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1936 City Council Minutes
r c3U . S , December 17, 1935. Motion made by 'Taylor that the Clerk be instructed to send a copy of the recommendation of the -fire, water & light committee on the street lights to the Puget Sound power & Light Co, seconded ,by Miller darried. There being no furthur business the Council did then adjourn. ' Approved in open session this 7th. day of January 1936. • ciet-.-W-7716.2 Ma or Y Attest : c--_-- .c..,c c--E,-k.„‘„,- -Wv--2.4 ---c 1(4-ti -t,_ , . City 6lerk. JANUARY . 1 6 A � .7 9 � The City Council of the City of Anacortesneet in regular session with Mayor Roll Call Mansfield presiding and councilmen;Brokens , Fisher, George, Dildine . Miller, Sparks and Taylor answering roll call. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. - Minute* Motion made by Taylor that the question of parking on Commerical Avenue be referr ' Parking ed to the Streets & park committee, seconded by George, Carried: • On motion the gasoline , Police Judge's & Treasurer's reports for the month of Reports II December were referred to the finance committee. E. Wiring Motion made by Taylor that the City Clerk be authorized to issue Electric Wiring License's - _'' licenses subject to the approval of the Fire Chief, seconded by Miller, carried. Lights at 12 Motion made by George that the fire, water & light committee be retained to see & 20th. & Com. about the placing a traffic light at 12th. Commerical & 20th. & Commerical, seconded by Dildine Carried. Motion made by Taylor that the bill of the Corbett mill's for fire fighting be Corbett bill cancelled, seconded by Brokens, Ayes Brokens, Fisher, Dildine, Sparks & Taylor , Nays George & Eviller. Motion made by Taylor that the City Clerk be authorized to call for bids on 300 Hose bids to 500 feet of hose for the fire department, seconded by Miller carried. Motion made by Miller -that the street supt. be authorized to rent blacksmith WPA tools. shop from H. A. Taylor at $10.00 per month for the WPA. blacksmith to sharpen WPA tools. seconded by Sparks, Ayes Brokens, Fisher, George , Dildine , Miller, ' Sparks and Taylor. . Motion made by Brokens that the question of truant officer be held over for two Truant Officer' weeks for investigation, seconded by Sparks carried. . A bond in the amount of $1 ,000.00 for H. H. Hinshaw, chief of Police, was present- Hinshaw bond ' ed, motion made by Miller that the bond be referred to the City Attorney, seconded ' „ byBrokens carried. Clerk & Tres claims in the amount of $52.00 each from M. A. Hartmann & Marion Watkinson for claims back pay as city clerk & city treasurer were presented, motion made by Taylor that these claims be referred to the finance committee for a report at the next meeting, seconded by Brokens carried. Resignation of The resignation's of M. A . Hartmann, City Treasurer & Marion Watkinson, Deputy Tres & 'eputy. City Treasurer, were presented, Motion made by Taylor that these resignations be accepted & placed on file, seconded by Brokens carried. . -fi Mayor Mansfield appointed Sadie M. Arges City Treasurer for the unexpired term. Motion made by Fisher that the council extend these two ladies a vote of thanks ` for their service$, seconded by Miller, carried. ` A letter from the W C. T U asking the Mayor & Council to see that all gambling W.C .T.U. Letter games be removed from the city, me44ei—ma was presented, motion. made by Dildine that the Mayor authorize the Chief of Police to do away with all gambling games intthe city, seconded by George, Ayes George, Dildine , lays Miller & Sparks, not voting Brokens, Fisher and Taylor. A letter from the Anacortes Lumber & Box Co. asking that the rental of the street ALB Rental ends which they are renting from the city be reduced, motion made by Sparks that the mill be given a moritorium on the rental and the city accept their check for $250.00 paying the rent until May 1, 1936. seconded by Brokens , Ayes Brokens Fisher, Dildine, Miller, Sparks & Taylor George not voting. A letter from Elbert See asking the council to take some action in regard to a E. G. See letter ditch on 35th. street was presented, motion made by Taylor that this be .referred to the Street committee , seconded by sparks carried. '. Motion made by Sparks that ordinance No . being an ordinance authorizing & Ordinance NO. f 4 providing for the issuance of $5,381.35 bonds of Local Improvement Districe No. nri January 7, 193 . 146 of the City Of Anacoz tes , providing for the form and detail thereof and for the execution and delivery' of the same. ect . .be placed on its first & second reading by title, seconded by Brokens; carried: Motion made by Taylor that ordinance' No, be placed on its third and final r d- ing, seconded by Sparks , carried. . Motion 'made .by Sparks that ordinance No.& be agbopted as a whole , seconded by Broke:nm, Ayes Brokens, Fisher, George, Dil.dine , Miller, Sparks & Taylor. Deed of L. Howell A .deed to L. Howell to Lots 5&6 in block 5, Henslerfs second Addition to the City of Anacortes, was presented, motion made by Broken that the Mayor & Clerk be instrmeted to sign this deed, deconded by Miller, Ayes Isrokens, Fisher, George , Dldine, Miller, parks & Taylor: Ordinance N0. Motion made by Taylor that Ordinance NO. _ , being an ordinance electing to come within,; and .adopting tie provisions of Chapter 121 of the Session Laws of ' 1935, Creating a board of trustees of .the Wtlunteer firemen's relied and Compensation fund and defining its duties , and limiting the membership, of the volunteer fire department , be placed on its first and second reading by title, seconded/ by Brokens carried, Motion made by Brokens that ordinance /ioy. _ be placed on its third and final read ing, seconded by Fisher carried. - Motion made by Brokens that Ordinance NO.& . be agbopted as a whole , seconded by Taylor; Ayes Brokens, Fisher; George , Dildine, Miller &NTaylor bparks Not Mating. In*. Truck Several bids on the insurance for the new truck of the street department/a were II presented; Motion made by Brokens that the bids be opened and read, seconded by Dildine, carried. Motion made by Taylor that the bids be referred to the finance committee and the City Attorney, seconded by Miller Carried. Gasoline Motion made, by George that the e:ont.ract of the Shell 011 Co: for 1935, continue to. be in force at $.14 Until January 23, 1936, , seconded by Miller carried. Claims Claims against the current, expense. fund and other city funds for the month of . December were presented as follows: , . CURRENT :EXPENSE • L. E . Snider . . 5745 Salary & Cash Adv. 126.50 Bert Verrail 5746 Salary' 100.00 Me G. Strock 574 - Salary. 95•00 meCookston 5748 salary 95.00 C . Strock 5749/ -r'ireman 13.25 Geeo Olson 5750' . " .75 A. Mondhan 5751 " .75. v.- Berlin 5752 " - .75 Fred Fisher 5753 .75 Wm. Beale . 5754 rr .75 W . Dor,cy 5755 75 Me A . Hartmann 5756- Salary & Cash Adv, 55.60 Lilliaa,.Kas.t. Strock 5757 " 'r it M 52.00. V V. wells 575$ 50.00 Austin 'Shaw 5759 " 22. 50 l. Sellenthin 576© " 15.00 Mrs. Christ Storme 5�61 " . 15.00 Marion 'Watkinson. 5762 II 90.00 H.-H. Hinshaw 5763 . Salary & Cash Adv. 125.75 Tam. Brown 5764 't 100.00 Wirt. Doi 5765. _ ' . it 100;00, Win.. Rice 5766 . . " 16.66 W.. A . Sparks 57.6. " . 115.00 Lynn Balcomb 576 105.00 Wm. Darcy 5769 " 90.00 Wm. Rice_ 5170 " 20.00 T. W . Dodson. 5771 "- . . . 21.00 H. E. Mansfiedl 577a, Expense ' ' _ 23.07 Shannon Hardware Co. . 5773 Supplies for city' hall ., .35 Kerney's variety store 5774 _ , Supplies for city clerk .30 � . _ Anac on Printing 4.10 es American 5775 S. D. Temple 5776 Supplies for city clerk 2. 30 ' Thohrntou,'.s store 5777 Supplies for city hall 2.30 Allan's ''ercantile 57788 Supplies for city hall 3.16 James'MOLa chl in 5779 9 't`ppai r s 'for city hall 1.05 Luverats- _ 5780 Supplies for city hall 459 Ocean products 5781 Supplies for city hall 3.00 ' Southside Hardware uo. 5782` Supplies for city hall 2 .25 Dybbro 's -market 5783 ' Supplies, for- city hall 2.00 R. S . Hord 5784 & Repairs on roof 57.00 Island Transfer co. 5786 Coal 125.Q6 Shannon Hardware Co . 578 . Supplies for fire dept. .68 Anacortes Water ='ept. 578 Hydrants395.00 West Cpast Tel 0o. 5789 o Toils 8.75 County Auditor 5794 Licenses. 6.25 W. .S. barley Co. . 5791 Supplies for fire dept . 8:44 Northwest Equip Co . 57'92 Supplies for fire dept . • 25.00 Benson 'Motor Co. 5793 . Supplies for fire dept . 1.65 .iacorte.s Steam Laundry 5794 Laundry for fire dept . 2.13 Eureka 'ire Dose Co. 5795 - Supplies for fire dept. 68.39 Water Dept. ( Rogers) 5796 Supplies for fire dept . .7.80 Standard Oil Co. 5792 7 Supplies for police dept. •� 3.47 Olson & Ha.nnfo rd 579b 't " II It a.50 r , 28 January 7, 1936. Benson Motor Co. 5799 Repairs for Police dept. 24.59 E. K. Francisco 5800 _ Supplies for police dept . 1.25 J. E. Amsberry- 5801 keals for police dept. 500 Puget $ P & L 5802 Xmas Tree lights 25.02 ' li Thorntons Store 5803 Supplies street dep. .50 Dept of Labor & Ind. 5804 M. A . & Ind In* 42.82 Puget S P & L 5805 Power at crusher 67.20 Curtis Wharf 5806 Supplies for street dept . 95.78 Knapp & Ronneberger 5807 ft " 1.00 Morrison Mill 5808 " " " II 4.30 . Shannon Hardware 5809 if " rt t' 1.10 Shell Oil Co. 5810 it It " " 7.69 Union oil Co. 5811 It " " " 5.44 • H. A . Taylor 5812 ": It " 43.95 Puget Sound P & 7 5813 it " ii " 14.35 Benson, Motor Co. 5814 It if " " 77.72 • ` .Marine Supply 5815 Repairs for street dept. 50.57 L. E. Snider 5816 Wiring inspection 5.50 Union Oil Co. 5817 Gasoline 219.10 Puget 8 P & L 5818 Lights, 220.62 VATF,R FUND Chas Stapp 4350 Stamps 5.00 Lew Willoughby 4351 _ Salary 175.00 Clyde Baker 4352 It 110.00 G. H. Thomas 4353 " 75.00 Lester Thomas 4354 Serviceman 100.00 Victor Berlin 4355 't 125.20 A. C . Mondhan 4356 Labor . 122.00 Lillian Kast Strock 4357 Bookkeeper 25.00 L. Strong 4358 Clerical work 2 .56 Chas Stapp 4359 Stamps 5.00 Puget Sound P & L 4360 & 61 Power 787.28 Island Transfer . 4362 Foal 21.42 Dept of Labor & Ind 4363 Ind Ins & M. A. . 34.40 Curtis Wharf 4364 Supplies .92 Puget Sound P & L 43$5 Power & Lights 7.25 Current Expense 4366 Transfer of funds 90 .00 ` West Coast Tel Co. 4367 Tolls & Service 7.80 County Auditor 4365 Licenses 2.50 Penn Salt Mfg Co. 4369 Chlorine 45.00 Puget Sound & L. _ 4370 Power & Lights .24..91 Marine Supply 4371 Supplies 51.82 Skagit ValleyCo.Tel Co 4372 Tolls & Service . 7.15 37 Current Exoense 4373 Gasoline 24.64 Southside Hardware 4374 Supplies 4.41 Standard Oil Co. 4375 Supplies 4.35 Shannon Hardware Co . 4376 Supplies 12 .43 Union Printing 4377 Repairs 4.49 Benson Motor Co. 4378 Supplies 9.12 Palmer Supply Co. 4379 Supplies 16.13 Arvid Hamburg 4380 Repairs 70.62 ' DeLaval Trubine Co . . 4381 &82 Repairs. 510.77 E . K. Francisco 4383 Supplies .60 The ,Fix-it Shop 4384 Supplies , 1.00 Worthington Gamon Meter Co. 4385 Supplies 1U.50 11 Knapp & Ronneberger 4386 Repairs. 18.00 II Skagit Electric Co. 4387 Supplies 29.65 . PARK FUND J. E. Harding 862 Labor 80.00 Current Expense 863 Gasoline .7.56 Mounty Auditor 864 License 1.g5 A. GRant Franklin 865 Truck 225.00 Van -Buren & Heller 866 Supplies 11.20 Shannon Hardware Co. 867 Supplies 8.60 Wm. B. Short 868 Making Map 5..00 Shell Oil Co . 869 Gas&ine & Oil .20.30 LIBRARY FUND E. Luella Howard 835 Salary & Cash Adv. 70.80 Evelyn Lundberg 836 �' 35.00 Blanch Sackett 837 a5.00 Fred Marshall 838 " 20.00 . M Flagg 839 Wood 30.00 Anacortes �Ja.ter Detp. 840 Water 2. 50 Puget Sound P & L. 841 Lights 11.31 . SECONDARY HIGHWAY FUND W. A. Sparks ' 167 Street supt. . 15.00 Lynn Balcomb 168 Graderman . ,15.00 II 169 T. Driver . 25. 00 Wm: Dorcy It it 110.00 E. -Holmes 170 F. -Brokens - 171 Labor 104.00 ' W. -K. Asseln 172 n 104.00 A. -Bodner - 173 T. Driver 94. 50 Emil MaGunson 174 't " 40.50 D. -W. Armstrong . 175 " . • II i5• C . .S. Willson 176 't it 6.75 ,K, Art Bell 177 " " 11.25 Lillian Kast Strock 178 Bookkeeper 25.00 January .7.a 1936: ' ____.i__ ._ __ _ ____ _ __ _ 2 9". • SECONDARY HIGHWAY c on t. il II T. "Vr. B'odsot . 179 abor• 37.80 Dept of "'abor & Ind , 180 M. A. & Ind Ins 23.64 Puget Sound P & 181 Power 6.3:00 Current Expense 182 Gasoline - 14 .74 ' Current -bxpense .183 Transfer f funds. 338•34 Marine Supply 184 Supplies 8.75 Motion Made by Brokens that the matter of claims be referred to the finance committee., s econded by Miller, carried. The f inance committee to whom that matter Bf, claims were referred reported that t 'e recommended that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of the same, �`; -motion made by Brokens that the report be- accepted, seconded by Miller , . George excused, Ayes "rokens , Fisher, Dildine , Diller-, Sparks & Taylor.: Motion made by Sparks that the council confirm the Mayor's appointment of Sadie Arges as City"Treasurer, seconded by Br.okens, Ayes Brokens-, Fisher, Dildinei Miller ,ISparks & Taylor. - There-being no further business the- coune i I did-then -adjourn: -pproved in open session this 21.st, day of" 6anuary 1936. May,*::27)' o? • Y Attest • , i Y City lark . JANUARY 211 1916. • • Roll Call The City Council of the City- of' Anacortes 'meet in regular session with Mayor Mansfield presiding and Councilmen, Brokens, .Fisher,George , Dildine , Miller, Sparks & Taylor answering roll call. . Minutes Minutes of the previous meeting .were approved as read: _ . Attorney The City Attorney to whom the matter of bond for Chief of Police was referred reported that the bond was legal in form, Motion made by Brokens that the report be accepted and placed on file, seconded by Sparks Carried: • Chief Police report Motion made by Sparks that the annual report ,of—the Chief of Police be read, second- ed by Brokens; carried. Motion made by Taylor that the report be accepted and placed on file , seconded by Brokens; carried. Dog catcher report Motion made by Brokesn that the annual report of the dog catcher' s be read, seconde by- Fisher carried. • I Motion made by Brokesn that the report be placed on file seconded by Taylor, carrie Police judge report The annual report of the police Judge was presented and on motion referred to the finance, committee: Street Supt report Motion made b y Brokens that 'the annual report of the Street Supt be read, seconded by Dildine , carried. ` Motion made by Brokens that the report be accepted and placed on file, seconded by Miller carried: p Chief fire dept. Motion made by Taylor that the annual report of the fire department 's be read, seconded by Brokens carried. Motion made by Brokens that the report be accepted and placed on file, seconded by 4 Miller carried. " Water I`mpt. The report of the water supt. was presented and on motion referred to the fire , Water & Light Committee. Truant Officer, The License & Police committee to whom the matter of truant officer was referred reported that unil conplaints from other sources were made that the matter of truant ,officer be filed, motion made by Sparks that the report • be accepted, seconded by Miller, carried. IIIBids Motion 'made by Taylor that the several bids for gasoline and fire hose be held for the last order of business, cesonded by Brokens carried. Deputy treasurer 'line City Treasurer appointed 0. S . Argea as Deputy,City a4j treasurer and ask the , - council to accept ' the appointment , motion made by Sparks that the appointment be accepted and tha letter placed rrn file , seconded by Dildine carried. Bond for city treas Motion made by Miller. that the bond in the amount of 457,500.00 wrote by E. P. Barker for the city treasurer be referred to the city attorney, seconded by Brokens carried: r 3D t :,'''''''' J nua. �y 2l , 193 . Motion made by Sparks that the insurance policy of Schreiber & Werner on the new Ins on truck Street department truck be accepted, seconded by Fisher, carried. A petition asking the council to take, some action in regard to a open well on Well petition 14th. & I, was presented , Motion made by Sparks that the Chief of police be ' instructed to inestigate the well , as it is on private property the council could not take any action, seconded by Brokenly carried. A petition was presented asking for a street light on 29th . & 7 avenue, Motion Light 29th. & T ' made by Brokens that the petition be referred to the fire, water & Light Committe - seconded by Sparks carried. Petition against A petition was presented protesting against the council vacating the street end vacating street on 9th. & E. for Paul Luvera, Motion made by Brokens that the petition be read, seconded by Sparks carried. Motion made by Miller that the matter be held over fot two weeks , seconded by S Sparks carried. Motion made by T'sylor that Ordinance Mo. being an ordinance ne.tket4c.ing-14. Ordinance NO. f el44.ieg- ei2-4 ie-4eeiianee-s;-45T;52 FF-beaeis-e -lieeaa-Imf*.evemene-D4e4i4e44,14 ► 6-e -the .146-sf- e-Ci4y-ef Aeacortee=-prev444ag-f.er-t4ie- e -e,ed-de4a41-4h.eigee '-aeel-#er AkEx, xx tanxa nctxdaiixnxyx xk xs m x xptaxnixnnxitz J. repealing ordinance no 862 being an ordinance providing for the issuance , execution and deliver of bonds in Local Improvement 1Jistrict # 146, approve Jan- uary 7, 1936, be pladed on its first and second reading by titl e, seconded by Brokens , carried. Motion made by Brokens that ordinance No . be placed on its third and final readimg, seconded by Fisher carried. Motion made by Taylor that 'rdinance No. be adopted as a whole , seconded by Fisher Ayes Brokens, Fisher, George , Dildine , Miller, Sparks & Taylor. Motion made by sparks that ordinance NO. being an ordinance authorizing & Ordinance NO, providing for the issuance of $5152.77 bonds of Local Improvement -uistrict No. 146 of the City of Anacortes providing for the form and detail thereof and for the executrion and delivery of the same, be placed on its first and second read- ing by title , seconded by Brokens, carried. Motion made by Broken that ordinance NC. �= be placed en its third and final reading, seconded sparks carried. 'lotion made by Brokens that ordinance nob be adopt* as a whole , seconded by Sparks , Ayes brokens, Fisher, George , Dildine , Miller, Sparks & Taylor. Mayor Mansfiedld appointed Frank 'Taylor to serve on the Volunteer Firemens Volunteer board compensation board and Dr. S . G Brooks as Physician. . Motion made by Brokesn that the gasoline bids be opened and read seconded by Tay Gas bids - for carried. Motion made by Taylor that the Standard Oil Co. be given 50% of the gasoline use. 1 in 1936 and the Union & Shell be given 25% each, seconded by Dildine , Ayes Fisher, George, Dildine, Sparks & Taylor, bays Brokens & Miller. Motion made by Spar ks that the bids on hose for the fire dept . ,be t . be opened, sec ond: Bi ds on hose bu Miller, carried4 Motion made by Fisher that the bids be read, seconded by Dildine withdrawn. Motion made by Fisher that the council recess for a few minutes and the bids be lir referr d to the fire , water & Light Committee & the finance committee & Fire . chief, seconded by Brokens , carried. The committee to whom the matter of hose was referred reported that they re- commended that 300 feet of hose be purchased from the Hewitt Rubber Co. , Motion made by Taylor that the committee report be accepted, seconded by Dildine , carried. Motion made by Brokesn that the hose be purchased, seconded by r'isher, Ayes Brokens, Fisher, George , -ildine , Miller, Sparks and Taylor. There being no further business the council did then adjourn. Approved in open session this 4th. day of February 1936. 4 Attest : May , ;-_‘.( ( ,,,,„_ -4. , _ 6.----a-- City Clerk. .r.F 14 1 . C3 1 • February 1936 • Roll Call The City- Coupoil met in regular session with Mayor Mansfield presiding and Council- Brokens, Fisher, George , Miller; Sparks & Taylor answering roll call, Dildine absent.. • Minutes Minutes, of' the previous meeting were approved as read: • .D:ildi.ne ask to have his name placed an the. roll. • Shovel Motion Made by Fisher that the emergency Ordinance be passed to purchase a shovel fo"r the street department ; seconded by Brokens , Ayes, Brokens, Starks, Fisher & Di:ldine , Nays George & Miller, Taylor not voting: • Right of Way Motion made by George that the question of the right of way on the Marine- Drive be referred to the street Committee; Mayor & City Attorney, seconded by Dildine Carred Reports,:, The Police Judges report and the Gasoline report for- January- Were on motion referre+ tot he -•inan'ce Committee. Light on 29th.