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1938 City Council Minutes
(�1 January .4, 1938, Regular meeting of the City Council of the City- o:f Anacortes met and was Roll C.al1, called to order at. .8:10 P. M. with Mayor Joe deorge presiding. The roll was called and Neely, Fisher, Peters, Brady and Taylor were present. Miller and Dildine were absent. Minutes The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. City.Atty Report on . The "City°Attorney spoke at some length on theproposed Garbage Ordinance which Garbage was "read for information at a.t. the last Council Meeting, andawhich proposed to Ordinances let " the garbage .hauling: out on a contract basis., and also the .City Attorney discussed several other forms of garbage ordinances, and finally recommended that the City Council determine exactly what they wanted a garbage ordinance to do, and that he would- be much better able to prepare a Garbage Ordinance' when he, knew just what the . City Council wanted. In the proposed Garbage Ordin- ance read at the last Council Meeting there was a section which provided 'for a License, and Fisher spoke and said he thought that a bond should be substituted for a license., and suggested that a sdale- of prices to be charged for garbage hauling should be filed with the City Clerk. • Water Supt The 'Report of the Water Superintendent for the month of December was read, and Report a motion was made by Peters and seconded by Brady that the report of the Water Superintendent be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. Gasoline The `Gasoline Report for the month of December 1937 was read, and was presented Report by the Chief of the Fire Department, and a motion was made by Fisher and 'eec- onded by Neely that the Gasoline Report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. A. Y. ' Gnaga The 'matter of the removal of a building in the street a .Seventh Street and Building R avenue and owned by Mr. A. N. Gnaga was discussed, and a motion was made by Peters and seconded by'Fisher that the City Clerk be authorized to write to Mr. °Gnaga, giving him thirty days notice to remove this building at Seventh Street and R Avenue. Motion carried. ' Fisher reported a broken sewer at. Ives place at 1115 Fifth Street. ` Assn lash. The 'matter of renewing membership in the Association of Washington Cities for Cities the `year 1938 was discussed,and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Peters that the City of Anacortes renew its membership in the Association of Washington Cities for the year 1938. Ayes, Neely, fisher, Peters, Bradyiavd° Taylor. Motion carried.. Ray In the matter of the application of Raymond Robinson Jr. for a lease of they Robinson west forty feet of the butt end of I Avenue, north of the Great Northern Lease & Right of Way northward to the outer line of the harbor area, for the purpose Resolution of Constructing and operating a small marine ways was discussed, and a motion was °made by Taylor and seconded by Fisher that the rental be one dollar ( l.00) per °year for a period of five years. Motion carried. The Raymond Robinson matter was further discussed, and a. Resolution to grant this lease was presented by the City Attorney, and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Taylor that the Resolution be accepted'and published. Motion "carried. City Street A Resolution to transfer' all monies on hand in the Current Expense Fund, the Fund SecondaryHighway Fund or any other Fund to the City Street Fund was presented, and'a motion was made by Fisher and seconded by Brady that. this Res'olUtionnbe accepted, and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the Resold- tion. Motion carried. - - Gasoline The'bids for selling gasoline to the City of Anacortes for year 1938 were Bids opened, and the prices read to the City Council. The following were the prices:' Premium.' Grade lst Grade 3rd Grade Shell Oil Co. , .20 ,17 .165 Standard Oil Co`. .1975 .1675 .1625 Union Oil Co. .1675 .1625 • TheTexas Oil Co. .1998 .1697 .1649' After some discussion this matter was referred by the Mayor to the Finance Coma Insurance An Insurance Committee composed of Dildine, Miller and Peters appointed by the Committee Mayor to consider the renewal policies for the' Volunteer` Firemen' s Insurance and the insurance on the International Truck, both policies for the year 1938, , was reported on by' Peters, who said that the Committee had decided to renew the Volunteers Firemen's Insurance Policy with Mr. Mat. Kingsley for the- year 1938, and to give the insurance on the International Truck to Mr. Jay F. ' Carroll for° one yearffrom January 1, 1938 to January 1, 1939. The Volunteer Firemen's Insurance to be issued on the condition that the difference between $71,50 and $36;00:- which° is' $35.50 be charged to the budget of the Fire Department. A motion was made by Neely and seconded by Fisher that the report of the Insurance Committee be adopted. Motion carried. . Bonds for The matter of Bonds for City Officials for the year 1938 was discussed, and City was referred by the Mayor to the City Attorney and the Judiciary Committee. Officials The matter of determining what fees to be paid to the Wiring Inspector' was Wiring discussed, and was referred by the Mayor to the Finance Committee with power Inspector. to act. , , 1. C 0 January 4, 1938 Coritinned - 1 The Claims against the City of Anacortes for the month of December were read, and the following are the Claims that were read: ' . • CURRENT .EXPENSE' - I Department of Labor & Ind. 7023 Ind Ins, Med Aid &. Occ Tax 3 Mo, 31.71 Dr. H. E. Frost 7024 Salary as Health Officer 22.50 John G. Dorcy 7025 Salary as City Clerk 50.00 W. V. Tells 7026 Salary as City Attorney 50. 00 Sadie M. Arges 7027 Salary as City Treasurer 50.00 A. R. Selienthin 7028 Salary as Police Justice 20.00 Mrs. C. Storme 7029 Salary as Janitor-City Hall 25.00 0. E. Arges- 7030 Salary as Deputy Treasurer 90.00 G. N. Dalstad 7031 Postage for City- Clerk's Office 2.50 Union Printing Co. 7032 Supplies for Treasurer & Clerk 53.95 Mrs. S. D. Temple 7033 Supplies for City Treasurer 4.52 J. George 7034 Cash acbtanced & expense 10.50 Lyle's Grocery 7035 Janitor's Supplies-City Hall .82 Ted Hardell 7036 Coal for City Hall. 25.50 ` Island Transfer Co. 7o37 Fuel for City Hall_ 76.39 Puget Sound Pr. '& Lt. Co. 7038 Lights for City Hail. 9.76 G. N. Dalstad 7039 Stamped Envelopes for Pol.Justice 4.13 H. H. Hinshaw 7040 Salary & Cash Advanced 136.00 Tom Brown 7041 Salary as Patrolman 110.00 John Nevill 7042 Salary as Patrolman 105.00' A. D. Monroe 7043 Salary as Extra Police 4.50 City- Street Fund 7044 Gasoline used by Police Car 30.86 Benson Motors 7045 Repairs & Service,Police Car 21.45 Maryland Cafe 7046 Meals-Police "Dept . 6.00 Amsberry's Cafe 7047 Meals for Police Dept. 20.75 L. E. Snider 7048 Salary as Chief of Fire Dept. 132.30 Bert Verrali 7049 Salary as Asst. Chief, ' 112.70 M. G. Strock 7050 Salary as Captain, Fire Dept. 102.90 M. R. Cookston 7051 Salary as Fireman 98.000 Ed. McGovern 7052 Wages as Call Man n " 5.00 R. Bushey 7053 0, " * * * * 4.00 'F L. Moore 7054 W 0 It 0 It M 2.00 C. Strock 7055 it * » M a ft 6.00 Bert Hanstead 7056 to - ", " * it * 2.00 George Olson 7057 * * * " - ', "' 6.50 v' A. Mondhan 7058 is * * * M M 1.00 E. Holmes 7059 n to * 9 3.5o Standard Oil Co. 7060 Supplies for Fire Dept. 7.25 Shannon Hardware Co. 7061 Tools for Fire Dept. 2.89 Anacortes Water Dept. 7062 Hydrant Rental 395.00 Marina Supply Co. 7063 Tools for Fire Dept. 3.10 . Firemen's Relief & Pension -'.,_m.7064 2% of Firemen's Salaries 9.10 Van Buren & Heller 7065 Supplies for Fire Dept. 3.90 Vest Coast Telephone Co, 7066 Telephone Service 3.85 Automotive Parts Service 7067 Supplies for Fire Dept. 2. 72 Ray Standish 7068 Supplies, Fire & Police Depts. 1.85 Typewriter John Turner 7069 Typewriter Repairs,Police Dept. 13.00 Daily Mercury 7070 Publishi tg Notices 8.35 W. V. Wells 7071 Cash Advanced for Postage., 1.30 Anacortes Steam Laundry7072 Laundry, Fire & Police Depts. 2.00 Puget Sound Pr. & Lt. Co. 7073 Lights for voting Booths 4.25 Curtis Wharf Co. 7074 Coal for City Precinct Bidge. 2.50 Standard Oil Co. 7o75 Service for Police Car 5.04 LIBRARY FUND E. Luella Howard 1055 Salary & Cash Advanced - 75.80 Evelyn Lundberg 1056 Salary as Asst-Librarian 45.00 Mrs Blanche Sackett 1057 Salary as Junior Librarian 35.00 Fred Marshall 1058 Salary as Janitor, Library 25.00 Puget Sound Pr. & Lt. Co. 1059 Lights for Library 8.64 Anacortes Water Dept. 1060 Water used at Library 2.50 PARK FUND J. E. Harding - 986 Salary as Park Supt. 100.00 Frank Knapp 987 Salary for Labor in City Parks 20.00 Dept-. of Labor & Industries 988 Ind Ins, Med Aid & 0cc Tax 10.18 1 Shannon Hardware Co. 989 Supplies & Tools, Park Dept. 10.19 City Street Fund 990 Gasoline used in Park Truck 7:26 , ` WATER. FUND T. G. McCrory 5224 Salary as Water Supt. 250.00 Dave Riggs 522 Salary as Service Man 125,00 Charles Wediund 5226 Salary as Service Man 105.00 W. 0 Rogers 5227 Salary as Filterman 110.00 i Russell Carolan 5228 Salary as Filterman. ' 90.00' Lester Thomas 5229 Salary as Pump Man at Avon 75.00 John G. Dorcy 5230 Salary as Bookkeeper. 25.00 Ruth Atterbury 5231 Salary_ for Clerical ifork; 7.52 January 4, 1918 Continued 9 1 1 1 T". G. McCrory - 5232 Mileage on Car 15.70 . NOrthwestern Nat Bank 5233 Gash advanced .for Bond Investigation 100.00 Shell Oil. Company.. Union Oil Co:Go: 5234 Gasoline for Whistle Lake Pump 5235 Oil 'for Avon 33.00 2.35 Shibley Conipany 5236 Repairs fOr Xater Dept. 6.58 The Fern Press . 5237/ Offilce Supplies=Water Office 1.00 SC4wartz Iron. Itorks 5238 Labor & Material , 10.75 Dept. of Labor -& Ind. 5239 Ind ,Ins, Med Aid & Occ Tax' 74.82 Mrs. S. D. Tenple 5240 Office Supplies',Water Dept. 3.90 City Street Fund 5241 Gasoline used,Water Trucks 19.63 Tax COmmissionc 5242 Business Tax onigater Sales 431.62 West Coast Telephone Co.5243 Telephone Service-Water Dept. 3.60 Van Buren & Helier ' '. 5244 Supplies for Water Dept . 4.22 Current Expense Fund - 5245 'Transfer of Funds 90.00 Simpson's Electric Shop ' 5246 Supplies for Water Office :31 The Marine Supply Co. 5247 Supplies for Water- Dept. 30.70 Knapp & Ronneberger 5248 Anti Freeze for Water Trucks 2.40' Island Transfer Go, 5249 Coal for Filter' Plant 8.72 Skagit Valley Tel. Co. 5250 Telephone aerviceWater Dept. 6. 05 Puget Sd. Pr. & Lt. Co. 5251 Pomrer 'for Avon Pump 761.96 Rensselaer Valve Co. 5252 Valve Parts 5.80 Pennsylvania Salt Co. 5253 Chlorine for Filter Plant 45.00 Puget Sd. Pr. & Lt.Co 5255 Power for Whistle Lake Line 30.92 Puget Sd. Pr. & Lt. Co. "4" PoWer for Settling Basin 7.54 Mbrrison Mill Co. 5256 Lumber -for Water Dept. 21.20' Treasurer, Skagit Co. 5257 Purchase of Building - 5.90 Frank Rock , 5258 Material for Water Dept. 6.00 P. E. Olson CITY- STREET FUND - 181 Salary as' Street Foreman 125.00' Lynn Balcomb 182 Salary at Graderman 125.00 Artis Taylor 183 Salary as Maintenance Man 70.97 John Anderson 184 Salary for Labor in St. Dept. 0 104.00 T. W. Dodson . 185 Salary as Street Sweeper' 50000 Earl Holmes 186 Salary as Maintenance Man 39.03 john C. Dorcy 187 Salary as- Bookkeeper' 25.00 Union Oil Co. 188 Kerosene Oil St. Dept. 7.25 Union Oil Co. Gasoline-City- Pump 33.00 The Texas Company 189 GasoIine.TCity Pump 123.75 Morrison Mill Co. 190' Lumber for. Street Dept. 18'.:.78 Shell Oil Co. 191 Compressor Oil, St. Dept. 2.20 Wm. Maris 192' Labor & Materials, St. Dept. 6.75 Schwartz Iron Works 193 Labor & Materials, St. Dept . 1.10 Knapp & Ronneberger 194 Materials & Repairs 11.1.'60 The Marine Supply Co. 195 Material ,& Supplies 6:70 Puget Sd. Pr. & Lt. Gt. 196 Power_ for Crhsher 37.50 Simpson's Electric Shop 197 -Wiring Service, Rock Crusher 4.85 Tan. Buren & Heller 198 Supplies, St. Dept. 2.14 James G. Smith 199 Payment of Werner Highway Suits 300.00 Jacobson & Wittman 200 Wiring Service, Gravel Pit 13.18 S. J. G. Ormison 201 Used Lumber, Street Dept. 5.76. :Dept. of Labor 4 Ind. 202 Ind Ins, Med Aid & 0cc Tax 2 Mo. 27.75 Feenaughty Mach. Co. 203 Grader Blades 10.25 Anacortes Lumber Co. 204 Lumber for Street Dept. 1.75 II Jay F. Carroll Dept of Labor & Ind. 205 Insurance on International Truck 206 Labor on Garbage Dump 20.00 207 Ind Ins & Med Aid, Not St. Fund 69.10 S. P. Walsh 1.71 Puget Sd. Pr. & Lt. Co. 208 Street Lights _ 258.47 Puget Sd. Pr. e,al.t. Co. 209. Pole Rental for 1937 1.00 Puget Sd. Pr. & Lt. Co. " m Christmas Tree Lights 19.61 The. above Claims were read, and a motion was made by Peters and seconded by Brady that the Claims be referred to the Finance Committee . Motion Carried. The Finance Committee considered the claims and recommended that the Claims be allowed and warrants be drawn in favor of same. A. motion was made by Brady and seconded by Neely that the report of the Finance Committee be accepted. Ayes, Neely, Fisher, Peters, Brady and Taylor. Motion carried. There being no further business a motion was made by Peters and seconded by Neely that the Council Meeting adjourn. Motion Carried. The meeting of the City Council did then adjourn. - Attest: , Mayor ai.i City erk. : II , -_.., . ,. , . • A January 8, 1938 Special Meeting of the City Council of Anacortes was called by the Mayor to Roll Call consider the refunding of the Revenue Water Bonds of the Anacortes Later Depart- 111 ment. Owing to the absence by illness of the Mayor, the meeting was called to order at 7:10 P. M. with Mayor Pro Tein, R. H. Dildine presiding. The roll was called and Peters, Dildine, Miller, Brady and Taylor were present. The City Attorney prepared and presented to the City- Council an agreement be# Water tween the City of Anacortes and Mr. James Rorrison, authorizing Mr. James Bond Rorrison to contatc the owners of the present Revenue Water Bonds•' and looking Agreement toward the exchange of our present Bonds, Bond for Bond for a new issue Of three per cent. Revenue Bonds. E. A motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Peters that the City Clerk read the agreement to the City 'council. Motion carried. The agreement was read, and after some discussion a motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Brady that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign this agreement. Ayei ,; Peters , Dildine, Miller, Brady and Taylor. There being no further business, a motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Peters that the Council meeting adjourn. Motion carried. ' 6)Z- -eef._A_o,L.-p'-L____ Mayor-Are Attest: e-t-c. City Cler i January 18, 1938 j Regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to Roll Call order at 8:05 P. M. with Mayor Joe George presiding. The Roll was called anad. Neely, Fisher, Peters, Miller, Brady and Taylor were present. Dildine was• absent . The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved with a correction. The Mayor instructed the CityClerk to include the name of Fisher as among Minutes those present at the last meeting, and the Minutes are hereby corrected to comply with the Mayor's Instructions. • ; At this time the Mayor made a brief talk in which he thanked all those who Mayor's • helped to make his first year as Mayor as pleasant and successful as it has been Talk and stated that there would be no changes in his Committees except that the Light and eater Committee composed of Miller, Neely and Taylor would be in the future the Fire, Light and Water Committee. . The City Attorney made an oral report on the matter of the Werner property Deeds for bought by the City of Anacortes for highway purposes from Carl Werner and Werner Georgia Werner his Wife and Robert Werner and Lucille Werner his wife, and Property the City Attorney presented to the City Council two deeds covering the property bought from the Werners, and a motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Neely that the deeds for the Werner property be accepted and filed. Motion carried. The Report of the Chief of the. Fire Department for the month of December was Fire Chief' s read, also the report of the Fire Department fmr year 1937 was presented and Reports read, in which the Fire Chief asked that the City of Anacortes call for •bids 11 on •approximately 400 feet of 2i* Fire Hose, and pointed out that there were four 32X6 tires on the G. M. C. Fire Truck which were over five years old, and recommended that there tires be replaced as soon as possible. A -motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Neely that the reports for the Fire Department both for the month of December 1937 and tha Annual Report for the year 1937 be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The matter of Fire Hose was discussed and a motion was made by Taylor and sec- Fire Hose onded by Miller that the City Clerk be authorized to call for bids on approx- imately 400' feet of fire hose. Motion carried. . The matter of tires for the Fire truck were discussed, and a motion was made by Tires for Taylor and seconded by Miller that the Chief of the Fire Department be instru- Fire Truck cted to bring in proposals for four 32X6 tires. Motion carried. A motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Peters that the above proposals of , bids be submitted to `:the City Council. Motion carried. The Report of the Police Justice for the month of December was read, and a Police Justice • motion was made by Peters and seconded by Fisher that this report be accepted Report and placed on file. Motion carried. The annual report of the Police Justice for the year 1937 was presented, and a motion was made lay Miller and seconded. by Neely that the annual report of the Police Justice be held over till next meeting. Motion carried. In the matter of the fees to bep aid to the Wiring Inspector which was referred Wiring 6 P P to the Finance Committee was reported on by Taylor, who recommended that the Inspector Ordinance covering the regulation of fees for wiring inspections should be amended, and this matter was referred by the Mayor to the Chairman of the Finance Committee, the Judiciary Committee and the City Attorney. 1 1 1_ 23 January 18., 1938. C a.ntinued Reflector Miller brought up the matter 'of installing a reflector. at the intersection of on Burrows the Burrows- Bay Road and- :the,rroad which goes 'totthe old lower canneries, and Bay Road. the Mayor. referred this matter to Fisher. Extra • At this time the Mayor brought up the matter of an extra Policeman, and after Policeman some discussion a motion was made by Taylor, and seconded by Miller that the extra Policeman provided for in the Budget for' 1937 be added to the present Police Department: Motion carried. The Chief of Police thanked the Mayor and City Council for their action in. employing an extra Policeman and assured them that they would never regret the action they had just taken in the matter. Hose Bids The matter of the City Printing contract from March 1, 1938 to March 1, 1939 & City was discussed, and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Fisher that the Printing City Clerk call for bids for doing the City Printing from March 1, 1938 to Bids March 1, 1939. Motion carried. Repeal, of A delegation of people were in the audience in the Council Room and were the Peddler's sponsors of a petition which asked for the repeal of Ordinance Number 883, Ordinance knbwn,.as,,the Peddlers Ordinance, and the ffayor asked Mr. Wm. McNutt of this #883 delegation to speak on the matter, and Mr. McNutt gave a talk on the matter and presented to the City Council a petition which he said contained 395' names. Fisher said he thought a petition of this kind should have some consideration. After some further discussion .a motion was made by, Fisher and seconded by Neely that Ordinance Numb'er _883., known as the Peddler's Ordinance be suspended, and that the City Attorney prepare an Ordinance to repeal Ordinance Number 883, and that the Police make no further arrest for violation of this ordinance until action is taken by the City Council on the Ordinance' to: repeal Ordinance Number 883. IIStandard The Standard Oil Company, who have taken out a building permit to improve their Oil. Letter property at the northwest corner of Twelfth and Commercial Avenue. presented a 12th & Com. letter asking permission to extend their fill or embankment to sloughover a portion of the 16 foot alley on the North side of their property. After .Some discussion a motion was made by Fisher and seconded by Miller that this per- mission be granted them and that the City Clerk so notify the Standard Oil Co. Motion carried. T. P. A. The City Wide Street W. P. A. Project was presented to the City Coundil, and Street after discussing the matter at . some length, a motion was made by Taylor and Project seconded by Neely that tie Mayor and City Clerk be ' authorized to sign the City Wide Street W. P. A. Project. Ayes, Neely, Fisher, P'eterrs, Miller, Brady and Taylor. Motion carried., Gasoline ' The matter of the Gasoline Bids, for the year 1938, which was referred to the Bids Finance Committee, was reported on by Taylor, and recommended that the City of Anacortes. pay .1675 per gallon, and a motion was made by Taylor and Seconded by Miller that the City of Anacortes purchase 25 per cent. of its gasoline from each or the four companies. which submitted bids, namely The Standard Oil Com- . pany, The Union Oil Company, The Shell Oil Company and the Texas Company, provided they all furnish the gasoline to the City of Anacortes far .1675 cents per gallon. Motion carried. Foreclosure A' Foreclosure Ordinance Number 884 was presented to the City Council by the Ordinance City Attorney, and a. motion was made by Brady and seconded by Fisher that. this . Ordinance be given its first and second readings by title. Motion carried. The Foreclosure Ordinance given its first and, second readings by title,- and a motion: was. made by-T ;ylor and seconded by Fisher that the Foreclosure Ordinance be given its third and final reading by sections.. Motion carried. Sec. 1 read, Taylor moved, Miller seconded that Sec. 1 be adopted.Motion carried. Sec., 2 read, Fisher moved, Miller seconded that. Sec.' 2 be adopted.Motion carried. Amotion was made by Taylor and seconded by Neely that this ordinance be adopted . as a. whole.. Ayes, Neely, Fisher, Peters, Miller, Brady and Taylor. Motion carried. Dog. Catcher The matter of the payment of fees to the Dog Catcher was discussed and a motion Fees was made by Taylor and seconded by miller that 75% of all fees collected for Dog Licenses be paid to the Dog Catoher, and that the Dog Catcher turn in all money collected by him on or before the end of each month and that the City Clerk issue a warrant to the Dog Catcher for his 75%; of all Dog Licenses collected during' the current month. Motion carried. Police Mr: A. R. Sellenthin3 the Police Justice was called on by the Mayor, and Mr. Justice Sell.e.nthin spoke and complimented the Mayor and City Council on their action Talk ' in the authorization of an extra Policeman_, and the action taken in the matter of the Dog Catdher. Eli Bond Mr, Eli Bond spoke about the bad condition of the road between the old City Talk Gravel. Pit on D Avenue and the Kruger Hill .near hit- place on the Alexander beach Road, and said they were liable' to lost their mail Route which goes over this road . to the Charles Pederson corner on the Alexander beach Road , if some repairs were not made on the road. Civil The Mayor spoke briefly and said that there would be a separate Board for the Service Civil service Commission for the Fire Department and the Police. Department, Boards but that the same men, namely Joe Chitwood, . D. V. Neely and G. P. Biersmith would serve,on .both boards: The Mayor appointed Mr. James" Gander for a five James :year term on the Library Board. Gander Appointment r , 1 3.4. +i i January 18, 1938 Continued. Joe Chitwood spoke at some length, and thanked the Mayor and City Council Chairmen of for their action in adding an extra Policeman to the Police Department, and Civil Service stated further that there were two separate Boards, and that C. P. Bieramith Boards.. was Chairman of the civil Service Board for the Fire Department, and that r D. V. Neely was Chairman of the Civil Service Board for the Police Depart- ment, and that he , Joe Chitwood, was the Secretary of both Boards. There being no further business , a motion. was made by Miller and seconded. by Peters that the Council meeting adjourn. Motion carried. The Council Meeting did then adjourn. flt4, ‘2140-1,. , Attest: Mat: .,k City rk. February 1, 1938 Regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called. to Roll Call order- at 8:05 P. M. With Mayor Joe George presiding. The roll was called and Neely, Fisher, Dildine , Brady and Taylor were present. Peters and Miller _ were absent. . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Minutes II The Mayor read a report from the Civil Service Board for the Police Depart- I ment which state that the name of Alexander D. Monroe had been certified for New • duty as the extra policeman which was authorized in the Council meeting of Policeman January 18, 1938. . The Annual Report of the Chief of thePolice Department was referred by the Reports of Mayor to the License and Police Committee , and the Report of the Police Chief' of Justice was referred to the Finance Committee , both these Reports being the Police,& 1937 Annual Reports. Police Justice. ; /: The Police Justice Report for the Month of January- was read, and a motion was made by Dildine and seconded by. Brady that the report of the Police Justice be accepted and filed. Motion carried. The Report of the Water Superintendent for the 'month of January was read, Water• and a motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Dildine that the Water Super- Supt .—Jan. intendent'a Report for January 1938 be accepted and placed on file.Motion Report Carried. Mr. Snider the Chief of the Fire Department ' spoke briefly, and stated that Speaker od on the evening of February 15, 1938, which is date of the next regular Council Safety in the, ' Meeting that there would be a speaker from the Fire Department in Seattle, Home . Adjotme:d Washington to speak on Safety in the Home, and suggested that the City Council Meeting. make some arrangement to hear this talk on that evening. The City Attorney suggested that the present meeting after it. had completed its business should adjourn to meet at 7:00 P. M. on February 15, 1938. Motion to this effect was Made by Fisher and seconded by Neely. Motion carried. I I A motion was made by Brady and seconded byildine that the bids on the. Fire Hose Bids Hose be opened at this time. Motion carried. The Hose Bide were- opened. Bids from the following Companies were opened: Eureka Fire Hose Division, of . United States Rubber Products Incorporated, , The American Rubber Company, The Fabric Hose Company, American La. France Corporation and the Hewitt Rubber Corporation. The Mayor declared a short recess , and the Council as a whole together with the Chief of the Fire Department retired to the City Clerk's office to consider the Hose Bids. After a short time the City Council and the Fire Chief returned to the Courtcil .room and the Mayor called the meeting to order, and a motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Dildine that the bid of the Hewitt Rubber Company on their Magnus Hose at $1.15 per foot be accepted. p Motion Carried. Ayes, Neely, Fisher, Dildine, Brady and Taylor. . • A motion was made by Brady and seconded by Taylor that the printing bids be opened and read. Motion carried. Bids of the Anacortes American and the Printing Anacortes Daily Mercury were read. A motion was made by Fisher and seconded Bids. by Neely that the bid of the Anacortes American be accepted, and that the Anacortes £merican- be given the Official Printing for one year from March 1, 1938 to March 1, 1939. Ayes, Neely, Fisher , Dildine and Brady. Taylor not voting. " ,, The Annual Report of the Library for the year 1937 , and the Gasoline Report Library for the Month of January were referred by the Mayor to the Finance Committee. Report An Ordinance to repeal Ordinance Number 883, known as the Peddler' s Ordinance , , Peddler•'''e was presented to the City Council by the City Attorney, and after some dis- Ordinance cussion a motion was made by Fisher that the repealing Ordinance be placed on its first and second readings by title. There was no second to this motion. Stanley Anderson and several others spoke and pointed out why the Peddler' s Ordinance should be repealed, but no action was taken in the matter. ` An Ordinance to amend Ordinance Number 849, or rather Section 16 thereof Wiring being an Ordinance pertaining to the installation and inspection of electric Ordinance wiring and electrical appliances , passed and approved on the 19th day of Amended Lir March 1935, this new amending ordinance changes the fees to be charged by the 4 'H . ......„,. ., .7. 1•85 , .. . . , . kallrnary ,l , 1938 Continued .. . . ..,. viJAtig- - EleattiCal-Inal5edtbr fat -Wiring Pettit . - "-- -- ' • ' ,.' - - - . II Ins pec tio n. Ordinance kitatiarrWaa:Made ,bYlaylor and: beconded by Dildine that7thia .OrdinanCe on 4IedtriCal-Wiring-be placed on its first and seCond' readings:loy" title.-Motion .Cattied.-This. Ordinancegiven its first and- seCond: teadings: vy-titlb'; and a tatiOn *as made by-Taylorand-seConded by BradY- that the Ordinance be given its third and final reading'bYaeCtions, Motion Carried. -- ' 1 4 SeCtiOn-1, tead, .AMOtion-Wda mad.-e 'bY'TaYlor and secanded by-Dili:line thatSection 0h6. 6 adapted. "Ayes, -NeeIt, Dildine, 'Brady-and-Taylor. -Naya, Fisher, 6 , . . - qedt;on 2',. read',-anUa motion Waa'made by-TayIdroand seconded by 'Dildine that seCtiaft-2-fbe adopted. ,Ayeif,- Neely;-Dildine, Brady and Taylor. NaYa; Fisher. A-totiOn was-made by' Taylor secanded by Dildine that the Ordinance amending the friring .InsPector'S' Fees be adopted as a whole, Ayes,. Neely, Dildine, Brady and Taylor. Nays-, 2isher. ' . , . __ .. . .. . . . ... . _ •,.. . . . . . ... . , ., ., . _ , _ . .. . . . , . •. •, , • Wiring: - A 'mOtion was-tada by' TaylOr and' secsonded'by'Dildine 'that the CoMpensation 'of-the Inapectian Wiring' Inapectian-Fee be ' theTinitial- fee;leas twenty five cents, and ohe .dOIlar Fees. for each addltiOnal inspection: Motian 'carried,Abave' feea referred to are in newOrdinance'to'amend Sea. ' 16, of Ordinance-No. 849, - ' --- ' --- " - ' ' Bidsfar:TirOa for ' the G. M.- 0, Fire' Truck: cathe up 'at thia time ' andloids froth Tire ' the 'following finis were read;. N, 'Pinketton,'13f the 'Texaco Station :9thoM. , Bids far NeaI Kaat , orNeala- SerVide 8tatiOn;,. 1810- COM. ,-TWentieth Street 'ServiC6,' of' G. M. G. 2.0th St . ' &. abth: AVe. ,Colyifit* SerVide' Statian, 12th &-Gam..,- Trulaan Motor Co. , Fire 10th-&" CoMiriercial, And-Standard Stationa Inc .',-12th' andCamMercial. ' ' --- Truck A:mation-tas Madelby 'TAYIar-and-' 6eCanded by-Brady -that' the lida-dii thelires be-rafetted- totthe Cdunaiiaa a' .*hOle;' and that the CoUnciI, ' tagether-with- the Ghief_of the-Fire'DePattMent' and' the Water SaPetintendent 'retire to the GityPlerk"s office ta 'conaider' thetire-bida, Motion carried. After: a .short'receaa=the-City-COUncil-retUrned- to' the Council Room and * ' 'called to order by the Mayor, and'arthatian was made bY 'Brady-and -sedanded by Neely I I that the bid of Y.:Pinkertan :Of the Texaco Service Statian, -at-9th and-Commer- cial Avenue be accepted. Ayes, Neely-. Fisher, Dildine, Brady and Taylor, • . ' Motion carried. __ . . _ . . , . The fall:awing- Claims against the. City of Anacortes for the month of January- . 1938 °were read: . , CURRENT' EXPENSE' • Sadie;, M. Arges- 7076 Salary as] City Treasurer 0:00 John G. Darcy' 7077 Salary- and.Cath. Advanced 50.50 W. 117. Welis ' - 7078 Salary aaCity Attorney. ' 50,00' Dr. H. E. Frost 7079' Salary as City Health' Officer , 24.75' , A. R. Sellenthin • 7080- Salary as Panda Tuatide. 22.00 Mrs. C . Stoma 7081. Salary as' Janitor at: City Hall. , 27.50 0. E. Arges- • 7082 Salary as: Deputy' Treasurer' ' 99.00 Mts.. :s. D. Temple: ' 7083 Supplies- far city Glerkta Office 3.30 G. N., Dalstadi P. M. 7084 Postake for City Clerk's. Office 3.00 E. P. Barker 7085 Bond fdr Gity'Glerk for 1938 5.00 Z. P. Barker ' "". Bond' for Panda Justice for 1938 5:00 West :coast Tel. Co. , 7086 TelephOne Service, Jan.-1938 5.85 Trick & Murray ", 7087- BOok. for Treasureea Office' 12,79 H. E. Mansfield Inc. ' . 7088 Band' far-City Treasurer 75.00 Puget Sound Pr. &:lit. CO-. 7089 Lights for City Hall 12.42 ' Island Transfer. Co. 7090 - Fuel Oil for city Hall - 13.89 r--- P. A. Deane '7091 75% of 3 .Plumbing-PerMitag $2.0,0 .4:50 H. IL, Hinshaw/ 7092 Salary as Chief of Police ' ' 148.50 Tom Brown 7093 Salary as Asst. Chief of Police 721.00 John Aeviil - 7094 Salary as Patrolman . 115,50 ' City Street Fund 7095: Gasoline used in Police Dept . 29:65 Standard Oil Co . . 7096 MOtor: 01I-Police:DePt. " - 32.86 E. P. Barker , 7097 Band for r. H.- Hinshaw!, 1938 5:00' E. P. Barker - . Bond' for Tom Bro*n : 5.00 E. P. Barker "wit" Bond for John. Nevili 5:00- - ' Ray Standish 7098 Tires for Police Gar , '87.80 . _ , L. B. Snider- 7099 Salary as Fire Chief' 145.53 BertVerral. . 7100 Sala* as Asst. Fire' Cl'iier, ' 123.97 M. G, Strock ' - 7101 Sala*" as- Captain, Fire Dept. 113:19 M. R,- Gobkatan 7102 Salary as Fireman ' . , 107:80 George Olson 7103 .3wes' as- Call Man, Fire Dept. 5,00 Ed. McGovern 7104 tr se m m sr II? 3-.75' R. alsher 71057 . m It m - M M m 3 175. L Moore 7106 mmmm tt, tr 1:75. E. HOlmem 7107 W R W . IF W W , :75* a. Strock 7108 ut. it m m tt IP , 6:25' A. Mandhan: 7109 . ita It lt- It It It 3.25 Bertjlanstead . .......7110 ' G• . n' tt w U ' m 2.00. ,IVF. Nelson 7111 It It It It W ' W 3..00 Fred Fisher ' .. . ' 7312 .,., m" ' - It " " It It?" ' '"' It' It i.00 ' Van. Buren & Heller ' , 7113 gUPplies' fOr Fire Dept. . 1.00. Anacortet 'SteaM. Ldy. 7114 Laundry for Fire Dept. ' 2:57' GityStreet-FUn&- '' 7115' GataIine' Used in Fite Dept. 11:39 R. L. TUCkerLbr. Go. 7116 LUMber'for'Fire Dept. ' - - ' 2;96 1 II 1: E.-Snider- - - ' ' 711 : Gash'adVanced, 'Paatage & Expense 1.50 _ 10: 01 Firemen"ta Rei. -& 15en, Fd. 7118- 2%- af 'FireMen"a Salaries , , Standard •OilGo . 7119 Supplies-far Fire Dept. 2.25 M. R. Kingsley 7120 Volunteer' s Insurance Policy 71.50 , . • , . _AA 1 136 3 ,, February 1, 1938,Continued. CURRENT EXPENSE Cont. Anacortes° Water Dept. 7121 Hydrant Rental for January 1938 395;00 Marine Supply Co . 7122 Supplies for Fire Dept. ' 2.40 `° Daily Mercury 7123 Publishing Notices 10:60 Burroughs Adding Ma.ch.Co. • 7124 Service on Adding Mach. Contract 5.55 P. A. Dean 7125. 66 Wiring Inepeotion-t0 $1.00 66:00 The Fern -Press 7126 Supplies':for Police Dept. - 2.00 Allinger's Store 7127 Supplies for Police Dept. .60 W. S. Darley & Co. 7128 Supplies for Police Dept. 3.14 Assn of Wash. Cities. 7129 Membership In Assn of Wash Cities 50.00 1 : Puget Sound Pr. & Lt. Co. 7130 Light Bulbs for Precinct Bldgs. 1.20 ,. 1 Dan White 7131 75% of 36 Dog Licenses 0 $1.00 ' 27.00 John G. Dorcy 7132 Registration of Births & Deaths 8.75- M. A. Hartmann. 7133. Cancelled, See Number 7135 J. E. Harding 7134 10% Increase in Salary 10.00 M. A. Hartmann_ 432.02 7135 Judgement, Court Costs & Int. LIBRARY- FU11D E. Luella Howard 1061 Salary & Cash Advanced 83.30 Evelyn, Lundberg 1062 Salary as Asst Librarian 5. .75 , Blanche Sackett 1063. Salary as Junior Librarian 30.50 ,, Fred Marshall 1064 Salary as Janitor at Library 27.50 Puget Sound News. Co. 1065 Books & Magazines 42.33 Gaylord Bros. - 1066 Supplies for Library 31.35 The Fern Press 1067 Supplies for Library 18.70 Puget Sound Pr. & Lt. Co. 1068 Lights' for Library .01 Anacortes Water Dept. 1069 Water used at Library 2.50 PARK FOND 1 o J. E. Fading 991 Salary as Park Supt. 100.00 1k City Street Fund 992 Gasoline used in Park Truck 4.35 i Trulson Motor. Co. 993 Repairs for Park Truck 6.00 WATER DEPARTMENT FUND T. G. McCrory 5259 Salary as Water Supt. 250.00 Dave Riggs 5260 Salary as Service Man 137.50 Charles Wedlund. 5261. Salary as Service Man 115.50 W. 0.° Rogers 5262 Salary as Filterman 121.00 Russell Carolan 5263 Salary as Filterman 9.00 Lester Thomas 5264 Salary as Pump Man. at Avon 82.50 John G. Dorcy 5265 Salary as Bookkeeper 27.50 - , Ruth Atterbury 5266 Salary as Part Time Clerk 6.88 Torn Entus. 5267 Wages to Apply on Water Bill 4.00 ., Sam Carpenter 520 o► fr 0 't rr. It ' 16.00 - J. La riphi ear 5269 it it fr it f► fR 12.00 Sam Smith 5�70 'p " of: * w to 12.00 ; W Littlefield 5271 f►. r► "' 0- 'a '" 12..00: M. Baer 5272 n; fk * U U . fa 12.00 H. Kn'ake. 5273 ff If fQ ff+. f►' . 12.00 Clyde Young 5274 fr f"_ ffx w it. . fa 4.00. Dale Young 5�75 it n ffe ►r ft w 4.00 1 .Alphi'e Carpenter 5276. ►* 0 fry w * * 4.00 E. B Moe 5277m on 4.0 Q, 1 The Bristol Company 5278 of. it fe rc Supplies for Water Dept. 4.54 a� City Street Fund 5279 Gasoline used in Water Dept. 17.59 De Laval Steam Turbind Co 5280 Repair Parts for Avon Pump ' 202.75 Wm. Maris 5281 Repairs to Water Tricks 1.75 ,' P. A. Dean 5282.. 2 Keys & Service On Safe 2..20 w Union Oil Co. 5283 Grease for Water Dept. .95 I G =_ Scientific Supplies Co. 5284 Chemicals for Filter Plant 1.15 Pennsylvania Salt Co. 5285 Chlorine for Filter 45.00 Morrison Mill Co. 5286 Lumber for Water Dept. 49.44 Northwestern Natl. Bank 5287 For James Rorrison Bond Invs' tgn 500.00 - Northwestern Natl. Bank. 5288 ►► fr U IE f► 500.00 Puget Sound Pr. & Lt. Co. 5289 Power for Avon Pump 758.33 Skagit Valley Tel. Co. 5290 Telephone at Avon 3.35 : West °Coast. Tel. Co. 5291 Telephone, Water Office & Filter 7.50 , G. N. Dalstad. 5292 Postage for Water Office 10.00 He 0. Dayey 5293 Bond for Water Supt. 5.00 E. A. Abbott 5294 Labor & Material rewinding Coil 11.00 j t Island Transfer Co. 5295 Coal for Filter Plant 26.52 ' Island Transfer Co. 5296 Freight. on. Pump Parts 4.90 Marine Supply Co. 5297 Supplies for Water Dept. .56 - Current Expense Fund 5298 Transfer of Funds 99.00 P T. G: McCrory 5299 Mileage on. Car 15.19 Puget Sound Pr. & Lt. `Co. 5300 Power for Whistle Lake Line 26.93 Puget Sound Pr. & Lt. Co. 51""" Power for Settling Basin 7.01 Archie Germain 5301 Repair of Preassure Clock 4.50 American City Magazine 5302 Subscription to Am. City. Mag. 2.00 1 1:.3 L February; 1_,, 1938 Continued. ' CITY STREET FUND' , R. Burke 210 Purchase of Emergency .#874 •Warrants 300:00 7, R. Burke ""'" Interest froiri -2 to 2-4= 8 @ 6 0 ,3 37 3 % 16:95' P.J.E. Olson 2I1. Sardi r asp S.treeet Foreman . 137:50 Earl Holmes- ' 2`I2: Salary as> Maintenance Man 121..00' Toxin' Anderson 21.3' Salary as' Laborer'- .104.'00 Lynn B -lcomh .214 Salary kb' Gradermarr 137.50 T. "': .o-dSo.n . 215.. Salary. as:: Street Sweeper 55.00 Perry Francisco: . 216. Wages far Splicing. Cable 5:00: John. G. ..- ." •Dorey ; 21T Salary. as'-Bookkeeper - 2 .5.0. ' o Van Bizreri & Heller' aIS Material for 'Street Dept. ' • 8.80 Win.' Maris -, - 219 Labor &: Material, St. Dept. • 1 '.96 ' Schwartz: -Iron Works: 22:0 Labor & Material,. St. Dept. 28..28 Union .-Oil C'o :' 221 Gasoline & Oil . . . 138:88 Dept. of Lab:a,r' &.. Ind`.: 222 Ind I . & Ted `Aid. ' ` ' ' ' - ' 14:21 Neal''s Service- Station ` 223, Battery for Ford. Truckb St. Dept. ' 5.95" Puget' Sourrdr Pr. "&. I.t. 224 Polder -for Crusher 3?':50 Marine 'Supply Col: Co.