HomeMy WebLinkAbout1915 City Council Minutes •
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DeFembet 28th, 1914. _ - -
T . ,
- �y
` --�' = C Council meet in Special Session with Moyor Morrison presiding Roll Call Council met in regular session with Mayor Morrison presiding and ; �' � ` ; .x
Roll all ,; Councilman Adams, Crowell, Dobers, Gibbons, Lenning, Templer. Absent -1- f -
c,: . and Councilman Adams, Dobers, Gibbons, Lenning, Templer responding toI
Roll Call; Absent, Crowell, Petersen. • Peter un. -i1 ',Al
The minutes of Dec. 15th and 28th were read and ordered approved. -!• ; �,• ,'I i. l
Purpose The Mayor explained that the purpose of the meeting was for the tdinutes app.
' purpose of considering the protests filed against the confirming of
the assessment rolls on L. I. D. No. 104. Lessage motion .'i" '' >The mayor's annual message to the council was read and upon otion E• f }r;. ' i
spread at large upon the minutes: r , i l
w The rotest of Chas. Werner protesting against the confirming '
Protest of erner p "To the Honorable Members of the City Council, ` : �? ,
I. D. No. 104 was read and upon motion ordered 15
h rolls on L. : �
of the •
i received and placed on file and referred to the City Attorney. Anacortes, Washington. #ai,_i F
Atty on protest of The report of the City Attorney on the protests filed against Gentlemen: t, .l ' •
Werner the confirming of the rolls on L. I. D. No. 104 was read and upon • ,:, ii.S • : i. •
motion ordered' adopted and the City Engineer instructed to extend the It is custom in many cities, and it was custom here in „Ii-,;ia. ;,: ., .•r i
assessments as equalized and the rolls declared confirmed as so equal- • the early days of our municipal existence, for the Mayor to !i =r' • ; ;
( ized. Roll Call: Ayes, Adams, Dobers, Gibbons, Lenning, Templer, Nays, transmit to the City Council the reports of the several city s ,' .I- ,If; i'-,_ �• -
) .
None. officials and to summarize the work of the city government for ;: N .; ,-.
" , '
the year. In this message I will endeavor to revive this cue- . ._f`: ' _ •
`. 4.i U on motion Council adjourned.
. tom in Anacortes and to review the work that has been done dur- �i •
r <<t . Adjourn P
,a �,i • ing the year closing December 31, 1914. -- a year of great kti E� � �ii '' ! ,t
% Council on the 5th day of January, 1915. responsibility toyou all --, in which municipal developmenthas '!;,,'--1,1_1. ,:ai; ,'=; : , l j ., t . .
. :C• f1- E • i Approved in open ou .Y •
,= been along more permanent lines, on a broader scale, and of > • { -: '
Ir ; greater volume than in any other like period in the history -1. #-i
.%ef It is natural, with the character and large I •,,`
�' `` ;� __(fy�� of our city. g �' ?
'�, V F amount of work that has been carried on. -- and for the past ' ' •i.
i•• = / Mayor six months, at least, during a period of increasing business
3 L.. ii .
•• •, v and financial depression throughout the world, -- that there • ,' I . ' � i 1 ••
- c t should have been more or less of ctiticism of our acts by the f r 1, • 11 1.
� - - ity Clerk
,,;:$ .: ,general public, and .that idlers and agitators should have tip' I•
y� It is •r, ` ts ,
x� taken the opportunity to encourage dii$atisfaction.
ir 3 ': i natural, too, that we should have mace mistakes. But personal- 41., ' p'r? ly I feel that my official acts have been reasonably sane and . 1 ,I_ , ; 1 ;-l
tt , ; , logical, and I am sure that your efforts toward the upbuilding . ' • {. • •'i
s 1M of our fair city have been such as to merit the gratitude of ,,,• I • II , r ,. ; 1
' # 7 its citizens. If they do not now fully appreciate your work 1.0 ;. 11,' f; •1 i • • {
the time will come when they will. tf IV •I:• ,
rfk r; } t
sa}; • The most important work yet undertaken by the city was 1.1, °I. a : ,,•
I j
a).iqVr the paving of our business section. This work is a work that ::,' a, , ,; ; .
had been much discussed for several years, and it naturally "-• � ' ( !
_. . ,:. carried with it work that likewise had been liberally dis- ; ,x�°r . :,
i'Vfir. • • cussed for the same length of time, -- the laying of water ,i i • 1 , �� ; .y I.
Vic-- mains before the paving was laid. Iaturally, the water company '' !1 ' ; . t I
4 tii . '' was averse to undertaking so large a piece of work, but I 1. III' ;:' },
'1 i ;1 I
�� r , • finally obtained the assurance of the management before the t::
preliminary steps toward paving were taken, that if it were v, . 1 ►+1 ,i•Ii
decided to pave the company would lay new mains in advance ,'w , ; ,, j 1i I. �4
�� -`3 of paving. Hence, we knew in advance where we were at in this• : 1.}�, :
,• �<k • • , , respect before the initial steps of paving were entered upon, ; ,, ;�
s; our work was made easier in consequence, and we now have paved , 11 ` l ,,I• '� . , . r'i • G
�s`.� `, streets in our business section that must be a pride to every !yj 1 r•'- fir i', '! ' •
�`> ` ' a, p loyal citizen. Those who assume to be competent to judge pro- . �. tie.-- .1. ,,;
- , ! . : , pounce the paving to be of superior character, and those :''�, J r }�� ' �i ` �',
tisr�; ' property owners who have the bills to pay, some of whom at l " #,., tl
:; `,,. ; {,`• first were opponents of paving, now appear thoroughly satisfied ,� iA � fit: ` �wv ,
i i, �,` r, {'�l` with the work and cost. It is opportune to here call especial 1 1•
,=;f'.; ri attention to the character and cost of this paving. The specifi- r 1, ,:-,01,,. ,I •?
"Ry,;`��'' c. '! cations were similar to those for the highest class of asphalt ;•l'►• it1;,',1.,1,..
� , ii . .i !'
�; f,. �: paving in the largest cities, and with your untiring help •
•,, iF i i.• ;;i �' t,.. 4
:r.i� 3r
S. toward securing the best work at the lowest cost, we were able ,' � ,� ,, .i: - �<<<`' ,
` '`i to secure probably the very lowest price that similar work has (l�ii• 'i: • '',; ' `:
�:� . •
..f:J i.,, „ : i • ever been done for in this State, the cost being $1 .29 per � i , j �;;{ ( �'it ! , `
,- ' fyard, not includingthegutters, and 1. ,,,..;:1,;; . .;
'ice , I, , , square $ 3=' per square j` ti
r:� The cost of the improvement was i� tt ti r `
-•s;‘ yard including the gutters. p ,�. , li;- .4' Ir ,f
- �,� : . .; increased materially by the compulsory relaying of a part of It �' . r '
~ty`� ;f= I the Commercial Avenue sewer and defects in "0" Avenue sewer, �' r� i; ti, r� ��� •
§ i •
both due to poor inspection and work at the time the sewers
` ',, �II ; � {?
:3i • +tixf R•` -1!* ! • were laid several years ago. The paving contractors were also ' t1;', ,1 ` 1. •
{.6. hindered in their work, and the expense increased, owing to ,
`• , M i f' ,, the tar a number of stum s. to s and rocks found near the sur- , g '�. �' ` �I
g P g l'.1)1:!1:4g:: ) - ':'',
�; -- this also the work of dis-face of the streets to be paved, :;'-. 'i t: i
�, honest contractors and poor inspection when the streets were ;'4- 1�: �;� ii•,,►
4,, ;, ; graded in years past. While it is difficult to crake a comnari- • � 1, , 0 '.;
r son of cost between the work done this Buxrlier and work done at 1. 1 1I � : ' ,
#'^ other times, I will point out that twelve and one-half blocks �� }� II ," ! ..
, , i :I 'of Ninth Strcet graded and with sidewalks on each side cost � i',: ,l, ,i1 . : �
1. the property owners $28,108. 38 while twenty-four and one-half• ;. i E� ,} {,
, blocks of paving with 6 inch concrete base and inch asnhalt V ') i" ,
:,? ' surfacing in the Commercial Avenue District cost, under your ' i'I r 1 ;`I I {I�•I '
II , �,
el ficient guidance, only $79,069.84. When the character oflie ! ;1
the two improvements are considered it is unnecessary to fur- 1'�i i f', '
. 4 ther comment on your management. ; 11;, i't' i i. ; "'si
., . `
City Engineer Gerhard has submitted a recapitulation of I i� ,I, 1 '' 1 ! t•E, i
,, 1, ; the various improvements that have been under way as follows: " , �!' .1' f �.
r i • ,
, ; I.': 1,
• a ;? .1. r LID Creating Location and Started Finished Total refund Manner � �n;.' '. p
Ordinance Nature of Cost from• Ass- of Ini- , - ,i i ,k = t
' Dist. enerrents tiation .i (');j -1! 1 .t, • ;
, to Engineer- Is , �. , i
yr . . ,+ 1 i I ,
ing Fund ; ..! ;I ' �'''' 1
99 582 ll th and 12th ' 1 I,.i i f I!•••• .
. _ , ,� ' -'
r Lat. Sewer April June $1,800.07 $142.63 Petitim 1t -
' • , { .(yii._ --. ,�.•_•,,� .�.. •, ~. :. ••}r;' '
'::1 Y '. l' 84 85 V -$4).
- ..
, 0 „ .1.1.1. ,ii •,;\ ,
, __...;, .„._ c. i: tif.,,::.i• . ., • :.,1 . . .
it,F,!. ?,:,. „:,. . t • i . kt: • .
__. - 4 . -
1 i
F !
1 w' '•'M it. - - ._.._ + f i.1.1.
V.lit* ?,i �4
Message 100 583 14th and 15th i;essage January 1, 1914, the fund was overdrawn $44,?51.32. 1; t fi't',. -;:!' :;,/ I ' ' . 1 :. .
t . ;
Sewer Feb. June 724.01 103.38 Petition
Lat. ,i. l
January 1, 1915, the overdraft will be approximately Ii• ? 1 :'' I '
• 000 00 , , 1, i ' ; !
101 584 5th and 6th $55, •
Feb. June . 1 ,716.68 Petition t
Lat. Sewer 117.73 Pe tion - i 4; } t t.I
-„• As shown by the Engineer's statement above, however, there n � 1 f
't will be a refund from the several assessment districts in the
102 585 4th and 5th
i Lat. Sewer Feb. June 373.66 85.53 Petition sum of $7,638.19, which leave the current expense fund over- ayFi •;:. • ! , , ,, '
drawn less than $48,000.00.
8Ave. Council ' :i ,�'
103 586 Com. A Owingto a court decision adversely
Trunk Sewer 1,'ar.l Aug. 1,829.23 138.23 Resolutic to the five mill levy �' (� � ' •
which this and other citits was levying, we were deprived of . ;.�1 'i; ' • 1. '
104 587 Com. Ave. Partly Pe several thousand dollars of taxes, and this loss has been a ;i( -
Paving Dist. Mar. 1 Nov. 79.069.84 3,555.55 He handicap which we have felt keenly. .1,�., ; ; ' r I
10 589 23rd St. The city has made a decided step forward in the handling �:;.. . (:
I 5 Grading, etc. April Oct. 7,643.60 369.80 Petition of garbage, thanks to the efforts of health officer, Dr. Brooks. } a!f r
In years past, the city has spent large sums in trying to solve :i •
106 591 4th and T Ave. this vexed question, but we are now utilizing the garbage to •1 i
•.,, �---�'i
Grading, etc. A�oril Oct. 6,110. 55 344.20 Council fill streets that are below grade. By exercising care in this p'
4:,4, --- , work the garbage is made self-destructive and the fills are ' ' + , I ', R ; •• {
{s� 3'`,- • i 10'7 592 26th St. beneficial to adjacent property. v. , *'•
:� i - Grading, etc. April Sept. 6;681.95 259.69 Petition }: ± r a i y,,
f ' i ,f, ;' - v; - - It is scarcely necessary to review at length the recent ;j i; ,i
co- - �;
�} • ti, 59,/ negotiations looking toward the purchase of the water system, •• ,.,•_' y 1C8 op29 h23rd now privately owned. Yet this is one of the most important , ' „ ' ., _ :• '
r' t Grading,etc. April Sept . 3,696.82 242. 0 Petition questions that can come to anycity,
¢ F;1,' .,. 9 -• deavored to use his influence y' and your Mayor has en. • 'I , ' `
toward solving this question ; i i 1
• - 109 595fearlessly and without favor. And I am quite willing to '.
l Oth S t• & 0
" •
Ave Grading, May 22.600.00 2000.00 Petition stand on my record in this matter. i t; f i '�
i etc. i ; , • *-; • } ,, .
--- In June, last, a petition was presented to the City 1 } , ! i ,
598• 3rd St. S t0
Council asking that the city purchase the present water system. I '
,,.1i• 110 ' i
�`,.14 R Wood Side- This petition was signed by nearly all the manufacturers and €° i ! •; '; • ;^ {
636.50 10.00 Council many of the heavier taxpayers engaged in other pursuits. Your iti i { ... ,
; walk Sept. Oct. '` .,:
_ Mayor did not feel competent to attempt to deal with the ques- i `;.�,,kj` !i; + r:;
' i r '..: t
x .<:., 111 599 2nd St. q to Lion without the advise of experts, and �' ,i ' ,' ` '
you as a Council caused !. . � ( '' ;#: , ` ' •
,,• �,:
a committee to be appointed with y expert to � .' ' ' /0 ,t ; i
'• R Wood Side- p4� power to employ an
' 718.75 10.00 Council rake an appraisal. The highest authority in the State, Mr. l
tli_•s talk Sept. Oct. ,. ,! ;•:
.k;�:,. .; f; ---- HenryL. Gray, former chief engineer of the Public Service „ V.e.. i '
} `+�' 112 600 15th and 16th Commission of Washington, was selected by your committee to •i t;i: ` 0•„ `.��
86 25 123.75 Petitio' represent the city. Mr. Gray' s report was in detail, covering4: 1 ,t,' ' s'. 1 !
{57: r7 Lat. Sewer June Sept . about seventy typewritten pages. Apparently it was plain and ;f'` T . L_
31 - impartial. In addition to this report, the city1'
•.Y- _t 11 60 T . Ave. p had the �' ';: u , ; ,, `
j 7 75 64 134.80 Petition II .(
timber on the 1700 acres of watershed lands cruised by Mr. H. L. , } 1
�' 1y I i
3Yy , Trunk Sewer Aug. Oct. 1,1 ... i !. l ;} l::i
Mooney who reported something over twenty-five million feet.
Mr. Gray' s figures on replacement cost of the distribution system tJ t'I ij ' (* '' ' i:.
`' 114 614 4th and Sewer Council were $l1y,000. Deducting depreciation he valued the physical prop-
Lat. - ;1`:, ` , + j ,'� •
�` Lat Nov. -- P P 1 •} , (,1+ �� t
;' . c`- -�• _ — -- erties of the distribution systen+ at $83,000. Consideringearning ' � .! i`;^} , I; ,,,:'' , ;.= ,
r 1 ' 1156153rd and 4th Ste. power and the fact that the system was a going concern now doing ('
of t 1 i :, i
; f business and was readyfor the cityto takeover and operate,
� 10.
a + , ���'
Lateral Sewer Nov. Petition � ,f � , ; ,• •° I, �' � `
ill,• ,�
�f r ,, --- he advised that if the purchase were effected at anything less i ., , I+, ",:! J1 ( '
''` , , . ;.•• Petition than $125,000. it would be at bargain figures. The city has ;gi i.5',,;'• i +'`:;; -I{ '-', t , `1 tE '
• << `` 116 ---- 12th and 13th Dec. g
' n ---- endeavored to get the company to agree to accept $83,000. for f',i i1 ' 1,' :-,} ;; • ,•
'' :: 12). • $135,763.35 $+e ,638.19 the distributing system, and to give a tenyear lease on the lands ' I !-` !'i '' , `i '.
r Totals6 ' �r c',= .. :i' •
i with an option to buy for $22,000. at any tine within ten years. 4 •,' P!4:±f �, }`- i� t5.1
Y�i; : The company absolutely refuses to agree to this, declaring it i 1!•. `II'' 1' il' ` I' ' '•
` `, !` ' would be confiscation of property that it has taken years to as- i ' ' -• ly "1� i '• 'I 1' , �h'
. .,e, : i '
With the exception of the paving district nearly all the semble and build up. Necessarily, the negotiations, examinations 1 ' },.' •",�'tl{�,� , i� M ,,t i:�:;.
and delays have covered a considerable time, but the legal steps i j1 'i.) , i; I. + ::;•;'.
improvements were initiated by petition, and the Commercial , ,t i i t,, ;
,t T : 4 ' Avenue pavingdistrict was due to an insistent popular demand. have proceeded to the point of the necessary ordinances being; i, ; ' '� • ;,.
rfri _ it would be stated
In justive to the engineering department, prepared. As this city council and your Mayor could not prodeed i, �' �i !f '( '. ti �'t :
1• �_Ari�' + . Twelfth Street Contract was abandoned by the Con- to the point of having the election to determine whether bonds ,i !''` ' , ,�,1i i M'' `,,' �'` 'i
fJ that the ., I� , f �,�{i•
tractor and a large expense was thus thrown on the present should be issued, without undue haste that might result in errors, },�• 1 ,, :.
''cj+ ?0: both for engineering and the preparation of we have wisely, I believe, left this important Ai, I ,1 'i�'' + i i, '
;' ��< . • �,' engineer' s force, np question over to , � { �'�d i +; ; � � W,.�
' iif;; ; ' the assessment rolls. This contract had to be completed by our successors. If our successors believe in pursuing the lines <', i'+:!+. 1 •'.,, : `� i.�,"
�-- ) • the city laid down bythe petitioners, they ,� ! � :; `.d —..{
x s•,
have before them all the facts ;, 4:','•
frtr, f: i, ' - that we have been able to gather and all the le 1 e , , 1' �, Ei,,':I;} , '1'' `i' '`'''�`3 •} i s in motion. In 8a machinery
One of the most important pieces of work that can be under- pursuing the course requested of us by the yu - 1, 0"„, ' a'i! taken by the 'city, I believe, is the improvement of Commercial petitioners, we but
.. - performed bur duty; and while the facts have ,1'i 1';i�,,. ,`'s �' +, ;f1
Avenue south of Eleventh Street with a continuing highway, been distorted and we have been subjected to unscrupulous and '
g it is well to remerr•ber, in this case, ' , , �'`
ill- t, easterly and southerly to the city limits near Weaverlin s spit malicious attacks, the •�[.�- ;►; �' .1,��; :i '! I! � , '..•
�;} ^. ,+' I hope if this is undertaken by the incoming administration that
trite old saying that it is the thief who first cries. Sto thieft n '1 `l .,lilts' .A II i I ' '. N n ,! 1 the people will give their support. Our efforts to pave Com- P, „' `` 'k it • • , t ., . !. •
`� i In voicingm• � '�7 ;. .
I.. : ' rrercial avenue as far as Thirty-sixth Street was opposed, at the y personal views on the question of public •:10,} i ►I: j +�`i.' ; ,• .:1:• i .+ • ''' •
tyS 1 ' 1. '} ••1 ' 'i' l I . • r -
time bythe owners of property within the proposed district , utilities, I feel that I but state the belief of every right- ,, +,I+ ;-',,.1 ;1� ! (:,, :, ,
Q. �� but it is hoped there will be a change of sentiment on this minded Iran in the city, whether he be laborer or manufacturer; and 'ii F,'''• '+ '`' 1i ' i !
subject. Since our late effort to cause Commercial Avenue south I say in all candor that it is as much the duty of a city to deal '' tl i , 1,10 +
/- ,, •
' -- �'� to be paved I have learned that it is possible to create a dis• fairly with a utility or any one investing capital in any enter- • � '''� �' ;l '���•i�'+� ! ! i' �'•
` . `. priseprotect lawful citizens from whatever hazard. I' ; 111 + ' . j1 ,
tritt like the proposed road from Commercial Avenue to the city as it is to .+i} 1.,i,, ,limits with the burden of cost to be borne one-half by the pro- If we should stoop to harassing capital in one line of industry it • �l i} i lii(11;
. , ,perty abutting, twenty-five per cent. by the city at large, and is but a step further to harass some other industry in some other �':, ', ' (, 1,. . ,i, ;: ?' ' i• '
twenty-five per cent• by the county. While it may not be pos- way. If we are to prosper as a corr.:nunity we had better endeavor to 11: , I i�ij ; I j� ' i 1
' •'' . : I sible to cover any part of the cost of the paving of Commercial be fair-minded toward all. I believe it was due to my effort to rl' i I ;�ii`,lI ' l +'.;1
i' per it can be ads ted to the highway leading be perfedtly fair and plain in dealing with our local utility t + i t •
venue in this man P
to the city limits. Nothing within the reach of our people company that we were recently given a reduction in lightning rates. ! , it ti . • ' itt ,_,,,
' . ' '' sogood results as a permanent and paved highway This reduction was accomplished without hubbub or ' I ' ". i. 1 • ' '
- will bring p noise, but came '� i � ,�� i •° ►i leading from our business center to the city limits, especially about as the result of an honest and helpful policy on the part •$ `iii 1. t ' ►N
}• , s if this highway is built on the best grades to be obtained , re- of the city/ and a commendable appreciation of this treatment by i .�? , ! 1..r I ' +' ' �;
gardless of whose property would be taken for the purpose.
the utility' s management. All users of electric lights are gene- }{ 4:.� ,', �,; fitted. `! ' 1 " , 'I ' - •i
The finances of the city have been much misrepresented. Our public library, while it met with opposition ' 1 l i ;$at the , ,!1 t Ft
1-:;) .• • ,, time it was first talked about, has filled aposition that "'� �' '� � �,, ,'�!+'-;�� ' •
fi `' '+ ischair, the , ;! ' j i
i On January 1, 1913, when I assumed the Layor few realized it would reach in so short a time. It is now one ,� 1,;°` 1. • .
i. ' !, 1, current expense fund was overdrawn $30,760.77. of the institutions of which we may be proud -- and it is growing i�' ,'I ' t. t• i ',�'/'�-•'
� ;.•, i.
i .• • ' �,
• ..► - - i •
_....•...... .. _., ,w. ,.�.....,.. .e..d..►s6.4d .I Ji All. i .41l hi1:A 09,411141i�1'r ti Ti l�' •'
•:•..-! .... 1- 1: -.-•'.-!:, ..;.',..-•,',:-;:-....----:-,•,-.,....,7:•-,-.•:%: •-•...:,T.,:',.',..:;-;-•!,:_-'.;..,•,.!.:,,•:.....'-:-::: .,•:..,-- .-- . -- _ ,- .
... .
,-;ir.‘ -: ''t- 86 R 7 v*4-.- , ..
, c- 1 • ...,, t..
• . f ,,.,. ,, i . \
,' ' I.
-- ' ' i'essage in usefulness every day and becoming more appreciated. manual report of .• The annual report of the city Health Officer was presented to the ':.., , ,4
Realth Officer Council and upon motion ordered referred to the Finance Committee. "'E �i, ; , I
If we look about us, and see what other cities have spent for 'a• ' . •
v successes in this re - 5th 3st• The City Engineer's fifth estimate on L. I. D. o. 109 - Ervig , �- I
c public narks, we may well exult over our s n i,- r t '
pect. Cap Sante Park, consisting of about ten acres of native �Elit!;:eS9tufp:fr.
g and Haug, 'contractors, - amounting to $1,895.74 was upon motion ordered
woods and being the extreme northeasterly point of our city, is accepted and allowed. Roll Call: Ayes, Adams, Dobers, Gibbons, Lenning �' - =i.' t � '
one of great natural beauty. Great Northern Park in the center and Templer. •
L i ; 3
'a of the city, has been so useful on so many public occasions
# • that it would begreatly missed if we were to lose it to somer I t '
St. The report of the Street Superintendent for the month of December "'� • •` j
other purpose. Your Mayor, however, points with greatest pride Dec. waspresented to the City Council and upon motion referred to the Financeiii� •
ti �'toward the lands recently acquired at the extreme westerly pointCommittee. ii '` of the island, consisting of approximately 120 acres, nearly ''; ,
all Navin its on final growth of timber. In scenic beauty this ual eport of The annual report of the Street Superintendent was presented to '!•- t fJpark can not be excelled anywhere. Thanks to the liberality of the City Council and upon motion referred to the Finance Committee. `; ' L
those who contributed toward the first Purchase of this land, E
and those who assisted in after purchases, this park overlooking Annual report of The annual report of the Fire Chief was presented to the Council
the Straits of Fuca and the Olympic ? ount ins has cost the city Fire Chief and upon motion referred to the Finance Committee. ;� 1:, :-,
a very snail sung of money.
Lic, & Pol. on The report of the License and Police Committee on the proposed j.
„f.-> The fire department has had a very busy year, but with ord. for short ordinance prodding for the issuing of short term liquor licenses, re , t
the new equipment it is now on an efficient basis and I be- time liq. lee. commending that the ordinance do pass, was read and upon motion ordered ! ! ',
f r; E ado t ed. I 1 • kr:
:`Ksr , x • lieve will continue to improve in usefulness. I opposed the P
•} =.5, �? purchase of the expensive $6000. truck, and am well pleased M
W' -- 1 with the resent truck and believe it will answer all our Spec• Water Co. The report of the Special Water Committee on the proposed ordi- I ;. '�r.� . ,;:
1,'Wl'}ti 1, p
• Y��.� , 4'._7i needs for years to come. The city does need, however, more on water ord. r_ar_ce providing for the purchase of the water system, recommending that 1 { ' ;ty'
it dopass, was read and upon motion ordered adopted. }: 1
. �r .-_ �..,,2 hose and other small apparatus, before the department' s , ;; �
,5W • :; • efficiency will be entirely satisfactory. Owing to the very , : `1 ; ;�
r': r. , scattered condition of the city, it is impossible to erect Pet of Schwarz Petition of R. Schwarz praying for permission to cut down the : •` i,
..` ,.•
, fire hydrants' as close together as would be done in a more to cut trees :brush and trees on llth Street between Commercial Avenue and Avenue "0" 1 • �. '
M ?was read and upon motion ordered referred to the Streets and Parks ,`
��,' solidly built city. Several fire hydrants have been in- •.'E i l..;
<•= stalled during the year, but more are needed. The water !Committee with power to act. , !
., - :, ' ' • company promises more new pipe lines to connect the business
j •
e , : section of the citywith the main pipe line in the millingPet of Bullock Petition of F. R. Bullock praying for permission to cut the ( I '''; ! ..
.�L---� � p district, and alsowill renew some lines in the north porion to cut trees brush and timber on Avenue "C" was read and upon motion ordered referred i ; • 1' E �?�
i _. '
?c •fit rt, of the city. ' to the Streets and Parks Committee with power to act. r ,i • '`
;tiE r z The street lighting is now distributed over a very wide pet of Farmer & Petition of Farmer & Duvall by L. A. Farmer praying for per- '': , ! �,;
K area. It has been the policy to place street li hts on the huVa1 asking to .mission to make certain changes anialterations in the old Goodwin & 1 ; 'l; .� .E
tom••- = graded streets and have the larger lights on the main thor- change Wells Havecost now owned byJoiner & Wells was read and upon notion the peti- ,` '': ' 1 ;, , i
g 6 "T.
;`•;tr. oughfare, Commercial Avenue. I am assured that new and strong- building tion was ordered granted. i. ',�r !i i ',i �:; ,': �.
'- ` ' er lights can oe provided at no increase of cost to the city. 4 .?.
i' 3,�` _• Comm. from Coast; A communication signed by the Coast Fish Company. by Will A. + I : I, ( , ;E
` fy rfor conscien-tious • `ish uo et al • .Lowman, its President, petitioning the City Council and recommending to f i`I# V' ::.' ;I ,
- rf,: ,, While I wash to thank you all your ,
s •e. performance of duty, and the city officials generally , I praying that Ithe City Council the purchasing of the water system now owned by the ? 1 ; } ; i.t
,�°x:;, wish especially to thank our young city attorney, Frank council purchase, Anacortes Water Company was read and upon motion was not ordered granted ex- , I;. ! , 1 i,# �;:
1: V . liorvell . for guiding us in legal matters. Notwithstanding the water system ; cent in so far that the same was ordered given to the press and filed in {{iiy i ,'t 1, fitt$ ,
• . '- •• large amount of work in carrying through the different local ' the City Clerk' s office. :.
: s� • • � 4 improvement districts . we have escaped any litigations and - +:, 1 '
Protests called , The Mayor called for protests against the vacating of certain 1 y�'� , �:
r •c i _. 4' bond buyers al+t�arently hive not found any flaws in his work. the city of Anacortes as petitioned for by the ' 1;•! ?il'ti' ! ''" '
¢'';.; for on Wakefield streets and avenues withinYkrs 3:��s;.�; � ' Respectfully va.catinn , Apex Fish Company; no protests were reported filed by the City Clerk and ��; �� • ��', -j 4' ; 't:f; ti1 _;, ' none were registered in pursuance to the call from the Eiayor. � �� 3 � �'� '' �! ��' � `'t �•
, Y t I
kl • ? (Signed) J .Ii. Morrison, (�li°
fi " Ord. No. Ordinance No. P g g :� t` +�, �;[� +► '' ,�t'- �r Mayor. , , being an ordinance rovidin for confirmen the � � ��,;,�, •. �fv>�J•';, conf. rolls on assessment rolls on L . I. D. No. 113 was upon motion placed upon its first :,�l = ''�j;i€ �` i' ;
,�,: - , 113 and second reading by title and ordered referred to the City Attorney, the �: I .►;1tl/ f ;1
�; .�' s;t Rules suspended Upon motion the rules of order were ordered suspended and City Engineer and the Sewerage and Building CorcrriLtee. .r, ! ' 1 ' ,' i,' I 1: ,
t'-',4:1 . ,'.• ,; the Cit Clerk instructed to administer the oath of office to Mr. , . ' fir ' t�Clerk to rowel Y Ord. ?Zo. Ordinance No. , being an ordinance vacating a portion of Avenue �f1 f , 1, --- _ -` oath to Crowell Crowell. Roll Call: Ayes, Adams, Lera3ng, Templer; Nays, Dobers, ,
.. Ivacating portion "J" and a portion of Fifth Street within the City of Anacortes was upon , El. 1,,..1.1�Ic �� , ,j. {
,.�. Gibbons. '
,y, of 5th and "J„ ;, � , t ;a.. a
motion placed upon its first and second reading by title and ordered referred1 i ! ' >>
t. tLc+€t, .• � Matter of Crow- The matter of Crowell taking his seat was referred to the City to the City Attorney, and the Streets and Parks Committee. � • '! •.,�,�� , ,': ;� ;,^ �.
W,::-..;•' 11 seat Attorney, who reported that in his judgment three votes did hat con- }, i i
,'';,.; e taking Rolls on l04 U on motion the assessment rolls of L. I. D. No. 104 were ordered .411. 1 .,
kt� referred to Atty stitute a majority of the Council; whereupon Crowell declined to take P i ; ; E
`� the oath of office. ordered approved approved and confirmed as extended by the CityEngineer, all protests hav- , 3,� .I'1.;; ; _ E s ,
`r'S.. , •. _ : i Ho• , ing been heard and properly disposed of, and the ordinance ordered placed #.111 , 1.• ; ' i : i �'I • , 1 ' '
Ord. I
Y ; conf. rolls on upon its first and second 'readin bytitle and referred to the City Attorney, ;°! ! ' i , ;" ,,, ' in
s? '? Atty and Spec. The report of the City Attorney and Special Council Preston & con p g II ,1 1 • � '`
., a , the City Engineer and the Streets and Parks Committee. tI , ;E.E
r'.;,. Council on water Thari;rinson on the ordinance providing for the acquiring of the water ti ;.�t,E ° •� tTil'ii:
ordinance system, finding the same to be legally correct, was read and upon •t'� ';a' ,
motion ordered adopted. Ord• Ila. I Ordinance No. , being an ordinance dividing the wards of the 1iv ( , ,i ,y
1 ,. for ' ,, t•.1
•., - , providing City of Anacortes into voting precincts was upon motion placed upon its t. 1, `5 ' _,
Atty on short The report of the City Attorney on the proposed ordinance toting precincts first and second reading by title and ordered referred to the City Attorney. r . i . '�.,t ,,.; ');
term liquor ord. providing for the issuing of short time liquor licenses, finding the ., r of the 1 'ii 11� i ' 1! 'I , t
rules suspended Upon motion the rules of order were suspended and the report i ,, y; t�1 i
same to be legally correct, was read and upon motion ordered adopted. yon the ro osed ordinance rovidin for dividin the wards of ��
i • 0, , Att on ord. „ay ,. ;,� . 1 . ,•.1
City Attorney p P P S g
prov. for voting the Cityof Anacortes into votingprecincts, findingthe same to be legally' , :R 1,
,; 'Atty on release The report of the City Attorney on the release asked for { 1�,.,, ,1:r p, P ,' .,
Y• E 1, of Telephone Co by the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company, recommending that the precincts correct , was read and upon- motion ordered adopted; :3 ,}?, I_.' ,1,1 ,. • ,_,
, ., request of the company be granted, was read and upon motion ordered Ord. No . 630
Ordinance Na. 0 was upon motion placed upon its third and final iiii'., : , , •i
, c ,,. .;
14, ? adopted. reading by sections; upon motion the title was adopted as read; upon motion `� 1 }� , ±�• .
ofThe Third quarterlyRenort of the CityTreasurer waspresented section 1 was adopted as read; upon motion section 2 was adopted as read; ;+11; I ?�, i : • .
3rd # Report T .
'' City Treas. to the Council and upon motion ordered referred to the Finance Committee . .. upon motion section 3 was adopted as read; upon motion section 4 was adopted I ; I1i' ; € ;; • ,
as read; upon motion section 5 was adopted as read; upon motion the ordinance �'' ; I1 ' 1'+ .. ' ?'
I the as a whole and as read was ordered adopted. Roll Call: Ayes, Adams, TI4� ,: ' y4th Report of The Fourth Quarterly Report of the City Treasurer was presented;E' . a c ' motion ordered referred to the Finance Committee. Dobers, Gibbons, Lenning, Templer. Nayes, None. f' �'� ,`
}, • City Treas. t the Council anduponI,.1; '� E
• • d. No. •� �• �!' �I
�+ , Ordinance No. , being an ordinance providing for wards in the ,!{' '1',,, ?! + • E,°,
• ' Report of Marshal The report of the City Marshal for the month of December wast � �.I i ;
` for December presented and upon motion referred to the Finance Committee. Providing for City of Anacortes was upon motion placed upon its first and second reading by i i11 ,1i ,;•, � . ' .
._ ; wards
the CityAttorney.ordered referred to A Y E'' ': ' .. •• ':
• ! title and '� .
. Annual report of The annual report of the CityMarshal waspresented and upon �' � '� ,
P P holes sus ended U on motion the rules of order were suspended and the report of the ,E ;�I;,j:,i�' I
t:arshal motion referred to the Finance Committee. P
If .. r tatty. on ord. City Attorney on the proposed ordinance providing for wards in the City of e i �'_'; ,1; , .t'
; , prov. fir wards
!4 s , ,' Report of Justice The report of the City Justice for the month of December was Anacortes, finding the same legally correct, was read and upon motion ordered ?., 1, ';ll1� ;Ei, c
, i for December presented to the Council and upon motion referred to the Finance Committee. • adopted.• icy , ;,:
. Ord. •i 1 ' ' 1 i+klii..f )/
lo. 631 Ordinance No. 631 , being an ordinance providing for yards in the City ,J ;,- .. _
• 4 .s -
'��` a _....__..,—__ - -- '--- - Z T. ,� � ••
,.- -;-' ' '' ' 88
is " ,'1I 1 '�
- __ _ •':.
` City of Anacortes was upon motion placed upon its third and final reading Bond submitted Upon motion the bond of Chas. F. Wiese and H. H. Hughey submitted r�: !;
` ' by sections; upon motion the title was adopted as read; upon motion on 115 on L. I. D. No. 115 was submitted to the Council and upon motion submitted ;rl ' ., ,
to the City Attorney and the Finance Committee. ',• ti ' I
section 1 was adopted as read; upon motion section 2 was adopted as read; ''• ; S
s upon motion section 3 was adopted as read; upon motion section 4 was :f •.; •t(•. .1 ' i
' adopted as read; upon motion section 5 was adopted as read; upon motion Bond of Demopoyl• Upon motion bond of B. Demopoulos for junk dealer' s license was � •
'. ; ; ,. i _ }
the ordinance as a whole and as read was adopted. Roll Call: Ayes; Adams, os referred ordered referred to the City Attorney and the Finance Committee. t
-. . , Dobers, Gibbons, Lenning, Templer. Nayes; None.
• - pet. and Lease Upon motion the petition and lease submitted by C. A. Norton praying ;`', ,
Ordinance No. for the leasingof First Street between "U" and "V" Avenues waspresented to
F• Ord. No. 632 632, being an ordinance providing for the issuing of Norton j f.r
of short term liquor licenses, was upon motion placed upon its third the Council and upon motion ordered referred to the City Attorney andthe ,� , ., r
! and final readin by sections; upon motion the title was adopted as Streets and Parks Committee. `' ,'I.: ' `
•. • read• upon motion section 1 was adopted as read; upon motion section 1 � 'r '
2 was adopted as read; upon motion section 3 was adopted as read; upon Attf & The report of the City Attorney on the petition and lease of C. A {��
p on pet. '; r, ;,
motion the ordinance as a whole and as read was adopted. Roll Call: lease of Norton Norton submitted by C. A. Norton. finding the same to be legally correct, .. ,.
was read and upon motion ordered adopted. ' '
' ' S Ayes; Adams, Dobers, Gibbons, Lenning, Templer. Hayes; none. ;'' • !
633 being an ordinance providing for the pur• The report of the Streets and Parks Committee was presented to the
Ord. No. 633 Ordinance No.
Council and upon motion ordered referred to the City Attorney and the Streets i
1 chasing of the water distribution system from the Anacortes Water Company, , '�'
and Parks Committee. ,
was upon motion placed upon its third and final reading by sections; , . , (, ,
'` upon motion the title was adopted as read; section 1 was read and upon :
notion amended by motion as follows: I move that section 1 be amended On pet of Upon motion the petition of C. A . ?Dorton was ordered granted and the s ' : • E •
, ,; .':;' -" IRoll Call: Ayes; d : +,= 1 " 1 y * •�y.t:.;,•i
_ �, . , by striking out the words 'including the lakes, springs and reservoirs Norton Mayor and the Ctty Clerk ordered to execute the lease. • � � ,.�.�{,,�
located thereon' , in lines 15 and 1 of said section 1, and inserting Adams, Dobers, Gibbons, Lenning, Templer. Nayes; None. ' + + ��
f,'.. .:;-nr • the following: •• ' d,
c•-.:, • • after the word ' company' in line 11 of said section 1,
• } ' • ' and in section 6, Township 5, North Range 1, Pet. of Burke A petition signed by W. R. Burke. Chairman, and W. F. Coulson, , , _
�, also Heart Lake located3 3 ' `: '
') < t
��� east of W. M. , Whistle Lake located in section 6, Township 34, North et al praying Secretary, for the business men and manufacturers of the City of Anacortes, '
ag,,i• • Range 2, east of W. M. , Cranberry Lake located in section 23, Township that Council petitioning the Council to pass the proposed ordinance providing for the `'�
"4 i C east of W. M. . and the springs located on the prop- pass water ord. acquiring of the water system owned and operated by the Anacortes Water • ( j ) ; ! +. . `: ` .
_ ��. ; 35, North Range l ,
isCompany, was read and upon motion the Clerk was instructed to notify Mr. ` _
erty knovm as the Lathrow place, and the lands covered by said lakes • •
". ; { ' and springs." Upon motion section 1 was adopted as a�t►ended; section
Burke that the ordinance had passed. The petition was then ordered I i ' , .: �'
�_, _ _ , 'received and placed on file. � _ .`! .� ' � s:
2 was read and upon motion amended by motion as follows: "I move that t`
• r'; ,{ section 2 be amended by striking out words ' including the lakes. springs t
r•r Claims referred Claims filed against the correct expense fund of the City of ' •! ; ; , , 1 •,+
I : and reservoirs located thereon' , in lines 15 and 16, of said section 2, ,:• .~
All ' ` and by inserting after the word 'lines' in line 10 of said section 2 the Anacortes for the month of December as follows was ordered referred to the ;i: ( ;•
'�- • following: ' and also Heart Lake located in section 36, Township 35. North Finance Committee: ',
< I .:: Township 34
•. �>�>:'-.. ? Range 1, east of W. M Whistle Lake located in section 6 _ ',• 1 � '
'Torth Ran a 2, east of W. M Cranberry Lake located in section 23.
g • ' Claimant. Voucher Amount " -
Township 35, north range 1, east of W. IL. , and the springs located on
lands covered bysaid No. - r ').?. 1: �' ' �• t
the property known as the. Lathrow place and the
'• lakes and springs. " upon motion section 2 was adopted as amended; section
"IClaims Robt M. } �,�1 ';i� •:.
'` `''' 3 was read and upon motion amended by motion as follows: move thatSmith 4837 Cabinet for City Clerk 6.00 ,
section 3 be amended by striking out the words 'not exceedingsiic' in line G . W. Shannon & Co. 4838 Hardware supplies 45.11 (, ' •, • • -, i • `;:
lit.;: • 5 thereof; inserting: the •words "of. five and. one half' ; by striking. but the • Anacortes Ice Co. 4839 Feed 18.45 •( q:..'.,, ; °
• ,tip,; g� g , , A. •
A. Sumner 4840 Salary and expenses 109.70I-. ••
1;., : r Words not exceedin inl ins 8;insertin ward. pf , , upon motion section ., 1 i 1 , ', . .
• Blythe Mc Cauley 4841 Salary as driver of Fire Truck 75.00 % #
was adopted as amended; upon motion the 16th day of March, 1915,was the
3 P R. E . Smith 4842 Services as fireman 5.00 i- . i
: ":'- •� date set for the holding of the special election and ordered inserted in
p 4843 Rent of Tynewritor 4 .00 s,, .:1I �• `' !`••,
,:- : .i :•::::-:. . :
�s• `l;: C C Tem le
section 4• upon motion section 4 was adopted as read; section 5 was read
- { r, 1 , ' "IA. P. D. 4844 Fire Roll 51.50 .1'�1${ I r, t t
��''?``,. . and upon motions amended by motions as follows. move that section 5 ' • i �' ' ! -;' �
y' ;! ' • of this ordinance be amended by striking out the words ' including said J. F. Crouch 4845 Painting ana varnishing 7.50 , - ', , `t..,•: • ,,-
• 5 lands' , linesand 8 Anacortes Water Co . 4846 Water and light 523. 55 C` !►' t ;' F
:I. , , lakes and the springs of water located on said in 7 f;f id �; �! ,i ' '.� s,t
: on page 4 of this ordinance, andinserting after the word 'lines' , in line Geo. W. Smith 4847Labor on garbage dump 65.00
Ifi ¢}.,'_• S. D. Temple & Co. 4848 Supplies 14.45 ' � i � `Y ;a,� .' .�: ,'
,• :!- :; 4 on page 4 of this ordinance the following: and also Heart Lake located
,, t� ;,. ► L. A. Wilson 4849 Auto hire for Marshal 2.00 , T.
� + 4 '�!' T �• '�T
i ,,A, �• t in section 36, Township 35, North Range 1, East of W. M. , Whistle Lake
t try �';i d1,
,} �.' J . S Amsberry 4850 Meals for prisoners 12.50 A ? (�. 1,
r, c0 I located in Section 6, Township 34, North Range 2, Nast of W. M. , Cranberry ' lrtr C� . +,:
`' + Lake located in section 23, Township 35, North Range 1 , east of W. M. , and Janitors Supply Co. 4851 Supplies for City Hall 10.00 ;+ : it }1 � ',
` • ' the springs located on the property known as the Lathrow place, and the Fidalgo Lbr. & Box Go. 4852 Lumber 19.78 { ,j'�,, :,Y`•• ; ., +:
: .; , H. H. Soule 4853 Supplies 1.35 I i ; :
�, ..,e ,...„,: �+ lands covered by said lakes and springs." and "I move that section 5 of ' �, AV.! ,•, t :t: 1
;;.� ,,,,; B. •
W. Erickson 4854 Election Board 5.25 ;s, '+ + (p'
;v ' + ` . ' this ordinance be amended by striking out the words ' including said lakes +i ;
J . T. Lancaster 4855: Election Board 5. 25 , ,11 1 `
••1� ;` ' and the springs of water located on said lands' , in lines 35 and 36 on 0 �}} k '�!� '�
��,�f �f�, i ' lines' , C. C. Temple, Assign 4856 Election Board 4.5 ',!,1,. , T is j ,'. :�:
: "4 W, !' page 4 of this ordinance, and inserting after the word in line 32
..* on page 4 of this ordinance the following: and also Heart Lake located W. H. Mc Callum 4857 Election Board 6.00 i , ,,1 { ,
-K� �' east of Whistle Lake Emma Sager 485E Election Board 5.50 ,1. °: ; .1,!,!,..),
1' ,> , : ;: •
r 4. .. . ! in section 36, Township 35, North Range 1, W.M. , ( .�
' ' + 34, North Range 2, east of W. M. , Cranberry D. S. Grady 4859 Election Board 5.50 1'1 +'
. . located in Section 6, Township .s 1 t'll;, , ,,, i
Election Board 6.00 �-, ..r ���,' •� �,•1'' � ., �,�', f��;.:;:..s
x:.; W. A. Shockley 4860
{ • Lake located in Section 23, Township 35, North Range 1, east of W. M. , and ,
...: the locatedpropertyknown as the Lathrow place. and the $wart Leadbetter 4861 Election Board 6.00 l `• 1 i,,� ,'t :` '1+, f iy,
springs on the
' J. Leadbetter 4862 Election Board 6.00 i � J � ���' ' ' f '-` :.
•r • .4>. ' i lands covered bysaid lakes and springs. " and " I move that section 5 he W. ^� l,. •
L� • : fi~ ? amended by striking out the words 'all of said bonds bearing interest at B. J . Greer 4863 Election Board 5.25 ", i ;, ` r• 'r; �; ,�
<J.. ,i. J . A. Laurie 48G4 Election Board 9.75 ! ,a- t':i
- �. per annum' in lines 20 and 21 on page d
_.�,,.}N, a rate not exceeding six per cent. l . 0 7,-. 1:::sty+'
:'• �a;rl . of this ordinance, and inserting in leiu thereof the following: said general P. E. Nelson 4865 Election Board 5.25 p t1+;14 �• ; ' ,,'
coupon bonds of said City to bear interest at the rate of five and one-half Anderson & Fisher 4866 Carpenter Work 16.50 , " C
�`' ,` E. A. Phillips 4867 Hardware 3.5
� per cent. per annum, and said special water revenue bonds to bear interest
• at the rate of six per cent . per annum." and "I move that section 5 of this Mitchell Auto Co. 4868 Auto Hire 1.001 � , '; ' .
1`:. ' d bonds bearingFred R. Bullock 4869 Election Board 5.25 i `{ , i �,''; ;, 1; „1
ordinance be amended by striking out the words all of said
CityTransfer Co. 48 0 Team Hire 41. 25 f, f! ;� z''!
interest at a rate not exceeding sixper cent. per annum' in lines 48 and 7 '
Fidal o Transfer Co. 4871 Team Hire 15.65 ci.4- a ;,I k t ',...
1; 49 on page 4 of this ordinance, and inserting in leiu thereof the following g ,.� ' 'i!j �. ► i;
,. J . E. Fiedler 48'j2 Team Hire 15.00 I. ?i i ' I ! '
.•, � .+; said general coupon bonds of said city to bear interest at a rate mf five
L. L. Thayer 48'�3 Team Hire 12.50 ►T (�>,,,� ,<' �I �' r
` •
and one-half per cent . per annum and said special water revenue bonds to t ,y1 , ` ' ! • • • \!'
' bear interest at a rate of six per cent . per annum. " upon motion section H. Fenno 4874 Street Work 35.15 . : •, : '•
1' S. L. Bates 4875 Street Work 58.50 j `�, • ,
Y / ,,; • 5 was adopted as amended; upon motion section 6 was adopted as read;
section 7 was read and upon motion amended by motion as follows: "I move that 0. A. Fenno 4876 Street Work 16.90 .:•1' i } ' •'' , I , l
«r ; ' inclusive, and insert- W. M. Eckels 4877 Street Work 2.25 % I� ,1� `� :' '
sectionbe amended bystrikinglines to 16, both
7eu thereof the following: 'lot ward, let precinct, in building W. Lowder 4878 Street Work 9.00 n: 1'i At 1s ")
`:' ing in lieu
known as Waldron Hotel situated on or about the corner of Third Street and Olive E. Gee 4879 Salary as City Stenographer 40.00 , ,• ! ' ' t •1
Standard Oil Co. Ill +
Commercial Avenue; let ward, 2nd precinct, office of Police Justice, City 48 0 Oil 6 00 iI. ' (l
Dodson 4881 Driver of Garbage Wagon 75.00 '', I!1' i . 1 !f
situated on the corner of Thos. C1 1;°
, r
� +, . Hall; tat ward, 3rd precinct, in Labor Temple
' 'I• .Fifteenth • Street and Commercial Avenue; 2nd ward, let precinct, in C. F. Fisher 4882 Election Board 6.00
building located at the corner of Twentieth Street and Commercial Avenue;
Stanley Anderson 4883 Election Board 6.00 ;r I. � }�, ; ,� >< � . ��'�
{ 2nd ward, 2nd precinct, South Side Fire Hall, 2nd ward, 3rd precinct ,
Davey Bros. 4884 Supplies 4.50 •lk,01 :1 ,i''� i ! •� '
o er of Thirty-second Street and Commercial \� ' � { • '
+ in building located at the c rn y S• G. Brooks 4885 Salary and services as Health 24.00 a ,i ;,,, `
Avenue ; 3rd ward. let precinct, CityLibraryBuilding; 3rd ward, 2nd Officer : ,'+t } 6 j,
th Street and Avenue "I"• rd ward, Alfred Olson 4886 Election Board 6.00 4,;P.-1 Ii;i ;j . �� ',; f_ ' 1
• •
;:y I I precinct; building located at Six 3 Clara Mc Laskey 4887Election Board 5.50 ,; : ;�
i 3rd precinct , Oakes Avenue Schoolhouse;' upon motion section 7 was
•- , adoptedas amended; upon motion section 8 was adopted as read; upon Theo. Saxrud 488 Inspector 40.251.II I ;� 1,
,E. , , , Max Hal 4889 Election Board 5.25 a • A'! : ` -. , ;�
i • Pi : .
' w1 motion the ordinance as a whole and as read was adopted. Roll Call: `' : ' •�!` . 1
J. W. Lowman 4890 Premium on Attorney' s Bond 2 0 1' lc i ,')[t•'
3 1.
' Ayes; Adams, Dobers, Gibbons, Lenning, Templer. Noyes; .Tone. •5 ,�`�', , . _, •
Anacortes 48 1 Printingy ••
Citieen 9 142.55
:.• ' / -; U 91 : ,,.,, ,, ., ,
, •
January 5th. 1915 :i;�a l• • t r
I fti i
-- R. W. Welch 4892 Chairman 31.50 Roll Call IT REMEMBERED That the City Council of the City of Anacortes ,; '; , ?
j did on the 5tn day of January, 1915 . at the hour of 10 o'clock meet for the �?f 1Z . :: 1• j
Ed Hudson 4894 Coalmen 44.55 purpose of organization with Mayor Hogan presiding and Councilman Allan, t
Curtis Wharf Co. 944.
2 .8 Beesner, Dobers, Gibbons. Haugen, Wagner, responding to roll call; Absent, ►i ,. ;•il.,I
Anacortes Lbr. do Box Co. 4895 Lumber 7 5
n• cortex American 48 6 Printing 18.?5 None. { - i _
A a 9 I .• • A. W. Hendrickson 4897 Street Work 18.05 r , ' `t.i - i a
C. Tancre 4898 Street Work 48.40 3ond of Temple The' bond of C. C . Temple, City Clerk, was presented to the Council , .;. ' •'ik.
4899Street Work 10.15 and upon motion ordered referred to the City Attorney and the Finance Com- '• , '•, i ,•.
• S. Cumminsmittee. �� • '
B. Bates 4900 Salary as Street Sup't. 75.00 ,
1 0 rA. fj'• •if. ; i , ' .
+ Island Transfer Co. 4901 Team Hire 2.5 The bond of F. R. Yorvell. City Attorney, was presented to the
Owen Fulk 4902 Salary as Deputy Marshal 75.00 Bond of Norvell 1 -
3• t Marshal .00 Council and upon motion ordered referred to the City Attorney and the Finance .. i' ,.• •
- J . S. Carter 4903 Salary as Depu y 75 �.. � r •{ ``
91.55 committee . �! - _ j ' � ;
J. T. March 4904 Salary as Marshal and exp s. �'_' •'i
P. R. Norvell 4905 Salary and traveling exp's. 70.00 . ,' •
.2 Message The Mayor' s annual message was read and ordered spread at large upon ' : ,° , t i
• Dudley B. Kimsey 4906 Election Board 5 5 ,'. � : ' , ,�
Abbi Abbey 4907 Election •
3oard 9.75 the minutes: .1
1t. A. F. Schreiber 4908 Election Board 5.50 •'t i' i•
"Gentlemen of the City Council and friends: ( - . '
C. C. Temple, assign 4909 Election Board 6.00 C. Board �• ,k _ , +
".� V. Funk 4910 Election 5.25 Having on the 8th of . - •
':' :<f ' erhard •
4 11 Salary as City Engineer 130.00
.A..- , . Cha. M. G 9 Transitman December past, been elected Mayor of the City of Anacortes for (,'i' t1 ;�j is • i 1 •
�� �; ^'� j Chas. A. Smith 4912 42.00 the ensuing year, _ , .•, >a .•
''j�~E 1 Jos. F. Stiley 4913 Draftsman 104.00 I avail myself of the presence of those here i i ' �.
_ assembled, and take advantage of this opportunity to express to '� ` .1'' ;. ; -'' I ;' k''�•
i: ;.- C. C. Temple 4914 Salary and Bxp. as City Clerk 86.40
a A • you my grateful thanks for the honor which you, my fellow citi- ` 1 ' z
,,� ,< R. B. Hardcastl.. 4915 Salary and Exp. as Treasurer 46.80
; ;s, ' J . F. Hamilton 4916 Gravel for Streets • 72.25 •
wens, have conferred upon me.
;• 51�" ,<: ;�- H. Rickaby 4917 Witness Fees 2.00
' ;= ,J C. F. Woods 4918 Witness Fees 2.00 • While truly thankful to you for the honor and for the con •-
-� ',,:� : a the 6.00 fidence and trust reposed in me I am not unmindful of the duties `j i . ,' ,;;
r• C. Adams 4919 Nov. expenses to S a
Q. and of the responsibilities that have devolved upon me. I shall •
y jIJ h ♦ •. .. •
• • endeavor to discharge these duties in a faithful, fearless and ' t t -:•. ;
_t z' ' 1 impartial manner. �I j t J. ' I• ,, ,
P he above claims, re ort- It is my good fortune to have the path that I am to tread J �� 1 .; i If
.;y: ,::; s ; Fin. Com. on The report of the Finance Com mitt _e on t P i i i '''
,Y : : , - lighted by the services and example of those who have served '+• - '+, ' ;, ' -; z
,,- • ' Claims ing favorably and recommending thatwarrants be allowed for their several H ft, • , •.
I• ' 5 '• •
amounts, was read and upon motion ordered adopted. Roll Call: Ayes; before me; and to you, gentlemen of the City Council, who have 1,: ,4 l: z;.
' ` ' •' ' • hers Gibbons Lennin Templer. Naves; None. like responsibilities and duties to perform I shall look for that ' .�i •• ' i
,�s..., Adams, Do g encouragement and support without which a Mayor would indeed be ,,`:1I ,;it, :, ,�i .;
� r '
t� ; helpless. ,� - • ,,
' r Adjourn Upon motion Council adjourned sine die. t
rii.Rt� ' II: 'tts •` �•'� I feel and trust that you will be progressive in matters • t' i •
; - ; „ �,
�..: :;
,�,�, affecting the interest and upbuilding of the City; that you will ij�' +'tj 'r '
? - Approved in open Council on thel9th day of January, 1915, Y ` '
.ffa• f be broadgauged and liberal as respects the rights of citizens � ',, Ufd
' under the law, keeping ever in view the fact that a City govern- , 1
-: � ment , or anygovernment , to be successful must be clean. whole- ; 1... :I :.'1,1 {• ` .,;
_•... - i' jV---gh2__,---J--i_-w,..„--.___t__Mayor.
some and strong. iri, } °� '.
r# / )0
i) p
,.. % / -4; I want to urge you, particularly to bury and forget all
old and past differences and to unite all your efforts and
f energies as one man, for the common good and for the upbuilding ,t �E f!•'fi I ,,.' :Y
of the City of Anacortes. 1 is}`diAly. '?
a'l r*--'4 1 ifFif) 11 ',1 -i , , ,:::
While the principle that the will of the majority shall i Csl.' t el 1:, i+ it
.-1:,- ? prevail is good, the minority too have rights that should not, i ? c •nl+ 1. •
•, , nor cannot, be fairly overlooked. No man, nor set of men. are ''111' -'Il i 't' • ;;,1,1,
�' ,�� , ;
„;Or r
k• 3 too great or too powerful to be above the law and none should , ;� �� '''� ��beso humble or poor to be denied the protection oi- the law. ; . ;A •yj ' ' t', � e� ' . H.
;.,q ,.�Y`1 • is t,iPkl, 1: o .t. i+ j.�
{ -,.4 fi I, Nti tl
��� >}�; ;; - The first matter of importance to which I shall call the i ii. ol•ift,! '' j=•{�
I - attention of your honorable body is the financial condition of , �, i1 t k ,• • t 1 ,
;' �, at the resent time. :,
•�i�,�r�, ► - 1' the City p 3 r �� � �' I' �
, ttiii.t �' ,.'-I .4f ;, ;.
: �, It is not good, nor is i t growing better, but space and
f time are both too short to undertake to enlighten you upon the •; r; t
All of you are, and some tY to X ;'' �`a i
,` 4 , , fcondition of this City.
•4ri financial 1+• i • t
:I;t ;: - of you, no doubt, better informed upon the general as well as r !, • , ° ;,' ,. . i;:`
:4-. + financial conditions of this City than I am. , `ii : i ,� t 1
} ;, t1 IIi
: �`. 1 2 On the 1st of Januar <�}' y 1913, the entire warrant indebtedness "� : ' t
.. ;
.•:"} { it ; i of the City was $880,022.76, of which sum the current expense fund +1, II �' ; '� �J {
� 4;1'i: , t amounted to $24,5 33 On the 1st of October, 1914, the warrant .1 t 4E 11 ` 1 s • ••Ii •
: .�
indebtedness had increased to $160,016.33, of which sum the current ! I; , C : ,
1 expense fund amounts to $48.978.57. } f. 4' •`1, ;'.�
,- , The old, General Fund, warrant indebtedness on Jan. 1st. 1913, '� ` !I .� I,''I'•'' I
was $36,494.48. By turning the Liquor or Saloon licenses, together • '` ; •tv • i I , 'I ' • `
;'•': ; 1
• , + with other miscellaneous City licenses, over to the discharge of is'` I ,I)4 � ' t.
.�j t •t•
this debt, the amount had on Oct. 1st, 1914, been reduced in the �� t I •t.:
+�• sum of 14 ' .4 , leavinga balance of the Old, General Fund, war- " t. • It,i ,.
• 331 5 ii•� ci. I•
i i rants outstanding at that date amounting to $22,157.03. �' '- :; ;,.
�'• ,l,�1.,,t ii .. ;
• . , ., 1916. .�,
After Jan. 1st, the Liquor or Saloon license will make 1� : ",�' ii' . .i ,''� ` '
to the Cit • and if these Old General Fund 't � II ': ' .{
i no further returnsy► ,�
• Warrants are to be called and paid as rapidly as they have been �•, , ` �I: 0. ,i ; YI • +
in the past few years, then, in that event , there must be ways i , I i! � ..,.t''
j • and means provided for the same either by special tax or otherwise. ',' i.i 11 i ; I '� i 1
i' �• i� - I. '' 1
Our current expenses ought to be reduced to the lowest pox �; l,! # ,1.' 'I
Bible point , consistent with good government . I am not asking f,j' i; a i•ti •
' •
i you to be niggardly in your appropriations, but I am suggesting ,' J 1 }I ';': ' •
j; to you that it is really necessary to reduce the current expense I. ;,:;� •I .!`
in every department in the City, where in your judgment , the 1ii'fa ��' i �,
efficiency of such department would not be crippled or injured
I : , ; . by so doing in any way. In my judgment we are expending more <.••. 1 ; ; :I ; ,
;- •,-£ 'i 1 - money than is necessary to run a City of the size of Anacortes. .i;' : ' S , , • .;�
, ) •
, For instance, take the engineer' s department, water and `, ,, 'c I ' ' � 1, '
li ht and other departments and whenever or wherever you find a ', '7
S t „, .
.- -Y 93... , • cf 92 . --, •.:---,•_ .
., ,. . . .
. :..„ c.I•
,„.,,, . ,. . ,,.
. .t: 4`. ,
. :
i „;"tom _ - - - - _-.._--' - -_-_. _.. _ _ - - ..-_ _ -__ - -._ .-. • - . . . ---- • 1 ii,, i
Message leak, stop it at once. It is through these little leaks i,' ' . �i '
that your mope slips gay t .� ,s
Y p away unobserved. Let your expendituresor's duty to' The Mayor announced that it was his duty at this titre to sake appoint- <;
for Dint officer:2rents of the various CityOfficials for the "f
any one year be not greater than your income for that year.to
app year 1915, but would postpone same
postposed until next regular meriting. t:
The fire department, whilein fair condition for work, re- 9 5: • • l.:l . •
quires all the support and sustenance that possiblyCommittees for ' The Mayor appointed the following committees for the year 1 1
1 � • t
you can 19�5 }'�: 4.'��• fi'. '
extend toward it. Finance - Allan • f, 7 ,
Beesner -': r I,s';
There is nothing in this City that is of more importance Gibbons ._ t
than an efficient fire service, and I trust. gentlemen of the } '.
