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Janua ra 4, 1927.
Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in reg .lar session 'ith
Mayor Brooks presiding and Councilmen Dwelley, Fulton, Hansen , Howe ,
McCracken and Olson responding to roll call . Absent , none.
Minutes approved The minutes of the irevious meeting were read and upon motion adopted as read.
City Attorney on Report of City Attorney on Ordinance no . 762 , improvement of Co.:nnercial Avenue
Ord. #762 from 15th to 16th streets by cement sidewalks , stating that same was correct
as to form, wa., read and upon motion adopted .
City Atty. ' on case of Report of City Attorney, Ben Driftmier, on Matter of Hensler vs. city, LID
Hensler vs. city #138, stating that judgment entered against the city in the above case for
costs amounted to 071.00, and recommending that that a warrant for this amount
payable to John W. Brisky, Cleric, be issued, was read and upon motion adopted
Report of City Treas . Report of City Treasurer for the month of December was presented to the city
ref. ' council and upon motion referred to the Committee on Finance .
Report of Chief of Report of Chief of Police for month of Dece:aber was referred to the Committee
Police ref. on finance.
Annual report of Ch. Annual report of the Chief of Police was presented and the City Clerk in-
of Police structed to read it. Upon motion the reoort was accepted and placed on file .
Report of Pol . Just. Report of Police Justice for month of Decelaber was referred to the Committee
referred on Finance .
Annual report. of Pol.J Annual report of Police Justice was read and upon motion adopted.
City Engineer on Communication from the City yngineer, stating that 01,000 had been retr.ined
estimate of Carl fom the final payment of Carl Bjork, contractor in LID #139, and recotmenc -
Bjork LID #139 ing that payment be made him at this time, was read and upon motionEdopted .
Annual report of Fire Annual report of the Fire Chief was read .and upoh motion adopted.
Report of Judiciary Committee on Ordinance No . 762, being an ordinance provid-
Judiciary on Ord. # ing for the improvement of Commercial Avenue from 15th to 16th streets , by
762 cement walks , recommending that the ordinance be passed, was read and up.,n
motion adopted.
Streets & Parks on Report of Committee on Streets & Parks , to whom was referred the matter of
selecting name of new selecting one of six names supplied by theAnacortes Chamber of Co..Laerce for
highway , naming of the highway leading into Anacortes, recomi.e:iding the name of •
t'Hillcrest Avenue" , was ready�� A motion was made that the report be adopted.
Roll call: Ayes , Fulton, Ms-Grac�cin. Nays , Dwelley, Hansen , Howe , Olson.
The motion was lost. M �.�
Ann. repot of Park Bd Annual report of the park board was read and upon motion adopted.
Petition from Rauch Petition from Wm. Rauch and others for the grading and gravelling of Nineteenth
et al for improvement Street from the west side of Colauercial Avenue t, the east side of "M"
of 19th st. Avenue , also for the placing of cement sidewalks on both sides thereof , and
laying pipe line large enough for fire protection, was read. The petition
was referred to the Committee on Streets and Parks to be appointed for the
new year.
Ordinance #762 Ordinance No. 762 , being an ordinance providing for the improvement of Commer-
cial Avenue fromthe center line of Fifteenth Street to the center line of
Sixteenth Street, by grading and placing along the west side thereof a six
• foot cement sidewalk and doing and constructing such other work necessary to
complete said improvement within the limits of said district in accordance
with the plans and specifications of the City Lngiueer, was upon motion placed
on its third and final reading by secionts. Upon lotion. the title was adopted
a<: read; upon motion section 1 was adopted as read; upon motion section 2
was adopted as read; upon motion section 3 was adopted as read; upon motion
section 4 was adopted as read; upon motion section 5 was adopted as read; upon
motion section 6 was adopted as read; upon motion section 7 was adopted as
read; upon motion the ordinance as a whole and as read was adopted. Roll call :
Ayes , Dwelley, Fulton , Hansen, llowe , 1cCracken and Olson. Nays , none.
Payment of 01,000 to Upon motion of Councilman Dwelley, amount of 31,000 was authorized paid to
Carl Bjork authorized Carl Bjorls contractor' in sewer district #139, as a final payment. Roll call :
LID #139 Ayes , Dwelley, Fulton, Hansen , Hoe , McCracken and Olson. Nays , none . The
City Clerk was instructed to issue warrant for the above amount in favor
of Carl Bjork.
Warrant authorized Warrant for the payment of 071.00, cost of suit Hensler vs City, L. I.D. #138 ,'
for payment of costs payable to County Clerk John Brisky, was ' authorized. Roll call : Ayes , Dwelley
Hensler vs. city Fulton , Hansen, Howe , McCracken and Olson. Nays , none.
Copy of Fire Chief' s Upon motion of Councilman McCracken , a copy of the Fire Chief' s annual report
annual report to be was ordered sent to the Insurance mating Bureau at Seattle .
sent to Rating Bureau.
Claims Claims filed against the Current Expense Fund and other city funds for the
month of Dece,ober, 1926, as follows , were read and upnn motion referred to tiie
Committee on Finance :
January 4th, 1927, continued
I/ • • A 1 Sellintin 1142 Sa1a:.y as chief of police 150.00
Jessie Forss 1143 Judge of election 6.25
Blanche Baker 1144 Inspector of election 6.25
CClaire Colgan 1145 Judge of election 6 . 50
Kate Cranford 1146 Judge of election 6.50
Georgia Mattice 1147 Inspector of election 6. 50
Mae C . Temple 1148 Inspector of election 7.00
Elizabeth M. Dwelley 1149 Election board clerk . 6 . 50
Giaddys Rydbe rg 1150 Judge of election 6 . 50
Etta Stafford 1151 Judge of election . 6 . 50
Carrie Graham Hatch 1152 Judte of election 6 .25
Myrtle McComas 1153 Judge of election 6. 25
Drury Farley 1154 Inspector of election 6.25
Lucy Means 1155 Judge of election 6 . 50
arguerite Hendrixson 1156 Inspector of election 6.50
Abi H. Abbey 1157 Judge ge of election 6:50
Llati lday Bushey 1158 Judge of election 6 .50
xle tha Proud 1159 Judge of election 6. 50
Chas . 0.aganaugh 1160 Inspector of e ection 6. 50
Nellie Ratliff 1161 Judge of election 6.50
Allie C . Backman 1162 Judge of election 6.50
Blanche George 1163 Inspector of election 6. 50
Archie Allan 1164 Rent of hall for election 3 . 00
L. E. Snider 1165 Salary as fireman 125 .00
Alex Latsbaw 1166 Salary as fire an 125. 0o
Jas. C olgan 1167 Salary as fireman 125. 00
JIi. S. Carter 1168 Salary as fire chief & cash adv. 177 ,40
X. Nelson 1169 wire for fire dept. 1 .20
Kaufman Tractor Co . 1170 Payment and interest on tractor 1 , 013. 33
A>acortes Lumber & Box 1171 Suplies for sts . and cit,,' hall 32 .30
Marine Supply 1172 Supplies for streets 1 . 30
GG W Shannon & Co . 1173 Supplies for sts and city hall 16.11
Standard Oil Co . 1174 Gasoline and oil for depts. 147 . 56
0. A.. Lenning 1175 Sal . as st. supt . and cash adv. 151.85
Lynn Balcomb 1176 Salary as truck driver 125. 00
Torn Dodson 1177 Labor on streets 100 . 00
E . Cailds 1178 Labor on streets 96 . 00
i . Wm. eeks 1179 Labor on streets 26 .25
F. Cam;bell 1180 Labor on streets 16. 00
Chas . rhderson 1181 Labor oil streets 18 . 00
Lois Marcoe 1182 Singe; of election 6 . 25
N. M. Holt llb3 Sala_y as patrolman 125. 0..
J. T. March 1184 Salary as patrolman 125. 00
Dr. Austin Shaw 1185 Salary as health officer 25.00
M. A . Hartmann 1186 Salary as city clerk . 50 . 00
Ben Driftmier 1187 Salary as city attorney 50 .00
Schreiber & -.Ierner 1188 Premium on bonds of city offici .ls 72 . 50
Void 1189
Puget Sound P & L C o . 1190 Lights at city hall , sts . & election 238. 11
'dater Department 1191 Hydrant rentals and fountain 276.15
Puget Sound Tel Co . 1192 Tolls for Mayor and Police 1. 00
Current Expense Fund 1193 Cash advanced for auto license plates 5. 00
E. P. Barker 1194 Premium on official bonds 31. 60
Anacortes Emerican 1195 Publishing 237.45
Knapp & Ronneberger 1196 Repairs on street truck 36. 60
A. F. Schreiber 1197 Justice fees 12 . 50
Agnes Mooney 1198 Services in offices, typing , etc . 22. 80
Trulson Motor Co . 1199 Repairs on police car 22. 95
Marion '.iatkinson 1200 Salary as city treas . & cash adv. 61 .89
Tire Surgery 1201 Tire repairs police dept . 2 . 50
John Briskey 1202 Judgment costs , Hensler vs City
LID ht138 71 .00
4,059 .35
ger tral. Service Station 693 Repairs and supplies for cars 27. 75
Puget Sound P & L Co . 694 Power 707.42
American Rib . & Carbon 695 Carbon 4. 75
Layne & Bowler Corp. 696 Belt 2. 16
Puget 'Sound Tel Co . 697 Tolls and rentals 6 : 25
Lawman & Hanford 698 Supplies 4. 79
Jim Jensen 699 Labor 37 . 50
Louis Willoughby 700 Labor 118 .20
W. B . Short 701 Salary as supt . 250 . 00
City Treasurer 702 Payroll 160 : 00
Ernest Knapp 703 ''alary as filter operator 135, 00
W. ':'ode 704 Salary as filter operator 80 . 00
Marine Supply 705 Supplies 60 . 16
G. W. S hannon & Co . 706 Su, dies for ':rater dept. 60. 54
Curtis Wharf Co . 707 Coal for filter 16 .75
General Water Fund 708 Cash adv. for auto license plates 2. 50
Anacortes L & B Co . 709 Lumber 62. 70
Island Transfer Co . 710 Frt. and drayage 46 . 50
Knapp & TOnneberger 711 Repairs on truck 4.25
The Tire Surgery 712 Tire repairs 3. 25
Simpsons Electric Shop 713 Lights bulbs for filter 2. 70
January 4th, 1927.
Chas. Anderson 1167 Labor 31.25
Fred C ampbell 1168 Labor dam Deutsch ravine 51. 25
Tim Jensen 1169 La or 60 .00
Louis Willoughby 1170 Labor 31.8
Federal Pipe & Tank C'o. 1171 Pipe 2201 . 64
Fairbanks Horse Co . 1172 Motor 272.00
Mrs. L. .Deutsch 1173 Four use of ravine for water
and pump house 25.00
W. B. Short 1174 Cash adv. for expense to
Seattle re pump and bond issue 14.75
S. A. Adams 1175 labor and team hire dam at Deut-
sch ravine 16 .00
J. E. Harding 440 Labor 100.00
Vhas . Hudson 441 Dirt for park 8..00
Southside Hardware 1556 Nails for repairs on Com. Ave . 1 . 90
Puget Sound P & L Co . 503 Lights at library 13.32
E. Luella Howard 504 Salary as librarian 100.00
H. Dowd 505 Janitor 20.00
water Department 506 'dater 1 .80
H. R. Hunting Co . 507 Books and repairs 158 .45
290. 5'7
L. I .D. #139
Carl Bjork 1445 Balance of estimate 1,000. 00
Finance on claims Report of Committee on Finance to whom were the claims filed against the
Current Expense Fund and other city funds for the month of December, 1926,
recommending that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of same ,
was read and upon motion .adopted. Roll call : Ayes , Dvrelley, Fulton , Hansen,
Howe , McCrackdn and Olson. Nays , none.
Adjourn Upon motion the city council did then adjourn sine die .
Approved in open session thts 18th day of January , 1927.
Attest : M. A. Hartmann, City Clerk,
•' J
January 4th, 1927
r ,
Roll call The city council of the city of Anacortes met 'in regular session with '
Mayor Brooks presiding and Councilmen Baughman, Dwelley, Fulton, Hansen ,
Howe, McCracken and. Olson responding to roll call. Absent none.
I/ Organization The purpose of the meeting was for organization;
Committee assign-. The Mayor announced the following committee assignments for the coming
ments year:-
Finance McCracken
• Olson
Streets & Parks Fulton
Fire , Water & Light Dwelley
License & Police Hansen
Printing, Health & Cem. Howe
Buildings & Sewers Baughman
Appointments The following appointments were then announced and confirmed by the city
council :
Deputy City Clerk Marion Vlatkinson
I/ Police Judge Fred Go Abbey
Harbor Master Harry Rickaby
• Chief of Police Al Sellinthin
Supt. of Streets O. A. Lennihg
Chief of Fire Dept. J. S. Carter
Health Officer Dr. Austin Shaw
City Engineer Vim. B. Short
Supt. Water Dept. Wm. B. Short
Park Board Lucile Kaune
Cora• .W. Allmond
G. D. Shannon
Library Board Russell C. Brown
Mrs . H. J. Parchman
Mrs. Russell E. Smith
Roll call:- Ayes, Baughman , Dwelley, Fulton, Hansen, Howe . Olson and McCracken
Mayor Pro Tem The Mayor declard that nomination were in order for a Mayor Pro Tem.
Upon motion Council McCracken was nominated Mayor Pro Tem.
There being no other names presented, the nominations were declared closed.
Motion was made by Councilman Hansen that Councilman McCracken be elected as
Mayor Pro Tem. Roll call: Ayes , Baughman , Dwelley, Hansen, Fulton, Howe ,
and Olson. Nays , none.
Mayor' s message Mayor Brooks presented the following message :
"It is customary when a new administration takes over the duties of office
that the mayor present to the council and through them to their constit-
uency a program of the city's needs and submit recommendations for them
to consider, and if found proper, to help in carrying them out.
Inasmuch as the new administration, with the exception of one councilman,
is a continuation of the old, many of the things I have to say are al-
ready known to them. I trust they will bear with me , however, as this is
an open letter and I hope that every citizen has the opportunity to read it .
First I should like to review the work of the important departments.
The street department has kept the streets in the best condition in the hist-
ory of the city. This is due to better equipment. fewer streets to maintain
a street committee that is always on the job and an efficient superintendent
and force of men.
r .
January 4th, 1927, continued.
Mayor' s message The fire department has steadily increased its efficiency. During the past
continued year the department has answered 53 * calls with' a loss of $3,794. This
gives a per capita loss of 51 cents, whioh is very low, 'compared t9 Otb.e °
cities., Our equipment is Al and the cost of maintenance has been small .
The health department reports the city parricularly free from contagious dis-
eases the past tow years. Our citizens have been particularly free from'
sickness. During the past year there • have been 139 births and 79 deaths.
This'may' seem like. a. good many deaths, ' but estimated on a basis of a population
of 7,00Q, we are still one of the healthiest cities in the world.
The police department has ' at all times kept our city criminally clean. ' For '
a city of this size we have less crime and fewer criminals than the average.
This is partially due to our geographical location and partially due to our
efficient police department. ' During the past year our police have donned •
uniforms' which add greatly to their efficiency and takes Anacortes out ' of the
small town class.
The engineering 'department has carried out considerable work, namely, the
new highway 'o-onnefting Commercial avenue with the 'State Highway, making an
all paved highway to' any 'part of the Pacific ' slope. The paving of Fourth
street to. Cap Sante was completed the past summer, an 'important step- in
the paving of our city. Probably the most impartant improvement completed is
the south side sewer. , Thie gives sewarge connection to nearly half of the
buildings in the city.
The 'city water department has made an enviable record of service the past t-iw
years. Our water supply has been increased aup roximately 50.0,000 ,000 ' gallons
per year. A filtration plant capable of filtering 2,000,000 gallons per day
installed, a 1,700,000 gallon reservoir completed, besides several hundred
feet of new pipe - line. There has been an increase of 21s services, with
an increase of $9,760 revenue : There have been 400.meters installed. The
department has paid of ; 14,000 principal and $12 ,240.00 interest on the bonded
indebtedness of the water department.
The finances of the city have been very carefully managed by our finance
committee , and I am pleased to find our finan cial condition very satisfactory.
• All of the old indebtedness has been paid off . At the present time there are
outstanding $153,500 general obligation bonds; 3101,000 of this is to be paid'
by the water department and the interest is being taken care of by that depar-
tment, All departments have been required to keep within their budget and
by so doing, city taxes have been slightly lowered.
The 'park board' has continued to keep up our parks in a creditable manner
and has made several permanent improvements.
Our library continues under the very successful management of Mrs. Ibward,
and she tells me that business is improving every month.
Business throughout the city has been good. There are many new homes , approx-
imately 100 in the past year. There have been several new industries located •
in our city. The citizens generally have shown more aggressiveness and more
civic pride, in fact everything the past tow years has shown that we are going
ahead. It might be interest to learn that the building permits the past two
years reached a total of $293 ,745. There is construction 'now going on, 'which 1
started before the first• of the year for which permits have not yet been ob-
taied, totaling $125,000.
it is haw time for New' Year resolutions. Let the resolution of the city •
administration be 19To do its part in making Anacortes even a better place,
to . live, to keep it clean and moral, to 'carry out the will of the citizens .
and always be ready to make this a bigger, better and more prosperous city.
There are a few matters that are being carried over to the new council to
1st. The grading and sidewalking of Seventh street. The work is. plannned
for and it is the understanding that bids be called for the first meeting
of February.
2nd. The financing and making the needed improvements in our water system. '
This is being necessary to allow the pulp mill to increase its capacity. . The
city council has already authorized your mayor.and city clerk to enter into
a contract with the Fidalgo Pulp Manufacturing Company whereby the city is to
give them a mamimum of 1,200,000 gallons of water per day at a rate which
favorable to the city. This contract hinges on the result of a special election
to be held in the near future to vote $50,000 water revenue bonds. which money
will be used to make certain changes in our pipe lines , and a 1 , 000,000 gallon
unit added to our filtration plant .
The revenue derived • from fthe sale of water to the 'pulp mill will entirely pay
off this bond issue , together with the interest over a period of ten years.
I trust that each one of you will make an effort to inform the public 4f these
facts and answer any questions regarding the same.
There are several ordinances which have been in committee , but to date have
not come before the council. 'I should like to call your attention to them
and ask that action be taken in the near future.
L •
, •
January 4th, 1927.
Mayor' s message 1st: a new fire ordinance.
continued 2nd. A revision of the-traffic ordinance.
3rd A plumbing ordinance .
Several years ago the question of opening a street from twenty-ninth and T
avenue to thirty-fourth. and V avenue'was attempted. I believe the *question
should agin be taken up. This' street is very much needed far fire protection
of our industries and would make a Water level road for heavy-traffic along
the waterfront. * To make this improvement it will be necessary to acquire some
private property.
There are several other streets which should be opened and graded. I will
mention a few: 18th: and 19th from Commercial to L or.K avenue ; 14th street
from 0 -avenue-to M avenue; llth street from M to H avenue ; 13th from L to
J; K avenue from 17th to 22nd street; L avenue from 17th to 2gnd; H avenue
from 9th to 12th or 13th. Most Of these streets are as well built as the
average and should be improved by grading and placing of cement sidewalks .
I ;could recommend 'that'a paving district be formed to include 9th street from
Commercial to E Avenue; F avenue from 8th to 9th; Hand I avenues from 8th
to 9th. K avenue from 7th to 12th; 7th, from K to M; L avenue from 7th to 9th
N avenue from 8th to 9th; 0 avenue from 8th to 9th.
Also a district to include Q avenue from 8th to 2nd, and 2nd, 3rd, 4th 5th and
8th from Commercial to Q avenue. These districts may look rather large .
however, are there any citizens who live in these district but who expect .,
paving, or at least hopes for paving within the next ten years? Inasmuch.
as the payment for these improvements are made over a ten year period, why
not have the improvement and get the use of it.
The past city administrations have been criticized for not building more
sidewalks. I should like to call to the attention of the citizens the
impossibility of selling bonds on sidewalk districts. One ting that makes
these bonds unattractive to bond buyers is the unkempt condition of the
property. The apparent lack of civiv pride. I would ask that you who have
no sidewalks take steps to build them. Unless you do , it is only a matter
of a short time when the post office department will cease to carry mail to
your door.
One of the serious problems that confronts the city is the garbage situation.
For years the collection of garbage has been a troublesome proposition.
I/ • The places that needed cleaning up the worst could least afford to pay the
collector, in fact many didn' t, and natuarlly that garbage was left. There
are now many people, who rather than pay to have their garbage hauled away
will throw it into the nearest vacant lot or street. Take it all in all, the
private collection of garbage is unsatisfactory. I would suggest that your
honorable body study the garbage question with the idea that sooner or later
this must be handled by the city and be paid for by taxation. Until this is
done we will never have the clean, neat city we would like to see.
I should like to call you attention to the present city hall. All ofyou who
• have served the city in late years know the conditons. Our city clerk and
treasurer have pAractically no space for records. The water department is
crowded for room. Both these offices should be.. on the ground floor for the con-
venience of the public. At present the engineer has no safe place for records
and the data in his office is unreplacable, should a fire damage them. With,
proper -- auchitectural design a building to suit the needs of the present
business could be built and as future need requires, could be added to . The
west end of Causland Park is adapted for .such abuilding. This would be an
asset rather than. a liability to the park, would be sightly, give a ground .
floor arrangement for the benefit of those who have business at various of-
fices, make a safe place for records, etc. , and if at a future time it was
thought advisable to change the location the building would be ideal for a
community house , or could be put to other uses or purposes. I would recommend
that your honorable body give this matter serious thought and consideration,
and possibley submit a plan to remedy this condition.
This covers in a small way what has been accomplished and what is yet to be
done. Let us all work to make our city just a little bigger, better and
more prosperous place to live in. '
City Attorney on Report of City Attorney on bonds of City Attorney and City Clerk, stating
bonds of city offc . that same were correct as to form, was read and upon motion adopted .
Name 'of new highway The matter of selection of name for the new highway leading into the
Marine View Drive was again brought up. Upon motion of Councilman Hansen the name of "Marine
View Drive" was chosen. Roll call: Ayes, Baughman, Dwelley, Fulton, Hansen,
McCracken and Olson. Nays, Howe . Motion carried.
City Atty. to pre- A motion made by Councilman Dwelley that the City Attorney be instructed
pare resolution to prepare resolution on the naming of the highway, was passed.
Vote of thanks- to Councilmani McCracken moved that a vote of thanks be given the Chamber of
Chamber of Com. Commerce for their efforts in behalf of the naming of the road.
Judiciary on Report of Judiciary Committee on bonds of city officials, recommending that
official bonds the bonds be accepted, was read and upon motion adopted.
Release of 1926 Release of .1926 official bond of City Attorney was presented to the city
official bobd . council and upon motion was accepted.
Bond of Treas. ref. Bond of City Treasurer was presented and upon motion referred to the city
Attorney and Judiciary Committee .
January 4, 1927.
Depositories desig- A motion' made lby .Councilman Hansen that 'the Bank of ' Commerce and Citizens
nated Bank be designated as city depositories, was passed.
Railing on 'road near The' City Engineer and Committee on Streets and Parks were instructed to
Mitchell 7s. ascertain cost of placing railing on east side of highway near Mitchell' s •
Adjourn A motion was passed to adjourn until Tuesday, January llth, at 8 p.m.
Approved in open session this 18th day of January, 1927.
H. A. Hartmann, City Clerk,
By 7/a/t .-
January llth, 1927.
Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in adjurned session
but owing to a lack of quorum_ the city council adjourned until Wednesday,
January 12th, at 7 p.m.
Or January 12th, 1927
Moll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in adjourned session with .
• ' Councilman Dwelley, Fulton, Howe , Hansen and Olson responding to roll call;
absent, Baughman and McCracken. •i '
Communication from Communication from J. George, offering to the city council a site for the
J. George proposed new city hall, at 20th street and Commercial avenue, was read and I/
upon motion placed on file.
Contract for addit As the meeting of the city council was adjourned for the purpose of con-
ional water supply sidering the contract as presented by John E. Price & Company of Seattle ,
with John E. Price for the purchase of the contemplated $50,000 water bond issue , this matter
& Co . was first taken up. A motion made by Councilman Dwelley that the Mayor
and City Clerk be authorized to enter into contract with John E. Price &.
Company for the purchase of the proposed $50,000 water bonds , was seconded
and carried. Roll. call: Ayes , Dwelley, Fulton, Hansen, Howe & Olson.
Nays, none .
Baughman enters room Councilman Baughman entered the council chamber and the Mayor orders d his
name placed on the roll.
Ord. # Ordinance No , being an ordinance employing the firm of Shorts & Denney
as special attorneys for the City of Anacortes in legal matters pertaining
to a proposed issue of $50,000 municipal water works extension bonds , was
upon motion placed on its first reading by title ; upon motion ordinance was " .
placed on its second reading by title ; upon motion ordinance was referred '
to the City Attorney and Judiciary Committee .
Ord,# Ordinance No. , being an ordinance specifying and adopting a system or
plan for the making of certain additions and betterments to the municipal
water works system of the City of Anacortes, declaring the estimated cost
thereof , a near as may be, providing forthe issuance of not exceeding
$50,000 bonds, payable from the revenues of such water works system to pay
the cost thereof , and providing for the submission of the matter to the
gyalified voters of said city for their ratification or rejection at a
special bond election to be held therein on February 25, 1927, was upon
motion placed on its first reading by title; upon motion ordinance was
placed on its second reading by title ; upon motion ordinance was referred
• • to the City Attorney and Judiciary Committee.
Upon motion the city council did then adjourn.
Mako r
M. A. Hartmann, City Clerk,
By % c�0 �� •
January 18th , 1927.
Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session with Mayor
' .B-ro-ok•s-• Councilmen Dwelley, Fulton, Baughman,Hansen,McCracken responding to
roll call. Absent, Howe and Olson.
Mayor Pro Tem In the absence of the Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem McCracken assumed the chair.
Minutes approved The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and upon motion adopted.
City Attorney on Report of City Attorney, Ben Driftmier, on ordinance No . 763, being an ordinance
Ord. #763. employing the firm of Shorts & Denney as special attorneys in legal matters
pertaining to a proposed issue of $50,000 Municipal Water Works Extension Bonds ,
stating that same was correct as to form, was read and upon motion adopted.
