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1929 City Council Minutes
• 219 9 • • January 1, 1929. Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session with Mayor • Brooks presiding and Councilmen Dwelley and Olson responding to roll call . • Absent Fulton , Howe , McCallum, McCracken and Peters . Adjourn Owing to lack of quorum and the day b eing a holiday a motion was made by Councilman Dwelley, seconded by Olson that the meeting be adjourned until .;ednes , January 2nd, at 8 p.m. :lotion carried. January 2nd, 1929. Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular adjourned session with Mayor Brooks presiding and Councilmen Dwelley, Howe , MCCracken, Olson and Peters answering roll call. Absent Fulton and McCallum. Minutes approved The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Report of City Report of City Attorney, Ben Driftmier, on deed of J. George for alley between Attorney on deed 18th and 19th Streets and Commercial and Avenues , stating that no legal of J. George for objection to the deed was found, was read and adopted. alley rink The City . y `reasurer presented a communication from the B .P.O.E.#1204 asking for Skating rink a skatincV license and enclosing check for <,60.00. As the ordinance governing license to be licenses provided for a fee of ,,J2CO a year fro a skating rink, Councilman issued to BPOE McCracken pointed out that this rink would be operated under the management #1204. of a local organization and should be allowed a reduction. A motion was made -by Councilman McCracken, seconded by Dwelley, that the check for , 60 . 00 be accepted and the license granted subject to cancellation upon the recommendation of a duly authorized committee from the city council. Motion carried. • Annual report Annual report of the Chief of Police was read and referred to the Co.arnittee on of Chief of Pol. Finance of the incoming city council. Report of Po1.Jot . Report of Police Justice was presented and referred to the new Committee on Finance . Resignation of Dr. Austin Shaw submitted his resignation as Health Officer to take effect Health Officer immediately, and on motion of Councilman McCracken, seconded by Howe , the resignation was accepted. Motion carried. Report of City The City Engineer presented the following report: Engineer on "K" avenue paving "I hereby certify that thirty (30) days have elapsed since the completion of the "Ii" Avenue paving at at total cost of 13 ,020 .75. Of this amount the contractor has received c310,416. 60 , leaving a balance of ',2, 604.15, which amount I recommend be paid to him at this time , less the following deductions : Water far curing concrete - � 138 . 08 ; Fixed estimate , including, adv. printing, engineering, insp. and interest on .;arr...:.ts , ,)893. 00. T m tal fixed charges '.11 ,031. 08 . leaving a balance due him of 5,1,573 . 07, which amount I recommend be paid to him and the job officially accepted" . On motion of Councilman Dwelley, seconded by Olson, the report was adoPted. Annual report of The annual report of the Fire Chief was read and adopted. Fire Chief Report of_-•Committee on Judiciary to whom was referred the matteP-ef deed of Judiciary on deed J. George for alley between 18th w 19th Streets and Commercial end Avenues , of J. George for recommending that the matter he held over until the next regular meeting, ': s. alley read and adopted. Streets and Parks deport of Committee on Streets & Parks to whom :as refereed the ::latter of on road to Alex. road through city property to Alexander' s Beach, stating that the reQuest Beach for H.r.i. would be granted providing 4:a4t Mr. :ood ould dedicate to the city or Wood county a public right of way 150 ft. wide through his property from the city property on the north to Lot 3 on the south, subject to approval by the city council. A motion was made by Councilman McCracken , seconded by Dwelley, that the report be adopted. Motion carried. Annual report of The annual report of the Park Board as presented by the Committee , 2. Lucile Park Board Kzune and Cora W. Allmond, was read and adopted. McCallum enters Councilman McCallum entered the council chamber and the Mayor ordered his hame council chamber placed upon the roll. Hearing on "K" It being the day for the hearing of protest against the imsessinent roll of Local avenue assessment Improvement District No. 144 , the improvement of "K" Avenue from the south line roll. of .Eighth Street to the south line of Twelfth Street by paving , the Mayor called for objections. No .written protests were filed, so the Mayor declared the time of hearing closed. A moti In •s.s made 'by Councilman Olson, seconded by Howe , that the assessment roll be approved and confirmed. ;.lotion carried. City Attorney A motion •.:as made by Councilman Dwelley, seconded by McCracken, that City to prepare Attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance confirming the assessment- roll ordinance con- for Local Improvement District No . 144 , improvement of "1 " Avenue from the firming assess- south line of Eighth Street to the south line of Twelfth Street by paving, and ment roll for prescribing within .ihat time such assessment or installment thereof shall be "ii" Ave . paid. Motion carried. • I . . r220 January 2, 1929, continued. Paving work on •11c" A motion vas made by Councilman Dwelley, seconded by Howe, that the paving Avenue officially work on "K" Avenue , Local Improvement District No. 144, done by Norris Bros. , accepted be approved and the job officially accepted. Motion carried. New business referred Councilman Dwelley recommended that all new business be referred to the to new council.. incoming council. Easement for overflow Motion was made by Councilman McCracken , seconded by Dwelley, that the ease- rights at Lake Camp- ment for overflow rights on property at Lake Campbell given by Mts. Hilda bell accepted and Christenson, be accepted, and that warrant in the amount of 0300 be drawn warrant issued on the General '•cater Fund in payment of same . Roll call , Ayes , Dwelley, Howe , McCallum, McCracken, Olson and Peters. Nays , none . Motion carried. Farewell remarks by The following farewell remarks were made by Mayor Brooks : • Mayor Brooks "Before retiring from office there are a few statements which I would like to make regarding the progress made in the city during my tenure in office . First , I wish to make plain that I am not looking for any credit , nor do I feel that I am re- sponsible for the progress made . The credit is due to the able assistance rendered by members of the City Council and depart- ment heads , whom I have been fortunate enough to have had during the past six years . "We have taken a swamp and a few miles of rotton pipe lines , which supplied the city with impure , dirty water at the rate of 28,000, 000 gallons per year, and built up a water system whereby we can pump , filter and furnish pure water at the rate of 3 , 500 , - 000 gallons per day. The past year we used over 700, 000,000 gallons of water. Services have increased from 1,000 to 1 , 654. The system has been metered , from 300 meters to 1,650. The in- come has increased from 028 ,000 to over c60,000. Our water in- debtedness has been increased to 0350,000. However, the income has been sufficient to at all times take care of the bonds and interest when due , and with proper management and economy, there has been enough surplus to take care of many improvements , exten- • tions, and replacements of mains . I wish at this time to publicly commend the water superintendent , Mr. Short, for his honesty, economy and untiring effort to make all this possible . The water superintendent naturally is the public officer who gets criticized for everything -- pulp mill rates , etc . but every move has been made with the sanction of the city mayor, council and attorney. "The city has been improved by many blocks of paving. Fourth street to Cap Sante ; Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, tom, N, and K avenues have either part or entirely been paved. The paving from Thirty-sixth to the City limits was comnleted after many months of effort , and although at the time there was much argument , I believe most every one is now satisfied that we have a fine high- way. The City Council has at all times aided the street depart- ment through the purchase of equipment , until now, with truck, graders , tractors and a crusher, the department is able to main • - tain the streets in the best condition of our City' s history. During the past year, Practically every street in the City has been graveled. Three miles of new highway was built to i3urrows Bay and Sunset beach, and has been kept in fine condition. "The fire department has functioned exceptionally well. The de- partment is well trained, and the per capita fire loss is small. "Practically half the City has been sewered with a modern, well constructed sewer. This has lessened the disease hazard in our City a great deal. "The police department under the• chief , Mr. Sellenthin , has won a reputation, not only at home , but over the state . The City has been almost entirely free from serious crime , and nearly so of petit affairs. The City has been kept clear of vagrants , and every suspicious character has had to account for his presence in the community. "Our City parks have been increased both in • acreage and accessi- bility. The park at Sunset beach is now used by hundreds of people annually. Conveniences have been placed there for the people. There is at present a road under construction , which, when finished, will allow the motorist to drive to the top of the hill and have a fine view of the Straits , islands , etc . The park board is to be commended for the time and effort it has used to give the City these recreation grounds . "financially, the City is in an enviable condition. The warrant debt on January 1 , 1916 was 056,220. 64. Sihce that date this has all been paid , plus interest . The present administration finished paying this debt off , having paid 013 , 591. 28 principal , and :) 7 ,815. 70 interest. "The city is on a cash basis in all its departments. Our credit with local and outside banking institutions has been put on a sound basis . "I wish to thank the City attorney and health officer for the able manner in which they have handled their jobs . Last , but not least , I wish to thank Mrs. Watkinson for her untiring effort in keeping the City affairs in such dondition that the state auditors have • always had a word of praise for her work. In past years she has been under paid, and her work increased enormously. I am glad that the. City Council saw fit to increase her salary, beginning January 1 this year. "Once more, in closing , I want to thank all the Council, depart- ment heads, members of all City boards and all City employes , for their loyalty to me during the past six years . I can assure you it has been a pleasure to work with so fine a lot of men and women. If, during this period, I have helped to make the City better, I feel well repaid for the time and effort put forth. " 22 January 2nd, 1929 , continued. Mayor' s remarks A motion was made by Councilman Dwelley, seconded by Howe , that the closing to be spread u,.on remarks made by Mayor Brooks be spread upon the minutes. Motion carried. I/ minutes Claims filed against the Current Expense fund and other City funds for Claims the month of December , 1928, as follows :were read and referred to the com- mittee on finance : CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Current Expense Water Department 1173 Hydrant rentals 300. 00 State Treasurer 1174 Ind. Ins . & Med. Aid 25. 64 Andrew Bodner 1175 Gravel inspector iPK" Ave . paving 10 . 00 Al Sellinthin 1176 Salary as chief of police 160. 00 J. T. March 11?7 aalnry as patrolman 130. 00 H. N. Wood 1178 Salary..as patrolman 130. 00 J. S. Carter 1179 Salary as fire chief & janitor 175.00 Jas. Colgan 1180 Salary as fireman 130 . 00 L. E. Snider 1181 Salary as fireman 130. 00 Alex Latshaw 1182 Salary as fireman 130.00 Fix-it Shop 1183 Labor 1.00 Skagit Steel & Iron J. 1184 i(ent of hoist 52.00 G. W. Shannon & Co . 1185 Supplies for streets 7.25 A. Mooney 1186 Labor 18 .90 Standard Oil Co . . 1187 Gasoline for pump 155. 39 Marine Supply 1188 Supplies for fire & sts. 13.67 Howard-Cooper Corp. 1189 Supplies and labor for fire & sts. 79.46 Anacortes American 1190 Publishing and printing 81.25 Marion 'Jatkinson 1191 Salary as City Treas . 50 . 00 K. A. Hartmann 1192 Salary as City Clerk, 50 . 00 Dr. Austin Shaw 1193 Salary as health officer 25. 00 F. G. Abbey 1194 Salary as police judge 25.00 Ben Driftmier 1195 Salary as City Attorney 50 . 00 ':r. B. Short 1196 Salary as city Engineer 50 . 00 Joe Hatfield 1197 Labor 63 . 00 E. Barron 1198 Labor 2 . 50 J. L. Rumsey 1199 .good for city hall 3 . 00 P. S. P. & L. Co . 1200 Lights at city hall , sts . & rent of motors 326. 54 Island Belt S. S. Co . 1201 Coal for City Hall 40 . 18 2414 . 78 LIBRARY FUND Library E. Luella Howard 55 Salary and sup_.,lies 117.47 iix-It Shop 56 Labor on door 3 . 50 Julius Nelson 57 Plumbing 8 . 23 Bellingham Bindery C o. 58 Binding Beaks 41. 00 P. S. P & L Co. 59 Light 7. 05 Curtis '.:harf Co . 60 Coal 42.00 H. W. Dowd 61 Janitor 25. 00 J. L. Rumsey 62 ".iood 2. 50 P. S. News Co . 63 Books 14 .75 The H.R. Hunting Co. 64 Supplies 30.41 .Water Department 65 ':later 2 . 00 c 293 . 91 PARK FUND Park J. E. Harding 534 Labor 124. 71 GENERAL `,DATER FUND General Later S. G. Riggs 1608 Labor cleaning reservoir 5. 00 S. E. Hendrixson 1609 Labor It " 5.00 Dave Riggs 1610 Labor " it 5.00 John Gross 1611 Labor " " 5. 00 L. E. Snider 1612 Labor it " 5.00 Chas . P.. Stapp 1613 Postage 20. 00 Mooney's 3er. Sta. 1614 .itce . cars 7. 04 Curtis Wharf Co . 1615 freight & Coal for filter 43./6 Clausius -_otor Co . 1616 Aepairs .on cars 6.93 `;lest Coast Tel Co . 1617 Tolls and rentals 3. 50 Marine Supply 1618 Supplies 15 •93 Island Transfer 1619 Frt . and drayage 2b.87 Louis Willoughby 1620 Extra Labor in December 56 . 00 Fix-It Shop 1621 Sharpening tools 1 . 50 G. Shannon & Co . 1622 Supplies 38.20 Edward Mooney 1623 Labor and parts for cars 14. 50 Louis Willoughby1b24 Labor and plumbing inspections 163 .75 Ernest Knapp 1625 Salary as filter operator 135.00 P. S. Power & Light Co . 1626 Power 670.13 Gr.Western El.Chem.Co . 1627 Chlorine 15.75 V. B. Short 1628 Salary as superintendent 250. 00 H & D Super Service 1629 Mtce . trucks 21. 36 State Treas. 1630 Indus. Ins . & Med. Aid 8.30 Union Printing Co . 1631 Water ledgers for 2 years 110 .43 George ' s Ser. Sta. 1632 Gasoline for cars 22 . 55 Frank Hagan 1633 Sal. as filter operator and extra labor 147.75 T. F. Doan 1634 Blueprints 1.00 L 222 January 2 , 1929 , continued . Knapp & Ronneberger 1635 Repairs on cars and trucks • 8 .19 Schwartz Iron Wks . 1636 Labor and material '?:69 Current Expense Fund 1637 Gas from City pump for 1928 183.78 MErion Watkinson 1638 Sa1.^.ry ao bookkeeper a steno 50.00 LI. A. Hartmann 1639 Salary as cashier 110.00 Seattle Plumbing Supply1640 Pipe 371.67 Fern Press 1641 Printing plumbing permits 25.00 L. Hartman 1642 Labor 13.87 Jim Jensen 1643 Labor • 102 . 50 E. G. Childs 1644 Labor 99. 00 Hilda Christenson 1645 Easement for overflow rights at Lake Campbell 300. 00 3 3 ,2.16.95 PUBLIC STRTiET FUND • Public Street Fund Wm. '.peeks 1373 Labor on street (Commercial Ave . ) 45.00 • Ed Strom 1374 t° `° iP i° 92.00 G. H. Everly 1375 t° i° '' f° 40. 00 Tom Dodson 1376 it t° G° t° 100 . 00 O. A. Lenning for L. Balcomb 1377 t° 1° t0 t0 67. 50 • O. A. Lenning 1378 Salary as St . Supt. 150.00 ;; 494. 50 Report of Committee on Finance to whom \rerereferred the claims against the Finance on claims Current Expense Fund and other city funds fo. the month of December , 1928 , recommending that the claims be alloyed and warrants drawn in favofa of same , was read and on motion adopted. Roll call : Ayes, Dwelley, Howe , McCallum, McCracken, Olson and Peters . Nays , none . Vote of thanks to Councilman McCracken made a motion , seconded by Dwelley, that a vote of thanks Mayor Brooks be given to Mayor Brooks for his services to the city during the ast six years . Motion carried. Adjourn sine die 'Me city council did then adjourn sine die . • Approved in open session this 15th day anuary, 192; . La or • Attest , LI. A. Hartmann, City Clerk , By • Deputy. • • • • 2231 Januzry 2nd, 1929. continued. adjourned • The city council of the City of tinacortes met in regulLtr session with :uayor Roll call HaLey presiding and Councilmen Burke , Gilkey, Kaune , :cOracken , Neely, Olson and Rogers responding to roll call. Absent, none . Organization The purpose of the meeting was for organization. y s c Cornr�li tee assign- The Mayor announced the following committee a�Nignments : ments Finance McCracken Judiciary Olson Neely Burke Kaune ifbgers Remarks by Liayor Mayor Haley made a. few remarks as follows : Maley "0',7e are , on assu:::ing office , not making any promises for great accomplishments. =:'e ex- pect to follow in the lead given by the previous council and hope to carry on in a way to be a help to the City and a credit to ourselves . Ve are not coming with a spirit of criticism or of bragadocio . The previous council has given a great deal of time and attention to the City' s affairs, all without compensation except the knowledge of having done their duty well. They have been the subject of many criticisms and there have been few to give them praise . The City has been in line of progress and betterment under their management, and we should thank them, for they have been faithful; and I hope that at the conclusion of our tenure of office that we may be deemed as faithful as they. " F. G. Abbey The Mayor announced the appointment of F. G .Abbey as police juke . appoi ted Pol. On motion of Councilman Burke , seconded by Olson, theappointment was confirmed. Judge Motion carried. • Dr. N. :Frost The Mayor announced the appoinment of Dr. ::. :Trost as health officer. On • appointed as motion of Councilman McCracken, seconded by .Gilkey, the anointment was con- health officer firmed . Motion carried. ITentative The Mayor then announced the appointment of ;I, A. Moss as city engineer. appointment of A motion was made by Councilman Burke , seconded by McCracken, that action be City Engineer deferred until the next regular meeting of the city council. Motion carried. Crdinance ?''o . Ordinance No . , being an ordinance creating the office of *later Superintendent, providing for theaTointment, term and d•.ties thereof was on motion placed on its first reading by title; on motion ordinance was placed on its second reading by title ; on motion ordinance was referred to the City Attorney and Judiciary Comoi ttee. Appointment of Couiunicaticn from the City Clerk , M. A. Hartmann, appointing Marion .latkinson Deputy City Clerk as Deputy City Clerk, was read and on motion of Councilman McCracken, seconded by Olson, the appointment was c onfi rmed. Motion carried. Appointee nt of Co_:?.:unication from the City Treasurer , Marion 'fa.tkinson , ay:Jointing M. A. Hartmann Deputy City Treas. Deputy City Treasurer, was read and !lotion made , seconded and carried confirming the apoo in tmen t . Proposals for gaso- Proposals from the Texas Company and Standard Oil Company to furnish gasoline to line for year 1929 the City of :iiacortes for the year 1929 , both at the rate of l7 ,c.' per gallon, , was read and on motion referred to the Committee on ''9.ncnce . Adjourn There being .a further business the city council did then adjourn . Approved in open council this 15th day of January, 1929 . 9.--) _,-7 Mayo t , Attest : M. A. Dartmann, Ci ty C le rk By 2-27A.,,t,,, ,/,‘",P/c.� ....u..,i Deputy 224 IFFP . . January 15, 1929. Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session with Mayor Haley presiding and Councilmen Burke , Gilkey, Kaune , Neely, Olson and Rogers responding to roll call. Absent , McCracken. • Minutes approved The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. City Attorney on Report of City Attorney, Ben Driftmier, on Ordinance Ho . 785,. being an Ord. #785 ordinance creating the office of water superintendent , stating that same was correct in form was read and adopted. Mayor announces that The Mayor announced that as there were several appointments and committee . appointments will assignments he wished to make he would take up first the matter of the ordinance be made creating the office of water superintendent. Judiciary on Ordinance Report of Judiciary Committee on Ordinance No . 785, being an ordinance #785 creating the office of water superintendent , recommending that the ordinance do pass , was read and on motion of councilman Gilkey, seconded by Olson, was adopted. Motion carried. • Ordinance No . 785 Ordinance No. 785, being an ordinance creating the office of ",later Superin- tendent , providing for the bond, term and duties thereof, was on motion of Council- man Burke , seconded by Kaune , placed on its third and final reading by sections . On motion section 1 was adopted as read; on motion section 2 was adopted as read ; on motion section 3 was adopted as read; on motion section 4, was adopted as read; on motion section 5 was adopted as read ; on motion section 6 was adopted ad read; Section 7 was read and a motion made by Councilman Burke seconded by Kaune , that the words "five days"in the section be amended to read "sixteen days" . Motion carried. Section 7 was read as amended and adopted; on motion the ordinance as a whole and as read was adopted. Roll call : Ayes , Burke , Gilkey, Kaune , Neely, Olson and Rogers. Hays, none . Appointment of City Mayor Haley announced the appointment of R. B. Phillips as City Engineer. Engineer Councilman Kaune stated that there vas already an appointment of City Engineer before the house . The 14iyor then withdrew his former appointment of `.J. E. moss as City Engineer. Councilman Burke moved that the Mayor be requested to announce all his appointments at once. The Mayor ruled against this motion. Councilman Kaune moved that the appointment of R. B. Phillips as City Engineer be confirmed, seconded by Neely and passed. Ayes, all. Nays , none . Appointment of Water The Mayor announced the appointment of J. E. Moss as dater Superintendent. Superintendent Motion was made by Councilman Gilkey, seconded by Rogers , that the appointment be confirmed. Motion carried. Ayes, Gilkey, Kaune , Ileely and Rogers . Burke and Olson not voting. Appointment of Chief The Mayor announced the appointment of Al Sellinthin as Chief of Police . of Police Motion was made by Councilman Olson, seconded by Kaune that the appointment be confirmed. Motion carried. Ayes , all . Nays , none . Appointment of The Mayor announced the appointment of. O. A. Lenning as Street Superintendent . 0 . A. Lenning as Motion was made by Councilman Gilkey, seconded by Burke , that the appointment be Street Supt. confirmed . Motion carried. Ayes All. Nays , none . , Committee assign :•ants The following committee assignments were named by Mayor Haley: . Streets and Parks ; Rogers , Gilkey, Neely License and Police ; -Teely, Rogers , Olson Printing H. & Cem. ; Kaune , Rogers , McCracken Building & Sewers ; Gilkey, tlson , Kaune fire , `,rater & Li;.;ht ; Burke , Mealy, Gilkey. R. W. Brunson appoint-' The Mayor appointed R. Brunson as a member of the Library Board. Motion ed member of Library was made by Councilman Kaune , seconded by Gilkey, that the appointment be confirmed. Board Motion carried. Ayes , all . Nays , none . Park Board deferred Appointment of a park Board was deferred. Water report referred Annual water report was presented by the City Treasurer and referred to the Committee on Finance . Resignation of Fire Resignation of Fire Chief , J. S. Carter, to be effective March 1, 1929 , was Chief Carter read. Motion was made by Councilman Kaune , seconded by Olson , that the resigna- tion be referred to the committee on Fire , water and light . Mayor Haley objected to holding the matter over until another meeting and said the committee might withdraw and make a report . Councilman Burke stated his report was ready and that while he regreted to have the resignation ;,resented , as he believed the depart- ment had been efficiently managed, he would move that it be accepted, to become . effective March 1, 1929; seconded by Gilkey and carried. Thos. Conway appoint- ed Chief Mayor announced the an-oointment of Thos . Conway as Chief of the Fi e Depart- ment, to become effective March 1st , 1929. A motion was made by Council an Gilkey, seconded by Neely, that the appointment be confirmed. Roll call: Ayes , Gilkey, Kaune , Neely, Rogers . Nays , Burke and Olson. Kaune on proposals Councilman Kaune , as chairman of the Finance Corniittee , reported verbally of oil companies to on the proposals of the Standard Oil Company and the Teas Company to furnish furnish gasoline to gasoline to the City of Anacortes , for the year 1929 , at the rate of 17z% per city . :a.11on, and recommended that contracts be let to the two companies as follows : Standard Oil Company, the first six month of the year;Texas Companyecond six month of the year. A motion was made by Councilman Gilkey, seconded by Olson, that the report be adopted and contracts signed. L 19 225 • January 15, 1929 , conti•iued Proposed road to Communication from Mr. M. R. '.'food of Seattle on proposed road through City Alexander' s Beach property to Alexander' s Leach stating that he agreed to the City' s recom.iendation referred to Ctty and would give a right- of-gray 150 feet in width through his Govern-dent Lots 1 and 2 . Engineer and ;ts . M.r. '..'ood su,_;,;ested that the owners of Government Lot 3 and adjoining land should and Parks give a right of 'gray across their property to connect with county road now existing in Section 35. A motion was made by Councilman Olson that the communication be referred to the Committee on Streets & Parks and City Engineer. Seconded by Neely and carried. Petition from. Geo . 2etition from Geo . 1. fedlund and Six other iroperty owners for the grubbing ".I. 'Jedlund to and grading of "K" Avenue to adopted grade between 20th and 22nd Streets, was read grade "K" Ave . and referred to the Committee on Streets a Parks. 2etition from Geo . 7 . ;fedlund and eleven other property owners for the grubbing Petition from Geo . and grading of L°L" Avenue to adopted grade between 17th and 22nd Streets, was read 'J. ...'edlund to grade and referred to the Committee on Streets and Parks . L Avenue Petition from the Cap Sante Land Company for the vacation of all that --)ortion Petition from Cap of " " Avenue lying north of the government meander line , the same being north of Sante Land Company Second Street in the City of Anacortes , Skagit County, 'Jashington. :notion was made for vacation of by Councilman Olson , seconded by Kaune , that the vacation be referred to the Com- portion of 16",1 Ave . mittee on Streets and Parks and City Attorney. (L,.,< . . . (:( , -/ -4 , . - . Ordinance it Ordinance No . being an ordinance confirming an assessment roll of Local Improvement District Ho . 144 for improvement of certain streets as and in the manner provided for in the plans and specifications of the said district as des- cribed in Ordinance No . 778 , and equalized by the City council. of the City of Anacortes on the 2nd day of January, 1929 , and prescribing within what time the assessment shall be paid, was on motion placed on its first reading by title ; on motion ordinance was olaccd on its second reading by title , on motion ordinance was referred to the City Attorney and 'judiciary Committee . Depositories for The matter of designating the depositories of City funds was called to the cityfunds attention of the city council. A :notion was made by Councilman Kaune , seconded :oy Olson , that the funds of the City be deposited in the Citizens .Lank and Bank of Commerce of Anacortes. Motion carried. matter of the Bad condition of Mayor 1:al ey brought up the/bad condition of the dock at the end of Commercial dock at end of Avenue near the lg:orrison Mill Company's building, stating that the mill company Commercial would furnish the material to repair the street if the City would do the work. A motion was made by Councilman Olson , seconded by Kaune , that the matter be referred 1/ 2to the Committee on Streets and Parks with power to act . notion carried Mayorro Tem No one having been elected :iayor Pro Tem, Councilman Olson nominated Council- elected man Burke for the office , which was seconded by Gilkey. There being no further nominations the Mayor declared the nominations closed . A unanimous vote was cast for Councilman Burke and he was declared elected as Mayor Pro Tem. Bonds of city Bonds of Len Drift:nier , City Attorney, and M. A. Hartmann, City Clerk , were officials presented to the city council and on motion referred to the City Attorney and Judiciary Committee . Road leading Ellis Hambley addressed the city council relative to the road at the end of south through Oaks Avenue leading south through section 27 , and asked the City for hell] in making Sec . 27 the roadpassable . The matter was referred to the Committee on Streets and Parks . T.7edlund urges George ledlund was present in the audience and said that although there were improvement of "L" not enough signatures attached to the petition for improvement of "L" Avenue , the Avenue street was in bad condition and the improvement much needed. Adjourn There being no further business the city council did then adjourn. Approved in open session this 5th day of 2ebruary, 1929. (2,,--• .01(2Y )ic Mayor Attest : M. A. Hartmarnn , City Clerk , •. By d��ez--..-,-,- �(�-�P i fG6--k a-,-t----- Deputy 226 • February 5, 1929 . • Roll call The city council of the ,^, ity of Anacortes met in regularsession with. Mayor Haley presiding and Councilmen Burke , Kaune , Nelly, Olson and Rogers responding to roll call. llbsent, Gilkey and McCracken. Minutes as roved The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted as read. City Attorney on Report of City Attorney on Ordinance No . 786, being an ordinanceconfirming 11. Ordinance #786 the assessment roll of L. I.D. ff144, improvement of "h." Avenue by paving from 8th to 12th Streets , stating that ordinance was correct in form, was read and adopted. *, • City Attorney on Report of City Attorney on bonds City Clerk, Deputy, City Treasurer, City bonds of city Attorney, dater Superintendent , City ingineer and Itol.iceJudge , stating that officials same were correct in form, was read and adopted. Report of Police Report of Police Judge was referred to the Committee on Finance . Judge referred The :following, report :f'qm City ',+thigine er, '.; . B. Short was read: Final estimate on LID 144 "I hereby certify that the Local Improvement District • No . 144 , (K Ave from 8th to 12th) was completed according to plans and specifications at a total cost of 013, 020. 75, Of this amount the contractor has received 010 416. 60, leaving a balance of,;;2 ,604. 15. As thirty (30 ) days time has elapsed since the official acceptance of this work, I recommend that the contractors , Norris Bros , be paid the balance of r2 ,604. 15. " the report was regularly adopted. City Engineer The following report from City Iligineer, R. B. Phillips, was read: • on road leading to 11 Alexander' s Beach Beg to recommend that the Honorable Mayor and City Council see fit to permit the road leading. to Alexander Beach to traverse the city property, and that a 150 ft. right of way be granted for such road, fir. ',food, of his own account to cause such survey to be executed. Grades not to exceed 6%. Upon completion of survey, it shall be submitted to City Engineer verso , .after careful investi • - gation, shall report his finding to the Mayor and Council • for their final approval. 1Q A motion was made by Councilman Burke , seconded by Kaune , that the report be adopted. Motion carried. on the matter of sidewalks on east side of. Com City engineer on The following report from the City Engineer, R. B. Phillip/was read : Ave sidewalks on east side of Commercial "On August 23, 1928 , there was a notification sent to Avenue the Great Northern Railway Company to replace the side walk in fron of and abutting on their property along the east side of Commercial Avenue . Beginning at the south margin of alley, Block 18, and c0ntinaing south to the center line df 13th Street on east side of eo._nnercial Avenue . (The description is erroneous so have prepared the following to supplement same ) . " That the Great Northern Railway Company be notified that they replace the sidewalk in front of and abutting on their property, also the included streets as follows : " From the south margin of alley in Block 18 , east side of Commercial Avenue continuously to center line of 13th Street excepting 10 ft . on north side and 10 ft. on south side of the center line of 12th Street , this gap being the approach to the city dock on 12th street , east side of Commercial Avenue. Total length of sidewalk being about 702 lineal ft. tP That the City Port of Anacortes be notified that they replace sidewalk in front of and adjacent to. Tide Land Tract 113 , Plate 10 , Anacortes Tide Lands , continuously from center • line of 13th Street to join the .north end of the existing concrete walk on east side of Co:-:'ierci .al Avenue. " An additional report giving more details of the walks was also read. Arnotion was made by Councilman Burke, seconded by Kaune , that the City :Jngiueer be authorized to notify the Railway Company end Port District in accordance with his plans • and specifications. Lotion carried Finance on annual Report of Committee on Finance to whomvsas referred the annual report of Chief report of Chief of of Police, recomaending that the report be accepted and placed on file , was read Police and adopted. Judiciary on Ord. Rert of Judiciary Committee to whom was referred Ordinance No . 786 , being an 1786 ordinanceconfiraingtlie assessment roll of Local Irnprovemtn District No . 144 , paving of "K" Avenue from 8th to 12th Sits, recunding that the ordinance do pass , was read and adopted . Judiciary on bonds Report of Judiciary Co ^__mittee on bonds of city officials , recoramending that • of city officials they be accepted and placed on file , wa., read and adopted. An ordinance from .An ordinance granting to the Great 7o-thern :.tailway Company, is successors and the G. N. Railway assigns, the right , privilege ;and authority to lay down, construct, (maintain re tracks on "R" operate a railroad track or tracks on , along over and o acrss ' 1: Avenue Lb Ave . in the City of �inacoltes , and ;ranting to said Co:apany, l o rrsgand 9Gy71 • February 5th, 1929, continued. • Anacortes American 75fe per inch, solid 6-point , legal Bids type , for first insertion 5O,. per inch for each subsequent insertion Mercury-Citizen 75 per column inch for first insertion 6C per column inch for subsequent insertions 1/ A motion was made by Councilman Burke , seconded by Kaune , that the city council form a Committee of the .ihole to consider the bids presented. After due consideration Councilman Burke moved that the Committee of the Whole arise and make a report. Motion carried. Motion was made by Councilman Neely seconded by Olson that the bid of the Anacortes American be accepted. Motion carried. Councilman Burke , as chairman of the Committee on Fire , Water and Light presentdd Report of Committee to the city council a report on the .later Department as follows : on Fire , ater & * Light on water i°Since assuming the councilmanic duties of the City of Anacortes department and having made a careful study of the ',later Department which we have the honor of serving as Gommitteemen , we desire to make the following report: In the performance of the duties imposed tie are especially indebted to Mrs. •.latkinson and Miss Hartman, City Treasurer and City Clerk respectively, without whose cooperation and assistance the task would have been for more difficult. 7e are also indebted to Mr. Short for the assistance rendered by him and cannot commend him too highly for the economy and efficiency of his supervision and operation of the 'later Department. 1e do not wish the figures hereafter presented, or the comments made, to be construed in any way as a reflection upon the Super- intendent , but rather, if any, upon the laws and ordinances of the city. - If the city of Anacortes- is to attain its rightful place in the commercial and industrial life of the Northwest , steps must be • taken at an early date to add very materially to our present water supply. To do so is a problem of engineering and financing, and as the law will not permit cities of the third class to levy a general • tax for the support of a municipally owned utility, we must be pre- pared to fix rates that will enable the utility to pay from its earnings all charges pertaining to the construction , maintenance and operation. This is a problem that will not only require the most careful study on the part of the city council and the commercial and industrial interests , but the wholehearted cooperation of every individual citizen whu has the future welfare of Anacortes at heart . '.Ihile our present situation is not all that we might hope for, having thus far had the lightest rainfall in many years, and being situated as we are in a locality •.:here the average rainfall is , with perhaps one or two exception , less than at any point in the whole Puget Sound county, there is no irrnaediate danger but that we will get through the year without restriction of our present requirements. It may be necessary, however , to add to our pumping facilities. And again Providence may yet intervene in our favor. In presenting the following analysis we are compelled to resert to figures which we know are odious , but necessary, in order to draw comparisons : For the year ending December 31st, 1928 , the water department had a gross income of 066,379.40. This includes operating and non- operating income , together with interest on eposits . The operating • expense , including salaries , maintenance , depreciation and interest on Nbonded indebtedness , was 056 ,266. 