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1931 City Council Minutes
389 January 6 , 1931 The city council met in regular session with Mayor Haley presiding and Councilman McCracken , Neely, Kaune , Olson and Gilkey respoiding to roll call. Absent , Rogers and Burke The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. • Report of City Attorney, Ben Driftmier, on ordinance granting to the Dreat Northern Railway Company the right to cross "R". Avenue and 17th Street with • a railway track, stating that same was correct in form, was read and adopted. Report of City Attorney, Ben Driftmier, on easements for r/w across property of Lucy Crout and Robert Deutsch et al , Skagit River project , recommending that the easements be accepted, was read and adopted. -Report of City Treasurer for month of December was referred to the Com;•iittee on Finance Report of Chief of Police for the year ending December31 , 1930 , was presented to . the city council and on motion was read by the Chief. On completion of the reading of the report a motion was passed to place the report on file . Street Commissioner Lenning reported that some time ago ;a100 from' M. R. Vrood had been turned over to him for the improvement of the road in Section 26 and that there was $77. 30 still in his possession. Mr. Lenning stated that the the street department had spent several hundred dollars on the road from the street funds and that Mr. Wood was satisfied with the work. A motion was made by Councilman McCracken that the balance of the money left from the road be given to the City Treasurer and placed in the general fund. Motion seconded by Gilkey and carried . Annual report of Police Judge was presented and referred to the Committee on Finance. Annual report of the operations of the water department was read by Water Superintendent R. B. Phillips and on motion of Councilman Kaune, seconded by Gilkey was placed on file. Report of Judiciary Committee to whom was referred the ordinance granting to the Great Northern Railway Company the right to cross "R" Avenue at 17th Street with railway track, recommending that the ordinance do pass, was read and adopted Councilman Gilkey stated that the Pentecostal Church had asked for a 25O-watt light at the corner of 10th and 0 Avenue, as the one now there was on the northeast corner of the street and the light was insufficient. During church services many cars were parked and people were stealing from the cars. Mr. Gilkey suggested that the church put up two flood lights to take care of this situation . A motion was made by Councilman Kaune , seconded by McCracken , that the matter be referred to the Committee on Fire , Water and Light and report at the next meeting of the city council . Motion carried. Ordinance No . 808 , being an ordinance granting to the Great Northern Railway Company, its successors and assigns , the right , privilege and authority to locate, lay down , construct , maintain and operate a standard guage railway track in, along, over and across "R" Avenue and in , along, over and across all t1At part of that certain strip of land deeded by the Fidalgo Pulp Manufacturing Company to the City of Anacortes for street purposes , •.hick deed was dated October 22nd , 1928 , and recoided in Volume 150 , page 157, recordsof the Auditor of Skagit County, 'Uashington, and granting to said Company, its successors and assigns, a right of way for such track , was On motion placed on its tit rd and final reading by sections. On motion the title was adopted as read; on motion section 1 was adopted as read; on motion section 2 wasadopted as read ; on motion section 3 was adopted as read ; on ..otion section 4 was dupted as read; on motion section 5 was adopted as read; on motion section 6 was adopted as read; on motion section 7 was adopted as read;on motion the ordinance as a whole and as read was adopted. Roll call: Ayes, McCracken, Kaune, Neely, Olson and Gilkey. Nays, none. Bids on furnishing the city of Anacortes with, gasoline and lubricants for the year 1931 were submitted and referred to the new city council. Claims filed against the Current Expense Fund and other city funds for the ' month of December, 1930 , as follows , were read and referred to the Committee on Finance : CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Leona Keuoyer 2403 Judge of election 7. 00 G. H. Noggles 2404 Labor on street . 40. 00 Harriett Norman 2400 Judge of election 7 . 00 Thelma Hendrixoon Opal Shull 2401 Judge of pri .:ary election b . 00 2402 Judge of primary election 8 . UO Doris Kasch 2405Judge of electicn 700 D. �'I.Campbell 2406 Inspector of election 7.00 Arloine Carroll 240/ Judge of election 7: J0 • Ann IgIc Neil 240b Judge of election TOO Elizabeth B. Carroll 2409 Judge of election 7.O0 J. G. _Johnson 2410 Supplies for repairs on elect . 2.47 Abi H. Aubey 2411 Inspection on primary election b . O0 Jennie Villis 2412 Judge of election 7.00 Ida S. Bower 2413 Rent of hall for two elections. o.O0 Archie Allan 2414 Rent of hall for election 3. 00 Fred Crowell 2415 Inspector of election 7.00 • Dorothy Spear 2416 Judge of election l. OD Pr -I 390 Hattie Osborne 2417 Judge of election 7.00 Violet. Cummings 241b Clerk of election 7.00 May Er. Eaton 2419 Judge of election 6.75 Kerneyas Variety Store 2420 Supplies for police dept . 2. 18 C . W. Brothers 2421 Inspector of election 6.75 Emma Amsberry 2422 Judge of election 6.15 Hazel Hering 2423 Judge of election 6: 75 i - Carrie A. March 2424 Clerk of election 8.00 Sophie Walsh 2425' Judge of election 8.00 E. S. Rose 2426 Inspector of election 8. 00 Etta Stafford 2427 Clerk of election 8v00 Letha Davis 2428 Judge of election 8.00 Clara Propst 2429 Inspector of election 7. 00 Dudley B. Kimsey 2430 Inspector of election 6. /5 Jessie Eorss 2431 Clerk of election 6. .75 Warren G. Heydenberk 2432 Rent of polling place 3. 00 Claire Colgan 2333 Judge of election 7.00 Bess Kackley 2g34 Judge of election 7.00 Juanita Conway 2435 Clerk of election 7.00 Opal Shull 2436 Judge of election 7.75- Thelma Hendrixson 2437 Judge of election 7. 75 E. C . Howe 2438 Inspector of election 7• '75 Flossie Baker 2439 Judge of election 7.75 A. F. Schreiber 2440 Inspector of election 7. 00 Blanche Baker 2441 Judge of election 6.75. Lavinia Bird 2442 Judge of election 7. 00 Fannie Mc Kee _ 2443 Clerk of election 7. 00 Irene Curry 2444 Judge of election 7.00 Nellie Hartmann 2445 Judge of election 7.00 Allie C . Bookman 2446 Inspector of election 7.00 F. G. Abbey 2447 Salary as police judge 25.00 Al Sellenthin 2448 Salary as chief of police 160.00 J. T. March 2449 Salary as patrolman 135.00 H. N. Wood 2450 Salary as patrolman for Nov. 1350.00 H. & D. Superservice 2451 Supplies for police 4.70 G. D. Shannon 2452 Balance due on 1930 bond of chief of police 4. 50 West Coast Tel. Co. 2453 Tolls for police 1 .35 Fuller's Cafe 2454 Meals for prisoners 2.00 Clausius Motor Co . 2455 Supplies for police 2.35 Benson Motors 2456 Repairs on street & police cars . 14.85 F. & D. Superservice 2457 Tire and repairs for streets & Po1. 55.55 Van Buren & Heller 2458 Supplies for sts . , elections & fire 4.98 Lynn Balcomb 2459 Salary as truck driver 135.00I/ ' Ed Strom 2460 Salary as truck driver 115.00 0. A. Lenning 2461 Salary as street supt . 150.00 Tom Dodson 2462 Labor on streets 100. 00 Oren Plater 2463 Labor on streets 24. 00 G. H. Noggles 2464 Labor on streets 3.75 G. H. Noggles 2465 Labor on streets 21.25 0. A. Lenning 2466 Cash advanced for freight on signs and paint 6.98 Marine Supply 2467 Supplies for streets & elect . 4. 60 . State Treasurer 2468 Ind. Ins . & Med . Aid 23 :71 Daily Mercury 2409 Publishing 29.39 Union-IOU Co . 2470 ;motor oil for fire ana police 7.17 Milo Strock 2471 Salary as fireman for .t'art of mo, 73.07 Jose Hagan 2472 Extra fireman .15 Fred Fisher 2473 Extra fireman . 75 H. & 1). Superservice 2474 Supplies for fire dept. 3095. Lynn Balcomb 2475 Extra fireman ..75 Anacortes Steam Laundry 2476 Laundry for fire dept . 4.44 L. E. Snider 2477 Salary as fireman 130.00 Thos. Conway 2478 Salary as fire chief, janitor and wiring inspector 175.00 Is. Colgan 2479 Salary as asst. fire chief 135.00 Margaret Bunney, Assn. 2480 Salary as fireman-E. Bunney 56.33 Water Dept. 2481 Hydrant rentals 2 mos . 730.00 R. Abbey 2482 Clerical 15 .-95 • J. L. Rumsey- 2483 Wood for city hall 2. 50 Darley & Co . 2484 Supplies for police 19. 77 Puget Sound P.U. Co . 2485 Lights at city hall, sts & power 314.63 Fomo Fruit Store 2486 Supplies for city hall 3.25 Julius Nelson 2487 Repairing plumbing city hall. 2.05 S. P. Walsh 2488 Hauling garbage city hall 1. 50 Brinck Electric Service 2489 Installing electric wiring city ha119. 15 Marion Watkinson 2490 Salary as city treas . & cash adv. 72 . 13 M. A. Hartmann 2491 Salary as city clerk 65. 00 Ben Driftmier 2492 Salary as city attorney 05.00 H. E. Frost 2493 Salary as health officer 25. 00 West Coast Tel Co . 2494 Tolls 1 .25 Texas Co . 2495 Gasoline for city pump 167.85 3594.70 LIBi�ARY FUND J. L. Rumsey 264 Wood for library 5000 H. W. Dowd 265 Janitor 25.00 Kate Hanseroth 266 Asst . Librarian 60.00 E. Luella Howard 267 Salary as librarian 91. 30 Shannon Hardware 268 Supplies 1.60 Water Department 269 Water for Dece .iber 4.00 A. C . McClurg 270 Books 20.34 G. D. Shannon 271 Premium on insurance 11.00 (‘D . � '1 ,, l Libraiy Fund Cont . Puget Sound P. & L. Co . 2.72 Light .1. 35 L. S. Schultz. 273 Work on grounds 9:50 Puget Sound News Co_. 274 Books 3..80 Curtis Wharf Co .. 275 Coal. 76. 50 W. E. Burke 276 Work on grounds. . 0 324 . 9 Park Fund. Tames E. Haraing 621 Labor in park 110: 00 Fix It Shop 622 Sharpening Tools . 1a50 111.50 Road & Bridge Fund Knapp & Ronneberger 138 Repairs on street trucks 430 Schwartz Iron Works 139 Supplies for street dept . 78:85 Poison Implement Co . 140 Scarifier teeth for iiussel grader 16. 68 Howard Cooper Corporation 141 Bucket teeth for drag line 64 . 70 Shannon Hardware Co . 142 Supplies for streets 15. 10 :Wm. Weeks 143 Labor on streets 37. 50 Anacortes Lbr. & Box. 144 Lumber for streets 34: 00 251. 13 1930 'cater Fund Puget Sound Mach. Depot 24 Estimate No . 3 18 ,855.19 R. H. Gebo 25 Inspection 21.50 W. B. Short 26 Inspection 75:.00 C . H. Smith 27 Car mileage on inspection 123.90 J. M. Hatfield 28 Inspection 169. 50 H. R. Gebo 29 Drafting 200. 00 C . it. Smith 30 Inspection 250. 00 Hector Nelles 31 Easement-Skagit R. project 490. 00 W. H. Deutsch et al 32 Easement " " it 40.00 W. J. Thomas 33 Easement " " " 250. 00 Puget 3d . & Baker R. Hy. Co . 34 Easement " " " 1. 00 Louise Chatfield 35 Easement " " " 150 . 00 Lucy Crout 36 Easement " 0 " 25.00 Robert Deutsch eta al 37 Easement It " " 50. 00 Preston , Thorgumson , Turner 38 Legal Services i1003.40 21704.49 I General Water Fund Chas . P. Stapp 2522 Postage - 20. 00 State Treasurer 2523 Ind. Ins . & Med. Aid 9 . 15 Fix It. Shop 2524 Sharpening Tools 1 . 50 Sundstrand Adding Mch. 2525 Cash register 150. 00 Marine Supply 2527 Supplies 55.95 Bus Rogers 2528 Cleaning reservoir 5. 00 R. '0. Phillips 2529 Lineage on car 22 . 12 itex ito;;ers 2530 CleariinL; reservoir 5. 00 Geo . Dodson 2531 Cleaning reservoir 9 . 00 0. .i. Plater 2532 Cleaning reservoirs 9. 00 Ernest Knapp 2533 Salary as filter operator part of mo . 79 . 20 R. B. Phillips 2534 Salary as superintendent 250. 00 Curtis 'wharf Co . 2535 Coal for filter plant 40.67 L. Strong 2536 Clerical. 19. 68 :Frank Hagan 2537 Salary as filter operator ,.art mo . 62.90 Benson Liotors 2538 Repairs on trucks 2.00 L. Willoughby 2539 Salary as foreman & plumbing insp. 162 .00 Dave Riggs 2540 Labor 125.95 Jim Jensen 2541 Labor 125.95 Jim Jensen , Assn. 2542 Cleaning res .-A. Latshaw 9 . 00 L. }Willoughby 2543 Serviceman 25. 00 Puget Sound P. L. Co . 2544 Power 572 . 75 F. & D. Service Station 2545 Tire repairs 2. 00 Fern Press . 254E) Printing 19 . 62 Shannon & Co . 2547 Supplies 13 .12 Current Expense Fund 2548 Gasoline from city pump 18. 03 Union Oil Co . 2549 Oil for filter plant 1.95 Central furniture Store 2550 Grate for stove 1 .35 Schwartz Iron Works 2551 Repairs and Labor 95 Anacortes Lbr. & Box. 2552 Lumber 146. 55 City Treasurer 2553 Payroll & cash adv . 171.25 2011. 64 deport of Committee on Finance to whom were referred the claims agains tle Current Expense Fund and other city funds for the month of December, 1930 , recommending that the claims be allowedand warrants drawn in favor of 'carve , was read and adopted. Ho11 call; Ayes , McCracken, Kaune, Neely, Olson , Gilkey. II Nay,s none. A motion to adjourn sine die was passed. • Mayor Haley thanked the city council for their cooperation during the last two years , also those at the head of the fire department , police department , street department and Dater dep2trtmen t , and stated that he had enjoyed his term as . , Mayor of the City of Anacortes very Much. Mayor Haley then presented Mr. E. Van Buren, the new head of the administration. Approved in open session this 20th day of January, 1931 M. A.- Hartmann, City C erk ) ;)'(- Attest : �}�-� • - .J` Z B y a. , -u .l-G,17--1/ z-se.a.- --._,. Mayor . DeputyAl > • r92 6 e3 962 January 6, 1931 • The city council of the City of Anacortes met for the purpose of organization , with Mayor Van Buren presiding and Councilmen Kaune, McCracken , -Neely, Brunson , • Gilkey and Olson answering roll call. Absent Burke . • Councilman McCracken arose and stated t hat at the request of W. R. Burke as Councilman at Large , he was presenting the resignation of Mr. Burke from thatpositi on to take effect immediately. A motion was made by Councilman McCracken , seconded by Gilkey that Mr. Burke° s resignation as councilman at large be accepted. Motion carried . Councilman Olson made a motion that Fred Fulton be nominated as Councilman at large. Seconded by Gilkey. There were no other nominations. On motion of Councilman Olson , seconded by Neely, Mr. Fulton was elected as Councilman at large . Motion carried. • Major Van Buren then delivered the following speech: It is the custom when a new administration takes office , that the Mayor present to the council for their consideration a program of the cityvs needs , with recommendations for the carrying out of same. On account of the extreme unfavorable labor conditions throughout the entire county, many public officials and private citizens have urged the expenditure of public money to relieve theunemployment situation. Where there is available public money which has already been collected by taxes or otherwise , the speeding -up of expenditures in public work, I think is proper and so recommend. • With the sum of four hundred and forty thousand dollars derived from the sale of water revenue bonds available, and the proposed ninety thousand dollar bond issue for building a new • Junior High School, which the citizens of Anacortes will vote Ja uary 17th, and if authorized by the voteres , will make available fuve hundred and thirty thousand dollars. An amount almmst equal to one fourth the assessed valuation of Anacortes . With this • amount of public money available for expenditure in the year 1931. I do not think it wise at this time to recommend additConal • expendutires of this nature . Almost the entire population ofAnacortes being largely dependent upon the successful operation of our industries, all requests or petitions to the council from ;aid industries that are fair and II just , should receive careful consideration and prompt action . Any cooperation or assistance that can be given in onjunction with the Chamber of Commerce and Service Clubs , in securing for Anacortes additional industries , will meet the approval not only of those de- pending upon their daily 'vage for a livelihood, but the entire citizenry of Anacortes. Petitions for the improving or opening of new streets (until such time as the economic conditions are greatly improved) should carry the signatures of a large pre cent of the owners of the property affected by the improvement before favorable consideration is given . There are many desired improvements for Anacortes , amoung the most important being the improvement of Comercial Avenue from llth • Street south to the high line road, and an improved modern lighting system for the business district of Commercial Avenue. • On acount of the importance, also the amount of money required for the carrying out of said improvement, I desire to thoroughly investigate the probable costs , also the sentiment of property holders affected, before submitting any resommendations for you consideration. I may from time to time as new problems arise or economic conditions warrant , make additional resonvaendations for your consideration . • I fully realize that all the members of this council are businessmen , and that they give unstintingly of their time without compensation. • Therefore I will aks that when possible to do so , all members meet promptly at the regular opening hour for council meetings, so.. that tree city business may be transacted Frith dispatch and without working undue hardship upon any member. The Mayor then announced that he would make the following committee appointmentsL Finance McCracken , Kaune , Fulton Judiciary Brunson, Olson, Gilkey • Streets & Parks Olson , Gilkey, Fulton Fire, Water & Light Neely, Kzune , Olson License and Police Kaune , Brunson , Neely Printing, Health & Cem Gilkey , McCracken , Brunson Bldg. & Sewers , Fulton , Neely, McCracken A motion was made by Councilman Gilkey that Councilman E. C. Kaune be elected Mayor Pro Tem. Motion seconded by Olson. Ayes, McCracken , Neely, Brunson, Gilkey and Olson. Nays , Kaune. carried. . . e)t,.. 93 January 6 , 1931 , continued Chief of Police The Mayor appointed Al Sellinthin as Chief of Police. (Oouncilman McCracken moved that the appointment be confirmed. Motion seconded by Kaune and carried . Fire Chief The Mayor appointed Thomas Conway as Chief of the Fire Department . Counc ilman Kaune moved that the appointment be confirmed. Seconded by McCracken and carried. . Gtrelet Superintendent The Mayor appointed O. A. Lenning as Superintendent of Streets . Motion was • made by Councilman Gilkey, seconded by Kaune that the appointment be confirmed. Motion carried. Health Officer The Mayor appointed Dr. H. F. Frost as health officer. Motion was made by Councilman McCracken , seconded by Gilkey that the appointment be confirmed. liiotion carried. Harbor Master The Mayor appointed Harry Eickaby as Harbor Master. Councilman Gilkey moved that the appointment be confirmed. Seconded by Kaune and carried. Police Judge The Mayor appointed F. G. Abbey as police judge. Councilman Kaune moved that the appointment be confirmed. Seconded by Gilkey and carried. Park Board On the Park Board the Mayor appointed Mrs. Douglass Allmond , Mrs . C . Q. .Adams and John Douglass . Councilman McCracken moved that the appointment be confirmed. Motion seco nded. by Neely and carried. Wiring Inspector As Wiring Inspector the Mayor appointed Thos . Conway. Councilman Kaune moved • that the appointment be confirmed. Seconded by Gilkey and carried. Plumbing Inspector As Plumbing Inspector the Mayor appointed Lewis Willoughby. Councilman Gilkey moved that the appointment be confirmed. Seconded by Brunson and carried. Library Board On the Library Board the Mayor appointed Mrs. Fred Fulton. Councilman McCracken moved that the appointment be confirmed. Seconded by Gilkey and carried . 'later Superintendent The Mayor appointed as Water Superintendent 71. -R Burke . Councilman McCracken moved that the appointment be confirmed. Seconded by Gilkey and carried. Miss M. A. Hartmann :vas appointed Deputy City Treasurer by Marion Jatkinson , Deputy City Clerk & City Treasurer. Councilman McCracken moved that the appointment be confirmed. Deputy City Treasurer Seconded by Gilkey and carried. Marion Watkinson ,.as appointed Deputy City..Clerk by M. A. Hartmann , City Clerk . Councilman Kaune mot ed that the appointment be confirmed . seconded by Gilkey and carried. Banks designated 4motion vas passed designating the Bank of Commerce andCitizens Bank of Anacortes as depositories as depositories for ci ty funds . l,. motion w as made by Counci lman McCrack en that the National Bank of Commerce of Seattle be designated as special depository for revenue water bond funds . Motion seconded by Kaune and carried. Thorgrimson warrant A motion was madeby Councilman McCracken that the ( neral Water Fund. Gb.rrant cancelled • for 01,003 .40 issued inDavor of Preston , Thorgrimson and Tuerner, Attorneys, be cancelled and the Mayor instructed to sign a new warrant for the amount . This warrant was issued for legal services by the above firm in the Skagit River project. Motion seconded by Gilkey. Roll call: Ayes , Kaune , McCracken , Neely, Brunson , Gilkey , Ilson and Fulton. Nays, none . . Bids for furnishing The matter of bids for furnishing the city with gasoline and libricants for gasoline to city for the coming year was again taken up by the city council , and on motion of 1931 Councilman Gilkey, seconded by McCracken ,was referred to a special committee of • three for consideration and report at the next meeting of the city council. Motion carried. The Mayor appointed Councilmen Brunson , Olson and Gilkey on the special committee. Official bonds Bonds of F. G. Abbey, Marion vatkinson and M. A. Hartmann were presented and referred to the Committee on Judiciary :and City Attorney. Letter from Morse A letter from W. C . Morse Company, Consulting Engineers to the Puget Sound Co . to P. S.Machinery Machinery Depot , contractors on the Skagit River project , relative to dip ..nd Depot re dip & wrap wrap for pipe line was read. A motion vas made by Councilman McCracken that the city council confirm the plans Council confirms for dipping pipe as outlined in the letter from Morse Company to Puget Sound plan for dipping. Machinery Depot of January 5, 1931 , and that the Puget Sound Machinery Depot Machinery Depot to assumethe responsibility of any legal complications that might arise and any assume responsibility infringement of patent rights. . Motion seconded by Gilkey and carried. Adjourn There being no further business the city council did then adjourn. Approved in open session this 20th thy of January, 1931. Mayor Attest: M. A. Hartmann, City Clerk, Deputy r 394 January 20,, 1931 bt' 4ii call. The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session with Mayor Van Buren presiding and Councilmen Kaune, Neely, Brunson, Gilkey, Olson and Fulton answering roll call. Absent McCracken . • Minutes approved The minutes of the previDus meeting were read and upon motion adopted. City Atty on bonds Report of City Attorney to whom were referred bonds of City Treasurer, of city officials Deputy City Clerk, Police Judge and City Clerk, stating that same were correct in form was read andadopted. • City Atty on furnish- The City Attorney submitted the following report relative to furnishing water ing water to LaConner to the Town of LaConnert "I am submitting herewith proposed contract with the Town of LaGonner regarding water, together with waiver on behalf of pulp mill. The Town of LaConner advises me that they are getting anxious to proceed at once and if council finds this satisfactory I suggest that it be authorized at once or if not , that necessary corrections be made so that we would not be the cause of any delay on their part. " A motion was made by Councilman Kaune that the contract as submitted by • the City Attorney be approved and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign and submit same to the Town of LaConner. Motion seconded by Neely. Roll call: Ayes, Kaune, Neely, Bru son, Gilkey, Olson and Fulton. Nays , none. Easement of P. S. & The City Attorney recommended that the easement of the Puget Sound and Baker R±izer . Baker Ry accepted Railway for r/w purposes for the Skagit River water pipe line be accepted. A motion was made by Councilman Gilkey, seconded by Olson that the easement of the Puget Sound & Baker Railway be accepted. Motion carried. Annual water report 4nnuai report of the operations of the water department was submitted by the City Treasurer and on motion referred to the Committeeon Finance . Shooting rats on Street Superintendent Lenning stated that as people were now dumping garbage on garbage dump the west end of the dump the feir remaining rats would not eat the poison set out for them,and suggested that the man in charge of the dump be allowed to shoot the rats with a rifle as they appeared. The matter was referred to the Committee on Streets and' Parks and Street Superintendent with power to act. Swinomish Gun Club Communication from Dr. Park bleed Willis stating that the Swinomish Gun Club ask for water would like to have a 2" connection with the Anacortes city water main which connection passed their club house, also another connection just west of Telegraph Slough wasiead. On motion of Councilman Kaune the matter was referred to the Committee on Fire, dater and Light ,& Water Superintendent.and- Gitym yney Id“3,3.-e0ner-to-Set . • .cater Superintendent Phillips stated that the Contractor on the Skagit River water Wood pile on R Avenue project was ready to start work on the sixteen-inch industrial main and that and 17th St . in way the pile of wood at 17th and K Avenune belonging to the pulp mill was directly of industrial main in the way. The matter was referred to the Committee on Fire , Water andLight Committee , 'dater Superintendent and City Attorney with power to act . Finance on report of Report of Committee on Finance recommending that the report of the police judge police judge for the year 1930, be accepted and placed on file, was read and adopted . • Finance on report Report of Committee on Finance recommending that the report of the City Treasurer of City Treasurer for the month of December, be accepted and placed on file , was read and adopted. Judiciary on. bonds of The Judiciary Committee recommended that the bonds of City Treasurer, City Clerk , city -officials DDeputy City Clerk and Police Judge be accepted and placed on file. The report • was adopted. 250-c .p. light at The Committee on Fire , '.later & Light, to whom was referred the matter of . 10th & 0 for Pentet 250 c .p. street light at the corner of 10th and 0 Avenue for the special oenefit costal Church of the Pentecostal Church, recommended that the light be furnished. A motion was made by Councilman Neely that the report be adopted. Councilman Kaune amended the motion by adding " that the light on the opposite corner of the street be discontinued" . The mationwas seconded by Councilman Olson. Ayes , Kaune ,. Neely, Brunson, Olson and Fulton. Nays, Gilkey. . Motion carried. Re easement across Letter from the U. S . Department of the Interior , Office of Indian Affairs, Indian Jteservation relative to easement across Indian Reservation for r/w purposes for the Skagit River water project , was read and placed on file. was read Port of Anacortes Communication/from the Port of Anacortes asking the city to put Thirteenth ask for street Street from Commercial Avenue to Q Avenue in useable condition for traffic , also improvement and install a street light at the corner of Thirteenth and Q, Avenue , or on the street lights at nearest pole thereto , and move the light at the intersection of Thirteenth • 13th & Commercial Street and Commercial Avenue to the northeast corner of said intersection, ' and 13th & (, Ave Councilman Gilkey moved that the request to _put Thirteeenth Street in useable condition be referred to the Committee on Streets and Parks and the matter of street lights be referred to the Committee on Fire , Water and Light and bring in a report at the next meeting of the city council. Motion seconded by Kaune and • carried. • Petition foo street Petition from the First Baptist Church of Anac::rtes for a street light at the light at 19th & corner of 19th and Commercial Avenue , was referred to the Committee on Fire , Commercial Water and Light. Oscar Clinton wants Application from Oscar Clinton for a one-inch water service connection at the Clinton Auto Camp for fire protection and household use , was referred to the water connection Committee on Fire , Water and Light and Water Superintendent . 1 - 3 95 January 20 , 1931 , continued • from E. H. Quinn and Lola Quinn Application for Application/for permit to prospect for a period of six months from date permit to prospect for any minerals , exceptiig coal , oil and natural gas upon all the land owned for minerals on city or controlled by the City of Anacortes within the following described land, land by E. H & Lola to- wit : Quinn Southeast Quarter (SE-1) of Section Twenty-three (2 ) , • and Northeast Quarter (NE4} of Section Twenty-six ( 26) Township thirtyfive (35) North Range 1 East , W.M. Skagit County Washington. The undersigned ask far the right to lease any tract or tracts of forty (40) acres upon which sufficient mineral ahoaving hasbeen made within said six months to warrant development of the same, the said lease to be in the form and charactea' prescribed by law or by rules snd regulations of the City of Anacortes; the undersigned agreeing to pay to the City as consideration for said lease the sum of One (,ilooQ) Eollar per year per acre, and in addition to pay to the said city four per cent (4%) of all moneys received from the sale of minerals form the lands covered by said lease; said lease when issued to • '` run for a period of twenty years. On motion of Councilman Kaune , seconded by Gilkey, the application was referred to the Committee on Fire , Water and Light and Cty Attorney and Water Superintendent Application for Application from E. H. Quinn and Lola Quinn for lease of mineral lands on mineral lease by the Southwest Quarter (SW ) of the Southeast Quarter (SE4) of Section Twenty- E. H. & Lola Quinn three (23) Township Thirty-Ifive North, Range 1 East , \Im. containing forty acres , was read and referred to the Committee on .Fire , Water and Light , City Attorney and Water Superintendent . Protest .from Remonstrance from E. H. Blakesley in regard to. the increase of water rates Blakesley re water was read and on motion of Councilman Kaune , seconded by Gilkey, was placed rates on file. Bids on tires for the city fire truck were presented to the city council Bids on fire truck and on motion of Councilman Kaune , seconded by Gilkey, were referred to the tires . Committee on Fire , Water and Light without being read. Motionccarried . Adjourn There being no further business the city council did then adjourn. Approved in op en session this 3rd day of February, 1931. I/ • ` , Comm. from Pulp ' -o Communication from Puget Sound Pulp & Timber Co . re furnishing water to LaConner M11 re water for was read and ordered attached to city° s present contract With pulp mill for water. LaGonner. 1 6 .00?------&-1---z-2- Mayor i • Attest : K. A. Hartmann , City Clerk/ • By i`°9�c,r..�....n.-,i /- Z--i7 ./1..� ,,_- Deputy The letter from the Puget Sound Pulp & Timber Company as stated above is as follows "Since your city, as we are advised, contemplates negotiating with the Town of LaCorner for a sale of water at the flat rate of $0. 