City Attorney on Report of City Attorney, Ben Driftmier, on Ordinance No . 764, being an ordinance
Ord. #764 specifying and adopting a system or plan for the making of certain betterments
to the municipal water works system, statingt that same was correct as to form
was read and upon motion adopted.
,City Attorney on Report of City Attorney , Ben Driftmier, to whom was referred the matter of
bond of city bond of City Treasurer, stating that same was correct as to form, was read
. treas . and upon motion adopted.
Annual report of Annual report of Health Officer, Dr. Austin Shaw, was presented to the city
Health Officer council and was upon motion read and adopted.
Finance on re- Report of Committee on Finance to whom was referred the matter of City Treas-
port of city treas. urer' s report for December, recommending that same be accepted and placed on
file, was read and upon motion adopted.
Finance 'on Deo . Report of committee on Finance to whom was referred the December report of
• report of Pol. Police Justice , recommending that the report be accepted and placed on file,
Justice was read and upon motion adopted.
Finance on Dec. Report of Committee on Finance to Whom was referred the December report of
report of Chief Chief of Police , recommending that the report be accepted and placed on file ,
of Police was read and upon motion adopted.
Judiciary on Ord. Report of Judiciary Committee to whom was referred the matter of Ordinance
#763 No.763, being an ordinance employ8ng the firm of Shorts & Denney as special
attorneys in legal matters pertaining to a proposed issue of $50,000 Municipal
it. Water Works Ext. Bonds , recommending that ordinance be passed, was read and
I/ ., • . . _ . . .
upon motion adopted.
• Judiciary on bond Report of Judiciary Committee to whom was referred the matter of bond of City
of City Treas. Treasurer , recommending that the bond be accepted and placed on file , wasread
and upon motion adopted.
'Protests against It being the day of hearing of protests against the revised assessment roll of
assessment roll Local Improvement DistrictNo. 139 , south side sewers, the Mayor Pro Tem called
LID #139 for protests. E. S. Cook, through his attorneys, Smith & Smith, protested
against the assessment made upon his property in Blocks 6, 11, and 12 , Nelson
Addition to the City of Anacortes. After due consideration Councilman Dwelley
made a motion that was seconded and carried, that the protest be not well taken.
Roll call : Ayes, Dwelley, B'aiighman, Hansen, Fulton and McCracken. Nays , none .
No other protests were presented, either written or verbal.
Ord. #763 Ordinance No. 763 , being an ordinance employing the firm of Shorts & Denney
as special attorneys for the City of Anacortes in legal matters pertaining to
a proposed issue of $50,000 Municipal Water Works Extension Bonds, was upon
motion placed on its third and final reading by sections. Upon motion the
title was adopted as read; upon motion seciont 1 was adopted as read; upon
motion section 2 was adopted as read; upon motion the ordinance as a whole sand
as read was adopted. Roll call : Ayes, Dwelley, Baughman, Fulton, Hansen and
McCracken. Nays, none.
Ord. #764 Ordinance No. 764, being an ordinance specifying and adopting a system or plan
. for the making of certain additions and betterments to the municipal water
works system of the City of Anacortes, declaring the estimated cost thereof,
as near as may be , providing for the issuance of not exceeding $50 ,000 bonds
payable from the revenues of such water corks system to pay the cost thereof,
and providing for the submission of the matter to the qualifited voters of
the city for their ratification or rejection at a special, bond election to be
held therein on February 25, 1927, was upon motion placed on its third and
final reading by sections. Upon motion the title was adopted as read; upon
motion secion w 1 was adopted as read; upon motion section 2 was adopted as
read; upon motion section 3 was adopted as read; upon motion the ordinance as
a whole and as read was adopted. Roll call: Ayes, Dwelley, Baughman, Fulton,
"...W Hansen and McCracken. Nays , none.
0rd. # _ Ordinance No. , being an ordinance confirming an assessment roll of Local
Improvement District No. 139 for improvement of certain streets, as and in the
manner provided for in the plans and specifications of the said district as
described in Ordinance No . 756, and equalized by the City Council of the City
of Anacortes on the 18th day of January, 1927, and prescribing within What time
the assessment should be paid, was upon motion placed on its first reading by
`' title; upon motion ordinance was placed on its second reading by title ; upon
• motion ordinance was referred t o the Judiciary Committee and City Attorney.
. .
January 18th, continued. •
Resolution RESOLUTION. That It is the intention .of the City Council* to improve Twentieth
Street from' the east •line of Commercial Avenue to the west line of "T" Avenue
by grubbing, grading, graveling, constructing, curbs , gutters, six foot cement
sidewalks' on each- side *thereof, and by doing and constructing such other
work as may be necessary to complete the same according to the plans and
specifications of the city engineer. Resolution read and upon motion adopted.
Roll call, Ayes, Dwel ley, Baughman, Fulton, Hansen and McCracken. Nays, none .
Adjourn Upon motion the city council did then adjourn in the regular manner.
Approved in open session this 1st day of Feburary, 1927.
yor "x'ro Tem
Attest : • S
M. A. Hartmann, City Clerk,
B 71/4_4
February let, 1927
The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session with
Mayor Brooks presiding and Councilmen Dwelley, Baughman, Howe , Fulton,
McCracken and Olson resptnding to roll call. Absent, Hansen.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and upon motion adopted
as read.
Report of City Attorney on ordinance No .765, being an ordinance confirming the
assessment roll of LID #139, stating t at same was correct as to fotmn, was •
read and upon motionadopted.
Report of City Treaurer for month of January was referred to the Committee on
Report of Chief of Police was referred to the Committee on Finance.
Report of Police Justice A. F. Schreiber was referred to the Comittee on Financ
Report of the Police Justice , Fred G. A.bbey for the month of January was ref.-
• erred to the Committee on Finance.
Report of Committee on Streets & Parks on petitionfrom Wm. Rauch and others for
the improvement of 19th street from the west sideof Commercial Aven, to the east
side of M Avenue , stating that this matter be referred to the City Engineer
with instruction to prepare plans and an estimate on the cost of grading this
street from K Avenue to R Avenue, and ascertain if the improvement bonds could
be marketed, was read and upon motionadopted .
Report of Committee on Streets & Parks on petition from E. M. Kast and J. George
et al for grading of 19th street from Commercial Avenue east to G.N.R/W, stating
that this portion of 19th street was included in report on 19th street from K
Avenue to R Avenue , was read and upon motion adpted .
Report of Streets & Parks to Whom was referred the matterof cost of placing
railing on highway near Mitchell garage was as follows : 'Will require about
300 feet of guard rail at a cost of h240.00 including material , lsbor and paint" .
The report of committee was adopted.
Communication f rom Fred R. Bullock thanking the city council for approving the
name of "Marine View Drive: for the new highway entering the city, which was
entered by Mr. Bullock, was read and upon motion placed on file .
Ordinance No. 765, being an ordinance::confirming an assessment roll of Local
Improvement District No . 139 for improvement of certain streets , as and in the
manner provided for in the plans and specifications of the said district as
described in Ordinance No . 756, and equalized by the city council of the City
of Anacortes on the 18th day of January, 1927,and prescribing within what time
the assessment shall be paid. , was upon motion placed, on its third and final
reading by actions. .Upon:motiori' the title was adopted as read; upon motion
section 1 was adopted as read; upon motion section 2 was adopted as read; upon
motion section 3 was adopted as read; upon motion section 4 was adopted as read;
upon motion section ; upon motion the ordinance as a whole and as read was adopted
Roll call: Ayes, Dwelley, Baughman, Fulton, Howe , McCracken, I and Olson.
Nays, none .
Ordinance No. , being an ordinance specifying and adopting a system or plan
for the making of certain additions and betterments to the municipal water works
system of the cit of Anacortes, declaring the estimated cost thereof, as near
as may be, providing for the issuance of not exceeding $50 ,000 bonds, payable
from the revenues of such water works system to pay the cost t`breof, and pro-
viding for the submission of the matter tof the- qualified voters of said city
for their ratification or rejection at a special bond election to be held therein
on the March 25th, 1927, was upon motion placed on its first reading by title.
Upon motion the ordinance was placed on its second reading by title ; upon motion
• ordinance was referred to the City Attorney and Judiciary Committee.
Bids for sidewalk on Commercial Avenue between Fifteenth and Sixteenth Streets
were called for by the Mayor. Bid was presented by Chas. Hudson, which the
City Clerk was instructed to open, and ulisizh was as follows :
Fill ?5 cu. yds @ $1.45 $108.75
Sidewalk 1632 sq. ft. @ .20 326.40
Printing, eng. etc. 6o. 00
As the bid was $69.00 over that of the City Enginer Councilman Baughman made a
motion that the bid be recalled. There being no second to the motion Came was
• Owing to the amount of the bid considerable discussion ensued, but the city
council finally decided to pay the price and avoid further delay in getting the
walks in. G. E. Grass , associated with Mr. Hudson, promised verbally to donate
$20.00 to the price of the work. A motion was made by Councilman Dwelley, sec-
onded by Howe , that the bid be 'accepted. Roll call: Ayes, Dwelley, Baughman,
Fulton, Howe , McCracken and Olson. Nays, none. them.
and the city clerk instructed to open
Bids for doing the city printing were presentedto the city council/ The
Anacortes Citizen stated that owing to the fact that the Daily Mercury was not
yet six months„and the probability that the Citizen would be discontined to be
succeeded by the Mercury, before the year was out, then were debarred from making
a bid on the city publications at this time. The bid of the Anacortes American
was as follows:
75 cents per inch first insertion, solid nonpariel type
50 10 " " second or subsequent insertions
, .
February 1st, 1927, continued.
Surety bond to be furnished.
Above is legal rate in Anacortes and is price
per inch paid by attorneys and banks.
Motion was made by Councilman Dwelley that the bid of the •Anacortes
American'be accepted. ' Seconded and carried. . Roll call : Ayes , Dwelley,
Baughman, Fulton, Howe , McCracken and Olson. Nays, none.
The matter of placing guard rail on highway near the Mitchell garage was
discussed by the city council and upon a motion from Councilman Dwelley the
matter was referred to the Committee on Streets & Parks with power to act.
Fire Chief Carter addressed the city council and stated that it was time to
negotiate for the purchase of additional fire hose. Upon motion of Councilman
McCracken, seconded by Dwelley, the City Clerk was instructed to call for
bids for the following:
500 ft. 22 inch double jacket rubber ,
lined fire hose
200 ft. 4 inch four ply chemical hose
bids to be opened March first, at the regular meeting of the city council.
The City Attorney stated that the transfer companies of the city wished to '
have a new ordinance drawn up relative to the licensing of transfer trucks .
The' matter ivas referred to the Chief of Police , City Attorney and Committee
on License & Police.
Claims filed against the Current Expense Fund and other city funds for the
month of January, as follows, were read and upon motion referred to the Com-
mittee on Finance :
Joe Hatfield 1 Surveying 45.00
Al Sellinthin 2 Cash advanced on salary 25.00
Al Sellinthin 3 Salary as chief of Police 135. 00
Trulson Motor Co . 4 Repairs on police car 14.70
N. M. Holt- 5 Salary as patrolman 130.00
J. T. March 6 Salary as patrolman 130.00
G. W. Shannon & Co. 7 Supplies for city hall
& fire dept. 6.09
Chas. Voitus 8 Shades for police office 2. 50
Island Belt . S.S. Co . 9 Coal for city hall 75.40
Curtis Wharf Co. 10 Coal for city hall 61.88
0. A. Lenning 11 Salary as St.Supt. and cash
adv. 163.95
E. Childs 12 Labor on streets 90.00
Wm. Weeks 13 Labor on streets 37.50
Lynn Balcomb 0 14 Labor on streets 125.00
Tom Dodson 15 Labor on streets 100.00
Schwartz Iron Works 16 Labor and material for sts. 8.18 .
Olympic Machinery Co . 17 Gear Brackets 10. 05
Fix-It Shop 18 Sharpening tools m streets 4. 75
Marine Supply 19 Supplies for streets 6.65
H. A. Taylor 20 Blacksmithing 2.00
Standard Oil Co . 21 Gasoline for pump 4. 52
J. S. Carter 22 Salary as fire chief & janitor177.40
Body Guard Mfg. Co . 23 Fire coats 47. 13
L. E. Snider 24 Salary as fireman 130.00
A. Latshaw 25 Salary as fireman 130.00
Jas. Colgan . 26 Salary as fireman 130.00
Snyders Pharmacy 27 Sponge for fire dept. 1.25
Trick & Murray 26 Rand filing cabinet complete 245.11
The Fern Press 29 Printing 18.00
Water Department 30 Hydrant rental and fountain 276.15
The Hedman Mfg. Co. 31 Check protector policy 15.00' •
Burroughs Adding Mch. Co . 32 Contract for repairs 5. 55
Seely & Co . 33 Premium bond City attorney 5.00
Great Northern Ry Co . 34 Rent of sidewalk on R/W launch
float 2 .00 •
County Auditor 35 Filing contract 1.35
H. 0. Davey 36 Premium on bonds 75.00
Schreiber & Werner 37 Premium on official bond 26.60
Agnes Mooney 38 Specifications 27.65
Gus Hensler 39 Insurance policy 27.60
Lowman & Hanford 40 Supplies for engineer 29.79
Marion Vatkinson 41, Salary as city treas. & cash
adv. • 60.40
M. A. Hartmann 42 Salary -as city clerk 50.00
Ben Driftmier 43 Salary as city attorney 50.00
P. S. Power & Light Co . 44 Lights at city hall & sts. 239.70 I/
Dr. Austin Shaw 45 Salary as health officer 25.00 -
Fred G. Abbey 46 Justice fees 7. 50
Anacortes American 47 Publishing 32. 55
L. J
. .
February lst, 1927 Cont.
Water Department 508 Water 1.80
H. R. Hunting Co . 509 Books 64.62
J. K. Gill Co . 610 Books 16.75
P. S. Power & Light Co. 511 Lights 8.25
E. Luella Howard 512 Lalary as librarian 115.00
H. V. Dowd 513 Janitor 20.00
J. E. Harding 442 Labor in park 100. 00
1919 Construction Water
Federal Pipe & Tank Co. 1176 Tank at Deutsch ravine 24. 50
De Laval Pump Co . 1177 Pump 319.76
Marine Supply 714 Supplies 69.48
Curtis Wharf Co. 715 Curtis Coal 26.00
Standard Oil Co. 716 Oil 4.82
H. 0. Davey 717 Premium on bond 2. 50
Puget Sound Tel Co . 718 Tolls and rentals 12.25
Clausius Motor Co . 719 Repairs on truck 2.65 •
The Fern Press 720 Printing 18.00
G. W. Shannon & Co . 721 Supplies 45.97
Schwartz Ironworks 722 Labor and material 6. 50
Puget Sound Power & L Co . 723 Power 70.6.15
W. Wade 724 Filter operator 80.00
City Treasurer 725 Payroll 160 . 00
Ernest Knapp 726 Filter operator 135.00
Void 727 Void
W. B. Short 728 Salary as supt. 250.00
Louis Willoughby 729 Labor 150.00
Fred Campbell 730 Labor 4.00
Union Printing Co . 731 Water ledger 108.00
Crane Company 732 Valve for hydrant 32.50
Curtis Wharf Co . 733 Freight on tank 1.58
Wallace & Tierman ?34 Chlorinator parts 4.40
Walworth Company 735 Stop cock 22 .05
Tacoma Rubber Stamp 736 Rubber stamp .60
California Filter Co . 737 Chlorine 15. 50
Layne & Bowler 738 Coupling pins 1.84
Fix-It Shop 739 Filing saws 2. 50
General Water Fund 740 Cash adv. for postage & express 10.-40
Central Service Station 741 Repairs and gasoline 15;90
Jim Jensen 742 Labor 92.50
Worthington Pump Co . 743 Register meter ?5
Anacortes American 744 Publishing 15.00
Anacortes Lmbr. & Box Co. 745 Lumber 37.45
Report of Committee on Finance to whom were referred the claims against the
Current Expense Fund and other city funds, recommending that the claims be
allowed and warrants drawn in favor of same , was read and upon motion adopted.
Roll call: Ayes , Dwelley , Baughman, Fulton, Howe , McCracken and Olson. Nays,
none .
The city council did then adjourn in the regular manner.
Approved in open session this 15th day of February, 1926.
� /may rGl c
( ' //(/4,(..6../ -, ,✓ \-✓.. �"---: ",�=..-
�s Mayer
Attest: .,.,
M. A; Hartmann, City Clerk ,
By / e
Q. ms,, Ze z/ /c..- ,4...,.,/
February 15th 1927.
Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes. met in regular session with Mayor
Brooks presiding and Councilmen Dwelley, Baughman, Fulton, Hansen, Howe, Mc-
' . _. Cracken and Olson. Absent , none .
Minutes approved
TThe minutes of the previous meeting were read and upon motion adopted as read .
City Attorney on Report of City Attorney on Ordinance No . 766, being an ordinance specifying
Ordinance #766 and adopting a plan for the making of certain additions and betterments to the
municipal water works system, stating that same was correct in form, was read
and upon-motion adopted .
J'udi•ciary on Ord. Report of Judiciary Committee on Ordinance No. 766, being an ordinance specify-
#766 ing and adopting a plan for the making of certain additions and betterments ' to
the municipal water works system, recommending that the ordinance be passed,
-. was read and upon motion adopted .
City Engineer on The City Engineer, to thorn was referred the matter of making an estimate of
estimate of 'cost of the cost of grading, graveling and constructing five foot cement walks on
improving 19th St. Nineteenth Street from °0M" Avenue to Commercial Avenue , made the following
from M to Commercial report: "'That this work as above outlined will cost $4,150 .20 or ,Q69 .17 per
lot. The assessed value of the realestate is $80 .00 per lot or $5,315. 00.
There 'are now delinquent taxes amounting to $573 .?9. Under the above conditions
I do not think it possible to sell the bonds .for so extensive an improvement.
If some plan could be formulated whereby the residents would contribute some
money and work with the street department a 24 foot roadway could, by eliminating
all advertizing, printing, engineering, inspection and interest on warrants be
graded and gravelled for $780.00. This method would provide open ditches for
drainage. " Upon motion' the the matter was left with the City Engineer and Com-
mittee on Streets & Parks .
Petition from Gust ' Councilman Dwelley presented a verbal petition from Gust Lundberg to improve
Lundberg for improve- 18th and 19th streets by his property for his own use , until such time as theb
ment of 18th & 19th ccity should need it. Motion by Councilman McCracken, seconded by Olson, that ,
sts. the request be granted without time limit, was passed.
Petition from Moose Petition from the Moose Lodge #680, for dance hall license at Moose Hall,
Lodge for dance hall was read, and upon motion referred to the Committee on License & Police and
license Chief of Police.
Petition fir improve- Petition from M. W. 0. Eaton, Lloyd Wagner and others for improvement of
ment of 0 Ave.from 0 Avenue by grading, from the south line of 17th street to the center line of
17th to 18th sts. 18th street, was read and upon motion referred to the Committee on Streets
and Parks and ' Ci ty Engineer to obtain estimate.
Ordinance #766 Ordinance No . 766, being an ordinance specifying and adopting a system or plan
for the making of certain addiions and betterments to the municipal water works
system of the city of Anacortes, declaring the estimated cost thereof, as near
as may be , providing for the issuance of not exceeding $50,000 bonds, payable
from the revenues of such water works system to pay the cost thereof , and
providing for the submission of, the matter of the qualified voters of said
city for their ratification or rejection at a special bond election to be held
therein on the 25th day of March, 1927, was placed on its third and final
reading by sections. Upon motion the ' title was adopted as read; upon motion
section 1 wzs adopted as read;upon motion section 2 was adopted as read; upon
motion section 3 was adopted as read; upon motion the ordinance as a whole
and as read was adopted. Roll call: AyeEm Dwelley, Baughman, Fulton, Howe ,
Hansen, Olson and McCracken. Nays , none .
Resolution RESOLUTION. WHEREAS, the City of Anacortes tty Ordinance has called a Special
Bond Election to be held in said city on March 25th, 1927, for the purpose of
submitting to the qualified voters thereat the proposition of making certain
additions and betterments to the existing municipal water works system of
said city, pursuant to a system or plan therefor specified and adopted in
said ordinance, and the issuance of not exceeding $50, 000 bonds, payable from
revenues of such water works system, to pay the cost thereof , which ordinance
provides that the city council shall by resolution prescribe the form of
ballot to be used at said election, prescribe the form of notice of election ,
designate the polling places in the several voting precincts an.d designate the •
officers of election: Resolution was read and upon motion adopted.
Bonds of city Bonds of City Engineer, Justice and Deputy City Clerk were presented to the
officials presented city council and upon motion referred to the City Attorney and Judiciary Com.
Bond of J. M. Post Bond of J. M. Post, publisher of Anacortes American, was presented and upon
for publishing motion referred to the City Attorney and Judiciary Committee .
Bids for fire hose Bids for purchase . of 500 ft. of 2* inch double jacket rubber lined fire hose
and 200 ft.. inch four ply chemical hose were presented to the city council
and upon motion of Councilman Howe , seconded by Baughman , the City Clerk was .
instructed to open the bids, which were as follows :
American Rubber fifhli.ofpirituring Company
500 ft, Crackerjack @ $1.15 per ft .
500 ft. American @ 1.00 " 2
500 ft. Lightning .90 °0
200 ft. 4° Chemical .45 " "
The above prices include standard heavy duty fire department couplings
Crackerjack couplings nickel plated. Terms 2% discount for cash 30 days
4 months without interest or one year at 6%.
Steam Supply & Rubber Company • r
Approcimately 500 feet 2* inch Double
Jacketed Fire Hose, coupled with heavy
expansion ring hose couplings --=mm $.87 per ft.
I. 017
February 15th, 1927.
Approximately 200 feet of 3/4 inch, 4-ply
Chemical Hose, coupled - --------- ------ $ 32 per ft .
A. G. Long Company, Inc.
I/ roKeystone"Taxed Double Jacket, coupled -- 1.40 per ft.
"Patrol" " r+ " ro _— �e35 " "
19Arrow" °1 " or ro ..... 1.30 " "
Above prices F.O.B. Anacortes , Washington, freight prepaid.
- Terms : 2% cash 30 days , net 4 months.
Eureka Fire Hose Mfg. Co. .
500 ft. Paragon 3 ply -o--- ® $1.40
47 f° Red Cross - ------- 1.30
" 1° Seaboard Jacket 1.10
rJ 0 ?lestcoast ------a 1.00
07 t° Rainier ---- ----- .95
3/4 inch 4 ply Chemical Hose
45 cents per ft. coupled.
2% cash discount 30 days or 4
. months iper acccuht.
Recess The Mayor declared a recess for purpose of examining the bids .
Bid of American After due consideration of the bids presented the Mayor called the meeting
Rubber Company to order, and upon motion of Councilman Dwelley, secanded by Hansen, the bid
accepted. of the American Rubber Manufacturing Company was accepted as the most
suitable,for . 500 ft. Crackerjack Fire Hose and 200 ft. 419 Chemical Hose,
subject to discount of 2% for cash. Roll call : Ayes, Dwelley, Baughman,
Fulton, Hansen, Howe; McCracken and Olson. Nays , none.
City Clerk to Upon motion the City Clerk was instructed to call for bids on the grading
call for bids on and walks for Seventh Street from t°K1° to "G" Avenues.
7th et.
Adjourn Upon motion the city council did then ,adjourn.
Approved in open council this 1st day of March, 1927.
2 .,,,
. I . ,,,
City Clerk Attest:
M. A. Hartmann, J
• By 21�2 -/� . , ifu..-t-,
Ord. #767 Ordinance No . 767, being an ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 764, was
placed on its first reading by title; upon motion ordinance was placed on
its second reading by title; upon motion ordinance was referred to the
City Attorney and Judiciary Committee. \\
March let , 1927.
Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session with
Mayor Brooks presiding and Councilmen Dwelley, Baughman, Fulton, Hansen, Howe ,
. McCracken. Absent, Olson.
Minutes approved The minutes of the previous meeting were read and upon motion adopted.
City Attorney on Report of City Attorney on bond of J. M. Post for publishing, stating that
bond of past same was correct in form, was read and upon motion.adopted.
City Attorney Report of City Attorney on bonds of city engineer, deputy city clerk and police
on bondsofofficials judge , stating that same were correct in form, was read and upon motion a dopted.
Report of City Attorney on Ordinance No . 767, being an ordinance repealing
City Attorney on Ord. Ordinance #764, stating that same was correct in form, was adopted.
• #767
Report of City treasurer for month of February was presented to the city council
Report of Treas. ref. and upon motion referred to the Committee on Finance.
Report of Ch. of Pol. Report of Chief of Police was presented to the city council and upon motion
referred • referred to the Committee on Finance.
City ingineer on im- Report of City Engineer to whom was referred the matter of obtaining the estimated
provement of 16th & cost of grading and graveling 16th and 18th streets, stating that the grading
18th Sts. and graveling of 16th by L.I .D. would cost approximately $1,,$10. 75 or $18. 5
per lot; to grade and gravel from M to Commercial by the street department and
citizens would cost approximately $815.00 or $13.60 per lot; also that 18th
street from L to Commercial by contract would cost approximately $1 ,661.00 or
$20 per lot, and by the street department and citizens $973. 00 or $16 .2O per lot ,
the citizens agreeing to pay for the clearing, plowing and gravel and spreading
it on the street, was read and upon motion laid upon the table to be taken up
under unfinished business.
City Eng: on completed Communication from the City-Engineer stating that Chas. Hudson had furnished
work of contractor on material amounting to $455.95, and completed the construction of the sidewalk
Commercial Ave . walks on Commercial Avenue from 15th to 16th streets on the west side thereof, and
recommending that a warrant for 80% of the amount or $364.76, be issued, was
read and upon motion adopted.
Judiciary on Ord. #767 Report of Judiciary Committee on Ordinance #767, being an ordinance repealing
Ordinance No . 764, recommending that the ordinance be passed, was read and upon
motion adopted.
d. Com, on bonds ofI/
Report of Judiciary Committee on bonds of city engineer, deputy city clerk and
city officials police judge, recommending that the bonds-be accepted and placed on file, was
read and upon motion adopted .
