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1934 City Council Minutes
111"---- .... 566 . • January 2 , 1934 . Roll Call The City Council of the dity of Anacortes Meet in regular session with Mayor Phillips presiding and councilmen Brunson, Dildine , George , Keepers, McCracken and '''parks answering roll call , Olson absent. Minutes approved .;t. a-. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. Taxpayer's letter A letter signed by a taxpayer asking the council to do something in regard to the foreclousers on deliquent assessments so the property owners wouldtnt . lose their homes was read No action was taken on the matter. Abbott' s Letter A letter from E. A. Abbott in regard to the service on a new Plymouth car for the police dept. was read Motion made by Brunson that the letter be placed on file, seconded by Dildine, Carried. Motion made by bildine that the matter of a new police car be taken up at a., later date, seconded by George Carried. Gas& Poliue Judges reports The police judges and gasoline reports for the month of December were presented Motion made by Keepers that the reports be referr ed to the finance committee seconded by Brunson carried. Police Judges annual report The police judges annual report was presented, motion made by McCracken, that the report be referred to the finance committee, seconded by Brunson Carried. Resolution The following resolution was read: Resolved: That the city council go on record, requesti:Ig the water committee to put forth every effort to collect the delinquent water bills. That the committee request the pulp mill to augment their rate as soon and • when possible , for the purpose of a general reduction in water rates. Motion made by Brunson that the resolution be adopted deconded by Dildine, carried. Schreiber Letter A letter from Mr. Schreiber giving their rates on firemans insurance was read Keepers stated that the prices quoted by M. R. Kingsley were about $42.20 lower than those quoted by Mr. Schreiber, and he thought the $42.20 should be saved. Motion made by McCracken that the committee report be accepted, eeeoned= seconded by Brunson, Ayes Brunson , Dildine , George , McCracken , Keepers and Sparks. • Truck license Motion made by Brunson that the question of non-payment of truck license and the matter of the prpposed truck ordinance be referred to the license committee • seconded by Dildine, Carried. Repairs on sheds & hall Motion made by McCracken that the building committee be authorized to spend $50.00 , on the repairs of a hose shed at 26th. & R, sheds at city hall and paint for city hall , and the cupalo on the city hall, seconded by Brunson Ayes, Brunson , Dildine , George, McCracken, Keepers and ''parks. Gravel Motion made by George that uncrushed gravel be priced at $.75 per load, crushed gravel at $140 per load, and those wishing to haul gravel for them- selves could have it free of charge , either loading it themselves or the city would load for them if the city is hauling gravel, the gravel is to be paid for in advance. seconded by Dildine , carried. Claims. Claims against the current expense account and other city funds for the month of December as follows were read: CURRENT EXPENSE Benson Motor Company 4297 Repairs for fire dept . .75 County Auditor 4296 Licnese for fire trucks 2.50 Ocean. Products co. 4299 Supplies fire dept. 1.25 L. E. Snider 4300 Salary 110.00 A. N. Latshaw 4301 m 100 .00 Bert Verrall 4302 to- 95.00 M. A. Hartmann 4303 "' & cash adv. 55.30 Lillian Kast 4304 n n tt n 52.00 L. A® Lecher 4305 to 50.00 A. B. Cook 4306 to-' 22.50 P. G. Abbey 4307 c 15.00 Mrs. Chris 'tome 4308 c 13.50 Marion Jatkinson 4309 to- 90.00 Ted. Horn 4310 tt &N Cash adv. 132.2.5 Torn Brornal 4311 tD 103.50 Axel Anderson 4312 it • 103.50 W. A. Sparks 4313 94 110.00 Wm Dorcy 4314 Truck driver 87.50 . D. A. MacDonell 4315 Street sweeper 32.28 - John Burgiand 4316 tv t° 16.14 J. R. Shehan 4317Truck Driver 11.92 Geo Wedlund 4318 Labor 11.50 Chas Jedland 43�9 Labor 1.50 L. A. Lechner 44 Cash adv. 5.00 L. A. Lechner 4 d2O expense 10.18 • Eureka Fire Hose Co; 4322 Supplies fire dept 4 . . 0 Water Department 4323 Hydrant rentals 395.00 Archie Ilan 4324 Supplies for fire dept. .60 W, Robertson 4325 Wiring inspections 7.00 .11 567 • January 2, 1934 cont . D. V. Neely 4326 Supplies for fire dept. 3.25 Anacortes 'team Laundry 4327 Laundry for fire dept. 1.95 gouthside Hardware moo. 4328 Supplies for city hall 1.62 • Marine °upply Co. 4329 m 'p u " 3.65 Allan's Mercantile 4330 m U II 11 1.98 11/ • VanBuren & Heller 4331 I " " " 3.21 • Shannon Hardware Co. 4332 m 1P m " 1.62 - Wm Robertson 4333 Cleaning chianey 1.50 - Dept of -'abor & Ind 4334 Ind ins & M A. police & St . 22.99 Snyders Pharmacy 4335 Supplies for health officer 1.50 Shell Oil company 4336 Gasoline 52.10 • S. R. Pusey 4337 Filiig cabinet for clerk 14.15 - S. D. Temple„ 4338 Supplies for clerk .65 • Benson Motor o. 4339 Repairs for police dept . 10.89 • Union Oil Co: 4340 Oil for police dept . 16.20 - Ierney's V'arity Store 4341 Supplies police dept . 4.50 - Amsberry'e -'offee `'hop 4342 Meals for prisoners 3.00 • Marine 'supply CO 4343 Supplies police dept. .96 - Al 's Standard Service 4344 m " m 3.00 • Schwartz Iron Works 4345 * fire dept. .20 • Marine °upply Company 4346 ''' Street Dept. 61.31 Shell Oil Company 4347 m It SD 28.17 - Southside Hardware Ca. 4348 - 'a " " 90 • The Fix-it shop 4349 m 'r It1.50 - Western Tractor Co. 4350 It, " '4 25.61 - Union Oil Co. 4351 1t' " & Fire dept. 20 .00 Shannon Hardware Co. 4352 • tt ' dept. .23 • Ed. Mooney 4353 n. 'C' I' 85 H. A. Taylor 4354 „- it " 6.70 Benson Motor Co. 4355 'x r' It 8.75 - Howard Cooper Corp 4356 'r " ►r 38.99 • County Auditor' 4357 License for st dept trucks g.50 • Puget Sound P & L Co 4358 - Lights 257.76 - Schwartz Iron taroks 4359 Supplies for st dept. 4.89 - Dave&s Tire Shop 4360 " " 9 4. 50 - West-Coast Tel Co. 4361 Tolls 4.40 Standard Oil Co. 4362 Gasolie 101.52 • Water -wept Assig - T. A. Coberly 4363. Paper for city hall 78.84 • Fidalgo Lumber & Box 4364 Lumber for st dept . 107.50 Water Dept.Assig Drakes Auto Pains 4366 Paint for police car 31.00 Abbott Auto Co. 4365 Supplies for st dept . 1.30 III • ROAD & BRIDGE FUND S. D. Temple 184 Time Books .40 Dave's Tire Shop 185 Supplies 3.50 Anacortes -r'oundry 186 m 3.00 Fidalgo Lumber & Box 187 Lumber 85.46 Current -expense 188 Error in salary Jan 1933 16.00 Knapp & Ronneberger 189 Repairs 13.63 Lynn Balcomb 190 Labor 100.00 J. R. Shehan 191 "' 64.52 4. W. McNeal 192 m 18.00 • PARK FUND H. A. Taylor 764 Supplies .75 Southside Hardware Co. 765 ' 4.91 Shannon Hardware Co . 766 'r 9.14 Currant •expense 767 Gasoline 3.50 J. E. Harding 768 Salary 80.00 LIBRARY FUND E. Luella Howard 618 Salary & Cash adv 73.10 Ehelyn Lundberg 619 ' • 35.00 Tempa Mellott 620 m 29.00 Fred Marshall 621 m 20.00\ Water Department 622 Water 7.50 Puget Sound News Co. 623 Books 18.00 Puget Sound Power & Light 624 Lights 11.29 . I/ . EMERGENCY FUND M. G. Strock 10 Salary as fireman 95.00 I 1 r 568 . January 2, 1934 cont. WATER FUND Chas P Stapp 3484 Stamps 5.00 County Auditor 3485 . License for trucks 2.50 Tax Commission 3486 Business tax 165.30 Lew Willoughby 3487 Salary 150.00 Ernest Kanpp 3488 m 110.00 Ilyge Baker 3489 m 75.00 • Lester Thomas 3490 `C 50.00 Victor Berlin 3491 Labor 94.40 A. C. Mondhan 3492 cx 4.60 Rex Rogers 3493 a3.00 Water Dept E. S . Rose ) 3494 ft 3.00 a f9 T. C. Brooks) 3495 , f? 3.00 C " D Ives) 349 0 3.00 0 " i . Shoemaker) 3490 b 12.00 0 2' W Heglin 3 3496 C 3.00 " M Raybo rn 3499 a 6.0 0 Lillian Kast 3500 Bookkeeping 25.00 S. R. Pusey 3501 Repairs in office 5.75 ` ;:t.ep t of Labor & Ind 3502 M. A. & Ind Ins 11.76 Tacoma 1''lectrochemic al Co. 3503 Chlorine 27.00 Rensselaer ValEe Co. 3504 Supplies 122.77 S. D. Temple 3505 Office supplses 2.60 Knapp & Ronneberger 3506 Repairs 1.20 Benson Motor Co 3507 « .45 Shannon Hardware Co. 3508 Supplies 8.60 Current' Expense 3509 Gas 19.18 Marine S pply Co. 3510 Supplies 14.23 Arvid Hamburg 3511 Supplies & Labor on leak 55.69 Current Expense 3512 Transfer of funds 90.00 West Coast Tel Co. 3513 Tel tolls 3.70 Southside Hardware Go. 3514 supplies 10.89 Union Oil Co. 3515 a 8.28 The American City 3516 " 1.00 American LaPrance Lorp 3517 " 6.03 Puget Sound P & L Co 3518 Power & Lights 304.52 " to " " " 3520 " II " 400.00 H. A. Taylor 3521 Supplies .40 Davets Tire Shop 3522 Repairs 1.50 The finance committee to whom the matter of claims were referred recommended that the claims be allowed add warrants be drawn in favor of the same Motion made by McCracken that the committees report be accepted, AyesI/ Brunson , Dildine, George, Keepers, McCracken and Sparks. There being no further business the council did the adjourn. Approved in open session this 16th. day of January 1934. Attest : Mayor *--- f .' , --., .•;---,--4. --• 411 lea.-a-4 . Cit* Clerk. 5691 January 16, 1934 Roll Call The City Council of the City of Anacortes meet in regular session with Mayor Phillips presiding and councilmen Bruzjson, Dildine, George, Olsom, McCracken , Keepers and Sparks answering roll call. I/ Minutes approved Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. Deed to Park land A deed futone hundred and twenty acres of land located at the summit of fount Erie . for park purposes , from the Gus Hensler estate was presented, motion made by McCracken that the deed be accepted subject to approval of location by the city engineer, and a letter of appreciation 'oe sent to Mrs. Hensler, seconded by Olson Carried. - Tres report Dec . The treasires report for ;!ecember was presented, Motion made by McCracken that the report be referred to the finance committee , seconded by Olson. carried Police Motion made by Brunson that the question of retaining three policemen be re- ferred to the police committee, for a report at the next meeting, seconded by McCracken carried. Motion made by Sparks that the three men be kept on duty until the next meeting when the committees report is made, seconded by Dildine , Ayes Brunson, Dildine, George, McCracken , Olson, Keepeers and sparks. Brunson' s Gas Application A application from D. J. Brunson to install a gasoline pump on 37th. & Corn. was read, motion made by Keepers that the application be allowed and the pump to be installed under the supervision of the fire chief, seconded by Sparks, carried. Ins Firemen. Insurance policies for L. E. Snider, A. N. Latshaw, Bert Verrall , M. G. Strock and for eight voulenteer firemen were presented, motion made by McCracken that the policies be referred to the city attorney, seconded by Olson, carried. Finance come The finance committee reported that they recommended the gasoline , police4report for December and police judge's annual reports be accepted, on motion the report was adopted. Fire report The fire chief's annual• report was presented , motion made by McCracken that the report be referred to the fire and light committee , seconded by Olson, carried. Clerks bond A letter stating that the bonding company would accept a reduction in the city clerk's bond from $3, 500.00 to $1,000.00 if the city ei2e anete ordinance provided for the reduction. I/ • Motion made by rrc b, McCracken that ordinance No , being an ordinance fixing the bonds of the various city officers and providing for the payment of surety bonds for certain city officers by the city and repealing Ordinance No.667 and all other ordinances and parts of ordiances in condlict herewith. be placed on its first reading by title, seconded by Sparks , carried , Motion made by McCracken that Ordinance No. be placed on its second read- ing by title, seconded by Sparks carried. Motion made by McCracken that ordinance No be placed on its third and fin al reading, seconded by Brunson, Ayes Brunson , Dildine , Olson , McCracken , George , Keepers and Sparks. Motion made by McCracken that Ordinance No be referred to the judiciary committee , seconded by Olson , carried. Judiciary committee reported that they recommended that Ordinance No. S 3 7 be passed. On motion the committee report was accepted. Motion made by McCracken that Ordinance No,j be adopted as a whole, seconded b9 Olson, Ayes.bruson, Dildine , George, McCracken, Keepers , Olson and sparks. St. Comm. A report from the street committee stating that the C . W. A. Committee would work with the city council on the bridge on the cementary road and the open- ing of V avenue , in obtaining help from the C . W. A. for these projects. Motion made by McCracken that the entire streets and parks committee be author- ized to decide on the location of these two projects, not to determine where tia the dirt is to come from for the fill, and. present the plans to the F. W. A. project commitee and ask them to furnish Lhe labor and material for the c .mplete project, if not the city would authorize ij200.00 for material, seconded by Keepers , Ayes Brunson, Dildine , George, McCracken , Olson, Keepers and Sparks. George ask Mayor to be excused. Gravel receipts Motion made by McCracken that the clerk be directed to issue triplicate receipts for gravel , one for the custumer, one for the street ,aupt and one for the clerks files, seconded by sparks, Ayes Brunson, Dildine, McCracken, Olson , Keepers and sparks. I/ Water in Para- mount theatre Motion made by McCracken that the request of the churches of the city to asking the fire department to pump the water out of the Paramount theatre , when conviecient for the department , wh4- without charge be granted, seconded by Olson carried. Hazard in theatreMotion made by Brunson that the city attorney draw up an ordinance coverning the fire hazard- in the theatre, withdrawn. Motion made by Brunson to teferr the question of smoking in the theatre to the fire and .light committee . seconded by Sparks carried. There being no further business the council did then adjourn Approved in open session this 6th. day of February, 1934 - r570 tIanuary lo, 1934 cont. Attest: Mayor City Clerk 51-67 ill February 6, 1934 Roll Call The City Countil of the city of Anacortes meet in regular session with Mayor Phillips presiding and councilmen Brunson , Dildine , George , Olson, Keepers, McCracken and Sparks and-veering roll call. . I/ Minutes approved Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read with the exception of the item of 3200.00 appropriated for the bridge at the end of commerical street should have been i)250.00 instead of 0200 .00 Tres. Gas and Police T reports The gasoline report , treasurers report and the police judges report for the month of Banuary were on motion referred to the finance committee . Drakias Letter A letter from tern. Drakias asking permission to install a sign in front-of the Hotel Taylor. was presented motion made by Brunson that the letter be referred to the street committee seconded by Keepers, carried. Rogers Letter A letter fron Ed. Rogers asking the city to fix the sidewalk on llth. & Com. where a water main had broken and washed the dirt from under the wiak walk motion made by McCracken that the matter be referred to the Water committee and ' - they be empowered to repair the walk and satify the damage cauded by the broken walk, seconded by Brunson , Ayes Brunson , Dildine , George, Keepers, McCracken, ' Olson and Sparks. LaFrance Letter A letter from the American LaFrance Corporation asking payment of a claim of Feb. 6, 1930 was presented Motion made by Sparks to write the Company reconizing the latter a<<d give the bill consideration at the next maeting, withdrawn, Motion made by Keepers that the bill be layed on the t7ble until the neat meeting giving the clerk time to look up the claim and de4-ea41�-4.te see if it had been paid, seconded by McCracken Carried. Anisberrys Letter A letter from F. W. Amsberry asking the city to assist in the improving of 29th. street was read motion made by McCracken that the request be referred to the -- street committee , seconded by Keepers carried. y' -ttorney' s report A report from the city attorney, L. A. Zechner, stating that the firemen Qs acci•- ent insurance policies were approved as to form, motion made by McCracken that the attorneys report be accepted, seconded by Olson, Carried. Engineers Bond A claim for ,>5.00 premium on C . A. Revells bond as city engineer was presented motion made by parks that the bond be cancelled as Mr, Revell had left town, and Schreiber and Werner be notified that the council wished the bond cancelled seconded by Olson Carried. 1 Merchants letter A letter from the Merchants Association asking the council to retain the three policemen was ?read. .ff report from the police committee stating the council should comply with the budget which provided funds for two po ice en, and an additional fund for added policemen when the chief of police and committee declare and emergency or at the vote of the council. Motion made by Keepers that the report be adopted seconded by Brunson. Carried. Motion made by Bildine that one policeman be remaved until such time as thought necessary for another one , Seconded by George, Ayes Brunson , Dildine , George , Keepers , McCracken and Olson Nays . Sparks Union Oil Lease A lease for K Avenue from the Union Oil Lompany was presented, motion made by McCracken to confer the lease with the Union Oil Company for the balance of the term of the orginnl lease and the Clerk and Mayor be authorized to enter into a new agreement under the direction of the City Attorney, if the Oil Company wished to have an ordinance published they were to pay all costdeof publishing same. Ayes Brunson, Dildine, George, Keepers , McCracken, Olson and Sparks. Bids for Printing Sealed bids for the City printing for one year was presneted Motion mane by McCracken that the bids be opened and read, seconded by Olson carried. Motion ' Made by Brunson that the bids be referred to the printing committee for a report at the next council meeting seconded by Brunson carried. Claims Claims agains , the current expense fund and other city funds for the month of Kan were eresented as follows: Pacific Iron and Metal Co 4367 Supplies for fire dept. 6.50 Automotive Parts Service Co. 4368 I, °9 it II 75 A. Germain .4369 Re„airs on clock 1.50 Anacortes Steam Laundry 4370 Laundry 2.11 L. E . Snider 4371 , Salary & cash Adv. 111000 A. N. Latshaw 4372 `p 100.00 Bert Verrall 4373 9 95.00 M. G. Strock 4375 `� 9 .00 • Um Robertson il 4376 - Volunteer fireman � 2,5 A. Mond'jan .4377 « « 1. 00 I/ . Wm Beale 437 " 6025 C . Strock 438 9 �r ��. 1 tg a 00 Edo McGovex� Fred fisher 4381 " 75 M. r, . Hartmann 4382 S wary and sash adv 0.45 Lillian Kast 4360 2.55 L. A . ,Lechener a p0 - A. B. Cook 4385 is 2 .50 F. G. Abbey 486 is 15.00 Mrs Chris ntorme 4387 i° 15000 Marion \latkinson 4388 If 90;;00 Ted Horn 3 17 112.85 Tom Brot� 43g9 0 103.50 Abel. Anderson 103.50 W. AL. Sparks 4392 " 110.00 .4A r572 a Q Vim Dorcy 1 4393 Truck. Driver 10®.00 gynn Balcomb k 4394 toto 100000 D. A.. MacDoneell ,' . 4395 Street sweeper 13050 John Be rgland. . 4396 to to 32.40 A. W. McNeal 4397 Labor 18.00 Anacortes Ame/Wa n 4399 Supplies for clerk 5.20 t/ S , D. Temple 4400 - '' Clerk & Tres 1.50 Burrows Adding P1achin't 1c) . 4401 Repairs 5.55 Trick & murray ,, 4402 ^'upplies for clerk 7.66 Kee Lax Mfg Coo',. 440 tree; 4.42 Union Printing�'iCo 444d . G 1.10 Fern Press _ r' 4449 to U. 5075 Anacortes Daily Mercury 4405 to 10 15,00 rr " it 4406 Printing 76.87 E. P. Barker 4409 - Bond for deputy tres 5000 tz tt II 4408 to 0 Tres 37.50 tt tP tt 4407 a It It 37.5o Henry Davey 4411 - " it f° 37.50 F. G. Abbey 4412 Cash Adv. 2.25 E. P. Barker 4450 Bond Police judge ;5.00 H. I. Kingsley 4413 t' clerk, tres , att , supt 52.50 \ Lownan & "annford 4414 Registration supplies 314.95 7.m. Robertson 4415 • `Miring Inspection 1.00 Marion Supply Uompany 4416 Supplies for city hall 51.45 • Northwest Hardware `'o. 4416 ,, to t9 U 24.80 Shannon Hardware Ca . 4417 to • to 0 0 34.20 I. E. C ahai l 4418 it it " if 2.50 Thornton's 4419 ta. fire dept , 1.80 . Water Dept Abbott ) 4421 Tires for grader 25.00 E. A. Abbott 4422 to II a 159.24 Water dept. 4423 Hydrant rentals 197050 Maarine oupply Co 4424 • - Supplies for fire & Hall 6.23 Lt. R. Kingsiay_ 4425 Indurance for fire,,ien 198080 Trulson Motor Go 4426. Repairs for st dept. 1.90 Marine ouoply Co. 4427 Supplies for st dept. 6.8o Kanpp kRonneberger 4428 Repairs for st Detp. 5.68 Anacortes Lumber & Box Co ; 4429 Lumber for st dept . 22.60 - Bell Machine works 4430 Supplies for st dept , 6.92 Howared CoPpr : r Corp 4431 Wheels for ,_rader 360.00 Anacortes Lumber & Box ' 4432 Lumber for st Lepp. 4.30 . Schwartz iron °'orks 4433 Supplies for st c,ept0 13.26 Benson Motor Uo0 4434 Repairs for Police dept . 6.05 West Coast Tel Co. 4435 Tolls 6.73 Knapp & Ronneberger 443f lieapairs for police dept. 7.85. Dept of Labor & Ind 4434o Ind Ins & M. A. 25.45 Alts Standard Service 44 - Supplies for police dept. 3.12 Marion '.iatkinson 4459 Register of births and Deaths 6.00 Puget Sound P & L Co 4441 Lights 225.08u 8 H. A. Taylor 4442 Supplies for st dept. 030 Benson Motor L'o. 4443 - Repairs for st dept . 