City Council, ;.
that you will find a way to maintain its present Judiciary - Wagner + , �;
x . efficiency, and if possible increase that efficiency by all 6�s ' :
Beesner �' 1
Haugen ` 'i ! {.'' '`
manner of means consistent with the present financial condition i. •
of the City." 4.!
Streets and Parks - Beesner F,_ , r
At this time T shall not recommend the opening and gradingWagner �1F:,., �1 I -' ;:
I of any additional streets or avenues unless the work be reques • Dobers ' }• ' : ' 4
a ed by petition from the abutting property owners. - ,
Sewerage and Buildings - Dobers . .G t ,
The streets now graded and in use are sufficient for the ± _- present needs of the City. These should be ke t in as oodAllan
P g Crowell }` 'i :'•� : r, repair as is possible under existing economic conditions. :1 �`,` •
` -~ Fire, Water and Light - Gib i ',` t, '� f
, l
_.�;. I shall now call your attention to Sec. 5 of Ordinance NO. Wagers , } ' T + :17;
Beesner � ,611. regulating street traffic in the City of Anacortes. Section � `
{.31, -': . , 5 provides for a speed rate not greater than twenty-four miles
. an hour. I would ask and recommend to ';. ;your honorable body License and Police Haugen '
•• that the speed rate of twenty-four miles an hour be reduced to Allan ., ... .: ' • � :
:: � N twelve or fifteen miles per hour. I would further recommend Crowell '
g ''�+ I that Article 12 af Sec. 1, together with all other Sections or •
;► •
parts of Sections contained in Ordinance No. 611, be strictly Printing, Health and Cemetery - f `_ + : h '
r �' enforced. + I
- ., {' Crowell
Dobers ! ;
Haugen 1 i f f
F{ When you are better acquainted with the actual financial ;l 1 ► ';..
► ' t condition of the "City, then, if practicable, I would recommend ;; 1+ I
fj = that the Ordinances of this Citybe codified, ' 9 {
{ : ; that is, reduced ?j: c; i, '+., •
c •
Adjourn Upon motion Council adjourned.
;;� }3 i to a code or digest. i1 ;; i
`"ari'i( 1 t'. Ilk • ,'
f ;;. I want to call your attention to the neededprotection ,a "� �; �' "
Approved in open council on thel9th day of January. 1915. �s •
-•,,,.z&: • against fire, for the City Records, scattered asthey are at I �, �.' + 1:,'
fit' the present time, unprotected in any way. a serious and almost •
.�r r` •
;.:y` irreparable loss to the City might happen at anytime. �! ' • •- • • t� ��' ,'. 4I � .I
Ni.,j{✓r Y • 1 . . I K'.,, ' ,., , r .l
v .I' The City floats need your immediate attention,- theycan
�� Mayor. "4t1 f �4, `;, I '�
' with a little care be made self-sustaining and with proper r ; t�,,' , lY ;r:
u mining p p
- i f • management bring, each and every month, a revenue to the City. ► t�;`a ;1
y C ty 'lerk. i •{. . f'.4� ,! ; 4; r
x{ • } mat -
Permit,me, gentlemen of the City Council, to call your ~.,t� attention to a matter of more importance to the City of ' •y
1' �° Anacortes than all other things combined to which I have here- x ,e
, y to fore called your attention. ' ,i 1 rt: il•?1 i. ,
l''•''r,.h; i ' An abundant supply of good wholesome water is the first I:
} '�' �; and greatest element in the upbuilding of any City or town. t,r z �„ ; l;
', The conditions !that exist here as regards our water supol;� are t
I f► not good. A move for the bettering of these conditions mustV 111 ;; ., .
it (�. :7
Wit'fir i ° be wade very soon. as delay is �sorse than dxtngerous,- it is _ j�• ;__ ,'r
`�. suicidal. Because of these facts, and they are facts, I am 1••; ;,
hir'�,;:; going to ask you to take upthis water
,,}< ►- I ' question at the earliest l
V; •;• • possible time; give it the attention and thought necessaryto '; 1 4 j ! ';s ,
9 ;
'$,£, aproblem of this kind and then act as in your judgment is best �'+ �(��r l +: /
•; '', tt; • for the City. Ih.
•0, f, ,t i :l + 1 11' 44,, 1 *(t 1� f,1 t `
sir; In connection with this most vital question, allow me to r =•I. I {I_ i. f . `
;c;}' ,ii f ' t '' . ' say that I approve of and am in favor of this City, or any �� l;r.
'f. City, as to that matter; Owning its Water and Light .�
� �,. 1 �� ► other - it I
t., ' `- ,` • 1� plant . The first thing to consider however, • in the purchase, ►; � •; ► �� L
a.,;�`- • t• ►• or construction of a water plant and system, is not the distri- �If i _p,
• •
ti?}�;4.,t• s' buting system of pipes, but the quality and quantity of the . ,t ,,,
:pater and the source of such supply; next the expense that �`; 4�f ��
' ? Joust be incurred to obtain the same. •
1• • ,, ' ., 'js' i I�,g
That the work of the Council may be much hastened and • =. , „,1 ;+I f,L.
simplified, I would suggest that the Reveral committees con •
.,,, • eider the questions and matters referred to them, or coming • '1i its !A.'' �; •
.'' !,), up in their several de artments ' :i :'� :� '' ,
p outside the Council Chamber, 1. 1. •±Yf -r,.i ,
and upon the regular call of committees to hand in written re- i I ',t ' �:' +� ;"
', ports on their work. • :le ,••ti ,Rti rl � . - :t,''.:.1:
One further suggestion and I am through. The Ordinances '�j� �}1 . 1 ,uoin the Ordinance books ofthis City should and must be enforced. , + } ,,�,1If they are worthless, bad or burdensome. amend them if ossible; ; ,, �� ,� , � :p � '� �� :;ir iiti; :if not, then repeal them. t ��{+ t ,l iI1I� j '
' i; / • Gentlemen of the City Council, I pledge myself. if not I ('
, ; •) barred by ill health, to devote my best efforts toward giving ►� �,
` ` ; ` ' . an administration that will be economical , yet beneficial to +, ; . �,.� ;jF ;.�Ir;
• -..V. , .1 , the City of Anacortes. In the work that way come before us `�1 �I�, 1 �•, ti. ; •!;�
h i ( 1'1 ,� 1 + ►�during the coming year, I earnestly trust and hone that we rr:ay 1 t
` have the honest and faithful help of one another. h•1;ti.
`:� Respectfully submitted, !.a'�+ 1 il, i •t l'' -
I. ( 1 1'Jf!' ) I ,� l'-1
' I' 1
+�.'`� ' }Mayor. �f • , lit �'! .+ ;� •t
r �'�1• '
.. �.
- •.._-
1 •
I •
C *' ' .:'' 94 • N„ ,..., .
95 -:;‘,'':,-- -
, .„ ,- , .
- . :,.,.,:,., . 1.1,it, \,.
", , i, ,, ..i v _ ,
,-,,,_ . ,.,.. . .. , _
i ., . „,.,. -. : ,. ,. . .
. .
_ . 1, 11,. „: ,: i , •
. . ,...„ 4 .., _,,, .; , ,
TAnuary 19th., ____ .�i ` ; t
Roll Call BE IT That the City Council of the City of Anacortes, and placed on file, was read and upon motion ordered adopted. Et`+� . ,
did on the 19th day of January, 1915 meet in regular session with
.' Hogan presiding and Councilmen Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Com. on The report of the Finance Committee on the annual report of the t:• ` 1 `'•'I
Fin• .'
1 report Fire chief for the year 1914, recommending that the same be received and •,:. ; ' •+ + j
Wagner responding to Roll Call. Absebt, None. aunua '
` hs• of Fire Chief placed on file, was read and upon motion orded adopted. k �,r: i � � t't
; •
' t !inutes approved The minutes of the previous meetings of January 5th were read I
The report of the Finance Committee on the December report of the 4t7i;' i !,.''' } ` E
f and upon motion ordered approved. Fin. Cow. on ,
.�. Dec. rep. of City Justice, recommedning that the same be received and placed on file, ki `..r , ;
' Mayor' s appointments . The Mayor transmitted the following appointments to the Council was read and upon motion ordered adopted. `7• ` •' • `• .
Justice !' i
which were upon motion ordered confirmed. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan,
'`= Bessner, Lobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Wagner. nays, None. Fin. Cote. on The report of the Finance Committee on the annual report of the �; ; i', • - .
annual report City Marshal for the year of 1914, recommedning that the same be received rI 'If;
City Marshal Owen Fulk of ;:arshal and placed on file, was read and upon motion ordered adopted. It;• ;; -
De Deputy Marshals J. S. Carter -
t'' p Y The report of the Finance committee on the annual report of the *., ' ' • 0
W. S. Neely Fin. Corr• on P ' ;
Fire Chief A. A. Sumner Ezi..cu report Street Supt. for the year of 1914, recommending that the same be received t' ;,, ; ' ,'; t.
Health Officer S. G. Brooks Supt. and placed on file, was read and upon motion ordered adopted. ii ��t „i Police Jude T. P. EdensHarbor Easter Marian Johnson . ore• en The report of the rinance Committee on the report of the pity Marshal • •
;. ; .
:- ;,- CityStenographer Olive E. Gee rec. report for the month of December, recommending that the same be received and plat- _1 ' '
›j01�5 i Health Board nick Bessner �:arshal ed on file, was read and upon motion ordered adopted. '1
•?if 1 John J. See ••, I.,'
: 'f �.
•' anti r on The report of the Streets and Parks Committee on the proposed ord- 1' i • , ' , ,
V • � S. G. Brooks mot. & Pks. , •
{ ,,
1 - '1: -•r Library Board Frank Quimby ord. conf. inance providing for the confirming of the assessment rolls on L. I. D.
•z• `�'Y• _• Park Commissioners Peter EZ, }nelson, Chr. rolls on 104 No. 104, recommedding that the ordinance do pass, was read and upon mot- i ': j ,
w �t J. M. Morrison ion ordered adopted.
r Douglas Allmond Ii
� .�"�;• CityEngineer W. S. Clark St. & Pks on The report of the Streets and Parks Committee on the ordinance � � � , , � I. `
;, Vacation of , providing for the ,vacation of certain streets and avenues as prayed for „ : 1• 0
s Apex. 'ish Co bythe Apex "ish Company, recommedding that a Committee of the Whole be ? • f
p -! i.f
f: appointed to meet at the call of the Mayor to consider this question. "•' �j :
{ - Atty on ord. conf. The report of the City Attorney upon the proposed ordinances i
fells on 104 providing for confirming the assessment rolls on L. I. D. Na. 104, Buildin '' ' `I i>}, I I.
• ..�,; ! I(` finding the same legally correct , was read and upon motion ordered Sew. Ix Bldg . The report of the Sewerage and g Committee on the proposed fi,, li- I , ; ,
,, : on ord conf. ordinance providing for the confirming of the assessment rolls on L. I. D. as .- , !
adopted. rolls on 113 No. 113, recommending that the ordinance do pass, was read and upon motion i 4
` orders d adopted. �. ►ja '`,� t ..
ll.'•; , Atty on bond of The report of the City Attorney on the bond of Weisee & Hughy
t{ • Weisse and nigny submitted on L. I. '). No. 115, fi*ding the same legally correct, was F • ,.'
a.:*>, read and upon motion ordered adopted. Comm. from A communication from W. F. Ross asking that liquor license No. 135
1" ; : ".
p Ross for tras. issued to F. A. Whimsett be transferred to V;. F. Hoes was read and upon ' , ' • `
U •.fz ': Atty on ord. conf. The report of the City Attorney upon the proposed ordinance
motion ordered referred to the License and Police Committee.
it :, rolls on 113t
e`,,;,; providing for the confirming of the assessment rolls on L. I. D. No. The resignation of Fred Crowell, councilman from the third Ward, was r'.4.1 1}`.°' 1. , ,,'f,
Res, of Crow-
• - adopts ind the same legally correct, was read and upon motion ordered read1 , } , , _' : ; .
ell and upon motion ordered accepted. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, 1 '
f 1 t(
Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Wagner. Nays, None.
tY ITT I �� �; 1
. ;,•�,� # Atty on bond of The report of the City Attorney upon the bond of F. R. Norvell , i i{; ; : ':.•' ;.:':.
rt� • ,' Norvell, City Atty City Attorney, finding the same legally correct, was read and anon Election of Upon motion J. E. Trafton was placed in nomination to fill the s i � ,
"i• . `• , r ' motion ordered adopted. Trafton vacancy caused by the resignation of Fred Crowell; upon motion Mr. Trafton f.li: �1 i 1 ,� i, .-, •
IV. ." '
�•� � ;;_r � was declared elected. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Gibbons, Haugen, i'I � ? i; � •
, • , f- Wagner. Nays, None. Not voting, Dobers. : �°� I`� ;" ' (;� II• 'Ca ''
+} ;ry , Atty on bond of The report of the City Attorney upon the bond of C. C. Temple, 8and he # �i� ;. !,i. ., <<<
g,= ! = , Temple, city Clerk City Clerk, finding the same legally correct, was read and upon (; Clerk administered the oath of office to ldr. Trafton proceed J,. , , r; 71 ,;x :;�,,,.
Oeth adminis The ity . g ' .
,r-; motion ordered adopted. +
tered ed to take his seat; the Mayor requested Mr. Trafton to fill such vacancies ! { ',�� ,!
r`. •t as were caused by the resignation of Mr. Crowell . i .4}{'a3i +
• • . Atty on bond of The report of the City attorney upon the bond of E. Demopoulos, 1 . •':1+ - Ati' i,.
Demopoulos, junk a junk dealer, finding the same legally correct, was read and upon I ir' t t J,'i',, ``'
f'. , dealer motion ordered adopted. Pet. of Howick Petition of Olaf Howick praying for the privilege of erecting a � ,
corrugated iron building on lots six in block 36 was read and upon motion r1' lri+ �,' :.;: ► , ^
� ii ordered referred to the Sewerage and Building Committee with power to act. ; i •1.i ► 1�' '1 i' 1, i•
+•��.�< i + _�, 4th Quarterly Report The Fourth Quarterly Report of the city Clerk was presented to "11 , gip' , ,'. `,'t ' ' '
E' tf:: + of Cty Clerk the Council and upon motion ordered referred to the Finance Committee . • I ' '+
Protest of The protest of the Great Norther Railway �'ompany by John L. Snapp, t :;IF �!' ) ,t '
++ `` i G N. against its Right of Wayand Tax Agent, protestingagainst the vacation of the - t ',1, 4 a F '
'"'r ►, Approx. est. of Eng. The approximate estimate of the City }engineer on the cost of G. ` • C g gr B « " .I, . " 'E '`E'
t , vacation of streets and avenues as petitioned gar by the Apex Fish Company was read s �,. !., s : �� �' ,
r�tt,` H. � on sewer in alley bet laying a lateral sewer down the alley between 12th and 13th streets motion ordered received and placed on file.
„ " _ 5th et al and upon I � 1; ; i ,•�.
ti'i 12th and 13 th from Avenue "G" east• to the M Avenue Trunk Sewer was read and up : 1 ;1 IA: i.,,.i ,k ' r E l';;
. • •, ! on motion ordered received and placed on file.
Protests The Mayor called for protenta against the laying of a lateral sewer k 1.0 it ` ? ., ,��' ir�F
:+s !- Y.
! rip. Com. on Report The report of the Finance Committee on the report of the Street against the down the alley between 12th and 13th Streets from the "G" Avenue east to 1 ; , ' i 1 ,1`, `-,i^,ii •
dR?" i w I
t�,,-,- `..c. i p P laying of a connect with the Trun Sewer constructed on Li Avenue; none were reported , l(�', ' .1• ,g , : �, ^�
;',� �'��•• j;, apt for the moth of Lecember, recommendingthat the same be receiv-
k} ,� , of St. Supt sewer down filed by the uity clerk and none was registered by those present in pursu- • c �. t ;,• i :.,,;,. '
�f. ed and placed on file, was read and upon motion ordered adopted. • 4 i ,' !'� ' ',' i Ey;` `•.s�
:. • ante froma Mayor. 1 :. •,:..
• � . ' Rth and 13th call of the 3
: alil •v it in. Com. on bond The report of the finance Committee on the bond submitted by !. '•{ ,.y
Ord. lso. , Ordinance No. , ebing an ordinance providing for the laying of iI
�.. . of Demopoulos E. Demopoulos, junk dealer, recommending that the same be accepted, • 1 ' 1`' 'j
�•�••'t0; was read and upon motion ordered adopted, and the licenses ordered for sewer in a lateral sewer dwon the alley between 12th and lath Streets from "G" =• 11 . s
issued. alley bet. 12 Avenue east to the Trunk Sewer constructed on "A" Avenue was upon motion t ' ' •
('; • and 13th ordered placed upon its first and second reading by title and ordered - 4 /,: '1.11 t+ ,':,'1'•. . .•
'he report of the Finance Committee on the bond of C. C. Temple, referred to t}ae City Attorney, City Engineer and the Sewerage and Build �, I � t ,
r i • .tt, k . t �:• 1
� kin. Cow. on bond 1tilt -
t•1 ' '. of Temple, city clerk City Clerk, recommending that the same be accepted, was read and inb Committee.
,• ' upon motion ordered adopted. •r- . i i( .+1 '
'rd. No. 634 Ordinance No. 634, being an ordinance providing for the confirming t ,f, 1i ,r
assessment rolls on L. I. Ti. No. 104 was upon motion ordered placed ipil`,' ;
Fin. Com. on bond of The report of the Finance Committee on the bond of Weise and of the ! ill
i h To 11 recommendin that the same be upon its third and final reading by sections; upon motion the title was 1 ,, ji .',;,i . ,••
Weise and I ug y }iughy submitted on L. I. D. I 5, 8 ,
.1 ' accepted, was read and upon motion ordered adopted. adopted as read; upon motion section one was adopted as read; upon motion i' �' ' • I i'`
section two was adopted as read; upon motion section three was adopted as ri •; !I';;i! ". ,.
r' �' read; upon motion section four was adopted as read; upon motion the ord- �„ 1 i h „ , E,• { '
in. Com. on bond of The report of the Finance Committee on the bond of F. R. Norvell, inance as a whole and as read was adopted. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, ji �tf ; I , 1 •i �
*�opvell , Atty City Attorney,ordered adopted that the same be accepted, was read and Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Wagner, Trafton. Nays, None. 1+ ' i, ' � ' 1
upon motion adopted. 'l .i I''i1 '
T. Fin. 0 an^ualof the Finance committee on the annual report of the Ord. No. 635 Ordinance no. 635, being an ordinance providingfor the confirming I1; i a : { 1 ' ' ,! : `'.
om. on The report P ` ' ' . ,j,
of the assessment rolls on L. I. Ti. No. 113 was upon motion ordered placed I h ,IF1. • �';
report of the H. 0. Health Officer for the year 1914, recommending that the same be receiv- I I
4 upon its third and final reading by sections; upon motion the title was IF '.j1� ! j ,
ed and placed on file, was read and upon motion ordered adopted.
+. t adopted as read; upon motion section one was adopted as read; upon motion ik 1 .+. ' ! ; .�
�.< section two was adopted as read; upon motion section three was adopted as ;g:re r •
' �- �• � Fin. Cotr.. on 3rd The report of the Finance COmmittPP on the Third quarterly Re- - EE:f; � 1 ': �:�' �•I ` i i'
� p Q Y
I Report of Treasurer port of the City Treasurer, recommending that the same be received read; ypon motion section four was adopted as read; upon motion bne ord � , . ,;,i. , . ; . 1
inance as a whole and as read was ordered adopted. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, '� ;: ; , 1. •a
and placed on file, was read and upon motion ordered adopted. y Wagner, Trafton. Nays, None. ► , ,l i ,I
Bessner, obeys, Gibbons, Haugen, asps , Y II � ,.
�.4 : , h , Fin. Com. on 4th The report of the finance Committee on the Fourth Quarterly fond of Hard 'he bond of R. E. Hardcastle, City Treasurer, Mae presented tgd to the i,' ' .;:� J r °p '1 ,'
;�_. Report of the Treas. of the Cit Treasurer, recommendin that the same be received �' j+ �� j.
ReportY g castle 11,:;!
1_,,. ,..vaSp'40ba,1016AS�:Lie6dJJu:ill�r,l'�.:1'Ll.m5:hC11ii.1 0iI,4.:�l.k.l�►rlo9��;411+61ig..aLJ al,1,hit. .1r.lralla `-'-
,. .i:-.-. .<- ;,:_ �,.iA .a ; � fir.-•.�� ..t.::." .,.-,•.�,:., ;:,. ':7
' '' ''''' -I 9 6 -Igmzx
9 7 '-
s {. . T ,�,1 \ 1
, , c— i
,. , . , , ri '
L ' •
1_ �- geb'v 2nd, 191.5 stagy ''I ' F , .
- !k
Council and upon notion ordered referred to the City Attorney and the Roll Call BE IT D That the City Council of the City of Anacortes did � • ;+ ; ' i � .
� � Finance Committee. on the 2nd day of Feb'y, 1915 meet in regular session with Mayor Hogan. 1 •.
presiding and Councilmen, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Magner, I ` : ,_` � t
4 •-7-: Application and bond The application and bond of Cooper and Read submitted for the Trafton. respond ng to. Roll Call; Absent, '.one. _ I.
of Cooper and Reed purpose of securing a liguor license was presented to the council and _ i • s ;
upon motion ordered referred to the City Attorney and the License T•inutes appr. The minutes of Jan'y 19th wer4 read and upon motion ordered approved. - • , • .
and Police Committee. ,
tty on bond of The report of the City Attorney on the bond of R. B. Hardcastle, City f• , '
Atty to draft ord. Upon motion the city Attorney was instructed to draft an ord. Hardcastle Treasurer, finding the same to be legal in form, was read and upon motion � :';
amending Ord. 611 finance amending Ordinance No. 611, being an ordinance regulating the ordered adopted. .. 'i
traffic on the streets within the City of Anacortes in accordance with i' '
the views of the Streets and Parks Committee pretaining thereto. Atty on bond 8� , The report of the City Attorney on the bond and application of Cooper ;;�' .1,, ; f - }
�v .: appli. of Coop- and Reed submitted for the purpose of securing a liquor license, finding ' •
Pi:- • ,, . .
Atty to draft ord. Upon motion the City Attorney was instructed to draft an ord- er � Reed the same to be legally correct but that the applicants have failed to :,,�4; ';, . 1
amending Ord. 326 finance amending Ordinance 2io. 32b being an ordinance establishing the sign the bond, was read and upon motion ordered adopted.fire limits within the City of Anacortes by making the limits thereof five lots instead of six lots. Atty on ord• The report of the City Attorney on the proposed ordinance providing ;for latersewer for the laying of a lateral sewer down the alley between 12th and 13thC ck of Upon motion the certified check of Moceri and Carbone amount- •rtified he in alley bet Streets from Avenue "G" east to connect with the Trunk Sewer constructed
(?-- •," Ce K10 0 submitted with Contractor's Bid on L. I. I) no. 114 3 " " finding the same to be legally correct, was read and upon c : 'Moceri & Carbone ink; to � 5 12th and 1 th on Avenue M , ;�
• 1.1 ' -• ".. I forfeited was declared forfeited because of not complying with the requirements motion ordered adopted• Ir T :,�,� 4
of Ordinance t?o 486 as amended re ardin the filingof the bond after ° ' -.,
x ::} ,::. . . 1 the contract has been awarded and the City Clerk ordered to readvertise o olt of Marsh- The report of the City Marshal for the month of Jan'y was presented • ;
' `'x ;. the district. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Haugen, Wagner, Trafton; al for ..Tang to the Council and upon motion ordered referred to the Finance Committee. 1 .;;z$•
tt e=
K • l .\
ez0.4t ,,. Nays, Dobers, Gibbons, ;
r. Report of Just- The report of the City Justice ( W. H. Beard) for the month of Jan'y ! };
"� ; Mayor appoints ST. Upon motion the Mayor appointed the Streets and Parks Committee ice (Beard) was presented to the Council and upon motion ordered referred to the Fin- t 1 , ,
i{Y{y' ^' ' & Pks to repair pity and the Harbor Master with power to act to have charge of the repair• ance Committee. .
I t ,.
. , ;P ' Float ing of the City Float. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, C t . ' 1 ?,
sue: Haugen, Wagner, Trafton. Nays, None. Report •
of Just- The report of the ity Justice (T. P. Edens) for the month of Jan y ,` �. r :
:• ;{ a ice (Edens) was presented to the Council and upon motion ordered referred to the Fin- r : 1l . •
..k• '• % I Clem: to notify owners Upon motion the City Clerk was instructed to notify the prop- ance Committee. � ; • '•• '��
• i . j' et 10th and Cam. to erty owners on the corner of loth Street and Commercial Avenue to pro- ,
r`�' • � '' drain lake teed to drain the pond situated on sue corner. "ng. on ord. for The report of the City Engineer an the proposed ordinance providing � • � �,,� t
xsewer in alley for the laying of a lateral sewer down the alleyn between 12th and 13th s !' s' '�
P -4.fir H. 0. to trun over Upon motion the Health Officer was ordered to turn in all monies bet• 12th and Street from Avenue "G" east to connect with the Trunk Sewer constructed on • �,; ; :i• .• 1 I
•` •,. { treasurer and all future 1 th Avenue "IL" , recommendingthat the ordinance do pass, was read and upon 1 , ! rt>::::'::' ;
.„-.-•.:. .,w . ;= s all moneys collected received from garbage collections to the City 3
K�r :' bills ordered filed and audited by the City Clerk prior to be allowed motion ordered adapted. r'
tl .4 bythe Council. ',I ' :``w• i.r P ; ' r,t; r
Eng. 6th -6st. The City Engineer's six estimate on L. I. D. No. 109 - Ervig and Haug - ,,: ; 'a s
` . ' '`. Renting of Float births Upon motion those renting births at the city Float were ordered cr_ 109 Contractors, - amounting to 1858.9E was upon motion ordered accepted and • . � i � .' i . 1 +
r �,. � 5,� i ^�fK c
, 3 : r:f left to the City Clerk to pay their rental to the City Clerk on or before the 5th day of each allowed. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, obeys, Gibbons, Haugen, 19agner, j I -,•
00, F"`_ month or forfeit their right to such birth. Trafton. Nays, None. i �! `i'
' 1 ,. 1st eat. '
�;�,;. , .,• Marshal - dangerous Upon motion the Mayor was requested to notify the City Marshal Eng. The City Bngineer' s first estimate on L I n Zro. 115 w lfleise & �,,�• i1 � ,t � `�: I. r . � ;,'`
' � -� ~ do at 12th and H re ardin a do said to be dan erous and unsafe for people passing on 115 Hughey, contractors - amounting to $188.72 was upon motion ordered accepted _ , . ,1 ' ;; ,. ,s ,I f;:�,
t-. .- f..- ^?, t3 g g K g "H" .
Roll Call: • es' Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Hau en, �. } j }?' ;'
A, . klocated at 12th Street and Avenueand allowed. A,� 6 1..; , . s 1 Wagner, Trafton. Nays, None. `,r !i( Ei
' { Clerk to buy tallying Upon motion the City Clerk was given permission to purchase a ,;��:- ;
•• :�'� ' _ - Report of St. The report of the St. Supt. for the month of Jan'y was presented to ',.
.5���� �• machine tallyingmachine for the purpose of kee in count on those re istered. n ��`�` s'',� „ � �' '� ,.
tiyr �: Supt. the Council and upon motion ordered referred to the Finance Committee. ':•'!! •Lilt*: } ' ;<<
u ;;i\ 4 •- Adjourn Upon motion Council adjourned.
Fin. Com. on The report of the Finance Committee on the Fourth quarterly Report of ; .f s� c•` ;Flti, �.
t ;- t.,. ' (' report of Clerk the City Clerk, recorrmddning that the same be accepted and placed on file, y `; ' ;, :i_ '' r; <<
a ;• A •
Approved in open Council on the 2nd day of Feb'y. 1915. (
was read and upon motion ordered adopted. 1.Ai.
�l � ; ...:1
'r` `.;' �. Sew. & Bleigs. The report of the Sewerage and building Committee an the proposed 1' ,"1 i l , ., •� ; ti; r
: 4i-sr„ (4(/ /(�frei&Ii!/ providinglaying be- `.,A., l; .,.1; 1 �, ' ; ' '
t;r-�r�:,;, on ore. for sew- ordinance rovidin for the of a lateral sewer down the alley , ;! , ,
a.z'?';:;... Avenue "G" east to connect with the Trunk L t'
r3s; _ er in alley bet. tween 12th and 13th Streets from , a �1•
}r `'� 1 h• �� Mayor 12th and 13th Sewer constructed on Avenue "M" , recommending that the same do pass, was ,i i .'' �i.; !. ' tr :;
�L; ' �� _____.t ► read and upon motion ordered adopted. ;K it ,, , �I . !► r t
I } ;r i} tar
' '` ,� 11.1. 1� tip. , • �. :: ,.:::
�� ity Clerk � 3 :
i , •
l is & Pol . on The report of the License and Police Committee on the etition of i} 1'1 f '�� ' 1 r,E'
Itply: :
; Rosa praying that Liquor License No.
a pet. of Ross W. F. , F y g135 issued to F. A. Whimsett : , - ;t'1:,1 , % •
4�;0 . K,1 F for trasfer be transferred to W. F. Ross, recommending that• the same be granted was ' ' 1 :•,,�
;:• read and upon motion ordered adopted. Roll Call. Ayes, Allan, Bessner, it 1 ..'ill;I ; # "+� i E
: 7 r . Hau enm Wa ner 'lraiton. sa s, None. ': A '
t; ; Dobers, Gibbons, B , , Y i t • !• ,''' {:i..;- :'.t
t . k f, r ( - . ' ,1 Lie. & Pol. The report of the License and Police Committee on the application t 1,31 (' ' i• 1 1, '!'
on bond and appl and bond of Cooper and Reed for liquor license, recommending that the , �� ,1: , ;
- of Cooper and same be granted when the bond was properly executed, was read and upon lit �' ;;!4 ' 1 , ? :' ':1,
• !teed motion ordered adopted. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, }„s ' it , !
I ' Haugen, Wagner, Trafton. Nays, None. :�� ;;li'. tj'�i j
l>}i 1.. . ► 1
k I r If I(• � r {
• Comm:. from Bert Communication from Bert Van Horn asking a refund of $4.00 on General r , 1 .. .t ;
''. Van Horn License No. ?94 wan read and upon motion ordered referred to the Finance •
• ' ,, I 1; i (! ;
. . ,;.� '' Committee. 1} ;:i�'; '! I. 'r
, ,,' l l'et. of Johnson Petition of William Johnson et al praying for the construction of a "i' ,�I 1-''! + • ;
for sewer lateral sewer down the alleybetween 10th and llth Streets from Avenue ,,; �1 I . ; ..,'
1- " " to connect with the Trunk Sewer constructed on Commercial Avenue was F ,M�1 . �,I ;•rlt.
read and upon motion ordered referred to the City Engineer and the sewer-
age and Building Committee. 1;I• �I1! ',�l I . 1 ! ,1
Pet of Smith et Petition of H. A. praying 1 1 .-�' Smith et a1for the construction of a ; f. • ; ,, � 1 .
: '' ti, al for sewer lateral sewer down the alleybetwen 16th and 17th Streets from the east r i• ! ii' rl•-_ line of Avenue "K" east to connect with the Trunk Sewer constructed on rili
!1;' •11,i'.!• ; •,i a +`
tf Avenue "M" was read and upon motion ordered referred to the City Engineer + ;!!"�' ;
• , .
,.j: ,• 1 and the Sewerage and Building committee, (( '� ,, :• ; `` ,
• °rd. No. , to Ordinance No. , being an ordinance amending sectionl of Ordinance �'l'-+ '1 i', !i' .i, ' • 1 !
• ar-end Ord. 326Cityof Anacortes, was upon motion orderedpleaced upon ite ;;: •:= ' ' ,, ' �' x �, '
� ., y� � ,, No. 326 of the a , P P ',!,. :� , ,•�! ;;l ; � I
: .,, 1, first and second reading by title and ordered refferred to the City Attorney ,�'1 1 g I !, : ,, •
1 - 1' ,�,I and the Sewerage and Building Committee. . 4,� �j ; 1it. •� �. _
ii, .., - -- ----- -
CF '
•,-.- . ..• ,--:. - -,-. --• .. —... .- ; .2••••,•••,•••••fer.,•,•,. ..--:•_ •:..-..7-.: •,:!.••••;-.:•' -'":!•-t;••'';•'...••. ' . --' — • -- ' - _ ..
• _. .
. . :,-. , 98
, . " , " ‘ 99 ;v4....,-.-- -.: .
- . . t.„„„ ,
c- 1 , . ...; :, • • ti•il ri t
' }
��' F � i j i i
��4 '
tom- __ —-- --._ _ --' -- _ — — —- -----"—— — .i•g {� i;:-....4.
i -" _T.
� 'tvt
Ord. No. amending Ordinance No. , being an ordinance amending section V of Ordin- Claimant Voucher Amount L�l -r
No. 611 ante No. 611 of the City of Anacortes, was upon motion ordered placed No. !�,1 `�
Ord. ,, -�
upon its first and second reading by title and referred to the City Anacortes American 4942 Printing 11 75 tf•; , '
Blythe Mc. Cauley 4943 Driver of Fire Truck 75 ' Y,: ' . '1 t • •
t .
Attorney and the Streets and Parks Committee. S. G. Brooks 4944 Salaryand Incid. as H. O. 2 •
Ord. No. 636 Ordinance No. 636, being an ordinance providing for the construct- Olive E. Gee 4945 Salary as City Stenogranher 25 70 a', i. ' :r. ,
3 Smith 4 46 Labor 40 50 ,,: i
t ion •
of a lateral sewer down the alley between 12th and 13th Streets R. 9 Ott• • ,
from the east line •
of Avenue "G" east to connect with the Trunk Sewer J . E. Amsberry 4947 Meals for Prisoners 7 75 -,, r . , , •
constructed on Avenue "M", was upon motion ordered placed upon its J. F. Stiley 4948 Draftsman 16 t-A,• ' i ' !
third and final reading by sections; upon motion the title was adopted G. W. Smith 4949 Labor on Garbage Dump 65
r as read; upon motionC. C. Temple 4 O Salaryand misc. es enaes
section 1 was adopted as read; ypon motion sectionP 95p ,, .
- 2 was adopted as read; upon motion the 1st dayof October, 1915 was the as City Clerk 80 65 t '
pH. A. Taylor 4951 Blackswithing 17 80 -01.
. . date set when the first annual instalment bond should become due; the 1st 4 2 Supplies 117 68 f.
day of October 1916 when the second annual instalment bond should become Trick & Murray, Inc. 95 pp _; •
,- _. due; the let day ofOctober 1917 when the third annual instalment bond Columbus Nelson 4953 Auto hire 6 " ; ' -', '' , 1 '
should become due; the 1st day of October 1918 when the fourth annual A. A. Sumner 4954 Salary and misc. expenses ' ; .
as Firs! Chief 114 ,! !
instalment bond should become due; the let day of October 1919 when the ; •
fifth annual instalment bond shoulcd become due; upon motion section 3 Union Print. , 33dg. & ''� 4,
Stat Co. , 4955
Supplies 4 , `� � .
{ was adopted as read; upon motion section 4 was adopted as read; upon
6 was adoptedB. F. Nedrwo 4956 Street work l : ' ! ,
,, Y,f . ) .' motion section 5 was adopted as read upon motion section
., as read; upon motion section 7 was adopted as read; upon motion the Geo. W. Allan & Co 4957 Bond for City Clerk 5 ti .�'{ • - ��
. �'. H. Trafton_ 4958 •
Carpenter work on City Hall 80 - i �:�
;;,> ordinance as a whole and as read was adopted. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, �`'
i;'} r ,' Mdrrison & Mc. Lean 4959 1170 } E i `` 1;,'
:; , , Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Wagner, Trafton, Nays, None. T Premiwn an Fire Insurance 2 • r : ;
N S. D. Temple & Co. 4960 Supplies1 :•' ,hF .
s5 '3.-. Owen Fulk CityMarshal, was presented to the Council and D A. Wilson 4961 Auto hire 4 ,� `
A = F Bond of , •
`� ,.
3 Bond oof _ ulk, Citysupplies 11 90
_- Marshal upon motion ordered referred to the City Attorney and the Finance G. W. Ghannon & Co. 4962 n Hdw. g
4 5 •
t t' ,
rr �� �` Schmidt & Griffiths 4963 ._ Drug supplies `
Committee.v;f W. L. Eaton 4964 2nd Payment on Fire Truck 526 67 ! { ` f
? 1. 1 Bond of Clark, CityBond of W. S. Clark, City Engineer, was presented to the Council A. P. D. 4965 Fire Roll 108 25 • .
h., t
�% ' , Engineer • and upon motion ordered referred to the City-Attorney and the Finance A. W. Henrickson 4966 Street work 10 15 ' j ! ' l • •
>-: . Committee. Geo. M. Gerhard 4967 Salary as City Engineer 40 '' Li °'
ic �,1, .
Anacortes Water Co. 4968 Water and light 274 •IIl
:� fir^ r ii 1t> ,{. ' i . t, is
. `: ,, j Bond of Edens, City Bond of T. P. Edens, Cityraustice, was presented to the Council R. E. Hardcastle 4969 Salary as City Treasurer 60 {
:y=: Police Justice and upon motion ordered referred to the City-Attorney and the Finance ' I '`
ii Jii; •
Committee. ,, the above claims, reportingt +' •• a i. `
,", The report of the Finance Committeeon :I , •!r i ;
:•• - Report of in.
t r +,•7
. .r• Bond of Neely, Bond of W. S. Neely, Deputy 1'arshal, was presented to the Council Com. on claims favorably and recommending that warrants be drawn for the several amounts, '' `1101 ` ` • ;
r"""' �== and upon motion ordered referred to the CityAttorneyand the Finance was read and upon motion ordered adopted. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, `I ; 'i
.. •;-Z. Deputy Marshal
tCommittee. Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Wagner, Trafton. Nays, None. "'� ; 1..1 '• , '1 ,••
r 1.: 11' s Bond of J. S. Varter, Bond of J . S. Carter, Deputy Marshal, was presented to the Council Adjoixrn Upon motion Council adjourned. , , ,
`'`' and upon emotion ordered referred to the City Attorney and the r•inance
Marshal : ,',' it rt ; I `::•
,� ,, , : Deputy ` Approved in open Council on the 16th day of March, 1915. • ii :,
fti Committee. �� i •' ,t ,
4••.': `t rr�� t: ! ' i •1r
• 5,,;,'. , Clerk to open bids on Upon motion the Clerk was instructed to open the bids submitted �,�`, , 3 ' i # 1
"'' � t rintin for the ear 1 1 bid of Anacortes American " ( l '" G f r t� :; t' f•;;
' # - city printingfor the ci y p g Y 9 5, 55 �� x y .: r
- ! ` 'r� .: cents for the first insertion and 35 cents for each subsequebt insert- �' / Mayor �.. j � �. - •,• ' ! !: • ° ..
AX •'x ion." ; bid of Anacortes •
Citizen "60% per inch for the first insertion • r�, >;
y; ; .' ' and 30% per inch for all subsequent insertions" ; upon motion the bids . Clerk �f� !ti �`; ;., ''' 4 ::::•• ••:.
Ci y , h 1 •
` 'il 1 were ordered referred to the Printing, Health and Cemetery Committee. ':-11.11:1;::::::
'' � Revising of Ord. No. upon motion the matter of revising Ordinance No. 594, being an
i „2 '
41;"•i 1 • • r ' ' 594 ordered referred ordinance imposing municipal linenses upon certain classes of business
:��.; to Licdnce and Police within the corporate limits of the City of Anacortes, was ,ordered `'
referred to the Attorne and the License and Police Committee.
• Corlrittee. City` Clerk to notifyA. W. Upon motion the City Clerk was instructed to notify the Anacortes s;..• r 1 ,_ .i i
�y: -; Co. to instal hydrant : Water Company to instal a fire hydrant at the corner of 22nd Street and ` �., t ` i s ,
1-t,:. _ v at 22nd and Com. , Commercial Avenue. Y j ,f(1‘;,{,;1, r , ; i{ 1 ';
�."air: _t Lease of Barth' s Upon motion the lease entered into between the City of Anacortes, •Ii,
i ,. � ' ' • t,
4t. - { referred to St . & Pks : party of the first part and W. F. Barth, party on the first part , on �'} `• ' `
�..�; 1 • I is I��, t.� r;•�I ' �:� r�{�
'�' - t , Committee the 17th day of rune, 1907 was ordered referred to the Streets and .
- Parks Committee. +�>l, i'il `i-,i,! { t .t ,#'' r'' :''i'!"i '
' tf , Clerk to employ help Upon motion the City Clerk was given permission to employ a deputy
4-ii 11 ti.'::11..4
�•�. r to assist in registration.
k �i,��i;k
' I. Claims Claims filed against the Current Expense Fund of the City of Ana- :` i ��� + h
'' tortes for the month of January as follows were ordered referred to fi" t ;,1
the Finance Committee •
. , '
�1. .r 1 :2 I
; f Claimant Voucher Amount ;ii! �� :k��! t ,'j `
: `. ) No. •via;' �'jr'1.'%j it !� 1 !
'; t ' Fidalgo Transfer Co 4920 Team hire $15 00 iI . '� 1. II i 'i '
City Transfer Co 4921 Team hire 25 ! • I; 11 ` „
j` ' i Chas. Tancre 4922 Street work 42 75 �i, I' (ii1, ' it ' 'r
t {
`1 H. Fenno 4923 Street work 10 15 !' ' , 1,10 : , ' `
,f C. A. Lang 4924 Witness fees 2 4 I .4 •+
a B. Bates 4925 Salary as St. Supt. 75 I 1 •
.''A IA i; ' Minnie Mc. Donell 4926 Witness fees 2
Dora Hohnson 4927Witness fees 2 I , t
i Anacortes Citizen 492 Printing 14 35 1 !.`! 1 ,'i '
' - II 0. A. Fenno 4929 Street work 10 15 `' ' ! ''
; T. P. Edens 4930 Police Justice fees 2 50 . ►'
Ili •1',i
,•1 F. R. Norvell 4931 •
Salary as City Attorney 60 • • a�' �' ' 1 ' •,i`
` J. S. Carter 4912 Salary as Dep. Marshal 75 • � � �
•. Geo. Young 4913 Special Police 27 ,yi , ' 1 ,� I E .
,. ;till'.,, ,
{ . Owen Fulk 4934 Salary as City Marshal 88 # 1,
' • , '1' J . T. March 4935 Salary as City Marshal 33 1
:1 Theo. 3axrud 4936 Inspector 59 50 �" 1, ,� '
W. S. Clark 4937 Salary as City Engineer 30 1 II' 1 ' !' I` .J
• ' _ - , ,,: W. S. Neely4938 Salary as Dep. Marshal 30 ;,-'1 ` • ', 1' ;I,' •{.
• ( • ; , S. L. Bates 4939 Street work 45 l.t
' . ' I Thos. Dodson 4 40 Driver of Garbage Wagon 75 a rNl •. 11 r '
w: ! 9 g g • r ,
: • , P. A. Majors 4941 Aalcksmithing 10 •
_ - -.__ _ .� .:;., • , ,..:.,.. .,•, ,.•.. . •h.?•a•. • -.:,,,);• .. ...+.:: ;;fi r. .s••' , ,.
1 •
'j- / ''.- 1(1 C) .
1 0 __L-1 'w41714,- ''
• i\li
,., . ---- - F�b'y 16th, 1915. _
` — 444$ d5fti MJ Rr
;iir • {:.i �
Roll Call BE IT REUEMBERED That the City Council of the City of Anacortes, Carter, Deputy Deputy marshal , recommending that thesame be accepted and placed on file, { c.• •Iy I ,,°
did no the 16th day of Feb' regular session with Mayor was read and upon motion ordered adopted. }'
y, 1915 Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, ,I , T .
Hogan presiding and Councilmen ` r
Wagner, Trafton responding to Roll Call. Absent None. rin. Coin, on The report of the Finanace Committee on the bond of W. S. Neely, , ,
';.' II s .
bond of Neely, Deputy Marshal, recommending that the same be accepted and placed on file, f � ,
Minutes approved The minutes of the previous meeting of Feb'y 2. 1915 was read Deputy was read and upon motion ordered adopted. ' , `
and upon motion ordered approved. '
Fin. Com. on The report of the Finance Committee an the bond of T. P. Eden, t
Mayor appoints The mayor sent to the City "ouncil the name of B. Bates for bond of Edens, Police Justice, recommending that the same be accepted and placed on file, � :
ALL .•
St. Supt. police Judge was read and upon motion ordered adopted.
F. appointnent to the office of Street Superintendent subject to confirm- P P !"
,=. I ation. Upon motion appointment was ordered confirmed. Roll Call: Ayes, _: ,
f` Allan, Bessner, Trafton; Nays, Dobers, Gibbons, Raugen, Wagner. pin. Com. on The report of the Finance Committee on the bond of Owen Fulk, City ' :j • I
b' ..: Marshal, recommending that the same be accepted and placed on file, was •;•
bond of Folk, il
.a- , Appointment of The appointment of B. Bates being not confirmed the Mayor sent Marshal read and upon motion ordered adopted.
1 .'� ` 77 B. Bates and to the city Council the name of 0. A. Lenning for the office of Street
w 0. A. Lennings Superintendent subject to confirmation. Upon motion appointment was Fin. Com. on The report of the inance Committee on the report of the Police
; i ordered confirmed. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers. Haugen, report of Police Justice ( T. P. Eden) for the month of Jan'y, recommending that the same f,'
T be received and placed on file, was read and upon motion ordereda adopted.t. :,,A
Wagner, Trafton. Nays, Gibbons , ustice
Via:;: . Mayor requests The Mayor requested the members of the City Council to investi- Fin. Cos• on The report of the Finance Committee on the report of the Police
+° Council to investi- gate existing conditions in the City &ail with a view of making re- re;ort of Olice Justice ( W. H. Beard) for the month of Jan'y, redommending that the same . `� '
�� � gate jail commendations for its betterment. justice be received and placed on file, was read and upon motion ordered adopted.
` t Pf: 4.
..-.> . l� - • 1 ..
fa� -� �" Atty on ord. amend- The report of the City Attorney on the proposed ordinance provid- Fin. Com. on The report of the Finance Committee on the petition of Bert Van I • { � .����;
.,..-it - ,• "•" ing Ord. No. 611 ing for ammending Ordinance No. 611, being an ordinance providing for pet. of Van Horn Horn praying that he be refunded the sum of $4 00 being the unearned port- ` i ^ _:. .•�i.
the re ulation of traffic on the streets of the City of-Anacortes, for refund on � ��••'�
;�s$..y,'_ f B ion of License No. `jQ7, recommending that the petition be granted, was � _ �':
fit •:t finding the same to be legally correct, was read and upon motion order- license No. 707 read and upon motion ordered adopted. Roll Call; Ayes, Allan, Bessner, ; •!;:,:
r� `fit < -3 ed adopted. Dobers•
, Gibbons, H:nugen, Wagner, Trafton, Nays, None. ! ; t .•,_y
ur, - •
y' ' - l" -' Atty on ord. amend- The report of the City Attorney on the proposed ordinance provid- St. & Pks on ord. The report of the Streets and Parks Committee on the proposed ord- - '` �
• • 3 ing 326, being an ordinance establish- amendingi Ord. finance providing for the amending of Ordinance No. 611 , being an ordinance { h t` E
„< ing Ord. No. 26 for the amending of Ordinance No.
?. : ing fire limits within the City of Anacortes, finding the same to be No. 611 providing for regulating traffic on the streets of the City of Anacortes, , ; . ,i s•{
OVA , '1 recommendingthat the same do was read and u on motion ordered adopted . ' ± ' -•• `
,sR•s`A i legally correct, was read and upon motion ordered adopted. pass, p
t 1�.
' Attyon bond of The report of the CityAttorneyon the bond of Owen Fulk, City St. & Pks on ord. The report of the Sewerage and Building Committee on the proposed ; its
`` .:',, t Fulk, city Marshal Marshal, findingthe same to be legally correct, was read and upon amending Ord. No. ordinance providing for amending Ordinance No. 326, being an ordinance : t :E,:_.:.' �.'
g 326 establishing the fire limits in the City of Anacortes, recommending; that ; , . • s, .t
; , motion ordered adopted. '
the same d pass, was read and upon motion ordered adopted. The
Atty on bond of The report of the City Attorney on the bond of J. P. Eden, Pol II •1
` '� Edens, Police Justice ice Justice, findingthe same to be legally correct, was read and Sew& Bldg. on pet The report of the Sewerage and Building Committee on the petition 1 1 . t �•'`.
of Johnson et a1 Johnson et al praying for the construction of a lateral sewer I� ' - '1 �'
�`, upon motion ordered adopted. of Williatr � :, , i ` � :�� ��{
ax. - P for swer in alley down the alley between 10th and llth Streets and from Avenue "M" east to • � Irt ; ( I 't
<3 • 4<. : bet. l Oth and
4 ' �P.< - Atty on bond of The report of the City Attorney on the band of J. S. Carter, connect with the Trunk Sewer constructed an Cozmercial Avenue, recommending ; � ;': f
r�, ?, 11 th
-,;' Carter, Deputy deputy Marshal, finding the same to be legally correct, was read and that the same be granted, was read and upon motion ordered adopted. �, : . • i," �
it'} ' ' upon motion ordered adopted � , {
• ! 4 r ;,tip
Li{�%iif;4'r.�, t.�. Sew. & Bldg. on The report of the Sewerage and Building Committee on the petition ._{t . {• !•' E'`R �`
A;vim t! ' •, 1f
' ` e Atty on bond of The report of the City Attorney on the bond of W. S. Clark, pet. of Smith of of H. A. Smith et al praying for the construction of a lateral sewer down 1'11 ! 1 1 J i^Et t
r ? •-> • -i' - and 17th Streets and from Avenue "K" east to the '. I ' q '
{ >�;'fr . . . Clark, City Engineer City Engineer, finding the same to be legally correct, was read and al for sewer in the alley between 16th
"P� ` -- -� upon motion ordered adopted. alley bet. 16th Trunk Sewer constructed on Avenue "M" , recommending the sewer be extended ,r !� ; t;'j� ' �;, '
and •
17th to include the 150 feet west of the west line of Avenue "K", was read and t; 1t
t�;s, 1 T Atty on bind of The report of the City Attorney on the bond of W. S. Neely, Deputy upon motion ordered adopted. • 1 „ , , ..
• Neely, Deputy Marshal, findingthe same to be legally correct, was read and upon
Y P Y gilt'ft, °1, tn. ! 1:.i, Print, H. & C. {�'�stR , ,5 ', • The re ort of the Printin Health and Cemeter Committee an the bids t.,, �
{.�, -�G4 , motion ordered adopted. P g Y . 41 t ; ,'.fit'' ,
f; ,<<. on bids submitted of the Anacortes American and the Anacortes Citizen submitted for doing t �t�, s - t. �f�
41 '' � from H. 0. re communication from Health Officer Brooks showing the condition for city print- the city printing for the year 1915, recommending that the contract be i Comm. {
, s. upon in they being the lowest and best bidder, E ;I.''.;, rl� . . s ` r'
{,�{ ' � . � Health Dept. of the Garbage Department was read and motion ordered received S awarded to the Anacortes American,
•;t, k was read and upon motion ordered adopted. Boll Call: Ayes. ' 1; � { ! #'. ,
c. and placed on file. Allan, Bessner, , .t
�. s;
` �,• _ Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Wagner, Trafton. Mays, None. C, t
.;��^ H. 0. gets perrriss- The Health Officer asked permission to purchase a garbage wagona ., 'F
f ,'. r i ion to purchase out of what money remained in the bank providing such purchase did not Pet. of Moore et Petition of H. F. Moore et al praying for the installing of a fire ir!
1 il;lt�s ;. +1 � r : .1 {`'`•Pr ' ; wa on - al for h drant drant at the corner of 2 th Street and omercial Avenue was read andi.i:., ,I..ii.,1,,i;...:11,1t,.,
�'� �,.� , , :4;� ° • g exceed the sum of �50.00; upon motion }aermisaion was granted to pub Y h,Y 9 }t� ,. • �;� chase this wagon. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, upon motion ordered referred to the Fire, Water and Light Cormmittee. N ►. ' i ; i ,� t,. �, .
�.• ti�ti
{' �r. ,,,,'' ' Haugen, Wagner, Trafton. Nays, None.
f•.. r ,_• Pet. of Voitus Petition of Chas, Voitus et al praying for the construction of a " . tMi.: ltt,t:' ' t ‘ I • { ;':',`
et al for side- six foot cement sidewalk on the east side of Commercial Avenue from 15th 11 , t •{ ? ; • ` •' �„ •,t ;
�s, i Eng. vn pet. of Smith The report of the City Engineer on the petition of H. A. Smith , ,
, �= walk on south . Street to 6th Street was read and upon motion ordered received and ' �k `. !, ! ? I ,;�
k i, ` '‘ , i , et al for sewer in et al praying for a lateral sewer down the alley between 16th and 17th 3 1-
* - ! alley bet . 16th and Streets from Avenue "K" east to the Trunk Sewer constructed on Avenuue placed on file. � , � i ..t,.
; ;,'f,•rr' •' •• ; ', 17th "M" , recommending that the sewer be extended to include the 150 feet {q�att�,;
;'s�;,',; F,, " " Pet. of Eubank Petition of E. S. t t'".: :•'h
-. ,. r west of the west line of Avenue K , was read and upon motion ordered p Eubank et al praying for the improvement of Commer- ,k1 '•I, t!;!i;, ;i y�
•• adopted. -t al for pav ,ng cial Avenue from the north line of llth Street to the north line of 36th �,f� ;i. ,t ,tl
v p •
South Commercial Street by paving the roadway of said street was read and upon motion Kilt �! .,;,;!•,, ` ?
- I. Eng. on pet. of The report of the City Engineer on the petition of William John- ordered received and placed on file. 1,11 !} `' '
_ Johnson et al on sew. son et al praying for the laying of a lateral sewer down the alley �! ! lr
Ord. No.
! er in alley bet. bdtween loth and llth Streets and from Avenue "}1!" east to the Commer- 637 Ordinance No.637, being an ordinance amending section 1 of Ordinance 'Et r, 4 .t�{ I
r ,:.i 1t 'I b , ; , i� ,
10th and llth cial Avenue Trunk Sewer, recommending that the petition be granted, No. 326 establishing fire limits within the City of "nacortes, wax upon • • , ; : • • , •
? ; . was read and upon motion ordered adopted. motion ordered placed upon its third and final reading by sections; upon fi'I,E�II '+k, !I, (• I
! motion the title was adopted as read; upon motion section 1 was adopted 1 .�/1 1 '
• ! - Ervigas read; upon motion section 2 was adopted as read; upon motion the ord- , � I •
Eng. 7th and final The City Engineer' s seventh estimate on L. I . D. No. 109 P � I 11• •
esti . on L. I. D. No. & Haug, contractors, amountingto $54 9 69 was upon motion ordered inancde as a whole and as read was ordered adopted. holl Call: Ayes, Allan, 1i • '
109 accepted and allowed. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Uaugen, Wagner, Trafton; Nays, None. ,+l� t ;x .j' t.
Haugen. Wagner, Trafton, Nays, None. Ord. No. 638 Ordinance No. 638, being an ordinance amending section 5 of,Ordinance I�'•.; � i;'� ' ! •t. '
I Fin. Cow. on Han'y The report of the Finance Committee on the Jan'y report of the No. 611 being an ordinance regulating traffic on the streets within the I•' , 'I ,i• ' ! ' 1• 1'
` Ii report of the St. y
`. � ! Supt.
Street Superintendent, recommending that the same be received and City of Anacortes was upon motion ordered placed upon its third and final ( '• �', � t' ''�• ,• �
. . u t. file, was read and upon motion ordered adopted. read by sections; upon motion the title was adopted as read; upon motion 't, ' fI, .!'�i II `.
P placed on P � �� ' t; �' ' �
section 1 was adopted as read; upon motion section 2 was adopted as read; 1I, , I.
} Fin. Com. on report The report of the finance Committee on the Jan'y report of the upon motion the ordinance as a whole and as read was ordered adopted. '. �. .1i' t ,, } .
`i .. of Marshal for Jan'y City Marshal, recomending that the same be received and placed on Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen; Wagner, Trafton, t
''.'t �t file, was read and upon motion ordered adopted. Nays, None. i . ' :;� t
• ' ' .. Fin. Com. on bond of No. Ordinance No. being an ordinance amending the geiherel license t 1; i;; ' , j j
The report of the Finance Committee on the bond of W. S. Clark, �'r`I• ,
_ • . ; Clark, City Engineer City Engineer, recommending that the same be accepted and placed on amending general ordinance was upon motion ordered placed upon its first and second reading . ; • ,•; ) i; a ,i '• .
1, file, was read and upon motion ordered adopted. license ord. by title and ordered referred to the City Attorney and the License and Police r 1 • '; 1,, 1 , 17
. 1 ,i's
• '••, Committee. { •+• !s ' ^'.i.• ! 1' ;;
.`: •
'.I, Fin. Com. on bond of The re ort of the inance Committee on the bond of J. S. Carter, •); '. ` IJ„hit ;� '',.,•
rd. 710. , Ordinance No. . T being an ordinance fixing the dates of delinquency ;', ,
1. t ta', . ---.._----.-- _ �-.. _ __ _. .-- - -- -- ^'�tZ�� ,��I;?1 ` .
a �1�kllk-�daiY�Jat:S IvJ►wi^br�YdJtf.4rlX�U����yy����� 4 ���� '4'
V.e.,'. ..'Scic'a1.:,:d.S.16..61.'.amit'4'A gAt..:Vt v: ' ti1„OA �: iggi°i'�`:.v .
i I 0 f-1 1Orj) ate'
t :A.r. •, ' y t' • : - fill . t •.f•. = �. is11;11'
Feb v 23rd. 191K- ciiti * ' 1 {
. ..., ' "'` •
D 1 BE IT • 4 RMRRABD That the City Council of the City of Anacortes did ', 1' '• • ' �I .-_4? t
re. bonds on #107 of installment assessments in Local Improvement istrict No. 107 was Roll Cali;
its first and second readingbytitle on the 23rd day of Feb y, 1915 meet in regular adjounred session with 1 ;i: :;, �
py upon motion ordered placed upon F Committee.
and ordered referred to the CityAttorneyand the Finance oa�ittee. ;Mayor Hogan presiding and Councilmen Allan, Bessner, Dobera, Gibbons, Haugen, �' 1 '' :�
' 'Trafton and Wagner responding to Roll Call. Absent tone. 01 � ,
H. O. on pulomotor Health Officer Brooks brot to the attention of the City Council
of The Mayor explained to the Council that the meeting was for the f4Li : 'f .! `�i • , •
r 1 the purchase of a pulomotor andthe Mayor appointed a committee of purpose .
of Councilmen Bessner, Trafton and Allan to investigate meeting purpose of taking under consideration the feasibility of amending section lt=` t '.' r
` ; - 3 three consisting . beingan ordinance providingfor the acquiringby '�'�`�;„, ' i ? ,, ?.`"',
- and report to Council regarding the feasibility of making sucha , 4 of Ordinance No. 633, r.� •.
purchase or condemnation of the water system of the Anacortes Water Co. : * :A' . • '
Council- was waspassed declaringAdjourn
Upon motion Council adjourned. { t . `
} Res. to pave and Upon motion a resolution of the City ouncil Adj ti t:
sidewalk south i its intention of paving Commercial Avenue from the north line of llth ,,
Approved in open Council on the 2nd day of March, 1915. till '. :!{ _ ;
Commercial : Street to the north line of 36th Street and for constructing cement : �.
sidewalks on the east side of said street between 15th and 36th.St and � i
CityCouncil .
� setting the 16th day of March, 1915 as the date when the it <;��%'C�S�GI� �"' ' • -
would convene for the purpose of considering protests against the said ^ ::
improvement. Roll Call: Ayes, Bessner, Dobers, Haugen, Wagner, Trafton, 1 Mayor _' +r ;
.x; Nays, Allan, Gibbons. } '-t-ef-( j.
City Clerk / , is i z
, :,�. Rea. appointing Upon motion a resolution of the City Council was passed appoint- • i is ti: .
; , : ' ' election officials ing the lection officials for the respective wards and precincts for . •' . ' fi
- --- (} the Special Election to be held on the 16th day of March, 1915. Roll E?'`; �� ,
•. • - . Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, "obers, Gibbons, Haugen, Wagner, Trafton. 1.j ! 4 •
����„ rt. Nays, None. ; I i ��i l
,' • • Clerk to open bids on Upon motion the Clerk was instructed to open the bids submitted ' #• `` `�`
.-r• 114. on L. I. D. No. 114; bid of L. R. Ellis amounting to $277 00; bid of i•
.lix'! ': • y • 1 Amsberry and Ye. Cl in- B. B. Amsberry and J J. C. Mc. Clinton amounting to $229 30; bid of r. r i : S ` i +.
• °' } �'' + ' ton awarded contract.
Jack Gebtle amounting to $264 00; bid of Nels Erickson amounting to ,' ;
'1�-;• • s• ` $236 90; Mc. Clinton and Amsberry being the lowest and best bidder the •
_ . 1 i contract was upon motion awarded to them and the Mayor and the City ;� � I�
.r Clerk instructed to sign the necessary contract upon the filing of a ±i , ;� :
~▪ `:; .lji bond. Roll Call: Ayes, llan, Bessner, Dobera, Gibbons, Haugen, Wagner, . 4. I }
'(x !i Trafton, Nays, None. ,
te€�:: i Polling places referr Upoxl motion the matter of securing proper polling places for the �� a•;, ' IF ! r. .
' ed to Judiciary Com. Special Election to be held on the 16th day of Larch, 1915 was ordered , 'i! "
• yt..:i1/2
and the City Clerk referred to the Judiciary Committee and the City Clerk with power to
C • A Bessner Dobera Gibbons, Hau en, Wa ner. k} 1,..,,..s
-- act. Roll all yes, Allan, g g , , � � ,; ;
.� . Trafton, Nays, •None. 1.-ii •• .+i ;t ,� • .r;
,i :� ~`;' City Clerk to accept Upon motion the City Clerk was instructed not to accept any money f � ,
` � ,-r.. a: no rentals on leases 11 in payment of rentals on any leases given by the City of Anacortes un- j•,
'''.. '''''''' ..:'''''''''' ';''':::..