Judiciary on bond of Report of Judiciary Committee on bond of J. M. Post for publishing, recommending
Post for publishing that the bond be accepted and placed on file , was read and upon motion adopted.
License & Police on Report of Committee on License -& Police to whomrras referred the matter of
license for Moose dance petition from Moose Lodge for .dance hall license at Moose Hall, recommending
hall that the license be issued, was read and upoh motion adopted.
E. K. Wood ask for Communication from the E. K. Wood Lumber Company relative to bad condition of
improvement on Burrows road to Burrows Bay and asking that arrangements be made to have the grader
Bay road run over this road at regular intervals a week or ten days apart, was read and
upon motion referred to the Committee on Streets & Parks with power to act.
of 0 Ave. and E 40 ft. of N Ave . ,
Comm. from Curtis Communication from the Curtis Wharf Company asking for lease of west forty fee./
Wharf Co. for renewal for the customary period of • five years , was read, and upon motion of Councilman
of lease Dwelley, seconded by Hansen, the lease was granted, subject to existing contract.
The Mayor and City Clerk were authorized to enter into contract with the Curtis
Wharf Company for the lease of the above street ends for a period of five years .
Roll call: Ayes , Dwelley, Baughman , Fulton, Hansen and McCracken. Nays, none.
Comm.. from Jansen Fetter from the Jansen Drilling Company relative to bill for moving of pump
Drill. Co. re unpaid and installing new one at wells was read and upon lotion referred to the Water
bill Superintendent and City Attorney.
Ordinance #767 Ordinance No . 767, being an ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 764, was upon motion
placed on its third and final. reading by sections. Upon motion the title was adopteu
as read; upon motion tertian 1 was adopted as read; upon motion section 2 was adopted
as read; upon motion the ordinance as a whole and as read was adopted. Roll call
Ayes, Dwelley, Baughman , Fulton, Hansen, and McCracken. Nays , none.
Resolution. Resolution. WHEREAS, James Ervine has petitioned the city council to vacate
Block Thirteen, Seattle Syndicate Addition to the City of Anacortes, Skagit
County, Washington, and it appearing that said petition is signed by the owners
of more than two-thirds of the property sought to be vacated, was read and upon
motion s. dopted. Roil call : Ayes, Dwelley, Baughman, Fulton, Hansen , Howe and
McCracken. Nays, none .
ssessment roll for Assessment roll for local improvement district No. 142 , improvement of Commer-
Lid #142 accepted cial Avenue from 15th to 16th streets by 'sidewalks on the west side thereof,
was presented to the city council and upon motion of Councilman Dwelley, sec-
onded by Howe, the roll was accepted. The City Clerk was instructed to give
notice of hearing of protests on the roll April 5th, 1927.
Warrant for Chas. Upon motion of Councilman McCracken, seconded by Dwelley, the City Clerk was
Hudson •authorized instructed to issue a warrant for $364.76 in favor Chas. Hudson for work done
I,,ID #142 one Commercial Avenue sidewalks from 15th to 16th streets. Roll call : Ayes,
Dwelley, Baughman , Fulton, Hansen, Howe and McCracken. Nays , none.
The matter of improvements on 18th and 19th streets was brought up and Councilman
Improvement of 18th
& 19th sts .
Fulton stated the Committee was still endeavoring to come to some understanding
with the property owners. The work was left in the hand of the Committee on
Streets and Parks. .
City Treasurer author- Upon motion of Councilman McCracken the City Treasurer was authorized to pay '
ised to pay assess- local imprvement assessments against city property in Districts No. 138-139-140. -
ments against city Roll call: Ayes, Dwelley, Baughman , Fulton, Hansen, Howe and McCracken. Nays ,
property none. •
Edda for improvement Bids on the improvement of Seventh Street from K to G Avenues by grading and
of 7th st. by walks walks were presented to the city council. A motion was made by Councilman
presented Dwelley, seconded by McCracken, that the city clerk be instructed to open the
bids, wl.iich were as follows:
Alexander & .McNeil, Mt. Vernon,----- 08,254.10
Paul Neilan, Sedro-.tloolley, -------- 10,325.80
Chas. Hudson, Anacortes, -moo------- 8,418.00
Bid of Alexander A motion by Councilman McCracken, seconded by Dwelley, that the bid of Alexander
& McNeil accepted & McNeil be accepted as the lowest and best bid, was passed.
Clerk to return Upon motion the City Clerk was instructed' to return certified checks to un-
certified checks successful bidders.
House Bill #350 Mayor Brooks called the attention of the city council to House Bill #350,
Bridge across Decept- relating to a toll bridge across Deception Pass which could be financed by
ion Pass a bond issue voted upon by the people of Skagit and Island Counties, together
with assistance from the State. A motion was made by Councilman McCracken,
seconded 'byHansen, that the bill be endorsed and a copy of resolution be
sent to the County Commissioners and State Representatives Gilkey, Russell and
Hayton.at Olympia.
Claims Claims filed against the Current Expense Fund and other city funds for the
month of February, as follows, were read and upon motion referred t o the Committee
on Finance :
Greatnorthern Ry Go. 48 Freight on scrapers 12.38
VIM. Weeks 49 Labor on streets 6o.00
Fred Campbell 50 Labor on streets 48.00
Ernest Childs 51 Labor on streets 86. 00 • I/
Tom Dodson 52 Labor on streets 100.00
Lynn Balcomb 53 Salary as truck driver 125. 00
0. A. Lenning 54 Salary as St. Supt . & cash
adv. 86. 00 •
J. F. Collins 55 Inspector on Commercial Ave 5. 00
Edw. Rogers 56 Repairs on car top for police2.00
Standard Oil Co. 57 Gasoline for depts. 69.23
L. E. Snider 58 Salary as fireman 130.00
Alex Latshaw 59 Salary as fireman 130. 00
Jas. Colgan 60 Salary as fireman 130.00
J. Sb, Carter 61 Salary as fire chief & •
Cash adv. 178.20
Knapp & Ronneberger 62 Supplies & repairs fire &
sts. 27.90
Anacortes Mfg. Co . 63 Turning tool holders &
police crt31.80
J. T. March 64 Salary as patrolman 130.00 •
N. M. Holt 65 Salary as patrolman 130. 00
Al Sellinth .n 66 Salary as chief police 160. 00
State Treasurer 67 Industrial Ins.& Med.aid 84.63
The Fern Press 69 Printing 15.00
Trick & Murray 70 Justice docket 8.66
S. D. Temple & Co . 71 Supplies for clerk 1.85
Current Expense 72 Cash adv. for postage L. I .D.
statements 16. 65
Agnes Mooney 73 Typing & specifications 19. 55
Tacoma Rubber Stamp Co . 74 Rubber stamps • 9.45
Ben•Driftmier 75 Salary as city attorney. . 50. 00
Marion Watkinson 76 Salary " " treas . &cash adr54.75
Dr . Austin Shaw 77 Salary as health officer 25.00
• M. A. Hartmann 78 Salary as city clerk 50.00
Lowman & Hanford 79 Blueprint paper for eng.dept 7. 65
Water Department 80 Hydrant rental and fountain276.15
E. S. Amidon 81 Meals for prisoners 5.45
P. S. Tel. Co. 82 Tolls for police 1. 70
E. K. Wood Lmbr.Co . 83 Lumber for streets 15. 00
P. S. Power & right Co 84 Lights at City hall & sts. 236. 79
Anacortes American 85 Publishing 72. 67
Marine Supply 86 Supplies for fire & sts. 15. 12
Anacortes Lbr. & Box 87 Lumber for sts . 68. 70
Fred G. Abbey 88 Justice fees 10. 00
' 2686.28
E. Luella Howard 514 Salary as librarian 3 115.00
J. K. Gill Co . 515 Books 30.31
Wheeler Publishing Co . 516 Books 54.30
H. W. Dowd 517 Janitor 20.00
Water Department 518 Water 1:80
. I/: P. S. P. & L Co . 519 Lights 7.92
p 229.33
Park Fund
J. E. Harding 443 Labor in park 100.00
Clint Knapp 444 Labor in park 76.00
$ 176.00
Sparks Transfer 1557 Hauling gravel for highway 50.80
State Treasurer 1558 Industrial Ins. & Med Aid 11.46
0. A. Lenning 1559 Salary as st . supt . placing
guard rail 67. 50
C129. 76
DeLaval Pump Co . 1178 Payment on pump 60. 00
State Treasurer 1179 Inds . Ins. & Med. Aid 6
3 . 73
L. I. D. # 142
Chas . Hudson 1 Chas. Hudson 364.76
Puget Sound P & L Co . 746 Installing 25 HP Motor 52. 78
I/ E. K. Wood Lumber Co . 74 Grease for pumps 1.60
Island Transfer Co . 748 Frt. & drayage on pipe 11 .94
G. W. Shannon & Co . 749 Supplies 26.40
Knapp & Ronneberger 750 Repairs & supplies 45.11
Ernest Knapp 751 Salary as filter operator 135.00
W. Wade 752 Salary as filter operator 60.00
Jim Jensen 753 Labor 70. 00
Louis Willoughby 754 Labor 150. 00
S. D. Temple & Co . 755 Supplies 6. 55
General Water Fund 756 Cash advanced for postage & exp . 12 . 69
California Filter 757 Chlorine 15. 50
Garcon Meter Co . 758 Coupling washers 1.64
Paul Luvera ?59 Chlorinated lime 2.10
Crane Company 760 Pipe and supplies 236.25
Standard Oil Co . 761 0i1 for trucks and pump 3.88
T. B. Short 762 Salary as supt. 250.00
P. S. Tel. Co . 763 Tolls and rentals 8.20
Western Union Tel. Co . 764 Telegrams 1. 54
LaMotte Chemical Co . 765 Indicator solution 2. 55
Anacortes Mfg. Co . 766 Machine work on pump 1.75
Lehigh Steil Co . 767 Tool steel for pointing picks 14.40
City Treasurer 768 Payroll 160.00
State Treasurer 769 Ind. Ins . & Med . Aid 26.42
Tacoma Rubber Co . ?70 Rubber stamps 1.00
P. S. Power. & Light Co . 771 Power 330.46
Anacortes Drug Co . ?72 Test solution .70
Anacortes American 773 Publishing bond election 50 . 57
Marine Supply ?74 Supplies 64. 55
Anacortes Lbr. & Box Co . 775 Lumber 33. 10
DeLaval Steam Turbine Co . 776 Pump shaft 2.40
P. S. P & L Co. 777 * Power at Whistle Lake 83.64
City Treasurer 778 Installment assmt . L. I .D.#138 113 .45
Rinance on Report of the Committee on Finance to whom were referred the claims against
claims the Current Expense l�uhd and other city funds for the month of February, 1927 ,
recommedding that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of same,
was read and upon motion adopted. Roll call : Ayes , Dwelley, Baughman, Fulton,
Hansen , Howe , McCracken. Nays , none .
Adjourn Upon motion the city council did then adjourn in regular order. .
Approved in open session this 15th day of March , 1927.
Jam-? .�C - ''/c,'\--'"'-?i..,- -/20 -----
Ilay or
Attest : M. A.�Hartmann, City Clerk,
By / '/ - i 74-, ---.4---2,.-•-
Deputy - A
March 15 th, 1927
Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session with Mayor
Brooks presiding and. Councilmen Dwelley , Baugrnan , Fulton, Hansen, Howe and
Olson responding to roll call. Absent, McCracken.
Minutes approved Minutesof the previous meeting were mead and upon motion adopted as read.
Report of Fin. on Report of Committee on Finance to whom was referred the February report of 1/
Treasurers report City Treasurer, recommending that the report be accepted and placed on file
was read and upon motion adopted.
F`inarice on report Report of Committee on Finance to whom was referred the matter of February
of Chief of Police report of Chief of Police , recommending that the report be accepted and
and placed on file , was read and upon motionadopted.,
Finance on report Report of Committee on Finance to Whom was referred the February report of
of Police Judge Police Judge , recommending that the report be accepted and placed on file,
was read and upon motion adopted.
Memorandum of Memorandum of Agreement presented by the E. K. Wood Lumber Company for water
Agreement presented to be furnished by the city at contract rates for a period of ten years, was
by E,K.Wood Lmbr Co. read and upon motion referred to the Committee on Fire , Water and Light and
for water Superintendent of Water.
Petition from A.R. Petition from A. R. Baker, Oliver Brown and others for improvement of Fourteenth
Baker & others for Street between the east line of K Avenue and the west line of Commercial Avenue
improvement of 14th by grading and placing thereon four foot cement sidewalks on each side thereof,
Street was read - and upon motion referred to the Committee on Streets & Parks and City
Rademacher lease A motion was made by Councilman Dwelley, seconded by Hansen, that the Mayor
and City Clerk be authorized to enter into lease with the Peter Rademacher
for watershed farm at the rate of .$60.00 per year. (Heart Lake Farm) . Roll
Call : Ayes , Dwelley , Baughman , Fulton, Hansen, Howe and Olson. Nays , none.
Revision of plumbers Councilman Baughman brought up the matter of revising plumbers ordinance ,
ordinance . stating that the ordinance should conform to the needs of the City of Anacortes .
A motion was made by Councilman Howe , seconded by Baughman , that the local
plumbers should meet with the Committee on Sewers and Buildings and City Att-
orney and draft suitable ordinance.
Fire Chief asks for Fire Chief addressed the city council relative to installation of siren at
installation of fire the corner of Eighth Street and Commercial at a cost of $60.00. On motion of
siren Councilman Hansen, seconded by Howe , the matter was referred to the Committee
on Fire , Water & Light with power to act.
Adjourn Upon motion the city council did then adjourn in regular order.
Approved in open session this 5th day of April, 1927 .
Attest :
M. A. Hartmann, City Clerk
By i/� 4
April 5th, 1927.
Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session with Mayer
Brooks==-R-r5, and Councilmen Dwelley, Fulton, Hansen, Howe , McCracken and
Olson. responding to roll call. Absent
In the absenceof the Mayor , Mayor Pro Tem McCracken assumed the chair.
TThe minutes of the previous meeting were read and upon motion adopted as read.
Report of City Report of City Treasurer was presented to the city council and upon motion
Treas. referred referred to the Committee on Finance .
Report of Ch.. of Report of Chief of Police for month of March, 1927, was presented and upon motion
Police referred referred to the Committee on Finance.
Report of Justice Report of Police Justice for month of March was presented and upon motion
referred referred to the Committee on Finance .
City 'Eng. on work Communication from City Engineer stating that Alexander & McNeil had completed
of Alexander & Mc the following amount of mirk on Seventh Street: •
Neil on 7th St .
"Clearing and grubbing 3110.00
Excavation 2900 cu. yds G 3. 75 2 ,175. 00
8" drain 150 lin. ft. Q .50 75 .00 .
3" drain 600 " " . 25 150.00
I therefore recommend that the City Treasurer be authorized to
issue a warrant in their favor for 80% of the above amount
or 32 ,008.00. i1
Upon motion the report was adopted.
C'i ty Enginer on Communication from the .City Engineer certifying that Chas. Hudson had completed
work of chas. . • the construction of the sidewalk on Commercial Avenue from 15th Street to 16th
Hudson on Com. Ave. Street at a total cost of o455.95, 364. 76 of which he had received, and rec-
walks ommending that the be balance of $)91.19 be paid him and the work accepted, was
read and upon motion adopted.
Buildings & " Report of Committee on Building and Sewers to whom was referred the matter of
Sewers on plumbers revisiong plumbers ordinance , recommending that the ordinance as amended be
ordinance referred to the City Attorney and Judiciary Committee, was read and upon motion
Fire, IV & Light Report of Commttee on Fire, Water & Light, to Whom was referred the matter of
- /
on siren installing fire siren at the corner of Eighth Street and Commercial Avenue ,
recommending that the siren be installed, was read and upon motion adopted.
'Application from Communication from the Northwestern Fisheries Company, addressed to Mr. Fred
No Fisheries B. Fulton, making application for lease of the west .half of N Avenue and water-
for lease of west front for a period of five years with the privilege of renewing, was read and
.40 'ft. of N Ave . upon motion of Councilman Dwelley, seconded by Olson, the application was granted
and waterfront on the same terms as the lease of the east half of the street, at the rate of
050 .00 a year. The Mayor and City Clerk were authorized to enter into lease
with the Northwestern Fifsheries Company as outlined and the City Attorney in-
structed to draw up the necessary papers.
Ordinance No. Ordinance No . , being an ordinance regulating the pRlumbing ventilation and
drainage of buildings, and to provide for the registration of plumbers, creating
the office of plumbing inspector, prescribing his duties and compensation for
inspections so made and providing a penalty for violation of this ordinace, was
upon motion placed on its first reading by title; upon motion ordinance was
placed on its second reading by title ; upon motion ordinance was referred to the
City Attorney and Judiciary Committee.
Ordinance No .
Ordinance No. , being an ordinance authorizing and providing for the issuance
of 343,154;85 bonds of Local Improvement District No . 139 of the City of Anacortes
Washington, providing for the form and details thereof and for the execution and
delivery of same , was upon motion placed on its first reading by title ; upon
. motion ordinance was placed on its second reading by title ; upon motion ordinance
was referred t o the City Attorney and Judiciary Committee.
Ordinance No. Ordinance No. , being an ordinance engaging and employing a special engineer
to prepare plans and specifications fox the City of Anacortes , Washington, for
the making of additions and betterments to and extensions of the existing
municipal water works system of said city, was upon motion placed on its first
reading by title; upon motion ordinance was placed on its second reading by
title ; uponmotion ordinance was referred to the City Attorney and Judiciary
Committee of the A motion was made by Councilman Dwelley, seconded by Hansen, that the city council
Whole to canvass resolve itself into a Committee of the Thole to canvass the votes of the Special
votes of Special Water Bond Election held March 25th, with the Mayor Pro Tem acting as chairman
Bond election and the City Clerk was secretary. After the votes had been canvassed the com-
mittee made the following report:
Pr1108 .
April 5th, 1927.
For Against
Canvass FIRST WARD = First and second precincts 127 11
Third precinct 28 9
SECOND WARD = First precinct 48 15
Second precinct 22 12
Third precinct 71 10
THIRD WARD = First and second precincts 213 24
Third precinct 13 2
Total -- 522 83
Report of Committee Upon motion of Councilman Dwelley the report of the Committee of the . Whole
of Whole adopted was adopted and the election declared carried.
Communication from the Puget Sound Telephone Company addressed to Mayor
Communication from Brooks relative to telephone pole line along Marine View Drive , stating that
P.S,Telephone Co . re by building the line 25 feet froth the center of the road it would be possible
pole line along • to place anchor guys on the upper side and eliminate the guy stubs , also
Marine View Drive cable for local distribution instead of open wire , this improving the appear-
ance of the line , was read. After some discussion a motion was made by Council
man McCracken that the request be granted,provided the poles were placed on
the south side of the pavement and 25 feet from the center line , and subject
to the City Attorney and City Engineer. Motion carried.
Warrant issued to A motion was made by Councilman Dwelley, seconded by Olson, that a warrant
Chas . Hudson, L. ID, be issued to Chas Hudson for $91.19 , balance due on estimate. for work on
#142 Commercial Avenue sidewalks , L. I .D. #142. Roll call: Ayes, Dwelley, Fulton,
Hansen, Olson, Howe and McCracken. Nays , none .
Mayor returns @JO The Mayor entered the council chamber and the Mayor Pro Tem resumed his seat
at the counbil table.
t.7arrant issued to A motion was made by Councilman Dwelley, seconded by McCracken, that warrant
Alexander & McNeil for $2,008.00 be issued to Alexander & McNeil for work done on Seventh Street.
for 7th St. LID #141 Roll.. call: Ayes , Dwelley , Fulton, Hansen, Howe , McCracken and Olson. Nays ,none .
Clean-up-week Councilman McCracken stated that the Ladies Improvement Club had asked that .
April llth to 16th be designated as "Cleanup Week" . As this met with the
approval of the council a motion was made by Councilman McCracken that the -
Mayor issue proclamation designating the above date as "Clean-up Week" .
Motion carried. o
Overflowing of Lake F. L. Christenson and H. P. Christenson protested verbally against the the
Campbell on adjacent flooding of their property by the rising of the water in Lake Campbell. The
property Mayor advised that the city would do all that was possible to protect their
property and referred them to the Committee on Fire , ':rater and Light and City
Claims filed against the Current Expense Fund and other city funds for the month
of March, 1927, as follws, were read and upon motion referred to the Committee
on Finance. .
Joe Hatfield 89 Surveying 36.00
Marion };latkinson 90 Salary as city treasurer 50 .00
L. E. Sbider 91 Salary as fireman 130.00•Jas. Colgan 92 Salary as fireman 130.00
Alex Lat shave 93 Salary a s f i reman 130.00
Dr. A ustin Shaw 94 Salary as health officer 25. 00
Snyders Pharmacy 95 Supplies for health officer & fire 3. 25
Howard-Cooper Corp. 96 Supplies for fire dept. 1. 16
TThe American Rubber Co 97 Fire hose & chemical hose for fire 651.70
Knapp & Ronneberger 98 Globes for fire dept. 1. 10
Island Transfer Co . 99 Drayage on hose for fire dept. ' 1.00
','later Department 100 Hydrant rental and fountain 276. 15
J. S. Carter .101 Salary a s fire chief and cashadv. 179.03
H. A. Taylor 102 Blacksmithing 4.25
Schwartz Iron Works 103 Labor andmtterial for sts. 19.05
Kaufman Tractor Co. 104 Balance due on tractor & interest 1 ,560 .53
0. A. Lenning 105 Salary as st. supt 150 .00
Lynn Balcomb 106 Salary as truck dirver 125. 00
Ernest Childs 107 Labor on streets 106.00
Tom Dodson 108 Labor on streets 100.00
Fred Campbell 109 Labor on streets 94 .00
Wm. Weeks 110 Labor on streets 75.00
Chas . Anderson 111 Labor on streets 18.50
Van Buren & Heller 112 Shovels for st. dept. 9.00
Fix It Shop 113 Sharpening tools for sts. .50
western Union Tel Co . 114 Telegrams .58
J. J. Lockert • 115 Repairson typewriter 7. 50
R. E. Ruthford 116 Extending chimneys at city hall 47. 92
• S. P. Walsh 117 Hauling grabage from city hall 1.00
M. A. Hartmann 118 Salary as c i t clerk 50.00
Ben Dri f tmie r 119 Salary as city attorney 50.00
Marine Supply Hardware 120 Supplies for clerk . 30
Wm. B. Short 121 Salary as city engineer 100.00
-- Titus 122 Labor 7th st. LID # 141 • 4.00
L .
April 5th, continued.
Frank A. Snyder 123 Lzbor. 7th St. LID #141 4. 00
T. F. Doan 124 Maps 7th st. LID 41.41 3. 75
Fred Campbell 125 La or ' 1° II '° 4. 00
Joe Hatfield 126 Surveying 7th e t. LID #141 41.00
Chas. Revell 127 Labor 7th st. LID # 141 28 .00
Anacortes American 128 printing and publishing 24. 07
S. D. Temple & Co . 129 Supplies for clerk 3.35
Lowman & Hanford 130 Supplies 1. 04
Fern Press 131 Printing 12. 50
Anacortes Citizen 132 Printing 14. 00
Curtis Wharf Co . 133 Coal for city hzll 63. 18
Puget Sound P & L Co . 134 Lights at city hall & streets 233.42
G. W. Shannon & Co. 135 Supplies for departments 8.80
Al Sellintin 136 Salary as chief of police 160 .00
N. M. Holt 137 Patrolman 130 .00
J. T. March • 138 Salary as patrolman 130 .00
Anacortes American 139 Printing for police justice 6. 50
Fred G. Abbey 140 Justicef ees 12 .50
Trulson Motor Co. 141 Repairs on police car 10.40
Current Expense Fund • 142 Cash .advanced for postage 6.63
Puget Sound Tel. Co. 143 Tolls for police 1.50
Tire Surgery 144 Tire repairs for police 2. 25
Olympic Machinery Co . 145 Scrapers for street dept. 150 . 00
Agnes Mooney 146 Services in offices, transcripts 18. 00
Ethel Barron 147 1° n " 2. 25
5,212 .66
Alexander & McNeil 27 Estimate 2, 008.00
Chas . Hudson 28 Balance on estimate 91.19
1/. Geo . Rueger 779 Right of way from EL to filter 100.00
Robert Deus tech 780 ;' " 2 • " iQ 100 . 00
Vim. Deutsch 781 f° tD 1P " " 100.00
Mae C. Temple 782 Inspector bond election 6.75
Etta Stafford 783 Judge bond election 6. 50
Elizabeth M. Dwelley 784 Judge 6. 50
Georgia Mattice 785 Judge 6. 50
Kate Crawford 786 Judge 6.50
Clare Colgan 787 Inspector $.50
Blanche Baker 788 Inspector 6. 25
Jessie Forss 789 Judge 6.25
Lois Marcoe 790 Judge 6. 25
' Drury Parley 791 Judge 6. 25
Myrtle McComas 793 Inspector 6. 25
Marine Supply 793 Supplies 77,138
Federal Pipe & Tank Co . 794 Sflr9.50
Luvera° s Furit Sotre 795 Chlorinated lime for filter . 0
S. F . Schreiber 796 Rent of hall for election 2. 50
Puget Sound P & L Co . 797 Lights at election booths & power 778.06
Louis Willoughby 798 Labor 150 .00
Kim Jensen 799 Labor 75. 00
Chas Anderson 800 Labor 36. 00
Anacortes C it isen 801 Receipt books & notices 67.00
S. D. Temple & Co . 802 Supplies 1. 50
Puget Sound Tel Co . 803 Tolls and rentals 1.85
Daily Bulletin 804 Publishing rent ad. 3.80
V.alworth Company 805 Curbcocks 42.36
Gamon Meter Co . 806 Washers 1.64
Fix It Shop 807 Repairing tools 1. 25
Crane Company 808 Meters 204.90
Island Transfer Co . 809 Freight & drayage 6.34
Schwartx Iron ~Works 810 Meter parts 1.25
Snyders Pharmacy 811 Supplies .75
Bell Machine Works 812 Labor on pump 189.74
N. C . Jannsen 813 Installing pump 180. 50
California Filter Co . 814 Chlorine 15. 50
General Water Fund 815 Cash adv. for postage & telegrams 10.75
Henry Davey 896 Official bond 2. 50
D. Mooney 817 Delivering election supplies 1.75
Agnes Mooney 815 Typing indexes 11.95
V. 1 ,de 819 Filter operator salary 85. 00
Ernest Knapp 820 j'ilert operator 135. 00
City Treasurer 821 Payroll 160.00
W. B . Short 822 Salary as supt. 150 .00
Fred Campbell 823 Labor EL to filter 2. 00
Allice C. Bockman 824 Judge election 6. 50
Nellie Ratliff 826 Judge election • 6. 50
Blanche George 827 Inspector election 6. 5)
Marguerite Hendrixson 827 Inspector election 6. 50
Lucy Means 828 Judge election 6.50
Nellie Kruger 829 Judge election 6 .50
rI 10
A -pr it 5th, 1927 , continued
Claims continued Shannon &. Co . 830 Supplies• • 4:41
Curtis Wharf .Co. 831 Coal for filter 19.10 I/
Ventral Service Station 832 Mtce on car 16. 84
Knapp.& PCnnebe rger 833 Repairs on car and truck 63. 14
Carrie A. .Hatch 834 Judge election 6. 25
Chas. Revell 835 Labor RI to filter 7.00
Joe Hatfield 836 Surveying HI to filter 42. 00
Anacortes American 837 Printing for election
Aletha Proud 838 Judge bond election 6.25
Calara Propst 839 Judge bond election 6.25
Etta C avanaugh 840 Inspector election 6.25
. 33060 .54
P. K. Pirett & Co. 520 Books 8.00
P. H. Miller 521 Labor on ground 23:00
G. W . Shannon & Co. 522 Supplies 1..45
Puget Sound P & L C o . 523 Light 6: 63
Water Department 524 Water 1.80
K. W. Dowd 525 Salary as janitor 20.00
E. Luella Howard 526 Salary as librarian 115.00
H. A. Taylor 445 Sharpening tools 1. 50
J.E. Harding 446 Labor in parks 100.00
Fix It Shop 447 Sharpening lawnmower 1. 50
The Marine Hardware 448 Supplies 38.40
Clint Knapp 449 Labor in park 104.00
Anacortes L & B Co . 450 lawnmower forparks 23 .60
I.. E. Cahail 451 Mork on cottage Washington Park 50. 00
Finance on claims Report of Committee on Finance to whomwere referre d the claims against the
C urrent Expense Fund and other city funds for the month of March, 1927,
recommending that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of same ,
was read and upon motion adopted. Roll call : Ayes , Dwelley, Fulton, Hansen ,
Howe , O sl on and McCracken. Nays , none.
