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1944 City Council Minutes
609 January 4, 1944 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 8 o'clock P. M. with Mayor 6. A. Peters presiding. The City Clerk, John G. Dorcy was unable to be present because of illness, Mrs. Ethel P. Barron acted as Deputy City Clerk and recorded the minutes of the meeting. The Roll was called and Schulz, Hammons, Wilcox, Derby, Brady and Dodge were present. The minutes of the- previous meetings were read,and approved as read. The Report of the City Treasurer for the month of December, 1944, was presented to the City Council and was referred by the Mayor to the Finance Committee. The report of the Water Superintendent for the month of December , 1943, was presented and read to the City Counf:i.l and a motion was made by Wilcox and seconded by Schulz that said report be adopted and placed on file. Motion ,carried. The report of the Police Department for the month of, December , 1943, was pre- sented and read to the City Council and a motion vias made by -Dodge and seconded by Derby that said report be accepted and placed on file. IZotion Carried. The Annual Report of the Police Department for the year 1943 was presented and read to the City Council and a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Dodge that said Annual Report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The report of the Police Justice for the month of December 1943, was presented and read to the City Council and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Wilcox that said report be accepted and paced on file. Motion carried. At this time, the Building Committee made an oral. -.-report to the effect that this Committee had received compliants of serious leaks in certain plumbing fixtures in the Anacortes Community Building. After some discussion a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Dodge that the matter of the repair and replacement of grater pipes to the plumbing fixtures ln-.the Anacortes Community Building be turned over to the "later Department, and that the 7 -later Department be authorized to make the necessary repairs & replacements. Motion carried. At this time, the following Claims against the City of" Anacortes for the month of December, 1943, ,vas presented and read to the City Council: CURRENT' EXPENSE Sadie M. Arges The Annual Report of the Police Justice for the Year 1943 was presented and Salary as City Treasurer read to the City Council and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by ''"ilcox 0. E. Arges 1155$ that said Annual Report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. Deputy Treasurer The Report of the Street Foreman for the Month of .December, 1943, was presented John G. Dorcy and read to the City Council and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by " Derby that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion c-qirriedo 70.40 The Gasoline report for the month of December 1943, was presented and read to 11560 the City Council and a motion Nvas made by Brady and seconded by Schulz that said City Attorney report be accepted and placed on file. Lotion carried. Dr. B. Cook At this time an ordinance amending, Section 1 of Ordinance Number 543, the same " " being an ordinance regulating the keeping of certain domestic fowls in the City 47.50 of Anacortes, to prevent the same from running at 'lar7,e therein, and fixing a 11562 penalty for the violation the.r. enf', passed and apppoved February 18° 1913 was Police Justice presented to the City Council 4nd a-mation t'vae•c--:3.,ei.by,.tirilcox and seconded by 0. E. Arges Brady that said ordinance be given its First and Second readings by Title. f°. t0 Motion Carried. Said Ordinance given its First and Second readings by title 56.40 and a motion was made byBrady and Wilcox that said ordinance be given its Third 11564 and final reading by Sections. Motion carried. Section one read and a motion was Dog Catcher made by Brady and Seconded by Wilcox that Section one be corrected to read Kimsey° s Dependable lAkt . as followgg "All that portion of the City of Anacortes, Washington, lying east Janitor's of the west line of A Avenue and A Avenue produced,and North of the south line 5.34 of Fidalgo Street and Fidalgo Street. produced, instead of All or that portion of 11566 the City of Anacortes, liashington, lying east of the west line of A Avenue and for City Hall A. Avenue produced, and north of the south line of Fortieth Street and Fortieth H. O.'. Davey Street produced. Lotion carried. A.:motion was made by Brady and seconded by Derby that above Section one of said ordinance be adopted asamended. Motion Plumbing carried. Section 2 read, and a motion was ;Wade by Schulz and seconded by Hammons 1.50 that section,2 be adopted. Motion carried. A motion was made by Brady and seconded by Hammons that the". -above ordinance amending Section 1 of Ordinance Number 543, the same being an ordinance regulating the keeping of certain doffi- estic fowls int -the City of Anacortes, to prevent the same from running at'large therein, and fixing a penalty for the violation thereof,assed and approved ' February 18, 1913, be adopted as a whole. Ayes, Schulz, Hammons, Wilcox, Derby, Brady and Dodge. Motion carried. At this time, the Building Committee made an oral. -.-report to the effect that this Committee had received compliants of serious leaks in certain plumbing fixtures in the Anacortes Community Building. After some discussion a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Dodge that the matter of the repair and replacement of grater pipes to the plumbing fixtures ln-.the Anacortes Community Building be turned over to the "later Department, and that the 7 -later Department be authorized to make the necessary repairs & replacements. Motion carried. At this time, the following Claims against the City of" Anacortes for the month of December, 1943, ,vas presented and read to the City Council: CURRENT' EXPENSE Sadie M. Arges 11557 Salary as City Treasurer 70.40 0. E. Arges 1155$ " " Deputy Treasurer 141.60 John G. Dorcy 11559 " City Clerk 70.40 V . V dells A. 11560 " 1° City Attorney 70.40 Dr. B. Cook 11561 " " Health Officer 47.50 A. R. Sellenthin 11562 It '0 Police Justice 45.00 0. E. Arges 11563 f°. t0 Janitor at City Hall 56.40 Wm. McMinn 11564 to- ° Dog Catcher 25.00 Kimsey° s Dependable lAkt . 11565 Janitor's Supplies, City Hall 5.34 Island Transfer 11566 Fuel Oil for City Hall 23.73 H. O.'. Davey 11567 Plumbing Inspection 1.50 610 1 1 1 Janna ry 4_ lQ44- rnnti nrnaei CURR307 EXPENSE R. Ho Dildi ne 11568 Top for City Hall 2.32 A. -A. Reynolds• 11569 Dust Mop for City Hall 1.74 Trick & Murray 11-570 Supplies for City Clerk 2.21 Department of Labor & Ind. 11571 Ind Ins & Med Aid .23 711thholding-Tax Fund 11572 Withholding Tax 37.30 L. E. Snider 11573 Cancelled ,Salary as Fire Chief .00 Bert Verrall 115744 Salary as Asst Fire Chief' 177. 7 Oliver Hauge 11575 Salary as Capt of Fire Dept. 17509 IVI> Ga Strock11576 Salary as Fireman 162 * 50 C. Strock 11577 Salary as Pi mman 1,66.00 Ke TJ; Snart 11578 Salary as Fireman 158060 R. E. Pollard McDougall 11579 Sala r�r as Fireman 4a Fire Dept' 156080 8.73 R. 115bO Call n; George Miller 11581 Call Man; mire Dept; 3;00 A. Mondhan 11582 Call Man; Fire Dept. *00 'Win. Beale 11583 Call Man, Fire Dept. � . 00 John-Dorcy 11584 Call Man; Fire Dept* $*963 M. Iversen 11585_ Call Man , Fire Dept; . b Jack'Smith 11586 Gall Man; Fire Dept; 1:00 L. Monroe 11587' Call Man , Fire Dept. 2.50 Schwartz Iron Yorks 11588 Fire Truck repairs 10009 Withholding Tax Fund 11 89 �7ithhol,ding Tax Deductions 86.21 Firemen's Rel &-Pension Fund 1190 2% Of -biremen7s Salaries 19.00 Trulson' Motor Co. 11591 Fire Truck repairs 12.15 J. C. Penney Co. 11592 Supplies for Fire Dept. 1.52 IT. M. McCallum 11593 Insurance on G. Strock - 5.64 M. R. Kingsley 11594 Volunteer Firemen's,Insurance 84.50 L. E. Snider 11595 Car Mileage for December 15.35 Anacortes eater. Department 11596 Hydrant Rental for December 565.00 Union Oil Company 11597 Gasoline, City Pump 45-50 Luvera's 11598 =ldse for Fire Hall 2,06 M. R. Kingsley 11599 Liability Ins.,Aux Firemen 44.80 H. E. Mansfield 11600 Salary as Coordinator 98.56 Withholding Tax Fund 11401 7ithholding Tax 1.44 W. V. 'dells 11602 Rent on 0 C ID Office 20.00 Puget Sound Pr, & Lt. Co. 11603 Lighting Service, Cancelled .00 Anacortes American 11604 Printing Service 19.88 Zest Coast Telephone Go. 11605 Telephone Service Cancelled .00 Alice Newland 11606 Cash advanced for postal cards 1.00 Anacortes Shipways 11607 Maps for City of Anacortes 10.48 H. H. Hinshaw 11608 Salary as Chief of Police 195.60 Nick Petrish 11609 Salary as Act Asst Ch of Pol 176.80 Jack Goff 11610 Salary as Acting Capt of Pol. 166.Od, Lo Pollard 11611 Salary as Patrolman 160.80 Jack Kelley 11612 Salary as Patrolman 162.00 Raymond Beaszizo 11613 Salary as Patrolman 34.02 George Halmsing 11614 Salary as Spec p:1_j'olic•e 19.14 rlithholding Tax fund 11615 Withholding 'rax Deductions 59.80 Allans Mercantile 11616 Supplies for Police Dept. 1.67 Simpson°s Electric Shop 11617z Supplies for Police Dept. 1.24 Benson Motors 1168 Repairs on Police Car 19.42 Maryland Cafe 11619 Meals for Prisoners 10.00 James McLachlan 11620 Lewer line repairs 3.00 Dept of Labor & Industries 11621 Ind Ins & Med Aid 10.76 The Fern Press 11622 Printing supplies 13.94 Marine Supply & Hardware 11623 Material and Supplies 9.46 Lwurene McDougall 11624 Balance of Treasurer's Vacation 8.50 Empire Cafe 11625 deals for Prisoners 3.35 Diamond Store 11626 Suppli.es for Police Dept. 7.59 Lyle's Grocery 11627 Supplies for Police Dept. 1.50 L. E. Snider 11628 To replace Warrant No. 11573 196.44 Puget Sound Power & Lt. Co. 11629,, To replace Warrant No. 11603 304.50 West Coast Telephone Co.. 11630 To replace Warrant No. 11695 14,40 LIBRARY FUND Constance Fox 1894 Salary as Librarian 138.40 Blanche Sackett 1895 Salary as Asst Librarian 86.40 Paul Marshall 1896 Salary as Janitor at Library 66.40 Withholding Tax Fund 1897 Withholding Taxes 33.80 Voitus Furniture Goo 1898 Mdse for Library 23.79 A. Eo Lovell 1899 Labor & Material for Library 128.70 Dept of Labor & Industries 000 Ind Ins & Med Aid .67 Anacortes Water Dept. 1901 'dater used at Library 2.50 Puget Sd. Pr. & Lt. Co. 1902 Lights used at Library,Cancelled .00 Gaylord .Brothers 1903 Books for Library 4.80 Nems Map of the Tieek Inc. 1904 Sub. for Library 27.91 H. t. Wilson Company 1905 Books for Library 81.25 J. K. Gill Company 1906 Books for Library 2.83 American Library Assn. 1907 Books for Library 14.00 Doubleday, Doran & Co. 1908 gooks for Library 16.11 A. C. McClurg & Co. 1909 Books for Library 212.94 Puget Sound Power & Lt. Co. 1910 To replace Number 1902 5.60 1 1 1 J. E. Harding Walter C. Strong ',di thho ldi ng Tax Fund E. A. Abbott Motor Co. Mt. Vernon Nursery Southside Hardware Co. City Street Fund Dept of Labor & Industries January 4, 1944, Continued, 1451 Salary as Park Supt. 1452 Salary as Park Employee 1453 Withholding Tax deductions 1454 Park *uck repairs 1455 Shrubs for Park Dept. 1456 Mdse for Park Dept. 1457 Gasoline used in Park Truck 1458 Ind Ins & Med Aid 'CTI T HHOLD I NG TAX FUND People's Nat Bank of Wash. 6 ;'/i thholding Tax deductions VATER FUNK CITY STREET FUND 160.80 144.80 24.40 1'0)3 7.73 3.24 6.35 461.76 272.80 197. 8 174.0 180000 171.20 152.80 130.40 150.00 48.00 74.00 7.20 7.20 474-72 5.37 12.90 5.00 17.80 42.39 15 .40 .21 15a 82 20.74 122.02 18.02 15.18 164.00 .46 18. ll18. 29 88.89 55.67 8.55 .00 3475 6Y1 P. E. Olson T. G. McCrory 7868 Salary as Water Supt 1692 Charles Wedlund 7869 Salary as Water Foreman " 10 Maint Man 174.80 Russell Carolan 7870 Salary as Serviceman Lee Parish C1. 0. Rogers 7871 " 'p Filterman 1696 G. F. Keller 7872 " " Filterman " " St. Supervisor 40.00 A. Sirett 7873 10 ° Filterman Dept of Labor & Industries Frank Deane 7874 m ° Filterman 1.700 Lester Thomas 7875 " " Pumpman Material and Supplies 6 > 23 John G. Darcy 7876 " " Bookkeeper, Puget Sd. Pr. & Lt. Co. Laurene McDougall 7877 19 " Clerk 1704 Troy Wedlund 7878 Vages as Laborer Gasoline, City Pump 31093 John Anderson Tax Connission 7879 7880 Wages as Laborer Business Tax, Nov.& Dec. Brown Lumber Co. Curtis,harf Co. 7881 Material for dater Dept. 1708 Skagit Bonded Collectors 7882 Collection of water bills Labor & Material, St. Dept. 4.53 G. N. Dalstad P. M. 7883 Postage, for `'later Dept. were read to the City Council Wallace & Tiernan Sales Corp. 7884 Supplies for Filter Plant referred to Marine Supply & Hardware 7885 Material and Supplies claims and recommended that the claims be Dept of Labor & Industries 7886 Ind Ins & Med Aid seconded by Hammons that the Zest Coast Telephone Co. 7887 Telephone Service for Dec. City of Ane.cortes for th.e month of December, 1943, Simpson's Electric Shop 7888 Supplies for Water Dept. Having completed the business E. A. Abbott 7889 La-,bor & Parts for Dodge Coupe meeting of Withholding Tax Fund 7890 Withholding Tax deductions adjourn. City Street Fund 7891 Gasoline used,Motor vehicles Island Transfer Co. 7892 Fuel Oil, Filter Plant Current Zxpe nse Fund 7893 Transfer of Funds Burroughs Adding Mach Co. 7894 Service on adding machine H. 0. Davey 7895 Ins on Int Pickup Truck Puget Sound Power & Lt. Co. 7896 Power & Service Pennsylvania Salt Mf. Co.7897 Chlorine for Mater Dept. Schwartz Iron 'forks 7898 Labor, Material & Supplies The Fern Press . 7899 Printing and supplies Standard Oil Co. ?900 Gasoline & Oil, Cancelled Standard Oil Co. 7901 To replace Tarrant Number 7900 CITY STREET FUND 160.80 144.80 24.40 1'0)3 7.73 3.24 6.35 461.76 272.80 197. 8 174.0 180000 171.20 152.80 130.40 150.00 48.00 74.00 7.20 7.20 474-72 5.37 12.90 5.00 17.80 42.39 15 .40 .21 15a 82 20.74 122.02 18.02 15.18 164.00 .46 18. ll18. 29 88.89 55.67 8.55 .00 3475 6Y1 P. E. Olson 1691 Salary as Street Foreman 182.80 Lynn Balcomb 1692 Salary as Grader man 172.40 Roy McDougall 1693 " 10 Maint Man 174.80 Dave Summer s 1694 1° 91 Mai nt Man 160.80 Lee Parish 1695 to W Street Sweeper 103.41 Wm. McMinn 1696 Dump Man 35.00 T. G. McCrory 16977 " " St. Supervisor 40.00 John G. Darcy 1698 " " Bookkeeper 40.00 Dept of Labor & Industries 1699 Ind Ins & Med Aid 36.61 Withholding Tax Fund 1.700 Withholding tax Deductions 96.79 Marine Supply & Hardware 1701 Material and Supplies 6 > 23 Jay F. Carroll 1702 Ins on 1936 Ins.Truck 52.40 Puget Sd. Pr. & Lt. Co. 1703 Power for Crusher 3?.50 Union Oil Co. 1704 Gasoline for Street Dept. 45.50 Standard Oil Co. 1705 Gasoline, City Pump 31093 Schwartz Iron Works 1706 Labor & Supplies for St.Dept. 3.05 Brown Lumber Co. 1707 Materiaa. for St. Depto .71 Curtis 1/harf Co. 1708 Material for ,St. Dept. 1.03 Trulson Motor Co. 1709 Labor & Material, St. Dept. 4.53 The above claims against the City of, Anacortes for the month of December, 1943, were read to the City Council and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Derby that above claims be referred to the Finance Committee. Motion carried. 1he '"finance Committee considered said claims and recommended that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of samd. A motion was :rade by Schulz and seconded by Hammons that the recomr-rie ndation of the Finance Committee in the of the claims against the City of Ane.cortes for th.e month of December, 1943, be adopted. Ayes, Schulz, lia.mmons, Wilcox, Derby, Brady & Dodge. Motion carried. Having completed the business of the evening, a motion was made by Wilcox and seconded by Brady that the meeting of the City Council adjourn, Motion carried. the meeting of the City Council did then adjourn. �) Attest* ,4 pity Clerk % Mayor hoz January 18, 1944 A Regular Meeting of the City Council of*the City of Anacortes was called to order at 8 o'clock P. M. with Mayor C. A. Peters presiding. The Roll was called and Ha.mmons, Derby, Derby, Brady and Hatton were present. The minutes of the.prpvious meeting were approved as read. Some four or five men were present at the meeting who were from the Anacortes Central Labor Council. Several members of this Committee spoke to the City Council and asked that Body if it would be possible to provide some plan by which the persons employed at industries engaged in war or defense contracts could be registered for voting at their respective places of employment. One of the members of,this Committee read a letter received from some Regis- tration official in Seattle, Washington, outlining the plan used there in this matter. After some discussion, a motion was riade-by Brady acid seconded by 'Derby that this matter of the registration of voters outside of the office of the City- Clerk ityClerk be referred to the City Council as a Committee of the Whole to try to work . out a plan and report at the fi@fit meeting of the City Council. Mation carried. The Committee promised to be present at thenext Council meeting to be, held on February 1, 1944. The following communication was presented and read to the City Council.- TO ouncils TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THF CITY OF ANACORTES, Gentlemen The undersigned, Wiley ferry, of Anacortes, Washington, hereby makes application for a lease, for the term of two years, on the butt, end of H Ave- nue in the City.of Anacortes. The purpose of the lease is for the building of a boat 56 feet long. It is my understanding that Mr. Toe 'White has had a lease on a portioth of the butt end of H Avenue. Mr. White represents to me that he is through using the butt end of said H Avenue and he no longer desires the use of the ground. Applicant offers 41.00 per year for the use of the said property. Dated January 14, 1944 (Signed) Wiley Perry The North Pacific Ship Building Corp. owning more than a majority of the front footage of the leasehold interest from the State of Washington adjoining the butt end of H Avenue in the said City hereby gives its consent to the above proposed lea.sefapplied for by,Vliley ferry. Dated January 14, 1944. NORTH PACIFIC -SHIP BUILDING CORP. By A. N. MacKinnon. Mgr. The Following Resolution was dictated by Mr. Z7. V. Wells, City Attorney; RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Wiley Perry of Anacortes, dashington, has made application for a lease for a period of two years of the butt end of H Avenue in the City of Anacortes. The purpose for the saidlease is foLr the building of a boat and offering the sum of one dollar (4)1.00) per year for said lease, and WHEREAS, the said Z�liley Perry has received the written consent of the North Pacific Ship Building Corporation who own the majority of the leasehold interest adjoining the. butt end of said H Avenue to the granting of the lease sought for by the said Uiley Perry. N071 THEREFORE BE IT RE SOLV ED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANACORTES that the third Tuesday in February, 1944, at 8 ooclock P. M., at a regular session of the City Council at the Council in the City Hall, is set as the time and place when and where said petitions will be heard, and, be it further resolved that the notice of the pendancy of said application will be published in the Anacortes American, the official newaspaper of the City of Anacortes once a week for two weeks prior to the date of said meeting. Adopted the 18th day of * Jan.uary, 1944. Attest: City. Clerk Mayor A motion was made by Brady and seconded by Hatton that the above application of Wiley Perry for a lease on the butt end of H Avenue be acdepted and filed and and that the above resolution naming the time and place of the hearing on said lease be adopted and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign said lease. Motion carried. A Resolution with reference to the establishment of a Spar Emergency Radio Service in Anacbrtes cnd Skagit. County was presented to the City Council and considered by that bodY, and a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Brady that said resolution be returned to Scott Reany, Skagit County Coordinator, for more information on this matter. Motion carried. 1 1 G13 January 18, 1943, continued The report of the Chief of the Fire Department for the month of December, 1943, 6%,as -)resented and read to the City Council and a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Hammons that said report be acepted and placed on file. Motion carried. Mr. 1. E. Snider, Chief of the Fire Department, made an oral report to the effect that -the Ford Fire Truck had to be taken out of commission on that day. According ,to the Fire Chief, the motor would', have to be taken from the Fire Truck and a thotough checkup ..made of the motor to determine just what the trouble was. The Fire Chief was advised by the **,ayor and Council to remove the motor from the Ford Fire Truck and find out just what repairs would be necessary -to put the Truck back in commission again. Two insurance policies, one on the 1936 International Truck and one on the -0�ord Fire Truck were presentfad:to the City Council and a motion was made byBrady and seconded by Hammons that said insurance policies be referred to the City Attorney. Motion carried. The Gasoline Contract presented to the City Council by the Standard Oil Company was discussed and .considered and a motion was made by Uerby and seconded by Hammons that the dity Clerk or Mayor contact the Standard Oil Company for more information on the Gasoline Contract. Motion Carried. ".two 3,1rety Bonds for Mr. To Go McCrory, one as ~later Superintendent and one as Street Supervisor was presented to the City Council and a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Hatton that said Surety Bonds be referred to the City Attorney. Motion carried. Having completed the business of the evening, a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Hammons that the meeting of the City Council adjourn. Motion carried. The meeting of Ahe City Council did then adjourn. Attest: `. �''G-'/ • �� G -C%� �%'� , ity Clerk.. February 1, 1944 The regular meeting of the city council of the city of Anacortes was called to order at 8:00 P.M. with T.1ayor C.A. Peters presiding.. Roll was called and Hammons, Derby, Brady and Dodge were present. The minutes of the pregious meeting were read and approved as read. The following communication from the Anacortes Veneer, Inco turas presented and read . to the city council: . January 31, 1944 "City of Anacortes, Anacortes,, Washington. \� Attention Tvii;. T.G. IAcCrory Dear Cllr. McCrory: Confirming verbal conversation with Ur. E.E. Foss, we.agree to pay 210 per lineal feet for all cedar poles logged in SQction 26. Yours very truly, ANACORTES VENEER, INC. By F. L. Johnson °Q A motion was made by Brady and seconded by',Derby that the matter referred to in the above communication be referred to the water superintendent U make report at the next meeting of the city council. Plotion carried. Mr. VI.J. Crouder spoke to the city council about permission to cross Railroad Ave. to enter his float for small boats. After some discussion a motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Brady that the city council grant permission to CI. J. Crouder to crogs'IRailroad Avenue to reach his float for small boats, and that the City Attorney be authorized to write a resolution to lease said street end. Motion carried. The report.of the City Attorney recommending the acceptance of an insurance policy on the 121 ton tans: truck used by the Street department and also the 1-k ton Intern,ational.dump truck, was presented and read to the city council, and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Dodge that said city attorney's report be adopted. Motion carried. The report of the City Treasurer for the month of January, 1944, was presented and read to the city council, and was referred by the Mayor to the Finance Committee. The report of the Police Justice for the month of January, 1944, was presented The, .replacement of two toilets, one in the office of the Chief of Police and one in the City Jail was discussed, by Hammons that Mr. James McLachlan and a motion vra.s install the two made by Brady and seconded above described toilets together with the necessary pines and fittings, one in the Jail and one in the office of the Chief or Police. Aye s,;uHa=orasr;..Derby, Brady, and Hatton. Motion carried. Having completed the business of the evening, a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Hammons that the meeting of the City Council adjourn. Motion carried. The meeting of Ahe City Council did then adjourn. Attest: `. �''G-'/ • �� G -C%� �%'� , ity Clerk.. February 1, 1944 The regular meeting of the city council of the city of Anacortes was called to order at 8:00 P.M. with T.1ayor C.A. Peters presiding.. Roll was called and Hammons, Derby, Brady and Dodge were present. The minutes of the pregious meeting were read and approved as read. The following communication from the Anacortes Veneer, Inco turas presented and read . to the city council: . January 31, 1944 "City of Anacortes, Anacortes,, Washington. \� Attention Tvii;. T.G. IAcCrory Dear Cllr. McCrory: Confirming verbal conversation with Ur. E.E. Foss, we.agree to pay 210 per lineal feet for all cedar poles logged in SQction 26. Yours very truly, ANACORTES VENEER, INC. By F. L. Johnson °Q A motion was made by Brady and seconded by',Derby that the matter referred to in the above communication be referred to the water superintendent U make report at the next meeting of the city council. Plotion carried. Mr. VI.J. Crouder spoke to the city council about permission to cross Railroad Ave. to enter his float for small boats. After some discussion a motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Brady that the city council grant permission to CI. J. Crouder to crogs'IRailroad Avenue to reach his float for small boats, and that the City Attorney be authorized to write a resolution to lease said street end. Motion carried. The report.of the City Attorney recommending the acceptance of an insurance policy on the 121 ton tans: truck used by the Street department and also the 1-k ton Intern,ational.dump truck, was presented and read to the city council, and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Dodge that said city attorney's report be adopted. Motion carried. The report of the City Treasurer for the month of January, 1944, was presented and read to the city council, and was referred by the Mayor to the Finance Committee. The report of the Police Justice for the month of January, 1944, was presented 6I.4 February 1, 1944. and read to the city counc, and a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Ha::lmons that said report be accepted and placed on. file. Iyotiog carried. The report of the Water Superintendent for the month of January, 1944, was pre- sented and read to the city council and a motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Hammons that said report be accepted and placed on file. Tlotion carried. The annual report from the Chief of the Fire Department was presented and read to the city council and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Derby that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The gasoline report for the month of January, 1944, was presented and read to the city council and a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Dodge thakt said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. Councilman Derby spoke to the city council and reported that he had received a complaint of a nuisance at the rear of the Empire Cafe; the nuisance being that garbage was stored in open cans and the Mayor stated that he would take this matter up with the Health Officer. L. E. Snider, Fire Chief, spoke to the city founcil and asked whether or not the Standard Oil gasoline contract had been signed or not. After some further dis- cussion a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Dodge that the Mayor and City Clerk sign the Standard Oil gasoline contract, which had been filed previously,, with the city council. Ayes: H.ammons, Derby, Brady and Doage. A renewal insurance policy covering liability and property dame a on the 12 ton International truck used by the street Department, and on the 12 ton Ford tank trL ck w was presented to the city council and.a motion was made by Hammons, seconded by Derby, that said insurance policies be referred to the City Attorney. Potion carried: The following claims were presented and read to the city council: CURTMTT EXPENSE. Sadie M. Arges 11631 Salary as City Treasurer 70.40 0. E. Arges 11632 Salary as Dep Treasurer 141.60 JohA G. Dorcy 11633 t° City Clerk 70.40 W. V. dells 11634 1° oD City Attorney 70.40 Dr. A .B. Cook 11635 a 1° Health Officer 47.50 A. R. Sellenthin 11636 it it Police Justice 45.00 0. E. Arges 11637 to to. Janitor at City Hall 56.40 Vm. McMinn 11638 to to Dog Catcher 25.00 Withholding Tax Fund 11639 Withholding tax deductions 37.30 - Ethel P. Barron 11640 Part of Clerk's Vacation 14000 G. N. Dalstead, P.M. 11641 Postage for City Clerk's Office 5>00 Stuart G. Thompson 11642 Bond for City Clerk 5000 H. E. Mansfield, Inc. 11643 Bond for City Treasurer 75000 H.O. DaVeY, Plumbing Inspeco 11644 1 Plumbing-Inspedtion 1.50 Puget Sound Stamp Works 11645 Dog Tags for 1944 17.51 Anacortes Gas Co. 11646 Gas used at City Hall 4.68 James McLachlan 11647 Plumbing & Repairs, Police Office 48.40 H. H. Hinshaw 11648 Salary as Chief of Police 195,60 Nick Petrish 11649 to iD Asst. Chief of Police 190.440 Jack Goff 11650 s4 10. Captain of Police 172.80 L. Pollard 11651 00 t0 Patrolman 160.80 Jack Kelley 11652 C0 Patrolman 162.00 Raymond Beaszizo 11653 tt Patrolman. 156.80 George Helmsing 11654 11 Special Police 5.6.7 Withholding Tax 11655 Withholding Tax deductions 78.10 - Allan's 11656 Supplies for Police Dept. 1.07 Firemen's Rel.& Pen. Fund 11657 Payment of Benson Note 779.35 Firemen's Rel & Pen Fund 11658 Interest On Benson Note 23.38 Davis Furniture Co. 11659 Supplies for Police Dept. 1.80 Marine Supply Hardware 11660 Supplies, City Hall & Police Dept. 8.19 Dept. Labor & Industries 11661 Industrial Ins & Med Aid 112.24 L. E. Snider 11662 Salary as Fire Chief 196.44 Bert Verrall 11663 00 to Asst. Fire Chief 177.g7 Oliver Iffau�ge 11664 1t t0 Capt; Fire Dept. 175.89 M. G. Strock 11665 tt Fireman 162.50 C. Strock 11666 10 i0 Fireman 166.00 K. U. Snart 11667 to to Fireman 158.60 R. E. Pollard 11668 to to Fireman 156.80 Um. Beale 11669 Call Man, Fire Dept. 1.00 R. McDougall 11670 0' t0 10 ca 1.00 Jack Smith 11671 to to t0 w 1.00 J. Dorcy 11672 u 0 M 0 1.60 A. Mondhan -11673 00 to- is %2 1.00 Q`Iithholding Tax Fund 11674 Withholding Tax Deductions 82.70 - Firemen's Rel & Pen Fund 11675 2% of Firem.en's Salaries 19.00 L. E. 'Snider 11676. Mileage on Car 1.75 Anacortes Water Dept. 11677 H5Pdrant rental for Jan. 1944 565.00 Simpson's Electric Shop 1167 Supplies, City Hall & Fire Dept. 3..14 Schwartz Irob Works 116 9 Fire Truck Repairs 1.55 ,7atkins Motor Co. 1160 Motor & Parts for Ford Fire Truck 170.16 South Side Hardware 11681 Supplies for Fire Dept. 13..19 11. R. Kingsley 11682 Insurance on Ford Fire Truck 21.40 Diamond 5re & .10g' store 11683 Supplies for Fire Dept.. 1.24 Union Oil Company 11684 Gasoline, City Pump 50.32 The fern Press 11685 Supplies, Clerk, Treas., Police 50.78 Ass'n Washington Cities 11686 Membership Fees 125.00 Johet Dorcy 11687 Registration Births & Deaths 19.20 Test. Coast Telephone Co. 11688 Telephone Service 13.55 1 1 1 1 609 January 4, 1944 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 8 o'clock P. M. with Mayor 6. A. Peters presiding. The City Clerk, John G. Dorcy was unable to be present because of illness, Mrs. Ethel P. Barron acted as Deputy City Clerk and recorded the minutes of the meeting. The Roll was called and Schulz, Hammons, Wilcox, Derby, Brady and Dodge were present. The minutes of the- previous meetings were read,and approved as read. The Report of the City Treasurer for the month of December, 1944, was presented to the City Council and was referred by the Mayor to the Finance Committee. The report of the Water Superintendent for the month of December , 1943, was presented and read to the City Counf:i.l and a motion was made by Wilcox and seconded by Schulz that said report be adopted and placed on file. Motion ,carried. The report of the Police Department for the month of, December , 1943, was pre- sented and read to the City Council and a motion vias made by -Dodge and seconded by Derby that said report be accepted and placed on file. IZotion Carried. The Annual Report of the Police Department for the year 1943 was presented and read to the City Council and a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Dodge that said Annual Report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The report of the Police Justice for the month of December 1943, was presented and read to the City Council and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Wilcox that said report be accepted and paced on file. Motion carried. At this time, the Building Committee made an oral. -.-report to the effect that this Committee had received compliants of serious leaks in certain plumbing fixtures in the Anacortes Community Building. After some discussion a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Dodge that the matter of the repair and replacement of grater pipes to the plumbing fixtures ln-.the Anacortes Community Building be turned over to the "later Department, and that the 7 -later Department be authorized to make the necessary repairs & replacements. Motion carried. At this time, the following Claims against the City of" Anacortes for the month of December, 1943, ,vas presented and read to the City Council: CURRENT' EXPENSE Sadie M. Arges The Annual Report of the Police Justice for the Year 1943 was presented and Salary as City Treasurer read to the City Council and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by ''"ilcox 0. E. Arges 1155$ that said Annual Report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. Deputy Treasurer The Report of the Street Foreman for the Month of .December, 1943, was presented John G. Dorcy and read to the City Council and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by " Derby that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion c-qirriedo 70.40 The Gasoline report for the month of December 1943, was presented and read to 11560 the City Council and a motion Nvas made by Brady and seconded by Schulz that said City Attorney report be accepted and placed on file. Lotion carried. Dr. B. Cook At this time an ordinance amending, Section 1 of Ordinance Number 543, the same " " being an ordinance regulating the keeping of certain domestic fowls in the City 47.50 of Anacortes, to prevent the same from running at 'lar7,e therein, and fixing a 11562 penalty for the violation the.r. enf', passed and apppoved February 18° 1913 was Police Justice presented to the City Council 4nd a-mation t'vae•c--:3.,ei.by,.tirilcox and seconded by 0. E. Arges Brady that said ordinance be given its First and Second readings by Title. f°. t0 Motion Carried. Said Ordinance given its First and Second readings by title 56.40 and a motion was made byBrady and Wilcox that said ordinance be given its Third 11564 and final reading by Sections. Motion carried. Section one read and a motion was Dog Catcher made by Brady and Seconded by Wilcox that Section one be corrected to read Kimsey° s Dependable lAkt . as followgg "All that portion of the City of Anacortes, Washington, lying east Janitor's of the west line of A Avenue and A Avenue produced,and North of the south line 5.34 of Fidalgo Street and Fidalgo Street. produced, instead of All or that portion of 11566 the City of Anacortes, liashington, lying east of the west line of A Avenue and for City Hall A. Avenue produced, and north of the south line of Fortieth Street and Fortieth H. O.'. Davey Street produced. Lotion carried. A.:motion was made by Brady and seconded by Derby that above Section one of said ordinance be adopted asamended. Motion Plumbing carried. Section 2 read, and a motion was ;Wade by Schulz and seconded by Hammons 1.50 that section,2 be adopted. Motion carried. A motion was made by Brady and seconded by Hammons that the". -above ordinance amending Section 1 of Ordinance Number 543, the same being an ordinance regulating the keeping of certain doffi- estic fowls int -the City of Anacortes, to prevent the same from running at'large therein, and fixing a penalty for the violation thereof,assed and approved ' February 18, 1913, be adopted as a whole. Ayes, Schulz, Hammons, Wilcox, Derby, Brady and Dodge. Motion carried. At this time, the Building Committee made an oral. -.-report to the effect that this Committee had received compliants of serious leaks in certain plumbing fixtures in the Anacortes Community Building. After some discussion a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Dodge that the matter of the repair and replacement of grater pipes to the plumbing fixtures ln-.the Anacortes Community Building be turned over to the "later Department, and that the 7 -later Department be authorized to make the necessary repairs & replacements. Motion carried. At this time, the following Claims against the City of" Anacortes for the month of December, 1943, ,vas presented and read to the City Council: CURRENT' EXPENSE Sadie M. Arges 11557 Salary as City Treasurer 70.40 0. E. Arges 1155$ " " Deputy Treasurer 141.60 John G. Dorcy 11559 " City Clerk 70.40 V . V dells A. 11560 " 1° City Attorney 70.40 Dr. B. Cook 11561 " " Health Officer 47.50 A. R. Sellenthin 11562 It '0 Police Justice 45.00 0. E. Arges 11563 f°. t0 Janitor at City Hall 56.40 Wm. McMinn 11564 to- ° Dog Catcher 25.00 Kimsey° s Dependable lAkt . 11565 Janitor's Supplies, City Hall 5.34 Island Transfer 11566 Fuel Oil for City Hall 23.73 H. O.'