<. less authorized so to do bythe City ouncil. , ,t i t I l' 1
r : .? Atty and Clerk to Upon motion the City Attorney and the City Clerk were instruct- �; tik
; confer with Attys in ed to go to Seattle and confer with Mr. Bwuce C. Shorts regarding the • , I, i �� .; i r' ;s
.r3, ,%' , . Seattle i' amending of the general improvement Ordinance No. 486, as amended. ' (, l , �, , {, ,
.. < Atty to draft ord. Upon motion the City Attorney was instructed to draft an ordin-
! "4. t',;.1.• •,. ;:,
z ts, •
i ,), t, :i., I
268, beingan ordinance a fee of r
g; amending Ord. No. 268 epee amending Ordinance No. imposing `' � 'j f t
`Q: ''+", 1 , 00 for the issuingof a building permit, by changing the fee from , r '-�i� � ',
vim' .� ' • . $1 ' k,)` . :'. ,':
ti+ i 1 00 to 25%. �'�! '' 1a'1`ytip;'. yt, s.1'd�{ ° •
�` F H• . 0. to notify owners; Upon motion the Health Officer was instructed to notify the a
a.M + ', , to drain property at 1 property owners at the corner of 10th Street and Commercial Avenue , - i ,1 j �r ., i• t',, :f
i ; ' • HA • 10th and Commercial ; to drain their ro ert b connectin with the sewer in accordance withI
.0 .} i !I Avenue the provisions of Ordinance No. 310 . Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, • ! 4 '1rj I
;r ,�•r , Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Wagner. Trafton. Nays None. i 11'001 1 �i ' t_ '.•{ .
;;�r }f. ; Marshal to charge Upon motion the City Marshal was instructed to present a bill of i_i_ ! ` 1 ;.. t1;Zt , + i
ate •,: e,` for foreignprision- 1 00per dayto the proper officials for each prisoner detained in ' .S f . t��, .`. ? I
r.^�' 1 g P P i
'y +l. w 1 , era expenses the City Jail on cases toher than which the city is directly interested. t ( ! ` i. '.•:E•'
li,' rcl,:,4, ;, .3tt ;i“ .1i;.!:.';', :::.•
�,, fig; t. Adjourn. Upon motion Council adjourned to meet in regular adjourned seas •-
• .. . ion on the 23rd day of Feb'y, 1915 for the purpose of considering the ► ',+ .`{ 1``j1:E:,
'' `'f: ' ` re a in of certain sections of Ordinance No. 6 . Upon motion the 1 i i )-' '!1' I.
'"'. Ki-'{', ',,.
" 4 I. j. ' City Attorney was instructed to prepare an ordinance amending that 1 '1 ( ' 4' ::.a4'*
'' '� ` + section of Ordinance No. 6 settingthe date for holding the Special I •t•-� .. I. is t ;,I ,�, , E '�.,
,. Water Election. i
, Upon motion council adjourned. , il
' ' i, + �`
- Approved in open Council on the 2nd day of March, 1915.
1 •
115 !, ,�t. I
--;':,. • , _____...__..._Cc. ......---72 ,
, 4 ;it' .). .1 • ' ,. r
Mayor i i 4 J ` i i , ,
ity lerk
I ''i i'
i 1 ,, ! t: 1 ', .1 •, , ,,
i ,' t I Iii , . H
i! rililif.
. a'' ' ' .... {' 1 , i .•! • p
• ..,
I � dii; { ?i ! Mt ii:i +it i
r I i ai i. :. ,,
IIF1 .
rRt a •' ' 'r�1. ,.{
• . 1 C5 : , . . -\• --..
, . ; . : 1, , t• • f %
4` f r' I !t' •
r I,- ; - i {.) -
. 'i r
.7. - arc Yh 2nd, 1915_ _ 4 ,
-� ` No. 107. was upon motion placed upon :: r I �; •
-� • Roll call BB IT REMEMBERED That the City Council of the City of Ana• of the date for bonds on L. I. D.
'tortes, did non the 2nd day of ?larch, 1915 meet in regular seswion its third and final reading by section; upon motion the title wax adopted ' 1 '� . '
with Mayor Hogan peesiding and Councilmen Allan, 'Bessner, Dobers, as read; upon motion section 1 was adopted as read; upon notion section 2 . I . • }
.t Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, Wagner responding to Roll Call; Absent, 1'one. was adopted as read; upon motion section 3 was adopted as read; upon mot- 'II '}
' : ion section 4 was adopted as read; upon motion the ordinance as a whole ,
' ; 4 Minutes approved The minutes of Feb'y 16th and Feb'y 23rd were read and upon and as read was adopted. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons. ' '
-- motion ordered approved.
iiaugen, Trafton, Wagner. i:ays, alone. '
Minutes relating to Upon motion that portion of the minutes of the City Council Ord. No. 640 Ordinance No. 640, being an ordinance imposing municipal licenses ,
--t.',' H. 0. order exoung- appearing on page 100 of the Record of Proceedings of the City Council within the City of tnacortes, Washington, was upon motion placed upon its
' ' Ie in Words and figures as follows: - "The Health Officer asked permission third and final reading by sections; upon motion the title was adopted as ii !'• '
to purchase a garbage wagon out of what money remained in the bank read; upon motion section 1 was adopted as read; upon motion section 2 ;,,,` `t, i
- providing such purchase did not exceed the sum of $50.00; upon motion was adopted as read; upon motion section 3 was adopted as read; upon mot- .,•
"y • permission was granted to purchase this wagon; Roll Call: Ayes. Allan, ion section 4 was adopted as read; upon motion sedtion 5 was adopted as -Iv'
- Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, Wagner. Nays, None, " was • read; upon motion section 6 was adopted as read; upon motion section 7
ordered expunged and stricken from. the record. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, was adopted as read; upon motion section 8 was adopted as read; upon mot-
'Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Wagner, Trafton. Nays, None. ion section 9 was adopted as read; upon motion section 10 was adopted as
,; read; upon motion section 11 was adopted as read; ypo
n motion section 12
on defects 'of The report of the City Attorney on the defects in Ordinance was adopted as read; upon motion section 13 was adopted as read, upon mot- `
Atty •
:;, '-,' -'L Ordinance No. 486 No. 486 as amended, recommending that the same be amended to conform ion the ordinance as a whole and as read was adopted. Roll Call. Ayes, i . ,
:. -)•- ! to the state laws, was rend and upon motion adopted. Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, Wagner. 2�ays, None. i • j;
r�` {1 ^, � `1 f r Clinton submitted on L I. `J•i • •. ' • � � ���`
.•: =:;, . '`� :-:' Atty on prop. ord. The report of the City Attorney upon the proposed ordinance lon;� of Amsberry he bond of B. F. Amsberry and J . C. Mc. + r
resetting dates on providing for 'the resetting of the date for bond issue on L. I. D. tt ;1-c. Clinton D. No. 114 was presented to the `'ouncil and upon motion ordered referred qq�° �'
s,"slegallycorrect, was read and upon y to the Attorney and the ` anance Committee. '" "'t'
` � = ,: v . 107 No. 107, finding the same to be City _ :�
.::; `;; : ..• . ; motion, adopted. - • • 4 •
.. > . ,`
t :.• H. Barrow submitted for the purpose of digging or , `
,,_ . ti. Bond of The bond of B. ; . ,
' ' reportyAttorney proposed amend- Barrow causing to be digged holes or excavations on any of the streets or alleys ' ! :
':- ;. Atty on prop. ord The of the Cat on the ro osed ordinance c ;
•W. g `� • amending Ord. No. ing •
Ordinance No. 594, finding the same to be legally correct, was read ' within the City of Anacortes, Washington, was presented to the the Council I. i s
nY �
3ti , and ordered referred to the City Attorney and the Finance Committee. i ; , 'i
.s':��s •
, 5a4 and upon motion adopted.
I, E, i t i <
.�Y� , ' to lay lat. A resolution of the City Council declaring its intention to lay a # j !• f, c
Marshal' s report The report of the City Marshal for the month of i+eb y was pre- Hes.
Y for Feb'y sented to the Council and upon motion motion ordered referred to the sewer bet. 10th lateral sewer down the alleyn between 10th Street and llth Street from ,' -j •' .` i a ` t:
Finance Committee. and llt.n the east line of Avenue "M" east to connect with the Trunk Sewer construct- ' 1 �. I , . :- •, � •
��r s i .
} ed on Corr,mercial Avenue and setting the 6th day of Avail as the date when ! , : `
: ' protests a ainst the said improvement would be heard was upon motion pass- , ;,! - '
:''�l'. ' ' Justice' s report The report of the Police Justice for the month of Feb y was P L u . �,: , + .
r :•
.t>r :, t� for Feb'y ,presented to the Council and upon motion ordered referred to the Fin- ed by the Council; 11ol1 Call; Ayes, Allan, Bessner, obers, ibbons, Haug- ,.;;� ��1;, `. •`:Ili Iii:;1:.:!;'..,.;!ii,1i-.0. -• anance Committee. en, Trafton, Wagner. I:ays, None. i� '
t -. The of the Street Superintendent B. Bates) for the Res. to lay lat A resolution of the City council declaring its intention to lay a . s1 ' - '4 l'-
St. Supt. ' s report reportp ( ;� � ��, '
'; ;6. '. ! for Feb'y 'month of Feb'y was presented to the Council and upon motion ordered sewer bet. 16th lateral sewer down the alley between 16th and 1 jth Street from 150 feet . , ! , l' . ,
'referred to the Finance Committee. and 17th west of the west line of Avenue "K" east to connect with the Trunk Sewer ' ,.,1 !.• t, i • Ii0
``°; '' constructed on Avenue "ill" and setting the 6th day of April Ps the date , l ` .cif :'� ' " St. Supt. ' s report The report of the Street Superintendent ( O. A. penning) forwhen protests against the said improvememnt would be heard was upon motion :�� t ,' .d 4S°n,,.. :�. for 1'eb'y the month of Feb'y was presented to the Council and upon motion order- , passed by the Council: Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, +°.,f1 . ;i , •.° ' '' • ed referred to the Finance Committee. Haugen, Trafton, Wagner. Nays, ?ions. , ', f., `
tFinance Committee on the ro osed ordinance Pes. to pave A resolution of the City ''ouncil declaring its intention of paving ` ; +} ! : ' ' i.. t f �;,; :.- Fin. Com. on prop. The report of the proposed
! • ord. resetting dates providing for the resetting of the date for bond issue on L. I. n. No. south Commercial Commercial Avenue frazr the north line of llth Street to the south line of ? .,f j. , �., ;; :.•: .,:;
' 107, recommendingthat the same do pass, was read and upon motion adopted. Avenue 36th Street by laying a strip of pavement 18 feet in width and for construe �� ,t "; ` 1
�� i`.t on j�107 a ,, ,a�� ; , tc,
ing a 6 foot cement sidewalk on the east side of Commercial Avenue from the ;i3. - J. ,, ;,< , } , <
':f .,-.i;.*4 : ' -
I Fire. W ter and Light Committee on thepetit- north line of 1 "th Street to the north line of 36th Street and setting the x , , �,'i , : :
;N'I;.nil Fire, Water & Light The report of the a g y ii
' F on pet. of H. F. ion of H. F. Moore et al, recommending that a hydrant be installed at 6th day of April as the date when protests against the said improvement •1,, li !'�;, �; ;�`� Moore et al .thee corner of 29th Street and Commercial Avenue, was read and uponwould be heard was upon motion passed by the ouncil. RollCall:2Joes, .' ,+ ,;J�,�� 1, . . �; `,
�s i motion adapted . AllanI , Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Wagner, Trafton. Nays, 4. l J , .
�.:jR. • Lie. & Po? . Com. on The report of the License and Police "ommittee on the proposed Clerk to open Upon motion the Clerk was instructed to open the bids submitted on '' '' 'l''` l ,' %`,� i
{z ` ` �' ��: No. 594, bids on #116. Improvement District No . 116' bid of Mc. Kenzie and Wallace amounting ,•i .... . , l •�
� ff�st,; prop. ord. amend- ordinance providing for the amending of Ordinance recommend- Local �1 , I � �°
Erickson award- to a2467;20; bind of Jarvis abd Ward amountingto $240 40• bid of Riddle , ! �;. 0, ;, is
, � . ing Ord. No. 594 ing that the same do pass, was read and upon motion adopted. ed the contract and Shields amounting to $26 4 1, bid of Pacific Sewer and Water Main ;`ii{'',;�' ii;I�i , '1 '► ' `
? •
. � III 9g 3 bind of Franklin Quarry and �it'll ,,:' t ; . ,, ,�I 'li ti�
Improving Jail Upon motion the matter of improving the interior of the City Construction Company amountin to 32278 50;
"' '{' ' • } Jail was referred to the Sewerage and building Committee with power Construction Company amounting to $2892 00; bid of L. 8
,� 4 R. Ellis amountin i •i, •i `;
4.74, �[cr�, I 1: , . to act. Roll Call : Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, to $2918 40; bid of Nels Erickson amounting to $2141 96; Nels Erickson I;�, ����'.! �;�i `'� ;<< �t,' 1,
Wagner. Nays, None. being the lowest and bidder bidder, the contract was, upon motion , award- r ; 1t , j I !• ;?;„:• ;..-
j 1 g ed to him and the Mayor and the City Clerk instructed to enter into the " ' .'•%:•`:.
'`•t` 'i �i . C o the filing of a good and sufficient bond. Roll ti
+ `' ' ! , 14Jn it to necessar contract u n g g I•: •
>:. • i � Pet. of Trafton et Petition of F. H. Trafton et al Fraying of the council c Y P
y Haugen, Wagner, Trafton. ! ,� i �. ' e71:
�,�``', ' � '� � al pave Commercial Avenue from llth Street to 36th Street with an eight- Call: A es, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, ,g ,, 1 ,1 �, Ut�� , : een strip Kos read and upon motion ordered received and placed on file. Nays, None. ; i 4;' i ,,. . t.0 ,
Pet. of O'Grady et Retition of E. B. O'Grady et al, praying for an amendment to Matter of pur- The matter of purchasing new hose for the fire department was brot Tio1 ��';4, ' i
-'... J •' al for amendment to the general improvement ordinance of the following clause: That on all chasing new to the attention of the City Council and upon motion the matter was ' ;,;t1'. , ' ';
C. hone referred to the Fire, Water and Light Committee. :i'1 ,
general improvement work that may be done by contract by said city, and in all work doneI � ' `
by said city, the citizens of said city shall be given the preference •;4tt'i •hi i 'E t'
ordinance Clerk �,,,� ',!", � + •
in matter of employment , was read and upon motion the petition was Clerk to tonnes- Upon motion the City was instructed to correspond with the 1f !..i, . 1 , ,,ii'
,H; . ', ! , received and placed on file and the City Attorney instructed to draft Pond with Zit . V City Clerk of Mt. Vernon in an endeavor to ascertain whether that city '� Y6 �i �; 1;,' ! , ! ,
, 'the necessary amendment. licensed automobiles used in earring passengers for hire and the amount of `� ,�i ii :! ('' '' i ! i ,
`,. the license. ;.i� ; j.- I; I ' ,
Pet. of Sager et al Petition of Alber Sager et al, praying for an amendment to the •
amendment to :general improvement ordinance of the following clause: that on allwork Clerk to not- Upon motion the City `'lerk was instructed to notify S. Morton to � : 1'i II �I� ,,• .,'
i for 8 P
general improve- that may be done by contract by said city and in all work done by said ify Morton to cause to be moved fence which is reputed to be located on pne of the streets I t, ;# 1•,
Rove fence in Brownings Addition. • ,;
t went ordinance city the citizens of said city shall be given the preference in the g ���; . :� ;,, ; iF
of •
employment , was read and upon motion the petition was receiv- (i i, �:� r t
matter P
.a t ed and placed on file and the City Attorney instructed to draft the Claims Claims filed the Cit of Anacortes for the month of Feb'y, �! ,' , ' ,'•
r againstY Committee. ! �� �' 'i
ti ,necessaryamendement. as follows was ordered referred to the Finance -
,1 ,
I0*' • ; j : Pet. of Post for Petition of Mary E. Post asking permission to construct a cement CURRENT EXPENSE FUND ! ., ; i ;. . ; ,� �(,
`. t: , sidewalk. sidewalk on the north side of 8th Street beteen Avenue "F" and Avenue "G" " , '_ .
' ' 1! was read and upon motion ordered referred to the Streets and Parks Committee j ' �':;, s l t• 1 +'
Claimant Voucher Amount .;� I� i 1�� y � �• 1 ,
� : • i and the City Lngineer. 0. A. Lenning 4970 Partial salary as St. Suet 37 50 1,! , ' .1 i ' ,�
t H. Fenno 4971 Street work 28 10 i�`•, 'I' : ; ! ' , i,
Ord. No. . , amend- Ordinance No. , being an ordinance amending Section 1 of Ord- William Lowder 4972 Street work 9 ir ' Ii;l;lit• `' + ,' i i
' '* ( in inance No. 268 of the City of Anacorten, Washington, was upon motion Chas Freund 4973 Street work 6 75 E : ' - +
- 's ,i g Ord. 268.
! .. !aplaced upon its first and second reading and ordered referred to the S. L. Bates 4974 Street work S 50 60 j! , i, I�; a ;' ikt .
•I , ewerage and Building Committee and the City Attorney. B. Bates 4975 Partial salary of St. upt 37 50 i : ! , ,}, ,,,
. . , , '.I./ ;:‘ . Fidal o Transfer Co. 4 6 Team hire 15 !!, • III''',4 ',,�j
I. g 97 , . •
• = '.R>' • • Ord. No . 639 Ordinance 639, being an ordinance providing for the resetting + r ,r_ _
' ' •
• ' A tt,'�.w-� nmtty "'ran- -_ -^"� _ ----" ---- -- - -- r.Rr E1 - " -
;•: .: ••- ',••; --•:. ---:•-• 7:-.',-,:•:;,-:•••,-: ',:f: "..:-..:;:7!.7.', i, '..-' ..:;•.,t,7.:!;t:•• •1•;•:..;;-"; ••.?...-,t.........::.:;'''..•- -• ''• -'' ' — - _ ___ _ _
...,. .
.. . -,- - - -. 106 t•-• --- .
10 s' "44I''' '' .
• •
march 16,.h, 1915, t . •
u, _'' I c
1 i ,
4 . '°�: a11L,k, ., -I .A. 'j.a T -
.� lus-`l �S.J; �i
' -= Roll Call BS IT REMEMBERED That the City Council of the City of Anacortes, =1 : ; .' j 3, • :.'
,; Claims : Anacortes Ice Co. , 4977 Feed 19 25 did on the 16th day of March, 1915 meet in regular session with Council- v' : '
. City Transfer Co. 4978 Team hire 5 men Allan, Bessner, �Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, Wager responding to 1 ,, :�
kJ: - R. E. Hardcastle 4989 Salary as CityeTreasurer 60 Roll Call. Absent, Mayor Hogan.
i C. Tancre 4980 Street work 33 75 `
'' i i G. W. Krebs, Agt. 4981 Rental of H. H. Site 1 Wagner elected Due to the absence of Mayor Hogan the Council upon motion elected +� {
-,— ; Anacortes Afierican 4982 Printing 15 15 pro tear Councilman J. H. Wagner mayor prote!•. • ;
• J . S. Carter 4983 Salary as Dep. Marshal 75 ' `
- Owen Fulk 4984 Salary as Marshal 90 :-inutes app. The minutes of the previous meeting of March 2nd, 1915 was read +,: •; . ` •
• .
`i',. J . •
E. Amsberry 4985 Meals for Prisoners 12 50 and upon motion ordered approved. -; ; i•
W. S. Neely 4986 Salary as Dep. Marshal 75 ; i 1 >
Theo. Saxrud 4987 Inspector 18 25 Atty on bond of The report of the City Attorney on the bond of B. F. Amsberry and ;! _ + •
Everett Schrimsher 4988 Special Police A ebberry & Lac. J. C. Mc. Clinton submitted on Local Improvement District 114, finding f,• f; 1 '
Chas. Flemming, 4989 Team hire 1 Clinton the same legally correct, was read and upon motion ordered adopted.
i • Anacortes Citizen 4990 Publishing 21 20
W. S. Clark 4991 Salary and expenses as Atty on b9nd of The report of the City Attorney on the bond of B. H. Barrow sub-
f City "ngineer 104 35 Barrow mitted for the purpose of digging or causing to be digged holes or ex- .; ':,
Eckstein Quinby 4992 Chainman 6 cavations in the streets and alleys of the City of Anacortes, finding ;
O. A. Fenno 4993 Street work 5
6o the same to be legally correct, was read and upon motion adopted. ? ' i. ,
g:�,. =;� F. R. Norvell 4994 Salary and espenses as , -
'...--'. .-`-'1'�. 'S
City Attorney 70 F. 0. Recommends A communication from Health Officer recommending that a trunk • � ; `1 �c }
-� I A. F. D. 4995 Fire Roll 10 50 trunk sewer sewer be constructed so as to drain that protion of the city between 13th ; ;`"•..`
r` r ! and 18th Streets adjacent to Avenue "0" was read and upon motion referred : .
5fJ. z Fred Fisher 4996 Labor 7 13th to 18th3 ' ' ,
" A. A. Sumner 4997 Salary and expenses as to the Sewerage and Building Committee. '``' '
YF` ��, 315
t� � Fire Chief 10 ; 4 .�'*,
f sV i Blythe •
Mc. Cauley 4998 Driver of `ire Wagon 75 Eng. on pet. of The report of the City Engineer on the petition of Mary E. Post rs, !,
.yn } -rc
s ;� ,- 1 . , R. E. Smith 4999 Labor 21 ?;any E. Post prayig for permission to construct a cement on 8th Street between Ave- f } � I• �
Wiz, ne "F" and Avenue .. G , recommending that the petition be granted provid- i • L
,; � - :Pioneer Bindery and
j �;. 1! ., Printing Co.. 5000 Election supplies 27 73 ed the petitioner agrees to construct a curb in front of the property
; ,` ',Ed Hudson 5001 Chainman 3 and curb return and walk intersection at the wouthwest corner of the
• -4 . G. W. Smith 5002 Labor on Garbage Dump 65 • block, was read and upon motion adopted. f� , j � j ` `
Island Transfer Co. , 5003 Team hire 43 50 . } : - - 4`<.;,:.''
. ,t, „ Tolls 7 14 Fin.
s, !; O. S. Tel. Co.Co. , 5004 Com. on The report of the Finance Committee on the report of the Police . :, ,� , ! >f*
i •• Anacortes Ice C 5005 Feed 8 35 report of • Justice for the month of Feb'y, finding the same to be correct and • ; ! ,
` Nott-Joslyn Vo. , 5006 Supplies for `ire Dept 46 75 Justice recommending that it be adopted, was read and upon motion adopted.
�, i i ,r•
Li , ,w Curtis Wharf Co. , 5007 Coal 37 40 ,. �� a. i` + •
Com. on the report of the Finance Committee on the report of the Street , .,,
r; ; ' Studebaker Brs. Co. 5008 Payment on note 353 48 Fin. I
:" C Bond ffbr Treasurer 60 report of Superintendent for the month of Feb'y (B. Bates) finding the same to ' "f ' , '!, . ii . t. '•':
<< ....;., •: ; American Surety a. , 5009
i' .c }
: :.v...:; 'Knapp and Robneberger 5010 Labor and supplies 5 25 St. Suet beb correct and recommending that it be adopted, was read and upon motion 'q. : 11 , / ; 1,' • ` ;
5 ' ir -T Griggs Stationery and
'; � f' `_`. ' PrintingCo 5011 Stationery 4 60 i f
�j'E•i � �� �' �i� �' � S �'t:�
= ,' The report of the Finance Committee on the report of the Street ; M `'f
i;fc� it` Fidalgo Lumber and Fin. Com. on ,t. i 1 ,it• i . !!
<• f. BoxCo48 10 report of Superintendent for the month of Feb'y (O. A. Lenning) finding the same ,
' r. �, , C 5013 Lumberesc s p S to be correct and recommendingthat it be adopted, was read and upon • '{':. ". i ` `''`'
�•'���� ,_,- �.W. H. Beard 5013 Descriptions 30 80 .,t. upt motion adopted. P � `� �� � ,• $ +'�,, � ��
,.,',a,.� . J. A. Douglass 5014 Drug supplies 9 25 `
R. E. Smith 5015 Salary . as as Dep. City Clerk 40 , r i , ,., `1 E
:; . 7
. { .". _! i S. D. Temple & Co. 5016 Supplies 11 25 Fin. Cod►. on The report of the inance Committee on the bond of B. H. Barrow . I .• a• E ;,
f- _f, , Ij Olive E. Gee 5017 Salary as City Stenographer 40 bond of Barrow submitted for the purpose of digging or causing to be digged holes or { 1; . ;` `' t ' , 'r
# + • B. Van Horn 5018 Refund on license 4 excavations in any of the alleys or streets of the City of Anacortes, �� , _,�;� �� ,.•.
'y{ findingthe same to be correct and recommending that it be accepted. 4 1,, iM i,. ;'• ;; ;`
'�4; ' ' G. W. Shannon & Co. 5019 Suppi i s s 10 40 1
ty • +' was read and upon motion adopted. { v+� �' 'f i
0.'• ' C. C. Temple 5020 Salary and expenses as P ; 1 y , 1 •��
� .a + • amity "leek 88 50 '� t ' •" �h� + `
Et,t;,a`. •1 ! A. W. Hendrickson 5021 Street work 9 Fin. Com. on The report of the Finance ommittee on the report of the City ; +4 • ` !;..= !'!,1,,,
s:•;: .• ,
,, ;_:• • T. P. Edens 5022 fees 1?_ 50 report of ldarshal for the month of Feb'y, finding the same to be correct and 'i 1 i' S
•'.'7x•.:, !I Thos. Dodson 5023 Salary as driver garbage Marshal recommending that it be adopted, was read and upon motion adopted. _t1' J' f'• ` ':` '
`. : ; ' Wagon ?5 4 , 1 1
The report of the finance Committee on the bon of B. F. Amsberry , � `� " .; !4 ,kF 1 ' '4... •{
�`�°� ' :,� Chas. Voitus 5024 Desk Rod chair 42 50 Pin. Com. on p �. f � '
,�,:� ,,1' . S. G. Brooks 5025 Salary and expenses as bond of Amsberry and J. C. eLc. Clinton submitted on Local Improvement District Nol 114, ' ; ,+ � ;�t
l'I't } ; • Health Officer 40 and Lc. Clinton finding the same to be correct and recommending that it be adopted, was t` 1; t 1; ',�`1 ,i' , + !• ;'
61 c
read and upon motion adopted. i ! R• ' �.�rj�� ' ' ;;+t �
• 'i` j Anacortes Water Co. , 5026 Water and light 257 15 p • ;•;1:::;;•! ••'''.
;�;,.fit, . St. & Pks on The report of the Streets and Parks Committee on the petition of ,
�p p , �.a • pet. of Mary Mary E. Post praying for permission to construct a cement sidewalk on . 11., •i• r% ,; ., {: , K•
:S= SPECIAL LEVY FUND I•.. Post 8th Street between Avenue "F" and Avenue "G" , recommending that the pet- , .,; )1 , 1 j f < <
3t =r! . �,1 {, ition be granted provided the petitioner agrees to construct a curb in L}• ;!• lLL,` :li.:i ' , { 111.ci'''•ii:*. ,, `t•:::; ," , R. E. Hardcastle 915 Assessments due on #108 42 66 front of the property and a curb return and walk intersection at the Mai'{ _,. • ', I 4111i..
°t,�fqG t i
''• S'=f-•P , R. E. Hardcastle 916 " " 107 8 13 southwest corner of the block, was read and upon motion adapted. !'► !! '( '. ..4' i' %
?��, ,' , R. S. Hardcastle 91'j 2 104 269 38 ; ,41SewThe report of the Sewerage and Building Committee on the proposed ; Fjl� c';,,i, ., ; ,1,' ��` ,'��
#.. . r ..'• •• . 1 & Bldg.
�•!• on amendment to p g g providing� ordinance amending Ordinance No. 268, beingan ordinance rovidin for •I � j '1, ,A ,I , .,' , 1 �. •
�. Ord. 268 the issuing of building permits under certain regulations. recommend- ';Ili1, •, 1 i r
;, " Fin. Com. on claims The report of the r inance Committee on the above claims for the ing that the same do pass, was read and upon motion adopted. ; +, '�. ;,f+.,,! ,; "- i
1 month of Feb'y, reporting favorably and recommending that the claims `' I + ' '
A communication from J . A. Matheson advisingthe Council that he ' { ,! +' ,
be allowed and that warrants be drawn for the several amounts, was read Communication �, ; !,'
• , !, ! �4 and upon motion adopted. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, from Matheson will hold the City responsible for any damage that may result to his a ,.. '! ; 1;'. 4 ' �. ,:
Haugen, Wagner, Trafton. Nays, None. re- pond property be reson of a pond situtated on the northwest corner of 1Oth . 441 .1 : ' + (!
"3' �! Street and Commercial Avenue, was read and upon motion received and . I'I ' I,' 'i';
", . Adjourn Upon motion "ouncil adjourned. placed on file. 'j" .1„
I;�;` y �j��''i ;
Approved in open Council on the 16th day of March, 1915. Pet. of Anson A petition of E. V. Anson et al asking the Council to extend 11I�' ; 1 ; ;".
p the present cow ordinance over agreat territorywas read and upon ,1l, 1i ,,1. 1 •
et al re- cow p
ordinance motion referred to the Judiciary Committee. jj��`' ,� f '
. I �� ��� Apetition of Carl A. Thorene et al the Council for the 1, ' +
/ \_- izz/./17:af_L-4 Pet. of Thorene asking ;j i,{I ,, ; ,
•;• _ , ,� f�- Mayor-L1' et al re- side- construction of a two board sidewalk at the end of 12th Street to the .'i ,1.1' . I k! , ii
' T t t welk on Oakes Oakes Avenue Schouihouse was read and upon motion referred to the Streets .. i t . ., ,.� ;, ;I, ,I,
kJ Avenue and Barks Committee with power to act. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, ,lii, I '; i, ,. 1, , ,..,
!' • i! City clerk Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, Mayor Pro Tem. Nays, None. }
' Yg 4 sir ill:1 ',,. k j
• , + A petition of F. C. Werner et al asking the Council to place a +',1. i�`� 'III �' .. ' �, , . , i
r �# Pet. of Wener p " " ";I ; it ;1.• i,
et al for suitable light at the either the corner of 5th Street and Avenue Q or �+ ,�. i!, 4
g}1 a.1v : 1' , , ,, i
light 5th Street and Avenue "R" was read and upon motion referred to the Fire, ;_' i� �� !
_ ''~E' I, i; Water and Light Committee . I' i, •1 • • .. ' +
i Ord. No. Ordinance No. , being an ordinance amending section 11 of Ord- ;1 j! i 1-;ki '',;I)"�' , '
,x •
i .
.4,,-.4, - : 108
. ,
100 "IY,'- , -.- .
.. . el
1 u3�
. :,3,*1;*; ! - .' t-: .: 1 ri: •
t. •
= ( t
y .t t. i. •
;�: inance No. 486, as amended, providing for the including of a clause causing to be digged holes or excavation in any of the streets or alleys ' •T1•s; ' ' '; " '
" giving citizens of the City of Anacortes preference in all -local work,
of the City of Anacortes was presented to the Council and upon motion ;�:`
, was .upon motion placed upon its first and second reading by title and referred to the City Attorney and the Finance Committee. I {•,referred to the City Attroney, City Engineer and the Judiciary Committee. �., ,r ,
,fit j; , . +
• Ord. , providing Ordinance No. , being an ordinance amending section 2 of Res. to issue A resolution authorizing the issuance on bonds on Local Improve- �; ;. , ' } i . •
',; 4 general amendments section 4 of Ordinance No. 579 entitled an ordinance amending sections bonds on 109 went No. 109 in full payment of estimates of the City Engineer approved •'' ; ` c
to 486 9, 10. 12 and 23 of Ordinance No. 486, was upon motion placed upon in completion of the 16th day of Feb'y, 1915 was upon motion passed by j, � , ;1 f
the Council. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugne, , ,
its first and second reading by title and referred to the City Attor- Trafton, Mayor • ,
• ?• ney, city 'Engineer and the Judiciary Committee. •Pro Tem. None. art( : << : -
Driftrreir - Mr. f + 'i •!<< I.
z Ord. , fixing Ordinance No. , being an ordinance fixing the dates of Driftaeir representing the Hyack Lamooks asked the Council t, ; i
dates on 103 delinquency of instalment assessments in Local Improvement District to use streets for permission to use the streets for concessions and also to retain it" ; '+
No. 103of the pit of Anacortes, and et cetra all collections on same during the 4th of July celebration. Upon motion `;til . ' I
rfi, `
•_; •• Y providing for the issuance of the matter was referred to the Mayor. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, ':�•�
bonds of said district dated Feb'y 1st, 1915, was upon motion placed Dobefa, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, Mayor Pto Tem. Ny-�s, None. ' `1 ; • {
' - i ' upon its first and second reading by title and referred to the City .� t
A Attorney and the Finance committee. Clerk to furn-
Upon motion the City clerk was instructed to ;furnish the Marshal i1 iy -
fixing Ordinance No. , being an ordinance fining the dates of ish list to with a list of those paying rent at the City Float in order that he ; 'i :
w • Ord. Marshal might enforce the collection of those in arrears. ' ,;, '
•. - - dates on 104 delinquency of instalment assessments in Local Improvenent District : : �
' , .;. : ; 1 ' No . 104 of the City of Anacortes, and providing for the issuance of Adjourn Upon motion Council adjourned. V • s •�l : : ;r
bonds of said district dated March 27th, 1915, was upon motion placed
. •
f j : :1 upon its first and second reading byt title and referred to the City ° • ;fit,% ;
Approved in open council on the 6th day of April, 1915. a; . . ' I . v ::'•
�;�?{ Attorney and the Finance Committee. '
ti3a,� ,y Rules Suspended Upon motion the Rules of Order was suspended. r. -'‘ a� ` ! = ;� �
. . ,_,-..„;
0 ••,.(, ~• Atty on ord. fixingThe report of the city Attorneyon the proposed ordinance - ' ' ' �:
4 , Y p p d pro f,..
l[a or)(27
y •dates on l04 viding for the fining of dates of delingquency of instalment assess- •
ments in Local Improvement District No . 104, finding the same to be .
�^ legally correct, was read and upon motion adopted. City Clerk. , '
.. 11; Fin. on ord. fixing ' The report of the Finance Committee on the proposed ordinance Y
'- : •
dates of 104 providing for the fixing of datesof delinquency of instalment assess- , • ;f � :
,� r {,' ment sin Local Improvement ;District No. 104, recommendingthat the t ; . _' •( ; , ;. . '.
�':: ' ordinance do pass, was read and upon motion adopted. t ' • .. :;;:i:::
; k` s0s`k ` { 1Ord. No.641 Ordinance No. 461, being an ordinance fixing the dates of delin- ,
: ' quency of instalment assessments in Loc I °` !' ;�
al mprove�rent District No. l04 '� 1 L , ,•
`{� { •� • i; I of the City of Anacortes, providing for the issuance of bands of said I ,S..:+ };
.��..•.-,." district, dated March 27th, 1915; and repealingall ordinances + j •or parts ; I'r; , • '4 ,, r., .:
+ ,. r
• 4 -0' of ordinances of the City nDf Anacortes in conflict herewith, was upon ,� li ' ! , , ;'
��..,:e-- motion placed upon its third and final reading by sections; upon mot- �,. , �, ! jy �;. •
ion the title was adopted as read; upon motion section 1 was adopted ''I' ,& • �� i; #.
�`� �s i •:Y
` as read; upon motion section 2 was adopted as read; upon motion section � :
f� � 3 was adopted as read; upon motion section 4 was adopted as read; up- � i � .
°, '''' '; on motion the ordinance as a whole and as read was adopted. Roll Call. i, it ! �t :•,; '
fF;.. i Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, Mayor Pro Tem. �, 1'i ! �� .
:: :r Nays, None. { _ `{
.-.) II('
f •} r 1 i r
;_ :� Ord. , fixing Ordinance No. , being an ordinance fixing the dates of • (
u� yY;..; } ; ' dates on 105 ; delinquency of instalment assessments in Local Improvement District • !
' ' ; ; i No. Cityprovidingfor the .fit' '� ,
ern 105 of the of Anacortes, issuance of bonds j ;c ,�
'} �r' `= I • ' ' - ' dated Feb'y 1st, 1915; was upon motion placed upon its first and sec- ,t4 , i , fet:k� ., ,,,4t<,
>s, ' j _ • and reading by title and referred to the City Attorney and the Finance ' �:5
. i . Committee. ��:��; t. �, r,
! •1
...--:4;. :'� ;' k! •
Ord. fixing dates Ordinance No. being an ordinance fixing the dates of rtj �,• N' • , ;,
•�,,,S,.,a, f .: ' 106 delinquency of Instalments .assessments in Local Improvement District •
., '1' ► '; ' , No. 106 of the ity of Anacortes, providing for the issuance of bonds 1,, • 4,I 1. ,�'(>a !° 1 +;'
'�4` ' ! r • ' •
of said district dated Feb' 1 th, was upon motion placed upon . (��� �..�,r ;, 4 •
f �' `1 its first and second reading by title and referred to the City Attorney , ., ii 'F'1 '`t ` - i1. '' ' ' and the Finance committee. ;�lit- +�� ; • �r+ �, •
' '411 It 0,-''.3',U .1.
..,; � Ord. fixing Ordinance No. • being an ordinancefixing the dates of ••-, , ;. '' " -I t }, ` •'' i,
• �� :� ,
, : ,1 dates on 108 g Y Improvementt ,;; ,i i , 1' t '
t;'r, t delin cent o8 instalment assessments in Local Distrct No . 4!.` -)v ; I.7 1 ;, `.:
<� .: 1 '. •; •
108 of the City of Anacortes, providing for the issuance of bonds of '� � +,�� • ',;I r •�; :
%.•': • 'r ,' ;; said district dated Feb' t 20th, 1915 was upon motion placed upon its i, '� � ' ,' °� ��, {;
P 4 �6 'ci {
�•` •, and second reading by title and referred to the City Attorney 1 ; ::,:1.,:.:..�r,
and the Finance Committee.
!` Ord. fixing Ordinance No. , being an ordinance fixing the dates of ",tl '�
�I•,t}.1,' '• , t
dates on 113 delinquents of instalment assessments in Local Improvement District No.
rp,tt ?' �, , :�
;�; : 113 of the City of Anacortes, providing for the issuance of bonds of
;� fy,
;`.; ' t said district dated March 27th, 1915 was upon motion placed upon its F ;; '`'" .i�
,; first and second reading by title and referred to the City Attorney l,• Ir.
`t. •' and the d inance committee. j
:1101I:,1•I'i '' .'r
' ' ,1: Bond of E. C. Bond of S. C. Kaune submitted tfor the purpose of making connect• } , ' ''
:II j I ,.t , , ,
°. 1- ' •I Kaune for sewer ions with the sewer in Block 100, Original Plat of the City of Ana-
-' ' connections tortes, was presented to the council and upon motion referred to the "� }' I� ' 1
City Attorney and the Finance Committee. f ,, •
Bond of Post. for Bond of J. M. Post submitted for the purpose of coveringa con- + �' ';' !''';�;'
tract for cityprintingwith the Citywas •
'i 1
' ' Anacortes American presented to the Council and
i upon motion referred to the City Attorney and the Finance committee. n '�.,, ,;
? ' ;.f is ' ;1 .Appl & bond ofThe application and bond of Cohen and Sheedy for liquor license 11;11
!' i i;' i 1 ,' !;'+A�, ,
I: f Dohen & Sheedy for was presented to the Council and upon motion referred to the City y i j ,r.+
� liquor license Attorney and the License and Po.ice Committee.
jig ;} 1, t :',:li..
• .-, t; ,t • Bond of Erickson Bond of Bele Erickson submitted on Local Improvement District • . � - i;'1lt ''; ••, • .',• ;� on 116 No. 116 was submitted to the Council and upon motion referred to the { ' �1�} ��'� !, City Attorney and the finance Committee.
• • t j t I` }
1` ''` I �' '•� Bond of Moore Bond of N. A. Moore submitted for the ' �' i '� r' '' •
'.' ,
y 1..4"; •� purpose of digging or c .d
.,,, .•`ri.4:•: .;. ..\ ,,.:,• . -;••".bgrd7ak.:JI.14.h 0JI.1.I7.1,►,a,..L14.YI.i all i.III I, e4I. 111611 , t .. . '+0,:,A ? - "r
111.• , .- -' 11_0 • - -L. .
l . i 1
d •
_�.�... -- .aisle,af•t t � .� •l # a
Roll Call BE IT REL BRED THat the City Council of the City of Anacortes, inance No. 486, as amended, providing for the hiring on local improvements : ; ; ;• ;. i I. .'
did on the 6th day of April, 1915 meet in regular session with Mayor of local laborers, finding the same to be legally correct, was read and i • V
~' Hogan presiding and Councilmen •
Allan, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton ( is1
upon motion adopted. �. ; •. , , I
-• _ Wagner reponding to Roll Call. Absebt, Bessner.
on ord. The report of the City Attorney on the proposed ordinance provid- , '
^ J"• r 1 Minutes approved The minutes of the previous meeting of 'arch 16th, 1915 was Atty eneral amendments to Ordinance No. 486, as amended, finding the same '
., 4 read and upon motion ordered approved. fixing g ing general-�rendrs:ent to to be legally correct, was read and upon motion adopted.
'" Ord. 486
j:. Rules Suspended
Upon motion the Rules of Order were suspended and the ouncil
proceeded to consider resolutions authorizing the City Treasurer to ?'arshals report The report of the City Marshal for the month of March was presented + ;
( pay interest due on Local Improveent District Idol. 103, 104, 106 and
to the Council and upon motion referred to the Finance Committee. •' : t•
107. Justice report he report of the City Justice for the month of March was presented 1 = i
-• to the Council and upon motion referred to the Finance Committee. i
• / Res. for interest A resolution authorizing the Ckty Treasurer to pay a sum amount-
on 103 ing to $45.00, being the interest due on warrants issued against Local 1st and The City Engineer's first and final estimate on Local Improvement
Improvement District 'rio. 103 was read and upon motion adopted. Roll �'n •
" ` - Ayes, Allan, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Wagner, Trafton. Nays, Hone. final on 114 District No. 114 - Amsberry and Mc. Clinton, contractors, amounting to r,
Call: ! .
$170 05 was read and upon motion ordered accepted and allowed. Rill Call: •�. . •
A resolution authorizing the City Treasurer to pay the sum amount- Ayes, Allan, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, Wagner, Nays, None. •
Res. for interest 'nst
._ ; on 104 ing to $2102 07, being the interest due on warrants issued agar 2nd and The City Engineer's second and final estimate on Local Improvement :
l , •
Local Improvement District No. 104 was read and upon motion adopted. ing
�., . '
,,sf..-�� _ � � Roll Call; Ayes, Allan, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, Wagner, days, final on 115 District No. 115 - Weise and Hughey, contractors, amounting to $432 53 , ; •, ` I •! ,� � {-,
eras read and upon motion ordered accepted and allowed. Roll Call: Ayes, i 4.
- •• _- • None. G ..
Allan •
Dobers ibbans Hau ne Trafton Wa nee Na s None. � A '
✓4...' ' ' r_ a sum amount- f • 1•.•,�'.
ycrti _,,
A resolution authorizing the City Treasurer to pay ' • ' •'•;'•k
:�-'M =at, :,.� Res. for interest
`v'� ;L -�• n 1 ing to $171 75, being the interest due on warrants issued against 3n�. 1st on The City Engineer's first estimate on Local Improvement District rTo. ,�� m'�?':
�•cyt••;�, • ,1 - O 06 Improvement District No. 106 was read and upon motion ado ted 11 116 - Nels Erickson, contractor, amounting to 217 54 was read and upon . ` 3 ::: ; `x-
:rr;�:.- p
: r' ,y ;� Local p motion accepted and ordered allowed. Roll Call: Ayes, A11lan, } �:
?' ;�r`:> _'': Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, Wagner, Nays, Dobers, • ..,.•.
Gibbons, Haugne, Trafton, Magner, Nays, None. , 'r: .....
,r z None.
C ^
Eng. approximate The City Engineers approximate estimate far the laying of a lot- � . :! �; ' t ..
�; '-t= A resolution authorizing the City Treasurer to pay a sum amount- • • •
Res. for interest on sewer bet. eral sewer dwon the alley between loth and llth Street from "M" Avenue ! - _ i(
on 107ing to $188 40, being the interest due on warrants issued against loth and llth to connect with the Trunk Sewer an Commericial Avenue was read and upon ` • 1-
•ii rti7t, Local Improvement District No. 107 was read and upon motion adopted. motion adopted. ,+ , :
s•3?1.." s Allan Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, Wagner, Nays, : 1 ' 1 . 3
Roll call: Aye , .{, v`
None. Eng. approximate The City Engineer' s approximate estimate for the laying of a lat- • {` ,`
�µ�t: a eral sewer down the alley betwen 16th and 17th Streets from 150 feet west it + 1.' • ;, t ' , `:
on sewer bet
�; ,.'4.
•i • Mayor Hogan excused Because of ill health Mayor Hogan asked to be excused and there- of "K" Avenue to connect with the Trunk Seger on "M" Avenfte, was read and 1 ; 4• „ 1 K, {
<>- upon called Councilman Wagnerto the Chair;upon motion councilman loth and 1 jth upon motion adopted. ' 1 };I_ ` `'
Wagner elected Pro P 4
i ? Wagner was elected Mayor Pro Tem. k +
r4 s tem •The City Engineer' s approximate estimates on the cost of paving +tt : I 1.
Eng. approximate :��' -
+ .. ` • .. ` r The report of the City Attorney on the bond of Nels Erickson Commercial. Avenue from llth Street to 36th Street with such other improve- � l, i ,
Atty on bond of on paving
.4P Erickson on 116 submitted on L. I. D. No. 116, finding the same to be legally correct, meats as provided for with asphalt or two course concrete was read and (, +' 1; ' j'
�, 'k-: 6 ,
,,,, _ was read and upon motion adopted. upon •motion adopted. ; i r 1, . +.
i'i?A'kR v 'f": •
•; fit `• . ! E
•' ctFS�.J
t ', Atty on bond of Post The report of the City Attorney on the bond of J. M. Post sub- Eng. on amend- The report of the City -4 'Engineer on the proposed amendment to Ord- '1 5 , y
'-41b-I for the American mitted to cover the contract of the Anacortes American to do the
• �, �. c:ert to 486 re- inance No. 486 providingfor the hiringof local laborers on future � �} ' ;` r �;'' � '•� i..I'liti,,..,..'"1:•:'''
KIWI."' 1,1- city publishing for the year 1915, find the same to be legally correct, labor improvements, recommending that the ordinance do pass, was read andupon �`i I i ! ,1• ,' , ( , ',',�
•44.' was read and upon motion adopted.
�� motion adopted. _ ( G ,
..4, { r. ,. F' Atty on bond of The report of the City Attorney on the bond of E. C. Kaune sub- Eng. on ord the report of the CityEngineer on the proposed amendment to Ord-
-�. digged holes in C P g P P ' t + 1, 't, 1•.
r° 1',I, purpose diggingcausingmaking general inance No. 486 providing general amendments to said ordinance, recommending � t 1. '} r ,, ;�
•�.,•••� E. C. Kaune mitted for the u ose of di in or to be 1 !: �f i� r
�ty'1 �,' amendments to that the ordinance do pass, vas read and upon motion adopted. 1, 1 '', ' " i' 4
: �, ; Block 100 for the purpose of connectingthe sewer in said bolck, find
f ,' - ing the same to be legally correct, was read and upon motion adopted. ' ?i�,!}t, ';; �;�?,,
• f a3„'S '
X _ ' St. Supt report The report of the Street Superintendent for the month of March !• '� 1 / ;.` �t
` ::��` En on bond of The report of the City Engineer on the bond of W. •A. Moore
.. :•: g
p was presented to the Council and upon motion referred to the finance Com-
mittee. �' ;t ';:. '! t , •
r'•- { Mmore submitted for the purpose of digging or causing to be digged holes 1, ;�� + fry �' +,' f �•
§i, • 1l in the street, avenues and alleys in the City of Anacortes for the ': .( F,`!� +., '' ►•I I
x?- ic. i ::�' with sewer, find the same to be legally correct, IIIs.;
•y _
r..�r;.jJs purpose of connecting FinT on bond The report of the Finance Committee on the bond of E. C. Kaune sub ;r +[ ti,. ,+. ;i'� t;.. :j
�''��'` '•' i _ : !, was read and upon motion adopted. of Kaune mitted for the purpose of diffing or causing to be digged holes or excava- + I ' '`
s. tions in Block 100 for the purpose of connecting his sewer in said blonk, _ .iii6" 1 -''
?. 1 the proposed ordinance provid- (' 4 '
`'kilt �} Attyon ord. fixingThe report of the City Attorney on p p recommending that the bond be accepted, was read and upon motion adopted. 1 '•. ' ,,, {.�
' ingfor the resetting of dates of delinquency on instalment assess- I ' ll,} ;( ,, ' '�
ii i i� 1n
f .��:�'.. • �.�- � i � dates on 103 i .�•'
�. ments in Local Improvement District No. 103, finding the same to be Fin. on bond of The report of the Finance Committee on the bond of J. M. Post, t� 't, . �1. ,! 't :1+ Ott ^t ...;,
} t
`' legally correct, was read and upon motion adopted. Post publisher of the Anacortes American to cover the contract to do the city i ;," ;'4' '�
�rf- � . publishing for the year 1915, recommending that the bond be accepted, was (i , Ft0 . I, ,
'` `'' ;;z )` • Atty on ord. fixing The report of the City Attorney on the proposed ordinance provid- read and upon motion adopted. `' '`�' ` t ! ..''� � ,,
I '`=3°r ' 1 ` dates on 105 ing for the resetting of dates of delinquency on instalment assessments 4
,r • sti . ' t; L Fin. on bond of The report of the Finance Committee on the bond of Nels Erickson �. '!,{'' �'
in Local Improvement istrict No. 105, finding the same to be legally `
t•":6 s• ,• {{ ' correct, was read and upon motion adopted. Erickson submitted on Local Improvement District No. 116, recommending that the , a rr�.�, '? ( �'
. , ; ., I Atty on ord. fixing The report of the City Attorney on the proposed ordinance provid-
bond be accepted, was read and upon motion adopted. ,. s ( ;,
`1' dates on 106 ing for the resetting of dates of delinquency on instalment assessments 4tii 'l ' •! 1 , ,".
Fin. on bon of The report of the Finance Committee onnthe bond of W. A. Moore 'Ti ). ; . ,
t i,. , `f ,i ..:
i'.. • • in Local Improvement District No. 106, finding the smae to be legally Moore submitted for the purposenof digging or causing to be digging holes or `.I :�l;;• s ,
correct, was read and upon motion adopted. excavations in the streets, avenues or alleys of the City of Anacortes ;.k I; i �•, i !I ii ' `
: for the purpose of connecting with local sweers , recommending thatthe •! ;,� ,r ;�, ` r i, , '•
Atty on ord. fixing The report of the City Attorney on the proposed ordinance provid-
: bond be accepted, was read and upon motion adopted. ,�h�, ; '�'�+ li ► ! � ' :r
dates on 108 ing for the resetting of dates of delinquency on stalment assessments } , •1. , -,�
in Local Improvement •istrict No. 108, finding the same to be legally Fin. on ord. The report of the Finanace Committee on the proposed ordinance !�--r` � �' ,
i. correct, was read and upon motion adopted. fixing dates on prodding for the resetting of dates of delinquency on Instalment assess-,..' ���k'',
'• •' •+ 03 meats in Local Improvement istrict No. 103, recommending that the ord- i
Atty on ord. fixing The report of the City Attorney on the proposed ordinance provid inance do pass, was read and upon motion adopted
Y al II : 'o'' '
ingfor the resettingof dates of delinquency on instalment assessments .1, 1,, Ji . • dates on 113 the same to be le ally Fin. r ort f the Finance committee on the ro osed ordinance : 14 t. , ';.
1 in Local Improvement District No. 113, finding g on ord. The ep a p P
s_ 1 1 correct, was reml and upon motion adopted. fixing dates providing for the resetting of dates of delinquency on instalment assess- 1I •! 1, j ' i. '�'
e . ::::n
mdnts in Local Improvement District No. 105, recommending that theord- 1, ;' 't , '' 1 'The re ort of the City Attorney on the application and bond of inance do pass, was read and upon motion adopted. ; 1; , ; + ;: ; ;I ij..
+ ' ' and on a placation P�.� and bond �ohen & Cohen and Sherdy for liquor license, finding the same to be levelly +correct, was read and upon motion adopted. ord. The report of the Finance Committee on the proposed ordinance E' I '� , �,� � 1� � ; '�
Sheedy fixing dates on loviding for the resetting od dates of on assess- ' Ii•i, , ;!r 1 ' ;
proposed ordinance amend- on 106 isinLocal Improvement District No. delinquencyoninstalmentthat the ord- a l!. ,1 'I ;.: i•
' , . �I Atty on amendments one report of the City Attorney on the pr po men mp 106, recommending I,
• ro 268 ing Ordinance No. 268, being an ordinance requiring the taking out of inance do pass, was read and upon motion adopted. ;1t. I, .,, ;1:4,• �; 1 , ' ,
- �•' i • a permit prior to the erection, aletering, addingto, or enlarging any • r ,
r .� CityAnacortes, findingthe sameto be legallygcorrect, Fin. on ord. 1 '�`; �I. i !
house in theon of The report of the -Finance Committee on the proposed ordinance ' ,I f(
�. ,� fixing - '' 11; ,11
11.`t ; ,; was read and upon motion adopted. dates royyiding for the resettingDof dates of deglinquency on instalment assess ` t �4.} j
! • , , • - on 106 Providing
in Local Improvement istrictNo . 10d, recommending that the ord •i+ 10 �t! )F,;;r ,
. '.;
',` : i Atty on amendment The report of the city Attorney on the proposed arendment to Ord •' ,,r,
Y u 1,•7Y.ytT"�LJf.
-- �yrs.•1-....S...,6,..+s:.0.1. :+el:,:,.wo,,,A1,,rA4:'als;:.m.,„1,.:410,:gaft i,$. ,10.1.ft,toso.�b�.ti'l1:cr' _ `,2�i'{ S 1.6Yi;t,,,,
' . • 112
` ;t
-= inance do pass, was read and upon motion adopted. Howard, by R. A. Ballinger, attorney for said administration, against • : 1. � `
j .. the improvement of Commercial Avenue by paving was read and upon motion ! t? �' ;
*. Fin. on ordinance The report of the Finance Committee on the proposed ordinance not well taken, Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Dobera, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, 1,.:.— }
1" Wagner, Nays, None.
fixing dates on providing for the resetting of dates of delinquencyon instalment assess•
' r ments in Local Improvement District No. 113, recommending that the _ I
113 • !
• . '' 1 ordinance do pass, was read and upon motion adopted.�� � P protests against The Mayor called for further protests on the proposed improvement � i. � •
_.. , of Commercial Avenue from llth Street to 36th Street by paving and none `
- - Judiciary on ord. The report of the Judiciary Committee on the amendmentw paving • !
p prposedresponded.
, for general amendment to Ordinance No. 486providing general amendments to said ordinance, r .
F to 486 recommending that the same do pass, was read and upon motion adopted.
protests a�aintst The Mayor called for protests agains the laying of a lateral sewer `:.
° . ( sewer in alley down the alley between 16th and 17th Streets from 150 feet west of the ;
: ; Judiciary on ord. The report of the Judiciary Committee on the proposed amendment bet• i6th and 17 west line of "K" Avenue east to connect with the Trunk Sewer constructed ,: � �
~�' for labor amendment to Ordinancd No. 486, providing for the hiring of local laborers on « «
to 486 on M Avenue; no protests were reported filed with the City Clerk and none • ,�
future improvements, recommending that the same do pass, was read and were registered from thos present in pursuance to a call from the Mayor. ,
- upon motion adopted.
;, , `. , s against The Mayor called for protests agains the laying of a lateral sewer •
Judiciary on cow The report of the Judiciary Committee on the petition of Anson Protest g
limit ordinance sever in alley down the alley between 10th and llth Streets from the east tine of Avnue '' �• :
et al praying for the extention of the cow limits, recommending that bet. 10th and 11 "M" to connect with the Trunk Sewer constructed on Commercial Avenue;
the petition be received andplaaed on file and that the limits be made to E. C. Richards, being the owner of Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 in Block 39, Original °
. . - , U extend west to "A" Avenue; south to the City Limits; ' east to the water Plat, protested agains what assessment that might be levied agains his
��,_' { and north to the water, was read and upon motion adopted. property; upon motion this protest was to be considered at the time of '`. � ,
• � Sewer & Bldg. on The report of the Sewerage and Building Committee on the common equalizing the assessment rolls on this district; no protests were report- •�� � ��
;, .,,:.- . g p ag g - ed filed with the ity lerk and none were registered from this present - - . t,•: ...-A
, - _ - ~ recommendation of H. ication of the Health Officer recommending a trunk sewer on Avenue "0" ! ,;:,,it,'
j 0. for trunk sewer between 13th and 18th streets, recommending that the communication be in •
pursuance to a call from the >vayor.
'?• `' �:� received and placed on file and that the City Attorney be instructed for Ordinance No. , being an ordinance providing for the laying of a • �';
to draw the proper resolution ordering the improvement, was read and Ord• lateral swere down the alley between 16th and 17th Streets from 150 feet ; !�,
` `�=k � sever in alley • •=4 '>' -'. . • motion
constructed on "M" Avenue was upon motion placed upon its first and second r
f 5 '" Fire, W & Light on The report of the Fire, Water and Light Committee on the pet- reading by title and referred to the City Attorney, City Engineer and the ' t • :! : -
C...t,< r , ,.
•}'. -•• .�. pet. of Wenner et al ition of F. C, Werner et' al for suitabel light at the corner of 5th Sewerage and Building Committee. i 'i ; t` ' • i1 >•
rr.�, • F, for light and Avenue "Q" or 5th and Avenue "R" , recommending that the petition ''i " itp
' be granted and the City Clerk instructed to order the light placed, Ord. for Ordinance No. , being an ordinance providing for the laying of a •;••, : ' ! ' _ , f
�� <1' was read and upon motion adopted. ,
sewer in alley lateral sewer down the alley between 10th and llth Streets from the east 1 ;: ,
, `' ' line of Avenue "M" east to connect with the Trunk Sewer constructed on ? `ik
_.,, yet. l Oth and 11 .. � <
' ) • Fire, W & Light to The report of the Fire, Water and Light Committee recommending Commercial Avenue, was upon motion placed upon its first and second read« � � ij ' i if
.,,' ,..,:.:-?,A,:- .,r buy 12 rubber coats purchase of twelve (12) rubber coats for the fire department was y Cit En sneer and the 1 # K.;:
the ing by title and referred to the Cit Attorneys y g •i
x, read and upon motion adopted. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Dobers, Gibbons, Sewerage and Building Committee. I • r1 • ,' ,, !'�`
r � ` '• Haugen, Trafton, Wagner, Nays, None.
: st �j, C o the a licat- Ord. , for Ordinance No. , being an ordinance providing for the improvement 'i,; +` 1 , ,i1 :
.: 1:! . ,. • , � Lic. & Pal on applic . The report of the License and Police ommittee n PP avir. south of Commercial Avenue from the north line of llth Street to the south line ' ;` r.:
�, • - and bond of Dohen ion and bond of Cohen and Sheedy for liquor license, recommending that Commercial Ave of 36th Street by paving a strip eighteen feet in width between the points 1 R i, `! ! ,
�j •-5 & Sheedy the bond be accepted and the licenserbe granted, was read and upon above named and such other work that may be necessary to complet the same •
,i .`0, K;•: motion adopted. Roll Call; Ayes, Allan, obers, Gibbons, Haugnen, Tref- in accordance with the p ans of the Cit Engineer wag upon motion placed i ,' '} j' ' �
a• .; ton, Wagner, Nays, None. upon its first and second reading by title and referred to the City Attorney ;, 1 ,•:; s
r is
-�. ;, : City Engineer and the Streets and Parks Committee, li i ' ,# ::.'')-1,..'''-'
rrr• �
N �� • Comm. from Haraldson . A communication from Mrs. P. 0. Harlodson and Julia Hearoldson E ' , , t
E'`'tc , ' ' ; re- Alexander Road regarding the tlexander Road stating facts and conditions was read and Ordinance Na. 642, being an ordinance fixing the dates of delinquency 1=
Y..,,. ; Ord. No. 642 i �'
. .• .- upon motion received and placed on file. of instalment assessments in Local Improvement District No. 105 of the City _ � ,ti i. t '
j %� tl
of Anacortes, providing for the issuance of bonds of said district, dated '; `'+ '� x �..
enlargedFebruary repleaing Pt ' � �l 'ot (:
ifPA' ' f. r from Max Nal A communication from Max Nal suggestingan district to
',-:'• Com. 1st, 1915; and all ordinances and arts of ordinances of � , �� � ,
; -` re south side paving be created for the paving of south Commercial Avenue was read and upon the City of Anacortes in conflict herewith, was upon motion placed upon its , '�i.ik t. ,! :�.
`:%`� ;::• ' - file. third and final reading by sections; upon motion the title was adopted as ,., t+�1: i. ,;. . x
ct;'; •' •, F motion received and placed on it ! 1 _ , ;4,,,
h,.t,:'.�r f '' ,
f;�; _s • read; upon motion section 1 was adopted as read; upon motion section 2 was �.+ ;�!" �' ;; ,
���-s,,. E communicationfrom the Citizens Bank byM. B. Mattice, its adopted as read; upon motion section 3 was adopted as read; upon motion ; . ; ;�l�,;r f: �. 1 ,
1,,,„.r . �$ Comm. from Citizens A
Bank re- outstg. bonds president, representing to the Council that they are the owners of all section 4 was adopted as read; upon motion the ordinance as a whole and as l,f�t ,1-1 ,t, `` < <r' •
• Dobera, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, r • 1 ►•, •4;•
:szx:,=v t• � _�! 1 on 64 outstanding bonds on Local Improvement District No. 64; that the same read was adopted. Roll Call. Ayes, Allan, { CI , _ + .PH'::.
