 1:1 • �r 15 1 .IF i i.' 1• 1 T 15 L r L7 0` '' 1 , J. OIPn.>r 157 ILI'- or 1019 85 75 is �, '' '� • S. �1:: . 141 1 i ; J ('r kri to l� + T. �r 7 401 , I. .bnr 8 • 1 1 1 5 tII 1 + �' ` ; r : ''if 'l e • l/i:i l; ' 1 l l✓ �7 C; ' !1 + ', ' ' ` L_ e"- iti - for Co . U•'.. iiP'')i i 110 1 er,t i re C,GC r Pro ,r r a = ', - 161 Teo f ), 'i '' 1 ' F. : . C.,urclt t• llc - , ; o •rte9 _ 162 T.u: :)er for r;•'ter dept. I11 It I; y , �' ` 1 t' ', k ‘ ,, . G. '' 163 J 1 c ., .i:e C? 1 6G L.+rc o 1 37 4". o • .;: !! • fi , • • is , { _ r .,...-. ... - -_ ... - _�___..__ - ._.. -- 1 1 i _ -- - - - L 4., •„;,:- 3t5 0 . . _ 3 8 '7 "-;;:i7: 1 . \ ,'",, oit.'z ! . : i It 4,,fo: ),,,,I, l` ? I , j l :i 41 ! 1 � �=pri1 2ot.1, 1 ,20 . • r7 ? I II 'i 1 e • , 1 - - _. . . - - -- -- -- — - -- - -- - - - - -- ' - - - - ;•,j.•*;.,'4T ';% ,t _ 11 _ D=1 all iue Cite Council of t_.e Ci of .:.n..cortes yid on ;_ie 2Gt.1 ::ee' _.f :=aril, 1920, ' t Litt et _.X')J ,:e _ _. l5. 1U4 Use of t:it .__ truck. meet in regulcr sessi 1i S'iltj ..your --:_uee"r presi:irg end to..a' ::1_`_..e- esn►�r, 1"• , E. i t:l_11 'S l:;j Supplies 3 (:rout , G1 i�onS , Cl;a 1ui: __"u +queen res •?r ___ ''� o �i0!1 �:, __ . r_OSert , :_.'orris • • -- -se, O:f � C .. Her' ey'• ._L: _ CO . 31 _'r:;f ton . r ',<,_t . o ' Leter Co . 167 —_ter p:'rts Standard Oil C . ?)letll_.-te 44 G` _ n, a P T,1 irl ut ot p ti:b e_.-. - .,, ro ed ._ read. • S 1 a-. -roved d The n eSthe previous "u were r -d Up0' notion y g i' ;,1 ' ! 1 ..n eor to 3 :.:: eri ._ .fn 1::J9 Print-dreg - C(, - Revol ti : -i::r _ 9 -. - •„ Report O t_:" city attorney or toe Orai71:_:�ce on t..e? i rpr^ ;n-_art+„ of Kt,.^_ street i • -ii afton _. Seri 171 u�tSo_' i ,e ,,J ,,.it, _-i �rJnceJ by W�iter'�:�ain wee reed end ue": o _: otion adopted. t • S • 1 _. 41 ' fir t' - _ -ec ice Co . rt2 „1're, T . t W. 3. J._. a't 1! 3 (' .t ea „L rne, Re•�ort O the city `, O>'�te✓ on .e n i ter of p1L1 'Jer' S ^ '' C. of Julius _ e SO'I } ' - :e _ros. li ..) ` - :s 1r 1 '_„nc. Si .S r9' ... end u7C''7 eoti . " adopted. i - -'��p„ �'Ounc _e-_ eo . l�J5 Rental__ i l __ S _ • -' - - 176 r �` .e�_'t e .:Ile H c ^ _ the city . T ey n e sewer c' e _ + o e 'e" u 1. _/. j e rt + t0 n 7 �l tl�r for S r r i:^ 'iOC 12, _.1 17:`. r.' S S ,i : to .::1 �:; 1 f f ='t.!_: '; tiE T•cLc:P �+ - ,IL : _o�.:'t, vies re- _�,; u , , - notion '.- 'o;oted. t: • • :' - -rs- . 1'; 1 chief clerk ��, ! ' ;:. m`L„ for 175 L:.'or .-.�'d e.et'rial -'iv t ' r H o" 't .he titJ ttorney on e _ ' .tter 0t e,itl4Lent ioc_l i:i.')ro .' .:= 't :is� W. J:_Jrt 180 .3:.1. . su-»r-,, te•'lieot 1K� ✓,-el . inp.J riC:ts , steti ` „?7" „ S._-'e were rei'-a a: te` ti _ e v. • toed^S;.:res s7.'L:1 __Vbe S :Ilene itoe _-'oereer 161 5t,_ Dai_'. en ., on r c1 • Jars Per1ei'.ta:. s rapidly ,.'s uOs31 _ _ , wee re .. ''': r: ' . n motion C':?-.) ed. ?i OtiJ • _ c, c c• t5_ Larch r c:l reports o 1 u •: • :%1 ;.x•y ,1 On reports 1�!1A r?;O'Jr'� of L:ie Coen it tee on 1?'1 ^ a 7� tl 1r :::16 City ±'re surer, ,; i , ' yq�`'•�`',•��:�:[: '1;•., r n; Ica .t" .� Zp t- a t, _s _ - - P r Police, , a - �PO:ie^l'' of Jtreeta and Police justice, reC1:. .. of rt^Ql ! '! t,i k,.' '`�� - I i �l'_1._.S Report e- , :1_ Co: 1 .,tee O.t l r ce t 1 w were referred tee C�eilf S t , i en i ..-. -7'tS (u.i1 _f O - - Ol1C _ , 7L1? I'1 u _ u 1 dl 'b u _ .'' ' t, r' +..-c.. '•`4 I _ ' f':, '!1 1 �-,,. - - - +- _ _ - a b c; '� _ end 1 -.:; •fit - - -`':- _ .... :;r; , V rl us cl ty .,.nds, r coe--. 'iee „.t the cl i,�o be el-lowed -e " • -- y" dC TA . '.. :::.*:i*� n tw e e e a e oe file , were re' i u on motion _Copt' :i k :;:e: r2 ..r: .•1?: i ,_ v01' _ - i a, '1 • l?-. '':;. U )O:� H'Dti.on ,do-otea. -:oil (;: ' iS �i ,'�,. • 1 I -?CS J'";or L71 'ions �- �t t_? ' 1 'T �. " ' _ 7„ r. a report n L e ' 1' ' e �77 r,Y1 -_,-., n` 1 ,e�' o e �; - • 7, , , r t, 1>_Cl•.__ Uli , Ti12' ttOn 1 tt PF �+f3`rS, " n�. u 1. i1:1 __,y On lit s „-- 0_.;. . s .�: , r C-- 9 r j 4ez,. d u n ru of Juaiciery C itt plum ers ! Ju._ is :E . . � J ,)' :,e s '000c. "_ .. endi •-16 accept;_'ce of bond, Wae re __ d ueron f:.0t1_r o per:, i • ap_i.- to LUr. X17. t '1� toti '.U?Oili ' �_' i'--,1-4_15 I;Urre it _':X „"se "Lin _I'r^11� .J . 4914, • S' i. '' �{:. _ .^t issued. ' 'o. .40 F/: or:',-re:i.�� a Y j- ' .. _ t; n h , . to n i.' rc +.� n ' r7'-t L e r i•,)1 c,, o ^+ 1 i _ . _� _d i :vo� of :est _rn tinion Life Irs,:r n A _ _ . �. & L on ordi 7.ne Co.. i , , _ : u. i _ . , _. _. ieot o._ai ee o iepr o _f' t_� _ ., , ` e -1' 1 i'�:.:. 1(-'r r- -', "r :1�1.V_ - - '�eeo l .. _ street street 7 � �.,i .p `l ., - �'�1 IP , :, P titer -,!7•� Vp t reed "'_?'•.� .,� , y �: O v f _ St. -. s tr .t. n :y wet f,ein , L C .. 1 �. Or' .1 .. C _ n d, was i d ! . upoe Adjourn U n t nt file Ci C n C > > • i ' - -1 p i0 it !'it'. .:en - . L_rn1 . 3 'aF n for Petition from :•�'' .certes Gloss C'lnp ny for str='"t lie-et at toe t:orrer of 27ti1 . 'ti t '''i'' _Ape o a ed i Oper Sessi i ' t._i s ''et._ _:n_'il ' (.% . - - aP} and 1 streets, was preeee ted `' ..._e cite,t., Cr4 ncil ere uoen .rOti -, - wee referred ' ", ` ;' ' 1 - :' t!ie l;!'::If'i _tea C)'1 1''1r- , !-'r _'1'.- Lie-.t. 1' i !• p:;; ' �,�:•;- 5 • ) 1 Petitio fr--r Petition fron- free U. Keune , et ;.1 , tor the ill;or '--e .`an+ of 7tn street by 11j i t /I A �. n o t i , m F� A�F l to �; _ *P o ' c. n„ �a r' o� 'f.• i -k -eg fi7 t t l 'oroev �,,_, fro.. „ to �7 t, ] of 'ci , -: i u �o st li n f C av ue, �as '.. -'•lee-or Pro 'en - 7 evir g reedand u4_' iron 'n reie;rec', t..e Htre- ,` ,: 'nf'. P-r_:s Con ittee . `c City Attorney. ,, l}, a t: ' t'I : % Or�-i- nee -to . Ordir' nc 7 '_' . 7j 3r, being �n orai -.>.nce :�rovi '' i -g for the i::-•lr:.-,ye rent o 5t . 6tre 't .l;i 1,4 ,if'' ?' I;:• "' ' _� ;..i - 7os between t a ;t I ire o_ Co; erci•-.1 _, eruct -' . point '"lret�' �','C) feet e- et of ` a 1 't, i. ' ' .t 1% D. L; rtWrit,:�t, ei „J lii 'i_', .,.a, -, ?t lire of Ittitt Avenue, „eeetoer ;'i t.. 11 i it? sec` ? - _ )1e '? ... - se id 11 j tt r �1 s C. i 1 aI : ff ti ' ` • lll_ i S . , el 'it.._ t s city - _ .' , � y is I. + t;i-. (. 1 t( J,)� -�j/J� //,/ � * �,7 _� ,)_ ?•, ,? •.' .•'� ' n-'t"S 'J' 1)" '0�7'l '�y? 1 l is 1 '� + �•• •, t 1 •1 Be- / ZGGPI/ O / �if'ILlw�I72/ -',long toe �' . 1'_ ..v eY'I.:!e Slit. S t !t �r e...er voter rr, i.i , t t e er P n t , T t f�1 i ','ti.,' • 1 o r lri t.l i it Ylydr ,,s / T epaty ---- con'.' cti )es ,n,- to ^o end construct -' ' other "rr1;. ;,fl'•.t 1'. i'i,:it 't1e necesl,ar�' to f' ' •ri C .t p �t t, .a, e ' t �' t-- " t`.e r y e �.. •r t ;, n _�',,n-, a -i •,' ; , ` . • ! Com l F3 the ln..�i �'. S1 �,1i _ _il. l S O _ 1 i .�rl C .. i. t C r� i' ! ( {{ � I t y 1 '' �41 ry :t. . , wit,-., t._e pl-..ns •Ii . .iiiee,ti .'ns O? „._e' t . e '�;i-t,eer, was pl-.cec_ u,)or its t:lirc L .' ; I- : f n 'c' n ; -D sects -s. Una' - _. --•tion t'tle title si -, „)tec' es reed; u-!) Ir •1 I ;,, ,, • ';� j d i :il z _ i f! maiti o'' sec ti^ e 1 wee '- me:' reed; uno 1: oti o''1 sects ,n 2^l'r'.s _l f.,e' read; It ' ,; Ii; ''I , ,t + ,! �' ', upon motion section 3 WIt.s adopted as re:.'; u ,c ' t:"ratio?' section 4 •,':rt.s _d 'pted .s 1 t� • 1,1i Jt t '• f tt ,, P :) n se ,,••te i e :d r n .. '1'/t section 6 Wc:s c.d , ted. qqI, j • read; u r' notion 1 J Ctl l 5 Fr:' , ( r U ) ., - tier ) { i t e; 1 "f, .s read' upon I,.":tlon :section 7 Yi_-s ..O ')te:, ' 3 reed; upon motion sectic'n 8 W:.s + {� t •, 1` t' r t to re', upon R''Oti '- the Or it :race 1fii01e rd S reed lrt ,S ,Ld fed• ? 1 ti I e.o.::,[e.:: i 1 t, �� d d, al; . S'1 '' Rol_ Call : Ay s, s en-'Y', Urout, lrl _b _s, -•-cCl "j , e ' r it t t} t •f tI '' a e ' '1 LUTCi 1d queen. 1:, none. 't 1 tt _ i M. )O Yt .. i Ci _venue fr•) . 7 1; I t' . '} : ' 1 t � ',� i��! h@Solution for toe 1r;:'")T': �" c' � l 1�0.. ux Fit-., a r'• � e s t:l line of 1 t• i 1,.1t10 � t.� url 1 i2 pi �•� . ie i'; 6treet t0 t._ north line of 36ta :Peet , by reoovieu toerefre, toe pre!_zert pi 'SIC ,It i 1 ii? a }'' t, , .:].r ewa7ks, . ici constructln, t::<_'re_�1 .,e? _ 't aiueY.'t. li:S , six feet 13'' width on both i ,I'' Ai '''1 'f1• 1 : • •'.' 1 .1' • • , sides s t,_ereof, re, - .. - , ,t, .,.,., . 1 1 , 1 P lr: 7)Q u')G t.l t'iJpu Q Roll t�:1l Ayes , S�?` �`'Y•, '.r i �' I •1 f .. l.r" .it , Ul S, _._111;-._11.1I1: ,_Ill': ,cut'en• _i:'J s , _ e, II„ j', ;! 1 eoe ,i ,, ,j I I : I..i' 'i i :t i' I. � j, " I'tti lost ;',np. �r.O. UooY io tion Dr. H. i . _ ro:;t l'1;1 ' .000 l n ted • S e(?ltn Ot icer. :� ' . I J t t•••:•.e. • t 1't t °•; do of U -e r . ot1^ . t.,e . . .. ,.er of e `.,• c:..ti0 of 1 .� 2' �,' t '. E: e si -er- t '� :{ tl 'i'' ''•'. n ri rti n of trl s „r r 1 coIl i. I • i� { ' i • st , ref- ed n:'ld refee ed ' toe Cr, i .:tee O^ 3treet., a -' Perks ._'ld Uity i,:'L1naer• • !p • I ;( 'i` � ,,• ''. - d of •_ �.11 . '�; s, r�' � , ibbo s , --c :"y. ., n 't .� '•,�� ••� � i .', n-, •F? i{ t;: � -9 �, ,t_i G rt (; _ut. U ?. _. ?Vg, PsS. ..r. i.I' i ,t a ��� ,�'F , '� it �� t ' b I' '' t1 '' ••eie, A • 1 'I t '' L -,-e or :11g: a' '-it1 5•,,. ,. . ,':g by 1, •UnCi•'?f '.1 -•.Cl;, . _ul:: t,. t the I- tter of the cit.:), procuring tor • x1� 1 - ` .�.t,j',' , ' ' 1 e t•'�-, purposes '_ tr '.ct lend • . _es:1 '" 40 fe't 1 'I t71 '.t._ pa.r:-.1101i r?,, i' • !,t :fi:3ir-•.,di' ti i our•l s s i . act si ie of tee :re or'; :'r, ls'el;% t3/J, t.ir'�ut, . Let lo , :eat 30 ,' Tern. �� , ;;' ' ".t-�) 'i . .R. 2L free "';-t:l street ` ev rue, b) rat rr f „ t. IT i �i is Fj .� i tl /11 P P P F? t ,p l.!1 t,'''PP •1 't C'.� r �'., '1f' ', �, 'j ' - tyl^ '' I' i' t' 1• ," ' -..';i p 'rkL for inve stic,"ti On • _f" 1 0 „1 on lr SeLO'1cled. li' ,i� l G.r i ,es 'er c:tl'=11- Toe i.. .-or aoeounced „.." e Councilman ;e, ne r: .� ) 1 .ri 1 Ij return of C uncil: Ln ;s r , s cl;:;irc. :� of the + or : it4ee ';i' �1 ; i, ' ' •• ._n :7f „s . i-. P_:s . •n itree t. sod P�.rks , t._e :.'de:. t o" _bti!i - • t'_ r:. •'r 1' , if 1' i ! I ' t:journ U er - t.! _ t.:F' cit., eo ncil '.ii t;.1en :'.dj ourr_ . �, ' • ' ' I, it i A.) :r-:ved i-,' _,pen session this 4t.A. d._I„' of :.:a. , 120 . ' 'I ' '.t'' 1 ' I' ' ... ...e_._' .f. r {_y___ 1 t; 1 : . �I� , j; J'i ' t t ; I', :1 1.t e S t . •I !• ` ' 1 • I]).1 • Ij. i • i� ', • +' • j F. D. G. rtWl :lt , (.i ,. U1 ''r ). , t • f ,1 t ' I ,t • Jy -y7 nv _7 - >�--4.-.� i, !' ,•' • ]'ep.:ty I{ i �� ! ` • i. I t i ' '7 I' t ' It ' - t •1 u }, .• I 111 I , `i.,' t i t, 4 i, 1 1 i • s'0,--4 , • . _ , . ,;.., I.;,.i_.1i:,tt:,,ii:41:! I tl 1 1 - —._...... ___ _. . . ,.. ...., .,...:...,,i38 ''..? 38, 9 !frit\ , . . 0. . i !: : I .' 11 I r * ` 1 Lay 4th, 1920.20. ' •' . ' •r —-. - --- xv_^,i.. i ' • . . t - fis`y ,fit - ) , i'' - a • Rol_ C:.11 • -he city council of the city of ; C. -1el? ing 2283 Salary -s chief of policy 125 00 :;naortes did on toe 4t:a day of Lay, _ Clyde z+?11 2284 :;pecia? Police 8 OG ' meet it regul::r session with L:;;,. or ii�LL ,en presiding and Councilmen ;,e ' Croat, Gibbons n 1 Thos. Conw a 2235Fire roll 11 25 Harris, _ci;«i�url': nd ..ueen responding to roll call . Absent' ~r:,fto))• ` ' Allan iicLe n 226 Soap forfire dept. 2 00 ' j • e ious rl e - n:cortex ;.e:�_: Ldy 22o`j L_..._n:'r : forfire ^ept. 35 :• I -2,,. :, ,roved The minutes of the pr v eting were reocl -nd upon motion oporoved test Disinfecting Co. �28f` Pipeclenso for fire dept. 10 50 _ T _os. Conci,r 2289 Salary .:s fire c:lief l - 00 : .` .' C _: _ O-'rne�' o:^ p-_vioc, .The report of the city attorney on the matter of pavi r ; 7tn street from • B. G. iiOlif f 2290 ,al, r;r truck dirver 110 G , ' _^ H. I . lrulson 2291 3upnlles for street dept . 17 00 j_ ., . 7��t street Co��__ erci rLl to G avenues was re_. .. :'.nd u on :^motion ,doe tPd. 'i {• .-SJpJJ_rent roll filed Report ; ,: ,. H. A. Taylor 2292 3lr_cks�it_ning 4 35 ' 1�7 �`i;z.si.ingto T L -:',' Co . 2293 street lights for .April i>5 20 • �r;' . • 1 of city clerk, stating tr: t assessn ent roll for District No. 135 45 - with city clerk 35t:1 street, had been filed with him, w�.:- re r- and upon motion xnDted. r�napp c. :.onnever�er 2294 Lateri�:l ..na 1•, :.,or st. dept. t nao : Ronneoerer 2295 ;iep fir or fire truck 5 dj �•eaort •t ee! e 22 o Su,� li s for street dept. 4 15 • rLi eirP'ra s - Report of tit;; t��. urea was pr t d to the city council and upon mot c ,, Dave;; _3ro s. 9 pc. r Po pr { -G referred to the Car-7ittee On ri ^cnce , An come Ice Co . 229 j Feed 7_ 19 Standard Oil C) . 2298 G._soline for st. dept 51 45 ' • r:eport of Chief of e )art of ;;:lief of Police was presented to the city -council and rnacortes Lerentiie Co . 2299 Supplies for street dept. 5 40 •P cp P (: Ut)�,r, r.rJ�_ „ License c'Pfee ' , e ' ; j Police referred _ G �. �t L_in phones c. 2 referred to she C.orc. ittee on _ .n;�nc e. Revolvir.� run; 2300 sic _n,, _ g p 5 : ,•7 • Antone '�ntus 2301 Tea__: ::ire 18 75 : I •. ` + i:ao �rt of H. G . ref. FeD-rt o t::e .e��ltil Officer was presented to the city council ndupvn m. .i iz::�tiT� Ewald 2302 aor or+ streets 90 00 ' ' 1 • '' k :,oi- '�FYi • r feared to the (:O' i tee on �'1'I ice y 2303n streets '4.� ` Linn B 1co:rb L: r 7G 0 i t , t: L• C• Cookstan 2304 La or on streets 3 5 ri, � :`o . :xnic ti �t 2 i o from -o:l'::ureic:_,,ion from e �,e lt' Officern 7 streets #:'" rr the a r: o condition tion of sewerage at C r Guy ,�utton 2305 �obor on 3; 1G , t -, • Health Officer ref .school urns read and upon .-oti •1r ref g� oll_t .-; r r:" ..: referred t on �uil e Fleming 2306 1.«'�or on streets 5100 '' d d u e the CrCo.l it _e c., s Everett lemi gep d (lit, �ln _ _r. Cancelled 2307 Cancelled , ' Mr.. A. Johnson 2308 L__ror and :r:t eri ? lock city hall 1 ` 5 t, ?C', report of City, Log• report of :r:e ci t;, engineer on r::_tter of sewerage for southside v::;.s r-Ld ''a Leston S:o>i 2309 Janitor city h,'.11 10 :0 {. • ;i referred upon notion adopted. 17'? city ?n i er Yr=.S instructed Washington I. Co . N for '� C n'? d to obtain survey. �.ashingto P -. & t C 2310 Light cit,; roll 9 36 `.;;` D;--ve Bros• 2311 Sun�tlie s for city hc:.11 1 50 2312 Tolls 65 4 j { Vacation of 2yth st. The ratter = y Co1 ,of v _..anon of portion of 29th streetwas laid over until t' r-x Puget So red Tel Co . :: laid over e H x the {, meeting.+g• C R. Franklin 313 tel7'lirs on adding r LCiiine 5G + , ,. i-rs . L. E. Sy. waiter 2314 Janitor Li r_:ry 20 00 i , ill,., �f The report of the Committee on JevNe1 z�n Buildings o e+ ; e Lr �3 5 �1-_r Li :rarian b8 GO ' '?• i gs on t,. :� tion for tiFc•Fr Lu l '._. ':n _rd 1 ..�r_ .. 1- :Jew- _� Bldgs. on pet- : in Block 12, Bowmans CS_:YiP Plat, recoup_'endiog that a resolution be adopted, :-n:'ctortes Citizen 2316 Publishing 15 o6 �; E . ,• ; i „i an for sewer c; l li n for e e P , ^ r ,` a notice o n ari ,g, wan, re :red upon motion adopted. H. F. Frost 231 Saba; h. 0• for Jan & Apr. 5,0 00 1 ' i Fire , , Light _, _ 3en Dri f trr:i er 2315 .:whir, ci t -.t L_'rne,, 50 CC Ili `r , t nr _ , Tot, .r L _,i ht L_he report ot-' the Committee o'•� i`ire, ;later and Light or. petition Cor street F. D. Cartwright -319 ::��l..r s cit� clerk 5000 J. ; , . { t O. ,.1tio'1 for li It li :lt atGlassPlant, r 't tt [. V Sn < e & 6 1 t, 2jt'rl and T streets, recommending t't1:•_t a li.-t_,+ be W. B. ,�:.�-.•t 20 ��_l r,; .. , Clt, engineer 100 0(; `:' ' )^1 at 27ti It_!It nl: t'A' 3 • Chere, was reo and u-ton notion r�dooted• e:/ 5 75 ' c � ` ;,! . , An .cartes _: erican , 321 Sun-)li,s for ci horn is t ounsan-Tay�or 1'owini Co 2322 riauling t;r�_vei Vfor streets 73 00 ''�;4 t �or { ' ` Petition from H.L.J<:r.:esPetition form L. e sidewalks +, 53 , �' ± f ; r Janes, t a1 for _icy walks on 17th street, was rear and ,..�..rion �a:,inson 2�:'3 ?-11:1.r;• .vim ci ,.,r creamer a: cosh adv. 84 , r.r, ' et al for sidewalks r 0. A. Lenr)i'+g 2324 1: .r as St. Supt. 127 95 j r t upon motion referred to the Committee on Street:- a- Parks. , Petition :Petition from C 1 r 1 ry • Laura Fisher 2325 Claim for damages ages 425 00 t r { from a Lion ._. C. Thompson a e, ' 1 Thompson son mps n 'o se of north end of "I1" street, re-*:' Laura Fisher 2326 Claim for c. m ages 500 00 4. •' ;' :t p and canon roticn referredtoe c toe �o� �itt e on streets ^r Parks. Laura rl moiler 2327 Claim for da_ 4,es 210 30 F: • ;;! ', . ' Ordinance o , t,S Ii` �. t :.k ; i, Ordinance ?I being and ordinance providi rg for the improvement of "E" a`V i �' ;•. t • .i 1 (venue from a _ire 25 feet north '? !' the south line OC _vwentieti, s:.reet to "ii t ;`+ tt i i 55 L ti. t,, c red street, v€ t. r LOCAL I'_13.�V_.: a I3 TR IG? I O t27. ! ,' ...1.14, . • a _infeet ., 'nit 1 `_t the north lire o [ yen y-:le o ee '- 'P ,e ♦r _ ���. �� J ? . • ; . wits, ...L1 In „ex•Sectio s ly :1-1 `.r'i t.sir . '-,1C: _Limits or between ti-.e s y t P k• , tt • id rr. iri • � �1 by laying oven ,-.red nlr•.ci og caonc L:.e oaid rtlrenue 6-inch water main, to- tr1;.B=LILn 198 L_':aor 35t:� street 61 6o `; ` fret.. r with t:. =ire t �-c!r:'_nts connecti . r's , .-net,_ Lo c' i.-.n 1 c L or4 Or {' !!,'' ` •t+ , . ! d s:.r ,r :any o., ei 9� a 5 I{ � ,f • yr :r., necess-.r;; to c •rr,o1ete s- id imp,ove::-enL ;'i t:.in ;.',:e .limits of_ s• ist- G�:y Hutton 20(i Labor 98 70 •, ,' 1, ';i., i;v r ttt 1'1 Wing 201 Labor 62 9' 1;: ,`.r 1 • i,i j•''� , r1Ct it accord ante tali. i.i, tile. plans . .rt _ :peoif iC .tion s Of rite ci emir e v t A,t s ' t ,'j re tiny ocr._ ir. p:OVe:: e't istri to be '.�n;.,wn n:_ ,.'.psit;nc:tea s Loc:.l F. T. Ciiurc:. 2U2 terra hire 25 UC> .1 71.1, •.t1 I ' 1 ,. 4' i I:,,pi o v er. en t-i .. Lrict .:o. :t�id e taOli s..ing and Cixing u_�unt.Etry of Current EXpens Fund 203 Use of teary, true L. tryactor 204 40 'a. said 'district \;�..ic:. is t P es�.se - f r .• P n ` :r; It , . '1 ii o tar Life cost t said irrp _vv?: eat, nc cle t- General ter_a^e 204 Payroll 6 55 .I �� �''j ,;, , , ` ing ;.?._veal ilrprotievent t.:nd t ) be .cno`m nc design:;teci as r e:. L e , nip j L �t• 30 ' ',t 'i .� 1 � ' fi • "siI • Local I:: a�1'JZ rn�_rd Jac tis :0 r 5 .11'• ; r 1L- . _.. a C Xn ofr p c n e 1 ' � i •. t i l ' . =Li^��. _•O . -, f'� r il�? p: ??t '? CO t i F? n• �5 said 1" 1.O'. is tl `il".d Thom S 206 L:�`� r 93 50 ijt) '� ; } ia provi . ins; tar ,wile ..s.•es:•.. ent of _._e r)ro')e'rt, ':)�-nef t ted i ..r the oLd.. <r)t i:. .�',. Si one 2o`j - L.-. 'Pr 110 65 I.� !j " i! t t t t 1 �, : toe coot t:Aereof .._n _F•x• toe me C� of is a'eciir_te t••o pc'.y:r,ent, was pl-.ced upon i 0. -!ronkri to 2f F3 L:: �.�r Cr •;�" ' lot �.' d second r.eadir� by title; upon otion the ordirt. n wasreferred toW. , ^er LF, 20 00 'tt• ,; o '; . i , f c e r f rred I . Irvri 210 1 s r ((,`r i ; t • � ' I ' Judici: ry Con- ittee t'.nd Ci Ly .,ttorney . ; � lT�:,� '�{',` i �``'LI D 1 0 :' I, , ' ' Eli•; '' ' FIDALG'i h0_i .:• , + ' +� i r:rdx nee _ Ordinance j'o oein�, ordi nee �u.endi r section Q I f• �.•, �I� �i ?: �i; `' ; ,.1, 1 6 1 of Ordinance i.o. 326 i , g + ` ! as vended by Ordin. _nc:e _.o. 637 of toe cityof tortes, nd anti clod Blythe :.:cCauley 209 Gravel-•,:au=ing 218 50 i� ;; :i• '�' ,-1 fiii::,: ;�• , : � "An ordi nce establishing the fire the r, � �t' ;,E;: se ;.;, 1T _ limits within city of :_'� .tortes, . o • t _ tcE;,;o-r i� s: t • lr ri ,.s tirstat ii7i'•,3..' { ' t , .1n tCn" , Yr U OtiOn placed U�On re: in.g by title, unor . r ., , -� t '' t� ' �f ;:"; .!, motion the ordinance �..-: placed unone r r-.t �. ,1 d its s _co. d reading by title; upon nr:tl Gli_.LRLL ...T R FUND ! • t �,, ? � ' (; t..A ordinance '::7-9 referred to the Judiciary (or: �rIttee and City .'_t ,rney. 1 • '� Bell sac:wine ;corks 162 Labor red in t nx __i w ter dept. 52 11 t t' �' ' ,. + 1 1 •.1i Bond of _..cL._ry ref- 'Bond of J . 0. :c'T-uy, An- tortes Citizen, for city printing, erred e presented P _ y 31 ','; i` .r .e city cc�uocil �•nd u-�on .:.o e the " g, r.,..s resent d John Oda lt3 Lac l�� 140 10 { � ti an referred err d to �n Judiciary CoC .. i t t e "red r rr.. cis short 1b4 L:' 35 , ' 1i ' 'Ci ty Attorney. W. 5. Sirl,.. tins 185L Laoor 36 40 (oLo , .•j l+•'y ;, ` :, Pickens '•.:..cue T.. ►rats 186 Labor 41 25 ,; : '. + BrorP,,s^council Lloyd Brown and (;n-=.s. Pickens ad.-ressed t:i'' council in behalf of Causlanc? P'•r :, u. S. '3•_nxrite 1�,7 Labr 51 ';0 �• • . � I t a pork _ re 1S%:I` :1 city '1-cal 'alrt to park. .he rlt- ;er was referre�a to tap CO?? '1 . W. :b. S4 art 10 ctv nc ed 9 65 :, ' act. ® or 'tre4�ts •_net. Parks Yri t:l power t_ W. S. S . )rt locj ::..l ..r; superintendent 150 00 , i 1 , . id .r . ,•atKi non 190 Salary s chief' clerk 1 0 1 I, ' ' I., 11 + Grovel on 40tih street idatter of pl.:cirg gr,.v•,l on 40ti1 street it is referred to the Superintender' Lou Snit-,. 191 Caretaker ° stle .I'a.':e )5 00 1 ; `I,, of.. t t C ;.ret�r_, r r,i 4 V'I' l• • ' x' o Corr:. Streets. C. L. Berry 192 Caret ricer rt L:-;:P ;.red oti:er work 100 00 . ' , ' 1; L:.urc3 1S}1 r u nt n LauraCurrent Ex enSe1'U 'G- ly3 Se 7 i LP131; :. �� tick 15 20 t - I; a J rb;' e Un)'n r tion the _ isher judgement was ._ t:l:+rized LO be :•id Ayes, ? Le ter ' eters 135 00 �I , I ,t + '• {i • i '' to be p;yid io1 � , ., ,T, PC l ", i;St::01 r_et r C(: . ` ' l •1 i. P r t �essr ,r Crout , i;.rris Gi-_:_ons, and aaeen. Nays, ___cuc�-lium. An co t s '�ruf, C. • 195 if000r they ] T5 {, •F i,�, + ; ; ' Claims i _ Arc - rte;. "r In fer Co . 