. Davey 11567 Plumbing Inspection 1.50 610 1 1 1 Janna ry 4_ lQ44- rnnti nrnaei CURR307 EXPENSE R. Ho Dildi ne 11568 Top for City Hall 2.32 A. -A. Reynolds• 11569 Dust Mop for City Hall 1.74 Trick & Murray 11-570 Supplies for City Clerk 2.21 Department of Labor & Ind. 11571 Ind Ins & Med Aid .23 711thholding-Tax Fund 11572 Withholding Tax 37.30 L. E. Snider 11573 Cancelled ,Salary as Fire Chief .00 Bert Verrall 115744 Salary as Asst Fire Chief' 177. 7 Oliver Hauge 11575 Salary as Capt of Fire Dept. 17509 IVI> Ga Strock11576 Salary as Fireman 162 * 50 C. Strock 11577 Salary as Pi mman 1,66.00 Ke TJ; Snart 11578 Salary as Fireman 158060 R. E. Pollard McDougall 11579 Sala r�r as Fireman 4a Fire Dept' 156080 8.73 R. 115bO Call n; George Miller 11581 Call Man; mire Dept; 3;00 A. Mondhan 11582 Call Man; Fire Dept. *00 'Win. Beale 11583 Call Man, Fire Dept. � . 00 John-Dorcy 11584 Call Man; Fire Dept* $*963 M. Iversen 11585_ Call Man , Fire Dept; . b Jack'Smith 11586 Gall Man; Fire Dept; 1:00 L. Monroe 11587' Call Man , Fire Dept. 2.50 Schwartz Iron Yorks 11588 Fire Truck repairs 10009 Withholding Tax Fund 11 89 �7ithhol,ding Tax Deductions 86.21 Firemen's Rel &-Pension Fund 1190 2% Of -biremen7s Salaries 19.00 Trulson' Motor Co. 11591 Fire Truck repairs 12.15 J. C. Penney Co. 11592 Supplies for Fire Dept. 1.52 IT. M. McCallum 11593 Insurance on G. Strock - 5.64 M. R. Kingsley 11594 Volunteer Firemen's,Insurance 84.50 L. E. Snider 11595 Car Mileage for December 15.35 Anacortes eater. Department 11596 Hydrant Rental for December 565.00 Union Oil Company 11597 Gasoline, City Pump 45-50 Luvera's 11598 =ldse for Fire Hall 2,06 M. R. Kingsley 11599 Liability Ins.,Aux Firemen 44.80 H. E. Mansfield 11600 Salary as Coordinator 98.56 Withholding Tax Fund 11401 7ithholding Tax 1.44 W. V. 'dells 11602 Rent on 0 C ID Office 20.00 Puget Sound Pr, & Lt. Co. 11603 Lighting Service, Cancelled .00 Anacortes American 11604 Printing Service 19.88 Zest Coast Telephone Go. 11605 Telephone Service Cancelled .00 Alice Newland 11606 Cash advanced for postal cards 1.00 Anacortes Shipways 11607 Maps for City of Anacortes 10.48 H. H. Hinshaw 11608 Salary as Chief of Police 195.60 Nick Petrish 11609 Salary as Act Asst Ch of Pol 176.80 Jack Goff 11610 Salary as Acting Capt of Pol. 166.Od, Lo Pollard 11611 Salary as Patrolman 160.80 Jack Kelley 11612 Salary as Patrolman 162.00 Raymond Beaszizo 11613 Salary as Patrolman 34.02 George Halmsing 11614 Salary as Spec p:1_j'olic•e 19.14 rlithholding Tax fund 11615 Withholding 'rax Deductions 59.80 Allans Mercantile 11616 Supplies for Police Dept. 1.67 Simpson°s Electric Shop 11617z Supplies for Police Dept. 1.24 Benson Motors 1168 Repairs on Police Car 19.42 Maryland Cafe 11619 Meals for Prisoners 10.00 James McLachlan 11620 Lewer line repairs 3.00 Dept of Labor & Industries 11621 Ind Ins & Med Aid 10.76 The Fern Press 11622 Printing supplies 13.94 Marine Supply & Hardware 11623 Material and Supplies 9.46 Lwurene McDougall 11624 Balance of Treasurer's Vacation 8.50 Empire Cafe 11625 deals for Prisoners 3.35 Diamond Store 11626 Suppli.es for Police Dept. 7.59 Lyle's Grocery 11627 Supplies for Police Dept. 1.50 L. E. Snider 11628 To replace Warrant No. 11573 196.44 Puget Sound Power & Lt. Co. 11629,, To replace Warrant No. 11603 304.50 West Coast Telephone Co.. 11630 To replace Warrant No. 11695 14,40 LIBRARY FUND Constance Fox 1894 Salary as Librarian 138.40 Blanche Sackett 1895 Salary as Asst Librarian 86.40 Paul Marshall 1896 Salary as Janitor at Library 66.40 Withholding Tax Fund 1897 Withholding Taxes 33.80 Voitus Furniture Goo 1898 Mdse for Library 23.79 A. Eo Lovell 1899 Labor & Material for Library 128.70 Dept of Labor & Industries 000 Ind Ins & Med Aid .67 Anacortes Water Dept. 1901 'dater used at Library 2.50 Puget Sd. Pr. & Lt. Co. 1902 Lights used at Library,Cancelled .00 Gaylord .Brothers 1903 Books for Library 4.80 Nems Map of the Tieek Inc. 1904 Sub. for Library 27.91 H. t. Wilson Company 1905 Books for Library 81.25 J. K. Gill Company 1906 Books for Library 2.83 American Library Assn. 1907 Books for Library 14.00 Doubleday, Doran & Co. 1908 gooks for Library 16.11 A. C. McClurg & Co. 1909 Books for Library 212.94 Puget Sound Power & Lt. Co. 1910 To replace Number 1902 5.60 1 1 1 February 1., 1944, Continued CURRENT EXPENSE Continued Island Transfer Co. WJ V. Wells .Puget Sound Pr. & Lt.Co. Union Oil Company H. E. Mansfield Anacortes Laundry & Cleaners Benson Motors Colvin°s Service Station H. H. Hinshaw Hilly s Service Station Nithhalding Tax Fund Curti -s Wharf Co. Anacortes Gas Co. 11689 Fuel Oil, City- Hall 11690 Rent of Defense Office 11691 Lighting Service 11692 Supplies for fire Department 11693 Salary as Coordinator 11694 Laundry Service, Fire & Police 11695 Repairs & Service 11696 Tire Ropairs & Service 11697 Gash advanced 11698 Tire for Police Car 11699 Withholding Tax Deductions 11700 Sewer Pipe 11701 Gas used in City Hall LIBRARY FUND 24.70 10.00 304.06 13.60 50.00 14.42 79-99 2.06 1.75 20.83 4. 0 2.06 3.60 Constance Fox 1911. Salary as Librarian 139.440 Blanche Sackett 1912 Salary as Asst Librarian 90.440 Paul Marshall 1913 Salary as Janitor 74.31 Violet Marshall 1914 Extra work at Library 'Withholding 1.50 Withholding Tax Fund 1915 Tax Deductign 31.89 Anacartes 'slater Dept. 1916 ?dater Used at Library 2.50 Puget Sound Power & Lt. Co. 1917 Lights used at Library 7.10 The Fern Press 1918 Supplies for Library 3 .39 Constance Fox 1919 Cash advanced .45 Simmonds Paint Go. 1920 Supplies for Library 2,60 Dept of Labor & Ind. 1921 Ind Ins- & Med Aid .42 Gaylord Brothers 1922 Supplies for Library 18.40 J. K. Gill 1923 Books for Library 27.34 A. C. McClurg & Co. 1924 Books for Library 4.12 PARK FUND Supplies for Filter Plant 3.61. J. E. Harding 14 9 Salary as Park Supt. 160.80 Walter C. Strong 14 0 Salary as Park Employee 144.80 Withholding Tax Fund 1461 Withholding Tax deductions 244.40 Cookvs Key & Cycle Shop 1462 Service for Park Dept. 1.55' Colvin's Service Station 1463 Supplies for Park Dept. 2.27 Southside Hardware Co. 1464 Supplies for Park Dept. . 74 Dept of Labor & Ind. 14465 Ind Ins & Med Aid 6.30 City Street Fund 1466 Gasoline used in Park Truck 7.03 C01E:NNITY BUILDING RENTAL FUND Brown Lumber Co, .Lumber for Community Building 8.02 Schwartz Iron 17orks. Plumbing repairs in Com. Bldg. .81 TATER FUND T. G. McCrory Charles Wedlund Russell Carolan 71. 0. Rogers G. F. Keller A. Sirett Frank Deane Lester Thomas John G. Dorcy Laurene McDougall John Anderson John Edge Withholding Tax Fund! Current Expense Fund Curtis Wharf Co, Pennsylvania Salt Co. Standard Oil Co. Skagit Valley Telephone Co. The Fern Press Island Transfer Co. Simppsonvs- Electric Shop G. E Dalstad P. M. Marine Supply & Hardware Schwartz Iron Forks T. G. McCrory H. 0. Davey Puget Sound Pr. & Lt. Co. Worthington Gamon Meter Co. Walton Bros. Lumber Co. City Street Fund Dept of Labor & Industries Skagit Electric Co. Colvin's Service Station Skagit Bonded Collectors Vest Coast Telephone Co. 7902 Salary as Water Supt. 272.80 7903 Salary as Dater Foreman 206.47 7904 Serviceman 174.80 7905 Filterman 180.00 7906 p' ° Filterman 171.20 7907 ° ca Filterman 152.80 908 Filterman 130040 g 09 "' Pumpman 150.00 7910 Q 0 Bookkeeper- 48.00 7911 0 0 Clerk 74.00 7912 Wages as Laborer 6038 7913 Wages as Laborer 6.38 ?914 Withholding Tax deductions 122.28 7915 Transfer of Funds 164.00 7916 Supplies for Nater Department 116.66 7917 Chlorine for Water Dept. 119.61 7918 Gasoline for 'lh. Lake Pump 32.18 7919 Telephone Service at avon 4.99 7920 Printing and Supplies 7.26 7921 Fuel Oil for Filter Plant 14.67 7922 Supplies for Filter Plant 3.61. 7923 Postage for slater Dept. 5.0.0 7924 Material and Supplies .3 7925 M aterial and Supplies7926 96.g4 Cash advanced 3.2 7927 Bond for St. Supervisor 4.00 7928 Power & Service 1170.62 7929 12 Watch Dog Meters 146.I0 7930 Lumber for Fater Dept. 17.79 7931 Gasoline used in Motor Vehicles 24.33 7932 Ind Ins & Med Aid 13.73 7933 Equipment for Avon Pumping P1ant2064.47 7934 Tire Service & Supplies 14.73 7935 Collection of ,dater Bills 15.00 7936 Telephone Service 16.95 61.5 February 1, 1944, Continued CITY STREET FUND P. E, Olson 1710 Salary as Street Foreman 182080 Lynn Balcomb 1711 Salary as Graderman 172,40 Roy McDougall 1712 W 13' Maintenance Man 174080 Dave summers 1713 It f° Maintenance 2 n 160.80 Lee Parish 1714 to Street Sweeper 103.41 .1m> McMinn 1715 1Q t4 Dump Man 35.00 T. Go licCrory 1716 " 6"itreet Supervisor 40.00 John Q. Dorcy 1712 1° `� Bookkeeper 40000 'Withholding Tax Fund 1719 Withholding Tax Deductions 96.7 Affleck Brothers 1719 Express on Grader parts O.% Schwart2 Ikbn"79orks 1720.. Service and Repairs •.4.89 Standard Oil Co. 1721 Motor Oil, St. Dept. 26050 He Oo Davey 1722 Bond for Street Supervisor 4000 Jm. Go McCallum 1723 Insurance on Street Trucks 45,19 Mt. Vernon Recapping Co. 1724 Grader Tire Recap 33068 Puget Sound Pro & Lt. Co. 1725 Power -for Crusher 37.50 Union Oil Company 17.26 Gasoline, City Pump 48013 Shell Oil Company 1727 Gasoline, City Pump 29.60 Dept of Labor & Inch 1728 Ind Ins & Med Aid 19.92 Colvin' -s Service Station 1729 Service and Supplies 14.01 F I RE KEN Q S FAL IE F AND FENS 10 N FUND People°s Nato Bank of Vasho 212 Purchase of ;,ar Bonds- 1110.00 WITHHOLDING TAX FUND People's Nato Dank of -Wash. 7 Withholding Tax deductions 478026 The above claims against the City of �Lnacortes for the month of January, 1944, were read and a motion ms made by Hammons and seconded by Derby that said chime he referred to the Finance Committee. Motion aarriedo The Finance Committee considered said claims and recommended that the Claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor os the same, and a motion was made by Iiammons and seconded -by Dodge that the recommendation of the Finance Committee with r.eferenct to the claims against the City of Anacortes for the Month of January, 1944, be adopted. Ayes, Hammons, 'Xakaxx, Derby, .Brady and Dodge. Idotion Carried. The matter of an ordinance providing for a graduated scale of fees for Building Permits was discussed, and the City Clerk was asked to write to the Association. of 'Washington Cities in Seattle, Vashington, and ask for model ordinances of this type. Having completed the businepp.)of the evening, a motion was made by Hammons and ,seconded by Dodge that the meeting of the City Council adjourn. Motion carried. the meeting Wh,i t y C until did then adjourns Q �Z� • �!/ Attest �� Clerk Y 1 i 1 1 G 617 .February 15, 1944 The regular meeting of the city council of the city of Anacortes was called to order at 8:00 o'clock P.M. with Mayor C . .A. Peters presiding. Roll was called and Schulz, Hammons, Derby, Brady, Hatton and Dodge were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Mayor C.A. Peters made an oral report on the complaint -of the garbage muisance at the rear of the Empire Cafe, which was referred to him at the last ipeeting of city council. Mayor Peters reportes that some improvement in these conditions was being made, and that he had referred this matter to the Health Office. The report of the Chief of Police for the month of January, 1944, was presented and read to the city council, and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Hammons that said report be accepted and placed on. file. Motion carried. The report of the Police Justice for the ,nont# of January, 1944, was presented to the city council and a motion was made by Schulz and seconded by Hammons that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The report of the Chief of the Fire Department for the month of January, 1944, was presented and read to the city council and a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Dodge that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. At the meeting of the city council held on January 18, 1944, Wiley Perry made an application to lease for a period of two years the butt end of 11H11 Avenue. At that time a resolution was passed and a notice published in. the Anacortes American setting the third Tuesday of February, 1944, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. in the council chamber of the City Hall as the time and place when protests would be heard. There being no protests against the lease of the above street end a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Schulz. that this city lease on the butt end of 11H11 Avenue in the city of Anacortes be given to Wiley Perry f"or a period of two years at $1000 per year, and that the 'layor and City Clerk be authorized to si.gn said lease. Ayes, Schulz, Hammons, Derby, Brady, Hatton and Dodge. Kotion carried. At this time Mr. W.V. 17'ells , City Attorney, presented two written reports recom- mending the acceptance of an insurance policy issued by the Franklin Fire & Home Indemnity Insurance Co. covering the 1930 Ford 1� ton ton truck, and another policy by the same Company covering the International 1-o' ton dump truck, both trucks being used by the Street Department. A motion.was made by Hammons, seconded by Hatton, that the City Attorney's report recommending the acceptance of the above described insurance policies be adopted. Motion carried. At the meeting of the City council held of February 1, 1944, a communication from the Anacortes Veneer, Inc. offering to pay 24/ per lineal foot for all cedar poles logged in Sec. 26 was read and referred to T:G. McCrory, eater Superintendent. At this time 11r. McCrory reported that approximatelt 3,380 lineal feet of cedar poles had been cut. After some discussion a motion was made by Brady, seconded by Hammons, that the City of Anacortes accept the offer of the Anacortes Veneer, Inc. of 2a�I per lineal foot and that this price apply only to the above 3,380 lineal feet already cut, and that the city Clerk advise the Anacortes Veneer,, Inc. of the action of the city council. Motion carried.. A surety bond for John James Kelley, city police officer, was presented to the city council and a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Brady that said bond be referred to the City Attorney. DTot•ion carried. The matter of installing a public drinking fountain on Commercial Avenue was dis- cussed at some length but no official action was taken in the matter. Councilman Brady gave a very complete and interesting outline of the Planning Commission meeting held on February 9, 1944. TQ G. McCrory spoke to the city council about further development of the fishing industry in Anacortes, and improvements to be made in the Frailer River, British Columbia to improve fishing conditions there, as the City of Anacortes is in.a position to benefit by these improvements. His talk was interesting and instructive and a motion was made by Hammons, and seconded by Dodge, that the City Clerk write to Fred J. Foster, Director of Fisheries, to determine in what way the city of Anacortes can best help in the improvement of fishing conditions in the Fraser River. -Motion carried. Having completed the business of the evening a motion was made by Schulz and second- ed by Dodge that the meeting of the city council adjourn. Taotion carried. The meeting of the city council did then adjourn. n.. / / `, I 1 AvOR ATTEST: I • �o 628 March 7, 1944 The regular meeting of the city council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 8:00 O'clock P.M. with Mayor C. A. Peters presiding. Roll.was called and Hammons, Derby, Brady, Hatton, and Dodge were present. The minutes of the previous meetigpg were read and approved as read. Hr. Fred Johnson of the Anacoxtes Veneer, Inco spoke to the city council at some length about the purchase of timber around Heart Lake and introduced Mr. Foss, who is in charge now of the logging operations on said property. Mr. Johnson urged the city council to sell him the timber located around Heart Lake and sug- gested .that the city write to, the proper authorities at Odiympia on this matter. Mr. Foss also spoke to the city council briefly and urged them to sell the timber around Heart Lake ,ts above mentioned. After some discussion by the city council a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Hatton that this matter be referred to the fire, light and water committee, and Vater Superintendent to bring in a report at the next meeting of the city council. Motion carried. The following communication from Jesse R. Wilcox was presented and read to the city council: rr Honorable I'�iayor and City Council, Anacortes, 'Jashino-ton. tD Anacortes, Wash. , February 23, 1944. Gentlemen: Owing to the fact that I have purchased a home in a different Ward and Precinct from where I was living, I hereby tender my resignation as Councilman from the Second Ward in Anacortes. I wish to express my thanks and approciation which you have extended to me as a member the City Council. With best wishes to each of you for the future, I am Yours very truly, Jesse R. Wilcom, 1315 11th Street t4 A motion was made by Brady and seconded by Hammons that the resignation: of Yesse R. Wilcox as Councilman from the Second Ward in the- city of Anacortes be accepted, and that the City Clerk write a letter to Mr. Wilcox thanking hien for his services on the city council. Motion carried. The.following communication from Oo E. Arges, Deputy Treasurer, was presented and read to the city council: tP February 28, 1944. The Honorable Mayor and City Council, Anacortes, 'Vlashington. Gentlemen: Re: Lot 15, Block 20, Original Plat Deed to City February 10, 1941. Mrs. Jessie Johnson the original owner of this lot has deposited with the City Clerk '015.43, the total amount of the fore- closure plus interest and costs. Mrs. Johnson wishes to clear title to this property and requests that a quit claim deed be issued to her. Considering that she haw. -paid the full amount of the assessments levied and other costs I would recommend that her request for deed be granted - Yours very truly, 0. E. Arges, Deputy Treasurer. it After some discussion a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Hammons that the request of Jessie Johnson mentioned in the above commtn cation be granted a and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign said quit claim deed. Ayes: Derby, Brady, Hatton, Hammons and Dodge. 11otion carried. The Pennsylvania Salt Mfg. Co. of Tacoma, t�ashington, presented a renewal of their contract to furnish chlorine to the city of Anacortes, this contract being the one in effect at the present time. A motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Brady that the contract between the city of Anacortes and the Penn- sylvania Salt Mfg. C o 0 of Tacoma be ren.ewed and that the Iaayo r an.d City Clerk be authorized to sign. said contract. Ayes, Hammons, Derby, Brady, Hatton and Dodge. Motion carried. GJ. V. Wells, City Attorney, recommended the acceptance of a surety bond for John James Kelley, police officer, and a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Dodge that said City Attorney's report be adopted. Motion carried. The Treasurer's report for the month of February, 1944, was presented and read to the City council, and was referred by the Mayor to the Finance Committee. The report of the Chief of Police for the month of February, 1944,, was presented and read to the city council, and a motion was made by Hatton, seconded by Dodge that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The report of the Police Justice for the month of February, 1944, was presented and read to the city council, and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Derby that said report be accepted and placed on file. motion carried. The report of the dater Superintendent for the month of February, 1944 was presented and read to the city council and a motion was made by Hammons, and seconded by Hatton that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carriel 1 J 1 1 b 19 March 7, 1944. Mr. T; G. McCrory, 'Vater Superintendent, presented the annual report of the Water Department for tree year 1943 and a motion Sas made by Brady and seconded by Hattons; that this report be referred to the Fire , Light and Wat er Commi tt ee.. Motion carried. The report of the Street Foreman for tree month of February, 1944, was presented and read to the City council. dnd a motion was made by Derby and :seconded by Dodge that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The gasoline report for the, month of February, 1944, was presented and read to the city council and a motion was made by Hatton and seconded by Brady that this report be accepted and placed on file. I. -Lotion carried. Mr. L. E. Snider, Fire Chief, spoke to the city council and reported that the fire escape which has been under construction for some time has been completed on the City Community Building and that the upper part of the fire escape at the rear of the Anacortes Community Building had been repaired. The Fire Chief pointed out that a dangerous condition existing; at the lower end of the fire escape at the rear of the city community building was that the ehd of the fire escape was about 12 feet above the ground and a person dropping from the end of the ladder would land on the concrete stairway leading to the Imsement. The remedy the Chief offered was thit a wooden platform be build over the stair- way and other necessary precautions taken to improve this condition. After -some discussion a motion. was made by Derby and seconded by Hammons that this matter be referred to the Uater Department and dater Superintendent with cower -to act. Motion carri-ed. Councilman. Brady brought up the matter that there was a vacancy in the Anacortes Planning Commi scion, One person was suggested to fill this vacancy but no appointments were made. The renewal of the surety bond for 0. Arges was presented to the city council and a -motion was made -by Brady and seconded by Derby that said bond renewal be referred to the City Attorney. Notion carried. Bids for doing the city printing for the period from March, 1944 to ':arch, 1945, were considered at this time, and a motion made by Hammons and seconded by Derby that said printing bids be opened. Motion carried. The s&id printing bids were as follows: March 7,. 194.4.. 11702 "To the Honorable Mayor and City Council 70.40 of The City of Anacortes: it. . We respectfully submit the following bid for doing the City 70.40 ]Printing for the period from March 1, 1944, to Marfh 1, 1945: 'r For printing and publishing legal advertising in 70.40 6 -pt. solid type in 12 -em c1lumn inch, thirty-five '! cents ('354 per column inch, first insertion, ten 47.50 cents (10j1) per column inch each subsequent insertion. " We certify that all work to be done in connection with this print- 45.00 ing will conform to American standards of craf`tsman.ship and .shall be done in accordance with Union. regulations and will bear the Union label. Respectfully, " JjWACORTES API'RIC'AN, 25.00 Corn.elius Root, Withholding Editor and Publisher. " " March 7, 1944 " Postage Mayor Peters and Members of the City Council, 5.00 Anacortes, Washington. Servidd Gentlemen: 5.05 We hereby submit the following bid for doing the legal Supplies printing for the City of Anacortes from March 1, 1944 to March 1, 1945: Virst insertion 6 point solid, 12 ems, column inch, 50g' Second and subsequent insertions, column inch 100 Your attentio6 is called to the advantage of the daily service and the very large circulation. Very truly yours, DAILY P.7iRCURY, By Margaret McNary, Publisher. It A motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Dodge that the .bid,. of the Anacortes American. be accepted. Ayes, Hammons, Derby, Brady, Hattori and Dodge. Motion carries. At this time the following claims for the month of February, 19444, .against the city of Anacortes, were presented and read to the city council: 0. E. Arges John G. Dorcy W. V. %tells Dr. A.B. Cook A. R. aellenthin 0. E. Arges Vim. McMinn, ',rithholding Tax Fund G.N. Dalstead, P.2. Burroughs Adding Mach. Trick and :.,;urray CURRENT EXPENSE: 11702 Salary as Deputy Treasurer 70.40 11703 it. if City Clerk 70.40 11704 'r " City Attorney 70.40 11705 '! ° City Health Officer 47.50 11706 " " Police Justice 45.00 11707 TM It Janitor, City Hall 56.40 11708 " 10 Dog Catcher 25.00 11709 Withholding Tax 14.90- 11710 Postage for Clerk's Office 5.00 Co. 11711 Servidd on Adding Hachine 5.05 .11712 Supplies for Clerk's office 6.95 620 I:Iarch 7, 1944 Henry Davey 11713 One Plumbing Inspection. 1.50 Affleck Bros. 11714 Fuel Oil for "'ire Dept.. 4.15 Anacortes Gas Co. 11715 Gas for City Hall, 2 Months 9085 Island Transfer Co.. 11716 Fuel Oil for City Hall 28027 James KcLachlan 11717 Plumbing Installations City Hall 95.83 Schwartz Iron Vlorks 117.18 Fire Escape & Repairs, 1933 Lights used at Library 10092 Community Building 368042 Curtis .harf Co. 11719 Coal for City hall 155.02 H. H. Hinshaw 11720 Salary as Chief of Police 195060 Nick Petrish. 11721 Salary as Asst.Chief �f Police 192.00 Jack Goff 11722 1t it.Captain of olice 174040 L. Pollard 11723 1P & Patrolman. 160.80 Jack Kelley 117244 1° rc Patrolman 162.00 Ray Beaszizo 11725 1o, °f. Patrolman 156.80 Withholding Tax Fund 11726 Withholding Tax reductions 78090= Benson Motors 11727 Service on Police Car 14099 City Street Fund 11728 Gasoline used in Fire & Polo Dept o 52.16 Colvin"s Service Station 11729 Service on Police Car 100 9 Dept. of Labor & Indo 11730 Ind Ins and Med Aid 11.0 H. H. Hinshaw 11731 Cash Advanced 2024 Hill°s Service Station 11732 Tire for Police Car 22048 Central Furniture Store 11733 Equipment for City hall 1.!8.13 E.A. Abbott Motor Co. 11734 Service on Police Car 7073 L. E. Snider 11735 Salary as Fire Chief 196044 Bert Verrall 11736 Salary ai. Asst Fire Chief 177097 Oliver Hauge 11737 11 * Capt. Fire Dept. 175089 Psi. G. Strock 11738 'o co- Fireman 162.50 Carl Strock 11739 " to, Fireman- 162.50 K. W. Snart 11740 i° 1° Fireman 158.6o R. E. Pollard 11741 " rr Fireman 153.40 M. Iversen 11742 Call Man Fire Dept. 20.00 Wm;, Beale 117443 W W Fire Dept. 3000 George ililler 11744 r° t0 Fire Dept.. 2.00 Fred Fisher 11745 " It Fire Dept. 2000 A. Mondhan 11746 " f4. Fire Dept. 2.00 R. Boyes 1174 ton Fire Dept. 2.00 R. McDougall 1174 to IV & Extra Fire man 6.53 Ha Chevrier 11749 it 1Q. Fire Dept. 1000 J. G. Dorcy 11750 Extra Fireman 4.53 Firemen's Rel & Pension Fund 11751 21 Firemen's Salaries 25.90 Withholding Tax Fund 11752 Withholding Tax Deductions 85.06= Anacortes Water Depta 11753 Hydrant Rental 565000 L. E. Snider 11754 Mileage on Car 18000 Robbins Lumber Co. 11755 Supplies for Fire Dept. 068 Anacortes Laundry 11756 Laundry Service, Fire & Police 5.16 Allan's 11757 Supplies for Fire Dept. 3.74 Marine Supply & Hardware 11758 Material & Supplies 13..24 Rogers Shoe Shop 11759 Tarpaulin Repairs 2.50 Sanderson Safety Supply Co. 11760 Supplies for Fire Dept. 21.72 Voitus Furniture Co. 11761 Material and Supplies 21.06 Trulson T4lotor Co. 11762 Truck Repairs, Fire Dept. 21027 VIm. Go McCallum 11763 Bonds and Insurance 15064 Southside Hardware Co. 11764 Supplies for Fire Dept. 090 Schwartz Iron Works 11765' Melding in City Hall 14,17 The Fern Press 11706 Printiog and Supplies 37.54 H. E. Mansfield 11767 Salary as Coordinator 50000 W. V. yYe11s 11768 Rent of Civilian Defense '-'ffice 10.00 'Jest Coast Telephone Co. 11769 Telephone Service 18-32 Pioneer Inc. 11770 Registration Supplies 27049 Puget Sound P.,& Lt. Co. 11771 Lighting Service- 291.68 Iuaunicipal Fin Officers 11772 Membership in Mun.Fin.Off.Ass°n 10000 James McLachlan 11773 Cleaning Out Pulg13ed Jail Sewer Publishing 6>00 Anacortes American 11774 Printing and 33.43 Constance Fox Blanche Sackett Rita Brassil Ruth Elvin Paul Harshall ilithholding Tax Fund Anacortes UJat er Dept. Puget Sound .Po & Lt.. Co. Dept. Labor & Industry A.C. McClurg J. K. Gill Co. Doubleday, Doran & Co. The H.W. Milson Co. Herman Goldberger Agency Jo E. Harding `:falter C. Strong fjt.,htLojd,1ggl.Tax Fund Io 3; Cahail �ii�•t-i:s 'Gfharf"�•o< , , •. �-ci� Colvin°s Service Station City Street Fund Dept. of Labor & Industries LIBRARY FU ITD . Salary as Park Supt. 1926 Salary as Librarian 137.40 1927 11 to Asst. Librarian 90040 1928 Substitute work at Library 3.50 1929 Substitute at Library 1.50 1930 Janitor at Library 74. 31 1931 Withholding Taxes 31- 9- 1932 Water used at Library 2.50 1933 Lights used at Library 10092 19 34 Ind Ins & i.Ied Aid .40 1835 Books for Library 1.98 1936 Books for Library 16.62- 6.621937 1937 Books for Library 9008 1938 Magazine Subscription 6.00 1939 Hiagazine Subscriptions 56015 PARK FUND.. 1467 Salary as Park Supt. -160.80 1468 'r PO Park Employee 144.80 1469 Withholding Tax deductions 24.40- 1470 R@ht of aadk OPLaWo 2..25 14�q 2&tdpi-a1 'fo•r ,V�rk. Depto 3.13 1472 Service & Supplies 3-35 1473 Gasoline used in Park Truck 4.72 1474 Ind Ins & Had Aid 6.05 1 1 1 1 621 March 7, 1944 7,7ITHHOLDING TAS. FUND. Peoples Nat. Bank of '�' ash . 8 Withholding tax deductions 477.99- 6/A! + R DEPARTA,:ENT FUND T. G. McCrory 7937 Salary as :;late r Dupt . 272.80 Sadie I1. Arges 7938 Salary as Cashier 141,60 Charles 'Wedlund 7939 It "I+Dater Foreman 204,41 Russell Carolan 7840 It 10 Serviceman 176.66 71. 0. Rogers 7941 1° ,t Filterman 180000 G. F. Keller 7942 1f to Filterman 171.20 A. Sirett 7943 it '4 Filterman 152080 Frank Deane 7944 It it Filterman 130.40 Lester Thomas 79445 it 'f Pumpman 162.42 John G. Dorcy 7946 1°. ro Bookkeeper 48>00 Laure ne McDougall 7947' '° t0 C'le rk 65.60 Withholding Tax Fund 7948; 'Jithholding Tax Deductions 146.05 - Will B. Ellis, Co.Treas. 7949 Fire Patrol Tax 80.76 Simpson's Electric Shop 7950 Supplies for Filter Plant 5.19 Curtis Wharf Co. 7951 Material and Supplies 81.22 Schwartz iron Works 7952 Material and Supplies 18.89 Marine Supply & Ilard'erare 7953 Material and Supplies 17.56 Island Transfer Co. 7954 Fuel ail for Filter Plant 14..45 Pennsylvania Salt C o . 7955 Chlorine for Water Dept. 59.78 Puget Sound P. & Lt. C o 0 7956 Power and Service 1136.95 Wallace & Tiernan Co. 795.7 farts for Chlorinator 1.44 Dept. of Labor & Ind. 7958 Ind Ins &- Med Sid 13.08 Brown Lumber Co. 7959 Lumber for '-7ater Dept . 4077 Archie Young ?960 Labor, Material �: Supplies 21.744 Skagit Valley Tel. Co. 7961 Telephone Service at Avon 16.46 Skagit Electric Co. 7962 Rent on Electric Llotor 64.38 DeLaval Steam Turbine Co. 7963 Pump Parts for Avon Pump 162..38 Standard Oil Co. 7964 Gasoline for Wh.:,a.ke Pump Eng. 32.18 :'lest Coast Telephone Co. 7965 Telephone Service20,35 Colvin's Service Station 7966 Tire Repairs 1.97 E.A. Abbott Motor Co. 7967 Service x Supplies 2..68 Truck Service & Eqpt. Cp. 7968 Parts for truck 1.49 City Street fund 7969 Gasoline used in motor vehicles 17.15 Tax Commission 7970 Business Tax 493.40 G. N. Dalstead 7971 Postage for Water Dept . 10.00 The Fern Press 7972 Printing and Supplies 18.54 Skagit Bonded 'Collectors ?973 Collection of 'later bills 6>00 CITY STREET FUND P. E. Olson. 1730 Salary as Street Foreman 182.80 Lynn Balc omb 1731 to Graderman 172.40 Roy McDougall 1732 It Maintenance Ilan 174,80 Dave Summers 11733 " " Maintenance Llan 160.80 Lee Parish 1734 1D Street a"weeper 103.41 Wm. McMinn 1735 " o Dump Ilan 35.00 T. G. McCrory 1736 1P St. Supervisor 40.00 John G. Dorcy 1737 " " Bookkeeper 40.00 Withholding Tax. Fund 1738 Withholding Tax Deductions 96079 - Southside Hardware Co. 1739 Supplies for Street Dept. 1.48 Jack's Radio Service 1740 Grader Generator Repairs .77 Brown Lumber Co. 1741 Lumber for Street Dept. 25.51 Trulson Motor Co. 1742 Truck Repairs:, 1.55 Schwartz Iron Works 1743 Eequipment Repairs 10.39 Colvin's Service Station 1744 Grader Tire and Tire Repairs 4.41 Dept. .Labor c� Ind. 1745 Ind Ins & Med Aid 9..06 Puget Sound P. & Lt. Co. 1746 Po-uer for Crusher 37.50 47. E. Dolph 1747 Service for Street Dept; 3.50 Standard Oil Co. 1748 Gasoline & Fuel Oil 51.74 Shell Oil Co. 1749 Gasoline, City Pu%p 148000 Nelson Equipment Co. 1950 Grader Blades 42.02 Truck Service & Eqpt Co. 1751 Parts for Street Truck 11059 COM::UNITY BUILDING RENTAL FUND Puget Sound P. & Lt. Co. 9 Lights for Community Building 9032 : H. Martin 10 Labor & Idaterial, '0 a 50.09 A motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Hatton that the above claims be referred to the Finance Committee. Motion. carried. The Finance Committee considered the above claims and recommended that the claims be allaued. and warrants drawn in favor ---of same. A motion was made by Hatton. and seconded by Dodge that the recotmmendation of the Finance Committee -with reference to the clai0s against the city of Anacortes for the month of February, 1944 be adopted. 4es, Hammons, Derby,, Brady, Hatton and Dodge. Mot ion carried. 'TLr. Ralph Davisson spoke briefly to the city council about the plans for the future of the city and stated that he `*could speak to the council again ' in the . near future. 'i Having completed the business of the evening a motion. was made by Ha.mmons and seconded by Dodge that the meeting of the city council djourn. Notion carried. The meeting o the c' ty council dict then adjourn ATTEST i 1 City Clerk. idarch 21, 1944 The regular meeting - eeting- of the city council. of the City of Anaco rtes was called to order at 8:00 O'clock P.M. with Mayor C. A. Peters presiding. Roll was called and Schulz, Hammons, Derby and Brady were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. T. J. McCrocy, City Engineer, presented the following communication with refer- ence to. construction of a sewer outfall on 13th Street between Q ,venue and deep water, tog -;cher with outline of how the construction was to be made: a Honorable Mayor and City Council: Ifar ch 20, 1944. Reference: 13th Street Sewer Outfall. Gentlemen: I am submitting to you here with a plan for the extension of the 1211 Sewer on 13th Street from the bulkhead on Avenue Q to low water, a distance of approximately 258 feet. This is the sewer outfall which the state Department of Health wroto pbout-':8ome-.tome ago. The plan calls for pile bents 12 feet center to center to be driven along the center line of 13th Street, with a boom stick float along each side to protect the pipe and keep floating drift from lodging across the pipe at low tide. The estimated cost of the work including piling, pile -driving, lumber boom sticks and pipe in place is 31500.000 This work should be done during the low tides of May or June. As there was no provision made for this work in the 1944 budget, the work will have to be financed by an immergency ordinance the money coming from one of the State Aid Funds. . Yours very truly, TGIL. lm T. G. LicCrory City Engineer. After some discussion a motion was made by Brady, seconded by Schulz that the city council approve of the plan as submitted ny the City Engineer and that the City Attorney be instructed to draw up an emergency ordinance to provide funds , for the, construction of said 13th Street sewer outfall between Q avenue and low water.. Ayes, Schulz, Hammons, Derby and Brady. Motion carried. The following communication from i1. A. Grace, Director Civilian Protection, rlashington State Defense Council of Seattle, Washington, was presented and read to the .city council: P -3o4 A TO: Addressed Fire Chiefs, Property Officers March 15,, 1944. and Coordinators. FROM: V. A. Groce, Director, Civilian Pro tection, «'SDC SUBJECT: Surplus Army Trucks; As stated in previous correspondence, we were asked by the Treasury Procurement District Office to estimate the number of surplus army trucks needed for mounting fire fighting equipment and ambulance bodies eing furnished by the Federal Government through OCD. We received a number of replies but have not heard from some of you; however, we are taking a chance and asking for a truck for you anyway. You do not have to carry this any further unless you wish to purchase a truck. As .previouwISr atatod, we feel that the price is going to be very low -- only a fraction of what the truck is actually worth. If you have not already made your application to the Treasury Procurement Department, please do so without delay as we are furnishing them the estimate of trucks wanted today. Your application should go in Address: The Treasury Procurement District Office 2005 Fif tt. Avenue, Seattle, 1, Washington. Attention: Sales Division. Advise that you wish this truck for the mounting of either federal fire-fightinJ5 equipment or ambulance bodies, whichever the case may be. Trucks for other purposes are not available under this plan. We Vii11 keep in touch with the situation and do everything Ore possibly can to bring this matter to a successful conclusion. It would be very desirable if you would advise us if you have made application, then we will know just to what end we are working, otherfrise we would hot have the information concerning your location. For your further information, when trucks are available if you do not thick the price is right, there is no obligation for you to -buy. Title will pass to the community purchasing the truck. tZ Mr. L. Eo Snider, Fire Chief, spoke to the city council and pointgd out that the city of Anacortes had received a trailer pump unit from the Office of Civ- ilian Defense, but at the present time no truck was available fo_--tdiv_-this equipment in the event it was needed for fire protection, and urged that the city make application to the proper authorities for a used army truck to tow this trailer pump unit. After some discussion a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Hammons that this matter be referred to the Fire, Light and Mater Committee for their con- _1 1 1 I sideration. IZotion carried. March - 21, 1944 623 At a recent meeting of the city council the City Clerk was asked to obtain from*. - the Association of 'Jashington Cities model ordinances providing for a graduated scale of fees for building permits. At this time the City Clerk presented model ordinances from 'Lour -,i'ashington cities on this matter. No official -action was taken.on the matter of building permits and model ordinances at this time. A communi-ation from the Federal Publich Housing Authority with reference to the land used and -occupied by the Anacortes Housing project, was presented and read to the city council, and after some discussion a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Derby that said communication be referred to the City Attorney. Motion carried. A communication from the American 'Water Works Association which announced the meeting to be held in Olympia, '"Jashington, on May 13-14 was presented and read to the city council. After some discussion a motion was made by Hai-nmons and seconded by -Derby that Mt,. T.G. McCrory, 'Vater Superintendent, be given authority to attend this meeting &t Olympia, Washington, if it was at all possible for 'him to do so. .'Lotion carried. The City Attorneyvs report recommending the acceptance of a renewal certificate of surety bond of 0. E. Arges, as Deputy Treasurer, was presented and read to the city council. A motion was made by Berby and seconded by Schulz that the* recommendation of the City Attorney in this matter be adopted. Motion carried. _-Ir. T.. G. McCrory spoke to the City council and asked that some time be given Xthe committee on the matter of the selling of the timber around Heart Lake, and also reported that the platform under the fire escape at the read of the Anacortes Community Building had been completed. Ir. Ralph Davisson, State Examiner, spoke to tile city council at some length and gave a very interesrting and complete talk on municipal affairs. The State Examiner have many helpful suggestions for the conduct of the Anacortes city government in the future. Ur. Davii3son ,.