026 per 100 cu. ft. , we hereby assure you that we have no objections to the execution of such a contract with LaConner and will not , or do not , consider it a violation of contract with our company dated August 8, 1930 , with this understanding, however, namely, that during any shutdown period as defined in our contract with you dated August 8 , 1930 , you will credit upon the minimum paymehts as required therein all profit made by the City of Anacortes during such period upon the LaConner contract, and provided further, that this waiver or concession shall in no wise be construed as in any wise altering the terms of aforesaid contract or permitting or waiving any further contemplated con- tract providing for water rates lower than enjoyed by our said contract . It is further understood that nothing in this letter contained shall be construed as in anyvay modifying the contract between this com- pany and the City of Anacortes , dated August 8, 1930. " Dated at Everett , Wash. , (Signed) Puget Sound Pulp & Timber Co . January 17, 1931 By Ossian Anderson, Pres 396_ February 3 , 1931 • Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in. regular sesSon .: ith Mayor Van Buren presiding and Councilmen Kaune, Neely, Brunson, G41129y, Olson aid Fulton responding to roll call. Absent McCracken and Gilkey. Minutes approved The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted• as read. Report of City Attorney Ben Driftmier on application of E H & Lola Quinn City Attorney on for mineral lease on city property, stating that same might be legally mineral lease of granted as to portion not formerly promised and suggesting that form of F H & Lola Quinn permit be the same as previous ones , was read and adopted. The City Attorney submitted an easement for r/w purposes on the Skagit Easement for r/w River project from C . J. Bostwick , calling for a payment of )25.00, and purposes from C . J. recommended that the easement be accepted. On motion of Councilman Kaune , Bostwick seeonded by Olson , the easement was acdept'd and payment of 25.00 allowed Roll call: Ayes, Kaune, .Feely, Brunson, Olson and Fulton. Nays, none . Report of City Treasurer for month of January, 1931 , was presented and Report of City Treas. referred to the committee on Finance. referred Report of Police Judge for month of January, 1931, was presented and Report of Police Judge referred to the committee on Finance. referred Mr. Phillips, acting water superintendent , . reported that. the water situation Water situation was satisfactory, the lakes were coming up, and that Whistle Lake was above satisfactory low water mark of last year. Also that no mare pumping was needed. Mr. Phillips told the city council that while he was water superintendent he Mr. Phillips re also worked part time as city engineer, and that the Burrows :day survey was Burrows Bay survey about half completed. If the council wished he would finish the work. The council left the consideration of the matter until new business . • Report of Committee on Finance on annual report of City treasurer on Finance on annual operations of the water department , recommending that the report be accepted resort of City Treas . and placed on file, was read and adopted. Report of Committee on Fire, Water & Light on street light at corner of Fire , Water & Light 19th and Commercial Avenue for Baptist Church, recommending that the light be on street light at installed, was read and adopted. corner of 19th & Com Report of Committee on Fire , Water and Light on petition .rom Port of Anacortes Fire , Crater& Light to install street light at corner of 13th & Q Avenue , and move light at on street, lights at intersection of 13th and Commercial Avenue to northeast corner of the inter- 13th and Commercial section, recom,:ending that the request be granted and light installed and and Q Avenues other moved, was read and adopted. Report of Committee on Fire , Water & Light on application of E. H. & Lola Fire , Water & Light Quinn for mineral lease on city property, recommending that the lease be granted, •on mineral lease for ; was read and adopted. catainn Report of Committee on Fire, Water & Light to whom was referred the bids for Fire , Water & Light tires for fire truck, recommending that tires for the pumper truck be purchased on bids for tires on from the H. L. Trulson Company for Goodyear tires, was read and adopted. fire truck The Special Committee appointed by the Mayor made the following report on the Special Committee on bids presented by the oil companies for furnishing the city lath gasoline for the bids for furnishing year 1931: gasoline to city for year 1931 "We recommend the sale of gasoline and oil to be as follows: 1 Union Oil Company, January, February, March and April Standard Oil Company, May, June , July and August • Shell Oil Company September, October, November A December The Associated Oil Company bid not considered on account of being out of town. The Texas Company, with all due respect to Mr. Fred Fulton , our concilman at large , e feel we should not consider this bid" . (Note : The fact that Er. Fulton was a member of the city council • <, and agent for the Texas Company would prevent the bid of the Texas Company from being considered) On motion the report was adopted. Quit claim deed fro Communication from Floyed u Osborne offering to pay the city ',)25. 00 for Floyd Osborne to a relinquishment of old L. I .D. assessment against Lots b, 9 and 10 , Block 5, • Lots 8, 9 and 10, iiHenslers First Addition to City of Anacortes , and to pay the current sewer • Block 5, Henslers assessment against the lots in full, was considered by the city council. First Addition A motion was made by Councilman itaune , seconded by Brunson, that the Iayor • and City Clerk be authorized to issue a quit claim deed to Mr. Osborne ,auci . • that the old local improvement assessment be cancelled, with the understanding tthat the current sewer assessment District No . 139 be paid in full. Motion carried. • Councilmen scored An anonymous letter condemning the city ,council for increasingthe water rates and calling them wild beasts and hig:c<<c�ayama, was read. Council- for increasing water man Olson made a motion that the letter be placed on file,and later when the rates city had plenty of money to have the letter framed. Motion ssconded by Kaune and carried. L 11• 3' 97 • February 3, 1931, continued • Bonds of City Atty Bonds of City Attorney and Water Superintendent were referred to the Judiciary and dater Supt . Committee., the latter also to the City Attorney. referred City Atty on bond The city attorney reported that the bond of the water superintendent was correct in form. • Judiciary on bond The Judiciary Committee recommended that the bond of the grater superintendent of ';rater Supt. be accepted. Motion made by Councilman Olson , seconded by Kaune and carried. Finishing Burrows The matter of the Burrows Bay survey was aL;ain coesidered by the city council. Bay survey Mr. Phillips said it would require ten or twelve days to finisn the survey . A motion was made by Councilman Kaune that Mr . Phillips be authorized to finish the survey and that his compensation be referred to the Mayor and Committee on Streets and Parkp ,also such work as might be needed from time to time. Motion seconded by Neely_ and carried. 13th Street from The matter of putting 13th Street from Commercial to ki,. Avenue in condition Commercial to Q Ave .. for traffic was discussed by the city council, but owing to the rather discussed re improved large mount of dirt required for a fill, no action was taken. ment for the year 1931 Bids for city printing/from the Anacortes American and Daily Mercury, as Bids for city printing follows , were presented to the city council: • Anacortes American • 58 cents per column inch for first insertion 28 11 19 1P ,9 t, subsequent insertions • Daily Mercury • 65 cents per. column inch for first insertion • 35 l0 17 " fl " subsequent insertions • Councilman Kaune moved that the bids be referred to the Committee on Printing , • '-Health and Cemetery for consideration. Motion carried. • Extension to water W. R. Burke , `dater Superintendent , adv-i. ed the city council that the Town contract with Town of LaConner wanted a rider attached to their contract with the city for an extension, of LaConner for a period of ten years , and if the city could not agree upon rates that the matter be fixed by arbitration. dhile LaConner was satisfied with the it present contract they hoped for expansion in the future. The matter was referre.d to Uae dater Superintendent and City Attorneyfor attention . Claims filed against the Current Expense Fund and other city funds for the Claims month of January, as follows, were read and referred to the Committee on Finance G. H. Noggles 2496 Labor on streets ,N 35. 00 Snydera Pharmacy 2497 Supplies for fire dent . 2 . 00 • Schreiber & Werner • 2498 Premimum on official bonds . 92 . 50 Brinck Electric Service 2499 Repairs on siren for fire dept . 3.90 Clausius Motor Co . 2500 Bulbs and batteries-fire dept . 1. 02 . Joe Hagan 2501 Special fireman . 75 • • .arine Supply • 2502 Supplies for fire , sts . & police ' 19 . 35 Western Tractor & Equip. 2503 xepair parts for street equipment . 16:95 . Mile :eta ocx a5Q4 Fire for liecember 4 . 00 Lynn :Lalcul, b 25Q5 Extra. fireman • 2 . 2) Fred Eisner 25Qo Extra fireman 3 .15 I Ii.Lo 3trock 2507 Salary as fireman for January 130. 00 Ti1os .. Conway 2)0b Salary as fire chief, janitor and wiring inspector 115. 00 Jas . Colgan 2509 Salary as fireman for January 135. 00 • L. E. Snider 251.Q Salary as fireman 1.30. 00 Steam :3up;ily & Rubber Co . 2511 Bristol chart for fire dept . 4 .42 Standard Gil Co . 2512. Lubricating oil for street dept . 28.64 Ed Strom 2513 Extra fireman 3. 00 Anacortes Steam Ldy. 2514 Laundry for fire dest . 2.98 • Texas Oompariy 2515 Gasoline for city putip 155.54 Anacortes L. & B. Co . 2516 Lumber for streets 6.40 H & D Supera.ervice 2517 Supplies for fire & .olice 4 :85 Fern Press 2518 Printing 18 :25 Knaup & itonneberger 2519 Repairs on street equipment 16. 00 Soit 'artz Iron Works 2520 Repairs & supl).lies for sts . 0. 54 Howard Cooper Cora. 2521 Bowl liner for at . crasher 82 .10 C . Lenning 2522 Salary as street supt . 15040 Qrn :later 2523 Labor on streets 8000 'J .. `,leeks 2.524 Labor on streets 37. 50 G. H. Noggles 2525 Labor on dump 25 . 75 G. H. Igo€Eles 2526. Labor of: dump 1.25 Standard Oil Co . • 252/ Lubricants for street dept . 1. 38 Island Belt Steamship Co . 252b Coal for city hall 100. 72 Curtis. llharf .;o . 2529 Coal. for city hall k cement for sts . 76. 65 . 2. & D. 2530 Supplies for police dept . 9 .45 r': G. Aobey 2531. Salary as police judge 25 00 H. IT. ,;oust 2)32 Salary as patrolman 135. 00 J. 2 . lria.rci. 2533 salary as. patrolman 135 . 00 Al Selliutliin 2)34 Salary as chief of police 1u0 . 00 Berisou 1,_utors 2535 Fold ear for i,olice dept . & supplies 491 . /0 ',rest Coast `.'el. uo . 2530 Tolls for police 1. 10 \ta.ter Department 2537 Hydrant rentals 400. 00 E. T. Staudt 2538 Salary as patrolman 125. 00 County Auditor 2539 i"tecordin deed. M. A. Wood .75 t 44 398 , __ State Treasurer 2540 Ind. Ins .. ileu . Aid 22.. 09 Burroughs Adding Machine 2541 Adding machine contract 5.55 Union Printing Co . 2542 Binder LQ:36 Ben Driftmier 2543 Salary as city attorney 65:00 H. E. Frost 2544 Salary as health officer 25.00 Puget Sound P. & L. Co .. 2545 Lights at city hall , sts . & power at crusher 279 .39 Marion Watkinson 2546 Salary as city treas . x cash adv. 67.60 S. D. Temple 2547 Supplies for clerk 1. 70 . Pomots Fruit Store 2548 Supplies for city hall 2.•00 Lowman & Hanford 2549 Bond register 24.35 E. P. Barker 2550 Bonds for police judge & treas . 85;00 Daily Mercury 2551 Publishing 18..90 Jay F. Carroll 2552 Premium on official bonds 17. 50 Seely & Co.. 2553 Bond of city •attorney 5. 00 Feenaughty Machinery Co . 2554 Used shovel and grader blades 468. 51 L. Willoughby 2555 Posting election notices and delivering supplies 16 . 00 S. P. Walsh 2556 Hauling garbage from city hall 1. 50 4, 15/-299 GENERAL WATER FUND Ed Rogers 2555 Repairing pole climbers 3.00 ',lest Cou,st Tel. Co . 2556 Tolls and rentals 1:25 Daily Mercury 2551 Printing notice of water rates 1.00 Island Transfer 2558 Drayage on motor to Seattle 20. 00 Federal Pipe & Tank Co . 2559 Bands 43..00 Knapp & Honneberger 256.0 Repairs on trucks 3.50 'llaget Sound P.& L. Co . 25o1 Power 590.21 State Treasurer 25b2 Ind. Ins . & Iced. Aid 8.76 Union Printing Co . 2563 Ledger 104.24 J. J. Lockert 2564 Sundstrand Supplies 1.25 Schwartz Iron Works 2565 Labor and material 16.35 • Fern Press 2567 Printing for water dept . 7-75 Marine Supply 2568 Supplies 52.19 Curtis Wharf Co . 2569 Freight on bands 24. 00 Current Expense Fund 2570 Gasoline for city pump 5. 07 Tacoma Electrochemical 2571 Liquid chlorine 13 . 50 Schreiber & Werner 2572 Bond of ',later supt . 5. 00 • Anacortes L. & Bo co . 2573 Lumber for water dept . 17.90 S, D. `fe nle 2574 Supplies 3.35 Brinck Electric Service 2575 Electrical services 5.25 Ernest Knapp 2576 Salary as filter operator part time . 77.44 Frank Hagan 2577 Salary as filter operator " " 60. oo Y L. '.filloughby 2578 Salary ash foreman & Plumbing insp. 178 . 00 Dave Riggs 2579 Labor 19 .80 Jim Jensen 2580 Labor 125.40 L. Strong 2581 Typing and clerical 16:96 V. Pror,st 2582 Clerical 6.56 • Marian Watkinson 2583 ' ays•oli . 45.00 M. A. Hartmann 2584 Water Cashier. 125.00 IL B. ?hillips 2585 hileage on car 22. 1'q i. i . Phillips 2586 Salary us water supt . 250. 00 LIBRARY FUND 1852.85 Evelyn Lundberg 277 3alar;, •.Lo asst . librarian 20. 00- . . . Gaylord Bros . 278 Supplies 3.40 , H. W.. :Dowd 279 Salary as j a,i for 25. 00 . Standard oil Co . 280 Floor dressing 2.38 ' • Puget Sound P. & L. Co . 281 Lights 5.91 Puget SoundNews Co . 282 Books 30.26 • Daily 'mercury 283 Printing for library 6.00 ) E. Luella Howard 284 Salary as librarian & cash adv. 92 :301 . Kate Hanseroth 285 Salary as asst . librarian 60.00 1 PARK FUND 245.25 E. S. Swan 623 Labor in park 5: 15 Curtis \Tnarf Co . 624 Drain tile 3:09 . Clint Knapp 625 Labor in park 20 : 00 J. '. Harding 626 Salary as superintendent 110. 00 1930 WATER FUND 138 .24 Dewey Kane • 39 Inspection-Skagit R. project 108 : 13 V. B. Short 40 Inspection 140. 00 J. U. Hatfield 41 Inspection i89.75 R. R. Gebo 42 Inspection 267.75 C . H. Smith 43 Salary as chief engineer & mileage on car. 386 . 15 L. Strong 44 Typing-Skagit R. project . 4 .b7 • C. J. Bostwick 45 Easeuent 25.00 J. F. Collins 46 Inspection 5: 00 Geo . T. Kerr 47 Inspection ' 60. 00 Puget Sound Mach. Co . 48 Estimate No . 4 30,827.02 Ben Driftmier 49 Cash auvanced for Skagit R. project ans fare to Seattle 70.75 R. Abbey 50 Clerical-Skagit R. project . 11.81 32, 096.23 February 3 , 1931, continued ROAD & BRIDGE FUND Lynn Balcomb 145 Tractor driver 135.00 Ed Strom 146. Salary as tractor driver 115.00 I/ Tom Dodson 147 Labor on streets • 100 .00 350 .00 Finance on claims Report of Committee on Finance to whom were reirerred the claims against the Current Expense Fund and o the r city fund s of the mon th of January, 1931 recommending _thant the claims be allowedand warrants drawn in favor of same was read and adopted. Roll call: Ayes, Kaune, Neely Brunson , Olson and Fulton i'lNays, none. Adjourn There being no further business the city council did then adjourn. Approved in open session this 17th day of. February, 1931 . • ma yo r • Attest: M. A. Hartmann , City Clerk By , Deputy • • • • • r n, February 17, 1931 Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session with Mayor Van Buren presiding and Councilmen Kaune , Brunson , Gilkey and Olson answering roll call. Absent, McCracken , Fulton and Neely. Minutes approved The minutes of the prvious meeting were read and with one correction auopted. Report of Water Report of Water Superintendent , W. H. Burke , on condition of the source of Supt . referred water supply was read and on motion placed on file. Judiciary on bond Report of Judiciary Committee on bond of Ben Driftmier, City Attorney , of City Attorney recommending that the bond be accepted, was read and adopted. Improvement of 13th The improving of 13th street between Commercial and QAvenue by filling and street between Com. grading was considered by the city council. Councilman Olson moved that the • and Q Ave. by St . Street Superintendent grade and fill the street the width of 80 ft. snd gravel Dept the width of 16 ft, according to the drawings submitted by the Port Engineer, Mr. Gilkey. Motion seconded by Gilkey and carried . fire , Water & Light Report of Committee on Fire , Water and Light on application of Werner and on application of Demopoulos for mineral lease , recommending that the lease be granted, was adopted. Werner & Demopolous Communication from F. G. Werner andE. Demopoulos asking the city council to take Comm. from Berner & final action of application for mineral prospecting lease, was read andordered Demopoulos on mineral placed on file. kease Communication from Schreiber & Werner tendering payment of old street and sewer Schreiber & Vbrner assessments against a tract of land at the south east corner of 17th and re payment of old Commercial Avenue with 60 ft. frontage on Commercial, the sum of wp50. 00; fof the LID assessments against assessment against Lot 15, Block 26, Original Plat, the sum of 020. 17, and for certina city property the assessment against Lot 8, Block 167, uriginai Plat the sam of 031 .58. The communication was referred to the City Attorney and City Clerk for report at the next meeting of the city council. Petition from Mrs. Petition from Mrs. Matilda Bushey asking permission to cross the alley with a Bushey for permission 1/2-inch water pipe connecting the artesian well on her property at 1014 26th to cross alley with Street with her home at 2520 Commercial Avenue , was read and referred to the water pipe Committee on Fire , Water & Light and Water Superintendent . Ordinance No . , being an ordinanceof the City of Anacortes, Y7ashington , gran.ti ; Ordinance no . to the Great Northern Railway Company, its successors and assigns , the right , privildge and authority to construct, maintain and operate a railt,'oad track on • 23rd street in the City of Anacortes, _.nd granting to said railway company, its ( . successors and assigns , a right of way for said track, was on motion placed on its first reading by title ; on motion ordinance was placed on its second • reading by title ; an motion ordinance was referred to the City Attorney and • Judiciary Committee. Easement from Easement from Harold Knudson for r/w purposes on Skagit River project was Knudson presented to thecity council and on motion was referred to the City Attorney. Easement from Puget Sound Pulp & Timber Comapny covering right of way for water Easement from P. S. pipe line to the City of Anacortes, was on motion ordered placed on file Pulp & Timber Cope for future reference . Electric power rates Mr. Sherman , representative of the Puget Sound Power & Light Company, and Mr . for new water system Pollock of Morse Company, Engineers , spoke at length in regard to electric power rates for the vater system. A motion was made by Councilman Gilkey, seconded by Brunson, that when the city council adjourned it would be to Tuesday February 24th at 8 p.m. to consiaer this matter. Motion carried . Power Company to Motion was made by Councilman haune , seconded by Gilkey that the Puget Sound . submit bid on con- Power and Light Company submit a bid on thr construction of the remote control struction of remote line from the reservoir to Avon pump house . Motion carried. control line Claim from Harry LaFleur for damages in the sum of $3700.00, alleged to be Damage claim from occasision by obstructing ingress and egress to his place of business at Summit Harry LaFleur re Park by contractors on Skagit River Water project , was presented to the city Skagit River project council and on motion referred to the City Attorney. Change in mineral 42,1 The matter of a new mineral lease for E. H & Lola Quinn making a change in lease of Quinn the description of the property involved, was referred to the City Attorney and Mayor with power to act. Motion by Kaune , seconded by Brunson and carried. Gas company agents -. Thebo , Starr and Anderson , agents for the Natural Gas Corporation of .lashington „ seek release re asked the city council for a release for the work of filling the streets and grading of alleys alleys after thelaying of gas mains. The Committee on Streets and Parks & streets reported that with the Streot Superintendent they had completely., inspected the streets and alleys of the city and found them in good condition , except where permanent walks , curbs or concrete improvements hadbeen cut . A motion was made by Councilman Olson , seconded by Gilkey that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign a release for the agents relative to the grading of the streets and alleys , but not where the permanent pavement , walks and curbs had been cut . Motion carried. • Adjourn The city council did then adjourn until Tuesday,; February 24th at 8 p.m. Approved in open session this 3rd day of March, 1931 Attest :: M. A. Hartmann , City Clerk Mayor ,6eZA--/Z Deputy AI 41 4'01. February 24, 1931 Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in adjourned session with Mayor Van Buren presiding and Councilmen Kaune , Neely, Brunson , Gilkey and Olson • I/ present . Absent , UcCracken and Fulton. • • Electric Power As the ,.c�nuncil meeting bad been adjourned from February 17th to consider the electric power rates for the Skagit River water project , the matter ciao taken up without delay. • A Communication from W. C. Morse Company was read recommending that a contract Comm.. from ttorse - Company re contract with the Power Company be entered into for off-peak power with an agreement for power that the on-peak shut down will be enforced by the Company only when in their judgment it shall be necessary. On motion of Councilman Olson , seconded byKaune the communication was received and placed on file. Motion carried. P. 'S. P & L Co. The Puget Sound Power & Light Company alied for a ten-year contract : with either offers ten-year a flate rate of 750 on the 250 H.P.motor - contract 1, - . • The Puget Sound Power & Light Company asked for a ten -year contract with either a flat rate of 1)750 per month on the 250 HP motor with an off-peak power supply for 19 hours , or a metered charge with a minimum of 1)200 per month, with an agreement that an off-peak shut down would be in force by the company • when in their judgment it should be necessary. Ten-year contract too long As a ten-year contract was . considered too long by the city council , a motion was made by Councilman Kaune that the city tender a five year contract on the flat rate basis , and that the Mayor , '~later Superintendent and City Attorney negotiate with the Power Company and see if it could not be worked out satisfactorily. Seconded by Neely and carried. Bid on remote con- The Puget Sound Power & Light Company submitted the following bid for trol circuit construction of the proposed control circuit to control the pump at Avon from reservoir at Anacortes : Furnish and install two Fire circuit consisting of #6 iron wire, cross arms, brackets, insulators and other necessary appurtenances . Also set poles where necessary to run control circuit from outside wall of city pump house at Avon • ' to control house at reservoir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C2 , 913.00 ' ..i Terms- net cash April 30th , 1931 On motion of Councilman Kaune , seconded by Olson, the proposal was referred to Morse Company and dater Superintendent for report at next meeting. Printing bid of Report of Committee on Printing , Health and Cemetery to whom was referred the Anacortes American bids from the Anacortes American and Daily Mercury for doing the city printing accepted for the year 1931, recommending that the bid of the Anacortes American be accepted as the lowest bid, was read widadopted. Comm. from Communication from Jno . S. Butler , U. S. Engineers , relative to proposed Jno . S. Butler fish trap at Burrows Bay, and asking if the city council had any objections re fish trap loca- to the proposed location, was read . Couincilman Gilkey moved that the matter tion at Burrows Bay be referred to a special committee to be appointed by the Mayor, to investigate and report at the next meeting of the city council. Motion seconded by Kaune and carried. Special Committee The Mayor appointed on the committee Councilmen Gilkey, Kaune and Brunson . appointed #117, Letter from the County Treasurer relative to old local improvement assessment ,Dist. Cancellation of against Lot 19 , Block 41 , uriginal Plat of the City of Anacortes , asking that old LID assessment the assessment be stricken from their delinquent list as this lot was not on county delinquent assessed on the tax rolls, it being at one time in the water or tide land . list property, was read. On motion of Councilman Kaune , seconded by Brunson , the request was granted and the City Treasurer instructed to so notify the County Treasurer. Adjourn There being no further business the city council did then adjourn . Approved in open session this 3rd day of March, 1931 • • Curer Attest : M. A. Hartmann , City Clerk 777,,a..7" z---p . I By -71? Deputy • • ___,A • r 402 March 2, 1931 • Aol1 call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session with Mayor Van Buren presiding and Councilmen Kaune , Neely, Brunson , Gilkey andOlson • answering roll call. Absent , McCracken and Fulton. • Minutes approved The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. City Attorney on Report of City Attorney to whom was referred the tender f= Schreiber & tender from Schreiber Werner for old LID asxe'ssments against tract of land lying SE of Commercial ' & Verner re old LID Avenue , Lot 15, Block 26 , original Plat , and Lot b, Block 167, Original i'lat assessments in the total sum of c)101. '75, recommending that the offer be accepted, was read a_d adopted. City Attorney on Report of City Attorney on claim of Larry LaPleur for damages to busine;;,: damage claim of Harry by reason of Skagit river pipe line closing means of ingress and egress to LaFleur property at Summit Park, recomrsnding that the claim be rejected and that the Puget Sound Machinery Depot be notified of the action , was read and adopted. City Attorney on Deport of Ben Driftmier, City Attorney, on ordinance 809 , being an ordinance Ord . #809 granting to the Great Northern Railway Company the right to construct a railroad track on 23rd street , also r/u for said track, as follows , was read: Same is correct in form, however, I call attention to the following provis i ins Section 1. Franchise cannot be granted for over 50 years • Section 2 . Sub. 1 . Makes city protect track in case of improvement Section 2. Sub. 2. ftiequires special notice to grantee of intention to improve Section 2 Sub. 3 . Should compel track to grade as city may direct. Councilman Kaune moved that the report be adopted and the City Attorney be instructed to take up the matter with the Great Northern Railway. Seconded by Gilkey and carried. City Attorney on The City Attorney made the following report on toe negotiations with the negotiations with Puget Sound tower and Light Company far power for the Skagit River project P. S. P & L Co . . . fora five year contract on a flat rate basis: "Proposed contract will be re' power for Skagit submitted by the comn:;:iy" . Cfn ncilman .Lune moved that the report be adopted • River project and that the contract. be. submitted and the city council proceed .rite the discussion of it. Seconded by Gilkey and carried. I/ Council discusses After a long discussion of the matter, Councilman Olson moved that the power contract city accept the contract presented for metered rate , with proviso that it could be substituted by flat rate contract within thirty days before seryice began. Seconded by.Neely. With the consent of his second Councilman Olson withdrew his motion. Motion to delay Councilman Kaune moved that the council delay action on the power contract action on power cont . for one week. Seconded by Gilkey and carried. Price contract also Councilman Gilkey moved that the price contract for the remote control line held over be also held over one week. Seconded and carried. Report of City Report of City Treasurer for month of February was referred to the Committee Treasurer referred on Finance. Report of Police Report of Police Judge for month of February was referred to the Committee Judge feferred on Finance. Lenning re house Street Commissioner Lenning stated that the house occupying the street near at garbage dump the garbage dump had not yet been moved, but that the occupants expected to do within the week. Motion by Councilman Olson that the City Attorney be instructed to send notice to owners of house to remove, the building, was lost for lack of a second. • Annual report of Fire Annual report of the Fire Chief was presented to the city council and on motion Chief referred was. received and placed on file . Matilda Bushey water The Chairman of the ''ire , \iatercc Light Committee , Chairman of the Streets pipe and Parks Committee and the Water Superintendent to whom was referred the petition from Mrs. Matilda Bus/ley to lay water pipe line across alley to connect with artesian well on her property, made the following report,D "Your committee to whom was referred the petition of hrs . Matilda Bushey for permission to pipe water across the alley in Block 3 , Henslers 1st Addition to the City of Anacortes, beg leave to report as follows : • We 'ecommend that the petition be denied, that the granting of this request would be detrimental to the interests of the `.dater Department , and if granted would no doubt lead up to similar requests in other sections of the city. " A motion was made by Councilman Gilkey, seconded by Kaune that the report be adopted. Motion carried. • Comm.. from Dr. Park A letter was read from Dr. Park Weed Wills of Seattle , addressed to the Water Weed Wills re water Department , relative to water connection at the Swinomish Gun Club with a /4 at Gun Club inch pipe , also a 2-inuti p>lpe just west of Telegraph Slaugh during the hunting season. The letter was referred back to the water supt.. for attention. Report of Water Supt . re water installtion rates was referred to the Com. on Fire , WI 4O3 1 March 2 , 1931, continued Judiciary Committee Report of Judiciary Committee on ordinance granting to the Great Northern on ordinance grant- Railway iompamy the right to construct a railroad track on 23rd street , also ingt to the GN Ry Co r/w for said track, recommending that the ordinance to pass with provisions right to construct as set forth in City Attorneys report , was read and adopted. track on 23rd st . The Special Committee appointed to investigate the proposed fish trap location Special Committee at Burrows Bay as shown by the U. S. Engineers , made the following report: •on fish trap location at Burrows Bay "We recommend that the City -Clerk write to the U. S. Engineers stating that we object to a fish trap being placed in this location" . Signed: Kaune , Gilkey, Brunson . On motion of Councilman Gilkey, seconded by Olson, the report was adopted. Petition from Bank of Petition from Bank of Commerce , F. C . ':',crner, W. V. Wells and two others Commerce , V. V. Wells for the vacation of the west 120 feet of the alley in Block 26 of the Original et al for vacation of Plat of .the City of Anacortes , was read and referred to the Committee on W120 ft. of alley in Buildings and Sewers , Streets and Parks and Street Superintendent . Blk .26 Original The following Resolution oas read4 dhereas , a petition has been filed with the City Clerk of the "esolution read City of Anacortes , praying for the vacation of the west 120 feet of the alley in Block 26, of the Original Plat of the .. City of Anacortes; and, Whereas , more than twol-thirds of the owners of the property abutting upon that portion of said alley therein sought to be tivacated has signed the said petition, Now, Threfore , B.e it Resolved by the city council of the City of Anacortes , in regular session: That the 7th day of April, 1931 , at a regular session of the city council be fixed as the time when the said petition will be heard. " • passage of On motion of Councilman Kaune, seconded by Brunson the resolution was held until the committee could make report . Easement from Harold Easement for r/w through property for Skagit River water project from Harold Knudson accepted Knudson was presented to the city council and on motion of Councilman Kaune , seconded by Gilkey, was accepted and ;the . City Clerk instructed to have it placed on record. Motion carried. Bonds from Chief of Bonds of Chief of Police and Anacortes American were presented to the city I/ Police & Anacortes. American referred council and on motion referred to the City Attorney and Judiciary Committee. Councilman Olson stated that the Street Superintendent wanted to Trade-in for street trade the present Chevrolet truck equipped with single tires for a truck truck with dual tires , as the stogie tires were unable to carry the heavy loads hauled by the truck. A motion was made by Councilman Kaune that the matter be referred to the Committee on Streets and Mayor with power to act. Motion seconded by 15runson and carried . Claims Claims filed against the Current Expense Fund and other city funds for the . month of February, as follows , were read and on motion referred to the Cornmitte • on Finance ; : CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Fames Fruit Store 2556 Supplies for city hall 2 .50 Puget Sound F . & L. Co . 2559 Lights at city hall & sts . 27.6. 90 Curtis Wharf Co . 2560 Coal for city hall '3c gra . el for sts 69.42 • Lincoln Chemical Co . 2561 Liquid soap for city hall . 2 . 65 S. P. Walsh 2562 Hauling garbage from city hall 1 . 50 F. G. Abbey 2563 Salary as police judge 25. 00) H, N. Wood 2564 Salary as patrolman . 130. 00 • Al Sellintilin 2565 Salary as chief of police . 1uO. •.:0 E. T. Staudt . 250o Salary as patrolman • 125. 00 J, T. March 25b7 Salary as patrolman 135. 00 H. & D. Superservice , 2566 Supplies for police 3. 65 • Mrs . H. W. Tew 2569 Meals for prisoners lO. 0G Benson Motors 2570 Repairs on police car 22 .25 • J. S. Garter 2571 Liquid soap for police 3.25 Seattle Rubber Sta ,p Co . 2572 Badges for police and repairs on numbering machines 10.25 Dave Tires & Battery Shop 2573 Tire repairs for police & sts . 1.50 West Coast Tel. Co . 2574 Tolls for police & streets 6.10 Ed Strom 2575 Truck driver 115-..00 Orn Plater 2576 Labor on streets . 92. 00 • Tom Dodson 2517 Labor on streets 100. 00 Wm. Weeks 2578 Labor on streets 41. 25 • E. K. Wood Lumber Co . 2579' Lumber for streets 13. 16 / - Marine Supply 2580 Supplies for streets 10.89 0. A. Lenning 2581 Superintendent of streets 150. 