35. The amount set up as Lepreciation reserve was 310 ,411.20. We are of the opinion that a higher percentage should be charged against depreciation although we are informed that this is the rate as adviaed by the State. From the above it will seen that the net rain for the year as shown by the records was 310 , 113 .05. The a7nroximate amount of water delivered into the filter was 760 million gallons. This would indicate a loss of 50 million gallons to be accounted for by leakage between filter and the tap and which would include the wash water at filter which, we are advised, is about 130 thousand gallons per day. For the 710 million gallons sold the department • received 3o6,379 .40 , or an average . price of 393 .50 per million gallons The cost of 710 million gallons was 356 ,206.35, an average cost of W9 .25 per million gallons , leaving a profit on operation of 314.25 per million gallons . Of the 710 million gallons for which water department received payment 332 million gallons , or 46%, was taken by a single in- dustry for which the department collected 314,372. 55, amounting to an average price of 343.25 per million gallons , as against an average cost • to the department of 479.25. The remaining 54 was supplied to all others , including domestic , industrial and comr,tercial and amounted to • about 378 million gallons , for , rich the department collected in round figures 352 ,000. 00 , equivalent to an average price of 3137.60 per million gallons . • It may be seen from the above that, while 46% of production is sold for 343 ,25, the remaining 542 are charged 3137 .60 per million gallons . Due consideration however, must be given to the fact that the 378 million gallons were delivered through more than 1600 services while the 332 million gallons were delivered through but one . It would appear to be bad business on the part of the department to dispose of 46% of 228 • February 5, 1929, continued. assigns a right of aay for such track or tracks was presented to the city council and referred to the City Attorney,aad Judiciary Committee . and City -Engineer. Communication from Communication from a committee of the Chamber of Commerce and Kiwanis Club Committee of Chamber appointed to suggest -gays and means to install a new city float and requesting of Commerce and the co-operation of the city council in locating a landing place for the Kiwanis Club re moving ^ue_:Zes Ferry, other than the present one , and also a financial consideration, of ferry to "M" Ave . and recommending the use of 19IJIi° for the ferry landing, was read. Councilman Clson moved that the communication be referred to the City Engineer, and Streets and Parks Committee . Seconded by Kaune and carried. • Petition from Cap Supplementary petition from the Cap Sante Land Company, as follows, was read : Sante Land Co . re vacation of portion The undersigned, petitioners, respectfully represent that they of t W" Ave . are the sole and only owners of all of the property abutting upon the • follo,•:ink; described streets : All of that portion of 4W6 Avenue lying north of the Government meander line , the same being north of Second Street in the City of Anacortes , Skagit County, '.;ashington. All of that portion of Second Street lying east of the east line of "M' Avenue in the City of Anacortes , 3cagit County, .asnington. All that portion of Fourth Street lying; east of the east line of Avenue in the City of Anacortes , Skagit Countym .;ashin�ton. And your petitioner further respectfully represents that said avenue for a distance south of the meander line has been vacated but apparently inadvertently that portion north of the meander line was not vacated. " A motion was made by Councilman Olson, seconded by Kaune that the petition be placed on file . Ordinance NO:.. 786 Ordinance No . 786 , being an ordinance cons iraing an aseesament .roll of Local Improvement District No . 144 for improvement of certain streets as and in the manner provided for in the plans and specifications of the said district as described in Ordinance No . 778 and equalized by the city council of the City of Anacortes on the 2nd day of January, 1929 , and prescribing within .ghat time the assessnent shall be paid, was on motion placed on its third and final reading by sections . On motion the title was adopted as read; on motion section 1 was adopted as read; on motion section 2 was adopted as read; on motion section 3 was adoated as read ; on motion section 4 was adopted as read; on motion the ordinance as a whole and as read was adopted. Roll call: Ayes , . Burke , Kaune , Olson, Neely and aogers. Nays , none . Resolution RESOLUTION. Whereas , Cap Sante Land Company has petitioned the city council to vacate all of that portion of ".1" Avenue lying north of the Government meander line , the same being north of Second Street in the City of Anacortes, Skagit County, a bington. All that portion of Second Street lying east of the east line of "X" Avenue in the City of Anacortes , Skagit County, ':Jashingtoh. And it appearing that said petition is signed by the owners of more than two- thirds of the property abutting ipon the said street sought to be vacated , NOW THE FORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIE i I TY COUNCIL J. TIE CITY Oi? ANACOATE3 That Tuesday, the 5th day of March , 1;29 , at the hour of eight p.m. of said day • in the council chambers of the city hall at Anacortes , Skagit County, Washington, be and the same hereby is fixed as the time and place when and where the said petition will be heard and determined, at w. ich time and place all persons interested therein or objecting thereto may appear and present their objections. A motion was made by Councilman Kaune , seconded by Olson, that the resolution be pa,aed. Ayes , Kaune , Olson, Neely and _;offers. Nays , Burke , with the privi- lege of changing his vote later if he felt inclined. Motion carried. Purchase of 5 acres Councilman Rogers called the attention of the city council to the necessity of land from Clarence of purchasing the five acres more or less , now under lease from Clarence Powers , Powers for gravel pit and used as a gravel pit. After due consideration Councilman i o4ers moved that the purchase of the five acres be completed at a price of .;;o15, and that deed be obtained from Mr. Powers subject to approval of the City Attorney. Motion seconded by Olson and carried. Roll call: Ayes , Burke , Kaune , Neely Olson and Rogers. Nays , none . Final payment on A motion was made by Councilman Olson t:.aa.t the City Clerk be authorized to LID #144 authorized issue a warrant in favor of Norris Bros . , contractors , for 2 ,604.15, final estimate of L. I.D. ,r144, paving of K Avenue from 8th to 12th ;streets . Motion seconded by Burke and carried. Roll Call: Ayes , Burke , Kaune, Neely, Olson and Rogers , Nays , none . Bonds of City Eng. Bonds of City Engineer R. B. Phillips and '.Dater Superintendent %T. :� . Moss were & ',later Supt . presented to the City council and a motion accepting them gas passed. City to pay year' s A motion was made by Councilman Olson, seconded by Kahane , t,iat the City Clerks_ _ .� rental on street be authorized to pay a year' s rental in advance on the grader to the Olympic grader Machinery Company, amounting to 31600 , the grader not: being in use by the street department. Motion carried. Roll call: Ayes , Burke , Kaune , Olson , Neely and Rogers. Nays , none . Park Board appointed Mayor Haley announced that he would appoint on the 2ark Boar._ Gus lIensler, Harry Ferguson and G. D. Shannon. A motion confirming the appointment was made by Councilman Burke , seconded by Neely and carried. Bids for doing the Bids for doing the city printing were submitted by the Anacortes American and city printing Daily Mercury-Citizen. The City Clerk was instructed to open the bids , which were as follows: P a 7 229 February 5th , 1929 , continued. Report continued the production at 54% of cost and collect for the 540 of production more than 178> of cost . This is especially true in taa;vt the Supreme Courts have held that, vciile rates and services may be classified so as to pres- cribe different rates for different classifications or clasped of service , such classifications must be just, fair and reasonable as between the different classes , in other lords must be just and fair to each class , and • no unwarranted preference or advantage can be accorded to any particular - 1/ description of service . Under the present system water is being sold under ten different rates or classifications. '1e recom:lend ths.t the present rates be revised and a schedule of rates be established to bring about a just , fair and reasonable distribution of charges. " A motion was made by Councilman Olson , seconded by Kaune that the report be referred to the Fire , .Water and Light Committee and .:ester Superintendent . Dumping old care The matter of dumping old cars on 16th Street near Commercial instead of on wrong street at Ninth Street and It Avenue as provided was called to the attention of the city council. Councilman Olson moved that the matter be referred to the • Committee on Streets and Parks. Seconded by Neely and passed. As an application had been received to rent the building on city property Building on city near the reservoir, the Committee on Fire, '.later and Light and water Super- property at res- intendent were requested to investigate and ascertain if the building was in ervoir suitable condition to rent. gahan building Councilman Burke stated that the new Mahan building on 18th and Commercial over line on street appeared to be built partly over the property line into the street .: The matter was refered to the Committee on Streets and Parks . later running into ater running into the alley at Evans Bakery and causing dangerous walking was alley referred to the Superintendent of Streets for attention. Claims Claims filed against the Current Expense Fund and other city funds for the month of January , 1929, as follows were read and referred to the Committee on Finance : CLIRENT EXPENSE A. 7. Tatshaw 1202 Salary as fireman far :z month 65. 00 Standard Oil Co . 1203 Gasoline for city pump 66.68 The iiarine Supply 1204 Supplies for fire and streets 3 .95 1/ • Snyders Tharmacy 1205 Supplies for fire and police 1 .95 Anacortes Steam Ldy. 1206 Laundry for fire dept . 5.96 Archie Allan 1207 Gallon Tallow for fire dept . . 95 gild) 1208 Salary as fireman 65. 00 L. E. Snider 1209 Salary as fireman 135. 00 Jas . Col pan 1210 Salary as fireman 130 . 00 J. S. Carter 1211 Salary as fire chief , and janitor 115. 00 G. 1. Shannon & Co . 1212 3uplies for street and police 51.15 E. 1.. 'load L'or. Co . 1213 Lum'.er for sts . 39. 22 ".festern Tractor Ecro . Co . 1214 Tradtor parts 9. 54 Jlyn;.sic i.a:;hinery Co . 1215 Cutting edge for grader 73.20 Howard Coav;er Corp. 1216i,1ade for scraper 9 . 35 Tom Dodson 1217 Labor on streets 100 . 00 ..:.M. leeks 1218 Labor on streets 41. 25 G. H. Everly 1219 Labor on streets 26. 00 Jay. Lwtmhear 1220 Labor on streets 6 . 00 :Jd . Strom 1221 Truck driver 135. 00 Curtis . harf Co . 1222 Coal for city hall and bends for :its . 174 .83 O. A. Lenning 1223 Salary as st . supt . and cash adv. 152 .85 Knapp & itonneberger 1224 repairs on hiberty truck . 75 . S. D. Temple 1225 Supplies 3 . 55 • i:.. .iatkinson 1226 Salary as city treas . Uc cash adv. 70. 24 Dr. H. E. Frost 1227 Salary as health officer . 25. 00 F. 3. Abbey 1228 Salary as police judge 25. 00 .men Driftaier 1229 Salary as city attorney 65. 00 A. :.looney 1230 Labor 5.85 M. A. Hartmann 1231 Salary as city clerk 65.00 '.a. B. Short 1232 Salary as city engineer z ma . 25. 00 Fern Press 1233 Printing 4 . 00 "Pioneer" 1234 3upolies for L. I . D. s 70.65 Schreiber & '.ie me r 1235 Bonds of City officials 92 . 50 y `est Coast Tel. Co . 1236 Tolls for police 3.15 Ana.cortes American 1237 Publishing 11. 62 f . 3. P . a L Co . 1238 Lights at city hail , sts . rent of motors 368 .19 S. .,. .�'a7.sh 1239 Haulinggarbage 3 . 00 Remington :(and Susiness Service , Inc . 1240 F ilin,; equi�nment 26 . 12 i , :�urrau� hs Add.I:Iach.Co . 1241 Contract for remits 5. 55 Seely 3: Co . 1242 Prezliurl on official �:ond 5. 00 Union :'rintin,; Co . 1243 Su).>lies 6 .46 Clarence Power 1244 Land for gravel Y�it 675. 00 P. Dwri;er 1245 Premiums on official bonds 42 . 75 • '_res tern Union Tel.Co . 1246 Telegrams Lowman & Hanford 1247 :emu )_,lies . 68 .;allace -,; . '.:aters 1248 Sta,•-der 7.25 State Treasurer 1249 Ind. Ins . :.Led. .AAid 24 . 54 . ester uey;t . 1250 Hydrant rentals 300. 00 F. E. Bertrand, Oo .Aud . 1251 a.ecardin:; deed 1. 00 Tire Surgery 1252 Tires and repairs for police car 63 . 05 H. Y. .foods 1253 Salary as oatroll.lan 135. 00 J. T. :.:,arch 1254 Salary as patrolaan 135. 00 Trulson ,.lotor Co . 1255 Supplies and repairs for police car 20. 35 r 230 Al Sellinthin 1256 Salary as chief of police 160.00 A. B. l'iiillips 1257 Salary as city engineer -- mo . 25. 00 Harry 3-paw 1258 Gas Lithos fol. ?police 78 .00 Earl' s Cafe 1259 Meals for prisoners 6 . 20 H & 1) :Suer Service 1260 Sup)lies for -1)olice 4.25 Schwartz Iron Wks . 1261 Labor and material for sts . 1c) .85I/ .,) 4, 051. 79 LIBRARY FUND Sii,lpson' s Electric Shop 66 Supthes 1 .10 H. W. Dowd 67 Janitor 25. 00 E. Luella Howard 68 Salary as librarian and assts . 172 .80 • l'uet Sound P L Co . 69 Lights at library 7. 98 `.pater Dept. 70 '.later 2 . 00 208 .88 GZJE 11..'L.L ..A TEl\ FUND l.\ Marine Ia rdirare 1646 Su ) plies 6'7. 76 Island Transfer 1647 Frt . and drayage 44 . 34 Great ...extern Blectro- Chemical. Co . 1648 Chlorine 15. 75 G. W. Shannon & Co . 1649 Sun.)lies 11 .63 P. S.P. :3c L. Co . 1650 Power 6'77.48 Curtis .diarf Co . 1651 Cement 33 .43 Schwartz Iron Wks . 1652 La,.,or and material 7. 00 Fairbanks horse 2c Co . 1653 Repairs to Campbell Lake :wJ.r and. ..trs . '744. 98 • Simpsons El. Shop 1654 Su-�_olies 21.69 General Chem. Co . 1655 liluminum sulphate 526 . 00 N. C . Janssen arill .Co . 1656 Labor and material at wells b61.47 Gamon Meter Co . 1657 Meters 60. 00 lest Coast Tel. Co . 1658 'Tolls and rentals 2 .nos . 26 . 15 S. D. Temple x co . 1659 Supplies 1.65 Trarion Jatkinson 1660 Salary as bookkeeper & Cash adv. 4'7. 50 M. A. Hartmann 1661 Salary as cashier 125. 00 F. E. Bertrand 1662 btecording easement 1. 35 . State Treasurer 1663 Irid. Ins.'c Med . Aid 7.31 Ernest Knapp 1664 Salary as filter operator 135. 00 A. Mooney 1665 Labor 3 .83 B. G. Childs . 1666 Labor 103 . 50 J. Jensen 1667 Labor 77. 00 L. 1illou ;hby 1668 Labor and plurnbinr, inspections 160. 50 ..1. B. Short 1669 Salary as suet . 21c c�;.,;h adv. 251. 15 . F. Hagan 1670 Salary as filter operator 110. 00 Joe Hatfield 1671 Labor '72 . 00 L. Hartmann 1672 Labor 10 . 15 Anacortes Lbr. :c: Box Co . 1673 Lbr. for water dept. 46 . 00 Knapp & i onneberger 1674 Gasoline for motor at wells 9 . 50 Tire Surgery 1615 Tire for truck 5.90 Standard Oil Co . 1676 Gasoline 22.29 H .1 D Super Service 1671 f° 9 .70 4 , 342. 01 ' PARK FUND 4'. E. Harding 535 Labor 100. 00 SPECIAL FUND L. I .D. #144 Norris Bros . 4 Final estimate 1 ,573.07 A `° Norris Bros . 5 136. 08 Norris Bros. 6 `° `° 693. 00 2 , 604. 15 Cinance on claims Report of Committee on Finance to whom were referred the claims against the Current Expense Fund and other city funds for the month of January, 1929 , aecummending that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of same • was read and adopted. Roll call : Ayes , Burke , Kaune, Olson , Neely, and.Rogers . Nays , none . Adjourn There being no further business the city council did then adjourn. Approved in open session this 19th day of February, 1929. //', ,, . 67-,Q. -z,'& Mayor ,( V Attest: M. A. Hartmann, City Clerk, . 61. By �c- ,GW-li A-•-•--L<)e_ u t y . 23179 February 19 , 1929 . Roll call lne city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session .. ith Mayor Haley presiding and Councilmen Burke , Kaune , Gilkey, Neely, Olson and Rogers responding to roll call. Absent, McCracken. Minutes approved The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read . Report of City Report of City Treasurer for month of January was presented and referred to the I/ Treas. ref. Committee on Finance. Health Officer on Communication from Health Officer, Jr. H. E. Frost, on sanitary conditions at sanitary condit- the _Empire Theatre , stating that changes must be made at once , was read. ions at Empire Th. On motion of Councilman Burke , seconded by Gilkey, the matter was referred to the Committee on Building and Sewers . City Engineer on oleport of City Engineer, R. B . Phillips , on vacation of street sections vacation of street Ave . : .. 1 , ;., : and 2nd st. pet it Toned f or by the Cap 3ante Land Company, ends as follows , was read: : 'Small portions of land , a1}proximately 0 .2&Hi acres in the aggregate are inaccessible to the city and two of them too small to be of any appreciable value . That portion bet.reen the Gov. Meander Line and the inner Harbor Line , the extreme northern portion of " .:" Ave . is ao roxii:iately 0. 213 acres , but all approaching streets , avenues and alleys having previously been vacated entirely isolates this portion. The vacation of the se small isolated portions of land would in no way be a loss to the city. .' A motion was made by Councilman Gilkey, seoncded by Olson, that the report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. Fire Chief Carter A co::;aunication from Fire Chief, J. S. Carter asking for 14 days leave of asks for vacation absence with pay from arch 1st to 14th inclusive , gas read. As Mr. Carter on pay would be no longer chief after March 1st the city council was unable to grant his request , but a motion was made by Councilman Gilkey, seconded by Burke , , that he be granted leave of absence for the balance of the month of February, or nine days, provided a suitable substitute could be put in his place . Motion carried. ;lass on house at ae1ort of '.rater Superintendent , 1. E. Moss , relative to house on reservoir reservoir grounds grounds , stating that there was a six room house in fair condition on the premises , and repo: mending the sale and removal of same , was read . On motion of Councilman Burke , seconded by Olson, the Superintendent was authorized to :nuke the sale subject to an._)::oval of the city council. Motion carried. Pipe thawing For the information of the city council, :;.ter Superintendent , J. E. Moss , submitted a report on the results obtained the pipe thawing operations con- ducted by the water department during the recend period of freezing weather. -rater service was restored to 95 separate dwelling and business houceo at a total cost of :y2'72 .25, or an average cost of 4 2. 87 each. The report .ia,s 4adooted. Streets and arks Report of Co:.a lit tee on Streets and Parks to whom was referred the matter of • on Mahan building Mahan building at lbth and Co1Ll.:zercial partly on street , , stating that an over street line engineer' s desision would be needed to determine the actual distance over the line , was read and adopted. The City Engineer was instructed to investigate . Street & Parks on Report of Committee on Streets and Parks on matter of cleaning up dumping cleaning up ground for old cars at 16th and Commercial , as follows , was read: dumping ground "they have been notified and said that they mould move them as soon as the weather permits . " The report was accepted and ordered placed on file. Streets L: Parks Report of the Committee on Streets :1Parks to whom sae referred the cornmuncatio.i re moving, Guemes from the Chni er of Commerce and Kiwanis Committee relative to moving the Guenies ferry to "M" Ave . ferry dock to "M a Avenue , recoiu:lending that the request be not granted was read and adopted. Burke on over In checking the charges for the water consumers, Councilman Burke said that he charge of large had been unable to reconcile all the figures in the charges against several of water consumers the larger consumers . In some instances Ordinance. No 744,, which amended No . 768 , had been overlooked, and all consumers who user�; �'0�`cs ,360 cu. ft. ar moss-} had been overcharged. The customers affected were the Morrison Mill Company, AAnacortes Lumber and Box Company, the E. K. 'food Lumber Company and the Fidalgo Lumber and Box Company. A motion o as made by Councilman Burke , seconded by Neely, that the '.later Superintendent be instructed to check ::he charges and issue credit to the various customers. Motion carried. Communication from the Northiestern fisheries Company entering a vigorous NW Fisheries 1 protest against protest against the granting of any permit covering the installation of a ferry slip at ferry slip at "M" Avenue and waterfront, and also usi:ing for a lease on this Ave , and ask for street end, was read. Councilman Bur.ce moved that the Committee on Streets lease of at. end and Parks and City Attorne,, attend to this matter. Motion carried. petition from ',.in. Rauch and others for the grubbing and grading of 19th Street Petition from from Commercial Avenue to "K' Avenue was read and referred to the Committee hooch for in- on Streets and Parks and City Engineer. provement of 19th • Petition from Malvin Olson and others for a sewer in Blocks 88 and 123 , Original Petition from Plat of the City of Anacortes , to connect with the sewer now in use .::rich aI.Olson for sewerextends to and through the alley in Block 88 , excepting the west 60 ft. thereof , was read and referred to the Committee on Seers and Buildings and City Engineer. r232 February 19, 1929 , continued. Petition for im- Petition from Jm. Rauch and others for the improvement of Nineteenth Street provement of from Commercial to "K'' Avenue by the construction concrete sidewalks on each 19th St . by walks side thereof, was read and referred to the Committee on Streets and Parks and City Engineer . I/ Official bonds Bondsof Chief of Police and City Treauurer were presented and referred to the Committee on Judiciary and City Attorney. Tide lands adjacent The Mayor and City Attorney were requested to write to the Commissioner of to State parks Public Lands favoring the leasing of adjacent tide lands to State parks . Certain lots on 12th Carl Jesperson addressed the city council relative to certain lots on Twelfth St . between K & J Street between K and J Avenues belonging to the County. There were several for readjustment of delinquent local improvement assessments against the lots and Mr. Jesperson delinquent LIDs asked for a reasonable adjustment from the city in regard to them. The City Attorney and City Engineer were instructed to obtain the necessary information. Voting building to An old vutinm building situated on railroad property at Sixth Street and "It° be disposed of Aveuu;: for which the city was paying ground rent at the rate of 1 .00 per year, was referred to the Mayor and City Engineer with power to act, as the building was no longer needed for voting purposes . Resurfacing Com- The resurfacing of Commercial Avenue south of Eleventh 3 c,reet was discussed. mercial Ave . south Mayor Haley appointed a committee of four consisting of Councilmen Kaune, of llth St . Gilkey, Olson and Burke , to meet with the various civic organizations and ascertain if assistance could be obtained from the County and State in the re-paving of this avenue as it is an arterial highway. Water running ac- surface water running across the new paving on 'Ki Avenue and into people P s ross K Ave. yards was reported by the. Street Superintendent . The City Engineer was instructed to investigate and bring in a report at the next regular meeting . Adjourn . There being no further business the city council did then adjourn. Approved in open session this 5th day of March, 1929. ayor "74 Attest : M. A. Iiartmann, City Clerk , By Deputy • • • 1 2/331 Larch 5, 1929. Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session with Mayor Haley presiding and Councilmen Burke , Kaune , Neely, Olson and Rogers answering 1/ , roll call. Absent, Gilkey and licCracken . Minutes a �_�roved The minutes of the previous meeting were read and with one correction adopted. City Attorney on 'i1eport of City Attorney on bonds of Chief of Police andCity Treasu. er, stating official bonds • that same were correct in form, was read and adopted . Personal cta,.iage ':kith reference to the damage suit of Alvin Smith and wife against the City suit by Alvin Gity of Anacortes for personal injuries , the City Attorney asked the Judiciary Smith and .life Committee and Street Superintendent , also the Mayor, to meet wth him in regard to i t . • ± evoking of card Communication from the Chief of Police , recorn lending that the card table license table license for issued to Larch and Mansfield on the card room operated by them at the Taylor March Mansfield Hotel building , be revoked by order of the city council in accordance with at Taylor Hotel Section 3 of Ordinance No . 748 , as follows , was read. "I desire to recommend to you that the card table license issued to Larch and Mansfield, on the card room operated by them in the Taylor Hotel building, be revoked by order of the city council as per section three of ordinance No . 748 . Section 3: Said application shall be referred to the city council and no such license shall be granted without the order of the city council, and any license when granted shall be subject to revocation by the order of the :;i ty council , with' or without cause then in the discretion of the city council they deem it advisable for the public health and morals that the same be revoked. I have asked and requested that certain card games , namely poker and panguiney, be not permitted. These tro games are gambling games and nothing else. My x equest has not been complied with the above mention gentlemen. It is further recornlended that the city council order all partitions, screens and obstructions that prevent a clear view into the card rooms in this city removed. ?nat all windows and glass in the doors of said rooms be ordered kept free from any paint and , or, other matter which prevent a clear vision from without . " After due consideration the following motion was iaade by Councilman Neely, "That it is hereby ordered that the license issued to March and Iianfifield for card tables at the Taylor Hotel building, be and the same is hereby revoked. " The motion was seconded by Councilman Burke and passed. Roll Call : Ayes , Burke , Kaune , Neely, Olson and Rogers . Nays none . I temovin;;• partit- That part of the cw:ununic ati on from the Chief of Police which l.eferred to the ions from card removing of partitions , screens and obstructions preventing a clear view of the rooms referred interior of card rooms , Gas referred to the Committee on License and Police and City Attorney. • City Engineer on Report of the City Engineer to whom was referred the matter of the new two- ::ahan building on story wooden building recently constructed on the west side of Commercial street Avenue between 17th and 18th streets read as follows: "According to acurate alignment and measurements the building is protruding into the street a little over two feet. " A motion was made xy Councilman Olson, seconded by Kaune, that the building be moved off the street . Motion carried. City Engineer on The City Engineer submitted the following report on the proper drainage of K Avenue drainage the following street crossings : crossings "An estimate of labor and 4 inch drainage tile for the crossing of "R" Avenue and Ninth Street would cost about 315. 00; crossing - of "K" Avenue and Eleventh Streets about : 55 .00 and crossing of "K" Avenue and 12th Street about ti 70 , totaling 3140 . 00. Unless some unforseen obstacle should interpose itself, this estimate should not be exceeded by the city force , should they install the drainage and is perfectly fair for contracting. " Street Depart- A motion was madeby Councilman Burke , seconded by Neely that the Street ment install Department be instructed to install the drainage tile and crossings under drains on K Ave . the supervision of the City lhgineer. Motion carried. ']he City :hgineer made the following report on the repairing of the city dock Repairing dock at at the north water front of Commercial Avenue: Corn •ercial and •'.'aterfront "An estimate of the cost of labor for the complete replacement of the dock, everything newly rec..nstructed, is about 31000. To make it perfectly clear this is for labor alone . For the re- placement of stringers , caps and decking and timber retaining bulkhead the estimated cost is about 3350. Ths .does not include any pile driving. About fifteen new piles are absolutely necessary and after the deck , stringers and caps are removed, the cost of driving the above fifteen piling w.rould be approximately 3150. 00. Therefore , complete new cap-oing, stringers , decking , fifteen new piling and timber retaining bulkhead would cost for labor alone , a,,oroximately 3500. The retaining wall should pr;perly be a permanent reinforced concrete structure and the most inexpenseive of these , which will fill all conditions , may be • r234 March 5, 1929 , continued. constructed far approximately 3250. 00. " Property miners As the cost of the repairs amounted to more than the city council wished to be noti 'ied to have the street departpient undertake , a motion v o made by Councilman that work .r .uld be Olson, seconded by Burke, that the property owners be advised that the done by LID city would be willing to make the improvement by local improvement ,method, assessing the cost to the abutting property, and if the City Enginoer found the dock unsafe that same would be closed to traffic . Motion carried. Finance on annual Report of Committee on Finance on annual report of '.later Department , report of '.Eater recommending that same be received and placed on file for reference , was Department read and adopted. Judiciary Committee on Report of Judiciary Committee on bonds of Chief of Police and City Treasurer , official bonds cecamnending that the bonds be accepted, was read adn adopted. The following report was sub fitted by the Judiciary Committee : Judiciary Com. on fatermain on R Ave . "Your Judiciary Committee to :whom was referred the application at 17th St . of The Great Northern Railway Company for the change of • location of their present francLise on "R" Avenue , beg leave to report as follows : The City water department has a water main extending along the west side of the above named Avenue from 22nd Street north and across 17th Street. The proposed relocation of tracks if permitted, would in the • opinion of your committee , either be directly over the water main as at present located, or sufficiently near to seriously interfere with the proper supervision and maintenance of the water system. We therefore recommend that the ordinance do not pass. " Report adopted A motion was made by Councilman Kaune , seconded by Olson, that the report be adopted. Pulp Mill take '.later Superintendent Moss suggested that the Pulp 4_Iill take the respon- responsibility sibility of the watermain on "1° Avenue with the racks over it, and that of watermain on "1" they give easement to make repairs and replacements at their own ex_iense , Ave . He added that the Railway ComIaany would pay not to exceed 200 for moving the pipe , or whatever protection was required. To purchase street and chairman of Street Com:'iittee and highway signs The Street Superintendent wareinstructed to secure the contemplated street . and highway signs as soon as possible . :ashing paved streets The matter of washing the paved streets and cleaning up the rubbish on Eighth and cleaning rubbish Street adjoing the new theatre war_ called to the attention of the city council, from 8th St . and after some discussion was left to the attention of the Street Superintendent . Garbage dump The old question of moving the garbage dump was also brought before the city council, but it was decided to finish filling in the street where the dump is now located and in the meantime new places could be investigated. Light truck for Street Commissioner Lenning stated that his department was much in need of street department ? a light truck. A motionwas made by Councilman Burke , seconded by Olson, that the City Clerk call for bids on a one and a half ton truck, dump body, and .that the matter be referred to the Committee on 3-„reets and Parks•,:ith power to act . Buildings Sewers Report of Committee on Buildings and Sewers on petition frolu Marvin Olson and on petition from otehrs for sewer in Blocks 88 and 123 , Original Plat , recomm'nding that the Marvin Olson for City Engineer investigate the conditions and bring in a report, was read and sewer in lks .b8 & 123 adopted. Special Committee on The Special Co.ii dttee, to whom was referred the matter of resurfacing resurfacing Co_:ilcierciai Commercial Avenue south of llth street , made the following report : Ave . "The Chamber, of Commerce appointed committee last Monday co ns iting of '.l. ,1. Keyes , Gus I.ensler and Archie Allan to co-operate .fits the 'city council committee and expect to have meeting before next council • meeting. " The report was adopted. Com.unication from Communication from the Isaak 'Salton League of Anerica relative to leasing Isaak ',Dalton League of Cranberry Lake for the raising of bass was read and referred to the Mayor re leasing of Cran- the City Attorney and '.later Superintendent for attention. berry Lake again Communication from Mrs. H. E. Po'.:ers ,/calling the attention of the city Mrs . Powers on er- council to an erroneous description of a right-of-way for the paved roneous description road leading out of the city through her place , and asking what disposition of property of the matter the council expected to u,.ake , as fence lines and boundaries of her property could not be properly determined under the existing conditions , was read, and on motion of Councilman Burke, seconded by Kaune , the City Enginee was instructed to investigate and bring in a report . Petition from L. A. Petition from L. A. ?arrmer for permission to make some repairs and alterations Farmer to make repairs on the S. D. Temple building on Commercial Avenue betJeen 7th and 8th streets , on Temple building the repairs to consist of changing the show windows to plate glass and on Coin .ercial Ave. to construct a marquee of the usual width and height . The iaarc;uee to be constructed of wood supported on seven iron rods 3/4-inch in diameter, the roof to be of an approved composition roofing. A motion was made by Councilman Olson , seconded by Kaune , that the permit be granted. Motion carried. 23:1March 5, 1929 , continued. Petition fromPetition from U. Parish and others , requesting that their names be stricken U Parish and others from any petition calling for the gradinF and grubbing, or side,rall:s on requesting names stricken from 19th Street, stating that the time was inopportune for making such improvements , was read. On motion of Councilman Burke, seconded by Kaune, the petition was petition for imp. granted. Petition from Petition from Lloyd Jagner and others for the improvement of .iii€llteenth Street Lloyd Jagner et al fa oj.: Co:.1.zer cia1 to i.,. A-enue by �;radi ng and gravelling, was presented to the for improvement of city council. Councilman Burke recommended that the improvement be extended 18th St . across Commercial Avenue to "A" Avenue . A motion referring the matter to the City Engineer and Committee on streets and Parks was passed. Plumbers bond of Plumbers bond of R. E. ituthford was referred to the City Attorney and Judiciary 2uthf ord ref. Committee . Distribution of Distribution of free city phones was referred to the Judiciary Committee , City free phones clerk and ..ester Superintendent. Sale of wood on Street Comaissioner Lenning recsii.lended that the wood on the five acre tract five acre tract recently purchased from Clarence losers for a gravel pit , be sold. The city at gravel pit -ngineer was instructed to run the necessary lines and the Co mittee on Streets and Parks given ponder to act. and covering city deposits , Insuring collater- The need for protecting against robbery the collateral given by the banks al furnished by designated as depositaries for city funds as the rate was moderate and the banks covering protection well +:orti the cost , was brought to t'le attention of the city council city deposits by Councilman Burke . A motion vras made by Mr. .. urke , seconded by Councilman hogers, that the City Treasurer take out robberyLnsurance , which in her judgmert • covered the amount of collateral required. Motion carried . a Watermain on ' A'' deference was ag,i.n made to the �ratermain on vacated 'R" Avenue and was left Avenue to the attention of the Committee on Fire , '.later and Light and later 3u-)cr- in tendent for further negotiations . Electric wiring A motion .'as made by Councilman Kaune seconded by Olson , that the ordinance permits providing for electric :firing permits be complied with. Motion carried. Claims filed against the Current Expense Fund and other city funds for the Claims month of February were read and referred to the Com oittee on Finance : Current Expense Chas . P. Stapp 1262 Postage 10.00 J. S. Carter 1263 Salary as fire chief ,1 janitor 171. 