- 225' Ma`'ter al ,&:.. Supplies. 27:65- .. Knapp' & Ronrieberger 7 - 226 , Repair-Parts:, Int Truk 2.17 Anacortes Plywood Inc. 227' Used Lumb•er', qt'.' Dept. ' 39.1:5 G. "D. Shannon'' : " • 228, Insurance' an'"lord Truck, . St. Dept. 28:95 Puget Sound- Pr. &: Lt. Co-. 229 Street. Lights. • ' ' 258147 H. 0. Davey,,. 230 Bond ,for T., G. McCrory St. Sup'r. 5.00 The above 'Clama against:'the -City. of Anacortes' far the- month Of January , 1938, were read,` and a. Motion Was made by Brady and-seconded by Neely that the Claims' be referred to the Finance Committee. Motion carried. The Finance COM ittee'considered the claims and' recommended that The' Claims. be al1.owed -and warrants •drawn -in" `"favor- of same'. 'and' a. motion was made by 'Brady and seconded by Taylor that the report' of.' the F hence' Co'Mmi,ttee be .acd?epted-and." placed 'on file. Ayes, Neely-, Dildine, Brady and Taylor. Nays, Fisher: Motion carried. The matter- of the Ray Robinson lease of the west '40. feet of the butt end, of I Avenue, North of the railroad track referred to next Meeting'. .. There being that no uCi yr bus:ines's:� a motion 'was made by. Taylor and seconded. by ouncil : of the City of Anacortes adjourn until •Tuesday February 15', 1938, at 7 O'clock P. M. Motion carried. The meeting' then so adjourned. . .),.., ' Ma'aor Attest.:' City Clerk P February 15, 1938• Roll Call An adjourned. regular meeting Of the City Council of' 'the City' of Anacortes was called to order 'at 7:'30 P: 'M. "with Mayor' Toe George presiding. , The roll was called and' 'Fisher, 'Dildine, Miller and Brady were present . Neely, Peters , and Taylor were absent. The reading of the minutes. were waived till next meeting. %I. P. A. The' papers to 'be signed by the Mayor and City Clerk in the' IL P: A. Park Park - Project , vvas'�brought up and discussed-at this time; and a motion was made by Project Dildine and seconded by Brady that the Mayor and City Clerk 'be authorized to to- sing as" Sponsors for the . P. A. Park Project. Motion carried. Anacortes A petition **as read from the Anacortes Lumber Company asking for a lease of Lumber ' Fifth Street between Avenues`.S and T, in ' the City. of Anacortes , and also Company a lease -of the alley,,in Block Six-, of Bowman''s Central. Ship Harbor Water Front, Petition Plat at the rate of One dollar per year for-five years; and a Resolution to this effect was presented by the City Attorney, and after some discussion a motion was made by Brady and sec:onded by Miller that•the Resolution presented by the City Attorney- for the lease of the .above Street and Alley to the Anacortes. Lumber , Company be accepted and published. Ayes, Fisher, Dildine, Miller and Brady. Motion. Carried. The matter of the Lease of the West forty feet of the butt ' end ' of I Avenue ' Ray North of the Great Northern, Right of=Way . came up 'at. thi's time, and a' motion Robinson was made by Miller and seconded by 'Dildine that the lease 'be granted' in ' accor- Lease dance set forth in' the Resolution on ' this matter published 'on January 10 , 1938, . and -January' 17, 1938, and' the cost ; to be, 05.00 for a five year lease together with the advertising costs of `same. Ayes, Fisher, Dildine, Miller and Brady.. Motion carried. I „ A letter from Mr. C: A.. Smith from the Taylor Hot of tlii.s City was read, C. A. :,=i iy in which he asked the Cit r'Council to' grant a license for a Vh,ne and beer r.. Smith Tavern at the Taylor Hotel., and the Council. recommended that the City Cler',k Taylor return the' letter and ask Mr. C . A , Smith to apply to the ''Vashington State Hotel. Liquor board. - i C") " February 15, 1938_nnti mart A letter from the Union Oil was read whit quoted the following prices for Union. Oil. gasoline : Ethyl Gasoline, 19.49 cents, "76h" Gasoline, 16.49 cents, and White Gas 'and Magic Gasoline 15.99 cents , also an agreement for the purchase of Asphalt • Asphalt C from the Union Oil ompany was presented,but no action was taken in this • Bids.. matter. ,t A •gasoline dontract from the Shell Oil Company was presented , but no action was Shell 'Oil ,, taken in the matter. Co. Bid, Mr. McCrory spoke at this time about the fill which the Standard Oil Company Standard Oil is going to put in at the Northwest corner of Commercial Avenue and 12th Co. fill':at street, and said two members of the Standard Oil Company were here to consider 12th & Com. the matter of drainage of the water coming from 12th Street and also from Com-- mercial Avenue, -and suggested that the City of Anacortes , or rather the City Council authorize the City Attorney to write a letter, to ' the Standard Oil Company, in which the City of Anacortes- assumes all responsibility for the drainage water from 12th Street and Commercial Avenue. After some further discussion on the matter a motion was made by Dildine and seconded by Brady that the City Attorney write a letter to the Standard Oil Company stating that. .'' the City of Anacortes- Assumes all responsibility for water flowing off and from 12th Street and -Commercial Avenue , upon private property- in the immediate vicinity •of 12th 'treet and Commercial Avenue. Motion carried. Owing to other pressing engagement the Mayor stated that a motion to adjourn was in order, so a motion was made by Dildi i,e and seconded by Brady that the ' • meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes adjourn until 7:00 P. M. on Friday February 18 , 1938. Notion carried. The meeting then so adjourned. el,i.0 1 Attest; Mayor City le February 18, 1938 An adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called Roll Call, to order at 7:20 o' clock P. M. with Mayor Joe George presiding. The Roll was called and Fisher, Peters, Dildine, Miller and Brady were present.. Neely and Taylor were absent. The Report of the Chief of the Fire Department for the month of January was gte ort of read, and a motion was.made by Miller and seconded by Peters that the 'deport pie Chief, of the Fire Chief be accepted and filed. Motion carried. The January Report of the Chief of Police was read, and a motion was made by .. •r Report of Brady and seconded by Dildine that the Report of the Chief of Police be acce- Police - } pted and filed. Motion carried. Justice. The Water Superintendent , Mr. McCrory made a report on the proposed road Right of through City property near Heart Lake, and after the Report was read, the Way Through matter was ,discussed at some length, and a motion was made by Dildine and Heart Lake seconded by Peters that the Mayor appoint a Committee to meet with Skagit Watershed County Commissioner Wallace Sharpe to investigate this proposed Right of;Way Through the..`C ity property at or near Heart Lake , which is a part of the water J Shed of the Anacortes Water Department. Motion carried. A letter was •read from Mr. A. C . Martin, State Commissioner of Public Lands Letter from. in which the Commissioner ,of Public- Lands asked about the sale of state lands. A. G. Martin and timber, and a motion was made by Dildine and seconded by Peters that the State Cot. same Committee from the .City Council of Anacortes investigate this matter as the of Public .. one to investigate the right of wadi through the City Watershed above referred Lands - to. At tla time the Mayor appointed the Fire, Light and Water Committee com- posed of Miller, Neely and Taylor, The City Attorney and the Water Super- intendent to serve on the Committees mentioned in the last two motions made and seconded. The Mayor brought upthe matter of the removal of a buildingbelonging to Gna a ,Bld Y g g • g g. g. Mr. A. N. Gnaga at the corner of Seventh Street and R Avenue, and said that 7th . the thirty days notice which was given him by order frothe City Council had ' passed, and the Mayor thought some action should be taken in the matter, and the Mayor then referred this matter to the Street Supervisor, the the City Attorney and Peters, Chairman of the Street Committee. Fisher brought up the matter of the expiration of a Bill Distributors-License • held by Mr. J. 0 . McNary, and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Peters that the City Clerk notify Mr. McNary in this matter. Motion carried. An application to the City Council of the City of Anacortes for a license Kl.ingmaa • for two card tables was made by Donald Klingman, of 1610 d®mmercia.l Avenue, Application ' _ Anacortes , and a motion was made by Peters and seconded by Miller that this for Card • matter be referred to the License and Police Committee and report at next License meeting.A bid of one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars on the ten acre tract of land . owned by the City of Anacortes Water Department on what in known as the Lathrow Place opposite the water Reservoir on the vest dide of the Heart Lake Roads f f , 1.., 1 39 February 18, 1938 Was madd- by •Ben -Iorgenson, of Anacortes; Washington', and after Some dibduss- , Ben: ion_ a motibn 'W. e. -made by Miller and seconded by Dildine that the City of- 1 Jorgenson Anacortes advertise this tract for sale, ' and that sealed bids would 'be rec- eived by the City Clerk, 'and that the 'City- Clerk be authorizedto publish a notice to this effect. Motion carried. . . ,.., . . _ The Work - Progress. Administration ' had presented some time ago certain Library- papers to be signed- by the Mayor and- City- Clerk as' a roittine matter in con- Prdjedt nection 'wait a Library Project clobed some time ago , and a motion was made Completed ' by Brady'and seconded by- Pibher that ' the Mayor -and City Clerk be authorized to sign these papers. Motion carried. . _ . Union' ' ' At - this time protests fram three unions 'in the'City of Anacortes were read in Protests. Which they otested against the Peddler!s Ordinance , which is Ordinance 883, and, after some discussion' s; motion 'was made by Brady and seconded by Petera , that theSepratests be addepted 'and pladed on file. The three unions sending in- protests were: Anaoortes,Central Labor Coundil, 'The Brotherhood of' Painters Decorators-and-Paperhangers of AMerica, and the Lumber -add Sawmill Workers U nion, Local No. -54 International Woodworkers of America. The motion to accept arid' file these protests carried. . . _ PeddIert'S At this time a -Motion *as made by Fisher and seconded by Miller that the Ordinance , Ordinance to repeal: Ordinance Number 883 be given its first and second readings by title. 'After some- discubsion- a• roll 'call 'was taken with resuita as follows : Ayes Fisher and Miller. Nays' Peters, Dildin-e and Brady. Motion lost. A motion was then made by Brady and aedonded by Dildine. that 'the Ordinance to repeal Ordinance N-umber 883 be placed on the table indefinitely. Carried. II . Stanley Anderson 'spoke' at smile length and said he thought"the 'City Council made a mistake in putting this Ordinance.,to .repeal the Peddlers Ordinande N umber 883 on the table, and gave his reasons for his view on the matter. McCracken , & Lawler Mr. W. F. McCracken spoke about the application of" Mr. C. A. Smith of the Taylor Hotel for 's. Beer and Wine Tavern License. Mr. ' C:. E. Lawler also spoke as a represntative of -the!_Tavern 'owners, and recommended that the City Council take some action, Similar to the Ordinamces in other Cities in this part of the State' of Washington in limiting the number of Taverns in the City of_Anabortes. Mr. Teeter Mr: Teeter spoke as a delegate from the Amacorted Chamber of' Commerce about Chamber of parking -cars on Commercial , and and other Streets on which parallel parking Commerce is required, and suggested that ths space between the parallel parking line and the curb be marked with lines froth the outer parallel parking line 'to 'the curb at regular- distances so as to' get as many cars as possible in each block. The Maybr referred this matter to the Street bupervisor and the Street Committee. _ . , Shannon on Mr. G. D. Shannon spoke to the City 'ounail as chairman of the' Park Board, Mt . Erie and pointed out that there was several years taxes on property in Mount Park' Taxea Erie Park, and said that it would be necessary for the City Attorney- to, lake . certain, action in the matter to clear 'up the taxes , and a motion was made by reters and secended by Dildine that the 'City Attorney Start proper action' in the matter of clearing up the taxes in Mount Erie Park. Motion Carried. II Haley Bldg. 1910 Com. The Mayor b r rought up the:matte - of a building at' abouti1910 Commercial AVenue, on which the steps-came out on Commercial„ Avenue further that the City Ordinance allowed, and after some discussion a motion was made by Miller and seconded by Brady that the City' Attorney take steps to prosecute ' the owner of the building and have the steps removed. There being no further business , a motion was made by Miller and seconded by' Peters that the Council meeting adjourn. Motion carried. The meeting' did then adjourn. cL Attest' Mayor AAA.Z)01A:41," ' Ciity Clerk. . . , i -2 • . ,::,,, • IA() March 1, 1938 Regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 8:10 P. M. with Mayor Joe George presiding. The roll was called Roll Cell and the following Councilmen were present: Neely, Fisher, Peters, Dildine, Miller, Brady and Taylor. The minutes of the meetings of February 1, 1938 , February 15, 1938 and Feb- Correction ruary 18, 1938 were read, and were approved ved with the exception of a correct- of Minutes ion in the minutes of February 1, 1936, in reference to the new policeman who started work on February 1, 1938. In the minutes of February 1, 1938 the Clerk referred to the new policeman as an extra policeman, and a motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Brady that the minutes be corrected to read Itadditional policeman`. Motion carried. ; , The Police Justice Report for the month of February was read, and a motion Policf ..„ by Miller and seconded by Bildine that the Police Justice Report for the Justice month of February be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. Report The report of the Water Superintendent for the month of February was read, Report of and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Neely that the Water Super- Water SUpi. intendent for the month of February 1938 be, accepted and filed. Carried. '` An Annual Report of the Water Department for the year�.1937 was presented to Annual the City- Council by the Water Superintendent, and a motion was made by Water. Brady and seconded by Neely that the Annual Report of the Water Department Report be accepted and filed. Motion carried. The Chief of the Fire Department reported the loss of a 50 foot length of P P g Loss: of . one and one half inch hose, and asked the City Council for approximately le Fire $35.00 to replace this hose. A motion was made by Brady and seconded by Hose Fisher that this matter be referred to the Fire , Light and Water Committee with power to act. Motion carried. • The Gasoline report for the month of February was presented to the City Gasoline Council by the Chief of the Fire Department, and was read, and a, motion was Report ! made by Fisher and seconded by Peters that the Gasoline report for the month of February be accepted and filed. Motion carried. Taylor brought up the matter of a Street Light at the corner of Fifth Street Light at. and X Avenue, and said that this light had been paid for by a property owner 5th & X' dince it was put there , and suggested that this light be paid for by the City with the rest of the Street Lights, and a motion was made by Taylor and sec- #' onded by Miller that the matter be referred to the Fire,Light and dater Com- mittee with power to act. Motion carried. Some time ago, a complaint was made in. reference to the unsanitary conditions Report on where rabbits were kept near Fifth Street and L Avenue , and Brady reported Rabbits that he had investigated this matter and requested the owner to clean up and improve the unsanitary conditions there, Fisher spoke about holder of the last Garbage License issued and said this Garbage party was cutting prices for garbage hauling, and Brady pointed out that Collection Mr. E. Moody the holder of this license had not filed a schedule of rates Rates with the City Clerk as required by city Ordinance. The Mayor appointed the Printing and Health Committee to investigate garbage Cleanup conditions, and at this time the Mayor spoke briefly about Clean Up Week, Week which will be coming soon. . A communication was read from the United States. Engineer' s Office in Settle, Communication Washington, in which Mr. H. J. M. Baker, stated that an application had been for extension made by the Port. of Anacortes for an extension of their Dock in Anacortes, of Port Doc and asked if the City of Anacortes had any objection to this extension, and a motion was made by Miller and seconded by Dildine that this matter be re- ferred to the City Attorney and the City Engineer with power to act. Carried. A letter was read from the Wallace & Tiernan Company, Incorporated, of New- New Chlorinator ark, New Jersey, in regard to selling the City of Anacortes Water Depart- discussed ment a new Chlorinator for the Filter Plant, and quoted prices for a new Chlorinator and the trade in allowance for the Chlorinator in use at the present time. After some further discussion a motion was made by Neely and { seconded by Dildine that this matter be held over till next meeting. Motion carried. to Miller reported on the matter of the proposed road theough the City of Heart Lake i Anacortes Watershed at Heart Lake, and suggested that this matter be put on Road i'' is the table for the present , and a motion was made by Miller and seconded by Dildine to accept Miller' s Suggestion. Motion carried. Mrs. Ailmond spoke at this time, and pointed out a number of reasons why the Mrs. Allmond present Heart Lake Road around the side of Heart Lake should be kept and used, talks about read. Mr. McCrory in answer to a request from Mrs. Allmond, gave a description of the proposed road through the Heart Lake Watershed. Prices on two tires and one tube for the Snternational ;Tiuck, were read from Tires for a number of Dealers here in Anacortes, and a motion was made by Taylor and Int. Truck seconded by Fisher that this matter be referred to the Street Committee and the Street Supervisor. The Street Committee and the Street Supervisor retired to the City Clerk's Office to consider the Tire Bids. The Street Committee ! and the Street Supervisor returned to the Council Room, and Peters reported j for the Street Committee , and said that the Street Committee had decided to meet the three most desirable bidders the next day, and a motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Dildine that the Street Committee have power to act, March 1, 1938 , iContinue.d: 141 ---- -1------- --------------- - ---- 1 . , , , , Bonald. A motion was made by Dildine and seconded by Taylor that the application of' Klingman Donald 'Klingman for a Gard Table License, at 1610 Commercial be tabled in- Petition definitely. Motion carried. Chief of " The' Annual Report of the Chief of Police for the year 1937 was read, and a Police ' motion was 'made by Peters and seconded by Fisher that. that report. of the Annual Chief of Police ben-accepted and filed. Motion carried: Report. ° The: Gasoline Report for the month: of January 1938, which was referred to the Gasoline . ' Fire, Light and �Vlat"er Committee, was read, and a motion was made by Fisher Report for and seconded by Miller that the January Gasoline Report be accepted- and filed. Jan. 1938 ` Motion carried: Library ° The Annual Report of the Anacortes Public Library for the Year 1937, which Annual. ' had been referred to the Finance Committee, was.. read, and a motion was made Report by Miller and seconded by Fisher that the Library Annual Report for 1537 be accepted and filed: Motion carried. f Annual ` The' Police 'Justice Report for the year 1937, which was' referred ' to' the Finance, Police 5Cocmmittee, was presented and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Justice ` Fisher that the Police Justice Report for the year 193.7 be accepted and filed. Report: ' Motion carried. Duvall ` A_ petition was 'read to the City Council asking to have one and one half Blocks Petition ° of A Avenue: and two Blocks of Seventeenth Street opened up, and was signed by ' Mr. Roy Duvall and three others, and after some discussion this ' matter was referred 'by .the Mayor to the Street Committee. . A. Allan Elks- Mr: Archie Allan spoke -at this time about the old Elks Building, and pointed Building. out why .the City of Anacortes should take over this Building-, and a motion was made by Miller and seconded by Brady that this matter be referred to the Finance Committee. Motion carried. Petition Peddler' s The City Attorney. brought up the matter of the Petition filed by Mrs. Nellie Ordinance ' Stith as a. protest against the Peddler's Ordinance, Number 883, and a. motion Was' made by Taylor and seconded by Brady that the City Clerk return this, petition to Mrs. Nellie Smith: Motion carried: Police & Fire Truck ` Taylor brought up the matter of charging certain expenses to the Contingent Tires, Salar 1 - Fund, and a motion was made by .Taylor and Seconded by Miller that the Tires Raise Charge.i ° bought, for the Police- Car in the amount of $87.80, and the Tires: for the to Contin- ' G. M. C". Fire Truck in the amount of $133,00 and $120.00' to be used 'as a gent Fund ' $10'.00 per month raise .for the 12 mo.nthasof 1.938=be taken from the Contingent Fund. The $120.00 amount is for the Salary of the Park Superintendent. Mot ion carried. , The following Claims' against the City of Anacortes were presented to the . City Council: a CURRENT 'EN SE- Sadie M: Arges g 7136 Salary as City Treasurer 0.00 John G. Doray 7137 S'alary as City Clerk ,50.00; W': V. Wells . 7138 Salary as City Attorney 50.0.0.- Dr. H. E'. Frost_ 7139 Salary- as,. Health Officer 2.4.75" A. R. Selienthin 7144 Salary as Police Justice 22.0(3 Mrs.. . Storms. 71.41 Salary Janitor• 0. E. Arges 7142 Salary as Deputy.- Treasurer 99.00' a'. N. DaI.stad 7143 .Stamps for City Clerk's Office 2.50' Mrs. S. D. Temple , 7144 Supplies' for City Clerk & Treas. 1.0'0 • Union Printing; Co. 7145 Supplies for City Clerk's Office 1.67 • Ana.cdstes Daily Mercury 7146 Publishing Notices ' 6.85 • Island Transfer Co: 71477 Fuel 0-i1-City Hall ' 10.18 . Puget Sound Pr. & Lt. • Co. 71488 Lights' for City Hall 15.29 E. A. Palmas 7149 Repair of Roof of City Hall 5.00 • The Fern Press 7150: Stationery for City-..Attorney 2.30 • •W-. V. Wells. 7151 City Attorney for Gash ?advanced 2. 5' • Dan White 7152 75% of' 57 Dog Licenses 43.87 Puget. Sound Power & Lt. 7151 Street Lights for January 1938 2-58.4,7' • •-.Cb.ty Street Fund;,, . _ 7154 Transfer of Funds, 2'57.477 . H. H: Hinshaw 7155 Salary &-Cash Advance& 149.50 • Tom Brown 715.6 Salary as Asst. Chief of' Police 121.00- • John Nevill 7157 Salary as Patrolman 115.50 • A. D. Monroe 7158 ° Salary as Patrolman 110.00 • Dept. of Labor & Ind. 7159 Ind Iris & led Aid Jan. 1938 7.81 . _ Dr. -S. G. Brooks ' 7160. Surgical Service;-City Jail 3. 00 • Benson Motors - 7161 Repairs & Service, Police Car 15.35 . Standard Oil Cot. 7162 Supplies- for Police Car .41 • City Street Fund , • 7163 Gasoline used in Police Car, Caneelled • West Coast-Tel. CO. '7164 Telephone Service 5.10 • L. E. Snider 7165" Salary at Fire. Chief 145.53 Bert Terra/ 71:662.y Salary as Asst Chief, Fire Dept. 123.97 M. G. Strock 71.67- Salary a.S Captain "' "; M. R. C,00kston 7168 Salary as Fireman 107.80 Leonard Moore 7169 Wages, Call Man, 't' '" 14.90 C. Strock 7170 w 'p 9 • to 9 22.45 George Olson 7171 n 9 9 9 9 17.70 R. Bushey 7�72 9 9 9 9 m 6.75° r- .. iiiiimmmmiiiiiimi 142 March 1, 1.938 Continued CURRENT EXPENSE' Cont. Wm. Beale ' /3 7173 Wages, Call man, vire Department. 6.75 Ei. McGovern 7174 . "' " "' • 9' w 6.00 Fred Fisher 7175 w ft. a 9T qr 17.20 M. Nelson 7176 " if m It w 5•,2 J. R. Boyes 7177 rr tr " " n- '16.20 Earl Holmes 7178 * "` " m w 11.13 . .:.: Mondhan 71?9 9' "° " " • ": 15.45 . Standard Oil Co. 7180 Motor Oil., Fire Dept. 4.90 Standard Oil Co. 7181 Anti Freeze, sire Trucks 3.60 Firemens Relief & Pension Fd. 7182 2e of Firemens Salaries 10.01 , Schwartz Iron Works 7183. Labor & Material, Fire Dept. 20.35 Marine Supply- Cc . 7184 Supplies for Fire Dept. 5.15 Hewitt Rubber- Co. 718 Hose for Fire Department 394.45' Anacortes Water. Dept. 7186 Hydrant Rental 395.00 Thronton' s Store 7187 Supplies for Fire Dept, 3.78 Wm.. Maris 71►* Labor & Repairs 4.5a Texaco Service. Station ' 7189 1 Tube for Fire Truck 6.93 N. Pinkerton 7190 Tires for Fire Truck 133.00 Affleek Bros. • 7191 Part for Fire' Truck 3.40 L. E. Snider 7192 Cash advanced for Postage 1.16 . Anacortes Steam Laundry 7193 Laundry for Fire Dept. 1.79 Van Buren & Heller 7194 Supplies for Fire Dept. 3.22 City Ctreet Fund 7195 Gasoline used ij Fire Dept. 20.27 J. E. Harding 7196 10%' Salary Increase, Park Supt. ' 10. 00 City Street Fund 7197 To Replace Warrant No. 7163 31.66 Library Fund E. Luella Howard 1070 Salary and Cash Advanced 83.80 Evelyn Lundberg 1071 Salary as Assistant Librarian 57.75 Blanche Sackett 1072 Salary ,as Junior Librarian 38.50 Fred Marshall 1073 Janitor's Salary at Library 27.50 Puget Sound News Co . 1074 Books and Magazines 33.26 Bellingham Bookbindery 1075 Binding Books 38.38 Hanson-Bennett Mag. Agency , 1076 Magazine Subscriptions 42.55 Anacortes Water Dept. , 1077 Water used at Library 2.50 Puget Sound Power & Lt. Co. 1078 Lights used at Library '12.70 Park Fund J. E. Harding 994 Salary as Park Supt. 100.00 Frank Knapp 995 Salary for Park Labor 93.50 Dept. of Labor & Industries 996 Ind Ins & Med Aid 2.10 City Street Fund 998 Gasoline used in Park Truck 5.53 Trulson Motor Co. 997 Repairs to Park Truck 3.41 • Water Fund • T. G. McCrory 5903: Salary as- Water Supt. - 250.00 Dav-e Riggs. 5904 Salary as Water- Foremen - 137.50 Charles Wedlund 5905' Salary as Serviceman • . 115.50 W. 0. Rogers 5906 Salary as Filterman 121.00 Russell Carolan 59Q7 Salary as Filterman - 99.00 Lester Thomas 5908 Salary as Pump Man - 82.50 , John G. Dorcy 5909 Salary as Bookkeeper 27.50 Ruth Atterbury 5910 Salary as part time Clerk 6.08 G. N. Dalstad 5911 Postage for Vater4 Dept. 10.00 City Street Fund 5912 Gasoline- used in Water Dept. 16.41 Island Transfer.- Co. 5913 Coal for Filter Plant 23.46 West Coast Telephone Co. 5914 Telephone for Water Dept. 7.05 Dept of Labor & Industries 5915 Ind Ins & Med Aid. - 20.29 Current Expense Fund 5916 Transfer of Funds 99.00 Pennsylvania. Salt Co. 591 ' Chlorine for Filter Plant 45.00' Rensselaer Valve Co. 5918 Valve Parts 22.95 T. G. McCrory 5919 Mileage on Car - • 12.22 Marine Supply Co.3 5920 Material and Supplies 28.94 Skagit Bonded Collectors 5921 Com. for- Collecting Water Bills 7.75 Wallace & Tiernan 5922 Repairs to Equipment at Filter 16.90 Skagit Valley Tel. Co. 5923 Telephone at Avon Pumn House - 5.45 Puget Sound Power & Lt. Co. 5924 Power' far Avon Pump • 483.23 City Street Fund 5925' Battery for Ford Truck 5.25 Puget Sound Power & Lt. Co. 5926 Power for Water Dept. 31.84 Standard Oil Co. 5927 Gasoline for Whistle Lake Pump 35.18 Colvin's Service Station 5928 Battery for Ford Truck 10.71 Tax Commission 5929 Business Tax for Jan & Feb. 1938 327.77 i 1 1_ 42 March I, 1938 Continued CITY STREET FUND- Pa E'. Olson. 231 Salary at Street Foreman 137.50 Lynn B'alcomb 232 Salary as Graderman 137.50. Earl Holmes 231 Salary as Maintenance Man 112'.32 Ar t i s Taylor- 234 Salary as- Maintenance' Man 121.00 Dodson 2'35' Salary, as Street Sweeper. 55-.O'01 John Anderson3 236 Salary as Laborer 8.00 John G. Dorcy 237 Salary as Bookkeeper 27.50 Shell Oil Co. 23.' Gasoline-City Pump. 122.04 Standard 0il Co . 239 Gasoline-City- Pump. 6.60 Truissot, Motor-Ca. 240 Repairs -to Street Trucks' 134.00 S. J. C. O'rmisom 241 Used .Lumber,' at. Dept. 0.25 Schwartz Iron: Works 242' Labor, Material & Supplies 18.28 N. Pinkerton 243 Tires for Ford Truck 45'.00 Benson Motors Co. 244 Repairs to Street Trucks 1.45 Puget Sound 'rawer & Light 2455' Power for Crusher _ 37.50 Marine Supply C°o. 246 Material & Supplies:, 32.61 Dept- of Labor & Industries 247 Ind Ins & Med Aid 11.73, Feenaughty Mach. Co: 248 Material and Supplies 85'.29 • The above Claims were read, and' a motio.n.. tas made by Brady and seconded by Miller that the claims just read be -referred to t the. Fi.nand'e Committee. Motion carried. Finance - The Finance Committee considered the Claims and recommended that the Claims Commfttee be allowed and warrants drawn in favor o,f sare;Motion carried, Report, A motion was- made' by Miller and seconded' Neely that the report of th.e Finance. Committee be accepted and filed. Ayes, Neely, Fisher, Peters:, Dildine, Miller, Brady and Taylor. Motion carried. In the City Council meeting of February 18, 1938 , Mr. Teeter spoke as- a dele- Marking gate from the Anacortes Chamber of Commerce, and suggested to the City Council S.tree ts- that they mark off the parking space on the • streets- where parallel 'parking- was required, with the view of conserving the parking space and getting, more cars: parked in each block; this matter was referred to the Street Committee and the Street Supervisor, and Mr. McCrory. the' Street Supervisor, 'quoted the State Law on the matter, and the State .Law. on this matter' is the following: Session Laws 1937, Chapter 189, Section 107 (a) , and recommended that no marking should be done, and a motion was made by"Miller and seconded by Dildine: that the recomm- endation' of the Street. Supervisor be accepted. Motion carried. Mr. G.. R. Mr. L. ' E. Snider, the Chief of. the Fire Department spoke briefly tol the City • Hammes' Council, and one matter he mentioned the fact that Mr. G. B. Hamm, who is the Birthday last of the Civil- War Vetrans in Anacortes was having a birthday soon, and suggested that the City Council send a birthday card to Mr. Hamm, and a motion was made by Neely and seconded by Dildine that the City Clerk be authorized to send Mr. G. B. Hamra a birthday card with the best Wishes of the Mayor and City Council. Motion carried. Asphalt. Kr. Hal Gram of the- Union: Oil Company spoke about the gasoline business and Contract about an asphalt contract which the Union Oil Company had submitted to the' City of Anacortes, and asked to have this asphalt contract signed, and after some discussion the asphalt agreement was signed. There being no further business;- a, motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Peters that the City Council meeting adjourn. Motion carried. The' City Council meeting did then adjourn. --"ae_ ]tia or Attest: City rk. /PP'. _ _ . , 144 March 15. 1938 Regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes met and was called Roll Call. to order at 8:05 P. M. with Mayor Yoe George presiding. The roll *as called and Neely, Fisher, Peters , Dildine , Brady and Taylor were present. Miller was , absent . . The minutes of previous meeting was read, and approved as read. Taylor brought up the matter of the Street Light at Fifth Street and X Avenue , Street which up to the present time, has been paid for by a private property owner, Light and a motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Dildine that this Street Light 5th & X be added: to the Street Lighting System under the present Street Lighting Contract . Motion Carried. Taylor also stated that this was a. one thousand Lumen light, and upon checking the statement with the Puget Sound .Power & Light state- ment if was deterained that this light would cost eighty five cents a month. The Report of the Ch1ef-of Police for the month of February was read, and a Chief of motion was made by Peters and seconded by Taylor that the report of the Chief Police of, Police be accepted and placed on file. Report a In, the matter of the tract of land owned by the Anacortes. Water Department and Bids on advertised for sale, and which is ' located on the west side of the `heart Lake advertised Road, opposite the City Reservoir, two bids on the property were .re.s,d, one in . City the amount of Twelve Hundred ($1 ,200.00) dollars from Dave Riggs , the money to Property be paid. one hundred ($100.00) down and the balance at Fifteen ($15.00) per month; and the other bid was from Ben Jorgenson , who also bid Twelve Hundred ($1 ,200.00) dollars, with no down payment and twenty ($20 .00) per month, and after some discussion . a. motion was Made by Taylor and seconded by Dildine that both bids be rejected. Motion carried. A renewal contract for the purchase chlorine, for the +dater Department from the Chlorine Pennsylvania Salt Company, of Tacoma Washington, for a period of one year from Contract +, April 1 , 1938 to April 1, 1939, was read, and a motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Brady that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the chlorine Contract with the Pennsylvania Salt Company, of Tacoma, Washington. ` Motion carried.Ayes Neely, Fisher, Peters, Dildine, Brady and Taylor. The matter of a Signal Oil Company gasoline contract was brought up and dis- Signal Oil i .. cussed, and it was decided to leave the gasoline business for the City of Gasoline Anacortes with the four companies who have been who are supplying the City' s Bids gasoline needs, namely, Shell Oil Company, Standard Oil Company, the Union Oil Company and the Texas Company. A Resolution which authorized the Skagit Bonded Collectors to collect water' Skagit bills from certain parties who were no longer water users , and whose names •Bonded were removed from the dater Ledger, and after some discussion a motion was Collectors made by Taylor and seconded by Peters that the Mayor and City Clerk be auth- orized to sign the Resolution with the Skagit Bonded Collectors for the col- lection of above mentioned water bills. Ayes , Neely, Peters, Dildine, Brady and Taylor. Nays, Fisher. A Resolution authorizing the employment of the law firm of Burcham and Blair Resolution as attorneys for the City of Anacortes in the proposed refunding of the to Burcham Anacortes Water Department Revenue Bonds, and Mr. Welts, the City Attorney, & Blair" spoke briefly and pointed out the need of a law firm which Specialized in this Attorneys type of work, and a motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Dildine that the Resoultion be adopted and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign this Resolution. Ayes , Neely, Fisher, Beterse Dildine, Brady and Taylor. Motion carried. 't A Resolution which named the Northwestern National Bank of Bellingham, Belling- N. W. • ham Washington as a Depositary and Fiscal Agents in the proposed refunding of National Bans i. the Anacortes Water Department Revenue Bonds was read, and a motion was made Bellingham, by Brady and seconded by Neely that this Resolution be adopted and that the Depository & Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign this Resolution. Ayes, Neely, Fisher, Fiscal Agents • Peters, Dildine, Brady and Taylor. Motion carried. r,. • Fisher brought up the Garbage License question, and pointed out that Mr. Moody Garbage the holder of the second Garbage License had been cutting prices for hauling License Garbage in Anacortes , and read from a copy of the schedule of prices filed by Question Mr. S. P. Walsh on August 20, 1928, and referred to minutes of the City, Coun- cil of June 7, 1927 and September 18, 1928. After some further discussion the Mayor appointed a Committee to meet with the two garbage men , namely Mr. Walsh and Mr. Moody to formulate rates for hauling garbage and report back. The Com- mittee appointed by the Mayor in this matter was the License and Police Com- 4 • mittee. The Carnival License proposed ordinance was taken up and discussed at this time , Carnival and a motion was made by Peters and seconded by Brady that the proposed Carni- License val ordinance be given its first and .second readings by title. Motion carried. Ordinance The proposed Carnival License ordinance given its first and second readings by title and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Peters that the Cara- ` ival License ordinance be referred to the City Attorney and the Judiciary Com- mittee. Motion carried. A communication was read from Er. A. C . Martin, Commissigner of Public Lands, State Land in refererence to State timber and lands around Heart Lake, and this matter was near Heart referred to the Fire, Light and Water Committee and the Water Superintendent . Lake • i • 45 .March:15, 1938 Continued. There being no further business to be acted at-Cat thieiueettgg, but' as there were .s.everal matters which could not be held over till the next regular meeting,a motion was made by Taylor an4 ,seconded. b . Brady that the meeting of the City Council of the City. of Anacortes adjourn until March 2'1 , 1938 at 8 P. M. Motion carried. The Meeting of the City- Council did so adjourn. Lo ayor Attest: ' City C*k. March 21, 1938. A Regular Adjourned meeting .of the City Council of the City Of Anacortes met Roll Call and Was called to order at 8 o ' clock P. M. with mayor Joe George presiding. The Roll was called and the Tollowing Councilmen were present : Peters , Dildine , Miller, Brady and Taylor. Shelving Taylor brought up the matter of providing funds in the approximate amount of for Library $47.00 for labor and materials for new shelves for books at'hthe .Anacortes Public Library, and after some .discussion a motion Was made by Taylor and seconded by Dildine that the Library Board' be authorized to the approximate amount of $47'.0C from the amount of $200.00 which has been budgeted for fuel for the Library. Motion carried. More Dildine reported on the Garbage question which was. referred totthetLicense Garbage and Police Committee at the last meeting of the City Council, and said that Mr. Discussion Moody, who .in one of the Garbage -men, said that 'he had been charging the same rates for hauling garbage that his customers 'said they had been 'paying Mr. Walsh for the same service. After some further dis°cuss,ion . a motion was made by Dildine and seconded by Miller that this matter be tabled. Motion carried. Dave: Riggs Dave Riggs presented an application for a lease, which would be a renewal of Lease his present lease on land. owned by the City of Anacortes Water Department , which tract had recently been advertised for sale, and is located on the West side of the Heart Lake Road, opposite the 'C'ity' Reservoir , and after some ' discussio0, a motion. was- made by Bradyp, and seconded - by Taylor that the City- of Anacortes. give Dave Riggs a lease on . this property for one year from the expiration of the present lease for p100:00. Yq.tioiri oaxximit. Ayes, Peters, Dildine, Miller, Brady and Taylor. Motion. carried. Petition himself 'aridwfisverOthered r'esidentsCnear hischome and 'asked ' for il-bY Earl' Ent, and e signedm io the completion of the improvement 'of N:in.eteerith Street.-between L and K. Avenuesand this matter was referred to the Street Committee. Fiscal Agent A Resolution. 