` 7. The firer water-, & Light Committee to; whom the matter of a street light at - 29th. & T: was referred reported that they recommended that the application be rejected this recommendation was withdrawn and they recommended that the application . be placed on file. Insurance Hall, A policy for insurance on the city hall was presented and on motion referred to the finance ' committee & city attorney, Bonds, .. Two bonds, one for the city treasurer and one for the deputy city treasurer were presented and on:.motion referred to the finance committee and the City Attorney. Request of Tate A 'letter form alias. H. Tate of 807-6th. Street asking permission to cut the curb of-, the sidewalk to make an approch to a .drivevay, was presented, motion made by Taylor that this. letter be referred to the streets committee , seconded by- Sparks carried. Mining ]Land A. petition from A. F. S'chrieber & others asking to lease city properties for the purpose of mining was presented, motion made by Sparks that this petition be referr • ed to the City Attorney, Health officer, Mayor, Water S'upt and the Fire , - Water & light committee, . seconded by Brokens carried: Ordinance No. Motion Made-by' sparks. that Ordinance NO. being an ordinance relating to and providing for 'civil service rating, and the employment of specified minimum per- centages of War Veterans; in the Police , - Street , Water and Park departments. & employees in°.whole 'or' in part paid from the Secondary Highway funds. be read, seconded by -8rok_ens carried. Motion Made Taylor that •Qrdinance No: . ' _be placed on its first and second reading by. title, seconded by George, Ayes George & Taylor, . 1`'ays Brokesn, Fisher & Miller Sparks & Dildine not voting. Vacation 10E Motion made by Fisher that street end of E Avenue 10 feet be vacated, Miller ask to amend motion and add that a lease agreeable to the city & Luver be executed, • amendment withdrawn, motion.seconded by Brokens. Ayes Brokens, Fisher, Miller & Sparks Nays George , Dildine and Taylor- : Ordinance NO._ Motion Made by Sparks that Ordinagnce No. _ being an ordinance vacating the West ten feet of that portion of ErEW Avenue lying northerly of the north line of Nineth Street being the ten feet immediately abutting upon the' eadt side of Block 198 Original Plat of the City of Anacortes, Skagit County, Washington, be placed on its first- and second reading by title , seconded by 'rokens, Carried. • Motion Made by°Brokens, that Gtdinance NO. . . be placed on• its third and final reading; seconded .by Fisher, Carried. in Motion made by Brokens that/Ordinance- No.,& ` . • havOg-de-pee4es4-Ienelae4 that the words no objections ot- protest being made thereto, be changed to read no- object- ions or',.protet t being honored, seconded by Miller carried. Motion made By Brokens that. 02dinance NO. . be adopted as a whole , seconded by Hither, Ayes Brokens, Fisher, Miller & Sparks, Nays George , Dildine & Taylor. L _ City printing Bias for doing the City yrinting for one year from March 1, 1936 to March 1, 1937 were presented , the bid of the Daily Mercury was presented late , motion grade by Taylor that the Mercury rs bid be filed; seconded by Miller, carried. Motion made by Taylor that the bids be -openedd.and read, seconded by Sparks , Carried Motion made by Taylor that the bids be referred to the Couneil as a whole , seconded by' Dildine carried. . Motion made by Taylor that the printing contract be allowed the Daily Mercury and the job, work be given to the American; seconded by Dildi,ne,, Ayes' Fisher, George , Dildine, Miller, Sparks & Taylor; Brokesn not voting: Franklin U'laim A' claim for k ,400. 00 of A. Grant Franklin for street dept truck was presented , & firements fees also a claim of S36.00 fees for volumteer firemen , Motion made by Taylor that these - claims be read and allowed with the ew4iae other claims, seconded by Sparks. carried. Claims Calims against the Current Expense fund and other City Funds for the month of ,anuary were presented as follows: CURRENT EXPENSE '1;.`E . Snider 5819 Salary 132.30 Bert Verrall 5820 " 112:70 Strock 5821 "° 102;90 M Cookston 5822: 98.00 r c cJC - A. Mondhan 5823 Fireman 3.00 Geo . Olson 5824 it .75 L. Moore 582 It .75 Wm. Dorcy 5826 't .75 W. K. Asseln 5827 tt .75. V. Berlin 582# It .75 C . Strock 58?9 t` 7.25 Wm. Beale 5830 " .75 Ed. McGovern 5832 tt .75 Sadie Arges 5832 Salary 38.33 M. A. Hartmann 5833 Salary 11.67 Lillian Kast Strock 5834 Salary & Cash Adv. 5?.00 ` W. V. Wells 5835 Salary 50.00 Austin Shaw 5830 Salary 22.50 Mrs. Christ Storme 5837 Salary 20.00 0. E. Arges 5839 Salary 69.00 Marion 'vvatkinson 58g9,3 Salary 21.00 Al Sellenthin 5840. Salary- 15.00 _ H. H. Hinshaw 5841. Salary & Cash Adv. 136.00 Tom Brown 5842 Salary 110.00 Wrn. Dom 5843 Salary 105.00 W. A. Sparks 5844 Salary 135.00 Lynn Balcomb 5845 Salary 115.00 T . W. Dodson 5844 Salary 50.00 Wm. Rice 584 ,Salary 20.00 M. R. King :ley 584� pond clerk & St supt. 10.00 S . D. Temple 584€9 Supplies clerk .55 "Pioneer" 5850 Supplies clerk 1.35 J. J. Lockert 5851 Supplies clerk 61.90 Anacortes American 5852 Printing 16.06 S. D. Temple 5853 Supplies treasurer .75 J. J. Lockert 5854 Supplies treasurer 50.00 E. P. Barker 5855 Bond Treasurer 37.50 Fern Press 5856 Supplies police judge 9.57 E. P. Barker 5857 Bond Police Judge 55.00 Southside Hardware Co. 5858 Supplies city hall .05 W. T . Rice 5859 Dog Catcher 16.66 West Coast Telelhone Co. 5860 Tolls 4. 55 $hannon'liardWare Co. 5861 Supplies police dept . .50 BensoanuMty:tor :G.o. 5862 Repairs for police dept . 18.28 4, Barkers.: +� jt . 586.3` Bond for police chief 5.00 Standard Oil Co. 5864 Supplies police deptl 1.00 Fern Press. 5865 Supplies police dept. 1.75 Standard Oil Co. 5866 Oil for police dept. 24.30 Ted Horn 5867 Supplies police dept. 19.00 Water Dept. (T Horn 5868 Supplies police dept. 9.00 Anacortes_American 5869 Supplies police dept . 3.00 ,` Simpson' .lectric ''hop 5870 Supplies police dept . 2. 55 Lyle FlicRlin 5871 Supplies vol firemen 2.25 Firemen's relief & Pension F 5872 2% firemenni salaries 9.10 Anacortes Steam Laundry 58?3 Laundry fire dept. 1.85 Sanderson Saftey Supply 5874 . Hose for fire dept . 73.80 20th. Street Service 5875 Supplies for fire dept . 1.00 Anacortes Water Dept . 5876, Hydrants 395.00 County auditor 5877 Transfer on trucks 1.00 Sanderson Saftey Sypply 5878 Supplies f ire dept . 17.16 _____' ,,-,,,1-,r'111,'';,,1 Puget Sound P & L 5879 Lights 246.98 Schreiber & Werner 5880 Insurance on st truck 62.60 I/ Puget Sound Power & Light 5881 Power at crusher 12.60 E. K. Wood Lumber Co . '5882 Lumber for st dept. 68.69 Shannon Hardware Co. 5883 Supplies for st dept . 2. 60 Schwartz iron Works 5884 ''upplies for st dept. 20.13 ,` Marine Supply Co. 5885 Supplies for st dept . 134.52 L. E. Snider • 5886 Wiring inspections 8.75 H. A. Taylor 5887 Supplies st dept . 1 .25 Bellingham Builders Supply 5888 Supplies st dept . 328.85 n, it it 5889 it " 2 248.00 Union Oil Co. 5890 Gasoline 70.84 Shell Oil Co. 5891 "- 66.50 Anacartes American 5892 Printing 15.00 Marion Watkinsun 5893 Register of births $.75 The Fix-it Shop 5894 Repairs street dept. 3.50 Paul Leckamn 5895 It " " 16.66 H. L. Trulson Motor co 5896 $ " 'P 8.26, Shell Oil Co. 5897 Supplies for fire dept. 1.55 A. Grant Franklin 5898 & 99 Rent truck st dept 950.00 n It II 5900 II It Is tt 450, 00 State Auditor 5901 Fees vol firemen : 36.00 PARK FUND J. E. Harding 870 Salary & Cash Adv. 100.50 5 Current -6xpense 871 Gasoline _ 2.10 Shannon Hardware Co 8?3 Supplies 2.60 The Fix-it Shop 874 Supplies 1.80 LIBRARY FUND E. Luella Howard 842 : Salary & Cash Adv. 75.80 Evelyn Lundberg' 843 oa 40.00 Blanch Sackett 844 Iv3Q.00 Fred Marsahll 845 `� 25.00 Puget Sound News Co. 846 Books 43. 52 Puget Sound P & Light 847 Lights 13.18 Anacortes Water Dept . 848 Water 2.rjQ ail H. 0. Ivey 848 Insurance 8Q99 Schreiber & Werner 849 it L' L February.- 4, 1936 3 ,..... __ ________ ____ ___ _ WATER FUND Lew Willoughby 4388 ` Salary 175.00 II Clyde Baker 438.9 fP 110.00 G. H. Thomas; 4390 Salary 90 :00 fester Thomas. 4391 Salary 100.00 Victor Berlin 4392 Salary 122.40 A. C. Mondhan 4393 Salary 122.00 .L 11iaa' Kest O$,-'trock 4394 Bookkeeper ° ° 25.00 Chas Stapp 4395 Stamps 110.00 Current Expense 4396 Transfer of funds 21.00 Jennie LeMaister ' 4397 Clerical waork ° 19:20 L: Strong 4398 Clerical °'ork 5. 12 Currents Expense 4399 Transfer of funds' 69.00 S. D. Temple 4400 Supplies 1.10 l enonn Motor Co . 4401 Repairs •53 Current) Expense 4402 Gasoline 2 .62 West Coast Tel Go. 4403 lolls & Service 6.15 Lowman- 4 Hanford 4404 Supplies. .67 'Scientific Supplies C'o. . 4405 Supplies 1.22 Penn Salt Mafg Co. 4406 Chlorine 30.00 Pacific Water Works Supply 4407 Supplies- 3.36 M. R. Kingsley 4408 Bond Supt ; a 5.00 American City Magazine 4409 Supplies 2.00 Puget S P & L 4410 Pover'& Light- 32.21 Skagit Valley Tel Co. 4411 ° Tolls & Service at Avon 3.80 The Fix-it Shop. - 4412 Supplies 1.25 Schwartz Iron Wroka 4413 Supplies 1.00 Puget Sound P & L 4414 & 15 Power' • 790.91 Shannon Hardware Co. 4416 Supplies 3.71 Island Transfer Co. 4417 Coal 10.71 Anacortes American 441$ supplies 25.25 Shell Oil Co. 4419 Supplies - - 24.23 Marine Supply 4420 Supplies 34.61 Arvid Hamburg 4421 Repairs 85.07 Federal' Pipe & Tank Co . 4422 • Supplies 18.14 Southside Hardware Co . 4423 Supplies 2.80 Van Buren & Heller 4424 Supplies 1.13 Ed. "�cGavern 4425 Supplies 2.50 SECONDARY HIGHWAY FUND lb Dorcy 185 U. Driver 100.00 Earl Holmes 186 Labor 104.00 F. Brokena 187 tabor 104.00 W. K: Asseln 188 Labor 104.00 A: Bodner 189 U. Driver 27.00 W. L. Collins 190 Labor 40 .00 Lillian', Kart- Strock 191 Bookkeeper 25.00 Current Expense 192 Gasoline 63.56 Equipment "ccount - 193 Rent of equip 200.00 Dept of' Labor & Ind , 194 Ind Ins & M. A. 17.64 S . D. . Temple 195 Supplies 1.20 Schwartz` iron Works- 196 supplies 32.28 Benson Motor Oo. 197 ' Repairs 20.90 Benson Motor C'o. 198 Repairs 1.5 11 Shell Oil Co . 199. Supplies 42 .48 Marine supply Co. ' 200 ' Supplies 92.10 20th . Street Service - 201' ` Supplies 2.00 LOCAL IMPROVEMENT # 146. Anacortes "merican 19 Printing. 34.20 Motion made by Taylor that the claims- be referred to the finance committee, seconded by Brokesn carried. The finance to whom the matter of c ]lims were referred reported that they recommen- ded tha:'t the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of the same, motion' made by Taylor that $9:00 be deducted from Ted Horn?s claim of $28.00 for a water bill which he owed the water department and the warrant be made to the water dept , seconded by Brokens, Ayes: Brokesn; Fisher, George , Dildine , Miller, Sparks & T'aylor 1 Motion made by Sparks that the report of the finance committee be adopted, seconded by Dildine , Ayes Brokess, Fisher, Dildine , Miller, Sparks & Taylor Nays George. Motion made by Sparks that the meeting be adjourned until Friday night Feb.7, 1936 at eight o'clock, seconded by Brokeen carried. Approved in openseession this: 18th. day of February 1936. Attest: Mayo Z-e:r--,:---- �4. �� Q). City Clerk. p , Adil r 3 4 February?,—��' Roll call The city council met in adjourned session with Mayor Mansfield presiding and Council Brokens, Fisher, George , ,Dildine , Miller, Sparks & Taylor answering roll` call After a lengthly discussion as tothe necessaity for declaring an emergency in order that the City might meet its obligation to the " T•.I'.A."' and the un- j employed which- and participated in by the City Council, a Committee frnm the • Merchants Assn. the "'I.L.A.", the Central Labor Council and the Untemplored. I: Motion was made by Sparks seconded by Brokens that the emergency ordinance be placed on its 1st . and 2nd. reading by title, having read the ordinance , A motion was made by Brokens seconded by Dildine that the ordinance be passed on its first and second reading. Ayes Brokens, Miller, Fisher, George, Dildine , Sparks & Taylor. On a' motion by Sparks seconded by Taylor that the City Mayor & City "lerk be authorized to execute a deed to read Inez Howell instead of L. Howell, carried. On a`motion by Brokens , seconded by Dildine the Mayor was21re4pested to ask Mr. Osborne of the State Highway Dept. to attend the City Council meeting and explain certain points relative to the disbursement of the Secondary Highway Funds , motion carried. Another request was made by Mr. Hoskins, in person , for a light to be installed at the intersection of lath. & J. ave. or that steps be taken to safe guard the public from falling into holes at the intersedtion. The 'matter was referred to tie the Fire, Water & Light (:committee. No farther business coming before the Oouncil a motion to adjourn the regular meeting of February 4, th. and - ebruary 7th, to Friday night February 14th. , 1936, was made by Brokens, seconded by Dildine , motion carried. adjourned at 10:3 P. M. ± _ ; Approved in open session this 18th. day of February 1936. :4;?-2.2„,74`,`,e3 Mayor Attest Acting city Clerk. 6 FEBRUARY 14th. 191 The City Council of the City of Anacortes met in adjourned session with Mayor Roll Call Fisher, George , Dildine, Miller , presiding and Councilmen, Brokens, Sparks ,;& Taylor answering roll call. • After much discussion in regard to the passing of an emergency ordinance, a 11 motion was made by Taylor that $2,000.00 of the Secondary Highway money be earmarked and set aside to pay for W. P. A. Work instead of passing an emergency oee ordinance and the interest on this secondary highway money to be paid from the contingent fund, seconded by George. The motion was not put to a vote. On motion the Council adjourned. Approved in open session this 18th. day of L ebruary 1936. f` Mayor Attest, : • t. City Clerk. fis I `( CJ G5 • Febru-ery 18, 1936. Roll Call The .City Council of the City of A"nacortes met in regular session with Mayor Mansfield presiding and councilmen, Brokens, Fisher, George , Dildine , Miller Sparks & Taylor answering roll Call. IIMotMinutes- ion made by Taylor that the minutes of the previous meeting be corrected to read that the ' job printing as well as the official printing be awarded to the Daily Mercury; seconded by Dildine , Ayes, Fisher, George , Dildine, Sparks & . Taylor, Nays Brokens,; Miller not voting: . lttorney on mining lease , The City Attorney to whom the matter of prospectors' lease on lands belonging to the City was referred reported 'that he thought it would be alright to grant the ' lease subject to any rights which might be established by holders of outstanding . leases, motion made by Sparks that the attorney's report be accepted , seconded by Miller, Carried. . . Treas: report Jan. The City Treasurer's -report for the month of January was presented , motion made by George that the report be referred to the finance committee , seconded by Brokens carried. . . . Police & Fire dept : The' reports of the police & fire depts for the moth of January were presented and on motion -accepted & placed on file. Streets. & Parks' ' The Streets & Parks committee to whom the matter of Chas tate cutting the curb of the sidewalk at 8-.,7-6th. street was referred reported that they recommended that the request be granted, motion made by Taylor that the committies report be accepter, Seconded by IRiidine, carried. Clerk letter A letter from the City Clerk calling the attention of the Council to the increase in Industrial Insurance. and asking what • they wished to do in regard to the matter, II and also the e g g-ef. ordering of registration cards , motion made by Sparks that the clerk be instructed to pay the industrial insurance from the City budget as in the past and order '3500 of the registration Cards, seconded by Brokens, Ayes, Broken&, Fisher-'-, - George, .Dildine , Miller, Sparks. & Taylor. . Firemen's Ball An invitation to the Mayor and Council was extended by the Fire Department to attend the Fireme-nts Bail on February 22nd: was read, motion made by Brokens that the invitation be accepted and the firemen be extended a vote of thanks , seconded by Fisher carried: . Bulletin from Wash. _ Cities A bulletin from the Association of Washington Cities' in regard to initiatives 99 & 100, was presented , motion Made, by Sparks that this bulletin be referred to the Fire, Water & Light Uommittee , The City Attorney & the Mayor for study and a . ' report at the next meeting, seconded by Fisher carried: Bond McNary A- bond in the amount of $1 ,000.00 in favor of J. 0. Mclary for the city printing Was presented, motion made by Taylor that the bond ige referred to the City Attorney, seconded by Miller, carried.. Resolution Mayor Mansfield read a resolution asking the council to set aside money to provide for the- W. P. A . Work, and if it was found necessary by May 31, that an emergency be declared, motion made by Fisher that this resolution be adipted , seconded by Brokens,- byes Brokens.s Fisher, . Miller & Sparks , Nays George & Taylor, Dildine not voting, motion lost : 2000, 00 of sec hiway Motion made by Taylor that $2,000.00 of the Secondary Highway money be .earmarked and II set aside to pay for W. .P. A . work instead of passinf an emergency ordinance ..and the interest on this secondary highway money be paid. from the contingent fund, seconded by George, Sparks- excused , Ayes Brokens-, Fisher, George, Dildine, & Taylor Days- Miller: Special committee . Mayor Mansfield appointed Ili] in.a,. Sp.akks and_ B±Qkens; as a special committee to interview the business men and see if the $2 ,000.00 could- be raised that way. Lease - Motion made by Miller that the application of the prospectors lease be changed to read 50 tons of ore instead of 5 ton, and the lease be granted, seconded by Dildine, in accordance with the ' Atto.rney's report , Carried: Adjourn Motion made by Miller that the council adjourn until 8:00 o'clock February 25, 1936, seconded by Brokens, carried: , Approved in open session this' 3rd. day of March 1936. , o . Yr Attest : City Clerk FEBRUARY 25th. 1936. , Roll Call The .City Council of the City of 'Anacartee met in adjourned session with Mayor Mansfield presiding and councilmen Brokens, Fisher, George , Dildine , Miller & Sparks answering roll call, Taylor absent . D-ildi.ne excused Burks letter & Ck _Alletter from W. R. Burk*, with a check for $20.00 *as presented as his part of the donation to help W. P. A. Works, motion made by Sparks, that the check r • T• C6 • be held until it was found what the other merchants wished to do. withdrawn Motion made bar Brokens that Ordinance No. being an ordinance declaring an Ordinanee NO . emergency and mahing provision for meeting the same , be placed on its third anc final reading, seconded by Fisher, Ayes Brokens, Fisher, Miller & Sparks, Nays II George. , Motion made by Brokens that Ordinance No . be adopted as a whole, seconded by Sparks , Ayes Brokens, fisher, Miller and p rks. Nays George. There being no further business the council did then adjourn. Approved in open session this 3rd. day of March 1936. Mayor Attest : City Clerk. MARCH 1, 1916. The City Council of the City of Anaca'rtes met in regular session with Mayor Roll Call Mansfield persinding and councilmen Brokens, Fisher, George , Miller, Sparks and Taylor answering roll call, Dildine absent. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. Minutes The monthly report of the Police Judge 's and the gasoline report for February Reports were on motion referred to the finance committee. Motion made by Sparks that Ordinance No.... being an ordinance defining Ordinance NO._ certain misdemeanors , providing penalties "therefor, and repealing sections 5,6 and 7 of Ordinance No. 408, be referred to the chief of police and the police ;.df:;ee Judge , withdrawn. Motion made by Sparks that Ordinance No. be placed on its first and second , .'T i reading by title, seconded by Miller carried. Motion made by George that Ordinance No. be referred to the Judiciary & City Attorney as a whole, seconded by Brokens , carried. Brokens excused Claims against the 0urrent Expense fund and other city funds for the month of Claims February were presented as follows : • CURRENT EXPENSE FUND. ' L. E . Snider 5902 Salary 132.30 Bert Verrall 5903 . Salary 112 .70 M. G. Strock 5904 Salary 102 .90 M.. eookston 5905 Salary 98.00 Victor Berlin 5906 Fireman 6.75 Wm. Dorvy 5907 11 . 1.50 C . Strock 5908 it 10.00 A. Mondhan 5909 . n 6.00 e Fred Fisher .5910 t1 1. 50 L. Moore 5911 t1 3.00 Ed. McGovern 5912 It 1.50 I. Beale 5913 11 1.5o Earl Holmes. . 5914 11 1.50 Geo. Olson 5915 11 1.25 W. K. Asseln 5916 11 .75 Sadie M. Arges' 5917 Salary ,50 Lillian Kast Strock 5918 Salary Wash Adv. 52 .00 W. V. Wells 5919 Salary 50.00 Austin Slaw 5920 rr 22.50 Al Sellenthin 5921 t1 15.00 Mrs . Christ Storme 5922 1f 20.00 0. E . ,Arges 5923 11 90.00 H. H. Hinshaw 5924 1t 135.00 Tom. Brown 5925 It 1.10 .00 Wm. Dow 5926 1t 105.00 ITV. A. Sparks 592 le 135.00 Lynn Balcomb 5928 ►r . 