50 M. G. Strock 1264 Salary as fireman 130 00 Jas. Colgan 1265 Salary as fireman and janitor 133. 50 L. E. Snider 1206 Salary as fireman 135. 00 Thos . Conway 1267 Salary as fireman 32 .00 Snyders Pharmacy 1268 S15onge fbr fire dept. 1 .25 ,rater Department 1269 Hydrant rentals 300. 00 H. S. 'Wood 1270 Salry as patrolman 135.00 J. To March 1271 Salary as patrolman 135.00 Al Sellinthin 1272 Salary as chief of police 160 .00 West Coast Tel Co . 1213 Tolls for police . 60 F. G. ,'. obey 1274 Salary as police judge 25. 00 . Trulson Motor Co . 1275 Grease and oil for police 14. 60 TTire Surgery 1276 Tire repairs for police . 50 Dave Mooney 1277 Tire repairs for police 1. 70 . Standard Oil Co . 1278 Standard Oil Co . 101. 23 . Curtis Mari' Co . 1279 Truck hire for sts. 17. 0j W. A. Sparks 1280 Hoisting gravel 30.00 Russel Grader Mfg. Co . 1281 Aento fo street grader 1, 600.00 . V,n Buren. & Heller 1282 Axe for streets 3 . 00 . W-21m. ',leeks 1283 Labor on streets 18 . 75 T. Dodson 1284 Labor on streets 100. 00 E. iverly 1285 Labor on streets 24. 00 Lynn Balcomb 1286 Labor on streets '76 . Oo O. A. Lenning 1287 Salary as street supt . & cash adv. 150 . 50 V. E. Anderson 1288 Labor on streets 6. 50 Ed Strok 1289 Labor on streets 1:15 . 00 . Marine Supply 1290 aipplies for sts . 33.20 • G. J. Shannon & Co. 1291 Supplies for sts . 9 .44 _rL riacurtes American 1292 Publishing 33. 52 Dr. H. E. Frost 1293 Salary as health officer 25.00 Ben Driftmier 1294 Salary as city attorney 65.00 M. A. Hartmann 1295 Salary s city clerk 65. 00 Marion '.atkinson 1296 3 Salary as city treas . & cash adv. 65. 91 City Tre4 curer 1291 5th installment paving assmt . city prop- erty 1,276 . 36 Lowman r Hanford 1298 Clerk' s ledger justice docket 51 .67 F. E. Bertrand 1299 :.recording deed 1.00 Gus Hensler 1300 Bonds of city officials 14 .50 S. D. emple & co . 1301 Suaplies 3. 20 S. P. 10.lsh 1302 Hauling garbage from city hall 1 .50 Puget Sound P & L Co . 130a Lights at city hall , sts cc rent of motors 343.83 Central Furniture 1304 Basin for city hall .85 H. 0. Davey 1305 Premium on official bond 75. 00 Chas . Voitus 1306 Brass binding for city hall 2. 75 Fern Press 1307 'Printing for Mayor and Engineer 7.25 state Treasurer 1308 Ind. Ins. 3 Med. Aid 19 .48 Anacortes Foundry 1309 Casting 10. 50 l .44 r236 March 5, 1929, continued. A Mooney 1310 Labor 2. 70 R. B. Phillips 1311 Salary as city engineer 50.00 Anacortes Steam Laundry 1312 Laundry for fire dept 2.60 • 35,761 .89 LIBRARY FUND - Puget Sound P & L Co . , 71 Lights 6. 63 H. V. Dowd 72 Janitor 25.00 Puget Sound News Co 73 Subscriptions to magazines 56. 75 E. Luella Howard 74 Sala-.y as librarian & assistants 170.80 • Island Transfer 75 Drayage on boors 1.05 rater Department 76 '.later at library 2 .00 lix It Shop 77 Reparing lock 2. 00 )264.23 PARK FUND J. E. Harding 536 Labor in park 100. 00 GENERAL WATER Chas . P. Stapp 1678 Postage 20. 00 Fix It Shop 1679; Saws 1. 00 Fern Press 1680 ?r_nting . . 11.00 Island 'transfer 1681 Prt and drayage 2. 50 Atacortes L & B Co . 1682 Lumber 23 . 60 Tire Surgery 1683 Tube for truck 1 .90 Schwa itz Iron Wks 1684 Labor and material 31 . 25 City Treasurer 1685 5th installment on 8th st. paving 102 . 38 Curtis ..1 arf Co 1686 Coal for filter 34. 93 • Standard Oil Co . 1667 :.'earl oil 1 .38 G. V. Shannon & Co 1688 Supplies 15.51 Clausius Motor Co . 1689 Supplies and repairs 20. 78 void 1690 Marine Suppl. 1691 Supplies 102.81 Puget Sound P c L Co . 1692 Poer 777.85 Anacortes Foundry 1693 '.later meter plates 6.72 ' Knapp a Ronneberger 1694 itce cars 83 .85 Lowman Sc Hanford • 1695 Drawing ink 1 . 54 West Coast Tel Co . 1696 Tolls and rentals 7.25 Island Trrmsfer 1697 Truck hire for thawing meters 81 . 25 Gus Hensler 1698 Supl)lie s - 5. 09 • GGreat 'Jestern Electro- - Cblemical Co . 1699 Supplies- chlorine 15.00 H. D. Temple Sc Co . 1700 Supplies 2 .25 Claustaus Motor Co . 1701 Repairing starter 7.92 State " rea.,urer 1702 Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid 9. 13 • ':J . E. Moss 1703 Cash adv. for expenses re inspection of Nooksack watershed 5. 50 Gamon Meter Co . 1704 .Leter part;: . 16 11 • l'aMotte Chemical Co . 1705 Indicator solution 1 . 30 Kee Lox Mfg. Co . 1706 Pencil carbon .90 Union Pr nting Co . 1707 Ledger.sheets & binder 25. 67 L J. Balcomb 1708 Labor 38.00 Eugene Bunney 1709 Labor 9. 75 Jim Jensen 1710 Labor 83.25 L. Hartman 1711 Labor 10. 13 E. G. -Childs 1712 La:,or 84.00 W. E. Moss 1713 SalL.ry as superintendent 250.UJ Marion '.latkinson 1714 Salary as bookeeper 45. 00 H. A. Hartmann 1715 Salary as cashier 125.00 • Frank Hagan 1716 Salary as asst. filter operator 110.00 • Ernest Knapp 1717 Salary a7 filter operator 135.00 ' Current Expense 1V18 Gasoline. :rum city pump 16 .80 L. Uilloughby 1719 Labor 167 .25 32 ,490.46 Councilman Olson asked to be excused. . Report of the Com,iittee on Finance to -ihom were referred the claims against the Finance on claims Current Expense Fund and other city f .,nds for the, month of February, recom:lenditg tthat the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of same , wau read and adopted. Roll call: Ayes , Burke , Kaune , Neely and RoL;ers. A'ays , none. Adjourn There being no further business the city coucil did then adjourn. Approved in open session this 19:, day of March, 1929. • 1 /17-(78-7, ,..„ ' Mayor r Attest : . K. A. Hartmann, City Clerk, By -2-7.,,..: ,,,,,,z_. ____,_,, , Deputy L 237 March 19th , 1929. Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session with Mayor Bale, presiding and Councilmen Burke , Gilkey , Kaune , -:cCracken , Neely, Olson and aoeers responding to roll call. .Lbsent , none . 11/ Minutes ape roved The minutes of the previous meeting :ere read and adopted as read. City Atty on I�eeort of City Attorney on plumbers bond of 3. E. iuthford, stating that came Ruthford bond was correct in form, ':ia:, read and adoiated. City Atty on Ite >ort of City Attorney, Ben Driftmier, on application for lease of street end application for at "Li" and waterfront by Northwestern Fieaeries Company, stating that after lease of "E" Ave proeer pyucedure same may be legally leased if council so wishes, was read and adopted. City Atty on ad- Rector t of City Attorney, Ben Drift~iiier, to whom was referred the adjusting of justing LID assorts delinquent LI.il assessments against certain lot; on 12th €street between Avenues for Carl Jesperson J w K for Carl Jesperson, stating that Mr. Jesperson had never called to have his matter adjusted, was read and on motion adopted . Cranberry Lake by City Atty on lease 'Report of City Attorney, Ben Driftmier, on lease of/Isaac .'alton League for the of Cranberry Lake reasing of bass , stating that lease bad been prepared and submitted, was read and ._dopted . City Atty on ord. Report of City Attorney, Ben ... riftmier, on ordinance from the Great Northern granting franc:iise Railway Company grantin;; to said railway company the right to construct , to GTT Ry Co . on R maintain and operate a railroad track along 41i" Avenue , was as follows ; "Proposed Ave . easement and agreement to protect ci ty' s right ha ; been submitted. I do not feel any action should be taken on ordinance until this is settled. " Motion to adopt report was passed. Mayor and Clerk A motion was made by Councilman McCracken , sec.,nded by Burke that the Mayor and authorized to sign City Clerk be authorized to sign a lease with the Northwestern Fisheries Company lease for use of for the street-en lease of the street end at "M•" Avenue and waterfront , at an M" Ave . annual rental of a50.OJ, payable in advance . Motion carried. Sthdewalks on east Communication from Howard J. Sackett , Secretary of the Port Commission, advising side of Commercial that the block of land on east side of Co:•imercial Avenue between 13th and 14th again streets was in process of transfer from the county of Skagit to the Port of Anacortes , asking to have the buildin ; of the sidewalks at this place held in abeyance until the trannfer was .coMpleted, was read and request granted. Judiciar An plumbers bond of The. committee on Judiciary to whom was referred the natter of plumbers bond of y.. ..►. �. i.uthford, recommending; that the bond be acce p ted ';as read and adopted. guthfard hteport of Judiciary Co�.a::iittee to whom is referred tie distribution of free city Distribution of telephones , recommending teat the telephones be distributed in accordance with free city tele- the list attached, was read and a motion passed adapting the rei_•ort and instruct- phones ingthe city clerk to notify the telephone company uMere the phones were to be located, as read and adopted. Special Cam. an The Special Committee submitted the following report : su rerfacing Commer- resu Ave . ' Your special 'co:r ittee, consisting of Kaune , Burke , Olson and Gilkey, cialmet on March llth, •iith a committee from the Chamber of Com- • merce , consisting of Hensler, .`_ llan and heyes , for the purppse of making survey and submitting recommendations for the improve- ment of s.. uth Co :,.ercial Avenue. It was the unanir:iouo opinion of the committee that south Cam: iercial Avenue is in bad condition and should be improved as soon as possible. It was brought out in the meeting that if Co..aercial .Avenue could be paved full cidth, it .iuuld m._ice an attuactive • entrance into the city, but if the street . us paved full eidth it weuld be necessary to lay ne .r water mains, and an impro . e:.lent of the nature would be altogether too expenskive for the abutting proeerty to absorb , and it would be necessary to fur,.: an cal .eged district , as every- body in the city is interested in Commercial Avenue , it being • the only entrance street in the city. The committee also discussed the feasibility of resurfacing the present pave::ient . The committee felt that before any definite recu_a :endations could be made that a preliminary survey of the coot of the improving of the street full width, and of resurfacing only the present p.lve,ilent should be made up, an:. the committee hereby requests 11/ the :al.yor to instruct the City =.Ingieeer to make a prelir iary survey and estimate of the coat of the above improvements. ':lien this information is available , the committee will make further report. " The report was adopted and request of committee granted. Petition from Petition from 'A. E. Baker and others for the improvementof i?ourteenth Street A. R. Baker et al by grading and :ravelling from the .rest line to Comercial Avenue to "k" Ave . , for imnrovernent of was Lead. As there were but four names attached to thepetition a motion was 14th St made by Councilman McCracken, sec..nded by Gilkey, that the petition be returned to the property owners for additional signatures and designation of lots and blocks . Notion carried. 38 TTa•rch 19, 1929, continued. Petition from Mansfield Petition from Harry Mansfield for a license to operate curd tables in the for card tables Taylor Hotel vas read and referred to the Coin.:ittee on License and police and Chief of Police , itli pm er to act . Ordinance No. re Ordinance No . , being an ordinance relating to the municipal eater supply increasing water rates system of the City of Anacortes , regulating the use of water thereform, providing for the sale of the same , fixing the price thereof , and a method of collecting the rates therefor, providing penalties for violation of this ordinance and repealing all ordinances , or parts thereof in conflict therewith, was placed on first reading by title ; upon motion ordinance was placed on its second reading by title ; upon motion ordinance was referred to the City .Attorney and Judiciary Com..;ittee . Bond of cashier referred Cashiers bond of M. A. Hartmann was referred to the City Attorney and Judiciary Committee . Light truck for street A number of proposals far ,a light truck for the street department sub-nitted department . by the Committee on Streets and Parks from different firms , were read. Councilman McCracken made a motion recinding that part of the motion made at the council meeting of March 5th giving the Committee on Streets and Parks power to act in the purchase of this truck , and recom: iending that plans on a rental basis be brought in for the next meeting. Motion carried. Preliminary survey A motion was made by Councilman Burke t:aat the sum of )500 be appropriated for purpose of secur- from the Current -later Fund,or such portion thereof as might be necessary, for ing water from mainland the purpose of making a preliminary survey of the probable cost of securing water from the nearest point on the mainland, the survey to be under the super- vision of the water superintendent. Lotion seconded by Olson. Roll call: Ayes_, Burke, Kaune , Neely, McCracken, and Olson. Nays, Gilkey and i.ogers . New fence around The water superintendent called the attention of the city council to the reservoir necessity of building a fence around the reservoir as a protection :_ gainst animals and children, and stated that if there 1:ere no objections to the fence he would begin its contrction. There were no objections. Vandals destroying A motion was made by Councilman McCracken, seconded by Burke , that the water trees and shrubbery on superintendent or police post notices on the Heart Lake road warning vandals IE road against the destruction of trees and shrubbery. Motion carried. John Berentson protest John Berentson, entered a protest to the city council against the fencing in against closing of of nth and Oth streets at D avenue by Gust _ u.C�.' t�:~'; for the )ux'i)ose of raising street ends at 17 D ginsing. Hr. Berentson explained that the closing of these street ends cut off the exit from his property at this point and would necessitate the building of a new road through swampy ground at another place. In order to hear both sides of the question Councilman McCracken made a motion that the City Attorney notify Er. Lundberg to be present at the next regular meeting of the city council,and that Mr. Lundberg and Mr. Berentsonconferwith the Committee on Streets and Parks beforehand, each one separately. The motion was seconded and passed. Dogs The problem of licensing and disposing of the army of dogs about town occupied the attention of the city council. A motion was made by Councilman McCracken that the Chief of Police confer -pith the County Sheriff with a view to working out some satisfactory plan in regard to the licensing arid -disposal of the dogs . Motion seconded by Burke and carried. Adjourn There being no further business the city council did then adjourn. Approved in open session this 2nd day of April, 1929 . • • Mayor Attest : M. A. Hartmann, City Cle r'4 , By - Deputy 23;q1 April 2, 1929 . Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regularsession ..ith Mayor Haley presiding and Councilmen Burke , Gilkey, Kaune , Mccracken , Neely, Olson and Rogers responding to roll call. Absent none . Minutes approved The minutes of the previous meeting were read andaxopted as read. City Attorney on The following report from the City Attorney, Ben Drifti,lier, was read and adopted. : lots in LID ;r;;0 ''Some time ago Mr. Schneider, by hi,; attorney Mr. Barney, asked iher,iiosion to pay assessment in L. I .D. No . 90 , on Lot 10 , Block 11 iueen Anne Addition , by paying the principal thereof amountin to ,all .95, without interest. .liherever property has been sold for general taxes it ihns been the general policy of the city to accept such payments. In this case , however, proeerty has not been sold for general taxes and it would therefore not place it in exactly that classification. 3n the other hand oninn to the condition of tnis district I -.would suggeOt that the council tale some action regarding the acceptance of this :.honey and it miht not be improper to at leasYa.:cept the principal and say, five or six years interest in full payment . " report of City Report of City Trearsurer was referred to the Cohimittee on Finance . 'teas . referred Chief of Poi. ref. ho ;ort of Chief of Police xrao referred to the Committee on Finance . Report of Justice Rs_ ort of Police Justice tins referred to the Committee on Finance . referred License & Police 'report of Committee on License a Police on petition from Harry Lansfield , on card table fur for cE',rd table license at Taylor Hotel , stating that license might be granted , Taylor Hotel was read and adopted. Petition from Petition from L. M. Barrick and others for replacing of the present two inch L. M. Barrick et al water main from 2iurtli 3trcet and T A'venue eaot'iard to Fifth Street and X Avenue for six-inch water by a six inch main, was read. lir. Hensler, who was present, addressed the city main on Fourth St . council relative to `ae proposed watea.main , explaining the necessity and urging prompt action in itz installation. The feasibility of creating a local improie.._ent district or doing the work by private contract were discussed. A motion was made by Councilman McCracken, seconded by Kaune , that the Committee on Fire , '.Dater and Light , City Attorney, ,later Superintendent and City Thgineer prepare a plan for the installation of the .ratermain and present at an. .adj ourned meeting of the city council to be held Tuesday, April 9th, 1929 , at 8 o ' clock p.m, for 1/ consider- ation of the city council . notion carried. Vora iunicatiun from Communication from Douglass Allnond., as follows, was read: Douglass Ailmond offering strip of "This letter is a repetition of an offer heretofore made that land on Heart Lake I will give the city a strip of land three hundred (330) feet wide , Road being 150 feet on each side of the center line of the Mountain-Lake Highway (also call Heart Lake road.) , where said road rues across . my land near Lake brie , said gift to be for road and parway purposes and title to be subject to existing county road , if the city will furnish proper survey and description upon which to write the deed, and if the city will agree to exercise diligence in protecting the natural scenic beauties of thc gift from vandaliztn and preveneting the cutting and descruct`, of timber and shrubbery. It ought not to be necessary to call your attention to the fact that the highway as it exists at the present time is recognized as one of the most scenic - drives in the Puget Sound region and that the city should make an effort to protect it" The csmnunication was referred to the Committee on Streets and Parks Coinehittee . Petition from Petition from the Committee of the Kinanis Club for permission to improve Kiwanis Club and make into a rest park for the public , the west end of i;ighth Street , was to make rest park read and referred to the Committee on Streets and Parks and Park Board for of end of 6th St . attention. Communication from the Kenworth Motor Truck Corporation of Seattle sub•nitting a proposition to the city council for the purchase or rental of a light truck for the street department , stating that the truck now being tried out by the oity carried the same guarantee as a new truck and that 31 , 030 would be saved on the purch,ao ?rice of )2 ,000 , was read. A motion was made that the communi- cation be referred.to she Finance Committee . Ayes , none , nays, all. Motion lost . A motion was made by Councilman McCracken that the Committee on Streets and Parks retire and bring in a report relative to the rental of a light truck for the balance of the year. Motion seconded by Kaune and carried. A motion was made by Councilman Burke , seconded by Mc Cracken , that action on the ordinance relating to the municipal water supply system of the City of Anacortes be deferred until the next regular meeting of the city council. Motion carried. Douglass Ailmond presented to the city council a deed to the following tract of land on 38th Street to e used for street purposes : . Beginning at n, point eight (80) feet south of southeast corner of Block 32 in Beale' s Maple Grove Addition to Anacortes; thence • • north to 38th -3treet in said Addition ; thence west along the south line of said 38th Street to the northwest corner of northeast quarter of northeast quarter of southwest quarter (ice `. of NE -.k of SW ) of section thirty (30) , township thirty-five (35) north, range 2 , east 'JM; thence south to a point eighty (80) feet south of north line of said 38th Street; thence east to point of beginning. • l . A 540 April 2nd, 1929 , continued. i n _ Deed to land on This deed had been previously given to the city by Mr. Allmond in July, 38th St. 1524, with the express understanding that it was to be returned to him if the highway leading out of town should not be built on 38th Street . As the highway was built on 37th Street the deed was accordingly returned to Er. Allmond later. A motion was made by councilman Kaune , seconded by Burke, that the deed be accepted and a vote of thanks given to Er. Allmond for the gift. Motion unanimously carried. Gust Lundberg . Gust Lundberg and John Berentson who were asked to meet with the Committee and John Berentson on Streets and Parks relative to the use of the street end at 18th and D Avenue, were called upon to express their views of the situation. Gust Lundberg first took the floor and explained to the city council that he had obtained permission from the city in February, 1927, to use the street end at 18th and D without time limit , subject to the orders of the city council , and that he had gone to much trouble and expense in clearing the ground and planting a gnsing garden. He also explained that his crop at this time was but half grown and that if destroyed he would lose much. John Berentson then presented his side of the question, stating that he needed the street for an exit to his property for hauling wood, and only asked for his rights , as the street was completely blocked by Lundberg°s garden. ,Ater much discussion by the members of the city council and Lundberg and Berentson , with no satisfactory results , a motion was made by Councilman McCracken , seconded by Olson, that the matter be laid on the table , to be taken up again when the council so desired. Motion carried. Employees issuing Councilman McCracken made a few remarks relative to the practice of some of orders on salary the city employees of issuing orders on their salaries, and asked that it be discontinued in the future . Streets and Parks The Committee on Streets and Tarks returned to the council ;;hamber and presented on rental of light the following report : street truck. "Your Committee on Streets and Parks to whom was referred the matter of rental of light truck for the street department , beg leave to report as follows: That a light truck be rented for balance of year 1929 at rental of not to exceed 01500. 00, to be paid as follows : 310.00 to be paid when truck is turned over to Street Department and balance to be paid on or about time of closing of 1929 business . That the companies so offering to rent the truck as above said stipulate a firm offer of value and .sale of said truck, and that they shall agree to accept the above said rental or whatever portion is necessary to cover the full cost of said truck , and when such rental is paid that the successful renter shall give the city a bona fide bill of sale of said truck. " (Signed Ed . J. Rogers , 'D. V. Neely, David R. Gilkey) A motion was made by Councilman McCracken, seconded by Gilkey, that the report be adopted. Kotion carried. . Rogers asks for Councilman Rogers called the attention of the city council to a deed which he new survey on strip had given the city some years before fora strip of land 12- ft. wide on the if land on Burros Bay east side of his property on the Burro.:s Bay road. As there was some dis- road crepancy in the description of the property the city had never accepted the deed and Mr. Rogers was still paying taxes on the land. A motion :'as passed instructing the City Engineer to make a new survey of the property in question and the matter . cleared up. • . WomenQs Club On Representing the \iomen' s Improvement Club , Mrs. Edna Graham,address d the city Clean-Up Day council relative to clean-up week and asked the Mayor to set a date for it. She also asked the Committee on Streets and Parks to work in conjunction with the Improvement Club in dleaning the grass and weeds from overgrown sidewalks. A motion was made by Councilman McCracken, seconded by Kaune , that the IM,yor be authorized to issue proclamation setting a date for clean-up week. Motion carried. (April 20th to 27th) Claims filed against the Current Expense Fund and other city funds for the Claims month of March, 1929 , as follows, were read and referred to the Committee on Finance : CURRENT "'•X:t' fN SE FUND. Knapp & Ronneberger 1313 Repairs on trucks for fire and streets '.?5. 15 Water Department 1314 Hydrant rentals 300. 00 Standard Oil Co . 1315 Gasoline for city primp 67.31 Lynn Balcomb 1316 :axtra fireman 3.00 Annacortes Steam Ldy 1317 Laundry for fire dept. 2. 69 Bank of Commerce , Assgn 1318 Salary as fireman , h. i;uuney 25. 00 Anacorte•s Ice Co . 1319 Salt for fire dept , . 60 Jas . Colgan 1320 Salary as asst . fire chief 135. 00 L. E. Snider 1321 Salary as fireman 130.00 Thos . Conway 1322 33a1ary as fire chief janitor ' 165.00 E. B. Bunney . 1324 Salary as fireman 105.00I/ Hoard-Cooper Corp. 1324 Crusher for streets 2 ,384.90 L Adams 1325 Tea.:s hire for sts . 8.00 I . -.Jm.. .seeks 1326 Labor on streets 69 .35 Nels Hansen 1327 Labor on streets 32'. 00 Geo . -Everly 1328 Labor on streets 88.00 Lynn Balcomb 1330 Labor on streets 100.00 Lid Strom 1331 Truck driver for streets 135.00 0. A. Lenning 1332 Salary as superintendent of sts. 150. 00 F. G. Abbey 1333 Salary as police judge 25. 00 Trulson Motor moo .. 1334 Oil for police dept. 54.40 '.lest Coast Tel Co . 1335 Tolls for poli :e 3 . 35 • J. T. March 1336 S3a1 .ry s patro lma as 135.00 L . Lynn Balcomb 1329 Labor on streets 102.00 - 241 April 2nd , 1;29 , continued. CIL;It.]NT y: '.ii2TSF FUND, continued H. N. -•.iood Al 3ellin thin 1337Salary a night patrolman 1 5. 00 3. 1338 iaiar�r as bneif of police1�0.00 w . als . 1335 Hauling garbage from city hall 2 . 50 ::iebe 3oao Chem. Co . 1340 Airfume for city hall 5. 12 A1-acortes American 1341 1'ubli$hiing andprinting 51.92 Trick cc i urray 1342 Supplies 1.36 Pacific Coast Stamp '.,orks 1343 Dater ‘-' • 56 Kee Lox Mfg. Co . 1344 Special pencil carbon 1 .01 State Treasurer 1345. Ind . Ins. :c Med. Aid 19.46 H, E. Grost 1346 Salary as health officer 25.00 Ben Driftmier 1348 SalarjL. s city attorney:- . 65.00 Marion ',iatkinson 1348 Salary as city treasurer & cash adv. 66.05 M. A. Hartmann 1349 Salary as city clerk 65.Ofl Gus Hensler 1350 Insurnace on collateral at banks 96. 00 Fern Press 1351 Printing 3. 50 L. Hartman 1352 Labor 6 .06 R. B . Phillips 1353 Salary as city engineer and wring 0 Puget Sound P x L Co. 1354 Lights at city hall and streets 384.34 Marine Supply 1355 Supplies for sts. 38. 50 Schwartz Iron `.Forks 1356 Supplies for streets 11 .45 Island Belt S. S. Co . 1357 Coal for city hall . 39 .82 5,465.40 LIBRARY FUND `.later Department 75 '-rater 2 . 00 Puget Sound News Co . 7(.; Basks '76 93 E. Luella Howard 60 Galary as librarian assistants 1/2 . 75 St.:,ndard Cil CJ . 81 Floor i ess n and gloss 3. 03 wit H. Dowd 82 Janitor r'_5. 00 Gaylord Bros . 83 Library sup'alies 7. 90 cu,ttie ro„t Intelligen. 64 Subscriptions 6. 00 Puget mound a• w i, Co . 85 Lig:at 5. 61 ;2 9. 22 • PA.cK r�u�:�) 11/ Clint E. Knair,� 537 Labor ii parks 96. 00 Fix It Shop 538 Sharpening tools 2.25 -;Van Buren I:ell� r 539 Supplies 3 . 60 J. E. Harding 540 Labor in parks 103.00 . ',)201.55 /TER F i D Chas . Dennis 1/20 Labor 2. 50 . E. Moss 1721 Salary as water _ uperintnedent ''50 . 00 Lee Lox :.:fg. Co . 1722 Special pencil carbon 2. 00 Fern Press 1723 Prin .ing 31. 00 A..a o:.:.tes Ice Co . 1724 Salt . 60 H C. Davey 1725 Official Bond 5.00 Chas . VTitus 1/2o -rasa k:indi g 1.35 '. eut Co.:. t Tel Co . 1727 Tolls '1. '75 Knapp x Ronneberger 1728 Repairs on car 2 . 60 G. U. Shannon «: Co . 1/29 Supplies 56. 19 california Filter Co . 1730 Impact tubes 10 . 00 Great ,.cuter ElectroChem. 1731 Chlorine 15. 75 Gemon Meter Co . 1732 ' ueter parts ; .20 L. E. Smith 1/33 Preliminary survey- .:ater project 60.00 L. Hartmann 1734 Labor 9. 00 G. Childs 1735 Labor 117. 15 Jim Jesnn 1736 Labor 117. 15 Louis 'Iilloughby 1/37 Labor 166. 50 State Treasurer 1T38 Ind . Ins. wLed. Aid 5 . 79 Franc Hagan 1739 S: .iary as asst . filter operator 110. 00 Marion •.Iat.tinson 1740 Salary as bookkeeper 45.00 M. A. Hartmann 1741 Salary :u cashier 125.00 $rnect Knapp 1742 Salary as filter operator 135. 00 Schwartz Iron "..as 1743 Labor andmaterial 3. 25 H. Ferguson 1744 Assistant engineer on survey 4.00 Island Transfer 1745 Frt. and drayage 2. 51 National Meter Co . 1746 Meter parts 97.85 Puget Sound P L Co . 1/47 Po'.:er 760. 77 Marine Su-oPly 1748 Sup- lies 41. 64 Currenti;xpense Fund 1749 Gasoline from city pump 8. 19 :.�2 ,1)9. 74 . / to )ort of Cora.^ittee on Finance to whom Jere referred the claims against the Currentikpense Fund and other city funds for the month of Larch, 1929 , as fo11o'•Js : . recommending that the 'claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of same , was read and a.d )pted. Roll call : Ayes , Burke , Gilkey, Kaune , EcCracken , Melly, Olson and Rogers . Nays , none. There being no further business the city council did then adjourn. Approved in open session the 16th day of April , 1929. • • �%' �.9 / ;,- Attest: M. A. Hartmann, City Clerk, e , %r%. t� By 1x •,,,4 r242 April 9th, 1929 . Roll call The city council of the City of An•.cortes met in adjourned session with Mayor Haley presiding and Councilmen Burke , Kaune , McCracken and Rogers answering roll call. Absent, Neely, Gilkey and Olson. ':;atermain on 4th The council met to consider the replacing of the )resent tvre inch water street main from Fourth Street and T Avenue eastward to 5 Street and X Avenue , by11 a six-inch. main. Report of dater The water superintendent reported verbally that there were two ways of Supt. on watermain serving the district, one estimate amounting to tii2 , 025. 00 and the other • • To create LID A motion was made by Councilman McCracken , seconded by Kaune that it be the intention of the city council to create a Local improvement district to carry out the watermain project . Roll call : Ayes, Burke , LcCracken, Kaune and Rogers. Motion carried. Cod. on Fire , "later Water cater .Light andThe Committee on Fire, and Light and slater Superintendent were and Supt. to continue instructed to continue with their plans for financing the watermain and plans present their finds at the next meeting of the city council . Berentson addresses John Berentson was present in theaudience and made some remarks relative to council Qg the use of the street end at 18th and 19th and D Avenue. Adjourn The city council did then adjourn . • • • Approved in open session this 16th day of April , 1929. Mayor Attest : M. A. Hartmann, City Clerk, By• Deputy Mr. Yenne addressed the city council relative to the earwig pest . Earwigs A motion was made by Councilman icCracken that Mr. Yenne endeavor to enlist the aid of other organizations to combat the earwigs. Motion eecundg.d and carried. .11 243 April 16th, 1929 . • Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session :rith Mayor Haley presiding and Councilman Burke, Gilkey, Neely, Kaune , McCracken, Olson and Rogers responding to roll call . Absent , none . 1/ Minutes approved The minutes of the previous meeting •./ere read and adopted. Atty on bond of Report of City Attorney, Ben Driftmier, on bond of water cashier, stating that water cashier same was correct in form, was read and adopted. • City Engineer deport of City Engineer, IL B. Phillips , to whom was referred the petition of on sewer in Blocks several property owners for the installation of tl.e remaining lateral sewer 88 and 123 line between "1K" and "::" Avenues and 19th and 20th Streets , giving the cost of the sewer as ; 714. 00 if done by private work , or 0774 if done by local improvement method. Under the local improvement method the average cost per lot equalled ,)32 .25. The report was adopted. Gravel pit property The City Engineer rd rted to t he had surveyed the city property im,.iediately surveyed south of "D Avenue , Sec . 25. Twp. 35 , N, it I E7.1:, used for a gravel pit, and that all corners were set . The survey was made at the request of Mr. Lenning, Street Commissioner. The report was adopted. Sidewalks on east The matter of repairing the sidewalk on the east side of Commercial Avenue , side of Commercial which had been referred to the City Engineer, was reported under way by the between 11th ": 14th Great Northern Railway Company and the necessary alignment and levels furnished the construction crew. The report was adopted. . Moss on water pro- sport of Water Superintendent , W. E. Moss , to whom was referred the proposed ject water project to the mainland , asking that the city council adjourn to meet one week from this date to consider the project , was read "and adopted. Finance on report Report of Committee on Finance on March report of City Treasurer, recom lending of City Treas . that the report be accepted and placed on file , was read and adopted. Finance on report Report of- Cori iittee on Finance to whom was referred the March report of the of Police Justice Police Justice , recommending that the report be accepted and placed on file was read and adopted. • Finance on re port Report of Committee on Finance to whom was referred the March reoort of the of Ch. of Pol . Chief of Police , reco ceending that the report be accepted and placed on file , • was read and adopted. Judiciary on bond i e;Fort of Judiciary Committee on bond of water cashier, recommending that the of water cashier bond be accepted, was read and adopted. Streets and Parks :Report of Committee on Streets and Parks to whom was referred the matter of on lease of Lundberg the lease of the street end at 18th and D Avenue by Gust Lundberg, stating that lease be not granted and Lundberg' s check returned to him, was read and adopted. Lic . & police on Report of Co..rn.ittee on License and Police on matter of removing partitions , screens and partit- screens and obstructionw that prevent a clear view into card rooms in the city, ions in card rooms recom:nendi ng the regulation, was read and adopted. iesolution. That it is the intention of the city council of the City of • Resolution on Anacortes to imniove aecend Street from Avenue 'U" to Avenue "V" , Third Street improvement of from Avenue 'V" to Curtis Drive; Fourth Street from Avenue "T" to Avenue "V" certain streets Fifth Street from Avenue "U" to East rark .Drive . Seventh Street from Avenue by wa.tormain '7" to Avenue "7" ; Avenuevfrom Second Street to Fifth Street ; Curtis Drive from Third Street to East Park Drive ; East Park Drive from Fifth Street to Curtis Drive and from Pagoda Place north 150 feet; Pagoda Place from Curtis Drive to East Park Drive ; and Avenue 3'.:" from Fifth Street to ?ighth Street all in the City of Anacortes, `.iasiiington , by the installation of ,rater mains an hydrants therein and thereon together with all connc_ntions, . flittings , valves • and other appurtenances , and by doing and co ns truc t'ing ;such other work necessary to complete the said improvement in accordance with the plans of the City nnnineer and '..-ater Superintendent , and it is the intention to create and enlarged improvement district to be known and designated as Enlar,;e-d Improvement District No . , and that the property '.:ithin said district is to be assessed for the entire cost of said improvement excepting only the sum of c735. 00 payable from the general water fund for the placement of fire hydrants as provided for in said improvement which said property intended • to be included in said District is all prooerty -lying within the boundary described ae follows : . . . . . . . All persons objecting to said improvement are hereby directed to appear before the city council at a meeting thereof tote held .at the council chambers in the City of Anacrtes on the 7th day of May, 1;29 , at the hour of8p.m. On motion of Ojuncilman McCracken, seconded by isaune , the resolution was adopted. Ayes all. Mrs . LIci i and Councilman McCracken called the attention of the city council to a communication chicken coops in from Mrs . Ann McNeil dated July 18th, 1927, asking to have chickencoops, sheds streets woodpiles and other obstructions removed from H Avenue at 12th street . so that she could have an entrance to her property on 13th and H Avenue . The city council had previously ordered J. S. Carter, owner of the obstructions , to remove them, but this had not been done and Mrs . McNeil was renewing her protests . Mr. McCracken moved that the Chief of Police confer with Mrs. McNeil and make • a report at the next meeting of the city council . Motion sec .;nded and carried. G. N. Ry. Co . and A motion was made by Councilman McCracken that the Great Northern Railway Company Puget Sound Power be asked to give the ity a quit claim deed for the property included in 'Q" Light Co . to Eive Avenue between Fourteenth and Fifteenth Streets. Also that the Puget Sound quit claim deeds Power and Light Company give a quit claim deed 'for "Q," Avenue produced at Fifteen- th Street. Motion seconded by Kaune and carried. 