-.as very complimentary in his remarks about the inanner in which city government has been conducted in the past and his helpful suggestions were very much appreciated by the Mayor and members of the city council. Among other matters which lar. Davisson, the State Examiner, presented and dis- cussed with the city council was a list of water bills all of which were over six.years old and were outlawed and for that reason could not be collected. Mr. Davisson recommended that the city council make a motion that these outlawedbills be cancelled in order that they might be removed from the city records., After some discussion a motion was made by Brady and seconded bly., Schulz that the list of outlawed accounts presented by the State Examiner in the amount of $8,346.42 be written off the city records, and that no person whose name appears on this list shall be given water in the future until the old bill has been paid,, anti that copy of this list be kept on file. Ayes, Schulz, Hwntrons , Derby, and Brady. '.1lotion carried The matter of appointing a councilman to fill the vanau§ry caused by the resignation of Jesse R. Wilcox was discussed at this time. Councilman Hammons nominated Carl J. Foss as councilman from the 2nd Ward to succeed Jesse R. "Wilcox. After some discussion a motion. was, made by Derby and seconded by Brady that Carl J. Foss be appointed tP sanre,;ds councilman from the Second %Ward for the unexpired term of Jesse R. Wilcox. Ayes, Schulz, Hammons, Brady and Derby. Lotion carried. Havin,:, completed the business of the evening a motion was made,by Hammons and �i U) seconded by Derby that the meeting of the city council adjourn. Motion carried. The meeting of the city council d id then adjourn. AT72ST :le rk. ITAYOR 24 April 4, 1944 The regular meeting of the city council of the City of Anacortes wasrr called to order at 8:00 o'clock P.M. with I',layor C.A. Peters presiding. Mr. Carl J. Foss, newly appointed as the member of the city council to fill the unexp red term of Jesse R. Wilcox, was duly seated in the city council. Roll was called and Schulz, Hammons, Foss, Derby, Brady, Hatton and Dodge were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. The following communication from Mrs. Lydia J. Douglas was presented and read to the city council: 14To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Anacortes: Gentlemen: I herewith make application to purchase Lots 3 and 4 of Block 50 of the Original Plat of the City of Anacortes, and submit an offer of $17.23 for each lot, the same being as I understand, the face amount of the unpaid assessments against the said lots. Dated April 4:, 1944 Lydia J. Douglas 19 After some discussion a motion was made by Schulz and seconded by Hammons :.What the offer of !yrs. Lydia J. Douglas for the purchase of Lots 3 and 4 Block 50 Original Plat of the City of Anacortes be accepted provided she pay the county taxes due on said lots. Ayes, Schulz, Hammons, Foss, Derby, Brady, Hatton and Dodge. Motion carried. A communication from the Association of Washington Cities was presented and read to the city council, which communication was an announcement of the State-wide Convention of the Association of '�'i ashington Cities to be held in Chehalis, Wash- ington May 22 and 23rd, 1944. After some discussion, a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Derby tit the mayor, members of the city council, the treasurer and city clerk be authorized to attend this Convention if they can possibly do so. Motion carried. Mr. Thompson, who recently purchased the building occupied by the Blue Bird Cafe, was -present and asked permission to construct a building 20x40 on the East side of said building. As this building is located within the limits of the Fire Sone and the building Mr. Thompson proposed to construct did not comply with the building requirements, he was not given permission to construct the building. Mr. C'. H. Moran spoke to the city council and asked permission to construct a frame building on the Northeast corner of 12th Street and 0. Ave. As this location is within the fire li,iits the construction of a frame building, such as Mr. Moran proposes to build, could not be allowed under the present building ordinance. The report of the City Treasurer for the month of Idarch, 1944, was presented and read to the city council and was referred by the Mayor to the Finance Committee. The report of the Chief of Police fog€ the month of march, 1944, was presented and read to the city douncil and a motion was made by Schulz and seconded by Hammons that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The report of the Police Justice dor the month of March, 1944, was presented and read to the city council, and a motion. was made by Hammons, seconded by Hatton that said report be accepted and placed on file. 1dotion. carried. The report of the Uater Superintendent for the month of Yarch, 1944 teras presented and read to the city council and a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Vchulz that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion -carried. The report of the Street Foreman for the month of Larfh, 1944, was presented and read to the city council and a motion. was made by Hatton, seconded by Dodge, that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The gasoline report for the month of Llarch, 1944, was presented and read to the city council and a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Hatton that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The dog problem was brought up by Councilman Derby and was discussed at some length. The principal complaint was the damage that dogs were doing to the Victory gardens in the city. A model Victory Garden dog ordinance as adopted by the city of Wenatchee, Uashington, was presented to the councilmen for their information, but no official action was taken in the matter. Mr. Ralph Davisson, State Examiner, spoke briefly to the city council and outliner. how the dog problem is handled in other cities. After some further discussion a motion was made by Brady, seconded by Derby,, that the model Victory Garden ordinance be referred to the License and Police Committee; to report later. Motion carried. Councilman Brady made an oral report on the proposed sale of timber around Heart Lake, and recommended that the timber on said lands be logged off, providing that a strip of at least 200 feet .wide be left on each side of the Heart Lake Road. At this time an Emergency Ordinance to provide funds for the construction of a sewer outfall from its present outlet on 13th Stre;e_t -to low tide was presented and read to the city councils for informati-on . A motion was made by Brady, and 1 1 1 1 Apr i 1 4, 1944 Please have the enclosed receipt executed and return all copies to this office in the addressed envelope which requires no postage. Yours very truly,. Aleen Hogshire, Special Attorney.. to After some discussion a motion was mad.e by Brady, seconded .by Derby, that the CtbbVe dommunicat ion be accepted and placed on file, and that the check for $1.00 be accepted and that the City Clerk be authorized to sign and return said receipts for the amount of �gl.00 mentioned in. the communication. 1,otion carried. hayor.C.A> Peters brought up the matter of a proposed sale of property owned by the c-ity and now occupied by a portion of the housing project in Anacortes. After some discussion, a Motion. was made by Brady, seconded by Schulz, that this matter be tabled until next meeting of the city council. lJotion. carried. Surety bonds for John B. Goff, Lawrence Pollard, Nick Petrish, police officers, O.DI. Durham, as special police officetn and a bond from the Anacortes American were presented to the city council, and a ~motion made by Brady and seconded by Hatton that said bonds be referred to the City Attorney. Notion carried. At his own request Councilman Dodge was excused at this time. The following claims against the city of Anacortes for the month of March, 1944 were -presented and read to the city council: CURR,E?STT 1 -ENSE O.E. Arges seconded by ,Hatton that said Emergency ordinance be given its f irst and second Salary as Deputy Treasurer readings by title. TvIotion carried. John •G. Dorcy Said ordinance was given its first and second readings by title and a motion Vras Salary as City Clerk made by .Brady and seconded by Schulz that said ordinance be published and that. V.. Wells .April 18, 1944, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. in the council chamber of the city hall be " " City Attorney designated as the time and place where any interested person might be heard for Dr. A. B. Cook or against the passing of said proposed Emergency ordinance. Ayes, Schulz, 'o- Health Officer Haramo.ns, Foss, Derby, Brady, Hatton and Dodge. Motion carried. A. Re Sellenthin A motion was made by Brady and seconded by Hammons that the city clerk call for "' " Police Justice bids -for piles and pile driving for a sever project which would provide a sewer O.E. Arges outfall on 13th Street from its present location to low water. Ayes, Schulz, " "' Janitor, City Hall Hammons, Foss, Derby, Brady, Hatton and Dodge. r7otion carried. 'Um. McIrlinn The following communication from the FedLral public Housing Authority was present- " " Dog Catcher ed and read to the city council : Withholding Tax Fund DET'ARTIMENT OF JUSTICE Nithholding Taxes 655 Skinner Building G. It.- Dalstead, P.M. Seattle, 1, "Jashington. Postage for Clerk's office 31 March 1944 Kee Lox L'fg. Co. Mr.-C.A. Peters, PJIayor Supplies for Clerk's Office City of Ahacortes, The Fern Press Anacortes, Washington. Printing and Supplies Dear !Jr. Peters: Curtif# Wharf Co. Enclosed is check No. 4337 in the amowit of X1.00, COU for City Hall payable to the amity of Anacortes, a municipal corporation, in full Shell Oil Company and complete satisfaction of the award for Parcel 1 in Cause No.687 Janitor's Supplies United States v. Certain Parcels of Land in the City o.f Anacortes,,, Affleck Bros. County of Skagit, State of Washington, et al. Fuel Oil, Fire Dept. This is in full payment of the judgment entered :'arch 27, 1944, and H. H. Hin*aw is the just compensation for the temporary use of said property by Salary as Chief of Police the Governt:ient for a period of one year beginning April 21, 1943. Please have the enclosed receipt executed and return all copies to this office in the addressed envelope which requires no postage. Yours very truly,. Aleen Hogshire, Special Attorney.. to After some discussion a motion was mad.e by Brady, seconded .by Derby, that the CtbbVe dommunicat ion be accepted and placed on file, and that the check for $1.00 be accepted and that the City Clerk be authorized to sign and return said receipts for the amount of �gl.00 mentioned in. the communication. 1,otion carried. hayor.C.A> Peters brought up the matter of a proposed sale of property owned by the c-ity and now occupied by a portion of the housing project in Anacortes. After some discussion, a Motion. was made by Brady, seconded by Schulz, that this matter be tabled until next meeting of the city council. lJotion. carried. Surety bonds for John B. Goff, Lawrence Pollard, Nick Petrish, police officers, O.DI. Durham, as special police officetn and a bond from the Anacortes American were presented to the city council, and a ~motion made by Brady and seconded by Hatton that said bonds be referred to the City Attorney. Notion carried. At his own request Councilman Dodge was excused at this time. The following claims against the city of Anacortes for the month of March, 1944 were -presented and read to the city council: CURR,E?STT 1 -ENSE O.E. Arges 11775 Salary as Deputy Treasurer 70.40 John •G. Dorcy 11776 Salary as City Clerk 70.40 V.. Wells 11777 " " City Attorney 7:7.4 Dr. A. B. Cook 11778 'o- Health Officer 38000 A. Re Sellenthin 11779 "' " Police Justice 18.00 O.E. Arges 117$0 " "' Janitor, City Hall 56.40 'Um. McIrlinn 11781 " " Dog Catcher 25.00 Withholding Tax Fund 11782 Nithholding Taxes 51.40- G. It.- Dalstead, P.M. 11783 Postage for Clerk's office 5.00 Kee Lox L'fg. Co. 11784 Supplies for Clerk's Office 1.03 The Fern Press 11785 Printing and Supplies 28.33 Curtif# Wharf Co. 11786 COU for City Hall 62.60 Shell Oil Company 11787 Janitor's Supplies 1.55 Affleck Bros. 11788 Fuel Oil, Fire Dept. 4.15 H. H. Hin*aw 11789 Salary as Chief of Police 195>60 Nick .Petrish 11790 " " Asst. Chief of Police 192.00 Jack -Goff 11791 " " Capt. of Police (Cancelled) T. Pollard 11792 " Patrolman 160.80 Jack Kelley 11793 " n Patrolman 162.00 Raymond Beaszizo 11794 " " Patrolman 156.80 Withholding Tax Fund 11795 Withholding Taxes 78.90 - Benson Motors 11?96 Repairs and Service, Police Car 32.50 Colvin's Service Station 11797 Tire Repairs .52 Hill?s Service Station. 11798 Servuce on Police Car 2.93 Samuel G. Brooks, M.D. 11799 Medical Service, City Jail 3.00 1.Jept . of Labor c -c Ind. 11800 Ind Ins & id -ed Aid 11.49 I.: E . Snider 1 18Y Salary as Fire Chief 196.44 Bert Verrall 11802 Salary as Asst Fire Chief 177,97 626 April 4.;,1944 CT=NT EXPENSE CCont. ) Oliver Hauge 11803 Salary as Capt. Fire Dept. 175.89 M. G. Strock 11804 it to Fireman 162.50 C. Strock 11805 to U Fireman 162.50 K. 71. Snart 11.806 tQ tQ Fireman 159.91 R.. -E. Pollard 11807 it Fireman 40.75 H. Chevrier 11808 Call Yari, Fire Dept. 3000 J. G. Dorcy 11809 1t to and extra Fireman. 34.90 R. McDougall 11810 f0 'o- It to. 32.77 Y. Iversen 11811 1° 'o- U tor 27.97 A. Yond!gan 11812 i4 °' 't 5000 L. Monroe 11813 Itto " °' 23.44 Firemen's Rel &Pen Fund 11814 2% of Firemen ° s Salaries 23.44 7ithholding Tax Fund 11815 Withholding Taxes 102.81- Anacortes Water Dept; 11816 Hydrant Rental 565.00 Fabric Fire Ilose Co. 11817 Fire Hose 387.50 City Street Fund 11818 Gasoline used Fire & Police Fire 72.20 Simpson's Electric Shop 11819 Supplies for Dept. .62 L. E. Snider 11820 Mileage and Cash advanced 18.95 I:Iarine Supple & Hardware 11821 L.Iaterial and Supplies 10.40 Robbins Lumber Co. 11822 21aterial for Fire Dept. .26 J. C. Penney Co. 11823 Supplies for Fire Dept.. 2.41 Lyle Duncan 11824 Supplies for Fire Dept. 10.00 South Side Hardware Co. 11825 Supplies for Fire Dept.. 3.44 Trulson Ldotor Co. 11826 Fire Truck Repairs 2447 H. E. Mansfield 11827 Salary as Coordinator 50.00 West Coast Telephone Co. 11828 Telephone Service 14.65 Island Transfer Co. 11829 Fuel Oil, City Hall & ®CD 22.22 Gd. V. Wells 11830 Rent of Civilian Defense Office 10.00- 0.00Puget PugetSound P. & Lt. Co. 11831 Lighting Service 295.14 Anacortes Shipways 11832 Blueprints for Server Project 1.98 %1m. G. McCallum 11833 Ins. & Bonds 20.64 LIBR-IRY FUND Constance Fox 1940 Salary as Librarian. 138.40 Blanche Sackett 1941 Salary as .Asst Librarian 90.40 Paul Marshall 1942 Salary as Tan.itor 74.31 Withholding Tax Fund 1943 Withholding Taxes (Can.celled) Anacortes Water Dept. 1944 rater used at Library 2.50 Puget Sound P. & Lt. Co. 1945 Lights used at Library 5.54 Dept. of Labor & Ind. 1946 Ind. Ins 1�1 Led Aid .45 Voitus F&rniture Store 1947 Building repair supplies 3.61 A.C. McClurg & Co. 1948 Books for Library 5.00 Thomas Nicholson 1949 Sharpening Lawn iaower. 1.25 The National Surveys 1950 Books for Library 10.77 The H.71. i;ilson Company 1951. Books for Library 70.00 Doubleday, Doran & Co. 1952 Books for Library 1.75 Harry Moen 1953 Stood for Library 20.00 Vlithho.lding Tax Fund 1954 To replace No. 1943 31.89 P ARK F UND J'. E. Harding 1475 Salary as Park Supt. 160.80 Walter C. Strong 1476 Salary as Park Emploee 144.80 Withholding Tax Fund 1477 Withholding Taxes 24.40 Deptartment of Labor & Ind. 1478 Ind Ins & lied Aid 6.88 City Street Fund 1479 Gasoline used in Park Truck 6.10 Leo Schman,d t 1480 Supplies 2.50 WATER DEPARTMENT T. G. McCrory 7974 Salary as 'eater Supt. 272.80 Charles Uedlund 7975 Salary as dater Foreman. 200.43 Russell Carolan 7976 to to Serviceman 174.80 71. Q. Rogers 7977 to to.Filterman 1$0..00 G. F. Keller 7978 1Q 1° Filterman. 171.20 A. Sirett 7979 t° " Filterman 152.80 Frank Deane 7980 a 1° Filterman 130.40 I Lester Thomas 7981 to is Pumpman 1584.36 i John G. Dorcy 7982 it to Bookkeeper 480 00 ! Lauren e McDougall 7983 It 't C le rk 76.80 John Anderson 7984 '.7ag8 s as'PLabo rbr 5.40 Sadie %i: Arges 7985 Salary as Water Cashier 141.60 Withholding Tax Fund 7986 Withholding taxes 152. 35 Pennsylvania Salt Co. 798 Chlorine for Water Dept. 118-$6 Puget Sound P. & Lt. Co. 7988 Power and Service 1177.30 Curtis ',Wharf Co. 7989 Material for Filter Plant 45.32 Simpson's Electric Shop 7990 Supplies for Filter Plant 4.54 ?est Coast Telephone Co. 7991 Telephone Service 16..90 Island Transfer Co. 7992 Fuel Oil, Filter Plan.t 20.98. ';Tarine Supply Hardware 7993 iraterial and Supplies 33.28 Skagit Valley Tel. Co. 7994 Telephone at Avon 7.01 G.N. Dalstead, P.I.T. 7995 Postage for eater Office 6.00 dallace & Tiernan Sales Co. 7996 Supplies for Filter Plan.t .52 Delaval Steam Turbine Co. 7997 Parts for Avon Pump 309.77 Rains Wood Iek1 Packing 7998 Supplies, `later Dept; 12.21 Simmonds Paint Co. 7999 Supplies for Water Dept. 33.31 627 Apr i 1 4, 1944 1 A motion vias inade by Hammons, and seconded by Derby, that the above claims -be referred to the Finance Vommittee. Motion carried. The Finance Committee considered the said claims and recommended that the claims be allowed and warrants be drawn in favor of the same. A. motion was made by Brady and seconded by Derby that the recommendation of the Finance Committee with regard to the claims for the month of Iylarch, 1944, be adopted. Ayes, Schulz, Hammons, Foss, Derby, Brady and Hatton. Motion: carried. Mr. Ralph Davisson, State Examiner, spoke to the city council about the sale of the lots to Mrs. Lydia J. Douglas and recommended that the city draft an inven- tory of all the foreclosed property held by the city of Anacortes. Having completed the business of the evening, a motion was made by Schulg,,.,,@,nd seconded by Hammons that the meeting of the city council adjourn. Motion carried The meeting; of the city council did then adjourn. W_2 / 1.ZAY0 R ATTEST: - (. 1 City Cler ';DATER. DEPARTI017 (Cont.) Skagit Electric Co. 8000 Labor and Service, Avon Pump 23-79 City Street Fund 8001 Gasoline used "Tater Vehicles 17.95 Colvin's Service Station 8002 Tire service & Repairs 21.54 E.A. Abbott I,.ot.or Co. 8003 Repairs to Dodge Coupe 42..27 Dept. of Labor Industries 8004 Ind Ins & 1.1.ed Aid 14.71 The Fern Press 8005 Printing; and Supplies 48.20 C I 7Y S ^P. ,+ T 7J!.M P. E. Olson 1752 Salary as Street Foreman 182.80 Lynn Balcomb 1753 1° W Graderman 172.440 Roy McDougall 1754 If " Maintenance man 174.80 Dave Summers 1755 it, to Maintenance man 160.80 Lee Parish 1756 If it Street Sweeper 103.41 Wm. Idcl-.�inn 1757 if it Dump Ilan 35-00 T.. G. McCrory 1758 It it St. Supervisor 40.00 John G. Dorcy 1T59 " " Bookkeeper 40.00 Withholding Tax Fund 1760 Jithholding Taxes 96.79 - Standard Oil Co. 1761 Gasoline and Oil 132.23 I Curtis Wharf Co. 1762 Material for Street Dept. 3.09 Brown Lumber Co. 1763 Lumber for Street Dept. 5.64 Marine Supply 11ardware 1'764 Material and Supplies 1.65 Howard Cooper Corp. 1765 Parts for Grader 13.19 PuE�eet Sound Power & Lt. 1766 Po,aer for Crusher 37.50 Simmonds Paint Co. 1767 Supplies for Street Dept. 6.94 E.R. Abbott 1:FIotor Co. 1768 Truck Repairs 11.30 ! Colvin Service Station 1769 Tire recapping 22.10 Svuthsidd�,Ha.rdi'are 17.7Q Supplies for Street Dept.. .46 Trulson Uotor Co. 1771 Truck Repairs 15045 Dent. of Labor & Ind.. 1772 Ind Ins & Vied iSid 19.88 CO1:11fl LAITY BUILDING RENTAL FUND Puget Sound Pourer & Lt.. 11 Lights for Community Building 9.20 Brown Lumber Co. 12 Lumber for " 't 6080 %VITTIHOLDING TAX FUND People's National Bank of tin. 9 Withholding Tax Fund 538.54 1 A motion vias inade by Hammons, and seconded by Derby, that the above claims -be referred to the Finance Vommittee. Motion carried. The Finance Committee considered the said claims and recommended that the claims be allowed and warrants be drawn in favor of the same. A. motion was made by Brady and seconded by Derby that the recommendation of the Finance Committee with regard to the claims for the month of Iylarch, 1944, be adopted. Ayes, Schulz, Hammons, Foss, Derby, Brady and Hatton. Motion: carried. Mr. Ralph Davisson, State Examiner, spoke to the city council about the sale of the lots to Mrs. Lydia J. Douglas and recommended that the city draft an inven- tory of all the foreclosed property held by the city of Anacortes. Having completed the business of the evening, a motion was made by Schulg,,.,,@,nd seconded by Hammons that the meeting of the city council adjourn. Motion carried The meeting; of the city council did then adjourn. W_2 / 1.ZAY0 R ATTEST: - (. 1 City Cler 628 April 18, 1944 A Regular Meeting of the C.i.t.y Council of the. G•ity of Anacortes. was called to order at �8 • as clock P. M.. with payor. C 4.' Pet ers_ presiding. The roll. was called and Hammons, Foss< and Brady were present. Not having a quorum present,- a`,hotion was made by Brady and seconded by Foss that the meeting adjourn to May 2, 1944'at 8 oPclock P. M. Motion carried. the meeting did so adjourn. Attest: ,• .Try'ity Clerk Mayor - May 2, 19 44 The regular meeting of the city council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at -8:00 o'clock P.M. with Mayor C.A. Peters presiding. Roll was called and Schulz, HAmmons, Foss, Derby, Brady, Hattan and Dodge were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved with•a correction. KThe following is the correction on the second paragraph regarding the sale of timber at Heart Lake, at the bottom of page 624 of this record, the following words to*be added after the word t°Road" o "and also 200 feet around Heart Lake". The following communication. from Causland Post No. 13, American Legion: was pre- sented and read to the city council: n 11ay 2 , 1944. iU To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Anacortes, Un. Causland Yost of the American Legion and Arthur E. Carlson Post Idet.. of Foreign :Jars respectfully ask your permission tv hold an outdoor carnival (Seigler's Greater Shows) on the leasehold of the Shell Oil Co- at 13th Ste and Como Ave. to be held on or abo ut t he week * of June 20 to 27th, 1944. C. R. Ames, ' Adj t. Causland Post #13 Fred F. Ellison, Commander Local V.F.W. Post 9 After some discussion a motion was made by Bodge and seconded by Schulz that permission be granted to the American, Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars to sponsor a carnival, as requested in the above communication: .:Ayes,. Schuh, Hammons, Foss, Derby, Brady, Hatton and Dodge. Lotion carried. Pyr. C.H. Moran again appeared before the city council to obtain a building permit for the construction of a frame building at the Northeast, corner of 12th Street and 0 Avenue. This location is within the fire limits and a motion. was made by Brady and seconded by Hatton tUat this matter be continued until the next meeting of the city council. Motion carried. Mr. G.N. Dalstead spoke to the city council on behalf of the Recreation Com- mittee and asked the city council to furnish light and water for this project and also gave an outline of the recreational program for the summer and fall. The matter of the legality of the city of Anacortes paying for the lights and water in the Community Building was discussed at some length, and a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Hammons that the Building Committee, together with the City Attorney, further consider this matter and make a report at a later meeting. Motion carried. The following communication from Mr. T.G. McCrory, Water Superintendent, with regard to the list of notes of water users was presented and read to the city council: April 18, 1944. 'Honorable Mayor and City Council: The attached list of names are old water users which we still have their notes on our books as part of the accounts receivable. These parties have all gone through bankruptcy or are deceased. At the suggestion of Mir. Davisson, State Examiner, I am submitting this list to you, so you can take appropriate action, authorizing the eater Department to remove these acc®nnts from their books. Yours very truly, T.G. McCrory, eater SuperintendentPO After some discussion a motion was made by Brady, seconded by Derby, that the request of the Water Superintendent to authorize the S+Jater Department to remove the above described accounts from their books as outlines in the above communi- cation be granted. Ayes: Schuls, Hammons, Foss, Derby, Brady, Hatton and Dodge. Idiotion carried. The following communication from the Chamber of Commerce with regard to removing the shields from the street. lights of the City of Anacortes was presented and read to the city council: 1 1 7 LA 1 1 Llay 2, 1944 April 24, 1944. "To the City Clerk, Anacortes, Washington. Dear Snlr : It has �eea brought to our attention that the other cities and towns about the Northwest Piave done away with the dimouts as ordered under the recent war regulations, and so far Anacortes has continued to have the street lights dimmed as ordered. At the meeting of the Chamber of Commerce Monday noon it was voted to ask the City Council to take the matter up with the Puget Sound Porter & Light Co. and have the street lights put back on the pre-war lighting, so that we might again have bright lights on our city streets. Thanking you for calling the attention of the City Council to this matter, we are Very truly yours, ANACORTES C HAMF51ER OF C OLS LE.RCE By Leroy L. Todd, President. "' There was much discussion of the matter of street lights and as far as could be determined from the Puget Sound Rower & Light Co. none of the surrounding cities such as Seattle, Everett, Bellingham, Yount Vernon or Sedro-Woolley had removed their shields from their ornamental lighting system. The following is a para- graph "a" of Section 6 of Public Proclamation No.19 which ordered the shielding of the street lights: "RESTRICTIONS IN LIGHTING ZONE C. Subject to the exceptions hereinafter provided, during the hours specified in Section 3 hereof?�4natpn. u within Lighting Soze C shall be c-ontrolled as follows: (a) Upward Mghta..:-All electric incandescent lamps in excess of 100 watt capacity, and all other light sources producing equivalent light inten- sity, when located out-of-doors, shall be shielded so that no direct rays from any light sources located within or above any ten foot square of out door ground area shall be deemed to be a single light source, and .if. the aggregate intensity of such an agP4inulation of light sources exceeds the limit expressed in the preceding sentence, then all such light sources shall be shielded. it The following is an excerpt from a communication received from. Headquarters destern Division Command, San Francisco, California, under date of October 28, 1943, from Lieut. Gen. Delos C. Emmons: "The lighting restrictions hereby suspended may be renewed in full force and effect at any time and from time to time as may be deemed necessary because of the imilitary situation:. " A motion was made by Derby, seconded by Dodge, that the City Clerk write to the Chamber of Commerce and explain the reasons for keeping the shields on the ornamental lighting as outlined above. Lotion carried. The following communication from I9r. T.G. Mi cCrory, grater Superintendent, was presented and read to the city council: " April 28, 1944 Honorable mayor and City Council, Gentlemen: As has been the custom. for the last few years, I would recommend that, during Q@ summer months, starting with the meter Leading in the middle of May and ending on. a like date in. October, the minimum amount of water charged to regular users to be increased from 500 cu. ft, to 1000 ou.ft. per month,. this increase, of course being contingent on our having a surplus of water over our regular requirements. Respectfully submitted, T.G. McCrory, `later Superintendent." A motion was.made by Hammons and seconded by Schulz that the above recommendation of the �Aater Superintendent as outlined in the above communication be adopted.. Uotion carried. Par. 17. V. ;jells, City Attorney, recommended the acceptance of the following bonds; issued by Maryland Casualty Co. for OX. Durham as special policeman; Lawrence Pollard, police patrolman; John B. Goff, patrolman; also Bond issued by Continental Casualty Co. for Nick Petrish, city police patrolman, and the Supply Contract Bond furnished by the Anacortes American for doing the city printing. A motion was made by Yzady, seconded by Hatton, that the recommendationof the City Attorney in accepting the above Bonds be adopted. Motion carried. The report of the City Treasurer for the month of April, 1944, was presented and read to the city council, and referred by the :Mayor to the Finance Committee. The report of the Chief of Police for the month of April, 1944, was presented and read to the city council and a motion was made by Hatton and seconded by Foss that said report be accepted and placed on fi.le. Motion carried. The report of the Police Justice for the month of April, 1944, was presented and read to the city council, and a motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Hammons that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The report of the Water Superintendent for the month of April, 1944, was presented and read tothe city council, and a motion was made by Schulz and secondedby Hammons that said report be accepted and placed on file. Kotion carried. The report of the Street Foreman. for the month of April, 1944„ was presented May 2, 1944 and read to the city council, and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Schulz that said report be accepted and placed on file. Hot ion carried. The report of the Fire Department for the month of March, 1944, was presented and read to the city council, and a motion was made by Schulz and seconded by Derby that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The gasoline report for the month of April, 1944„ was presented and read to the city council, and a motion was rade by Brady and seconded by Derby that said report be accepted and placed on file. !,lotion carried. Lir. T. Go McCrory, Street Supervisor, presented the following agreement to the city council: 371284 vol. 193 huge 297 KNOW UL MET BY THESE PRES113UTS. That I, Elton 11ogenson, a widower, residing in Bellingham, Washington, being the title owner of the lands and premises hereinafter described, for the consideration of the sum of one hundred dollars (,',?'100000), do hereby give and grant unto the City of Anacortes, a municipal corporation, the exclusive right and privilege for the period of ten years, commencing with the lst day of. May, 1944 and ending with the 1st day of May, 1954, of going upon the premises jeteinafter described and taking and removing therefrom auch sand and gravel as to the said City may be useful and in such quantity and quatities as said City mayu esire, and to that end to install upon the said premises gravel bunkers or machinery of any kind which it haay use in the gravel operations; to remove trees and overburden of any kind which may obstruct or impede the operations of reach and removing the said safid and gravel; and to do all things necessary and convenient to facilitate the said operations. The said premises are described as follows: Located in the NE4 of NTk' of Nil -1: of Section 27, Tp 35 N Range 1 E. W.M. more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the NE corner of the NEI of NYV-4 of MQ of Section 27, Tp. 35 N R 1 Eo W.Mo ; thence west along the north line of said Section 27 a distance of 507047 feet; thence So 62 degrees 3° along the center line of the Alexander Beach Road to the east line of NE -j of N7j- of NWI of said Section 27; thence north 0 degrees 40' 30" 2- a distance of 269037 feet to point of beginning, less right of way for Alexander Beach Road, containing 1.2 acres, more or less, on Fidalgo Island, Skagit County, Washington. Dated the 3rd day of May-, 1944. (Signed) Elton Mogenson STWTE OF 'SlASHINGTON ) :SS County of Whatcom On this 3rd day of May, 1944, pe rso nally appeared before me , the undersigned Notary Public, Elton 1dogenson,, to me known to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as as and for his free and voluntaty act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. Witness my hand and notarial seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. (Notarial Seal) (Signed) Leon J. Pinkey Notary Public in and for the State of Vashington, residing at Bellinghaii .After some discussion. a Motion was made by Brady and seconded by Dodge that the recommendation of the acceptance of the above agreement by Mr, T.G. McCrory, be:. da,pted. Ayes, Schulz, Hammons, Foss, Derby, Brady, Hatton and Dodge. :Motion. carried. Mr. L.E. Snider, fire chief, outlined a plan whereby it would be possible to have two men from the Coast Guard placed on the Anacortes Fire Department. The men would work 24 hours on and 24 hours off duty, The city would have to pay for two meals per day, and the city would also have to provide liability insurance for the men while on duty. After some discussion., a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Hammons that the city council make a request for two men -from the Coast Guard to work in the .Anacortes Fire Department, under the plan outlined above. Motion carried.. The matter of purchasing linoleum for the recreation room in the Fire Department was discussed and a motion. was made by Derby and seconded by Brady that this matter be referred to the Fire, Light and Water Committee and Fire Chief. Motion carried. An emergency Ordinance to provide funds in the amount of ;1500000 to pay for the sewer outfall to be installed on the Last end of 13th Street was considered at this time. This emergency ordinance had been advertised in the Anacortes :American the officiab newspaper of the city of Anacortes, and April 18, 1944, at 8:00 o°cloc:c P.H. in the Council chamber of the city hall was the time and place for any tax- payer to } e heard against the passing of this Ordinance. There being no protests against the passage of this Ordinance, a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Schulz that said ordinance be given its third and final reading by sections. Motion carried. Section 1 was read, and a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Schulz that Section one be adopted. Motion carried. Section, 2 was read,, and a motion was made by Schulz and seconded by Hatton that Section two be adopted. Motion. carried. 1 631 I:Iay 2 , .1944 Section 3 was read, and a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Dodge that erection three be adopted. Ilation carried. A Motion was made by Brady and seconded by Schulz that said Ordinance declaring an emergency and making. provision for meeting same.. be adopted as a whole. Ayes: Schulz., Harzmons, Foss, Derby, 13rady, Hatton and -Dodge. Hot ion .carried. The following communication from the Federal Housing Authority was presented and read to the city council: "Regional Office 1326 Fifth Avenue, Seattle 1, `Jashin-Ston. Apr i 1 12, 1944 In reply please refer to: R:IX:LAI\ID WASH. -45o96 "Housing Authority of the Torn of Anacortes Mr. 0..r,I. Durham, Chairman, Anacortes, `Washington. Gentlemen: A feiv days ago you di scus sed wich the City authori ties the it wishes in regard to selling to the Government the land now being leased under the above numbered project. It was the consensus of opinion that there yrere no objections and they were willing to sell on the basis of the appraisal of the property. We have prepared and - are enclosing herewith Offer of Sale of Land in the amount of '„900 to be executed by the proper City officials„ the City keep- ing one copy in their file and returning the others to us in the postage free envelope enclosed. We will appreciate this being done as soon as possible. Sincerely yours, JAI:yS S. WHITNEY' Land Adviser. a After much discussion a motion was made by Hammons, seconded by Foss, that this matter. be laid on. the table. Elation carried. Councilman Dodge. at this time was excused at his own request. The matter of painting and papering the council rooms, water office and adjoining office and the hall in the City Hall was discussed at some length and a motion. was made by Hammons, seconded by Derby, *,#iat said matter be laid on the table until -the next meeting. 