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1949 City Council Minutes
• • 1 r� • 1 A regular meeting of order at 8000 o'clock Po and Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, of the previ6us meetings January 69 1949 the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to Mo with Mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. The roll was called Welch, Fisher, Allan and Brado mere present. The minutes were read and approved as read. The following claims against the City of Anacortes for the month of December 1948, were presented and read to the City Cou=ilo Joe L, Hagan 16980 George Brado 16981 Chas. Fa Fisher 16982 Romie Allan 16983 Syd Ellin 16984 E. E4 Dodge 16985 H.' L. Hansen 16986 Oo E. Arges 16987 John G. 1'orcy 16988 Dr, A. Bo Cook 16989 Wo V. Wells, Jr, 16990 John Cheney 16991 Harry Davis 16992 Norman Fulton 16993 David Lo Bowen 16994 Harry. Davis 16995 Sadle'kArges 16996 W, Jo Welch 16997 Jacqueline Gurney 16998 Withholding Tax Fund 16999 Trick & Murray 17000, Irene Snart 17001 Mr. Mo R. Kingsley 17002 Hartman Typewriter Co. 17003 J, B. Goff 17004 Na Petrish 17005 W. Lo Pollard 17006 til. E, Thompson 17007 M. Em Beebe 17008 Gilbert 0, Lee 17009 Jack Kelley 17010 Withholding Tax Fund 17011 N, Petrish 17012 Eo A. Abbott Motor Co, 17013 Birds° Stationery 17014 F6ssets Texaco Service 17015 Simpson's -Elect, Shoe 17016 Trulson M for Co, 17017 The Texas Co® 17018 Tj. R. Kingsley 17019 Marine Supply Co. 17020 Colvin°s Tire Service 17021 West Coast Telephone CO -17022 Lo E. Snider 17023 Bert Verrall 17024 C'o S. Mondhan 17025 X. W, Snart 17026 M. C, Strock 17027 Ed, Alexander 17028 Jo No Parsons 17029 Do W. Parsons 170300 George Ray 17031 C. T. Strock 17032 Ha Chevrier 17033 C. Wirsing 17034 Ja G. Dorcy 17035 Withholding Tax Fund 17036 Skagit Auto Parts Co, 17037 L. Eo Snider 17038 Anacortes American 17039 Jo Co Penney Co, 17040 South Side Hardware 17041 Water Dept, 17042 Wm, G. McCallum 17043 Fosse's Texaco Service 17044 Anacortes Iron Works 17045 Anacortes Equipment Co, 17046 Puget Sound Pr, & Lt, 17047 Curtis Wharf Co. 17048 City Garbage Service 17049 Co C. Cook 17050 Water Department 17051 Robbins Lumber Co. 17052 Coast Wide Supply Co, 17053 Colvin's Tire Service 17054 Island Transfer Co, 17055 Bards' Stationery 17056 Wm, G. McCallum M57 Simpson's Electric Shop 17058 Norman Fulton 17059 Anacortes Veneer Co. 17060 B1ish & Eastwood 17061 South Side Hardware 17062 The Fern Press 17063 CURRENT EEPENSE Salary as Mayor 1t 11 Councilman 90 11 Councilman 1' 1° Councilman 9° 9° Councilman Councilman 10 10 Councilman 11 11 Deputy Treasurer r° 1° City Clerk 11 1° Health Officer D0 °' City Attorney ti 10 0a Police Justice Dog Catcher 19 '° Janitor '4 °° Janitor 11 11 Dumpman 11 p0 Treasurer 1° " Councilman Work in Clerk's Office WithholdiAg Taxes Supplies, Clerk's Office Typing of City Ordinances 9 Etc, Bond for City Attorney Cancelled Salary as Chief of Police 1° 11 Asst, Chief of Pol 11 11 Patrolman 1' 11 Patrolman It '9 Patrolman 11 1° Patrolman 10 ►' Patrolman Withholding Taxes Cash Advanced Equipment & Service, Police Supplies, Police Dept, Supplies & Service Police Supplies, Police Dep t Repairs & Equipment Police Motor Oil, Police Dept. Special Ins, Premium Police Supplies, Police Depi, Service Police Dept, Telephone Service Police De Salary as Fire Chief 11 11 As�ta Fire Chief 1° 11 Capt. Fire Dept, 10 11 Capt, Fire Depto 17 11 Fireman r10 11 Fire-mn 10 11 Fireman 11 11 Fireman 10 11 Fireman Wages as Cull M,,n Wages as Call Iran Wages as Call Man Wages as Call Paan Withholding Taxes Supplies, Fire Dept, Inspections & Cash .Advanced Books Fire Depto Supplies Fire Dept, Supplies Fire Dept, Hydrant ental Ins, on American LaFrance Supplies, Fire Dept,* Service,& Supplies 9 Fire Da Supplies, Fire Dept, Lighting Service, City Bldgs, Coal City Hall Garbage Service, City Hall service, City Hall 'Vater Service City Hall Lumber for Ciiy Hall Janitor's Supplies Supplies, City Hall Stove Oil City Hall Supplies City Hall Bond for Police Judge Supplies City Hall Cash Advances for Ce Oa Do Plywood City Hall Balance due on painting contt Supplies City Clerk Pringing of General Election Dep ice Dept, Dept, DepV. Dept. pt, act Ballots 15,20 10000 10000 4000 10000 10,100 10,100 55.00 44090 50©00 442.50 0 010 Y 0 50 13015 87,,80 85-50 50000 103010 10,00 55-75 120,95'-* 17,72 8,00 5000 155.45 143070 111,00 130000 127,6o 119030 32000 48,10 * 1,00 53042 1086 5, o8 4,.12 19039 33°06 3.56 . 3.0` , 16-29 25025 151,83 146,38 133, 58 125,28! 106 , o0' 117,30': 117©301: 95"681 115,,45'1 139,�3 1.501 1.501 2,001 126,20 5. 56 27®00 17,10 7029 7019 625-00, 34.85 3.09 2,32 5.45 732,48 2,31 60oo 3,81 7.50 9.22 . ,22' 607© ,46 283,14 7099 10,00 3.58 a-70 44,83 52.26 7.57 51.50 _ .rnnnpry 6, 1949 --- - Firemen's Relief & Pension Fund 17074 To Replace Number 17072 12700 Anacortes Equipment Co. 17064 Supplies & Equipment, City Hall 99'.77 George McIntosh 17065 Codification of Ordinances 100.00' Marshall -Wells Store 17066 Supplies for City Hall 6:91' Anacortes Laundry & Cleaners 17067 Laundry Service, Fire Dept. 12.66 Lyles Grocery 17068 Supplies Police Dept. for 5.39 Go No Dalstead P. M. 17069 Postage Clerk's Office 6.00 Withholding Tax Fund 17070 Withholding Tax Adjustment 33.80 - Department of Labor & Industries 17071 Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid. 46.87 Firemens' Relief & ?ension Fund 17072 Pension Payroll dedubtions 253.62 Withholding Tax Fund 17073 To replace Number 16999 7.25 CEMETERY DEPARTMENT Ingvald Iversen 640 Salary as Cemetery Supt. 100:110^1 Wmo t. Latimer 641 °' " Cemetery Employee 85.70 Chaso R. Mitchell 642 B0 01 Cemetery Employee 93.40 WithholdingTax Fund 643 Withholding Taxes 52.00 Katherine Ho Snider 644 Work on Cemetery Records & Files 52.00 West Coast blephone Co 645 Telephone Service, Cemetery Dept. 5.65 Lyle A. Riddle 646 Bond for Cemetery Supt. 5.00 Water Dept. 647 Water Service, Cemetery Dept. 2.50 South Side Hardware 648 Supplies, Cemetery Dept. 13.89 Oregon Brass Works 649 Graffe Markers & Supplies 212 55 Curtia` Wharf Company 650 Cement, Cemetery Dept. 4.17 The Champion Co. Affleck Bros. 651 652 Supplies Cemetery Dept. Stove Oil, Cemetery Dept. 9.43 7.71 Robbins Lber Co. 653 Lumber for Cemetery 19.08 The Fern Press 654 Printing of Supplies, Cem. Dept. 42.49 Pt. Sdo Pro & Light Co. 655 Lighting Service, Cemetery Dept. 6.02 Marshall Wells Store 656 Supplies for Cemetery 176.70 WATER DEPARTMENT To Go McCrory 10431 Salary as Water Supt. 168.40 Shir&ey Owens 10432 °0 10 Clerk 85.50 John G. Dorcy 10433 PO " Bookkeeper 41.00 Chas. Wedlund 10434 if°' Foreman 147.32 Everett Thorene 10435 'B " Serviceman 120.90 Wo 0. Rogers 10436 If °' Filterman 149072 Go F. Keller 10437 it . " Filterman 133-56 A. Sirett 10438 °0 1B Filterman 142.36 Frank Deane 10439 '° 1° Filterman 129.06' Lester Thomas 10440 00 " Pumpman 131.60 Withholding Tax Fund 10441 Withholding Taxes179:20' Simpson,A.s Electric Shop 10442 Service eater Dept. 3.09 Birds° Stationery 10443 Office supplies, Water Dept. 1.08 Go No Dalstead P. M. 10444 Postage and Postal Cards 106.00 Anacobtes American 10445 Service, Water Dept. 12.36 Consumers Electric 10446 Labor and Repairs, Avon Pump House 21.11 City Street Fund 10440 Gasoline used by Water Dept. 35.89 City Building Rental Fund 10448 To Rent of Office and Garage Space 100.00 Marine Supply Co. 10449 Supplies, Water Dept. 73.43 Curtis Wharf Company 10450 Coal and Limbe, Water Dept. 134.51 The Anchor Packing Co. 10451 Supplies, Water Dept. 23.21 Burroughs Adding Machine Co. 10452 Service, Water Dept. 6.53 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 10453 Power & Lighting Service 19463.66 Anacortes Iron Works 10454 Labor & Supplies, Water Dept. 36.58 IslandTransfer Co. 10455 Stove Oil, Water Dept. 49.83 Northwest Filter Co. 10456 Filter Plans & Specifications 1.9500.00 Trulson Motor Co. 10457 Service & Equipment, Water Dept 55057 Rockwell Manufacturing Co. 10458 New Meters 156.89 Anacortes American 10459 2 Complete Books 147.85 H. D. Fowler9 Co. 10460 Adjustment oft Invoiee No. 6839 1.00 Union Oil Co. 10461 Gasoline, Water Dept, 31.36 West Coast Telephone Co. 10462 Telephone Service, Water Dept. 8.60 Pennsylvania Salt Mfg. Co. 10463 Chlorine 134.82 Wallace & Tiernan Sales Co. 10464 Supplies, Water Dept. 3.84 Tax Commission 10465 Business Tax 604.80 Marshall Wells Store 10466 Material and Supplies 1.87 Anacortes Equipment 10467 Supplies, Water Dept. 13.11 The Fern Press 10468 Printing Service, Water Dept. 12.36 Withholding Tax Fund 10469 Withholding Tax Adjustment 17.14 STREET DEPARTMEFT Roy McDougall 3266 Salary as Street Foreman 142.66 Lynn Balcomb 3267 " " Graderman 129.66 Carl Thorene 3268 °0 °B Maintenance Paan 142.16 Artis Taylor 3269 " " Maintenance Man 133®93 Dave Summers 3270 1° " Maintenance Ilan' 129.92 Carl Welk 3271 PO °° idaintenance Man 113.38 K. M. McClellan 3272 °D '° Sweeper 65.90 To G. McCrory 3273 " t° Supervizor 29.50 John G. Dorcy 3274 °° PO Bookkeeper 29.50 Withholding Tax Fund 3275 Withholding Taxes 166.10 Standard Oil Co. 3276 Oil�,Street Dept. 10.73 Anacortes Iron Works 3277 Service, Street Dept. 2.91 Marine Supply Co. 3278 Supplies, Street Dept.. 12.16 Mount Vernon Bldg. Co. 3279 Equipment, Street Dept. 80.34 Curtis Wharf Comxa ny 3280 Equipment Street Dept. 1.91 Rufus A. Webb 3281 Diesel 011, Street Dept. 27.77 IslandTransfer 3282 Stove Oil, Street Dept. 8.-0 Minnes6ta Mining & Mfg. Co. 3283 Equipment, Street Dept. 49.80 L..L. Bair 3284 Supplies, Street Dept. 19.38, Trulson Motor Co. 3285 Service & Supplies, Street Depto123.63 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 3286 Power for Crusher 75.00 Union Oil Company 3287 Gasbl:ine, Street;Departtteftt :_ 96.06 Puget Sound Power & Light 3288 Lighting Service, Street Dept. 2.0( C • • 1 1 • C7 1 January 6, 1949 Lewis Harr 2037 Frank Knapp 2038 Withholding Tax Fund 2039 Colvin's Tire Service 2040 Brown Lumber Company 2041 Marine Supply Co. 2042 Water Department 2043 C. C. Cook 2044 Union Oil Company 2045 Colvin's Tire Service 2046 Marshall Wells Store 2047 Dept. of Labor & Ind. 2048 i Ruth E. Brinkley 2878 Eleanor Nevill 2879 Marjorie Ross 2880 P. E. Olson 2881 Fern Derby 2882 Withholding Tax Fund 2883 Fortune Magazine 2884 Curtis Wharf Co. 2885 Anacortes Water Department 2886 Puget Sound Pro & Lt. Co. 2887 Simpson's Electric Shop 2888 Marshall a Wells Store 2889 City Garbage Service 2890 Puget Sound News Co. 2891 Birds' Stationery 2892 Dept. of Labor & Ind. 2893 Harry Hartman 2894 A. S. Barnes & Co. Charles Scribner's Sons Puget Sound News Co. People9s National Bk of Wn. PARK DEPARTTMNT Salary as Park Employee 1' t° Park Supt. Withholding Taxes Service, Park Dept. Supplies, Park Dept. Supplies, Park Dept. Water Service, Park Dept. Service, Park Dept. Gasoline, Park Dept. Supplies, Park Dept. Supplies, Park Dept, Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid LIBRARY DEPARTMENT Salary as Librarian Asst. Librarian c� oo Cataloger io °0 Janitor Wages as substitute Withholding Taxes Subscription Coal for Library Water used in Library Lights used at Library Supplies for Library Supplies for Library Garbage Service, Library Book for Library Supplies, Library Dept. Ind, Ins. & Med. Aid Books for Library STATE LIBRARY FUND Books for Library Books for Library Books for Library WITHHOLDING TAX FUND Total Withholding Tax deductions 43 129,,00 137.60 18.40 2.06 34.10 23,69 2.50 3.09 50046 5.82 12.74 80.8o 74.40 2.0}0 62.80 36.o0 17.40 10.00 57.50 2.50 12.62 2.99 8.75 3.00 3,43 2.26 3.55 30.45 12.25 52-35 40.35 694.65 A motion was made by Allan and seconded by Hansen that said claims be referred to the Finance Committee, The Finance Committee considered said claims and re- commended that the claits be allowed and warrant drawn in favorof the same. A motion was made by Allan and seconded by Hansen that the aecommendation of the Finance Committee in the matterof the above claims against theCity of Anacortes for the month of December, 19489 be adopted. Ayes. Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, Welch Fisher, Allan and Brado. Motion carried. Having paid the claims for December, 1948, Mayor goe L. Hagan at this time declared a short recess during which time Robert W. Ginnett was sworn in as new Councilman from 2nd ward. Mr. Ginnett is replacing Mr. Charles Fisher whose term as councilman from 2nd ward has expired with the end of 1948, The new council was called to order at this time with the following members presents Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, Welch, Ginnett, Allan and Brado. Dr. E. E. Dodge was chosen as Mayor Pro -Tem. Mayor Joe L. Hagan did not appoint his committees at this meeting. The following letter from Capt. 0. Van Niauwenhuise was presented and read to the City Councils Jan. 19 1949 Hoh. Mayor Hagan City Council Gentlemen% Action is hereby desired for the removal of the following Bldgs. 1106 - 1108 on 6th Avenue and the old I.O.O.F. Hall ofl 6th Avenue, for the reasons of age. de- cay, deterioration, and unsafe structure, in short public nuisance according to un- safe building Ordinance 81.04, Please make personal investigation and be convinced of the deplorable and ex cistent condition for the health and welfare of the surrounding inhabitants. Respectfully, 0. Van Nieuwenhuise 1210 - 6th Street Anacortes. This matter was discussed at some length but no official action was taken on the matter. Mr. L. E. Snider, Fire Chief, gave a description of the improvements being made in the old I. 0. 0. F. Hall at approxim tely 1113 - 6th Street. Mayor Joe L. Hagan appointed Dr. C. W. Dougalss as a te;rary health officer together with the Fire Chief to make an investigation of the properties mentioned in the above letter. The following letter frot.Willard Hansted of 907 v 33rd street was presented and read to -the City Councils Anacortes, Wash. Dec. 27, 48 Dear Mr. Mayor, After I have built my home I find it is about one hundred feet from my property to the nearest connection for city water. I would like for the city of extend their water line to or past my property. Q1; January 61 1949 I understand my not being on an established water main keeps me from city water and I thought through you and our city council we could get an authorization to get water started our way. Water and a few days labor is all that keeps me from getting some use from my home so a little help toward water would be greatly appreciated. Sincerly yours Willard Hansted 907 0 33rd st. The following letter from Pers. F. E. Barden, 909 e 9th Street was presented ane read to the City Council. Dec. 14, 1949 Dear Sir I would like to have some gravel placed:in front of my home. It is the only place I have to park my car, & I have to have it parked too far from the curb as it's so awfully muddy. I am afraid it will be too easy for my m r to be hit when parked so far out. Will appreciate what you are doing and thank you for it. Yours Yours Truely, Mrs. F. E.Barden 909 ® 9th Street, Anacortes, Wash. Both of the above letters were filed but no offici&l action was taken. The matter of the purchase of 211 -pipe for use on 33rd, 35th and 36th streets was discussed at some length. A motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Ellin tWlI T. G. McCrory, water Supt. be authorized to call for bids on 211 pipe in place on 33rd, 25th, and 36th Street according to specifications on file in the office of T, G. McCrory, Water Supt. Motion carried. The Building Committee made a report on the condition of the Fire Hall roof which seems to be leaking. After some discussion a motion was made by Ellin and se- conded by Dodge that the roof of the Fire Hall be repaired temporarily as planned by the Building Committee. Motion carried. Mr. E. A. Willette and Alfie Carpenter were present at the City Council and adked to cut about 200 ricks of wood on the City property in the vicinity of the City garbage dump. The parties agreed to pay ,1.00 a cord for this woodo After some discussion a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Allan that a contract beo tween E. A. Wellitte and Alfie Carpenter be signed by the Mayor and City Clerk foe the sale of approximately 200 ricks of wood at $1.00 per rick. I1otion carried. A renewal insurance policy on the American LaFrance Fire Truckwas presented to the City Council and was referred to the City Attorney. A renewal Insurance policy on the 1930 Ford Tank Truck was presented and read to the City Council and was referred to the City Attorney. The City Attorney recommended the acceptance of the polic�N,rNo. 249026 issued by the Great American Indemnity Company for John N. Cheney, Police Judge for the year 1949 and 1950. The Following is a copy of the Citition_.of the City of Anacortes to Mike Demopo�isa YOU ARE HEREBY CITED AND SUM1,AONED to appear before the City Council of the City of Anacortes in regular session on the 18th day of January, 19499 at 8a00 P.He in the council chambers of the City Hall and then and there show cause if any there be, why the building and premises situtated upon Lots One (1) to Five ?5), Block 144, 10City of Anacortes", according to the recorded plat thereof on file in the office of the auditor of Skagit County, Wathington, in Volume 2 of Plats, Page 4, should not be rendered safe in accordance with letter to :-ou from the City Attorney dated October 239 1948, or condemned and the nuisance related thereto abated at the cost and expense of the owner. i The Citation is issued in accordance with Section 5 of Ordinance No.879 and served upon you as the record Owner of Lots 1, 2 and 3, of Block 142, and as the reputed owner of Lots 4 and 5, Block 142. This Citation is issued because of your failure to combly with notice sent you by letter dated Ozbtober 23, 1948, from the office of the City Attorney in whichi was specified that in order to render the building and premises hereinabove describe{d safe, the following matters should be accomplished, to -wit; all debris on the out side of said building should be removed from the premises; the brick lean to on the, Southeast corner of said building should be razed and removed; and the sidewalk on the East side of said building should be cleared by removal from said premises of all boxes, materials or debris. The sixty day period provided by said notice in which such corrective action was to be taken has expired. At the tide of hearing as set forth above or continuance thereof, the City Council shall hear testimony relative to the facts concerning this matter and shall, enter written findings thereon and after said hearing the City Council shall have power to order the owner of the above premises to abate any nuisance determined to exist thereon. Section 8 of Ordinance No. 879 provides any person failing to vacate a build- ing or to abate any nuisance as ordered by the City Council pursuant to this ord- inance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $100.00 or by imprisonment in the city jail C7 • 1 1 r� is 1 January 6, 1949 not to exceed thirty-three days, or by both such fine and imprisonment,, By order of the City Council IN. V° Wells, Jr., City Attorney John G. Dorcyp City Clerk Amotion was made by Allan and seconded by Ginnett that this notice be served to Pyr,, Demopolis, Ayesa Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, Welch9 Ginnett, Allan0and Brado° Motion carried. A Franchise Ordinance has been filed with the City Clerk and introduced to the City Coun0il° The matter will be taken up at the next meeting of the City Ccu ncil,, The Police Justice report for the year 1948 was presented and read to the City Council and was referred to the libense and Police Committee. Gentlemen,, Vie the undersigned property owners and taxpayers of the city of Anacortes to hereby petition and ask that the street known as 33rd street, Anacortes be opened for travel between Commercial Avenue and 19S" Avenue. In view of the fact that one block of this namely, from Commercial Avenue to Q was cleaned out and culverts were put in, In the days of W. P. A. Vie also petition and ask that a water main be installed at the same tiie of a size sufficient to supply residents with water but not less than a two inch line. You may not be aware but there are now under constructiontwo new houses on this street and several more are cont&mplated within the next yeaz May Ave request prompt action consistent with proper procedure This petition was signed by twelve residents. A motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Hansen that this matter be referred to the Street QQMmittee.: to make a repnrt at a later meeting of the City Council; 4 A renewal insurance policy on the 1940 Dodge Coupe used by the Anacortes Water i Department was presented and read to the City Council and was referred to the Fire, light and Water Comitte,, A bond for Hilbert0din Lee was presented to the City Council and was referred to the City Attorney,, Having completed the business of the evening a motion was made by Brado and seconded by Dodge that the meeting of the City Councikadj ur The meeting of the City unc then adjourn,, Attest° Eary� City Clerk I and The report of the Water Supt, for the month of December, 1948, was presented read to the City Council was referred to the Fire, Light andWater Committee. A motion was made by Allan and seconded by Ellin that the City Clerk issue a call for bids for the construction for four new additional fitters and that said bids be opened on February 15, 1949° and The report of the Str.?et Foreman for the month of December, 1948 was presented read to the City Council was accepted and placed on file. The report Fire Chief for the month of December, 1948, was presented and read to the City Council was accepted and placed on file. The report of the City Treasurer for the month of December, 1948 was presented and read to the City Council and was referred to the Finance Committee. The report of the Park Departre nt was presented and read tothe CiV Council was accepted and placed on file. A motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Allan that the City Clerk be authorized to call for bids for a 6 H. P. Garden Tractbr Gibson or equt1, equiped with chains, a 12¢9 plow and a 3611 bull dozer blade which can be set at an angle. Said bids to be opened on February 1st, 1949 at 8000 o'�clock P.M. Motion carried,, The following petition from residents on 33rd street was presented and read to the City Councils The Honorable Mayor City Council Gentlemen,, Vie the undersigned property owners and taxpayers of the city of Anacortes to hereby petition and ask that the street known as 33rd street, Anacortes be opened for travel between Commercial Avenue and 19S" Avenue. In view of the fact that one block of this namely, from Commercial Avenue to Q was cleaned out and culverts were put in, In the days of W. P. A. Vie also petition and ask that a water main be installed at the same tiie of a size sufficient to supply residents with water but not less than a two inch line. You may not be aware but there are now under constructiontwo new houses on this street and several more are cont&mplated within the next yeaz May Ave request prompt action consistent with proper procedure This petition was signed by twelve residents. A motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Hansen