00 Lynn Balcomb 2582 Truck driver 135. 00 Shannon': Hardware 2583 Supplies for streets 11.51 Knapp & Ronneberger 2584 Repairs and supplies for streets . 40.7.Q Anacortes L. & '•' . Co . ' 2585 Lumber for streets . 18 .00 Schwartz Iron Works 2586 Supplies 16.40 • Tire Surgery 2587 Tire & repairs for sts . & police . 55. 60 Thos . Conway 2588 Salary as fire chief , janitor . 175. 00 Jas . Colgan 2589 Salary as asst . chief. 135. 00. r404 . • _____ _____ . . • Glmo Dow 259Q Salary as. fireman 130.00 L. E. Snider 2591. Salary as fireman 130.00 Ed Strom 2592 Salary as extra fireman 3 . 50 Lynn Balcomb 2593 Salary as .extra fireman 1. 50 Fred Fisher 2594 Salary as extra fireman 3. 50 B.. & NC.. Siren Mfg.. Co . " 2595 Friction discs on fire equipment 2 .98 Brinck Electric Service 2596 Supplies for fire de: t . 5. 00 Anacortes Steam ldy. 2597 Laundry for fire dept. 3 .21 Standard Oil Co. 2598 Gasoline for pump 81. 27 Texas Company 2599 Gasoline for pump 18 .87 Schreiber & ,rerner 2b0U Insurance for firemen 104 . 50 H. E. Frost 2601 Salary as health officer 25.00 Water Department 2602 Rent of barn for street equip. b0.06 City Treasurer 2603 '7th installment on paving assessment against city . roperty 1 , 145.65 Fern . Press 2604 Printing 12.00 R. B. Phillips 2605 Surveying on B. B. Road 40. 00 Thor Berlin 2606 Surveyors helper 24.00 Anacortes American 2607 Printing 15.25 S. D. 7emple ' 2608 Supplies for clerk 1.14 Marion Ifatkinson 2609 Salary as city treas . & cash. adv. 67. 15 Lowman & Hanford 2010 Indexes 8.36 State Treasurer 2611 Ind. Ins . & Med. Aid 26. 10 E. P. Barker 2612 Bond for chief of police 5 .00 M. A. Hartmann 2613 Salary as city clerk. 65.00- Ben priftmier 2614 Salary as city attorney 65. 00 ;Eater Department 2615 Hydrant rentals 400. 00' 4,598. 66 GENERAL WATER FUND Chas . P. Stapp 2587 Postage 20. 00 Benson Motors 2588 Repairs on trucks 11: 60 A. S. Huey 2589 Repairing water gauge 350 Marine Supply 2590 Supplies 29.80 Fix It Shop 2591 Sharpening tools 2 . 50 S. D. Temple 2592 Supplies 4.45 Island Transfer Co . 2593 Freight on rotor 12.25 L: II. Riegea 2594 Rent of bocL i at lake 2 .00 R. B . Phillips 2595 Gathering data at laid Campbell 30 .00 `ialworth Company 2596 Curb cocks 30.00 Curtis dharf Co . 2597 Sand and . ement for water dept . 3.20 Anacortes Foundry 2598 Meter covers 66. 00 Anacortes Lbr. & .60x. 2599 Lumber 7. 15 Knapp & Ronneberger 2000 Supplies - .8 Shannon Haruware 2b01 Supplies Schwartz Iron Works 2602 Supplies for water dept . 3078 Puget Sound Power & It . 2603 Power at lakes and filter 121.25 Tire Surgery 2604 Tires and repairs for trucks . 10..35 Garcon Meter Co . 2605 Meters 210. 00 Crane Company 260.6 Meters 105.447 Bristol Co . 2607 Supplies 2e07 Current Expense Fund. 2608 Gasoline from city pump . 22. 57 Brinck Electric Service 2609 Supplies and repairs on tel. line 10. 14 L. Strong 2610 Clerical 1. 68 Fern Press 2011, Printing 14. 30 • Crane Company 2612 Corporation cocks 23.70 'Jest Coast Tel. Co . 2613 Tolls 2 .45 State Treasurer 2614 Ind. Ins. & Led. Aid 7: 10 Standard Oil Co . 2015 rearl oil for filter .93 National Meter Co . 2016 1eter supp'ies 42 .22 W. R. Burke 26.1T Salary as superiritenuerit 250. 00 frank Eagan 2616 Alter ol.ercitor 00.00 Ernest Knapp 2619 2ilter operator 75.00 W. R. Burke 2b20 :.Aleage on car. 10.60 City Treasurer 2021 Payroll 171.25 Dave Aiggs 2023 Labor 106. 70 J. Jensen 2024 Labor 106..76 L. 'aillougiiby 202.5 Salary as .water foreman plumbing -ins!,ector. 1.85. 75 S. M. Hendrickson 2626 Labor 1. 50 Thor Berlin 2027 Engineer' s helper 12. 00' Ben Driftmier 2.626 2iiitig fee Litxa case 3 . 00 1,800.23 • PARK FIPID. S. P. Walsh 627 Hauling garbage from Causland Lark 3.00 Shannon Hardware 628 suni.,lies for parks 4.69 H. A. Taylor .629 Sharpening tools 1. 25 Clint Knapp 630 Labor 75.20 J. E. Harding o31 Labor--Superintendent . 110. 00 194. 14 1.930 ';LATER FUND Puget Sound Mach. Depot 51 Estimate No . 5- Skagit R. Project 6.6 ,315. 70 Wallace Kane 52 Inspection. 10. 00 C . R. Smith. 53 Inspection 1 mileage . 317.05 ire. A.. Gebo 54 Inspection 223. 75 J. M. Hatfield 55 Inspection 266. 31 L ' 405 March 2 , 1931 , continued . • Dewey Kane 56 Inspection 120 . 00 Geo . T. Kane 57 Inspection 90. 31 W. B. Short 58 Inspection 136 .44 67, 541. 56 LIBRARY FUND. . Puget. Sound News Co . 286 Books and supplies 12 .48 W. H. Dowd 287 Janitor 25.00 Kate Hanseroth 288 Salary as librarian asst . 60. 00 E. Luella Howard 289 Salary as librarian and cash adv. 90.80 Evelyn Lundberg 290 Salary as asst . librarian 20. 00 Water Department 291 Water 4 .00 Hansen Bennett Magazine Agency 292 Magazines 51 . 70 263 .98 FILLING 'LOWLANDS FUND. G. H. Noggles 5 Labor on dump fill 30.00 G. H. Noggles 6 Labor on dump fill 30 . 00 60. 00 Committee on Finance Report of Committee on Finance to whom were referred the claims against re claims the Current Expense Fund and other city funds for the month of February , 1930, recommending that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of same, was read -_.nd adopted. Roll call : Ayes , Kaune, Neely, Brunson , G ?lkey and Olson. Nays., none . Adjourn The city council' did then adjourn until Tuesday , March 10 , at 8 p.m. Approved in open session this 17th day of March, 1931 . Mayor Attest: M. A. Hartmann, City Clerk By Deputy March 10, 1931 The city council met in a. dj ourned session , but owing to lack of quorum no meeting was held Approved in open session this 17th day of March, 1931 g„ f Mayor Attest : M. A. Hartmann , City Clerk By Deputy ( 1. • 406 March 17, 1931 The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session ith Mayor Van Buren presiding _ nd Councilmen Kaune , Neely, Olson and Fulton answering roll call: Abesnet : McCracken , Brunson and Gilkey. The minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read Report of City Attorney to thom was referred the power contract with the Puget Sound Power & Light Company for the Skagit River plant , was as follows : "Both meter and flat rate contracts are correct in form. Legally I see no objection to either form. however, flat rate contract should be changed to 250 HP, , connected load thus making minimum 0375.00 , and meter contract should have • same change in the option clause. With execution of a meter contract should also be carried a lease for transformer. It would be advisable to have flat rate contract refer to off- peak letter, thus making letter part of contract The report was adopted. The street Commissioner reported that the planking to be used for bulkheading the garbage- dump had been stolen- from the premises. for the Skagit plant Report of City Attorney on the proposed contract for control circui./with the Puget Sound Power & Light Company was conrrect in form, with addition of word "furnish" in referring to poles • 1/ • • • 1/ • L N 40r, *491 March 17, 1931 Roll call. The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session with Mayor Van Buren presiding and Councilmen Kaune , Neely, Olson , . Gilkey'and Fulton answering roll call. Absent: McCracken, Brunson.andS i ey? Minutes approved The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adpproved as read. see page 408 Report of City Attorney to whom was referred the power contract with the Puget Sound Power c Light Company for the Skagit River plant , was as follows : "Bath meter and flat rate contracts are correct in form. Legally I see no objection to either form. However, flat rate contract should be changed to 250 HP, connnected load thuus making minimum- $375.00, and meter contract should have same change .in the option clause . With execution of a meter contract should also be carried a lease for transformer. It would be advisable to have flat rate contract refer to off-peak letter, thus making letter part of contract". The report was adopted. Report of City attorney on the proposed contract for control circuit for the Skagit plant with thePuget Sound Power & Light Company s-tating ' sam e was correct in form, with addition of word "furnish" in referring to poles, was read and adopted. Lumber stolen The Street Commissioner reported that the planking to be used for bulkheading the garbage dump near Cap Sante , amounting to about $300, had been stolen. City Attorney on Report of City Attorney on bonds of Chief of Police and Anacortes American , bonds stating that same were correct in form, was read and adopted. Finance on report Report of Committee on Finance on City Treasurer' s report for February, mf City Treasurer recommending that the report be accepted and placed on file , was read and adopted. Finance on report xteport of Committee on Finance on report of police judge for February, rdc.6mmending of Police Judge same 'be accepted and placed on file , was read and adopted. Sts . & Parks have Councilman Olson stated the Committee on Streets and Parks had no report to no report to make make on the vacation of the alley in Block 26, Original Plat , but that the on alley vacation Committee would meeti-tag. the following Saturday to look over the matter. -Judiciary on bonds . deport of Judiciary Committee to whom was referred the bonds of Chief of Police : . and Anacortes American , recommending that the bonds be accepted and placed on file , was read and adopted. Report of Committee on Fire , Water & Light on contract for water control -cont.rol system, recommending that the bid of the Puget Sound Power & Light Company be accepted in accordance with the City Attorney' s report , was read and adopted. Communication Communication from Chas . R. Collins enclosing a copy of a paper on Butane and from C . R. Coll- Propane presented a a meeting of the American Institute of Mining and ins placed on Metallurgical Engineers , held at the University of Washington , was read and file placed on file. • Petition from Petition from J. T. Sheahan for rental of house and eleven acres of land on Sheahan for rent the Heart Lake road west of the reservoir at an annual rate of $85. 00, payable of house on water monthly, was read and referred to the ~later Superintendent with power to act . land Petition_ from David A. Wright for prospectors lease for the following described Petition from city property: Wright for pros- pectors lease The south half of the SW4 and the SWSF of the on city watershed SET of Section 6 of Twp. 34 , N. R. 2 east of land W.M. constituting 120 acres of land for a term of two yearsfor the purbose of prospecting for and developing any mineral except coal, oil and natural gas , was read and on motion of Councilman Gilkey, seconded by Kaune , was referred to the Committee on sire , ,later & Light and City Attorney. Petition from Petition for propectors lease for a period of two years for anyminerals except Ward B. Latimer coal, oil and natural gas , by Ward B. Latimer, on the following city property for prospectors was read and referred to the Committee on Fire , Water & Light and City Attorney: lease on city watershed land All of that portion that drains into Cranberry Lake of the NWg of the SE* of Section 23, Twp. 35 NR 1 E of W. M. , also the SE-,1- of SW* df Section 23, Twp. 35 NR l E of W. M. , also NE4* of Nil of Section 26, Twp 35, Rl E of W.M. I/ . Re-part of the Committee on Fire , Water and Light to whom was referred the contract with the Puget Sound Power & Light Company for power at the Skagit River for water project, recommending that the city enter into metered contract with changes suggested by the City Attorney' s report , was read adopted. Ordinance No . Ordinance No . 809, being an ordinance granting to the Great Northern Railway Oy Company, its successors and assigns , the right , privilege and authority to lay down, construct , maintain and operate a standard guage railway track in , along , ov over and across 23rd Street in the City of Anacortes , and granting to said railway company, its successors and assigns , a right of way for said track, was on motion of Councilman Kaune , seconded by Neely, placed on its first reading by title ; on motion ordinance was placed on its second reading by title ; on motion ordinance was referred to the Committee on Judiciary and City Attorney. ()8 March 17, 131, continued. Communication from Communication from the Lireat Northern £ailway Company relative to the foregoing Great Northern ity Co . ordinance, stating that they had complied with all the city' s requirements in proceeding via th the redraft of the ordinance and asking permission to proceed srith tho work at re work ocat once once without Baiting until the franchise had became effective , as tho Standard 9i1 Company was very anxious to begin work at that poiv.t, was read. Permission granted • A motion was made by Councilman Kaune, seconded by Gilkey, that the City Clerk to Railway Co . to be authorized to write to the Great Northern Railway proceed with work at Company and inform them that the city had no objections to their going ahead with the work at once , once Lotion carried. Modification easement Lodification to easement from M. F. and athel Kalso was presented to the city from Kalso postponed council and on motion of Councilman Gilkey , secanded by Olson,aatt®eano.eantbbe ' matter was postponed until further advieo . should' be roc©ivod in 'Qgard to it . resolution to vacate portion of alley in RE QLUTION. Ihemeae , a petition has been filed with the City Clerk of the Block 26 , "riginal City of AnacOrtes , praying for the vacation of the west 120 feet of the alley Plat in Block 26 of the Original Plat of the City of Anacortes ; and, WIREA3, more than two thirds of the owners of theproperty abutting upon that portion of said alley therein sought to be vacated has signed the said petition , NOW THEREFORE, Be it resolved by the city council of the City of Anacortes in regular session, That the 7th day of April , 1931 , at a regular session of the city counci. be fixed as trie time when the said petition will be heard. resolution adopted A motion was made by Councilman Kaune , seconded by Olson , that the resolution be adopted and the date changed from April 7th to April 21st for the date of hearing • Motion carried. 0 Bids for sale and Bids for the sale and removal of the old house on water shed land near the removal of old house reservoir were presented to the 'c i ty council, and on motion of Councilman on water land Gilkey, seconded by Kaune , were given preference over unfinished business . Bids referred The City Clerk was instructed to open the bids which were read and referred to the Water Superintendent with power to act . proposed Proposed contract Under unfinished business th/power contract with the Puget Sound Power & Light with PSP& L Co . Company wqs again taken up. (Skagit River project) As either flat rate or metered contract would serve the interest of the city satisfactorily, the following motion was made by Councilman Gilkey: "That this contract be referred to the City Attorney and Committee on Fire , '.pater & Light for their approval and then referred back to the city council so that we can take some action . " The motion was seconded by Kaune and carried. City Attorney°s The City Attorney made the following report: report on contract "Both meter and flat rate contracts are correct in form. Legally I see no objection to either form. However, flat rate contract should be changed to 250 H.P. connected load, thus making minimum : 375. 00 , and meter contract should have same change in the option clause. With execution of a meter contract should also be carried a lease for transformer. It would be advisable to have flat rate contract refer to off-peak letter, thus • making letter part of contract . " Motion was made by Councilman Kaune , seconded by Olson, that the report be adopted. Roll call: Ayes, Kaune , Neely, Olson, Gilkey and Fulton . Nays , none .. Report of Committee on Fire , grater & Light The report of the Committee on Fire , Water and Light read as follows: on contract "We recommend entering into metered contract with changes suggested by City Attorney's report. " • • A motion was made by Councilman Kaune, seconded by Olson , that the report be adopted. Roll call: Ayes, Kaune, Neely, Olson , Gilkey and Fulton . Nays , none. Mayor and City Clerk Councilman Kaune moved that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute authorized to sing contract with the Puget Sound Power & Light Company on basis of the City contract Attorney' s report and recommendations of the Committee on Fire , Water & Light . Motion seconded by Gilkey and carried. Roll call: Ayes , Kaune , Neely, Olson, Gilkey and Fulton. Nays, none . • Proposed contract The proposed contract for control c ircdit with the Puget Sound Power & Light for control circuit Company was then taken up by the city council. A motion was made by Councilman Gilkey that this contr be referred to the City • A,ttofrne.y and Committee on Fire , Water & Light for their re1iort. Motion seconded . by Olson and carried. . 0ity Attorney's report The City Attorney' s report on the contract was as follows: "Same is correct in for with addition of word "furnish" in referring to poles . ' A motion was made by Councilman Gilkey, seconded by Kaune that the report be • adopted. Motion carried. Roll call : Ayes , Kaune, Neely, Olson , Gilkey & Fulton. Nays , none , . 409 • March 17, 1931, continued Fire, Water & Light The Committee on Fire , V'b.ter & Light reported on the control circuit contract on control circuit as follows : contract. "We recommend that bid of Puget Sound Power & Light -'ompany be accepted in accordance with City Attorney' s report. " • On motion of Councilman Gilkey, seconded by Kaune , the report was adopted. Roll call: Ayes, Kaune , Neely, Olson , Gilkey and Fulton. Nays, none . Mayor and clerk Councilman Gilkey moved that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign authorized to sign contract with the Puget Sound Power & Light Company for automatice control line contract at Skagit River plant . Motion ;seconded by Kaune and carried. Roll call : Ayes, Kaune , Neely, Olson , Gilkey and Fulton. Nays , none . Ajourn There being no further business the city council did then adjourn . • Approved in open session this 7th day of April , 1931 Mayor Attest: M. A. Hartmann, City C erk By 7Gl,—(-.,Trr) 4'.1Z//i Deputy • • • • I/.I/ . . . , • • 410 April 7, 1931 Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session with Mayor Van Buren presiding and Councilmen Kaune, Neely, Brunson, Gilkey, Olson and Fulton answering roll call. Absent, McCracken. Minutes approved The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. City Attorney on ord- 11/ Report of CityAttorneyon ordinance inance granting fran- p granting frachise to the Great chise to GN Ry Co . Northern Railway Company to cross 23rd street, stating that same was correct in form, was read and adopted. City Attorney on Report of. City Attorney on petition from David Wright for prospectors permit petition from David stating that same might be legally granted if the council wished, the land Wright for prospectors being in the Whistle Lake area, was read and adopted. permit City Attorney on The City Attorney- made the following report on the Ward Latimer petition for petition from Ward Prospector s permit : Latimer for prospectors "Same may be legally granted provided there is no overlap on permit others previously granted. Might be advisable to ascertain whether th`.s is a bona fide application of the applicant or is made indirectly for someone else. City should know with whom they are dealing" . The report was referred to the Water Superintendent and Mayor for further investigation. City Treasurerts Report of City Treasurer for the month of March was referred to the Committee feport referred on Finance Police Justice report Report of Police Justice for the month of March 1las f'eferred to the Committee referred on Finance. Contractors on water A motion was made by Councilman Kaune, seconded by Olson, that the contractors project to open street on the water project be notified to open the street on the Marine View Drive on Marine View Drive at once . Motion carried. Repairing pavement cut The matter of repairing the pavement cut by the gas company when laying their by gas company gas mains was referred to the Street Commissioner with power to act. Colas Company re A representative of the Colas patching material for p patching material was present and addressed pavement the city cov'ncil relative to the merits of Colas for mending paved streets. report Water Superintendent A communication was read from the Water Superintendent, W. R. Burke, relative on renting of city to the renting of city owned lands on the west side of Heart Lake road. owned lands Mr. Burke stated that he did not consider it wise to enter into a lease for any definite period, neither did he consider the annual rental offered sufficient. However, the property had been rented at the rate of $10.00 per month, payable in advance, the City reserving the right to disposs the renter at any time should he prove unsatisfactory as a tenant. On motion the report was adopted. Old house on water land The Water Superintendent also reported that the old house at thenrreservoir sold. for $25.00 had been sold to E. M. Kast for $25.00. Water superintendent The following report by the Water Superintendent on the water situation was reviews water situa- read: tion The Water situation, in so far as the supply at the source is concerned, is satisfactory, Lake Campbell having arisen 4" between March 24th and April 4, and now stands 45" above the end of the suction, a raise of 42.5" since the low point of 1930. No water is being taken from that source. Whistle Lake now stands at 67", which is 89.5" above the low of November 30, 1930. Since March 26th, we have lowered Whistle Lake 2b5" . On the above date delivery began to the Puget Sound Pulp and Timber Company and the excessive draft has taxed the capacity of the filter to the limit . This Company, alone, taking about75% of the total amount pumped. Since March 26th the water treated has been considerably in excess of 2 MGD. This with the excessive amount required for wash water, due to the slowing up of the filter beds, has putpus very close to the danger point. It is out opinion that it will be necessary to completely over-haul these beds at the earliest opportYinity and it is to be regretted that this was not done during the time of light demand. However, they gave no indication of trouble until after March 26th. The water department has loaned the Pulp Company a pump which we are advised will relieve the strain to the extent of 400 TGD. We also desire to call the attention of your Honorable Body to what appears to us as unnecessary and unreasonable delay in the progress of the work on the new system. In a very few days the time limit, in which the work was to be completed, will have expired and to date it is difficult to even venture a guess when water can be delivered from the Skagit, the loss of revenue to your water department will nearly equal if not exceed the penalty for non-completion, within the alloted time. We believe that a prargraph on page 10 of the specifications provides a remedy, whereby the City Council, in conjunction with the Engineers, may take the proper steps to correct the apparent unnecessary and unreasonable delay, and the recommendations of this department are that the contractors be notified by resolution that unless the work be pushed forward with greater diligence, it will be necessary to take steps to protect the City, s interests" . I r1 62._, L April 7, 1931, continued Constrictors on water A motion was made by Councilman Olson that the report be referred to the project to hasten City Attorney, Water Superintendent and. Mayor to take up the matter with I work the Contractors on the Skagit River project and get action. Motion seconded by Kaune . With the consent of his second Councilman Olson withdrew his motion. A motion was made by Councilman Gilkey as follows : "That the City Attorney, Water Superintendent and Mayor draft a resolution to the Puget Sound Machinery Depot, contractors on the Skagit River project, stressing our circumstances here and asking them to expedite the matter as quickly as possible, and we are going to hold them to the penalties etc . , from expiration date, as contract should have been finished within 180 day period. '"Also to refer to letters from Morse Company to Puget Sound Machinery Depot on the subject. " The motion was seconded by Neely and carried unanimously. Promissory note of The Water Superintendent submitted the following report : P . Rademacher for rent of city lands "Herewith is attached a promissory note from P . Rademacher in the sum of $248.50 payable on or before August 1, 1931 This note is made in settlement of claim of the Water Deprtment for rental of ci.tyowned lands on the west side of Heart Lake road from March 1, 1926 to March 1, 1931, at an annual rental of $60.00, making a total of $300 from which an allowance of 851.50 is made for labor and services rendered in 1927 and for which no credit had been issued. Trusting that this adjustment will meet with the approval of your Honorable Bsi?dy, " On motion of Councilman Kaune, seconded by Olson, the report was adopted. Judiciary Committee Report of Judiciary Committee on franchise ordinance for Great Northern on ordinance granting Railway Company to cross 23rd. street, recommending that the ordinance do pass, franchise to GN Ry Co was read and adopted. to cross 23rd St. Report of Committee on Fire, Water & L4ght to whom was referred the petition Fire, Water & Light from David Wright for prospectors permit, recommending that the lease be on prospectors permit granted, was read and adopted. for David Wright Petition from A . F. Schreiber for propsectors permit on the following Petition from A. F. described city property was read and referred to the City Attorney and Fire, Schreiber for pros- Water & Light Committee . pectors permit The northwest quarter (NW ) fifthe south east quarter ( SE*) of Section 6, and the west half (W ) of the north- west quarter (NWI) of Section 7 and the west ten acres of the south-east quarter ( SE4) of the north-west quarter (Nw ) (Ni;*)' of Section 7, all in Twp. 34 NR 2 E of the Willamette Meridian, Skagit County, Washington; also all of blocks 10, 11, 12, 13, 32, 33, 34, 35, 54 and. 55 of the Lake Campbell Addition to the City of Anacortes, Washington. Petition from Harold Petition from Harold Alm for permit to prospect on the following described Alm for prospectors city land : permit The east half (El) of the southeast quarter ( SE*) of Section 1, Twp, 34 North R 1 E of W.M. , togehter with the northwest quarter (NW4) of the southwest quarter ( SWi) of Section 6, Twp. 34 North R 2 East of W. Mo constituting 120 acres of land The petition was referred to the City Attorney and. Committee on Fire, Water and Light for attention Ordinance No , 809 Ordinance No, 809, being`aan ordinance of the City of Anacortes granting to the Gfeat Northern Ra' 1wa Company, its successors and assigns, the right, privilege and authority to lay down, construct, maintain and operate a standard guage railway track in, along, over and across 23rd Street in the City of Anacortes, and granting to the said Railway Company, its successors and assigns, a right of way for said track, was on motion placed on its third and final reading by sections. On motion the title was adopted as read; on motion section 1 was adopted as read; on motion section 2 was adopted as read; on motion section 3 was adopted as read; on mot'.on section 4 was adopted as read; on motion section 5 was adopted as read; on motion section 6 was adopted as read; on motion section 7 was adopted as read; on motion the ordinance as a whole and as read was adopted. Roll call : Ayes, Kaune, Neely, Brunson, Gilkey Olson and Fulton. Nays, none . Payment of ald LID Councilman Kaune stated that Chas. E. Smith had paid into the city treasury assessments by Chas . the sum of $66 .32 to pay the old local improvement assessments on Lots 9, 10 E. Smith 11 and the Si of R/W all in block 58, Origi.nalPlat of the City of Anacortes, and recommended that the Mayor be authorized to issue a quit claim deed to Mr. Smith for the assessments . A motion to this effect was made by Councilman " Kaune, seconded by Olson and carried. Filter beds in bad Mr. Burke advised the city council that the filter 'beds at the filter plant condition were still in bad condition and it would probably be necessary to strip the filter beds and make them over. Councilman Kaune moved that the Water Superintend- ent be given full authority to make the improvemnts required to put the bdds in shap Motion seconded by Gilkey and carried. !PP 412 • April 7, 1931, continued. Claims filed aginst the Current Expense Fund and other city funds for the month of March, as follows, were read and referred to the Committee on Finance : CURRENT EXPENSE FUND C . Shaw 2616 Labor on streets 29.00 Knapp & Ronneberger 26) 7 Re airs on street trucks 34,55 Union Oil Co. , 2618 Gasoline 130 .96 Howard Cooper Corgi;. 2619 Supplies for streets (dust liner) 4.35 State Treasurer 2620 Industrial Ins, & Med. Aid 26 .30 The Marine Supply 2621 Supplies for streets 9 .38 Schwartz Iron Works 2622 Labor and material for streets 22.21 Western Tractor & Equip.2623 Arm for Russell grader 6 .57 Port Stanley Lbr. Co, 2624 Blocks for streets 24.30 0. A. Lenning 2625 Salary as street supt . & cash adv. 150.50 Drake Auto Refinish 2626 Repairing truck radiator 4.00 Puget Sound P . & L. Co. 2627 Lights at city hall, sts . & power for crusher 277.12 Flushine Chemical Co . , 2628 Supplies for city hall 3.85 S. P . Walsh 2629 Hauling garbage from city hall 1 .50 J. L. Rumsey 2630 Wood for city hall 2.50 Curtis Wharf Co. , 2631 Coal for city hall 32.81 Shannon Hardware Co . , 2632 Supplies for police, fire & city hall 11.13 H. & D. Sunerser'rice 2633 Supplies for police 1.70 Benson Motors 2634 Repairing police car 2.00 Fern Press 2635 Printing and repairing typewriter for olice 21.10 Union Printing Co. , 2636 Supplies 4.11 West Coast Tel. Co. 2637 Tolls for police & st.s . 3.90 Abe Simmonds 2638 Fabricord .98 G. D. Shannon 2639 Ins . on city hall 55.20 R. Abbey 2640 Clerical 4.12 S. D. Temple 2641 Supplies 2.10 H. 0 . Davey 2642 Premium on official bond. 37.50 "Pioneer" 0643 Budget forms 13.40 Trick & Murray 2644 Tax receipt binders 12 .31 Water Department 2645 Hydrant rentals 400.00 Burroughs Adding Machine2646 Repairs on machine 2.48 City Treasurer 2647 1st. Installment of Cap Sante water- main assessment on city prop. 398.52 Snyders Pharmacy 2648 Supplies for fire dept . 1.00 American LaFrance & I/ Foamite Corp. 2649 Chemicals for fire dept . 8.74 Trulson Motor Co. , 2650 Tires for fire dent. truck 256 .64 Void 2651 Knapp & Ronneberger 2652 Ammeter and installation-fire dect . 2 .25 Schwartz Iron Works 2653 Labor and supplies 9 .65 Wm. Dow 2654 Salary as fireman 130.00 Thos . Conway 2655 Salary as fire chief, janitor and wiring ins ections 175.00 Jas. Col:an 2656 Salary as asst . f;re chief 135.00 L. E. Snider 2657 Salary as fireman 130.00 Anacortes Ice Co. , 2658 Salt for fire deot. .60 Julius Nelson 2659 Repairing heater fire dent. 8.18 union Oil Co. 2660 Gasoline for pump 133.30 Anacortes American 2661 Printing and publishing 16:.55 Anacortes Lbr. & Box 2662 Lumber for streets 13.70 Wm. Weeks 2663 Labor on streets 50.65 Orn Plater 2664 Labor on streets 104.00 Tom Dodson 2665 Labor on streets 100.00 Ed Strom 2666 Labor on streets 115.00 Lynn Balcomb 2667 Labor on streets 135.00 Anacortes Steam Lndry. 2368 Laundry for fire dept . 3.79 F. G. Abbey 2669 Salary as police judge 25.00 E. T. Staudt 2670 Salary as patrolman 125.00 H. N. Wood 2671 Salary as patrolman 135.00 J. T. March 2672 Salary as patrolman 135.00 Al Sellinthin 2673 Salary as chief of police 160.00 H. E. Frost 2674 Salary as health officer 25 .00 Ben Driftmier 2675 Salary as city attorney 65 .00 M. A. Hartmann 2676 Salary as city clerk 65.00 Marion Watkinson 2677 Salary as city treasurer 65.00 Thor Berlin 2678 EngineerTs helper, Burrows Bay Rd . 12.00 R. B. Phillips 2679 Engineer, Burrows Bay Road. 30.00 Clausius Motor Co. , 2680 Batteries for fire dept. 3.45 Central Service Station 2681 Batteries for fire dept. 36 .00 4140.95 GENERAL WATER FUND Chas . P. Stapp 2629 Postage 25.00 Gamon Meter Co. 2630 Meters 206.25 Marine Supply 2631 Pipe and fittings 27.96 i1/ Kerney' s Variety Store 2632 Supplies 1 .83 W. B. Short 2633 Compiling date Lake Oampbell for Litka case 15.00 Crane Co . , 2634 Corporation cocks 100.96 Void 2635 Federal Pipe & Tank Co. 2636 Creosoted. collars 81.52 Federal Pipe & Tank Co. 2637 Supply parts 10.78 National Meter Co . , 2638 Meters and supplies 43.08 Snyders Pharmacy 2639 Blue stone 40.50 413 April 7,1931, continued. GENERAL WATER FUND cont . Claims continued General Electric Co. , 2640 Repairs and supplies for motor 662 .00 West Coast Tel. Co. 2641 Tells 1.25 Union Printing Co . , 2642 Canvas binder 10.05 Frank Hagan 2643 Salary as filter operator-part time 73.55 Ernest Knapp 2644 Salary as filter o..:erator " " 92.48 Dave Riggs 2645 Labor 109 .00 Jim Jensen 2646 Labor 114.50 L. Willoughby 2647 Salary as foreman, & plumbing insp. 184,00 W. R . Burke 264E Mileage on car 21.00 W. R. Burke 2649 Salary as water superintendent 250 ,00 Trick & Murray 2650 Lead seal disc 7 .52 KnaA & Ronneberger 2651 Tires and tubes for truck 12.16 State Treasurer 2652 Industrial Insurance & Med. Aid. 8.13 Fern Press 2653 Printing 7.70 Puget Sound P . & L. Co. 2654 Power 123.89 Fix-It Shop 2655 Filing saws 1.50 Schwartz Iron Works 2656- Repairs on stove 5.00 Ana. Lbr. & Box Co. , 2657 Lumber 24.40 Shannon Hardware 2658 Supplies 221. 