244 • • April 16th, 1929 , c..ntinaed. With reference to the petition for lateral sewer in Blockybb and 123, a City Clerk to notify motion was made by Councilman lcCracken that the City Clerk notify the sponsor of sewer petition sponsor of the petition as to the cost of the work as submitted by the City of cost of work Engineer. Motion seconded by Kaune and carried. F. C . '..erner on deed F. G. '.:erner addressed the city council relative to a deed given the city ft r strip of land on some years before for a strip of land for R/'.; purposes on the Burrows Bay Road. Bu...*rours Bay road As there was a discrepancy in the description of the deed it had never been accepted by the city, and Mr. 7erner asked that the city make the description correspond with the present road so that he might proceed with any sale of the property he .might have. A motion - s made by Councilman McCracken that the City Engineer look over the property and bring a report to the next meeting of the city council. Motion seconded -by Gil.sey and passed. Press to be notified re The city clerk was instructed to notify the press in regard to the meeting meeting of city council of the city council to be held Tuesday, April 23rd, to discuss the new water project . Iznproveinents on Alaska , The matter of improvements on Alaska Avenue as requested by several residents Avenue? of that street was left to the Committee on Streets and Parks . Garbage dumped on county Mayor Haley said the County officials had notified him of the dumping of garbage road by Anacortes citizens on the road between Heart Lake and Lake Erie , and that the county asked the co-operation of the city in an attempt to stop the practice . The matter was discussed at some length and the council were in favor of helping the county if possible . Old cars dumped in Street Commissioner Lenning reported that garages were dumping their old cars wrong place on the end of '9th Street and ",'1" Avenue instead of over the embankment into the bay. The matter was left with the street Commissioner. Cars parked too long on City Engineer Phillips said t_,e Merchants Association had asked him to bring main street before the city council the subject of parking of automobiles in front of business houses on the main street during the day, asking ifould not be compelled to park on the side streets. A motion was made bj Councilman McCracken that Mr. Phillips ask the Merchants Association to present some plan for the city council to work upon. Mention seconded and carried. Adjourn The city council did then adjourn until Tuesday, �-d >ril 23rd at b p.m.— Approved in open session this 7th day of liay, 1929 . I::ayo r_,y Attest : M. A. Hartmann, City Clerk, By .. - Deputy 9451 1) April 23, 1929 . Roll callliCP1specialsessionwith Mayor The city council of the City of Anacortes met in y Haley presiding and Councilmen Burke , Gilkey, Kaune , McCracken , Feely, Olson and Rogers present . Absent , • none . Purpose of meet- The meeting was for the purpose of considering the pro)osed water project ins to the Skagit River. i-{epport of :later 'later Superintendent , . D. Loss , presented a comprehensive rel)ort upon the Supt . on supply practicability and coot of obtaining for the City .of .nacortes an adequate and project supply of pure water from the Skagit River. Report referred Some discussion f(bl1o'.red the reading of the report , then a motion was made by Councilman Kaune , seconded by Neely, that the reoort be referred to the Com- mittee on Fire , :'ater and Light . Motion carried. • Copies of reoort A motion was made by Councilman Gilkey, seconded by Rogers , that copies of the for members of report be furnished the 'later Committee and Councilmen , also that it be e€€ieia1ly council published in official paper. Motion carried. Remarks from A few remarks on the subject were made by Dou •lass Allmond, Harry Ferguson and spectators others . Adjourn The city council did then adjourn. Approved in open session this 7th day of i :ay, 1L)29 . Mayor Attest; M. A. Hartmann, City Clerk By Deputy • • • • • • • • �� rb May 7, 1929. • The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session with Mayor Haley presiding and Councilmen Burke , Kaune , McCracken, Neely, Olson and Rogers answering roll call. Absent , Gilkey. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. Communication from the Puget Sound Power & Light Company, addressed to the City Clerk, stating that in all probability they would be willing to deed to • I/ the city a portion of their property between 14th and 15th Streets on ":;," Avenue for public travel, was read. Report of City Treasurer was referred to the Committee on Finance . Communication from the the Chief of Police , stating that he had notified Mr.. J. S. Carter on April 19th to remove. the obstructions from H Avenue at 12th Street and that to date Mr. Carter had not complied with the request , was read. A motion was made by Councilman Burke that the matter be referred to the City Attorney to proceed legally and force Mr. Carter to remove the obstructions. Seconded by Olson and carried. A complaint against a wire fence at the end of the pavement It Fourth and V Ave . , was presented by the City Engineer. A motionwas made by coucilman Kaune , sec- onded by Burke that this complaint be referred to the Committee on Streets and Parks and City Engineer. On open ditch on 22nd street between Commercial and Avenue , that required fencing was referred to the Committee on Streets and Parks and City Engineer. The City Engineer said that property owners on 20th Street between Commercial and Q Avenue were anxious to have the street graded and gravelled and were willing to pay the cost if the city would do the work. Ceunci1m;;n Olson made a motion that the City Engineer instruct the property owners to deposittae money with the City Treasurer and then the city would do the work as cheaply as possible . Motion seconded 'and carried. The City Engineer stated that :;150. 00 would take care of the cost of straightening out the descriptions for right of way on the Burrows Bay road. rife matter was referred to the Committee on Finance and City Attorney. The City Engineer brought in a complaint from '.:arren Miller that water wn.s being thrown on to his place at R Avenue between 4th and 5th, caused by the dumping of dirt from the grading of Fourth Street. The Street Superintendent vas instructed to investigate and report to the Coinhittee on Streets and Parks . The Cite. Engineer reported that the Fidalgo Pulp Mfg. Company was ready to • proceed with the paving of Seventeenth Street from their plant to 'Commercial Avenue and asked that the City Engineer furnish the lines for them. The matter was referred to the City Engineer, Committee on Streets and Parks and Mayor. As there are still several lots on Seventeenth Street west of Commercial Avenue without sidewalks , Councilman McCracken r:ade a v•iotion that the City Engineer endeavor to prevail upon the property owners to have the ,. alko constructured by a local contractor instead of by local improvement method. If the property owners would not do this then to form a local improvement district and force them to put in the walks . Motion seconded by Kaune and carried. W. E. Moss Water Superintendent submitted a report on the present available water supply for the City of Anacortes , the summary of which is as follows : '.thistle Lake 44 ,104, 500 gallons Campbell Lake . . . . . . . . . . . 143 ,748 ,000 G9 Erie Lake 0 ,010 ,000 °` Heart Lake . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 39 ,204 ,000 Total reserve 325,066 ,500 t° After some discussion of the present water situation, Councilman McCracken made. a motion that the ',later 3,iper_ntendent and Cityy :.,nineer prepare plans for obtaining more water fro�-i Lake Erie and addition�'pumping facilities for Lake Cathpbell ,and when these plans rTere ready the Mayor call a special meeting for consideration of the plans. Motion seconded by Kaune and carried. Report of Judiciary Committee to whom was referred the deed from J and Blanche George to City df Anacortes for alley between 18th and 19th Streets and Commercial and '; Avenues , recommending that the deed be not accepted, ..:as read and adopted . • Report of Park Board on request of Kiwanis Club to convert Jest end of !Eighth Street west of F Avenue into a 'eot nark for the public , st,,.ting that /the park board has no jurisdiction over )ublio streetsor avenues within the city for park purpose, suggesting I.oaever,, that serious oonaideration be given the request in view of the preced:.nt that would be established by conceding the request, was read and adopted. deport of Com_.iittee on Jt_°.nets and Parks on request of Icioanio Club to make into a rest park for the public the west end of Ligmth Street , recom lending that the petition be not granted, was read and adoyted. Petition from W. M. Bessner for permiesion to use the used as a counter balance op the former Victoria ferry slip, for nhe Guemes ferry, was read and consideration thereof held over until the nJxt regular meeting. Report of '.later Superintendent on pro-)osed improvement of second and other 3tr:,.?.ts from U to V Avenue by -zaterraain, giving the estimated cost as 08 ,080. 20 was read and adopted. 2477 May 7, 1929 , continued . Petition from Gilkey Bros . , Toy Ping Company for permission to lea ;e the -;eet of 1 Avenue lying north of the north line of Second Street and extending to the Inner Harbor Line , excepting therefrom the R/I of the Great Northern Railway, was read , and on motion of Councilman Kaune placed on the calendar to be considered at the next regular meeting. Petition from Gus :.iensler to remove al± or part of the frame structure situated on the Fortis 25 ft. of the south 50 ft. of Lots 12 and 13 , Block 23, Anacortes and in lieu thereof construct a one story brick or tile building on said space , :iso to ship-lap from second story up the north side of the Vendome building, was read. Councilman Raune moved that the request be granted. seconded by Burke and carried. Petition from -ouis 3erlar , i, S. Fite and '.rm. Patten for lateral sewer in Blocks 40 , 5/ and 79, Original Plat, was referred to the Committee on Buildings and sewers and City Engineer. The following petition was received from the Port Commission: "T 'e Port of Anacortes havingbecome the purchaser of Tract No . 13 ,Plate 10 , Anaoortes Tide and Shore Lands , also all of fractional Block 15, Original Plat; said tide lands were originally assessed in L rI .D. #117, in the sum of y,288.48 on which 028.84 was paid , leaving a balance of principal amounting to y,255.64. 'While the sale to the Port was absolute , the Port desires to clear its title to said property and offers to said city the amount of said principal, to- wit : ', 255. 64 in satisfaction of said assessment and a quit claim deed thereto . The same state of facts a 1y to Lot 15, Block 15, except that the principal due is �j4.4.3 , which amount the Port offers to pay for a similar quit claim deed. ;' A motion ••.gas made by Councilman Burke , seconded Olson , that the proposition be accepted and a quit claim deed be executed. Motion carried. Boll call: Ayes , Burke , Kaune , ::.cCrac�cen , Neely, do ere and Olson . Nays , none . Councilman Burice Councilman Burke stated that he had bcome the successful bidder of some de: in- asks for quit claim quent property at 34th Street and Commercial Avenue , or Block 1, Bealcs :aple deed to Block 1 Grove Addition , Against this property Sias a delinquent local improvement Beals Laple Grove assessment for the Commercial Avenue paving. In order to have a clear title to Addition the property- Mr. Burke said he would like to pay the amount of tIle o risinal assessment without interest , penalty or costs , and obtain a quit claim deed :hereto . A motion ..as made by Councilman Rogers , seconded by Olson, that the offer be accepted and a quit claim deed executed in favor of 'Lir . Burke . .colt call : Ayes, kaune , hcOracken, Neely, Olson and AAogero . pays , none . eee Ordinance No . hainu; an ordinance providing for the improvement of Second Street from Avenue to Avenue "V'j' Third Street from Avenue ''V' to Curtis • Drive , i''ourtai. Street froIl Avenue ''T` to Avenue "V" , :.'ifth Street from Avenue U to _eaet Fark 0eventh Street from Avenue .V'' to Avenue 31 , Avenue ''V" from second :otreet to ift_i Street , Curtiss ,Jrivo from Third Street to ._gast Park 1)five , La. t Par.. ..)rive from Fifth Street to Curtis Drive and. from Pagoda Place from Curtis !)rive to East Park Drive , and Avenue .;'° from Fifth Street to Eighth Street , all in the City of Anacortes , '. as.Liington, by the installation of water mein„ and hydrants therein and thereon , together •_pith all connections, fittings , valves and other appurtenances , and by doing and constructing such other •.pork necessary to complete the said improvement in accordnance with the plans of the City Engineer and .aver Suserinteedent , creating an ,nl..rged improvement district to be kno :n as enlarged Lmr movement district No . establis �.in and f ixin the boundaries of said district which is to be assessed for the entire iu pro •;ement S weatin g an enlarged improvement fund to be known and designated as enlarged improvement fund No . far the payment and costs and expenses of said improvement andproviding for the assessment of the property benefitted by payment of the costs thereof under the method of payment by bonds, was upon motion placed on its first reading by title ; on motion ordinance was placed on its second reading by title ; on moti:)n ordinance was referred to the City Attorney and Judiciary Co_:iittee . eee ;ay 7th being the day set for the hearing of protests against the prososed improvement of Cap Sante by watermain, the 1,i ayor called for protests. There were n.ne , either 'iritten or verbal. Ordinance No o , being an ordinance vacating Avenue- north of the government meander line , that portion of Second Street east of the west line of�'X' Avenue and that portion of Fourth Street lying east of the east line of "1." Avenue , all in the City of Anacortes , cagit County, ' asliington. '•.IL il: A3 a petition praying for the vacation of the above described streets • signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the property abutting upon the said street sought to be vacated was filed with the City Clerk, and upon said filing the City Council by resolution fixed the time and place for the hearing • thereof, and more than twenty days prior to the date of said hearing, notice thereof was duly posted according to law, and no objections or protests were made thereto , now therefore , TIE CITY COUNCIL 07 TTHe: :''Uq ;.;JI/T:]S D.: ORDAIN AS FOL:.J'.:s: was upon motion placed on its first reading by title ; upon motion ordinance was placed on its second reading by title ; upon motion ordinance was referred to the City Attorney and Judiciary Committee . Report of Library for year 1928 was presented to the city council and referred to the Committee on Finance . • The _Batter of the earwig pest was again brought to the attention of the city council and Councilman Kaune made a motion that the Mayor be authorized to publida L r 248 . . May 7 , 1929 , continued. . a proclamation relative to the putting out of earJig bait , and if orders not complied with, then compulsory batting will follow. Motion seconded and carried The use of stumping powder .rithin the city limits was discussed by the council, some complaints of damage done by blasting having been received. A motion was made by Councilman Rogers, seconded by Burke , that the Liayor ap,}oint a com::iittee to drag up an ordinance controlling the use of stumping powder within the city and requiring a bond in a stated amount. Motion carried. The Mayor appointed on the Committee to draft an ordinance relative to the - use of stum_ing powder Councilmen liogers , Raune and Burke. Mr.. W. A. Lowman addressed the city council in regard to the delinquent water bill of the Yorthern Canneries Corporation, atatin- that the old tenant had left and the prope..•ty leased to new tenants , but that the new tenant could not turn the water on o'.:ing to the unpaid bill left by the former occupant . ' A motion was made by Councilman McCracken, seconded by Kaune , that the ':Dater Superintendent and City Attorney proceed with the collection of the delinquent account and . connect the new industry with water. Motion carried . Councilman Rogers stated that there were no street lights at the corners of 13th and 14th Streets and Commercial Avenue and that lights were much needed at these points. The natter was referred to the Committee on Are , '.later c Light for attention. Slow-down signs at 29th Street and Commercial Avenue near the Nelson School were discussed by the city council, the Chief of Police recommending that new signs be posted before another school year. The old building partially destroyed by fire , situated on 22nd Street and "S" Avenue was declared to be a hazard. A motion wau made that the City Clerk notify the owner to remove the building, Councilman .iogers to furnish the name and address. A motion was made by Councilman McCracken that the 'pater Su Jrintendent be instructed to disconnect all water services twenty days after becoming delin- quent , that all charges and penalties must be paid by the 30th of the month. Also that the `water Superintendent notify property oers of the the liability of the property in regard to water services. Motion seconded and carried. Claims filed against the Current -Expense Fund and otehr city funds for the ' month of April , as follows , were read and referred to tee CoLrAittee on Finance : CURRENT EXa?EN373 FUND Chas. P. Stapp 1358 Postage for departments ;,;10 .00 •. Great Northern Ry Co . 1359 Freight on castings for streets 1.31 void 1360 Daily Mercury Citizen 1361 Supplies for streets and clerk 26 . 25 J. C. Leadbetter 1362 Claim for damages for collision with street truck 15.80 WWm. 'leeks 1363 Labor on streets 82 . 50 • Lynn Balcomb 1364 D;:,bor on streets 104.00 Geo . Everly 1365 Labor on streets 102 00 • Ed Strom 13A Salary a s truci: driver 135. 00 0. A. Lenning 1367 Salary as street superntenent 150. 00 T . Dodson 1368 Labor on streets 100. 00 L. Hartmann 1369 LLabor 5. 05 Eureka Pharmacy 1370 Soda for fire dept. 36. 68 Laher Auto Springs Co . 1371 Springs for street truck 30.00 State Treasurer 1372 Ind. Ins. bled. Aid 24. 09 Schwartz Iron .;orks 1373 repairs and material ' or sts. 3.25 Puget Sound Power & Light Co 1374 Ligiits at cit, hall, kits. wad rent of motors 366. 70 \.ester Department 1375 Rent of warehouse by street dept . 75.00 Abbott Auto Co . 1376 Rental on Chev. track for sts. 300.00 Standard .0i1 Co . 1377 Gasoline for city pump 176.94 G. W. Shannon & Co . 1378 Supplies for fire and sts. 50 66 T. Conway 1379 Salary as fire chief Y janitor 165.00 Jas. Colgan 1360 Salary as fireman 135. 0o L. Balcomb 1381 EExtra fireman 3.75 Eugene Bunney 1382 Salary as fireman 130.00 L. E. Snider- , 1383 Salary as fireman 130.00 Sch%/artz Iron ;forks 1384 iU- epairing valve for fire truck . 35 Julius Nelson 1385 Gasket and float for fire dept . 1 . 05 Anacortes Steam Ldy 1386 Laundry for fire dept . 3.34 The Bristol Co . 1387 Bristol charts fL:7 fire dent . 2.92 Knapp & Ronneberger 1388 Repairs on fire equipment 3 . 35 Marine Supply 1389 Supplies for fire and sts. 15. 15 F. G Abbey 1390 Salary as police judge 25.00 II H. N. Wood 1391 Salary as patrolman 135.00 J. T. March 1392 Salary as patrolman 135. 00 • Al Sellinthin 1393 Salary as chief of police 160 . 0) '.Jest Coast Tel Co . 1394 Tolls for police 1 .10 Tire Surgery 1395 Tires acid repairs on police car 66.00 Trulson Motor Co 139e Repairs and oil for policecar 24.40 Fern Press 1391 Lend paper for clerk 4.25 • Anacortes Mfg. Co. 1398 Fixtures in clerk' s office 2. 05. Victor Remo 1399 Saupplie s for city ha 1 2.75 S. P. `.Jalsh 1400 Hauling garbage from city hall 1.50 IIsiand Belt S. S. Co . • 1401 ;;Coal for city hall 25.85 • Water Department 1402 Hydrant rentals 300.0.0 IL limn 249" Hay 7, 1929, continued. • Dr. H. E. Frost 1403 Salary as health officer 25. 00 • Ben Driftmier . 1404 Salary as city attorney 65. 00 M. A. Hartmann 1405 Salary as city clerk 65.00 I/ Marion "J'atkinson 1406 Salary as city treas. & cash adv. 65.95 Anacortes American 1407 Publishing 28 . 12 (;Curtis Wharf Co 1408 Ceoal for city hall 36. 00 S. D. Te..iple & Co . 1409 Supplies for, clerk 5.07 R. T. Bunney 1410 Repairing Cur council room chairs 5. 00 J. J. Lockert 1411 Overhauling typewriter 12. 50 Bud Phillips 1412 Surveyor °'s helper 15.00 Chester Freund _ 1413 ' Surgeyorts helper 15.00 Hallos Blueprint Service 1414 Blueprints for city engineer 9 .21 R. B. Phillips 1415 Salary as city engineer 50 .00 1' erney's Variety Store 1416 Supplies for police 1. 50 . GENERAL STATER FUND • Dave Riggs 1750 Labor cleaning reservoir 2. 50 void American Express Co . 1752 Express on meters 5.35 Chas. P. Stapp 1753 Postage 20. 00 Puget Sound 2 1 L Co . 1754 PPower 863.01 E. G. Childs 1755 Labor 10j.80 '.:allrorth Company 1756 Cocks 140.49 Curtis `.Jharf Co . 1767 Coal, sand and cement 30 .25 Fix It Shop 1768 2 Filing saws 1 . 00 Fran Hagan 1759 Salary as filter operator 110. 00 Ernest Knapp 1760 Salary as filter operator 135.0J L. Hartmann 1761 Labor 7. 69 Jim Je nsn e 1762 Laor 112.1.O L Willoughby 1763 Labor and plumbing inspections 175.0 3.c'.:_.::u: Hanford . 1764 Supplies 1.20 Pittsburgh Equitable Meter 1765 Meter parts 75.08 General Chemical Co . 1766 Aluminum sulphate . 2 g. 00 J. C . Leadbetter 1767 Spring for pressure guage 2 . 00 Federal Pipe & Tank Co . 1768 Pipe 157.t�6 J. G Johnson 1769 Lawn mower for filter 13,.00 G. U. Shannon & Co . 1770 Supplies 22. 59 S. D. Temple & Go . 1771 Gen pad 2. 25 Great '::estern :: .ectro-Chem 17•R Liquid chlorine 14. 63 R. J. Normand 1 J'13 Strainer 1. .00 • Gray a Barash, Inc. 1774 Contact switch 2. 10 E. Moss 1775 Salary as Sulu. and cash adv. 261 .07 Current Expense Fund 1716 Gasoline from cit,,. pump 14 .19 Knapp & :Aonneberger 1777 Repairs on .cord 2. 50 Tire Surgery 1778 Tire repairs 10.25 Sparks Transfer 1/79 Frt. and drayage on alum for filter 26.25 . .est Coast Tel Co . 1780 Tolls and rentals 3 . 0 1.orcury Citizen 1781 :.receipt books 86. 0 Anacortes American 1782 Publishing Pond printing 61.50 State Treasurer 1783 Incl. Ins. & ::wed. Aid 8.66 '' E. <a. Hartmann 1784 Cash zdvanced for f rei;;ht on meters 3.26 Anacortes Lumerb & Box Co 1785 Lumber 38.05 Marine Supply 1786 Supplies 42.75 National lieter Co . 1787 Meter parts 14 .60 h. A. Hartmann 1788 Salary as cashier 125. 00 Marion .:atkinxon 1789 Salary as city treas . and bookkeeper 45.00 Abbott Auto Co . 1790 Repairs on Chevrolet . 14 .40 LIBRARY FUND E. Luella Howard 86 Salaryas librarian and assistants 172 .80 '.:ester :Jep::.rtment 87 ter 2 . 00 Daily Mercuty b8 Library cards 13 . 50 Curtis harf Co 89 Coal forlibrary 36 . 00 Paget Sound i' 24 L OD . 90 Light . 4 .95 G. R. Ames ;1 :ork on library grounds 6. 15 Puget Sound News Co 92 Books 20 .46 H. Dowd 93 Janitor 30 . 00 • P:I'K i+UND. V an Buren __ Heller 541 Supplies for park 4.25 J. E. Harding 542 Labor . 100.00 . Fix It Shop 543 Sharpening tools 1 . 75 Clint Knapp , 544 Labor 100.00 • Puget Sound :: Alaska o . ea Co . 545 Stuml)in: powder 39.25 . Report of Conm i ttee on Finance to whom were i°c.farred the claim against the Current 2xpense and other city funds for the month of April, reconne.iding that warrants be dram in favor of same, was read and adopted. Roll call : aces, Burke, K une , McCracken, Neely, Olson and 'rogers . ;Jays , none . 1 There being no further business the city council did then adjourn. Approved in open session this 21st day of May, 1929 . A :Ai Ahest : E. A. HartmannCity Clerk RWC-'/ C. _ _ . . . ,l 't,--...,. 1r7•r` - .ao,- Deputy 1l ayor r 250 • May 21, 1929. Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met Ln.xegular session with Mayor Haley presiding and Councilmen Burke , Gilkey, Kaune, McCracken, Neely, • Olson and Rogers responding to roll call. Absent none. Minutes adopted The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted as read . I I/ City Attorney on Report of City Attorney, Ben Driftmier, relative to legal proceedings to removal of obstruct- force J. S. Carter to remove obstructions from H Avenue at 12th St. , ions in street stating that Mr. Carter had been notified of proceedings and that buildings had been removed, was read and adopted. • • Report of City attorney on Ordinance No. 787, being an ordinance providing City Attorney on for the improvement of certain streets and avenues by watermain, stating Ord•. #787 that ordinance was correct in form, was read and adopted. City Attorney on Report of City Attorney on Ordinance No. 788, being an ordinance vacating Ordinance No .788 W Avenue north of the government meander line and portions of certain streets, stating that same was correct in form, was read and adopted. • Great Northern Ry Co . communication from the Great Northern Railway Company, addressed to the will dedicate strip City Clerk, relative to dedication by the Railway Company of a tract of land of land in Q Ave. owned by them at Anacortes, which the city desired to secure for thecpening of Q Avenue for public travel, stating that they had no objections to dedicate the strip of land to the city, subject to the reviision oftheir franchise on Q Avenue , was read. They were of the opinion, however, that their company should not be forced to plank their main track between 14th and 15th Streets, • but that all driveways or streets should be maintained by the city on both sides of the track., and that they should• not be forced to put in any additional crossings in the block in question. The communication was referred to the • Committee on Streets and Parks and City Engineer. Mrs.. Geo. Gross The City Engineer said that Mrs. Geo. Gross had offered to deed to the city offers strip of land a strip of land forty feet wide on R Avenue between 36th and 37th Streets if for• street purposes the city would in return grade and gravel the strip. As it would not require a very large outlay of money or time to construct a road at this location a motion was made by Councilman Rogers that the offer be accepted. a `he Mat-ion s eaan&ed ` Y - • ., ,C_ ate. Mod., n a./ C:om•. on Finance 'Report of Committee on Finacce to whom was referred the matter of straightening recommends re-survey out descriptions on the Burrows Bay Road at a cost of $150, recommending that of certain property the survey be made, was read and adopted. on B. B. road Com. on Finance on Report of Committee on Finance on report of City Treasurer for April, rec- report of City Treas. ommending that the report be accepted- and placed on file , was read and adopted. Finance on report of Report of Committee on Finance onieport of Chief of Police for April, Chief of Police recommending that the report accepted and placedcn file, was read and adopted. Judiciary Committee A minority report of the Judiciary O,mmittee onthe ordinance vacating a portion on Ordinance #78e, of W Avenue et al, recommending that the ordinance do not pass, was read. being an ordinance a majority report of the Judiciary Committee recommending that the ordinance vacating certain do pass, was also read. A motion was made by Councilman Burke , seconded by Olson portions of streets ,that, the matter be deferred until the next regular meeting of the city council. Judiciary Com. on Report of Judiciary Committee on Ordinance No. 787 providing for watermain in Ordinance #787 the Cap Sante District, recommending that the ordinance do pass, was read and adopted. • Streets and Parks Report of the Committee on Streets and Parks on petition from Fred Johnson, on grading and D. V. Neely and others to grade and gravel the east terminal of 20th Street gravelling portion from Commercial Avenue to R, the cost to be paid by a.butting property, stating of 20th st. that the street was graded and ready for the gravel, was read and adopted. Streets and Parks Report of Committee on Streets and Parks to whom was referred the communication on communication from from M. R. Wood relative to right of way through city property to Alexander's M. R. Wood re road Beach, for road purposes, stating that request of Mr. Wood had been granted, to Alexander's Beach was read and adopted. Paving of Seventeenth Report of Commttee on Streets and Parks on pavibg of Seventeenth Street by Street by Pulp Co . Fidalgo Pulp Mfg. Company from Commercial Avenue east, stating that the City Engineer, Water Superintendent. and Mayor had interviewed Mr. Anderson, who agreed to pay all cost of paving Seventeenth Street and grading the connecting streets if the city would furnish plans and grades, ea.s read and adopted. Fire Water & Light The Committee on Fire, Water and Light to whom was referred the building on on building on city city property near reservoir, recommended that the Water Superintendent be property authorized to negotiate a sale thereof and remove the building from city property. Fire, Water & bight The Committee on Fire, Water and Light recommended the installation of two recommends installation 250 C.P. street lights at 13th and 14th Streets and Commercial Avenue respective of two street lights A motion was made by Councilman Burke that the report be adopted. As 100 Co p. lights were installed south of ninth street, Councilman McCracken moved that the report be amended, leaving the size of the lights to the discretion of the Committee. Motion seconded and carried. Ordinance No. 787 Ordinance Na. 787, 1eing an ordinance providing for the improvement of Second Street from Avenue U to Avenue V, Third Street from Avenue V to Curtis Drive , Fourth Street from Avenue T to Avenue V, Fifth Street from Avenue U to East Park Drive , Seventh Street from Avenue V to Avenue W, Avenue V from Second ' Street to Fifth Street, Curtis Drive from Third Street to East Park Drive, 251:11 May 21st, continued. East Park Drive from Fifth Street to Curtis Drive and from Pagoda Place north 150 feet; Pagoda Place from Curtis Drive to East Park Drive and Avenue W from Fifth Street to Eighth Street, all in the City of Anacortes, Washington, by the installation of water mains and hydrants therein and thereon, together - with all connections, fittings , valves and other appurtenances, and by doing and constructing such other work necessary to complete the said improvement in accordance with the plans of the City Engineer and Water Superintendent, was upon motion placed on its third and final reading by sections. On motion the title was adopted as read; on motion section l «.s adopted as read; on motion section 2 was adopted as read; on motion section 3 was adopted as read; on motion section 4 was adopted as read; on motion section 5 was adopted as read; on motion section 6 was adopted as read; on motion section 7 was adopted as read;on motion ordinance as a whole was adopted. Roll call: Ayes, Burke , Gilkey, Kaune , McCracken, Neely, Olson and Rogers. Nays, none. • Petition from Under unfinished business the petition of W. H. Bessner for use of counter W. H, Bessner for weights left on the former Victoria ferry dock, to be used in connection use of counter with the Guemes ferry slip, was takeri!and a motion garanting the permission was weights granted passed. Application from The application from Gilkey Bros. Towing Company to lease the east half Gilkey Bros. Towing of Q, Avenue lying north of the north line of Second Street and mtending to Company to lease the Inner Harbor line, excepting therefrom the right of way of the Great Northern portion of Q Avenue Railway, was discussed by the city council. As there was some thought that the not granted street would be needed in the near future by the Port Commission for general use, a motion was made by Councilman McCracken, seconded by Olson, that the application be placed on file to be brought up for attention whhn necessary. Motion carried. • Street clock to Councilman Rogers presented a request from H. L. Dodge and Archie Germain to be moved and take down the light pole in front of Germain's store at 7th and Commercial and light placed upon move the street clock from Dodge 's place to that position, placing the light on it the clock instead of a pole. As the pole did not belong to the light company a motionvas made by Councilman Burke , seconded by Kaune that the request be granted. • Tennis court in Councilman Rogers stated that the tennis court on Sixth Street between K and L alley Avenues was two feet in the alley, also a woodshed on the west side of the tennis court, making passage way through the alley difficult. The matter was referred to the Committee on Streets and Parks with power to act. Additional supply Mr. Bowles of the Fairb i s orse & Company addressed the city council relative of water by wells to supplying the city wig „water by a system of wells at Summit Park. As the at Summit Park matter required careful consideration a motion was made that the Committee on Fire, Water and Light and the other members of the city council meet with Mr. Bowles at a convenient time. Motion carried. The city council did then adjourn. Approved in open session this 4th day of June, 1929. • / Mayor Attest : M. A. Hartmann, City Clerk By / Deputy • • • r252 June 4, 1929. Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session with Mayor Haley presiding and Councilman Burke, Gilkey, Kaune, McCraekea,..Neely Olson and Rogers responding to roll call. Absent McCracken and Neely. Minutes approved The minutes with one correction were approved as read. Report of City Treas. Report of City Treasurer for month of May was referred to the Committee on referred Finance. • Report of Police Just. Report of Police Justice for month of May was referred to the Committee on referred Finance. Report of Chief of Report of Chief of Police for month of May was referred to the Committee Police referred on Finance. • Communication from g.mmunicatio,n from H. Yenne offering to bait 153 blocks in the city, from H Yenne to bait First Ave. to 22nd Street south, and from I Avenue to S Avenue , at a cost . earwigs of $ 2,500.00, was read. As the cost seemed excessive and the season was late, the offer was rejected by the city council. Petition from A. R. Petition from A. R. Baker and others to improve Fourteenth Street from K Baker et al for Avenue to the west line of Commercial, by grading and gravelling, was read. improvement of 14th A motion was made by Councilman Rogers, seconded by Burke, that the petition Street.. be laid over with other petitions for street improvement until they could all be taken up together. Petition to vacate Petition to vacate Broadway, a street running diagonally through Block Broadway in Block 4, Bowman Central Ship Harbor Water Front Plat, by the Cap Sante Land Company 4, Bowmans CSHWF Plat and others, was read. As there was no need for this street since the paving of Fourth Street from Q to V Avenue, and the property owners desired to have the block restored to its original platting and to have the alley opened, a motion was passed referring the petition to the City Attorney to bring in xe_soliition and set date of hearing. New Pump and Motor Water Superintendent W. E. Moss advised the city council that it was now time for Campbell Lake to buy a new auxilliary pump and motor for Campbell Lake, also to lay a suction pipe line by force account, the pump to be capable of delivering 900 gallons per minute. A motion was made by Councilman Burke that the City Clerk be instructed to advertise for bids subjectoto the plans and specification of the Water Superintendent, to be presented at the next regular meeting of the city council. Motion seconded by Olson and carried. Trespassers on Heart The Water Superintendent stated that people were fishing and picnicing at Lake watershed Heart Lake notwithstanding the no-trespassing signs that were posted all about the lake, and asked if the city council agreed with him in taking active measures to have the practice stopped. A motion was made by Councilman Kaune that the Water Committee take steps necessary to protect both Heart Lake and Whistle Lake from trespassers. Motion seconded by Burke and carried. Larger mgter consumers A motion was made by Councilman Olson that notices be sent to the larger to meet with Water - ' water consumers to meet with the Committee on Fire, \Ater and Light to discuss Committee the proposed increase of water rates, the committee to set a date convenient to them. Motion seconded by Kaune and carried. Special Com. makes Councilman Kaune of the Special Committee reported verbally that the Committee verbal report on from the Chamber of Commerce had recommended that the proposed improvement of Commercial Ave . paving Commercial Ave ilie;" rom llth Street south be postponed until the water situation had been taken care of. Lease of E * of "0" A motion was made by Councilman Gilkey that the City Attorney be instructed Avenue to be drawn up to draw up a lease with the Western Fisheries Company for the east half of for Western Fisheries "0" Avenue and water front, at an annual rental of $25.00 a year. Roll call; Ayes, Burke, Gilkey, Kaune, and Olson. Nays, Rogers. Motion carried. J. W. White to put in Mayor Haley stated that J. W. White had asked permission to put in a float float. between Commercial and Q Avenues for a boat landing, the float to be public. On motion of Councilman Kaune, seconded by Burke, that matter was referred to the Committee on Streets and Parks. Sewer between 2nd & Street Commissioner Lenning called the attention of the city council to the 3rd sts. in bad condition of the sewer between Second and Third Streets and Q Avenue , stating condition that a shed had been built on top of the sewer and that the pipe was in bad condition. The matter was referred to the Committee on Buildings and sewers and Streets and Parks. Claims Claims filed against the Current Expense Fund and other city funds for the month of May, 1929, as follows, were read and referred to the Committee on Finance : CURRENT EXPENSE FUND • R. B. Phillips 1417 Wirirg inspections for April 10.00 S. D. Temple 1418 Supplies for city engineer 3.55 R. B, Phillips 1419 Salary as city engineer & wiring inspections 6o.00 Thor Berlin 1420 Surveyor's helper-Cap• Sante watermain 16.00 Bud Phillips 1421 Surveyor's helper 6.00 Wallace Halye 1422 a " 3.00 Carl Werner 1423 " " 2.00 T. Dodson 1421 Labor on streets 100.00 Ed Strom 1425 Labor on streets 108.00 Geo. Everly 1426 Labor on streets 64.00 253 1 • June 4, 1929. cohtinued L Win. Weeks 1427 Labor on streets 82. 