1.1otion carried. The surety bond Car Raymond Beaszizo and an insurance policy covering the Park truck and the 1941 Chevrolet truck used by the water department, were presented to the, city council and a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Schulz that said bond and insurance polic:y be referred to the City Attorney. Motion carried. At this time the bids for constructing the sewer outfall on 13th Street which had been advertised in the Anacortes American were considered and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Derby, khat said sewer bids be opened. Motion carried. The bids were then opened :rith the following results: G. H. Doust 44 Piles yp9A3.06 Cal Branham 42 Piles 8 5.00 The sp.ecifica%ions prepared by the City Engineer called for 44 piles, andAonly one b i.d containing this number a motion vias made by Derby and seconded by Schulz that the bid of G.H. Doust be accepted. Ayes: Schulz, Hammons, Foss, Derby, Brady and Hatton. Motion carried. At this time the following claims viere presented and read to the city council: for the month of April, 1944, CURRENT EXPENSE. O.E. Arees 11835 Salary as Deputy Treasurer 70.40 John G. Darcy 11836 Salary as City Clerk 70.40 V. V. Welis 11837 Salary as City Attorney '/0.40 Dr. A.B. Cook 11838 97 " Health Officer 38..00 A.R. �ellentbLin 11839 to1° Police Justine 36.00 O.E. Arges 11840 " t' Janitor 56.40 ',Im. 319c1dinn 11841 S° '° Dog Catcher 25.00 . '7ithholding lax Fund 11842 Withholding Tax deductions 33 40- The Fern Press 11843 Printing and Supplies 13.70 Publio Management Pub. Co. 11844 Supscript ion to Public 1,1anagemen t 4.00 American City 1agazine 11845 it tQ American City 2000 Trick and I:Iurray 11846 I3upplies for City Treasurer .55 H.O. Davey, Plumbing Insp. 11847 2 Plumbing inspections 3e00 Anacortes Gas Co. 11848 Gas used in City Hall 4.32 Allan's 'l:Iercant ile 11849 Supplies for City Hall.93 H. H. -Hinshaw 11850 Salary as Chief of Police 195.60 Nick Petrish 11851 Salary as Asst, Ch. of Police 192.00 Jack Goff 11852 it " Captain of Police 174.40 L. Pollard 11853 t' " Patrolman 160.80 Jack Kelley 11854 'r " Patrolman 162.00 Raymond Beaszizo 11855 " °' Patrolman 156.80 George Helmsing. 11856 " " Patrolman 146.40 Withholding Tax Fund 11857 Withholding Tax Fund 102.50- H. II. Hinshaw 11858 Cash advanced 2.75 Snyder' s Pharmacy 11859 Supplies for .1'o 1 is e Dept. 1.43 Standard Oil Co. 11860 Oil for Police Dept. 26.76 Cook's Key .i Cycle Co. 11.862 Service for Police Dept. 4.12 6-32 Islay 2, 1944 CURRENT EXPENSE (Cont.) Dept. of Labor & Indo 11862 Ind. Ins & lied Aid fi 12,53 L.E. Snider- 11863 Salary as Fire Chief 196.44 Bert Verrall 11864 0 to Asst. Fire Chief 177097 Oliver Hauge 11$65 tt. to Capt. Fire Dept. 175089 M. G. Strock 11866 tt Fireman 162050 Carl Strock 11867 '0 to Fireman 162.50 K. W. Snart 11868 " It Fireman 162.50 If. Iversen 1186y Cd11 man and extra fireman 36.91 L. Monroe 11870 it, to to 33,31 R. McDougall 11871 to 0 to tt 36.61 J. G. Dorcy 11872 to M to 40011 George Mriller 11873 Fire Department 4000 R. Boyes 11874 It " " 3000 A. Mondhan 11875 4.50 Fred Fisher 11876 " "' " " 1.00 - Ray Scribner 11877 to to It t' 2.00 H. Ghevrier 11878 0 0 0 i° 2000 Vithholding Tax Fund 1168j Withholding Tax Deductions 107056= Firemen's Relief & Pension Fund 118ti0 2% of Firemen's Salaries 26000 L. E. Snider 11881 Mileage on Car 17.00 Anacortes Vlate� Department 11882 Hydrant Rental 565000 City Street Fund 118$3 Gasoline used Police & bepto Fire 63.27 John Keilhamer 11884 Filing 2 Hand Saws .70 Marine Supply & Hardware 11885 Material for Fire Dept. 057 John G. Dorcy 11886 Registration of - Births & Deaths (15000 Withholding Tax Fund 11887 17ithholding tax deductions 3.75- 11: Re Kingsley 11888 Bond for Tob.n G. Dorcy 7.50 Ile V. Wells 11889 Rent of Civilian Defense Off. 10000 Anacortes Shipways 11890 Blueprints, Sevier Project .50 i H. Eo Mansfield 11891 Salary as Coordinator 50000 Wm. G. McCallum 11892 Surety Bonds 15000 Puget Sound Power & Lt. 11893 Lighting Service 290088 West Coast Telephone Co. 11894 Telephone Service 2J.80 Simmonds Paint Co. 11895 Supplies for Fire Dept.. 2045 Benson Motors 11896 Repairs on Police Cad 14090 LIBRARY FUND Constance Fox 1955 Salary as Librari.an 138.40 Blanche Sackett 1956 Salary as Asst. Librarian 90040 Paul Marshall 1957 Salary as Janitor 74..31 Withholding Tax Fund 1958 ,J'ithholding Tax Leductions 310$9= Anacortes eater Dept; 195.9 Fater used in Library 2.50 Puget Sound Power & Lt. 1940 Lights used in Library 4.76 Gaylord Bros. 1961 Equlpm.�_Int f6'r-LLojDrary 146.43 A. C. McClurg & Co. 1962 Books for-ibrary 86007 J. K. Gill Company 1963 Books for Library 2.83 Constance Fox' 1964 Cash advanced 5074 Dept. of Labor & Indo 1965 Ind Ins & lied Aid 042 PARK FUND Jo E. Harding 1481 Salary as Park Supt. 160080 Valter C. Strong 1482 Salary as Park Employee 144,.80 Vithholding Tax Fund 1483 Withholding Tax Deductions 24.40 City Street Fund 1484 Gasoline used in Park Truck 3.33 Southside Hardware 1485 Material and Supplies - 4.29 Central Furniture Co. 1486 Equipment for Park Dept. 9.17 Bim. G, McCallum Ins on kTruk 27-75 Brown Lumber Co. 1488 Lumber for1487 karkeDepto 11.27 Dept of Labor & Indo 1489 Ind Ins & Med Aid 6.19 17AATER FUNID T. G. McCrory 8006 Salary as «ater Supt. 272.80 Sadie M. Arges 8002z to ID to Cashier 141060 Dorothy Fee 800tS to co It Clerk 102044 Charles Vledlund 8009 It 1° It Foreman 207.46 Russell Caro lan $010 of " Serviceman 181-30 ,3. 0. Rogers 8011 to " Filterman 180000 G. F. Keller$012 to �' Filterman 171.20 A. Sirett 8013 n `? Filterman Cancelled .00 Frank Deane 8014 t' '? Filterman 130040 Lester -Thomas 8015 " t° Pumpman; , Cancelled .00 John Go Dorcy 8016 t0. `� Bookkeeper, 48.00 Roy McDougall 8017 gages as Laborer 2.40 'Jithholding Tax Fund 8018 Withholding Tax Deductions- 142082 Pennsylvania Balt Mfg. Co. 8019 Chlorine for Vater Dept. 60.20 Marine 6upply & Hardware 8020 Material and Supplies: 12003 Wallace & Tiernan Sales Co. 8021 supplies for Mater Dept. 4.93 Puget Sound Povier & Light C o 0 022 9023 P,:neer & Service 1174.53 Skagit Electric Co. Material and Supplies 86.86 DeLaval Steam Turbine Co. 8024 Darts for Avon Pump 9.22 Skagit Valley Telephone Co. 8025 Telephone Service At Avon 10.66 Steam Supply & Rubber Co. 8026 Supolies for "dater Dept. 4.25 1 1 1 6 L3 May 2, 1944, Continued Vater Fund, Continued. Brown .Dumber Go. 6027 Lumber for Meter Boxes 36.48 Federal Pipe and Tank Co. 8028 Pipe Bands 26.78 G. N. Dalstad P. M 8029 Postage for 1�ater' Office' 6.00 City Street Fund 8030 Gasoline used in Kotor Vehicles 17.76 Schwartz Iron ':forks 8031 Labor & Material 16.79 Hest Coast Telephone Go. 8032 Telephone Service 24.20 Tax Commission 8033 Sales Tax Adjustment 183.87 Trulson Motor -Co. 8034 Supplies for Rater Truck .87 The Fern Press 8035 Printing and Supplies 53-97 M. Ho Kingsley 8036 Ins on later Truck 18.35 Tax Commission 80377 Business Tax on water Sales 482.63 Simmonds Paint Co. 8038 Supplies for Water Dept. 1.40 Curtis I(harf Co. 8039 Cement for Meter Boxes 5.33 Department of Labor & Indo 8040 Ind Ins & Med Aid :_13,78 Leuter Thomas 8041 To replace Number 8015' 169.5 A. Sirett 8042 To replace Number 801:3 152.80 CITY STRIAE T FUN.LD P. E. Olson 1?73 Salary as Street Foreman 182.80 Lynn Balcomb 17744 if C° Graderma.n 172.40 Roy McDougall 1775 « 1 Maintenance Lap 174.80 Dave Summers 1776 It t? Maintenance Man 160.80 Lee Parish 1?77 'Street Sweeper 103.41 'im. McMinn 1778 Dump Man 33.40 T. G. McCrory 1779 St. Supervisor 40.00 John G. Dorcy 1780 ca ca Bookkeeper 40.00 Withholding Tax Fund 1781 Withholding Tax Deductions 98.39 Schwartz Iron '?lorks. 1782 Materi@,I...and Supplies 5.g7 Pacific Highway Transport 1783 Freight on Grader Blades .�0 Ctalton Bros Lumber Co. 1784 Lumber for St. Dept. 21.02 Marine Supply & Hardware 1785 Material and Supplies .67 Puget Sound Pr. & Lt. Co. 1786 Power for Crusher 37.50 Union Oil Co. 1787 Gasoline, City Pump 79,01 Standard Oil Company 1788 Gasoline and Oil 72.99 Dept of Labor & Industries 1789 Ind Ins & Med Aid 18.96 COM','IUINITY BUILDING RENTAL FUND .Puget Sound Power & Lt. Co. 13 Lights for Community Building 9.08 WITHHOLDING TAX FUIM People ° e Nat. Bank of Mash. 10 Withholding Tax Deductions- 544.71 A motion was ,rade by Hammons and seconded by Schulz that the above claims be referred to the Finance Committee. Motion carried. The Finance Committee con- sidered the above claims against the City of Anacortes for the month of April, 1944, and recommended that the claims be allowed and that riarrant s be viritten for the same. A motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Brady that the rec- omendation of the r'inance Committee in the matter of th3e above claims be adopted. Ayes: Schulz, Hammons, Foss, Derby, Brady and Hatton. Motion carried. Having completed the business of the evening, a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Derby that the meeting of the City Council adjourn. Motion carried. The Meeting of fi,4e City- Council did then adjourn. Attest ° C t C 1 er k Mayor 6a4 Mgy 16, 1944 The regular meeting of the city.=council of the city;.df.:.Anacortes'. was. called,.to._•:. prder at 8LOO o'clock P.M. with Mayor C.A. Peters presiding. Roll was called and Schulz, Hammons, Foss, Derby, Brady and Dodge'tirere present, The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Mr. Severyns of the Public Housing Authority spoke to the city council at some length and urged that the city sell to the Federal Government the land which is ndW leased to the Federal Public Hoesing Authority as a housing project!,i the amount of money offered by the Government for this tract of land being its appraised value of $9000000 Mr. 0.14. Durham, chairman of the local public. housing authority spoke to the city council: and also urged that the land occupied by the housing projec,y be sold to the Government as soon as possible. It was pointed out by Mr. Severyns that the Governffient would start condemnation proceedings whether the city desired to sell the property or not. After some discussion a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Schulz that the city council accept the Government offer of $900.00. for the land occupied by the housing prodecto Ayes, Schulz and Brady; Nays, Hammons, Foss, Derby, Dodge. Motion lost. The following communication from Mr. Ben Driftmier was presented and read to the city council: to 11ay 8 , 1944 °f To the Mayor and City Councito' On behalf of the Pacific Tour Boat G_ompany I respectfully petition the granting of lease for t6n years to that portion of the east half of t°Q°P avenue, lying north of Great Northern Railway right of way. Previous lease upon this property I understand has expires. Respectfully, Ben ;.Driftmier it A motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Schulz that this matter be referred to the city attorney to report back. Motion carried. The following communication from Mr. Ben Driftmier was presented and read to the city council. April 10, 19440 `City Clerk, Anacortes, Washington. Dear Sir: On behalf of Cal Branham I enclose petition for certain street end leases. Would appreciate it if you would submit thia to the Mayor and Council in due course of the meeting. If further information is needed the officers to whom it is referred to may contact or advise me. Respectfully„ Ben Driftmier. After some discussion the motion vias made by Brady and seconded by Derby that the city attorney dictate the necessary resolution to the city clerk. Kotion carried. A motion was made by Brady and seconded by Derby that the necessary resolution for the lease of the above street ends by Cal Brahham be adopted. Motion carried. The report of the Fire Chief for the month of April, 1944, was presented and read to the city council, and a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Hammons that said. report be accepted and placed on file. notion carried. Mr. Ted Bruland spoke to the city council and asked for a renewal of his lease of the ballroom in the Anacortes Community Building to be used as a skating rink for one year at the same rental rate of 3'75000 per month. Ayes, Schulz, Hammons, Foss, Derby, Brady and Dodge. L-11otion carried. The following communication from A.C. Savage of Anacortes was presented and read to to the city council: A- pril 17„ 1944 °P City Council of Anacortes, We hereby submit the following Bid for redecorating the City Hall: Painting woodwork (windows, doors and base board, one coat only; papering ceilings and walls, furnishing all material and guarantee- ing a satisfactory clean-up job, Council room only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $98068 ,later Office room and office adjoining . . ,l . 101>82 Hallway, upstairs and ddwn, including toilet room in upper hall, except lower hall to be painted instead of wall paper . . . . . . 93-35 NOTE: Paint to be near some share of color as is. Paper to be selected by Council, and not to exceed the following prices: 15,' per single roll for ceiling paper 309� per single roll, side wall paper 5,e uard for Border A.C. Savage, Contractor for Anacortes Roofing & Paint Co. After some discussion a motion, was made by Hammons and seconded by Schulz that the 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 636 L,ay 16, 1944 bid of A.C. Savage for decoratin the City Hall be accepted. Ates, Schulz, Hanunons, Foss, Derby, Brady and Bodge, Motion carried. .Notion made by Hacnrnons and seconded by Schulz that the city clerk be authorized to have lair. A.C. Savage waterproof the south wall of the city hall and make the necessary repairs on the roof of the city hall as.soon as possible. Motion carried. Surety bonds for Raymond Beaszizo and Alfred Richard Sellen.thin and insurance policies on.truck used by the Park Department and the 1941 Chevrolet truck used by the Water Department were presented to the city council and a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Hammons that said insurance policies and surety bonds be referred to the city attorney. Motion carried. Mayor C. A. Peters appointed Nick Petrish as Assistant Chief and John B. Goff as Captain in the Anacortes Police Departmen.t. Mr. L.E. Snider, Fire Chief, spoke to the city council and reported t�iat a repre- sentative of the TUashington Surveying & Rating Bureau would be in the city soon. Mr. Snider also made a report on type of floor covering to be used in the alarm room of the Fire Department, and recommended that masonite be used to cover the floor in this room, and also stated that the cost was 100 per square foot. After some discussion a motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Foss that the Fire Chief be authorized to purchase the necessary amount of masonite for covering the floor of the alarm room in the Fire Department. Motion carried. Councilman Schulz was excused at this time at his own request. Councilman Dodge made an oral report on the matter of paying for the lights in the Anacortes Community Building and reported that Ted Bruland,, operator of the Skating Rink in this building had made an estimate of the amount of electric. current which he used, and Dodge recommended that the figures of Ted Bruland be accepted and that the city assume the difference itL the cost of the lights. Motion made by Derby and seconded by Brady that the report of the building com- mittee by Councilman. Dodge be accepted. Ayes, Hammons', Foss, Deryy, Brady and Dodge. Motion carried. Having completed the business of the evening a motion was made by Hammons and Dodge that the meeting; of the city council adjourn. The meeting of the city council did then adjourn. ATTEST CITY CI RK rxAYOR Q 6 3 6 June 6, 1944 The regular meeting of the city council of the City of Anacortes was called to order -at 8000 o'clock P.M.. with mayor i5ro tem Ferd Brady presiding. Roll was called and Hammons, Foss, Brady amd Hattor were present. The minutes of'the previous- meeting were read and approved as read. Mr. O.M. Durham, chairman of the local Federal Housing Board spoke to the city council at some length and urged them to sell the land now occupied by the housing project to the Government. The followin communication from Causland Post Nol3, American Legion, was presentee and read to the city council: June 6th, 1944 *To the Hon. Mayor and City Council, Anacortes,' Wn. In regard to request of the Housing Authority to purchase City land noir under lease to it® Causland Post #13 of The American Legion, must vigorously protest such sale'. This land was purchased for a play field, leja us keep it for 'that. C.R. Rimes, Adjutant Elzek Conquest, Act. Commander 10 After much discussion by the city council a motion waarilmade by Hammons and seconded by Hatton that the offer of the Nederal Governmtent to purchase land now occupied by the Federal Housing project be tabled indefinitely. Ayes, Hammons, Foss, Brady and Hatton. Motion carried. The following communication from the local Coast Guard office was presented and read to the city council. Anacortes, Washington. 5-31-44 17 May 1944 Mayor of -ftnacortes, 0 City Clerk, City Hall, 1107 5th St. Anacortes, Washington. Dear Sirs:, In accordance with recent instruct$ons from the District Coast' hard bffiie, Selttlp 7astiniton an excerpt of which appears below, is uni s des rou o o a aln&w$'tt n. thority $$ oc u one Uppecified storage room in. the Community ui ing, nortgeas ��rner of h and Q Avenue, Anacortes, on a temporary basis pending completion of stor a facilities.now under construction at the Coast Guard base. Informa�on relative to the type of permit required for submission to the District Coast Guard Officer may be more readily determined from tALe following paragraph contained in the original letter of instruction: *Hereafter, except in case of an emergency, property that is not owned or leased by the Coast Guard is not to be occupied for Coast Guard use until a written permit for such use has been obtained from the owner and has been approved by this office. This applies to property owned by other Government departkents and State,,aCounty or Municipal agencies as well as to privately owned propertym The permit must oontaln a deftalto otastemont ae to me-Ln%onancao xGop@nnlbU9ty f®r dmage and release on eooaatton of uve or 000upasnyo. 'Ir It is ou;f� damire to cooperate with the City in this matter, and any additional information relative to the issuance of such a permit will be readily supplied by this office on request: Very truly yours, George T. Ulleberg, C.B.M. By direction After oome discussion a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Foss, that the reques" be granted and that the city attorney prepare said permit with proper requirements to be signed by the proper authorities. Motion carried W. W. Wells, City Attorne , at this time presented reports accepting the insurance policy covering the Park ruck�t also an insurance policy covering the Chevrolet dump truck used by the Anacortes 'Uater Department, and the surety bond for Alfred R&chard Sellenthin, and surety bond for Raymond Beaszizzo, city police officer. A motion was made by Hatton and seconded by Hammonds_ that the CityAttorney's report recommending the above bond and insurance policies be adopted® Motion carried. The report of the City Treasurer for the month Of May, 1944 was presented and read to the city council and was referred to the Finance Committee. The report of the Police Justice for the month of May, 1944, was presented and read to the city council, and a motion. was- made by Hammons, seconded by Foss, that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The reportof the Water Superintendent for the month of May, 1944, was presented and read to the city council, and a motion was made by Hatton, sZeconded by Foss that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The gasoline report 6or the month of May, 1944, was presented and read to the city council, and a motion was made by Hatton and seconded by Hammons that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The following report from Dr. A. B. Gook, city Health Officer, was presented and read to the city councils May 21, °44 1 J 6 cj C June 6, 1944 OTO the Honi Mayor and City Council, Gentlemen. Your attention called to an alley between 33rd and 34th St. from about L St. east to about N St. water ditch. Here a small open ditdh to carry water from cess -pools in this area is almost closed, preventing drainage to water ditch on N Ave. Recommend that street department repair this ditch for satisfactory drainage, Yours truly, A. B. Cook, M.D. Health Offider. W The matter contained in the report was discussed at some length but no offi- cial action was taken in the matter. The following communication from Mr. C.A. Smith was- presented and read to the city council : Anacortes, Ifni, may 17, 1944 -City f'ouncil of Anacortes, 'Gentlemen: I, Clinton A. Smith, request permission to lease the foot of 28th St-. from the railroad track East for the period of,five years, to be used for the purpose of a private Marine Way while building a -boat. Respectfully yours, C. A. Smith, 2202 R Ave. Afier some discussion a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Hatton that the city draft a proper resolution for the lease of the East end of 28ih St. and that the date on the hearing of said lease be the first regular meeting of the city council in July, 1944. Ayes, Hammons, Foss, Brady and Hatton. The report of the Street Foreman for the month of May, 1944, was presented and read to the city council and a motion was itade by Foss,eeconded by Hatton, that said report be accepted and placed on filed. Motion carried. At the meeting of the city council Yield on May 16, 1944, Cal Branham asked for a ten-year lease of the portions of tide land streets described as follows Ninth Street from the west line of U Avenue easterly -to the meander line. Eleventh Street from the west line of U avenue easterly to the meander line. U Avenue from the north line of Ninth Street southerly to the waterway: V avenue -from the north lime of Ninth Street southerly -to the waterway, and that Th6 hearing an this application for lease was advertised to be heard at the 4egular meeting of the city council on June 6, 1944. The city council took this matter up at this time and there being no protests against the granting of this lease, a motion was made by Hammons and seconded Hatton that the lease be granted on the above described portions of tide land streets and that the mayor and city clerk be authorised to sign said lease. Ayes, Hammons, Fossi Brady and Hatton. Motion, carried. at this time the council discussed the price quatation of A. C. Savage to fur- nish a neva roof on that portion of the city hall used as a jail and police office. This matter was discussed at some length and a motion was made by Hammons and seconded'by Foss that this matter be referred to the Building Commi6tee td report back at the next meeting of the city council. Motion carried. ThQ following communication from Mr. Ben Driftmier was presented and read to the city council and a motion was made by Hatton and seconded -by Hammons that the City Attorney prepare the proper resolution for renewing the lease held by Gilkey Bros. on that portion of the East half of Q Avenue lying north of the Great Northern Railway right of way, and that the time of hearing for said lease be the 5th day of July, 1944, and that any person might be heard fax' or against the granting of the lease at that time. Ayes, Hammons, Foss, - Brady and Hatton. Motion carried. Agro L. E. Snider, Fire Chaef, spoke to the city council and asked permission to -send tuo men to the Fire College in Bellingham, Washington. The Fire College will be held in that City on July 2, 3, 4, 1944. Motion was made• by -Foss and seconded by Hammons that two firemen be authorized to attend said Fire College in Bellingham, Washington on the above dates. Motiom carried. The following claims against the city of An:acortes for the month of Allay, 1944 were presented and read to the city council: CURRENT EXPENSE. 0.'E. Arges 11897 Salary as Deputy Treasurer John G. Dorcy 11898 Salary as City Clerk Yeo .V. Vells 118:99 Salary as City Attorney 70.40 70.40 70.40 9 June 6,, 1944 1 1 1 i] CURRENT EXPENSE (Cont,) Dr. A. B. Cook 11900 Salary as Health Officer 38000 A. R. Sell.en.tAin 11901 W cr Police Justice 36000 0. E. Arges 11902 "' " Janitor 56.40 Wm. McMinn 11903 Dog Catcher 25'.00 Vithholding Tax Fund 11904 Withholding Tau Deductions 33.40- G. ,N. Dalstead 11905 Postage for Clerk's Office 5.00 Katherine H. Snider 11906 4 days Clerk's vacation 16.00 E. Danielson, Co. Auditor 1190 Recording Deed .75 Trick & Murray 11901 Supplies for Clerk & Registration 49.77 H.O. Davey, Plb. lnd•p.• 11909 Plumbing Inspection 1.50 Anacortes American 11910 Supplies, Printing 11.33 Anacortes Gas Coo 11911 Gas used in City Hall 8.10 H. H. Hinshaw 11912 Salary as Chief of Police 195.60 Nick Petrish 11913 " Asst Chief 192.00 Jack Goff 11914, " " Captain of Police 174.40 L. Pollard 11915 " " Patrolman 160.80 Jack Kelley 11916 " Patrolman 134.86 Raymond Beaszizo 11917 Patrolman 156.80 George Helmaing 11918 `"' " Patrolman 146.40 Ernest 'ffeir 11919 C n Patrolman 39039 Harold L. Glassbuen 11920 W Patrolman 5.67 Withholding Tax Fund 11921 Withholding'Tax Deductions g6.02- WatkinsMotor Co. 11922 Repairs & Labor on Police Car 2.71 Colvin°s Service Station 11923 Tire and Battery Service 21.60 Carl Dennis 11924 Tires for Police Car 45 -75 - The Fern Press 11925 Suppli s C'le k police & justice 26001 office Dept. of Labor & Industries- 11926 Ind Ins and Med Aid 13.67 L. E. Snider 1192 Salary as Fire Chief.' 196.44 Bert Verrall 11929 Salary as Asst. Fire Chief 1?7.97 Oliver Hauge 11929 Cr " Capt. Fire Dept. M'. 9 M. G. Strock 11930 " Fireman 162.50 Carl Strock 11931 Fireman 162.50 K. W. Snart< 11932 p Fireman 162.50 Roy McDougall 11933 Call Man & Extra Fireman 37.72, J. G. Dorcy 1193.4 36.13 M. Iversen 11935 " " 37.72 L. Monroe 11936 34.51 L. Moore 11937 " ct Fire°Department 1.00 H. Chevrier 11938 Fire Department 4.00 Withholding Tax Fund 11939 Withholding Tax Deductions 107.46° Firemen's Rel.& Pen. Fund 11940 2% of Firemen is Salaries 26.12 L. E. Snider 11941 Mileage on Car 19.25 Anacortes Water Department 11942 Hydrant rental for•May 565.00 The Texas Company 119443 Supplies for Fire Dept. 2.73 City Street Fund 11944 Gasoline used Fire & Pol. Dept. 62.90 Standard Oil Co. 11945 Supplies for Fire Dept. 2.10 Simmonds Paint Co: 11946 Supplies for Fire Dept. 7.78 Southside Hardward Co. 11947 Material & Supplies 2.78 Brown Lumber Company 11948 Material for City Hall 32.75 Paul Luvera 11949 Supplies for Fire Dept. 6.35 Trulson M®tor Co. 11950 Fiord Fire Truck repairs 4.13 West Coast Telephone Co. 11951 Telephone Service 19.15 Benson Motors 11952 Repairs & Service, Fire & Polo 79.86 Anacortes Laundry 11953 Laundry Service 15'.06 Marine Supply & Hardware 11954 Material & Supplies 20.19 John G. Dorcy 11955 Cash advanced, trip to Chehalis Wn. 20.10• Union Printing Co.. 11956 Notary Seal for City Clerk 6.80 Elizabeth M. Dwelley 11957 Typing Registration List 6.20 H. E. Mansfield 1195 Salary as Coordinator 50.00- W. V. Wells 11959 Rent on Civilian Defense Off. 10.00 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 11960 Lighting Service 285.6 Jack Kelley 11961 To replace 11916 134.96 Raymond Beaszizo 11962 To replace 11917 156.80 Roy McRougall 11963 To replace 11933 37.72 Trulson Motor Co. 11964 To replace No. 11934 4.13 WATER DEPARTMENT T. G. McCrory 8043` Salary as: water Supt. 272.80 Sadie M. Arges 8044 Salary as Water C'ashier 141.60 Dorothy Fee 8045 re Q° Clerk 91.58 Charles Wedlund 8046 a Foreman 207.76 Russell Carolan 804 Serviceman 174.80 W. 0. Rogers 8049 Filterman 180000 G. F. Keller 8049 a Filterman 171.20 A. $irett 8050 " " Filterman 152.80 Frank Deane 8051 'Filterman 130040 John G. Dorcy 80,52 C7 " Bookkeeper 48.00 Lester Thomas 80-53 � � Pump man 162;.42 Withholding Tax Fund 8054 Withholding tax deductions 143.64- 43.64T. T.G. McCrory 8055 Cash advanced,trip to Olympia 22.85 H. 0. Wampler 8056 Equipment for Water Dept. 8.24 Puget Sound Power& Light 8057 Power and Service 1219.83 Pennsylvania Salt Co. 8058 Chlorine for 'dater Dept. 119.60 Vorthington-Gamon Meter Co. 8059 New Meters 146.10 West Coast Telephone Coo 8060 Telephone: Service 10.70 Simpson's Electric Shop 8061 -'Supplies for Water Dept. .70 1 1 1 i] t June 6, 1944 WATEn DBPAR t) Colvints Service Station 8062 Burroughs Adding Machine 8063 E. A. Abbott Motor Co. 8064 Anacortes Credit Bureau 8065 The Fern Press 8x66 Skagit Valley Telephone Co.8067 Great Northern Railway 8o6i8 City Street Fund 8069 Marine Supply & Hardware 8070 G. N. Dalstead, P.M. 8071 G. N. Dalstead, P.M. 8072 Brown Lumber Co. 8073 R.S.S'tevens Constr. Co. 8074 Dept. of Labor and land. 8075 H. D. Fowler & Co. 8076 The Bristol Co.07 p p` Dump Man Anacortes Foundry 078 Skagit Electric Coo 8079 Benson Motors 8o80 Skagit 'Valley Telephone C*o.8081 Tire Hepdirs Service ob Adding Machine Repairs to Dodge Coupe Collection of Water Bills Supplies and Service Telephone at Avon (Cancelled) Express on Pump parts Gasoline used in Water Dept. Material and SupplLes Postal cards for Water Dept. Postage for Water Office Lumber for Water Dept. Equipment rental Ind Ins & Med Aid Equipment for Water Dept. Supplies for Water Dept. Service for Water Dept. Equipment for Pump at Avon Truck repairs Telephone at Avon, to replace 8067 CITY STRIT FUND P. E. Olson 1790 Salary a& Street Foreman Lynn Balcomb 1791 a m Graderman Roy McDougall 1792 n 'ca Maintenance man Dave Summers 1793 m ° Maintenance man Lee Parish 1794 a a Street Sweeper gm. McMinn 1795 p p` Dump Man T. G. McCrory 1796 Street Supervisor John G. Dorcy 1797` �' ° Bookkeeper Withholding Tax Fund 1V19 Withholding tax deductions Simpson's Electric Shop 1 99 Supplies for Street Dept. Howard Cooper Corp. 1ii00 Parts for Grader Trulson Motor Co. 1801 Truck Repairs Marine Supply Hardware 1802 Material and Supplies - Standard Oil Cop 1803 Supplies for Street Dept. Colvin.°s Service Station 1804 Tire Repairs Elton Mogenson 1805 Sale of Gravel Puget Sound Power & Light 1806 Power for Crusher Dept. of Labor & Ind. 1807 Ind Ins & Med Aid Shell mil Cop 1808 Gasoline, City Pump Union Oil Co. 1809 Gasoline, City Pump COMMUNITY BUILDING RENTAL FUND Puget Souter Power & Light 14 Lights in Community Building WITHHOLDING TAX FUND Peoples.Kat01 Bank of Wino 11 Withholding Tax Deductions LIBRARY FUND Constance Fox Blanche Sackett Paul Marshall Withholding Tax Fund The Fern Press Phil D. Burton Anacortes Water Dept: Puget Sound Power & Light Bept. of Labor & Ind. A. C. McClurg & Co. Doubleday, Moran & Co. Gaylord Bros. 1966 Salary as Librarian 1967 Salary as Asstp Librarian 1968 Salary as Janitor 1969 Withholding Tax Deductions 1970 Supplies for Library 1971 Supplies for Library 1972' Water used at Library 1973 Lights used at Library 1974 Ind Ins and Med Aid 1975 Books for Library 1976 Books for Library 1977 Books for Library PARK FUND. J. E. Harding 1490 Salary as Park Supt. 'Falter C. Strong 1941 Salary as Park Employee Withholding Tax Fund 1492 Withholding Tax Deductions Southside hardware Co. 1493 Supplies for Park Dept. City Street Fund 1494 Gasoline used in Park truck Dept. of Labor & Ind, 1495 Ind Ins & Med Aid 2.86 .8o 3.45" 12.10 25.18 1.2-7 19.98 86031 100.00 6000 1.11 28.75- �4.g2 3502 14.20 5-.00 158.98 1.74 10.32 182.40 172.4,0 1%4.80 16o.8o 103041 33.40 40.00 40.00 98039- 26 36.o75 72.8 5.41 1.55 100.00 37050 20.78 88 . go 96.20 L..• 535.20 138.40 90.40, 74.31 31.$94 4.84 5.92. 2.50 3.32 .44 8935 VANK*�' i rs 16o.8o 144.80 24.40- 2.87 4.402.87 2.41 6.8o A motion was made by Hammons, seconded by Foss, that the above claims for the city of Anacortes for the month of May, 1944, be referred to the Finance Committee. Motion carried. The Finance Committee considered the above claims and r4commended that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of same. A motion was made by Hammons, seconded by Hatton, that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be adopted. Ayes, Hammons, Foss, Brady and Hatton. Motion carried. T. G. McCrory, Street Supervisor, brought up the matter of obtaining a new location for the city garbage dump. After some discussion a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Hatton that this matter be referred to the Printing and Health Committee. Motion carried. Having completed the business of the evening a motion was made by-Hammons 6 39 X40 June 6, 1944 and seconded by Hatton that the meeting of the city council adjourns Motion carrieda The meeting of the city council did then adjourn. �,� 'D ATTEST:. MAYOR City Clerk i i i COUNCI� MINJIU I iEl i IU 1/0 -.A*\ ME 9 06-20-1944 Thru 08-21-1951 i June 20, 1944. The regular meeting of the city council of the city of Abacortes was called to order at. 8>00 orclock P.M. with Mayor C;A.. Peters presiding. Those present were Sculz, Hammons, Foss, Derby, Brady aad Dodge. The minutes of the previous meeting.were read and approved as read. The following communication was presented and read to the city council: "T'o the Mayor and City Council .June 19, 1944 of Anacortes, Washington. Gentlemen: Pentacostal Street We wish to call your attention to the fact that the street Services services which are being held by*the Pentecostal Church at the corner of Sixth Street and Commercial Avenue are interfering with our busi- ness, and that during the services it is impossible for us to hear any orders given for Poor -or drink, and that our Nickelodeon cannot be used during that time. Would it be possible to have these people hold their services somewhere where they would not interfere with our business? Also, we would like permission to have a parking place on Sixth Street alongside of our place of business where we may load and unload merchandise for the store. Thanking you for anything you may be able to do to relieve the situation at our corner, we are Very sincerely yours, MARYtS PLACE, Mrs. Daisy Hart, Prop. 6th Street & Commercial Ave.' After some discussion a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Dodge that the request in the above communication be referred to the Streets & Parks Com- mittee to meet with the board of directors of the PentecostgZ Church of Anacortes and report back. Motion carried; The following communication was presented and read to the city council: " Anacortes, ',Dash. June 16, 1944. Dear Sirs: I would like to put a 3l4"inch pipe under the street as shown in the sketch below. I want the water for my garden only. The water isnrt near as cold as the city water and would be a lot better for a garden. I would only do the work myself if you find j it permissible for me to do.this work. Yours truly, A. Leroy Rose, 1015 15th Street " After some discussion a motion was mauve by Schulz and seconded by Foss that Pipe across 0 Ave, permission be granted to Pyr. A. Leroy Ross to put a pipe across 0. Ave. south �- of 15th Street under the supervision of the City Engineer. Motion carried. The following communication from the East and West Association waci,presented to the City Council. a Santa Barbara, California. June 12, 1944. Rey dear Mr. Mayor; The Chinese people are having a bad time of it. Some of us think that we Americans ought to send them a word of cheer as they go into their eighth year of war. The enclosed leaflet tells what we are doing about it. Will you and your city join with ods in this greeting to a valiant people, friendly to us Yessage of cheer to in peace. allied to ue in war? Chinese Ue should greatl value your cooperation. The mayors and city councils of San hancisco, Los Angeles, San Diego and Santa Barbara have already sent impressive messages. May we have your city°s message as soon as possible, preferable before June 20th' We are hoping very much that the churches in your community, the Chamber of Commerce, the labor organizations, the schools and the colleges, if any, °Jill also aend messages. If your office will take the local leadership in this undertaking, and ask them to join in the Fest Coast greeting to China, let me know how many, copies of the leaflet you will need. Yours sincerely, Herman Hagadorn, Director Nest Coast Office. A motion was made by Hammons, Seconded by Brady, that the City Attorney be. instructed to write to the above Association. Motion carried. Mayor C.A. Peters spoke to the city council at some length about the city property which was purchased for a playfield and is now occupied by the Federal Housing project. The Mayor reported F.R. Sutherlana had outlined tentative plans for the operation of a playfield in the future by the American Legion. No official action was taken in the matter. The report of the Chief of Police for the month of I►ay, 1944, was presented and read to the city council, and a motion was made by Hammons, and seconded by Brady that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. June 20, 1944. The report of the Chief of the Fire Department for the month of May, 1944, was presented'and read to the city council and a motion was made by Brady and seconded' by Schulz, that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. I Through one of the members of the city council, Mr. Frank -Rock, a member of the Anacortes Park Board, requested that the grader be used on the loop road at Sunset, Beach. fifter some discussi®n, Mr. T. G. McCrory, street Supervisor, stated that the grader would be used on this road in the near future. The matter of the city paying for lights and water in the Anacortes Community Building in an amount not to exceed $25.00 per month was discussed at some length, and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Derby that this matter be referred to the Building Committee and the City Attorney to .form an agreement between the City of Anacortes and the Recreation Committee who use the old dining room in the Anacortes Community Building as a recreation center. Potion carried. The