115.00 T . W Dodson 5929 m 50.00 20.00 Wm. Rice 5930 n Anacortes American 5931 Printing 3 4.15.15 Lowman & Hanford 5932 Supplies clerk S . D. Temple - 1'90 _ 5933 Supplies trews 37.5o H. O. avey 59344 Bond Treasurer 5.00 4., E. P. Barker 5935 Bond Dep tres 3.00 J. L . Rumsey 5936 Wood for city hall 1.35 Shannon Hardware Co. 5937 Supplies city hall 25.00 James McLachlan. 5938 Supplies city hall Island Transfer Co . 5 Coal for city hall 52.7 L 3? . CURRENT EXPENSE Cont . March 3, 1936 G. D: Shannon 5940 Insurance city hall 18.90 W.T.-Rice 5941 . •Dog Catcher 16:66 Firemen's Relief & Pension 5942 2% firement salary 9 .10 Anacortes Water Dept : 5943 Hydrants 395.00 7Vk.rine Supply Co . 5944 Supplies fire dept . . 15. 10 Anaco rtes Steam Laundry 5945 Laundry fire dept . 1.61 Northwest Equipment 5946 Supplies fire dept . 27.25 L: E. Snider 5947 1` iring inspections .75 H. H. Hinshaw 59488 • Cash adv 7.95- • shell Oil. Ca. 5949 Gasoline 71.18 • Anac"'or,tes Water Dept. 595c to 54 Interest gen w Bds 2,200;08 Dept of Labor & Ind. 5955: Ind Iris & M. A. 32 .92 Benson MOtor Co . 5956 Repairs police 7.27 West Coast Tel Co. 5957 Trolls 6.70 Shannon Hardware Co. '5958 Supplies fire dept 1.65 Standard Oil Co. 5959 Gasoline 62.64 Anacortes American 5960 Attor-fire-printing 20 .25 Hewitt Rubber Co. 5961 close fire dept. 352.80 SECONDARY HIGWIAY FUND Wm: Dorcy 202 T. Driver 100.00 Earl Holmes: • 203 Labor 96.00 F. Brokens '204 Labor 92 .00 W. K. Asseln 205 Labor 92 .00 W. L. Collins 206 Labor 20.00 Lillian Kast Strock 207 Bookkeeper 25.00 Current Expense 208 Gasoline 61 .81 Equipment Account 209 Rent equipment 192.00 II Dept of -la.bor. & ind 210 Ind Ins & M. A. 23. 04 Curtis Wharf Co. 21Z Slupplies T2.25 Union Oil Co. 212° Supplies 4.33 E. K. Mood Lumber Co. 213 ; Lumber , I' 39.80 4 Fidalgo Lumber & Bo-x 214 Lumber 58.64 Benson Motor Co. 215 Repairs 96.83 Howard Cooper Uorp 216 supplies 60 .8o Knapp & Ronnaberger 217 c Re'paif;s. 4.02 WATER FUND Lew Willoughby 4426 Salary 175.00 GZyde Baker 4427 "' 11p.00 G. H. Thomas - 4428 tt 90.00 Lester Thomas 4429 91 100.00 Victor Berlin 4430` rt 124/ 8O A.-C . Mondhan . • 4431 tf 123. 20 Lillian Kast Strock 4432 Bookkeeper 25.00 Chas Stagp 4433 Stamps 5.00 Current Expense , 4'1' Transfer of funds 90.00 island Transfer 4435 Coal 24. 89 West Coast Tie Co. 4436 Tolls, & Service 4.40 Dept of Labor & I d 4437 Ind ins & M. A. 52.03 Current Expense n 4438 • Gasoline 16.55 'Lennie LeMaister 4439 Clerical Work 14.10 Marine Supply 4440 Supplies 19.63 Anacortes American 4441 W 2. 50 Penn Salt Mfg Co. g4442 Crhlorine 30.00 Hamburg Iron Works 4443 Repairs 27.70 Palmer Sup21y Co . 4444 Supplies 47.05 Simpson's Electric 4445 t° .40 .hell Oil Co. 4446 it 25.93 Schwartz Iron Wbrks `4447 i° 2.04 Shannon: Hardware Co. 4448 it 6.91 Van Buren & Heller 4449 10' 9.08 Standard Oil Co. 4450 " 547 LIBRARY FUND ti E . LUELLA Howard 851 Salary & cash adv. 75.80 Evelyn Lundberg 852 m 40.00 Blanch Sackett 853 to, 30.00 Fred Marshall 854 it 25. 00 Anacortes Water Dept 855 Water" 2. 50 Puget sound "L' ewsXC-o . ' 856 Books-" 26.26 Hanson Bennett Magazine $57 Supplies 48.20 PARK FUND J. R. Harding 874 Salary 100.00 Current Expense 875 Gasoline 2.40 LID # 146. ili ,` "Anacortes.. American 20 Printing bonds 55. 00 z Motion made by Taylor' that the claims be referred to the finance committee , seconded by Miller carried: • The Yinance committee to whom the mater of claims were referred reported that they recommended that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of the same, Motion made by Fisher -that the finance committees report be accepted, seconded by Sparks, Ayes .E:isher, Miller, Sparks & Taylor Nays George. r _ 8,8 arc:.h 3, 1936 adoption Motion made by Fisher that the Emergency Ordinance for the street department Emergency Ord as a whole be reconsidered and placed before the council, seconded by Sparks. Motion made by Hiller that the council adjourn until March 6, 1936 at 8:00 Adjourn o'clock P. M. Seconded .. y Sparks carried. May r Attest : • ity Clerk. MARCH 6 , 1936. Roll call The City Council of the City of Anacortes met in adjourned session with mayor Mansfield pe2siding and councilmen Brokens, Fisher, George , Miller and Sparks answering roll call, Dildine and Taylor absent. Discussion of Emergency Ordinance providing funds for "N.P.A. '*Projecta. • Motion made by Sparks that the third and final reading of the emergency ord- inance be reconsidered, seconded by Brokens, Ayes Brdikens , Fisher, Sparks & Miller Nays George . Motion made by Brokens that the Emergency Ordinance be ai3opted as a Whole , Se, ,.) onded by Sparks, Ayes Brokens , Fisher, Miller & Sparks, -Nays George. There being no further business the council did then ajourn. - Approved in open session this 17th. day of March 1936. Mayor Attest : City Clerk..vrotem/ March 17th. 1936. The city council of te City of "nacortes met in regular session with mayor Roll Call Mansfield presiding and councilmen, Brokens , Fisher, Deorge , Dildine , and Taylor answering roll call, Miller and Sparks absent. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. Einutee The reports of the sire uhief and the uhief pf Police were presented and on r,!, ;. Reports motion age. accepted and placed on file. The Judiciary committee to whom the matter of Ordinance NO. being an ord- Judiciary inance defining certain mmsdemeanors, providing penalties therefor, and • repealing sections 5, 6 and 7 of ordinance No.406, was referredE �o re: rted that thelrecommedned that the ordinance be passed, motion made by Taylor that, the ordinance be attached to the report and taken up under ordinances, sec- onded by George, carried. Motion made by 'Taylor that the tire chief be instructed to purchase two tires Grader tires- for the fire truck from the street departments account and give the street department the tires now on the fire truck, secon_ ed by Dildine , Ayes Brokens, Fisher, George, Dildine and Taylor. Motion madd by Taylor that Ordinance No. being an ordinance defining Ordinance No . , certain misdemeanors , providing penalties therefor, and repealing sections 5, 6, and 7 of vrdi.nance No. 408, be placed on its third and final reading, seconded by -brokens., carried. Motion made by Taylor that Ordinance No. be adopted as a whole, seconded by Brokens, Ayes Brokens, richer, George,DTldine and 'Taylor. Motion made by Taylor that the council adjourn until Friday light march 20th.IAdjourn, at 7:30 P. M. at the `ity Hall, seconded by Dildine parried. Approved in open session this gthe day of April 1936. Attest : �`�`� d l *-cc"c.-4��..1�� City C 1 erk. , 1 39 March 20i., 1936. _ _ __ . . , , Roll Call the City Council of the City of Anacortes met in adjourned session with Mayor Mansfield presiding and councilmen , Brokens, Fisher , George , Dildine , Sparks & I . Taylor answering roll call, Miller absent,: Emg Ord: Motion made by 'parks- -that the Emergency ordinance for the Street WPA. Work be- reconsidered, there ,gas no second to this motion, City Hall C: Motion made by Dildine that R. E. R'uthford be instructed to repair the four chimneys on the city hall , he to furnish all material for p3O.00, seconded by George, Ayes .brokens, Fisher, George, Dildine , Sparks and Taylor: Grader Aires. .Motion made by Sparks that the purchase of tires for the grader be referred to the Fire Chief and the Street Supt. ,and the exchange of the tires be made , seconded by Brokens, Ayes Brokens, Fisher, George, Dildine, Sparks and Taylor. There being no. further business the council did then adjourn. . ill pproved in open session this 7th, day of. April, 1936. Attest : . 2 � City ``lerk Mayor. April 7th . 1936.. Roll call The City Council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session with Mayor • Mansfield presiding and couniclmen Brokers, Dildine , Miller, Sparks and Taylor answering roll call. George and Fisher absent : Georges: n.aMe �placed on roll, • Minutes Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. Police judge ' s report The report of the police Judge for the month of March was presented and on motion referred to the finance committee . • Gas report The gasoline report was presented for. the month of March, motion made by George that the report be referred to the Council as a whole , seconded by Dildine , the report was read, motion made by Sparks that the report be accepted ::nd placed on file, seconded by Taylor carried. S.gecial comm Mayor Mansfield appointed Sparks , Taylor and George as a special committee to meet with Mr. Barker in regard to buying the Elks Home for the City. • second-handed Stove for police Motion made by Dildine that a/stove 'for the Police Department be purchased, seconded . by Miller, Ayes Brokena, George , Dildine ,: Miller; Sparks and Taylor: Wash. Cities A letter from the Association of Washington Cities in regard to 4 delegate to their Convention in May was presented , motion made by Miller that the letter be placed on file , seconded by Dildine , carried. Resolution ' A resolution setting up a Secondary Road project on the Oakes avenue fill was presented , motion made by Brokens that the resolution be read , seconded by Dildine carried, Motion made by Taylor that the resolution be adopted by the Council and the Mayor and Clerk be instructed to sign same, Ayes , Brokens, Dildine , Miller, • Sparks and Taylor, Nays George . Claims Claims against the Current Expense fund and othercity funds for the montic of March Were presented as follows: . eURRENT EXPENSE. . L. E. Snider 5290 Salary a 13Q .30 it 112.70 Bert V �.erra� 5291 M. G. Strock 5292 9, 102.90 M. Cookston 5293 " 98100 C. Strock 5294 Firem n 12.00 Earl Holmes 5295 it 2.00 Gep. Olson ' 5296 w • 1. 50 Ed. McGovern 5297 `r 1.75 ,2 A. MOndhan�. 5�98 rr,tc 5 .75 5 Wm. Beale 5299 tr 2.75 V. Berlin 5300 ,r .`50 L. Moore 53.01 Fred Fisher ' -- 5302 !I - • 75 II Wm. Darcy5303 .75 Sadie M. Ares 5304 Salary 0.00 Gillian Kast Strock 5305 50.00 W. V. Wells 5306 " 50.00 Austin Shaw 5307 " 22.50 Al Se lle nthin 5308 rp , .15..00 �r 20.00 Mrs• Christ Strome 53iQ 90 .00 0 . E . Argea. 53 it H. H. Hinshaw 5311 "' & Cash Adv. 136.75 Tom. Brown 5312 " 110.00 Wm. Dow 5313 '" 105.00 W. A.. Sparks 5314 is 135.00 r - , _ _ _ . . 40 Ipril 7th. 1936 . i . Current Expense cont. Lynn Balcomb 5315 Salary 115.00 T . W . Dodson 5316 Salary 50.00 Wm. Rice 5317 Salary 20.00 Anacortes American 5318 Supplies city clerk .50 I' Lowman & Hanford 5319 Supplies P J, Tres &Reg 10.92 Island Transfer Co. 5320 Coal Hall 61.25 R. E. Ruthford 5321 Repairs city hall 30.00 • Tucker Lumber Co. 5322 Su,._plies hall 4.18 Allan's Mercantile 5323 Supplies hall 1.33 Shannon Hardware Co. 5324 Supplies hall .59 Ralph Jorgenson 5325 Signs reg books 2.25 Standard Oil Co. 5326 Supplies police 11.30 Beason Motor Co . 5327 Repairs police 15.43 Shannon Hardware Co . 5328 Supplies police 2.50 Standard Oil Co. 5329 Tires police 48.60 . Art Burnsides 533V Supplies, police 4.06 Dept of 'abor & Ind 5331 Ind Ins & M. A. P & S 31.30 West Coast Tel Col - 5332 Tolls 5 Standard Oil Co. 5333 Supplies fire 14.40 Anacortes water dept. 5334 Hydrants 395.00 Anacortes steam laundry 5335 Laundry fire E.,23 mmericah .LaFrin de..Corporat ion 5336-7-8 Payment pumper 1366.8g Firemen' s Relief & Pension 5339 2'o firemens salary 9.10 8outhsiden hardware Co . 5340 Supplies fire 2 .16 Knape & Ronc.eberger 4341 Repairs fire 4.55 • Simpsonfe electric "'hop 5342 Supplies fire .90 Shannon Hardware Co. 5343 Supplies fire .40 American La'�rance qorp. 5344 Supplies fired 16.10 L. E. Snider 5345 Wiring inspection 8.75 John Douglass 5346 Supplies Street .30 Puget Sound P & L . 5347 Lights 265.49 Puget Sound P & L 5348 Lights 284.61 Will Rice 5349 Dog catcher 16.66 Standard Oil Co. 5350 Gasoline 152 .40 • WATER FUND 175.0C Lew Willoughby 4451 Salary 110.00 Clyde taker 4452 " 90.0C Y G. H. Thomas 44;3 " 100. 00 Lester Thomas 4454 9 123.2C Viet-or Berlin 4455 " 124.0( A. C . Mo ndhan 4456 " 25.0 C LillianKastStrock � 4457 � 7 Bookkeeper 90. 00 • I Current Eatpense 4458 Transfer funds 5.A Southside Hardware 4459 Supplies 7.0C Chas Stapp 4460 Stamps 1.0C ` Puget Sound P & L 4461 Rent poles 27.55 Puget Sound P & L - 4462 Lights & Power 34.84 Dept of 1'abo r & Ind 4463 M. A. & Ind 7. 61 Puget Sound P & L 4464 Lights & Power 63.8E Counter Treasurer 4465 Tax 60.00 Penn halt Mfg Co. 4466 Chlorine 787.2E Benson Motor Co. 4467 & 8 Power 12.02 Puget Sound P & L 4469 Repairs 32.7S II ' West Coast ie1 Co . 4470 Power & Lights 5.6C Tolls 1.0C S . D. Temple 4471 0l s Pacific Iron & Metal Co. 4472 Su plies 3.2; Schwartz Iron Works 4473 "LMai ter 44742.4C Rennie e s " 12.8C Island Transfer Co. 4475 "" 11.22 John Douglass 447$ " 2.4C Knapp & Ronneberger 4477 " 1.5C i Puget Sound P & L 4478 772.82 Southside Hardware 4479 & 80 Pd'wer 17.07 S 4481 .'uppl i e s 59.82 Marine upply E . A. Abbott 4482 9 g2.29 Federal Pipe & Tank 4483 " 18.lL Shannon Hardware Co. 4484 " 11.60 Ven Buren & Heller 4485 " 23.555 Skagit Valley Tel Co. 4486 " Current Expense 4487 9 20.28 Anacortes American 4488 " 35.15 Shall Oil Co . 4489 9 4.90 Vr. S . Darley 4490 9 • 3.i- PARK FUND J. E. Harding 876 Labor 80.0C • 87 Frank Knapp Labor 7.5C - Shannon Hardware°Co. g 8g Supplies 2.3C Supplies 1.55' Van Buren & Heller 88o Gasoline 4. .0Q ' Current Expense 881 Repairs 5 4'Trulson Motor i . . . _ • . • ' 4 i . ._ ., , . . _ - Apri1,.7th,. 1936. cont. • .., ,. LIBRARY FUND . . . ., . . . E'f. 'Ltiella, HoWard. ' Evelyn Lundberg- Blanch 'Sac,kett , 8858 659' 0 Salary 4iaitr & Gash Adv. SaIarY 7830 40.00 30.00 Fred Marshall 861 Salary 25 .00 R.,' Ir. E-van- - ' . . 8.6-2 WoOd" ' . . 2625 Island Transfer . 863 EpreaS On books : 3.45 Beliinghath 'Bdokbindry 864 Rebinding ;682 Junior LiterarY• guild - - =8.65 Supplies . 74.00 H. W . Wiladla Co. — 866 ' Supplies '430 Puget Sound' News Co. 867 , Books 48.42 oii Water peipb,i.,tmriet' 868 Water 2 .50 r Puget LIOUnd Power & Light . 869 Lights 1813 - Fern Presa. - 800 Supplies 13.00 . . SECONDARY HIGHWAY - • . , • . , ,Wm.-Dorby . 22:6 T. Driver 10000 . Earl HoIteS 219 T : Driver 10400 W. K. AbSein 220' L-abOr 104.00 . , Y. Brokens 221 Labor 10400 I :.E-. ' Gahail" - 222 . . FOretan 25200 NOrMan Fultbn ' ' - - 223 1,a13or- '' . 1'i50 Lillian ,?. ast S'trock r 224 . Bookkeeper 2500 Current Ilxpense 225 gaeoline 8904 Dept of Labbr & Ind ' 226 Ind Ins & M. A. 19 .39 Shannon HardwarenCo . , 227 Supplies 2:70 Van Buren & Heller 228 Supplies .:55 II S. D. Temple ' Shell Oil Co. 230 Supplies 7:25' Puget Sound P' & L 229 1.25 231 SUPpIieS Power , 75.00 Fidalgo, Lutber & Box 232 Lumber 3878 Curtis \i'4harf 233 Supplies. 5. 00 H. A. Taylor 234 , ' Rental of Shop 20 .00 Schwartz Iron works 235 Repairs . 5.45 Benson Motor Co:: 236 Repairs 8.47 Bell. Machine works' 237 RepairS 16.25 Kngpp & Ronneberger 236 Repairs 8.30 ) • Schwartz Iron Works. 239 Repairs 6.00 - t . . . . . • . , 1\4ti ,on made by Miller that the matter of claims be referred to the finance comm ittee , seconded by Brokens carried. • i , .. . . . . . . . The Committee on Finance to whom the tatter of claims 'were refereed reported that they'recommended that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of the same. . . . .. .. _ . . .. . . . . . . . Motion made by Brokens that the comMittee report 'be-dbcepted,- seconded by Sparks. Ayes Brokens , Dildine,, Miller, Sparks and Taylor, Nays George. There beigg no' further business the council did then adjourn. Approved in open council this 21st : day of April 1936: II . t Attest : ike,f Mayor LLA-eiti. kgs-4.1--)frAo-a2) City Clerk. . . APRIL. 21, 1916. . ... . . . . Roll Call The City Council ' of the City of AnaCortes met in regular session with Mayor Mansfield gresidingand councilmen: Brokens, Fiaher', :Bildine, Miller and Taylor answering roll call, Sparks and George absent. , . . , Minutes Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. Reports F. The reports. of the chief Of ire Department and the Chief of Police were jfrresented and on motion accepted and placed on. file. Tires fire dept. Notion made by Brokenathat the chief of-the-Fire Department be authorized to call for bids on two tires for the fire truok, seconded by fiyier carried. ' n. amendment tbAhe above motion was made by Brokens' that the ire Chief also be authorized to purchase the tires , seconded by Fisher,,, Ayes Brokens , Fisher, Dildine , Miller and Taylor. ; Water Bills . Motion made by Fisher -that the Waterupt. and vuater committee have a 'meeting . tbh tegard: to the deliquent water bills and bring in a report at the next meetit withdrawn. _• _ . . , Notibn made loY 'Bildine that ' a deposit of45.00-be' re4u±eedon all new services and when the COnsaterS' impaid bill is $5:00 thetrWater supt . take out the muter. eiA4-R44 andall old accounts must pay current bill by the 12th. of each month or the meters will be taken out and ' not again stalled °until entire deliquent account is ' gaid, seconded by Fisher, Ayes Brokens , Fisher, Dildine , Miller, and Taylor. .. Motion made by Miller that if property owners bill exceeds $2.50 and is not paid by 12th. of month the meter be taken out , No second. . 4A01 . , r 42 , . , . . . Apr_i1 21, 3936. was presented . A letter from the Department of Highways ' tating that resolution for Secondary Letter highways Highway project No . 1,. Had been accepter motion made by Brokens that the letter 1)e accepted and placed on file , seconded by Dildine , Carried. It A letter fron aoseph•Dutean asking the council drain and fill a ditch on 4th. ' Dutegn letter street was presented, motion made by Miller that the letter be placed on file, seconded by Dildine , carried. ' A letter from the City 0lerk asking the council what they wished to do with Mr. Burke check Burke ' s check for $200.00, filed to help with W.P.A. work, was presented, ' motion made by Taylor that the Clerk be instructed to return Mr. Burkes check with a . letter of thanks from the Council, seconded by Fisher carried. ` • A letter from the City Clerk asking the Council for a two weeks vacation was Vacation elerk presented, motion [nade by Dildine ti.iat the vacation be :allowed, seconded by Tay- .: lor, Ayes Brokens , Fisher, Dildine , Miller and Taylor. Motion made by Dildine that the Mayor appoint a committee to investigate the Jack hammer trading of unused material belonging to the dater Department for a jack hammer, seconded by Fisher carried. Mayor appointed, Brokens, Sparks and Taylor. • j Where being no further business the council did then adjourn. Approved in open: sebsion this 5th. day of '"jay 1936. -2i,c&i . . cteo.411r LtiTi to 0 Mayor , � City 'lerk. May 5, 1916. TheCouncilCityAnacortes City of the of met in regular session with Mayor Mans- Roll Call field presiding and councilmen Brokens, George, Dildine , Miller, and Sparks ans- wering roll call, Fisher and Taylor absent. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. Minutes Taylor's name placed on roll. The report of the Police judge for the month of April was presented and on motion ' Police judge referred to the finance committee . Gas report The Gasoline report for the month of April was presented, motion made by George that the report be read, seconded by Dildine carried. Motion made by Sparks t :.at the report be referred to the finance committee , no second. Motion made by Taylor that the report be accepted and placed on file , seconded by Miller, carried. `_ .': H- Mayor Mansfield appointed a committee consisting of Dildine , Miller and Taylor to Committee . 4ee4ggibee-�aeg-e€ investigate the painting of the street names on the cornor of each.- street . • A letter from the City Treasurer stating that WM. Rauch had paid all local improve, Treasur on deed men.geassessments on Lots 13 & 14 of Block 86, Original Plat and t he • given a quit claim L'.dedd was presented, motion made by Milig or mending tha that this ' letter be referred to the City Attorney, seconded by Sparks , carried. A petition from Wm. Rice asking for a license to haul garbage was presented, Rice petition motion made by Miller that, this be held over until the next meeting, seconded by Dildine carried. ' An application for three card table licenses at 18th . & Commerical of Virgil Card license Klingman's was presented, motion made by Taylor that this application be referred to the License & Police committee, seconded by Dildine , carried. A petition asking for gravel in the alley between 25th. & 26th . streets on R. & Sr, Gravel Avenues was presented , motion made by Taylor that the petition be referred to the ' Streets t committee , secondedp bySparks. carried. A claim of Mary Smith in the amount of $600.00 for injuries substained when a tree Mary Smith . -_ fell on her, was presented , motion made by George that the claim be referred to the City Attorney, seconded by Dildine , carried. A claim for two oil stoves was presented, motion made by Miller that the payment Stoves • of the stove in the Clerk's office be held over, and the stove for the police department be paid for, seconded by Dildine , Ayes Beokens, George , Dildine , Miller, Sparks and Taylor. Claims against the Current Expense fund and other city funds for the 'month of claims 'F April were presented as follows: L 1 43 'May 5 1936- CURRENT EXPENSE L. E. Snider 5352=a Salary 132 :30` Bert Verrall 5353-a salary 112.70 , M. G. Strock 5354-a Salary 102. 