Adjourn There being no further business the city council did adjourn in regular order.
Approved in open session this 19th day of April, 1927 .
/_.ce3 .-,,
• M. A. Hartmann, City Clerk,
By 9 a�-,_:, - 2,Z 7I
• Deputy
l < 1'94
April 19th, 1927 .
Roll call The city co unci l of the City of Arm, cartes met in r egular session with Mayor
Brooks presiding and Councilmen Dwelley, Fulton, Hansen nd Olson responding to
roll call.. Absent, Baughman , Howe and McCracken .
Minutes app roved The minutes of the previous meeting were read and upon motion adopted as read .
City Attorney on Reort of City Attorney on Ordinance Ni. 769, being an ordinance engaging and
Ordinance #769 employing a special engineer for the extension of the water system, stating that
same was correct in form, was read and upon moti on adopted.
City attorney on Report of City Attorney on Ordinance No . 768, being an ordinance authorizing and
Ordinance No , 768 proviing for the issuance Of Local Improvement bonds , District #138, stating
same was correct as to form, was read and upon motion adopted.
City Engineer on Communication from the City Engineer, as follows, was read and upon motion adopted .
cost of improving
14th street from "I have made a survey and estimated cost of grading ,
K avenue to Com. constructing five-foot cement walks , and drainage on
14th street from K avenue to Commercial Avenue .
The estimated cost of the above named improvements is
$14 ,827.00; the assessed value of the real estate if
$8,635.00 and delinquent taxes amounting to $720 .47.
Under these conditions the street cannot be improved
as outlined, however, a 26 foot roadway could be graded
and gravelled from the e ast side of "M10 Avenue to '°0"
Avenue , from 14th street to the alley between 13th and
14th Street for $1 , 556 . 00. The assessed value of real
estate served by this improvement is 4p3 ,620.00, and de-
linquenttaxes amounting to $378.15.
This perhaps could be financed by issuing warrants to
the contractor payable within 90 days after completion
of the work. "
Judiciary on Ord. Report of Judiciary Committee on Ordinance No . 768 , being an ordinance authoriz-
#768 ing and providing for the issuance of Local Improvement bonds, District #139 ,
recommending that the ordinance by passed, was read and upon motion adopted.
Judiciary on Ord. Report of Judiciary Committee on Ordinance No . 769, being an ordinance engaging
#769 and employing a special engineer for the extension oft he water system, recom-
mending that the ordinance be passed, was read and upon motion adopted.
No protests on TThe Mayor called for protests against the assessment roll of Local Improvement
assment roll #142 District No . 142 , but none were presented, either written or verbal.
No protests on There were no protests on the vacation of Block 13 , Seattle Syndicate Addition ,
block'. vacation for James E rvine .
Ordinance #770 Ordinance No. 770, being an ordinance providing for the issuance of 50, 000
Anacortes 1927 Water Works Improvement Fund Bonds, was upon motion placed on its
first reading by title ; upon motion ordinance was placed on its second reading by
title ; upon motion ordinance was referred to the City Attorney and Judiciary
Committee .
Ordinance No . 771 Ordinance No. 771, being an ordinance confirming an assessment roll oc Local
Improvement District No . 142 for improvement of certain streets, was upon motion
placed on its first reading by title; upon motion ordinance was placed on its
second reading bytitle ; upon motion ordinance was referred to the City Attorney
and Judiciary Committee.
Ordinance No . 768 Ordinance No. 768, being an ordinance authorizing and providing for the issuance
of $43 ,154.85 bonds of Local Improvement District No . 139 of the City of Anana rtes ,
:7ashington, providing for the form and details thereof and for the execution
and delivery of same. WHEREAS, bu ordinance No. 756 of the City of Anacortes,
Washington, passed April 20 , 1926 , said City did authorize , order and provide
for the making of certain improvements in Local LnprovementDistrict No . 139
of said. City, and did thereafter award a contract for such work, and such work has
been fully completed and accepted by said city; and
7 HEREAS, by Ordinance No . 765 of said city, passed February 1st , 1927, an
assessment roll containing assessments against private property within said
district was approved and confirmed , which assessment roll was thereafter
certified to the City Treasurer for collection, and the thirty day period provided(?.
by law for payment of assessments before the issuance of bonds has fully expired;
and WHEREAS, the remaining nd unpaid assessments are payable in five (5) equal
annual installments , together with interest at the r ate of eight (8) per cent per
m annu , the first of which installments is due March 15th , 1928; and
WHEREAS, by Ordinance No . 730 of said city, passed guly 3, 1923, said city did ,
pursuant to the power conferred upon it by Chap. 141 , Washington Laws 1923 ,
created and establish a "Local Improvement Guaranty Fund" for the purpose of
guaranteeing to the extent of such fund , as in said Act provided, the payment of
all local improvement district bonds of said City thereafter issued, including
the bonds hereby authorized, and it is now necessary to provided for the
issuance of bonds of said Local Improvement District No . 139 of said city;
was upon motion placed on its third and final reading by sections; upon motion
the title was adopted as read; uponI motion section 1 was adopted as read ; upon
motion secion 2 was adopted as read ; upon motion section 3 was adapted as read;
April 19th, 1927, continued.
upon motion section 4 was adopted as read; upon motion the ordinance as a whole
and as read was adopted. Roll call,: Ayes , Dwelley, Fulton, Hansen and Olson;
Nays, none.
Ordinance No .' 769 Ordinance No . 769, being and ordinance engaging and employing a special engineer
to prepare detailed plans and specifications for the City of Anacortes ,
a fashington, f or the making of additions and betterments to the and exten-
sions of the existing municipal water works system of said city.
WHEREAS, the City of Anacortes , Washington, under Ordinance No . 766 , of said
city, specified and adopted a system or plan forthe making of certain additions
and betterments to and extensions of the existing municipal water works system
of said city, which system or plan was thereafter adopted and approved by the
qualified voters of said city at an election held on the 25th day of March , '
1927, and it is for the best interest of said city that it engage and employ
a special engineer to prepare the detailed plans and specifications necessary
for the construction of the filter.
and passed
A motion was mad/that the ordinance be placed on its third and final reading
by sections. Upon motion the title was adopted as read; upon motion section
1 was adopted as read; upon motion section 2 was adopted as read ; upon motion
section 3 was adopted as read; upon motion the ' ordinance as a whole and as read
was adopted; roll call : Ayes, Dwelley, Fulton, Hansen and Olson. Nays, none.
Councilman Baughman As Councilman Adam Baughman. had moved from the second ward and had presented
moves from ward no resignation, the Mayor declared his seat vacant.
Plumbers bond of Bond of R. E. Ruthford for plumbing fo,r 1927, was presented to the city council
R.E.Ruthford and upon motion referredto the City Attorney.
Adjourn Upon motion the city council did then adjourn. •
Approved in open session this 3rd day of May, 1927.
C.6,WW/, .
kayo r
Attest : M. A. Hartmann, City Clerk,
By ®? 7a L -
Deputy •
May 3rd, 1927.
Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met ' in regular session with Mayor
Brooks presiding and ' Councilmen Fulton, Hansen, Howe , EcCracken and Olson res-
ponding to roll call. Absent , Dwelley.
Minutes approved The minutes of the previous meeting were read and upon motion adopted as read.
City Atty on Ord. Report of City Attorney on Ordinance No . 770, being an ordinance providing
#770 for the issuance of $50 ,000 Anacortes 1927 Water Works Improvement Fund Bands
stating that same was correct as to form, was read and upon motion adopted.
City Atty on Ord. Report of City Attorney on Ordinance No . 771, being an ordinance confirming
#771 an assessment roll of Local Improvement District No . 142 for improvement of
certain streets, stating that same was correct in form, was read and upon
motion adopted.
City Atty on plum- Report of City Attorney on plumbers bond of R. E . Ruthford, stating that
bers bond of Ruth- same was correct in form, was rdad and upon motion adopted.
City Treas. report Report of City Treasurer for month of April was presented and upon motion
referred referred to the Committee on Finance.
Report of Pol. Just . Report of Police Justice for month of April was presented and upon motion
referred referred to the Committee on Finance .
Report of Ch. of Pol Report of Chief of Police for month of April was presented and upon motion
referred referred to the Committee on Finance.
City Engineer on The City Engineer presented the following report :
work of Alexander &
McNeil on 7th St. "I hereby certify that Alexander & McNeil, contractors , have
completed the grading and construction of cement sidewalks on
7th Street , according to plans and specifications , having
placed the following amount of material :
• Clearing and grubbing 110.00
Excavation 2959 cu. yds at 75 cents 2 ,219.25
Cement sidewalks 16800 sq. ft. L 19 cents 3 ,192 .00
Cross walks 3200' BM at ? 35.00 112.00
Curbs and gutters 25600' BM ( $40 .00 1 ,024. 00
Gravel 253 cu. yds g $ 1.60 404 .80
8" drain tile 120 ft. @ 3. 50 60 .00
310 s; n 600 f t. : .25 150.00
4 inlets at $10.00 40 .00
Ad. print. eng. instp. int. etc . 900.00
Total 38 ,212 .05
On April 5th they received an estimate of $2 ,510. 00,
leaving a balance of $5,702 .05. ,
• I therefore recommend that the City Treasurer be
authorized to issue warrants in their favor for
80% of the above amount or $4, 561.64, leaving a
balance of $1 ,642.41 to be retained for 30 days. "
A motion was passed that the report be adopted and the work accepted.
Judiciary Com. on Report of Judiciary Committee on Ordinance #770, being an ordinance re-
Ord . #770. lating to issuance of U50,000 water works bonds, recommending that the
ordinance be passed, was read and upon motion a dopted.
Judiciary Com. on Report of Judicary Committee On Ordinance #771, being an ordinance confirming
Ord. #771. assessment roll for Local Improvement District No . 139, recommending that the
ordinance be passed, was read and 'upon motion Ladopted.
Hydrants on K Ave. Communication from E. P. Barker giving list of contributors toward payment
between 12th & 18th of hydrants to be installed on K avenue between 12th and 18th streets, was
streets read and upon motion referred to the Committee on Fire, ~later and Light .
Ordinance #?70 Ordinance No. 770 , being an ordinance providing for the issuance of $ 50,000
Anacortes 1927 Water Works Improvement Fund Bonds , payable , both principal
and interest , from the revenues of the water works system of said city,
under and pursuant to Ordinance No . 766 of said city, providing for the date ,
interest rated, denominations, place 'of payment, form and other details of said
bonds, and providing for the execution and delivery thereof;
:.+HEREAS, under and pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No . 766 of the City
of Anacortes, Washington, there was submitted to the qualified voters of said
city at a special bond election, held therein on March 25, 1927, the proposition
of the issuance by s aid city of its bonds , payable from the revenues of its
water works system, in a sum not exceeding 450 ,000, for the purpose of making
certain additions and betterments to its existing municipal water works system,
pursuant to a system or plan therefor specified and adopted by said ordinance ,
and at said election the proposition so submitted was ratified and approved by
the requisite number of voters ; and _
WHEREAS, John E. Price & Company of Seattle , Llashington , offered to purchase
said bonds, bearing interest at the rate of 50 per annum, payable semi-annually,
at aprice equivalent to par and accrued interest for 6% bonds , as figured by the
State Department of Efficiency, was upon motion placed on its third and final
reading by sections .
r .
May 3rd, 1927 , continued.
Upon motion the title was adopted as read; upon motion section 1 was adopted.
as read; upon motion section 2 was adopted as read; upon motion section 3
was adopted as read; upon motion section 4 was adopted as read; upon motion
the ordinance as a whole and as read was adopted. Roll call : Ayes, Fulton , I/ '
Hansem. Howe . McCracken and Olson. Nays , none .
Ordinance No . 771 Ordinance No . 771, being an ordinance confirming an assessment roll of Local
Improvement District No. 142 for improvement of certain streets , as and in
the manner provided for in the plans and specifications of the said district
as described in Ordinance No . 762 and equalized by the city council of the
City of Anacortes on the 19th day of April, 1927, and prescribing within what
time the assessment shall be paid,was upon motion placed on its third and final
reading by sections. Upon motion the title was adopted as read; upon motion
section 1 was adopted as read; upon motion section 2 was adopted as read; upon
motion section 3 was adopted as read; upon motion section 4 was adopted as read;.
upon motion the ordinance as a whole and as read was adopted. Roll call : Ayes,
Fulton, Hansen, Howe , McCrackenand Olson. Nays-, none.
Assessment roll for Assessment roll for Local Improvement District No. 141 was presented to the city
LID #141 presented council. A motion was made by Councilman Hansen , seconded by Olson, that the
City Clerk be instructed to give notice of hearing on the roll June 7th at 8 p.m.
Motion carried.
Bids on filter const= A motion was passed that the City Clerk give notice that sealed proposals would
ruction to be called be received by the City of Anacortes up to the hour of eight o 'clock p.m. on
for Tuesday, Mary 24th, for the work and material incident to the complete con-
struction of two 500,000 gallon filter units .
Warrant authorized On motion of Councilman Howe , seconded by Hansen, a warrant was authorized for
for Alexander & McN the payment of 4,561. 64, payable to Alexander & McNeil, for work on 7th st.
eil, LID #141 Roll call : Ayes, Fulton, Hansen, Howe , McCracken and Olson. Nays, none.
Increase of salary Mayor Brooks called the attention of the city council to the matter of increase
for W B. Short in the salary of the water superintendent, W. B. Short, On motion of Councilman
McCracken the proposed increase was referred to the Committee on Finance.
Purse seine regulation Councilman McCracken introduced the subject of Regulation #18 , a proposed ruling
protested of the State Fish Commission which would reduce the length and depth of purse
seine nets. Perl Carrol and Harold Parks , local canncerymen and Antone Mardesich,
purse seiner, addressed the city council for the purpose of having the council
protest the fish commission' s action in issuing the order. After a short dis-
cussion the Mayor and City Clerk were instructed to write to Govenor Hartley
and the State Fish Commissioner protesting . against the order.
Claims. Claims filed against the Current :E xpense Fund and other city funds for the
month of April, as follws, were presented to the city council and upon motion .
referred to the Committee on Finance .
Marion Watkinson 148 Salary as city treasurer 50.00
J. S. Carter 149 Cash advanced for extra fireman 4.00
L. E . Snider 150 Salary as fireman 130.00
Schwartz Iron Works 151 Blacksmithing for fire dept. 1.75
Water Department 152 Hydrant rentals 276.15
Howard Cooper Corporation 153 Supplies for fire dept 9.45
' Alex Latshaw 154 Salary as fireman 130.00
Jas. Colgzn 155 Salary a s fireman 130.00
Anacortes Hardware 156 Brillantine for fire dept .50
G. W. Shannon & Co . 157 Supplies for fire and streets 6. 15
J. S . Carter 158 Salary as fire chief and janitor 177.40
Knapp & Ronneberger 159 Repairs on fire truck 68.27
A. G. Long Co . 160 Payment on pumper & interest 3 ; 360.00
Puget Sound P & L Co. 161 Installing siren 51 .72
Chas. Revell 162 Labor LID #141 18.00
W. B. Short 163 Salary as city engineer LID #141 100. 00
A. Mooney 164 Typing 13. 95
F. E. Bertrand 165 Recording easements 2.25
Standard Oil Co . 166 Gasoline for departments 179 .49
Tacoma Rubber Stamp Go . 167 Stamp 1.00
'Ben Driftmier 168 Salary as city attorney 50.00
M. A. Hartmann 169 Salary as city clerk 50.00
"PIONEERBQ 170 Supplies 2.55
Union Printing Co . 171 Blueprints 4.78
Fern Press 772 Printing for Mayor 8.50 .
Anacortes American 173 Publishing 34 . 00
Current Expense Fund 174 Cash advanced for postage 2. 55
Puget Sound Tel Co. 175 Tolls for departments 4. 25
Marine Supply 176 Supplies for clerk 2. 50
Tom Dodson 177 Labor on streets 100 .00
• Lynn Balcomb 179 Salary as truck driver 125. 00
0. A. Le,.ning 179 Salary as st, supt 150 .00
E. Childs 180 La or on streets 84 . 50 .
F. Campbell 181 Labor on streets 98. 00
Schwartz Iron Works 182 Blacksmithing for sts. 38.38
H. A. 1b,yllr 183 Blacmsmithing . 2. 50
.Al Sellinthin 184 Salary as chief of police 160 .00
J. T . March 185 Salary 'as patrolman 130.00
N. M. Holt 186 Patrolman and cash a dv. 136.75
Fred G. Abbey 187 Justice fees 17. 50
McGills Service Station 188 Service on police car 5.00
Curtis Wharf Co . 1b9 Coal forcity hall 65.41
� 1
May 3rd, 1927, continued.
S. P. Jalsh 190 Hauling garbage from city hall 1. 50
Puget Sound P & L Co . 191 Lights at city hall & streets 229 .43
Dr. Austin Shaw 192 'jalary as health officer 25. 00
J. F. Collins 193 Inspector LID #141 90.00
J. M. Hatfield 194 Surveying LID #131 33. 00
J. M. Hatfield 195 Surveying LID #141 30. 00
$6,391. 18
E. Luella Hward 527 Salary as librarian 115. 00
H. W. Dowd 528 Janitor and care of grunds 30. 00
P. K. Pirett & Co. 529 aupplies 5. 54
Elvie P. Gerry 530 Typewriter 50 . 00
\'+ester IBpartment 531 Water 1 .80
J. K. Gill Ci . 532 Supplies 16.11
Puget Sound P &'L Co . 533 Light 5. 58
Curtis Wharf Co . 534 Coal 24. 60
Anacortes Hardware 452 Supplies 58 .21
Cap Sante Land Co . 453 Payment on park contract 450. 00
Fred Marshall 454 Supplies 37. 50
i'rs. F. H. Snyder 455 Trees 1.90
Nicholas Vanderpool 456 Labor Casuland Park 18.00
J. -0.;. Harding 457 Labor 100.00
Clint Knapp 458 Labor 103.00
L.I .D. #141
Alexander & McNeil 29 Estimate 1,000 .00
Alexander & McNeil 30 S9 1,000.00
Alexander & McNeil 31 TO 1 , 000.00
Alekafdete& McNeil 32 10 1,000/00
Alexander & McNeil 33 f0 561.64
I/ .
$4,5 61 . 64
Fern Press 841 Printing 20. 50
Schwartz Iron Wks 842 Welding 7.15
Anacortes L & B Co. 843 Lumber 16.20
Marine Supply 844 Supplies 63. 38
Puget Sound P & L Co . 845 Power 758.90
Central Service Station 846 Repairs on cars 2.88
Knapp & Ronneberger 847 Mtce cars and trucks 57 .36
Genera Chemical Co. 848 mound aluminum sulphate 532.50
California -4'ilter .Co . 849 Chlorine 15. 50
Wallace & Tiernan 850 rank connection 8.13
W. Wade 851 Filter operator 90.00
Ernest Knapp 852 Filter operator 135.00
City Treasurer 853 Payroll 160.00
W. B. Short 85'4 Salary as supt. 150.00
Jim Jensne 855 Labor 100.00
Louis Willoughby 856 Labor 150.00
A nacortes Hardware 857 Supplies .90
Water Department 858 Cash advanced for express & postage 10.37
Curtis Wharf Co. 859 Sand and cement 1 15
Sparks Transfer Go. 860 Delivering alum to filter 22. 50
a. Mooney 861 Typing 7.95
Walworth Co . 862 Supplies 17.76
G. W. Shannon & Co. 863 Supplies - pipe 391.80
Puget Sound Tel Co. 864 Tolls and rentals 8. 95
Current Expense Fund 865 Gasoline from pump 93 .84
Current Expense Fund 866 Gasoline from pump for April 13 .11
Finance on claims Report of Committee on Finance to whom were referred the claims against the
Current Expense Fund and other city funds for the month of April, recommending
that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of same , was read and
upon motion adopted. Roll call : Ayes, Fulton, Hansen, Howe , McCracken and
Olson. Nys , hone .
Adjourn Upon motion the city council did then adjourn in the regular manner.
Approved in open session this 17th day of May, 1927.
(_,- r
! Mayor
Attest : M. A. Hartmann, City Clerk , •
By 7 <.. ..,, ` . ... .:�.,
1 Deputy
May 17th , 1927. ,
Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session , but owing to
lack of quorum adjourned until Tuesday, May 24th, at 8 p.m.
Mayor . il .
M, A. Hartmann, City Clerk,
By 77a
L ,./A
May 24th, 1927.
Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regula/session with Mayor
Brooks presiding and Councilmen Dwelley, Fulton , Hansen , Howe , McCracken and
Olson. Absent , none .
Minutes apj..roved The minutes of the previous meeting were read and upon motion adopted.
Comm. from City Eng. Communication from the City Engineer relative to Ordinance No . 486, as amended ,
re Ordinance #486 stating that certain provisions in the ordinance were in conflict with the
• as amended. payment of interest and general proceedure on local improvement warrants , and
that on provision was in conflict with the state law regarding the amount to
be paid on monthly estimates , was read and upon motion referred to. the City
• Attorney and Judiciary Committee .
Petition from S.P. Petition from S. P. 'Walsh for permission to obtain license to haul garbage
Walsh for garbage within the City of Anacortes for one year, was read. A motion was passed that
license the petition be referred to the Committee on License & Police .
Bids on construction Bids for the construction of two 500,000 gallon filter units according to plans
of 2 filter units and specifications on file in the office of the city engineer, were presented
to the city council and a motion was passed directing the city clerk to open
the bids, which were as follows:
California Filter Company, San Francisco , ------ p25,746.0O
Lidral Construction Company, Seattle ,--..------.-- 22,950.00
C . F. Martin, Seattle, Wash. 24,313. 00
Recess to consider The Mayor declared a recess to consider the bids.
bids ,
After due consideration the Mayor called the city council to order and a motion
Bids rejected and by Councilman,/seconded by Dwelley, that all the bids be rejected, the city
new bids called for clerk to return certified checko to bidders, and call for bids on revised
specifications be made , to be opened June 10th, at 8 p.m. was passed.
Claim for damages Claim for damages in the amount of $p354. 00, presented by Florence Pressey
by Florence Pressey for personal injuries received on April 12th, 1927, by stepping on cover of
LF1<-/ a-• • r • meter box located near 1811 M Avenue , was read. A motion was made by Councilman
a.•.-<< '° Dwelley, seconded by Hansen, that the claim be referred to the City Attorney
and Judiciary Committee .
Dumping ground for The matter of securing place for the dumping of old automobiles was discussed
old autos by the city council, but no satisfactory conclusion reached.
Adjourn A motion to adjourn was carried.
• Approved in open session this 7th day of June , 1927.
C\Y 'ayo r
M. a. Hartmann, City Clerk, \
ByAtc.- / `r�..a
June 7th, 1927.
Roll call The .city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session with
Mayor Brooks presiding and Councilmen Dwelley, Fulton, Hansen, Howe , McCracken
and Olson responding to roll call. Absent, none.
Minutes approved The minutes of the previous meeting were read and on motion adopted as read.
City Treasurer' s report Report of City Treasurer for month of May was presented to the city council
referred and referred to the Committee on Finance .
Rpoert of Chief of Pol Report of Chief of Police for month of May was presented to the city council
referred and referred to the Committee onFinance.
Report of Pol. Eustice Report of Police Justice for month of May was presented to the city council
referred and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Report of City Eng. The City Engineer's report of completion of Seventh Street sidewalks was as
on work of contractors follows :
on 7th street
"The total cost of grading and constructing sidewalks on
Seventh Street from G Avenue to K Avenue was $8,212.05.