196 Freig .t & '`rryage - 7 5 . f1 tI ' I �,1 r .t filed Fly._. '? of the various s cl t funds �� ;e e e t _ Tel r } s follows, r p�esPnt ..c. Puget Sound i'el Co. 197 lolls t rci rentals 6 6i. . Ii , ` . t,•I '•• council .'.na u -r) 1 .notion referred to the COl:,i: it Lee in Tin",nee. :r , ` oebe r e r es Feb. . '� {, ' �' , tf'�i .ntr.p ) xon c r� _r l jc lfep sirs & supplies Ieb .- x. 1. ,r. 110 20 t, y q j ;, , An COi Le. Irons Works 199 �'�}1 .rpeni?tc; trills (C nC ellnd) 11HW • ) , y ` n ` n On r,>7 ;,e 35 t y ; M H. Rick by 20., 1r: soor,.,.ti Fri 4 F. L. :.:cGill 2U1 2 vrilPei xro�`rs 11 UO { j Cr:.ne Co . :`02 �'t i v�s ;,4 38 !! ' r ! Ea I t 1 • "' A. ::yore 203 Supnl i r,g l? 5r! rt { �! , . , , �1.. O. Tucker '04 elm in g 4 75 i • :;i� :v '� ;, G. Germain 2 50 t ' r.,..•11 1'i . l .' i 205 Al fair, clock '.r,� � . .. ,:,a3 tact„ - aikr , .-..-..,, -- 1 1. �` { ,.- - : czif; ::. . __ • t•-,..1„,, 1 i --cLi6 sic _____ ______ _ _ .. _ . ... _ _ __ ., . _ ________c_i_o_____1_ „ to, , v S c.. + ——- ( I: ,p • E. C. i-.ichards 20� n: i?nt for hour e at reservoir The city council of the city of Ancortes.. did on the 16th day of Many, 1920. , ;; ,; r.c._ra ";i= Co. 207 G _sol ne - .:eet in regular session with - ayor }iaugen presiding and Councilmen Lessner, I 7. A Jnslns'.•n 2A8 C- rpenter pork in of fide 4 McCallum, Traitor and queen responding to Roll Call. Absent, Gibbons, Crout : # , • S. D. Temple L Go. 2G'; 'flue print pr.peri and Harris. i. ,, Lover_ a Hanford 210 Supplies _J '..' I ;r: cortes Junk Co. 211 Pipe , approved The minutes of the previous meeting were read and upon motion anoroved as read. , , ;' ': • 4. l 1 .ovoly in_- Fund 212 Payroll . ' -..-_t _?%'l ,_P{,Prt1 . 213 i-_ptPr p •.rts Attorney on Report of the City Attorney on m- tier a_ urcir:. ,'ce for inl ro-,-e ent of -- Avenue - 1 ' '.. t 1. Knape ,._ l one eoer, er 214 :Jt . p-_yr;,en ton c�.r - t- • ,nce for and 20th by Fro;termain, s; _tiny t'e� .t s;r.-r.e cr�s legal it form, err. re (' and uper• • j n �' 1r: �: Troy, Works s 215 h rpeni'^•U drills _ ,_ . .- motion e t 1? r^ motion adopted. } t. t .rrr'.__ I • ! • 1 1, , ,' _ . A. ?ay:or 21u Blacksr�it..ang 1 ' -J ` L. :,ttorney on Reoort of the City Attorney, to whoa: was referred the matter of Bond of J . 0. ` . i r of C T:Ir r i_CiiL:ry, .:n:.COrtes Citizen, for publishing, \':' read and upon notion do l ed. i 3t . • Fi n-nce on claims ims Report of the Co- ittee on _ i . nc:e to 1 o=o r_ referred the el�;i.ms -�J. ? noinPPr Orr Report of City EnGineer on matter of sewerazge at Columbian School, stating ..hat . v.,r_, ._s ci fund, rec•ou:. endint tl.:°.t s�__ ebe allowed -:nd '�rr.rr�;- is drawn i ,, school h::s beer properly connected with sewer, was read and upon. :lotion .ccptea. _ • ` e motion :.',� te•c'. Roll ':11 . Ayes, Bessner, Crout, r school -, I • �:._. _ read a:�1 a ,o�' rro i. _ _ -: bons, :>arris , _.:cCallu. and tiueen, i1:-..ys, none. on side Report of Cit_ -Engineer on sidewalk on. 17th street from Com ercia.l. to K Avenue , --' ^ i t • -k To 17th .)t . was re: d and upo^ notion adopted. Aajo:ir?l Joor i'. Otion �::? Clty Co_:ncil pia tr e7) :d ourn• r ''''r ,1?; ; , • ,,i ty . no. on pay- Report of City .i minder on no_tter of pavi ng 7th street from Cor::rr�rcia:l to K t�. •, T i 4c— ' • n roved i op? ou it ti:is 13� .> of '0. P' 1 i : . ,� n n c nc y �9� t, st . Avenue, and from `jt:r to 8th on K, was read and upon ration adopted. ' f3•. . _ { - -1 or �on hly Report of }r Commi.tt on i c on p Cit, ' e j •� r� :; .4; � .,:� rt.�ril r orts o� the 1r atsur r :-•• ::..' I 1 • ;� r, , of e Superintendent .. i }, ` ., ,. � , • ! , _ r,, �s Chief Police �.nd Suaerin�e d nt of Streets, recor,.'� ernl .g that same be ;.� � r'rr' ac=ceptea ,_''d placed :n file, as ea _n o:^ motion adopted. ar c,.l; Cl O I l e r r C up r:' n ci _ d 1 • •t '4 �: , i :4;: ' + • • •-6--;.:::Of:i, . ef z i .:i, ry on Report of tie Judiciary Cori-: - ittee on bond of J . 0. Lci;ary, _�n ,•uortes Citizen, r". .._e.:240,,• ��`-o- �f ..-char tt:.s pre-ented ._nd unor. r. >>tion r r'_op` ed . . 1 • , Mayor y i E•:.,i 1 At to -t . a r and ' 'I { c -t :lid. on ?ire lip- Report o� the Judiciary Coma i tee on Ordinance o� fire limits is �., s pc ! . •• ;• i F. D. C'.rtwright, City. Clerk, upon notion opted. ' 1 :.•i: - • By ��`{ ,�« Il�t`t''t - _ , c_ . -:rt:s on Report o7. f Con ittee or S Street ;, nd Parks on n- vi f( 7th street from Coma:erci a.l I' , �• 1 H "Pouty. , -Ti, o 7th t to G avenue, woo read �'nd uoon motion '-'0-rated. �Si . _ , ' ` } I t':•.rks on report of Streets & P•---rks Corri it ee ran -oetition =or ce::ee side 1'rr ?rs nr _7th I ` � r ;{evils.. for 17 st ..eet, stating that t'_e estirr--ted cost per lot was greater than 50,c of the ,.• , •. - •' , :, 1 strut F.ssessed v:-Iut'.tioin, \r?:._ re-0 and upon Arbon adopted. • ,, �, . y '', i'• .:; -& Sewers on Report 'l f the luilding `.:ewers i.on . i L;.ee on rr r.t ..er of i.eo i I•:i on s outitsi cue #� I ii f t' + n :.: �llurr m.'de a oLi -�n thit i,ile s.?l rry of lead street �outhsi�a.e firehr�ll fire hall , was read and upon motion adopted- . Ii! r•`f ' C,ouncilrra cGa. m a ' ! , % 1 i j Superintendent be incre..sed to .140 per worth, same to take Affect ' ; ;' i Cr' �'iJoins '".:Arts i�c(;: llunl f.r:c' liui?d. `iev.' rs Re art of tale Com• i Ltee on .uildi rat, a Sewers or sewerage at Columbian. School :• '� ,, :s•; • , April 1st, 1920. Boll call : Ayes, Croat, 1 . 1 ` , queen. a: _yS, -eSSr�r. n school sewer was re-c -.nd upon Dtion Ciopted. i,(r •,, •1 ', }T {u , - c - .r. - i.- _ 11 11 t 11 l. • I I i' • :% , r F- titionfrom Petition from C. C. ��:.rnett , I P. L. _"e_5_ n , et al, Cor the trading of H - ., r• -tt et al for ` -e 1' e ,- eet r, presnted to ti?e city council t,l. ' ' Arenue from �ixt:t :>,.r i t �r lft i-�' r _s , n +u n w o e i n nPg n I 11 } r .ing h St. d up_ notion ref rr d t' t':: Ci L,; gi r d C.arrr.i ttee on Sts. & Parks. {t• ,•i t i , , t a • r I I I'e ti tion from Petition from. Lai tt i:arsua, , . S . C:hilcis , nd o titers for a serer i n :.11e;,- be- I r. 1 f1�� li, :i ;Y ' rsha, C. ilds, :.ween 33rd and 34th streets fror,. h ;.venue to Fivalgo Bay , vr<<s re- c. a:nd upon ` .1 '�, ;a '.1- i,> = ._. for sewer motion referred to the Con i;tee on Builuin6s b- Sewers r•.nd Cit;, h:-.gineer. t � ''tt i ' y e '� re.. e} e l c' ' ethe ,' EJ . It '% ' % 1 ' j ,, south line of fifteenth Street to toe north line o is T,,irty-sixth Street by re- 1 4 .1. I o , !?i; 1 i' moving therefrom the present plank .-.1=.s rnct c ns ' n e r ,,, i _ i er: o .,tructi g th Aeon cement 'rf .'t 111; • �� 1 . .,; .i sidewalks on both sides tt_ereof, crer: tint, ins •1- irrni n•• e-. er,t district to the 'k 1 , i ' o 'i :A I 1 Loc Imnrover.ent District _ i '-lir.g and fixing the ,,. ;`,' 'yi''!I ' i1 ''> I known a..s 1 i trio No. and e.stabl S ?,. i �' n P ^..1C Ct �l:iicn s � ' :E s es9ed for such lrrr)I'OVe ant nd Ir `1 1. i!;t, ? I j I nun ri s of s ai ri i t t t � ## creo tint, z loc:al irrprovel en t fund t _ be known . nd design- tea . Local Improvement A ''.�'' ' 4 ' : ., ?i t 1' 'i' I ' Fund? No. for + ,e p 'Lyfent of the costs and exper;=er: of said iff-prove ent i tt.II� I�• i 01 i t >s,? i by five ( ) equal installments on the property neri tted under the method of 1 , •i ..f 1 j •, a , I• ' • ; p:.yrr:en :. by --ends, �,•o:• placed upon its first and sec�)o d re:;d ing by title. L' o i' „I '1'1+ ,;K:1 `'. :I `I,`y: ';� I notion Lie orain:'.nce rr pl' ced upon i first _ri g by �e; upon .. n fj' �i, ,,'{•�,• ;,I • ' the g p ,�. d � .C: ll`)n c (; I're''ln , b` title; 1„u )0 rr�1 lot ','i 1i i� • , : • L 1 second r a; v ° 1. , n ran { f n w e n e '1 P o the jj `�� � ,.. s ... r�i c nl; d its g ., , ;; �'' � �1 '`� �'i`h�•�r`�•. ...i { i . , referred. to te Judici7.1r;,• C•,:. - ittee ,.nd City Attar ey. ' 1.o:ItJ;'' l< -•� I , 1 1 r('i rce ::0 . `j06 Orcil -a-nce No . 706 , 1 inti r-Y1 Ordj". .nce .'nenoi le- !:Action 1 Ot Gras .. .v,t:e i3O . j2o i " :j as a:rened by 0rc. :. .'i r e o . 637 of the city of An' cortes, and e~titled ' .; ` IIA.1 Uteri' _.:TUL eta ii s,.l`'t-, 1i,e ! ire Limits '.i thin ..ile ci to o C __'':lcortes , .Bel , II j•,:Il 1, j �'�I r!:S u:one '.: 0t1 On placed upon its ti:lyd and fl n,'.l me ci. by .r,?Ct1 .;'s Leo i I t1, A . ., :i I .. motion the title r*r. . adopt''d _.s re .d, upo motion section 1 r::.s adopted as `1 , 1 j fiOl- .j., • read; upon motion section 2 was adopted a:- read; upon r J Lion sec L . -',n *), was s i;' ' .'io tea reed; upo - motion the ox•ui ;, net' .s a creole re as read was r:(iooted. ,i' ''i• f , i, I Roll mall: _- Ayes , dash r, cUoolu__ , 1roCto od 1tueen l:£.ys, 'i' , •� ; i ' ' t , i , •1 + ---,solution to hesolution pr_r)osi r6 to create an enlarged newer district from 20th street to ' ,1i ,:ever to enla rt_,ed 36th '.ndl"HI" to "T" Avenues was read and upon r:'-' Lion adopted. :1 , + surer di strict I , 1,, • , Resolution for t.-e i i p,o t el. ent of aliej i .lock twelve (12) lio,....an' s C.SII';IF J solution for Plat by sewer to connect with the trunk sever on "T" "venue, was read and ' ','; +' : eeer Bite 12 Bow. upon rr:o ti on adopted. , ' 01 . !Pt" ` tj ' .ail r n toe ( ,•' . e ;' oi_o3 ,:. Sewers o :; authorized t o woke repairs 'i it , .. r a. ... Derr:; on li'.'Jn rt: Etta � �. .o..�•; i�t e o :uil.:i p 1 ' '•I ' ' - Lathside fire- on soutnside firehall not to exceed ;�100 in a nioun L. , 11 !', ;I ' � 11 1 1�: ''� ' '9. ' Upon notion t/.e L.�iyol .:End Ci .,,, Clerk were au i:iio :'i zed to en ter i1 to loose l'rj-th: H 1 1 i y - -e for Ana. the .,'1 itortes Lumber o_ Box uoi:�7any for the f0'' ._ow.i n;_ street ends : !. '' , *. r 1 - sari 'oer i.•- Box Co , . I 1 t ' I , ioorti: 21 feet 4ti, :street fr 'rr S --ve to T Ave . +; 1 • i1 I I Lortu 50 �.ec't lit:l 11 " S II II T it t;i 1° -(,' i ' • i t , , . st 2c feet _ e -'r: ) i tw fr: arc. t to a;t,;; �t ;�' .�; : ` :� - oest 14 feet T Ave frJrr 4th St to t t;. St. ,III 11,tj'fit r ,. iq ' " ..'.. - ,xa � - -- -- -------------- -- - -- -- --- . .. - - dom,,- - c) . .., .. ... - f h 4z.`'-r . /3 i ice• :_..�c t +'\ '�: 1 • . ri ar#1..•...4,, 't : _ , 4,,....„7,,,,, , .t. _____ ______ - 1 isCi - he cityco..ncil of the city of r:nacortes did o'„ the 1st day of June, 1920, meet .� . ,; • All S Ave ire: 4 rh Jto Gall 1 l , e n t 5th .5t o in regular session with. counciln en Bessr.er, Croat, cCo uI:' .: d eu en re5 ordi g East 15 feet �. _Ave Frew 3rd St to ii:_roor Line + Rol:to of e; 1?. Absent, Gibbons, _rr_fton erd i l rris. ' ` ` i ; - Roll Cal'_. :eyes, Lessner, cU allur , it Eton .• end eueen. Toys, none. .-or Pro '!'err. I,- the absenceoi the 1_ y or, ira Aar Pro Ter. Be:�sr er sstzr: ec_ the ch: ir. "i' I Aa.•,ieuen Up-- rtotien t:_°' city council did i. .:?', adjourn . ..ie. rriproved i '. T 7 n r•_ o cV P r ,^ � ��, nF n, . I:. •'` ' dJ The minutes of he previous .r _ -t e were r. •c: u ti n adopted as re- d. roved in open session Iris let day of June, 1920. i • d _-_;,torney on Report of the City Attorney to when •t�:�s referred the matter o deed from iiuldsi I ; t of H_ulda i and Cihas . Joi_nson , st�."ti �g that sar�e wa:: correct - _ to fr: n�, thet it should • ' ' i • ` ' I ' ; ,i Z e7 � , �;h' aTOfin60n be investigated es to taxes, wee reed and up Y' motion ^C01�ta� , j o 0,,, ..-e--.C--f • L'ayo]C fit . Attcr. on Report of City e.t :.orne;;. on the Or.:i -'__nee o innroL'e' ent -f Gorr: erci?•. _te. , by 1' i • Attest: • • r : - ' F. D. Cartwright, Cite Clerk, l , • !' -ports of City • Reports of r curer, Chief of Police and Su erir' tenden t o : Streets, were , City •�' P _ I __ , of P en�p z it the •e t ' p 'r_l e e p referred to ., B r � � ��ci ��!�o.y✓ flr.. 01 r=: d .,n ci council - 'mod u o ti n were a_cce ted ,,nd r fern c' the + , • '' e•:uty Sept of. -.Gs. Corf . i tLee a ± inane• t . . i D o-ferred-. to Fin. ' Report of :e Cit : Engineer or tee matter of cr _di ng arc gr'evellin_ "H" !_venue ''>!!h`1.1 , _ ire. on st .ting that trie estimated cost from 6tit. to 12th streets would be Y6,212, and I • ' s s • ,'1 ' ( • t. " u + 9,513.001 c�. ;;; cost of H tie t one i�:•1f of the assesses value was i" • i • eese . • 1 Avenue ' •! 'i . 1 � , r L _ . CIC i c 1 : � YIr �: ` zdf a : 0 < c eeesr ' . j E for the irpro' ertit Uomrerciel yCe. nsidewas, w _s rt . c and I '• see : • I motion adopted. ' ' . ' _ [" `� i! 6 s,t'• is tI,• ••. r Pks on Report of Cor:rr.ittee on streets •n ?arks re grading of "Ii" a�verue, wa=s re�_d { n re ' • :" .1 . - n upon notion, adopted. li!.i'',i;'',:i.:.,;• :.'i:;;..:11' `` • } Parks on Report of Committee on Streets end Parks Q. _e ratter of Baca ti an of porti_.. of I f 1 C ti o,, of 29th 29th street, recommending that the va-�cation oe granted, vas read ,'nd" uper motion ,:,t i :_ reset. adopted. :1; , 1 - ,:i ions resigns Resignation of Councilman .ribbons was presented t the city council and upon , • ; : 1 ; '1 L accepted. Ayes, Crout and LcCnilurs . --a r ,queen .. __a nr r P , 1;, t • ( motion ys cz n ti c-�r_i d "' i ti tion from Petition from Cans. =ellows for permissi ^n to crave ouilding across 4t:: �,nd 0 ` �' ' • ;'r' r, I - Allows streets was presented to the cite council < nd un_ on notion Lrented. '3ond of :1 ' i A an' 'tij :� :li ,�5G0 atccomp::n� _d the petition. • it • I .: -oee . from City Con':,unication from City Tre :surer relative to de'.ircuent Louel Improvement ; I " ;; , . , • h'e .s. re 22ist. District i:o . 113, wee, read and upon motior referred too the Cite attorney andi li � , `C. ; I 113 Judici:'.ry Corn:: i ttee. h' ` �' ` • E's: i I I ' t f;t i' ,: . ;::' finance 08 , Or ieence No. 708, o ir.f. an ordinance c,enfirmin.L; Lire assess.: erlt roll of Local ;, f i' f Improve.. ent District i?o . 12'j for the imnr.�_.ement of 35th street from Co:. .. ercia1 � • 1I ' .' Avenue , east of v Aver anc. ;idelgo B:':;; }-:oar from said lire to the city limits I ;I }: e :1i : t s described i" Ordinance _,o. 700, as equalized by the ci L, council of :.he city t ± • if % , :'., i f A�i.:.cortes on ;:he first c c.,, of June, 1920 , and prescribing upon w haft time such ' • , i'., .,;`f i 'r i . sssess.• eats small ee paid, wes placed upon. its first rea�.din�; by title. , u_oon . '1 `< ;� o•i • motion the ordi pence woe• placed upon its seceed reeding by title; upon motion i , , S, ti , ,• I• 1 scl e orCiin ._nce wos referred to the Citj iittorne,, eed J•udicier Coiu ittee. i! • , •� -. ai'' ell! if' { 1 , I '� �,' �, ` eli.l fence #70 Urdln,�nce No 709, being a:.n oi'C i ooue emending Section 3 of Urdinence no. 698 i'• 1 i J• t i 1 i being an ordiea'_nce �•1xi.:ls the r._..es t:, be cur rged ' or wa',ter furei shed by the ,-. l N . ;,1': "'1 I I �,: ' .1 't red rovidir rules and regulations rel_.tiee thereto, be ;.c'. '.ed tYhereto a pars-- , 'al,' i, N E • P g ,, 1 ) .i , r1 i I ' r' Lra:,pn known _.s Schedule F, w .0 upon Lotion pia ced upon its first rea.�'_ing by title; • `1 �� , I' y :; ;1; uponf r; , f. I ! moti _n ordinance w- �nleced it ,o, i :s second rea.di ng by title; upon eetion j ,• i i ! .ail e of :i�1: .r, - way_ ref erred to t".e Ci t, -.ttorney rd Judiciary Con . i t ee. i�'S I ,: .1 ,1 •• . ,e1 t ettor. to Unan i:�otion the City Attorney woe i structec to prepare resolution on the rl •'•'1 ' ), ,�k i, ' ; i i !I . ,rep^re Res. v..c Lion of portioi? of 29th street. ,; i. I _,• ii I{ '!Iji c,` tit ,•! ' + ! • ! _.eeee with L. at1 �7'. . n,.:de that the city `inter into le- se se ':'i to I..elvaile . urti ;'or 1.11..� ,� '�.., c ;:ii ,� ii ';` ;' i • , S A rr.ee to oe e i in I: 1st, I 1 t� I' • 1' s.,t • i', • to iseese . :� ` rti a street end c) and rfr .., �; (✓ LayG 9 '• i i e• �' ' `S' ! I Cla aims filed ,_ i ^s't the v..rious cite, f. nd s fol�.orrs, wore presented the cite/ ' i ".iii� • iL' i'c :?. �'..., i imS CO rCil and upon IAOt1 referred to the COmtrlttee on Fln.'.nCe. :I :i;;at:d: es • i-rc: stri..l Insur�•.nce Coe lesion 2328 Insurance for tern,: ending ' /30/2G 47 76 i { , tc' ' i ' • . ' ,. !i ' i-=edi cal Aid Fund 2329 i.iedica1 aid for tern end. 4/30 /20 7 93 '. }} . ;'. I, ' ' G. Si: . ''Rol L Co . 2330 Shovels for streets 4 OC t,, A ' '. ;I. r , Antone :.:ortens on 2331 Bl.tcksrr i thing 9 CG I;'+ ! . i.' . . . I L nn n '' '2 l .re end cast. ..dveneed 127 10 • 1 t . nil lr' '' I,. C . Co .;stgn 2333 L =L'ar �n streets , • . u vG I r r'I Lart1_ t e 4 90 00 I, .ill • r Ewald 2334 Sreet cleaner , t , : ! Lynn Bolcnrrb 2335 Lc or e streets 12 85 I ` t ; i' 'I Dave' Bros. 2. =;0 Sup.�1i eo for street end fire c ept. ,6 lb + i ,� ' 1 E. c� . Phillips 2337 :_teriol for pork 90 20 .I; ' , •i ' . • . . an iSir: . ons 2336 ':oor p rk 'I ' . I I' • i -G S. tronkri to 2339 e l e 60 : i�<:, o p.sk , , i �, . %: ..de lho as 2340 L: .or at park C 25 ;, r , ' , `nd I , • r'•. U ,D. Temple a. Co . 2341 3t<.tiooer,, for clerk 1 40 ' ' i • tie Creet i:ort.hern by Co . 2342 hentel Lor nose ihouse site s 0e ,II,' lI ' 1.:, i e ' t ' ;, ' • H. L. Frost 2343 „_ 1 ar,; as H. O. 25 00 f k ; • i i I' ben riftnier 2344 Ua lar;; s ci t,, attorney 50 00 • y ;1 '' • 1j`, F. D. c. rtwr � e'et 2345 Cala{re as city clerk 50 000i . i • I! ;,'1 r ' i ',! I i;'erier ti et{inson 23 6 .�al•'rr,' cit,; treeeurer 50 0G j. l' 'i 1 I Lev•'lvire Fund :"4t • ;.:a�n �:or D Dist. LIo. 128 c, 4G t, • T 1 24b ar:. in en ,i .AArs office 12 50 I1 . t, I • I Hebert i!na.�tp lj' 1. , ,� • .� Clyde a'.11 • 2349 Upeci.. 1 po_ice c 0C ' 't'; ' I • 1 f i ail .s. Flexing 2350 .salary cr:eit' of police 1:'S 00 ,t •I, • ter 1)ep..rtu ent 2351 ►tydre..nt renta{.l , �' ter at sit i, 11 , :t,; .'. ,I ,�. , li bran, atndfrunta.intor1►pr. 6: l.ay45240a, i :it, ; ,', ,. ; IF I , Iy 6 • . . ., t 3, , ,..,...„ . .. 3 0, 5 !. , ,. .:-...,. ... J4-.1 ::,IN4 ••••, - ; : 31 j: • 1 June r th, 1 20. ' j• .:urtis 'ti::.:trf Co. 2352 Coal for ci t , hall i 2 C::11 The City Council of :i:e City of _-��" tortes dir a�' t::e ?th dcy of J�1ne, 192G, meet • ! ' -Le to Short 2353 Janitor ;.t city hall i j • ' - -�. G. 'Loeb 2354 motor p its for fire en er • in special sessi on tvi th L.�y •Protein '3essnpr presirin.g :nd Councilnen I.orris, i_c- �' tueen resnon' log to }loll Call. �lboprt :rout �.nd 'r fton. • ! �'.f t; .,s. C�n�'tay �'35� S:._._r fire c�_lef � �lluYr nk , • t ' is. G. h;�.tl i i C 2356 S:_l:.x truck driver I. 1.' ` e''' 351 V - '_ _ -u;pose of The -ourpise of the meeting v:_.s to nr;.nt free license ,o the Eagles Lodge for }. G. A. L -in l,:-.s.. vc_nced for oats I ;1/, x'S: �i!" OFi ,?ter 2:i5b J .!�i tor L1 ?rt ry �.nr Virg a street carnival. i i L. Luell:, Iiowz.ro. �.1� J �i ' ' • 23:5 aI y . .s _�i rtLrl poi r i _ . • P _ _'e4ition • Upon motion the petition was gr_-nted. + ; ate Thor S GJvJ •--- . .•;)I O�i `r: ve ')it _ J . • �1". ors r V. 23U� I-_-_,,,. } i r; 1' ?rnit r -J ; ^i "+urn Upon r-otion the city council did then adjourn. t. ! , i t : into- L k . Co. 2362 r et _i-_ _ts for Lay 1 • r'" . !! 2: s. ingtO L a © 2363 ' i.- ts .,tcit 1.,:11 --i • •• ,. , • i An tortes Citizen __ii:4 Publisiiing - i Ap )roved l.^ O')en S@sSiO'1 this 15�i: C1: of June, 1920. , • • t �r • is 21.4.4j..._AtiL444.0.4.- ; r'�.ROAD ANDBRIDGE FUND _kayo rPro Tea. ' • • F. 1'. Church 41 e,�_ ."lire .�. - ` c_.. . fittest: �' • =�::y: J. F. Irwin 42 Lo :-or on streets ,' ; { Ci"11.:;iI.';;:::;!.;?:;:::1';:;1:7:i*:::. . �;'::�; Everett Fleming 43 L r str ets ?�' 1 r •::;:; o 0 1,, ��. D. Cwrtyrribit, ity iA !?,.Guy ."uttor. 44 I:a:�or on strets c; l:_ rK, 1 i ,{:1c1 { I City Clerk 'j GB_ i,f': I, WATER 1'UI D k i 1 y • I. ,; } Dave,;' Bros - 217 Supplies • t 6 nine c ii�"rcus 2i8 Supplies for office 'y 1 ✓ I ievolvi nL Fund 219 I:. -p for holder o f revenue bones 1 • , ` I i_orey Co. 220 Supplies for winter dept. 1 •i ; 1 • 1 • West Co �;t Iron :Yorks 221 Castings �;,# i { , Pi t tsour�;i: 1,:eter1 Co. 222 Leters !: ' :. . sec_Ltie _,lueprint Co. 223 _:Luepr; v;s ?3V • I,; y r t • - T. • ± ' ' } ` i 1 -6. IA.. Plli.Llips 224 Supplies J11 t jj , , ,: e, acortes rjr eri co.n 225 Fri rl ti nb 4 -Ili. ,i:{• ; 'I: . , - -• K ..;• itn:_Q) h-•:n e'oe'I•Ger 226 L;.00r _'�c r. ateri.`., ,"'t' ! 1 • 1 ., . 3. J1.ort 227 C'-S.i advanced is i � ,. ,, t_• i 1. • �,j. 1, . -nd., 2i1 Co . 228 C: and t i , .�t: . r � `~oiina ��. d oil 100 3r • • - Current expense -und 229 Use of tei=.r: and truckC , 'i;l r '` i G. \;. Snr.;rn�•• L. Co. 230 Sup -,lies for Apr. L -'ay ;1 2 ' : 1• 'L ' i.:r -ne Cornpc:ny 231 Valves i 1 i • ' , ' cut orive store -U - � o r 23 ' 1 pr boots 4 �'• ''�': 1 • i';.�' ��` { ' r1,a.taon;:1 L:eter Co. 23 '_titers 1r 2' > i. } t ' i�r,co. tes L c. B Co. 234 Lur. :,ex 20 a i �} • S. D. Tempi- �_ Co . 235 0 Ti ce supplies �} 1 • i • ; Lori --i \iatkinson 236 Chief clerk r - Lou �n 3 15C ` , I ` , i;'s ' - 'i Smith 237 C.,.ret '.ker • .sistle I.;:ce ^rl 1'1 • SA ;1_ C ;; 238 'aret. ALakei. 1 .1i10 ; I r C r Heart r : i 1^ '. i , Jo;_n O'Day 24(/ I,;�. „r 13r� ,"; 1. 