90 , M. Sookston • 3555-4 Salary 98.00 C. Strock 5356-a Fireman 10.50 A. Monahan 5357-a "' 4.25 Geo. ,.Olson 5358-a °t) 4.25 Wm. Dorcy 5359-a it. 1.50 Win. Beale 5360-a °°' 2.75 } W. K. Assein 5361-a to) 2.75 L. Mo o rre . 5362-a It 2.75 Ed. McGovern, 5363-a. It 2.75 Farl .Holmes= 5364-a 'r 2.00 V. Berlmn 5365-a 1° 2.75 Fred Fisher 5366-a It .75 Sadie M. Arges 536.7-a - V Salary 50.00 Lillian Kas't Strock 5368-a T & Cash Adv. 52 .56 W. V. Wells 5369-a - rr. .50.00 Al Selienthin 5370-a °° 15.00 r'Austin Shaw 5371-a ' 22. 50 Mrs. Christ Strome 5372-a f°" 20.00 0. E. Arges 5373-a 'r 90.00 H. H. Hinshaw 5374-a °f 135.00 - TOm Brown 5375-a P°' 110. 00 Wm. Do* 5376-a ''t, 105.00 T. A. Sparks 5377-a 10 135.00 Lynn Balcomb 5378-a i° 115.00 ` T. W . Dodson 5379-a °F 50.00 II Water Dept (Rice. 5380-a " 20.00 Burrows Adding Mach Co. 5381-a ontras5.clerk 1. 5 5 nn Lovan .&. HanfordSupplies 12 Daily Mercury 5383-a Printing 5.28 .Tr_ick.. & Murray' ,5384-a Budget Forms 4.12 Southside Hardware Oo. 5385-r Supplies city hall 1.17 Standard Furniture Co. 5386-a Supplies city hall , 2.35 (rn. Robdrtson 5387-a C.leain.ing chinmey 2 .00 ta.ter Dept. (Rice 5388-a )?og catcher 11.25 Wm. Rice 5389-a - Pogg -catcher 5.41 Shannon hardware Cos 5390-a Supplies fire dept .40. R, M. Thornton 5391-a Supplies fire dept, 8.00 Apacozrti eSteam Laundry' 5392-a Laundry fire dept. 1.47 Firemen s relief{ & Pension 53.93-a 2% firemen's salary 9 .10 Standard Oil Co. . 5394-a Supplies fire dept . 23.40 . Anac°ortes Water Dppt. 5395-a Hydrants 395.00 Van Buren' & Heller. 5396-a Supplies fire dept . 545 L. E. Snider 5397-a Wining & Cash Adv. - 12.75 Puget Sound P & L , - 5398-a Lil?.ts 276.35 Marion Watkinson 539.9-a Register of births 11.25 . West Coast Tel Co. 0 5400-a. Tolls 9 .70 Hhannon Hardware Co . 5401-a Supplies police deptl 1.97 Dept of Labor & Ind 5402=a Ind ins & M. A. 31.30 H. G. Wilson 5493-a. stove Jail 42 .45 II SECONDARY HIGHWAY FUND Vim. Dorcy 240 7. . Driver 100.00 Fari :Domes 241 T. Driver 104.00 W. K. Assein 242 Labor . 104.00 F. Brokens 243 Labor - 104.00 Lillian Kest Strock 244 Bookkeeper 25.00 efurrent Expense . 245 Gasoline 87.44 Dept of Labor & Ind 246 Ind Ins & Y. A. 26 .69 S. D . Temple 247 Supplies . 1.25 Puget Sound P & L 248 Power 42 .00 R. M. Thornton ' 249 Supplies 1.18 Ian. Buren & Heller 250 Supplies 1.45 Shell Oil Co. 251 Supplies 55.01 Schwartz Iron works 252 Supplies 1.50 Standard Coil Co . 253 Supplies 2.44 Curtis Wharf 25g a Culvert Pipe 158.40 20th. Street Service 255 Repairs. 2.35 • LIBRARY FUND E. Luella Howard 871 Salary' & Cash Adv. 76.05 Evelyn Lundberg 872 Salary' 40 .00 Blanch Sackett 873 Salary 30.00 Fred Marshall 874 Salary. 25. 00 The Fix-it Shop - 875 -Supplies 1.00 Puget Sound P &- L. EY 7 ' Lights 6.3 R. ,E . EvansWood 10; 50 Anaco-rtes Water Dept. 8879 Water - 2.50 Puget Sound News Co . 880 Books 74.71. PARKS FUND E. E. Harding 882 Labor 100.00 Frank Knapp 883 it, 58.05 Current Expense 884 Gasoline 6.13 A 1Pr-444 . May 5, 1936. WATER FUND Lew Willoughby 4491 Salary 175.00 Clyde Baker 4492 Salary 110.0Q G. H. Thomas 4493 Salary 90.00 Lester Thomas 4494 Salary 100.00 Geo. •Mellon 4495 Ex Filter Oper 12.00 Victor Berlin 4496 Salary 124.50 A. C .• Mondhan 4497 Salary 124.50 Carl Strock 4498 Labor 12.00 . Kelley Snohomish 4499 Labor 9.50 . Water Dept(Llaes 4500 Labor 4.00 i Lillian Kast Strock 4501 Bookkeeper 25.00 . Rennie LeMaister 4502 Clerical Work 17. 90 . Current Expense 4503 Transfer of funds 90.00 Maryland Cafe 4504 Meals 9.84 Van Buren & Heller 4500 Supplies 6.59 Current Expense 4507 Gasoline 23.10 Tax Oonunission 4509-10-11 Business tax 1 ,203.46 Puget Sound P & L 4512-13 Power 772.82 West •Coast Tel Co. 4514 Tolls & Service 3.90 Dept 'of Labor ' Ind 4515 Ind Ins &1 t[. A. 34.80 Puget sound P & L 4516 Power & Lights 34.73 Hamburg Iron Works 4517 Repairs 7. 50 . Penn -Salt Mfg Co. 4518 Chlorine 30.00 Skagit Valley Tel Co. 4519 Tolls & Service Avon .75 The Bristol Co. 4520 Supplies o.00 Anacortes Lumber & Box 5421 Lumber 3 .00 . Marine Supply 4522 Supplies 24.63 Shell Oil Co. 4523 Gasoline 13.35 Illand Transfer 4524 goal 11.22 Knapp & Ronneberger 4525 Repairs 2.00II Schwartz Iron Works 4526 Repairs 1.77 Shannon Hardware Co . 45271 Supplies 3•77 "aouthside Hardware Co. 4528 Supplies 6.65 Motion made by Miller that the matter of claims be referred. to the finance Committee , seconded by Dildine, Carried. Motion made by Taylor that $31.25 of Wm Rice's warrants be assigned to , the Water DeP art:-ient for water bill, seeetided M&lieu and he be notified by the City Clerk that he is officially laid off from the dog catcher job, seconded by Miller Ayes•Brokens, George, Dildine , Miller, Sparks & Taylor. 2he1ii<nance committee to whom theina.tter of claims were referred reported that they` recommended that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in. favor of the same, Motion made by Millertthat the report be accepted seconded by Dildine , '. Ayes Brokens, Dildine , Miller, Sparks and Taylor, Nays George. There ,being no furthur business the council did then adjourn. Approved in open session this 19th. day of May 1936. . ---- (-77)'-'7,4-" . ' . Mayo Attest : II 4;:e1C4-,u) (4 ,1442:4P , City Clerk. - May 19th . 1916 Roll Call The- City Council of the City of Anacortes met in regular session with lul ayor U- sfield presiding and councilmen Fisher, Dildine , Sparks and Taylor answering roll I: .: call. Brokens , George and Miller absent . Minutes of the previous me.:-rting were approved as read. 'inutes Geo"rge & Millerle names placed o.-, roll. The reports of the Chief of Police and the Chief of the Wire Department were Reports ; presented and on motion accepted and placed on file . Motion made by Dildine that the Mayor appoint a committee to investiage the onveyer belt purchase of a belt for the crusher, Mayor Mansfield appointed the rinance Cam. Motion made by Taylor that paint for painting the parking spaces be purchased, Paint seconded by Miller, Ayes Fisher, George, Dildine , Miller, Sparks & Taylor. Motion made by Fisher that Alvin Smith be hired to paint the names of the streets St names - on '114 signs-a4- for $26.00, seconded by Taylor ayes Fisher, George,Di'iai . Miller, Sparks and Taylor. Precincts. ! The question of the voting precinctsbOing too large was discussed and on motion . ' referred to the City attorney'. A A a �V. EIMMIMIIMIMMIMIIIIMM1.1117IIIMMIMMIMMIIMMimmmin May 19th.. 1936 Deed for Rauch The City attorney to whom the matter' of dded for Wm. Rauch for Lots 13 &14, Block 86, of the City of Anac;ortes, was referred reported that he recommended II that the deed Ottd be issued, Motion made by Taylor that the report be accepted • seconded by 6parks, carried. e smith,. of. 0600.00 reported Claim for Smith The City Attorney to whom- the matter of claim for Mary p that, he recommended that the claim be not allowed, motion made by Taylor that the report- be accepted, seconded by sparks , carried. Wash. Cities Motion made by George that the question of j.o.initig the association of Washington Cities b'e referred to the Finance Committee,&yhe Mayor seconded by Fisher4 . e arri ed. License for Kline. gman The License & Police committee to whom the matter of License for three card tables of V, Klingmanrs was referred reported that they recommended that the license be granted, seconded by George. Carried. (here being no further business the council did the adjourn. Approved in open session this 2nd. day of June, 1936. . Mayor 11 Attest; i Ti City l erk. .. , June �� ' 1936; Roll Call The: City Council of the City of Anac-ortes met in regular session with Mayor Mansfield presiding and councilmen Brokens, George, Dildine , Miller and Taylor answering roll. call, Fisher and Sparks -absent. Minutes Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. Claims Clerk & ' Tres. Motion made by George that the claims of Mrs. Watkinson & Miss' Hartmann for back pay be referred to the finance committee and the City Attorney for a report at .the next meeting, seconded by Brokens, carried: + P. T. Report The, report of the Police Judge for the month of May was presented and on motion referred to the finance committee. . Gas report The gasoline report for the month oi' ,1lf ay was presented, motion made by Taylor that the report be accepted and placed on file, seconded by Miller, carried. of the Council Garage alley Counci lman George called to the attention /Chat there was a garage in the alley between 6th. $Z 7th. Streets., between N & M avenues , motion made by George that the matter be referred to the street committee and the street supt with power to ,act ; seconded by Taylor, carried: Elks Building Motion made by Taylor that the City ake title to the Elks building if _.it is ffered a o e ense to the City, seconded by George , Ayes George , Taylor, ' Nays Brokens., id4+e4e Dildine and Miller. Chamber of C. A letter from the Chamber of Commerce asking the council not to place street names on the new light poles was presented , motion made by George that the letter be placed on file , seconded by Miller Carried. Ordinance NO Two -ord_inance 's relating to L. IB1. were presented and on motion read. Motion made by Taylor that Ordinance No. being an ordinance relating to the foreclosure of assessments for local improvements and fixing the 'time therefor; and repealing Ordinance No: 824 being an ordinance relating to the same subject matter, passed April 5, 1933 , be placed on its first and second reading by title, Seconded by Brokens, carried.— - - . . Motion. made by Taylor that Ordinance No. be placed on its third and final reading seconded by Brokens, carried. Motion made by Brokens that Ordinance NO'. be adopted as 'a whole , seconded by Dildine ; Ayes, Brokens, §eorge, Dildine , Miller and Taylor. Motion made by Taylor that Ordinance No. being an ordinance directing the fore- closure of local improvement assessment pursuant to the provisions of Seciton 1, Chapter 9, ofthe Session Laws of 1933, be placed on its first and second reading by title , seconded by Brokens carried. Motion made by Brokens. that Ordinance No: be placed on its third and final reading, seconded by Taylor, carried. Motion made by Taylor that ordinance NO: be adopted as a whole , seconded by Brokens ; Ayes Brokens, George, Dildine; Miller and Taylor. • A 46 ;t hea- z i936f}). , 4, ,,,,,,,,-4,:: . , *. A claim for $2 ,363.31 form the City Treasurer as a transfer from the Current I Tres Olson & Li ,f Expense fund to the Judgment fund to pay the balance on the Litka & Olson r ' warrants was presented, Motion made by Taylor that the claim be allowed, seconded by Dildine , Ayes , Brokens, George , Dildine , Miller and Taylor. A claim of R. E. Ruthford ._ or $23.90 for work on the city hall was presented Ruthford $23.90 motion made by Miller that this bill be allowed from the contingent fund, tS seconded by Brokens , cAyes..4rokens, George, Dildine, Miller and Taylor. 5 A claim of Alvin Smith for $26 .00 for painting signs was presented motion made Smith $26.00 by 'aylor that this claim be allowed fr m the Secondary Highway fund, secondedl, by Dildine , Ayes Broicens , George, Dildine , Miller and Taylor. Claims against the Current Expense Fund and other city funds for the month of j Claims May were presented as follows: CURRENT EXPENSE L. E. Snider 5962 Salary 132 .30 Bert Verrall 5963 112.70 M. G. Strock r 5964 102 .90 M. Cookston 5965 `� 98 .00 C . Strock 5966 Fireman 3.50 A, Monahan 5967 Fireman .75 Ed. McGovern 5968 Fireman 2.00 W. K. Asseln 5969 Fireman 1.50 Victor Berlin 5970 r irema�z .?5 Ge. Olson 5971 Fireman 1.59 L. Moore 5972 `fireman .75 Fred Fisher 5973 Fireman .75 j Sadie M: Arges 5974salary 50.00 Lillain Kast Strock 5975 salary & Cash Adv 52.00 W. V. Wells 5976:... Salary 50.qa Al �ellenthin 5978 Salary 15.00 i to • Mrs. Christ Storme 5979 afar y 20 .00 0. E . Arges 5980 Salary 90.00 H. Hinshaw 5981 Salary 135. 00 us t in Shaw 5977 Salary 22. 50 1 Thom Brown 5982 salary 110.00 Wm.. Dow 5983 ,Salary 105.00 1 W. A . Sparks• 5984 Salary 135.00 Lynn Balcomb 5985 Salary 115.00 T. W. Dodson 5986 Salary 50.00 W. T. Rice , 5987 Salary 20 .00 Daily Mercury 5988 Printing & Rres S. 12 .91 Union Printing Co. 5989 Supplies Tres 22.24 Ilsnad ransfer Co. 5990 Oil city hall 9.05 i Union Oil ,Co. 5991 I' U It 4.33 The Fix-it Shop 5992 Supplies - ire 1.00 . Standard Oil Co. 59933 Supplies fire 4.50 Shannon Hardware are Co. 599$ Supplies fire 1.03 Anacortes Steam Laundry 5995 Supplies fire 1.97 West Coast Tel Co. 5990 ''oils & Service 5.10 L. E. Snider 599 - Wiring & Cash Adv. 9.75 Dybbros Market 599: Supplies fired 3.96 Pacific Iron & Metal Co. 5999 Supplies fire 3.25 • I, 'Howard Cooper Corp 6000 Su plies fire : 5.15 Water Department 6001 Hydrants 395.00 Firemens Relief & Pension 6003 2% of firemen's salary 9.10 American LaFrance 6003 Supplies far fire 3.26 Standard Oil Go. 6004 Supplies police 1.50 Benson Motor Co. 6005 Repairs police 11.75 i! E. K. Francisco 6006 Supplies Poliee 1.80 Dept of labor & Ind 6007 Ind ins & M. A. 31.30 Puget sound P & L 6008 Lights 273.48 $oodrich Silvertown Stores 6009 - Tires 73.61 Union Oil Co. 6010 Gasoline 105.06 Shell. Oil Co. 6011 Gasoline 100.14 - , Standard Oil Go. 6012 uasoline 36.71 Union Oil Co. 6013 Gasoline 34.84 R... E. Rdthfatd 6014 hepairs hall 23 .90 Judgment fund 6015-19 -Transfer 2,363.31 . Anacortes American 6020 warrants 12.75 Anacortes American 6021 Supplies treasurer 17.50 PARK FUND - Frank Knapp 885 Labor 100.00 R. S. Rose 886 Labor 7.00 Shannon Hardware Co. 887 . supplies 1.46 The Fix-it Shop 8 2 1.70 Trulson Motor o. 889 Repairs 10.15 :.LIBRARY FUND E. Luella noward 880 Salary & Cash Adv. 75.80 ry;= Evelyn Lundberg 881 'r 40 .00 Blanch Sackett 882 - "' 30.00 Fred Marshall. 883 " 25.00 Water Department 884 Water 2 .50 Pacific Highway Transport 885 - Freight 2.60 Puget Sound News Co. ,886 -books 50.78 ,, L - - 4" . . Juhe 2, 1936. -. . I WATER FUND Lew Willoughby 4529 Salary ' 175.00 11 , Clyde. Baker , 4530 Salary 110.00 G. H. Thomas 4531 Salary 90.00 Lester Thomas 4532 Salary 100.00 Victor Berlin . 4533 Salary 125.00 A. CI. Mondhan, 4534 Salary 125.00 C,arI Strock 453.5 Salary e, 5.00 Chet Simpson 44556 salary 4.00 tillain Kast Strock 4537 • 25.00 Gus Daistead 4538 , Sala* Stamps 5.00 . Current Expense 4539 Transfer funds 90.00 Tax Commission 4540 Jusiness tax 40652' Ifamburg Iron Works-. 4541 Repairs 79.63. Dept of liabor & Ind 4542 Ind Ins & M. A. 34. 30 . Current Expense 4543 Gasoline' 25.76 ' West Coast Tel 04. 4544 lolls 3.20 Lowman & Hanford 4545 Supplies 2.13 , Penn Salt Mfg Co. ' 4546 Uhlorine 30.00 Standard Oil Ca; 4547 supplies .89 Benson MotorCo. 4548 epairs 3 .55 General Chemical CO. 4549 - Sulphate 397. 50 Port of "nacartes 4550 Freight 76.76• The Fix-it °hop 4551 Repairs 2.20 Southside Hardware Co. . 4552 Supplies 14.35 Shell' Oil Co. , 4553. . , supplies , 9435' K. L. Anderson . 4554 Clerical work 6.40 Sadie M. Arges 4555. It It 8.30 II 4556 , Repairs, ' 5.10 Schwartz Iron Works Shannon Hardware Co. 4557 Puget ound P & L . . &4558 f9 Supplies Power 9.38 772 .82 Puget '-ound P & L 450 ' Power & Lights 33.96 , Marine Supply co. 40a . Supplies 28.76 41and Transfer Co. 4562 coal 11.22 Anacartes American' 2 4663 Supplies, 4.00 a II 4564 w . 4 .30 SECONDARY HIGHWAY FUND. Win. Darcy 256 T. Driver 120.00 . Earl Holmes ' 257 T. Driver 104 .00 . W. K. Assein 258 , Labor 104.00 F. Brokens 259 Labor 104.00 Lillfan - est 'Strock . 260; - Bookkeeper 25.00 Current Expense 261 'Gasoline - 81.03 E, K. Wood Lumber CO. 262 Lumber 12.50 Dept of Labor & Ind 263 Ind Ins & M. A. 19.97 curtis Wharf 264 - , Material 129.85 he Fix-it Shop 265: Supplies 3.00 Puget jound Power & L 266 Power 37.50 Union Oil Co. 267 Supplies - 7;.69 Stanley Anderson. 268 Painting '-'igna ' 4.50 GoodRich stores. i 269 ' res 49.07 . Shell Oil Co. ' 270 Supplies 2.20 Benson Moor 271 Repairs 50.52 II Schwartz iron WorkS ' 272 ' w 66.53' 20th. Street Service 273 w . 1.85'Alvin Smith - 274 & 75 Painting ~)igns 26.00 Motion made by Miller that WM. Dorcy' s salary be adjusted so that it would be the same as the other men working on secondary highway back to 'January I , 1936, seconded by Brokens, Ayes Brokens, George, Dildine , Miller and Taylor. " Motion,made by idrokens that the claims be referred to the finance committ6e, second- ed by 4'ildine carried. The finance committee to whom the matter of claims were referred reported that they recommended that. the ,claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of the same, • Motion made by Brokens that the report be accepted Motion made by George that the claims of the Anacartes American be held up, seconde by Dildine, Ayes George , Dildine , Nays Taylor Brokens and Miller not voting. Brokens motion was restated and seconded by taylor, Ayesm, Brokens , Dildine , Miller Taylor and Nays George . --,. Rice Applic Motion made by Miller that Rice' s application for a garbage license be rejected, seconded by Brokens, carried. There being no further business the council did then adjourn. approved in open session this 16th. day of June 1936 . II Mayor / Attest: 4Cf&c:x4(f Aav;60 . . City Cldrk. • A 4 8 June 16th, 1936. The City Council of the City ar Anacortes met in regular session with Mayor Mans- rRoll Call field presiding and councilmen Brokens, George, Dildine , Miller, Sparks and Taylor answering roll call, Fisher Absent . gym' Fishers mame on roll. Minutes of' the previous meeting were approved as read. j Minutes • Attorney og. Tress The City Attorney to whom the matter of back salary for the city clerk and treasure & Clerk' s laims was referred reported that he recommended that the claims be allowed to Miss 1art- mann & Mrs'. Watkinson for $52.00 each, motion made by Dildine that the report be accepted,.' seconded by George, carried. Motion made by Dildine that the Clerk be instructed to write Miss Hartmann & Mrs. Clerk instructed Watkinson asking them to wait for their money until it could be put in the budget , seconded by killer carried. The report's of the fire chief and the Chief of Police for the month of May were Reports "Qire & Poi presented,; and on motion accepted and placed on file . The treasurers report for the month of Llay was presented , motion made by George that Tres report the report- be referred to the finance committee , seconded by Brokens carried. £v Motion made by Brokens that the different bids on the belt for the cruu-,her be re- Conveyor belt ferred to the street supt . and the finance committee with power to act , seconded by Dildine, Ayes Brokens, Fisher, George, Dildine , Miller, Sparks and Taylor. Motion made by Sparks that a recondition motor be installed in the ford street dept4 Motor for ford St. truck, seconded by BroKens, Ayes Brokens, Fisher, Dildine , Milltr, Sparks and Taylom Nays George . Motion made by Dildine that the Street Supt . be authorized to purchase steel for the Steel Marine D. Marine Drive , seconded by Brokens , Ayes, Brokens41 Fisher, George , Dildine, Miller,. parks and- Taylor. Motion made by Sparks that the Uity Clerk be authorized to order 500. dog licenses, Dog Licenses seconded by Dildine carried.. A report from the License and Police committee recommending Ahat an extra man be P. Comm on NacatiQn hired in the police department , giving each of the three men two weeks vacation and also hiring an extra policeman for the 4th. was presented, motion made by ''parka that the balance of the dog catchers budget be used to pay the extra man is salary • and if more coney was needed it to be taken from the contingent fund and the Chief be authorized to hire an extra man , seconded by Miller, ayes Brokens , Fisher , Dildine, Miller, Sparks and Taylor , mays George. x Motion made by George that the City Attorney be authorized to' prepare an ordinance Ordinance licensing ball games at 15.00 per year, seconded by Fisher carried. Motion made by ^'parks that the matter of the water meter at the Eagles hall be Mwter at Eagles referred t.o the Water supt . and water committee to report at the next meeting, seconded by - fisher. Carried. There being no further business the council did then adjourn. Approved in open session this 7th. ,day of July 1936. Attest : �. yea ' � - & ) Ma or City Clerk . • 4179 July 7th, 1936. • Roll Call The City Council of the "ity of "nac-ortes met 'in regular session with i�iayor Mansfield presiding and councilmen Fisher, George , Dildine , Miller and Taylor II answering roll '-.all e Brokens and .Sparks absent : Minutes mutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. Police Judgets. The°monthly report of the Police Judge was presented , motion made by 'Taylor' t;. ,t the°report be referred to the Finance Committee , seconded by Dildine carried. Gas Report Theogasoline report for June was presented and read and on. motion accepted and, placed on file. • • Extra eater Motion made by George that 500 extra cubic feet of water be allowed for 2.,50 for July and August , seconded by Dildine, ayes Fisher, George & Dildine Nays Miller & Taylor. The above motion was amended by George to read from the meter reading July 15th. to the meter reading September 15th: seconded by Dildine, carried. Stove Clerk' s Cffi eMotiOn made by Taylor that Dildine be instructed to purchase a stove for the clerk's office , seconded by Fisher carried. Motion made by Taylor that the warrant for the payment of the . stove be drawn and the `money taken from the contingent fund, seconded by Miller ayes Fisher, George , Dildine , Miller and Taylor. Suryan Petition A petition from Suryan's Inc : asking to lease the east forty feet of "'Q" Avenue .noWn as the Guemes Ferry Dock was presented, motion made by George that the petition be referred to the Finance committee and the City Attorney, seconded by Dildine carried. Gilkey Application A application from u*ilkey Bros lowing Co: asking to renew their lease of the east II . forty feet of "Q" Avenue known as the Guemes Ferry Dock, was presented motion madd by Miller that this application be held over until the council had a report from the 'City Attorney and Finance committee on. the Suryan petition, seconded by -Fisher cart?ied. Claims Three claims for back salary was presented as follows : City treasurer $ 465.00 City Attorney: $° 397a00 and City Clerk 4 397.00 , motion made by Miller that these claims be held over 'until the city attorney is presentg , seconded by Dildine carried Claims against the current ex0ense fund and other City for' the month of June were presented as follows: CURRENT EXPENSE ' L. T. Snider 6022 Salary 132 . 