'appoint'ing;and 'desig.nating'. the Northwestern National Bank of & Depository B'ellirigham Washington, "as° Fiscal Agent. 'and 'Depository for the Resolution proposed refunding'' of Anac-ortes- 'Wa.ter. System R.evenue"Bonds , 'consi ting of One Hundred and Fiu;e: Thousand $105',,000`.001 'Dollars Muni'ci pal Waterworks Bonds of 1924, and " Anac 'rtes Special Water"Rea`tenue' Bonds 1930!",' 'in ' the amount of Four Hundred' and Seveniteen Thousand ($417,,000'.00) Dollars, making' a ,total of the two issues of Five Hundred- and 'T'Went.y' Two "Thousand(U522,000..4O) Dollars. The neW 'bonds to ' be ' issued' Th the ainoun-t' of Five Hundred 'and• Twenty, Two Thousand ( 522,:000:00')' 'boIlars under the °proposed refunding plan ould be ' entitled "later Revenue 'Refunding Bonds of '1938"', - dated July 1 ,' 1938, and after some discussion a. motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Peters that this Resolution. a o.int'" g g pp"' a.ng �and"deli natin • the Northwestern- National Bank of Belling- ham, Bellingham 'Washington',' at Fiscal Agent- and Depository for above Refund-' ing 'Bonds, be-a.dopted:and' 'that the Mayor and 'City 'Clerk loe authorized too sign this Resolution.. Ayes, Peters, Dildine , Miller, Brady and Taylor. Motion carried. W. G. Morse A 6ommunication from W'. C . Morse Company was read, in, which the W. C. Morse Company Company, who are Consulting Engineers, and offered to furnish the City of Resolution Anacortes with a certain. Certificate-, which will be required under the pro-• posed plan for refunding the Anacortes Water System'Bonds, and this-certi- ficate is required 'to the that- the rehabilitation "of porti ins"of our- Water Distribution ban' be carried out, by the expenditure of a certain' fixed annual amount. The Resolution 'presented by the City Attorney was read which employed the firm of W.' G. Morse Company and the payment of Three Hundred 4300.00) Dollars as a payment. to % C. . Morse Company for the making 'of this survey and furnishing of this certificate , and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Taylor that the' Resolution. employing W'. C . Morse Company to make a survey of the Water. System and furnish the required certificate be adopted and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign this Resolution. • Ernst & 1 rnst A' Communication from Ernst &, Ernst , Accountants and 'Auditors was''re'as, in ' Resolution which they 'offered' cto make• an. audit ' of ' the' books and records of the Anacortes • Water System; and furnish the necessary' certificate 'as required by the prop- osed plan, of ' refunding the 'Anacortes' Water System Refunding Bonds , and a Resolution presented by the City Attorney was read authorizinf the' 'employment of Ernst '& Ernst to make an-audit of the -Anacortes Water System books & records and furnish the required certificate, and at this 'tine& a motion was- made by Dildine and Seconded- by- Miller 'that' the Resolution employing Ernst & Ernst to make an audit of the Anacortes Water System books and records be adopted r '7. March 21, 1938 Continued ANIf • is and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized. tosign said Resolution. Motion carried. There being no further business a motion was made by Peters and seconded by Taylor that the meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes adjourn. Motion carried. The meeting did then adjourn. q,to1-y-e, Attest : Mayor . /A}oz, i ty April 5, 1938 Regular meeting of the City C'ouncit of the City of Anacortes with Mayor Joe ' George presiding was called to order at 8 :00 P. M. The roll was called and Roll Call Peters , Dildine, Miller, Brady and Taylor were present. The minutes of the meetings of March 15, 1938 and March 21, 1938 were read and approve* as read. I � Reference is made to the minutes of the meetingof the CityCouncil of the Takes in City of Anacortes as of February 1938 , at which time Mr. G. D. Shannon, the Mt. Erie Chairman of the Park Board, stated' that there were several years taxes assessed Park against certain property in Mount Erie Park Mr Shannon g p p y , painted- out that the only way to have the taxes cleared up was to have the City Attorney start a Uourt action against the County, and at this time the City Attorney reported that he had filed this Suit against Skagit County, and that he had been suc- cessful in this matter. Mr. Jells, the City- Attorney, stated further that the Superior Court at Mt . Vernon, Washington, had heard the case and had issued an order cancelling all taxes on the property in Mount Erie Park. This suit filed by the City Attorney is in compliance with a motion made and seconded and passed on February 18 , 1938. The Report of the Chief of Police for the month of March was read, and a mot- Chief of ion was made by Dildine and seconded by Peters that the report of the Chief Police Report of Police be accepted and filed. Motion carried. The Report of the Police Justice for the Month of March was read, and a Police ' motion was made byMiller and seconded by' Dildine that that the report of the p J"ustice Report Police Justice be accepted and filed. Motion carried. The Report of the Water Superintendend was read for the Month of March, and Water Supt. • a motion was made by Miller and seconded by Brady that the report of the Report Water Superintendent be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. Park Supt. Lr. J. E;. Harding , the Park Superintendent reported that the Park Department Report was ready to go ahead with the Park W. P. A. Project as soon as the project was ready. The matter of planting trees around the Filter Plant was discussed, but no official action was taken in the matter. Fire College The Chief of the Fire Department spoke about the Fire College to be held in Wenatchee , Washington in June 1938, and after some discussion this matter was referred to the Fire , Light and Water Committee . The Gasoline report for the month of March was read, and a motion was made Gasoline by: Pet.ers and seconded by Dildine that .the Gasoline Report for the month of Report March 1938 be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. In the matter of the petition of Earl Ent and others for the improvement of Petitions Nineteenth street between L Avenue and K Avenue and also the petition of for St. Mr. Roy Duvall and others for improvement of Streets at seventeenth Street Improvement and A Avenue , Peters Chairman of the Street Committee , said that the Comm- ittee way not ready to report . Taylor brought up the matter of the City of Anacortes installing a blinker Blinker Light • light at Twentieth Street and Commercial Avenue , and after some discussion 20th & Com. a motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Dildine that the matter of a blinker light for Twentieth ''treet and Commercial Avenue be referred• to the Street Committee and the Street Supervisor. Motion carried-. Dildine brought up the matter of the fees charged for Plumber' s Licenses and Plumber's' said that one plumber complained that the cost of the Plumber' s License was Licenses too high, but no action was taken in the matter. A letter was read from Governor Clarence. D. Martin, and also a letter from Governor Mr. A. C . Martin, Commissioner of Public Lands, and both letters referred to Martin' s• the State owned land around Heart Lake. Mr. A. C . Martin, the Commissioner of Letter, &. Public lands asked the City of Anacortes to Police the State Land in the event Land. Com. that the City of Anacortes wanted the State to keep this land in reservation. Letter. • • 1 4? April. 5, 1938, Continued More Mr'.. 'lloGrorY the-Water' Sapertntendent spOkeat thiS time, and recommended About . ' Heart . that the City of-AnacortesaSk the-State tO hold thiS- Iand' oWned- by the State Land_ State in reservation, and- albb . that the' dityot'AnactrteS douldpolice -the State owned land and timber around Heart Lake- tOgether With theCity' owned Lake. land and suggested that a letter be written to the GamtiSsiOnerlOtPablit LandS to' this effedt. - Mr. MCGrory- further' Stated that the City OfAndoortes had' some land itirSetticin 26'; 35N. R -1E-which the Citk: woald be glad to ekchange:for. StateThWnedland'at - Or aroUnd Heart"-Lake After 'sote' farther . discuss-ion a hotiOn-wab made ty Milier-and setonded by. Dildtne that the Suggebtion and redOmmendationof the Water' Superintendent in the matter of • the State Land around Heart Lake be accepted and complied with. Motion carried . _ Out Of ' ' SoMe time ago ,. the City Clerk: Made an: application. to the DepartMent of- Budget State Fuel Finande 'and BasineSS-fora permit - to burn out of State Fuel , inlorder to burn Bearin fuel-oil 'in tWo ' smali oil heaters, One in-the office of the Chief of Police g.. and -one in the office Of the City Clerk, and notice has been received' by the that d 'hedring on this -application:win be .held ' in Olympia, Mash- on- kyriia9 , 1938, at' ten. ottIock A. M. , and a motion was: made by" Miller' and seconded by Brady that ' the city Clerk determine if the 'POrt of AnatorteS will. Send. 6: representative or not. If the Port of Anadortes is not - Sending d- repredentatite then the, City Cierk:writeIetter. to gr. Olaf Olson of the Departtent of- Finadde ,:Badget. and BUSiness ' explaining our needs for Oil here'and-find-out is 'nedesSary' fOr Us-td be represented at the hearing' in Olympia on April 19, 1938. Motion carried. Vallad A abnimunicatiOn• Vas-read ' froM Walla:de:and-Tiernan Sales COrporatiOn e & Tiernan.: reference to theneW:Ghiorinatar'Whith the, CitY -of Anacortes has just had - Chlorinator installed by them, and a totion 'ta& bade by Miller and 'seconded1Dildine that the communication be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. .• • _ • • • • . .. _ •. . . .• I • Lacey V: A -OoMMahitatiOnfrot LadeyV Marrow, Director of Highways, in Which the ' Mlirrow. . DirectOr' aSked the 'cooperatiOn of the City' in reducing' traffic attidents, Lett and a MOtitin 'waS made-by' Peters -and' sedOnded by Dildine that that this er communication be accepted and filed. Motion carried. A comMunidation-froM J: Edward Miller, of Jobber' s Petroleum Sales Co . , - ' of Seattle, Washington , was read and ordered filed and accepted by' the Mayor. Givit n applidation: from the GiVitAttivitieeyIncOrporated,asking permission to A ctivit ies .u66.-certain Streeta-and- interSectiopS during the-MarinerIS Pageant AO be lield- in-Anadbrtes On AUguSt 4th to AugaSt 7th-inclusive of thisHyear, , Inc. Indorporated also abked• for-the ase-OrR Avenie Street to SiXth Street permission to dectrate-the Streets, the right, to; ' ' . ..00ntroiall: doncesSione on-the Streets or carniVal ' grOunds and the .use of • Gap Sante. Park aS 'a Stadium during the races. ' Mr. W. :1%' McCradgen' and Mr. C . 1K. Lawler spOke ' in' favdr" Of granting; permissiOn to ciVia Activities Incorpo-rate to have a, 'carnival. Motion !imas-made by' BradY and seconded by Taylor ' that - this-Matter be referred` tO t4eCIAY dotinal 'as a' 6Ommittdeas' a' Whole'. Motion. ' ! .carried The- Eayot dedlared a_ recess'and- the .COancil a's a whole: retired 'the .Offibe "of the CitY. :Cierk,-together-with 'the' C'hief of the Fire Department and She Chief of' Policett consider the application of Civic-Activities Incorpor- ated for a darnial.ncense and the tise' of- certainottreets, andHafter some time the City- Council returned-to the Council room and the Mayor called the' .flieeting' 16 Orderandsa. motion WaS:Made by Taylor' and-Seconded by Miller that the 'aPplidation -Of the Civid- Actiftiee for d: c'arnit^al' lidense and the. use ' .Of certainbtreets'be granted, 'With the location subject AO ' the approval Of the 'Chief- cif' the Fire'pepartMent and the chief df the Police Department, -and provided that the Civic Activities take out liability insurance' ta 'protett- the city from damage in the event any 'per6On s',4611341 be injured' and sue the - city for"damageband that -this„ liability-insurance be subject to the approval of the City Attorney. Motion carried. Gnaga The Mayor referred-to- the ObstruatiOnS'.on the Streets at Seventh Street and Haley Street R-AVentie ,-and :atneiMmetbielTkirenue just South of Nineteenth' 'Street, and' the' CitY'AttorneY' Stated- that if the City- Gbanoil 'so desired; he the City' Att- Obstraa- OrneY'Weald •start 'action: in ' Superior court , and the GOUrt wOuld' order the " tions. obStructiOns reMoVed-.: MY R. R. Dewar sPoke' dtsothe length-about his diffi- • daltieb with the' owner of a house in the street at the youthweSt corner of 7th- Street-&-R Avenue-,' and aftbtiOn wwaS-Made by'giller and bedOnded' bY Peters that-the-City AAtorneY' be inStratted. to -proceed with the necessary actions to tails-6 the- rettoal- Of the- hdase •ofgre -Av -N. Gnaga:at 7th Street and rt'Avenue, and the -stePs Whidh entroach 'On the-Street at about 1910 Commercial Avenue owned by N. Haley. Motion' carried. 30th St. A petition ,Was•presented 'td -the City. council asking' for' lights'On 3oth Street ' Light ' :between R- Avende and IT'Atentle.- This- petition:was read to' the City Council 'and Petition .WaS Signed-by- tWenty four-residents, and - thiS petition was referred by .the Mayor to the Fire, Light and Water Committee. 22nd St. . A-petiton-was presented and read to the City Council from the residents of Ditch 'wenty Setend Street to-hat-6 theaarge. ditchtiased, and the Water Superint- Petition endent 'thoaght-that' poseibly the W.- P. A. Street Project might poSsibly haIp- tn 'this" matter.-Ths atreet Projedt ' ie' not back-yet, but is expected soon , •11 and thisAtatter'Was referred by' the Mayot to the Street Committee and the Street Supervisor:. Ir , . _ , 148 April 5, 1.938.Gon.tinued A Resolution was presented to the City Council by the City Attorney asking Resoi 'tion for a lease of the west forty feet of IT Avenue from the north line of Second for lease - ;,, . treet in Anacortes to deep water at the outer line df the harbor area by the west 40' of Fishermen' s Packing Corporation. The lease asked for in this Resolution is N .eve.. by for the same street end as was covered by a lease held by the Northwestern. Fisherru1en't Fisheries , and which expired on April 8, 1937. A motion was made by Taylor and Packing seconded by Peters that the Resolution th give the Fishermen' s Packing Corpor- Corp . ,° ation a lease on the west forty feet of the butt end of N Avenue from the north line of Second Street to deep water be adopted and published. Motion carried. r ; The Carnival License Ordinance was brought up at this time , and a motion was Carnival made by Taylor and seconded by Peters that the proposed Carnival Ordinance be License- continued until next meeting April 19 , 1938 . Motion carried. Ordinance The matter of Initiative Number 127 was brought up and discussed, and the Initiative sentiment of the City Council was in favor of it , but no official action was No. 127 taken in the matter. Taylor brought up the matter of the insurance policies which are ' on the Library Library and the books „and suggested that the holdover Councilmen, namely, Brady, Insurance Dildine and Peters consider the problem of insurance adjustment on the building Policies and contents of the Anaoortes Public Library, and a motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Miller that a Committee consisting of Peters, bildine and Brady have this matter- of insurance on the Anaoortes Public Library referred to them with power to act. Motion carried. The City Attorney brought up the matter of having a W. P. A. Project to do' Clerical clerical work at the City Hall, and pointed out a plan in which two people W. P. A. could work three months doing clerical work at no cost to the City, but no Projects action waa taken in the matter. - I : At this the following claims against the City of Anacortes for the month of March were read: Claims CURRENT EXPENSE' Sadie M. Arges 7198 Salary as City Treasurer 50.00 John G. Darcy 7199 Salary as City Clerk 50.00 W. V. -Wells 7200 Salary as City Attorney 50.00 Dr. H. E. Frost 7201 Salary as health Officer 24.75 A. R. Sellenthin 7202 Salary as Police Justice 22.00 Mrs C . Storme 7203 Salary as Janitor-City Hall 27.50 G. E. Arges - .. - 7204 Cancelled G. N. Dalstad 7205 Postage for City Clerk' s Office 3.00 Mrs. S. D. Temple, 7206 Supplies , Clerk,& Ch. of Police 4.90 Pioneer Stationery Co. 7207 Supplies, City Clerk's Office :b9 Typewriter John Truner 72*3 Typewriter Repairs & Service . 12.00 American City Magazine 7209 Subscription to Am. City Mag. 2.00 E. P. Barker 721Q Bond for Deputy Treasurer 5.00 Daily Mercury 7211 Receipt Books, Clerk's Office 17.50 Island Transfer Co. 7212 Fuel Oil , d"ity Hall 14.81 Curtis Wharf Co. 7213 Goal for City Hall 46.66 Puget Sound Pr. & Lt . Co. 7214, Lights for City Hall 13.08 Lyle ' s Grocery 721-5 Janitor's Supplies, City Hall 1.39 John Anderson 721.E Washing Windows , City Hall 4.00 W. V. Wells 7217 Cash Advanced, City vs County 15:00 11 Puget Sound Power & Lt. Co . 72/a Street Lights 258.47 H. H. . Hinshaw • 7210 Salary & %ash Advanced 149.25 Tom Brown 7220 Salary as Asst. Chief of Police 121.00 John Neiill 7221 Salary as Patrolman 115.50 A. D. Munroe 7222 Salairy' gas• Patrolman 110.00 f, Standard Oil CO. 7223 Supplies for Police Car . 52 Anacortes Steam Laundry 7224 Laundry for Fire & Police Depts 5.54 , Simpson ' s Electric Shop 7225 Outside Light , City Hall 30 Benson Motors 7226 Police Car. Repairs , 2 Months 69.61 L. E. Snider 7227 Salary as Fire Chief 145.53 �I Bert 'Verrall 7228 Salary as Asst Chief 123.97 , M. G. Strock 7229 Salary as Captain 113.97 M. R. Cookston 7230 • Salary as Firemen 107.60 Ed. McGovern 7231 `Wages.., Call Fire Dept. 2.25 R. Bushey 7232. 0 n , rr it 2.25 R. Boyes 7233 it " " it .50 n George Olson 7234 ' It to 1 C. Strock 7235 " "° it it 9.00 A. Mondhan 7236 " rt " it' .75 L. E. Snider '7237 Cash advanced for Postage 1.00 , West Coast Telephone Co. 7236 Telephone Service 2.10 Van Buren & Heller 7239 Supplies for hire Dept.. 1.41 Firemen's Rel. & Pension 7240 2% of Firemen ' s Zalaries 10.01 Anaoortes Water 'Dept. 7241• Hydrant Rental 395.00 Shell Oil Company 7242 Gasoline-City Pump 41:23 Union Oil Company 7243 Penetrating Oil, Fire Dept . :89 #. American LaFrance Corp . 7244 Motor Parts , Fire Truck 30.59 Neely's Grocery 7245 Supplies for Fire Dept . 1.96 J. E. Harding 7246 10% Salary increase , Park Supt . 10:00 O. E. Arges 7247 Salary as Deputy Treasurer 99.00 E Sadie M. Arges 7248 Cash tdvanced , Postage .84 ' 1 ;1 April. 5, 1938 Continued a LIBRARY FUND E: Lue'Ila. Howard 1079 Salary and Cash Advanced 83:80 Evelyn Lundberg 1080 Salary as: Asst-Librar'ian' 57:75 Blau ch:e- ?ack et t.. 1081 Sal ary as Junior- Librarian ' ' • 38. 50 Fred 'Mar'sh-al" 1082: Salary 'ad Janitor at Library 27.50 G .- W": Brothers' 1083 wages for Repair of Library Roof 5.00 Puget ' Sound-News Ca: • 1084 Books:and Magazines ' 81 .94 The---H: L. Wilson Co ' 1085 Magazine Subscriptions 4.55 Anacortes Water- :Dept .- 1Q86 water used at' Library 2. 50 Puget- Sound' P'ower & Lt. 1087 Lights used at Library 91,79 The Fixit Shop 1088 Grinding Lawn Mower 1.25 PARK- FUND J: E. Harding- 999 Salary as Park Supt . 1 1 100.00 Frank: Knapp- I000 Wages 'for Labor :i.n Parks 93.50 Van. Buren'& Heller 1001 Supplies for Park Dept. 1. 54 The Fixit Shop 1002: Grinding Lawn Mower 1.25' City Street. Fund 1003 Gasoline used in Park Truck. 5.61 WATER FUND T. G. McCrory- . 55330 Salary as 'rater Supt. 250:.00. Dave Riggs 5331 Salary as- Water Foreman 137.50 • :Charles Wediund 55332 Salary as: Servic-e Man 115..50 Ti. 0. Rogers 5333 Salary as Filterman 121 ,00 Russell Carolan '5334 Salary as F'ilternan ' ' ' 99.00 II Lester Thomas 5335 Salary as Pump Man at Avon 82.50 John G. Darcy- 5336 Salary as, bookkeeper 27.50 Ruth Atterbury 5337 Salary as Part Time Clerk 6.72 Lute Childs 5338 wages to apply on water bill 4.00 O'harles _Dewar 5339 tr It m w n° t" 4.00 Sam Carpenter . 55340 lt I• w - tI ' m 4.0 0 Current Expense Fund 5341 Transfer of .Funds 99:00 T. G: Mc'rory 5342; Mileage on Car 16.00 Van Buren & Heller 55343 Material & TOoI , W.ater Dept . 8.56 City Street Fund 5344 Gasoline used' in Water Dept . 17.48 West- Coast Tel. C'o. 5345 Telephone Servic:e ' 10.75 Marine. Supply Co. 55346 Material &"Supplies 9.52 Curtis Wharf Go. 55347 Coal. for Filter Plant ' ' 57. Union Oil Co. ' '5348 Penetrating ' Oil , rater Dept . ' .82 9 Hamburg- .Iron Works ' - 5349 Repairs: water Dept. 62.03 Northwestern Nat. Bahk 5350 (Cash advanced to James Rorrison 500.00 Northwestern Nat. Bank 5351 (for Bond . Investigation ! ) 500.00 Puget Sound' Pr. & Lt . , 5352: Power for Avon. Pump 481.82 Puget Sound Pr. &- Lt . Co . 5353 Pr, . 'histle Lake Pump & Set Basin 25.47 Skagit Bonded Collectors '5354 Fees forCollecting Water Bills 42.60 . Skagit Valley Tel. Co: 5355 Telephone at Avon 7:75. Federal Pipe & Tank Co. 5356: Repair parts for Wooden Pipe ' 8.93 Skagit Ca: 'Treasurer '5357 Fire Tax on Watershed 55.38 Schwartz Iron Works- 5358, Labor & Materials, Water Dept .. 41:05 Skagit Co. Engineer 5359 Blueprinting' for- Water Dept . .70 CITY' STREET' FUND W. R. Burke 249 Purchase of Em. '#874 V`ts. & Int. 624:.77 I . E. Olson .2.50 Salary as Street Foremen 137.50 Lynn Baleomb 251 Salary as Graderman 137.50 Earl Holmes. 252 Salary as Maintenance Man 12:1.00 Artis Taylor. 2:53 Salary as. maintenance Man - 121.00 'L T. Dodson 254 Salary as Street Sweeper , 55.00 John G. Dorc°y .. : - 255 Salary as Bookkeeper - 27.50 Marine Supply Co. 2.56 Ma..terial , and Supplies 2.90 Goodrich Silvertown Stores 257' 2 Tires, 1 Tube, Int Truck 139.52 Puget Sound Power & Lt-., 258 Power for Crusher- 37.50 Standard Oil Company 259 Gasoline , City Pump' 128.45 Curtis. wharf Co. 2.60 Sand' and Gravel for Paving -9.00 A. Grant Franklin 261 Labor & Parts for Int Truck 71.85 Schwartz Iron Works 262: Labor & Materials 10.48 The above claims against the City of Anacortes for the month"of` Maroh were read, and 'a. Motion was 'made by Miller and seconded by Brady that' these claims be referred to the Finance Committee . Motion carried. The, Finance Committee c'o.nsidered the claims against the City of dnacortes for the Month .of March 1938, and' recommended that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of same , signed by Frank 'Taylor, R. H. Dildine and C. A. Peters„and a motion' was made by' -1iller and seconded by Brady that the report and recommendation of the Finance, 'be accepted. Ayes , Peters, Dildine , Miller, Brady and Taylor. Motion carried. r 150 April 5, 1938 , Continued. There being no further business , a motion was made by Miller and seconded by Peters that'Ahe meeting og the City Council adjourn. Motion carried. The meeting of the City Council did then adjourn. i L a 27-e - + , Attest'. (1/11*- Mayor . Ci y Cler a April 19, 1938. Regular" meeting of the City Council of the'C'ity of Anacortes was called to Roll Call order at 8 otdolck P. `M. with Mayor Joe George presiding..' The roll was 'called '''` and Neely, rtaher, Dildine, Miller, Brady and Taylor were present. • The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as read. • Taylor brought up the matter of the Liability Insurance to be provided by the Liabi'lit Civic Activities to protect the City of Anacortes from suits for damages during. Insurance the Mariners Pageant to be held in Anacortes from August 4th to August 7th 1938 , Civic inclus ve, 'and pointed out that this. Liability Insurance must be taken out by Activities. Civic titvities especially to pro ,tect the City of AnacorteS from loss from damage suits and that this Liability Insurance must be approved by the City Attorney. The City Attorney made a report on the obstructions on the Streets at R Aver Gnaget& nue near Seventh Street and on Commercial Avenue near Nineteenth Street. Haley 1 The Report of the Chief 'of the Fire Department for the month of March was read, Fire- Chief and a motion was made by Miller and seconded by Dildine that the report of the March Report Chief of the Fire Department for the month of March be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. Brady reported that a complaint had been made about a cow being tied in the Cow street , and that he had investigated the matter, and had found no grounds Complaint •' for complaint. A Communication was read from Mr. A. C. Martin, Commissioner of Public Lands Letter from in' reference to the State owned land around Heart Lake, and` a motion was. made A. C. Martii by" Brady and seconded by Taylor that the Communication be acknowledged and Com.—of Pub. placed on file.. Motion carried. Lands. The matter of the Fire Insurance on the Anacortes Public Library Building and Insu Adce of contents was brought up and discussed, and a motion was made' by Taylor and Library seconded that the same Committee, namely Brady, Dildine and Peters, Continue ' f to- have this matter referred to them with power to act. Motion carried. Miller brought up the matter of the proclamation of a Clean up Week by the Cleanup Maor, and the appointment of a Committee to meet with the Chamber of Com- Week. merce on the matter, but no action was taken. , The matter of a Fireproof cabinet was discussed, but no action was takeneon the matter. There being no further business, a motion was made by Dildine and seconded by Brady that the Council meeting adjourn. Motion carried. The meeting of- the City Council did then adjourn. Ltrny v Mayor Attest . ra,; --,. Ci' rk Z. , 1. s< E 1f517 Ma 19 8. y 3s g3 1 J Roll Cali. Regular meeting of the City Council -of the City of Anacortes wasH called to order at 8:10 P. M. by- Mayor Pro Ten R. H. Dildine. The Roll was,' called and Neely, Fisher, Peters, Diidine, Miller, Brady and' Taylor were present. The minutes of the pre*ious meeting were read and approved as read. April The report of the Police Justice for the' month of April was read:, and a Pol.Jus, motion was made by- Taylor and seconded by Fisher- that the report ' of the Police Report Justice be accepted adnd placed on file. Motion carried: ,April The Gasoline Report for the month of April was. read, and a motion was made by Gasoline Peters and seconded by fisher that the. Gasoline Report be accepted and filed. Re'po:rt. Motion carried. Water Supt. The report of the Water Superintendent for the month of April was read,. in Report which the' Water: Wuperintendent';recommended that during the Summer' Months: starting with meter reading date in the middle of May, the minimum amount of 1000 Cu. Ft. water charged be increased from 500 cubic feet to 1000 cubic feet, as long; as or . Min. May 15 We have a surplus of Water over regular requirements., and that sprinkling be allowed between the hours of 5:00 P. M. and IQ P. Min.A motion was made by: Taylor and seconded Miller that the Water Superintendents report be accepted and filed and' and. that the recommendation in said report be adopted. Motion. carried. Petition A petition signed by a number of residents and/ or owners on the ,propert.y K Ave, Bet- facing K Avenue, between' Twentieth and Twenty Second Streets asking to have ween 20th K Avenue between Twentieth Street and Twenty Second Street opened up by the & 22nd St. ' ' new W. P. A.. Street Project was presented and read, and after some discussion this matter was referred to the Street Committee and the Street. Supervisor. II Petition = ' Carlos Coop A petition &eking for the improvement Of' Fifteenth Street between K Avenue 15th & J and I. Avenue, and al-sa the' improvement of J Avenue one half block south from Fifteenth Street ,_ ae-.read, and after some discussion this petition was also referred to. the Street Committee and the Street Supervisor: this ',petiton was ' signed by six residents of this vicinity. 13th & Cam. Fisher brought up the matter of conditions, at the corner Of 13th. 'Street and Commercial Avenue, and. suggestedmeans of improving conditons there, but no action was takenr... ' . ' . :, P. A. At this- time a communication -from a Committee from the workers on the W. P. A. Trans to ' Park' Project at Washington Park, or Sunset...Beach, asking that the City of . Wash Park Ana.cortes provide funds for transportation of the men from Anacortet to the Project and back. They pointed out that' th'e cost of taking sixty ,one men from Anacortes= out to Washington: Park and back would ,be four dollars a day, . There was several members. of the Committee who spoke to the City Council, but, the City Council had no available funds for this . purpose and no action was taken in: the matter: The Mayon came in and took charge of the Council meeting. General The General Chemical Company, of Wenatchee , Washington presented• a. renewal Chem Go. of our existing; contract. with them for the, purchase of Aluminum Suphate for Contract water purification,, and after some discussion .a motion was. made by Taylor and seconded by Neely that . the: ' dayor aed City Clerk be authorized to sign this contract with the General Chemical Company. Motion carried. P'ainring II A Resolution presented by the State_ of Washington Department of Highways was Primary presented and read, in which the Washington State Highway Department agrees Highway to paint. the center line on theprimary- Highway within the City of Anac'ortes, for a cost not to .exceed. sixty ( 60.001 dollars, and a motion was made ,by • Taylor and seconded by Peters that the Mayor anc 'City Clerk be authorized to sign this. Resolution to have _the Washington. State Highway Department paint the' center line on the Primary Highway from the City Limits to the west line of O Avenue on Second S'treet.. Ayes, Neely, Fisher, Peters, Dildi.n,e, Miller, Brady and ;Taylor. Motion carried. Park True The insurance police issued on the Chevrolet Truck used by the. Park Depart- Insuran_ce went was discussed-`and _referred to the Finance Committee, • Library BradyabroughCiuktithedma<ttcrcatopeoinalra .cetang the Anacortes' Public Library, Ineursance anal .reported that-- he talked with one agent fora Mutual insurance, Company . • which paid a 20% dividend, but no action was taken in the matter'. , Claims: Atlthia time, they following' claims, against . the- City of Ana.cortes for the month of April: *ere Read: CURRENT EXPENSE . • Sadie M. Arges 7249 Salary as City Treasurer 50:00 John G. Darcy _ . 7259 Salary as City Clerk • 50.00 WC,. V. Wells ' 7251 Salary as City Attorney 5'0.00` • Mr:s:. C. Storms. . 72527 Salary as, Janitor at: City Hall 2:7.50 A, R. Sellenthin 7253. Salary aa Police Justice 22.00 O.. E. Arges 7254 Salary as Deputy Treasurer 99'.00' Dr. H. E. Frost 72T55 Salary as:• health Officer 24.75 The, Fern Press 7256 Supplies for City Clerks Office' 1.75 G. N. Dalstad P.. M. 7257 Postage for City, Clerks° Office, 2.50 Trick & Murray 7258 Supplies for City Treasurers: Office .52 ' West Coast Telephone' Co. 7259 Telephone Service • 2.38 ' The Fixit Shop 7260 Supplies for City Hall 75 '*., 1Fi2 May 3., 1938. Continued E 4 1 .s 1 CURRENT EXPENSE Continued Van Buren & Heller 7261 Supplies, for City Ha.li. 4.98 Puget Sound Power & Lt. Co. 7262 Lights for City Hall 10.56 J. L. Rums:ey 7263 Wood for City Rail 4.00 Island Transfer. Co. 7264 Fuel Oil for City Hall 4.63: Wm. Robertson 7265 Cleaning Chimneys at City Hall ].1.00' Dan White 7266 75% of 24 Dog Licenses 19. 13 . H. H. Hinshaw 7267 Salary as Chief of Police 14b.50. Tom Brown 7268 Salary as Asst Chief of Police 121.00 John Nevill 7269 Salary as Patrolman 115.50 A. D. Munroe 7270 Salary as Patrolman 110.00 Dept. of Labor & Industries 7271 Ind Ins & Med .did 2 mo Police 19.83 Kerney' s Variety Store 7272 Supplies for City Hall 2.80 L. E. Snider 7273 Salary as Fire Chief 145.53 Bert Verrall 7274 Salary as Asst Fire Chief 123.-97 3 I. G. Strock 7275 Salary as Capt. , Fire Dept. 113.19 M. R. Cookston 7276 Salary as Firers ►n 107.80 George Olson 7277 Wages as Call Man, Fire Dept. 1.50 G. Strock 7278 . 4'. * * * w 6 1.75 E4. McGovern 7279 u w nr * '" U 1.00 Firemen' s Relief & Pension Fd4280 2% of Firemens Salaries 10.01 Marine Supply Co. 7281 Supplies for City Hall. .85 United States Rubber Co. 7282 Hose for Fire Dept:. 38.34 Anacortes Steam Laundry 7283 Laundry for Fire Dept. 1.54 Anacortes Water- Dept. 7284 Hydrant Rental 395.00 The Texas Company 7285 Gasoline, City Pump 42.10 P. A. Deane 7286 75% of & Plumbing Permits . 10.50 J.. E. Harding 7287 10% increase in Salary Park Supt 10.00 Typewriter John Turner 72°88 Service on Pol. Jus. Typewriter 3.75 John G. Dorcy 7289 Registration of Births. & Deaths 10.75 Puget Sound Power & Lt . Co. 729a Street Lights 258.47 Benson Motors 7291 Repairs to Police Car 9.05 Standard Oil Co. , 7292 Tire Repairs, Police Car .50' Daily Mercury 7203 - Printing Stationery, City Clerk. 11.00 LIBRARY FUND E. Luella Howard 1089 Salary & Cash Advanced 83.55 Evelyn Lundberg 1090 Salary as Asst Librarian 57.75 Blanche Sackett 1091 Salary as Junior Librarian 30.5a , Fred Marshall 1092 Salary as Janitor, at Library 27.50 S. R. Pusey 1093 Making one Complete Bookcase 47.60. Puget Sound Power & Lt.. Co. 1094 Lights for Library 6.99 Anac•ortes. Water Dept. 109 5 Water used at Library • 2.50 Puget Sound News Co. 1096 Books for Library 49.66 American Book Co. 1097 Books for Library 22.96 PARK FUND J. E. Harding 1004 Salary of Park Supt. 100.00 Frank Knapp 1005 Salary for Park Labor 93.50 "' Van Buren & Heller 1006. Supplies for Park Dept: 4.98 Curtis Wharf Co. 1007 Supplies for Park Dept. 3.60 The Fixit Shop 1008 Grinding Lawn Mower 1.25 III E.. K. Wood Lumber Co. 1009 Lumber for Park Dept. 13.27 Dept of Labor & Industries 1010 Ind Ins & Med Aid, 2 Mo 8.4041 City Street Fund 1011 Gasoline used in Park Truck. 8.2.4 CITY S . i T FUND rr P. E. Olson 263 Salary as Street Foreman, Cancelled Lynn Balcomb 264 Salary as Graderman 137.50 E. Holmes 265 Salary as Maintenance Man. 121.00 A. Taylor 266 Salary as Maintenance Man 121.00 W. T. Dodson 267 Salary as Street Sweeper 55.00 , , John G. Dorcy 268 Salary as Bookkeeper 27.50 4 P. A. Dean 269 Repairs, Street Dot. 1.65 Chas. R. Watts Go. 270 Signs for Street Dept. 5.30 41 Anacortes Foundry Co. 271 Castings for Street Dept. 3.50 i Marine Supply Co. 272 Supplies for St. Dept. .55 Puget Sound Power & Light Co . 273 Power for Crusher 37.50 Van Buren & Heller 274 Supplies for St. Dept. 8.00 , Island Transfer Co. 275 Freight on Asphalt 7.28 Shell Oil Company 276 Motor Oil, St. Dept. 20.28 Anacortes Lumber Co. 277Lumber for St. Dept. 2.75 f. Dept. of Labor & Industries 278 Ind Ins & Med Aid, 2 Mo. • 23.71 International Harvester Co. 279 Int. Truck, Motor Parts • 3.45 Schwartz Iron Works 280 Labor & Material 17.62 Standard Oil Co. 281 Gasoline, City Pump . 43.12 P. E. Olson 282 To replace # 263 1.37.50 iLL 153 May 3, 1938; Cont.inued WATER DEPARTMENT T. C. McCrory 5360. 5alaery. as° Water. Supt. 250.00 Dave Riggs 5361 Salary as Water foreman 137.50 Charles"Wedlund 5362 Salary as Serviceman 115.50 I. 0. Rogers 5363 Salary as Filterma,n 121.00 Russell. Carolan 5364 Salary as. Filt erman 99.00 Lester Thomas 5365 Salary asp Pump man at Avon 82.50 John G. Dorcy . 5366 Salary; as Bookkeeper 27.50 Lorraine Johnson 53.67 Salary as' Part Time Clerk 7.20 Current Expense Fund 5368 Transfer- of Funds 99.00 o. G. Mcgrory 5369 Mileage on Car 12.60 Wallace & Tiernan Co. 5370 Payma'nt on Chlorinator 89.58.. Tax- Comini ssi on 5371 Business: Tax,. March & April . 341.19 Skagit Valley Tel. Go. 537'z Telephone at Avon 3.20 Northwestern National Bank 5373 Cash adv.. for bond Investigation 500.00 w 'P '" n' S374 .. 94 w Ik. It•` It 500.00 ti It :. U w f a, Im It: 37� � e 500.00 rr w > 5376. n- w w w w 500.00 Van Buren & Heller 5377 Supplies' for Water Dept. 3.47 Fern Press 5378 Supplies for Water Dept. .90 Curtis W'harf_C'a. . 53.75 Freight on Old Chlorinator 7.11 Northwestern National Bank 538a Depositary Fees- as per Agreement 500.00 Marine ,Supply Co. 5381 Supplies for Water* Dept. 2.39 Puget Soured- Power{ &. Light 5382 Power, for Avon Pump 483.23 Dept of Labor & Indus'tries 5383 Ind Ins° & died Aid 2 Months 35.07 Puget Sound Power & Lt. Co. 5384 Power for Water Dept .- • 24.12. .Skagit Bonded Collectors 5385• ' ollec::tion of Water Bills 43.63 G. Y. Dal stad, . P. M. ''5386 Stamps for water Dept. - 10.00 11 West Coast Tel. Co. 538 Telephone Service, dater. Dept. 7.70 Pittsburgh Meter o. 538.8 Meter.. parts, .°rater- Dept. 26.21 Pennsylvania Salt Co: 53'89 Chlorine for Filter Plant, 45.00 Anacortes Lumber' Coy. 5390 Lumber for Water Dept. 42.43 Benson Motor. Co. 5391 Repairs to 'Ford Truck, Water Dept . 1.70' The above claims were read, and a motion was made by Miller and seconded by Neely that the claims be referred to the, Finance Committee. Motion carried. The claims were referred to the Finance Committee, who recommended that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of same , and a motion was made by- Miller and, seconded by Brady that .th.e recommendation and report of the Finance Committee be accepted and placed on file. Ayes, Neely, Fisher, Peters, Diidine, M'iZ er, Brady and Taylor. Motion carried. Driftmier _ Ben Driftmier stoke in favor of Wallace Haley . in regard to the concrete steps & W. Haley which encroach on the' street on Commercial Avenue near Nineteenth Street, and urged the City of Anacortes not to take action to have these steps removed at the present time, and a motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Peters that this matter be tabled for two weeks or till the next Council meeting. . Motion carried: Kruger on. - Paul Kruger was 'spokesman for a number of residents' along' the. Alexander Beach Alex Beach Road, who' were present at the Council meeting, and a asked to have the W. P. A. Road Matter Improve the Alexander Beach Road, but no definite action was taken in the matter, but the Mayor assured them that they would receive some consideration in the matter, particularly the widening of the street at about 32nd Street & H Ave. There being no further business: a motion was made by Fisher and seconded by Miller that the meeting ofthe City O'ouncil of the City of Anacortes adjourn. Motion carried: The meeting did then :adjourn. , . j<14-- 4eci 1,q,e____ Atte8t a Mayor' A7-f-e City/Perk • -). ! , . , , ,{ 154 May 17, 1918 Regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 8;oo P. M. with Mayor Joe George presiding. The Roll was called - - and Neely, Peters, Dildine, Miller, Brady and. Taylor were present. Fisher% was absent. 4 The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Mi.nutea ... Tile City Attorney reported on the case which the City has again: 't•-Mr. A. N. A. N. Gnaga `. Gnaga, in which .case the.:Cit'yy of. Anaco.rtes-has_.Ordered Mr.