-� • are long past due, and asking the Council to take such steps as may be Wagner, Nays, None. •
:rt.) ,:.es^ , ; ' necessary to authorize the proper city officials to proceed with begal ',;�,� 1; ;! , ` • '., Sk ' ` j
',f;� n,- s.1 . I i , proceedings for the purpose of the collecting delinquent assessments Ord. No. 64 Ordinance No. 643, being an ordinance fixing the dates of delinquency • ' Irl; , ;: ,4••
ty{sti�•,� j was read and upon motion referred to the City Attorney and the Finance 3 DistrictNo. 113of the City1 1• !
',.f `, , ". {` of instalment assessments in Local Improvement i , ., ��+ � : ,;� ... `3
Committee. of Anacortes, providin for the issuance of bonds of said district, dated ! ; Arts , >,e
• Larch 2 th 1 1 and re ealin all ordinances and arts of ordinances of ;1511 ►� :`� 1 `il •
} �1,0 ` ' ' Mattice itsofAnacortes in conflict herewith, was upon motion placed upon its :/.'1 Pi.:1• 1' !, `1 !.� ±{E`., :: '•
` ' ' Comm. from Citizens A communication from the`Citizens Bank by L.. B. , the City
' ' • 4 resedent, representing to the ouncil that they are the woners of all I• ••�•Eank re- outstg P P third and final reading by sections; upon motion the title was adopted as ' '�;
i', z r, ,1• ;
bonds on 65 outstanding bands on Local Improvement District No. 65; that the same read; upon motion section 1 was adopted as read; upon motion section 2 was y •�.±�n + �� i ,� Iwki
�;r' `- i- ' ' ' are long past due and asking the Council to take such steps as may be adopted as read; upon motion section 3 was adopted as read; upon motion :,I1,11i ',I ' '';�
: ,��`i
; r. _I necessary to authorize the proper city officials to proceed with legal section 4 was adopted as read; upon motion the ordinance as-a whole and as
::,`f .. ••_, • : r • !`• '' 1� proceedings for the purpose of the collectingdelinquent assessments .Ill
,!! !I ! i ' ' ``
� � p g p rp q read was adopted. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, � � ;,, E.,,�`?� , , ! ,±°��
• ' . ' 1 was read and upon motion referred to the City Attorney and the Finance Wagner, Nays, None. �'i i,A.. =,
;i. Committee. ;;IN 1z''3 .;
Ord. No. 644 Ordinance No. 644, being an ordinance fixing the dates of delinquency tli: .. , lI t;
�• Petition of I. 0. Lovelace et al praying for the improvement of of instalment assessments in Local Improvement District No. 108 of the City � E4 i 1 -
Pet. of Lovelace et al 1 l!'; ,
for imnroveme nt of "K" Avenue from 34th to 41at Street was read and upon motion referred of Anacortes, providing for the issuance of bonds on said district, dated ,'tile, b !i 1 ( '
' ' ! , " " to the Streets and Parks Committee. , ! t -
�.. !, , R Avenue March 27th, 1915; and repealing all ordinances and parts of ordinances of ±`'���ii :,}I� t ; '. , , •
` '' Petition of Harr Fer son ra in for omission to use the the City of Anacortes in conflict herewith, was upon motion placed upon its 4 .; liii ! ! `
Pet. of Ferguson y
praying g P third and final reading by sections; upon motion the title was adopted as ..',:,, ,•;111,' (;•#
to clear parking parking strip on "Q" Avenue alongside his property was read and upon read; upon motion section 1 was adopted as read; upon motion section 2 was i1;.!' . 'y ''
. : strip motion petition granted. adopted as read; upon motion section 3 was adopted as read; upon motion '.1;l, , , 1
„` i• section 4 was adopted as read; upon motion the ordinance as a whole and as ') ;+• i
• Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton. • i ' -' l
-�. : Pet. of Standard Oil Petition of the Standard Oil om arty for permission to erect a read was adopted. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, g 11 ��
Co for certain fuel oil tank, 20 feet in diameter and4 feet high, and a pump house Wagner, Nays, None. i� 1� �;; la �'
s`1 lb feet by24 feet on their property described as Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and , t
1' privileges P P Y ,
•z; 5 in Block 66, with permission to run a pipe line from said storage Ord. }To. 645 Ordinance No. 645, being an ordinanc fixing the dates of delinquency ` , i 1 i ! ' I ! -
x• , .,. • + tank to the plat of the Coast Fish 1'ompany and the Apex Fish Company, of instalment assdssments in Local Improvement District No. 106 of the City 1,1 i' ; •
, ' was read and upon motion referred to the City Attorney, City Engineer of Anacortes, providing for the issuance of bonds on said district, dated �� (, ,.
and the Streets and Parks Committee. 1 } I' ' ' ii' �I
Nebruary 19th, 191 , and reapealing all ordinances and arts of ordinances of �r y l ,{ , ,
_; {• , the City of Anacortes in conflict herewith, was upon motion placed upon its i►' '� i�1�:� ;{ i •: ,
' I' Protest of Burke et Protest of W. R. Burke et al against a six day Fourth of July third and final reading by sections; upon motion the title was adopted as , I.I�� ±�: ;j • , �,
• ry- 1 •' al against 4th of celebration was read and upon motion received and placed on file. read; upon motion section 1 was adopted as read; upon motion section 2 was
z 1 r
,, ., adopted as read; upon motion section 3 was adopted as read; upon motion s ,;Ij, � , ,
wT: { Protest of Shimmon et Protest of Alber Shimmon et al against the holding of a six day section 4 was adopted as read; upon motion the ordinance as a whole and as j . ' •it,'�' '�, ' •
I,• i celebration durin the last week of June and the .first week of July was read was adopted. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton. .ii_ I 01i, 1 • 1, 1
•i� ;1 al against 4th of g . W ner. N s, None. 4' �1 ii
-' ' ' i { , Iit i• ' ;
`, ! July celebration read and upon motion accepted and placed on file. ag a.Y
Ord. Nos. 646 Ordinance No. 646, being an ordinance fixing the dates of delinquency
Protest of Kill Protest of John Kill, administrator of the estate of John L. ` ; „ ;.. �`"/= '
-4. i i,': " -- - --- - ----- - -
t J.a-....... Y .: I, ikk..r.nY4► S.�JcJN + riiiYmttiwtdatigo. L' cflf^l
. . .
- - — — ..._ . ,
••- ,-,' '-:-- 1_1 4 . .
1_1 5_ .;:c.b., - .
_ :, c,- ,. . ,,... .
;,:,. : I ,i, ,
.,.„ . , ,
r' -', . ; TA .
1 - .� . .� ... r r
{ ' - - r •
� t i
-- ■".". ` t"r nay, t
- - rl; ,
of instalment assessments in Local Improvement District No. I`;'"s�` l•-, Ty
mp 103 of the arty owners to property owners at the corner of 10th Street and Commercial Avenue to drain ,.
� City of Anacortes, providing for the issuance of bonds of said district, drain their property by connecting with the sewer in accordance with Ordinance ;1 ;I ,$ ,' •.
dated February lst, 1915; and replealing all ordinances or parts of No. 310. '•.; i
ordinances of the City of Anacortes in conflich herewith, was upon , • !
P ; i t ;
_ .. motion placed upon its third and final reading by sections; upon motion Former action Upon motion the Council rescinded any action that had taken toward • •
E.; '
the title was adopted as read; upon motion section 1 was adopted as read; re- 4th of July allowing the Fourth of July celebration Committee in authorizing them to .z•: ' !. •
• upon motion section 2 was adopted as read; upon Motion section 3 was �Ir
celebration collect the licenses for shows, merry go rounds et tetra - the license }
• adopted as read; upon motion section 4 was adopted as read; upon motion fescinded fees to be paid to the City Clerk. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Dobers, . . , ' '• •
the ordinance as a whole and as read was adopted; Roll Call: Ayes, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, Wagner. Nays, None. ; ;,.. ••
5 ' Allan, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, Wagner. Nays, None.
R is Mr. Brisky, representingthe is
r• r ky - Haycks Loomacks, advised the Council that
Ord. No. 647 Ordinance No. 647, being an ordinance amending section 1 of his organization has secured street signecity and would denote • �;
street signs g for the f
Ordinance No. 268 of the City of Anacortes, Washington, entitled "A» them provided that City would accept and place them in suitable locations; ��{ F:
• ordinance to obtain a oermit from the City Clerk for the erection, upon motion the matter was referred to the Streets and Parks Committee. ��` '' ! '
altering, adding to or enlarging any house in the City of Anacortes, it
1f r
and providing a penalty for the violation for the violation of the co .m to assume Upon motion the Mayor, City "lark and the License and Police Committee .1� i
I same," and repealing all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict charge of 4th of were delegated power to assume charge of the Fourth of July celebration in ii!;. �f ' 2.
herewith, was upon motion placed upon its third and final reading by July for City so far as the interests of the City were concerned. ' '
sections; upon motion the title was adopted as read; upon motion ' ,
•k ', .,-. , section 1 was adopted as read; upon motion section 2 was adopted as Councilt , ` •
,: read; upon motion section 3 was adopted as read; upon motion the ord- Com• of the r Upon motion the resolved itself into a Committee of the , `.
} ti ,� , P Whole for can Whoel with the Mayor as Chariman and the Clerk as Seely for the purpose ; ;
? -� .� finance as a whole and as read was adopted. Roll Call: byes, Allan, toss election of canvassingthe election returns of the election held on the 16th day �'
s„ �: Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, Wagner, Nays, None. of March, 1 1 d �.
�A r- returns 9 5
yg � 4'_. Ord. No. fi.Fif,,;
�:,, .. _ - �1 ; 648 Ordinance No. 648, being an ordinance amending section iI of Report of the The report of the Committee of the Whole on the returns of the t � ,�: ���:
� ` section IV of Ordinance No. "AnSpecial Water Election, •_ :•'. t'.
q. , 1 579 of the City of Anacortes entitled Committee of P finding as follows, was read and upon motion _
0 ,,-. --- : • ordinance amending sections 1X. X, XLL and XX111 of Ordinance No. 486, the Whole adopted. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, Wagner. { ?� � +
�F ftt ~�. being an ordinance providing a method of making local improvements, Nays None. 't r `' , . •
• C • , '
' whether instituted upon petition of property owners, or by resolution ; ,
�s of the City Council; lettingof contracts therefor; levying and coil- Canvass First Ward Second Ward Third Ward Total , s:
• �•• ecting of special assessmens on property specially benefited thereby For 52 54 9 21 9 14 77 47 20 303 1�
:• ; i l and replealing all ordinances and parts of ordinance in conflich here-
-8,- . I with, except so far as the same may relate to improvements alreadyAgainst 102 13540 4 12 10
9 53 7 ?9 8o 32 - 842 "'L s • • ; • ; '4 �.<i
< instituted, but which have not been fully completed or the assessments r E•
r, . ,, , to pay for the same fully collected." was upon motion placed upon its - c;omrrittee rose Upon motion the Committee of the Whole then rose. , i, , - . • , ` 4 {
Zrr . third and final reading by sections; upon motion the title was adopted •• ; , .
��$ : as read; upon motion section 1 was adopted as read; upon motion section Claims Claims filed against the City of Anacortes for the month of Larch `�% + i!
E; 2 was adopted as read; upon motion section 3 was adopted as read; up• 1915, as follows, were upon motion referred to the Finance Committee. ' : ' ! • :
�, on motion section 4 was adopted as read; upon motion the ordinance as I tRi•� , , . f• `• :
y 4 a whole and as read was adopted. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Dobers, Gibbons, Claimant Voucher Purpose Amount + { + `• t
't" ,..p% . , -
' v,' Haugen, Trafton, Wagner. Nays, None. 85 'li i ' ,,
•Anacortes Water Co. , 5027 Electtic lights 246 ! ,
Ord. No. 649Ordinance No. G. W. Shannon & Co. , 5028 Hdw. supplies 75 •, E
�; ',<; 649, being an ordinance amending section II of Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. , 5029 Tolls b ; ' ``;•, .►t., ,`
Ordinance No. 486 of the City of Anacortes, entitled "An Ordinance Anacartes Citizen 0 0 Publishin 5555 '}�! • �. , it• i ,
providing a method of making local improvements, whether instituted H. Fenno g0i1 Street work 10 15 ;;'j :i ` ' ' '. ';
ut . p, :_ : upon petition of property owners, or by resolution of the City Council; ' ' '
Anacortes American 5032 Publishing and Printing 109 } i A:
4 `fir,. { letting of contracts therefor; levying and collecting of special Anacortes Transfer Co. 0 Teaming 4 45 �} {a 1 ; ; .� F•
1 r assessments on property specially benefited thereby and repealing all S. G. Brooks 5034 Sal. & misc. exp. as H. 0. 2 i is E;. :
ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, except so far Fidalgo Transfer Coot 5035 Teaming 4 ?5 .J'if �, ' h ''
' € ( : as the same may relate to improvements already instituted, but which have A. L. & B. Co. � � � , x& •��,f�: ,''.•, 5036 Lumber 41 95 �t a
F� :• I not been fully completed or the assessments to pay for the same fully Island Transfer co. , 5037 Teaming 8 1 +1 ' ;. } sl :r ;' •
4 •y `'r collected, was upon motionplaced upon its third and final readingbyA. F. D. 8 Fire Roll 37 5p + ' : � ' r' I r `
. i!; - i P P503ti t ,
{ :. -• r ' sections; upon motion the title was adopted as read; upon motion section Griggs Stat. & Ptg. Co 5039 Supplies for Stenograhper 12 45 :4.::i “'''I'lr'''. .:
r� . ' '�'s, ,� • r. 1 was adopted as read; upon motion section 2 was adopted as read; upon Emma Sager, Sec'y 5040 Rent of Hall 2 p 1�i +`;� �'' .`r,,A ,-.. %:_1 :I motion sec z 5 .+-- 1i ''
� tion 3 was adopted as read; upon motion the ordinance as a Burroughs Adding h.achM 1 � ^� t;,.. u, : - . ± whole and as read was adopted. Roll Ca; ; . Allan, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, fine Co/, 5041 Instalment on adder 32 50 M .:5,:: ;,rs;i ` • Trafton, Wagner. Nays, None. Union Ptg. Bdg. & Stat. ����� ' `;�•• s • ' i Co. , 5042 Supplies 24 50 i ,' , t { ,_� !: Application and bond A lication and bond of Harr Marsh for li uor license wasDave Brothers i � 'y, r T Pp Y Q Y 5043 Supplies 28 3o ifti : c} ; tG�' `;�� of I.arsh far licensepresented to the Council and upon motion referred to the City AttorneyRobt. Knapp 5044 Chainman 6 y • � , ,• . '•,�.;r; {ff, (Liquor) and the License and Police Committee. S. D. Temple & Co. , 5045Supplies7 85 i;: i ,� ' I :l' ''t ,�._ � Art Miller5046Street work 4 20 � i�� ' i'' {`{+3 1• 4 'K' }.lay 4th set as time Upon motion Council set the 4th day of R E Hardcastle 5046 Salary as Treasurer 0 I '� r `:; �{
"1' _ for hearingon rollsMay, 1915 as the date !
when they would meet for the purpose of hearingobjections to the Thom. Dodson 5047 Driver of Garbage wagon p ,% ' f;� t
`- •' e • ,r on 109 Districtg 75 ;� i'.�; + 4, %,; t�,;: .
confirming of the assessment rolls on Local Improvement No. C. C. Temple 5049 Salary as City lerk 75 1 ,, k , ;. t•t : ,;:.
r� t r { . 109• 0. A. Canning 5050 Salary as St. Supt. ?5 �� ';r r t It • �`
. • ; C. C. Temple 5051 Misc. espenses 19 10 r % 1 I ' `'�' •.I, ,:t
and bondApplicationT �:"� •:. • Application and bond of Coleman Queen for liquor license was P. S. Ind. Tel. Co. 5052 Tolls 2 53 �� tt, '°!: '' '�;' ,E� .
ofQueen for liquor t
q presented to the Council and upon motion referred to the City Attorney Trick and Hurray 5053 Supplies 9 85 !,4 I ` i: ''::.{,.Y;:�� _
, ;, and the License and Police Committee. City Transfer Co. , 5054 Teaming 27 85 '' ' ;I',`• ` '.: '':
t;: ; Bond of Lenning, St. 0 I • '� , , r;`r
W. S. Clark 5054 Salary as City Engineer 135 i'
Bond of 0. A. Lenning submitted for the purpose of covering Eckstein Quinby 5056 Chainman %{''
13 50 �, '6 ` ,� ,,•�
Supt. G. W Smith I •.F , ., l• '•I
p his position as Street Superintendent was presented to the Council and 5057 Labor 65 � f�,; ,.
i• I upon motion referred to the City Attorney and the Finance Committee. Blythe LIe. Cauley 5058 Driver of sire auto 75 j ;aj, r
• E. Amsberry 5059 Prisoners Meals 7 75 '.•,1 ,i '!},�;. ,, ,' •
3. Application of Wood Application of C. F. Wood for dance hall license was presented A. A. Sumner 5060 Salary as fire Chief 90 `ii$ ,I 'fj r ' +r i . '
t for dance hall lit to the �'ouncil and upon motion referred to the License and Police Chas. Voitus 5061 Supplies for Jail 24 65 •I,., :ii, 1i • I.,, .,
' arise Committee it' .
Curtis Whaaf Co. , 5062 Fuel 75 O , 1' i '
.. ' , Theo. 46 ! r , r
+. Saxrud 5063 Inspector 57 40 'f� , '• i" �,• • i
Application of Crowder Application of W. J. Crowder for dance hall license was pre- T. P. Edens 5064 Justice fees 15 00 , �� • �,• I ; , '
'' ;7' :., for dance hall licen- sented to the Council and upon motion referred to the License and Chas. Freund 5065 Street work 15 10 i,••� � r , , .
Police Committee. T. A. Coberly �. , i'
se 5066 Labor 7 �1� �� ,'
I J. 3. Carter 5067 Salary as Deputy L arshal 75 1 ' }',;
Atty to notify G. N. Upon motion the CityAttorneywas instructed to notifythe W. y 5068 Deputyr %''
S. Neel Salary as Marshal 75 , , f I + , .
1 'i i ' to remove track Great Northern RailwayComapny to remove the track on and accross Owen Fulk 5069Salaryas CityMarshal90 ' , I °' , + '! i •�- r =P Y •. I�, 1'�.� J .q
- ` •t, ' across Commercial Ave. Commercial Avenue on or before the 15th day of May, 1915 and for C. Tancre 5070 Street work 8 '1 j ill,E, I 'i ,'
;, failure so to do the Street Superintendent was authorized to remove • A. E. Miller 5071 Street work 32 65 � 1 ''f' ' i t1'
31 r l ., 1 i,,
i, said track. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, Fred R. Bullock 5072 Election officer 6 i+1 ' !�a: ' S `
,: •• , Ii Wagner. Nays, None. i II! }rl,. I
Carrie A. Graham 0 Election officer 6 `
5 73 f1,� it , ' ,
Dudley B. Kimsey 5074 Election officer 6 9' ,: ` t
,, ,} Clerk to notify A.W.Co Upon motion the Ulerk was instructed to notify the Anacortes J. F. Carroll 5075 Election officer 6 ) I, {j; ,+ , =
to lower covers Water Company to either lower the covers on the metor boxes to a S. L. Bates 5076 Street work 'i,� , r, I
y� V. Funk
56 70 i, 1 1_;• • N
I .. . + ' level with the sidewalks or replace the same with iron covers to be 5078 Election officer 6 •tiPo i I , ,' S
' laid even with the walks. B. J. Greer 5079 Election officer g
,'S % ,�f',� • {�; 1;;,;
_I..4'j:'' �!I L. B. Carroll 50799 Election officer
I Clerk to notify `:�
S r
+ its Upon motion the City Clerk was instructed to notify the : ; 1 ii•. 'r.i .
y ah1.:.1.UU�Ji'k:..411.►736i�..k.l.,:::'ec�r.'+iJrlSCi:gal L.it.J:1,k:ss4•w++Sa4.,1u,.u1'trJt'6li.r0464}'+1GY4' . ,-
' •T' ei 116
. ri i, ,, •I'PArt , ;!,1 ,.
,*: f. : :_ '-'' N `i•
( ' - ---1.- --1 rr'bi..,:,,,., .\.. , ,.
April 20tI 1915.,, el ' '`
F.. -- — — _ test '►" ,"
Y i.,
Marion Laurie 5080 Election officer 6 00 Roll Call BE IT D THAT the City bouncil of the City of Anacortes, did ,` t, 1,, •
I ~� Maude Graham 5081 Election officer 6 on the 20th day of April, 1915 meet in regular session with Mayor Hogan •
, , 1
presiding and Councilmen Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton •
,•,i , ;• jI '
4- _ L. L. Hutton 5082 Election officer 6 P g g � � , �
` / Abbi H. Abbey 5083 Election officer 6 and Wagner responding to Roll Call. Absent, None. • ;
V �~ J. D. Hudson 5084 Election officer 6 ?
t � , Gus. Lundberg 5085 Election officer 6 roved The minutes of the previous meeting of April 6th, 1915 was read and
: roved
, ; .
C. F. Fisher 5086 Election officer 6 upon motion approved.
T. P. Edens 50 87 Election officer 6
.. }�ae C. Temple 5088 Election officer 6 rortion of min. re Upon motion that portion of the minutes of April 6th, 1915 appearing ,I .•
r Leona Mc. Danel 5089 Electionnofficer 6 track of record on page 114 of this record to wit " and for failure so to do the c
t I —
reII:oving Street Superintendent was authorized to remove said tracks" was ordered +: ,
,��' - W. F. Barth 5090 Election officer 6 (not) striken + ;;. I '
J. F. Crouch 5091 Election officer 6 stricken from the minutes. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Nays, Bessner, Dobers, t�j ,� ,
? . A. ""ilson 5092 Election officer 6 Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, Wagner. +' ( 1.
- - •
A. F. Schrieber 093 Election officer 6 .
r F W. Erickson 0 4 Election officer 6 The re ort of the City Attorne on the ro osed ordinance rovidin '' ' i
5 9 on ord. for P Y P P P g
. R. E. Smith 5095 Salary as Deputy City Clerk 17 50 sewer bet. 16th for the construction of a lateral sewer dwon the alley between 16th and •
i J. George 5096 Rent of Hall 2 50 17th streets, recommending that the ordinance to be legally correct, was (�• . 4 (
Clar Mc. Laskey 5097 Election officer 6 and 17th read and upon motion adopted.
Emma Sager 5098 Election officer 6
&;r. ?,,, '''. GG. alton 5099 Rent of Hall 2 50 reportCityAttorney proposed providing
Atty on ord. for The of the on the ro osed ordinance rovidin
� �•` ' for the pavingof Commercial Avenue from llth Street to 36th Street, find- } j• �
t :.:7 t Burroughs Adding suing south +,• 1 �.� ::
'rJr ` •,, --.-�' 1 Machine Co. , 5100 Instalments on adder 65 Connercial Ave. , ing the same to be legally correct, was read and upon motion adopted. ,, ;�,
•* �.Y '1, 1 Alfred Olson 5101 Election officer 6 ` ,�• ,.; ,. The re ort if the City Attorney on the bond of 0. A. Lennie submitt- ::::
;;;-, ..-., ,r' ' �l. H. 1Ac. Culluan 5102 Election officer 6 bond of P g ,. -5Y , ". '. • C. s1. Brothers 5103 Election officer 6 en ing, • ed for the purpose of covering his position as Street Superintendent, find St. I%{ : : r--- i '. Olive E. Gee 5104 Sala as Cit Steno ra her 40 ing the same t& be legally correct, was read and upon motion adopted.
:E •: C. ? 5105 Labor 40 , .
f y ,,, , John Orman 3 ,
r" Sangren 5106 Labor on Float 296 30 1. and The report of the City Attorney on the application and bind of = ,>`
,� , ,.:,: z; Atty on .aPP t ! •;,.
;, L. Mc. Gill 5107 Gravel 139 20 pen for Coleman queen for liquor license, findingthe saire to be legally correct, ( • ,
tf V--,:' F. bond of Qu Q q g Y !'.'
•fin :.;-i'; F. R. NNorvell 5108 Salary as City Attorney 60 liquor license was read and upon motion adopted. •
r; I ' T. ' is , ,
• P'' The report of the City Attorney on the application and bond of . E.• , - 3:<;• F ;
i Atty on appl. and -
j • � 'I • 1 •
..; :.. : pond of Marsh for Harry Marsh for liquor license, finding the same to be legally I.
;i. ,-'-
Y ,� '� '_ '" Fin. on claims The report of the Finance Committee on the above claims for correct, was read and upon motion adopted. j. t .. it ,
liquor license
,v :'•'-:.
` the month of March, recommending that they be allowed and that �t
• warrants be drawn for the several amounts, was read and upon motion Stty on pet. of The report of the City Attorney on the petition of the Standard ,E ' ". 4 i
' r .= R Dobers Gibbons Hau en standard Oil Co. , Oil Company for certain privileges recommendingthat thepetitioner '� {•••:, '-!.'s
Y adopted. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Haug en, Trafton, , , f ,
.. '
r` Wagner, Nays, None. comply with the provisions of Ordinance No. 552, was read and upon motion •
.,4 + 1 ;
, :. adopted. WI' ?, 1 ; 1. , .�, �'•
�4• r. . -, I Adjourn Upon motion Council adjourned. `�
.• :; ,,y� rttyryon comer.. from The report of the City Attorney on the communication from the Citizens .1`1 1 ; i, 1i� ° ii:!,,..•:';'::'1:::...,..:):.',i'l:
fi : r° • Approved in open Council on the 20th day of April, 1915. Citizens Bank re- Bank regarding the outstanding bonds on Local Improvement District No. 64, ,; , ,1 < . , + �+
_,;. w. outstg. bonds on advising the Council that they have the power to forclose the assessment L I i'; ' i •
'� .. 04 lien and sell the property at public auction to pay the outstanding bonds, { '1 ' _ i`I
:ci �? _ � 7 1? : / was read and u on mot :' ' "- 1 `'`
.4, :; C-%�/?�'�'� p ion adopted. ill i+ f f:
. ..,
66. ?`.: , . cry Mayor from The re ort of the City Attorney on the communication from the Citizens I'. ••.
F Atty on coma. �,, „ ,. I: ,+ E:.
; '-4 + , '
> Citizens Bakn re- Bank regarding the outstanding bonds on Local Improvement District No. 65, l;
* ,,'y r I t ' 1.
"71(� uastg. bondson advising the Council that they have the power to forclose the assessment 1 �I +� !�
{i I City Clerk ('/' 6) lien and sell the property at public auction to pay the outstanding bonds, ,!1t1` `i• '; y°
it j '!` f was read and upon motion adopted. 'f�' j, :�i ( ;+ �4< }.
�s �f �
( `
':::::: .
<<t V'.— - (• ; . 1st re ort of The re o t of the City Treasurer for the month of January was re- +a
3 s < . p sented to the council and upon motion referred to the Finance Committee. '>�1' i• i �`1
? z ,, City Treasurer P 1 'hl.:f itli! Liv! li,„. . j. i'
• . �- t 2nd report of The report of the City Treasurer for the month of February was pre- ;� t1• ; rY f
f •
•. was; • City Treasurer sented to the Council and upon motion referred to the Finance Committee. , j ,', I ;1•
1 ' •;
1..0, , Yi . ! 3rd report of The report of the City Treasurer for the month of March was pre- n �I , ;, '•. ��' I !''
t #,: - I , City Treasurer sented to the Council and upon motion referred to the Finance Committee. �� , ,,,,,if=7.• 'j , f4{
Lyl4�'3 1. ! j.;1, 1 .. ,;, i( 'r I f;. .ti .
1 � •r
` + ,' l:ng. on pet. of The report of the City Engineer on the petition of the Standard Oil .• t'T I • •�,� !II '; 1; 1�4 +`r. - «�, ; I. , • I Standard Oil Co. Company asking for certain privileges, recommending that the peition be { -1! I . ;' ,1 'i i{1 `: ';.:.
• -,,,, 1 .
.,, j i • granted, was read and upon motion adopted. ;�1 .'�" '; ;, :•:..!;:"
•{:f 0" ; 1 ; Eng. on ord. for The report of the City Engineer on the proposed ordinance providing ,` 1 I . ; I .1.;,:.!'
`� i
R fs x - •, : sewer bet. 16th for the laying of a lateral sewer down the alley between 16th and 17th i ' 1�' .i• •; ' s ',), .1 '-
,k.: r: 1{ and 17th Streets, recommending that the ordinance do pass, was read and upon motion 6 ��
T �1.,:'-' i, fl adopted. 1i :�� !4,.i; '� `sit;:1 •
i`'•ail' 6
_+ - ,I. ! .,n�. on ord for The report of the City Engineer on the proposed ordinance providing I' '';; � : `' I
-? �� pvvin sou h for avin Commerc�.l. Avenue from llth Street to Street, recommendingi � ,� ,,; �, .. •
• j; Comlreip"cial Ave. , paving P P 36th 3 .f'• ,.
1 . ' ' 1, I
that the ordinance do ass, was read and u on motion adopted. ��� I ; j;,,, � 1
• , :' ; , III;.
1• , , Pinson report of The report of the Finance Committee on the report of the Street Sup- pfi1! 1,,�rt ! '+ , is
.,t. Supt erintendent for the month of March, recommending that it be received and 41 i ! II
placed on file, was read and upon motion adopted. •
-:y : ,1: :'in. on report of The report of the Finance Committee on the report of the City Mar- '4: • 1i�,',II , ;
!_arshal shal for the month of March, recommending that the report be received and EE� i �, 1:1 1 '
,-.:4 ' placed on file, was read and upon motion adopted. �Id, I ;•,i +
i Fin. -� , I� !i.�;� ;1 ;, � 1, ! 1
( on report of The repot of the Finance Committee on the report of the City Justice :I, ' 1' !
1 • Justice for the month of March, recommending that the report be received andplaced i 'l if, 1 , ,, , , .
. ,
j., ,' . F on file, was read and upon motion adopted. ,k!
r } •
Fin. on bond of The report of the Finance Committee on the bond of 0. A. Lenning i ; ,i ! '; �, , ,
•ti" . ' : ' Lenning submitted for the purpose of covering his position as Street Superintendent, ,j, ; ( ,', ,f. i , ' . .
: , !}{ recommending that the same be accepted, was read and upon motion adopted. ' 'I i '
ow i
'' � • •' l Fin. on corm. report •
The of the Finance Committee on the communication from then +�1 , 11: d, 0 i .• �'
.j from, Citizens Citizens Bank regarding the outstanding bonds on Local Improvement District '� , 1. (+ •
f J!I !I ank re- 64 No. 64, recommending that the City Attorney be instructed to foreclose the ,, ,t1iI ., (
,K d' : 1 ; 'I? assessments, was read and upon motion adopted. �, 1,111j,if •
;' ';;; ,
•\c• ,I; .
+.w. ,. �� ...::i�A. :- �� . �'::1�.;'v,� �;it� _ .�. ..:v.2:.r :.. . a s s '
! .,.
N.. .
. .,,,
J v1
' ..- .. 1 11 _, ,''
..," •
} aY
The report of the finance Committee on the communication from 5 adopted �� ' '. •,
+ -- Fin. on comm. from P was as read; upon motion section 6 was adopted as read; upon mot- �� �• � I; • r
Citizens Bank re - the Citizens Bank regarding the soutstanding bonds on Local Improve- l ..
ion the ordinance as a whole and as read was adopted. Roll Call: Ayes, - i 1+•
. .
outstg. bondson 65 went District No. 65, recommending that the City Attorney be instruct- Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, Wagner, Nays, None. : :. i �
. -�> ' ed to foreclose the assessments, was read and upon motion adopted. ,
Ord. No. Ordinance No. , being an ordinance regulating the keeping of .1'
+ St. & Pks on ord. for The report of the Street and Parks Committee on the proposed regulating
certain domestic animals in the City of Anacortes, to prevent the same from ; . `,i. ,
:,. for regu
,� paving south Conmer- ordinance providing for the paving of Commercial Avenue from llth do�;estic animals running at large therein, to provide for the distaining and impounding there- `'
cial Avenue of, and for proceedings relative to the sale thereof, to establish a city < r' : i •, t
= Street to 36th Street, recommending that the ordinance do pass, was .
read and upon motion adopted. pound and establishing regulations concerning animals impounded, and fixing :4,•• • r
}-e penalties for the violation of this Ordinance and repealing Ordinances No. �':
- IThe report of the Streets and Parke Committee on the petition 272,367,490 and 548 of said City and all Ordinances and partis of Ordinances Jii #
St. and r on petition P for certain privileges, recommendingin in conflict herewith, was upon motion placed upon its first and second
of Standard Oil Co. , of the Statdardt Oil Company i ` '
_ that the petitioners be requested to comply with the provisions of reading by title and referred to the City Attorney and the Judiciary Committee. I,. ;• '
Ordinance No. 552, was read and upon motion adopted. 1
Ord No. , est. Ordinance No. , being an ordinance establishing the grade of •':i ! ' t.
Sew. & Bldg. on ord.
report of the Sewer en and Building Committee on the de of Comm. Commercial Avenue within the City of Anacortes from the interesection of -1, - ) •
.:t . i for sewerin alley bet proposed eor inance providing for the construction of a lateral sewer Ave. from llth t Commercial Avenue and llth Street to the intersection of Commercial Avenue + : ! •
t down the alley between 16th and 17th Streets, recommending that the to 36th Street and 36th Street and repealing all ordinances and parts of ordinances in con- a
16th and 17thflict herewith, was upon motion placed upon its first and second reading by ± t'
was read and upon motion adopted. • •
ordinance do pass, a p P •
„LA.: title and referred to the City Attorney, City Engineer, and the Streets and j
' The report of the License and Police Committee on the applicat- Parks Committee. , ,'! ; ' ••�
>f ?• 1 Lic. & Pol on appl. P
,c:.:r ,.i . '- r •.tti` ••t
..f £' .t of queen for liquor ion of Coleman Queen for liquor license, recommending thatthe appli •-
± II on motion the claim of the Anacortes Water Co, being water rental ''`•'�`•,
Q cation be granted, was read and upon motion adopted. Roll Call: Ayes, Re, c?aims of P i .' _ '
�>r � �'=- license �,,�, -
�l' Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugne, Trafton, Wagner, Nays, A. for the last three months, was ordered allowed in full; Rell Call: Ayes, i • ,;"M1`�r:
' Allam, Trafton, Wanger. Nays, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen. I
��' •,--.l ' _. .-..•t• -1 • ` t
fn The •
re ort of the License and Police Committee on the a licat- Attyto draft Upon motion the City Attorney was instructed to draft an ordinance ± L ` ':
`�Yh - -1-''';'-:-.
, Lic. & Pol on appl. P Pp r t
� ,_ Z• of Marsh for liquor ion of Harry Marsh for liquor license, recommending that the appli- ord, fort 75 providing for a minimum wage of2.75 on all public work in the City. Roll , (
,. Tf',:,. -- cation be granted, was read and upon motion adopted. Roll Call: Ayes, minimum wage Call: Ayes, Dobers, Gibbons, Wagner. Nays, Allan, Bessner, Haugen, Trafton. • If
�- '�.�.t .. license .
� _ • ' Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, Wagner. Nays, None.
{. -1 Mayor sets Upon motion the Mayor was requested to set a date for a special meet- ? �I `
_I��;<.,• , ! Report of Special The report of the Special Committee appointed to meet with the date of intro- ing of the City Council for the purpose of introducing upon its first and ' ' ' '� ` •
` � Committee on moving Great Norther Railway officials in an edneavor to cause the removal clueing ord. for second reading the franchise ordinance of the Standard Oil Company; the ;+ i •± `i •
" '_ ` of the spur track across Commercial Avenue reported that they had '
rs' a track across Commer- P 4 Standard Oil Co Ziayor act the 27th day of April, `1915 at B o'clock. ; I. E :
' = cial Avenue met with the proper officials of the oompany and had every reason to `
{ ,, ? believe that the track would be removed in from 30 to 40 days. u• 0. instructed Upon motion the Health Officerwas instructed to notify the owner or ' + 'i,' ' i r '
�; :, ` to notify re- owners of the property situated an the southwest corner of 4th Street and -;�!; ± t� ' �=
D. Rolph et al asking the Council to cause an draininc 4th and "Q" Avenue to connect tenth the sewer in accordance with the provisions of r`� ,. `'
;..;;;;:t,,!,:: Pet. of Rolph for Petition of W. i
`:` ; incandescent to be placed in and around the corner of 15th
r':��. >, light lightleQ'o Ordinance No. 310. •• 11 ' • ,
=fi r Street and "K" Avenue was read and upon motion referred to the Fire, �14I ± '''1 , _ i `
ia,,,,°ti • . `- Water and Light Committee. Bond of Erickson Bond of Nels Erickson submitted for the purpose of digging or taus- . • ' 1+
s����� ,.: for sewer tonne- ing to be dug holes or excavations for the purpose of connecting with � ! ,t �, I, ; ' - �`
: .• f • Pet of Wells for Petition of W. V. Wells asking permission to alter the front ctions public sewers was presented to the Council and upon motion referred to the ;' , €: t t
•A '3 certain alterations of the store roon at 408 Commercial Avenue was read and upon motion City Attorney and the Finance Committee. ' +t ' '` j IC ,`
was granted. r,
Asa � '; petitionP C May, 1915as the date , ' •,
?. 18th date Upon motion the Council set the 18th day of ' ;Art { ::
Protest of Parchman Protest of Katherine S. Parchman et al against the inclusing set for hearing when they would sit for the purpose of hearing objections to the confirm- i `` ` I. :" •
2 i,•.
r .i
. i et al against the -of a cement sidewalk in the proposed south Commercial Avenue paving on rolls on ing of the assessment rolls on Local Improvement Districts Nos. 114 and 115. ilk (, ?`
. ,���-� - - ( sidewalk on east lide district was read and upon motion accepted and placed on file. + i'' ':{! i ' �
s �` ' of Commerical Int. res. on A resolution authorizing the City Treasurer to pay a sum amounting to ,It ;i„ t �`
x' -:1' C. Werner et al against the grantingof �• 4�
t,u Remon. on Werner et The remonstrance of F. 105
}�.,`_•, ,. '` g �,155 64, being the amount of interest due on warrants issued against Local L ��� ;" � ` ;� �€ � � ' •��
v .,,, al against dance hall a dance hall license to W. J. Crowder was read and upon motion accepted Improvement District No. 105 was read and upon motion adopted. Roll Cali.: ! 1,3;=•` i` ,I 7 ,
i 's.'t �• I and placed on file. Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, Wagner. Nays, None. •S , �f+i•°, ;; r y, '
s° Remon. of Werner The remonstrance of F. C. Werner against the granting of a dance Adjourn Upon motion Council adjourned to meet the 27th day of April, 1915 at �k ,. p• 1::
` _ = hall license to W. J. Crowder was read and upon motion not well taken. 8 o' clock. E'
i , , ¢ against dance hall
r f�� ' ± ,;�. Ayes, Bessner, Dobers, Haugen, Wagner. Nays, Allan, Gibbons, Trafton.
;rt .:,.; Approved in open Council on the 4th day of May, 1915.
j �
�_.,,i1K •� kMr. Werner then addressed the Council and notified them that if
f ;r•.. ; �, i Notice of Werner re- , � ��' ' ' }'�;" ''. � �'+ � • ;.;,
•,,{ ; - ill ' dance hall nuisance abatement proceedings were started in Court that the City 1I+i ,t 1 1 k '•1 �,s
11;ip :. ' _N would be made a party to the action for damages for licensing the ,i ' •i' ; It`' , i � ?
, against the filed protest of property owners in that vie- �2'� JJ'Ll
I�;�; 1' ;�/ r.i; �;K ,j� ,:��.p€. institution P P Yp %.;:,:p•(. ' ••'' 1I t ! init . / 'T /� ►ayor �,�-, _ I�;}I. `1'','�{�. .aq.1,;1.
k`` ' :, )% .• } • II Ord. No. 650 Ordinance No. 650, being an ordinance providing for the improve- r
.:,;,f 1. ,k..i , 1 - , ., jr .,,,1,,iii;, :,..
1;1 &': '• ,••.k- , , I ment of Commercial Avenue from the north line of llth Street to the City Cl em i � � 1 }� S,i f
': �ht!s;1 _. • ' , '' south line of 36th Street together with the intersections of all ( ± ' "' �•1'i' lyt,
eh1 , ' cross streets with Commercial Avenue between and including llth Street ! :t:l,I
`` " `^ ,- and Commercial Avenue and 36th Street and Commercial Avenue, by pav- 4 4t
S +4
�t F ,
! ing a strip eighteen feet in width, being nine feet on each side of , (iy!
line thereofand wooden curbs and gutters I' tl� '' ! , ,�
the centreby constructing
alongboth sides of said Commercial Avenue from the north lineof llth '( �€ ' '� '` Hit; ,i •
t- Street to the south line of 36th Street, was upon motion placed upon 11 I ,III'`' �!
! 1 its third and final reading by sections; the title was read and upon lla'.� . II - 1 z 'p M !I
•)':. ' ' ,' bystriking "and byconstructingsix foot cement side- ''': ,i 1, +
(; motion amended CC
,-.1! „ ' walks on the east side of Commercial Avenue from the north line of • Phi :L.', . , (+
15th Street to the north line of 36th Street"; upon motion the title • ±' ,1. I . + .` ',
'•$ was adopted as amended; section 1 was read and upon motion amended by ' + 'I
" and byconstructingsix foot cement sidewalks on the east �,�` :',� '',! 'I
:: . !
side of Commercial Avenue •
from the north line of 15th Street to the
north line of 36th Street"; upon motion section 1 was adopted as i ; II •III., ii ; } i •
+, amended; upon motion section 2 wa s adopted as read; upon motion sect- 1 ; •, •
I ion 3 was adopted as read; upon motion section 4 was adopted as read; ji I • + ' ± •
- upon motion section 5 was adopted as read; upon motion section 6 was " I `,ti " j'
Ii i adopted as read; upon motion the ordinance as a whole and as read was •
j; (; • �: . + 1'
' '• adopted. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbins, Haugen,
, Trafton, Wagner, Nays, None. ' 1, III I',I:: }, 'I I , • '!, •
• , II• Ord. ITo. 651 Ordinance No. 651, being an ordinance providing for the construct- • '", I '+ ,
ion of a lateral sewer down the alley between 16th and 17th Streets ' if i'' I' + I
,, from 150 feet west of the west line of "K" Avenue east to connect with ,'I I'"I';'i' ;', �' !
l the Trunk Sewer constructed on "M" Avenue was upon motion placed upon ! , i 1,0: ,11 J 1 ' ! '
• ' ,, , II ';I its third and final reading by sections; upon motion the title was I 'i'I t
,4 adopted as read; upon motion section 1 was adopted a s read; upon mot- ' 4..I. •
I' ion section 2 was adopted as read; upon motion section 3 was adopted • -_ f �!
't as read; upon motion section 4 was adopted asread; upon motion section �-
, ------ - --- - ro Lt /+ % !L Y4, 1.4.kWIIILL9.:v.0.3 44,,/. :w14 II.ika4:N.,4 >, aei'.a.ii`:. .
-. ,•• •....-,.;.. --:-. '-• -:. ': •••••-•.,1•:: ;'-',''':.:'-_,-;•••: ;:..'.;::......::;:-_::.. .. .....:;.,...'!'-!:::::::::::.': :"':.:".. " • -• • 7 ., . ' i _ . _ _
___. _._ ___
- : -: .-. .:_ i 2n
1.2 .1 "' ,tt ',- ---- . .
. .• -- _L-r....1 k-J
! ''. ;r
- 4 41,
•° April,-27-h,---191.41 . _ ,--------__ May 4th, 191 q- F , i; ' i .
- • Roll Call BE IT RR�rRt1RRRED That the City Council of the City of Anacortes, Roll Call BE IT REMEMBERED That the City rCouncil of the City of Anacortes did `.j . • ,, ,
. did on the 27th day of April, 1915 meet in regular adjourned session on the 4th day of May, 1915 meet in regular session with Councilmen Allan, ,i • , ` . , ;
with Mayor Hogan presiding and Councilmen Bessner, Dobers, Haugen, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, Wagner responding to Roll Call; ;,.
p r ` • Trafton, Wagner responding to Roll Call; Absent, Allan, Gibbons. ,:• - -: r
;41 Absent, Mayor Hogan. , . ,
Purpose of meeting The Mayor notified the City Council that the prime reason for '
:. Wagner�gner elected Due to the absense of Mayor Hogan the Council upon motion elected
'?, t the meeting of the Council was for the purpose of introducing upon its agn mayor pro tam. •
first and second reading the proposed ordinance granting to the '�ayor pro tem Councilman J. H. W er
Standard Oil Company the right to -lay pipes across certain streets, Minutes app. The minutes of April 20tha and April 27th, 1915, were read and
:c ` ' alleys and avenues; also the consideration of certain licenses pending. upon motion approved. ' '; = '
- Ord. , granting Ordinance No. , being an ordinance granting to the Standard tatty on Stand- The report of the City Attorney on the proposed ordinance giving 'il r '
franchise to Standard Oil Company, a corporation, its sucessors and assigns, the right, and Oil Co. certain privileges to the Standard Oil Co, finding the same to be legally t�! it ! '
Oil Co certain priv- privilege and authority to lay dorm, construct, maintain and operate franchise ord correct, was read and upon motion- adopted. " i! i.
a pipe line, for the conveying of oil, over and across, sundry streets, n` •+ i •
avenues, and alleys, within the City of Anacortes, and granting to Atty on bond m' t The report of the City Attorney on the bond of Nels Erickson sub-
' '
it ed for the purpose of digging or causingto be dugholes or excavation :i
� said company, its sucessors and assigns, right-of-way for such pipe of Erickson. p p gg g :,► , � , ;,
line, over and across such streets, avenues and alleys of said City, (Sewer bond. ) in the streets and alleys of the City of Anacortes for the purpose of
was upon motion placed upon its first and second reading by title and connecting with public sewers, finding the same to be legally correct, was '`
x.a :t> .._ ..i Tread and u on motion adopted.
�.v . referred to the City Attorney, City Engineer, and the Streets and Parks P 1
u f, Committee. • ,
t; ,;_ Atty on ord. The report of the City Attorney on the proposed ordinance establish= ! � ; #' •
Lic. & Pol on 'food # est. grade on ingthegrade of Commercial Avenue from 11th Street to• The report of the License and Police Committee on the applicat- 36th Street, finding .. ` ;
V �S ,.*: dance hall license ion of C.F. Wood for dance hall license, recommending that the license Commercial the same to be legally correct, was read and upon motion adopted. 5-; >•'
be granted, was read and upon motion adopted. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, 10^ ;�,
-sue',:-,• ;.- �' Wagner, Atty on irreg- The report of the City Attorney advising the Council "that there
{fi; ' : ,._ -K Dobers, �taugen, Trafton, �Ya ner, Nays, Bessner. ularities in are irregularities in the rpoceedings in L. I. D. No. • k` `'•:'; •
' G�� _�:�., I`P e, 109 and in order to �:_::.
Allan presentcure the defects tit will be necessary + &>::,.'
,# i �. # ?:fir. Allan entered the Council Chamber and ask that his name 109 y to re-assess the property in this • t;:,. ....
:' .y -!' ' be entered upon the Redord as present. district" was read and upon motion adopted. 1_
': :
t; Lic. & Pol on Crowder The report of the License and Police Committee on the appli- Treasurer's The report of the City Treasurer for the month of April was pre- :.)1:.
' ' `
:, � • dance hall, licenseF 1 y
. t ;f cation of W. J. Crowder for dance hall license, recommending that the report of Apr. seated to the Council and upon motion referred to the finance Committee. ; ,. ;) ::::','''. :
i �1 license be granted, was read and upon motion adopted. Roll Call: , i `
Y: . ` • . Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Haugen, Trafton, Wagner. Nays, None. h-arshal s The report of the City Marshal for the month of April was present- ;': i. ! .k
<, a report for Apr ed to the Council and upon motion referred to the Finance Committee. ; , :
Adjourn Upon motion Council adjourned. I •
z . i Justice report The report of the City Justice for the monthnof April was present- '1 ;i' ', .r
{r ::: Approved in open council on the 4th. day of May, 1915. for April ed to the Council and upon motion referred to the Finance Committee. + `;,.. ' ' ;
Li,r - Comm. from H. A communication from the Health Officer recommending a trunk serer �� '
t 0. for sewer , down Avenue R from 36th Street to the Bay was read and upon motion referr- 10'i '�.°j ,, -11
?{:PTA4 r on "R" ed to the Sewerage and Building Committee and the City Engineer. ! !'
' ',, , / Mayor 4-, ,,,,, ,1 f. il
� ,�, H. 0. to pur-
Upon motion the Health Officer was authorized to purchase a pump to ,I,'' .:° i !
,±t 0 ' . chase spray be used at the garbage dump '���, ,{ • g the cost of which was not to exceed $10.00. i•:!.
�� �• ' '�
s .,„ r ity lark Roll Call. Ayes,
Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, Wagner.Y+'aner •
' 1� ,, - . ,` -1 Nays, None. f
_: fi. f
• •
,<< Eng. on ord. The report of the City Engineer on the proposed ordinance establish-
est. , r ,:
' est. grade on ing the grade on Commercial Avenue from llth Street to 36th Street, recommend- ' � ,„
/ r`, + 1, it ' ' l';'RL , 1
, �;j �,;.1 Commercial ing that the ordinance do pass, was read and upon motio adopted. `r, la: ::, '<<
�sff�.. Eng. on ord. The report of the CityEngineer on the , u. 1 ` • -
P g proposed ordinance giving t ; }� (,
Standard Oil certain privileges to the Standard Oil Co, recommending that theordinance w rr ' 144, '
Co. do pass, was read and upon motion Y it 't ' t • ; ; i' :::� ado tad.P P7 •E
�, }` _L=` Eng. on ord. The report of the CityEngineer on the proposed ordinance porsiding ; `;°. II �'i ;''i : :
: t? for ssrrrer bet . for the laying of a lateral sewer down the alley n 10th and 11th Street : jl•' - ! ; ,;,' :'
betwee 1 � � 1 ��',;�
°,rtf +;, 10th and llth recommending that the ordinance be amended so as to include only that prop- : +f r r:. , _ .•i . ,. _
arty lying between a point 150 feet west of the west line of Avenue ' N" and � 1h '� '`,t • :1{ ,', '.1
�-st '' Commercial Avenue, was read and upon motion adopted. � fi 'i,i; ;= 1j.=�'1: f i'll! ".i'.;:.!'::::C::'‘;
�' r �;., 1 ;,1 : Final est. on The second and final estimate of the CityEngineer on Local Improve- � t• - • • -
�! 0' - ' "i ' 116 ment District No.. 116, Nels Erickson, contractor, amounting to $1371 0rwas ' (-1,t ••••'�' ' �t `�•1 ''F>s ::'
,..s 3.� ;.; :
:, i 1 read and upon motion accepted and allowed. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, 23essner, 1 1 ', ? !,: . , t :,• , �_ •:•
iRifi� £,.s ' ` ' Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, Wagner. ;!' i�`i 't; �
'F ; .r: j e s, g , Wagner. Nays, None. r '. j ,r , ,,i
=rat r �E'
< ,. ' • re- Thereport of the Street Superintendent ,t-,N
t' ... ,_,' t St. Supt. for the month of April was `1 �''s '' ' •
port for Apr. resented to the Council and upon motion referred to the Finance Committee. °1� 1 U •• �' :.;4Lge
�' The report of the finance Committee on the reports of the City Treas- , .��;�'13,''� ° ;+ 't
t:• F: . l in. on Treas---- reports urer for the months of Jan'y, Feb'y and March, reco;<mnend�eng that the same .E i' i14r',1 j :•+
be accepted andplaced on file, was read and upon motion adopted. ` A:• eP p p ?, ► ;F ,• 1 1 1
1_'' f � flip 1�, , ./ . :.
''1. ' Fin. on bond The report of the Finance Committee on the }fond of Nels Erickson y
.,- Y ,; of Erickson submitted for the purpose16+� '1 ` { 1 r,of digging or causing to be dug holes or excavat- I .
ii :
or sewer con- ions in the streets and Alleys of the City of Anacortes for the purpose of .�'; = 1J;' I!,; ,, ••_
nections connecting with public sewers, recommending that the bond be accepted and i�iE ';1!!�� ' 1,
'1' placed on file, was read and upon motion adopted. i',•' �'� 1 . ',
t ,.
Fin. on 8% for The report of the Finance Committee recommending that the City i l ' ' : '. °
C. E. Wts. Treasurer be instructed to stamp each Current Expensef !
t p Warrant presented to ,� ;� •
'.•. . '', him with the legend "This warrants bears 8% interest", was read and upon i li,l';.; •
�. motion adopted. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, � ,'i {' !,11:11111'..tt.;
�; Trafton, Wagner. Nays, None. : 1:;, 1,1 f� ,
Ste & Pks on The report of the Streets and Parks Committee on the ' , , '' o? ' ;1,
P proposed ord- ill
ord. for grade inance establishing the grade of Commercial Avenue from llth Street to t I i it; i i f;' :• '� t' i •
' I1 • of Commercial 36th Street, recommending that the ordinance do pass, was read and upon :, t '' . .�,r 1 j motion adopted. i
.4 ,:1 $t '.,a f I, f'. ' it 1
s. , . & Pks on The report of the Streets and Parks Committee on the
t: ,'' ord.- proposed ord- • 3
'i1 1) Stand- inance giving to the Standard Oil Company certain privileges, recommend- :' .101 `1 ,a i,
+ l� i and Oil Co in that the ordinance do pass, was read and upon motion adopted. ►� ;` t lt ;;.r
;., .
h , f, i The report of the Streets and Parks Committeek- rF, , `�. )1),,
- ; :f , . P recommending that t.� °.,
• w.kw d •4::• s14::414.6 w .:.i«A:ilr. d.4.til' 4:sou i•..,: b:xlvt,igtibkoMd ul'�. 7S7r"S.' ' `lil�i�i�k.'Lt�GiWs Aattl. - _ -
. —. 12°
g,.. 1 0 ,___ . s.„.__ ,
Bessner. Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, Wagner. Nays, �i + i ,.'' '',,,,:: 1 1 '
L. I. D. No. 109 be re-assessed and that the City Attorney be instructed g ' ay , None.
{ _ to prepare the necessary ordinance, was read and upon motion adopted.
- Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, Bids on 118 Upon motion the Clerk was instructed to open the bids submitted on .; .•I s
{ A ' Wagner, •
Nays, None. Local Improvement District �:o. .118; bid of Nels Erickson amounting to $907 20; `-'` ; i• t •. ' ►•
Nels Erickson being the only bidder and being below the City Engineers
•_,, 1 , ;
;� Seww& Bldg. on sewer The report of the Sewerage and Building Committee on the proposed estimate the contract was upon motion awarded to him and the Mayor and City .
ordinance providingfor the laying of a lateral sewer dwon the alley Clerk instructed to enter into the proper contract upon the filing of a .: `'� ` ,,
in alley bet. 10th y -y •
and llth between 10th Street and llth Street, recommending that theordaince do good and sufficient bond. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, i •
, pass according to the recommendations of the City Engineer, was read Haugen, Trafton, Wagner. days, None. ,`td i
-rfand upon motion adopted. '' ii' .• '
- I Crossing at Upon motion thematter of placing a plank crossing at the intersection 3' I
' intersection of of 18th Street and Avenue "?d" was referred to the Streets and Parks Cornni-ttee li `�i '
Fire, W & Light on The report of the Fire, Water and Light Committee on the petition •
light at 15th and of W. D. Dolph et al for an incandescent light in the vicinity of 15th 18th and M with power to act. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, ` .► _
' •
• "K" Street and Avenue "K", recommending that the petition be not granted, Trafton, Wagner. Nays, None. <<;
was read and upon •
motion adopted.
Water gauge The matter of installing a water gauge and having the Anacortes Water '�: i
I Pet. of Shaw et al Petition of R. B. Shaw et al for the installing of a fire hydrant for testing and Light Company eonnect same withe water main for purpose or ascertaining
• ? at the corner of 15th Street and Commercial Avenue was read and upon pressure correct water pressure was upon :,otion referred to the Finance Committee.
for hydrant Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton. mays, Dobers, f"
r • • ' motion referred to the Fire, Water and Light Committee.
_J Wagner. �,
•: r Pet. of Ludington et Petition of Roy Ludington et al parying for the improvement of I '
n " Claims Claims filed against the Current Expense rand of the Cityof Anacortes ' ' '�_ ,
`' . � _. al for improvement Avenue O between 20th and 22nd Streets was read and upon motion re- g xP ;,�
c�• for the month of April, 1915. , as follows, was upon motion referred to • •�••
ferred to the City Engineer, Streets and Parks Committee.
of "O" � ::,:
srs. _ r. the Finance committee; i ;�:
y zrr '` Petition of Walter Dickenson praying for the privilege of occu - ; , " - ' ,
Pet. of Dickerson •.,,
: :; :•i>`.1- for lease of ing 50 feet on the east side of Avenue "K" north o the Grat Northern Claimant Voucher Purpose Amount. ; �; {;; •
Right-of-Way for the purpose of building and repairing boats and scows
ty��, �� _ was read and upon motion referred to the Streets and Parks Committee. J. E. Amsberry 5109 Witness fees 2 00 ° '
�#; Pacific Tel. & Tel Vo. 5110 Tolls 3 ? ; ' - 1
..•.r" .-ASK ,
�' 7 Ord No. , re-assess- Ordinance No. , being an ordinance providing for the new assess- Eckstein quinby 5111 Chainman 12 25
•,, -{- _ Anacortes Ice Co. , 5112 Feed 2 I }
�`y . rent of 109 meat or re-assessement upon the lots, blocks, tracts and parcels of 3 95 I • , • 11• . 1
0. N. Huntley 5113 Witness fees 2
c will •
sr .., ,;, land which have been or which be benefited by the improvement of '1
�`' i, 10th Street --- was upon motion placed upon its first and second read- W. S. Neely 5114 Salary as Deputy 1.:arshal 75
<< Attorney, City and W. A. Moore 5115Labor ``'
" s_` • ing was title and referred to the City Engineer, � �d supplies for Jail 3 `j5 ,
4µ Owen Fulk 5116 Salary as Marshal 90 •
f _ { the Streets and Parks Committee. :
Chas. Freund 5117 Street work 33 75 �� i �, , ' 't-
,i ,f: � 1 - Ordinance No. 652, being an ordinance establishing the grade on C. Tancre 5118 Street work 57 40 .I ' ' K ' �;
;�•s; Ord. No. 652 Olive E Gee 5119 Salary as City Steno 40 ,t ' �, : 7
Commercial Avenue from the interesection of Commercial Avenue and llth
Blythe Mc. Cauley 5120 Salary as Truck driver 75 �t1 ` i .• ! .i t ' '`4
:4'�' .` Street to the intersection of Commercial Avenue and 36th Street was
A. A. Sumner 5121 Salary as Fire Chief 90 {I I > , '1 ' - `
f•`'`"'� '' �_Tt - ,, upon motion placed upon its third and final reading by sections; upon !• � � • •
• ,,,w% J. S. Carter 5122 Salary as Deputy i arsnal 75 ii 1_
r1,%; motion the title was adopted as read; upon motion section 1 was adopted
r` as read; upon motion section 2 was adopted as read; upon motion section Dale & Shea Abstract Co. , 5123 Descriptions 2 l'' '' +
^ �,if. 3 was adopted as read; upon motion the ordinance as a whole and as read A. E. Miller 5124 Street wor'r. 54 85 ,' ; ;E.-• 'r i
' � A. F. D. 5125 gird Roll 40 y f i
;. ,. was adopted. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen,
S. L. Bates 5126 Street work 57 40 .� , + `�,, 1 ' • t'^
,,: ;r; • Trafton, Wagner. Nays, None.
,;�,., Adam Deem 512 Witness fees 2 : ;t � •i' '�� �; • 'i t� .�.
M'-. a -� S. D. Temple & Co. 5128Supplies 5 50 { ' r .f
,' � ! Ord. No. 653 Ordinance No. 653, being an ordinance providing for the construct-
ion n of a lateral sewer down the alley between 10th Street and llth T. P. Edens 5129 Justice fees 5 '�` + i t' %.
�;•. .:, Fidalgo Lumber & Box Co. 5130 Lumber 6 05 1! ('`` j` r Rs�
:, ''�z'�t4:• - Street from a point 150 feet west of the west line of Avenue "N" east •• j ,-: ;` r'•11 to connect with the Trunk Sewer constructed on Commercial Avenue was Theo Saxrud • �"5131 Inspector 47 70 ! 'i f�#", ti + `
;g Trick & Murray, Inc. 5132 Supplies 13 45 i �{
i upon motionplaced upon its third and final reading by sections; upon +�
- P Clerk t '' ,•I ' i
R. E. Smith 5133 Salary as Deputy City 3 75 • ' 1,
CO..::., fit � ... -J},• � motion the title was adopted as read; upon motion section 1 was adopted , 1, °•
~ ' • ' , as read; upon motion section 2 was adopted as read; upon motion section Hodson-Teenaughty Co. , 5134 Supplies 15 10 ;4, ,
� G. W. Smith 51353 Labor on Dump 65 t `Y ;�,� ty �•� . ' �, 0
section 4 was adopted as read; upon p t ,
s.;;.;. 3 was adopted as read; upon motion c P P P for Bros 1 6 Zeals for Prisoners 2 ^
'� `� •
f 5 motion section was adopted as read; upon motion section 6 was adopted 5 3 7 5 fI " 'I • ``'
k,;{;,,# , 5 F. R. Norwell 513r Salary and misc. exp. as Htty 62 40 '+F E'•' `' �. ^
0.. ;� as read, upon motion section 7bwas adopted as read; upon motion theJ1 ' e ' I {:.