4.80 The -qx-i t Shop 4444 - 0 " " t° 1.00 Union Oil Co 0 4445 Supplies for st dept . 1.75 Standard Oil Co 4446 Gasoline Floor Dressing 132084 Rudy's Cafe 41147 heals 1.50 AT-.2,R RUB S. R. Pusey 3523 Supplies for office 5.25 ,Chas P Stapp 3524 Stamps 5000 Tart Commission 3525 Business tax 162.48 Levr dIillouehby ' 3526 Salary - 150000 Ernest Knapp 3527 II 110.00 Clyde Baker 3520 to 75.00 • Lester Thomas' 3529 c: 50000 'Victor Berlin 3530 Labor 98.80 A. Cr. Mondhan 3531 to 97.60 John Dorcy 3532 t0 3.00 Water .Dent , (J Sheahan) 3533 c 3.00 Lillian Kast 3534 Bookkeeper 25.00 Dept Of labor and Ind 3535 Ind Ins & M. A. 12,45 Water Dept (Anaco:-t s Amer ) 3536 Supplies 9.75 - S. D. Temple -3537 P° 90 0 0 • Skagit Valley Tel Co. 3530 Tel S„rvice - 4.50 Worthington Gamon Meter Co 3539 Supplies 6.13 - - Shell Oil Co. 3540 Gas & Oil 46.19 Current Expense 3541 tx • 18.77 The Fix-it chop 3542 Supplies 1.35 , Tacoma Llectrochemical Co . 3543 Chlorine 40.50 K Kee Lox Mfg Co . 3544 Office supplies ' 2.0E • E. K. Wood Lumber Co. 3545 Lumber - 7.06 Schrener & Weiner 3546 Bond for supt - 5.00 Skagit ' aiiElectric Co. 3547 Supplies 2.15 Knapp & Ronneberger 3548 Repairs - 085 Mueller CompanyS 3549 Supplies 16.77 West Coast Tel Co . 355o Tolls 6.70 . Schwartz Iron Works 3551 Supplies 3000 - Marine 'upply Compnay 3552 ta' 5.16 Current Lxp en se 3553 Transfer of funds 90. 00 . Puget Sound P & L Co 3554 Power & Lirhts 3555 758097 ro it it n n 3556 Supplies 1020. Shannon Hardware Coo 3557 t° .66 Benson Motor Co 3558 Repairs 1.35 571 Feb. 6, 1934 cont. Park Fund J. E. Harding 769 Labor 40 .00 I/ Shannon Hardware Co 770 Supplies 4.46 Cur 771 Gas 2.52 LIBRARY FUND Anacorteslater Dept . 625 Water - 2.50 E. Luella Howard 626 Salary & Cash Adv. 70.80 Evelyn Lundberg 627 35.00 Tempa Mellott 628 25.00 Fred Itarehall 629 n 20.00 D. S. Lobdell 630 Wood 18.00 Robert Deutsch 631 1P 25. 50 E. T. Staudt 632 Coal 1.00 Puget found News Co. 633 Books 42.29 i9 " P & L Co 634 Lights 10. 71 Mr. George stated that he had notified the street supt to have requisitions for purchases made by him, and have them 0 Ked by the chairman of the st committee this had not been done so he protested all claims for the street dept. The 1''inance committee recommended that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of s io-- same. Lfie7;' ilIeughby •and -' etor Councilman McCracken stated that he dis,nt think it fair for city employees to receive pay from the fire department as volunteer firemen, Lew Uilloughby and Victor Berlin requested that their names be taken from the volunteer firemens payroll. Motion made by McCracken that the Clerk and finance committee purchase a reason- able number of requisitions to be issued by department heads for purchases and the matter of informing the committies of the pur_chasedcbe referred to the finance ccmmittee for a report at the next meeting. seconded by Sparks , Ayes Brunson , Dildine, George, Keepers , McCracken . Olson and Sparks. lotion made by Brunson that the finance committees report on the claims be adopted eeconded by Olson, Ayes Brunson, Dildine , McCracken, Olson, Keepers and Sparks Nays George. St Gom Report A report from the street committee that S. P. Walsh have the care of the garbage grounds at 5715.00 per month was read, motion made by Brunson that the report be adopted, seconded by Dildine , Ayes Brunson , Dildine , George , Keepers , Olson McCracken and "parks. Cutting ''ood Motion made by Keepers that the Water Supt be empowered to prosecute any one caught cutting wood on the city water shed, seconded by Dildine „Ayes Brunson, ')ildine , George , Olson, Keepers , McCracken and parks. Letter to Fire Chief Motion made by Keepers that the city clerk write an a letter to the Chief of the j'i Department of Seattle , ex ressing the councils appreciation of the services of Capt Cook , Drill i=aster, of the Seattle Fire Dept. Seconded by Brunson , Carried Cleaning; i-all Motion made bs Brunson that the city council give a vote of thanks to the building committee for the manner invrhich they repaired the city hall , police and fire departments. seconded by 1 eepers carried . There being no further business the council did then adjourn. Approved in open sission this 20 day of -r'ebruary 1934 Attest : -� -c-- �i. Mayor O ty Clerk r574 February 20 , 1934 Roll Call The City Council meet in regular session with Mayor Phillips presiding and Councilmen Dildine and Olson answering roll call, Brunson, Keepers, 0 George , McCracken and Sparks.absento. Oving to lack of quorun the council did then adjourn. Approved in open session this 6 day of March, 1934 Attest : T yor city Clerk 575 • March 6 , 1934 Roll Call The City Council meet in regular session with Ma,:or Phillips presiding and council •l••e -.orunson , Dildine , George , Keepers , Olson and Sparks ans1.ei•ing I/ roll call, McCracken absent . Minutes approved Minutes of the previous meetings were a proved as read. American La,P� n ce Letter A letter f r m the American Lafrance Corporation in regard to the payment and interest on the new fire pumper pur_:haoed from them eras read. Motion made by Keepers that the Mayor and Clerk be instructed to take care of the note when due and the interest be taken from the continvnt fund, seconded by Brunson Ayes Brunson , Dildine , George, Olson, Keepers and 3pa.rko . Request gravel Q A request from the residents of Q Street fron Fidalgo to Longview avenue for gravel was presented, motion made by Br, nson t. a.t the request be referred to the street committee seconded by Keepers , carried. • Gas Pump Paul' s A app icat ion to install a gasoline pump and underground tank at 619-37th st by Paul's Service was presented, motion made by rrunson that the application be referred to the license committee , seconded by Olson carried. Request g avel 39th. " petition for gravel on 39th_. street eras presented; notion made by Keepers that the request be referred to the street committee , seconded by Brunson , carried. • Notice of hearing - Ive 's Theatre A notice of a heating in regard to the Ite' s Theatre was read, Motion made by • Olson that this notice be referred to the city attorney and the judiciary committee, seconded by Sparks carried. ':Tarrant # 3369 A letter stating that warrant No 3368 assigned to the Water Dept by Stanley Anderson had been lost. Motion made Olson that the Clerk be instructed to cancell warrant No 3368 and issue another warrant to t_.e '.rater Dent . Fseconded by Brunson , Ayes Brunson , George, Dildine , Olson, Keepers and sparks. • Association of • 'gash Cities letter , A letter from the Association of '•ia .hington Cities telling of the appointment of Mr. Bartell as Executive Secretary of the Association was re d, motion made Olson that the letter be referred to the City attorney and the Judiciary comm. • seccnded by Sparks , Carried. Gas , Tres , cc Pr' rep. The gasoline , treasures and Police Judge 's reports for tie month of February were presented and on motion referred to the finance committee. Power bill 1932 A IA.11 from the Puget Sound Power and Light Co. for an error in bill the power at the setting basin in 1932 ----2, =a in the amount of 4 .45 was presented Motion made by Olson that this bill be allowed, seconded by Sparks Ayes Brunson , Dildine , George , Olson , Keepers and Sparks. - Coberley' s bills A bill freel. T. A; Coberly end one from Irwin Coberly in t:'e am unt of >159 .60 each for labor papering and painting the city hall was presented , motion made by Olson that the bills be referred to the h>>ilding committee , seconded by Keepers. carried. • • Riggs Lease It was called to the attention ef t e city council that Dave niggs was deliquent on the payment of his lease , motion made by Keepers that the lease be referred to the finance committee , seconded by Brunson carried. • - Deed to Haysy A deed to John Havery from the city for property which was sold by the city for local im rove 'ent assessments through error, was presented motion made by Brunson that the deed be =eferrdd to the City Attorney for final arrangements with power to act , seconded by Olson carried. • City Printing Motion eado by Brunson to hold the bids for the city printing over until the next meeting. seconded by Olson carried, _Ordinance ?Too -- • - Motion made by Keepers . .that. Ordinance -ITo, • ,-.being An Ordinance. Relating to the fixing of rental under a lease with Union Oil Cempnay of California, be placed on its first and second reading by title , seconded by Brunson, Ayes Brunson , Dildine , Olson , George , Keeners and Sparks. Motion r:acre by Keepers that Ordinance No. being & .Ordina.<ce relating to tie fixing of rental under a lease Union Oil C�omeariy of Oclifornia, be placed on its third and final reading, seconded by Brunson , Ayes Brunson, Dildine , Geor •e Olson , Keepers and Sparks. Motion made by Olson that Ordinance No being An :Ordinance relating to the fixing of rental under a lease with Union Oi L Company of California, be adopted ae a whole , seconded by Br, nson , Ayes Brunson, Dildine , Olson, Keepers and Sparks Nays George . Mayor's absence Mayor Phibl.ips stated he had business to attend to in Mexico, which would necessitate his absence for the next two or three council meetings. 576 March 6, 1934 Ordinance No Motion made by Keepers that Ordinances Nos being, first , An Ordinance relating to , and providing for, the licensing and regulation of certain kinds of ct .es of merchandise , defining offenses , and providing penalties for the violation thereof, Second, An Ordinance relating to dalse and misleading advertising, defining offenses, prescribing penalties , and repealing all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, be placed on their first and second readings by title, seconded by Olson, Ayes Brunson, George , Dildine , Olson , Keepers and Sparks. Motion made by Olson that the ordinances be referred to the City Attorney and Judiciary committee , seconded by Keepers , carried . Claims Claims against the current expense fund end other city funds for the month of February as fo . lows were presented: CU7Pt"T•T�' T''1 T. T' 4� .1 JL _ . ) Strock Radio Service 4451 Supplies for fire dent. 9050 Anacortes Steam Laundry 4452 Laundry for fire dept, 2.42 Seattle liubber Stamp Co, 4453 St: mp for re ictraticn bks 10.35 Kathleen Marchand 4454 Regis tre.tion clerk 20.10 L. E. Snider 4455 Salary fire chief 110.00 AO19' Latshaw 4456 '� ass fire chief 100000 Bert Verrall 4457 't fireman' 95.00 M. G. Strock 44-5 , iP `t 95.00 I.I. A . Hartmann 4459 '= treasurer & caeh Adv. 58.15 Lillian Kast 4460 tD clerk " " it 52.44 L. A. Lecher 4461 " city attorney 50000 A. B. Cook 4462 n health officer 22 .50 F. G. Abbey 446.3 " police judge 15.00 Mrs . Chris Storme 446 ''' janitor 15. 00 Marion 1atkinson 4465 't deputy treasurer 90000 Ted Horn 4466 '7 Chief of Police 110. 00 Tom Brown 4467 e patrolman 103.50 Axel Anderson 4468 `t 't 41.40 W 0 A. Sparks 4469 " Street Supt. 110. 00 Win Dorcy 4470 ' truck driver 100. 00 Lynn Balcomb 4471 '° e t- 100000 John Bur; land 4472 e street sweeper 43 . 20 A. W. McNeal 4473 'o garbage tender 15 .00 Anacortes American 4474 Supplies for city clerk 5.20 Anacortes Mercury 4475 Printing & Requisitions 10. 50 Union Oil Company , 41476 Oil for fire dept. 5.25 Schwartz Iron Works 4477Supplies for fire dept. 1.32 Anacortes :Eater Dept . 4478 Hydrant rentals 197. 50 Sanderson Saftey Co. 4479 Supplies for fire dept. 51.00 Marine Supply C o . 4480 " for city hall 11.95 Nelson 4 Brooks 4481 Cr 'o it 3.60 N. 3'inkerton 4482 it " ii " .6o Water Department 4483 Wood for city hall 300.00 Chas Vthitus 4484 . Supplies for city ball 2 .70 Shannon Hardware Co. 4485 e C7 c e 18.00 Anacortes Lumber & Box 4486 e. 'i " 1.40 Nelson & Brooks 4487 " foe pelice dept . 1.55 West Coast Tel Co. 4488 Tolls for r .lice & st 1.95 Am.sberrys Coffee Shop 4489 Meals for prisoners 3. 00 rfeekley & Gurney 4490c Supplies for police dept . 1.00 Tim. Robertson 4451 :siring inspections 4.00 S. R. Pusey 4492 Supplies for trc:v3urer 8.20 Dave ' e Tire Shop 4493 Supplies for street dept. 11.25 H. A. Taylor 4494 't " " " 4.40 The Fix-it shop 4495 " " " " 1000 Marine Supply Co 0 4496 f: " " " 8.78 Schwarta Iron 'orks 44W Ct cc it it 10.75 Knapp & Ronneberger 4498 Re:.aire 'o to " 7.28 Bell Machine Works 4499 U " It It 21.45 Puget Sound Power & L 4500 Lights 225.08 Feenaughty Machine co. 4501 Supplies for st dent . 20.00 Morrison Mill Company 4502 Lumber, for street aept . 5.42 , City Treasurer 4503 Reco iding Deed 1'000 Shannon Hardware Co. 4504 Supplies for ci y hall 1.45 Soutl_side hardware Co . 4505 .7 fire dept. 2.29 Shannon Hardware Co . 4506 " " it 1.41 Marine Supply Co, 4507 " C' " 4.03 Shell Oil Compa. y 4508 G?..oliue 112.00 PARK r UI\TD Shannon Hardware Co. 772 Supplies 0 3.85 J. E. Herding 773 Salary 50000 Current Expense 774 Gasoline 3.52 LIBRARY 1 d D Anacortes'''l1 Water Dept. 635 ';dater 2. 50 L. Luella Howard 636 Salary & cash adv 70.80. Evelyn Lundberg - 637 " 35.00 Tema Mellott 638 m 25000 Fred Marshall 639 't 20 .00 The Junior Litary Guild 640 Subscriptions 95.00 Marshall Flagg 641 Wood 15. 00 Puget S .P & .LCo 642 Lights 10 .41 Loum.an al Hannford 643 Books 5.20 Anacortes Drug C-: . 644 Sul'ecript ions 46.65 St ndard Oil Co. 645 Flecr dreeeinJ 0 Pu get Sound News Co. 646 Book. 3 -55 1 577 March 6, 1934 rATT'R FUND Chas Stapp 3559 Stamps 5.00 Tax Commission 3560 Business Tax 170.56 I/ Great Nortnern R. R. 3561 Freight 7. 57 Lew Willoughby 3562 Salary 150.00 Ernest Knapp 3563 " 110. 00 Clyde faker 3564 " 75.00 Lester 'Thomas 3565 " 50.00 Victor Berlin 3566 tabor. 91.20 A. C . Mondhan 3567 91.20 V. D. (y ung 3568 iD 3.00 ::i. D. ( derich) 3569 0 3 .00 • W. D0 Sheahan) 3570 0 3.00 • W D Cppervich) 3571 iP 3.00 W. D. Judovich 3572 3.00 W. D Raybourn) '�3573 It 3. 00 Lillian Kast 3574 bookkeeper 25.00 Current `expense 3575 a..o1_ine 13 .86 J. J. Lockert - 3576 Ribbon 1.00 • Geo . `7edlund 3577 Labor & ' ester ial 51.90 Axel Anderson 3578 Police Work 44.00 Arvid Hamburg 3579 Suopli es 24.50 The Bristol uo . 358° " A. 54 ;lest Coast Tel Co. 3581 Tolls 7.25 Tacoma Electrochemical Co . 3582 Chlorine 40.50 Water Dept. (T . C . Brocks 3583 Supplies 1 .00 Hersey Manufacturing Co. 3584 s:� 37.32 Dave4s lire Shop 3585 '`. 1. 50 Current Expense 3586 Transfer of funds 90.00 Puget Sound P °. L 358 j Powor '1 Lights 353 .56 M II It tl 3588 sc it w 300 .00 II II r It 3589 c: 4.45 Marine Supply Co . 3590 Supplies 5.13 Shannon Hardware Co. 3591 0 1.43 Anacortes Lumber &c Box 3592 Lumber .55 Southside Hardware 3593 Supplies 5.93 Puget S P & L Co 3594 Rental 1.00 .:'ester Dept . (S Anderson 3595 Labor (Duplicate r 3368) 7.50 Motion made by Keepers that the matter of claims be referred to t`le finance committee , seconded by Brunson , carried. The finance uor ittee to whom the matter of claims were referred reported that they recommended that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of the Emile same. Motion made by Br,.nson tba.t the committee ' s report be adopted, seconded by Olson, Ayes Brunson , Dildine , Gorge , Olson , Keepers and Sparks. Requisitions Motion made by Dildine that requesitions be, used by each department head, and all amounts of : 5.00 or more require the approval of two of the committee seconded by Brunson, carried . • There being no further business the council did then acl,g,ourn. • Approved in open session this 20 day of March 1934 • ) .i j 4 ‘ ) .'\ i'" .----S '\‘ 111 ' rt1/4„,.., Attestp Mayor y Clerk • • I . C) • March 20, 1934 Roll Call The City Council of the City of Anacortes meet in regular session with Mayor Pro-tem McCracken presiding and councilmen nrunson , Dildine , George , Olson, Keepers aL.d Sparks gnswering roll call. Minutes approved The .Minutes of tee previous meeting were approved as read except the council- men wished to have councilman McCracken marked present. Judiciary 6oY.u,i The Judiciary Committee recommended that the ordinances relating to false and misleading advertising and licensing closing out sales be passed4, motion made by Keepers that the report be adopted, seconded by. Sparks carried. Attorneys report The City Attorney reported that the ordinances relating to false and misleading advertising and licensing closing out sa1eft were approved as to form, motion made by Olson that the report be accented , seconded by Keepers carried. Street lights Motion made by Keepers that the city clerk notify the Puget Sound Power and 1 fight Company to change the street lights to 1000 watt lamps April 1 , 1934, and the Light Company be allowed °25.00 for ma_.ing the change , seconded by Olson, Ayes Brunson , Dildine , George , Keepers , Olson , McCracken and `il'arks. Garbdrs letter A letter foam The Anacortes American changing their bids for the city printing to 90% per inch fur first insertion and 530 for subsequent insertions , was presented motion made by Olson to refer the letter to the printing committee , Seconded by sparks carried. Rusing & Bebee bills A bill from Floyd 'using and one 'rom "oy ,-eebe for %?9. 00 each for drain pipe removed from 3702 and 3/04 commerical avenue were ore.,ented, motion made by Brunson that these two bills be re_'e_'red to the street committee :or a report at the next meeting, seconded by Keepers , carried. • . Ordinances Nos Motion made by Keepers that Ordinance's No first being and Ordinance relating to , and providing for , the , licensin; and regulation o , certain kinds of sales of merai'andiee , defining of e: ses, and rpoviding penalties for the for the violation thereof , and second An. Ordinance relating to false and misleading advertising , defining of enses , proscribing penalties , and repealing all ordinances and parts of or'tinapces in conflict herev.'ithe be placed on their third and final re:;.ding, seconded by Olson and carried. Motion made by Keepers to hold the ordinances over until the next meeting, seconded by Brunson and carried. • Wiring Ordinance Vim. Robertson stated that Ordinance No 679, wiring ordinance was being violated • Motion mace by George that the ordinance be referred to the chief of Police and the City Attorney, seconded by Olson carried. Printing; Motion made by George that the city printing bid of the Anacortes Daily Lercury be accepted, seconded by Dildine , Ayes Brunson, Dildine , George , Olson, Keepers McCracken and Sparks. Galubage grounds Motion made by George that t_ae matter of hiring galsh for ti 10.00 per month to care for the garbage grounds , and placing McNeal as street s;ree_.er be referred to the health committee , seconded by Olson and carried. Coberly' s bill Councilman Sparks recommended that in regard to the bills presented by Coberleyas for painting and , apering the city hall, the city reimburse Coberley's for the paint brushes and ect. that were w;rn out on the job. Mayor Pro-ten Mayor Pro-tem McCracken stated that he did not wish to act as Mayor during the passing of liquor license or any matter in regard to the license , a me Lion was made and pasoed that Councilman Keepers act as Mayor Pro-tem. The applications for liquor license of McCracken, Kilander , Wagner. and Marinakos • were presented, Mayor Pro-tem Keepers stated if there was no objection from the council he would approved the a,pplicttions , and the City Clerk could notify the liquor board. License refund Motion made by Olson that tne city beer license ne cancelled March 25,, 1934 , and an ordinance be drawn up by the city attorney providing money to refund the unused portion of the license or one -quarter, seconded by Sparks , Ayes Brunson, George , Olson , Dildine , Keepers and Sparks. Zo/ning Motion made by Dildine that the district from the south side of 6th. street to the north side of 8th. street be placed under restrictions and no lieuor .be sold in this district , and the clerk send a lett=r to the liquor board instructing them of the action taken by the council, seconded by O1'•on and :;-Irri ed. Adjourn There being no furthur business the council din then adjourn. Approved in open session this 3rd. day of April, 1934. \)ht\-1\H Attest : ISL- • Cit - Clez k 56 u March 22 , 1934 Roll Call The City Council of the City of Anacortes meet in special session with Coundilman McCracken Mayor Pro-tem, and councilmen Brunson , Dildige, George, Olson, Keepers and. Sparks answering roll call. McCracken 4aliat stated that he did not 7:ish to act as mayor Then action was token on liquor licenses, on motion Keepers I70,1'3 a:)pointed. as Mayor Pro-tern The ainlication for a liquor license of Lindholm and Webb Was presented, Motion made by Brunson that the clerk send a letter to the state Liquor control board the restriction .on the district from 6th. to 8th, st. seconded by ' parks , Ayes Brunson , Olson and. Sparksra Nays George, Keepers and Bildine not voting. Mayor Pro-tem declared the motion carried. Motion made by Brunson that the application of Lindholm and Webb be approved, seconded by S,)arks carried.. There being no furthur business the council did then adjourn Approved in open session this 3rd. day .of April, 1934 Attest : Mayor • lerk. • • • • • st • r 580 April 3, r - Roll Call The City Council meet in re-iilar session with Teal or Pro-tem McCracken presiding and councilmen , Dildine , George , ,ale n , Keepers and Sparks answering :o .1 call. Minutes approved McCracken ask that the applies.' ion in the minutes of the previous meeting Le changed from W. F. McCracken to the Anacortes Ice Company, otherwise the, minutes were a} proved as read. On motion Tres . to make reeort The Clerk was instructed to auk the City Treasurer to prepare for the next council meeting a report or the finiical standing of the first three months of the ,year. Tres report. The tree. surer report for '.he month of Me reh ':as Presented , motion made by Olson to refer the report to the finance committee , se ended by George , Carried . Horn Letter A letter from Ted Horn , Chief of Police , ask ng the council to consider the matte of °lacing the oo i ice department on its former basis of three men , was read motion made by Olson to refer the letter to tee police committee , seconded by Keepers carried . Gas & Police J Report The gasoline and police judges reports for the month of 1.:are:1 were presented motion made by Olson, to refer to the finance co,!1mittee , seconded by Keepers carried. Letter re Coberly A letter from the Northwest Master Painters Assosication , Inc . in re; :.rc. to the wages T. A. & T. R. Coberly for papering and acAnting the city was read motion made by Olson to place the letter on Zile , sec::nc' ed by Uparks carried. Treas letter A letter from the city treasurer stating that ' in local Iaprowo-:w.ont District No . 