1 ;:. ; • 1 :1 ' • r • • • Dan Si: r. oils 241 Labor • 1 I 'r i. r. • ��:''_(?e 1ilon:.s 242 lial or �ir1 __orsehire �. �; '�1' '• �13y��1! j ,' O. S. Grc;nrri to 243 L, . _,r L 1 ^ � '' i 1 ' :1 '; W. 13. S.,nrt 244 Sal .r .s su-oeri ltenr.ent `3G r i.l i r. ° ,1AHL 1, • ./,. C . -ne 245 Frt. and: drRy a,P 5r I�], 1, I fI 1 / (a ,, i , t i 'S I ' �� I' n: e n Report O L the l: :,tee �, i' till '�•'1 i t on 1' n ,n 1 were 1'I;';. ; I'' ,{' i�-'1 1 f i _r.c o c1;3irr•s :.: omr= i t . t-r:. �n; c, r rei er-,•ed t±�s claims 1 t i,�� f i i v -li Dus city f',Inds, r cu:. _ •_1 r e claims s ber•; ` . V ` di ,g �h t ti: cl allowed_�jrc� rr. 1 • , ' ) in vor of :;'.l:+e, 17 _:; I'e; '_rld upon lotion _dop ted. Roll. li;: Ayes, 4I•JU" , 14 i•i yi 1 ;.� r11 1•?r {, 1 i. +; ',.'' ...ci; ".L.i_urr . ,d queen . -' ;y s, ',one. M 1 ', ) .:.:,:.:..;'i..),..,t i I . it q. •.�'� I '',It: . ''i'" :i 11', i' s t ^ ' ! 1 • .mac ourn Upo ' to ti on tr:e l;l • counc11 -1:• t en ,,`'' i't1 , • 1,• ' ' 1, t •i '; i J j iaurn , i ;� , : I• 11 ! ' ` up`)1.O1ed in open session ,.:i1S 1jt-_ (�..� of June, 192U II` p `' ''' .: ll. is ii;i; • • V I ' ( i, 1 II t o- , :I i . • 11 :1 • . 1..elig.,1,-4 e...c.e....t.. .., ..._ _r Pro ':'P{s �;r � '+ i •h,', I 'I • ' Attest. �''t11' I i•' ',. •I, F. .; 1: . ,.1 1 r. 1•, , I, .D. D. +., rtwrig�7t C. ✓ Cln 01 r. i'I ' ; II 1 'i -1 11 I By / /i CGru e•rr v i ll��..-r.•L�or n/, 1 ; ` ,+ ? 1 ` 1 : Deputy , • ' 11' i ' i•, , i L , ; ll1 i P , M,1 1,I • !1 1 1 ' yi1 • 1 ' 'I { t 1� f • l� 1 1 s ' '' ` • 1 ( , ', II 1 3 r' ; 1, 1 t r:1 !1 t, ii,!: •' • . i''. `•''u- --- -_ - — __ .. { • • f i 1 , I 11 --- --- - .,- . — --- -- — - --- - -- cl ".''• r•-•, t •c.,' - • . _4. ........, . , . • . ..." , 396 , .. 4::_••• ........ , :I k . r t. ' June 15t1:, ;y2i;. - ��• ": �� ; _ ineer, was re:.G .nd Loon motion ....opted Roll C .li • ':yes, --essner, Croat, :Lc- • ; t ' + x.0il t-._ll The of tom' ::ourcil of he city of ;in . c=,ortes Cld o'• he 15th da,y of Ju • sN ` ,i ;'� :at n ' c1 a< h _11U ' C_ aUe=rl. rays, ' One t < 1 2G, r: i oul:-r session �;ith councilmen Bessner, Grout, _:cColluI� ,,ue :r 'reboonai no to 'Loll L� "� i�` .-osent , 1a; rr1 s :.r.a Tr. L tvr. In _e <-?ne of ;,:.e or, --:.,, '?r Pro Tar: �e »:nor �.ssuned the ci., ir. ;:iourn. Upon notion the city council did then :d� „urn . F i t eV1 irute 1..-e previous ious _. Asti 'i,,3 \•:ere re•..- t'c'_ Upon motion �.doote(1 O'� ` bnroved in open session tr is 6ti1 d^y of July, 1,20. .;: i + 1 osit„ o.toor:Teo on Hcpor:o f 'die ci t„r _t'Joney' to til:_oi.. 1; rrferree. _lie III: .-,,ter of Ord_in„ ru,? ! 1 r^nce i G , Le- 1�'• " section of Ordinance jTU78, ;iei '� �'n orir-nce re 6 `l . { J=t=1 o #7 J i17 < tin i1ii' ' the rates•^to be ch__r�,ed for :rater, vas read and u'oo'n motion ac_opted47 , • 1 :'i21- f : 1 • i'• 1.41to :attorney • on heport of the city' t?t :,orney on Ordir::nce 1:o. 7C8, oeino an o-din'_nce con- Layor ! c1 !'• nl;e /7-708- , fir inc ti.e ,-.ssessl7'ent roll of i.Oc:1 ILp�•O\'eater% T'1 : ;:rict i:o • 127, vox ro -i •r4, 1 o_nd u on :notion ?opted. I . - +? ' ttorney on tie n::ttcei of , elin uent focal IL-nroverrent r'i � iatte` %. :j. Cit. ..torn=y or del . Report of ci �; for ,/ 9 �_ . 1t •• I+. I. T. r+ -_j . 11:t •! . =13, b .t1. L tiro .t s:.i:'e .._- 1r pro: _su ....'.• ioreci.osur', lac:S Ier.-- n'i F. D. l:�irtYfri ,i:t, City 1.F' ( V• - I } {{ Clerk,1 upon motion dopted • t,l+ t- �rrF'�' or Ord,- Report of cll../ ttorne on VrC:.1 ^•'nce 7r�jO7, Qein ,.n OrC:i n' no p for-from ir1'- �.i ;�,. „ .A n.ove n of Col. :• erci :_1 _venue or7r I, 3 y _s Deputy t ',. ,o, -o,-•• ''9 ,• _ 1 e _ l "I • _ r: G i• f r` Loh to 6th street .7 coma' ent S. 1 1•- 1 (�I iti� , ;;, ! tr'.- s read i-.na upc rntion el.dopted. 1 {~'`: ; • in•'nce on i'e'•ort of Report ort of the Go:l -. l ..tee on lir`:,nce o- the i_lz:y report of the :�upt. of <:treetc Su-pt. o _ - '.'r -Gt.s. woo.; re--.ci ord. up��:�ryr_oti.on kopted. `'•.:: ! �- ri,''• _nce on re•-�or;,s of : Report of the Lorl1-lttee on Fin-nce on ;,._e _._L;.- reoorts of the sir., i'rr ..lii. ,1. ' (-1t;, irc_'..5. �illef of • l.;:ief of �?lic rF'CDII�"ndir. tr.._t Llle;j be FicCeptEeCi �.nd p1-.ced on file, • " ' }� Police. .'.rd • upon :otion idopted. i t ', 1{ Juc.lcl �'�• on eel• l,. I•?)1 Report o Jtlrlcl .xy Corr::. lttee on cellnquFnt I,oc Irrpr'? .el.ertt Ll ii • -,,r. n=13 cr . • re .•c_ .•nc. up?.n ration _dopted. : : 4 �, 4 Judi• i -.r on •'.ir. i-:, _nee i'_`_•-oo_t of Jur_ici.'.r„ h ,'I: i ttee on orc i'-' nce i:o. 709 w[ ree,!'. and upon rL`t • ,� , + 1 ;ion. 14i• • c: t f ( �+} it O ;l t: ' I Jfidici _.r;; co Or in ..n.ce • lieport of titre JLli:iciaro Cowl: I. ttee on UI'ain:;,nce ii0. `�l:U wt;s rFt_c.'. .:_nd urio '- . ';••, •jt lI : I ,,l' t�.t. to,. i ii7GG. O?7 tF'C'. jiii •, ` I 'r(;{ ,; • � ' e � . i TS. • t' i� ) nd, I' l;L- ,.'tcouncil Y:ltoar. 1'! t.�I • 'f' Al. _� ' Petition `r-r Petition from rs John ,-_ 11 e 1e �ioE th the cit-, • 1 •n ; - r e the ren:onstr:'.n e on 1. "T" Ve L,e sever lif;.s upon notion grt�.Y'tec • f 1 • ;• k� •'' t' John �._ rd. _ from ti c the a - 4i1 �. ; I Burke .ac'resoes coun- , .:-. h. Burke here •olidressed the city council and asked permission to have .:is • ; 4re sever none, l SO ttl:_t of theBurke S lr le Co pt"_ y, p1< C@d upon tetra ce , < t I c:i l s _rr_r _11 , n n the rawer� n I , I. n. i os t the "T" avenue s ev,er. . � i. tV •.Si I• • 4. u' ;:; ` I e -o • - o st Pry 1, t �'.o '_J 1� �. tii ""1" a:. A e ,eby V. E. Ape ers n et t �•,..s read - - . .h x .i , 1'.,i'. S' _II �nStr:.. "ce i i }' `'"' b ' o Y Iiu sewer O , 1, " ''<' • : + , i . ' "7" A en. sewer. un,.?n Ioti on laid over until the nUxt i`ei'il-r meeting. The cite " '•"'t;• n�'c-'r C , l€ t �I I r • °! I it:;tructed to obtc.i o estir _�.te of costs on a:, proposed sr;r ler di strict. I `I t << r '• I 1 ' Vrd. -,---709. Or:'_i•, .'.nce 2:0. 709, bei rb an ori.i r'<:nc 2'I: en' 1 n6 .'•ec ti on 3 of Orc'Linl+nce l:o , 1! d' t V • 1.:‘•, 1,, •• 1 698, balm; c n orci •.'ice t'ixi.nty the r�_te. t: L,n cliorg"c' for Later furnisi.e .�'' �� ? 1, ` by ..,,e Ci t;/ . • "U p.:oviciints rules and reoul: .tions rel;;tir'co thereto , be =..d.ed < - . , • t' i iy ' '. <? .S U O nl ion 1`Iced unon its third Z?.''�: -Vol - ' ' ! ' i�!• toy ! porooroph known :Ache e.11_ I', yr p p t'k` re di"� o sectl � ; o t o r e ' . re' d; upon motion !, s uno u:otion „il titleu�>� adopt u c 1a: r 4i ' f t section 1 was '.ao_,tea os re�'.d; upon notion section 2 vras .;f'opted as reed; t '' ; � I i • i,nb" i • upon r: _iti -•n the ordin;-.nce us a �'r:,ole and as rend vrc:,s adopted. iioll Coll: 'lii,:ii I.�'' :�.,1 • r t ' 111 ' , es, Bessner, Grout, -'.CG: 1lU;. .and queen iia ys none. t:+" I, ,�1 I %: ; ' i ► !i! Jrd. 7l�/GO. 'Drain once -:o 70l , Ueinb _..n ar in.�roe confirn:in the ,3,soessI:'ent roll O . 1.n',.-- ' • I 1 # I:lnrcv'.-11e��'t :✓istrict _.o. 127 fo1• t1,e i1;p:C.lc:.. ent Of 35t.' street frost Gi'o. • 1' l;i�...ri :ti !' 1 •i .I ' , ( 1.LI fivenue e ., t of "V" .lVe:'ue ood. r i :ooloo B:ti, i'.o: d fi'ol, said line to ;he c i „ 11 V . „.*:. 1'.!",?,, ; I' ll 11rI-1 LS : .S (leSCi 1 bed l ., ul' ..1,� ''I ,e `�C.O+ s p(;L„ Z1S@G by the .,� c OU'�C: _ G S, , ' 1 f t,• t inn •i �, IS' 1.1.iWil,i.'„+ , �, t:.� uit✓ of .. c _•rtP�= o :11� i�itit of Ja,�e, 1;2U, prescrloink u, • i• , . �' : ' t e s ;es:=ll:r.'nts s:jcl _ .:e ,�:.id woos upon I: otion pl"-ced unon its t.lird - t' l iII. UC1, c. + ', t. . ?' 'if Ir•a 1 ' ' fin_.l re�:cxr� by S'ictlonS; 1190 I I�:otion the title t7l_s ,.tooted F._ ie,�d- u-+)') ;it,, + , ! ersection 1 t', •_i:0 Led :, re:.a, upon n-o ti 'n sect . on 2 w. S sic _ �e^'. 1 • ', 't' ,''''i • !1 t motion p , p - '} 1 { read; UpOn section 3 was .'.doe ,ec_ c rer..c, u i'J•• I o ti'�'-t the ordinance I.s C'., - 1re P Roll Giill rct8 - <'s: 'er Cr -lit i..cGr .it.0 n • ` • i '•' ' I •. , i I . . .. _ _ _. _ vr,-_�. adopted. 11 - „ + - �•�1 I ; I . ) i'c,ys , none. :tl( , '`c' 1 ; - � . i• :40 .t,� .i ii ; Ord. ,; i.4 . • Or':1n, nce 'o bein& :: ' 01. 1. nce 'oI'O\ is 1 oo; `'.for the- i' r)-:Aryl;e:: en t o . ti:c' 1 ,� , { •'• I • 'i �,_ O i ^.: ..?^s c;ertr '1 Shin Ii:;.r': or ; • .�pr -r':ant P1'.t� _ the t;i t of - +` ` •i• '• i i lock 12 o - _ ', It, i• t' + cortex, 01- 1 -;;'inL; down r-�oe pl;Icing r.lono the s�.ic? tat. :.e :,.n eii3Ot inch 1• i a{ so ! ' , ''. Si ti - sever ..nd cor'�=ct t'..c' ,---•aII.e 1-:i th the truni- se�:er on "T"y ,�venu„ ore bjr C•oir , 'I + i + n t:ie^ c:or_ nece s:,.r to c olr, lete t'Ie .i c' improver. ent it .�ccr - 1 1. +_ • •i- c truc i c; o . __ P ; ,o. i 11� I ', I . ,• it t„epl ,rs of „e oit e)� inonr, 11P.S upon notion nl.:.ceci upon its tiros • I ' I / , ; c. ,r., re olin o title U of tion ti e Orrin -•,1(:e ti'.'; pl CeO) U-to it:? U t ' I' , 1 , t ',;I t r e die ; r.) ti rile✓ , upon motion s:'1:e ordi nonce of-ced unon its seci.•o l'O' ; - ;i'1 t i 1 . III 1 lie D , '.;i tie; u;0oo .. ,o ti on orc':i ,ice woo re ['erred t V the Li tj -ttorne„ :re V - 't ' , -),, ' miti;,ee on Judici ,;rya I• I, 'I ,,,'.1 ; i'I 'Ii • . ': Itc'SO1Ut10''1 rn V.?-C tip' i•_esolut.ion• •�' toe V'lc' .ticn of 2 f' - C' line e :i t-, ;he •� -1 1 • t:i str t t o ,.„ 1, .,. 1 , �'1 V �• 1 of 29t:_ street. ' C. t„ o i .. ' C, rt s , _ of t C L1_ t� , i- =1''k,tc'n , :�;_ld pa `ion r enLly LL 1 '` y-.1;, ! i t•. ��. R si.i •ied '.I,; _L1L tole proo'�rt,1 .0.-fo ells uoo s:oid, street, s read ::nu notion 1-'`'• ' 2}}` II 1 ,! 1 f,, of - o f e,, :r e• roll L : .11 . -s,/es Gro_a �et,ailu arc', ue n. e:l s, -`' j` - • ' it i i :!' : s,ler. :._?ti', lost. ,, ' - '1• .4 • t , ; _ ' t ' ' r , • I' '• 1,' ,i ' t.eso-_ution on i1' prove- .'.esa.Lutlor ZGr the lIP`.-e_yv l: eY'•t •of "H" .:ve°nue fro r: the. S''utit line of bix-to • -i • ; S �• � F'n f III11� iLV,?';ae to „l.r '1<,)r t'. line of '1'w if til JtrGc',t, tOL,� -ier �i•'l ti. I..Ll 1'�t?r'�PC 11 CS r�S 1- 1 " ' !! I I '� �1 ; 1 .. , .I, i. - „ 1 l • y ,: + .. .<_' i .. tern.ini nr lin:i ,.. , b.,� L,1_t(''.1 '{4 the .. e - ur::V- _IliOC, :.tr :7) �'s�. " 'I 1 4 i`: ' •` ( `' ',I 1 l '''''t 1 ,.1atl, (IOW!. • _ •:i o-lon` -,1.e (.eoL• r c` . tli • .. id btreet .. d intorsecti : '`13 •II •,:k • ''.• 1 .11 P Tit 1 ' • Q•,. ,11- :1, 1 ' „ e _ ;;rUct : .nci ko otter ri: nece::s i,, to conpl to stoic imp, ,v e j i. y +I� • 1 ' i „loom s ir'_ '1.1.:11 L_, in -ccor'-,onc' vri t:1 the pl<.is •-o." .,pecifl ,.- ti ons of ..lie c1 • : f,1 { .:. p''i fi - ..jig .;_' �, 1''' i _ -- 1 I !L le . . , , 11;10, ...,., , . 1\ : : i , ; July 6th, 1920. _ 0•—"' = * The city council of the city of Anacortes did on the 6th daya • ��`_ f July, 192p meet in regular session with Mayor Haugen presiding and councilmen Bessner ' Revolving Fund 2398 payroll 350 00 ; Roll Call. Crout, McCallum and Queen responding to roll call. A bsent, Harris and T 0. A. Lenning 2399 Bal. sal• as st. Supt. and cash adv. 55 75 j r` 1t0 Lynn Balcomb 2400 Labor on streets 62 50 • ' j Minutes approved The minutes of the previous meeting were read and upon motion approved GuyHutton 2401 Labor on streets 67 80 . P pp ved as red Mrtin Ewald 2402 Street Sweeper 90 00 t ' ,- j City attorney on Ord , Report of the city attorney on the matter of Ordinance too. 710, stating tn : Everett Fleming 2403 Blacksmithing-street dept. 15 90 • t ..710 the ordinance was correct as to form, was read and upon motion adopted. H. A. Taylor 2404 Blacksmithing-street dept. 40 65 i , Griffith Drug Co. 2405 Medicine for horses 3 00 , , , ' 2406 Oil and gasoline for streets 37 2 . ' _ City Clerk presents Report of -city clerk, stating that Local Improvement Rolls No. 128 and 302 Standard Oil Co. .i, .. ` 1• L. I. D. rolls for were filed with him by the city engineer, was read and upon motion Ad Lowman & Hanford 2407 Supplies for city engineer 8 7 _ Districts #128 and . 3rd was set for the dayBust 2408 Canvas bagfor fire dept. 1 50 ' • ' - of hearing of protests against said rolls. • Rodgers Bros. ',• #302. Date of hearing Report of the dity treasurer and chief of police for month of June were Water Dept. 2409 Hydrant rentals, fountain, water at • ! city hall, Library 226 10 , ` I set. ented to the city council and upon motion referred to the committee on inancP • R. Schwartz 2410 Park attendant 50 00 ' • City a gineer on hydrant Report of cityengineer on " " R. E. Frost 2411 Salary as H. 0. 25 00 , i . ; • p g hydrant at 5th and Q Avenue, stating that propPrt t on 5th street owners did not wish to pay for same and recommedding that the hydrant be renov • ' and placed in stock, ryas read and upon motion the petition to remove hydrant - . was granted. uia.ter Dept. GENERAL WATER FUND • _ Pitts burgMeter Co. 246 Meter 61 20 •, r City engineer on ;� Report of city engineer, to whom was referred the matter of trunk sewer on "T" 40 F �.' . , il., . Herseyfg.Co. 247 Meters 199 , . � . �, -:?; :'4 trunk sewer on "T" and Avenue and 20th Street, stating that the district could not be financed at the Pressure guage 4 04 I • `1 i . „....4• ,'l 1 20th Sts. present time, was read and upon motion adopted. Crane Company 248 g g _ r P supplies4. ;.,t .,.. Walworth Mfg. Co.Ca. 249i e and 87 95 1 ' P Report of Superintnedent of Streets was 250 Meters 102 00 `' ''"$ : Report of Supt. of Sts. o b .:�:, P presented to to city council and atioa eter Co. h'Al!.!.**.:::! ':motion referred to the Committee on Finance. upon AnacorteE Transfer Co. 251 Frt. and drayage on meters 1 02 25 t�.�• c • Francis Short 252 Labor 117 , , ,, ,,. �� 0 ;: !;:. Report of Judiciary ; Report of the Judiciary Committee to whom was referred the matter of Ordinance John O'Day 253 Labor 503 , is ,: t Committee. No. 710, was read and upon motion adopted. W. S. Simmons 254 Labor 75 50 Wade Thomas 255 Labor and horse hire 124 40 s 1 Comm. from Wm. D. Per- ';', Communication from Wm. D. Perkins, re judgment against the City of Anacortes Low Smith 256 Caretaker Yruistle Lake 85 00 i } kips re judgment again- in the matter of old street C. L. Berry 25? uz,retaker Heart Lake 85 00 ; 1 '' :i J g g t grade warrants, was read and upon mtion referred t. `• `: st city. the city attorney and Committee on Finance. ` • W. B. Snort 258 Salary and cash adv. 254 00 }: ':{ i Marion Watkinson 259 Salary as chief clerk 150 00 • I ' Remonstrance against Remonstrance against the grading and gravelling of "H" Avenue by D. H. Barber, • An tortes American 260 Printing andpubiishing 22 00 � • t ; �'{ t;�' f ; grading and gravelling L. m. Mills, et al, was read and upon motion the protest was considered well Anacortes lurg Co. 261 Supplies for water dent. 29 35 ► e Revolving Fund 262 Payroll 60 00 :!,1111.1i,. i "H" Avenue . taken. Roll Call es Bessn r Crout McC Q ays, none. S y �. `:;t -y , , , allum and ueen. Ni H. A. Taylor263 Blacksmithing i8 55Ordinance r710. Upon motion Ordin nce No. 710, being an ordinance providin for the i Puget Sound Tel Co. 264 Rentals and rolls l4 45 ` ,.j g n�grroserren- r' of the alley in Block 12, Bowmans CSHWF Plat, bylaying down and Knapp & Ronneber er • 265 Gasoline and o81 12 84 ;�,: �, y g placing along PA g ; ;f ' , ..:j•; :�,;.s; ( the said alley an eight inch lateral sewer and connect the same with the trunk . S. D. Tenple & Co. 266 Supplies for water dept. 1 75 ;1;� ti� � ,.,:' 1 sewer on "T" Avenue and by doing and constructing othe5work necessary to con- 7 Oil Co. 267 Oil and gasoline 104 9? :1 1,' . '•,1 r' , plete the said improvement, was placed upon its third and final reading by current Expense Fund 268 Use of team and driver j 65 '+I • ' . sections. Upon motion the title was adopted as read; upon motion section 1 .; i• ` ' 1 ! was adopted as read; upon motion section 2 was adopted as read; upon motion ' 1 IiI ' section 3 was adopted as read; upon motion section 4 was adopted as read; upon ., ` • •, i motion section 5 was adopted as read; upon motion section 6 was adopted as rep. 't.• _ upon motion section 7 was adopted as read; upon motion section 8 was adopted a: Finance on Claims Report of the committee on Finance to whom were referred the claims against i .' c i read; upon motion the ordinance as a whole and as read was adopted. Roll Cali the various city funds, reco :�en�di gf ti me be, ow d and warrants drawn • 4 1 #, :1.• � > ' Ayes, Bessner, Crout, McCallum and queen. Nays, none. in frill'of0:1, same was rem. 4}res,gout, McCa um an ueen. Nays, Bessner. . i1;:� Mot ; I' ;IF'.c ;►;. .!, ig: •• :, ; : ,;:;•;::::: Hensler addresses ' Mr. Hensler addressed the city council in behalf of the Elks Club asking that • � •r ;r ;. ++ I council re park the city connect the comfort station at Causland Park with the city sewwer. Tne Bill from Water Upon motion the bill from water Department for street i'lushing was stric:cen d : 1�= ,, `,� ;:1 l mattter was upon motion referred to the Sewers & Buildin Committee and tit De t. removed from ' from the list. Upon motion the balance of the bills were allowed. Rol1 ,Ca11, yi,: ii '? en ineer. g y P :< j I 1: 1 4`.', , g list. Ayes, Bessner, Crout, c a Q ay t� : .ii', �` ;:. :.. =I • M C i lum and ueen Hayes, none. j ,, . Farm at Heart Lake Upon motion the matter of renting farm at Heart Lake reservoir was referred to ''•• I:, . ; t 1` • • r. ' . i i,1 " ' i•t . reservoir the Committee on Finance. Roll Call , Ayes, Bessner, Crout, McCallum and Queen Adjourn Upon motion the city council did then adjourn. • i'� ' E {' I y' ;I • y, claims Claims filed against the various city funds, as follows, were presented to the Approved in open council this 20th day of July, 1920. �( '' f,, ;4i1 •�'�, ,' ;t city council and upon motion referred to the Corn.iittee on Finance: t ) �' : t ?. Z,' • f' John -LePage 2365 i �.' 1:. I �, Work on Library grounds 16 6 �: ! {��`` ` ;�.�: Curtis Wharf Co. 1 '� h ' 2366 Coal for Library 26 0 ayor �,# �'�, ,}. ,:,:,r, ;:, �: i` Davey Bros. 2367 Supplies for Library 20 7;. ti s ;'1 , ' E h "` Anacortes Mercantile Co. 2368 F1 g for Library 2000 Attest: 1 - I;•,• 1 'IEi,;. i + ' ! . , ' Frederick & Nelson 2369 Bills for Library 55 5' ,I' �i f,1l' ',t! itiNfl.;•;:. ;� E. Luella Howard 2370 Salary as Librarian 6801 F. D. Cartwright, City Clerk, 01 ,,s• , ;M:).: ;;# " 1 ', , . ; Puget Sound News Co. Books for Library 85 0; - +' , , ��','•`'�.� S a• 1 yy�� �i s,c. • ., ;. ,; t I ; , L, Showalter 2372 Reader' s Guide for Library 7 0 By/'/ �.� v ��/.L1 1f ' _ 1 tj� � f ::J::�:` I ' H. W. Wilson Co. 2373 Janitor at Library 20 0' i Deputy ,.y ,, Anacortes L & B Co. 2374 Wood for Library 3 5' I ' "' t `' '. 1 ! Washington P L & W Co. 2375 Light at Library-Apr. & May 14 4' ,,, . ; .' R ;. : I ► Washington P L & W Co. 2376 Light at Library-June 4 7' ;'` 11 Anacortes Steam Laundry 2377 Laundry for fire dept-2 months 6 31 • )j ;1L .' �it` ,. ► ,, ' ' : Anacortes Fire Dept. 2378 Fire roll 30 0' ' 1, I I' L. A. Tucker 2379 Repairs on fire truck b 5' . '� , ' ., ., ' �' 1 i ' • McLeans Grocery 2380 Soapfor fire dept. 5 3' . ` t ' Bristol Co. 2381 Recording ink d' 1 ' Thos. Conway 2382 Bal. aalary as tire chief' 40 0' i . • �1 B. G. Ratliff 2383 Bal. salary truck driver ' -+ ' i • 1 1 •, �,' Washington r L & W Co. 2384 Light for city hall 10 i Leston Short 2385 Janitor at city hall 0' • ,. i ; �; 1, , Kane & Harcus 2386 Cash book 52 6' ! '' . '?' F. D. Cartwright 2387 Salary as city clerk 50 �' 4� 1 Benari on fttkinson 2388 Salary adn cash advanced-city tress 50 0 i r , 33 l� • rDriftmier .389 Salary as city attorney 5 ' • #: ,i A '. Burroghs Adding Mach. Co. 2390 Repairs on adding machine i;r �: Anacortes timerican 2391 Printil j 39 rg and publishing37 ./ ` • :S r ' '� •' ) H. A. Taylor 2392 Blacksmithing tor cityen engineer t g 20 01 , `' I, i �, I C. W. Fleming2 Salaryas cheef of 125 0� 'lit ' 393 police1 ' • Clyde Hli 2 4 S ecial ' E• 39 P police lq �1 . •'1 ,1 ,, :1 . ,1 I .. Clyde Ray 2395 Special police 3 i ' ' West Coast Dairy 2396 Feed `/0 9' • ;� 1 , 126 1• 1 !)H rI' • Washington L L & W Co. 2397 Street lights for June til • �.. . • • C L c ,. -. ir.Ltno . 40 -1_ Ite-f) is I ' 1 i r •• - .!, t• -- July 20th, 1920. August Ord, 1920 ,..:,,.. .� i I i . I. f _ _�� Roll Call The city council of the city of Anacortes did on the 20th day of July, • • "` meet in regular session with mayor Haugen 1 2 Roll Call The city council of the pity of Anacortes did on the 3rd day of gust i g presiding and Councilmen Bessn9r�' meet in regular session witn Mayor Hapgen presiding and Lo�.ncilmen Bessner, ! i', ; Harris, ccallum and Trafton responding to roll call. Absent, Crout. and Crout, McCallum and Trafton responding bo roll call. Absent Harris & Queen. Minutes approved p g � • 1 j . pP The minutes of the previous meeting were read aid upon motion adopted as red i in approved The minutes of the previous meeting were read and upon motion adopted as read. paid by the City of Reports ref. Reports from City Treasurer, Chief of Police, Supt. of Streets and Police Justice 1 .