79 City Treasurer 2659 Payroll 170.00 Current Expense 2661 Gasoline 18.85 Thor Berl:i.n 2662 Engineer' s helper-data L'+ tka case 4,00 R. B. Phi1li. )s 2663 Gathering data Lltka case 12.50 2688.15 • LIBRARY FUND Water Department 293 Water for 2 mos , 5.00 Puget Sound P . & L. Co. , 294 Lights for 2 mos . 10.45 E. Luella Howard 295 Salary as librarian and cash adv. 91.30 Kate Hanseroth 296 Salary as asst . librarian 60.00 Evelyn Lundberg 297 Salary as asst . librarian 20 .00 H. W. Dowd 298 Janitor 25 ,00 Frank Hixenbaugh 299 Books 35.00 Seattle Post Intel.l igence300 Subscription 7.20 Puget Sound News Co . 301 Books 27,95 Island Transfer 302 Freight and drayage on books 5.19 G. D. Shannon 303 Insurance 11.00 A. C . McClurg 304 Books 283.91 582.00 I/ PARK FUND Clint Knapp 632 Labor 83.20 Fix-It Shop 633 Grinding lawn mower 1 .50 Shannon Hardware 634 Supplies 2.40 J. E. Harding 635 Labor in park 110.00 197. 10 1930 WATER FUND C . R. Smith 59 Supervision & mileage-Skagit River Project. 390 .35 C . W. Hatfield 60 Inspection 156 .88 Dewey Kane 61 Inspection 138.44 W. B. Short 62 Inspection 145.00 J. M. Hatfield 63 Ins..)ection 169 .50 R. R. Gebo 64 Inspection 200 ,00 Puget Sound Macho Depot . 65 Estimate No , 6 15,062. 83 County Auditor 66 Recording easements 2.30 16 ,265.30 FILLING LOWLANDS FUND G. H. Noggles Labor on dump 35.00 G. H. Nog- les Labor on dump 30.00 65.00 Finance on claims Report of Committee on Finance to whom were referred th claims against the Current Expense Fund and other city funds for the month of March, 1931, recommending that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of same, was read and adopted. Roll call: Ayes, Kaune, Neely, Brunson, Gilkey, Olson and Fihlton, Nays none. Adjourn There being no further businessthe city council did then adjourn Approved in open session this 21st day of April, 1931 . / • Mayor Attest: M. A. Hartmann, City Clerk % Deputy rniA April 21, 1931 Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session with Mayor Van Buren presiding and Councilmen Kaune, Neely, Brunson, Gilkey and Olson responding to roll call. Absent , McCracken and Fulton . Minutes approved. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. Report on water The water superintendent reported on the condition of the lakes , stating that 11. situation by supt . Lake Campbell had risen six inches, and that the numb there would have to beoperated again. Also that new sand had been ordered for the renewql of the filters , but that it would probablly not be ncesssary to use this sand until the water from the Skagit was ready. Comm.from R.E.L.Knapp Communication was read from Robert E. L. Knapp , County Engineer vaho stated county engineer re that the County would require the City to incase .the Skagit River water main incasing watermain in in a concrete culvert for a distance of 360 feet at a point west of concrete culvert Avon approximately 1/2 mile , for the reason that this is the point where the new Mount Vernon-Anacortes pavement turns southeasterly from the Avon=.Whitney road and the pipe would cross underneath the pavement. Councilman Gilkey moved that the Mayor and Committee on Fire , "rater and Light take this matter up with the County Engineer and County Commissioners with a view to obtaining some arrangement less expensive and more satisfactory to the city. Motion seconded by Brunson and carried . Wells asks for W. V. Jells was present add asked the city council for a quit claim deed to quit claim deed to quiet title on Lot 18 , Block 33 , Original Plat, as he held some old 1b92 quiet title on lot local improvement warrants for improvement qn 6th street against the lot . A motion was made by Councilman Olson , seconded by Kaune , that the matter be referred ti the City Attorneywith power to act , and if found satisfactory the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized to sign the deed. Motion carried. Comm. from Puget Communication from the Puget Sound Machinery Depot, asking the city council Sound Machinery for an extension of time on 'heir contract for the Anacortes=Skagit River Depot for extension watermain contract, as follows, was read : of time on contract "We wish at this time to make application for an e xtenbion of time on our contract to June 16th. Our principal reasons for requesting this extenion are as follows : `de were given notice by your -ngineers to start work on October 9 , 193o. About the same time, however, we were requested by the City Clerk to withhold action on the Industrial Main until the City Council had determined what type of material would be used . The Council will remember that bids on the Anacortes job were opened on the day of September 5th, but that the contract was not awarded until the 22nd day of ieptem'oer. On the 30th of October, we were given final authority to use steel pipe on the Industrial Line . It was they and only then that °✓e were able to start ordering our material for the reason that it bias impracticable to order steel f o r •s teel pipe or cast- iron pipe and appurtenances until we knew definitely wnat the final quantity would be for each type of material . This delay of approximately fifty-six days from the time the bids were opened until final instructions to proceed , caused the work to be thrown into a period when the weather conditions were very bad. The material being of such a nature that it must , of necessity, require from sixty to ninety days for delivery,after the order was placed. There are numerous other delays with which the Council is familiar, and which could be enumerated if desired . It is our earnest desire to see that water is furnished into the ci ty from Avon by the 31st of May, and we are confident that we will accomplish this purpose , unless other delays beyond our control occur in the future. We hope to have the '+thistle Lake Line and other work completed by June 16th. Trusting that we may secure this favorable action , we are " ( Signed) PUGET SOUND MkC 7INMY :LPOT By E. F. Pugsley Port Commission re As the Port Commission had a proposition to present to the city council squrtters on Dap relative to the land around the head of Cap Sante Bay , a motion was made Sante bay by Councilman Gilkey that this m ..tter be placed ahead of other business. Motion seconued by Brunson and carried. Mr. Gilkey stated that as the ci ty and port owned all the streets and shore lands at this place, the port would like to work in conjunction with the city to have these lands cleared of the squatters which now occupy them. A motion was made by Councilman Gilkey that the matter be referred to the 'ity Attorney and Committee on Streets and Parks tovork in conjunction with the Port and see if some plan could be formulated which would be satisfactory to both city and port district . Motion seconded by Olson and carried. Council refers back The ci ty council then referred back to the quest ion of an extension of time to Puget Sound Ma) on the contract of the Puget Sound Machinery Ipo t . • . 1 4i1l'e April 21, continued After considerable discussion the city council decided to meet with the engineers and contractors at an adjourned meeting of the city council to be held. April 28th at 8 p.m. for further consideration. Petition for vacation of alley Petition for the vacation of the alleys in Block 2 , Beales Maple Grove in Beales 'Maple Addition and Block 5, Mrs. Mary Eubanks Addition to the city of Anacortes , Grove Addition form W. T. Morrision and Olive Burke was read and referred to the Committee :t on Streets and Parks. RPsolut ion re RESOLUTION: ':PTEREAS , W. T. Morrison and '?. R. Burke , have petitioned the city council to vacate the' alley in Block 2 , Beales Maple Grove Addi tion • vacation of to the City of Anacortes and Block 5, Mrs. Mary Eubanks Addition t o the City alleys in Beales Maple trove of Anac Ttes , Skagit County, ';Iashington , and it appearing that said petition is signed by the owners of more than two thirds of the property abutting upon said alley sought to be vacated, NO...7 TIL;HEFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY Or' ANAC0RRTL3, That Tuesday the 19th day of May, 1931, at the hour of eight o ' clock p.m. in the council chambers of the city hail at Anacortes , Skagit County, •,Ilshington, be and the same hereby is fixed as the time and place when and where the said petition will be heard and determined, at which time and place all persons interested therein or objectig thereto may appear and present their objections . On motion the resolution was adopted as read. Ayes, all. Petition from Ben Driftmier for vacation of the alley in Block 201, Original Plat was referred to the Committee on Streets and Parks. RESOLUTION: WHEREAS BEN DRIFTMIER has petition the city council to vacate the alley in Block 201 , Original Plat of the City of Anacortes, Skagit County, Washington , and it appearing that said petition is signed by the owners of more that two t_ irds of the property abutting upon said alley soudh to be vacated , NO':J THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 07 ANACORTES: ThatTuesday , the 19th day of May 1931 , at the hour of eight o ° clock p.m. in the council chambers of the city hall at Anacortes, Skagit County, -."ashington be and the same hereby is fixed as the time and place where and \there the said petition will be heard and determined ,at which time and place all persons interested therein or objecting thereto may appear and present their objections. On motion the resolution was adopted. Ayes , all . Protest re vacation It being the day of hearing of protests on the vacation of the ...est 120 ft. of alley in Block 26 of the alley in Block 26 , original Plat, the 1:Iayor called for protests. There were no.-.written protests . S. P. ',zalsh stated verbally he was one of the owners of property in Block 26 seeking the vacation of the ally, and that the prupose was to offer the land for a site for the Federal Building. Mr. ,,��alsh wished to go on record that if the Government failed to accept the site that he ' ould expect the alley to be rededicated. Ordinance re Ordinance No . , being an ordinance granting to the Great Northern Railway I granting franchise to Company its successors and assigns a franchise to construct: a railroad track GN Ry Co . to cross over and across Railroad Avenue nd First Street to serve the Port of Anacortes , Railroad Ave . & 1st was on motion placed on its first reading by title ; on motion ordinance was Street placed on its second reading by title ; on motion ordinance was referred to the City Attorney and Judiciary Comittee . Councilman Neely stated that the hydrant at 20th and M Avenue had never been installed , that the sum of $82. 50 had been collected Hydrant at 20th & N Councilman Neely stated that the sum of 4)82 . 50 had been collected for the Avenue not installed installation of a hydrant at 20th and M Avenue , but that it had never been and subscribers to installed and the subscribers wanted the return of their money. Councilman have money back Olson moved that the money be returned to those who had subscribed to this hydrant. Motion seconded by Brunson and carried. Adjourn The city council did then adjourn until Tuesday, April 28th at 8 p.m. Approved in open session this 5th day of May, 1931 Mayor Attest : M. A. Hartmarin/,�City / C erk !' "�/-,Je-,-ems.- . ✓`•� 1--- / , ..s Deputy April 28 , 1931 • Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in adjourned session with Mayor Van Buren presiding and Councilmen Kaune , Neely, Brunson and Olson answering roll call. Absent, McCracken , Gilkey and Fulton . Puget Sound The council had adjourned from April 21st for the purpose of considering the Mahincery Depot application of the Puget Sound Machinery Depot for an extension of time on their asks for exten- Skagit River watermain contract. sion of time Mr. Pollock of Morse Company, engineers, recommended that the application be not granted and gave a detailed account of the work • up to date , which, he stated was far behind schedule. 416 Ap'il 28, 1931, continued Mr. Pugsley of the Puget Sound Machinery Depot stated that while they had had many delays in the work, the city :Tould have the eater by May 31st. After a long discussion of the mater in which no definite action was taken by the city council , a motion to adjourn was passed . Ap, roved in open session this 5th day of May, 1931 g,, -y.,...„......„..., lam.yor Attest : M. A. Hartmann , City 1erk Bye G��� �--�� Deputy • • • • P74114 416' Lay 5 , 1931 Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session with Mayor Van Buren presiding and Councilmen Kaune , Brunson , Beely and Olson present . Absent McCracken , Gilkey and Fulton Minutes approved The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. City Attorney on Report of City Attorney on ordinance granting to the Great Northern Railway Company a franchise to cross Railroad and First Avenues , stating that same Ordinance granting franchise to GN Ry Co was correct in form was read and adopted. City Attorney on Report of City Attorney on prospectors permit for A. F. Schreiber, stating Prospectors permit that same might be granted if the council wished , was read and adopted. for Schreiber City Attorney on Report of City Attorney on prospectors permit for Harold Alm, stating that same prospectors permit might be granted if council wished , was read. A motion was made by Councilman for Harold Alm Kaune that the report be adopted and the application held over for further consideration . Motion seconded by Brunson and carried. Report of City Treas. Report of City Treasurer for the month of April was referred to the Committee on referred Finance . . Rppott of Police Report of Police Judge for the month of April was referred to the Committee • Judge referred on Finance . Garbage dump Street Commissioner Lennning advised the city council that the old garbage dump finished on 13th street was completed and it-was necessary to provide a new dump without further delay. • Report of Fire Report of Chief of Fire Department was referred to the Committee on Fire , *water Chief referred and Light Report ofcater The Superintendent of Water made the following report on the water situation: Superintendent on water situation "This will advise that this department decided, owing to the rapid draw down of Whistle Lake , to start pumping water from Lake Campbell, which we did beginning May 1st . • In the month of April there was passed into the filter approximately sixty-four million gallons, the largest amount so far as we can determine for a like period in the history of the system. Fifty-seven million gallons of this was taken from Whistle Lake and the remainder from Heart and the small reservoir. In the early part of the month an excessive amount of water was required for washing filter beds . This condition , however, to a large extent is improved and is gradually getting better , but still far from satisfactory. In the period between . li March 26th and May 1st the surface elevation of Whistle Lake was reduced forty two and one half inches and now stands forty nine inches above the low of 1930" . On motion the report was adopted. Communication from Purcell re annual Communication from Hugh G. Purcell, membership committee of the American :later meeting of American Works Association relative to theannual meeting of the Northwest Chapter Water Works assoc . of the association in Vancouver , L. C . , May 14th, 15th and 16th, and inviting a a representative from Anacortes to .attend tie meeting,was read and referred to the Water Superintendent wit, i permission to attend if he cared to . Ordinance No . 810 Ordinance No . 810 , being an ordinance of the City of Anacortes , granting to the C{reat Northern ,r�,ilway Company, its successors and assigns, the right , privilege and authority to lay donw, construct, maintina and operate a railroad track or tracks on , along, over and across Railroad Avenue and :First Street inthe City of Anacortes, ono granting to said Company, its successors and assigns, a right of way for such track or tracks , was on motion placed on its third and final reading by sections. 0n motion the title was adopted as read; on motion section 1 was adopted as read; on motion section 2 was adopted as read; on motion section 3 was adopted as read; on motion section 4 wasedopted as read; on motion section 5 was adopted as read ; on motion section 6 was adopted as read ; on motion _section 7 was adopted as read; on motion the ordinanceas a whole and as read was adopted. Roll call: Ayes , Kaune, Brunson , Neely and Olson. Nays, none . Easement from Forbes Easement from A. W. and Margaret Forbes for right of way across their property accepted for Anacortes-Skagit lover watexmain was presented to the city council . A motion was made by Councilman Kaune , seconded by Olson that the easement be accepted. . Motion carried. Bond of water Bond of Water Cashier was presented to the city council and referred to the cashier referred City Attorney and Judiciary Committee . _ Pollock report onI/ Mr. Pollock renorted on the progress of the vratermain construction work ,during the progress of water past week, stating that the city would probably have water by the middle of June main to Skagit if the contractors continued with the work as. they were now going, also that the Riverreservoir mould be ready by the time the pipe was laid. Hagen asks for Councilman Olson stated that Joe Hagen wanted to put in two more gasoline pumps permission to install at 12th and Commiercial Avenue for his service station. The matter was referred 2 more gasoline to the Committee on Streets and Parks with power to act. pumps Councilman Olson stated that the Gas Company had nearly completed the work of Pavement mended by mending the pavement where they had cut it in laying the gas mains , and that gas company the cost of the inspection should paid by them. A motion was made by Councilman Kaune, seconded by Olson , that the city pay the inspector and then render a bill to the gas company for reimbursement. Motion carried. Judiciary on Report of Judiciary Committee on ordinance granting franchise to GN Railway Co ordinance granting to cross Railroad Ave . & 1st St .recommenidng that ordinance do pass was read franchise to GM Ry and adopted. 10" . 418 . May 5, 1931 , continued Claims Claims filed against the Current Expense Fund and other city funds for the month of April , as follows , were read and referred to the Committee on Finance : CUR :ENT LXPENSE FUND H. N. Flood 2682 Salary as patrolman 40.00 H. N. Wood 2683 Salary as patrolman 95.00 i . Knapp & Ronneberger 2684 Repairing siren for police 14 .25 ';Jest Coast Telephone Co . 2685 Toll for police 1 . 10 Al Sellinthin 2686 Salary as chief of police 160.00 J. T. March 2687 Salary as patrolman 135.00 E. T. Staudt 2688 Salary as patrolman 125. 00 • F. G. Abbey 2689 Salary as police judge 25. 00 H. E. Frost 2690 Salary as health officer 25. 00 Trick and Murray 2691 Binders for clerk 6.40 J. A. Lenning 2o,2 Salary as :Arcot superintendent 150.00 Lynn Balcomb 2693 Salary u.s truck uriver 135.00 Ed Strom 2694 Salary as truck driver 115. 00 Carlton Holm 2695 Labor on streets 8.50 J, Weeks 2696 Labor on streets 63 .75 Oren Plater 2697 Labor on streets - 72.00 Toni Dodson • 2698 Labor on streets 100.00 Clausius Motor Co . 2699 Supplies for fire dept . 1.60 Shannon Hardware 2700 Supplies for fire & Police 16 . 53 Anacortes Steam Laundry 2701 Laundry for fire dept . 4.77 Snyders Pharmacy 2702 Supplies for fire dept . 2 . 00 Bert Verrall' 2703 Salary R,s fireman - 130.00 Marine Supply . 2704 Supnlit,s for streets 20.93 Schwartz Iron Works 2705 Repairs on tractor 1. 65 Knapp & Ronneberger 2706 Repairs on street equipment 4 .25 Standard Oil Co . 2707 Lubricants for street dept 45.10 F & D Super serive 273b Grease for police car 10.45 R. E. Ruthford 2709 Inspection rewiring pavement cut by gas company 65.00 Anacortes American 2710 Publishinm x printing 13 .25 ':`later Department 2711 Hydrant rentals 400. 00 Union Oil Co . 2712 Gasoline for pump 11'7. 68 J. J. Lockert 2713 Repairs on typewriter 14 . 00 M. A. Hartmann 2714 Salary a. city clerk 65. 00 Marion ':'atkinson 2715 Salary as city treas . & cash adv. 65.80 Ben Driftmier 2716 Salary as city attorney 65. 00 Puget Sound Power & Lite 2717 Lights at city hall sts and power at crusher 276 .41 Fomo ' s Punt Store 2716 Sup:lies for city Ball A fire wept ' 4. 00 estate Treasurer 2719 Industrial x -ed. Aid 27. 30 Low 2720 salary as fireman 130. 00 Thos . Conway 2721 Salary as fire chief .k janitor 1T5. uu Jas . Colgan 2722 Salary as asst . fire chief 135. 00 Anacortes Lumber & Box 2723 Lumber for streets 19. 50 3061 . 22 LIBRARY FUND Puget Sould P. .'sc L. 303-- Light 5. 12 Gaylord hr os . 306 i,ibrary supplies 13 .20 E. P. Barter 307 Insurance 39 . 60 Puget Sound News Co.. 308 Books 41.18 . Anacortes American 309 Cards 4. 00 Bellingham Lookbindery 310 .Rebinding Books 43 . 08 Anacortes -.later dept . 311 'later 2 . 50 H. W. Dowd 312 Janitor 30. 00 Kate THanseroth 313 Salary as asst . Librarian o0. 00 Evelyn Lundberg 314 Salary as asst . librarian 20.00 E. Luella Toward 315 Salary as librarian A cas'' adv. 91. 30 349. 9 P.A.aK RIM Shannons Hardware 636 supplies for pari:s 2 .42 L. Adams 637 Labor and team hire 6. 00 Clint Knapp 635 La-bor in parks 61.20 J. E. Harding 639 Salary- as superintendent 110. 00 1;; .72 2ILL=1 :i-,G'..ZAM:DS G. H. ::ogle 9 Labor filling dump 35.00 G. H. Noggle 10 " P1 " 30.00 • GET'E:.J L ', ATER FUNi) Nelson Steamship Co . 20o4 Sulphate of Alu:.Lina 7/.13 Simpsons Electric Shop 2665 Repairing remote control line 16 . 31 - City Treasurer 2666 7th installment on bth street water main in excess of 6" 91 .24 • Gamon Meter Co 2667Meter 140. 00 Puget Sound P. & L. Co . 2668 Power at lakes 124.79 - McKesson-Stewart-Holmes Drug Co . 2669 Caustic Soda 91.20 • Crane Company 2670 Supplies 12.86- Commercial Dock 2671 freight & wharfage on sand 284.10 Bristol Co . 2672 Chart ink 1.o4 'L'acoma Electrochemical Co2673 .;hlorine 13. 50 '•)aynick. .-:;lectric Co . 2674 :ork on hoist 1 .35 . Union Oil Co . 2675 Til for truck 1 . 50 State Treasurer 2676 Ind . Ins . 2cLed. Aid 8 . 31 J. J. Lockert 2677 Typewriter repairs 1 . 00 IL . 1 - 4 1 9 • . GENRAL WATER FUND, Con . Claims continued Pittsburg Equitable IJerer2678 Iieter parts 3.25 Neptune Meter Co . 2679 Change gears . 3. 'T3 ..est Coast .gel . Co . 2080 Tolls and rentals 12 . 00 Lank cf Commerce , Assign 2681 Electric repairs at Campbell Lake George J3rink 56. 00 H. 0. Davey 2682 Cashiers bond 5. 00. . S. V. L. i..illere 2663 :rotor 19 .60 Island Traesfer 2664 2reig1t C: Drayage 54 . 01 Marine Supply 2685 Supplies 45.27 Sparks. Transfer 2686 Drayage on sane; to filter 26 .25 Schwartz Iron ,or .s 2667 Sharpening Tools 4.45 General Chemical Co . 2688 Alumina sulphate 36/. 50 Knapp & :Zonnebei e.r 2669 repairs on trucks 2.00 Fern Press 2690 Printing 6.25 Anacortes American 2691 _ Printing 15.00 Hersey Mfg, Co . 2692 Ileter parts 16 .11 . Shannon Hardware Co . 2o93 Supplies 1.28 '.1. h. Burke 2694 : .ileage on car 21 . 30 Ernest Knanp 2695 Salary as filter operator 150. 00 Frank Hagen 2696 Salary as filter operator 120. 00 H. A. Hartmann 2697 Salary as cashier 125. 00 Marion Jatkinson 2698 Salary as bookkeeper-teas . 45. 00 • Dave Riggs 2699 Salary as laborer 110. 50 Lein ';lilloughby 2700 Salary as foreman .c plumbing Ins . 179 . 50 Jim Jenson 2701 Labor 110. 50 W. h. Burke 2702 salary as superintendent 250.00 • Current :,xpense Fund 2703 Gasoline from city pump 18. 13. 269�2 . 1 . 1930 WATER FUND R. {. Gebo 6' Inspection .Skagit dive Project 30. 76 J. 1. Hatfield 66 Inspection 3'J. 50 s/. B. Short 69 Inspection 30.94 Dewey Diane 70 Inspection 33 . 75 C . W. Hatfield 71 Inspection 21 .25 C . R. Smith 72 Inspection and -ileage 66.44 • Ben iiriftmier 73 Recording easements 1 . 50 P. S. Machinery Depot 74 Estimate Na .. 7 46 ,124.0J Fred E. Bertrand County Auditor 75 Recording easement .75 C . R. Smith 76 Carmileage on inspection 105.69 C . W. Hatfield 77 Expenses inspection at Portland 43 .16 R. R. Gebo 78 Do 30.65 C . It. Smith 79 Inspection 192 . 36 . R. R. Gebo So . Inspection 46.14 J. Z. Hatfield 81 Inspection 151. 50 W. B. Short 82 Inspection 112 .81 Dewey Kane 83 Inspection 112. 50 Cl CI Hatfield 64 Inspection 94.22 Geo . T. Kerr 85 Inspection 58.68 R. L. . 'Jerner 86 Inspection 29 .38 W. Kane 87 Inspection 4y461.10 Finance on claims Report of Committee on Finance to whom were referred the claims against the Current Ex; eese Fund and other city fundsfor the month of April , recommending that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of same , was read and adopted. Roll call : Ayes , Kaune , Brunson , Neely and Olson. Nays, none. Adjourn There being no further business the city council did then adjourn Approved in open session this 19th day of May, 1931 6'Oc--2-..-4--taz---,-,- --,-- _ May o r Attest : M. A. Hartmann , City Jerk• / 7 �G..t.�.-.-. --�--^y Deputy • 420 • May 19, 1931 Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session with Mayor • Van Buren presiding and Councilmen McCracken, Kaune , Neely and Olson answering • roll call. Absent, Brunson, Gilkey and Fulton. 11/: I Minutes approved The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. R. B. Phillips The Mayor stated that the city needed a City Engineer and he would therefore appointed as city appointed R. B. Phillips to that position, subject to. the confirmation of the engineer city council, as of June 1st . Councilman Kaune moved that the appointment of R. B. Phillips as City Engineer be confirmed. Motion seconded by Neely and carried. City Atty on bond. Report of City Attorney on bond of M. A. Hartmann, cashier, stating that save of Hartmann was correct in form, was read and adopted. Finance on Treasurer's Report of Committee on Finance on Treasurer's report for month of April, report recommending that the report be accepted and placed on file , was read and adopted. Finance on report Repoft of Committee on Finance on April report of Police Judge, recommending of Police Judge that the report be accepted and placed on file, was read and adopted. Judiciary on bond of Report of Committee on Judiciary on bond of M. A. Hartmann , cashier, recommending Hartmann that the bond be accepted and placed on file , was read and adopted. Streets and Parks on Report of Committee on Streets and Parks to whom was referred the matter of installing two gaso- installing two additional gasoline pumps at 12th and Commercial Avenue by line pumps Joe Hagan, recommending that the pumps be installed by Mr. Hagan, was read and adopted. Fire, Water& Light Report of Committee on Fire, .ter and Light on report of fire chief for month on report of fire of April, recommending that the zeport be accepted and placed on file, was read chief and adopted. Communication from Communication frok Harold Alm stating his intentionfli to improve the property Harold Alm. re mineral included in his petition for a mineral lease , was read and on motion of lease Councilman Olson received and placed on file. Motion seconded by Neely and carried Street sign for Communication from Natural Gas Corporation of Washington asking permission to Natural Gas Corp- place a sign on a. street standard at 705 Commerceial was read and referred to oration the Committee on Streets and Parks with power to act. 1 Comm. from Thebo, Communication was read from Thebo , Starr and Adderton asking the city council Starr and Anderton for a written .acceptance. of the work of replacing the pavement damaged on the re acceptance of work installation of gas mains as the work had been completed. On motion of by city council Councilman Kaune , seconded by Neely the matter was referred to the Mayor for attention and reply. Motion carried. Comm. from John W. A communication was read from Jiohn W. Briskey, Prosecuting Attorney of Briskey re condition Skagit County, relative to the unsafe and dangerous manner in which the of highway left by contractors on the Anacortes-Skagit River watermian construction left the water contractors highways, stating that they had completely ignored the terms of the franchise granted to the City of Anacortes to cross the county roads. • Mr. Pollock told the city council that he had seen the County Engineer in regard to this matter and explained the situation to him, stating that payment of the contractor's work would be held up until the unsatisfactory condition had been remedied, and that no further comment had been heard from the county. Contractors to Mr. Burke told the city council that he had just received a. telephone message replace railroad from Mr. Mulhern of the Baker River Railway to the effect that the contractors crossing. for Baker on the watermain work must have he torn up railway crossing over their tracks River Ry ready in fo}frty-eight hours. A. motion was made by Councilman McCracken that the dummunca.tion be received and placed on file as the matter had already received attention. Motion seconded by Kaune and carried. Electric current at In a written communication W. C. Morse Company again called the attention of Whistle Lake the city council to the need for a small amoutn of electric current at Whdistle Lake to provide lights and particularly to charge a battery through a trickle charger that had been profided in connection with the gas driven unit in this location. On motion of Councilman Kaune, seconded by Olson , the matter was referred to. the Water Superintendent and Committee on Fire, Water an • Light with power to act. Damage claim of Claim for damages to a horse in the amount of $115.00 by Bert L. Heggen, was Neggen presented to the city council. The horse had been injured by a piece of pipe negligently left in the pasture by the contractors on the Skagit-River watermain construction. As the Puget Sound Machinery Depot , contractors , had already been notified of the claim, the matter was referred to the City Attorney. lir Hearing on vacation It being the date of hearing on the vacation of the alleys in Block 201, of alleys Original Plat, Block 2 Beales Maple Grove and Block 5, Mrs. Mary Eubanks Addition, the Mayor called for protests. There were nonc ,either written or verbal. • • 421 May 19, continued (1931) • Ordinance vacating Ordinance No . , being an ordinance vacating the alley in Block 201, alley in Block 201 Original Plat of the City of Anacortes, Skagit County , 'ashing'ton, was on Original Plat motion placed on its first reading by title; on motion ordinance was placed on its second reading by title; on motion ordinance was referred to the City Attorney and Committee on Judiciary. Ordinance vacating Ordinance /To . , being an ordinance vacating the, zl ley in Block Two , alley in Bolek )5, Beales Maple Grove Addition to the City of Anacortes, and Block Five, Mrs . Beales. M'atjple Grove Mary Eubanks Addition to the City of Anacortes, Skagit County, Washington, and Mock 5, Mary was on motion placed on its first reading by title; on motion ordinance Eubanks Addition was placed on its second reading by title ; on motion ordinance was referred to the Committee on Judiciary and City Attorney. Re placing light Councilman Olson said that the city band was now holding its meetings in in Causland Park Causland Park and needed a light in the grandstand. As a number of people grandstand enjoyed the music he recommended that the city furnish a light , the minimum cost of which would be $1 .50 per month, and he would furnish the globes himself A motion was made by Cluncilman Kaune , seconded b y Neely that the light be connected. Motion carried. Adjourn There being no further business the city council did then adjourn. Approved in, open session this 2nd day of June , .1931 • • . . Mayor Attest: A. Hartmann , City Clerk By disc--z - Deputy • .11 • • V 422 June 2, 1931 Fulton, Laune Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular see ion with Mayor Tan Buren presiding and Councilmen McCracken, Neely, Gilkdyjand Olson present . Absent, Brunson. Minutes approved • The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted as read. City Attorney an Report of City Attorney on claim for damages of $115.00 by- Bert L. Heggen damage claim of for injuries to horse caused by pipe left in pasture by watermain contractors, Bert Heggen recommending that claim be rejected and Puget Sound Machinery Depot be advised of the action, was read and adopted. City