139 , southside sewer, salter Steffin , o ner of Lots 11 and 12 block 49 , Orginial Plat of the ity of Anacortes , had made payment in full of his assessment and is entitled tc a quit claim deed from the city.motion made by Olson to refer the matter to the Mayor and City lttcrney with power to act, seconded by Dildine and carried. Thaomas Letter A letter from Roy Thomas of Mount Vernon a.'.kini: to _•ent the bail. ing at lots 9 and 10 , Block 1., Nelson' s Addition was read, notion made by Ols.,n that the Clerk write Mr. Thomas telling hifr rthe city does not own t:.e bui.1C' ing , seconded by 1)ildine carried R R. Letter A letter from the Railway,:.- Company in regard to a r ropos d. crossing at 25th streetetating teat on payment of W. 00 by the 'ity coverciing the cigus and placir_ "-ereof , in addition the City of "nacortes te place the planking and o the -grading '.'as read l::otien made by Dildine to for :arcs check 'or 4.00 and comply with the request sedonded by Olson , ,.yes mil . 9_ne , George , Keepers , • Olson , McCracken and Sparks. r Insurnace A bid on the insurance expiring Aril 5th, 1934 o Building and J''urniture an.. furnth hings. in the amount of c)2000 . . 0 from Wm McCullua was ir..sented_ , motion made by Olson that the insurance be renewed with EcCullum, seoond^d by 'Udine Ayes George , Dildine , Keepers , 'sison , Mc' ra.cl-en and .narks. McNary Bond The bond for J. O. McNary for amity- .hinting was on motion refe:'n-•l to . the City Attorney and Judiciary Co:.n:mittee. Scoles Bill A Claim from Guy Scoles for replacing the rope on the flag hn1e in t me park v!as presented , Mr Scoles lead not signed the claimbef re a netr.ry, motion made by Sparks that the claim be allowed and t'"e v.)uc'ier returned to Mr. Scores P f 'r this signit;ure , before the warrant is mai'1ed9 seconded ',7 J.Jildine , Ayes , Dildine , George, Keepers , 0lsonl, McCracken and Sparks . Ordinance No . Motion made by Keepers that Ordinance No . being and. Ordinance declaring an emergency and -raking erovisions for meeting the same , be TJaced on its first and second reading by title , seconded by Olson carried. Motion made by Olson that Ordinance No , being and orctiance declaring and emergency and making provisions for meeting the same, be refei'rdd to tl:eCity rittor.ney and the Judiciary committee , Seconded by Kee. ers , care' ec' . Odrinance NO. Motion made by Keepers that Ordinance No . being and Ordinance rel ,ting to , and providing for, the licensing, and regulation of certain 'cinch: of sales of merchandise, defining offenses , and providing penalties for the violation thereof, be adopted, seconded by Olson, Ayes George, Dildine , Keepers , McCracken and Sparks.and Olson. Ordinance No. Motion made by Keepers that Ordinance NO. and ordinance roleting to false and misle: ding advertising defining offensos prescribing penalties and repealing all ordinances and pexts of ordinances in conflict herewith, be adopted seconded by Dildine , Ayes , Dildine , George , Keepers , Olson, McCracken and Sparks . Ordinance No . Motion made by Keepers tact Ordinance No. being an-Ordinance imposing an annual license Ur on all dogs owned or harbored within t—e limits of the City - J of tnacortes , providing for the collection of the same , defining offenses and prescribing penalties be referred to the license committee , seconded. by Olson carried. Claims Claims aainst the current expense and ot: er city funds for the month of March as follows were presented: C'T_,P.T 7 "2)-7 E T57 Western Cedar 3hhirw1.e to . 4509 Uin plies for city hall 9.49 Allan s Market 4510 " t' " 1.56 1 581 April 3md. 1934 CU.R-,1TTD)C 1T.SE Fred. Trafton 4511 Supplies for city hall 6.75 Wm. Robertson 44512 Jirinr Inspection 1.00 ;. . Robertson ^ 513 • Plumbing Inspection 1. 5a L. E. Snider 4514 S .iary 110 .00 A. N. Latr.ha 4515 r 100.00 Befit Verrall 4516 995.00 1;M. G. struck 4517 995.95.00 `.gym. Robertson 4518 a° 3 .75 V. Berlin 4519 a' .75 A. C . Mohdhan 4520 0 .75 . Iv%. A. Ha'•tmnan 4521 City Treasurer. 50..15 Lillian Kast 4522 City Clerk 52.56 L. A. Lechrier 4523 • City Attorney 50.00 . F. G. Abbey 4524 Police Judge- 15.00 A. B. Cook 4525 Health officer 90.00 Ern. Chris Storme 4526 Janitor 110 .00 Marion /atkinson 4527 Deputy Tr- surer 10 .50 . Ted Horn 4528 Chief police 72.45 Tom Broun 4529 Patro lr)an 110. 00 Axel Anderson 4530 tl 100 . 30 W. A. Sparks 4531 Street erunt . 100 . 00 Wm. Dorcy 4532 Truck Driver 4L: . 60 Lynn Balcoi b 4533 ca. qR .,. bhn Berglund 4534 Street Sweener A. 7. McNeal 4535 Garbage -'ender 15.00 Anacortes, Steam Laundry 4536 Laundry for fire dept . 2.25 Anacortes Water Dept . 4537 Hydrant rentals 197.50 Lmerican LaFr&;nce Corp 4538 Interest on fire pumper - 139 .00 a' 9 4539 D.7.,nient on fire numper 400.00 n 0 4540 n ., n 400 .00 r' 4541 II " 400.00 Southside tardware Go . 4542 Su ,;lies for 'ire dept . 4.00 D. V. Neely 4543 3H .21 ee: for fire dept . .75 Carl Lundberg 4544 Supplies for fire dept . .50 Dear: e�- s Varitv Store 4545 Sut�plthes fire , police & Clerk 2. 50 . Marine Su!)nly Co. 4546 Suppl?es for fire dept . 4.00 Shannon Hardware Co. 4547 Sur.,1ies for fire dept . 2.72 West Coast Tel Co. • 4548 lolls for police dept . 1.05 City Treasurer 4.54-9 LID # 138 465.08 ,: ,r ',550 it T. rr 465.00 ra ,a 4-5'51 ere " 145 330.20 Union Oil Go. 4.5r'2 Gasoline A:g 8 II Shell Gil Co 4553 Gasoline : 0 Department of Labor & Ind . 4554 H. & INN. Ins Police. & St 21.67 n n u Itra 4555 co rr n n •• con I. 20 .43 Fidalgo Lumber & Box 4556 Lumber for street dent . 20 .00 Puget Sound .�o-:;-er & Light 4557 Light. Hall , Park street 224.20 Bell Machine `forks 4558 Supplies for street dept . 244.25 Schwartz Iron Works 4559 Supplies for street dept . 6 .00 Marine Supply Co 4560 Supplies for street dent . 9. 57 Benson L=ctor Co 4561 Repairs for street dept. 10.00 ra 'a n 4562 Re;aairs for street dept, 10.60 1t 9 1 4563 Repairs for street dppt . 1/.90 Anacortes Drug Co. 4564 °'u.!)plies for fire dept. 1.00 ", ATER FUND Chas Stapp 3596 Stamps 11.00 Tax Commission 3597 Business liax 163.4 3 ec7 wil ,ough.b,� 3598 Supt 150.00 .zrnes wnapu 3599 Filter operator 110.00 Clyde Baker 3600 rr as 75.00 Victor Berlin 3601 Labor 86 .40 A. C. Mcndh n 3602 ac 98.00 Water Dept . (Rice ) 3603 95.00 Lillian Kant 3605 Bookkeeper 25.00 Axel AnGerso .- 3604 Police "'crk 20.00 Skagit Valley Tel Co . 3606 Tolls &:.1 Service 8.40 Dept of Labor & Ind 3607 P.I. A . & IndIns 26.83 n as 9 99 3608 a; rr II a 0 25. 37 Current Expense 3609 Gasoline 17.08 ?rest Coast Tel Co . 3610 Tolls 5.55 Tacau :21ectrccher,lcial Co . 3611 Chlorine 14 .38 Shannon Hardware Co . 3612 Supplies 1.84 Palmer 8unplY Co. 3613 t: 18.00 General C_'-er.lical Co. 3614 Sulphate 397. 50 Current Lxpense 3615 Transfer of funds ;?0.00 Co.imericn1 Dock 3b16 Freight 6t:. 25 An:-cortes uoundry 3617 Supplies 10.00 Itnap--t & Ronneberger 3618 " 24. 00 Union C it Co. 3619 st 3. 36 • 1:.arine u only Co . 3620 at 10.75 Simpsonts 1ectrric Shop 3621 as 1. 50 mna ortes American 3622 Office supplies 7.00 Benson I oture Co , 3623 Repairs 11.89 Lester Tomas 3624 Pump operator 50.00 LIBRA MY FUND I . E. Cahail 647 Labor on buildine 2 . 50 E. Luella dotard 648 6alary & cas,,.adv. 70.80 Evelyn Lundberg 649 IC: 35.00 A 582 Ater il' 3 , 1934 LIBRARY U ;D cont Tempa Mellott 650 Salary 25.00 Fred Mars1ia?l 651 r 20.00 • Anacortes Water Dept , 652 Water 20.50 2uge t Sound & L 653 Lights 6.6o Pu:et Sound Hews Co . 654 Nooks 20.57 • P2>PK r` LM • g. 1. Hardi_Ig 775 Labor 80.00 • P. A. Dean 776 Suo_;lies 1.00 Shannon Hardware Co. 777 << 1.85 Guy. G. Scales 778 i0 5.00. The Committee on finance to whom the matter of claims wea referred recommended that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of the dame. Lotion made by Olson that the committee report be adopted seconded by parks Ayes Dildine , George , Keener. , Olson, McCracken and Sparks Blanchett letter : fi letter from F. J. Blanchett , of the Conrad Bruce Company in re ;ard to the water department was read, Motion made by Olson that the letter be referred to a special committee , appointed by the Mayor seconded by :.sparks Carried. The Mayor stated he would name committee later. • C0A Comm. Motion made by Olson that a special committee of two be appointed by the Mayer to act as , a project couicuittee and to work with other committees in the City on the CWA projects , seconded by Sparks Carried Keepers and 1iildine appointed 3ideivalk on 4th. The question of the sidewalk on fourth street opposite the A. D. & B. mill yard was brought to the attention of thecouncil , eiaon�rre�� and on . motion was refers 'd to the street supt. for a report at the next meeting, There bein no further business the council did then adjourn. Approved in open session this 17th . dray of 1 pril 1934. Attest: ^ - P• Mayo Ci --y Clerk &583 Zp ri 1 17, 1934 Roll Call The City Council of the City of Anryco_ teo meet in regular session with Mayor Pro-Tem McCracken presiding and Councilmen Dildine , George , Olson , Keepers , Brunson and Sparks answering roll call . I/ Minutes approved P.Tinutee of the previous meeting were approved as read. Attorney' s re:. ort A report from L. A. Lechner, Oity Attorney, stating that the bond for J. 0. MoNary for the city printing and the emergency ordinance for refund of certain license fees were approved as to fo=. Motion made by Brunson that the report be adopted, seconded by Olson, Carried. Finance report A ronort from the finance committee accepting the gasoline report , treasures report end the nolicejudges report for march was presented, motion made by Brunson seconded by Olson that the report be adopted carried. Street comittee The 6treet committee reported that they recommended that the claims of 3lcyd Rusin; and Roy Bebee C r pipe removed by the city be said for out of the contingent fund, notion made by Brunson that the report be adopted seconded by Dildine carried , Judiciary committee The Judiciary Committee recommended that the Tmergency Ordinance for refund if certain license fees be passed, motion made by Brinson that the report be adopted seconded by Olson carried. License comciitfee A report from the license committee recommending that tee ordinance i. .:posing license upon all cogs within the city, providing for collection of same & defining offenses be placed on its first and second reading, motion ride by Brunson seconded by Keepers tat the report be adopted carried . Police committee A report from the police committee stating that they did not think it advisable to put another policeman on full time , and they request that the Chief of Police be advised to use an extra police when an emergency exists only. since the hIayor is out of thenCity we do not wish to make any changes until we hear from him, was presented motion made by Dildine that the report be adopted seconded by Olson. carried . Clerks . eoort The clerk°s ouartorly report was presented motion made by Olson that the report be referred to the finance committee seconded by Brunson carried. Association of Wash Cities A letter from the '''ssociation of '.;a .hi r' ton Cities inviting the city to attend a convention of -:'a,hington Cities to be held in Seattle May 3 & 4 was read motion made by Brunson`'that the invitation be accepted and placed on file , • ,ecnnded by Keepers carried. Hersey Mfg Co Letter A letter from the Hersey Manufacturing comp• ny stating. the price they would allow for tr_e six inch meters and the price of the eight inch meter crasiread motion made by Keepers that a special committee be appointed to investigate the matter seconded by Brunson carried. Blanchett Letter A letter from F. J. Blanchett of "onrad, Bruce && Co. telling that he was very much imnretised with the lager expenses of the water department in 1932 and 1933 as cem.oared with prior years. motion made by Olson seconded by sparks tviat the letter be placed on file . carried. 40th. street A number of residents of 40th . street were present and ask that something be done about the road on 40th street , t.;- at it needed to :_e widened and acme ~ravel put on it , 'otion made by -kildine that a committee be appointed to investigate with- drawn, motion m:.ae by Olson that the matter be referred to the relief committee seconded by Sparks carried. Emergency Ordinance Motion made by Kee)ers that Ordinance No . bein.: and Ordinance declaring an emereency and making provisions for meeting the same be placed en its third and final readince , deconded by Brunson Carried. Moti ?n made by Keepers that the Ordinance be adopted as a whole , seconded by Olson Ayes Brunson , Dildine , George , Keepers , Oleon and °perks McCracken not voting . Dog License Lotion made by Bruncon that the ordinance relating to dog licenses be re- eferred to the license committee for a report at the next meeting seconded by Keepers carried. ':later committee The Mayor appointed Brunson and Dildine on the water committee to investigate tee meter for the Pulp Mill . There being no further business the council. did then adjourn. • Approved in open session this 1 day of Lay 1934 1 ke I I/ iTL4 . a;;�oz s o-Tem Cl T Clerk. 584 II • 1 585 II y 1, 19 34 Roil Call The City Connell of the City of An coute i meet: in rea,ul?r session with Mayor . Pro-Ten I..oC:" ckcn presiding and councilmen Dildine , Geor^•e , Brunson, Keepers, c and v �. n cv: r,• Olson T �,ek_� pans erin_, roll call. ::.irate$ a- :'oved Minutes of the nrevi'ius meeting were aeproved as read. I/ ' Police ."' Gas _'epo";;s The Gasoline and Police Judges reports for the month -)f Anrll were on motion . 'eferr d to the finance committee . Firer cars ineer r ce .T._otion made by Keeners that the insurance n'licy written in favor of Alex Latohew as assistant fire chief be cancelled and a new policy be err itten in ):'av0r of Milton Cookston the new fireman , seconded by Brunson Ayes , ..Der noon , DiI: _ne , George , Keeeers , Olson, McCracken and .je r.'ks0 Am. :Tater •: :ettex A letter from the Are,iean Voter `,corks Association inviting; the \later Supt. to attend a meetin„ in Eugene Ore,.on on May 10 , 11 and 12 , waa read . cation - made by Olson thatVthe letter be nlaccd -n file , seconded by Dildine , carFind. . Steffin deed A ;74uit Calico Deed from the "itir of Ana.:ci° tes to Walter Steffin for Lots 11 and 12, B -ack 49 of the original Plat of the City of Ana..: crtes was ere:ented, Motion T_kado by Olson that the Mayor and `hlerk be instructed. to ci7n and ;.:sliver the deed to Mr. Steffin, seccnded by Keeners , Ayes Brunson, Dildine , George, Olson, IcCracken, Keepers and S,.arks. Dog Ordinance Motion made by Olsen that Ordinance Iio. being :an ordinance ir'uosing as annual lic :c.se upon all wogs owned or harbored within the limits of the • City of A::a cortes , proiriding for the collection of the same, definihig offenses and prescribing penalties9 be placed on its first reading by title , seconded by St;arks, Carried Motion made by Brunoon that Ordinance No . be placed on its second reading by title , seconded by Olson , carried. Motion made by Olson that Ordinance NO be refe -red to the City Att rt;ey and. Judiciary committee , seconded by Keepers , Carried. Pulp Mill 1ioti �n made by Olson that the Mayor call the City council, officials from the Pulp Mill and Mr. Burke together to discuss the court trial that is pending, and see if the differe::des c.:uld' nt be ironed out outside of cuurt , seconded by Kee Hers , carried . • 1/ Tririn Ordinance Motion made by Isee_ ers that the ✓ity Attorney Yee it st�,uc ed to draft an wiring o ordinance rirovieing for a w a Lr;ng ins ctor and ect. ceconnded by Brunson carried. Claims Claim; a__•ainst the Current Ex•Jense fund and 'ether city funds for the month of April as follows were presented : • Current a, ;acnse • Roy Beebe 4565 . Pipe 9.00 T. M. Baker Co . 4566 Supplies for city clerk 1.82 - S. D. Temr;le 4567 e tt t: °t .65 L. E . Snider 4568 Salary 110. 00 Bert Verrall 4569 c: ry 00. .,0 • M. Cr. Strock 4570 �E _95.00 M. Cookston 4571 cc 95.00 m. Robertson 4572 r ). 50 . V. Berlin 4573 t° .75 . A. C. ilondahn 4574 It .75 . Ted Horn 4575 r & Cash Adv. 114 . 00 _ Tom Brown 4576 ': 103 . 50 . Axel Anderson 4577 c° 4 - 50 M. A . Hartmann 4578 c: d. ca ..d.v 50.15 . . Lillian Kast 4579 c; 1: 17 1? 52.00 . L. A . Lechner 4:80 e . 50.00 A. D. Cock 4581 e 22 .50 F. G. Abbey 4582 3 15. 00 • Mrs . Chris 6torme 4584 Si 15. 00 • Marion '.latkinson 4-585 °' 90.00 - 'J. A. S_;a.rks 4586 • 110. 00 Wt. Dorcy 4587 . 9 100. 00 Lynn Balcomb 4-588 r; 100. 00 • John B=e rg l or nd 4 589 t° 52 . 65 A. :j. McNeal 4590 r° 15.00 Shannon Hardware 4591 Su pp; i e tip. for fire dept . .81 - '?titer Dent . 4592 Hydrants 197.50 - Tater -Dept (Brooks ) 4993 Supplies city nail 1. 00 Gre: t ITorthern RE 4594 Sins 7.00 I/ Union Oil '-%o•r e.ny 4595 Gasoline 111.44 West CoastTel Co . 4596 Tolls P. lice 1.85 h Benson Motor uo . 4597 ire �a,irs for '.lice 6.1 1Anaon Hardware 4598Sub: lie for city hall .63 " a tes L B 4599 I; c °t 1° 6.00 Anacc rte, Laundry 4600 Laundry for fire dept. 2 .20 Marion 'atkineon 4601 Register Births _. Jt:a;Its 10.00 Pug-et Sound c: L 4602 Li 'hts Hall , St & Park 189.60 Shell Oil ao. 4603 oil for street dept. 32.25 Shannon Hardware Co . 4604 Su";lies for st dept . 3 . 37 Puget S Pulp & b 4605 lr ,c tt c° 40.00 'Laves Tire Shop 4606 it r, n cc 2.00 4607 t° ,, It It Water Dent ( Brooks ) .75 r ....= 586 May 1, 134 cont . Current 1xnensc cont . Union Oil Co . 4608 3u • liens for street dept . 9 .48 Bell Machine 'Forks 460. "• a 21.,98 Anacortes Mercury 4610 Printing 77.59 Scnuarts Iron Works 4611 Repairs for 'ire cent 075 Benson Motor Co . 4612 au plies ::or )nlice 10.9.: a it „ 4013 Re, .,Ais 1'0 ._ street L&C+)t . 29 .14 Marine Supply Co . . 4614 i.iu _:. lie„ fire , st rl ; o l ice 27.85 • PERK KY) Curl en t - x,)ens e 781 Uaso ligte 10.50 . J. Harding 783 Labor 80000 Fr&,rk Keapp V 784 t: 70 .00 Sout 'side _Tardvrare 785 Su:,nlies 2.74 H. A. Taylor 786 a 2 . 20 Shannon Hardware 7E7 r 2 .26 LIT ..= P 1''D L. Luelle. Howard 65) Salary & cash .qd.v 71 .30 ntelym Lundberg 656 a 35.00 ' Tempa Mellott 507 `` 25.00 Fred Marshall 658 U 20.00 2uget Found Tower & L . 65;9 Lights 5. 72 Sc'_reiber & '..rerner 660 Insurance L56 Henry Ivey 661 U 21.86 I.Or.nan . 71e.nrford 662 Books 3.15 1'w"et Sty ;nd iTews o . 663 ` 4 10 Anacortes Water Dent. 664 '.rater 2 ,50 L. I- . Barker 665 Insurance 10.14 Gay1'r'd. Bros Inc . 666 Sub elies 12 .90 E. C . Baker 667 Labor '..),1 1o?,i 1c'.ing 4.50 Fern Press 66a1 Supp.,lies 1./.25 --,__,y n :-T J` -T Y `.rater 1Jept. Traner) 1 Refund beer 1 cense 18 .75 a a ( n;Ste ,son ) 2 „ 18,75 II ;. . . . Funk 3 ;F „ 16. 75 Anaccrtes Ice Co. 4 ac r 75.00 Auerican Legion 5 aa if 2.50 U. J. Crouder 6 " '' it16 .75 Geo iiaxinakos 7 f° 1k .75 Elks Club " 1204 8 ,, ,, „ 5.00 2. L. McGill " " it 18.75 Earles Lsdpe 10 n II i4 8 075 Itrerson .Oros 11 It It „ 16.75 D. J. Brunson 12 a " " 18.75 T . . Genung. 1.3 I0 is ;7 18 .75 • •.1Ar'1T. F! i1i . Chas Stapp S taraps 8.00 • Tax Conic:fission Busonese Tax 172,15 Lew ‘'i_lloughb,. Salary 150.00 . ymeet Kne.pP „ 110,00 Clyde Baker `: 75.00 . Lester Thomas `: 50.00 Victor Berlin `: 9,;,80 A. ; . Mond',e,n 95.20 A7:e1 Anderson , 24.00 . Lillian Kast r 25.00 . Wert Coast Tel Co. Tolls & service ';',55 . Current Expense Gasoline 1; .18 South.side 'Hardware Suep1ies . 