HomeMy WebLinkAbout1942 City Council MinutesValentine. Resignation Accepted- More ccepted.More about Heating Plant B ida. 1 Roll Call City Attorneys Reports City 'Treasurers Report Police Justice Report A motion was made ?)y Morrision that the resignation of A. H. Valentine be accepted and that t..e City Clerk write a letter to Mr. Valentine expressing -,,the regrets:of the City Council that he had to resign from the City Council, Motion "arried.. At this time the City Council consider the bids for a new heating plant for the Anacortes Community Building. A motion was made by Okerlund and seconded j by Wilcox that the bid on this new,heating.plant be opened at this time. Motion carriced. Three bids on the new heating plant for the Community Building were opened and read to the City Council. Aftersome discussion a motion was made by Morrison and second by eilcox that t_�,e City Council call a recess and retire to tete City Clerks office and considerlX tie Community Building heating plant blds.Motiol 7IThe' Cit 06unci•1 coh•sider' ed the heating...,.plant bids for some time, and returned Ccarried to the ity Council Obamber A motion was mase by Okerlund , chairman of Anacorteia City Council Building Committee which motion was seconddBlakder that this matter be �efered to Building Committee to report later. Iuiotion carr6ed. A motion was made by Bark4er and second by Wilcox that the retommra tion of the - Building Committee be accepted and that a report on this matter be given at the meeting of City Council to be held on January 6, 1942. T`Th6rfollowing communication, from Harold H. ;HinshaV,..bhi.ef..of-. Police& was. amitted_c- e:in -the second paragraph of,.,the minutes. -of �his' mee,�ing_on pake,,451i: of-�•this record, so tt is givers here aft this;; t-imeo CITY OY ANACORTES, POLICE DEPARTMENT Harold H. Hinshaw, Chief, Anacortes Washington. December- 29 , 194 MR MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL. Gentlemen: Since the Pacific coast has been put on the alert by the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the local police department have been working on a twelve hour shift basis, three men on nights and two then on days, with no time off. This condition -will undoubtedly last for an indefinite period and as one. than now has to reme.in on duty at the station at g1l hours, it is impossible to carry out our regular police duties with out present man power. I respectfully. ask that two additional men be added to our regular force the first of the year. -Respectfully yours, (Signed) Harold H. Hinshaw., Chief of ]Police. Having completed the business of the evening, a- motion wasvmade b� �Vilcxox and seco-mded by Okerlund that the meeting of the City Council of the City nacortes adjourn. Motion carried. The meeting of the City Council did then adjourn. Attest: XanVary 6, 1942 Mayor Pro -Tem. The -regular meeting of the City council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 8;00 P.M., Mayor Pro -Tem Ferd Brady presiding. Roll was called and Okerlund, Wilcox, Barker, Brady, and Wagner were present. The minutes of the meetings of the city council held on December 16, 1941 and December 29,.1941 were read and approved as read. The following City Attorneys reports were presented and read to the city council: . Policy of U.S.F.&G dated December 1, 1941., covering bodily injury liability and property damage liability, on AKERIC'AN La FRANCE PlAPFR, mounted on G.M.C. Chassis, begs leave to report as follows: , I have examined the said policy and find the' Baine .in regular form.. (t�igped) 19. V. N'Jells., City Attorney. Fire insurance -policy number 7788, Hartford Fire Insurance Co. covering city .library -$4,000.00 begs leave to report as follows: That I have e-xamined the said policy and find it in regular form. (signed:) N. V. "'Jells, City Attorney. Motion made by Okerlund and seconded by 1'7agner that the two above City Attorneys -reports be adopted. Motion carried. -The' City Treasurerts report for the month of December 1941, was presented to the' .city council and was referred to the finance committee. .The report of -.the Police Justice for the month of December -1941, was presented and .read to the city council -and a motion was made -by Okerlund, - seconded by Will= that .said report be accepted and placed on file:. Motion carried. X58 �'.antta�+�r iii lQd7 The report. of. the. Water Superintendent for the month of December 1941$ was presented and read t.o' the city, council and a. motlan waa made by Okerlund, seconded. by Wagner, that said report be aao-.ep-tel aand placed on: file - Motion carried$ ;Tater Superintendent Report. ne report' of the Street Foreman for the month of December'1941, was, presented and Street Foreman's read to the city council: and a motion was made. by Okerlund, seconded_ by 'Jagner, that Report said report be accepted and placed on file . _ Motion carried. l Gasoline report for the month of December 1941, was presented and read to the city Gasoline Report. council. Motion made by Wagner, seconded by Oke.r.lund, be -accepted and placed on. file.. Si- ider a. Chief' -of the Fire Department, spoke to t he city count il, at this. L. E. - Snider speaks time, siith reference to a Liability Insurance 'Policy covering Auxiliary Firemen and to City Council. Policerien, -while working at their respective duties under the present National Defense Program. After same 'discussion a motion was made by Brady, seconded by Okerlund, that the city council be authorized to purchase a Liability Insurance Policy to cover members of the Auxiliary Police and Fire Departments acid to protect the City of. Anacortes i n the 'advent any"person becomes injured" «hile' working in the Auxiliary Fire Depart- ment or Police Department during the present National Emergency. ]Motion carried. The 'Building Committee requested that one more week toconsiderthe bids for the in- stallation of a new heating plant in the Anacortes Community Building. 1 More time -for - ' Bids on Com. Build. At this time, price quotations for the purchase of gasoline and kerosene oil were Gas quotations. presented and read to the city council from the Shell Oil Company and the Texas Company.. After -some cTiscus-sion a motion was made by Okerlund, seconded by 'Jilcox, that the matter be referred to the next meeting of the city counc1l. Moti-on carried. At this time 'the following claims against, the City -of Anacortes for the month of Claims against December 1941, were presented and read to the city council; City of Anacortes CURRENT EXPENSE .Sadie M. Arges 9793 Salary as City Treasurer 75..0( 0. E. Axge's 9794 Salary as Dep.. Treasurer 109.0 John G.- Dorcy 9795 Salary as City Clerk ' 75:.0. W. V. Wells 9796 Salary as City Attorney 75:0 IMrs•.. C. Storme 9797 Salary as City Hall Janitor 37:'5 Dr. Roy C. McCartney 9798 Salary as Health Officer 3715, A. R. Sellenthin' 9799: Salary as Police Justice 25.0 G. N. Dalstad, P. M. 9800 Postage for Clerk's Office -3:0 LaVerta Rowell 9801 3 days City Clerks Vacation 6.0 Marie KcDugl e 9802 a it W n M 6:0 Trick '& Murray 9803 Supplies for Cle rk° s Office 2'7 Anac6rtes Drug Co. 9804 Supplies for Health Officer 29.3 H. 0. Davey Plg. Insp. 9805 Plumbing Inspection I:5 Laurene Johnson - 9806 Bal. City Treasurer's Vac. 7:0 Simpson's Electric Shop:. 980 Material & Supplies 28.9 Curtis Wharf Co.'' 980K Fuel - ' 10.3 Burke' Ele ctric Co.' 9809 Supplies, City Hall .7 Island' Transfer Co. 9810 Fuel for City Rall 14.4 Anacortes Gas Co. 9811 Gas for City Hall 9.3 Puget Sound' Pr. & Lt. Co. 9812 Lights for City Hall 11.3 Marine Supply Co. 9813 Supplies, City Hall 1.4 V1. V:. Tells, City Attorney9814 Postage for City'Attorney 2.4 Ho- H.`Hinshaw 9815 Salary & Gash Advanced 160:2 Tom Bro*n 9816 Salary as Asst. Ch. of Police 131.0 Nick P•e'trish 981 Salary as Patrolman 125:5 Vim. Bol-to4 9819 Salary as Patrolman 115.0 Lloyd Monroe 9819. Salary as Patrolman 115:0'J Dept. of Labor & Ind.. 9820 Ind Ins & IMed Aid 8:6 Simmonds Paint Co. 9821 Sup. for Police Dept & Fire Dt. 11:8 Aubert' Drugs 9822 Sup.. for Pol. Dept & Fire Dept. 2.4 Carlos C'. Cook 9823 Material & Supplie•s 2:2' Diamond 5� to 1 Store 9824 Supplies for Police Dept. 3.9 McGills Super Service 9825 Supplies -for Police Dept.. 1:13 Brown Lumber Co. 9826 Material, Police Dept.. 2:7� Art Burns ick e 982 ' Supplies for Police Dept. 41.9 3 Olsonte Service 9828 Material & Supplies- 17:9) The Fern Pre ss 9829 Supp -lie s for Police- Dep -t. -15.0 L. E. Snider 9830 Salary as Fire Chief' 155.3 3 Bert Verrall 9831 Sal. as Asst Fire Chief 133-71 110 G' Strock 9832 Salary as Capt. Fire Dept. 122:93 Otto A Cookston 9833 " " " " � 122:�� Oliver Hauge 9834 Salary as Fireman Fireman 107. 107,83 SO' C**, Mondhan 9835 Salary as L. E. Gibbons 9836 Salary as Fireman 107.80. H. Chevrier 98.37 Call Man Fire Dept. :72 C > Strock- 9838 it a21.510 L. Moore 9839 " " " R. Boyes 9840 tL " " " .00 A. Mondhan 9841 a " " 04 :-' 5 1M'. Nelson 9842 Fred Fisher 9843 George Olson 9844 N o% 5 Firemen's Rel & Pen Fund 9845 2% of Firemen's Salaries 17P .2 Afflealg Bros.. Inc. ' 9846 Supplies for Fire Dept. 8: '9 Schwartz Iron Works 9847 Material & Supplies 9.60. Anacortes Laundry 9848 Laundry for Fire & Police Dept. 7.18 1 fJ 1 r �, 1 Marine Supply and 1Idv. Vest Coast T -el. Co.. Anacortes- Nater Dept. City Street'Fund Shell Oil Company ' Sanderson Safe Supply G.. D.. Shannon Xamuary 6. 1942 9856 9849 Material '& Supplies 9850 Telephone Service 98.51 Hydrant Rental Salary for Sewer Repairs 9852 Gasoline, Fire &'Police Depts. 9853 Suppliee, Fire Dept. C o . 9854 Material for Culvert- 986*5 South Side Hardware Go. Me R. Kingsley U- S. Rubber Go. Neelyts Grocery G. Miller Merrill Iverson Puget Sd. 1°r. &'Lt. Co. Curtis Wharf Co. '�7ash. Corrugated Culver The :Fern Press... Anacortes American Benson Motors Amsberry¢s Cafe 9855 t Insurance on Fire Truck 9856 Supplies &'Material - 9857 Insurance on V61". Firemen 9858 Supplies for Fire Dept 9859 Supplies for Fire Dept. 9$60 Salary for Sewer Repairs 9861 Salary for 'Sewer Repair's 9862 Street Lights & Christmas Lights 9863 Sewer -Pipe Co. 9864 Material for Culvert- 986*5 Supplies 9866 Registration Forms 9$67 Police car service & repair 98688 Meals for Prisoners 459 110.$1 8005 515000 1999 5.20 8.85 37020 15.15 78Q.00 38.44 4046 115.00 115°00 290a36 1.44 16 017 5:05. 18. 4 8.81 6.75 'MATER DEPARTMENT T.. G. McCrary LIBRARY FUND Salary Flaval Pearson 1564 Salary as Librarian 110.00 Blanche Sackett 1565 Salary as Asst. Librarian 60;00 Fred Marshall 1566 Salary as Janitor 42.50 Current Expense Fund 1567 Transfer of Funds. .6053 Fern Press 1568 Supplies 24.62 Voitus Furniture Co.. 1569 It '35033 Flaval Pearson 1570 Cash advanced 2030 Dept.. of Labor & Ind.. 1571 Medical Aid .23 Union Printing Co.. 1572 Supplies 7.52 CJm...G. McCallum 1573 Iris. Policy 14.04 E. M. Barker 1574 Ins. Policy '15,�2 Puget Sd Pr & Lt. Co. 1575 Lights for Library 7.81 Gaylord Bros. 1576 Suppliers 1°20 MacMillan Co. 1577 Books 13.34 Harry Hartman Bookseller 1578 Books 13'13 J. K. Gill Company 1579 Books 63.07 Water Department 1580 Water used at Library 2050 M. M. Person Agency 1581 Typewriter Service 5.15 PARK FUND Pete Dragovich J. E. Harding 1278 Salary as Park Supt. 120.00 Frank Knapp 1279 Salary as Park bp. 100.00 Marine Supply & "Hdt. 1280 Material & Supplies 1020 Alvin Smith 1281 Lettering Park Truck 5';25 City Street Fund 1282 Gas used in Park Truck 4084 R. H. Dildine 1283 Material and Supplies 443:72 - Dept. of Labor & Ind. 1284 Medical Aid 20-91 R. H. Dildine 1285 Equipment & supplies 91.92' Guard, water Dept. CITY STREET FUND P. E. Olson 1193 Salary as St. Foreman 147`50 Lynn Balcomb 11944 Salary as Graderman 147.50 Artis Taylor 1195 Salary as Maint Man 1310-00 Dave Summers 119-6 Salary as St. Sweeper 650- o0 T. G. McCrory 119Salary as.St. Supervisor 50.00 John G. Dorcy 1199, Salary as Bookkeeper 27050 Alfred Robbins 11.99 Salary as'Dump Maya 20:00 Trulson Motor Co. 1200 Truck Service 4.17 Abbott Auto Co. 1201 Truck Repairs. 17.72 Schwartz Iron Works 1202 Material and Supplies- 10035 Pacific Highway Transport 1203 Freight .50 Shell Oil Co. 1204 Gasoline, City -Pump 31.8 Brown Lumber Co. 1205 Lumber, St. Dept. 16.08 Marine Supply Co. 1206 Material & Supplie,s 149016 Wash.. State Penitentiary 1207 Stop Signs .7°20 Simmonds Paint Co. 1208 Supplies '2„47 Puget Sd. Pr. & Lt.. Co. 1209 Power & Service 4450-.00 Curtis Wharf Go., 1210 Material for Com. Ave. 668487 Standard Oil Co. 1211 Gasoline; City Pump 12g'21 Dept. of Labor & Ind.. 1212 Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid .40 'MATER DEPARTMENT T.. G. McCrary 6959 Salary as Nater Supt. 260.00 Charles Wedlund 6960 Salary as Water Foreman 147.50 M. 0. Berentson 6961 Salary as Serviceman 125.50 1% 0. Rogers 6962 Salary as Filterman 131000 Russell Carolan 6963 Salary as Filterman 120.00 Norman Fulton 6964 Salary as Filterman 100.00 Lester Thomas 6965 Salary as Pumpman 100..00 John G.. Dorcy 6966. Salary as Bookkeeper 27.50 Marie ilicDugle 6967- Salary as Clerk 26.56 Carl Smit.h 6968 Labor* t'r'ashing Reservoirs- 400 Carl Welk 6969 Labor, Washing Reservoirs- 8000 Boyd Benson. 0970 $..00 John. Thomas 6971• 8.00 Pete Dragovich 6972 tt ,o ►r 4.00 Anton Si.ma,z 6973 re 1P {' 8.00 Glen Snider 6974 8*P00 Orlando Omundson 6975 80-00 G. F. Tuller 6976 „ ,P 4000 Walter Heglin s 6977 Labor as Guard, water Dept. Cancelled A60 Lyle -Riddle'' 697b Virgil 'Gmith 6978 Jim -Kerr - ' - 6980 Dayton -Crandall 6901 Gene-Minck' 6982- T. G. McCrory- 6963 Current Exp en se'Fund 6984 Trulson-Motor Co: '' 6985 Great -Northern.- Railway 6986 Anacortes Foundry- 6987 S imps.on'' s Electric Shag 6988 The Ferry -Press " 6989 G..'Y. Dalstad, P. Mo 69.90: Skagit Bonded Collectors 6991 South Side Hardware 6992 Puget Sd: Pr. & Lt. Co. 6993 R.. H. Dildine-' " 6994 West Coast Tel': Coo -6995 I-sland Transfer ' Co. 6996 Curtis 1h&tf *Co. 6997 Marine Supply & Hdw.' 6998 Pennsylvania Salt Co. 6999 General Chemic°al 'Co. 7000 Schwartz Iron Torks 7001 Island Transfer Co. 7002 DeLaval Steam Turbine'Co.7003 2'50' 08 Skagit Valley Tel. Co. 7004 Brown Lumber -Co.. 7005 Skagit Electric Co.' 7006 Federal Pipe & Tank -Co. 7007 Vary Waters- & Rogers 7008 Western Auto Supply -CO. 7009 E..K. Wood Lumber Co.. " - 7010 Pittsburgh Eq. Meter Co. 7011 Tax Commission 7012 City Street Fund 7013 Dept. of Labor & Ind. 7014 Walter Heglin 7015 Ta.m a a ry (1, 1 147 Laior as Guard, dater Dept. 101o50 n rr cr oe 101.50 r' n at 144.00 r� 6-6 0.50 l It W It it 66.50 Mileage on Car 13026 Transfer" of Funds 1.09:00 Truck Repairs- - 10:50 Freight'6n Alum. 29173 Material", Water Dept. 4094 Material, and Service -17:72 Printing & Supplies 41'&53 Postage for Nater Dept: 5000 Collection of Water Bills 16:64 Material &•Supplies 2:60 Power"& Service 1,257.40 Tools, 1%ter Dept. 10:30 Telephone Service 1.3.61 Freight and Fuel 011 6.5 :84 Supplies, Filter Plant 45-32 Material'and-Supplies 410 9 CYiloririe, l`laterDept. 150:00 Aluminum Sulfate 482.00 Labor & Material 9.2:74 Fre ight, 2'50' 08 Pump Parts, Avon 1,435-1-6 Telephone Rental 18.85 Lumber,, dater Dept. 37-42 Avon Pump repairs 63:71 Pipe -Bands 47:38 Supplies, eater Dept. 18:50 Material'& Supplies 3037 Lumber for rater Dept. 80067 Meter Parts, 19.24 Business Tax 471:16 Gas used- in motor vehicles 21000 Industrial Insurance 12003 To replace #6977 156.00 The above claims against the City of Anacortes f -or the month of December, -1941, were read and a motion was made by Okerlund, seconded by Barker, that said claims be re- ferred to the Finance Committee. The Finance Committee considered said claims and recommended that the claims be* allowed and warrants drawn in favor of the same. A motion was made by Okerlund, seconded by Barker, that the recommendation of' the Finance Committee, with refer= ence to the claims against the City of Anacortes for the month of December, 1941, be.adopted. Ayes: Okerlund, Wilcox, Barker, Brady, and Wagner. Motion carried. Atthis time the -City council took up -the matter of electing a.new-councilman at.largeq to replace Almond"H. Valentine whose resignation from this position was. recent -k accepted by the city council. Mayor Pro -Tem Brady then stated that nominations were open for a new councilman at -large. S. -L. Okerlund; councilman from the second ward, nomin&ted Elton A. Schulz as'a candidate for councilman at large.' There being *no further nominations a- mot ion was made by Barker, seconded by Wilcox, that the nominations be closed and that the City Clerk cast an unanimous ballot for Elton A. Schulz for the position of councilman at large. The City Clerk did then cast an unanimous ballot for Elton A. Schulz as councilman at large. At . a recent meeting of the cf ty cotincil' a c omriunicat ion rias received from Mr. F.. N. Barnes of Oak Harbor, Washington with reference to a fire siren which he wished to sell the City of Anacortes. L. E. Snider, Chief of the Fire'Department, and Mayor Pro -Tem Ferd Brady both re- ported on this matter at this time and stated that the siren which Mr. Barnes had for sale was" not •suitable for the needs of the City of Anacortes and recommended that the siren be not -purchased. Election of new Councilman The matter of -a suitable warning -signal to -be used in the case -.of a blackout or air raid alarm was discussed 'by L. E. Snider,Chief of the Fire' Department,- and seVeral members of the city council and a, motion was made by Okerlund, seconded by Barker,, that the Fire, Light and 'abater Committee and the Fire Chief be authorized to in- vestigate the possibilite-s of obtaining a proper signal to be used in a case of an' air raid or blackout and report at the next meet of the city council. Motion carried. Having completed the business of the evening a motion was'made by Barker, seconded by-Okerlund, that the meeting of the city council adjourn. Motion carrie-d.. The meeting of the city council did then adjourn. Mayor Pro -Tem Attest: /,�/� (�✓� _ Consideration of siren. Meeting adjourned 1 fl -461 Shortage of Councilman Okerlund brought up the matter of a Shortage of'men in the Anacortes men on Police ]Police Department but no official action was taken in the matter. Having completed the business of the'evening a motion was made by Morrison, seconded Meeting by Magner that the meeting of the city council adjourn. Adjourned The meeting of the city council did then adjourn. Mayor nnllary 1.3,, 1947 A special meeting'Of the City Council -of the City of Anacortes was called to Special Meeting order at 8000 P.Tr., Mayor C. A. Peters presiding. Ner1 councilman Mr. E. A" Schulz was duly seated as Councilman -at -large after taking his oath seated. and office. The roll was called and Schulz, Okerlund, 'r�11cOX, Brady, Morrison, and Wagner Roll call. were present. Mayor Peters''anno-unced that the purpose of the meeting was to consider the bids"-' Purpose•of for a -new heating plant t'o be installed in -the Anacortes Community Building which meeting. bids- had recently been received by the city council. Mr. S. L.-Okerlund',' chairman of 'the city council Building Committee', -spoke t'o the city council and recommended that the city council recondi•ti= the present heating plant.on a cost plus basis. Communicatf-on Mr. Blythe of the Blythe Plumbing and Heating* Company` of I3ellingham, VIashington,* from Anacortes spoke to the City council at some length regarding the improving of the old boiler 'denser Inc. in the Anacortes Community Building. A motion was made by Morrison, seconded by Okerlund, that the city council declare a 'recess and retire to the city clerks office. After some discussion the city council returned to the council room and a motion was made by Oke*rlund, seconded by Brady, that all bids received for the installa- tibn of a new heating plant in the Anacortes Community Building be rejected and that the City Clerk call for bids on new specifications including the repair and use of the present boiler which is now part of the heating system in the Community Building. Specifications Kr'. T. G.. McCrory, city engineer, presented and read specifications' on the new' - on new heating heating plant for the Community Building to the city council and after-sonie disco plant. cussion a motion was made by Wilcox, seconded by Viagrier, that the * -specifications ica.tions read by the city engineer be accepted and that the City Clerk call for bids -f-or 'a new heating plant in the Anacortes Community Building as outlined in these specifi- cations and that said bids will be received up to the hour of 5:00 P.M., January 23, 1942. Motion carried. Shortage of Councilman Okerlund brought up the matter of a Shortage of'men in the Anacortes men on Police ]Police Department but no official action was taken in the matter. Having completed the business of the'evening a motion was made by Morrison, seconded Meeting by Magner that the meeting of the city council adjourn. Adjourned The meeting of the city council did then adjourn. Mayor Attest: ,��� x44 City Clerk J January 20, 1942 The regular meeting of the City council of the City of Anacortes was called to Roll- Call order at 8:00 P.M., Mayor C. A. Peters presiding. Roll 'Was called and Schulz, Okerlund, 1dilcox, Barker, Brady, Morrison, and Wagner were present. Minutes- of'the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Street Light A communication was presented and read to the city council from Harry E. Moore Request. asking that a street light be installed at the corner of 17th Street and "0l' • ry Avenue. After some discussion a motion 'as made by Brady, seconded -by Wagner, that this matter be referred to the Fire, Light and 'i+ater Committee. Motion carried. Communicatf-on The following communication from the Anacortes Veneer Inc.. was presented and read from Anacortes to the city .council: 'denser Inc. Anacortes; Washington January 6, 1.942 City of Anacortes and Building Committee mf Community Hall Anacortes, Washington Gentlemen: In December, 1941, the undersigned, Anacortes Veneer, Inco and its employees furnished acid installed in the Community Building a hot air furnace for temporary purposes in order that soldiers of the United States Army quartered it -in said building,might be kept warm and dry. 'This furnace was installed with the'understanding that when other heat is- provided for the building'and the emergency no longer exists, that the furnace will be returned to use Yours very truly, ANACORTES VENEER, INC'. By (signed) Elton Ao Schulz Secretary. A motion was made by Brady, seconded by Barker, that the above communication from -the Anacortes Veneer Inco be accepted and that the City Clerk write a letter to the Anacortes Veneer informing them that when the present emergency no longer exists that the furnace Nhibh the Anacortes Veneer donated and installed in the 462 January 20. 1942. in the Anacorte•s-Community,Building will be returned to them if they so desire at that time. Motion carried. A communication from the'Motor List Company Inc. of Seattle, Washington was— pre-sented and read to the city•aouncil'in reference to the 1942 Washington -Motor Vehicle License Directory'Service published by this company. Notion was made by Brady, seconded by Okerlund; that this matter be referred to the License and Police Committee. Motion carried. The report of 'the"Police -Department for the month of December, 1941', was pre sent6d'and' read 'to"the city council' and' a-motion-was"made by Wilcox, seconded by Schulz, that said report be accepted and placed on file. The annual•report of the'Police Department for the'year'1941, was presented to the city council and a motion was'made by Okerlund, seconded by'Wagner, that' said report be referred to the License and Police Committee. Motion carried. The annual report of the Police Justice was presented to the city council and a• motion was made by Okerlund, seconded by Brady, that said report be referred to the License and Police Committee. The annual report of the Fire Department for 1941 was presented to the city council and a -motion'made -by 'Okerlund, seconded Eby Wilcox, tha.t said report be referred to the Fire, Light and Water Committee. Councilman Ferd Brady, chairman of the Finance Committee, -made an oral report-' to the city council at this time. Councilman Brady said that •ameeting of the Fixce Committee of tAe ity Od ncil' was held on January 9, 1942, at which time, the Valances in the diyffe2mt funds of the'City•of Anacortes, as shown in the Treasurers Report for December 31, 1941, were discussed. 'Councilman Brady'pointed' out that as the balance,shown in the Current Expense Fund, as of December 31, 1941, was less,`,than 0500"above the estimated balance. Councilman Brady pointed out the meed of the practice of economy -during the present fiscal year. Councilman Bra4kbr ught up the matter of installation of a street light at the corner of 3rd Sir ,#X/ and East Park Drive. Brady said that this street light had been requested by'" ickey Hannon and several other residents of this vicinity. Mr. L. E. Stearns of the Puget Sound Power and Light spoke to the city council at this time and point out that in accordance with a recent order from the office of Production Management it will be practically impossible for the Power Company to install any additional street lights at this time. No further action was taken in the matter. Communication from Motor List Company Inc. Police Department Report Annual Police Report Annual Police Justice Report Annual Fire Depart- ment Deport Report of Finance Committee Installation of Street Light L. E. Stearns spoke on installa- tion of Street Lights. 1 Mayor Peters, at this time, spoke to the city council about the use of Auxiliary Use of Auxiliary Fireman and Policemen in the City .of Anacortes at the present time. ff4yor Peters Firemen and Police - pointed out the as far as he could learn in the matter the Auxiliary Firemen and Auxiliary Policemen could be used only in the advent of a National Emergency. men. At this time an Emergency Ordinance making provisions for two additional. men in'' Provision for the Police Department was presented and read to the city council for information*. Additional Men on Motion made by*Okerlurid,-seconded by Brady, that said Emergency Ordinance be given police Force its first and second readings by title. Motion carried. Said Ordinance was given its first and second readings by title'and a motion was made by Okerlund, seconded by Wilcox, that•said Ordinance be given its third and final reading by sections.' Kotion carried. Section One read and a motion made by Brady, -seconded by Wilcox, that Section 1' be adopted. Section Two" .read and a motion •,me�o."e-lby Schulz, seconded by Okerlund, that Section'2 be'adopted. Motion carried. Section Three read and-a•motion made by Brady, seconded by Okerl.und, that Section 3 be adopted. Motion carried. Motion made by Brady, seconded by Wilcox that above Emergency Ordinance for the purpose of providing funds for two ' add iti:onal men on ' t he police department be' adopted as a whole. Ayes: 'Schulz, Okerlund, Wilcox, Barker, Brady, Morrison, and Wagner. Motion carried® At this time the c'i'ty council considered the matter of gasoline price quotations, Gasoline Price for the year 1942. A quotation from Dave Affleck for the Union Oil Company was Quotations. read to the city council. This price quotation- togather with quotations from the i Shell Oil Company and the Texas Company were discussed at some length. Motion made by Brady, seconded by Okerlund; that the quotation of .1372 per gallon submitted by the Shell Oil Company be accepted and that Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign's contract with the Shell Oil Company to furnish gasolirie at -the above rate of .1372 pe -r gallon. Ayes: Schulz, Okerlund, Barker, Brady, Morri- son, and Wagner. Nayes: Wilcox. Motion made by Okerlund, seconded by Schulz, that the bid of Shell Oil Company to furnish the City of Anacortes with kerosene oil at the rate of .1137 per gallon be accepted and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to ­sign a contract with the Shell Oil Company to furnish kerosene oil at this rate: Ayes: Schulz, Okarlund, Wilcox, Barker, Brady, Morrison, and U'agner. Motian carried. At this time', -..the following insurance policies were presented to the city council: Presentation of Policy No. 1251726 by the Franklin Fire I•nsuranoe Company and Home Idemnity Company Insurance Policies of New York, liability insurance on the Ford Tank Truck used by the Street'Depart' ment, the General Insurance and Casualty Company of America, Policy No. 1992A-1975 on the International Pick-up Truck used by the Water Department, General Insurance and Casualty Company of America, Policy No. 1681A-1289, covering the 1936 Inter- national used by the Street Department, Franklin Fire Insurance Company of Phila- delphia, Policy No. 1153 on the Anacortes Public Library in the amount of 03,000 were presented to the city council. 463 7avn•iiar�r �Cf _ 1 QLC7 Motion made by Wilcox, seconded by Brady; that said insurance policies be referred to the City Attorney as to form. Motion carried. Need of. equipment Mr. ` Frank 'Taylor spoke to the city ' council about -the urgent need of certain by Air Raid ':larder- equipment it! the 14 ai.r raid wardens sed tions in the City of Anacortes; Particularly the need of a telephone in each -'of''these air raid wardens sections. -Sentkana. Mr. Taylor outlined what is being done in this matter in other sections of the country *and asked that the city provide some funds, if possible, *to buy the necessary equipment for these air raid sections. Mr. Taylor suggested that the Mayor appoint a committie from the city council to meet with -the Civil Defense Council of the City of Anacortes to work out some plan to provide the necessary• equipment for all the air- raid wardens sections of the City of Anacortes. Kot-kon was made by'Brady, seconded by; Wagner, that the Mayor appoint a committee from the city council to meet with the Defense Council Organization and make a report to the city council. Motion carried. At this time; Mayor Peters -appointed Councilman,­Ferd Brady, Jessie R. �:TilcoXa and T. B. Yorriso.n as a committee from the city council, to meet ' iiith' the Civil Defense Council in the City of Anacortes to work out some means to provide' equipment for the different air raid sections in the City of Anacortes. Motion_ carrie d. Having completed the business of the evening a motion was made by Brady, seconded, Meeting adjourned. by Okerlund,*that the meeting of'the city council adjourn to January 23, 1942 at 8:00 P. M. Motion carried. The meeting of the city council did so adjourn. Mayor Attest: City C le rk January 23, 1942 The regular adjourned meet of the 'City Council of the City of Anacortes was called Roll call f to order at 8:00 P.K., Mayor C. A. Peters presiding. The roll was called and Schulz, Okerlund, Wilcox, Barker, Brady, Morrison, and Wagner were present. i Reconsideration of At the meeting of the City Council held on January 20, 1942 a motion was passed gasoline bids. that the bids of'the Shell Oil -Company to furnish gasoline to the City of Anacortes at the rate of -1372-per gallon be accepted. At this time, a motion vras made by Brady, seconded by.Okerlund, that the City Council reconsider the above motion to accept the bid of the Shell Oil Company. Motion carried. A motion was made; -by Brady, seconded by Wagner, that the City.Clerk be authorized Call for -bids on to publish a call for bids for gasoline to be purchased during the year 1942. gasoline. Motion carried. Presentation of The following resolution was presented and read by the City Council: Resolution on BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF• ANACORTES: Transfer of Funds. That, pursuant to Section 62 of Chapter 187, of the 1937 Session haws of the Sta.te of Washington, that there be and there is hereby transferred from the Current Expense fund to the City Street Fund the sum of $4,06.06 . Passed the 23rd day of January 1942. (Signed) C. A. Peters Attest; (Signed) John G. Dorcy Mayor. City Clerk A motion was made by Okerlund, seconded by Brady, that the above resolution, for the transfer of funds from the Current Expense Fund.to the City Street Fund be adopted. Ayes; Schulz, Okerlund, Wilcox, Barker, Brady, Morrison, and VTagner. Obtaining of Councilman Brady brought up the matter of obtaining trailer pumps from certain trailer pumps for government agencies to be used in connection with the equipment now in the Anacortes Fire Department. Fire Department for fire protection. Mayor .Peters suggested that applications for other fire fighting equipment be made at the same time to the proper agencies. A motion was made by Brady, seconded by Wilcox, that the City Clerk make an appli- cation to the.proper government authorities and order. 12 trailer pumpers to be used for fire protection in the City of Anacortes. Motion carried. ;Renewal of Insur- A renewal insurance policy of $1,000 on the City Hall was presented by Mr. G. D. ante 1Poi: jro Shannon and a motion was made by Okerlund, seconded by Wilcox, that said policy be referred to the City Attorney. 464 At'thia time,'the`heating plant for*the Anacortes. Community Building etas consider- Consideration eds and &'motion was trade by Wagner, seconded by Wilcox, that said heating plant of Heating Plant bids be opened. Koti:on carried. The heating plant bids were opened and read and after much discussion a motion was • Bids for heating made by Okerlund, seconded -b y,7agner, that the heating plant bids, which bids prom plant read. vide'for_ the use of the present boiler in the Anacortes Community Building, be re-. jetted. Ayes; 'Schulz, Okerlund, Vlilaox, Wagner,. Nayes: Barker,_ Morrison, Brady not voting. Mrs Archie Allen 'spoke to 'the City Council about the general conditions of steam boilers'and of the condition of the boiler in the Anacortes Community Building lh particular. A motion was made by Okerlund, seconded by Barker, that the City Council adjourn to the City Clerks'Offiee for discussion of the heating -plant in the Anacortes Community Building. After some time' the City Council returned to the Council Chamber and' a motioh 'was Employ Mr. Reed to made by Brady, seconded by Okerlund, that the Mayor be given authority to employ Inspect Boiler. Mr.. Reed of =the Reed Boiler Works of Bellingham, Washington, to make an inspection of the boiler'in the Anacortes Community Building, at a cost not to*exceed•p45,00. Ayes; Schulz, Wilcox, Barker, Brady, and Wagner. Nayes: Okerlund. 1 A motion was made by Brady, seconded by Oke.rlund, that a committee be named from Investigate cost the Oouricil, by the Mayor, 'to investigate the cost of material needed -by -the Air of Air Raid Material Raid Wardens at their different stations in the City of Anacortes. Motion carried. Mayor Peters then appointed T. B. Morrison, Ferd Brady, and E. A. Schulz as a Investigation commit'tee'to meet with the Anacortes Office of Civilian'Defense for the purchase Committee. of necessary supplies and materials requested by the Anacortes Office of Civilian Defense for the Air Raid dardens in their respective districts. Having completed the business of the'evening'a motion was made by Brady, seconded Meeting adjourned., by Wilcox,' that the meeting of the city council of the City of Anacortes adjourn. Motion carried. The meeting of. the City Council did then adjourn. Mayor Attest : 9� ; City Clerk February 3, 1942 The regular meeting of. the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to Meeting called to order at 8:00 o'clock P.M. with Mayor C. A. Peters presiding. order. Roll was called and Schulz, Okerlund, Wilcox, Barker, Brady, Morrison, and Wagner were present. Roll Call Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Mr. L. E. Snider, fire chief, spoke to the city council with reference to the train- L. E. Snider spoke i ing of Auxiliary Firemen and Policemen. to council. , . Mr. Frank Gardner, state examiner, spoke to the city council and offered his coop-. Mr. Frank Gardner eration and would be glad to answer any questions which the city council may desire spoke to council. to ask him during his stay in the City of Anacortes. At this time, Mayor Peters reported that the cost of an inspection of the heating Cos.t of inspection boiler in use in the Anacortes Community Building, by the Reed Boiler Works of of heating boiler' Bellingham, Washington, would cost $55.00. No action was taken on this matter. in Community Bldg. At this time, Mr. W. V. dells, city attorney, presented the following city attornys City Attorneys reports I reports: TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Your City Attorney, V1. V. 'Tells., to whom was referred the matter of Policy N0.383644, Merchants Fire Assurance Co. covering $500 on City Hall, and -3500 furniture, furnishing, etc., in City Hall, begs leave to report as follows: I have examined the said policy and find the same regular in form. (signed) W. V. dells City Attorney TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL:- Your OUNCIL:Your City Attorney, SP1. V. ;Jells, to whom was referred the matter of Policy, renewal'No. 1074, Franklin Fire Insurance Co. covering fire loss to City Library. $3,000.00, begs leave to report. -:as follows: I have examined the said police and f ind i t t o be in r egular form. (signed) V1. V. dells City Attorney TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Your City Attorney, 17. V. Wells, to whom was referred the matter of Policy covering property damages and bodily injury, Policy No.1681A-1289, 4 ton Inter- national truck, Ge. Casualty and Insurance Company of America, begs leave to report as follows: That I have examined the said policy and find the same in regular form. (signed) V1. V. dells City Attorney 1 465 February 3, 1942 7 0 TIE 1101TORAB1•0, I�1AYOR',M- M CITY. COUNCIL.:. Your City Attorney, V. 'Wells, to whom. was referred the matter of Policy No. 1.992Aa1975, • Gen.. Casualty and Insurance Coe -of America-,- covering 1940 Inter- 1�aiti6nal Pickup, begs leave to report as folloitrs: I have examined the said policy and find the same in regular form. ( signed) �Tii . V. Wells City Attorney Attorneys reports Motion was made by Okerlund,-secbnded by Brady, that the four above described be adopted. City Attorneys reports be adopted:*. Motion carried. Treasurerla report The treasurers report for the month of -January 1942, was presented to the City Coun- c i1• and was referred to the Finance Dommittee. Police report. The -Chief of Police's report icor the month..3of January 1942, was presented and- read to the City Council. A motion was made by Brady, seconded by Morrison, that said report be accepted and placed on -file. Motion carried. The --report of the Police Justice for the month of January, 1942, was presented and Police justice react t6 the C-ity Council anc1 a motion was made by Wagner, seconded by Wilcox, that report.. said report. be accepted and placed on file. Motion -carried. Water superintendent The -report of the `"later Superintendent for the month of January -•1942, was -presented report. and -read to the' City Council, motion made by Wilcox, seconded by Morrison-, that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. Gasoline report The'aasoline report for the month ofJanuary•, 1942-D was presented and read to the City Council and a motion was made by Brady, seconded by Iffilcox, that said report be accented and placed on file. Motion carried. Discussion of The heating plant at the Anacortes Community Building was discussed at this time. heating plant. A motion was made by Barker, seconded by Okerlund, that the City Council Building Committee continue their -study and consideration of a heating plant for the Anacortes Community Building and that they deter-nin whether or not it is possible to -purchase a steel bailer of sufficient heating capacity at this time, and whether or -not such a boiler could'be installed in_..the Community Building a, --,d if said committee finds that it is possible to purchase and install a steel boiler of sufficient capacity that the City Clerk -be authorized to call for bids on a complete heating plant for the-Anacortes Community Building to meet the three following alternate bids: - 1. Complete heating ,plant with the installation of a steel boiler. 2a Complete heating plant with the installation of a cast iron boiler. 3, Complete heating plant with a repair of the present boiler. Otherwise to confrrm with specifications adopted by the City Council and now on file tivith".the. City Cler. Ayes: Schulz, Okerlund, Wilcox, Barker, Brady, Morrison, and•'•Vagner. Hotton carried. Installation of At a recent meeting of the City Council a request was presented to 'the City Council Street Light at for -the installation, at the corner of Third Street and Last .Park Drive. The Fire, 3 and E. Park Drive Light and ;later Committee recommended at this time. that alight be installed at City of Anacortes for the old G.A.R. Fall this location and a motion was made by Brady, seconded by Barker that the -City Council authorize the installation of a 1000 Lumin- street light to be installed at Motion made the -corner of Third Street and East Park Drive. Mo -tion carried. Adoption of At this time, the License and Police Commi-tte recommended the adoption os the 1941 reports. annual..repo•rt .of the Police. Department and the 1941 annual report of the Police is to be Justice of the City of Anacortes. Motion made by Brady, seconded by 7.agner, that sued by the Auxiliary the -recommendation of the License and Police Committee, regarding the adoption of the - two above described reports, be adopted. Motion c-arried:. Schulz, Barker, Brady, Morrison and I'Jagner. Motion The•Pire, Light and Water Committee recommended.the adoption.of the 1941 annual Claims against report of the Fire Department. Motion was made by Brady, seconded by Schulz, that following claims against the City of Anacortes for the the -recommendation of the Fire, Light and Water Committee with reference to the 1941 City annual report of the Fire Department be adopted. Motion carried. Councilmen excused At -their own request Councilmen S. L. Okerlund and Jessie R. Wilcox were.excused by the Mayor. Special committee The -special committe composed of Ferd Brady, T. B. Morrison and.E. A. Schulz, who reported have been appointed by Mayor Peters to purchase certain equipment needed by the Air Raid Wardens and their respective districts, reported and submitted a. report to the 9870 City Council, at this time. IT. H. Hinshaw ,Mr.