that this matter be referred to the Street QQMmittee.: to make a repnrt at a later meeting of the City Council; 4 A renewal insurance policy on the 1940 Dodge Coupe used by the Anacortes Water i Department was presented and read to the City Council and was referred to the Fire, light and Water Comitte,, A bond for Hilbert0din Lee was presented to the City Council and was referred to the City Attorney,, Having completed the business of the evening a motion was made by Brado and seconded by Dodge that the meeting of the City Councikadj ur The meeting of the City unc then adjourn,, Attest° Eary� City Clerk I January 189 1949 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 8 o'clock P. M. with Mayor ZIoe L. Hagan presiding. The roll -was called and Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, Ginnett, Allan and Brado were present. The minutes of the pre- v16us meeting were read and approved as read. Dr. C. W. Douglass, the new health officer made a report to the City Council of an inspection that he and Mr. L. E. Snider, Fire Chief made of the buildings at 1106 and 1106 ® 6th Street. The Dr. presented a very complete written report of his inspection of these buildings and made the following recommendations® City Council Anacortes9 Washington Gentl6men - I would like to recommend to the City Council that all latrines within the corporate city limits of Anacortes be abolizhed and where it is possible the plumbing should be connected to the city sewer system and where it is impossible • to connect to the city sewer a septic tank, which is adequate, be established. It is also recommended that the Anacortes sewerage system be extended to include that area south of 12th street on the east side of Commercial as there is a large population and an increased number of business establishments which are locating in the south and on the east side of Commercial. Also I feel that this would open up quite an area which is now dormant property. I also recommend that houses and • other establishments within the corporate city limits of Anacortes be connected to the city water system as I have found residents which are using spring water as their drinking water. After some discussion this.matter was referred t^the new City Council Health Committee. Mr. Dave Gilkey made an oral report of the Coroners inquest with reference to the death of Lester McCollom on January 18, 1949. Piz°. Gilkey complimented the Police Department on the prompt and efficient manner in which this matter was taken, care of. Mr. Gilkey further pointed out that the coroners jury recommended that 17th street and 20th street be.made arterial streets. After some discussion a motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Ellin that this matter of making 17th street and 20th street arterials be referred to the streets and parks committee to r.eport back at the next meeting of the City Council. Motion carried. On December 28, 19489 the City Clerk was muthorized to call for bids on cathodic protection dquipment for 2500 feet of 2411 steel pipe line. Two firms namely H. D. Fowler eo. Inc. of Seattle and the Electro Rust Proofing Corp of Chicago, Ill. presented two bids on this equipment and a motion was made by Brado and seconded by Allan that said bids be opened. Motion carried. Said bids on this cathodic equipment were opened with the following resultso H. D. Fouler C0.9 will furnish all materials9 equipment, and labor for the complete installation of a Rusta Restor cathodic system, as manufactured by the Harco Corporation of Cleveland9 Ohio for the protection of 2,500 feet of 2410 welded steel water pipe, for the mum of J5660.00. Electro Rust Pro®fing Corp., Total cost $2462.00 plus approximately $200.00 freight charges. Equipment- 64 magnesium anodes9 Type 3B Galvopak, necessary thermit brazes, wire for test leads, bonding, and resistances as required. If additional anodes are necessary to bring pine to 8V negative to soil, 3B Galvopaks will be furnished at $20.50 each, f.o.b. Midland, Hichigan. After some discussion a motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Ellin that the above bids on cathodic protection equipment be referred to the Fire Light and Water Committee. H6tion carried. The Fire, Light and 1i.!ater Commitee decided to meet on January 26th, 1949 at 7:00 o'clock P. M. with representatives of both of the above bidders. The following communication from Sadie M. Arges, City Treasurer, was presented and read to the City Council- January 6, 1849 Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen- • 1 `�' For your information I have appointed 0. E. Arges, Deputy Treasurer for the term of my office as City Treasurer. Yours Respectfully, Sadie H. Arges, � • City Treasurer A motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Allan that the City Council approved the appointment of 0. E. Arges as Deputy Treasurer for the term stated in the above communication. Motion carried. The following communication from Walter J. Padgett was presented and read to the City Councils John L. Dorcey9 City Clerk Anacortes, Wno Dear Sir - Anacortes Wash. January 1 ,th9 1949 1 I would like to get the Citys permission to cut some wood, either on the north or oouth side of Heart Lake. I understand the stumpage can be bought for x;1.00 a cord. And I would like to get a considerable amount to cut. Can I get permission to do so. Sincerelly Walter J. �adgett 2020 J. Avenue, Anacortes, Wno Pi O January 18, 1949 Mr. L. E. Snider, Fire Chief made an oral report in which he concurred with Dr. C. W. '�ouglass, health officer on the condition of the buildings at 1106 and 1106 6th Street. The annual report of the Fire Department for the year 1948 was presented and read to the City Council was accepted and placed on file. Councilman Brado made an oral report on the matter of opening 33rd Street from Commercial Avenue to R. Avenue. After some discussion a motion was made by Allan and seconded by Dodge that the City Council for the use Mr. Padgett be contacted and be given permission to cut wood on the north side of Heart Lake if this area is available and if he will sign a contract similar to the claims for approximately one signed by E. A. Willette and Alfie Carpenter and that the mayor and City C1eiak January, 1949 were be authorized to sign said contract. I -Action carried. .A presented and read Mayor Noe L. Hagan then appointed the following persons as members of the City Planning Commissions Kirvin Smith Authur Carlson, Bill Turner, Llyod Foster, Corleen Hapeman, Alice Newland, Syd Ellin, George Brado and Robert W. Ginnett. 17075 A motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Ginnett that appointment of the 55.00 above persons on the Planning Commission be approved by the City Council.. Motion John G. Dorcy carried. City Clerk At this time Mpyor Hagan gave a written report showing the total amountsof building permits issued during the years of 1947 and 1948. Mr. Hagan pointed out 17077 that a copy of this will be furnished to the County Assessor which should be a big help in obtaining a more equitable assessment of Real Estate in the City of Ana- �•, 5.0.00 cortes. John Cheney The followl.n g is the first paragraph of a Citation issued by the City to Mr. Police Justice Dike Demopolis also known as E. Demopolis or Efthemios Demopolis. YOU ARE HEREBY CITED AND SUI&ZONED to appear before the City Council of the City of 17079 Anacortes in regular session on the 18th day of January; 1949, at 8:00 P.M., in the�l 110.00 Council Chambers of the City Hall and then and there show cause, if an� there be, 17080 Jgpitor why the building and premises situated upon Lots One (1) to Five (5), lack 142, Sadie M. Arges. "City of Anacortes", according to the recorded plat thereof on file in the office Treasurer of the auditor of Skagit County, Washington in Volume 2 of Plats, Page 4, should not be rendered safe in accordance with let�er to you from the City Attorney dated 17082 October 239 1948, or condemned and the nuisance related thereto abated at the cost 90.00 and expense of the owner-.,, J. B. Goff Mr. Demop6lis was present and spoke to the City Council and pointed out Police Chief several reasons why he had been unable to claan up the property mentioned in the above citation, and asked that an extension of 60 days be given him. After some 17084 discuss on a motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Brado that Apr. Demopolis,: 110.00 be given an extension of 60 days providing that the property be entirely cleaned !,V. L. Pollard up by that time. Motion carried, Patrolman Permission was given to Dara Phil Cope to publish an ordinance granting'to the Island Bus Company Inc, a corporation, its successors and assigns, the right, 17086 privilege, authority anc franchise to maintain and operate over, upon and along 110.00 highways, streets and alleys df the City of Anacortes, motor vehicles for the M. E. Beebe conveyance and carryijg of passengers over, along and upon said highways, streets Patrolman and alleys, according to certain established routes of travel within the City limit- imitof ofthe City of Anacortes, Skagit County, Oashington. 17088 The City Council discussed the matter of purchasing a new car for the Police 110.00 Department. After some discussion a motion was made by Dodge andseconded by Allan Jack Kelley that we defer action on this matter for a period of 60 days. Motion carried. Wages as Extra Policeman The annual report of the Police Justice for the year 1948 was presented and. read to the City Council and was accepted and placed on file. Mr. L. E. Snider, Fire Chief made an oral report in which he concurred with Dr. C. W. '�ouglass, health officer on the condition of the buildings at 1106 and 1106 6th Street. The annual report of the Fire Department for the year 1948 was presented and read to the City Council was accepted and placed on file. Councilman Brado made an oral report on the matter of opening 33rd Street from Commercial Avenue to R. Avenue. Mr. W. V. Wells Jr thanked the Anacortes Music Association. the City Council for the use of the auditorium by The following claims for approximately the lst half of January, 1949 were presented and read to the City Councils 0. E. Arges 17075 CURRENT EXPENSE Deputy Treasurer 55.00 John G. Dorcy 17076 City Clerk 50.00 W. V. Wells, Jr. 17077 City Attorney 5.0.00 John Cheney 17078 Police Justice 40000 Norman Fulton 17079 Janitor 110.00 David L. Bowen 17080 Jgpitor 10.00 Sadie M. Arges. 