4.33 S . D . Temj le a1.15 _ Rensselaer Valve Co . a 52.13 ica.co:._a Electrochemical 'o. Chlorine 43.20 Skagit Valley Tel Co. Toss & service 3.40 Daves Tire Shop Su :dies 2.50 . Current Expense Transfer of funds 90.00 Sh nnon Hardware Co. Supplies 10.20 ii:lpsons ale t is chop " .1.08 Schwartz Iron Works Bari,_ L)upply r, 2.69 Motion made by Keeners that the Matter of claims be roerred to the Finance Committee , seconded by Brunson Corriec , The finance eomiri ttee to wy,?m the matter of cLeime here referred retorted that they ytheclaims be a llcwed and werren is d_.e, 'n in favor of the me t, e,, recommended imN Motion made by Brunson that the report be ac.o ,ted and the Mayor Pro-tem and the clerk be instructed to ^i`:n the warrents, seoonded by Olsen , Ayes Bruns_,n , • Dildine , George , Olson, Kee ors , McCr_.ckcn and ;larks . Motion mu.de by Brunson that the queetion cf staktng cows in streets be referred to tie police committee , seconded by Olson carricd. i • '-'here being no further business the ceunoil did ` len a. ` .p)roved le omen ses,:ion this l:� ciay of May I G�lerk j � 1 L'iay0 • 5871 • 1 .71 15, 193Q. Roll Call The City Council of the City of Anacortes meet in regular session 'rith Mayor Pro-tem !McCracken n.residing and councilmen, Dildine , Brunson , George Olson, Keepers and Sparks answering roll calla I/ Minutes approved =�i��ute, of the ..rep ious i:le tine rye, e a_ orovec as ; cad Treasurer's re part On liotion Vie treasurer's report for the month of April wan referred to t h tie finance comrii c o Finance Co'omo The fin nce committee reported thet they recommended that the Gas'-line and the police judges report for t:.e moneh of April be accepted, motion made Brunson that the ru_ or'.; be adopted , seconded • oy Olson carried. Attoreny nepert A report from t:7e City At i;rney stating that the Ordinance regulating t'A Leming of doss within the City of Anacortes , was approved an to form, 1. was presented , motion made by Olson that the report be accepted seconded Keepers carried. Judi ; iary coons. On motion the report from the Judiciary committee recoiumcn•.inr; that the Ordinance re ulatine the keening of dogs in the "ity of Anacortes , be passed, was accepted° losing of alley Motion r;ia e by Keep re that the letters from the School Board , Wakefield ass Sheahan asking for the closing of the alley between Seventeenth aed Ei ;_tteenth streets , from K Aven e to J, be referred to the Streets and Parks committee and the City Attorney, seconded by Brunson , Carried. ?ro.rth\ree tern it er- ies letter : letter. 7ro.., the Nenthwestern Fisheries asking for a renewal of their lease of 7 Avenue eras presented, motion :.acre by Olson that the letter be referred to the City Attorney to draw up a new lease and the Mayor and Clerk be instructed to sign the lease, seconded by Keepers , Ayes Brunson , Dildine , George , Olson, Keepers , L•Ic/Cracken and Sparks. Carroll' s letter A letter from Jury Carroll enclo,tn a .' '_e;n f__'om 1*e ''ener el Insurance Co 20% di ic_:r_d on Policy 5;4312 o ?18.52, also a policy re.ieT..'ing the coverage , was nreserted motion made by Olson to aeccpt the check and refe.• the policy to the City Attorney, seconded by Sparks Curried. Insur'nce policies 'n motion the insurance pelicies of Milton '%ookEton , one one .•l e 'crarehoue and equipment fre . O. Kingtley, and one on the city hall & furniture ram •JJ McCallum was referred to the city Att )ruey, I/ Drakias aonl'.ca' ion An application for a dance hall license from Vim Dr;: eras presented motion made by Keepers that the application be referred to the License and Police Committee and the City Attorney, seconded by Brunson , Carried. Gas bids . Sealed bids from the General Petralumn Corporation on furnishing the City Gas was presented, motion made by Brunson that the bid be returned, to the company and tell thei._ that arrangements had been made for gas for the year, .:econdeu by Keepers aarri eda Resolution A rye:;elution from the Association of •/ash..ngton Cities , a ,kin'; the City to join was read motion mane by Brun: on that the r: ;;elution be referred to the Judiciary Gorrsittee and the City Attorney seconded by Keepers carried. Dog Ordinance Moti .n made by Brunson that Ordinance No being an ordinance e & a imposing and annual license upon all dogs owned or harbored within the limits of the City of "nacortes , providing f )r the collection of the same , defink offenses and prescribing penalties , be placed on its third and final readi .g eaconded by Keencrs , carried. L:oti _n ado by Keep rs that Ordinance I:1'o be adopted as a whole, seconds by Olson , withdrawn. :_laid oven until the next meeting. Mayors Chair Vacant Motion made by Olson that the Mayor had been gone for eight weeks and no one had heard from him, that the May ;rrs chair be declared vacant and a new mayor be a1 ointed by the council, seconded. by George, Sparks ash to he excused, Ayes Brunson , Dildine , George , Keepers and Olson McCracken nct voting. McCracken n r.oroimated Motion made by Keepers that McCracken be elected to fill out the unexpired term of Mayor , seconded by Brunson (McCracken stated that he thought the council should take time to consider the action they were taken taking, so councilman Brinson ash for a recess after a few minutes the meeting was again called to order by Mayor pro-tem McCracken. Motion made by Keepers that the meeting be adjoumned until Wed. night at 8 0' I/ Clock , seconded by Olson carried . Street comm A report fron the street cdrmi te6• Mating that they recommended thatthe alley between 17th . & 18th . streets he closed, motion ioade by Brunson that the report be accepted seconded ey ] eeparsAyes , Brunson, Dildine , George , Olson, Keepers McCracken not voting. Motion made by Olson that the city attorney ::e instructed to draw un a resolution calling for , Public hearing on the vacating of faA , alley between l jth . & 18th. streets to be presented at the next council meetig eeconded by Bri4son carried. Adj.outn There ,being no further business the council did then adj oumn until May 16 588 May 15, 1934 at & ©QClock, Approved in open session this 5 day of June 19340 ' e Mayor III Attest . City Clerk. May 16, 1934 Roll c:.11 The city Council of the City of Anacortes meet in adjourned-session w with Mayor 2ro-tern licCracken pressid' zg and c:)Un,.i l'men, DITelne , Georg. Keepers , end. Olson answering roll Gail. Additional vrwter Motion made by Keepers that 500 cu feet =,ore • ater be allowed. th e consumers for four months , to Oct 15, if the city is able to supply it , seconded by Olson , Ayes , Dildine , George , Olson, Pee,Kra and McCracken. �cCr:.,cken withdrew M.Ic':raoken ask that his name be withdrawn °rer.. the motion made by ' Keepers on Tuesday ni3ht that he fill out t l.e unexni ^ed term : of Mayor, and that some one else be selected, Koepors said t'-at wi�i l consent of the second he would withdraw his motion, Olson laid he u7.d five his c �nsent Motion made by =: ldine that Keepers be elected to fill out the unexpired term Of Mayor, Seconded by Olson, Ayes .ildine , Ccorge, Olson and McCracken , Keepers not voting. McCracken -the declared-Keepe'e the .lotion carried and s' ated. that Keepers vruld be the presiding of-ricer. There beinj no futt33ur business the council did then adjourn. Approved in oven session this 5 day of June 34. '� • sI Attest : Mayor i y 1/ L . 5891 June 5, 1934 Roll Call The City Council of the City of Anacortes meet in regular session with Mayor Pro-Tem McCracken presiding and councilmen , Brunson, Dildine , George, Olson, Keepers , and Sparks answeriAg roll call. Mayor Reconsidered Motion made by Brunson that the motion made at the last meeting appointing a new mayor be reconsidered, seconded by Keepers, carried. . Minutes approved Minutes of the previous meetings were approved as read. Gas, Tres, & P Judge The Gasoline, Police Judge's and Treasurer reports for the month of May were on motion referred to the finance committee. Drakias License Motion Wade by Keepers that Wm. Drakias license for a dance hall at the Taylor Hotel be not granted, seconded by Olson, Ayes: Brunson, Dildine , George , Olson , Keepers and McCracken , Nays Sparks. Klingman Letter _ A letter from Darold Klingman asking permiss _on to remove twenty-five ricks of wood cut on the water shed was read, motion made by Keepers that a committee be appointed to act din the question of removing the wood, seconded by Dildine • carried. • MacLachlan Letter A letter was presented from James MacLachlan asking for the appoihtment of someone capable of handling the plumbers inspectors job, as Mr. Robertson was neglecting his duties , motion made b y Brunson that the letter be laid on the table , seconded by Olson carried. • Quinn letter A letter from E. H. & Lola Quinn asking for an extension of time on the Prospect Lease until Feb. 25, 1935, was presented, Motion made by Olson that the request of E. H. Quinn and Lola Quinn for an extension of the lease be granted inntut Feb. 25, 1935, subject to the approval of the City Attorney, seconded by Keepers Ayes, Brunson, Dildine , George , Olson, Keepers , McCracken and Sparks. Insurance Policy An insurance policy from Schreiber & Werner on the Ware House 1103-5th. Street, was presented, motion made by Keepers that the policy be referred to the City Attorney and the Judiciary Committee , seconded by Brunson carried. Anderson & Burke Ossian Anderson, President of the Puget Sound Pulp & Timber Company, and W. Ra Burke , appeared before the City Council and spoke in favor of the Ordinance specifying the rates to be charged for water by the City and authorizing the authorities to contract for the sale thereof, and authorizing the amendment of existing contracts with the Puget "ound Pulp & Timber Co. , and also of the amended contract with the Pulp Company. Mr Anderson stated that his Company was ready to sign the contract with the City and dr. burke stated that he was willing to dismiss his suit against the City if the Ordinance and Contract were adopted. Motion made by Olson that it be embodied in the minutes of the meeting that Mr. Anderson and Mr. Burke appeared before the douncil and spoke in favor of the • passage of the proposed ordinance and the adopting of the amended contract, seconded by -Dildine , carried. Resolution A resolution stating that the petition of Lee H Wakefield and Pearl Bergerson Sheahan to vacate the alley in Block 126, original plat of the `pity of Anacorte3 would be heard and determined, at eight O 'Clock July 17, 1934 at the City Hall , motion made by Brunson that the resolution be adopted, seconded by Olson serried Pulp Mill Contract Motion made by Keepers that the amended contract with the Puget sound Pulp & Timber "ompany and the proposed Ordinance specifying the rates to be charged by the City for water be referred to the City Attorney and the Judiciary Comm- ittee , seconded by Brunson Carried. I.Totice to lease "1r Avenue to 2tsheries A i'otice that the City of Anacortes proposes to lease to Booth Fisheries all of "M2" Avenue from the North line of Third Street to deep water for a term of five years from the 1st day of Hay 1934, for an annual rental of fifty dollars. was presented, motion made by Keepers that the notice be adopted, seconded by Olson carried. Dog Ordinance Motion made by Olson that Ordinance No. being An Ordinance imposing an annual license upon all dogs owned or harbored within the Limits of the City of Anacortes, providing for the collection of the same, defining offences and prescribing penalties, be adopted as a whole , seconded by Dildine, Ayes Brunson, Dildine, George, Olson, Keepers, McCracken and Sparks. Motion made by Olson that the finance committee be au'.horized to purchase 1000 dogs tags, seconded by George , Ayes Brunson , -Dildine , George , Olson, Keepers, McCracken and Sparks. . Tractor & Grass cut- ing at Alexander & St. A request from the Hommerical Club for the use of the City tractor in clearing ground to park cars at Alexander beach and the .cutting of the grass along the .I/ streets, was referred to the street committee with power to act, Claims Claims against the Current Expense and other City fund for the month of May were presented as follows: CURRENT EXPENSE VIM Robertson 4615 Labor on city hall 2.00 L. E. Snider 4616 Salary & Cash Adv. 111.00 Bert Verrall 4617 " 100.00 M. G. Strock 4610 "' 95.00 • H. Cookston 4619 °i 95.00 WM Robertson 4620 Fireman 3. 50 Wm. Dorcy 4621 ' .75 C. Strock 4622 " A a 590 June 58 1934 • M. A. Iiartman 4623 Salary & Cash Adv. 52.40 Lillian Kast 46g4 'r 50.00 L. A. Lechner 4625 `° 50.00 F. G. Abbey - 4626 ro+ 15.00 A. B. Cook t1627 m 22.50 Mrs . Chris Storme 4628 n 15.00 Marion Uatkinson 4629 n' 90.00 Ted Horn 4630 °° & Cash Adv. 111.00 T'om Brown 4631 Patrolman 103.50 Axel Anderson 4632 m 17.25 W. A. Sparks 4633 Street Supt 110000 Wm Dthrcy • 4634 Truck Driver 100000 Lynn Balcomb 4635 m n' 100.00 John Bergland 4636 Street Sweepe r 48.60 A. VT. McNeal 4637 Labor 15000 S. D. Temple - 4638 Supplies for treasurer 010 Floyd Rusing 4639 Pipe 9.00 Arvid Hamburg 4640 Supplies for fire dept . 6.00 Sanderson Saftey Co. 4641 " `r. n " 13.84 Anacortes Lumber & Box 4642 Lumber for fire dept . .40 Anacortes Water Dept . 4443 Hydrant rentals 197.50 Kerney's Varity °tore 4644 Supplies fire & Clerk 9.4 Puget Sound P & L Co. 4645 Lights Ha1l, Street, Park 163.08 Dept of Labor & Industir 4646 M. A. & Ind Ins St & & lide 21 .13 m m ro ro ro' 4647 WMIIR a M ro n• 21.55 West Coast Tel Co. 4648 Tolls for st & Police 4.25 Shannon Hardware Co. 4649 Supplies for fire dept. .30 Anacortes °team Laundry 4650 Laundry for fire dept. 2.31 Fern Press 4651 Supplies for treasurer 6.50 Union Oil Co. 4652 Gaoline 25.06 The Texas Co. 4653 n. • 71.76 PARK FUND J. E. Hrding 786 Labor 80.00 Frank Knapp 787 cr 70.00 Shannon Hardware Co. 788 Supplies 11.22' LIBRARY FUND E. Luella Howard 669 salary 70.00 II Evelyn Lundberg 670 m 35.00 Tempa Mellott 671 Gi 25.00 • Fred Marshall 672 " • 20.00 Water Department 673 Water 2.50 George Kingston 674 Wood 15.00 Seattle Times 675 Subscription 6.00 Puget sound P & L Co. 676 Lights 5. 62 Puget Sound News Co. 677 Books 17.20 G. D. Shannon 678 Insurance 24.72 WATER FUND Tax Commission 3648 Business Tax 166.63 Chas Stapp 3649 Stamps 5.00 Lew Willougl, y 3650 Salary 150.00 Ernest Knapp • 3o51 m 110.00 Clyde Baker 3652 m 75.00 Lester Thomas 3653 m 50.00 gic for Berlin 3654 labor 100.40 A. C . Mondhan 3655 m 100.40 Water Dept Rice) 3656 °i' 6.40 m n Decker) 347 m 9.60 " ro Babarovitch)3658�' or . 6.40 6.40 ur Zderich) 3659 n Lillian Kast - 3660 bookkeeper 25.00 Southside Hardware Col 3661 Supplies 3.81 Current Expense 3662 Gasoline 20.56 Knapp &,Ronneberger 3663 • Repairs 6.97 Marine Supply 3664 Suppl es 14.25 Tacoma Electrochemical 3665 Chlorine 43.20 Gamon Meter Co. 3666 Supplies 1.58 Federal Pipe & Tank Co . 3667 n 9.25 Palmer 'supply Go. 3668 'a' _ 2.33 West Coast Tel Co. 3669 Tolls & ervide 4.2() Arvid Hamburg 3670 Supplies 38.53 Current Expense 3671 Transfer fo funds 90 ;00 Skagit Valley Xel Co. 3672 lolls & service for Avon 7.10 - Department of L & Ind 3673 M. A. & Ind Ins 25.61 . Skagit Electric Co. 3674 Supplies 33.40 Van Buren & Heller 3675 ty 1.08 Puget S P & L 3676 .&77 Power & Lights 796.23 tr or ,n toto 3678 &79 ro Ti Ti 93o.85 Dept of Labor & Ind 3680 M. A. & Ind Ins 25.84 Shannon Hardware Co. 3681 Supplies 2.16 /he +t'ix-it Shop 3682 Supplies 2.55 • Anacortes Lumber & Box 3683 Lumber 2.85 - Union Oil co. 3684 Oil 2.40 L. . Puget sound P & L Co. 3g85 Power Avon 21.'9 i ro n ro m ro 3686 &87 Po 'n & Lights 819.71 5Q -1 4119 June 5, 1934 Motion made by Keepers that the claims be referred to the Finance C'ormnittee, seconded by Brunson. George stated that the claims for the street department were not in order as there were no requisitions for them. Olson stated that the power bill from the water department was not included in the claims. Keepers stated that withhthe consent of the seco,id he would -withdraw his motioU4 Motion made by Brunson that all claims accompained by requisitions be referred to the Finance Committee , seconded by Olson Carried. Water Comm McCracken stated that he wauld appoint himself chairman of the water committee and Sparks and Keepers would be the other members. Motion made by Olson that the May power bill for the water department and the bill for ij21.79 be referred to the finance committee and that .ey- they be paid with the other claims, seconded by George , Ayes;Brunson, Dildine , George , Olson, Keepers, McCracken and Sparks. Motion made by Brunson that the finance committee report that all claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of same , be accepted only on such claims as are accompanied by requisitions properly signed, Seconded by pildine Ayes, Brunson, Dildine, George, Olson, Keepers and McCracken, Bays Sparks. The Council stated that the payroll was not include d. 'Wood Comm The Mayor Pro -tem appointed Brunson and Olson as a committee of two to invest • - igate the removing of wood from the water shed. Dildine Ask leave Ge- of absent Dildine ask the council for a sixty days leave of absents , which the council said they would grant. Motion made by Keepers that the council adjourn until Tuesday evening June 12, 1934 at 8 O 'Clock, seconded by Brunson carried. Approved in open session this 19th, day of June 1934. Mayor Pro-tem l/ City Clerk . I/ June 12 , 1934 Roll Call The City Council of the City of Anacortes meet in adjourned session with Mayor pro-tem McCra•Acen presiding and councilmen Brunson, Dildine,, Olson, Keepers and Sparks answering roll call. George absent. American Legion A letter from the American Legion asking for a license to conduct a carnival duringthe week from July 23 to 28th, motion made by Brunson that the license be granted free the same as last year, sub,; ect to the supervision of the police seconded by Olson carried. Ordinance No . Motion made by Keepers that Ordinance NO being and ordinance specifying the rates to be charged for water sold by the City and authorizing the corporate authorities to contract for the sale thereof for such period or periods as may be agreed upon; also authorizing the amendment of existing contracts with the Puget Sound Pulp & Timber Co. , to conform to the rates specified herein , and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, be placed on its first and second reading by title , subject to the following changes, section 1, Schedule 5, the rate be changed from .0750 to .05% and Schedule 6, changed from .0175% to .0188% , Section 3 to look up old contract and see if the amount was 6,5009 000 and in Section 6 line 10 after the word water , subject to the conditions in .contracts of August 8 and Sept . 5 ,1930, be inserted, seconded by Brunson, carried. Motion made by Keepers that Ordinance NO be referred to the City' Attorney and Judiciary committee. , seconded .by Brunson carried. McCracken resignes McCracken stated that he would like to resign as Mayor Pro-tem if it gas agree able to the Council. Motion made by Brunson that McCracken' s regignation be accepted, seconded by Dildine , cAyeS,dBrunso n, Dildine , Olson , Sleepers and Sparks. Motion made by Brunson that Keepers be elected as Mayor Pro-tem, and the Clerk call the roll for a vote, seconded by Dildine, Ayes, Brunson, Olson, Dildine , McCracken_ and Sparks, Keepers not voting. • Drakias License Motion made by McCracken that the minutes of the previous be changed on the vote of Drakias dance hall license, that McCracken instead of voting Aye was not I/ voting, seconded by Brunson, carried. Comm. resignes Mayor Pro-Tem Keepers ask that all committees resign so that he could appoint new ones , all councilmen present resigned from their committees. Recess Motion made by Brupson that a short recess be called, seconded by Lildine , withdrawn. Motion made by McCracken that the Mayor Pro -tem a -point a committee to get in touch with Mayor Phillips to determine when he intends to come back to the City, seconded by Olson carried. Brunson , Olson and McCracken appointed. Special comm Mayor Pro-tem Keepers stated that the old Judiciary committee would act with the City Attorney in regard to the proposed ordnance . 