.' `�.`'` �'�`� ordinance as a whole and as read was adopted. Roll Call: Ay Anacortes American 1 ti Printing; and Publishing 201 80 ''h li t,,+ri.:•. •.I, . i :� ,• '
it �� ea, Allan, Curtis Wharf Co 1 9 Fuel 18 70 II .
1':4E, ` - Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, Wagner. Nays, None. 1, ' 1!
j;, , 0. A. Lenning 1405 Salary as St. Supt. 75 A l !' `'d . ` :, :`
�1'ur + G. W. Shannon & Co. 5141 Hdw. supplies 2 85 '� :'' j • + • ' 'I!
D. � fir . � � ; .�.i�lf�i�' �• ��i + i ..
:•• !� ' I Ordinance l'o 6 4, an ordinanceto the Standard Remington Typewriter Co. , 5142 Supplies and repairs 1 75 •, I �`Ri' • _. 1�r;:,4 - Ord. No . 654 5 being granting
��� `` i'` C its sucesaors and assiC s, the ri t,
• I Oil om an a co oration, D. A. Majors 5143 Blacksmithing 8 50 `,���� i ,� ,� 't + `. �+„ .I,
{ $ ��{4 , ,.l_:;, , . privilege and authority to lay down, construct, maintain and operate 3
U. P. Bank Note Co. , 5144 Blank bonds 250 1,1� f ply , ► .
Fes- "'. ''.• : + . a pipe line, for the conveying of oil , over and across sundry streets, ^ ' t,� �''` + E,^ ����•
avenues, and alleys within the City of Anacortes, and granting to said P. S. Tele. Co. , 5145 Tolls 5 37 :1 ; i 1 : ;. ,; ,'( •^K. G
'<��>> z ,I - for such pipe line, Island Transfer Co 5146 `Learn work 7 50 s t ' 1• ��'`' `'
, _<- ,, S` . 1 company its sucessors and assigns, right-of-way P P1 �'.,' �
Fidalgo Transfer Co 5147 Team work 106 25 ,, r 4 •t1 •''
; ,
_iiyt. ;,,; - `: + •1 over and across such streets, awe -.ues and alleys of said city, was upon
C' + , v^�''
i,A readin b sections ,u on motion 1 l i�
c d u on its third and anal g y H. A. Taylor 5148 Blacksmithing 7 55 �,`�' ', ,' "' '4',W
s. ... motion pla e p P ` �
`^�' .'•'.' the title was adopted as read; upon motion section 1 was adopted as read R. E. Hardcastle 5149 Salaryand misc. exp. as Treas 61 0 ? 1 '.: ;i' • , ...14A
-,���� .: �. Pioneer Bindery and Print- 1 �il• f';�;.;� i '!:�
...1after inserting, upon motion, that 25 years would be the life of the
{ ing Co. 5050 Supplies 36 55 Ri••°( •� • '• =fi
+ franchise; upon motion section 2 was adopted as read; upon motion section S. G. Brooks 5051 Salary and mist. a.s H. 0. 30 was ado ted as read; upon motion section 4 was ado ted as read; upon 3 p P o. , 5 5 9 1 2 Team hire 26 4 t' ' " �motion section was ado tee as read u on motion the ordinance as a f 'Hk ' ' :
' '� r
5 P P Robt. Kanapp 5153 Chainman 7 50 I(j .
,. - . , whole and as read was adopted. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, W. 1I t •
p S. Clark 5154 Salary and esc. as City Eng. 130 90 ��y� ,, .; y,! '! �t' ' I
Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, Wagner, Nays, None. T. W. Dodson 5155 Salary as garbage co+__ ector ?5 , ,,
C. C. Temple 5156 Salary and exp. as City Clerk 82 05411 '11'J I(
��; " Application and bond The application and bond of Chris Semon for liquor license eas Anacortes Water �%o. , 5157 Lights 239 65 {1 �;'� ' ' ;' i 'j,
Rs,'' of Semon for liquor resented to the Council and upon motion referred to the City Attorney -
Archie Allan 5158 Expenses to Seattle 7 •I I'I (� , •+
r� license and the License and Police Committee.
= L nses to Seatt e ' •.+ ' `
1 lick Bessner 5159 xpe 1 7 I ,I;•
'r. . ' Res. for trunk sewer A resolution of the City Council declaring its intention to lay •;yl I� ,!;1 `'
on "0" Avenue from a trunk sewer dwon Avenue "0" from the alley between 17th and 18th Fin. on claims The report of the finance Committee on the above claims for the month it 'I:11� +` t, #' ; '1
t' 18th to 1 th Streets Streets to the centre of 13th Street with provisions for laterals and of April, recommending that warrants be drawn for the several amounts, was read ` I ,. : 1 ' i }''„+
I ; ' setting the 1st day of June as the date when protests would be con- and upon motion adopted. Roll Call• Ayea, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, ,• I' ,� 1,� •j „ i �;
i sleeted against the proposed improvement was ppon motion passed. Roll • Haugen, Trafton, Wagner. Nays, None. F ' � fit , ,+
� '.' ' ' Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, Wagner. g g y
1 ,(i,, f, 1 { i' 1('
Nays, None.
y Adjourn Upon motion Council adjourned.
i, on No. 117Upon motion the Clerk was instructed to open the bids submitted Approved in open Council on the 18th day of �:ay, 1915. I +4 ,4 �il 1 .
Bids i ; '
, : ,' 11: on Local Improvement District No. 117; bid of Washington Paving Company t
for asphalt with 2" wearing surface amounting to $23?77.00; bid of ,bl �;,(;;�
t • ' ` Independent Asphalt Paving Company for asphalt with 2" wearin surface ' 1 I, I
4 40; upon motion the contract was awarded to they
if :, i ill amounting t o ° 59 3 T� Mayor ,„1 ;+''I :1 ,I •.: ,
'__ .I '' '1E Washington Paving Company, they being the lowest and best bidders, and / �J I ;
+ 1 the Mayor and City Clerk instructed to enter into the necessary contract
• I. t ir'
upon the filing of a good and sufficient bond. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, J City Clerks� 1 ' • i,, •
A. Y .
- . g. !if• .1 i 7 k ' , ti., .
, 'ii:-.' -'-.--' 124 - 1 ,7- --,
1; : '+ i ! 11 ,
.,. -- --ray- 8th.L915. — . --- - '1'4 ;..jj!
• firmed. Roll Call; Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugnexi, Trafton, i _e. ° '
Roll Call BE IT R$�., Rt�RRD THAT The City Council of the City of Anacortes, i
- did on the 18th day of May, 1915 meet in regular session with Council- Wagner. Nays None. • , .' >
men Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, Wagner respond- .. I ' ' .)
t ainst The Mayor called for protests against the confirming of the assess- :�} j : `i } ; f }
,. ing to Roll Call; Absent, Mayor Hogan. protest ag ; •
conf. rolls on ment rolls on Local Improvement District No. 115; none were reported filed • _ i ; •
i •
1 Wagner elected Due to the absense of Mayor Hogan the Council upon motion elect- with the City Clerk and none were registered from those present in pur-
r . i: ,Tag 317 seance to a call from the Mayor. ' a
• Mayor Pro tern ed Councilman J. H. Wagner to be Mayor Pro. Tem. ''; ' •• ` '
-. Minutes approved The minutes of the previous meeting of May 4th was read and upon Upon motion the rolls of Local Improvement District :7o. 115; were
molls on 115 shown <Is�, ,
motion approved. equalized firmed. Rodeclared ll Calla Ayes,and he amount of Al a, BessnerheDoberssments Gibbons, Haugnemon con-firafton, ,;�•, • I: • • t
f •
Wagner. Nays, None. t ,
Atty on ord. for Ther report of •the City Attorney on the proposed ordinance pro- ii .. '!;
impounding anillmis viding for the impounding of domestic animals within the corporate ;i; �,
limits of the City of Anacortes, finding the same to be legally correct, #Property owners will be permited to put in sidewalks upon the same 11: : -,, ,• ' • ;
•, + was read and upon motion adopted. consitions but must arrange the payment with the contractor themselves as ', , .!; ,
• the sidewalk cannot be included in this improvement under the "Payment by - v -
Atty on appl. & bond The report of the City Attorney on the application and bond of Bonds". -1 +:
• : of Semon for liquor ' Chris Semon for liquor license, finding the same to be legally correct,license was read and upon motion i
motion adopted. nrd. No . 655 Ordinance No. 655, being an ordinance providing for a new assessment
or reassessment upon the lots, blocks, tracts and parcels of land which have ii;
•rS` C h Atty on ord. for The report of the City Attorney on the proposed ordinance provid- been or will be benefited by the improvement of 10th Streets and other r` ; . ; j I.
ti'fy -.�; � reassessment on 109 ing for the re-assessment •
of the rpoperty in Local Improvement District streets and avenues as described in Local Improvement District No. 109 � - � ' ���;�r:
- .-- No. •
109, finding the same to be legally correct, was read and upon mot- was upon motion placed upon its third and final reading by sections; upon �jij' a ,, F
. > r;� ' r'.. ion adopted. motion the title was adopted as read; upon motion section 1 was adopted as i . • !�'
,•.ye , , • • read; upon motion section 2 was adopted as read; upon motion section waw ` '
YC ' ;'' • adopted as read; upon motion section 4 was adopted a s read; upon motion ` ' •
�.f�-�?{• : �-� •< � Eng. on ord. for The report of the City Engineer on the proposed ordinance prov- P � i -,
` ; ��A r� ) ' reassessment on 109 iding for the re-assessment of the property in Local Improvement Dist- section 5 was adopted as read; upon motion the ordinance as a whole and as '
:WV 109, recommendng that the ordinance do pass, was read and upon read was adopted. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, j ! •,•,.
-. ,, mitt no. Trafton, Wagner. Nays, None.
Y Notion adopted. _
-. ..�. - : i The re ort of the Finance Committee on the re ort of the Cit Ordinance No. , bein an ordinance orividin for the i ound- R
Fin. on report of p P Y Ord. for Impound g P g • ,
lir).,... . , � Treas. for April Treasurer for the month of April, recommending that the report be accept- ing cattle laid ing of domestics animals within the corporate limits of the City of Ana- i i-:44i, tortes was upon motion laid over for future consideration. 1:; :' ! I
• r. :_�. 1 ed and posted on file, was read and, upon motion adoted. over ' ' . . �~-`;', - ,
the care and E s + .. i
1,j.' The report of the Finance Committee on the report of the City Ord. , re- Ordinance No. , being an ordinance providing for .:,
>:-:'.,t: � a i Fin. on report of P � � �`:
'a ;‘- :_ } Marshal for April Marshal for the month of April. recommending that the report be accepted inspection of inspection of premises by the Fire Department was upon motion placed upon ► !'. �{ • ;. • ' ,;f
a :•:,' and placed on file, was read and upon motion adopted. premises by its first and second readin b title and referred to the City Attorney and F -a ' ;:i
Fire Dept. the Fire, Water and Light Committee. i ,a
f The report of the FinanceCommittee on the report of the City "`Fin. on report aen in that the re ort be sate ted Ord. conf. Ordinance No. being an ordinance providing for the confirming l 1.i1 ti,.' ;{,: i • ,.:ofrecomm d P , ��'
>� r.=�r ' � Justice for April Justice for the month April, g P •
t;� and placed on file, was read and upon motion adopted. rolls on 114 of the assessment rolls on Local Improvement District No. 114 was upon ',,•1 ,, 3 , ` ' {
~i.: -a.',:
` motion placed upon its first and second reading by title and referred to 'If; 1 ' ` ' +
��?� ; • Fin. on report of The report of the 1 inance Committee on the report of the Street the City Attorney, City Engineer and the Finance Committee. . '1 i` • 1. ' `:.
sf;, . Superintendent for the month of April, recommending that the report be
;c ?pi St. 6upt for April P #.
- file, was read and upon motion adopted. Ord. , conf. Ordinance No. , being an ordinance providing for the con Lirming 's; 1 ;: r.z +
-h.�� ; f accepted and placed on i P P w ,
rolls on 115 of the assessment rolls on Local Improvement District too. 115 was upon I +; . • i::::
fi��<< -: The re ort of the Judiciary Committee on the proposed ordinance motion placed upon its first and second reading by title and referred to '1 �' f` _ `
• Judic. on or3. for P . ,, ' ' t• `
,. s providingfor the impounding of domestice animals within the corporate the City Attorney, City Engineer and the Finance Committee. I ,'
impounding animals mP g
rs z? :, . R limits of the City of Anacortes, recommending thatthe ordinance do pass, ''`f ' s?, +. A ''':!:". .'::::::'
=" � June 1 th date ' Upon motion Council set the. 15th day of June, 1915 as the date they ' {; � ;fi .-'i';,.!, was read and upon motion adopted. 5 P � , tif:, ��:•• ••r. would meet for the ur ose of hearin ob ections a ainst the confirmin of a '' t{_.r. •,- i i :,•''ma y, , . for hearing P P g J g g c ; ,
" f :`-••; -'.l St. & Pks on ord The report of the Streets and Parks Committee on the proposed on 109 the assessment rolls on Local Improvement District :o. 109. i:- 'ti:'�1 , ' • :
�` ' ' ordinance providing for the re-assessment of the property in Local
�;#* 4 for reassessment on
ti Improvement District No. 109, recommendingthat the ordinance do pass, :112.7 15th date Upon motion the �%ouncil set the 15th day of June as the date when ,; ,#i L, ,,,:w ' , ,I 9 ohearin on the would meet for the u ose of hearin ob'ections a ainst the Infirm- a `K� , i. 1Gq1• � s• ,: was read and upon motion adopted. g Y P g g 1 � �! : " '`' t • `.sr-. , ing of the assessment rolls on Local Improvement District No . 116. `• 81 '• ; p` ``
t, r,. !' The report of the Streets and Parks Committee on the petition N + ' `
is-.r. .; 4. St. & Pks on pet . P ' ` ;�,.; ,{ 4,;• .:
, of Walter Dickerson of Walter Dickerinson, recommending that the petition be granted and Bond of Erick- Bond of Nels Erickson submitted for the purpose of covering his 4i � ,11'.
�• " .;•f. ' son on 118 ref. District118 waspresented to the Council 3 ; ,, ' .{�, { '
c� �1 I that the applicant be obliged to pay an annualrental of $25 00 from contract on Local Improvement No. , , •
nt-f- . v . r in advance was read and upon motion adopted. Roll Call: and upon motion referred to the City "ttorney and the Finance Committee. '1 ; 1•;!'.�• 1;',1 :1. :i.: { i
,y� year to year P
:,,c:, ..' yf
f ,tr . Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugne, Trafton, Wagner, Nays, ; ��� , .� ,
#r M ';- Bond of Wash.
None. Bond of the Washington Paving Company submitted for the purpose of "
`� Ir I 1{{ y j ,
r;E<, Pving Co. ref. covering their contract on Local Improvement District No. 117 was present- l {, �' ! f ;.,;, :•
ed to the Council and u on motion referred to the City Attorney andthe + Ai,. ,, i ! , , , .;� ,.
° '%' k St. & Pks on pet. , The report of the Streets and Parks Committee on the petiton P •
rK• : '; Y. ' 1 of J George et al of J. George et al, recommending that the property owners desiring finance Committee.
1 4; j additional pavement be requested to get the signatures of all the prop- ' ' f1 t ``•
_;,; . 1�' for additional to layCouncil to im rove , 'l' ' "' ``E�.
`'` < ;`F;? i, ; pavingerty benefited by the additional improvement and in case of some property Res. Resolution declaring the intention of the City p AA :�: s: 11 t ',
' his or their share of the cost of the extra imporve- sidewalk on 3rd 3rd Street from the east line of "N" Avenue to the west line of 0 Avenue ; !�'' ► ' , 1,.:.:.: d�
not agreeing to pay s►P � . {
Street on both sides thereof and settingthe 1 th dayof June as the date when
ment such cost must be paid by the property desiring the additional 5
. '1 , pavement the same to be paid in accordance with the terms andagreementsprotests against the said improvement would be heard was upon motion pass-
. .; ' Districtwas read ed bythe Council. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons,
' : •• under which Local Improvement too. 117 is contemplated,
n P
and upon motion adopted. # Haugen, Trafton Wagner. Nays, None. Itii•11:11: ::::::''''':',11:11:1
'' Fire, W & Light on The report of the Fire, Water and Light Committee on the petition hes. to lay Resolution delcaring the intention of the City Council to improve 'I ;' ' sidewalk on 8th 8th Street from the east line of "Q" Avenue to a point 180 feet east of , ,' pet. of Shaw et al of R. B. Shaw, et al for the installing of afire hydrattt at 15th andi
. for hydrant Commercial Avenue, recommending that the petition be not granted, was Street the east line of "Q" Avenue on the north side thereof b removin the res- ; '{ " 1i � - ' �
Y B P �; {
read and upon motion adopted. ent plank sidewalks and constructing six foot cement sidewalks and setting �'�1'I'.•E„ ,� ''. , • 'j'
th dayof June, 1915 as the date theywould meet for the purpose ►;, , f i
The report of the License and Police Committee on the application hearingofeprotests against the said improvement was read and upon motion '. Jl- ��'1
Lie. & Pol. on appl P 6 � P � f�� {' °` ;+ � ;. � ,
, i and bond of Semon and bond of Chris Semon for liquor license, recommending that the bond passed by the Council. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobesm Gibbons, � : { , , + , •
`' � for liquor lice-:se be accepted and the license granted, was read and upon motion adopted. Haugne, Trafton, Wagner. Nays, None. ! , ;� , , ; {
. 'i Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugne, Trafton,
j : ' Wagner, Nays None. lies. for the A resolution authorizing the City Treasurer to pay a sum amounting to 1, ,,,,,i,;, ! ;.,
$90 06 , being the amount of interest due on warrants issued against Local
• • , . !, oi „ i: is {
� payment of int.
1 George et al petitioning for a cement pavement on 108 Improvement District No. 108 was read and upon motion adopted. Roll Call: l �i,'1 c 11 ,i ,I
Pet. of J. George Petition of � .
et al for addition- to be built the entire width of the street from 20th to 21st was read Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, Wagner. Nays, None. • � i � ' !' '
' ! :, ( al paving and upon motion accepted and placed on file. h. { + ' .
I. Bids on 119 Upon motion the Clerk was instructed to open the bids submitted on ;IFS {l � l
I. ' ' II: Protests against The Mayor called for protests against the confirming of the Local Improvement District No. 119; bid of Nels Erickson amounting to $641 15 '' ,�
rolls on Local Improvement t District '10. 114; none were re- Nels Erickson being the only bidder and being below the City Engineer' s eat I,' : ,;. ' p 1,
'•; ,, :1, conf. rolls on 114 assessment P - 'I i• � } ' •• ••
�� ported with the City Clerk and none were registered from thoa present imate the contract was upon motion awarded to him and the Mayor and City r�,�'1ih '
.! 1„ , in pursuance to a call from the Mayor. Clerk instructed to enter into the necessary contract upon the filing of a 1; , ` ,� '( .,
F•• good and sufficient bond. •
� Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, ;'.'�`f;{ ` „�
; Haugne, Trafton, Wagner. Nays, None. . ' `��,� ' ' ' .
� � { Rolls on 114 equal- Upon motion the rolls on Oleal Improvement District No. 114 wereg _
equalized and the amount of the asseesmentss shaven thereon con- "1 �� '�; L ;;
ized declared
f .
• 12 t--: •,-,'Nk.i,.,., ,, ,
. ,,, -'''''' Y'' '.. .1_26 IMP viie .,t;:
f ufR 1Rt,, 19l 5_ 1'' I0. °'1 I' t 1
1 ram,.. '
Adjourn Upon motion Council adjourned. BE IT T ERED That the City Council of the City of Anacortes did 'j `4.' _ ; 11 1
. Roll Call on the 1st day of June, 1915 meet in regular session with Councilman Allan, - s '+' •
• • • Approved in open Council on the 1st day of June, 1915. Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, �:agner responding to Roll Call; ; • ,{! '1 _+ •
Absent irayor Hogan. ') •; • ' t:
xl• ,1. 1 ' . "
' , �2/ ,., ti7agner elected Due to the abaense of mayor Hogan the Council upon motion elected V; ' .• 1. j
17 Pro tem Councilman J. E. Wagner to be L'_ayor pro tem. ¢; `
The minutes of the previous meeting of May 18th, 1915 was read and s'1- : i : : ,
l - _mutes . hP upon motion approved. 1- _' •;
t City Clerk. .,4 is 4 1:
_ Atty on bond of The report of the City Attorney on the bond of }leis Erickson sub- } - I. ! {
Ericson for mted for the purpose of covering his work in Local Improvement District No. �' - i,
118 118, finding the same to be legally correct, was read and upon motion 1 • {
adopted. �'? ` '! •+ . `! •
j :;tty on bond of The report of the City Attorney on the bond of the Washington PST- 'l! ' ;; •
,'.= I
Co. for ing Company submitted for the purpose of covering their work in Local •
waving �
Improvement District i o. 11`j, finding the same to be legally correct, was # .' ;" '
117 read and upon motion adopted. ` • t
<<' Atty on ord, The report of the City Attorney on the proposed ordinance provid-
ing , ; ,
,-_ prow. for ins for the inspection of premises by the Fire Department, finding the 1r1 ram. .
V:? same to be legally correct, was read and upon motion adopted. • ,' 0
3 ,� ;_ -,�-' spection of 17 Y P P , •,:.�, t„
ti- • • , 1•
t. = The re ort of the Cit Attorne on the ro osed ordinance rovid--
r et, P Y Y P P P
:; �: ;•
.:. Atty ord.
{: Yk; 1,'.'1 y conf. rolls on ing for the confirming of the assessment rolls on Local Improveent District Y. • 1' 1 ; ,:
:o. 114, findingthe same to be legally correct, was read and upon motion ` I { ±' '`
�:i' :4 114 g1
: •
h i ;�_ _ ! adopted:. q i ;.:
The report of the City Attorney on the proposed ordinance provid-
:•• .J-.:; • , I.*, ' ; , . 14 r - i. - r.:: :,•
, { - Atty on ord. , • •: � ; �': ,
f conf. rolls ing for the confirming of the assessir•ent rolls on Local Improvement Dist- <
:. I`j • on 115 rict No. 115, finding the same to be legally correct, was read and upon ' ' • ' ' .'.! {:
.ty.• r<` , •. , �' motion adopted • , ,;; {.:,i,• , /
- I :ars'rin.ls report T�ae report of the City 1�arshal for the month of May was presented , !• '' .
ij t ;,Z t1 !�
x%:�• } { for ..:ay to the Council and upon motion referred to the Finance Committee. , `E,1. #
s� Justice report The report of the City Justice for the month of I_ay was presented '1,i, ,, I. :1 ! i
4,''';'.41' . fir Lay to the Council and upon motion referred to the Finance Committee. �h� �:_ ,11 '! c;•. •Y•:
rl •• • 1 ,.;
< '"_ The approximate estimate of the Cit rEn ineer for the construction ••,1': �� ! ,
• .- Ann. est. for 4 Y g
• :f•. ' se. •er (trunk) • of a sewer system for the property bounded by Commercial and "M" Avenues !I ii• ,ia ' ti
;;; on n�u and 13th and 18th Streets was read and upon motion adopted. I 1
t {; - " ' 1st. est. on The first monthly estimate of the y ngineer on Local Improvement _ f j
, r. .1 117 District No. 117, - Washington Paving company, contractors, amounting to f; it?. i. ' '
6.{-; 1 1173.60 was upon motion adopted and ordered allowed. Roll Cady; Ayes, ; , ;�
�r: Bessner, Gibbons, Haugen, Wagner. Kays, None. ( +c i
,<. . ,1 Allam Dobers, Trafton Wa per. a s IZo ",`}'• gip! ;� 4
The first and final estimate of the CityEngineer on Local Improve- �{� •, � :�.
-`� 1st. est. on g mP Yi �� � �
a� F -i ', 8 ment District No. 118, - Nels Erickson, contractor, amounting to $865 50 , ;R,. s • '
'� 4 1 c-� was upon motion adopted and ordered allowed. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, I'�f' •. 1 11: .7. ,..c..:...- ,
i4,<. - Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, Wagner. Nays, None. $ :�;i? ' c: I', . ... �„ .
::,, ..,•.
r � ' , ti' , 4
��_ Eng. on ord. The report of the City Engineer on the proposed ordinance providingi. '' ,,
; ',: ):J.4 ;�``:i., ``
:. ;i •..- conf. rolls on for the confirming of the assessment rolls on Local Improvement District {• I� +�, .11
, s
114 No. 114, recommending that the ordinance do pass, was read and upon motion , I :1` { ',' `;'
'• i'�� i'lt adopted. 1- 1- `t k {
) :::,..;.,.; ,. :.
,;, <; • A ;, Eng. on ord. The report of the City Engineer on the proposed ordinance providing 1,!f�;{���' ,y `^
'.' ,/e. �'' conf. rolls on for the confirmingof the assessment rolls on Local Improvement District �; t'''J ?; :` `; }},!,
1= �� <<' `; �' 115 No. 115, recommending that the ordinance do pass, was read and upon motion • ,' +1;I, `fY E ,
. 1 Y 1
Ys _ , adopted. 'f;,,, :i 1 - c wK {4i
t, 7 .. it �;1f,! ;,{6! i ! ''' . ` �;
u ' 1 , Eng. onpet. of The report of the City Engineer on the petition of Roy Ludington , , +:. ,; �c
:� ti `; ;-� }} " " AvenueStreets, 11 ,i ' S, •;t•. .- 4i• t<•'�:i':
�•o�t';raR ; J. , ! - I,udinton et al et al for the improvement of 0 from 20th and 22nd recorrm- .1� Y 1 ` �• 1 � •�����;��
' ,i ending thepetition begranted and that the City Attorney be instruct- f 1 # 1 ' $L.
�f�s`-• 1 inp. of 0 that1 i f. ,
r' . , . ed to draw the necessary resolution, was read and upon motion adopted. r ,'`•,i• I '1.
) • •• 1 ,!
-i ',, • "t. Supt. re- The report of the Street Superintendent for the month of Kay was `�,ii• ',
• .' p-)rt for _'_ay presented to the Council and upon motion referred to the Finance Committee. ill if,'`', !... 1; = ,
I''''1,. �'
�� Ia ��',{ `I
!, • , I Fin. on ord. The report of the Finance Committee on the proposed ordinancepro- ! ,, .; 4 4 i; ,
P P P { f i''
conf. rolls on viding for the confirming of the assessment rolls on Local Improvement : !i'{'I ' 1k .1 !-.`;I {
' 114 District No. 114, recommending that the ordinance do pass, was read and up- {: i';. '
:�1 on motion adopted. 1` i!r .,1• . F - 'r
:e', in. on ord. The report of the . 1.!rinance Committee on the propsed ordinance pro- '!i • ;;.` it
conf. rolls on viding for the confirming of the assessment rolls on Local Improvement 1 I .I{1, ; {'';
:• t' le 115District No. - •
1 ' ,1 ., ,'
115, recommending that the ordinance do pass, was read and up ••• ; �•i
i on motion adopted. . I �!'�Y 1� 'i 1' ,
! ► i.n. on bond The report of the Finance Committee on the bond of Nels Erickson if. r '� ill 1• 1
of Ericksonof covering his work on Local Improvement District ! !' �' f
��` 1 submitted for the purpose o ering p 1 •
k !i L. I. D. #118 No. 118, recommending teat the bond be accepted and placed on file, was read '� 1. �.°c '• : '! 'I
and upon motion adopted. 'A)11. 11 .At Ii A ! + Y ,
�11, it i{ � r(
1�. Pin. on bond The report of the Finance Committee on the bond of the Washington ; i;' ,'!
' of '�'n. Paving Paving Company sumbitted for the pupose of covering their work on Local !:' ` ' ;!;:o : . , .'
�1 I: •
Co. and i.11 1f l� .t• Y! • : ! 1
L. I. D. Improvement District No. 118, recommending that the bond be accepted 1 { ,
frll7 placed on file, was read and upon ,,potion adoobd. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, _ • +r! ',1 ; • I { •
L► ; I, it Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugne, Trafton, Wagner. Nays, None. i 1, ;,, 1 . ; ,.•!
11: . i; I, il i ..*•))/ ,/, '
1 N. , t
e pY �. p �9I
' Na. X..f'af:�f,:1���.�kiaaAraai+�i�SJ�,.ir�h:iS�aY:dJl�WII�JIIk►41��::kll�I.di:i[!I Yl��ily�� iLI%W {J+yy ' . ., ,E_)r: .
• a
:**-:f''H :''' 128 i 2 cl .7 ,.- ., .. .)
-1c ,
ar y {' f ,
T •
Fin. recommends The report of t;�e Finance Committee recommending "Thaat on and upon its third and final reading by sections; upon motion the title was•
4 ` .l. ' �` ` ,
adopted as read; upon motion section 1 was adopted as read; !] i ' '
• regarding collect- after June 1st, 1915 the Habor Master be instructed to collect all rents P P p upon motion r ,' f
ion of birth for births due on the City Float. That he be further instructed to section 2 was adopted as read; upon motion section 3 was adopted as read;
I .
„' rents at City settle with the City Clerk on the last day of each and every month as upon motion section 4 was adopted as read; upon motion section '• :.
P 5 was a- :i .1 1 .
} Float provided by law" was read and upon motion adopted. Roll Call; Ayes, dopted as read; upon motion section 6 was adopted as read; upon motion ,;`E ;
.. t Al am, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugne, Trafton, ', agner, rays, None. section 7 was adopted as read; upon motion section 8 was adopted as read; `• ;• , r • !- ` .
upon motion section 9 was adopted as read; upon motion section 10 was %ii.`• . 'r
;1,, Fin. recommends The report of the Finance Committee recommending "That on and adopted asread; upon motion section 11 was adopted as read; upon motion = (` ,
regarding of after June 1st, 1915 the City Clerk have entire charge of all the the ordinance as a whole and as read was adopted. Roll Call: Ayes, Dobers, ` }
; - collection of collections made by the Health Department and that all officers and Haugen. Nays, Allan, Bessner, Gibbons, Trafton, ':•agner. 1: ; �
garbage fees employees of that Department are hereby instructed to turn over all y' ' r '
- ` records in their custody pertaining t the same and all monies collected Erick- '► �
byinstructions" Bond ofl. The bond of eels Erickson to cover his work on Local Improvement li ;r, •
them to the City Clerk according to his further was ssn on ;,119 District No. 119 was submitted to the ouncil and upon motion referred
read and upon motion adopted. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, 3essner, Dobers, to the Finance Committee and the City Attorney. ,i ,i r
Gibbons, Hauges', Trafton, Wa ;ner. ="ays, c one. ,,: „
. .
C July 6th, hear Upon motion the Council set the 6th day ,.
St. & Pks on pet. The report of the Streets and Parks 6ommittee on the petitionprotests on whentheyg in July,t 1915 as the date J
would hear and consider protests against the confirming of the ::f 0 !
of Ludington et of Roy Ludington et al for the improvement of "0" Avenue from 20th 109 assessment rolls on Local Improvement District No. 109. `••'
• ;, , • al for imp. of 0 to 22nd Street, recommending that the petition be granted, was read
and upon motion adopted. the
Check of Carvey Upon motion City Council declared the check of Carvey and Jarvis ;: .
7`` j --: & Jarvis for- amounting to $5 00 forfeited because of the fact that they ha d failed to " :: I • _ q'
•. '"' - ' St. & Pks onpet. i' j
:� ;�? he report of the Streets and Parks Committee on the petition fei ted submit a bid on Local Improvement District No. 117. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, / ; • i`�.
' of Goodwin etal of I. O. Goodwin et al for the improvement of "K" Avenue from 34th to Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, Wagner. Nays, None. •►; - ' ; ' �"
A ' �` •�
�-r}` • Sr-- for imp. of K from 41st Streets, recommending that the petition be granted and thatthe �c ,
x s,:t 34th t) 4lwt City Attorney be instructed to prepare the necessary resolution, was • Liquor- license The application of W. F. Ross for liquor license was { • '
�: ,�, .,,,� q presented to S ;,',�..,,�
F;'��� read and upon motion adopted. for Ross the Council and upon motion referred to the License and Police Committee. i• k ��,•.
r, .
, ` x '. E Fire, ',7, C ?., , tk3� : -
•e ,..'; • , „ L. on ore The report of the Fire, Water and Light Committee on the pro- Res. to imp Upon motion the City Council passed a resolution declaring its intent- ! '
r : ` { providing for nosed ordinance providingfor the inspection of ion to improve 8th Street from the east line of " " Avenue to a '
'. s : .� p premises by the Fire part of 8th P Q point 150 : i", ...
_ . feet east of the east line of Avenue, on the north side thereof, by `I '•
�1 inspection Cy Department, recommending that the ordinance do pass, was read and upon with cement "Q" ^,
-. : •! motion adopted . si''.evr.1k removing therefrom the present plank sidewalks and by constructing thereon �; ! il E f.
• 1 six foot ce:::ent sidewalks and wooden curbs and cutters between the 1 ; r r;
' 1' Communication from A co:rrrunication from the Apex fish Company, by Lee H. Wakefield, points above designated, and set the 6th day of Jly, 1915 as the date when 1.- H i � '� - '{` •
Apex Fish Co re its President, urging the Council to take some steps towards the vacat- they wot 1d meet for the purpose of hearing protests against the propsed ! ; ' ; 3`i ,
Y''' ` vacation tion asked for by his company, was read and upon motion the City Council improvement. Roll Call: ; ! : E {: '
rSf, ' Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugnn, :'
t4, . , . # went on record in favor of vacating that portion of 5th Street and "K" Trafton, Wagner. Nays, None. 7; •, E,' • i `i' : : ".
's.- Avenue as requested in the request. of the Apex Fish Companydated May
, `� ' ! = • _
K; :';',,,': 29th, 1915, provided, that the said Apex -Fish Company deeds a strip Res. to imp Upon motion the City Council passed a resolution declaring its intent- 11.t ,1 ;.i '�
80 feet wide alongthe west side of "K" Avenue to the Cityandplaces ion to improve Fi . •
Hart of 3rd p 3rd Street from the east line of "N" Avenue to the west f : ' .� ,
: t���' the deed in excrow in one of the local banks until vacation asked for with cement
line of "0" Avenue on both sides thereof, by removing therefrom the present ;1.:. / ' ,•,`.. '
is granted; whereupon the deed is to become the property of the city. plank sidewalks and by constructing thereon six foot cement and wooden I''; !'
ifj ,;::i the said 80 feet so deeded to be leased to the Apex Fish sidewalk ;, ; + r t<<
, p Company at curbs and gutters between the points above designated, and set the 6th:day i;`J. 1' ;� , [
r;., A the annual rental of �;50 00 until such time as the cit m ith need the of Judy; 1 15 s the date'the pule met for thepu t� =r ' '
t .. y g $ Y . g rpose,of hearing .protestss'••> property for other purposes. Roll Call• Ayes, Allan, Bessner, '-'obers, • against the proposed iinprovemen Roll Call : ') r i:�'i {:
v:;l -.E Y , g P P • Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers,
• -o,=•: • ' . Gibbons, Haugen, T'rai ton, tiagner. Nays, i+one. Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, Wagner. Nays, }Pone. r �!!!':•
,- F
it • ,; •'- 'i'
Ian `t,'
i ".40.., ' ,` I • Pet. of Wilson et Petition of E. A. Wilson et al for the repealing of subdivison Claims Calims filed against the Current Expense Fund of the City of Ana- 1• .,, t • ,• .+ `�' . .
--� J• al regarding auto 19, of section 10, of Ordinance No. was read and upon motion referr- ay, as follows, were read and upon motion referred I ,r' a t
�,•r{:. . I g C640, comes for the month of r.. + ;
license reduction ed to the License and Police Committee. to t'ie Finance Committee. !I ` ' �
r.,r, 5 I, t E �;
f� t'f t • ,
'''!'," E Pet. of De Arcy Petition of C. A. De Arcy for permission to remove the timber • Claimant Voucher Purpose Amt. F !" ,yr '•` ,► '
�,; ,; to cut trees on on 33rd Street between Commercial Avenue and "Q" Avenue was read and up- f i nt r r ,,
�� :`• 33rd
on notion granted. T. P. Edens a
,4. „ t r 33 5160 Police Justice fees 2 50 �,� r,'r.w ,,+
W. S. Neely 5161 Deputy 1;,arsnal - ,� �� t ,
s { '> Pet. of Kerney to Petition of S. E. Kerney for permission to tear out the present Owen I''ulk 5162 Deputy Marshal 90 ;i �S ) '
'� 4�` ' 1 alter front in from and construct a modern front in the buildingsitutated on lots J. S. Carter 5163 Deputy Marshal • • .4; sr L :c ,:; •.
i; Lr, Racket Store 1, 2 and in block35, was read and upon motion W. A. Moore lb4 Plumbing 'fit:, - 's ; 1'-' f '
i 3 P granted. 5 1 50 ; 3
c" • * s: Island Transfer Co. , 5165 Team work 12 0 ; 'i�`�' ��!.;� '
,'``, ' Protests F. R. Nowell 5166 Cityif, '; ' ' 1 s,� ►` against The Mayor cam_.ed for protest` against the construction of a Attorney 60 ;,. : r, ., + • � 1 ' ��,'�i "O" Ave. Trunk. sewer system for the territory bounded by Commercial Avenue and "?i" Anacortes Citizen 5167 Printing 6 a iti',1 i'lrf . '•'•d} ' r `• fit';
( 1 Sewer Avenue and 1 th and 18th Streets• the filed Anacortes Transfer Co i �' y C •@i • `: ii '„ if � ?
� 3 `' protest of John y'lachter 5168Team hire63 �5 � ` � , t, ; , , •
praying that lots 1 to 10 and 10 to 20 of Block 45 owned by him be Robt. Knapp 169 Chairman 0 1(iti +
c' ,.•,. + r not included in the district was read and upon motion ordered well tak- ' Teho Saxrud 5170 Inspector ; ,'' , {s' `
Call Ayes, Allan, Dobers, W. City j
•r `, i. en. RollBessner, :3, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, S. Clark 5171 13p 45 !1}'_':', �t� k; E .i:'`",''
fft-7. •.•'•;'-S, , , Wagner. Nays, None. No protests were registered from those present in F. E. Wilson 5172 Inspector 21 �;� -+�,,'� , (; � ''c `.
Y 5173 Inspector 12 -- VT,*► .:it:,-;.:it . ,,1 11,s rit •:.
}4sg - pursuance to a call from the Mayor. R. F. AmsberrPV
I ,Eta 1 `,: ;i - C. C. Tem le 1 4 79 50 �.E:,t p 5 7 City Clerk ,• ' `,u Ord. No. 6 6 Ordinance No. 6 6, an ordinance .. C. R. Uhle 73 15 !'• �`{
5 5 being providingfor the con Y 5175 Draftsman r 4,;.1, i ,:. .. ,,
‘, i' .
firming of the assessment rolls on Local Improvement District No. 114 Eckstein Quimby 5176 Chairman 45 + =t•;j''{ : scc
W. L. Eaton 'i y ; : !�
was upon motion placed upon its third and final reading by sections; 5177 Retirement on Fire Truck j ! .'4' ;.
�,_ Note 534 63 i;•
i1i_pa ;t : ,h
upon motion the title was adopted as read; upon motion section 1 wasi• 1
S. G. Brooks ,
adopted as read; upon motion section 2 was adopted as read; upon mot- 5178 Health Officer 2 K
r ion section 3 was adopted as read; upon motion the ordinance as a whole R. E. Hardcastle 5179 City Treasurer 63 i''';I :11� �- # { • !'� I
` '• and as read was adopted. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibb- Burroughs Adding Machine ,,; I{ i+ 1 ,
Trafton, Wagner, h Co 1 0 Instalment on adder 32 50 ' 'f } �'
r ohs, Haugen, p Nays, .:one. yr) '' I , �,
A. Z. Palmer 1 1 Team hire 5 , E �+ -
Ord. No. 6 Ordinance lip. 6 !�r ;
57 57, being an ordinance providing for the con- • Anacortes Ice Co 5182 Feed 18 4 11.•' ; ,; • (;+ ,E'
firmingof the assessment rolls on Local Improvement District No. A. G. Lomg :,
!r P 115, 5183 Coats for Fire Dept. 60 �` �; I
'� I• was upon motion placed upon its third and final reading by sections;
Dale & Shea Abst. Co 5184 Abstracts 12 50 ;� � �� ", ,
upon motion the title was adopted as read; upon motion section l was Anacortes American 5185 Printing and Publishing 194 07 pl;i �' '' ';•';
• Hodson-Feenaughty Co 5186 Spoons 4 50
,;�� !
+ adopted as read; upon motion section 2 was adopted as read; upon mot-
I' ion section 3 was adopted as read; upon motion the ordinance as a whole W. H. Beard 5187Abstracts 5 20 Ij'� '� ' f
and as read was adopted. Roll Call: Ayes, Allah, Bessner, Dobers, G Earle Pike 518UChairman 6 ,r''
i !•; Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, Wagner. Bays, None. A. F. D. ( �f '' '"�
i; A. A. 51 Fire Roll 9 75 + �� .� r. f , , a
Sumner 5190 Fire Chief_. 0 0 1 7 y
' I' , Ord, 1Io. , pro- Ordinance No. , being an ordinance providng for the construct- Blythe Mc. Cauley 5191 Driver of r'3re Truck ' 5 � ! j,
u n T. W. Dodson Wagon i.,; �' , �,1
viding for trunk, ion of a Trunk Sewer down 0 Avenue from the alley between 17th and 18 5192 Driver of Garbage 75 ,..1 ! ,�i�, i �� � , ;;
" I+ sewer on 0 Avenue th Street to the centre of 13th Street, thence east to tide-water was 0. A. Lenning 5193 Street Superintendent
1 . 75 11 � ! ' •
}; , upon motion placed upon its first and second reading by title and referr- S. L. Bates 5194 Street work 57 40 ,;� : ��
'' : ed to the CityAttorne ,Cit EngineerSewerageB Smith 5195 Labor on Garb65 •• 's + ,
Attorney,City and the and Building
G. W. age Dump ,. ! '• ,
Committee. R. E. Smith 5196 Labor 21 25 ,,' I i ; a`.: 1
4y ! D. S. Grady 5197 Carpenter work 1 ?5 `! ' ;I; '! ' • r
M ;. Ord. No. 658 Ordinance No. 658, being an ordinance providing for the inspect-
s A. Majors 5198 Blacksmithing 6 65 "r. ' + E ;'
;I.•. (NOT PASSED) ion of certain premises by the Fire Department was upon motion placed C. Tancre 5199 Street work 5? 40 . ' !T� �''
'' A. E. Miller 5200 Street worklio•I • , '"
i I. 58 50 ryI�
y b,
13. ..''':'7.. ±:'... 130 . -' . , ::
�4.,� t , .
. c. ' .• ai Ik 'X it.l.. . .
;' : JWie 15t11, 1915. '?i. :i + i 1� .
Claimant Voucher Purpose Amt. r
Roll Call BB IT REMEMBERED That the City Council of the City of Anacortes, did • I 1, '• '
Smith 5201 Deputy City Clerk 2 50 .
R. E. on the 15th day of June, 1915 meet in regular session with Councilmen �.
Olive E. Gee 5202 City Stenographer 40 Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Trafton, Wagner responding to T, i••:,i- 1 t
Roll Call; Absent or Hogan. Jf ' , i.f
` . t Anacortes Water & ':ay g , ;
i Light Co 5203 Water and Light 1214 35 <, i '• -
}; + Wagner elected Due to the absence of Mayor Hogan the City Council upon motion elect- ` {' i. ` •
Fin. on claims 7 ,,;or Pro Tem ed Councilman J. H. Wagner to be - ayor Pro Tem. ;: i.'' !
The report of the Finance Committee on the above claims for the - t -
fthatinutes app. The minutes of the previous meeting of June 1st, 1915 was read and 4;':,
•$ month of May, 1915, recommending that they be allowed and warrants
be drawn for the several amounts, was read and upon motion adopted. upon motion approved. 2,,.;, ;:+•
Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, with the exception of the of =► �
. claim of the nnacortes ;dater and Light Company upon which he registeredppointing Owen Folk to be chief � ri za�ointL ents of A communication from the Mayor a
" "; gWagner, Nays, None. sulk et al Police; J. S. Carter and J. S. Neely to be rolicemen was read and upon t
his vote as no Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, Wa y motion accepted andplaced on file and the appointments
confirmed. Roll - .
Adjourned Upon motion Council adjourned. •
Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, V:'agner. Nays '' '.! ': •i i.
I None. ;� , ;; :
Approved in open Council on the 15th day of June, 1915. ", • ; ' � •
Lacy on bond , The report of the City Attorney on the bond of Eels Erickson submitt-
5 ,'"A J= 0-7Erickson - ed for the purpose of covering his work on Local Improvement District _;o
�, •
Ail) 119 119, finding the same to be legally correct, was read and upon motion adopt- i,
?r R =' f Mayor '
-�" r� r The report of the Finance Committee on the bond of Nels Erickson �' ' `
xWdL in. on bond of P '
p' : �'' ' ::rickson on
submitted for the purpose of covering his work on Local Improve et District # .��
A. Ci y Cle . P P
.s,, , �" ,; 119 No. 119, recommending that the bond be accepted and placed on file, was i # t "{ •
�'t= l ,-
,, 1 read and upon motion adopted. •
? `s�> ' .- Pin. on report The report of the .r finance Committee on the report of the Street ' z ' �. `
= of St. Supt Superintendent for the month of May, recommending that the report be accept- ;., . ' :
t . _ ed and placed on file, was read and upon motion adopted. ,� ' .,. 4. - ; :
* �'4 yin. on re:crt The report of the inance Committee on the report of the City Marshal
j t i {<S,
` of .�arshal for for the month of May, recommending that the report be accepted and placed t • i
i.f,v ,i + Z on file, ' adopted. i • 1 3'�'' ?, 1
.1 :,1 a,� was read and upon r. otion i �` .
:i t
:.%°� ` • • i Pin. on report The report of the Finance Committee on the report of the City Justice �' t.'• 7i. 1:y .
K;rt.' ' ;.; of Justice for for the month of I'ay, recommending that the report be accepted and placed 4i' t!�, • i< : ' i
' :ay on file, was read and upon motion adopted. '; 'j
,�f •r+' fit' �+�41 ,{ ,
` : ; • Lic. & Pol on I The report of the License and Police Committee on the petition of ?� ' , _ .; ,_
Ross for liquor license, recommendin that the application be 'PI f
f ;._� applicwtion of . W. F. rant- ! t 't, 3
. { 8 p P g • r,; I:
3 Ross for liq. ed and the license issued, was read and upon motion adopted. Roll Call. ' i'1!' ••'• ? .:i : ►` ; ;:
'` z- license • Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, , Haugen,nTrafton, Wagner, Nays, None. ;t l �, ;
�Y , Gibbons 1 ,.' !
j . ; !.::::::
ki:�;k ' - Lic. & Pol on . The re ort of the License and Police Committee on the � '
P petition of i { t ,
,` l- pet of Wilson E. A. Wilson et al praying t.:at subdivision 19, of section 1Q of Ordinance t ( ` # '
` et 1 No 4 ' Y { 'f `a . 6 0 be repealed, recommending that such section be so amended as toi;,►� r ?• fir, '; I: :�� lower the license on automobiles for mire to the sum of $10 00, was read I, '
4' and upon motion adopted. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Haugen, Trafton . hays,
I !•r ; �'° ' r
l Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, "Y'agner. . �'J `y;' 4 { e.
•z' ., ; , Pet. of Old Petition of the Old Oregon £._fg. Co praying that a fire hydrant be i "t '' " 1- lit
<'° Ore�on ?If installed 1 th Street and " " , `''• '
.�;, i 6 5 Q Avenue was read and upon motion referred to l ;
,. ; II the Fire, Water and Light Committee. !f� +;� 4< ,; f<:,'::•`. ..
, ASP? , f �, ! rrt 11 . 1 tic
J ii(
's4,44,:ti , l�a� , Pet. of Johnson Petition of J . G. Johnson prayingthat the CityCouncil cause Commer- ! .�i, . i' '`• r
��; � , ii
1 ^p� , :: for additional cial Avenue to be paved in full from the centre to the curb line of the i t'Y:. i ;: s •
t*V. ., t.4' paving west side thereof in front of lots 16 to 20, Block 48, was read and upon �i ' '� ��, ;�:`..4?tL ? 1 '' motionacceptedplaced on file. ..;, , : i' ,
and lac 1 � �
:+ of ShUIDWIt .� !iii-1 .
;. �. i Petay Petition of George N. Shumway praying that the City Council cause �_ �. ; ��� � I'
c��4 : for additional Commercial Avenue to be' " " paved in full from the centre to the curb line of `�++ +
�s ' ` the west side thereof in front of lots 16 to 20, Block 47, was read and ij �I,1.1. ,1` t ` , ',:
{ •, ' i p�.vinl; d and placed on file. t� ;�,,3'0 ,1 '1 + upon motion accepte'': LK . 1 , :� Pet. of Fiedler Petition of J. E. Fi d t th C t C ^� ! `� `I� + ''
'_} t. r e ler prayin8 tha e i y ouncil cause I`?-�; ,' r a c' h side of 2 th tr k i.. �o d itional Commercial Avenue to be ' .� E
aved full width from the sout 'P 0 S eet :paving to the north side of 21st Street, was read and upon motion accepted and 'r " ' 'placed on file. IP 111 ,•i. J.4 •
1 �� 1
r Pet. of Trafton Petition of R. E. Trafton, Ed Rogers, V. J. Knapp praying that the j� ';j, ,. , ,` ' ,
`J et lal for City Council cause Commercial Avenue to be paved from the west line of the I: •L " s1 ,
additional 18 foot strip to the west curb line from the north line of 114h Street to V' °1 .� . ' I' .! 1
?:i• •I
' ,, paving; the north lime of the a.?le:i -I A 3l oc'c 40, was read and upon motion accepted ii , t+2i'' 1,
�'�i ,� • and placed on file. P P Y,? ii•,Irl, 4 ( • I.:i' '
Protests on The Mayor called for protests against the confirming of the assess- •, j �.:�� �,
llb - against merit rolls on Local. Improvement District No. 116; noe were reported filled t, ` I'++ ! ' .''
conf. rolls with the City Clerk and none were registered in pursuance to a call from I.� ,ji+! 'I ,
, ' • the t.:ayo r. i +i • i' �`• 0
Ir, • Rolls on 116 Upon motion the assessment rolls on Local Improvement District No ,,., 1 1,. :, is ' , : '
1 ' eg1i lased 116 were delared equalized and ordered extended and the amounts shown there- f ,.. al! , �"' ,'•'
�,µ.5 on declared to be according to the benefits derived by the property ', „ : t.. 1
• �, �+ • benefited thereby. Roll Call; Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers , Gibbons, Haug;- t
'; :• ;1'• j, en, Trafton, Wagner. ,liays, Lone. .1 ; !;^1, .i, ; I ;, .
, Ord. No. , f t ,
Ordinance ito. , bean an ordinance g providing for the confirming IIPI
conf. assess. of the assessment rolls on Local Improve.: ent District No. 116 was upon ''i. ' t;
rolls on 116 motion placed upon its first and second reading by title and referred to i . .I i:,i f' .., ! 1,
s� ' T the City :attorney, City Engineer and the Finance Committee. :`iti.i�;ji' 1, � ' + ,
t '
6thuly to hear Upon motion the CityCouncil set the 6th dayJuly, 1915 i jiff; ,l ,,: ,.
• ��) Jrotests on 118 date the woul si r h C roo ne r'n - ro ests 'nst the coeif , '- d ,
' I ey d t fo t e pu se of a g p to agar a n. ,y , r ,
1 li j, firming of the assessment rolls on Local Improvement Disttict No. 118. 'f '' ',''' i• ,,'
"+a.� _ - •_— uEAarfarriliiiCJL1�1.1I:.all `1i5117,1:SLitfiitAL aiii4;ilajaki.
:1'. �.r!• i(.= ry
'. 132 133 _-, - . .
.^ ,
'i.. ,mow•'�_ - - - - fi. . 1.1-ei!,24 \
'= Res. to issue bonds A resolution authorizing the issuance of bonds on Local Improve.. 1 ' ; ► ir.t: 0.,, �
on 116 ment District 3�0. 116 in full and final payment of estimates of the Roll Call • BE IT MEMBERED That the City.Council of the City of Anacortes did 1' . '
City Engineer approved in completion on the 4th day of '.:ay, 1915 was on the 6th day of July, 1915 meet in regular session with Councilmen '•
a.A, pis ,. t i
Allan, Bessner, ])obeys• , Haugen, Wagner responding to Roll Call; Absent: •upon motionbyCity ,a, .
passed the Council. Roll Call; Aues, Allan, Bess- + itayor Hogan, Gibbons, Trafton. l 1. i ,- ,'
; •�• € , .,R # ner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, Wagner, Nays, itione. 11 1
Res. for trunk sewer A resolution of the City Council declaring its intention of Wagner - Pro Due to the abeense of Mayor Hogan the City Council upon motion i` t. t t '
"0" elected Councilman J. H. Wagner { : i ' f
` Mayor Pro Tem. _''
onAvenue laying a trunk sewer down Avenue ")0" from the alley between 17th Tem agn to be i` F, 1. 1
and 18th Streetto the centre of 13th Street with pnbvisions for later- + ,
1 als and settting the 6th day of July, 1915 as the date when they would Regular order • Upon motion the regular order of business was set aside and tie ..0 i; € ,
sit for the purpose of hearing protests against the proposed improve- of business Council proceeded to consider the recommendations of the Streets ark r'. .��
' went was upon motion P
suspended Parks Committee regarding the partial acceptance of the work in Local 1 : :.
p passed by the City Council Roll Call: Ayes, Allan Improvement District No. 117. i � '
• •; Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, Wagner. Nays, ;lone., -.}i ( :' '
Joiner advises Council Geo. A. Joiner, representing the Apex Fish Company, advised the St. & Pks on p The recommendation of the Streets and Parks Committee recommending d �' +
that deed is in Council that a co of the deed proposed to be accepting that the work upon Commercial Avenue from Zlth Street to 6th Street
3 :� .
I escrow in Bank of Company in lieu of certainvacations asked for by�vthaty Apex Fish • Commercial as completed by the Washington Paving Company, a corporation, contract- ',r, �!
company mad been ; ors, be accepted, ,, , 1, '
Commerce placed in escrow at the Bank of Commerce. Avenue with the exception of dressing up the shoulders on �1. ,
said street; said shoulders to be completed as per the contract for said • ' ,
improvement between said City of Anacortes and the Washington Paving t : ,
" � = ' Contract of Trafton The contract of R. E. Trafton et ux and Ed Rogers et ux agreeingn ,;
� to w ` Company was read and upon motion adopted. Roll Call: Ayes, tllan,
pay the assessments to be levied against lots 5 and 6 in Block 40 ,: `
>_: . .• et al re- paving Bessner, Dobers Haugen, Wagner,_•�, • g finer, Nays, None. ' :: ' ; + !
� � ` • filed .` for the improvement of Commercial Avenue by paving as is provided in •+•3 Ordinance No .. 650 was presentees to the Council and upon motion accept- 's' y ± f , '�' ` `.'
Recess Upo» motion the City Council took)a recess until Wednesday evening E 'rglAr ed and placed on file. at 8 o clock P. M. ( July 7th, 1915. F 1 ,.:`�
• <:s --' Contract of Hollings- . The contract of P. W. �.E
1.45i.- gHollingsworth et ux, Fred Snyder et ux,► Approved in open Council on the th day of July, 1915
, , worth et al re- pay- E. C. Richards et ux, agreeing to the pay the assessments to be levied ; t -
„ ing filed against lots 6, 7 and 8 in Block 2 of Stewart' s Addition for the im- {�� :'
proverrent of Commercial Avenue by paving as is provided in the Ordinance ; •t #
p_...d.,„,,,, ,.,:: ,,,,,., ..:., i f 'To. 650 Leas resented to the council and upon motion accepted and placed
... . . ,
#. -.
•,y t on file - „.. .
s. t- r
i •/ Mayor �. I� k
• i ' Adjourn Upon motion Council adjourned. T /47 ' •; ` , !
± '' City Clerk �... , - •. 1 ' '
r; , a ' 1 Approved in open Council on the 6th day of July, 1915. •
i t i ��
��t .k l '/ • lik l-ili• - }r 1
t.-',:=';'-',.‘* , • ,. /
7.7.,-,01. ..)
pry° Mayor �' I �. t
__,,,,,L,Lp__Q...(,-7 .
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` Tu13J 7th,--1915- f�� , ;is f ,
=� 'Y F c
` -
Roll Call BE IT REM BERED That the City Council of the City of �
Anacortes onto a call from the Mayor. '4. ?
did the 7th day of July, 1915 meet in regular sessionF ��,+y a •, ::1.
after taking a recess from the 6th day of July, 1915 with Mayor Pro �{ �'
Tom Wagner presiding and Councilmen Allan. Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, protests against The Mayor called for protests against the constructing of a
�' trunk sewer on sewer system for the territorybounded byCommercial Avenue and M Averes responding to roll call; absent Mayor •
P g Hogan, Bessner, Trafton. "0" " ; • r. t 1 : .
-,, 0 Avenue nue and 13th and 18th streets; the filed protest of max Nat, being the : ., ; : i .
Regular order of The Mayor announced that the- Council would proceed with the owner of lots 1, 2 and 3 in Block 43 was read and upon motion considered . F
not well Taken. Roll Call: Allan, Dobers, .Gibbons, Haugne, Wagner, ::ayes, c . .
.. business regular order of business. None. No protests were registered from those present in pursuance to a , •
'le , Minutes approved The minutes of the previous meeting of June 15th, 1915 was call from the Mayor.
read and upon motion apporved.
No protests the Mayor called for protests against the confirming of the assess-
Y The report of the City Attorney on the proposed ordinance against conf. meat rolls on Local improvement Disct�ict No. 109; :�: }Att on ord conf. none were reported
rolls on 116 providing for the confirming of the assessment rolls on Local Improve- rolls on 109 filed with the ity lerk and none were registered from those present in ;
pursuance to a call from the Mayor.
meet District No. 116, finding the same to be legally correct, was , _0 . r
r • read and upon motion adopted. 1 i
Rolls on 109 Upon motion the rolls on of Local Improvement District No. 109 were • 1 !
+ confirmed declared equalized aiad ordered extended and the amounts shown thereon � ` !
_: Report of Treasurer The report of the City Treasurer for the month of May was - declared to be according to the benefits derived bythe
for i`ay presented to the Council and upon motion referred to the Finance ed thereby. Roll Call: property benefit-
=-�'. : . Committee.
Ayes, Allan, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugne, Wagner. •
`a ,� f Nays, None. ;
>�= Report of Police The report of the Chief of Police for the month of June was --o protests The { or called for
%� ' ' Chief for June `: presented to the Council and upon motion referred to the Finance '` ' � protests against the cony arming of the assess- �,: ` . f � • �� r �•
s. r 4 - ,, against conf. ment rolls on Local Improvement District ito. 118; none were reported fill- s s
Committee. ,
=err = E,: rolls on 118 ed with the City Clerk and none were registered from those present in k;�: ,.;
tint.: pursuance to a call from the Mayor. : ,�1',;;
t Report of Justice . The report of the Police Justice for the month of June was • w..-
` `c ;,;,•j�, ofr June presented to the Council, and upin motion referred t i the Finance
Rolls on 118 Upon motion the roils on Local improvement district No. 118 were �+ ��:
confirmed declared equalized and ordered extended and the amounts shown thereon ``�'
q { i , •.
�� declared to be accordingto the benefits derived bythe property benefited j � i
3_ � '� Eng. recommends The report of the City Engineer recommending that a plank P P Y r :
''� { thereby. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Dobers, Gibbons, Iiau en Wagner. Nays, t . t • ."
�. - t cross walk atg , l •
cross walk be placed across eighth Street at the east margin of None. '
a 6th and F n n !'111',.'
r°` r• .; Avenue F was read and upon motion referred to the Streets and Parks
er • ! Committee and the City Engineer. `
,,,:::':,' ;; ; _ • Ord. No. 658 Ordinance No. 658, being an ordinance providing for the confirm- '' ' ,J
ing of the assessment rolls on Local Improvement District ho. 116 was ,' ! ,` `"En The re ort of the Cit Bn inset on the ,
? F •, 7 } g. on ord. conf. p y g proposed ordinance
:t , :_:; � rolls on 116 providing for the confirming of the assessment rolls on Local Improve- upon motion placed upon its third and final reading by sections; upon '• ' � j`=•'�� ` "
motion the title was adopted as read; upon motion section 1 was adopted c.' i • e:i: '•
, r� ,. went District No. 116, recommending that the ordinance do pass, leas • asr read; upon motion section 2 was adopted as read; upon motion section :i •
�'' :r read and upon motion adopted. p P : I 1 - . , :<
.rh ,f 3 was adopted as read; upon motion section 4 was adopted as read; upon • ' • '`.
motion the ordinance as a whole and as read was adopted. Roll Call. '��, +'. `
` �; let final eat. • The first and final estimate of the City Engineer on Local P r Ayes, ' ,'! •r ' • • f,
-.c Allan, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugne, Wagner. Nays, None. i
xy yr on 119 Improvement District No. 119 - Nels Erickson, contractor - amounting ! ii,� �!. _
'' r' t0 654 50 was upon oration adopted and ordered allowed Roll Call: 5� i
f• Ord. No. . Ordinance No.
'�',r�" ' AY Haugen, Wagner. ays, .one. , being an ordinance providing for the confirm- I" � � • sj'
es, Allan, Dobers, Gibbons, pia g ;,, ,! �;, ,, . ;i ,;
; :; . - conf. rolls on ing of the assessment rolls on Local Improvement District No. 118 was '
�y upon motionplaced upon its first and second readingbytitle and referr- " . "" •'
':x':, 2nd est. on 117 The second estimate of the CityImprove- 118 P ' : , ! t
Engineer on Local n • `
r ` ' ' 4r `! meet District No. 117 - Washington Paving Company, contractors ed to the City Attorney, City Engineer and the Finance Committee. 'i 1'�' ' ' .
�' xF ... amounting to �;187$9 62 was upon motion adopted and ordered allowed. Ord. No. � ' r� ,.a '( i'
,'�, ` ''_ Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Wagner. Nays, ?gone. Ordinance 2�a. being an ordinance providing for the construct- �`� I� , + f s � ��
, rat Y for const. of ion of a Trunk Sewer dwon "0" Avenue from the alley between 17th and 18th
zKy,:: ,a trunk sewer ]j ;( :.• ..