17081 Treasurer 105.00 Jacqueline Gurney 17082 Work in Clerk's Office 90.00 J. B. Goff 17083 Police Chief 110.00 N. Petrish 17084 Asst. Chief of Police 110.00 !,V. L. Pollard 17085 Patrolman 110.00 W. E. Thomason 17086 Patrolman 110.00 M. E. Beebe 17087 Patrolman 110.00 G. 0. Lee 17088 Patrolman 110.00 Jack Kelley 17089 Wages as Extra Policeman 30.68 L. E. Snider 17090 Fire Chief 125.00 Bert Verrall 17091 Asst. Fire Chief 125.00 C. S. Mondhan 17092 Capt., Fire Dept,, 125.00 K. W. Snart 17093 Capt., Fire Dept. 125.00 M. G. Strock 17094 Fireman 125.00 436 January 18, 1949 Edo Alexander 17095 Fireman 125000 Jo No Parsons 17096 Fireman 125000 Do W. Parsons 17097 Fireman 125000 George Ray 17098 Fireman 125000 Mutual Benefit Hlth & AccT Asn17099 Group Insurance Deductions 53010 WATER DEPARTMENT To Go McCrory 10472 Water Supt. 165000 Shirley Owens 10473 Clerk 90000 John Go Dorcyr 10474 Bookkeeper 40,00 Chas. Wedlund 10475 Foreman 145000 Everett Thorene 10476 Serviceman 120000 W. Oo Rogers 10477 Filterman 125000 G, Fa Keller 10478 Filterman 115000 A. Sirett 10479 Filterman 115000 Frank Deane 10480 Filterman 115000 Lester Thomas 10481 Pumpman 125000 Mut. Ben, Hlth & Acc. Assn, 10482 Group Insurance Deductions 6030 PARK DEPARTMENT Lewis Harr 2049 Park Employee 75000 Frank Knapp 2050 Park Supt. 100000 CEMETERY DEPARTI ENT Ingvald Iversen 658 Cemetery Supt. 120000 Vim. E. Latimer 659 Cemetery Employee 110000 Chas. R. Mitchell 660 Cemetery Employee 110000 LIBRARY DEPARTIENT Ruth E. Brinkley 2895 Librarian 80000 Eleanor Nevill 2896 Asst. Librarian 65000 Po Eo Olson 2897 Janitor 60000 Mut. Ben, Hlth. & Acca Assn. 2898 Group Insurance Deductions 4080 STREET DEPARTMENT Roy McDougall 3290 Foreman 125000 Lynn Balcomb 3291 Graderman 120000 Carl Thorene 3292 Maintenance Man 125000 Artis Taylor 3293 Maintenance Man 120000 Dave Summers 3294 Maintenance Man 115000 Carl Welk 3295 Maintenance Man 120000 Ko Mo McClellan 3296 Sweeper 75000 To Go McCrory 3297 Supervisor 35000 John Ga Dorcy 3298 Bookkeeper 35000 Mut. Ben, Hlth. & Acco Assn. 3299 Group Insurance Deductions 21000 A motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Allen that the above Claims be referred to the Finance Committee. Motion Carried. The Fin4nce Committee considered said Claims and recommended that the Claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of the same. A motion was made by Allen and seconded by Ellin that the recommendation of the Finance Committee in the matter of the above Claims be adopted. I kon oxmztefx Ayes: Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, Ginnett, Allen i and Bradom Motion carried® Having completed the business of the evening a motion was made seconded by Dodge that the meeting of the My Council adjourn. The meeting of the City Council did then adjourn® /! H yor C A Attest.-_ t Clerk by Ellin and Motion carried I. is 1 1 • 1 February 19 1949 A re alar meeting of the City Council of the City of i1nacortes was called to order at s00 P. M, with Mayor Joe L,, H agan presiding,The roll was called and Hansen9 Dodge Welch, Ginnett Allan and Brado were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read ands approved as read. The following communication from Albert Ames was presented and read tothe City Councils, Anacortes Washington To the Honorable mayor and City Council February 19 1949, Anacortes9 Washington Gentlemen, I would like to submit to youa request for the privilege of parking my Taxi at 716 Commercial Avenue, in this City, I have contacted the merchants in that block and they have expressed to me that they have no objections whatsoever to my parking in the above mentioned place, Sincerely yours, Albert Ames Alta R. Green We, the undersigned merchants of the City of Anacortes hereby certify that we have no objections to Albert Ames parking his Taxi at 716 - Commercial Avenue. - Go F. Simpson Steina Finnson Marge Bullock Mrs. Alta GreenO Prentice Aubert After some discussion a motion was made by Ellin that seconded by Ginnett 'bat if Mr. Ames secures the names of the merchants between 7th and 8th Street on the West side of Commercial avenue that he be given the parking space in front of Guy Simpson's Electric Shop,, Motion carried. The following letter from John Co Hillstrand was presented arta read to the City Councils Mr,, Joe Hagan Mayor, City of Anacortes Anacortes, Washington Dear Sir Anacortes Washington January 21, 1949 In accordance with the suggestion which you made to me some time agao9 I am writing to you in regard to that parcel of land belonging to the City Ana artes9 and which lies immediately South of the City limits and on the West side of Heart Lake Road,, This parcel is composed of one 40 acre piece and another of 32,,25 acres according to the map on file at the County Courthouse, I hereby submit a tentative bid to the City of Anacortes of $500,,00 for the 40 acre tract or $900,,00 for both tracts together. I should like to point out that this land has been recently logged off, so it has little value as far as logging is concerned, and tokave it cleared for farming Appears to be quite ex- pensive. Sincerely yours John C. Hillstrard Route X29 Anacortes, Wash,, motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Hansen -that the City should not sell the property reouested in the Hillstrand letter. Mhtion carried,, The City Attorney recommended that the renewal insurance policy on the 1935 Ford Fire Truck issued by the United Pacific Insurance Company, Policy No A543836 be accepted by the City Council,, A motion was made by Ellin and seconded lr Brado that the recor-mendation of the City Attorney in this matter be accepted. Motion carried,, Air,, W. V. Wells Jr,,, City Attorney, recommedded the acceptance of an official bond issued by the American Bonding Company, No,, 989341 on behalf of Wm,, Virgil Wells, Jr,, City Attorney, A motion was made by Brado and seconded by hllan that the recommendation of the City Attorney in the above bond be accept6do. Mption erriei The printing and Health Committee composed of Ginnett, Dodge, and Hansen planned a meeting with the Health officer and the City Attorney to be held on Felb,, 79 1949 to discuss certain health problems in the City of Anacortes. The report of the City Treasurer for the month of January, 1949 was presented to the City Council,, The annual report of the Police Department for the year 1948";was presented and read to the City Council was accepted and placed on file,, J,, T. Nobles L,, Eo Marchant James A.Brown Paul Luvera Standard Time Shop Go F. Simpson Steina Finnson Marge Bullock Mrs. Alta GreenO Prentice Aubert After some discussion a motion was made by Ellin that seconded by Ginnett 'bat if Mr. Ames secures the names of the merchants between 7th and 8th Street on the West side of Commercial avenue that he be given the parking space in front of Guy Simpson's Electric Shop,, Motion carried. The following letter from John Co Hillstrand was presented arta read to the City Councils Mr,, Joe Hagan Mayor, City of Anacortes Anacortes, Washington Dear Sir Anacortes Washington January 21, 1949 In accordance with the suggestion which you made to me some time agao9 I am writing to you in regard to that parcel of land belonging to the City Ana artes9 and which lies immediately South of the City limits and on the West side of Heart Lake Road,, This parcel is composed of one 40 acre piece and another of 32,,25 acres according to the map on file at the County Courthouse, I hereby submit a tentative bid to the City of Anacortes of $500,,00 for the 40 acre tract or $900,,00 for both tracts together. I should like to point out that this land has been recently logged off, so it has little value as far as logging is concerned, and tokave it cleared for farming Appears to be quite ex- pensive. Sincerely yours John C. Hillstrard Route X29 Anacortes, Wash,, motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Hansen -that the City should not sell the property reouested in the Hillstrand letter. Mhtion carried,, The City Attorney recommended that the renewal insurance policy on the 1935 Ford Fire Truck issued by the United Pacific Insurance Company, Policy No A543836 be accepted by the City Council,, A motion was made by Ellin and seconded lr Brado that the recor-mendation of the City Attorney in this matter be accepted. Motion carried,, Air,, W. V. Wells Jr,,, City Attorney, recommedded the acceptance of an official bond issued by the American Bonding Company, No,, 989341 on behalf of Wm,, Virgil Wells, Jr,, City Attorney, A motion was made by Brado and seconded by hllan that the recommendation of the City Attorney in the above bond be accept6do. Mption erriei The printing and Health Committee composed of Ginnett, Dodge, and Hansen planned a meeting with the Health officer and the City Attorney to be held on Felb,, 79 1949 to discuss certain health problems in the City of Anacortes. The report of the City Treasurer for the month of January, 1949 was presented to the City Council,, The annual report of the Police Department for the year 1948";was presented and read to the City Council was accepted and placed on file,, � "Pa,1 February 19 1949 The report of the WAter Supt. for the month of Januagy, 1949 was presented and'; read to the City Council was:.accepted and placedon file.. The report of the Street Foreman for the month of January, 1949 was presented and read to the City Council was accepted and placed on file. Councilman Ellin made an oral report on the matter of making 17th street and 20th street through streets. The committee recommended that 4 -way stop signs be placed at 17th and M. and 17th and K., also at 32nd street and Y. Avenue and 20th street and M. Avenue. After some discussion a motion was made by Dodge and seconde4j by, Allan that the City Council concur with Street Committee recommendation that be have a 4 -way stop on 17th street and M. Avenue 9 20th Strc,et and I.I. Avenue 9 :'17th street and K. Avenue 20th street and Ko Avenue 8th street to 12th str.et and 12th street to 20th street on K. Avenue. Ayes: Hansen, Dodge Ellin9 Welch9 Ginnett, Allan'and Brado. I1.4otion carried. ,Che• City Council discussed the matter of placing a sign "Dead End Street" on 9th Street between Da & E. Avenue. After some discussion a motion was made by Hanv n and seconded by Welch that Mr. Alf Bowman be given permission to erect a "Dead End Street" sign at the above location. Motion carried. At this time the insurance committee composed of Welch. Haneen9 and Brado made a report to the City Council andrecommended that the insurance policy furnished by Wm. G. McCallum in the amount of $609000.00 on the City Hall be acceopted and paid. Motion carried. The meeting of the Fire, Light and Water Committee is to be held on Wed, even -,l ing, Feb. 9, 1949 to discuss the matter of Cathodic protection for 2500 feet of pipe line around the head of Fidalgo Bayo At a recent meeting of the City Council the City Clerk was authorized to call for bids on a graden tractor with angle bull dozer blade, 12P9 plow and certain other equipment. Said bids to be opened on Feb, 19 1949. At this time 2 bids were filed with the City Clerk. A motion was made by Hansen that seconded by Allan that the said tractor bids be opened. Motion carried. The following are the neames of the bidders and the amounts of the bids. Lyle Duncan - .5601.00: Alvoud Summers, 3738.05. These bids were referred to the Streets and Parks Committee to made a reo port to ihhe City Council. At a recent meeting of the City Council the City Clerk was authorized to call for bids for digging Laying and backfilling approximately 2500 feet of 210 Galvan- ized pipe on 33rd3�th and 36th streets. Said bid to be opened on February lst, 1949. Also the Cierk was authorized to call for a bid for digging, laying and back= filling 600 transite pipe on 6th street and 21st street with a total of approximately 6600 fett. 1r®.Blake Thom -son was the only bidder on these 2 bids. Mr. Thompsen's! bid on the 61° transite pipe furnigshing labor only was ;1.15 per foot. Mr. TG. McCrory, Water Supt. recommended the'acceptance of the above 2 bids and a motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Welch that the 2 bids of Hr. Blake Thompson above given be accepted. Ayes: Hansen9 Dodge Ellin, Welch, Ginnett9 Allan' and Brado. Motion carried. Huse bill No. 119 which would breate a Wash'ngton State Municipal revolving fund to loan funds to Cit,tes and towns in the State of "'VashAngton and which bill is now being considered by the State Legistature was considered at this time. The City Council was asked to draft a resolution approving this bill and send said resolution to our representatives in the State Legislature at Olympia. A motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Hansen that an