Of this amount the contractor has received 80% or $6 , 569 .64,
leaving a balance of $1 ,642 .41, which amount I recommend he
paid to him at this time . As the work has been completed
30 days and no bills for labor and material having been filed
with the city, I recommend the final acceptance of the job. "
A motion was passed that the report be adopted.
petition for license Report of Committee on License & Police on petition from S. P. Walsh for
to haul garbage license to haul garbage within the city of Anacortes, recommending that the
granted to S,P.Walsh license be granted on condition that licensee furnish a schedule of rates that
would be charged for hauling, and that said rates be satisfactory to said
committee , was read, and on motion of Councilman Hansen, seconded by Howe ,
the report was adopted.
Sewers & Building The Committee on Sewers and Building, to whom was referred the matter of
report of plumbing plumbing ordinance , made the following report ;
"We believe , and therefor recommend, that the present Ordinance
No . 596 fully and amply covers the situation for all present
needs . We would suggest and recommend that the Mayor appoint
a plumbing inspector as provided in Section 2 of said Ord-
• inance . That the plumbing inspector jointly with the sewers
and building committee adopt a set of rules and regulations
as provided in the ordinance . We would also recommend that
particular attention be paid to that portion of the ordinance
providing for licenses and that it be strictly enforced. le
believe that with these recommendations carried into effect
the public will be properly served. "
A motion was passed that the report be adopted.
Hearing of protests June 7th being the date set for the hearing of protests against the assessment
on improvement of 7th roll of Local Improvement District No . 141, improvement of Seventh Street by
street assessment roll grading and walks , the Mayor called for protests, but none were presented,
either written or verbal.
Ordinance No . Ordinance No . , being an ordinance confirming an assessment roll of Local
Improvement District No . 141 for improvement of certain streets , as and in the
manner provided for in the plans and specifications of the said district as
described in Ordinance No . 760, and equalized by jibe city council of the City
of Anacortes on the 7th day of June , 1927, and prescribing what time the assess-
ment shall be paid, was upon motion placed on its first reading by title ; upon
motion ordinance was placed on its second reading by title ; upon motion ord-
inance was referred to the City Attorney and Judiciary Committee.
Ordinance No, Ordinance No . , being an ordinance vacating Block 13 , Seattle Syndicate
Adition to the City of Anacortes, Skagit County, Washington. WHEREAS, a petition
praying for the vacation of the above described portion of a plat signed by the
owners of more than two-thirds of the property abutting upon the streets and
alleys included in that portion sought to be vacated was filed with the City
Clerk and upon said filing the city council by resolution fixed the time and
place for the hearing thereof and more than twenty days prior to the date of
said hearing notice thereof were duly post according to law and no objections
or protest being made thereto, now therefore , etc . , was read and upon motion
referred to the City Attorney and Judiciary Committee.
Alexander & McNeil A motion was made by Councilman Dwelley, seconded by Hansen, that the sum of
to receive balance of 01 ,642.41 be paid to Alexander and McNeil, balance of estimate on improvement
City. Eng. estimate . of Seventh Street; also that the the work be formally accepted. Roll call :
Work accepted. Ayes , Dwelley, Fulton, Hansen, Howe , Olson and McCracken. Nays , none.
The sum of 0215.00 having been subscribed for payment of two fire hydrants on
mire hydrants to be K Avenue between 12th and 18th Streets, $85. 00 by School District #18 , and : 130
installed on K Ave. by variousproperty owners , a motion was made by Councilman McCracken, seconded
between 12th & 18th by Dwelley that the City Engineer install these hydrants as soon as possible .
streets. It is the understanding that the new hydrants will reduce the fire insurance
rates from 75 cents to 55 cents per 0100, within the district included .
Damage done to adjacent The Mayor called the attention of the city council to the damage done to ad-
property by rising of jacent property by the rising of the waters of Lake Campbell, and recommended
waters at Lake Camp- that the following amountsbe allowed for damages :
F. N. Christenson ----- 375.00 F. L. Litka - $
Damages allowed. --� 50.00
H. P. Christenson ----- 50.00 -
• June 7th, 1927, continued.
A motion was made by Councilman Dwelley, seconded by Hansen, that the amounts
as recommended by the Mayor, be allowed. Roll call: Ayes , Dwelley , Fulton,
Hansen, Howe , McCracken and Olson . Nays , none.
Enlarging water The matter of enlarging the water department rooms by taking eight feet off
department the council chamber was referred to the Committee on Sewers and Buildings.
C. A . Peters to Councilman Howe made a motion, seconded by Dwelley, that Chas . A. Peters be
fill vacancy on appointed as councilman from the secondvard, to fill the vacancy caused by
council the withdrawal of Adam Baughman .
Chief of Police Chief of Police , Al Sellinthin, asked permission to attend the northwest
to attend con- conference of peace officers to be held at Nelson , B.C . June 16th to 18th. .
vention A motion was passed by the city council granting the permission.
Claims against the Currrent Expense Fund other city funds for the month of
Claims May , 1927, as follows , were presented to the city council and upon motion
referred to the Committee on Finance :
Marion Vfatkinson 196 Salary as city treasurer 50. 00
B. N. :Lod 197 Advance on salary as patrolman 50 .00
H. N. Wood 198 10 11 90 i0 19 20.00
A. Latshaw 199 Salary asfireman 130 .00
Ben Driftmier 200 Salary as city attorney 50.00
Austin Shaw 201 Salary as health officer 25. 00
Standard oil Co . 202 Gasoline for depts. 87. 72
M. A. Hartmann 203 Salary as city clerk 50.00
. Anacortes Hardsare 204 Supplies for fire dept . .95
Schwartz Iron Works 025 Labor and supplies for fire dept. 4. 50
J. S. Carter 206 Salary as fire chief and janitor 177.45
A. G. Long Co . , Inc. 207 Expanding tool 4.68
Bristol Company 208 Charts for fire dept . 4.77
Knapp & Ronneberger 209 Repairson cars for fire and police 10.45
James Colgan 210 Salary as fireman 130. 00
L. E . Snider 211 Salary as fireman 130. 00
G, U. Shannon & Co . 212 Supplies for fire dept. .82
Western Union Tel Co. 213 Telegrams .40
Anacortes American 214 Publishing and printing 47 . 37
Fern Press 215 Printing for engineer 8.50
North Pacific Bank N. Co . 216 Printing bonds LID # 139 80.49
',`Dater Department 217 Hydrant rental and fountain 276. 15
S. D. Temple & Go. 218 Supplies for clerk 1. 50
J. L. Rumsey 219 Jood for city hall 2.75
Puget Sound P & L Co . 220 Lights at city hall, :its & auto park 242. 17
S. P. Walsh 221 Hauling garbage from 'ci ty hall 2 . 00
. Puget Sound Tel Co . 222 Tolls for police and fire depts . 2. 80
H. N. Wood 223 Balance of salary a s patrolman 46.75
J. T. March 224 Salary as aptrolman 130 . 00
A. Sellinthin 225 Salary as chief of police 160.00
The Fix It Shop 226 Keys for police 1.00
Fred G. Abbey 227 Justice fees 7.50
Lynn Balcomb 228 Salary as truck driver 125.00
O. A. Lenning 229 Salary as street supt. 150 . 00
Wm. weeks 230 Labor on streets 80.60
Tom Dodson 231 Labor 100.00
A. Mooney 232 Labor 7.75
Current .ikpense Fund 233 Cash advanced for postage \ 5. 65
Union Printing Co. 234 Supplies for clerk 3.10
Kee Lox Co 235 Supplies for clerk 8.43
Puget Sound P & L Co . 236 Casing for siren 2. 00
H. W. Dowd 535 Janitor and care of grounds 30.00
A. C. McClurg Co . 536 Books 12. 74
Wheeler Publishing Co . 537 Books 35. 10
Anacortes american 538 Printing cards 6. 50
';later Department 539 Water 1.80
Puget Sound P & L Co . 540 Light 5.85
E. Luella Howard 541 Salary as librarian 115. 00
$206. 99
Anacortes Hardware 459 Supplies 23.37
Fix It Shop 460 Sharpening tools 4.80
Anacortes American 461 Printing notices 5. 25
Clint Knapp 462 Labor in park 111.25
F. N. Haley 463 Surveying in park 25.00
Nicholas Vanderpool 464 Labor and plants 30.00
J. E. Harding 465 Labor in park 100.00
Howard E. Andrews 466 Shrubs 14 .38
$p314 .0 5
June 7th, 1927, continued.
Fred Campbell 115 Labor 67 .00
Ben Driftmier 116 Labor account Fred Cam;bell 35:00
Ernest Childs 117 Labor 102 .00
J. Johnson 867 Labor watermain 7th st. 4. 50
A. E. Fisher 868 C0 a1, " 00 4. 50 •
Joe Riggs 869 co '0 10 10 8.50
Chas. Bro vm 870 Labor 8.50
Joe Riggs 871 Cleaning reservoir 4:00
R: E .. Fisher 872 Cleaning rese'rv„ it 5: 00
J: J. Johnson 873 CCleaning reservoir 5. 00
R. Fer1 874 Cleaning reservoir 5.00
Island Transfer 875 Frt. & drayage 4. 50
Puget Sound Tel Co . 876 Tolla 5.50
Puget .
Loui Williughby 8�7 Labor 150.00
• City Treasurer 876 Payroll 160.00
Ernest Knapp 879 Salary as filter operator 135,00
• W. Wade 880 Salary as filger operator 90.00
Fix It Shop 881 Sharpening tools 1.00
Daily Journal of Com 882 Notice to bidders 6.20
Standard Oil Co . 883 Gasoline 5. 65
Anacortes American 884 Pblishing re water bond issue 24.75
S. D. Temple & Co 885 Supplies 1.15
C. L. Judd 886 View of box M Ave . 2. 50
• Puget Sound P & L Co 887 Power 753.46
Hersey Mfg. Co . 888 Gears 6.41
Knapp & Ronneberger 889 Labor on truck • 1.90
Anacortes L & B Co. 890 Lumber 19.00
G. W. Shannon & Co . 891 Supplies for water 1.81
Cu. retn Expense Fund 892 Gasoline from city pump 14.41
L. E . Snider 893 Cleaning reservoir 5. 00
Ed Rogers 894 Curtain repirs on car 1.25
' Schwartz Iron Vlks 895 Labor and supplies 9.65
Jim Jensen 896 Labor 107.00
General :Dater Fund 897 Cash advanced for postage & exp. 11.6Y
W. B Short 898 Salary as supt . 250.00
F. N. Christenson 899 Damages to acreage by Lake Campbell 75.00
H. P. Christenson 900 'a 10 " t0 i0 10 50 .00
- F. L. Litka 901 '0 " well it II " 50 00
• No. 141
Alexander & McNeil 34 Balance of estimate . 1 ,000 .00
Alexander & McNeil 35 10 '0 ro 642 .41
Finance on Report of Committee on Finance to whom were referred the claims against the
Claims Current k pense Fund andother city funds for the month of May, 1927 , recom-
mending that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of same,
was read and upon motion adopted. Roll call : Ayes, Dwelley, Hansen, Fulton,
Howe and Olson. Nays, none.
Approved in open session this 21st day of June , 1927.
Upon motion the city councildid then adjourn until Friday, June 10th at
Approved in open session thsi 21st day of June, 1927.
XT1-'3--7 -`4
yo r
Attest :
M. A. Hartmann, City Clerk ,
By 7, G2ir/ 1,� �✓ ' ' 1/ '
June 10th, 1927.
Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular adjourned session with
Mayor Brooks presiding and Councilmen Dwelley, Hansen, Peters and McCracken
responding to roll call. Absent , Fulton, Howe and Olson.
Comm. from Super- Communication from the Supervisor of Banking, State of Washington, liquidating
visor of Banking the Scandinavian American Bank of Seattle , asking if the city council would be
interested in making him an offer f. h delinquent local improvement bonds, Dist-
ricts Na. 107, 122 and 124, of this city, vtaichWer.e held by customers of the
bank, was read and upon motion referred to the Committee on Finance .
Communication from Communication from the Lidral Construction Company of Seattle , lowest bidders : .
Lidral Company re on- the Original specif icati•ons; May 24th, protesting the city councils
bids on filter con- proceedure in regard to the bids, was read and upon motion received and placed
struction on file. (Bids on construction of two 500,000 gallon filter units ) .
Bids on filter It being the night for opening bids on the construction of two 500,000 gallon
construction filter units, a motion was made by Councilman Dwelley, seconded by Hansen,
that the city clerk be instructed to open the bids presented.
Howard S . Wright Howard S. Wright addressed the council from the audience stating that he had
addresses council not been able to find the city clerk when he brought in his bid and had there-
re bid fore laid it on the council chamber table .
On motion of Councilman Dwelley, seconded by Hansen, the sealed bid was accepted .
Bids read The following bids were read:
HOWARD S. WRIGHT & SON, Everett, Wash.-- { 28 , 773 . 00
Item 1. For excavation including all
necessary back filling and
grading required the sum of
one dollar ( $1. 00 ) per cubic
Item 2. For concrete of the class
specified the sum of twenty-
one ($21. 00) dollars per cubic
Item 3. For furnishing and placing re-
inforcing steel the sum of four
I/ and one half cents ($. 044 per
CALIFORNIA FILTER COMPANY,_ Seattle ----------- $23,476.00
• . Item 1. For excavation including all
necessary back filling and grading
required, the sum of one dollar & 30 cts.
( p1.30 ) per cubic yard.
Item 2. For concrete of the class specified the
sum of twenty-four ($24.00) dollars
per cubic yard.
Item 3. For furning and placing reincorc-
ing steel the sum of five (5%) cents
per pound.
Recess to con- The Mayor declared a recess to consider the bids presented .
cider bids
After due consideration the Mayor called the city council to order and on motion
Bid of California of Councilman McCracken, seconded by Dwelley, the bid of the California Filter
Filter Co. ac- Company was accepted as the lowest and best bid. The city clerk was also in-
cepted strutted to return the certified check of Howard S. Uright in the sum of
$3, 000. Roll call : Ayes , Dwelley, Hansen , McCracken and Peters. Nays , none.
Adjourn A motion was passed that the city council adjourn in the regular way.
Approved in open session this 21st day of June , 1927 .
\ .. ' yor
M. A. Hartmann, City Clerk,
By /274.t„ /
June 21st, 1927.
Roll call The City council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session with Mayor
Brooks presiding and Councilmen Dwelley, Fulton, Hansen, Howe and Peters res-
ponding to roll call. Absent, McCracken acid Olson.
Minutes approved The minutes of the previous meeting were read and upon motion adopted as read.
City Attorney on Ord. Report of City Attorney on Ordinance No . 773, being an ordinance confirming
#773 the assessment roll of L. I.D. #141 , improvement of Seventh Street by grading
and walks , was read and upon motion adopted.
City Attorney on Ord. Report of City Attorney on Ordinance No.- 772 , being an ordinance vacating Block
#772 13, Seattle, Syndicate Addition, stating that same was correct in form, was
read and upon motion adopted.
City Attorney on claim Report of City Attorney on claim for. damages presented by Florence Pressey for
for damages presented personal injuries received by stepping on edge of meter box, April 12th, 1927 ,
by Florence Pressey recommending that the matter be left with committee for further negotiations,
was read and upon motion adopted.
Finance on May report Report of Committee on Finance on report of City Treasurer for month of May,
of City Treasurer recommending that the report be accepted and placed on file , was read and upon
motion adopted .
Finance on report of Report of Committee on Finance on report of Chief of Police for month of May,
Fhief of Police for May recommending that the report be accepted and placed on file, was read and
upnn motion adopted.
Finance on May report Reprt of Committee on Finance on report of Police Justice for month of May,
of Justice recommending that the report be accepted and placed on file , was read and upon m
motion adopted.
Report of Committee on Sewers and Buildings on matter of taking eight feet
Sewers & Buildings off the council room to enlarge water department, recommending that the improve-,
on enlarging water off. ment be made , was read and upon motion adopted .
Petition from 'Cookston Petition from L. C. Cookston for license to haul garbage within the City of
for license to haul Anacoftes for term of one year, was read. License ieee of ten dollars accompanied
garbage the petition. Motion was passed that the application be referred t o the Com-
mittee on License and Police .
Schedule of rates The following schedule of rates for the hauling of garbage within the City of
charged to haul garbage Anacortes was submitted by S. P. Walsh:
Residences : Weekly service $.80 cents per month
Semi-weekly service .50 cents per month
Apartment houses : maximum 2.50 (i to
Restaurants: oo m- _®eed_ooe- 4.00 �o
Otierbusinesses according to quantity of garbage and frequency of
On motion of Councilman Dwelley, seconded by Howe , the schedule was referred to
the Committee on License and Police .
Ordinance No, 772. Ordinance No . 772, being an ordinance vacating Block 13 , Seattle Syndicate
Addition to the City of Anacortes , Skagit County, Washington , WT EREAL, ° a
petition praying for the vacation of the above described portion of a plat
signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the property abutting upon the
streets and alleys included in that portion sought to be vacated was filed with
the City Clerk and upon said filing the city council by resolution fixed the time
and place for the hearing t ereo f and more than twenty days prior to the date of
said hearing notices thereof were duly posted according to law and no objections
or protest being made thereto , was upon motion placed on its third and final
reading by sections. Upon motion the title was adopted as read; upon motion
section 1 was adopted as read; upon motion section 2 was adopted as read; upon
motion s ection 3 was adopted as read; upon motion the ordinance as a whole was
adopted. Roll call: Ayes , Dwelley, Fulton. Hansen , Howe and Peters. Nays , hone .
Ordinance No . 773 Ordinance No , 773 , being an ordinance confirming the assessment roll oc Local
Improvement District No . 141 for improvement of certain streets, as and in the
manner provied for in the plans and specifications of the said district as des
cribed in Ordinance No . 760, and equalsimed by the city council of the City of
of Anacortes on the 7th day of June , 1927, and prescribing what time the assess-
ment shall be paid, was upon motion placed on its third Bud final reading by
sections. Upon motion the title was adopted as read; upon motion section 1 was
adopted as read; upon motion section 2 was adopted as read; upon motionsection
3 was adopted as read; upon motion section 4 was adopted as read; upon motion
the ordin -nce as a whole and as read was adopted. Roll call: Ayes, Dwelley,
Fulton, Hansen, Howe and Peters. N:=ys, none .
Plat of Norman Wood Add. City Attorney Ben Driftmier, presented to the city council plat of Norman
approved Wood Sub-Addition, and on motion of Councilman Hansen, seconded by Dwelley,
the plat was approved. Roll call: Ayes, Dwelley, Fulton, Hansen, Howe and
Peters. Nays , none.
Revised plat of Cap+'. The City Attorney also presented to the city council revised plat of Cap Sante
Sante Park Addition Park Addition, and on motion of Councilman Dwelley, seconded by Hansen, the
approved plat was approved. Roll call: Ayes , Dwelley, Hansen, Howe , Fulton and Peters.
Nays , none.
Adjourn The city council did then adjourn in the regular manner.
Approved in open session this 5th day of July, 1927
Attest : M. A. Hartmannnn,� City Clerk ,
By_� �@r^� •5�4+�/! ®��✓�i'/`�/�� �®
July 5th , 1927.
Roll call Tile city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session with
Councilmen Dwelley, Howe , McCracken and Olson responding to roll call. Absent,
Fulton, Hansen and Peters .
Tlayor Pro Tem In the absence of the Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem McCracken assumed the chair.
Minutes approved The minutes of the previous meeting were read and upon motion adopted as read.
City Treas. report Report of City Treasurer for month of June was presented to the city council
referred and upon motion referred to the Committee on Finance.
Report of Chief of Report of Chief of Police was presented to the city council and upon motion
Police accepted accepted and placed on file .
Report of Pol. Just . Report of Police Justice for month of June was presented to the city council
referred and upon motion referred to the Committee on Finance .
City Eng ineer on Communication from then City Engineer, certifying .that the California Filter
work done at filter Company had furnished and placed the following amount of material at the filter, '
by California Filter was read and upon motion received and placed on file :
Excavating 715 cu. yds. at 01.30 929 . 50
Concrete 75 cu. yds. at 24.00 1 ,800. 00
Steel 8250# at . 05 412 . 50
• . $3,142.00
The City Engineer recommended that the City Treasurer be authorized to issue
a warrant to the California Filter Company for 85 per cent of the above amount,
or $v2 ,670. 70. .
City Treasurer on Communication from the City Treasurer, stating that in Local Improvement District
delinquent L. I.D. #142 No . 142, improvement of Commercial Avenue from 15th to 16th streets by cement
Commercial Ave. side- sidewalks on the west side thereof, under method of "Immediate Payment" , all
walks assessment had been paid with the exception of the following:
2- C . W. Brothers --- Fr. Lot 2 , Block 44, Original , Amount $13. 57
3- " ra rt " 3 , It 44, " " 37. 62
4- to to " 4 " 44, " " 21.72
7- OP a " 17 " 44, rr ra 21 . 72
8- w n r► 18 II 44 f► 19
3 . 02
i .
was readand on motion of Councilman Dwelley, seconded by Howe, the communication
was referred to the City Attorney for collection and foreclosure.
Communication from Communication from F. L. Christenson , as follows, was read :
F. L. Christenson
re rising of water at r'I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your cheek for $75. 00
Lake Campbell referr- which was to re-imburse me for damages caused to my land
ed on Lake Campbell, account of high water for the past two
I beg to advise you that the damages to me are a much greater
amount that $75.O0, acid therefore respectfully request your
honorable body to have your water committee call and make
a thorough investigation of the premises , and ascertain
the actual damages caused me on account of raising the
water above normal , by building a dam across the outlet of
said lake . "
A motion was made by Councilman Dwelley, seconded by Howe , that the communication
be referred to the Committee on Fire , 4'later. & Light for attention.
'Warrant issued to Councilman Dwelley made a motion ,seconded by Olson, that a. warrant be issued in
Calfarnia Filter Co . the amount of $2,670.70, payable to the California Filter Company for work done
at the filter. Roll call : Ayes , Dwelley, Howe , McCracken and Olson. Nays , none .
Claims Claims filed againt the Current Expense Fund and other city funds for the month
of June , as follows, were read and upon motion referred to the Committee on
. Finance :
H. N. Wood 237 Salary as patrolman 60.00
. H. N. `;! ood 238 ra tt r+ 65. 00
. P. S. Tel Co . 239 Tolls for police 3. 05
Fred G . Abbey 240 Justice fees 20. 00
. J; T. March 241 Salary as patrolman 130. 00
Al Sellinthin 242 Salary as chief of police 160.00
. The Tire Surgery 243 Tires and repairs for police 63. 35
Dr. S. G. Brooks 244 Attendi-g injured fireman 5. 00
Simpsons Electric Shop 245 Supplies for fire dept . . 50
.11 Knapp & Ronneberger 246 Repairs on cars for sts. & fire depts. 54. 58
. Marine Supply 247 Supplies for fire and sts. 18. 53
J. S. Carter 248 Salary as fire chief and janitor 177.90
L. E. Snider 249 Salary as fireman 130.00
Alex Latshaw 250 Salary as fireman 130.00
'as. Colgan 251 Salary as patrolman 130.00
W. H. McCallum, Assgn 252 Account Fredd Campbell, labor 35.00
0, A. Lenning 253 Salary as et . supt 150.00
Lynn Balcomb 254 Salary as truck driver 125.00
Tom Dodson 255 Labor on streets 100.00
Puget Sound P & L Co . 56 Lights at city hall & sts. 219.83
J. L. Rumsey 257 Wood for city hall 2. 75
July 5th , 1927. •
"eater Department _ . .258 Hydrant rental and fountain 276.15
State Treasurer 259 Industrial Ins. & Med. Aid #141 6. 98
State Treusurer 260 i0 C0 0 " 96;8. 9
CurrentFKpense Fund 261 Cash advanced for postage , etc . 17. 69
Anacortes American 262 Publishing 15:85
i -
Marion V' tkinson 263 Salary as city treasurer 50.00
M. A. Hartmann 264 Salary as city clerk 50 .00
Ben Driftmier 265 Salary as city attorney 50 .00
Joe Hatfield 266 Setting grade stakes & Mapping 15.00
Dr. Austin Shaw 267 aalary as health officer 25:00
Howard Cooper Corp. 268 Spindle for siren 3. 14
Sanderson Safety Sup.Co. 269 Overhauling lung motor 47.90
Lowman & Hanford 270 Supplies for clerk 1.09
' A- . Hartmann 271 Vacation services 30.00
Puget Sound P & L Co. 272 Lights at auto park 4.64
S. P. Walsh 273 Hauling garbage 1.50
2,472. 32
E. Luella Howard 542 Salary as librarian 115.00
H. W. Dowd 543 Janitor and care cif grounds . 30.00
Bellingham Book Bindery 544 Books 90.90
H. W. Wilson Go . 545 Indexes 11.00
Water repartmen t 546 `Dater 3. 60
Puget Sound P & L Co. 547 Light 5.25
E. P. Barker 548 Insurance premium 2 .00
02 2.7
J. E. Harding 467 Labor 100 .00
Nicholas Vanderpool 468 Labor 24. 00
Shorts & Denney 1 Legal services bond issue 504.15
Anacortes American 2 Publishing 8.00
Clifornia Filter .Co.,' 3a Estimate 2 6 .0 0
3,1 2.
Gross & Hudson Rent of scrapers 35.00
F. Campbell Labor 48.00
E. Childs Labor 101.00
Wm. Weeks Labor 86:2
270 .25
Great Northern Ry Co . 902 Freight on pipe 64. 60
W. F . Bell 903 Ditching 14. 00
Louis Carlson 904 Ditching 30 . 00
Ralph Carlson 905 Ditchig 24. 00
C. J. Andrews 906 Ditching 24.00
J. B. Simmons 907 Ditching 21 .75
F. M. Earry 908 Ditthing 21. 75'
void 909 --
L. R. Titus 910 Ditching 24.00
Frank Moore 911 DDitc ing 24. 00
E. Nicholson 912 Ditching 24.00
Clint Knapp 913 Ditching 24:00
A. Vlatkovich 914 Ditching 20:00
Ed Gerry 915 Ditching 20. 00
J. Joanson 916 Ditching 24.00
R. Morris, Assignee 917 Ditching account John Lee 21.75
R. Brown 918 Ditching 8.00
Dave Riggs 919 Ditching 6.00
Geo . Clark 920 Ditching 3. 50
W. M. Dawson 921 Ditching 14:00
Parker Kearney 922 Ditching 20.00
Ben Brown 923 Ditching 24.00
M. Grennell 924 Ditching 20.00
J.' S. Riggs 925 Ditching 24.00
Jim Jen s ne 926 Labor 104. 00
Walter Jensen 927 Labor 5.00
Ernest Knapp 928 Salary as fitler operator 135. 00
Everett Concrete Prod. 929 Meter boxes 116 .25
W. B. Short 930 Salary as supt . for June 250.00
Louis Willoughby 931 Labor 150 .00.