matter of installing a new roof on the read of the building occupied by the City Jail was discussed, and by an oral report the Building Committee recommended that bid be called for the installtion of this roof, and a motion was ode by Derby and seconded by Schulz that the recommendation of the Building Committee be accepted and that the City Clerk advertise a Call for Bids to put roofing on this portion of the City Hall roof'. Motion carried. The Building- Committee then recommended the removal of the tower on the Northwest corner of the City Fall, and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Schulz that the recommendation of the Building Committee in the matter of the removal of the tower on the City Hall be accepted, and that the city Clerk call for Bids for the removal of the city tower, and the repair of the roof under the tourer. Motion carried. Report of Fire Dept. Grader to be used on Loop Road at Sunset New roof on City Jaid. 1 • Removal of tower on City Hall Bldg, Councilman Foss, chairman of the Printing & Health Committee, made an oral report New location of of the matter of choosing a new location for a garbage dump -in Anadortes. Garbage Dump Councilman Foss recommended that the location of 38th Street West and A Avenue be designated and that the services of a bulldozer be used to clear this location as a precaution against fire spreading from the garbage dukp and -a- motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Derby that the report of the Printing & Health Committee j of a location for a new garbage dump be accepted and that all necessary steps be taken to prepare the site and put the dump in operation. ]Motion carried. Having completed the business of the evening, a motion was made b --Derby and seconded by Didge that,, as the date for the next regular meeting of the city council falls on the 4th of July, which is a legal holiday, that the meeting of the city council adjourn until Wednesday, July 5, 1944, at 8:00 o'clock P.M: Motion carried. The meeting of the City Council did then adjourn. ATTESTo - ia yor. City Clere July 5, 1944. The ri: oo U l ;u0J 13 MOS 06 0_r -`O,, at 8000 P.M. o'clock with Mayor C. A. Peters presiding. Roll was called and Schulz, Hammons, Foss, Hatton, Brady and Dodge were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. The following communication from Mr. O.M. Durham was presented and read to the city council. June 29, 1944 IsCity Council, Anacortes, Vilashington. Gentlemen: It has just been brought to my attention by one of the drivers of the Mount Vernon Transfer Company that they have had considerable trouble to find a place to park in order to unload supplies and equipment at the Empire Cafe. This is true not only of the Mount Vernon Trafefer Company but of all other trucking lines as well. It is rather dangerous for the big trucks and semi -trailers to have to park in the middlb of the street to unload. I wa,s wondering if it would be possible to have a loading zone designated in front of the banquet room and our new storeroom on Seventh Street. Yours very truly, O.M. Durham, ''Manager Empire Cafe. A motion was made by Brady and seconded by Hatton that the above communication be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. A communication to the city council with reference to a convention to be held in Cleveland, Ohio, Aygust 14, 15, 16, 1944, for Chiefs of Police was presented and read to the city council, and a motion was made by Schulz and seconded by Hammons that said communication be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The report of the City Treasurer for the month of June, 1944, was presented and Tress. Report read to the city council and was referred by the Mayor to the Finance Committee. rJ 1 • • 1 .That no rental shall be charged the said Committee except as follows:. .If the said Committee shall make any improvements, alterations or .remodelling of the same room, it shall be at the expense of the said .said Committee, it being. understood that permission is hereby given the said Committee to alter or remodel the said room to make the same .suitable for the Committ°e use; i That, if the combined meterage for water and light shall exceed the ,sum of $25.00 for any month, such excess shall be borne and paid by the said Committee. .That a copy of this Resolution be given the said OOKKITTEE. Adopted the 5th day of July, 1944. (VAL) C. A. PETERS, Mayor ATTEST., JOHN G. DORCY, City Clerk. A motion was made by Brady and seconded by Hatton that the abovo Resolution with reference to the Recreational Committee be adopted and that the Mayor and City July 5, 1944. t1 Report of Police The report of the Chief of Police for the month of June, 1944, was presented and Dept. read to the city council, and a motion was made by Hammons, and seconded by Foss, trees that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. Police Justice xTee r �o ,f ¢f the Police Justice for the month of June, 1944, was presented and report rea o fie== city council, and a motion was made by Schulz and seconded by Hammons that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The matter of Utility Tax was discussed and the City Clerk was asked to write to The report of the Water Superintepdent for the month of June, 1944, was presented the Tax Commission and the Association of Washington (pities on this matter. Report of '.'Vater Supt. and read to tje city council, and a rhotion was made by Hammone and seconded by in Washington Park, was presented to the city council; also surety bonds for Hatton -that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. Warren.Hugene Thompson and Harold Lyle Glassburn, city police officerP} was prey The gasoline report for the month of June, 1944, wa.s presented and read to the Gasoline report city council, and a motion was made by Schulz and seconded by Brady that said that said insurance policy and surety bonds be referred to. the City Attorney. report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. Call for bids The matter of replacing a new roof on the cityhallvas discussed at some length, and by Hammon. Hatton the City Clerk ncall a,motion was made and secondedb�r that roof for new on for bads for two-ply roof and not less than 30-1b. felt on that portion of the City Hall city hall covering the jail and police office, and that -a coat of asphalt be, applied to the roof of the city hall. Motion carried. The following Resolution was presepted and real to the City Council: OB2 IT RESOLVED, by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Anacortes: That the SERVICE MENeS RECREATIONAL COPMITrEE of Anacortes, Washington,. .be and they axe hereby given permission to occupy and use that portion Recreational Como of the basement space in the CITY OMMUNITY BUILDING at the Northwest to in Avenue and Sixth StrM , which was formerly used as a corner ofBanquet use space Bldg . . room; ,Community That the period of the occupancy of said room shall be until such time as the city council may cause a notice to be given the said' Committee to quit and vacate the said rooms; .That no rental shall be charged the said Committee except as follows:. .If the said Committee shall make any improvements, alterations or .remodelling of the same room, it shall be at the expense of the said .said Committee, it being. understood that permission is hereby given the said Committee to alter or remodel the said room to make the same .suitable for the Committ°e use; i That, if the combined meterage for water and light shall exceed the ,sum of $25.00 for any month, such excess shall be borne and paid by the said Committee. .That a copy of this Resolution be given the said OOKKITTEE. Adopted the 5th day of July, 1944. (VAL) C. A. PETERS, Mayor ATTEST., JOHN G. DORCY, City Clerk. .Renewal of lease to Pacific Tug Boat Co. 1 Recently the Pacific Tug Boat Co. asked for a renewal of t.hetr lease on that portion of the East Half of "Q11 Avenue lying North of the Great Northern Railway right o•f way for a period of ten years at the rental rate of X1.00 per year.. This application was advertised in the Anacortes American, the official newspaper of the "City of Anacortes, and a hearing for this lease came. up at this time. There being no protests to the granting of this lease, a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Dodge, that a renewal lease be given to the Pacific Tug Boat Comp any on the above described kkreet and for a period of ten years, at. the sum of 1.00 per year, and that the rental be re -adjusted at the end of a five --year period and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign said lease. Ayes, Schulz, Hammons, Foss, Brady, Hatton and Dodge. Motion carried. The matter of purchasing 17ar•Bonds has been discussedby the City Finance Committee, Purchase of War - .',sdomposed of the Mayor, City Treasurer and one member of the city council, and they Bonds by City recommended the purchase of $25,160.00 in filar Bonds from the eater Fund and $5,180..00 from the Street Fund. This recommendation was made by Councilman Ferd £�:-�,a Brady,. a member of the City Finance Committee, and a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Hatton that the recommendation of the Finance Committee with refer- ence to. the purchase of Type OF* Va,r Bonds be adapted, and that the City Treasurer be authorized to purchase said Type 11F0 War Bonds. Ayes, Schulz, Hammons,.Foss, A motion was made by Brady and seconded by Hatton that the abovo Resolution with reference to the Recreational Committee be adopted and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the same. ayes, Schulz, Hammons, Foss, Derby, Hatton and Dodge. Motion carried. Roots from mable Councilman Brady pointed out that in a number of instances on Eighth Street and trees around.Causland Park the roots from the maple trees were.causing the sidewalks to raise and it was liable to cause accidents to pedestrians. After some discussion, a motion was Made by Hammons and seconded by Brady that' this matter be referred to the Streets and Parks Committee. Motion carried. The matter of Utility Tax was discussed and the City Clerk was asked to write to the Tax Commission and the Association of Washington (pities on this matter. A renewal policy covering the house owned by the Park Department at Sunset Beach in Washington Park, was presented to the city council; also surety bonds for Warren.Hugene Thompson and Harold Lyle Glassburn, city police officerP} was prey sented.to the city council, and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Hammons that said insurance policy and surety bonds be referred to. the City Attorney. Potion .carried. .Renewal of lease to Pacific Tug Boat Co. 1 Recently the Pacific Tug Boat Co. asked for a renewal of t.hetr lease on that portion of the East Half of "Q11 Avenue lying North of the Great Northern Railway right o•f way for a period of ten years at the rental rate of X1.00 per year.. This application was advertised in the Anacortes American, the official newspaper of the "City of Anacortes, and a hearing for this lease came. up at this time. There being no protests to the granting of this lease, a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Dodge, that a renewal lease be given to the Pacific Tug Boat Comp any on the above described kkreet and for a period of ten years, at. the sum of 1.00 per year, and that the rental be re -adjusted at the end of a five --year period and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign said lease. Ayes, Schulz, Hammons, Foss, Brady, Hatton and Dodge. Motion carried. The matter of purchasing 17ar•Bonds has been discussedby the City Finance Committee, Purchase of War - .',sdomposed of the Mayor, City Treasurer and one member of the city council, and they Bonds by City recommended the purchase of $25,160.00 in filar Bonds from the eater Fund and $5,180..00 from the Street Fund. This recommendation was made by Councilman Ferd £�:-�,a Brady,. a member of the City Finance Committee, and a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Hatton that the recommendation of the Finance Committee with refer- ence to. the purchase of Type OF* Va,r Bonds be adapted, and that the City Treasurer be authorized to purchase said Type 11F0 War Bonds. Ayes, Schulz, Hammons,.Foss, July 5, 1944. Brady, Hatton and Dodge. Motion carried. At this time the following claims against the city for the month of June, 1944 were presented and read to the city council: CURRENT EXPENSE. O.E. Arges 11965 Salary as Deputy Treasurer 700'40 John G. Dorcy 11966 ce City Clerk 70:40 V. V. dells 11967 City Attorney 70.40 Dr. A.B. Cook 11968 Health Officer 38.00 Q.R. Sellenthin 11969 " `" Police Justice 36.00 O.E. Atges 11970 " " Janitor 56.40 V.m. McMinn 11971 " "' Dog Catcher 25.00 Vithholding Tax Fund 11972 Withholding Taxes 33.40- G.N. Dalstead, P.M. 11973 Postage for Clerks Office 5.00 • Municipal Year Book 11974- Supplies for Clerk's Office 8.50 H.O.Davey, Plumbing Insp. 11975 Two Plumbing inspections �D $1.50 3.00 Curtis 71harf Co. 11976 Material for City Hall Repairs 2.83 Adolph Aulenbacher 1197 Labor Plastering in City Hall 16.50 Oliver Hauge 1197 Laborer as plaster's helper 8.00 Island Transfer Co. 11979 Fuel Oil City Hall, 3 Months 45.27 • South Side Hardware 11980 Ladder for City Hall 6.95 H. H. Hinshaw 11981 Salary as Chief of Police 195.60 Nick Petrish 11982 Salary as Asst, Chief of Police 192.00 Jack Goff 11983 Captain of Police 174.40 L. Pollard 11984 " " Patrolman 160.80 Ray Beaszizo 11985 " " Patrolman (1 day) 5.67 George Helmsing 11986 `a " Patrolman 146.40 Harold L. Glassburn 11.8 df " " 165.20 � Warren Thompson 1198 150.06 Withholding Tax Fund 11989 Withholding taxes 90.&8- H. H. Hinshacj 11990 Cash Advanced 2.25 Simpsonfs Electric Shop 11991 Supplies, Police Dept. 1.00 BenoonMotors 11992 Service on Police Car 15.60 The Fern Press 11993 Supplies, Clerk, Atty. & Police 19.26 Rnacortes American 11994 Supplies for Police Dept. 17.88 Um. G. McCallum 11995 Surety Bonds 15.00 Colvin's tervice Station 11996 Tore Repairs 1.0 Dept. of Labor & Ind. 11997 Ind Ins & Med Aid 12.09 L. D. Snider 11998 Salary as Fire Chief 196.44 Bert Verrall 11999 " 0 asst. Fire Chief 177.7 Oliver Hauge 1200 " " Captain Fire Dept. 175. 9 M. G. Strock 12001 " " Fireman 162.50 K. VI. Smart 12002 " " Fireman 162.50 C. Stroek 12003 Fireman 162.50 H. L. Iversen 12004 " " Fireman 158.60 J. G. Dorcy 12005 Call Man and extra fireman 48.15 Roy McDougall 12006 Call man and extra fireman 49.36 George biller 12004 Call man and extra fireman 16.44 "ithholding tax 1200 Withholding Tax deductions 10�.27- Firemen's Rel.& Pen.Fund 12009 2% of Firemen's Salaries 2 .72 Anacortes grater Dept. 12010 Hydrant rental 565.00 L. E. Snider Harine Supply Co. 12011 12012 Cash Advanced. L�teria�s_-and'-Suppliee. 18.00 ::"693 South Side Hardware Telephone Co. 1201 p 12014 Sup lies for Fire Dept. Telephone Uest Coast Service City Street Fund 12015 Gasoline used in Fire & Police Dept. 56.24 j H. E. Mansfield 12016 Salary as Coordinator 50.00 '9. V. Vells 12017 Rent of Civilian Defense office 10.00 Elizabeth M. Dwelley 12018 Mork on Registration Books 6.00 Trick &hurray , 12019 Supplies, Clerk & Registration 6.94 • Puget Sound P. & Lt.Co. 12020 Lighting Service 285.76 LIBRARY FUND Constance Fox 1978 Salary as Librarian 138.40 Blanche Sackett 1979 " " asst. Librarian 90.40 • Paul Marshall 1980 " " Janitor 74.31 Maude F. Webb 1981 n " Substitute 15.00 Anacortes Water Dept. 1982 Uater used at Library 2.50 Puget Sound P. & Lt.Co. 1983 Lights used at. Library 3.38 Constance Fox 1984 Cash advanced 5.29 M. E.. Flagg 1985 Wood for Library 288.00 Dept. of Labor & Ind. 1986 Ind Inas & Med Aid .44 Doubleday, Moran & Co. 1987 Books for Library 14.84 A. C. McClurg & Co. 1988 " " " 2.00 The H.W. Wilson Company 1989 It " " 5.00 Gaylord Bros. Inc. 1990 " " `� 33 0 9 Withholding Tax Fund 1991 Withholding Taxes 31.�- • PARK FUND. J. E. Harding 1496 Salary as Park Supt. 160.80 Walter C.. Strong 1497 Salary a.s Park Employee 144.80 Withholding Tax Fund 1498 YJithholding .Taxes 24.40 - Southside Hardware Co. 1499 Supplies for Park Dept. 1.,21 Wm. G. McCallum 1500 Ins. on House at Sunset Beach 8.27 City Street Fund 1501 Gasoline used in Park Truck 4.99 E°.A. Abbott Motor Co. 1502 Service on Park Truck 1.55 Dept. of Labor & Ind. 1503 Ind Ins & Med Aid 6.61 1 �0 1 1 AD AD JULY 5, 1944. 771ATER DEPARTMENT FUND T. G. McCrory 8082 Sadie M. Arges 8083 Dorothy Fee 8084 Charles V-edlund 8085 Russell Carolan 8086 W. 0. Rogers 8087 G. F. Keller 8088 A. Sirett 8089 Frank Deane 8090 Lester Thomas 8091 John G. Dorcy 8092 Ray McDougall 8093 Withholding Tax Fund 8094 Current Expense Fund 8095 Puget Sound P. & Lt. 8096 Simpson's Electric Sh. 8097 Pennsylvania Salt Co. 8098 Sbientific Supplies Co.8099 Colvin's Servide Sta. 800 West Coast 'Telephone 8101 Marine Supply Hardware 8102 Schuartz Iron Works 8103 Skagit Electric Co. 8104 E.A. Abbott Motor Co. 8105 City Street Fund 8106 Burroughs .Add.Mch.Co. 810 Dept. Labor & Ind. 810 Worthington Gamon Met. 8109 Curtis Wharf Co. 8110 Tax +Dommission 8112. The Fern Press 8112 Island Transfer Go.. 8113 Salary as Fater Superintendent Salary as Jiater Cashier Salary as Clerk cr 0 Water Foreman Serviceman Filterman a Filterman Filterman Filterman ' Pumpman ro c� Bookkeeper Wages as Laborer Withholding taxes Transfer of Funds, see voucher Power and Service Supplies for Water Dept. Chlorine for eater Dept. Supplies for Water Dept. Service in Water Dept. Telephone Service Material & Supplies I![aterial & Supplies Service at Avon Pump House Service on Dodge Coupe Gasoline used in Water Dept. Adding 11achine Ribbon Ind Ins & Med Aid Pieter farts Material for dater .Dept. Business Tax Supplies. far Water Dept. .Fuel Gila Filter Plant COMMUNITY BUILDING RENTAL FUND Puget Sound P. & Lt.Co. 15 Lights for Community Building WITHHOLDING TAX FUND Peoples Nat'l Bank of Vash. 12 Total Withholding Taxes, June CITY STREET FUND P.E. Olson 1810 Lynn Balcolm 1811 Ray McDougall 1812 Dave Summers 1813. Lee Parish 1814 T. G. HcCrory 1815 John G. Dorcy 1816 Elm. McMinn 181r Withholding Tax Fund 1819 Puget Sound P. & Lt. 1.19 Southside Harduare Co.l 20 The,rine Supply Co. 1821 Schwartz Iron Works 1822 Shell Oil Company 1123 Standard mil Co. 1 24 Dept. of Labor & Ind. 1825 Salary as Street Fareman ' ca Graderman Maintenance Flan Maintenance Han " ro Street Sweeper p ' Street Supervisor Bookkeeper "` ro Dump Han Withholdin Taxes Power for rusher Su plies for Street Dept. Supplies for Street Dept. Labor, Material & Supplies Gasoline, City Pump Gasoline, City Pump Ind Ina. ac Med Aid 272.80 141.60 100.7 7 206.46 178.41 180.00 171.20 152.80 10.40 2.42 48.00 149.20 .58- 340.00 1264.27 1.0 9 119.1 2.99 4.12 8.io 52.6b 19.15 5.15 1.50 17-39 . 14.29 18.52 4.10 513.05 5.2g 43.1 6.56 532.11 182.80 .J7Zb4o 174.80 160.80 11-03-440 40.00 40.00 3g. 40 9 •3559- 31.89 1080 22.36 88.80 32.1 20.7 A motion was made by Hatton and seconded by Dodge that the above claims be referred to the Finance Committee. Motion carried. . The Finance Committee considered the above claims and recommended that the claims against the city of Anacortes for the month of June, 1944, be allowed and that. rarrante be drawn in favor of the same. A motion was made by Schulz and seconded by Brady that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be adopted. Ayes, Schulz, Hammons, Foss, Brady, Hatton and Dodge. Lotion carried. Having completed the business of the evening a motion was made by St hU� -z--arid seconded by Hatton that the meeting of the city council adjourn. Motion carried. The meeting of the city council did then adjourn. ATTES 7 MAYOR I July 2:8 , . 1944 Regular Rleeting of the City Council of -the City of Anacoktes was called to order at 8.otclock P. M. with Mayor C. A. Peters presiding. The roll was called and Hammons, Foss, Derby and Brady were present. The minutes meeting were read and approved as read. The following communication from the Vashington Surveying and Rating Bureau was presented and read to the City Council: Mr. L. E. -5nider, fire Chief, Anacortes,.Washington. July 13, 1944 i Dear Sir: Ve.have discussed the matter of allowing the erection of a frame addition j to an existing frame structure now within the Fire limits of your City. In the interests of the City.as a whole we consistently recommend that no con® cessions be allowed in violation of existing building regulations. Lhile the proposed addition may not adversely effect the fire hazard situation in the existing building and surrounding area, it is manifestly unfair to allow inferior construction in this instance when such privileges were formerly denied applicants in other parts of the fire district. Alteringthe Fire Limits to accomodate this particular property ocmer would be - frowned upon, since it would only present an argument for future alterations, in other districts which mayjeopardize the value of all building restrictions I in the town. Very truly yours, 7ashington Surveying-& sting Bureau, J. K. Voolley, Manager, by Paul J. Braun, Engineer A motion vas made by Brady and seconded by Derby that the above communication be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. i The follov3ing communication from the Texas Company was presented and read to the City Council: Seattle, Washington, July 10, 1944. City of Anacortes, Anacortes,.Vashington. Gentlemon: 77e ark writing you in answer to your inquiry whether or not we are in a position to serve you your monthly requirements of gasoline on a rotation basis. 'Our understanding is that you divide your requirements among competitive companies operating in your territory. This being the case, and because of ration- ing. we are requesting our Anacortes consignee to serve you on this basis, pro- viding he.can do so from the gasoline we allocate him for his territory each month. The price is to be our net posted tankwagon price in effect at time and place of delivery. ode thank you for your inquire, and remain, Yours very truly, The Texas Company, CVA -.BL By A. R. Playle A motion was made by Hanmone and seconded by Foss, that the above communication be accepted and placed on file, and that the Texas Company be notified that the City of Anacortes would purchase gasoline at the regular market. price at the time of the putchase as outlined in the above communication from the Texas Company. Lotion carried. Mr. W. V. Wells City Attorne i y, presented the City Attorney°s Reports recommending the acceptance of surety bonds for barren Eugene Thompson and Harold Glassburn, City Police officers, and the renevial of a fire insurance police on the City owned house at Sunset Beach. A motion was made by Derby and seconded by Brady that the above described City Attorney°s Reports: be accepted. Motion carried. Mr. W. V. Wells, City Attorney, spoke to the City Council and pointed ou� that there had been several complaints from persons whose gardens had been partially destroyed by stock running at large. After some discussion, a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Derby that the Ordinance governing animals at large be amended to include all the area within the limits of.the City of Anacortes, except when such stock is under the personal supervision of a herder or someone watching and being responsible for said stock. Ayes, Hammons, foss, Derby and Brady. Motion carried. Councilman Foss of the Streets and Parks Committee, made an oral report on the matter of the damage to sidewalks from the roots of large trees in the City of Anacortes. It was decided to leave this matter with the Streets & Parke Committee. The ratter of purchasing new window 7hades for the City Hall was discussed at some length and a. motion was made by Foss and seconded by Derby that the matter of, purchasing window shades for the City Hall be referred to the Building Committee and the City Clerk with power to act. dyes: Hammons, Foss, Derby and Brady, Motion carried. 1 1 •I 1 7 July 18, 1944, continued. Mr. T.. G. McCrory, City Engineer, spoke to the City Council about the alteration and repair of the tourer on the City Hall. Bir. McCrory pointed out that the most satisfactory results would be obtained be removing the top or steeple part of the tower and place a new roof on the remainder of the tosser. After som dish cussion a motion was,made by trady and'seconded by Debby that the City Clerk advertise a call for bids for the removal of the steeple part of the tower on the City Hall, and that a proper enclosure be made in the lower part of the. tower, subject to specifications prepared by the City Engineer. Motion carried. The Report of' the Chief of the Fire Department for the month of Jure, 1944, was presented and read to the City Council. A motion was made by Derby aiad seconded by Brady that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. Having completed the business of the evening, a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Hammons that the meeting of the City'Council.adjourn. Motion carried. The meeting of the City Council did then adjourn. At test ; , Pala yo r August 1, 1944 A Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 8 o°clock P. U. with P.layor C. A. Peters presiding. The roll was called and Schulz, Hammons, Foss, Brady and Hatton were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Mayor G. A. ]Peters spoke to the City Council and pointed out that the local Coast Guard Officers had asked the City of Anacortes to pass an ordinance which would. prohibit smoking on'docks and wharves in the City of Anacortes. Mr. L. E. Snider., Fire Chief, spoke to the City Council and told of the danger which might come from smoking on.the dockes in the City of Anacortes, particularly on the Port Dock. After some discussion, a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Rammons that the City Clerk write to the Association of Washington Cities and ask for copies of Smoking Ordinances in effect in other cities. Notion carried. The Report of the City Treasurer for the month of July, 1944, was presented to the City Council and was referred by the Mayor to the Finance Committee. jl The report ofthe Chief of Police for the month of duly, 1944, was presented and read to the City Council and a motion was made by Schulz and seconded by Hammons that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. At this time, Mr. T. G. McCrory, eater Superintendent and recommended that a dolphin be constructed in the Skagit River at the intake of the City of Ana- cortes Water pumping plant.. Mr. KcCrory stated that he had secured a Govern- ment permit to drive piles to construct a dolphin at this location and that Pyr. G. H. -Doust would be doing pile driving work on the Skagit River this rsall. After some discussion, a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Schulz that the.recommendation of th---Water Superintendent to drive piles to construct a dolphin at the above described location be adopted, and that lir. T. G. McCrory be authorized to have piles driven to construct a dolphin at the Skagit River intake of -the Anacortes Water System pumping plant. Psyes, Schulz, Hammons, Brady,Foss and Hatton. Notion carried. The. report of the Streev Foreman for the month of July, 1944,. was presented and read to the City Council and a motion was made by -Schulz and seconded by Hatton that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The -Gasoline reoprt for the month of July, 1944, was presented and read to the City Council and a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Rose that said. report be accepted and placed on file. Notion carried. ,t this :time, an ordinance being an ordinance amending Section 1 of Ordinance Number No. 272 entitled an Ordinance Regulating the keeping of -certain Domestic Animals inr the City of Anacortee, to prevent the same from running at large therein, to provide for the distraining and impounding thereof, and for proceed- ings relative to the sale thereof, to establish City Pound and establish regu- lations concerning animals impounded and to fix penalties for the violation. hereof; and repealing the following ordinances which pertain to the same subject matter; Ordinance No. 722,passed April 17, 1923➢ Ordinance No. 680,passed July 18, 1916; and Ordinance No. 548, passed Iay 16, 1913, and all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance was presented to the City Council and. read for information. After some discussion a r,&ot°ctr, ,,ac by Brady and Hatton that said ordinance be given its first and second readings by title. Motion carried. Said Ordinance given its first and second readings by title and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Schulz that said ordinance be given its -third and final reading by sections. Motion carried. Section 1 read and a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Schulz that Section 1 be adopted. ]Notion carried. Section 2 read and a motion was made by Schulz and seconded by Hatton that Section 2 be adopted. Motion carried. Section 3 read and a motion was made by Batton and seconded by Brady that Section 3 be adopted. A motion was made by Brady and seconded by Hatton* that above entitled Ordinance be adopted as a whole. Ayes, Schulz, Hammons, Foss, Brady and Hatton. Motion carried. �n•.t August 1.0 1944 Continued Councilman Brady reported that the members of the 7th Day Adeentest Church had asked permission, to ereat a sign showing the location: of their church an& a motion was made by Brady and_ seconded by Hammons that permission be granted to the members of -the Seventh Day Adventest Church to erect a sign on the Northeast Corner of 22nd Street and Commercial Avenue. Motion carried. Mr. T. G. McCrory, City-'."n11ineer, spoke to the City Council about a group of persons who are.going to buy a tank car of about 10000 gallons of MC2 oil to be applied to certain streets in Anacortes. 35th Street from the Plywood dant to Commercial Avenue and 12th Street from Commercial Avenue to the the fill at Florida will receive a coating of this oil. The oil will be apglied by Skagit County Equipment. After some discussion, a motion was made by Hammons and seconde(,L Brady that the City Engineer be authorized obtain the use of the necessary Skagit County Equ�.pment to apply the 102 Oil to the above described City Streets.' �- Dyes, Schulz, Ha=ons, Foss,. Brady and Hatton. Motion carried. i For some time, there has been an urgent need for storage space in the City Council Room and the matter of the building of a large storage looker has been discussed. The City Clea,' submitted a plan for a locker of this type to the Brown Lumber Company of this City and received a quotation of 00100.00 for a locker of this type. After some discussion a.motion was made by Foss and seconded by Hammons that the quotation of the Brown Lumber Company he accepted and that they be authorized to build said looker. Ayes, Schulz, Hammons, Foss, Brady and Hatton. Motion carried. The bid for applying a new roof to the City Jail and a coating of asphalt to the City Ball came up for consideration at this time, and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Hainmons that said roofing bid be -opened, Motion carried. There was only one bid which was from the Anacortes Roofing Company, which quoted as followo.: I 21 Sq.2 ply 30# felt applied over old roof with 3 moppings of asphal Q186.O,� Repainting Roof on City Hall 32.5C1j Plus 3% caleo Tax. A motion was made by Brady and seconded by Hatton that above roofing bid be accepted and that the new roof be applied as soon as possiblc. hy6s,1Schulz, Hammons, Foss, Brady & Hatton. Potion carried. A call for bids for the alteration and repair of the tower on the City Hall was advertised, bat..az no bids were filed with the City Clerk, a motion vas made by Brady and seconded by Hatton t4at the the City of Anacortes proceed to have the steeple part of the City Hall `Zower removed and the n�?c;essary roof'and enclosures applied under the supervioion of the City EngineeL�. Ayes;. Hammohs;,.Schulz, Foss, Brady and Za,tton. Motion carried. The following claims against the City of lfinacortes for the month of July, 1944, L*7etce presented. and read to the -City Council: I C URRE °' ELPFXS Y' 0o E. Arges 12021 Salary as Deputy Treasurer 70.40 Sohn G.. Dorcy 12022 " City Clerk 70.40 Ty. V. '70110 12023 " � City Attorney 70.40 Dr. A. B. Cook 12024 " Health Officer 38000 A. R. Sellenthin 12025 " " Police Justice 36.00 0. E. Arges 12026 " Janitor at City Hall 56.40 Alfred Robbins 12029 " " Dog Catcher 25.00 71ithholding Tax Fund 1202 thholding Tax Deductions 33.40 Burroughs Adding Machine Co. 12029 Ldding Machine Service 5.95 Henry Davey, Plb. Inspector 12030 2 Plumbing Inspections 3.00 � Anacortes Gas Co. 12031 Gas used at City Hall 3.60 Anacortes Roofing Go. .12032 Papering & Painting, City Miall 349.01 Curtis Wharf Co. 12033 Coal 164.81 Simpson's Electric Shop 12034 Material and Supplies 11.56 � H. H. Rinshavv? 12035 Salary as Chief of Police 195.60 Nick Petrioh 12036 Salary as Asst Ch of Police 192.00 Jack Goff 12037 �' " Capt of Police 174.40 L. Pollard 1203$ " " Patrolman i6®.:80 George Helmsing 12039 " ¢' Patrolman 105.66 Harold Glass burn 12040 " " Patrolman 166.46 Marren Thompson 12041 " " Patrolman. 166.46 Withholding Tax Fund 12042 Vithholding Tax Deductions 78.19 Dr. A. Llewellyn Cook. 12043 Medical Service at Jail 4.00 J. C. Penney Co. 12044 Supplies for Police Dept. 12.24 Dept of Labor & Industries 12045 Ind Ina & Med laid . 12.46 'ff. S. Darley & Co. 12046 Supplies for Police Dept. 7.1 E. 11�. Abbott Motor Co. 12047 Police Car Repairs 15.29 Colvin's Service Station 12048 Supplies for Police Dept 51.70 L. E. Snider 12049 Salary as Fire Chief 196.44 Bert Verrall 12050 " " Asst Fire Chief. 177. 97 Oliver Hauge 12051 " " Captain, Fire Dept 175.89 M. G; Strock 12052 " "' Fireman 162.50 C. Strack 12053 "' " Fireman 162.50 K. Vt. Snart 12054 ". " Fireman 162.50 M. Iversen 12055 " " Fireman 158.60 r, 1 1 PARK FUND J. E. Harding .1504 Salary as Park Supt. 160080 .A,ug,mt_,1-,j944., Continued 1505 Salary as Park Employee CURRENT M[PENSE, Continued Withholding Tax Fund R. McDougall George Miller 12056 1207 Call man and Extra Fireman Call man & Extra Fireman 44°.15 4�.9� City Street Fund T* .G. Dorey 120 8 Call man'& Extra Fireman 4 Carlos Cook IL; Monroe 12059 Call Man; Fire Dept.: 13:50 E. A. Abbott Motor Co. A:'Mondhan 12060 Call Man, Fire Dept. 13'50 Dept of Labor & Ind. Fred Fisher 12061 n r1 n W 200 .. WATER FM He �Chevri er 12062 i1 re r° 1r 1,2.00 8114 R. ,Boyer 12063 Cr 1r 9.00 8115 IL. Io ore 12064 ro r1 rr ro 7.'50 8116 . C-. .17irsing 12065 9-00 8117 Withholding 'fax Fuad 12066 Withholding Tax Deductions_ 112.70 8119 Firemen's Rel & Pen Fund 12067 2% of Firemen's Salaries 27.98 8119 City Street Fund 12068 Gasoline used, Fire & Police 60.68 8120 L. E. Snider 12069 Cash advanced 62.25 2.25.7a-ter 8121 1.7a-terDepartment 12070 Hydrant Rental 565.00 8122 State Treasurer 12071 Volunteer firemen Fees 16000 8123 Luvera's 12072 Supplies for Fire Dept.. 2006 8124 Anacort-na h1tVdrhon Stage Co.12073 Express on Truck Radiator .72 Withholding 'fax Fund Preston° -s Radiator Service 12074Cleaning Radiator 12.36 City Street Fund Strock Radiator Service -.,2075 Truck Radiator Repair 1055 Schwartz Iron Works Anacortes Laundry 12076 Laundry Service 11:55 Marine Supply & Hardware The Fern Press 12bT ' . • .Printing and Supplies 3:044 The Fern Press Simmonds Paint Co. 12078 Supplies for Fire Dept. 1 055 - T. N. Dalstad P. Pit Harold Johnson 12079 Witness Fees 20'00 Puget. Sound Pr. & Lt. Co. Jean Paddock 12080 Witness Fees 2e00 Pennsylvania Salt Co. Carleton Beckley 12081 Withess Fees 2;00 Curtis txlharf* Co. John G. Dorcy 12082 Rei; of Births & Deaths 10080 Pacific Highway Transport. 8134 Withholding Tax Fund 12083 Withholding Taxes 2070 $135 Valve Paras E. Mansfield 12084 Salary as Coordinator 50.00 Telephone at Avon 1.51 tHe VYp V. Wells 12085 Rent of Civilian Defense Office 10.00 146.10 Southaide Hardware Co. 12086 Supplies for'Election Booths 4.50 25.54 Puget Sd. Pr. & Lt. Co. 120$ Lighting Service 286.50 12.25 Union Printing Co. 1208 Registration Supplies 6.30 12.30. G. H. Doust 1:2089 Driving piles for aerer project 933.06 25.09 .Oregon Culvert & Pipe Co. 12090 Sewer Pipe. 310.92 Great Northern Railway 12091 Freight on sewer pipe 38.09 'Rest Coast Telephone Co. 12092 Telephone Service 26.85 LIBRARY FUND Constance Fox 1992 Salary as Librarian 138.40 Blanche Sackett 1993 °' .set Librarian 90.40 Maude F. Webb 1994 Subsittute at Library 74.24 Paul Marshall 1995 Janitor at Library 76.25 Withholding Tax Fund 199.6 Withholding Taxes 37.51 Anacortes Tatek Dept'.. 1997 Water used at Library 18.20 Puget Sound 4 -?r. & It. Cb. 1998 Lights used at Library 2.62 Alfred Robbins 1999 Garbage Service 1.25 Eldridge's Stationery Store 2000 Supplies for ]Library 2032 Dept of Labor & Ind 2001 Ind Ins & Red Aid .42 PARK FUND J. E. Harding .1504 Salary as Park Supt. 160080 Walter C. Strong 1505 Salary as Park Employee 144;80 Withholding Tax Fund 1506 Withholding Tax Deductions 24040 City Street Fund 1507 Gasoline used in Park Truck 2;59 Carlos Cook 1508 Service for Park Dept. 3.09 E. A. Abbott Motor Co. 1509 Service on Park Truck 1055 Dept of Labor & Ind. 1510 Ind Ina & Med Aid 6.19 WATER FM T. G. McCrory 8114 Salary as Water Supt. 272.80 Sadie M. Arges 8115 i° " p Cashier° 141.64 Dorothy Fee 8116 a Clerk 116.12 Charles Wedlund 8117 '° G' Foreman 198.40 11ussell Carolan 8119 a �a Serviceman 178.51 W. 0. Rogers 8119 �' Filterman 18$0.00 G. F. Zeller 8120 C ° Filterman 171;20 A. Sirett. 8121 7 Filterman 152.80 Frank Deane 8122 n n Filterman 142.40 Lester Thomas 8123 n m Pumpman 165.51 Jdhnn G. Doircy 8124 C ° Bookkeeper 48.00 Withholding 'fax Fund 8125 Tithholding Tax IDeductione 148.30 City Street Fund 8126 Gasoline used in Water Dept. 18.32 Schwartz Iron Works 812 Material & Supplies 25.75 Marine Supply & Hardware 8129 Supplies for Rater Dept. .62 The Fern Press 8129 Printing and Supplies 22.92- T. N. Dalstad P. Pit 8130 Postage for Water Office 12.00 Puget. Sound Pr. & Lt. Co. 8131 Power & Service 1229;36 Pennsylvania Salt Co. 8132 Chlorine for 'pater Dept. 119.49 Curtis txlharf* Co. 8133 Material for 'latex` Dept. 45.32 Pacific Highway Transport. 