°' Portion of assessment Statement showing the portion of the assessment to be • r ) on 35th street to be paid Anacortes for the improvement of 35tnstreet, amountin to ,l 2. • g $l 9 50. Was were presented to the city council and upon motion referred to the Comma tee - .' E' tee by city. Payment author- presented to the City Council and upon motion a warrant drawn in favor of on Finance. t : '- t i• ized. same was authorized. Roll Call: Ayes, Bessner, uarris, McCallum and Trott. • , Nays, none. being an ordinance fon#=irming the assessment roll of • . , K �; Ordinance No Ordindance No. , Local Improvement District tvo. 302 for the improvement of 5th Street from ' • City engineer on connect- Report of the City Engineer to whom was referred the matter of connecting co, Commercial Aveneut to 90 feet east of toe east line of "Q" Avenue was upon , • I . ' ing comfort stations at fort stations at Causland Park with city sewer, stating that the cost would o. motion placed upon its first and second reading by title; upon motion the ± ' t . • Causland Park to sewer be $130,was read and upon motion adopted. ordinance was placed upon its first reading by title; upon motion the ordi"ace ` i was placed upon its second reading by title; upon motion the ordinance was • I Finance on lease of farm Report of the Committee on Finance to whom was referred the matter of lease o referred to the City attorney and Judiciary Committee. 1� : • at Heart Lake reservoir farm at Heart Lake reservoir, stating that a settlement pad been made "and t:�= 9 . ; .. i -1 the lessee would surrender lease and waive all rights to same providingthe Ordinance No. bei ::::::::::eticonn firming ttre asses sent roll of -. � Ordinance No. � ,• city would refund to him the sum of $120. was read and upon motion adopted. Loca Improvement District i th improvement of the alley between j:::::'ti_�� • ; Finance on re orts of � �• 5th Street and bt Street, placed upon its firstand second • �t - t ,�`�.�, • p Report of the Committee on finance on the reports of the CityTreasurer S ; ' ' '�`'` ", ep �. unt. readi:g by title; upo» motion the ordinance �r+as placed upon its first reading • i tr:ig'' :>; o City Treas. Supt. of Sts. Chief of Police, recam::.ending that same be accepted and placed on file, pas r. by title; upon motion the ordinance was placed upon its second reading by title; • , :WWI* 1 and Ch. of Police and upon motion adopted . z I >; � rya upon notion the ordinance was referred to the City Attorney and Judiciary ( . :1 ;, ..:::::..;�- ;#; . Finance on connectingReportFinanceonm ittee. • ;' a. , , :. - of the Committee on the matterCoto. '� of connecting comfort station • '' • : : comfort stations at park at Causland Park with citysewer, recommending i ti:;_.,... ''`'" ending that the connections be made Morrison fills Upon motion the nominations were in order for filling the vacancy in the , " ::;c;` ' oaao,owith city sewer and stations be completed, the cost not to exceed $130, was read and upon mot vacancy in 2nd second ward created by the resignation of Councilman Gibbons; upon motion ' adopted. ward W. T. Morrison was nominated as Councilman form the second ward; upon motion ;, I Warrant for Chris. Evangel- Upon motion a warrant 'for 120 was ordered drawn n the nominations were closed; upon motion W. T. Morrison was elected as Council- i 'E:i..`: �� P $ i favor of Charles Evange man from the sewed ward; roll call : Ayes, Bessner, Crout, McCallum and Trafton. • `' �� `''` 'E'ii :,:; : .i: ist for refund of rent on to complete settlement of lease of farm at Heart Lake reservoir. Roll Call: Nays, none . ;oil :.•.:. : farm ordered issued Ayes, Bessner, Harris, Mccallum and Trafton. Nays, none. _ •• ; City clerk to The city clerk was instructed to notify Mr. Morrison of his election and request ,, 7 •:.�' j City Attorney to notify Upon motion the city attorney was instructed to notify the Mack-Buick Co toqualify. '. � : : o: `� 'pack-Buick Co. to remove to remove tractor sold to the City of Anacortes for use on streets and topreiu notify 2orrison him ,, ` ;,I ' 1 r''''• ':.: tractor payments made on same. Mayor appoints Upon motion the Mayor appointed a committee to interview the Chamber of Com- t '• ' ' . ', • committee re new coerce relative to obtaining new walks tor south Commercial Avenue. The Mayor ,rt ( 0.'for �'. ; �: Street crossings to be A motion was made to keep street crossings in repair on Commercial Avenue sour sidewalks on so . appointed councihre» Grout, Morrison and Trafton as the committee. ;.; � : ;: ice t in repair • , .r; . P P of 15tn street where sidewalks had been removed. Commercial Ave. Mr. Fowler of the Mack-Buick Company addressed the city council with reference i , ` E ; ',: ?; Dr. Brooks appointed The Mayor appointed Dr. S. G. to the street tractor, urging that the payments on same be brought up to date, • 1 j ..O Brooks temporary Health Officer in the absence ` }' " P y but upon motion the matter was laid over until the next regular meeting of they {` ; .,;, } E;t •:, r , temporary Health Officer of Dr. H. E. Frost. Aupon motion the appointment was confirmed. city council. ;. I.. , ,. E ' ! Adjourn City Engineer • ;, • . ' ;' Upon motion the city council did then adjourn. makes communic- . Communication from City Engineer relative to the condi .iwtion of the ferry . 1 ti`' .'. ,1 Approved in open session this 3rd dayof August, ation Wharf was read before the city council . i I ;. : • 1920 ' ': i . Digging wells The City Engineer brought to the attention of the city council the matter of '� 'E ,f -, at reservoir digging°wells at Heart Lake Reservoir and upon motion it was referred to the t'!� "f ��' '.f: Ireferred to loom. City iAttorneyand Committee on Fire, Water & Light. , with powerIi• 'f cEngineerCity C t. , itY to ;�' ' `ao: j;; i! I act. Roll call: Ayes, Messner, Crout, McCallum and Queen. Nays, none. c, . ,i 16 I c. Attest: ayor Claims filed Claims against the Current Expense Fund and other city funds for the month of '' k�Kl.',. �i ' • 1` r ` • '' `% 1 • �.` c , July, 1920, were read and upon motion referred to the Comrri i.tee on finance, as .1: . ;r: :: r follows. j � , ,, :, } ;) F. D. Cartwright, City clerk, i ' II B 74.4-e-a-roo a4.-aaotr�UoShannon & Co. 2413 Supplies for street t. 2 0 'i t'. i 1 :.v .;. yr CO. p 3 t , ;� l t i i •� :I . i Deputy. Standard Oil 2414 Gasoline and oil for street dept. 2u 15 .E •,1E �` aoa ' i 'g E �i 1• , Davey Bros. 2415 Supplies for street department 8 ' ,; ''' ' '':Lr 3 5 ;` ;s ;:: '`!j!i •�` i ile t West Coast Dairy 2416 Hay 20 25 i ' 1 ' ' ( ~: `':` j •!,.. . • ''i;�' I t 0. A. Canning 2417 Salary and cash ,advanced • 128 10 i �••�i` (' . f• i;�.. f ', .1' �' Martin Ewald 2418 Laoor on streets 90 00 ' .;,•I'I '1 ,r . ; +� f• ?•,•'; '' ::,`a • Guy Hutton2419Labor on streets11 ... ,1. 135 15 " ;I e !E •i 1E^',.�; r.` 1::i Island Lumber Co. 2420 Lumber for streets 49 Ei • �' .F' ?3 f �. !�a i �' f ' E Rudolph Schwartz 2421 Park attendant 50 00 ) ` 'E ' ' " E. G . Ratliff 2422 Salaryas ' �� {,off i i truck diver 110 00 Et ,iio• ' 1 • ' Standard Oil Co 2423 Gasoline for fire de T:sr `i {""'�`' ,? j ' 1 . Thos . Conway 2424 Salary as fire chiefpt 125 00 �'.: • r'' ' ) '.. , + Ben Drif tmi er 2426 Salary and ash advanced 53 00 a E �'� Davey Bros 2425 Supplies for fire dept. 18 30 ' ••, :I . I ' Mari on Watkinson 2427 Salary city treasurer & cash adv. 53 50 ; :..J 1 F. D. Cartwright 2429 Fire roll 7 �5 i 41 • i ,�' . . ' E. Luella Howard 2430 Salary as Librarian 68 00 • i,: '�P. , ., . Mrs. Showalter 2431 Janitor at Library 20 00 ;.i • Anacortes Ao erican 2432 Printing 6 00 1 '• • ' •%" 1 „ Curtis Wharf Co. 2433 Coal for cat;/ hall 20 30 • , ;, t Chas . Voitus 2434 Shades for city hall 15 15 ! : "i .fi ' ' Davey Bros. 2435 Broorr for city h:•11 1 75 i' , ' ; . ],e • C . W. Fleming 2436 Salary as chief of police 125 00 • ' ' 1 ' i' , Anacortes Citizen 243 Publi si ng andpri n t ig 35 28 • . • i ; i �� Al-x Latshaw 2438Special police, Cap Sante 25 , '' „` •1 Clyde Ray 2439 n n n 5300 `r,. 'E . W ter Department 2440 Water for city hall, Library, f oul'n tai n & jt, 1 ; i r ! , hydrants 226 55 �. ;�., Was::into» P L & w Co . 2441 Street lights 135 00 H. ,1 'I; • ,,, . Washington P L W Co .2442 Lights at city hall 4 50 �� i t : ' ( Washington P L :�- ,� Co 2443 " _= Library 4 50 ' • r•'' ; ' i • H. A. Taylor 2444 Blacksn:i thing 7 00 ) �- `,• An.,:crtes Ice C 2445 Feed 106 1 ' '• , I '' ' hack Buick Co . 2446 Oil and gasoline for tractor .27 55 '; , : , I- !.1! ! 1_,),i !lO•ef.; , f C • • -- -- - - ., ., .. �. 0 t ��'('.r tin`+• .,. - Ar{,400 . 1, ! I 1, • i% E i is M 17 i : { .i c. August rd 1 20. , ' : • July ?_Otri, 1920. ' ;j"`:` , t •�.s i r . { i Roll Call The city council of the city of Anacortes did on the 20th day oY July, 1 Roll Call The city council of the city of Anacortes did on the 3rd day of eugust - -+ 920, en presidingand Councils: j meet in regular session witn Mayor Hagg en Bessner, i• ; i ' • meet in regular session with Mayor Haugen presiding and councilmen Bessner Harris, ucuallum and 't'raf'ton responding to roll call. Absent, Grout, and duo Grout. McCallum and Trafton responding bo roll call. Absent Harris & queen. A. ' • ! . 1• ± Minutes approved The minutes of the previous meeting were read aid upon motion adapted as neon min approved `the minutes of the previous meeting were read and upon motion adopted as read. j Police, of Streets and Police Justine , a ;, p orts ref Reports from City Treasurer, Chief of Supt. 4. Portion of assessment • Statement showing the portion of the assessment to be paid oy the city of Rep were resented to tree city council and upon motion referred to the Committee r _ on 35th street to be paid Anacortes for the improvement of 35tii street, amounting to1,192.50, Was P by city. Payment author- presented to the City Council and upon motion a warrant drawn in favor oi• on Finance. : , , j , ; ized. same was authorized. Roll Gall: Ayes, Bessner, Barris, McCallum and Trafton being an ordinance fonf�irming the assessment roll of ; ` Nays, none. Ordinance No Ordindance No. ! Local Improvement District ivo. 302 for the improvement of 5th Street from • Comm_rcial Aveneut to 90 feet east of the east line of "Q" Avenue was upon " i : City engineer on connect- Report of the City Engineer to whom was referred the matter of connecting coy motion placed upon its first and second r by title; upon motion the a, • ing comfort stations at fort stations at Causland Park with city sewer, stating that the cost would a ordinance was placed upon its first andrea readirg �g by title; upon motion the the pace ±; 1 Causland Park to sewer be $130,was read and upon motion adopted. • was placed upon its second reading by title; upon motion the ordinance was Finance on lease of farm Report of the Committee on finance to whom was referred the matter of lease o , referred to the City Attorney and Judiciary Committee. . , •, 4 at Heart Lake reservoir farm at heart Lake reservoir, stating teat a settlement iiad been made -and L;;• beig an ordi •ance confirming the assessment roll of • � . the lessee would surrender lease and waive all rights to same providingthe Ordinance No. :::i:::::tNoa'n . �, 8 No. 12S for the improvement oY trie alley between � ; i' � , , ��`�5` t�, city would refund to him the sum of $120. was read and upon motion adapted. oovement District !! • d btn Street, was upon motion placed upon its firstand second f , ' 4 • r;:�r ' nce ryas laced u on its first reading ! '} ' ' y `: . ',!• Finance on reports of Report of the Committee on Finance on the reports of the City Treasurer, Suet reading by title; upon motion the ordina p p . a: ': - city lreas. Supt. of Sts. Chief of Police, recomaending that same be accepted and placed on file, was r' by title; upon motion the ordinance was placed upon its second read' by title; •4 ,ti and Ch. of Police and upon motion adopted . upon notion the ordinance was referred to the City Attorney and Judiciary -;;:at: Committee. { - �`' : ' `ti � ' Finance on connecting Report of the Committee on Finance on the matter of connecting comfort statio . t i' '.' • :,:::'':` comfort stations at park at Causland Park with city sewer, recom_rending that tree connections be made Morrison fills Upon motion the nominations were in order for filling the vacancy in the ,. ':'X with cit sewer and stations be completed, the cost not to exceed $130, was read and upon mot' vacancy in 2nd second ward created by the resignation of Councilman Gibbons; upon motion , ;,;:, y • .il • adapted. ward 1 T. i�orrison was nominated as Councilman form the second ward; upon motion ?: :r.• i the nominations were closed; upon motion . T. Morrison was elected as Council- • .:••:? ' ;.: pman from the second ward; roll call : Ayes, Bessner, Croat, McCallum and Trafton. ` :4; , ;�:,:t2 i Warrant for Chas. Evangel- Upon motion a warrant 'for $120 was ordered drawn in i'avor of Charles Evan j •• :J ; - �.: • ! • ist for refund of rent on to complete settlement of lease of farm at Heart Lake reservoir. Roll Call: - Nays, none. ' ' farm ordered issued Ayes, Bessner, Harris, Mccallum and Trafton. Nays, none. ' i , T :tii'i.2: ! City clerk to The city clerk was instructed to notify Er. i:'_orrison of his election and request • ;! !• ! l CityAttorneyto notify Upon motion the cityattorney was instructed to notify the Mack-Buick Company notify r:.orrison him to qualify. t ! . ;:•:•:: • •, • ! Mack-Buick Co. to remove to remove tractor r ctorssold to the City of Anacortes far use on streets and to ter w-ryor a points Upon motion the tlayor appointed a committee to interview the Chamber of Com- • • •-,,, • tractor payments1 p committee re new merce relative to obtaining new walks tor south Commercial Avenue. The Mayor i i ` !! , r:.(:::; ;;.,,. 1 ' Street crossings to be A motion was made to keep street crossings in repair on Commercial Avenue sou • sidewalks on so . appointed councilmen Grout, Morrison and Trafton as the committee. , if t t kept in repair of 1 to street where sidewalks had been removed. Commercial Ave. Mr. Fowler of the Mack-Buick Company addressed the city council with reference ''. )'Si �`! ! t.K: r,. �: p P 5 ;,,� to the street tractor. urging that tree payments ��n same be brought up to date, :% ` : : upon motion the matter was laid over until the next regular meeting of the a. ;;;: Dr. Brooks appointed The Mayor appointed Dr. S. G. Brooks temporary Herbut ! 4ar: 1;.. :, Health Officer in the absence P : . ;, E.-,,. • r ° temporary Health Officer of Dr. H. S. Frost. Aupon motion the appointment was confirmed. city council. , i , ' .,, `tip • ! City Engineer t+. I , I . y :4 - Adjourn Upon motion the city council did then adjourn. makes communic- Communication from City Engineer relative to the conditixtion of the Terry i:::, ' :� ;} anon Wharf was read before the city council . " ``' , : ;.. fi, , Approved in open session this 3rd day of August, 1920. ,' Digging wells The y g (: s ii' Cit En in�aer brought to the attention of the city council the matter of ]`i ,y >. ,;;: -: ti •' j i ^t reservoir digging.-wells at Heart Lake Reservoir and upon motion it was referred to the ;, , ;�,1, �• :x I referred to Com City TngineerCity Attorney and Committee on Fire, Water & Light. , with power to • ' s :o.y (t gess er G , al . Nay , none. i i . ! ., i� ` ' '{ :�' act. 01! call: Ayes. ri n 'rout act; lure and t�ueen s r �� �. :•r.- „ ., . �� and other cityfunds for the month of • l' !�' '4,*:: � .. ' ',.., . ayor Claims filed Claims against the Current Expense .fund „ .: 1 ! 1 Jul , 1 , were !•,. Attest. y 920 read and upurn motion referred to the Comrri ttee on Finance, as t, '', fr)1i�'� `� �•:,,• '•.t. : , s S,. ,, follows. (•,•• ,�.... .� F. D. Cartwright, City clerk, 1 '1 ' ,!11 „( :� • a ', 1 Shannon & 2413 Supplies for street &pt 2 30 j , l(iu-� - 4%t' /C�=c��.�c.� C 2414 G�rsoline and oil for street dept. 5 .• �.� , j , J( l ::;: By Standard Oil o. 26 1 1{ :i :,, ii �: ,� ,; Deputy. ! ,�, �,� !' 72 • ;:�F:�:. 1. 'k I 1 I ' i; v 2415 Supplies for street dep:�rtment 3 85 ' ',' ,,i i 1Da ey Bros i ; � ;:iy i II '' ! West Coast Dairy 2416 Hay 20 25 '" : `` I I( ' '; ;;;: . `a:? ,, 0. A. Lenning 2417 Salary and cash advanced • 12$ 10 ti 4ii ; ; ; � ' { ' . i Martin i n Ewald ' : . i', ► i •c ` : • "II 2418 Labor on streets y0 00 ;,i (4 , . : �• • > ! ' : !,I 241 Labor ors streets ,,. , �' Guy Hutton 9 135 15 ' (' ^�•, ,•:. ' Co. 420 Lumber for streets 49 73 I Island Lumber 'o. � � ' ��j�j•�t • .11 ••• h Schwan 50 00 _ +� i Rudolp 2421 Park attendant �( �t. �:;:;; J E. G i- ttliff 2422 Salary - s truck d'iv r 110 00 t {{:'`�` • ii ;a;,,. Standard Oil o . 3 ne for fire de t. 1259 00 �� � C 242 Gasoli p6 ' !-' i? ` :' • Thos . Conway 2424 Salary as � fire chiefI r 2426 Salary and ash advanced Ben Drif tmi er 53 00 ! ' Davey Bros 2425 Supplies for fire dept. i8 30 !': a �•; i Marion Watkinson 2427 Salary city treasurer & cash adv. 53 50 •,'' •`I' F , i ` . F. D Cartwright 2429 Fire roll 37 25 ,,i{ ; 1 �i,' , , E. Luella Howard 2430 Salary as Librarian 8 00 ii, . ' Mrs. Showalter 2431 Janitor at Library 20 00 ;I. .lnacortes • Acr erican 2432 Printing 6 00 • . !( i I , Curtis Wharf Co. 2433 Coal for city hall 20 30 ' ; ., .' � Chas . Voitus 2434 Shades for city hall 15 15 i , ;: Davey Bros. 2435 Broou for city h-�11 1 '15 ! C . W. Fleming 2436 Salary as chief of police 125 00 ' + l,' Anacortes Citizen 2437Publi si ng andprintig t ig 35 28 ; ' 4 ' ' , I: , , 25 1 Al-x Lats aw 243 ' Special police, Cap Sante • ' ' !s,' ' 1 • Clyde Ray 2439 O o n 58 00 { '' ' ; S 'II ter Department 2440 Water for city hall, Library, f ourntai n & -OH '' t' dran is 226 55 •s' , 1 ' Was.,inton P •►•- & w Co. 2441 Street lights 135 00 �` '• , I•. ; 1, , `•' - Washington P L a W Co .2442 Lights at city hall 4 50 • ' S ' Washington P ' Co 2443 " " Library 4 50 ; . i' I .,: J . H. A. Taylor 2444 Blacksmi thing 7 00 j , . ;! ,�1 1 nn::.:artes Ice C . 2445 Feed 106 19 :r ` is hack Buick Co. 2446 0i1 and gasoline for tractor •27 55 'f 1;. { • -ii '/ is , , , . i , .., , ,..),, 1 I . .1 , t ..1 ' • 1W./ ,./ . 1 I 1 ' • ..f,,:. - . i- 402- • ,,,..,„, 4 1 ; i i.I ' ; I 1 1! • August 17th, 1920. : N ' } - I `1 0 yam..->, { GENERAL WATER F iND. Roll Call The citycouncil of the city of .�,nacortes did on tne 1` th 1 day of hugest, 1920, ' 1 ` meet in regular session with Mayor iaugen presiding and Councilmen Bessner, , ' 1 Francis Short 269 Labor Crout, harris, Morrison and Trafton responding to roll call. Absent, cCallurr ' •• ' Cavanaugh Motor Co. 270 Supplies 145 2C and. Queen. i • • 2 , - C. L. Berry 271 Caretaker Heart lake ° Lou Smith 272 C•:reta'_ker \Yhid;le Lake 96 ?5 Lin approved The minutes of tne previous meeting were read and upon motion approved as read !• ,,.,. .. Wade Thomasl02 I 273 Labor and overtime 1 i Dan Simmons 274 Labor 5; 0% City Attorney heport of he city attorney on Ordinance too. 707, stating that same was cor- •` j, A. C. Deane 275 Frt and drayage 150 65 on Ord. ;707 rect as to form, was read and upon motion approved. 1 ; t '- Shannon & Co. 276 Sup -lies tor water dept. 4 ;G ; I I Hersey Mfg. Co. 277 Meter supplies •' 5;. City Attorney Report of the city attorney on Ordinance Na. 711, stating that same was cor- National. --•eter Co. 2'�8 Pistons and _gear shaft 2 !: on Ord. 711 rect as to form, was read and upon motion adopted. f . ) • Island Lumber Co. 279 Lumber 12c 4; : ' I • • Fred Harmer 280 Valves 5; 00 Finance on Report of Finance Committee on July reports of Ci;,y Treasurer, Chief of Police ,' 1 : W. B. Short 281 Salary as suet . and city engineer 34 90 reports Supt. of Streets and rolice Justice, recommending that same be accepted and . Marine Supply Hd. Co. 282 Belting �50 {yr placed on file, was read and upon motion adopted. Revolving Fund 283 Payroll i34 90 John 0 Day • 284 Labor Judiciary on Report of Judiciary Committee on Ordinance No. 707, recomLending that same ' 38 °`� #707 be passed, was rear and upon motion adopted. J . A . :�ati�esr�n 285 Rent of pump Ord. '' : Curtis :haft Co. 286 Sand and cement i� �r '' Nurrent Expense se Fund 287use of tsau. and �0 Judiciaryon Rer.ort of Judiciary Committee on Ordinance No. ' 11 • • '• :"''.•'' :j� P truck 711, recom-mdnding that same • �.�,�.�, • : ;!;; ;i:::: - ; ' W. 3. Short 286 Cash advanced 5� 00 Ord. rr711 be passed, was read and unon motion adopted. ; 1 " - ; ;� '=f. Oil Co. 289ail and 60 ::.,.l .1• ;v:.' Standard gasoline ` `"`':' �`� Fred H. ilayner 290 Supplies for Brant 4 { 'i �� ' • by 6 OG Resort of Councilmen Grout and Trafton resorted verbally for the Special Committee on ! ) *' : 4 . ,; • 1 DavejBros . 291 Supplies 15 41 Special Com. the matter of southside sidewalks, stating that the proposition had been • ,y ::::::::::::i.:,;; . '- atkinson 292 Salai;;- as chief clerk 1 re walks taken up with the Chamber of Commerce. I: •_ . : 50 00 • Ordinance #707 Ordinance No. 707 being an; ordinance confirming the assessment roll of ` Local Improvement District No. 128 for �.he improvement of the alley between • • Finance on claims Report of the Committee on Finance to venom were referred the claims agai st b [;;: , various city funds, recommending e 1 ! , ding that lam be al; loved and warrants drawn i-' 5th and 6tii streets as described in ordinance No. 710, was upon motion - _.