W. Wade 932 Salary as filter operator 90.00
U. F . Bell 933 Labor - 4.00
S. D. Temple & Co. 934 Supplies 1.60
Puget Sound Tel Co . 935 Tolls aid rentals 8.50
Valworth Mfg. Co. 936 Corporat. o n cocks 29. 52
July 5th, 1927 , continued.
LaMotte Chemical Co. 937 Chemical solution 3 1.31
Island Transfer CO . 936 Express 2069
`.lestinghouse Electric Co . 939 Refills for couout 1.09
Trulsoh Motor Go. 94a Repairs on car and truck 11 .20
- 1/
Hugh G. Purcell CO . J 941 Pipe 30 .80
void �/ �. _..
Marine Supply ' 943 Supplies 112.15
Knapp & Ronneberger 944 Mtce of car and truck 8. 66
Anacortes Mfg. Co. . 945 Machine work 16 :75
State Treasurer / 946 Ind. Ins. and Med. Aid 27 .74
Central Service Sta. 947 Gasoline 9.46
G. FT . Shannon &•Co . 948 Supplies 15.23
General Water Fund 940 Cash advanced for car repairs 49.50
M. Jones 950 Labor 13. 50
Fairbanks Morse & Co . 951 Motor brushes 22. 50
California Filter Co. 962 Chlorine 31.00
Puget Sound P & L Co. 953 Power 766. 77
Julius Nelson 954 Cauling joints 8.68
City Treasurer 955 Payroll 160.00
Federal Pipe & Tank Co. 956 Bands 8.40
Schwartz Iron Works 957 Labor and supplies 42 . 01
Durren Expense Fund 958 Gasoline from city pump 12 . 64
The Tire Surgery 959 Tires and repairs 56.85
h 2 ,622 . 15
Finance on claims Report of the Committee on Finance , to whom were referred the claims against the
Current Ecpense Fund and other city funds for the month of June , 1927, recommend-
that the claims be allowed abd warrants drama in f avor of same , was read and upon
motiona dopted. Roll call: Ayes, Dwelley, Howe, McCracken and Olson. Nays, none .
Adjourn Upon motion the city council did then adjourn.
Approved in open session this 19th day of July, 1927.
Mayor Pro Tem.
M. A. Hartmann, City Clerk,
By a2J%A,,,, ..%?.�'-9/zc..�t..,-�" ,.
// Deputy
July 19th, 1927 .
d •,
Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session with Mayor
Brooks presiding and Councilmen Dwelley, Hansen, Howe, McCracken and Peters
responding to roll call. Absent, Olson and Fulton.
Minutes approved The minutes of the previous meeting were read and regularly adopted.
Communication from Communication from Ann McNeil asking relief from her neighbor J. S. Carter,
Ann McNeil re coops who blocked the street with wood piles, chicken coops , etc. , in front of '
in street her property on 13th and H Avenue , waa read and on motion of Councilman
Dwelley, seconded by Hansel, the matter was referred to the Committee on Streets
and Parks.
City Engineer to Councilman Dwelley made a motion, seconded by Hansen, that the City Engineer
finish building water be instructed to finish the watermain begun on 17th street and charge the
main on 17th st. cost of same to the General eater Fund. This watermain was originally begun
as a plan to change the proposed watermain on 20th street (included in the
1927 waterworks extension bond issue ) to 17th street, but the work was halted
by an injunction from property owners on 20th street and payment from the
1927 water fund stopped.
Pre.ssey claim for Councilman Howe stated that a recommendation for settlement of claim for damages
damages presented by Florence Pressey should have been made at this meeting, but as he
was the only member of the committee present he deemed it advisable to wait
until all members could sign the report.
W. H. Barton abks W. H. Barton addressed the city council stating that the Tri City Labor Council
help in getting would like to have the annual Labor Day picnic held in Anacortes , and asked
labor day picnic the assistance of the city council in getting it here . A motion was made by
Councilman Dwelley, seconded by Howe that the city council extend an invitation,
Mr. Barton to furnish the proper addresses.
Adjourn The city council did then adjourn in the regular manner.
Approved in open session this 2nd day of August, 1927.
yo r
Attest :
M. A. Hartmann, City Clerk,
By .i
August 2 , 1927.
Roll call The city council of the city of Anacortes met in regular session r . th Mayor
Brooks presiding and Councilmen Dwelley, Hansen, Howe ,aiad-Olson"re'dp`onding to
roll call. Absent, McCracken , Fulton and-Deters. ''
Minutes approved The minutes of the previous meeting were read and upon motion adapted as read.
City Treas. re- RReport of the City Treasurer was presented and upon motion referred to the
port ref. Committee on Finance.
Report of Ch. RReport of the Chief of Police for the month of July and was upon motion referred
of Pol. ref. to the Committee on Finance .
Report of Pol. Report of the Police Justice for the month of July was presented to the city
Justice ref. council and upon motion referred to the Committee on Finance.
R.1oport of Jud. Report of the Committee on Judiciary to whom was referred the matter of claim
on :04A of Mrs. for damages by Florence Pressey for personal injuries received by stepping on
Pressey edge of meter box, April 12th, 1927, recommending that the sum of 4 75.00 be
allowed Mrs. Pressey for doctor bills , hired help, etc . ,was read and on motion
of Councilman Dwelley, seconded by Howe , the report was adopted.
. City Eng. on Communication from the City Engineer certifying that the California Filter
estimate of Company had furnished and placed material in the amount of $6,975. 50 during
California the month of July at the new filter unit , and recommending that the sum of
Filter Co . $5,929.17, or 85% of the amount furnished, be allowed, was read. Councilman
Dwelley moved that the report be accepted and placed on file. Seconded and
Tarrant issued A motion was made by Councilman Dwefley, seconded by Howe , that the California
to Cal. Filter Filter Company be issued a warrant in the amount of $5,929.17. Roll call : Ayes ,
Co . Dwelley, Hansen, Howe and Olson.kNays, none .
New car for Chief of Police , al Sellinthin, submitted a report on the purchase of a new car
office of pol- for the police department , stating that the cost of repairs on the old car would
ice? be approximately the same as .the purchase price of a new one . A motion was made
by Councilman Olson that the matter be referred to the Committee on License &
Police with power to act.
Sidewalks on Councilman Olson called attention to two stretches on 17th street which were
17th Street. without sidewalks . The city clerk was instructed to notify the property owners
to construct the walks at once or face action by the city.
Claims Claims against the Current expense Fund and other city funds for the month of
July, as follows, were presented to the city council and upon motion referred to
the Committee on Finance :
H. N. Wood 274 Salary as patrolman 62 . 50
Alex Latshaw 275 Salary as fireman 130. 00
Fred G. Abbey 276 Justice fees 57. 50
H. N. Wood 277 Salary as patrolman 62. 50
Al Sellinthin 278 Salary as chief of police 160.00
Tire Surgery 279 Tire repairs for police 1.00
Knapp & Ronneberger 280 Repairs on police car 2 . 65
J. T. March 281 Salary as patrolman 130.00
Earl Amidon 282 Meals for prisoners 9. 10
Anacortes Hardware 283 Supplies for sts . 3.30
Laurence Adams 284 Team hire for sts. 40. 00
Vim. Weeks 285 Labor on streets 86.25
Ernest Childs 286 Labor 98. 00
Tom Dodson 287 Labor 100.00
Lynn Balcomb 288 Truck driver 125.00
O. A. Lenning 289 Salary as st. supt. 150 . 00
J. S. Carter 290 Salary as fire chief & janitor 177.65
L. E. Snider 291 Salary as fireman 130.00
Jas. Colgan 292 Salary as fireman 130. 00
Anacortes Mf;;. Co . 293 Supplies for fire dept. . 75
E. J. Rogers 294 Straps for fire dpt. 1.45
S. P. Walsh 295 Hauling garbage from city hall 2. 50
The Fern Press 296 Printing 3.00
S. D. Temple & Co . 297 Supplies for clerk . 35
Marion ;Tatkinson 298 Salary as city treasurer 50. 00
M. A. Hartmann 299 Salary as city clerk 50 . 00
Ben •t)riftmier 300 Salary as city attorney 50 . 00
Dr. Austin Shaw 301 Salary as health officer 25. 00
.dater Department 302 Hydrant rentals and fountain 276. 15
Burroughs Adding Mah.Co . 303 Adding machine service 5. 55
111 Tacoma Rubber Stamp C o.Standard Oil Co .
Curtis Wharf Co .
304 Numbering machine & Stamps • 17.90
305 Gasoline for depts. 2 mos . 143. 64
306 Coal for city hall 93.30
Puget Sound P & L Co . 307 Lights at city hall , sts .&auto pk 235. 71
Anacortes American 30b Publishing 7. 05
Lowman & Hanford 309 Supplies 2.83
Bank of Commerce 310 Box rent 3. 00
Cur_ent Expense Fund 311 Cash adv. for postage & misc . 17. 80
yr2 ,641.43
Puget Sound P & L Co . 549 Light 4.13
F. E. Compton • . 550 Books • 50.00
later Department 551 Water 7.85
J. K. Gill 552 Books 19.92
E. Luella Howard 553 Salary as librarian 115.00 ' I/
H. W. Dowd 554 Janitor 30.00
Nicholas Vanderpool 469 Labor 24. 00
J. E. Harding 470 Labor • 100.00
Fix It Shop 471 Sharpening tools 1. 50
Anacortes. Hardware Co . 472 Supplies 17. 10
4r142. 60
Curtis Wharf Co . 1564 Sand and cement 50.40
P. Kerney 960 Labor 4 .00
Curtis Wharf Co . 961 Freight on pipe 69.47
• Great Northern Ry Co . 962 Freight on pipe 48. 00
H. G. Wilson • 963 Repairs on city hall for water
dept . 175. 00
The Tire Surgery 964 Tire repairs . 50
S. D. Temple & Co. 965 Supplies 4.80
G. W. Shannon & Co . 966 Supplies 42 .87
Fix-It Shop 967 Sharpening tools 2 .75
Schwartz Iron Works 968 Labor 9. 62
General Water Fund 969 Cash Adv. for postage & misc . 14. 50
Ernest Knapp 970 Filter operator 135.00
City Treasurer 971 Payroll 160. 00
UM. B. Short 972 Salary as superintendent 100 .00
Rensselaer Valve Co . 973 Hydrants and fittings 315.00
';ialworth Company 974 Curb cocks 78.12
Anacortes L & B Co . ' 975 Lumber 22 .90
California Filter Co . 976 Chlorine 15. 50
Lowman & Hanford 977 Level & Transit Books 9.-.05
Puget S Tel. Co . 978 Rentals and tolls 4.00
Federal Pipe & Tank Co . 979 Pipe 17. 55
The fern Press 980 Supplies 1. 50
Federal Pipe 981 Pipe 2076.43
W. Wade 982 Filter operator 90.00 .
Dave Riggs 983 Labor 7.00
Clint Knapp 984 Labor 7.00
Frank Larry 985 Labor 7.00
Louis Willoughby 986 Labor 98...00
Jim Jensen 987 Labor 63.00
Anacortes Hardware 988 Supplies 1.12
Knapp & Ronneberger 989 Mtce. car and truck 59 .81
' Bristol Company 990 Charts 4 .08
Simpson Electric Shop 991 Batteries and wiring 16.15
Island Transfer 992 Freight and drayage 46.01 .
Puget Sound $ & L Co . 993 Power 766.21
Curtis Wharf Co . 994 Sand and cement 8.86
A. Mooney 995 Labor 1.35
General Current Exp. 996 Gasoline from city pump 11.68
Florence Pressy 997 Personal injuries 75.00
Louis Carlson 3 Labor 20.00
C. J. Andrews 4 Labor 16.00
F. B. Simmons 5 Labor 16. 00
F. M. Larry 6 Labor 16.00
L. B. Titus 7 Labor 12 . 00
Frank Moore 8 Labor • 20.00
Glint Knapp 9 Labor 16.00
J. S. Riggs 10 Labor 16.00
A. Vlatkovich 11 Labor 16. 00
M. Grenell 12 Labor 16.00
Dave Riggs 13 Labor 16.00
R. Brown 14 Labor 16.00
W. D. Dyer 15 Labor 9.25
Chas. Kettelson 16 Labor 16. 00 I/
III. G. Padway 17 Labor 16.00
Chris May 18 Labor 16.00
C . Brown 19 Labor 16.00
D. Smith 20 Labor 16 .00
D. Nielan 21 Labor 16.00
D. Jarboa 22 Labor 16.00
J. Johnson 23 Labor 20.00
C . Emmel 24 Labor 16. 00
C. L. Johnson 25 Labor 16. 00
B. Haddon 26 Labor 16.00
August 2 , 1927, continued.
Ed Gerry 27 Labor 16.00
Walter Jensen 28 Labor . 10.00
�I 29 Labor 5.00
/ . n 30 Labor 8.00
Great Northern Ry Co . 31 Freight on pipe 6a. 60
John Walsh 32 Labor 7. 50
M. Rabourn 33 Labor 2 . 00
Paul Humphrey 34 Inspector at filter 26. 25
1927 WATER FUND, continued
R. Sullivan 35 Labor 8. 00
D. Jarbo 36 Labor 16.00
C . S. Johnson 37 Labor 4 .00
J. Baxter 38 Labor 16.00
Bert Haddon 39 Labor 52.50
C . Brown 40 Labor 48. 50
M. G. Radway 41 Labor 54 .00
W. B. Short 42 Salary as city engineer 150 .00
Louis Willoughby 43 Labor 52 .00
Jim Jensen 44 Labor on streets 45. 00
Joe Hatfield 45 Labor 48. 00
COn Anderson 46 Labor 36 . 00
C. A. Johnson 47 Labor 40.00
G. Boswell 48 Labor 40 . 00
D. Davis 49 Labor 39. 50
F. Padgett 50 Labor 48 . 00
J. W. Hutchinson 51 Labor 8. 30
Antone Mortenson 52 Labor 70 .J0
Waiter Jensen 53 Labor 35. 00
Ed Gerry 54 Labor 56 .00
C . Emmel 55 Labor 56.00
J. Johnson 56 Labor 56.00
D. Neilan 57 Labor 56. 00
D. Smith 58 Labor 54 .00
C. May 59 Labor 56. 00
Chas. Kettelson 60 Labor 56.00
R. Brown 60 Labor 8.00
Dave Riggs 62 Labor 56. 00
A. Vlatkovich 63 Labor 32 . 00
' I/
J. S. Riggs 64 Labor 56.00
Clint Knapp 65 Labor 56. 00
Frank IMoore 66 Labor 56 .00
F. M. Larry 67 Labor 50 .00
T. B. Simmons 68 Labor 56. 00
C . J. Andrews 69 Labor 56 . 00
Louis Carlson 70 Labor 70.00
Gamon Meter Co . 71 Meters 495.00
Anacortes iifg.Co . 72 Plugs 10.00
Nat 'l Lithograph Co . 73 Printing of bonds 80.00
Federal Pipe & Tank Co . 74 Pipe 3299.20
. Paul Humphry 75 Inspector at filter 19.15
Schwartz Iron Works 76 Material and supplies 32 .75
Standard Oil Co . 77 Gasoline 1.66
California Filter Co . 78 Estimate 5929.17
Walter Jensen 79 Labor 5.00
M. Grennele 80 Labor 32.00
$12 ,121. 03
Finance on claims Report of Committee on Finance two whom were referred the claims against
the Current Expense Fund and other city funds for the month of July, 1927,
recommending that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of same
was read and upon motion adopted. Roll call : Ayes, Dwelleya Kansan, Howe
and OlsonR Nys , none.
Adjourn a.ei"..a.•)
The city councildid then adjourn in the regular manner.
Approved in open session this 16th day of August, 1927.
Xiayor `� "
Attest :
M. A. Hartmann, City Cerk,
By f -- .le.f .' , /
August 16th , 1927.
Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session with Mayor
Brooks presiding and Councilmen Hansen , Howe McCracken and Olson responding
to roll call. Absent, Fulton, Dwelley, and Peters.
Minutes approved The minutes of the prvious meeting were read and upon motion adopted as read.
Comm. from Skagit Communication from the Skagit County Chamber of Commerce , relative to
County Chamber of the securing of an abundant supply pure water for the county, was read., :.The
Commerce re water. Mayor and City Clerk were instructed to address a comaunication to the County
Chamber advising them that the city council unanimously endorsed the proposed
plan and pledged support of the project.
Petition from Petition from F. H. Walters for permission to obtain license for five card
F. H. Walters for tables and one pool table ,was read,and upon motion of Councilman Howe , seconded
card and pool table by Hansen, the petition was referred to the Committee on License and Police.
Petition, from L.C . A motion was made by Councilman Hansen, seconded by McCracken, that the
Cookston for gar- petition from L. C . Cookston for license to haul garbage within the city, be
page license denied denied. Motion carried.
The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Hansen and seconded by
Resolution re Olson :
WHEREAS, the voters of the City of Anacortes will soon have
an opportunity to vote on proposals for port development,
development that ap, ears to be essential to further growth
of our city, and
1nEREAS, the proposals are such as to appeal to all those
Who have the real interests of Anacortes at heart, as
port development promises to be followed by increased
commerce and manufacturing along wi th increased shipping ,
increased home building , increased employment and lo-::er
prices on many commodities due to lower freights ,
THEREFORE , be it resolved that the city council of the
City of Anacortes approved the plans for port development and
urge the voters to ratify the proposed issue of bonds to
carry out the proposed improvement. CQ
Motion carried.
Adjourn Upon motion the city council did then adjourn. -
Approved in open session this 6th day of September, 1927 .
Attest :
M. A. Hartmann, City Clerk.
By ---
3 1
September 6th, 1927.
Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session wi. ty Mayor
. BroJks presiding and Councilmen Hansen, Howe , McCracken, Olson and Peters
responding to toll call. Absent, Fulton and Dwelley .
Ili .
.Minutes approved The minutes of the previous meeting were read and upon motion adopted .
City Treas . report Report of the City Treasurer for month of August was presented to the city
referred council and referred to the Committee on Finance .
Re;:)ort of Ch. of Report of the Chief of Police for the month of August was presented to the
Pol. referred city council and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Communication from Communication from the E. K. Wood Lumber Company relative to the un-
E. K. \bod Lmbr Co . satisfactory condition of the Burrows Bay road, urging the cit council to
re road to B. Bay. take immediate steps to provide for the construction aril permanent maintenance
of a good gravelled road over Twelfth Street from Commercial Avenue to their
mill was read. The Mayor directed that a letter be sent to the company ex-
plaining the Situation and the intention of the city council to do all in
their power to maintain a good road to Burrows Bay,
license and Pol . The report of Committee on License and Police on petition from F. H. Walters
on petition of F. H. for license for five •card tables and one pool table , recommending that the
Walters license be not granted, was read and upon motion adopted .
Application blanks The matter of application blanks f®r the licensing of plumbers was brought to
for plumbing the attention of the council and on motion of Councilman Hansen seconded by
McCracken, the City Attorney was instructed to draw up a suitable form and
the City Clerk to have them printed. Motion carried.
Louis VJillougby A motion was made by Councilman McCracken, seconded by Olson , that Louis Will-
appointed plumb- oughby, foreman of the water department , be appointed plumbing inspector.
ing inspector Motion carried.
Ten. per cent Councilman McCracken brought to the a tten.tton of the city council the matter
discount to be of discontinuing the ten per cent discount on water bills paid on or before
discontinued? the tenth of the month , stating that it was ncessary to have a surply in the
• water funds . After sJrne discussion the matter was laid over until the next re-
gular meeting, to be taken up as the first order of business.
Rock crusher Councilman Olson suggested that the city should consider the purchase of a
rock crusher, stating that the roads could not be kept in good condition with
the gravel now available. The cost of a crusher would not exceed 3500. 00.
The matter was left to the Street Superintendent and Committee on Streets and
Parks to investigate.
Street sign's Mayor brooks called attention to the necessity of having street signs for
intersections, suggesting that the reflector type of sign was the most satis-
factory .-.
... q ' 1'' .'.\
Claims Claims filed against the Current Expense Fund and o the r city funds f or the month
of August , as follows , were presented to the city council and on motion referre
to the Committee on Finance :
H. N. Wood 312 Salary as patrolman 62. 50
H, s. Riggs 313 Labor on streets 44. 00
• Ernest Childs 314 labor on streets 20. 00
Ilm. 1:,eeks 315 . La or on streets. 86 .25
Tom Dodson 316 Salary astruck driver 100 .00
Lynn Balcomb 317 Salary as truck driver 125. 00
O. A. Le ning 318 Salary as street superimendent 150 .00
H. & D. Superservice 31y Oil for police dept . 1.85
Knapp & Ronneberger 320 Repairs on fire truck 9.15
• Trulson Motor Co. 321 Batter tester for fire dept . 1.25
PPuget Sound Tel Co . 322 Trolls for fire andpolice 1 .10
Anacortes Lmbr & Box Do. 323 Lumber for fire and streets 1 .80
E. K. lbod Lmbr Co . 324 Lumber for fife and streets 52. 63
Marine Supply 325 Supplies for fire and streets 38.31
E. Hartmann 326 Labor 6. 00
A. Mooney 327
La or 20.65
Clausius Motor Co. 238 Switch andnuts .46
Schreiber & Werner 329 Insurance on policecar 24.80
H. A. 7bylor 330 Blacks:: ithing 3. 25
G. W. S hanna on & Co 331 Supplies f orpolic e 1.38
J. S. Carter 332 Salary as fire c:.ier and janitor 178.25
Fred G . Abbey 333 Justice fees 27 . 50
• Lowman & Hanford 334 Supplies for engineer 1.-60
onacortes American 335 Publshing and printing 56. 50
Snyders Pharmacy 336 Supplies for fire and health dept. 2. 40
S. P . '.Walsh 337 Hauling garbage 2 . 50
plater Department 338 Hydrant rentals and fountain 276. 15
Fern Press 339Printing 25. 84
Standard Oil Co . 340 Gasoline and oil 60. 50
• J. T . March 341 Salary aspatrolman 130 .00
Al Sellinthin 342 Salary aschief of police 160. 00
H. N. 'tr oo d 343 Salary as patrolman 07. 50
• Dr. Austin Shaw 344 Salary as. health officer 25.00
void 345
Puget Sound P & L Co. 346 Lights at city hall , sts. and auto park 236.61
Ben Driftmier 347 Salary as city Attorney 50 .00
September 6th, 1927, continued.
M. A. Hartmann 348 Salary as city c lerk 50 .00
Marion W tkinson ' 349 Salaryas city treas. & c ashadv. 51.12
Tl rulso n Motor Co. 350 i.Repairo on car ant oil 16. 10
A: Latshaw ' 351 Salary as fireman 130 .00
L. E. Snider 352 Salary a s fireman 130. 00
Jas. Colgan 353 Salary as fireman 130 .00
Douglass A llmnnd 354 Cash adv. for fire fighting 59.83
Juslis Nelsoh 555 .Plumbing at library 37 .38
C . Hennecke Go . 556 Park benches 18.00
Water Department 557 Water 6. 75
H. 0. Davey 558 Insurance premium on library 12: 10
P. S . P. & L Co 559 Light 5. 91
H. V. Dowd 560 Salar„ as janitor andcare of grounds 30 :00
E. Luella Howard 561 Salary as librarian 115.00
1'v225. 14
E. K. Wood Lumber Co . 473 400 d for parks 5. 00
Fix It Shop 474 Sharpening lawnmower = 2 mos . 3. 00
Nicholas Vanderpool 476 Labor in park 30 .00
H. A. Taylor 477Black iithit 2 .0o
Anacortes Hardware 478 Supplies 11 00
J. E. Harding 479 Labor in park and cash adv, for frt.
on benches 113.85
Curtis wharf Co. ,98 Freight on meters 12 .46
Chas . Kettleson 999 Labor 4.00
Zoe Hatfield 1000 Labor 30.00
Louis Willoughby 1001 Cash adv. for meals for overtime men 1.25
V. Wade 1002 Filter operator 90.00
Ernest Knapp 1003 Salary asfilter o0erator 135.00
E. G. 'Childs 1004 Labor 64 .00
V. M. Short 1005 Salar as supt. 100 . 00
Chas. Voitus 1006 Linoleum for water office 51 .09
Fix It Shop 1007 Keys for water dept . :50
Marine Supply 1008 Supplies for water department 68 .46
General riater Fund 1009 cash adv. f or postage & sign 10.60
Knapp & Ronneberger 1010 Mtce car and truck 36. 61
Gamon MeterCo . lilll Meter parts 19.70
Anacortes L & N Co . 1012 Lumber 3. 60
General Chemical Co . i013 Aluminum sulphate 532 . 50
Schwartz Iron Works 1014 Sharpening tools 2 .46
The Fern Press 1015 Printing 550
Island Transfer 1016 Frt . and drayage 36.86
Marine Supply 1017 Supplies 161.68
The Tire Surgery 1018 Tire repairs and bettery chg. 4: 00
Clausius Motor Go. 1019 Repairs on cars 12 .40
City Treasurer 1020 Payroll 16o.oo
P. S. P. & L Go. - 1021 Power 780. 58
Louis Willoughby 1022 Labor 130.40
1927 WATER FUND 2473 .56
Clint Knapp 81 La or 24. 00
Frank Moore 82 Labor 24. 00
J. S. Riggs 83 Lab or 24 .00
Dave Riggs 84 labor 24. 00
Waldo Olson 85 Labor 10000
F. M. Larry 86 Labor 24. 00
J. Johnson 87 Labor 24.00
) . J. Andrews 88 Labor 24. 00
Antone Mortenson b9 Labor 30. 00
E. Eel 90 La or 24: 00
Con Anderson 911 Labor 24. 00
E d Gerry 92 Labor 20. 50
F. B. Simmons 93 La or 24. 00
D. Ne i la n 94 Labor 24. 00
M. G .: Bradway 95 Labor 24. 00
D . Davis 96 Labor 8.00
G. Boswell 97 Labor • 8.00
C . May - 98 ' Labor 22. 00
F. Padgett 99 Labor 24.00
G. A. Anderson 100 Labor 24. 00
D. Smith 101 Labor . 22.00
Louis Carlson 102 Labor 30 . 00
Chas . Keitleson 103 La o r 24. 00
' Paul Humphrey 104 Labor 2. 25
Y . W. Hutc insan 105 Labor 2 .00
V, . Deutsch 106 Hauling pipe 7 00
Curtis "ilharf Co . 107 Ibeight on pipe 17.15
Sparks Transfer 108 Drayage on pipe 1. 00
G. W. Shannon & Co. 109 Supplies .38
Gamon Meter Co . 110 Meters 990.00
Hugh G. Purcell Co. 111 Pipe . lead and oakum 952.16
Robert Deutsch 112 Hauling pipe 11.00 •
. J
September 6th, 1927, c ontineud
V. B. Short 113 Salary as sup t. 150.00
Sparks Transfer Co 0 114 Drayage on pipe 22, 50
Louis `Alloughby 115 Labor 19. 60
L. Adams 116 Team hire 39. 50
'557 .04
Finance on claims Reportof Committee on Finance to whom were referred the claims against the Curr-
ent Expense Mind andother city Hinds for the matith of August, recommending that
the claims be allowed and warrants drawn on same, was read and on motion a do pted.