- Gnaga tc r move a at Lac.onner building at the,:southwest corner of Seventh Street and R Avenue, and the City Attorney.. stated further that Mr. Gnaga had employed an attorney to defend him • and had taken a change of venue, and that the case would be heard in Justice Court in LaCorrner, Wash, and ..that he the City Attorney. had asked Thomas K. , Chambers, Mr. Gnaga's Attorney to have the tried and settled as soon as possible. The Report of the Chief of Police for the month of April was read, and a motion ' Chief of Bblicxe was made by Dildine and seconded by Taylor that the report of the Chief of Report Police be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. A report from the . Street Supervisor, Mr. McCrory,, in which Mr. McCrory rec- Sale of old ommended the acceptance of an offer of $1O1.00 for the old Fords.on shovel, St. Equipment this offer being made by Bert k©binso" of Mt. Vernon, Wash. Mr. McCrory reporte. orally that Mr. RobLpsonl had offered $25.00 for the following: One old grader located at 12th Street and 0 Avenue, the two old scrapers. and one old scarifier located at Twenty Third Street and 3-Avenue. The Fordson shovel is located at tue Thirty Eighth Street Gravel Pit , and both offers on equipment as is and for cash. A motion. was made by Neely and seconded by Taylor that the recomm- endations of the Street Supervisor for the acceptance of the offers of $101.00 and $25.00 made by Mr. Berg Robins= for old Street Equipment as stated above r ; be accepted. Motion carried. , The 'report of the Chief of the Fire Department for the.manth of April was. Fire Chiefta read, and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Neely that the report of April. Report the C'hief' of the Fire Department be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried Brady brought up the matter of the offensive odor }. 'hich came from the Anaco Offensive od.ar. Products Company' s fish conversion plant on or near Cakes. Avenue, and stated Anaco Products that many complaints had came to the Health Committee on the matter. The City Company Council discussed this matter at some length, but took no official action in. the matter. A communication Was read from Mr. F. N. Breslich, W. P. A. Sub-Zone Engineer Park 11. P. L. v; concerning the the transportation of men to the W. P. A. Park Project at Trans orta.t.i.® o Washington Park near Sunset Beach.Mr. Breslich stated that the Government has not in the past and will not in the future provide funds for the tran spott- ation of workers. to a project. An application from John Crowder and James Crowder was read to the City Council C'rowder's: for a five year lease of a strip of land twenty feet in width from the Great Application Northern Railway right-off-way to a point fifteen feet distant from the Marti- For Lease son Mill Dock, and also to lease the old Harbormaster's Building for the same: • period, and a motion was made by Miller and seconded by Neely that the, rental be at the rate of ond($1.00} dollar per year and the cost of advertising. iu . Motion carried. After some further discussion a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Miller that the City Attorney prepare a Resolution in this matter and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign same, and that this Resolution be published and that a hearing on this matter will be heard at ! the regular Council meeting on June 7, 1938 at 8 o 'clock P. M. Motion carried. I A petition for the improvement of certain parts of Fourteenth Street was Imp. of presented and read to the City Council, and after some discussion this matter 14th. St. was referred to the street Committee. .. A letter from A. C . Martin, Commissioner of Public- Lands, was read to the A. C. Martin. City Council, in which the Commissioner of Public Lands gave to the City of on Policing Anacortes full authority to police_ the State Lands near and around Heart State Land. Lake, and a motion was made at this time by Miller and seconded by Neely that - the Chief of Police of the City of Anacortes. be given full authority to police . the State Land near and around Heart Lake. Motion carried. The City Attorney's Report on the Surety bond of A. R. Sellenthin for the Attorney's. .si,„ year 1938 was presented and a motion was:.made by Brady and seconded by Miller Report of that the Bond and the City Attorneys Report be accepted and filed. Motion Sellenthi.m. ,.,„. carried. Bond. ,= The Liability Insurance Policy and the City Attorney's Report on same for the A.tt.ormey'a `o Ford Dump Truck used by the Street Department was presented to the City Report om Council, and a motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Miller that the Ford. Truck this Insurance policy and the City Attorney's report be accepted and placed St. Dept• Imp . on file. The City Attorney's report on the bond of John Nevill was presented to the Attorney's City Council, and a. motion was made by Miller and seconded by Dildine that Report on the City Attorney's report on the bond of ; ohn Nevill be accepted and filet. Neuill Bond. Motion carried. A liability insurance policy together with the City Attorney's Report on same Attorney'a waspresented to the City Council conering the Chevrolet Truck used by the Report_ on. Park Department, and a motion was made by Miller and seconded by Taylor that Park Truck. f both the insurance policy and the City Attorney' s report be accepted and filed. Insurance. . , Motion carried. • In the matter of the petition for Street Lights on Thirtieth street. between 155 Kay 17, 1938 Continued. R' Avenu_e and. 81 Avenue, Miller, Chairman of the Fire, Light and Water Committee at,. Lights. reported that as- there was' nn.-_funds .in' this years, Budget to buy new Street 30th... Sty. Lights, nothing could be done in this mat ter• at the presemt time, end a motion was. made by Brady and seconded by Dildine that: the report of the Fire , Light and' Water Committee in this matter' be accepted and placed on file'. Motion carried. The matter of a blinker light at TWentieth Street and Commercial Avenue was Blinker brought up and discussed, and the matter was- referred by the Mayor to the Fire, Lights. Light and Water Committee. 2.0 th &. C'om. The matter of granting a lease- to the Fishermen's Packing :Corporation for the west_:forty feet ,on N .Avenue, was brought up at this time, and a motion was made Fishermen's- by Brady and seconded' by Taylor that the City of Anacortes grant this lease Packing to the Fishermen's Packing Corporation as set forth in the Resolution' on the Corp. Lease matter. and that the- Mayor and City Clerk be authorized' to sign the lease to above named Corporation.. .Motion carried. Library Brady reported on the matter of the Insurance on the Anacortes' Public- Library Insurance and asked continuance on the_matter until next meeting. PIayfi.eld The matter. of a municipal pl..-syfield to be cleared up by a T. P. A Project was discussed, but no action was taken in the matter. Comm. Ave.. The Mayor brought up the matter of widening the .pavement on Commercial Avenue, Tavement and appointed the City Council as a. whole t_o. act. in the matter, with C'. A. Peters as Chairman. IVew Grader Ways: and means of buying. a new grader was discussed but : no action was taken. ' _... i'here being. no, further business a motion s:was made by Peter and seconded by Neely that the, Council meeting adjourn. Motion carried. The City Council meeting did then adjourn. . 4 -4 -tr.-C. • Mayor Attest: . J419 • ac.C� • ity Clerk • June 7, 1938 , Regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to Roll Cavil to order at 800 F. M. with Mayor Joe George Presiding. The roil. Was called and Fisher, Peters, B'ildine, Miller, Brady and Taylor were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Brady At this time, Mr. Ferd Brady verbally offered his resignation as .* council- Resignation man from the First Ward, as he: had moved, out of his Ward and Precinct. and his resignation was accepted by the—City Council._ • The. Finance Committee was appointed by the Mayor to find ways and ,means to New buy a new grader, and report back at a later meeting. Grader - It reference to. the $i.6,000.00' in Water Revenue 1930' Water Bonds' due on 1930 Water July 1, 1938 , it was pointed out that $12',000.00 had been deposited in the Bonds. Bellingham National Bank of Bellingham, Bellingham, Washington, with an extension agreement, and at this time a motion was .made by Taylor ''and seconded Treasurer by Petes that the_ City Treasurer be authorized to ..by_ .Bonds numbered 24,, 30., Authorized 31. -and '32'. of the 1930 Series of Water Revenue Bonds' at the best obtainable to. bzyy, Bonds price, not above par, and that. Mr.. James Rorrison act as the city's negotia- ting Agent. Also that the City Treasurer of the City of Anacortes be instructed ,to pay interest due July =I, 1938, on the °1930 Series of Bonds to the Fiscal Agency in New York, N. Y., and that no funds be transferred to the Fiscal Agency for the retirement of any bonde, .€tua 'uly..l:',;.:1'928 . Ayes, Fisher, Peters, Bildine, Miller and' Taylor. Mo ti On carried. Mo-re Taylor brought up the matter: of the offensive odor from' the plant ''of the Offensive ' . Anaco Products Company, near Oakes Avenue, and discussed the possibilities' of Odor a deodorizer for the-plant. A motion was made. by Fisher and seconded by Taylor that this matter be- referred to the Health Committee. Motion: carried. Taylor appd The Mayor appointed Mr. Frank Taylor to be Chairman of the Real.th. Committee, Chairman of which was to replace:, Chairmanship left vacant by the resignation of Mr. Feria Health Com. = Brady. The report of the Police Justice for the month of May was read, and a motion Police Jus. was made. by Lildi.ne and seconded by Fisher that the_ report of the Police Justice be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. -The• The- Gasoline :report report for the monthof May, as presented by the Fire{ Chief was II Report. read., and .a motion was made by .Fisher and seconded by Miller that ',the report of the gasoline bought and used at the City Pump be accepted and placed on file. r _ . 1 5A . . Tune 7, 1938 Continued. At this time, the claims against the City of Anacortes ,for the month of May were presented and read, and a motion was made by Miller and seconded by Dii- . - dine that the c ai s to referred to theFinance Committee. Motion carried. . See end of minutes or list o claims. The Finance Committee considered the claims and recommended that the claims Finance. Com. ;galaallowed and oware ny ei atvre or ae,and ramnn eown wamfe y Finance Committee be accepted and placed on file. Ayes, Fisher, Peters, Dildine, Miller and Taylor. Motion carried. . Taylor was excused by the Mayor at this time, after Taylor had asked to be excused. The report of the Water Superintendent for the month of May was read, and a Water Supt motion was made by,Miller and seconded by Dildine that the report of the Water Report... Superintendent be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. A number of petitions from citizens of Anacortes for the improvement of certain Street streets, which petitions had been referred. to the Street Committee were reported Petitions on at this time, by Peters, Chairman of the Street Committee and recommended that these petitions be accepted and placed on file. A motion was made by Miller and , ' seconded by Dildine that the report of- the the Street Committee be accepted in its entirity and same placed on file. Motion carried. The matter of a Blinker Light which had been proposed to be installed at 20th More About Street and Commercial Avenue was discussed at this time, and a motion was made Blinker by Visher and seconded by Miller, that the Mayor name as a Committee, the Water Light Superintendent, the Chief of Police and the Chief of the Fire Department pa.rtmemt to consider this matter and report at a later meeting. Motion carried. - was read • . i A Communicationhfrom the Washington Surveying and Rating Bureau in reference Fire to sending a man to the Firemen's Convention to be held in Wenatchee , Wash- College ington, on June 15th to 18th 19)B, There was some discussion, but no action was taken in the matter, except that a motion was made by Miller and seconded Dildine that the Communication from the Washington Surveying and Rating Bureau be eeepted and placed on file. Motion carried. A Communication was read from the Association of Washington Cities which urged Int. 12'7 • all who could to get more signers for Initiative Number 127. The Mayor and several members of the City Council expressed themselves much in favor of this: Initiative. A Petition for the improvement of Thirteenth Street between M Avenue and J Avenue was' presented and read. to the City Council, and ,this peti*icon"-wd,.s- f- lath St. Petition erred by the Mayor to the Street Committee. . The matter of the Hearing in the application for a lease for a strip of land Crowder 20 feet wide adjoining Commercial Avenue extending North from the Great Nor- Lease thern Railway right of way to a point 15 feet distant from the Morrison Mill Dock was taken up at this time, and as there were no protests a motion was made by Miller and seconded by Fisher that the above described strip of land be leased to John. Crowder and James Crowder, together with the small structure formerly occupied by the harbormaster for a period of five years, for a rental of one dollar per year as set forth in the Resolution on this matter and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the lease. Motion carried. A proposed Ordinance which declared certain street obstructions a nuisance Ordina►.ace was presented at this time. The Title of the proposed ordinance was: Being an J Ordinance declaring obstructions and encroachments on streets, avenues, alleys and public places in the City of Anacortes,,apublic nuisance, and providing ,! Panaltys therefor. A motion was made by Miller and seconded byPeters that this ordinance be given its first and second readings' title. Motion carried. The ordinance was given its first and second readings by title, and a motion was made by Miller and seconded by Dildine that the ordinance be given its third and final reading by sections. Motion carried. Sec. 1 read, Miller moved, Dildine seconded that :sec. 1 be adopted.Motion carrie . Sec.2 Read, Peters. moved, Miller seconded that Seel 1 be adopted. Motion carried S-ec.3 read, Miller moved., Dildine Seconded that Sec. 3 Be adopted.Motion carried. Sec.4 read, Miller moved, Dildine seconded that Sec. 4 be adopted.Motion carried r Sec.5 read, Peters moved,. Dildine seconded that See. 5' be adopted.Motion carries A motion was made by Miller and seconded by Dildine that the ordinance as a whole be adopted. Ayes, Peters, Dildine and Miller. Fisher not voting. The favorable report of the City Attorney on the above ordinance was presented., and a motion was made by biller arid seconded by Peters that the report of the. City Attorney on above ordinance be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. . The City Clerk brought up the matter of having another W. P. A. office Project, W. P. A. and after some discussion a motion was made by. Miller and seconded by Peters Aff'ic:e that this matter be left to the discression of the Mayor and City Clerk. Motion carried. Project L. Cummings was in the audience at the Council Meeting and spoke at this, time L.C'ummir g;e� about having cut some wood on what he found out to be land owned by the City Wood in i of Anacortes Park Deaprtment, and after some discussion on the matter aumotion Park was made by' Miller and seconded by Dildine that this matter be referred to the Street Supervisor with power to act. Motion carried. ; ;4 1 i Li. _..2 .._ . ' : 15 ? June 7. 193S Continued. . - . . . The following are the claims against . tile City- at Anatortes for the month, of May- 1938:, .. CURRENT _Sadie M. Arges 7294 Salary aS ditT Treasurer 51.00 Mbhn DOtcy 7295 Salary as' City Clerk 50.00 W. V": volEr . - . 7296 Salary as, City Attorney " 50.001 . Dr. . H. X. Frost 7297 Salary as City. H4alth Officer 24.75- Mrs: q. Storme 7295 Salary aS JaTitor at City Hall 27.50 'A.- R. Sellenthin 7299' Salary a:S. Police Justice' 22.00' 0., E. Argea -7300' Salary as Deputy- Treasurer 99.00 .. The.Fern I'resS 7301 %applies' for City Clerk's' Office 2.50 ',... Mrs. S. Temple 7302 - it ' 02 0 0 . it 2.45' : G. N-.. Dalatad, P. M. 7391 . ' POstagef. ' w w w 3.00) lest Coast Tel. Co'. 7304 Telephone Service. 8,50' Tam. G: Dorcy 7305: Cash advanced . . . 1..50' Island TraTsfer' Ca. 7306 Fuel for City Heal 52.63 Lyles Grocery 7307 Cancelled Janitar's Supplies Puget Sound Power &' Lt 730d Lights for City Hall ' 10.32 Union Printing Co. 7309. Dog Tags . 17.17' .% E. Harding, 7310 10 Salary increase '. 10.00 Puget, Sound Pri & Lt. 7311 Street Lights 258.47 H. 14 Hinshaw. 7312 Salary as Chief of Police - 148.50 Tom.Brown 7313 Salary as Asst. Chief'of Police 121 .00 Jahn NeViIi. 7314 Salary- as. Patrolman . . 115.50 A . D . Munroe ' . 7315 Salary as Patrolman , . 110.00 The .Marina Supply: Co. , 7316 Supplies far Police Dept. 4.00 Amsberrys II Cafe 7317 Meals for prisoners , 6.85- Benson Motor CV.. re L. E. Snider 7315, Repairs' for Police Car 7319. Ind Ins & Med. Aid, Police. Dept. 20. 50 7320 Salary as Fire Chief 29.05' Dpt. of: Labor & Ind, 145.53- Bert Verrali - 7321 Salary as Asst. Fire Chief . 123.97 M. G. Strock ! 7322 Salary as. Captain, Fire Dept. 113.19' • M. R. Caokston 734 Salary as Fireman' Io7.8a C. Strock 734 Wage's:, Call Man, Fire Dept. 6.00 M. Nelson . 7325; 0 it 0 ' m m 1.5G George Olson. 7326 m m 0 0 m 2.2.5 , Fred. Fisher, . . 732Z' It tt it It It .75 R. Bushey ' 7328 It th tt, Of tt 3.00 Wm. .Beale 7329 tt tt It tt? It in Ed. ,,McGovern 7330 it rs, Iv It It The .7exas Company ' 7331 Gasoline, City Pump 41.23, Anaaortes Water Dept. : 7332' Hydrant Rental 395.00 Anagartes Steam- Laundry 7331 Laundry far fire Dept. 2.25 L. E. Snider 7334 Sash advanced for postage . 1.15' Automotive Parts Service' 7335 Supplies, Fire Dept. 1.00 Union 011 Company . 7336 Cup Grease, Fire Dept. . .64 Standard Oil Company , 7337 Supplies for Fire Dept. 4.65 Southside Hardware Co. : 7338 Tools for Fite Dept. . 1.15 Pacific Iron &. Metal Co. 7339 'Supplies for Fire' Dept. 7.50 D. V. Neely 7341 Supplies. far Fire Dept. 2.50' W. S. Darley &. Co.. 7341 Tools for Fire Dept . , - • 5.22 Firemen's Rel & Pen Fund 7342 2%' of Firemen's Salaries 10.01 Anacortes American . - 7343 PUblishing- Notices' 18.48' II Lyles Grocery 7344 To replace # 7307 .88 LIBRARY FUND) E. Luella Howard . 1098 Salary &-Cash advanced 83.30' Blanche Sackett 1099 , Salary as Jr. Librarian- 38.50' Evelyn Lundberg- • 1100 Salary as Asst Librarian 57.75'Fred Marshall 1101 Salary as Janitor, Library 27.50. C, M. Ellis 1102 Labor & Material I6.60 Fred Marshall ' . 1103 Cash advanced- far tools , 6.83 Anacortes Water Dept, 1104- Water used at Library 2.50 Puget Sound, Pi% & Lt. Co. 1105 Lights used at Library 6.64 The Fein Press 1106 Supplies for Library 23.00 Van Buren & Heller 1107 Supplies for Library' 4.1.7' ,..,:. PARK FUND J. E. Harding , 1042 Salary as' Park Supt. Ioma ' Frank Knapp 1013 Salary for Park Labor 38.24 . ,Dept of Labor & Ind, . 1014: Ind Ind. & Med Aid . 7.48 Ai,ty. Street Fund 1015 Gasoline used in Park Truck 5.60. --ln. .Buren & Hellet - ' 1016 . Supplies. for Park Dept. 3.34 Marine Supply CO. . 1017" Supplies' for Park Dept. 1.30 Vin.. T. McCalium- ' 1018 insurance on Park Truck 23.95 Schwartz Iron Works ''. . IO19 Labor, Material &. Supplies 22.97 Trulsan Motor Co. 1020 Repairs to Park Truck 13.45" Shell Oil Company 1021. Gasoline & Oil, Park Dept. 9.3a I , I58 June7, 1938. Continued WATER FUND T. G. McCrory 5392 Salary as' Water Supt.' 250.00 Dave Riggs 5393 Salary as Water Tcreian 137.50 Charles Wedlund 5394 Sal ary as Serviceman 115.50 W. 9. Rogers 5395 Salary as Filterman 121.00 Russell Carolan 5396 Salary as Filterman 99.00 '1 Lester Thomas 5397 Salary as Pump Man 82.50 John G. Dorcy 5398 Salary as Bookkeeper. 27.50 Laurene Johnson 5399 Salary as Part time Clerk 6.72 Edwin Nelson 5400 Wages, to apply on water bill 4.00 Dave Summers 5401 fE " M *a "' It 4.00 Current Expense Fund 5402. Transfer of Funds 99.00 Wallace & Tiernan Sales Corp. 5403 Payment on new Chlori.rsator. .89.58 Skagit Bonded Collectors 5404 Com. for collectiug.bills ', i? i31.27 Schwartz Iron Works 5405 Labor & Material • • 1..10 Skagit Valley Tel. Co. 5406 Telephone at Avon . 3.25 Pacific Highway Transport 5407 Freight on Pipe Bands .50 Marine Supply Co. 5408 Supplies & Material 29.92' Federal Pipe & Tank Co. 5409 Pipe bands, Water Dept. 24.2.3 Dept. of Labor & Ind. 5410 Ind Ins & Med Aid < 36. 0 City Street Fund 5411 Gasoline used, 2 Months 20.61 A. Bill Thompson 5412 Labor & Material, Water .80 Puget Sound Pr. & Lt. Co. 54�3 Power for Avon Pump„; 468..80 ' ,,::o,_,,:,, Northwestern National Bank . 5414 Depository Fees, RefundingBds250.0O West Coast Tel. Co. 5415 Telephone Service 5.75 Puget Sound Pr. & Lt. Co. 5416 Power & Service , Water. Dept. 29.23 T. G. McCrory 5417 Mileage on Car. . 13.40 Skagit Electric Co. 5418 Repairs to Motor at Avon 7. .25' Burroughs Adding Machine Co. 5419 Adding Machine Contract 6.00 Pennsylvania Salt Co . 5420 Chlorine for kilter Plant 45.00 Northwestern National Bank 5421 For Bond Investigation 1}Q00Q00 Island Transfer Co. . 5422 Coal for Filter Plant 22.44 . CITY' STREET FUND P. F. Olson 283 Salary as Street Foreman 137.50 Lynn Balcomb 284 Salary as Graderman. 1.37.59 E. Holmes 285 Salary as Maintenance Man 121.00 t A. Taylor 286 Salary as Maintenance Man 121..0C V. T. Dodson 287 Salary as Street Sweeper 55.00 John G. Dorcy 288 Salary as Bookkeeper 27. 50 Pacific Highway Transport 289 Freight, St. Dept. 7.74 The .Texas Company 290 Gasoline, City Pump 82.46 Marine Supply Co. 291 Material & Supplies 1.65 Union Oil Company . 292 Asphalt & Gear Grease 41.21 Morrison Mill Co. 293 Lumber for St . Dept. 3,07. Puget Sound Power & J..t. Co. 294 Power for Crusher 37.50 Soughside Hardware Co. . 295 Material for St. Dept, .50 Wash. State Penitentiary 296 Arterial Stop Signs 30.00 + Feenaughty Machinery Co. 297 Grader Blade & Bolts. 9.53 , Dept of Labor & Ind. 298 Ind Ins & Med Aid . '24.41 '`xi Lowman & Hanford 299 Payrolls, Street Fund 4.60 Schwartz Iron Works_ 300 Labor & Material 5.89 The claims written above were read before motion for acceptance of same which is recorded in second paragraph at top of page 156, of this record. ;• Dildine brought up the matter of having someone paid a small sum of money each , , month to keep the Garbage Dump in good shape,and although this matter was dis- cussed, no action was taken in the matter. There being no further business, a motion was made by Miller and seconded by Peters that the meeting of the City Council adjourn. Motion carried. The Council meeting did then adjourn. . M yor Attest: (�\► A4 /IV[T Vc 4 rt City C1 .11 r : . • .Tiin.A 21 , 1938 • Regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 8-:00: P. M. with Mayor Joe George° j'residing. The roil was called and Neely, Fisher, Peters-, Dildine, Miller wereTpresent. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read: • The 'Mayor brought up the matter ®f' appointing. a Councilman from the First lard Ghas Tate to serve the unexpired term- or Mr. Ferd Brady, who recently resigned because New he moved out- of his, ward.. After° some discussion a motion was made by Miller and' Councilman seconded by Dildine that Mr. Charles Tate be appointed to serve as Councilman from the First iVardduring the unexpired term of Mr. Fend Brady. Ayes:, Neely, Fisher, Peters•, Dildine and Miller. Motion carried. Chief .of The report of the Chief of Police= for the month of May was read, and as motion Police was made- by Dildine and seconded by Peters that the report of the Chief of Report . - Police be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. Flasher A re-.port was read from: Mr. McCrory in regard to the Flasher Beacon light which Beacon had been proposed to be installed at Twentieth Street and Commercial Avenue, and this- report was signed. by Mr. McCrory, Mr*. H. M. Hinshaw and Mr. L. E. 20th & Snider, who composed thish lashes Beacon Committee:.. There was some discussion Com. as to whether the cost for current for lighting the Flasher Beacon could be taken out of the City' Street Fund or whether-this cost would have to come out of the Current _Expens;e Fund. It was finally decided to leave this matter with the. same 0`ommittee. until next meeting, to determine which Fund would have to bear this expense. St. Dept A report was read from the Street Department for the month of May 1938 , and a REport motion was- made by Miller and seconded by Peters=. that the report from the Street Department .be- accepted and placed on file; Motion carried% Fire Chief A report was read from the Chief of the Fire Department for the month of May May Report 19354 and a motion was made by Peters- and seconded by Neely that the report of the Fire Chief be accepted and placed on file-. Motion carried. C'hitwood A report was_ read from._Mr. J. H. Chi'twood, th:e Secretary of the Civil Service Report. Board for the Police Department, in regard to the permanent appointment of Nevill Appt. Mr. John Nevill ' asa: Patrolman in the City of Anacortea-, and a motion was. made by Bildineaand seconded by Peters that this report be accepted. and placed on file. Motion carried. New Grader The Committee appointed to find ways and means to purchabe a new grader had no report to make at this time. Night Miller brought up the matter- of cars 'parking' all night on Commercial Avenue and Parking on other- Avenues and Streets, and after some discussion this matter was referred Com.. Ave. to the Police & License Committee: Letter from A letter from the Northwestern National Bank of-Bel'lingham, of Bellingham, N. -L Nat. Washington was read at this time, and this letter asked the City Clerk of the Bakk City of Anacortes to accept an order for- $2,000'.00 to apply on- the Commission of' James Rortisori for h-is part of the refinaricing.. .of the- Anacortes Water System, and -a mat ion-'eras. made.,by Miller and seconded .by Neely that this matter be- referred to the-Finance Committee. Motion carried. had, been Uniform. A� letter was read to the City Council,, which wat received by Mt. I,::, E. Snider, Building and asked the cooperation -of the City Council in the acceptance of a uniform Code building code, and after. some discussion this- matter was referred by the Mayor to the Buildings and Sewers Committee. Govt School. .. notice from the Bureau of Governmental Research, University. of Washington, Seattle, Washington, , in regard to the Third Annual Institute of" Government from July llth to July 15th 1938 , but no action taken in the matter. • St., Foreman A report from the Street Foreman for the month of' gay 1938, was read and a Report motion was: made by Fisher and seconded by Peters that the report - of the Street Foreman be accepted and placed on file.. Motion carried. The N- - . Nuisance The Nuisance Ordinance concerning obstructions on str-eeta,avenues and alleys Ordinance , and. was voted on at the last-.,,.inee- ing of the -City Council on June 7, 1938 , but which did not pass at that time., was taken up at- this time, and a motion was made Miller and seconded, by Dildine that this Nuisance Ordinance .be reconsidered. Motion carried, A motion was. made by Miller .and seconded by Dildine that this Nuisance Ordinance be given its third and final eadingsby Sections. Motion carried. Sec. 1 Read, Miller moved, Peters seconded that Sec.. 1 be, adopted...Motion ,carried. Sec.2, read, Peters -moved., Miller seconded that Sec, 2' be, adopted.Motian carried. Sec.3 read,, Miller moved, Dildine seconded that Sec.3 be adopted.Motion carried. Sec.4 read, Miller moved, Dildine seconded that Sec.4 be adopted.Motion carried. Sec.5 read, Peters, moved, Dildine seconded that Sec.5' be adopted.Motion carried. 11 A motion was made by Miller' and seconded by Dildine that t4at this Nuisance Ordinance as a whole- be adapted. NkAk gi . • Ayes , Neely, Peters, Dildine, and Miller; Nays, Fisher-. Motion carried. r— . - _ _______ . __ 160 June 21, 1938 Continued. At this time a. Resolution pertaining to the refunding of the Water- Revenue .Bends of the Anacortes Water System was read, Which resolution set forth the manner in which a ""Water Board* is to be chosen, at the present time and in Water Basra the future, also several other matters. concerning the fzefunding of the Water Resolution Revenue Bonds of the Anacortes Water System, and after a lengthy discussion • on the matter a motion was made by- Peters and seconded by Miller that the Resolution just read be adopted, and that the Mayor and City•C:lerk be Auth- orized to sign this Resolution. Ayes, Neely, Peters, and Miller. Fisher not F: voting. Motion carried. - :.' The City Attorney, Mr. Wells, reported that he had received a letter from the Pacific American Fisheries , of- Bell.i.ngiam, Washington, in. reference to P. A. F. one of their lots which the City of Anacortes had foreclosed on in 1930, and Letter this matter was referred to a -later meeting. ;` The Chief of Police, Mr, Hinshaw, spoke, at this time and pointed out the need of a Coast Guard Boat being stationed here, and a motion was made by, Fisher Resolution and seconded by Miller that the City Attorney prepare a Resolution to give on Coast the Coast Guard Boat free water in the event a Coast Guard Boat would be Guard Boat statoned here, and that the Mayor and City- Clerk be authorized to sign said resolution. Motion carried. Being unable to fully complete the business at hand at the present meeting, a motion was made by Miller and seconded by Dildine that the meeting of the City Council of• the City of- Anacortes adjourn until 8:30 P. M. of June 22, . ' 1938. Motion carried. - / 6.t 0 4•f-- - . , Mayor Attest: - . II ity C� June 22, 19 An adjourned Regular meeting was called to order at 8:30 P. M. with Mayor C. H. Tate Joe George Presiding. At this time,' Mr. Charles Tate, who had been appointed Elected at the last Council meeting to fill a vacancy- as Councilman from the Pirst Councilman. Ward, took his oath of office and was duly seated as a member of the City Council of the City of Anacortes. The roll was called and Neely, Peters, Dildine, Miller, Tate and Taylor were present. The matter of a letter from the Northwestern National Bank of Bellingham, N. 1'. `fat. Bellingham, Washington, asking for the acceptance by the City of Anacortes Bank of an order for an advance of $2,000.00 to the Bank in favor of Mr. James Rorr- ison was read, and after. considerable discussion a motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Miller that the City Clerk be authorized to sign an acceptance order to an amount not to exceed 2J' of the Water Revenue Bonds now actually registered in the Bank, not to exceed an adyance of mote that $2,000.00 Ayes, Neely, Peters, Dildine, Miller, Tate & Taylor. Motion carried. In Suly 1936 , the Fire Department responded to a call to a fire at Whitney Fire Dept II Station, on the highway between Anacortes and Mount Vernon, With the Fire -za-40 Whitney Truck were two Paid Firemen and five Volunteer Firemen. At this time„heck Station in the .mot of fifty .dollars was presented to the City Council by the Fire Chief, from the' Great NortherhyRailway as a payment for going to Whitney and protecting their property there. after some discussion a motion was made by Taylor and eesonde•d by Miller that'6the check from the Great Northern Railway Company be deposited by the City Treasurer, and that fifty dollars be trans- ferred from the Contingent Fund to the Fire Department, and that the five Volunteer Firemen who went to the Whitney Station fire be paid two dollars each, and that the purchase of a length of Chemical to replace one which blew out on the G. M. C. Fire Truck be replaced form the fifty dollars transferred from the Contingent Fund. Motion carried. At this time the City Clerk wishes to correct the minutes of the meeting of Appt of May 17., 1938 , which stated that the Mayor had appointed Taylor as Chairman of Tate to the Printing and Health Committee , a position which was created by the resig Committees nation of Mr. Ferd Brady from the City Council, but the Mayor only intended that the appointment of Taylor as Chairman of this Committee to act until a Councilman was appointed to act to fill the vacancy of Mr. Ferd Brady. As Mr. Charles Tate has been chosen by the City Council to fill the vacancy left . by Mr. Brady, the Mayor at -this time appointed Mr. Tate to be Chairman of 'the Printing and -Health Committee, also to be on the License and Police Committee and the Buildings and Sewers Committee. Taylor brought up the matter of the offensive odor from the Anaco Products More about, fish conversion plant near Oakes Avenue, and reported that they had discontinued Anaco Odox operations for the present time, and as a result there was no offensive odor . at the 'present time. ° L_ .. :u;.. k. _ :A _ 1 - 1 June 22, 19.3& Continued Taylor brought up the matter- ,of buying a new- Grader, and after much discussion a. motion was made by Miller and seconded by Dildine that the,. City- Clerk publish More about a. call for bids for a new grader in the City Paper, and that the old Russell New Grader Patrol Grader- and the Number "Thirty"` Caterpillar Tractor owned by the City be, traded,. in on anew grader: Motion carried. Improvement Miller brought -up matter of the improvement of, Fifth Street from 1' Avenue to of 5th St. Y Avenue, and a motion was made by Taylor and sceonded by Peters that the From It to improvement of Fifth Street -from Ir. Avenue to Y Avenue be included in the Y Ave.. Ur.. P. A. Street_ Project. Motion Carried: At this time the City Attorney pr-esented a Resolution to gtre a Coast Guard C. G. Boat: Boat free water if a Coast Guard. Boatwould be stationed here, and a motion Resolution was niade by Taylor and seconded by Peters: that the Resolution providing free water fora Coast Guard Boat, be adopted, and that. the. Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign same: Motion carried. P. A: Y. A letter from the' Pacific American Fisheries of Bellingham, Washington, was Letter read, and a motion was made that this matter be referred to the City Attorney who should check the records at Mount Vernon Washington, and determine just who owned Zot 6-, Block 132 and report later. There being no further businesa,a motion was made by Miller and seconded by Neely that the City Council meeting- adjourn. Motion carried, The City Council meeting did then adjourn: Attest: M U Mayor 4.444 City C1 , k,. June 28, 1938: Special Meeting of the. City Council of the City 'of Anacortes was callecE to order at 8:30 P. .M6it with Mayor Joe George p,re siding. Those present were Neely Fisher, Peters, Dildine, Miller, Tate and Taylor. The meeting was called to further discuss the refunding of the Ana.cortes Cash Water System. The: matter of making another advance in money to the Northwestern Advance National Bank of Bellingham, Bellingham, Washington, was discussed, and a. for Water motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Fisher that, the City Clerk be auth- Refunding orized to accept an order for ip1500.00. This $1 ,500.00 together with an order for $1 ,500.00 authorized at the last Council meeting, would make $3',0000.00 to' be paid ,the' Northwestern National Bank in the claims against the City of Anacortes for June' 1938. Ayea, Neely, Fisher, Peters, Dildine, Miller, Tate and Taylor'. Motion carried. A motion was made byy -Taylor and seconded by Miller to waive the formality of written notices for thia Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes-. Motion carried: There being no :further business, a motion was made by Taylor and seconded' by Miller that the meeting of the City- Council adjourn. Motion carried. The Meeting of the City Council did then adjourn. Attest: Mayor' Cityjerk I I 2, . 'J July 5, 1938 Regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to- order at 8 :00 P. M. with Mayor Joe George presiding. The roll was called and Roll Cal . Peters, Dildine, Miller and Taylor were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.. except Correction that the City- Clerk wishes to correct the minutes of June 21 , 1938 , in refer- of Minutes ence to the appointment of Mr. Charles Tate as councilman. The minutes stated that Mr. Tate was appointed for the unexpired term of Mr. Ferd Brady, where the minutes should have stated that Mr. Tate was appointed to serve 'as Councilman until January 3, 1939. - o . At this time, Mr. Wells, the City Attorneys made an oral report on the letter P. A. J . from the Pacific American Fisheries in reference to one of their lots here in RepQ•rt- Anacortes. Mr. Wells stated that he had investigated this matter thoroughly by City- in Mount. Vernon, Washington, he found that through an error in the Abstract Atty. Office in Mount Vernon., Washingtono made it appear that the lot in questions namely Lot 6, in Block 134 had been foreclosed on by the City of Anacortes, but there was no record of the City of Anacortes having ever foreclosed on this- lot, and also that the error was in the Abstract Office in Mount Vernon, Washington and not in the records of the City of Anacortes. A communication from a Foreman and Timekeeper on the W.. l'. A. Street Project Y. P. A.. was read, which communication, asked for the City ta frunish gasoline to the Gas. Foreman and Timekeeper for their- cars to be used in going from gne crew of men Petition to another on the Street Projed.t, and a motion was made by Miller and seconded by Taylor that this Communication be aadepted and placed on file. Motion carried A communication from Albert C. Martin, Commissioner of Public Lamids, in regard. A. C. Martin to the exchange of City owned land for State owned land around Heart Lake , and.. Exchange __ at this time A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to enter into negotiations Resolution . with the Commissioner of Public Land: to -exchange value for value, the City owned land ffr State owned land around or near Heart Lake, and a motion was made - - by Taylor and seconded by Dildine that this Resolution be adopted. Motion carries.. At this time, the bids for a new grader were opened, there being five companies Grader submitting bids. They were, Feenaughty Machinery Company, Seattle, Washington; Bids ihn A. H. Cox and Co. Inc. , Seattle, Washington; Western Tractor & Equipment Company, Seattle, Washington; Howard Cooper Corporation, Portland Oregon; and Columbia. Equipment Company, Portland., Oregon, After some discussion the con.- x sideration of the the grader bids was referred to the Street Committee and the Street Supervisor, to report back at the next Council Meeting on July 19 , 1938 . Z;7motion to this effect was made by Taylor and seconded by Dildine. Motion carried. • A Resolution was presented and read at this time, which authorized the City Resolution of Anacortes to file an application to the United States of America through For Federal the Federal Emergency Administration for a grant to aid in the financing of Grant ' certain streets and avenues in Anacortes , and designating Mr. T. G. McCrory, the City Engineer, to furnish such information as the Government may request, and a motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Peters that this resolution be adopted. Ayes, Peters, Dildine, Miller and Taylor. Motion carried. A Resolution was read which authorized the appropriation of Fourteen Thousand Transfer of Dollars from the Revenue Bond Redemption Fund towards the constructiof and Rev. Bond Redm. V� r u �ds AnacortesWaterSystem, and a motion n re 1 cemane of the water mains in thewas p a made by Taylor and seconded by Miller that the Resolution appropriating II Fourteen Thousand Dollars from the Revenue Bond Redemption Fund towards the construction and replacement, %f water maira:.