� :..; : �' - • . - favor of sure was read and upon motion adopted. Roll Call: Ayes, Crout , :'`' , .••. • p p y ,, placed upon its third and final reading by s�ctio;upon motion the title was •:n a:: - .• i.icCallurn, and Trafton . adopted ..s read; unon motion section 1 was adopted as read; u-,on lotion sec- •i- ' , •• • Adjourn tion 2 was adopted as read; upon motion section 3 was adopted t , ,- , ~• ; :'..as read; upon { ;; I }. . iUpon ration the city council did then adjourn. motion the ordinance as a whole and as read Has adopted. Roll call: Ayes, x ' i ; �. ' '1 .aessner, Lrout, Barris, kprrison and Trafton. Jays, none. 1tt' ' y ,., .; ; ':: ) 3 Approved in open session this 17th dW of August, 1920. ,1' { iI : ' " 5-.•.:,'' Ordinance #711 Ordinance No . 711 oeing an ordinance confirming the assessment roil of `a:::: ``'' , Local Improvement District No. 302 for the improvement of 5th Street from f ) E �• Co:!ercial Avenue to 90 feet east of the east line of "Q" Avenue as des- +' ' ` r� :�:;1 . ZZ ��`` cribed in 0rdi name No. 705 was upon motion placed upon its third and final t '' )!' 1 • c; • I , i Mayor reading by sections; upon motion the title was ado ted as read; upon motion j' i.;,!:- . ` a :?:. • section 1 was adopud as read; upon ration section 2 was adopted as read; upon ` , ` - Attest: motion section 3 was adopted as read; upon motion the ordinance as a whole andI% 1 - i' 11:. ...,.,- , ` 1 :7 ! 1 f F. D. Cartwright City Clerk, as read was adopted. Bessner, Crout, Harris, Morrison and ' C jy p Roll Call: Ayes , ^ t ,; �' • 'Trafton. £Lays, none. t �•::. BY .. ( . Deputy Completing Upon motion the matter of completing 35th Street and Fidalgo Road was referrea i �` )' ` ,t;l !' 35th St. & Fi- to tne Committee on Streets and ?arks with powerall , es �, �J to act. Roll C Ay :�, �: , Y dalgo Road Bessner, Grout, Harris, Morrison and Trafton. Nays none. ti'` •l r •. '.I 1 y t. i 1';s ' 4. `' ' , ' '.i' . ; Build. & Sewers The Mayor instructed the Buildings & Sewers Committee to investigate : '� : . °'=,6. .: g the E`, + ` ,a �, � .� I • , Committee to complaintIverson Pool Hall. agairsst the ", a investigate ►� ,ji ' t }}. ; 1 ;; +, ,' a • djourn Uponmotion the city council did then adjourn . ;;;`' '.` , 1 :; F ad j ourn I {• t E+ 1 - k;: • ,° ! 1 Approved in open session this 7th day of September, 1920. .� ! �� ;' �.: I I, 1 ,�' 1 i Ii 11 • , , yy 514 `} ' ) ( Attest. Mayor 1 A'l i 1 1 .•1•r ;'i'i, Ic, ' 1 F. D. Cartwri• ght, City Clerk, s r t. t:j,'• it B 6l-f,/y7, // -1/-r-r_z, -aN �r 1• ,'.i1' . p )•t`<�i'`' „..;;'f, I , Deputy 1 4 1 . ., :,s:1k` I , , r, ; , S ', „ 1 ! '1 1•'I' . 1 , a s' ' ,:i ,. 'I '. ; '• i i I •• • . iI . ; , , . • . • • . , , • • i, . 1 .. i , . , . • , • i; . 1,)! , • ., . i . . , i :, 1 - • . , t 1 .'i • , • . . . • 1 i • ,A.i ,,,,•1,: , . , . . 1,, i , ., .. ,. . , , • . . , i . . . ; • : . , • ., li •,, , ( : • 1., . , , .• HI. 1 • .• . it. , • ., 1 . . • . i , •,. , . • I 1 •• i, ,!. ,11 . ,, .i. i , �t�',, ,. 1$; ,..,• ,,: , :.! . • , , t i ,i! .1 . 1 i - 1; 1 • i , . , , • { . 1 j ' I , i• ,. 1; • •, ;l ' t'(. . • f ;I 1 I i 1. ' 1 � I .• . -,,' .fer40 4 -;, ei, , ---±- ' ,' ) - 'lam . • ; i i ' ..'__ _ September 2t i. 1920. _ ,, • i j _ Ot The Mayor instructed the Hound master to take up cows pastered on 12th street. ' ' Roll Call The city council of tre city of Anacortes did on the 'nth day of September, 1920, meet in regular session with e -�isat' er}- �esdir+ -a. ` { ' 9 �` d p g councilmen Claims filed against tine various city funds �; s follows. ware presented to the I •Crout, Bessner, Harris, Morrison, McCallum and Trafton responding to Rol: f ' • Call . Absent queen. city council and upo» motion referred to the Committee on Finance. •I,,. IDan Simmons 2447 Labor repairing street 15 90 ; j i Mayor Pro:Tem In the absence of y: or iiaugen, Mayor Pro Tem Bessner assumed the chair. Anacortes L & B Co. 2448 Lumber fr repairs on "0" st . 161 50 f ' ' Minutes approved The minutes of the previous meetingwere read and upon motion approvedShannon & Co. 2449 Supplies for " 3 20 } ; ' as read; pA. B. Bushre 2450 Labor installir.G sewer in park 5 G Wade Thomas 2451 Labor " 47 60 Dan Simmons 2452 Labor 20 50 . • l' City engineer on repair- Report of the city engineer on the repairing of the waa.rf at "0" street Concrete Pipe Co. 2453 Pipe for sewer in park 84 42• ing wharf at "0" et. stati% that the cost of same amounted to $204.90, was read and upon motion adopted. H. Schwartz 2454 Pz:rk attendant 50 00 I Curtis Wharf Co. 2455 Sand and cement for sewers 21 68 i •' i . 1 4 : i; Standard Oil Co. 2456 Gasoline for fire dept. 3 City eng1 'eer on in- Report of the city engineer on the installing of a sewer for comfort station . ` stalling sewer in park in Causland Park, was read and upon motion adopted. s S. �1. Tucker 2456 Repairs on fire truck 4 25 i • Griffith Drug Co. 2458 Medicine for team 2 00 • . Martin Ewald 2459 Labor on streets 90 00 '' '• ' Report of city treasurer. Report of the city treasurer was presented to the city council and upon mots ;n 0 A. Lenning 2460 Salary adn cash advanced 126 55 i ,.+ presented referred to the Committee on Finance. <„r Standard Oil Co. 2461 Gasoline for street dept. 12 25 . :..F,;. ti ��'}'a` + reports of Supt . of Sts . Reports of the Superintendent of Streets, PoliceJusticeAbacortes L & B Co. 2462 Lumber for street dept. 11 90 `: ' �� ;'��' P t oust and Chief of Policy Anacortes Steam Ley 2463 Laundry for f ire ddpt. J_!ly & Aug. 5 95 ifi� ; :' ::: I Police Judge, Ch. of Poi' were presented to the city council and Upon motion referred to the Co ' L �.. :.,. ;:„. - i presented on Finance. m"1i t`a Knapp & Ranneberger 2464 Repairs on ire tr<<ck 23 45 Clyde Ray 2465 Watching fire at Cap S:an to 61 00 •; °SA.,,,.: ti. Thos. Conway 2466 Fire roll 143 25 t;� ' Corr :unication from i11rs. Co:rxrunication from Mrs. W. A. Jennings, tendering her resignationas a maTMebrTaylor . . `t, H. A. 2467 Blac�csmitning 4 00 , ii 11 A.'iennings of the Library Board, the same to take effect at once, was read and upon moti E. G. Ratliff 2468 Salary as truck driver 110 00 ,i ' accepted. ' ! Thos. Conway 2469 Salary as fire chief 125 00•'► ' i Farm_ p ' Continental Pipe Co. 2470 Pipe 3i 39 _ .- 4• .?` - :: Petition from L. - . Far- Petition from L. A. er, to make slips in the sidewalk for entrance to the Citizens Bank 2471 Interest on funds advanced for L. I.D. I s i mer to make slips in An tortes Iron Works, was read and upon motion referred to be Committee on #128 and 3U2 22 19 ., +� ' :i , + sidewalk Streets & Parks with power to act. Poll Call: Ayes, Croat, Harris, Morrison RevolvingFund 24 2 Payroll 1 2 40 ` f ' : McCailut and Trafton . Nays, e. 7 Y 3 non , Washington P L & W Co .2473 Lights at city hall, Library and st lights 149 40 s I. i Lights at Oaks Ave. The matter of lights at the election buildingon Oars Avenue Richard Rollins 2474 Speed officer 45 14 �3' � ' s was brought to Water Dept. 2475 Hydrant rental , voter Library and fountain 222 50 �t '`: ,_ ' • 'I election building the at ten tin of the city council, and upon motion referred to the Con,LittPe '! `"'`"` Anacortes Acr.erican 2476 Printing and publishing 11 20 E1, ; -• r;;:; ' • on Fire,. Water and Light. Roll Call : .iyes, trout , Harris, iorrison, LcC ll:z::. L. Frazier 24?7 Registration work • 12 50 , ` '•• � ;- und Trafton. Nays, none. Ben Driftmier 2478 Salary city ttorney 50 00 j' . ' ; ��` Petits )n of Emil B Petition of F. D. Cartwright Salarycityclerk 00 t : ` ' �` rado Emil Br�.do for a three board walk from Commercial and loth Street:, ':artwr ght 2479 as 50 i . + ommerci ': for =plank walktre t Marion ;' ` - ';� I 3 to water front, was granted, the tit engineer to inspect the Construction o latitinsc�n 2•+:A salary as city treas. and a.aeh advanced 35 66 ',; • ' ✓ r r t i a'asame. Curtis lY'harf Co. 2481 Coal for city hall 235 00 ': ! ! r, Anacortesac Co. 482 Wood andj ? �c, L B o. lumber for city hall 5 25I( � -: } I • 3udget for 1921 pres- The Coniittee on Finance prepared and presented city Anacortes L �- B Co. 2483 Salary as Librarian and asst. $8 QQ 1: i i sen d to the council the foll- • ''i'i�:•:' tinted ouingschedules for the budget for the year 1921 . Mrs. L. E. S,,oWalter 2484 Janitor at Library 20 00 �+ t";t ':" `' :. j' C. W. Fleming 2485 Salary as chief of police 125 00 ao .- i ', ;} t Dale Murdock 2486 Witness fees 2 00 •L j i DISBURSEMENTS F. C C . Werner 2487 Justice fees 15 00 `;' 3 i{ ? _ S. G Brooks 2466 Salary as h. 0. July & Aug. 50 00 .0 '�, . ! , , . Department of Ana artes Ice Co. 2489 Hay 31 35 i'� j! ;.� ^ j I I Executive 50 00 Leston Short 2490 Janitor at cityhall "" c, • ;ti i a, Legislative • 10 00 t { g 100 00 + ' A t ,o. '} l '''.. City Clerk 'a {' City Treasurer 8850 00 R 0 A D--B H I D G E �" '��� '�' � rt 'y ! . , r• • s,;! , . City Attorney 625 00 ,'j I , ' :, : 1 City Attu Guy Button 45 Labor on ruts 1;5 15 <rr, f F I '.,, 450.. 00 J: + ; + ? ; + ', Library 1,735 27 • Lynn Balcomb 46 Labor on streets 132 50 sly . { ;;�: ;1 i 1••t` Lights 1,600 00 i } t l Fire 7 540 00 -,`:,�;' ' ,.: ri ' ) ; , ; ( I ; ' I Police ' GENERAL WATER FUND + ill . • :i i + • Engineer 2,000 00 �: : ;° ;; ;.a, ; , ; Steets 1,200 00 Revolving Fund 293 Payroll 70 15 =I' , `'' t.i • ` , a ' �' ', �` 8,085 00 H. A. Taylor 294 Blacksmituing 8 25 �' !! `�• , 'I ?` >;':,'. :�;�• , i Health Sewers 200 00 Anacortes L B C. 2 Lumber for water dent. 84 20 ai'Ib '' �'I: , 'i it, '•. •''i, I ' 375 OQ E. A Phillips 296 Supplies 5 ;.�' ; ��-.1,( � .'s� , ` ? ' Publishingr Bonds 300 OO Puget Sound Tel Co. 2 j Rentals G n 605 i� ' , '` {' 1:a �. s g y dtolls 9 5 I. �' I . 'i 1 ' 4,500 00 , } . 3 1 Pakrs 300 00 Knapp & Ronn eberger 298 Labor and supplies July & August 45 7? ' + '' ':;. + Contingent 3 027 73 Standard Oil Co. 295 Oil and gasoline 136 22 t ° 4�;E` 1�:.. ... Road & Bridge Fund $8 0 00 Curtis Wharf Co. 300 Sand and ce::tint 8 45 4. 1. ::�{:: � ,r 1 ' `I : Retiring '14- ' 15 C.E.Wts 10,445 001Supplies9 ' 62 `', r t , �ilannon Co.c.o. 2 •H Catis Wharf Co. 302 Freight on kettles : Retiring Old Indebtedness 12, 534 00 23,829 00 10j 05 3 55 - t 'k •1 , ;� I; + S ' Wade Thomas 303 Labor 07,617 00 Lou Smith 304 Caretaker Heart Lake 113 95 ) W. B. S::ort 305 Salary city elg in eer & Supt. 250 00 la' :-" Watkinson 306Salary chief clerk: and cash adv. �' L:• 153 15 + + • i '' C. L. Berry 307 Caretaker heart Lake 90 00 ; •,:'7 I • . 11 , I ' RECEIPTS A. B. Bushre 3G8 Labor 64 90 • ,;' ; Dan Summons 309 Labor 104 65 ' ' J' • Direct taxation (15 mills on a valuation of Citizens Bann 310 Cash advanced for hydrant for 5th St. 88 50 $2,089,000.00) $31, 335 00 Francis Short 311 Labor 132 50 ' ( Retiring 14- 15 C.E. Wts (5 mills) , I :. t 10,445 00 Anacortes Drug Co. 312 Motor e4ther 1 70 ;�', ' : i ' ' ' ' i Retiring Indebtedness Fund huts (6 mill ) 12, �• I1 ' • Road and Bridge Fund 534 00 Anacortes L a B Co. 313 Lumber for water dept. 84'70 850 00 Current htpense Fund 314 Use of ci t team and truck 36 90 +' '! Interest on city deposits 600 00 •' ' i l`. 1,' , i .' General Licenses ! • : I +' ' , Pound fees 600 00 ,.. � i ' ' 20 00 LOCLL IloTnOJi,;t.��+.NP DISTRICT No. 128. • + • , ,• Police fines and fees 450 00 • 'I ;'; � �',! I? `' ' 2% on telephone rentals 283 00 Joan O'Day 1215 Labor 7 96 ti •I- ';�5. Rental of street ends 00 00 ' ',' ( '. i 5 Anacortes Transfer 1216 Cartage 7- 25 I' L..' , t ` ` �57,617 0o Wade Thomas 1217 Labor 35 05 , }' ' ; !. • i W. S. 9,iions 1218 Labor 39 10 fi ' c �! I' �� i Francis Short 1219 Labor ?_1 20 ': ,j. ! I ` • i Upon :notion the above estimates •- s prepared by the Com:�i ttee on Finance were Concrete Pipe Co . 1220 Pipe for sewer 140 32 ' '� It . I i L ,. f tentatively accepted subject to final adoption. Roll Call , Ayes, Grout, I::>.r,•1 - : , !i$ ' i i • ,`: , , L.cCallun_, Morrison and Trafton. Nays, none. t1 ;+� .+ '��� Nr o I` [1 1' ' r 4 0 j .'� 7 .1 y'" a-, Ili , I 4 `. 1 if l• • 1°c1• a‘ � - 11 :4 . ..,f September 21 st, 1920. I i:. . ''s _ ew.a y t , f 1 = F �, i ' LOCAL ILn'ROVSHE?�T DISTRICT MO. 302. Gall The city cotincil of the city of Anacortes did on the 21st day of Septe. ber, :::91 "�•. Toll ; 'i meet in regular session with Iaayor Haugen presiding and Councilmen Bessner, �' ff Dan Simmons 1221 Labor McCallum. Trafton and queen responding to Roll Call: Absent; Crout, Harris ' 23 20 Morrison. ' + • O. S Cronkrite 122? Labor 37 io l; F j ` Curtis `n'harf Co. 1223 Freight on_ pips 3�, i :" Current axpense Fund 1224 Funds advanced for publishing, etc . 50 00 mutes approved The minutes of the previous meeting were read and upon motion approved as read. • `. + , : Wade Thomas ':1 ' ' t j 1225 Labor 64 60 ; , 1 i ' C. A. Coamons 1226 Labor 25 60 Finance on reports Report of the Committee on Finance to winm were referred the reports of " ' 1: ' J . B. S ,ence 1227Labor P the •' ► 31 ;. 0 City Treasurer, Chief of Police, Police Justice and Superintendent of Streets, ' '' ';:, . ". Spence 1228 Laoor 15 9G recommding tna.t same be accepted and placed on file, was read and upon motion „:i • ! t W. A. Johnst al 1229 Labor •26 50 • adopted. • " • W. A. Johnston 1230 Labor 31 d0 • t Oscar Johnson 1231 Labor 10 60 G_�r:c instructed The city clerk was instructed to write to the Com►uissioner of Public Lands .'• • 5' . •i ' gontinental PipeCo . 12 2 Pipe and fittings-s ' t , ' . 3 p - s 433•� .,rite Land Com. to ascertain if the ,ie lands in front of street ends could be leased. ! ; ' ;; gThompson addressed the Gueres ferry F. D Cartwright and A. C• city council in behalf of ?Finance on Claims Report bf the Committee on Finance to whom were referred the claims the Guemes ferry. Upon motion the matter >r [ . �i1~�st p was referred to the Com ittee on a' , the various city funds, recor:iending that same be allowed and warrants drayr,� Streets and Parks. Ayes, Bessner, McCallum and Queen. Nays, Trafton. ': p`' j in favor o same, was read and upon motion adopted. Roll Gal: Ayes, Crout, Harris, i,IcCallym and Yliorrision and Trafton. Nays, none. Upon Motion the city council did then adjourn. 'yf : f q ;:��x ;: �., .:? t Adjourn Upon motion the city council did then adjourn. � � ;' ,* ! open dayOctober, 1920. {` � Approved in p session this 5th of 'f: Approved in open session this 21st day of September, 1920 '` : 4 Attest: Mayor �.� 1. • MayorPro _rr . , 1 i i; Attest: F. D. Cartwright, City Clerk, j t • F. D. C k - --' Cartwright City Cl er By ���1r2c_.-'�r� , !G� i<< _�� ¢-t j '':f: i • i �" Deputy i ?=, + , t Deputy '{kfa95i 'l, ; , •• { 1 Er . • • • ll it,l. 1 .• p y. I. • ' 1!lir 1,, ., „ tr • I to; •. '' i t! 1 •. ' S ' •r' •1 , 1 i i• I-' •4 i'1,-,.,11tal'. ,,..,:,, ,. . , ti. ? . K 'j '• 1 t j �f {: a i '1�4. i •'� �t h 'If :, 1 -;fil -..i .! .....,,•• • •,,fr.1„,,•,,, .„I, ,;.it Jl iiii ;•1'rti i 1 -• s „ " •t • t-4."..'''''''' . a • I it' .f i 'i' 1 !. r I 1 i .�11" i s; F. h.j .� i1 • ' • t, t I ;l ,; :n1 , i; ; • S i t I + •� 1 I i,..,,,,f 'I, M1 i1! 1 t ;" t , 1t.�a, ,1 'A • t I t ','�+ i 1 + is l 1 j r I 11 } 1, , • {, , t ( yi i' i } irt' I i;: • 1 1 i • , ,-- .fid.' , 408 ..., 1 • 40 (--) '1'-"v. -'' - ,... ,...„ ., .. A. tzu d •f' ' + r 12. �• • 1. t .I -- Oc tober 4th, 1920. _ _ ___ '` _ o_:� • , .• Sri - - - ___ - - - 1 . j ' . + `i° ! Puget Sound Tel Co. �35 Rentals and tolls 6 90 r "� Roll Call The cite' council of the city of Anacortes did on file 4t;i day of October, • �1 H. A. Taylor 336 31acksmithing 18 20 IL �; p 11. ' Revolving Fund 337 Payroll I . ' ' i ; • . meet in special session with . ayor Hau ;_n pre2iding and Councilmen Bessnel , .� i ' Crout, Harris and McCallum responding to roll call. Absent, Morrison, er-..i.,).• Marion =.atkinson 338 Salary chief clerk & cash adv. 152 55 , ,. •i ! -• y ! and queen. C C . L. Berry 339 Caretaker Heart lake 07 00 Davey Bros. 340 Supplies for ureter dept. 70 56 OU 'i',• '• l t ,. Roney & iihodes 341 Repairs on car Budget The purpose of the meeting was for the final adoption of the Budget as pre_ 1 5 �:.' I; ! pared and tentatively adopted by the city council on September 7th, 1920, all Wa.scington P L & W Co. 342 Installing lights in water dept. 12 4 ,i ti. 'e # :, ! in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 38 of the Session Laws of 19o9, ,i x } ! Upon motion the Budget as prepared and shown on September7th, was amendedrin; nce on claims Report of the Committee on Finance to whom were referred the above claims {;.� ,. . P g pp against the various city funds, recom�:•pndirg that the same be allowed and • . l • ,, follows: item of. #�150 was added and credited ted to the City H11; item of salr•e, was read and upon motion adopted. Roll i : ' ! 00; credited to - the•Library; item of $7 40,0 warrants drawn in favor of p motion t_ ' f9 y1,735.27 was reduced to ,�1,500. ,5 ! credited to the Fire Depertr..ent was reduced to• $6,000. 00; item of 250.00 was Call: Ayes, Bessner, Carout , Harris and McCallum. ynone. , ! • • ' added and credited to the Police De �rt:_ment; item of $1,200 credited to t�_e -� 6; and others , • • #; • • City Engineer was reduced to $1,000; item of $8,085 credited to the Street :, oinn addresses 01-i•ver Brom/addressed the council relative to ,.1e�..ring 19th street cetc.eee , , Department was reduced to $7,500.00; item of ,��700 was added and credited to , ;.ur.ci]- re 19th M and Commercial The cif, engineer was instructed to ta_Ke up Lhe natter • ± •: • , Parks; item of $3,027.?3 credited to Contingent was reduced to $2,399.00• z'eet. with them, and later refer sn:e to Com. ittee on Streets and Parks and Street a ;,,• , The item of 15 mills levied for Current Expense was reduced to 14 mills. Supt. '' ' Roll Call: Ayes, Bessner, Crout, iiarris and McCallum. Nays, none. �e ourn Upon motion tine city council did then adjourn . ,�' r 'f . ::: :�':; ,,.� • DISBURSEMENTS a t. , .;.:'.', r t }''a Approved in open session this 19th day of October, 1920. •r :•�•`•• '' ';tip . ' Department of Executive ; 0 00 • r: Legisl ative 100 00 .. �, `*J' ;; , I CityClerk 5 • 5: i City Treasurer $50 00 !' city- Attorney 625 00 Mayor ` #' ` City Hall 600 0oe. ' Library 1,5Q0 00 . • ;••E • Lights 1,600 00 Attest. 1 i , Fire 6,000 00 i_ • , t r t I Police 2,250 00 - F. D. Ca.rtwrieht , City Clerk, ( :.i { * Engineer 1,000 00 G�/i�.-t.-.�..-n/ ;4'j :i. ; • : -, Streets 7, 500 00 B3' ; �I. A 200 00 Deputy • � i • r. r 1 1 Sewers I ; i . ! '!. . Health 375 00 ; k ,, ` • ;t Publishing 300 00 l' 'i; Water bonds 4,500 00 �t . Parks 1,000 00 , , t i Contingent 2,399 00 , ' 850 00 f • Road & Bridge ;' ' • Retiring '14-'15 C.E. w,�s `' r: , Fund Warrants 10,445 00 .,�i 1 i a. Retiring old indebted- ; i' lr' t: ness 12, 534 00 23,829 00 ;' ,. I�. �: !. , • R $ 55,528 00 .` f f i, ( ,:, tt :{ ti RECEIPTS t �_. ,:''.,.. H: i .. ' i �j, t ,r ,.if- :hie m•/� - >} ' l'!,!: ! Direct Taxation (14 mills on a valuation 1' ` ' 11 ' ` • .,f I ;; of $2, U89,000.00) $ 29,246 00 .•k ' •, p . '� ;.e • Retirir>g • '14-15' C.E. Fund tilts. - 5 mills 10,445 00 d '� ' ' ''. 'i ,' Retiring Indebtedness Fund Wts. - 6 mills 12,534 QO } / P. , j ,; Interest city deposits 600 00 ., , '',,•� , ,�,,( , �• r , i • Road & Bridge 850 00 • ; ,�'!' jy 4j► ;. ., ► I ,}'i . f , General Licenses 60o 00 ,i;, �, 1 , f' , „•„::, ' ; :a ! ! 1 ; Pound fees 20 00 `. ',. `; a ,!e; ; Police finds and fees 450 00 ,1 .1� ) 2% on telephone rentals • 283 '00 !�• 1 ,t`�I '14'f� �; `.' f ;: I i 'il ,i'l i ; .. ,ic,I:t !' j, ','. !`'' ' • Rental of street ends 500 00 :•' :,-. ii, rM.,.., I " Upon motion the city attorney was instructed to prepare levy ordinance. ,; t i e• 4ei t t ! Adjourn Unon motion the city council did then adjourn • ii1': `':i'1:; 1j ! I • + 1 r t 4, • '' ! t 'l! Approved in open session October 5th, 1920. + ,;4' ,, ,. j 1: 11 . t mayor i ,l � : ' Attest: • 1 I • ' rl' t t i " t i• I 1± t i I ` ! F. D. Cartwright, City Clerk, ! I. , 1 ByJ ••.->- 7-AL./Ace—___ t. -' Deputy, ,.,1'1'. il' '. ?-1.,' . );1.,!t�i ' ' I 11 1 t' II 1' it,' I I t tit f 'I t �,e •, • ' • -mil .44' �.n.\ y _ ..• v - 1 \ . I i: ��,.~,•':, , • - 41 1 1 , i ,,,/ rit� • i • s s.l ±: , i 4 t . �' • ,.. October 5th, 1920. October 19tn, 1920. • . , . ,,, --- •,.: 2 Tr, ,-. 4 1 - - —. I 1 - Roll call The city council of the City of An::tortes did on the 5th day of October , 1-.:, ` ' - . meet in regal--r session with Mayor Haugen presiding and Councilmen Bessner' '' The city council of the city of ;nacortes did on the 19th da;, of October, 1920, i, : ' ) ' # trout, Morris and ?LcCallun responding to roll call : Abeett, Morrison, Tri;f4 ._ Roll Call meet inregulor session with Councilmen Bessner, Harris, Morrison, McCallum, 1 : i 11 and 4ueen• Trafton and queen responding to Roll Call. In the : bserce of the Mayor, '; 1 • t ii yor Pro Tem Bessner assured the choir. Absent , Croat. ° i• - . i Linutes approved ' The minutes of the previous n�eetirgs were read and upon motion adopted as r� - is . ;, ninutes approved The minutes of trte previous meeting were reed .ria upor, n• -•tion approved as read. i• �'• ..' 