- E. H. .Hinshaw, chief of police, spoke to the City Council •and asked at the lightE speaks and -water be furnished by the City of Anacortes for the old G.A.R. Fall located at 1101 8th Street. Motion made by Morrison, seconded by Barker, that the City of Anacortes supply lights and water to the old G. A. R. Hall, which hall is to be sued by the Auxiliary Police as a place to meet when necessary during the present emergency. Ayes: Schulz, Barker, Brady, Morrison and I'Jagner. Motion carried. Claims against At -this time the following claims against the City of Anacortes for the month of City January, 1941, were presented to the City Council,* CURRENT EXPENSE Sadie M. Arges 9869 Salary as City Treasurer 75•.00 O. -E. Arges,. 9870 Salary as Dep. Treasurer 119.00 John G. Darcy 9871 Salary as City Clerk 75.00 17. •V. Wells 9872 Salary as City Attorney 75-.00 Mrs. C. Storme 9873 Salary as Janitor at City Hall 10.00 O. ,E. Arges 9874 Zalary as JanEit.or at City Hall 2'1.50 Dr. Roy C. McCartney 9875 Salary as Health Officer 37.50 A. -R. Sellenthin 9876 Salary as Police Justice 25-.00 G. -N. Dalstad '9877 Postage for Clerks Office 5.00 1=0 February 3- 1.42 Burroughs Adding Machine Co. 9878 Payment on Contract 5.05 E. M. Floyd .9879 Supplies for City Clerk_ • 2.99 pioneer, .Incorporated 9889 Supplies- & Material., City Clerk 6.6cl, The Fern Press 9881 Supplies & Material, City Clerk 6044 VAn. Ga .McCallum 9882 Bond for Dep. Treas. 5.00 H. E. Mansfield Inco 9883 City Treasurer's Bond 75.00 Anacortes Daily Mercury 9884 Printing & Publishing 6.52 Seattle Rubber Stamp Co. 9885 Dog Tags 15.14 Puget Sound Pr. & Lt. Co.. 9886Lights for City Hall 12.05 Island Transfer Co. 988K Fuel . 52.55 Anacortes Gas Ca. 988 Gas for -City Hall 6.30 Simpsonta Electric Shop 9889 Material & Supplies 3087 Lyles -Grocery 989Q Supplies for Janitor 3.03 G. D. Shannon 9891 Insurance on City Hall 22.67 Ho H. Hinshaw 9892 Salary as Ch, of Police 173.50 Tom Brown 9893 Salary as Asst Ch. of Police 151.50 Nick Pe t r ish 9894 Salary as Patrolman 137.50 Wm. Bolton 9895 Salary as Patrolman 32.26 Llyod Monroe 9896 Salary as Patrolman 48.39 Jack Goff 9897 Salary as Pat. on Pro. 125.00 Merrill Iverson 9898 Salary as Pat. on Pro. 88.71 Lawrence ]Pollard 9899 Salary as Special Police 40.32 Edo Rogers 9900 Material & Supplies 1.55 Um. G. UcCallum 9901 Bond for John B. Goff 5.00 General Petroleum Co. 9902 Supplies, Police Dept. 1.22 He H. Hinshaw 9903 Cash advanced for Police School 8.22 Benson Motors 9904 Repairs & Service 13.50 Iverson Brothers 9905 Supplies for Police Dept. 2.06 R. L. Fullerton 9906 Supplies for Police Dept. 1.03 Dept. of Labor & Ind. L. E. Snider 9907 Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid Salary. Fire Chief 15.80 9908 as 170.03 Bert Verrall 9909 Salary as Asst Fire Chief 148.47 Mo G. Strock 9910 Salary as Capt. Fire Dept. 137.69 M. R. Cookston 9911 Salary as Capt. Fire Dept. 137.69 0. H. Hauge 9912 Salary as Fireman Fire Dept. 127.40 So C. Mondhan 9913 Salary as. Fireman 127.40 L. E. Gibbons- 9914 Salary as Fireman 127.40 Co Strock 9915 Call Dian, Fire Dept. 6.25 A. Mondhan 9916 Call Man 3.50 Tm. Beale 9917 Call Man 2.50 E. Holmes 9918 Call Man 2.50 Ed. McGovern 9919 Call Man 3.50 Lo Moore 9920 Call Man 2050 John Darcy 9921 Call Man: 3.50 M. Nelson 9922 Call Doan 3.50 H. Chevrier 9923 Call Man 2.50 George Olson 9924 Call Man 1.00 Pred Fisher 9925 Call Man 1.00 R. Boyes 9926 Call Man 1.00 Firemen!s- Rel & Pen Fund 9927 2°0 bf Firemen8s Salaries 19.92 Anacortes Water Dept. 9928 Hydrant rental 515.00 L. E. Snider 9929 Mileage on car & cash advanced 13.45 Bert Verrall 9930 Mileage on car to Seattle 5x60 Schwartz Iron Works 993.1 Material for Fire Dept. .57 E. Aa Abbott 9932 Service 3.14 Eureka Fire Hose Co. 9933 Supplies for Fire Dept. 12.64 M. R*Kingsley 9934 Liability Ins. Defense Workers 44.80 Sanderson Safety Supply. Co. 9935 Supplies for'Fire Dept. 26.95 ; Bruce V. Nelson 9936 Repair parts for Am. Laf Fire 1.153.97 Amo LaFrance & Po-amite Corp. 9937 Motor Parts 2043 Anacortes Laundry Co. 9938 Laundry for Fire Dept. 4056 Best Coast Tel. Co: 9939 Telephone Service 11.10 Standard Oil Co. 9940 Gasoline & Supplies 49072 Marine Supply & Hdw. 9941 Material & Supplies 07.93 Fabric: Fire Hose Co. 9942 Fire Hose 371030 Assn. of Wash. Cities 9943 Membership in Assn. 125.00 John G. Darcy 9944 Registration of Births & Deaths 12.50 Trick & Murray 9945 Supplies-, Clerk & Registration 5'/[.0 'l IPugest Sound Pr. & Lt. Coo 9946 Street Lights 2680'18 Brovm Lumber Co. .9947 Lumber for Defense Office 457.27 CITY STREET FUND 1P6 E. Olson 1213 Salary as St... Foreman 157050 Lynn Balcomb 1214 Salary as Graderman 1511.50 Artis Taylor 1215 Salary &a Maintenance Man 141.00 Merrill Iverson- 1216 " C° a, tD 40.50 G. Miller . 121.7 0 " °t 0 141.00 Dave Summers 1218 Salary as St. Sweeper '75.00 Roy L. McDougall 1219 Salary as Maintenance Man 90.00 -Ed. Erickson 1220 Salary as cable splicer 3.00 Alfred Robbins 1221 Salary as Dump Man 20.00 T.. G®. McCrory 1222 Salary as St. Supervisor 50.00 John G. Dorcy 1223 Salary as Bookkeeper 27050' Marine Supply & Hdw. 1224 Material and Supplies b3.72 Colvin"s Service Station 1225 Material and Supplies 19.51 828.07 Curtis Wharf Co. 1226 Material fot Com:lAve. Com. Ave. 11.57 Standard Oil Co. 1227 Supplies for Brown Lumber Co. 1228 Material and Supplies 46.22 E. A. Abbott 1229 Supplies 3.50 Schwartz Iron Works 1230 Material and Supplies. 11.59 1.08 Robbins Lumber Co. 1231 Material, St. Dept. Med Aid 16.05 Dept. of Labor & Ind. 1212 Ind Ins & Pacific Highway Transport 1233 Freight of St. Signs .1.69 Puget Sd. Pr. & Lt. Co. 1234 Power & Service 40.13 1 1 1 Claims. be allowed(. Ht. Vernon Transfer Co. Go D. Shannon Standard Oil Co. J.. F. Carroll Vm. G. McCallum Fla val Pearson Blanche Sackett Fred Marshall Fern Martin Harry Hartman The Fern Press J. K. Gill Company College Bindery R. A. Dildine Anacortes Water Dept. Puget Sd. Pro & Lt. Co. Dept.- of Labor & Ind. J. E. Harding Frank Knapp City Street Fund Marine Supply & Hardware .Dept. of Labor & Indo Une Vesta Jones Une Vesta Jones Fp..bruj4ry 3,' 194P CITY STREET '_;`U1M 1235 Freight on Grader Blades 1236 Ins. on Into Dump Truck 1231 Gasoline, City Pump 1238 Ins. on International Trk. 1936 1239 Ins. on Ford Tank Truck LIBRARY FUND 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 �" a .�./ al ►1� Salary as Librarian Salary as Asst Librarian Salary as Tanitor Salary for extra work Book for Library Supplies for Library Books for Library Rebinding books Supplies for Library Water used at Library Lights f o r Library Indo Ins. & lied. Aid 4_6 1.23 31.65. 95« 2'l' y�o00 21.45 120.00 65.0o 47.50. 14.40 2.89 2.99 2.58 7.33 4.64 2.50 9.74 -35 1286 Salary as Park Supt. 130000 1287 a rP It Employee 110.00 1288 Gasoline used in Park Truck 8.09 1289 Supplies for Park Depto 052 1290 Indo Ins. & Med. Aid 3016 L I D GUARANTY FUND 7025 Lyle Riddle 7026 Partial Payment on Bond #120, LID 138 2j0.00 Robert Kelly It It ro to, It. It It 250.00 WATER FUND To G. McCrory 7016 Charles Viedlund 7017 M. 0.. Berentson 7018 W. 0. Rogers 7019 Russell Carolan 7020 Norman Fulton 7021 Lester Thomas 7022 John Go Dorcy 7023 Marie McDugl e 7024 Walter Heglin 7025 Lyle Riddle 7026 Virgil Smith 7027 Robert Kelly 7028 Dayton Crandall 7029 Ed. Kelly 7030 John Crawford 7031 Gene Minck 7032 T. A. Pumal.o 7033 E. A. Boyer 70344 Jim Kerr 7035 Philip Minck 7036 Alec Mc Ray 7037 Current Expense Fund 7038 To G. McCrory 7039 West Coast Tele Co. 7040 The Fern Press 7041 H. C. Davey 7042 Curtis Wharf Co. 7043 Marine Supply & Hardware 7044 Standard Oil Co. 704 5 Island Transfer Coo 7046 Jack°s Radio Service 7047 Colvin°s Service Station 7048 Schwartz Iron Works 7049 DeLaval Steam Turbine Coo 7050 City Street Fund 7051 Puget Sd . Pro & Lt. Co. . 7052 Federal Pipe & Tank Co. 7053 John -Manville Sales Cor Do 7054 Hamburg Iron Works 7055 Rensselaer Valve Co. 7056 Railway Express Agency 7057 Skagit Steel & Iron Works 7058 E. K. Wood Lumber Co. 7059 Scientific .Supplies Co. 7060 Anacortes Auto Supply Co. 7061 G. N. Dalstad P.M. 7062 Skagit Bonded Collectors. 7063 Pennsylvania Salt Co. 7064 Mt. Vernon Transfer Co. 7065 Dept. of .Labor & Ind. 7066 Worthington Gamon Heter Co. 7067 Salary as Nater Supt. 19 0 to Foreman " t° Serviceman Eiltarman ro IP IP ro Io- ro IP r: Pumpman " 14 Bookkeeper to, to Clerk " 10 Guard, Grater Dept. Ie ao r� IP Io- rt n IP IP ro 1P n ro tP 14 ro n IP to. to ro to U to to n n to K co >9 It rr io to, to IP ra to to ro 10- ro to to a ro to I0 to to eP n it 't; IP IP Io tP 95 Transfer of Funds Mileage on Car Telephone Service Printing monthly post cards Insurance on Into Pickup Truck Supplies for filter plant Material & Supplies Gasoline & Supplies Fuel Oil Labor & Material Supplies. Material and Supplies Pump Parts Gasoline used in motor vehicles. Power & Service Wooden pipe supplies Transite pipe supplies Labor & Material Valve Parts Express on box, Water Dept. Pump repair parts Lumber for Water Dept. Supplies for Yater Dept. Material & Supplies Postage f.'or Cater Dept. Post Cards Collection of dater Bills Chlorine for Water Dept. Freight Ind.. Ins. & Med. Aid. Meter Parts 270000 157050 135050 141.00 130000 120.00 110.00 37P0 24 , 0 201.50 63000 38.50 14.00 4g. 50 2.00 21.00 63.00 3500 J5©00 6.00 45.50 45 05'0 119000 14.80 12.25 4.12 20.65 670 5.98 29.40 33-07 9.22 .21 43-73 120072 19.21 1250031 352.31 117083 35.54 201.90 .40 157.41 105007 2.58 2.28 60.00 42.00 135000 531 2407 1-93 The above claims against, -.he City of Anacortes were read to the City Council and a motion vias made by Okerlund, seconded by Brady, that said claims be referred to the Finanae Committee. The Finance Committee considered said claims and recommended that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of the same. A motion was made by Barker, seconded by Wagner, that the rke(onmendation of the Finance Committee, with refer- � ence to the claims against the City of Anacortes for the month of January 1942, be adopted. Motion carried. 4 6 8 February 3, 1942 A Surity Bond for Patrolman John B. Goff was presented to the City Council and Bond for a motion was made by Barker, seconded by Brady, that the bond be referred to John B. Goff 'the City Attorney. Motion carried. -Having completed the business of the -evening a motion was made by Barker,, Meeting be adjourn -seconded by Brady, that the meeting of theCity Council adjourn. Motion •carried. Robert Propst spoke -to the City -Council to some length on�this matter. u Frank Taylor spoke about the different locations of the Air Raid Marden StationE ed. The meeting of the City Council did then adjourn. MAYOR Attest: City Clerk February 17, 1942 -The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 8:00 P.M., with Mayor C. A. Peters presiding. Meeting adjourned Meeting called to order. -The roll was called and Schultz, Wilcox, Brady, Barker, Morrison and Gagner Roll call. -were present. -The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. The following communic-ation from J. G. Farrell was presented and read to the City Council: February 5, 1942 To the Honor Mayor and Members of the City Council Anacortes, Washington Gentlemen: I hereby make application for the purchase of Lot Five (5), Block 286, Original Plat of the City of Anacortes, Washington. The amount of the L I D assessments outstanding and due against said property is $13.20 and I am hereby offering that amount in cash for the pur- chase of said lot. Thanking you for your attention to the above mentioned matter and a reply, I am Very truly yours, (Signed) J. C. Farrell Communication from J. C. Farrell 'After some discussion a motion was made by Barker, seconded by Brady, that the City of Anacortes issue a Quit Claim Deed to J. C. Farrell covering Lot Five, Block 286, Original Plat of the City of Anacortes, Washington and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign said Quit Claim Deed. Ayes: Schulz, - Wilcox, Barker, Brady, Morrison, Wagner. Mrs.. Bertha Storme, who has for many years been janitor of the City Hall, recent- ly had to give up this work on the account of illness. In recognition of -her many years of faithful service the City Council instructed the City Clerk-to- write lerk-to- write to her and to express to her their thanks and appreciation. This letter was written to Mrs. Storme by the City Clerk and at this time a communication was read to the City Council from Mrs. Storme thanking the Mayor and City Coun- cil for their consideration. Communicat ion from Mrs. Storme A motion was made by Barker, seconded by Wilcox, that the communication of Mrs. Storme be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. A communication from Al Hornick., advisor of Anacortes Junior Lodge#32, I.O.O.F., Communication was presented and read to the City Council, which communication asked permission. from Al Hornick from the City Council to hold a dance in the I.O.O.F. Hall in Anacortes. Motion made by Barker, seconded by Wilcox, that this matter be referred to the License and Police Committee with power to act. Motion carried. 1 1 A communication was presented and read to the City Council from Raymond Rowell Communication asking for the improvement of H Avenue between 22nd and 24th Street. After some from Raymond Rowell discussion a motion was made by Barker, seconded by Wilcox that this mater be referred to the Street Committee and Street Supervisor.. Motion carried. The report of the Street Foreman for the month of January, 1942, was presented Report and read to the City Council and a motion was made by Brady, seconded by Barker, Street Foreman j that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The report of the Chief of the Fire Department for the month of January, 1942, Report of'Chief was presented and read to the City Council and a motion was made by Brady; of Fire Dept. seconded by 71ilcox,.that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. • At this time, the City Council discussed the matter of providing telephones Telephones for Air Raid Stations. at the various Air Raid Warden Stations in the City of Anacortes. Robert Propst spoke -to the City -Council to some length on�this matter. u Frank Taylor spoke about the different locations of the Air Raid Marden StationE and also suggested that Civilian Defense Calls be received in the Fire Hall instead of the local Defense Headquarters, at Fourth Street and Commercial. Mr. L. E. Snider, fire chief, spoke to the City Council and said that he thought that receiving the Civilian Defense telephone calls in the Fire Department would be an improvement over the present plan. Robert Propst again spoke to the City Council and asked that a 3 yard lzad of sand be delivered by the Street Department trucks to each of the Air Raid Febrda.ry ? 7 , .191 ? Warden Posta. 469 At the meeting of the City Council,held on January 23, 19+2, Mayor C. A. Peters appointed a committee composed of T. B. Morrison, Ferd Brady, E. A. Schulz, to meet with the Chief Air Raid Marden, Frank Taylor, and other officials of the Anacortes Civilian Defense Office to consider the purchase of certain materials and su -•plies for the Air Raid Marden Stations in the City of Anacortes. Committee to act At this time a motion was made by Barker, seconded by 71ilcox, that the above on purchase of named committee beiven g ' power to act for the purchase of materials and supplies supplies for Air for the various Air Raid "arden Stations in the City of Anacortes in an amount Raid Stations. not to.exceed $400.00. Ayes: Schulz, Wilcox, Barker, Brady, Morrison, and Gagner. Mr. H. H. Hinshaw, chief of police, spoke to the City Council, at this time, Chief Hinshaw gas aand urged that the City of Anacortes obtain as many gas masks as possible from spoke on gas masks. the Federal Agency, vrhich is distributing these gas masks to the different cities at this time. Mr. .Hinshaw pointed out ..that. the cities of Seattle and Bellingham, Clashington and other cities in this vicinity had been•alloted certain numbers of these gas masks. and he felt that the City Council should take tBae necessary action at this time to obtain an allotment of gas masks for this city. Fatter of Street Recently a petition was received and read to the City Council asking that a street Light at 17th light be installed at 17th Street and 9`011 Avenue. At this time the Fire, Light and 0010 abd Water Committee made an oral report to the City Council and recommended that the street light be not granted for 17th Street and -11011 Avenue. After some discussion a motion was made by Brady, seconded by Barker, •that the report of the Fire, Light and -W7ater Committee in the matter of the petition for a street light to be installed at 17th Street and 00" Avenue and recommended that said petition be denied. Motion carried. Bids for City A motion was made by ':lagner, seconded by Brady, that the City Clerk. be authorized Printing to publish a call for bids for doing the City Printing for the bid from Parch 1, 1942 to March 1, 1943. Motion carried. Railroad Crossing At this time, the matter of the railroad.crossing on 29th Street between "T", and t9Uf0 Avenue was discussed to some length and this matter was referred to Mr. E. M. Barker, chairman of the Street Committee, who was instructed to see Air. G. W. Krebs, ticket agent, at the Great Northern Depot to see what could be'done in this matter. At this time, the City Council considered the bids on gasoline to be furnished to Gasoline bids the City of Anacortes. A Motion was made by Brady, seconded by Wagner that the gasoline bids filed with the City Clerk be opened at this time. r:otion -carried. Gasoline bids from the Shell Oil Company, the Standard Oil Company and the Union Oil Company were opened and considered. The bids of the Shell Oil Company and the- Standard Oil Company on gasoline were the same, the only difference being that the Standard Oil Company read all or part of the gasoline to be furnished and the Shell Oil Company gasoline contract read that it would supply 100% of the City needs if said cohtract were accepted. A motion was made by Brady, seconded by Barker, that the gasoline bids of the Standard Oil.Company and -the Shell Oil Company be accepted providing that the Shell Oil Company contract, which offers to supply 100% to the City of Anacortes be amended to read all or part of the Cities requirements. The price of both the Standard Oil Company and the Shell Coil Company for First Grade non -premium gasoline was.1352 per gallon. Ayes: Schulz, Wilcox, Barker, Brady, Morrison and Wagn.er. Mr. Deutsch spoke Mr, Robert Deutsch spoke to the City Council about the urgent need about cleaning on ditch at filter. out a ditch near the Anacortes Filter Plant. After some discussion this matter was referred to the Fire, Light and dater Committee .and -Water Superintendent by Mayor Peters. Mr. L. E. Stearns, resident manager of the Puget Sound Power & Light, spoke to Mr. Stearns spoke the City Council about the power contract covering the pumping operations of the on power contract.. Anacortes slater Department at Avon and this matter was referred to the Fire, Light and Water Committee and Crater Superintendent.by Mayor Peters. Air. Gardner spoke Mr. Gardner, state examiner, spoke to the City Council and gave an interesting and on municipal affairs instructing talk on municipal affairs in general and particularly on the matter of emergency ordinances. Mr. Gardner promised to speak to the City Council again at its next meeting. Meeting adjourned. 1 Having completed the business of the evening a motion was made by Wilcox, seconded by Schulz, that meeting; of the City Council adjourn. Motion carried. The meeting of the City Council did then ad - Attest ° -61T 1T -6 c1"_"t- t-�- C %TY OLFRK 470 Ira. r 0 h. � _ 194' The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to orde2 Meeting called at 6:00 P.M. with Mayor C. A. Peters presiding. to order. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Minutes Roll was called and Schulz, Okerlund, C,ilcox, Barker, Brady, Morrison, and alagner. Roll Call were present. Bir. Frank Gardner spoke to the City Council and expressed his thanks to the Mayor Frank Gardner and the City Council during his visit in the City of Anacortes. speaks. Mr. Gardner spoke to some length on the management of the Anacortes Community Building and also the investment of the money owned by the Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund. The following communication was presented and read to the City Council: Communication from city A Petition to the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Anacortes, Flash. employees. We the undersigned do hereby petition you for an adjustment of wages in order to balance the rapid rise in living costs. As our wages are spent here in Anacortes for a living we feel it just and equit- able to compare our wages with.the existing wages in the Industries• of Anacor- tes. After giving this matter long and careful consideration we submit the following wage adjustments for your approval. Cater Dept. Foreman. 167.x`0 Water Dept. Serviceman. 150.00 Water Dept. Head Filterman 151.00 Water Dept. Second Filterman. 140.00 Respectfully submitted this 2nd day of March 1942. Signed: Charles Wedlund 1. 0. Ro eg rs 11. 0. Beren tson R. 0. Carolan Mayor ]Peters spoke to the City Council and pointed out that under the present Mayor Peters emergency many extra expenses were being paid by the City for supplies that were speaks. needed at the present time and he felt no additional wages could be paid at this time and further pointed out that salaries could not be increased after the budget was made up and that he, the Mayor, felt that if any of the City Employees were i dissatisfied with their wages or positions they should make other arrangements. At this time, the City Attorney, Mr. W. V. Wells, approved the official bond of Bonds for Cyril A. Brewer, city police officer, and also the offilial bond of Merrill'Iverson, Brewer and �I city police officer, and a. motion was made by Brady, seconded by Okerlund that the Iverson. acceptance of the bonds of Cyril A. Brewer and Merrill Iverson, city police officer£;, be adopted. Motion carried. The report of the City Treasurer for the month of February, 1942 was presented to Treasurers the City Council and was referred by the Mayor to the Finance Committee. i report. j The report of the Police Justice, for the month of Februaryl 1942, was presented Police justice and read to the City Council and a motion was made by Okerlund, seconded by Wilcox, ! report. that said report be accepted and placed on file. The report of the Water Superintendent, for the month of February, 1942, was prem Water Supt. sented and read to the City Council and a motion was made by Wagner, seconded by report. Okerlund, that said report be accepted and placed on file. The report of the Street Foreman, for the month of February, 1942, was presented St. Foreman and read to the City Council and a motion was made by Okerlund, seconded by Barker,1 report that said report be accepted and placed on file. The gasoline report for the month of February, 1942, was presented and read to the Gasoline report. City Council and a motion was made by Wilcox, seconded by Wagner, that said report I be accepted and placed on file. Councilman T. B. Morrison made a report, as a member of the committee appointed to Morrison reports. purchase certain equipment, and said that this equipment had been ordered and would be delivered soon, and that a. complete 'report on this matter would be made at a later date. - Bir. Frank Taylor spoke to the City Council to some length regarding the different Frank Taylor air raid warden stations in the City of Anacortes. speaks. At a recent meeting of the City Council Mr. Robert Deutsch complained to the City Deutsch.complaint Council about the condition of a ditch carrying over -flow water from the Anacortes satisfactory. ii Filter Plant, which ditch runs acroas Mr. Deutsch property. At this time Xr. T. B. Morrison, chairman of the Fire, Light, and Cuter Committee, Oral report by made an oral report to the City Council to the effect that complaint of Mr. Deutsch Morrison. had been settled in a satisfactory manner to both the City and Mr. Deutsch. The matter of a new electric power contract covering the electric power used at Electric power Avon, for the operation of the City Pumping Plant, was discussed at this time and contract.. Mr. T. B. Morrison reported that Mr. L. E. Stearns had written to Seattle regarding terms of this new electric power contract. In the matter of the petition of Raymond Rowell for the improvement of H Avenue Stowell petition between 22nd and 24 Street, Mr. E. M. Barker, chairman of the Street Committee, taken care of. reported that this matter was being taken care of. Councilman Okerlund, chairman of the Building Committee, again brow&t up the matter Bids for heating of calling for bids for the heating plant for the Anacortes Community Building, plant. n Specifications for a heating plant for the Anacortes Community Building, which had .been prepared by Mr. T. G. MbCrory, City Engineer, was presented and read. A motion was made by Brady, seconded by Morrison, that said specifications, giving 3 alternate!:bids: . Alternate No. It Shall include overhauling, retubing and putting in first class condition the existing boiler. Alternate No..2t Shall include furnishing a cast iron steam heating boiler. Alternate No. 3: Shall include furnishing a steel steam heating boiler. _ Be,-8Ldtlpt-ed.,acrd-,thkti.the-.Cit.ycCl(&rk.be -autho.ri-zed',to -'6aih for bids for said heating plant on the above specfications. The closing hour to be 8:00 P.M. on Larch 17, 1942. Roll call: Schulz, Okerlund, Wilcox, Barker, Brady, Morrison, and Vlagnera Motion carried. Liability Insurance The matter of purchasing liability insurance by the City of Anacortes to protect members of the Fire and Police Departments in the training of auxiliary defense units of the Police and Fire Department was discussed at this time. Councilman Barker reported that the City has no legal obligation in this matter but pointed out that the members of the Fire Department were personally liable for any injuries sustained by persons who were injured while being trained or drilled as auxiliary firemen. Mayor Peters pointed out that it was unfair and unreasonable to expect the members of the Fire Department to train auxiliary firemen• under these conditions. Okerlund excused. At his own request Councilman Okerlund was excused at this time..... Mr. Gardner speaks. Mr. Frank Gardner, state examiner, spoke to the City Council at this time and stated that - the purchase by the City of Anacortes from funds supported by taxes was not a proper charge against the City of Anacortes according to the opinion of the Attorney General of the State of Washington. 1 Air Raid Drills Printing Bide. Claims against the city Mr. Gardner made a further suggestion that as the training of auxiliary firemen and policemen was of great benefit that the different service clubs in. the. City might raise the money in the amount of $44.80 to pay for an insurance policy which now pvotects the members of the Fire Department from training auxiliary firemen and the whicki can be endorsed at no extra cost to cover the training; of auxiliary policemen. Payor Peters then asked Mr. W. V. Welle to explain this situation to the Rotary and Kiwanis Clubs and to the Anacortes Chamber of Commerce, which Mr. Wells agreed to do. . Councilman Brady brought up the matter of air raid drills for civilians and also discussed the matter of providing.additional funds for emergency expenses. No off- icial action was taken on the matter. At this time the City Council considered the printing bids during the period of dart,. 1, 1942 to March 1, 1943- A motion was made by Brady, seconded by Wagner, that the printing bids, which had been filed ivith the City Clerk, be opened at t1is time. The .bid of the Anacortes American was the only one which has been submitted and a motion was made by Morrison, seconded by Wagner, that the bid of the Anacortes American be accepted. Roll call: Schulz, Wilcox, Barker, Brady, Morrison, and Uagner. Motion cattied. At this time the claims against the City of Anacortes were read to the City Council. Sad.ie M. Arges ,9949 0. E. Arges: 9950 John G. Dorcy 9951 Vt. V. Wells -9952 Dr.. Roy C. McCartney .9953 A. R. Sellenthin 9954 0. E. Arges 9955 0. X. Dalstead P.M. .9956 E. S. Malone 9957 Seattle Ruber Stamp Co. 995 H- ,0_v Davey, Plb. Ins. 9960 Anacortes Gas Co. Supplies, Island Transfer Co. 9961 H.H. Hinshaw 996. Tom Brown 9963 Nick Petrish .9964 Gas. for City Hall Jack -Goff 9965 Merrill Iverson 9966 Lawrence Pollard 9967 Cyril Brewer 996$ Wm- G. McCallum 9969 Art Burnside 9970 Bill Bessner 9971 Cook's Key & Cycle Shop 9972 Iverson Brothers 9973 H. -T-r. Hinshaw 9974 L. E. Snider 9975 Bert Verrall 9976 ]U..G. Strock 9977 M. R. Cookston 9978 Oliver Hauge 9979 S. -C. Mondhan 9980 L. E. Gibbons 9981 CURRENT EXPENSE Salary as City Treasurer 75--00 Deputy'Treasurer 119..00. Io- ro- City Clerk 75000 City Attorney 75.00 Health Officer 37.50 Police Justice 25.00 14 S° Janitor, City Hall 37.50 Postage for City Clerk ° s Office 4.00 Supplies, Clerk & Registration 29.82 Supplies for C1erk11a Office 4.67 Plumbing Inspections: 6 00 Gas. for City Hall 5.50 Fuel oil, City Hall & Defense bff,ice 25.52 Salary as Chief of Police 173.50 0 " Asst Chie:f of Police 151.50 It 11 Patrolman 137.56 " 0 Patrolman 125.00 1° Patrolman 125.00 19 1° Patra:lman 125.00 Patrolman 20 days d5.25 Bonds City Officials & Polic emen 35.00 Supplies for Police Dept. 33448 Supplies for Police Dept. 14.10 Supplies & Servide 2.27 Supplies for Police Dept. 3.09 Cash advanced for Postage 2.60 Salary as Fire- Chief 170.03 Ralary as Asst. Fire Chief 148.47 Captain, Fire Dept. 137.69 It ro It 137.69 10 Firemen ra W 12.7.40 ro- ro 0 n 1° 127.40 ro- c� 10 ro ca 127.40 472 II 1' C. Strock 9982 !A. Mondhan 9983 R. Boyes 9984 Fred Fisher 9985 E. Holmes 9986 L. E. Snider 9987 Bert Verrall 9988 M. R. Cookston 9989 Anacortes eater Dept. 9990 Firemen's Relief & Pen. 9991 Bell Machine Works 9992 Neelyts Grocery 9993 Shell Oil Company 9994 I Diamond 5¢' to $1.00 9995 Test Coast Telephone Co,. 9996 Anacortes Laundry. 9997 Puget Sound Pro & Lt. Co.9998 Trick & Murray 9999 The Fern Press 10000 Benson Motors 10001 Schwartz Iron Warks 10002 R. H. Dildine 10003 Simpson°s Electric 10004 Dept,-. of Lab.or & Ind. 10005 Marine Supply & Hardware10006 Test Coast Telephone Co -10007 Flaval Pearson 1594 Blanche Sackett 1595 Fred Marshall 1596 Simmonds Paint Co. 159 H. 0. Wampler 159b Test Coast Tel. Co. 1599 Fern Martin 1600 Snyder's Pharmacy 1601 Puget Sound Pr. & Lt. 1602 Water Department 1603 Dept. of Labor & Ind. 1604 Herman Goldberger Agency 1605 T. K. Gill Cotapany 1606 J. E. Harding 1291 Frank Knapp 1292 E. A. Abbott 1293 City Street Fund 1294 Dept. of.' Labor & Ind. 1295 Schwartz Iron Works, 1296 T. G. McCrory 7,068 Charles Hedlund 7069 M. 0. Berentson 7070 W., 0. Rogers 7071 Russell Carolan 7072 Norman Fulton 7073 Lester Thomas 7074 John G. Dorcy 7075 Marie McDugle 7076 Walter Heglin 707 9 T. A-. Pumarlo 7.07 Jim Kerr 7079 Philip Minck 7080 Alec McRay 7081 T. G. McCrory 7082 Current Expense Fund 7083 City Street Fund 7084 Skagit Steel & Iron vrks. 7085 G. IT. Dalstad, P. M. West Coast Telephone Co. 7087 Puget Soudd Power & Lt. 7088 Marine Supply & Hwd, 7089 Pennsylvania Salt Co. 7090 H. 0. Davey 7091 Rensselaer Valve Co. 7092 Curtis Tlharf Co. 7093 Island Transfer Co.. 7094 E. S. Malone 7095 DeLxval Steam Turbine 00.7096 Pacific slater irks. Sup. 7097 Great Northern Railway 7098 Bell Machine Works 7099 'ialallace & Tiernan Cales 7MOo Shell Oil Company 7101 Skagit Valley Tele. Co. 7102 Skagit Bonded Collectors 7103 Dept. of Labor & Ind. 7104 Tax -Commission 7105 Schwartz Iron Works 7106 Anacortes Foundry 7107 Fern Presse 7108 mn.. reh q . I QA' CURRENT EXPENSE Call Plana Fire Department It R It PP PP to It It it a PQ It It it N it Kileage on Car . Mechanical Supervisions Fire Dept.. Hydrant Rental - 2°0 of Firemen°s Salaries Labor & Material Supplies for Fire Dept; Gasoline, City Pump Supplies & Material Telephone Service Laundry, City Hall Street Lights & City Hall Lights Election Supplies Printing and Supplies Service on Poliee Car Labor & Material Fire Dept. Material and Supplies Material & Service Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid Material & Supplies Telephone Service, Defense Office LIBRARY FUND Salary as Librarian Salary as Asst. Librarian Salary as Janitor at Library Supplies for Library Sharpening Lawn Mower Telegram Extra work at Library Supplies for Library Lights for Library Water used a.t Library Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid. Magazines for Library Books for Library PARK FUND Salary as Park Supt. Salary as Park Employee Supplies & Service, Park Truck Gasoline used in Park Truck Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid Material & Supplies WATER DEPARTMENT Salary as Water Supt. :c PP Foreman ro 't 1° Serviceman 0 F.ilterman It PP It IP w a it ro ]Pumpman 'P' Bookkeeper iP ro Clerk 'Q P' Guard, Water Dept. PP �P Guard, Water Dept. '� ro Guard, Water Dept. Guard, eater Dept. Guard, Water Dept. Milage on Car Transfer of Funds Gasoline used in 'later Dept. Labor Material & Supplies Postage for eater Dept. Telephone Service Power & Service Material & Supplies Chlorine for Water Dept. Bond for :later Supt. Material & Supplies Supplies f -or :later Dept. Fuel for Water Dept. Supplies. for later Office Parts for Avon Pump Valve parts, Filter Plant Freight on Pipe Labor, Material & Supplies Supplies for Filter Plant Shell Anti Freeze Telephone at Avon Collection of Water Bills Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid Business Tax Labor, Material & Supplies Bronze Castings Printing & Supplies - 22.07 3.00 1000 2.00 1600 12.55 9080 9.8o 515.00 20.32 3:20 1.68 33.80 5087 8.60 4.73 291.27 3.24 20:15 4.456 3.4 2.16 14.88 36.64 120.00 65.00 47.50 .62 1.65 .9 14.40 6.70 9.68 2.50 :34 45.10 12.94 130.00 110.00 2.32 4.69 2079 2.47 270.00 157.50 135.50 141.00 130.00 120.00 110.00 37.50 23.68 84;00 84.0.0 168.00 84.0-0 84.00 12.8.5' 11-9.0.0 1..3.7.6 15.1.5.E 5.00 8. a5 1,266.10 9o.18 150. o.o 4.00 122.51 45.32 33.595 10305$ •25.01 6.47 ,/8.75 6.33 2.47 9.03 32.75 18.67 447.27 12.96 24a01 4.53 1 1 1 4 473 The above claims against the City of Anacortes, for the month of February 1942, were read to the City Council and a motion was made by Barker, seconded by Morri- son, that said claims be referred to the Finance Committee. Claims allowed. The Finance Committee considered said claims and recommended that the claims be allowed and warrants be drawn in favor of the same. A motion was made by Barker, seconded by Wagner, that the recommendation of the, Finance Committee in the matter of the claims against the City of Anacortes, for the month of February 1942, be adopted. Ayee: Schulz, Wilcox, Barker, Brady, Morrison, and Wagner. Motion carried. Marking of tools Councilman Brady brought up the matter of marking the tools and equipment which i used Defence will be used by Civilian Defense Workers. This matter was discussed to some length ,?orkers rs. but no official action was taken. Meeting adjourned. Having completed the business of the evening a motion was made by Brady, s.econded by Morrison, that the meeting of the City Council adjourn. Motion carried. The meeting of the City Council did then adjourn. 7. a MA_0R Attest; c� CITY CLEW 1 Iiarch. 17, 1942 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of !Anacortes, was called to Opening of the order at 8 o'clock P.M. with Mayor C. A. Peters presiding. The roll was called regular meeting and achulz, Wilcox, Barker, Frady, and Morrison were present. The minutes of the previous meeting arms read and approved as read. rir. I -I. Q. .Davey spoke to the City Council in the matter of asking permission for the use of the City trucks to pick up garbage during a clean up week, which is to Using city trucks be started soon. After much discussion on this matter, a motion was made by for garbage during Brady and seconded by Morrison that the use of the City trucks for the purpose of clean-up week cleaning up garbage during the proposed clean-up geek be denied. LFotion carried. Mr. Archie Allan spoke to the City Council about the Anacortes Community Building n 1 -4r 194? Soldiers ap,,recia:e Community Building. CITY STREET FUND I P. E. Olson 1240 Salary as Street Foreman 157-50 Permission to dig Lynn Bal.comb 1241 Graderman 157.50 < Artia 2aylor 1.242 Maintenance Man 141400 G. Miller 1243 " 'Q M. 141e00 Ray L. McDougall, 1244 '0 It it, n 1441.00 Dave Summers 1245 " It Street Sweeper 75,>00 Alfred Robbins 1246 " n Dump Man 20.00 T. G. McCrory- 1247 �. 1t' St. Supervisor 50.00 John G. Dorcy 1248 '0 m Bookkeeper 27.5'0 Standard Oil Co. 1249 Gasoline, City Pump 57.42 Puget Sd. Pro & Lt. Co. 1250 Power & Service 37050 Marine Supply Co. 1251 Material and Supplies 57.54 Shell Oil Como 1252 Gasoline, City Dump 33080, The Texas Company 1253 Supplies, St. Dept. 6,95 Union Oil Company 1254 Supplies, St. Dept. 3.15 7 H. 0. Davey 12 55 Bond for St. Supervisor 4.00 Richfield Auto Laundry 1256 Cleaning St. Truck 4.12' Colvin Ps Service Station 1257 Supplies & Service 25.49 s Robert LaRue 120 Supplies for St. Dept. .12036 CookQs Key & Cycle Shop 1259 Service, St. Dept. .16 Curtis :Wharf Co. 1260 Material, Comm. Ave. Project 869.03 I Dept. of Labor & Ind. 1261 Indo Ins.. & ed. Aid 14071 Standard Oil Company 1262 Supplies for St. Dent. 360 Schwartz Iron Works 1263 Material and Supplies 2047 Anacortes Foundry 1264 Material for Com. Ave- Project 27081 The above claims against the City of Anacortes, for the month of February 1942, were read to the City Council and a motion was made by Barker, seconded by Morri- son, that said claims be referred to the Finance Committee. Claims allowed. The Finance Committee considered said claims and recommended that the claims be allowed and warrants be drawn in favor of the same. A motion was made by Barker, seconded by Wagner, that the recommendation of the, Finance Committee in the matter of the claims against the City of Anacortes, for the month of February 1942, be adopted. Ayee: Schulz, Wilcox, Barker, Brady, Morrison, and Wagner. Motion carried. Marking of tools Councilman Brady brought up the matter of marking the tools and equipment which i used Defence will be used by Civilian Defense Workers. This matter was discussed to some length ,?orkers rs. but no official action was taken. Meeting adjourned. Having completed the business of the evening a motion was made by Brady, s.econded by Morrison, that the meeting of the City Council adjourn. Motion carried. The meeting of the City Council did then adjourn. 7. a MA_0R Attest; c� CITY CLEW 1 Iiarch. 17, 1942 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of !Anacortes, was called to Opening of the order at 8 o'clock P.M. with Mayor C. A. Peters presiding. The roll was called regular meeting and achulz, Wilcox, Barker, Frady, and Morrison were present. The minutes of the previous meeting arms read and approved as read. rir. I -I. Q. .Davey spoke to the City Council in the matter of asking permission for the use of the City trucks to pick up garbage during a clean up week, which is to Using city trucks be started soon. After much discussion on this matter, a motion was made by for garbage during Brady and seconded by Morrison that the use of the City trucks for the purpose of clean-up week cleaning up garbage during the proposed clean-up geek be denied. LFotion carried. Mr. Archie Allan spoke to the City Council about the Anacortes Community Building and expressed the thanks and appreciation of the soldiers for the use of the Soldiers ap,,recia:e Community Building. Community Bldg. The following communication from the Pacific Tow Boat Company signed by Mr. Frank Gilkey was presented and read to the City Council,after some discussion a motion Permission to dig was made by Brady and seconded by ,',rilcox,.that permission to dig across the street across the street be granted to the Pacific Tow Boat Company as outlined in the above communication. to Pacific Tow Lotion carried. Boat Co. A report of the Chief of Police for the month of I'sbsuary 1942, was presented and read by the City Council and a motion was made by ,7ilcox and seconded by Barker Police monthly that said report be excepted and placed on file. report Fire Dept. month. r A report of the Chief of the Fire Department for the month of February 1942, was report presented and read to the City Council and motion made by Brady and seconded by Barker that said report be excepted and placed on file. Motion carried. Talk by Lieut. Mr. L. F. Snyder spoke to the City Council�at this tifne to point out that a talk would be given in the High School Gymnasium'`by LieuteI?ant Darby, formerly in the Darby • 4?4 March 17 , 1942 . British Army, concerning the conditions existing in Longdon, England during the present war. the Fire Chief urged that all, members of the City;Council and the general public.atte.nd this lecture. At=the meeting of the City Council held on February 17, 1942, Mr. L. E. Stearns) resident manager of the Puget Sound Power and Light Company, spoke to the City Council about the power contract covering the pumping operations of the Anacortes Water Department at Avon. In this-matter it was referred at that' t ime to Fire, ' Light, and eater Committee, and Water Superintendent. At this time resPlution Power Contract and contract between the City of Anacortes, and the Puget Sound'Power and Light with Puget Sound Company covering the operation of the pumping plant at Avon•was-presented•and read Power and Light to -the City.Council. After some discussion a motion was made by -Brady and secondec by-Schulz that the resolution and contract covering the power rates to be used in the operation of the pumping-plant-at ,von b'e excepted and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign said contract and resolution. Ayes, Schulz, Wilcox, Barker, Brady and Morrison. Motion carried. Matter of purchasing an automobile license directory by the Police Department was discussed at this time and motion was made by Brady and seconded.by Wilnox that the Automobile order for the purchase of this automobile license directory be authorized. Ayes, License Directory Schulz, Wilcox, Barker, Brady, and Morrison. Mr. Robert Propst spoke to the City Council about the oil stove in use at the Civilian Defense office, to point out that this stove was not satisfactory and he felt that it should be exchanged as soon as possible. Mr. Propst also discussed Oil Stove in the matter of providing an alert call or signal and suggested that the bell in the Defense Office tower in the City Hall be used for this purpose. Mr. Frank Taylor spoke to the City Council about the purchase of stoves for use in the Air Raid Wardens stations and reported that much air raid �,rCraens equipment Purchase of eto had been received and would be distributed in the near future. _ ., .. stove for Air Raid Wardens Motion was made by Morrison and seconded by Brady that the nece0sary amount of rope be purchased to ring the bell in the tower of the City Hall in the event it was Rope for City needed as an alert signal for the soldiers in the City of Anacortes, Ayes, Schulz, Hall Bell Barker, Brady, and Morrison, Not voting, Wilcox. Mayor C. A. Peters at this time pointed out the need of another stove at the Civilian Defense office at Anacortes, and referred this matter to the purchase for this matter to the committee composing of -T. B. Motrison, Ferd Brady, and E. A. Schulz. Motion was made by Brady and seconded by-Ylilcox that the above-named committee be authorized to purchase a stove for the Civilian Defense office at Fourth Street and Commercial Avenue. Motion Carried. At the meeting of the City Council held on March 3, 1942, the City Clerk was authorized to call for bids on a heating plant for the Anacortes Community Building,. and these bids were to be opened at the meeting of the City Council to be held on i Parch 17, 1942, said heating plants bids were considered at this time and a motion was made by Barker and seconded by Brady that said heating plants be opened. A specification adopted for this heating plant called for three alternate bids: Alternate No. 1: Putting into condition and using the present boiler in the Communitr Building. Alternate No. 2: Providing for a cast iron boiler, and Alternate No. 3: Providing for a new steel boiler. The following are their names of the bidders all located in Bellingham, Washington and the amount of their bids: Tegenfeldt and Farquharson 3380.00 (11 38 (2) (3) 91;75 3825.75 Blythe Plumbing & Heating Co.2 62.00 3837.00 3525.00 Johnson Plumbing & Heating C.2525.00 4114.00 3120.00 Neher Bros. 2460.54 4042.91 3019.50 After some discussion a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Morrison that the above-named bide be referred to the Building committee, and City Engineer, and that a special meeting of the City Council be called for Tuesday, Match 24, at 7 o'clock P.M., and that this committee make a report on this matter of the heating plant bids at this time. Motion carried. Stove for Civilian Defense Office Heating plant bids opened. Bidders At this time two security bonds for Mr. T. G. McCrory were presented, one as Street Supervisor, and one as Water Suprintendent, to the City Council and a motion was I Security bonds for made by Brady and seconded by Barker that said security bonds be referred to the McCrory. City Attorney as to form. Motion carried. Mayor C. A. Peters presented and read to the City Council a list of medical supplies needed for the Anacortes Hospital. This matter was discussed at some length but no official action was taken in the matter. Unable to `complete the business of the evening in the present meeting, a motion was made by Schulz and seconded by Barker that the meeting of the City Council adjourn until March 24, 1942 7 o'clock P.M. Motion carried. The City Council did so adjourn. MAYOR ATTEST: n�ay"l C ITY CLERK Medical supplies needed by hospital Meeting adjourned 1 1 1 475 Larch 24, 1942 A regular adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes, was Regular called to order at.