= irr the Anacortes Water System be adopted. Ayes, Peters, Dildine , Miller and Taylor. The report of the Water Superintendent for the month of June Was read, and a Water Supt. motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Dildine that the report of the Tune Report Water Superintendent for June Be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The report of the Chief of Police for the month of June was read, and a motion Police Chief was made by Dildine and aea-anded by Taylor that the report of the Chief of June Report Police for the month of June be accepted and filed. Motion carried. s�. The Gasoline report fot the month of June 1938 was read, and & motion was made June Gies by Miller and seconded by Dildine that the gasoline report presented by ghe Apert Fire Chief be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. A petition from a number of residents on Eleventh Street for a mote adequate llth St water supply was read, and after some discussion thiS petition was referred wants more by the Mayor to the Fire, Light and Water Committee. Water • f71 i 1 1 .i J I___--- . , . . JUly t6c3 5, 1938 Continued 491 - ---------------------:- -: ---------------- - - - . . . . The following' claims- against the City of Anacortes for the month of Tune' 1938 , were read: III .. CURRENT , . . . „ Sadie•M„ Argea 7345. Salary ae: City. Treasurer' John G.- Dorcy 7346. Salary as City- Clerk-- 50-.00 O. E.. ArgeS , ,•• 7347 U * Deputy. Treasurer 99,00 7, V. Wells :. - 7348 it "' City Attorney 5000 Dr.- H. N.. FrOst 7349, U U Health Officer 24.75 Mrs C . Storme3 ' 7350 " " Janitor', City Hall 27.50 A. R. Sellenthin 7351 * U Police Justice' , 22:00 Mrs: S. D. Temple 7352 Supplies, City' Clerk. & Fire Dept. 4.15 G.. N. Dalstad. P. M. 7353 Postage for. City Clerk's, Office 3.50 Burroughs Adding Machine CO. 7354 Adding. Machine. Contract 5.55 - 171qck and Murray. 7555: Registration Supplies 16.27 West Coast Tel. Go: 7356 Telephone Service 1.30' = P. A. Dean 7357 75%: of 6 Plumbing Permits 9.00 Dan White 7355 75% of 12 Dog Licenses @I $1.00 9.00 I6Land Transfer- Go. 7359 Fuel Oil for Police Dept, - 4.63 • Paget Sound Power & Lt. Co. 736C Lights for City Hall 9.27 Puget Sound:' Power' & Lt. Co. 7361 Street. Lights . . 258.47 - L. E. Snider- 7362 Salary as Fire. Chief 145,53 Bert Verrail 7363. * * Asst Fire Chief 0 123.97 ' M. G. Strock 7364 w it Capt. Fire' Dept. 113.19 M. R. Gookston 7365 t, * Fireman 107.80 Vim. .Beale 7366 Wages as Gall Man, Fire Dept. a75 G. Strock 7367 * * m * m , * . 5.50 Ed. McGovern 7368, * * it M. U M 1.50 11 ' Fred Fisher. R4• Bushey ' 7370 - .75 George Olson • 73690000 0000 7371 * 0 • 00 0 0 O 0 O 0 3,00 3.00 M.. Nelson. . 7372 it w ", M U, M 75 L. Moore • 7373: * 0 0 0 At 0 .75.. A. Mondhm 7574 * m * * * IT 2.25 R. Boyes: ' . 7375 ti... ti, tt,„ it 0, , it .76' Union. Oil Company 7376 Gasoline, City Pump, 37.93 Firemen'et Relief & Fen Fund 73_77- 2% of Fite-me-es Salaries, 10.01 Van Buren & Heller 7378 Supplies for Fite Dept. 5‘..32 . Standard, Oil Company 7379 - ' M M IL 1.24 Thornitom's Store: 7380 W m, IL . 'M 4.72 Neely's, Grocery 7381 lk, U Mr M 2.00 Anaaortes Water Dept.:'; 7382 Hydrant Rental. for June' 1938 395.00 Fred. Fisher 7383 Labor on Fire at Whitney, Wash. 2.00 George. Olson, • .7384 * * * * * * 2.00 Ed. McGovern, 7385 0 * . 000 0 2,00. . ' C. St rock .7386 , * m * * * * 2.00 A.. Mondham 7387m * * * * * 2.00' H. H. Hinshaw , 7388 Salary and Cash Advanced 149.25 Tam-Brown ' 7389 Salary as Asst.Ch. of. PoIia6 . 121.00. John Nevill ' 73.90' Salary as katrolman 115.50 A. D. Munroe 7391 Salary as. Pattolman 110.00 Benson Motors, Inc. 7392 Repairs to Police Car 11.39 R. A. Abbott 7393 0 St M M 2.00 Dept, of Labor & Industries 7394 Ind. Ina & Med Aid, Police Dept. 10.08 J. E. Harding. 7395 10'44. Salary increase. Park Supt. 10.00 II R. L. Tucker Lbr. Go. . 7396 Material for FireeDept. • 1,19 . , . LIBRARY FtND . . E. 'Luella Howard. 1108. Salary and Cash advanced 83.80 _. Evelyn, Lundberg . 1109. Salary as .Asst. Librarian 57.75 Blanche Sackett , ma Salary as' Junior Librarian 38.50 Fred Marshall 1111 ' Salary as. Janitor, Library 27.50 Anacottes Water Dept. 1112 Water used. at Library 5.05 Puget Sound Power & Lt. Co. 1113 Lights used at Library 4.65. M. M. Flagg . 1114 Wood for Library 150.00. . . . . PARK. ,FUND . . . J. E. Harding 1022 Salary. as Park Su.pt . 100.00 :Prank Knapp 1023' Salary as Park Laborer 25.00 1L. , P. Barker 1024 Insurance, kark ,StIpt's House 10.50 Shell Oil Company 1025 Gasoline,. Park Dept. 8.22 Marine Supply Co. 1026 Material and Supplies' 3.05' . , Van Buren & Heller 1027' Material and Supplies, 2.93 City Street 'Fund 1028 Gasoline used in Park Truck 7.26 Dunlap Hardware Co. 1029 Supplies. for Park Dept. 92.04 Schwartz: Iron Works . 1030 Labor, Material and Supplies. 29.05 Curtis Wharf Co. 1031 Sand &' Cement for Park Dept. 4.6.0 Department. of Labor & Ind. 1032 Ind Ins. &: Med' Aid 2.84. II . . . , . . • A 16 '-- , July 5, 1938, Continued i WATER DEPARTMENT 6.40 T. G. McCrory 5423 Salary as Water Supt. 250.00 I',''',,,:''''ti:.'',*'',, ' Dave Riggs 5424 Salary as Water Foreman 137. 50 Charles Wedlund 5425 It ft Serviceman b4:70 W. 0. Rogers 5426 "' w Filterman . 80.8o Russell Carolan 5427 w Filterman . 66.00 Lester, Thomas 5428 Salary as Pimp Man at Avon 82.50 John G. Dorcy 5429 " Part time Clerl�Bookkeeper 27.50: 4,T tku reme Johnson 5430 Cliff Compton 5431 Wages to apply on water bill . 3,00 Carl L. Smith 5432 w " t f "` * .00 I'H. W. Weis. 5433 w, w= wf aw ar w+ . . 8.00 Ket Roes. 5434 if ft * M f ar 2.50 E. A. Boyer 5435- w * It mrw x• 2.00 Frank Childs 5436 n' '" * ar w" to 3.25 T. M. kith th 5437 w ". w "' * , w 3.25 Current Expense Fund. 5438 Transfer of Funds 99.00 T. G. McCrory . 5439 Mileage on Car 17.18 P. A. Dean 5440 Filing Saws . 1.00 Schwartz Iron Works 5441 Labor and Material 5.06 G. N. Dalstad P. M. 5442 Stamps. for Water Dept. 10.00 E ,LavaI Steam Turbine Co. 5443 Repairs for Water Dept. 28.56 Marine - Supply Co. 54444 Material and Supplies 5.54 Daily Mercury . 5445. Receipt Books 17.50 Wallace & Tiernan Sales Co. 5446 Payment on Chlorinator 89.58 City Street Fund 5447 Gasoline used in Water Trucks 17.64 West Coast Tel. Co. 5448 Telephone Service 12.20 Worthington Gamon Meter Co. 5449 Repair Parts for Meters 11.89 Northwestern National Bank 5450 For Refunding Program 1,000.00 Northwestern National Bank 5451 For Refunding Program 1,000.00 Northwestern National Bank 5452 For Refunding Program 1,000.00 Pennsylvania Salt Co. 5453 Chlorine for Filter Plant 45.00 Federal Pipe & Tank Co. 5454 Pipe Bands, Water Dept. 35.70 W. C. Morse Co. 5455 Engineering Services 300.00 Skagit ,Valley Tel. Co. 54=56 Telephone at Avon 3.30 The Bristol Company 5457 Valve Parts, 1.20 Puget Sound Power & Lt. Co. 5458 Power for Avon Pump 476,03 Van Buren. & Heller 5459 Materials & Tools 6.39 Skagit Bonded Collectors 5460 Com. for collecting water bills 32.01 Puget. Sound Power & Lt. Co. 5461 Power & Service 25.71 • Scientific Supplies Co. 5462 Chemicals for Filter Plant. 2.40 Worthington Gamon Meter Co. 5463 Payment of Lost Warrant 19.36 Dept . of Labor & Industries 5464 Ind Ins & Med Aid for June 15.56 CITY STREET' FUND • ',•':,'',.!:; P. E. Qlson 30.1 Salary as St. Foreman 137.50 Lynn Balcomb . 302 Salary as Graderman 137.50 E. Holmes 303 Salary as. Maintenance Man 121.00 W. T. Dodson 304 salary as St. Sweeper 55.00 Artie Taylor 305 Salary as. Maintenance Man 16.00 John G, Dorcy 306 Salary as Bookkeeper 27.50 Benson..Motor Co. 307 Repairs to St. Trucks 4.75 Van Buren & Heller 30 Material and Supplies 29.19 G. H. oust 309 Lumber for St. Dept. . 26.60 Anacortes Lumber Co. 310 w w "` to 2.00 Morrison Mill Co. 311 w` k * 0 9.92 - Curtis Wharf Co. 312 Cement for St. Dept. 1.00p` Union Oil Co. 313 Gasoline , City Pump 85.74 Marine Supply & Hardware 314 Material and Supplies 12.88 Puget Sound Power & Lt. Co. . 315 Power for Crusher 37.50 Dept. of Labor & Industries 316 Ind Ins & Med Arid-June 10.23 Schwartz Iron Works 317 Labor and Material 5.26Ai The above claims were read, and a motion was made by Miller and seconded byr Dildine that the claims be referred to the Finance Committee. Motion carried. , The Finance Committee considered the claims and recommended that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of same , and a motion was made by Miller and seconded by Dildine that the report and recommendation of the Finance be -01 accepted and placed on file. Ayes ,. peters-, Dildine, Miller and Taylor. Motion carried. f ' At his .own request Taylor was excused by the Mayor at this time. • . The City Attorney made an oral report in which he stated that Zolin Crowder and City Attorney his sorb James Crouder were having some difficulty in obtaining full possession Report on of the ,old Harbormaster Building which they leased from the City recently, but Harbormaster the City Attorney thought this matter could be settled in the near future, and Building 1 a motion was made by Miller and seconded by Dildine that the report of the City Attorney be accepted and placed on file. 1 ... 165 . . . . . July 5, 193a Continued , , _ . . • • . Mayor's . The Mayor' gave an interesting, report of the meeting he attended in. Olympia, .NP(1 . Washington, on June 30, 1938, which was- celled by the Association of Washington initiative alqes-to consider Initiative- 129c which Initiative is on the Forty Mill. Levy. II There being no further bUsiness, a. motion was made by Miller and' seconded by Peters that the Council meeting. adjourn. Notion carried. The meeting of the City Council did then adjourn. . . . - , . j- Mayor Attest: . . - 40-6‘-c.- 6-kt: • y- Clerk: _ JUly 19, I93a. . .. . . „ . _ . . .... . , _,... . . i., . .. _ ,...._ ReezIat'C_teetingot ' the -Clt ' COunCil Cf-the- Uitt-Of-Ana&CrteiiwaS'talleeto order-at. Z:Og P. M. with, Mayorjbe..George presiding. The rola was- called, Roll call ' and Fisher, Peters, ',Oildine, Miller, Tate and Taylor were present „ . . _ . .. ..- _ , The minutes- of the previous meeting' were read and apprtved as read. . .MOreabotit The City Attorney reportedan . the case which the City of Anatortes has had. . ,. Gnaga. Cas.e against Mt., A. N. qnaga for some time, and the 'City Attorney stated the , . L'ity of Anatartes had gained a-convictiom.againstMi. -Gnaga* but that Mr.: II Thamai Chambers of Mount who represented Mr. Gnaga, had . , c,f . appealed the case to the, Superior' Court in. Mount Vernon Washington. : . . . .• . , . . The report of the Police Justice.. was read and a motion was made, by Peters and Police'- --- ' .seconded. by Fisher that the report of die, Police Justice be, accepted. and. Zia. Repart placed on file. Motion aarried. • . . . : . _ . _ _ ........ . . . The report of the, Chief of the Fire Department for the month of June Was. read Fire: Chief and a. motion was made by Miller and seconded by Fisher that the report of the Report Chief of the Fire Departmeht be. atcepted and placed ontile. Motion tarried. . . The matter of the blinker beacon light for Cammertial 'Avenhe and 20th Street FiaSher intersection was discussed at this time, ,and after some discussion a. written: Beacon. committee report, signed bvMr. T. G.. Madrpry, - City Engineer, Mr. L. E. Shider, o- be Fire ohief, .and Mr. H. H. Hinshaw, Chief of Polite , recommended that if a Installed, flasher beacon be installed that the Signal Service Corporation's 8ignal. with four lights-and dantrol• bali on, pole, for greater accessibility be installed, and amotian was Made, bY .Taylor and seconded by Fisher that the Committee report . signed by L. E. ShilieriT. G. .Mcq-rpryand if. H. Hinshaw in reference to the flasher -beacon- for the_tntersection at Commercial Avenue and 20th Street be. accepted; and that the Signal Service Corporation Signal. Model BA? 4, with 4 lights at a tast ,of 426.17 installed, be, bought and installed. Motion carried. , . New' Grader" At this. timt* a. report signed by the Street. committee and the. Street Supervisor Report was - read in referenteta the' Grader Bids-, and the report o)f this Committee was: . Accepted'. wThat the low bid of the HawardCoaperparporation, (Adams Grader) be accepted , and ammotion-was made by Taylor and seconded WPetere -that 'the-rePOrt-Of-the ' II Grader .Committet 'be'act ePtedAtiitiVORMaDattalizotive tzvbereat. X*12 Yilbe AbebentteD4 kalgults ke 2miltItezzi. lia Aztv. )f=21%1431Ai 3f910Pe*. Ayes, Peters, Dildine Miller, Tate and Taylor. Nays, Fisher. Fisher. was in, favor of' buying the -Galion Hydraulic' . . . Grader. , 1 , Fire Ins. _ . . . . . .. _ • • . • The City Attorney"s report on the Fire Insurance Policy on the dwelling of the on Park. . Park Superintendent'at Sunset Beach, was. read, in which the City Attorney Shpt.'s. ' approved of ,the policy, and a motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Dildine that the said fire insurance police and the GityAttorney's, repdrt be. accepted' Sunset Bth and placed on. file. carried. . . . . , . . . . . _ .. . The. Fire, light and WaterCommittee reported on 'a petition from certain residents llth, St. . on: Eleventh _Street far a more adequate: water supply, and a Motion was made' by Water Fisher and. Seconded by Dildine that thin report. 'of the -Fire , Light. and Watei. Petition Committee be accepted and plated' on file. MotiOn carried. 13th .& 18th . . Two petitions. which asked fa .r improvemeht ofA.3th Street and Eighteenth Street St. Improve- were, reported an at this time, by the Streets and Parks COmmittee, Which Cam- meats. i.tt.ee recommended that this report be turned over to. the Street Supervisor to be included intthe W. P. A. street Projeats. Motion carried. . • A letter from; Mr,:, A. 0-:. Mrtiit, bammiSsianer 'of PUblitlands, in reference ta - - A. C. .Martin the. exchange .ofCIty owned land for State owned land-around or near Heart Lake, letter. ' was read, and' a, motion was made by' Taylor and seconded by Tate that the letter- be acknowledged and placed on file. Motion carried. . . . . . ,. . A letter was read fram the Pacific Coast'. Association: Of Fire' Chiefs - inoregard Pat.II Caast to a. Convention' to be held in Salt Lake City, Utah, on September 29, '20 ,' 2I: Chiefs Asan of Fire and. 22, 1.938, and a.. motion was made by Petere and seconded bk Dildine that the . letter- from the Pacific:Coast Association af Fire Chiefs be accepted and: placed on file. Motion carried. . . . , • • . . . i4 166 July/9, 1938 Continued Two -reports from the forks Progress. Administration, showing the liquidation a WP.L.' Sponsorts Pletices on the Street Project and the Park Project in Anacortes mere Pepar.ta read', and a motion was made. by Miller and seconded by Di.ldin.e that these two ' reports be accepted and placed on file. Motion. carried.. At this tithe, '4 resolution was read, authorizing the"parchase of anew grader Reso ut'ion from the Howard Cooper Corporation, of Portland. Oregon; the cost of the new for Vej grader to be' $3,l42.30, and to be paid for in equal monthly installments of Grader 130.93 each. A motion was made by Peters and seconded by Taylor that the resolution authorizing the purchase of an Adams Grader from the Howard Cooper Corporation, of"Portland, Oregon; be adopted and that the Mayor and City Clerk be aathorized to sign same. Ayes, Peters, Dildine, Miller, Tate and Taylor.. Nays, Fisher. Motion car ried. An application 'for a Mineral Lease was made to the City- Council by Howard Keil K'eil. App. and Margaret M,. Keil his wife, to lease certain lands around Cranberry Lake on-City owned land, and after some discussion a motion was made by Miller and seconded by Peters that this matter be tabled for 30 days. Motion carried. The proposed Firecracker Ordinance was considered at this time, and a motion was made by ?eters- and seconded by Diidine, that• the 'proposed Firecraoker Ordin- ance be given its first and second readings° by title. Motion carried. The proposed Firecracker Ordinance was given its first and second readings by title, arid• a motion was made by Peters and seconded by tiller that the said Ordinance be given its third and final reading by sections. Motion carried. Sec'. 1 Read; Peters moved; Miller seconded that Sec. 1 be adopted:- Motion carried. Sec. 2 read, Taylor moved; Miller seconded that Sec. 2 be adopted. Motion carried. Sec.. 3 read, Miller Moved, Dildine seconded that See.3 be adopted.. Motion carried. Sec. 4 read, Peters ,moved, Dildine seconded that Sec.4 be adopted. Motion carried. Sec. 5 read, Peters moved, Dildine seconded that Sec.5 be adopted. Motion carried. -- Sec. 6 read, Miller moved, Tate secomded that Section 6be adopted. Motion carried. A motion was made by Taylor and sceonded by Peters that said Ordinance Dumber 889 be adopted as a whole. ayes, Fisher, Peters, Dildine, Miller, Tate and Taylor. Motion carried.. There being no further business , a motion was made by Peters and seconded by Fisher that the meeting- of the City Coundil adjourn. Motion carried. The meeting of .. the City Council did then adjourn. JJoL.fif Attest: - Mayor ity Jerk August 2, 1938 Regular 'meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 o 'clock P. M. Roll Call with Mayor Joe George presiding. The roll was called and Peters, Dildine, Miller, Tate and Taylor were present. The Fire Chief and several others roported on the unsanitary condition of a Outc oor ' number of outdoor toilets in the City of Anacortes , and after some further Toilets discussion, this matter was referred by the Mayor to. C. H. Tate, who is Chairman of the Printing and Health Committee, to investigate this matter and report later. - - " a At this time , the claims against tae City of 4nacortes for the month of July were read, and a motion was made by Miller and seconded by Peters that the • Claims not Claim of Dr. Austin Shaw for10.00 and the claim of the Anacortes Hospital Allowed for $2.50 be not paid by the City of Anacortes at this time, and that the , City Attorney communicate with the Northern State Hospital as it is claimed that it was an inmate of this institution that had escaped and came to £nacor- -' tes and was treated by- Dr. haw. Motion carried. 1 A motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Miller that the claim of Frank -Labor at Allard for labor at the garbage dump be charged against the City Street Fund Garbage in Current Expense. Motion carried. . Dump The following are the Claims against the City of Anacortes for the month of July. • F CURRENT EXPENS Sadie M. Arges 7397 Salary as City Treasurer, 50.00 0. E. Arges. 739 0 " Deputy Treasurer 99.00 John G. Dorcy 7399 *' ir' City Clerk 50.00 q, W. V. Wells. 7400 " " City Attorney 50.000 1 Dr. H. E. Frost 7401 "' " Health Officer 24.75' Mrs. G. Storme 7402 op * Janitor, City Hall 27:50 1 A. R. Sellenthin 7403 * ' * Police Justice 22 .00 - . J. G'eorge 7404 Cash advanced for expenses 13.00 i G. N. Dalstad 7405 Postage for City Clerk's Office 3.00 . Daily Mercury 7406 Printing Receipt Books 17.50 West Coast Telephone Co. 7407 Telephome Service 5.95 1 .167 , . . . August 2, 1938 Continued ..,. . ..... .... ..._ . CURRENT EXPENSE' Continued .Puge t'S,-"'otind., Power' & IA., Co. 7408 Light& •for•City Hall.'`ii:.'..-,, - 773, SouthSideTHardware. CO:. 7409: supp-iree.nfo.i.: city- flan - -. W. V.. 7r.61:15t, 7410 Cash advanced' for expenses - • • • ' 545. P',.-:.4k ," 'D-itiri- ' 7411 Plumbing--& 'triting-- Inspections 31.00 Dan .White•-' - 7412 750.'cif NZ Dog' Licenses -80.39 L. Z.: Snider . 7413 Salary as Fire Chief - - - 145-.53 Bort:Viqid.ii . . 7414. . . , • tr tt AsSt • Fire. 'Chief• 123.97 31. G-. •Strobk-•••••• 741'5 • f"' '''' Capt. Fire Dept. 11319 M. R. QOOkfitOn: 7,4I 6' f!, ft' Fireman ••••• • . 107.80 M'. 7. 'Wile-axeon. ) 741.7 - t" ra'FireMart - :6174 'I. 11. .13CIdi'-' 7418 Wages, Call man, Fire Dept. 3•5!;75' .11. ZOndhan 7419. It - 07 07 ft " 6.25' M Wei Soil. 742'0 't tr tlY tt, Iv 2.25- R. -BillkeY' . 7421 it It it tr. Iv G.•• • Strook- 7422 " IV fP It 110 It5.757 Ett.• reGO'vern 7423 " w w w Geo-x;de,--°Lion 7424 ft " w w w 8..QC Fred'Fisher. 74257 • •'''• •' " '07•- " •tt' - ' '•'or - ",* 4 00, Ray Oimbt pad 7426 Erxtra, Fireman, Brush Fire 8.25' 11.' PinSon - - - 7427 it "' "' w 7:op: Charles-I/hippie 7428 -ft- ,I tr ty 8.00 ' Harry WI Se,• ' 7429 "' It - w a 8.25; Giza qarls'on 7430, 'p . 'p tfr 8.00, q.-.J.COtaPt On 7431 st Or ft ir 7 .00 7432 it. ft ft ti 7:cm li MiitOn• Holmes? 7433: tt et it. It 7:00- Charl es, Wediund 7434 lt, tt . it it, j John Tursi_ 'p . 4' • 7435 a . w 2.00: Shell Oil CompanY . 7436 Gasoline, City .Pump 45..63 Standard Oil Company • - 7437 Zeroline- & Valve Oil , • 3.46 Marine Supply & Hardware' 7438 Repair parts, Fire Dept. e.04 AnacOrtes .Steam Laundry 7439 Laundry for Fire Dept. 4.02 Firethen's. Relief & Pen. Fd. 7440 2%' of Firemen's. Salaries 11.2.7 AnaeOrtres. Water.Departinent 7441 HYdrant Rental for July- • 395.00, TrUlson Meter ao. . 7442.' Truck repair parts, Fire Dept . 36.77' Van Buren & Heller 7443. Supplies; for Fire- Dept. 1.23 Harley- G. Sutt 7444 Labor on .Fire Truck 15.:.00, Neely."s Grocery 7445 Supplies .for Fire Dept. .50 Sanderson Safety ,SupplY Co. 7446 it it iii to 298 American .Rubber CO. 7447 Hose for Fire Dept. 20.94 H. H. Hinshaw. 7448 Salary as, Chief of Police 148.50' Tom Brown ,. 7449 Salary as. ASst. Ch. of POlic-e 121.00: JOhn Nevill 7450' Salary as Patrolman: 115.50 A. 1). Hianroe „ . 7451 Salary as- Patrolman _ I1.0.00 ' Dr. Au s t in Shaw 7452 S.ervices as a Surgeon vol. Dept . 3.00 Benson. Motor Go. 7453 Repairs to Police Cr• 44.00 . G. N. Dal.Stad, P. M. , . 7454 Postage for Treasurers Office. Dept lot Labor- &. Industries. 74,55: Ind Ins & Med. Aid. - 10.42 J. L Harding . . 7.456: 10% Salary increase 10,00 Puget. SoundH.Power & Lt. Co. . 7457 Street. Lights - , 258.47 Fran:k .Allard 7458 Lab or at . Garbage': .Dump 20.00 John 'G. . Dorcy 7459 Registration of Births &' Deaths 11.50, I Trick & Murray- 7460 Registration SuppIieS Pioneer' Stationery CO, s, 7461 Registration SUpplie • 11..15.' L. Moore 7462s Wages; Call. Mali, Fire Dept. 8: 19 I:5-0 Curt fa, Wharf CP. 7463 C:ernent. & Sand., Park: Dept. 77.50 . , . . LIBRARY' FUND . . E. Lu'ella: Howard 11.15 'Salary & Gash Advanced 83:30. Evelyn Lundberg, 1116 Salary as ,gast. . Librarian 57.75 Blanche, Sackett ' 1117 Salary as Junior. Librarian 38.50 ' Fred laarshall 1118 Salary a.-a Janitor , ' 27.50 Anace`rtes Water Pept.. . 11.19 Water used-at Ll'Orari. ' 2.55' Puget, Sound Power'. & Lt. Co. 1120 Lights: used at Library Bellingham Bookbindery ' 1121. Bookbinding" la.24 PARK FUME/ • - J. E:. Harding; - .` 1.033 ° Salary as Park Supt 100.00 Van Buren & Heller 1034 material for Park Dept. 1.83 Trulson Motor Go. 1035 Repairs. to Park Truck . . 10.90 City Street, Fund , 1036. Gasoline used in Park Truck' ' 4.29 Marine. 'Supply & Hardware 1037 Material. & Supplies , 14.2.0 Schwartz. iron Works, 1038 Labor & Supplies, 9.80 Shell Oil Company 1039 Gasoline used. in Park. Truck 8.25 , Dept of Labor & Ind 1040 Ind Ins: & Med. Aid 2 .10 . . .1 .,, . . A r , 1 6(..,! August 2, 1938 Continued WATER FUND T. G. McCrory 5465' Salary as Water Supt. 250.Ga Dave Riggs 5466 Salary as Water Foreman 137. G arles \Vedlund 5467 Salary as Serviceman 115'40 ..1 0. + oters~ 5468 * * Fiiterman 121.14. Russell: Carolan 5469 ft w 0 9.00' Lester Thomas 5470 w * Pump Man at Avon 82":50 ' • John G. Darcy 5471 fir * Bookkeeper 27.5D Laurene Johnson 5472 it Part time Clerk 8:.00 E. B. Moe 5473 Wages, to apply on water bill '7:00 E. A. Boyer 5474 or, it it rr It * 40- Carl L. Smith 55475 �� m w K rr tr 3:00 L. Kaupp 5476 " to, M It rr * 2.50 Frank straley 5477 "' " It '" 8.00 " 0. A. Ydh.n s on 5478 "It U It " W 4 14. 50 • Fred-Wg Ik 5479 * it, Pt t It ►P 11.75' 'i M. 0. Berentson 5480 R ' * "' " * " 1..00' City Street Fund 5481 Gasoline used' in Water Dept. 17.15" Skagit Bonded Collectors 5482 For Collecting Water Bills 15.05 Van •Buren & Heller 5483 Tools & Material 1°:62 Marine 'Supply & Hardware 5484 Material and Supplies 14.16 Federal Pipe & Tank Co . 5485 Pipe Bands " 54:05 A. I% Galyean 5486. Tire Repairs, Water Truck .80 ' - Skagit Valley Telephone Go. 5487 Telephone at Avon 3.95. Tax-Commission 5488 Business Tax on Water Sales 32i .27, '' Union Oil Company 5489 Lubricating Oil, Water Dept. 2.35 Pacific Highway Transport 5490 Freight on Pipe Bands 1.20 Schwartz Iron Works 5491 Labor and Material .12:.92 7. G. McCrory 5492 Mileage o°n cat 14.95 ° West Coast Telephone Go. 5493 Telephone Service, Water Dept. 19.53 Scientific Supplies Co. 5494 Chemicals for Filter Plant 2.24 Puget Sound Power & Lt. Co. 5495 Power far Avon Pump' 472.40 Pennsylvania Salt Co . 5496 Chlorine for Filter Plant 45.00 Maryott' s Greenhouse 5497 Shrubs for grounds ,- Filter 9.1.8 • Puget Sound Power &. Lt.. Co. 5498 Power & Service 22.55 Current Expense Fund 5499 Transfer of Funds 99.00 The -F"ern Press 5500 Receipt Books & Supplies 17.45 Dept . of Labor & Ind. 5501 Ind Ins & Med Aid 19.13 Anacortes-Mt Vernon Stage Go . 5502 Express on Pipe Bands 1.75 W. A. Costello , county Eng. 5503 Blue Prints and Paper 3.35 Island Transfer Co. 5504 Coal for Filter / ant 20.37 e Wallace & Tiernan Sales Corp. 5505 Payment of Chlorinator 89.5 CITY STREET FUND P. E. Olson 318 Salary as Street Foreman 137. 50 • Lynn Balcomb 319 Salary as Graderman° • 137:50 - E. Holmes 320 " r' Maintenance Man 121.00 i W. T. Dodson 321 * Q° Street Sweeper 55.00 * , John G. Dorcy 322 `c * Bookkeeper 27.50 Puget Sound Power. & Light Go . 323 Power for Crusher 37.50 Feenaughty Machinery Co. 324 Repair Parts and Material 57.68 Union Oil Company 325 Gasoline , City Pump 42.87 Shell Oil Co. 326 Gasoline, City Pump & Motor Oil 53.26 Van -Buren & Heller 327 Material and Repair Parts 5.88 ' Schwartz Iron Works 328 Labor & Material 3 .23 Curtis Wharf Co. 329 Concrete Pipe 6.00 Howard Cooper Corp. 330 Repair parts for Crusher 94.17' s' Marine Supply & Hardware 331 Material & equipment Repairs 3.05 E. K. Wood Lumber Co . 332 Lumber for St. Dept. 9.49 Dept. of Labor & Ind 333 Ind Ins" & Med Aid 12.00 ,. - Southside Hardware Co. 334 Nails, St. Dept. 5.05 Benson. Motors Inc. 335- Vision Mirror, St. Truck .60 Anacortes Foundry C`o. 336 Repairing Rock Crusher 6.50 The above claims against the City of Anacortes for the month of July 1938, were read , and a motion was made by Miller and seconded by Peters that the Claims. be referred to the Finance Committee . Motion carried. :? The -Finance Committee Considered the Claims and recommended that the Claims Committee be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of same , and a motion was made by Report Miller and seconded by Dildine that the report and recommendation of the Finance Committee be accepted and warrants issued for the Claims. Ayes , Peters , Dildine , Miller, Tate and Taylor. Motion carried. '_ The City Attorney reported on the matter of a lot to which the City of Anacortes Lot 7, has taken title , and is now occupied by an apartment house built by Dr. Frost. Block 36 . _ This lot is to be sold for taxes and the City Attorney recommended that the • Del, Taxes K* taxes against the lot be paid out of the Local Improvement Guaranty Fund, but no action was taken in the matter. . x, H ,F 41 1 c u i ,_ P August 2', 1938 Continued --_. _--,---__-----„---•---,__--,..-,-_ --_ The Matter Of refinancing- the ApacOrtea-Water-Syelem *aa-disdUbabd as some length, and aSaII-the' matterafor'the aonsideratiOn of-the r Coundi ' cbuld I I not be:dompleted' atthe present teetin ,- a 'mdtioM waa'rhade by Taylor and 6.e&Onded'br it Eillethat .the-COUndil7meetintof theoGity' af Anadortea-adjourn Until-8-otdidOk:PE. On ,AUguat 3,-1938,'MOtion-darried : 'The"meeting of' the City. Council of the City of Anacartes: did then so adjourn:. Atteat: Mayor 1 . . . .4:04.2tv-i..,Cd- ":‘' • . ° City 'erk = • . . _ . • . .• , - .,. . . August 3, 1938 An-adjadkned zegulak-meeting:Was-dalIeUto -order'at 8-OldlOck: P. K. by-- ,. ... „_ __ Mayer'PrO,Tet -Dildineas-Maybr-Gedige-had. hotYet arriaved, The' MaYbr was' - Roll. Gall. UnaVOidabiyAelaYed' and 'had-:preViouBly-asked the '.Mayor' Po-TeM to start the meeting: The roll was' called and Petera, , Dildine, Miller, Tate' and Taylor were present. After the roll call, several matters of minor importance were discussed, and at this time Mayor George came 'in and took obarge of the Council Meeting. • . . ._. _ __ II The City Attorney brought up the matter of the. taxes due on Lot 7', Block 36,Tait. __es Mid on Paid from which' is owned by the City of Anacortea , and is now occupied by an apartment Lot & Bik 36 house built be Dr. Frost, AS. this' Lot is soon to be sold by Skagit County for taxes , the City. Attorney recommended that 'the City of Anacortea pay the L I 3)- - taxes assessed against this Lot, using the money from the Local Improvement Guaranty. Guaranty Fund, and alMation was made by Taylor and seconded by Dildine that Fund the City Treasurer' be authorized to issue a check to the Skagit County Treasurer for taxes' against Lot 7, Block 36 as: recommended by the City' Attorney. Ayes, Peters, Dildine , Miller and Taylor. . . . . . , . $1,000:00 The program for refinancing the Anacortes Water _System was 'taken up at this. Advanced. to . timei . and after muohdiscubaion a motion was made by Miller- and seconded by James • Miller _thatitir. James Aorttion- be advanced a. redit for $1,000.00, and that Rorrisom ithe-Zitytelerk-be-authotizedtb -ftite:iandilsightthialettetyoficredit toth- MrizZames Rottison. Matti thantile. Ayes-, Peters , Dildine, Miller and Taylor. Mbtion aarried. _ There being no further business, a motion. was made. by Miller and seconded . by Peters that the Council Meeting: adjourn. Motion carried. The Meeting of • the City Council did then adjourn. . . I - ,e c -1i< - - - - • , Mayor Attest: ' , GitY' C110 , II II „ , , AuguaAugust. 16, 1938 . . — . Roll. Call, Reguiar-meeting Of the'City' Codnoil of- the City Cf' Anadottea was called to order at 8 otciddk P. U. 'with mayor' Toe- George-presiding. ' The roll was called and Fisher, Peters, Miller and' Taylor were present. . . Minutes' The minutes of the' previous, meeting were read and approved as read.. The' City Attorney-reported- that- the 'City Of Anaddrtea-had 'Paid One years City Atty taxes' On-LotT7'; Block 36', out- of the- L.- I. D. ,GUaranty- FUnd:, and also' ' that Reporta:. he had prepared 'a'QUit Claift deed 'in-favor of F. N. Haley, who had 'paad his asSeqatent oti:Lcit 2-, -BiOdk 48, Original Plat , City "of' Anacortesyand also the" L'ity Attorney preparecUa perMit td-the Union OiI: Company, 2901 Western AVenue:,- SeattIe,' IWaShington, -whidhperMit is to renew"a. similap permit which will expire On Dedetber27, 1938. The renewal permit is for a ten year period and expires on, December 27, 190. Ch. of Police 1 The report of the' Chief Of Pdlice for the monthlof July was read, and'a Report motion was made by Taylor and seconded 'by Miller that the report of the Chief' of Rblice for the month of July be accepted and' placed oh file'. Motion Carried, Vater'Supt. . . The report of the' Water Superintendent for the month of July. was read, and a Report, motion was made by Miller and Seconded by Peters' that the July report of the' Water Superintendent be accepted and filed. Motion carried. 9 # : Fire Chiefta . • - The report of" the .Chief of the Fire Department for the month of July ,waa Report. il ' . readt .and a. motion was made Ily. Peters; and. seconded by' Miller that the July report of the Fire Chief be accepted. and placed on file. Motion carried. , G lineThe gasoline report 'for the: month ofJuly .was' read-, and a motion was made by Report 'aso - Taylor and ' Seconded. by.Peters,that the gasoline report presented by the Fire Chief be accepted and placed on file. Motion' carried. . . ., , . • . ..A 4 , .. 170 , . 1 • . . _ • August 16, 1938 Continued - 1 A new L P. A. Street Project was discussed at this time and a motion was made lo.: Tie New Taylor and Seconded by Miller that the' Mayor and city Clerk be authorized to IP A. sign this Street Project. Motion carried. street Project, A resolution renewing a permit to the Union Oil Company was considered at this time , which resolution would renew the present permit which will expire on Union December 27 , 1938. The new permit will expire on Dedember 27, 1948 , and a Oil motion was made ' by Taylor and seconded by Fisher that this 'resolution to the Resolution Union Oil Company be adopted and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign same. Ayes, Fisher, Miller, F-eters, and Taylor. Motion carried. '' The Quit Claim Deed from the City of Anacortes to F. N. Haley, as * described in quit Claim. the City Attorney's report in this meeting was presented and read, and a motion. Deed to was made by Taylor and 'Seconded by Fisher that' the Mayor and City Clerk be F. I47. Nary' authorized to sign this Quit Claim Deed. M±±± r matrzvt. Ayes, Fisher, Peters, Miller and Taylor. Motion carried. lA representative from the Sanderson Safety Supply Company of Seattle, Washington ,, New was present .at the meeting and demonstrated a new inhalator, and after much Inhalator 'CI discussion, the Mayor appointed Miller, Taylor and Peters to act as a Committee to consider the purchase of the inhalator. •. The matter of the Howard Kell petition to prospect around Cranberry Hill. was. More arborxt. referred to a later meeting. Keil. Petition A number of residents who live- near .17th Street and A Avenue were present to 17th & A '� have some improvement work done on 17th Street and also on A Avenue , and referre. Petition to a petition which had been presented to the City Council recently, and. after _ _ some discussion a motion was made by Miller and seconded by Taylor- that the .petition. which these residents presented be revised and the improvement asked for be included in the next ' .. P. A. Project by the Street Supervisor. Motion carried. There being no further business a motion was made by Miller and seconded. by J Peters that the meeting of the City Council adjourn. Motion carried. The meeting . • of the City Council did then adjourn. . . • j .� y-� • , . Attest: • V Mayor 111 % / , . 0 , c,„,i,6 ''.. -', City Cle 0 . September 6, 1938 � Regular meeting of the City Council of th.e City- of Anacortes was. called to order at 8 o'clock P. M. with Mayor Joe George presiding. The roll was called. and Fisher, Peters , Miller and Dildine were present. The minutes of the previous .Council meeting were read and approved as read. The Police Justice report for the month of August was read, and a motion was made by Fisher and seconded byPeters that the Police report for the month of Police Tu.st .ce to August 1938, be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. Report ? J The report of' the Water Superintendent for the month of August was read, and 'dater Supt ; a motion was made. by Miller and seconded by Taylor that the report of the Water Report , Superintendent for the month of August 1938, be accepted and filed. Motion ' carried.. 6 The Gasoline report for the month of August was read, and a. motion was made by Peters and seconded by Taylor that the gasoline report for the month of August Gasoline be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. Report . The matter of the inhalator which was left on a memo invoice in the Fire Depaxtr . More about meet was brought up and discussed, but no action was taken in the matter. Inhalator was brought up The matter of the unsanitary condition of outdoor toilets, and after some More about discussion this matter was referred to the Health Committee, and that an effort Outdoor be made to have the owners of the toilets.,connect up with the Sewer whenReler Toilets this is possible. The Mayor brought up the matter of wood which had been cut on land belonging cut Wood the Anacortes 'ity Park property, and suggested that the Park Truck be used to on Park ", ; haul this wood to where it could be used in the park Stoves at Washington Park. Property A Communication from Mr. C. H. Tate, now of Sa;iem, Oregon, was read in which C . H. Tate}. Mr. Tate submitted ,his resignation as Councilman from the First Ward, and a Resignation. motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Peters that the resignation of Mr. C. H. Tate be accepted. Motion carried. A Communication was read from Mr. S. P. Walsh, in which Mr. Walth asked that i S... P. Walik his license as a garbage hauler be transferred to Mr. E. B. Moe , and a, motion Communication was made by Fisher and. seconded by Peters that the request of Mr. Walsh be & Transfer of complied with. Motion carried. License r , .... . . . . , . . September 6, 1938 Irisuratide • A:-..renewal.i Of the- insurance pOlicy -of 'the Police Car was presented at •this chi.' Police , time, whid-h pOlic-y-is fOr- One Year ..froth August-28'; I.938- tO .AUguat. 28,. - 1939, Gar. and a motion 'Wee-made -bY layldr-and seconded by Miller' that' this policy' on the police car be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. ,. .... .... . .„ .. .„... „.„. . „.„... „ ... . , ... . ... . . ‘ .. .... . .. .,:, ... . _ . . Kcire about. In 'the matter 'of the lease'agreeMent between ' the 'City of' 4nac-ortee and . .1Ceir" HOWard-lf...'Keir and Margaret 'M.' -Kiel. his 'wife; a motion was made by Miller. and Leaae:, bedbrided by Peters that this matter be referred, to the' City Attorney. Motion carried.. . . . . , . .. X.' U.-Pinny A Reaolution. was. presented by the 'City 'Attorney' authorizing the"Stree.t. Depart•'- ment-ta•-p,airit-a, ,no parking' .space-opPOeite the rear-entrance of the J. G. Penny Reservation Store on-Sixth- treet , such.'redervatiOn to be between the hours of 7 ot clack A. M. 'and. 5" o"dIcidi P. K. on week, days, and a motion 'was made by. Taylor and seconded by Peters:. that said ResoitUti on- be adopted and that the Mayor and. City Clerk- be authorize& to sign. .same. Motion carried. , . , ..... , .. .. „ .... .. . . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . _ „. „.. . .„..., Claftis. , : In considering' theThlatme- again-et' the City for Auguat-1938, a motion was made by-'Fisher- add •sed'Onded.- by.Miller that the' claim of ' the Howard Cooper Gorpor- Cooper Corp. ation in the amount of $6.18 be held out of this. month's alaims. Motion, carried. ... ,. ... . ., ... .. . ... . ....... . . . . . . ... , .. . . . . . . . .. L.' I". D. A' motion WaS•made- by Taylor and 'seconded- .by Miller that. the. City Treasurer' be Check. td- - '7. v-. veil: X authorized tO• writea- . check charged-to- the Local Improvement uaranty' FUnd in the:errb.tint- o'f' $125..00;:to Iiir. -II; 'V. ;WeIlei aa"Attorney Fees for instituting' Local ' IMprovethent. -ForediCaure "PrOceding-s.::Mpititall iwitrik-tert.' . Ayes , Fisher,. Peters, Miller and Taylor. Motion carried. . .. . . . . , . . ... . . . . . .