appropriate resolution be prepared) by the City Attorney and a copy of the same be sent to our representatives and State SenAtor,:in the State Legislature at Olympia, Washington. Ilotion carried. The following Claims against the City of An9cortes were presented and read to the City CounciLs 1 r� • 1 1 CURRENT EXPENSE Joe L. Hagan 17100 Salary as Mayor 118.00 George Brado 17101 1' 11 Councilman 10.00 • Robert W. Ginnett 17102 it 11 Councilman 10.00 Romie Allan 17103 t0 °° Councilman 4.00 W. J. Welch 17104 1° °° Councilman 10.00 Syd Ellin 17105 if 11 Councilman 10.00 E. E. Dodge 17106 t1 11 Councilman 10.00 H. L. Hansen 17107 to " Councilman 10.00 • 0. E. Arges 17108 Cancelled John G. Dorcy 17109 @AlaTy as City Clerk 56.30 Dr. C. W. Douglass 17110 1B t° Health Officer 50.00 W. V. Wells9 Jr.9 17111 11 " City Attorney 51.50 John Cheney 17112 1° °1 Police Justice 47®50 Harry Davis 17113 " " Dog Catbher 13.15 Norman Fulton 17114 1° " Janitor 99.20 David L. Lowen Harry Davis 17115 17116 00 °° Janitor Duftman 93090 50.00 Jacqueling Gurney 17117 Work in Clerk's Office 10.00 Withholding Tax Fund 17118 Cancelled Birds' Stationery 17119 Supplies City Clerk 5.57 Association of Wn. Cities 17120 'embership to Assn. of Wash. Cities 242.00 j Puget Sound Stamp Works 17121 Supplies9 City Clerk 15.64 J. Bo Goff 17122 Salary as Chief of Police 176.85 N, Petrish 17123 11 " Asst. Chief of Police 165.i0 W. M. Pollard 17124 to °B Patrolman 131.60 Wo E. Thompson 17125 °B °0 Patrolman 155.00 H. E. Beebe 17126 10 '° Patrolman 148,20 L7--1 • 1 1 C� 1 Gilbert Oo Lee Jack Kelley Withholding Tax Fund Fosse's Texaco Service Snyder°s Pharmacy J. B. Goff Art Burnside Co. Jack's Radio & Appliance N. Petrish La E. Snider Bert Verrall C. S. Mondhan X. W. Snart M. G. Strock Edo Alexander Jo N. Parsons Do W. Parsns Geo. Ray C. T. Strock A. Mondhan J. G. Dorcy Geo. Olson R. McDougall Withholding Tax Fund Anacortes Laundry & Clnrs. T$. W. Featherkile West Coast Tel. Co. Radiotelephone Service IA. R. Kingtley Water Department L. P-. Snider Birds' Stationery Rufus Webb Puget Sound P.wer & Light The Fern Press C. C. Cook S. I9 Richardson Norman Fulton John G. J)orcy Water Dept. Anacortes Gas Company Curtis Wharf Company Irene Snart G. N. Dalstead 9 P. M. Robbins Lumber: Co. Leonard Products Co. John G. "'orcy Marshall 'Wells Store Benson Motors Birds' Stationery Figenshow Hardware Withholding Tax Fund 0. E. Arges Jack Kelley Ruth Eo Brinkley Eleanor Nevill .Marjorie .Ross P. E. Olson P. J. Larson. - Withholding Tax Fund Gaylord Bros, Pacific No vd, Bibliographic Doubleday & Co. Inc.9 Herman Goldberger Agency Anacortes Water Dept. Seattle Post Intelligancer L. L. Bair Curtis Wharf Co. Ruth E. Brinkley Eleanor Nevill February 19 1949 17127 Salary as Patrolman 17128 Wages as extra Policeman 17129 Withholding Taxes 17130 Supplies§ Police Dept. 17131 Supplies9 Police Dept, 17132 Cash Advanced 17133 Supplies9 Police Dept. 17134 Supplies, Police Dept. 17135 Cash Advanced for postage 17136 Salary as Fire Chief 17137 tB 11 asst,, Fire Chief 17138 t9 It Capt., Fire Dept. 17139 it °° Ce pt, , Fire Dept, 17140 " " -l'ireman 17141 " " Fireman 17142 " 1° Fireman 17143 i1 " Fireman 17144 " 9° Fireman 17145 i9 1Q Ca 11 Man 17146 t° " Call Man 17147 '9 " Call Man 17148 " " Call Pian 17149 " i° Call Man 17150 Withholding Taxes 17151 Laundry Service Fire Dept. 17152 Radio Repairs, Fire Dept. 17153 Telephone Service, Fire Dept. 17154 Radio Service, sire Dept. 17155 Bond for Fire Chief 17156 Hydrant Rental 17157 Inspections 17158 Supplies, Fire Dept. 17159 Gasoline, Fire Dept. 17160 Lighting Service 17161 Supplies, Police Judge 17162 Service 17163 Supplies, Fire Dept,, 17164 Cash Advanced 17165 Cash Advanced 17166 Nater Service9 City Hall 17167 Gas Service, Fire Dept. 17168 Coal, Fire Dept. 17169 To Typing of City Agreements etc,, 17170 Postage Clerk's Office 17171 Supplies, City Hall 17172 Janitor's Suppl&es 17173 Registration of Births & Deaths 17174 Supplies City Hall 17175 Service 4 Supplies, Police Dept. 17176 Supplies for Police Dept, 17177 Material & Supplies 17178' To replace No. 17118 17179 To,,replace No -17108 17180 Salary LIBRARY DEPARTtTFT 28D9 Salary as Librarian 2900 11 it Asst. Librarian 2901 Cataloger 2902 Janitor 2903 Substitute Janitor 2904 Withholding Taxes 2905 Supplies for Library 2906 Membership 2907 Books for Library 2908 Magazine Subscriptions 2909 Nater used at Library 2911 Subec.ription 2912 Coal for Library -,x,913 Balance due on Salary 2914 Balance due on Salary 1,:3 9 139090 23.22 73.60 34.58 1.79 4.38 74.26 5.62 1.80 146,98 141.53 120.43 120043 100.35 111.65 111.65 89.51 109061 21.05 3.50 -4.00 2.00 4.00 164.50 14000 12.29 30.36 8040 5.0�0y 625,, 00 25,,00 Q4Qo38 88 o 62 748.04p 1.29 2.16 10.10 9.00 3.25 6.65 15-53 166.55 8.25 6.00 12,,36 18.85 13.75 6.91 16.23 5.25 61.87 63.50 70.00 53-90 102.20 79.20 1.00 84.20 57060 29.50 22.50 25.00 13.85 77.40 2.50 14.00 162.59 50.00 25.00 WATER DEPARTMENT T. G. McCrory 10483 Salary as Water Supt. 171.00 Sadie M. Arges 10484 it 't Cashier 119.70 Shirley Owens 10485 It t-lerk 96.90 John G. d'orcy 10486 10 :,' Bookkeeper 41.00 Chas. Wedlund 10487 It Foreman 153o70 Everett Thoraae 10488 °° " Serviceman 131.40 W. 0. riogers 10489 " " Filterman 204.20 G. F. Keller 10490 " " Filterman -V.40 A. Sirett 10491 " " Filterman 189-.40 Frank Deane 10492 t' Filterman 1 1.70 Lester Thomas 10493 19 i0 Pumpman 143.00 Withholding Tax Fund 10494 Withholding Taxes 241.50 G. N. Dalstead, P. Ma 10495 Postabe, Water Depto 6.00 C. G. Cook 10496 Service, Water Dept. ,52 Dave Mathes, Jr. 10497 Services Rendered as State Examiner 160,,35 Dave Mathes9 Jr. 10498 Services liendered as State Examiner 90,,70 City Hall Rental Fund 10499 Rent of Office and Garage Space 1000,00 Skagit Valley Telephone 'o. 10600 Telenhone Service, Avon 5.87 J. P. Gurney 10501 Service, Water Dept,, 5000 City Street Fund 10502 Gasoline, Water Dept. 25.21 February 19 1949 West Coast Telephone Co. 10503 Telephone Service, Water Dept. 24.05 A. Ho Cox & Co. 10504 Supplies & Equipment, Water D. 16.62 Pennsylvania Salt Mfg. Co. 10505 Chlorine 67019 Pacific Highway Transport 10506 Freight on Supplies 8.70 Curtis Wharf Company Iron Works 10507 Coal Water Depto 138.67 Anacortes 10508 Service, Water Dept. 14.04 T, G. McCrory .10509 Cash Advanced 3.00 BirdA' Stationery 10510 Supplies, Water Dent. 1.39 The Fern Press 10511 Printing Service, Water Dept. 6.18 Suget Sound Power & Light Co. 10512 Power & Service, Water Dept. 19509.23 Puget Sawmill Co, 10513 Supplies, Water Dept. 169.24 Current Expense Fund 10514 Transfer of Funds 105.00 STREET DEPARTMENT Roy McDougall 3300 Salary as Street Foreman 179.10 Lynn Balcomb 3301 D0 00 Maintenance Plan 137.70 Carl Thorene 3302 P° '0 i'aintenance Man 194.10 Artis Taylor 3303 " 11 Maintenance Man 149.80 Dave Summers 3304 °Q 'Q Maintenance Man 157.90 Carl Welk 3305 10 °0 Maintenance Ilan 158.60 Ko M. McClellan 3306 " '1 Street Sweeper 65.30 T. G. McCrory 3307 1° 0° Supervisor 32.70 John Go �Jorcy 3308 1° 1' Bookkeeper 24.50 Withholding Tax Fund 3309 Withholding Taxes 202.10 Wm. G. McCallum 3310 Insurance on 1940 Truck, 40.55 Anacortes Iron Works 3311 Supplies & Service Street Dept. 18.92 S. R. Anderson 3312 Supplies, Street Dept. 3.00 Puget Saw Mill Co. 3313 Supplies, Street Dept. 70.95 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 3314 Lighting Service, Strebt Dept. 2.00 Puget 2ound Power & Light Co. 3315 Power for Crusher 37.50 Standard Oil Co. 3316 Oil9 Street Dept. 10.73 Rufus A. Webb 3317 Gasoline, Street Dept. 87.86 Puget Sawmill Co. 3318 Supplies, Street Dept. 73.19 Wm. G. McCallum 3319 Insurance on 1930 Ford Truck 30.30 PARK DEPARTMENT Lewis Harr 2051 Park Employee 150.10 Frank Knapp 2052 Park Supt. 158.20 C. C. Cook 2053 Service, Park Dept. 3.09 Water Department 2054 Water Service, Park Dept. 2.50 A. M. Williamson 2055 Supplies, Park Dept. 23.67 Withholding Tax Fund 2056 Withholding Taxes 26070 CEMETERY DEPARTMENT Ingvald Iversen 661 Salary as Cemetery Supt. 128.60 Wm. E. Latimer 662 °Q B° Cemetery Employee 113.38 Chas. Rex Mitchell 663 18 01 Cemetery Employee 121.68 Jacqueline Gurney 664 Work in Clerk's Office 60,00 Katherine H. Snider 665 Work on Cemetery Files & Records 27.00 West Coast Telephone Company 666 Telephone Service, Cemetery Dept. 11070 Withholding Tax Fund 667 Withholding Taxes 74.90 Water Department 668 Water Service, Cemetery Dept. 2.50 A. M. Williamson 669 Supplies, Cemetery Dept. 12.89 Oregon Brass Works 670 Grave Markers & Supplies 22.50 Curtis Wharf Co. 671 Cancelled Union Oil Company 672 Gasoline, Cancelled Wm. G . McCallum 673 Insurance, Cancelled City Street Fund 674 Gravel, Cancelled Puget Sound Power & Light M. Williamson Co. 675 676 Lighting Service Cancelled A. Supplies, Cancelled Marshall Wells Store 677 Supplies, Cancelled Dept. of Labor & Ind. 678 Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid, Cancelled Dept. of Labor & Indo 679 Ind. ins. & Hed.Aid9 Cancelled Affleck Bros. 680 Balance on Account, Cancelled Affleck Bros. 681 Sto-ge Oil, Cemetery Dept. 6.08 Affleck Bros. 682 Stove Oil, Cemeteiy Dept. 6.23 Union Oil Company 683 Gasoline, Cemetery Dept. 35.11 City Street Fund 684 Gravel, Cemetery Dept. 51.00 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 685 Lighting Service, Cemetery Dept. 6.00 A. Do Frets Monument Co. 686 Equipment, Cemetery Department 65.00 Water Dept. 687 Water Service, Cem. Dept. Cancelled Gilkey & Wright 688 Service, Cemetery Dept. 58.27 Affleck Bros. 689 To.replace No.680 7.71 A motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Ellin that the above claims be referred to the Finance Committee. The Finance Committee considered said claims and recommended that the claims be allowed and warrant draur] in favor of the same. A motion was made by Elllaand Seconded by Allan that the recommendation of the Finance Committee in the matter of the above claims be adopted. Ayess Hansen, Dodge Elling Welch 91Ginnett, Allan and Brado. Motion carried. Being unable a motion was made adjourn until 7:00 adjourn. Attest to complete the business before the council at the by Brado and seconded by Allan that the meeting of P. M.I February 8, 1949. The meeting of the City Ma71�11" ys r present meeting the City Council Council did so 1 �J 1 1 • • 1 z�.,41 FEbruary 89 1949 A regular adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7000 Porto with Mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. The roll was called and Hansen , Ellin9 Welch9 Ginnett and Allan were present. The purpoBe of this meeting being to consider,,certain o.rdinancesand repealing certain ordinances and adopting an ordinance known as theoffical code of ord- inances of the City of Anacortes9 as follows: ORDINANCE 1fl03O BEING APRT ORDINANCE repealing various ordinances and parts of ordinances which haw been superseded by later ordinances but not heretofore been expressly repealed. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANACORTES DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The following ordinances, or parts of ordinances, which have been superseded by later ordinances are hereby repealed; to Ordinance #41, entitled, "An Ordinance providing for the issuing of city warrants and the payment of interest thereon when presented to treasurer and not paid for want of funds 1° passed duly 15th9 18919 approved July 15, 1891 and published July 16th9 191. 