`% o'clock P.M. With Mayor C. A. Peters presiding. The roll Ideeting was called and Schulz,-Okerlund, .Wilcox, Barker, Brady, Morrison, and "Vagner were present. Heating P„atter of a heating plant bid; ..ith the ,�n_cortes Community Building was taken up Plant and considered immediately. War Production The following communication from1Tr. W. D. Shannon of the Ward Production Board Board was presented and read to the City Council. A motion was made by Brady and seconded by 71ilcox that the heating plant bids for Heating Plant the Anacortes Community Building be considered further at this time. Ayes, Bids Considered achulz, Okerlund, Wileox , Brady, Morrison and ,agner, Nays, Barker. Motion carried. A motion was made by Brady and seconded by Okerlund that the City Council do not consider alternate number 1, which provided for the improvement of the present boiler, or number 2, which provided for the installation of a cast iron boiler, and consider only alternate number 3, which.provided for the installation for annew steel boiler. Lotion carried. After considering the heating bids at some length, a motion was made by Morrison and seconded by Schulz, that the bid of Neher Bros. for alternate number 3, which Neher Bras. get provides for a complete heating system with the installation of a nes%, steel boiler the bid in the amount of X3019.50 be excepted subject to the ability of the City of E Anacortes to obtain the necessary priorities to purchase all equipment required for the neer heating system for the Anacortes Community Building. Ayes, Schulz, Vgilcox, Barker, Brady, Morrison, and Flagner. Not voting, Okerlund. Motion carried. A motion was made by Brady and seconded by Okerlund that the necessary data can be Priorities obtained at the priorities application to be mailed by the City Clerk to the proper Application authorities in Washington D.C. Motion carried. � Councilman Brady reported at this time on the matter of the stove which is in use at the Civilian Defense office at Fourth Street and Commercial Avenue. Mr. Brady Stove at C.D.O. stated further that this stove had been cleaned and adjusted and was operating working; good quite well at the present time. At his own request Councilman Barker was excused at this time. Telephones at Mr. Frank Taylor spoke to the City Council with regard to obtaining telephones in air raid wardens the various air raid wardens stations in the City of Anacortes. stations Mayor C. A. Peters spoke to the City Council about some emergency medical supplies Medical supplies which is needed at tie Anacortes hospital at the present time, in which supplies are needed at hos-pit:..lnot furnished by the American Red Cross. But unable to complete the business of the evening at the present meeting a motion Meeting adj ourne(,t vias made by Okerlund and seconded by Schulz that this meeting be adjourned to ?.larch 31, 1942 at 8 o'clock P.M. Motion carried. The meeting of the City Council did so adjourn. r Attest:_ _ CITY CLERK MAYO? At this time a matter of installation of a street light at or near the intersection ; Street light to of Fourth Street at East Park Drive wao discussed at some length. A motion was be installed at made by ',7ilcox and seconded by Schulz that a new 1000 lurnem street light be Fourth and East installed at or near the intersection at or near Fourth Street and East Park Drive. Park Drive trot ion carried. But unable to complete the business of the evening at the present meeting a motion Meeting adj ourne(,t vias made by Okerlund and seconded by Schulz that this meeting be adjourned to ?.larch 31, 1942 at 8 o'clock P.M. Motion carried. The meeting of the City Council did so adjourn. r Attest:_ _ CITY CLERK MAYO? 476 March 31, 1942 A regular adjourned meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 o'clock P.I[. Mayor G. A. Peters presiding, the roll was called and Schulz, barker, Brady, and Morrison were present. The purpose of this meetin was to consider the purchase of emergency medical supplies to be used in the Anacortes Hospital, and several other emergency hospitals which have been established during the present nation al emergency also the installation of telephones and other supplies in the various air raid wardens stations of the ci ty, of Anacortes. Mrs. Broyles, matron at the Anacortes hospital, spoke to the City Council concerning: medical supplies and pointed out the need for emergenc;I medical supplies, it would cost approximately $180.00. Mrs. Broyles pointed out that the supplies which the Anacortes hospital is asking the City Council to purchase are not provided by the Red Cross or any other agency, and that there were at the present time approximately 100 emergency hospital beds ready to be used. Mr. L. E. Sterns spoke to the City Council and outlined the method by which the Red Cross distributes first aid materials and supplies to the different air raid wardens and stations. Mr. Stearns further stated that a limited amount of first aid .. supplies were played in each of the air raid wardens stations and that a large amount of these supplies were kept in a central location which could be distributed to the various air raid wardens stations in the event_of any disaster. Mr. Kirvin Smith Red Cross first aid chairman, City of Anacortes, spoke to the City Council and outlined the work which he had been doing and reported that 611 people in the City of Anacortes had received first aid trainir.g. Mr. Al Derby, who has been appointed to purchase first aid materials and supplies for the various first aid stations which have been installed in the various air !raid wardens stations, spoke to the City Council and outlined the amount of supplies ivAieh he had purchased and which were available to purchase in the event they were needed. Dr. Roy C. McCartney, spoke to the City Council and gave a description of the surgical equipment and supplies which the City of Anacortes has received from the American Red Cross. Mr. Robert Proust spoke to the City Council some lengths and Mr. Frank Taylor spoke to the City Council about the various air raid wardens post in the city. The matter of installing telephones in the various air raid wardens stations also was discussed but it was decided to delay any definite action on this matter until further survey had been made by Mr. Lund the telephone service man of the City of Anacortes, and one of the telephone officials from Everett, Washington, as to the number of telephones which were available, to be used in the various air raid wardens stations at the present time. The following petition and resolution of the Pacific Tow Boat Company, was presentee and read to the City Council and after some discussion, a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Barker that said communication be filed and that said resolution be adopted and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign said resolution. Ayes, Schulz, Barker, Brady and Morrison. Motion carried. Communication and the resolution are given below: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Anacortes: The undersigned, the PACIFIC TOW BOAT CO, a Washington corporation, respectfully makes application to you for a lease for the period of ten years for the west forty feet of R Avenue, in the City of Anacortes, extending from the north line of Third Street to the inner line of the harbor area for which the lease the lessee will pay five dollars per year with the understanding that at the end of the first five yea--l- period earperiod the rental may be readjusted. The proposed use of the said ground is for the building and repairs of scows and boats. (Signed) PACIFIC TOTI BOAT CO. IVFP1,REAS, the PACIFIC TOVI BOAT CO, a 7ashington corporation has applied to the City for a ten year lease of the west forty fest of R Avenue extending from the north line of Third Street to the inner line of the harbor area, offering to pay five dollars a year for the use of the said land; the proposed use of the land is for building and repairing sco.:fs and boats, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the 21st day of April, 1942, at 8 o'clock ".M. at the council chambers in Anacortes, Washington, be fixed as the time and place the petition will be heard and determined. Passed March 31, 1942 (Signed) City Clerk (Signed) Mayor The following resolution was presented _..nd read to the City Council. ;WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Anacortes on July 8, 19•�l passed a resolution setting up funds available for the period April 1, 1941, to March 31, 194_9 under the items of Maintenance, Construction and Overhe�)A, and WHEREAS, It is found necessary to revise the setup under the above mentioned item;; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLV10 by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Anacortes in regular meeting duly assembled as follows: l..: That based upon revised estimated receipts as aforesaid the following is proposed as the items covering expenditures of said City from the City Street Fund for the biennium commencing April 1, 1941, and ending march 31, 1943: Total Maintenance Construction Overhead Bonds & Primary &Operation Wnto Ret. State Highways ,$18076.00 $7000.00 X11076.00 -- ¢1)----- Secondary State Highways _____ - ------- v_o___-__ Regular Meeting Cost of Medical Supplies First aid Supplies First Aid Training Purchase of First .did Supplies Amount of iurgical Supplies From Red Cross Air Raid Wa2dens Posts Installing of Telephones in the Air R�-id Stations Pacific Tow Bo�.t Petition presente To Council U Another resolution presented to the Council March 11. 1942 Total other City Streets $'19335.5) Totals ?37411..55 Maintenance Construction Overhead & Operation. X9500.00 $7935.55 $1900.00 $165oo . 00 L19-011-)5 — ; 1.900.00 1 I Bonds & Wn t . Re 2. That should such receipts exceed the estimated aforesaid, such excess shall iie expended. by the City in the manner provided by law, subject to the approval of the Department of Highways. 3• That the_City Clerk be., and is hereby, instructed to forward a copy of this Resolution to the Department of Highways. ADOPTED by the Itlayor and City Co-:ncil :March 31, (.Signed) Mayor After some discussion a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Schulz that the Highway resolution above highway resolutions 'be adopted and that the X.1ayor and City Clerk be be adopted authorized to sign said resolutiins. !fit this time Cornelius Root and Roy Jent, doing business as the Anaoortes I American, which is the official. newspaper of the City of Anacortes presented a Anacortes American supple con.tra.:t cons in tiie amount of X1,000.00, hich was presented to the City presents supply Council at tris ti -me. A motion as made by Barker and seconded by I1iLorrison that contract bond said printing bond be presented to the City Attorney as to form. 1.1otion carried. r HavIng complexed the bus' -nest., of the evening, a motion was made by Brady and meet: ,g, adjourned seconded by Morrison that the meeting oi' the City Council adjourn. Rotion carried„ -,he meeting of the City Council did so then adjourn. 1 1 Attest: MAYOR c '�,�-,� C I T`T CLERK 1 41?8 April 7, 1942 A regular meeting of the City Council, of the City of Anacortes, was called to order at 8 o'clock P.M. with Mayor C. A. Peters presiding. The roll was called and Schulz, Okerlurid, Wilcox, Barker, Brady, islorrison, and Wagner were present. Mayor C. A. Peters offered his copy of the State Examiners report to the City Council for their study and consideration and suggested that the City Clerk" write to the State Auditor, thanking his office and Mr. Frank Gardener, State Examiner' for their help and consideration for the Mayor and City Councila.nd other City officials of the City of Anacortes. After some discussion a motion was made by Okerlund and seconded by Wilcox that City Clerk write a letter of thanks and appreciation*to State Auditor and thank his office and Mr. Frank Gardener as outlined above in the Mayor's statement. Motion carried. Mr. Vd. V. Wells, City Attorney, presented a report recommending the ac:;eptance of a supply contract bond f urnished by Cornelius Root and Roy Gent publishers of the Anacortes American, which is the official newspaper of the City of Anacortes, during the period from Earch 1, 1942, to February 28, 1943. Motion was made by Okerlund, and seconded by Wilcox that. the City Attorney reports recommending the acceptance of the supply contract bond be adopted, motion carried. The report of the City Treasurer for the month of 11,arch 1942 was presented to the City Council and was referred by the Mayor to the Finance Committee. The report of the Chief of Police for the month of ::arch 1942, was presented anc read to the City Council and a motion was made by 1Yilcox and seconded by Wagner that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The report of the Police Justice for the month of March 1942 was presented and read to the City Council and a motion was made by-,) Brady and seconded by Schulz tha` said report be accepted and placed on file.. Motion carried. The report of the ?'later Superintendent for the month of March 1942, was present(d and read to the City Council and a motion was made by Okerlund and seconded by Brady that said report be accepted and pla::ed on file. Motion carried. The report of the Street Foreman, for the month of March 1942 was presented and read to the City Council and motion was made by Wagner and seconded by Okerlund that said report be accepted and pla:;ed on file. Motion carried. A gasoline report for the month of March 1942, w_.s presented and read to the City Council and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Barker that said report be accepted and placed on f ile. Motion carried. Mr. Robert Propst who for sometime has been acting as Civilian Defense Coordinator, for the City of Anacortes, recently resigned from this position. Mr. E. PSI. Barker spoke to the City Council about a plan of Civilian Defense to be used in the future to replace a plan which had formerly been in operation while Robert Propst was the Coordinator. Regular Meeting Examiners Report Contract bond for the Anacortes American City Treasurers Report Chief of Police's I Report Police Justice's Report 75.00 ':later Supero® intendent's 119.00 report 10010 Councilman E. M. Barker representing a committee, composing of air raid wardens which was formed for the purpose of setting up a new Coordinating committee to replace the singular Coordinator who recently resigned his position, made a report at this time. This Coordinating committee was formed as a means of handling the Civilian Defense program in the City of Anacortes in the future. This CoordinatinE committee is to meet and choose their own CoordLnating chairman. Councilman Barker further reported that they had chosen the following committee from the different representatives: As a representative from the Auxillary Police, Dewey McFadden, and Auxillary Firemen, Phil Robbins, Red Cross, Mrs. Ted Trafton, Air Raid Wardens, Fred Ellison. kfter.some discussion a motion was made by Barker and seconded by Wagner that the Mayor have authority to name the above persons as a Civilian Defense Coordinating Committee-, for the City of Anacortes. Motion carried. Mayor Peters then appointed the above named persons on a Civilian Defense Coordinating COTlmittee. At this time the following claims against the City of Anacortes, for the month of March 1;42, were presented and read to the City Council: Sadie L. Arges 10008 Salary as City Treasurer 75.00 0. E. Arges 10009 Salary as Deputy Treasurer 119.00 John G. Dorcy 10010 Salary as City Clerk 75000 V7. V. Tells 10011 Salary as City Attorney 75000 Dr. Roy C. McCartney 10012 Salary as Health Officer 3 .50 A. R. Sellenthin 10013 Salary as Police Justice,z .00 0. E. Arges 10014 Salary as Janitor at City Hall 37.50 Alfred Robbins 10015 Salary as Dog Catcher 2 Mo. 50.00 G. N. Dalstad P. M. 10016 Postage for Clerk's Office 4.00 Trick & Murray - 10017 Supplies for Clerk's Office 2:15 Elizabeth M. Dwelley 10018 Printing Supplies ' 2'50 American City Magazine' 10019 Subscription to Am. City h1lagazine 2.00 H. 0. Davey, Plb. Insp. 10020 Plumbing Inspections 3000 Brown Lumber Co. 10021 Lumber for City Hall 2086 R. Ii. Dildine 10022 Supplies for City Hall 3:'97 Island Transfer Co. 10023 Fuel Oil for City Fall & Def. Office 33.55 Shell Oil Company 10024 Furniture Polish 1:09 Anacortes Gas Co. 10025 Gas for City Hall 8:10 Robbins Lumber Co. 10026 Lumber & Material 5067 Schwartz Iron Works 1002 Labor & Material 32.69 Brown Lumber Co. 1002 Lumber for Civilian Defense 1.74 West Coast Telephone Co. 10029 Telephone Service Civilian Defense 13. 0 Ropes Inc. 10030 Material & Supplies " to85.00 Shed Oil Co.' 10031 Stove Oil, " to 4.00 Affleck Bros. 10032 Stove Oil, City Hall '& 2 IIo. 20.00 H. H. Hinshaa 10033 Salary as Chief of Police 173°50 Tom Brown 13034 Salary as Asst Ch. of rolice 151.50 Nic retrish 10035 Salary as Patrolt4an 137-50 Jack Goff 10036 Salary as Patrolman 125.00 Merrill Iversen 10037 taalary as Patrolman 125.00 Report of the Street Foreman Gasoline Report Robert Propst resigned as the Civilian Defens Coordinator A Coordinating Committee for Civilian Defense 1 1 el 4?9 knri l 7 _ 104P Salary as Park Supt. Lawrence'collard 10038 Salary as Patrolman 12g."00 ,hTarvin Beebe 10039 Salary as Patrolman 2 ;3 Cyril Brewer 10040 Salary as Patrolman 96.79 H. H. Hinshaw 10041 Mileage on Car 6.65 11otor List Co. Inc. 100442 Automobile License Directory 41:20 Dept: of Labor & Ind. 10043 Ind. ,Ins. & Med. Aid 16.96 IT. S. Darley & Co. 10044 Supplies for Police Dent. -9.42 Jack V/ittrlan 10045 Service & Supplies (Rudi.o) 5.15 Dr. Roy C. McCartney 10046 medical Service, Police Dept. 3.00 L. E. Snider 10047 Salary as Fire Chief 170:03 Bert Verrall 10048 Salary as Asst. Fire Chief 153.37 M. G.' Strock 10049 Salary as Capt: Fire.Dept. 137.,09 M. R. Cookston 10050 Salary as Capt. Fire Dept. 142059 Oliver Hauge 10051 Salary as Fireman; Fire Dept. 73'98 S. C• Mondhan 10052 Salary as Fireman, Fire Dept: 127.40 L. E. Gibbons 1005 Salary as Fireman, Fire Dept. 127.40 /8-76 C . S trio ok X1005 Salary as Call man &Extra Fir errzan A• Mondhan 10055 Salary as Call man Fire Dept. 10'00 M.'Nelson 10056 Call Man; Fire Dept.' 1.00. Ed. �,.cGovern 10057 Call Plan, Fire Dept. 10 00 Vm. Bele 10058 Call Man* Fire Dept . 3.75 Fred Fisher 10059 Call Ilan; Fire Dept, 1000 George Olson loo6o Call Man, Fire Dept. 1000 L. E. Snider 10061 Mileage on Car 11036 :'later De_'artment 10062 Hydrant Rental 665:.70 Firemen's Rel. & Pen. Fd. 10063 2% of Firemen's Salaries 19.03 Ropes Inc. 10064 Eqpt. for Fire Dept. 46059 Anacortes Laundry 10065 Laund:-•y Service, Fire & Pol. Dept. 60444 Autotiotive Parts Service 10066 Supplies for Fire Dept. 2006 Schwartz Iron Works 10067 `Jelding Service 1003 Cook's Key & C;rcle 'Shop 10068 Filing saws 1.24 Anacortes Drug Co. loo69 Supplies for Fire Dept.* 1.12 Allan's 10070 Supplies for Fire Dept.* .31 Sanderson Safety Sup. Co. 10071 Supplies for Fire. Dept. 3.18 ° Western Auto Supply Co. 10072 Material & Supplies 12.72 Vlest Coast Telephone Co. 10073 Telephone Service, Fire & Police 6.75 Purine Supply & Hardware 10074 Supplies; Fire & Police Deptsa 14.60 Standard Oil Co. 10075 Supplies; Fire & Police Dents: 56.41 T:ie Fern Press 10076 Supplies, Clerk & Police 14.86 Union Printing Co. 10077 Supplies, Clerk & Registration 9.06 Puget Sd. Pr. '& Lt. Co. 10078 St. & City Hall Lights 290.98 ,� f George Dunlap, Co. Treas. 10079 Payment of Cam Bldg & Playfield 1241°90 lam' Anacortes Water Pep t. 100 ;0 Water used at Aux Police IUq. 3.65 Marine Supply Co. 10081 Material & Supplies, Civilian Def.185.73 LIBRARY FUND Flaval Pearson 1607 Salary as Librarian 120.00 Blanche Sackett 1608 Salary as Asst. Librarian 65.00 Fred Marshall 16o9 Salary as Janitor at Library 4'7.50 Fern Martin 1610 Extra Mork at Library 22.80 Flaval Pearson 1611_ Cash advanced 1.26 .Anacortes 'later Dept. 1612 Wa Water used in Library 2.50 .Puget Sd. Pr. & Lt. Co. 1613 Lights used at Library 9.23 Follett Book Company 1614 Books for Library 8.75 Snyder's Pharmacy i615 Supplies for Library 6.18 Southside Ilardware Co. 1616 Supplies for Library J. K. Gill Company 1617 Books for Library �.15 1 .03 Dept. of Labor & Ind. 1.18 Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid .36 PARK FUND J. E. Harding 12;7 Salary as Park Supt. 130.00 Frank Knapp 1298 Salary as Park Employee 110.00 H. 0. `Tlampler 1299 Service f or Park Deet. 2.57 Carlos -C. Cook 1300 Service for Park Debt. 1.39 City Street Fund. 1301 Gasoline used in Park Truck 5.17 Dept of Labor & Ind. 1302 Ind. Ins. & 3.1ed. Aid 3°75 Marine Supply & Hardware 1303 Material & Supplies 3.15 Anacortes Ice Company 1304 Supplies for Park Dept. 4.50 WATER FUND T. G. McCrory 7109 Salary as dater Supt. 270.00 Charles Z'ledlund 7110 Salary as 1?7ater Foreman 157.50 M. 0. Berentson 7111 Salary as Serviceman 135.50 17. 0. Rogers 7112 Salary as Filterman 141.00 Russell Carolan 7113 Salary as Filterman 130.00 Norman Fulton 7114 Salary as Filterman 120.00 Lester Thomas 7115 Salary as Pumpman 110.00 John G. Dorcy 7116 Salary as Bookkeeper 37.50 1.Iarie McDugle '7117 Salary as Clerk 20.48 Vlalter Heglin 7118 Salary as Guard, Fater Dept. 14.00 E. A. Boyer 7119 Salary as Guard, 'later Dept: .12x00 Henry 71aMpler 7120 Salary as Guard; ';later Dept. ':93000 T. A. Pumarlo 7121 Salary as Guard, Water Dept. 93.00 Philip Minck 7122 Salary as Guard, Mater Dept. 93000 Alex P'IcRay 7123 Salary as Gua rd; ,`later Dept, 93.00 Jim Kerr 7124 Salary as Guard, Water Dept. 17-0-50 T. G. McCrory '1125 Mileage on Car 11.50 Current Expense Fund 7126 Transfer of Funds 119.00 City Street Fund 7127 Gasoline used in dater Dept. 14.06 Skagit Bonded Collectors 7128 Collection of dater Bills2 39,17 Standard Oil Company 7129 Supplies for Mater Dept, ,72 nBo WATER FUND Cont. Brown Lumber Company 71.30 Material. for Filter Plant 23.91 Island Transfrer Co. '1131 Fuel. f.'or Filter Plant 1609.1 ,,'est Coast Telephone Co. 7132 Telephone Service 10000 Rensselaer Valve Co. 7133 Valve Parts for Mater Dept. 14060 Van Water & Rogers 7134 Suppl ie.p for Slater' Dept . 20.09 Simpsons• Electric Shop .7135 Material and Service 76.82 Pennsylvania Salt Co. 7130 Chlorine for Water Dept. 150.00 ,Skagit Mill Co. 7137 Telephone Eqpt. Filter Plant 5.15 Worthington Gamon Meter Co.' 7138 Meter Parts 25.,66 Skagit Valley Telephone Co. 7139 Telephone Service at Avon, 2' Mo. 12075 Skagit Electric Co. 7140 Material and service 58;32 DeLaval Steam Tur bine Co. 7141 Pumn Parts, Avon Pump 4:04 Puget Sd. Pr. & Lt. Co. 7142 poN,;er and Service 1260037 Pacific Highway Transport 7143 Freight on pump parts 075* Federal Pipe & Tank Co.' 7144 Pipe bands �.' Supplies 56,44 Marine Supply & Hardware 7145 Material & Supplies 207025 Ana -Mt. Vernon Stage Co. 7146 Express on pump parts 50 Pittsburgh Eq. Meter Co. 7147 Meter Parts 39:73 Dept of Labor & Ind. 7148 Ind. Ins. & ivied. Aid 20092 Schwartz Iron Work %149 Material & Supplies 16>32 G. N. Dalstad P:M. .7150 Postage for Water Office 5000 Curtis Wharf Co. 7151 Supplies for Water Dept. 45'.32 The Fern Press 1'., 7152 Supplies for dater Office 15086 Anacortes Foundry 7153 Casting for Water Dept. 12.88 CITY STREET RJND P.E. Olson Lynn Baloomb 1265 1266 Salary as St. Foreman Salary as Graderman 157-50 157.50 car were discussed at this time and read for information:, A motion was made by Artis Taylor 12•:)7 Salary as Maintenance 1.1an 1441.00 police car. G. Miller 1268 Salary as Maintenance Man 141.00 Motion carried. Section one read; and the motion was made by .)kerlund, and seconded Roy L. McDougall 1269 Salary as Maintenance Man 141.00 Dave Summers 1270 Salary as St. Sweeper- 75000 seconded -by Barker that said police emerge.,cy ordinance be published and held over Alfred Robbins 1271 Salary as Dumpman 20.00 T. G. McCrory 1272 Salary as Supervisor 50.00 while acting as Civilian Defense Coordinator in the City of Anacortes. Motion John G. Dorcy 1273 Salary as Bookkeeper 27.50 Schwartz Iron Works 1274 Material & Supplies 62.92 Marine Supply & Hardware 1275 Material & Supplies 56.69 Colvin's•Service Station 1276 Tire Repairs 2..58 E> A. Abbott Motor Co. 127? Grader Repairs ";2.50 Standard Oil Co. 1278 Gasoline & Fuel Oil 38.08 Shell Oil Company 1279 Gasoline, City Pump 67.60 Union Oil Company 1280 Supplies for St. Dept. 12.03 Puget Sd. Pr. & Lt. Co. 1281 Power for Crusher 37.50 Trulson Motor Co. 1282 Truck Repairs 6.49 Dept. of Labor & Ind. 1283 Ind. Ins. & Ided. Aid 16.50 Nambly & Sons 1284 Material for Com. Ave Const'n. 6.66 Curtis TTharf Co. 1285 Material for Com. Ave. Cons t'n. 7.88 Brown Lumber Co. 1286 Lumber for Street Dept. 10.41 C0120NITY BUILDINTG FUND James McLachlan 1 Plumbing labor & Material 12.04 A motion was made by Okerlund and seconded by Barker that the above claims against the City of Anacortes, for the month of March 1942, be referred to the finance committee. The finance committee considered said claims against the City Claims be of Anacortes for the month of March 1942, and recommended that the claims be referred to the allowed a-nd warrants drawn in favor of same. A motion was made by Okerlund and Finance committee seconded by 71ilcox that the report of the finance committee recommending the payment of the claims for the Month of March 1942 be adopted. Ayes, S.ahulz, Okerlund, Wilcox, Barker, Brady, Morrisson, and Wagner. Motion carried. At 't -his time a proposed emergency ordinance to provide funds in the amount of$300.00 for tires and other necessary repairs and replacements for the police car were discussed at this time and read for information:, A motion was made by F,me rgency funds Okerlund and seconded by Brady that said police emergency ordinance �g:�v�n its provided for the ,first and second readings by title. Motion carried. Said ordinance given its police car. first and second,•readings by title,and ,a motion was made by Okerlund and seconded by Brady that said ordinance be .-iven its t h.Ttd and f in=w1 reading by sections. Motion carried. Section one read; and the motion was made by .)kerlund, and seconded by Schulz thnt section one be adopted. Motion carried. Section two read, motion was ma.de­by Brady, and seconded by Wilcox that section two be adopted. Motion carried.- Section three read, a motion was made by Okerlund and seconded by Barker that section three be adopted. Motion carried. A motion was made by Okerlund and seconded -by Barker that said police emerge.,cy ordinance be published and held over until April 21, 1942, at the regular meeting of the City Council at 8 o'clock P.M. on said day. Motion carried. Motion was made by Brady and seconded by Barker that the City Clerk write Thank Robert to Mr. Robb rt Propst, and thank him for his faithful service and untiring efforts Propst for ha. while acting as Civilian Defense Coordinator in the City of Anacortes. Motion faithful service carried.. Mr. Archie Allan spoke to the City Council and urged them to use every effort to have the heating plant installed in the Community Building as soon as posoible. Mr. Allan further stated that he felt that the City Council was very fortunate in Tar. Allan urges receiving a reasonable bid for the heating plant as they :.iad received, and he hopea; them to have the that it would be possible to install the heating plant in the .,ery near future. heating plant installed. 4B1 APRLZ Having completed a business meeting, a' motion vias made; by Okerlund, and seconded meeting by Schulz that the meeting of the City Council adjoarn. .i,Iotion carried. The meetinc- adjourned iof the City Council did then adjourn. 1 i f Attest: C IT#1, iA CAH_ April 21, 1942 A. regular meeting of the City Council of the City of' Anacortes, Was calked Regular to order at 8 o'clock P.M., with Manor C. A. Peters presidin"g. Roll -was called Meeting and Schulz, Okerlund, Barker, Brady, n:iorrisson and Wagner were present. The minutes of the previous meeting was read and approved as read. Recently the City of Anacortes made an application to the War Production Application to the, Board in '3ashin6ton, D.C. to obtain a priority rating to purchase the material !`far Production and equipment !leeded for the installation o.f the heating plant in the Anacortes Board for Priority Community Building. The following is a.�-copied excerpt from the preference (dumber rating certificate received from the filar Production Board in Washington, D.C. „t this time Lir. 7- V. `;(ells, City Attorney presented a report recommending Surety bond for the acceptance'of a'surety bond for T. G. XcCrory, the Street supervisor, for the T. G. McCrory amount of 01,000.00-, also a surety bond for T. G. 11cCrory as ,Tater Superintendent it the ariount.of .,'1,000.00 be accented. Motion made by Okerlund and Seco-nded by Wagnex that the City Attorney's report recommending the acceptance of surety bonds of T. G. McCrory be adopted. 1dotion carried. 1941, annual City Clerk's report was presented to the City Council and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Okerlund, that the annual report of the City Cleric 1941 Clerl-,9s report for the year 1941, be accepted and filed and that a copy of this report be mailed tc presented to the the Hayor and Councilmen. Llotion carried. council. 1941 annual report of the ;Lnacortes ';'tater Department was presented to the City Council and a motion was made by Okerlund and seconded by Schulz that said report Anacortes ~Vater Del t. report presented tc Council LIAR PRODUCTION B O ARD PRE l3MME RATING CERTIFICATE Serial No. 583300 I Issued to: City of Anacortes City Hall, Anacortes, ,+tashir�gton Items covered by this Certificate. Required'. Quantity Each Value Each Description Delivery Date Shipment Shipment 4/15/42 1 $400,00 McDonnell Automatic Slater Feeder 1 280.00 Hoffman Pressure Condensation Pu p 1 800.00 York or Enterprise Automatic Cruie O -i I Bur ne r 1 150.00 Reed Brothers 24 Barrel Oil Storage 40 140,00 Radiator Valves Tanrc 40 280.00 Radiator Traps Misc. 30.-00 Cast Iron Fittings The material requested: in your PD -1A application submitted under date of 3/25/42 has been assigned a preference rating as indicated below PROVIDED the oil burner or tank is not allowed for W_*shington as per regulation Lm56. the priority rating referred to above is Amb. File Filethe preference After some discussion a taotion was made by Okerlund and seconded by Brady that �, certificate ratir,and the above preference rating certificate and a circular letter from the War Production letter. Board which was read to the City Council be accepted and placed on file. At this time an invitation fro., Mayor Earl _filikin of Seattle, ' .7ashington inviting the mayor, City Council, and other City officials to a convent.cn of the Convention of the Association of Uashin ton citites to be Field in Seattle, an Ifay 8 and 9,, of 1942, ! Associated lashi_.-tnnseconded was presented and read to the- Cit'y Council and a motion vias made by Brady and Cities by Wagner that said communication be accepted anu placed on file. At this time 11r. Frank Taylor spoke to the City Council about the cost of the ! installation of telephones in the various air raid wardens stations and pointed out Price of that the West Coast telephone Co., had ,.;reed to install 10 telephones for J16.50 Installing the and pll.00 rental per month thereafter; after some discussion a motion was made by phones in C,! Okerlund, :and seconded by Schulz that the offer of the ,lest Coast Telephone Co. to ! install telephones in 10 air raid warden stations for a total of1b.50.and a total various air raid morithly rental cost of ,'11:00 per month be accepted and that Mr. Frank Taylor be wardens stations< authorized to have these 10 telephones installed in in air raid wardens stations at the above installation cost and rental rate. Motion carried. „t this time Lir. 7- V. `;(ells, City Attorney presented a report recommending Surety bond for the acceptance'of a'surety bond for T. G. XcCrory, the Street supervisor, for the T. G. McCrory amount of 01,000.00-, also a surety bond for T. G. 11cCrory as ,Tater Superintendent it the ariount.of .,'1,000.00 be accented. Motion made by Okerlund and Seco-nded by Wagnex that the City Attorney's report recommending the acceptance of surety bonds of T. G. McCrory be adopted. 1dotion carried. 1941, annual City Clerk's report was presented to the City Council and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Okerlund, that the annual report of the City Cleric 1941 Clerl-,9s report for the year 1941, be accepted and filed and that a copy of this report be mailed tc presented to the the Hayor and Councilmen. Llotion carried. council. 1941 annual report of the ;Lnacortes ';'tater Department was presented to the City Council and a motion was made by Okerlund and seconded by Schulz that said report Anacortes ~Vater Del t. report presented tc Council 482 be referred to the Fire, Light, and`Uater Committee. Report of the Chief of the Fire Department for the month of March 1942, was presented and read to the City Council and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by jagner- tlz-�t said report be accepted and placed. on file. Motion carried. At the meetinu of the City Coun::il on March 31, 1942, the following communication was presented and read to the City Council: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Anacortes: The undersigned, the PACIFIC TO7 B©'�T "0. , a Washington corporation, respectfully makes application to you for a lease for the period of ten years for the wrest forty fe-et of R Avenue, in the i;ity of Anacortes, extending from the nortl line of Third street to the inner line of the harbor area for which the end of the first five year period the rental may be readjusted. The proposed use of the said ground is for the building and repairs of scows and boats. The following City Clerk's notice was prepared by the City Attorney and was published in the Anacortes American, the official newspaper of the City of Anacort(s: Notice is hereby given that the PACIFIC TOW BOAT CO. , a Washington corporation, has made application to the Mayor and City Council for a ten year lease of the ,<<-est forty feet of R Avenue extending from'the north line of Thill,d Street in said city to the ' inner line of the harbor area, offering to pay $5.00 a year as rental of the same; the proposed use of the said land is for building scolis and boats and repairing same. Notice is further gi,��en that the city council has set the 21st day of April, 1942, at'8 o'cicock P.M. at the council chambers of said City for hearing and determining the said application, at which time anyone opposing the said a;1plic=-ati,. n may be heard. There be'ing'no protest against the granting by the City Council of the lease of the above described west 40, of R Avenue, extending from the north line of Thin:. Street to the inner lane of the harbor area to the Pacific Torr Boat Company, fora period of 10 years. A motion was made by Brady and 6econded by Morrison that the City of Anacortes, lease to the Pacific Tow Boat Co., 44-_s.et^Porth in the followin•; lease be granted and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the same. Ayes: Schulz, Okerlund, Brady, Morrison, and Wagner. Motion carried. I At the meeting of the City Council held on April 7, 1942, an emergency ordinance to provide funds for the purchase of tires, and necessary equipment and repairs to the car used by the Anacortes Police Department. This proposed emergen ordinance was published in the Anacortes Ameri„an and came up for final adoption at t his t ime. Hotion was made by Okerlund and seconded by Brady that said emergen ordinance to provide funds for the necessary tires, repairs and equipment for the .police car be adopted as a :whole. Ayes: Schulz, Okerlund, Brady, Morrison, and 17agner. At this time an insurance bond covering the Park Department truck was present to the City Council :end a.motion was made by Okerlund and seconded "')y I4orrison that it be given to the City Attorneyo Motion carried. Mr. S;Tilliam G. McCallum presented a surety ,bond for Marvin E. Beebe to the City Council and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Okerlund that said surety bond be given to City Attorney. Motion carried. In the -past several 'mo_lths several men have served 'in the Anacortes Police' department for a short period and the manner of providing surety bonds for those men who stay only a short time in the police department was discussed at this tim.� Councilman Brady brought this matter up and urged that some action be taken and th matter was referred to the License and Police committee. Councilman Brady r@ported that several complaints have been received about garbage service furnished by S. P. 77alsh, this matter uas discussed at some lengtY and was referred by the Mayor to the License and Police committee. They are to report back at the next meeting of the City Council. Mr. L. B. Snyder, Fire Chief, spoke o the City Council to point out the urgent need of replacing a 1918 Brockway t ck�,way Fire Truck, ti,Aiich is still in use in the .Anacortes Fire Department o Mr. W. 7.7. Wells, City Attorney, spoke to t'he City Council to point out the ways and means to provide funds by special election for the purchase of the Fire Truck. No official action was t ken on this matter. Mrs.' Marian Knapp made a request of the City Council to purchase necessary equipment to protect 2 units of emergency hospitals in use in the City of Anacort, in the event of an air raid. lli•. L. E. Snyder agreed to investigate the building and to make a report back to the City Council. Mr. *1;1. V. Wells, City Attorney, sug gested that all heating plant bids be rejected. No action was taken in the matter. Having completed the business of the evening, a motion .eras made by Okerlund and seconded by Brady that the meeting of the City Council adjourn. notion carril Keeting of the City Council did then adjourn. I Attest: (I CITY CLERK 51 S Fire Chiefs repo for Alarch 1942 Communication presented and read concerning the Pacific '.Cove Boat Co - Clerk's o Clerk°s notice about Pacific Torr Boat Co. 1 Granted the lease t the Pacific Toti=a Boz Company . Adoption to provic funds for tires repairs, and etc. for police car. Insurance for the Park Dept. truck. Surety bond f o Marvin Beebe Discussed about t h� surety bonds for t men who only stay a short time. in police dept. Need to replace th old f ire truck. s Necessity to buy equipment for the emergency hospitab Suggested that all heating plant bids be rejected. Adjourning of the meeting 483 May 5, 1942, rer;ulur meeting of t. -le G•ity Co,,:ncil of the City of Anacortes was calied to order T�e9-ular Yeeting .:•t .. o'clock. l.T..., with _._ayoi. C. A Petel.s presiaing. Roll was called and Schulz, cf tit`Y .w•1]lcox, Barker, Br..:dy and Wagner ,ere present. Hiinutes of the previ:;us meeting Council. 1,.ere read and av,-roveci, as re al, H. V. Abrwms spoke to the City Council in some lengthN. i:r. Abrams discussed gambling in -the country a.t large, and in r=,nacortes, land in particular the k�eeno aar-1e ich l In 0;?er�'icn >n one of the local theat_.es at the present Lime. Tla,yor Mr. Abrams C. A. Peters trunked i:ir. Ab_•ams, for ::is ler:iarks but no official action was taken on talking about 1..r. Abrams sugges ti oris . gambling. lot 14 of Block 97, of the original plu:t for the purpose of irrigating from an Sir. The following communication from ?ir. T. G.McCrory, Mater Superintendent, was Albert R. r'-artin presented and read to the City Council: to put in a riipe With the approach of summer and the sprinkling season tl-:iS office is to irrigate his receiving numerous inquiries as to whether the dater users will be allowed additional garden this water fir & rinkling purposes. Water for garden. sprinkling purpo.aes It is ir.pos,,:irle' to estimate just how much of a surplus ,:!e Will have. for the summer. 