Attorney on Report of City Attorney on ordinance vacating alley in Block 201, Original. • vacation of alley ord. Plat of the City of Anacortes, stating that same was correct in form, was read and adopted. City Attorney on . Report of City Attorney on vacation of alley in Block 2, Beales Maple Grove ordinance vacating Addition and Block 5", Mr.s. Mary Eubanks Addition to City of Anacortes, alley stating that same was correct in form, was read and adopted. Report of Police Judge Report of Police Judge was referred to the Committee on Finance. Report of City T'reas Report of City Treasurer for month of May was referred to the Committee on Finance. Report of Fire Dept. Report of Fire Department for month of May was referred to tie Committee on Fire, Water and Light . Re fixing of water Recommendation from the Water Superintendent that the ordinance relating to rates ( sprinkling) the fixingzof the rates to be charged for water furnished by the city, be amended by striking out the second classification and adding the amount contained in the bracket to the third rate classification in order to encourage the increased use of dater for sprinkling, vas referred to the Committee on Fire, Water and Ligth. Be. amending ordinance The following communication from the Water Superintendent was read: Noo 698 - water collections 10At the request of this department and the consent of the Fire and Water Committee , the City Attorney has prepared an Ordinance amending Section 48 of Ordinance No. 698. In our opinion, this ordinance , if pased, will relieve this department of considerable labor and expense • in the collection of its accounts. We recommend thatIII the Ordinance referred to be placed on its first,, second and final reading in order that it may be in full force and effect prior to June 10th. * Councilman ucCracken moved that the report be adopted and the matter be brought up under new business. Motion seconded by Haune and carried. Report of Water The Water Superintendent submitted the following report on the condjtion of Superintendent on the lakes and ater supply during the month of May: condition of lakes and operation of "This will advise that on this date we have dis- sy. tem continued pumping from Lake Campbell. . During the month of operation of Lake Campbell pumps we have succeeded • in increasing the eleaation of Whistle Lake a total of 18'*, and from present indications it will be un- necessary to take any more water from Campbell. During the month of May, we delivered to the filter a total of fifty-nine million -galleon , about eleven • million of which was delivered from Heart Lake. This represents a decrease of more than four million gallons from the April delivery. It is gratifying to report that notwhthstanding this keseer amount of water fro the month of May, sales were increased in excess of $1400.00, due to improved conditions of the filter. We also wish to call to your attention the fact that in some instances oversize meters are in use. It is a well estabdished fact that large meters will not accurately record a small flow and should be prohibited by regulations. They result in loss of revenue to the department and serve no useful purpose to the consumer. We have hesitated to • take action h this matter before bringing to your attention. " The report was on motion referred to the Committee on Fire , Water & Light. Judiciary on Ordinance Report of Committee on Judiciary on Ordinance vacating alley in Block 201 vacating alley in Original Plat of the City of Anacortes , recommending that the ordinance Block 201 do pass, was read and adopted. Report of Committee on Judiciary on ordinance vacating alley in Block 2, Judiciary on ordinance Beales Maple Grove and Block 5 Mary Eubanks Addition to the City of Anacortes, vacating alley in recommending that the ordinance do pass, was read adn adopted. Block 2 BMG and NIE Addition Report od Streets and Parks to whom was referred the matter of street sign Streets and Parks on at 705 Commercial Avenue for Natural Gas Corporation, recommending that the street sign Company be allowed to place the sign, was read and adopted. Filming grade stakes ' Communication from R. H. Young asking the city to furnish grade stakes a- for R. H. Young ROth and K Avenue as he was going to put in cement sidewalks in. front of his plce, 4 .3 June 2, 193 , continued was, referred to the City Engineer for attention. Communication from A communication was read from W. CO Morse Company in regard to the additional W. C . terse C'o . coat of inspection on the water project, caused by the delay of contractors in completing the work on time, as follows: Seattle , Wash. , June 1, 1931 Honorable Mayor & City Council, Anacortes, Washington As you already know, the date of completion for the Anacortes water contract was April 7, 1931. The engineering costs since that time , under generally accepted practice, would be a charge against the City of Anacortes, and the City would in turn collect this cost from the Contractor as part of the penalty for not completing their work on time. In ordinary contracts, the principle reason for including a penalty for failure to complete on time , is to take care of the extra engineer- ing costs incurred after date of completion. In the case of the Anacortes job , this was, of course, not the only reason for the penalty clause, because you have in addition a large actual loss of revenue due to failure to complete on time. We understand that the State Examiner of accounts objects to fur- ther payments , under the contract for engineering entered into by your Body and our firm. It would seem that the only satisfactory way to remedy this situation would be a new ordinance by the Anacortes Council authorizing the payment of all engineering costs subsequent to the ex- piration of the contract period. To prevent the City from incurring a loss in this connection, it would , of course , be necessary to enforce a sufficient penalty upon the Contractor to cover this additional cost, but in view of the fact that one of the Contractors representatives stated to a member of our firm shortly after it was known that they were the low bidders , that they had included two months penalty money in their contract price and expected to save more than this amount by performing the work under more favorable weather conditions than would prevail dur- ing the winter season, certainly no injustice will be worked upon the contractor in collecting the actual costs to the City resulting from ' it • this over-run of time for completion. We believe that the Mayor and members of the Council will agree that we have spared neither time nor effort in our endeavor to secure a good job for the City of Anacortes at a reasonable cost. We have every con- _fidence that the members of the City Government will not think it just or fair to penalize our firm because the Contractor chose to so Conduct his work that he did not complete it within the contract period. • The extra engineering cost resulting from failure of the Contractor to complete this job in time does not represent any profit or advantage to this firm, but on the contrary has .been and is decidedly disadvan- ageous. Shortly after the expiration of the contract period a member of our firm talked personally to the Mayor and most of the members of the Council and brought this matter to their attention. We now bring it to your official attention because the attitude of the State Examiner seems to make official action necessary. • For your imforma.tion,' we are ' giving below a few facts as to our costs in connection with this improvement tb your water system: General engineering expenses up to April 7th, including preliminary report, surveys , preparation of plans and specification, and all other engineering, exclusive of inspection $16,335.35 Inspection costs up to April 7th, 1931 5. 141.81 These two items represent the cost to us to the completion date of the contract (April 7th) $21,679.16 Our fee under our contract with you was to have been $20,800, or about $900 less than our costs. We are , however, entirely willing to abide by that agreement. However, when it comes to absorbing the en- • gineering costs since that date up to the end of May, which have amounted to approximately $3,004 for inspection and inspection expense , and $70.74 for other engineering costs , making about $3,710 with the job still far from completed, we believe that you will not feel this is a just charge against our firm. Knowing that it is your purpose to be entirely fair in all matters and knowing that according to custom and common practice we are seeking only the ordinary consideration, we remain, Very truly yours, W.C . MORSE CO. By Carl D. Pollock r' 6 4 June 2, 1931, continued On motion the communication was placed on file. • The following communication from E. F. Pugsley of the Puget Sound Machinery Connecting industrial Depot was read main with city water "We respectfully request permission to connect hat portion of industrial main provided in Schedule No. Six, twentieth street south, with existing city water system. and if permitted to make said connection it will be made with the definite understanding that such connection is made at our request and with the positive under- standing that it will not constitute an acceptance of' the work in Schedule Sex, so connected or otherwise , and that the city reserves the right to pass ppon the question of final acceptance in accordance with the specifications in said Schedule Six, to-wit, upon final completion of all mark covered in said Schedule. " A motion was passed granting the request under the supervision of the Water Superintendent. Ordinance No. 811 Ordinance No. 811, being an ordinance vacatin6 the alley in Block 201, Original Plat of the City of Anacortes, Skagit County, Washington, WHEREAS., a petition praying for the vacation of the above described alley, signed by more than tcv thirds of the property abutting upon the said alley sought to be vacated, was filed with the City Clerk and upon sai d filing the city council, by resolution fixed the time and place for the hearing thereof, and more than twenty days prior to the date of said hearing, notice thereof • was duly posted according to law, and no objections or protest being made thereto , now therefore the City Council ofthe City o•f .Anacortes do ordain as follows: was on motion placed on its third and final reading by title; on motionthe title was adopted as read; on motion section 1 was adopted as read ; on motion section 2 was adopted as read; on motion the ordinance as a whole and as read was adopted. Roll call : Ayes, Kaune, McCracken, Neely, Gilkey, Olson and Fulton. Nays , none . Ordinance Nc. 812 Ordinance No. 812 , being and ordinance vacating the alley in Block 2, Beales Maple Grove Addition to the City of Anacortes , and Block 5-, Mrs . Mary Eubanks Addition to the City of Anacortes, Skagit County, Washington, WHEREAS, a petition praying for the vacation of the above described alley, signed by the owners of more than two t..irds of the property abutting upon the said alley sought to be vacated, was filed with the City Clerk and upon said filing the city co uncil , by. resolution fixed the time and place for the hearing thereof, and more than twenty days prior to the date of said hearing, notice thereof vas duly posted according to law, and no objections or protest being made thereto , now therefore tiemCity couuncil of the City of Anacortes do Ordain as follows: was on motion placed on its third and final reading by sections. On motion thetitle was adopted as read; on motion secion 1 was adopted as read ; on motion section • 2 was adopted as read; on motion the ordinancezas a whole and as read was adopted. Rollcall: Ayes, Kaune, McCracken , Neely, Gilkey, Olson and Fulton Nays, none. Ordinance No. 813 Ordinance No. 813, being andordinance amending subdivision forty-eight of Section Two , Ordinance No. 698 if the City of Anacortes, entitled "An Ordinance fixing the rates to be charged for water furnished by the city andproviding rules and regulations relating to the fuunishing 8o of such water*, was on motion placed on its first reading by title ; on motion ordinancewas placed on it ' •seconde reading by title; on motion ordinancewas referred to the City Attorney and Judiciary Committee. Ordinance No. 813 Report of City Attorney on ordinance amending subdivision 48, Section 2 of Ordinance No . 698, stating that same was correct in form was read and adopted. Report of Judiciary Committee on ordinance amending subdivision 48 of Section 2 or Ordinance No. 698, recommending that the ordinance do pass, was read and adopted. • Councilman Neely, Chairman of the Committee on Fire , Water and Light, moved that the ordinance do pass. Motion seconded by Olson and passed. Councilman Kaune moved that the rules be suspended and that the ordinance be placed on its third and final reading by sections. Motion seconded by Olson and carried. On motion the title was adopted as read; on motion section 1 was adopted as read; on motion section 2 was adopted as read; on motion the ordinace as a whole and as read was -adopted. Roll call : Ayes, naune, McCracken, Neely .Gilkey, Olson and Fulton. Nays, none. Councilman Kaune, moved that the rules be -suspended and that the ordinance be placed on its third and final reading by sections. Motion seconded by Olson and carried. On motion the title was adopted as read; section 1 was read; Councilman Kaune moved that the penalty be fixed at 10% of the amount of the bill, but in no event less than twenty-five cents; motion seconded by .Olson and carried. Councilman Olson moved that section 1 be adopted as amended; seconded by Kaune and carried. On motion section 2 was adopted as read; on motion the ordinance as a whole and as read was adopted. Roll call: Ayes , Kaune, McCracken, Neely, Gilkey, Olson and Fulton. Bond of. Phillips Bond of City Engineer R. B. Phillips was received and referred to the City presented Attorney and Judiciaty Committee. L • 4' 425 June 2, 1931, continued • Under unfinished business the city council took up the matter of the Priogreaa on water water project , Mr. Pollock gave a resume of the work up to date , after Mich proj,ect the situation was discussed between the city council , engineers and contractors , the contractors promising to have the water before July 1st. Claims . Claims filed against the Current Expense Fund and other city funds for the month of May, as follows, were read and referred to the Committee on Finance: . CURRENT EXPENSE FUND G. K. Noggles 2724 Labor on streets 35.0a Chas. P. Stapp 2725 Postage for clerk and treasurer. 20.00 • Albert Helander 2726 Auditing city records 2.63.00 Thos. Conway 2727 Salary as fire chief 175.00 • James Colgan 2728 Salary as asst. fire chief 135.00 • Bert Verra.l 2729 Salary as fireman 130.00 • Wm. Dow • 2?30 Salary as fireman 130.00 • Anacortes Steam Ldy. 2731 Laundry for fire dept. • 2.94 • Water Dept. 2732 Hydrant rentals 400.00 Shannon Hardware 2733 Supplies for fire and sts. 16.24 City Plumbing & Junk 2734 Repairs for fire 6.29 West Coast Tele. Co. 2735 Telephone tolls for police .50 F. G. Abbey 2736 Salary as police judge 25.00 • Schwartz iron Works 2737 Supplies and labor for sts. .90 • Benson Motors 2738 Repairs on police car 13.15 E. T. Staudt 2?39 Salary as patrolman 125.00 - Al Sellinthin 2740 Salary ac chief of police 160.00 J. T. March 2741 Salary as patrolman. • 135.00 • H. N. Wood 2742 Salary as patrolman 135.00 G. D. Shannon 2743 Premium on city engineer's bond 5.00 • R. E. Ruthford 2744 Inspection repairing pavement 26.25 • • Lowman & Hanford 2745 T. W. Paper 2 .61 S. D. Temple 2746 Supplies 1.05 • Knapp & Ronneberger 2747 Repairs on St . and fire equipment 18.80 • Marine Supply 2748 Supplies for sts. 5.60 G. H. Noggles 2749 Labor on streets 27.50 Wm. Weeks 2750 Labor on streets 71.25 Oren Plater 2?51 Labor on streets 58.00 Tom Dodson 2?52 Labor on streets 100.00 • Ed Strom. 2753 Labor on streets 115.00 Lynn Balcomb 2754 Salary as truck driver • 135.00 II 0. A. Lenning 2755 Salary as St. Supt. & cash adv. 150.50 Curtis Wharf Co. 2?56 Coal.far city hall 63.18 S. P. Walsh 2757 hauling ga wage 1.50 Jay F. Carroll 2?58 Insurance on city hall 92.70 State Treasurer 2759 Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid 26.64 H. E. Frost 2760 Salary as health officer 25.00 • Ben Driftmier 2761 Salary as city attorney 65.00 X. A. Hartmann 2762 Salary as city clerk 65.00 Marion Watkinson 2763 Salary as city treasurer 65.00 Puget Sound P & L Co. 2764 Lights at city hall , sts & power at crusher 276.89 f3305.49 LIBRARY FUND National Map Co . 316 Map 4.90 Albert Whitman Co . 317 Books 25.40 . Water Department 318 Water 3.15 Kate Hanseroth 319 Salary as asst. librarian 60.00 H. V. Dowd 320 Salary as janitor: 30.00 Evelyn Lundberg 321 Asst. librarian 20.00 E. Luella Howard 322 Salary as librarian 91.80 Paget. Sound News Co. 323 Books 36.33 A. C . McClurg & Co. 324 Supplies 94.70 Puget Sound P & L Co . 325 Light 4.11 5370.39 PARK FUND Curtis Wharf Co. 640 Cement for park 1.50 Shannon Hardware 641 Supplies 20.18 J. E. Harding 642 Salary as superintendent 110.00 Fix It Shop 643 Grinding Mower 1. 50 . Clint Knapp 644 Labor 81.60 T. A. Coberly 645 Painting flag pole 8. 00 L. Kronquist 646 Painting signs for parks .8.8 , 228.63 1930 WATER FUND Puget Sound Mach. De. Estimate 62 ,880.25 r • 426 June 2, 1931, continued GENERAL WATER FUND Chas. P. Stapp 2704 Postage 20.00 Schreiber & Werner 2705 Premium on. warehouse i.rsuran.ce 57.60 California Filter Co. 2706 Sand 803.40 American Legion 2707 Lumber 24.25 Shannon Hardware 2708 Supplies 2.48 Tacoma Electrochemical 2709 Supplies 13.50 J. B. Bell 2710 Supplies 4 Gamon Meter Co. 2711 Supplies for meters. 20.88 Fix It Shop 2712 Filing saws 1.00 Current Expense Fund 2713 Labor ending asphalt 19.50 Anacortes Lumber & Box 2714 Lumber - 3.05 Lowman & Hanford 2715 Supplies 2.61 Curtis Wharf Co. 27/6 Supplies 19.45 State Treasurer 2717 Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid 9.27 General Chemical Co. 2718 Alumina sulphate • 7.50 H. Rickaby 2719 Boat hire 1.50 . West Coast Tele. Co . 2720 Telephone 1.25 Puget Sound P & L Co. 2721 Power 1,130.33 Schwartz Iron Works 2722 Sharpening toold 2.25 Benson Motors 2723 Rapairs on truck 3.07 S. D. Temple 2724 Supplies 2.20 Jim Jense.. 2725 Labor 103.00 Dave Rigg-= 2726 Labor 108.50 Lees Willoughby 2727 Salary as foreman & plumbing Insp. 187.25 W. R. Burke 2728 Mileage on car 37.70 Frank Hagen 2729 Salary as filter operator 120.00 Ernest Knapp 2730 Salary as filter operator 150.00 W. B. Burke 2731 Salary as supt. 250.00 Marion Watkinson . 2732 Salary ae bookkeeper- treas. 45.00 M. A. Hartmann 2?33 Salary as cashier 125.00 Marine Supply 2734 Supplies Q .86 $Y32,7 .14 Finance on claims Report of Committee on Finance to thorn were referred the claims against the Current Expense Fund and other city Donde for the month of May, recommending • that the claims be atr1 wed and warrants drawn in favor of same, was read • adn. adopted. Roll call: Ayes, Kaune , McCracken, Neely, Olson, Gilkey and Fulton. Nays, none. Bad condition of Councilman Olson called the attention to the bad. condition of the street street crossings crossings at 35th and 32nd and R Avenue, and made a. motion that the contractors 2t 32nd 7 35th & R on the water prlject be notified that if the crossings were not repaired immediately that the city Mould take action. Motion seconded by McCracken . and carried. Adjourn The city council then adjourned until Tuesday, June 9th at 8 p,m. and the city clerk instructed to request the contract and engineer to be present, also the rater superintendent and city attorney. Approved in open session this 16th day- of June , 1931. • ___ALOGLa-a-•- • Mayor Attest: M. A. Hartmann, City Clerk, By 4- 6,,,-✓ .6f/,A. „.„ 4„:,.____,„ • Deputy June 9. 1911 ` Roll call: The city council met in adjourned session with Councilmen Kaune , Gilkey, Neely and Olson present. Absent , McCracken, Brunson and Fulton. • Summary of work on Mr. Pollock of Morse Company gave a summary of the work on the water project water project given during the past week, stating that while progress had been made the contractor's would have to make three times as much progress to finish the work by July 1st. Mr. Pugsley and Mr. Udhen of the Puget Sound Machinery Depot told the council • that the work could now go faster as they had three welding machiner in • operation and a night crew, the welding being practically all done. The reservoir would require about three more days for completion. Water Superintendent to turn on Vaster atA motion was made byCouncilman Neely that the water superintendent be instruct ' Anacortes Packing Co. to turn on the eater at the Anacortes Packing Company when the necessary applic o was signed and the proper deposits put up. Motion seconded by Kaune and carried. Adjourn The ci ty council did then iadj ourn. Approved in open session the 16th day of June, 1931 Attest: L A. Hartmann, City Clerk, Mayor By 2 < ,iC' 9i L. - -Deputy . 41 427 June 160 1931 Re-ll,-cal1. The city council of the City of Anaco rtes mfl•t in regular session with Mayor Van Buren presiding and Councilmen Kaugne, McCracken , Neely, Olson and Fulton, 11 AAbsent, Brunson -and Gilkey. Piinutes. •approved The min¢utea° of the previous meeting were read and adopted. y .d. City on bond of Report of City Attorney on bond - of R. B. Phillips , stating that same was Phillips correct in farm, was read,and •adop.ted. Finance on Treasurer's Report of Committee on Finance on Treasurers re}_ort for month of May, report recommending that the -.re.p,or:t_be...accep-.ted and placed on file , was read and adopted. Finance on report. of Report of Committee on Finance on report of Police Judge for May, recommending Police Judge that the reportbe accepted and placed on file, was read and adopted. Judiciary on bond of Report of Judiciary . Commit te.e an bond of City Engineer, R. B. Phillips, City Engineer recommending that the bond be accepted, was read and adopted. Wla rrnpro-ject. again The council considered the weterm6in project at some length. Mr. Pollock gage a summary of the work done to date and said that much more progress should be made if the work was to be finished On time. Mr. l hden told the council that he would have- the—water- running through the pipe by Saturday next. A motion was made by Gouncilman McCracken as follows: "That the Committee on Fire, Water & Light, Water Superintendent , and- City Attorney be authorized and instructed at a time that they considered appropriate to officially notify the pulp mill that we are ready to furnish water as per contract. " The motion was seconded by Olson and carried unanimously. Me Shannon—wants road Councilman Olson said that G. D. Shannon wanted a road to house at 26th & G Ave. , A-_motion was made by Councilman McCracken that the Street Superintendent be instructed to bring in a report in regard to this road at the next meeting of the city council. Motion seconded by Olson and carried. Adjourn There being no further business the city council did then adjourn. Ap-ppr(yved in open session this 7th day of July, 1931 • Attest: Mayo r M. A. Hartmann, City Clerk, By ._._ -t-,t..— ,..�. ✓""' ✓✓ Deputy 4;45 11 1 \ ,I II \ 0 o 429 • June 16, 1931 Roll. call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session wit# Mayor Van Buren presiding and Councilmen Kaune , McCracken, Neely, Olson and Fulton present. Absent, Brunson and Gilkey. • Minutes approved The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. City Atty on bond Report of City Attorney on bond of R. B. Phillips , stating that same was of Phillips. correct in form, was read and adopted. Finance on report Report of Committee on Finance on Treasurer's report for month of May, of City Treae . recommending that the report be accepted and placed on file , was read and adopted. Finance on report Report of Committee on Finance on report of Police Judge for May, recommending of Police Judge that the report be accepted and placed on file , was read and adopted. Judiciary on bond Report of Judiciary Committee on bond of City Engineer, R. B. Phillips , of Phillips • recommending that the bond be accepted, was read and adopted. Watermain project The council considered the watermain project at- some length. Mr. Pollock gave a summary of the work done to date , and said that much more progress would be necessary if the work was to be finished on time . Mr. Uhden told the council that he would have the water running thorough the pipe by Saturday next . Pap mill to be A motion was made by Councilman McCracken as follows : notified re furnishing water °That the Committee on Fire , Water and Light , Water Superintendent , from Skagit and City Attorney be authorized and instructed at a time that they considered appropriate to officially notify the pulp mill that we are ready to furnish water as per contract. "' • The motion was seconded by Olson and carried unanimously. Road for Shannon Councilman Olson said that G. E. Shannon wasted a road to his house at 26th and G Avenue . A motion was made by Councilman McCracken that the Street Superi tendent be instructed to bring in a report in regard to this road at the next meeting of the city council Motion seconded by Olson and carried . Relief valve The installation of a relief valve to prevent pipe breakage in case of a heavy water hammer and a shut-off valve outadie the pump house to prevent flooding of the pump machinery in case of a break or to enable workmen to make repairs in the pump house , were recommendedby Mr. Pollock. Water Superintendent Burke urged the installation of these valves. After considerable discussion in regard to the additional expense invovled, the following motion was made by Councilman McCracken: "That the Water Superintendent and Engineers be authorized Jointly to provide this relief valve. " Motion seconded by Neely and carried unanimously. The installation of the shutoff valve was left until a later date. There being no further business the city council did then adjourn. Approved in open session this 7th day of July, 1931 Mayor Attest : A. Hartmann, City Clerk, Deputy r L30 July 7, 1931 Roll call The city council of the City stAnacortes met in regular session,witr Mayor 5 Van Buren presiding and Councilmen McCracken,Kqune, Neely, Olson, Gilkey and Fulton answering roll call. Absent, Brunson. Minutes approved The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted as read. Treasurers report Report of City Treasurer was referred to the Committee on Finance. referred Police Judge's report Report o f Police Judge was referred to the Committee on Finance. referred Shannon road deferred The matter of the road improvement asked for by G. D. Shannon was deferred until a later date. Large amount of water The Water Superintendent called the attention of the city council to the large used in parks amount of water used at the parks, and suggested that in the budget for next year an amount be allowed for this purpose. Conference of offic- A communication from A. W. Wilson, Commissioner of Charties for Skagit County, ials and social - was read. Mr. Wilson stated that he had been asked to call a conference of • workers officials and social workers of the county for the purpose of mutual in'ormation and enlightment relative to the unemployment situation. The matter was left to the Mayor for attention. Organization of power A communication from Skagit County Pomona Grange No. lg relative to the organization district of a Power District Committee representing the entire county, to enrk out some plan in regard to the furnishing of cheaper light and power, was referred to the Committee on Fire , Water Nnd Light. Re claims against Communications frnm R. H. Black and Lee Gale relative to claims for labor against subcontractors the subcontractors on the Skagit River water main, were read. A motionw•asmade by Councilman Gilkey that the city clerk be instructed to answer these letters advising the claimants hock,to file their claims so that they would be legal. Motion lost for lack of a second. A motion was made by Councilman McCracken that the city clerk be instructed to answer the letters suggesting that the claimants beek legal advice in order that the claims might be legally filed. Seconded by Neely. Ayes , McCracken , Kaune, Neely, Olson and Fulton. Nays, Gilkey. Motion carried. • Litka damagessuit The City Attorney reported on the Litka case, saying that the city council were familiar with the dicision rendered from the reports in the papers. A motion was made by Councilman Kaune, seconded by Neely, that the case be appealed to the Supreme Court the City Attorney be instructed to appeal the Litka case to the Supreme Court. Motion carried unanimously. Claimie for damages The City Attorney stated that Ingvald Jacobson was threatening suit for the by Jacobson and sum of . 60.00 damages to his property by the lowering of Lake Campbell, and also Olson re lowering of Jacob Olson for the sum of 81500. A motion was made by Councilman McCracken Lake Campbell that these claims be referredto the City Attorney and Committee on Fire, Water and Light as they were already on file in the office of the City Clerk. Mg-tion Meeonded by Kaune. Ayes, McCracken, Kaune, Neely, Olson and Fulton. Nays, Gilkey Motion carried. Claims Claims filed against the Current Expense Fund and other city funds for the month of June, 1930, as follows, were read and referred to the Committee on Finance: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND G. H. Noggle 2765 Labor on streets 35.00 G. H. Noggle 2766 Labor on streets 32.50 0. A. Lenning 2767 Salary as street superintendent 150.00 Lynn Balcomb 2768 Salary as truck driver 135.00 Ed Strom 2769 Salary as truck driver 115.00 Tom Dodson 2770 Labor on streets 100.00 Via. Weeks 2771 Labor on streets 75.00 Al Cellinthin 2772 Salary as chief of police 160.00 • J. T. March 2773 Salary as patrolman 135.00 H. N. Wood 2774 Salary as patrolman L35.00 E. T. Staudt 2775 Salary as patrolman 125.00 Thos. Conway 2776 Salary as fire chief, janitor & wiring inspector 175.00 James Colgan 2777 Salary as ass't. fire chief 135.00 VM. Dow 2778 Salary as fireman 130.00 • Bert Verrail 2779 Salary as fireman 130.00 E. P. Barron 2780 Clerical services 1 .69 • Abbott Auto Co. 2781 Repairs on street truck 33.05 • Schwartz Iron Works. 2782 Supplies for street dept . 15.29 Knapp & Ronneberger 2783 Repairs on truck for street dept. .75 Curtis Wharf Co. 2784 Sand and cement for st. dept. 2.95 I/ : Anacortes Lumber & Box 2785 . Lumber for street dept. 14.6.5 Fix It Shop 2786 Filing saws for street dept. 1. 00 Standard Oil Co. 2787 Supplies for streets 2.20 Standard Oil Co. 2788 Gasoline for pump - month of May 71. 76 Puget Sound Power & Light2789 Lights at city hall, street &etc . 278.28 S. P. Walsh 2790 Hauling garbage from city hall 1. 50 Standard Oil Co. 2791 Gasoline for city pump - June 149.15 City Plumbing & Junk 2792 Repairs on fire equipment 5.30 Sanderson Safety Supply 2793 Canisters for fire dept . 6.16 Anacortes Steam Laundry 2794 Laundry for fire dept . 3.87 4491 431 July 7, 1931, continued Fomov's Fruit & Gro. 2795 Soap for city hall 1.00 • S. D. Temple 2796 Supplies for engineer 2.35 Clausius Motor Co. • 2797 Supplies for fire dept. 2.20 Test Coast Tele. Co. 2798 Tolls for police 2.85 H & D Super service 2799 Batteries for police dept . 3.55 State Treasurer 2800 Ind. ICns. & wed. Aid 2 .13 Anacortes American 2801 Publishing 36.84 Void 28042 Fred G. Abbey 2803 Salary as police judge 25. 00 Dr. H. E. Frost • • 2804 Salary as health officer 25.00 M. A. Hartmann 2805 Salary as city clerk 65.00 Marion Watkinson 2806 Salary as city treasurer 65.00 Ben Driftmier 2807 Salary as city attorney 65. 00 R. B. Phillips 2808 .Salary as city engineer 50.00 Water Departmant 2809 Hydrant Rentals 400.00 3128. 02 LIBRARY FUND Puget Sound News Co . 326 Books 34.20 A. C . McClurg 327 Books 46.58 Literary Build of America 328 Annual Memberships 95.00 Island Transfer 329 Freight and Drayage on books 3. 18 Kate Hanseroth 330 Salary as asst . Librarian 60. 00 Evelyn Lundberg 331 Salary as asst . Librarian 20. 00 E. Luella Howard 332 Salary as librarian & Cash Adv. 93.17 H. W. Dowd 333 Salary as janitor 30.00 Americana Corporation 334 Americana Annual 7. 50 Puget Sound P. & L. 335 Lights at Library 3.12 Standard Oil Coo 336 Liquid Gloss 2.25 395.00 PARK FUND Shannon Hardware 647 Supplies for parks 2.50 Fix It Shop 648 Mower Pinion .65 Clint Knapp 649 Labor in park 79.20 Schwartz Iron Works 650 Welding Lawn Mower .75. J. E. Harding 651 Labor in Parks 110.00 193. 0 -..i . GENERAL WATER FUND A. H. Helander 2736 Audit 80.20 Curtis Wharf Co . 2737 Freight on supplies & Cement 18.95 H. Rickaby 2738 Boat Hire 1. 50 A. N. Castle & Co. 2739 WireCtloth 31.60 Knapp & Ronneberger 2740 Tire & Tube repairs 25.65 Gamon Meter Co. . 2741 Supplies for •water dept . 6. 76 West Coast Tele. Co. 2 742 Service and tolls 2 .®0 W. R. Burke 2743 Mileage on car 30.10 Anacortes Lumber & Box Coa2744 Lumber for water dept . 