30 Bert Verrall 6023 Salary 112 .70 Ili: G'. Strock 6024 Salary 10 .90 M. C ookston 6025 Salary . 98.00 C. Strock 6026 1iremat" 16.50 Geo: Olson 6027 ,Fireman o ' 2.25 Ed. `McGovern 6028 t° 1.50 A. Mandhan 6029 °1 1.25 Earl Holmes 6030 P° .75 Sadie M Arges 6031 Salary 50.00 Lillian ast Strock 6032' Salary 150.00 Lillain Kast Strock 6033 Cash Adv postage 4.00 ' II W. . Wells 6034 Salary 50.00 . Austin Shaw 6035 Salary 22. 50 Jt1 Sellenthin 6036 - Salary 15. 00 Mrs. Christ Storme 03� Salary 20.00 O. E. Ar es' 0 ry H. R. Hinshaw 60 salary 90.00 . . 39 Salary & Cash Adv. 135.75 Tom `Brown 6040 Salary 110.00 Wm° Dow. 6041 Salary ' W. A. Sparks 6042 `� y 105; 00 Lynn BalcoMb 6043 Salary 135..00 T. W. Dodson 60444 glary 115 .00 salary,y Vim. Rice 6045 'ialary 20 .00 S.' D . Temple ` ' 6046 Supplies city clerk 2.35 Union Printing Col 6047 . 9.65 Anacortes American 4048 Supplies city treasurer ands registration ,40 Trick & Murray 6049 Registration supplies: 11. .Qp • Vii'd1 void 6050 void vo'id Uriion Oil Co . 6051 0i1 for city hall 3.05 Island Transfer Co. 6052 Coal for city hall ' 46.60 L., E. Snider 6053 Wiring & Cash Adv-Gas 12. 55 . Water Department 6054 Hydrants 395 .00 Shannon Hardware Co. 6055 Supplies fire dept. 45 Van Buren & Heller 6056 "- '° 1° 2005 • Anacortes steam. Laundry 6057 Laundry for fire dept . 2.32 ' Firemen'S relief & Pension 6058 2% firemen ' s salary 9.10 ' Thornton' s Store 6059 Supplies fire dept : 4.20, y 6060 'eoairs for police dept: 9.05 Benson Motor Co . IL Simpson'S Slectric, Shop 6061 Supplies police dept . 2.15 "enson Motor Co.. 6062 Repairs police dept. 24..10 Dept of labor & Ina 6063 Ind Ins M. A. 31.30 Seattle Rubber Stamp co : 6064 Dog tags 17.00 Puget Sound P & L 6065 Lights 272 .81 Standard Oil Co. 6066 Gasoline 94.11 Shell Oil Co . 6067 °o- 33.38 S.° R. Richardson. 6068 Hose for gas pump 5.45 Standard Oil Co; 6069 Supplies police dept. .50 H. G. lilson 6070 Stove clerks office 51.95 West Coast Telephone go. 6071 Tolls, 2 .75 o A r ' . :,_ ,,,i 50 4, _,t' July 7th , 1936• { Y 1 `.+.ATE-i FUND Lew '.rilloughby 4565. Salary 175. 00 Clyde Baker 4566 " 110 .00 0. H. Thomas ' 4567 n 90.00 4 Lester Thomas': 4568 `f 100 .00 S...A...Burkhart 4569 Extra Filter orer 33 .00 Victor Berlin 4570 Labor 124.50 A. O . Mo nd han :571 It 124.50 Carl Strock 4572 " 4 .00 �' Earl Holmes 4513 it 6.00 F. Imo. Palmer 4574 n 5.00 Sid Ellen 4575 D 5.00 'sac Iverson 4576 « _ 5.o0 Earl Bauer 4577 ; .00 Leo Dewey 4578 it 5.00 S. A . Burkhart 4579 of 15.00 Jack Smith 4580 0 15.00 .,. Warren Ammerman 45$1 ` I' 15.00 Geo Laing 4582 J 15.00 Tom Lntus 4583 0 15.00 • Jim Loftus 4584 " 15.00 E. 3 . Rose 4585 d 15. 00 A. F. Green 4586 ,0 15.00 0. Johnson 4587 ;, 15.00 ... Jim Jensen 4588 tv 15.00 Ben Palmer 4589 3 15.00 . Lillian Kast Strock 4590 Bookkeeper 25.00 Gus Dalstead 4591 Stamps 6. 00 Current E.,pe nse 4592 Gasoline 26.17 S. D. Temple 4593 Supplies 4 .05 3kaL:it Valley Tel Co. 4594 Tolls & service Avon 5.00 Penn Slat Mfg Co. 4595 Chlorine 60.00 West Coast Tel Co. 4596 Tolls & Service 5.15 }. Hamburg Iron �+orks 4597 ;epai rs 43.09 Van Buren A Heller 4598 supplies 16.51 Dept of ', bo r & Ind 4599 - Ind Ins a M. A. 32.40 Van Buren c Heller 4680 su plies 14. 57 Scientific 'supplies Co. 4601 0 .77 , K. Anderson 4602 Clerical Mork 10.55 "3' Current Lxpense 4603 Transfer of funds 90.00 Palmer supply Co. 46044 Supplies 6.89 Benson Motor Uo . 4605 iiepairs 1.28 Knap & 1{onnei.;erger 4606 n 2.35 The ix-it Shop 4607 Supplies 1.90 Shell JOil Co. 4608 Gasoline 13.35 Shannon Hardware Co. 4609 Supplies 1 . 00 Schwartz iron "orks 4610 tt 10.44 . 3 . Barley Co. 4611 0 8.01 Benson Motor Co. 4612 Repairs .75 A'nacortos "merican 4613 Supplies 43 .60 Marine. Supply Co. 4614 U' 32 .92 Puget Found P & L 4615 Lights A x over 28.67 Puget Pound P A L 4616 & 17 power 772.82 A. Thompson 4618 Supplies .85 Simi:,son 's Electric S op 4619 P .41 II PARK ii/UND Frank Knapp 890 Labor 1:.0 .00 * : C . Baker 891 Labor 3 .50 W. ".,"ig ;ins - 892 Labor 10.50 Current Expense r'und 893 Gasoline 4.41 Trulson .Lotor Co. 894 Repairs 2.70 ,: i LIBRARY :1.:UND Salary E. Luella Howard 887 Salary & Cash Adv. 75.93 Evelyn Lundberg 888 Salary 40.00 ±- Blanch Sackett 889 Salary 30.00 Fred Uarshall 890 Salary 25. 00 Water Dept . 891 Water 2.50 Puget ound P & L 692 Lights 4.58 Shannon Hardware Co. 693 Hose . 5. 00 Gaylord Banos 694 Books . 22. 55 E. P. Barber 95 Insurance 23.63 Pu;rret• sound P & L 696 Lights 5.21 A. C .• McClurg 6;7 Books 74.71 SECONDARY H I G F AY FUND WM. &rcy 276 T. Driver 104 .00 Earl .Holmes - 277 T. Driver 104.00 W. K. Asseln 278 Labor 104. UO F. Brokens 279 " . 104. 00 F. N. Haley . - 280 -thngineer 64. 00 Lillian Kast Strock 281 Bookkeeper 25.00 Stanley Anderson 282 Labor A 'aint 14. 50 Joe Maclean 283 Labor 43.75 °3 Current 1'xpense 284 Gasoline 66 .48 z.; Puget ''ound Power & L 285S Power at crusher 337,50 Fidalgo Lumber A Box 286 Lumber 7.56 Van Buren &_.rleller 287 Supplies 3.50 1.111. Dept -of Labor & Ind 288 Ind Ins & M. A 19.97 Trick & Muptay 289 supplies 4.50 ,. cam, 1 , . J4ly 7, 1936. SECONDARY HIONWAY FUND cont. II J. L. Rumsey 290 Food 3.50 Marine Supply Go . 291 Supplies 13 .03 Shannon. Hrdarare Co. 292 Supplies 3.40 Schwartz iron Works. 293 Supplies 23 .80 Anac ort e s Foundry 294 ►f' 7. 50 Union Oil oCo . 295 , ff 1 .35 Benson Motor Co. 296 ft 67.25 Knapp & Ronneberger 297 Repairs 2 .50 Bell Machine works 298 Supplies 2.75 i Haward Cooper Corp 299 Supplies, 61 .10 Feenaughty Machinery Go . 300 Repairs 16.80 Benson Motor L'o , 301 Repairs r 15.48 A;quipment Account 302 Equipment rent-al 110.00 Motion made by Taylor that the matter of claims be referred to the Finance Committee , seconded by Miller Carried.. The Finance Committee to whom t ha matter of claims wasereferred reported that they recommended that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in :f'aver of the same, motion made by Miller that the report of the finance committee be accepted, seconded by Dildine Ayes Fisher, Dildine , Miller and Taylor, pays George . Reservoir land Motion made-=by- Dildine that Mr Riggs be given the prunes and hay on the reservoir land during the time he is leasing the city property, seconded by George , Carried. There being no further business the council did then adjourn. IIApproved in open session this 21st . day of Ju:l;* 1936. '-- ;g/. . Mayor Attest : City lerk. f July 21.,. 193-b Roll call The",'Ci'ty" Council 'of the `Pity of Anacortes met- in regular session 'with Mayor Mans, f reld residin and -Councilmen , Brokens Fisher, t eorge Miller, S p g , , , parks and Taylor answering roil call. MinutesII Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. Dildine's name placed on roll.. Watkinson- '& Hartman Baclk salary 1932 ' Citi Attorney 111: V. :Welhs- to' whoin.'was referred the matter of back salary for Mrs. - '4atkineon-"a.nd Miss' Hart.ms.nn 'fora I:932- reported that the claims were outlawed by the-atatUe of` limitation`, ' mot o 'made by' 'Taylor- that the Attorney be instructed to file a Written report by the next Meeting, seconded" by 'Filler Carried. p i al.ba rtpoft-.an the - three- othe'r"claits'- for back salary. Police Dept. l' ... _ ..' p lice Departinerit for the month of June was presented and on motion accepted and placed an file. Traffic Ordinance Mo't ian -made by Taylor 'that- the..gi.iestion--of:' repealing- the three 'traff ice, ordinances and pa`s- ng a. nett one. -be 'referred'- to the City Attorney, Judiciary committee and the Streets & Parks Committee, seconded by Brokens carried. • lire Department, The - report..."af the;'�i're' D'epartm;erit "for the month of June was presented and on motion accepted and placed on file Finance Committee Two reports of -theT'inan-c"e `coimnittee- were presented the ,.f-ikat signed' by CounbilYnan Taylor and-George-recommending- that the appl'ioat'ien-'of Suryan &-abtapany' fb'r a-lease of the- east halif Of. Q`.Av'enue"street end-be- not 'granted'and the-other report signed by' Councilman- 'i ose 'Sparksv reoo amending 'tha t" the lease Of c 4venue street end be given R. D. ""Suryan, 'after mlach discussion 'abouththe Pease by-Mr. , Prank : Gilkey and Mayor Man-afield Mayor Pro=tem Brokens• having taken the Mayor's Chair) . Mayor--Mariafield 4ga`irr' -take s- the- 'their f- . - Motian—male by Tg r1.arthat`"both-applications- " ..'for Teases be rejected, seconded by Miller, amended-by'Sparka hat- the-cityat"torney report- on the question' at the next meeting; - eecoizded`by-Dilaine-i 'roll cal--wote-Was' taken'.-on the rejection of the • application with- Cauncilmen -Broken's4:- George, ' biller-; Sparks and Taylor voting Aye, .Dildine not voting and Councilman fisher voting nay. R. -D-': Suryans' Pet- ition petition -fro' `R-. D : Suryan for lease of" -the -east half of - t 'Aven'ue teas pres- etted-, motion made by Taylor that the application be read, seconded by Dildine . carried. Motion made by Taylor that the application be rejected, seconded by George Ayes. Brokens., George, Dildine , sparks & Taylor, Nays. Fisher &, Miller.. l— 2 . . ys c , July 21, 1936. f y ..�_ _ _ _ _ ate _ �__3.� :. -- - - A deed from the City to Vim Rauch for - _.hods I & 14 in Block 86 was presented Rauch Deed motion made by Sparks that. the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign and 'deliver the deed Ito Mr. ' Rauci1, seconded by- 'Dildine , Ayes Brokens, Fisherm . 4.'George, Dildine , Miller, Sparks and Taylor. . . III I A letter f rom W. C . Cummings in regard to Local Improvement Assessments was Cummings Letter :;. presented, motion made by Brokens that the letter -be referred to the City Treas- urer for a report at the next meeting, seconded by Dildine carried. `Motion made by Taylor that the Ordinance licensing pin ball games be read for Ordinance . " ' ,information, seconded by Brokens , carried . Motion made by Brokens that the ordinance be referred to the City attorney , License & Police committee and that they report at the next meeting, seconds ' ed by Dildine carried. There being no further business the council did then ac.journ. Approved in open session this 4 day of August, 1936. 2;1K29?-nralle Attest : Mayor. • City ulerk , II II AUGUST 4 1916. The "city Council of the City of Anacortes'met in regular session with Mayor Roll Call. Mansfield presiding' and councilmen-George, Dildine, Miller , Sparks & Taylor answering roll call , Brokens and Fisher absent . - Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. Minutes _W TheClerk'sC • f City lerk s report for the first six months- of 1936 w :s •presented, motion lerk s xeport� made "by George that the report be referred to the ;'manes Committee, seconded byTiller carried. Se*e*al Attorney&S" reports ': Several reports of the City Attorney"s1 were presented , motion made by Taylor f that the reports be read, seconded byGeorge, Carried. ketCi ty attvrney reported that he recommended. that the claims of Mrs Watkinson and Miss Hartmann for back pay for the last eight .months 'of 1932, that the statute of limitations -had-run on both of these claims and the city council has na legal right to pay ',the same. Motion made by .Taylor that the report be accep-S ted and placed on file, seconded by George carried. 4. The 'City Attorney reported that he recommended that traffic ordinanfes Nos. 747,775 and 797 be repealed and a new ordinance be drafted to cover them, motion made by Taylor that this matter be referred to the Judiciary & Streets & parks committees , seconded by Sparks carried. a ' The City Attorney reported that before a lease to a waterfront street can be granted the proposed lessee must obtain the written consent of the lessees of a majority of the square feet fromtage of the harbor area abutting on any street to be so leased, and a notice must be published in the official newspaper for at least fifteen days prior-to -the granting of the said- lease. , motion made by ` Taylor that the report be accepted and placed on file, seconded by Dildine . carried. Two suits against the city for pack salary of the Oity Olerk and the City Site back pay Attorney were presented, motion made by Taylor that this matter be held over1. l until the next meeting, seconded by Miller carried. The City Attorney reported that the ,elaims of L. A. :.Lechnsr, M. A. Hartmann & Lillian Kast Strock for back salary beginning with June 1933 and ending with December 1934 , together with interest at 6% conatitutes a valid claim against ` the City. jThe City Treasurer to whom the matter of Mr. Cummings L.I.B. Assessments on Lots Tres Letter 1 ,2,3,5 and Fr 6 & Fr. 7 of Block 7, Curtis Addition, was referred reported that the last assessment was in the amount of $76.88 and the property. is now included in the list for forclosure'2because ief failure to pay the 5th. or last assessment, motion made by Sparks that this matter be referred to the City 1 Attorney, seconded by Dildine carried. The report of the Police Judge for July was .,presented, motion made by George Police Judge that the report be referred to the finance ommittee, seconded by Miller carries.. The gasoline report for the month of July was presented, motion made by Miller Gas report to refer to the finance committee, seconded by Sparks carried. Motion made by Miller that when the Uhief of Police uses his presonal car for Police car poli d - duty when the police car, is in the garage , he be furnished gasoline by the City, seconded BY sparks , 'yes b Y George , Dildine , Miller, sparks & Taylor. L _ 53 . . . August 4, 1.936 cant. . _ ... . , . . . . Powers Letter A Ietter-frdm Mary -.1°6Were 'deicing-the Cndil- ta- take soMe- adtionto-remedy 'thi-;danditiOn-of: the Water-rUMming over her property' an-37t&-Street,-MOtion Made -bY-SParke-that-this letter:be- referred to the Street Committee and the Street supt,. seconded by Dildine ,- carried. . _„... . .___. Rice Application Will Made 6.P‘Plidationfor- a-lidefiet to haur-garbage: Vhich was Presented MdtiOn-Made by :Spark& thatthe application be referred to. the, Street Committee , seconded by Miller, carried. _ . : . . Pavement dacne . XheapPIidation from the beVerage dispenders asking' ta have ' ComteriaI Avenue . - betWeen-4th:. 86-5th. streets vacated 'at- 7;00- P.M. to 1:00 AM-on' Friday ''''Ligust 14th for 'a pavetent' dande-waS presented, totian made by TaYIar -that they,May use:any- streetexcept Commerical or 5th„ street west of Commerical, seconded by Sparks darned. , _ _ • . - _ _ . _ . _ . . _ . _ _ . . _ . .. . .... _ _ _ _ Pin Ball Machines A-petition form several Of the merchants of the- City asking the 'Council to ' i;Stde-a blanket license ta M . Hannon -to Operate pit- taII'mdohinbe in the City'. Motion tade2by Taylor that the City-Attorney be-instrUcted to- Prepare an' ordinance lidensing the several pIacee-of-business-operating in bd1I 'MachineS, fixing the -licenseS fee' at- 2.50 'Matithly -per maOhine-, ' paYable in admance , seoncd- ed by Dildine , ,ayes Dildine, Taylor, Nays Sparks, George and Miller. . _ . . . ._ _ Motion made by Eiller. that 'the City Attorney be instructed to prepare- an 'Ord- . inande licending- the various Pidded ofbilsiness operating Pin-ball-machines, fiXing-the-ftes at $2:50 per-Machine paybible' 411arteriY; seconded by Taylor, Aim Dildine , Miller, &NTaylori Nays. George and Sparks. Merritt Letter . A Letter-frOM.N. -M. Merritt- asking- for 11 hours labor on the 'concrete mixer tto w&&-Predented,- Mbtion-thade -by- Sparkd-that- thiS tatter- be- referred to the Street Committee and the Street Supt. seconded by George , carried. , . - .•-, , Claims Claims againbt -the ' Curren00xPense fund. and .other city funds for the Month of July were presented as follows! . • . . CURRENT EXPENSE FUND . . 1,-.'a., Shider 6072 6 0,93.ary 132. 30 Bert verrall 6073 -w , 112 .70 M. .0. 'StroCk 6674 w 102.90 M. .C'oblcbton 6075. ..'.' tr,. • ' 98.00 C'. ;Strodk 6076. Piremah , . 54.50 - A.',Mondhah : . 6077- w 5..50 Fred -YiSher 6078 ... w 3.25 . Ged Olsaii- '::: 6079 • . w . . . 5.75 Bert Ranstead 6080 w. . 2.75 V. .Ber1id- ' 6081 to 3.00 W.. .K. YASselh. 6082. to , . 2.25 L. .1,1oorre. " - " • 6083 fp' 300 Wd. MO'CiVern • 6084 w 1.75 Vim. 'Beale ' .- ; 6085' , - - -it- •-. ' 75: Sadie M. Rites"- 6086 Salary" - . 50.00 Lillian Kast. Strock 6087 w & Cash AdV. 52.00 W. V. Wells' 6o88 to 50 .00 AUStin Shaw- 6089' ' 22.50 Al. -Seilenthin - - 6090 a - 15.00 Mrs . Chriet Storme 6091 tt- 20.00- 0. ,E. Arge'S - 6092 w _. S 90.00 IL - H.-Hinshaw 6093 n & Cash Ad: 135.25 Tom Brown 6094 w ' 110.00 win. Dow, . . 6095 105.00 H. Edwards . -6096 Ex-Polivre 950 L.' Pallard- 6097 ' - w. w 12.50 Robert BoYeS _ 6098 ft . w 64. 50 W. A. Sparks 6D9.9 Salary .135..00 ) Lynn Baldomb 6100 - t. . rw o US. 00 T. W. -Ditidson 4i0k 50.00, WM. -Ride : - - - - .-- 6102. -w • - . 20.00, _AnacorteSTDaily Mercury 6103 Printing' - - 11.00 S. D . -Temble .:' 1/41 6104 - . . Supplies c1e/ik- -:' - - - 2.85 BurroWd-AddingMach- O. 6105 Adding Mach Contract 5.55' A-ha-darted-Da:0:y MercilrY 6106 Printing _: ' , 3.303 Pearl..,0autipbell* ' :-: 6107 qleriadi 4ark 15.36 Shatinbn HardWare. CO17- 6108 !flipPiieS Hall 2.61 Sanderson Saftey' Supply 6109 Supplies fire 2 . g •Ahadortes Laundry 6110 ,Laundry-fire 1. . AnaborteS,Water tpt. 614 Hydrants . 395.00 West Coast-Tei CO - 6113 Tails- 3.10 Dept; of Labor & Ind 6114j , Ind Ins & M. A. 24.76 Puget S & P Light- 611 • Lights . 272.46 Van Buren & Heller 6316 SUpplies street 110 Southside Hardware 6331 w w 7 " .63 tr S.-D.-Temple - ' .6110, , .-" - - - -tr-- . .6o Reason Motak 'Co-: 6119, Repairs- Police- - - 24.50 ill Marian' Watkineon 6120 . Hegibter-Of-birthe-& Deaths 10.25 FireMen&-Relief & P 6123) /2- fireMen'S salary 9 .10 Shell Oil Co. . 6122 - . 1.1pplies fire : 4.50 L. E.-Snitter -T 612g, iring Inspection 8.75 Howard Cooper Corp:. . . . 6111 Supplies fire 17.00 . . . . . . • , Iddiir . qp,,_____ ,i. 4 1 5 4y' SEEDONDARY HIGHWAY FUND R 7721.. Do ray • 303 T. Driver l0$:00 ., Earle Holmes 304 7. Driver 108.00 t W. K. Asseln 305- Labor • . 