'However, I would recommend, that, t -he four summer months, starting*tidth the privilege of laying a 3/4 inch pipe across 11th street; thence west meter reading in the middle of _day and ending at a like date in September, the near the curb line toa point -opposite lot 9 of block 96, and across minimum amount of wz tel• charged to rco l:..r i:atei' users be ir.creL,.sed from j00 cu. ft. the alley in block 96, with the understanding that the pipe will be to 1,000 cu. ft. as long as o h<a.ve• a :surplus of i,ater over requirements, and that laid to a death as may be directed by the city engineer, and that sprinklin- be allo, ed from ;:.00 P.M. to .10:00 P.111'.. all work to be done to be as may be directed by the said engineer. After some discussion a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Barker that the Respectfully, recommendation of 1i1r. T. G. PacCrory in the above; communication be adopted. Motion Albert R. Martin carried. The following communication from Mr. Phil D. Burton was presented and read to the City Council: City Council _ Anacortes, Wash, Dear Sirs: Having acquired tax title to lot 17 block 100, sane find there is some City ' assessments which are delinquent. We hereby offer $15.00 to clear up these assessments, for this amount. Will you please bring this up at your early meeting. Tax title is in the na ,e of Mlargaret Burton. "ours very truly, Phi._ D. Burton with check attached After some discussion a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Wagner that above communication for Mr. Phil D. Burton be refeired to the City Attorney. the At this time Mr. C. A. Peters reappointed i,Irs. .3144ge Stafford as a member of the Library Board for a five year period. Motion was made by Brady and seconded by Barker that the City Clerk write a letter to Mrs. G. D. Shannon, to express the thanks and appreciation of the Mayor and City Council for the loyalty and untiring service of Mr. G. D. Shannon as a member of the park board and other civic duties over a period of many years. Lotion carried. Mr. "U. V. 'Wells, City Attorney, presented a report recommending the acceptance of the Surety Bond for Marvii: E. Beebe as police patrolman in the City of Anacortes. A motion was made by Brady and seconded by Schulz that the City Attorney's report in this - matter tie accepted and placed on file. Motion carried, The f ollowing communication from Tyr. Albert R. Marting was presented and read to jthe City Council: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Anacortes, ':iashington Gentlemen: I reside on lots 9 and 10 of block 96, of the original plat of Anacortes. I also own lots 11, 12 and 13, of the same block and �m developing a garden on the said last numbered three lots. I have opportunity to procure grater from a well situated on A petition' lot 14 of Block 97, of the original plu:t for the purpose of irrigating from an Sir. my garden. Albert R. r'-artin In order to g6t rthe Crater from lot 14- of block 97 I would � to put in a riipe have to run a pipe (3/4 inch) across= 11th street; thence west in to irrigate his front of the Bert Bothel property; thence across my own property to garden this the alley in the said block 96; thence across the said alley to ray summer. garden. I, therefore petition the Ira;yor and City Council for the privilege of laying a 3/4 inch pipe across 11th street; thence west near the curb line toa point -opposite lot 9 of block 96, and across the alley in block 96, with the understanding that the pipe will be laid to a death as may be directed by the city engineer, and that all work to be done to be as may be directed by the said engineer. Respectfully, Albert R. Martin Tiotion was made by Schulz and seconded by Barker that the request of A, R. Martii to use water from the well described therein,, be granted with the following provisions: That the 3/4 inch pipe above described shall be laid at a depth of t at least 8 inches ,but the water shall be used for ir.xigation purposes only. That after the installation and removal of this pipe the surface of the street shall be left in as good a condition as before, and also that the pipe shall be removed from t street, on or before November 1, 1942. Motion carried. The following communication from Mr. Phil D. Burton was presented and read to the City Council: City Council _ Anacortes, Wash, Dear Sirs: Having acquired tax title to lot 17 block 100, sane find there is some City ' assessments which are delinquent. We hereby offer $15.00 to clear up these assessments, for this amount. Will you please bring this up at your early meeting. Tax title is in the na ,e of Mlargaret Burton. "ours very truly, Phi._ D. Burton with check attached After some discussion a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Wagner that above communication for Mr. Phil D. Burton be refeired to the City Attorney. the At this time Mr. C. A. Peters reappointed i,Irs. .3144ge Stafford as a member of the Library Board for a five year period. Motion was made by Brady and seconded by Barker that the City Clerk write a letter to Mrs. G. D. Shannon, to express the thanks and appreciation of the Mayor and City Council for the loyalty and untiring service of Mr. G. D. Shannon as a member of the park board and other civic duties over a period of many years. Lotion carried. Mr. "U. V. 'Wells, City Attorney, presented a report recommending the acceptance of the Surety Bond for Marvii: E. Beebe as police patrolman in the City of Anacortes. A motion was made by Brady and seconded by Schulz that the City Attorney's report in this - matter tie accepted and placed on file. Motion carried, Mr. W. V. Wells, City A"Itorney, also presented a report recommending the acceptance of an in ' suranc.e policy oovef-ing the Doage truc.K used in the park department, and motion was made b.y Brady and seconded by !:;chulz that the report of the City Attorney in this matter be accepted. lotion carrieu. I The report of the City Treasurer for the month of April 1942, was presented to the City Council and was referred by the Mayor to the -Finance committee. The report of the Chief of Police for the month of April 1942, was presented and read to the City Council and a motion was made by and seconded by ''Iagner that said report be accepted and ;laced on file. __ Insurance on Park Truck City Treasurer's Report Report Of the Chief of Police The report of the Police Justice for the month of April 1942, was presented and Report of Police read to the City Council and motion was made by Brady_ana seconded by Schulz that Justice said report be placed on file. it Report of the Water The report of the 7.7ater Superintendent for the month of April 1942, -,.as presenter) Superintendent land read to the City Council and a motion was made by Schulz and seconded by Magner that said report be accepted an(' placed on file. The report of the Street Foreman for the month of April 1942, was presented and read to the City Council and a mot ion was made by Barker and seconded by Wilcox I that said report be accepted and placed on file. The gasoline report for the month of April 1942, was presented and read to the II City Council and a motion was made by ffagner and seconded by Brady that said report be accepted and placed on file. Yrs; L. E. Snyder, -Fire Chief', made an oral report at this time on the'..emergency equipment for air raid protection needed in the two emergency hospitals, one in the Presbyterian church,baseme nt, and one in the Catholic church baseirreht. Mr. Snyder recommended that 75 feet of garden hose, 2 hose bibs, 4 buckets, and 2 shovels be installed in each of the 2 above-described locations. No f'urther action was taken on this matter. Mr. Matt R. Kingsley presented an insurance policy covering the 1941 Chevrolet CZ) truck used by the Water Department, and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Barker that this matter be referred to the City Attorney. Motion carried. At this time the claims against the City of Anacortes for the month of April 1942 were presented and read to the City Council: Report of the Street Foreman The gasoline report Equipment needed in the two emer- gency hospitals. I Insurance Policy for Water Dept. Truck Sadie M.«.Arges 10082 salary as City Treasurer 75.00 0. E. Arges 10083 Salary as Deputy Treasurer 119.00 John G. Dorcy 10084 Salary as City Clerk 75.00 W. V. Wells 1;085 Salary as City Attorney I 75.00 Dr. Roy C. McCartney 10086 Salary as Health Officer Claims 37-50 against the A. R. Sellenthin 10087 Salary as Police Justice 25.00 City 0. E. Arges 10088 Salary as Janitor, City Hall 37-50 ,Alfred Robbins 10089 SUary as Dog Catcher 25.00 G. N. Dalstad. 1`14. 10090 Postage for Clerk's Office 4.00 Trick &Murray 10091 Supplies for Clerk's Office 2.67 Pioneer, Inc. 10092 Supplies for Clerk's Office 1.85 H. 0. Davey 10093 Plumbing Inspections 4.50 Anacortes Gas Co. 10094 Gas for City Hall 8.10 Anacortes Water Dept. 10095 Civilian Defense 11018th St. 2.50 Mt. Vernon Transfer Co. 10096 Freight on Civilian Defense Mat' 1. 1.09 H. H. Hinshaw 10097 Salary as Chief of Police 173-50 Tom Brown 10098 Salary as Asst. Chief of Police 151.50 N -ick Petris-h 10099 Salary as Patrolman 13V-50 Jack Goff 10100 Salary as Patrolman 125.00 Merrill Iversen 10101 Salary as Patrolman 125.00 Lawrence Pollard 10102 Salary as Patrolman 125.00 Marvin Beebe 10103 Salary as Patrolman 125.00 H. H. Hinshaw 10104 Cash advanced for equipment 172-57 Allan's Ifercantile 10105 Supplies for Police Dept. 8.40 Wm. G. McCallum 10106 Bona f'or Partolman (Beebe) 5.00 Simmonds Paint Co. 1010g Su:-,I?lies for Police..Dept. 2.06 Dr. Roy C. McCartney 1.010 Medical Service, Police Station 5800 Benson Motors i0109 Service on Police Car 36.61 Pinkerton's Super Ser. 10110 3u,,,3plies & Tire Repairs 1.85 Dept. of Labor & Ind. 101il Ind. Ins. &.Med. Aid 16.42 Central Furniture Co. 10112 Equipment & Supplies, Civ- Def.":' 1.83 Iverson Brothers 10113 Supplies f'or Police Dept. 2-3 Ocean Products Co. 10114 Supplies, Gity*Hall &,Police 2.59 Ed Rogers 101115 11epairs & Service, Police Dept. 2.58 Fern Press 10116 Supplies.' Attorney & P�Iice Dept. 14.27 L. E. Snider 10117 Salary as Fire Chief 170-03 Bert Verrall 10118 Salary as Asst. Fire Chief 153x37 11. G. Stwock 10119 Salary as Capt. Fire Dept. 137:69 IT. R. Cookston 10120 Salary as Capt. Fire Dept. 142.59 S. C. Mondhan 10121 Salary as Capt. Fire Dept. 127.40 L. 'P,. Gibbons 10122 Salary as Capt. Fire Dept . 12'/.40 George Olson 10123 Salary as Call Man & Fireman 1.6-4-9 C. Strock 10124 Salary a� Fiieman, Fire Dept. 117.01 A. Ifondhan 10125' Call Man, Fire Dept. 2.50 11. Nelson 10126 Call Man, Fire Dept. 2.50 Wm. Beale 10127, Call Ilan, Fire Dept. 2.50 R. Boyes 10128- Call Man, Fire Dept. 2.50 1. Dorcy 10129 Call Man, Fire Dept a 1.00 Fred Fisher 10130 Call Man, Fire Dept. 1.00 D. Ko n ro e 10131 Call Ilan, Fire Dept. 1.00 L. E. Snider 10132 Mileage on -Car 11.55 Firemen's Rel & Pen p . 10133 2% of Firemenis Salaries 17-52 Id 1 1 F� 1 May 5, 1942 Anacortes ;la.ter Del:t. x.0134 Hydrant Rental for April 1942 Ana -Mt. Ternori ;tags Co. 10135 Express Charges, Fire Dept. She -1l. oil. Corzpagy 10136 Gasoline,. City Pump Yeelyls Grocery 1.0137 Supplies fpr Fire Department Hill9s G.. P. Service 10138 Material &Supplies IJest-Coast Tel. Co. 10139 'Telephone .Service Anacortes Laundry 1.0140 Laundry Service, Police & Fire Marine Supply & Hdw- 10141 Material & Supplies Schwartz Iron Works, 1.0142 Labor, Material & Supplies Standard Oil Co.. 10143 Sup °.)lies, Re.,,-,irs & Service John G. Dorcy, 101,-.4 Regi str-ti„n of Births & De ..ths I)e:.nis Dobson 13145 117itness Fees, Police Court Martha.Dobson 10146 ';fitness Fees, Police Court Puget Sd. Pr. & Lt. Co. 10147 City Hall & Street Lights Curtis Wharf Co- 10148 Sewer. Pipe Benson. _.otors 10149 Police '_emergency Fund Island Transfer Co. 10150 Fuel Oil, City Mall & Defense Community Building liental Fund James McLachlan Flaval Pearson Manche, Sackett Fred Tfarshall Puget $d. Pr. & Lt. C06 Anacortes `:'later Dept. Fern Llarti n claval..-earson R. Ir. Dildn-ne Fern - ress J. D. Martin Junior Literary Guild Cecil Strong T.iacT."illan Company Follett Book Company The H. ';l. iVi is on Company Dept. of Labor & Ind. J. E. Harding Frank Knapp J. E. Harding': "'An. G. McCallum Marine Supply & Hardware Schwartz Iron Works City Street Fund Dept of L�:bor & Ind. 2 Plumbing Service, Com. Bldg. LIBRARY FUITD 1619 Salary as Librarian 1620 Salary as Asst. Librarian 1621 Salary as Janitor at Library 1622 Lights for.Library 1623 ;'later used at Library 1624 Extra work at Library lb25 Cash Advanced lo2,3 Supplies for Library 162'/ Supplies for Library 1628 Extra Labor, Trimming Hedge 1629 Books for Library 1630 Newspapers 1631 Books for Library lb32 Books for Library 1633 Books for Library 1' 34 Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid PARK FUND 1305 Salary as Park Supt. 1306 Salary as Park Employee 1307 Cash advanced for shrubs 1308 Insurance on Part: Truck 1309 Material & Supplies 1310 Service & _11-- terial 1311 Gasoline used in Park Truck 1312 Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid WATER FUND 485 565.00 .62 45.29 2.13 7.29 12.49 7.01 17.46 3.86 48.03 14.25 2.:,0 2.00 286.65 20.11 158.98 12.32 3.00 120.Q0 65.00 4'1 „ 50 6.05 2.50 16.20 1.50 .52 2-68 14.40 33.43 9.00 0.16 21.95 5.00 .36 130.00 1'10000 1.83 34.95 1.b0 4.12 5.13 3.75 T. G. TacCrory 71511. Salary as ,later Supt. 2/0.00 Cl:.arles Uedlund 7155 Salary as Water 'Foreman 157.50 12I. 0. Berentson 7156 Salary as Serviceman 133.50 ':l. 0. Roo 7157 Salary as Filterman 141.00 Russell Carolan 7158 Salary as !lilterman 130.00 T.�or:,.an ,,lion 7159 Salary as Fi.lterman 120.00 Lester Thv. ma.s 7160 Salary a is Pumpma.n 110.00 John G..Dorcy 7161 Salary as Bookkeeper 37.70 Laurene KcDjugall 7162 Salary as Clelk 42.8b Henry tiVamoler 7163 Salary as Guard, );later Dept. 9.00 T. A. Pumarlo 7164 Salary as Guard, Crater Dept. 9.00 G. F. Keller '1165 salary as Guard, Water Dept. 135.00 Philip-Mi:ck 716b Salary as Guard, Water Dept. 76.50 Aleck LIcRay 7167 Salary as Guard, Crater Dept. 7b.50 Jim Kerr 7168 Salary as %zdrd, '.-ater Dept. 150.00 T. G.. N -Crory 7169 T ileage on Car 15.60 Current Expense Fund 7170 Transfer of Funds 119.00 Schwartz Iron Works 7171 Material & Supplies :62 City Street Fund 7172 Gasoline used in dater Dept. 12.98 Central Furniture Go. 7173 Supplies for Caater Dept. 4.64 Skagit Banded Collectors 7174 Collection of eater bills 30.67 The Fern Press 7175 Printing Supplies 4.63 Marine Supply &_ Hardware 7173 Material and Supplies 7'/. 35 Burroughs Adding Machine Co. '/1'17 Adding Machine Service 6:905 West Coast Telephone Co. 71'/8 Telephone Service 13420 Island Transfer Co. 7199 Fuel Oil for .Filter Plant 14.46 Curtis 71-arf Co. 7180 Supplies for ',rater Dept. 55.00 Puget Sd. Pr. & Lt. Co. 7181 Power & Service Cancelled Al Sellenthin . _ 7182 Uater Claim, Cos7a 1.00 Mt. Vernon Transfer Co. 7183 Freight, '.dater Dept. 2.25 Sc _entific Supplies Coli 7184 Supplies, ':later Dept. 1.5! Vh.illace & Tiernan Sales Co. 7185 Supplies,' -.-later Dept. 8.53 Pennsylvania Salt Co. 7186 Chlorine for Filter Plant 90.00 Federal Pipe & Tank Co. 7187 Pipe Bands 36.05 The Bristol Company /188 Supplies for Water .Dept. 2.�3 Barrett, 1-hentiens & Co. /189 Pump Parts 5.69 .Bell Machine 'dorks /190 Service, 'later Dept . 6.10 Dept. of Labor & Ind. 7191 Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid 18.97 Skagit Malley Telephone Co. 7192' 2545 Telephone at Av,,) n 4B6 Skagit Electric Co. '1193 Pump parts & Service 29046 vrorthington Gamon_ ]'Teter Co 7194 IVtet.er Parts...& Iaet.ers 119.53 M. R. KingDlQy 7195 Insurance on.Cnev. Truck 20.65 Pittsburgh Ly,, Meter Cb. 719 Meter Parts 9.64 Tart Commission 719'Z Bus.iness 'fax 4670'/8 Puget Sd. Pr. & Lt. Co. 714 to replace YIo. 7181 1249025 CITY STREET FUND p p. E. Wilson 1287 Salary as Street Foreman 15'/050 Lynn Balcomb 1288 Salary as Graderman 157.50 Artis-. Taylor 1269 Salary as Maintenance Man 141.00 jG.G> Miller 1290 Salary as raintenance Han 141.00 Roy L..McDougall 1291 Salary ,as 1Taintenance Man 141000 Dave Summers 1292 Salary as Street Sweeper 75000 Alfred Robbins 1293 Salary ws Lump Man 20.00 John G• 12.94 Salary as Bookkeeper 2`/050 ,Dorcy T. G. McCrory 1295 Salary as Supervisor 50000 Anacortes !,t. Vern. Stage 1296 Express Charges, St. Dept. .52 South Side Hardware Co. 129? ggpplies, Street Dept,, .37 pacific Pumping Co. 1298 Centrifugal l'ump,.St. Dept. 102.90 Schev:-.rtz Iron ;forks 1299 Labor, i:raterial & Supplies 90$5 Marine Supply �: Hardware 1300 Material & Supplie-s b.40 Ray Ropes Service 1301 Repairs to truck tires 44.80. Benson Motors 1302 Truck Repairs .82 Standard Oil Co. 1303 Material and Supplies 131054 Department of Labor & Ind. 1304 Ind. Ins> P Med. Aid 16.50 Simpsongs Electric shop 1305 Supplies, St.,,. Dept. .62 bit. Vernan Transfer Co. 130.6 ":eight, St. Dept. .75 puegt Gd. Pr. & Lt. Co. 1307 pow@;, for Crusher 37050 Piston. Service .Company 1306 Truck repairs 30.75 Howard- Coorper Corp. 1309 Grader Baldes il Repairs 81016 Pacific Pumping Co. 1310 Cent ril'ugal. 19ump, St. Dept. 102.90 Motion was made by Barker and seconded by -,,Wilcox tL..at the above claims be ref'err�!d to the finance committee. The 2inance Committee oallsulted the above described claims and recommended that. the .claims against the City of Anacortes, for the month of April 1942, be allowed and that warrants be drawn in favor of the same. Motion was made by Barker and seconded by Wagner th-ut the recommendation of the Finance Committee in the mat ,er of the claims against the City of Anacortes,-for t)�e- month of April 1y42, be adopted. Ayes, Schulz, T,lilcox, :parker, Brady, and Morrison. Motion carried. The following communisation from the Bepr;rtment of Public Service at Olympia, 'Jashington, was presented and read to t_ie 2ity Co,.ncil: Mr. Peters, I!tayov City. of .Anacortes Anacortes, jashington Dear Mr. Peters: on November 15, 1941, kre received construction and maintenance of a Great Northern Railway Company at proposed extension of 29th Street your petition f'or our consent to the grade crossing across the tracks of the the point of intersection of your in the City of ��nacortes. Thereafter, we ,rote .,he ;'rent _Tor thern Railway Company asking them• to execute a waiver of hea,rin- in this matter. In reply to t its letter the Great 1:orthern .tail•ray _ompa.ny stated that they would sign ,,, waiver of n t ice in this case, provided .ne C_ty of Anacortes would agree to :hare the expense of telegr"pti :,ire6 at tries crossing site il' tike same should prove neces--ary, arra would further assume all. the costs incident to the co:�stru:c_ti)n of this grade crossing. On February 15, 1942, our Iir. Osteim.in called upon you anti erre understand that in the course oi' his interview you statea treat the proposal of the Great Northern Aail.ray Cj.inun;- would be suk,mitted to the City Council and that you viou.1d advise aN s to .chat w,_tiorn tie City was going to tale in this matter. Ii the of'f'er, -as made by the Great Northern i"ilway Company, is not accentc.,LL) e to you ,nd you stili desire to construct and mainta-in this crossinU, it k ili be necessary tha a hearing be , hely on this matter. 'tee will appreciate very much having you advice us as to evliat action the City of Anacortes wishes to take in this matter. Yours very truly, LSPA iTMEa\T T OF PUBLIC SERVICE By A>.E. Rotchford, Secretary After the reading, the Mayor asked Council�an E. M. parker to consult Mr. George Krebs of the r're -.t Northern Railroad and officials of the Fidalgo Lumber Company to see about -,assuming the cost of planking for the Railroad Crossing at or near 29th Street and T Avenue. Having completed the business evening, a Schulz, that the meeting of the City Council did then adjourn. At test o 43i:ty Ulerk motion was made by _-.rady and seconded by adjourn. The meeting of the City Council Claims to be referred to the Finance Committee 1 0 Consult Krebs and th, Fi(�algo Lmbr. Co. for R.R. Meeting adjourne 1 C 1 Z 6 r? May 19, 1942 Regular Meeting A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to rder at 8 o'clock P.M., with Mayor Pro -Tem presiding. The roll was called and chulz, Wilcox, Barker, Brady and Morrison were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. The Pennsylvania Salt Manufacturing Company of Tacoma, Washington, presented an Re6ewal Contract ,renewal contract to furnish chlorine to the City of Anacortes during the period for chlorine. of April 1, 1942, to March 31, 1943. After some discussion a motion was made by Barker and seconded by Wilcox that the.Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign said chlorine contract between Pennsylvania Manufacturing Company of Tacoma, lashingtog, and the City of Anacortes. Motion carried. Mr. G. N. Dalstad spoke to the City Council and pointed out the urgent need of a water heater and tank to be installed in the Anacortes Community Building. After some discussion, a motion was made by Morrison and seconded by `Vilcox that an Discussion of amount not to exceed 6-80000 be spent from the Community Building heating plant fund Water Heater for for the purchase of a water heater and water tank. Ayes, Schulz, ",iilcox, Barker, Brad -.1c Community Buildinil;and Morrison. Motion carried. The following City Attorney's report was presented and read to the City Council.- '90 ouncil. '90 TIE MAYOR AND C O1DEON COUNCIL Your City Attorney, ToV. V. dells to whom was referred the matter of Policy ABG 639302, Glens Falls indemnity Co. covering Water Department one ton truck, Chevrolet, for property damage City Attorney's and personal liability begs leaue to report as follows: report on the insurance for the I have examined the said policy and f ind the same in regular ?later Dept. Truck form. A motion was made by Barker and seconded by Wilcox that above City Attorney's report with reference to insurance on the 1 ton Chevrolet truck used by the Water Department be adopted. Motion carried. Mr. Al Sellenthin who is chairman of the Anacortes Civil Service Board for the Fire Department spoke to the City Council at some lengths at this time. He said Unable to get that the Civil Service Commission had been unable to obtain any applicants for applicants for thcemploymen t in the Fire Department, although numerous published notices of Civil Fire Department. Service examinations for the .tire Department had been published. Due to conditions prevailing, the board recommended that there be no further examinations held for the positions in the "ire Department and Police Department. The Mayor to proceed as there were no eligibility list and to point those who were available and satisfactory disregarding the age limit. No official action was taken in this matter at this time. In the meeting of the City Council held on March .5, 1942, a letter from the Department of Public Service of Olympia, Washington, was presented and read to the City Council with reference to a grade crossing of the Great Northern Railroad on Report on progres,'29th ,Street near T Avenue. Mayor Peters at that time asked Councilman E. M. Barker ofBarker concernir go. ronsult Mr. George Krebs of the Great Northern Railroad and the officials of the the planking at Fiddlgo Lumber Company. Councilman Barker made an oral report at this time, and 29tH. and T Ave. stated that he had talked to the officials of the Fidalgo Bay Lumber Company, and tha they will make their report in the near future as to whether or not they will furnish planking for the grade crossing at 29th Street near T Avenue. Councilman Barker further stated that he would talk to Iter. George Krebs and make a further report at a later meeting. Having completed the business of the evening,, a motion was made by Barker and Meeting adjourned, seconded by Wilcox that the meeting of the City Council Adjourn. Motion carried. The meeting of the City Council did z�o then adjourn. Attest • City t lerk Mayor 4B8 June 2, 1942 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to ord(r at 8 o'clock P.M., with Mayor C. A. Peters presiding. The roll was called and Re ;ular Schulz, Okerlund, Wilcox, Brady, Morrison, and Wagner were present. The minutes of Heeting the previous meeting were read and proved as read. At this, time Mayor C. A. Peters appointed Mr. ;d Van Buren as a member of the Van Buses on Anacortes Park Board to succeed the late G. D. Shannon. Park.Board. At the meeting -df the City Council held on May 5, 1942, and recorded on page of May 1942 was presented and read. 483 of this record, Mr. Phil D. Burton offered $15.00 for a quit claim deed on lot City Council, a motion was made by Wilcox and seconded by Wagner that said 17, block 100, Original Plat of the City of Anacortes and was referred at that time be accepted and placed on file. to the City Attorney. At this time Mr. W. Vo Wells, Git y Attorney, recommended that Phil Burton's the offer of $15.00 for quit claim deed on above-described lot be accepted. A offer for a quit motion was made by Okerlund and seconded by Brady that the recommendation of the claim deed of City Attorneyto accept the offer of Phil D. Burton of 015.00 for a quit claim deed 15.J0 for lot 17 coverinU lot 17, block 100 be accepted and that the Mayor and City Clerk be block 100 be authorized to sign quit claim deed from the City of Anacortes to Phil D. Burton accepted. on the above-described block. Ayes, Shulz, Okerlund, Wilcox, Brady, Morrison, and Shulz and seconded by Okerlund Wagner. that said report be accepted and placed on file. The report of the City Treasurer for the month of May 1942 was presented to the City Treasurer's City Council and was referred by the 16�a.yor to the Finance Committee. report. The report of the Chief of.*,Police for the month of May 1942 was presented and recd Chief of Police's to the City Council and a motion was made by Okerlund and seconded by Wilcox that report. said report be accepted and placed on file. The report of the Police .Justice for the month of May 1942 was presented and read. to the City Council, a motion was made by Wilcox and seconded by Wagner that said Report of the report be accepted and placed on file. Police Justice. The and read report of the Water Superintendent for the to the City Council and a motion was made month of May 1942 was presented by Okerlund and seconded by "later Surper- Wilcox that said report be accepted and placed on file. intendent's report. The report of the Street Foreman for the month of may 1942, was presented and read to the City Council and a motion was made by Shulz and seconded by Okerlund Street Foreman's that said report be accepted and placed on file. report. The report of the Fire Chief for the month of April 1942, was presented and read to the City Council and a motion was made by Morrison and seconded by Brady Fire Chief's that said report be accepted and placed on file. report. Mr. L. E. Snider, Chief of the Fire Department spoke to the City Council at this time about employment of men who are not under Civil Service, and in particular about the employment of a minor who is less than 18 years old. fir. Snider describe Employment of further the matter of purchasing accident and liability insurance covering men Firemen not under working in the Fire Department who are not under Civil Service. The City Council Civil Service. discussed this matter at some lengths and a. motion .,ias made by Okerlund and seconde by Wilcox that this matter be referred to the Fire, Light, and :Tater Committee, Fire Chief -and City Attorney to report at *he -next meeting of the City Council. Motion carried. Mr. L. E. Snider, Fire Chief, also spoke to the City Council about the purcahse of a second hand truck chassis to take the body of the Brockway fire truck. After some discussion in this matter, a motion was made,.by Brady and seconded by Lrorrison Want of a chassis that this matter be referred to the Fire, Light, and ;Tater Committee and to, the to take the place Fire Chief to investigate the matter of the purchase of a truck chassis to be used of the Brockwa in placed of the Brockway Fire truck chassis. Motion carried. fire truck. -The gasoline report for the month of May 1942, was presented and read to the City Council, and a motion was made by Okerlund and seconded by Brady that the Gasoline report gasoline report be `accepted and placed on file. was made. The inatter of license rates for theatres and bowling, and duck pin alleys was discussed at some lengths at this time, and a motion was made by Morrison and seconded by Wagner that the City Clerk of Anacortes write to the City Clerk's of Licenses for the Sedro Woolley, and Mt. Vernon, and several other towns and inquire the amount of theatres and duck the license fees in t�:e it respective cities. Motion carried. pin alleys discusse The Inion Oil Company presented a gasoline contract, Which was read to the City Council and as the bill for standard, non premium gasoline was .1352 per gallon, the same as quoted by the Standard Oil Company and the Shell Oil Company, Union Oil Contract a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Okerlund that the gasoline contract accepted. from the Union Oil Company be accepted and that Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign said contract. Mr. William G. McCallum presented a surety bond covering patrolman Don Smith, Surety bond coverig of the Anacortes Police Department, and a motion was made by Okerlund and seconded by Brady that this matter be referred to the City Attorney. Motion carried. Don Smith patrolman The following resolutions was presented and read to the City Council: Resolution concern- ing a minor for the WHEREAS, We, the undersigned, the parents of Buehl Berentsen, of fire department Anacortes, Washington, are desirous that our said son be employed by the City of Anacortes as an employee with the fire department of said City; and 7,711EREAS, The said Buehl Berentsen is a minor, not yet fully eighteen I years of age; and, WHEREAS, We are aware of the hazardous nature of the work and service; of a city fire department; NOVI, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, we as suich parents, do hereby give our full consent to the employment of our said son by and with the fire department of said city, and do hereby waive the right of 1 Claims against the C it y. 1 1 1 June 2., 1942 any compensation i'or personal injuries and do hereby waive the right of any action against the City of Anacortes which might arise by reason of the fact that the said Buehl Berentsen was given employment with the said fire department while he .,.vas yet a minor; and we do also give our consent to the issuance of warrants in compensation for his services, diroct to him and in his name Dated, Anacortes, Washing -ton May 29., 1942 Martha Berentson) M. 0. Berentson) After some discussion a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Shulz that the above resolution signed by the parents of BUehl Berentson of Anacortes, Washington be accepted and placed on file. At this time the following claims against the City of Anacortes for the month of May 1942, were presented and read to the City Council: Sadie M. Arges 10151 Salary as City Treasurer 75000 0. E. Arges 10152 Salary as Dep. Treasurer 119.00 John G. Dorcy 10153 Salary as City Clerk 75.00 W. V. Wells 10154 Salary as City Attorney •75000 Dr. Roy C. McCartney 10155 Salary as Health Officer 37.50 A. R. Sellenthin 10156 Salary as Police Justice 25.00 0. E- Arges 10157 Salary as Janitor, City Hall 3'%.50 Alfred Robbins 10158 Salary as Dog Catcher 25.00 G. N. •Dalstad P.M. 10159 Postage for Clerk's Office 3.00 Anacortes American 10160 Publication of Notices 25.92 Union Printing Co. 10161 Supplies for Clerk's 0--'fice 8099 E. P. Barron 1o162 Part of Clerk's Vacation 6.25 Municipal Year Book 10163 1942 Year Book 7.50 G. N. Dalstad P.Y. 10164 Postage for Treasurer's Office 5.00 d. V. dells 10165 Cash advanced for filing fees 1.00 H. 0. Davey 10166 Plumbin Inspections 4050 Island Transfer Co. 10167 Fuel Oil for City Hall 8.00 Anacortes Water Dept. 1o168 ;later at Aux Police Hdq. 110108th 2.50 "Teat Coast Tel. Co. 10169 Tel. Rental & Installations 4.65 H. H. iiinshaw 10170 Salary as Chief of Police 173.50 Tom Brown 10171 Salary as Asst. Chief ofl�o�b (D .46 Nick Petrish 16172 Salary as Patrolman 137.50 Jack ' Goff 10173 Salary a s Patrolman 125.00 Merrill Iversen 10174 Salary as Patrolman 125.00 Lawrence Pollard 10175 Salary as Patrolman 125.00 Marvin Beebe 10176 Salary as Patrolman 125.00 Don Schmidt 10177 Salary as Patrolman --17 days 68051 H. Ha Hinshaw 10178 Cash Advanced 8.07 Morse Hardware'Cob 10179 Su,)pli es for Police Dept. 11.91 N. Pinkerton 10180 New Tires & Service 60.55 W. S. Darley & Co. 10181 Supplies for Police Dept. 6.93 Art Burnside 10182 Eqpt. for Police Dept. 6.13 R. Fi. Hoyt 10183 Eqpt. for Police Dept. 20.348, Hill's Mobil Service 1ol84 Tire repairs, Police Car .52 Deroot. of Labor & Ind. 10185 Ind. Ins. &,+Ted. Aid 12.45 Um. G. McCollum 10186 Bond for Patrolman Schmidt 5.00 Ocean Products'Co. 10187 Kelp Soap 1.29 Shell Oil Coo 10188 Gasoline, City Pump 33080 L. Ee Snider 10189 Salary as Fire Chief 170.03 Bert'Verrall 10190 Salary as Asst. Fire Chief 153037 M. G. Strock 10191 Salary as Capt. Fire Deet. 137.69 M. R. Cookston 10192 Salary as Capt. Fire Dept.15days 64.41 S. C. Mondhan 10193 Salary as Fireman 127.40 L. E. Gibbons 10194 Salary as Fireman 127.40 '. C. Strock 10195 Salary as Fireman (Extra) 130.00 j M. Nelson 1ol96 'dages, Call Paan & Extra Fireman •35;98 A. Mondhan 10197 Wages, Call Man & Extra Fireman 4.3 L. Monroe 10198 7Ia.ges, Call Man & Extra Fireman 95:9 1.7m. Neale 110199 Wages, Call Man & Extra Fireman 25.15 R. B6yes 10200 Wages, Call Man & Extra Fireman- 19.82 C. Bibson 10201 Wages, Call Man & Extra Fireman 17032 H. Chevrier 10202 Wages, Call Man & Extra Fireman 9.6b Firemen's Rel. & Pen Fd 10203 2% of Firemen's Salaries 15093 L. Eo Snider 10204 mileage on Car 12.55 Sanderson Safety Supply 10205 Supplies for Fire Dept. 46.14 Bruce V. Nelson 10206 Fire Truck Repairs 1.60 Anacortes Laundry & C1' 10207 Laundry for Fire Dept. 4.5b Trulson Motor Co. 1020 Truck Repairs (GMC Fire Truck) 2032 West Coast Tel. Co. 10209 Telephone Service 6.75 Anacortes :later Dept. 10210 Hydrant Rental 565.00 Burroughs Adding Mach col0211 Supplies for City Clerk .46 Puget ;d. Pr. & Lt. Co. 10212 Lights, City Hall & Street 286.67 Bellingham Plb Supply 10213 Water ?eater for Corn. Bldg. 77.72 ihn. G. McCallum 10214 Equipment for City Hall 25.00 The Fern Press 10215 Supp ins, Clerk, Treas. & Police 12.39 C. A. Peters 10216 Expenses to Assn. of Wash. Citiesl4.55 3,782.40 LIBRARY .FUND Flaval Pearson 1635 Salary as Librarian 120.00 Blanche Sackett 1636 Salary as Asst. Labrarian 65.JJ Fred Marshall 1637 Salary as Janitor at Library 47,50 Flaval Pearson 1638 Cash advanced for May 1942 3,00 Puget Sd. Pr. & Lt. Co. 1639 Lights for Library 5006 Anacortes Water Dept, 1640 Water used at Library 2.50 Dept. of Labor & Ind. 1641 Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid .36 South Side Hardware 1642 Supplies for Library .U5 Simmonds Paint Co. 1643 Supplies for Library 2..26 Fern Martin 1644 Extra ;'fork at Library 15.00 Merton C. Baker 16445 Cleaning Library Skylight 5.00 Chester Baker 16446 hood for Library 9.00 Follett Book Company 1647 Books for Library 15.92 Philip Yinck 7209 Salary as Guard 291.85 Alex...M6Ray- :»:, PARK DEPARTMENT 00000 J. E. Harding 1313 Salary as Park Supt. 130.00 Frank Knapp 1314 Salary as Park Employee 110.00 South Side Hardware Co. 1315 Supplies for Park Deet. 3.49 Dept. of Labor & Indo 1316 Ind. Ins. & LIed. Aid 3060 City Street Fund 1317 Gasoline for Park Truck 5.95 Marine Supply & Hdwo 7216 Material and Supplies 253.04 , ATER FUND T. G. McCrory 7199 Salary as eater Supt. 270..00. Cbarles Wedlund 7200 Salary as '.`dater Foreman 157.50 Mo 0. Berentson 7201 Salary as Serviceman 135,50 Cd. 0. Rogers 7202 Salary as Filterman 141.Oq Russell Carolan 7203 Salary as Filterman 130._)0 Norman Filton 7204 Salary as Filterman 120000 Lester Thomas 7205 Salary as Pumpman 110.00 John G< Dorcy 7206 Salary as Bookkeeper 37050 Laurene McDougall 7207 Salary as Clerk 26.88 G. F. Keller 7208 Salary as Guard 155000 Philip Yinck 7209 Salary as Guard 77-50 Alex...M6Ray- :»:, 7210 Cancelled 00000 Current Expense Fund 7211 Transfer of Funds 119.00 Ta G. McCrory 7212 Mileage on Car 13080 Go N. Dalstad P.M. 7213 Post Cards & Stamps 55.00 Skagit Bonded Collectors 7214 Collection of Water Bills 29.75 Central Furniture Company '7215 Tools for Water Dept. 4.89 Marine Supply & Hdwo 7216 Material and Supplies 95.96 Schwartz Iron ;7orks 7217 Labor, Material & Supplies 177.67. West Coast Telephone Co. 7218 Telephone Service 8.00 Pennsylvania Salt Co. 7219 Chlori-ne f6r Filter Plant 105.00 Am. Yat. Bank & Trust Co. 7210 Bond handling charge 25063 Burroughs Adding Mach. Co. 7221 Supplies for I. -Tater Office .46 Great Northern Railway 7222 Freight on Aluminum Sulfate 25515 General Chemical Co. 7223 Aluminum Sulfate for Filter 482.00 Railway Express Co. 7224 Express Charges, Ifdater Dept. ,40 Puget Sd. Pr. & Lt. Co. 7225 Power & Service 1,171.79 Curtis Ctharf Co. 7226 Material & Supplies 61-39, Delaval Steam Turbine Co. 7227 Pump Parts 293-56 Dept. of Labor & Ind. 7228 Ind. Ins. 8: Ked. Aid 19-17- 9.17Current CurrentExpe6se Fund 7229 Transfer of Funds 220.73 Island Transfer Co. 7230 Fuel Jail & Freight 35015 Simpson's Electric Shop ; 7231 Service, ,dater Dept. 1055 The Fern Press 7232 Printing Post Cards 4.53 City Street Fund 7233 Gasoline used in Vater 'Dept. 12.70 Standard Oil Company 7234 Supplies for 7'later Dept. 32065 Brovra Lumber Co. 7235 haterial for Meter B6xes 64,39 Skagit Valley Tel. Co. 7?36 Telephone at Avon 3024 Alex Mc Ray 7237 Salary as Guard, "dater Dept. 77050 Jim Kerr 7238 Salary as Guard, "dater Dept. 19Z.00 4,6 .94 CITY STREIET FUND P. E. Olson 1310 Salary as St. Foreman 157.50 Lynn Balcomb 1311 Salary as Graderman 157.50 Go Miller 1J12 Salary as Maintenance Doan 191,.00 Artis Taylor 113 Salary as Maintenance Man 19d 6.45. Roy L. McDougall 1314 Salary as Mai nt enan ce Mun 141.00 Dave Summers 1315 Salary as St. Sweeper 75.00 Alfred Robbins 1316 Dalary as Dog Catcher 20000 To G. McCrory 1317 Salary as Supervisor 50000 John G. Dorpy 1318 Salary as Bookkeeper 27.50 Trulson Motor Co. 1319 Truck Repairs 11053 Schell Oil Company 1320 Gasoline, City Pump 67.60 Standard Oil Company 1321 Motor Oil, St. Dept. 33.48 Curtis Wharf Company 1322 Material, St. Dept. 2.26 Dept. of Labor & Ind. 1323 Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid 14.93 Marine Supply & Hardware 1324 Materials & Supplies 10050 Schwartz Iron Works 1325 Material & Supplies 7067 A. Grant Franklin 1326 Truck Repair farts 8.73 Pacific Highway Transport 1327 Freight on Asphalt 8023 Puget Sound Pro & Lt. Co. 1328 Power for Crusher 37050 A motion was made by '7il.cox and seconded by Brady that the claim of James McLaughlin in the amount of $3,30 be included in the claims against the city for the month of May 1942. Motion was made by Okerlund and seconded by Wagner that the claims against the City of Anacortes for the month of May 1942, be referred to the Finance Committee. The Finance Committee considered above claims against the City of Anacortes, for the month of May 1942, and recommended that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of same. McLaughlin's claim included with other claims. Motion carried. ,Ti inin 7 1 QLD i Recommendation of A motion was made by Okerlund and seconded by ',Wagner that the recommendation Claims to be Adopted of the City in the matter of the claims of the City of Anacortes for the month of May 1942, be adopted. Ayes; Shulz, Okerlund, ';Iilcox, Brady, Ptdrrison, and "iagner. Motion carried. Having completed the business of the evening, motion was made by Okerlund and Meeting adjourned. 13econded by Brady that the meeting of the City Council adjourn. Motion carried. The meeting o" the City Council did the►i adjourn. 