Roll call: Ayes, Hansen , Howe , Olson, McCRacken and Peters. Nays, none.
Adjourn The city council did then adjourn in the regular manner.
Approved in open session this 20th day of September, 1927.
M. A. Hartmann, City Clerk,
By r. ...; v- „..---
r a3
4 •
September 20th, 1927
Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session with
Mayor Brooks Presiding and Councilmen Dwelley, Fulton, Hansen, Howe , Olson,
M Cracken and Peters . Absent, none .
Minutes approved The minutes of the previous meeting were read and upon motion adopted.
Discontinuing 10% The matter of discontinuing the ten per cent discount allowed water consumers •
discount on water if bills were paid by the tenth of the month, was discussed at some length.
bills A motionwas made by Councilman McCracken , seconded by Hansen, that the water
department be instructed to discontinue the ten per cent discount now being
allowed on water bills, beginning with September bills due October 1st. Roll
call: Ayes , Fulton , Hansen, Howe , McCracken, Olson and Peters. Nays, Dwelley.
Motion carried. •
Street markers at Councilman Howe called the attention of the city council to the necessity of
Nelson School painting street markers on the pavement at the Nelson School as the present
signs were not sufficient . The City Clerk was instructed to notify the Street
Superintendent to have the work done. Also to repair broken board in sidewalk
at Tenth Street and Commercial Avenue.
Adjourn The city council did then adjourn in the regular manner.
Approved in open session this 3rd day of October , 1927.
Attest :
M. A. Hartmann , City Clerk,
/ Deputy
- 11
''' 35
October 3rd, 1927.
Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met for the purpose of considering
the budget submitted by Mayor Brooks anu fixing the final budget and making
the tax levies . Mayor Brooks presided and councilmen Dwelley, Fulton , Hansen,
Howe , McCracken , Olson and Peters responded to roll call. Absent, none .
III Budget The budget showing amounts. required =to meet the public expense for the year 1928
was as follows :
Salaries Mtce & Capital Int. & Debt
& Wages Operation Outlay Redemption Total
Executive 25.00 25. 00
Legislative 25.00 25.00
Clerk 665. 00 758 .00 12 5.00 1,368 .00
Treasurer 655.00 272.00 125. 00 1,052 .00
Attorney 600.00 125. 00 725.00
Engineer & LID
Advances 1 ,600 00 50 00 5,000.00 6,650. 00
Elections 420 . 00 340.00 760 . 00
City Hall 180.00 1 ,122. 00 1 ,302 .00
Streets 7,020 .00 6, 535. 60 3,000.00 6 ,555. 60
Park 500 .00 500 . 00
Fire Department 6,480 .00 4 ,083.00 3 ,781.00 180. 00 14 ,524. 00
• police . 5,040 .00 508.60 600 . 00 6,148 . 60
:'police Justice 300.00 12. 00 312 ..00
li'ea1th 300 .00 25. 00 325.00
Sewers V00.00 500 . 00
Contingent 350 .00 1 ,428 .94 1 ,778 .94
City property
LID assmt 1 ,354. 00 1, 354. 00
24,110.00 16,484.14 10 ,131 .00 180 . 00 ,353 , 905.14
Direct taxation 14 mills on a valuation of 2 ,552 ,037.00 ------ 35, 728 . 51
Estimated miscellaneous revenues 7,610. 00
I/ Transfer from Indebtedness Fund ------------ 237. 35
Transfer from 1914-15 Cur rene t Exp. Fund---- 5,329. 28
L. I.D. advances ---------------------------b 5,000. 00
$53 ,905. 14
Salaries & Mtce & Capital Int. &
'.;ages Operation Outlay Debt Red'n Total
Library ------- 1,680 .00 906.82 1 ,350 .00 3 ,930.82
Direct taxation 1. 30 mills on a valuation of $2 ,552,037 . 00 ---- 3 ,317.65
Library collections 550. 00
Surplus 69 .17
3 ,936.82
Salaries Mtce & Capital Int . & Debt
& 'Wages Operation Outlay Redemption Total
Park 2 ,100.00 215. 60 236.43 -- 2,•552. 03
Direct taxation 1 mill on a valuation of j2 , 552,037 ----------- 2, 552 . 03
,later Salaries Mtce & Capital Int. &
& WagesOperation Outlay Debt Red'n Total
9,420. 00 21 ,694.00 23, 980.00 55,094 .00
Water Revenue --- $55,O94. 0 0
r .
October 3rd, 1927.
Budget continued Road & latermain Bonds (Burrows Bay Road) ----------------- 03 ,500.00
Interest on above bonds -- ------------------------------- 1 ,178.50 .
Public Street Bonds (Marine View Drive ) -------------- ----- 1 , 500.00 .
Item of $500 trans- Item of $500 for gravel in the street department was reduced to 0300; item
ferred to Contingent of tires in same department was reduced from 0900 to 3600; Total item of
Fund $3500 transferred to contingent fund.
Budget referred to On motion of Councilman McCracken, seconded by Howe , the budget was referred
city council at to the city council at their regular meeting on Tuesday, October 4th.
next meeting
The city council did then adjourn until Tuesday, October 4th, 1927.
Adj ourn 0,/"A/a1
Attest : M. A. Hartmann, City Clerk,
By � � L � e �✓
October 4th, 1927.
Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session with Mayor
Brooks presiding and Councilmen Dwelley, Howe ,McCracken and Peters responding
to roll call.. Absent, Fulton , Hansen and Olson.
Minutes approved The minutes of the previous meeting were read and upon motion adopted.
Gomm. from City Tre- Communication from the City Treasurer relative to amount collected for the cost
as re hydrant col- of two hydrants on K Avenue between 12th and 16th streets , stating that out of
lections the ,130 subscribed .but $90 had been collected to date, was read, and on motion
of Councilman McCracken , seconded by Howe , Was referred to Mr. E. P. Barker for
Report of City Treas Report of City Treasurer for month of September was presented and referred to
referred the Committee on Finance.
Report of Ch. of Pol. Report of .Chief of Police was presented and on motion referred to Committee
referred on Finance .
Re7:ort of Pal. Report of Police Justice for month of September waspresented andon motion
Justice referred referre d to the Committee on Finance.
Councilmen enter At this point Councilmen Fulton ,. Hansen and Olson entered the council chamber
and the Mayor ordered their names placed on the roll.
Communication from Communication from the City Engineer, as follows, was read and placed on file :
City Engineer re
estimate of Calif- "I hereby certify that the C alifofnia Filter Company
ornia Filter Co . has furnished the following amount of labor , material
and equipment in the construction of the second filter
1. Sedimentation basin, aerator pond , filter house
and walkway completed except back fill and painting.
2 . Sewers completed and connected. -
3. Clearwell connection completed.
4. Filter under drain system completed.
�- 5. Controller furnished and installed.
- 6. Los-of-head and rate-of-flow gauges furnished and
installed complete .
7. All piping in pipe gallery of new plant completed
11 . £tate-of-flaw meter for raw water furnished.
9. Alum dry feeder furnished and installed.
10 . New booster pump furnished and installed.
11. Two new wash water pumps furnished, one installed.
12 . Heart Lake pump moved to basement and connected. •
13. maw water line between old and new plant completed.
The above comprises 90 per cent of the entire work
the contract price of which $23 ,476.00
. Ninety per cent equals 21,128.40
• Eighty-five per cent of this amt 17,959 .14
Less previous payment as follows :
Julys, 1927 2,67040
August 2 , ' 5,929 .17 8 ,599,87
Amount due contractor this date- $9,359.27
I therefore recommend that the City Treasurer
be authorized to issue a check to the California
Filter Company for the sum of 39,359 .27. "
• 2 master plumbers Mayor Brooks stated that he would appoint two master plumbers to work in con-
appointed junction with the plumbing inspector and Committee on Sewers and Buildings ,
naming Julius Nelson and M. G. Kelley. The city council signified their approval.
Budget The budget prepared to m e.et the expenses of city government for the year 1928 ,
and as amended by the city council on October 3rd, was again taken up , but no
changes were made except the addition of $28.42 to the Curent Expense Fund from
the slight increase in the actual assessed vaulEltion; also the addition of ;)2. 03
each to the Park and Library Funds and N6 . 09 to the :Bond Redemption Fund for the
same reason.
The revised budget is as gollows :
October 4th , 1927, continued.
Salaries Mtce & Capital Interest &
Budget & Wages Operation Outlay Debt Red,'.n Total
Current Dense Fund E,Executive 25.00 25. 00
Legislative 25. 00 25. 00
Clerk 665.00 578.00 125.00 1 ,368.00
Treasurer 655.00 272.00 125.00 1,052. 00
Attorney 600. 00 125. 00 725,00
. Engineer & LID
advances 1,600 .00 50.00 5,000o00 6 ,650.00
Elections 420.00 340.00 760.00
City Hall 180.00 1,122.00 1,302. 00
Streets 7,020 .00 6,035. 60 3,000.00 16 ,055. 60
Park 500.00 500.00
Fire :department 6,480 .00 4,083 .00 3 ,781.00 180.00 14,524.00
Police Dept . 5,040 .00 503.6o 600.00 • 6,148.60
Police Justice 300.00 12. 00 312 :00
Health 300.00 25.00 325.00
Sewers 500 .00 500.00
Contingent 350 .00 1,957 .36 2 ,307.3 6
L. I .D. assmt city
property 1 ,354. 00 1 ,35400
$24 ,110.00 16,512 . 56 13 ,131 .00 180.00 $53 , 933. 56
Direct taxation 14 mills on a valuation of 32 , 554,062. 00 ------= 35,756.93
Estimated miscellaneous revenues ova------------ 7,610.00
Transfer from Indebtedness Fund 237.35
Transfer from 1914-15 Current Expense Fund 5,329 .28
L. I.D. advanced ---------- 5,000.00
353,933. 56
Salaries & Ttce & Capital Interest &
Wages Operation Outlay Debt Red'n Total
Library , 1 ,680.00 908 .85 1,350.00 -- 3,938 .85
Direct taxation 1.30 mills on a valuation of 3v2 ,554,062.00 ---- 3 ,319. 68
Library collections ---------------7----------- 550.00
Surplus --- ---------------------------------- 69,17
$3 ,938.8 5
PARK FUND (Expenditures )
Park Fund
Salaries Mtce & Capital Interest & .
& Ukges Operation Outlay Debt Red°n Total
Park ------ 2 ,100 00 215.60 238.46 -- 2 ,554,06
Direct taxation 1 mill on a valuation of 32, 554,062 ---------- $2 , 554.06
;Water Fund WATER FUND
Salaries Mtce & Capital Interest &
& Wages Operation Outlay Debt Red°n Total
Water 9 ,420.00 21 ,694.00 -- 23,980 00 355,094.00
Water Revenue -------- $55,094 .00
Budget adopted Councilman Dwelley, seconded by Hansen, made a motion that the budget be
adopted as a.aended. Roll call : Ayes, Dvre"ley , Fulton, Hansen , McCracken
Olson , Howe and Peters. Nays , none .
Oc tobe , 927 , contin xed
Ordinance No being an ordinance relatIng to vehicles at_d regulating the
Ord . # operation and parking thereof upon the highway of the city; providing for the '
proper equipment and devices to be used thereon and for the inspection thereof ;
providing for traffic signals, and control thereof; prescribing the powers
: /
and duties of certain officers ; defining offenses and fixing penalties; re-
pealing ordinance Number 747 and any other ordinance or parts of ordinances
in conflict herewith, was upon motion placed on its first reading by title ; Upon
motion the ordinance was placed on its second reading by title ; upon motion
ordinance was referred to the City Attorney and JudiciaryCornnittee.
Ord. # Ordinance No.___, being an ordinance levying a tax upon the real and personal
property within the City of Anacortes , Skagit County, .ashington, for municipal
• purposes for the year 1928, was placed on its first reading by title ; upon
motion ordinance was placed on its second reading by title ; upon motion
ordinance was referred to the City Attorney and: Judiciary Committee .
Warrant authorized A motion was made b Councilman Dwelley,
y seconded by Hansen, that a warrant
to California be issued to the California Filter Company for yp9 ,359.27 in payment of com-
Oilter Company for pleted work done at the filter unitg in accordnace with estimate of the City
work on filter unit Engineer. Roll call : Ayes , Dwelley, Fulton, Hansen, Howe , Olson, McCracken and
Peters. Nays, none.
Amount of :64 . 17 A motion was by Councilman McCracken , seconded by Howe , that the amount of
due Gross retained 5 64.17 due Gross & Hudson for work done on intersection at Twelfth Street
and Commercial Avenue , be retained.
Claims aginst the Current Expense Fund and other city funds for the month of
Claims September, as follows : were read and referred to the Committee on Finance :
H. N. Wood 354 Adv. on z.lary 65.00
Albert Helander 355 Auditing city r eco rdx 265.25
J. S. Carter 356 Salary as fire chief & janitor 178.15
G. W . Shannon & Co 357 Supplies for streets, city hall & fire 7.27
0, A. Lenning 358 Salary a s street superintendent 150 .00
Lynn Bat comb 359 Truck driver 125 .00
Tom Dodson 360 Labor on streets 100. 00
Wm. Weeks 361 Labor on streets 82 . 50
Puget Sound P & L Co 362 Lights at city hall , s is & auto park 27.75
H. A. Taylor 363 Blacksmiting 8.95
I/ A. Bodner 364 Labor on streets 56.00
Marine Hardware 365 Supplies for police & streets 8.03
Kerneys Variety St. 366 Supplies for police .85
Trulson Motor Co . 367 Oil for police dept. 3.60
Fr .. G. Abbey 368 Justice fees 20.00
H. N. Wood 369 Bal . salary as patrolman 65. 00
J. T. March 370 Salary a s patrolman 130 00
Al Sellinthin 371 Salary as chief of police 160. 00
P. S. Tel Co . 372 Tolls for police & fire depts . 95
R. J. Normand 373 Supplies for fire dept . 3 .61
AAle'x Latshaw 374 Salary a s fireman 130. 00
L. E. Snider 375 Salary as fireman 130.00
Jas . Colgan 376 Salary as fireman 130 .00
Howard Cooper Corp. 3?7 Supplies for lire dept. 10. 02
Kna; p & Ronneberger 378 Repairs on sire for fire dept . 1.75
EEthel Barron 379 Services in clerk' s office • 1.80
Anacortes American 360 Publishing 38.40
• S. P. W al sh 381 Hauling garbage from city hall 1. 50
standard oil Co. 382 Gasoline for depts . 73 .27
Water Department 383 Hydrant rental And fountain 276. 30
Current ...Expense Fund 384 Postage 5. 16 .
• "PIONEER" 385 L. I .D. binder 12. 60
Dr. Autsin 'thaw 386 Salary as health officer 25.00
Marion watkinson 387 Salary as city treasurer 50 .00
M. A. Hartmann 388 Salary as city clerk 50.00
• Curtis 'Wharf Co. 389 Cozl for city hall 34 .02
Bem.DI'tftrhier 390 Salary as city tt orne y 50.00
Fern Press 391. Printing for trea urer 1.75
$ 2689 .48
E. Luella Howard 562 Salary as librarian 90.00
Margaret Grady 563 Salary as r3.3s ° t librarian 25. 00
A. C. McClurg 564 Books 76 .80
H.. W. Dowd 565 Janitor and care of grounds 30. 00
221 .80
Nicholas Vanderpool 480 Labor in park 21. 00
J. L. Rumsey 481 good for park 3.50
J. E. Hardin• 482 Labor 100. 00
Marine Supply 483 Supplies for park .85
r 1 40
October 4, 1927, continued.
1. V. ":Jells 1365 Cash adv. for city° s portion of
paving intersection at 12th & Commercial 108.77
J. F Collins 1366 Inspector intersection 12th & Commercial 12.45
R. A. Childs 1023 Labor 20.00
Marine Supply 1024 Supplies 65.18
Puget Sound P & L Co . 1025 Power 764.63
General 'Water Fund 1026 Cash adv. for postage 10. 00
Cntral Service Station 1027 Repairs on cars and truck 11.4.0
Anacortes American 1028 Publishing 4. 65
Trulson Motor Co . 1029 Repairs on car 39 .55
National Meter Co . 1030 Meters 238.80 .
An'acortes L & B Co . 1031 Lumber 20.50
California Filter Co-. 1032 Cholrine 15 .50
T. F. Doan 1033 Maps 3. 00
void -_ -- --
\falworth Mfg. Co . 1035 Curb cocks 33.48
John Grossbush 1036 Raising house at HI 15.00
W. Wade 1037 Salaryas filter operator 90. 00
'.1. B. Short ' 1038 Salaryas superintendent 250.00
Ernest Knano 1039 Salaryas filter operator 135 .00
Louis Willoughby 1040 Labor 129.00
E. G. Childs 1041 Labor 75.00
Jim Jensen 1042 Labor 65.00
Anacortes Mfg. Co. 1043 Plugs 7.85
G. W. Shannon & Co. 1044 Supplies 4.77
void 11 -- --
Knapp & Ronneberger 1046 Mtce car and truck 32.00
Anacortes L & B Co . 1047 Lumber 17.60
Puget Sound Tel Co . 1048 Tolls and rentals 16. 05
Island Transfer Co . 1049 Frt and drayage 16 .44
• Standard Oil Co. 1050 Gasoline for water dept. ' 9.70
Mariorir:'atkinson 1051 Salary_ as city treasurer 50.00
• M. A. Hartmann 1052 Salary as water cashier 110. 00
• Curtis `:lharf Co . 1053 Sand and cement 7.45
Puget Sound P & L Co . 1054 Power (additional ) 37 94
Lawrence Adams 1055 Hauling pipe 5. 00
2 ,300 .49
Marion Deutsch 117 Labor 8.00
Wesley Jensen 118 Labor 18 .00
Vesley Jensen 119 Labor 6.00
• Albert Kain 120 Labor 24. 00
Frank Fagan 112 Labor 28.00
Dan Davis 122 Labor 7. 50
Ben Haddon 123 Labor 2 .00
Albert Kain 124 Labor 7150
C . J. Andrews 125 Labor 7.50
Julius Nelson 126 Caulking joints 84.00
Marion Doty 127 Transcribing case George vs city 49 .20
Ben Driftmier 128 Filing decree clerk' s fee George vs city 6. 00
Gamon Meter Co . 129 Meters 495.00
Louis Willougby 130 Labor 21. 00
E. G. Childs 131 Labor 29. 00
Jim Jensen 132 Labor 38 .00
California Filter Co . 133 Estimate 9,359 . 27
. John W. Brisky, Co .Ck 134 Transcript of files George vs city 12 . 00
$10 ,201.97
Finance on claims Report of Committee on Finance to whom were referred the claims against the
Current I; xpense Fund and other city funds for the month of September, rec-
ommending- that the claims be allowed and -currants drawn in favor of same, was
readJand on motion adopted. Roll call : Ayesp Dwlley , Fulton , Hansen , Howe , Nc-
Cr,icken, Olson and Peters. Nays , none.
Adjourn ' There being no further business the city council did then adjourn in the
regular manner.
Approved in open secion this 18th day of October , 1927. It '
(i .
Attest :
M. A. Hartmann, City Clerk,
L . J
October 18th, 1927.
Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session with Mayor
Brooks presiding and Councilmen Fulton, Hansen, Howe , Olson and Peters . Absent ,
Dwell ey and McCracken.
Minutes approved The minutes of the previous meeting were read and on motion adopted as read.
City Attorney on Report of City Attorney , Ben Driftmier, on ordin nce No . 774 , being an ordinace
Ordinance } 774 levying a tax, stating that same was correct in form, was read and adopted .
City Attorney on Report of City Attorney, Ben Driftmier, on Ordinacne No . 775, being an ordinace
Ordinance #7?5 relating to vehicles and regulating the operation thereof upon the highways
and streets , stating that same was correct in form, was read , and regularrly
Judiciary on Ord. Report of Judiciary Committee on Ordinance No . 774 , being an ordinance
#774 levying a tax, recommending that the ordinance be passed, was read and on motion
adopted .
Judiciary on Ord. Reort of Judiciary Com ittee on Ordinance No . 775, being an ordinance relating
' 775 to vehicles and regulating the operation thereof upon the highways and streets ,
recommending that the ordinance be passed, was read and on motionadopted.
Communication from Communication from Anna Vojkovich, 1116 Tenth Street , stating that the water
Anna Vojkovich p1pe had broken by their place and spoiled the potato crop , and asking for
re wreck of potato a remuneration of 5,was read and on motion referred to the Superintendent of
crop the Water Department .
Ordinance No . 774 Ordinance No . 774 , being an ordinance levying a tax upon the real and personal
property within the City of Anacortes, Skagit County, `:Jashington, for municipal
purposes for the year 1928, was upon motion placed on its third and final
reading by section. Upon motion the title was adopted as read ; upon motion
section one was adopted as read; upon motion section 2 was adopted as read;
Upon motion section 3 was Fulopted as read ; upon motion the ordinance as a whole
and as read was adopted. Roll call : Ayes, Fulton, Hansen , Howe , Olson and
Peters. Nays , none.
Ordinance 775 Ordinance No. 775 , being an ordinance relating to vehicles and regulating the
operation t hereof upon the highways and streets; defining Arterial Highways;
providing for traffic signals and control thereof; prescribing the powers and
duties of certain officers ; defining offenses and fixing penalties , was upon
motion placed on its third and final reading. by section. Upon motion the
title was adopted as read; upon motion section 1 was adopted as read ; upon
motion section 2 was adopted as read; upon motion section 3 was adoptdd as read ;
upon motion section 4 was adopted as read; upon motion section 5 was adopted as
read; upon motion section 6 was adopted as read; upon motion oection 7 was
adopted as read ; upon motion s ettion 8 was adopted as read upon motionsection
9 was adopted as read; upon motion section 10 was adopted as read; upon motion
section 11 was adopted as read ; upnn motion section 12 was adopted as read;
upon motion section 13 was adopted as read; upon motion the ordinance as a whole
and as read; was adopted; roll call; Ayes, Fulton , Hansen, Howe , Olson and
Peters , Nays , none.
Plumbing rules and Suitable rules and regulations governing plumbing installation within the City
regulations of Anacortes , as prepared by the plumbing committee and Committee on Building
and Sewers , were presented to the city council , and a motion was made by Council-
man Hansen , seconded by Howe , that the rules be accepted and placed on file.
Releasing old bond Motion was made by Councilman Hansen, seconded by Howe , that the original bond
Re M. A. Hartmann of M. A. Hartmann , water cashier, with the Fidelity & Casualty Company of
of New York, for 1 ,000, which was lost, be released, and duplicate bond issued in
its place . Number of bond1O54286. Motion carried.
Amount due Gross The matter of retaining the amount of:,)64.17 due G. E. Gross for work done
& Hudson to be paid in constructing street intersection and drain at 12th street and Commercial
avenue was brought up . It was the intention to apply this amount on the note
of G. E. Gross held by the city, but as it was found that the work had. been given
to Gross & Hudson the amount could not legally be applied to the note . Therefore
a motion was made by Councilman Hansen, seconded by olson that the amount be no
longer retained, but paid to Gross & Hudson. Motion carried.
Adjourn There being no further business the city council did then adjourn.
Approved in open session this 1st day of Nove:aber , 1927.
Attest :
M. A. Hartmann,,City Clerk ,
i \L>'� ' De Deputy
NOVeuioer 1, :l;,e/,
I ~
moil call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session with
Mayor Brooks presiaing onu Councilmen Dwelley, Fulton, McCracken, Olson
ana Peters responding to roll call.. Absent, Howe .
Councilman Hansen As Councilmen Hansen hau moved his residence from the first ward his seat
moves I rom first waru on the ci i,y council automatically became Vacant,
minutes approved The minutes of The previous meeting were read and motion passed that same
be approves.
rteport of City Treas . deport of City Treasurer for month of October was presentea to the city council
referred and on motion ieferrea uo brie Committee on Finance.
Report of Chief of rol. Report of Chief of Police for mon4n of October was presentea to 4he £i ty
referred council ails on motion referreu i,o the Committee on Finance.
Comm. from City Eng. The following communication from 611e city engineer was read and on motion
re California Filter rece ivea and placed on file.
Company' s work at new
filter unit °I hereby certify i,hat the California Filter Company has
completes the seconu unit to tne fiiter plant in accoraance
with plans and specifications, at a 4o 4al cos 4 as per their
bid of Sei,4'/o.00.