2. Ordinance #163 entitled "An Ordinance fixing the salary of the City Treasurer9 the amount of his bonds and repealing all ordinances in conflict here- with," passed Sept. 49 1893, approved Sept. 5, 1893 and published Sept. 7, 18930 3. Ordinance #181 entitled, "An Ordinance organizing a board of health in the city of Anacortes and providing for the appointment of a health officer by said board, and prescribing certain duties of the health officer and repealing Ordinance No. 154," passed May 20, 1895 approved May 229 1835 and published May 309 1895. 4. Ordinance #182 entitled "An Ordinance defining the duties, and powers of the health officer of the City of Anacortes9 and making it a misdemeanor to violate his orders and prescribing a punishment therefor, and repealing Ordinance #5 and Ordinance #143,'° passed June 7th, 1895, approved June 19th, 1895 and published June 209 1895. 5. Ordinance #198 entitled 9 "An Ordinance to impose and collect an annual street poll tax upon the male inhabitants of the City of Anacortes, Skagit County, Washington9 and to provide for the collection thereof911passed March 15, 18979 approved March 179 1897 and published March 18, 18970 6. Ordinance #206 entitled9 "An Ordinance creating and governing a volunteer fire department in the City of Anacortes and repealing Ordinance #1009 passed January 6, 1892 and repealing Ordinance 4109, passed February 8, 1892 and repealing Ordinance #161 passed July 3, 18939" passed May 169 18989 approved May 26, 1898 and published June 29 18980 7. Ordinance #234, entitled, "An Ordinance fixing the Salary of the City Engineer'19 passed Sept. 16, 1901, approved Sept 17, 1901 and published Sept 2691901, 8. Ordinance #268 entitled9 "An Ordinance to obtain a permit from the City Clerk for the erection, altering, adding to or enlarging any house in the City of Anacortes and providing a penalty for the violation of the same," passed April 6, 1904, and published April 21, 1904. 9. Ordinance #269 entitled, "An Ordinance providing for the devolving the duty, burden and expense of maintenance, repairs and renewal of sidewalks on one of both sides of improved streets upon the abutting property, and providing that if same is not done by property owners, the repairing and renewal may be done by the city and the costs and expenses thereof taxed against and made a lien on said i abutting property," passed April 6, 1904, and published April 21, 1904" loo Ordinance 71',�/3 entitled, titledy Ordinance establishing "An tablishin fire limits within the City of Anacortes, Washington 91° approved Nov. 21, 1906 and published November 22, 19060 11. Ordinance #385 entitled "An Ordinance providing for street improvement and repealing Ordinance #339 and Ordinance #273 and repealing all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance " passed March 9, 19099 approved March 10, 1909 and published March 119 1903. 12. _Ordinance ##398 entitled,"An Ordinance providing for the modes of paying for the costs of improvement of streets, sidewalks9 alleys and other public places and the construction of sewers within the city of Anacortes," passed on June 15, 1909, approved June 169 1909 and published June 17, 1909. 13. Ordinance #440 entitled "An Ordinance amending section 7 of Ordinance #3989 being an ordinance providing for the modes of paying for the costs of im-a provement of streets9 sidewalks9 alleys and other public places and the construct- ion of sewers within the City of Anacortes,1° passed Jan 18, 1910, approved Jan. 181 1910 and published Jan. 20, 1910. 14, Ordinance #488 Entitled "An Ordinance governing the storage of combustible rubbish and explosives in the City of Anacortes and providing a penalty for the unlawful storage thereof," passed Aug. 229 1911, approved Aug. 23, 1911 and published Aug. 23, 19114 15. Ordinance #498 entitled, "An Ordinance requiring that no boxes, booths, or rooms in any restaurant cafe or public eating house shall be closed by any I' curtain, screen or door and that the same shall open directly into the main dining - room of such place and providing a penalty for the violation hereof,PO passed Sept. 199 1911, approved Sept. 20, 1911 and published Sept. 20, 1911. i 16. Ordinance #525 entitled, "An Ordinance imposing a license on all itinerant or transient merchants and fixing the rate therefor, and providing a penalty for the violation thereof," passed June 49 19121 approved June 49 1912 and published June 5, 1912. i 17. Ordinance #551, entitled, "An Ordinance making it unlawful for any person to explode, or cause to be exploded, any firecracker over two (2) inches in length, within the City of Anacortes," passed May 20, 1913, approved May 20, 1913 and published Niay 21, 19130 18. Ordinance #556 entitled "An Ordinance providing for the appointment of chief for the Fire Department of the City of Anacortes, and providing certain Rules and Regulations of said Fire Department, and repealing all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith;" passed July 1, 1913, approved July 1, 1913 and published July 29 1913- 19. Ordinance #617 entitled, "An Ordinance regulating the location of stove pipes on any building within the City of Anacortes, and providing a penalty for its violation and repealing Ordinance #160 of the City of Anacortes,►° passed Nov. 17, 1914, approved Nov. 18, 1914 and published November 20, 1914. 20. Ordinance #637 entitled "An Ordinance amending Section 1 of Ordinance #326 of the City of Anacortes, entitled "An Ordinance establishing the fire limits within the City of Anacortes, Washington," passed Feb. 16, 1915, approves ed Feb. 169 19159 and published Feb. 19, 1915. 210 Ordinance #638 entitled "An Ordinance amending Section V of Ordinance #611, of the City of Anacortes entitled, "An Ordinance regulating traffic on the streets, evenues, alleys and all public places within the City of Anacortes, for all, vehicles and drivers thereof, and for all persons using said streets, avenues, alleys and public places within the City of Anacortes, and providing penalties for the violation thereof," passed Feb. 16, 1915, approved Feb. 169 1915 and published Feb. 199 1915• 22. Ordinance #676 entitled, "An Ordinance providing the method of con- structing sidewalks along the side of any street or other public places within the city of Anacortes and providing that the burden and expense thereof shall devolve upon and be borne by the property abutting thereon to passed April 18, 19169 approved April 19, 1916 and published April 20, 1916. 23. Ordinance #679 entitled, "An Ordinance regulating the installation arrangement alteration, repair, use and operation of electric wiring connections,; fixtures and other electrical appliances in buildings and other structures in the City of Anacortes Washington, providing a penalty for the violation thereof and repealing all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict therewith," passed July 6, 1916, approved July 7, 1916 and published July 13, 1916. 24. Ordinance #688 entitled "An Ordinance imposing an annual license upon all dogs and bitches owned or harbored within the City of Anacortes and providing for the collection of same and repealing Ordinances #481 and 489 of the City of Anacortes," passed Dec. 18, 1917, approved Dec. 18, 1917 and published Dec. 20,1917. 25. Ordinance #706 entitled, "An Ordinance amending Section 1 of Ordinance #326 as amended by Ordinance #637 of the City of Anacortes and entitled "An Ordinance establishing the Fire Limits within the City of Anacor�es, Wash., passed May 189 1920, approved May 18, 19209 end published Lary 20, 1920. 26. Ordinance #709 entitled "An Ordinance amending Section #3 of the Ordinance #6989 being an Ordinance fixing the rates to be charged for water furnish ed by the City and providing rules and regulations relating thereto be added there to a paragraph known as Schedule F.,°0 passed June 15, 1920, approve June 159 1920 and published June 17, 1920. 27. Ordinance #744 entitled, "An Ordinance amending Schedule 19B°0 of Section #3 of Ordinance #6989 entitled, "An Ordinance fixing the rates to be charg- ed for water furnished by the City and providing rules and regulations relating to the furnishing of such water," approved Deco 16, 1924 and published Deco 18, 1924. 28. Ordinance #792, entitled, "An Ordinance amending Section 4 of Ordinances #326 of the City of Anacortes ,t0 passed Novo 199 19299 approved Novo 199 1929 and published Novo 21, 1929, concerning fire limits. 29. Ordinance #803 entitled, "An Ordinance amending Schedule "B" of Section #3 of Ordinance #698 entitled, "An Ordinance fixing the rates to be charged for water furnished,by the City and providing rules and regulations relating to the furnishing of such water and amending Ordinance #744 repealing any and all other ordinances in conflict herewith," passed Aug. 199 1930, approved Aug. 199 1930 and published Aug. 20, 1930® 30. Ordinance #825 entitled, "An Ordinance relating to delinquent accounts for water furnished by the City and repealing Ordinance #813,10 passed April 59 1933 approved April 5, 1933 and published April 8, 19330 1 • 1 • • 1 c l 31. Seco 1 of Ordinance #828 entitled, "An Ordinance establishing water rates for metered water and providing for an authorizing contracts for the sale of water to consumers, as a substitute for Schedule 11B" of Section #3 of Ordinance #6989 ratifying, confirming and approving a contract with Puget Sound Pulp and Timber Co., a corporation, dated June 6, 1933 and the execution of such contract by the Mayor and Clerk on behalf of the CitY; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, and declaring an emergency," passed Aug. 1, 19339 approved Aug. 2, 1933 and published Aug. 39 1933 32. Ordinance #235 entitled, "An Ordinance providing for the construction of sewers and drains when the cost thereof is to be paid by special assessment, and providing for the collection of the cost of construction and expenses thereof by special assessment of lands within the assessment district, 11 passed Sept. 16, 19019 approved Sept. 17, 1901 and published Sept. 209 10/01. 33, Ordinance ,#359 entitled, "An Ordinance amending Sections 1, 2 and 3 of Ordinance #273 entitled, "An Ordinance amending Ordinance #235 entittled, "An Ordinance providing for the construction of sewers and drains when the cost of construction thereof is to be paid by special assessment and providing for the collection of the cost of construction and expenses thereof by special assessment on lands within an assessment district, 11 passed March 17, 1908, approved LIarch 18, 1908 and published March 24, 19084 SECTION 2. Nothing herein is to be construed as reviving, reinstating or re-enact-' ing any ordinances or parts of ordinances which were repealed or amended by the ordinances which are repealed by this ordinance. SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after five (5) days after its publication. Passed this day of i9..-., after having been submitted to the City Attorney amd by him approved as too form. CITY OF ANACORTES ATTEST: John G. Dorcy, City Clerk (CORPORATE SEAL) By Joe Hagan, Ilayor ORDINANCE #1031 BEING AN ORDINANCE repealing various ordinances and parts of ordinances which have become inappropriate or undesirable because of changed conditions since their en -a actment or which have become ineffectual because of later enactments by the Washington State Legislature. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AFACORTES DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The following ordinances, or parts of ordinances, are hereby repealed,, 1. Ordinance #35 entitled, 1°An Ordinance ascertaining and declaring the assessed valuation of the property of the City of Anacortes, for all municipal purposes," approved July 6, 1891 and published Oct. 8, 1891. 