1 A t t e s t: City,Clerk. June 16, 1942 Mayo r A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at B o'clock P.M., with Mayor C. A. Peters presiding. Roll was called, and Regular Shulz, Okerlund, Brady, Morrison, and 17agner were present. The minutes of the IReeting previous meeting; were read and approved as read. The following communication from the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign 'Jars was presented and read to the City Council: Causland Post No. 13 The American Legion Anacortes, Washington The report of the Chief of Fire Department for the month of May 1942 was presentesl Fire Chief's repor' and read to the City Council and a motion was made by Morrison and seconded by Brady for the month *of that said report be accepted and placed on file. Mot ion carried. Mr. L. E. Snider spoke to the City Council about the purchase of a truck chassis to be used in the Anacortes Fire Department to replace the chassis under the Brockwa-I fire truck and pointed out that he had located a suitable truck at the Morrison Pyr. L. F. Snider Mill Com, any at a cost of '1400.00. This matter was discussed at some lengths but found a truck chess: i4.t was decided to continue this matter unti� the next meeting of the City Council. Mayor C. 4. Peters, spoke to the City Council at some lengths at this tune to June 16, 1942 Mayor Peters told department: of the City of Anacortes and suggested that a special meeting be held The Honorable Vayor and City Council of a plan to raise City of Anacortes be asked to sit in at this meeting. Gentlemen: i Communication The Causland Post No. 13, American Legion, and the Discussion of the from the American Carlson Post Veterans of Foreign Wars jointly request theatre and boy+rlin Legion and Veterank permission to sponsor a carnival for the last geek of of Foreign ':jars. June, 1942. condition existing on Marine Drive at the present time. Mr. Charles J. Carlson has built a new home and the retaining wall which is being built in the driveway The condition ti, iA Very truly yours, exists on Ma::,ia.e _ Drive. Causland Post No. 13 of his retaining mall and driveway are not approved by the City of Anacortes, and American Legion wall to meet; City requirements, that he would have to do so at his own expenses, By (C. Martell) Councilman Brady spoke to the City Council at this time and pointed out that Post Adjutant Permission granted After some discussion a .root ion was made by Brady and seconded by Shulz, that to have a carnival permission be granted to Causland Post No. 13, The American Legion, and Carlson sponsored by the Post Veterans of Foreign Wars to jo ntly sponsor a carnival to be held in Anacortes Veterans and the the last creek of June, 1942. Motion carried. American Legion. At this time, a City Attorney's report was read to the City Council which Bond for Don Schmic.trecommended the acceptance of a bond for Don Schmidt, Patrolman, for the-Anacortes accepted, Police Department and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Wagner that above City Attorney's report be accepted and placed on f ileo Motion carried. The report of the Chief of Fire Department for the month of May 1942 was presentesl Fire Chief's repor' and read to the City Council and a motion was made by Morrison and seconded by Brady for the month *of that said report be accepted and placed on file. Mot ion carried. Mr. L. E. Snider spoke to the City Council about the purchase of a truck chassis to be used in the Anacortes Fire Department to replace the chassis under the Brockwa-I fire truck and pointed out that he had located a suitable truck at the Morrison Pyr. L. F. Snider Mill Com, any at a cost of '1400.00. This matter was discussed at some lengths but found a truck chess: i4.t was decided to continue this matter unti� the next meeting of the City Council. Mayor C. 4. Peters, spoke to the City Council at some lengths at this tune to point out the urgent need of some plan to raise extra funds for salaries in certain Mayor Peters told department: of the City of Anacortes and suggested that a special meeting be held of the urgent need composed of the City Council as a committee of the whole, and that citizens of the of a plan to raise City of Anacortes be asked to sit in at this meeting. funds for salaries. i The matter of licenses for theatres and bowling alleys was discussed at this time. The City Clerk read letters from City Clerk's of seven other cities in the Discussion of the State of Washington, which gave the licenses on theatres and bowling alleys in their licenses for the respective cities. At the suggestion of Mayor Peters this matter was continued theatre and boy+rlin until the next regular meeting of the City Council. alley. Bair. Z7. V. Wells, City Attorney, spoke to the City Council and pointed out a condition existing on Marine Drive at the present time. Mr. Charles J. Carlson has built a new home and the retaining wall which is being built in the driveway The condition ti, iA into the home does not comply with requirements of the City of Anacortes and a exists on Ma::,ia.e motion was made by Brady and seconded by Morrison that the City Attorney be Drive. authorized to write to Mr. Charles J. Carlson, advising him that the construction � of his retaining mall and driveway are not approved by the City of Anacortes, and should it become necessary to require him to change the driveway and retaining wall to meet; City requirements, that he would have to do so at his own expenses, and at no cost to the City of Anacortes. Motion carried. Councilman Brady spoke to the City Council at this time and pointed out that 4Qr-) June 16, 1942 during certain summer months when the fish canneries were running ttiat there was ' urgent need of transportation of workers to and fr;:m work, particulary those who work overtime. Mr. Brady said that he was requested to present this matter Su Besting that the before the City Council and try to have a plan worked out whereby the south side south side bus bus would run earlier and also later than it does on its present schedule. This run longrer. was discussed at some lengths and Tlayor Peters and several others thought it ,woulc be a good plan to present this matter to the attention of the Chamber of Commerce, No further action was taken on the matter, Being unable to complete the business of the City Council at the present /leetir.; Motion adjourned a motion va.s made by Okerlund and seconded by Shulz that the meeting of the City until June 23, 1942. Council be adjourned to June 23,' 1942 at 7:30.o°clock P.M. Motion carried. The ' meeting of the City Council did so adjourn. Attest City CleykMayor June 23, 1942 A Regular Adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7:30 o°clock P: M. with Mayor C. A. Peters presiding. The Roll was called and Schulz, Okerlund, Wilcox, Brady, Morrison and Wagner were present. Xayor G. A. ]Peters announced that the purpose of this meeting is the consider- ation and discussion of'ways and means to provide additional funds for the operation of the various Departments of the Anacortes City Government. Mayor Peters pointed out that as a result of the high salaries and wages being paid in both the Defense industries and in private industry, some plan must be found to pay a living wage to the persons in the employ of the City of Anacortes. The following persons were present® Archie Allan, 0. E. Arges, V. R. Burke, W. `.'rS. Keyes, Villiam McCracken, John McKirdy, Al Sellenthin atad P. P. I'Jorkman. Mr. 71m. McCracken spoke to the City Council and urged that Body to plan on financing only the bare essentials in jthe City Government and also a combined. paid'jand volunteer system for the Police and Fire Departments. Mr John Mchirdy spoke to the Gity Council and made a number of very good sug- gestions to the Council. Mr. Archie Allan, Mr. W. R. Burke, Frank Taylor and U. TI. Keyes each spoke to the City Council and offered a number of helpful suggestions. Mr. Al. Sellenthi.p spoke to the City Council and gave a very good outline of the duties and requiremen.ts of the personnel of both the Police and Fire Departments. Mr. T. G. McGrory, Water Superintendent, spoke to the City Council and pointed out. the requirements of the Washington State Department. of' ealth on the operation of the Anacortes Water Department. Mayor C. A. Peters thanked most sincerely all those who spoke to the City Council and offered suggestions, and having finished the business of the evening, a motion was made by Okerlund and seconded by Scula that the meeting of the City Gouncil adjourn.'Motion carried. The meeting of the City Counci:.1 did then adjourn. t t s_t o City Cleriv Purpose of Meeting Round Table Discussion. 1 0 1 l 1 1 July 7, 1942 A 11egular I:Zeeting of the City Council of the City of Anacoktes was called to order at 8 -o'clock P. M. with Mayor C. A.'Pet•ers presiding. The Roll was called j and Schulz, Merlun.d, Wilcox, Barker, Brady and Morrison were present. The Minutes of the tivo previous meetings were read and approved as read. The following commuti; cation from Mr. E. M. Schwartz was presented and read to the City Councilo Anacortes, mash., To the Mayor and City Council: June 30, 1942. City of knacortes, Anacortes, 3ash9 Gentlemen, Having purchased Lot #8 in Block #32, Original Plat of Anacortes from the County at Tax Sale, I am planning on using this property and herewith offer the sum of $15.00 for a quit claim Deed from the City.' Yo4rs very truly, (Signed) E. M. Schwartz After some discussion a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Barker that the request of E. M. Schwartz for a quit claim deed from the City of'Anacortes on above numbered dot and Block be referred to the City Attorney. ]lotion carried. The following communication from R. I. Stover was presented and read to the City Council, Anacortes, Washo , June 27, 1942. To the Mayo' and City Council of the City of Anacortes, Gentlemen: Some over a year ago I purchased from Skagit County, at a re -sale of County property, Lots 32, 33, 34 in Block 1 of Hensler°s 2nd Addition to the - City of Anacortes. The City of Anacortes had foreclosed on these lots for sewer assessments, but as I am informed the foreclosure by by the County Cleaned up on any interests the'City might have had on the lots. In order that there may not be any cloud on the title of these lots, I herewith submit an;- offer of $15.-00 for a quitclaim deed to the property,, (Signed) R. 1. Stover. After sometdiscussion a motion was made by Brady and seconded by, Barkertthat•the request of R. I. Stover for a quit claim deed from the City of'Anacortes on Lots 32, 33 2= in Block 1, Henslerls 2nd addition to the City of Anacortes be referred to the City Attorney9 Motion carried. The following communication from Causland Post No. 13, the American Legion was presented and read to the City Council: Causland dost No. 13, The American Legion, Anacortes, Washington. July 7, 1942. The Honorable Mayor and City Council, Anacortes, 13ashington. Genttlemen The Causland Dost No. 13 American Legion, having obtained the City Park Boards's sanction, now wish to secure your permission to remove the Field ]Piece now in the Causland Memorial Park. Yours very truly, Causlagid, Post No. 13 by C. Martell Adjutant After some discussion, a motion was made by Morrison and seconded by Okerlund that permission be given to Causland Post Number 13 American Legion to remove the Field Piece in Causland Park. Motign Carried. The report of the City Treasurer for the month of June 1942 was presented -to the City Council and was referred by the Mayor to. the Finance Committee. The report of the Chief of ]Police. for the month of June 1942, wa-s presented and read to the City Council, and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Morrison that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The report of the Police Justice for the month of June 1942 was presented and read to the City Council, and a motion was made by Wilcox and seconded by Schulz that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The report of the Water Superintendent for the month of. June 1942 was presented and read to the City Council. A motion was made by Okerlund and seconded by Barker that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion Carried. The report of the Street Foreman for the month of June 1942 was presented and read to the City -Council, and a motion was made by Barker and seconded by n/ilcox that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The -Gasoline Report was presented and read to the City Council for the month of June 1942, and a motion was made by Barker and seconded by 12chulz that said report be accepted and filed. Motion carried. Councilman Ferd Brady reported that the matter of having the South Side Bus make extra trips in the early morning and late evening to provide service for the cannery workers, had been taken up with the Chamber of Commerce and the Labor Unions to do something on this matter. The matter of licenses for Theaters and Bowling Alleys and ,Duck Pin Alloxlp 49., 4 was given more discussion and consideration at this time. A motion was made by Schulz and seconded by Okerlund that the license for theaters in remain at the present rate of 050.00 per anhum as set forth in Section 3 of Ordinance 712 of` the City of Anacortes,,and that the license for Bowling and Duck Pin Alleys shall be at the rate of $15.00 for 2 Of said alleys or less and $5.00 for each additional alley per annum. Lotion carried. A motion was made by Brady and seconded by Okerlund that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance amending Ordinance Number 447,oAn Ordinance imposing Licenses for Billiard and ]Pool Tables and Bowling Alleys and repealing ordinance Wjmber 3060, to provide the licenses for Bowling Alleys as ouliny(ed in above motion. Duck Pin Alleys to be licensed at the same rate as Bowling Alleys. Motion carried. Bowling and Duck. Pin Alley License The matter of licensing vending machines, such as are used for vending gum, candy VepGlirig Lachine bars, Coca-Cola and other merchandise was discussed at.this time. A motion was made License by Okerlund and seconded by Brady that this matter be referred to the License and Police Committee to make a report: on this matter, and that the City Clerk write to the Association of Washington dities for information on this matter. 'Lotion carried, An Emergency Ordinance to provide.additional funds for Salaries -and -Mages for City Salary Employee's was considered at this time, and it was decided to have a -an t,daaur.ned: Emergency Meeting of the City Council to be held on Friday July 10, 1942 at 7:30 o'clock ordinance. P. 1.1. to further consider said Emergency Urdinanceo The following Claims against the City of Anacortes for the month of June. 1942, were presented and read to the City Council: CURRENT EXPENSE Sadie Pd. Arges 10217 Salary as City Treasurer 75000 0. E. Ar -es 10218 Salary as Deputy Treasurer 119000 John G. fo.rcy 1021.9 " " City Clerk 75.00 V. V. W -ells 10220 14 to- City Attorney 75.00 Dr. Roy C. McCartney 10221 p a Health Officer. 37.50 A. R. Sellenth"in 10222 11 10 Police Justice 25.00 0. E. Arges 10223 11 t0 Janitor, City Hall 37.50 Alfred Robbins 10224 t' 17 Dog Catcher 25:00 G. N. Dalstad P.M. 10225 Postage for City Clerk's Office 3000 Union Pri !3.ting Co. 10226 Suppl�es::for Clerk's Office 1.07 Anacortes Gas Co. 10227 Gas for City Hall, 2 Months 11.50 Island Transfer Co. 10228 Fuel Oil, City Hall 3075 Curtis fi harf Co. 10229 Coal for City Hall 98.88 South Side Hardware Co. 10230 Tools & Equipment, City Hall 11.36 .7m. G. McCallum 10231 Equipment for City Ball 4.00 H. 0. Davey, Plb Inspector 10232 2 Plumbing Inspections 3.00 H. H. Hinshaw 10233 Salary as Chief of Police 173050 Nick Petrish 10234 to 11 Patrolman 137.50 Jack Goff' 10235 It It to 125000 Merrill Iversen 10236 " "" i° 125.00 L. Pollard 10237 It11 to 125-00 Marvin Beebe 10238 tt to " 125.00 Don Schmidt 10239 to 1t It 125..00 Iverson Brothers 10240 Supplies for Police Dept. 2.06 N. Pinkerton, Service Sta. 10241 P° 10 '1 'o Cancelled Benson Notors Inc. 10242 Service & Repairs, Police Car 27.37 H.'H. Hinshaw 10243 Cash advanced 4.52 Dr. Saiauel G. Brooks 10244 Medical Service, Police Dept. 3°00 Pacific Highway Transport 102445 Express on Equipment, Police Dept..80 Dept ' of Labor & Industries 10246 Ind Ins & red Aid 14.10 L. E. Snider 10247 Salary as Fire Chief 170.03 Bert ' Verrall 10248 to t1 Asst Fire chief 15337 Me G. Strock .10249 to, to Capt. Fire D.epts' 137.69 S. G. Idondhan 10250 t1 11 Fireman 127.40 L.' E. Gibbons 10251 " it it 127.40 G. A. Boirman 10252 t0' to It 125.00 C. Strock 10253 It 1t to 130-00 Russell Brown(B.J. Berentson) 10254 1t 10 to 66.70 C. Gibson 10255 Call Man & Extra Fireman 5.33 M. Nelson 10256 it It it it to 45.80 Vim. Beale 1027 " " 11 n to 9g3 Z . Monroe 102 $ IP oo t1 11 1t 9:6 b Eo Holmes 10259 It "' Fire Department 1.00 H. Chevrier 10260 i° 10 f1 11 2.00 R. Boyes 10261 " "' '0, to 1.00 L. F. Snider 10262 Mileage on Car 14060 Firemen's Relief & Pension 10263 2% of Firemen's Salaries 14.61 Anacortes Drug Co. 10264 Sup,,lies for Fire w Police Depts 1.90 United States Rubber Co. 10265 Supplies for Fire Dept 2.45 Neely's Grocery 10266 to to to It 2.06 Bell Machine Works 10267 Service for Fire Dept. 1.00 E. A. Abbott Motor Co. 10266 Repairs & service, Fire & Police76.51 West Coast :Telephone Co. 10269 Telephone Service 7.30 Simmonds Paint Co. 10270 Supplies for Fire ,_)ent. 7.13 Anacortes '.;pater Dept. 10271 Hydrant Rental 565.00 Marine Supply & Hardware 10272 Material & Supplies 6.38 Affleck Brothers 102?3 ;Stove Oil, Fire Dept. 8.24 Anacortes Laundry & Clnrs 10274 Laundry Service,.'2:Fire & Police D 2.96 Stannard Oil Co. 10275 Material anti Sud Mies &`J.80 Colvin's Service Station 10270' Equipment, Fire Dept. 3.80 Ben Foote 10277 77itness Fees, Vojkovi:;h Case 2.00 Glenn Long 10278 10 to it to 2.00 Puget Sd. Pr. & Lt. Co. 10279. Power & Service 286.08 1 1 1 1 1 1 .1 June 2, 1942 CURREENT EXPFI'T3E Anacortes "later Dept. 10280 Thornton's 10281 ;lest Coast Telephone Co.1.0282 Floyd Rusing 10283 Diamond 50 to '1.00 Store'10284 Anacortes Auto 'Supply Co10285 N.. Pinkerton, Service 10286 (Continued) '`later for Civilian Defense 2.50 Supplies for Civilian Defense 7.15 CCD & Air Raid ';Yarder,'-s Telephonc39.77 Cash ad -,j -an --ed for ,farden's Post #95.13 11ateri al & Supplies 7.10 Material & Supplies 16.27 To repla,• e No. 10241 5.92 11I PIS n.R x FU ?SID Flaval Pearson 1648 Blanche Sackett 1649 Fred Irlarshall 1650 Fern Itartin 1651 Anacortes ':later Dept. 1652 Puget Sd. Pr. & Lt. Co. 16.53 Oak Sri i t h 1654 Simmonds Paint Co. 1655 Flaval Pearson 1.656 D.ept of Labor & Industriel657 & Supplies The H. :'. ;Wilson Co. 1658 College Bindery 1659 J. K. Gill Company 1660 D. S. Garst 1661 Follett Book. Company 1662 Americana Corporation 1663 The Grolier Society 1o64 Harry Hartman 1665 Binfords & Mort 1666 The MacMillan Cozppany 1667 Salary as Librarian Asst Librarian " Janitor Extra 7ork at Library plater .used at Library Lights used at Library Wood for Library Supplies for Library Cash advanced Ind Ins & I -led Aid Books for Library Bookbinaing for Library Balance of Book bill Books for Library Ir la It IP 11 to IP I0 10 It n IP Book It it Books for Library PARK FUND .T. E. Hard ing 1318 Frank Knapp 1319 Colvin's Service Station 1320 Curtis Wharf Co. 1321 Alvin Smith 1322 South Side Hardware Go. 1323 Robbins Lumber Coo 1324 Dept of Labor & Indo 1325 Gity Street Fund 1326 12.0. OJ u5.00 47.50 15.00 2.50 4.82 10.30 3.61 2.C1 .29 6.00 1-7.6-3 049 5.15 57-71 2.95 36-79 14.50 1050 19.2 Salary as Park Supt. 130.00 Salary as Park Employee 110.00 Tire and Tube for Park Truck 441.86 Material for Park Dept. 2.65 Lettering to Signs for Park Dept. 44«50 Supplies for Park Dept. .78 Material & Supplies 1.49 Ind Ins & bled Aid 3075 Gasoline used in Park Truck 3.66 WATER FUND T. G. McCrory 7239 Charles '�;edlund 7240 M. 0. Berentson 7241 7- P. Rogers 7242 Russell Carolan 7243 Norman Fulton 7244 G. F. Keller 7245 Lester Thomas 7246 John G. Dorcy 7247 Laurene McDougall 7240 John Thomas 7249 Robert Keller 7250 Carl Welk 7251 Alex McRay 7252 G. F. Keller 7253 Jim Kerr - '72 54 Gurrent. Expense Fund 7255 T. G. YlcCrory 7256 Standard Oil Co. 7257 S & ';l Furniture Co. 7258 Alvin Smith 7259 Helmer Hallom 7260 American Legion 7261 Skagit Electric C*o. 7262 Island Transfer Co. 7263 Puget Sd. Pr. & Lt. Co. 7264 Colvin's Service Station 7265 Schwartz Iron Works '7266 Pennsylvania Salt Co. 726 Curtis 'J'harf Co. 720 Skagit Bonded Collectors '1269 West Coast Teliphone Co. 7270 The Bristol C'ornpany 7271 Wallace & Tiernan SalesGo'7272 Marine Supply & Hardware 7273 Mt. Vernon Transfer Co. '72 74 Skag it Valley TelephoneU07275 Bell Machine Works 7276 Dept of Labor & Ind.. 7277 Pittsburgh Equitable iueter7278 City Street Fund 72?9 Tax Commision 7280 Island Transfer Go. 7281 Salary as 'later Supt. Io- It it Foreman It to Serviceman to II Filterman ro M II to It II ro It to fo, " Pumpman to " Bookkeeper It Ir Clerk Laborer IP It Salary as Guard to IP It IN tQ' It. Transfer of Funds Mileage on Car Supplies for Water Dept.. Avon Pump Supplie s Lettering Water Truck Rent of Concrete Mixer Material for Meter Boxes Service & Repairs Fuel Oil, Filter Plant Power & Service Supplies for \rater Dept. Material and Supplies Chlorine for Water Dept. Material and Supplies Collection of kater bills Telephone Service Supplies for Mater Dept. Supplies for !later Dept. Material and Supplies Express on Pump Parts Telephone at Avon Mi'aterial and Service Ind Ins & 1:ed Aid Meter Parts Gasoline used in Water Trucks Business Tax To replace No. 7263 270.00 157.50 135.50 141.00 130.00 120.00 103.50 110.00 37-50 29076 8000 8.00 8.00 150.00 20.00 150.00 119.00 19.15 1.80 3.60 2.50 1.00 13.50 20.60 1,309.45 .93 35459 120..19 71.07 32. g7 110 09 4x59 7:8 122-73 6.65 20.23 18.67 40.17 15..00 485.40 10.4 � CI'T'Y STREET FUND P.. E. Olson 1329 Salary as St. Foreman 157:50 Lynn Balconib 1330 " 1P Graderman 157' 50 G•> iffiller 1331 rr 'r Kaintenance !,;Ian 141000 Roy L. KcDougall 1332 Ii' P° 19 141000 Dave Summers 1333 'o- '" 'P PO 130.00 Lee Parish 1334 St. Sweeper 75000 Alfred Robbins 1335 10 n Dumpman 20000 John'G. Dorcy 1336 Bookkeeper 27050 T. G. McCrory 1337 ro " Supervisor 50000 Standard Oil ' Company 133$ Supplies for St . Dept . K G.....: ill6..60 Colvin's Service Station 1339 Equipment and Supplies Idarine Supply and IT rdware 1340 Material -and Supplies, 603 Schwartz Iron Works- 1341 Labor, Material & Supplies 3500 South Side Hardware Co. 1342 Tools and Supplies 3 93 E'. A. Abbott Motor Co. 1343 Service on St. Truck 052 A. A. Reynolds 1344 Supplies for St. Dept. 16007 S. & T1. Furniture Co. 1345 Equipment fo-r St.. Dept. 1,055 Hoerard Cooper Ci rp, 1346 Gravel Pit Repairs 24.48 Puget Sd. Pr. & Lt. Co. 1347 Power & Service 61.46 Dept of Labor &Industries 1348 Ind Ins & I:Ied Aid 16'50 Colvin's Service Station 13449 To replace No. 1339 57.52 The above claiuls against 'the city of Anacortes, for the month of June 1942, were read to the City Councel, and a motion was made by Okerlund and seconded by Barker that above claims be referred to the Finance Committee. Motion Carried. The Finance Committee considered the above claims and recommended that the claims - be allowed and viarra tro drawn in favor of the same. A motion was made Okerlund and Oeconded by Schulz that the recommendation of the Finance Committee in the - matter of the claims against the City of Anacortes for the month of June 1942 be adopted. Ayes, Schulz, Okerlund, 'Wilcox, Barker, Brady, and Morrison. Motion Carried.. Being unable to complete zhe business of the evening at the present meeting a motion was Made by Okerlund and seconded by Barker that the meeting of - the City Council adjourn Friday, July 10, 1,042 at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Motion Carried. Tl�e City Council did so adjourn. Attest-: C i,ty Clerk lflayor July 10. 1942 A Regular Adjourned tneeting of the City Coucil of the City of Anaco-rtes was called to order at 7:30 o'clock P.id*. frith Mayor C. A. Peters presiding. The roll was called and Schulz, Okerlund, Wilcox, Barker and Braldy were present. The purpose of this meeting eras for further consideration of a.. Proposed Emergency'Ordinance to .provide additional funds for salary and ',ar-es of city emr-loyees. After considering this matter for so:_1e time a motion -was made by Brady and seconded by -Schulz that all full ' time employees of the City of Anacortes working in the Police Department, Fire Department, The Depu2 y TAPasty- :er;tPark Department, "later Department and Street Department be given IAVWnty five dollar .Tier month raise with the following exceptions! That the salary of the Servicel-Man .in. the; Water,-Departmebt<..be'raised -ta._an amount ,equal.:to the Maintenance Man in the Street Department. And provided further th",t savary raises be given' to the f611bwing° °• Flaval Pearson, 'Librarian, Y�20:00 per month, Blanche Sackett,,Asst.- Librarian, ;120.00 per month, Fred Marshall, Licrary jani- tor, ,12.50 per month, 0. E. Arges, City Hall jati-,itor', 10.00 per month, Al Sellenthin, Police Justice, 3plO.00per month, and A..F. Robbins, Garbage Dump man $10.00 per month„and also that all above' reamed salary raises be retro, active to July 1,..194-2. Ayes, Schulz, 7 ilcox, Barker, and Brady. Nays, Okerlund.. The following is the proposed Emergency Ordinance as presented to and filed with the Oity Council to provide the salary raises as given in above motion for theperiod from July 1, 1942 to December 31, 1942, both dates inclusive: ORDINANCE NO. Being.an ordinance declaring an emergency and making provision for meeting the same, • THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANACORTES DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. An emergency which could not have reasonable been foreseen at the time of making the budget for 1942, which requires the expenditure of money not provided for in the budget, is hereby declared to exist,, the facts constituting such emergency being as follows: the Government of the United States is at war, and the ur-ent necessity for the building of ships and planes and of the construct` ion of government military and naval projects in the Puget Sound area has'advancei the level of wages to such an extent that unless the City increase its salaries i1 its various departments it can no longer retain a suffient complement of capable persons to discharge its governmental functions. I. 1 1 1 July 10, 1942 That the amounts of money to the various departments of the City respect- ively to meet the emergency are as follows: To the eater'Department, including guards X9,400000 bo the Street Department 1;035000 o the Police Department 1,050.00 To the 1~ire Department 1,050000 To the- Park Department 300000 To the C'i ty Hall: 270000 to the City Library 315000 Section 2.. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to issue, and the Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to honor, emergency warrants for the, several departments of the City for the purpose above stated and in the amount to each of the said departments as set out in section 1 of this ordinance, when allowed by the City Council, the same being payable from any moneys on hand in the city treasury in the fund properly chargeable with such expenditures, and pursuant to lair. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after five days after its publication. i'ass-ed on the- day 6f -July' 1942, after having been submitted to the City Attorney and by him approved as to form. Attest: City Llerk - (CORP -ORATE SEAL) Mayor NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the foregoing proposed ordinance has been introduced in the City Council and will come up for passage on the 21st day of ,Ju' l.y, 1942. (Signed) John G. Darcy, City Clerk. A motion was made by Brady and seconded by Schulz that the above proposed ordinance be filed with the City Council and published in the Anacortes .American, the official paper of the City of ��VVancortes, and that July 21, 1942, at -8 olcloci� P. m. in the City Council Chamber in the City Hall shall be the time and place for the final passage of this proposed ordinance. Accident and ''iability Insurance Policies for Charles A. Bowman and Carl T. S'trocl� were presented to the City Council and a motion was made by Okerlund and seconded be Barker that said insurance policies be referred to the City Attorney. having completed the business of the evening, a motion was made by'.Yilcox and seconded by Okerlund that the meeting of the City Council adjourn. Motion carried. The City Council did then adjourn. i Attest: i C i ty C le I July 21, 1942 Ma& o r A regular meeting of the city council of the C.ity of Anacortes was called to order at eight o'clock P.M. with Llayor C. A. Peters presiding. The roll was called and Schulz, Okerlund, ;xdilcox, Barker, Brady, Morrison, and '-Wagner were present. The minutes of the two previous meetings were read and approved as read. The following communication from Tyr. Helder Hallom was presented and read to the city council. After some discussion a motion was made by Okerlund and seconded by Brady that the communication made by Helmer.Hallom be referred to the City Attorney. 11dotion Carried. Mr. "l. V. sells, City Attorney, spoke to the city council in some length and pointed out that if.:bection three of Ordinance 447 provides a license for both Pool Tables a,id B.)wling Alleys being necessary to change both of these li- censes at the sane time. A motion was made by Morrison and Seconded by Okerlund that the city Attorney be authorized to draft an ordinance amending section 3 of Ordinance 447 to provide a license fee of 104.00 per year for each Pool Table and for Boviling Alleys a license fee of 15.00 per year, for two alleys ,less and X5.00 per year for each additional alley. motion Carried. 11r. L. E. Snider, Chief of the Fire Department, spoke to the city council of the progress being made to obtain a truck chassis to put over the Brockway Fire truck. After some discussion by the city council on this matter, a motion was made by Okerlund and seconded by Brady that Tsar. L. E. Snider, Chief of the Fire Department be authorized to continue his solicitations for funds among the mills of the City of Anacortes for the purchase of a chassis for the Brockway Fire truck. motion carried. The report of the Chief of the Fire Department for the month of June, 1942, was presented and read to the city council and a motion vas made by O::erlund and seconded by Brady that the said report.be excepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The following reports were made to the city council . A meeting of the city council held on July 10, 1942 and recorded on page 496 and 417 of this record. There was introduced into the city council an emergency ordinance providing addition- Q8C,' al fu..ds for the payment of salary and wages to the employees of the City of Anacor.teso '' This said Emergency ordinance was purchased in the Anacortes American and came up for hearing at this time. No protest against the passage of this emergency ordinance were made and the motion was made by Okerlund and seconded by Brady that said emergency ordinance be given its first and second readings by title. Motion carried. -The said emergency ordinance was given its first and second readings by - title and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Okerlund that said emer- gencyoordinance be given its third and final reading by sections. 11otion carriedo Section 1, read and a motion was made by Okerlund and seconded by'Schulz that section 1 be adopted. Motion carried. Section 2 read and a Ynotion was made by Schulz and seconded by Oxerlund that section 2 by adopted. Iuotion � carried. Section 3 read and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Schulz that section 3 be adopted.. Motion carried. Mayor C. A. Peters spoke to the city council at this time and asked for reports from the different Department heads,•r1of men ir?holhalre,;left their posi- tion with the city of Anacortes to obtain higher wages elsewhere and the follow - are the written reports; 1:=Y 07 ANACORTES Washington Uater Department Anacortes, Wash., July 21,1942 Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: `:lith reference to the recent discussion regarding wages paid in the ;.Tates Department, and the need to adjust these wages in vier of the oppor- tunity opened up for our trained men to quit and work in other plants at a very much higher wage. This condition brought about by the higher wages paid, and demand for men, in the National Defense work. This Department lost one man, and four others were lined up to quit and oo 'to work at higher wages elsewhere if an 'adjustment was not made in these wages. Yours Very truly, T. G. McCrory ,. Water Superintendent CITY OF ANACORTES Uashingto n `later Department Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: Anacortes, `Nash., July 21,1942 In the Street Department three men had an opportunity to quit and take outside work at a higher wage, which they were contemplating doing, if their mage had not been adjusted. Yours very truly, T. G. McCro.ry City Engineer CITY OF AlWORTES Washington Fire Department Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: Anacortes, `:lash. , July 21,1942 During the past six months, two firemen have left the service on account of lova salary. Had these swages continued, four additional men would have turned in ,their resignations. Respectfully yours, L. E. Snider Fire Chief 11 1 1 1 1 CITY OF ANA"ORTES' 'Washington Denartment Anacortes, Wash., July 21,1942 Honorable Mayor, and City Council, Gentlemen: I respectively wish to call your attention to a critical condition •%,hich exists in the police department at this time, and one %,1hich it was impossible for any one to have foreseen, and which has been brought about mainly by the war.in -fhich we have not become actively involved. Three officers have left the department in the last six months to accept positions paying a much higher salary, and offering shorter hours. One of these officers was a man who has had more than eight years ex- perience as a law enforcement officer in this city and was a grave loss to the department. At least three other officers have received offers of positions paying a much higher salary than they are nor-; receiving and will no doubt resign .in the near future unless something can be done to relieve this situation. I I believe you all realize that during the past year at least the cost of living has increased to a very great extent and at the present wage scale it is almost imoossible to make ends meet. I wish also to say that at no time have any of these men been dis- satisfied with their jobs but that they can not continue at the present rate of pay. j I urgently request that you give this your earnest consideration as it is impossible for the department to function efficiently unless we can hold the men long enough to train them properly and for them to gain the necessary experience. Respectively yours, H. H. Iiinshaw Chief of Police 1 Havin-; covered the business of the evening a rmotion was made by Brady and seconded by Okerlund ,.hat the meeting of the city council adjourn. Motion carried. The me ATTEST: the city council did 4J 6-1 A rk then aQ ourn Mayor After some diL;.: ussion among the members of the city council s motion Salaries & was made by Okerlund and seconded by Barker that the above described emer- Wages Emergency gency ordinance to provide additional funds for salary anR ,rages for the Ordinance employees of the city of Anacortes during the period from July 1, 1942 to Adopted. December 31, _942 be adopted as a ..,hole. Ayes --Schulz, Okerlund, 'Fjarker, Brady, Morrison, and 'Magner. � Motion carried. Railway crossin,, 20th Street Idayor '�> �. Peters spoke to the city council an.(; said that Tur G. .v. Krebs, Treat Northern on a resident agent of the Railway had suggested that "et he city between Q Ave & of Anacortes did not wish to use the application for a grade crossing on R Avenue twentieth street between Q Avenue and R Avenue that the city of Anacortes unite to the Department of Public Service at Oi;:•mpia, vashington and can- cel their application for a grade crossing in this point. After some dis- cussion a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Schulz that the request to the Deoartment of Public Service for a grade crossing on twentieth street bet -ween 2 Avenue and R -venue be withdrawn for the present. Kotion carried. Qui.t Claim Deeds The following application for quit- claim deeds have been presented for'E. M'. Schwartz and read to the city council and referred to the city attorney. One for & R.I' Stover E. M. sch;'artz, covering Lot 6 on Chock 32 of the Original Plat of the city of Anacottes, one for R. I. Stover, covering Lots 32, 33, 34, Dlock 1 of Henshlers second addition to the city of Anacortes, and one for Helmer Hallom,. covering Lots 15 and 10of Block 130 of tine Original Plat of the city of Anacortes. After some discussion a motion was made by Barker and seconded by Oke fund that in the event the city attorney approved tie three above ap- plications for.quick claim deeds that he be authorized to prepare said deeds and teat the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the said deeds. Notion carried. 1 Havin-; covered the business of the evening a rmotion was made by Brady and seconded by Okerlund ,.hat the meeting of the city council adjourn. Motion carried. The me ATTEST: the city council did 4J 6-1 A rk then aQ ourn Mayor M,00 AUGUST 4, 1942 A regular meeting orf' the city, council of the city of Anacortes ,:as called to order at eight o'clock P. Id. with l-ayor C. A. Peters pr-esiding. The roll x-jas and Schulz, Okerlund, ':Jilcox and Brady .%ere present. The minutes of the pre- vious meeting dere read and a,•proved as read. The following report for a City Attorney as pre8ented and read to the City Council. After some discussion a motion Was made by Okerlund and seconded by Wilcox that the report of the City Attorney in the matter of the request of '-Lelmer "ailom for a quit claim deed covered lots fifteen and sixteen of Block 130 of the Original Plat of the City of Anacortes be excepted and placed on file. Iiotion Carried. The following _-=--tunication from My. T. H. T:.00dy vias. presented and read to the City Council. After some discussion a motion was maze by Okerlund and seconded by Schulz that this matter be referred to the Fire, Light, and ?`later committee, the ,later Superintendint, and the City -:Attorney. i. -Lotion Carried. The t..o follovring reports from Mr. '.'. V. `kr'ells, City Attorney were present- ed and read to the City Council: ATTORNEYS REPORT TO TILS MAYOR AVID C0111 ON COUNCIL: Your City Attorney, V. '4lells to whom �:ras referred the matter of Accident Policy leo. RG -385 written by the Maryland Casualty Co covering Fireman Charles A. Bowman for a three months period begs leave to report as follows: That I have examined the said policy and find it in regular form. Anacortes, `.gash. July 22n., 1942 (-Signed) 71. V. Wells, City.iAttorney ATTORNEYS REPORT TO THE IiAYOR AND COMfON COUNCIL: Your City Attorney, ,,d. V. ;Jells, to whoa via., referred the matter of Accident Policy No. R. G. 384 written by the Maryland Casualty Company, dated July 7, 1942, covering Fireman Carl T. Strock for a three month period begs leave to report as follows: That I have examined the said policy and find the same in regular form. Anacortes, Gash. July 21, 1-142 (Signed) W. V. Zt'ells, City Attorney A motion was made by Okerlund and seconded by Wilcox that the above Cit.., Attorney's reports recommending the exceptenceof Accident Insiu:rance policy for Charles A. Bovman and Carl T. Strock be accepted ana placed on file. Motion Carried.. The following claim against the city of Anacortes for the month of July, 1942 were presented and read to the Oity Council: CURRENT EXPENSE Sadie M. Arges 10287 0. E. Arges 10288 John G. Dorcy 10289 W. V. Wells 10290 Dr. Roy C. McCartney 10291 A. R. Sellenthin 102;2 0. E. Arges 10293 G. N. Dalstad P. M. 10294 Burroughs Adding Machine Co. 10295 E. P. Barron 10296 Trick pie Murray 102;7 E. S. Malone 10298 Laurene 1acDougall 10299 W. V. °Yells 10300 T?. 0. Davey 10301 Anacortes Gas Co. 10302 Central Furniture Co. 10303 H. H. Hinshaw 10304 Nick Petrish 10305 Jack Goff 10306 Merrill Iverson 10307 L. Pollard 10308 Marvin Beebe 10309 Don Schmidt 10310 H. H. Hinshaw 10311 Anacortes Auto Suuply Co. 'C3 -a2 c.. R. Arn e s 10 313 Simpson's Electric Shop 1-3314 Pinkerton's 'Service Station 10315 •Iverson Brothers 10316 T.lalter G. Palmer 10317 Standard Oil Company 10318 Dept. of Labor & Ind. 10319 Dr. Roy C. `cCartney 10320 L. E. Snider 10321 Bert Verrall 10322 Id. G. Strock 10323 S. C. Mondan 10324 L. E. Gibbons 10325 C. Strock 10326 C. A. Bowman 10327 M. Nelson 10328 R. Boyes 10329 J. Dorcy 10330 C. Gibson 10331 7;"m. -Beebe 10332 Salary as City Treasurer 75.00 Salary as Deputy Treasurer 144.00 It 11 City Clerk 75.00 It 11 City Attorney 7/5.00 It " Health jfficer 37.50 It tt Police Justice 3500 it t1 Janitor of City Hall 47,50 Postage for City Clerk's Office 2.00 Adding Machine service 5.05 Part of Olerk's Vacation 3.75 Equipment & Supplies 11.51 Supplies, Clerk & Treasurer 23.58 Part of Treasurer's Vacation 7.50. Cash advanced for postage .65 Plumbing Inorections 10.50 Gas for City I -all 5.20 Supplies for City Hall 1.55 Salary as Chief of 'olice 1;8.50 Salary as Patrolman 162.50 it It +t 155.00 to it n 15u. , 00 it If n, 150.00 it to '' L50.00 It if u 1c�n _nn Cash advanced & t i ieage on car ) . /'/ Supplies for Police Dept. .30 Material & Labor, Police Sta.- 22.00 Service, Police Station 3.97 Service for Police car 7.06 Supplies for Police Dept. 3.09 Material for Police Dept. 1.50 Material & Su.plies, Police De.24.60 Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid 15.86 Medical Service, Police Station 5.00 Salary as Fire Chief 194.53 Salary as Asst. Chief 177.87 Salary as Capt. Fire Dept. 102.19 to to Firemen, Fire Dept. 1510;0 it it to Io It 151.90 to It to n to to 155.00 to it to to to 150.00 Call man and Extra fireman 25.00 to n to to it 5.00 to of it if n 7-50 it it tt It n 5.00 Call man, Fire Dept. 4.. JO Helmer Hallom. quit claim Deed bee page 502 forT. H. M66dy Letter Ins Policies for Carl T Strock & C har'les A. Bowman 1 1 1 AUGUST 4, 1942 (continued) CURRE:7 EX"TNSE(continued) Fred Fisher 10333 L. lu'oafe 10334 :FI. Chevrier 10335 A. Mondhan 10:;36 L. iuionroe 10337 L. -E. Snider 103388 Anacorves '..ate:. Dent.. 10339 Anacortes Laundry 10340 Union oil Company 10341 Wm. G. EcCallum 10342 rTest Coast Telephone Co -10343 Purine Supply & Hardwarel0344 Anacortes Drug Co. 10345 John G. Darcy 10346 Viest Coast Telephone C0.10347 Anacortes !.Tater Dept. 10348 Puget Sd. Pr. & Lt. C0o.10349 7306 The Fern Press 10350 Firemen's Rel. & PenFund10351 Alfred Robbins 10352 7308 LIBRARY Flaval Pearson 1668 Blanche Sackett 1669 Fred Marshall 1670 Anacortes `eater Dept. 1671 1 Puget Sd. Pr & Lt*Co. lb72 Simmonds Paint Co. 1673 '1.,7m. F. Robertson 1674 Fern k:artin 1,DT5 Dept. of Labor & Ind. 167b Macmillan Company 1677 Follett Book Company 1678 J. K. Gill 16?9 Call San, .Lire Dept. it 11 it, it if " 11 it t1 it " Ir Call man & Extra Fireman Tuileac;e on Car Hydrant Rental for July 1042 Laundry Ser$ice, Fire Dept. Gasoline, City Pump Accident Ins. Policies (2) Telephone Service Material &Supplies Supplies for Fire & Police iepts.. Registration of Births & Deaths Civilian Defense Telephones Mater for Civilian Defense Power .& Service (St. Lights) Supplies for Clerk & police Department 2% of Firemen's Salaries Salary as Dog Catcher FUND Salary as Librarian Asst. Librarian Janitor "Tater used at Library Lights used at 'Library Supplies for Library Cl-aning Library Chimney Extra at Library Ind. Ins. &- Lied. Aid Books for Library Books for Ilibrary Books for Library PARK .FUND J. E. Harding 1327 Frank 1'napp 1328 South Side Hardware Co. 1329 Colvin's Service Station1330 Dept. of Labor & Ind. 1331 City Street Fund 1332 Salary as Park. Supt. .Salary as Park Employee Supplies for Park Dept. I'lateri al and Supplies Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid Gasoline used in Park Truck as +dater Supt. as 'Mater Foreman it Serviceman " Filterman n it it it u +o - John Thomas 7292 Wages as Alex IIcRay 7293 Salary as Jim Kerr .7294 It 11 Pumpman Bookkeeper Clerk laborer Guard, ;Tater Dept. n it, It A. E. Ladner ."TATER FUND 11 it " It it T. G. McCrory '7282 Salary Charles 17edlund 7283 Salary M. 0. Berentson 7284 '1 �;T. 0. Rogers 28 7 5 " Russell Cara lan 7286 Marine Supply & Fia,rdware7301 Norman Fuiton 7287 1° G. F. Keller 7288 to Lester Thomas 7289 It John G. Darcy '1290 " Laurene McDougall 7291 7306 as +dater Supt. as 'Mater Foreman it Serviceman " Filterman n it it it u +o - John Thomas 7292 Wages as Alex IIcRay 7293 Salary as Jim Kerr .7294 It 11 Pumpman Bookkeeper Clerk laborer Guard, ;Tater Dept. n it, It A. E. Ladner 7295 11 it " It it Current Expense Fund 7296 Transfer of Funds T. G. McCrory 7297 Mileage on Car G. 11. Dalstad 7298 Postage for grater Office. Skagit Bonded Collectors7299 Ca",lection of ',later Bills The Fern Press 7300 Sup; -,lies for Water Department Marine Supply & Fia,rdware7301 Haterial & Supplies West Coast Tel. Co. 7302 Telephone Service, Nater Dept. Dent. of Labor &- Ind. 7303 Ind. Ins. & lIed . Aid E. K. goods Lumber Co. 7304 Lumber for ,later Department Pennsylvania :salt Co. 7305 Chlorine for Filter Plant Curtis Wharf (.'a. 7306 Material & Supplies Scientific Supplies 'Co. 7307 Supplies for 'Tater 'Wept. Pu, -,-et 'd. Pr. ac Lt. C o .. 