592 June 22, 1934. There being no further business the council did then adjourn. Approved in open session this 19 , day of June 1934. a yo r Pro-t City Clerk. Jj June 19, 1934 Roll Call The Cityl.Council of the City of Anacortes meet in regular session with Mayor Pro-tem Keepers presiding and councilmen, Brunson, George, Olson, and McCracken answering roll call, Dildine arid Sparks absent. Minutes approved Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. Attorney report Ins, The City Attorney' reported that the five insurance policies Nos 55244951, 1.007, 535331, 41204 and 21327 were approved as to form, on motion the report was accepted. Attoney re Quinn A report from the City Attorney approving the extension of the lease to L. M. & Lola Quinn was presented, motion made by McCracken that the report be adopted seconded by Olson, carried. Motion made by McCracken that the .Mayor Pro-tem and the City Clerk be author- ized to sign the extension of lease , seconded by Brunson carried. Pulp Mill letter A letter from the Puget Sound Pulp & Timber Co. , notifying the Council that the mill would close on June 20, was read, motion made by McCracken that the letter be received and placed on file , seconded by Olson carried. Burke letter A letter from W. R. Burke telling of his position in regards to the proposed Ordi ante and the amended comtract with the Pulp Mill, was read motion made by McCracken that the letter be placed on file , seconded by Brunson, carried. (-) Eba License An application from the Liquor Control Board for a license for the Eba Grocery ?94-Commerical, was presented for the consideration of the Council, motion made by Olson that the Mayor appoint a committee of two to work with the Mayor on the application, seconded by George , Aiees-aael-Bveeeea carried, Olsott. and • Brunson appointed. Ordinance Na Motion made by McCracken that the City Attorney and the Judiciary Committee advise the Puget bound Pulp and Timber Company that the Council is ready to adopt the proposed Ordinance specifying the rates to be charged for water sold by the City, if the Pulp Co . was willing to omit the clause , 1°After a shutdown• has been effected with or without notice as above provided and the start of ®th such shut down is made on any date of the month other than the first of each calendar monthe , the charge for water consumed during the portion of calendar month operated , shall be at a rate per 100 cu. ft . equal to the average rate for the first 6,500,000 cu. ft. under this contract. On resuming operation during calendar month other than the first of the month the same method shall be used in computing the charge for water during such portion of calendar month. and striking out that portion of section 10, of the 1930 contract which would reduce the rate the Pulp go. was to pay for water the same as other consumers. seconded by Olson, carried. Committees Mayor Pro-ten appointed the following Committees: Finance : -M . McCracken, Olson, George Judiciary George, McCracken , Dildine Streets & Parks Dildine , Olson, Brunson Fire , Water & Light Olson, George, Brunson License & Police Brunson , Spraks, Beepers Printing & Health Sparks, Keepers , McCracken Building & Sewers . . Keepers, Dildine , Sparks. Drakias License Motion made by Olson that the License & Police Committee be authorized to call for a.,public hearing on the license for i'Jn Drakias operating a dance hall, seconded by George carried. There being no g*4her further business the council did then adj ,-iurn. Approve in open session this 3rd. day of July, 1934. 4rPro-tem C:i y clerk 422-1 --- 5931 July 3 , 1934 Roll Call The City Council of the City of Anacortes meet in regular session with Mayor Pro-tem Keepers presiding and councilmen Brunson , Olson, McCracken and Sparks answering roll call. Minutes approve Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. Gas report The gasoline report for the month of June was on motion referred to the finance committee. Am L License An application from the American Legion Post #13 for a license for three months to gi e dances on the premises between first and second streets and also the portion of the Taylor Hotel that is equipped- for dincing, motion made by InCracken that the license be confirmed, seconded by Brunson carried. Police J report The Police judge's report for the month of June was on motion referred to the finance committee.- Tel & Letter A letter and telegram from the Association of Washington Cities in regard to Initative Ninety Three were read, motion made by McCracken that they be received and placed on file , seconded by Brunson carried. Davey's letter A letter from H. 0. Davey in regard to the cancellation of a water bill in the amount of $24.00 for G. L. Sauer was presented, Motion made by IIIcCracken that the letter be referred to the finance committee , seconded by Olson carried. Mt. Vernon Invest Co. An assignment from Irwin R. Cbberly to the Mount Vernon Investment Co. for $159.20 for labor painting and papering the city hall was presented, motion made by McCracken that the assignment be referred to the building committee withdrawn, motion made by McCracken that the assignment be referred to the sepcial building committee Dildine and sparks seconded by Brunson carried. Ordinance No. Motion made by McCracken that the following aemendemnts to section 4 and 5 of Ordinance Ito . , Section 4. PROVIDED FURTHER, that when ever any such shut eke down occures and continues for thirty (30) days, or more, and such shut down period is not coincident with a calendar month or months , such purchaser shall pay at the rate of One Thousand Dollars ( 1000. 00) per month during the Cont- . inuance of such shut down an.: shall pay for all water consumed between the first day of the calendar month prior to such shut down and the last day of the calendar month during which operation is resumed, both dates inclusive, at the rate of .02330 per one hundred cubic feet. Section 5. PROVIDED Fi1RTHUR, that should the City .hereafter by ordinance oor otherwise, reduce any of the rates set forth in this ordiance, it will, at the time of making any such reduction, make a like reduction in the corresponding I/ rate or rates payable by any contract purchaser of water under Section 3, of this ordinance. be approved and made a part of Ordinance IIo/ , being an Ordinance Specifying the rates to be charged for water sold by the City and authorizing the corporate authorities to contract for the sale thereof for such period or periods as nay be agreed upon; also authorizing the amendment of existing contracts with the Puget Sound Pulp & Timber Co . , to conforn to the rates specified herein, and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. , seconded by Brunson carried. . Motion made by McCracken that the revised and amended Ordinance be placed on its first and second reading by title , seconded by Brunson carried. Motion made by McCracken that the ordinance be referred to the City Attorney, Fire, Water and Light and the Judiciary committies, -seconded by Brunson carried. The Judiciary Committee and the wire , Water and Light Committee reported thatthey recommended that the ordinance be approved, on motion the report was addpted The City attorney reported that the ordinance was approved as to farm, on motion the attorney"s report was adopted.. .Motion made by McCracken thath the Ordinance be placed on its third and final read- ing seconded by Brunson carried. Motion made byMcCracken that Ordinance No._,_'__ being an Ordiance specifying the rates to be charged for water sold by .the L' ity and authorizing the •corporate authorities to contract for the sale thereof for such period or periods as may • be agreed upop; also auth rizing the amendment of existing contracts with the Puget Sound Pulp & Timber Co. , to conform to the rates specified herein, and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordiances in conflict herewith., be adopted as a whole, seconded by Brunson, Ayes Brunson, O1„on, Keepers, McCracken and Sparks. I/ • Booth Lease An extension of a lease to the Booth 'Fisheries for a period of Five years for "M" Avenue was presented, motion made by McCracken that the extension of the lease be approved and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and deliver the new leaee, seconded by Brunson , Ayes Brunson, Olson, Keepers , McCracken and sparks. • Insurance An insurance policy from M. R. Kingsley and one from Schreiber & Werner on the amity warehouse & equipment 1105-5th. street were presented, motion made by Olson that the two policies be referred to the finance committee seconded by Brunson carried. r 5 9 4 July 3, 1934 Police Salary A claim of Axel Anderson's as special policeman in the amount of $ 62.10 was pre6ented, motion made by McCracken that the balance of the special police fund be used in paying this claim and the balance of the money be taken from the contingent fund t nder the heading of an emergency, seconded by Olson, Ayes Brunson, Olson, Keepers , McCracken and °parks. Power bill A claim from the Puget bound Power & Light Co. for power and lights for the water department was presented, Mr. Willoughby ref useing to o.K. the bill be® cause he said it was to high, motion made by McCracken that the Maim in the amount of 018.16 be allowed subject Ayes any report the water committee may wish ' to make on it, seconded by Brunson, Ayes Brunson, Olson, Keepers , McCracken and sparks. Motion made by Olson (on the request of Mr. Sterns) that the clerk make a, eeyp copy of the letter from the Seattle Light Co. on their test of the Avon motor for the Puget Sound Power & Light Co._,. seconded by Brunson, Carried. Road to w Shed Motion made by Brunson that the roads leading to the Water Sheds be clesed as Thayer, Wiggins and Klingman had all their wood hauled out , sedonded by Olson carried. Plumbing Motion made by McCracken that the Mayor Pro -tem be delegated such power as possible to settle the trouble in regard_ to a plumbing inspector, seconded by Brunson carried. Claims Claims against the: Current Expense and other city funds for the month of June as follows were presented: CURRENT EXPENSE L. E. Snider 4654 Salary 110.00 Bert Verrall 4655 m 100.00 M. G. Strock 4656 0 95.00 M. Cookston 4657 c- 95.00 Wm. Robertson 4658 Fireman .75 A. Mondhan 4659 0 1.75 Carl Strock 4660 m 1W0 George .Olson 4661 W 1.00 V. Berlin 46b2 0 1.00 M. A. Hartman 4663 Salary & Cash Adv. 52.90 . Lillian Kast 4664 If °' iP " 55.00 L. A. Lechner 4665 "' • 50.00 A. B. Cook 4666 a 22.50 Y. G. Abbey 4667? m 15.00 Mrs. Chris °torme 4668 " 15. 00 Marion Watkinson 4669 n 90.00 . I/ Ted Horn 4670 m "' ". " 110.75 Tom Brown 4671 m 103.50 Axel Anderson 4672 '" 62.10 W. A. Sparks 4673 n 110.00 im. Dorcy 4674 POn 100.00 Lynn Balcomb 46z5 100.00 John Berglurjd 46F " 48.60 A. W. McNeal 4671 tP 15.00 S. D. Temple 4678 Supplies clerk .65 J. J. Lockert 4b779 Repairs TypeW 15.00 Standard Oil Co. 4680 Tires Police dept. 18.69 West Coast Tel Co. 4681 Tolls Police 2.20 Trulson Motor Co. 4682 Repairs police 1.20 Kerney's Varity Store 4683 Supplies police 3.25 E. P. Barker 4684 Bond chief police 5.00 Marion Supply Co. 4685' Supplies police 1.75 J. J, Lockert 4686 Repairs police 5. 00 M. R. Kingsley 4687 .b iremans insurance 1.60 Marine Supply Co. 4688 Supplies fire 5.17 Anacortes Water Dept. 4689 Hydrants 197.50 VOID . 4690 Anacortes Steam Laundry 4b91 Laundry fire 2. 36 Union Oil Co, 4692 Supplies fire 1.50 WM. McCallum • 4693 Insurance hall 50.00 Anacortes Lumber & Box 4694 Lumber street 25.90 TrulSon Motor Co . 4695 Repairs street 5.16 Standard Oil Co . 4696 Oil Street 13.25 Morrison Mill 4697 Lumber Street 9. 80 Knapp & Ronneberger 4698 Reapirs street 104.84 Howard Cooper Corp • 4699 Supplies Street 21.31 E. K. food Lumber Co. 4700 Lumber Street ,3.24 ' 0 Van Buren & Heller 4701 Supplies street H. A. Taylor 4702 0 IV 3.Z5 Marine 'upply Co. 4703 01.0 2 111 Knapp & Ronneberger . 4704 Repairs street 14. 60 Dept of Labo & Ind 4705 M. A. INd Ins St Police 20.60 Puget ''ound Power & Light 4706 Lights hallr st , & Park162.26 Western Tractor Co. 4007 Supplies street 10.90 a' Puget `'ound Pulp Co. 4708 " 2.20 Howard "ooper Corp 4709 0 cP 12 .61 Bell Mchine Works 4710 to 7.50 The Texas Co. 4711 Gaslline 162. 24 LIBRARY FUND E. Luella Howard 679 Salary & Ca,h Adv. 71.05 Evelyn Lundbe,.g 680 it 35.00 Tempa Mellott 681 ca. 25.00 L II 595 July 3, 1934 LIBRARY FUND cont Fred Marshall 682 Salary 20.00 Bellingham .bookbindery 683 Rebinding books 33.70 Pater Department 654 Water 10.10 Lowman & Hanford 685 L'ooks 4.89 A. C. McClurg 686 " 8.04 P. A. Dean 687 Supplies 1.00 Puget Sound Power & Light 688 Lights 4.74 Puget Sound News Company 689 .looks 37.13 PARK FUND J. E. Harding 789 Labor 80.00 Frank Knapp 790 al 70.00 Current Expense 791 Gasoline 12.44 Southside Hardware Co. 792 Supplies 1.57 WATER FUND Lew Willoughby 688 Salary 150.00 Ernest Knapp 3689 0 110.00 Clyde Baker 3690 " 75.00 Lester Thomas 3691 . " 50.00 Victor Berlin 3692 " 106.00 A. C. Mondhan 3�93 Labor 105.20 Lillian Kast 3694 n 3. 20 Water Dept . 3695 Bookkeeper 25.00 3696 Labor (Rose ) 8.00 li IF 3697 4 (Heglin) 6.40 n 14 3698 " Decker ) 3.20 Tr " 3699 cr Langdon) 6.40 1i " 3700 "' Cousens) 9.60 rr TY 3701 Tr Johnson) 6.40 0 it 3702 - 'z- Entus ) 11.20 " 0 3703 it Babarovitch) 6.40 '3 ". 3704 '*(Vlatcovich) 8.00 `r "' 37(6 "Merritt ) 3.20 Chas Stapp 3706. Stamps 5.00 Tax Commission 3707 Business Tax 149.86 Current Expense 3708 Gasoline 30.99 I/ Garcon Meter Co. 3709 Supplies 4.00 Current �'xpense 3710 Transfer of funds 90.00 West Coast Tel Co . 3711 Tolls& Service .60 Tacoma '"lectrochemical Co. 3712 Chlorine 25.80 City of Settle Light 3713 Testing Motor .07 Dept of Labor . & Ind 3714 M. A. & Ind Ins 26.72 Skagit "rlectri c Co. 3715 Supplies 4.25 S. D. Temple 3716 tr3.8 Pacific Iron & Metal Co. z tr H. A. Taylor 3718 " 8o Southside Hardware Co. 3719 " ii0 Marine Supply Co. 3720 " 18.20 Federal Pipe & Tank Co. 3721 " : 34.60 Knapp & Ronneberger 3722 Repairs 14 DeLavel Steam Trubine Co. 3723 "' 138.60 Puget Sound Power & Light 3724 & 25 Power & Lights 818.16 Shannon Hardware Co . 3726 Supplies 3.56 Skagit Walley Tel Co 3727 Tolls & Service Avon 3.15 Motion made by Brunson that the claims be referred to the finance committee , second- ed by Olson carried. The Committee on finance to whom the matter of claims were referred reported that the claims be allowed and warrants be dwawn in favor of the dame Motion made by Brunson that the report of the finance committee be accepted, seconded by Sparks, Ayes Brunson, Olson, Keepers , McCracken and Sparks. There being na furthur business the council did then adjourn. Approved in open session this 17th. day of July 1934 ... ce-Lte,,,,, 147?" - ulZY Clerk __,� T . - - ..__. Mayor Por-tei I/ Ai 596 July, 17, 1934 Roll Call The City Council of the Uity of "nacortes meet in regular sesssion with Mayor Pro-tem Keepers presiding and councilmen Brunson , Olson, and 'parks answering roll call, 'ildine, McCracken and George absent. Minutes approved Minutes of the precious meeting were approved as read. LOgion letter A letter from the American Legion0Causland Post #13 stating that they did not wish to give dances at the Taylor Hotel and that they wished to relinquish all future rights to the premises, motion made by Brunson that the request be accep- ted seconded by Olson carried. Dolph°s request A request from Mr. H. M. Dolph of Guemes Island that he be issaed a license to conduct dances at the Taylor Hotel was presented, motion made by Olson that the request be referred to the License and Police Uommittee , seconded by Brunson carried. Robertson resignati n Mr. W. Y. Robertson's regignation as plumbing and wiring inspector was read motion made by Brunson that the resignatio. be accepted seconded by Olson carried. Vacating alley Biock. 126 The resolution for vacating the alley in Block 126, was presented and there was no protest , Motion made by Brunson that the City Attorney be instructed to draw up an ordinance authorizing the vacating of the alleym seconded by Olson, carried. Mayor Vancouver A letter from the Mayor of Vancouver, Washington inviting a delegation from Anacortes to attend the State Firemen 's convention July 26, 27, and 28 was read, motion made by Olson that the letter be accepted and placed on file, and that the Fire Chief be allowed his gasoline and time to attend the convention, seconded by Brunson carried. Ins . Policies Toe insurance policies on the warehouse and equipment were presented, motion made by Brunson that the policies be referred to the finance committee to decide which one should be accepted, seconded by Olson, dyes, Brunson, Olson, Keepers and Sparks. Ins for VERA Labor Street Supt, W. A. Sparks, stated that he needed a certified check in the amount of 863.12 for industrial insurance for labor under the VERA on the bridge project on 40th. street , motion made by Brunson that this be referred to the finance committee and the City Attorney with power to act , seconded by Sparks Ayes Brunson, Olson, Keepers and Sparks. t7ater Meter The Fire, Water and Light Committee reported that they:,had:decided that the meters at the Pulp Mill would e.-�sa_, mot be changed but kept as they are. Adjourned . Motion made by Olson that the meeting be adjourned until Tuesday July 24, at 8 0°Glock, seconded by Sparks carried. • • Mayor Prot Attest : City Clerk, July 24, 1934 The City Council of the Uity of 'nacortes meet in adjourned session with Mayor Pro-tem Keepers presiding and :Councilman Brunson acting as clerk pro-tem, Councilman George being the ol.ly other councilmen present the meeting was adjourned until July 31, at 8 O'Clock, because of lack of quorun. Mayor Pro-tem Attest : Clerk Pro-tem JULY 31, 1934 Roll Call The City Council of the City of Anacortes meet in adjourned session Tika Mayor pro-tem Keepers presiding and councilmen Olson, George, McCracken and ' parks answering roll call, Brunson and Dildine absent. Ordinance No. Motion made by McCracken that Ordinance No. ,being an ordinance declaring an emergency and making provisions for meeting the same, be placed on its first and, second reading by title, seconded by Sparks, carried. Motion made by McCracken that Ordinance No be referred to the City 5 a.d U 11 July 11, 1914 cont . attorneyand Judiciary Committee , seconded by Olson carried. Judiciary Com. The Judiciary Committee reported that they recommended that the Ordinance declaring an emergency be approved, on motion the report was adopted. Attorney The City attorney reported that the Ordinance declaring an emergency was approved as to form on motion the report was adopted. Motion made by McCracken that Ordinance No. , being an Ordiance declaring an emergency and making provisions for meeting the same be placed on its third and final reading, seconded by Sparks carried. ' Motion made by McCracken that Ordinance No. - , being an Ordinance declaring an emergency and making provisions for meeting4 a the same be adopted as a whole, seconded by Sparks, Ayes Olson, McCraicken, Sparks, Keepers and George. Adjourn There being no furthur business the council did then adjourn. Approved in open session this 7th. day of August 1934. Attest : - ¢'c/G [) • Mayor. ,y1 ' I_L.a/LJ� - City Clerk • AUGUST 7, 1914 Roll Call The City Council of the City- of Anacortes meet in regular session with Mayor Por-tem Keepers presiding and councilmen Brunson, George , Olson , Sparks and McCracken answering roll call Bildine absent . I/ . Minutes approved Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. Police J & Gas Rents The gasoline and Police Judges reports for the month of July were on motion referred to the finance committee. Puget S letiber A letter from the Puget Sound Power & Light Company explaining their method of computing the power bill for the water department was read, motion made by McCracken that the contract with the power company the readings from. • the power company and the letter fron the City Light Seattle be referred to Mr. Morse who installed the equipment at Avon, by the committee , seconded by . George carried. Sparks excusied Petition. "L" Ave. A petition from the residents of 'TL" Avenue between seventeenth and twenty- . second streets asking to. have 1vL" Avenue graded and graveled was presented . Mayor Pro-tem Keepers appointed the street committee as a project planning board to take care of the question of grading and ect. . Motion made by McCracken that the petition be referred to the Project committee . seconded by Brunson carried. Library Board Mayor Pro-tem Keepers appointed Dr. Austin Shaw to fill the vacancy on the . Library board. . Motion made by Brunson that the Council accept the appointment , seconded by . George carried. McCradken excused Webb Application An Application from Thomas Webb for a license to sell licquor at 1110-7th. street . was presented, the Layor stated if there were no objections from the council he . approved the application. 1 .0.0. F License An application fr:Jm the Anacortes Lodge No. 94 meal" to give dances at their hall 1111-6th. street for three months was presented , Motion made by Brunson that • the license be granted, seconded by Olson carried.. Sparks re-enters chamber Burke's Claim A claim from W. I. Burke in the amount of $300 .00 attorney fees and expense in t - the suit regarding the Pulp Mill was presented Motion Made by Brunson that the claim be referred to the finance committee and the City Attorney for a report at the next meeting, seconded by Olson carried. ". :i Drakias License The committee stated that there would be a public hearing on the granting of ruin Drakias a dance license at the city hall August 14, 1934. Claims ..