„ August . In the' Matter Of 'Claims', a motion was- made. by Miller and seconded by Fisher Claims that the-Glairms against the City Of .Anadortee.:for the. month of' August 1938 , be- referred;to the- Finance Committee for their consideration and approval. Motion carried: . .. ' • - . , The following are the Claims. against the City of Anacorte-s, for August 1938: . . . . CURRENT EXPENSE' ... „ . ... . . . . . , . , ' . . - Sadie M. Arges 7464 Salary' 6;137 City' treasurer - ' . :50.•00 O. E. Argea- ' , 7465' Salary as Deputy' 'Treasurer. ,99" 00 John G. ' Darcy' , 7466 Salary as „City- Clerk ' .. ' • '50.00 ' 7,, V. Wells: ' . 7467 Salaiy- as' GityAttorney' 50.00' Dr. H. E. Frost , ' . 74:68 Salary as Health Officer 24.75 . Mrs . G. Storms' - 7469, Salary as Janitor', City Hall 27.50' A. R. 'Sellenthin . 7470 Salary 'as Pelice..Justice • - 22.00 Fern Press; 7471 ' Supplies for City Clerk's:. Office 1..80. G. N. Dalsta.ci P. K. 7472,' Stamps' *for " • ..,.tt, w • 3.00 Mrs. S. II. Temple . 7473 Supplies for "" it 3.45" Sadie M. Arges 7474 Cash advanced, Telegrams & Regstn - 1.95' Trick & Murray- . . 7475- Supplies, -Registration Books: 5034 Standard Oil, Company' 7476. Roofing Supplies . 5.27 Island Transfer Co. 7477 Coal for City" Hal.l. . ' .- 46..00 Curtis Wharf Co. , • 7478 Sand &. Cement, Park Dept . 101..0 Puget. ,Sound Power & Lt Co . 7479 Lights'. for City- Hall . . - - 8.64 Lyle'a ,-:Grocery- 7480-, janitoe.a .Supplies, City Hall. ' :50 M. R.. Kingilley. 7481 Insurance Bond, V. V'. Wells 5.00 . P. A.. Dean: 7482 Plumbing & Wiring Permits 11.50 . R. H. .Hinshaw 7483, . Salary as. Chief of Police' . ' 148.50 I . - Tom Brown . • .. 7484 Salary- as' Asst. .Ch.. of Police 121..00 .John N n evi 7485" Salary' aa Patrolman II5:50 • A. B. Munros 7486 Salary as•Patrolthan • 110.00 . , Dr. Austin Shaw 748 .7' Medical Attendance, C. Hoard 10.00 . . Anadortea .Hospital 7488 ' it it ' tty •, It 2.50 , M. R. Kingsley . 7489' Insurance on Police Gar .28.05 . , Benson Motors . 7490' Repairs on Police Car 14.50 J. H. Chitwood ,, 7491 Servicing' Ponce Gar. -1.25" L. E. Snider' . 7492 Salary as Fire Chief ' 145.53 , Bert. Verrall 7493 Salary as Ass.t . Firs Chief 123.97' M. G. Strock 7_494 Salary as' Capt. Fire Dept . 113.19' M. R, Cook ,stOn 7495;" . Salary as Fireman - ' 107:80 Ted Yilcoxson ' , . , 7496- Salary as Extra Fireman 41.16 ' . R. Boyes- . 7497 Call Man, Fire' Dept . 2..25' L. Moore . , 7498 , ' ft It . It It ' 2.25 . . M. Nelson , , 7499 ff '' fp fp , 2.25' G. Strod.k , 7500 ' te, I': it 12:25 Ed, McGovern , 7501 tu tt it It . 4:50 R.. Bushey ' 7502' " . ft it rt. .5.25. Fred Fisher . 7503 t m m m . 5-.50 George Olson - 7504, it - tr, to . It " - 4-..5o Anacortes Laundry 7505- Laundry for' Fire' Dept. 1.88 20th "-Street' SerVide' -- 7506 Flash Light Batteries. . 2.15 Firemen's Relief & Pen Fd. 7507 2/2- of g-irements Salaries. 10.85 . Van Buren & Heller . . 7508 Rape for Fire Dept. ' .24. , L. E. Snider - 7505 Gash advanced for postage •.I.00 . • Water Department 7510 Hydrant Rental., August 1938 395.00 Union Oil Company 7511 Supplies for Fire Dept. Sanderson -Safety Sup. Co. 7 2 51a. Chin S Ha traps' for' ts 1.28 Standard .G7513 Supplies.,Oil Company l.60 Ge..s. & Oil, Fire Dept . 53:34 West Coast Telephone Co. 7-514 Telephon-e Service- 2.30 , • • • Ir 1 r-) c) . , , . . , . . September 6, 1938 Continued • CURRENT EXPENSE Continued Dan White 7515 75% of 42 Dog Licenses: 32.63 Frank Allard 7516 Labor at Garbage Dump 10.00 Dept of Labor & Industries 7517 Ind Ins Balance 9.19 J. E. Harding 7518 10% Salary increase 10.00 Puget Sound Power & Lt. Co. 7519 Park & Street Lights 258.47 • Dept. of Labor & Industries 7520 Ind Ins & Med Aid Police 10.42 LIBRARY FUND E. Luella Howard. 1122 Salary and Cash Advanced 83.30 • Evelyn Lundberg 1123 Salary as Asst Librarian 57.75 Blanche Sackett 1124 Salary as Junior Librarian 38.50: Fred Marshall 1125 Salary as Janitor, Library 27.50 Anacortes Water Dept. 1126 Water used at Library 6.30 F. L. Marshall 1127 Cash advanced for paint 1.90 • Puget Sound Power & Lt . Co. 1128 Lights used at Library 3.60 , C . W. Brothers 1129 Repair of, Library Roof 5.00 . • PARK FUND J. E. Harding 1041 Salary as Park Supt . 100.00 , Van Buren & Heller 1042 Supplies for Park Dept. .51 Shell Oil Company 1043 Gasoline , Park Dept. 8.25 Dept . of Labor & Industries 1044 Ind Ins & Med Aid , Park Dept . 2.27 WATER FUND T . G. McCrory 5506. Salary as Water Supt:. 250.00 , Dave Riggs 5507 Salary as Water Foreman 137.50 Charles Wedlund 5508 Salary as Serviceman 11.5.50 Wr 0. Rogers 5509 Salary as Filterman 100.00 Russell Carolan 5510 Salary as Filterman 99.00 Lester Thomas 5511 Salary as Pump Man at Avon 82.50 iq M. 0. Berentsan 5512 Wages to apply on water bill 4.50 E. B. Moe 55�3 n w m M * it 1.00 Jahn G. Dorcy 5514 Salary as Bookkeeper 27.50 Laurene Johnson 5515 Salary as Clerk 6.40 Current Expense Fund 5516 Transfer of Funds , _ -99.00 T., G. McCrory 5517 Telegram & Car Mileage 14.92 • Curtis Wharf Co. 5518 Cement , Sand & Gravel 5.51 Skagit Valley Tel. Co. 5519 Telephone Service , Avon 3.75 ,` G. N. Dalstad P. M. 5520 Stamps for Water Dept. 10.00 Scientific Supplies Co. 5521 Chemicals for Filter Plant .77 Marine Supply & Hdw. 5522 Material & Supplies 4.01 `+ • Schwartz Iron Works 5523, Weld handle on Key .75 Skagit Bonded Collectors 5524 For collecting Water Bills 32.75 west Coast Tel. Co. 5525 Telephone Service , Water Dept . 5.75 Skagit County Engineer 5526 Blueprints for Water Dept 7.00 r• , ; Van Buren & Heller. 552.7 Supplies for Water Dept. 11.29 Wallace & Tiernan Sales Corp. 5528 Chlorinator Payment & Parts 90 .64 Narthwestern National Bank 5529 Cash advanced, Bond invest'gn10OQ.00 Pacific Highway Transport. 5530 Freight on Pipe Bands .61 City Street Fund 5531 Gasoline used, Water Dept . • 19. 13 Federal Pipe & Tank ,Co. 5532 Pipe Bands , Water Dept . 17.85 Puget Sound Pr. & Lt . Co 5533 Power & Service 21.76. Pu,.et Sound Pr. & Lt. Co. 5534 Power for Avon Pump •472.40 Archie Germain 5535 Repair on pressure Clock 5.00 National Meter Co. 5536. Meter Parts. 24.83 : 1 Tax Commission 5537 Business Tax 320. 35 Skagit Electric Co. 553$ Repairs and Labor 20. 55 Pennsylvania Salt Co . 5539 Chlorine for Filter Plant 90.00 • Dept of Labor & Industries 5540 Ind Ins & Med Aid. 17.88 . CITY STRPi<ET FUND ?' Lynn Balcomb 337 Salary as Graderman 137.50 E. Holmes 338 Salary as Maintenance Man 121.00 T. W. Dodson 339 Salary as Street Sweeper 55.00 P. E. Olson 340 Salary as Street Foreman 137.50 Clyde Nunn 341 Labor 1•25 :. A. C. Hoffman 342 Labor 1.25 ;,, Carl Strockc 343 Labor 3.00 John G. Dorcy 344 Bookkeeper 28.50 •, E. L. Swan 345 Carpenter .00 1 Howard Coiper Corporation 346 Payment on Grader 130.93 Van Buren & Heller 347 Material & Supplies. 8.54 Anacortes Lumber Co . 348 Lumber, St . Dept. 17.20 Puget Sound Power & •Lt. Co. 349 Power for Crusher 37.50 Perry Francisco 350 Splicing cable at gravel pit 2.50 • ' L 73 September 6, 1938 Continued CITY STRR141.7 FUND: Continued Charles' R. Watts 351 FlaSher,'Beacon for 20th &. Com. 87.17 Standard Oil Company' 352' Pearl.:Oil; ' 8t, Dept . 7.69 It; Wood LUMber Co 353 Limber, St. Dept. ' 12 .43 ri; S4 Staff or-4'; 3•521: Electrical Work, ' Gravel Pit . 5.50 She'll COTfiljatlY. " 355 Gasoline,, city Putap2 90.97 Schwartz Iran Works: 356. Labor & Material 54.85. Marine Supply -&: Edw. - 357 Material & • 50.73 Dept of Labor & Industries 358 Ind Ins & Med: Aid 10:44 Finance Glom. The above claims were considered "by the :FinanCe Committee and recommended that an Claim* the claims be 'aildwed- and Warrants be drawn in favor of same , and a motion was made 'by Miller and seconded by Fisher 'that 'the recommendation, of the Finance . . .„ , .. „ Committee be adopted. Ayes, Fisher, Peters, Miller and Taylor. Motion carried. S. P'.. Walsh farewell At this time Mr.' S. P. Walsh talked to the City Council and also read a state- talc ment which he had prepared for the occasion. , •,., • Rededollt ing Mr. Hinshaw, the 'Chief 'of Police*, spoke to the City Council and asked the City Office of Council to have the, office of the Chief ofPolice mered and painted on the Ch. of Police inside ; and a-mOtion was made that this matter be referred to the License and Police ,Committee by Taylor and seconded by Miller. Motion carried. Adjournment A motion, was made by" Taylor and seconded by Miller that the! Meeting of 'the City Council of the City of Anacortes adjourn' until •7 o'clock P. M. September' 7 , 1938 . Motion c-arried. The City Council did so adjourn. Tyor ro-Tem Attest : • • City* • September 7i 1938 Roll Call 4,•n adjourned Special Meeting of the• City- Council 'of the City of' Anaz orteei was- called to order at 7 . Oblock P. M. with Mayor Joe George presiding. The roll was called and Neely, Peters, Miller and Taylor were present. Dildfne The City Attorney prepared and Presented to the City Council a Resolution of' Resolution Condolance to Diidirie Pallidly, 'and said resolution was read , and a motion was In made by Taylor and seconded' by Peters. that this resolution be adopted. Motion carried. J. E'. Mc' Mr. J. E. McGrath was present and spoke at borne length the possibility. of' selling Grath on to the City of Ahaco:rte•S 'several Local Improvement. Bonds , and after some dis- L. I. D. cussion a motion was: made by Miller and seconded by Peters that this matter be Bonds' referred toNthe City Attorney and the Finance Committee. Motion Carried. • 1939 Prelim- The matter of. considering' a p-erliminery budget for the year 1.93q was' taken up inary at this time and was considered at some length. Budget • 11,, 'Blank- At this time a motion was made by Taylor arld seConded by Neely that :Mr. W. N. enship Blankenship be appointed to, fill out the unexpired term of Mr. C . H. Tate as appointed Councilman of the -First Ward. Motion carried'.. Being unable to complete. the perliminary budget for 1939 at the present meeting, a motion 'was made" by Taylor and seconded' by Neely that the Council Meeting ad adjourn, until. 7:30 otcloak: P. M. on September. IZ, 1938. Motion carried. The City Council then did so adjourn. 'Mayor Pro-Tern At te t: City Cler • • • • r174 re , , September 12, 1938 . An ' adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called 'to order at 7:30 orclook P. M. with Mayor Joe George presiding. ' Roll Calk The roll was called and Neely, Peters , Dildine and Taylor were present . This meeting being called ' to. further consider the perliminary budget for. 1939 for the City of Anacortes, this matter was taken up immediately and after 1939 considering the Budget for some time, a motion was made by Taylor and seconded Perliminary byD' , Dildine that the perliminary budget for the year 1939 be adopted as prepared. Budget. Motion carried. Adopted At this time, Mayor George asked a leave of absence to go on a trip , and a Mayor granted motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Peters that Mayor George be given a Leave of . leave of absence by the Council. Motion carried. Absence There being no further business a motion was made by Neely and seconded 'by • • Peters that the meeting ofithe City Council of the City of Anacortes adjourn. Motion carried. The meeting of the City Council then did so adjou n. p' , Al Mayor Pro-Tem . Attest: Ctt! ity Cl -rk B- �) September 20 , 1938 Regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to Rollccall order at 8 o'clock P. M. with Mayor Pro-Tem R. H. Dildine Presiding. Therroll was called and Neely, Fisher, Peters, Dildine, Miller and Taylor were present. The minutes of the meetings of the City Council for September 6, 1938 , September Correction 7 , 1938, and September 12, 1938, were read and approved sith one correction. of minutes The correction to be made is in the minutes of September 6, 1938, in the matter of redecorating the office of the Chief of Police. The minutes should have read, . a motion was made by Taylor aad seconded by Miller that the matter of redecorating PolicetotheLicense nd and papering the office of the Chief of be referreda p pe g c Police Committee with power to act. Motion carried. The Report of the Chief of Police for the Month of August 1938 , was read, and Police a motion was made by Neely and seconded by Fisher that said report be accepted Report and placed on file. Motion carried. The report of the Chief of the Fire Department for August 1938, was read , and Fire a motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Peters that the August report of Dept .L� the Chief of the Fire Department be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. Report A communication from Mr. B. E. Owens in which Mr. Owens asked to have the City Owene of Anacortes call for bids on the piece of property now owned by the. Anacortes Application dater Department and for some time has been leased by Mr. Dave Riggs , and Riggs after some discussion a motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Peters that Place the City Clerk be instructed to call for bids on this property owned by the Anacortes Water Department and leased by Dave Riggs with the provisions that the call for bids be published in the Official Paper„ the successful bidder pay the advertising costs and that the City of Anacortes reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Motion carried. . was read . A Resoluti.onicto, file an amended application with the Federal Emergency Admin- Amended, istration for an additional grant to aid in financing the construction and Resolution reconstruction of water mains along certain streets in Ariacortes was read and a motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Miller that said resolution be adopted. Motion carried. As the City Council has passed a Resolution to file an amended application for . a grant throughtthe Federal Emergency Administration of' Public forks to aid in the Construction and reconstruction of Water plains in Anacortes , another Resolution was read which would appropriate an additional Sixteen Thousand Dollars from the Revenue Bond Redemption Fund to be available for this purpose , and a motion was made by Miller and seconded by Taylor that this Resolution be adopted and that the Mayor Pro-Tem and the City Clerk be Authorized to both these Resolutions. Mnftamn aaxm*wd. Ayes , Neely, Fisher, Peters, Dildine, Miller and Taylor. Motion carried. An application for the West 40 feet of H Avenue from the Great Northern right J. W. White of Way to the outer harbor area was read from J. W. 'White. The City Attorney Application presented a Resolution for a hearing on this lease , and a motion was made by for lease of Taylor and seconded by Miller that the rental fee be $1.00 per year. Motion St. End. • ;'`, 1 carried. then a motion was made by Taylor and sceonded by Miller that the Resolution prepared by the City Attorney be adopted and that the Mayor Pro-Tem and the City Clerk be authorized to sign same. Motion carried. The matter of the Insurance Poligy for the Safe of the City Treasurerwas, Treasurer's brought up and discussed, and was referred by the Mayor Pro-Tem to the Finance Safe Insursnce I Committee . L , • , ... . . . . , , , , • I 7 5 , S.ept.ember 2.0,. 1938.. • The City Attoriey-brought' up the matter of" the rent which is being' paid on More .about the house on-. Lot77, Block 36, ' which 'was° previously owned by Dr. H. E. Frost Lot ' 7',' .. and was taken.: over by the C"i ty of Anaco ryes, and a motion' was made by Pe tees Block 36. and ' seconded by Miller .that the 'City Clerk write to Dr. Frost and point out that the 'C"ity of Anacortes- now' owns th i property and as such owner should receive the rent for same. Motion carried.. Ba,rke.r, - A...inotion was made by Peters' and seconded by Miller that Edwin Barker Jr. be Appointed appointed as the Agent of the c'Ity of Anacortes to collect the rent on the as C'it.yts' house On. Lot &, 'Block 36 formerly owned by Dr: Frost and turn the rent over to Agent . - the City of An.acart.es'. Motion carried. There 'being no-further business. a moti on was 'rnade by 'Miller and seconded by Peters ' that the Council meeting adjourn. Motion carried. The meeting" of the City Council did then adjourn. /(9- ,-;a:\I Attest: • City Clerk September 26, 1938 • • Special meeting of. the City- Council. called by Mayor Pro-Terror,, R. H. Dildine, was called to order at 7 or-clock P'. M. with Mayor Pro-T"em, Dildine presiding. The roll. was called, .and Neely, Fisher, Peters, Dildine , Miller, Blankenship and Taylor were present. Mr. James The matter of refinancing the Anacortes Water. System waa brought up and Harridan discussed at at this tine, an.d as Mr. James,. Harrison, who has. been acting as Present. _ the Agent for the City of Anacortes: in. the refinancing of the An. cortma Water. System., ant painted out to the City Council the necessity of issui.YngE the Increase in Refunding •Bands of the Anacortes. Water System to bear four and one quarter Int. Rate per cent". , and a motion was made by Fisher and seconded by Dildine that the from 3%- to City Council approve the increase in the interest rate on the proposed Refun- 4 0• on Bonds ding Water. Bonds from three: per cent. to four and one quarter per. Cent. as outlined by Mr'. Harrison. • A motion was made by Taylor and, seconded by Miller that the motion be amended Amended to include the words: °Contingent on the exchange of at least $500,000. 00 . Motion oh in Bonds." When put to a vote. the amendment carried. Int . Rates, The amended motion was then put to a. vote and Fisher asked for a roll call. The roll was called with the following results: Ayes , Neely, Peters , Dildine , Miller and Taylor. Nays , . isher. Not ,voting,,. Blankenship. Motion' carried. Having completed the business of the evening, a motion was made by Miller and seconded by Neely that the meeting of the City Council adjourn. Motion carried. The meeting of the City Council did then adjourn.. Mayor ro-Temp. Attes : • Gi t.y Herk. • October 34 1938 • Special-Meeting- of the City Council of the City of Anacortes: was called to' Order at 8 ' o !clock P. M. with wayor -Pro Tern presiding; The , roil was called and Peters , Dildine , Miller, Blankenship and Taylor were present. • • • The matter of. the' adoption of' the final adoption of the Budget for the' City of Anacortes for the year 1939 bras- taken up and discussed, and a motion was made by Taylor' and seconded by Miller that the Budget for 1939 which was presented in the form of' an.;,ordinance be given its' first .and second readings. • by titil. Motion carried: The Ordinance was given its first and second read- ings by title, and a motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Peters that the Budget Ordinance be placed on its third. and final reading by sections. Motion carried. • Section 1. read, and Taylor made a motion , seconded by Miller that Section 1 be adopted. Motion carried. Section 2 read, and a. motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Blankenship that section 2 be adopted. Motion carried: A motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Peters that the Budget Ordinance be adopted as a; whole. Mttkak igazatigrit. Ayes, Peters., Dildine, Miller, Blank- enship and Taylor. Motion Carried. - The Ordinance to fix the levy for the Budget for 1939 was presented and a. motion was made ty Taylor and seconded by Miller that the Levy Ordinance be given its first and second readings by title: Motion carried. 1 7 6 October 3, 1938 A motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Peters that the Levy Ordinance be given its third and final reading by Sedtions. Motion carried. Section 1 read, Taylor moved, Peters seconded that Sec. 1, be adopted. Motion Carried. Section 2 read, and Taylor moved and Blankenship seconded that section 2 be adopted. Motion carried. Section 3 read, and a motion was made by Miller and seconded by Peters that Section 3 be adopted. Motion carried. A motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Peters that the Levy Ordinance be adopted as a whole. Ayes, Peters, Dildine, Miller, Blankenship and Taylor. Motion carried. - There being no further business a motion was made by Miller and seconded by peters that the meeting of the City Council, adjourn. Motion carried. The meeting of the City Council did then adjourn. / / ' . f//40°' Attest: Mayor Pro-Tem City Clerk October 4, 1938 Regular meeting of the City Council of the City- of Anacortes was called to order at 8 o 'clock P. M. with Mayor° Pro-Tem R. H. Dildine presiding. The roll was called and .Fisher, Peters, Dildine , Miller, Blankenship and Taylor were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. The City Attorney reported on the Keil mineral lease which has been before the More about City Council for some time, and suggested some changes in the proposed lease Keil Lease before it was finally granted, and a motion was made by Miller and seconded by Peters that tie proposed lease to Howard .M. Keii and Margaret Keil be referred back to the City Attorney for such changes as the City Attorney deemed necessary. Motion carried. The report of the Police Justice for the Month of September was read, and a Police motion was made by Peters and seconded by Fisher that the report of the Police Justice Justice for the month of September be accepted and placed. on file. Motion carried. Report The Water Superintendent's report for the month of September was read, and a motion Water was made by Miller and seconded by Peters that the report of the Water Super- Supt. intendent for September 1938 be accepted and placed on file . Motion carried. Report A Petition for the improvement of 28th Street from Commerical Avenue to R Avenue 28th . and signed by a number of residents in this district was presented and read to Street the City Council, and a motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Miller that Improvement this petition for the improvement of 28th Street from Commercial Avenue to R Avenue be filed with the Street Supervisor and included in the W. P. A. Street Project to be started in the .near future. Motion carried. A Communication from A. N. Gnaga which contained an offer to buy Lot 19 , Block Gnaga' s 12, in Boman's Central Ship Harbor Waterfront Plat , and after some discussion offer to hey a motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Miller that the City Clerk be auth- lot 19 , B'lk 12 orized to call for bids on said Lot 19, Block 12, in Boman's Central Ship Harbor "Waterfront Plat, with the City of Anacortes reserving the right to reject any or all bids. Motion carried. The matter of the bid to buy the property advertised for sale by the City of Water Anaaaortes water Department, now leased by Dave Riggs was brought up at this time Land and . motion was made by Miller and seconded by Peters that the bid be not advertised opendd until next meeting of the City Council. Motion carried. for sale k.:. An application from the City of Anacortes to buy from ,Skagit County certain Park fragments of ,Lots owned by Skagit County within the Anacortes City Park area lands was read at this time, and after some discussion a motion was made by Taylor and , seconded by Blankenship that the Mayor Pro-Tem and the City Clerk be authorized to sign application to Skagit County for Park lands and a limit to be $15.00 for said lands. Ma±ian igaxximd Ayes, Fisher, Peters, Dildine, Miller, Blankenship and Taylor. Mr. G. D. Shannon, the Chairman of the Park Board had previously explained to the City Council what fragments of lots which were in the appli- cation to be signed by the Mayor Pro-Tem and the City Clerk. The matter of the insurance policy which the City Treasurer ha4 taked out on the Insurance safe in the City Treasurer's office, and after some discussion a motion was made Palicy old Miller and seconded by Peters that the insurance policy on the City Treasurer's Treasurer's. ' safe be returned to the Agent from whom it was purchased with thanks. Motion Safe carried. The gasoline report for the month of September was read, and a motion was made Sept . Gas by Taylor and seconded by Blankenship that the gasoline report as presented by Report the Fire Chief be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. 4 177 October 4, 1.938. The following' claims• against the City o:f Anacortes for the month of Sept- ember- 1938 were read: i . CURRENT EXPENSE. . Sadie 111: Arges; 7521. Salary as• City Treasurer - 50.00 (7, E. Arg.es' 7522 salary as Deputy Treasurer 99.00 John G: .Dorcy 7523 w Sr City- Clerk 50:0'0 L V. Vella 7524 wm cr City Attorney 50.00 :Dr H. E. Frost Z525' Salary as Health Officer 24.75 Mr.. C. Storme 7526 T "' Janitor:, City Hall 27.5a A. R: Sellenthin ?527' 1/' "` Police Justice 22.00 John G. Dorcy 7528 Cash advanced forSup, lies :75' S=. D. Temple , - 7529 Supplies for City Clerk's Off ice 2":65 Diamond Stores - 7530 Supplies for Police Dept : :2 5 Ana&ortes American 7531 Publication of Notices- 34.47 Fern Press: 7532 Supplies, for Clerks' Office- 1.50 G. N. Dalstad 7533 Postage for City- Clerk's Office 3.00 Archie C': Germain ?534 Clock for Clerk's' Office 1.50 West Coast Tel. C'o: 7535 Telephone Service 9.75 ,Island Transffer Co: 7536 Fuel Oil, Police Dept: 4.63 Puget Soune Pr. & Lt. o. 7537 Lights for City Hall 7.73 P. A. Dean 75388 Wiring & Plumbing Permits 6.50 Dan White 7539' 75% &f 35 dog Licenses- 27.37 Benson Motors 7540 Repairs to Police Car. 17.50 Stanley Anderson 7541 Painting & Papering Jail Office 2 -.OG Maryland qafe ?542 Meals, Police Dept 8.20 4 s:, Police. Dept. 9.50 I/ �msberrys� Cafe 75 3 Meal H. H. Hinshaw 7544 Salary & Cash advanced 150:65 Tom Brown 7545-. Salary Asst. Chief of ,Police 121.00 John Nevin 7546 Salary as Patrolman 115. S4 A' D. Munroe . 7547 Salary as Patrolman 110.00 L. E. Snider 7548 Salary ae Fire Chief 145.53 Bert Verrall 7549 "' a Asst.- Fire Chief. 123.977 M. G. Strock 7550 ' "', Capt. Fire Dept . 113.19 M. R. Cookston 7551 "' '" Fireman, Fire Dept . 107.80 Ted Wilcoxson 755a w " Relief fireman 5.88 R. Bushey 7553 Wages, Call Man Fire: Dept: 2.25 N. Nelson 7554 " up "' it, "' 2 .25 George Olson. - 7555 I ". SE w '5.75' Fred Fisher 7556 c"' It 'u 9 it 1.50 • R. .Boye- 7557' +" " , n ttty :r 1.50 Ed. McGovern. 7558 Rr IP It tr. 111 3.00, G. Strock 7559 °` It al 'h It 7.50 L. Moore: 7560 n- rr er f 9> •75 Anacortes' American 7'561 150 Gasoline Receipt Books 16.25 . n ac=o-rtes. 4aun.dry 7562. Laundry, Fire Dept. 2 .19 Water. Department 7563 Hydrant ReA.ts1. . 395. 00 Fireman' s Relief & Pensiori.7564 2% 'of Firemen's- Salaries. 10.13 Standard (AI Company - 7565' Gasoline & Tire Repairs 43:72 Puget Sound Pr. & Lt. Co: 7566 Street Lights- 25$8.47 J. E'. Harding ' 7567 1.0 Salary increase, Park Supt . 10.00 Dept,. of Labor.: & Ind. 7568 Ind Ins & Med' Aid io.o8 John. Nevin - 7569. Balance of Salary' . 50' LIBRARY- FUND . E. Luella Howard :: 1130 Salary & cash advanced 83.50 Evelyn Lundberg- 1131 Salary as- .AAss,t Librarian 57:72' Blanche. Sackett 1.132 Salary as- Junior Librarian 38.50 Fred Marshall 1133 Salary as Janitor 27. 50 Anacortes Water' Dept. 1134 Water used at Library 2.50 "Puget Sound Pra. Lt.' Coo 1135 Lights for Library 3.76 Vim. Robertson 1136 Cleaning Chimneys for Library 5.00 Schreiber & Werner 1137 ins, Premium Renewal 24.62 E. M. Barker. . 1138 "' 't '" 12.46 PARK FUND' J. E. Harding • 1A45. ' Salary as, Park Supt 100.00 Dept. of- Labor & Ind 1046 Ind Ins- & Med Aid 2.10 Truism Motor Co: 1.047 Supplies, park Dept.: 2.95 Frank Knapp' 1048 Labor in Parke- 11.00 WATER' FUND' T.. G: McCrory 5541 Salary as' Water Supt. ' 250.00 Dave Riggs 5542: Salary as Water Foreman 137 . 50 Charles Wedlund: 5543 Salary as Serviceman - 7.00- W. 0 .. Rogers; 55444 ' "' 'r Filterman 80.80 Russell C-arolin ' 5545 " '" Filterman 66.00 Lester Thomas 5546 ' qt Pumpman 82:50 John. G. Dorcy 5547 " " Bookkeeper , 27.50 Laurene Johnson 5548 ' '" '" Part time Clerk 7.84 Dave summers; 5549 ages, to apply on water bill 3.00' M. O.'.Berentson 5550 . " n° n- st, it, it 3.00 Roy McDougall • 5551 tr tr nr "' n- " ' 6.00 -'''..''''--'''' ' 1 8 October 4, 1938 f WATER- FUND. Continued. Clyde Nunn 5552 Wages to apply on water bill 6.00 Lee C udmo re 5553 " " tr "` * "' 7 50 555 John Tursi 4 It * " n It6.00 R. -B. Martin 5555 to It tt " tit - 6.00 1:. J. T. Gurney 5556 " a, "" ti tt "" 6:00 N. .L. Latimer 5557 ft rt tt a to * 6.00 Current Expense Fund 5558 Transfer of Funds 99.00 Schwartz Iron Works 5559 Labor & material " . 7.00 Fern Press 5560 Envelopes for Water office . 9.69 Island Transfer Co . 5561 Coal for Filter Plant •16:1$ Puget Sound Pr. & Lt. Co . 5562 Lights and Service 23.22 R.-L. Tucker Lumber Co. 5563 Plywood , for Water Dept . 1:12 '. T. -G. McCrory 5564 Mileage on Car. 12.77 Skagit County Engineer 5565 Blueprints for Water Dept. 1.883 urine Supply & Hardware Co 5566 Material and Supplies 2.60 Ray Standish 5567 Supplies and Repairs 17:49 Mrs. S. D. Temple 5568 Pens for Water office - 1.50 Northwestern National Bank 5569 Compensation as fiscal agent 250,00 Puget Sound Power & It. Co. 5570 Power for .von Pump 476.03 Federal Pipe & Tank Co . 5571 Repair parts for pipes :L7.85 Pacific Highway Transport 5572 Freight on Pipe bands 1:00 Wallace & Tiernan Sales Corp. 5573 Payment on Chlorinator 89.58 West Coast Tel. Co. • 5574 Telephone Service 10. 55 Skagit Valley Tel. Co. 5575 Telephone at Avon 3.45 Union Oil Co . 5576 Gasoline, used, Water Dept. 18.13 City Street Fund 5577 Gasoline used in 'eater Trunks 17. 31 Skagit Bonded Collectors 557 Com. for collecting water bills •11:50 Pennsylvania Salt Co. ' 5579 Chlorine for Filter plant 45.00 Van Waters & Rogers 5580 Bleaching Powder 18.36 Dept of Labor & Ind. 5581 Ind Ins. & Med Aid .1.6.00 4. Yi' - CITY STREET FUND • - Lynn Balcomb 359 Salary as Graderman 137:50 F. E. Olson 360 Salary as St. Foreman 137.50 E. -Holmes 361 Salary as Maint . Man 121.00 W. -T. Dodson 362 Salary as Street Sweeper 55.00 i. John G. Dorcy 363. Salary as Bookkeeper 27:50 Frank Allard 364 Labor on Garbage Dump 10.00 Van Buren & Heller 365 Material 1:28 Benson Motors 366. Equipment Repairs 24 .70 Shell Oil Company 367 Motor Oil for Street Trucks 20157 t . R. L. Tucker Lbr. Co . 368 Lumber ,Street~ Dept. 2.84 Current Expense Fund 369 Transfer of Funds 30.00 Morrison Mill Co. 370 Lumber for St. Dept. 5.46 The Fixit Shop 371 Filing Saws for St , Dept. 2.00 Schwartz Iron Sorks 372 Labor and Material 14.70 Marine Supply & Hardware 373 Material and Supplies - 5.18 .; Anacortes Foundry Co. 374 Labor and 'Material 11.75 Union Oil Company 375 Oil and Grease 15.35 Anacortes Lumber Co. 37 Lumber for St. Dept. 6.25 E. K. Wood Lumber Co. 377 Lumber for St. Dept . 2.46 Puget Sound Power & Lt. Co. 378 Power for Crusher & Light Bulbs 38.30 Standard Oil Co. 379 . : Gasoline, City Pump 85.74 Howard Cooper Corporation 380 Payment on Grader & Blades 137.11 Dept of Labor & Ind 381. Ind Ins & Med Aid 9. 54 The above claims were read, and a motion was made bit-Miller and seconded by Fisher that the claims be referred to the Finance Committee for their approval. Motion carried. ' The Finance Committee considered the claims and recommended that the claims be I allowed and warrants drawn in favor of knme , and a motion was made by Miller and seconded by Peters that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be adopted and warrants issued for above claims . Ayes, Fisher , Peters , Dildine , ! Miller, Blankenship and Taylor. Motion carried. The matter of the Community Building, formerly known as the Elks Building was brought up at this time, and after some discussion a recess was declared and Community M" the City Council and a Committee composed of Mr. Archie Allan , Mrs. McNary, Building ! Mrs. Al.lmond and Mrs. Newland retired to the City Clerk's office to discuss the Community Building. After some time the City Council returned to the Council Chamber with the report that the matter of said Community Building would be taken up at a later meeting. There being no further business a motion was made by Miller and .seconded by ,wt Fisher that the Council meeting adjourn. Motion car i d. The . ty C unc.il did then adjourn. • Att yor P o-Tem Ci y Clerk Q 1 \, 1 - :-. . , . . . . . . . . i 7 9 . . • . , ....,.;,., ..,„. . . • .. : ,:,. . . . . . . , , . . . , . . , . • • , . ,. . . . . . %TT tWzAiplg: La,,Q3.8' . Regular meeting-of- the. City Council ' of the City of Anacort.ea was. called to order at 8 - o 'clockP. :M: -With Mayor Joe George-presiding.' The roll was. called and Fisher,, Peters, Dildine; Miller and Taylor were present. • The minutes of the previous meeting 'were read 'Aland Were approved with a Minute's' correction-. The correction. was in the minutes of the Regular Council. meeting Corrected on October 4, 1938, which should have read, "A' motion. was made by Miller' and seconded by' Peters:. .that• the bid -for the sale of the land owned by the Anacortes • Water. Department and now leased' by- Dave Riggs: be not opened and tabled far 30 days. ' Motion. carried: ' The Chief of Police report. for the month of September 'was read, and a motion Chief of was made-by Dildine- and seconded by Fi her' that the 'Report of the Chief of Police.Report Police be accepted and placed on file.: Motion. carried... . Fire Chief , The report of the Chief of' the Fire Department ,for the month of September was Report read, and- a motion •was: made by Miller and seconded by Dildine that the report of the Fire .Chief for the month of September 1938 be accepted and placed' on f'sle. Motionccarried. Gnaga. A petition which contained a protest against the City of Anacortes selling a Protest l.ot. to Mr. A. N. Gnaga Was read., but as there were no bids received for -the lot Petition no action was taken on the petition:. At this time Ordinance Number (502, being an Ordinance appropriating the 1930 Ord. #892 revenues: of the City of Anacortes ' to the various departments of the City is s:e.t. forth and budgeted in Ordinance 890, passed and approved on October 3, 1938, and published October 6 , 1938, which Ordinance is hereby referred to and is hereby . made part of this Ordinance,, and a motion was made by, Taylor and seconded that Ordinance 892 be given its. fir• st and second reading by- title. Motion carried. A motion was made by Taylor and seconded by'. peters that the Ordinance' be given its third and final. reading byssections. Motion carried. Sec . 1. read, Peters" moved, Miller seconded that Sec. 1. be adopted.Motion carried . . - Sec•.2. read, Miller moved, Peters sceonded that Sec . 2. be adopted.Motionccarried. A. motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Miller that Ordinance 89q_be adopted ' as a whole. Ayes , Fisher., Pesters., Dildine , Miller, and Taylor. Motion carried. • Ordinance Number 893 ,. being. an. ordinance fixing the compensation of eleotive Ord. 893 and appointive officers and employees of the City of Anacortes was presented and a. motion_ was. made by Taylor and seconded by Dildine that the Salary Ordin- ance be given its first ,and second readings by title. Motion carried: Salary Ordinance given its. first and second readings, by title , and a motion was made by Taylor Mad seconded by Dildine that the Salary Ordinance Number 893 be given its third and final reading by sections: Motion carried. Secl read, Miller- moved, Dildine seconded that. Sec . 1. be adopted.Motion carried. Sec. 2 read, peters. moved, Miller seconded that Sec .2 Be adopted.Mo.tion carried. Sec:. 3, read, Peters moved Dildine seconded that Sec.3 be adopted.Motion carried. Fisher moved, Dildine seconded that the Health Officer salary of p24.75 per month be added to Section one. Motion carried: Amotion was made 'by Taylor and ' seconded by.Miller that the Salary Ordinance ; Number 893 , be adopted as amended. ' Motion carried. A motion was made by Miller and seconded by Taylor that the Ordinance , .Number 893; be adopted as a whole. Ayes, Fisher, Peters, Dildine , Miller; and Taylor: Motion carried. . , At this time a resolution was. presented; which resolution proposed to place II Purchase of on the ballot to be used in the ,City of Anacortes General Election to be • old Tks held on December- 8th, '1938 , whether` or not: the City of : na.coFtes should purchase Building the old Elks Building, Late 1.7 to-20'; Block 23' far municipal and other purposes, and after much discussion 'a motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Peters. that said resolution: be adopted. Ayes-, Fisher, Peters, Dildine , Miller and Taylor. Motion carried. . . A. Ballot Title to be filed with the, Election Board of Skagit County, and to Ballot , be used on the. General Election°Ballot on December 8, T938, and is as follows : Title The proposition relates to purChase Of old :ilk's Building; consideration; 41984.32 , on annual.'payment planm • the p'ayinents for 1938 and 1939 , 320.32 and $307.84 respectively, to be paid from city's Contingenti'fund; balance in seven equal an.nua .. payments and interest , interest on deferred payments 6%, to be budgetted from year to year. Uses- of building° _municipal offices, community and • . _civic urposes. ' , (Title) .S4all the City of Anacortes byy the old Elk's Building , Lots 17 to 20 , Block 23. 'f;or-.munici.pal Yes• .and other purposes. No la . . A motion was made by Taylor and ..seconded } by ,Dil.din.e that the ballot title as presented above be adopted.. Motion carried. ' ,A. petition was read from the Women's Club of Anacortes , which petition asked the Petition ' ' City Coun.cil' to place on the City General Election ballot to be used on the from- "' City General-Election. on. December 8, 1938, whether or not the City of Anacortee omen's will. accept' a contrgc,t from Archie Allan and Julia Allan , his wife , which Club. • contract is a contract for the purchase of Lots 17, 18, 19 and 20 in Block 23, 1/ . 'Commonly- referred to as the old Elks Building, and a resolution which is ' . referred to in third paragraph above was attached to said petition and a motion waa made by. Taylor and Peters. ' that said resolution and said petition be adopted. Ayes , 'isher, Peters, Dildine , -Miller and Taylor Motion darried. . ... . , . 180 . f October 18 , 1938 Continued 1 I•— f I The matter of. the Mineral lease to Ilotzaxd Keil and Max area Keil, his wife, Keil [:,,I.