50 Red Teaop Lumber Co. 1426 Lumber for streets 10.75 PPuge.t. Sound P &J.. Co . 1429 Lights at city hall, sts & rent of 1/ . __ motors 347.62 Island Transfer 1430 Frt. and drayage 3. 52 Marine Supply 1431 Supplies for sts. 32. 56 K & E Erickson & Co . 1432 Street signs 15$.00 F. G. Abbey 1433 Salary as police judge 25.00 J. T. March 1434 Salary as patrolman 135.00 H. N. Wood 1435 SSalay as patrolman for May 135. 00 Al Sellinthin • 1436 Salary as chief of Police & cash adv. 162.10 H & D Superservice 1437 Flashlight batteries for police 2.90 Trulson Motor Co . 1438 Repairs and oil police car 17.60 Standard Oil Co. 1439 Gasoline for city pump 207 54 Howard Cooper Corporation Firemens coats and expansion rings 54. 91 • Jas. Colgan 1441 Salary as fireman 135. 00 Gene Bunney 1442 Salary as fireman 130.00 L. Snider ' 1443 Salary as fireman 130.00 Thos. Conway 1444 Salary as fire chief & janitor 165.00 Anacortes Mercantile 1445 Towels for fire dept. & city hall 11.76 Knapp & Ronneberger 1446 Hydrometer for fire dept. .90 Dr. H. E. Frost 1447 Salary ashealth officer 25.00 Water Department 1448 Hydrant rental 300.00 Lowman & Hanford 1449 Cash book 17.07 F. E. Bertrand 1450 Recording deed . 75 State Treasurer 1451 Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid 23. 76 L. Hartman 1452 Labor 4.00 Anacortes American 1453. Publishing 15.37 Fern Press 1454 Supplies .95" Marion Watkinson 1455 Salary as city treas. & cash adv. 65.90 Ben Driftmier 1456 Salary as city attorney 65.00 M. A. Hartmann 1457 Salary as city clerk - 65.00 " PIONEER" 1458 LID forms 8.40 J. L. Rumsey 1459 Wood for city hall 2. 50 S. P. Walsh 1460 Hauling garbage from city hall 2. 25 Curtis Wharf Co . 1461 Coal and cement for city hall & sts. 75. 50 G. W. Shannon & Co. 1462 Supplies for fire , sts. & city hall 40.49 A. C. Thompson 1463 Claim for damages, collision with street tractor 16.00 Bud Phillips 1464 Surveyor's helper 12.00 Chester Freund 1465 Surveyor's helper 4.00 3,064.15' LIBRARY FUND Puget Sound P & L Co. 94 Light 5.01 Antone Barcot 95 Labor on grounds 6.00 C. R. Ames 96 Labor on grounds 8.65 H. W. Dowd 97 Janitor 30.00 Island Transfer Co. 98 Frt. and drayage on bOoks 5.43 H. V. Wilson Co. 99 Subscriptions to periodicals 7.00 H. R. Huntting Co . 100 Books 171.37 E. Luella Howard 101 Salary as librarian, assistants and cash advanced 174.45 $4 PARK FUND Fix It Shop 546 Sharpening lawn mower 2 .25 Neely's Confectionery 547 Oil for parks 2.30 Clausius Motor Co. 548 Ammonia sulphate 2.00 J. E. Harding 549 Labor 100.00 Clint Kanpp 550 Labor 96.00 GENERAL WATIM. FUND E. G. Childs 1?91 Labor 92.40 Current Expense Fund 1?92 Gasoline from city pump 17.66 Puget Sound P & L Co . 1793 Power 718. 50 Abbott Auto Co. 1794 Repairs on truck 2.64 Marine Supply 1795 Supplies 54. 36 Frank Hagan 1796 Salary as asst. filter operator 110.00 Ernest Knapp 1797 Salary as filter operator 135.00 W. E. Moss 1998 Salary Ls water superintendent 250.00 Island Transfer 1799 Drayage on chlorine 1.00 Fix It Shop 1800 Filing saw . 50 Curtis Wharf Co. 1$01 Coal for filter 31.63 S. D. Temple 1802 Supplies . 55 Anacortes a�erican 1803 Publishing and printing 10 .70 Knapp & Ronneberger 1$04 Repairs on cars 14. 50 J. Jensen 1805 Labor 92.40 L. Willoughby 1806 Labor and plumbing inspections 162.00 L. Hartman 1807 Labor 7.31 Fern Press 1808 Printing 0 State Treasurer 1809 Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid 8.80 West Coast Tel Co . 1810 ' Tolls .4 Eureka Pharmacy 1811 Blue stone 56.7 Anacortes Lumber & Box 1812 Lumber 18.30 Marion Watkinson 1813 Salary as city treas and bookkeeper 45. 00 M. A. Hartmann 1814 Salary as cashier 1E15.00 Robert Deutsch 1815 Wood forfilter 9L00 G. W. Shannon & Co . 1816 pp 5 I $ 1,973.23 ,141 r 254 • June. 4, 1929, continued. ROAD & BRIDGE FUND 0. A. Lenning 118 Salary a.s street supt. 150.00 Lynn Balcomb 119 Salary as truck driver 1 .00 $285.00 I/ Finance on claims Report of Committee on Finance to axiom were referred the claims against the Current Expense Fund and other city funds for the month of May, recommending that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of same was read and adopted. Roll call: Ayes, Burke, K.une, McCracken, Neely, Olson and Rogers. Nays, none . Adjourn There being no further business the city council did then adjourn. Approved in open session this 18th day of June, 1929. • ) ; • n Mayor • Attest: M. A. Hartmann, City Clerk, By W/ate: Deputy )55144 June 18, 1929, The city council of the City of Ano.ortes met in regular session with Mayor Haley presiding and Councilmen Burke, Kaune, McCracken, Neely, Olson and Rogers 01 responding to roll call. Absent, Gilkey. 1/ The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. The City Engineer, R. B. Phillips, presented to the city council corrected descriptions of property for deed of Mrs. Powers at 35th and Commercial Avenue and for Mrs. Gross for property at 37th and R Avenue, ' The matter was left to be taken up under unfinished business . The City Fngineer reported that work of making corrections in descriptions of the Rogers and Wood property was under way. Comrunication from the Automobile Club of Washington, addressed to the City Clerk relative to road sign for cross road on the Marine View Drive on Mitchell hill , stating that the Club couldnot -place road s ns at their expense, but would send a sign gratiis if the city would have it properly placed, was read and referred to the Commitee on Streets and Parks. Petition from Co L. Zigler andothers for improvement of the following streets by grading and gravelling and drainage, was read. 36th Street from Commercial to V Ave, T Avenue from 35th to 36th Stso U Avenue from 35th to 36th Sts Roadway to be 24 ft, wide and ditches on each side The petition was referred to the Committee on Streets & Parks Petition from A. Sherby and others for a street light on 22nd and Q Avenue was referred to the Committee on Fire, Water and Light. Bids for an auxiliary pump and motor for Campbell Lake were presented to the city council and on motion of Councilman McCracken, seconded by Olson, the City Clerk was instructed to open then. Representative of the Fairbanks Morse Company arose at this point and asked the city council if they would accept the certified check of his company as it should have accompanied their bid. A motion was made by Councilman Burke, seconded by ' 1/ Olson, that the certified ch eik of the Fairbanks Morse Comapnh be accpeted and placed with the bid. Motion carried. The following bids were read: Fairbanks Morse DeLaval Allis Worthington & Company Steam Turbine Chalmers Price $ 2,317.00 2,160. 00 2,200.00 2,225.00 Size 1 m 5" 2 - 5 u 2 4 4" 1 - 6" Model 2-stage 2Usg1 stage 2- sgl stage 2.3 stage Motor GE FM GE ABC H. P. 150 125 125 125 Pump eff, 72 76 74 70 GPM 900 880 900 870 Delivery 45 2p ?9 35 Weight 6000 6200 6200 6050 RPM 1750 1750 1750 1760 A motion was made by Councilman Burke, seconded by McCracken, that the city council resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole to consider the bids presen- ted. Motion carried. The Water Superintendent said he would like first to tabulate the impautant parts of the proposals in order that the city council might have a cleared idea of the unit needed. A motion was made by Councilman Burke, seconded by Olson, that the Committee of the Whole arise and continue with the regular order of business until the Water SuoerinterLdent could submit his tabulation. Motion carried, Renewal of the fire insurance policy on the caretakeroe house at Sunset Beach was presented and referred to the City Attorney for attention. Communication from Ii. R. Wood of Seattle, enclosing check for $100 to aid in the 1/: improvement of the road extending in front of Mr, Week1ey °s property' in Section 27, on condition that the work be commenced within fifteen days from the date of the council meeting of June llth, was read. A motion was made by Councilman McCracken, seconded by Burke, that the check of Mr. Wood be returned and the Committee on Streets and Parks investigate the condition of the road and report at the next meeting of the city council. Motion caried, Descriptions of property for deeds for Mrs. Powers and Mrs. Gross were referred to the City Attorney, Councilman McCracken made a motion that the city council place itself on record as instruction the city clerk to communicate with various bond houses for the purpose of arranging a meeting with the Fire, Water and Light Commitee to discuss the purchase of water bonds in the new proposed water project, the committee to set a convenient date. Motion seconded by Kaune and carried, Mayor Halye brougght up the subject of fire crackers being brought into the city 1 256 June 18. 1929, continued. and suggested that the the fire chief publish notice against their use° • Chief of Police Al Sellinthin told the city council that he had been asked I/ to protect the strawberry patch of Geo. Lanphear at 22nd and J Avenue from vandals, but owing to the limited police force he could not do so without neglectiong other duties. Geo. Lanphear also addressed the city council relative to the matter , but not action was taken. Mr. Hambley amd Mr. Weekley spoke at length on the subject of the road leading \ to their property in Section 27, stating that the $100 sent by Mr. Mrs R. Wood for aid in the improvement of the road would help them greatly° also asking some help from the city. No action was taken by the city council. `\ A motion was made by Councilman Burke that the Committee of the Whole reture to the city clerk' s office and consider the bids on pump and motor. Motion seconded and carried. . After careful examination of the bids the Mayor called the city council to order and Councilman Burke recommended that the bid of the DeLaval Steam Turbine Company for pump and motor at a price of ra, 2,200 be accepted. The Water SuDerintedent suggested that the certified check of the Fairbanks morse Company be retained until it could be ascertained if immediate delivery could be made on the DeLaval pump and motor. A motion wasmade by Councilman McCracken° seconded by Olson that the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted and the bid of the DeLaval Steam Turbine Company be accepted. Roll call : Ayes , Burke° Kaune° McCracken. Neely. Olson and Rogers. Nays, none. A motion was made by Councilman McCracken that the certified checks of the unsuccessful bidders be returned. Motion seconded by Olson and carried. There being no further business the city council did then adjourn. . , Approved in open session this 2nd day of July° 1929. ,,‘ / , ./,7-J5';;Li)4 • (C Mayor:. . i Attest: M. A. Hartmann, City Clerk, By 7-7,,,....; ,../_7-/..„/„..._,, Deputy Ill 957 July 2, 1929. , Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session with Mayor Haley presiding and Councilmen Burke, Gilkey, Kaune, Neely and Rogers answering roll call. Absent, McCracken and Olson. Minutes approved The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. I/ Report of City Treas Report of City Treasurer for the month of June was referred to the Committee on referred Finance. Report of Police Report of Police Justice for the month of June was referred to the Committee on Justice referred Finance was read Comm. from Chief of Communicatiorom Al Sellinthin, Chief of Police, asking permission to attend Police re annual the annual conference of the Northwest Association of Sheriffs and Police at convention of Sher- Missoula, Montana. .A motion was made by Councilman Rogers , seconded by Burke iffs & Police that the permission be granted. Councilman Gilkey moved that the motion be amended to include the expenses of the chief on this trip, and that a detailed statement of expense be presented to the city council for payment by the chief on his return. Motion seconded and carried. Fire, Water and Light Report of Committee on Fire, Water and Light to whom was referred the petition on street light at for a street light at the corner of 22nd and 0. Avenue, recommending that a corner of 22nd & 0 100 watt light be installed at this location, was read and adopted. Petition C-ommunicationfrom the Corbett Mill Company asking permission to prospect for water south of 15th street and north of 26th street. Petition from Petition from the Corbett Mill Company for permission to use the streets Corbett Mill Co. ,_._ south of 15th street and north of 26th street west. of Commercial Avenue for pipe line for use of street( ' they were successful in their prospects for water, to deliver water to the Corbett to lay water pipe Mill Company and others, was read. The petition was referred to the Committee on lines Fire, Water and Light, City Attorney and City Engineer. Petition from Lovera Petition from Sam Lovera asking to have name stricken from the petition for the to remove name from improvement of 36th Street from Commercial to V Avenue by grading and gravelling petition for street was read. A motion was made by Councilman Burke, seconded by Neely, that the improvement request be granted. Motion carried. Petition from Petition from P. M. Clark, St. Clair Jackson and others requesting the city plumbers to revoke council to revoke the plumbing license of William Moris as Mr. Moris was in- license of Wm.Moris competent and knew nothing about plumbing, and referring the council to the I/ plumbing inspector for his list of jobs that Mr. Moris had to change before they could pass city inspection, was read. A motion was made by Councilman. Kaune , seconded by Gilkey, that the petition be referred to the Committee on License and Police, Printing Health and Cemetery and Plumbing Inspector. ye" , Gilkey, Kaune Rogers. Nays , Burke and Neely. Motion carried. Resolution Resolution. WHEREAS property onwers have petitioned the city council of the City of Anacortes to vacate all of that portion of Broadway Avenue lying within and diagonaling Block Four of Bowmans Central Ship Harbor Water Front Plat of the City of Anacortes , Skagit County, Washington, and it appearing that said petition is signed by the owners of more than two thirds of the property abutting upon the said street sought to be vacated, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OFTHE CITY OF ANACORTES, That Tuesday the 6th day of August, 1929, at the hour of eight o °clock p.m. in the council chambers of the City Hall of Anacortes, Skagit County, Washington, be and the same hereby is fixed as the time and place when and where the said peitition will be heard and determined, at which time and place all persons interested therein or objecting thereto may appear and present their objections. A motion was made by councilman Kaune , seconded by Burke that the resolution be adopted. Resolution RESOLUTION. BE IT RESOLVED by the city council of the City of Anacortes, that it is the intention of the city council of the City ofAnacortes to improvement Thirty-sixth street from the east line of Commercial Avenue to the west line of "V"' avenue, and the intersections included therein, by grading, gravelling, constructing curbs , gutters and drains and by constructing and doing such other work as may be necessary to complete the same according to the plans and specifications of the City Engineer. That it is proposed to create a local improvement district, the property within which is to be assessed for the cost of said improvement Which said district whall, include all property between a termini of said improvement abutting upon, adjacent , vicinal or proximate to the said Thirty-sixth street , to a distance back form the marginal line thereof to the center line of the blocks facing or abutting thereon, where the same is platter and if not platted then to a distance back from the marginal line thereof of one hundred feet. • All persons objecting to said improvement are hereby directed to appear before the city council at a meeting thereof to be held at the council chambers at the City of Anacortes, on the 6th day of August , 1929, at the hour of eight p.m. The City Engineer is hereby directed to submit to the city council on or before the 6th day of August, 1929 , the estimated cost and expense of said improvement I/ and a statement of the amount thereof which should be borlknkby the property within the district benefitted and which will be assessed therefore , and a statement of the assessed valuation of the real estate, exclusive of improvements, within said district, according to the valuation last placed upon it for the purpose of general taxation, together with a diagram or plat thereof showing thereon all the lots tracts or parcels of land or other proprty which will be specially benefitted thereby and estimated cost and expense of such improvement to be borne by each lot, tract or parcel of land or other property. A motion was made by Councilman Kaune, seconded by Burke, that the resolution A 258 July 2, 1929, continued. be referred to the Committee on Streets and Parks, to report at the next regular meeting of the city council. • RESOLUTION. BE IT RESOLVED by the city council of the City of Anacortes Revolution that it is the intention of the city council of the City of Anacortes to improve Twenty-ninth street from the west line of Commercial avenue to the east line. of "K" avenue, produced, and the intersections included therein, by grading, gravelling, constructing curbs, gutters and drains and by con- structing and doing such other work as may be necessary to complete the same according to the plans and specifications of the City Engineer., That it is proposed to create a local improvement district, the property within which is to be assessed for the cost of said improvement which said district shall include all property between a termini of said improvement abutting upon, adjacent vicinal or proximate to the said Twenty-ninth street to a distance back from the marginal line thereof to the center line of the blocks facing or abutting thereon, where the same is platted, and if not platted then to a distance back form the marginal line thereof of one hyndred feet. All persons objecting to• said improvement are hereby directed to appear before the city council a t a meeting thereof' to be held at the council chambers at the City of Anacortes, on the 6th day of August, 1929, at the hour of eight p.m. The City Engineer is hereby directed to submit to the city council on or before the 6th day of August, 1929, the estimated cost and expense of said improvement and a stateme ..t of the amount thereof which should be borne by the property within the district benefitted and which will be assessed therefor, and a statement' of the assessed valuation of the real estate, exclusive of improve- ments, within said district, according to the valuation last placed upon it for the purpose of general taxation, together with a diagram or plat thereof show- ing thereon all the lots, tracts or parcels of land or other property which will be specially benefitted thereby and estimated cost and expense of such improvement to be borne by each lot, tract or parcel of land or other property. A motion was made by Councilman Kaune, seconded by Burke , that the resolution be referred to the Committee on Streets and Parks. Motion carried. Ordinance No . 788 Ordinance #788, being an ordinance vacating W Avenue north of the government meander line,; that portion of Second Street east of the west line of X Avenue • and that portion of Fourth Street lying east of the east line of X Avenue, all in the City of Anacortes, Skagit County, Washington. WHEREAS, a petition praying for the vacation of the above described streets signed by the owners of m ore than two-.thirds of the property abutting upon said • streets sought to be vacated was filed with the city clerk, and upon said filing the city council by resolution fixed the time and place for the hearing thereof, and more than twenty days prior to the date of said hearing, notice thereof was duly posted according to law, and no objections or protests were made thereto, now therefore, • THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANACORTES DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: was read. A motion was made by Councilman Kaune , seconded by Gilkey, that the title by adopted as read; on motion section I was adopted as read; on motion section 2 was adopted as read; on motion the ordinance as a whole and as read was adopted Roll call: Ayes, Burke , Gilkey, Neely, Kaune and Rogers. Nays, none. Protest against Protest against the improvement of Thirty-sixth street from Commercial to V improvement of 36th avenue by grading and gravelling, signed by Chas. Randall and others, was read. st. between Commercial On motion of Councilman Gilkey, seconded by Kaune, the protest was referred to and V by grading & the Committee on Streets and Parks. Motion carried. gravelling Water Superintendent W. E. Moss stated that the DeLaval motor for the pump at Return of certified Lake Campbell was now on the way to Anacortes and recommended the return of the check to Fairbanks certified check of Fairbanks Morse & Company, held as the second best bid on Morse & Co . the pump and motor for Lake Campbell. A motion was made by Councilman Kaune, seconded by Burke , that the check be returned to the above company. Motion carried. Deed of Hattie Gross Deed of Hattie Gross for strip of land on R Avenue between 36th and 37th Streets for strip of land for for road purposes was presented to the city council,and on motion of Councilman road purposes accepted Burke, seconded by Kaune, the deed was accepted. Motion carried. Amount to be charged The Street Superintendent asked the city council what amount he should charge for improvement of for the work done on Twentieth Street between Commercial and. R Avenues by the 20th st. between Com. street department. The city council decided that the actual cost plus twenty & R Avenues by street per cent for maintenance of equipment would be right. A motion was made by department Councilman Kaune, seconded by Gilkey, tht the matter be referred to the Committee on Streets and Parks with power to act. Motion carried. Reimbursing ars. Powers The matter of reimbursing Mrs. Mary E. Powers in the sum of 830.00 for re- for re-survey on survey of her property at 37th and Commercial caused by error in original prop °rty survey by the city was called to the attention of. the city council. A motion was made by Councilman Gilkey, seconded by Kaune , that the matter be laid over until the next meeting of the city council when the old members could be present. • Motion carried. • There-being-no ,further business-the city council- did then adjourn: Claims Claims filed against the Current Expense Fund and other city funds for the month of June, as follows, were read and referred to the Committee on Finance 1/ 259 • July 2, 1929, continued CURRENT EXPENSE • Marion Watkinson 1466 Salary as city treasurer 65.00 Island Transfer 1467 Frt. and drayage . 95 J. J. Lockert 1468 Repairing Remington typewriter 12. 50 Western Union Tel Co 1469 Telegram .33 Trick & Murray 1470 Transfer cases • - 9.40 Bunney's Furniture Hos . 1471 Screens for city hall 7.00 S. P. Walsh 1472 Hauling garbage from city hall 1. 5C1 Marine Hardware 1475 Supplies for fire & sts 16. 92 Standard Oil Co. 1476 Gasoline and oil for city pump 111.25 Clausius Motor Co. 1477 Repairing brake rods on fire dquip .50 Anacortes Steam Ldy 1478 Laundry for fire dept. 2 mos. 5.75 Knapp & Ronneberger 14?9 Repairs on fire equipment 4 .75 Thos. Conway 1480 Salary as fire chief & janitor 165.00 Lynn Balcomb 1481 Extra fireman 3.25 Fred Fisher 1482 Extra fireman 3.25 Water Department 1483 Hydrant rental 300.00 Jas. Colgan 1484 Salary as ast. fire chief 135.00 Gene Bunney ,, 1485 Salary as fireman 130.00 L. E. Snider 1486 Salary as fireman 130.00 Al Sellinthin 1487Salary as chief of police 160.00 F. G. Abbey 1488 Salary as police 25.00 West Coast Tel Go . 1489 Tolls for police & sts. 4.25 J. T. March 1490 Salafy as patrolman 135.00 H. N. Wood 1491 Salary as patrolman 135.00 Trulson Motor Co.. 1492 Repa±re on police car 18.65 Olympic Machinery Go. 1493 Pinions for et. dept 2. 95 Schwartz Iron Works 1494 Labor andmaterial street equipment 5.20 G. W. Shannon & Co . 1495 Supplies for streets 1.44 R. B. Phillips 1496 Salary as city engineer 3c wiring insp. 60.00 Southside Hardware 1497 Supplies for engineer 4.77 Union Printing Co. 149 Supplies 6. 50 Robert Bunney - 1499 Surveyor's helper 24.00 Wallace Haley 1500 Surveyor's helper g4.00 Bud Phillips 1501 " " 28.00 • Thor Berlin 1502 ° " 16.00 L. Hartman 1503 Labor 6.38 Dr. H. E. Frost 1504 Salary as health officer 25.00 M. A. Hartmann 1505 Salary as city clerk 65.00 Ben Driftmier 1506 Salary as city attorney 65-.00 win. Dolph 1507 Tern hire for sts. 4$.00 Wm. Weeks 1508 Labor on streets 82. 50 E. Strom 1509 Labor on streets 100.00 T. Dodson 1510 Labor on streets 100.00 Lynn Balcomb 1511 Salary as truck driver 135.00 0. A. Lenning 1512 Salary as street superintendnet 150.00 Puget Sound P & L Co . 1513 Lights at city hall, sts & pwer for crusher 267. 56 State Treasurer 1514 Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid 23.07 Tire Survery 1515 Tire repairs for police car 1 00 "ern Press 1516 Printing 29.40 Anacortes Mfg. Co. 1473 Repairs on city hall 8.46 Pomo Fruit Store 1474 Supplies for city hall 1.95 LIBRARY FUND $2,861.43 H. W. Dowd 1p2 Janitor 30.00 Gaylord Bros, Inc. 103 Library supplies 15.20 Fix It Shop 104 Locks 2. 00 E. Luella Howard 105 Salary as librarian & assts. 170.80 Water Department 106 Water a 2 mos. 4.00 Puget Sound P & L Co . 107 Light 4.23 Frank L. Hixenbauch 108 Books 2 00 2 1.23 PARK FUND A. D. Q,uinn 551 Labor 8.00 E. K. Wood Lumber Co . 552 Wood for Sunset Beach 2.25 F. A. Bristol 553. Labor in park 84.00 J. E. Harding 554 Labor in park 100.00 Clint Knapp 555 Labor in park 100.00 $ 294.25 GENERAL WATER FUND Z. G. Riggs 1817 Labor 5.00 Geo. Paddock 1818 Labor 7.00 Jim Jensen 1819 Labor 97.35 John Gross 1820 Cleaning reservoir 5.00 L. Hartman 1821 Services in water office 9.38 L. Willoughby 1822 Labor andplumbing inspection 16 . 50 Dave Riggs 1823 Labor 15.00 Carl Werner 1824 Labor 7.25 Chas. Dennis 1825 Labor 7.00 G. W. Shannon & Co . 1826 Supplies 21. 50 Knapp & Ronneberger 1827 Suppliesrepairs on trucks & nar 18.50 Marine Supply 1828 Supplies 36.99 Island Transfer 1829 Frt. and drayage 1.00 Anacortes Mutual Mill 1830 Shingles for well 2.25 A. J. Burnham 1831 Labor 15. 25 Walter Jensen 1832 Labor 1.00 M. A. Hartman. 1833--"Cash advanced for express on meters 3. 18 i r 260 • July 2, 1929, continued Curtis Wharf Co . 1834 Sand and gravelfbr Lake Campbell 24.00 Schwartz Iron 'Works 1835 Labor and material 6.10 Walworth Company 1836 Corporation cocks 12.27 National Meter Co . 1837 Meter parts 5.12 Great Western E1ectro-Chem 1836 Liquid chlorine . . 43.89 Bowles .Company 1 89 Curb cocks 26.64 R. J. Normand Sheet Metal 1840 Filters 10.00 Lowkan & Hanford 1841 Columnar pads. 2.15 Anacortes American 1842 Publishing . . 4.37 West Coast Tel Co. 1843 Rentals 1.25 Clausius Motor Co. 1844 Repairing radiator 3.10 American City 1845 Subscript ,.on to American City 4.00 Current Expense Fund 1846 Gasoline from city pump 21.78 Marion Watkinson . 1847 Salary as city treas. & bookkeeper 45.00 M.. A. Hartmann 1848 Salary as cashier 125.00 W. E aoss 1849 Salary as water superintendent 250.00 Ernest Knapp 1850 Salary as filter operator 135. 00 Frank Hagan 1851 Salary as ast> filter operator 110.00 Puget Sound P & L Co . 1852 Power 743.87 State Treasurer . _ 1853 Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid 8.41 Tire Surgery 1854 Tires and repairs . 24.35 $2,025.45 Finance on claims . Report of the Committee on Finance to. whom were referred the claims against the Current Expense Fund and other city funds for the month of June, recommending that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor. of same, was read and upon motion :adopted. Roll call: Ayes., Burke, Gilkey, Kaune, Neely and Rogers. Nays , none. Adjourn There being no further business the city council did then adjourn. Approved in open session this 16th day of July, 1929. 2r) . Mayor. Attest.: M. A. Hartmann, City Clerk, By . Deputy 26 '41 July 16, 1929. Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session with Mayor Haley presiding and Councilmen Gilkey, Kaune, Olson and Rogers responding to roll call. Absent , Burke, Neely and McCracken. Minutes approved1/ The minutes of the previous meeting were re :d and adopted. Budget report Budget report of City Treasurer was presented to the city council and referred referred to the Committee on Finance Finance on report Report of Committee on Finance on June report of police justice, recommending of police justice that the report be accepted and placed on file , was read and adopted. Finance on report Report of Committee on .Finance on June report of City Treasurer, recommending of city treasurer that the report be accepted and placed on file, was read and adopted. Streets and Parke Hgport of Committee on Streets and Parks to whom was referred the offer of. on offer of strip of 7 ouglass ••Allmond of strip of land 300 ft. wide , being 150 ft. each side of Heart land on Heart Lake Lake Road, recommending that the matter be referred to the City Engineer as to Road from Douglass boundry lines and length of strip of land , etc . , he to report back to .the • Allmoxld Committee on Streets and Parks, was read. . Motion was made by Councilman Gilkey , seconded by Kaune that the report be adopted. Motion cafried. Streets & Parks Report of Committee on Streets and Parks on repair of road at end of Oaks Avenue on repair of road leading south through Section 27, stating that the matter had been referred to through Sec. 27 the City Engineer for attention, was read and adopted. Report of Committee on Streets and Parks to whom was referred the matter of Streets & Parks road sign at cross road on Mitchell Hill, stating that sign had been put in place, on road sign was read and adopted. Streets & Parks Report of Committee on Streets and Parks on petition from J. W. White for on petition from permission to build float between Commercial and Q Avenues, stating that Mr. White White for float had obtained lease fom the city and that the float was built, was read and adopted. Streets & Parks Report of Committee on Streets and Parks to ' hom was referred the charge for work on charge for work done by street department on 20th street between Commercial and R Avenues, on 20th St. east of stating that the work had been paid for and recommending that the balance of the Commercial money above actual charge be refunded, namely charge to be $20.00 per day for city equipment used, was read and on motion of Councilman Gilkey, seconded by Kaune was adopted. Motion carried. City Engineer to The matter of the improvement of 36th street by grading and gravelling was bring in estimate again discussed by the city council and a motion was made by Councilman Gilkey of cost on 36th St that the City Engineer bring in an estimated cost of the improvement. Inasmuch as there was so much protest against this improvement the fea ibi�ii y of opening up U or V Avenues was suggested and the City Engineer so bring in the cost of these streets also. Motion seconded by Fb gers and carried. Deed of Mrs. Powers A motion was made by •tbuncilman Olson that the deed of Mrs. Powers for strip left in hands of of land at 37th and Commercial Avenue be left in the hands of the Committee City Attorney and on Finance and City Attorney with power to act. Motion seconded by Gilkey Com. on Finance and carried. was read Contract for pump mp Communication from the DeLaval Steam Turbine Company stating that the contract motor at Lakefor the pump and motor at Campbell Lake had been properly approved and signed and Campeto compleed by all interested parties and asking that their certified check which accom•• panied their bid, be returned to them. A motion was made by Councilman Kaune seconded by Gilkey that the request be granted. Motion carried. Annual convention Communication from the Pacific Coast Association of Fire Chiefs announcing of Fire Chiefs that their annul convention would be held in Vancouver, B. C. July 23rd to 26th inclusive and inviting the city council and Fire Chief to be present, was read. Councilman Gilkey made a motion, seconded by Rogers, that the Fire Chief be granted leave of absence to attend the convention and that the city pay his expenses. Motion carried. Delinquent taxes Delinquent general taxes against certain lots in the Northern Pacific Addition against property included in the Morrison Park area, amounting to $23.43, according to statement in Morrison Park received from the County Treasurer with foreclosure pending was taken up by the city council. On motion of Councilman Kaune, seconded by Gilkey, the City Clerk was instructed to advise the County Treasurer that the taxes would be paid at the next regular meeting of the city council. Motion carried. Adjourn There being no further business the city council did then adjourn. Approved in open session this 6th day of August, 1929. (9 / // � 11'�t's Attest : Mayor 5577.,'' M. A. Hartmann, City Clerk , By l�.,�cc,d x/ .e'`/7(-1 .ti.Q-""/ Deputy A 262 July 30, 1929 Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in special session with Mayor Haley presiding and Councilmen Kaune, Olson, McCracken and Rogers responding to roll call. Absent Gilkey, Burke and Neely. Purpose of meeting The purpose of the meeting was to consider matters pertaining to the water . system. • Additional pump at The first subject to be considered was an additional pump at Whistle Lake, Whistle Lake as a hazzardous situation existed with only one pump in operation or readiness. Water Superintendent S . E. .joss stated that there was on hand an idle 6-inch pump capable of delivering 1000 gallons- per minute and a 25 h. p. motor and asked permission of the city council to install them temporarilly, the cost to be approximately $400. A motion was made by Councilman Kaune, seconded by Rogers, that the water superintendent proceed with the installation subject to the approval of the water committee. Motion carried. Application 2or The application •for a franchise on R Avenue and 17th Street by the Great Northern franchise on R & 17th Railway Company was again discussed and on motion of Councilman Kaune , seconded St. by G. F. Ry by Olson, was deferred until the next regular meeting of the city council. • Motion carried. . Water The question of securing water from the Skagit river was discussed informally by the city council and several citizens present. Water Superintendent W. E. Moss presented a schedule of rates, which he stated should take care of the cost of the project by furnishing an annul income of approximately ; 110,000. As no member of the water committee was present no definite steps were taken in regard to the project. Adjourn On motion the city council did then adjourn. Approved in open session this 6th day of August, 1929. • fayor • • Attest : M. A. Hartmann, City Clerk / Deputy p. 9631 August 6, 1929 Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session with ayor Raley presiding and Councilmen Burke , Gilkey, Kaune, Neely, McCracken •1/ Olson and Rogers responding to roll call. Absent, none . Minutes approved Mayor The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted as read. Report of Treas RReport of City Treasurer was referred to the Committee on Finance. referred Report of Chief of Report of Chief of Police was referred to the Committee on Finance. Police referred Report of Justice Report of Police Justice was referred to the Committee on Finance. referred Report of Committee on Fire, Water and Light on petition from Corbett Mill Report of Fire, Water Company to use certain street.for water pipe lines, recommending that the and Light on petition request be denied as it was the opinion of the committee that any favorable from Corbett Mill Co. action would establish a precedent that the city could not afford to encourage, was read and adopted. Burke presents new Councilman Burke presented to the city council a new schedule of water rates, water schedule as follows: • Minimum char c g� uee 400 cu. ft. . . . ... . . . 82. 50 Next 8,0 0 0 . f t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 Next 100,000 cu. ft. , . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Next 200,000 cu. - ft. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 All over 308,400 cu. ft. . . . . . . . . a .05 and recommended that some definite action be taken at once. City Attorney to A motion was made by Councilman Burke that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare ordinance prepare an ordinance providing schedule of rates as outlined, to be adopted as soon as possible. Motion seconded by Neely and carried. Communication from Communication from Douglass Allmond relative to taxes against certain lots in Douglass Alimond the NorthernPacific Addition included in the J. H. Morrison Park area, stating re taxes on park that if any taxes were found against the property he donated at the time of the property gift he would reimburse the city for its payments, was read and referred to the Committee on Finance. Communication from The following communication from the Fidalgo Pulp Manufacturing Company the Fidalgo Pulp was read: Mfg. Co . re water "This will acknowledge your letter of July 29th. We main on 17th St. stand ready to pay you $450 whenever the permanent remallo.- cation of piping bet'reen 17th and 19th streets has been completed, with proper steel pipes and an easement has been ratified as agreed upon by the former administration, • regarding the Great Northern newly located tracks. '' Signed Ossian Anderson, President. Communication from Also a letter from the Great Northern Railway Company addressed to Mr. W. E. Great Northern Ry Moss , Water Superintendent, as follows: Co. re watermain on 17th street "Referring to correspondence had with you in reference to franchise on "R" Avenue and in reference to removing of water main so as to get away from interference with the rater main by the Railway Company tracks : "In this connection, be to advise that the Railway Company will pay $350 toward the cost of moving the water main from its present location to a point westerly of the present location, this $350 to include the amount of $200 which the • Railway Company previously agreed to pay for certain work on the water main and gate valve. "Mr. Ossian Anderson of the Pidalgo Pulp Manufacturing Company, under date of June 24th, advised me that his company would be willing to raise their contrib- ution to $450. This added to the contribution of the Railway Company will make p800, which is the amount of the estimate required to make the changes in the pipe line. It would be my suggestion that the work be carried out by the City of Anacortes, and that you bill on each of the above named compan :es for the amounts of $350 and $450 respectively. Will you please advise if this meets with your approval, in order that the franchise which we presented to the city council some time ago may be passed. " Signed James T; oitchell, Asst. R/V`d and Tax Comm. Work to proceed A motion was made by Councilman McCracken that the offer of the Great Northern Railway Company and Fildalgo Pulp Manufacturing Company be accepted on a basis of wooden pipe if satisfactory to the companies, and that the work proceed without further delay. Also , on the fulfillment of the agreement that the desired franchise be granted. Motion seconded and carried. Communication from Communication from J. George rlative to the granting of a license to the Hildebrand J George re carnival shows, asking that the city arrange to police the south side during the stay of the carnival, was read. After considerable discussion a motion was made by Councilman McCracken, seconded by Gilkey, that the application of the carnival company be denied and the communication of J. George be placed on file ; also that the city clerk notify the company of the council 's decision. Ayes, Burke , Gilkey, Kaune , McCracken Olson and Neely. Nays, Rogers. Motion carried. Communication from Communication from G. A. Anderson, chairman of the Chamber of Commerce Water Committee, G. A. Anderson offering its services in any way the council might suggest in working out a plan offering services re for the securing of an increased supply of water, was read and placed on file. water question Communication from James D, Blackwell, consulting engineer of Seattle , submitting proposal for consulting engineering service, was read and ordd°ed placed on file r964 August 6, 1929, continued. Petition from Petition from Iona Hutchins and others for a street light on the corner of . Iona Hutchins et al 40th and Commercial Avenues, was read and referred to the Committee on Fire, for street light Water and Light. 1/ Petition from Mrs. Petition from Mks. Chas, Okerlund and two hundred and thirty others. asking Chas. Okerlund et al that the city council forbid the placing of pictures of women advertising cigare re placing piotures was read. After considerable discussion a motion was made by Councilman Gilkey of women on bill seconded by.McCracken, that the petition be received and placed on file. Roll boards with cigaret- call: Ayes, Gilkey, Kaune and McCracken. Nays , Burke, Olson, Rogers and Neely. te � advertizing Motion lost. City Attorney to draw A motion was made by Co-uncilman Burke , seconded by Neely, that the City Attorney up ordinance and Judiciary Committee be instructed to prepare anti ordinance governing the placing of cigarette advertising on billboards in the City of Anacortes. Ayes , Burke, Kaune , McCracken, Olson, Neely and Rogers. Nays, Gilkey. Motion carried. Quit claim deed from Quit claim deed from the Puget Sound Power & Light Company for the extension of P.S.P & L Co . for ex- "Q° Avenue at Fourteenth Street , was presented to the city council and on motion tension of Q ave. at of Councilman Kaune referred to the -City Attorney, City Engineer and Committee 14th St. on Streets and Parks. Motion seconded and carried. Hearing on vacation of August 6th being the date set for the hearing of protests against the vacation Broadway of Broadway, the Mayor called for protests. There were none, either written or verbal. 'A 'MMotion was made by Councilman Burke that the City Attorney prepare an ordinance -vacatiaig 'Broadway. Motion seconded and carried. Cap Sante watermain As the 'Cap • Sante .watermain improvement seemed to be at a standstill , a motion was made 'by'Councilman McCracken, seconded by Burke, that the Water Superintendent proceed with plans and advertise at once for bids. Motion carried. Estimated cost of City Engineer, R. B. Phillips, reported that the estimated cost of grading gravelling and grading and gravelling 36th Street from Commercial to V would be approximately $1200, . 36th st. or a twenty-four foot roadway at $10.00 per lot. A motion was made by Council- man Gilkey that a public hearing be held at the next regular meeting of the city council to ascertain how many property holders were opposed or in favor of the improvement. Motion seconded by Rogers and carried. Unpaved portions of The matter of unpaved portions of sidewalk on 17th Street west of Commercial sidewalk on 17th st. Avenue was discussed and a motion made by Councilman Rogers, seconded by Burke , that it be referred to the City Attorney. Third street sidewalks Councilman Rogers stated that the sidewalk on Third Street between Q and R in bad condition Avenues was in bad shape, that people had already fallen on the walk. Council- man Kaune offered to donate the lumber to repair the walk if the city would do the work. A motion was made by Councilman Olson that the Committee on Streets and Parks confer with Mr. Kaune and proceed with the repairs. Motion seconded by Rogers and carried. Noxious weeds growing Mayor Haley called the attention of the city council to the noxious weeks in streets growing around the city which would soon go to seed if not taken care of. A motion was made by Councilman Kaune that a notice be published in the papp& quoting the ordinance on the subject and notifying people to clean up their lots. Motion seconded by Gilkey and carried. Claims Claims filed against the Current Expense Fund and other city funds for the month of July, as follows, were read and referred to the Committee on Finance : CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Albert Helander 1517 Examination of city records 250.00 Chas. P. Stapp 1518 Postage 10.00 Coast Brush Co . 1519 Brushes for ' st. dept. 10.38 Van Buren & Heller 1520 Supplies for sts .70 0. A.' Lenning 1521 Money paid out from-money received for work on shod grounds 1, 533.73 Marine Supply 1522 Tiller line for sts . 77 Mt. Vernon Radiator Wks 1523 Repairing truck radiator s sts. 6.00 i 0. A. Lenning 1524 Szlary as street superintendnet 150. 00 L. Hartman 1525 Labor 4.40 T. Dodson 1526 Labor on sts 100.00 Wm. Weeks 1527 Labor on sts 9 .75 E. Strom 1528 Labor on sts 10�.00 G. Everly 1529 Labor on sts • 92 00 L. Balcomb 1530 Labor on sts 135.0p Knapp & Ronneberger 1531 Labor and material on st. and • fire equipment 142 .00 Schwartz Iron ti'brks 1532 Labor and material for sts 16.46 Schwartz Iron Works 1533 Labor and material for fire dept 3. 56 Trulson Motor Co ' 1534 Oil for police car 9.35 F. G. Abbet 1535 Salary as police judge 25.00 Al Sellinthin 1536 Salary as police chief 160.00 J. T. March 1537 Salary as patrolman 135.00 H. N. Wood 1538 Salary as patrolman for July 135.00 H & D Superservice 1539 Battery for police dept. . 50 Burroughs Adding Machin Co 1540 Repair contract 5. 55 S.. D. Temple 1541 Supplies for clerk .40 S. P. Walsh . 1542 Hauling garbage 1. 50 Puget Sound P & L Co. 1543 Lights at city hall, sts & power 264.71 State Treasurer 1544 Ind. Ins. & Med Aid 22.05 Water Department 1545 Gydrant rentals 300.00 • Lowman & Hanford 1546 Supplies 1.29 Marion Watkinson 1547 Salary as city treas. & cashaadv 65.45 Ben Driftmier 1548 Salary as city attorney '65.00 IL 1 265 . . August 4, 1929, continued M. A. Hartman 1549 Salary as city alerk 65. 00 H. E. Frost 1550 Salary as health officer 25. 00 Porno 's Bruit. Store 1551 Supplies for city hall 1. 50 IIAnacortes American 1552 Publishing 9.23 I/ Snyders Pharmacy 1553 Soap for fire dept. .75 G. W. Shan nab & Co. 1554 Supplies for fire dept. 1.11 Thos . Conway 1555 Salary as fire chief & janitor 165. 00 L. E. Snider 1556 Salary s fireman for July 130 .00 T. Colgan 1557 Salary as asst. fire chief 135.00 E. K. Buunney 1558 Salary as fireman for •July 130.00 Anacortes Steam Ldy 1559 Laundry for fire dept. 71 Thos. Conway 1560 Fire roll for Burns Shgl Co . fire 30.50 Fred Fisher 1561 Extr a fireman' 10. 50 Lynn Balcomb 1562 Extra f rreinan 10.50 ''Winfield Eaton 1563 Extra fireman 44. 00 Eureka Pharmacy 1564 Supplies for fire dept 2. 95 Howard Cooper Corp. 1565 Belt fan for fire dept 2 .20 • Anacortes Fdy Co . 1566 Sheave for sts. 7.50 The Texas Co . 1567 Gasoline for depts. 150. 69 6 Lary March 1568 Surveyors helper 8.00 David Kendall 1569 Surveyors helper .Op Thor Berlin 1570 Surveyors helper 8.00 Bud Phillips 1571 Surveyors helper 24.00 R. B. Phillips 1572 Salary as city engineer & wiring insp 60.00 *Pioneer" 1573 Budget forms 5.50 Puget Sound Tel Co. =w . LIBRARY FUND Julius Nelson 109 Plumbing at library 6.75 H. R. Huntting Go . 110 Books and binding 344.23 Island Transfer 111 Frt. and drayzge 9.60 American Corporation 112 Annual Americana 7.50 E. Luella Howard 113 Salary as librarian & cash adv. 90.80 Mrs. Fred Hanseroth 114 _ Asst. librarian . 60.00 Elsie 0kerlund 115 Asst librarian 20.00 H. W. Dowd 116 Jaitor and care of grounds 30.00 Puget Sound News Co . 117 Supplies 5.14 H. W. Dowd 118 Digging up sewer 10. 50 I/ Puget Sound P & KK Co. 119 Light 3. 57 T .09 • GENERAL WATER FUND G. N. Ry Co . 1855 Freight on pipe 132.25 Albert Helander 1556 Examination city recordx 55.66 Chas. P. Stapp 1857 Postage 20.00 L. Willoughby 1858 Labor nad plumbing inspections 106.30 Simpsons Electric Shop 1859 Labor and material installing pump at Campbell Lake 280.91 Knapp & Ronneberger 1860 Maintenance cars 9.10 Van Buren & Heller 1861 Shellac .80 W. E. Moss 1862 Salary as superintendent 250 .00 Frank Hagan 1863 Salary as asst filter operator 110.00 DErnest Knapp 1864 Salary as filter operator 135. 00 11. A. Hartmann 1865 Salary as cashier 125.00 Marion 'atkinson 1866 Salary as city treas. & bookkeeper 45.00 Pittsburgh Meter Co . 1867 Gears 17.08 L. Adams 1868 Pouring concrete for pump houss 6.00 Standard Oil Co . 1869 Motor oil . 50 Current Expense Fund 1870 Gasoline from city pu p 40.60 AAnacortes American 1871 Publishing , 3. 87 Snyders Pharmacy 1872 Bluestone 51.00 H & D Superservice 1873 Oil for czrs 7.30 Puget Sound P & L Co. 1874 Power 709. 61 Marine Supply 1875 Supplies 44. 04 33. D. Temple 1876 Supplies 1. 00 Island Transfer 18�7 FFrt and drayage 40.46 Anacortes Lumber & Box 1878 Lumber 152. 75 Fairbanks Morse & Co 1879 Greas eofor 150 HP motor 19.25 State Treasurer 1880 Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid . 10 Franklin Machinery 1881 Palco packing 6,35 Pittsburgh Meter Co . 1882 Change gears 2 Great West. Elect. Chem, 1883 Chlorine 14.63 Federal Pipe & Tank Co . 1884 Bands 47. 61 R. Ray Auld 1885 Wrench kits 7.00 Wallace W. Waters 1886 Stamps 1.00 DeLaval Steam Turbine 1887 Impellers 121.65 Bowles Co . 188 Curb cocks 24.96 McGills Superserive 1889 rube 1.85 L. Hartman 1890 Labor 18 .59 D. Riggs 1891 Labor .25 J. Jensen 1892 Labor 14.30 M. Grinnel 1003 Labor 8.00 Chas. Dennis 1894 Labor 13. 50 GG. W Shannon & Co. 1895 Supplies 1.15 F. L. Litka 1896 RRent of beat for sounding LC 140 Puget Sound P & L Co . 1897 Tolls and rentals 4. 00 r 266 • August 6, 1929, contineued PARK FUND E. P. Barker 556 Insurance on caretakers house WP 14.25 W. H. Whitney • County Treasurer 557 Delinquent taxes on park prop. 23.43 . H. A. (Morrison Park) • Taylor 558 Sharpeding tools 8.50 Puget Sound & Akaska Power Co . 559 Powder;for stumping 66.00 F. A. Bristol 560 Labor in park 104.00 J.. E. Harding 561 Labor in park 100.00 . Van B ren & Heller 562 Supplies for parks 16.30 Clint Knapp 563 Labor 108000' 0440.48 • L927 WATER CONSTRUCTION FUND Bparks Transfer 286 Hauling pipe 32.00. Renssalear Valve Co 287 Valves 36.05 Schwarts IronAlcs 288 Labor and material 46.29 Chas. Dennis 289 Labor installing new pump at Campbell Lake 67.25' L. ?lilloughby 290 Labor installing LC pump 63.20 Dave Riggs 291 Labor installing LC pump 82.78 Al Millard 292 Labor in stalling LC pump 21 .75 Walworth Company 293 Pipe and fittings 144.04 0493.36 Finance on claims Report of Committee on Finance to whom were referred the claims against the Current Expenss Fund and other city funds for the month of July, recommending that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of same, was read and adopted. Roll call: Ayes, Burke , Gilkey, Kaune , McCracken , Neely, Olson and Rogers. Nays mane Ajdourn The city council did then adjourn. Approved in open session this 20th day of August, 1929 Mayor (11 • Attest: M. A. Hartmann, City Clerk, By Deputy 1 26? August 10, 1929 Roll, call A:,special..meeting of the city council was called by the Mayor to consider the question of granting a license to the Hildebrand United Shows to hold a carnival in the city. Mayor .Ial,ey presided and Councilman Burke , Gilkey, Kaune, McCracken, Neely and Rogers were present. Absent Olson. Council reconsiders A motion was made by councilman Neely that the city council reconsider their vote on carnival vote of August 6th denying a license to the carnival company. Motion seconded by Rogers and carried. Application of A motion was made by Councilman McCracken that the application of the Hilde- Hildebrand Carnival brand United Shows to hold a carnival be accepted on payment of fee and under Co. granted the supervision of the Chief of Police. Motion seconded by Gilkey and carried. Adjourn , The city council did then adjourn. cr .7„...„.. , __ ,,,... • ., ,.. ir,, .,7 _ „ _.- - , . , 11$eyor , , '�. Attest: M. A. Hartmann, City Clerk lc.�.<.,.,...--1 By .P.y6l2i,‘..c�s .� n.--------- Deputy II L_ • J 268 August 20 , 1929. ' Roll call The city council of the City of anacortes met in regular session with Mayor Haley- presiding and Councilmen Burke , Kaune, Neely and Rogers answering roll call Absent, Gilkey, McCracken and Olson. minutes approved The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Cost of grading and The City Engineer reported that the) @Oat of grading and gravelling 29th Street gravelling 29th St. from Commercial to R Aven © Would be approximately p10.Op per lot or $400 for • the two blocks. From Commercial west toward J Avenue would cost more, the • estimated amounts to be presented at the next regular meeting of the city council. Contract for aluminum Water Superintendent W. E. Moss submitted a contract from the General Chemiczl sulphate Company of San Francisco for aluminum sulphate. On motion of Councilman Burke , seconded by Kaune, the Mayor and dityUerk were authorized to enter into contract wt with the General Chemical Company to supply the city with aluminum sulphate for one year. Roll call : Ayes, Burke , Kaune, Neely and .Rogers. Nays, none. Plans for Cap Sante Water Superintendent W. E. Moss presented complete plans for the Cap Sante watermain presented watermain. Mayor Halye declared a recess to examine the plans. After due consideration the Mayor called the city council to order and on motion of Councilman Kaune seconded by Burke the improvement was approved. Motion carried. Finance on report of Report. of Committee on Finance on report of City Treasurer for month of July City Treas. recommending that the report be accepted and placed on file, wqs read and adopted. Finance on report Report of Committee on Finance on July report of Chief of Police recommending of Chief of Police that the report be accepted and placed on file , was read and adopted. Finance on report Report of Committee on Finance on July report of Police Justice recommending of Justice that the report be accepted and placed on file , was read and adopted. Fire , Water & Light Report of Committee on Fire , Water and Light on petition for street light at the on petition for street corner of of 40th Street and Commercial Avenue , recommending that an 80 watt light on 40th St. light be installed at the location requested, was read and adopted. Petition fof survey Petition from Ole Haugen and others for a survey of street lines between 30th of street lines on and 32nd Streets in order that light poles might be extended in that district D Avenue on D Avenue, was referred to the Committee on Streets and Parks . Petition from J. H. Petition from J. H. Cavanaugh for permission to alter the building known as the Cavanaugh for per- Kerney Variety Store on Commercial Avenue between 6th and 7th Streets , by mission to alter remodelling the front, applying stucco finish over all, erecting a marquee and Kerney building on renovating and beautifying the building generally, was read. As the alterations Commercial Ave. complied with the ordinance relating to buildings within the fire limits a motion made by Councilman Kaune, seconded by Burke, that the peitition be granted in accordance with the outline present. Motion carried. Grading and gravell® Mr. Kast asked assistance from the city in grading and gravelling half a block • ing portion of 3rd on Third Street between T and U Avenues. A motion was made by Councilman Kzune st that the matter be referred to the Committe,.on Street and Parks and Street Superintendent with power to act, the property cuners to deposit the necessary funds with the City Treasurer when the City Engineer and furnished an estimate, of the cost. Motion seconded by Neely and carried. Adjourn ' The city council did then adjourn. Approved in open session this 3rd day of September, 1929. • A h Y ( Mayor Attest: M. A. Hartmann, City Clerk , Deputy mmmm 4111 269 • September 3rd, 1929 Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session with Mayor Haley presidijg and Councilmen Burke , Gilkey, Kaune, Neely, McCracken and Olson responding to roll call. Absent, Rogers. • • Minutes approved The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. 1 Report of Treas. ref Report of City Treasurer was referred to the Committee on Financne It ' Police 00 Report of Chief of Ptlic e was referred to the Committee on Finance 'r 0 Justice " RReport of Police Justice was referred to the Committee on Finance Grading and gravelling The grading and gravelling of 36th street between Commercial and V Avenues of 36th st. & 29th and 29th street west of Commercial Avenue were discussed by the city council The councilmen were of the opinion that the improvement abould be made by the collection of the necessary funds by the property owners, deposited with to City Treasurer and the work done by the street department. No further action than this was taken. W. C. Morse & Co . Communication from the W. C. Morse Company, Consulting Engineers of Seattle, ..."+" Consulting Eng. to making a proposal with reference to •the preliminary engineering for the make survey of water proposed water supply project to the Skagit River and offering to make the project preliminary survey for the sum of $800, was read. t",2c.-✓70 cs.o�-y • 4._ A motion. was de by Councilman Gilkey that sobopriated to add to the ; 2 � �f the $500 already appropriated for preliminary work on the water project, and that offer of the W. C. Morse Company be accepted. Motion seconded by Burke and carried. Roll call: Ayes , Burke , Gilkey, Kaune , Olson • Neely and McCracken. Nays, none . Mr. vtalter Hodge of John. E. Price and Company of Seattle , addressed the city Delinqquent bonds council relative to delinquent bonds in Local Improvement District No. 104, in LID #104 and Commercial Avenue paving north of 10th street, including 0 Avenue and cross John E. Price & Co streets. Mr. Hodge stated that there were. delinquent and unpaid bonds in this district amounting to $5,400 and urged the city council to take some steps toward the payment of these bonds either by a half mill levy, reassess- ment of the district or by other means suggested in an ordinance he was preset • enting. A shortage on the assessment roll of $2 ,447..00 caused by additional interest on the warrants at the time the district was formed in 1914 was partly responsible for the shortage. The district had been foreclosed by the city in 1925 and with the exception of a few lots all the property was sold. Mr. Hodge stated that his company would accept payment of the bonds at $80.00 ' per $100. 00 and waive the interest. A motion was made by Councilman Gilkey seconded by Olson, that the matter be referred to the Committee on Finance and City Attorney to draw up ordinance and present as soon as possible. Motion carried. Quit claim deed from A motion was made by Councilman McCracken that the quit claim deed from the I/ Puget 'Sound P & L Co . Puget Sound Power & Light Company be accepted subject to the approval of the City Engineer and that a consideration of $25.00 be allowed for same. Motion seconded by Olson and carried. Roll call: Ayes, Burke , Gilkey, Kaune, McCracken Neely and Olson. Tentative budget Tentative budget for the year 1930 waspresented by the city clerk and on motion for year 1930 of Councilman McCracken, seconded by Burke, was referred to the Mayor. Motion carried. Claims Claims filed against the Current Expense Fund and other city funds for the month of August, 1929, as follows, were read and referred to the Committee on Finance: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Fred Rains 1574 Extra fireman 35.5o • Marion Watkinson 1575 Salary as city treasurer . 65.00 Thos . Conway 1576 Salary as fire chief and janitor 165. 00 L. E. Snider 1577 Salary as fireman 130.00 Jas. Colgan ' 1576 Salary as asst . fire chief 135. 00 E. K. Bunney 15?9 Salary as fireman 130.00 Red Top Shingle Co. 1580 Lumber and nails for fire dept. 2 .75 Sanderson Supply Co . 1581 Straps for gas masks 2. 20 Lynn Balcomb 1582 Extra fireman 6. 50 ' Fred Fisher 1583 Extra fireman 8. 50 Clayton Affleck 1584 Extra fireman 5. 00 Wm. Berg - 1585 Extra fireman 6.50 ' C . Burnick 1586 Extra fireman 6.50 Geo . Everly 1587 Extra fireman 45.50 Vest Coast Tel Co. 1586 Telephone tolls forpolice ' .95 • F. G. Abbey 1589 Salary as police judge 25.0P • Al Sellinthin 1590 Salary as police . chief 160.00 J. T. March 1591 Salary as night patrolman 135.00 H. N. Wood 1592 Salary as night patrolman 135.00 O. A. Lenning 1593 Salary as street .super ntendnet & ca 151.00 Marine Supply 1594 Supplies for streets 8.10 Ol.pmpic Machinery 1595 Gear brackett for grader 7.05 Western Tractor & Equip.Co . 1596 Parts for tractor for streets 1. 61 Lynn Balcomb 1597 Salary as truck driver 135.00 Ed Strom 1596 Labor on streets 108.00 Knapp & Ronneberger 1599 Repairs on street & fire equip 2. 90 Tom Dodson . 1600 Labor on streets 100.00 The Tire Surgery 1601 Tire and battery repairs for fire and streets 1.25 Wm. Weeks 1602 Labor on streets 97, 50 Anacortes American 1603 Publishing 2. 18 David Kendall 1604 Surveyors helper 24.00 Thor Berlin 1605 Surveyors helper 12. 00 Lary March 1606 Surveyors helper 40.00 Bud Phillips 1607 Survdyors helper 6o .00 t A r 97 0 September 3rd0 1929 , continued • Wm. Thayer 1608 Surveyors helper 14.00 Water Department 1609 Hudrant rentals 300.00 • L. Hartman .1610 Labor 14.25 S. D. Temple 1611 SSupplies for clerk 1.42 , Puget Sound P & L Co . 1612 Lights at city hall, sts and power for crusher 279.17 I/ Fern Press 1613 Printing 4.25 W. F. Robertson 1614 Cleaning chimney at city hall 3. 00 State Treasurer 1615 Ind. Ins> & Med. tad 20.69 R. B. Phillips 1617 Salary as city ngineer and wiring inspections 60.00 S. P. Walsh 1616 Hauling garbage from city hall 1. 50 Mo A.. Hartman 1618 Salary a s city c.l erk 65.00 Ben Driftmier 1619 Salary as city attorney 65,00 Dr. H. E. Frost 1620 Salary as health. officer 25. 00 J. J. Lockert 1621 Repairing typewriter fire dept 6.50 Schreiber & Werner 1622 Renewal on insurance policy for . police car 26.40 • Puget Sound P & L Co. 1623 Quit claim deed for extension of 1°Q'Q Avenue & 14th st. 25.00 $2,861.67 Library Fund Library • Water Department -120 Water 9,4.0 E. Luella Howard • 121 Salary as librarian & cash &dv 90.80 Puget Sound P & L Co . 122 Light at library 4.41 H. R. Huntting Go . 123 Books 111.99 Island Transfer 124 Drayage 3. 72 Mrs. F. Hanseroth 125 Asst. librarian 60.00 void 126 • H. W. Dowd 127 Salary as janitor and care of grounds 30 00 Puget v4ound News Co. 128 Books 25.05 Wheeler Publishing Co . 129 Books 39 .5o H. W. Wilson Co. 130 Book index 8.50 Elsie Oker1tjd 131 Assistant librarian 20.00 Gaylord Bros. 1132 Library supplies 6.05 $ 409.42 PARK FUND Park E. K. Wood Lumber Go . 564 Wood for Sunset beach 2. 75 I/ Clint Knapp 565 Labor in park 108.00 J. E. Harding 566 J. Bristol 567 Labor in park 148.00 $258.75 GENERAL WATER FUND Water Anacortes Lumber & Box 1898 Freight on alum 80.60 Marine Supply 1899 1899 Supplies • 59 .13 Island Transfer 1900 Frt and drayage 23.00 West Coast Tel Go. 401 Tolls and rentals 2. 10 Tire Surgery 1902 Tire and respiars 11.75 Knapp & Ronneberger 1903 Oil 4.00 State Treasurer 1904 Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid 6. 28 Sparks Transfer 1905 Hauling lumber to lake 3.50 S. D. Temple 1906 Supplies .35 Gamon Meter Co. 1907 Meter parts 12.39 Tacoma Electrochemical Co. 1908 Liquid chlorine 14.63 National MeterCo . 1909 Gears 9.43 Beall Pipe & Tank Co. 1910 Pipe 1,060. 60 Simpsons Elecgric Shop 1911 Repairs on telephone at lake 6. 70 Anacortes Lumber & Box Co. 1912 Lumber 15.85 Puget Sound P & L Co . 1913 Power 10157.20 Ernest Knapp 1914 Filter operator 135.00 Frank Hagan 1915 Asst filter operator 110 00 L. Hartman 1916 Labor 16.31 L. Willoughby 1917 Labor andplumbing inspections 160.25 J. Jensen 1918 Labor 122.65 A. Millard 1919 Labor 13. 50 D. Riggs 1920 Labor • 171.87 .i,ion Watkinson 1921 City Treas. and bookkeeper 45.00 M. A. Hartman 1922 Cashier 125. 00 Current Expense Fund 1923 Gasoline from city pump 32.73 W. E. Moss 1924 Salary as superintendent 250.0Q Chas. Dennis 1925 Labor 111. 25 3,791.07 • Finance on claims Report of Committee on Finance to whom were referred the claims against the Current Expense Fund and other city funds for the month of august, 1929, recommending that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of same, was read and on motion adopted. Roll call: Ayes, Burke , Gilkey, Kaune , Neely :McCracken and Olson. Nays , none. Adjourn There being no further business the city council did then adjourn. . • Approved in open session this 17th day of September, 1929. i-Y• Attest: M. A. Hartmann, City Clerk F � _. .?.., Mayor By � 1a .. ,t%e �A Deputy . ' 271. 1 September 17, 1929 Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session with Mayor Haley presiding and Councilmen Burke , GilkLy, Kaune, Neely, McCracken and Olson responding to roll call. Absent Rogers. • Minutes approved The minutes of the previous meeting were read and with with one correction were adopted. Paving of 17th The City Engineer reportedverbally that the Fidalgo Pulp Mfg. Company were sta proceeding ready to proceed with the paving of 17th Street from Commercial Avenue east to R Ave. , also that the Cap Sante watermain was ready to put in place as soon as the specifications were approved. moss presents .Water Superintendent W. E . Moss presented specifications and plans of the specifications for Cap Sante watermain improvement for the approval of thecity council. A motion watermain on Cap was made by Councilman McCracken , seconded by Burke, that the plans and Sante specifications be approved. Motion carried. . Petition from Ued.. Petition from Geo . W. Wedlund for permission to repair shed at rear of Blackmore land to build shed building with roofing felt , or to remove the shed and construct one of wood in fire limitts frame with sheet iron walls and roof, was read. A motion was made by Councilman McCracken that permission be not granted to repair the old shed, but that permission be given to construct a galvanized iron shed. Motion seconded by Gilkey and carried. Committee , Amendment to fire Communication from the Chamber of Commerce, appointed to consider amendments ordinance and changes in the fire ordinance, submitting an amended section, as follows, was read: "Repairing framebuildings within fire limits: Any existing frame building within the fire limits, which may hereafter be damaged by fire , decay, or otherwise to an amount greater than one-half (k) of its present value exclusive of the foundation , shall not be repaired or re-built, but shall be removed" . The committee also recommended that the limits be zoned from the south line of second street to the north line of twelfth street. A motion was made by Councilman McCracken that the Committee on Fire , Water and Light and City Engineer consult with the City Attorney on the proposed amendment to the ordinance relating to buildings within the fire limits. Motion seconded by Burke and carried. Petition to vacate Petition to vacate alley in Block Fifteen and Block Sixteen, Bowmans Central alley in Blocks Ship Harbor Waterfront Plat , from Llewellyn Cook and Edith N. Adams, was read. 15 and 16, BCSHWFP Councilman Burke made a motion that the petition be granted. Seconded by Neely and carried. • Ordinance # Ordinance No . being an ordinancedeclaring an emergency and providing means for meeting the same, was on motion placed on its first reading by title ; on motion ordinance was placed on its second reading by title ; on motion ordinance • was referred to the City Attorney and Judiciary committee. • Resolution re RESOLUTION. WIiEREAS, Llewellyn Cook and Edith N. Adams , have petition ed the vacation of alley in city council to vacate the alley in block fifteen and block sixteen, Bowmans Blocks 15 and 16, Central Ship Harbor ,dater Front Plat of the City of Aiacortes, Skagit County, Bowmans Washington, and it appearing that said g pp g petition is signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the property abutting upona.id alley sought to be vacated, now therefore , BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CaUNCIL OFTHE CITY OF ANACRTES: That Tuesday the 15th day of October, 1929 , at the hour of eight o9clock p.m. in the council chambers of the City Hall of Anacortes, Skagit County, Washington, be and the same hereby is fixed as the time and place when and where the said petition will be heard and determined, at which time and place all persons interested therein or objecting thereto may appear and present their objections. Resolution adopted Motion was made by Councilman Kaune that the resolution be adopted. Seconded by Burke and carried. Removal of stop Councilman Neely reported that the fire chief had asked for the removal of the sign at 5th & Com. stop sign at the intersection of F th Street and Commercial Avenue as it was in the way of the fire apparatus w en making the turn to answer fire alarms. A motion was made by Councilman McCracken that the request be granted and that the sign be moved and placed in a position to comply with the law but be out of the way of the fire truck. Motion seconded by Burke and carried. Stop signs at Councilman Olson recommended that stop signs be placed on each side of "K" Avenue Stop K Ave. at Twelfth Street as the traffic was bad at that corner. Councilman McCracken moved that the matter be referred to the Mayor and Superintendent of Streets and that they be authorized to place signs at the necessary corner. The Chief of Police was also included. Motion seconded by Burke and carried. 1/ Water flooding Councilman Neely reported that water coming down Seventeenth Street between private property Commercial and R Avenues flooded the property of C T. G. Heydenberk on R Avenue. from street On motion of Councilman McCracken the matter was referred to the City Engineer to report at the next meeting of the city council. Seconded by Olson and carried. Sewer on 3rd Street Commissioner Lenning again called the attention of the city council to the in bad shape condition of the lateral sewer in the block between Second and Third Streets Se and Co=ercial and Q Avenues as it was in a bad state of repair. The matter was referred to the Committee on Buildings and Sewers to report at the next meeting of the city council . Mary Powers again The Mary E. Powers controversy was reviewed by the city council and referred to the City Engineer for attention . • I. didii r272 • September 17, 1929, continued Adjourn There being no further business the city council did thenadjourn . Approved in open session this 1st day of October, 1929 97 Cif . Mayo r Attest: M. A. Hartmann, City Clerk b y Deputy • I • 2„7 3 October 1, 1929 Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session with a = l-ey-3 idi-n; Councilmen Burke , Gilkey, Olson , McCracken and Neely responding to roll calla Absent, Kaune and Rogers. Mayor pro tem In the absence of the Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem Burke assumed the chair. • Minutes approved The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. Report of Treas. ref. Report of City Treasurer was referred to the Committee on Finance . Report of City Atty Report of City Attorney, Ben Driftmier,on Ordinance NO. 789, being an ordinance on Ord. #789 declaring an emergency andproviding means for meeting the same , stating that same was correct in form, was read and adopted. Report of City Atty Report of City Attorney, Ben Driftmier, on quit claim deed from the Puget Sound on quit claim deed Power and Light Company for extension of . Avenue at Fourteenth Street , stating of P. S. P & L Co . that same was cof'rect in form and might be accepted, was read and adopted. Chief of Police Communication from the Chief of Police recommending that the confectionery recommends removal of store situated in the street near the corner of Seventh and Commercial Avenue confectionery stand be removed to some other location as it obstructed. the vision of the motoring public and created more or less of a menace to traffic , was read and referred to the Committee on License and Police and Chief of Police. Report of Chief of Pol Report of Chief of Police was referred to the Committee on Finance ref. City Engineer, R. B. Phillips , to whom was referred. the matter of deeds in the City Engineer on deed resurvey for Mrs. Powers, stated that Mrs. Powers was willing to accept payment of Mrs. Powers and exchange . deeds. A motion was made by Councilman McCracken that the report of the City Engineer be accepted, deeds be exchanged and warrant for $30.00 be issued to Mrs. Powers, also that the deeds be approved by the City Attorney. Roll call: Ayes, Burke , Gilkey, Olson, McCracken and Neely. Nays, none. The City Engineer reported that there were three different directions which the lateral sewer in Block 40 , Original Plat , could be run and that he was working on the most feasible plan. A motion was made by Councilman McCracken that a copy of the report be furnished the signers of the petitioh . Motion seconded and carried. • Lenning reports on Street Commissioner Lenning reported that the work on Third Street between T and work of grading & U Avenues by'grading and gravelling had been completed at a cost of $14.00 for • gravelling 3rd bet— grading and $16.00 for gravel, which equalled the amount donated by the property een T & U Ave . owners . The block of road for Mrs. Gross between 36th and 37th Ste . was likewise Grass- block gravelled gravelled and finished. The Street Commissioner also stated that the drainage on 12th Street and K Avenue Drain on 12th & K Ave had been completed at a cost of $164.24, which amount was 144. 00 more than the completed . estimate of the work, but this was occasioned by using larger pipe for the drain. Judiciary .on Ord. / Report of Judiciary Committee on Ordinance No . 789 , being an ordinance declaring 789 an emergency and providing means for meeting the same, recommending that the ordinance do pass, was read and adopted. . E.:.