2. Ordinance #135 entitled "An Ordinance requiring oviners or persons in charge of teams to assist in hauling fire apparatus in case of fire or alarm there- of, and providing a penalty for the refusal so to dog" passed Nov. 1, 18929 approved Nov. 1, 1892 and published Nov. 3, 1892. 3. Ordinance #139 entitled, "An Ordinance providing for the vaccination of school children attending schoolL within the City, or furnishing evidence of having been vaccinated within certain periods; imposing certain duties upon the teachers of schools within the City and providing a penalty for the violation of any of the provisions of the same, 11 passed Jan. 2, 1893, approved Jan. 2, 1893 and published January 5, 1892. 4. Ordinance 7#`171 entitled, "An Ordinance defining the duties of street commissioner, and repealing all of Section one (1) to six (6) inclusive of Article seven (7) of Ordinance #3 and section ten (10) of Ordinance #16511, passed Harc. 5, 1894, approved Irlar 7, 1894 and published Mar. 159 18944 5. Ordinance #174 entitled, "An Ordinance declaring the running at large of Bulls over the age of two years upon the Streets Evenues Alleys Parks, etc. of �he the City of Anacortes to be a nuisance and providing for impounding and sale of the same,11 passed Oct. 15, 1894, approved Oct. 159 1894 and published Oct. 18, 1894, 6. Ordinance #256 entitled, t1An Ordinance providing that qll sidewalks here- after laid upon that part of Commercial Avenue which lies between the south side of, Third Street and the North Side of Tenth Street shall be made of cement and nrovid-' ing a penalty for violation thereof," passed on Sept. 109 1903, approved Sept. 14, 1903 and published Sept. 17, 1903. 7. Ordinance #262 entitled, "An Ordinance providing for the appointment by the mayor subject to confirmation by the city council of a city marshal, one police- man a pplice justice, a city Engineer, and a superintendent of streets, fixing their salaries and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith," passed Dec. 7, 1903, approved Dec. 8, 1903 and published Dec. 10, 1903. ZA4 8, Ordinance #266 entitled "An Ordinance governing the discharge of ballast in Guemes Channel, and in'idalgo Bay within the limits and in front of the City of Anacortes, Washington9" passed April 6, 1904, approved April 6, 1904 and published April 21, 1904, 9, Sections 5 6,7,8,9 10911912913P15 16 of Ordinance #272 entitled "An l Ordinance regulating the keeping of certain domestic animals in the city of Anacortes to prevent the same from running at .large therein, to provide for the distraining and impounding thereof, and for proceedings relative to the sale there of, to establish a city pound and establishing, regulations concerning animals impounded and to fix penalties for the violation hereof," passed May 239 19049 approved 14ay 24, 1904 and published May 26, 1904, 10. Ordinance #289 entitled,"An Ordinance providing that all poles or other surface projections supporting Telegraph, Telephone and Electric Light wires, or other means of transmitting electricity which may hereafter be, or are now erected in the streets, avenues, parks, or alleys within the limits of the City of Anacortes?, shall be painted, and providing a penalty for the violation thereof," passed May 2,; 19059 approved May 3, 1905 and published Mary 4, 1905. 11, Ordinance #375 entitled "An Ordinance prohibiting the fastening, tieing] or hitching to or connecting with the city float at the foot of 110" Avenue in the city of Anacortes, any boat, launch, tug or scow and making it a misdemeanor so to', do and fixing a penalty therefor,t0 passed Novo 19, 1908, approved Nov. 23, 1908 and published Novo 28, 1908. 12, Ordinance #441 entitled "An Ordinance to compel all persons, companies or corporations, furnishing water io the intaabitants of the City of Anacortes, to furnish pure water, and water that is not foul or contaminated and to not permit surface water to be turned into the main pipe or pipes without being properly filtered and fixing penalities for the violation of this ordinance," passed Jan. 18, 1910, approved Jan, 189 1910 and published Jan. 20, 1910, 13. Ordinance #463 entitled, "An Ordinance regulating the sale of meat with- in the City of Anacortes and to prevent the sale of diseased or unwholesome meat, and providing for the inspection of all fresh meat sold in said City, and fixing penalties for the violation of this Ordinance," passed June 28, 1910, approved June 289 1910 and published June 30, 1910, 14. Ordinance #546 entitled, "An Ordinance amending Section 2 of Ordinance #463 and repealing Section 5 of Ordinance #463, "Being and Ordinance regulating the sale of meat within the City of Anacortes and to prevent the sale of diseased un- wholesome meat " and providing for the inspection of all fresh meatsold in the City of Anacor�es and fixing penalty for the violation of this Ordinance," passed April 1, 19139 and published April 9, 1913. 15. Ordinance #560 entitled, "An Ordinance fixing the charges for Berths at the City Float and providing the method of collecting the same, and placing the City Float under the care and custody of the City Harbor Easter." passed July 15, 19139 approved July 15, 1913 and published July 16, 1913- 16. Subdivisions 2, 119 129 159 17 of Section 1 of Ordinance #690 entitled, "An Ordinance amending Section 10 of Ordinance #640 of the City of Anacortes, being an Ordinance imposing Municipal Licenses in the City of Anacortes, Washington pro- viding a penalty for the violation thereof, and repealing Ordinance #275, Ordinance #283 and Ordinance #594 of said City and repealing all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith,1° passed May 21, 1918, approved PJay 21, 1918 and published May 30, 1918, 170 Ordinance #719 entitled, 1°Ari Ordinance providing for the creation of a local improvement revolving fund 9" passed June 20, 1922, approved June 209 19229 and published June 229 1922. 18. Ordinance #794 entitled "An Ordinance providing for the disposition of moneys received from dog licenses in the City of Anacortes by the County Treasurer," passed Nov, 19, 19299 approved Nov. 199 1929 and published Novo 21, 1929. 19. Ordinance #800 entitled, "An Ordinance creating a Local Improvement Contingent Fund and providing for the sources and disposition of such fund and the issuance and payment of warrants against the same9t0 passed May 69 19309 approved May 6, 1930 and published May 109 1930. 20, Ordinance #841 entitled, "An Ordinance relating to, and providing for the licensing and regulation of certain kinds of sales of merchandise, defining offenses, and providing penalties for the violation thereof," passed P,Zar, 209 19349 approved April 3, 1934, and published April 69 1934. I 21. Ordinance #842 entitled "An Ordinance relating to false and misleading advertising defining offenses9 prescribing penalties, and repealing all ordinances) and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith," passed Pilar, 209 1934, approved April 39 1934 and published April 69 1934, 22, Ordinance #873 entitled, "An Ordinance relating to, regulating and licensing Junk Dealers in the City of Anacortes, and repealing Sub -Division 4 of Ordinance #690 and all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith," passed May 4, 1937, approved May 4, 1937 and published Hay 22, 1937. 1 • • 1 I� • • fl 1 u • 1 23- Ordinance #934 entitled, "An Ordinance safeguarding life and property declaring that an emergency exists, requiring obediance to and compliance with all regulations, rules, orders, demands, commands, requirements, and instructions promulgated by, or emanating from, the military authority of the United States, the National Emergency Commission for National Defense, the State Emergency Commission for National Defense, the Anacortes Office of the State Emergency Commission for National Defense, and any other agency or agencies which may now be, or which hereafter may be, duly and regularly constituted for the purpose of National Defense; delegating for enforcement purposes full police authority including the power of arrest, to the Chief Air Raid Warden and his junior and assistant wardens in Anacortes; Defining the word "Blackout"; and declaring a violation of this ordinance a misdemeanor and providing a penalty for such violation," passed Dec, 11, 1941, approved Deco 11, 1941 and published Deco 159 19410 24. Ordinance #943 entitled, "An Ordinance authorizing blackouts and air raid protection orders rules and regulations; prescribing penalties for violation thereof and declaring an emergency," passed Deco 1, 1942, approved Deco 19 1942 and published Deco 3, 19420 25. Ordinance #944, entitled, "An Ordinance relating to restricted lighting and providing penalty for the violation of this ordinance," passed Jan. 5, 1943, approved Jan, 19439 and published Jan. 1943- 26. Ordinance #945 entitled An Ordinance relating to the with -holding, collection and payment of victory iaxes required by the Revenue Act of 1942, and creating the Federal Victory Tax Fund in connection therewith," passed Jana 59 1943, approved Jan. 1943 and published Jana 19430 27. Ordinance 11950 entitled, "An Ordinance authorizing and directing compliance with acts of Congress and orders promulgated pursuant thereto regulating the buying and selling of certain materials supplies and equipment; and authorizing compliancd with the Water Supply Mutual Aid Program of the Washington State Defense Council; providing that on account of the war emergency ordinances and Charter provisions regulating the purchase and sale by the various departments of the City of such materials, supplies and equipment be suspended during such time as the purchase or sale thereof shall be regulated pursuant to acts of Congrees, or as may be required to cooperate with the Water Supply Mutual Aid Program of the Washington State Defense Council* declaring a public emergency and providing that this Ordinance shall take effect immediately after publication," passed June 1, 1943, approved June 19 1943 and published June 291943r 28, Ordinance #951 dentitled, "An Ordinance amending paragraph (a) of sub- section 2 of Section 1 of Ordinance •#944, passed January 5, 1943 and amending the final paragraph of said ordinance9 the said ordinance relating to restricted lighting," passed July 20, 1943, approved July 20, 1943 and published July 21,1943,, 29. Ordinance #955 entitled, "An Ordinance creating a fund to be known as the State Aid Fund, specifying the revenues therefor, and the purposes and manner of expending the same," passed Aug. 170 1943, approved Aug. 17, 1943, and publish; ed Aug. 13, 19430 30. Sections 12,13,14,15 of Ordinance #982, entitled, "An Ordinance for safeguarding life and property by regulating and providing for the inspection of the installation and maintenance in buildings of electric wiring, electric devices and electric materia,* fixing a penalty for the violation thereof* and creating the office of electrical inspector9" passed Mar,, 19, 19469 approved Mar. 1946 and published I: ORDINANCE #102 Being an Ordinance amending Sections 5 and 36 of Ordinance #486 entitled "An Ordinance providing a method of making Local Improvements whether instituted upon petition of property owners or by resolution of the City Council; letting of contracts therefor; levying and collecting of special assessments on property specially benefitted thereby and repealing all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict therewith; except so far as the same may relate to the improvements alread') instituted but which have not been completed or the assessments to pay for same have not been fully collected 9Q° a_xind G^^¢i�l—e<Or� Or`a'�.FS;nanee an3-- M.d 4- R �0 - ) �a n- II P QVdipnA^^ 4AQa 