1. 70 Tacoma .Electrochemcial 2745 Liquid Chlorine 40.23 Puget Sound P. & L. Co . 2746 Power for pumps 129.20 Walworth Co. 2747 Corporation cocks 53.90' Current Expense Fund 2748 Gasoline from city pump 32.32 State Treasurer 2749 Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid 9.16 Void 2?50 Void The Bristol Company 2751 Charts 4.06 S. D. Temple 2752 Ink 1.25 Y.G. & C.H. .Trafton 2753 Filter sand washer 45.90 Fern Press 2754 Receipt books 7. 00 Crane Company 2755 Valves and supplies 396.86 W. R. Burke 2756 Salary as superintendent 250.00 Lew Willoughby 2757 Salary as foreman 175.00 Dave Riggs 2758 Labor 117.00 • Jim Jensen 2759 Labor 113.00 Ernest Knapp 2760 Filter Operator 150.00 Frank Hagen 2761 Filter operator 120. 00 M. A. Hartmann 2762 Salary as cashier 125. 00 Marion Watkinson 2763 Salary as bookkeeper-treas. 45.0) Lew Willoughby 2764 Plumbing permits 4. 50 W. B. Short 2765 Witness Litka Case 20.00 203� 74 19'30 WATER FUND • A. W. Forbes 89 Easement 25.00 I/ F. E. Bertrand 90 Recording Forbes Easement .85 Crane Company 91 Gate Valve for LaConner line 23. 75 Puget Sound Mach. Depot 92 Estimate No . 9 51643.57 Northwest Testing Lab. 93 Asphalt Analysis 37. 50 51730.67 432 July 7, 1931 , continued Finance on claims Report of the Committeeon Finance to whom were referred the claims against the Current Expense Fund andother city funds for the month of June, recommending that the Maims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of same, was read and adopted. Roll call: Ayes, Kaune, McCracken, Neely, Bilkey, Olson and Fulton. Nays, none. Recess A motion was made by Councilman McCracken that the city council declare a recess for ten minutes. Motion seconded by Kaune and carried . After an hour's time the city council re-assembled and a motion to adjourn until Wednesday, July 8th, at 8 p.m. was passed. Approved in open session this. 21st day of July, 1931 • Mayor . . Attest: M. A. Hartmann, City Clerk-, By % G � Deputy • July 8, 1911 Rol. call The city council met in adjourned session with Mayor Van B ren presiding and Councilman McCracken , Kaune , Neely, Olson, and Gilkey. Absent Fulton. Claims for in- A motion w'as made by Councilman McCracken, seconded by Neely, that consideration spection . on water of claims for inspection be deferred until a future date , or at time of completion main job deferred of the watermain. Motion carried unanimously. Contractor to Motion was made by Councilman McCracken , seconded by Neely, that MorseCCompany. finish 24-inch main Engineers, advise the contractor on the waternain to finish the 24-inch main and that the city council does not wish to use water out of line until • completed and tested. Motion carried. Ajdourn There being no further business the city council did then adjourn. Approved in open session this 21st day of July, 1931 • Mayor Attest: M. A. Hartmann, City Clerk, By .- L �./ Deputy 43 July 21 , 1931. Roll call- The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session with Mayor V'an Buren presiding and Councilmen Kaune,, Neely, Brunson, Gilkey, Olson and Fulton. .Absent, McCracken . Minutes approved The minutes of the previous meeting were read Ahd adopted as read. City Engineer on The City Engineer reported that he had given two sidewalk alignments on 20th sidewalk alignments Street and K Avenue and llth and 0 Avenue. Also that he had gone over the road Mr. Shannon was asking for and found quite a bit of stumpage. .Ae.'the grubbing would be rather heavy the Engineer was instructed to bring in an estimate Report. Committee on Fire , Water and Light on communication from Pomona Grange Fire, eater & Light Nb. 10 relative to organization of power district to obtain cheaper light and power, on communication from stating that the city wasnot prepared to go into this matter at the present time, Pomona Grange was read and adopted. by G. A. anderso n Communication from Corbett Mill Company/asking the city council to cancel the Corbett Mill asks penalty- charge of $13.20 on their last monthts water bill was read. A motion was for rebate on water made by Councilman Kaune , seconded by Neely, that the City Clerk answer this letter bill penalty explaing that other people had paid the penalty and that it would not be consistent • to make a rebate in this instanoQ. Motion carried. Three days of grace A motion was made by Councilman Kaune that the Water Superintendent be authorized to be given before to use the three days of grace before imposing the penalty of ten percent on penalty imposed delinquent water bills. Motion seconded by Neely and carried. Tax statement far Tax statement from the County Treasurer for 1925 taxes on tract of land in park department Washington Park, known as the St. Piere tract, was referred to the City Attorney for attention. Mrs. Nancy Hall Communication from .Mrs. Nancy Hall asking for the caretaker 's position of the seeks position as city water plant at Avon, was referred to the Water Superintendent and Committee caretaker on Fire, Water and Light. Claims for damages- for personal injuries by Kenneth Jackson and Frank Bradford in the amount of $5,000 and $1 ,000 respectively, caused by the dirt piled on the pavement four miles east of Anacortes on the highway, by contractors in • digging trench for the water main to the Skagit River from Anacortes, was Claims for personal Claims for damages by Kenneth Jackson and Frank Bradford in the sum of $5,000. damages .. and $1,000 respectively, for injuries received by reason of dirt piled on • re' watermain job the highway four miles east of Anacortes by contractors on the watermain job from Anacorts to Skagit River, mere:referred to the City Attorney. Dangerous condition Councilman Gilkey called attention of the city council to the deplorable of dock at "Q" Ave. condition of the dock "Q1° Avenue, saying that the piling was nearly gone and the wharf dangerous. He said . that Gilkey Bros . would renew their offerr of putting the wharf in shape if the city council would grant them a lease. In order not to tie up the dock in a long time lease a motion was made by Councilman Brunson that the Mayor appoint a committee to confer with the Gilkeys am.d in regard to the dock and bring in a report at the next meeting of the ci ty council. Motion seconded .by Neely and carried. The Mayor appointed on the committee Councilmen Kaune , Fulton and Brunson. Damages to property Claims dsf,' Jacob Olson and Ingval Jacobson for damages to property caused by caused by rising of the city raising the water watov in lake Campbell, were `4 by the city Campbell Lake council. A motion was passed that the Mayor appoint a committee , of which • he should be one member, to confer with the claimants and bring in a report at the next meeting of the city council. The Mayor appointed Councilman Brunson, Kaune and Fulton, on the committee. New roof for jail Councilman Fulton reported that the Chief of Police wanted the roof of the jail - repaired beofre another winter came on as it was in a very bad condition. A motion was made by Councilman Olson that the matter be referred to the Committee on Buildings and Sewers with power to act. Motion seconded by Gilkey and carried. Progress of new Mr. Pollock reported an the progress of the new watermain relative to untested water main secti ons of pipe. A motion was made by Councilman Kaune that in small mars coming up in connection with the pipe line that the Mayor and Water Superintend- ent use their own judgment. Motion seconded by Gilkey and carried unanimously. Walsh on garbage S. P. Walsh gave a short talk on garbage and matters pertaining thereto .within the City of Anacortes. City sued by The Mayor reported that he had been served with a complaint on behalf of the inspectors on water inspectors on the water main job. On motion of Councilman Gilkey, seconded by main work Kaune , the summons was referred to the City Attorney. Motion carried. Adjourn There being no further business the city council did then adjourn. Approved in open session this 4th day of August , 1931 • Mayor Attest : M. A. Hartmann, City perk, GGG... By Deputy l r434 • August 4, 1931 Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session with Mayor Vn Buren presiding and Councilmen Kaune , McCracken, Neely, Brunson, Gilkey and Olson answering roll call. Absent .Fulton. Minutes approved The minutes of the previous meeting were read znd adopted as read. City Attorney on dam- Report of City Attorney on claims for damages for personal injury by Keneth age claims of Keneth Jackson and Franc Bradford caused by dirt piled on highway by watermain Jackson and Frank contractors , rec.brimending that the claims be reflected and contractor notified Bradfor of action, was read and adopted. City Attorney on Report of• City Attorney to whom was referred the summons served on the Mayor summons on behalf off; din behalf of the water inspectors, stating that appearance is made on behalf water inspectors of city, was read and adopted. City Attorney on tax Report of City Attorney on tat statement for 1925 taxes on property at statement for parks Washington Park, stating that statement uas correct and final and recommending payment, vas read and adopted. • City Attorney on Hall The City Attorney made the following report on the Walter A. Hall easement : easement °Q I am again submitting the easement of Walter A Hall which he offers upon payment of $100. Originally Mr. Hall offered to make an easement for $25.00 providing the city would assume risk for future damages , but he now objects to doing this and asks that I again submit this easment to the council. " • A motion was made by Councilman Kaune, seconded by Neely, that Mr. Hall be tendered $25.00 for the ablnge easement. Roll call: Ayes, Kaune, Neely, McCracken, Brunson, Gilkey and Olson. Nays, none. Report of Pol. Judge referred Report of Police Judge was referred to the Committee on Finance . • Report of City Treas. Report of City Treasurer was referred to the Committee on Finance. referred Street Superintendent Lenning reported that the bridge on 40th street was in Bridge on 40th street a bad condition and should be repaired as soon as possible. A motion was in need of repairs made by Councilman Olson that the City Engineer and Street Superintendent inspect the bridge and report to the city council. . Motion seconded by Eeely and carried. Planking on Commercial The Street Superi.,endent also called the attention of the city council to the Avenue pavement worn worn out condition of the planking on the outside of the pavement on CommercialA ue out saying that the planks should be removed and either replaced with new ones or gravel put in. A motionNas passed to leave the matter in the hands of the Street Superintendent. Shannon road City Engineer R. B. Phillips stated that a twenty-four to thirty foot road leading to the G. D. Shannon place would cost approximately $350.00, of which the grubbing and burning of brush would amount to $150.00, gravel $100 and excavationabout $100.00. Deeds to Burrows Bay The City Engineer reported that the deedso-9n_, the Burrows Bay road were readyand road ready he would give them to the City Attorney a1d have them signed by the interested parties . The matter was referred to the Committee on Streets and Parks . Comm. from Wallsteed Communication from Geo. Thos. Wallsteed, attorney of Seattle, relative to unpaid re claims of laborers claims of nine laborers against the watermain contractors, was read and referred to the City Attorney for attention. Mayor reports on • Mayor Van Buren told the ci ty council that Ingvald Jacobson and Mrs. Jacob Olson interview with Jacobson had been interviewed in regard to the damage claims filed agains ti the city and Olson at Lake Camp- for the lowering and raising of Lake Campbell, and that Mr. Jacobson would bell re damage claims settle for the amount of his original claim of $60. 00, but that the Olsons had raised their original claim from $150 to $1500. The Mayor recommended that the Jacobson claim for $60 be allowed and the Olson claim for $1500 be rejected. Claim of Jacobson A motion was madeby Councilman McCracken that the claim of Ingvald Jacobson allowed for the amount of :r 60.A8 be allowed and that the City Attorney be instructed to make out the necessary papers. Roll .call: Ayes , Kaune , McCracken, Neely, Brunson • Gilkey and Olson. Nays, none . the operation- Comm. from Puget Sound Communication from the Puget Sound Machinery Depot relative to the taking over/ Machinery Depot re of the new Anacortes pump house at an early date , as follows , was read; taking over operation of water system "It is our understanding that you are agreeable to taking over the operation of the new Anacortes pump house at an early date. Also, that you will make use of the new supply main and will use the water so furnished in your distribution system at Anacortes. We understand and agree that this does not constitute an acceptance of any portion of the system. After you have begun the operation of the new pump house we do not assume responsibility for any damage that may be done to the new system throughd the operation of the remot • control features of the system, or for other damage caused by your • operations and for which we are not responsible under our contract. It is , however, distinctly understood and agreed that the above does not relieve us from any responsibility under our contract with the City of Anacortes for either defective labor or material in any portion of the system. This responsibility shall include any defective materials or labor furnished or performed in connection with our part of the remote control system, but does not include 435 August 4, 1931 , continued . responsibility fdr the selection of the equipment furnished, provided it is in accordance with the plans and specifications under which we are working . Under the above conditions we are agreeable to your beginning operation of the new pump house as soon as can be arranged. " On motion the communication was placed on file . Co ;.munication from Communication from the Puget Sound Pulp & Timber Company enclosing their the Puget Sound Pulp official notice to the City of Anacortes , being a sixty days notice of the and Timber Co . re closing of their plant on September 30th, in accordance with the terms of notice of closing their agreement of August 8th , 1930 , as follows , was read, and-on-motion of CCou lcilman McCracken "We .are enclosing herewith our official notice to the City of Anacortes, being a sixty days v notice of the closing of our plant on September 30th, this being in accordance with the terms of our agreement of August 8, 1930. In explanation would say that this is brought about entirely by economic conditions and the poor market for pulp. It May even be necessary that we shut down during the month of August , for a short time at least , and should such an occasion arise , . we are asking that we be allowed to pay the minimum under our ggreement, and that you waive the sixty day notification clause . Your water superintendent , Mr. Burke , is fully aware of these general business conditions and has so expressed himself, and likewise ha, stated his desires as to having the pulp mill operate for the good of the city. Therefor all assistance which can be given us at this time would mean the resumption of work just that much sooner. It is possible that by closing the mill during August we may be able to resume in September, or shortly thereafter, but if we are forced to run through September and increase inventor- ies, the shut down period may be of longer duration. An expression from you to the effect that you would grant us the privilege of paying the minimum under our contract should • we be obliged to close during August, would be much appreciated. " i . A motion was made by Councilman McCracken that without altering any terms of the contract with the Puget Sound Pulp & Timber Company, that the city waive the sixty day notice and grant the Pulp Company their request for the minimum at this particulat time . Motion seconded by Neely and carried. The City Attorney was instructed to notify the Pulp Company of the council°s • decision. Complaint of Harold The city council considered the complaint of Harold Knutzen , a rancher living Knutzen relative to near the S*iznomish bridge , who objected to the blow off valve in the water pipe . blow-off valve line being so near his property. Councilman McCracken moved that Mr. Pollock and the Water Superintendent see Mr. Knutzen and tell him that the (they would not open the valve unless he was present and assure him that there would be no damage to his property by the valve. Motion seconded by Kaune and carried. renting of.watershed The mutter of renting the water shed property at Lathrop Springs was left to property left in hands the discretion of the Water Superintendent . of water supt. Mr. Pugaley of the Puget Sound Machinery Depot told the city council that he • Pugsley notifies city wished to have it on record that his company would put in a claim for interest re interest on deferred on all deferred payments due them. payments • . Claims filed against the, Current Expense Fund and other city funds for the Claims month of July, 1931, as follows, were read and referred to the Committee on • Finance ; . CURRENT EXPENSE FUND G. H. Noggle 2810 Labor on streets 32 . 50 Marine Supply 2811 Supplies for streets 10. 17 . Western Tractor & Equip. 2812 Boxing for street dept. 5.46 Standard Oil Co . 2813 Oil for street dept. 37.29 Knapp & Ronneberger 2814 Batteries for sts . 1. 50 S. D. Temple . 2815 Supplies for treasurer .30 Western Union Tel. Co . 2616 Telegrams .45 Anacortes American 2817 Publishing 1. 01 Benson Motors 2818 Repairs on police car 14.82 H. M. Tew 2819 Meals for prisoners 5.25 Standard Oil Co . 2820 Gasoline for pump 173.40 Fomo°s Fruit Store 2821 Supplies for fire dept . 2.00 Anacortes Steam Laundry 2822 Laundry for fire dept . 2.29 • State Treasurer 2823 Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid 25/32 • 0. A. Lenning 2824 Salary as st . supt. 150. 00 Lynn Balcomb 2825 Salary as truck driver 135.00 •_ Ed Strom 2826 Salary as truck driver 115.00 Tom Dodson 2827 Salary as truck driver 100. 00 Wm. Weeks 2828 Labor on streets 90.00 G. H. Noggles 2929 Labor on streets 2.50 • Al Sellinthin 2830 Salary as Chief of Police 160.00 J. T. March 2831 Salary as patrolman 135.00 H. N. Wood 2832 Salary .as patrolman 135.00 E. T. Staudt. 2833 Salary as patrolman 125. 00 r 485 . • . CURRENT EXPENSE FUND, Con . • Thee Conway 2834 Salary as fire chief, janitor and wiring inspector 175.00 Jas . Colgan 2835 Salary aa fireman 135.00 Vim. Dow- 2836 Salary aa fireman ' 130.00 Bert Verral 2837 Salary as fireman 130.00 Fred Raines 2838 Extra fireman 5.00 F. G. Abbey 2839 Police judge 25. 00 H. E. Frost 2840 Health Officer 25.00 Ben Driftmier 2841 Salary as city attorney 65.00 M. A. Hartmann 2842 Salary as city clerk 65.00 Marion Watkinson 2843 Salary as city treasurer 65.00 Simpsons Electric Shop 2844 Electric service city hall 1.05 Shannon Hardware 2845 Supplies for city hall, sts . and fire dept. 23.18 West Coast Tel. Co. 2846 Tolls for police dept . .25 Puget 'Sound P. & L. Co . 2847 Lights at city'hall, sts. & power at crusher 276.88 F & D Service Station 2848 Grease and :oil for police 16.25 Water Department 2849 Hydrant rentals 400.00 R. B. Phillips 2850 Salary as city engineer 50.00 Ted Wickman 2851 Engineer Helper 6.00 3062.87 LIBRARY FUND ' Water Department 337 Water for 2 months ' 10.35 Union Library Association 338 Books 54.75 Puget Sound News Co. 339 Books 80.73 E. Luella Howard 340 Salary as librarian & cash adv. 90.80 Kate Hanseroth 341 Asst . librarian 60.00 Evelyn Lundberg 342 Asst . librarian 20.00 H. W. Dowd 343 Janitor and care of grounds 30.00 Adam Baughman 344 Repairs on library building 65. 00 I. U•. Matson 345 Redecorating n G0 179.00 Puget Sound P & L Co . 346 Lights 2 .88 • ' • 593.51 - I/ PARK FUND H. A. Taylor 652 Sharpening tools 1.00 Fix-It Shop 653 Grinding lawn mower 1. 50 Clint Knapp 654 Labor for parks 83.20 Shannon Hardware 655 Fuse for parks 1.25 T. E. Harding 656 Labor in parks 110.00 County treasurer 657 Taxes on delinquent park prop. 18. 56 215.51 1930 WATER AMID • West Coast Tele. Co . 94 Tolls 2.00 Skagit Co . Abstract Co. 95 Easement and option 1.50 Puget Sound Mach. Depot 96 Estimate No . 10,803. 04 R. B. Phillips 97 Engineering 185. 50 10,992.04 WATER FUND Chas . P. Stapp 2766 Postage 5.00 Simpsons Electric Shop 2767 Extension Cord 5.05 Pacific Coast Stamp Works 2768 Sign 1.11 J. B. Bell 2769 Threading pipe 18.00 ' Benson Motors 2770 Repairs on car 14.60 W. R. Burke 2771 Cash adv. on freight 76. 16 Federal Pipe & Tank Co . 2772 Supplies 62 .39 Crane Company 2773 Supplies 285. 53 . Fix It Shop 2774 Filing saws 1.50 West. Coast Tele. Co . 2T75 Tolls 3. 50 • Schwartz Iron Works 2776 Supplies and labor 23.91 • Sparks Transfer 2'777 Drayage 23.65 • Knapp & Ronneberger 2778 Tires and repairs 6.25 Kee Lox Mfg. Co. 2779 •Adding machine ribbon 1.00 State Treasurer 2780 Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid 9.37 Marine Supply 2781 Supplies 16.66 Anacortes-.Mt .Vernon Stage 2782 Transporting Jury Litka Case 20.00 • Mrs . Marion Doty 2783 Transcribing titka Case Mt . Ver. 149.00 • Lew Willoughby 2784 Salary as foreman 175.00 -Tim Jensen 2785 Labor 128.00 • Dave Riggs 2786 Labor 127.00 • Lester Thomas 2787 Pump man 13.3 Roy Schmandt 2788 Labor 17.7 • W. R. Burke 2789 Salary as superintendent 250.00 Emil Schmandt 2790 Labor 21.38 • Ernest Knapp 2791 Filter operator • 150.00 • Frank Hagen 2792 ". cs 120.00 Marion Watkinson 2793 Salary as bookkeeper-treas. 45.00 , • M. A. Hartmann 2794 Salary as cashier 125.00 • Anacortes Lumber & Box Ca). 2795 Lumber 20.45 43? ;later Fund, Con. 11 L. Willoughby 2796 Flumbing Inspector 8. 75 Current Expense Fund 2797 Gasoline 24.31 Island Transfer 2798 Drayage 1.50 Marine Supply 799 Supplies 13.38 S. D. Temple 2800 Supplies . � 3. 50 Shannon Hardware 2802 Supplies 2.28 Anacortes American 2803 Printing 11.00 Puget Sound P & L Co . 2804 Power 642.99 W. R. Burke 2805 Mileage on car 57.90 Ingvald Jacobson 2806 Damages to property lowering of Lake Campbell 60e00 2741.43 Report of Committee on Finance to Whom were referred the claim against th Current Expense Fund and other city funds for the month of July, recommending that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of same , was read and adopted. Roll call : Ayes , Kwzne, McCracken, Neely, Brunson, Gilkey and Olson Nays , none. There being no further business the city council did then adjourn . Approved in open session this 18th cay of August , 1931 M'ay o r Attest: M. A. Rarbnann , City Clerk By Deputy 438 August 18, 1931 Roll. call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session with Mayor Van Buren presiding and Councilmen Kaune , Neely, Brunson, Olson and Fulton answering roll call. Absent, Gilkey and McCracken. Minutes approved The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. Water Superintendent The following report from the Superintendent of Water on the six months period on revenues January lst to June 30th, relating to revenues and giving comparison between the years 1930 and 1931, as follows, was read and Ordered placed on file. • "Herewith is submitted a report of the Water Department _ for the six months period ending June 30, 1931 , as compared with a like period ending June 30,1930. Operating revenue takes intor; • consideration all receipts form the sale of water, miscellaneous and interest on bank deposits. Operating expense does not take into consideration depreciation and amortization which items may be found in the balance sheet: Operating revenue 1930 Operating expense 1930 January 1st to June 30th inc . January lst to June 30th inc. $32 ,071.65 415,031. 2 Oper ;ting.irevenue 1931 Operating expense 1931 January 1st to June 30th inc. JJanuary 1st to June 30th inc . $36,451.45 $13 ,105.92 You will note from the-above that the increase of revenue for the six month period of 1931 was but $4,379.80 over a like period of 1930, notwithstanding the higher rates prevailing in 1931 , while we have succeeded in effecting • a reduction in operating expenses of but $l ,925.20 in the same period . The receipts of this department are disappointing due to depressed business conditions and curtailed operation of industry. Conditions beyond the control of this department or any set of individuals. You will bear in mind that the financial set up for servicing the honds , interest, retirement and depreciation, was based on income from sale of water • somewhat in excess of $'100 ,000 per year; on the basis of the first six months sales it would appear that we may fall short about 027,000.00. It is the opinion of this department that the estimated amount will not be required; however, on the basis- of the first six months sales income will be inadequate . This department has striven the best of its ability to keep the operating maintenance expense at the lowest point possible without sacrificing any of the essentials . No small item of the operation and maintenance is accounted for in the conditin of about thirty blocks of six and eight inch wood main which has been in service twenty years and longer. It would be good business to replace these old mains , if means can be found to finance the cost. Much of these warn out mains are located Where but a small percentage of the property is improved and could not be financed through L.I.D. This report is submitted t:) your Honorable Body with the view that perhaps the information herein contained may be of some service to you in the preparation of your budget for the year 1932. " Lease of Gilkey Councilman Kaune reported verbally that he had talked with Gilkey Bros. Bros:=Waterfront & in regard to the lease they-wanted on Q Avenue and waterfront, and that Q Ave . they wanted a five year period so as to reimburse them for the expense of repairing the dock. health Officer Health Officer re Dr. Froslpresented a communication relating to the passage of an ordinance official seal of for the official seal of all meats sold in public market in the City of meats Anacortes . On motion of Councilman Kaune seconded by Olson the communication was ordered placed on file for further consideration. Chief of Police re Communication from Al Sellinthin, Chief of Police , relative to ordinance hawkers and peddlers No . 690, section 3 relating to Hawkers and Peddlers, was read and ordered placed on file until investigation could be made. Heart Lake Road Petition from water consumers on the Heart Lake road asking for filtered • residents want water was referred to the eater Superintendent for attention. filtered water Under unfinished business Councilman Olson moved that the city lease the City to lease portion p®rtI©n of-Q Avenue and waterfont asked for by the-Gilkey Bros. ,year by year to them of waterfront & @ and that the City Attorney be instructed to draw up a lease accordingly. Ave to Gilkey Bros . Motion seconded by Kaune and carried. Councilman Kaune reported that a member of the State Agrilculture department Rat Extermination was in town and had asked the city council to work with Burling and Sedro® Woolley in the matter of rat extermination. On motion the matter was referred to the Mayor and Health Officer for attention. Work to be done on County Engineer Knapp and Prosecuting Attorney Chambers reported on work that county road by the contractors on the Anacortes.'Skagit River should do on the county roads water main contract- before leaving the job. A list of the work necessary to be done was given to ors the city council. On motion of Councilman Kaune , seconded by Neely, a copy of the rport was served on the contractors for their guidance . • Wild carrots Mr. Wier of Heart Lake reported that at some time the city had rented its property in the neighborhood of the reservoir and that it had been planted Lb- to carrots. Now the carrots had run wild and were taking the country. kr. Wier . 4391 August. 18 , 1931 , con ti nued. • asked help of the city in getting rid of the pest. A motion was made by Council- man Kaune, seconded by Olson that the matter be referred to the City Water Supe rin tenden t. Mo tion carried . Improvement of block Street Superintendent Lenning stated that property owners in one block on L on L Ave. between Avenue between 39th and 40th street wanted the street graded and gravelled and 39th and 40th St . would furnish 365.00 for the work. Councilman Kaune moved that ,the matter be referred to the Committee on Streets and Parks with power to act. Motion carried. Adjourn There being no further business' the city council did then adjourn. ' Approved in open session this lst day of September, 1931 .(5 C12 .--- a -.a Mayo r Attests M. A. Hartmann, City Clerk 7 74 . I ZOO Deputy 440 September 1, 1931 • Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session with Mayor Van Buren presiding and Councilmen Kaune, McCracken, Neely, Brunson, Gilkey and Olson answering roll call. Absent , Fulton.and Neely. Minutes approved The minutes of the previous meetin vere read and approved g as read. Report of City Treas. Report of City Treasurer for the month of August was referred to the Committee referred on Finance. • Report of Pol.Judge Report of Police Judge for the month of August was referred to the Committee on referred Finance. Fire Dept . report ref. Report of the Fire Department was referred to the Committee on Fire.,- Water & Liglt People want to cut wood Street Superintendent Lenning told the city council that a number of people on streets had asked permission to cut w000d on the streets in the neighborhood of Oaks Avenue, and if the streets could be surveyed there would be no trouble about property lines. On motion of Councilman Kaune, seconded by McCracken the matter was referred to the Committee on Streets and Parks with power to act. Mc) Water consumers on Water Superintendent Burke told the city council that he had called a conference HL road an:d water for with the six water consumers on the Heart Take road who had complained that they irrigation were paying too much for unfiltered water. Mr. Burke recommended that since Heart lake was. no longer in use, if the consumers would content themselves with the quality of the water, that they be put on a flat rate of $2 .50 per month • with the privilege of using all the water they wanted for irrigation . A motion was made by Councilman McCracken, seconded by Kaune , that the Water Superintendent pht his recommendations in the form of a written report and submit it at he next regular meeting of the city council. Motion carried. Plumbing license to ?etition from James McLachlan , as:Ling the city council/compel the City Plumbing and Junk Company to appear before the plumbing examining board before issuing him a plumbing license, was on motion of Councilman McCracken, seconded by Kaune , referred to the Committee on License and Police. Plank to be replaced Petition from Mrs. Josie Himmelschien asking the city council to replace the plank between their place and the alley on 32nd and R Avenue so .that their truck could cross with wood, was read and referred to the Committee on Streets & Parks . Anonymous letter Anonymous letter relative to salaries of city employees was read. land placed on file LaConner and 10=year The city attorney said that on February 6th 1931, the ity of LaConner had option on contract asked the city for an extension of ten years on their, contract at the end of for water the twenty year period, and that the council had not taken any action in regard to the matter. Mr. Pollock said that LaConner understood that the city would grant them a ten year option, the rate to be determined at the end of the the twenty year period, and that they were selling their bonds on that under- standing. A motion was made by Councilman Kaune , seconded by Brunson, that this matter be held over for further investigation. Motion carried. City served with Mayor Van Buren announced that the city had been served with a summons in regard summons re Jackson and to the damage claims of Kenneth Jackson and Frank Bradford. The summons was Bradfor damage claims referred to the City Attorney. Tentative budget The tentative budget for the year 1932 was submitted to the city council and a and special fund for motion was made by Councilman McCracken that the budget be referred to the Mayor, unemployed with mention being made of special fund for the purpose of carrying on improve . ments by the unemployed under the supervision of the street superintendent . Motion seconded by Kaune and carried. City to foreclose on A motion was made by Councilman McCracken that the City Attorney proceed with the delinquent assessments foreclosure of all local improvement assessments that had passed the legal period in LIDs of delinquency. Motion seconded by Kaune and carried. Claims Claims filed against the Current Expense Fund and other city funds for the month of August, as follows, were read and referred to the Committee on Finance CURRENT EXPENSE FUND H. N. Wood 2852 Advance on salary as patrolman lO.0C G. H. Noggles 2853 Labor on streets '35.00 Wm. Robertson 2854 Cleaning chimneys at chty hail 15..00 Shannon Hardware 2855 Supplies for fire & streets 3.77 Schwartz Iron Works 2856 Supplies for fire & streets 25.02 Marine Supply 2857 Oiler for streets 2.35 H & D Service Station 2858 Installing oiler for streets 3.50 Morse Hardware Co. 2859 Wire rope for streets 15.52 Bank of Commerce ,Assn. 2860 Trade-in on truck (Abbott Auto Co. ) 250.00 Benson Motors 2861 Supplies for police & streets 7.50 Vest Coast Tel. Co . 