[•,!L,[:',''['!'','![',,[''.![[ w^,s brought up at this time, and a. motion was made by Fisher- and seconded by Mineral Peters that this matter be referred to the City Attorney who would make a report Lease at the nest meeting. Motion carried. Granted The matter of making certain motor repairs to the G. M. C . Fire Truck was discussed Repair and a motion was made by Fisher and seconded by Peters that the necessary repairs Lo.f' Vire ., be made and charged to contingent fund if necessary. Mwi* m aaxmkaot. Truck Ayes, Fisher, Peters, Dildine , Miller and Taylor Motion carried • The matter of purchasing several new gas masks and clothing was discussed and Supplies a motion was made by Fisher and seconded by Taylor that this matter be referred for tire to the Fire , Light and 'eater Committee with power to act. Motion carried. Dept. At this time , the matter of granting a lease to J. W. White for the west 40 feet J. L of H Avenue as set forth in the resolution adopted the 20th day of September White 1938, and as there were no protests against the granting of this lease , a motion lease was made by Miller .and seconded by Dildine that this lease be granted to J. W. White for the west 40 feet of the butt end of II Avenue from the Great Northern Right of Way north to the outer harbor area according to said resolution on this matter. Motion carried. Offer on new police Car presented to the City Council by E. A. Abbott , but no action was taken on this offer. . The matter of buying a new police Car was discussed, and a motion was made by Bids for Miller and seconded by Dildine that the City Clerk be authorized to call for Police bids on a new police Car, bids on same to be in the City Clerk' s office not Car. later than 7:30 o'clock P. M. Tuesday November 1 , 1938. Motion carried. ' Ill Mr. R. M. Thornton brought up the matter of installing stop signs on :.ros ; More Stop streetsbetween Eighth Street and Second Street and after some discussion .this Signs matter was referred to theStreet Committee and the Chief of Police. Wanted. Being unable to complete the business at hand at the present meeting, a motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Peters that the meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes adjourn until seven o'clock P. M. on Tuesday October 25, 1938 . Motion carried. ` iiti 'C L u syo e Ma r Attest: City C grk . October 25, 1938 - An adjourned regular meeting of the City Council ,of .the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7 o 'clock P. M. with Mayor Joe George presiding. The roll was called and Neely, Peters, Dildine, Blankenship and Taylor were present. The matter of the refinancing and refunding the Anacortes Revenue Water Bonds was taken up at once. Some time ago , the City Treasurer of the City of Anacortes purchased three 1930 water bonds which have not been cancelled, but were being Water Bonds held in the Safe..,D.epo6itT,B.dx., and a motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Y.eld in Safe • - ' Peters that these three 1930 'dater Bondst ,Numbers, 24, 31 and 32. be cancelled Deposit B©x contingent on the adoption of the refunding ordinance. Motion carried, , The safety deposit box referred to in above paragraph is in the Bank of Commerce . At this time , the Ordinance for the refunding of the revenue 'dater Bonds was read for information, and after some discussion a motion was made by Taylor and. Revenue Water =t. seconded by Peters that as Section Four is objectionable to the City Council as Bonds Ordinance written that this Section be referred to Mr. J. E. Blair, of the law firm of read Burcham and Blair, Spokane Washington to be revised and presented to the City Council at a later meeting. Motion carried. A resolution was presented to the City Council by the City Attorney in reference to Lot 7, Block 36 of the Original Plat of the City of Anacortes, which resolu- tion authorizes the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a deed to Jeff D. Lemons for said Lot 7, Block 36, Original Plat of the City of Anacortes for the sum of Deed to Jeff $367. 53 in cash, and after some discussion a motion was made by Taylor and D. Lemons seconded by Dildine that the resolution above stated be adopted. Motion carries. .. ,! Tha City Attorney then presented the deed from the City of Anacortes to Jeff D. !!,-- Lemons and a motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Neely that the Mayor and _ City clerk be Authorized to sign and execute said deed. Motion carried. On the matter of the granting of a mineral lease to 'Howard M. Keil and Margaret Keil his wife, the City Attorney presented a written recommendation that the • Lease granted lease be granted, so a motion was made by Neely and seconded by Dildine that the to Howard M. above lease be granted, and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign Keil and wife same. Motion carried. Mr. McCrory pminted out the need for four new tires for the International Truck Call for bids used in the Street Department , and a motion was made by Taylor and seconded by for 4 new 4 Peters that the City Clerk publish a call for bids for four tires for the tires International Street Tru'.lk, and that the bids be in the office of the City Clerk not later than November415,1938. Motion carried. Being unable to fully complete t':.e business of the evening at this meeting, a motion was made by Taylor and segopded by Peters tilt the meeting of the City Council adjourn until 7:00 o' clock P. M. October 2 1938. Motion carried. The Cou. _ ' 1 i d• , s djourn. dt— } " Attest : i Mayoii‘ r . City erk _____ , ,.mac . . . . . ,. 1 B 1 NoVember 1 , 1938 Regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to ,----7, order at 8 o'clock P'. ' E. with Mayor Jae George presiding. The roll was called and Fisher , Peters , Dildine Miller and were present , $ , $ Blankenship .,. IlL The. minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read., The report of the Police Justice for the month of October wasp read and motion was made by Peters and seconded by Dildine that this report be accepted and filea . Mbtion carried: The Water SuperintendenYs report for October was read and a motion was made by Miller and seconded by. Peters that the report of the Water Superintendent for October be accepted and filed. Motion Carried. The gasoline report for October 1938 presented by the Fire Chief was read and a motion was made by Peters and seconded by Dildine that the gasoline report for October be accepted and filed : Motion carried. A petition was read from Ernest Hinds in which he asked to buy the lumber in two old houses at 25th Street and R Avenue , and after some discussion this matter was referred to the Fire Chief, , .The -Mayor brought up the matter about the alley between 22nd Street and 23rd . . Street , between Commercial and 0 Avenues ,and after some discussion this matter was referred to the Street Committee . A communication from J. E. McGrath of Seattle , Washington , in reference to the warrants to be issued by Local Improvement Bonds was read but no action was , takn, , • A petition was read by J, ' H., Springer signed by himself and a number of other residents for the improvement of N Avenue from 20th Street to 22nd Street . After some discussion this matter was referred to the Street . Corm'nittee „ At this time claims against the City of Anacortes for the month of October were read . The following are the claims that were read:. CURRENT EXPENSE . . . . . / Sadie M. Arges . . 757o Salary City Treasurer , 5000 . John G. Dorcy . 7571. Salary city Clerk , 50.00 W. V. Wells 7572 ' Salary City' Attorney . 50.00 0. E. Arges 7573 Salary Dept Treasurer ' 99 . 30 Mrs : C : Storme 7574 Salary Janitor ' 27.50 Dr. 'H. B. Frost , . 7575 Salary Health. Officer 24 .75. 0 A, R: Sellenthin 7576 Salary. Police Justice 22. 00 G: N. Dalatead , P. M . 75/7 Postage City Clerk 5.00 Ferri Press 7578 Paper Adding Machine . 50 Mrs: S. D. Temple 7579 Supplies 1.90 West Coast Telephone Co . 7580 Telepkone 3.20 Daily Mercury 7581 Postcards for City Treas. 4 .08 Ana6ortes American 7582 Publications 24.99 Puget Sound Power & Light 7583 lidse 3 -55 IslAnd Transfer Co . 7584 Diesel Oil. 8.51 john- G.11 Dordy 7585' Dog Licenses Cash Advanced 3 ,75 . Standard Oil Co . 7586 ' Roof Coating City Hall 11 .06 Puget Sc4nd Power & Light 7587 Service Lights for City Hall 6.92 Lyle ' s Grocery 7588 Supplies " •59 . Stanley Anderson . 7589 Labor on Roof 10.42 Pioneer, • Inc . 7590 Dockett 8.65 L. E. Snider 7591 Salary as Fire Chief 145.53 Bert Verrall 7592 Salary ,as Assrt Chief 123.97 M. G. Strock 7593 Salary as Captain • 113.19 M. R. Cookston 7594 Salary as Fireman 107.80 Fred Fisher 7595 Call Man 9.00 R. Bushey 7596 Call Man , 4.75 L. Moore 7597 Call Man . 8;,o6 IL Nelson 7598 Call Han 8.25 Ed McGovern 7599 Call Man . 5.50 R. Boyes . 7600 Call Man 16.50 G. Strock - '7601 Call Man . 53.25 A. Mondhan 7602 Call Man 4.25 Geoi'ge Olson 76,03 Call Man 9.00 Joe *MCClean 704 Call Man . 8.25 Firemen ' s Relief & Pens . , 7605 Ins. 2% of FireMents Salaries 10.01 Anadortes Laundry 7606, Laundry, Fire Dept . 2.24 Water Dept'. • 7607 Hydrants 395.00 Texas Company 7608 Gasoline ; City Pump 62.20 • R. L. Tucker Lumber Co, 7609 Lumber ' 1.28 . . . . , Puget Sound Power & Light 7610 Street Lights ' 256 .47 T'ridk & Murray 7611 . Forms Perm. Regis 1521 11 Unidn Printing Co . 7612 Forms m m 12.13 John G. Dorcy 7613 Registration -Births & Deaths 10. 75 Marine Supply ° 7614 Supplies • ,.95 M. T. Wilcoxsen 7615 Salary as Patrolman 110.00 E. A. Abbott . ' . 76I6 Repairs Police Dept . 1. 50 H. H. Hinshaw . 7317 Salary as Chief of 'Police 148 .50 Tom Brown 7618 Salary as 'Assit Chief' 121. 00 John Neville 7619 Salary as Patrolman 115.50 Benson Motors . 7620 Adjustments and Repairs 10.95 J. E. Harding 7621 10% Salary Increase 10.00 Dept .of Lator Ind 7622 Ind Ins & Med Aid , Police Dept . 1042 . . , I ' C) 0 ,=...:). CURRENT U: i`TT E E^ {r.i 0-'7 P. A. Dean /623 '75,0 of 5 Plumbing 'Permits J,;,2.00 f 7.50 i LILRARY FUND ICI. Luella Howard 1139 Salary ..as Librarian , cash adv. 63.60 .Evelyn Lundberg 1140 Salary as Ass 't Librarian 5'7. 75 Blanche Sackett 1141 Salary as Juvenile Librarian 38.50 Fred Marshall 1142 Salary as Janitor 27.50 E. Luella Howard 1143 .1.aterial ha� azine JJepair . b.16 "later Department 1144 Water 2.50 Puget Sound Power & Light 1145 Lights 4 .12 Standard Oil Co. 1146 Floor Dressing 2.35 PARK FUND J. F. ITarding 1049 Salary as Park Supt . 100.00 Department Labor & Ind . 1050 Ind. Ins .. 2.27 R. L. Tucker Lumber Co , 1051 Lumber .82 Shell Oil Company 1052 Gasolihe 8.25 L. I . D. CUARA2'TY F:1I'TD L. L. Kelly 1 rr``76 Bond L. I.D. tl39 'r365.00 tr it 2 t176 Bond L.I .D.,,`139 135.00 3 #77, 78 , 79 L.I .D. *r`"139 200.00 1 tr It 4 Ir 99 9 it 0 200.00 It It 5 n n rt It n 200.00 iE 9 9 6 rr n It N II 200.00 ri rt 7 N 9 91 n n 200.00 n rr 5 n 0 n n n 0J .00 n 0 9 i9 0 11 99 0 200.00 t CITY STREETS P. I Olson 382 Salary as 1?oreman 137.50 Lynn Isalc olm 383 Salary as Grader man 13 7.50 E. Holmes 384 Maintenance Ilan 121. 00 W. T. Dodson 385 Street Sweeper 55.00 Antis 'Taylor 366 I: aintenance Man 31 .20 John G. Dorcy 387 Bookkeeper 27.50 , The 'Texas Co . 388 Gasoline 41 .22 I , Morrison Mill Co . 3L9 Lumber 4.90 A. Grant Franklin 390- Supplies 4 .00 Van Buren ,w Heller 391 Supplies 1. 15 :,, .' E. A. Abbott 392 Repairs and Adjustments 21.30 Puget Sound Power & Light 393 Ii;;hts 40.00 The Howard Cooper Corp. 394 Supplies Grader 145.81 Frank Allard 395 Labor at Garbage Dump 10.00 i , Dept , of Lat�or & Ind . 396 Ind Ins 1 Med Aid 10.43 '<I :J.&TER DEPARIT}Ci).' T T. G. McCrory 5582 Salary as 'later Supt . ;r250.00 Dave Riggs 5583 Salary as Foreman 137.50 Chas . y��edli,.nd 5564 Salary us Service Tian 76. 75 .4. tir. 0 . Rogers 55 5 'ilterman 64 .Q0 ,:ki { .Russell Carolan 5586 Filterman 65.00 Lester Thomas 5567 Pump Man 62.50 4 John G. Dorcy 5588 1.00kkeeper 27.50 Laurene Johnson 5589 Clerk 6.40 , i M. O . Berentson 5590 La sorer (To apply on water bill) 3.25 Dave Summers 5591 Laborer tt it rr fl It 3.25 West Coa.3t Telephone 5592 Telephone 6 ..60 ': ,. Daily mercury 5593 I.Teter Cards 11.90 Jim Belknap 5594 Repairs , etc . 22.98 -1 Van Buren & Heller 5595 Supplies 16.23 i1,,, Current Expense Fund 5596 Transfer of Funds 99 .00 , '. T. G. McCrory 5597 Use of Plymouth 14 .'02 i'" Wallace & Tiernan Sales . 5596 Supplies 92.17 G. N. Dalstead , Postmaster 5599 Postage 10.00 . Union Printing; Co . 5600 Supplies 4 .00 Skagit Bonded Collectors 5601 Collections 16.50 Morrison Mill Co . 5602 Lumber 31.44 Penn. Salt Mfg. Co. 5603 Chlorine 45.00 t James Rorrison 5604 1000.40 ax,, Puget Sound Power & Light 5605 Lights 468.80 Puget Sound Power & Light 5606 Lights 25.67 City Street Fund 5607 Gasoline used by :later Dept . 16.65 E. A. Abbott 5608 Repairs 3c..17 . T Tax Commission 5609 Business Tax Sept . and Oct . 339.55 Dept . of Labor & Ind. 5610 Ind Ins & Med Aid 16.22 1 . November 1_, 1938 (Continued) 8 -44 Motion was made by Peters. and seconded by Blankenship that the claims read be referred. to the Finance Committee for their consideration. Motion carried: The Finance Committee considered the claims and recommended that ' the claims be allowed and Warrants drawn in favor of same . Ayes : Fisher, Peters , Dildine ; Miller, Blankenship:. Motion carried: . A motion was made by Miller and seconded by Dildine that the bids on the new police car be held over and: not opened uhtil .November 9th. Motion carried: 'A motion was made by Peters and seconded by Dildine that the City Council of the City of Anacortes adjourn until November 9th, 1938 at 7 :00 o 'clock P. M. Attest :: 4,¢.-0 Z loib.yo r • (E)04.14) ty Cle • November 9th, 1938 An adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called' to order at 7:00 .P: 1Li with Mayor Joe George presiding. The roll was called and Neely, Peters., Dildine , Mill.er. and Taylor were present . A motion was made by Peters and seconded by Dildine that the time for opening the bids. on the police car be ' extended until November 15th, 1938 , and that the City Clerk be authorized to publish a notice to this effect . Motion carried . Sometime ago the City of Anacortes authorized Mr. E. M. Barker to act as the II City' s agent in collecting the rent on a house formerly owned by Dr. Frost and Mr. Barker reported that he had collected th.eutum of• p22: 50 in rent from the tenants of said house. and wished to know who he should toun over the money to , and after some discussion a. motion was made: by Miller=.aand seconded by Peters that inasmuch as the City of' Jnac.ortes owned the property at the time the rent was collected, that the rent collected should be paid into the Local Improve- ment Guaranty Fund. Motion carried. Mr. Barker reported that he would have to deduct one dollar- for commission and $'2:50 for water which would leave a balance due the City of $19..00'. Mr. James: Rorrison was present at the meeting, and further discussed the refund- ing of the' Anacortes Water Revenue Bonds, and then took up the matter of• paying the General Bonds: now owned by the State of Washington. After some further discussion .a. motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Miller that the City' Clerk write a letter to the State Finance Committee, at Olympia, Washington, and offer' to issue Ten Thousand ($10,000.00-) Dollars in Warrants bearing. four per cent . interest to bty. the Ten Thousand Doliars($10 ,000:00) Dollars in' General Bonds from the State: of Washington, and that Mr. T. G. McCrory, 'Water Superintendent, discuss: thi.s_ .matter with the State Finance C-ommittee at Olympia,Washington. Motion carried. • Being unable to complete the business before the City Council at the present meeting, a motion was made byP'eters° and seconded by Dildine that the meeting of the City O'ouncil of the' City of Anacortes adjourn until November. 10, 1938 at 7:30 P. M. Motion carried. The meeting did so. adjourn. Mayor Attest : City Clerk • November. 10, i938. An adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of' the- City of Anacortes was called 'to order at 7:30 o'clock P. M. . with Mayor' Joe George presiding: The roll was called and Neely, Peters, Dildine, Miller and Taylor. were present. On January 8 , 1938, the pity of' '` na.cortes entered into an' agreement With Mr. -4 . James Rorrison.. with reference to the refunding of the City of Anacortes Water Revenue Bonds, and. as it is deemed necessary to have a, supplemental agreement signed between the City of' Ahaco:'rtes: and the laid James: Rorrison, the following' supplemental agreement was prepared 'by the City Attorney and presented to the City' Council: . MEEREAS=,on the 8th day .of January 1938 , the City of' Anacortes entered into an agreement with James Rorrison wherein and whereby the said James Rorrison was to undertake the refunding of -the Anacortes: Water Bonds and in. the event- the said James Rorrison was successful in securing and procuring a. refund of the said bonds under a plan to be developed by the said Jammes Rorrison and which would be satisfactory to the City of Anacortes, the said City would. pay to the said James. Rorrison a commission of 2X, upon the amount of money- represented by the bonds so refunded; and, WHEREAS, approximately four hundred thirty nine thousand dollars are now pro- cured by the said James Rorrison ready for refunding, leaving sixty one thousand dollars of bonds yet to be negotiated for such refunding; and, • 184 November 10, 1938 Continued • 1 WEEREAS, there has been advanced by the said City to the said James Rorrison the sum of nine thousand dollars; and, WHEREAS, the said James Rorrison is now asking for an advance of two thousand. dollars; and', WHEREAS, such an advancement of the said two thousand dollars would constitute an excess of one thousand dollars provided no more or no less then the five hundred thousand dollars of bonds are refunded; and, WHEREAS, the said James Rorrison has entered into a contract for the sale of certain of the proposed refunded bonds with Laurence Stern & Co. , of 231 South LaSalle Street, Chicago , Illinois, through which sale there will be certain moneys due him arising from the purchase and sale of the said bonds which moneys the said James Rorrison represents-. will be much gzreater than the said two thou- sand dollars when the said refunding is consumated; and, WHEREAS, the Northwestern National Bank of Bellingham, Bellingham, Washington , is the depository for the old and the refunding bonds; and, WHEREAS, the said Janes Rorrison has filed with the said depository certain sales agreements with the present bond holders the consumation of the said sales agree- mehts will produce a sum much in excess of the said one thousand dollars; and, '` WHEREAS, the said James Rorrison is assigning to the said City such an amount of the money to be realized by him through said sales agreement which will represent • any amount of moneys advanced to him over and above the 25 above menti oed; NOW',THEREFORE, in consideration of the advancement by the City of Anacorte, to the said James Rorrison the sum of two thousand dollars, the said James6, Rorrison here assigns and sets over to the City of Anacortes from moneys accruing to him by reason of said above mentioned sales a; reeinent such an amount as will ..• ; .t represent any excess of advancements to him over and above the 25 earned by him, and in accordance with this assignment a separate assignment will be executed. to be filed with the said Northwestern National Bank of bellingham. Dated this 10th day of November 1938. • (Signed) James Rorrison Approved by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Anacortes , this 10th day of November 1938. CITY OF A ACORTES by (Signed) Joe George, Attest : Mayor (Signed) John G. Dorcy City Clerk The following is the Assignment to the City of Anacortes signed by Mr. James. Rorrison: For and in consideration of the sum of two thousand dollars being this day advanced by the City of Anacortes to James Rorrison, of Bellingham, Washington, the said James Horriasn hereby assigns and sets over to the City of Anacortes , from moneys accruing to him by reason of sales agreements filed with the Northwestern National Bank of Bellingham, incident to the refunding of Anacortes Pater Bonds, the sum of Two thousand dollars. And the Northwestern National Bank of Bellingham is hereby requested and directed to pay to the City of 1''nacortes ath amount named out of moneys that may hereafter be in its hands accruing by or through the said sales agreements which may now or which may hereafter be filed with it by the said James Harrison. Dated this 10th day of November 1938 . (Signed) James Rorrison After the above Supplemental Agreement and Assignment were read , a motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Miller that the said Supplemental Agreement and • Assignment just read both be adopted, and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the Supplemental Agreement. Ayes, Peters , Dildine , Miller amd Taylor. Motion carried. As it was necessary for the City Council to meet on November 14, 1938, to rempve the affidavit en lopes from the absentee ballots and discuss several other A` matters , a motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Neely that the City Council Jf the City of Anacortes adjourn until November 14, 1938 , at the hour of 7:30 P. M. Motion carried. The City Council did so adjourn. Attest: j#11— Mayor City Cherk • y 185 • 11 November 14, 1.938. . . . . A. regular adjourned meeting of the City 0*'oun-cil of the- City of Anacortes : vas called to order at 7:30 P, L with mayor Joe George presiding: The roll was called and. Peters, Neely, Dildine, Miller and Taylor were present. There. were sixteen absentee ballots which were filed with the City Clerk for the City Primary Election held an November-8, 1938 , and the affidavit envelopes were removed and sealed and filled, and the envelopes containing' the absentee ballots' were signed and declared regular votes by .the City. Council of the City of Anacortes: The matter of the number of voting. precincts to be used in the City of Anacortes. • General Election to be held on December 8, 1938 was discussed , and a motion was made by Miller and seconded by Neely that one precinct in each of the three wards be used , and that, in the First Ward the precinc :at the Community Builcing be used; in the Second Ward that the Nelson School Romp be used, and in the Third ward that the precinct at the Anacortes Hotel . be used in the u'ity of Anacortes General Election to be held December 6, 1938. Motion; carried Having completed the business of the evening, a motion was made by Peters and seconded, by Neely that the meeting of the City Council adjourn. Motion carried. The meeting of the did so adjourn. 1;:a, dp.,_ .. . eiy d f..4_, . Attest : yor <041-442°4-1-47- November 15 , 1938 Regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes called to order at 8 :00 o ' clock P. M. with Mayor Joe George presidinng.- The roll was called and Fisher, Peters , Dildine , Miller and Taylor were present :. The minutes of the meetings of November lot ,, November 9th, November 10th, and November 14th were read and approved as read : The, report of the Chief of Police for the month of October was read and a motion made by Dildine and seconded by Miller that this report be accepted and filed . Motion carried . The report of the Chief of the Fire Department for October was read and a motion made by Peters and seconded by "Aldine that this report be accepted and filed. Motion carried : A communication from the Chamber of Commerce was read which communication was . in reference to a bronze plaque which they wish to place in Cap Sante Park , and after some discussion this matter was referred to the Streets and Parks Committeeo II A petition signed by Fred Merrill and other residents of that vicinity was presented and read to the City Council , which asked for the opening of Georgia Avenue from 2nd Street , lest to 4th Street West , and the opening of 4th Street West from Georgia Avenue to Hartford Avenue:- After some discussion this mat- ter was referred to the Street Committee and Street Supervisor. Two other petitions were read to the City Council ; one to consider the opening . _ and grading_'o'frn.L Avenueftma29th Street to 32nd Street , and the other petition _fqs the opening ' and grading of 31st Street from K Avenue to M Avenue . Both petitions were referred to the - Street Committee and Street Supervisor. At this time an ordinance , No : 894 ; being an ordinance fixing the compensation of elective and appointive officers of the City of Anacortes , and repealing Ordinance No . 893 , was discussed ; and a motion made by Taylor and seconded by Dildine that this Ordinance be given its first and second readings by title . Motion carried: - This salary ordinance was given its: first and second readings by title and a motion made by Peters and -seconded. by Taylor that the salary Ordinance No . 894 be given its third and final reading by sections: Motion carried. Section 1 read: Peters moved , Dildine seconded Section 1 be adopted. Motion carried ; Section 2 read : Peters .moved , Dildine seconded Section 2 be adopted : Motion carried . Section 3 read. Peters moved , Dildine seconded Section 3 be adopted . Motion carried . ' Motion was_ made by " .aylor 'and seconded by Peters that this Ordinance No . 894 as a whole be adopted. Ayes : Fisher , Peters, Dildine , hiller and Taylor. Motion carried: - • The bid received some time ago on land owned by the Water Department and now ' being leased by Dave Riggs , was discussed , and it was decided not to open the bid until a later meeting: Also the matter of starting a W..P,-A. proje;Ct on the proposed Playfield was discussed . . � . BB , r86E bovember 15, - 19"ib . Continued) '' The matter of making 0 Avenue an Arterial ightiay from iL;hth street north to Second Street , and the placing of Stop signs on Third Street at Li Avenue , Fourth Street at C Avenue , Fifth Street at 0 Avenue , Sixth Street at 0 Avenue , and Seventh Street at C Avenue , was discussed at some length and referred to the Street Committee and the Chief of Police . At this time the bids for t'�e police oar were opened. bids were received from the followitu : E. A. Anbott , Benson Motors , frulson Lotor Co ina::y, E. L. good , ; and Ed Mooney. The hayor declared a recess and toe City doancii adjourned to the City Clerks office to discuss the F, ,. s . After some tine , te Council returned to the council room, and a motion was made by Taylor and seconded by ....iller that the police car Lids be referred to the Police Committee and t;.e ;.;pier of 3 (lice . Tire bids were opened for four tires and tubes for the International track. bids . were received for tires from the following: Frank '•+atkii1sori , Colvin and Asseln , J. H. Chitwood , and N. Pinkerton . After discussing the matter of tire bids for some ti;;ie , a motion wos made by Peters and seconded by Taylor tint the tire .bids be referred to the Street Committee and Street Supervisor to report back . _It being necessary for the City Council to meet of the following el, cciing, for other business , a motion was made by 2aylor and seconded by Miller that the City Council adjourn until November 17th, 1938 , at 7:30 o'clock 1'. Itotion carried. The City Council ;;_ id so adjourn . 1--a__ Mayo . Attest : City Clerk , November 17, 1938 .. t. A regular adjourned meeting of the city Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7:30 o ' clock P. M. with Mayor Joe Geor;rye presiding. the roll was called and Neely, Fisher, Peters , .dildine , iailler, B1amike.iship and Taylor were present . The matter of choosing a police -Jar from the bids opened at the council meeting on November 15, 1938 , was discussed at some length, and a motion was made by Dildine and seconded by Taylor that the matter of selecting the moist suitable police car from the bids submitted be held over until the next regular meeting on December 6th, 1938. The State of ',;asIdri"ton is holding 10 , 000 worth of Anacortes General Obligation Bonds which are now past due and bearing interest at the rate of 50 per annum, and at this time a resolution was presented which authorized and directed the City Treasurer of the City of Anacortes to pay out of the General Bond Interest and Redemption i?unid c)10,000 for said General Obligation Bonds acid accrued interest . After some disc ssion a motion was 'nude by Taylor and s(,:oorided by Dildine that this General Bond Ressolution be adopted . Ayes : iFeely, Fisa.er , 1'�:.teru , Jiluine , +Miller, Blankenship and Taylor. Motion carried . i A letter from Mir. Fred j-iorteu�on was read which container an offer to buy for i cash the South half of Lots 10, 11 , 12 and 13 of Block 6 , First Addition , to the City of Anacortes , which. now are owned by the city. The amount which Lac . Mor- terison offers to -pay for the lots is :6b .24 , which is the amount necessary to pay all local imnroveent assessments and penalties which have been assessed against said lots . A motion was made by Fisher and seconded by iiilt. ine that the Fred Mortenso n offer be accepted , and that the City Attorney prepare a resolu- tion and deed for the sale of same , and that the Mayor and C .ty Clerk be author- ized to sign said resolution and quit claim deed . Ayes : Neely, Fisher, Peters , Dildine , Miller, Blankenship and Taylor. Motion carried . : At this time the City Council considered further the refunding of the Anacortes Water Refunding Bonds and the following letter from John E. Blair of the law firm. , of Burnham & Blair of Spokane , Washington, which firm has been retained by this city to pass on the legality of _the proposed Refunding Bonds, was read: Spokane , Washington . November 15, 1938. In re: Proposed Ordinance Entitled: w '.'AN ORDINANCE authorizing and providing for the issu- ance - of.$516,000.00 slater Revenue Refunding Bonds of the City.of Anacortes., Washington , for the purpose of refunding .a like principal amount of outstanding waterworks revenue bonds of said City, prescribing the form of said ro used bonds and ua p p providing for the collectionand segregation and distri'.3..tion of i the revenues of the municipal water works of said i City, for the purpose of safeguarding, protecting, and paying said bonds"-, - consisting of Sections 1 to 16, inclusive , and blank pro- . ceedings for the adoption thereof. • November 17, 1938- (Continued) 187 To. the Mayor and City Council of Anacortes., II Anacortes., W'a.shington. Gen't•lemen':. ..We: have read- very-carefully' the -pro:visions.' of- the foregoing Ordinance prepared ;. o.r adoption _by ' the Council of the - Ui ty of Anacortes in 'order- to accomplish the refuhding Qf the outstanding municipal. water works, bonds of said City, . as de- scribed in the. preiLniriary part hereof, by the issuance ;of the water works rev • enue r.efur;ding' bends. of s.s<id City ih the • principal amou::t of 01.8, Ooo.Oa. In our opi.ni,;+ri the foreg .i.ng Ordinance is in proper form and there is no legal objection to tileadoption thereof by tie •O'i..ty Council of Anacortes, Washington. The City of A.nac.Qr'te.s: may, legally dQ, cav nantj and s,gree._as set forth in the Cerm-s- of said proposed Ordinance , and the "iarop.osed refunding bonds when issued in accordance therewith will conatitu. e the valid and legal o Aigations of said City paya`Jle 'only out of the w.c,ter revenues of the water works system of mast of. said City as provided .in said Ordinance and in the bond form incorporated M . therein. The blank proceedings for adoption are sufficient . Very truly yours, BURCHAM & BLAIR' JEB:Hl\ By John E: Blair A motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Blankenship that the Ordinance for the refunding of the Anacortes Revenue Water Bonds be referred to the City . Attorney. Motion carried. The City Attorney reported that the Ordinance was in legal form and recommended that said Ordinance be adopted. A motion was made by: Taylor and seconded by Peters that the City Attorneys report be adopted. Motion carried. A motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Neely that this Ordinance be placed on its first -and second readings by title . Motion carried. Ordinance given its .first and . second readings by title and a motion was made by Taylor and' seconded by Miller that all rules be suspended ' and Ordinance placed on adoption by sections: Ayes Neely, Peters, Dildine , Miller, Blankenship, and Taylor. Naves:. - None . Fisher not voting. . . The preamble to the brdiriance was then read and a motion was made by Peters . and seconded by Taylor that said preamble be adopted. Ayes: Neely, Peters, Dildine , Miller, Blankenship, and Taylor. Nayes: None. Fisher not voting. Sec . I read. Peters Moved , Tayor Seconded , Section 1 be adopted. Motion carried. Sec . 2 read. Miller Moved, Neely Seconded, Section 2 be adopted. Motion carried. Sec. 3 read., Neely Moved, Peters Seconded, Section 3 be adopted. lotion carried. Sea. ' 4 read. Taylor Moved, Dildine Seconded, Sec . 4 be adopted. Motion carried. Sec : 5 read. Miller Moved, Neely Seconded, Section 5 be adopted. Notion carried. Sec . 6 read. Peters Moved, Dildine Seconded, Sec: 6 be adopted. Motion carried. Sec . 7 read. Taylor Moved, Blankenship Seconded See.7 be adopted. Motion carried. Sec . 8 read. Neely Moved, Miller Seconded, Section 8 be adopted. ' Motion carried. Sec . 9 read. Taylor Moved , Dildine Seconded, Section 9 be adopted.Motion carried. Sec.1.0 read. Dildine Moved, .Blankenship Seconded Sec.10 be adopted.Motion carried. Sec .11 read. Peters Moved,. Dildine Seconded, 'Section 11 be adopted.Motion. carried. S'ec: 12 read. Taylor, Moved , Blankenship Seconded, Sec :12 be adopted.Motion carried. Sec . 13 read. Taylor Moved,. Blankenship Seconded, Sec . 13 be adopted.Motio.n carried Sec . 14 read. -Peters Moved, Dildine Seconded, Section 14 be adopted. Motion carried Sec . 15 read. Taylor Moved, Peters Seconded, Section 15 be. adopted. Motion carried' Sec . '16 read. Blankenship Moved , Neely Seconded,Sec . 16 be adopted. Motion .carried ' A motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Dildine that said Ordinance for the refunding of the Anacortes Water Revenue Bonds be adopted as a whole. Ayes: Neely, Peters, Dildine , Miller, Blankenship and Taylor. Hayes:. None. Fisher not voting. With- further reference - to Ordinance' No': 89-5, `which is an Ordinance authori2ing and providing for the issuance of $518,000.00 Water Revenue. Refunding Bonds of the . City of Anacortes, the following Council proceedings were attached to the orig- . inal Ordinance and are hereby made part of the minutes of this meeting: Anacortes , Washington November 17, 1938. The City Council of the City of Anacortes, Washington , met in regular session at the .Council Chamber in said city, at 7:30. o 'clock, P. M. The meeting was called to order and there were' present Joe George , Mayor, in the Chair, and the ' following named members of said council : Neely, risher, Peters , Dildine , Miller, Blankenship and Taylor. Absent : None . Councilman Taylor introduced and caused to be read in full an ordinance entitled: ,. , s 188 November 17 , 1938 (Continued) "AN ORDINANCE authorizing and providing for the issuance of $518,000 Water Revenue Refunding Bonds of the City of Anacortes , Washington , for the purpose of refunding a like principal amount of outstanding waterworks revenue bonds of said city, prescribing the form of said proposed bonds and providing for the collection and segregation and distribution of the revenues of the municipal water works of said city, for the purpose of safeguarding, protecting and paying said bonds. " It was moved by Councilman Taylor, seconded by Councilman Miller, that all rules be suspended and tat said ordinance be now placed upon its adoption. The Mayor put the question on the motion for suspension of the rules, as aforesaid , and the roll being called thereon, the following voted: Aye: Neely, Peters , Dildine, Miller, Blankenship & Taylor. Nay: None , Fisher, Not voting. Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion duly carried. Councilman Taylor then moved that said ordinance be adopted; seconded by Councilman Dildine; and after due consideration the Mayor put the question on motion for the adoption of said ordinance and the roll being called, the follow- ing voted: Aye: Neely, Peters , Dildine , Miller, Blankenship & Taylor. , Nay: None , Fisher Not voting. .,> Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion duly carried and said ordinance duly adopted. On motion and vote the meeting adjourned. v1 c mayor Attest : gut: City C d~c7) , November 18 , 1938 A regular adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7:30 o 'clock P. M. with Mayor Joe George presiding. The roll was called and Neely, Peters , Miller and Taylor were present . The purpose of this meeting was to canvass the primary election ballots from the city primary election held November 8, 1938. The iilayor administered an oath to the City Clerk that the election returns had not been altered in any way. A motion was made by Taylor, seconded by Peters, that the City Council constitute itself as a canvass board to canvass the returns of said primary election. Motion carried. 16 Absentee ballots were opened, read and tabulated. The sealed envelopes containing tae poll books were opened,and a canvass was made of the votes cast at the primary election as showf by the poll books , with the following results: MAYOR 1-1 1-2 1-3 2-1 2-2 2-3 3-1 3-2 3-3 Absentees Total Joe Goerge 122 1?9 84 140 125 265 362 210 110 11 1608 C..F.Fisher 35. 41 15 36 29 89 68 46 28 2 389 N.D.Klingman 60 33 81 96 51 123 105 39 56 3 647 CITY CLERK John G. Dorcy 204 241 152 245 180 380 477 274 170 .16 2339 John Douglass. 1 r TREASURER Sadie M.Arges 182 210 145 229 168 380 458 260 158 16 2206 • x CITY ATTORNEY W.V.Wells 189 213 135 229 166 380 447 273 162 16 2210 Barney 1 1 i COUNC ILMAN AT LARGE C.E. Lawler * 130 138 90 160 102 233 220 138 81 6 1298 A.M.Miller 63 92 53 90 71 179 254 139 85 9 1036 COUNCILMAN 'IST WARD Dr.M.B.Alden 150 179 101 1 431 3,4 2 273 A.H.Valentine 86 109 76 f Earl C . Marsha 89 79 49 217 C OuN C I ISM AN 27D WARD S. L. Okerlund 79 46 158 •- Samuel E. Smith 10 1 22 2 1$5 John JJodd 9 r 2. 3. =uorterison 57 31 68 15t John i epo>.3a 70 47 99 1 216 Dan Converse 3 3 ' COUNCILMAN 3RD WARD A.D. Munroe 119 68 42 2 231 H.B. Cornell 231 128 65 3 427 F'erd Brady 137 84 52 3 ,276 I 89 • November 18, ,1938 (Continued) ' A motion was made by Taylor, seconded by Neely, that the declaration of the nomin- ation he incorporated in the minutes of the meeting, and that the City Clerk send certificates of nomination to the persons declared nominated. The following is the certificate of nomination issued by the City Election Board: The 'city election board of the City of Anacortes having this day canvassed all of the returns of the primary election held on the 8th day of November, 1938, and having added to the said returns the absentee votes cast in each precinct of the said city, do hereby find and hereby declare that the following named persons were duly nominated on the Citizens ticket for the office set opposite their respective names , for the city election to be held on oth day of December, 1938 : For Mayor, Joe Georges. For City Clerk, John G. Dorcy For City Treasurer, Sadie Arges For City Attorney, W. V. Wells For Councilman at large, C : E. Lawler Councilman first ward, 4 year term M. B. Alden Councilman first ward , 2 year term Almon H. Valentine Councilman second . ward , S. L. Okerlund Councilman third ward', H. B. Cornell • And the clerk. of the said, board , John G.. Dorcy, is hereby directed -to issue certificates of nomination to the ahove `persons s.o• nominated. Dated this 18th day of November, 1938. Joe George Chairman R. . M. Miller 111 • Frank Taylor B. L. Neely G. A. Peters • The--_C ,y A:t.tcrneyat this .time presented a quit claim deed from the City of Anacortes to 'Fred 1lftortenson for the following distributed real estate, to wit': The south half of Blocks 10, 11 , 12 and 13 in' Bock 6 of the first addition to the City of Anacortes in Skagit County, Washington. This deed was executed and' sighed by .the Mayor and City tha Clerk. In the matter of buying the tires and tubes for the International truck`, the . Street Committee issued a written recommendation that the bid of Frank Watkinson for four, 900x20, 10 ply Goodrich Siivertown truck tires and tubes in the• amount:' of' $ 301.96 , leas trade-in on four used tires and tubes in the amount of $36..56 making a net cost of $265.00, be accepted. A motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Miller that the report and recommenda- tion of the Street Committee for the purchase of the truck tires and tubes be . accepted.. Motion carried: • At this time the City Attorney presented an ordinance being an .ordinance amending Section 16 of Ordinance 837, being ;an ordinance providing for .fire limits and the construction 'and equipment of buildings in the City of Anacortes ,passed and approved October 17, 1933. This ordinance -which is Ordinance No . 