�; T: ' fir Approx. eat. for The approximate estimate of the City Engineer on the cost Street to the centre of 13th Street, thence east to tidewater, was upon ,DL J , . •ta.
°{ -T2 g on 0 Avenue motionplaced upon its first and second readingbytitle and referred to = 1 ! ' ' '
;,,,,..,:�� K. : 'ri sidewalk on 3rdst of improving 3rd Street between Avenues "0" and "M" by constructing P s , !
' the City {; ; . ;-
< •,c .� ,, concret walks and wooden curbs and Attorney, City Engineer and the Sewerage and Building Committee. �,' f 1,�'p ,u If,�.;
4144, , gutters thereon was read and upon ' r,,' ., '
!t ,, motion adopted. Ord. No.
Ordinance No. , being an ordinance providing for the improve- ;: • ,�;,FIf-; ,, •: , ,
� for sidewalk on meet of 8th Street within the Cityof Anacortes from the east line of "Q" I� i ; �f,
r Ai . ' 3 = . Approx. est. for The approximate estimate of the City Engineer on the cost 8th St Avenue to a point 150 feet east the east line of "Q" Avenue on the ('`' }' L )• �`
4 4. -' ' t= : �� E ' sidewalk on 8th st of improving the north side of 8th Street from 150 feet east of "Q" Q 4i IaITII;,1. ;! ,••;;•,:
=s; , I''�' Avenue b 6 foot concrete walks and wooden curbs andnorth side thereof by removing therefrom the present plank sidewalks and
constructingthereon six foot cement sidewalks and wooden curbs andgutters r ' � � r
�,� ,,,; gutters was read , , III , , i ;tip �r.tt', • and upon motion adopted. was upon motion placed upon its first and second reading by title and 14. 1 ,'Litt : r ,V, ,
r.•' i t r, Report of 3t. Suet The report of the Street superintendent for the month of referred to the City Attorney, City Engineer and the Streets and Parks �i ',' i, s,. �. ',, i `' ; ,
,�fi `: .,i >s' a Committee. •for June June was presented to the ouncil and upon motion referred to the .F ,1,.,I•, `. � {? t, f.J• �; , �
M 1 f Finance Committee. • Ord. No.
,t � � a f
Ordinance No. , being an ordinance providing for the Jr:prove- ;E ' •
for sidewalk on meet of 3rd Street within the Cityof Anacortes from the east line of "N" ' '! i " '' `,'
,, I Fin. on ord. The report of the Finance committee on the proposed ordinance
i P 3rd Street " n
��;��� `� � ' •:' : !I conf. roils an 116 providing for the confirming of the assesskent rolls on boas]. Improve- Avenue to the west line of 0 Avenue on both sides thereof by removing the •'1.' ''',� -� ' ' ` ' i ` '`
present plank sidewalks and by constructing thereon six foot cementsidewalks i 'qi!. a , ` ' ' ' ' ''5.
t%zit:` : ' i I ment District No. 116, recommending that the ordinance do pass, was and wooden curbs and gutters was upon motion placed open its first and •-_f•'';. ,;;l• 4 !,
r �r. �� ;i read and upon motion adonbd.
s second reading by title and referred to the City Attorney, City Engineer � � f + :, • !;�,
,. 1 I il �,i , ;isEsa •
' Y ' i; and the Streets and Parks Committee. h ',,, ,:; •
.. ' E• �;,.:..i.,:
Fire, W & L on pet. The report of the Fire Water and Light Committee on the pet- { . .•.;:;.•,
? ` , of Old Oregon Mfg. ition of the Old Oregon Mfg. Company praying for the inataling of a Ord. No. 1.. s'; •...1 !1 •
a co ., fire hydrant at 15th Street and Avenue " " Ordinance No. , being an ordinance providing for the confirming !•..tL',I ;s ri
5 Q recommending that a hydrant conf. rolls on of the assessment rolls of Local Improvement District ! o. 1,, - '1•0, ` ' '�+be installed at the interesetion of 15th and "Q" was read and upon 109 mP 109 was upon �, !�:f, :1 ::�
motion adopted.
motion placed upon its first and second reading by title and referred to t. ��r ,d ; f
et al the City Attorney, City Engineer and the Finance Committee. 1,r','+ I!
it 1 .
Pet. of Pidalgo L Petition of the Fidalgo Lumber and Box Compan by Joseph Res. to i '` �i
,Y� imp. The City Council upon motion passed a resolution declaringits . i( '11, ,} 1 ; i•
• & B. Co. for open= Marriaion, its president, praying fiat 35th Street from the north 0 Ave. from intention to improve "0" Avenue fromStreet
,1 ' ' i r '� ` P the south line of 20th street to the p� ; ; � di
t +! ; ;
ing of 35th Street line of "W" Avenue to the asphalt pavement on Commercial be improved 20th to 22nd north line of 22nd Street byclearing, grubbing and grading the said street ����� ;�;� ,�'r .' -'�1;
with either asphalt or one course concrete was read and upon motion to the established grade thereof and by constructing down both sides there- ;- � ' ' + •
refereed to the Streets and Parks Committee and the City Engineer. of between the points above mentioned six foot cemeunt sidewalks with ' ���'"
wooden curbs and gutters and set the 3rd day of Aguust, 1915 as the date k+ "' ,!
Pet. of F. L. & B. C Petition of the �'idalgo Lumber and Box Company by Joseph when they would meet for the purpose of hearing objections against the 11 ' `
_ 1, Co. seating 2 plans Norrision, its president, setting forth two plans for the extending ,,• ;
ma..zng of the said improvement. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Dobers, Gibbons, il !!' ; 14 '
� � for improving rds of the Commercial Avenue roadway to connect with the State Aid Road Haugne, Wagner. Nays, None. ' ' !'
in south Anacortes and recommended by 3ert Bushey et al was read and upon motion referred I ! +.'` I , s ,
?;_; I ` to the Streets and Parks Committee and the City Engineer. Report on comp. Upon the oral report of the City ingineer that the Standard Oil Co ;� 1'!!`, , ,, 1 ` I ' • .
` ` dying pipes had satisfactorily complied with all the ordinances of the Cityof Ana- 1 a ;k. i • .{ t
1 ,i Y P � ,(�.
t No protests against The Mayor called for protests against the constructing of a Co.Standard Oil cortex in laying their service pipes as are described in Ordinnce No. ,1, t ' ). A 'I t�' .
• sidewalk on 3rd St cements sidewalk with wooden curbs and gutters on 3rd Street between Check l, � lll + . ,1
` ' i 654 the City Clerk was upon motion instructed to return to the Standard ;1�,� � ;; r r
Avenues "0" and "N"; no protests were reported filled with the City ordered rot. Oil Company their certified check amounting ,i . •
•. . : Clerk mP y c untin • to $500 0 filed 1 rk and none were registered from thos � '
g 0 by them in . r ,
,r present in pursuance to a accordance with Section 4 of Ordinance No. 654. Roll Call: lye,, Allan, 4,1 ';1'I I r ),
.''' • call from the ie"ayor.
Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Wagner. Nays, None.
� 'r ,
I. !II No protests against The Mayor called for protests against the constructing of a Closing TVI , ''1: ' s , '' t
G g Burrows he matter of closing certain r' r ! . i
•,!,- sidewalk on 8th St cement sidewalk with wooden curbs and gutters on 8th Street from Bay Road fportions of the Burrows Bay Road � ;•i. TT, ',�s,I
150 east of "Q" Avenue; no protests were reported filed by the City Wasthe StreetseandtParksnCo itteeiand�theoCity motion referred : f"{ ; �, r', .,
tit, 4 •
Clerk and none were registered from those present in pursuance to a Attorney. , � �
-.___._..__.a -'-' V.: 1Lnw�'•.} y1A,i,,:,. '1�.?- - . :is":N9'tiv:.\` •'�• :.., .}a` .;�ti'n',,v ,Y�C�� r `' �4L1LiC+.itYpL711 ,,,j't -- _- - .. __ - _-. f
_ r
. IL 1 . i 111111„161.iI,. I11�1��.� .._,.. +.._ ,_ ..�. ' f
136c 137
rkt 1
Request of Cavanaugh Cavanaugh, thru Councilman 'sobers, requested permission of the i !�; }):.. t
" : Olive Z. Gee 5271 8lnary • City Steno 40 f' ' ; t
to enlarge walks City council to siden theplank walk from the curb line to the ;t 4 property Edw. Larmore 5272 Street work 4 50 •Fi.` ( • ,, °
line in the vicinity of their property on Commercial Avenue and signified , Roger Brothers 5273 Supplies 10 �' ,'', ' ',: ; a willingness to furnish the required planks should permission be grant- Griggs Stationery . {. ?'.t '
ed. Upon motion the matter was referred to the Streets and Parks and PrintingCo {'' t _ ' z ! •
5274 Supplies ; , ,; •i 4 ' Committee with power to act. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Dobers, Gibbons, Anacortes Water and t , �t ' ; ; j
Haugne, Wagner. Nays, None. Light Company 5 +- .,,t: f f •
mP Y 5275 Water and Light 257 25 1
City Clerk to buy Upon motion the fit L'lerk was instructed topurchase one , �"' ` ` `
p Y k, . .; ,
: .l t. Lundmotor Lungmotor complete as manufactured bythe Life SavingDevices
Company �,f; i ill t
of Chicago. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Dobera, Gibbons, Hau en, Wagner. in. on The report of the Finance Committee on the above claims for the �f1ti,: •g agner. Claims month of June 1915, recommending that the claims be allowed and that i..•. t
l Nis' Eons. warrants be ordered drawn for the several amounts, was read and upon , �, �1_
Claims motion adopted. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugne, Wagner. ;,
i Claims filed against the Current Expense Fund for the month of Npys, None. E .
.� 4 June, as follows, were read and upon motion referred to the Finance � .s �; t
Committee. •
AdjournUpon motion Council adjourned. -•• ,�
'ti ,:
Claimant Voucher Purpose Amt. Approved in open Council on the 20th day of July, 1915. •E.. 'i`
. .c`s;, -', ti` -; G. W. Shannon & Co 5204 Hardware supplies 40 92 '1 `J, ' ; ,
_ 4r y. •Anacortes American 5205 Printing and Publishing 88 50 :°
O. A. Lenni 206 Sal , t .
'! s :. ng 5 Salary - St. Supt ?5 ,+ t { ;
' Amsberry 5207 Inspector 52 50 -,-•'1 ,u , �, 1 t , : '`' '. •
.: •
., A� B. P. Mayor i, ' .:.. "
� 5 A. A. Sumner 5208 Salary - Fire Chief 90 '' .
` * :k: A. F. D. 5209 Fire roll 75 75 ! • ;` • � '
fr �'_�: ' <_` T. P. Eden 5210 Police Justice fees 2 50 Ci y _ �' `"'Clerk }
=t ;i S. D. Temple & Co 5211 Misc. supplies 7 15 2„'
if, ' , Anacortes Transfer Co 5212 Team hird 13 20
r • W. S. Clark 5213 Salary City Engineer , ., - � ; ' • ;
`, J.;,- ;` f ! ! and Misc. expense 145 25 �;
:r;. f ! C. R. I hly 5214 Draftsman 100 F,, ;� . ,
�� • F. S. Wilson 5215 Inspector50 E
. ' C. C. Temple 5216 Salary City Clerk 25 '
1 f`
r. 4" and Misc. expense 81 60 t ;� `
t` i 1
1 k
Y L. A. Wilson 5217 Team hire 15 •
jr•• ; Blythe Mc. Cauley 52188 Driver of Fire Truck 66 50 �' E� S `
t� , k f ' Pettibone Brothers 4 �- '
'' Mfg. Co 5219 Supplies 87
Sr� ;j '! + , g. ,..i,-
American Surety Co 5220 Cost bond 10 i
.,.,. r 1 Art Miller 2 , ,t j ,
:Ip: .. • 5 21 Street work 2 6 f:
�,f,�� Y?' • C. G. Braxmar Co 5222 Supplies 2 0
N •, 4
',`i :• 1ri Studebaker Brothers 5223 Instalment on Flusher 344 14 }t t' i {; '
,,.., 1; Robt Knapp 5224 Chainman 27 a t'' ,'
' fr" 11 •
Trick and Murray 5225 Supplies 3 42 .: , '1ij �' 4• ' I '
`I� • ryy�}{ Burroughs Adding " tI' ' s
:�, °,-. Machine Co 5226 Instalment on adder 250 f � " i. • '
�,}jai' '` Burroughs Adding 3 i. j, ; !
fY ;� Machine Co 5227 Instalment on adder 22 50 1+ ' 1 P.
P. S. Independent
, t,,4,1 .t t
? s: ' 'F' Tele Co 5228 Tolls . •
1,20, •'kt T. C. Mc. Clinton 5229 Inspector 33 75 {; ��, ! ` ' 4
1.t ,; . ' W. H. Beard 5230 Descriptions 43 70 fir ',+ ' r.
CP,.. Eckstein Quinby 5231 Chainman 49 50 X`
•I. } : i Teho Saxrud 5232 Inspector 86 50 r try • '► i j,��
C i�• r '� 1y , a l t
'.� � , a Fred Fisher 5233 Fireman 15 , 1-1•';-`'N� • Swart Leadbet ter 5234 Fireman 2250 f t�# � �I�y + ,
E'?` rr:• ,, R. E. Smith 5235 Fireman 10 "'' �� t.
t' �. G. W. Smith 5236 Labor on Garbage dump 65 ,�. '' �,ti'. i • ,i js
- YG, f A. B. Miller f' t�'1' t'. .; '
(4.: , ; 5237 Street work 59 65
5 3
•r' t R. E. Hardcastle 2 8 Salary - City Treasurer itt.,,!',•!:!*4t;; � i' '� f a
f . Øe .
�' and Mist. expense 63 20•
F. R. forvell 5239 Salary - City Attorney hi 4 }•and Lisc. expense 66 8o '_�,} J , �� Stanley Anderson 5240 Fireman 5 ; � s;i, '��?� ''' f
`i ' ' , ' + I.
Anacortes s Steam . ,' .,
t f� 1 e Laundry 5241 Laundry 8 60 - , ' I ' t ' k ,
)•';';?.,,..-„,.,:.. t �' Ira L. Lane 5242 Inspector 124 ► �F!� �, ,( � � ;:;;
}� i't; i Ira Nicholson 5243 Witness fees 2 is,j • ;i! ` ` i,'''
.P {r ' Dodson 5244 DriverWagon75 r; y,. ...::
,,, ., T. W. e of Garbage ', ,r ,
' Chas. u 5245work 0
! John re Freund Street 9 3 ,, , �� 4 ,. .
Williamson 5246 Special Police 19 50 ,'.{,�r , { , '!,
Alven March 5247ky � ;; I.�, :i
� Special Police 1
•+ I
S. H. Snook 5248 Special Police 18 lip : ,
f Ray Bliss 5249 Special Police 18 •
.,, ,,, ;;
•: ! ! , ,; ' Hessie Thompson 5250 Special Police 18 1
�, ; Chas. Brothers 5251 Special Police 30 �; 1. : •, 1'l 1 •
C. W. Flemming 5252 Special Police 1 50 !�' ;' • ff'. ': 'i.f ` ' 4
Lyman Thayer 5253 Special Police 181i{'' ; !;`
ft Knapp & Ronneberger 5254 Cechanical work 8 85 , ;: y.t ! tt .
W. H. Robinson 5255 Special Police 19 50
Owen Folk 5256 Salary - Chief of Police 90 ' '
Orville ? arch 5257 Special Police 18
't Paylor Brothers 5258Meals for Prisoners 3 25
Daniels 5259 8 0. p f • ,`+ ,
IG C. Mc. Special Police 1 ► i!,�
�; Robt. Rowley 5260 Special Police 18
,,f A. H. Horsey 5261 Special Police y . 1 ; 'i1;f
I , �
19 50 '?+I'1N .1 ' i`. I
1: J. S. Carter 5262 Police 75 I..' " ,1 '
{i W. S. Neely 5263 Police 75 - 1;�� 4 ,. •f � ��
},� Fidalgo Transfer Co 5264 Team hire li
' l i'!('l ii ► ;'�
Guy Senff 5265 Special Police � '� �'' • il '
1`' ' A. R. Taylor 5266 Special Police 19 50
i S. G. Brooks 5267 Salary Health Officer •(1 Ittit:.f 1' t� t ` • i
" �. , and Misc. expense 34 { ci • ,
I f1 S. L. Bates 5268 Street work 'L ` f
59 95 •',I`•, `f Chas. Tancre 5269 Street work ,,
.f { {, i Anacortes Ice Co 5270 Feed 54 70 •
if ,
, \ ti��i t_
• jrt,r� I ,1' ,1 i i -_
• ,
_ __
-- -, :7- 138 . ...
g 0 -,-,. 1::,-- .
. ,, . ..i 1. rt -tt:4 ',4.
I :.I; } I ( .. ; •
July 20th, 1915. ° ' •
Kr, 1—
+ k- e•4
r+' be
Attorney be instructed to draw up the necessary resolution, was read •' : ; :
• Roll Call 8E IT REMEMBERED That the City Council of the City of and upon motion adopted. •
�• r ' , ..
Anacortee did on the 20th day of July 1915, meet in regular session zi. ' I
with Councilmen Besener, Dobers, Haugen and lagner responding to ' . .
1 Gibbon and Trafton. firn, on report The report of the Finance Committee on the report of the City ► �E.. t , + '
roll stall; absent Allan, ` "
cf Treauser Treasurer for the month of May, recommending that the report be ac- it` � ( . i H .
Wagner pro tem Due to the absence of Mayor Hogan the Council upon motion cepted and placed on file, was read and upon motion adopted. `
,. 1 elected Councilman J. H. Wagner Mayor Pro Tem. #'
, The report of the Finance Committee on the proposed ordinance ,,f �.
_ finance on ord. providing for confirming the assessment rolls on Local Improvement � :� ,i . • }. •
` ,, ;,'inutes approved The minutes of the previous meeting of July 6th and July 7th conf. rolls on :j�:: '•� . ;
were read and upon motion approved. 109 District No. 109, recommending that the ordinance do pass, was read + • .• •: 1 ,
', •
and upon motion adopted. , + ' ,
Allan and Trafton Councilmen Allan and Trafton entered the Council Chamber and tt � '�
on Roll Call upon taking their seats requested that their names be entered upon Pin. on report The report of the Finance Committee on the report of the Chief t ;, 1 :
. the Journal; the request was so ordered by the Mayor. of Fire Chief of Police for June, recommending that the report be accepted and placed • !
on file, was read and upon motion adopted. ,. .:
1 Resignation of Neely The message from the Mayor notifying the Council of the SS
Police force, and the min. on report The report of the Finance Committee on the report of the Police i. it: , (1` _: ' •
Appointrent of Bliss resignation of W. S. Neeley, member of the a;
• Justice for the month of June, recommending that the report be accepted ,: , . r
ointment of Ray Bliss to theposition vacated byMr. Healey,- of Police I
ub Y � - and placed on file, was read and upon motion adopted. j
subject to the confirmation of the City Council, was read and upon Justice � ,
:.- 2; _-_J -: motion accepted and placed on file and the appointment confirmed. '.` 1`
. The report of the Finance Committee on •the proposed ordinance pro- ! t t !i •
1,�f'.,;. •.•- Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Haugen, Trafton and Wagner; Fin. on ord. P -, 1 - i. -• ��
None. conf. rolls on viding for the confirming of the assessment rolls on Local Improvement {fl,,�,�
;,i, .�_. Nays, _ District No. 118, recommending that the ordinance do pass, was read and - "�`" k-t'
; _ 118 upon motion adopted. `• -'
The report of on the ro osed ordinance ro
'� Atty on ord. fortheCity Attorney proposed pro- :I: 1-
• ,•�"
' ;� , � cerr•ent sidewalks on viding for the construction of cement sidewalks on 3rd Street from !
f `=� R the east line of "N" Avenue to the west line of "0" Avenue on both Fin. on report The report of the Finance Committee on the report of the Street :�
{ �:�; 3rd Street Superintendent for the month of June, recommending that the same be ac• is '�,
,k Yn 1 i sides thereof, was read and upon motion adopted. of mot. apt Pi
w . . s,
; t. I. cepted and placed on file, was read and upon motion adopted. • :.:::.i.r. .
�— : '' Atty on ord. fonf. The report of the City Attorney on the proposed ordinance
u,-.; t : Pks on The report of the Streets and Parks Committee on the proposed ord- + ' 1:
-t tolls on 109 providing for the confirming of the assessment rolls for Local
Z'` r era. for side- inance providing for the construction of cement sidewalks on 3rd Street h`. t:�.! •
.,r' {<l Improvement District No. 109, finding same to be legally correct, •
�;a1ks an 3rd from the east line of Avenue "N" to the west line of Avenue "0" on both } ; ' �
:• ,�= t ;�� was read and upon motion adopted. '
{.' Strect sides thereof, recommending that the ordinance do pass, was read and upon 1 , , ' ::{;.
.'' I'i motion adopted. ' ` . a ` ' .•
• 4 Atty on ord. conf. The report of the City Attorney on the proposed ordinance i .
, :c � rolls on 118 providing for theconfirming of the assessment rolls for Local i �, +
:, ' ) l Improvement District No. 118, findingthe same to be legally correct, St. & Pks on The report of the Street and Parks Committee on the proposed ord- ! �,' t i .,. '
mP g Y
r=•z inance providingfor the construction of cement sidewalks on 8th Street ';;, • !, is
ry `::z I was read and upon motion adopted. or� . for side-
f 5•, walks on 8th from the east line of "Q" Avenue from a point 150 feet east of the east ` i ?�' ' << '`4 ';'
rz line of "Q" Avenue on •the north side thereof, recommending that the : t•. ti�: t: t t:,
' Atty on ord. for The report of the City Attorney on the proposed ordinance ='treat Q , •. . ,; � •;; �;..; .
{'• cement sidewalks on providing for the construction of cement sidewalks on 8th Street ordinance do pass, was read and upon motion adopted. t,!j ' ,
•' 8th Street from the east line of "Q" Avenue to a point :t50 feet east of the �St. & Pks on The report of the Street and Parks Committee on the proposed ordin- t ' ;r.�' � << � ;f :�°
east line of said avenue on the north side thereof, finding same to _ once rovidin for the vacation of certain streets and avenues within the , � .; :� .ss, ord. for vacs P g •
,c,, be correct, was read and upon motion adopted.'` lT' -��• i - Wakefield doty notfpassaintes itatpresentpformiswasor�eadyandeuponemotiontadopted.ordinance #" 'I, `g ,' ', '' -. ' ` •
{:i- Atty on ord. vacat- The report of the City Attorney on the proposed ordinance '.t, ;• ..1,1 , • y r,
x . ."."r � ing certain st. & providing for the vacation of certain avenues and streets within mot. & Pks on `The report of the Street and Parks Committee on the petition o• f the +ks �: t A- •, ,i < f
avenues to Wake- the City of Anacortee to the Apex Fish Company, finding the same to ( r i
irrproti•err.ent of Fidalgo Lumber and Box Company by Joseph Morrison, its president et al,
t � :; ) field be legally correct, water read and upon motion adopted. " " ,,{ (`,t ',?' ± s ,,
, 1 , i 35th St. praying that 35th Street from the north line of W Avenue to the asphalt f ,;; ., a
' :; _- pavement on Commercial Avenue be improved by paving the roadway of said h Iy + ti `• , .!
. '£• �';'!+ Report of Treasurer The report of theCity Treasurer for the month of June was `
r�,� ; street, recommending that the petition be granted and the City Attorney be „t t I r�
;,4 ii; ':. ; t • for June referred presented to the Council and upon motion was referred to the Finance instructed to .draw up the necessary resolution, was read and upon motion "l1 i .?•',t'�� '. '•• 1[1 '' ,
. ,, ,:..I i ' Committee . adopted. ,-
The report of the City Engineer on the proposed ordinance , ,,. Ja'}t ` ' :�'.•
<; -�: ing. on ord. for P g P P t. & Pks on The report of the Street and Parks Committee on the petition of the : t ► �'
., . '� ! sidewalks on 3rd st providing for the construction of cement sidewalks on 3rd Street recommended byBert Bushey, et al, set- 3 , Eft, f+
3 et. showing 2 Fidalgo Lumber and Box Company and Y r �. �•�
%: �k. �;-s from the east line of "N" Avenue to the west line of "0" Avenue p tj p
< y, ; ,; ' plans for imp- , ting forth two plans for the a tending of Commercial Avenue roadway to con- ,E";,I t,,. ;,
;, gzcl !r't! on bath sides thereof, recommending that the ordinance do pass, was {� t�.i� t '1
f,,i3%:,. ,``+ read and upon motion adopted. -f 35th St. neat with the Fidalgo Road, recommending that the petition be accepted andt !, , r t lt, z
t . , placed on file and that permanent action be postponed, was read and upon , It ,i,r{t-‘ ;! -n
u,� 1
t '�r r,- ', i motion adopted. 1�,,.:4 , '�� }
«.T '+ ' Eng. on ord. conf. The report of the CityEngineer on the r ',.; ! ( � ,
' ep g proposed ordinance � ,I � {;,';, �•
" 'y� , rolls on 109 providing for the confirming of the assessment rolls on Local (' . • �f '• ' , ,'•, '
'"'tr' Improvement District No. 109, recommendingthat the ordinance do r:om• A communication from Martin Ewald notifying the City Council of his a. `
from M. +
:d, • 1 ,; ! , ! Ewald regarding claim of indebtedness for labor performed under Contractor Willis in the ,, y I 1 +,,i's�,t ;•; , i.E rr
N„. • pass, was read and upon motion adopted. , 1' + I
.� �, +• his claim for year 1892, amounting to $125.00, and praying for favorable consideration , � �:. �tf ,, t , • t ,' i IP,
"• `'a ` ' rThe report of theCity Engineer on the proposed ordinance pro- wa es due in of the same• was read and upon motion referred to the City Attorney and the r{' +,�t< ;; I, , :..0.t
�., . A.�Y 1. : I 1 Eng on ord. conf. �' I
t;: '; ` 1892 Finance Committee. � '' ' ,+ ! ' t'' '��.I •: :;:,
'0 .. - a rolls on 118 ' vidingfor the confirmingof assessment rolls for Local Improvement * . ,,. << ,r
{4 r,�' ... 1-' : ;; District No. 118, recommending that the ordinance do pass, was read r ill
r' ` �`'c {� fg Pet. •of Queen Petition of Colman Queen asking permission of the City Council to t l ', , 4:'I;; .;��
and upon motion adopted. 441 issued to Harry March on the 23rd day of March ► tl;�.� ;1•
tAli• ; ' for transfer of have Liquor License No. ! '
liquor •license 1915, transferred to him, was read and upon motion accepted and planed on !' t ''. '`` ti
Eng. on ord. for The report of the City Engineer on the proposed ordinance pro- it ,tt
file. i f 'I . °,
if-:. ', ' ; sidewalk on 8th st viding for the construction of cement sidewalks on 8th Street from t` .''
the east line of "Q" Avenue from a point 150 feet east of the east .' " '} ''
htt non The report of the City Attorney on the application for transfer of !� : ' +, �' .� ,
line of "Q" Avenue on the north side thereof, recommending that the of Queenpet� Liquor License No. 441 from Harry March to Colman Queen, finding same to 1,,I ,; ,1,1., .� ; .tlt'r
+ � t+ �� , ordinance do pass, was read and upon motion adopted.
• be legally correct and that same can be legally transferred, was read and ;! !t Ir''•' ; ,; 1,'!
upon motion adopted. Its"],= 1'� !;'; i�
I, +' Eng. on completion The report of the City Engineer on Local Improvement District , c ; ; , ,•+ • ,
of workon 117No. 117 advisingthe CityCouncil that the contract had been com- t: .I' I� , "� r
Lice. & Pol . on The report of the License and Police Committee on the application for •, •• plated, was read and upon motion Council adopted the report and ac- pa' t' � I t
• .. -,t ,t. cepted the work so completed. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan Beesner, Dobers Queenad- i i '� '• r .
pet of transfer of Liquor License No. 441 from Harry March to Colman Queen, re• r•, ';;•t "r t , , ,
Haugen, Trafton and Wagner. Nays, None. for transfer commending that the application be granted, was read and upon motion ?I1 , , , ;
opted. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Besener, Dobers, Haugen, Trafton and Wagner. ,,, .,
Nays, None. 1 r ., !f •
i Eng. onpet. for The re ort of theCit En ineer on the }p y g petition of the Fidalgo t,l ' t
' , t1 , , two plans of improv- Lumber and Box Company and recommended by Bert Bushey et al, setting -.rd. ho. 659 Ordinance No. 659, being an ordinance providing for the improvement t ;t , : i !: I{ .
Anacortes••" ` ' State Road connect with the Fidalgo Road, recommending that the petition be ac- " " I ' ' ,I�
� ;I cepted and placed on file and that permanent action be to the west line of 0 Avenue on both sides thereof by removing therefrom ' �•`'+ ;•
postponed, was J �!
+ a , ;:�. I,+ read and adopted. the present plank sidewalks and by constructing thereon six-foot cement � � � I1�� i; E, , ;. '��
, , sidewalks and wooden curbs and gutters between the points above designated, _ j� f :' ! ! ..
H ' • ! �' was upon motion placed upon its third and final reading by section; upon .All, ;;
� ' ! Eng on pet. for im- The report of the City Engineer on the petition of the Fidalgo ,, . I' ,':; '.�'
provind Company by Joseph Morrison, its president et al, pray - motion the title was adopted as read, upon motion section I was adopted as •I ' ; ; 1 -
: , ! read; upon motion section 2 was adopted as read; upon motion eeotion 3 was , (I ; ,
< ing that 35th Street from the north line of "W" Avenue to the asphalt 1,;!‘, :;
I 1, '
' ;II adopted as read; upon motion section 4 was adopted as read; upon motion• i !� i, t
• ='r' ,t ,t . pavement on Commercial Avenue be improved by paving the roadway of P •I ',�;
4.} .al said street, recommendingthat thepetition begranted and the Citysection 5 was adopted as read; upon motion section 6 was ado ted as read; !t,1 ?• , •
. I upon motion the ordinance as a whole and as read was adopted. Roll Call: E k• `t)1S' :• _
` E:I.` ! Ayes, Allan, Besener, Dobers, Haugen, Trafton and Wagner; Nays, None. 1' +
. ,t ' ti Y• ,, ��,,•1, " '
t .
1 •
i •
. •^,-- el_
, •-..-14‘• 1 40 1_ 41 .' :: .‘,. ••
. , . vl.
Jul 20th, 1 1 . ''' I ',l i i ''M
y 95 . _1 ,
j ,,, ��
a v t f:
I !a
Ord. No. 66o Ordinance No. 660, being an ordinance providing for the con- Roll Call BE IT That the City Counoil of the City of Ana- ! , I • • ; ;.--
firming of the assessment roll of Local Improvement &strict No. tortes did on the 20th day of July meet in regular session after taking '. �1 _' _ r_�:
118 for the laying of a lateral sewer .down the alley between 16th a recess of approximately one hour with Mayor Pro' rem Wagner presiding ;I VA/11 -, ,
and 17th Streets from a point 150 feet west of the west line of • and Councilmen Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Haugen, Trafton responding to -, i�f°'�,I ,'
"K Avenue east to connect with Trunk Sewer constructed on M Roll Call. Absent Mayor Hogan and Gibbons. ~� ,; F
: iAvenue, was upon motion placed upon its third and final reading ;rl! r t
by section; upon motion the title was adopted as read; upon motion Addressed by Mr. Edmund B. O'Grady, representing the unemployed, addressed the 11.1
i section 1 was adopted as read; upon motion section 2 was adopted as o'Grady City Council asking that the Council interview the employers of Japanese ; f '• ; ; 1, - �-
t read; upon motion section 3 was adopted as read; upon motion sec- labor to further establish their demand that all Japanese labor be die •-
tion 4 was adopted as read; upon motion the. ordinance as a whole missed and local labor begiven their employment. ,'"I' .
and as read wan adopted. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, mP yment. ;; I. K
Haugen, Trafton and Wagner; Nays,None. Adjourn Upon motion the Council adjourned. ` IF, 1 y.•
? i �,
Ord. No. 661 Ordinance No. 661, being an ordinance confirming the assess- Approved in open Council on the 3rd day of August, 1915. ' ? -1 ' ' I .
ment roll upon the re-assessment of Local Improvement District No. i/_-- :t. '
{ M N 31 . , t
f 109 for the improvement of 10th Street from the east line of C • •, a:,. i`
to the west line of Commercial Avenue by clearing, grubbing 'l-• t�-t ,.' •;
Avenue .
# r and grading the same to the established grade thereof, and by con-
strutting wooden curbs and gutters and a six-foot cement sidewalk 0--tzt/H 4'../-6-ed-7-e_-,, { ' 1t `
• •::f> down both sides thereof between the points above disignated, ex- '
Mayor > I i i
;�Y : ; cepting on the north side of said loth Street from the west line / I. r
:r . • ` of Commercial Avenue to a point 90 feet west there shall be con- — yr •t ' <} c i ;:
*-.0..,..-�' •
strueted a six-foot plank sidewalk and by putting in box drains 1 !' :N..: •
•}tip° -' and cross •
walks where necessary. Cit Cler .
i; •
�,y + 1. i '
•�a:4, . j "0" Avenue from the north line of 10th Street to the north '
`4 !', ' line of 13th Street by clearing, grubbing and grading the same to , il+
if. , < the established grade thereof;
'. .i s� , I • ,±
i "C" Avenue from the south line of 10th Street to the north i 'I. f ; i i -- t
ems ; line of 12th Street by clearing, grubbing and grading the same to i •�`• � ,
::<} �} 4 .,' the established grade thereof; i ; z4 ' ' ..
:- ;: 14i� i "i
. .:. : ' "B" Avenue from the south line of 9th Street to the north ;< '.. i ` • i ;` •
=f, "' ` line of 10th Street by clearing, grubbing and grading the same to ifl
�i ! Ir !
,; : ' the established grade thereof, was upon motion placed upon third �;!�s` { L;; �; t t
�< S and final reading by section; upon motion its title was adopted • 4 r
5.� i t i
r ?. •as read; upon motion section 1 was adopted as read; upon motion •` '�' j1
1 section 2 was adopted as read; upon motion section 3 was adopted i :: ., ,• ,� t.
x as read; upon motion section 4 was adopted as read; upon motion '• ` t11 a ifs. 1 ,r
.4.�4•r the ordinance as a whole and as read was adopted. Roll Call: Ayes, ! t, i i{t it r - !
', ' Allan, Bessner, Dobers,Hau en, Trafton and Wagner. Nays, None. i : _! 'rt ,4 i; : ,� •
i'`'�t{ Ordinance No. 662, being an ordinance providing for the im- si r, i r
�z . ,", r Ord. No. 662 '[�' _j i l%I provement of 8th Street within the City of Anacortes from the east + �� ; �! r , .
-1,-:; line of "Q" Avenue to a point 150 feet east of the east line of 't; I ` '
t {
;-. :,, " " Avenue on the north side thereof by removing therefrom the cr
f ,,, 1 present plank sidewalks and by constructing thereon six-foot cement ;, } ,;
s; {. , sidewalks and wooden curbs and gutters between the points above - t`: . - ': ' '..:,;'•
.''.,•' designated, was upon motion placed upon its third and final read
' i r i i :a
$ ing by section; upon motion the title was adopted as read; upon • :, :
yy� r � motion section 1 was adopted as read; upon motion section 2 was ,-.��; t { ,1 I
1:r-f a. ,a i•i adopted as read, upon motion section 3 was adopted as read; upon -• ik ?', ,;•
' motion section 4 was adopted as read; upon motion section 5 was ; ;'�y. � t' E; ' '-4
1, • • • adopted as read; upon motion section 6 was adopted as read; upon I I,r i f ',`, r
:s•• i• • motion the ordinance as a whole and as read was adopted . Roll - !+ `
f "• ' ; i I; • ! Call: Ayes,Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Haugen, Trafton and Wagner. I f i
, • , , Nays, None. ji } l'► .`' a
1 r}}.,' ti 1{ I 1 1 a i1 !k
,ir.' Date set for hear- Upon motion the City Council set the 17th day of August 1915, yt.:
4 ' it ing protests again- as the date when they would meet for the purpose of hearing and +'� -- Ill.': ; .5;
ta;d'V,i••; L' 6 I i, st conf. rolls on considering protests against the confirming of the assessment rolls
. ; ; Icy 1 . 119on Local Improvement District No. 119. +} ' i
:,F ;1 r ;s: F
'; r!+{ , i 1 � fri't
.44• •li ii • Res• to improve Upon motion the City Council passed a resolution declaring t
'y' 'i 35th Street its intention to improve 35th Street within the City of Anacortes i� � 'i ' " ' . f,
, }� • . • from a point 31 feet east of Commercial Avenue to a point 400 feet • 11"J '' f '�•�' t`'
; r '. sE M i
< , I i more or less east of the east line of "V" Avenue to a connection `'' y r 't
`fi r E ' with the present Fidalgo Road bypavinga strip 18 feet in width i :`'Ii•••1 I 44
f ; Iy •• down the center of said street and set the 17th day of August, 1915, I`; i' . '`
1 „II.:
' as the date theywould hear and consider protests against the pro- :7,f. �' ' ;fir.
posed improvement. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Haugen, •
•i tI :� �;'tj y ,'• 'i-
Trafton and Wagner. Nays, None.
• , • ,, Reconsider action Upon motion the City Council moved to reconsider their action , $ ''
rI •I of Wakefield vacat-,, taken upon the proposed ordinance providing for the vacation of
LI +
` I I ' ion certain streets and avenues within the City of Anacortes to the ; :• � ?; '; i• •, 'I , •
Apex Fish Company, resolved to consider same at their next regular f '
' 'I meeting• 1111�'.!i'
►.. - . Council takes Upon motion the City Council took a recess to listen to the ' !`}. ',, r'
Il i; recess to hear lab- demands of those present relative to the local labor conditions. �' .'�!1 4 f' }'
11 Approved in open Council on the 3rd day of August, 1915. �1. 1 i 'l !k+ ! `
• i ;• 4 �. •'
4/-,,(4 4. 0-44--t. . j. 1, ,
{ . I i Mayor tit' {i, •i' 11 '
1• t I ' City\C1 e5k t. I •, ,
is ` Ia:, ,;'� '4' J ,
• `'air _______ R .. t�..}:-:..`,}h }•`.,t• .. .i`: .`'Y:. ,. f .Z.'....:!��,' ,='I` •Ctrr. f: �.
0' I
y.. .. _ - 4`-'
.. ,
f I 4,9. -=:,: •..
�, - • { t 1
I ., ,-: • - A4ugUat 3rd, 1915. E 4: i {{
• i
Roll Call BE IT RR1'Ru'RERED That the City Council of the City of Ana- '��. ,:,
44 ,E
cortex did on the 3rd day of August-. 1915 meet in regular session with struction of a Trunk Sewer down Avenue "0" from the ells between 1 th ',km, 1x-ie ;. .• 1 •
Councilmen Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Haugen, Trafton responding to Roll Street and 18th Street to the centre of 13th Street thence to tide? ; ' j
water, was- upon motion laced upon its third and final reading by sect- • i.
I Call: Abeset, Mayor Hogan, Councilmen, Gibbons, Wagner. p P ' - + •
{` + Mayor wasupon
motion the title was adopted as read; upon section 1 # - +; ! s ,
Bessner elected Due to the absence of Mayor Hogan the Council upon motionadopted as read; upon motion section 2 was adopted motionas read; upon ` J • ' 'Mayor Pro-tem. motion section was adopted as read; upon motion section 4 was adopted j
pro tee- elected Councilman Nich. Bessner to be --aYas read; 'upon motion section ; was adopted as read; upon motion1
! ?'mutes approved The minutes of July 20th, 1915 was read and upon motion 6 was adopted as read; upon motion the ordinance as a wholeand section !- '�`
Was adopted. Roll Call: , as read , f...
'• '• approved. Nays, None. Ayes, Allan, BeBssner, Dobers, Haugen, Trafton. ►.
Appointnert of Hazel The Mayor sent to the Council the name of Miss. Hazel Layton ' : •: '
Layto to c steno. for appointment to the office of City Stenographer to take the place lias on 120 Upon motion the Clerk was instructed to open the bids submitted - '.
on Local Improvement District ho. f
of Miss. Olive E. Gee, resigned. mp
120; bid of -rvig and Haugamounting 1
to $506 40; bid of Weeks and Me. Clinton amounting to $507 ' `` E
Confirmation of Layton Upon motion the appointment of Kiss. Hazel Layton was con- Nels Erickson amounting to $564 0; bid of °,
$481 0• 75, bid of G. C. Eric amounting to " ' i
as City Stenographer furred. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Haugen, Trafton who 7 , upon motion the contract was awarded to C. Erk
: r..;' voted "Aye" providing the City Stenographer had offices in_ the City the lowest and best bidder. Roll Call; ' tr=e being • =� t
Haugen, Trafton. Na s None. Ales, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, i�' ;; �,-'; i Hall; Nays, None. - y ,
� -s T of" Y Bids on 21 U o ; r
1-..= `=; ;.�; �. or asks Council not A message from the1 _ J i' ,Nl.'f, ,_ ag Mayor asking "the members the City
on I.ocalpIm motion the Clerk was instructed to open the bids•
5 : :..> =.: to vacate to Apex Council "not to pass the ordinance to vacate to the Apex Fish Company $116 86• Improvement
Districts 21, bid of G. C. Erkhe bdssubmittedto certain portions of 5th Street and Avenue J until such time as theamounting 4 ,.
f : Mc. t of weeks and {..
� Apex Fish Company shall execute a deed to the City of Anacortes for a Clinton amounting to $122 ;77u17;icii.n:ftErflg°a2.;H:!: j , • f' ,�:. ; .$121 amounting to ', - ;�:.�`;strip eighty feet wide, beingon the west side of Avenue K upto 57; upon motion the contract was awarded to G. C. Erk, he being s` r,: # the north line of the Great orthern Right-of-way" was read an upon4.
the lowest and best bidder. Roll
?4 ,, p placedHaugen, Trafton. trays, None. Call. Ayes, Allan, Bessner, , '���'*
1.. >�r. , motion accepted and on file. C , Dobers ,: �
r� '� � • � Sept. til date ;•• � �,:
=; �{ Atty on ord. for The report of the City Attorney on the proposed ordinance 7 Upon motion the Cit Council set the 7th d ` � z.
�,:� : „ set = or hearingas the date when the y ay of September, 1915 i , `, ��`,•
i +� trunk sewer on 0 Ave providing for the construction of a trunk sewer down Avenue "0" from on it ions to the confirming Y would meet far the purpose of hearin an ob ` 1 k l:i , ��
7 g Y sect- 1 ,
the alley between 17th and 18th Streets to the centre of 13th Street - - District No. 11 irm�ng of the assessment rolls on Local Improvement !`
r.--:.: and thence east to tide-water, finding the ordinance to be legally7• •' I correct, was read and upon motion ar.opted. �`, � :
.� ? Clerk to notify , .,
Upon motion the City Clerk was instructed to notifythe Anacortes ' ' , I - ,
::atex Co Casson Water and Li s{ ' "sport of Fire Chief The report of the Chief of Police for the month of July Light Company that their claims for the months of June and " { tK
1for chaps not July for hydrant service was not allowed due to lack
�' for July was presented to the City Council and upon motion referred to the
further that all claims for pressure not according ofessure
l{' • •{
= ,j being allowed
Finance Committee. • franchise will not be allowed
x - �g. allow in t + ; rti.
�,�' �' Report of Police The report of the Police Justice for _the month oI
f July was Bessner, Dobers, Haugne, he future. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, E1 ;� � , '
p p Trafton. I. : c . ,
Nays, None. z, , , .
r 9' Justice presented to the City Council and upon motion referred to the 4Oli,
s:K Finance Committee. tt,! to �_pply • , + :
Upon motion the City Attorney was instructed to apply for an R i ( 1,f . ,, :t �4 •
for injunction in�unctian to prohibit the Anacortes �•irk: G;ainst water in the water of Cranberry Water and Light Company f td ; t,.
�� y �. Eng. on ord. for The report of the City Engineer on the proposed ordinance gmpany from turn0 f ! ;
��; company of fire. Y Lake into the service pipes unless on account '#;' � ` ,:• , J ' ' � K .. �,
trunk sewer on "0" providing for the construction of a trunk sewer down Avenue "0" from Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner Haugen, Trafton. `-J• � ':' f., t .r:
` the alley between 17th and 18th Streets to the centre of 13th Street Nays, None. ' Dobers, S • , ; ;; ' '
. f and thence to tide-water, recommending that the ordinance do pass, Claims '' 1E' '
Claims filled against the Current Ex ense € _
{, ' was read and upon motion adopted. , :
P Fund of the of i
Anacertes for the month of Jul 1915 City (�1 r l '; t
jr r motion referred y' . as follows, were read and•�C` '' �. • Final est. on 11 The final estimate of the Cit Tn sneer on Local Improvement d to the F (, undn :=1 ;.:.;: : ;� 7 Y S mp finance ommittee '' a ='
" District I o. 117 - Washington Paving Company, contractors - amount- •'•• • ?= >i: `
yv;-'s �' ' ~�J``� ing to 5140 80 was upon motion adopted and ordered allowed. Roll Call: Claimant Voucher Purposet i ,11, ` .. `.; .
Hau en• , Trafton.
' M� Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, C days, Clone. Amt. 1 s
:, S. G. Brooks 2 ; 'g w ,�
;:;;, i :"J + , The approximate estimateof theC En25 -#;`r Approximate��te est. on pp a sty sneer for the im- Owen Fulk 5276 SAY - Health Officer � . .a ,r 1' j
k`f • �' . : • J. S. Carter
•_ , : ,fit ,
`z r s ��pp 5 77 Salary - Chief of Police '
li"..., 0 Ave. from 20th • proving of Avenue "0" from the north line of 22nd •areet b the south 2 $ 90i'
{ R. E. Smith 5 7 Salary - Police ''
, ; ', , ; to 22nd re:.d line of 20th Street by clearing, grubbing and grading the same and5279 Driver of 75 ``; � t'r i' t,•
r.•.cl.�r _ Fire Truck e r1 }F • ` t°
y., , by placing six foot concrete walks and wooden curbs and gutters along Anacortes American 5280 75 }{, ta } ) !, ,
b' s uponP 5281 Fire Roll
and Publishing 88 50 3 4 t•` rr
'.�'3�,r { ' both sides thereof was read and motion adopted. A. F. D. Fire Ro11 `rF. ' � )' �� :S
f ,!i A. A. Sumner 5282 106 50 ,. ,'.• i. l :' :.: t-
C W Flenunin Salary - Fire Chief 0 " I `' !I'� {'
`; ,� : ' Report of st. erupt The report of the Street Superintendent for the month of 5283 Terms h 9 e,
pp.., _< , , 1Fsdal o Island Transfer5 35 ,.• July was presented to the City Council and upon motion referred to g ire .2 t ) ,
►: 5284 '
,� r ,, the Finance Committee. S. D. Temple & Co Team hire 26 25f' � '�' t
`t'i +` ; ►` ; ), C. C. Temple 5285 Supplies .,;;1 •:` ' ,,J, l t, ,�
10 40
5 > :::; �- ( 5 6 Salary and expense - , 1 ' '' 4t„ •• t
� . .`,�.; i .•- •i Fin. on report of The report of the Finance Committee on the report of the :',� ,
: !' Treasurer City Treasurer for the month of June, recommending that the same be A. E. Miller 2 City Clerk 81 10 � , �� ; .' ,i
s . -.� g 5 87 sJ +
tl}4Pioneer treat Work is i,?, �' '- :,E:,:;�'
��, accepted and placed on file, was read and upon motion adopted. Bindery and 55 15 , , lip ; ; , i, ii2i::E*i '
• Printing Co 5288 Supplies y;, . , ..< < �' •�{,�,�
Sew. & Bldg. on ord. The report of the Sewerage and Building Committee on the John Sangren 528 Pp ies 3 05 ;,; }, ►�.'� i;� �,' ' :
WileyPerry9 Lobar on Float , ; to
for trunk sewer on proposed ordinance providing for the construction of a trunk sewervuij
. , , �.7 , . , 5290 Labor on Float 11 , o,
"0" Ave -ue down Avenue "0" from the alley between 17th and 18th Streets to the W. A. Moore 52 l 9 i ' r s � ,t�k
'. , ' centre of 13th Street and thence to tide-water, recommending that the Olive E. Gee 292 Repairing City Hall 6 65 .E �•{ ;'��;�;:�`
- . ! 1 ordinance do pass, was read and upon motion adopted. W. G. Doyle 5 9 S 'Y - City Steno ' � ' �' ' �,,
Y 2 20 . t, i , 1 :(
5 93 Painting sign '
�' PetofPhillips Theo.IaSaxxO•uid Co 5294 Oil R6 25 if' '�i ii!Hi `,
S' ,
r ,; • ; for Petition of H. A. Phillips et al for the installing of in- 2 13 86 i +
« " 5 95 Inspector { J�. :.
incandescent lights candescent lights at 10th and I and at 12th and I was read and W. S. Clark 20 � fr,. f �.
Eckstein uinb 5296 salary = City Engineer } • !.f c {i. ' '
upon motion referred to the Fire, Water and Light Committee. Q Y 5297137 50 �'.� ,,� 1 ,
T. P. Edens 52 Chainman �7 + i� i4, -
�ortests on irr� r. The Mayor called for9 Justice fees ' . , r 4'
p protests against the cim rovement of Chas. Lenning i 1
p 5299 Street work 5 E. ' _ ,:
1' II . of "0" Ave. from 20th Avenue "0" from 20th to 22nd Street; the filedprotest of J. T. March Life Saving Devices Co 6 2 !` ,'j
5300 Pulmotor :� �> I°
• �� to 22nd owner of lots 11 and 12, Block 4, Stewarts Addition, was read and up- S. C. Bates 5301 Street 154 0 t < .' i
- on motion accepted and placed on file, Roy Ludington addressed the Toners 55 15 � '
5302 Street work `1+! ,11.','
Council and asked that the sidewalks be loweded to four feet in width C. W. Smith 57 40 j
"immediate " T. W. Dodson 5303 Street work 6 + +�
and when he was advised that the paymentplan was to be 5 � ' '
� ' 't used desired to 5304 Driver of Garbage ',
protest the whole improvement. O. A. Canning Wagon 75 , d ,
J Bros. 5305 Salary - Street Supt . �, f �., }'
;• f'` M.Davey Childs 5306 Supplies 75 56 i;r� j' , , t i s t,
Postpone consideration Upon motion the Council moved to postpone the consideration 5307 Typewriting iri , , •
'+ , J of protests on "n" of the improvement contemplated on Avenue "0" between 20th and 22nd Anacortes Water and 20 a � �j
�' from 20th to 22nd Street until the next regular meeting. Light Co. ' i?; ' t '
530$ Light , , ; , ��,
! ', ',, F. R. Nowell 244 95 (f -: ' ,.,.
f' Postponeproposed ordinance grantingto the Apex Fish Fidalgo Lumber & Box Co 5310 Salary - City Attorney 6o [;Ii .rj�,� , t
r considerAt- The pCompanay 5310 Lumber V, 11 '� ' I
,' 'tC R. E. Hardcastle 0 6 : ', 'ion of Apex vacation
certion vacations within the sty of Anacortes was, on account of the 5311 Salary - Cit 5 �'` !+ •
i•• ordinance message of the Mayor and absence of two members of the Council llaid J. Rae Bliss y Treasurer 0 !'` ,�'; ; • j '
. over'for consideration at the next regular meeting. Geo. Marinakos 27 50 ! t ± ; S i'
312 Salary , Police
+ 5313 Meals for Prisoners 8
W. S. Neely . i
��; 1�; f I Anacortes Water and 5314 Salary - Police 52 �� �
,sty Ord. No. 663 Ordinance No. 663, being an ordinance providing for the con- 50 ,�; ,,., ; �w I ,
,,�. _, Light Co. 1, -
5315 Water 10 95 t; ; a
— 17th• _1915' a : -'1 . ?; I� ' {,
-- SZ -
' _ i r 1,4 �:ray ��` �?
4 '���. Fin. on claims The report of the Finance Committee on the above claims for i Call BE IT REMEMBERED That the City Council of the City of Anacortes, t' ` . '
. the month of July 1915, recommending that the claims be allowed and �`0-1 did on the 17th day of August, 1915 meet in regular session with Council- , '►' • !'
! that warrants be ordered drawn for the several amounts, was read men Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Trafton, Wagner, responding to Roll Call: phi. i ; i, ' ,1 .
and upon motion adopted. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Absent, mayor Hogan and Councilamn Gibbons, Haugen. €c I , • • ' . •
Haugen, Trafton. brays, None. I r •s • s
Due to the absence ofMayor Hogan the CityCouncil upon motion ' + + ' r
•'� � �1:L:� elected g �� P ;,. . • ;c . ; -
;: ; Adjourn Upon motion Council adjourned. t elected Councilman Archie Allan to be Mayor Pro Tem. ; $, ;
pro te:. 1
Approved in open Council on the 17th day of August, 1915. The minutes of theprevious meetingof August 3rd, 1915 was read .
4 inute� r_n proved i�` :; •
., and upon motion approved. s�'' ;'i'
• 3 •
• ^re:_st'-her for The report of the City Treasurer for the month of July was pre- • c '
�� ?� referred sented to the Council and upon motion referred to the Finance Committee. �t ti .
July •• _ i t +
- . •
Mayor --'rooks against Health Officer S. G. Brooks addressed the City Council advising
injunction against the injunction proceedings for the reason that he thot the water
. ' • U company would soon be in a position to properly handle the situation; 1. ' 1:
i City Cle he further stated that he was promised that a filter would be installed 1 •• •
at Cranberry Lake and that Heart and Whistle Lake water would be used only. i..' . . _ ••
.__t;.�.r to hold up Upon motion the City Attorney was instructed to hold up the -. ' ' • i !' :_ , J�.
u Ar. -_ , ,
injunction until injuncition proceedings against the Anacortes Water and Light Company E -.. :. '
•���•;;�.. � injunc j P C gg mP Y _ tl�, t � �, .
;. :. further instruct- until such time as he was further instructed to proceed with the in- ! ' . i ` ': ''•
jN '`� ions junction by some member of the Fire Water and Light Committee. • , ,• �,t-,;`
a. • ,zr.,rox. est. on The approximate estimate of the City Engineer for the proposed • • f •
40+-•�,'' , 1; i ir.nr. of 35th improvement of 35th Street by paving et tetra was read and upon motion ! i , • !
, %... i ; :
,s''xr. ;►, . r • adopted. f ; 1
:.�.;i :'i:c. on report The report of the Finance Committee on the report of the Street f ` j k
:�f;yr � ' ! Superintendent for the month of recommending that the report be , `i
:e.. - of St. 4upt. P July, 6 �
�} ; ..' accepted and placed on file, was read and upon motion adoted. i . : , , •j`
t ,1• .
, .., ,......:, .
i� J
,i ' [, ! 1
Fin. Corr, on The report of the Finance Committee on the report of the Cnief of r :! . . , '
i;. { report of Police; Police for the month of July, recommending that the report be accepted ` i , •'
j and placed on file, was read and upon motion adopted. r:! �; i l :
z �: I - The of the �'inence Committee on the of the Cit � ` , '5.
�' ':'•s report be accepted i `c'•'`
K, .in. on re .o rt reportreportY i . ,
.,:r of T Just• c for the month of July, recommending that the ?V1. !
,x. ,r.,. . Justice e g P P 1. II
.r : '' and placed on file, was read and upon motion adopted. € I �l ,i ,! ,' �::
"` Yire, W & Light The report of the Fire, Water and Light Committee on the petition i st' ,!', i, ,
•• `, :6- - on pet. of of J. A. Phillips et al for the installing of incandescent lights at �• 1 ,;.. 1
'raw ::< ns the corner of loth and I and 12th and I, recommending that the petition . !' !'0:' I` • • •
� s� "hills, h ,
¢;r ' be not granted, was read and upon motion adopted. ! ;, i • x '
t �• • i ;Ii I,.•I; ,1. t i.
"'�``} ��� Coliclist P�.rty Communication from the Socialist Pary of Anacortes by E. V. Ansen, :41 1 •' `
s;; • ', .;) on taking ten- asking the City council to sanction the taking of an industrial census ; •. i t i
was re d and u on motion was received andplaced on file and the re i 'I i� ''3 I
{ :. t•s a P f
f��; j� , ; quests granted provided that it incurred no expense to the City. � 'f ,1 , 't�
;4,:,ik,, { `' • 'yet. of Frank- Petition of J. Franklin for permission to cut small trees on llth tneN'ii t'" �, •
{t.s , • i • lin to cut trees Street between Avenues "K" and "L" was read and upon motion granted. ,,, ii. , '! .i: ;•
4 r 'rJ` t !'; `
{`; ••`. Protests on imp The Mayor called for protests against the improvement of Avenue "0" Ft ,�r t,.
of• r• ,� from 20th Street to 22nd Street• the filed protest of J. E. Fiedler et al �^ k �,; ;` 11,
.. I
0 from 20 �,.i.'' kt r 1. + {4.• .• ., ►► s to 22nd was read and upon motion considered well taken. iii
;2�• J i 1• ii ,t , ! ,
het S Porte;is a• ainst The Mayor called for protests against the confirming of the 1i'1i ` }1,it+l;' ;' ;' ;. `
i assessment rolls on Local I rovement District No. 11 , the filed protest , :: i! ,. . ••• ,. ri
,t.i t conf. rolls on mP 9' :,, ' 4,, it l;, ;
� ' {,N „ , of L. C. Richardebein the owner of lots 1 2 and 4 of Block �,'� ' '• �`'• . ,; ;, ,.
` 119 g 3 39, was ' .{
,,� ,c�, j read and upon motion referred to the City Attorney and the Finance f i,� 1; i� ,`, �RF, G .:.
(e( � i , : . Committee. No other protests were reported filed and none were register- i . •�'•';..,.
6 {; .� r1 ed from those present in pursuance to a call from the 1._ayor. j'•i•, li�,,;t 't•, . :r ,.,(. 11.1!i:ii‘ ',I'.
f.: : t..
Ki,:•.;rd , . I Protests The Mayor called for protests against the improvement of 35th y• +,�, ,;, :; ,` .
4 i, I. against
'y�r 'c ,` ► c�nf. of 35th Street by paving; the filed protest of Chas. W. Beale et al owners of i 'A ' I•i; • '• 1 ''` �`{{t ;`'
treet roadway certain described property in Beal f s Maple Grove Addition to the City . t i! ,. 44 . .,:ib
r of Anacortes, was read and upon motion laid over for further consideration; ,'` + • • '
The filed protest of J. A. Mitchell owner of certain described property Iti •; ,�:• r't
1 •` abutting on the said improvement was read and upon motion laid over for ,I'.1,-• c' ' ; `+
K further consideration; no other protests were reported wiled with the { ;p j
City Clerk and none were registered from those present in pursuance to a i• �f art i�� .i
. ; • , ( call from the Mayor. : I ;`((`x ; ` !Ili
Y r , I '. Ur;, ' i ' + ',
:I) ' 'ond of Erk on Bond of E. C. Erk submitted for the purpose of covering his work , + ,.• ,� ;,r, i; ,.t
1', ; ! on 120 on Local Improvement District No. 120 waspresented to the CityCouncil '::1' ' '. +' 'P
and upon motion referred to the City Attorney and the Finance Committee. I I i• ; ; . -I
on ' of Erk on Bond of E. G. Erk submitted for the purpose of covering his work ¶1 ' ; . ;,!. .k ?, rI ,
121 on Local Improvement District No. 121 was presented to the City Council •• ;`` ,�1; �i ; } .}
and upon motion referred to the City Attorney and the Finance Committee. li ,!;• , v •• t,, i i
i ,; $( • 14, , + +
I I , Jies. to issue A resolution authorizing the issuance of bonds on Local Improve- ,iI,,! . I „ ! ! , i '
i •
bonds on 117ment District No. 117for fill and finalpayment of the estimates of the • I . �� •i . ; •1 •
i j .. 1'
I. '''. ,‘ City Engineer approved in completion on the day of , 1915 was ��� , r +, �i• ' i
1' upon motion passed by the City Council, Roll Call. Ayes, Allan, Bessner, � j II II:‘ ' !; : ' `, ,
i; ' 1t. Dobers, Trafton, Wagner. Nays, None. f'.� .i; r I r'
�' '1 , + i'! a: f E ,' `�
. i ` iEs on 122 Upon motion the Clerk was instructed to open the bids submitted - l'il,';•• .1 I_ i
t s , on Local Improvement District No. 1122; bid of Bela •Erickson amounting i 11 ��' ' 1
i ! to $5012 4 , bid of '.. 4 81 40; 1.els ; 1 '.• ' ;' ,+ .i i , , t5• Fairito & Brothers amounting to ,:�53 { a `��'11; i.
I ! Erickson the lowest and best bidder, was u on motion awarded thet;! ���}i S I ;I t r .11 being P ,! E; ,i ;
�, ; ! contract. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Tfafton, Wagner, Nays, '`°:1 ,t;. i �:;, .,
. �; i None. i • .
' .....s..a'r.15La.ew..,... ,.i10•:fXp-']llq➢CA[Y7/caY6i..usfASOIA'ltlA. .r. ...,.i„•,.r.rrv...".itr►,rfna:11 + E: •1�9iaa •
Yuui i� i —: 1,
' . s -.. 14
. ,,,,:..,...4- Al• _1_'I U _
14 / — .,, -
. c
Ott+ +III ,,,I.
c,- - , ,. r t'
- Sept. 3rd1 191 . .i'• . it .
=-r Adjourn Upon motion Council adjourned. .oll Call BE IT RB BRED That the City Council of the City of Anacortes ! " , 1
>� did on the 3rd day of September, �t915 meet in special session with Mayor '
R. Approved in open Council on the 7th day of• September, 1915. Hogan presiding and Councilmen Bessner, Dobers, Haugen, Trafton and } ;;:1: 1
Wagner responding to Roll Call; Absent, Allan, Gibbons. 1-� E' : I. !-!