-• Claims against the current expense fund and other city funds for the month of July as follows were presented: - . Current Expense L. E. Snider 4712 Salary 110. 00 . Bert Verrall 4713 . r • 100.00 M. G. Strock 4714 " 95.00 M. Cookston 4715 G. 95.00 C. Strock 4716 Fireman 69.75 A. Mondhan 4717 tQ . 3.00 . G. Olson 4718 °a 1.25 Ed. McGovern 4.719 'a' 75 r .. _ 598: --i , , . . Current Expense cont E A?r a mann tNi Fireman Cash Adv. 5101 Lillian Kast 4722 _ °4' 50.00 L. A. Lechner 4723 0 50.00 A. B. cook 4724 a 22.50 F. G. Abbey 4725 " 15.00 ' I/ Mrs. Christ Storme 4726 U 15.00 Marion Watkinson 4727 i4 90.00 Ted H5O 4728 iQ & Cash Adv. 112.50 Tom Brown 4729 Patrolman 103. 50 Axel Anderson 4?30 w 103.50 W. A. Spars 4731 St Supt 110 .00 Wm Dorcy 4732 Truck Driver 100.00 Lynn l alcomb 4733 or f4 100.00 John Berglund 4734 St Sweeper 48.60 YL. W. McNeal 4735 Labor 15.00 ' Burrows Adding Mach Co 4736 Contract 5.55 • Anacortes Daily Mercury 4737 Printing 12.91 Knapp & Ronneberger • 4738 Repairs fire dept , 144.31 Sanderson saftey supply Co. 4?39 Supplies fire dept. 14.01 Water Departtten t 4740 Hydrant rentals 197.50 L. E . Snider 4741 Cash adv gas 6.60 Rainier Drug Co. 4742 Supplies fire dept. 1.00 Anacortes Laundry 4743 Laundry fire deptl 2.99 Water Dept ( Francisco) 4744 Repairs police 4.50 ` West Coast tel Co. 4745 Tolls police dept , 6.70 Standard Oil Co. 4746 Supplies police 9.06 Schreiber & Werner 4747 Insurance h11 53s 70 J. F. Carroll 4748 t° '4 96.63 LuveratS Grocery 4749 Supplies hall 2.00 Anacortes knerican 4750 Reports 15.00 to- 11 4751 Receipts 8.70 Seattle Rubber Stamp So. 4752 Dog Tags 17.00 Water Dept ( E ,Childs) 4't53 Labor st dept . 4.00 Anacortes Lumber & Box 4754 Lumber st ddpt . 2.10 Bell Machine Works 4755 Supplies St Dept. i4.75 F. A. Abbott 4756 rr o n 2.25 Knapp & Ronne Berger 4757 tt i4 tt 17.53 Dave Mooney 4758 U 't 'F 1.75 Hamburg & Son 4759 i0' II " 24.52 Schwartz Iron Works 4760 t°, m: It 13.53 Shannon Hardware Co. 4761 it 't is 1.31 Puget Sound Power & L 476a Lights 162.12 The Texas Co. 4763 Gasoline 150.00 Allans Market 4764 Supplies hall 1.51 Chas P Stapp WATER FUND Chas P Stapp 3728 Stamps 10.00 Tau Commission 3729 Business Tax 167.97' Lew Willoughby 3730 Salary 150.00 Ernest Knapp 3731 U 110.00 Clyde Baker 3732 m 75.00 Lester Thomas 3733 tr . 50.00 Victor Berlin 3734 Labor 108.40 A. C. Mondhhn 3735 m 108.40 . S. R. Pusey 3736 m 5.00 Water Dept. Decker 3737 m 8.00 tr tt Barger 3735 t� 8.00 U' �� 'Rose) 3739 tr 3.00 Lillian Kast 3740 Bookkeeper 25.00 Current Expense 3741 - Gasoline 24.80 Tacoma Electrochemical Co . 3742 Chlorine 14.40 West rC'oast Telephone Co. 3743 Tolls & Service 5.05 Shannon Hardware Co. 3744 Supplies 6.29 Anacortes Lumber & Box 3745 Lumber 4.55 Schwartz Iron Works 3746 Supplies .12 Dave 1!Eooney . 3747 Repairs 6.25 Shell Oil Co. 3748 Federal gas Tax 6.80 Marine bubbly Co. 3749 Supplies 13.87 Arvid Hamburg 3750 al 36.50 P.. A. Dean 3751 D. 1.25 Current .6xpense 3752 Transfer of funds 90.00 Southside Hardware Co 3753 . Supplies 18.69 Skagit Valley Tel Co. %754 Tolls & Service Avon 3.85 Puget Sound P & L Co 3755 &56 Power & Lights 807-23 Simpsonts Electric shop 3?57 Supplies .85 • LIBRARY FUND E. Luella Howard 690 Salary & Cash Adv. 71.20 Evelyn Lundberg 691 m 35.00 Tempa Mellott 692 U 25.00 Fred Marshall 693 t4' 2 0.0 0 Anac-ortes WaterDept. 694 Water 9.45 Puget Sound Power & Light 695 Lights 2.20 • Puget Sound stews Co. 696 Books 4.10 PARK FUND • U. E. Harding 793 Labor 80.00 - Frank Knapp 794 0 70.00 1 599 August 7, 1934 (cant) EMERGENCY FUND Marine Supply Co . 1 Supplies for st dept under VERA 12.9 Shell Oil CO . 2 ro w IV II II II4b.38 • Bell Machine Uorks 23 n n " If17.97 Union Oil Co. 4 f- ii u I, II 3.75 Bellingham Builders Supply 5 rr . " " " ii240.50 111 First Nat Bank Mt Vernon 6 Industrial insruance under WERA project 29-B1-6 214.20 Paul Luvera 7 Industiral insurance under VERA project 29. B1-7 63.24 Motion made by Brunson that the claims be ailewed-a d-wama rte referred to the finance committee , seconded by Sparks carried. The Committee on finance to whom the matter of claims were referred reported that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of the same. Motion made by Brunson that the report be adopted seconded by Sparks Ayes, Brunson, George , Olson, Keepers and Sparks. Motion made by Brunson that the meeting be adjourned until Tuesday August 14, 1934 Adjourn at 8 O QC'lock, secondeciclby Sparks• carried . Attest : --Cag4-4"-L-- \ *--(tie-City Clerk Mayor Pro -Tefn. August 14 , 1934 • The City Council of the City of Anacortes meet in mdjourned session with Mayor Bro-tem Keepers presiding and council men Brunson, bparka; ,and McCracken answering roll call. Inspector Mayor Pro-tem Eaepers appointed Shannon Hardware and T. C. Brooks as Master Plumbers and M. G. Kelley as layman , and P. A. Dean as plumbing inspector contingent upon his qualifications to take effect at once if qualified. Motion made by McCracken that the appointment be confirmed subject to the restrictions , seconded by Sparks Carried. Ordiiance Motion made by McCracken that Ordinance No. - being an Ordinance vacating the alley in Block 126, Oriningal Plat of the City of Anacortes, Skagit County, Washington. be placed on its first and second reading by title, seconded by Brunson Carried. Motion =add by McCracken that ordinance No being and Ordinance vacating the alley in Block 126, Orinigal Plat City of Anacortes, Skagit County, tfashington be referred to the City Attorney and Judiciary Committee , seconded by Sparks carried.. rate Ordinance NO The following resolution in regard to the water ordinance was introduced by City Attorney L. A. Lechner , AREAS, an Ordinance was heretoffre and on the 3rd day of July, 1934 , passed by the City Council, which Ordinance set forth a schedule of rates to be charged foi water and provided for the making of a contract far water between the City of Anacortes' and the Puget Sound Pulp & Timber Company, and WHEREAS , the said Ordinance was not published, and WHEREAS , the said Ordinance is not satisfactory fag the reason that it contained, in Section 5 thereof, the words "'including depreciation'", NOW, THEREFORE , IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anacortes tilt the said ordinance be reenacted in the regular manner with the elimination of the words '''including depreciation but in all other respects indentisal w444 with the Ordinance passed on the 3rd day of July, 1934. Motion made by McCracken that the resolution as set forth Tay the City Attorney be adopted, seconded by Brunson carried. , Motion made by McCrackemt that Ordinance No. being and Ordinance specifying the rates to be charted for water sold by the City and authorizing the corporate authorities to contract for the sale thereof for such period or periods as may be agreed upon; also authorizing the amendment of existing contracts with the 11/ Puget Sound Pulp and ?imbee Co . , to conform to the rates specified herein, and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, be placed on its first and second reading by title, seconded by Brunson Carried. Motion made by McCracken that Ordinance No. be referred to the City Attorney and Judiciary committee , sedonded by Brunson Carried. The Judiciary committee reported that they recommended that the ordinance regarding water rated be adopted. Motion made by Brunson that the report be accepted seconded by Sparks carried. A r 600 August 14, 1934 cont The City Attorney reported that the Ordinance regarding water rates was approved as to roan, Motion made by Brunson that the attorneys's report be accepted, second- . ed by Sparks carried. Notion made by McCracken that Ordinance Eqj being and Ordinance Specifying 11 the rates to be charged for water sold by the City and authorizing the corporate authorities to contract for the sale thereof for such period or periods as may be agreed upon; also authorizing the amendment of existing contracts with the Puget Sound Pulp P^ Timber Co. , to conform to the rates specified herein, and repealing all ordinances in conflict heacwithe , be placed on its third and final reading seconded by Brunson, carried . Motion made by McCracken that the ordinance be adopted as a whole, seconded by Brunson Ayes, Brunson, Keepers , Sparks and McCracken. There being no furthur business the. cCntancil did the.qadjourn u.n Approved in open session this 21st/ Day of August 1934. Attest ei y 01erk Mayor Pro-T'em AUGUST 21, 1914 Roll CaThI The City Council of the city of Anacortes meet in regular session with Mayor Pro-tern Keepers presiding and Councilmen Brunson , Geore , Dildine and Sparks answering roll call . Minutes approved Minutes of the previous me:-ting were approved as read. Olson enters Tres report July The City Treasures report for the month of July was presented and on motion referred to theTinence committee. Tres Letter A letter from the city treasurer in regard to the Judgment fund warrants was presented, motion made by Brunson that the letter k e referred to the finance committee, seconded by Olson carried. Ins . Police car ins. C po1ic on the police car from M. R. Kingtley was presented, motion made by Olson that the policy be referred to the finance committee , seconded by Brunson carri ed. Drakias License. Motion made by Brunson that the Council vote on the application of Win Drakias for a dance license , Motion withdrawn. • Motion made by Dildine that the Council refuse the request of Mr. Drakias for a reconsideration by the Council of his applicatic,n for a license to give dances at the Taylor Hotel , seconded by George , Ayes Brunson, George , Dildine , Keepers, Olson and Sparks . Attorney report The City Attorney, L. A. Lechner , reported that Ordinance NO. and ordinance vacating the alley in block number 126 was approved as to form, motion made by Brunson that the report be adopted, seconded byOlson Carried. Judiciary report The Judiciary committee recomrs nded that Ordinance No, an Ordinance vacat- ing the alley in block number 126 , be passed , motion :lade by Brunson that the report Le accepted seconded by Olson carried, Mrotio..1 made by ti.rui.son that Ordinance No. being anaOrdinanae vacating the alley in Block 126, OrE•inal Plat of the City of Anacortes , Skagit County, rfash.ington, be placed on its third and final reading , seconded by Dildine , carrie e Notion made by Brunson that Ordinance No , beit,g an Ordinance vacating the alley in block 126, be adopted as a whole seconded by Olson, Ayes Brunson, " George , Olson, Dildine , Keepers and Sparks. There being no furthur business the council did then adjourn. Approved in open session this 4th. Day of September , 1934 • Attest : Mayor Prortem. City Clerk L 1 601 September 4 , 1934 Roll Call The City Council of the City of Anacortes Meet in regular session with Ma,ror Pro. Tem Keepers presiding and councilmen Brunson, George , Dildine , Olson, . McCracken , and Sparks answering roll call. . Minutes approved Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. Police Judre 's & GaE t1 ne reports The Police Judge°s and the Gasoline reports for the month of August were on motion referred to the finance committee . Finance Report The finance committee reported that they recommended the renewal of the insurance on • the police car, motion made by Brunson that the report be adopted, teconded Dildine , Ayes Brunson , Dildine , Olson , McCracken , Keepers and Sparks Nays George Blooded Streets Notion made by Dildine that Mr. Shorts be instructed to suvey some of the wooded streets so that the unemployed could cut wood on them, but the expense not to emo exceed $25.00 , seconded by Brunson, Ayes Brunson , Dildine , George , Olspn , Keepers , McCracken and Sparks. Brooks Letter A letter from Dr. S. G. Brooks asking if the City would frunish water for the Government Hospital if they decided on the site on Bayview Ridge was read, motion made by McCracken that the Mayor write a letter stating that the City would furnish the water at as low a rate as possible , and the clerk be instructed to sign the left, . letter with the Mayor , seconded by Brunson Carried. Webb Application An application from the Liquor control• Board for a license for D. H. Webb for, s,- .4€.e a at 704-Commerical was presented, there was no objections from the council on the licenses° it was approved by the Mayor. Dept of Ar Letter A letter from the Weather Bureau stating that the tower at First and Commerical would be sold at public auction on Sept . 5, 1934, was read, Motion made by McCracken that the letter be placed on file , seconded by Brunson Carried. Veterans of F. Wars A letter from the Veterans of Foreign Wars asking for a license to operate a Carnival on Third Street between Com & 0 Avenue on Sept . 6-7-8 was presented Motion made by Brunson that the request be granted , seconded by McCracken carried. Patrolman & Ilatkin- . sons Claims A claim of Axel Andersons for police work in the Amount of ti$27.60 , one from Ilinshaw in the amount of $10.35 for police work and ‘ii.e one from Marion Watkinson in the amount of $10. 00 for register of births and deaths , were presented I/: . motion made by McCracken that these claims be allowed and the money be taken from the contingent fund to pay them seconded by Sharks , Ayes Brunson , George , Dildine Olson, McCracken , Keepers and Sparks. Shorts Claim Lil claim .fr¢mc W. B. Shorts in tie amount of ;m$10 . 10 for surveying streets was presented, motion made by McCrackenztthat the clait be allowed and the money . be taken from the Emergency fund under the W. E. R. A. to pay it , seconded by Sparks Ayes Brunson , Dildine, George , Olson, McCracken , Keepers and Sparks. Puget S P & L bill A bill from the Puget Sound Power & Light Company for the water department in the amount of $821.45 was presented motion made by McCracken that this bill be includ- • ed with the other claims, seconded by Deorge eavve.dV Ayes Brunson , Dildine , • George , Olson , McCracken , Keepers and Sparks. • Power- at crusher Motion made by McCracken that the turning on of the power at the crusher be - left up to the Mayor and street committee , seconded by Brunson , Carried. Ordinance No Motion made by McCracken that ordinance No . being an Ordinance defining and regulating public and private garages in the City of Anacortes, be placed on its first and second readi..g by ti tla seconded by Olson Carried . • Motion made by McCracken that Ordinance No be re erred to the City Attorney and the fire light and water vommittee , cseconded by Brunson carried. Claims Claims against the eurient Expense and othe City f uuds for the month of August were presented as follows: • CURRENT EX!'ENSE L. E . Sinder 4765 Salary 110.00 Bert Verrall 4766 't 100.00 • M. G. S t ro ck 4767 n 95.00 E. Cookston 4768 r, 95.00 . C . Sirock 4769 Fire'can 26.25 . A. Mondhan 4770 0 3 .50 • - George Olson 4771 1° 4950 - Wm. Dorcy 4772 t9- .75 • Earl Holmes 4773 1° .75 - Leonard Moore 4774it ' i t0 1s5 1. 75 V. Berlin 47/5 t;Tm. Beale 4776 Fred r'isher 4777 iB 1.75 Ed. McGovern 477 IS' 1.75 M. A . Hartmann 4779 Salary & Cash Adv 55.00 Lillian Kast 4780 rc " t° 1° 55.36 L. A . Lechuer 4781 " 50.00 F. G. Abbey 4782 r 15.00 A. B. Cook 4783 n 22 .50 Mrs Christ Storme 4784 n 15.00 Marion \latkinson 4785 r 90.00 W. A. Sparks 4786 so- 110.00 AIM. Dorcy 4787 Truck Driver 100. 00 ' Lynn Balcomb 4788 r " 100.00 John Berglund 4789 Labor 48.60 r602 September 4, 1934 CURRENT EXPENSE con t A. W . McNeal . 4790 Labor 15.00 Ted Horn 4791 Salary & Cash Adv. 111000 Tom Brown 4/92 Patrolman 103.50 F. G. Abbey (Anderson ) 4793 m 27.60 Harold Hinshaw 4794 t. 10.35 Gladys Rumsey 4195 Registration clerk 39.38 I/ Pioneer . 4796 Supplies treasurer 1.31 ✓ 4797 CO clerk 3.12 Shell Oil Co . 4798 Supplies fire dept . 2.79 Knapp & Ronneberger 4799 0 It II .80 Shannon Hardware Co , 4800 n " i0 ,81 Anacortes Water Dept . 4801 Hydrants 197.50 Marion Watkinson 4802 Register B & Deaths 10.00 Nest Coast 'el Co , 40603 Tolls police dept. 2.62 Marine Supply Co . 480 • Supplies police 2 .90 Anisberrys Coffee Shop 4805 Deals for police 3 .55 Art Burnside 4606 Supplies r' 15000 Benson Motor Co , 4807 r " 12.92 Dept of Labor & Ind 4808 M. A. & INd Ins 43.37 Puget sound P & L Co. 4809 Lights 162. 36 Standard oil Ob . 4810 Gasoline 140.60 Benson Motor Co 4811 Repairs st dept 16. 77 Knapp & Honneberger 4612 n " 'r 3.34 Marine Supply Co . 4813 Suplies " " 53.88 Schwartz Iron forks 4814 " if " 4.50 Dave 's 'lire Shop 4815 " It It 2 .50 Anacortes American 4816 `t' clerk 9.50 . Bell Machine corks 4817 " ''t dept . 10.00 M. R. Kingsley . 4818 Insurande Police Car 22.87 Anacortes Laundry 4819 Laundry fire dept. 2.21 -.3i__RGENCY FUND W. E. R. A Earl Holmes 8 • Truck driver 62.90 Lute CLilds 9 " it 3.70 tM. B. Shorts 10 Labor 11.M.0 CT.VEI; FUND Chas. P. Stapp 3758 Stamps 5.00 Tax Commission • 3759 Business tax 179.34 Lew Willoughby 3760 Salary 150 .00 Ernest Knapp 3761 " 110.00 Clyde Baker 3762 " 75.00 Lester 'Thomas 3763 rC 50.00 Victor Berlin 3764 Labor 112.80 A. C . Mondhan 7i705 0 118. 00 grater Dpeto(01son) 3766 " 4. 00 r. - " (Thomas ) 3767 r 14. 50 Lillian Kast 3768 Bookkeeper 25.00 Tacoma Electrochemical Co . 3769 ,Chlorine 28.80 West Coast lel Co. 3770 Service 3.60 Current Expense • 3771 Transfer of funds 90. 00 Dent of Labor & Ind 37'72 M. A. & ind Ins 556.28 Dave Mooney 3773 Supplies .75 Palmer su; my co . 3774 " 9.16 Current expense 3775 Gasoline 27.60 Shannon Hardware Co , 3776 Supplies b.23 Marine Supply Co , 3777 `v 6.43 Benson Motor co 3778 0 9.87 Si. -psonhs electric Shop 3779 C? 1. 0 Southside Hardware Col 3780 0 .92 Schwartz Iron Works 3781 'U, 1. 50 Knapp & ilonneberger • 3782 " 2.00 Puget S P & L 3783 & 4 Power & Lights 821.45 Anacortes American 3785 Supplies 6.45 . LIBRARY FUND E. Luella Howard 697 Salary & as, '.dv. 70.80 Evelyn Lundberg 698 cr . 35.00 . Tempa Mellott 699 r' 25,00 . Fred liarshall 700 hater 20.00 Anacortes dater '')pet . 701 Lights 4. 60 . Puget Sound P & L 702 5.44 . Puget Sound News Co . 703 Books 20.77 PARK pm) Carl Strock 795 Labor 6.bo II . J. E. Harding 796 °1' 80000 . Frank Knapp 797 0 700 00 Current 'xpense 798 Gasoline 14 .40 P? A. Dean 799 Supplies 1 .50 Drakes Repair Shop 800 r 2.50 . Motion made by Brunson that the Claims be referred to the finance committee . seconded by Sparks Carried. The Finance Committee to whom the matter of c ,ainis were referred recommended that . the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of the same. - • 603 September 4 , 1934 Illation made .by Mceract:en that the report be adopted, seconded by Sparks Ayes Brunson , Dildine , Olson, McCracken , Keepers and Sparks mays George Merchants requestI The Merchants requested that they be allowed to block off a street in the downtown section on Sat afternoons to hold an auction or some enteriment Motion made by Brunson that the reques'. be g anted seconded by Olson Carried Dog Catcher Motion made by McCracken that the Mayor and Licnese committee lake arragge- ments for a dog catcher, to be considered at the next meeting. ACj ourn There being no furthur business the council did then adjourn. Approved in open session this 18th . Day of September 1934, 1 Attest: 14-gi . City Clerk-�'i ,(_.., -�', e- --- a,yor Pro-Tem �' 1 SEPT EMBER 18, 194. Roll Call The City Council of the City of Anacortes meet in regular session, e±iitb.:L1 Councilmen present with the exception of Mayor Pro-tam Keepers, notion made by Brunson that Councilman McCracken preside in the absence if Keepers seconded by Dildine Carried . I/ Minutes Annroved Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. V of I' V'lars refund Motion !,lade by Brunson that the $25.00 deposit of the Vexerns of Foreign Wars be refunded, seconded by Sparks, Ayes Dildine , Brunson , Olson, George , Sparks and McCracken. Tres Report The Treasurers report for the month of August was on motion referred to the finance committee. School letter A letter from the School Board thanking the Council for the assistance given toward the reconditioning of the high school athletic field was read, motion made by Brunson that the letter be placed on file , secionded by Dildine carried. Jorgenson's letter A letter from Ben Jorgenson offering $40.00 for the city assessment taxes on Lots 11 & 12 in Block 2 of Eelsoe:s Addition to the City of Anacortes was presented,Motion made by Brunson that the letter be referred to the City Attorney for a report , seconded by George carried. Keepers enters Motion made by McCracken that Keepers name be entered on the roll call and that he preside for the balance of ti..e meeting, seconded by Sparks carried . Harbor Building McCracken stated that Mr. 