108.00 ., F-. Brokens • 306 "` 108:00 . ,t, F. N. Haley 307Engineer 168.00 Lillian Kast Strock 0 25.00 Puget b 3 Bookkeeper er ound 5 P & L. ' 311 Power at Crusher 37.50 Dept of Labor & Ind 310 Ind Ins & M. A. 17.02 4 Curtis Wharf Co. 309 Supplies 8 .58 Current expense . 312 gasoline 68.49 Marine Supply 313 wupplies 22.33 Schwartz Iron Works 314 ° Supplies 38..08 . Shell 0i1 Co. 315 Supplies - 2..10 A Knapp & Ronneberger 316 Kepairs 17:85 Benson Motor Co. 317 Repairs 3...55 -; WATER FUND Lew Willoughby 4420 Salary 175.00 Clyde Naker 4631 salary- 110.00 G. H. Thomas' 4622 Satxy 90:00 S. A . Burkhart 46g h : Salary 74.00 : Victor Berlin 4625. Salary 124.00 A. ..! . Mondhan 4626 Salary 124..50 111 , L. Steinman 463 Labor - 4.00 Carl Strock 462. Tabor 4.00 Water D(Jensen) 4,62 �'abor 5.00 Water D(Laing) 4639 Labor 5.00 Lillian Kast Strock 463M) Bookeeper 25.00 K. ,L.. Anderson 4632. Clerical work 13.45 Gus Dalstead 4633 Postage 5. 00 Current Expense fund ' 4634 Transfer of funds 90.00 Southdide Hardware Co. 4635 Supplies 15:.74 J. J. Lockert. 4636 Repairs adding Mach 7:50 Benson Motor Co. 4637Repairs . 2.63 Island Transfer 4636 Coal & Freight 11:7a Puget Sound P & L 4639 Power & Lights 2:3.62 Current Expense 4640 Gasoline 25.2 , Uniod Oil Co. 4641 Supplies 34.06 Shell Oil Co . 4642 Supplies 38:69 Van Buren & Heller 4643 Supplies 30. Dept 'of Labor & Ind 4644 Ind Ins & M. A. 21.1i West ' Coast Tel Co . 4645 Tolls & Service . 0 Penn 'Salt Mfg Co. 4646 Chlorine 160.00 Lester Thomas 4623 Salary 100.00 Tax Commission 4647 Business Tax 401.17 Wallace & Tiernan 4648 Supplies 74.19 Palmer Supplir 4649 Supplies 6.17 Puget S P & L 4650 Power & Lights 7.22 IortEington Gamon Meter 4651 Supplies 6•39 x' Knapp & Ronneberger 4652 epairs 3.45 Federal Pipe & Tank - 4653 upplies 43.34 Puget S P & L4654 & 55 Tower 765.56 Skagit Valley Tel Co. 4656 oils &Servic:e 4. 15 Simpson's Electric Shop 4657 Supplies 3.50 Marine Supply 4658 Supplies 34.24 Robie Sawyer 4655= Supplies 1.00 Shannon Hardware Co. - 4660 Supplies 19.60 Anacortes American 4661 Supplies 3.25 PARK DFNND • Frank Knapp 895' Labor 100:00 J. E: Hadding 896 Vacation 45.15 W. 3. Wiggins 897 Labor 7 .00 Current �xi;ense 898 Gasoline 2.80 The Fix-it Shop 899 Supplies 1.25 LIBRARY FUND ' E. Luella Howard 898 Salary & Cash Adv. 76.30 Evelyn Lundberg 899 m 40.00 Blanch Sackett 900 'F 30.00 Fred" Marshall 901 " 25.00 Water Department 902 Water - 2 .50 The Fix-it Shop 903 Supplies 1.00 Puget Sound News Co . 904 Books 23 .68 Gaylord Bros 905 Supplies 4.85 Puget S P & L 906 Lights 4.47 Anacortes roundry 907 Supplies 11Q.00 Motion made by Miller that the matter of claims be referred to the finance Som. seconded by Dildine Carried, werereferred re orted that matter The com��nittee mn finance ce to whom the tna toP they recommended that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of the same , motion made by Sparks that the report be accepted, seconded by Taylor, Ayes Dildine, Miller, Sparks & Taylor Nays George . III TheretBeing no furthur business the council did then adjourn. Approved in opens session this 18ti. day of August 1936.- PiP-T6-72-27.-.-iio-/-c. , At est : Mayor :7 '44Jfr4k4.2 ii6 City Clerk. , 55 . . . , August 18th. 1936 we �.. .. _.e._-City- A_- ion .with...Mayor Mans- Roll Call The--City--City- Council of trieCity of' nacortes met in ,regular session field pre iding and councilmen. Brokens, Fi:sh.er, Dildine , Miller, sparks and Taylor answering roll call, George absent Minutes approved Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. Chief Police Themotion-report of" to the o ibePoDepartment-'for the month of July was presented and on Police Committee. .: Chief Fire The report of the Fire Department for the month of July was on motion accepted and placed on file. Walsh letter A,'letter- from S. P. Walsh aeking the council to-make provisions 't'o instal"a water tap at -the 'garbae 'd .tarp was presented, motion' made 'by' 'parks that the letter -be referred to the lire, •Water and Lights Committeee , seco nded by . , Brokens Carried. Belief Board The Firemen''s- relief` & •P'ension B•aard'peitioned the ..counicil to' make -a levy of 1/4-mill- in the budget for this . fund, motion made by Taylor that 'this letter placed on file and taken up i'ith the budget, seconded by Sparks , carried. _ _ .. .. be . . T. C . Brooks Letter A letter. from T. 'C C . 'Brooks , .. asking that the office of plumbing inspector be declared vaat'ant until such'• time as the ordinance is amendedse that an appointee may le Belly elualify, <ite44e14 was presented, motion made' by Sparks that this letter be refe'rred ,to` the City Attorney and Building & Swers Committee, seconded by Brokens , carried. P. S. P. & Light A letter from ,the ' Puget Sound 'Po-giver &" tight in regard 'tb the moMi.ng of the poles at '.SWinomish" Slough- was' Presented, motion made by Miller that this letter be placed on file no' second. . ' -• _. ' ' Motion' made by Taylor that the letter be referred to the City Attorney, seconded by Dildine, carried. Petition a ainsthie- A .petistable ... . . . Lion from residents on 7th'' & .H Avenue protesting against a stable 'being built on a vacant lot- was presented,-Motion made by Brokesn that the petition Carried , by Dildin% C s n file ,, seconded be- placed o . .._. ,_: ._. . _ _. _.. . . . . __ .. :. . . ._. ., . . ... . . _ . .. . p Insurance Police C. A police: to renew the insurance bn the Police car' was 'presented motion made by sparks that -this matter be ' referred` to " the .Finance "Committeaand the City Attorney with power• to act , seconded by Miller carried. , Budget The proposed budget for ' the year 1937 wus presented.. to the council, motion made , by`•Fieher-that Jthe:re "beia special 'meeting of the Council August 25th.•. at 8:00 ok to consider the budget, seconded by.Dildine carried. . oclo ... .. .. labor day parade Counc= iman Brokens stated ' that' the Labor Council wished permission to hold a parade on Labor Day , .motion made by Miller that they be granted permission , seconded by Dildine , carried.. , There being no furthur business the council did then adjoutn. . Approved in open session this 1st . day of September 1936. II I Mayor Attest : City Clerk. . • A • 56 ,, . :;., .,..r . - Cr)temk�er 1, 1936 . The "City Council of the �'ity of Anacortes met in regular session with Mayor Mans- Roll Call. field presiding and Councilmen Brokens , fisher, George, Dildine , Miller, Sparks an • Taylor answering roll call. z Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. Minutes approved II .i. Motion made by•Miller that the City Clerk be authorized' to hire help for minograph , Budget ,ng -the budget , seconded Dildine, Ayes , 3rokens, Fisher, George, Dildine , Miller , Sparks and Taylor. At Motion made by Miller that 'the proposed Ordinance on Pin Ball Machines be taken up ," Ord Pin Ball seconded by Brokens , carried. J.f'- Motion made by 'Sparks that the City Attorney be instructed to draft an Ordinance licensing "operators- of pin ball machines a yearly license of $50.00 and the place ' of 'business to pay'a license on each machine ' of $1.25 payable 3 months in advance, : aeonn,ded ay Fisher, Ayes Brokens , Fisher, George , Dildine, Miller, Sparks and Taylo . F Mr. 1% 'V. Wells City Attorney to whom 'the.tmatter of Anacortes having any part in Attorney PSL changing the power lines 'over Swigomish Slough, was referred-reported that he recommended that 'the Citywrit:e.tthe Puget Sound 'Power & Light denying and disclaim ; • . in an financial obli ation g y g , present or future, in the matter of change , alteratio - s or replacements 'of any protion of its power system, motion Miller that the attorn;- ys report be complied with, seceirded by Dildine , carried. _; l'he -report of the Police Judge for the month of August was presented and on Motion J.P. Aug. referred to the finance committee. The gasoline report for the month of August was presented and on motion accepted & Gas report placed on file . i Motion made ' by Fisher 'that the `pity Attorney -be 'instruced to ' draft an ordinance ' Sound rftucks. licensing sound trucks and hand bills , ududx1r4 No second. Motion made by Dildine that the City Attorney be instruced to draft an ordinance licensing hand bill distribution at the rate of '$1.00 per day; payable o the City Clerk, seconded by George, Ayes George , Dildine , Nays Brokens , risher, sparks & Taylor, Miller not voting. Motion made by George that the Chief of -Police fie instructbs d- to enforce the ord- inance on hand bills now on the books, seconded by 'Fisher, Ayes Fisher, George & Dildine , Nayes , Brokens, Miller, Sparks and Taylor. Motion made by Taylor that the first motion made in regard to stundxtx'nrecimaid ' licensing hand bill distribution be reconsidered, seconded by Miller,Ayes Brokens , Dildine , Miller, Taylor, Nays , Fisher , George , Sparks. I Motion made by Taylor that the City Attorney be instruced to ' draft and ordinance licensing the distribution of hand bills at the rate of $1.00 per dayi seconded by Dildine , Ayes Dildine , Miller and Taylor Nays Brokens, Fisher, George & Sparks. Motion made gy Miller that the question of licensing hand bill distribution be held over until the next meeting, second by Dildine carried. Claims against the Current Expense fund and other City funds for the month of Claims August were presented ad follows : current Expense L. E . Snider 6124 Salary 132.30 Bert Verrall. 6125 " 112 :70 M. G. Strock 6126 " 102.90 M. Cookston 6127 k 98.00 C. Strock 6128 Call Man 43.25 Geo. Olson 6129 rr rr 12.75 L. Moore 6130 Gall Man 3.00 Ed. Mc ' overn 6131. ° Call Man 3.00 A. Mondhan 6132 OCal1 Man 5:00 ' V. Berlin 6133 ' Call Man 5.00 Fred Fisher 6134 Call Man 2.00 W. K. Asseln 6135 " " 2.25 Sadie M. Arges 6136 Salary 50.00 Lillian Kast Strock 6137 °h & Cash Adv. 52.57 I. V. Wells 6138 Salary 550A0 Austin Shaw,__.. 6139 . n, 22.50- Al Sellenthin 6140 * 15.00 Mrs. Christ. Storme 6141 " 20;00 0. E. Arges- 6142 " 90 .00 H. H. Hinshaw 6143 " & Cash Adv.. 135.25 Tom. Brown 6144 * 110.00 Pin. Dow 6145 "' 105.00 Bob Bo es 6146 Ex-Patrolman 91.00 W. A. Sparks 6147 Salary13,5.00 Lynn Balcomb 6148 r< 115.00 --- T . W. Dodson 6149 Labor 5C.00 WM. Rice 6150 rn 20.00 Anacortes Bally Mercury 6151 Printing 58.85 -- Trick & Murray 6152 Registration supplies 32.57 W. V. Wells ' 6153 Cash Adv. 22:00 • M. R. Kingsley 6154 Bond city attorney 5. 00 Fern Press 6155 Supplies police J. 1.50 ' Shannon Hardware Co. 6156 Supplies city hall .95 L. E. Snider 6157 airing & Cash Adv. ' ' 9:75 Northwest Equip Co. 6158 Supplies fire dew. 125.00 \ Firemen'S relief & Pension 6159 2% iremen's Salary 9.10 Water Depareten.t 6160 Hydrants 39 5►00 .A . . . . - . . ... 5741 September 1, 1936. CURRENT EXPENSE cont . SOhWarti Itdn Works 6161 Supplies "fire dept . 6.75 Standard'Oil qb: on- Or-Go. -:' Dept : .of-Labbr & rid 6164 6162 • 6163 • - - tr" 'Police 1" Re'pairS "' . , Ind Ins. "& M:. A. It " 1 :18 B on -Mot 11.30 ? 3•.35' M. -It ' iting•sIey- . .6165 - . Ihs 'ailice car ' ' .32:60 Standard- 'Oil..Co . . . • 61:*666 • Gasoline 188.22 Union 01I-CO.- , - 6167 ,, !. . . . , wi05 West Coast Tel ao ;' -6168 , iolIs & Service 4. 10 SECONDARY' HIGHWAY __ _... .. . , . • . V . - , . Wiif:YDordY- . 30 7, Drier : MOO Itaxl:BOIthee 319 " T. Driver' -10400. W. K. lealeh . 320' 14,1jOr.- 10400 I.7E*.. Cahail - 321 Labor- ....6.1 5o F-. 1.-HalW, --.- --- 323 Enigneer- 56..00 Lillian Xatt-StnOk 324 BoOkkeeper - ' 25.00 DelJt of- Labor .& " nd.."- 325: IhdYIhs & M. A. -1961 Fait' & Home Paint GO1 326 Paiht 17550 Great"116ttherh-Ry co. 327 Labor ' Ahrac'Orted-LUMber Co.. , 328 Lumber ' 1835 Marin'e. P4Ply • ' 329 ' Sup101ieS -. 48;15 dUrtie-Wharf '--- 330 34bbIlieb, . 102:31 tbhWartz Iroh'Works 331 8143piieZ 12.33 • Current Expense ' 332 Gasoline 6555' Shell OMCO-: -T-- - ' 333 .8UPplieS. 894 • Knapp 8c .Ronheberger 334 .Repairs- 8.1 II urii& Supplies - 335 Howard Cooper Corp. . 336 '1.1pplies.' ' 100 19.70 • WATER FUYD Let-WilIOughby . 4462 ' Salary 175:0'Y Clyde Baker ' 4663 Salary 110.00 0%-li.-Thotat- 4664 Saiart , 9000 Lester Th6Mad: 4665 Salary 100:00 S. A:: -Burkhart . 4666 Sala* . 21 :00 A. ' Sirett :- .- 4667 Salary 12-.00' VlatarB:eriin. 0468 Salary . 125. 00 .k.'. 0-.* Mohdhan • • . _ 4669 Salary 125.00 Water'Dept- (G. -01Sbn) 4670 ' LabOr' ' 4.00. Lillian 'EaSI- Strock 4671 BpokkeePer 25. 00 K.-..r:-Andera6hT 4672 Clerical Work. CUrrentenbe. ' 4673 Transfer of" funds ' ' 90.00 TaX COMinibtion ' . 4674 . Business 'Tax 382:49 G#6"Dar6lead: ' ' 4675 ' Stanps . 5:00 WeSt-C6tiSt Tel-Go . - ' 4676 Tolls 4.80 Anadorte 'S Latber. Go. 4677 Lumber 66: 50 Penh-SaIt-Mfo. 4678 Chlorine 45.00 Chain- BeltO . 4679 Supplies • :56 Palmer Supply 4680 Supplies 585 . BensOn wotor Co. 4681 Repairs 1.75 Skagit Valley Tel Co. 4682 Tolls & Service 4:35 Shell Oil CO. - - 4683 Supplies 9.28 II Scientific Supplies Maryland Cafe 4685 Meals 20.25 Dept of-Labor & 1nd 4684 SuPplies 1 :12 4686 - ' Ind Ina & M. A. ' . , 3690 Van Buren & i•ieller . 4687 Supplies' • 11:36 Shannon Hardware Co. 4688 Supplies 31.57 ' ,Gurrent Expense '4689 Gasoline . 22 .03 Schwartz Iron Works 4690 Supplies ..2:00 Marine -Suppliy - . 4691 Supplies . 55.36 Wallace & Tiernan 4692 Supplies - 84.64 PARK' AiliD J.--.: E.: Harding - .90.0-- _ -' Labor 100.00 Fran __ . . k-Knapt 901 "It - . 80.00 Trulson Motor GO. 902 Repairs. 5.24 Shannon Hardware Co. ' 903 sipplies 3.47' LIBRARY FUND 6 E: 'Luella *Howard' 908 . salary & Cash Adv. 76.80, EieiSrn Lundberg 909 re 40.00 Blanch Sackett . 910 ' ' " t 30.00 Fred MardhalI 911 a ' 2:5..00 Anacortes Water- Dept: 912' Water- ' 9.05 AtacOrtes Foundry ' 913,' Supplies ' 3.00 Puget Sound- News Co,; 914 Books . ' 42.55 'W'BrOthers 915. RePaira -to itiaf' 10.00 WM. Robertson. 916 Cleaning Chimney 5.00 I ZitAxiittamma - MOtion made by Brokens _that the matter of claims be referred to tie Finance' CdtMittee, seconded by Miller carried. The Finance GOmmittee to whom the matter of claits were referred reported that they recommended that:the elaimbbe allowed and- warranta drawn'Alti ' favOr of -the same. Motion made by Brokens that the report of 'the finance 'comMittee be accepted , second- . ed by Sparks, Ayes Brokens, Fisher, Dildine, Miller. & Sparka , Nays Geargeril Taylor not voting. Budget Motion made by Fisher to adjourn Until Friday Night September 4th. to consider the budget , seconded by Miller, Carried. . - - A 58 Approved in o„,en session this 15th . day of September 1936. Attest : Mayo • cke-0-1's at-0-a° *City Jerk. . SEPTEMBER Oth. 1936. The City Council convened at7:45 P. M. Mayor...Mansfield presiding. And Coun i- poll Call men Brokens , fisher, George, Diidine , Miller,. °parks and aylor answering roll± ca ;l. Mayor 'CanafielI appointed Miller acting clerk. Motion made by George that a license be granted to Fisher for a period' of four` months to act as bill poster and distributor at a license rate of $6.00 , seconded by Brokens carried. Motion made by Fisher, seconded by Brokens that the City attorneys report on pin bal ordiance be accepted and placed on file . carried. Motion made by Fisher seconded by George that oddinance licensing pin ball games be placed on the first" and second reading, Ayes Brokens , Fisher, George , 'Udine , Mi11er,. Taylor and Sparks. Motion made by Brokens seconded by Fisher that Mr. Hord be payed balance due for repairing roof to City Hall, carried. Motion any Brokens seconded by Fisher that pin ball ordinance be placed or consid- ered placed on its third and final reading, carried. Roll call adopting ordinance Ayes Brokens , Fisher , Dildine , Sparks and Taylor, Nays George. • Discussion of Budget : A" lenghty discussion resulted over the suggested plan of merging the Street Dept . and the Water Depart:ent the Mayor abjecting to the plan. M . Taylor suggested reducing the millage to 12.74 mills for the Gity operations instead of levying the full 15 mills. The Mayor objected to the plan , contend- ing that any surplus moneys that could be saved over and above that needed for the c operations of the City, be placed in a fund for the retirement of outstanding Cit warrants. Motion made by Fisher seconded by Dildine that information regarding the cost of installing a check valve at the Avon Pump Station be "had so that in the event of an accident to':..the pumping station the installation there would be protected and possibly the cost of maintaining an attendent at the pumping station be eliminated, motion carried. • The City Council decided that the Police department was not to act in the capaci- ty of a collection agency for the purpose of collecting ;library fines & Books. Motion to adjourn until 7:30 P. M. Wednesday the 9th. was made & Carried. Approved in open session this 15th. day of September 1936. 141-e) Attest : Ma r • - City Clerk. Pro-Tem. SEA'TEMBE R 9th. 1916_ Meeting call to order by Mayor Mansfield but owing; to a meeting in Mount Vernon the Council adjourned until Y allay-+i4gh4 Thursday night at 7:30 P. M. to consider the budget. - Approved this 15th. day of September 1936. 7e144 Attest: Mayor. ✓��c-cam` .,' City Clerk. 1 59 . . September 10,, 1936. Roll Call. Gity Co in adjourhed-eesSidn-tith-Maybr Mansfield presiding arid ' Godnciiten -BrokenS, Fisher , George , bildine , Miller, and . Taylor andwering IItoll call, Sparks absent . Sparks name placed on ion. Street Supt . intiOn 'made by-Dildine that One half-of the Street SUpt : ' salary be paid from tleVy' and the other half frot -beedndaryhighwaY-mOneyysedonded ' byTisher attended to read that the SUPt.-receiVed al35.00 per month, Ayes Brokens, Fisher , George; Dildine, Sparks and Taylor. ."• „ • , Police thigerency Motion made- bY'SParkS that $220°.00" be-trandferred froth the WERA-EMergencyfund td- the-EMergendy fdnd-to pay- the 'poiide-warrantS, "Seconded-by Dildine , Ayes Broker's', Visher , George ,--Dildine , Miller, Sparks and Taylor. • . • Budget Motion-Made-by Brbkens-that thelit!Udger- be adoPted-aS-set uP and- the ' clerk be inStrudted-tO "balande-With the. dontingent ' fund; seconded by Diidine ., Ayebi Brokens , Fisher, Dildine , Miller, Sparks , Nays George , Taylor not voting. . _ There being no further business the council did them adjourn. Approved in open session this 25 th. day of .September 1936. - :)f ayor • Attest : ./LL;(2A 12 • City Clerk. • SEPTEMBER 15, 1916. Roll Call The-dity Codncil -di the 9ity-df-Anacortebr.met ' in regular besSion with Mayor ManSfield .preSiding -and 'ounotimen , George , Dildine , Miller and Taylor answep. ing roll call , .Brokens ishet and Sparks absent . Minutes MInutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. Police report rePOrt-of the Pdlide DepartMent-for-the month of August was presented and on .motion_referred to the police committee. Fire report The - report-of- the xire- Department-for the month of Augdst was presented and On motion accepted and pladed on file . ,,, • II There being no furthur business the council did then adjourn. Approved in openssession this 6th, day of October 1936. Mayor Attest: ]/Lt-e21,2 ,e) City Clerk. OCTOBER -6'th. 1916.- Spedi17- - Roll Call The City CodnaiI of the-,City. of Anadortes met'inriaga*EkEdesession. with M ayor ManSfield Presiding ' and -GOUnciimen- Brokend,-PIldine, Miller, Sparks & Taylor andwering roll call , Fisher and George absent.. George same placed on roll. The puppose of the meeting was to adopt the, city budget fotthe year 1937. Motion Made by-Brdkens that the budget be adopted section by section, seconded by George Carried. Sedtion 1. Mayor Totai425.00 Motion made by Brokens, sec by Sparks to adopt C 5-ed. 2. City. Clerk - 1,001:00 w " spd'rkEt: Miiler . Sec . 3 " " Treb . 1 ,90300 w T . BrOkehs w " Sparks w 4 Sec. 4. w Att.' 65000 Ir "° w Miller " w Dildine " Sec. -5* P° Itidge - 27000 w " Sparks 6. Hall- - - 1 , 020: 00 "° tt U Miller r It 7. Plumbing ' 50.00 w " Miller w " Sparks w George objected to the additional fireman,Motionnmade by Dildine to adopt balance oftbgdgeandnd refer back to fire dept ."sec George carried. 441 r 60 , . .. . , . . - OCTOBER 6, 1936.. . Sec: 9: Dog Catcher 17:50 Motion made Sparks sec by Broker's to adopt carried. Sec: 10 Health 'Officer '290.00 't 'r it " " Dildine w' " " ' .. + Sec . 1'l Police 6567:45 "` " I ller "' II Brokens to " " Ays all , Geo & tit N� Sec . 12 Street 6005:00 ' w - " 'parks " " Dildine "' " w 13 amtingent 6568.59 with the increase of the additional tax levy added to the retirement of outstanding warratns. Motion made Sparks sec ilildine to adopt carried. Sec 14 Receipts w " " r " Miller U n n Sec. 15 Library "r '" Brokens '" Dildine " "' Sec. 16 m Receipts " " Sparks' Sec " " II w 17 Park Broeksn Miller 16 " it " it Sparks '" Dildine " w tr rr �� tr m " " Sparks' w19 Zreman ReliefMiler " 20 rr ". Recei1' is "' " Sparks " Miller rr " n . 