1 i' ' Reports Reports of the Chief of Police, Supt. of Streets, City Treasurer r nd Police i l ' ;. Justice were presented to the city council and upon rrotion referred to the city Attorney on Report of City :attorney on Ordinance No. 711, being an ordi-.--•_nce levying a : t • ' ffi ; ' Committee on Finance. Ordinance :o . 711 tax upon the personal and real property of be city of Anacortes, stating f ' i .' : that same was correct as to form, was read and upon motion adopted. ;; i , ' I i .Ca or appoints con:- : U on motion a corn. ittee was appointed bythe Mayor to meet with the C r ,.,e,. ,�` Y P P he r i I rrittee to confer with Con'nerce for the purpose of furtharin6 the Cap Sante waterway. The ConLi _t,e oo s:. from City Co .'runicotion fro' the City Treasurer giving the reason for there being no city Ch. of Con::rerce consited of Councilmen Queen, Bessner. and McCallum.. Treas . re depos- . deposits at the Citizens Bank, was read and .._:nor ola.ced or file. • t its ' i' 1: Ord. Ordinance No. being an ordinate levying a tax upon the personal real Ordinance No. 711 being an ordi�' nce levying tax upon the personal and a s ` . d real ' property withi^ theCa ty of r",n;_cortes, was upon notion placed upon its first ordinance :io. 711 property '"it'r:i ^ toe Ci ty of Anacortes, Skagit County, "i.`.sh•i ^6ton, was upon I 'reading by title; upon motion the same ordinance was placed upon its seco-d • motion placed upon its third and final reading by title. Upon moticr the title t I reading by title; upon motion the ordinance was referred to the (Judiciary was adopted _-s read; upon motion section 1 was adopted as read; upon motion : 11. i; s ' Committee and Cit• y Attorney. J section 2 was adopted as read; upon motion section 3 was adopted as read; upon motion the ordinance as a whole and -s read was adopted. RollCall: Ayes, ' ; . • :fLl, • . :' ;� I ( Claims Claims filed against the Current Expense Fund and other city funds for the , Harris, Horrisor� , deCallua-, Trafton �,nd queen. Nays, none .• 'il.i;; ! ";, K{ ;,` ' 4 , month of September, as follows, were presented to the city council and upon : 1 ; '�' ' ;'i motion referred to the Comniittee on Finance: :.esolution Resolution. That the following n named electors, be and they e -- �''' ghereby a,r •j o ••.,: •;%E:,. ;.� •opointing appointed Inspectors and Judges, respectively in their respective wards and '1 ., ; .y:,ti; • . '•' •I iThos. ConwaySalarys fire =aP P P ' a :;: C y 2391 chief �25.0 Jo. -i.,-s a=' pr cincts for the City Primary to b held on the 9th day of November, 1920, .� •• f .,:• Davey Bras. 2492 Supplies for fire dept. & city hall 12 0 I-i:--oectors for nthe City ofSkagit u ty,`�iashin ;tc,n, '. '.' 4 �• i i Anacortes, Slta� i t Co n �n, • 1 Anacortes Steam Laundry 2493 Laundry for fire dept. 2 :lection boards , ; i. °�-• •' ` . Ts. C. Ratliff 2494 Salary as truck driver 110 0, first Ward, First Precinct, pollinb place, rear entr�-,nce of 4C•4 Commercial ._ve • { I ' Anacortes Market 2495Supplies for fire dept. 3 Inspector, Arthur D'Arcy, Judges, cars. J. Leati,erwooea Mrs. i•-cGill•i PP P G; PE t Standard Oil Co. 2496 Gasoline for fire dept. 1.; rJ, First bard, Second Precinct, polling place, Olt,' Hail, i !Thos. Conway 2497 Fire roll 97 2 Inspector, Dennis Grady, Judges, Mrs. Porchman, 0 .E.:.rges. nt - :'. ; • nn an + C. P. Cr_tut 2498 Witness fees (Scott case) 2 First Ward, Third Preci rest, polling place, Labor Ten-ple, i { :::. ,:a,• Chas. Cavanaugh Witness fees 2 Inspector, . •Blanche Baker, Elisabeth e r ,.', g 2499 2 rs 3_ ak r, E_isab t}� Stettin,n, Patrick Robi son, s , ; a?: ! • Antone Lortenson 2550 Witness fees 420 Second Ward, First Precinct, polling place , Allan' s store . i ; ; j ' F. C. Werner 2501 Justice fees 12 G Inspector, Horace , J. Taylor, Judges, L. T. Frazier, Asa Pringle . ii; s. i ' •' �-:. {t Richard! Rollins 2502 Speed officer 1•; 1 Second Ward, Second Precinct , polling place, srathside hose house. �1 '_' t° ' ' ;' F f ', C • 11 • 2503 al ;! chief a l e �. , Inspector, s • y�.y ♦ r es ; -) a �� , I Fleming Salary s police 12,' 0 Charm 1i,. Cava _ unh, Judges , . V . t ropst , Aletha Proud. , Howard-Cooper Cor. 2504 Heating kettle and irons 754. , Second ::ard, Third Precinct, 32nd and Commercial . i` t4�: c ' ?' • 0• A. Lenning 2505 Salary as St. Supt• and cash adv. 127 . Inspector, John Laurie, Judges , r. ! Martin Ewald 2506 Cleaning streets 9l ' P a - -nri Ruth orison, E. C.• Howe . ;� t.ii , • ;,` 0 0 Third Ward, First Precinct , polling place, Public. Library a., S,�. i. - •? H. A. Taylor 2507 Blacksmituing 10 50 Inspector, E. J . Belch, Judges„ Mae Temple. E. T. Whitcomb. '' 1,i i'• Y West Co _ _t Dairy2508 Feed 7 7 ThirdV Second Precinct, P r' � s 0 and, o c nd Pr ci ct, polling plat. 6t-. I streets. :to, • Standard Co. streed c e to ''• '' j, •. ::!: s ; � t�_ deed Oil a. 2509 Gasoline for dept. 32 Inspector, P . E. Nelson, Juag.,s, Gladys Jorgenson , Mrs. Addie Kasch. ss•�. • ; . , •� " ,'• ! # Poison Implement Co. 2510 Street plow 540 , Third ,'card, Third Precinct, polling place, Oakes Avenue. =a •_ `; r r E. Luella Howard 2511 Salary as Librarian & asst. Gb 0 Inspector A. L. Graham, Judges , _..rs. Myrtle YcCorra�_s, Carrie Graham. t;: '�: ��5 , 1 E . • ILrs. Showalter 2512 Janitor at Library 20 0 t,� 1 '' '1 ' • IF ! ` S. D. Temple & Co. 2513 Supplies for clerk 5 was read and upon motion adopted. Roll Call : ryes, Harris, Morrison, McCallum, 'i ? , y AnacortesAmerican 2514 Publishing / Traitor) and Qi een. clays, none. • ;i} ,4 , oa: :_:- • ' , ' Marion Watkinson 2516 Salary a; city treas • & cash adv. 5( 2 +. ? 1' ;I?,,; • .• ) 1 Puget Sound Tel Co . 2515 Tolls 2 8 ;,300 allowed Upon notion the city engineer wars authorized to act in co ,:juncti. -tn yritic the , 'A ; y:;t- ; ,:.'1•;;Et:. 1 , j, ;. Ben rriftmier 2517 Salary as attorney terry committee f P <� `' 5 7 5 city �_ J 50 .� ferry corn-: i ttee o � the Anacor tes Chamber of Commerce to help repair, rebuild or i Ire � ' ;�' :��� , ��-��: . '� : F. D. Cartwright 2518 Salary as- city clerk 50 or repairs on to ren,oveXto another location the public fern; dock at the foot of Q avenue , ! `1,,. .f '� � �; • ( ' 1 .,. Revolving Fund 2519 Payroll 1' (, :'erry dock A sum of $300 was also-allowed tie ferry committee for repairs, or re::'nvalto ono her; ,i l Jon '` 1 14 Knapp c.= Fi n e eo,i • o n berg r 2520 Repairs on fire truck 3G Roll Call: Ayes, Ramie, Morrison, McCallum ,& Queen. Trafton not voting. Nays, s ree� f.l :���� '; '� '.' $ • 0. A,Lenning 2521 Feed for team, 23 ' none . 'A y f. ' 1. : s ! t♦�I, � ' Anacorteti Citizen 2522 Printi rg and publishing . Li c :i t j clerk t ) The city clerk was instructed to write the State Land Coma issioner to ascertain j r i' . I , ' ' 4l: ton P L & W Co• 2523 Lgihts ,:_t city n y Lite. L:�nd Correrectpublici '1 {. .1j1 j i i , s►:i ng i y h�11, li rein street, if the city could Dock on h._;r�or ore a. ti ;. .r 1 , , .1 'i H and insta1irg lightat city hall 1U issioner a yi.� q ' '� + i:'. ':; : :i + i :; ' Mack-Buick Co . 2524 Payment and interest on tractor ti53 "i adjourn Upon motion the city council did then adjourn. i,i' i III ' s1 ` r. i I d' i J ill. ;i 1 t ,�a �, An roved in c unc 1 tie 2n d of IZ 1 ?_0. ' + j' ; : i. t,• openo i is d ao oven bee, 9 i , • •.!• i;j� -1 ! ''I I • ,• ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND ' t' 1 , i•I i:!"'.1.' i.:; i? :i ; , An tone Entus Team hire 1; 0 ' 'It !1.,i ,i1 •',''l!i 'It : . • r "':? i '' . Linn Balcomb Labor on streets 12'l t f �t, fW : • i, y Labor -11 -) ' .t •`.� `'t' ,.1,,, :.`i , Li ; i , G. W. Shannon & Co . Powder for 35th st. 5MayorPro Tem ; r - � . 'i., ''3 Blythe L'.cC:.uley hauling gravel 37' 7 Attest: - ' ,., ' i. i!I''`1:1•4'.• - { •i 4 °,• , :( ; • F. D. Cartwright, City Clerk, 1i1. ' <, '•, )1 i GENERAL '�:ATEh FUND ��/ .1 ' ' ' s • 1 1 j By 2%(//I�/lno � '�� .',i, 1 ji .h• .+, Knapp & Ronneberger 315 Labor and matesial iL2,2(Loo-p DEPUTY l ` ,,.. i' Continental Pipe Co . 316 pipe i0s- ' s ii• ' ; Dan Simmons 317 Labor llc - , I HI•; 'i i ,; I • i Wade Thomas 318 Labor 150 ' • i t Geo. Rademacher 319 Labor 33 • i' . I. Collier 320 Labor 10 C '11'' ' 1 . . , , I, ;• s ' A. B. Bushre 321 Labor 1�� -{' 1 1 , , / ; Francis Short 322 Labor s ; ,, �{'il'' ' ; Lou Smith 323 Caretaker W istle Lake & overtime 1:-'; . , • ` 1 ; Ibland Transfer Co. 324 hauling engine i", ` �• ', :fi s lt. ; , , .' Curtis Wharf Co. 325Material for repairs1- , 1 t . i n pavement ent • � • ' • � I • t t Standard Oil Co . 326 Gasoline and oil :'`i ; , t J. • �r ! t G. W. Sharron 327 Supplies for water dept• r • `41 •,' i, ' 1 1 ; Current Expense Fund 328 Use of city tear ' ;� r:1 1 West Coast irons Works 329 Pipe fittings �i •; i' �a r t ,I '•I W. B. Short 330 Salary as cit,, engineer c: suet.& cash adv• :'S- ! I i • Islands Lumber Co. 331 Lumber 3• , •Is , '. I , . i S D. Tenpie a Co. 332 Statio rery for water dept . } �� 11 } ' Blythe McCauley 333 Labor at wells ` ! , • E. A. Phillips 334 Supblie: for water dept. 3 ;t 1, ; ' :1, • C ,' f s tt C , ; a'1'.' •I l '.1"(gip • f. ,A tic.` .• .. _--„ _ III ��' 1 k r 410 � �, � #- ;' ii . ' I. ; ' # s, # .` October 5th, 1920. } . f October lyth, 1920.. • reT Roll call The city council of the City of An:cortes did on the 5th day of October , meet in regul-�r session with Moyor F-ugen presidir 1;.` The theP the9 1920, ' ` g and Councilmen Bes.:r�r s.._ city council of city of ;n;_co�t _s did on 1 th da, of October, +: .I ! Crout• , Harris and i cCallun responding to roll call : Absent, Liorrison, Tr,_,�� o11 Call meet inre�;ul:ar session with Councilmen Bessner, Harris, L:orx•ison, _cCallur;., � ' i . �_nd 1;ueen. Tr--ton and Queen responding to Roll Call. In thy' : bsence of the Mayor, ' Mayor Pro Terr. Bessner assumed the c'il:.ir. Absent, Grout. I. • � ; } Linutes approved ' The rrinutes of the previous meetings were read and upon motion adopted as rF i t ' : mutes approved The minutes of the previous meeting ware read and upon. �r flop approved �:s read. ! i' ';: i Reports ' Reports of the Chief of Police, Supt. of Streets, City Treasurer r nd Police i ' ' 1 • ' ia ' Justice were presented to the city council and upon 'notion referred to tee- o:j k tt Drney on Report of City Attorney on Ordinance No. 711, being an ordi ..-•.ace levying a f l'a; ' Committee on Z'inance• ter,:i •�.:_nce to . 711 tax uoon the personal and real property of tie cit, of nacortes, stating . i! Mayor appoints com- Upon motion a corririttee vas appointed bythethat same way, correct ns to form. was re=.d n3 upon Notion adopted. t . 1 P_ Mayor to meet with the Gh rt>�r• ' , rrittee to confer with ' Con erce for the purpose of furt.r-rip the Ca Sante waterway. The (' n. • n � �:,::. . from City Corr..unicr�tion fro. the City Treasurer giving :he reason for there being no city rp Y - 'p ' ' 0 1 „ .'-p r' rr n , ; - Ch. of Commerce ' consited of Councilmen Queen, Bessner and McCallum. Trews . re depos- deposits ot the Citizens Bank, was read and ..:nor: placed or file. 1 • Ord. , �: ' Ordinance No. being an oralnace levying a tax upon the personal real Ordinance ro. 711 being an ordi>-ante levying a tax upon the personal and real • f property within tueCity of Anacortes, was upon notion placed upon its fii•,-- Ordinance i•TiO. 711 property ritni - toe City of Anacortes, Skaa-it County, Wos:1i ^bton, was upon ` ? reding by title; upon motion the same ordinance was placed upon its seca-d motion placed upon its third •mod final reading by title. Upon moticr the title !, •;- • rending by title; upon motion the ordinance was referred to the audicier;.• was adopted :-s read; upon motion section 1 was adopted as read; upon motion ,' ; ' '" • I ' Comrittee and City Attorney. section 2 was adopted as read; upon motion section 3 was adopted as read; upon - • '•:.?;:n4; motion the ordinance as a whole and as read was adopted. Rollua_l: byes, i • t+ ' , ; • Claims Claims filed against the CurrentExpense d and other city �'� • x e se Furf li r Afton ard Queen. ' �: Pfunds p .<�rris, orrison , i-cC�_llurr, Trr.. Nays, ne ��• �-' •�'�,,; '`'•: • month of Septenoer, as follows, were presented to the citycouncilr thea : 1 and upon a , o:1 • • : motion referred to the Comlriittee on Finance: .,esolution Resolution. That the following named electors, be and they hereby are . ; ' • : •`' `� `, ' - _ t '` • �opointirg appointed Inspectors and Judges, respectively in their respective wards and �� '. ' ' Thos. Conway 2391 Salary as fire chief 125.a '-,es rd ' precincts y y' y ; , for theCity Primary to be held on the 9 th da- of Uoverrber, 1 20 • c• E, i Dave; Bros. 2492 Supplies for fire dept. & city hail a. I-:,oectors for ' in the Ci t of Anacortes, Sk:-toit County,'Iiashine;ton: Anacortes Stearn• Laundry 2493 Laundry for fire dept. .otection boards {, E. G. Ratliff 2494 Salaryas truck driver 110 � • 9 First yard, First Precinct, pollinb place, rear entrance of 4C�+ Commercial .'.ve >::. i ; j Anacortes i:=arket 2495 Supplies for fire dept. 3 I Inspector, Arthur D'Arcy, Judges , 1-.rs. J. Le:3thervooec, Mrs. McGill . I ; '::, I �, ; Standard Oil Co. 2496 Gasoline for firedept. __ l4 0 rust Ward, Second Precinct, polling place, Lit,; ball, " :' ; , ����: Thos. Conway 2497 Fire roll 97 2 Inspector, Dennis Grady, Judges, ,._rs. P:trchman, 0.B.Arges. ,; •AID_ zi ' C. F. Crout 2498 Witness fees (Scott case) first Ward, Third Preci rct, ;r��llin�; place, Lt�ooi Temple, i ': Chas. Cavanaugh 2499 Witness fees 2 2 Inspector, _..rs . Blanche Baker, Elisabeth Steffi n, Patrick Robi '-son, . . h ! Antone Lortenson 2550 Witness fees 4 .0 Second 'Ward, First Precinct, polli„g place , A e . `-; `'Allan' s store . •.}. ! F. C. Weiner2 01 Justice feese ee L. T. Frazier, As Pringle . tii i i 5 1z Inspector, Horace , J. Taylor, Judges, a ` - ' • Richard Rollins 2 02 Speed officer • s f 5 P" 1 Second Ward, Second Precinct , polling pla.c:e, sathsi . e Dose house '! 1 �, ! ' C. W. Fleming 2503 Salary .s chief of police 12� p Inspector, Chas. a. Cavanaugh, Judges , v. Prc�pst , Aletha Proud. t,� 4_ ' ` ' �`,' • j Howard-Cooper Cor. 250 - heating kettle and irons 7r ' Second ;:ard, Third Precinct, 32nd and Con-n�ercial • il' 1• , ';:_' Inspector, John a. Laurie, Judges , Ruth godson, E. C . iiowe . } . ,'.g 2505 .,<-lacy as at. Suet. and cash adv. 12 ;�� 5 - • 0. A. Lennie7 Martin Ewald 2506 Cleaning streets gO • ' Third ':':ard, First Precinct , polling place, Public. Library 1 • 1 ' , ',i' H. A. Taylor 2507 Blacksrr.it}ping • 5 .r, 10 Inspector, K. J . Belch, Judges, Mae Temple. E. T. Whitcomb. ��+• ( rt' `; , West Co:_ _t Dairy 2508 Feed 70 Third Ward, Second Preci ^ct, polling place, 6t:. & I streets. ..ii, ; 4 `•: Standard Oil Co. ee 32o. •• '` ? I , 1 2509 Gasoline for sire d dept. Inspector, P . E. Tolson, Judges, Gladys Jorgensen , Mrs. Addie Kaseh. . : 1,., ,.+ `••'::;. , Poison Implement Co. 2510 Street plow 54c Third Yard, Third Precinct, polling place , Oakes Avenue. ii,, i 3 • : •,.: ' E. Luella Howard 2511 Salary as Librarian ac asst.!; • ' i 6f� i Inspector, A. L. Graham, Judges , rs. Myrtle 1 cColra.s, Carrie Graham. T • •'� • Mrs. Showalter 2512 Janitor at Library 2G "t • ' j ,i f y. • + i . ' ; . S. D. Temple & Co. 2513 Supplies for clerk : .. was read and upon motion adopted. Roll Call : ryes, Harris, Morrison, L.cCallurn, ; ; 1 , • i Anacortes American 2514 PublishingeP IS• s pane. I� ' I '! 5 I , ' W 5 r Trafton and Oct n. ay , � iiarion atki.nson 2516 Salary a city trees . «. cash adv. 5c - k ll ��`' ' : - :.1 :1 Puget Sound Tel Co . 2515 Tolls 2 :' ;;3G0 allowed Upon motion the city engineer was authorized to act in co juncti n with the '1 ' ''f" �,4. - ; '''.'i . 'i ' Ben rri ftn-x r -� :,:<:. . •• is �, e a as ci t atto rn f ern co m t to a •'. } i. 2517 Sal ry y e,l 5p y u i e ferry corn: 1 ttee of the An con tes Chamoer of Comr.erc:e to help r��p��ir, rebuild or .•• p: F. D. Cartwright 2518 Salary as- city city clerk 50 or repairs on to - r•en.ove to another location the public fern; dock at the foot of Q avenue , j�:, r°, :1 Revolving ng Fund 2519 Payroll 1 rry dock A sum of $300 was also -allowed :, e rtt.e ferry committee for repairs, or re:, nValtO ano her : ,, :e�,: J . i i,5'' � ; 1 Knapp a: honneberger 2520 Repairs on fire truck 3G Roll Call: 4tyes, fiarris, Morrison, McCa,.lurr .& Queen. Trafton not voting. Nays, s re? ,; ( I,(� 1•'+,;•; 1` 11 0. A.Lenning 2521 Feed for team 23 none . { r � 1 n 1 ' Anacortes Citizen ti zen 2 22 Printi r an publishing shin :'4Y;i + 5 g p g i t�; clerk t . The city clerk was ins;,rutted to write to the State Lind Cor.:�rissioner to ascertain �' �i. .F:; ; ' "1 st i ngton P L & W Co. 2523 Lgihts of city hall, library, street, rite L:.nd Corr if tl,e city e Auld erect public dock on h :noon r.rea. ,1P� : }I�l 'i'',1 j 'Y . ' , '' r 1 ' ; �'� ? �i and inst��I.i-g lightat city hall 16f; ' issioner i��1't+ ',';1•" ) ', I , t Mack-Buick Co . 5'' ym c d' ourn a '�1 'I �, 1 f 2 24 Pa ent rend interest on tractor 153 J Upon :notion the ci t,- council did then adjourn. I, I ,+- i' Anuroved in open council this 2nd ci of Nover ,per, 1920. 'I' '`I��, , i ! a;i ' ,' ' : ROAD AID BRIDGE FUND +! : :, -1 ,I I �a,ii ..:: J, V it • . .;,1 , r; � ' ' •, Antone lntus Team hire 1 � Ii ii`'11'�t 4!E'i�'i, : ;, [' II Li Balcomb Labor on streets2 f, ff � . ; ( G II L �� i .1 ti „' I • t,t!, E. { . ,E,i , i t uy utton a or �� + , ii ' 1 . + G. W. Shannon & Co . Powder for 35th st . 5 ayorPro Tern i ' ?: { fi' . I • t • Blythe McCauley hauling gravel 37' Attest: ' ' i . %•� ( ' F. D. Cartwright, City Clerk, int. tii . GENERAL VfATEh FUND '' 11 r ,, i • . Knapp L. honneberger315Laborand material -_ By Y _� lix „•• 1 ti!,: +' • Continental Pipe Co . 16 pipe n DEPUTY f f� 1G� l 'I ' jai ' ' ' • ' Dan Simmons sic •I ;', ; , o 317 Labor I., J ! ' 'I Wade Thomas 318 Labor 150 ° ; ' I ••' t ' i " I Geo. Rademacher 319 Labor 33 I J' : + h. Collier 320 Labor i0 � ` ' ` ' A. B. Bushre 321 Labor 11( ' ' ' • , o ! ! .1 ; j • Francis Short 322 Labor 24 " '1' ' 1 Lou Smith 323 Caretaker W .l stle Lake & overtime 1:- _ ,;• + ; 1 ,1 1� ': i •; ' ' Iela.nd Transfer Co . 324 Hauling engine ,• , i I, O'Kt 1 ',I . , Curtis Wharf Co. 325 Material for repairse e 1- •; , • . • 1 •• ` Standard Oil Co. 326 Gasoline and oi in pr..v n nt � ;1-1 W. Shannon 327 Supplies for wter dept . ;'} • , • . Current Expense Fund 328 Use of city team a j' ',,f ;i''' • ' f West Coast irons Works 329 Pipe fittings is 1i} 1 '°, • t All i W. B. Short 330 Salary as cit,,� engineer a suet .& cash adv. 5= 1 • I ' it ' ti ' Islands Lumber Co. 331 Lumber 3 • � • 1 S D. 1'etrple a Co. 33?_ Stationery for water dept . ( 1 ' , 1 11 ', 1 i ' Blythe McCauley 333 Laoor at wells 1 ! 'j ;'0. . 1 ,f I E. A. Phillips 334 Supolie for water dept. D' ,i .:,' Iti .1 • 1 i . , 4;';'1 • 11141 ' . . --- -• r. I a • _ _ . - . /: - ''f' •' 41 9 '• ...,!• .- . _,.....: -- --. . .i : • t" 1 , : • 1 i . November 2nd, 1920. ...--- November 3rd, 1920. .. .. • : *44`-tzt,A.i.. ! • ot -- ._----- • . t 4 l'ist‘hoillr 'Al r— ,1 . - 44- . ,;. ---------. ::: i - • 1.4 . ___ v! . Roll Call The city council of the City of Anacortes did on the 2nd day of roac .,„ F.011 Call The city council of the City of Anocortes did on the 3rd day of Noveyber, 1920, _ . . 1920, neet in regular session withMayor Haugen presiding and Councilmen - meet in adjourned session with L'ayor Haagen presiding ord Councilmen Bessner, '.*''.:..-'"•I''' ''''' •••:*;1..1 ' 4'''''''-''' ''''''';''''. • .;:iiii:•t:e4:;..:' .; -7a; o • 1. • ; • : Bessner, Harris, McCallum and Morrison responding to roll call. Absent, Harris, Eorrison, Trafton and queen respondino to roll call. Absent, Grout. • Trafton and Queen. , -- read. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and Lotion adopted as corrected and .. .i . • • Adjourn . Upon motion the city council did adjourn to until Wednesday, lloven ..aa. read. .. 1 i 3rd, 1920, at 8 p.m. -.Jorts of Treas. The reports of the City Treo3urer, Chief of Police and Superintendent of Streets 4 • .. Approved in open session tolls 16th day of Noveo-ber, 1920. .-,f Pol. & Supt. were presented to the city council and upon motion referred to the Committee on -- -zt-s. referred Finance. • )L - • . I i - 1! • P /7 , _ City - .-....-- . ::)art of u zng. Report of the eit y Engineer to whom was referred tne matter of setting grade ' ; • . Layor o- _rode stakes on stakes on 19th streets from Con .; ercial to Ai, stating that stakes had been set, I i'' ‘ , • : : . - . ' -:,-.-1 st. was read and uoon motion adopted. . . . attest: _ . Petition from Ana 4 Petition from Anacortes Glass Company and others for the vacation of the street . . . , F. D. Cartwright, City Clerk. Loa-tes Clio Co . and alley, between S and T avenues, Blocks 9 and 10, Curtis First Addition , was !i ; . , .-;• :,.. , .. i . • • .4,-/a) • . or:: others.- rend and upon motion referred to the Committee on Streets & Parks and City • BY ./7/4itz-e-gr: 42. At.-1&,,,..„L,--' Attorney. . • • • Deputy '. I!: • , :tow •%. •";;•;.4;4-4);t4 _ • : •.-• ' , : ' • :a...:::.