8134 Freight on Pipe Bands .96 Pacific Waterworks Supply $135 Valve Paras 21.20 Skagit Valley Telephone Co. 8136 Telephone at Avon 1.51 Worthington Gamon Meter Co. 813 New Meters 146.10 Trulson Motor Co. 81138 Truck Repairs 25.54 Dept of Labor & Ind. 8139 Ind Ins & Med Aid 12.25 West Coast. Telephone Co. 8140 Telephone Service 12.30. Colvin"au Service Station 8141 Tire & Tire Service 25.09 . 0 August 1, 1944, Continued C rTY S TR=T' FUIT3 P. E. Olson 1826 Salary as Street Foreman 182:8.0 Lynn .Balcom 1827 Graderman 172.40 Roy NaDougall 1828 Maintenance Ern 17.4.80 Dave.Summers 1829 Maintenance Man 160.8.0 Lee Parish 1830 Street Sweeper 103:41 T. G. McCrory 1831 Street Supervisor 404,00 John -G. Dorcy 1832 « Bookkeeper "'o'00 Alfred Dobbins 1833 Dump Man 3 .40 Withholdin lax Fund 1834 Vithholding Tax Deductions 9�:39 iardivaie Southside .1835 Supplies for St. Department 1:2• Trulson ETotor Cm. 1836 Supplies for St. Dept. .22 Puget Sound Pr. & Lt. Go. 1837 Power for Crusher 37.50 Colvin*s Service Station 1838 lire and Service 6 :19 Schwartz Iron V16rks 1839 Material and Supplies 16:12 Standard Oil Co. 1840 Gasoline & Oil 135:35 Marine Supply & Hardware 1841 Material & Supplies 10:76 • i Dept -of Labor & Indo 1842 Ind Ins & Med Aid 19.59 G®HVti 1TY BUILDING RENTAL FUI9D Puget Sound Pr. & Lt. Go. 16 Lights in Community Building 5.36 7ITHHOID111TG TAX FU1gD People's Nat Bank of Wash. 13 Total of Withholding Taxes,July 535.59 A motion vias made by lZammons and seconded by Ross that the above claims against the City of Anacortes for the month of July, 1944, be referred to the Finance Committee. Lotion Carried. The Finance Committee considered the above claims and recommended that the claims be allowed and warrants be drawn in favor of the.same, and a motion was i made•byS:•chulz and seconded by Hammons that the recommendation oX the Financo Committee in the matter of the calims against the City of Anacortes for the month of July, 1944, be adopted. Ayes, Schulz, Hammons, Foss, Brady and Hutton. ii Motion. carroed. A motion vas made by Schulz and seconded by Hammons that Alfred Robbins be appointed as Dog Catcher and Dump Man as of July 1, 1944, and to act as such during the illness of Villinm McMinn. Motion carried. it Having completed the business of the evening, a motion was made by Schulz and seconded by Foss that the meeting of the City Council adjourn. Motion carried. The meeting of the City Council did then adjourn. f1ttest:I;�c�i ity filer \ August 15, 1944. The regular meeting of the city council of the city of Anacortes was called to order 8.00 P.M. Payor tem at orclock with pro Ferd Brady presiding. Roll .was called and Schulz, Hammons, Foss, Derby, Dodge and Brady were preeen•t. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. The annual report of the City Clerk for the year 1943 was presented to the • city cauncil, and a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Hammons that -said report be accepted and placed on file. Lotion carried. Lit the last meeting of the city council, the city clerk rias asked to write to the Association of Washington Cities for copies of model ordinances which are in effect in the City of Hoquiam and Bremerton, Washington, u.Mi ch- would prohibit • smoking in certain areas in the city. This -the City Clerk did and received copies of smoking ordinan,cen uhich are in effect in the cities above mentioned. These were presented to the city council and after some discussion a motion vas made by Hammono and seconded by Schulz that said ordinances be turned over to the City Attorney to draft a suitable ordinance which was prohibit smoking in certain areas in the city of Anacortes. The report of the Police Justice for the month of July, 1944, was presented and reed -to the city council, and a motion was made by Schulz and seconded by Hana- mons -that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The report of the yJeter Superintendent for the hionth of July, 1944, was presented and read to the City council, and a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Derby that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The report of the Chief of the Fire Department for the month of July, 1944, was presented and read to the city council, and a motion was made by Derby and Beconded by Foss that said report be accepted and placed on file. Eotion carried. Mr. L.E. Snider, Fire Chief, spoke to the city council and pointed out the urgent need of flood lights to be used in fighting night fires. The Fire Chief also pointed out that the Anacortes Shipways are selling off some of their used mat- erial and are offering these flood lights at �ey6.00 a piece and suitable electric I 0 1 J � 0 L 1 August 15, 1944 (Continuted) wire to operate these bights at the rate of-40'per foot. .After some discussion by the city council a motion was made by Foss and seconded by Schulz that the Fire Chief be authorized to purchase from the Anacortes Shipways four (4) flood lights at X6.00 each, and up to 1200 feet of electric wdre-for the'operation of the lights at 40'per foot. Ayes, Schulz, Hammons, Foss, Derby, Dodge and Brady; Motion carried. The Fire Chief asked permission from the city council to purchase four of these flood lights and 1200 feet of electric wire to operate these lights. The matter of the purchase of Grand View Cemetery by the city of Anacortes has been discussed for some time, and at the last meeting of the city council was referred to the Streets and Parks Committee. f'at this time, Councilman Schulz, Chairman- of the Streets and Parks Committee, reported that they had discussed the purchase of the cemetery with members of the -Deutsch family, and that the city could acquire the cemetery for the pur- chase price of X2000.00. This would include all of the land within the limits of the present cemetery and approximately nine acres to the south of the present cemetery. ,After some discuusion it was decided that the City Clerk should write to Dgnden And Ferndale and ask for information as to the rates charged for lots and ser- vice in the cemetery, and also the salary paid to the man who works in the cemetery. For some time the matter of the damage..being done to our sidewalks by the roots of large trees has been discussed, and Hr. W.V. Vells, City attorney, spoke to the city council and suggested that the Streets and Parks Committee meet with: the Park Board and make a report of this meeting to the city council.. F. H. Hinshaw, Chief of Police, spoke to the city council and reported that a number of complaints had been registered on account of the'box wood and hog fuel being scattered on the streets in the city. After some discussion a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Dodge that this matter be referred to the Judicial Committee, the Chief of Police and the City (Attorney to make a report. Motion carried. A renewal insurance policy 'covering the two cars used in the Pplice Department eras presented to the city council, and a motion was made by Foss, and seconded by Hammons that said insurance policy be referred to the City Attorney. Hotion carried. Councilman Derby reported that he had received a number of complaints about the service of the Southside bus. He further reported that Lee Thayer had offered to buIr a new bus and operate on a schedule which would serve the public better than the one which is in•operation at the present time. The matter was discussed at some length but no official aciion was taken in the matter. Having completed the business of the evening, a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Derby that the meeting of the city council adjourn. MotioO carried. The meeting of the city council did then adjourn. ATTEST o ._ Mayor g -n0 �--� �-- City Clerk September 5, 1944. The regular meeting of the city council of the city -of Anacortes Yjas called to order at $:00 o'clock P. -Mo with Mayor C.A. Peters presiding. Roll was called and Hammons, Foss, Brady, Hatton and Dodge were present. I The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Xr. H..G. MacDonald of the MacDonald, Inc. of this city spoke to the city council at some length and asked that the city council install a larger water main down to his manufacturin plant. Mr. P..dDonald pointed out that there wau. only a 211 main at the present time. After some discussion a motion � co c %1c U,7 �)o ocOoEpc,6 �-o -% F &no L'k;!A and Uater committee and eater aper® intendent. Mr. MacDonald further spoke to the city couhcil and pointed out the difficulties which he was having in driving his trucks from the plant up to Oakes avenue. Mr. MacDonald asked that the city condemn a right of way across the railway and other private property. An associate of Mr. UacDonald, who has been. manufacturing vitamen oils,' spore t o the city council and urged that the city provide a road as outlined by Hr. Mac- Donald. After some discussion a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Foss that this matter be referred to the Streets & Parkes Committee and the City Attorney. Notion carried. Mr. U.V. Tells, City Attorney, presented a written report recommending the ac- ceptance by the city of Anacortes of insurance policy covering the two Ford cars used by the Police Department of the city, and a motion was made by Brady seconded by Dodge that said City Attorney's report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The report of the City Treasurer for the month of August, 1944 was presented to the city council and was referred by the Mayor to the Finance Committee. The report of the Chief of Police for the month of August, 1944, was presented and read to the city council, amd a motion ujas made by' Hammons and seconded by Foss that said report be adcepted -and•.placed on file. Potion carried. The report of the Tater Supe ri nt eddent for the month of August, 1944, was pre- sented Lind read to the city council, and a motion arras made by Dodge and seconded by Hatton that said report be accepted and placed on. file. Motion carried. The report of the Street Foreman for the month of August, 1944, was presented and read to the city council and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Hammons that said report be accepted and placed on file. Notion carried. I The Gasoline report presented by the Chief of the Fire Department fer the month of August, 1944, was read to the city council and a motion was made by Hatton, seconded by Foss that said report be accepted and placed on file. I1otion' carr,_: Tied. Councilman Dodge made an oral report on the matter of the purchasing of the Grand View Cemetery and also a report on a trip which he and several other members made to the Toodlana CeYnetery near Lynden. Councilman Dodge gave a very complete outline of the rates charged for services in Cloodlay.n cemetery, and, as chairman of his committee, he very strongly recommended that the city of Anacortes purchase the Grand View Cemetery. At this time Councilman. Derby came in and resumed his seat in the city council. The City Clerk pointed out thajr funds providing for the purchase of the Grand View Cemetery were included in the 1945 preliminary budget, and a motion vas made by Brady, seconded by Hatton, that the matter of the purchase of the Grand View Cemesrery be continued until the preliminary budget for 1945 was considered. Motion carried.. A report from the Anacortes Public Library by Miss Constance Fox, Librarian, for the months of July and August, 1944, were presented and read to the city council, and a motion was made by Hammons, seconded by Foss, that said Library reports be accepted and placed on file. motion carried. Councilman Dodge reported that girl Ted Bruland, who is operating the skating rank in the ballroom of the Anacortes Community Building wished to have permis- sion to remove the stage in the Southeast corner of Gaid ballroom. .'after some discuusion, a motion w -as made by Derby and seconded by Dodge that permission be grunted to Mr. Ted Bruland to remove the stage in the Southeast corner of the said ballroom, in the Anacortes Community Building. Potion carried. Zr. T.G. McCrory made a very complete report of the removal of the tower on the city hall. The renewal of the bond of W. V. Tells, City Attorney, rias presented to the city council and a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Dodge that said band be referred to the city &Ittorney. Motion carried. The following claims for the month of August, 1944, were presented and read to the city council,. and a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Dodge that said claims be referred to the Finance Committee. 1 7 L 1 1 September 5, 1944 CURRENT EXPENSE. 12093 12094 12095 12o96 12097 12098 12099 12100 12101 12102 12103 12104 12105 12106 12107 12108 12109 12110 12111 12112 12113 12114 12115 121-16 12117 12118 12119 12120 12121 12122 12123 12124 1212.5 12126 12127 12128 12129 12130 12131 12132 12133 12134 12135 1213.6 1213 1213 12139 12140 12141 12142 12143 12144 12145 12146 12147 12148 12149 12150 12151 12152 12154 12155 12156 2157 12158 12159 12160 12161 12162 1216;3 12164 12165 12166 12167 12168 12169 12170 12171 Salary as c� ca n m t4 n Q iY 0 q CJ D Vages as q p w rt Deputy Treasurer City -Clerk City Attorney Health Officer Police Justice Janitor at City Dog Catcher 70.40 70.40 70.40 38.00 36.00 Hall . 56.40 25.00 Carpenter, City Hall (Cancelled) Helper rt n Withholding Tax deductions Postage for Clerk's Office Typing Budget 1 Plumbing Inspection 1 Desk for Clerk's office Janitor's Supplies Material and Supplies, Cit Fuel Oil, City Hall - Material 1:4 Supplies, City Painting in City -Hall Gas used in City Tull New roof for City Hall Window shades for City Hall Salary as Chief of Police Salary as Asst Ch. of folic ra 0 Capt. of Police n " Patrolman ° 0 Patrolman C3 Q ]Patrolman 1 Day as Patrolman 1 as a a 1 i9 it n Withholding Tax Deductions Supplies for Police Dept. Meals for .Prisoners Labor and Parts for Police Printing and Supplies Ind Ins & Med Aid Salary as Chief of Fire Dept. 196.44 40.06 14.28 47.39® 3.00 5.00 1.50 15.45 1.09 City hall 34.22 12.62 Hall 128.87 5.25 4.14 225.05 55-b3 195.60 e 192.00 174.40 160.80 167.20 167.64 5.42 5.42 .5.42 (Cancelled) 1.29 15.45 Car 36.88 27.71 11.20 ra 0 Asst. Fire Chief 0. E. rges John G.-Dorcy " Capt. of Fire Dept. U. V. Wells 1° Fireman Dr. A.B. Cook Fireman A.R. Sellenthin Fireman O.E. Arges Fireman Alfred Robbins Call man and extra -fireman C.C. Blacker, n n n i0 Clarence E. Moe r� re w n Johj L. Johnson Fire Dept.. k7ithholding Tax Fund 2% of Firemen's Salaries G. N. Dalstead, P.M. 17ithho lding Tax Deductions Elizabeth M. Dwelley Hydrant rental H. 0. Davey,Plumbing Insp. Mileage on -Car. Central Furniture -Store Gasoline used, Fire &• Police Dep. Lyle's Grocery - Supplies for Fire Dept. Curtis 'Uharf Co. Supplies, Fire Dept. City Hall Island Transfer Co. Equipment for Fire Dept. Brown Lumber Co. Supplies for Fire Dept. Alvin Smith Service & Material, Fire Dept. Anacortes Gas Co. Battery for Fire Dept. Anacortes Roofing Co. Supplies for Fire Dept. Young's Home Furnishings Car ins. and bonds (Cancelled) H. H. Hinshaw Laundry Service, Fire & Police Hick Petrish Material & Supplies, Fire & Pol. Jack Goff Labor & Eaterial, Fire & Police .L. Pollard Supplies for Election & Fire Dep. Harold GlasZfturn Farren Thompson Salary as Coordinator Harald Springer Vithholding Tax Deduction Norman Springer Rent on Civilian Defense Jffice Matt Kingsley 1000 ft used lumber tri thholding Tax Fund a SUpP1isnfoJPaliee Justice .Alan's Mercantile Telephone Service Empire Cafe Lighting Service Abbott Motor Co. Service on Police Car The Fern -Press Clothes for Fire Dept. Dept. Labor and Industries To replace 12154 S. R. Snider To replace 12125 Bert Verrall To replace.n121OO Oliver Hauge To replace 12171 M. G. Strock Carl Strock K. IV. Snart M. Iversen J. G. Dorcy Roy McDougall George Miller H. Chevrier Firemen's Rel & Pen Fund 71i thho lding Tax Fund Anacortes Water- Dept. L. E. Snider City Street Fund Simpson's Electric Shop Southside Hardware Anacortes Shipways, Inc. Shell Oi1 Co. Trulson Motor Co. Western Auto Supply Sandersor) M. R. Kingsley Anacortes Laundry Marine Supply Hardware Schwartz - Iron Works Simmonds -Paint Co. H. E. Mansfield W i t hho ld i ng Tax Fund IVI, V. 'Wells Clyde R.- Nunn Uni6n','riht Ing -@b: . 17expt"'Cdaet.- T.eiephon.e...Co:::) . Puget Sound Power ?c Lt Co. Colvin's•Service Station Eureka Fire Hose Co. M.R. Kingsley Withholding Tax Fund C. C. Blacker West Coast Telephone Co. Constance Fox Blanche Sackett. Paul Mar -shall Maude F.- Webb George C. Sutherland Withholding Tax Fund Puget So-und Power & Lt. Anacortes eater Dept. Dept. of Labor & Industry Phil D. Burton J.K. September 5, 1944 CURRENT EXPENSE. 12093 12094 12095 12o96 12097 12098 12099 12100 12101 12102 12103 12104 12105 12106 12107 12108 12109 12110 12111 12112 12113 12114 12115 121-16 12117 12118 12119 12120 12121 12122 12123 12124 1212.5 12126 12127 12128 12129 12130 12131 12132 12133 12134 12135 1213.6 1213 1213 12139 12140 12141 12142 12143 12144 12145 12146 12147 12148 12149 12150 12151 12152 12154 12155 12156 2157 12158 12159 12160 12161 12162 1216;3 12164 12165 12166 12167 12168 12169 12170 12171 Salary as c� ca n m t4 n Q iY 0 q CJ D Vages as q p w rt Deputy Treasurer City -Clerk City Attorney Health Officer Police Justice Janitor at City Dog Catcher 70.40 70.40 70.40 38.00 36.00 Hall . 56.40 25.00 Carpenter, City Hall (Cancelled) Helper rt n Withholding Tax deductions Postage for Clerk's Office Typing Budget 1 Plumbing Inspection 1 Desk for Clerk's office Janitor's Supplies Material and Supplies, Cit Fuel Oil, City Hall - Material 1:4 Supplies, City Painting in City -Hall Gas used in City Tull New roof for City Hall Window shades for City Hall Salary as Chief of Police Salary as Asst Ch. of folic ra 0 Capt. of Police n " Patrolman ° 0 Patrolman C3 Q ]Patrolman 1 Day as Patrolman 1 as a a 1 i9 it n Withholding Tax Deductions Supplies for Police Dept. Meals for .Prisoners Labor and Parts for Police Printing and Supplies Ind Ins & Med Aid Salary as Chief of Fire Dept. 196.44 40.06 14.28 47.39® 3.00 5.00 1.50 15.45 1.09 City hall 34.22 12.62 Hall 128.87 5.25 4.14 225.05 55-b3 195.60 e 192.00 174.40 160.80 167.20 167.64 5.42 5.42 .5.42 (Cancelled) 1.29 15.45 Car 36.88 27.71 11.20 ra 0 Asst. Fire Chief 177.97 " Capt. of Fire Dept. 175.89 1° Fireman 162.,50 Fireman 162.50 Fireman 162.50 Fireman 158.60 Call man and extra -fireman 14.84 n n n i0 14.84 r� re w n 14.84 Fire Dept.. 1.00 2% of Firemen's Salaries 27.02 17ithho lding Tax Deductions 09.30- Hydrant rental 565.00 Mileage on -Car. 22.05 Gasoline used, Fire &• Police Dep. 58.10 Supplies for Fire Dept. 2.52 Supplies, Fire Dept. City Hall 5.25 Equipment for Fire Dept. 74.16 Supplies for Fire Dept. 1.29 Service & Material, Fire Dept. 1.96 Battery for Fire Dept. 9.19 Supplies for Fire Dept. 6.49 Car ins. and bonds (Cancelled) Laundry Service, Fire & Police Material & Supplies, Fire & Pol. 14. 7 Labor & Eaterial, Fire & Police 10. 0 Supplies for Election & Fire Dep. 12.36 Salary as Coordinator 40.00 Vithholding Tax Deduction 10.00- Rent on Civilian Defense Jffice • 1.0.00 1000 ft used lumber 20.00e a SUpP1isnfoJPaliee Justice 8.1$ Telephone Service 17.45 Lighting Service 283.74 Service on Police Car .52 Clothes for Fire Dept. 39.00 To replace 12154 70.22 To replace 12125 63 .61 To replace.n121OO 58.82 To replace 12171 15.30 LIBRARY FUND. 2002 Salary as Librarian 138.40 2003 Q i' Asst Librarian 90.40 2004 p w Janitor 74.31 200 Substitute 18.50 2006 cy Substitute .Janitor 14.63 2007 Flithholding Tax Deductions 34.45 2008 Lights used at Library 1.92 2009 Water used in Libraay 5.40 2010 Ind. Ins & Med Aid .45 2011 Clock repair for Library 2.06 13 14 September 5, 1944 . LIBRARY FUND (Continued) J. K. Gill Company 2012 Books for Library Doubleday, Doran & Co. 2013 " 11 a Employee 144.80 The H.W. Wilson Company 2014 Withholding Tax reduction 24.40 - Americana Corporation 2015 Service for 'ark Dept. 1.55 Gaylord Bros. 2016 Lumber for Park Dept. 13.69 A.C. McClurg & Co. 2017 Material for Park Dept. 2,64 (Warrants 201202017 inclusive allowed by Council, �' �_i��� 29.86 12.08 5.40. 2.95 4.95 457,34 but not issued. J. E. Harding 1511 Salary as Park Supt. 160.80 Walter C. Strong 1512 " 11 a Employee 144.80 Withholding Tax Fund 1513 Withholding Tax reduction 24.40 - Cook's Key & Cycle Shop 1514 Service for 'ark Dept. 1.55 Brown Lumber Co. 1515 Lumber for Park Dept. 13.69 Southside Hardware 1516 Material for Park Dept. 2,64 James McLachlan 1517 Plumbing work for Park. 49..55 Curtis Uharf Co. 1518 Material for Park Dept. 7.21 City Street Fund 1519 Gasoline used in Park Tr. 9.44 Dept. of Labor & Ind. 1520 Ind Ins 13c Med Aid 6.88 Colvin's Service Station 1521 Service for Park Dept, 9.63 40.27 WATER DEPARTMENT for St. Dept. T. G. McCrory 8142 Salary as Vater Supt. 272.80 Sadie M. Arge s 8143 " 1D Cashier 141.60 Dorothy Fee 8144 " " Clerk 117.96 Charles Vedlund 8145 a " " Foreman 212.01 Russell Caro lain 8146 " r SeI'lic eman 180.37 Z7. 0. Rogers 8147 ca Filterman 180.00 G. F. Keller 8148 " " Filteraan 182.72 A. Sirett 8149 " " Filterman 152.80 Frank Deane 8150 " " Filterman 130.40 Lester Thomas 8151 " rc Pumpman 174.83 John G. Dorcy 8152 " a Bookkeeper 48.00 John A. Anderson 8153 Cages as Laborer 36.60 Bert Verrall 8154 Wages as Laborer 11.52 Kenneth Snart 8155 Wages as Laborer 11.52 . Withholding Tax Fund 8156 17ithholding Tax Reduction 166.78. Dept. of Labor & Indus.tries 8157 Ind Ins & Med Aid 13.87 Marine Supply Hardware. 8158 ILaterial and Supplies 11.82 City Street Fund 8159 Gasoline used in Motor V. 22.01 . Wallace & Tiernan Co. 8160 Supplies for eater Dept. 16.29 Pittsburgh Equitable Co. 8162 Meter Pads 16.07 Pennsylvania Salt Co. 8162 Chlorine for Watep> Dept. 119.35 Island Tranefer Co. 8163 Fuel Oil,Filter Plant 16.60 The Fern Press 8164 Printing post cards 5.15 Skagit Electric Co. 8165 Service at Avon Pump House 20.09 Skagit Valley Tele.. Co. 8166 Telephone at Avon 6.15 Tmalit ofiJddtor4Go. ", :.>.ci-< 8167 Truck Repairs 68.29 Colvin's Service Station 8168 Tire Repair & Supplies G.N. Dalstead, P.M. 8169 Postage for Uater. Dept. g-71 .00 Puget Sound Poorer & Lt. Co. 8170 Power & Service 1565.11 Curtis Wharf Co. 8171 Material for Water Dept. 91.69 Y-�est Coast. Telephone Co. 8172 Telephone Service 17.45 Standard Oil Co. . 8173 Supplies for Water Dept. 41.55 Schwartz Iron. Works 8174 Material and Supplies 21.36 Tax (Commission. 8175 Business Tax .550.17 CITY STREET FUND P. E. Olson 1843 Lynn Balcom 1844 Roy 11%Dougall 1845 Dave. Summers 1846 Lee Parish 184a Alfred Robbins 1848 T.G. McCrory 1849 John G. Dorcy 1850 Gordon Jorgenson 1851 Thomas McShane 1852 Herbert Drummond 1853 Schwartz Iron Works 1854 Withholding Tax Fund 1855 Staodard Oil Co. 1856 Curtin Wharf Co.. 1857 Charles L. Bower 1858 Colvin's Service Station 1859 Union Oil Co. 1860 The Texas Company 1861 Shell oil Co. 1862 Puget Sound Power & Lt 1863 New Wilson Hotel 1864 Southside Hardware 1865 Brown Lumber Co. 1866 Zarine Supply Hadrwa.re 1862 Dept* of Labor & Ind. 186tS Simmonds Paint Co. 1869 Salary as Street Foreman 189.86 " Graderman 176.43 " Haint. Man 176.10 ro " Main t. Man. 163.33 St. Sweeper 103.4b Dump Ean 33.40 St. Supervisor 40.00 Bookkeeper 40.00 Cages f8r applying oil on streets 17.24 mages for " " " 24.16 17.j'age s for " # 24.84 Labor, Material & Supplies 14.68 Withholding Tax Deductions119.31- Gasoline & Oil 40.27 Material for St. Dept. 4.12 Sharpening tools 2. 7 Tire Service 14.8 Gasoline, City Pump 40.10 Gasoline, City Pump 3793 Gasoline, City Pump 55.50 Power for Crusher 37.50 Room for St. Workers 2.50 Supplies for St. Dept. -93 Lumber for St. Dept. 71.9 Material & Supplies 1.1� Ind Ins & Tiled Aid 23.50 Supplies for St. Dept. 1.08 1 i 1 1 15 September 5, 1944 At this time the Preliminary Budget for the year 1945 was presented by the City Clerk and filed with the city council. Jli motion was made by Brady and seconded by Hatton that said Prelimlft-,wy Budget for t1ae ct.ty,of Anacortes for the year 1945 be accepted and filed, and that each member bf the council have a copy of said Budget which gill be considered at the next meeting of the city council to be held on September 19, 1944. Ayes: Ammons., Foss, Derby, Brady, Hatton and Dodge. Having completed the business of the evening a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Brady that the meeting of the city council adjourn. Motion carried. The meeting of the city council did then adjourn. MAYOR ATTES �. City Clerk. September 16, .1944 D Special meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 4:30 P -H- with Mayor C.A. Peters presiding. Roll was called and Schulz, Hammons, Foss, Derby, Brady and Dodge were present. The purpose of the meeting «ms to consider and adopt the preliminary Budget for the city of Anacortes for the yetar 1945. Underor°dinary circumstances a written notice of a special meeting of this type is required, but the following waiver of a written notice was signed by the Mayor and the members of the city council who were present: Anacortes, 'Nash., September 16, 1944 Written notice of a Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of .Anacortes called for 4:30 P.M. on September 16, 1944, at the Council chamber in said City called for the purpose of considering and adopting the ]Preliminary Budget,for the year 1945 is hereby waived. C. A. 1PE QRS FERD BRADY A. L. DERBY C. J. FOSS WALTER 11. HAMMONS ELTON B. SCHULZ E. E. DODGE 1Q The city council considered said preliminary Budget and made the following recommendations: The total amount budgeted for Civilian Defensc in the amount of X1595.00 was removed. Also it was recommendedthat a salary of 020.00 per month be allowed the Mayor, and $10 per month, or $120.00 be alloWed.,tb .each of the Councilmen, to be ;5.00 per meeting not to exceed two meetings per month. $y10.00 per month, or $120.00, was added to the salary of the Police Justice. After some discussion a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Schulz that said Preliminary Budget of the City of Anacortes for the yestr 1945 be adopted as amended. Ayes: Schulz, Hammons, Foss, Derby, Brady and Dodge. 'notion carried. Having completed the business of the evening a motion was made by Schulz and seconded by Derby that the meeting of the city council adjourn. Motion aar- ried. The meeting of the city council did then adjourn. MAYOR ATTE r P��F C ie- rk The Finance Committee considered said Claims, and recommended that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in Hatton and seconded by Dodge that favor of the same. A motion was made by the recommendation of the Finance Committee in the'mastter of the claims against the city of Anacortes for the month of Auguste 1944, be adopted. Ayes: Hammons, Foss, Derby, Brady, Hatton and Dodge. Motion carried. At this time the Preliminary Budget for the year 1945 was presented by the City Clerk and filed with the city council. Jli motion was made by Brady and seconded by Hatton that said Prelimlft-,wy Budget for t1ae ct.ty,of Anacortes for the year 1945 be accepted and filed, and that each member bf the council have a copy of said Budget which gill be considered at the next meeting of the city council to be held on September 19, 1944. Ayes: Ammons., Foss, Derby, Brady, Hatton and Dodge. Having completed the business of the evening a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Brady that the meeting of the city council adjourn. Motion carried. The meeting of the city council did then adjourn. MAYOR ATTES �. City Clerk. September 16, .1944 D Special meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 4:30 P -H- with Mayor C.A. Peters presiding. Roll was called and Schulz, Hammons, Foss, Derby, Brady and Dodge were present. The purpose of the meeting «ms to consider and adopt the preliminary Budget for the city of Anacortes for the yetar 1945. Underor°dinary circumstances a written notice of a special meeting of this type is required, but the following waiver of a written notice was signed by the Mayor and the members of the city council who were present: Anacortes, 'Nash., September 16, 1944 Written notice of a Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of .Anacortes called for 4:30 P.M. on September 16, 1944, at the Council chamber in said City called for the purpose of considering and adopting the ]Preliminary Budget,for the year 1945 is hereby waived. C. A. 1PE QRS FERD BRADY A. L. DERBY C. J. FOSS WALTER 11. HAMMONS ELTON B. SCHULZ E. E. DODGE 1Q The city council considered said preliminary Budget and made the following recommendations: The total amount budgeted for Civilian Defensc in the amount of X1595.00 was removed. Also it was recommendedthat a salary of 020.00 per month be allowed the Mayor, and $10 per month, or $120.00 be alloWed.,tb .each of the Councilmen, to be ;5.00 per meeting not to exceed two meetings per month. $y10.00 per month, or $120.00, was added to the salary of the Police Justice. After some discussion a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Schulz that said Preliminary Budget of the City of Anacortes for the yestr 1945 be adopted as amended. Ayes: Schulz, Hammons, Foss, Derby, Brady and Dodge. 'notion carried. Having completed the business of the evening a motion was made by Schulz and seconded by Derby that the meeting of the city council adjourn. Motion aar- ried. The meeting of the city council did then adjourn. MAYOR ATTE r P��F C ie- rk September 19, 1944 The regularmeeting of the city council of the city of Anacortes was called to order at 8.00 o'clock P.K. with Mayor C.A. Deters presiding. Roll was called and Schulz, Hammons, Foss, Derby, Brady and Dodge titirere present.' The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. The following communication from Mr. and Firs. Ted Bruland was presented and read to the city douncil: Anacortes, Wash. Sept. 15, 1944 "City Councill Anacortes, Wath. Dear Sirs: Please consider at this meeting this request for a • permit or license to hold dances in the ballroom of the present skating Link. This is tp further alletia.te the urgent need of ac- tivites for the younger folks. The dances will be conducted strict and in accordance with the policies we conduct our rink. • Please find check inclosed to cover license fee of $25.00 (Twenty-five Dollars) Yours truly, Xr. and Firs. Ted Bruland Signed by Ted Bruland ro' After some discussion a motion was made by Dodge, seconded by Foss that the dance license for use in the ballroom of the Anacortes Community Building be granted to Hr. and Mrs. Ted Bruland. Ayes, Schulz, Hammons, Foss, Derby, Brady, and Dodge. Potion carried. The report of the Police Justice for the month of August, 1944, was presented and read to the city council, and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Schulz that said report be accepted and placed on file. Lotion carried. The report of the Chief of the Firol .Department for the month of August, 1944 was presented and read to the city council, and a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Dodge;, that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. Hr. T.G. McCrory, City Engineer, made an oral report to the effect that the removal of the blackout shades on the street lights had been completed in conpliance with an order which he had received to this effect. Mr. T.G. McCrory made an oral report -on the request of the MacDonald, Inc. plant for a 4 -inch pipe line in place of the 2 -inch pipe line and quoted Section 17 of Crdinance No.910 which, in substance, stated when a person or firm requested a larger pipe the cost of this change must -be borne b,, the person applying for a new service. After some discussion, a motidn was made by Iiammons, seconded by Dodge, that the Fire, Light & Water Committee continue its consideration of this problem. Motion carried. At this time an Ordinance prohibiting smoking in certain areas of the city of Anacorteo was read for information. A motion was made by Brady and seconded by Dodge that said Ordinance be given its first and sedond readings by title. Motion made by Brady and seconded by Hammons that said Ordinance be referred to the Judicial Committee a0d the City Attorney. Kotion carried. The matter of the Purchase' of the Grand View Clemetery came up for diucussion • and after considering the matter for some time, aPotion wasmade by Derby mgjd seconded by Brady that the Streets & Parks committee have power -to act to obtain an option from the Deutsch Estate covering the purchase of the Grand View Cemetery. Motion carried. I councilman Schub made an oral report on the damage being done to the sidewalks by the large trees around Causland Park, particularly upon Eighth Street. That the sidewalks in the affected area be taken up and the roots of the trees be removed and the sidwalks be put back in place. After some discussion a motion uas made by loss and seconded by Hammons that this matter be left with the Streets. & Parks Committee for further considera- tion. Having completed the business -of the evening it -was -moved by Brady and seconded by Schulz that the meeting of the city council -adjourn until 7:00 o°clock P. October 2, 1944. Motion carried. The meeting of the city council did then adjourn. PAYOR. City clerk October 2.r 1944 A Special Meeting of* the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at. 7 o'clock with Mayor Pro!^,?Tem Ferd Brady presiding. The purpose of the meeting was for the final consideuation and passage of the Budget of the City - of Anacortes for the year 1945. There were no protest by any taxpayer agai0st any part of the proposed Budget for the year 19445. The roll. was called and Hammons, Ross, Derby, brady and Hatton were present. The City Council considered'said 1945 budget at some length, and a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Foss that the Tax Levy for tge I i D Guaranty Fund be reduced from .65 of a Hill to .60 of a mill. Motion Carried. A motion was made by Asmmons and seconded by Derby that the City'littorney-.be authorized to prepare the necessary salary ordinances for elective officials. Hotion carried. Being unable to complete the business of the evening, a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Foss -that the meeting of the C�ty Council adjourn to 8 o cloc?s P. X. on October 3, 1944. Notion carried. he meeting of the City Council did so adjourn. Attest: -- City Clerk Mayor October 3, 1944. The regular meeting of the city council of the city of Anacortes, was called to order -atz8 :00 o'clock P.M. with Mayor C.A. P?eters presiding. Roll•was called and Schulz, Ha- mmons, Foss, Derby, Brady and Hatton,, were pre stn t. The minutes of the prevaious meeting were read and approved as read. At this time Mayor C.A..meters appointed Jay Carroll to succeed C.L. Thorp on tkie Federal Public Housing Board and Mr. Kenneth Sherman to succeed Dr. Decatur Lacey on said Board. The report of the City Treasurer for the month of September, 1944, was presekted and read to the city council, and was referred by the Mayor to the Finance Committee. Mr. H.H. HinshaV Chief of Police, spoke to the city council at some length i and painted but that the Ford sedan delivery police car would be out of commission for some time as it was in the garage for rather complete over- haul. The ordinance which regulated smoking,of cigars, cigarettes and pipes in cer- tain areas of the city of Anacortes was considered at this time. Mr. W.V. Wells, City Attorney, made the following report on said ordinance: f'l'our Committee to whom was referred the matter of the proposed ordinance regulating smoking within the city of Anacortes, begs leave to report as follows: �rac is Vi0W+u62e8tI4ethSUTcR9n he said ordinance said words That the word "busses" as it appearain the fourth 1 ine •pf eiac t ion 1., be stricken; That section 3 of said ordinance be stricken entirely, and that the remaining sections be re -numbered accordingly. W.V. Yells, City Attorney. Oatober 3rd, 1944 to After•sgme discusoi:on a motion was made by Fos and seconded by Derby that this matter be laid on the table. Motion carr ed. The report of the Police Justice for the month of September, 1944, was pre- seafted and readl to the city councib, and a motion was made by Derby and i i The matter of purchasing a new car for the Police Department :was discussed at some length, and the Mayor advised the Chief of Police to determine if a new or used car could be purchased at this time. No further action was taken'on the matter. Several women from the Anacortes Woman's Club were present at the meeting, and Mrs. L.R. Polis, president of the Club, spoke to the council and asked for a•room in the Anacortes Community Building for rec,,.eational purposes for teen-age young people. Several other ladies spoke to the city council and urged that a room be given them for recreational purposes. After -some discussion a motion was made by Hammons, seconded by Hatton, that the Building Committee meet with a committee from the Woman's alub at th the Community Building at 4:30 P.Id- Friday Oct. 6th, to discuss this matter and determine what could be done. .Motion carried. At this time Councilman Dodge came in and took his seat zvith the council. The report of the `eater Superintendent for the month of Septemter, 1944 was presented and read to the city council, and a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Schulz that E§aid report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The ordinance which regulated smoking,of cigars, cigarettes and pipes in cer- tain areas of the city of Anacortes was considered at this time. Mr. W.V. Wells, City Attorney, made the following report on said ordinance: f'l'our Committee to whom was referred the matter of the proposed ordinance regulating smoking within the city of Anacortes, begs leave to report as follows: �rac is Vi0W+u62e8tI4ethSUTcR9n he said ordinance said words That the word "busses" as it appearain the fourth 1 ine •pf eiac t ion 1., be stricken; That section 3 of said ordinance be stricken entirely, and that the remaining sections be re -numbered accordingly. W.V. Yells, City Attorney. Oatober 3rd, 1944 to After•sgme discusoi:on a motion was made by Fos and seconded by Derby that this matter be laid on the table. Motion carr ed. The report of the Police Justice for the month of September, 1944, was pre- seafted and readl to the city councib, and a motion was made by Derby and i i October 3, 1944. seconded by Foss that said report be accepted and placed on file. liotion carried. The following claims against th a city of Anacortes for the month of September, 1944, be allowed and ordered paid, and a motion was %a-de by Foss and seconded by:, Derby that said claims be referred to the Finance Committee. Motion carried. CURRENT EXPENaE. O.E. Arges 11172 Salary au Deputy•Treasurer 70.40 John G. Dorcy 11173 if " City Clerk 70.40 V1. V. Wells 11174 to a City Attorney 70.40 Dr. A.B. Cook 11175 n " Health officer (Cancelled) A. R. Sellenthin 11176 Police Justice 36.00 O.E. Argea 11177 °' of Janitor 56.40 Alfred Robbins 11178 tr R Dog Catcher 25.00 • Withholding Tax Fund 11179 Withholding Taxes 33.40- Kee Lox Mfg. Co. 111$0 Supplies for Clerk's Office 1.29 Puget Sound. Stamp Works 11181 Supplies for Clerk's Office 1.75 G.N. Dalstead, P.M. 11182 Postage f®r Clerk's office 5.00 Pioneer, Inc. 11183 Minute Book for City Council 49.98 Davis -Furniture Co. 11184 Furttiture Repair 4.97 • Brown Lumber Co. 11185 Supplies for City Hall 1.18 Anacortes Gas Co. 11186 Gas used in City Hall 3.78 H. H. Hinshaw 11187 Salary as Chief of Police 195.60 Nick Petrish 11188 Asst Ch. of Police 192.00 Jack Goff 11189 Capt. of Police 174.40 L. Pollard 11190. Patrolman 16o.8o GYarren Thompson 11191 u 167.67 Harold Springer 11192 U t' Special Patrolman 49.98 Carl Springer 11193 a a " a 122.1F, Uithholding Tax Fund 11194 Withholding Taxes 63.57- H. H. Hinstaw 11195 Cash advanced for Postage 01 Standard Oil Co. 11196 Supplies for Police Dept. 1.3 Benson Elotors 1119 Service & Repairs Police car •60.90 Dept. of Labor & Industries 1119 Ind Ins & Pied Aid 10.28 L. E. Snider 11199 Salary as Fire Chief 196.44 Bert Verrall 11200 M a Asst Fire Chief 177.97 Oliver Hauge 11201 a M Capt. Firt Dept. 175.89 M. G. Strock 11202 to a Fireman 162.50 C. 