2862 Tolls for police 1.65 Schreiber & Werner 2863 Renewal policy on police car 28.55 Burrough Add.Mach.Co . 2864 Service contract 5.55 Water Department 2865 Hydrant rentals 400. 00 • Anacortes American 2866 Publishing & Printing 3. 00 Fix It Shop 2867 Grinding tools for engineer 1. 50 State Treasurer 2868 Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid 28.12 Mark Wagar 2869 Engineerts helper 14.00 Lowman & Hanford 2870 Bands .89 W. H. Kendall 2871 'Engineers helper 12 .00 American LaFrance & • Foamite Co. 2872 Gaskets for fire equipment 3 .73 Knapp & Ronneberger 2873 Repairs on trucks for fire & streets 25.40 Puget Sound P. & L.Co . 2874 Lights at city hall, sts . & power at crusher 2T5.62 Clausius Motor Co. 2875 Repairs on fire equipment 3.80 19 4411 CURRENT EXPENSE, Con. Claims Curtis Wharf Co. 2876 Coal for dity hall • 24.55 : • Standard Oil Co. 2877 Gasoline for city pump 131.75 Nelson & Brooks 2878 Repairs on fire truck tank 1.00 O. A. Lenning 2879 Salary as street supt. 15g,00 Lynn Balcomb 2880 Salary as truck driver 135.00 Ed Strom 2881 Salary as tractor driver 115.00 Tom Dodson 2882 Labor on streets 100.00 Vhn. Weeks 2883 Labor on streets 86.25 . G. H. Noggle 2884 Labor on streets 30.00 Vim. Dolph 2885 Labor on streets 34.00 Al Sellinthin 2886 Salary as chief of police 160.00 J. T. March 2887 Salary as patrolman 135.00 H. N. Wood 2888 Balance of salary as patrolman 125.00 E. T. Staudt. 2889 Salary as patrolman 125•. 00 Thos . Conway . 2890 Salary as fire chief, janitor & wiring ins . 175.00 James Colgan 2891 Salary as assit . fire chief 135.00 Vim. Dow 2892 Salary as fireman 130.00 Bert Verrall 2893 Salary as fireman 130. 00 Fred Raines 2894 Extra fireman 13.75 Geo . Thomas 2895. Extra Fireman 13. 75 F. G. Abbey 2896 Salary as police judge 25.00 Dr. H. E. Frost 2897 Salary as health officer 25 .00 M. A. Hartmann . 2Q98 Salary as city clerk 65.00 Marion Watkinson 2899 Salary as city treasurer 65.00 Ben Driftmier 2900 Salary as city attorney • 65. 00 R. B. Phillips 2901 Salary as city engineer 50.00 E. P. Barron . 2902 Clerical services _ 2. 6.- . $3 ,418.88 LIBRARY FUND Water Department 347 Water 12. 50 International Forward- . ing Co . 348 Books 2.95 Wheeler Publishing Co . 349 Books 49 .14 Puget Sound News Co . 350 Books 15.13 Island Transfer 351 Freight & Drayage on books 1.05 Houghton Mifflin Co. 352 Books 30 .00 E. P. Barker 353 Insurance on library 11.00 E. Luella Howard 354 Salary as librarian & cash adv. 92.20 Kate Hanseroth 355 Salary as asst. librarian 60.00 Evelyn Lundberg 356 Salary as asst . librarian 20.00 H. W. Dowd 357 Salary as janitor 30.00 323 .97 General Water Fund Chas. T. Stapp 2807 Postage 10. 00 M. A. Hartmann 2808 Cashier 125%00 Schwartz Iron Works 2809 Supplies 8. 75. Curtis Wharf Co . 2810 Freight on pipe 3. 30 West Coast Tel. Co . 2811 Telephone serice tolls 5. 00 Federal Pipe & tank Co .2812 Pipe 7.90 State Treasurer 2813 Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid 11. 76 P. S. Power & Light 2814 Power 884.12 Tacoma Electrochemical Company 2815 Chlorine 13. 50 . Marine Supply 2816 Supplies 35.75 Benson Motors 2817 Repairs on trucks 8. 75 Knapp & Ronneberger 281 Repairs on trucks 2.65 Current Expense fund 2819 Gasoline from city pump 21. 76 Island Transfer 2820 Freight 15.00 Fix It Shop / 2821 Filing saws 1.25 w. h. Burke 2822 lAileage on car 37. 00 Standard Oil Co . 2823 Pearl Oil .83 Seattle Marine Supply 2824 Hand Winch 67.50 Kee Lox Mfg. Co . 2825 Adding Machine Ribbon 1.00 J. -S. Bell 2826 Cutting and threading pipes 14.38 Crane Company 2827 Supplies and parts 90.75 ' L. Willoughby 2828 I3lumbing permits 1. 50 W. R. Burke 2829 Salary as water supt. 250.00 L. Willoughby 2830 Salary as foreman 175. 00 Ernest Knapp 2831 Filter Operator 150.00 Lester Thomas 2832 Pump operator at Avon 100.00 Dave Riggs 2833 La; ,Qr 106.50 Jim Jensen 2834 Labor 109.00 Robot . Bothell 2835 Labor 1 .80 Emil Schmandt 2836 Labor .90 Keith Noggle 2837 Labor 10.80 7 . AG'organ 2838 Labor 16. 20 H. V. Shapley 2839 Labor 12 .60 Waiter Strong 2840 Labor 12.60 John Webb2841 Labor 12.60 Roy Schmandt 2842 Labor 12.60 Maria n3atkinson 2843 Bo kk per-tress 4 . 00 2 ,3 3.0 PARK FUND Marine Supply 658 Supplies for parks 4 .50 Clint Knapp 659 Labor 83.20 • Fix It Shop 660 Grinding tools 1.75 J. E. Harding 661 - Labor 1a.00 $199.45 A 442 September 1, 1931 , continued 1930 Water Fund S. G. Martin 98 Easement 25.00 W. R. Burke 99 Cash Advance to Lovelace & adams for for backfilling at Annie Snohomish place 146.00 Puget. Sound Machinery Depot 100 Estimate 1 . 0. 1 31 ,921. 71 Road & Bridge fund Bank of Commerce ,Assn. 14b Repairs on street trucks Abbott Auto Co. 142.00 Claim of Adams and In the list of claims read the item of $146.00 in the 1930 Uater Construction Lovelance. Fund for U. R. Burke was considered. Mr. Burke explained that on the backfilling job on the Annie Snohomish place , that the Indian Agent requred the work to be done by hand to his satisfaction. The work had been done in May by Adams and Lovelace, contractors, but through an oversigh they had not been paid then or later. As the contractors had been much inconvenienced by the delay in payment Mr. Burke advanced them $146.00 from his personal funds, and the above claim . .: Bras to reimburse him. There was still a small balance due the contractors and Councilman McCracken moved that the matter be referred to the Finnance Committee . Motion seconded by Kaune and carried. against the Cur. Exp. Fund and other city funds Finance on claims Report of Committee on Finance, to whom were referred the claim./for the month of August , 1931, recommending that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of same, was read and adopted. Roll call: Ayes , Kaune , McCracken, Brunson , Gilkey and Olson. Nays , none . Water After a discussion of the water problem, the city council adnourned until Tuesday , September 8th, at 8 p.m. Adjourn Approved in open session this 15th day of September, 1931. • • Mayor Attest: M. A. Hartmann, City Clerk • ByLG,-� Deputy • SEPTEMBER 8, 1931 . Roll call and The city council of the city of Anacortes met in adjourned session, but owing to adjourn lack of quorum, adjourned until the next regular meeting. Mayor • Attest : M. A. Hartmann, City Clerk • By Deputy _'� 4431 , . September 15 , 1931 Roll. call The city council of the City of Anacortee met in regular session with Mayor Van Buren presiding and Councilmen Kaune , McCracken, Neely, Brunson, Gilkey and Olson answering roll call. Absent, Fulton . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and alopted. Minutes approved Report of City Atty Report of City Attorney to whom was referred the summons in regard to damage on damage claims claims of Kenneth Jackson and Frank Bradford, stating that appearance had been made in behalf of the city, was read and adopted. Finance on report Report of Committee on Finance on August report of City Treasurer, recommending of City Treasurer that the report be accepted and placed on file , was read and adopted. Finance on report Report of Committee on Finance on August report of Police Judge, recommending that of Police fudge the report be accepted and placed on file , was read and adopted. Fire,,,' Water & Light Report of Committee 'on Fire, Water & Light on August report of Fire Chief, on re art of fire recommending that the report be accepted and placed on file , was read and adopted . chief Report of Committee on Fire , Water & Light to whom was referred the matter of Fire , ester & Light the small amount of electric current at Whistle Lake to provde lights and power on trickle charger for trickle charger, was read and adopted. Morse Co recommend A communication was read from W. C. Morse Company in which they recommended that that contractors be the contractor be given an extension of time of one week beginning Tuesday , given extension of September 8th, thereby obviating accrual of penalty dhring that period, as in the time on water job failure to complete the system at least one item was not the fault of the contractor. A motion was made by Councilman McCracken, seconded by Gilkey, that the communication be received and placed with the water contract files for further consideration. Motion carried. Work about finished County Engineer, Robert E. L. Knapp, was present and told the city council that with the exception of a few stretches of road, the contractors had finished the work in a manner satisfactory to the county. Mr. Pollock said the job'. was substantially completed, with thirty days in which to discover anything to be bettered or improved, and that the bond is.: effective for a year after that time in the event. of defective material or workmanship. City accepts water Councilman Kaune made the following motion: "That upon recommendation of contract with Puget the city's engineers the water contract between the City and the Puget Sound ` Sound MachineryI/ Machinery Depot be accepted as :Completed, subject . to the reservations provided Depot in the specifications , with the understanding that any unfinished items be completed, and that the city be saved harmless on account of any claims by the county. " The motion was seconded by Gilkey and carried. Roll call : Ayes, Kaune , McCracken, Neely, Brunson , Gilkey and Olson. Nays , none . Adjourn After further discussion of the water project the :city council adjourned. Approved in open session this 6th day of October, 1931 r 7 e _4...-4-e.e.s_. __7 & Mayor Attest : M. A. Hartmann, City Clerk By „.... ?.. c',-e/2--,"•DL Deputy October 5, 1931 The city council of the City of Anacortes met for the purpose of considering the budget for the year 1932 , as is provided :or in Chapter 13t; of the 3essicn Laws of .1909. ayor Van :wren presided and Counoilmcn Neely, 1AcCrac.kccn, Gilkey and '.d son yore- present . Absent, :..r;une , •' runscci _end )''alton . • Roll call. The city council of the City of Anacortes met in special session with Mayor Van Buren presiding and Councilmen McCracken, Neely, Olson and Gilkey present . Absent , Fulton, Brunson and Kaune. Meeting to consider The purpose of the meeting was the consideration of the tentative budget to tentative budget meet the public expense for the year 1932, as submitted by the Mayor and provided for in the Session Laws of 1909 , Chapter 138. Changes in The following changes were made in the budget : • budget $10.00 was cut from the item of 030.00, expense of Mayor Item of $'50.00, clerk hire , was eliminated from city clerk's estimate. Item of $50.00, clerk hire for city treasurer, was reduced to $25.00. Item of 325.00, expense of City Attorney , was reduced to $5.00 Ttem of 015.00, cleaning chimneys for city hall, was reduced to $3.00. $27.00 was added to sakry of janitor for city hall. Item of $18.00, hauling garbage from city hail, was eliminated. Item of $400, wages for engineer's helpers , was reduced to 3200. Item of $117 for registration books was reduced to 390.00. Item of .$750, police collections , was increased to 31200.00. $900 was transferred froth L I lD'.Revolving Fund to street fund' for' special labor relief. . • Item of $1760, labor in parks , was reduced to 31200. $1200.00, special relief fund, was added to Road and Bridge Fund estimates. Item of $1224.00, assistant filter operator's wages, was transferred to .maintenance and operation in the water department estimates . Adjourn On motion the meeting was adjourned until the following evening, L'ctober 6th. Approved in open session this 20thcay of October, 1931 g ✓ __, Mayor Attest : M. A. Hartmann , City Clerk, By Deputy OCTOBER 6th, 1931 Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in adjourned session w ith Mayor Van Buren presiding and Councilmen McCracken, Kaune , Neely, Gilkey and Olson answering roll calla absent , Fulton ._nd Brunson. Minutes approved The minutes of 0ctoiler 6th were read and approved as read. against the city attorney reports The City Attorney reported verbally that three case,/were set for trial in the on court cases Superior Court in October, viz. , Inspectors on the watermain work, October 15th , and the Bradford and Jackson damage suits on October 22nd. ,Report of Pol. Report of Police Judge for the month of September was referred to the Finance. Com. Judge referred Report of City Treasurer for the month of September was referred to the Finance Com. Report of City Treas referred Report of Fire Department was referred to the Committee on Fire , ,rater& Light . Water Supt. • The Water Superintendent reported a leak ; in the valve chamber at Avon and the reports leak in matter was referred to the Engineers, Morse Company. valve chamber A communication was read from the Water Superintendent relative to the on erre Supt. reports request of residents alonng�the Heart Lake pipe line to be supplied with filtered on request Lake of water. The letter reads as follows: • Heart Lake residents for filtered water With reference to the request of residents along the heart Lake pipe line to be supplied with filtered water. While in full sympathy with the desire of the applicants for a better quality of water, and investigation demonstrates that the cost of bringing water from the filter to serve the district would involve an expenditure of approximately 34,000 , as at the present time there are but seven consumers • October 6, 1931, oontinaed . and as the cost of providing mains vac uld have to be bourne by those interested or an L I D district formed, neither cif which would be possible to finance . 11/ '!ith this thought in mind, this department called into conference the interest parties , and arrived at the following arrangement , subject , of course , to the approval of the council: All consumers taking water direct from the Heart Lake line to be supplied at a flat rate of .; 2 . 50 per month for a 3/4w connection, or less. Without restrictions o the quantity consumed, it being districtly understood and agreed that the city does not guarantee the water as suitable for drinking or culinary purposes , adn if using it for such. pruposes they do so at their own risk. If larger than 3/4" connection is desired, the charge is to be made by special arrangement . This arrangement met with the approval of all interested except one , who has but two lots and a small house , and who is not interested inw ter far irrigation other than a small lawn and garden, and who would not normally require more than 500 cubic feet oer month, and that only in irrigation season. In this particular case we agreed, with the consent and approval of all other consumers, ID retain the meter at the above mentioned premises , he to pay a charge of $1.25 for all quantities consumed less than 1000 cubic feet e.r mare , he is to monthly. At any time his consumption reaches 1000 cubic feet or mare, he is to pay $2.50 , placing all on same basis as before s tated. This is subject to the approval of the city council , and is recommended by this department as the best solution of the problem. ` Cater Superintendent On motion by_Councilman. McCracken, .seconded 'by..Neely, the water superintendent authorized to pro- was authorized to carry. out the plan as given in the report. Motion carried ceed with plan as unanimously. . outlined In a communication to the city council Water Superintendent ,Mr . Burke , reported Water Department to that his department had started to salvage the material and equipment at Whistle salvage material and Lake, Lake Campbell and the well near the reservoir on the Heart Lake road, and equipment were proceeding with the work. On motion the letter was received and placed on file . City Engineer reports Zile city Engineer submitted the following report relative to grades for sidewalks , on several subjects location of a pole line for the West Coast Telephone Company, cutting of wood on unopened streets in vicinity of Oaks Avenue , repairing of bridge on 40th street :near Commercial Avenue and other matters referred to him: Mr. John Herman , who lives on . the SW corner of "V" Avenue and 4th Street , wishes to apply for levels and alignment for a standard 4 ft. concrete sidewalk on 4th street frok the SW intersection of "V" Avenue and 4th Street west for 90 ft , which comprises the frontage of his property. During June , at an informal conference amount the Mayor, representing the City, Mr. Sackett, representing the port and Mr. Krebs, representing the Great Northery Ry Company, it was concluded to keep the ingress taeand the egress from the dock at No Avenue , clear of obstructions that might inter- fere with high riggins approaching or leaving the dock. The Great Northern Ray Company had asked for a realignment and location of the pole dine carrying their telegraph wires, as they were removing their • old line 'Which ran north and south along the approximate centre of 1PQ" Ave . The new line was located running north and south along the east margin of 1 " Avenue , shich is identical with the dock bulkhead. The poles being of sufficient height to allow the wires to clear the street level by a t least 35 feet. The ;lest Coast Telephone Company also requests the location of a pole line for carrying :their telephone wires , except that they desired the line on the west side of the street. In dew of the previously mentioned policy , I asked them to string their wires on the Great Northern Railway Company' s pole line , they having formally used the old line for tat purpose and cross • "Q" Avenue to one night pole on the west margin of "Q" Avenue opposite the Shell Oil Company' s property, which 'vastheir destination. This arrangement was finally carried out . Alignment and location was given for the West Coast Telephone Company's cable . crossing from Guemes Island. The cable follows approximately the center section line running south along i'G" Avenue to 6th street, then diagonally across to the alley between 6:th and 7th Streets , j icst east of "H Avenue , then east along alley and to theirs.local office. A survey of "J" Avenue west along 22nd street to "H" Avenue to 25th street was made and a 30 ft. breach is being cleared for a street. This is the survey requested by Mr. Shannon. Mr. Lenning has been beseiged by an army of town folks asking for free w ood which they may cut, during their unemployment , to tide them over the approaching winter. So at the request of the Mayor, Messrs. Olson and Lenning, I have been surveying wooded streets irrinediately west of the detour • , opposite the Robinson Fisheries Company's property and just south of Oaks Avenue. The Avenues and Streets are in the Northern Pacific Addition, are very densely wooded with second growth from 40 to 6o years old and very con- veniently located as to logging and hauling. So far, the following avenues and streets have been laid out - Jackson , Kansas and Louisiana Avenues , which are 80 feet wide and Second Street which is 90 feet wide . These streets will • keep them busy for awhile when other streets shall have to be surveyed. • Some time ago during the month of August , Mr. Lenning and myself were asked • by the council to inspect the bridge immediately west of Commercial Avenue and 40th Streets . Mr. Lenning reported on the same and was ordered to r 446 October 6, 1931 , continued make certain repairs which he did. The inspection showed the posts to be in a fair state of preservation and in all probabilities will last safely for ten or twelve years. The caps and stringers are sound and need no repairs , but the decking is very badly decayed and should be replaced in its entirety. If it is not possible to do that at this time , a careful watch should be kept and repairs of any failures made at once to avoid total collapse . It would cost approximately $1 ,000 to put in I/ a concrete culvert and dirt fill. The three inch decking amounts to 5000 B.M. feet of timber. The labor would be performed, I presume , by the street department.t0 A motion was made by Councilman McCracken that the report be approved and placed on file. Motion seconded by Olson and carried. was received • Communication from Communication/from Ben Jorgenson complaining that the men working on the water Ben Jorgenson re property had left the gate open and his cow had wandered out and injured her- damage to cow self by stumbling over a pile of lumber. Mr. Jorgenson demanded $75.00 for the cow or $55.00 damages. On motion of Councilman Gilkey, seconded by Olson the matter was referred to the Committee on Fire , Water & Light and City Attorney to report back to the city council. Motion carried. Budget The budget was again considered. Councilman McCracken made the following motion: "That we strike out the 3300 special labor fund under the street department, that we re-instate the $900 in the L. I .D. Revolving Fund, and that we place the special labor fund of $1200 under heading of wages in the Road & Bridge Fund" Motion seconded by Olson and carried. Budget adopted A motion was made by Councilman McCracken that the budget be adopted : subject to the final computations of the clerk in arriving at the proper levy. mot ion seconded by Neely and carried. Roll call: Ayes , McCracken, Kaune , Neely, Gilkey and Olson. Nays , none . • Ordinance No . Ordinance No . being an ordinan e levying a tax upon the real and personal pro erty within the City of Anacortes , Skagit Countum Washington for municipal purposes for the year 1932, was on motion placed on its first Sad-see&nd reading by title ; on motion ordinance was placed on its second reading reading by title ; on motion ordinance was referred to the City Attorney and Judiciary Committee. Councilman Gilkey called the attention of the city council to the condition that i prevailed on Commercial Avenue in regard to the steep sidewalk approaches, stating that $300 had already been paid out for damages resulting from falls on these steep approaches and that something must be done or another personal injury case would be on hand. He recommended that the approaches either be made safe or taken out. . A motion was made by Councilman McCracken that the Committee on Streets and Parks and Street Superintendent be authorized to use any amount of funds necessary to remove the hazzard on the approaches. Motion was seconded by Gilkey aid carried unanimously. Claims Claims filed against the Current Expense Fund and other city funds for the month of September, 1931 , as follows, were read and referred to the Committee on Finance. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND H. N. Wood 2903 Cash advanced on salary 30.00 G. H. Noggles 2904 Labor on streets 32. 50 • Knapp & Ronneberger 2905 Repairs on street trucks 4. 00 Western Tractor & Equip. 2906 Scarifier teeth 16.06 Franklin Steel & Mach. 2907 Blades for Russell grader 16.10 Schwartz Iron Works 2908 Supplies for streets .20 Abbott Auto Co . 2909 Tire and tube for st . dept . 21.25 Standard Oil Co . 2910 Oil for streets 7. 53 Anacortes L & B Co . 2911 Lumber for streets 19 .25 Marine Supply 2912 Supplies for streets 2 . 55 Curtis Wharf Co . 2913 Coal for city hall 84. 00 H & R Mfg. Co . 2914 Repairing roof on city hall 315.00 Fomots Fruit Store 2915 Supplies for city hall 2.25 S. P. Walsh 2916 Hauling garbage from city hall 4. 50 P. S. Power & Light Co . 2917 Lights at city hall & streets 277. 00 . Ocean Products Ass'n. 2918 Supplies for city hall 6.25 South Side Hardware 2919 Brush hook for engineer 2 . 03 Trick & Murray • 2920 Supplies 4.87 S. D. Temples 2921 Supplies 1. 10 Union Printing Co . 2922 Budget forms 11 .06 State Treasurer 2923 Ind . Ins. & Med . Aid 28.66 Anacortes Water Dept. 2924 Hydrant rentals 400. 00 Anacortes American 2925 Publishing 37.41 Anacortes Steam Laundry 2926 Laundry for fire dept . 5.99 American.LaFrance Corp. 2927 Relief valve spring for fire dept . . 33 Shannon Hardware 2928 Supplies for fire and streets 16.64 American. LaFrance Corp. 2929 Hose for fire dept . 6. 63 Knapp & Ronneberger 2930 Installing plug - fire dept . . 75 Simpsons's Electric Shop 2931 Supplies for fire dept . 1. 54 F & D Service Station 2932 Supplies for police 43 .95 West Coast Tel. Co . 2933 Tolls 3. 30 Thos . Conway 2934 Salary as fire chief and janitor 175.00 Jas . Colgan 2935 Fireman , asst . chief 135. 00 'vim. Dow 2936 Fireman 130.00 Bert Verrall 2937 Fireman 130.00 • 0. A. Lenning 293b Salary as street supt . • cash Adv. 150. 55 • Lynn Balcomb 2939 Truck driver 135. 00 Ed Strom 2940 Truck driver 115.00 Tom Dodson 2941 Labor 100. 00 Wm. Weeks 2942 Labor 15.00 all 447 OURRENT EXPENSE (Con. ) G. H. Noggle 2943 Labor 32 . 50 • Al Cellinthin 2944 Chief of police dept . 160. 00 11 J. T. March 2945 Patrolman 135. 00 N. N. Wood 2946 Balance salary as patrolman 105. 00 E. T. Staudt 2947 Salary as patrolman 125. 00 F. G. Abbey 2948 Salary as police judge 25. 00 H. E. Frost 2949 Health Officer 25.00 Ben Driftmier 2950 City Attorney 65. 00 M. A. Hartmann 2951 City Clerk 65. 00 Marion Watkinson 2952 City Treasurer 65.00 R. B. Phillips 2953 City Engineer 50. 00 •:Vm.. Kendell 2954 Engineers helper 30. 00 • 3 ,430. 75 Library LIBRARY FUND McClean & Smithers 358 Books 25. 05 Fern Press 359 Library Supplies 3 .20 Puget Sound P. & L. Co . 360 Light (August) 4. 96 Lowman & Hanford 361 Library Supplies 1 . 52 Puget Sound News Co . 362 Books 30.63 Puget Sound P & L Co . 3u3 Light (September) 4.20 Curtis Wharf Co . 364 Coal 124. 00 Anacortes American 365 Book cards 8 . 00 A. C. McClurg & Co . 366 Books 54.46 Marine Supply 367 Supplies 1.90 Water Department 368 Water 4.00 E. Luella Howard 369 Salary as librarian & Cash Adv. 90.80 Kate Hanseroth 370 Asst. librarian 60.00 Evelyn Lundberg 371 Asst . librarian 20.00 H. W. Dowd . 372 Salary as janitor 30.00 462.72 Park • PARK FUND J. E. Harding 662 Labor on parks 110.00 Fix It Shop • 663 Grinding mower 2 . 15 • Clint Knapp 664 Labor on parks 78.40 190.55 General Water • GENERAL WATER FUND • • John Gross - 2844 Cleaning reservoir 5.85 • Chas . P. Stapp 2845 Stamps 22 . 16 Franklin Steel & Mach.Co . 2846 Pins for pump 1.11 Island Transfer • 2847 Hauling pump to Seattle 33. 50 Curtis Wharf Co . 2848 Cement and lime 1.85 . State Treasurer 2849 Ind . Ins. & Med. Aid 13.34 • General Chemical Co . 2850 Aluminum Sulphate 375.00 L.. A. Farmer 2851 Repairs on filter 18.42 DeLaval Steam Turbine Co . 2852 Reversing pump for Avon pump house 22. 77 National Meter Co. 2853 Meters 12.44 City Treasurer 2854 Stationery 2 .50 • NePage McKenney Co. 2855 Packing 8.40 W. G. & C . H. Trafton 2856 Lumber and labor 16.30 West Coast Tel. Co . 2857 Tolls and service Avon pump house 22 .10 • Pittsburgh Equitable Meter 2858 Supplies for. water ept . 21.69 • LaMotte Chemical Co. 2859 Bromthymol Indicator solution 1.30 • M. A. Hartmann 2860 Payroll 125.00 • Marion Watkinson 2861 Payroll 45.00 • Schwartz Iron Works 2862 Wrenches and drills 6.25 Louis Willoughby ,2863 Plumbing permits for Sept . 3.00 Marine Supply 2864 Supplies 23. 55 W. R. Burke 2865 Mileage on car • 37.10 J. B. _ ell 2866 Repairing valve 6.75 Union Printing Co. 2867 Binder 9.97 • S. D. Temple 2868 Supplies 3.10 Knapp & Ronneberger 2869 Reliner installed 1.25 • Puget pond P & L Co . 28 u 70 Power and control circuit 3 ,802. 77 Consolidated Ashcroft Hancock Co . ,Inc . 2871 Springs for water relief 17.93 West Coast Tel . Co . 2872 Tolls 3 .20 Bell Machine Shop 2873 Threading pipe 6. 75 Current Expense Fund 2874 Use of city tractor 114. 50 Current Expense Fund 2875 Gasoline from c ity. pump 20.23 Lnacortes Lumber & Box 2876 Lumber . 12 .95 Void 28T7 Void Void W. R. Burke 2878 Salary as superintendent 250.00 I/ L. Willoughby 2879 Foreman 175.00 Ernest Knapp 28b0 Filter Operator 150.00 Frank Hagen • 2881 Filter Operator 10.00 J. Jensen 2882 Labor 106.00 Dave ,iiggs 2883 Labor 106.00 • - - - u. C .- Strong 2884 Labor • 3.60 John- Edge. • . . . . • • . . 2885 Labor 8.00 L. E. Snider 2886 Labor 8. 00 • Ted Elliott 2887 Labor 8400 _ C . A. Leithead 2888 Labor 8.00 Pete Ratzloft 2889 Labor 8.00 . L. G. Silvernail 2890 Labor 8.00 L. E. Snider 2891 Labor • 5.85 C . A. Leithead 2892 Labor 5.85 Lester Thomas 2893 Avon pump operator 100.00 A r 448 October 6, 1931 , continued GENERAL WATER (con. ) Standard Oil Co . 2894 Zerolene cup grease .55 W. R. Burke 2895 Cash Adv. to D. P. Ives for cleaning reservoir 11.60 Fidalgo Lumber & Box 2896 Lumber 41. 4 • 31. 2 1930 WATER FUND Lovelace & Adams Balance due on sack filling on Annie Snohomish place 7.81 W. R. Burke Cash Advanced to J. Lyons for • damage to rose bush on R/tl 5.00 12 .61 Finance on claims Report of Committee on Finance to whom were referred the claims against the Current Expense Fund and other city funds for the month of September, recommending that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of same , was read and adopted. Roll call: Ayes, McCracken, Kaune , Neely, Gilkey and Olson. Nays , none . Budget The budget as amended and adopted is as follows: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Current Expense Expenditures Fund Salaries Mtce & Capital Int. & & Wages Operation Outlay Debt Red'n Total Executive 20?00 20 .00 City Clerk 780.00 314.00 1 ,094.00 City Treasurer $05.00 253.00 1444.47 2, 502 .47 City Attorney 780. 00 5.00 785.00 City Engineer 800. 00 800.00 City Hall 180.00 705. 00 885.00 Fire Department 5,729 . 00 5,755 . 50 11 ,487 .50 Police Department 51,712.00 1 ,G43.77 6,755.77 Street Department 5,950.00 5,570. 00 1,300. 00 12 ,820.00 Sewers 400.00 100. 00 500.00 Police Judge 255.00 25.00 280.00 Health Officer ' 300.00 40.00 340.00 Elections 500. 00 290.00 790.00 Local Improvement Guar. 980.00 980.00 Local Improvement Rev. 980.00 980.00 • . Contingent 250.00 511.84 761 .84 3 22,441.00 14,636.11 1,300.00 3404.47 41,781. 58 RECEIPTS Licenses 650.00 Electric wiring inspections 85. 00 Sale of gravel 250.00 • Police collections 1,200.00 • Gasoline pump sales 250. 00 • Building permits 25.00 - Street end rentals 412.00 Interest on bank deposits 280.00 Certificates 30.00 Telephone franchise tax 650.00 • Rent of street equipment 385.00 Miscellaneous revenues 248.24 s • ? 4,465.24 Direct taxation 13.71 mills on a valua- tion of $2 ,721 .834.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37,316.34 ',)41 ,781. 58 Library Fund LIBRARY FUND Expendutires • Salaries iitce & Capital • & Wages Operation Outlay Total • • Library $ 2,050. 50 545. 00 1, 000.00 3,595 . 5o 11, • . RECEIPTS Direct taxation 1.20 mills on a valuation of $2 ,721.$34000 . . . . , a 3 ,266.20 Estimated fines and fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329.30 $3595 . 50 - . L. -- 44941 • October 6 , 1931 , continued PARK FUND ]dark Fund . Expenditures Salaries Mtce & Int. & & Wages Operation Debt Red,n Total Parks . . . . . . . a . . aa 1,200.00 430.00 460.36 $2 , 090 . 36 • RECEIPTS , Direct taxation of .768 mills on a valuation of $2 , 721 ,834. 00 . . . . . $2 ,090.36 ROAD & BRIDGE Road & Bridge EXPENDITURES Salaries Mtce & & Wages Operation Total Road & Bridge . . . . . 1 ,700.00 500.00. $2 ,200. 00 RECEIPTS Receipts from county Road & Bridge Fund . . . . . . . . . . . 1 , 000. 00 In Road & Bridge Cash Fund 1 , 200. 00 32 ,200. 00 General Bond M^ENERAL BOND REDEMPTION Int. & Debt Red° n Total :.redemption Expenditures: General Water Bonds $10 ,000 . 00 1931 Emergency warrant for Gen. Water Bonds 10, 000.00 Public Street Bonds (Marine View Drive ) 1 , 500.00 . Interest on above bond issue 1 ,175 00 Road & Watermain Bonds (Burrows Bay Road) 4 , 500.00 • Interest on above bond issue 258.75 $27 ,433. 75 Receipts : Direct taxation of 10 .35 mills on a valuation of $2 ,721 834.00 $28 ,170.98 Revenue Bond REVEUNE BOND REDEMPTION Redemption Int . & Debt Red°n Total Expenditures : 1924 Water Bonds due Oct. 1, 1932 5,000 .00 Interest on above bond issue 7, 590.00 1927 Water Bonds due May 1 , 1932 7, 000.00 Interest on ebove vobd issue 2 ,035.00 Interest on 1930 Water Bonds 24,200.00 Interest on General Water Bonds 1,000.00 $48 ,825.00 Receipts Transfers from general water fund 348 ,825.00 rater Department WATER DEPARTMENT; • Salaries Mtce & Capital Int . & & Wages Operation Outlay Debt Redvn Total • Water Department 7,899.00 22,174.42 650.00 48 ,825.00 $79,548 .42 RECEIPTS Water revenues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $90,000 .00 Plumbing permits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 315.00 $90 ,315.00 I Adjourn There being no further business the city council did then adjourn:. Approved in open session this 20th day of October, 1931 6 2-.