•.,4-4 , .;;T:;13:•:;:li• • • . : .. . - . . • :aorY The matter of the ferry dock was agaio "orouaht to thp attention of the council, . •• 'I ri ,! ,-' ':: :::?'‘.', '':` , ..,. ,,,..., , , • ,•,!!;::::!V; 1 rda uponct notion was referred to the Corn. on Sts. i Parks & Cita Engineer with power '• ' -" :I : • .- 2: i:;-,,,i;,, . Claims filed against the Current Expense Fund and other city funds for the month !.. o t• !. - - i.!:,; :::),•!: i .. ;; ,. ;too!!! . • . • . of October, 1920, as follows, were oresented to the city council and upon motion . . ;. • o ti':. ;''.1 . ::::,:••oao:, . iF::;!!!•• ••: l'i :. . :'. • a;o;;..;:a.:4;; . . : • referred to the Committee on Finance: . ay,• ';'. ' . i:.. J : : ao-- • ' . :a1;•;•;• • • . , ....•:• !.. Anacortes Fire Department 2525 Fire roll 10 50 , ..a• . . . . •;H :H'..i!' ; 1 . , : '7 . -r7 . • ‘:. •:.:::.•::.;::7,-: ...'.• :,:::: ! • : A. G. Long 2526 Acid bottler, for fire dept. 21 00 a ;!•••. 3., a . •:1 ''.;;;:•, 1 i 1 • . • , t.:•::•.:;•:,:- .. ••,, • - 1 • Anacortes Steam Ldy 2527 Laundry for fire dept. 3 55 • ,• i,;,,• : ‘:.,:. &;::,:i'ii:::: : ; •,.,...! . • • ::::,:i.,:•:::14: ... • •,::: . _ 1 E . G. Ratliff 2528 Salary as truck driver 110 00 .; .;•., , • -a:::4.....!•14. :.!;•3 : :.;•.i;': t ' • I 3 . : .-: • : . • :.;;:i .:-ao ..• . Thos. Conway 2529 SA.ary as fire chief 125 00 o : ,, : •. r ::.,;.::„:„.•,4. I • I .. : Trafton Auto Co. 2530 Hire of truck for fire dept. 15 00 i. -. ,,i.- . ; ; :io• a!;;;;;•;o.4! : • . „ • i ---- Ili Anacortes Mercantile Co . 2531 Towels and pillow slips for fire d. 19 50 IF ' ' '.• ' 1 '', : ,.3. . . 13.1"O..H.:"'. • ) i ! 'l . , C . W. Fleming 2532 Salary as chief of police 125 00 ,1 • 3 . ; • . • :::•::::•::•;; .. Lynn Balcomb 2533 Labor on streets 111 95 •;, - x .. !• , , :,:::::...:...!.: • :; ,' ,;• : .: ::y,:•.. ,.:; ;....:...,... 1 . i. .,Martin Ewald 2534 Laoor on streets 127 75 l •,,i,;;:. ,;,:: ' , i .i:i... ::. ;.: i l' •t • ; :.:,' i::::''. ! r I ! O. A. Lenning 2535 Salary os St. Supt. & cash adv. 127 75 ,-.1 c )4 -Davey Bros. 2536 Supplies for street dept. & cito hall 8 65 ''' . iv.i,I :;, • ::;:i;,,i. - American Auto & Electric Co 2537 Repairs on fire truck 71 95 ': : i'.1'.;:. ,1'.. ;,: ,,,,,, •,:',1.: • • Mrs. Showalter 2538 Janitor at Library 20 00 ;11! 3 ..' . 11' T : i':,4:o :o• . ,,, ; ;.:!,,, . • . to•••; ': 7 I o E. Luella Howard 2539 Salaro as Librarian 68 00 .:, : rio„-,. , .,.... :,:,• ..]::•• :.i:.:*: 1 I , i : i W. B. -Short 2540 Engineering work on 19th street 16 50 ItY .!.. L... c ,.:•:.. ...4 Dan Siamons 2541 Labor on 19ta street 5 30 r : ./ i :1 of Anacortes Anerican 2542 Printing 16 20 ! a ' t .'; ;;;;•• • :lc; a: 2;•. ;!.:a; _ , . . . i F. D. Cartwright 2543 Salary as city clerk 50 00 .,4--• .- 1 . ....- ;;;;oa'-ov. t;!! -j ', .• :' . •:::„ ,.!;; :1; ; • -if •, . Marion Watkinson 2541 Salary as city treasurer L cash adv 58 46 { t'. -. :.,.it;; 4 ,::;:*...,• •,, • Ben Driftmier 2545 Salary as city attorney 50 00 1 iH)LT11 ' 1.C. ';''':;;;•,: ; • , ; .Mack-.Buick Co . 2546 Payment on tractor 1010]. 8A ;•• • 1 - 4•,' ai, ato.•,•••3 ;- ..... • . . !,:.:.;"'H•:'..1!;ii 1 a 1 • . , Thelma Temple 2547 Registration clerk 23 05 i (4. • ( ,4.1•;;;Ii„ • • ,-. :;;;' '1 !' '•-'4 .1i •.::'' :;: ' ,:;;;;:,,H,:t; • Water Dept. 2548 Hydrant rentals & water at Library . ::.:. • ,::;,;• , ;,• a. : • • -!,•1:3•' .; jil:::.4 .i i:b:,..;•: : • . & fountain for Sept. & Oct. 445 00 'o1.4 . . oo.. , a ''. ;, 1•• t•• • , ' • • C. W Brothers 2549 Repairing southside fire hall 9 85 1 ;.. i • ' 1 ,• 1„1., 1,,,,: •.5 ,,, ..- • • . L. T . Frazier 2550 Election rvices 7 95 •;!.*-,. ;1.:.,-; . 5,,2,;: :•:•i; , . il i--- ;. S. D. Temple & Co. 2551 Supplies for clerk' s office 3 OG 13J•3.- ; pi: •,,' :....:,.,. .,:.. 1 1 l ',• 1 , Heston Short 2552 Janitor at ci '.-a hall 10 00 .1 . : ,• ;; , ', ! : :' • ; I ; • -,!:::..;:,!:.•;,;4 ' i • : • l' : Washington P -" a- W CO. 2553 Street lights, limits at city hall !:i;• .3 ..:;;;. I: i , 1 . q ,t ' 1 11 I and library 157 37 .i.;:,,... •,,, : , : - • - . H. A. Taylor 2554 Blacksmitoing 14 25 i': a - J1 ,;14, i:::;:••!; ;' t 4 i • a t• (or.; „ ' :'i ':': ' '''•' '''')' '',' ' -'..ai .a. 1 o„ •••.,••,. r.• II I. 0. 11 ! . ' ROAD & BRIDGE FUND ',/ :•4•I, ' a 3; ;i1;,:r.:; ii .. • • . i ; :::i. ' ' I. iii.,-iiaii; ;4. ;;,! :;:i:i: i••••!1; i 1, ( .: ( 4,, t, • It o o • - • , 0•;;a•;;;;;a! ; ; .., i , ; , . Guy Hutton 52 Teamster 137 80 ,:., ,I,:• ;.,:;,i '. ; ' ' , ' Blythe ZkcCauley 53 Hauling gravel 35til street 163 25 • 3 „ ' .1 "a' . :i•i;!:;a;!;;.:.. .ii;;•; ;;;•.i:Ii! 1 ; ; I :, . 1 , ! ll- .v.4 • II:-.)i.:3444:3:!.• . , „ •;...::::: : - ; i • • . :'i;::;!::; :;;; , '' , i . • ,:•. ; • ; . i t ily:.;e::;,;;;,.; ',..:1':: :;:•:;;? . i : •'.• l'".' '''1 '; ,: 't .. "IEtAI::;•;;:ce :41:1: :;•;.i!!, : ,; : . :, I • GENERAL WATER FUND IL • • • ''.', ':: '' ' 41 ;': .;ei • .: '. 4t i ' Continental Pipe Co . 343 Pipe 361 73 ; , ; ; ,, •. %,,, : ,, , : • • I , .. : 144; ; ) •,• (; 4,.. 1 . Pittsburgh Meter Co . 344 Meters 161 10 , , 0 , 41.• .••••:.,4.. . Anacortec Iron Works 345 Repairing tools 10 25 ' li i. ', 1;..!;.,' • . S. D. Temple cl- Co. 346 Supplies for water dept. 3 25 , .; . .• , w. V. Wells 347 Rent of public barn for storage 5 00 i t:H'il:' ‘''t• ; . • . ., ; ,•' :. I: ;;, , Howard-Cooper Co . 348 Balance due on asphalt kettle 75 45 !. ":: :, :., . : • ., ;,; ;',':,. . , ,I 1 i , :`f Fairbanks-Morse Co . 349 Detonator 3 42 :1 . .. o. ...' 31.' • • . Puget Sound Tel Co . 350 Rentals and tolls 5 35 .1: . 1 t H 1 W. A. Garland 351 Drilling well on Powers place 69 35 . , ;; ' l• , I . A. .1. . - Revolving Fund 352 Payroll 50 79 .; ; . . .1 . ., • .•; : . ./ 11 • Marion Watkinson 353 Payroll and cash adv. 152 25 .. ii• • National Meter Co . 354 Meter parts 12 69 ::: 4" ; , i• I! . ' tri : f . . . 1) i • , , . Knapp & Ronneberger 355 Repairs on car 45 30 ,, ,' ; ! . • • ' i ; , 11.!•! 1 1 ' • " • • Expenseofteam 27 50 Current Fund 356 Use city ; I! • ' , i •f , 1 . ; i• li • Revolving Fund 357 Payroll 10 00 .. _a • 1 ! f)o ' a. .411 .. W. B. Short 356 Salary as Supt. 233 50 t ii IA'. •ii3; a': 1i13 , 1 C. Knapp 359 Labor 21 20 o .. s • ; 4 . ,-. -, , ; . , . ., • , . 1 . 1 . • . , A. B. Bushre 360 Laoor 5(-) 6o l' "i; ,. !.. 1 , : -,: 1 , ' '' 1 . • , ,, . Wade Thorns s 361 Labor 105 00 , i,. . , , ,, • 1 • . f i' . 7 , :.° i . , t .. . Dan Simnons 362 Labor 141 10 li ' 1 , 1',11 ' ... Lou .a. it'o 87 50 i.. ' 1. ..! I, • ,i ,363 Caretaker Woistle Lake '1 ;1 •;; 4. , • ' 1 ;1 HI I • '• 1, , . Clay Berry 364 Caretoer Heart Lake 100 CO ':ii I • '!! 1 . ..• • '1,,' i ... E. A. Phillips 366 Supplies 41 56 III • • . • • ,C1 ' ' ' ' il , . G. W. Shannon & Co . 367 Supplies 21 64 . . iki •3(:.! I I H. A. Tayllr 368 BlacksLitaing 1 25 . ,413 ' '-• Dave Bros. 365 Nails 1 00 ..-•4,„ 4,4 .;•-af.o." .• - sik 4.';:s • -.4.4.,..?. N..., _ . _____. _ _____________ _, • hliWs'• .?!•,:, •4 - •4 • . ' , ...., • °V • . _.,1. (ill t.$1 ;',,,111 ilinHIJI..,,,,,../ ' • . ...._... . .. . ....._ - _ . . .-. ... 4. . .. - . -. -- - - ......1,411.0- . . •. ...-. - - . .---...---- -- - --r...---.----- ..- -- - - ---•-*-----. -...------ - - “" .• . ..-- ..- -...... .. ., , 1 ''''C ... '.5 • . • ,.„. 4 1 I i ; • i' • t It;• ''' . . . ' • , i f • ' xc - - .14 • November 2nd, 1920. ___-- ----- ,..... November 3rd, 1920. _ -, • -1 1 . .•• ; I, • ----- - -- r" r - • I r . .:.:. - Roll Call The city council of the City of Anacortes did on the 2nd day of roaa - ,,.. -;=.011 Call The city council of the City of An ,cortes did on the 3rd day of November, 1920, , . . * 1920, aeet in regular session withMayor Haugen presiding and Councilmen •-• meet in adjourned session with iayor Hauaen presiding and Councilmen Bessner, • . , k a . • .• *1 ' -. ; • • • 1 ; , Bessner, Harris, McCallum and Lorrison responding to roll call. Absent, Harris, 11.orrison, Trafton and queen responding to roll call. Absent, Crout. . . , • i . . . ' Trafton and Queen. i , * :. : 4,'• ,a, read. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and Lotion adopted as corrected and a • : : • . . : _ :: aaa Upon motion the city council did adjourn to until Wednesday, Novela ,r read. • • , Adjourn • ', •• : ,- •. . , 3rd, 1920, at 8 p.m. • , 1 ,• i ' • ,. : ‘ . • • • -aaa;rts of Treas. The reports of the City Trea6urer, Chief of Police and Superintendent of Streets - . ; ' • ' r - , 1.4 .: Approved in open session this 16th day of November, 1920. .. )f Pol. & Supt. were presented to the city council Ald upon motion referred to the Committee on ',,';' • j : la - * '.!•.; , ', I . • )f ts. referred Finance. _ • .1 •• , i 1 .,..,,, • 1 t • 7 ':.pprt of City Eng. Report of the city Engineer to whom was referred the matter of setting grade • :- • . . • . _ Layor a- rade stakes on stakes on 19th streets from Collaercial to M, stating that stakes had been set. , - • 1 . i • st. • was read and uaon motion adopted. r - , . attest: ' •-• L . . : petition from Anaa Petition from Anacortes Glass Coapany and others for the vacation of the street . • F. D. Cartwright, City Clerk, --''Pc Cl , Co . and alley, between S and T Avenues, Blocks 9 and 10, Curtis First Adeition , was LH' • - • ,••:; ,..-.'-' ' ' faa' others': rend and upon motion referred to the ComErittee on Streets & Parks and City H • , . • BY___ -a-7.& "( 4-,1'.4.at-fa-rt.-- AttOrney. ,i Deputy •:•;•••ia•tat . . • , . . .• . ..i:a1;,;.;i!:-.c„ "-- . • ' ' ;.,-....ry The matter of the ferry dock was agaia brouaht to the attention of the council, I - - M::::1.::.:•:0 . . ;'..;:"..; A • , t • . and upon motion was referred to the Com. on Sts. & Parks & City Engineer with power . a ' lid 4.:.:, ..,;•-•,i;• 1"•:: ::41 , . , • ; . to act. . -'; '.; ;;V * ' . ;eiWq: •;,: aa,:li , . ,.a . , , a• ';•'::: • , Claims filed against the Current Expense Fund and other city funds for the month 1.- , t' !:' ''' i ';','*•;'..,' ..„ ...,.„., • . . •••••, ...,:t, - . ; , • , ,'" arr.. ; ;•,: a a., of October, 1920, as follows, were oresented to the city council and upon motion - • •• ; a - : i:;:i. :; i;;,•,, ,;• :.ii• - , 1 ! . . . n'• •• l• - ......;•.•••. : ,;,••..:.: .:.;.:. • , . - . ' referred to the Committee on Finance: 1,::::•:,• , .1• Ha ••;: . ,:;•••••. :,:. - , • • •;!; . ..• . •• a . . •••'. , ; :•::: . . Anacortes Fire Department 2525 Fire roll 10 50 . . .., . • . . ::••., :';: : ,• ; - • A. G. Long 256 Acid bottles for fire dept. 21 00 ,,., ,aa Fs • '- - ' • ' • .. •:'.;:;; •,..;-•• . ,•, " . •:•••• • 4 •, . • . ':.* ".•:•;a . . Anacortes Steam Ldy 2527 Laundry for fire dept. 3 55 . „• • HI 1., t . 4 ,- :::.:.;,: :,::,. • • , : • . E . G. Ratliff 2528 Salary as truck driver 110 00 •••••••• •;;;•:, •. . -i'a' • ' .• .i:Ei • ::-;;•• .• Thos. Conway 2529 Salary as fire chief 125 00 • •• : a , i;; . . ; • ' 1 ; ,'i-• , . . . _ , i ; • , Trafton Auto Co. 2530 Hire of truck for fire dept. 15 00 i• al. ; ;1 .:.'"';.• - . , , • , . , !:;! •::-.; • '•••,:a a: - ; r i . Anacortes Mercantile Co . 2531 Towels and pillow slips for fire d. 19 50 !• . „i,-,„ ; .1 ,;,, • :,:i• ..:,- •aa ,-; ' I ;1 , - C . W. Fleming 2532 Salara as chief of police 125 00 11 ' i•I ' ''' ;;•'i! : ;:• 'k-; ,i,••••:; ,:..• . • . • i • . . , 1, ; ; • . .••• ,..:•:: • Lynn Balcomb 2533 Labor on streets 111 95 Y 1, 4: 1 • • :.*:,... ?: • .;! .' '4' - • • ;V?.L r,V1. • • : i . Lartin Ewald 2534 Laoor on streets 127 75 (•I 4 tH •:.:::":.:—::::; 1 ! ; : • O. A. Lenning 2535 Salary as St. Supt. & cash adv. 127 75 :ili Davey Bros. 2536 Supplies for street dept. & cats hall 8 65 ..it• 4 jg,, : I ; i - r ; „. .,:; -':... .!::-!.-i: - . : • .. ........., • . , ',.* .:. , , , .* , • American Auto & Electric Co 2537 Repairs on fire truck 71 95 r,I --. II ).• ... - 'pi . . •.:. . i. Mrs. Showalter 2538 Janitor at Library 2D 00 41; .. 1 :::;••••• a , • i'. • • • .• • a.-....... .a.: • '' • , ' E. Luella Howard 2539 Salary as Librarian 68 00 , :'. .:: ill 1 t i 1 • • . w. B. Short 2540 Engineering work on 19 street 16 50 '1".. — : :-• . . ..-.... , th 4...1. r I i'4!•'•: •••":'. • :• •-', •;n • , . - , Dan Siarmons 2541 Labor on 19th street 5 30 1 1H; : , .c, , .;.i.i!,i:,: ,:,. .• . , , , I 4 • , t . , :rt•:.;..,r "! i Anacortes American 2542 Printing 16 20 :•. .il • i • ,1 :::•••• , .4 •,,, •,,•,,,•:-: • , • • o - F. D. Cartwright 2543 Salaryas city clerk 50 00 'i',• ; ;I* 'I -,•!•! ;: i.'. .• • •,,,• , - . ...- ii•- •a 4 .. .... ;• . i 'iq. ., .,: :.:::::•; : i , : •L : ' Marion Watkinson 254' Salary as city treasurer & cash adv. 58 46 4,1. ,,, • ;,1 c ::,::•. • . t•-- .:...,. ..,,.i.,:,ii, ., Ben Driftmier 2545 Salary as city atto V rney 50 00 4... r ':. ., '.::•:g:!' . -,.-:::;.T.. • • .:: ' .. ii . • t •.,1 .) . .Ma.ck-Buick Co . 2546 Payment on tractor 101 83 •f•': : -r . :.! !• ':?* 7ri : i • ilL1) AI H:, , .. , . Thelma Temple 2547 Registration clerk 23 05 1 (• i ; ,j ;'. •i-:::••. • :- .', ;,;;,,,••:•, ;.:,:, ; , :d; • :, . •• ' c• ••,.• '. ;-- .• Water Dept. 2548 Hydrant rentals & water at Library & fountain for Sept !3'. ' l stiO; :. ••. ••:!,' 1 •i •i ' • ' I 1 • , ,1 .• .;•::' •• :;•,- .i. ' ••• . • . 6. Oct. 445 00 , • ".' ; '' ' • :1:•:,:. , ,,: ••;;aa. •;.;:; - , . • C . 14 Brothers 2549 Repairing southside fire hall 9 85 4..,...,,.,. -:. A 4.ti;! !: •.',::::; t i ; .f';! 0 ;: • ' 1:1• :,• , ! ' ,::•:..., -::;:1; i it ii ! : • , L. T . Frazier 2550 Election mrvices 7 95 , S. D. Temple & Co . 2551 Supplies for clerk' s office 3 00 *;1'.',;.*. ::4:: • • : ' Leston Snort 2552 Janitor at city hall 10 00 ;•;!,,. . , .1. . 2 I' ,:=, ; 4 ,', • i•••',',.; • • • :.•''•;!] . , • i : •• - ; • • . . , .. 1 • ", '• , • : Washington P ' a- W Co. 2553 Street ligh„ts, lights at city hall ;,,f, .;,‘11; •.; IA , tAnala. '"al t•.,aHl ; ; : ; t; , • 1 •::i,:,:: ;•. .. ,•: .-. I and library 157 37 ni • I' :•:!: ..::.;.; 1; , H. A. Taylor 2554 Blacksmithing 14 25 a, • :. -4••• ' ••;;,;•,. • •••:••••••• ' . .. •.. .., a 4L,;' , i• • I(- ; *:;••••,; ',. •• *1';'':.•1;:••IA , , ni . • ; i"i;4;,„:, 'a., 1i4 WHI .... aa'*:.:.11i .. * '• - . .: • 1 ; ., • l• ; ., a• . ',-;,' M !, • '11" ': • , , ,,.11 ' t ,I :;c•-:,•;,..,"- : iMa..a: •::ia;'.a..0,i4 ROAD & BRIDGE FUND 44 0.A1- -aaat .::::.:•:•:•,•:.:: n , .i 1 ; ' i•i•iii,:::••••• '• ,;:a:;;;•::::::!:,,, , 'i •;: :i, 1 '''',,A c•I•.;,4•( 4 ii;•,:i;: i,t., :ii..,:•:•;,:;,. . • • r i • . Guy Hutton 52 Teamster 137 80 :., f. !1 .,' ,.I), 0,..:•••• ;:•, ti , .i tt 1.!. I'!:0 Blythe ..,cCauley 53 Hauling gravel 35th street 163 25 :.•••••••••!•,• . ,•••,•••••••••••.•:: ', '• •I1•• a• 1,;••••%-a.', 4;,;',:••••• •,;;;; • . , • . - •;,;•••••••,,,a, ,. '.;•-•:;••••••:•••5 I • i4 i ' ' I W0i:t. . 4 ' 'r . 1 • I '.1 . I. . i'• i 1 I '11 f GENERAL WATER FUND I ' f i i : ,•?,,i . i. 1..i.!1'i..'.•'.!iii.i . 'l.!:-ii.i.- 11;!‘i:;. ri ,i. , .1 : • • • ,, . Continental Pipe Co . 343 Pipe 361 73 • , „. ; ,! Pittsburgh Meter Co . 344 Meters 161 10 •• •411 ,3 :'• I. , '' Li Anacortes Iron Works 345 Repairing tools 10 25 .4 •‘'..4...'1!,','''•••*'. , : • • • S. D. Temple . Co. 346 Supplies for water dept. 3 25 i . . i 0 W. V. Wells 347 Rent of public barn for storage 5 00 ; ;J: Oi' ..A, , !Ii;11.' .• i, I .1 ,. . Howard-Cooper Co. 348 Balance due on asphalt kettle 75 45 L . ..c: '' ,.: -- •-, !.I ! i ; ; ii Fairbanks-Morse Co . 349 Detonator 3 42 '1 • . .1?' ••' 1( , •'4. •• 1 ' 1 I . Puget Sound Tel Co . 350 Rentals and tolls 5 35 ! 1 , 1 • 1 i . W. A. Garland 351 Drilling well on Powers place 4n 35 1 il `17 II , If I : : . Revolving Fund 352 Payroll 50 79 ,i, . ;,, 4 . , , t : • ., : i .t Marion Watkinson 353 Payroll and cash adv. 152 25 , J, . ,• . ! -: •• •• , • I • ''; •' ! National Meter Co . 354 Meter parts 12 69 •i ' ' • • ! • ; • 1 1,, • ;T, • H • 1, • Knapp & Ronneberger 355 Repairs on car 45 30 • • ' : 1... Current Expense Fund 356 Use of city team 27 50 • . ' 1• • •' '. 1 ' I ; 1 7 ,d; , •* 1* ' ; ' : • ; Revolving Fund 357 Payroll 10 00 1 • i • :1 W. B. Short 358 Salary as Supt. 233 50 41 H • •',a •;;,' 4 ; to! • n'l . • , 4 • C. Knapp 359 Laoor 21 20 ; . • .• . 1 1! 1, • l' •• 4 • , , 4 '.i t. , • ' ' ' • • I: ' f , A. B. Bushre 360 Laoor 5960 ; :1, ,. 1, , _ i, i I Wade Thomas 361 Labor 105 00 . i• I ;• •.,, . •r0 . ! " '..i ' , Dan Simmons 362 Labor 141 10 ! . 1 1•I1 * i, I ' , , • .! • LouIou a. it-.; 363 Caretaker Waistle Lake 87 50 • . • 11,1 ., .11 l 'i • • 4 Clay Berry 364 Caretaker Heart Lake 100 00 , ..- 4 1 , • . , •• • o • •• 1: • I • ,; ,' ; i E. A. Phillips 366 Supplies 41 56 ft'i ' 1 '‘ri 1 i 1.:4 • • Il' ' :;: i G. W. Shannon & Co . 367 Supplies 21 64 • ',''i.'1• ', ,;1'11 . • . al, ' ; ‘ 1 - H. A. Tayllr 368 Blac'asr: itaing 1 25 i ' • "•' 1.'!'; '1'''.`":14',':'; i•it. ' •• . : • : . ' Davey Bros. 365 Nails 1 00 * • . . , a„,,,,,, ,, ..,,,_ _. • - - • --- - . . , .. -- - - deponlp T.. , . • • • \ . \ . 1 . r1 L 1 � - ; ) • 41 __:. lir __ . . . ....... , , _.,.. ____.,.... i.,,, :‘ 4 , 14,44: . I ' i I:.';1' ! ! ; , I • November 16th, 1920. - November 3rd,-continued. _ _ T_ _ -_____._____________ __- i Thecitycity _'L�r�_cortes did on the . Ii. • - '':_1l council of the Of 16th day of November, !`. f • Finance on claims Report of the Committee on Finance to whom the claims were referred, rec - 1920, meet in regular session with L°ayor �::iuLen presiding and Councilmen . j ;) i tat same be allowed and. warrants drawn in favor of same, was read and u-, n r o !, ?, T t Bessner, Croat , Morrison, 2�cCallum and Queen responding to roll call. Ab- } ,` • ' motion adopted. Roll (.all: es, Bessner, i�arris, Morrison, rail ton ;_n� sent, Harris and Trafton. < • f Queen. Nays,s, none.e. • i.. •:i + ' ' I Tree in street on Complaint against a tree on 4th street, between T and U streets, was refP,_a, Xinites approved The minutes of the previous meeting were read and upon notion adopted as "1 read. i =Iw';; : 4th between T & U to the Committee on ptreets & Parks. read. I 1. ' Realest for street __ttorney on Report of Cit , Attorney on matter of petition from Glass Cempc_ny, 'mot al , ; • ` Pa • Request for street light on 5th and q streets, was referred to the Commit eo t' b tii _,. in order io grant petition• I I' :i tion from for vac at i on of certain streets, s t., ire' 1i�sa on 5th on Fire, Water and Light. ss Company resolution would have to be adopted and notice a hearinge, ' 1' • I 1• P Y is giver of a on s� 1, . 1 f , i,. was read and upon motion ador;ted. Adjourn Upon motion the cit,; council did then adjourn. Approved in open council this 16th c�a„ of November, 1920. :,,,_-nce on monthly Report of the Committee o•� Finance on the .reports of Cit.) i"re, .urer, Chief r i • +• _:.torts of depts. of Police 7.nd Supt. of Streets, vu,.s readand upon motion adopted. }.. . i_ is aarks : Report of the Committee onf Streets & Parks on the matter of Guemes ferry, r • Gue�es ferry recommending that „r300 be allowed for repairs on dock at foot of "Q11 eve. , 1' !'• i ' iyour was r-a,: and upon motion adopted. , a c� arks on Streets P > : . i; : :; . P . e r Report o f the Committee ttee on Stre is .,_n' Parks on ratter of tr ee in street i. ' z Attest: D. Cartwright, City Clerk, •, L.eo in s:.reet on 4tn between T and U streets, st�lti-' that street Commissioner attend to • . By �v//ct�tc a�.v /"/Q�/� same, w t:� read and uno» motion .apted. •,1 o. :? • Deputy Water & Li- Report of Committee on Fire, Water & Light, to whom was referred the matter f •: ;� .t~on street of street light on 5th and Q streets, recommending that street lint be ',, +' [,.. •:4 i I • _i Jt on 5th & Q placed there, was read and upon motion adopted. {' I ` ''' ± + p-osecuting boot- Co •uncilman LcCallum brought to the attention of the city coi>.ncil the matter Ti : ' _-_�ers of prosecuting bootleggers locally in order that the fines and fees might E 1 . be brought into the city treasury. Upon motion the natter was referred to i , } I t the City Attorney and Judiciary Committee to investigate, the City Attorney •. . •. ri !-- i• • to draft ordinance if feasible. • ai: I . 1 journ ; Upon motion the city council did then adjourn. ;. .. ' d( Approved in open sessin this 7 th day of December, i-920. ,; ; u . 1 ii :. : 'rft,i ::;';'!`:''.. ::..:;'::,:;:i ivay or a' .;. , 't., '<:" :.;4, oil,. ( , • Attest: ij o•i, t i 1 I ! 1 t r[{' r7'' 4t - F. D.Czrtwrigirt, Cit,, Clerk. , ; Iy, ! i " 1 r 1 q 1 ti 'h. i f BY W/YA : �� ki 1 t. ,s ' Deputy (► !�•. I ,'� 1 o ‘ip al { Jk1: 1 . .I_ .' ;; I 1'I i0' t �1 r , �`' , �• ,,.: ,,:l s •1.• Pi .-',1 ' II i : Ii1 I r { , Iih4I :i i• ! � 1. ' iI i !; { • :5. I �� I, 't �tq ' '1...': 1 i':. ly . i • .:::. ., It I 11I.I. II ' : ' 1 1, A I'I { 1, ! ' i 1 !� I I ' , I ' V IE `+r', i i 9 i ! +1 1 i!, f••' I1 ': 11'• I{ ; ,i I''; 1' 1.1 i( I • ,i i '? :p i, 1 ' { I 1 ,11 ' t, t. ` , I L .4, ; ii • ';' 1 ‘ :, i',' ,' q . '1 ' ._ t oDecember Zth, 1920. . i ,. f • t <. � , November 17th, 1920. ;' i •• 1,e` — -. - - - - - . - ---- _ - xr , : • 4 `t _, ''' es n the 17th day of Id e•; Roll Call The city council of the city of Anacortes did on the 7th day of December, 1920, r The ci ;, coy:n. it of the cit of :gin �.cort did oov _ meet in regular :` Roll Call 1920, meet in special session with Mayor Haugen presiding; and Councilmen session with Mayor Haugen presiding and Councilmen queen and ' essnr, Farris, Yo=•rison , LcCallum ar queen responding to boll Call. lib_ Trafton responding to roll call. Absent, Bessner, Crout, Harris, MCcallum A..: .: ' sent Crout :Ind 'r:.fton. . and Morrison. 