'Wilson had ask him for. use of the harbor building to live in , Liotion made by McCracken that this matter be referred to the Streets . and Parks committee with power to act , to see if the city owns the building seconded by Brunson carried. . Budget L. I.D. Gua'anty furs Motion made by McCracken that the sum of i1 ,360.00 be included in '.he Preliminary Budget for the retirement of Old L. I. D . defaulted bonds and a levy be made to raise this amount , seconded by Brunson carried. Motion made by McCracken that the amount of interest on general Water Bonds be increased from $1 , 500.00 to $p2 ,000 .00 and made a part of the Preliminary Budget , seconded by Olson carried. . I/ . Motion made by McCracken that the emer ency for the refund of the liquor licenses and the W. E.R. A. street fund emergency be set up and made a part of the budget seconded by Brunson carried. Motion made by McCracken that the reve::ue from liquor profit be reduced from $5,000.00 to $4,000.00 and the transfers be reduced from $60254.75 to 5, 012.0O making the total receipts 'r12,842.40, seconded by Brunson carried . Motion made by MCCracken that the water budget receipts be reduced to balance with the expenditures seconded by Brunson carried. Motion made by McCracken that the Mayor' s budget of $25.00 , Clerkes budget of i979.0O and the Treasurers budget of $2,319.53 be approved seconded by Brunso carried. 44 September 18, 1934 Motion made by McCracken that the City Attorneys budget of 3625.00, City Hall budget of $920.00 , Health Officer's budget •of 3290.00 , Police Judge 's budget of 0.97.00, City Engineer budget of 3300.00 , Wiring & Plumbing budget of 3100.00 • and sewer's budget of 3200 .00 be approved, seconded by ITrunson carried° bti:,n made by McCracken that the contingent fund be reduced 0 ,000.00 • making a total of $772.28 in the contingent fund, $200.00 for auditor, 3300.00 II for interest on outstanding warrants , and the police department 's budget of $5,177.00 be approved, seconded by Brunson carried. Motion made by ucCracken that the Library budget of 02 ,890.00 be-aiipveved- and the Park budget of W..,991.00 be approved, seconded by Brunson carried. 33,932.00 of the transfers in the estimated receipts for the current expense . fund is from the Gas- tax received from the state and is included in the street department expenditures. Motion made by McCracken that the street department budget of 09,535.00 and the Fire department budget of 313 ,711.00 be approved , seconded by Dildine carried. Motion made by McCracen that the entire budget as revised for 1935 be approved with the c,arreect levy, seconded by Brunson carried. Dog catcher Motion made by McCracken that the license committee be authorized to finish the plans with W, ,A. Woodruff for dog cat her on a 50% basis, seconded by Sparks carried. There being no furthur business the council did then adjourn. Approved in open session this 2nd. ,day of October , 1934 Attest : • Mayor Pro- erg 1 Y Clerk • OC TOB: R 1, 1934 • Roll Call The City Council meet on the above date to hear any and all taxpayers on the proposed budget for the year 1935 , with Mayor Pro-tem Keepers presiding and councilmen Dildine , Olson, McCracken answering roll Call, Brunson, george & Sparks absent . • Assessor Letter A letter from the gatrity Assessor stating that the assessed valuation of the City of I'nacortes .,.;pis ; 2 ,008 , 622 .00 , Motion made by 1cCracken that the contingent fund be reducdtd to balance the budget with the reduced valuation, seconded by Dildine carried. Cashier Motion made by McCracken that the salary of cashier in water dept budget ce changed to read transfer for deputy treasurer's salary seconded by Dildine carried. Motion made by M L;racken that the council adjourn until 8:00 08Clock Tuesday Evening October 2 , 1934. seconded by Dildine carried. Attest: Mayor' Pro-Te City Clerk. • 6O5 netoher 2 , 1934 Roll Call The City Council of the Uity of "nacortes meet in regular session with Mayor 1'ro Tem Keepers presiding and councilmen Brunson , Dildine , Olson, George and Sparks answering roll call , McCracken absent . Minutes app_ oved Minutes of the previous meeting mere approved as read . Police Judge & Gas reports The Police Judgets and the Gasoline reports for the month of ieptel _ber were on mctien referred to the finance committee . Allan'C Application An application from MacGregor Allan for a building permit was presented motion made by Brunson that the anp..ication be referred to the building committee , seconded by Olson carried. Skating rink Councilman Brunson stated that Suryan's wished a license to operate the skating rink in the Elks building,motion made by Olson that the license be granted seconded by Brunson. carried. Howard Cooper Letter A letter from the Howard Cooper Corporation asking fur the price on 1000 feet of 10 inch iron pipe was presented, motion made by Brunson that the letter be referred to the fire , water & light committee and the water supt. seconded by Dildine carried. Blanchett Letter A letter from F. J. Blanchett in regard to the Bond redemption funds in the 1935 budget was read, motion made by Olson that the letter be placed on file seconded by Brunson carre id . Petition for • 16th. Street A petition from the residents of 16 th. .Street from K Avenue to M Avenue abking to have it open and graded and graveled was presented, motion ta .de by Brunson that the letter be referred to the Street Committee seconded by Olson carried. Leather Bureau Letter A letter from the Weather Bureau thanking Er. Willoughby far the records sent in by hit was presented motion :wade by Olson that the letter be placed on file • seconded by Brunson carried. Power bill 7. D. The bill for the Puget Sound Power & Light Company in the amount of $823.93 Power & Lights for the water department was presented for the c . uncill's approval as Mr. Willoughby refused to 0 . K. it , motion made by Olson that the bill be allowed seconded by George , Ayes Brunson, George , Olson, Keepers Dildine and Sparks. Budget Mayor: Motion made by Brunson that the expense's of the Mayor $25,00 be approv ed se :onded by Dildine Carried. Clerk: Motion made by Olson that $9/9.00 expense 's for the office of the City 1G erk be adopted sedonded by Dildine , carried. Oreasurer: Motion made by Brunson that $2,319.. 53 expense ' s for the office of the Tr Treasurer be adopted seconded by Olson carried . Attorney: Mafia .. made by Olson treat $625.00 expense 's for the Attorney be adopted seconded by Dildine carried. City Ha.lE; Motion made by Olson that $920.00 expenses for the city hall be adopted seconded by Brunson carried. Health Officer: Motion made by Brunson that $290.00 expesnes for the He Ith Officer be adopted seconded by Dildine carried. Police Judge :Motion made by Dildine that 197000 expesnes for the Police Judge be adopted seconded by Olson carried. Engineer: Notion made by Olson that $300.00 expenses for the engineer Le adopted seconded by Brunson carried. Wiring ": PltiEttbina: Motion made by Brunson that $100 .00 expense . or the eirin & Ply.;.b ink; inspector be adopted seconded by Olson carried. Sscmrs: Motion made by Dildinethatt 200 .00 expense for :ewe :s be adopted seconde by Brunson carried. Fire Dept: Motion made by Olson that $13 ,711 .00 expense ,f the ''ire Dept be Adopt ed secondee by carried. Street Dept:. Motion made by Dildine that $9,535.00 expense for the street dept be adopted seconded by Olson carried. • Police dent : Motion laade by Olson that $5,177000 expense for the Police -Dept . be adopted seconded by %ildine carried. Contin .ent : Motion :lade by Brunson that the contingent fund be adopted as correo- ted to balance th budget with the new valuation seconded by Dildine carried. Parks: Motionumade by Dildine that t .e expense for the parks „r991,00 be adopted seconded by Olson carried. Library: Motion made by Brunson that the expense for the Library 2,890000 be adopted seconded by Dildine carried. llcCrackens enters , George excused. Water Depart sent : Motion made by "c`'racken that the 02,000. 00 interest on general grater bonds under the General Bond iledempt ion fund be eliminated, seconded by Brunson Carried. Motion made by l'icCracken that 'he interest on General 'eater Fonds under the Revenue 'Water Bond .aedemntion fund be reduced from $2 ,000.00 to 1, 500. 00 seconded by Brunson Carried. Motion made by 'Icracken that the Water Depart .ent Interest and Bond redemption be reduced from $4c ,350. 00 to $4 ,7 ,850.00 and the estimated amount of '•rater .fated and metered be reduced to balance sedonded by Brunson carried.. Motion made by 'ucCraclen that tale budget Le adopted as a whole and the levies be established in accorarice to the corrections and the county Assessor be notified of the levies withdrawn. Motion made by Brunson that the 'eater Department budget of $74,264.69 be adopted seconded by '•iceracken carried. Emergency Motion made by IlcUracken that the emergency .fund of $1 ,880.00 be Adopted seconded by Brunson carried. J 306 . . October 2, 1934 cont. • Gene ..1 Bond redm: Motion made _y McCracken that the General Bond redemption be ado•ntedas amended with the 2, 000.00 eliminated seconded by Brunson carried. Emer •envy -Jarr"ut Interest : 'Motion made by Brunson that the Emergency Warrant Interest fund of 585.00 be adopted seconded by Dildine Carried. Revenue -Bond i-edamption: MotioL. made by McCracken that the Revenue Bond Redemp- tion fund b adopted as amended with the General Bond Interest reduced to 4A ,500 seconded by Brunson carried. Gcaranty fund: Motion made by Brunson that tine L . I .D. Guaranty fund of ;,i1, 360.00 be adopted sedouded by McCracken carried. Motion made by' McCracken that the budget be adopted as a whole seconded by -brunsDn Ayes Brunson , iiildine , Olson , d'eeuers , LcCracken and Sparks. Coal for Hall Motion made by Brunson that coal fo_' the city hall be purchased Brom the Piaintan- enance & Operation fund of the city hall , ,seconded by Dildine Ayes Brunson, Olson Dildine , Keepers , McCracken and Sparks. Claims Claims agaoint the current -xpense fund and other city fund for the month of Sentember were presented as' i'ollows : CURRENT EXTEI SE Tom Brown 4820 Salary fat ro lma.n 103.5Q . Ted Horn 4821 " & cash Adv 111 . 75 L. E . Snider 4822 ' r ;• ° r 111.15 Bert Verrall 4823 100.00 M. G. Strock 4824 r. 95.00 E. Cookston 4825 t8 95.00 Carl Strock 4826 Fireman 5.75 S. Anderson 4827 iv 1.00 A Mondhan 4828 a 3.75 Ed. McGovern 4829 t7 1.75 WM Dorcy 4b30 a 075 ' Earl Holmes 48 31 1:' o 75' Geo Olson 4832 n 1.0C M. A. Hartman 4833 Salary & Cash Adv. 50.15' Lillian east 4834 it 11 „ f° 51.6C L. A. Lechner 4835 " 50.0C A. B. Cook ' 4836 it 22 .5C F. G. Abbey 4837 11 - 15.00 Mrs Chris Storme 1838 f° • 15. 0C Marion TJatkinson t839 c 90.00 W. A. Sparks -840 ,r & Ca.,h Adv. 110.4C 'fill Dorcy S841 Truck Driver 10O .0C Lymn Balcomb 842 a 100. 0C .ohn Berglund 843 Salary 48.6C • ' A. l . Eici e^.1 844 r. 15.00 S. D . Templee ' S845 Supplies ulerk & Treasurer 2.0E, Anacortes Steam' Laundry i846 Laundry for fire dept . 1.4C Marine Supply ecmpany 4Vb47" Supplies firedept .Hail blec tion 10.4C Shannon Hardware Co . S847 Supplies or .fire dept . 1.35 Water Department ,84Q Hydrant' rentals 197.50 Gladys Rumsey S85o Registration clerk 4.90 Dept of Labor' & Ind S851 M. A. & Ind Ins 24.25 Shannon Hardware Co'. S852 Supplies hail & treet 3.02 West Coast Tel Co. 43853 •lolls for police dept . 4() Puget Sound Power & Light S854 Li ,hts& Power at crushe_- 208.0E Anacortes Daily Mercury IB855 Printing 59.43 Anacortes American 3s56 Supplies police judge 6 .4G Standard' Oil Co . 4857 Gas & Su,,ulies st & 2ire 13u08:3 ' ElIr GEI'TCY FUND 7I. B. Short 11 Labor 20 .00 Earl Holmes 12 c' 88.8o Simpson's Electric Shop 13 Supplies street dept. 3.75 The �'ix it-Shop 14 R f4 it 2.00 Port of `'nacortes 15 t7 17 IY .50 Shell Oil Coo 16 0 II 17 3058 Howard Cooper Corp. 17 1P 0g Union Oil Co . 18 `° :' IV toll Marine Supply C . _ 19 IP` i; 1¢' 43013 Bell Machine `corks 20 " 1i t° 24c, q Feenaughty Mach Co. 21 r. 17 15.8i) Knapp & Ronneberger 22 11 it 1° 5341 Anacortes Lumber & Box 23 1C I. 0 • Park Fund • Frank Knapp 801 Labor 18.83 •: J. E. Herding 802 r 80.0o? Current 1''xpense 804 Uasoline 7.22 S`outhside Hardware b03 Expense 1.61 LILRARY FUND E. Luella Howard Salary & Cash Adv. 74. 30 E3relyu Lundberg a 35000 Tempa Mellott tP 25000 Fred °"ashall It 20.00 Puget ''ound Power & Light Lights 4 .64 arthca.'1 Flagg - Wood 15. 0D Chas Brothers A pair Building 50.00 Water Dept water 6 .20 L 6O7h1 October 3, 1934 cont LIBRY �.+�JND Puge.t Sound Neus. .Companyt Books 25.70 Fern Press - Supplies 19.50 1IAT_ R DEPARTMENT . / Chas Stapp 3786 Stamps 5.00 Tax Commission iM Business Tax 210. 56 Lew Willoughby Salary 150 .00 Ernest Knapp 3789 19 110.00 Clyde B ke r S0 5esterhomas igil 'r Do00 Victor Berlin 3792 Labor 88.40 A. C. IIondr>a.n 3793 it 97.20 tlater Dept.. (Geo . Thumas 3794 If 14.00 Geo Haddon 3795 `0 34.50 Carl Strock 3796 " 28.00 Ted Pearson 3797 11 26.00 Jim. Tinsley Bg ' 1 .00 X. . Larson 26 .00 Amos McLaughlin 3800 , '7 lh . SO Marion Chatfield 3801 FO 18000 Earl Freeman 3802 " 16.50 ;eater Dept Pedigo 3803 " 16 . 50 ro " Rice 3804 '° 26.00 ro Entus 3805 'F 12.. 00 'D " Neilan 3806 " 12. 00 Lillian Kast - 0 Bookkeeper 25,00 E. K. t.i`od Lumber Co. Lumber 1.73 Current"--;xoen se 809 Gasoline 25.84 The Bristol Co . 3810 • Supplies 3.06 Maryland Cafe 3811 Teals 2,35 Palmer Su ply Co. 3812 Supplies 3.97 WestCoasA Tel goo 813 Service 5. c5 E Current xpense 3814 Transfer of funds 90.c Dept of Labor & Ind., 3815 M. A. & Ind Ins 27.48 Skagit Valley Tel Co . 3816 -`oils Service Avon 7.30 Tacoma Electrochemical Co . 3817 Chlorine 27.00 S . D . Temple 3818 Supplies ,45 Marine Supply Co. 3819 25.60 Deception Pass Ferry 3820 Ferry Service 58.35 lihannon Hardware Co. 3821 Supplies 7 .60 1.45 Knape Ronneberger 3822 " Water Dept . (Situps nss 3823 'Q 16. 70 Matfo rd Kenoyer(Lee ) 3824 Labor 6 .00 Palmer Supply Co 3825 Supplies 21 . 02 Arvid Hamburg 3826 " 21 .75 Shell Oil Company 3827 '" 5. 80 Southside Hardware Co . 3828 It 4 .56 Union Oil Co.' 3829 " 2.40 Puget Sound P L Co . 3830 & 31 Power :4. Lights 823.93 Motion made by McCracken that the clai s be referred to the finance committee , seconded by Brunson Carried. Fire Marshall Motion made by McCracken that the clerk be instructed to write to the Fire Marshall at Olympia and ask for the fire rates on the Water Shed and City Parks • seconded by Brunson carried. The �ornmittee on -t inance to whom was referred the matter of claims reported that they recommendeJ that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn id favor of the dame , motion made by Brunson that the report of the finance committee be adopted seconded by Dildine Ayes Brunson, Dildina, Olson, McCracken, Keepers and Soarks. . There being no furthur business the council did then adjourn. Approved in open session this 16th. day of October 1934. Mayor Pro Tia _ ,, Attest : e4a . Ci y {Clerk r 608 October 16, 1934 Roll Call The City Council of the pity of Anacortes meet in •e ulcer session with hayor pro -tee Keepers presiding and „ uucitmen. ..:loon and .i.lcCrackeu answering roll call, iildine , George auc. nbuwa.to Ihh.nuteu a roved Minutau of the previous meeting -ne_e .1.-3,,rovet.. as read Urea re29rt The treasurerQs report for the ...gin ,,h o aer;toaiber tinai uotiun r .:ferred to :I e f trance comalttee0 Motion made by McCracken Vaat the Clerk write to the anNocin.i,ion of '.L.nhington cities caking them to Send us their communications until.. the first cif the year \r11en provisions had been maci.e to join the association, seconded by Brunson carriedo • Ordinance NO. Motion made by McCracken that Ordinance I:;,o__ _ being an Ordinance le'vying: a tax on all personal and real property' iu the `'ity- of Anacortes for 'ca_e year 1934 be placed on its first and second reading by title , seconded by Olson aa.rriedo Motion made by Mc Cracken that Ordinance Mo__ _ be referred to tile City Attorney and Judiciary Committee , seconded by Olson carried.. The Judiciary Committee reported that tie recommended that the ordinance be • massed, motion mete by McCracken that the t<eport be adopted seconded by Olson carried. The City Attorney reported that the Ordinance was ccr.rect as to form, Motion made by Brunson that the report be adopted seconded by McCracken carried. Motion made by •b'cCracken that Ordinance NO be placed on its third and • final reading seconded by Olson carried. Motion bade by McCracken that ordi-nanen NO be adopted as a T,Tole , seconded by Olson, Ayes Brunson Olson, Keepers. and McCracken There bein5 no furthur business the council did -ci:en adjourn. A,nproved in open session this 6th day -of lTovember 1934 City Clerk 1 -_ 6 0 9 November 6, 1934- Roll Call The City Council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session \lith H yor a_'ro-Tem Keepers presiding and c 'uno ilmen Dildine :tnd Olson an.svrering roll call . iIo ion made by Dildine treat owing to a lack of qua tip the Council adjourn until 9 :00 O 'Clock Yi dnesday evening i ovenber 7, 1934 , ,seconded by :loon c:'.r'ried. iv'Q'.-." ,- 'x' 93.�. 1 4 • boll Call The City Council of the City of Anacortes meet it, aajourued sesusian '.lith h ayor" 2ro-1em Keefers presiding and cot.noilmen Brunson, George , And ''`parks absent . -. I-:iuutes ap)roved :iinuteu of the previous meeting ziere eneroved as read. Tres , P J : Gas r'o•lorts , On motion the treasurers report , gasa .•-ine r e_oort and the Pol±c."? jut' 'e 's i'eort for t.1s month of October were referred to the finance com iittee. Allans Building Motion made_ by Olson that kicGragor Allan be notified t 'at he must co ply ':iitb - the building o1•uinance in re_:yard to the building on 5th . street , seconded by Bildine carried. Short ' s re ,:rt j. :u 3itort ro• orted on the survey on lath street froth IT to Uoimnerical, on motion the re • ort was referred to the street and narks coLnitittee Brunson en tars Brown 's "laim A claim .:or *34.50 from Tom Bro n as patrolmen vas )resented , motion made by Dildine that ,e claim be paid from the contingent fund, s• cunded by Bru Ison Ayes Soarkn enters , :>;runcon Dildine Olson , Ksercrs , lcCracken and .narks. Pover bills A claim ram the : u .etSound 01'rer :c Light Co for no. er a Li';hts for the :ya,ter department in the a:aoant of 831.21 was resented, motion made by Brunson that tale claim be referred to the liL_;ht couAittee edonded by Dildine , Carried . S: arks claim A claim in the amount of ..50.00 from Sparks , sZor =king the :I:.I,tA Lien was presented , :ao -_1on made by Dildine that the claim be not allo\med, Ec'.rachcn amended the motion in adci_-n;; that the committee consider the advisability of mak : n': a:: allowance 'or ir. Sparks expenses , mo ,ien seconded by iicCracken - carried. Harding Claim A claim for J. . Harding in the amount of :.:••35.00 for labor on parks '.:as :..resented, motion .':),de by Drunson t'-c.:t the a'.i"unt be allowed from the contingent' fund. seconded by Dildine hyesBr'uneon, Dildine , 01^on, Keel,e:'s , lio,C 'a:,c!ien and Claims . Claims against the current ex ,en':e :and and other city funccs furth_c month of • Octooer 1;34 -ie_'e , ..'esenoci as follows : V C't ii:.7.1:.7 i,1i.1' iiTr�L • 2,. snider 4..59 Selary li 0. `0 Bert ter 'all 4600 c 100.00 E. G. 3 track 4L•01 r 95.CO L. A . Cooi.ston `-.u62 'z c1r.00 J. C . S t rc ck 6u3 Fireman 39. 00 Geo Olson 466'- so 4. 50 mod. icGovern 4865 r 1. 50 . Berlin 4b0O " ,75 A Liondhe.n 4c: ,1 " 3. 25 A. Ande::sun 4638 . 75 „•, -�.)rc y 4669 `� ='. 00 r3dd 1'is- .er 4670. i5 Earl :. ;:un e`,3 4671 0 /5 I._. A. 1i;..r t_i; in 4872 'J::.l:..ry. . C..sh .il.v 51.00 Lilian Kast n`l73 50 .00 T,. A. :sec iner 7l'• " j0.00 - A. B. Cool. /:-. /5 22 .50 46 6 15. 00 • :E:�...� . C •i+,•- ;;;o;-; e n-;�7'/ 15.00 :.: .�i-on tic�.ns'�n !,..'7L 90.00 Ted ?.):'n 48'/9 11:.1. C0 -'am air own 48&0 ' 34.40 -._. ._'e lea :.....n,_ .aw 4c:t,l 2atroluan 1. �,; .50 Ji'.c:: .i en.A. n 4bL2 3• 5 _to. e�'t., n 4ob3 3 .45 . . _'.: :3 i,..2I.:s 4u64 Jc,.l:�-+' T 110 .00 ..oi. J.rcy 4665 Truck Driver 100. D0 ..Lynn B..lotab 4u 6 r: 100. 00 John ..im h" nd 4887 Labor 2''• '/0 D. Ilucil. :t,iel 4oe c: 21.60 A. . ucEeal 4889 " 15 .00 t.,u-,,.cor t as ..c.uer -c:.:t -- :;0 :Tydrants 1': 7.50 Ian:tc or tes Ste-ui �aundiy •'891 s':...iwr'r3r 3. 16 I:. T'Ao:onton 4692 Ju ..1io'.o fir wept • 3 .8 !', . T. "J-,audt 4893 Coal i urr hall 22. 56 '..�,: itol)::rt.3on 4694 Cle .ping C,-i ..oey .,00 • J. D. Temple 4695 Jtl,o,lieo clerk .60 1'. A. :.).. ..n 4896 21umbing 'it 1.50 Trick L:tarry 4697 Alecvion ou - .Lies 8; . 04 Gladys Ramsey 4898 Red;i,trc+,tion 12 .95 l'�,t.r ion -:latkinoan 4899 Register 10. 00 Standard '2,i1 Co . 4900 Gas' :. ine 133 .95 44i _- r 6 i c : ovc,:abe 7 1;34 Cont . • Dent �f labor . Ind 4901 IaaA iud _us _'ol : St . 2,' 23 Coast 1:A Jo . <:902 '2111s 5 .55 _-t'_ret 3(mnd _ c)•:-sr Li_ ht 1/4)03 =i,i _t�, 21�, 34 Au,.� urceu .t_ie.•ican 4904 -Alec: ). i.,U 3U(.y)lies 103.13 An'.co l•tes 4.i :.:is:In 4905 au l ; e.; ... ;.1ic e Jui::e 1.60 Beu.:on Motor Co . 4906 iAj. airs u_ice cle;;t 10.45 Ma.. ine u -1 ly 4907 Su ,1)li e ; ,. ,; 3 .14 I..!Ir ue �u .,ly 4908 fire dept . 