'Strock 11203 CD M Fireman 162.50 K. V. Snart 11204 ED a 162.50 M. Iversen 11205 � a a 158.6o R. McDougall 11206 Call man & Extra Fireman 19.26 George Miller 11207 a a is 19.26 J. G. Dorcy 11208 ca a t° t' 11.23 H. Chevrier 11209 a a a a 10.42 Vithholding Tax Fund 11210 7ithholding Taxes 93.45.- 3.45Firemen's Firemen'sAel. & Pension Fund 11211 2% of Firemen's Salaries 27.24 Anacortes Water Department 11212 Hydrant Rental 565.'00 L. E. 'Snider 11213 Cash advanced & Car Mileage 19,50 Trulson Motor Co. 11214 Fire Truck Repair 4.64 A.J. T/asha,m Blanket Co. 11215 Blankets for Fire Dept. 40.17 Sanderson Safety Supply 11216 Supplies for Fire Dept. 4.22 Anacortes Laundry 11217 Laundry for Fire Dept. 5.89 finacortes Shi.pways 11218 Supplies for Fire Dept. 1.32 City Str4et Fund 11219 Gasoline used Fire & 1Pol.Dept. 54.21 Schwartz Iron Works 11220 Material & Supplies 3.61 Marine Supply Co. 11221 Material & Supplies 19.74 Simpson's Electric Shop 11222 Supplies, Fire & Police Dept. 14.55 Katherine H. Snider 11223 Extra Woek in Clerk's Office 20.00 H. E. Mansfield 11224 Salary as Coordinator 40.00 Uithholding Tax Fund 11225 Withholding taxes 10.00- W. V. Wells 11226 Rent on Civilian Defense Off. 10.00 • Elizabeth M. Dwelley 1122 Mimeographing copies Budget 7.8o Puget Sound Power & Lt. Co. 1122 Lighting Service 287.48 The fern Press 11229 Printing and Supplies 11.07 Gest Coast Telephone Co. 11230 Telephone Service 18.67 Dr. A.B. Cook 11231 iso replace No. 11175 38.00 • LIBRARY FUND. Constance Fox 2012 Salary as Librarian 138.40 Blanche Sackett 2013 a a Asat Librarian 90.40 Paul Marshall 2014 19 a Janitor 74. 31 Withholding Tax Fund 2015 Uithholding Taxes 31.89- Constance Fox 2016 Cash advanced 5.03 Gaylord Bros. Inc. 2017 Supplies-for Library 4.95 J. X. Gill Company 2018 Books for Library 29.86 The H.W. Nilson Co. 2019 Books for Library 5.40 Americana Corporation 2020 Book for Library 2.94 Boubleday, .Doran & Co. gUi Books for Library 16.41 L. C. McClurg & Co. 2022 Books for Library 464.18 Puget Sound Power x Lt Co. 2023 Lights used in Library 4.10 Lma,cortee Vater Dept. 2024 'later used in Library 2.50 i PARK FUND J. E. Harding 1522 Salary as .Park Supt. 160.80 Valter C. Strong 1523 Salary as Park Employee 144.80 Withholding Tax Fund 1524 Withholding faxes 24.40- 4.40Curtis CurtisL"harf Co. 1525 Material for Park Dept. 6.44 1 Ul 1 1 �16 �e OCTOBER 3, 1944. PARK FUND (Cont.) City Street Fund 1526 Gasoline used in Park Truck 4.63 Dept. of Labor & Industries 1527 Ind Ins & P -led Aid 6.b9 MATER DEPARTMENT. T. G. McCrory 8176 Salary as 'dater Supt. 272080 Sadie X. Arges 8177 Cashier 141.60 Dorothy Fee 8178 Clerk 117.96 Charles Wedlund 8179 0 C3 t° Foreman 202.43 Russell Carolan 8180 Serviceman 174.80 VJ. 0. Rogers 8181 « Filterman 180.00 G. F. Keller 8182 c2 a, a 171.20 A. Sirett 8183 In c: a 152.$0 Frank Deane 8184 to Co. 141 142.40 Lester Thomas 8185 t' Pumpman at .von 174.83 John G. Dorcy 8186 Bookkeeper 48.00 Uithholding Tax Fund 8187 Withholding Taxes 150.76 Marine Supply & hardware 818$ Material and Supplies 87.52 Simpson's Electric Shop 8189 Material & Supplies 2.84 Curtis 7d'harf Co. 8190 Haterial for Plater Dept. 6.18 G. N. Dalstead, P.M. 8191 Postage for Water Dept. 6.00 City Street Fund 8192 Gasoline used in Notor•Vehicles 18.31 Dept. of Labor & Industries 8193 Ind Ins & Pied Aid 13.59 Skagit Valley Tel. Co. 8194 Telephone Servide at Avon 5.40 R. 71. Sparling 8195 Parts for Pump 60.00 Skagit Bonded Collectors 8196 Collection of Nater bills 8.80 Pittsburgh Eq. Meter Co. 8197 Deter Parts 19.01 Pennsylvania Salt Co. 198 Chlorine for 'Dater Dept. 119.51 Puget Sound .Power & Light 199 Power and Service 161.5 E.A. Abbott Motor Co. $200 Battery & Service, Dodge Coupe 11007 Schwartz Yron 'gorks 8201 Labor and Material 25.70 Standard Oil Co. 8202 Supplies for Water Dept. 29.60 West Coast 'Telephone Co. 8203 Telephone Service 21.60 9Imerican• Nate 1 Bank & Trust Co. 8204 Bond Handling Charge 24.23 The Fern Press 8205 Printing and Supplies 7.21 CITY STREET FUND P.E. Olson 1870 Salary as Street Foreman 184.82 Lynn Balcom 1872. Z t3 Graderman 176.4 Roy+HaDougall 1873 0 "' Maintenance Rn 171.46 Dave Summers- 1874 Maintenance Man 162.56 .Lee Parish 1875 Street Sweeper 103.41 John Anderson 1$71 Mages as Laborer 54.90 M. J. Kelsvick 1876 Clages as Laborer 32.20 Alfred Robbins 187? Salary as Dump Nan 33.40 T. G. McCrory 1879 ° t= Street Supervisor 40.00 John G. Dorcy 1879 to 0 Bookkeeper 40.00 Withholding tax Fund 1880 Withholding Taxes llg-70- Benson Hotore 1881• Truck Repairs 8.19 Howard Cooper Corporation 1882 Parts for Grader 114.99 U. H. Adelman 1883 Gravel Pit Repairs 10.61 County Road Engineer Highway Account 1884 .Rent of Oil D•istributorTruck 98.44 Trulson Motor Co. 1885 Truck Repairs .2.o6 Marine Supply & Hardware 1886 Material & Supplies 193.34 Schwartz Iron Tforks 1887 Material & Supplies 2.55 Union Oil Co. 188$ Gasoline, City Pump 48.10 Standard Oil Co. 1889 Gasoline, City Pump 32.19 Shell Oil Co. 0• 1291 Gasoline, City Pump 37.00 Puget Sound Power & Lt. Co. Power for Crusher 37.50 Dept. of Labor & Industries 1892 Ind. Ins & Med Aid 18.49 COIMUNITY BUILDING RENTAL FUND Puget Sound Power & bight 1$ Lights for Community Bldg 6.20 FIREMEtN° S RELIEF & PENSION FUND Peoples Nat'l Bank 213 Type F IZar Bdnds 2220.00 WITHHOLDING TAX FUND Peoples Nat'l Bank of Wash. 15 Total Vithholding Tax Deductions The Finance Committee considered said Claims and recommended that the claims against the city of Anacortes for the month of September, 194.4 be allowed and Warr rants drawn in favor of the same, and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Hatton that the ralcommendation of the Finance Committee in the matter of said Claims be adopted. .dyes, Schulz, Hammons, Foss, Derby, Brady, Hatton and Dodge. Mr. H.H. Hinshaw, Chief of Police, announced that there would be a meeting of Skagit County Law Enforcement officers held in Anacortes on Tuesday, October 10, and invited members of the city council to be present at this meeting. The matter of registration was discussed at some length and the council went on record as designating the second week in October as Registration Wseb, and I '; i October 3, 1944 that the City Clerkpublish this action in the official newspaper. A discussion was held on the matter of obtaining a central heating plant for the Anacortes Community Building. The Building Committee was authorized to obtaiti as much information as possible on this matter, and the City Clerk was asked to communicate with firms dealing in this type of equipment. Having completed the business of the evening a motion was made by Foss and seconded by Dodge that the meeting of the city council adjourn until 7:00 o'clock' P.M. October 5, 1944. Motion carried. The meeting of the city council did then so adjourn. ATTEST � LAYOR . City Clerk. October 5, 1944. A Special Meeting of.the City Council of the City of Anacortes.uas called to order at 7 o'clock P. K— with Mayor C. A. Petero presiding. The roll was called and Schulz, Hammona, Foss., Derby, Brady, Hatton and Dodge `dere present. The purpose of the meeting was to further consider and adopt the Budget for the City of.Rnaeortes for the Year 1945. After some discussion a motion was made by Schulz and seconded by Dodge that all expenditures in the Civilian Defense Budget for the Year 1.944 be dis- continued as of October 15, 1944. Ayes, Schulz, Hammons, Foes,. -Derby, Brady, Hatton and Dodge. In the consideration of the Library Budget salaries for 1945, a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Derby that the $360.00 wiiich constituted a �AO.00 per month raise for the three Library employees be transferred from the regular salaries to the Contingent Emergency Salary Wund to be used at the discression of the Library Board. Ayes, Schulz, Hammons, Foss, Derby, Brady, Hatton and Dodge. Motion Carried. Irnconsideration of the amount of $240.00 for mileage on the Chief's Car in the Fire Department, ab motion tas made by Brady and seconded by Hatton that this item be. amended to read $144.00 for <Aleage on the Fire Chief's car and Sg96.00 as mileage on the Car of the Assistant Chief of the Fire Department, for the year 1945. Motion carried. In the proposed Budget for the Oity of "nacortes for the year 1945, an item of 3.50 mills on a valuation of $2849518.00, amounting to $9973.31 to be applied to a Cumulative Reserve Fund. After considering thio Item for some time, a motion vas made by Schulz and seconded by Derby that .75 of a Mill upon said valuation, amounting to $2137.14 be set up in a Playfield Fund, leaving 07836.17 to be applied to the Cu.wia' ative Reserve Fund. Motion Carried. A motion was made by Brady and a.�nonded by HeAton that the Budget, for the Year. 1945 as above amended be adopted, -and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized; to sign.said Budget Ordinance. �Jyes, Schulz, Hammons, Foss, Derby, Brady, Hatton and Dodge. Potion carried. At this time an ordinance levying a tax upon real and personal property in the City cif naeortes, Wa,shin�ton, was presented by Mr. Vi. V. Wells, City Attorney, wnd a motion was made by rady and atton that said ordinance be_given its first and second readings by title. Motion carried. Said Ordi.nance given ,its first and second readings by title and an motion cis made by; Derby and seconded by Hammons.that said Ordinance be given its third and final reading by sections. motion carried. Section 1 read and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Schulz that Section 1 be adopted. Motion carried. Section 2, read, and a motion was made by Hatton and seconded by Derby that Section 2 be adopted. ''otion carried. Section 3 read, and as motion was made by Derby and seconded by Hatton that. Section 3, be adopted. Motion carried. A motion was made by Brady and seconded by Hammons that said tax Levy Ordinance be adopted as a whole. Ayes: Schulz, Hammons, Foss, Derby, Brady, Hatton and Dodge. Motion carried.. Having.completed the business of the evening, a motion was made by Schulz c,nd seconded by Foss that the meeting of the City Council adjourn. Motion. curried. The meeting of the City Council did then adjourn. g Payor - -- Attest o Lklo—t-e.41 11 its Clerk /f) 11 1 11 1 October 17, 1944 The regular meeting of the city council of the city of Anacortes was called to order at 8:00 O'clock, P.M. with Mayor C. A. Peters presiding. Roll uas called and Hammons, Foss, Derby, Brady and Dodge were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.. Mr. T. G. McCrory, Water Superintendent, made an oral report on the request.of. Mr. H.G. MacDonald for a 411 pipe line down to his plant. One of the sons of �:r. H.G. MacDonald was present and approved the pian as outlined by the Mater Super- intendent. Mr. T.G. McCrory recommended that a pipe line extending from Oakes Ave. to Dakota Street, a distance of about 250 feet, be installed, the cost including the meter to be about $p612.00, and said water supt. recommended that this pipe line be put in. After some discussion, a Motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Brady that the recommendation of Mr. T.G. McCrory be accepted and that he be authorized to pro- ceed to install the pipe line from Oakes Avenue to Dakota Street as outlined in his recotmendation. Ayes, Hammons, Foss, Derby, Brady and Dodge. The following commufa¢acation from k1r. Hugh McClung was presented and read to the city COunC11: . n Anacortes, Wash. Oct. 17, 1944 To The Mayor and Council of Anacortes, Dear Sirs: I come requesting to rent or lease the closed end of 37th and T between 36th ande7th from alley to 37th St. for the period of er the et by the y ar the rate of �g1.0O per year. I yetr, tt the loca an o amilaar w1ti exact ion. Respectfully Hugh P. McClung P.S. I am buying the home at 520 37th St. After some discussion a motion was made by Brady and-seconded by Dodge that said communication be referred to the Streets and 1Parks committee and Street supervisor Lotion carried. The following communication from the Brown Dumber Co. was presented and read to the city council: "Honorable Mayor and City Council, Oct. 17, 1944 . Anacortes, Vash. gentlemen: We hereby petition you for approval to hook our sewer line on to the city line, running from our property at 15th and Commercial to the alley between 15th and 16th on the vilest side of Commercial. At the present time we are using a septic tank for sewage disposal. This system is inadequate for our present needs, the thing is perpetually filled up, and there is no other recourse but to find some sewer hookup. It will be necessary for us to go across Commercial Ave. which we will do in a workmanlike manner, as quickly as possible. The work will be done by competent labor. Thanking you for your best consideration of this petition, we r ema i n Yours very truly, Brown Lumber Co. By Ed 0. Brown �7 After some discussion a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Dodge that the � Brown Lumber Co. be given permission to extent their sewer across Commercial Ave. and connect with the sewer in the alley between 15th Street and 16th St. Motion carried. The following communication from Dwight Deane was presented and read to the city council: a Anacortes, Washington October 10, 1944 1 To the Hon a..-Idayor and Members of the City Council: Anacortes, Washington. ; Gentlemen: On October 16, 1943, I purchased at a resale through the o County Treasurer's office, Lit 15, Block 14.1 of the Original Plat of the Gity of Anacortes, Washington. It is my plan at present to pay balance due to the County and take up the deed to the property in the usual manner. This being true, I wish to secure from the City of Ana- cortes a Quit-Claim Deed to the property above described. As consideration for said Quit-Claim Deed, I hereby tender the su- of Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars, which I trust, your Council will accept and order the Deed issued to me in the usual manner. Thanking you for a reply at an early date, I am Very truly yours, D.E. Deane ` I October 17, 1944 My full name is Dwight E. Deane. My wife's bame is Bernice I. Deane. `t After some discussion a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Foss that the city council issue a Quit claim dedd to Dwight Deane and Bernice I. Deane as requested in the above communication, and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the same.. Ayes, Hammons, Foss, Derby, Brady and Dodge. Motion carried. Mr. E. Stump, manager of the Skagit Distributing Co. which operates pin ball machioes iii in Skagit County, was present and spoke to the city council at eome length and advocated a master operator's license for pin ball machines. Mr. Stump outlined the manndr in vihich these licenses were operating in other cities. The.city Clerk. was requested to write to Bellingham and Abe0deen, Wash. and obtain copies of their master license ordinances. The report of the Chief of police for the month of September, 1.944 was presented and read to the city council. A motion was made by Derby and seconded by Hammons that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. • The report of the Street Foreman fear the month of September, 1944, was presented and read to the city council, and a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Foss that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The report of the Chief of the Fire Department for the month of September, 1944 • le co�drgae2�%,ndtfia�data�dt i�p� y council, and a motion was made by Brady and be accepted and placed on file. Lotion carried. The. -Streets and Parks Com ittee gave an oral report on the purchase of Grand View, Cemetery for the city of nacortes. Mr. W.V. Vells, City Attorney, also made an oral report and gave an outline of the condition of several local matters on which he was working at the present time. Councilman Brady brought up the matter of asking the Great Northern Railway Co. to install a signal system at the crossing on Fourth Street, which was the scene of a fatal accident recently. It � s decided to write to the proper Great Northern officials and ask them to install a suitable signal system at this,rrail- toad crossing at Fourth Street in Anacortes. Councilman Hammons reported for the Building Committee that the Red Cross Chapter' here wished to obtain certain rooms in the Anacortes Community Bui ding f After some discussion, a motion was made by Derby and seconded by oss khat the Building Committee have power to got in the matter of furnishing rooms for the Red Cross in the Community Building. At this time an ordinance G=�C`:C n0j�3 �--CC-1�30 CQ C,'LC fl Ze year 19550 was presented to the city council by the City Attorney. A motion was made by Brady and seconded by Derby t, that said ordinance be given its first and second readings by title. Motion carried. Said ordinance was then given its first and second readings by title, and a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Foss that eaid ordinance be given its third and final reading by sections. Motion carried. Section 1 pas read and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Dodge that Section I be adopted as read. Motion carried. Section II was read and a motion was made by Hamm®ns and seconded by Dodge that Section II be adopted as read. Motion carried. A motion was made by Brady and seconded by Derby.that said ordinance appropriating. 1945 revenues of the city of Anacortes to its various departments be adopted as a whole. Ayes, Hammons, Foss, Derby, Brady and Dodge. Lotion carried. • Having completed the business of the evening a motion was made by.Brady and seconded by Dodge that the meeting of the city council adjourn. Notion carried. The '*ixeeti n of toe. cit council did then adjourn. , ATTEST: C /Li(/IA MAYOR ( I City Cleric +. 1 1 10 1 [7 1 November 7 , 1944 The regular meeting of the city council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 8:00 o'clock F.M. with Mayor C. A. Deters presiding. Rall was called and Schulz, Hammons, Foss, Derby, Brady and Dodge were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Kr. H.C. Barney spoke to the city council on behalf of Jack R.E. Coberly, Guardian of the person and Estate of Thomas A. Coberly, an incompetent person, and pointed out that the city of Anacortes held several judgments in.the amount of X209.59 against the estate. Yro Barney asked that the City reduce its claim against the Coberly Estate by 0100.00, leaving a balance due to the City of X109.59. After some discussion by the Mayor and City Council, a, motion was made by Schulz and seconded by Hammons that the city of Anacortes accept the amount of '10.59 in settlement of the city of Anacortes°claim against the Estate of Thomas A. Coberly and that the City Attorney be authorized to satisfy the judgment and the the receipt of the money. Ayes, Schulz, Hammons, Foss, Derby, Brady and Dodge. The following resignation of HL E. Mansfield as Co-ordinator of Civilian.Defense for the city of Anacortes was presented and read to the City Council: tAH.on. C.A. Peters, Mayor, City of Anacortes, Anacortes, Washington. Dear Sir: Inasmuch as the war is seemingly progressing to a successful conclusion and the threat of enemy action that would involve our immediate vicinity has been largely eliminated I can see no need to continue the office of 'Co-ordinator of Civilian Defense". Such assis- tance as the community may need resulting from disaster other than enemy action can and should be handled by our permanent Red Cross organ- ization. With thi-o thought in mind I am handling you my resignation acs Coordinator of Civilian_Defense to take effect on November let, 1944. The records of registration of all defense personell will be stored in the office of Price Administration and the equipment furnished the Anacortes Branch of Civilian Defense is in the keeping of the Fire, Police, [tater and Health departments and necessarily must be returned to the proper donors at some future date. Very truly yours, H. E. Mansfield. A motion was fade by Brady and seconded by Schulz that we reconsider the motion of October 15th with reference to the s4yary of the Co-ordinator and continue the salary until November 1, 1944. Ayes, Schulz, Hammons, Rose, Derby, Brady and Dodge. 11otion carried. A motion was made by .Brady and seconded by Hammons that the resignation of H.E. Mansfield as coordinator of Civilian Defense for the city of Anacortes be accepted and that the Clerk write him a letter thanking him for his services. Motion carried. The General Chemical Co. of Seattle, 'Washington, presented a communication at this time which is a revision of the contract existing between the said General Chemical Co. and t}ie City of Anacortes, for alum used by the City in water puri•= fication, which iTas read at this time to the city council. After some discussion a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Derby,, that this letter be accented as a revision of existing contracts between the Generwl Ghemica,l Co. and the City of Anacortes, and that the mayor and city clerk be authorized to sign said communication. Motion carried. The following communication from S. P. Walsh and Delbert Brown was presented and read to the city council: Anacortes, Wash. Nov. 6, 1944 OTo the Hotorable Mayor and City Council, City of Anacortes, Wash. Gentlemen: The undersigned wish to purchase from the city lots 13 and 14 of Block 47 of the original plat. Cte will pat 025000 per lot in cash for the same and wish to clear and improve the lots, including portion of the street adjoining the same. We are the owners of the' adjoining property. Respectfully[, S. P. Walsh Delbert Brown, By S.P. 'Ualsh c' After some discussion a motion was made b.. Brady and seconded by Hammons that the city clerk inform S. T. Walsh and Delbert Brown that the city council had placed a value of X100.00 on the two lots Tpentioned, in the above communication. Motion carried. A communication from Harvey= H. Johnson. designer and engineer, in Seattle, was presented and read to the city council. The matter mentioned in said communicatio November 7, 1944. was with reference to post war planning. A motion was made by i)erby and seconded by Dodge that this letter be accepted and filed. Motion carried. The report of the City Treasurer for the month of October, 1944, was presented and read to the city council, and was referred by the Mayor to the finance Committee. The report of the Chief of Police for the month of October, 1944, was presented and read to the city council and a motion was made by Dodge, and seconded by.Foss, that said report be accepted and placed on file. Plotion carried. The report of the dater Superintendent for the month - of October, 1944, was - presented and read to the city council, and a motion was made by'Hammons and seconded by Schulz that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The gasoline report for the month of October, 1944, was presented and read to the city council, and a motion was made b-iT Bra.4y and seconded b y Dodge that said gasoline report be accepted and placed on file. J -lotion carried. The following report from the Streets & Parks Committee was presented and read to the city council: 'TO the Honorable i,f+a.yor and City Council: Your Committee on Streets and Parks to whom ,was referred the matter of i upheaval of the sidewalks around Causland Park, and along other streets through the city, beg leave to report as follows: - That due to the root growth of trees (principally big leafe maples) growing under the sidewalks, thereby causing them to raise up and be- come a source of danger to pedestrians, request that the street de- partment be instructed to take up such portions of the sidewalks, chop off and remove the damaging roots and replace the sidewalks, thereby preventing further upheaval of the walks; this to be done as soon as possible at the convenience of the Street Department. j (Signed) Elton Schulz C. J. Foss E.E. Dodge, .,nacortes, Mash. October 17, 1944 Committee r A motion was made by Derby and seconded by Hammons that said report from the Streets & Parks Committee be accepted; and placed on file. Motion carried. Councilman Brady brought up the matter of the empty boxes, crates and wood which are piled on the sidewalk on the South side of 7th Street and the lest side of Commercial Avenue. The matter was discussed at some length but no official action vvas taken. The Building Committee made a report with reference to the rooms to be occupied by the lied Cross in the Dommunity Building. A motion was made by Brady, and seconded by Derby that the Building Committee be authorized to have a man for a period of not to exceed two days to clean up the rooms required by the iced Cross in the Anacortes Community Building. `ter. T. G. McCrory, Slater Superintendent, made an oral report on the matter of the 41' water main to the MacDobald plant on Oakes Avenue. Mr. McCrory recommended the installation of a six-inch :water line from Oakes ,Avenue to Dakota Street as outlined in his recommendation shown on page 21 of this reoord in the minutes of the meeting of the city council of Oct. 17, 1944. A motion -vas made by Schulz and seconded by Derby that the recommendation of the j Slater Superintendent that a 60 water line be laid from Oakes Avenue to Dakote. Street, as recommended by said Slater Superintendent, be accepted. Lotion carried. llr. T.G. IcCrory, Street Supervisor, pointed out the condition of the street corner�ti at 14th Street and 14. Avenue, and recommending the opening of �J C; ,�i �_o �.,,J�� V ).1 ✓%r,--�K�... .i :�� sl.J Jca .li':J1� �d .���Ci S)J �o open tufa Street. A motion was made -by Dodge and seconded by Hammons that the Street Supervisor be authorized t® employ the necessary equipment to open 14th Street between K Avenue and X tvenue. Motion carried. A communication from Mayor G. Gilbertson of Sedro-Woolley was read to the city council in which the Mayor and city council and other city offici,a.lF mere invited to a dinner on Tuesday evening, November 14, 1944, all dfficers•of':.the city of Ana.cortes who could possibly do so were urged to attend this meeting, whivh was a district meeting of the :association of Uashington Cities. At this time an Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 690, passed iiay 1, 1918, and bublished Iday 30, 1918, being an Ordinance relating to municipal licenses, tis presented to the city council, and a motion was made by HGmmons, and seconded by Derby that said Ordinance be given its first and second readings by title. Motion carried. Said ordinance being given its first and second readings by title, and a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Hammons that said ordinance be given its third and final reading by eections. Motion carried. Section Y read, and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Hammons that Section I be adopted. Lotion carried. 1 1 1 1 is 1 1 �0 1 November7, 1944. Section 2 read and a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Brady that Section 2 be adopted. Motion carried. Motion -made by Brady -and seconded by Hammons that said Ordinance amending Ordinance 690, passed May -21, 1918 and published May 30, 1918, being an Ordinance relating to municipal licenses, be adopted as a whole. Ayes, Schulz, Hammons, Foss, Derby, Brady and Dodge. Motion carried. At this time an Ordinance fixing the salaries of City officials, and repealing Ordinance No. 917; the same being an Ordinance fixing the salaries of city offi- cials, -passed Nov. 5, 1940, was presented to the city ccpuncil. A motion was made by Brady and seconded by Derby that said salary ordinance be given its first and second -readings by title. Motion carried. Said Ordinance was given its ifrst and second readings by title, and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Dodge that said Ordinance be given its third and final reading by sections. Motion carried. Section 1 was read and a. motion was made by Derby and seconded by Hammons that Section 1 be adopted. Motion carried. Section 2 read, and a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Brady that Section 2 be adopted. motion carried. Sedtiob 3 was read, and a motion was made by Dodge, and seconded by Derby, that Section 3 be adopted. Motion carried. 4 motion was made by Derby and seconded above described, by adopted as a :Whole. Brady and Dodge. by Hammons, that said Salary Ordinance, Ayes, Schulz, Hammons, Foss, Derby, At this time an insurance policy on the Anacortes Public Library building, an insurance policy on the American -La France Fire truck and a surety bond on behalf of Orin H. Durham, was presented -to the city council and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Hammons'tha•t said insurance policies and surety bond be referred to the City Attorney. Motion carried. At this time the Claims against the city of Anacortes for the month of October, 1944, were presented -and read to the City council: CURRENT EXPENSE. 0. E. urges 12232 Salary as Deputy Treasurer- $y 70040 John G. Dorcy 242233 �' `p City Clerk- 70.40 W. V. Wells 12234 m " City attorney 70.40 Dr. A, -B.' Cook 12235 Health Officer. 38.00 A. R. Sellenthin 12236 p a Police Justice 36.00 0. E. .grges 12237 Janitor 56.40 Alfred Robbins 12238 07 " Dog Catcher 25.00 Withholding Tax Fund 12239 Withholding Tax 33040- G. N. Dalstead, P.M. 12240 Postage for Clerk's office 3000 Burroughs Adding tach. Co. 12241 Supplies for Treasurer .46 Puget Sound Stamp Works 12242 Supplies for Clerk's Office 046 Peoples National Bank 12243 Safety Deposit Box Rent 3.60 Young's Home Furnishings 12244 Window Shades for City Hall 6.14 Jim McLachlan 12245 Plumbing Service, City Hall 5.35 .Anacortes Gas Co. 12246 Gas used in City Hall 8010 H. H. Hinshaw 1224 Salary as Chief of Police 195.60• Nick �Petrish 1224 1° " AsBt. Chief of Police 192.00 Jack Goff 12249 "' Capt. of Police 174040 L. ;Pollard 12250 " °' Patrolman 160.80 Warren -Thompson 12251 7 p Patrolman 167.64 Carl Springer 12252 Patrolman 166.48 Jithholding Tax Fund 12253 Withholding Tax 6 .58- Carl &-Ed Dennis- 12254 Tires for Police Dept; 2014 Standard Stationa, Inco 12255 Supplies for Police Dept. .82 Empire -Cafe 12256 Meals for Police Dept. 4074 E. A. Abbott Motor Co. 12257 Repairs and Service 9.64 Benson•i:iotors 12258 Repairs and Service 122.48 South Side Hardware 12259 Supplies for Police Dept. 2.12 The Ferro Press 12260 Printing and Supplies 50093 Dept. of Labor & Industries 12261 Tiled. .Aid and Undistrial Ins. 10.71 L. E. Snider 12262 Salary as Fire Chief 196.44 Bert Verrall 12263 r 0 Asst. Fire Chief 177.97 Oliver -Hauge 12264 0 i0 Capt. Fire Dept. 175.89 M. G. Strock 12265 " Fireman 162.50 K. W. Snart 12266 0 "' Fireman 162.50 M. L. Iversen 1226r 10 Fireman 158060 R. McDougall 12269 Call Mian and Extra Fireman 15.11 H. Chevrier 12869 4.80 J. G. Dorcy 12270 George Miller 12271 10 r " " 042 C. Wirsing 12272 r 0° 0° 10 4.30 L. Monroe 12273 n '" 0° " 3.20 A. Mondhan 12274 " r " 3.20 Trulson Rotor Co. 12275 -Repairs and Service 53.58 Anacortes Auto Supply 12276 Merchandise 2.50 Nater Department 12277 Hydrant .Rental 565..)o Vithholding Tax Fund 12278 Withholding Tax 92.69 - Firemen's Rel. & Pension Fund 12279 2% of Firemen's Salaries 26.57 L. E. Snider 12280 Car Mileage for Fire Chief 17000 City Street Fund 12281Gasoline, Fire & Police Depts. 53.28 November 7, 1944. CITY STREET FUND P. EQ Olson 1893 Salary as Street Forex 182.80 Lynn_Balcomb 1894 C' Graderman 172.40 Current Expense (Continued) The Texas Company 12282 Supplies, Fire Dept. 1 2063 Anacortes Drug Co. 12283 Supplies, Fire Dept. .72 22.30 H. 0. Davey 122844 ]Ins. on Lmer-LaFran0r-1 :'r.Tr. Anacortes Auto Supply 12285 Supplies, Fire Dept. 2..50 Simpson's Electric Shop 12286 Supplies- Fire Dept. 4.57 i Anacortes Cleaners & Laundry 12287 Laundry Service, Police & Fire Dept. 13.20 Benson hNotors 12288 Supplies, Fire Dept. 2.42 H. E. Mansfield 12289 Salary of Co-ordinator 40.00 Withholding Tax Fund 12290 Withholding Tax 10.00- 0.00John JohnG. Dorcy 12291 Birth I Death Reg. fees 14.60 Katherine H. Snider 12294 Work in Clerk's Office Reg. 16.00 West Coast Telephone Co. 12295 Telephone Service 15.85 Anacortes Shipways Inc. 12296 Equipment for City Hall 86.15 June Swanson 12297 Work on Registrations 17.50 • Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 12298 Service (Cancelled) Union Printing Co. 12299 Registration Supplies 111.91 Lm. G. McCallum 12300 Bond for 0.1I. Durham 5.00 Carl Strock. 12301 Salary as Fireman 162.50 Puget Sound Power & Light Co.. 12302 To replace No. 12298 287.83 LIBRARY FUND. •I Constance Fox 2025 Salary as Librarian 138.40 Blanche Sackett 2026 Salary as _asst. Librarian 90.40 Paul Marshall 2027 Salary as Janitor 74. 31 Withholding Tax Fund 2028 Withholding Taxes 31.89® Anacortes Water Department 2029 `dater used at Library 2.50 Poget Sound Power & Light Co. 2030 Lights used at Library 4.22 Schreiber & Werner 2031 Insurance on Library Bldg 12.75 University Book Store 2032 Book for Library 2.06 Dept. of Labor & Industry 2033 Ind. Ins. and Med. Aid .44 The -Fern Press i 2034 Printing and Supplies 2.78 PARK FUND. �I J. E. Harding 1528 Salary as Park Supt. 160.80 �! WalVor C. Strong 1529 Salary as Park Employee 144.80 Withholding Tax Fund 1530 Withholding Taxes 24.40- H. Grinnell 1531 Salary as laborer 11.50 Curtis Wharf Co. 1532 Haterial for Park Dept. 37.65 Southside Hardware Cp. 1533 Material for Park Dept. 12.88 l City.Street Fund 1534 Gasoline used in Park truck 3.70 Robbins Lumber Co. 1535 Lumber for Park Dept. 4.83 E. Ao Abbott Hotor Co. 1536 Labor & material, Park Truck 4.79 Dept.. of Labor and Industry 1537 Ind. Ins. & ided laid 6.60 IVATER DEPARTMEW T. G, UcCrory 8206 Salary as Water Supt. 272.80 j Sadie Id,arges 8207 i' C3. 1.Iater Cashier 141.60 Dorothy Fee 8208 08 Laster Clerk 110.42 Charles Vedlund 8209 " " Water Foreman 206.41 Russell Carolan 8210 " Service Zan 177.58 I W. 0. Rogers 8211 Salary as Filterman 180.00 G. F, feller 8212 " a Filterman 171.20 A. Sirett 8213 to M Filterman 152.80 Franl� Deane 8214 " ° Filterman 127.40 Lester Thomas 8215 p '1 Pumpman 181.04 John G. Dorcy 8216 Bookkeeper 48.00 Withholding Tax Fund 8217 Withholding Taxes 153.84® Curtis Lharf Co. 8218 Material for Water Dept. 44.00 Pennsylvania Salt Co. 8219 Chlorine for later Dept. 119.07 • Delave< Stebm.Turbine Co. 8220 Pump Parts 37.30 Pugei Sound Power & Light Co. 8221 Power & Service 1254.21 Skagit Valley Tel. Co. 8222 Telephone Service at ."von 9.49 G. N. Dalstead, P.M. 8223 Postage for eater Office 6.00 Pacific Highway Transport 8224 Express on Pump Part€ ,3.36 fest Coast Telephone Co. 8225 Telephone Service 16.50 • Uallq,ce & Tiernan Sales Co. 8226 Alum Lachine Parts 9953 T:arine Supply & Ha.rdgare 8227 Material & Supplies 74.57 City.Street Fund 8228 Gasoline used eater Vehicles 18.50 E.A. Lbhott Motor Co. b229 Supplies for Later Dept. .00 9.20 Colvin's Service Station b230 Supplies & Service Skagit Bonded Collectors 6231 Collection of crater bills 2.57 Standard Oil Company 8232 Supplies for Mater Dept. 1.65 Anchor Packing Company 8233 Supplies for 'dater -Uept. 16.94 The Fern Press 8234 Printing and Supplies 45.22 Unioo Printing Co. 9235 Supplies for eater Dept. .81 Simpson's Electric Shop 8236 Supplies for Zj'ater Dept. 14.51 Standard Stations, Inc. 8237 Service on Fater Truck 3.86 American Nat'l Bank & Trust Co. 8238 Bond Handling charge 42036 Tax Commission 8239 Tax on eater Sales 536.21 Dept, of Labor & Yndustries 8240 Ind. Ins. & Zed Aid 14.433 CITY STREET FUND P. EQ Olson 1893 Salary as Street Forex 182.80 Lynn_Balcomb 1894 C' Graderman 172.40 1 I• 1 1 1 Roy McDougall Dave Summers ]Gee Parish Merrill Iversen T. G. McCrory John G. Dorcy Alfred Robbins Withholding Tax Fund Shell Oil Co. Standard Oil Co. The Texas Company The Marine Supply Co. Brown Lumber Co. Colvin's Service Statiob* Curtis "Wharf Co Puget Sound Power & Light Bell Machine Works Pacific Highway Transport Dept, of Labor & Industries November 7T 1944. CITY STREET FUND. (Cont.) 1895 Salary ao gaintenanca Man 1896 °D " Main tenance Tian 1897 '� Street Sweeper 1898 Laborer 1899 t0 Street Supervisor 1900 T' Bookkeeper 1901 °9 " Dumpman 1902 Withholding Taxes 1903 Gasoline; City Pump 1904 Gasoline; City Pump 1905 Gasoline, City Pump 1906 Material and Supplies 1907 Lumber for Street Dept. 1908 Service for Street Dept. 1909 Material for Street Dept. 1910 Poorer for Crusher 1911 Material for Street Dept. 1912 Express on Haterial, Street Dept 1913 Ind Ins and Med Aid COMMITY BUILDING RENTAL FUND Puget Sound Power & Ligtit 19 Fights for Community Building ['WITHHOLDING TAX FUND Peoples National Bank of wash. 16 Total Withholding Taxes, Oct. 169060 16o .