•P. Barker asks Communication from E. P. Barker suggesting that the Commercial Avenue sewer be to have sewer flushed flushed at this time as during the rainy season the water backed up and flooded on Commercial Ave the basement of the Penny building. The matter was referred to the Superintendent of Streets for attention. Geo . A. Lanphear re Communication from Geo, A. Lanphear relative to the loss of the top, of his top of meter water meter was read,and on motion of Councilman Gilkey, seconded by McCracken was ordered placed on file. Motion carried. Ordinance #789 Ordinance No. 789, being an ordinance declaring an emergency and providing means for meeting the same, was on motion placed on its third and final reading by sections. On motion the title vas adopted as read; on motion section 1 was adopted as read; on motion section 2 was adopted as read; on motion section 3 was adopted as read; on motion the ordinance as a whole and as read was adopted. Roll Call : Ayes , Burke , Gilkey, Neely and McCracken. Nays , none . Bid on Second St. et There being but one bid presented for the improvement of Second Street et al al improvement by by watermain, a motion was made by Councilman McCracken, seconded by Gilkey, that watermain the City Clerk re-advertize for bids on this work to be opened Tuesday, October 15th, 1929,. and that the 'bi'd be retunred to the bidder unopened. Motion carried. Claim for damage Claim of $10.00 by P. F. Bowdish for damage done to piano by truck dropping by Bowdish into sewer hole improperly protected at corner of 29th & Commercial Avenue was considered by the city council. As no communication accompanied the claim and the Street Commissioner stated that the truck had no business to drive over the • catch basin, a motion was made by Councilman McCracken, seconded by Olson, that the claim be placed on file. Motion carried. Pipe salesmen talk Representatives of pipe companies addressed the city council for a few minutes relative to their respective makes of pipe . • between 4th & 5th Sewer in alley M. Blankenship asked permission of the city council to construct sewer in allezf between 4th & 5th Streets and U and V Avenues , the property owners to pay the cost; also to & T & U Ave . put in a water •service in the same block. A motion was made by Councilman McCracken, seconded by Gilkey, that permission be granted and the Work to done under the supervision of the City Engineer and Buildings & Sewers Committee. Motion carried. McCracken on new Councilman McCracken spoke at some length on a new lighting system for Commercial lighting system Avenue in the business district . r 274 October 1, 1929 , continued. Claims Claims filed against the Current Expense fund and other city funds for the month of September, 1929, as follows, were read and referred to the Committee on Finance : CURRENT EXPENSE Joe Hagan 1624 Extra firman 3.00 ii. Fred Fisher 1625u Lynn Balcomb 1626 r�" 0 7.25 7. 55 Anacortes Steam Ldy 1627 Laundry for fire dept. 6. 35 E. K. Bunney 1628 Salary as fireman 130.00 Thos. Conway 1629 Salary as fire chief. & janitor 165. 00 Jas. Colgan 1630 Salary as fireman 135. Op L. E. Snider 1631 Salary as fireman 130.00 F. Stanley Piper 1632 Blueprints for LID #145 3.88 Wm. Thayer 1633 Surveyors helper 4.00 Orvill Ames 1634 " 0 20.00 Wm. Blaikie 1635 i° " 4. 00 Alene Standish 1636 Specifications LID #145 8.75 L. Hartmann 1637 m t° 9.40 Dr. H. E. Frost 1638 Salary as health officer 25. 00 Ben Driftmier 1639 Salary as city attorney 65.00 Marion Watkinson 1640 Salary as city treas. & cash a dv. 65.87 M. A. Hartmann 1641 Salary as c i t clerk 65. 00 Curtis Wharf Co . 1642 Coal for city hail 112.69 California Fruit Store 1643 Soap for city hall 1. 00 S. P. Walsh 1644 Hauling garbage 1.50 Trulson Motor• Co . 1645 Repairs and oil police car 38 .75 West CoastTel Co . 1646 Tolls for police 2. 10 F. G. Abbey 1641 Salary as pplice judge 25. 00 H. N. Wood 146$ Salary as patrolman 135.00 Tom March 1649 Salary as patrolman 135.00 Al Sellinthin 1650 Salary as chief of police 160 00 J. G. Johnson 1651 Saupplies for city engineer 3.88 Bud Phillips 1652 Surveyors helper 10.00 R. B. Phillips 1653 Salary as city engineer & wiring 60.00 Lowman & Hanford 1654 Supplies for LID 0145 5. 26 Chas. Voitus 1655 Shades for city hall 3. 30 Fern Press 1656 Printing and supplies 38 .21 Water Department 1657 Rent of hydrants 300.00 Texas Co. 1658 Gasoline for pump 216.21 StateTreasurer 1659 Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid 22.10 Curtis Wharf Co . 1660 Sewer pipe and bends for sts. 81.24 Schwartz Iron Gbrks • 1661 Supplies for sts. 29. 03 G. W. Shannon & Co . 1662 Supplies forsts. and fire 4.96 Vm. Weeks 1663 Labor on streets 86.25 Ed Strom 1664 Labor on streets 100.00 T. Dodson 1665 Labor on streets 100.00 Lynn Balcomb 1666 Labor on streets 135. 00 0, A. Lenning 1667 Salary as street superntendent 150.00 Western Tractor & Equip. 1668 Bracket for streets 4. 91 Abbott Auto Co. 1669 Repairs on truck 6 . 55 Howard Cooper Corporation 1670 Repairs oncrusher 95,04 • Puget Sound P & L Co . 1671 Lights at city hall, sts and poer for crusher 264.64 Mary E. Powers 1672 Re-survey of property at 37th & Co,nmerc ial 30.00 3 3,210.62 . LIBRARY FUND Curtis Wharf Go . 133 Coasl 174.24 Puget Sound P & L Co . 134 Light • 4.41 Elsie Todd 135 Desk 15. 00 Gaylord Brso . 136 Library supplies 17.85 A. C. McClurg & Co . 137 Books 55. 59 Water Department 138 Water 9.95 E. Luella Howard 139 Salary as librarian 93 .15 Elsie Okerlund 140 Salary as asst. librariah• 20.00 Kate Hanseroth 141 Salary as asst. librarian 60 .00 Puget Sound News Co. 142 Books 50.09 3 500 .28 PARK FUND • E. K. Wood Lumber Co . 568 Wood for Washington Park 1.75 Clint Knapp 569 Labor 96 .00 J. E. Haring 570 Labor 100.00 197.75 I. 7 624. 1 October 1, 1929 continued - GENERAL WAFER PIM) standard Oil Co . 1939 Pearl Oil 1 .38 Curtis Wharf Co . 1926 Frt. on .couplings 1.09 Earl Steinman 1927 Labor 24.00 G N. Ry Co . 1928 Frt. on pipe 51 .60 Bert Haddon 1929 Labor 54.00 Chas. Steinman 1930 Labor 70.00 Jule Anderson 1931 Labor 50 .00 G. J. Dennis 1932 Labor 100>Oo Sumner Johnson 1933 Labor 70. 00 Puget Sound t & L Co . 1934 Power 1 ,141 . 66 W. E. Moss 1955 Salaryr.as superintendent & ca 251 . 10 Island Transfer 1936 Frt and drayage 6.42 G. W. Shannon & Co . 1937 Supplies 100.32 Curtis Wharf Co . 1938 Sand and drain tile 4. 55 Fairbanks Morse & Go. . 1940 Repairson motor 43.06 Schwartz Iron Works 1541 Labor and supplies 39.84 Federal Pipe & Tam: Co . 1942 Tees 39 .30 Tacoma Electrochemical Co . 1943 Liquid chlorine 14.63 L. Willoughby 1944 Labor and plumbing insp . 161. 00 L. Hartmann 1945 Clerical work 8 .8o Mrs. E. Kidder 1946 Clerkical work 4. 50 West Coast Tel Co . 1947 Tolls and rentals 4.00 State Treasurer 1948 Ind. Ins . & Med. Aid 11.03 J. GI . Johnson 1949 Heater for water dept. 40. 00 Fern Press 1950 Printing and supplies 2 .85 Marine Supply 1951 Supplies 29.02 Frank Hagan 1952 :$alarya;. s asst . flter operator 110.00 Ernest Knapp 1953 Salary as filter operator 135. 00 The Bristol Co. 1954 Charts 4.35 Tom Pamphlet 1955 Labor 10. 50 Jim Jensen 1956 Labor 116.60 DDave Riggs 1957 Labor 121.00 M. March 1958 Surveyors helper 8 ,00 FFederal Pipe & Tank Cp . 1959 .Pipe 79g„ 95 Marion `'latkinson 1960 Salary as city treas. & bookkeeper 45. 00 M. A. Hartmann 1961 Salary as cashier 125.00 Beall Pipe & Tank Co . 1962 Tide gate for pipe 8.76 Current Expense Fund 1963 Gasoline and gravel 109.88 Trulson Motor Co. 1964 Belt 5. 75 Schwartz Iron 1965 Labor and supplies 14 .80 DeLaval Steam Turbine Co 1966 Shaft sleeve 6. 10 • 3 ,937 .84 1927 WATER FUND DeLaval Steam Turbine Co . 294 Pump for Lake Campbell 2 ,181.56 Finance on claims Report of Committee on Finance to vrhom were referred the claims against the Current Expense Fund .nd other city funds for the month of September, recommending that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of same, was read and adopted. Roll call: Ayes, Burke , Gilkey, McCracken and Neely. Nays , none. Adjourn There being no further business the city council did then adjourn Approved in open session this 15th day of October, 1929. . j49(VIAALA Mayor Pro Ten Attest : M. A. Hartmann, City Clerk By '2Va-c.,---,,' ,c; 1'->/i.' / Deputy I .J r . 97(5. 6 • October 7, 1929. Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in special session with Mayor Haley presiding and Councilmen Burke, Kaune , McCracken, Neely, Olson and Rogers answering roll call. Absent Gilkey. The meeting was for the purpose of considering and adopting the tentative Consideration of budget for 1939 as presented by the Mayor and as provided for in Chapter 138 I/L budget of the session laws of 1909. . Items to be dealt with A motion was made by Councilman Burke that in considering the budget that items separately be taken up and dealt with separately. Lotion seconded by Olson and carried. Executive On motion of Councilman Burke the item of $25.00 for executive expenses Was stricken from the budget. Motion seconded by Rogers and carried. Ayes, Burke Neely, McCracken and Rogers, Nays, Kaune . Legislative On motion of Councilman Olson item of 325. 00 for legislative expense was eliminated from the budget. Motion seconded by Burke and carried. Ayes all. Clerk A motion was made by Councilman McCracken that 350.00 •be added to item of publishing in the City Clerk°'s department. Motion seconded by Burke and carried. Councilman McCracken moved that total of the City Clerks estimates be approved. Motion seconded by Kaune and carried. Ayes , all. Treasurer On motion of Councilman McCracken, seconded by Olson , the total for the City Treasurer was approved. Ayes all . Motion carried. seconded by Olson Attorney On motion of Councilman Burk./the total for the City Attorney was approved. Ayes all . Motion carried. Engineer In the estimates presented for the City Engineer Councilman McCracken made a _ motion that all the amounts be approved with the exception of the item of $1200 for salary which should remain at 3600 as at present. Motion seconded by Burke . Ayes, McCracken, Kaune, Olson and Burke. Nays , Neely and Rogers. Motion carried. City. Hall A motion was made by Councilman Burke, seconded by Kaune , that the items for the city hall be allowed. Ayes , all. Nays , none . Motion carried. Streets Item of $995 in the street department far Chevrolet truck was on motion of Councilman McCracken , seconded by Kaune , transferred to the emergency warrants to be made a part of the 1929 budget. Ayes all. Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Olson , seconded by Neely, that the balance of items as presented by the street department be allowed. Ayes all. Motion carrie Fire. Dept With the exception of one extra fireman iai 31320 per year, all the items of the fire department were approved as shown. Motion made by Kaune , seconded by Olson and carried. Police Motion by Councilman. Kaune , seconded by Neely, that the estimates for the police department be approved. Motion carried. Police Judge On motion of Councilman McCracken seconded by Burke , the estimates for police judge were approved. Ayes all. Motion carried. Sewers On motion of Councilman Burke , seconded by Rogers, the estimates for sewers ware approved. Ayes all . Motion carried . Elections On motion of CouncilmanMcCracken , seconded by Olson, estimates for election were approved. Ayes all. Motion carried. Contingent On motion of Councilman Kaune , seconded by Burke , the estimate for contingent was aproved. Ayes all. Motion carried. Health Dept On motion of Councilman Burke, seconded by Neely, estimates for health department were approved. Ayes all. Motion carried.. LID Funds On motion of Councilman Kaune , seconded by Olson, the estimates for the L. I .D Guaranty and Revolving Funds were approved. Ayes all. Motion carried. Library In the Library Fund item of 0240 for second assistant was eliminated from the budget. Motion by Kaune, seconded by Rogers. Ayes all. Motion carried. • Parks A motion was made by Councilman McCracken, seconded by Kaune, that the estimates of the Park Fund be approved and item of $200 be transferred from capital outlay to interest and debt redemption. Ayes all. Motion carried. Filling Lowlands . On motion of Councilman Kaune , seconded by Burke , estimates for Filling Lowlands were approved. Ayes all. Motion carried. Road & Bridge On motion of Councilman McCracken, seconded by Burke , estimates for Road & Bridge Fund were approved. Ayes , . all, Motion carried. Water Department In the estimates for the Water Department Councilman Mccracken moved that all items of salary be approved with the exception of the salaries of the two filter operators which would remain as at present. Second by Kaune/ayes all. Carried. M & 0 On motion of Councilman Burke , seconded by Kaune the item of ,r25, 000 for maintenance and operationrL. .be approved. Ayes , all , motion carried. 4,,.., Motor truck Motion by Councilmmn Burke , seconded by McCracken that item of $700 for motor truck be approved. dyes , all , motioncarkied. 277k October 7, 1929, continued. 0 Meters On motion of Councilman McCracken , seconded by Burke , the item of $200 for meters was approved. Ayes , all. Motion carried. Cash register • On motion of Councilman Burke , seconded by Neely, register item of $200 for cash was eliminated from the budget. Ayes , all . Motion carried.11/ cv Hydrants - On motion -of -Councilman Burke , seconded by Kaune item of $ 1400 for hydrants was approved. •Ayes all. -Motion carried. 4 0 Plumbing insp. On motion of Councilman Kaune, soconded by Olson the estimates for plumbing inspectior were approved. Ayes all. Motion carried. General Water A motion was -made by Councilman McCracken , seconded by Burke , that item of $10 ,000 Q) Bonds for General Water bonds be transferred from the General Bond Redemption Fund to the Water Department interest and debt redemption, increasing item of 424780. to • ;)34,780 for •bond and interest redemption, and making total for water dept. in accord- General Bond A motion was made by Councilman McCracken, seconded by } aune , that the estimates Redemption for the General Bond Redemption Fund be approved with the exception of the item of $10,000 which was transferred to the Water Fund, and that the receipts be lowered to correspond with the disbursements by reducing the number of mills required. Ayes all. Motion carried. Water Superin- Referring back to the Water Department Councilman Burke made a motion, seconded tendent 's salary by Rogers that the item of $3,000 for Water Superintendent 's salary be reduced to $$2,400. Ayes Burke, Rogers. Nays, Kaune, Neely, McCracken and Olson. Motion lost. Accounts to A motion was made by Councilman McCracken, seconded by Kaune , that under item . balance of receipts the direct taxation rate be computed to the nearest 1/10 of a mill and that - the contingent fund be altered to balance the accounts , also that the budget as a whole be adopted. Ayes all . Motion carried. . Changes shown Changes in the Current Expense Fund are shown as follows : Current Expense • Item of -$25.00 deducted from department of executive • 11 I1 11 11 10 11 25.00 11 11 legislative 600. 00 11 ,� engineer " " 1120.00 fire 1970.00 • " " - 50.00 added to dept. of city clerk 1920. 00 net deductions Item of 4)995 transferred from the street department to items of $550 for • emergency warrants, making total emergency warrants $1,545.00. I/ ' Budget total $)49 ►896. 59 Net deductions 1,920 .00 47,976 . 59 Transfer to emergency wts . . . . . . 995.00 • 46,981 . 59 Inbrease of contingent fund to balance 100000000000000000000 . 72. 61 47, 054.20 Emergency warrants . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 , 545. 00 Total expenditures . . . . . .. . . . . . . . $48 , 599.20 RECEIPTS: 14.3 mills on a valuation of • 4)2, 55,469.00 0 , . . . . . . . . . 0000000 37 ,973. 20 Miscellaneous receipts 7,626. 00 Local Improvement advances . . . . . . 1, 000. 00 Total receipts . . . . . . . . 0 . . 0 0 . 0 , , {(48 i 5 99 0 2 0 Changes in Library Changes in the Library Fund are shown as -follows : Budget totals 4 ,408. 00 Deductions 0000 . 0000 . 000000 240.00 4 ,168.00 Emergency warrants 0000000000 . 0 , 240. 00 Total expenditures . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4 ,408.00 • RECEIPTS: 1. 51 mills on a valuation • of 2 ,655,469. 00 4 , 009.75 Miscellaneous receipts . . . . . . . . . 400. 00 - - 1)4 ,409.75 Changes in Changes in the General Bond Redemption Fund General Bond are shown as follows : Redemption Budg e t total . 0 0 . . 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 $1 7,5 7 2. 50 G 1 Deductions , 00000 . 40000000000 , 0 10 ,000.00 Total expenditures , , . . . . . . , . . . w 7, 572. 50 RECEIPTS: - 2 .86 mills on a valuation of $2 ,655,469.00 0 . . 0 . . 000000 . 7,594.64 r 2?8 October 7, 1929 , continued i. Water Changes in the Water Department are as follows : Budget estimated o ,a63 , 9 5. 00 Deductions 560.00 63 ,375.00 Transferred from Bond Redemption . . . . . . 000 . 000000000 10,000.00 Total expenditures 0 . . . . . . . 0 . . 0 73,375.00 11. Receipts: . Water revenue , . . . . . . . . 00 . . . 65,000.00 Plumbing inspections 00 . 0 . . 0000 • 315. 00 Transferred from General Bond Redemption 10,000.00 Total receipts ; 75,315.00 Budget The budget as a whole and as amended follows : CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Current Expense Fund Expenditures Salaries Mtce & Capital Interest & Wages Operation Outlay ,& Debt Red'n Total Executive 00. 00 00.00 Legislative 00.00 00.00 Clerk 830.00 284.00 83.25 1 ,197.25 Treasurer 8 0.00 253.00 1 ,206.58 2 ,289. 58 Attorney 760.00 25.00 805.'00 ' Engineer & LID 1,120. 00 50.00 3,000.00 4,170. 00 City Hall 180.00 795.00 975.00 Streets 7,200.00 5,910.00 1,587.00 14,697. 00 Fire 7,040.00 5,202.50 12,242. 50 Police 5,160.00 814.44 5,974.44 Police Judge 300.00 25.00 325.00 Sewers 300.00 300.00 Health 300.00 80.00 380.00 Elections 500.00 317.00 817. 00 Contingent 1,022. 61 1,022 .61 LID Guaranty 929.41 929 .41 LID Revolving 929.41 929.41I: . . f24,540;00 14,778. 55 4,670.25 3,065.40 47,054.20 Emergency warrants • 1 , 545.00 48 ,599.20 RECEIPTS • Direct taxation 14.$ mills on a valuation of $2 ,655;469.00 00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37,973.20 Miscellaneous receipts 00 . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 626 .00 . • Local Improvement advances . . . . . . . . . 3 ,000.00 . . ,,)48,599.20 LIBRARY FUND Library Fund . , . Expenditures . . . Salaries Mtce & Capital Int.& Debt & Wages Operation Outlay Redemption Total Library . . . . . 000 2,130000 938. 00 1 , 110.00 -- 4,408. 00 • RECEIPTS Direct taxation 1. 51 mills on a valuation . . . of 2 ,655,469.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 4,009.75 Miscellaneous receipts . . . . . . . . e o 0 0 400.00 $4,409.75' PARK. FUND Park Fund . . . Expenditures Parks 0 . . . , . . . . . Salaries Mtce & Capital Int. & Debt & Wages Operation Outlay Redemption Total Parks 2 ,000.00 .455.46 . . . 200.00 $2,655.46 III . . . . . . . . . . RECEIPTS Direct taxation one mill on a valuation of 2 ,655,469.00 o . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . 0 . 0 a2,655.46 ROAD & BRIDGE Road & Bridge Fund Expenditures • Salaries & Wages Mtce & Op. Total Roads and bridges 700. 00 300.00 1 ,000.00 Receipts from County Road & Bridge Fund . . . . . . . . . 4 ,000.00. IL . 279 October 7, 1929, continued Filling Lowlands FILLING LOWLANDS Expenditures / . Capital Outlay —_ Total Filling Lowlands 3 ,881.87 $3,881 .87 Receipts : Cash in fund $3 ,881.87 Water Department WATER DEPART_ENT Expenditures , Salaries Mtce & Capital Interest & Z1ages Operation Outlay & Debt Red'n Total General Water 11,280. 00 25,015.00 2 ,300. 00 34,780.00 $73 ,375. 00 Receipts : • Water revenues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - $75,000 .00 Plumbing insp. 115.00 $75,315.00 • GENERAL BOND REDEMPTION General Bond - Expenditures Redemption Retirement of Road and Watermain Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L4,000 .00 Interest on above bond issue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 . 0 . . . . 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 747 . 50 Retirement of Public Street Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,500.00 Interest on above bond issue 1 , 325. 00 Retirement of General ',later Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 000 . 000. 00 7, 57.2. 50 Receipts.: Direct taxation 2.86 mills on a valuation of $2 ,6 5 5,4 6 9 . 0 0 ® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7, 59 4.64 Ordinance The City Attorney advised that an ordinance levying a tax for municipal purposes for the year 1930 would be introduced at the next regular meeting of the city council. Adjourn The city council did then adjourn. . r, (7 .' ,1/ , / �,.; - / • -< • Mayor 17 Attest : " M. A. Hartmann, City Clerk Byll.,-2., ,..: ,et 2/---r .�� �..z---- Deputy Totals Current Expense 47,054 .20 Library. 4 ,168.00 Park 2 ,655.46 Road & Bridge 1 ,000.00 • . Filling Lowlands 3 ,881 .87 General Bond Red'n 7, 572 . 50 ',dater Department 71, 175. 00 139,707. 03 Emergency warrants 1.785.00 Total $141 ,492.03 i . Mills levied: Current Expense 14.30 Library 1. 51 - Park 1.00 Bond Redemption 2 .86 19.67 r 280 October 15, 1929. Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session with Mayor Haley presiding and Councilmen Burke, Kaune , McCracken, Neely and Rogers answering roll calla Absent, Gilkey and Olson. • Minutes approved The minutes of the previous meetings were aporoved as read. City Engineer (In. The City Engineer reported that the sewer between 4th and 5th Streets and sewer between 4th & ,U and V Avenues was in progress of construction, and that the paving on 17th I/ • 5th Sts. Street by the Pulp Mill was well under way. • Communication from the Water Superintendent stating that pursuant to verbal Hydrant at corner of instruction by the chairman of the Water Committee the Water Departnebt had 39th & Commercial completed the installation of a new 5-inch hydrant at the northwest corner of the intersection of 39th Ctreet and Commercial Avenue, was read. A motion was made by Councilman Kaune , seconded by McCracken, that the action of the Water Committee be approved and report accepted and placed on file . Motion carried. 8-inch watermain on The Water Superintendent submitted a report on the relaying of the 8-inch R Avenue between watermain on Avenue R between 17th .and 19th streets west of the Great Northern 17th & 18th Sts . Railway Company trackage at a total cost of p923 .48 , of vahich amount the Puget Sound Pulp and Timber Company agreed to pay 450 .00 and the Great Northern Railway Company 0350.00. During the progress of the work the 'later Department accepted an offer to construct a pipe drain from the low ground at 18th and R to Fidalgo Bay at the expense of the Puget Sound Pulp and Timber Company, which aided materially in disposing of the water drained from the mains. The cost of the drain was $620.0. On motion the report was accepted and placed on file. Replacement of old Councilman Burke said that the city council would soon have to consider the wooden mains replacement of a number of old wooden mains as they were costing the department about $40 . 00 a month to maintain, especially the one on N Avenue whichwas nearly gone. A motion was madeby Councilman McCracken , seconded by Kaune, that the Committee on Fire , Water and Light bring in a report on all the old wooden mains , , and giving the estimated cost of replacement on the N Avenue main. Motion carried. was read Communication from the Nelson School P.T.A. asking the city council to have Safety signs placed _ _safety.sasfe,ty ,s.i,gns placed at the. Nelson and Dobers schools, as the traffic at certain at Nelson School times of. the day was, heavy and there were many speeders. As the street department and Dobers School . . .had .j.us.t finished painting the signs on the pavement at the Nelson School, the . , .communication was recieved and ordered placed on file. Flooding of basement Communication from Douglass Allmond relative to flooding of basement of the at Empire Building Empire Theatre building during the rainy season by the backing up of the water . in the Commercial Avenue sewer and asking that the sewer be flushed at this time , was read and referred to the Committee on Streets and Parks and Superintend of Streets for attention. Street light at cor- Petition from M. 0. Berentson and others for a street light at the corner of near of 30th & K Ave. 30th Street and K Avenue was read and referred to the Committee on Fire, filter and Light. • Petition for street Petition from 0. J. Saxby and others for a street light at the corner of 34th ' light as 34th & M- Ave and M Avenue, was read and referred to the Committee on Fire , Water & Light. Hearing of protests It being the time for hearing of protests on the vacation of thealley in on vacation of alley Block 15 and Block 16, Bowmans CSH:'1F Plat for LlewellynCobk and Edith N. Adams , in Blocks 15 and 16 the Mayor called for protests. There were none , either written or verbal, arid Bowmans the ..Mayor declared the time for hearing of protests closed. • A motion was made by Councilman Burke , seconded by Kaune , that the ordinance Ordinance re vacating the alley in Block 15 and Block 16, Bowmans CSHWF Plat be placed on vacati n of alley in its first and second reading by title; on motion ordinance was placed on its Blocks 15 & 16 scond reading by title; on motion ordinance was referred. to the City Attorney and Judiciary Committee . Ordinance ;# Ordinance No . being an ordinance levying a tax upon the real and personal levying a tax property within the City of Anacortes, Skagit County, Washington, for municipal • purposes for the year 1930, was on motion placed on its first reading by title; on motion ordinance was placed on its second reading by title ; on motion ordinance was referred to the Committee on Judiciary and City Attorney. Ordinance# •Ordinance No . m being an ordinance amending Saction 4 of Ordinance No . 326 • amending Ord. #326 of the City of Anacortes, was on motion placed on its first reading by title ; on motion ordinance was placed on its second reading by title ; on motion ordinance was referred to the Committee on Judiciary and City Attorney Ordinance No . Ordinance No. , being an ordinance granting to the Great Northern Railway granting franchise Company, its successors and assigns, the right , privilege and authority to to GN ry Co . lay down , construct , maintain and operate a railroad track or tracks on, along, over and across "R" Avenue in the City of Anacortes, and granting to said Company, its successors and assigns, a right of way for such track or tracks , was on on motion placed on its first reading by title ; on motion ordinance was placed on its second reading by title ; on motion ordinance 1/ . was referrd to the Judiciary Committee and Judiciary Committee. on Second and other streets Bids on Cap Sante Bids for the construction of the Cap Sante watermai/were presented and on watermain motion of Councilman Burke , seconded by Kaune, the City Clerk was instructed to open them. Motion carried. Alternate Alternate Alternate Alternate A B C D Creosoted Wood Pipe ).181414 October 15, 1929, continued Alternate Alternate Alternate Alternate A B C D Creosoted Sand Cast Centrifu . McWane Pre- . flood Pipe Iron Pipe gaily east calked Joint Iron pipe Cast Iron PiDi Natermaso & Ioff redo. . . . . . „ 0 8 ,945.85 9,793.30 9, 739 . 30 9,436.30 Seattle . I/ Conguisto & Greco , . . . . . . . . . . 8 ,331.00 8, 741 . 30 9 , 017. 00 Seattle Norris Bros . 7, 512 .10 9,712.10 am Burlington Chasteen & Dorsey.. . . . . . . . . . .. 7,970.85 9 ,621 .45 8 ,521.45 8 , 797.45 Bellingham • The Water Superintendent was instructed to retire and compute the bids. Application for Mr. James Griffith Stephens appeared before the city council and made application mineral lease by for a prospecting permit for the purpose of prospecting for and developing any • ' James Griffith mineral except coal, oil or natural gas on 160 acres of watershed land in Stephens section 26 belonging to the city for a term of two years with privilege of renewing for a period not exceeding 20 years . Councilman McCracken moved that permission be granted to lease the property to Mr. Stephens for a term of two years with renewal privileges of 20 years at an annual rental of y;,1. 00 per acre and 2% royalty on all moneys received from the sale of mineral from the lands covered by the lease . Also that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the lease . Motion seconded by Burke. Roll call : Ayes , Burke , Kaune , McCracken,• Neely and Rogers. Nays none . MINERAL PROSPECT LEASE. Mineral Prospect lease st THIS INDENTURE made this '15th day of October, 1929, by and between the City of Anacortes , a Municipal Corporation as Lessor and James Griffith Stephens as • lessee : UITNESSETH: That the City of Anacortes in consideration of the covenants herein contained, lets , leases and demise unto the lessee , the following describe land, situated in the City of Anacortes, County of Skagit , State of Washington , to-wit : The Southeast quarter (SEx) of the Northwest quarter (N17-) and the Northeast quarter (NE;}) of the Southwest quarter (SWi) and the Southeast quarter (SE4) of the South- west quarter (SW4) and the Southwest quarter (S:'I=-) of the Southeast quarter (SE-t) all in Section Twenty-six (26) Township 35, N.R. 1 E.W.M. • TO HAVE AND TO HOm unto the use of the said Lessee for the term of two years .' from the date hereof for the purpose of prospecting for and developing any mineral except coal, oil and natural gas , that may be found upon said premises and for no other purpose and subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. The lessee may during the - term of this lease develope any mine or mines upon said premises and may remove not more than five tons of ore therefrom for assaying and testing purposes and shall remove no ore for any other purpose. • Within sixty days prior to the expiration of this leas.: the lessee may apply to the City of Anacortes for a new lease thereof and shall thereby aaauire the right to such new lease shich said new lease shall include the following terms; Said lease shall be for a period not exceeding 20 years from the date thereof . Said lease shallprovide that it is for the purpose of exploring, mining and taking out and removing therefrom the ore therein contained except coal, whioh is or may be hereafter found in or on said land, togetherwith the right to constructall buildings, make all excavations , ditches, drains, roads, concentrators and other improvements upon said premises which are or may become necessary or suitable for the mining or removal of ore containing valuable mineral except coal, from said premises. Said leass shall specifically provide that the lessee shall have not right to cut, use or damage any growing timber upon said premises for any purpose and the removal thereof shall only be permitted where the same is necessary for construct- ion as heretofore permitted. The said lease shall furtherprovide that as rental the lessee will pay to the lessor a royalty of two (2) percent on all moneys received from the sale of lwima^0 , fuom the lands covered thereby and in addition to such ruyalty an annual rental of One Dollar per acre for the land included in said contract. The City of Anacortes reserves the right by and through its proper officer or officers to grant such easements or rights or way of necessity over, through or across said lands or any part thereof as are now or may hereafter be author- ised by laws The City of Anacortes reserves the right of the use of the said lands for the purpose of water sheds as the same are now being used and lessee specifically covenants that he will not do , :'erform or suffer to be done or performed anything upon said lands to cause contamination of the water from said- water shed. 44 • October 15, 1929, continued. The lessee shall not sublet the above described premises or transfer possession thereof without the approval of the lessor excepting only that a transfer may be be made by lessee to a corporation organized or to be organzied for the purpose of developing the prospect of which this lease is a part. • It is agreed by the lessee that a breach of any of thecnditions herein contained or the doing of any act hereinabove prohibited shall work a for- feiture of all his rights under this lease, and that the same mgy thereupon • be cancelled by the lessor throught its city council. Executed in duplicate the day and year above written. • CITY OF ANACORTES, By F. N. Haley, Mayor Attest : M. A. Hartmann, City Clerk By Marion Watkinson, Deputy (Corporate Seal ) James Griffith Stephens , Lessee . The Street Commissioner reported that the residents on 28th Street between Street improvements Commercial and 0 Avenues wanted the block graded and gravelled by the city on 28th between and had deposited $50. 00 for the work with the City Treasurer. A motion Commercial & 0 Ave. was nade by 'Councilman Burke , seconded .by Neely, that the Street Superintendent proceed with the work to the amount of 050.00. Motion carried. The Street Commissioner stated that the shoes on tractor plates were worn out Tractor plates and would about $70.'00 to renew. The matter was referred to the Committeeon Streets and Parks . Recess The Mayor declared a recess. Bids on Cap Sante On return of the 'Dater Superintendent with the computed bids on Cap Sante watermain Watermains the Mayor called the council to order. A motion was made by Councilman McCracken that the bid of Norris Bros. for Bid of Norris Bros. 07,512. 10 for creosoted wood pipe be accepted. Motion seconded by Kaune . Roll accepted call: Ayes, Burke, Neely, Kaune , McCracken. Rogers not voting. Certified checks A motion was made by Councilman McCracken , seonnded by Kaune , that the certified returned checks of unsuccessful bidders be returned. Motion carried. Adjourn The city council did then adjourn. 0%1 ).4( . May o r Attest : M. A. Hartmann, City "Clerk, By � ,467X7//e- .a-1 Deputy 2831 November 5, 1929 v i Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session wity Mayor Haley presiding and Councilmen Kaune, Neely, Olson and Rogers answering roll call. Absent, Gilkey, Burke and McCracken. Minutes ;;,. roved The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. City Attorney on Report of City Attorney, Ben Driftmier, to whom was referred the case of Smith vs City Alvin Smith and Agnes Smith vs. City of Anacortes, was as follows: • "As per my converstaion with a number of the members personally; the case of Smith vs . Anacortes set for trial October 30th was continued by mutual agreement . Plaintiff has agreed to an acceptance of y?300 for the satisfaction of this case and its dismissal with prejudice . I would recommend the settlement be accepted and a warrant authorized for that amount. " A motion was made by Councilman Olson, seconded by Neely, that the report be adopted. Ayes, Neely, Olson and Rogers. Nays , Kaune. Motion carried. City Attorney on Report of City Attorney, Ben :,ariftmier, on ordinance No . 790, being an ordinance Ord. #790 vacating alley in Block 15 and 16, Bowman° s CSHWF Plat, stating that same was correct in form, was read and adopted. City Attorney on Repoft of City Attorney, Ben Driftmier, on Ordinance No . , 791, being an ordinance Ord. #791 levying a tax for municipal purposes for the year 19p0, stating that the ordinance was correct in form, was read and adopted. • Report of City Treas. Report of City Treasurer was referred to the Committee on Finance. referred . heport of Chief of Report of Chief of Police was referred to the Committee on Finance . Police referred Report of Just. ref. Report of Police Justice was referred to the Committee on Finanace .. Comm. from fire chief Communication from the Chief of the Fire .Department stating that it was about re hose time to purchase fire and chemical hose and that provision had been made in the budget for the expenditure, was read. A motion was made by Councilman Olson, seconded by Neely, that the City Clerk call for bids on fire hose to be" opened Tuesday, November 19th. Motion carried. Judiciary on Ord .790 Report of Judiciary Committee on Ordinance No . 790, being an ordinance vacating the alley in Blocks 15 and 16, Bowman°s CSHVTF Plat, recommending that the ' ordinance do pass, was read and adopted. Judiciary on Ord. 791 Report of Judiciary Committee on Ordinance No . 791;being an ordinance levying a: tax for municipal purposes for the year 1930, recomIdend that the ordinance do pass, was read and adopted. Petition from Thos. Petition from Thomas Mitchell for permission to obtain license for two card Mitchell for card tables at 1005 20th Street, was read and referred to the Committee on License table license and Police . Petition from Ed Petition from Ed Rogers and others for fire hydrant at I1rst and Oaks Avenue Rogers et al for was read and referred to the Committee on Fire , Water and Light . hyd ran t Petition from Ladies Petition from the Ladies Improvement Club asking that some official action be Impr. Vlub to move taken to discontinue the storing of garbage at 13th Street between "0" and garbage dump bommercial Avenues and recommending a location on the tide land between 9th and 10th streets, owned by the Port of Anacortes , was read. The matter was referred to the Committee on Streets and Parks. Petition from Gus Petition from Gus Hensler to construct a sheet iron cover for storage of Hensler to cover . fuel wood about 10 ' x 122 in area at the rear of 916 Sixth Street, was read shed in fire limits and referred to the Committee on Buildings and Sewers. Petition from Fred Petition from Fred Johnson to construct a cement walk four feet wide and not Johnson to construct less than 30 inches from the property line on the east side of Commercial cement sidewalk Avenue on 20th Street , in front of his lots , was read and referred to the Committee on Streets and Parks and City Engineer. • Petition from J. F. Petition from J. F. Collins and others for removal of large gravel and boulders Collins et al for on Seventh Street between K and G Avenues, and substitution of gravel suitable improvement of 7th for street surfacing, without cost to abutting property, was read and referred St . from K to G to the Committee on Streets and Parks. Ordinance No . 