21. Water 79 ,000.00 w " It ' It n- " II II " Receipts . " 2 ' " " Miller " Sparks " "- , It 23 Police Emergency 220 .00 " " Miller ' " ' " " " 24 , LID 'Ggaranty tr " Sparks " Brokens w " " 25 General Bond "` " Sparks " Brokens ' " II' 26 l ev Bond " " Brokens " Sparks " " 27 SpantEdary Highway " "' Sparks " Brokens " " Ayes all George Nay. ' The Council referred back to sec ` ion 8, the fire department , 'motion made by Miller ' ! that the fire department budget be adopted, seconded by Miller , Ayes All George Nay, Motion made "by' Miller kha.i the budget be' adopted as a whole, seconded by Brokens, 4yees rokens , firgarvEw Dildine, Miller, Sparks & Taylor Nays George . Motion made 'by Sparks that the ' ordinance adopting the tax 'levies for the year 1937 be held o aer until October 6th, seconded by Dildine , carried. Motion made by Taylor that Ordinance NO. being 'an' ordinance adopting the budget II for all municipal purposes and uses for ' the year' 1937, be p aced on its: first and second reading by title, seconded by Brokens , carried. • Motion made by Taylor that Ordinance No . ' being an ordinance adopting the budget for all municipal purposes and uses for the year 1937, be placed on i s third and final reading, seconded by Brokens , carried. . .r Motion' made by Brokens that the ordinance be adopted as' a whole, seconded by Spraks Ayes Brokens, George , Dildine , Miller, Sparks and Taylor. j The Council did tit en adjourn. Approved in open session this 6th. day of October 1936. �'�/ � 1. Mayor Attest : r4a.“.,a-t,. /V-4-44* &tr4-0'2) . City Clerk. • ; • i ;w . .',. ,,..,. . ,•, , !.„,, ,., ,,, . . . * . . .. ei. 1 • 1 - • ,. . Roll Call The :City-C-6146n of the 'City: of" Anadortes ' met iii.regilIa-r session With Mayar-; . pit%itein-Presiditg-and'•Counatl„ then Dtldine , Millsr,• Sparks and. Taylor answerig r.:011 call. Fisher and George. absent. .. . . , . .. . . • . Minutes approved Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read'. ' . , .. . . . . _ George name on roll. „ .. . . .. ..... .. .... . „.. . . .. _ . , . . . .. . . . ,- _ . ..,. . . ..„ . 0 .. .._ .. _ . . . J. P. Report The -iolice jUdgerd" report for the month of ' September was presented and on Motion was referred to the finance •sommittee. . ._ .. . „. . . .. . . , . . . „„.„.. . . .. . . . . . . .. • Gas report The,, gaSoline report f or "the' month --af "September -Was presen tea'Xitrbc thOtion made ,by George that the report be referred to the Council as a whole, seconded by l'iid ins. Carried. ...„, . _ . . . . -.,....,.. . ._ _ . . . . _ „ . ,„ .. .. Dept . of L & Ind i .A. letter .from-the departnent of Labor & ndUstries in reard- to the emploYees PaYing industrial insurance In Whieh-they Stated* that *one hald of the' medical aid-; Was *Char-gable to the \Oral-nab; was "Preden:tea thotiOn Made-by *Miller" tl.at thel letter be placed on file ta -Tuttir referrenee, seconded by George Carried. , .._ . . .. . . . _ . .. ... „ . . ..,... , . Ordinance No. Mation-Made by Taylor that ordinande n. - ' being an ordinance - levying a..' tak- upon- the real 'and personal ProPertt4i thin ' the city Of Anacortes, Skagit County, `Washington; for Municipal Parpodes , for the year 1937. , be • placed on its first and second reading by title, seconded by George , Carried. Motion "made -bY* Taylor that-Ordinance N'o. be placed on its third and final .... . .. _ ... reading, seconded by-Diiditte*, Carried. . . , _ . , liatian made by Sparki that Ordinance NO. . be adopted asaa whole ,' seconded by KillAyes , Brokens, e 1 , „. .. . „... Darcy time Miller, Georg ,, Dildine , Miller, Sparks and Taylor. . . . . . _. . . . . ... . . .. .. .. „..... , . ,, ... .„ . .. . . . M'Otton Made . by" Sparks that -Win - Dory" "be paid for the si...c dayd 'time :he was dockea. 1adt: Month, seconded by Dildine, Ayes Brokens , George Dildine, Williimr, Sparks and' Taylor.. .. _. . _ .. . 0 NOte on truck A note for 4.25.00 - due on the street department tru-ck W- as noted , motion made • by Killer that this matter be held. over until the next meeting, seconded by Sparks Carried. . . , .. . . . . . . . . . 0.. . . . Claims Claim against the Curren-t Ek-pende. fund and Other City funds for the month of September were presented as. follows: . ..... .. . . ., . ... 0 , ,. . L.-E'. Snider' 6169: Salary s 132e30 Bert Verrall 6170 SaIarY 112 70 M. ,G. - Strobk 6172.: Salary " 102 .90 M. .CoOkSt-on ' - 6172 SaIary- 98.00 C'. -=Strack** 6173 Fireman 42 ..75 . Tea . 01d-oii" . ' (3174 Pi:reinsi 1.50 Fred Fi het- 6175 Fireman - 1.00 Ede McGovern 6176 Fireinati. 1.75 A. aiondhan 6177' gii,einafi 2 25 L..--Koare- 6178 Fireman , Wit;'Beale. " 6179 Fireman 1.50 Earl *Ho ime 6' . " 6160 Pireinan ' ' ' ' ' •75 Sadie K. Arges - - 6181 & 82' SaiarY & Cash AdV: 55.00 Lillian' Kadt Strock 6183 Salary" & Cash Adv. '54.50 WV.'Weild Add tin Slid* 6185 Salary 22 .50 1 ,Sellen thin- :- -- - 6184 SaIaiSalary6186 Salary - 50.00 15.00 JIrs . Christ Stortne 6187 Salary 20.00 - COT., E. ArgeS-- 6188 Salary 90'..00- .4'.-H.' Tlidshaw 6189 Salart 13575- lo-rir Brown , 6190 Salary 11'000 „WM. DOW-- $3:91 slaily 105:00 - Bob Bayed' : ' 6192 SaIarY - 1'050 71:.--A. Sparks 6193 Saaty • 135:00 ,Lynn Balbolib , 6194 Idry" 11500 T. W. -Dodson 0 6195 Salary 50 ..00' - M. '111.6e- i -- ' -:- 6196 _ 843a.i.y „, . . . ., . . 2000 kfacorteS Aineriaan" -' -;* 6197 Supplies city clerk 44.0- Kertiekts Variety Store 6198 tt''' ---tr ' .30' Shannon H uplieS. ardWare C`d. 6199 &_ . 0,, p city 'hall • 2.75 Island Transfer Co. 640 Coal *City. hall' - ": 57.38 Union Oil CO. . 6201 6-uplaies -6i-ty hall • 1:50 6202 k1ea't fon supplies - . 54:42 Kerneyrd *Varie tt, Stare 6203 - Supplies fire deP t. • .30 L. E . Snider - ' 6204 Wiring & Cash 'Mir". 9 75' Shannon kardware' CO-. 62,05 S'uppl i es fire dept . * "3•45 .20th .-Street. Service - -- 6206 -- w - ". w a il'.00" anaadrteS Water .DepartMent 6207 Hydra td-. - : * * A - 395.00 lireffienrd Relief, & kenSion 6208 2 % of fi rem en"' d Wages 9.10 cAgiadorted° Stedif laundry- 6209 LatindrY. f ire" A ept -. : 4.93 Van *Buren & 'Beller 621-0 : Supplies fire dept. ,;721 I Marine Supply -CO. - 0iimerican- -14France-darp 6212 - 139.60 2Oth.. ° Street- SerVice ' 6211 sr 6213 sr is ' .10 1" , tr Street dept . 10.73-' ,SOuthdide Hardware Co. 6214 it' rr, 9"" ' 1•3 0 SCI11;Var t Z'- Iron Works 6215 . zt- w w • .1055 Maine SUpPlit• - 6216 "IF " tt' "' , 13 3 5 Puget Saund Power & L 6217 LightEi ' - . - 273.97. S. D.. Temple 6218 - SUppIied street'*dept . 3.65. Puget sound P &-L 6219 Power at crusher 75.00 Morrison mill Co. 6220 Lumber - - ' - 63.61 J. L. Ramsey 6221 Supplies Street 3.50 . , , , A r 62 October 6th . 1936. Current Expense cont.. Puget Sound Power & Light 6222 Lights 273:72 Union Oil Co. 6223 Gasoline 70.22 Shell Gil Co . - 6224 Gasoline 68:09 TdsC'Goast 'Telephone Co. 6225' Tolls 5.85 !,filiartmb.nt bsafC iaia®r. & Und` 6226 Ind Ins & M. A. 28:73 ' sonuMEA02 .A.dQ CO: 6227 Repairs police dept. 6. 755 Shannon Hardware Co. 6228 Supplies " " 1.75 PARK FUND .f�,�' 904 Labor 100.00 J. E. Harding 995 ''' 80.00 Frank Knapp 906 Gasoline 8•55 Current Expense 907 Supplies 3.75 Shannon H ardware 908 Supplies ' , 14. 00 Marine Supply WATER DFUND. Lew Willoughby 4693 Salary- 175:00 Clyde Baker 4694 Salary 110:00 G. H. Thomas 4695' Salary 90:00 A. Sirett , 469 Salary 148.00 Lester Thomas • 4697 Salary 100.00 Victor Berlin 4698 Salary 125.00 A. C . ,Mondhan 4699 Salary 125.00 Tom Entus 4700 Labor 4.00 G . Strock • 4701 Labor ' 4.00 Lillian Kast Strock 4702 Bookkeeper 25. 00 K. L. ,Anderson ' 4703 Clerical work 9.30 G. N. Dals"teal 4704 Postage ' 5:0Q ExpenseGasoline 26.8 Current 4705 3 Marine Supply 4706 Supplies 17.52 West Coast Tel Co. 4707 Tolls ` 4. 55 Penn Salt Mfg Co. 4708 Chlorine 60/00 Current Expense 4709 Transfer of funds 90.00 Department of Labor & Ind 4710 Ind Ins a& M. A. 27.97 Puget Sound e & 4 �11& 12 Pwer& Lights 761.96 . 'almer ' upply Co. 4713 Supplies - Federal Pipe & Tank Co . 4714 tt18684 Puget S,pund Power & light 4715 Power & Light 32.07 American Radiator Co. 4716 Supplies 2.93 Benson Motor Co. 4717 Supplies 2.29 S . D. Temple 4718 iu_ plies 1.65 Shell Oil Co . 4719 Supplies 18.54 Van Buren & heller 4720 Supplies .9.54 • Puget Sdund Power & light 4721 Power 400 .00 It, n "r m 4722 Power 358.33 Southside Hardware Co. 4723 Supplies 18 .21 Skagit. Valley Tel Co. 4724 Tolls 7.75 Puget Sound Power & Light 4725 Power & Light 32.,24 The Greenwood Co . 4726 Supplies 3.88 Island Transfer Co. 4727 Coal 11.22 Shannon 'Hardware Co. 4728 Supplies 18.21 Schwartz Iron Works 4729 Supplies .75 1 Union Printing 'Co. 4730 Supplies 1.02 ' LIBRARY FUND . Salary & Cash Adv. .80 L. Luella Howard 917 75� Evelyn Lundberg 918 Salary . 40:00 Blance Sackett 919 " 30 :00 Fred Maiskall 920 w �5. 00 .`< M. R. Kingsley 921 Insurance 38.70 Anacortes Water Department 922 Wab'ers . 2 :50 • Henry Davey 923 Insurance 14.97 Puget Sound Power & L 924 LAg .ts - 4. 00 M. E. Flagg 925 ,Wood 87.50 E. Luella Howard 926 Cash' Adv. 3 .75' M. C . Mcclurg 927 Books . 12.. 01- Puget Sound News Co . 928 Books 35 65 Puget Sound P & L 929 Lights 4.244 r Kerneyrs Variety store 930 Supplies 3.28 Shannon Hardware Co. 931 Supplies 19.45 SECONDARY HIGHWAY . . . Wm; Morey 337 T . Driver 128:00 Earl 'Holmes 33 " it 104.00 W . K.' AsseTh 339 Labor 104:00 F. N.' Haley 340 Engineer . 40:00 Harry Hansen 341.. Labor .1:.T.�00 Bob Werner 342 �` 1.00 I. E : Chail 342 Foreman 9.60 Lillian Kast Strock 34 - Bookkeeper 25. 00 F'_dai`go Lumber & Box 345 Lumber 70•39 S. A. Posey, 346 Rental Mixer 60.00 Department of Labor & ind 347 Ind Ins & M. A. 13.9 8 Curtis Wharf 348 -Material 131.75 Howard Cooper Corp 349 Supplies 16 .20' , Benson Motor Co. '350 Repairs • •35 Shell Oil Go . 552 Supplies 15.90 . I . '' •;,.ii:, ,, : October 6kb.. 1936. 631 Mc5tion Made 'b:kj-Taylor that- the matter Of claims be referred to the Finance Committee , seconded 1.Jy Dildine Carried. , „. „,. , . , . .. ... . . .,... . .. .. . ... .. . . . . , ., . . , I The"Firiance C-oMmittee to whom. ietnatter. Of clainis mr-ere referred r-eparted th" at they:recommende " that the - oliams be allowed and warrants dra-ti in favor of' the ... .,„ .,.. . . . same , motion made by -Dild.ine -that the f inance comthitteelS ' reficift-be accebted ' secificded".by:Miller gnarrfront Ayes ; Brokens, tiidine , Miller, „Sparks and Taylor, Nays. George. .._ . „. . .,, . .. „ . . . , .. . . . . _ . . ...„ . There being no furthur business the council did then adjourn. .. . . . .._ _ _ . . _ , ..... .. . . _ ., . Approved in open session this 20.th. day of October 1936.. . . . „ . . Mayor Attest: . . . . • 3 , . . . . , .. 0 • ° • OCTOBER 20th. 1916. 1 . . . ... . . ... . _ . . . Roll Call th'e-dity. C-Oufid il of t tie CI ty -Of- Anad oi.t e s-tae t in regular-de-Ssion with."Mqyar MarisfibIci prebidi-n and Obi.',I.ridilmen; - BrOkens ,':Fisher„ George , Dildine , Miller and Taylor answering roll call , Sparks absent' . , Minutes Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. Reports The to ri t hi y reports of the ' Fire Chief and the Chief of Police were presented and on motion accepted and. placed on file. . .. . . . . ,_ . . . ... . „ _ .. _ . _ _ .. .. . . Street Supt. Report A repbrtfrOm the - street Supt Was 'Presented and after it -was read Councilman . Dii-dihe Made a motion that' Lynn Bal-doinb be paid $120 Per hour for all time .wOrked On the shovel , seconded by Brokens , Ayes Brokens , Fisher , George , Dildine , Miller and Taylor. Shrubs & Grass on M arine Drive The- Mayor- stated that the WoutenbsCliiibbWanted to know if the Council'. would furnish grass: seed and shrubs to- plant along-the' Marine Drive , motion made by Brokens that this matter be referred to the street committee, seoncded by Dildine Carried. , ._ . .... .. .„. .. . Request Taxpayers There tra6 -a request signed taxpayers requesting gravel - On 40th street which was presentea, but ifoTactin was- taken on the matter, because the tazpayers had. not n siged their names. ari . Concrete, Mixer I .A. Iet ter° wab preSented froM'Mr. PubeY stating that Mrs . Framer iShed to sell her Conare te Miker fb.r: $75.00; motion' Made bY Dildine ' that the city purchases the concrete mixer, seconded •by Brokens , Ayes-Brokens; ' Bisher and Dildine , Nays •Geo.rge, Miller and-TaYlor, MayOr Mansfield Casting the deciding vote in ' favor of. the ayes. iignottopt, It was stated that thisould be paid after January 1 , 1937. War Dept . A' letteia-S presented frorgthe Distriot tnginetr of „the'-War Departitient in nregard to the 1pwering: of the. 'water main accroSs ' StinothiSh. Slough-; 118t ion- made by Deorge that this letter be placed on file , seconded by Dildine; Carried. • . . .„ _ . . .. . .. . .. . Garbage tender Motion made by-?isher,--, "that the- garbage tendeitS---jobebe' given to Mr. ,WalSCh after the first of the' year, seconded b:- Miller, Ayes Brokens , Fisher , George, Dildine, Miller and Taylbr. Committee Lib t ion' made• - by I'iSher ihat the mayor appoint a committee to estimate the cost Of enlarging the polling place at 32nd & commerical, also 'that the committe ha given power to act, Mayor Mansfield appointed Fisher; Brokens and Dildine . .,_ ... .. . . , . . . There being no furthur business the count-il did then adjourn. , ... ,pproved: in open session this 3rd. day of November 1936. 9. . • • . _ • a Attest; lira:* 4, . .. . -e.e;:., /a)ta -u-rJe._, . • Cit47 Clerk. _ -..A r ( _ ____ 64 ,� NOWURFR 3rd. 1936. The City Council of the dity-of Anacortes met in rggular session with Mayor Roll Call Mansfield presiding and Councilmen Brokens, Fisher , Miller, Sparks and Taylor answering roll call , Dildine and George Absent. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. Minutes 1 George"s mane on roll. On motion the following claims against the Current xpen se and other City funds fti rClaims the month of October were read: . CURRENT EXPENSE L. E . Snider 6229 Salary 132:30 Bert Verrall 6230 Salary 112.70 M. G. Strock 6231 Salary 102.90 M. C"ookston 6232 Salary 98.00 q. Strock 6233 Callman 17.25" Geo. Olson 6234 R- `t. 2.00 - Bert Hanstead 6235 « "' 4.25 i Ed. McGovern 6236 a w 5: 75 Earl Holmes 6237 U "' 3.00 Wm. Dorcy 6238 'r n 3. 00 • Vim. Beale 6239 " n 2.25 A. Mondhan ,. : ." 6240 a 0 3.25 V . Berlin 6241 'r n 4;25 L. Moore 6242 a n 2.25 W. K. Asseln 6244 "' tt 2.25 Al. Sellenthin 6243 'r 3. 50 Saide M. Arges 6244 Salary 50.00 - Lillian Kast Strock 6245 Salary & Gash Adv. 55.00 W. V. Wells 6246 Salary 50.00 Austin Shaw 6247 Salary 22. 50 - Al Sellenthin 6248 Salary 15.00 Mrs. Christ Storme 6249 rr 20.00 0. E. Arges 6g50 n 90.00 H. H. Hinshaw 6251 'r 135.00 Tom Brown '6252 U 110.00 Wm. Dow 6253 a 105. 00 W. A . Sparks 6254 it 135. 00 Lynn Balcomb 6�55 " ' 115:00 T. W. Dodson 6256 a50 .00 W. T. Rice 6257 " 20.00 Trick & Murray 6258 Registration Supplies 47.29 - Shannon Hardware 6259 Supplies city hall .10 Neely's Grocery 6260 0 tr 2.25 Island Transfer 6261 'r tt n 4:. 54 Wm. Robertson 6262 n II tt 10.00 Van Buren & heller 6263 it Election 3.40 Shannon Hardware: Co. 6264 Supplies fire dept. 1.44 Firemen' s Relief 6265 2% of firemens salary ' 9.10 Anacortes Water Relief,, 6266 Hydrants 395.00 Standard Oil 6287 Supplies fire dept . 1.41 H. 0 . DeRemer 6268 U a a 2.70 P. A. Dean 6269 Plumbing inspections 22. 50 L. E. Snider 627.0 Wiring Inspections 8. 75 Marion Watkinson 6271 Register of births & Deaths 7. 75 r It Standard Oil 6272 Gasoline 182. 23 Shell Oil 6273 a 60.08 • , Southside hardware 6274 Supplies st dept . 5 West Coast Tel 6275 Tolls 5.65 Benson Motor Co . 6276 Repairs police 18.86 i Standard Oil 6277 It a .50 Department of Labor 6278 Ind Ins & M. A. 25.23 The Fix-it Shop 6279 Repairs police 1.00 Marine Supply 6280 Supplies 9' 2.32 Anacortes American 6282 Printing ballots 16.75 LIBRARY FUND. E. Luella Howard 932 Salary & Cash Adv. 75.80 E'elyn Lundberg 933 U 40.00 Blanche Sackett 934 'r 30.00 Fred Marshall 935 't 25.00 Anacortes water Dept . 936 Water 2.50 Snyders Pharmacy 937 Supplies 2. 50 H. W. Wildon 938 Supplies 4.30 Kerney' s Iariety Store 939 Supplies 6..30 j Puget sound News 940 Books 36. 27 PARK FUND r J. E.. Harding 909 Labor 100.00 I Frank Knapp 910 Labor 80 .00 Current Expenlse 911 Gasoline 3. 20 Trulson Motor Co. 912 Repairs 5577 1 Marine S pply 913 Supplies 31 .25 Shannon �ardware 0%o. 914 a 4.49 ikwi- , ______ 1 r:::":----- ------ - , . ' i'-'''';'•••,:',' ':'L-;,:;:6-,' ',„,- . „ NOVEMBEA 3rd--. Cant : _ - . 1 .65 , WATER FUND. LeW-Wilialighby „ 473 . SaIarY ' 175:00 II Clyde Baker- 4732' Salary 110.00 - S. H. Thomas- 4733 Sala* - „ ,90:00 ,k. '8Irett- - ' 4734 Ex. Filter Oper 45:00 Lester Thbilida 4735 Salary Ioo.00 Victor Berlin 4736 Labor 13250 • A. -C,' Mondhan - -- 4737 Labor. ' 132:.50 Lillian-Kest Strock 4738 Bookkeeper - 25:00 Ic.- L.-Anderaan 4739 ' Clerical- work -- 13.90 Current. EXPenbe 4740 . Tradafer of funds 90.00 G. N. Daiatedd ' 4741 Stbilps' ' 5.00 Penn. ' Selt -Mfg' Ca. ' 4742 Chlorine 6o:oo - SOUthaide - ardWare 4743 Supplies 11.04 Current Lxpense 4744 Supplies 26.70 ' Unian.-011, , - 4745 SUppIiesi Schwartz 'raii' Works 4746 ,SUppliea , 1.50' ShannonjaHardWare - 4747 Splies. 29.30 Dept of ,abar & Ind 4748 Ind Ina' & M. A. . 29.26 HaMburg Iron Works, 4749 Repairs- ' ' 61 .75 Tax Commission 470' - Business Tar 397.73 Worthington Gamon Meter 5751. Supplies' 5.3. 50 Van Buren & heller _4752 Supplies 10.43 The Fix-it Shop 4753 Supplies. 1.70 Island Transfer . 4754' Coal 11.22 Marine Supply 5755 Supplies. 27.74 ' West Coast. Tel Ga. .4756 - Tolls. & Service 4.00 Federal Pipe & Tank 4757 Supplies. 18.14 Shell Oil ' 470 Supplies .73 'Worthingtan Gamon Meter 4759 ; SupplieS, SECONDART HIGHWAY . . „ . Lynn BalOomt 351 , .Shatel 'Oper 207.70 Vim. Dorcy 354, - T. Driver 133.00 Earl Holmes " 3,55 „ fp " It 133.00 W. K. ,Asseln 356 Labor- 150.00 G. Raymer : 357, 41% 'DriVer 110.25 „ F. N. Haley' 358„ Engineer ' 32..00" Lillian Ust Strack 359 . . Bookkeeper 25.00 Current Expense 360i ' ' Gasoline 180.90 Seattle , Steel Co . 361, Supplies 2.05 Stanley Anderson 362„ Labia! 4450 Marine Supply ' 363„ ' . Suppliee 70 .51 ShelluOil ka. 364 Supplies 32. 66 The Fix-it Shop 365 Supplies .50 Schwartz Iron Works 366' Supplies 211.25 Shannon Hardware Co. 367„ Supplies •• .2.5' Curtis Wharf" 368; Material 48.30 'Dept of Labor 369 Ins Ifis & M. A. 12.84 Fidalgo Lumber & Box 370' Lumber 10.56 Bethlehem Steel_ 371, Repairs' 136.88 Benson Motor 373 Repairs 27.95 Howard Cooper Corp 372 Supplies. 12.50 II -ration made by Brokens that the matter -Of claims. be referred to the Finance Committee , Seconded by Spraks. Carried. , . _ The Finance committee to Whom the matter Of Claims were referred reported that the claims be allowed and werranta drawn in favor of the same. Motion made' by Brokens that-the -financecamtittees report be accepted, seconded by Fisher, Ayes Brokens, Fisher, Miller , Sparks and Taylor, Nays George. There being no further business the council did then adjourn. Approved in open session this 17th. day of November 1936. May., eL74i ) , - --. , . Attest: . City Clerk. . . I ' „ , . . • , • . . . . , . A I ( . ,. ,, 6 6 :, . . _ November 17th, 1916. the -City C'ounci:l of The City of'•Anacortes met in regular session With Mayor Roll Call • Mansfield presiding and Brokens , Miller, Sparks and Taylor answering roll call Fisher, George, and Dildine absent. . . itMinutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. Minutes The report of he po'bice judge for the month of October was presented , motion m Police judge made by Br'oY. e� : that the report be referred to the Finance Committee seconded by Sparks , 'carried. The reports of the Chief of the fire department , Chief of Police and Street Supt., St . Fire & Polie were presented and on motion accepted and placed on file. Motion made by Brokena that the Election Boards be paid '50 % per hour for time r Section Board Seconded- by Sparks , Ayes Brokens Miller , Sparks Taylor not voting. • Motion made by Sparks that $5.00' per day be allowed for election booths , seconded! by Brokesn , Ayes Brokens, Miller, Sparks and Taylor. Motion made bySparks that the Council pass on to other business and that theE Ord. Pa Emergency d �e ncy r . Emergency Ordinance be laid on the table , seconded by Miller, carried. Merri tt claim Motion made by ' Spraks that N M. Merritt' be allowed his time Worked on the Mixer seconded' by Brokens , Ayes Brokesn , Miller, Sparks and Taylor. Motion made by Taylot- that the offer of $50.00 in settlement of Clyde Nunn ' s Nunn Water Dill water bill of 97.00 be accepted and that the party sign a note and ' pay $5.00 pert month, seconded by Miller, Ayes Brokens, Miller, 6parks and Taylor. Motion made by Miller to adjourn until Tuesday November 24, 1936 at 8;oo o'clock P. M. Seconded by Taylor carried. ' -"'N‘P-7,44 ;attest : j ,,` 4.