3.95 `J3].b.ell oil .Co t_ca0 o i- ,, , , lo,_ goh-r i.rtz Iron •'orks 4910 ' .75 . K . isot.tiot-;orger 4911 4 n ,. .25 Luvera Grocery 4912 r .• N 3.15 J. Harding 4913 Labor n ;)arks 35. 00 rark i'und Current -. xpense 605 Ga„ioline 5. �% J. E. Harding 805 .i.J• ,nor '1-5.00 Bi.L'.nn.1n Hardware uo . 807 Suoolien 2.26 LI:;.a.city plirf.0 Luella Howard 714 O-1 a ,y . Cash Adv v 0 .80 Evelyn Lundberg 715 35. 00 Tel.).•. a . ello tt 716 co 25. 00 Fred :M!'r.,:4a 11 717 ca 20.00 buffet °'ound i ot-r^r we Liht 718 Li;;hts 7.32 Gaylord Bro t. ers 719 12 .90 - American Uor o t•ati on 720 7.50 " tu' et °'ound 7Tetis Co . 721 43.88 2,... ....r.' l .\J S J1.1ll1 Anacortes Lumber , Box 24 Lu o r Stret 4.45 Alvin 6mith • 25 Sir:,us 2. 50 Earl Holm3s 26 'ir'U(,'... Jri er 99.90 VanBuren Heller 27 Su •v lieu dt_eet 4.69 Bell 1. ' .h ne "orks 28 ire 'airs r. 6. 50 Benson Motor Co 29 t: , " 15.20 The six-it awn 30 Su plies r, 2.00 Standard Oil Co. 31 `; r 11.13 Sire son Electric Shop 32 - 9.75 9.75 Sc,.Ltrartz Iron "orks 33 lo. 10 Clyde Equipment Co " • It 2; 0.00 • Dave Mooney 35 I. " 3050 Kne : Ronne erer 36 `; 1O., 5 Li. B. `i, ,rt 37 ,. 22, 00 T.I. Taylor 38, ,. 5.10 Marine ^'upply 39 ., 10.51 Schvartz .Iron \iorks 40 " " 5.75 Levi " illourthuy 3832 S<_lary 150.00 Ernest .ki- .'il'Dp 3633 ;: 11o. �?0 Clyde Baker 3c:34 ` 75.00 • Lester ih:arias 3835 50.00 Victor Berlin 3636 Labor 110.00 A. ;. Mo_ndivan 3837106.40 George dlltzagi3 383o " 14. 00 E. A. i.oberts 3639 ,-2 .50 • Lil+. i<n Kast 3840 L00j*.':e .,er 25. 00 n _'� .i3u ji.ios Tax . Tam ColarAission .,Cza 190.7 • Chas a to r.p 3842 a'b':'T,r)o 50 00 Kn=_1p ._ Honneberger 3843 e„f- i r3 3.00 Current j'xi cnoe 38<4 Try•os f e ')f funds 90.00 P. A. Dean 3645 Su7)nlies 2 . 55 Skagit valley Tel Co. 3846 Tolls Service 7. 75 Je ot of Labor & Ind 364 M. .',. Ind Ins 34.67 E. U. Saaudt 3L 48 Coal 10.50 ' Tacoma lectroch:: ical `'o 3d49 CD.1srine 23.60 '.test Coast •iel Co 3850 Toll; .� cervice 4,60 a. D. Temple 3851 Su. -lies ,40 Soutiadide Hard.:are uo 0 3652 t. <:.06 Dave Mooney 3853 r.eairs 3. rr5 Mr.nine 'u -ply 3854 ,--)L, ,f, _ies 27.15 Benson Motor Co , 3855 `:e-.• ir3 2.75 An�a.c o_r, tes �L.ierican 3656 -iin -lies 19.00 30.60 Arvid hamburg 3657 29.45 . Curri of �,�, et •e 3858 G :.line kit Electric Coop. 3859 Su ••,;lies 7.10 • 1 . K. ':;ood Luber Co 3860 Lu :ber9 4.04 Palmer -L:prly Co . 3861 Su ;plies 10.18 (5, 7 L1.a.t Cho mat'„ci k,:' CLL. .+15 ')e 1N.. :: :' :CT to :;,.1c l''1uance Co:_i iti;ee , :.)econde. . by Dildine `2.1 e 1' l to T A of s •.c•.-� re e,.: ed a y'or ed tli.t . 1 iu�...ce ci��.ti_�i;��ee t.liot.. ��.e niat� c:a• �; 1wi t� ..�.:., �. e the claims oe ...Mowed and lrairanis drawn in favor of the OiX, 5. "o J3rurlscn .i:•3at t.':'? re .Urt .ie a.:.^.e.'.)toci, s �;,_ nc� o. L .1) Ayes y ., ., .�lc:ti ue 3 . B:utry.-n , Dildine, Olson , hoCrucken, hecpe •u and marks CrdinaLtce iS0 o L.oti')t1 T.la.C.e by Brunson that OX4 ,#lance Z•'.o. • bein ; ..n ordinance declaring an--79aS(E rf,? rUviNions sat2e -laced on its First and sec• •n6 re-ding; icy' G ?tle , .seconded by 32.son carried. t ion i. Cie oy Drunson that ordinance ido . ` e 0i.aced on i tG third and final reading.D seconded by Ol:;on carried. Eotion made by Brunson that Ordinance No be adopted as a whole , seconded by Syiarks, Ayes Brunson , Olson , Dildine, S1:lark:i and Keeners LicCa'ac_ien not voting. Street Li', l.ts hot ion , Lo.de by Olson that a resolution be adopted set Ling Tc.*elirfoer 26th as the date for a hearing on the proposed Local Itnnrove..tent District for street lights. ueco:..ded by Sparks carried . There be_n"' no further business the council did then adjourn. A-nrovea in open session this 20th. day of i ove ber 1934. ss t , L Pro-tem . I'dayor 2 ? City Clerk . 612 • Novel-fiber 20, 1934 _ Roll Call The City Council of the City of 1in..cortes meet in 1•ezt.'lLr ocF; ion vrith I;Tayor 2ro Tem Kee_rer 1)resi.ding and �ouncilulen .+JildiIle , V1`,0L1 , GeorL:e , and �;)�sl'ks aus•:re1•illg roll call. ..:iiiute.3 an!_'roired 1:i!_",lutr'.o 01 ;,he previous l.:eetiu ue_'e a ro oc,. 1..,s road. Brunson1.,.c'�rac. .en Mite TTO,-t,ei' Li 1._otit i.t aue by LLcCracken t. .a,� the platlidug 0o,;,A_.it , eo ,..ncei. _ic • t.i ;erCoii .it '.ee be .";.11-)o .ered �o 5)re )c.re 21 1,ns for the rel)airiug o t.' - Beyer rains to be `.)"•n G to i,;'io :',.:,'ii1^ on _lannint' Joard and 1 .,ia y i `) _ i.s ' � c .e be �: _lo"'.rec� , 5Oo00 to e ��•-.id frc�c,l t' vrater fund for the making of blue nrints nd ect, socond cL by Brr6.nsou ayes :Brunson, Bildiue , George , u,cVr".01i n, Olson cnd Kec)7ers LTays S_J'y..rks. Dog Catcher lotion i.k:de by Brunson th.�,t t:le services of iLLr. I odruff as dog catcl,er ".)e de pensed ':.i th seconded by Dildine Carried. ` Canvas of .otet A re7o t r,:i_i the County Election Board on the canvass cf this city election "...as '^resouted- as :.'ollow's : Mayor • Croon J. George • o l :�-. ..n,f 7.eld y'Luck. (`suorlle Bar;;a:2,,s 1'.i--1? 6 104 1 1'..'_ - . 82 53 109 1':7'-3- 18 73 62 2 r2 • 47 133 53 2.Y-22 92 44 1 2,1-3P 83 150 127 1 3�1-1T 1461177 i o6 1 7 3,.'-2 100 3"'i-3 P - - 35__ 57 3._ _ _ - 579 769 854 3 1 7 • Jedlund Hay e t er , -fir- (r11".t2i.1<T :i1 L.-1: (II.' ry r ::t .!. ($ C_'1LI,', .L C)l 2„y7.!_, tiff nit i. lY 1T-2y 128 1 '-32 Ir.. 2Ji-lp 110 2:v'-2.2 151 2 2'1-3�' l 1 112 3', -lp 2..)::). 5 3..1-2 D I 95 3\ -3? - - — - 197 7 1 1 1 1 114 • 1 1n30 2 12 1 1 • is:,Jc`G i 1 e r. .�... •,a"L k 1.n H o n _.".,.1C 1 �!...� ...L T.%].:c-Lan as m:I l'• -1;? 14_9 1 84 87 . l'i-2F 2 08 90 3. .-4.'. ri-3:1 134 1 72 73 27:1-1.o 191 67 141 277--_?:' •14 6 65 102 2 ) 31/ 181 log 3 '-1:? 3~.4 6 l0, 3\;-2:P -'.37 1 1 100 176 3 -3-2 ?3.3._ 5 56 87 1899 14 1 8b2 1240 #tto rile y C .tr.' ,IL -A,IT 'LL'Th' './ARD Lechi,er :lir ift,.ier ?odd Barney id.Ltrdock i euia.r Johnson a_carks C::•v•.rder Gilkey 1-1 132 2 1 1-2 178 1-3 127 1 1 1 1 1 2-1 1732-2 123 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2-3 275 3-1 350 i._'..pis :.:orris Bec 'and 1..cL' .0.(.•1!1in Dod_'e _.:e-1ey 3-2 2J; 2 2 1 (1- 1 1 1 2 1 1 3-3 117 . 1 1530 3 3 1 DC 1 ;I ...«T -- iv-`,D . , ^L7)D c: .i -.. ._: .`,1`_T .,T'I '.D 71V I.D 1i iher iiesferd Beebe LicConnell Drevrsen � fail i.o::: Stetson L•..,ury 1 'pii0 1p 7 1 2=2 ?0`r' 1 � 3..2 2-3 ,,4.2 1 2 - 5Csj' —'� _ 1 1 2 429 - 2 2 7 CC T TTI.:.'•,-- :'--;:; ) '.LARD Liayor Clerk Treasurer :':iller stetson Laury B ,_ TOr 3-1 200 154 7 (1-1�) 3� ..ems �c st; DOcy 3-2 149 - 86 (i-2)2 3-3 47 429 2822 7 19 3 0 4 C:'TT TIT.L1.,a-i'r AT LARGE7 2 . S BLit 2 1=1 3 45 5- - 1-2 2 1-3 17 2-1 L 2-2 4 D .11 671 cp CCU'(';I.I.=.'A T AT LARGE cent C'7.77",I TZAI'7 +'1 R ' 1ARD Speer T;CGr L 2-3 7 1-1 3 I/ 3-1 3-221-2 2 1 1-3 -Z_ 3-3 - 12 43 „C.IT r."I J i T �. ;;",,r) '.T�u3D C: U. `:;I Lll&U T HI �D ' rA RD ".. 2-1 18 3-1 22 4 3-2 1 2-3 7 3-3 2 29 3 Motion , .age by McCr-coen that the report be accepted and placed on the minutes of the meeting, seconded by .Brunson carried. License L Board Annlicat ion for license for ;. L. McGill and Ueorrre Larinakos from the Liquor Contr .L board for ' 1e ye--r i935 were presented, the Mayor Pro-tem stated if t_' ere was no o objection from the Council he would a' rove the applications. Bond for warr- ant A Surety bond in t e o.uount of , 30oC0 from Bred G. Abbey for warrant owner 4725 which was lost was presented, Mot ion ttla( e by IicCI.acke n that with the ap"r0`rr;l of th Ci �y At .orney t;.;e bond be accepted and duplicate warrant be issued Er Abbey, + seconded by Brunson carried. :Petition for Light A petition froze the pro':erty owners asking for a light at the ,,alley on II Avenue bet\roecs 19th and 20th streets was resented, motion wade by McCracken that the petition be referred to the lir;ht counittee , seconded by Brunson carried. Petition to close beer parlors it oetitien fro':' t Sze iiiriiaters of Anacortes asking the council to take some action on the closing of beer _;arlors on Sundays was presented, motion made by Olson that the City attorney be instiuc ;ed to inci out what action the Prosecuting; Attorney '.:ould take on pros 'cuting such cases u.Ld rep rt at the next meeting, seconded by Dildine carried. Pulp Contract The Revised contract with the Puget Sound Palo C,iapuny wan presented motion made by McCracken tha . the contract be adopted e.nd toe IT,Ayor - ro-ierl and Clerk be instructed to sign according to 'die Crdivanee seconded by Brunson Ayes Brunson, Olson , Dildine , Ge_: rt e , McC ';.Lchen, Keepers and analko Pulp :Jill Bill Motion u,de by McCracken that tine •;a6er uou ittee and the 2inance Uornmittee confer with the - ;ter Supertindent in regard to the billing of t he water consumed by the Pu10 mill auc allow credits according to the contract seconded by ulson Carried. Ordinance Ho Motion made by McCracken that ordinance being an Ordinance for safeguarding life and ,.roperty by r er,uIating a .d providing for the inspect ion of the installation and maintenance in buildings of elect•ic �,.iring, elect-,:ic devices and electric tliaterial, creating t'.?e office of electrical in:; 1 Col, and fixing a oen. lty violation thereof. , be olaced on its first reading by title , t;eeonde'd. by 41son carried. Motion made by 1.7.cL'racken that Ordinance Mo , be referred to the Judiciary cUii:tt.iitte and ,he amity Attorney seeo ride. by Brunson carried. -here being no furthur business the council did then adg.ourn. Approved in o ,en session tois 4th. day of December 19340 Attest : ia .yor . ro-Tern" City Clerk/ December 4, 1934 • The City L ouncil of the Cit.- of Anacortes -toot in r:;u1L.r ut:ooion ::_ i'_ _.:;'.I%Or ro- Telzi I••ee Hers or e.joiug e,no eouitoil:oen McCy ... t. od Olnou ousws. in' , roll call the meet ink; was ad, u oed until December 5, 1931 �.t 8 C.Clocic ne�.o . o .Lck of quorum. r614 • Decrnfter 5 , 1934 . _ Roll Call The City Council of ,,he City of Anacortes meet in anj-olrned session 7nith L.ayor 2ro-Ten Keepers presiding and connei - len Dildine , i-.1.Cne.ek - 0 and Sparks annner- ing roll call Brunson, Gore and 01:,on absent . Uinutun unproved Einuten of he previons meetint< „cee rruvc. (..6 read. Cl rint, MP. 3nudeys A letter from the Prosecutin Attorney statine; that he had no intention of takin any LC in in the elatter of clnlinp: beer aors on Sundays wn, , read • noien maC.e by Dilnine that the letter be placed on file unit some action was taken by tie state in cloning seconded by -Oarks. Carried. P. T. & Gas Reports The I' lice jud.02e 'e and. Ga .oIine reports for he month of November were on motion referred to the finance committee . Crossing on 22n6 . A reeneet from Sadie Pergu.,on a kin/. the :.,ouncil to anrAst in obtaileinrr from the Great Yortilern Railway Co a croo ;ing on R Ave . between 21st and 22nd streets was presented, Motion made by McCr ' ken that the reeneIt 1)e referred to the incommin3 ad/e; nistration, seconded by ST,arks Carried. Short 's rerort A retort -rom '7. B. Cliort on the plans 2. nd er-,tilTetes or a nter maiu replacement of -one of -Cle olden , ine eite nn-n3ented. , rnotion .liade by licnn. k2n t'lt the report be referred to the fire , water and light committee ond the planning Board, secinded by Dildine carried.. Burke 's 1aim A claipl from ''.1,. R. Burke in the aoioant of U300.00 for Attorney' n fees court filing" fee rid. cash ontLay compiling data for the case of -.I. n. Burke Vs City of Anacoetes was 17,reseutef, Hotion made by IcCrachen that the claim be allowed as eart of fin-il stiputatin of a just and honent claim in settle.lent of the l'up;et Sound Pulp and Timber Contraet with the City for ;iater, sedonded J3J- Dildine , Ayes IjoCracken , Keners and ')ildine hays Sparks. eNj "lotion lad by McL;rancen that the amount Involved in tne final stipu.)..aLien of 300.0C in the Burke snit be naidecaidc from the general water fend, seconded by Dildine , Ayes Keeoars , IiicCracen and Dildilne hays 8:) rks. Short Claim 320.00 LL claim in the am .un of ,)20.00 for surveying llt-1 street from B. snort was presented , motion made by Dilaine that the claim ne allowed from :..s,e street emergency fund, seconded by ii:cCracken Ayes licCrace . , Dildine , Keeocrn and Sparks . harding laim A claim in the amount of :,)00. 00 or labor en earke '.7.- ro. J . . . ' .. 'nin' ented Lotion lane by McCrncken that the elnim be b: eu.e;nt to the atiention of the cJuncil at tne next meeting, seconded by Sprks carried. • Ebtien made by hicOracken that t-ne -2:erk dn.nt 'Ye nuifie that t 'eo etar budet is exheusted for tie balance of the year,secthnded by .oilLAue carried. 'fo-ner Bids Water Lotion made by 1-ne-racnen that tie l_ayor , firennun%er au d 1ie1it committee m,e.ne a . cneck of the power bill for tie water denartelent , soc :nded by ' 'ildine carried. . Lotion ,_:,...de by lloracken 11o,t t:'e oll.inis foe jctober end 7\lbv•neber be alion-ed, seconded by -Jildine withdr., rn. ,a,tiun made by licracnen Lie,t .ee claim for Octo.eer in he au ,unt of E3...a.21 be alicwed, neeened by Dithiae , ayes Dildiue , Keeeern , licuracnen old L'earks . . . Lotion made by Ecuracl,en tee, ttile claim for ' -ovemlner in jle e.nount ef 3834. /0 be allowed seconded by Dildine , Ayes IJildinc , l,..cjrne en Ways ..ieepers and doarks. Claims Claims against the eurrent e:eeense fund and ut or city funds :or t:7e .'..onth of over were apresented as follows : I. 1:, Snider 4914 Salary 11C .00 -2,ert Verrall 4915 100.00 1:. G. Strock 4916 e 95.30 1:. 3cokston 4-917 - 0T"0 00 ii C . tneck 4;1U) Tire, len (,. .00 . A 1..:e•Lid.':..n 4;19 :: . 2,. 5 Cee ?loon 492C - .75 7ictor erlin 4921 , .75 1.-.. . Ilartme,nn 4922 T)elnry _-: C. . ..LI /..ev. 50 .15 Lillian Kant 4923 {: L. A . Leer 4924 - ';'00 00 „ A. B. Cock 4925 :: .2.50 • .?. :: . Ab;,ey 4926 i: 15.00 I.Len . Unnin i t 0 to -.rile 4-;27 ,. 15.00 .Jari.'n . ::Lin 4328 , 00 JO i 0 .. Ted ::orn 429 , 110. '0 Toll rown 4930 Patrelm-n 103 .50 4931 Ln.lany 113.00 , l _ .vo DOrcy 4932 Truek .Jri'. er 100.00 Lynn -2,aleomb 4- 33 . e . 100.00 D. ..... 'Lae-Bonen 4934. La;)02 46.60 A. e. ',Jo-Zeal 4935 15.00 AnaecLvten Eitenn Laundry 4936 :n-ur,7-..n e.- n niro c-• . ., 1.2$ Larne '-'u )ply 4937 ;Juen7ee 'or fire det . 2.u5 Anrnert2u ,neer l'ont . inn, ,.. 8, .(yd:.. ntn 197.50 • • Shell Ji1 Co. 4939 Ci-e, e iee ..ell :jtneet 221.50 lel- od 5:1:..nnsfer 4-,,4C Coal 'o or - i ty .L.,11 42 .00 Scntheide Inurd.: ,ne Co . 4;41 3L:- ,lie ity :ell 1.17 :Jnnnn ,u 1.tuzIdwane Co . 4-942 :i : 1.59 3inpun' n -Lilect ic anon 443 - .: 1.15 1.: .n. ne n Ily Co . 4( 44 - fer nection 5.38 I . .. 1 ° 6 1 Dec" i:)ei' , 1934 ,,._ 1E iwaoor tea n'..le;'iccu 494o E.'_ect1.;n S:J. 1pi'les 4(•.35 .;.,01.. 11 _. ._ 11.'ord 4947 Cu '' 1ie i t7 ee..;urer 22 .50 '.3. A . '1eL, :_le 4c948 " �:� k 2. 74 Pu..; . u -'ound t' ... L 4949 Li��-,ts 224.28 2. T . Abbey �, :'ooarufi) 4950 Dor, Cu.tchcr 2.?000 III . . Sii: ,i'-:�. ,, l)_.:it' ''''Gore 4L 51 Su-ol 1es 7.ea1•C1 6':.'J-C'('1 .90 :.teece 1..iuok 4,- 52 Labor Sewers 2.00 •1 H:)l:.:es 4953 96.20 Anc2rtes !1,..ii r 1. ercury 4954 _ rinting 1,',69 .Je ;t Coat Tel Co . 4955 Tolls .'o_lic e 40 00 Dort of L.'o Ind 4956 L. L. _. Ind Ins.23t :'; :. :dice 25.44 .Ocean .s'r ducts Cc . 4957 31.1•.)•,1_e _ ,oice de;' t . 1.25 F. G. Abbey 6>5 1)1? 'I'_^,',t" f01 rai '!' .ntd iiC' I25 15 •00 E0li rc1 uoaner Corp. 41 SupoLies street de t . 1. 12 Bell 1iecn ne "orks 42 ': {: `: 12. 15 ti.lacortes y'voundry 43 IL `: : c: 10. D0 Kn:: p Honaeber r.;er 44 rceir:3 for ,r'c 'eet de,.: t o 1/.85 Sc_.l':rar tz Iron works • 45 Su,: )lien for street de'^t . 9.69 '�. :.iiunn Harci'.':'.a'e Oo . 46 L: L: .. .. .23 iuc'. °'':n'i1y q t, sP L; n 9 .21 1i111 C01'tes l,LL.li�er x Box44 " �' 3 65 B. a _sort 49 Labor 20 .00 . ;:,... i _UT:.,) Current �xnense 608 C o r� ,e !1r:e 3 . 04 Oout._side Pard\Tare Co. 809 Su_-plies 1.03 LIBR= TJTTM E . Luella Hrnrard 722 S:.lary ._ C. nh Adv. '70 .80 Evelyn Lundberg 723 s; 35.00 "(?::'. ) : :.i3llott 724 sr 25.00 Fred :.1ar:d1ai1 725 " 20.00 Anacortes ',later Dent . 726 \rater 5.00 Parget Sound I' .. L 727 Lights 9.92 Puget Sound i eT.Ts Co . 728 -rooks >0,55 -,,,,,,, rCV T- LICE Harold Hinshm7 1. . :.'atrol:'. 'n 103.50 •. AT:.._•. JJ..a. All iL LIT FUND Lev 'iillo,,glib:y 3864 Salary 150.00 PUCet ScL..nd ,' L 3862 tc 3 Power .. Lights 831.21 Eroer.,t Kflp,y0 3865 110.00 Clyde Baker 3866 ` 2 ,00 Les.ter -'-n ias 3:�67 « 7 ,00 Vic Or Berlin 3668 Labor 139.60 , :i. . . i.:o nc n 3869 .._. 109.o0 ter Dent (Rice 3070 20 -,. ,. . I.aaner 3871 I: 19.20 :a.,er ennt(L..vc roar:_tch( 31)72 L° 3.20 (' ' '1.eit ) 3873 z. 3 .:20 ': " (Berlin) '�874 I; 3 ,20 iP 'P (01:on) 3875 1? 3. 20 `: " (Voykovich) 3876 1: 3.20 is „ (Entus) 3877 `' 3.20 Lil;.ia i ' .st 3b78 -Lookkee_)ing• -_5,00 C ' s ''tarp 3879 Stamps 5.00 Tax Coinnission 3580 '3uL; e5S l•ax 200 .52 'lest ''pact let CO . , 3b81 Tolls 3 .45 r !_1 Oil Co . ,• 3662 aup ;lies 20.00.�... . Dept of Labor & Ind 3863 L. A. Ind Ins 2'1.56 I:;1,..nd ,.r nafer 3884 Coal 12 . 08 Soutk:ide __ard':rare Co. 3885 Slue „lies 7.59 K1; .P; ._ � onnebeirer b6 ',airs 1.252ennau1t Mfg Co . , 3uo7 • 0:11,:rinu 28, ahannan YHar.d1.rare Co . , 888es 66 Davee Tire ail 3(:8; r 1. 50 S. D. Tem-,)le ,3890 tt .70 Standard ,-,i1 Co . , 32912 . a • I . Current `.. )erase '.u92 '1'°'_.ns er o .�Z�nds 90,00 Cuw:'e.1'G '-'.�.'1e1.1£ie 3o94 % N Ga:o _ine 2' Cr)I meric.,1 -Jock =)b95 a•6u.67 cicnei',.'.l C :(,i?.i0' l_ UO 3096 a . Sul:)_ -to 3ST. 50 L L,r ine aupnly 3bo7 Su '.lies Standard Jil Co/ 3U�;8 7. 0 3.�.�0 Motion ;lade by LicUrack:mn that t e cla rr.c ')e :1'eLerreC? to '.•.e finance c;.m.littee , sec'ondcd Dildine. c?rri.d. The finance COI:P.ilttee to 'Lrhom the matter o.L' CL, T:ls T.rere referred reported t rat the recn,r ended t:.!at the claims be -,11ovred and 'r_.rrants dr:.'.- 'n in 1T0 ' Of the same. 616 DeceA er 5, 1934 Motion dace .by 1cUrac.on tit the finace co..vitties re ort 'ie accepted, :,econdei by :gi1 ine 1ves Dil(.7,IIE3, Keeioer s , McCrac.. eu c.nd Treo.oL?rers Muti u .LSie by lcCracken tresurer oe instructed to t:..r:e a st't,teiAeut f iniiliaal. condiditioil, of the City Lo be 0..•e[;ented c`• the iln.>'i, o �tiug se' nude, ;)y arks cirri od, • Del 'J Accouni Motion macce by LfcCrac: on 'czlat the '.later bunt P.ve a list of the delinouont 1: er users L.I de for ti2e• out:uinz and iucoiiling roU'ncil, seconded '" carried. y Cc.nvs votes ...otion . 'aC7e by ii!cracin that the q,,estiou of a ouid canvaas the votes of the City Ceneral )lection be referred to the Layor anti City Attorney :ands if it is the duty of the c: until tat hte idayor call a speci,.l ecouded . by Dil(line Carried. There he.mn :, no furthur business tic coy°ncil ici then adjourn. 7)proved in onen session this 111,1 d:',y of Dece1:lber 1;34. • attest: /�� • City clerk • December 18, 1934 Roll Call The City Council met in regular sesssion with Mayor Keepers in the chair . Due to the illness of the City Clerk, R. W. Brubstn acted as clerk for the evening. • Roll call showed Councilmen present as follows, Keepers, Olson, McCracken and George & Brunson, Absent as follows Sparks and Lildine. Burke Claim Mr. Burke being present in the audience made mention of his claim of three hundred dollars ($300.00) . After some discussion by the council, the City Atorney asked that if the Council intended to pass favorably on it , that he be allowed to stipulate this item of 1300.00, costs of attorney fees for Mr. Burke in the final settlement of the Pulp Mill Contract. Motion made by- McCracken that the stipulation mentioned by allowed, this was seconded by Olson, Affirmative vote, Keepers, Olson, McCracken , George and Brunson, lNe=gative vote none. Ordinance- NO Motion wade by Maracken that Emergency Ordinance NO. be placed on its first and second reading py title, seconded by Olson, Affirmative vote K:epers Olson, McCracken, George and Brunson, Negative vote none. Motion made by McCradken -and seconded by Olson that the Ordinance be referred t the Judiciary coanliittee and the City Attorney, `ryes Keepers, Olson, McCracken, George and Brunson Nays None. After hearing the counuittee:.& Attorney's reports, McCracken made a motion and seconded by Olson that the Ordinance be placed on its third and final reading, Ayes- Keepers, 4lson, McCracken, George and Brunson Nays None. Motion made by McCra ken and seconded by Olson that the ordinance be accepted as a whole, Ayes Keepers , Olson, McCracken, George , and Brunson, Nays None. Lots #15 &16 A report by Mcracken as to the offer of J.• D. Maryott of $100.00 to the City for Lots. #15 & 16, Block #16, Shannons first addition was referred to the City Attorney. A report by Olson regarding Mr. Kihn's ditch on 38th . Street was referred to th Street Superintendent . • Motion to adjourn Mayor Prot Te Acting Clerk. • Jan. 1, 1935 The City Council of the City of Anac.ortes Meet in regular session with Mayor Pro Tem Keepers presiding and councilmen Brunson answering roll call, the Meetig was adjourned: until. Jan 2, 1934at 8 O'Clock because of lack of Quorum. Lb. •