• i, /14A j vurpose of The Mayor announced to the i'ouncil that the meeting was called t•t ;}�: Li i ,
/1 for the purpose of tentatively adopting estimates for the year of 1916. ;. , •, . i
1 `� A �� or eeting i v t ,
pXn ; ', ' •
;.,,a es sub- Upon motion the followingestimates were read bythe Clerk and c' ; '[ c. • ,.
i ,. City Cl k r i red .,adopted subject to final confirmation on October 4th, 1915. �T! ;' f.- . i
I• DISBURSEMENTS: '•i` i •� -
r •
t I Ic
Dept. of Executive 50 00 )'',;• -;,' .
" " Legislative 50 :i
N " City Clerk 1250 5 t; •
1 " " City Treasurer 720 •, _• ` t _
4 i " " Law 820
" " Engineering 2500 .t- ' .;
z ,
Streets 5500
, • " " Police 2400 .V ;j '1! !?•
.:A:,: " " Fires 6500 !{ ' , •
.ysk i _ " " Sewers 200 , r r
Health 225 i' '
r. Y s�� .• y City Lights 3000 r . '
'v _' j " Hall 400 r
; l " Float 200 :+ . s i • i , -
p.....4..: •
—' I " Library 1081 85 '
• ;s` Vir- • " Elections '�5o j �,
;;i ~�: Legal Publishing 500 ` i•
�ti; - •• ,E Retiring Gen'l Fund Its 10818 54 ; -- • • •. �i : ,
��ti.. .t,L , , " Current Expense gilts 9015 5 ,7,� .t , • ' , , ; ;i -
:� Contingent 150 6 S S ;' ;a
�,, � !il •
Parks 721 20 Iii !
�.,. '•` ` _ RECEIPTS: I ;�•� 011
�'`3 �' General Licenses 1000 00 '' ,<<, \t }; iii
>i • • Police Fines and Costs 500 'A !. 'f0'7 ' ,
• ,,. -� Dog Tax and Pound Fees 350 �` 11 ` ;, + •t • ,
4:;" Z , Miscellaneous Receipts 300
,�: : Interest on Deposits I.
I, {{
400 I'. r� 1. h ,# f
IT'•, 1 \ 1892 Tax 200 ; 1 �`
GA."...'*;.''iiN4City Float 200'. ,� City Library 6/10:Il081 85 '" •4-Z ,:1, ' City Parks 4/10 721 20 s ? . 1 ,
,l s Retirin Gen'1 Fund �Yts 6 10$18 4lis(:: ::!:':''i'i':';.:::'.'-+ ly,k,, . :; ,y is r,-:; - I • ' g 5 - • Iil• 4• .i! tk',',:i .:`:
-9 Y•1 ;-;• • . f • " Current E 5 9 5 5 1+`S t-ri.:,•4l 1 ,;+' ', � ` ; i xpense tiYts Ol 4• Refund from L. I. D s 4241 73 c �ti ► �,
�` • .t i} ; , Direct Taxation 10 18023 27 c j ' .;�� , { �' • i`
lit , i ,.,..i,:..: ..,„:„.
• ,� 1 Adjourn Upon motion Council then adjourned. � !•,1i. !o
,r, ' r } 1, ► �. ,. 1. ,{' ' ��
;s:{ . ;,• �,. y Ir t • t
; �• i,, ') I • i Approved in open Council on the 7th day of September, 1915. t''it.
`�}: �``.,
;:. ":.'":-.S :.:',4.. -, 1 '...,' f I „. )4 i. 511.tiji.:,q'',,. ..,; %; • A p',.
• r •.i a•, I1 ,I • 1, ��LvI 1 ', alp �1( .� 1� `4 { f .
,-:•!e•,: ::::::•;, . ,••• , . . c Hrt:•, 1,11L1 .' ,,I. .,,,,,,,,..;
Ci Cl k � '` , 1 ' • 0
,riff ; 10 1!. Il i; :1
� I :,' llr i
l' 1 ilk' l',4' ,J 1. I ' -.
I . ! 1' 114 ;; it
11 i 'I.i 1. i ! . . ;
1 i j t,
. •
• 1 I.j ill • `ti CI, ', '
. i ''I ` 14 . • g i •.:,,i ,...)1! ' ' .
.,.-. •.-ti4:,:•::• iC 1.ji-y...:.'4VW_L,,.VI ,,,,,e ,.a1•ILr..h.ulal.,.W•r1►y,�i�I.IiI.!laII ..Y.Y•14110- i `i•'
,E,1.. . .\
_ . , ,..
- i .414 .
4 i 1'1'
: 1C. :' - . 1_4
! `
,,r=� Cal BE IT REIN D That the City Council of the City of Anacortes 1 mere declared equalized and ordered extended and the mounts shown there- It •
--� Roll 1accordance with the benefits derived by the property assess- • '' t
did on the 7th day of September, 1915 meet in regular session with on to be in I • ;
.�• R' an residin and Councilmen Allan• Besaner, Dobers, Gibbons, ed therefor. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen,
' AE o r Ho �I•. � ' i . �
ay g P g � �
Haugen, Wagner responding to Roll Call: Abesent, Trafton. Nays, Wagner. • t, ' )' + ;
Upon motion the •
protests Chas. W. Beale et al and J. A. Mitchell ' ,,';
- inutes approved The minutes of the previous meetings of August 17th, 1915 and 'Protest hest of • `'
Sept. 3rd, 1915 were read and upon motion approved. - ., against the improvement of 35th Street were considered well taken. Sri ;
Be:;ie et a ' i.
being t ordinance providing for the confirm-
Ordinance No. "�;f •; 1 .AttytheOrd. Di •
,• c'n ,
District No. 120, finding the same to be legally correct, was read u on motion placed upon its first and second readings by title and
�l P Committee. ;z ` '
and upon motion adopted. 11 referred to the City Attorney and the Finance t, , !
of theCityAttorneyon the bond of George Erk sub- Ordinance No. m ebing an ordinance e providing ftriathe1conwas •.. t
- .� Atty on bond The report of :ao. : .� - -
I Eric on 121 witted for the purpose of covering his contract on Local Improvement Ord' in$ of the assessment rolls on Local Impro ,
oaf• rolls on s •
District No. 120, findingthe same to be legally correct, was read upnn motion placed upon its first and second reading by title and } . �, '!
11, p ,l,
and upon motion adopted. 9 referred to the City tttorney and the Finance Committee.
f onprotests The report of the City Attorney with reference to theprotests T Ordinance No. bean an ordinance providing fvr a•rending jJ i '.
Atty P Cr ro. J 48 p ; !
against 35th im- filed against the improvement of 35th Street, reco u ending teat they ord. section 15 of Ordinance l.o. as �.irended was upon motion placed u on
g g P amending
At tome ., ' ,
ptovement be considered well taken, was read and upon motion adopted. ,_o. �6 its first and second reading by title and referred to the City Y '* .;,, 11'. { .:,
: : :r �1Finance • ,�., ,,and the i Comr ttee. ,• + • I -y • .`tX��•t
p.i - Atty on protest of The report of the City Attorney on the protest of E. C. Richards
r� Upon motion the proposed ordinance vacating to the Apex Fish Co i ��'
,.,,,ress S_ Richards on 119 against the confirmingof the assessment rolls on Local Improvement •
�f`I ? District Ito. 119, advising that "In"his "opinion a Court would not oa Apex gosh certain portionsof "J" Avenue do not pass and that the deed held in j?
tgt�trx v hold :"r. Richards liable for the assessment on the north 70 feet of escrow by•the Bank of Commerce be returned to the said Apex Fish Company. :� :
, ;> n she has at resent sewerage into the Co. voted Roll. Call. Ayes, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, , Wagner; lays, Allan , .
_ `.$,�: r lots 1 and 2 in Illock 39, a P corm
7 a, Trunk Sewer on Commercial Avenue, and has paid for the same, but as Haugen.
`• ,`.',: -'.. `i to the balance of his propertythink that he can be legally assessed :
P zCouncil set the 5th day of October, 1�15 ag E
read and upon motion adopted. th to Upon motion the City
� - •..; therefor, was )ci. c , '$ I
f ���,��: • ? S the date when they would consider •
protests against the confir�cing of the .;� ,I . ::
`�'_ • i hear protests ;
` : ; I , •
Report of Police The report of the Chief of Police for the month of August was o - 120 assessment rolls On Local Improvement District 1o. 120. • I , lil ;
•;} for August presented to the Council and upon motion referred to the Finance
:1� Upon motion the City c I
Council set the 5th day of October, 1915 as ;' : . t
Q;`.f I: Committee. �;c t. 5th to , `•� `
rr rotests the date when they would consider protests against the con ,firming of the , .
t w s assessment rolls on Local Improvement District No. 121. �� 1 ��,i I •,. • • r .. �-
; ! Report of Justice The report of the Police Justice fvr the month of Augus a on 121
r r • ? i for August presented to the Council and upon motion referred to the Finance a committee to investigate , ,„ :a '
;. .1: ;� Committee. Coirinittee to Upon the mayor was instructed to appoint # .�
"r, _ i -ate and make recommendations for the conducting and Bessneriweref nam araage �'E� pit. • z'
;c investi b .:•.
r f} Councilmen Haugen, Dobers and , ; i
r: ;.
Eng on protest of The report of the City $ngineer on the protest of E. C. Richards c�crg��be system collection system; ;, .;; ! , '� {.
;: t? kichards on 119 against the confirming of theassessment rolls on Local Improvement a committee. �# �` • I ' • "'
;"`a � T 119, recommending that the rotest be considered not I,
;�, District n, S P E.
The matter of reducin the police force to tv�o men for the remaind- ,i ' ;, i , ,; ,
` �-rr t well taken, as read and upon motion adopted. g
_..: �. fieducin ; police Finance Committee. {' ,� . !
,� ..:, ,.,: -� er of the year was upon motion referred- to the � ;
?� � Fin. on 120 The first and final estimate vtf the City Engineer on Local Im-
force j ' Vt.. • 1 •. provement District No. 120 - G. C. Erk, contractor - amountingto tartin Ewald addressed the City douncil urging that his claim for ; ,i 1, 1:,it !-..,:i `, !Jill :.'
• Fwf�ld addre3 labor said to be performed on Avenues "L" and "K" under Contractor
' f• ' s514 18 was read and upon motion allowed. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, sed Councilit, I �'�' `•
':-!ii r� :, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Wagner. Nays, None. Willis in the year 1892 be allowed him. I '.t.� i
'- ,� • Cityof Ana- ti
r �; 1 '�.�
� Claims filed against the Current Expense lurid of the •:{. Fin on 121 The first and final estimate of the City Engineer on Local Im- Claims
were resented to the Council and �� ` `
41��t:� 0, provement District No. 121 - G. C. Erk, contractor - amounting to cartes for the month of August, 1915 P , E t ,' y'�� ;;,
rr�ie y.
f; , ;� 188 46 was read and upon motion allotged. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, upon motion referred to the Finance Committee. t it It+l'ti 4' _ ; t
`''`'r �A{i Bessner , Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Wagner. Nags, None. Purpose Amt.
l'it (,
it'+mo Claimant Voucher ,�, �.. 3i i. ��. ` •
` s : . 1st. est . on 122 The first estimate of the City Engineer on Local Improvement A 5p `-�� rf , . , ,
1 _ _ w575 79w n Dolph53i6Repairing City Ball F ih , .� 1.' `•E `c;;�, „ ,.� District ho. 122 lisle Erickson, corQractor amounting; to • ��•531 Driver of k'ire 'i'ruck � ��•;;-.!�!I' `' �� (i , •:
..e. . h+ < �. was read and upon motion allowed. Roll Call. Ayes, Allan, Besaner, R. E. Smith - 80
P 5318 Salary & exp.eCity Atty 720 �'• � i,'.i:,l' -; . , ;1 ��, � ,� ,..
'` IN Dobers, Gibbons, Haugne, Wagner, Nays, None. Frank R. Norvell
;!_� S. G. Brooks 5319 Salary & xp•- �� (�' ;.
,'�`;' • r Co 5320 Team hire 6 75 �I `+l� :a, . fl �,F ;I E, , '
; ��' Report of St. Su t The report of the Street Superintenddnt for the month of August Anacortes Transfe tit • !'
.. P P 5321 Plumbing A i ,�;�
'' ° = 'i „1 ' for August was presented to the Council and upon motion referred to the Finance W. A. Moore :
8o 60 ;,,
t ,. :� Temple 5322 Salary & exp. - City Clerk 80 I „ ;`.°:;! '`,x+il ``?�� `<'.''
:<.:�. Committee. C. C er 5323 Supplies 9 1, ,y;i,,
• s���'; r. n 5324 Supplies , f .,C
• I ', , E,. ;...�- ; Knapp & Ron eberg �- 12 65 � �� I��� " '� : .t ,� �!rwee
,4C.' ' � , • ` ; Fin. on protest The report of the Finance Committee on the protest of E. C. ,,. D. Temple 8 Co • 2 Supplies 16 35 !��`t ;, 111 !s.S. W Shannon t.: Co . 53 5 4 1 :,, ' .` .
; of Richards on 119Richards against the confirming of the assessment rolls on Local Im- V.
26 Blasting Rock in Hall 5 {, � •.' � ,.I, �,�
� �.; : ' R. R. Ruthford I', .;; ;• ,�
Fire Chief 90 �:>����.r;'.�k
�fxf�;r�',; �a•��� • I provement District No. 119, recommending that the protest of E. C. � - �� , �t.>.,,;,
''� i;:l Richards •
be not considered well taken and that the rolls as prepared A. A. Sumner 5327 Salaryi :, I , .
�•� 5328 Salary & exp. - Treasurer 67 80 � ,��,�,,,ii � •., �� i��i��sic;
'. �z bythe CityEngineer be confirmed, was read and upon motion adopted. R. E. Iiardcastle
ti I, _�C.. , ' g G W. Shannon £- Co 5329 PP 6 31 F.� i, I �
Supplies � '•' ''-
�,r 0 Feed 35 95 , !
s•. <. ofthe Finance Committee on the report of the City Anacortes Ice Co • 533 !� �' ,
Fin. on report The report
Printing and Publishing 150 35
of Treasurer Treasurer for the month of July, 1915, recommending that the report Anacortes American 5331I• ' ', ,I 3
h,. , Salary ��i, �
- St. Sept ? • = �.
be accepted and placed on file, was read and upin motion adopted. 0. A. Lenning 53321� : `:�
Salary - Policeman 75 : _ �• ' 'I
J. S. Carter 5333 40 �''. , : .,� q•' ,
W. Shannon & Co for mermission to erect an ele- . Hazel Layton 5334 Salary - City Steno (fi ;
Pet. of Shannon Petition of G. V . ` � ', � ' i
° ' for elevator er- vator at the rear of there bilding situated at 602 Commercial Avenue Trick & Idurray 5335 Supplies 113 67 a 1; 'i i l '
• ,, p Salary - Policeman 75 , ; �;. i• ,., .
, I: wit was read and upon motion referred to the Sewerage and Building J. Rae Bliss 53367 Salary - Chief of Police 90 I`#• '1 �'� P
,, Committee with power to act. Owen Fulk .i
; , A. C. Rusing 5338 Special Police 25 • > i 1' ;
2040 I
5339 Feed1 .1 } ,
Protests against The Mayor called for protests against the confirming of the Anacortes Ice CoII
D T 1 the filed Chas. Tancre 5340 Street 56 25 !� f:>i'
conf. rolls on assessment rolls on Local Improvement istri ct I o. 17, Leber on workkmp 56 ''i !,1 ,
_ : 117 protest of lax Naf, being the owner of Tract 14 Plate 10 Tidelands, G. W. Smith ��•+t 'f .1
. 534142 Salary & exp. - City Eng 131 50 � ,,,,r ,.� +,,, ; � _ , 1�.
proaying that his asseasrrent be made in proportion to the exact area W. S. Clark }} •
row -'46 0 to 6Central Garage 5343 Auto hire 214 25 + :;��I I! '� .
�� of said tract which would reduce his assessment � 9 79; 44 Blacksmithing ���� � �� � E ' ',
I upon motion the protest was received and placed on file and the assess- H. A. Taylor 53 5
25 50 r,
Fidalgo Transfer Co. 4 Team hire ,i,
meat against said property adjusted accordingly. No other protests 46 Justice !
tfiled with the CityClerk and none other were register- T. P. Edens 53Anstice feesg and descriptions 2 60 I ''��' ' �; ��
wered reportedpru 1
ed in pursuance to a call from the Mayor. Dale & Shea Abst. co 5347
.t ,
5348 Inspector 46 50 ' ;`,i i; '' ,
,,, • , , : I� Theo Saxrud 11 25 } � ,
• Rolls declared red U on motion the rolls on Lo cal Improvement District No. 117 were Loren Dunham 5349 Chainman �',i1 ` t I i •. '
p0 Installment on adder 32 50 I 4. �'
I 1 equalized and con- declared equalized and ordered extended and the amounts shown thereon Burroughs Adding Machine Co 535 I i' .i 1
fits derived b the T. W. Dodson 5351 Driver of Garbage Wagon 75 5 4
; firmed declared to be the in accordance with the bens y 5352 Chairman 1 2 i ' +�� 1;� `� � ;
.0 property thereby. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Chas. Lenning 11 25 t ��
�, Tolls 4 26 ti°19:
' ,�;�•' ''�`"'`' •
~� Ilaugen, t`Iagner. NayB, lions. P. S. Ind. Tele ,Co 5353 ll ,
Tel & Tel Co 5 Tolls + 'i:;t II Anacortes Water & Light o 4�� �i� Pac. C 55 tiVater Sc Light - City Hall 10 50 � ' .,:' ��,� •
. , �t: i � Rolls on 119 conf. upon motion the rolls on Local Improvement District No. 119 .
;`kl�y'`��.\�., O" ' 4 4244,.Je.'ikt?1r]a!t•A,4i�):+•IIL�4.6;: w'::,... .kAwItlJ:i:At N.JN,N6imiet, 4yeitl�' ;`••
r . . . ____
-,....•i: ., ,` •
, __,. . 1--• L50 151 \ '` ,t, " +�.a�
t ,. a i i, ` , , -F
ept.aw er 21st 1915- F -
" =,'`„ Anacortes Water Light Co 5357 Light* 244 50 ;:oil Call BE IT REL EILBERED That the City Council of the .City of Anacortes, III , •
1 f i'
1 ,. A. F. D. 5356 Fire Roll 272 did on the 21st day of September, 1915 meet in regular session with •• '1i '
S. L. Bates 5358 Street work Dobers, }
A. S. Miller56 25 Mayor Hogan presiding and Councilmen Allan, Bessner, Gibbons, °;; 1 17; r j
5359 Street work ° .t
58 50 Haugen, Trafton and Wagner responding to Roll Call: Absent, None. -; , t '
` i •
The minutes of the previous meeting of September 7th, 1915 was ,' ` `
inutes approv- } }
.• Finance on �l ics The report of the Finance Committee on the above claims for the read and upon motion approved. a.` ; ,
month of August, 1915, recommending that they be allowed and that ec { ' z
warrants be drawn for the several amounts, was read and upon motion on bond The report of the City Attorney on the bond of Eels Erickson sub- "'.�f !i •
adopted. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugne. t
�'- Nays, Wagner. g of _,rickson muted for the purpose of covering his contract on Local Improvement '''i i' r
on 122 District No. 122, find the same to be legally correct, was read and upon ..1 � ` :
Adjourn Upon motion Council then adjourned. motion adopted. f., �� I i
-tty on ord. The report of the City Attorney on the proposed ordinance pro- ; =;; I
Approved in open ouncil on the 21st day of Sent. 1915. i
conf. rolls on , viding for the confirming of the assessment rolls on Local Improvement
i 7 District Ho. 117, finding the same to be legally correct, was read and } '.
upon motion adopted.
r47-41-4ra.-1,( ' • •' • ' •
-tty on ord.
The report of the City Attorney on the proposed ordinance pro
t .
:,: .,. ::,'A. _ ---� , - ---- conf. .oils on viding for the confirming of the assessment rolls on Local Improvement { ;; s �F.
• = i District No. 119, finding the same to be legally correct, was read and : , ,
City erk l� :
4= I upon motion, adopted. ; " ' w,.. •:•:•i',,�
;,, fr ? „ Atty on ord. The report of the City Attorney on the proposedordinance pro Oft.;
;¢ �, for amendments viding an amendment to Ordinance No. 486, finding the same to be legally _ , _ . : :
j'f = to 4+86 correct, was read and upon motion adopted. ; I `,
tom,. 1:.,..::.,.
r ,
ii • : ! . _1 L . . :ii,::i•;:i- ..
.,;. ks,•--*: tii• report of City The monthly report of the ity Treasurer for the month of August i
y <" I' ' h Treasurer was presented to the Council and upon motion referred to the Finance }" .
r tt:Y` Y."-.1 . Commttee. a ; II., ,..
' Fin on report The report of the Finance Committee on the report of th Street ' . ' . { .;,:
i i
fi. '' . 1u of St. ''upt Superintendent for the month of August, recommend that the report be • • • ,, i `: • j• `
't `: accepted and placed on fill, was read and upon motion adopted. i; . e .
s :=• x ' Fin on report • The report of the Finance Committee on the report of the Police ' i1 a
..: : f of Police . Department for the month of August, recommending po , r'``.��; � - that the report be �. • � � � ' :';.
accepted and placed on file, was read and upon motion adopted. 1 1 ' + '
t; <<
3i, - ; . :in on report - The report of the Finance Committee on the report of the City ' +k�� ,�`• ; • • • �' •,
' • 1! "1 of justice ' •• Justice for the month of August, recommending that the report be accepted E +• �. i ` `.,
and placed on file,v�as read and upon motion adopted. cl ; �+ ; , "
s,:r r Yin on bond. The report of the Finance Committee on the bond of liels Erickson I 3
° : of-Erickson submitted for the purpose of covering his contract on Local Improvement • , ,�' t
} f• 't on 122 District No. 122, recommending that the bond be accepted and placed on • 'i i• .. r , ` '+�
',> 3
C,N_[�I^v,, �- filer was read and upon motion adopted. �. •t> ,• o, '' •t .. .
k K2 .'. 7 it '' �t t I ,
'',r? �.. - ` rin on amend- The report of the Finance Committee on the proposed ordinance , } ' { „' ; 'i`,,7
, •
' e _ : -P' !, rent to 486 providing for an amendemnt to Ordinance No. 486, reommending that the : .,E }!!'' i` '' . .t.!., : .•
' � 1:; =1 ordinance do pass, was read and upon motion adopted. a ,1 .1 �' i
r�+ ; {
i• •
' ;;'; ' + r:-! i • Fin on ord. The report of the Finance Committee on the proposed ordinance •' }, '1•/;,.-,,,, ';,� .�;�r ct .`
Wit`.' conf. rolls on g A; : 'i}: ,providin for the confirmingof the assessment rolls on Local Improvement j } � � �; '
�, 4 ,^ ' 117 • District Ho. 117, recommending that the ordinance do pass, w.s read and 114;ftl i,;. ' ,A ' i :::.....,i
$ ::,. upon motion adopted. , , } `
A`PA1'` ' ` 1; The report of the Finance Committee on the proposed ordinance' ,'!) i..;
: ''{
•E• . '- � din on ord. ,.�, � - , . 'i,C conf rolls rovidin for the confirmin of the assessment rolls on Local I �`' t' '` ` '
.><:'�< :, i+ g E mprovment � i1 f t✓�`'''�:l ,t ' on 119 District Zvo. 119, recommending that the ordinance do pass, was read and �:. , , {�. �`t� Eti,'}'.1 1 ,I upon motion adopted. ,} , >4l' R. '1 ' ' • ; in on matter The report of the .Finance Committee on the matter of reducing the {t 17 ! ' , ''�y'% o� reducing presnet police force, recommending that the force be cut to two men, was 1 ; ' is ', I .. '? � ,'1.4' :�,E4r `.'i ') . i' police force read and upon motion adopted. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, + rk' ,;
tcfs-% .. . 1,
,, i Ii Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, Wagner. Nays, None. 1',;i i • ! ;�! •°. I 4, ,, F,�•.
F '�s Special Com. The report of the Speial Corn..ittee appointed to investigat the i 4 I tr::rs�
on garbage garbage system, recour: ending that the present collection system be die- �, �1, I.., , !„ .,+
:I system continued, was read and upon motion adopted. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, ',, .1 ,1 ;i
J s. l, :
i:' i ; Bessner, Haugen, Trafton, Wagner. 2days, Dobers, Gibbons. i ,i; Ji;' r 0
: I F1, •
- � ' ord. No .664 Ordinance No. 664, being an ordinance amending section 15 of ;�' ;I�I�1 +
1 I Ordinance No. 486 was upon motion placed upon its third and final read- z 1 7!�, ; : 1, • -
' • ings bysection; upon motion the title was adopted as read; upon motion s I� `1I' ' ` 1 '
' g p 1 i 1 i ,_� • �.
?+ I' ' section 1 was adopte-. as read; upon motion section 2 was adopted as read; fir :�, I (',i° ; ,
upon motion section 3 was adopted as read; upon motion the ordinance as I i I ' : i
•a while and as read was adopted. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, - I ill, " ' . :.i
'I' Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, Wagner. Nays, None. iil li' 'i , , ' , ,
ord. lTo. I + ( ' f
+ ' 665 Ordinance No. 665, being an ordinance providing for the confirm- +'1; �; ; `.
't ing of the assessment rolls on Local Improvement District No. 11'j was upon i !!'� '"I .r
motion placed upon its third and final readings by sections; upon motion •4 I I r.•:•:!,:� �1 • I! : i.
the title was adopted as read; upon motion section 1 was adopted as read; i �,'' • Il,i , •';• ' •
. upon motion section 2 was adopted as read; upon motion section 3 was 1 ;; �'.
E '' adopted as read; upon motion section 4 was adopted asr read; upon motion 1�• ',.' •,+• ; 4` J.
the ordinance as a whole and as read was adopted. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, • �� " 'i , , '
1+ Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, Wagner. Nays, None. :' i, 1 '.( ,� t'1 , . . -
Ord. 1'O. 666 Ordinance No. 666, being an ordinance providing for the confirm- ' l�, P ' '.
# 1 i ing of the assessment rolls on Local Improvement District No. 119 was - 111/11; ' ' .) ';,i 1
?. �; ;•i , upon motion placed upon its third and final readings by sections; upon •
!• .,•111it' l.i 1 I 1 •'' {,1j( C.,
}+ 1 motion the title was adopted as read ; upon motion section 1 was adoptedl{ ,..: •
J 'i r l' i '1 as read• u on motion section 2 was .dopted as read; upon motion section +; '` ; t` 1`r �'1`
• f '
p , •�, .nil 'I + ', ,
3 was adopted as read; upon motion the ordinance as a whole and as read
. i'
- - - -
' •.µ h'2 `J. 1 1 ;.: +vl: a ._--__' i ,, ,�i�Sh 4'�'�'c�tL4»_ rr'•..•;
r ,: •:,M:a \� :0 �."4.3 rZ.ea.V. .r<tk. ,. GJ1.,>1i-kN.wac ii 41.E w.4.1.<Na i,,..4.410t. `- s�`:
1 ❑
. ---- .-- -- -• L n .. l I I I —.--_—_ —..-
tit;" 1 r ,i + . ,-
.1 1.,
(WiD A ' 4th ; 1915: If: y .
� +0
' `w"L L • was adopted. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, IT R�="_T "RBRFD That the City Council of the Cityof i-nacert did :} t 1 I.
Roll Call Y es, . .1,,; -
Trafton, Wagner. Nays, None. on the 4th clay of October, 1915 meet in special session with uouncilzr_e' ' •
t. �your r �.H
I .
Allan, Bessner, �•rafton, • finer responding to Roll Call• •bsen Ord. '_To. , provid- Ordinance No. , being an ordinance providing for the fixing . Mogan, Councilmen Dobers, Gibbons, ??auen. .' ; • ' ,
1 for increase in of the bonds of the various city officers and providing for the i'•`' + i i •
i city officials bonds payment of surety bonds for certain cityofficers was upon motion Allan i'ayor Pro Due to the absence of �.. HoganCouncil elected Councilman if1 ;
p Mayor the
placed upon its first and second reading and referred to the City Al Archie Allan to be ' ayor Pro Tem. r ' ';
Attorney and the Judiciary Committee. �. ,
The Mayor explained to the Council that theg , ,
Committee appointed Upon motion the Mgpr was requested to appointPurpose gf up purposee rf the n emakn .'Ps. �.'1 '•q a comzzlitee to Meeting was to adopt a budget for the year of 1916 and for the purpose of making �_ i' __
to make necessary make ,zthe necessary arrangements for the employing of a garbage new tax levies for the same year. . . •
arrangement for the collector and to make such other arrangements necessary for the i.-z., ` i ,
i I Is .
collection of garbage maintenance of same. yappointed Bessner, Haugen, Trafton. Invitations The budget p newspaper City ' '' i The Mayor as published in the official news a er of the of } I. .
for object- Anacortes ( Anacortes _ erican •) under date of Sept. 9th and loth, 1915 r ` _ i' i
Bond of Bliss referred The bond of J. Rae Bliss to cover his position as policeman was ions . was then read and thos present were invited to make such objections as
- i presented to the Council and upon motion referred to the City Attorney they desired. - •.,
1 and the 'rinance Committee. '
Objectors -r. W. R. Burke, 1:rs. En_r_a Hardcastle, and . rs. Luella Howard re- y` • , ; '
Application and bond The application and bond of A. 0. Ottestad for liquor license presenting the Library Board addressed the Council setting forth facts and •
of Ottestad for liq- • was presented to the Council and upon motion referred to the City , figures supporting their contention that the Library shou1c receive at ' -, s' I, `
�';v: ''' -:-i ! •
uor license Attorney and the License and Police Committee. least oflevy one mill. { tQ a if.
. ;�,�,.;Y -, Fatter of continuing The matter of continuing the condemnation proceedings in which Library in- Upon notion the estimate of the Library was increased to 8/10 mills rl` 1,
- •
',r^:• ?- ' condemnation proceed the City is the plaintiff and the Seattle & Northern Railway Co and creased ($1442 45) and the estimate for Park Purposes decreased to 2/10 mills ; .,i;: ;< •':
;;` �` ings for park pug- �'". J. Hagadorn are defendants was brot to the attention C 60 b0 Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Trafton 'a per. " t i ! - .'�: ..• •.'
of the City ' ( 3 ) , S - a,,,s, one. ;
„�,t* - i poses referred Council by the City Attorney and referred to the Streets and Parks • ` 't ' `,,,•: ' '
.`�; Committee. ` , i1
.0 I'' Recess After discussing other items in the budget Council upon motion took. 1 I.
^ , ;,� a recess until o ' clock on the 4th day of October, 1915. '
• ''w , -.• Adjourned Upon motion Council then adjourned. i I ( ;r
-..i*. y� A I Approved in open `'ouncil on the 5th day of October, 1915. ```' ?I. , i `..
=' '`' • ,; Approved in open ounci. on the 5th day of October, 1915. I L
(.1 :, ..... .. . .. ,.. , , :. :::: ::,..:.•7'1.1
-..; .*16'1:r i. '1, i Z,/:/h L4(--e-IX't/re4
7i,:d? /Ye_.4.-0:._,/,-te,i " „, i(.• : . i• :. .,. .; .....,,:.., :,.,.i
tt[ Mayor i
1 5 1 r i i City Clerk l r
,,;-..,-,• :.::: City Clerk : `_ ' i
ttt<. ,•}..{y f iy�� CIS 1:,:':' 11`I 1 ,1`
}} // I f'i f `t1-11 1 1
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121'-"''"' nr:Jite:,Ii:. €.,Jfr.ids:: 'i 6,..,.IL'I I II,1,d.0 .I,6 d il16 k 6:11 661i:,t61614446 , •',,:. -.:1•4:7...•�s. ;,,'..: .
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October 4t}i, 191 '_,•� " •• ,
i ,t., - --___ October 5th. 1915. •
_: i ± ti' 1�
Roll Call _•
-,. - :,, .- '
�'E IT R=;' - =r�;D That the City Council of the City of Ana- ° .', : ` 't ,
cortex, did on the 4ti� dayof ` E ,
October, 1915 meet in special session Roll Call S$ IT R2`R1;RED That the City Council of the City of Anacortes • II �, 1 :
after hrvinl; taken a recess with Layor Pro Tam :;11an did on the 5th day of October, 1915 meet in regular session with Council- . '• • ...
presiding; and ,:.--- Council:Len Allan, 3essner, Dobers, Gibbons, Trafton, '�.agner respond- men Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, I:augen, Trafton and Wagner respond- � I .- ,� _, •
'• ing to Roll Call: Absent, Layor Hogan, Haugen. ing to Roll Call; Absent: Mayor Hogan. j` �, 1, -
4 ; •
Purpose of meetingLayor Hoganthe City Council upon motion ` ; .
_ 4 i For the benefit of those present the :-'::yor advised the Bessner pro • Due to the absence of 1 or .
Council that they had meet for the Tam elected Councilman lack Bessner to be Mayor Pro Tem.
= • Council
of i purpose of further considering the ` .ad a budget for 1916•
The minutes of the previous meetings September 21st and October 4th,
._inutes app. .
1915 were read read and upon motion a
! 3udget The •following budget as revised was then presented and read 9 5 p approved. i.
to the Council:
f r E: �,� , ,2S:. Atty on bond The report of the City Attorney on the bond of A. O. Ottestad for -;s- -:
_:ISBURS7I'�.. of Ottestad liquor license, finding the bond to be legally correct but that the wife -
of H. H. Soule had not signed the bond, was read and upon motion adopted. • t
Dept. of Executive •
( ?egislative 50 00 Atty on ord. The report of the City Attorney on the proposed ordinance provid-
City 4lerk 50 irc. bonds ing for the increasing of certain bonds for city officials, finding the i'
City Treasurer 1�50 same to be legally correct, was read andupon motion adopted.
-Law 720
A-:;.,-: :: -
r :r ; 1 •
Engineering820 Report of The report of the ''Lief of Police for the month of September was {
,.,. .: c -'", 1 Streets. 2500 Police presentedp .
;, � ... to the Council andupon motion referred to the Finance Committee. .• •• 0 •• •. .:
_ Police 5500 ;.. t r + <<
-' „ fires 6500 eport of The report f o he ttonth of September w ;•i;, :�
2400 R o the Police Justice f r t as ', ;
; � ; Sevr 200 p otion referred to the Finance Com >>�.•.
Justice presented to the Council and upon m
` •• Health ( , ' :f*! ,
F• .i1 l }' City Lights 225 H. 0. on sewer A communication from the Health Officer recommendingthe placingT•
�-,, . ,: f •• City Hall bet. 6th and of a lateral sever in the alley between 6th and 7th Streets from a point s ...
f i't ': =,-_ City Float 400 7th 150 feet more or less west of Avenue "I " to connect with the Trunk Sewer `i'`
;� t City Elections _200 • on Avenue "M" was read and upon motion received and placed on file. ; j.. ' k
, � City Publishing _
`�. City Library_ __ 700 Est. on 122 ,'
The second estimate of the CityEngineer on Local Improvement }' E:':� •
1442 45 g iI • •
der '..:'; Retiring Gen'l Fund ►'lts 11442 5 District No. 122 - ::els Erickson, contractor - amounting to $2120 61 was f �; {`
kc:.:-:;.:.; , , .
• Retiring Current Expense .'und '.':ts read and upon motion wallowed. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, ' t
V, •
. 1 :; 1 Contingent9015 45 Nays •
E Cityp 1250 Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, Wagner; None. y ' > ;:
' 1 .
y i # 36o 60 Report of The report of the Street Superintendent for the month of September ,. 1 ! , i. j ;i:.. ,,t:,. .
''. i Sp. Supt was presented to the Councik and upon motion referred to the Finance :f '; ,: , : c
t.{ ,. Committee. � :.
,, Y Jud. on ord. The report of the Judiciary Committee on the proposed ordinance r �.: ,, ! -
+: ,. ,f;; ,.
increasing providing for the increasing of certain bonds for city officials, recommend- 'I 1
,_ RECEIPTS, bonds ing that the ordinancepass, was read and upon motion adopted. t' Et: %, `,rr
do ,
Genera]. Licenses Lie. & Pol. The report of the License and Police Committee on the application € �+ ';'i
�; f Police Fines an'I Coats 900 00 on app. of of A. 0. Ottesdat for liquor license, recommending that the lice grant-
Ottestad ? `
x -I� ; Dog Tax 8: Pound gees ed, was read and upon motion adopted. Roll Gall: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, I' ; . ' ,11�
l,:iscellaneous Receipts 400 Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, Wagner. Nays, None. s ! 1; i,.'; ��
{r' 1 Interest on Deposits 300 1 1 t f
g� . F '�, 1892 Tax 300 Spec. Comm/ The report of the Special Committee appointed to make recommendat-
ions E i 't;
200 on Garbage and arrangements for the collection and maintenance of the garbage %lr ;" , : . Q ,<< ;,
t � ' ;s: ,•ii City Float 150 �I
City Library /8/10 mills 1442 45 ' system reported, recommending that T. W. Dodson be authorized to kae the �, i� „� ' 1 r
,7 1 ` , ; City Parks 2 10 mills 60 60 collections and charge the rates authorized under the provisions of Ord- , �' � .i
F _" Retiring Gen'1 Fund Vlts 6 mills finance No. 588; that the team now used in the Garbage Department be turn- z�''1f'
f�;S rJ' ;; s ' Retiring Current 'H'x ense 10 18 4 ed over to the Streets Department and that all bills due and owingto the ' ,if t �� `
�z + Refund fromP Lund "lts 5 mills 9015 45 '` ;i i ! ,
�. . I. P s Garbage Department be filed in the office of the City Clerk, was read and - a , t' �r
;aRv4 :;:l:I� Direct Taxation o03 2rj upon motion slopted. 1 ,I.. �+� ,,'' 10 mills• 3 ^;j • I r-' s�� .,,, 1 0 2 ! ;
j {% i '" C Pet. of Boynton Petition of 1�. W. Boynton et al for the construction of a lateralt,• ��' �''•ir�• f � � �
.- f .,;'' I, ; for sewer bet . sewer in the alley between 6th and 7th Streets to connect with the `Drunk (,� f.,.• t'i, ' {
6th and 7th Sewer constructed on Agenue "M" from a '} I' s !(',t ,• _ ; S paint 150 feet mare or less west of , +: i ��f .� } Opportunity for A further opportunity of Avenue "H" was read and upon motion received and placed on file 1.� '``f' +/•.. ;•, ` 1 protesting; the above estilr. �tes , I ! tir;j r"; i objectionstivas offered those present and none availnc: theiaselves of Llie , ,•1 -(. .'"' .
s,_ . : ; + egF. priti il- t;o protests The 1 yor called for protests against the confirming of the assess•- ;II
l ' , ;.,t. 1. :;•i •1 ..,;, , . ; ;;;.
: <';ij y -;;j; , '� f on 12M ment rolls on Locl Improvenent isLrict No. 120; none were reported tiled ' .I ji)1i'•:4 .1.„ riii.:;.
. . Adoption Unon motion tiie ouncil adoCity Clerk and none were registered from thos present in pursuance p • '-`.'' t:;.
'4 4 `.,. i;� , ;� shown bore. n L PtQ� ud;;et , s re..d end totYa cal from 11•slc r ? r; (� . k;'o-
4 , �' o11 Call. Ayes, Bessner Dobhe b U a 1 the Mayor. :.1 jl .l i !: f':i>
} . # ers Traf _ ' �.. I a ,�`
f�f :, her, ►Tags, Allan. ibons, ton, ag
� � • Rolls equal.. Upon motion the rolls on Local Improvement District No. 120 were T i,, , i r,�
ized declared equalized and ordered extended and the amounts shown thereon de- it. l `_' ` �j'" `
„'.+. i Ord. , for Ordinance "o. being a; ordin�.nce levying Z t�.,c u on
p clared to be in accordance to the benefits derived bythe E ;!property benefit- ,% ;�
1 �, levying tax Lhe personal and real property �•rithin the City of Ana.cortes, S}tagit thereby. •n � ,fi., � • :i
in accordance with ounty, State of ttashinl;ton, for ;runicinal ed here y. Roll Call: Ayes: Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, H ;ki.' ,I , ,I
rurposes •
for the year 1 16 Wagner, � .; I
budget was np'm motion placed upon its first awl second reeding by title and Trafton, tilaner Nays, None. , „
I referred to the City Attorney and the T'inance �'ommittee. 'i , I `` ;', 1: ,
:•`, , . ' I 'so protests The Mayor called for � 11, .ay protests against the confimring of the asses- : �� a . , f %
,; Adjourn Upon motion Council then adjourned. on 121 went rolls on Local Improvement District No. 121; none were reported filed : I (.1'! 1 •,I I_ •
I with the City Clerk and none were re •istered from those ., I ! ; • 1 '
E; present in Fur- i , f II •
suance to a call from the Mayor. �I, . t� 1� ' ,;
:.nnroved in open 0ouncil on the 5th day of October, 1915.
is �,, ++ �, 1
Rollseeequal- Upon motion the rolls on Local Improvement District No. 121 were : 'I,f,It '1 # •
/� declared equalized and ordered extended and the amounts shown thereon de- b1 ,., .i .-j
ri • Cq'7)
- �i YiZ c-?4t /� clared to be in accordance with the benefits derived by the preperty benefit- �( Ih', ,x
t I r� t'ayor ed thereby. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, .' 1 1;'ii 0 ii • ;, •! ' •
-�------------ Trafton, Wagner. Nays, None. F R �'�.
•,� ; City eier'r- Ord l' •',Ii fi, 1! ' ,• 1
',I • No. , }}
Ordinance No. , beingan ordinance 1:- ''� " t'providing for the licensing , , y
Garbage liven of •
all arsons collectin - '• 1 1'
i I1 County, Washington and repealingeall tOrdinances tinoconflichttherewith, !
Se I .:� i . ;�' ;f
1 I was upon motion placed upon its first and second reading by title and
�'� r '' I ' ` �'
I referred to the City Attorney and the Judiciary Committee. .�;' . ; ^
1 1 ,
i � ', i r 1
f - 11 ', i ' '
:t �! Ord. No. 667667, ,, f,
.. r ,, .. i Ordinance No. being an ordinance fixing the bonds of varous +;,!11 1,. f �f • ,
city officers and providing for the payment of surety bonds for certain l i ;• .' •(, r .; ; ,
�� city officers by the city, was upon motion placed upon its third and i �:i "
j:, •s' ; final readings by 'sections; upl n motion the title was adopted as read; • ,�; 1• .,,i ,; .
\' :L f, upon motion section l was adopted as read; upon motion section 2 was k ,�i 1!' 'I fir; :) , ' '
e M'S$ �,`Pi, u1:VIII.`: wr!'oiy6b liki'Ir,l ;1Wa e�►ti ,. K
- 156 1 f"'" rk, - 'N. • 11
. ,' • • . j_.r -"I• ; ):11 II, -'' .
(mow 7 ,, , Ft, ,. '
I .- .
-- -
F' e
. .
_ _
. .
, s . ....
i ...._ „,,,,
�e1jit lit •
______ ______ . . .. — PRyxa:,p� , 4! •
"`3 a -
1 ' adopted as read; upon motion section 3 was adopted as read; upon : motion referred to the Finance Committee. ;,+, ; t'
motion section 4 was adopted as read; upon motion the ordinance as a
• whole and as read was adopted. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Claimant •• Voucher Purpose Amt. '1't ' '.a ' I j
• •
Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, Wagner. rays, None. Claims J. Rae Bliss 5360 Police 75 00 .�i ` -
�'.J Ord. No. , conf. beingan ordinance providingfor the con- •
Owen Milk 5361 Salary as Chief of Police 90 i ' i 1- .
Ordinance No. ; C Ester 5362 Witness fees 4 40 ,,
' '� assessment rolls on firming of the assessment rolls on Local Improvement District No. 120 Anacortes Steam Laundry 5363 Laundry 5 80 fl .
_ . 120 was upon motionplaced upon its first and second readingbytitle and
P P V. Propst 5364 Fireman 3 25 '• . • i
-...< referred to the City Attorney , City Engineer and Finance Committee. G. W. Shannon & Co 5365 Hardware supplies 17 55 '. ' .
Stanley Anderson 5366 Fireman 12 50 '', ,• 4
Ord. No. , conf. Ordinance No. , being an ordinance providing for the con- A. C. Rusing 5367 Police 20 t• •. ' ; ' ;
assessment rolls on firming of the assessment rolls on Local Improvdment District No. 121 J. M. Titus 5368 Fireman 75 -.I. : ,
120 was upon motion placed upon its first and second reading by title and A. A. Sumner 5369 Slary as Fire uhief 90 .
referred to the City Attorney, City .6ngineer and Finance �'ommittee. R. E. Smith 5370 Driver of Truck 75 . _ ., 1 ;
Arlo Fulk 5371 Fireman 2 75 ''I
, Res. authorising A resolution authorizing the City Treasurer to pay a sum amount- . Roy Graham 5372 Fireman 2 5
heasurer for pay ing to $78 31 being the amount of interest due on certain warrants H. Draper 5373 Fireman 3 25 :;t', .,
interest on 109 issued against Local Improvement District No. 109 was read and upon Claire Seymour 5374 •Fireman 3
motion adopted. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, • William Vail 5375 Fireman 75
Haugne, Trafton, Wagner. Nays, None. Geo. Marinakos 5376 Meals for Prisoners 6 50
Fireman 6 i�.
f, Fred Fisher 537� i ��
• 'r,y1 . ? Res. to lay sewer in A resolution declaringthe Councils intention to cause afat- Carter 53?8 Police 75 ' :�`
J S. ,,
�. I 6th and ,: ..
• � i � ., alley bet. eral sewer to be constructed in the alley between 6th and 7th Streets Fireman 7 S
A. N. Latshaw 5379 t •e
" 7th StreetsHamilton53809 75 t•''"^'...
�>:��� -�' from the east line of Avenue "G", east to connect with the lateral D. Fireman • i t � •;,:�. ��,:•:
% 7 ; �" sewer in Block IIo. 101 of said city which connects with the Trunk E. G. Ratliff 5381 Fireman 14 50 i • : :;., :
' } �" ° Sewer constructed on Avenue "M" and settingthe 2nd dayof November , •' • • ; s. Y;:• j ," : : : Supplies for Fire Dept 16 M• �:
�.: Gorham Fire Apparatus Co 5382 P
:,tit; �.c' object- '
, as they date when they would meet for the purpose of hearing Evart Leadbetter 5383 Fireman 7° 75
s ; , ��;) ' ions to the said improvement was passed by the Council. Roll Call: •. H. A. Taylor 5384 Blacksmithing 7 60 a
Street work 10 70 +'
- . ,..' t z •a Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugne, lrafton, Wagner, 2:ays, ,
t� �,x � Ayes, Chas. Freund 5385
�'r`r ,• .' , .- None.
Fidalgo Lumer & Box Co 5386 Lumber 3 55 ' t I ,
,,' P. M. Viebell 5387 Blaoksmithing 1 25 �' �� ' r •
;.0' ;KS Special Committee to Upon motion a committee ( Special ) of three was to be appoint- C. i . Forbes 5388 Street work 18 45 � j , `
nt:4.',_;,• :i investigate Fire ed to investigate the Fire Department and make such recommendations A. E. Miller 5389 Street work 57 40 +r ' iz : :
S(,t:V . r Department as they deemed best. The Mayor appointed Wagner, Haugne, 'Irafton. Joe Marcoe 5390 Street work 2 85 a i' fi ` ,.:-
s 4 ;: E ' Fred !Sc. Gill 5391 3 5 ; ,Gravel for streets 1 t,
Clerk to advertisie Upon motion the city Clerk was instructed to make a Call for 2 Team hire 12 50 '11 •t , " t
t `{ 7 t Island Transfer Co 539 1 ; Ott , .
' for bids on scow Bids for thee sale of the old Garbage scow. C. M. Norman 5393 Street work 6 05 j , ,l
try' � ' Chas. Tancre 5394 Street work 59 50 ' 1 !t 3 `'''`•' ',.:
The following1 '�� �+ ' ) 1 .•
" �, i
:: : Inspectors and were selected and appointed inspectors, judges Frank Childs 5395 Street work 53 5 C ,
.! x1 Judges selected for and clerks for the various precincts and wards for the primary election . Geo. Thayer ' 5396 Street work 52 50 1 �`,4 ,t ,,1, . ?:
.y Ac,} ,t primaries to be held on the 9th day of November, 1915; the judges to act in the J. H. Gilhousen 5397 Team hire 77 20 •�• •, ., 1 i ' �,
capacity of clerks; all election officials to receive the sum of 30% C. Culver 5398 Team hire 16 25
i It;' l . 1
;. for each and every hour auctually employed. S. L. Bates 5399 Street work 59 50 '' ,4: �i ; . , , ,
`�; <' • ' John Olson 5500 Street work 14 35 r �. ,
,� FirstPrecinctWard alton HotelAnacortes American5410 Publishing 42 . I ., tit$ ' ::
� .:,' First W r W sh g 59
'v.i I Alfred Olson Inspector Fidalgo Wranefer Co 5402 Team hire 25 11 ,; }1r' 'I, • ' t
4 ,, '•T'. 1 I ' 1. I
, �€.-.% �.,.t G. G. Walton $ + is i, -',-s,•.. • ; r
c Judge Anacortes Light & Water ii, !' , ,
r` a:al J. A. Holiday Judge Co 5403 Water and Light 8 20 it , , E. {
: ' t F. R. Ilorvell 5404 Salary and expenses - Atty 70 20 1 �:=#i ,� ', �i_
P-;;:':i`� -. - Second Precinct First ward City Hall Ind. Tele Co 40 Tolls 2 39 I'• Ill , r, .
( � ;I P. 5. 5 5' Laskey Inspector Anacortes Transfer Co 406 Team hire 36 75 ° I ° " -1:-.i.
Clar Mc. 5 t 'ry,,.: -'
t ; � Rose Brown Judge ' R. E. ' !� ,,t; j , ,.r
Hard castle 5407 Salary and expenses 'ireas. 66 75 ,
` * ., I : tennis Grady Judge Davey Brothers 5408 Hardware Supplies 8 95 44:fitt
i t� i, �,�.
``; � ; S. D. Temple & Co. 5409 Supplies 18 75 `i;• t •, j• s `r Third Precinct First Ward. Labor Temple Hazel Layton 5410 Salary as Stenographer 40 ii ,.•: it +
,s.°.w, , ' C. YW. Brothers Inspector Dave Brothers 5411 Hardware Supplies 14 25 ,lit ; t ;
+::.' r ! ' I ax Goff Judge Y AddingMachine jf II! • 1 :. `
Burroughs t
4,t,',4 Claude butnerland udge Co 5412 Instalme n 42 50 , ,t ,I, .
: •
t nt o adder
' �,: Eureka Pharmacy 5413 Drug supplies 8 75 ` �" • + ' � ' y ,
:r ,I• ' l t i First Precinct Senond Ward 20th and Commercial C. C. Temple 5414 Salary and expenses- Clerk 78 75 ,� , : l it t f {��)' ,+i i
F -.,!•:.,: . -`.$ 1$ . .' E. G. Ratliff Inspector 0. A Lensing 5415 Salary as St. Supt ; y + r.�, ; 't�'s��
75 ,� :R
"`e : »M ! T. P. Edens Judge D. 1 I'0 +
A. Majors 5416 Blackami Ching 13 35 � i ! , '
�,x � � Julia Allan Judge }c c v r 41 Rental on horse 4 13 ! 4' ''1���, •I;
�c s t . 6 L. C. Chapman, a ei e 5 7 r :i i'4.:ii.i:.:;.;".1-'4:
, > . .,, ' ' , 5418 Street work 52 50 ,tt., .' �tt►tt'. ' :,, -� �• G W Smith �(_ ' 'i :jt, Second t recinct card S. S. Fire Hall T VT Dodson b ge W on T5 ! �''�,� 1,'firs �. .-,1 ki .i, , second Y 5419 Driver of Gar a ag g :a t �• f•^ James D. Hudson . I .•
;; ;. i Inspec�or Theo. Saxrud 5420 Inspector 7 ;�,: ' .`` ,
4.4"-C. 1. .t. f HarryFergusonE,, , gu Judge W S Clark 5421 Salary as City ngineer 125 ! t 4••,$ • '• t '�'' �,� t;:�
• Maude Graham Judge 4,4
' '
i ' 1 n
� � ' iS. G. Brooks 5422 Salary as H. 0. 25 L �ij � .. . ..li':•r.,ic•:
.1`' '.i`. ' -1 Anacortes Light and :
;,; Third Precinct Second Ward 32nd and Commercial Water Co 5423 Lights 246 70 � ;t, ;i
-1 ; ! John A. . Laurie Inspector .1
Abbi AbbeyJudge e I+ ;,i ;,:.. C ��
' . J. Greer Judge tin. on claims The report of the b•inance Committee on the above claims for the ,1 ,i.;111 a V+ I (
,t ' I r� month of September, 1915, recommending that they be allowed and that warrants t !' +1 ' !
:, t First Precinct Third Ward Library : t 1.1 t t ' -.II ,;
be drawn for the several amounts, was read andupan motion adopted. Roll � �t�,� i.l
V. FUnR Inspector Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, Hays, Wagner.g g t,i
B. it 't •I
E. W. Erickson Judge '�' 1, ` `t
„7:7'.,; :.! , Don Cousins Judge Adjourn Upon motion Council then adjourned. = , II! t '' ,
t Second Precinct Third Ward 6th and I Approved in open Gounoil on the 1 th day of October, 1915. 't !f 1 '',•
' ' W. L. Lartine Inspector PP P • pl!
�;1 t1 , +• , Leona Mc. Dane]. Judge _
I' Lee Carroll JudgeS f_.:8-- / /�,(7 � ; . • t.. .
Third Precinct Third `Ward Oakes Avenue ./(7741 Mayo 4 :I �� f ,�
j, _
'i Fred R. Bullock Inspector , . `'< ` /- It .• t ,1'
,� ' �j`� + . a Ott
I ' ,� It ; Carrie A. Graham Judge CityClerk , j I il; r ` ' , f '
Dudley Kimsey Judge. ., i '# t I - 1 I
' t i i. ,
1, . 1 Clerk to fill vac- Upon motion the biity Clerk was given authority to fill any 1 ,,i,;;t l
,:.., •' !. ! on election boards vacancies that occur on the election boards. Roll Call• Ayes, Allan, 1i ' lI!{• f l .•• ' t '
I`I ;I, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugne, Trafton, Wagner, Nays, None. t 11 1 i (i (' ,r !1 i
• I '' ! Claims Claims filed against the Current Expense 'und of the City of '4- t'
• '.' .1. t Anacortes for the month of September as follows were read and upon <• i •
,+ i i:_
- -
L . .
_ _. —---.......--a-�L=a.-."- _ - - , ,
• . .
, . . .,
.., , - ,. 1_. 58
— ' 1_ ' 159 -N•_,‘,- ,,....,-.;.: , ‘,.-
: ,., _:,,
„.„ ,,,„
c!.. , H - a ' 1. iv_
' t f
October 19th, 1915. ;;s `,I K : I ! I
V ��`' Roll Call �: >i: ;
_ BE IT RT4"RMRERED That the City Council of the City of Anacortes Ordinance No. 669, beingan ordinance providingfor licensingthe i• I.
'`"� did on the 19th day of October, 1915 meet in regular session with Ord. No• 669 collection of garbage within the Cityof Anacortes, uponmotion
• ''' =
g ag was otion placed
• Councilmen Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, Wagner upon its third and final readings by sections; upon motion the title was l'�;#;..
responding to Roll Call: Abesnt, Mayor Hogan. adopted as read; upon motion section 1 was adopted as read; upon motion `•; t:; ; . ' s'' •
' section 2 was adopted as read; upon motion section 3 was adopted as read; ,1','; t
Haugen to be Due to the absence of Mayor Hogan the Council upon motion elect- upon motion section 4 was adopted as read; upon motion section 5 was adopted ` ' { I•
Mayor Pro Tern ed Councilman E. E. Haugen to hemayor `� { !
g pro tem. as read; upon motion section 6 was adopted as read; upon motion the ordinance
as a whole and as read was adopted. Roll Call' Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, '. • ;'' �,'• e
Minutes approved The 'minutes of the previous meeting of October 5th, 1915 was Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, Wagner. Nays, None. ,;y ..., "
-' read and upon motion approved. "r ;''}•• 1 •
,. Ord. No. 669Ordinance 2o. 668, being an ordinance making the tax levies for the ,1
Atty on ord. conf. The report of the City Attorney on the proposed ordinance .p year 1916 for the City of Anacortes, was upon motion placed upon its third :, Ifs ' - • -
.• 7.1 • rolls on 120 providing for the confirming of the assessment rolls on Local Improve- and final readings by sections; upon motion the title was adopted as read;
ment District No. 120, finding the same to be legally .correct, was upon motion section 1 was adopted as read; upon motion section 2 was adopted • c , , i
• F . read and upon motion adopted. as read; upon Lotion section 3 was adopted as read; upon motion the ordinance !
as a wholeand as read was adopted. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, `
Atty on rolls conf. The report of the City Attorney on the proposed 'ordinance Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, Wagner. I:ays, crone. •
rolls on 121 providing for the confirming of the aseessmen t rolls on Local Improve• ,}: '
ment District No. 121, finding the same to be legally correct, was Ord. No. , Ordinance No. , being an ordinance providing for the fixing of the • : : i
:': Win: read and upon motion adopted. 1916, .'z= ': . + •
fining salaries salaries of salaried and appointive o_•i ic.ers for the year was upon
motion placed upon its first and second reading by title and referred to .',; :-1, { ; i it ; ,, .f
X; ��,- ! Atty on ord. The report of the City Attorney on the proposed ordinance the City Attorney, and Judiciary Committee. 1 . 1. :::, :;+:{
�, : Waking levy levying a tax upon the personal and real property within the City of i • ; .
� � = Anacortes, finding the same to be legally correct, was read and upon Ord. Ordinance No. , being an ordinance emending section 2 and repeal- • �..,
, ,. , �' l�o. , .
�lvr> 'v motion adopted. ing section of Ordinance s:o. 660, was upon motionplaced upon its first '
a_ ending u60 3 P p • I' t
': �- • ' a •
and second readings by title and referred to the City Attorney and the
"`a` Atty on ord. f' r The report of the City Attorney on the proposed ordinance Judiciary Committee. , ' " ' i ;' :
;ki¢ � r1' `'- : licensing garbage providing for licensing all persons collecting garbage within the City
::::::•: •' :
:t: �•'' 1);o collector of Anacortes, finding the same to be legally correct, was read add Clerk to open Upon motion the Clerk was instructed to open the bids submitted on 1 ' '
,� upon motion adopted. bids on scow the garbage scow; the bid of Jahn Sangren amounting to $55 00; he being the i ! � ' ' 1 :
`' 'Y r . only bidder the Council upon motion decided to postpone the consideration • S
ia:',i!:: - E ;� Report of Treas. The report of the City Treasurer for the month of September of the bid until the next regular meeting. :i : • i ' ' ill
'-- <
`, I-d: 11; was presented to the Council and upon motion referred to the Finance ! �, ? ;
ry � • Committee. Drive slow The matter of placing signs on or about 27th Street and 31st Street . : ' 1 ` ;'
i' , Eng. on ord. conf signs on ste. cautioning auto drivers to go slow in the vicinity of the Nelson Shhool was f ' '
z The report of the City Engineer on the proposed ordinance brat to the attention of the Council; the matter was finallydisposed of I �''
, rolls on 120 P I .. 1-,.Is I , : + . f•
providing for the confirming of theassessment rolls on Local Improve- bythe Clerk agreeing to make the signs and the cityagreeing toplace them. �� '
•3= ;:` . •• ment District No. 120, recommending that theordinancepass, was g g g g t h,
do '
r'•-' ''"', : read and upon motion adopted. request for a drain in the vicinity of 4th Street and Avenue "R" E
5 P Drain at 4th The 1„.
� I .I '
j 1 � ; _ and R was upon motion referred to the Streets and Parks Committee and the City I �, `? �, • �I , ', ` '
. <`'` .s I Eng. on vrd. conf The report of the City Engineer on theproposed ordinance Engineer with power to act. I, , ,' i,• '
.� rolls on 121 rovidin for the confirmin of the assessment rolls on Local I � w'�� P g g mprove- ;fir .�,i � I .I I
4 ♦' � ' went District No. 121, recommending that the ordinance do pass, rNs Adjourn Council then upon motion adjourned. _ ' ��, �:' , .:
4I, read and upon motion adopted. ,. 1 I'
y }
<' `;; Approved in open Council on the 2nd day of November, 1915. t i• = 1
•> # r ,� I Fin. on report of The report of the Finance Committee on the report of the Chief •
L. I,, { E
{ ; . Police Chief of Police for the month of September, recommendingthat the report be i I' + '��r? P • p 1 �'
'. accepted andplaced on file, k !' 1' Y ;.:4::'',...;..-
p i , was read and upon motion adopted. ,, ;. 1 , r
Fin. on report of ' The report of the Finance Committee on the report of the St. ''� �f i'r i4 1 l , `Ig1,�Is? 1r:t' St. Supt Superintendent for the month of Se tember, recommendin that the report ,4 - 7:t-, Mayor ,1 i, i4 ,, : : 1. •
9.- �I be accepted and placed on file, was read and upon motion adopted. %L J �� :1:..T.
: • `
4 .
r `Siz>3' 'i I i
City Clerk `".' �� i•j±�3' ''' ' � ' `
,, .-,� w 1 Fin. on report of The report of the Finance Committee on the report of the Policel':
, '; . t [;, 1, , •
?s : • ! Justice Justice tr the month of September, recommending that thereport be i 'r;is , �, �.
accepted and placed on file, was read and upon motion adopted. �: h .1 `. <' I
y( ':S f 1r , F �s�`I',�I'�i 1 `' _ 1.'1 •
• '1
E� ', +,�;; -,: : ;t Fin. on ord. conf The re ort of the k(inance 'ommittee on the
.;,�; �� • '' � rolls on 120 p pr�nosed ordinance �'��;,.�`��� ,�� � '; I h ;! "
x� ,..x providing for the confirming of the assessment rollsan deal Impave- :
t Pc` `` , sent District No. 120, recommending that the ordinance do pass, was • �� I
�', Yf , 1 read and upon motion adopted.