7308 Power and Service Ska,it Valley Tel. Co. 7309 Telepko.ne at Avon Federal Pipe °e Tank Co. 7310 I:Tateria1 i'ar 1;'ater 0epattment Bell Machine '.'forks 7311 Material for ater Department Schwartz Iron '°forks 7312 I:Iaterial and 'upplies National Neter Co. '73113 Lleter Parts Ray C. Sparling f314 Heterx Part Anacortes Auto Supply co'7315 Supplies for Nater Department City Street .Fund 7316 Gasoline used, Mater Department poi 1.50 4.00 1.00 9:00 14.00 565. 00 3.45 40.56 11:28 8.95 30.11 1.23 8.25 13:80 2.50' 283:24 25.96 17.11 25.00 1440.00 85.00 60.00 2.50 6092 1:39 5.'00 3540 29 1040 10:19 2.86 155'. 00 135-.00 .77 12.03 3*75 5..41 2q5.00 192.40 166.00 166.00 155.00 145.00 145.00 135.00 0.00 41.6o 2.00 24.00 124.00 100.00 144. 00 15.40 10.00 17.50 14..21 54.22 10.75 14.14 10.91 99.8 44.1 6.59 1256.55 4.65 15.45 •75 70.1 11.69 24.16 2.44 14.53 P. E. Olson CITY STREET FUND 1350 Salary as -)t. -'orerian 182:50 Lynn Valcomb 1351 Salary as 'xraderman 182.50 G. Miller 1352 it 14 Maintenance Ilan 166.00 Roy L. 1,11cDougall 1353 It 11 .t It 166.,00 Dave Summers 13544 " to " 1° 155.00 Lee Parish 1355 to It Street Sweeper 90.00 Alfred :Robbins 1356 it it Dump 111an 30. JO T. 1D. McCrory 1357 1' it, supervisor 50.00 John G. Darcy 1358 1t It Bookkeeper 40.00 02 COIZ,,,TJNITY' BUILDING RENTAL FUND George V-1. Moore 4 Opening vault in Com. Bldg. 2.50 'A L -notion ..vas made by Brady and seconded by Okerlund treat above ';laims be referred to the Finance Committee. Motion Carried. The Finance Committee considered the above claims against the city of Anacortes for the month of July, 1942 and recommended that the claims be allow- ed amd warrants drawn in favor of the same. Ayes: Schulz, Okerlund, Wilcox, and Brady. Motion Carried. At this time Mayor C. A. Peters appointed Doctor A. B. Cook as Health Dr. B. Cook Officer for the city of Anacortes. Mr. L. E. Snider, Cliief of the Fire Depart- appointed as meat, spoke to the City Council at some length about the disposal of the Health Officer Brockway fire truck chassis. This matter was left to the discussion of the Chief. Having completed the business of the evening a motion was made by More about Wilcox and seconded by Schulz that the meeting of the City Council adjourn. I'ord.Fire Truck Motion Carried. The meeting of the City Council did then adjourn. ATTEST: Ay llerxo mayor Anacortes, 'dash., Honorable Mayror'& City Council, July 29, 1942. Anacortes m Mash. Gentlemen- CITY STREET FUND (Continued) I am interested in the purchase of the property located on the Schvv,artz Iron '�,'orks Marine Supply & Hardware 1359 1360 Material 11-aterial & au; plies & Supplies 4..89 5.01 Puget Sod.' Pr.-"& -Lt.. Co. 1361. Power & Service 45.00 Yours very truly Union Oil Company 1362 Gasoline, City Pump 69.09 Dept. of Labor & Inde 1363 Ind. Ins. & Kued.- Aid 400c'6 Anacortes Laundry 1364 Material for it. Dept. 6.18 COIZ,,,TJNITY' BUILDING RENTAL FUND George V-1. Moore 4 Opening vault in Com. Bldg. 2.50 'A L -notion ..vas made by Brady and seconded by Okerlund treat above ';laims be referred to the Finance Committee. Motion Carried. The Finance Committee considered the above claims against the city of Anacortes for the month of July, 1942 and recommended that the claims be allow- ed amd warrants drawn in favor of the same. Ayes: Schulz, Okerlund, Wilcox, and Brady. Motion Carried. At this time Mayor C. A. Peters appointed Doctor A. B. Cook as Health Dr. B. Cook Officer for the city of Anacortes. Mr. L. E. Snider, Cliief of the Fire Depart- appointed as meat, spoke to the City Council at some length about the disposal of the Health Officer Brockway fire truck chassis. This matter was left to the discussion of the Chief. Having completed the business of the evening a motion was made by More about Wilcox and seconded by Schulz that the meeting of the City Council adjourn. I'ord.Fire Truck Motion Carried. The meeting of the City Council did then adjourn. ATTEST: Ay llerxo mayor Anacortes, 'dash., Honorable Mayror'& City Council, July 29, 1942. Anacortes m Mash. Gentlemen- T. H. Moody I am interested in the purchase of the property located on the Letter. Sc.e top Heart Lake Road known as the Lathro Springo Property. Kindly advise me as of page to TThether or not you would care to sell this property, -at this time. Yours very truly (Signed) T. H. Moody. 1 1 1 E'1� 1 D'urancgau. Easement Vickers Application for Sewer connections I i� I� 'i fire Chief's Conference i' I Resignation of Phi lip T. Ylagrz;er August 18, 15'r2 A regular meeting of:. the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at eight o'clock P. M. with Mayor �. A. -Peters presiding. The rnin- utes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. The fo llowing com- munication from Lerein Duranceau ,ias presented and read to the City Council. f Anacortes, 'Washington August 17, 1942 Dear Sir: Am writing about a request of the City Council. "lould like to know if I could get an easement along the line of the Latho pro• perty to the ajoining 10 acres in back. Want eriough for a road so it would be possible to get in and out to the Heart - lake road. I would sae that a fence would be put up along the line if it pos- sible to get this easement. Mould like to know as soon as I can. Signed, Lerein Dur viceau R 2 C it y The above comrm_inication was discussed at some length but no definite action was to*ken .y the City Council. The following communication from 14ro G. J. Vickers was presented and read to the City Council. Anacor�es, `Wa.shingt.;n August 18, 19442 Honorable Mayor 1.3c City Council, .knacortes, 117'ashingt on Gentlemen: I recently purchased a piece of pro r) *erty situated between N Avenue and 0 Avenue on 26th Street in Anacortes, and I desire to obtain, -.permission from your Honorable Body to make a connection to the sewer in the alley be- tween 28th Street and 29Th. Street. I have the per -.mission of one of the adjoining property oerners to go nine feet in the alley to connect into the sewer, as that is the only way in which I could make this setter connection. I would greatly appreciate it if you couldd grant me perrnission to make this sewer connection as soon as you can conveniently do so. Thanking you most sincerely, I am, Yours very truly, G. J. Vickers After some discussion a motion was made by Okerlund and seconded by Barker that the City Council grant permission to Ur. G. J. Vickers to make a .:. connection to the sewer oituati�dn between 26th and 29th street. Motion Carried. This time a corm. unication from the office of the Civilian Defense in San Francisco, California pointed out that a Fire Chief's Conference would be held in Seattle, `17ashington, on August 19, 20, and 21, 1942, and urging the City of Anacortes to send its Fire "hief or some other officer of the .,'ire Department to thii� conference. 1Ir. �. E. Snider, Chief of the Fire Department, spoke to the City Council, at this time. After some discussion a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Okerlund that the Fire Chief or some other officer of the Fire Department be authorized to attend the Fire Chief's Conference as outlined above. :.lotion Carried. The following communication which contains the resignation of Councilman Philip T. Wagner, Jr. was presented and read to the City Council. falla Walla, 'd ashingto n August 14, 1942 City Council, Anacortes Dear Sirs: Oweing to Defense Mork which hhs taken me away from the City of Anacortes I feel that I must resign from the City Council. It is ::illi deep regret that I do this. As it has been a great pleasure serving the people of Anacortes, for the ;past year and a half. Hoping you will have no trouble finning someone to take my .place. I remain Philip T. ':lagner, Jr. A motion was made by Okerlund and seconded by Schulz that the resigna- tion of Philip T. Magner, Jr. be excepted. Lotion Carried. .AA the suggestion of 1:Iayor C. A. Peters a motion c:,as glade by Brady and seconded by Barker that the City Clerk write a letter to Councilman Thilip T. ;'agner, thanking him for his services and cooperation while a member of the City Council. Llot ioti Carried. August 18, 1942 (continued) L,ir. "William Robertson spoke to the City Council and pointed out the urgent necessity of some action being -taken to prevent chickens running at large in the City of Anacortes. Hr. Robertson urged that the Ordinance which prohibits live stock from being at large in the City be amended to include chickens. This matter was discussed at some length but no definite action was taken in the matter. A report of the City Treasurer for the month of July, 1942 was presentee: to the City Council and as referred to the 11"ayor to the finance Committee. The report of the Chief of Police was presented and read to the City Council and a motion was made by Okerlund and seconded by Brady that said re- port be accepted and placed on file. Robertson & Chickens City Treasurer's Report Chief of Police Report. The report of the Police Justice for the month of July, 1942 was presented (Police Justice and read to the city Council and a motion was made by Schulz and seconded by Report Okerlund that said report be accepted and placed on file.Motion carried The report of the Crater Superintendent for the month of July, 1942 was ljater erupt ° s presented and read to the City Council and a motion was made by Schulz and Report seconded by Okerlund that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The Gasoline report for the month of July ) 942 was presented and read to t:. Gasoline the City Council and a motion was made by Okerlund and seconded by Barker Report that said report be ac:l,epted and placed on fileeMotion carried. At this time an Ordinance imposing licenses for billiard tables and Bowling alley, pool tables, and bowling alleys was presented to the City Council by the City fool Billiard Attorney and was read for information. A motion eras made -by -Brady and seconded Table License Ord.. by .Okerlund that said License Ordinance be given its firtt and second read- ings by title. Motion Carried. A motion was made be Okerlund and seconded by Brady notify, in writing, all members of the City Council of the City of Anacortes to the affect that the above License Ordinance had been given its first and second readings by title and shall come up for final passage at the next meeting of the City Council it be read on Sept. 1, 1942. Kotion Carried. At this time Councilman Okerlund brought up the matter of repairing or renewing the roof on the City Hall and also the roof at the back of the City Hall which covers the City Jail and tie Police Office and shops. Several types of roofing were discussed but it was decided to have the city engineer measure the roof on the City Hall and maize an estimate on the cost of re- pairing or renevring these roofes. Motion Carried. The following coomunication was presented and read to the City Council: Anacortes, Washington August 18, 1942 TO Tt7P, IIONORABT?+� T,i�Y,')R kNrD r=Y COUNCIL OP "'I r r I r'Y OF A'TACOl�^'E3 , Gentlemen: - The undersigned shipbuilding company makes ap-plication here rith for a ten year lease subject to readjustment of rental at the end of the first five year period of the east half of the butt end of R Avenue running from the north line of Third Street to the outer line of the harbor area in the City of Anacortes, Jashington, the purpose of the said lease is for the build- ing and repair of boats, scows, or any water craft. For the said lease we offer five dollars per year payable each year in advan::e. EDLTT`,\?DNI:.0'BTTI1�DII,I(' C . BY Gus Dalstead Agent The following resolution was presented and read to the City Council: ' -T711REAS3, the Edlund Shipbuilding Co. has made application to rent for the term of ten years at ;'5.00 per year with an adjustment of rental at the end of the first five year period, the east half of R Avenue commencing at the north line of Third Street and running north to the outer Harbor line, in the City of Anacortes, Washington, said ground to be used for the purpose of buili"ing boats, scows, or other watercraft, oil to repair same, Now, Therefore, BE IT RESOLVED that -the third day of September, 1942, at the hour of 8 o'clock i?. M. , at the council chambers, in the City of Anacortes, Washington, be fixed as the time and place when ani: where the said applica- tion shall be heard and determined, at -,hich tig►e also anyone desiring to protest the said application, may be heard. Passed August 18, 19420 Attest: John G. Dorcy C. A. Peters City Clerk Mayor A motion was made by Barker and seconded by Okerlund that September 3, 1942 be the date fixed as the time when said application shall be heard and determined and at :rhich time also anyone desiring to protest the said a»pli- cation, may be heard. motion Carried. A motion was made by Brady a,..d seconded by Okerlund t:gat above reso- lution be adopted. emotion Carried. New roof on City Hall discussed, Application of Edlund chip building for lease of St. End 1 August- 18,..1942 (continued) Renevial Policy -A Renewal Insurance 2olicy on the car used by the Anacortes Police De - on Police Car.. partment was presented to the City Council and a.motion was made by Okerlund and seconded by 3chultthat this matter be referred to the City Council. T. H. Moody offer l:. -r. 1. H. Moody dio at the last meeting of the City Council made a to purchase City written offer to purchase from the City of Anacortes krhat is known as the Property. LIthro Springs property was present and stoke briefly to the City Council. The City Council took no action on %Ir. '',Loody's communication at this time. Having completed the business Okerlund and seconded by Schulz that jaurno taction Carried. of the evening a motion was made by the meeting of the City Council ad - The meeting of the City Uounci 1 did then adjourn. Attest. ohn G. Dorcy l/ City Clerk September 1, 1942 mayor Pro - A regulat meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was call- ed to order at eight O"clock P. M. with dayor ero-Tem presiding. The role � was called and Schulz,-Okerlund, Brady and Morrison were presented. The min- utes of the previous ~Meeting were read and approved as read. The following co�_i:nunication from Councilman E. .4I. Barker was presented and read to the City Council. August 29, 1942 Honorable '�'ayor and City Council Anacortes, `Ilashington Gentlemen: Due to the probability that in the very near future I shall be called to Resignation of Army duty I hereby tender my resignation as a member of the City Council. R. lam. Barker,./ Since January first of 1941 it has been a ,pleasure to work with the other mem- bers of the Council in serving the c: iti zens of this community, and it is with regret that I submit this resignation before the normal expiration of my term of office. With every good Irish to the Council for success in the administration of City affairs through the troublesome days ahead. I remain Sincerely yours, E. K. Barker A motion ryas made by Schulz and seconded by Okerlund that the above re- signation of E. M. Barxer be accepted. i.totion Carried. A motion was made by Morrison and sec.)nded by Okerlund that the City Clerk write to lar. E. 1'u. Barker thanking him for his services and cooperation -.)bile a member of the City Council. Motion Carried. Renewal insurance At this time a City Attorney's rer)ort recommending the exceptence of a re- newal insurance policy on the police car be accepted, was read to the City Policy on Police Car Accer:ted. Council. A motion eras maded by Okerlund and seconded by Schub that the City Attorney's recommendation on the above insurance policy be adopted. Lotion Carried. 0 5 The report of the Street foreman for '(,he month of August 1942 was presented Report by atreet and read to the City Council. A motion was made by Okerlund and seconded by ¢ Foreman read. Morrison that said report be adopteu. Motion Carried. The gasoline report for the monith of August 1942 was presented and read to Gasoline report the City Council. A motion was irade by Schulz and seconded by yiorriso n that said read. report be adooted. l:lotion Carried The report of the City treasurer for the month of August 1942 was present - City 'Treasurer ed and read to the City Council and was referred by the Mayer Pro -Tem to the Report read. finance committee. The report of the Chief of Police for the ilonth of August 19•;2 was presented and read to the City Council. .n motion was made by Okerlund and seconded by Schulz that said report be adopted.. Motion Carried. A report by the `-.later Superintendint for the month of Aug ust 1942 v.as pre - Report by dater sented and read to the City Council. A motion was made by L"lorrison and second - Supt. read -ed by Okerlund that said report be adopted. Motion Carried The report of the Street foreman for '(,he month of August 1942 was presented Report by atreet and read to the City Council. A motion was made by Okerlund and seconded by ¢ Foreman read. Morrison that said report be adopteu. Motion Carried. The gasoline report for the monith of August 1942 was presented and read to Gasoline report the City Council. A motion was irade by Schulz and seconded by yiorriso n that said read. report be adooted. l:lotion Carried QUO September 1, 1942 (Continued) The following report from Mr. T. J. McCrory, City Engineer, was presented and read to the City Council. September 1, 1942 Honorable 1ilayor and City Council Gentlemen: In the matter of material for I;epairs to the roof of the City Hall and Jail, these can be purchased locally at the following prices; from the Marine Supply, for the City Hall. 26 roils of 3 ply heavy roofing 92.85 --------;074010 i From the Standard Oil Co., for the roof on Jail and Hose shed, about 85 gal. of roofing and Primer for approximatedly '1050.00. I believe the leak in the City Clerk's office comes from a broken section in the ledge one half way up the Steeple, and can be remedied by repairing the i ledge at this point. Yours very truly, T. G. McCrory City Engineer TGP.I: lm 1 Mr. T. J. 11cCrory8s report on materials for roof of City Hall and Jail. 1 After some discussion a moti.on Yias made by 1iiorrison and seconded by Okerlund that the �:ity 2ngineer be authorized to purchase the necessary material as out- lined in the above report for repairs to the roof of the City Ball and Jail, and City Engineer be as there were no roofing contractors or other suitable labor available that t:.e authorized to purchase City engineer be authorized to use city employees of the Jtreet -Department and necessary material for ';later Department to apply the above repair materials to the roof of the City hall, repairs. Jail and Mose shed. Motion Carried The following communication from MIr. T. J. McCrory, ,-later Superintendent, was presented and read to the City Council. September 1, 1942 honorable Mayor & City Council Gentlemen: In the matter of the request of Lerein Duranceau for an easement across the City owned Lathro Spt•ings Property. I went over this matter with the Duranceaus and they advised me that it was along the :North boundr,y, of the property that they Want the easement. The easement to be only wide enough for a single track road, about 12 feet should be sufficient. Yours very truly, T. G. McCrory 'later Superintendent T G1.1; lm After some discussion a �-qotion vias made by Okerlund and seconded by Schulz that herein Duranceau be granted easement for a ten foot roadway along the ;ietk Northern boundry of -:rhat is :.m own as the Lathro Springs Property, owned by the City of Anacurtes. Koti on Carried. A meeting of the City Council held on August 1�., 1(142 an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 447 passed March 1, 1910, being an ordinance iniposing license for billiard and pool tables and bowling alleys and repealing Ordinance ITo. 300 1.aas preseinted and read to the City Council for information and, also, giv •n its first and second readings by title. The said ordinance was taken up at this time for further consideration. A motion liras made by Okerlund and seconded by Schulz that the above license ordinance be given its third avid final readings by sections. 1..loti on Carried. Section one read and a motion was made by Okerlund and seconded by Schulz that section one be adopted. Section two read and a motion was made by Okerlund and seconded by horrison that section two be ado;)ted. Motion Carried. Section three read and a motion was, :lade by Schulz- and sedonded by Okerlund that section three be adopted. 11oti.on Carried. A wotion was made byOkerlund and seconded by Liorrison that said Ordinance above described be adopted as a whole. Ayes: Scliulz, Jkerlund, D rady and Ido rrison. Kioti.on Carried. Duranceau applica- tion for easement. Mr. T. J. McCrory report Duranceau- Baspmen t on Lathro Springs Property. License 0rdinance covering Bowling & Duck Pin alleys and BAlliand & Pool sables. 1 1 1 11 Lawrence �tiTlaird: Surety Bond. 507 September 1, 1y42 (Continued) Pollard A surety fond on behalf of Lawrencex i :k a city Patrolman, was presented to the. City Council and a motion ..as made by Okerluiid an,, seconded by Schulz that said bond be refereed to the City Attorney. The application, of Earth Turner and an associate to purchase a dance license to conduct uances at the Odd'eilor;s Mall in Anacortes, was discussed at this time. A motion eras made by Okerlund that they dance license be issued to the above parties, but there was no second to the rnotion and no official action eras taken at this Lime. The follotirillg claims against the city of Anacortes for the month of August 1942, sere present- ed and read to the City Council; CURREIU EXPENSE Sadie K. ,urges 103 -3 O..E. Arges 10354 John G. .Dorcy 10355 'l. V. Wells 103 56 Dr. A. B. Cook 1O 57 A. R. 3ellenthin 10 �t3 0.' � . �s 1035: G. N. Da.lstad P.E. 10360 The Fern -P ress 10361 E. I::. Floyd 10362 E. P. Barron lo -M Id. R. Kingsley 10364 Dr. Roy C . McCartney 1031;5 ;:. 3. Davey 133c6 Simmonds Paint Co. 10367 Island Transfer Co. 103y'b II. H. Hinshaw 11301; Nick Petrish 10370 Jack Goff 10371 Merrill Iverson 103'72 L. Pollard �03'/3 Marvin Beebe 103'14 Don Schmidt 10375 Robbins Lumber co. 10376 I -erenn Brothers 103•T1 Dept. of Labor & Ind. 10318 Bensen i:iotors 10379 Diationd 5A! to ', 1.00 Stare 11Oj Anacortes American 10381 M; R. Kinf;sley 10362 Vim,. G. KcCallum 10383 L. i . Snider 10364 Bert Verrall 10385 Id. G. Strock 10366 S. C. :.Lci:dhan 10387 L. E. Gibbons 103'8 Oliver Hauge 10389 C. A. Bo-v�nan 10390 11. Strocl: 103,1 d°. Gibson 10392 Fred _' isher 10353 II. Chevrier 103; C) 8 NARK FiTjiD Sel)ter.niber 1, 1942 (Con' t ) J. E. Harding 1333 Salary asz' 'ark Supt. 155*00 ?rank Dept. Knapp Labor Ind. 1334 .Salary as Park !'�m,,loyee 135'00 Salary as Serviceman of & 'treet 1335 Ind. Ins. & Led. Aid 3.75 City Fund 1336 Gasoline used in Park Truck 2.70 E. A. Abbott 1,,otor CO. 1337 Truck repairs c).06 T - G. McCro-ry 140.00 Lester Thomas 7324 71A77IR FUND T. G. KoCrory 7317 Salary as J'ater Supt. 2Q5.00 Char -les Wedlund2 -.73 18 Salary as Water Foreman 193030 Russell Caro lan /319 Salary as Serviceman 1'66.,o0 1 .i. 0. Rogers 7320 Salary as Filterman 1-6.00 !,"orman Fulton 7321 Salary as Filterman 155.00 G.- F. Keller 7322 Salary as Filterman2 145-.00 A. Sirett 7323 Salary as 2ilterman 140.00 Lester Thomas 7324 Salary as Pumpman 135.00 John G. Dorcy 7325 Salary as Bookkeeper 50.00 Laurene 1.1cDougall 7326 Jalark as Clerk 42.80 Jim Kerr 7327 Salary as Guard, '.-!atf.-r Dept. 124.00 T. G. McCrory 7328 7326 mileage on Car . 10-'39 Current Ex.�)ense Fund 7329 Transfer of Funds, See voucher 1-72 The Fern Press '7330 Supplies fo Water Office 15-y3 Standard Oil,Company 7331 Gasoline for Wh. Lake lump Engine 30.*56 Tax Commission 7332 Business 1.�ax 467-27 Marine Supply & Hardware 7333 Hiaterial & Supplies 49-19 Curtis Wharf Co. 7334 Material _` Supplies 76.47 0 City St. Fund '7335 Gasoline Used in"! 'otor Vehicles 14.40" 3,:,. Current pense Fund 7336 Transfer of Funds 144.00 "est Coast Telephone Go. 7337 Telephone Service 10.10 Preston Holton 7338 Service for Water Dept. 11070 Puget Sd. Pr. & Lt. Co. 7339 Power & Service 1194.97 Hugh G. Purcell - 7340 Equipment & supplies 331:81 Pennsylvania Salt.Co. , 7341 Chlorine for `.Fater Dept. 199-17 ! , allace & Tieman Sales Co. 7342 Supplies for '.Water Dept. 2.53 Great Northern Railway 7343 Frei -ht on Chemicals C� 6.94 Dept. of Labor &.Ind. '/344 Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid 14.37 Anacortes American '7345 Office Supplies 87.04 Skagit Bonded Collectors '7346 Collection of T,ater Bills 87097 Schwartz Iron Works 7347 14aterial and Supplies 2.19 ditY bTREEt PUNb P. E. Olson 1365 Salary as Street Foreman 182.50 Lynn Balcomb 1366 Salary as Graderman 182.50 G.- Miller 1367 M .-I Salary as .aintenance l -'an 166.00 Roy L. McDougall 1368 Salary as 111'aintenance _ILan 106.00 Dave Summers 1369 Salary as Hafantenance Ilan 155.00 Lee Parish 1370 Salary as Street Sweeper 90.00 Alfred Robbins 1371 Salary as Dump Kan 30000 T. G. McCrory 1372 Salary as Supervisor 50.000 John G. Dorcy 13?3 Salary as Bookkeeper 40.00 Mt. Vernon Bldg Jdatl Co. 1374 Supplies for St. Dept. 4.65 P. El, Olson 1375 Cas advanced for truck expense 1-03 Idarine Supply and .111dw. 13,/6 idaterial and Supplies 54.86 Department of Labor and Ind. 1377 Ind. Ins. and ''ed. Aid 44.95 Standard Oil Co. 1378 Supplies, St. Department 33.76 Simmonds Paint Co. 1379 Sul)ples, St. Department 1.55 I. E. Cahail 1380 Rental of Concrete Idixer Puget Sd. Pr. & Lt. Co. 1381 Power & Service 57.34 -A. Grant Franklin 1382 truck Repairs 1.24 -Colvin's Service Station 1383 Tire repairs 6.05 -Shell Oil Company 1384 Gasoline, City Pump 67.60 Schwartz Iron ",Works 1385 Idaterial and Supplies 21.85 A motion ,.as made by Okerlund and seconded by S'.:hulz that the above claims against the city of Anacortes for the month of . August 1942 be referred L:) to the Finance Committee. Motion Carried. The Finance C6mmittee considered said claims and recommended that the claims be allowed and warrants be drawn in favor of t'Re same.. A;,es: Schulz, Okerlund, Brady and Morrison. Councilman Brady made a report to the affect that C. Lester of Austin Company, contractor on !.'Ihidby Island had requested permission to put up signs on Commercial '"venue designating places for cars to stop to pick up workers who are employed at either one of the Airf)orts being built on ',.'Ihidby Island. After some discussion a motion was ma,.e by Okerlund and seconded by Schulz that this matter be referred to the Street Committee and Street Superintendent with power to act. Liotion Carried. The preliminary budget for the year of 1943 Was presented to the City Council and after a short discussion a motion was made by Okerlund and second- ed by Schulz that the meeting of the City Councilt adjourn to seven o'clock P. MI. for further consideration of the budget far the City of Anacortes for the year of 1943 and any other such business as shall come before the City Council. Notion Carridd. Sighs on Com. Ave. b -y Austin Co. 1943 Budget discussed. 1 E d I 1 Communication from Victory Patrol Club. Cominunicati on and Petition from Lumber and Saw Mill i7orkers Local Union No. 2832 1 September 1, ,1�i42(Co,h't)_ The City Council did so adjourn. Attest; Sohn G. Borcv City Clerk September 3, 1942 L, Mayor Pro -Te . adjourned A recularr^raeeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was c.alled to order at seven o'clock P.I;I. with ti C. Peters presidinti The rroll was called and Schulz; Okerlund, Brady, and Morrison werF•ppresent. The pur- pose of this meeting was for further consideration of the proposed budget for the year of 19439 and also for the consideration of an application for the east forty feet of R avenue to Edlund Shipbuilding Company and any other such business ,::!hick should come before the City Council. A communication was presented and read to the City Council from the Victory Patrol Club members signed by FrancJPs Pali,gren asking iermission to use a small building formerly used by the W. P. A. as an office. The girls wish to use this small building as a meeting place for their shed. A motion was made by Brady and seconded by Morrison that. permission be granted to the Victory Patrol Club as lonr, as the :members of ti.e club have no Quarels or disagreements among them- selves or until such time as the City of Anacorteswill need .this building i'or other purposes. I,:otion Carried. A communication and petition from the Lumber and Saw Bill 'Jorkers local union No. 2832 of Anacortes, da.,ihington was presented and read to the City Council. This petition asking that the City Council to snake certain improvements on Twelfth Street •. from Commerdia.l Avenue to Burrows Bay. 11r. T. J. McCrory, street Supervisor, spoke to the City Council at some length pointed out the difficulty maintaining t._e ourface of Twelfth street from Burrows -bay to Commercial Avenue. After some discussion a motion was made by Okerlund and seconded by Schulz that said communication and Petition above described be accepted and placed on file. Moti on Carried. The matter of appointing a councilman from the third ward to replace "Ir. Appointing new i E. M. Barker who recently resigned from the City Council was taken up at this Councilman. time. After some discussion a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Schulz that 19r. Fred G. Cartvright be appointed as a councilman from the third ward to succeed Mr. E. PSI. Barker. lJotion Carried.. ?d Lund Shipbuilding Release At the meeting; of the City Council held on August 18, 1942 an application from Edlund :Shipbuilding Company of Anacortes, Washington was filed with the City Council asking for release of the East 40 feet of R Avenue from the northern side of third street to the outer harbor line. It zras decided that the third day of September, 1942 at eight o'clock P. m. in the Council Chambers in the ffity Ball be the time and place when any one desiring to protest this application might be heard. This matter was taked up at this time and there being no one present to protest the issuing of a lease on above described street end. A motion was made by Oker,lund and seconded by Brady that the City Council grant a lease on east forty feet of R Avenue from the northern line of third street to the outer harbor line as outlined in their application for a lease and also in the resolution on this matter which vias �iublished in the Anacortes American and that the City Attor- ney prepare this lease and that the mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the same. Motion Carried. Ayes; Schulzt,i Okerlund, Brady and 11orri_son. Motion Carried � The city Council at this time considered the proposed budget for the year 19443 and adjourned. A motion was made by Brady and seconded by Okerlund that the City Council adjourn to eight o'clock P.1,11. September 15, 1942, for further consideration of the proposed budget for 1943. Motion Carried. The meeting of the City Council did so adjourn. Attest: /�JN6-'t �t�t JAZ/�' ( ( 1 y 01erx Mayor p l 510 September 15, 1942. A regular meeting of the City council of the City of Anacortes was call- ed to.order at eight o'clock with Mayor C.Ao Peters presiding.. The roll was I called and Schulz, �Jilcox, 6artwright, and Brady- were present.. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. The following comrnunic- ation frora EIrs. Jo W. Reynoldsw was presented and read to the City Council; Anacortes, Washington September 12, 1942 Mayor C. A. Peters Anacortes, `clashington o Dear air: The Anacortes Red gross is desirous of obtaining permission of the City Council to use the Community Building in case of disaster for food, shelter, and registration of Anacortes citizens who might need aid. It would be necessary for us to outfit bne room with tables, chairs, ana other necessary equipment so that it would be ready to use immediately, it' needed. If permission to use the building as above outlined in time of disaster is granted us, will you please state in writing addressed to the Anacortes Red vross and mail to me? Your early reply will be appreciated as we are anxious to complete plans for this phase of our disaster relief program. 906 -Seventh Street Anacortes, Washington After some discussion a motion was made above communication be accepted and that ing Committee. Fiery truly yours, Mrs. J . `41. Reynolds Vice -Chairman of Volunteer Service Anacortes Red Cross by Brady and seconded by ,Ylilcox that this matter be refered to the Build - At this time Mr. 1:1. V. `,fells, City Attorney, presented a written report recommending the exceptance of a Surety Lond for Patrolman Lawrence Pollora. A motion was made be Brady and seconded by Schulz that the City Attorney's communication in the above bond be adopted. Motion Carried. A report of the Police Justice for the month of August, 1942 uas present- ed and read to the City Council and a motion was made by Schulz and seconded by ':Wilcox that said report be accepted and placed on file. The report of the Chief of the Fire Department for the month of August, 1942 was presented and read to the City Council. A motion vias made by Schulz and seconded by Wilcox that they said report be accepted and placed on file. In the matter of the application of T. H. Moody to purchase the Lathro=Sprin,_:s Property which is now owned by the City of Anacortes which was pointed out _ that as Laurene C. Duranceau has a lease on this property until June 1, 1944, any sale which the city would make would have to be made subject to this leasee The following communication from iir. :E -,en Driftmier was presented and read* to the City Council: September 14, 1942 Honorable Mayor and City Council, Anacortes, Washington. Gentlemen: In examining the title of W. Praser Morrison on his home consisting of Lots 11, 12, and the west half of Lot 13, Block 197, Original Plat, Anacortes, I find that many years ago, in fact, in 1915 this property had an L.I.D. assess- ment in District No. 109, the principal of which amounted to ")192.47. This property was subsequently sola for taxes and later bought at a subsequent Trea- surer's sale, thus eliminating all legal claim of the city on its L.I.D. assessment. However, the cloud still remains upon the title and in order to clear this cloud I tender herewith 325.00 for a quit claim deed and request its acceptance. Respectfully, Ben Driftmier After some discussion a motion eras made y Brady and seconded by Schulz that the matter be referred to the City Attorney. IuTotion Carried. The City Council discussed Mr. Driftmier's communication further and a motion was made by Brady and seconded By Wilcox that the City Attorney con- sider the above motion. Motion Carried - A substitute motion was made by Brady and seconded by Schulz t!.at the City Attorney approves the ap)lication of Ben Driftmier for quit claim deed as outlined in his communication above given that the City Attorney may issue quit claim deed and that the Iaayor' and City Clerk be authorized to sign the same. Motion Carried. F Communication from i�rs. Jo %,. Reynolds. 1 Report of l'olice Oustice for August .L�142 0 Communication from 11r.. i3en Ariftmier. 1 1 I - 1 1 1 Communication from Fred G.- Cartraright . 1943 Buaget. Considering and discussing 1943 bud L -e t . Nomination of E . 0 . Brown September 15, 1942 (Continued) The City Council then dis^ussed the proposed preliminary budget at some length. Bein- una'ole to complete the business at the present meeting a motion vias --nade by Schulz and seconded by Brady that the meeting of the .CitynCounci cl adjourn to September 16, 1942; 7:3O P. M. Motion Carried. The meeting of the Citi Council did so!adjourn. Attest : City Clerk j� Mayor A46 li September lu, 1942 A regula.r adjourned. -'meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7:30 O'clock P. Id. with Jia„ or C. x. :'eters presiding. The roll was called and Schulz, Okerlund, 'Jilcox and uLorrison were present. The purpose of this meeting was for further consideration of the proposed pre- liminary budget for the ;ear 1943 and any other such business as did came be- fore the City Council. The following communication from Tdr. Fred. G. Cartwright was presented and read to the city Council.' September lb, 1942 Anaco rtes City Council Anacortes , '-.iashhngto n Gentlemen: It with regret that 1 must tender to you my resignation from your Council. It is not from a lack of a sense of duty as a citizen of Anaco rtes that -L take this step in the face of the honor you have riven me in considering me f.,r t.tis position, but rather from a full sense of the duty I must carry to my employer and the obligations which I have previously accepted.. At the time I was advised of your action in appointing me to the position of councilman, I was not aware of the time involved in"fulfilling the duties of the office. Since meeting itis you I have been able to appraise the time which will be necessarjrly be required. "nfortunately I do not have a regular time schedule on which I can promise my time, since my present emoloyment at the Bank requires many evening hours that I can not predict. It therefor is not right that I should try to hold an, office which can be fill- ed more satisfactorily and efficiently by someone who can depend on their time. ";lith this motive and desire to cooperate with the operation of your body i request this action of you. Respectfully yours, ?red ". "ar twri ght A motion was made by Okerlund and seconded by Brady that the resignation of Fred G. Cartwright as a report of the City Council be accepted. Motion Carried. Lc' the Cit;; Council, at this time, considered and discussed at some length the proposed preliminary budget for 1943 and a motion was nade by L..orriso n and seconded by Schulz that said preliminary budget for the year of 194:3 be accept- ed. Ayes: Schulz and Liorrison. Nayes: Okerlund and ::rady. '.'his being a tie and being unable to complete the business in the meeting a.motion was ma; -e by Brady and seconded by Okerlund that the meeting of the City Council adjourn until September 17, 1942 at eight o'clock P. M.-liotion Carried. The meeting og the City Council did so adjourn. Attest: City Clelk Mayor ,sr September 17, 1942 A -regular adjourned meeting of the City Council was called to order at eight o'clock P. M. with Llayor Pro -Tem, Ferd Brady, presiding. The rollvrwas called -and Schulz, Okerlund, Brady, acid Morrison were presented.. The purpose of this meeting �,,as for further consideration of the propeeed preliminary budget for the year 19{3 and any other business which would come up before the City Council. The amity Council considered the proposed bud -et for the year 1943 at- some length and a motion vas made by Schulz and seconded by Oke-rlund that said preliminary budge, for 1943 be adopted. Ayes: Schulz, Okerlund, Brady, Lorrison. Zotion Carried. Councilman Okerlund nominated 1,Ir. E. 0. Brown of 101 Commercil.l Avenue as a Councilman from the First * ard. A motion -Sas made by Okerlund and secona8 512 September 1'J, 1942 (Continued) ed by Brady that nominations for Councilman for the l+irst • and be closed and that the City dlerk cast an unanimous ballo. for I.Ir. L. 0. Erovin as Councilman from the First '.lard. ldotioh Carried - The City Clerk did then cast an unanimous ballet for _r. E. 0. Drown as a Councilman faom the First `4lasrd o Having completed the business of the meeting a motion was made by Brady ar:d seconded by Schulz that the meeting; of the City Council adjourn. L'llotion Carried. the neeting�of the City Council did then adjourn. Atest: ity j Mayor Pro -Tem October 5, 1942 The City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7:30 o'clock wits. Mayor Pro -tem Ferd Brady presiding. The roll was called and Schulz, Brady, "lilcox, Morrison and Brown were present Cou%cilman Ed 0. Brown having been in the City Council. This meeting was held as provided by Statute, which designates the First Fleeting of October each year to meet and consider and pass a Final Budget and the necessary tax pevies for the coming year. The City Council considered the Final Budget for 1943 for some length, but were unable to complete the business of the evening at the present I-leeting, so a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Schulz that the meeting of the City Council adjourn to 8:00 o'clock P.Ri. on ®ctober 6, 1942, for futher con- sideration of the Final Budget for 1943° I.1lotion carried. The meeting of the City Council did so adjourn. O ATTEST: i:.ayor Pro Tem City Clerk October 6, 1942. The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 8:00 o'clock P.M. with I.Iayor pro tem Ferd Brady presiding. The roll was called with Schulz, Okerlund, Wilcox, Morrison, Brady and Brown present. The minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved qs read. The report of the City Treasurer for the month of September, 1942, was presented to the City Council and was referred to the Finance Committee. The report of the Chief of Police for the month of September,; 1942, was present- ed and read to the City Council and a motion was made by Jilcox and seconded by Morrison that said report be accepted and placed on file. Lotion carried. The report of the Water Superintendent for the month of September 1942 was presented and read to the City Council. A motion was made by Okerlund and seconded by Wilcox that said report he accepted and placed on file.. At this time Mr. T.G. McCrory, dater Superintendent, spoke to the City Council and asked that the City Council authorize him to call for bids for a business coupe to be used by the Water Department. After some discuusion a Motion was made by Wrlund and seconded by Horrison that the City Clerk advertise for bids for a business coupe, either new or used, for the dater Department as per specifications to be supplied by the Water Superintendent. Isot i.on carried. ror Councilman of First ":+'ara o City Clerk cast unanimous balloalo. ror e.11r. E. 0. brown L943 Budget Meeting Ed 0. Brown seated in City - Council City Treasurer's Report Chief of Molise Report Nater Supt's `!teport Call for bids for car for Dater Dept The report of the Street Foreman for the month of September, 1942, was presented St. Foreman and read to the City Council. Motion was made by Schulz and seconded by I1,Iorrison Report that said report lae accepted and placed on file. iaotion carried. 