1• • • t y 1 f Purpose of rr.eeting ' The puroose of ;herreeti ^�; was t:,e cc_n a.ssin�; the votes for the Prim: ry __,c: adjourn Upon motion the council adjourned until Wednesday, December 8th, at 8 p.m. „ i °n' . Approved in open session this 21st day of December, 1920. .:1 .' !!`{• ' Con ::ittee of Whole Upon motion the council_ resolved itself into a Conmdttee of the Whole, ;,,; , . • ¢''• I1• ' the ::ayor �:s d:� .iim rn and the City clerk as secretary to canvass the votes ' x. j # ` of the city primary election. '' ; ° j - After the votes u:,d been c:-.nv�..ssea .n' ot�1ed he committee upon potion r:,a malryor 1 :1 Attest: L ` - 1 . and reported to the c..uncil as follows: F. D. Cartwright, City Clerk, • C�.r.v=ss i.ayor 11 12 13 21 22 23 31 32 33 _ .... , Colen'+ n queen 91 102 29 52 26 64 120 66 14 5 4 By A �G.� ��� ' : .- H. Ferguson la 41 26 9;; 52 107 99 32 12 4'.'j ' 35e ut - -- *1. ! Ji'. .: • I J. L. rorrison 31 56 13 17 4 22 61 41 13 2 s• P Y • , iL . : :� 4 Clerk - I' F. D. Cartwright 117 162 52 133 . 65 182 248 104 34 1 ,r;y� 1 i; { t , `' Treasurer 121 176 57 138 70 182 258 121 35 1,�5e `1 : < .1 ;• M. <iatkinson f' " aa: Attorney • s •1 i. �` 1, t'<' . • ! ' B. Dri f trni er 112 168 50 126 64 160 240 108 33 1,06I ' { t ' ' ' Councilmen-at-lar e i • ; 1 S. G. Brooks g 117 149 35 81 43 116 184 106 22 85; • ' • 1 Mrs. h.G.Bettner 17 40 28 72 30 88 82 26 15 39� is,.: i . •` ` :.- { • : Councilman 1st Ward - 4-year term '" ' ,:`,,1 '` I! W. H. EcCallum 94 94 23 211 f . . H. L. Jackson 41 91 36 168 �' •r: 1 �, 1 , Councilman 1st Ward - 2-year term `t ,' ' 'i c ,' I ; J. L. Harris 63 61 19 141 ,'!' t ` i' H. G. 'Turner 12 45 16 `13 R;.. '1it.'., 11, 1, `y' . ;,'' Fred H. Snyder 54 'j8 22 15`' • � 11 t, `` ' Councilman 2nd Ward - 4-year term `I`' ' ' ' ' • `` • f W. T. Lorrison 105 49 151 ?,05 11 . ' 4 rt ! Councilman 2nd �':ard 2-y ;�r t rn1 '• , 1; C. i. Grout 43 32 49 124r" •':! , 40.1 � , 1 '�;F' ! • i G. H. Griffith 20 9 49 7E 1• �,,I. ,5,, ,`' • . ' , IICha s. J J. 3 7 :+lf ;. .3' Deane8 30 9 1{ 14 Sr it.''f•- '1'' f Councilman 3rd "lard 4_ye it tern I t, : t: '` '.1'•� ' I Nick Bessner 124 65 15 2 04- t,. t ''' 1 Chas. L. Dwelley 145 69 3 N'i , 'r:. '!. • :; ; . 1 1 . Upon motion the report of the committee of the whole va- adopted c mile'. '. . '! f e and , t1 #.. ; • p „ declared norm noted in tirei r respective party r • t , ' `1. 1 .djourn Upon motion the city council did then -djourn - ` � r11 l ' •,.,.:: •;•!.;) : ,• , 1; :I: ,t, tr''''l '. ' ':,!,i :::•;;•.;:• ••. 11. t i ! s, 11 1 c, t, :t i j • i t;1:,k Ii7i' 1 1 ,: I,, �' , :l:;:l;i;i;i , • 1 1 ,1 . :1ttesr: li ' ,�.,� . ,!N ' li ' ; F. D. Cartwright , Cit; Clerk, , ' ;" it ' • 1t1 11 By ��v/ll�u s�v CLl� I •.i,1 t : .',i. li +. Deputy I ;, ii }I i� • f i1 I t t 1 , ,! , ,} 11 1 ! ! I t t t t j' ' 11 ; i 'I I 1': ` I 1 t„I `•'al, • `�'' I 1 I. li' t 14., 1 I I I ', '•, : • y r11y i If I �I= i _I 0 t E 1 ":1' l ,' ,it•Al 1; `f `I 1 :: itiI : , :1 N :, 1 f 1 I�1' t !, I 1• .' I ` I 11 ? . i, • 4, 1 f i ' • 07,, - - ma`s :0 ofg 4 c.• ' '' ' ' -- , .,,:. , , r _ 41_8 , _,__ ,i W .V ...4i ' j , • ,, , - December 8t 1920. December 8th, 1920 - continued. . h, r , .44 e Roll Call - - - +rb�; u. ... ,-1 I '�' : The city council of the city of Anacortes did on the 8th dayof Dec t • � i i meet in adjourned session with Mayor Haugen ember, lg2, A. F. Schreiber 2578 Clerk of election 5 00 g. presiding and Councilmen Bessner Harris, Morrison and Trafton responding to roll call. Absent, Crout an Dove Brockman 25 9 Judge of election 5 00 ' i .1 ' d •L a Gladys Jorgenson 2580 Judge of election t 500 Minutes approved The minutes of the previous meetings were read and upon motion adopted as Myra B. Lyons 2581 Clerk of election 5 00 ' . 1.. - • xea Cora W. A13lmond 2582 Clerk of election 5 00 �� t t Monthly reports ref- Monthly reports of City Treasurer, Chief of Police, Supt. of Streets and Po lie C. H. Squire 2583 Judge of election 5 00 , , 1, • c P. E. Nelson 2584 Inspector of election 5 00 ,.! ' . !; ' 3 is erred Justice were presented to the council and upon motion referred to the Coitt: J. A. Laurie 2 8 Inspector of election 6 00 ' on Finance. : 55 Rath Dodson 2586 Judge of election 5 50i. ' . ! Cityclerk to motif Eva Young 2587 Clerk of election 5 50 ' ; Y :, Upon motion the city clerk was instructed to notify the Great Northern . ;. ; ' R.R.Co. to raise tra- ' to raise their tracks on Fourth Street to the level of the grade, withina21� B. C. Howe 2588 Judge of election 5 50 I_ cks 30 d• Remington Typewriter Co. 2559 Typewriter cushion keys 3 50 . . • 1 , . Upon motion the council resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole A. F. Schreiber 2590 Rent of Labor Temple for election 3 50 Committee of the with t�, Anna Joiner 2591 Clerk of election 5 25 ` f• Mayor as chairman and the clerk as secretary to canvass the votes of the a }: Whole to canva"ss votes city : _ city election of December 7th. D. S. Grady 2592 Inspector of election 5 25 Myrtle Stapp 2593 Clerk of election 5 25 • ; Canvass After the votes hadn been canvassed and totaled the committee arose and reportKatherine Parchman 2594 Judge of election 5 25 , to the council as follows: Nellie Hawkins �595 Clerk of election 5 25 _ i , Washington P L & W C. 2596 Light for election booths 6 80 •t i r� 3 23 31 2Guy Hutton2597 126 20 1 1 isayor 11 12 1 21 22 33 Tot Labor on streets 121 0 ' ' :•�:a,;� — , queen 1433 :•; l.fi , �, ;� , Q 147 3? 6o . 37 77 164 83 24 7?2 - Lynn Balcomb 2598 Labor on streets 9 k= t ;� '. ! Ferguson 23 76 40 112 66 151 150 6 24 6 • Morrison Mill Co. 2599 Lumber for streets 8 29 • ,',t . • •`� . • `., West Coast Dairy 2600 Feed 32 00 Y ' Clerk 0. A. Canning 2601 Cash advanced for oats 16 :) 146 18609 '..." Cartwright61 119 180 249 106 1 Vetinary services for 68 C. J. Sandwith th 2602i f team 10 00 ::: 156 Martin Ewald 2603 a o o streets90 00 ,� �� ' Treasurer L b r n t ��> • ,: E. M. Dwelley 2604 Inspector of election 5 50 F'; .. Watkinson • 153 197 62 125 71 189 261 114 44 1,216 Griffith Drug Co. 2605 Medicine for team 3 65 ` . 1 S. G. Brooks 2606 Salary as Health Officer-two months 50 00 ; ''~'" 1 ff Attorney Fire Department 2607 Fire roll 16 50 ' " ' ►' Driftmier 143 187 59 112 66 180 248 1 Anacortes Steam hdy. 2608 Laundry for fire dept. 3 60 ', ''.� ; ,•` 42 142 a. i t:t" k o5 1, Councilman-at-large E. G. Ratliff 2609 Salary as truck driver 110 00 • . a at-large Thos. Conway• 2610 Salary as fire chief 125 00 �; i {. Brooks 143 191 65 130 62 186 261 117 42 1,197 Water Dept. • 2611 Hydrant rental, water at Library & fount. 22250 �', �;{ �r ` � `1 Standardp0ilco. 2612 Gasoline for fire dept. 2 E I ! ::' • Councilman let ward-4 yrs. Davey Bros. 2613 Suppliesfor dept & streets 3 45 �� ```` } i. McCallum143 fire ` ' 166 s re is r', : : 1 56 : Ben Driftmier 2614 Salary as city attorney 50 00 ' � � � ti 365 • Marion Watkinson 2615 Salary as city treasurer and cash adv. 55 00 ]' `i'. I.';,.t r{' �, �. Councilman 1st ward-2 yrs. P. D. Cartwright 2616 Salary as city clerk 50 00 ,1 ': : � • Snyder 136 177 64 7 C. W. Fleming 2617 Salaryas chief of police 125 00 .1 a' ` ':i 377 Washington P L & W Co . 2618 Light atLibrary, city hall & streets 14 80 s; i' i ' ' Councilman 2nd ward- 4 yrs. Remington Typewriter Co. 2619 Typewriter supplies 1 20 ��.: , j • Morrison 113 62 175 35o L. F. Frazier 2620 Election services 13 00 t F Thelma Temple 2623 Registration clerk 11 70 ,a ' : Councilman 2nd ward - 2 yrs. Leston Short 2622 Janitor at city hall 10 00 's= s' `'``' Deane 123 62 179 364 B. Luella Howard 2623 Salary as Librarian 57 63 �� 1 f., f ` ` ' Mrs. St;owalterI.2624 Janitor at Library 20 00 ' } ` t s. i ,, t Councilman 3rd ward Curtis Wharf Co. 2625 Coal for Library 100 00 iC 1i •' ,�! •, -• i Dwelley 2 11 .�� i; .'ti. s 3 } 1 53 5 39 407 ' { :.1is • ,� �� t f t ,�'•}' 4 t ' •• ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND t, LMorrison or, t = t; 1 h E. B. O'Grady, Clerk, 2 . a ; 0. A. Canning 54 Salary as Street Supt. and cash adv. 127 00 .• ''� M ai• ,��,, ,, i , ; • R, H. Ferguson, Clerk, 1, �' , � H. C. Barney, Attorney, 1 GENERAL WATER FUND ') I1'' t ' .^F; ! , + Mrs. H.C.Bettner, Councilman-ak-large, 1 i�� ,i, I • ; •: 1+ Crout and McCallum ; Harry Wilson, " " 1 Councilmen Crout and McCallum entered Wing 369 Labor 53 00 •'.� ' •� # enter council chamber A. D. Jackson, Councilman lot ward, 1 council chamber and the Mayor orderer N. M .Holt 370 Labor 63 60 } r�� fit' }� ` '1 • I Is . C. Fisher, Councilman 2nd ward, 1 names placed upon the roll. Antone Entus 371 Labor and team hire 100 00 ! , -� I ' Com. of Whole adj .. Ray Traf " n 1 '� Wilson, H.one " �� " 2 Chester Smith 372 Laborb and team hire 50 00 ji , t ;,,f } 373 Labor 5 90 �: 1 Upon motion the committee of the whole a• C. G. Mount 4 5 :.1, ? , , .i Report of Committee Upon motion the report Wm. Deutsxh 374 Labor ! ,. # the co `' `' p t of committee of the whole w e Geo. Abbe Labor 10 'y i�.''.i t' ,;,., , ,;. � of the �Nhole as adoptd and candid:�t. Y 375;r �, , declared elected in their respective party. Anacortes Drug Co. 376 Motor ether 1 70 1.:1 + '( •,'�+� E`' ` 'iliii:;-S: '' ;, i , Claims W. V. Wells 377 Rent of public barn for storage 5 00 , t , ; a i ! Claims filed against the Current Expense Fundand other city funds for the mont Revolving Fund 3?ti Payr-'il 25 85 ,t "ti'�� '":.'`'� ��`� ' ; , glove rber 1920, were ,; ;' ; <<,�, E' • presented to the city council and upon motion were referr= .V. S. Darley 3 9 Sono scope 3 90 1. c,.,! to the Committee on Finance . The claims were as follows' • Bell Machine Works 380 Welding 85 91 ' '•I :i;::sEi�' + ' Mitchell Auto Co. 381 Gasoline 50 ';; t', . �.' !( CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Tire Surgery 382 Repairs on car 21 0 c V ! �' A. L. GrahamDavey Bros. • 383 Supplies 11 5 .� �''f = '� 1 2556 In for of election 5 0� W. B. Short 384 Salary as Supt. and cash adv. 251 85 ;1, .1i 1' Ir ,, *, 1 , t . ., , Myrtle McComas 2557 Judge of election 0 i Wade Thomas 385 V Lab or 150 00 11� ,' : Carrie A. Graham 2558 Judge of election 5 0# Francis Short 386 Labor 4 45 t•. (',• ' ' ; is' , ' " . Thelma Tem le 5 5' Lou Smith 387 Caretaker Whistle Lake s 00 ? .,! t �' ' 'i; p 2559 Clerk of election 1 ` I 'Mae Temple 2560 Judge of election 5 51 C . L. Berry 388 Caretaker Heart Lake 100 00 ,'• , 4 , :, ; Lillian Stedman 2561 Clerk of election 5 0' Dan Simmons 389 Labor 116 60 � ' .'t ', i ;' H. A. Bockman • 2562 Clerk of election 5 01 M. Watkinson 390 Payroll and cash adv. 154 31 ` , ) , .. } • L. T. Frazier 2563 Judge of election 4 8 Shannon & Co. 391 Supplies 94 '' Asa Pringle 2564 Judge of election 4 7 Current Expense Fund 392 Gasoline from fire dept. 25 1I' 1' Olive S. Gilkey 2 6 ClerkCo . asoline and oil - two months. 66 25 ' . 1 11 E 5 5 of election 5 5 Standard Oil o . 393 3 ! t ' A. J. D Arcy 2566 Inspector of election • li ' . r 1 E. T. Whitcomb 256'j Judge of election 5 5' Finance on cla- Report of the Committee on Finance tow whom were referred the claims, recommending �,' ,' ' .,�t'' j }}i Elsie Leatherwood 2568 Judge of election 5 5� ims that same be allowed and warrants drawn in favor same, was read and upon motion ii ; t E Maud McGill 2569 Judge of election 5 50 adopted. Roll Call, Ayes, Besener, Crout, Harris, McCallum, Morrison, Trafton & i� t. , • 1'. i I' A. J. Taylor 2 • s ,, I 570 Inspector oe election 5 25 Queen. Nays, none. i ;� +;11 Jr ' Lulu Lovell 2571 Clerk of election 5 5o ti •' !� 1''S r' ,I1 ` W. V. Propst 2572 Judge of election Adjourn ; ': .� , 1 ; • 1 Aletha Proud5 00 j Upon motion the city council did then adjourn. t 2573 Judge of election ' 00 ;� �' } , �' , l Chas. tt Cavanaugh 2574 Inspector of election 5 00 Approved in open session this 21st day of December, 1920. ' , . VI �' t r li Laura March 2575 Clerk of election 5 50 :i a 5 00 , Allie C. Bockman 2576 Clerk of election Mayor` �! �; • ►. . t ! Blanche Baker 2577 Inspector of electbn 5 00 Attest: �. ' F. D. Cartwright, City Clerk, •p 1 ;, '}";;i i . • � . B % / . cCif 1rr�•'t.t , I. . " 42 C • e Or 4,<Ji \,.4, . _ , + � i- ik. • - • I ' ` '• 1 i F. F ' 4 i. ! December 21st, 1920. January 4th,. 1921. •i 1 J �4re.,,, . ' 1 t Nt t. . .-, ±M i---- _• ' ; ; Roll Call The city council of the City of rinacortes did on the 21st d :. l 20 meet in re ulcer session with nd of December, 9• 9g Mayor Haugen presiding and Councilmen :::::rtIp: The city council of the city of Anacortes did on the 4th day of Janu _ry, 1 21,Bessner, Harris, McCallum and Trafton res ondin to roll call. Absent meet in regular session with mayor Haugen presiding and councilmen Bessner, j '>? aMorrison and Queen. ' Cxout Crout, Harris, McCallum, Morrison, Trafton and Queen responding to roll call. Absent, none. : ` Minutes readThe minutes of the previous meeting were read and upon motion adopted as re;• City clerk on notifyi»g Report of the cit clerk on the matter of n "d thReatrif councilt of the ideemsty tforeclosure on �advisable matter factiongwill be insuent L. I. tituted, w. #124, sa8tingI ' Y otifying Railway Company to rajas . Railway Co. re tracks tracks on 4th street, reporting that company had been notified, was re read and upon motion adopted. : � upon motion adopted. adand • City attorney on Report of city attorney on Ordinance No. 712, stating that same was correct as j '11� City treasurer on L.i. Report from citytreasurer, statingthat Local Improvement Di strict No. ordinance P • D. ,124 P Z24 #712 to form, was read and upon motion alo ted. was now delinquent, was read and upon motion referred to the city attorney Communication from treasurer on matter of surplus in local improvement I and Judiciary Committee. ' Cotunicationcity rP ? City engineer on bonds Report of city engineer on matter of bond issue for Commercial Avenu from city treas. districts, also delinquent districts, was read and upon referred to the com- mittee on judiciary and city attorney. ! ; for south Commercial walks, was read and upon motion adopted. . I Ave. walks Reports of Reports of city treasurer, chief of police, police justice and superintendent . • Report of Finance Committee to whom was re referred the matter of monthly rp_ departments of streets for month of December, were presented to the city council and upon - • Finance on reports ports of city treasurer, chief of police, police justice and supt. of streets motion referred to the committee on finance. recommending that the reports be accepted and placed on file, was read and up ! , .4•` .. r. ,r�• •;:;,: :., motion adopted. en sneer re The city en sneer re orted to the city councilthat thecontractwiththe;�;r�i�. City g g P = r::::: . Ordinance No Ordinance i1o. DeutschBros. , whichpermitsthemtoremovetheHaberfromtheten-acretract • ::: k bein an ordinance imposing a lic nse upon theatr s andD=eutschBros.g P P •;;,;�:, on which the Whistle Lake reservoir is located, ecpired January 1st, 1921. Ot;:: '' moos contract. i li ,, • picture shows, within the City of nnacortes, Washington, was upon motion plat Upon motion the report was adopted. - ,+ .- i anon its first and second reading by title; upon motion the ordinanceiV4!;: ,• 'r; -- to the city attorney and committee on license and police. was re Comunication from Communication from the city engineer relative to the rainfall during the last • efour months and the condition: of Whistle and Heart Lakes, was read and upon motion 1'`'``''`'' Resolution on ice: rov- Resol t city engineer on * <:,;. ., J P u ion stating the intention of the city council to improve Commercial fv. reirfall adopted. , ing Coat:ercial from from the center line of 15th street to the center line of 36th street by re- I , a •:F ` annual report of Annual report of the chief of the fire department waspresented to the city coup- ! ;; 15th to 36th by cement moving therefrom the present plank sidewalks and constructiong thereon cement =, E.:.r.•,;: ; f i walksfire chief cil and upon motion adopted and placed on file. ; I J :• sidewalks six (6) feet in width on each side thereof and assessing therefore : ; i + <�•�I;:'' • . - in proportion to their special benefits all the lots and parcels of land with ; . {;:':-::*. the followingdescribed boundries, was read and upon adopted. Ordinance #712 Ordinance No. 712, beingan ordinance imposing a license upon theatres and - - . -. -.:!:;tit: P g ;, 1 P P movingpicture shows, within the City of Anacortes Yashington, and repealing _ •, • ; i:.-^°. `. : ,t • City engineer and Upon motion the city engineer and committee on streets and ,� s- a , ' ' Sts. a Pks. to repair parks were instruc � all ordinance and parts of ordinances in conflict therewith, was placed upon its :�' � !; •:�"�•`.F : P to have necessary repairs made in pavement on Commercial Avenue from llth str. third and final reading by sections. Upon ration the title was adopted as read; , -t. : . r:;: :', ;. pavement 1: ,! south. adopted upon motion Section 1 was as read; upon motion section 2 was adopted as ,; , ' , ; -, • read; upon motion section was adopted as read; upon motion sectioia 4 was ad- E i' : ':.�: . :'.,;. Adjourn Upon motion the city council did then adjourn• . P 3 P 4 opted as read; upon motion the ordinance as a wholeand as read was adopted. kf :? '•.': ; ? Roll call; ayes, Bessner, Crout, Harris, Morrison, McCallum. Trafton and Queen. I Approved in open session this 4th day of January, 1921. Nays, none. ii: ,E.p.;•, s audiciary com- Reportof the judiciary committee to whom was referred the matter of delinquent I ; i• < < r.,; ' ' I, itittee on LID L. I.D. #124. stating that the city attorney be instructed to take the matter ,••. , i i e; -� 4 424 up with the bondholder to see if he deems it advisable to foreclose, was read ? ': , Attest. or and upon motion adopted. • ,;:'' '` , ' License & police Report of the committee on license and police to whom was referred the natter ! ,✓ ��`:• - ' II F. D. Cartwright, City Clerk, on Ord.#712 of OrdinanceNo. 712, recommending that the ordinance be passed, was read and '' + ,!. 'T `''' '' , I I - upon motion adopted. '' E ,I �!''If • :: f . By 7 / -,lice-sF./ / ' 1 ;; ` 1 DeputyCouncilman Queen made a motion that the surplus in the various local improvement ?�' • .' Transfer of funds rP P ;y .' 1 .E '., , to current expen- districts reported by the city treasurer as closed, be transferred to the curr- �: d;1� <�i�' .= ,. se fund ent expense fund. Roll all. ayes, Bessner, Crout, Harris, Morrison, McCallum ; ' �j 1,' �` : ' •F 4 , ` Trafton and Queen. Nays, none. t { ::•' A' ' i Lundberg asks per- Councilman McCallum, in behalf of Gus Lundberg, asked permission to clear the I -.:'{ ' 1 ; `4' ti, ' 4 1 Fission to clear south half of 22nd street between M and 0 streets. The matter was upon motion ( ,,- , '`+ ;•;� ,�.� j ` ' ` ;' ' 1 ; t ; street referred to the committee on streets and parks. ,, j *!f ';: ' Delinquent LIDs The matter of delinquent local improvement districts, as presented to the . ! ;,l referred attention of the council by the city treasurer, was upon motion referred to I ` , �, the judiciary committee and city attorney, with power to proceed with fore- '`'::' :;; ;' : ,: : j: , I .. closure where advisable. �h• ' ..,� -w } •:•'E! :� E; ry :, ; I . ; Claims Claims filed against the various city funds, as follows, were presented to the : •i I4; :tl:. i a;,, ` , 1 c andreferred fin ' ,y ! •: i 1I upon motion to the committee on - , .I ..� city council, finance: � ,' ��� ��t'::.E{:�' Carrie A. Graham 2626 Judge of election 650 •��,.��J ' g i 't.. l . • i All i e C. Bo ckmr 2627 Judge 7 00 .-A �1. I Tillie Deane 2628 Judge 7 00 • I c II I • I Horace J. Taylor 2629 Inspector ;.. `' ' - ' 7 00 ; 4 'pc I: E t , A. L. Graham 2630 Inspector 6 50 1 t.,; E. C. H. Squire 2631 Judge 6 50 II I • Ii' i •�' ' Gladys Jorgenson 2632 Judge 6 50 I -1 1 ,'4, ! ' • Abbi Abbey 2633 Judge 6 75 ' ,,I ' 1 Evq Young 2634 Judge 6 ?5 ,, jI i . Aletha A. Davis 2635 Judge 7 25 ' , i : J. A. Laui a 2636 Inspector 7 25 i ; �+ . ' ��,� I'. } �C 11 , • E . T. Whitcomb 2657 Inspector 7 50 i; i. Mae C. Temple 2638 Judge 7 50 .'� 1 I' 1I P. E. Nelson 2639 Inspector 6 50 ,. i 4 ' t . r j Aletha Proud 2640 Judge 6 50 ` ' ' ' '' ,,. E', • i' i • C. M. Cavanaugh 2641 Inspector 6 50 • '• ac 41 E 1 ' ' 1 ` • W. V. Propat 2642 Judge 6 50 ' ` Lois Marcoe 2643 Judge 6 50 c: + '��-. . . 1 `. - ,j! Blanche Baker 2644 Inspector 6 50 ;ti ,-- ,! • !:'.. ! ! Dove Brockman 2645 Judge 6 50 } I -.'i. 1 , , c i c • , /. G. H. Doust 2646 Inspector 7 00 Ai . ' ;,• ,'' • t 1 • f i i - Katherine Parchman 2647 Judge 7 00 i •' +' ; ,(! 1 ► i IIi Nellie Hawkins 2648 Judge 7 00 11 E •� , 1 Mrs. Fred McGill 2649 Judge 7 00 , ••' , I E Mrs. Jas. Leatherwood 2650 Inspector 7 00 " ,' `: Ill • C. F. Deflush 2651 Inspector 6 5p ! I ';/.I •' , „ ;t • I '' ,;