I y � �
fish , t 41 ;,'
i ��• 1 Fin. on ord. conf. 1 $4“11:1 1 ;.1 $E' •
;t, � 7 , The report of the inance Comittee on the proposed ordinancekk , , .. ; t, ..;;.'
rolls on 121 t! `�� .!
'-1 providing for the confirming of the assessment rolls on Local Improve- `, �'�' ,, , , ,� i" .E` s ':
r4 q ate, it � . went District No. 121, recommending that the ordinance 10 pass, was r ` ; 1 �1
. 1; read and upon motion adopted. ' {rr , "' �',,IP , •RcE
I' I 4�
`" `{ ': i rin. on ord. conf The re ort of the Finance Committee on the I �1�: ,..1r
•;�;�tiyi�yf � , + � p proposed ordinance � � ��� � t. .�
, tax levies levying a tax upon the personal and real property within the Cityof ' ►'.F),1,+ I I ,•.;,
anacortes, recommendingthat the ordinance do I.^ . I, „ •
•, pass, was read andupon �1 '.
1 > ; motion adopted. ;�
1 Jud. on ord. pro- The report of the Judiciary Committee on the proposed ordinance ;," �!
' P l' i
` I ► for licensingprovidingfor licensingthe '' I ► 1.
, + garbage collections within the City of II - �
garbage collection Aneortes, recommending that the ordinance do pass, was read and upon I ;; 11 I,�I.1 +
E ,: i •motion adopted. ,-
f1' ;: ,e 11 I,
Ord. No. 670 Ordinance No. 670, beingan ordinance � l,, : E . _ ',' providing for the confirm-
• .►. ' ingof the assessment rolls On Local Improvement rovement District No.>rrp 120 was
upon motion placed upon its third and final readkings by sections; upon III , I,f*, ,` 1, E
` I, • I motion the title was adopted as read; upon motion section 1 was adopted 1
,' P P P i ,1 !;�i:- ,r, •
I as read; upon motion section 2 was adopted as read; upon motion section 1', i „ 1
I , 3 was adopted as read; upon motion the ordinance as a whole and as read E• i I;f'' ; I
• , was adopted. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibons, Haugen, 1,•,:o,iEi • ',,,ti I ; ,;'
l' j Wagger, Trafton, Nays, hone. _ 1 ' 1;. , t
•, Gill ', $: ;! ',I.•
�t II 1
Ord. No. 671 Ordinance No. 671, beingan ordinance 11 , providing for the confirm- �'.� (j'��' 1 it A
! ... ing of the assessment rolls on Local Improvement District No. 121, was t iI,:;�it :: I 1 �.''�
I ' •
I , , i upon motion placed upon its third and final readings by sections; ,upon 1;. , , I
' E, motion the titlewas '1• ' i !I'• ,, '' , f•� adopted as read; upon motion section 1 was adopted , .j�,, , � . ., ,
•I' ; ;+ as read; upon a otion section was adopted as read; upon motion section ° ' �`li'��'
' T 3 was adopted as read; upon motion the ordinanceas w whole and as read f ' ,' + E '
+� I•CI ' was adopted. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, l:augen, - } �; ! II• ' •!:
y )i4 i `�•
'`: : s
►�'• �+ . e
'‘i:'1Trafton, Wagner. (� '�,:
E , ; gn r. Nays, None. ,
' '� ,..•ft
.. F • ••-:v`• ;t-•••„,•-';4- i'I��.,�:l. ,,•�M^..,. i,,,,,,00!:ICI Jl.l:I IY1.1041+Y,.:!41.,L1 (+1114,4.:t:-• .. 1•¢.'.. ,
-- -- ._____ __ -- _.. -- - - - .- _ _-- i:a,,,o 11 I 1.11. I • I
1 6 0
16 A .
!► t I. I.
,Y rf,• `\.,„,
lib: ift•} , a ; :November 2nd, 1915.
- - -"-'�'' Roll Call BE IT REMEMBERED That the City Council of the City of Anacortes final readings by sections; upon motion the title was adopted as read; upon It i . .
`- did on the 2nd of November, 1915 meet in regular session with motion section 1 was adopted a Bread; upon motion section 2 was adopted as #;. ; ''::
Councilmen Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton and Wagner read; upon motion section 3 was adopted as read; upon the ordinance as a •l• ,•:•,.t,, , a
responding to Roll Call' Absent, Mayor Hogan. whole and as read was adopted. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, ,ii. . , , i ,
yam Haugen, Trafton, Wagner. Nays, Gibbons. : .' r . :'..1::''','
1 Trafton Mayor ProDue to the absence of mayor Hogan the Council upon motion e- ! '4 Tem lected Councilman J. B. Trafton tobe Mayor Pro Tem. aid on scow re- IIpon motion the bid of John Sangren of $55 00 submitted on the garb- fi. • ' ? � •
jetted • age scow was rejuected and the City Clerk instructed to return the certified;'. 1
! inutes approved The minutes of the previous meeting of October 19th, 1915 3as check and make a new call for bids. 3;, ,.,: , ,
read and upon motion approved. ?t I i- . tt' '
f Upon motion the claim of Melville Curtis for $50 00 same being for i '
r Attyon ord. prov- The report of the CityAttorneyon the i,•urtis claim
p proposed ordinance pro- rejected rental of waterfront for garbage scow for ten years at $5 00 per year was r. .sfl I j
for amending 66o viding for the amending of Ordinance No. 660, finding the ordinance rejected. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, i)obers, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, • _ +t , y
to be legally correct, was read and upon motion adopted. Wagner. Nays, }lone. ;
Atty on ord. prov- Upon motion the CityClerk was instrucged to notifythe Health Officer =t
The report of the City Attorney on the proposed ordinance pro- (lark to not-
• -. for salaries vidingappointedyear i fy I;. 0 to to notify the owner of the property on the southwest corner of 4th Street '
for salaries for and elected officers for the ���:'• 1
1916, fending the same to be legally correct, was read and upon motion have drained Bad Avenue "Q" to drain same in accordance with Ordinance No. 310.
, adopted. ; '
Upon motion the CityClerk was instructed to collect the sum of $4 50 'i ,
r-; j .....i2., Clerk t� toll ? r ;
• Report of Police The •report of the Chief of Police for the month of October was �, , 4, ..
---•. •_• •>--, r act for lot per quarter from the Island Transfer Co for rental on lot 2 in Block 25. � I
•�"it: '- _,apresented to the Council and upon motion referred to the Finance Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Dobers, Gibbons, Trafton, �+agner. Nays, Bessner, u �, �'
: P rental •
:::-.- R Committee. . Haugen. 4: I~; .,:
are .?;% : r
N� f". f' Report of Justice The report of the Police Justice for the month of october was Claims filed against the Current Expense Fund of the City of Anacortes • t '� '
57 1 presented to the Council and upon motion referred to the Finance Claims ' fir the month of October, as follows, were read and upon motion referred to , 1 + :: t•
? {'c. ' y ommittee. Committee; l �;: ::
r h: i the Finance Comm( { r '
rt� •" �"- � Est. of Eng. on sew- The approximate estimate of the City Engineer on the cost of Claimant Voucher Purpose Amt. , ' - I.•• I
.7'' •. i • • pr in pile bet. 6th a lateral sewer in the alley between 6th and 7th Streets from Avenue C. Trafton 5424 Carpenter work 10 00
Y rp r, f. I.,t :
• ,; _'� t and 7th G east to connect with the sewer constructed in the alley between in • Chas. Lenning 5425 Street work 12 50 . r . '.
.F4 Block No. 101 was read and upon motion adopted. Anacortes Transfer Co 5426 Team hire 19 i ' I ± , _. t '
•L .1� Ray Trafton 5427 Carpenter work 10 75 ! ;1 . _ 1 ..
• ;8.:_ 3rd eaton 122EngineerJ Olson 5 work 50
€ z i 1 428 Street w 4 , ; I , >,
he third monthly estimate of the City on Local Im- ', John r °'
,� • ? provement district No. 122 - Nels Erickson, contractor, amounting to William Mc. Lean 5429 Street work 2 55 , • , ii I • • ,
9 uponadopted. Ayes, Allan, Fidalgo Transfer Co 5430 Team hire 25 0 .-
, �12 4 04 was read and motion Roll Call: ( i � ��a' � �>> �•
� `
s, '4� Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, Wagner. Nays, None. Anacortes Ice Co 5431 Feed 190 i; {
'' Sam Gilbert 5432 Street work 4 50 ; r
r ' Report of St. Supt The report of the Street Superintendent for the month of Oct- G. W. Smith 5433 Street work 55 0 ;t ' '
i:e '�'� referred ober was
U� r presented to the Council and upon motion referred to the i E. C. Forbes 5434 Street work 4 50 ; t�.,i,r r , ' ,, ! ;,� :;,
, =:° Finance Committee. Freund 5 35 35 r • 1 • cr`
r •
�' ,:�� Chas. 4 Street work 60 i r `
Vtil,,_:._ •_j' ; A. E. Miller 5436 Street work 46 40 1.'t ,, , :i3 Jud on ord. amend- The re ort of the Judiciary Committee on the ro osed ordinance iS. L. Bates 5437 Street work 54 75 ' {! ' 1 O.U.tst,f,-;' ` ' providingforpOrdinance No. 66o, recommendingthat the ord- L. J. Balcomb 5438 Street work 15 `, ' L ='
ing 66o
.st�s + i '. inane amendingennin rY S Supt ! r: ;, r ,, :
e do pass, was read and upon motion adopted. , 0. A. L g 5439 Sala as t75 1 i� ;.
:# H A. Ya for 5440 Blacksmithing 3 5o l ; I l ' f L..:
F,..1 .,;•,' : ..e • Eud. on ord. fixing The re ort of the udici omm ttAnacortes umber and Box CO 5441 Lumber19 35 „i'�, t :,-, „_ _ • p Judiciary Committee ee on the proposed ordinance To
�.- salaries nvidin for fixingthe alaries of appointive and elective officers H. E Hardcastle 5442 Salary and cash advanced 66 40 f "' i;:;.•
:� P g PP ia�1j i r!, I S: `'' ;>
f{ , z;; for the year 1916, recommending that the ordinance do pass, was read Anacortes Light and ater 5443 Lights 249 40 r • }�I, ` ;� , . i`
•�. {i and upon motion adopted. ;• l ,
fr<j;. i. Anacortes Light and Water .' r ! }
n `' =. { Company 5444 Water and Light 4 95 F t '
s , Special Committee on The report of the Special Committee appointed to investigate ;kiu)' . '• a
., '1' !� s ri• a,
4 C`,#a,5 -� , j fire department the Fire Department and make such recommendations as they deemed fit Blympic Lumber and r�uel Co 5445 Fuel 15 { i t 4'1 r
4<< reported as follows: "We have taken the matters up with the Chief ! Anacortes American 5446 Printing and publishing 87 13t4 err t�l t } i�. ;`
f :} of the Fire Department that have in the 7 `�� , , , i. p past caused some commend from F. R. Nowell 544 Salary and cash advanced 70 �I , .,,
;r� '4 t this Body [ iN• }; :.� o
i' and now believe that they have been so adjusted as to put Hazel Layton 5448 Salary as City Stnnograhper 40 sItr , .1•'. �'
� s s i' ,, r, the department on a more business basis. Upon motion the report was R. F: Dunham 5449 Registration officer 27 50 I1 +l,��I .1 i ,I 4 :
t•�'<f, ' i;r adopted. C. C. Temple ry 5450 Salary and cash advanced 81 25 it l ti'''IF { , ,1 ,
s ,, Pioneer •
�3inde and Print •
,,,. ► E do su lies 6 6 ,,�, :r1 �.t;.,�3 i, ! !.r ;i � ,;• .. _ I Pet. of W. A. Moore Petition of W. A. Moore for permission to execavate a hole ing Co 5451 Election pp 3 3 ,,I .,•1. , ,• It ,, ,t, ; •
„ ',I in the rear of the Empire Building for the purpose of placing a con- W. S. Clark 5452 Salary as City Engineer 120 ; 1 , r,.�,l, :. ,. i
{�. Inspector 72 20 + + ;' . `
, .;t> tamer for fuel oil was read and upon motion referred to the Sewerage Theo Saxrud 5453 { i ,� hf , <
:: ' _• 5454 Ghainman 1 25 , ;; 1r �{
E< � c; , and Building Committee and the City Engineer with power to act- their Loren Dunham 2 , s t`;,t, Er ��
• � , ' = action to be reported at the next regular meeting. P. C. Jefferies 5455 Fireman �.,r ' '? ; .�r: ;� tE,
tl� s• �a'` , ,� r' , ' Ed Hudson1 5456 Fireman 5 50 '; t,�� :f;t ;�: 1 k•i:;F11{
" { { Thom o away 5 57 75 '�,` • I
ift6t ,•; " .,•; , I Pet. of S. P. Walsh Petition of S. P. Walsh et al for the construction of a twoi•ii` '
,.• .q.1 • ` plank sidewalk between Avenue "0" and the Heart Lake Woad on to the W. V. Vail 5458 fireman 5 t i''t" ,, ' ''� r,�`^�;E%
�` ;` ': Fireman 50 �
• . I , Dobers School House was read and upon motion granted. Roll Call: Robt. Morrison 5459 ,i . • p .rs �ft,'•'`'er,,,..•:::$il , : , Fireman 50 �'' ' ,? 't
- • � Ayes, Allan, Dobers, Gibbons, Trafton. Nays, Bessner, Haugen, Wagner. ' Bert Verrell 5460 ,. , , � ,} , t ,�
_ . J. M. Titus 5461 fireman 8 75 : I,+,, 1
'•t Protests against The Mayor called for protests Victor Verrell 5462 Fireman 5 75 `'' ;, ' i' :` •
,,1 • , • • against the construction of a , .1
sewer in alley bet. lateral sewer in the alley betwee 6th and 7th Streets from G Avenue Clair Semour 5463 Fireman 1 50 .• �, .,; L. 1
` r 6th and 7th 'streets east to the connection with the sewer in the Block No. 101; none were Arlo Fulk 5464 Fireman 2 rlE,' ii
:r` ; ! I reported filed with the City Clerk and none were registered from those ' J. A. Holiday 5465 Fireman 9 ! ',...1. E'{ I. ', ,I . ;
• I, •
t: ' present in pursuance to a call from the Mayor. Robt. Propst 5466 Fireman 5 1 .,1 jl'. +, i I `, 1 y
. ; E. G. Ratliff 5467Fireman 75 , , i. •
r, ? Ord. No. , for Ordinance No. , being an ordinance providing for the construct- H. Draper 546 Fireman ' 'I7 +`•? +' ' 1
4 Fireman 150 i 1 ,I.
sewer in alley bet. ion of a lateral sewer in the alley between 6th and 7th Street from T. J. Richardson 5469 t , , l :r ' ! : .,1
.il, ' ,,, ' 6th and 7th east of Avenue "G" to connect with the sewer constructed in Block No. Durley Hmailton 5470 Fireman 7 75 ;. .`1 �I , ; . 1 ' i 1
: 101 was upon motion placed upon its first and second reading by title Eward Leadbetter 5471 Fireman 13 ; 1:F' ,4 :�' '.
' • and referrec to the City Engineer, the City Attorney and the Swewerage Fred Fisher 5472 Fireman 7 25 ;i Ii
and Building Committee. Stanley Anderson 5473 Fireman 7 25 i 11.�`; i' • .,
ir Chas. Fisher 5474 Fireman 1 50 ' I I f"•'�f I • 3
• I j ' ' Ord. No. b72 Ordinance ',Jo. 6'j2. Salary 9 55 '�I� '1 +' ; ` + `Er
being an ordinance amending section 2 and '1. A. Sumber 5475 and cabs advanced 1 � ,
+ repealing section 3 of Ordinance No. 66o was upon motion placed upon G. W. Shannon & Son 5476 Hardware supplies 2 06 i ,1 '�1 `; • ,� , •
t . i, its third and final readings by sections; upon motion the title was R. E. Smith 5477 Driver of Fire Truck 75 . 11 ' Ia, : '1 i! .
Y} 4 8 Stove 8 50 + !! ; iI' ; .I }
IM, I,-i- . 14 , adopted as read; upon motion section 1 was adopted as read, upon mot- , I. U. Matson 5 7r. + ;:.
ion section 2 was adopted as read; upon :motion sectionBrooks 54 9 Salary as Health Officer 25 tti�' 11 • ,
P p 3 was adopted S. G. i 1 .�i. ,
as read; upon motion section 4 was adopted as read; upon motion the Sm3aimdt & Griffith 5480 Drug supplies 1 1�: .,, •••••: •
' I'• ; 6 ordinance as a whole and as read was adopted. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, J. S. Carter 5481 Police 75 ' , L• : !
P .
]' ,� Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugne, Trafton, Wagner. Nays, None. F. V. Hogan 5482 Cash advanced 7 { it:. , ► ; ;•
+ ;1, ' Clark Burgett 5483 Auto hire 3 !
�� ! Ord. No. 673 Ordinance No. beingfixingcompensations '
mp •
Owen Fulk 5484 Salary as Chief of Police 90 + _� , rl
`• � ;� of elective and a 673, an ordinance the co ensations •
Ir appointive officers and employees of the City of Ana- E. A. Wilson 5485 Auto hire 1 I �'t it
�� tortes for theyear 1 16 was upon motion I �+ .�-, ' ���.. r%
9 p i n placed upon its third and �"'�
AL - -- _. —
. . . .,,,-1 .q_6° •
1 6::.:3 -1::
., 7.
_: t,
_ r,.,t _ novemlier 16th* 1 ql _ ' ;{, k'f l' . 1
Ily -#
--= 1 • Claimant Voucher Purpose Amt. 1 R "i '` `
A. C. Busing 5486 Police 26 2 Roll Cal BE IT RT,'li PJBEK ,D That the City Council of the City of Anacortes i i .. i '
3 did on the 16th day of November, 1915 meet in regular session with . R 1
Counciln�en Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton and Magner respond- 3 . l ..,� `
ing to Roll Call: Absent, 'rayor Hogan and Councilman Allan. : °f ' •
Fin on claims The report of the �'•inance Committee on the above claims for the hr i :' f +
- ; i month of October, recommending that they be allowed and that warrants ceeeons ayor Due •to the absence of Mayor Hogan the Council upon motion elect- t-
2r •�f
pro Tem ed Councilman L. H. Gibbons to be Mayor Pro Tem. i
, be drawn for the several amounts, was read and upon motion adopted. -`i '' •
Roll Call. Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, ,•;nutes approved The minutes of the previous meetingof ?.ovewber 2nd, 1 lr was Wagner. Nays None. - 9 > f `,r
y Adjourn read and upon motion approved. 1 ''
i r 1.
Upon motion Council then adjourned. tatty on ord. for The report of the City Attorney on the proposed ordinance pro- V : . • ,
s Approved in open council on the 16th day of November, 1915. Fe.r61;!:11.
alley viding for the laying of a lateral sewer in the alley between 6th and 7th
and Street from the east line of Avenue "G" east to connect with the lateral
sewer constructed in Block No. 101, finding the same to be legally correct, . ;'," E
was read and upon motion adopted. ��
., Vitt hitr� , v Treasurers The report of the City Treasurer for the r: onth of October, 1915.
Report for tact was presented to the Council and upon motion referred to the finance •
�. _ 1 e , � / Mayor Co:n-ittee. I.E • • • ,
> 's .i '
' -• `'= City Clerk in. on report The report of the rinance Committee on the report of the Street I '� ' •
leieeeet ,IP
of St. 6upt Superintendent for the month of October, recommending that the peport be + *`:eee,
r L ' acceptedplacedfile, read and upon motionadopted.ed. ; ' 1 :,':-•>
r and on was a o „'~'
.'� ) Fin. on report The report of the Finance Committee on the report of the Police •
#A6c--. .:. r. 1 p + . i
•' _•'�: of "'olice . Department *for the month of October, recommending that the report be
: r�,� r 47 accepted and placed on file, was read and upon motion adopted. f I. ; .r +: `.::.•.•, •
. :
1 i t a:.
'fir `-x, vin. on report , The report of the Finance Committee on the report of the Police '
rr ; of Justice ' Jelstice for the month of Oc•.ober, recommending that the report be 'I
:'' ! accepted and placed on file, was read and upon motion adopted. f';:
• e ,ltP p ,1 ; � s:c,
1 I .y,' , +
' Allan on Roll Councilman Allan enters the Council chambers and requests that � • ~ `_' •
• ` • 1 V,
i ` ) 1 ; Call his name be entered on the Roll Call; request granted. a, e ,I i
4} - 1
�- is• 1'
�,r� Sew. Bldg. The report of the Sewerage and Building Committee on the propos- a �1 ,t. 1'
S ., o n sewer i n
�, ed ordinance providing for the laying of a lateral sewer in the alley FiiH , '• ,;;.
4. alley bet. 6th between 6th and 7th Street from the east line of Avenue "G" east to con- : . ;�I, :, ~ `� �'
•' `{ "� ;;,• 7th neet with the lateral sewer constructed in Block No. 101, reeormenclang € ,` '
�'� _ _ that the ordinance do pass, was read and upon motion adopted. L { ' `+ '� • 1
�4,i'- '
The petition of G. S. t �t ,• i I r"
z?''{ 1.
Pet. of Childs Childs for permission to cut timber on •
�. "; w` 30th Street between Avenue "R" abd Commercial Avenue was read and upon •� ; 1 ! •+ s '
• _� ;, • �. �_, ., • i
motion referred to the Streets and Parks Committee with power to act. 'j b ,' ee �`
ryr r;. + Pet.• o ' Walker The petition of C. L. Walker for permission to cut timber on °I '`" , f,
�� + Avenue "B" fromn 12th Street to 29th Street was read and upon motion # :I' { ' E` I r
r,y I referred to the Str' ets and Parks Committee with power to act. • j 1., + ;; ;t
:. C'' I; Pet. of Salima Petition of Salima Packing Company by t..eir attorneys, Beagle f ti�.s `I ,E�
,^ ,+ _ ,• Packing Co and Driftmeir, for permission to construct and place a fuel oil tank on • e 4,11 e Ic f' .
qxstA `` their property situated on Tract 12, Plate 8, Anacortes Tide and Shore ; " '1''
'. � ;7; t i E; Lands, was read and upon motion referred to the Sewera :e and Building ;; ', �,,';! '
:y . ; + ; Committee and the CityEngineer withpower to act. +`f '�'' �` 1� 1
i g g 1 + _ �.I 1 .
far ' ' 'c Ora. laid Theproviding �t�+ r` .. ('S 1
at i ',. pr •posed ordinance for the construction of a 1
' o er lateral sewer in the alley between " a ,1' 1` t }
g, � a 1 y 6th and 7th Street from Avenue G ,,.;,• .,. , ;11 _ •,
10 y1•: !;t' i ' east to connect with the sewer constructed in Block No. 101 , was uponI'+* 'I,t; ;+ i' '�
, ,' , ` •
motion laid over until the next meeting. r � '
36 ; , , , Application •The application, bond and petition of the Lyon Liquor Company i °. ' s
, itd , ' ' Cor transfer of for the transfer of liquor license IYo. 139 to then was read and upon �+ r. +,l 1 ++' +r : �.;
t eeee 7• �, ••, �' Cooper & Reed motion referred to the City Attorney and the License and Police Committee. 1.•:.i''',
1, �(I'�I'i f+ , •' t E';::'
1 S . ,i, + j�lE ' 4. 1f'=s .� '_ ,• 1 Att,r on bond of The report of the City Attorney on the the Lyon Liquor • ; • ,.;�� �t1fbond of
•t .`.i# Ifinding legally correct, was and upon motion 4; k} ? ,,• ,� t {
Lyon Liquor Co Company, the s�i� a to be le ai? read Kc.
`' adopted. .E:Ir, j ::::. i,.
ry ,
Lie. Pol . on The report of the License and Police Committee on the ��`I ,�
1:i „ Ppetition 1
pet• of Lyons of the Lyon Liquor Company, recommmending that the transfer be made, was !'4;; '': '`s ;` ,-1
i e Liquor Co. , for read and upon motion adopted. Roll Call; Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, f ' j,,,} :,'.;.): ; .
' , 1 I transfer Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, Wagner. Nays , Pone. �f��' '+ ',•I' I
`•t• upt. to Upon motion tee Street ouperinteedent was instructed to drain the
`'' ' e ! I drain pond at property situated on the northwest corner of 10th 6treet and Commercial .; 'i ' i'IC •.' •,' j
r ', 1 Avenue. ���"': ! I L ,!, .7;
Lids on scow Upon motion the City k'lerk was instructed to open the bids sub- I•iiiI,11•!i '•
'�' � �rejected mitted on the garbage scow; bid of John San ren amountin to r55 00. U on p • I. '
• 12 ' , ; ,
•' 1; motion the bid was rejected and the certified chece ordered returned to I t� ;' '
t the bidder. 'i!- �.:t� �; I •. '
St. Supt to Upon motion t .e Street Superintendent was instructed to repair � �, i, ;. 1
. ` ! I, • �; repair sidewalks the sidewalks on Commercial Avenue where the railroad was 'removed. ., '
obtaining horse The matter of obtaining a horse and wagon for the Street Depart- t , 1�, ; , - +;.�
..., i .I wagon referred merit was upon motion 'referred to the Streets and Perks Committee and the i . , ;r 1
Street Superintendent, with power ,to act. 1�! .]I ! '
p Roll Call Ayes, Allan, ,� I
I Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, Wagner. Nays, None �I ►' ; ! :, i
t I.
�_ 1li111:I I ;_ All - _ . 4 .
r i �' I � ` ;) ;
t� 4
I,. i. ,1
• \ ' � ` —
• r ( '`• .?
-li�1.a :2i?i,i�'rn ��'7.�e:+:NiJ►Y�D1 ��I 'b,��yy` k,�i'�'k4J,'.`ik�+S JIJ►Sg,4:N4�Srihhil►I��Iok09ilildS 5d1L•7r1tiyl!0 ' ' .. '.''7.. .YA''�•;.. - - �/�' '
. ..-- -.• ! • I £
.. ,
' •
I F.
>., if ,1 .j •
`• t t
Canvass Upon motion the report of the �'ommittee of the Whole on the S 0 C I A L I S T P _� R T Y (Cont) ,a `
`' result- of the canvass of votes cast at the Primary Election contain- ' iI i
ing the following totals, reults and findings were read and upon 11 12 la 21 22 2� 3..?. � = ; .-t • ; ,
motion adopted and the candidates with the greatest number of votes ,, ' , •
•• duly declared nominated. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Greer(1) 1 `. ;I ' t = ' •i
Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, Wagner. ?lays, _lone. — _ •.;ft J } ' 3
� 11 12 _1.3. 21 22 za 32 2 �J. 3 Greer(4) 4 _ 41..-;:i •• ' i
Mayor: 1 9' 177 9T' 37 73 271 137 .i3 • — _ ' t.,
• f J 1 ,.., ; Temple(491) 52 80 17 35 16 51 135 58 47 '' '; . . `• ;
�,�.• ,James (736) 100 110 37 82 37 48 184 109 28 : :�
f Upon motion Council then adjourned. . ,: , : •! ' I'
Atty: - :Adjourn •, ,�,1 1'
t lio rvell(798) 124 125 36 69 32 60 197 100 55 Approved in open Council on the 7th day of Decmber, 1915.
ti Driftmeir(370) 25 63 9 40 13 30 110 62 18 , ' ' .
., << � 'Treasurer: • r j ;�,
;� :t, • Hardcastl a(441) 69 86 14 35 10 22 135 70 30 • Mayor +f ,;
.''; . .c . ' Childs(726) 77 107 6 40 2 180 ,
, 3 77 7 95 42 Cf�L.c.t,.�= _,�e� - ' , •
s: : Councilman at Cit Cl/k
firs Lar e: y
�+% .` f ---"• .� ; . Allan(886) 106 142 31 83 32 65 252 125 j0 I • ": -. `': •
#�e, Schreiber(4) 4 1 : -
j Councilman ,: , i •;ill• {
, ' .,. i . •, '.1st Ward: $• i I `{
• �r>zy.: Haugen(215) 82 103 30 j ; •` 3
:4 Barnett(152) 64 77 11 ; ,; ., , ' 1 • i..
t r ' I i •
IA,', 1 i t
fy€. �ti y •
I Councilman pill: ,
!'_ { 2nd Ward: • , . `. of
Burge(149) 72 22 • i }� i ..r • ';:
r' , Fiedler(92) 35 22 35 ; J�
it9" ..": -rt Councilman t, I�iy i! { .
•t ` .• 3rd Ward: } , iI• t, , I ` ,
3,: Trafton(350) 18 102 65 • t Ea �l e , <
r' '-t ; Hensler(197) 126 61 10 Ei t i' $.
vv``;;,�� �: ''Precinct ` ; ; 4 : t^
••jam'• : �t ,, � .' t T. t' • ..
• Committeeman: t f `
�` , _1 t O1son(4) 4 • i ' , 'j }�
• „,, I ' lic.Lean(3) 3 .1" '' i', a •
r.4.:z• r .11 Brothers(4) 4 • • • .• .
' r, ,:. Beer(2) 2 ''INV'^ , J t' "'t ) I Tdafton(2) 2 �� ' ;31 ,';!4''
r y, . 1. • I I `± Hudson 2 2 - . 1 ,,.' i fi' 'C �: I+. J . •
{{ 1 ( f Laurie(2) 2 I ;
• � , ., i''pi 1:' i 1
A `- !r 4 i"' Funk(15) 1 t 1 1 1�I .
,w •
.r� ,:�; •l's . �; Trafton 5 ,,'';1,, i f 11 lF'
1•:: -4 •
.11 Trafton(3) 3 Jt
•.:i., �' 4 '.t : ' . ',l Nelson(3 3 • 1; ��41) 1!
; ?,5;ki: t Bullock 13 ►!�'1'' ;y. r
t I�
� t 11 J SOCIALIST PARTY I ,� l t} 4 'iI i
: �£ 'd , ' J 11 12 1 21 22 •
"• .: i i'! t i ?.1ayo r: .�. _.._ ? �? ► �`tr4.( ; t ��•, t � 'PP`
t4Oir 1 t I, ; i� 1 • 0 Grady (37) 3 2 1 2 6 13 3 2 5 �,'i t Il,: •I , �i1• ` 'gi.-f..
�ItCry.` ' �r ;E•' ; ; 'Clerk: I0; $ •�.•
', ;,,` � ,'r
' > E '' ! James(7)•�.-•J,�::fi -,% 1 ., 1 I, `. (7) 1 1 2 3 },,}''�,� w ;' 1, 1,,,,Sd:'
::1•iiYc 1Ito ., { t .i.4
'Atty: ,...,;� .,, ti ;, ••t ;1
•'l Norvell(2) 1 1 - ;, . '} i r .fi
i. • Driftmeir(1) 1 i' ;? ti'1 �',.�,� ,.�
' , t Treasurer I. • 1 • i! t+i
i' ,i I' liardcastle(1) 1 l I, k
i'. I J 1 r J ,,
I„ r ,� 1 zr
' Councilman J i '• I .i
it. , at Large: 1I1` t:; i ;i' ' .; i •
Schreiber(37) 3 2 2 3 7 12 2 2 4 ' tll
I;'; , ;i'
Councilman ;i� `.j1. . •. 'l"
I' ? •1st Ward: • , I,,'oI 1' t ,
II {. ' ' Sager(7) 3 2 2 Jh; I� I lilt I
'! ;i I, Councilman I I i '' II' .�.j,
i' • 2nd Ward: •�,.• �)I,, 1 ,� �.. 1�.
','; Gibbons(23) 13I. .
• l , i 4I i' r''t
. ' t : :i 'Councilman .� i 1 I�„e? ; 1 3, .
I ' 3rd Ward: t, lt`i
it Rickner(5) 1 2 2 = " .
. ..'',1,".'
't 1 ,� :Precinct � + �, r'r e'
P',1 1 i+,, . Comm ittee:*an tl. , '
,, ,,,,,/,,'• ? .a;.
: .'.'d.1.idU.RJ leiif�lll,�lh►�ii�,l���1,1,�.1s iEp,i C '.:tlei'.ii s.a' .i. ...5•)' .. •,1:'•:a:... . .gin :}ti:
1. I , _._ -
.. 6� I.- 6 7 :4:'''' -• ' '
.i' ,:s:!;1-t.: :: 1':1,: .'i.
. c4 : ! • I I , . •
• T)ec@tuber th l91 K peceu oar 14th. 191�j
t: �4
• ` , _ Roll Call BE IT RE_ MBERED That the City Council of the City of Ana- BE IT RF.'hITUBERBD That the City Council of the City of Anacortes did ;.:
• r (7 Y 9 5 g °on the 14th da of December, 1 1 convene after takin a recess from the th )�' tortes, did on the th da of D®comber, 1 1 meetin re play session Y rr 9 5 g , '' � 7 �,. ��;iwith Councilman Bessner, sobers, Gibbons, ?�augen, Trafton, wagger re- .day of December, 1915 with Councilman Allan, Bessner, ':obeys, Gibbons,
:: '
sponding to Roll Call: Absent, Mayor Hogan, Councilman Allan. Haugen, Trafton, ',agner responding to Roll Call; Abesent, Mayor Hogan. . 'iDobers Mayor Pro Due to the absebce of Mayor Hogan the Council upon elected The Mayor sent to the Council the appointment of Judge George A. . a ; ; ' : .
• ` 4 Tem Councilman Dobers, to be Mayor Pro Tem. Joiner to be a member of the Library Board to fill the unexpired ter�_r of ##t;, '
! Frank Quinby, resigned. Upon motion the appointment was confirl::ed. Roll ,f : ,;t ; •
Minutes approved The minutes of the previous meeting of November 16th, 1915 Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, 'Wagner. _:ayes, ' ,,z;. •, i ' ;
was read and upon motion approved as read. _lone. r ` I '
.. I Recess Upon motion the Council then took a recess until Tuesday, The resignation of Mayor F. V. Hogan, due to illhealth, was presneted ,; !
the 14th day of December, 1915 at 8 o l clock. to the Council and upon motion accepted. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, ; _ '{ j •
Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton; Nays, Wagner. -,` i
Approved in open Councilman the 21st day of December, 1915. A.
Upon motion A. B. Cook was elected to fill the unexpired term of ;�;' ,• ,:
Mayor Hogan, resigned. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, •, ;
Haugen, Trafton, Wagner. Nays, i:one.
. /911d620Lie . . , . . _ .
/�'. ' The report of the City Attorney on the proposed ordinance providing I.
f ; �' Mayor for the construction of a lateral sewer in the alley between 6th and 7tn St. ,
-�:r:.�h• 4. kip-<-� c`yJ - •�.
- ,• I . finding the same to be legally correct, was read and upon motion adopted. J�, ,ti ''
s :;
•• ..�; _ City Clerk �<
M0f. The report, of the City Attorney •
on theownership of a portion of the ��
Pi .3', -;� alley in Block 101 thru the former right-of-way of the Seattle and Northern is ,
>�s r Railway Company, stating various facts, was read and upon motion adopted. �i
a��? mac { �• +• ,
I, . . • S
,w ' The report of the City Treasurer for the month of November was pre- 1 ? , 1
.,. :, - .
t�;� ; f it. •seated to the Council and upon motion referred to the Finance Committee. , 1 i . • • I
y,!-r 1
...11. . , The report of the Chief of Police for the month of ovember, was 4 r
f • 'presented to the Council and upon motion referred to tie Finance Com_ attee. i. :
i1.1 i .' I J .F
' ! The report of the Police Justice for the month of November, was ! , i ,; Y, ���
,3; { presented to the Council and upon i:otion referred to the Finance Committee. i t; i_, ;, !
,� � The report of the City Engineer on the proposed ordinance providing �' ,, , a
.JA.. ):., , • 1 for the construction of a lateral sewer in the alley between 6th and 7tiz ' ,
� :,. ..."
<< P o ��ss was re�tid and u o ;, ' ;
,. ., Streets, recommending th_.t the ordinance d p p n :notion `a '' •� , .` `•� '�•�
K #•: • .adopted. ;`t <,i, }i
::;t:..:4 , ___
_ ,
� ., The fourth and final estimate of the City Engineer on Local Improve- ( ' ills .! , 1 •
r ment District Ho. 122 - : els Erickson, contractor amounting to $1248 80 "�; !g 1f; +' : • , t
y , `x was read and upon motion adopted. R011 Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, ' •'o- r ; ` `•• ` ?
�z • g , Ea a,Y , l i',s ti Gibbons Riau en Trafton tea nor. 'i s ?done.
rr .1',, �` ,� The report of the Street Superintendent for the month of November, ;I'i; ! 't:; i` _ �,•
r,:,'* t'.• - . • ;was presented to the Council and upon notion referred to the Finance +., �, , r ? +•
'. YY�;;,. � i ,_- : Committee. Ji . 4'Ili't , ` r�, ,. .!:
,a r r .11 •
s 4.. The report of the Finance Committee on the report of the City ; ;., •�1 .•• ,; 1 -
',�. �i
Jf4k it '! Treasurer for the month of October, recommending that the same be received •4 { : ' f.11
4s, • , and placed on file, was read and upon motion adopted. f'. { ' ' �k I ` ', I;' ei
, tom• ,, � I . -
'.: ,
;r , ) .; The requestof fir. C. H. Ilichols for tine United States Department of ' "•' '� `
Agriculture - "feather Bureau - for the granting of a new ten years' lease ; rl.� +� ( {.`
'' i'' 1 '
:, t..sr , ;'11 •
' for the site on which the storm warning tower stands was presented to the (�'•i} 1�+f { f,' )
i >: "� :;u Council and upon motion refered to the Streets and Parks Committee any. the r.f i`: i'i • • 1I' )
- P withpower to act. Ayes, , •i
' =+ t::l; City Attorney p "� Wagner. ,l l.i.f,� t.
�pp �.tyr Roll Call: Allan, Bessner, Dobers " 1' '�I•';� ,• II •.�
T•' , : : }
•�1,�i +a ,; • .Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, •.� bays, :one. • � .
�5:;.; � l' Company, Carroll , its , ) (1,-,�I! }. 1 , .
...p%,_ I of the Sa Sanitary Fish { +I E
` ., The petition n by John � . ; � � ,, ,,
• AOc H r
.,", �� !� president, praying that afire hydrant be installed at 8th Street and Avenue 1 ' ` "�+ E r
fi,f;,.L? .,'• , ' + "G" ; also that the City cause 7th Street west of Avenue "G" to be graded was 1'' t l r-,• i ,,. ( i�E ,1.
; ,i , ;Lri,• r • • r' read and upon motion referred to the Streets and Parks Committee and the . ;,i' ,i.� . I ! ;��• ; El;.�,., .
y{ '<�, rfi , Fire, Vlater & Light Committee. <I �'' , '''1;� ,aE,>.
h,~; � ,# if i ^{ . p b Beale Quinby • sti
�tir•:•. `. �.
riir. The petition of the Saline aching Co. , y g andtheir �1. f `,<<i i' ., . ;:. $
attorneys, praying for tine installin of a fire hydrant at the corer of 10th 'i ' ' • ;d
atreet and Avenue "D" was read and upon motion referred to the Fire, Water ,ff �13,;
i�. cl ', It' '
& Light Committee. �:
t W,i Mc. Lean ra in�� for the return of surplus assess- '(. �� • ;' 'l
; �
Pe�ition of A. P Y !
�; .meats on Local Improvement District No. 76 to the property holders :Vas read . i ;
; ill, i .
and upon motion accepted and )laced on file . a,; •• f.. I i ;
• ti
I . i
Petition of W. M. Rairdon et al for permission to construct a sewer � �..�r , li , r'
s ,
' in the alley in the west half of Block No. 87, the same to be done under .�:'• ' l
1 ' citysupervision and the city reimbursed for expenditures incurred was read . I �,','i ! • '
, , I, ' - and upon motion the prayer of the petitioners was granted. 1. •E
! • •
I I '1i`�' '!. ;, . t '
II Petition of Anna ':'arie Goodwin et al praying that the Council vacate 1,
-{ ! 0 feet alongthe siouth side of Harrison Street in said addition in return ,• . , 1, .,.'-I
for which the etitioners agreet to dedicate to the city a strip 30 feet wide ` f'�Ii +. i
I. f across the south side of said Block 5 and therebymake a public road leadingQ iiI i '• .i ,� '
,''E `I ; to the Dobers School was read and upon motion referred to the Streets and 4 i !•!i:, i i ` ! ,:,,.
f' .• I,: (, Parks Committee, the City Engineer and the City Attorney. t ,•. HI 'r '• 1. '
., 'I : I Ordinance Ho. 'r ,.' '. . ,
674, being an ordinance nrovinding for the construction P !' •1,'�!: - i•, k ' ?•
,4 1` of a sewer down the alley between 6th Street and 7th Street from the east .i ° ,(i .I.:i 4 it
i line of Avenue "0 east to connect with the lateral sewer in Block 101 of 1: H
said city which connects with the Trunk Sewer constructed on Avenue " :" wasIli • • 1 • .1
• , •I• 1 . upon motion placed upon its third and final readings by sections; upon motion '� g; . ;{� I!,`•
• ` <,i.„! ( : • • the title was adopted as read; upon motion sect ion 1 was adopted asread; upon •+ ,y .t.l1 f fl.r'+ '' ' '
. • i:: ! , li,, .)
• 4.' ' ..� - n ti - — .i:e`,"`l W.<,47,.. ,fSsr:yti41•:¢I...a�it'IC'JX(.1J4ll7r:►t.443511WRIrAJom r:ld Mr11:414 I' '' ..1`. ••>.:'',a i. s,-
. . _
1_ 69 ' ; '
i I: ;
1 1i
-- ------- -- - - __ _ ,, ••` 1
• . ._ ___ __ _ ___, _
, ,-,:. -4 ''. 68
A. k
7 I
motion section 2 was adopted ..s read; upon motion section 3 was adopted George A. Joiner, representing the Anacortes Light & Water Company, s A.
j ' as read; upon motion section 4 was adopted as read; upon motion section appearing before the Council requesting that they take some action on � '. # 1
. - 5 was adopted as read; upon motion section 6 was adopted as read; upon the claims of that company for hydrant pressure and claiming that no _;;;1,. . :. ,
motion section 7 was adopted as_•read; upon notion the ordinance as a action had been taken subsequent to June and July, 1915. No action was t': . ° '
- whole a:n as read was adopted. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Besser, Dobers, taken by the Council. t
. i = '
! ' Gibbons, Huagen, Trafton, Wagner, Nays, IIone. ,
Claims filed against the Current Expense Fund of the City of Ana- i
Messrs. O'Grady, {_ ' ady Walsh and :oodwin addressed the Council, represent_ tortes, as follows, were read and upon motion referred to the Finance #it '.I. . ; r .,
ing the patrons of the Dohers School, praying thatthe Council supply the i Committee. ! ; •,;:;.
with planks for the construction of a sidewalk to that school. Upon
• ; f motion council moved to look over and investigateconditions at the Dobers Claimant Voucher Purpose Amount. •
School and the Oakes Avenue School. g ' 1 Fidel o Transfer Co 5487 ,_agon hire 4 75
_ L. J. Balcomb 5488 Driver of Street Team 60 '! + 1 . ,
Upon motion Council set the 18th day of January, 1915 as the date Studbaker Brothers 5489 Instalment on Flusher 339 68
. . : when they would meet for tnenpurpose of considering protests against ' C. W. Smith 5490 Street work 30 10 : ;
the confirming; of the assessment roils of Local Improverent Distrct No. 0. A. Lenning 5491 Salary and cash advanced 80 75 ; : '!
' 122. A. E. Miller 5492 Street work 34 60 :,,,
_ • Anacortes Ice Co 4 Feed 62 90
5 93
Upon motion the Clerk was instructed to accept no less than $75.00 Anacortes Transfer Co 5494 Team hire 12 50
for the garbage scow. Ayes, t # 5.
,^,f, � Roll Call: Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, ; Janitors supply �0 5495 Street brooms 4 �
, 0� s Haugen, Wagner. Nays, Trafton. W. R. Burke 5496 Shingles . 5 5o , , , i �' �••, •
Alfred J. Hoffman 5497 One horse 210 "+i • �;` _ '
�z6 � - The application and bond of the Taylor Hotel Company, Inc. for . Mat Hazer 5498One wagon 25 '
') Street work 52 70 :;
' the granting of liquor license to the said Taylor hotel Company, Inc- S. L. Bates 5499 ;( ,�,
n/ `' was presnented to the Council and up In motion referred to the City ' C. Tancre 5500 Street work 24 45 1, .4
p .4 Attorne,; and the License and Police Committee. A. L. & B. Co. 5501 Lumber for St. Dept 97 40 i r ;1
•i l `s.4.? ►+ Anacor Iorvell es Ice Co 5502 Salary and cash advanced 64 ` • ,Feed 69 + i�
¢. , .,r The report of the City Attorney on the bond of the Taylor Hotel F. R. t 55 3 ; ; jI ,
`t t•er h !
, z>�.-s Company, Inc. , to cover the granting of a liquor license to said Taylor Davey Brothers 5504 Hardware supplies 27 65 :_,.... f
, ^ { i •` I Hotel Company, Inc. , finding the same to be legally correct, was read ' Curtis Wharf Co 5505 Fuel 26 E i? i .', • . and u on motion adopted. . ? S. Ind. Tele. Co 5506 Tolls 7 12 , ; !
I „y,a., { . Pac. Tele. & Tele. Co 5507 Tolls 8 98 .: ; ,
1;1 The report of the License and Police Committee on the application • Anacortes American 5508 Printing 107 77 1 :'. 1
�sr ' of the Taylor Hotel Company, Inc. for the granting of a liquor license, C. C. Temple 5509 Salary and cash advanced 80 66 I ? _ ' i `.•',,
{ recommending that the license be granted was read and upon motion John A. Douglass 5510 Druggs 3 85 i, i; I ! ,; , '
-:r 1 9
` ' r ' I ?' ' R. E. Hardcastle 5511 Salary and cash advanced 64 25 '}'r�'i1 + ` i ' • • ' .
3, k, a'pted. Roll Call; Ayes, Allan, Bessner, obeys, Gibbons, Haugne, , . ; . r .1.
' k • I Trafton, Wagner. flays, ;?one. Hazel Layton 5512 Salary 40 l', 1� '. ,
„a ton �f ;;
,< r ; Joiner & English 5513 Court Costs 3 # i ,
t ;r . =; .x resolution of the City Council declaring the lien on lots 5 and W. V. Alexander 5514 One safe 5 .:, ; ,4
lot 16 in Block 1 0, and 18 in Block 112 all in Local S. G. Brooks 5515 Salary and fuminigation 30 , ,. ;qj ,; i, . ' , ;t•:
' ' 6 in Block 59, 7 �;
lr�, _^ : - _•1 Improvement District No. 64 to be satisfied and authorizing the City Anacortes Light & Water Co 5516 Water and light 6 6o , ' (,:'• iI, `;_ <
'i,: ''`' and County Treasurers to cause said assessment rolls to be so marked • Burroughs Adlding Mach. Co 5517 Instalment on adder 32 50 i ,',i • f, , 'I
z•�••V r, as satisfied w:-.8 passed by the City Council. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Theo. Saxrud 5518 Inspector 14 # ,f } , Ir . < ,
..;'•.,, r„: • I. Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, Wagner. Nays, None. Anacortes Citizen 5519 Printing _ 15 �. • ; 1• 1 ,.,. .
• �f.,,.:••,1.51: i W. H. Beard 5520 Descriptings 23 30 !c } 1 I 11
., f '� j Upon motion tare Council resolved itself into a Committe of the W S. Clark 5521 Salary 112 50 . i {� i ' tr sre.: ' i . Whole with the mayor as Chairman and the Clerk as Secretary for the Owen Fulk 5522 Salary 9 i • t
r '.:1 purpose of canvassing the votes of the General Election Held on the • J. S. Carter 5523 Salary 75 i� i 4
' i ; 7th day of December, 1915. Central Garage 1; 4
{� 5524 Auto hire 50 i.�� j' i'',
May Howell 5525 Witness fees 2 20to; its , i' ti ;, .;'
•f� s� The Secretaryof the Committee reported that the votes had been Schmidt & Griffith 5526 Drugs 1 60 Il
",' • i Gornan "ire App. Co r 2` Supplies 9 fi ;( ` { „ ., ? :.
duly canvassed and upon motion the Committee arose. P >5 T �y;rll .11i
'J jV` ��� ; ! I , Anacortes DrugCo 5528 Drugs 50 , ' , ►k),r , „ ; ��i••,' ,
Upon motion the report of the Committee of the Whole containing G. W. Shannon & Co. 5529 Iardware supplies 1 20 •: +• �..
t ' k , , f the following findings was adopted and the candidates receiving the Knapp & Ronneberger 0 Su lies •,f }
553 PP 1 6o �, 5 t1t !�: i! . ), <:
%�'`' ` '�1 , - + highest number of votes duly declared elected. Roll Call: Ayes, Allan, Clair 'Seymour 5531 Fireman 25 'fit,3; ; . i, • :. i ; l;;.: :{•
t..t :.-` '� Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, Trafton, Wagner. Nays, None. ' E. G. Ratliff 5532 Fireman 1 50 '11 ++'� l'' , Z 1 '
,l j ' •
`. 'F A. A. Sumner 5533 Fireman 90 •j,; . ' i ,•' ; ,
•. CANVASS-- R. E. Smith 5534 Fireman 75 , `, 1, .` `'.t i
6�ryti i s Plouff Fireman 75 i.,.. � rl ! }`�!_ ;I
,., ► Heel5535 { i
v,+ ' > Thos. Conway 5536 Fireman 75 ,,,`!� Y ,,, I -4 •
wr, `I •
,.` 'Mayor: 11 12 1 21 22 2 1 2 J. 1 . Clark 5537 Repairing City Hall 10 75 `" '1� '.,� {
* . ;I1 '' Cook (c) 851) 1 2 3ti 77 37 t�2 210 11 ill Arlo ulk 553 + t:;;;..' ``,,��rF 8 .�'ire�nan 75
11, >: ' �`: t O'Grady (s) (399 37 27 27 71 54 65 77 25 16 i red Fisher 5539 Fireman 133 20 4.:i:.rilit-17s:
t � cc 1,;{I;•E •
y>� 1 ,,: ,i �' Ewart Leadbetter 5540 i�irernan50 •
f Fireman h '+,f, . � 11 ;:
ttl; I ;. 1 :I . Clerk: • Roy Muth 5541 ( t ;i,. �'!i I i ;=
�ell;` 1091 6 471154 6 2 12
; ! :�; , James (�) (l000) 5 9 9 50 5 53 ��:`.'
` � D. Hamilton 5542 Fireman 75 t_'� �^ ,,• ,,, �„ :{,•• .,
r H. Draper 5543 Fireman 75 ; . !,'1' . ::1<;:;,u
#t �;;'rc 4 • ;' Attorney:
J. A. Holiday 5544 r�ireman 75 ; 1' � :i���•,,' , I ,:'Fri •
1 Norwell (c) (968) 113 157 42 99 43 95 250 117 52 H. A. Taylor 5545 Blacksmithing 9 60 M '')
H. A Taylor 5546 Blacksmithing 2 75 ; ',i 'l� '-s •r+
' Treasurer• Alfred Olson 5547 Election official _ Primary 3 6o ; ,1; •,,;).:!1. .,t, .', .n
' ' . Childs (c) (987) 102 153 47 112 50 98 252 120 53 Alfred Olson 5548 Election official Actual 4 50 fl'I �. �1 '' : 11'' 1 ,
' , I J. A. Holiday 5549 Election • i, s 4 ' ..,
,; ' 4 Rentalof Pollingl place Primary 3 30 Allt �i , I ��,', I is
� ; Councilman-at- Tien Driftmeir 555o p Y 5 +t ,; ;' Large: Fred Bullock 5551 Election official Primary 3 5o , •,.• ' i II
Allan (c) (725) 54 129 29 65 29 80 196 105 38 v:• L. Matine 5552 Election official Primary 3 60 '.I�,.'ii; 11 •''E „,' , �..
' Schreiber (s) (476) 52 47 35 77 61 68 87 29 20 J. D. Hudson 5553 Election official Actual 4 20 :, iI ,, : . i , , �I
'I' Ben Drii'tmeir 5554 Renatl of Polling Place Actual 2 50 ' ' j lI i, 1,1. 1 .
' Councilman T. P. Edens 5555 Election official Primary 3 30 I) i; '• ' ,
Election official Primary 3 30 , ,;ii , ,
� let Ward: E. G. Ratliff 5556Election official Primary 3 30 � � ,
Haugen (c (272 97 140 35 Lee Carroll 5557 ; ; '' '}' ' '
•; I , Sager (s) (90) 3o 33 27 Leona Mc. Danel 5558 Election official Primary 3 3o I i is 1 :` ; ., ,,1 •,I
• Norman English 5559 Election official Primary 3 30 P !, ; '! „ I. ' ; s
. a Councilman Rose Brodahl 5560 Election official rimary 3 3o 5; if.£I i
.. +, 1 + 2nd Ward: Pearl Kerney5561 Election official Primary0 , t :! ►• ;I�
3 3 , ,1 i :. ►
( i! �, Burke (c) (163) 65 24 74 C. W. Brothers 5562 Election official Primary 3 �ai:. � '� I.n , :,
"'` Gibbons (s) (217) 78 67 72 G. F. Walton 556g Renting of Polling Place 1 i 'I I
ji 1 ► Actual and Pri 5 1`,J , I.
` '
',! i • , Councilman A. F. Schreiber 5564 Rental of Pooling Place I ,. 1
!' I '' �•r `
i 3rd Ward: Actual and Pri 5 60 'sII O .1. ' i' !
s •
Trafton (c) (364) 210 109 54 V. Funk 5565 Election official Primary 3 i ; - ' N I ; 1
+, 1 ` Bickner (s) (111) 77 25 9 J. Ilagadorn 5566 "lection official Primary 3 3o ,* ;1`. {` ,' ..
i s 1
• "''I +. �1: J. D. Hudson 5567 Election official Primary 3 ; F' ;1��•' lie•r� ,� ,
u \; :=l ,,.*y\W[Si+C:.•'t�.•', tit -,,,.............,.,,,,,,,,... :i' _..'vi .,i.. '!!`. .r? ., +S.
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Laude Graham 5568 Election official Primary 3 Co BE IT Rh}�EI(B1,RE� That the City Council of the City of Ana- , i ►; ; ( I. ,
Harry Ferguson 5569 Election official Primary 3 cortex did on the 21st day of December, 1915 meet in regular session with 1, 1 i t :
Carrie A. Graham 5570 Election official Primaryor Cook presiding and Council z en Allan, Dobers, , au ren and Wagner :i't •
3a.Y H b agner re- I . ,
.R. E. Dunham 5571 Deputy Registration officier 20 sponding to Roll Call: Absent, Bessner, Gibbons, Trafton.
3. J. freer 5572 Election official Primary 3 30 1!i I I } '
Abbi Abbey 5573 Election official Primary 3 30 The minutes of the previous meeting of Dece_f.ber 7._:i and Dec- ) x
Lena C. Davis 5574 Election official 3 60 ember 14th, 1915 were read and upon motion adopted. 1, I ,
E. Wi Erickson 5575 Election official Primary 3 60 t' { :;, • , •
•J. A. Holiday 5576 Election official Actual 4 20 Councilman Trafton entered the Council Chambers and requested vIi. f, '
-, t C. L. Sutherland 5577 Election official Primary 3 that his name be recorded on the Roll; request granted. .` i1'
^'- I Clara tic. Laskey 5578 Election official Primary 3 30 S
Lee Spangenberg 5579 Election official Primary 3 The report of the Finance Committee on the report of the Street a ; '+ ;
. ; • W. L. Martine 5580 Election official Actual 3 90 Superintendent for the month of Hover ,ber, recommending that the same be . �• •
'Leona lie. Danel 5581 Election official Actual 3 90 'accepted and placed on file, was read and upon adopted. -4 I 1
.Marion B. Whittine 5582 Election official Primary 3 '•' '' '
C. W. Brothers 5583 Election official Actual 4 20 The report of the Finance Committee on the report of the Police `i�, �1
- ' Fred Bullock 5584 Election official Actual 4 20 Justice for the month of '•"ovember, recommending that the same be accepted and •'f r • r.
i '.yrtle Mc. Comas 5585 Election official Primary 3 30 placed on file, was read and upon motion adopted.
_anion E. Whittine 5586 Election official Actual 3 90 r
.,� , Myrtle,Mc. Comas 5587 Election official Actual 4 20 The report of the Finance Committee on the report of the Police • '`; ; • ` Ir.
lb .' E. W. rickson 5588 Election official Actual 4 35 Department for the month of }�ovez:ber, recommending; that the same be accepted "4 .� {` ;rf;•::
g; •: ` Carrie A• Graham 5589 Election official Actual 3 90 ' and placed on file, was read and upon motion adopted. ' •' • = .%v`;^ r
'z {` i Maude Graham yofficial Actual 4 . ' i ?ti . x,
• i
5590 lection ctua 05
E. G. Ratliff 5591 Election official Actual 4 20 The report of theFinance Committee on the report of the City 7' i;
,: ' ''<, T. P.Edens 5592 Election official Actual 4 20 Treasurer for the month of November, recommending that the same be acceited `s
� .Harry Ferguson 5593 Election official Actual 4 05 and placed on file, was read and upon motion adopted. - `
fi', . "j Abbi Abbey 5594 Election official Actual 4 20 ! I , .
i B. J. Greer Election official Actual 4
i � ; 'i5595 20 The report of the Fire, Water and Light Committee on t_.e • 'i. t, '
' ' i"'" 7 W. J • fagadorn 5596 Election official Actual 4 20 petition of the Sanitary Fish Company for the installing of a fire hydrant ''
':Ns -' 1 ;Pearle Kerney 5597 Election official Auctual 4 05 at the corner of 8th and ' G" , recommending that the same be granted, was ;l 1 E: :t';.1
.' =` ' .� C? L? Sutherland 5598 Election official Actual h
��::Yrs V: - 3 90 read and upon motion adopted the City Clerk instructed to notify the ��na- i.
3 f I ,1 ' ,Lena C. Davis 5599 Election official Actual 4 35 ' tortes Light and Water Company accordingly. �, `'
�� ;'E D. S. Grady 5600 Election official Actual 4 05 ,4
• 4 ;vS
.r.,s V. Funk 5601 Election official Actual 4 35 The report of the Fire, Water and Light Comrnitee on the j ' t ; ,
�ti : Lee Spangenberg 5602 Election official Actual 3 90 petition of the Salina Packing Company for the installing of a fire hydrant ,' + ' •
'',,, ? ' ( 'Rose Brodahl 5603 Election official Actual 4 20 ! at the corner of loth and "D", recommending that the same be granted, was : i 11,.1 , ; : `,
,bus; : 1 R. E. Car_oll 5604 Election official Actual 3 90 read and upon motion adopted and the City Clerk instructed to notify the �' . I . ;, :'! ;'
{,t Clara Mc. Laskey 5605 Election official Actual 4 05 Anacortes Light and Water Company accordingly. I. 1.' , ��. ,
r°� Davey Brothers 5606 Hardware supplies 9 30 I .'• ' �
k ' . S. D. Temple & Co. 5607 Supplies 7 20 A communication from D. Daun Egan, Trustee of the Old Oregon i :, ,• i111 ,~
•� , .;, , :0. A. Lenning 5608 Cash advanced 14 75 Manufacturing Company, with reference to the installing of a fire hydrant il' .� ; ,;, I ,�
';. C. C. Temple 5609 Cash advanced , '�I ` !1.i :1
:t •- 7 ;at - the intersection of 15th �tr�•e� and Railroad Avenue was read and upon p
' ... 3. ;motion received and placed on file and the City Clerk instructed to notify !1 1. , '
: I
` �� • the Anacortes Light and Water Company to instal. this hydrant within thirty 1` , 1. ` r
, tS sr;' . /,. I •• Finance ` (30) days• "1_, ; �. � ; i'' 1�•
• The reportof the ommittee on the above claims for the ,. I : , ,
t.! month of rovember, 1915, recommending 'fiat they be allowed and that The City �,ttor;:ey was, upon motion, authorized to represent ';• •
r . '�� warrants be drawn for the several arrouhts, was read and upon motion the city at the meeting; of the Public Service Commission in Tacoma on January ; ,' 1 ';�: ill ,, , ,
r ,, adopted. hooll Call: Ayes, Allan, Bessner, Dobers, Gibbons, Haugen, 24th, 1916 at which time the Commission has under consideration natters re- • 6 `11 F t
..i 5i ...,'••i, Nays, Wagner. , • : gating to the Pacific Telephone and Telephone Company. j w;,i t' ,i , ' . !;
s f
Ka .t y } �; Upon motion Council then adjourned. Upon motion the -ire, Water and Light Committee was instneted ,:i t 1 ` ' '
`'} :? to investigate the source of the present water supply. ' :1 '' 101.' ` Pik '`
� �'#`` Approved in open Council on the 21st day of December, 1915. 1 t
''A ;.. • Marion Johnson, City Harbor Master, addressed the Council ;. E }�►: jj.!.•,'::.
� t ? + ' advising there that the recent storms had put the city float in bad condition ► $; 1`•i. f
x :� ;q; I1 �; ,(f� and that in the very near future steps would have to be taken toward the L}'•.,}ri l i . i . 1 ► :1
Jrt {,r:. * '' i1 /P 4. ' repairing of same.
�ti '' E, :.;
( ,d ,. 1 1 br I ,!
�� �. • Y 4. i I ` Zi orr`c�: ►�I�� .F.r:ff I 4 C tV The matter of •
,_ ,�;; ! additional police protection for the remainder1!'���.k ; �� i , `�- --- of the year was upon .. otion referred to the Licence 'and P n ?` : i1tint • olice Committe with �� ;l ; .� ' ?�
t, i ' j Ci t Clerk power to act. ►i ►. 1. •',, ,,; + , `
Q '`hhhy M'i Y1 r Upon motion Council then adjourned. I :41 1. +' ! ,. , .t {.'' 1;11 •{I
•. ,s.r-i{,, lye + . I! I I' ., � �, t1
q :',, , < i Approved CouncilJanuary, 1916. ' ; I
;4t, `-;#'-• . `i ,Ic 1 ,l Pp d in open on the 4th dayof , 'it
. f D t :1 iJanu it
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