There is sue them at tnls time b5io of 4t1e above aoriount or
)19 ,954. 6u, less previous payments as follows :
July 5, l2'7 A2 ,b'7O . '/0
Aug. e , lye/
Oct. 4, lya`7 -0000 91 )7'Yedi
Total paiu to date - l'/,
Amount aue on his uate i ,yy7 >4o
I therefore recomirienu tnat a warrant be aran in thier
favor for the above mmount and tkia t l570 of the total •
cost amounting to c? j, 5e1 .4o be retained l.or a period
• of JU bays
1 also 1'ecoiIw1eilu ulat ule 'v";Ori be officially accepted
at tnl s time . ca
Councilman Howe enters Councilman Howe entered the council chamber and the Mayor ordered his name
council chamber placed upon the roll.
Streets & Parks on tteport of Committee on Streets and Parks to Whom was referred the matter
chicken coops arid wood communication from Ann McNeil re chicken coops and woodpiles belonging
piles in street at J. S. Carter in street at 12th and. H Avenue, recommending that Mr. Carter
loth & H ave . remove buildings ana obstructions from street, was read and on motion of
Councilman Dwelley, seconded by reters, was adopted.
' was received
Jas. L. McLacnian Communicati'from south Siae rlumoing Shop , Jas. L. McLachlan, applying for
applies for plumbing plumbers license and attaching check in the sum of $25.00 for same. Mr.
liceese McLachlan further stated that he believed if he put in plumbing according
to the city orainance he should not have to go before a board of two
examiners who were his competitors in business for an examination. i1l1x.
McLachlan also asked the city council who was going to examine Mr. Belson
and Mr. Kelly, master plumbers, if they were on the examing boars themselves .
After some aiscussion the city council aavisea Mr. McLachlan that of nis worn
was satisfactory to tne plumbing inspector it was not necessary to go before
an examining board. A motion was passed to place the communication on file.
Maintenance bond of Maintenance bond in the arum of 45 ,000 from the California Filter Company,
47 ,O00 furnished by R-y3'f'/Ub, national Surety Company, was presented to the city council. .his
California -oilier Co . bond covers defects in workmanship or material in the new filter unit for a
period of two years from date. A motion was passed referring the bond (40 the
the City Attorney and Judiciary Committee.
City Attorney on above Report of City Attorney on above pond, stating that same was correct in form
bond was read and on motion a.doptea.
Judiciary Comittee on Report of Juaiciary Committee on maintence bona of California Filter Company
bond of California recommending that the bona be accepted, was read regularly adopted.
Filter Co .
A motion was made by Councilman Dwelley, seconded uy Rowe , that a warrant be -
Warrant issued to Calif- issued to the California filter Company in the amount of 1,y95.4o eue tdeiu •
ornia Filter Co . at this time . motion carried. troll call: Ayes, Dwelley, Fulton, Rowe , Mc-
Cracken, Olson and Peters. ways , none. •
Work of California 'ii- A motion was made by Councilman Dwelley, seconaed uy McCracken, that tne w+bra
ter Co. officially " of the California fitter Company on the new filter unit be officially ace pteu.
accepted. Motion carried.
Property ovtners on seventeenth Street ctno had been notified to have sidewalks
City to improve 17th constructed in front of their lots by October 1st, had responded with the
street by walks exception of curs. Lydia Douglass. The city council aeclared their intention
to improve and the city engineer was instructed to obtain information relative
to the cost of sidewalk construction.
Hydrants on ave . to A motion was made by Councilman McCracken, seconded by pwelley, that the
be installed hyarants for 12th street ana loon streets on 3i Avenue , half the cost of „hich
was raised by subscription, be installed without further aelay. motion carried.
aovemuee: 1st, lye/, coni.inueu.
As Q, Avenue between 14th and 17tn Streete has never oeeu dedicated as a
city street, the City Ai,i:oruey Was instructed to carry on negotiations
with the txreaL i ortnerri iaaiiway company anu the Puget Sound Power & Light
Company for its acquisition.
The city council authorized the consignment of the West half of iv Avenue
from the worth line of Secona Street to ueep water in the City of Anacortes
i . Skagit County, Washington, leased 10 the Northwestern Fisheries Company,anu
• fte Booth .lisheriee, to rieu B. rultuii. motion authorizing the consignment 'Ovals
seconuea anu pa.seeu.
Proposals for stone ci•uesner were pi'esenteu to c,ne city council and were as foll-
ows :
Olympic Machinery Co. , Seattle, one complete
Russell No. ju Crusriiiig Plant, as we.lras
mounted el-usher a rtu ca f t. folding bucket
elevator . . . . . . 0 • . . . . • . . .. . . . . 02,2u0 fob
Anacortes .
1iowaru-Cuoper Uu.pui'atiun, 6ea't.te, one •
SYMONS two foot CONE crusher, net price of
forty- ix nunurea ninety uoilara kO4uyu. )
also J 0l' o e au«.i" ut ivo. 4 - elevator at het
price of i'o ur iiunureu aline 4y LUllaill
(,4P4yu.vv) , maKliig a. total of •fity-utae
• hunuieu eighty dollars, -----------._._..W--o.,-.,-' 05,100.00 fov
Tne above price incluues the services of
an erecting engineer .
10r the purpose of considering the proposals the Mayor called as recess
and the coucnilemn adjourned co the clerk' s office, on motion of Councilman
Olson, seconded by Howe.
After due ,consideration the council reassembled and a motion was made by
Councilman Olson, seconded by Peters , that the Committee on streets & Parks
continue its investigation, a.nu if necessary a special meeting could be called
' :i
by the Mayor.
Claims filed against the Current Expense Fund and other city Tunas for the month
of October, as folios, were presentee to the city council and upon motion were
referred to the commit tee on Finance:
H. N. Wood 392 Salary advance o5.U0
wm. h►ooertson 3y3 Special police 5•u0
E. Viood 3y4 Special police 5.00
Andrew .00dner 35 Special police 2.00
Tire Surgery 36 Tire repairs poll e uept .50
• Al Sellinthin syl Salary as chief of police lo0.00
J. T. March 390 Salary as patrolman 1j0.uU
H. a. Wood 39y Balan ce salary patrolman bn 00
Fix It Shop Jou ileys for police aept . 1.u0
Frea G. Aouey 401 Justice fees 32. 20
• Jas . C olgau 402 Salary a s fireman 130.00
L. E. Snider 4u3 Salary as frreman 130.00
Alex Latahaw 404 Salary as fireman 130.00
J. S. Carter 407 Salary as fire chief and janitor 11/1 .4u
Anacortee Hardware qua Supplies for tire uept . 1.00
'arm. sleeks 40/ Labor on streets 03. '/u
Tom Dodson 400 Labor on streets 100. u0
Carl Olin 40y Labor on streets b.U0
Lynn Balcomb 410 Salary as truck driver 125.UJ
O. A. Lenning 411 Salary as street sept. 150.00
Knapp & R onneoerger 412 Repairs on street truck 11. /7
Schwartz iron Works 413 Repairs on street equipment 5. /6
E. k. Wood aambr Co. 414 Lumber for Este 24.00
Puget Sound P & L Co. 415 Lights at city hall & streets e35.15
S. P. wish 416 Hauling garbage from city hali 1.50
Burroughs Aad. Mach. 417 Rio oon for wading machine . 15
Puget Sound Tel Co. 410 Tolls for police, fire & clerk 3. i5
Anacortes American 4ly Puolishing 4u. iy
Current Expense Fund 42U Cash advanced for postage o.u0
- : ' Standard Oil Co . 421 Gasoline for uepartments o3 .0y
M. A. Hartmann 422 Salary as city clerk 50.00
Dr. Austin Shaw 423 Salary as health officer 25.u0
Ben Dri f tmi er 424 Salary as city attorney 50.00
water Department 425 hydrant rental and fountain 2'/0.30
Anacortes Mfg. Co. 42o Tyepwriter table 3.50
Hoe Hatfield 427 Maps 15.00
Marion watkinson 420 Salary as city treas. m cash adv. 51. 5
State Treasurer 42y Industrial ins. & Kea. Aid 123 .05
"PIONEER" 430 Supplies for engineer .01
Marine Hardware 431 Supplies for sts. & polo 2.05
$2 ,500 .64
November lot, 1727.
Gus Henaier 500. Insurance premium 12 .6
Curtis wharf Co . 567 uoal 132. ti3
Water .0 epartmeiit Soo water 2.Ov
rsellilign3m boots. Bind. 5vy Boolta rebound 34).u01 ' I/ .
Puget Sound P & L Go. j ju Ligh Ve 2. 03
H. U. .uavey 54 Insurance premium 2/.0U
Zchreiber ac Werner ,57 Insaurance premium 12 .45
H W. hoed 5/3 Janitor 20.00 '
R. Luelia tiowa.rd )14 :,glary as llurarid.il yo.U0
Margaret Grady ) 5 Sziayr ae aeeletant 25.00
Anzcortes Hardware 4o4 powder i or ulaeting 26 .25
Fix It Shop 465 Sharpening lawnmower 2 mos. 3.00
Nicholas Vanuerpool 466 Laoor 6.00
J. E. Haruing .467 Labor 11/4)0.00
r: 7zr
1.:72J WATER i UUD
Gd,,liol1 Metor eo . 135 meters 47j.uu
. .Louis Willoughby .33u . ►6etting new meters 9.18
Jiro iensell 137 Setting new meters 31. 50
E. G. Unilus . o butting new meter• 1/. 5J
Cali urnia, . titer Go. 13 j l.Ja t imate 1, 77) .46__
12, r G • b 'T
(1.baV1•+,'±AL WA`l'.611 .'uiww)
vary £Ueila.0 lv)o .ba.ubr 4.00
Chas . Sul. . ai 10)/ Latin~ 0.'0
ilioanu ,li.a J aa.er 06,u gr . a.a1u uruJ..ge u..-1
Gc",...wi JWu.+i rvLLla lv„ u-_,-., wuvi..-3,...u.. 13_ s„,usv....,L'- 1'v . V._
G. 'vi. n711a•n..v.. 6c uo . iv./., 'J f, -h
-r-..,..t 1; , e r.U.JNA 1Vv./ uw.,V11.a, ii o111 l;,y N,.i�.t, ..,/ . ,.i.
61'":._i 7 . Ji1..,...rV ar-Ou-45V 44-
/- ' lv.+L li1'•. .-.11 u .. 4. �, .S,taw lr u .�/
lilt:O . V
����,,, i
/(w1teU- L11 mrg. (/U . .Vv_ JJu4j,t/11..0 UTA1u ljVlalav .a.l,+ . .�_,
. i
�J r i l�p lir 11 1 l;l, l i t u v l �I V . 1 V v, V 111 V a i l l y 1, . •
A. £ivv...+y .Lvv.. Lwuvi • ..). ,)' 1
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1. w i n i u .i v v! 1. u. .L . = mu-. 111 w JV .`r Ci
• }; u.{ iuLi61.0,, vvVil.., ivJv LwuVr w11.4ai-iiwi 45 eU2�, • Cent.`w.+. Uv.. vVv W.wu1V.. ivy, 1.lv..v Uwi ...1au ruget bound iel 0o . 1070 loll and rentals 7.05
allace & Tiernan 1071 lank valve • 8.45
ia. .:t U:aop 1072 sharpening tools • 3 .25
K9� ..u•�JN Oi: Av,,l1..i weicE'j.+.i 1V/D �u(i., l.iw1 calla ui.alit. .,'3. 5(
C:r uiS r_ v__ t �•
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145 1November 15th, 1927.
Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session with Mayor
Brookw presiding and councilmen Dwelley, Olson, McCracken and Fulton res-
ponding to roll call. Absent , Howe and Peters.
Minutes approved The minutes of the previous meeting ere read and upon motion adopted as read.
'Report of dity eng. report of city engineer on placing of fire hydrants on K Avenue betueen 12th
on fire hydrants and 16tn streets, stating that the hydrants were being insta led, was read
and on motion adopted.
City Lg. on estimate Report of City Engineer on estimated costof constructing sidewalks in frontof
cost of sidewalks on two lots on Seventeenth Streets , stating that the cost by local improvement
17th street plan would be approximately ;)125. Ju per lot , was read and motion adopting
sane was carried.
City Attorney on Report of City Attorney, to whom wa, referred the matter of street on Q : .enue
matter of street on between 14th and 15th Streets , stating that he had communicated with the owners
Q Ave . between 14th of the property to ascertain their demands , was read and adopted .
and 15th •
Communication f roil: the fire department asking the city council to consider the
Communication from straight two platoon system to give the firemen better working hours , was read
fire dept. re platoon and motion passed that the comaunication be referred to the Com__iittee on Fire ,
system. '.later and Light .
Communication from the Gilkey Bros . Towing Company asking the city council to
Comm. from Gilkey vacate that portion of the alley through Block 3 , lying east of the Great
Bros. re vacation of Northern Railway Company' s right of way at R Avenue and waterfront, ..Ls they
alley in Block 3, owned all the property on both sides of the alley, rlas read and on motion
Original Plat. referred to the Committee on Streets & Parks and City Attorney.
Corry iunication from Communication from C. '.l. Vimont relative to controversy between Mrs . Ann
C. W. Vimont re McNeil and J. S. Carter over obstructions in the street at 12th and H Avenue ,
controversy between- was read and on motion of Councilman McCracken, seconded by Dwelley, was received
obstructions on st. and placed on file.
Alleys behind business Councilman McCracken called the attention of the city council to the condition
section. of th the alleys behind the business blocks in the city , stating that at times
they were almost impassable owing to the water that stood in them. The matter
was left to the street superintendent for attention.
Adjourn.I City council did then adjourn in the regular manner.
A)proved in open session the 6tha ay of December, 1927.
Attest: H. A. Hartmann , City Clerk,
By .G
Ge„,.. /0a.-->4—, -..-Z_.----
• Deputy
r •
December 6th, 1927.
Roll call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session with Mayor
Brooks presiding and Councilmen Dwelley, Fulton , Howe , Olson and Peters respond-
ing to roll call. Absent McCracken.
Minutes approved ; The minutes of the previous meeting were read and motion passed to adopt same.
Report of City Treas. Report of City Treasurer for the month of November was presented to the city
referred council and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Report of Chief of Report of Chief of Police for month of November was presented to the city
Police referred council and referred to the Committee on Finance .
Report of Police Report of Police Justice for month of November was presented to the city council
Justice referred and referred to the Committee on Finance .
Re ort of City Eng. Report of City Engineer on work of California Filter Company, as follows, was
on work of California read and motion passed adopting same.
Filter Company at
new filter unit Thirty days have now expired since the completion and
acceptance of the s econd filter unit . :everything is
working satisfactorily and as the California Filter
Company have filed with the City Treasurer a two year
maintenance bond, I recommend the final payment of
03 ,521.40, plus the following extras :
Manhole over Brier 19.40 ,
Doorin l6vers 15.00
Plus 15 6
Also difference in price of old and new wash water pump
in old plant increasing capacity from 100 GPM to 150 . .
GPM, C;46. 75 , making a total and final amount due the
Filter Company of ;a ,607. 91 . "
Motion pas-oe-4 adopting the report was passed.
William McCallum Mayor Brooks announced that Jae would submit the name of William McCallum
appointed as Council- as councilman from the first ward to finish the term of P. Hansen, who had
man from the First moved out of the ward. A motion was made y ouncilman Dwelley , seconded by
;lard Howe , recc:...:ending that Mr. McCallum be 605=ed to fill the vacancy on the
city council as councilman from the first ward. Motion carried. Mr. McCallum
entered the council chamber and took his seat.
Streets & Parks Report of Committee on Streets and Parks to whom was refrred the matter of
on vac,-.tion of alley vacation of alley in Block 3 , Original Plat, for Gilkey Bros . Towing Company,
in Block 3 , Original recoi.i :onding that the vacation be granted, was read and motion : dopting same
Plat was carried. .
Petition for fire Petition for fire hydrant at Burrows Bay, signed by fourteen property owners ,
hydrant at Burrows Bay and pledging the amount of ti 74.00 toward the payment of same , was read. •
Motion was made by Councilman Dwelley , seconded by Olson, that when 0100 had
been subscribed toward the purchase bf the hydrant then one would be installed.
Motion carried.' ."?Ai .a,,,. fc, w �,:-i' ,, `:' • .?.. , .. " ,> `,.,,``1
' Petition for the installation of 6. street light at the corner of 28th and R
Petition for street Avenue by John Haveryand others , was read and motion passed referring same to
light at 28th & R the Committee on Fire , `,later and Light .
'Tarrant for California Under unfinished business Councilman Dwelley recommended that a warrant for
Filter Company issued 03 ,607.91 be issued in favor of the California Filter Company as payment in
full on the second unit of the filter plant . _Motion was seconded and passed.
. Roll call : Ayes , Dwelley, Fulton, Howe , McCallum, Olson and Peters . Nays, none .
City Attorney to start A motion was made by Councilman Olson instructing the City Attorney to start
legal proceedings re legal proceedings in regard to the vacation of alley in Block 3 , Original Plat
vacation of alley in as petitioned for by the Gilkey Bros. Towing Company. Motion seconded and passed
Block 3 , Original Plat
Claims against the current Expense Fund and other city funds for the month .of
Claims. November, 1927, as follows, were read and referred to the Comi.iittee on Fiaance .
H. N. 'Mood 432 Advance on salary 6500
W. E. Lamont 433 Labor on streets 400
Joe Hatfield 434 Labor on grave , pit 7.90
Puget Sound Tel Co . 435 Tolls for police dept . .35
H. N. Wood 436 Balance salary as patrolman 65.00
J. T. March 437 Salary as patrolman 130 .00
Al Sellinthin 438 Salary as chief of police 160.00 •
Marine Hardware 439 Su,, . . ies for police & sts. 15. 94 •
F. G. Abbey 440 Justice fees 25: 00
W. H. Martin 441 Labor on crusher 36.00
State Treasurer 442 Ind. Ins . & Med. Aid for sts . 20 .84
Knapp & Ronneberger 443 Labor on truck repairs 68 .30
Clyde Mum 444 Labor on str::ets 12.00
Vb. Weeks 445 Labor on streets 52 . 50
`J. P. Robinson 44o Labor on streets 12 . 00
Geo . Shapley 447 Labor on streets 12.00
John Gross 448 labor on streets 96 00
John Duranso 449 Labor on streets 40.00
• Tom Dodson 450 Labor on streets 100.00
1[417 1911
December 6th, 1927, continued.
. Lynn Balcomb 451 Labor on streets 125. 00
0: A: Lenning 452 Salary as et. supt 150.00
G. ',I: Shannon & Co . 453 Supplies for sts. & fire depts. 7.15
H: A. Taylor 454 Blacke nit ing 7.00
• i .
E. K. `�ad. Lumber Co .
R. J. Normand
455 Lumber for sts. 94 .95
456 Repairing radiator for sts . 6.50
Central Furniture Supplies for fire dept . l6 . 50
Anacortes Lumber & Box 45 Lumber for fire dept. .40
Standard Oil Co . 459 Gasoline for pump 68 .83
J. S . Carter 460 Salary as fire c;:i of & cash adv. 179. 75
Alex•Latshaw 461 Salary as fireman 130 .00
L. E. Snider 462 Salary asfireman 130 .00
Jas. Colgan 463 Salary 2.3 fireman 130 .00
'Cater Iepartment 464 Hydrant rental and fountain 276. 30
Agnes Mooney 465 Typing plumbing rules 2. 25
Daily Mercury-Citizen 466 Printing 14. 50
S. D . Temple & Co . 467 Supplies for clerk :80
Trick a Murray • 468 Supplies far engineer 2 .08
S. P . ',:'alsh 469 Hauling garbage from city hall 1. 50
Anacortes American 470 Pubiisiing 24.00
J. L. Ramsey 471 ,'food for city hall 3.00
Dr. Austin Shaw 472 Salary as health officer 25 .00
Marion SLtkinson 473 Salary as city treas . & cash adv. 52.05
M. A. Hartmann 474 Salary as city clerk 50 . 00
J. J. Lockert 475 Supplies 4. 00
Puget Sound P .:c L Co . 476 Lights at city hall LI sts . 236. 71
The Fern Press 477 Printing for health dept. & clerk 15. 79
Ben Driftmier 478 Salary a:, city attorney 50.00
Schwartz Iron %ks 479 Labor and material for sts. 28 . 18
H. W. Dowd 576 Jabitor 20 .00
E. Luella Howard 577 Librarian 90. 0r
Margaret Grady 578 Assistant Librarian 25.00
void 579 _-
Puget Sound P & L Co . 580 Light 7.77
J. E. Harding 488 Labor $142 . 77 _
100 . 00
Harry Randall 489 Labor in park 76 .80
Anacortes Hardware 490 Supplies for park 11. 00
Fix It Shop 491 Filing szvrs 1. 50
H. A. Taylor 492 Blacksuithing 4 .74
Gee . Reuger 140 Hauling pi pe 4.00
Gamon Meter Co . 141 Lieters 495.00
State Treasurer 142 Ind. Ins . & Med. Aid 23. 78
California filter Co . 143 Final estimate on filter unit 3, 521.40
California Filter Co. 144 Difference in price of old and
new wash water pumps 46.71
34,090 .93
L. A dams 1089 Hauling gravel 4.00
Joe Hatfield .1090 Labor 75.00
Wallace & Tiernan 1091 Water seal 11.09
H & D Superservice 1092 Gas and oilf for water dept. 14. 88
General Chemical 1093 Alumina to sulphate 532. 50
J. J. Lockert 1094 Ribbon for sundstrand 1. 00
Anacortes L & B Co . 1095 Lumber for water dept. 75. 25
S. D. lemple & C o . 1090 Supplies 2.45
Lueveras 1097 Chlorinated lime 3. 50
Union Printing Co. 108 Posts for binder . 65
Puget Sound Tel Co . 1099 Tolls and rentals 6. 60
Fix It Shop 1100 Shaprening tools 1.00
Simpsons Electric Shop 1101 Dry cells 5. 63
'.ialw. Shannon & C a. 1102 Supplies 76 . 31
`:.aoworth Company 1103 Curb cocks 27 .02
Louis Willoughby 1104 Labor 150 . 00
Central Service 1105 liitce car and truck 26.00
Standard Oil Ca . 1106 Gasoline for pump 21. 54
G. Childs 1107 Laor 84. 50
Ernest Knapp 1108Salary L. s filter operator 135. 00
A. Anderson 1109 Salary as filter operator 90.00
Jim Jensen 1110 Labor 85 . 50
State Treasurer 1111 Ind. Ins . 1c Zed . Aid 9.06
Dave ' s Tire & Batery Shp • 1112 Tire repairs 1 00
Agnes Mooney 1113 Labor and office 1.50
Island Transfer Co . 1L14-, Frt. ::nd drayge 12. 30
Schwartz Iron Wks 1115 Labor and supplies 5. 94
The Tire Surgery 1116 Tire repairs 1. 50
Marine Hardsare • 1117 Supplies 226. 00
Puget Sound P & L Co . 1118 Power 744.28
Knapp & Ronneberger 1119 toe car and truck 1.50
December 6th, 1927.
Lowmand & Hanford 1120 Datail paper 2.28
Curtis `.Tharf Co . 1121 coal for filter 38 . 17
Mrs. G. E. Gross 1122 Pipe 40 .95
Kee Lox 1123 Pencil carbon 2 . 00
Curtis Wharf Co . 1124 Frt . on meters 11:47
Lowmand & Hanford 1125 Stapling machine 7.83
W. B , Short 1126 Salary as supt. 250.00
Eds Shoe Shop 1127 Curtain repairs on car 2 .00
Marion Watkinson 1128 Salary as bookkeeper & steno 50 .00
M. A. Hartmann 1129 : alary as cashier 110.00
2 ,947.20
Reprt of Committee on Finance ty whom were referred the claims against the
Finance on claims Current Expense Fund and other city funds for the month of November recommending
that the claims be allowed and warrants dram in favor of same , was read and
motion passesed to adopt same. Roll call: Ayes , Dwelley, Fulton, Howe , McCallum
Olsen and Peters . Nays, none .
City attorney on Report of City Attorney on vacation of alley in Block 3, Original Plat, for
vacation of alley in Gilkey Bros. Towing Company, stating that same might be legally vacated, was
Block 3, Original Plat read and on motion a dopted.
Fire , Water & Light Committee on Fire , ; .ter & Light, to whomwas referred the cutter of two platoon
on platoon system for system for the fire department, reported that the system had been put in on
fire dept . trial and if found practical would be continued. Motion to adopt report was
seconded and carried.
Adjourn. There being no further business the city council did then adjourn.
Approved in regular open session this 20thday of December, 1927 .
Attest : Mayor
M. A. Hartmann, City Clerk,
Deputy •
L .
December 20th, 1927.
Roil call The city council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session with Mayor
Brooks presiding and Councilmen Fulton, I++cCallum, Olson and Peters responding
to roll call. Absent , Dwelley, . .EcCracken and Node .
'Minutes a_'proved The minutes of the previous meeting were read and ./ith one correction 7/ere
adopted as read.
Petition fccr street Petition for street light at the corner of 9th Street and I) ..'.venue from .Li. G.
light at corner of Light and others '.:as read and an motion passed referring sane to Committee
9th & D referred on Fire , aater and Li;;ht.
Bond for lost Bond f' m "Pioneer" Iricomorated, in the sum of 11. 62 , covering lost Current
warrant expense Fund Warrant No . 430 for '3.81 , dated Norremrber 1st , 1927 , lzas presented
to the city council. i.iotion was passed to refer bond to City Attorney.
City Attorney The City Attorney reported that while surety bond was usually required for
on bond for lost lost ducurnents of such nature , owing to the small amount -involved , he rec-
warrant o;:uriended acceptance of the bond . motion to accept bond as presented was passed .
Proposed contract Proposed contract for furnishing the city with gasoline for the year 1928,
for gasoline at the rate of 18- cents , was submitted by the Standard Oil Company. After
some discussion the city council instructed the City Clerk to call for bids
on gasoline , to be presented at the next regular meeting , January 3rd.
Adjourn There being no further business the city council did then adjourn .
Approved in open session this 3rd day of Januas y, 1928 .
• 4� r yor
Attest :
I. A. Hartmann, City Clerk ,
By /--/ C(
ii.�2i /t�/GZ9�c r--���-o.z,•''