1 The gasolihe report for the month of September, 1942, was presented and read to Gasoline, Report the City Council. A Motion was made by Okerlund and seconded by Wilcox that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. At this time the claims against the City of Anacortes for the month of September Claims - 1942 were presented and read to the City Council: Sadie M. Arges 10417 Salary as City Treasurer 75000 0. E. Arges 10418 Salary as Dep. Treasurer 144.00 John G. Dorcy 10419 it ro City Clerk 75.00 1.7. V. dells 10420 to i° City Attorney 75000 Dr. A.B. Cook 10421 1t ro Health Officer 37.50 A.R. Sellenthin 10422 it t0 Police Justice 35.00 0. E. Arges 10423 to ro Janitor, City Hall 47.50 G.N. Dalstead, Y.M. 10424 Postage for Clerks Office 2.00 Ethel P. Barron 10425 Part of Clerk's Vacation 7020 Union Printing Co. 10426 Supplies for Clerk's Office 11.59 Kee lox Yfgo Co. 1042 " to it 4.64 The Fern Press 1042 " Clerk, Treas. & Atty 16.58 J October 6, 1942 Laurene UcDougall 10429 Part of Treasurer's Vacation 3.00 Elizabeth 111. Dwelley 10430 I.,imeographing Prelim. budget 2.50 H. 0. Davey 10431 5 Plumbing Inspections 7.50 Anacortes Gas Co. 10432 Gas for City Hall, 2 Months 7.00 Island Transfer Co. 10433 Fuel Cil, City Hall 4.15 H. H. Hinshaw 10434 Salary as Chief of Police 198.50 Nick Petrish 10435 Salary as Patrolman 162.50 Jack Goff 10436 it " 155.00 Merrill Iverson, 10437 it 10 t° 155.00 L. Pollard 10438 it 't " 155.00 Errarvin Beebe 10439 1P " " 155.00 Don Schmidt 10440 " t4 11 150.00 H. H. Hinshaw 10441 Cash Advanced 1074 Iverson Bros. 10.42 Supplies for Police Dept. 1.24 Robbins Lumber Co. 10443 material for Police Station 7.43 Brown Lumber Co. 10444 Vaterial f or Police Station 33.01 Curtis Wharf Co. 10445 it it to It .41 Pinkerton's Super Serv. 10446 Service on Police Car 11.27' Simpson's Electric Shop 10447 it " Police Station 7.71 r The General Service C o . 10448 Supplies for Police Dept. 2.39 E. A. Abbott Tlotor Co. 10449 Equipment for Pol.ice Car 6.08 Dept. of Labor & Ind. 10450 Ind..Ins. & Med Aid 14021 L.E. Snider 10451 Salary as Fire Chief 194.53 Bert 'Teri -all 10452 " " Asst. Fire Chief 1?7.87 ff. G:o 3trock 10453 It It, Capt. Fire. Dept o 162.19 L.E. Gibbons 10454 It M Fireman,Fire Dept. 151.90 Oliver Hauge 10455 it toa to 151.90 C. Strock 10456 " " t' " " 155.00 C .A. Bowman 10457 °p ca it °' p 150-00 A. 11ondhan 10458 Wages, Call Man, Fire Dept. 1.00 A. Dorcy 10459 " it It "t' 4 o 00 Geo. Miller 10460 it t4. t4 S5 it 18.00 L. Iti2onroe 10461 " to ft tQ to 2000 Thn. Beale 10462 it i;to It to ca 1,50 H. Chevrier 104463 " rt to rt �a 1.50 Firemen's Rel & Pen.Fd 104464 2/Pof Fifaemen's Salaries 17.11 Anacortes Water Dept. 10465 Hydrant Rental for :September 965.00 South Side hardware 10466 Tools and Supplies 9.98 Anacortes Laundry & Cleaners 10467 Laundry -for Fire Dept. 7.03 ?Vest Coast Tell Co. 10468 Telephone Service 8025 Ana.-Ilt.Vernon Stage 10469 Express, Fire Dept. 1.50 Bell I:Iachine Works 10470 Service on fire Truck 3-50 VAn. G. I.tcCallum 10471 Title Trafer of .Fork Fire Truck 1.50 L.E. Snider 10472 Mi- eage on car, cash advanced 13.10 Shell Oil Company 10473 Gasoline, City Pump 67.60 Standard Oil Co. 10474 Supplies for Fire Dept. 4.83 Thn. G. McCallum 10475 Insurance on Firemen 11.28 Schwartz Iron Storks 10476 Service of Ford Fire Truck 34011 Benson, Motors Ins. 10417 Service, Fire & Police Dept s. 8.81 I:iarine Supply Hardware 10478 Material & Supplies 83.86 Trick & hurray 104 9 Supplies, Clerk 3066 Anacortes Slater Dept . 1040 Slater used at 1101 8th 2.50 lest Coast Tel. Co. 10481 Civilian Defense Telephones 11.65 I.H. Lifvendahl 10482 Cash advanced for 'Telephone 2085 Floyd Rusing 10483 Cash advanced for Telephone 1.05 Pioneer Inco 10434 Registration Supplies 8.35 Puget bduhd.P,� Lt.Co. 104435•= -Pourer and Service 28575 CIm. Kciiinn 10436 Dog Catcher's Services 7_nn 4103.61 LIBRARY FUND Flaval .Pearson 1691 Salary as Librarian 91anche-Sackett 1692 Salary as Asst Librarian Fred Ilaxshall 1692 Salary as Janitor, Library Puget Sound P.& Lt.Co.. 1694 Lights used at Library Anac ort -es "Water Dept. 1695 Water used at Library -rlalval -Pearson 1696 Uash advanced Fern ?Martin 1697 Extra work at Library Simmonds Paint Co. 1698 Supplies for Library (Cancelled) The Fern Press 1699 Supplies for Library Doubleday, Doran & Co.In.1700 Books for Library Gaylord, Brothers 1701 Books for Library Follett Book Co. 1702 Books for Library J. K. Gill Company 1703 Books for Library Albert .Unger Pub.Co. 1704 Books for Library Dept. Labor & Indo 1705 Ind Ins & lured Aid Simmonds faint Co. 1706 To replace #1698 PARK FUND J.E. Harding 1338 Frank Knapp 1339 - Cook's Key & Cycle Shop .1340 11arine .Suppl ,+Hardware 1341 Dept. Labor & Ind. 1342 City Street Fund 13443 South Side Hardware Co- .1344 Curtis Nharf Co; 1345 Salary as Part: Supt. Salary as Park Employee Lawn r.Iower parts Material & Supplies Ind Ins & I -led Aid Gasoline used in Park Truck Material & Supplies I.aterial for Park Dept. 140.00 85.00 6o .00 3.05 2050 3.09 16. 20 1.55 7.42 46053 62.75 11.38 1.40 1,35 10.25 451.47 155.00 135.00 2.00 3.61 3.84 4.60 1.47 .9n 306.42 The above claim, against the City of Anacortes were read and a Motion was made by Yfilcox and seconded by Okerlund that said claims be referred to the Finance Committee. Motion carried. (Claims continued on next page at close of Minutes) October 6 , 1942. The Finance committee considered the claims and recommended that t. he claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of same. TLotion was made by Wilcox and se- conded by Okerlund that the recommendation of the Finance committee in the matter of the claims against the city of Anacortes for the month of aep.tember, 1942, be adopted, Ayes: Schulz, Okerlund, Wilcox, Brady, Llorrison and brown. Lotion Uarried. The council dial at this time take up the further consideration of the Final More about Budget for the City of Anacortes for the year 1943- 1 1943 Budget I After some discussion a motion was made by Okerlund and seconded by Wilcox that said budget Ordinance be given its third and final reading by title. Ayes: Schulz, Okerlund, Wilcox, Brady, Morrison and Jurown. Kotion carried. Said Ludget Ordinance was then given its first and second readi.ngs by title and i a motion was made by Okerlund and seconded by Morrison that said Ordinance be given: its third and final reading by sections. 11otion carried. I Section 1 read, and a motion made by Okerlund and seconded by Schulz that section 1 be adopted. Motion carried. Section 2. read_, and a motion made by Okerlund and seconded_ by Wilcox that section 2 be adopted. Motion carried. Motion made by Okerlund and seconded by Wilcox that said -budget Ordinance for the year 1943 be adopted as a whole. Ayes: Schulz, Okerlund, Wilcox, Brady, Morrison and Brown. 14otion carried. At this time an Ordinance levying a tax upon the real and personal property within the City of Anacortes, Skagit County, Washington, for municipal purposes for the year 1943, was .presented- to the City Council. After some consideration a motion was made by Okerlund, seconded by Schulz, that said tax levy Ordinance be placed on its first and second readings by title. 1,1otion carried. Said tax levy ordinance was given iYs first and second readings by title and a. motion was made by Wilcox and seconded by Okerlund that said ordinance be placed on its third and final reading by sections. iotiori carried. Section 1 read, A motion was made by Schulz and seconded by Wilcox that said Section 1 be adopted. Not ion carried. Section 2 read, and a motion was made by iyorrison, seconded by Schulz, that Section 2 be adopted. Motion carried. Section 3 read and a motion. by Wilcox seconded by ®ke�rlund that Section 3. be. adopt ed. Motion carried. Lotion was made by Okerlund and seconded by Schulz that said Tax bevy Ordinance levying a tax an real and personal property in the City of Anacortes, Skagit County, Washing -ton, for the year 1943, be adopted as a whole. Ayes: Schulz, Okerlund, Wilcox, Brady, Morrison and Brown. Having completed the business of the evening, a Motion was made by i-orrison and seconded by Wilcox that the meeting of the City Council adjourn. Motion carried. The City Council did then adjourn. Mayor )Pro Ten. ATTEST: City Cie Balance Claims against City: WATER DEPARTRILNT Tax Lever Ordinance 1 1 1 T. G. McCrory, 7348 Salary as Water Supt. 295000 Charles `7edlund 7349 to as Mater Foreman 195010 Russell Caro lan 7350 C° Serviceman 166.00 IVa 0. Rogers 7351 " Filterman 166000 Norman Fulton 7352 t0 It 155000 G. F. Keller 7353 t0 10 145.00 A. Sirett 7354 " tQ 130000 Lester Thomas. 7355 " Pum!Dmqa 135000 John G. Dorcy 7356 t° Bookkeeper 50000 Laurene McDougall 7357 " Clerk 40.00 John Thomas 7358 Wages as Laborer 4000 A.E. Ladner 7359 Wages as Guard, Water Dept.. 20.00 Jim Kerr 7360 fP to PO 2000 Archie Thomas 7361 ti to to ro 98.00 Current Expense Fund 7362 Transfer of Funds 144000 G.N. Dalstead, PAL. 7363 Postage for tater Office 10000 Scientific Supplies Co. 7364 Supplies for.Filter Plant 3.09 T.G. McCrory 7365 Mileage on Car and Cash advanced 14080 'gest Coast Telephone Co. 7366 Telephone Service 9.60 Puget Sound P.&Lt.Co. '7367 Power & Service 1429.67 Aubertvs Drugs 7368 First ,Aid Supplies 2079 Island Transfer Coo 7369 freight and Oil 44049 General Chemical Co. 7370 Alu#i for Water Dept. 482000 Pennsylvania Salt Co. 7371 Chlorine for Water Dept. 9929 Curtis Wharf Co. 7372 material and Supplies 88,70 Marine Supply & Hardware 7373 Material and Supplies 220 28 Dept. Labor & Industries 7374 Ind. Ins & Med Aid 14.30 City Street Fund 7375 Gasoline used in Motor Vehicles 11076 Worthington Gamont deter Coo7376 Meter farts 146010 Wallace & Tiernan Sales Co. 7377 Equipment and Supplies 12044 Skagit Valley Tel. Co. 73,x& Telephone at Avon, 2 Months 11.70 Skagit Electric Co. 7379 Service on Avon Pump 6018 i] 515 October 6, 1942 Brown Lumber Co. 7380 Material and Supplies Federal Pipe & Tank Co- 7381 Wood Pipe Colvin's Service Sta. 7382 Battery & Supplies Pacific Highway Trans- 7383 Freight and Express The Fern Press 7384 Printing and Supplies Skagit Ponded Collectors 7385 Collection of 'dater Bills CITY STREET FUPTD. P.E. 01son 1386 Salary as St. Foreman Lynn Balcomb 1387 „ Gradexrnan G. Diller 138 Maintenance Tian Ray L. McDougall 1389 " 1° Maintenance Tian. Dave Summers 1390 'P " Maintenance Moan Lee Parish 1391 St. Sweeper T. G. McCrory 1392 " St. Superviser John G. Dorcy 1393 tP /0 Bookkeeper Alfred Robbins 1394 " " Dump man Drake Auto Body Shop 1395 Repairs & Service, Ford Tank Trick Schwartz Iron Works 1396 Repairs and Service 11Iari ne Supply Hardware 1397 Material and Supplies Standard Oil Company 1398 Gasoline, City Pump Colvin's Service Station 1399 Truck Tire, tube and vulcanizing Trulson Motor Co. 1400 Truck repairs and parts Simpson's Electric' Shop 1401 Service at Gravel Pit Puget Sound P. & Lt.Co. 1402 Power and Service Shell Oil Co. .1403 Supplies for Water Dept Union Oil Co. 1404 0 a 10 Dept. Labor & Indo 1405 Ind Ins and bled Aid ATTEST 41.28 64.58 13.49 3.15 35.45 49.70 1(8}}2 .50 182. 5O 166.00 166.00 155-00 90000 50.00 40.00 30000 8.24 20.63 1.24 3515 116.27 34064 20o6 45,00 4,23 13-39 17691 1380078 Cit Clerk Mayor -Pro -Tem October 20, 1942 The regular meeting of the City (Zouncil of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 8:00 09clock P.M. with Mayor C.A. Peters presiding. The roll was.:called and Scliulz, Okerlund, Wilcox, Brady and Morrison were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. The report of the Chief of the Fire Department for the month Of September, 1942, was presented and read to the city council, and motion. was made by Wilcox and seconded by Bardy that said report be accepted and placed on file . At this time an Ordinance, being an ordinance appropriating the 1943 revenues of the City of Anacortes to the various departments of the city in the amounts to said departments respectively, as set forth and particularly designated in Section 1 of Ordinance 11o.941 passed and approved October 6th, 1942, was taken up at this time. A motion was made by Okerlund and seconded by Brady that said ordinance, appropriating revenues for the City of Anacortes be given its first and second readings by title. Motion carried. Said ordinance was given its first and second readings by title, and a *.notion was made by Brady, seconded by Schulz, that said ordinance be given its third and final readings by sections. Motion carried. Section: 1 read, and a motion r:as made by Brady and seconded by Schulz that Section 1 be adopted. Motion carried. Section Two was read, and a motion was made by Schulz and seconded by Wilcox that Section. 2 be adopted. Hot ion carried. A motion was made by Brady, seconded by Schulz, that said ordinance, appropriating the 1943 revenues for the city of Anacortes to thevari ous departments of the city, be adopted as a whole. Ayes: Schulz, Okerlund', Wilcox, Brady, and Morrison9 At the meeting of the city council held on October 6, 1942, the city clerk was authorized ro publish a call for bids for a business coupe, either new or used, for service in the Anacortes mater Department,.. These bids . were to be opened at the meeting of the city council to be held Oct. 20. 1942, and were considered at this time. A motion was made by Brady, seconded by Wilcox, that the car bids be opened. Motion carried. There were three bids opened at this time, and the bids were furnished by the following firms: E.A. Abbott :data Co. of Anacortes, Washington; Benson Motor Co., Anacortes, Washington, and Dependable Hot or Co. of Mouht Vernon, Washington. After some discussion, a motion. was made by Okerlund and seconded by Wilcox that ®aid car bids be referred to the fire light and water committee, and grater superintendent, and that this committee make a report at the Next meeting of the city council. Mot ion carri ed. 516 October 20, 1942 H.O. Davey presented a renewal insurance policy on the American -La France Fire truck. A motion was made by Okerlund, seconded by Schulz, that said insurance policy be referred to the city attorney. Motion carried. Having completed the business of the evening, a motion was made by Schulz and seconded by Brady, that the meeting of the city council adjourn. IVIotion carried. The meeting of the city council did then adjourn. / ATTEST:1 � MAYOR City C le "rK V' November 3, 1942. The regular meeting of the city council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 8:00.01clock P.M. with ;mayor C.A. Peters presiding. The roll. leas called and Schulz, Brady, Morrison and Brown were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Is2r. Drake, Treasurer of the Anacortes Ship°rays, Inco spoke to the City council about the fir timber in the Anacortes water shed. lir. Drake pointed out the- Llo urgent need of timber for their -shipbuilding operations at this time, and asked that some plan be adopted whereby they could purchase the fir timber in the Anacortes water shed. After Hr. Drake had spoken to the city council the following communication from H.0 . Barney was presented and read to the city council. "To the City of Anacortes, and To the Council of the City of Anacortes, Anacortes, ashington.. Gentlemen: The Anacortes Veneer, Inc. is short of logs afl4 4esires,.to purchase ,timber which will be available f"or logging during the winter months We are advised that the City of Anacortes owns the following described real property, located in Skagit County, to -crit: The South one-%a.lf @-f'-the Northwest Quarter; All of the Southwest Quarter; The Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter,p The West one half Of the Southeast Quarter and The East one-half of the Northeast Quarter, all in Section 26, Township 35 'forth, Range 1 E.2.M. It is understood the above described property is not in the water shed of the city's water supply and that there is timber on said property which should properly be logged. As attorney for and on behalf of the Anacortes Veneer, Inc. , I respect- fully request' that a committee be appointed by your Council to negotiate with the Anacortes Veneer, Inc. looking to a sale of timber from said above described properties, same to be logged under such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon. It' will be appreciated if you will take action on this request at your next regular meeting and notify the undersigned of the committee appointed with whom the Anacortes Veneer, Inc. may negotiate. Your-. very truly, H. C. B4rn ey IICB.L Attorney for Anacortes Veneer, Inc." ,after some discussion a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Schulz that the above communication be accepted and filed, and that a committee be a ppointed by the I.Iayor to make an investigation as to the amount of timber available in the property owned by the City and make a report at a later meeting.of the city council. I:flotion carried. At this time Mr. 71.V. bells, City attorney, presented a report recommending the acceptance of the renewal insurance policy covering liability and property damage on the American -La France fire truck. • 4 motion was made by Schulz and seconded by Brady that the report of the city attorney recommending the acceptance of the insurance policy on the American -La France fire truck be adopted.. YLotion carried. iJlr.- Wells, city attorney, also recommended the acceptance of the bond for Mr. O.H. Durham as a special policemen.. Lotion made by Brady and seconded by Schulz that the city attorney's recommendation on the surety bond for O.H. Durham as special policeman be adopted. Motion carried. At this time, 1,dr. Robeson., Superintendent of the Anacortes 3hipways Inc. spoke to the city council about getting gravel on Fourth street between R and T Avenues. Iie pointed out the urgent need of gravel in this block to improve the parking facilities for the employees of the-Anacortes Shipways Inc. I;r. Robeson expressed his thanks on behalf of his company and himself for the cooperation given them by the city. The treasurer's report for the month of October, (1942, was presented and read to the city council and referred by the Mayor to the Finance committee. I. 1 1 1 1 1 v'17 November 3, 1942.. The report of the chief of police for the month of October, 1942, was presented and read to the city council and a motion was made by Morrison and seconded by Brown that` said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The report of the water superintendent for the month of October, 1942, was presented and read to the city council and a motion was made by Schulz and seconded by Brady that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The gasoline report for the month of October, 1942, was presented and read to the city council and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Morrison that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. I:Ir. L.E. Snider,, chief of the fire department, spoke to the city council at this ti:me'about the issuance of building permits, and also about our building ordinance. No official action was taken in the iaatter. The following committee report was presented and read to- the city council: "To the Honorable A-1ayor and City Council: Your committee to whom was referred the matter of a car for the water department beg leave to report as follows: We have considered all- the 'yids submitted and looked over the cars on which bids were made. Vie recommend that the bid of the Benson motors Co. on a Dodge Coupe, 1940, in the amount of $795.00 be accepted as the most satisfactory one for the use of the water department.. T.B. Morrison , Ferd Brady, Cornkit tee Anacortes Wash. Nov 3,; 1942. T.G. McCrory, Cater Superintendent." A motion was made by Brown, seconded by Schulz, that the above report with reference to the purchase of a car for the water department be adopted. riot ion carried. A. motion r?as made by Brady and seconded by 11orrison that the bid of the Benson I3otors,Co. of Anacortes, Washington, on .the 1940 Dod.ge coupe in the sum of "'795..00 be accepted and that the hirayor and city clerk be authorized to sign the necessary papers. . Ayes: Schulz,, Brady, Morrison and Brown.. Lotion carried At this time the claims -against the city of Anacortes for the month of October„ 1942, were presented and read to the city council: Sadie .i. Ar,,_;es 10487 Salary as City Treasurer 75.00 O.E. Arges 10488 Salary as Dep, Treas. 144.00 John G. Dorcy 10489 Salary as City Clerk 75.00 ',7.V. We 11 s' 10490 Salary as City Attorney 75.00 Dr. A.B. Cbok 10491 Salary as Health Officer 37.50 A.R. Sellenthin 10492 Salary as Police Justice 35.00 O.E. Arges 10493 Salary as Janitor, City Hall 47.50 G.N. Dalstead, P.I. 10494 Postage for Clerk's office 3-00 John G. Dorcy 10495 Cash advanced 5.96 The Fern Press 10496 Supplies Clerk and Election 40.99 Laurene McDougall 10497 fart of Treasurer's vacation 6.00 Trick & Murray 10498 Equipment and Supplies 15.86 11. 0. Davey 10499 Plumbing Inspections -3.00 Tim. Robertson 10500 Cleaning City Hall chimneys 12.50 Affleck Brothers 10501 Fuel Oil and Wood 10.18 Curtis 7lh.arf Co. 10502 Coal for City Hall 75.00 Anacortes Gas C o . 10503 Gas for city Hall 4.50 Mrs. .Blanche George 10504 Used Document file 7.00 H:: H. Hinshaw 10505 Salary as Gh-i%f of Police 198.50 Nick Petrish 10506 Salary as Patrolman 162.50 Jack Goff 10507 Salary as Patrolman. 155.00 Merrill Iverson 10508 Salary as " 155.00 L. Pollard 10509 Salary as " 155.00 Marvin Beebe 10510 Salary as " 150.00 Don Schmidt 10511 Salary as " 150.00 Dept. Labor & Industries 10512 Ind Ins & Pied Aid 14.31 Iverson Brothers 10513 Supplies for Police Debt > 2.06 H.M. Person ,agency 10514 Typewriter service 10.33 Elizabeth I11. Dwelley 10515 i?emeographing & typing 2.00 Aubert Drug Co. 10516 Supplies for Police Dept. 2.25 Dr. S.G. Brooks 1051 ITTedical Service, City Nail 5..00 L.E. Snider 1051 Salary as Fire Chief 194.53 Bert Verrall .10519. Salary as Asst Chief 177.87 11. G. Strock 10520 Salary as Capt. Fire Dept. 00 L.E. Gibbons 10521 Salary as Fireman 151.90 Oliver Hauge 10522 Salary as " 151.90 C .A. Bowman 10523 Salary as " 155.00 C. Strock 10524 Salary as C4 155.00 Geo . Miller 10525 Ga11.:pian & extra fireman 27.00 A. P,iondhan 10526 Call Ian, Fire dept. 3000 H. Chevrier 10527 13xtra Fireman & Call man 12.50 L. Monroe 10528 it, " 14 11.00 Vin. Beale 10529 Call Man, Fire Dept. 1.00 Fred Fi she r 10530 It 1° " 1.00 R. Boye s 1.0531 n 10 rt 1.00 J. Dorcy 10532 Extra Fireman 10.00 R. Scribner 10533 Cal I ''an, Fire Dept. 1.00 Firemen's Rel & Pen Fund 10534 2% of Firemen's Salaries 19.11 Simpson's Electric Shop 10535 Supplies & Service 5.78 L. E. Snider 10536 ---Ca-sh Advanced 15.01 0 r 518 November 3,, 1942° Anacortes Nater Dept. 10537 1,-% .;e Hydrant Dental 565.00 West Coast Tel Co. 10 538 Telephone Service 8060 Union Oil Co. 10539 Gasoline & City Pump 33080. Marine Supply & Hardware 10540- Material & Supplies 2.36 Union Oil Co. 10541 Motor Oil, Fire Dept. 14063 Preston's Radiator Serv> 10542 Cleaning Ford Trk.Rad. 7.00 Neely's Grocery 105443 Supplies Fire Dept. 3.78 H.O. Davey 10544 Insurance Dire Truck 24-85 Luvera's Grocery 10545 Supplies for Fire'Dept. 1.80 Benson Motors 10546 Repairs & Service, 260.92 Wilcox & Follett Co. 1717 Fire and Police 39051 Anacortes Laundry & Cln. 10547 Laundry Service, 1`1 5063 John G. Dorcy 105448 Reg. Births & Deaths 23,00 Floyd Rus ing 10549 Cash advanc edfor Tele.. 1.05 '"est -Coast Tel Co. 10550 Air Raid Warden Post Tel.11.65 Russell Carolan Aiffle_�ck< Brothers 10551 Fuel Oil, Defense Office 40'00 Anacortes Water Dept. 10552 `;later, 1101 8th St. 2,50 R.H. Dildine 10553 Supplies for Election 1 066 Puget S. P. & Lt.Co. 10554 Lighting; Service 26042 M.G. Strock 10555 Replace $10520 162.19 LIBRARY IUND. Flaval Pearson 1707 Salaty as Librarian 140.00 Blanche Sackett 1708 'D as Asst. Librarian 85000 Fred Marshall 1709 't Janitor 60.00 Puget Sound P. & L't.Co. 1710 Lights for Library 4.55 i Anacortes Water Dept.. 1711 Mater used at Library 2-.'50 ! Dept. Labor & Ind. 1712 Ind. Ins and Med Aid 037 Thornt,on's Store 1713 Supplies for Library 12036 Doubleday -Doran & Co.Inc. 1714 Books for Library 7.25 Harry Hartman 1715 " 9.66 J.K. Gill Company 1716 Gasoline, City Pump 260.92 Wilcox & Follett Co. 1717 " C° 5955 Fern Martin 1718 Work at Library 16.20 Dept. of labor & Ind. 'tVATER DEPARTMENT Ind Ins & Pled Aid T. G. McCrory 7386 Salary as Water Supt. 295,00 Chas. Wedlund 73827 Salary as eater Firemah 190060 Russell Carolan 7388 Serviceman 171.25 17. 0. Rogers 7389 it Filterman 166..00 Norman Fulton 7390 Filterman 155.00 G. F. Keller 7391 " Filterman 145000 A. Sirett 7392 t6 Filterman. 139000 Lester Tgom s 7393 " Pumpma4n e_E= e 135-00 John G. Dorcy 7394 'P Bookkeeper 50.00 Laurene McDougall 7395 Clerk 60.40 Current Expense Fund 7396 Transfer of Funds 144.00 I T. G. McCrory 7397 Piileage oda Car 16.60 � Puget Sound -P. & Lt.Co.. 7398 Power and Service 1344,88 G. N. Dals tead 7399 Postage for Slater Dept. Post Caress West Coast Telephone Co. 7400 Telephone Service 12065 Shell Oil C`o. 7401 Gasoline for Wh.Lk.Pump Eng. 22.98 Skagit Valley Tel. Co. 7402 Telephone at Avon 4.52 The Fern Press 7403 Printing Post Cards and dater Receipts 45073 Curtis Wharf Co. 7404 Supplies for Filter Plant 97.42 The Marine Supply Co. 7405 Material & Supplies 8.10 Skagit Bonded Collectors 7406 Collection of Water Bills 37.15 DeLaval Steam Turbine Co. 7407 Avon Pump parts Schwartz Iron Works 7408 Material & Supplies 40017 Gran k Branklin Egpt.Co. 7409 Truck Repair parts 1.47 Fidalgo Bay' Lbrl Co. 7410 Lumber, `Dater Dept. 6.98 Pennsylvania Salt Co. 7411 Chlorine for filter Plant 99.49 Skagit Electric Co. 7412 Avon Pump Repairs 7.11 City Street Fund 7413 Gasoline used in motor Vehicles 14.47 Dept. Labor & Ind. 7414 Ind. Ins & Med Aid 12.56 Tax Commission 7415 Business Tax 517-58 G.N. Dalstead 7416 Replace $7399 60000 Delaval Steam Turbine Co.. 7417 Replace No. 7407 137.62 CITY STREET FUND P. E. Olson 1406 Salary as St. Foreman 182,50 Lynn Balcomb 1407 CD Graderman 182.50 G. Miller 1408 f-0 Maitenanc an e M 166.00 Roy L. McDougall 1409 'o- 10 a 166.00 Dave Summer's 1410 1t " 155.00 Lee Parish 1411 " Street Sweeper 90.00 T.G. McCrory 1412 St. Supervisor 50.00 John G. Dorcy 1413 Book keeper 440.00 rim. McMinn ' 1414 "' Dump Iran 30.00 Standard Oil Co. 1415 Gasoline, City Pump 146-15 Ochwartz Irbt :'Works 1416- Materiel & Supplies 1.29 Union Oil C'o. 1417 Supplies for Water Dept. 38.92 Dept. of labor & Ind. 1518 Ind Ins & Pled Aid 44.00 I'Iarine Supply & Hadwe 1419 Material & Supplies 15.;3 Pacific Highway Transport 1420 Freight on Asphalt 8.61 Puget Sound' P. & Lt. Co. 1421 Power & Service 45.00 Fidalgo Bay Lbr. Co. 1422 Lumber St. Dept. 5.54 Howard Cooper Corp. 1423 Grader -Blades 25.95 P11 1 519 November 3, 1942 Claims Cont. Standard Oil Co, Schwartz Iron Works J. E. Harding Frank Knapp Puget Sound P. & Lt.Co. Robbins Lumber Co. Colvin�s Service Station Dept. Labor & Industries City Street Fund PII.ZFo Sprinkle Mrs. Elmer 3uthers 1424 Motor Oil . 1425 :Material & Supplies PARR FUND. 96.25 12.36 1346 Salary as Park Supt. 155.00 134 Salary as Park Employe 135000 1346 Service Charge Flag Pole �o 1349 Material for Park Dept. 11030 1350 Tire Rep&irs 1:34 1351 Ind. Ins & filled Aid, 3060 1352 Gasoline used in Park Truck 5.41 L.I.D. Guaranty Fund 36 L.I.D. Bond #67;L.I.D.#139 500000- 37 L.I.D. Bond 0110, L.I.D.#138 500000 A motion was made by Brady - and seconded by Schulz that the ab ov e ' cl4irns for the month of October, 1942, be referred to the Finance committee. Motion ca rr ie d. The Finance committee considered the -above claims and recommended that the same be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of the same. Motion carried. A motion made by Brady and seconded by Morrison' that the recoihmendation of the finance committee with reference to the above claims against the city of Anacortes for the month of October, 1942, be adopted. Ayes@ Schulz, Brown, Morrison, Brady. Motion carried. The Puget Sound Poorer & Light Co. recently set up the flag pole in-Causland Park. This operation was very well done and at a very reasonable dharge, and several members of the council thought- that a letter of thanks should be sent to the Puget Sound Power & Light Co. for this work. A motion was made by Brady and seconded by Schulz that the city clerk write a letter to the Puget Sound Power & Light Co. thanking them for the good work which they did in setting the flag pole in Causland Park. Motion carried. Some time ago Mrs. J.V1. Reynolds, vice chairman of Volunteer Service for the Anacortes Red Cross sent a letter to the city council asking permission to use certain rooms in the Anacortes Community building for Red cross work. The United States Army has a lease on the greater portion of this building, for the duration of the present war, but it was decided to have the city clerk write to Mrs. Reytiolds and find out exactly what rooms in the city building were needed for the Red Cross work. The matter of licenses for the Empire and Island theatres was discussed at this time. biro O.H. Durham, manager of the two theatres in Anacortes, offered to pay the license of $100.00 beginning July 1, 1942, and ending June 30, 1943 and that the Sterling Theatre chain would pay the license from July 1, 1940 to June 30, 1941. At this time .alayor C.A. Peters appointed 141r. T.G. McCrory, hater superintendent T.B. Morrison and E.O. Brown as a committee to investigate the timber on the city property, and make a report at a later meeting on same to the city council. Having completed the business of the evening a motidn was made by Brady and seconded by Schulz that the meeting of the city council adjourn. The meeting of the city council did then adjourn. ATTEST IN T "AYOR X2.0 November 17, 1942. The regular meeting of the city council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 8:00 09clock P.L. by 117ayor C.A. Peters presiding. Roll was called and Schulz, Brady, Morrison and Lrown were present. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. i.ir. Cornelkus Root, now a member of the U.S. Coast Guard spoke to the City council about leasing the Anacortes Community Building to the Coast Guard for the duration of the present war. Er. Root outlined the improvements which woul be made in the-Anacortes Community Building by the Coast Guard and pointed out that approximately 17000.00 was intended to be spent in the improvement of this building. After some discussion, in this matter, a motion was made by Brown, seconded by Schulz, that the City of Anacortes lease the Community Building at the corner of Sixth Street and Q Ave. to the U.S. Coast Guard, a-nd that the City Attorney prepare the Lease and that the Hayo r and Oit y Clerk be authorized to sign said Lease. Ayes,p Schulz, Brady, Elorrison and Brown. Hotion carried Mr. H.C. Harney spoke to the City Council at this time and presented the following communication to the City Council: 'P Anacortes, Washington. November 17, 11'42. To the City of Anacortes, and to the City Council of the City of Anacortes, Anacortes, �lashington. On August 8, 1930, your City entered into a written contract with the Puget Sound Pulp & T�)mber Co. which said Contract has been modified from time to time, the last modification thereof having been made on Nov. 7, 1936. On Nov. 15, 1940 the Puget Sound Pulp & Timber Co. assigned its interest in the before -mentioned Contract as amended and supplemented, to the Anacortes Pulp Co. and on Dec- ember 17, 1940, the Council of your city passed Ordinance No.920 approving the s4id assignment; and on Dec. 18, 1940, the undersigned Anacortes Pulp Co. pursuant to the terms of the assignment of said contract and said ordinance No.920, made its agreement to perform all of the obligations arising out of -said water contract and the modi- fications and supplements thereto. Since the assignment of said contract to the undersigned, the United States of America has become involved in a world wide war and as a result thereof many regulations have been passed and orders issued which have worked a hardship on individuals and corporations with- out their consent and without any choice on their part. As a result of the issuance of Order No. Td -251 of the ;'Jar Production Board, the Anacortes Pulp Co. has been compelled -to close its plant and cease the operation thereof for the reason that, under said order, it is impos- sible to obtain logs for manufacture intp pulp. It is not known how long this order will remain in effect, Or how soon the undersigned will be able to obtain logs and again resume operations. The Anacortes Pulp Co. is ready and willing and desires to operate ijrs plant just as soon as restrictions to a normal operation are removed, and until that time it seems but right and equitable that the minimum monthly charge for water under the before -mentioned Con- tract and modifications thereof, be reduced at least 50% and that such reduction take effect as of Nov. 1, 1942.. we are reluctant to Dake this application but at the time the Contract was made noone anticipated that this thiscountry would be governed and controlled by Saar conditi.ons. Hoping that you will gike this your early and serious consider- ation we beg to remain, Yours very truly, ANACORTES PULP CO. By John ZcKirdy,, JR. Vice President and General Iianag er John h.cKirdy,; I;ir., vice president and general manager of the Anacortes Pulp Co. spoke to the City council at some length outlining the serious problems which confronted the pulp and paper industry at the present time and urged the city council to reduce the present miniMUM of q'1000.00 per month for water at less 50%. The city council discussed the matter of reducing the minimum of the grater rate of the Anacortes Pulp Co. and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Schulz that this ,latter be referred to the Fire, Light and `;rater Com- mittee and the water superintendent and city attorney to confer with Kr. TI.0 . Barney and John McKirdy, lir. Mot ion carried. The following communication frorl Tar. Ben, Driftmier was presented and read i to the city council: november 10, 1942. To the ILLayor and City Council, Anacortes., `.ashington. Gentlemen: On behalf of 11.11. BeEk, ope rat ing as the I.:ayf lower Bakery, I respectfully ask that it authorize and approve a marking in front 0 [ I 1 1 1 1 1 Noveriber 17 , 1942 (Continued) it of his place of business at 605 Commercial Avenue as a no parking area that is, for loading and unloading of trucks only. I believe that investigation from your police department will show the advisability of such a procedure. Their business . is such in serving foods throughout the ui ty that it is necessary to constantly load and unload from that locality and by the permitting, of parkinf in that ares creates unnecessary double parking and interferes Yrith the flog of traffic, whereas if sufficient area were blocked off for loading and unloading. only it would help speed up traffic at this vital point. If this request can be granted we to the bakery but li.k: wise to the freer flow of traffid. BD/AS feel that it would not only be a benefit public as a whole in permitting a Respectfully, Ben Driftmier IL e_1 After som discussion a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Browb that said communication be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. Report of the Chief of Fire Department for the month of October 1942 eras presented and read to the city council, and motion was made by Brady and seconded by Schulz that said report be accepted and placed on file. Lotion carried. The report of ,the Police Justice for the month of October, 1942, was presented and read to the city council and motion was made by Schulz, seconded by Brady, that said report be accepted and placed on file. idotion. carried. Having completed the business of the evening, a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Brown that the city council adjourn to Friday evening Nov. 20, 1;.42, to canvass the ballots of the city primary election field on Nov. 10, 1942. Motion carried. The meetin~ of the city council did then ad„ourn. MAYOR ATTEST: C I T`i ,�'3RK . November gO, 1942. The regular adjourned meeting of the city council of the city of Anacortes iras called to order �L, 7130 P.iys. , Mayor C.A. Deters presiding. The roll :vas called and Schulz, Okerlund, Tucker, Brady and is,lorrison were present. The purpose of this Meeting was to canvass the votes cast in the city .primary election held Nov. 10, 1942, and other such matters as would co#ie before the meeting. Hayor C.A. Peters spoke to the city council and outlined a number of serious problems which the city council would have to meet in the Civilian Defense office. Two ordinances dere presented to the city council at this time, one of them being an ordinance authorizing blackouts and air raid production orders, rules and re- gulations prescribing penalties for violation thereof and declaring an emergency. After some discussion, a motion was made by Brady, seconded by Okerlund, that said blackout ordinance be given its first and second readings by title. Said blackout ordinance was given its first and second readings by title, and a motion was made by Okerlund and seconded by Brady that copies of said ordinance be prepared and mailed to members of the city council. luotion carried. Another ordinance relating to restricted lighting and providing`, a penalty for the violation of the same, was taken up at this time and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Schulz that said ordinance be given its first and second readings by title. !motion carried. Said ordinance was then given its first and second readings by title, and a motion was made by .Brady and seconded by Schulz that the city clerk prepare copies of this ordinance for the mayor and council for study. Motion carried. It was pointed out by the city clerk that the insurance on the Community Building had expired and the city council discussed at some length the matter of purchasing a renewal insurance policy on this building. After some further consideration, a motion was made by Brady and seconded by iiorrison that the insurance in the sum of 310,000 be laced on the Anacortes Community Building. Motion carried. Ayes: Schulz, rady, Tucker, Movrison, Okerlund. At this time the City council prepared to canvass city election held on !ov. 10, 1942. 1:1a.yor Cal,. Peters administered the following oath " State of Washington County of Skagit S3 City of Anacortes the votes cast in the primary to John G. Dorcy as city clerk: I, John G. Dorcy, do solemnly swear that the returns pur- porting to be the election returns of the several precincts of the City of Anacortes have been in nowise altered by additions, or erasures, and that they are tine same as when I received them, so help me God. John G. Dorcy November 20, 1;4 2 . Subscribed and sworn to before me the 20th day of November,. 1942. C .A. Peters, Mayor of the City of Anacortes. ?Motion was made by Brady and seconded by Schulz that the Mayor, City Attorney anc City Councilmen constitute themselves as a canvass board to canvass the returns of said primary city election. emotion carried. Five (5) absentee votes vrere opened, read and tabulated. The sealed enveloped containing the poll books from the eleven (11) precincts in said city primary election held Nov. 10, 1942, were opened and a canvass made of the votes cast on said primary election, as shown by said poll books with the following results: 1-1 1-2 1-3 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 3'1 3-2 3-3 3-4 Total C'OUNCIII21AN AT LARGE 'l E1`ton A. Schulz 13 38 8 26 14 26 27 56 26 3'7 21 292 Charles F.Fisher 22 15 17 29 15 9 16 10 8 15 5 161 COUNCIIIIAN ist Ward T. B. Morrison 30 48 21 99 2 -year term C OUNC ILAUN 1st WARD 4 -year to zm Ed 0. Brown. 28 47 22 97 Tucker 1 1 Smokey 1 1 C OUNC IIIiANT 2nd TIARD 4 -year term Jim Miller 41 22 31 35 129 21Iorr i son 1 1 C OUNC ILI AN Mrd WARD 2 year term Ferd Brady 57 24 42 22 145 COUNCILMAN 3rd "lard 4 -year term R. L. Tucker 60 26 47 25 158 Lifvendahl 1 1 ( The absentee votes cast in the primary city election are included in the above tabulation. ) On motion made by Brown and seconded by Morrison that the declaration of the nomination be incorporated in the minutes of the meeting, and that the city clerk send certificates of nomination to the persons declared nominated. Motion carried. The following is the certificate of nomination issued by the canvassing board: OWe, the mayor and members of the city council of the City of Anacortes having canvassed the election returns of the city primary election held on the 10th day of November, 1942, do hereby find that the following candidates for nomination, on the Citizens Ticket, having received the greatest number of votes were duly nominated for the following offices,, respectively, For Councilman at large, Elton A. Schulz For Councilman 1st ward, four year term Ed Brown For Councilman 1st ward, two year term T.B. Morrison Gor Councilman 2nd Ward,four year term Jim T:�iller For councilman - 3rd ward, four year term R. L. Tucker For, councilman 3rd via.rd,; two year term Ferd Brady Dated November 10, 19420 C. A. PETERS, Mayo r T.B. Morrison Ferd Brady R.L. Tucker Members of the council S.L. Okerlund O.K. John G. Dorcy, City Clerk W.V. TYells, City Attorney" Having completed the business of tre 3vening a motion was made by Brady, seconded by Schulz that thele qf,; the city council adjourn. 1.1otion. carried The meeting of the city council did then adjourn. ATTEST: -'o City C e . Mayo r 1 1 1 it December 1, 1942. The regular. meeting of the city council of,,,the City of'Anacortes Vias called to order at 8:00 o'clock P.M. Llayor C .A. Peters presiding. Roll was called and Okerlund, Wilcox, Cchulz,,. Brady and Tdorrison were present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as read. Several high school girls spoke to the city council and pointed out the urgent meed of a skating rink in Anacortes. Rev. John D. Runyon and Captain Jack Hallford spoke to the city council and urged that every effort be made to obtaim a well rounded athletic _program for the young people of Anacortes. Captain Hallford suggest that this matter -be taken Vp with the different service organizations in the city of Anacortes. :,Iayor Peters then asked Elton A. Schulz to bring this matter before the Rotary Club; Captain Jack Hallford to bring of before the Ri,,,:anis Club, and that Ferd Brady bring it before the Ckamber of Comrnerce. Mayor Peters then stated that he would. contact the Coast Guard officials and try to obtain the use of the gymnasium in the Community Building so it could be used for a skating* rink on certain nights during the week. The following communication from the members of the Anacortes Civilian Defense Council was presented and read to the City Council: "To the Honorable Llayor and City Council: Anacortes, ,Tashin-ton. Gentlemen: At the time of the appointment of the members of the Anacortes Civilian Defense Council by the "Layor, it was the understanding of the six members, then comprising the Colncil,that they hereto act only in the capacity -of colsulting or advisory board to the heads of the several units or departments of the Anacortes Emergency Civilian Defense,' that the functions and activities of the Council would ceptor around the planning and execution of matters connected with actual civilian defense only, such as air raids and similar emergencies projected through enemy action. Since -the appointment of the members of this C.D. Council, two members have resigned, one of these being its chairman, and the duties and responsibilities of the Council have fallen upon the remaining four rpernbers, one of these being chosen to act as temporary chairman.. At this time ire, the members of this Defense Council, wish to call your attention to the fact that the assigned duties and responsi- bilities have become as numerous and complex, the program delegated to us by the 'Jashington State Defense Office, and indeed, the entire OCD setup, so exacting and extensive, that we are unable to cope with them. 