*8o log *41 2 080 400.00 440.00 33.40 110'79- 55". 10o?9d55". 50 32.'19 75.36 4006 11>21 2006 13x39 37.50 1 11065 .82 21-71 524.24 A motion z-ras made by Brady and seconded by Foss that the above claims be re- ferred to the Finance Committee. Motion carried. The Finance Committee recommended. -that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of the same. A motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Brady that the recommendation of the Finance Committee in the matter of the Claims against the city'of :Anacortes for the month of October, 1944, be adopted. Ayes, Schulz, Hammons, Foss, Derby, Brady and Dodge. Motion carried. Having completed the business of the evening, a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Foss that the meeting of the,.:ciy council adjourn. Motion carried The meeting of the City council did then adjourn. ATTEST: - ��--tr�C Gc..� MAYOR. C�y CLERK. November 13, 1944 A special meeting was held on November 13, 1944, at 7 o°clock P. M. as provided by law to remove the large outside envelope' from the 'ity absentee ballots cast in the City Primary Election held on November 7, 1944.' Present at this meeting was Mayor C. A. Peters, City At tor,-ey, V. V. Wells, and City Clerk, John G. Th re were five City kbpentee cast in the Cit Primary Election held on SMIter q, 1 4 and the a as ab ntee b llots had the large outside envelopes removed and th si�gn9d a c� sealed in a 1 r e en elnd the smaller envlopes containing the.al�tslawre declared lega� �allos Naaiwere seale an ano a esnve ope as prova e y Having co eted the business of the evening this Special meeting adjourndd. At T': ity Gllerk November 17, 1944 A Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7 .'clods P. M. with Mayor Pro -Tem Ferd Brady presiding. The purpose of the meeting was to canvass the ballots cast in the City Primary Election held on November 7, 1944. there not being a quorum present, the meeting adjourned until: November 21, 1944, at 8 o'clock P. 1T. - �z 7 ,• a (� kayo r int t C1� y Cler , November 21, 1944 The regular meet ing of the city fcounc it of the city of Anacortes was called to order at 8:00 o'clock P.M. with Mayor C.A. Peters presiding. Roll w4s called And Iiammons, Foss, Derby, Brady, Hatton and Dodge were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The following communication from O.M. Durham for the purchase of a dance license cms presented and read to the city council: co Nov embe r 21 , 1944 d i ty Treasurer, City. Gentlemen: I would like to apply for a dance license a 607 Com- mercial. Attached is a check in the amount of ;;-25.00 for same. Yours truly, I - ANACO RTES TI'EATRES 0. 11. Durham, Manager. ' After some discussion a, motion was made by Brady and secondedby Hammons that said. communication be referred to the License & Police Committee. jyt8;.:,,Hammons, �Totibi_ODerby, Brady, Hatton and Dodge. Motion carried. At this time Mr. W.V. %fells, City Attorney, presented a written report recom- mending the acceptance of a surety bond for Orin H: Durham us special police - mane on Policy No; PF 1037 Fire Association of Phild,delphia on the Anacortes :.°ublic Library, and Policy Mol 1992 A-2138 issued by the General Casualty Co. co covering the Ame rican-L!s� France fire truck. A motion was made by Hammons, seconded by Brady, that the above recommendations of the City Attorney be adopted. Hotion carried. The reportof the Police Justice for the month of October, 1944, was presented and read to the City Council, and a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Hatton that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion. carried. The report of the Fire Chief for the month of October, 1944, vas presented and read to the city council, and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Derby. that I said report be adopted. Motion carried. j sir. L.E. Snider, Fire Chief, spoke to the city council about the condition of stoves and stove: pipes in the room occupied by the Service Men's Recreation Coun- cil in the Anacortes Community Building. No official action was taken. Councilman Dodge of the Building Committee spoke to the city council to point out the need of a gate or barrier to the stairway in the Anacortes Community Building leading to the old lodge room. I After some discussion a motion was made bj Derby and seconded by Hammons that the Building Committee investigated this matter and find out whether it would be possible or not to put a gate or barrier across this stairway. M©tion carried. A resolution and a petition from the Department of Justice with reference to our housing unit in Anacortes, was presented and road to the city council. After i' some discussion a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Derby $#at, this matter to referred to the Judiciary Committee. Motion carried. I, At this time the city council canvassed the ballots cast in the City Primary election held on November 7, 1944. Previous to the canvass of the ballots the following oath was administered to the City Clerk: 11STATE OF 7:1.10HINGTON COUNTY OF SKAGIT CITY OF ANACORTES, SS- I do solemnly swear that the returns purporting to be the election returns of the several precincts in the City of Anaco rtes have on no wise be en a ltered by addi t ions , or a rasu res, and that they are the same as when I received them, so help me, God. I � JOHN G. DORCY Subscribed and sworn to before me this I 15th day of November,, 1944. I C. A. PETERS, Mayor and ex officio chairman of the canvassing board. co STATE OF IVASHIIVG TON Q COUNTY OF SKAGIT k SS CITY OF ANACORTES The undersigned, having been constituted the canvassing board to canvass the election returns for the City Primary Election held on the 7th day of November, 1944, do hereby certify: i That on this date, November 21st, 1944, vie opened the absentee baihlots voted at the above Primary Election, and have counted said ballots and have added 1 1 1 1 November 21, 1944. r in to- law to the returns e them acco d g ur s of the several voting precincts of the City; that we have canvassed the said election returns with the absentee votes added thereto, and do find that the following persons were duly and regularly elected as the nominees for the respective officesof the City as candidates in the City General Election to be held on the 5th day of December, 1944.- For 944:For ]Mayor Joe L. Hagen City Treasurer Sadie U. Arges City Clerk John G. Dorcy City Attorney U'm. V. Wells, Jr. Counc ilman a t Large Elton A. Schulz Councilman; 1st Ward, 4 year yeim L. S. Hatton Councilman; 1st hard 2 year term Dr. E.E. Dodge Councilman, 2nd Flard, 4 year term Charles F. Fisher Councilman 3rd Ward, 2 year tern A. L. Derby Councilman 3rd 'Ward, 4 year to im Syd Ellin C. A. Peters, E. E. DodJZe L. H. Hatton CANVASSING Ferd Brady BOARD A. L. Derby C. J. Foss " ti'aalte r Hammons The followi.n, is the canvaus by Precints and wards. 1TI 1P ley 2P 1V 3P 2L 1P 2W 2P 27: 3P 0,4P 3W- lP 3t72P 3U3P 3w4P , C. A, Peters 99 119 82 132 91 148 94 195 120 166 81 Joe Hagan 130 152 103 169 115 10 158 114 145 196 97 Lawler 1o6 109 85 160 94 107 132 82 105 144 76 Schulz 105 140 88 127 98 127 96 20 141 192 93 Todd I Dorcy 208 262 173 290 194 232 202 290 248 333 170 Arges 191 241 148 263 173 216 200 278 221 310 156 'II 7.7ells 193 242 156 270 174 220 195 265 217 300 154 I,I Dri f tm ie r 1 1 2 Barney 1 Hatton 174 213 137 Dodge 192 234 154 Frank Taylor 1 Walter Fleming 1 Syd Ellin 1 Todd 1 Fisher, Cbas J. 172 102 119 140 Joe Holbrook 1 Foss, C.J. 108 82 109 75 Dodge 1 Brady, Ferd 171 88 150 70 T.F. Henwoed 1 Ellin, Syd 120 1447 192 95 Derby 270 219 309 147 Ray Lowman 1 A motion was made by Brady and seconded by Dodge that the City Clerk accept the report of the Canvassing Board as tabulated above. Ayes, Hammons, Foss, Derby, j' Hatton and Dodge. Motion carried. The matter of tl4e purchase of a central heating plant for the Anacortes Gommanity Building was brought up, and after some discussion. a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Derby that the Building Committee and the City Engineer prepare spec- ifications pecifications as to the size and type of a heating plant required for the Anacortes Community Building. Ayes, ffammons, Foss, Derby, Brady, Hatton and Dodge. Motion I carried Having completed the business of the evening a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Foss that the meeting of the city council adjourn. Motion carried. The meeting of the city council did then adjourn. ATTEST MAYOR CITY C LEPi .J ;30 - —=--- -- Ilenember K 194�- ----- -- — - M / The regular meeting of the city council of the City of Anacortes, was called to order at 8:00 o'clock F.M. with mayor C.A. Peters presiding. Roll--vxxs called and Schulz, Hammons, Foss, Derby, Brady, Hatton and Dodge were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Mr. F.E. Foss of the logging firm of Foss & Sons, whose logging operations on Anacortes city property, have been going on for some time, spoke to the city council and asked that the city council grant him a 60 -day extension on his logging contract. A motion was made by Brady and seconded by Dodge that the city council grant a 60 -day extension to the logging contract with the City of j),nacortes of F.E. Foss & Sons. Ayes, Schulz, Hammons, Foss, Derby, Hatton, Brady and Dodge. Liotion carrii!d Hr. W.V. 'Tells, City Attorney, presented the Following letter with regard to the • installation of a warning signal placed at the railroad crossing on Fourtiz Street: n Spokane, Washington. Mr. W.V. Wells, December 1, 1944 I City Attorney, City of Anacortes, File B. •, Anacortes, Wash. I Dear Sire Your letter of November 17th, 1944 has been received with reference to discussion before the City Council of Anacortes as to whether there should not be some sort of warning signal placed at the crossing of Fourth Street. Due to the fact that it is impossible to wecure signal material during the war, and the Stateto and Governmental authorities are preparing a post war program for making installations of this kind, I would recommend that you take up with the Department of Public Dorks of the State with the idea of having them include this crossing in their post-war program. It might help if the City would place floodlights at each crossing until such time as signal materkal is available. Youry truly, J. F. Cleary Superintendent. " A motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Hammons that the above dommunication be accepted and placed on file and that this matter be referred to the Fire, Light and Water committee and that a communication be sent to the Department of Public 'forks at Olympia, 'uashington, to have this matter includediin the post-war eiork. Motion carried. The following communication from Alexandra Mo Holm was presented and read to the city council: Anacortes, Vlaoh. December 1, 1944 O' Honorable Mayor and City Council, Anacortes, Gash. - Gentlemen: The sidewalk in front of 1817 7th St. is overgrown with grass and weeds from both sides, which wakes it unsafe to walk on, especially during rainy weather and night:.. Would it be possible to have the city Rlean this grass and weeds from this sidewalk? anything you can do in this matter • will be very much appreciated. Yours very truly, Alexandra M. Holm n A motion was made by Brady and seconded by Dodge that this matter be referred to • the Street Supervisor. Motion carried. The report of the City Treasurer for the month of November, 1944, viao presented and read to the City Council, and was referred by the L"►ayor to the Finance.Com- mittee. The report of the Chief of Police for the month of november, 1944, was presented and read to the city council, and a motion was made by Schulz and secondedby Hammono that said report be accepted and placed on file. notion carried. The report of the Uater Superintendent for the month of November, 1944, was present0d and recd to the city council, and a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Foss that the said report be accepted and placed on file. idogion carried. The report of the Street Foreman for the month of November, 1944, was presented and read to the city council, and a motion was made by Hatton and seconded by Brady that said report be accepted and placed on file. lalotion carried. The gasoline report for the month of November, 1944, submitted by A. F. Snider Chief of the Fire Department, was presented and read to the City Council, and a motion swan made by Schulz and seconded by Derby that the said report be accepted and placed on file. J:otion carried. M 1 � 0 1 U 0 1 ! r � 0 1 December 5, 1944. For some time the Government has been urging the City of Anacortes to sell to the Federal Housing Authority the land which it had leased from the City of Anacortes and is naw occupied by the Federal Housing project, This matter was referred to the Judiciary Committee. The following is a report of the Commitee "To the Mayor and City Council of the City of Anacortes. Gentlemen: Your Committee on Judiciary to whom was referred the request from the U.S. Department of Justice of Western Washington, Northern Division, in the matter of the condemnation of certain lands belonging to the City of Anacortes, that the City waive certain notices, and ex- ecute a petition to the court to make and enter its judgment awarding to the U.S. Government fee simple title to the said lands, begs leave to report as follows: That we have considered the said request and for our report thereon we submit t6 the City Council for its consideration the follow- ing resolutions with our recommendations that the said resolutions be adopted: Z°TjUiREAS, the City of Anacortes, being the owner of certain lands in the said City which it had purchased for the uses of a public recreational park, leased the said lands to the Federal Government for emergency uses incident to the world vrar, believing that when the emergency need of the said lands ceased to exist the Government would quit and vacate the said lands and return the same to the City of Anacortes; and ,7HEREAS, the Department of Justice hus instituted proceedings of the taking of the fee simple title to the said lends to pay therefor the sum of Q900000, and it IMREAS, the Department of Justice has requested the City Council to waive all notices of the said condemnation proceedings and to execute a 'petition to the court, praying the court to make and enter its judg- ment, evarding the title of the said lands to the Government of the Udited States;'and, ;1HI;REAS, it is the desire of the City of Anacortes as a post war project to prepare the same lands and equip the same for a public recreational park for the use and benefit of the children of the City. W077, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of .Anacortes: That the City of Anacortes respectfully petitions the Department of Justice of 4,estern %7ashington, Northern Division, t4a.t it withdraw all proceedings of condemnation to the end that when the emergency need of the said lands for which the same tivere leased have ceased to exist, the property may be returned to the City of Anacortes; that -the Idayor and City Council refer not to acquiesce in the proceedings hereinabove mentioned. Adopted at a regular session of the city council on the 5th day of December, 19440 ATTESTT UrKYOR CITY CLKRK. (CORPORATE SEAL) After some discussion a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Derby that the above report and resothution be adopted. Ayes, Hammons, Foss, Derby, Brady, Batton, and Dodge. Motion carried. Councilman Hatton,:!Chairman of the Building Committee, made a report at this time of a survey which he and his committee made with reference to the purchase of a heating plant for the Anacortes (Kommunity Building. Mr.-H.H. Hinshaw, Cbief of Police, spoke to the city council and pointed out urgent need of calling for Bids for a car to be used in the Anacortes Police Department. A motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Schulz that the City Clerk be autho- rized to call for bids for a new or used care of either panel body truck or pas6enger type, for use in the Anacortes Police Department. Ayes, Schulz, Hammons Fose, Derby, Hatton, Brady and :Dodge. Motion carritc�o The'm.tter of Gasoline Bids for the year 1945 was discussed and a motion was made by Schulz and seconded by Derby tbiat the City Clerk be authorized to publish a call for bids for gasoline to be used by the City of Anacortes in 1945. These bids to be returnable not later than 7:00 61clock P.T. January 2, 1945. K'o t ion carried. A kenewal insurance polbicy covering the 1940 Dodge coupe used by the Anacortes '.nater Department was presented to the City council, and a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Hatton that said insurance policy be referred to the city .Attorney. motion carried. The -matter of a master pin -ball operator's license was discussed at some length and"a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Derby that this ttoa.tter be tabled until after January 1, 19450 aotioo carried. The following claims for the month of November, 1944, were presented and read to the city council: December 5, 1944 CURRENT EXPENSE . 0. E. Arges 12303 Salary as Deputy Treasurer %4031 John G. Dorcy 1230 `0 " City Clerk 70.40 S�ti.V, °VdI 1b,) o', 12305 City Attorney 70.40 Dr. -A. ;Bt .Gook;..: 12306 Health officer 38:00 A. R. Sellenthin 12307 " `$ Police Justice 36:00 Paul Marshall 12308 Janitor at City Hall 52.60 Alfred Robbins 12309 Dog Catcher 25000 'Jithholding Tax Fund 12310 Uithholding Taxes 33,29® The Fern Press 12311 Supplies for City Clerk 4.90 G. N. Dalstead P.M. 12312 Postage for Treasurer 5.00 11. 0. Davey, Plbg Inspector 12313 Plumbing Inspections (4) 6.00 Island Transfer Co. 12314 Fuel Oil, City Hall 29.40 James ldcLachlan 12315 Plumbing Service 2000 Kimsey°s Dependable �['arket 12316 Janitor's Supplies 1.1 H. H. Hinshaw 12317 Salary as Chief of Police 195.20 • Nick Petrish 12318 `° " Ast Chief of Police 192.00 Jack Goff 12319 Capt. of Police 174.40 L. Pollard 12320 Patrolman 160.80 Warren Thompson 12321 167.64 Carl Springer 12322 1-166:Z8 George Frederick 12323 144.56 • Withholding Tax Fund 12324 Withholding Taxes .66.44- H. H. Hinshaw 12325 Cash Advanced 1.75 Jim Hill Service 12326 Service for Police Dept. 2. 8 Benson YMotors 12327 Service and Repairs Police Car 2906 Colvin°s Service Station 12328 Service for Police Dept.- .52 Allan's 12329 Supplies for Nlice :Dept. 2.11 E.A. Abbott M6tor Co. 12330 Service for Police Car 8.11 Dept. of Labor and Industries 12331 Ind Ins do Ued Aid 12.60 Aubert's Drugs 12332 Supplies for Police Dept. 1.55 L. E. Snider 12333 Salary as Fire Chief 196.44 Bert Verrall 12334 Asst Fire Chief 177.97 Oliver Hauge 12335 ° Capt. Fire Dept. 175.89 M. G StrocB: 12330 Fireman 162.50 Carl Strock 12337 162.50 K. W. Snart 12338 162.50 E. L. Iversen 12339 163.o6 George Killer 12340 Call Man and. Extra. Fireman 13.24 Roy AcDougall 12341 iD ° 0 31.71 J. G. Dorcy 12342 c' " 18.46 H. Chevri er 12343 1.00 Withholding Tax Fund 12344 Withholding Taxes 89.86 Firemen's Rel & Pen Fund 12345 2% of Firmen's Salaries 27.5 L.E. Snider 12346 Mileage on Car 20.50 Anacortes t'�ater Dept. 12347 Hydrant Renta; 565.00 E. Danielson, Auditor Co. 12348 Vehicle Licenses 6.25 City Street Fund 12349 Gasoline used, Fire �c Police Dept. 65.12 Luvera's Fruit Stand 12359 Supplies for Fire Dept. (Cancelled) 'lest Coast Telephone Co. 12351 Telephone Service 15.65 Harine Supply Hardware 12352 11aterial and Supplies 1b.92 Union Printing Co. 13353 Election Supplies 42.57 Brown Lumber Co. 12354 Lumber for Election Precincts 16.82 V1. V. ^!ells 12355 Rent of Civilian }defense Office 10.00 William H. Zuth 12356 Extra work at Clerk's office 1.50 Moran°s Boat ck Cabinet Shop 1235'7 Ballot Boxes for Flection 69.30 Puget Sound Power & Light 12358 Lighting Service 289.93 Curtis Wharf Co. 12359 Coal for Election precincts 5 81 County Auditor 12360 City Primary Election Expense 5$.50 � C.A. Peters 12361 Oil Heater for Civilian Defense 75.66 Island Transfer Co. 12362 Fuel Oil, Civilian Defense 14.99 Anacortes American 12363 Printing and Publishing 37.34 G.N. Dalstead, P.T. 12364 Postage -for City Clerk's office 5.00 Luvera°s Fruit Store 1236% To replace No. 12350 5.42 I • LIBRARY FUND. 'i i Constance Fox 2035 Salary as Librarian 138.40 Blanche Sackett 2036 Asst Librarian 90.40 Paul Marshall 2037 Janitor 69.00 • Maude F. T7ebb 2038 Wages " Substitute 4.20 Tempa Dodge 2039 0 Substitute 1.75 'Jithholding Tax Fund 2040 Withholding Tax deductions 37 50 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 2041 Lights for Library 5.40 Anacortes Water Dept. 2042 Water used at Library 2.50 Constance Fox 2043 Cash advanced 4.90 A.C. McClurg & Co. 2044 Books for Library 13.68 Charles Scribner 36 Sons 2045 Books for Library 53.28 Dept. Labor and Industry 2046 Ind Ins & !led Aid .b4 PARK FUND. J. E. Ha.rdinE 1538 Salary as Park Supt. 160.80 Walter C. Strong 1539 Salary as Park Employee 144.80 Withholding Tax Fund 1540 Withholding tax deductions 24.40 City Street Fund 1541 Gasoline used in Park truck 5.18 Dept. Labor and Industries 1542 Ind Ins & ivied Aid 6.32 Celvin's Service Statiob 1543 Supplies for' Park Dept. 6.34 E. Daneilson, Co. Auditor 1544 Truck License 1.25 1 �e 1 C AD T. Go McCrory Sadie M. Argee Dorothy Fee Charles Wedlund Russell Carolan W. 0< Rogers Go E. Keller A. Sirett Frank Deane Lester Thomas John G. Dorcy John Anderson Withholding Tax Fund E.A. Abbott Motor Co. Marine Supply & Hardware Standard Oil Co. City Street Fund E.*Danielson, Co. Auditor 1t. Vernon Transfer Co Pennsylvania Salt Co. Rennselaer Valve Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Worthington Gamon Yeter Co 11m> G. McCallum Skagit Bonded Collectors West Coast Telephone Co. Colvin°s Service Station Skagit Electric Co. Skagit Valley Telephone_Coo. G.N. Dalstead, P.M. Island Transfer Coo- Schwartz Iron Works Brown Lumber Co Curtis C3harf C o o. The Fern Press Dept. of Labor and Industries .Anacortes American December 5, 1944 WATER DEPARTMENT FUND 1914 8241 Salary as 'eater Dupto 272080 8242 s' f0 Water Cashier 141060 8243 " s. Clerk 114008 6244f° s° "pater Foreman 198040 8245 10 i° Serviceman 178039 8246 °' iY Filterman 180000 8247 °J fP Filterman 171020 8248 Filterman152:80 1920 8249 1° s2 Filterman 133°40 8250 Pumpman 174083 8251 °' r Bookkeeper 48000 8252 Uages as Laborer 6010 8253 Withholding Taxes 145e62m 8254 .Truck Repair 5094 8255 Material and Supplies 907-1 8256 Gasoline for Whistle Lake pump 37095 8257 Gasoline used in Motor Vehicles 20°17 8258 Motor Vehicle Licenses 3075 8259 freight on Pump Rotor 1030 8260 Chlorine for Filter Plant 59-13 8261 Valve Parts 10037 8262 Power and Service 1228020 8263 New Meters, 146si0 8264 Ins on 1940 Dodge Coupe 26009 6265 Collection of water bills 25022 6266 Telephone Service 14010 826*j Service for V-ater Dept. 4:40 8268 Service at Avon Pump House 7021 6269 Telephone service at Aivon 4.20 8270 Postage for tiWarer Office 6000 8271 Fuel Oil for Filter Plant.... 28>68 8272 Repairs & Service, rrater'Depto 187073 8273 Material for eater Dept." 1073 8274 Material for Vrater Dept. 4400 8275 Printing and Supplies 37x96 8276 Ind Ins & Ned Aid 1 091 8277 Printing and Supplies 11097 CITY STREET FUND P. E. Olson 1914 Salary as Street Foreman 182.80 Lynn Balcom 1915 19 p Graderman 172040 Roy McDpugall 1916 " t° Maintenance Man 169060 Dave Summers 1917 " " Maintenance Man 160080 Lee Parish 1918 i° 10 Street keeper 103.41 Alfred Robbins 1919 00 " Dump man 33040 7. G. McCrory 1920 " " Street Supervisoe 40000 John Go Dorcy 1921 " ". Bookkeeper 440000 Withholding Tax Fund 1922 Withholding tax deductions 103059 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 1923 Power for Crushers 37:50 F.E. Foss & Sons 1924 Work on City Street 70:00 E. Daneilson 1925 3 motor Vehicles, Street Dept. 3015 Karine Supply & Ha.raware 1926 Material and Supplies 088 The 'ern Press 1927 Printing Supplies 14.1b Brown Lumber Co. 1928 Lumber for Street Dept. 3.64 Schwartz Iron 'Works 1929 Service, Street Dept. 050 Shell Oil Company 1930 Gasoline, City Pump 61005 Standard Oil Company 1931 's 32019 Union Oil Company 1932 iS " " 448010 Dept. of Labor and Industries 1933 Ind Ins & Med Aid 19.92 Colvin°s Service Station 1934 Service and Repairs 21051 COMMUNITY BUILDING RENTAL FUND C.W. Brothers 20 ',Va@ee for marques on ComoBldg. 12065 Anacortes Water Dept. 21 57ater used at Community Bldg 4.65 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 22 Lights used in Community Bldg ii.o6 DeVJayne Whitney 23 Material & Service, 10 " 15.75 Peoples National Bank of ';Jashington 17 Withholding tax Dedections 500«73- .4 motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Hatton that the above claims be referred to the Finance Committee. motion carried. The Finance Committee recommended that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of the same. Lotion made by Dodge and seconded by Hatton that the recom- mendation of the Finance Committee tm the matter of the claims against the city of Anacortes for the raonth of November, 1944, be adopted. Ayes: Schulz, Hammons, Foss, Derby, Brady, Hatton and Dodge. motion carried. Councilman Hatton brought up the matter of rat control at the garbage dump. Councilman Hatton pointed out the urgent need of some action being takenby the city, and a motion was rriade by hammons and seconded by Hatton that this matter be referred to the Printing & Health Committee. Motion carried. Having completed the business of the evening, -a motion was made �y Schulz and by Hammons that the meeting of the city council adjourn. Motion carried. The meeting of the city council did then adjourne> ATTEST: P:2AYOR City Clerk 4 , Q� December 15,1_44 A Special Meeting of t' City Council of the City of 'nacortes was called to order at 7;30 o'clock with mayor C. A. Peters presiding. The purpose of this. meeting being to canvass the votes cast in the City General Election which was held on December 5, 1944. There not being a quorum present, the meeting meeting was adjourned until 8 0 clock P. If. on December 19, 1944- Mayor Attest: G��I December 19, 1944. The regular meeting of the city council of the Cityof 1nacortes was called to order at 9:00 o°clock P.M. with Mayor C. A. Peters presiding Moll was called and Schulz, Hammons, Derby, Hatton and Dodge %Jere present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as -read. The following communication from the Association of Washington Cities was pre- sented and read to the City Coun6ilr O-T.Tton. flayor and City Council December 14, 1944 c/o City Clerk Gentlemen: Enclosed herewith is the ballot upon which your city as a member of the Association of Washington Cities is requested to vote on the question of sponsoring retirement and civil service legislation for Wun;- -cipal employees at the 1945 session of the Legislature. This ballot is "to carry out the purposes of the convention resolution directing ra refer- londum on these two proposals so that each member city eould-be able to -cast its vote. -If these bills -are to be sponsored, it is necessary to know the desires -of member cities as soon as possible. Each city therefore is urged to 'send its vote to the Association office as soon as possible and particularly -before January 1, 1945. In case no regular council meeting will be held prior to January 1st, your consideration in calling _,pecial meeting to consider these proposals would be appreciated so action can be taken by your council. •A copy of the 1944 convention resolution directing the referendum is enclosed for your information. If further information concerning either of the proposals is desired before casting your vote, please contact either the Association office or L:ayor Herbert G. West, Walla '..alla, Chairman of the :pension and Civil Service Committee. A self-addressed envelope is enclosed for your convenience. Very truly �rniirs, CYrest@P Diesen, Executive Secretary.G A motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Schulz that the city of Clnacortes voted in favor of the sponsorship of E'easures No. 1 and Lleasure No. 2 rgen- tioned in the above communication. Motion carried. The following communication from Ben Driftmier on behalf of !U lton A. Smith ,uias presented and read to the city council: r 9 Lr4 John Dorcy, December l3, 1,44 City Clerk, Anacortes, Washington. Dear Sir: On behalf of Milton A. Smith I enclose herewith his petition for lease of street end. Will you kindly -present this to the next meeting of the council. Therewith I also submit proposed lease agreement. LIr. Smith is anxious to have immediate action taken upon this petition for the reason that it vitally effects his procedure to operate, which operation would also involve the employment of considerable help. Ur. Smith expects to be present at the next meeting of the Gouncil and can per- sonally explain or answer any question Council might have. Respectfully, Ben -11riftmier Kr. :Smkt3:• w_,s preaent and spoke to the city council, outlining his plan to b build a shrimp cannery at the location described in his communication. After some discussion, a motion was made by Schulz and seconded by Hammons that the communication of Ben Driftmier on behalf of Tilton �,. Smith be accepted and that the proper resolution be prepared by the (pity .Attorney and published in the .�nacortes tmerican, the official paper of the City of Ana- cortes, and that January 3, 1945, in the Council chambers in the City Hall at 7 0O otclock P.LT. be designated as the time and place for this matter to be finally heard and disposed of. ayes, Schulz, Hammons, Derby, Hatton and Dodge. Motion carries. The report of the Fire Chief for the month of November, 1944, was presented I and read to the City Council and a motion was made by Derby and seconded by 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .December 19, 1944. Dodge that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. Councilman Dodge brought up the matter of the city purchasing Grand View cemebery and urged that every effort be used to enable the City to purchase and take pos- session of this cemetery av soon as possible. Councilman Dodge also brought up the matter of a request from the local Coast Guard officers to use the room formerly used as a gymnasium in the Anacortes Community Building. After some discussion, a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Hatton that the city give the Coast Guard permission to use the room formerly used as a gymnasium in the Anacortes Community Building until such time as the City Council would require this room for other purposes, upon a 30 -day notice to vacate said room. Tkotion carried. On behalf of the Printing and Health Committee, Councilman Derby made a report on the matter of rat control at the garbage dump. Councilman Derby mentioned that he had taken this matter up with Dr. A. :d. Cook, Health Officer, and the doctor fel felt that this problem was not serious at this time. No official action was taken A renewal insurance policy on the Ford Fire Truck used in the Anacortes Fire De- partment was presented to the City council, and a motion made by Ha.mmons and seconded by Dodge that said insurance policy be referred to the City .Attorney. Motion carried. The City Clerk brought up the matter of changing the boundary lines of three vot- ing precincts in the City of Anacortes. In order to change the boundary lines of a voting precinct it is necessary to take this matter up with the County Commis- sioners during the month of December of the year in which the change has been made. The precincts to be changed are the First and Second Precincts of the 2nd '�,ard, and the Third Precinct of the Thard Ward. A motion was made by Schulz and seconded by Dodge that the City Clerk be author- ised to take the necessary steps to change the boundary lines in the above named precincts. ayes, Schulz,'Hammons, Derby, Hatton and Dodge. Motion carried. At this time Mayor Peters appointed Mr. R.M. Thornton as a member of the Library Board, as of January la 1944, for a period of 5 years. At this time the matter of canvassing the votes cast in the City General Election on December 5, 1944; was taken up, and the following oath was administered to the City Clerk by Mayor C.A. Peters., ' STATE OF WASHIIi;GTOTS } COUNTY OF SKAGIT ( :SS CITY OF ANACORTES } I do solemnly swear that the returns purporting to be the election returns of the -several precincts in the City of Anacortes have in no wise been -altered by additions, or erasures, and that they are the same as when•I received them, so help me Godo John G. Dorcy, City Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 19thday of December, 1944. C.,A. Peters, Yayor and ex officio Chairman of the Canvassing Board. " I The following tabulation of the canvass of the votes cast in said city genekaj,; election on December 5, 19440 1UlP 1V12P 17;3P 2WlP 2712P 27UP 2V'J4P PlP 37.'2P 3713P YXP Total Joe L. Hagan70 98 49 107 51 44 71 62 59 89 57 C. A. Peters 6 5 4 1 1 1 15• 5 9 6 Th.Haugland 1 1 1 1 Ferd Brady 1 J. B. Wright 1 J. S. Hamm 1 3.E. .Arges 1 F. Brokens 1 Peterson 1 John G. Dorcy 77 110 54 110 54 51 73 82 66 94 61 Joe Hagan 1 S.M. Arge s 74 104 51 lob 53 49 70 81 65 92 57 John G. Dorcy 1 P.E. Olson 1 Wm.*V. Wells, Jr. 74 106 51 108 53 50 70 81 64 101 i 57 Todd 1 Vells, Sr. 1 Barn e y l E.A. Schulz 73 104 45 99 48 46 67 76 62 93 60 Syd Ellin 1 C.F. Fisher 1 L. Neely 1 E.E. Dodge 74 104 49 Glen Waldorf 1 L.S. Hatton Charles Fisher C . T. Fess Schulz 1012 17 —P 1173P 'T3 100 47 December 19, 1944. VIP 2,2P 2W3P 2714P PlP 3V12P 3t'13F 3 14P 105 50 43 67 - 2 1 1 A.L. Derby 81 61 91 55 Brady 1 Syd Ellin 64 64 88 57 Dewey McFadden 1 1 Brady 5 1 2 R.'Loman The following is the certificate issued by the City Council as the Committee as a whole signed the result of the canvass of the motes cast in the City General Election of December 5, 1944, and as signed by all members of the City Canvassing Board; and that the persons named in the -said -Certificate be declared elected to th their respective offices and for their respective terms: "STATE OF WASHINGTON ) COUNTY OF SKAGIT :SS 'CITY OF ANACORTES ) - I The undersigned, having been constituted as the canvassing board to canvass the election oeturns for the City General Election held on the 5th day of December, 1944, do hereby certify: That on this date, December, 19, 1944, we opened the two (2) absentee ballots voted at the above General City Election, and have counted said ballots and have added the same according to lava to the returns of the several voting precincts of the City; that we have canvassed the said election returns with the two (2) absentee votes added thereto, and do find that the following persons were duly and regularly elected to the offices for which they were respectively candidates, as follows: For Mayor Joe Hagan City Treasurer Sadie P:'.1. Arges City Clerk John G. Dorcy City Attorney 71m. V. Vlells, Jr. Councilman at Large Elton A. Schulz Councilman, 1st Gard, 4 year term L. S. Hatton Councilman, 1st Ward, 2 Year Term Dr. E.E. Dodge Councilman, 2nd Ward, 4 Year Term Charles F. Fisher Councilman 3rd Ward, 2 Year Term it. L. Derby Councilman 3rd Uard, 4 Year Term Uyd Ellin (Signed) C. A. Peters E. E. Dodge L. S. Hatton A. L. Derby Calter Hammons Elton A. Schulz, OANVAOSYNG BOARD. The following communication from Councilman T"alter Hammons was presented and reed to the city council: _4nacortes, Wash. Dec. 19, -44 To the Hon. Mayor and City Councilmen: Gentlemen: I hereby resign as a member of the City Council, same to take effect at once. Respy yours, C,alter Hammons. n A motion was Lade by Schulz and seconded by Derby that the resignation as coup® cilman from the Second Qard be accepted. Notion carried. The City Clerk had been authorized at a previous meeting of the city council to call for bids for a new or used car to be used for police purposes. The bids were to be opened at this time, but as there were no bids filed with the Clerl. a motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Schulz that the License and Police Com- mittee, together with the Chief of Police, be authorized to purchase a net: or used car suitable for police purposes. Motion carried. Having completed the business of the evening a motion was made by Schulz and se*_ conded by Derby that the meeting of the city council adjourn. Z.9tion carried. The meeting of the city council did then adjourn. ATTEST: :C� _ _. - G MAYOR CITY CLERK