790 Ordinance No , ?90, being an ordinance vacating the alley in Block Fifteen and Block Sixteen, Bowmnan 's Ship Harbor Water Front Plat of the City of Anacortes, Skagit County, Washington, was on motion placed on its third and final reading by sections. On motion the title was adopted as read; on motion section 1 was adopted as read; on motion section 2 was adopted as read; on motion the ordinance as a rJ;coleend as read was adopted. Roll call : Ayes , Neely, Kaune, Olson & Rogers. Nays, nnne . Ordinance No . T91 Ordinance No . 791 , being an ordinance levying a tax upon the real and personal property within the City of Anacortes, Skagit County, Washington , for municipal purposes for the year 1930, was on motion placed on its third and final reading by sections. On motion the title was adopted as read; on motion section 1 was adopted as read; on motion section 2 was adop. ed as read; on motion section 3 was adopted as read; on motion theordinance us a whole and as read was adopted. Roll call : Ayes, Kaune , Neely, Olson and Rogers. Nays , none. r 28.z.1 , --1.., November 5th, 1929, continued. u Ord. NO . Ordinance Too , being an ordinance providing for the disposition of moneys received from dog licenses in the City of Anacortes by the County Treasurer was on motion placed on its first reading by 'title ; on motion ordinance was placed on its second reading by title; on motion ordinance was referred to the • Judiciary Committee and City Attorney. Change of pipe in A motion was made by Councilman Kaune that plain wood pipe , specially wrapped LID #145 and dipped, be installed in the Cap Sante watermain improvement instead of the creosoted wood pipe specified in the bid of Norris Bros. on October 15th. Motion seconded by Neely and carried. Surety bond of Surety bond of Norris Bros. in the amount of Ci7,512. 00 for the improvement Norris Bros. approved of Second Street et al bywatermain was accepted and certified check for 3 400 and check ordered accompanying bid of Norris Bros. October 15th was ordered returned. returned • The Committee on Sewers and Buildings was requested to make a report on the Want report on sewer sewer between Commercial and q Avenues on 3rd street at the next meeting of the on 3rd . city council. Street Superintendent Lenning reported that the grading and gravelling of 28th Grading and gravell. Street between Commercial and had been completed at a cost of 050.00, the ing of 27th and 28th amount donated for the purpose by the property owners. Also that the grading sts. and gravelling of 27th street between Commercial & 0 would be over the amount donated, but that the property owners would pay the amount. Sidewalk fenced in Mr. Barrington who lives on 28th Street between S and R Avenues , asked the at. 28th & R city council what could be done about removing a fence that the enclosed the sidewalk neai his place , stating that the fence had been put there by spite. The matter was referred to the Committee on Streets and Parks. Claims Claims filed against the Current Expense Fund and other city fundsfor the month of October, as follows , were read and referred to the Committee on Finance CURRENT ENT EXPENSE FUND Vim. Blaikie Engineering work on 17th St. 20.00 R. B. Phillips' 1674 Salary as city engineer & wiring insp. 60. 0D AAnacortes Stm Ldy 1675 Laundry forfire dept. 4. 57 • G W. Shannon & Co . 1676 Supplies for fire , streets & city hall 15.08 Fred Fisher 1677 Special fireman 3.00 Joe Hagzn ' 1678 Special fireman • 3. 25 Lynn Balcomb 1679 Special fireman 3. 75 I/ Thos. Conway 1680 Salary as fire chief & janitor 165.00 A. M. Gnaga 1681 Special fireman 2. 00 H & D Superservice 1682 Fan belt and batteries fire & pol 3. 70 Eugene Buney 1683 Salary as fireman 130. 00 L. E. Snider -1684 Salary as fireman 130. 00 Jas. Colgan 1685 Salary as fireman 135. 00 %n Buren & Heller 1686 Nails for sts. a 3. 75 Schwartz Iron Wks 1687 Labor and supplies for sts. 13 .15 Curtis Wharf Co . 1688 Frt an barrel of asphalt 1. 01 Marine Supply 1689 Supplies for sts. 28 . 16 Anacortes L & B Co . 1690 Lamber for sts. / 1 .25 0. A. Lenning 1691 Salary as at. supt & cash adv. 152 .10 Lynn Balcomb 1692 Truck driver 135. 00 T. Dodson 1693 Labor 100.00 E. Strom 1694 Labor • 108.00 Vim. Weeks 1695 Labor 78. 75' Curtis Wharf Co . 1696 Cement for sts. 4.80 Standard Oil Go . 1697 Gear oil for sts . 19. 51 J. T. March 1698 Salary as patrolmen 135. 00 H. N. Wood 1699 Salary as patrolman • 1j5.00 Al Sellinthin 1700 Salary as chief of police 160 .00 ;vest Coa t Tel Co . 1701 Tolls for police and clerk , • 2.10 Schwartz Iron Wks 1702 Labor and supplies for police & fire 5. 24 • Trulson Motor 1703 Oil for police 7. 30 L. Hartman 1704 specifications LID #145 9. 58 Fa E. Bertrand, Aud 1705 Recording deeds 2. 50 G. N. Ry Co . 1706 Lease for sidewalk crossing 2. 00 `,later Department 1707 Hydrant rental 300.00 Anacortes American 1708 Publishing for LIDs foreclosure 239 . 72 Puget Sound P & L Co . 1709 Lights a t city hall, sts & crusher 270 . 35 'F. G. Abbey 1710 Salary as police judge 25.00 H. E. Frost 1711 Salary as health officer 25. 00 E. R. Hartman 1712 Salary as city clerk 65.00 Marion V tkinson 1714 Salary as city treas & cash adv. 65.60 Western Uion Tel Co . 1715 Telegrams 3. 33 Anacortes American 1716 Gasoline books 17. 50 Texas Oil Co . 1717 Gasoline for pump 285.86 State Treasurer 1718 Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid 21 .7,0 Bud Phillips 1719 Surveyors helper 5. 00 Wm. Thayer 1720 Surveyors helper 8.00 Ben Driftmier 1721 Salal•y as c ity attorney 15.00 Dave°s Tire Shop 1722 Tire repairs for police . 50 4�3,127. 11 IL .'1 285 . . November 5, 1929, continued GENERAL '.:"ATER FUND Chas. P. Stapp 1967 Postage 20. 00 W. E. Moss 1968 Salary as superintendent 250.00 Tru1son Motor Co. 1969 Glass for private car 10. 75 Current Expense Fund 1970 Gasoline from city pump 17.15 ' I/ H & D Superservice 1971 Gas and oil 32 .83 Curtis Wharf Co . 1972 Sand and gravel 9.36 West Coast Tel Co . 1973 Tolls and rentals 4.25 The Fix It Shop 1974 Sharpening tools 4. 75 Shannons Hardware 1975 Supplies ?,6. 4 Puget Sound P & L Co . - 1976 Power 1176.57 Simpsons Electric Shop 1977 Dry cells for telephone 3 .25 W. S. parley & Co . 1978 parchlorite gas pen 7.89 Marine Supply 1979 Supplies 111. 71 Knapp & Ronneberger 1980 Repairs on cars 11.35 Anacortes Lumber & Box 1981 Lumber 44. 75 Anacortes Wrecking Co . 1982 Wheels and rims 6.00 Anacortes Radieo & App. 1983 Repairs on pump 5. 62 Rensselaer Valve Co . 1984 Hydrants 139.00 C. A. Walsh 1985 Heating stove 6 .00 Curtis ';fharf Co . 1986 Pipe plug 1 . 55 Crane Co . 1987 Flappers 9 .41 L Willoughby 1988 Labor andplumbing insp. 166. 00 Chas. Tennis 1969 Labor 3. 00 L. Hartman 1990 Clerical work 8 .81 H. Havery 1991 Labor 3. 00 Jim Jensen 1992 Labor 126. 50 Dave Riggs 1993 Labor 126. 50 Frank Hagan 1994 Salary as asst. filter op 110.00 Ernest Knapp 1995 Salary as filter operator 135.00 Sparks Transfer 1996 Drayage 4.00 Schwartz Iron 'orks 1997 Welding 2. 50 Marion llatkinson 1598 Salary as city treas. and bookkeeper 45.00 M. A. Hartmann 1999 Salary as cashier 125.00 Fern Press 2000 Binder 4.00 General Chemical Co . 2001 Aluminum shlphate 415.50 State Treasurer 2002 Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid 13 22_ ,�3,187.0 LIBRARY' FUND . iH. W. Dowd 143 Salary as janitor for Sept 30.00 Kate Hanseroth 144 Salary as asst. librarian 60.00 E. Luella Howard 145 Salary as linrarian and cash adv. 94. 95 Ellen Miller 146 Salary as second asst. lib. 20.00 H. W. Dowd 147 Salary as janitor for October 25.00 Anacortes American 148 Printing cards 13 . 50 Puget Sound P & L Co . 149 -Light 10.47 Water Department 150 -dater for two months _,.2. 60_ 261 . 2 PARK FUND Van Buren & Heller 571 Supplies for parks 4. 85 . Puget Sound & Alakka Powder Co. 752 Stumping powder 46.00 Clint Knapp 573 , Labor 109.50 J. E. Harding 574 Labor 100.00 F. A. Bristol 575 Labor 100. 00 360.35 ETO7RGENCY FUND Ben Driftmier 1 Salary as city attorney 50 .00 Curtis Wharf Co . 2 Coal for city hall 46.69 Kueffel & Esser 3 Supplies for city engineer 7 . 79 0. 176.4b Finance on claims Report of Committee on Finance to whom were referred the claims againstthe Current Expense Fund and other city funds for the month of October, recommending that the blaims le allowed and warrants drawn for same, was read and adopted. Roll call : Ayes, Kaune, Neely, Olson and Rogers. Nays, none. Adjourn There being no further business the city council did then adjourn. Approved in open session this 19th day of November, 1929 . V *9 -7 ,,./. I/ l'y c ); • fJ.„•-',.<'... .,:_...,r-'47 U Mayor Attest: M. A. Hartmann, City Clerk By771-,,.--�-- - -fr;--64.-„r„_'' Deputy 1 Ai r Q 6 November 14th, 1929 Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in special session with Mayor Haley presiding and Councilmen Burke , Kaune , McCracken, Neely, Olson and Rogers . Absent , Gilkey. Purpose of meeting The purpose of the meeting was to hear the reading of the report on the Reading of water Skagit river project submitted by W. C . Morse Company, Consulting Engineers . report On motion of Councilman McCracken the report was accepted and placed on file . Report accepted Motion seconded by Olson and carried. Adjourn The city council did then adjourn. . Approved in open session this 19th day of November, 1929. G„...„.„-, Mayor ' Attest: M. A. Hartmann, City Clerk . • Deputy • • • • • • • 4 • • • • I • • • • • • • • ll 287 November 19 , 1929 . 1 Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session with Mayor Haley presiding and Councilmen Burke , Kaune , McCracken, Neely, Olson and Rogers responding to roll call. Absent Gilkey. I/ Minutes approved The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted o. City Atty on Ord. of City Attorney on ordinance No . 794 being an ordinance relating to 794 moneys collected by the County Treasurer for dog licenses, stating that same tiraa correct in form, was read and adopted. City Attorney on Report of City Attorney on Ordinance No . 793 , being an ordinance granting .to the Ord. 793 Great Northern Ry Coa .the right to construct a trabk on R Avenue , as follows, was read : "I would recommend that time of franchise should correspond with general franchise ordinance . Also that portion of Section 3 beginning on line 10., page 3 , with words "said right , however" and from then to end of section should be eliminated" On motion the report was adapted . Comm. from '.later Communication from the water superintendent stating that the sum of 4 1,420.60 Supt. re payments had been received by the City Treasurer from the Puget Sound Pulp and Timber Co . from P. S. Pulp & and the Great Northern Railway Company in full payment of their obligations in Timber Co . and connection with relaying and renewing the watermain on Avenue R between 17th G. N. Ry Co . and 19th Streets and co structing a storm water drain on 18th Street pdoduced east from R Avenue to Fidalgo Bay, and that his objections to the passage. of an ordinance granting a franchise on R Avenue to the Great Northern, were removed, was read and adopted. Water Supt . on Communication from the water superintendent relative to water situation and the water situation urgent need of obtaining an additional supply without delay, was on motion of MCCracken , seconded by Olson , was referred to the Committee on Fire , '.pater and Light . Judiciary on Report of Committee on Judiciary on Ordinance No . 793 , being an ordinance Ord. 793 granting to the Great Northern Railway Companh the right to construct maintain and operate a railroad track along R Avenue , recommending that the time of franchise be made to correspond with Great Northern Railway Company' s general franchise , also that that portion of Section 3 begining on line 10, page 3 I/ with words , "said right , however" and from there to end of section 3 be stricken , and recommending the ordinance as amended be passed, was read and adopted . License & Pol. on Report on License & Pollee on petition from Thos . Mitchell for two card tables petition from Thos . at 20th and Commercial, recommending that the license be granted, was read and Mitchell for license adopted. Fire , ',Water & L Report of Committee on Fire , '.later and Light on amendment to ordinance relating on amendment to to buildings in fire limits, recommending that the ordinance do pass and that Ordinance the wor' ds twenty-five per cent (250) be inserted after the word exceed in the eleventh line , was read and adopted. Amendment of Ord. A motion was made by Councilman Burke , seconded by Rogers , that in Ordinance 792 No . ?92 , being an ordinanee amending Section 4 of Ordinance No . 326, that the words "forty percent" be inserted after the word exceed, instead of twenty- five percent as recom•aended in the report of the Committee on Fire , slater and Light. Lotion carried. City Atty on Ord . Report of City Attorney on Ordinance No . 792, being an ordinance amending 792 Section 4 of Ordinance No . 326, stating that same was correct in form. Ordinance 792 Ordinance No . 792 , being an ordinance amending Section 4 of Ordinance No . 326 was on motion placed on its third and final reading by sections; on motion the title was adopted as read; on motion section 1 was adopted as read; on motion section 2 was adopted as read; on motion the ordinance as a whole and as read was adopted. Roll call : Ayes , Burke , Kaune, McCracken , Neely, Olson and Rogers. Nays , none. • Ordinance 793 Ordinance No . 793, being an ordinance granting to the Great Northern Railway Company, its successors and assigns , the right , privilege and authority to lay down, construct, maintain and operate a railroad track or tracks on , along„ over and across ".H" Avenue in the City of Anacortes, and granting to said Company, its successors and assigns , a right of bray for such trspk .r trac s vas on motion placed on its third and final reading by sections.. n motiona section section 1 was read. At this point a motion was made by Councilman Burke seconded by Kaune , that section 1 be amended in such a manner that the life of the franchise correspond with that of the general franchise of the Great Northern Railway. Motion carried. On motion section 1 as amended was read and adopted, on motion section section 2 was adopted as read; on motion section 3 was adopted; on motion section 4 was read and adopted; on motion section 5 was read and adopted; on motion section 6 was read and adopted/on motion section 6 was read and adopted; on motion s;ection 7 was read and adopted; on motion t. e ordinance as a whole and was amended and read,was adopted. Roll call : Ayes , urke , Kaune, Neely McCracken , Olson and Rogers. Nays ,' none . Ordinance 794 Ordinance No . 794 , being an ordinance providing for the disposition of moneys received from dog licenses in the City of Anacortes by the County Treasurer was on motion placed on its third and final reading by sections. On motion the title was adopted as read; on motion section 1 was adopted as read; on motion section 2 was adopted as read ; on motion the ordinance as a whole and as read was adopted. Roll cull : Ayes , Burke , Kaune , McCracken, Olson ,..Neely arid'ltogers . Nays , none . Ai r288 • November 19 , 1929 , continued. Comm. from Fred Cook Communication from Fred Cook stating that he would like to blty some first re cutting timber on growth timber on the watershed lands at 75 cents a cord stumpage , was read watershed and rejected. Anacortes Chamber of Communication from the Anacortes Chamber of Commerce request..ng that the city co Commerce ask to have council publish in full the report of the consulting engineers on the proposed water report published Skagit river water project , was read and placed on file. Motion by McCracken , seconded by Burke and carried. Deed from the G. .N. Deed from the Great Northern Railway Company covering dedication for street Ry Co . purposes property between 14th and 15th Streets , to be known as "Q" Avenue , was presented to the city council. .A motion was made by Councilman McCracken, seconded by Kaune, that the deed be referred to the City Attorney and rejected in its present form. Motion carried. Petition from J. E. Petition from J. E. Trafton for application for a jermit to prospect for Trafton to prospect a period of six months from date hereof, the city holdings in Section 1, Twp. on watershed land for 34 N, Range 1 East and Section 6 in Twp. 34N, Range 2 east , for any minerals minerals except coal , oil and natural gas, was read and referred to the City Engineer, City Attorney and Water Superintendent for report at the next meeting of ihe city council. Bids on fire hose In response to a published call tiao - bids were presented for fire and chemical hose:from the following companies : Vashington Rubber Co . Eureka Fire Hose Mfg. Co . A. G. Long Co . , B. F. Goodrich Rubber Co . Pioneer .Rubber Hills The Mayor declared a recess to consider the bids presented. After due consideration of the bids the Mayor called the city council to order. A motion was made by Councilman LcCracken, seconded by Neely, that the bid of the Eureka Fire Hose Mfg. Co . for 500 ft . of 21'" Red Cross fire hose J 41. 30 per ft. be accepted, and the bid of the B. F. Goodrich Rubber Company for 200 ft. more or less of 3/4t9 chemical hose- Q 45% per foot be accepted. Roll call : Ayes, Burke, •haune , McCracken, Neely, Olson. Nays, none. Motion carried. Petition of Gus A motion was made by Councilman McCracken , seconded by Burke , that the petition Hensler to cover of Gus Hensler to cover roof of shed in fire limits at 916 Sixth Street , with shed in fire limits sheet iron, be granted. Mption _carried. granted There being no further business the city council did then adjourn. Approved in open session this 3rd day of December, 1929. (r)fl Mayor Attest: M. A. Hartmann, City Clerk By Deputy . 2894/ , December 3 , 1929 Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session with Mayor Haley presiding and Councilmen Burke, Gilkey, Kaune , McCracken, Neely and I/ Rogers answering roll call. Absent , Olson. Minutes adopted The minutes . of the previous meeting were read and adopted. City Treas. rep.ref. Report of the City Treasurer was referred to the Commmittee on Finance . . . City Treas. re Com,iunication from City Treasurer recommending that deposits on plans deposits on plans in LID 145, uncalled for since October, be forfeited and credited to the district , was read and adopted. Report of Pol.Just Report of Police Justice was referred to the Committee on Finance referred Report of Chief of Report of Chief of Police was referred to the Committee on Finance . Police referred The City Engineer, R. B. Phillips, to whom was referred the matter of bringing City Engineer on about a settlement with Mrs. Mary Powers regarding strip of land lying at the settlement with Mrs. intersection of 37th St and Commercial Avenue and running easterly along 37th Powers street, reported that the difficulty had been settled and deed to land obtained. On motion the report was adopted. City Engineer on The City Engineer reported that the sewer between 19th and 20th Streets and sewer between 19th K and M Avenues was being installed by the property owners at their own expense . & 20th Sts . & K & The report was adopted. . M Av e s . City. Eng. on sewer The City Engineer reported that the laying of the sewer line by individuals on 4th & V in alley between 4th and 5th Streets and U and V Avenues had been completed in a workmanlike manner. The report was adopted. City Eng. on com- The City Engineer, to whom was referred the paving of 17th street from Commercial pletion of paving on to R by the Fidalgo Pulp Mfg. Co . , stated that the work was completed and the 17th St . by Pulp Co . street open to traffic , also that the work was very well done. The rport was adopted. 1st estimate on Water Superintendent , W. E. Moss, submitted the following estimate on the Cap LID 145 Sante watermain work, L. I .D. 145: Clearing and grubbing 50% of lump sum 3400. 00 . . . . , 0200.00 . 619 wood pipe 1500 lin. ft. g 01. 00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 , 500. 00 4IP n " 1700 " " . .80 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ,360. 00 I/ . 5" hydrants 2 120 . Q0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240 . 00 Orr n 2 50.00 160 . 00 Rock excavation 30 cu. yds $10. 00 300. 00 3 ,760 .00 Less 15% .retained . , , . . . . . . 64.00 Amount due contractor on this estimate . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 ,19 00 Report adopted On motion of Councilman McCracken, seconded by Burke, . the report was adopted and mat- ter ordered brought up under unfinished business . 'Dater Supt. on In the matter of the appiicat_on of J. E. Trafton for permission to petition of J. E. prospect for .Llineral in the city owned land, the :later Superintendent submitted Trafton to prospect the following report : for mineral on city watershed land In the matter of the aaiplication of J. 'E. Trafton for permission to prospect for mineral in the city owned land in Section 1, Twp . 34 N, Rl E, and in Section 6 Twp. 34 N. R2 E referred to me for report I beg to advise that practically all of the two sections described lie in the drainage area of the 'Thistle Lake water shed. Since the city has been to a great deal of expense to acquire and preserve this water shed in its native state in order that all possible contaimnation may be excluded from our storage reservoir, I think it would not be to the best interest of the city to . permit uncontrolled activities of any kind in this area. I therefore report that , in my opinion, the request of Mr. Trafton should be denied. On motion of Councilman Burke , seconded by Neely, the report was received and placed on file . Report of Sts. & Pks Report of Committee on Streets on Parks on matter of shoes on tractor plates for on shoes for tractor street department , recommending that same be purchased, was read and adopted. Report of Committee on Buildings and Sewers on petition from Gus Hensler for Bldgs . & sewers on sheet iron cover for shed at 916 Sixth street , recommending that permission be petition from Hen- granted, was read and adopted. sler to roof shed He ort of Comittee on Fire , '.rater and Light on street light on the corner of .I/ Fire., 'Eater & Light 34th and Y.: Ave. , recommending that an 80C .r. lgith.be installed at this point on street light at was read and adopted.. 34th & M Report of Committee on Fire , Crater and Light on matter of street light at the Fire, ',later & Light corner of 30th and K Avenue , recommending that an 80 c .p. light be installed on street light at was read and adopted. 30th & K Petition from E. Van Buren , Clyde L. ray and others for a street light at the Petition for street corner of 9th and "0" Avenue was referred to the Committee on Fire , later and Light. light at corner of 9th & 0 A motion was made by Councilman McCracken, seconded by Kaune , that a warrant be issued to Norris Bros . contractors , for the sum of 03 , 196.00 for work completed '::arrant issued to in L. I ,D. 145. Motion carried. Roll call: Ayes, Burke , Gilkey, Kaune , McCracken Norris Bums. for Neely and Rogers. Nays , none . work in LID 145 6 Ia,Agi r290 December 3, 1929, continued. Deed of .Great North- A motion was made by Councilman McCracken, seconded by Burke, that the deed ern Ry Co . for strip of the Great Northern Railway Company to strip of land on Q Avenue between 14th and of land on "Q" Ave. Fifteenth Street be accepted in its present form provided that the Port between 14th & 15th Commissioners had no objection, also that the Port send a letter to the I/ Streets • city relative to the deed and its acceptance. Motion carried. J. E. Trafton mineral In regard to the application of J. E. Trafton for a permit to prospect for permit minerals upon certain lands of the city of Anacortes , Section 1, Twp. 34 N R1 East and Section 6, Twp. 34 N, Range 2 E, the following motion was made by Councilman McCracken, seconded by Burke and carried: "That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign a six months prospectors permit on that portion of the west 1/2 of Section 1-34-1 that does not drain to the east and does not drain into Heart Lake , on the same terms and conditions provided for in the Stephens lease , and that lease privileges be limited to 160 acres . " Standard Oil Co . . proposal for gasoline Proposal from the Standard Oil Company to furnish gasoline and oil to the for 1930 City of Anacortes for the year 1930 was presented to the city council and on motion of Councilman McCracken, seconded by Kaune , was received and placed on file. Fire, 'Water & Light to A motion was made by Councilman McCracken, seconded by Kaune, that the Com- bring in recommendat- mittee on Fire , 'Water and Light bring in reco .li:.endations for the use of the • ions re use of water ';later Superintendent' s private Oar on city business for the year 1930, in Supt. ' s private car connection with the Water i)epartment .for the year 1930. Motion carried. . Fred Johnson to con- Permission was given Fred Johnson of 20th & 1t Ave . to construct cement sidewalk, struct sidewalk in in front of his property provided the outside line be six feet from property front of his property line and that work be done under the supervision of the City Lngineer. Claims Claims against the Current Expense Fund and other city fundsfor the month of November, as follows , were read and referred to the Committee on Finance : CURRENT _.XPENSE FUND • Anacortes Steam Laundry 1723 Laundry for fire dept . - 2 . 32 . . . Jas. Colgan 1724 Salary as fireman 135.00 . . . . . S. P Walsh 1725 Hauling garbage 1 . 50 , . . . . .3tandard .9ilc Co 1726 Oil for trucks 32. 75 . . . .Anacortes American 1727 Publishing 34.54 . . . a. .D. .Temple . 1728 Supplies . 50 •Ir . . . State Treasurer 1729 Ind. Ins . & Med. Aid 21 . 72 J. L. Rumsey 1730 'dood for city hall 2. 50 The Texas Co . 1731 Gasoline for city pump 97. 14 . . . Puget Sound 2 & L Cu . 1732 Lights at city hall, sts & cr. 268 .58 • ;'later Department 1733 Hydrant rentals 300. 00 California Fruit Store 1734 Soap for city hall 2. 50 L. Hartman 1735 Clerkical services 11. 77 Knapp & Ronneberger 1736 Repairs on street equipment 3. 50. Marine Hardware 1137 Supplies for sts. 20 .48 Anacortes L N Co . 1738 Lumber for streets 16.85 SSchwartz Iron Works 1739 Supplies and labor for sts 17.98 G. '.1. Shannon & Co . 1740 Supplies for sts , fire & city h 18. 17 0. A . Lenning 1741 Salary as street supt . 150. 00 Lynn Balcoiib 1742 Salary as . truck driver 135. 00 T. Dodson 1743 Labor 100 .00. Ed Strom 1744 Labor 104. 00. m. Meeks 1745 Labor 71.25 Stuart Lobdell 1746 Labor on streets 8.00 Trulson Motor Co . 1747 Oil for police car 3. 60 .lest Coast Tel Co . 1748 Tolls for police . 35 Al L) ellinthin 1749 Salary as chief of police 160.00 J. T. March • 1750 SiUary as patrolman 135.00 H. N. '.. ood 1151 Salary as patrolman 135. 00 G. F. Abbey 1752 Salary as police judge 25. 00 Eugene Bunney 1553 Salary as fireman 130.00 Thos. Conway 1754 Salary . s fire chief & janitor 1u5.00 L. E. Snider . 1755 Salary a s fireman 130. 00 Lynn Balcomb 1756 Extra firezian 1. 50 Lynn Fred Fisher 1757 Extra fireman 2. 25 M. A. Hartman 175b Salary as city c 1 erk 65. 03 Marion `.Iatkmnson 1769 Salary as city treas & cash adv 67.41 H . E. Frost 1760 Salary as health officer 25. 00 • Tire Surgery 1761 Tire repairs for street & pol 7.75 Vandeveer & Levinson , Atty 1763 Claim for personal damages Smith vs City 300.00 Knapp & Ronneberger 1762 Repairs on fire truck 2 .45 R. B. Phillips , Jr. 1764 Surveyors helper 2. 00 R. B. Phillips 1765 Sal_.ry as city ngineer 1 wiring 60.00 2 ,973 .36 LIBhARY FUND Puget Sound Yews Co . 151 Books 38 .69 Ellen Miller 152 Asst. librarian 20 .00 H. W. Dowd 153 Salary as janitor 25. 00 E. Luella Howard 154 Salaryc. s librarian & cash adv 91 . 90 J. L. Rumsey 155 '.food 5. 00 G. W. Shannon &&Co. 156 Supplies 1. 10 Puget Sound P & L Co . 157 Light 7. 14 Kate Hanseroth . 15b Salary as asst . librarian 60.00 248.83 IL . . 1 ,9 _4, . . December 3, 1929 , continued PARK FUND T. E. Harding 576 Salary as superintendent 100. 00 Anacortes American 577 Printing notices 4.00 ' 104. 00 . EMERGE 1 C Y FUND Ben Driftmier 4 Salaryas cityattorney 65. 00 GENERAL ,WATER FUND Bowles Company 2003 Corporation cocks 164. 02 Simi sons :electric Shop 2064 Electrical sup,; ies 2.30 W. C. Morse & Co . 2005 Prelininary survey of Skagit River pro. 800. 00 Tacoma Electrichemical 2006 Chlorine 14 . 63 The Marine Supply 2007 Supplies 24. 06 S. D. Temple 2008 Supplies . 55 Curtis •iharf Co . 2009 Coal for filter and freight 113. 73 'jest Coast Tel Co . 2010 Tolls and rentals 1.75 Anacortes American 0011 Rece pt books 79. 50 State Treasurer 2012 Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid 5 Standard Oil Co 2013 Oil for water cars 5.85 Anacortes L & B Co . 2014 Lumber for water department 16. 05 Lowman & Hanford 2J15 Binder 11 . 61 ..allace & tiernan 2016 Supplies 1. 54 H & D Superser 'ice 2017 Gasoline for super ntendent ° s car 22. 10 Tire Surgery 2018 Tires and repairs for water cars 17.00 General Chemical Co. 2019 Aluminum sulphate 415. 50 National Meter Co . 2020 Meters 58.08 LaMotte Chemical Co 2021 Indicator solution 1. 30 V. E. Moss 2022 Salary as superintendent 250. 00 L. Hartman 2023 Clerical work 8. 34 J. Jensen 204 Labor 105'. 60 D. Riggs 2025 Labor 106. '71 L. Willoughby 2026 Labor and plumbing inspections 166. 5g Trulson Motor Co . 2027 Repairs on car 4 .95 G. U. Shannon & Co . 2028 Supplies for water dept 9. 54 Fern Press 2029 Supplies for water dept . 46,90 Marion '•. atxinson 2030 Salary as treasurer & bookkeeper 45.00 I/ M. A. Hartmann 2031 Salary as cashier 125. 00 Marine Supply 2032 Supplies for plumbing; ins . ,G. 3.25 Clausius Motor Co . 2033 Labor and material on motor 11, 08 Puget Xound P L 2034 Power 1 , 179.95 Curtis `;Wharf Co . 2035 Freight on sap halt 1. 13 • Current Expense Fund 2036 Gasoline from city pump 14. 00 Knapp & Ronneberger 2037 Oil for truck 1 . 0o ;,;3,837.47 L. I. D. #145 Norris Bros. 1 Estimate 196.00 " " 2 to 1,000 .00 `0 " 3 " 1 , 000.00 'o „ 4 " 1, 000.00 . ;;3,196.00 finance on claims Report of Committee on Finance to whom were referred the claims against the Current Expense Fund and other city funds for the month of Nove_nber, 1929, recommending that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of same was read and adopted. Roll call: Ayes, Burke , Kaune , McCracken , Neely and 1ogers . Gilkey protesting against the claim of Vandeveer and Levinson , attys . , in Current Expense Fund, but approving all others. . . . City Eng. to report The city engineer was instructed to bring in a report or plan to improve the plan of improving slippery condition of the sidewalk approaches on Commercial Avenue . sidewalk approaches There being no further business the city council did then adjourn . Adjourn Approved in open session this 17th day of December, 1929 . r, 1.(drTh . ) ' ' %/ Mayor Attest : M. A. Hartmann, Laity Clerk r By �e.�.��.. , ,C% 1 -�'G�-^ �� Deputy _ • • . A Ir . . , 292 • December 17, 1929 The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session with Mayor Roll caa Haley presiding and Councilmen Burke , Gilkey, Kaune , Neely Olson and Rogers answering roll call. Absent , McCracken. Minutes approved The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted . two-year Contract for sulphate The :rater Superintendent submitted contract from the General Chemical Company for supplying the water department with aluminum sulphate. A motion :las made by CouncilmanBurko that- the contract be referred to the City Attorney and Finance Committee . Motion seconded by Olson and carried. Fire, dater and Light Report of Committee on Fire , 'later and Light to whom was referred the expense . on expense account of account of the ':later Superintendent , as follows , was read, Water Superintendent " It is the opinion of the your Committee that the compensation allowed the '~later Superintendent for use of car in the per- formance of his official duties should be based upon the cost of maintenance , operation and depreciation of a car suitable for the purpose for which it is used. This should be placed on a milage basis , which milage should be confined . to the actual milage travelled in the performance of his duties. Our investigation indicates that this cost would be from four cents per mile up according to the size of car and the amount of the original investment . It is the opinion of your co:amittee that a light cheap car :ou1d answer all the requirements of the situation and that the compensation should be based accordingly. We therefore recommend that an allowance of five cents for each mile travelled in the performance of his officail duties be allowed. The following is taken as a basis for arriving . at our conclusions : One and one half cents for gas One quarter cents for oil and grease One cent for tires and tubes , two cents for interest , maintenance udepreciation. " A motion was made by Councilman Kaune, seconded by Olson that the report be adopted with the exception that the sum for use of car be changed to seven ( 7). cents per mile instead of five (5) cents per mile ; also that the fire depart- ment be authorized to furnish the superintendent with gasoline from the city pump. in the usual manner. Motion carried. Garbage hauling Communication from S. P. Walsh relative to the garbage situation was read and referred to the Committees on License and Police and Printing, Health and Cemetery. Communication from Communication from the Port of Anacortes advising that the Com:'iission had Port of Anacortes re no objections and in fact recommended the acceptance of the proposed and deed of G. N. Ry to submitted deed from the great Northern Railway Company for the property comprising a stri-p of land on "Q" continuance of "Q," Avenue between Fourteenth and Fifteenth Street , and that the Ave . & 14th St . Port would recommend the acceptance of the deed by the city in spite of the reservations contained in the submitted deed, was read , and on motion of Councilman Kaune , seconded by Burke , .was received and placed on file with deed of the Great Northern Railway Company. Motion carried. . Chamber of Commerce Communication from the Anacortes Chamber of Commerce recommending that the on parking regulations following changes be made in the parking regulations : as follows , was read: • 1 . That the angle of parking should be made more acute . . - 2. That the lines indicating parking space and zones be freshly painted and kept well painted. 3. That a ten minutes parking zone be established on Commercial Avenue directly in frontof the post office . On motion of Councilman Kaune , seconded .by Neely, the communication was 'referred to the Committee on Streets and Parks. Ministerial Assoc- Communication from the Anacortes Ministerial Association stating that they iation asks to erect desired to ereat a "Welcome" sign Oh the highway at the entrance to the city with sign such words as "The Churches of Anacurtes 'l 1oome You" or other suitable phrase , was read and referred to the Committee on Streets and :.arks. Ordinance No , Ordinance No . , being an ordinance amending Schedule "3" of `.section three of Ordinance No . 698 entitled "An Ordinance fixing the rates to be charged for water furnished by the city andproviding rules and regulations relating to the furnishing of such water" and amending Ordinance No, 744, repealing any and all other ordinances in conflict herewith, was on motion placed on its first readingly title ; on motion ordinance was palced on its second reading by title ; on motion ordinance was referred to the City _'ttorneyL.nd Judiciary Committee . 1 Conference with A motion was made by Councilman Kaune , seconded by Neely, that the Mayor and Pulp Mill re present City Attorney, together with the Committee on Fire, ':later and Light and Water water contract Superintendent arrange a conference with the Fidialgo Pulp Mfg. Co . before the next meeting of the city council to discuss the Pulp M.ill° s present contract for water with the city, in view of the the proposed increase of water rates . Motion carried. New stove''for. fire dept The matter of a new stove for the fire department was called to the attention of the city council and referred to the Committee on Fire , ;later and Light. 1 293 Dece::ber 17th, 1929, continued I 'Water bill at The matter of delinquent water bill of ',r15.90 against the Paramount Theatre Paramount Theatre was discussed by the city. council. Owing to the large amount of the bill the owner protested the charge , but as the city council found it was no fault of the city no action was taken. Adjourn There being no further business the city council did then adjourn. Approved in open session this 7th day of January, 1930. ' . CO9 oy l''‘ 9 6% 1-7;,'12.--t_. PZ,/ (1 Mayor Attest : M. A. Hartmann, City Clerk, / Deputy ,