--(...,... / 0---x/fr ,6C_ ,..rici ,, "Ci t y Clerk NOVEMBER 24th. 1936. :. The 0ity" Council met in adjourned session-with 'Mansfieid, presiding and Taylor Miller acid Spraks anuwering roll call, Brokens, Fisher, George and Dildine absent . • Because Mr. Wells had gone to Olympia to obtain information in regards to an emergnecy the council was on motion adjourned until Friday November 28 , 1936. . ' ''__', r A -ttest : Mayor )CL-.0* /6 ai y Clem • NO�TEMBER 28th. 1936. The City Council met in adjourned session dtith Mayor Mansfield presiding and Roll call Councilmen Brokens , Fisher, Sparks and layl6r answering roll call, George , Dildine and Miller absent. Motion made by Spraks that ' the Emergency Ordincance for the Street department to pay for Labor , Material, Supplies ect on the Oakes avenue fill be passed,. seconded by Fisher, Ayes Brokens, Fisher and` Sparks Nays Taylor. An Application from Gilkey's towing Co. asking to lease the east forty Beet of Gilkey Applicatinon °he Avenue North of the North line of the Great Northern Railway Eight of Way and lying Easterly of the dock known as the Guemes gerry Dock, motion made by Sparks that the council go on record as favoring this lease, sec.:nded• by Brokens , Ayes Brokesn , Sparks and Taylor Nays Fisher. Motion made b;,-y Sparks that the City furinsh the lights for a Xmas tree , seconded Xmas lights by Brokens , Ayes Brokens . Risher, Sparks and Taylor. There being no furthur business the council did then adjourn. Approved in opens session this 1st. day of December 1936. • Attest: or 1 , r_e_?,,-,;,,, iet-aXE-6o- City Clerk. f 1 • ,k,,,,,,,-: • • . , . , 6 7 • _ . December 1, 1936. Roll Call - The-CiAy-CoutOil 'of the City ar Anacorteb 'met in' regUlar-sesSion-With- MaYar I :pria71C- iim!7171 :7117, 517rks and Taylor answering ro ll call. Brokens, 6eorge and Dildine absent. II . , ..•., . .X 4 I.• . , 0 , . Minutes. approved Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. ___ _ . _ . _ . _ __ . _. _ .. .. . Police Judge Thre 'report-Of'lhe- poliOe Sudge ftr-themOnth-of-Ntvembet-waS-prebentedYtotiOn made-by Muller• that the report be referred to the finance Committee , seconded by Sparks Carried. Gas. report. he Gasoline report , for the month of govetber was presented and on motion aoceptd and placed on file. . EleCtion returns Tlie-ftllOWing reS41t6-of'the Primary. election held on November 10th. was presented , by-the County giedtiOn .Board,:' MaVor - ' ' Clerk • Tres . . , Attorney- ' Mansfield 1016 Dotal 808 Arges 1584 WeI16 1554 George 822 .Kasth 542 Driftmier 2 Baker 428 CoUntilman-at- large COUficiitan 16t:.'4 Cdancilman 2fid 'W cOundilman 3rd.W Neeley- 1549nerd Brady 338 Cbnblly 184 Dildine 571 Brokend- 2 ' Peters 273 McCracken 1 See 127 . . ptiOn Madei*"Taylor that the returns be accepted and placed On file , seconded by Jparks, carried., . ..„... .. _ . Wedlund Bill A till-frot-Mr. Wediund fOr/labor-for- the PoIisre department- was preSented-, motion ' Made -by Sparki-that th6 bilLbe:placed- on ' fiie and the Chief of Police check up and see if the bill had been paid, seconded by Miller carried. ' II Driftmier Mt'.-Driftmier ask- the -cOUnciI-for -permiebion-Tbr one of' his-ciientS to ' haUl- Wood' ovet-the -dity proPerty• at take Erie, mOtidn 'tade by Spark - that- the 'tatter- be rei- fel.red-to th8 2ire , -Water and Light 'CoMmittee&and the Water-SUPt. with power to act , seconded 'by Fisher, Ayes Fisher, Miller, bparks and Taylor. • Emergency ordinance Motion-biade-by' SprakSrthat .0tdinande -N04 -1Jing-an' 'Ordinance -deblaring .an- etherg- • dhoy-and 'Making-prOVISions for meeting the same , be read and placed on file, second- eeby Fisher, carried. Mr: Taylor stated that-h6-Was ,nOt 'in favdr-of the- ordinande-Until thereewas an teeblatiOn - pabsed tO-0.60.0Mlia#y- the drdinancS4--MaYdr Mansfield: apPtinted a cO6m1ttee Of Of TaYlter- 5-Parks-and Dildine to draw -up a ' re6OlutiOn-: Pparkb-withdreW' from the committee and Councilman George was appointed to 'take his place by the Mayor. Oakes Avenue MOtiOn -Made-byMiler-ihat-the' tark -on'the-fill On Oakes Avenue-be diseontinued until such time aEfthere 'tas fund available to XidiSh the -Projedt -detonded by TaYlor,- tyes-Milier, ' Taylor', * Nays -'-iSher and &Parks. Mayor .gansfield voted in favor of continuing the work for a few more days. Claims, 0141ms againSt' the OUrreat -6'xpenSe fund and other city funds for the month of November were presented as follows : CURRENT EXPENSE FUND , _. . ..... . • . II L. RE4 Snider- 86 Bert Vetrall , . 2837 lary. 132. 30 -6284 Sa 0, 112.70- M. 'Gc. • Sttacks 6-285' w 10290 , . M4 COokston 6286 - n , 98:00 C.-dtiodk 6287 1Pireman 31.25' Ged Olson ' 6288 fr . ..37.5- Ed; McGovern 6289 0' 2.255 A. 'Mondhan 629Q_ w 3. 50 WM:" Beale - 6291 w . ..75- Fred Fisher - 62922 • w - - . . 175 Sadie M. rges -- - • 6293 SalarY •& Cash Ad. . 50:75 Lillian ka.dt Strotk 6294 Salary & Cash Adv. 52:00 vr: 'v: Well's' ' ' 629.5- Salail ' 50:o0 Abuti n Shaw , 6296 Salary 22.50' Al Aelien thin '.. - 6297 Salary ' • 15: 00 Mrs Chri .bt ' Storme ' 6296 Salary 2000 0. -° . , . E4 Arges' ' 6299 • Salary 90 .00 ' lff. 'Il. : Hinshaw 6300 Salary & Cash Adv. 136..00 TOM Brawn 6301 Salary ' 110.00 Wm.' Dow- --- 6302 9_aIarY 105:00 lAr. 'A. Spark-s' 6303 aIaryt . 135400 Lynn BalbOtb 6304 61arY 11500 T4 'W. 'Dcidson 6305 Labor 5000 Vim. Ride - --. . 6306 Labor- ' 20.00 Anacortes AMeridan 6307 ouPplieb Election & C 1325' Kerney's Variety 6308 Supplies clerk 2. 55. , S. I). Temple ' 6309 . .,. . _, w ' ' 2.00 Dail liel'OurY 63310 Printing- ••• - 6083 Daily Mercury.- - 6311 A a SUpplied -H 0 1930 LoWnam &-Hanford 6312 1.ippiies tres. 64.13 1)S. :-T Suplies etple- - 6313 ' ' Tr es ' - 700 Island Transfer- 6314 Coal & Oil - ' - ' - 4646 Earl Holmes 6315 Work .Election-booths 7:00 Arnie. Wilstin - 6316 Election Board 8:00 . - Manilda Pinson 6317 w w 6.75 E. a. Rose ' - 6318 . ''• w 8:00 Dudley Kimsey 6319' w. w 6.75 Flcy Toland 6320 w u 7.65' r ..„ .... ( 6 8 . . , • December 1 , 1936 cont . Current Expanse co.nt . • V na Tate 6321 Election Board 7.65 Etta. Stafford ' 6322 "• • 0' 6:00 11 Sophia Blankenship 6323 « w 6 7. 5Jessie I`orss - 6324 It' n, .65 Hazel Worden 6325 'r- "' 6:00 Helen leis -. 6326 9 M 7.00 Tessa Dybbro 6327 ►' "' 6 :00 Etta Marrs 6328 it ft 4 6 .75 Charlotte Asseln 6329 tr w 7.00 • C . D. Whitehead 6330 'r '" 7. 00 Irene, Wright 6331 It It 7.00 Cela Rogers 6332 9 w 7.00 Belle Affleck 6333 P. n` 7.00 • S. R. Pusey 6334 a w 7.00 a Virginia Shannon ' 6335 It tit 7.00 Alice Haynes 6336 it w 7.00 ,:. Matilda Bushey 6337 K n 7;00 Dorothy Proud 6338 47.00 Louie Neely 6339 it TM 7:00 Edna Machin.. 6340 " ' 7 .00 Trick & Murray 6341 " Supplies 7.66 Will Lowman 6342 Rent of building 5.00 Will Zimmerman 6343 9 " It ..._ S:OG Van Burne & Heller 6344 Supplies fire kep0: :45'; Znacortes Foundry 6345- 6upplies fire dept : 1.50 Shell Oil Co. 6346 Supplies fire dept. 1.55 Schwartz Iron Works 6347 Supplies fire dept . 1.02 firemen's Relief & pension 6348 2 % of fi remen t s salary 9.10 A.nacortes Water Dept 6349 Hydrants 395.00 I,,• Anacortes Steam Laundty 6350 Laundry fire dept . 4. 17 Automotive parts service 6351 Supplies fire dept . 9.64 Art Burnsides 6352 Supplies fire dept . 9:9 Sanderson Saftey Supply 6353 Supplies fire dept . 2 .1 L. 7, . Snider - 63.54 Wiring & Cash Adv. 10.35 Benson "rotors - 6355 repairs police dept . 32/42 Standard Oil y 6356 Repairs police detp. ' 1:75 Anacortes Steam aundry 6357 - Laaundry police dept. 1.00 Dept of Labor & find 6358 Ind Ins & M. A. 24.78 West Coast Tel Co. 6359 Tolls 6.30 Puget Sound P & L 6360 Lights 274..25 Union Oil Co . 6361 Gasoline 135. 5. Standard -Oil 'Oo. 6362 " 94.78 ;` Shell Oil Co. 6363 " 26.70 Pearl Campbell 6364 Vacation clerk 2.24 WATER FUND Lew Willoughby 4760 Salary 175.00 Clyde Baker 4761 Salary 110 :00 G. N. Thomas f762 Salary 90.00 A. Si re t t 4763 Salary 3 6:00 Lester Thomas 4764 Salary 100.00 Victor Berlin 4765 Salary 125.00 f A. C . Mondhan 4766 Salary 125.00 Lillian Kast Strock 4767 Bookkeeper 25.00 K. L. Anderson 478 Clerical work 12:50 Current Expense 4769 Transfer of funds g0.00 Gus Dalstead 4770 Stamps 5.00 S. D . Temple 4771 Supplies ' :95 Idland Transfer - 4772 Coal 11.22 Union Printing Co. - 4773 Supplies 1.90 Knapp & Ronneberger 4774 Repairs ' 4.00 Pliget Bound- P &' 1, 4775 & 76 Power 758:33 Benson Motor Co. 477 pairs 6.90 Simpson Electric Shop4776 re Supplies 11:62 Palmer,,Supply 4779 Supplies- . 30.84 Puget wound P & L 4780 Power & Aghts 32 .78 Ska it Valley Tel Co. 4781 Toils 5.25 Penn Salt Mfg Co . 4782 Chlorine 60:0o West Coast Tel Co. 4783 Tolls 4. 55 Dept of Labor & find 4784 Ind Ins & M. A . 29.30 Shell Oil Co . 4785 Supplies 13.35 Current Expense 4786. Gasoline 16.62 Shannon Hardware Co. 4787 Supplies 10.44 Van Buren & heller 4788 " 8.42 Southside Hardware Co . 4789 rr 5. 91 Adacortes American 4790 It 120.00 Marine Supply 4791 22.28 LIBRARY FUND E. Luelle Howard 941 Salary & Cash Adv.. 75:80 ! • 'Evelyn Lundberg 942 It 40 .00 Blanche Sackett 943 " 30 .00 Pre& Marshall 944 25.00 M. E. Flagg :945' :. Wood 35.00 >, Puget Sound P & L 946 Lights '7.40 Puget Sound News 947 Books 47.01 Anacortes water Department 94488 Water 2.50 k I 11 _ ,,. .:"--..., • _ . .. . . . , Decembet 1, 1936. cont. . _ 691 PARK FUND : . .1. E. Harding - • _ 92$ . Labbt. -- 10000 I , Van Buren ,SCHellei - CUtrept Expense 917 Gasoline 4 Shell. 011 ab. 914 918 _sUkaie 109 m , . 2:1 6..68 SECONDARY .HIGHWAY FUND • Wm. Dora 374 Truck driver 100.00 . 7., K.. .g4sIn - 375 Labbt ' - 10000 E'arlEdiMes 3774 Truck Driver ' 100.00 . G.. Raymet • - : . 377 ft . it 35.00 D. Ilr: XtmStrong 375 ;tr It 35 00 E-.. Magnuson 379 It:•• te 35 .00 .. : ,. . ,._,. • , MbtiOn Madd- blyhet .that - the matter of claims be referred to the inance Comm- ittee secamded by Miller carried. .. .. .. . • , ... ,, •4 _. _..„.... .. . . . ..• ,... . • . . .„ • _ .. . , :„ _... The matmittee on Finance to whom the matter oflaims :Were refetred 'reParted th:at the-dIaiMs be allowed and -warrants drain in-faVar' of-the - sarife-,-matia • madeby' Fishetthit the-committees report be accepted seconded by Miller, Ayes Fisher-, • Miller Sparks and Taylor'. . . . . - , _ . _ 1' 11 'that the - ' 5. 'MatiOn tade-by-ii er counc 1 recontider. the-MOtien ' in- regard-ta-the- ' diSContinUing 'af- theakeS AVenUe.filIT-until funds Were * prOvided- td-finiSh it , up-on theadtise7Of the :Orty attarney, seconded by Taylor, Ayes Miller, Sparks and Taylor. Fisher not voting; There being no furthur business the council did then adjourn. III Approved in apen• sesSion this '15th. day of December 1936. .... -. Mayor .kttest: wity. Cle/it. ' . . . \ , • 4 . •' . ' DECIMER 15, 1936. . . _ . .... : .:, .. . .. .. . . ' • Roll Call The city Council of the city- of Anacdrtes regular session with Mayor Mansfield preSiding and Councilmen Brokens , Fisher, George , Dildine , Miller Sparks and Taylor answering roll call. • Minutes Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. II Driftmier applicaticn .lidotibn made- by - Taylor that the-request of-Mr Drifttier ' for one of his clierits ta' haul wood over city ptoperty-at Lake Etiebe granted , but that the Council reserve the right to oanceii the pertISSion-With thirty- days notice, seconded by Brokens, Ayes brokens, - isher, George, Dildine , Miller, Sparks & Taylor . . . _ . . .. , Routine business Motion made-bY Fisher that all routine business be held over until the next Meeting , seconded by Dildine , Carried. . .. .„ , .. . . . Election Returns Motion made by Taylor, that the CounciLdonstitUte itself as a board to canvass the Election returns, seconded by Dildine Carried. • Mayor 'Mansfield. adminibtered an oath to the City Clerk that the returns had not been altered in any way. Mayor-proteM-Brakens is requested by Mayor Mansfield to take the chair duting the canvass of the returns. .. . . _ -Motion made by Fisher that the absentee ballots be opened, read and tabulated, , seconded by Dildine, carried . The following elections returns were read ,Waccepted for each candidate : • . Mayor • 17 2- 1-2 23 3-1 3-2 3-3 . , Mansfield 330 ,IO7 16-7 199 117 . 66 George 199 229 - 176 . 213 110 74 • CLERK: , . . I . Dotdy 392 225 240 323 186 105 Iigier Baker Kash . 130 1 104 114 4 3 , 81 50 3Q• TREASURER: _ . _ S , . ARGES— 349. 295 287 365 206 125 CuMmins , 1 Kash 1 ATTORNEY: , *11s,ns 39 288 298 34 3 207 119 Evoke . - gampbaIl 1 . , . ' 1 . Pierce - A Ir— Nommigimmi__,_ _ I 70 . • C-at-Large : • liii 2-1-2 2-3 3-1 3-2 3_-3 Neely • • 330 232 217 276 156 104 Flitcrarft 174 96 1 1 ' . . 3 121 71 34 C OUNC IL AN 1st . WARD: ` a / 1 Brady ' 301 ' Cummings 182 COITNCILMAN SECOND WARD: Peters 219 206 Pierce ' 105 131 COUNCIrMAN THIRD WARD: . Dildine 262 147 86 Brokens 142 84 54 Motion •made by Taylor that the council as a eauvassing board declare the following Persons elected: Mayor, Joe George Clerk, John G. Dorcy, • Treasurer 1-adie M Arges , Attorney W. V'. Wells, ' C -at-Large B. L. ;Neely C-lst Ward Ferd Brady C-Second W C . A. Peters , • C-third ward R. H. Dildine , • Seconded by Sparks carried. Mayor , anlfield takes the Mayor's chair. Motion made by Taylor that the amount of $400.00 be written in the Emergency Ord- Emg. Ord. inance to pay for work on the Oaks Avenue fill , seconded by George , Ayes Brokens4 j George, Dildine , Miller, Sparks and Taylor, Nays George. Sparks excused Motion made by Taylor that the ordinance be read, 'seconded by George , 'carried. , Motion made by Taylor that the Ordinance be filed and the Clerk be authorized to publish, seconded by Dildine , Ayes Brokens, George , Dildine , Miller and Taylor. Fisher not voting. . - Resolution . A resolution adopting the time fora hearing on the proposed lease to Gilkey Bros . was presented, Motion made by 'Taylor that the resolution be adopted , seconded by Dildine , Ayes Brokens , George , Dildine & Taylor, Nays risher and Miller. Motion made 141y Brokens that Ordinance NO. being an ordinance appropriating the +rdinance NO 1937 revenues of the City of Anacortes t o the various departments of the City-eg , in the amounts to the said departments, ' respectively, as set out and particularly ,- i designated in Section 1 of Ordiance 871 , approved October ' 6,1,936. be placed on its first and second reading by title , seconded by Taylor, carried. Motion made by Brokens that Ordinance NO. being an ordinance appropa-iating the 1937 revenues of the City of Anacortes to the 'various departments of the City in the amounts to the said departments, resectively, as set out and particularly • designated in Section 1 of Ordinance NO.871, approved October 6, 1936, be pJ_aced on its third and final reading, seconded by Miller, carried. Motion made by Taylor that Ordinance NO. _ be adooted as a Whole , seconded by ' 0 i; Brokens , Ayes Brokens ,Pisher,. George , 'Iildine,. Miller, & Taylor. Sparks 'name placed on roll. An insurance policy for the insurance on the International Street department truck Insurance on Truck was presented, motion made by'Miller that the policy be referred to the City Attorney, seconded by Dildine , carried . . . 11 Motion made by Sparks that the police be ` allowed . on the advise of the city Attorn seconded by Dildine , "yes Brokens,, risher, George , Dildine , Miller , Sparks & Taylo Motion made by Sparks that the necessary coal . & oil for the city hall be purchased , Coal for hall from the contingent fund , seconded ' by Bildine , '''yes Brokens , Fisher , George , Dildine , Miller , 6parks and Taylor. , Motion made by Miller to adjourn until December 22 , 1936 at 8 o'clock P. M. , seconded by Taylor carried. Approved in open session this 5th. day of January 1937. Mayor Attest : • ity -lerk . • • 1 . \=IIIMMIIIIII=lh 1 . _,_ .., .. . „ . . . 71 „ . • • , Roll Call The-Pity Gounoil- af -the-Gity Of"AndoOrtes met in - adjaurned session with 'Mayor- S .. prb-teift Brakens -priaiding and Council men Fisher, Millgi, Dildine & Taylor w -answering rail call. . _ .. . . ...„. . . Fire'& 'Police ...... ....... . ... .... . . , . ___ _ _,,. . . . _. _ _ . _ ... . .. _. . .. .. . .. . . . . . . . _. , . • - ', reports The ' ire ' departMent 'and- the Police Department reparts far the month of fovember were -presented and on motion accepted and placed on file . 400 ft pipe GOUnciltan-Taylor stated that theyPire;' Water & Light 'ddtMittee had a chande to sell 400 feet ' of 10' 'inch pipe ; 'Whiah-they had 'attired , mOtidn' tade-bylidher - . that -the--eire, Water &-Light-CoMMittee -be -authorized to bell the pipe , - seconded by. Dildine, Ayes Brokens, isher, Dildine , Miller & Taylor. . . . . , Highway Letter 1i.) letter-fret the RighWay-department apProving ' the preliminary eStitate- of cost _ and -the- plane' for Seadndaryikid.d. Projeat NO. I, waS presented ) 'Illation Made by- Miller-that this letter be held over until the next meeting , seconded by Taylor Carried. Ordinance A Second- emergency-Ordinance was presented, motion hade by fisher that the two emergency ordinances be combined into one, no second to motion,. Malian' Made. by-Taylor that - all-bills'poesibIe far -the -Oakes AVedue 'fillte 'paid frat-the-cantingent fund, seconded by Miller , Ayes Brokens , -eisher , Miller, Dildine and Taylor. , . . MOtion made bk Taylor that theamourit in the second emergency Ordinance be filled in-6441,000.00, seconded by -eisher , Ayes Brokens , l'isher, -Dildine ; Miller and Taylot. II . Notion made by Taylor -thatithe firsteMergency ordinance that has been published be tabled, seconded by Dildfne . carried . . , , NOtibn made -bk"TaYlar- that the ecdnd' BthetgenOyórdinance for *1, 000.00 be read filed and published, seconded by Miller, carried. . . _ . , . . St . dept work Nation made - by Taylor that the street department be authorized' tO start work on the-Cakes' Avenue' fill . pedetber -23 ;- 1936;- the hone to7pay for the' work to be taken from-the-contingent fund, ,aa rS the sponse cOntribution' to: the work, seconded by Fisher, Ayes Brokens ; Fisher , Dildine , Miller , & Taylor. . . . . Motion Made by Miller to adjourn until December 29 , 1936 , at 8 o 'clock P. M. Seconded by Taylor, carried. . . .., . , APproved in open session this 5th. day of January 1937. . Rf,,z,e-ela3.,,e-ale. Attest : . Mayor City Clerk. . . . . . . _. DECEMBER 29, 1936. II Roll Call The City Council df the City-of:Ana:Cartes met in 'adjeUrned session With Mayor- prOBrakens ' preSiding and Councilmen, George , Dildine, Miller and Taylor answering roll aali.- . . , Attoney A report from the ''i'ity Attorney that Ordinande NO. being an Ordinance declaring an emergency and making provisions for 'theetitithe777,Me';-Was approved ab.. ta form motion made by Taylor that the report be accetped and placed on file , seconded by Dildine , carried. . _ . . . Ordinance MatiOn made by 'Taylor that 'Ordinance NO. - being-an ordinance declaring-an .emergency and making provisionb forheeting the Same , be placed on its first and second reading by title , seconded by Miller, carried . ' Motion 'made by Taylor that the ordinance be read section by section , seconded by Dildine carried. Motion withdrawn. . _ .. . . _ . . ... _ . . , Jain Made by Taylor that Ordinance NO. ' being an ordinance declaring an emergency and making provisions for meeting the Same 'be placed On its third and final reading, section by section, seconded by Dildine, carried. Notion made by Taylor that the ' Haward Cooper Corporation bills and 'Haley' s : Bills claim for engineering be rejected, seconded by Miller; Ayes George , Dildfne, Miller and Taylor, Nays Brokens ,. . Ebticin made bk Taylor . that 'ordinanCe NO. teing an otdinance 'declaring an_ emer- genck'and' making prOvisions- for theeting'1-the dame be , # afle4a.a.4-44..third_and-giFfal I ' — 019et=44Ag=i-ae=444:14e4-114-5r..-MW accepted as -aaWhale; seconded by Miller, Ayes Brokens,; George , Dildine , Miller and Taylor.. _ Cable 'llotian Made by George that' the' Finanbe Committee be' autherized to purchase the .necessary table for the - street department , secondedby Dildine , carried. Ayes Brokehs; George , i)ildfne , Miller and TaYlor- ' Warrants Motion Made by Taylor that the City-Clerk be' instructed to have the necessary warrants printed for the emergency fund, seconded by Dildine , Ayes Brokens , .George, Dildine , Miller and Taylor . . i . 'here' being no furthur business the council did then adjourn. , dret.„..4.-- . . Clerk Mayor. ,,-,-,