896 was dis cussed and a motion was made by Taylor and seconded. by Peters that this ordin- ance be given its first and second readings by title . Motion carried. The ordinance was given its first and second readings by title, and a motion was made by._.Taylor and seconded by Neely that the ordinance be given its third and final reading by sections. Motion carried. Section 1 read. Miller Moved , Taylor seconded, Sec . 1 be adopted. Motion carried. Section 2 read: Miller moved, Neely seconded, Sec . 2 be adopted. Motion carried. A motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Miller that this ordinance be adopted as a whole. Ayes: Neely, Peters , Miller and Taylor. Motion carried. A letter was read -from the State Finance Committee of the State of Washington in Olympia, .Washington-'in reference to paying for the City of Anacortes General Obligation Bonds now owned by the State of Washington. No action was taken on the matter. Having completed the business of the evening, a motion was made by Neely and seconded by Peters that the meeting of' the City Council adjourn . Motion carried. The council did then adjourn. Mayor Atli,: At City C1 • • • • • .Aii r . . . • ., .. • 1 0 .. ., December 1 , 1938 A special meeting of the City Council was called to order at 7:30 , o 'clock , P. M. with Mayor Joe George presiding. The roll was called and Neely, Peters, Dildine , Miller, Blankenship and Taylor were present . The matter of the refunding of the Anacortes Water Revenue Bonds of the 1924 and II 1930 series was discussed. A motion was made by Taylor and Seconded by Neely that the City Treasurer be authorized to transfer to the Northwestern National Bank of Bellingham, Bellingham, 'Washington, the sum of $8,862.28 from the Bond Interest and Redemption Fund to take care of the cash payment of the accumulated interest up to December 15, 1938 , and that any funds remaining in their possession and not paid out for this purpose by December 20, 1938 shall be returned to the City Treasurer. Ayes : Neely, Peters, Dildine, Miller, Blankenship and Taylor. Motion carried. At his own request , Councilman Dildine was excused by the Mayor. Mr. games Rorrison was present at the meeting and stated that he required an ad- vance of $1 ,500.00 more than what had ' already been authorized. After some dis- cussion , a. motion was made byaTaylor and seconded by Miller that an advance of 2,500..00 be given to Mr. Rorrison according to the supplemental agreement be- tween the City of Anacortes and Mr. Rorrison approved the 10th day of November 1938, and that an assignment of $2,500.00 be prepared by the City Attorney and signed by Mr. Rorrison: Ayes: Neely, Peters, Miller, Blankenship and Taylor. Motion carried. A contract agreement was presented to the City of Anacortes by the Union Oil Com- pany in which the Union Oil Company agreed to furnish the City of Anacortes with gasoline for certain prices daring the year 1939 , and after some discussion a mo- tion was made by Taylor and seconded by Peters that the mayor and 'amity Clerk be authorized to sign said contract agreement . Notion carried. Having completed the business of the evening, a motion was made by Taylor and seconded, by Blankenship that the meeting of the City Council adjourn. Motion carried . The meeting of the City Council did then adjourn. ��.co�r _ . . , . dzik--- Ma �' Attest : • ?AA., .AY-- City Cler E December 6 , 1938 A re :ular ;oeetin of the City Council of the city of Anacortes was nalle to order at b : 00 o ' clock 2. 1:. wit=. Layor Joe George presiding. The roll was called and Neely, Peters , Dildine , hiller , Blankenship and Taylor were ,,resent . The minutes of the previous :_1, etiri� were read and a;;proved with a correction . The following is the correction : Mr. James Rorrison Uau :rcoeJt at the ineetind anc. Correction to stated t ..at ae required an advance of an additional y;a500.00 more tuan that. the Minutes c%1000.00 that he had already. requested. The Chief of Police report for the month of November Was read and a a otion was Chief of Police made 7.y Dildine and seconded by "eter s. that this report be accepted and filed. report Motion carried. _ The report of the Police Justice for the month of Moveinber %gas read, and a motion Police Justice was made .:y i'eters acid seconded .:y I.hiller tha' this re ort be accepted and filed . report . • Motion carried. The report of the Water Superintendent for the mont:{ of ::ovc:uF.ier was read and a 'later Superinten- motion tira,; made by i:iller and seconded by Peters tiaat this rep:.rt be accepted and dent ' s report placed on filo . i:otion carried. The t;asnline reoor t for ':ovem'rer was read and a motion was made by Peters. and sec- Gasoline onded '?y Dildine tiiat the ;aoolihe rE„).%rt i;e. accepted Sou placed 01. file . Motion report carried . Peters re'oorted on the 0 Avenue 3top signs and said that the Street Committee 0 Avenue wished to consider }h.e matter further before making the report . Stop Signs A com :lunic tion from the Corbett Hill was read ? ki :: , for ),r. di; ,.. t 1:t on the water bill for water used in the recent fire in their Dry Kiln. After much dis- cussion a motion was made by Miller and seconded by ')ildine that the matter be re- ferred to the Street Committee , the 'later Superintendent and Fire Chief. Motion carried . The proposal to put two lights in Causland Park was discussed and a motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Miller that this matter be referred to the Streets e and Parks Committee and Street Supervisor with power to act . Motion carried. IIF ` A petition to the City Council was read for the improvement of Thirty-fourth :, Street as a W.P.A. project from the west side of M Avenue to the east side of K Avenue and signed by a number of nearby residents. After some discussion a motion . was made by Miller and seconded by Peters that this Matter be referred to the y k' Street Supervisor. Motion carried. 1 . _ • • 191 . . December 6, 1938 (Continued )The matter of the bid for the property owned by the Anacortes. Water Department Bid for property and which was advertised for sale sometime ago, and• is at present leased by Mr. owned by Water Dave, Riggs , was brought up and discussed. A motion was made by Neely and secon, - II DepartmenA openei ded by Miller that the bid made by Mr. B: G. Owens be opened . Motion carried. The bid was opened and Mr. Owens ' offer was for 4)1300,00 for the ten acres more or less , with a down payment of $300 .00 and 7.7.00 per month with interest . A motion was made by Miller and seconded by Peters that this matter be held over until the next meeting of the City Council to accept or reject this bid . Motion .carried . . . Sometime ago the Sanderson Safety Supply Company of Seattle left on a memorandus invoice an inhalator with the Fire Department , and this matter was discussed at Purchase of ia- this time .. A motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Blankenship that the City . halator. Council buy the inhalator, and that the claim for the inhalator be included in the November claims . - Ayes : Neely,. Peters, Dildine , Miller, Blankenship, and Taylor. Motion carried. , . • The matter of choosing a Police Gar was discussed, and a motion was made by Peters, Police Car and seconded by Miller that Ole purchase of the Police Carbe laid over until December 12, 1938. Motion carried. . . The following claims against the 'Oity of Anacortes for the month of November were read • - . . . , • . . CURRENT EXPENSE- . Sadie M. Arges: . 7624 Salary as City Treasurer 50.00 John G. Dorcy . 7625 Salary as City Clerk 50. 00 W. V. Wells '7626 Salary as City Attorney 50. 00 O. E. Arges '76.27 Salary as Deputy Treasurer 99 . 00 II , A. R. Sellenthin Mrse C . Storme 7629 Salary as Janitor 27.5Q G. N. Dalstad , P. M. 7628 Salary as Police Justice 22 . 00 7630 Postage for Clerk' s office 3 . 00 Mrs :, S. D. Temple ' 7631 Supplies City Clerk 1 . 15 John G. Dorcy 7632 Cash Adv,for Supp . Clerk' s office 2 . 70 Van Buren Heller • ' 7633 Supplies . . ' 1. 12 South Side hardware 7634 Supplies .50 Stanley Anderson 7635 Painting & Papering Clerk's office 33 .00 Puget -Sound Power dc Light Co . '7636 Lights for City Hall 9 .55 P. A. Dean . 76.37 Plumbing & Wiring Permits 16.00 Island Transfer Co . 7638 Coal & Fuel Oil for City flail 61.12' Anacortes American 7639 Publishing Notices 0 .28.75 H. H. Hinshaw 7640 Salary & Cash Advanced 149.36 Tom rown 7641 Salary as Asst Chief of Police 121.00' John Nevill 7642 Salary as Patrolman 115.50. Ted .Wilcoxson 7643 Salary as Patrolman - 110. 00 Standard Oil Company 7644 Tire repairs. & Supp. , Po1 .Dept. 3.70 ' Anacortes Laundry 7645 Laundry for Police .Dept. .• 1.18 Frank D. Rock - 7646 Furniture Repair, Police Dept . 1.25 Benson Motors, Inc.. 7647 Repairs & Service, Police Car 58.39 County Auditor 7648' License for Police Car 1.25 Dept . of Labor kInd. 7649. Ind Ins & Med Aid, Police Dept . 10.08 L. E. Snider . 7650 Salary as Fire Chief 145.53 Bert Verrall .- - 7651 Salary as Asst . Fire ,Chief 123.97 M.. , G. Strock . . 7652• Salary as Capt . Fire Dept . 113.19 M. R. Coo.kston • 7653 Salary as Fireman 107.80 Ed. .McGovern . Fred Fisher • 7654 Wages , call man , Fire Dept . . 2.25 ' 7655 . " 1656 ' w . w .8 it It It it , 9 " George Olson 3.00 1.50 • R. Boyea ' 7657 it u it ft C . Strock • • 7658 " It It It It 12.00 ' R._ Bushey 7659 ' " 9 0 It It . 2.25 County Auditor 7660 Licenses for 3 Fire Trucks 3.75 , The Texas Company ' 7661 Gasoline , City Pump 41.22 Standard. Oil Company . 7662 Chassis. Grease & Supplies 5.60 • Northwest Fire Eqpt . Co. 7663 Equipment & Supplies 90.00 Marine Supply Co. 7664 Material & Supplies 7.86 Anacortes Laundry 7665 Laundry for Fire Dept . • 1.76. L. E. -Snider 7666, Cash advanced for postage 1.00 Firemen 's Rel. & Pen Pd. . 7667 2% of Firemen 's Salaries 10.01 Southside Hardware Co. • 7668 Equipment & Supplies . 4.00' Anacortes Water 'Department • 7669 Hydrant rental for 'November 1938 395.00 Schwartz Iron Works 7670 Labor & Material 18.10 • • Anacortes' American • 7671 Eladtion Placards. & Notice 7.50 E. S. Malone ' 7672 Permanent Registration Forms 22275 Union Printing Co. 7673 Permanent Registration. & El.Supp. 38.72 Fern Press - . 7674 Gen. City Election Ballots , 28.54 • Daily Mercury . 7675 City Primary Ballots, & Supp. 58.50 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 7676 Service for Street Light & Wash.Park 258.47 .Ti .k-i: Harding 7677 10% Salary Increase . 10.00 P. E. Olson 7678' 3 Gallons Kerosene Oil .60 Pioneer 7679 State Highway vouchers. 4.60 West Coast Telephone Co.. 7680 Telephone service 6. 68 Sanderson. Safety Supply Co. 7681 Inhalator . . 159.00 . • • , . .. . . . . • •. . . • . . • 1 042 December 6, 1938 (Continued) 1 i LIBRARY FUND E. Luella Howard 1147 Salary as Librarian & tr83.30 Cash Advanced II Evelyn Lundberg 1148 Salary, Ass' t . Librarian 57.75 II Blanche Sackett 1149 Salary, Jr. Librarian 38.50 Fred Marshall 1150 Janitor 27.50 Water Department 1151 Water 2. 50 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 1152 Light service, Library 6.33 PARK FUND J. E. Harding 1053 Salary, Su?t.of Parks $ 100.00 Dept . of Labor & Ind. 1054 Ind.Ins. & Med. Aid 2.02 County Auditor 1055 Truck License 1.25 WATER DEPARTMENT T. G. McCrory 5611 Salary as Water Suet. $ 250.00 Dave Riggs 5612 Salary,Foreman Water Dpt 137.50 Chas. Wedlund 5613 Salary,Water Serviceman 77.00 W. 0. Rogers 5614 Salary, Filterman 81.00 Russel Carolan 5615 Salary, Filterman 66.00 , Lester Thomas 5616 Salary, Pump Man 82.50 John G. Dorcy 5617 Salary, Bookkeeper 27.50 Laurene Joanson 5618 Clerk 6.40 Dave Summers 5619 Labor(apply on water bill) 5.00 Frank Childs 5620 Labor " " " n 2.00 Current Expense Fund 5621 Transfer of Funds 99.00 ! T. G. McCrory 5622 Use of Plymouth Sedan 24.85 Skagit Bonded Collectors 5623 Collections 17.25 Island Transfer 5624 Coal 52.11 Schwartz Iron Works 5625 Pipe Repairs 3.99 Wallace & Tiernan vales Uorp. 5626 Payment of Chlorinator & , Supplies 90.62 County Auditor 5627 Licenses for Trucks 1.25 Dept of Labor & Industries 5628 Ind Ins & Med Aid. 15.52 Van .Buren & Heller 5629 Supplies for Pater Dept. 27.56 Skagit Electric Go. 5630 Water Heater for Pump House 3.00 Anacortes Foundry 5631 2 Stove Grates 4.00 City Street Fund 5632 Gasoline used in Water Dept. 14.52 Morrison Mill Go. 5633 Lumber, water Dept 29.85 . . Northwestern National Bank 5634 Cash advanced for Bond Investigation - 3,500.00 W. A. Costello 5635 6 Blueprints 3.30 Pennsylvania Salt Mfg. Go. 5636 Chlorine for Filter Plant 45.00 Scientific Supplies Co. 5637 Chemicals for Filter Plant 1.13 Marine Supply & Hardware 5638 Supplies & Material 21.09 Puget Sound Power & Light co . 5639 Power for Avon Pump 476.03 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 5640 Power & Service 26.51 Colvints Service Station 5641 Repairs on Electric Motor 3.50 Skagit Valley Rural Tel. Co. 5642 Telephone at Avon,L. Thomas .50 s Colvin & Asseln 5643 Supplies 1.10 Marine Supply & Hardware 5644 Supplies 1.02 w { Standard Oil Company 5645 Asbestos Roof Coating 3.32 Anacortes-Mt. Vernon Stage Co. 5646 Express, Water Dept. . 50 Simpson's Electric Shop 5647 Supplies “ * 2$.72" West Coast Telephone Co. 5646 Telephone Service 7. 15 il ;; ' CITY STREET FUND P. E. Olson 397 Salary as Street Foremam 137.50 } Lynn Balcomb 398 " " Graderman 137.50 E. Holmes 399 it " Maintenance Man 121.00 Art . Taylor 400 " * Maintenance Man 88.66 n W. T. Dodson 401 W * Street Sweeper 5 .00 Fred Campbell 402 " n Cable Splicer 6.00 John G. Dorcy 403 * * Bookkeeper 27.50 Schwartz Iron forks 404 Supplies and Repairs 25.99r Marine Supply & Hardware 405 Material, Eqpt & Supplies 140.46 Van Buren & Heller 406 Material and Supplies 8.37 County Auditor 407 Licenses for 2 Trucks 2.50 1. Department of Labor & Industries 408 Ind Ins & Med Aid 12.74 Morrison Mill Co. 409 Lumber, St . Dept. 24.90 Union Oil Company 410 Gasoline, City Pump 125.32 Southside Hardware Co. 411 Material and Supplies 14.66 Trulson Motor Co. 412 Repairs and Supplies 40.13 Howard Cooper Corporation 413 Payment on Grader 130.93 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 414 Power and Service 60.64 N4.j Frank Allard 415 Labor at Garbage Dump 10.00 The above Claims for the month of November 1938 were read, and a motion was made by Miller and seconded by Peters that the Claims just read be referred to the Finance Committee. Motion carried. I f , 193 December 6, 1938 (Continued) • The Finance Committee considered the claims and recommended that the claims be allowed- and warrants drawn in favor of same . A motion was .made by Neely and sec- onded by Blankenship- that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be adopted. Ayes : Neely, peters, Dildine, Miller, Blankenship and Taylor. Motion carried. It being' necessary to have a meeting of the Pity Council on December 12 , 1938, and having completed the business of the present meeting, a motion was made by Miller and seconded by Neely that the City Council adjourn until 7:30 o 'clock P; M. Dec- ember 12 , 1938. Motion carried. The City Council did so adjourn. Mayor Attest : • City Cler . December 12, 1938 A regular adjourned meeting of the City Council was called to order at. 7:30 o 'clock P. M. with Mayor Joe George presiding.. The rollwas called and Neely, Peters, Blankenship and Taylor were present . • The absentee ballots were considered and the the affidavit envelopes were removed from the ballots and sealed. At this time a report ' from the License and Police Committee in reference to the purchase of a Police Car was presented and '"ead. The recommendation of the License and Police Committee is as follows : We, your Committee on License and Police recommend, the purchase of a 1939 Dodge C"ommercial Panel Car from E. A. Abbott complete with accessories, as per attached statement , for $963.85, less trade-in of 1935 Ford with an allowance of v175..00, making a net cost for the Dodge Commercial Panel Car for the Police Department of $788.85. This report was. signed by R.. H. Dildine, Chairman, and W. M. Blankenship. As to Spot Light and Red Lights, E. A. Abbott agrees to transfer and repair same from old Police Car , or furnish new, to meet the approval of the Chief of Police. This matter of transfendng the Spot Light and Red Lights from the old Police Car to the new was an amyliendment to the report of the License and Police Committee and said amendment was signed by E. A: Abbott . A motion was made by Neely and seconded by Taylor that the Committee' s report to buy the Police Car be adopted. Ayes: Neely, -Peters , Blankenship and Taylor. Motion carried. Having completed the business of the evening, a motion was made by Neely and seconded by Blankenship that the meeting of the City Council adjourn. Motion - •carried. The City Council did so adjourn . ci Attest : U Mayor L42LI December 16 , 1938 A special meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8:00 o 'clock P. M. with. Mayor Joe George presiding. The roll. was called and Neely, Peters, Dildine , Blankenship and Taylor were present . - Mr. Brinn of Seattle, Washington , addressed the Council and wished to make arrange; meats whereby he could purchase the Community Building, which was formerly known as the Elks Building. He stated that he wished to use it for a motion picture theatre and other recreational and amusement purposes.. Paul Luvera spoke at some. length and urged the sale of the Community Building to Mr. Brinn and pointed out the benefits which the. City would receive by selling the building to Mr. Brinn who proposes to spend quite a large sum of money to improve the building. Mr. Archie Allan spoke at this time and stated that inasmuch as money had been solici- ted to, make the payments on the building,with the intention that the building be • turned over to the City, he felt it his duty to offer the building to the City of Anacorte.s,. .for there to accept or reject . A W.P.A. project for the renewing of water mains in the City of Anacortes was dis- • cussed, and a motion was made by. Taylor and seconded by Peters that the Mayor and City Clerk be- authorized to sign the necessary papers in this project . Ayes: Neely, Peters , Di.ldine , ,Blankenship and Taylor. Motion carried. A motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Dildine that the Mayor and City Clerk sign the order for the. purchase of the new Police Car.. Ayes: Neely, Peters , Dil- dine , Blankenship and Taylor. . Motion carried. A motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Blankenship that the City Council con- stitute itself as a canvassing board to canvass the votes of the City General ,, Election - held December 6, 1938. Motion carried. Pr- ".. , .,. j04F December 16, 1938 (Continued) 4 -,f k. The Mayor administered an oath to the City Clerk that the election returns had not been altered in any way. • Three absentee ballots were opened, read and tabulated. The sealed envelopes con- ' taining the poll books of the City General Election held December 6 , 1938, were 1 #II opened,and a canvass was made of the votes cast in said election ,as shown by the -; poll books ,with the following results: ; ''' 1-W 2-W 3-W Total Absentee Total 1 PURCHASE OF • i '; ELKS BUILDING 1j" Yes 168 214 212 594 2 596 No 48 52 68 168 168 MAYOR Joe George 198 233 256 687 3 690 N.D.Klingman 1 9 9 Jesse Campbell 2 5 7 7 H.E. Mansfield 2 2 2 Blankenship 1 1 1 M. Hannon 1 1 1 J. L. Rumsey 1 1 1' ,' CITY CLERK R John G. Dorcy 200 252 269 721 3 724 CITY TREASURER Sadie M. Arges 201 246 272 719 3 722 Bill Maris 1 1 1 1 CITY ATTORNEY W. V. Wells 198 246 269 713 3 716 ,'`"'` James Colgan 1 1 1 1 ;: Ben Driftmier 1 1 1 A,' •s . COUNCILMAN AT LARGE - ' C. E. Lawler 189 - 217 •243. 649 3 652 P. A. Dean 1 • 1 1 Murl Miller 1 1 2 4 4 Frank Taylor 1 1 2 4 4 W. R. Burke 4 4 •4 1 •`'ri Joe Rowell 1 • 1 1 ;, R. V. Martin 1 1 1 Leon Johnson • 1 1 1 1 H. Jackson 1 1 1 A. Allan 1 1 1 0. Wilmot 1 1 1 COUNCILMAN *EST WARD 4 year term " Dr. M. B. Alden 192 192 1 193 ie 2 Year Term Almon H. (A1) Valentine 174 174 2 176 COUNCILMAN 2ND WARD S. L. 0kerlund 236 236 1 237 John Dodd L 1 1 1 '' COUNCILMAN 3RD WARD H. B. Cornell 271 • 271 271r" M. Miller 1 1 1 4,. The city election board of the City of Anacortes having this day canvassed all of the returns of the general election held on the 6th day of December, 1938, and having added to the said returns the absentee votes cast in each precinct of the ,';a said city, do hereby find and hereby declare that the following named persons were duly elected for the office set opposite their respective names: ,•'` For Mayor, Joe George For City Clerk, John G. Dorcy For City Treasurer, • Sadie M. Arges For City Attorney, W. V. Wells ':': For Councilman at large, C . E. Lawler For Councilman first ward, 4 year term i . Alden Councilman first ward , 2 year term Almon H. Valentine _ :; Councilman second ward, S. L. Okerlund Councilman third ward, H. B. Cornell • r And the clerk of the said board , John G. Dorcy, is hereby directed to issue cer- tificates of election to the above persons so elected. - 1 Dated this 16th day of December, 1938. J. George . Chairman B. L. Neely C . A. Peters R. H. Dildine W. N. Blankenship o Frank Taylor . 1 . 195 • • .December 16, 19:18 (Continued) ___ A motion was made by Taylor' and seconded by Neely that the report of the Canvass- " . . ing Board be adopted and incorporated in the minutes of the meeting.Motion carried, Having compflerted the business of the evening, a motion was made by Peters and seconded ky Blankenship that. the meeting of the City Council adjourn. Motion carried. The 6ity Council did then adjourn. . 4E-0-z-f< At test : Mayor 4421tyerk . December 20, 11938 ' • • Regular meeting of the CityCouncil of the City of Ana ' cortes was. called to order at 8 o'clock P. M. with Mayor Joe George presiding. . l�he roll was called and Peters, Miller, Blankenship and Taylor were present. ' The minutes of the City O'auncil dfp; the City of 4nac:ortes for the meetings of December WI, 12th, and 16th, 1938, were read and and approved with fan correct- Minutes; ions. ' The, minutes should have stated that the meeting of the City Council of the City of Anaa:ortes on December 16, 1938 was an adjourned regular meeting, and that the motion made by Neely and seconded by Blankenship at the close of the meeting on Dedember 12, 1938 should have included the- adjournment of that meeting until. December 16, at 8 o'clock P. M. , orbett 4ti. letter from the Corbett Mill Company of 4naaortes,tiashington, was read, which Mill 'Water letter ,protested the amount of money which the tnacortes Water Department charged Bill Protest them far the recent dry kiln fire', and. after some. discussion this matter was referred to the Fire , Light and Water Committee and the: dater Superintendent, with Motion carried. (power to act. Fire Chief Whe 'report of the Fire. Chief for the month of November was read, and a motion Report was. made `by Peters and seconded by Miller that the' November 1938 report of the Wire Chief be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. Com. from A communication was read from Mr. A. C. Martin, Commissioner of Public tandsof A. C . Martin ' the State of ' ashington, which letter offered to exchange State owned land around Com of Pub. Heart Lake fa? land. now owned .by the City of Anavortea, and after some discussion Lands, a motion was made by Taylor and seconded by' Biankenship that this matter be referred to the City Engineer. Motion carried. Go. Engr . A letter was read from 'W. A. Costello, County Engineer of Skagit County, Washington Re;-Heart in which letter made formal application for a right of way through City Property- , Lake Road. gast of Heart Lake, and. a motion was made by- Taylor and seconded by Blankenship . that this matter be referred to, the City Engineer. Motion carried. .. i `the Standard Oil Company presented a Contract to supply, any or all of the gas•oline Std. ail needed or used by the City of *nac`o'rtes during the year 1939,and a motion was made Gas Cont. , by Taylor and seconded by 'Miller that the Mayor and City Clerk be Authorized to Sigh said contract. Motion carried. . . Water Dept. The bid on the Anacprtes Department- property. recently advertized for sale, and Land adv. for now being ].eased by Dave Riggs 'was discussed at this: time , and a motion was- made sale. by Miller and seconded by Peters that this matter. belaid over till 1939` so the ` new City Council may dispose of this matter. Motion carried. s Renewal A renewal policy on the International Truck Was presented by Jay F. Carroll, and a Policy on motion was, made by Taylor and seconded by- Peters that said policy renewal on the ' ''Y Int . Truck International Truck be accepted. Motion carried: the Streets- and parks reported an siX. petitions far street improvements whicah had Petitions been referred- to them from time to time , an.d recommended that all of said six for Street petitions be referred to the Street Supervisor to be ,placed on theW., P. A. list, Improvement. signed by C. A. Peters Chairman., and A. M: Miller. A motion was then made by Taylor and seconded by Blankenship that the report of the streets and Parks, Com- mittee on. above six petitions for street improvements be adopted. Motion carried. The etreet improvements asked for in above six petitions were; . Opening and grading. of Georgia: Ave. form 2nd Street .west to 4th St. West, the opening. of 4th Street West from Georgia Avenue to Hartford Avenue, Grade and gravel 34th Street from. West side of M Avenue to East side of' K Ave. , - Opening and grading of L 4uenue from 29th to 32nd street , Opening: and grading of 31st Street from K Avenue to M: avenue, Qpening and grading. of N. avenue from 20tb. Street to 22nd "t he sixth petition is: for the purchase o lumber in an oia noun or houses on 11. 2:nth street and R Avenue and should not have been included in this group. ]Bore about At this time the Mayor brought up the matter of controlling dogs which have been dogs running around nights and asked that the: City Attorney consider this matter and . see if the present dog. ordinance could be amended or a new dog. ordinance drafted. 190 December 20 , 1938 Continued At this time , the matter of the City of Anacortes taking title to the Community Building, formerly known as. the,. Elk' s Bu4ldiing , from a. Committee composed of Mr. Archie Allan, and several others. Mr. G. N. Dalstad, lit. LaRue, Paul Luver&, Wm. McCracken and Ed. Schwartz each spoke and expressed th bar views on this matter. The above named men were from the Chamber of Commerce, and the men were- largely in favor of selling the Community Building, formerly known as the Elk's building to a Mr. Bilyou to be used as his headquarters for the maunfacture of several machines used in office work, and would be known as the Reporter Corp- oration, as one of the machines made would be called the *Reporter*, and is a. machine for writind dictation by a machine instead of' writing shorthand. Mr. Archie Allan spoke and pointed out that as the voters of the City of Ana- cortes had voted. to turn the building over to the City of Anacortes , he felt it his dyzty to do as the voters wished and present the contract on the Community Building- to the City Council for their acceptance or refusal. Mrs. Cora Alimond and Mrs Harrison Cook spoke several times, and were very much in accord with Mr. Allan in this matter. As the Committee from the Chamber of Commerce wanted a longer time in which to try to make some arrangement with the Committee in charge of the' Community Buil- ding , Councilman Taylor asked the Committee to postpone presenting the Contract of the Cummunity Building to the City Council. until December 30, 1938, and as the Committee agreed to do this, a motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Miller that the present meeting be adjourned until December 30, 1938 , at 7:30 o'clock P. M. Motion carried. The City Council did then so adjourn. Attest: d Mayor 11.4 Il y Clerk ! I .c December 30, 1938 An adjourned regu.i<ar meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7:30 o 'clock P. M. with Mayor Joe George presiding. the roll was called and Fisher, Peters, Dildine, Miller and Taylor were present. . Reference is here made to the minutes •of the City Council of the City of *nacortes of the meeting on pctober 17, 1933 , at which meeting the City Treasurer was authorized to defa&e and not destpy bonds. Numbered 441 to 500, both numbers inclusive of iorthat certain bond issue known as and entitled * Anacortes Special Water Revenue Bonds of 1930*, and as it is now desirable to destroy the above named bonds, the following resolution was presented and read.: in full and was int rduced by Ta 1or: Resolution WHEREAS, the City Council at its regular meeting of October 17, 1933, at which all the member of the City Council were present and duly adopted a Resolution authorizing the City Treasurer to deface Bonds numbered 441. to 500, both numbers inclusive , of that certain Water Revenue Bond issue entitled "Anaeortes Special Water Revenue Bonds 1930*, Dated July 1, 1930, originally authorized in the prin- cipal amount of $500,000. 00, and the said uity Treasurer has heretofore defaced and marked "Cancelled" the foregoing bonds and all interest coupons appurtenant thereto and attached thereto; and _ f WHEREAS, it was the intention of the City Council, by adopting the foregoing Resolution, to indicate its purpose that said bonds Numbers 441 to. 500, both inclusive, and never issued, and it is now advisable that said bonds. be destroyed; NOW THEREFORE,. IT IS RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF • ANKIORTES, WASHINGTON: That the City Treasurer be• and she is hereby authorized and directed to destroy said original bonds, numbers 441 to 500, both inclusive, of said issue, and all interest coupons appurtenance thereto and attached thereto , and to file certificates or proofs df such destruction in her office and in the office of the City Clerk of this City. Dated this 30th day of December 1938. uµr • (Signed) Joe George i Attest: Mayor (Signed) John G. Dor cY, City clerk . at, (SEAL) A Approved December 30, 1938 ; Passed December 30, 1938 • • • • 1 C/7 December- 30, 1938 continued • It was thereupon moved by councelman Taylor and seconded by councelman Fisher that the foregoing-resolution be passed and adopted.. The foregoing' resolution was there upon. duly;:pasaed: and effective as, the resolution of - the 'cit.y, councel and by the direati.an-of , the Mayon, the `foregoing bonds were destroyed by burning same in the stove of 'the counsel chambers •i-n- the presence of the city officials present at this meeting as shown by the minutess, thereof, and the city treasurer was authorized to execute a certificate of the fact b£'at such dis-tructian of said bonds. At this time the -city treasurer burned in the stove -the said bonds mentioned in the res- • olution: Whereupon, after the discussion•.upon the aye and naye vote duly recorded , said re- -solution was passed by the unanimous vote of the inem;bers of the city councel , pre- sent at said meeting as stated above. Thereupon resolution was. adapted, was approved, and signed by the Mayor, whose signature vas thereupon attested by the city clerk -under the seal of said city. - At thi time a resolution to take over contract ri the c munity uilding f m- erly kn n as �th --aka Buil ' g', from Ar ie Allen d Julia Alle his wi e , was read t this ti The fo wing. is th resoluti STATE' OF' WASHINGTON' • COUNTY' OF SKAGIT CITY OF ANAC'O RTES, - . . I the undersigned , Clerk of the city of Anacortes, Washington, do hereby certify that attached hereto ,is a true and exact copy of the material parts of the original minutes of -the adjourned meeting of the city council of Anacortes , W . held on Dec. 30, 1938 at 7:3.0 o'clock p.m. in so far as said minutes referred to the subject. .matter of the destruction of the bonds therein referred to. I do further certify that the foregoing meeting 'was an adjourned meeting of the city council, the same having been regularly adjourned from the previous regular meeting held on Dec. 20, 1938. I do further certify that all of the bonds referred to in the foregoing minutes and directed to. be destroyed were destroyed at said meeting in the pre- sence. of the officials of said city present at said -meeting- as shown on the fore- going minutes. - - °WITNESS .my hand and- the seal of said city this rd day of Jan. , 1938. • (City Seal) • (Signed) John G: D'orcy City Clerk. • 'CERTIFICATE' OF CITY TREASURER AS TO ` THE DE STRUC T ION OF BONDS. NOS. 441 to 5-00, BOTH INCLUSIVE, AND OF INTEREST COUPONS' APPRETAINING THERETO, _OF` SPECIAL WATER- REVENUE BONDS OF JULY 1, 1930.. STATE OF WASHINGTON' ) :SS • COUNTY OF' SKAGIT' ) SAD'IE' M. ARGES°, :being first duly. sworn, on her oath deposes and says: / • That she is- the City Treasurer of the City of- Anacortes, Washington; that pur- suance to the authorization expressed in the Resolution of the City Council of Anacortes, Washington, Aadopted_ at its regular adjourned meeting of'December 30, 1938, she has heretofore burned and destroyed Bonds Nos. 441 to 5-00, both numbers inclusive, of that certain bond issue known as "Anacortes Special Water Revenue Bonds, 19301% authorized by Ordinance No . 798 of said City, said bonds being dated July I , 1930, each for the principal amount of $1,000:00, together with all in- - terest coupons appurtenant thereto , and attached thereto ; and deponent further states that said bonds were destroyed in the presence of Mayor, City Clerk, and City Council. .Sadie M. Arges Subscribed and sworn to before me this 31 day of December, 1938: • -A1 S'ellenthien Justice of the Peace , Anacortes , Wn ..r;, `ss 198 e December. 30, 19-3 . . . At this time a resolution to take over a contract on the Community Building, form- A '[ erly •known as the Elks Building, from Archie Allen and Julia L. Allen, his wife, r°L`. was read at this time. The following is :the resolution: ItWHEREAS, Archie Allan and Julia Allan, his wife, are holders of a certain contract of purchase- from the County of Skagit of Lots 17 to 20, both inclusive , of Block 23 i of the original plat of the City of Anacortes upon which contract there is remain ing to be paid the sum of $1984.32, which amount is to be paid according to the j' time, terms and conditions in said contract expressed; and, . WHEREAS, The holders of said contract have ' this day tendered to the Gity of Ana . • tortes a written assignment of the said contract to the end that the city may com- plete the payments , and acquire title to the said property for municipal and other purposes; ' Nov, THEREFORE", BE IT RESOLVED by the mayor and city- council of the City of Ana- cortes : . That the City accept the assignment of the contract above mentioned. Passed this 30th day of December, 1938. Joe George ' . Mayor ATTEST: John G. Dorcy • CITY CLERK. After some discussion a motion was made by Fisher and seconded. by Peters, that the c resolution to accept the Elks Building, as above stated, be it adopted. Ayes, Fisher, Peters, and Taylor. Not voting, Dildine and Miller. Motion lost . At this time councelman Blankenship arrived and sat in the councel and was marked present. , A motion was made by Peters and seconded by Fisher that the motion to adopt the resolution to accept the Community Building be reconsidered. Motion carried. . A motion was made by Fisher and Seconded by Petters that the resolution to accept the Community Building be adopted. Ayes: Fisher, Peters Blankenship, Taylor. . , Nayes: Dildine. Not voting: Miller. At this time the city engineers presented a report on the exchange of city owned ' land near Cranberry Lake for State owned land around Heart Lake , and recommended that City may exchange for the land after some discussion. A motion was made by Taylor and seconded by Dildine, that trEe city engineers' report recommending the exchange of land, above stated, be adapted. Ayes: Fisher, Peters, Dildine , Miller 8/4, hfQ"KiSiiG' and Taylor. The City Engineers' report on the matter of the applicatimn of V" County Engineer for a right-of-way through city owned land East of Heart Lake was read , and the engineer recommended the granting to Skagit County, the right-of-way through this land. Ayes: Fisher, Peters Dildine, Miller; Blankenship, Taylor. Motion carried. li The Texas Company of California presented a gasoline contract to supply the city oft Anacortes with any or all gasoline for the year 1939 was presented, and a motion was made by Blankenship and seconded by Peters that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign this gasoline contract. The matter of J. R. Coberly leese of the street end of 10th street between com- mercial avenue and R. avenue , was discussed at this time, and the matter was refer- red to the Street Committee, Street Supervisor, and the City Attorney. A motion was made by Peters and seconded by Taylor that the City Attorney be instructed to t .` start civil action against A. N. Gnaga to get Mr. Gnaga to move from where he is located in the street at 7th street and R Avenue. The offer of B. E. Owens to buy property advertised for sale, was discussed bmt was decided to leave this matter up to the new City Council, thich would be in office after Jan . 3, 1939. A motion was made by Fisher and seconded by Peters that a vote of thanks be extended to the committee who were in charge of the Old Elks Building, and present it to the city. Further correction to the minutes of December 6, 1938 was that the matter of the proposal to put two lights in Causland Park, was referred to the Street and Parks Committee in the minutes, when it should have been referred to the Fire, Light and Water Committee. There being no further business, a motion was made by Peters and Seconded by Dildin that the Councel meeting adjourn. Motion carried. The city councel of the city of Anacortes did then adjourn. 44A...o-1.,/,e , . IlL MAYOR ATTE- T: / i �r11. . . l All.. .rill _ -4 CITY CLE'