------a,e....e....e..a-,c.,.... Mayor Attest : M. A. Hartmann, City Clerk / Deputy Ir 450 October 20, 1931 Roll call The city council of the City of Ana„ortes met in regular session with Mayor Van Buren presiding and Councilmen McCracken , Kaune , Neely Brunson, Gilkey, Olson and Fulton present . Absent , none. Minutes approved The minutes of the previous meetings were read and adopted. City Attorney on Report of City Attorney on Ordinance levying a tax upon the real and levy ordinance personal property within the City ofAna'cortes for municipal purposes for the year 1932 , stating that same was correct in form, was read and adopted. Lenning reports on Street Superintendent , Mr. Lenning, reported verbally that the approaches sidewalk approaches to sidewalks on Commercial Avenue had been repaired and made as safe as - possible for travel. Councilmen Olson and Gilkey of the Streets and Parks Committee stated that the work was satisfactory. Maple trees raising Mr. Lenning also called the attention of the city council to the condition of walks the sidewalks where maple trees were planted in the parking strips , and said that the roots of the trees had raised the concrete blocks several inches in many places. These raised blocks were a menance to pedestrians , he said , especially when covered with fallen leaves , and the superintendent urged the city council to take some action in regard to them. • Old cars and scrap Irr. Lenning asked permission of the city council to allow people to dump iron to be dumped old cars or scrap iron over the bulkhead into the water at 9th and '4 Avenues , at end of 9th & as this seemed to be the logical place . Hole beside garbage The Street Superintendent also stated that the hole beside the garbage dump dump in bad shape • was in- bad- condition- and should be filled up and the sewer pipe extended. Above matters • A motion was made by Councilman McCracken that the above matters brought brought by Lenning to the attention of the city council by Mr. Lenning be referred to the to be referred to Committee on Streets and Parks for further investigation, and that the City Committee on Sts. & Attorney cooperate with the committee relative to the trees on the parking Parks strips that were raising the walks. Motion seconded by Kaune and carried. • 9th & Q Ave . d.es. - Councilman Olson made a motion that the end of the street at 9th and Q Avenue ignated as dumping be designated as a dumping place for old cars or scrap iron, under the ground for old cars supervision of the Street Superintendent . Motion seconded by Gilkey and ' carried. Communication from Communication was read from the Water Superintendent , Mr. Burke , relative Mr. Burke re injury to the eow which Ben Jorgenson claimed had been damaged by reason of the me.N to cow at the Lake Campbell pump house having left the gate open.. The communication I/ reads' as' folio vs °With further reference to the claim of Mr. Jorgenson for alleged injuries to a cow at Lake Campbell. This department admits that its employees on or about the 30th ' of September, failed to close the gate leading from the highway to the Best property on which the Lake Campbell pump house is located, and that the easement or right of way which the city acquired from 'ar. • Best at the time of the Lake Campbell installation , provided for free ingress and egress to the city for the purpose of construction to the city for the purpose of construction , maintenance and operation , also provided that the gate be kept closed when not in use . • • This department has no knowledge of any rights of possession by Mr. Jorgenson, and it would appear that the liability , if any would be between the city and Mr. Best , the owner. This department-:also states that While neither admitting or denying any liability other than that of leaving the gate open , the cow, claimed to be injured,, was at no time in or near the pump house or road leading therefrom to the highway, between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. on the 28th and 29th of September; or between the hours of 8 a.m. and 12 noon of the 30th. It is not unusual for cattle to be found runnning loose in the road in that vicinity. We are making this statement so that you may be familiar with the facts and govern yoursleves accordingly. ° Letter referred to A motion was made by Councilman Gilkey that the letter from the Water Committee on Fire Superintendent be referred to the Committe e on Fire , '.later and Light Water & Light and City Attorney for their guidance. Motion seconded by Kaune and carried. City Engineer City Engineer, ' Mr'. • Phillips n• reported verbally that he had given sidewalk reports on various levels at 4th and V Avenue and 10th and D, and laid out several avenues south subjects of Oaks Avenue for the cutting of wood. Mr. Olson , chairman of the Streets and Parks Committee was of theopinion that it would be better not to let people cut wood :on these streets , as somewere abusing the privilege and that property owners were objecting. Letter from R. E. A letter to the Water Superintendent from R. E. Wright of Mount Vernon Wright re fence restoring a fence torn down by the contractors on the watermain job was read . broken by contractors As the fence was thought by the Councilmen tote on county property, the referred to Mayor matter was referred to the Mayor to take up with County officials . Fire , Water & Light Mr. Neely, chairman of the Committee on Fire , Water Light said in referring on damage claim of to the claim of Ben Jorgenson for injury to his cow by :reason of the water Jorgenson employees leaving the gate of the field open at the Lake Campbell pump house , said that he considered that Mr. Jorgenson had some claim to damage to his cow and recommended compromise with him as the best thing to do . Judiciary Com. on Report of Judiciary on levy ordinance , recommending that ordinance do pass , levy ordinance was adopted. 451 1 October 20 , 1931, continued. Committee author- A motion was made by Councilman McCracken that the Committee be authorized iced to make settlement to make settlement with Mr. Jorgenson up to the amount of 420.00 for ra1aasee with Mr. Jorgenson of the claim. Motionseconded by Neely and carried. Roll call : Ayes , Kaune , McCracken , Neely, Brunson, Gilkey, Olson and Fulton . Nays , none . - Communication from A communication from NePage McKenny Company was read inwhich they stated NePage McKenny re that during the time of installation of the 24"' wood pipe , they .had placed • installation of a 1 " corporation cock at the point at Mich the wood pipe entered the cast corporation cock at ivnn elbow at the reservoir, to which they attached a piece of pipe about reservoir twelve feet long. At the completion of the job it was their intention to remove this pipe and close the opening in the wood pipe. However, the water superi:nt nd- ' ent asked them to leave this pipe connection , which they did. The now notice that an extension had been put on this l2n pipe , which was being used for an air vent and extended above the surface of the ground in a portion of the county road. Aa they considered this rater a dangerous installation , both to people on the road and the wood pipe , they stated that they re fused to be responsible for any damage caused in any way due to the installation. Connection necessary Mr. Burke, water superintendent , explained that this connection was necessary for air vent. in pipe , for an air vent for the pipe , and that therewis no element of risk, even if some one did run into it. The water department would assume the responsibility of the connection as it was fully protected. A motion was passed that the communication be referred to the water superntendent • Sharks Transfer Sparks Transfer Companywrote the city council abo.ut their claim against the re their claim . water contractors , asking the city council to co-operate with them in obtaining against contractor settlement in so far as it lay in their power to do so. The communication was referred to the City Attorney. Petition to vacate Petition from A. Strickert , Harriette T. Elder and Fred G. Abbey to vacate alley in Block 18, the alley in Block 18, Beales Maple Grove Addition was presented to the city Beales Maple Grove council. The petition was referred to the Committee on Streets andParks and Addition City Attorney. Ordinance No . 814 Ordinance No . 814, being an ordinance levying a tax upon the real and personal property within the City of Anacortes , Skagit County, Washington, for municipal purposes for the year 1932,w`as on motion placed on its third and final reading — by sections : On motion the title was adopted as read; .on motion section one was adopted as read; on martian section two was adopted as read; on motion section three Was adopted as; read; on motion the ordinance as a whole was adopted; roll call: Ayes , Kaune , Fulton, McCracken, Olson , Gilkey, Brunson and Neely. Naye:, none. Claims filed against Claims filed against "the contractor on the Anacortes-Skagit River water aUPPly, the contractor on up to and including October 15th, 1931 , were presented to the city council . in watermain job the amount of .148, 411.69 . Claims referred to A motion was made by Councilman McCracken , seconded by •Kaune , that the claims engineers & City Atty be officially referred to the engineers, Morse Company and the city attorney. Motion carried Claims a matter Mr. Morse explained that the claims were a matter between the contractor and his between contractor clients , and recommended that they be referred to the contractor with instruction and client to sift them out so that the true amount could be determined, as there were many duplications . Mt. Morse and City A motion was made by Councilman McCracken that Mr. Morse and the city clerk prepare Clerk to write a letter to the contractors with request and instruction that the claims be letter to contractors adjusted so that the actual amount might be known before the work of final re claims settlement should begin. Motion seconded by Gilkey and carried. Bonding company to The city council discussed the question of advising the bond company in regard be notified later to the claims, but-decided tovait until the actual amount of claims could be be determined, and if the claims amounted to more than the money on hand, - then the company should be notified. • Claims filed against The claims filed against. the city bar the contractors, Puget Sound Machinery city by contractors . Depot, in the amot.nt of 4v29,829. 50 , were referred to a committee to be appointed by the Mayor. A motion was made by Councilman Gilkey that the Mayor appoint a committee of three , including the city attorney, to meet with the Puget Sound Machinery Depot to iron out the claims. Motion seconded by Kaune and carried. Engineers to be Mr. Morse said that both he and Mr. Pollock would be available after this available week to meet with the committee whenever they desired them. Vim. Barry of the American Legion addressed the city council relative to American Legion asks obtaining free water for the local hospital. He explained that the Legion for free water for would seed the lawn and keep the grounds in shape if the city would furnish hospital the water. The matter was referred to the Committee on Fire , Water & Light . Adjourn There being no further business the city council did then adjourn. Approved in open session this 3rd .day of November, 1931 Mayor Attest : M. A. Hartmann , City Clerk, By g---//r..,�„_. -----' Deputy • r 452 November 3 , 1931 Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session with Mayor Van Buren presiding and Councilmen Kaune , McCracken, Neely, Brunson Gilkey, Olson and Fulton answering roll call. Absent , Brunson . Minutes adopted The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. Report of Pol. Report of Police Judge for montili of October was referred to the Committee Judge on Finance . • Report of Fire Report of Fire Department for month of October was referred to the Committee Department on Fire-, slater and Light Discontinuance of The Tlater Superintendent explained that he had discontined the employment , at Avon , pump operator at of a pump operator, but had arranged with Mr. Thomas , who lived close to the Avon and employ . pump house , to make frequent inspections and act as a caretaker. This was deemed ment of caretaker advisable owing to the close proximity of a public highway and school. For there these services Mr. Thomas would be paid fl.. 00 per day, subject to the approval of the city council. A motion was made by Councilman McCracken that the employment of a pump house caretaker at Avon at ca .00 per day be confirmed. Lotion seconded by Olson. Ayes , McCracken, Kaune , Neely, Olson and Fulton. Nays, Gilkey. Re revision of The water superintendent was of the firm conviction that by rigid economy and water rates down.. careful supervision that it would be possible to revise the schedule of water ward rates downward , and recommended that the first step in that direction be the reduction of the minimum charge from 02 . 50 to c)2 . 00 per month, as a means of doing the greatest good for the greatest number. A motion was made by Councilman McCracken , seconded by Neely, that . the matter be referred to the Committee on Fire , `.Water & Light . 1- otting from city The city engineer stated that there was not much to report except the surveying engineer except of some roads for the cutting of wood. survey of roads • Mr. Neely, Chairman of the Fire , `.Dater and Light Committee , stated that the Council allow 025 committee were unable to compromise with kir. Jorgenson for injury to his to Jorgenson for cow at Lake Campbell for less than 025.00, and recommended that this amount injury to cow be allowed. A motion was made by Councilman Neely, seconded by Olson, that 025.00 be allowed Ben Jorgenson for injury t3 his cow. Motion carried. Roll call: Ayes, Kaune , McCracken , Neely, Olson, Gilkey and Fulton . Nays , none . Bill posting lioneiie The C . E. Stevens Company of Seattle , asked for a bill posting license within allowed the city, and deposited their check for 020.00 for the license. A motion was made by Councilman Kaune, seconded by McCracken , that the license be granted. Lotion carried. Pressure guage The Puget Sound Machinery Depot , 'contractors on the new watermain line , asked the city council for permission to place a recording pressure guage on the pipe line in the vicinity of Summit Park in order to determine the pressures which were ocurring on the pipe line . The water Superintendent objected to this proposition , and Councilman Gilkey moved that the petition be denied. The motion was seconded by Olson and carried. Council reconsider Councilman McCracken asked that the council reconsider the vote to deny the vote re pressure request, stating that if the comtaunicati n were placed on file it could be guage brought up later if necessary. Councilman Kaune moved that the Water Super- intendent be authorized to write the t'uget Sound Eachinery Depot stating that if they would allow the pressure guage to be under the supervision of the Water Superintendent , then the city council would consent to its installation on the pipe line . Motion seconded by Neely and carried. Ayes, McCracken , Kaune, Neely, Fulton and Olson. Gilkey not voting. Street light at Mayor Van Buren called the attention of the city council to a petition for a corner of 31st street light at the corner of 31st and L Avenue that had been on file for and L Avenue some time , but action had been taken upon it . A motion was made by Councilman authorized Neely that. an 80 c .p; light be installed at this location. Motion seconded by Kaune and carried. Water service Mr. Burke told the city council that someone had rented the old Sorenson • resumed at old Products Company plant and wanted 'to have the water connected there , but owing Sorenson Prod. Co . to an unpaid bill of `'i40. 00 against the property, the service had not been • plant for new resumed. A motion was made by Councilman Kaune that the water be connected at consumer this place subject to the applicant making the proper deposits. Motion seconded by McCracken and carried. watermain inspectors The City Attorney reported that in the case of the watermain inspectors against win suit against the City of Anacortes , the decision was against the city, although the court city held that the inspectors were -.orking for Morse Company, but could sue the city for their wages . Mr. Driftmier stated that he would preserve the right to appeal Claims Olaims filed against the Cuirent Expense Fund 'and other City funds for the month of October , 1931, as follows , were read and referred to the Committee on Finance : • • 45314 November 3rd, 1931 , continued General Water (Con . ) Fidalgo Lbr. & Box Co _ 2909 Shiplap 6. 50 DeLaval Dteam Turbine Co . 2910 Reconditioning pump . 424 .85 State Treasurer 2911 Industril Ins . & Med. Aid 13.33 II/ Anacortes Mfg. Co . 2912 Supplies 10.00 • Morse Hardware 2913 Hoist and hose 17.94 • Marine Supply 2914 Supplies. 4.85 L. hiilloughby 2915 Plumbing permits 1.50 W. R. Burke 2916 Mileage on car 40,70 W. R. Burke 2917 Salary as superintendent 250.00 L. ;Willoughby 291B Salary as foreman 175.00 • • Ernest Knapp 2919 Salary as filter operator 150,00 • • Jim Jensen 2920 Labor 115. 50 • • Dave Riggs 2921 Labor 113 .50 • Lee Sherman 2922 Labor 2.40 Vim, Childs 2923 Labor . 2 .80 Lester Thomas 2924 Pump operator at Avon 50.00 Lester Thomas 2925 Pump operator at Avon 15. 00 • Marion 7atkinson 2926 Bookkeeper 45. 00 • Benson Motors 2927 Repairs on cars 1 . 90 • Anacortes American 2928 Printing brief - Litka .Case 40 . 10 Island Transfer Co . 2929 Hauling equipment 87.00 Ben Jorgenson 2930 Alleged injury to cow 25. 00 $1 ,846.94 Finance on claims Report of Committee on Finance t ro whomvere referred the claims against the • Current Expense Fund and other city Binds for the month of October, 1931 , recommending that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of same, was read and adopted. Roll call : Ayes, Kaune , McCracken, Neely, Olson , Gi lkey and Fulton. Nays , none . Adjourn The city council did then adjourn. • Approved in open session this 17th day of November, 1931. Mayor • Attest : M. A. Hartmann, City Clerk, Deputy Ir 4,54 CURRENT' EXPENSE G. H. Noggle 2955 Lal..or on streets 35.00 • G. H. Noggle 2956 Labor on streets 32 .50 - 0. A. Lenning 2957 Salary as street supt. 150.00 Lynn Balcomb 2958 Truck driver 135. 00 - Ed Strom 2959 Tractor driver 115.00 • Tom Dodson 2960 Labor on streets 100.00 - Wm. '.Weeks 2961 Labor on streets 71.25 • K. E. Erickson Co . Inc . 2962 School signals 4. 16 Knapp & Ronneberger 2963 Repairs on street and fire equipment 9 . 52 • Schwartz Iron Works 2904 Repairs Jn grader 18.12 - Standard Oil Co . 2965 Lubricants for street dept. 10.052 N. Nelson .estate 2966 Stilson wrenches for street dept. 11..25 . General Mfg. Co. 2967 Fire extinguisher for fire dept . 18.89 Anacortes Water Dept . 2968 Hydrant rentals 400.00 Anacortes Mfg. Co. 2969 Supplies for fire dept . 4.25 • Anacortes Steam Laundry 2970 Laundry for fire dept . 1.99 Puget Sound Power & Light 2971 Lights at City Hall, sts. & Power at crusher 271.06 Shannon Hardware 2972 Supplies for city hall & streets 5.19 S. P. Walsh 2973 hauling garbage 1. 50 State Treasurer 2974 Industrial insurance & Med. Aid 27.78 Anacortes American 2975 Publisaing 3.19 S. D. Temple 2976 Supplies for clerk 2.10 Shell Oil Co. 2977 Gasoline for city pump (Sept . ) 147.90 West Coast Tel. Co . 2978 Tolls 3.00 Edna¢s Quick Lunch 2979 Meals for prisoners 5.00 Al Sellinthin 2980 salary as chief of police 160.00 J. T. March 2981 Salary as patrolman 135.00 H. N. Wood 2982 Salary as patrol•an 135.00 E. T. Staudt 2983 Salary as patrolman 125.00 Thomas Conway 2984 Salary as fire chief, janitor and wiring inspector 175.00 Jas . Colgan 2985 Assistant fire chief 135.00 Wm. Dow 2966 Salary a:: fireman 130.00 Bert Verrall 2987 Salary as fireman 130.00 • F. G. Abbey 2988 Salary as police Judge 25.00 H. E. Frost 29L9 Salary as healti officer 25.00 Ben Driftmier 2990 Salary as city attorney 65.00 M. A. Hartmann 2991 Salary as city clerk 65.00 Marion Viatkinson 2992 Salary ati city treasurer 65.00 il R. B. Phillips 2993 Salary as city engineer 50.00 E. P. Barron 2994 Clerical services .90 Wm. Kendall 2995 Engineers helper 20.00 Ed Lavine 2996 Engineers helper 12.00 -6. Phillips 2997 Cash advanced for engineering magazines 5.00 $3 ,046.07 LIBRARY FUND Albert Whitman & Co . 373 Books 15.68 Cancelled 374 Cancelled Puget Sound News Co. 375 Books 4.50 Puget Sound Power & Light 376 Light 6.63 Water Department 377 Water 2 . 50 E. Luella Howard 378 Salary as librarian & cash Adv. 91.30 Kate Hanseroth 379 Assistant librarian 60.00 Evelyn Lundberg 380 Assistant librarian 20.00 H. W. Dowd 381 Janitor 25. 00 If. H. Huntting Co . ,Inc . 382 Books 131.53 357.14 PARK FUND Roy Houle 665 Labor in park 2 .00 J. E. Harding 666 Labor in parks 110.00 P. A. Dean 667 Grinding lawnmower 1..50 Clint Knapp 668 Labor in parks 86.40 199.90 1930 WATER West Coast Tel. Co. 103 iioving poles between Anacortes & Avon 142.13 Davis onstruction Co . 104 Hauling dirt at Avon 42.80 184093 GENERAL WATER FUND M. A. Ha tmann 2897 Cashier 125 . 00 . Schwartz Iron Works 2898 Cutting pipe .50 Knapp & onneberger 2899 Repairs on cars. 2.60 • Standard Oil Co . 2900 Oil 6.43 Current Expense Fund 2901 gasoline from city pump 25.73 Fix It Shop 2902 Filing saws 1 .00 Shannon Hardware 2903 Supplies 12 .86 Puget Sound Power & Light 2904 Power at light at settling basin and filter plant 26 .83 West Coast Tel. Co . 2905 Tolls 3. 30 SL.. .... .• . D. Temple 2906 Supplies .40 Anacortes American 2907 Books and cards 17.25 Pittsburgh Equitable Meter Co . 2908 Registers 32 . 17 . 455 1 November 17 , 1931. Roll call The city council of the city of Anacortes met in regular session with Mayor Van Buren presiding and Councilmen Kaune , Neely, Olson and Fulton answering roll call. Absent , McCracken, Brunson and Gilkey Minutes approved The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. Re.nort of Treas . ref. Report of City Treasurer was referred to the Committee on Finance. Pressure guage on The ':Dater Superintendent reported that h.e. had written the Puget Sound Machinery new water line Depot in regard to their request to install a pressure guage on the water pipe installed line near Summit :. Park , and that they were willing to have the guage under the direct supervision and control of the '.later Superintendent. Also that the pressure guage was now instailed`.and in operation . Small leak in The Water Superintendent reported a small leak in the new pipe line due to new pipe line imperfect welding at the shop, but that it had been mended. City Attorney to Councilman Kaune moved that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an prepare salary ordinance relating to change in salaries as made at the time of adopti jg the ordinance budget . Motion seconded by Olson _ rid carried. Ordinance declaring an emergency and providing means for meeting the same Ordinance declaring was on motion placed on its first reading by title ; on motion ordinance was an emergency placed on its second read by title ; on motion ordinance was referred to the ( l0 ,000 water bonds), City Attorney and Judiciary Committee. Jacob Olson brings The City Attorney reported that Jacob Olson had brought suit for damages suit for damages against the city for 37 , 500. 00, due to the lowering of Lake Campbell . against city The Y.ayor and City Clerk were authorized to sign a lease for the rent of the Gilkey Bros . To7ing east 40 ft . of "Q" Avenue north of the north line of the Great Northern R/W Company lease and east of the Guemes ferry slip, to Gilkey Bros. Towing Company, for a east 40 f t . of "Q" period of five years , from October 1, 1931 . Avenue There leing no further business the city council did then adjourn. Adjourn Approved in open session this 1st day of December, 1931. 6 2rat.:-v---lar.........-.--e.-,— I/ Mayor Attest : H. A. Hartmann , City Clerk, Alt22rc c./ ���, ,a `" Deputy Neuember 15 , 1931 The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session with Mayor Van Buren presiding and Councilmen Olson , Gilkey and Neely answering roll call. Absent , Fulton , McCracken, Kaune and Brunson. s Owing to lack of quorum the city council did then adjourn. Approved in open session this 5th day of January , 1931 Attest : M. A. Hartmann, City Clerk yam__ L . ..„,4g) • Deuuty Mayor r a /i-,,.. . ember 1 , 1931 • - Roll call. The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session with Mayor Van Buren presiding and Councilmen Kaune , McCracken , Neely, Brunson , and Olson answering roll call. Absent , Fulton and Gilkey. Minutes approved The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read . City Atty on ord- Report of City Attorney on ordinance declaring an emergency and providing inance declaring means for meeting of same , stating that same was correct as to form, was read and emergency and adopted Treas. report Report of City Treasurer for month of November was referred to the Committee • referred on Finance . Report of Police Report of Police Judge for month of November was referred to the Committee on Judge referred Finance . Report of Fire Chief Report of Fire Department was referred to the Committee on Fire , Water & Light . City :Engineer on The City Engineer reported on the progress of opening streets south of Oaks opening streets for Avenue for the purpose of cutting wood . cutting of wood Ordinance No . 815, being an ordinance declaring an emergency and providing Ordinance No . 815 means for meeting the same , was on motion placed on its third and final reading by sections. On motion the title was adopted as read ; on motion section 1 was • adopted as read; on motion section 2 was adopted as read; on motion section 3 was adopted as read; on motion the ordinance as a whole was adopted. Roll call Ayes, Kaune , McCracken , Neely, Brunson and Olson . Nays , none . Ordinance NQ . Ordinance No ._; being an ordinance fixing the compensation of elective and appointive officers and employees of the City of Ana:;ortes, and repealing • Ordinance No . 782 and all ordinances in conflict herewith, was on motion placed an its first reading by title; on, motion ordinance was placed on its second reading by title; on motion ordinance was referred to the City Attorney and Judiciary Committee . Extra work orders Communication from Morse Company, Engineers , enclosing additional work orders from PSMD sent in by from the Puget Sound Machinery Depot , contractors on the Anacortes-Skagit ttiver Morse Co . watermain wo'k , was read. Councilman McCracken moved that the communication be placed on file with other work orders from the contractors ,far future referent . Motion seconded by Kaune and carried. Cracks in paving Cracks in the paving were discussed by the city council and :street Superintendent and the matter left with Mr. Lenning for attention. Mount Vernon Banks .A :thrvt.i.on was made big Councilmen .oCrackc;t] that the tkag .t National Bank and designated as .eirst National Bank of fount Vernon be designated as depositories for excess depositories for city funds. motion seconded by Brunson and carried unanimously. excess city funds Claims filed against the Current Expense Fund and other city funds for the Claims month of November, as follows, were read and referred to the Committee on Finance . CURRENT "�XI'EYSE FUND S. P. ;Walsh 2998 Hauling garbage 1. 50 J. L. Rumsey 2999 Wood for city hall 2 . 50 Brado°s Paint Store 3000 Supplies for fire department 4. 70 Puget Sound Power & Light 3001 Lights at city- hall , streets and power at crusher 279 . 70 Shannon Hardware 3002 Sup lies for fire dept . and streets 7. 75 Schwartz Iron Works 3003 Sharpening points 4. 50 Sidney Hewson 3004 Powder for streets 10. 00 Void 3005 Void :western Tractor & Equip.Co .3006 Tractor parts 8.20 Seattle Marine Supply 3007 Siuice forks for streets 4 .83 Benson Motors 3008 Repairs on tractor 5 .45 Benson Motors 3009 Repairs on police car 51 . 13 'rest Coat Telephone Co . 3010 Tolls for police. and streets 1. 30 Fix it Shop 3011 Engineering supplies and repairs 1.85 S. D. Temple 3012 Supplies for clerk . 50 Anacortes American • 3013 Publishing 3 .72 J. H. Chambers 3014 Repairing check protector 7.50 State Treasurer 3015 Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid 27.76 Trick & Murray 3016 LID sheets .91 'eater Department 3017 Hydrant Rentals 400.00 "PIONEER" 3018 LID foreclosure forms 4 .10 Island Belt S. S. Co . 3019 Coal for city hall 63.30 0. A. Lenning 3020 Salary as street supt . 150.00 Lynn Balcomb 3021 Truck driver 135. 00 Ed Strom 3022 Truck driver 115.00 Tons Dodson 3023 Labor on streets 100. 00 • Vim. Weeks 3024 Labor on streets 36.8 Wm. Kendall 3025 Engineers Helper 10. 0 Ed Lavine 3026 Engineers Helper 18 . 0 Bob White 3027 Engineers Helper 6.0 • Jim March • 3028 Engineer's Helper 10.0 Geo. Abbey 3029 Engineer's Helper 4 . 00 Thos . Conway 3030 Fire chief , janitor 'c wiring inspector 175. 00 James Colgan 3031 Asst . fire chief 135.00 Um. .vow 3032 Fireman 130. 00 Bert Verrall 3033 Fireman 130. 00 Al Sellinthin 3034 Chief of police 160.00 J. T. March 3035 Salary as patrolman 135. 00 H. N. 'Wood 3036 Salary as patrolman 135.00 E. T. Staudt 3031 Salary as patrolman 125 . 00 F. G. Abbey • 303b Salary as police judge 25. 00 11 4, . . 5.7 December 1 , 1931, continued Claims Current Expense Fund , con . H. E. Frost 3039 Healt: Officer salary 25 . 00 Ben Driftmier 3040 City attorney salary 65.00 R. B . Phillips 3041 Salary au city engineer 50.00 M. A. Hartmann 3042 Salary as city clerk 65 . 00 Marion datkinson 3043 Salary as city treasurer 65. 00 9 2 ,896.05 LIBRARY FUND Curtis Wharf 383 Coal 124. 00 Puget Sound Power & Light384 Lights 6.99 Shannon Hardware 385 Supplies 1 . 67 E. Luella Howard 386 Salary as librarian & cash advance 90.80 Kate Hanseroth 387 Salary as asst . librarian 60.00 Evelyn Lundberg 388 Salary as asst. librarian 20. 00 H. 6 . Dowd 389 janitor 25.00 J. L. Rumsey 390 Wood for library 2. 50 Gaylord Bros . Inc . 391 Library supplies 7. 50 H. H. Huntting 392 Books 14.27 Nelson & Brooks 393 Plumbing .75 Island Transfer 394 Express 'c drayage on books 7 .45 s7360. 93 PARK FUND . Shannon Hardware 699 Lawn Broom .36 J. E. Harding 670 Salary as supt . 110. 00 110. 36 WATER FUND P. S . Power & Light 2931 Power at filter and pumps 1 ,048.05 Weekly & Trafton 2932 Lumber and labor 1.00 Marine Supply 2933 Supplies 7.90 Crane Co. 2934 Pipe & pressure regulators 353.95 L. Willoughby 2935 Plumbing permits 3 .00 I/ Island Belt S. S.Co . 2936 Coal for filter 2938 Lumber 27.10 West Coast Telephone Co . 2937 Malls 2.10 Fidalgo L.& B. Co. 1.57 State Treasurer 2939 Industrial Insurance & Medical Aid 12. 06 :lest Coast Telephone Co . 2940 Tolls and service 5.50 Braun Knecht Heiman Co . 2941 Chlorine Comparator 12 .07 W. R. Burke 2942 Salary as supt . 250. 00 L. Willoughby 2943 Salary as foreman 175.00 Lester Thomas 2944 Caretaker at Avon pump 30.00 Ernest Knapp 2945 Filter Operator 150.00 Dave Riggs 2946 Labor 96. 00 Jim Jensen 2947 Labor 96.00 W. Childs 2948 Labor 2 . 50 B. Pedigo 2949 Labor 5. 00 Federal Pipe & Tank Co . 2950 Repair bands 18 .00 Tacoma Electrochemical C . 2951 Liquid Chlorine 13 . 50 Wallace & Tiernan 2952 Bell jar 11.00 Lowman & Hanford 2953 Ledger sheets 4. 83 '4r. S. Barley 2954 Pipe pusher and jaws 97.43 Fix It Shop 2955 Filing saws . 50 W. R. Bur-e 2956 Liileage on car & cash advanced for freight 41. 62 Anacortes American 2957 Invoice sheets 4 .25 Standard Oil Co. 2958 Roof paint and oil 5. 14 Shannon Hardware 2959 Supplies 20.89 M. A. Hartmann 2960 Cashier 125. 00 Marion Watkinson 2961 Bookkeeper 45.. 00 Schwartz Iron Works 2962 Uelding 19. 75 S. D. Temple 2963 Supplies b w2 , 7. 6 FILLING LOWLANDS FUND G. H. Noggle 11 Labor on dump 40; 00 G. H. Noggle 12 Labor on dump 17 . 50 057 . 50 Finance on claims Report of Committee on Finance to whom were referred th claims against the Current 'xpense Fund and other city funds for the month of November, 1931 , • I/ recommending that the above claims be allowed and arrants drawn in favor of same, was read and adopted. Judiciary on Ord. Report of Judiciary Committee to whom vas referred the ordinance d_eclar.ing ,an No . 815 emergency and providing means for meeting the same , recommending that the ordinance do pass , was read and adopted. Adjourn There being no futther business the city council did then adjourn. Approved in open session this 15th ay of November, 1931 Attest : M. A. Hartmann , City Clerk, 6 za..„.. , / Mayor BY u�.«.-z,- Lam-- / sC -,_ % Deputy . .458 • • D.ece:_ber 15, ..1.931 • • Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session with Mayor Van Buren presiding and Councilmen Olson, Neely and Gilkey answering roll call. Absent , Fulton , McCracken , Kaune and Brunson . Lack of quorum Owing to lack of quorum the city council adjourned. Approved in open session this 5th day of January , 1932 . I/L • • Mayor Attest: M. A. Hartmann , City Clerk Deputy •