'le are all regularly employed or occupied with our own work in order to make a living, and none of us have the necessary time to devote to handle these projects in the manner or along the lines laid down for. their management. In order to anywhere nearly comply with the requirements of the national OCD pro;rarn, the services of a full-time Co-ordinator, with the necessary secretarial assistance, are Pecessary. This fact is plainly indicated after a survey of the multiple functions of the program, and is recognized and urged by the national and state heads of the OCD. This, as we see it, can only be arranged on a salary basis, to insure success, Therefore, tiie members of the Defense Council, recognizing the usbolute responsibility of the city of Anacortes, as regards its civilian defense program, recommend the appointment of a Coordinator of Civilian Defense at the suggested salary of $p100.00 per month, and a I Secretary at the suggested salary of $125 per month, in order to ade- quately carry on the OCD program in this city. Ue recommend that these salaries be flexible, thus permitting adjustment if necessary, and that they be considered in effect as of Jan. lst, 1943. %e should appreciate your immediate attentidn and consideration of this matter, that we may plan accordingly. Respectfully yours, Fred F. E116son, Tem•p.Chairman '6'1m. Affleck Philip A. Robbins Dewey McFadden " After some discussion a Motion was made by Okerlund and seconded by Schulz that the above communicatidn from the Anacortes Civilian Defense Council be accepted and filed, and that a Coordinator and full time secretary be appointed. ti`he salary.'of,".the Coordinator to be ; 100000 per month and the salary of the secretary x,125000 per month, and that both Secretary and Coordi- nator begin their duties on January 1, 1943> Ayes : Schulz, Okerlund, '-lilcox, Brady and L. orrison. The following c4wmk*pd tion from !vr. H.C. Berney was presented and read to the city council: December 1, 1942. City of Anacortes, Anacortes, ';jashington. Gentlemen: I On October 29th I wrote you a letter on behalf of the Anacortes Veneer, Inc. asking that a committee be appointed r�2h De c em*Ve r 1, 1942. 'P looking to the sale of timber standing upon certain real property owned by the City. Since that time I talked with your .later Superintendent and was told that he had been trying to get a cruise of the timber from the State Land Commissioner's office but had not received the same. It is quite important that the Anacort6s Veneer Inco have a place where they can carry on logging operations which is not hampered by snow'and request is again made that you sell to the Anacortes Veneer, Inc. the merchantable timber standing upon real property belonging to the City and hereinafter described and also tif;ber standing upon any other property owned by the City and which the City is willing to sell. The Anacortes Veneer, Inc. is willing to enter into negotiations for the purchase of the timber standing upon the hereinafter described property and to log the same either on select logging basis or on outright purchase of all merchantable timber. If the City feel that it cannot sell the timber in question without ad- vertising and selling at public auction, it is respectfully re- quested that the City advertise such timber as it.is willing to sell with as little delay as possible. The property above referred to and from 7h.ich the Anacortes Veneer, Inc. desires to purchase the merchantable timber is des- cribed as follows: The South one-half of the Northwest Quarter; All of the Southwest Quarter; The Northeast Quarter of the Southeast. Quarter; The West one-half of the Southeast (quarter; and The East one-half of the Northeast Quarter all in Sec. 26, Twp- 35 North, Range 1, E.W.K. Yours very truly, HCB>L. H. C. B &RA IET Attorney for Anacortes Veneer, Inc. After sbnke duscussion a Motion was made by I,Iorrison and seconded by Schulz that the city clerk be authorized And ijstructed to cgal for bids on said timber to be paid for on the basis of the Puget. Sound Log Scaling and Grading Bureau, after the logs are in the water, and that the bids on said timber will' be accepted up to the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M. Dec. 15, 1942. Liotion carried. The report of the city treasurer for the month of November 1942 was presented to the city council and was referred by the mayor to the Finance committee. The report of the chief of police for the month of November, 1942m was presented and read to the city council, and a motion was made by Okerlund and seconded by Wilcox that the report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The report of the water superintendent for the month of November, 1942m was presented and read to the city council and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Wilcox that said report be accepted and placed on file. Hotion carried. The resort of the street foreman for the month of november, C1942 was presented and read to the city council and a.motion was made by Okerlund and seconded by Wilcox that said report be accepted and placed on fi le . Motion carried. The gasoline report for the month of Ngvember, 1942, was presented and read -to the city council and a motion was made by Brady, seconded by Okerlund, that said report be accepted and placed on file. motion carried. 11'r. L.K. Snider, chief of the fire department, spoke to the city council at some length about the sawdust pile at the Fidalgo Bay Lumber Co. located at 29th and S. Ave. The fire chief stated that he suggested the building of a dutch oven, or burner, to burn up the sawdust. The fire chief stated further t that A nothing was done to remove the fire hazard caused by the presence of the sawdust pile by December 1,,1942m that the mill would have to clo(,e down. The fire chief stated further that nothing had been done at the ,present°,time. due largely to the lact of necessary priorities to obtain materials. 1.1r. Howard Stewart, an official of the Fidalgo Bay Lumber Co. spoke to the oity council about disposing; of the sawdust pile, and assured the city council t, hat, �hls-.company_woald do -all.tin their power to build a dutch overs to burn the sawdust as soon as the necessary material could be purchased. h1r. Stewart did not give any definite date when the dutch oven would be completed, or when the sawdust pile would be removed. The following report was presented and read to the city council: "'To the Hayor and Common Council: Your Comkittee to whom was referred the matter of a communicati6n from the Anacortes Pulp Co. dated November 17, 1942, requested a reduction in X16 minimum grater rat@ ;during a shut -down resulting from an order of the Czar Production Board (Order No. I.I-251) beg leave to report as follows: Under the terms of a contract dated August 8, 1930, with the Puget Sound Pulpy Tfumber Co. as subsequently modified, the minimum water rate to be paid by the said company under any contingency whatever w was $1,000 per month. That on or about December 17, 1940, the said contract was assigned by the said Tuget Sound Pulp x Timber Co. to the Anacortes Pulp. Under th6 terms of the said assignment as duly approved by the City of Anacortes, ,the Anacortes Pulp Co. agreed in writing to perform I- I 1 December 1, 1942. all of the obligations arising out of said contract. That the above mentioned contract as modified is a twenty uear contract and the minimin rate to the pulp mill which is no event is less that ?1,000.00 was the established minimum rate at the time of the passage of Ordinance 895 providing for and authorizing the issuance of ?518,000 of refunding bonds. The said ordinance 895 constitutes a contract between the City of Anacortes and the pur- chasers of the said refunding bonds. One of the provisions of the said contract set up in Section 5 of the sqid ordinance reads as follows: "It is hereby especially covenanted and agreed that the cant em])lated replacements t,) the system having an esti- mated Cost of approximately $40,000 will be made promptly and that the presently prevailing rates for water service will not be reduced prior to November lst, 1948, unless the further replacement work is cojupleted as recommended by the engineers and having an estimated cost of approxi- mately '130,000, inclusive of said item of 4"40,000.00." The replace-Inent ti'rorlt as recommended by the engineers to an estimated cost of ,P130,000 has not been completed. It can therefore be seen that if the City should reduce the minimum prevailing rate to the Anacortes Pulp Co., it would violate the provisions of its contract with the Holders of the refunding bonds. vle-, therefore, recommend that the request of the Anacortes Pulp Co. be refused. T.B. Elorrison Ferd Brady Anacortes, %ash. Dec. 1, 1942. S.L. Okerlund i T.G. McCrory I 11.V. dells, /Committee..." Mr. H.C. Barney, representing the Anacortes Pulp Co. spoke to the city council -at this time and urged that the council re -consider the communication above read. After som@, discussion a motion was made by Idorrison, seconded by Okerlund, that this report be continued for tiro weeks, or until the nest meeting of the city council. lotion carried. At this .time an Ordinance authorizing blackouts and air raid precaution-; orders, rules and regulations, prescribing penalties for the violation thereof; and declaring an emergency, came izp'far its third and final readings by sections. A motion was made by Okerlund and seconded by .Brady that said blackout ordinance be given its third arid final readings by sections. Uotion carried. A motion- was made by Okerlund and seconded by Wilcox that said ordinance: "being an Ordinance authorizing blackouts and air raid propection orders, rules and regulations; prescribing penalties for violation thereof, and declaring an emergency" be adopted as a c -dole : Ayes, Schulz, Okerlund, Wilcox, Brady and Morrison. Motion carried. A motion was made by Brady and seconded by:.Okerlund that an Ordinance re- lating to restricted lightin; and providing penalty for violations of this ordinance be laid on the table until the next meeting of the city council. Motion carried.. An insurance policy in the amount of �y10,000.00 on the Anacortes Camminity Building was presented to the city council. I'�otion made by Okerlund and :seconded by Brady that said insurance policy be referred to the city attor- ney. Motion carried. An insurance policy on the Dodge coupe recently purchased by the city of Anacortes as a service car in the -.rater department was presented to the city council -and a mot ion kras made by Brady and seconded by 0herlund that said insurance policy be referred to the city attorney. Motion carried. A renewal insurance policy on the American -La; France fire truck was presented to the city council and a motion was made by Okerlund, seconded by Brady, that said insurance policy be referred to city attorney. Lotion carried. LIr. Kenneth Sherman, local manager of the Puget Sound Power & Light Co. presented a neer street lighting contract to the city council, and a..,mo.tion Section 1 was read and a motion by Okerlund, seconded by 'Jilcox, that erection 1 be adopted. Motion carried. erection -2 was read, and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Schulz that section 2 be adopted. notion carried. Section •3 was read, and a -motion was made by Schulz and seconded by Okerlund that section 3 be adopted: I:Iotion carried. Section 4 was that Section read, , and a motion was made by Morrison 4 be adopted. Motion carried. and seconded by Vlilcox aecti on • 5 was read, and a motion was made by Okerlund, seconded by Schulz, that section 5 be adopted. I,totion carried. Section -6 was readm and a motion was made by Schulz and seconded by Okerlund that Section 6 be adopted. i._otion carried. Section % was read, and a motion made :;y Jilcox and seconded by Schulz, that section 'T be adopted. L-otion carried. Section -8 was read, and a motion was made by Brainy and seconded by Schulz that Section b be adopted. i'.Iotion carried. A motion- was made by Okerlund and seconded by Wilcox that said ordinance: "being an Ordinance authorizing blackouts and air raid propection orders, rules and regulations; prescribing penalties for violation thereof, and declaring an emergency" be adopted as a c -dole : Ayes, Schulz, Okerlund, Wilcox, Brady and Morrison. Motion carried. A motion was made by Brady and seconded by:.Okerlund that an Ordinance re- lating to restricted lightin; and providing penalty for violations of this ordinance be laid on the table until the next meeting of the city council. Motion carried.. An insurance policy in the amount of �y10,000.00 on the Anacortes Camminity Building was presented to the city council. I'�otion made by Okerlund and :seconded by Brady that said insurance policy be referred to the city attor- ney. Motion carried. An insurance policy on the Dodge coupe recently purchased by the city of Anacortes as a service car in the -.rater department was presented to the city council -and a mot ion kras made by Brady and seconded by 0herlund that said insurance policy be referred to the city attorney. Motion carried. A renewal insurance policy on the American -La; France fire truck was presented to the city council and a motion was made by Okerlund, seconded by Brady, that said insurance policy be referred to city attorney. Lotion carried. LIr. Kenneth Sherman, local manager of the Puget Sound Power & Light Co. presented a neer street lighting contract to the city council, and a..,mo.tion 526 December 1, 19420 was made by'Okerlund and seconded by Brady that said renewal contract be referred to to the fire, light and water committee, city attorney and street supervisor. of ,lotion carried. At this time the claims against the city of Anacortes for the month of l�Tovember 1942 were presented and read to the city council. 'k motion was made by Okerlund and seconded by Wilcox that said claims be referred to the finance committee. Iuotion carried. The finance committee considered said claims and recommended that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of , the same. Lotion :uade by.Okerlund and seconded by Schulz tl:Lat the recommendation of the finance committee in reference to the claims against the city of Anacortes for the month of November 1942 be adopted. Ayes: Schulz, Okerlund, Wilcox, Brady and Llorrison. Iu-otion carried. 1 CU=NT MPENSE FUND. Sadie K. Arges 10556 Salary as City Treasurer ? 75.00 0. E. Arges 1055'7 Salary as Deputy Treasurer -.1440.00 John G. Dorc y 10558 Salary as City Clerk 75.00 Yi. V. `jells 10559 i° as City Attorney 75.00 Dr. A.B. Cook 10560 'o' as IIealth Officer 37-50 A.R. Sellenthin 10561 " Police Justice 35,00 0.E, Arges 10562 " Janitor 47.50 E.P. Barron 10563 2 bays of City Clerk's Vacation 6.,00 G.1% Dalstead, P.K. 10564 Postage for Cleri:ls office 1.25 Laurene 1'1cDougall 10565 City Treasurer's Vacation 3,00 Elizabeth iI. D,•aelley 10566 Typing Ordinance 4,50 I 11.0. Davey 10562 Plumbing Inspections 3.00 '7m. I-IcIelinn 10569 Service as Dog Catcher 9.00 Voitus Furniture Co. 10569 Material -: Supplies 10.50 Shell Oil Company 10570 Supplies --1 09 Lyle's Grocery 10571 Supplies 4.34 Island Transfer '10572 Fuel Oil for City Hall 17.03 11T. H. Hinshaw 10573 Salary as Chief of Police 198050 Nick Petrish 10574 Salary as Patrolman 162.50 Jack Goff 10575 co- it 155,00 H'errill Iverson 105'/6 it " 155.00 L. Pollard 10577 155-00 Marvin Beebe 10576 to i4 155'00 Don Schmidt 10579 f° 11 155.00 Benson Motors lOKQO Service obi Police Car 12.3 ;Iverson_Brothers 10 81 Supplies for Police Dept. 2T Dept.. of Labor & Ind. 105&2 Ind. Ins. & 11ed Aid 13.56 L. E. wnider 10583 Salary as Fire Chief 194,53 Bert Verrall 10584 to, as Asst Chief 177.87 M. G. Stroak 10585 M Capt. Fire Dept. 162.19 L. E. Gibh-ons 10586 t° ro fireman 151090 Oliver Hauge 10587 i0 t4 It 151.90 C. Strock 10588 CP to fQ 155.00 C .A. Bowman 10589 i0 to 0 145-00 John Dorcy 10590 Call man Fire Dept. 3>50 A. Mondhan 10591 Call Lan Fire Dept.. 3.50 R. Boyes 10592 " to tt `o- 2.00 f L. Moore 10593 5.50 H. Chevrier 10594 t° tr `Q 2.50 R. Scribner 10595 `° " " `° 3-00 Geo. Miller 10596 '� i0 7.50 Fred Fisher 10597 " 14" 10 2050 L. Monroe 10598 " It 4' " 1.00 J. Smith 10599 iP iP It f0 2.00 'Imo Beale 10600 1.00 Firemen's Rel & Pen Fund 10601 2% of Firemen's Salaries 17-11 Anacortes Plater Dept. 10602 Hydrant Rental 565.00 L. E. Unider 10603 Cash Advanced 13.00 Sanderson Safety Supply 10604 Supplies for Fire Department 6.88 Automotive Parts Service 10605 Supplies for Fire Dept. 9.27 City Street Fund 10606 Transfer of Funds 1.29 Vim. G. HcCallum 10607 Insurance 36.13 El, Danielson, Co. Auditor 10608 Vehicle License 5-00 Marine Supply & Hdwe 10609 Supplies .92 South Side Hardware 10610 Material &: Supplies 5* 15 Union Oil Co. 10611 Gasoline 37.88 Nest Coast Telephone Co. 10612 Telephone Service 11.55 I -,,Ir. Archie Allan 10613 Rent of room for Election 5.00 Fred Brokens, Sr. 10614 11 ILA Hall for Election 5.00 E. Demopoulos 10615 to Room for Election 5.00 Rev. Donald Finlayson 10616 1D Presbyterian Basement 5-00 W. W. Keye s 10617 " Room for Election 5.00 School Dist. No. 18 10618 to 2 Election Rooms 10.00 Charlotte Asseln 10619 Clerk Primary Election City 6.25 Jaquetha Baker 10620 Judge City Primary Election 6.50 Ethel P. Barron 10621 it io n 0 6.50 Allie C. Bockman 10622 Inspector to to to 6.50 Alice Brokens 10623 it t° " 6.50 Grace If. Boyer 10624 co 1° t0 " 6.50 Ada Carter 10625 Judge, tf i0 `0 6.50 Mrs. Fred Davis 10626 Inspector 6'50 Mks. Tessie Dybbro 1062'/ to 6050 J. C. Farrell 10628 'o n it 0 6 o 50 1 _J r December 1, 1942. Current Expense Fund (Cont) Mrs. Marguerite Haley 10629 Rent of Haley Store Blgd. Loroa Hess 10630 Judge of City Primary Election Cressa Houle 10631 it It 1° '�M Lois Tiarcoe 10632 Inspector G. F. Keller Dorothy i'itchell 10633 10 1r 10 Martha E. 1Titchell 106-14 to n for it Doris horganthaler 10635 Judge " It Faith Paddock 10636 " " 10 " Jennie I.Iay Peterson 10637 7432 Simpson Electric Shop Henrietta Pierce 10638 n to to " Dorothy Pinson 10639 " n to tt Margaret 10640 " to to ,Pusey 11rs. Frances Rock 10641 to, to to it Nellie K. Rumsey 10642 Inspector " to if E"rm,a Smith 10643 Judge to t4 0 Gladys Smith 19644 'o Augusta Stock,�well 10645 In9pe ctor Ploy Toland 10646 Judge it tP Clara Tuff 10647 " to Dora Verhoeff 10648 " " It of 11adel ine Watson 10640 " `0 10 " Ellen 0. Whipple 10650 " to 10 to Edith F. V1i Id er 10651 Josephine Winge 19652 to 10 11 10 Mrs. Adelaide Kasch 10653,3 Rent of G.A.R. Hall for Election Diamond 5X to �'P1.00 Sto-10654 Supplies for Election Thornton's Store 10655 Supplies for Election The Fern -Press'' 10656 Printing and Supplies Curtis 71harf Co. 10657 Coal for Election Precincts Simpson's Electric Shop 10658 Service and Supplies A.nacortes American 10659 Printing & Publishing South Side Hardware 19600 11aterial & Supplies Anacortes Mater Dept. 10661 Water for 1101 8th St. Floyd ' using 20662 Cash Advanced for Telephone John G. Dorcy 10663 Cash Advanced See Voucher Puget Sound P. & Lt 10664 Lighting Service Schmitz Iron forks 10605 Service for Civilian Defense rifest Coast Telt. Co. 10666 Civilian Defense Telephone E. 1-1. Barker 106o7 Insurance on Community Bldg I.Irs. Adelaide Kasch 1066& To Replac:e Warrant No010653 CURRENT %LATER FUND T. G. LcCrory 7418 C11--rl es tedl and 7419 Russell Carolan '7420 yl. .0. Rogers 7421 Norman Fklton 7422 G. F. Keller '7423 A. Sirett. 7424 Lester Thomas 7425 John G. Dorcy '7426 Lauren.e McDougall�42 Current Expense Fund 'F42 T. G. 11[cCrory 7429 Island Transfer Co. 7430 The Fern Press 7431 City Street Fund 7432 Simpson Electric Shop '7433 Pennsylvania Salt Co. 7434 Curtis Uharf Co. 7435 Dept. of Labor & Ind. 7436 Puget Sound P & Lt 7437 Great Northern Railway 7438 Oliver Hauge '7439 E. Danielson 7440 E. Id. Barker '/441 Charles E. Franklin '7442 Fidalgo Bay Lumber Co. '7443 The Bristol Company 7444 7orthington Garcon Meter on., 7445 H. A. Cheever 7446 Federal Pipe and Tani 7447 J. E. Hazeltine & Co. 7448 Bell L'Iachine Works 7449 Skagit Bonded Coll. 7450 Schwartz Iron Works 7451 Benson idotors 7452 '.lest Coast Telephone 7453 Marine Supply & Hadw 74454 Am.Nat.Bk & Trust Co. 7455 A. Thompson 7456 Anacortes Daily i='ierc. 7457 Salary as dater Supt. to Water Foreman too Serviceman to FiIterman to 0 it PumpMan it Bookkeeper to Clerk Transfer of Funds Mileage on car and cash advanced Fuel Oil for filter Plant Printing and Supplies Fasoline used in Dater Dept. Service, ':fater Dept. Chlorine for Filter Plant Supplies for Water Dept Ind Ins & filed aid Po\-rer and 3ervic e Freight on Alum Used Oil Circulating Heater Licenses for laotor Vehicles Insurance on Dodge Service Czar Lettering on Water Service Car Material for Nater Dept . Supplies for 'Tater Dept. 12 "Watch Dog1° Heters Supplies for Water Dept. Bands for food Pipe Equipment for Nater Dept. Labor & Material Collection of Water Bills Service for Water Dept. 1940 Dodge Coupe Telephone Service tlaterial and Supplies Bond Handling charge Material for Water Dept. Clater Receipt Books .-CITY STREET FUND 5000 6:25 6.25 6:25 6'25 6.25 6:50 6025 6.5o 6.25 6'50 6:50 6' 50 6' 5a. 6' 50 6,5o 6 025 6050 6.25 6050 6 6'50 6.5o 6.25 .82 10'30 30.85 8034 2:53 6o.00 715 2.50 1.05 4.62 288.74 _ 3 o8 170o8 150.50 5.00 295: 00 197'80 166.00 166'00 155.00 1450 00 130.00 135.00 50.00 4.20 14 .00 3.45 20.02 7.00 15.28 1.44 59085 45.32 11.62 1381.07 251.75 40.00 .75 22.09 2.06 20076 6.90 146.10 5.25 43.78 5.67 57.18 15.00 18.54 820.35 22.20 36.15 441.88 3.09 19.50 P. E. Olson 1426 Salary as Street Foreman 182.50 Lgrnn. Balc omb 1427 'P Graderman 182.50 G. hiller 1428 "' Maintenance man 166.00 Roy L. McDougall 1427 11 to 166000 527 c�28 December 1, 1942. City Street Fund (Cont) Dave Summers 1430 Salary as Maintenance man 155600 Lee Parish 1431 to, Street SweepeP 90000 -2. G. McCrory 1432 It Street Supervisor 50000 John G. Dorcy 1433 44 Bookkeeper 40000 rlm. McMinn 1434 F° Dumpman 39000 Union Oil -Go. 1435 Gasoline, City Pump 7$68 South Side Hardware' 1436 Material .41 Mt, Vernon Bldg 11at.Coo 1437 Supplies for St. Dept. 8057 Bruce V. Nelson 1438 Service & Material 3084 � Schwartz Iron Works 1439 Labor and Material 9030 Simpson Elec. Shop 1440 Service at Gravel Pit 7037 Harry Hartman Curtis Wharf Co. 1441 Material and Freight 9007 Follett Book Co. Standard Oi1*Co. 1442 Charge for Iron Barrels 8000 E._, Danielson, Co. Aud0 1443 Truck Licenses for 1943 3075 Puget Sound P & Lt Co. 14444 Power 45.00 Trulson 110 for Co.' 1445 Pests for Truck 1.45 j Dept. Labor & Indo 1446 Ind Ins & Hed Aid 36034 Marine Supple & Hdwe 1447 Material and Supplies 6.35 LIBRARY IUND Fla.val Pearson 1719 Salary as Librarian 140000 Blanche Sackett 1720 Salary as Asst Librarian 85.00 Fred Marshall 1721 Salary as Janitor for Library 60000 Flaval Pearson 1722 Cash advanced 2.60 Luvera°s 1723 Supplies for Library 15-20 Dept. of Labor & Indo 1724 Ind Ins & Died Aid .6 Simmonds Paint Co. 172-5 Supplies,for Library 420'93 i Anacortes -Water Dept.. 1726 Vater used at Library 2e5O � Fern LLart in 1727 Extra work at Library 16.20 Puget Sound P. & Lt.Cp 1728 Lights used at Library 7.32 College Bindery 1729 Bookbinding at Library 100g5 Harry Hartman 1730 Books for Library 8'89 Follett Book Co. 1731 Books for Library 10.02 J. K. Gill Company 1732 Books for Librayy 100023 Doubleday, Doran & Co. 1733 Books for .Library 5009 P, -IRK FUND. J. Eo Harding 1353 Salary as Park Supt. 15500 Frank Knapp 1354 Salary as Park Employee 135>00 Colvin's Service Sta. 1355 Supplies for Park Dept. 1055 R. H. Dildine 1356 Tools for Park Dept. 2006 City Street Fund 1357 Gasoline used in Park Truck 9.33 Dept. of Labor & Ind. 1358' Ind Ins & Med Aid 3.03 E. Danielson, Co. Auditor 1359 License for Park Truck 1.25 L.I.D. GUARANTY FUND Investor's Service Corp- 38 Partial Pmt. Bond #68 LID #139 250.00 Investor's Service Corp. 39 `� `0 `° '¢ t° 250.00 Having completed the business of the evening a motion was made by i,ilcour, and seconded by Brady that the meeting of the city council adjourn. lotion carried. The meeting of the city council did then adjourn. ATTEST CITY 4RK KAYO R 1 1 529 December .15, 1942. The regular meeting of the city dounc it of the City of Amaco rt es was called to order at 8:00 o'clock P.151r. with 1uayor C.A. Peters presiding. Roll was called and Schulz, Okerlund, Morrison and Brown were present. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Several men spoke to the city council about the condition of the surface of Twelfth Street and Oakes Ave. and urged that the city do something about this to improve this condition. Mr. IMcCrory spoke to the city council and pointed out the problems involved in keep inu this street. Due to wet weather and several other reasons very little couTd oe done, than in being done at the present time. fir. McCrory stated furter that as soon as the weather became drier that the condition of this street would be very much improved. The following report of =.'ir. V.V. ?'dells, city attorney, vas presented to the city council and read: "To the Honorable iliayor and City Council, of the City of Anacortes, Gentlemen: Your City Attorney to whom was referred a commutication from Anacortes Pulp Co. dated November 17, 1942, begs leave to report as follov-rs,- Section 3 of Ordinance Noo845B, passed on the 14th day of August, 1934, fixing rates at Which water shall be sold by the City of Anacortes, reads as follows: "Where the City shall enter into a contract or supplemental contract which provides for the sale to any individual or corporation of water for manufacturing purposes or industrial uses, in excess of 6,500,000 cubic feet in any calendar month such contract shall contain a provision requiring the purchasers to pay the City a minimum of 4'P1500.00 for each calendar rYionth, which said minimum shall be payable (except during periods of shutdovm as defined in Section 4 hereof, whether the plant of the purchaser is operated during all or any portion of said month" Section 4 of the same ordinance reads as follows: "During such periods as the manufacturing or industrial plant of any user purchasing eater under a contract provided for in Section 3 hereof shall be shut down, such purchaser shall be entitled to discharge his obligation to purchase water under such agreement by paying the City at the rats of One Thousand dollars ($1,000.00) per month during the continuance of such shutdown; PROVInED, however, that before such shutdown rate shall become effective the purchaser shall give the City ten days -%,rri tten notice of his intention to shut down such plant. In the event of s shutdown caused by strikes, Fire or Acts of God, no notige shall be required to make the shutdown rate of One Thousand Dollars 01,000.00) per month available to the purchaser from the date of such enforced shutdown..." In the last paragraph of Section 6 of the refunding ordinance vie find the following: "It is hereby specially covenanted and agreed that ':he contem- plated replacements to the system having an estimated cost of approximately :40,000 will be made promptly and that the present prevailing rates for water service will not be reduced prior to November lst, 1948, unless the further repl acement work is completed as recommended by the engineers and having an estimated cost of approximatelt 0130,000, inclusive of said item of 40, 000.00. " The replacements to the amount of 4?130,000.00 have not been made, and until they are made, or until 1948, the City cannot reduce its presently prevailing vrater rates. Any attempt to do so would be in.plain violation of its contract v,,ith the holders of the refunding; bondsr•. Respectfully submitted, Dated .Dec. 15, 1942. W. V. Vells, City Attorney." Mr. H.C. Barney spoke to the city council and urged that the council take no action on the above city attorney's report for two weeks, as .�Ir. John L.-cKirdy, manager of the Anacortes Pulp Co. desired to speak to the city douncil on this matter, and would not be back in Anacortes before that time. After some disc cussion a motion was made by uorrison and seconded by Orowr that the above mentioned city attorney's report be tabled for two weeks, or until the next meetin of the city council. Motion carries. The report of the chief of the fire department for the month of idovember, 1942, was presented and read to the city council and a motion was made by Okerlund and seconded by Schulz that said report be accepted and placed on file. -.o tion carried. The report of the police justice for the month of November, 1942, was presented The only industrial plant in Anacortes coming in the class of users taking in excess of 6,500,000 cubic feet of water in any calendar month is the pulp mill, and Section 4 quoted above establishes a minimum rate for the Anacortes Pulp Co. of :1,000.00 per month during periods of shutdowns, which was the prevailing rate. at the time of the passage of the refunding ordinance No. 895. In the last paragraph of Section 6 of the refunding ordinance vie find the following: "It is hereby specially covenanted and agreed that ':he contem- plated replacements to the system having an estimated cost of approximately :40,000 will be made promptly and that the present prevailing rates for water service will not be reduced prior to November lst, 1948, unless the further repl acement work is completed as recommended by the engineers and having an estimated cost of approximatelt 0130,000, inclusive of said item of 40, 000.00. " The replacements to the amount of 4?130,000.00 have not been made, and until they are made, or until 1948, the City cannot reduce its presently prevailing vrater rates. Any attempt to do so would be in.plain violation of its contract v,,ith the holders of the refunding; bondsr•. Respectfully submitted, Dated .Dec. 15, 1942. W. V. Vells, City Attorney." Mr. H.C. Barney spoke to the city council and urged that the council take no action on the above city attorney's report for two weeks, as .�Ir. John L.-cKirdy, manager of the Anacortes Pulp Co. desired to speak to the city douncil on this matter, and would not be back in Anacortes before that time. After some disc cussion a motion was made by uorrison and seconded by Orowr that the above mentioned city attorney's report be tabled for two weeks, or until the next meetin of the city council. Motion carries. The report of the chief of the fire department for the month of idovember, 1942, was presented and read to the city council and a motion was made by Okerlund and seconded by Schulz that said report be accepted and placed on file. -.o tion carried. The report of the police justice for the month of November, 1942, was presented December 15, 1942. and read to the city council, and a motion was made by Schulz and seconded by Morrison tgiat said report be accepted and placed on file. I'Totion carried. Potion was made by Brown and seconded by Okerlund that Ordinance relating to r restricted lighting and providing penalty for the violation of this ordinance be postponed until the next meeting of the city council.. 11otion carried. Two suretk bonds, o'n behalf of 'Er. T.G. McCrory, one as water superintendent and one as street supervisor for the year 1943, were presented to the city council and a motion was made by Okerlund c;.nd seconded by Schulz that the said bonds be referred to the city attorney. i:otion carried. The officers of the Coast Guard in the city of Anacortes have notified the city that the two red channel lights located on 13th street and Commercial Avenue and also near the Shell Oil Dock be turned out during the present national emergency and a motion was made by Okerlund and seconded by Iviorrison that the city clerk be authorized to write to the Puget Sound Power Lights Co. authorizing them to turn off these two red channel lights, Motion carried. At the meeting of the city council held December 1, 1942, the city clerk was authorized to call for bids for the same of timber on property owned by the city of Anacortes, and that said bids would be opened on December 15, 1942, at 8:00 O'clock P.H. and at this time a motion was made by Okerlund and seconded by 1*orrison that said timber bids be opened. Motion carried. The following bid, from the Anacortes Veneer Inc. was the obly bid submitted to the city council: City of Anacortes, Anacortes, Washington. Gentlemen: Anacortes, �.Yashington. December 14, 1942. ., We hereby submit to you the following bid for the mer- chantable timber standing upon the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter; The South one-half of the Northwest quarter;. The Southwest �Luarter; The Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, and The west One-half of the Southeast Quarter. all in Section 2$, Twp, 35, N.R. 1 E. 71.11. in Skagit County, and pursuant to the terms and conditions of your call for bids dated December 2, 1942, and published in the Anacortes Am-erican in its issue of December3, 1942, to -crit: Peelers No • 1 ( fir) 012.50 Peelers No. .2 (fir) 8.00 Core (fir) 6.00 No.l Saw lobs (fir) 7.00 No>2 satiFr logs (fir) 5.00 No -3 sari loge (fir) 2.50 Cedar No. 1 10.00 Shingle cedar 3.50 Yours very truly, 0,IT ,CO RTES VEiL'ER , INC . By F. Z. Johnson, General manager 1P After some discussion and consideration a motion was made by Liorrison and seconded by Brown that the above bid of the Anacortes Veneer, Inc. in substance be accepted and that the city attorney be authorized to draw up a contract and necessary papers for said bid anc; that the city attorney also be authorized to drab up a supplemental agreement to be entered into to cover any merchantable timber not mentioned in the bid, for instance, cedar piling or piles. That the logging operations shall strat on or before thirty days after the signing of the contract and that logging operations shall be completed within a period of two years from the date of said contract; and that the mayor and city clerk be authorized to sign sa"id contract and all bece ssary papers. Ayes: Schulz, Okerlund, 11or ri son and Brown. Motion carried. Havin-- completed the business of the evening a motion was made by Schulz and seconc,�ed by Okerlund that the meeting of the city council adjourn until '?:30 P -M— December 18, 1942, at which time the city council will canvass the ballots of the city'.,general election held on December 8, 19420 I::otion carried. The meeting of the city council did then adjourn. ATTE ST • C9Z�c t City Clerk 1 1 1 1 1 See canvass of Vote following adj ourn,._ient . below �7 December 18, 1942 5 3 1 `.the . regular adjourned meeting of the City council was called to order at 7:30 Q'clock V,Id. with 1.1ayor G.A. Peters presiding. .Holl was called and Schulz, 'Wilcox, Tucker, i:orrison and Brown were present. The purpose of thr- meeting was to canvass the votes of the city general elec- tion held on December 8, 1942. Mayor C.A. Petors then administered the following oath to the city clerk, John G. Dorcy: "3tate of '�ashington County of Skagit: City of Anacortes:aS I, Jolin G. Darcy, do solemnly* swear that the returns purporting to be the election returns of the several precincts of the City of Anacortes have been in nowise altered by additions, or erasures,. and that they are t�.e same as when I received them, so help me God. John G. Dorcy Subscribed and sworn to before -,foe the 18th day of December,. 1942. C.A. Peters Mayor of the City of Anacortes. M Motion was made by Schulz,,,•,and -. seconded,.-by_0kerlUrld, that the....Mayor, the city attorney and councilmen constitute themselves as a canvass board and canvas. the returns of said city general election,. Blotion carried. Two absentee votes were then read, and tabulated. The sealed envelopes con- taining the poll books from the 11 precincts in. said city general election held December 8, 1042, were opened and a canvass made of the votes cast in said city general election, as shown by said poll books, with the following results: STATt OF `:IASHINGTON COUNTY OF SKAGIT SS The undersigned, the canvassing board to canvass the election returns for the General City Election held on the 8th day of December, 1942,, do hereby certify: That on this date, December 18, 1942, we opened the two (2) absentee ballots voted at the above General City Election, and have counted said ballots and have added the same according to law to the returns of the several voting precincts of the City; that fire have canvassed the said election returns with the two (2) absentee votes added thereto, and do find that the following persons were duly and regularly elected to the offices for which they were respectively candidates, as follows: For Councilman at Large Elton A. Schulz For Councilman, is t '.lard, 2 -year term Joe Bowen For Councilman, 1st :Ward, 4 -year term Tie Vote, Wo election Councilman, 2nd Ward, 4 -year term ;falter Har.,imons For councilman, 3rd Ward, 2 -year term Ferd Brady For Councilman, 3rd Ward, 4 -year term R.L. Tucker (Signed) C.A. Peters Ed P'.-Browrr T. B. Horrison R.L. Tucker S.L. Okerlund Jesse R. Wilcox Elton A. Schulz John G. Dorcy Canvassing Board. !g Lotion zyas made by I:iorrison, seconded by Okerlund, that the Declaration of Election be incorporated in the minutes and that the city clerk send certifi- cates of election to the persons declared elected. Lotion carried. The following is a certificate of election issued by the Canvassing Board '(See Above) Having completed the business of the evening a motion rras made by Schulz and s seeobded by Wilcox , that the meeting of the City council adjourn. Lotion carried. The meeting did then adjourn. AT TE 3 T : 4,, X City Clerks mayor Election Returns 1-1 1-2 1-3 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 3-1 3-2 3-,3 3-4 Total See above COUNCILI%�AN AT LARGE Elton A. Schulz 34 62 14 50 34 48 38 88 43 100 27 490 Ralph Johnson 41 30 31 60 47 26 65 26 52 26 14 418 Councilman lst 1.7ard 2 -year term T.B. i,orrison 34 60 12 106 Joe Bowen 44 34 32 110 `��� c_I C � C OUNC ILW.AN 1 s t Ua rd 4 -Year Term Fd 0 Brown Fred Silverthtpae R. L. Tucker COUITCILAWC T 2nd Ward 44 -year term Jim IFiller ;falter Hammons December 18, 1042. 1-1 1-2 1-3 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 Total 2 59 15 43 33 30 l06 1 49 27 48 39 163 60 53 26 64 203 COUNC ILMW 3rd Uard 2 -year term Ferd Brady 88 41 84 22 235 Preston Holton 26 54 42 16 138 COUNCILMAN 3rd Turd 4 -year term R. I. Tucker 88 40 90 28 246 James Rolph 27 -55 37 12 131 January 5, 1943- The 943The regular meeting of the city council of the city of Anacortes was called to order at $:00 o'clock P.11'. 'with Ivrayor C.A. Peters presiding. Roll was called and B'chulz, Okerlund, Tucker, Brady, Alorrison and Brown were present. Minutes of the previous meeting sere read and approved as read. The report of the city treasurer for the month of December, 1942, was presented aln and read to the city council, and was referred by the mayor to the finance committee. The report of the chief of police for the month og December,, 1942, teras presented and read to the city council, and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Tucker that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The annual report of the chief of police for the year 1942 was presented and read to the city council and a iaotion was made by Okerlund and seconded by Brady that said report be referred to the license and police committee. Lotion carried. The report of the police justice for the month of December 1942 was presented and read to the city council, and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Tucker that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The annual reports of the police Justice for the yearl942 was presented and read to the city council, and a motion was made by Schulz and seconded by.Brady that said annual police justice report be accepted and placed on file. I,lotion carried. The report of the water superintendent for the month of December, 1942, was pre- sented and read to the city council, and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Morrison that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion. carried. j The report of the street forman for the month of December, 1942, was presented and read to the city council, and a motion was made by*IvIorrison, seconded by Schulz that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The gasoline report for the month of December, 1942, was presented and read to the city council, and a motion turas made by Schulz and seconded by Okerlund that said report be accented and placed on file. Motion carried. Some time ago the 1)uget Sound Light 1�1- Power Co. submitted a renewal street lighting contract to the city council, which contract was referred to the fire, light and water committee, the city attorney and street supervisor. The following is a report on the street lighting contract by that committee: To the Honorable Mayor and Oity Council: Your committee on Fire, Light and -later Committee, City Attorney and Street Supervisor, to whom was referredtthe matter of the new Street'Lighting Contract as presented in the form of e, Resolution to cover the period from June 1, 1942, to May 31, 1947, beg leave to report as follows: That ire your Committee have examined said Street Lighting Contract and find that the rates and conditions are the same as the Contract under which we have been operating during the past five years and ,li.e,..acceptance of said St^eet Lighting Contract Resolution as presented by the Puget Sound Power & Light Co. T. B. Morrison Chairman Ferd Brady S.L. Okerlund Committee Anacortes> Jash. January 5, 1943 W.V. dells, City Attorney T. G. McCrory, Sk. Supervisor A motion was made by Brody and seconded by Tucker that the above committee report on the matter of the street lighting contract be accepted and that the mayor and city clerk be authorized to sign said street lighting contract. Ayes' Schulz, Okerlund, Tucker, Brady, Morrison and Brown. 1 11 fl