00 Lei 9 , y �onding Section. D of Ordinance 664 entitled; "An Ordinance amending Section 15 of Ordinance #47of the City of Anacortes9 and repealing all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith °0 and amending Section 1 of Ordinance #691 entitled "An Ordinance amending Section �1 of Ordinance #4869 as amended of the City of Anacortes9 Washington, and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith 10 and repealing Sections 18919935 of Ordinance #4869 and repeal- ing Section 1 of #8689 entitled "An Ordinance relating to the foreclosure of assessments for local improvements and fixing the time thereof and repealing Ordinance #824 being and ordinance relating to the same subject matter; passed April 59 19339`; Passed and approved June 29 1936. THE CI^1Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANACORTES DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOVISs SECTION 1. That Section 5 of Ordinance #486 be amended to read as follows: Section 5. The Council may continue the hearing upon any petition or resolu- tion provided for in this Ordinance, and shall retain jurisdiction thereof until the same be finally disposed of: Provided That the jurisdiction of the council to proceed with any such improvement initiated by resolution shall be divested by a protest filed with the council prior to the awarding of the contract for such im- provement signed by the owners of property within the proposed district subject to at least sixty per cent (60%) of the cost of such improvement as shown and determink ed by the preliminary estimates and assessment roll of the proposed improvement district.. The action and decision of the Council as to all matters passed upon by it in relation to any such petition or resolution9 shall be final and conclusive. At the time of said hearing or at any time to which said hearing shall have been adjourned the Council shall hear all ob3ections which may be offered to said improvement and, then and there determine whether it will or will not proceed with such improvement, and if it shall determine to proceed with such improvement it shall pass an Ordinance ordering such improvement, providing that payment of such improvement shall be made in whole or in part by special assessment, establishing a Local Improvement District to be called Local Improvement District No. 9 which district uhall embrace as near as may beg all the property specially benefitted by such improvement except in the cases herein otherwise provided for, and unless otherwise provided for in the Ordinance ordering such im- provement, such district shall include all the property between the termini of said improvement abutting thereon upon adjacent, vicinal9 or proximate to the Street, avenue lane, alley, boulevard, park drive, park ways, public places or square proposed to be improved to a distance back from the marginal lines thereof to the center line of the Blocks facing or abutting thereon: Provided that in any case such distance back shall be at least Ninety (90) feet; and Provided further, that in case of unplatted property, the distance back shall be the same distance as that included in the assessment of the platted lands immediately adjacent thereto; an establishing a "Local Improvement Fund No. "(which number shall correspond with the number of the District). Such Ordinance shall also provide that such improvement shall be made, and, that the whole9 or such part of the cost and expense thereof as may at that time be determined by the Council shall be taxed and assessed upon all the property with such improvement Distric�9 in accordance with the special benefit conferred on such property in proportion to area and distance back from the marginal line of the Street or other public way or area improved. SECTION 2. Section 36 of Ordinance #486 is amended to read as followss Section 36. All warrants issued in payment of the cost and expense of any Local Improvement shallL be made payable tout of the special fund created therefor, said warrants to bear interest at a rate not to exceed 8% per annum9 and shall be redeemed either in cash or Local Improvement Bonds9 authorized to be issued in the manner prescribed by this Ordinance. SECTION 3. Section 1 of Ordinance #664 is hereby amended to read as follows. Section 1. That Section 15 of Ordinance #486 of the City of Anacortes be amended to read as follows: Section 15. At the time for the Approval of the Assessment Roll and in the Ordinance approving the same, the Council shall prescribe within what time such assessment or installment thereof shall be paid, and in all cases when the City shall issue bonds as hereinafter provided to pay the cost and expense of any Local Improvement. Such ordinance shall also provide that the sum charged thereby against each such lot tract, parcel of land or other property or any portion of such sum may be paid during the thirty (30) days provided for in section seventeen of this Ordinance and thereafter the sum remaining upaid may be paid in equal annual installments, the number of which installments shall be less by two, than the number of years which the bonds issued to pay for the improvement rung with the interest on the whole unpaid sum so charged at a rate not to exceed 8% per annumn, and each year thereafter one of such installments together with interest due thereon and on all installments thereafter to become due shall be collected in the same manner as shall be hereinafter provided for the collection of assessments where no bonds are issued. r� • • 1 1 • • 1 t t 1 1 • 1�1 447 Section 4. Section 1 of Ordinance #691 is hereby amended to read as follows; I Section 1. That Section 21 of Ordinance #486 of the City of Anacortes be amended to read as follows: Section 21, Whenever in the City of Anacortes9 on the first day of January of any year two installments of any local improvement assessment shall be delinquent9 or the final installment thereof shall have been delinquent for more than one year, the City shall on or before the 31st day of July of any such year, proceed with the foreclosure of all such delinquent assessments or installment or I installments thereof9 as the case may be, by an action in the Superior Court of the State of Washington, in and for the County of Skagit, under the supervision � of the City Attorney, who shall forthwith institute said action or be ordered to do so by the City Council and who shall be allowed a reasonable Attorney fee by the bringing and prosecuting of said action, the amount thereof to be fixed by the �' Court. It shall not be necessary to bring a separate suit for each separate piece. or parcel of property delinquent9 but all or any part of the property delinquent under any single assessment roll or assessment district, may be proceeded against in the same action and all or any of the owners or persons interested in any of the property so delinquent may be joined as parties defendant in the action to foreclose and all or any liens for such delinquent assessments or any installment thereof, may be foreclosed in such proceeding, provided that in such case the Attorney fee to be allowed by the Court shall be assessed equally the various lots,,i Parcels or pieces of property involved in said action. SECTION 5. The following ordinances or parts of ordinances are hereby repealed, A. Sections 18,19 and 35 of Ordinance #486 entitled "An Ordinance pro- viding a method of making local improvements, whether instituted upon petition of property owners, or by resolution of the City Council; letting of contracts therefor; levying and collecting of special assessments on property specially benefitted thereby and repealing all Ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict therewith, except so far as the same may relate to improvements already instituted but which have not been completed or the assessments to pay for the same not fully collected 11 passed July 18, 1911, approved July 18, 1911 and published July 19,1911 B. Section 1 of Ordinance #868 entitled, "An Ordinance relating to the foreclosure of assessments for local improvements and fixing the time thereof, and repealing Ordinance #824 being an Ordinance relating to the same subject matter, passed April 59 1933," passed June 2, 1936, approved June 2, 1936 and published June 4, 1936. SECTION 6. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after five days after its publication. Passed this day of %9 19_„ after having been submitted to the City Attorney and by him approved as to forme ATTEST, John G. Dorcy, City Clerk CITY OF ANACORTES ORDINANCE #1M Joe Hagan, Mayor An Ordinance adopting the code of ordinances known as "The Official Code of Ordinances of the City of Anacortes" and providing that the named code shall be accepted as prima facie evidence of the law of this city as of the date of its authentication by the City Clerk. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANACORTES DO ORDAIN? AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The code of ordinances known as "The Official Code of Ordinances1° of the city of Anacortes,19 is hereby adopted as a consolidated and comprehensive statement of the enactments of permanent and general effect of the Council of the City of Anacortes and shall b e received in all courts and other places as prima facie evidence of the law of this city as of the date of its authentication by the City Clerk. SECTION 2. All Ordinances hereafter adopted by the Council which are of permanent and general effect shall be in the form of amendments or supplements to the officia.'. code. All Ordinances of permanent and general effect shall show appropriate section numbers and shall be approved as to form and numbering by the City Attorney before final passage by the Council. SECTION 3. Copies of 10The Official Code of Ordinances" of the City of Anacortes" shall be available for general public inspection in the office of the City Clerk. If any section or part or provision of this act be held or adjudged void or unconstitutional9 such holding or adjudication shall not effect any other section or part or provision not held or adjudged to be void or unconstitutional. Passed and approved this day of 9 19 , after having been submitted to the City Attorney and by him approved as to form. CITY OF ANACORTES By ATTEST: Joe Hagan9 Mayor John G. Dorcy, City Clerk ORDINANCE 10 4 Being an Ordinance amending Section 3 of Ordinance #75 entitled "An Ordinance providing for the issuing and payment of City WarrantsQ09 passed Sept. 269 18919 approved Septa 26 1891 and published Oct. 8 1891; and amending Section 1 of Ordinance #119 eniitled9 "An Ordinance amending Section 5 of Ordinance #7511 and dealing with Special Improvement Fund Warrants. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANACORTES DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS. SECTION to That Section 3 of Ordinance #75 be amended to read as follows; Section 3. All warrants not paid upon presentation for want of funds shall draw interest at a rate to be se`s by the City Treasurer and not to exceed 8% per annum foom and after the date of presentation until paid. SECTION 20 That Section 1 of Ordinance #119 be amended to read as follows- Section to The City Treasurer shall receive any Special Improvement Fund warrants in payment of any tax levied to pay such Improvement and shall allow interest thereon at a rate not to exceed 8% per annum, from the time the same is presented to the Treasurer for payment and not paid for the want of funds and9 all such warrants called in and redeemed by the City Treasurer shall bear interest at a rate not to exeeed 8% per annum, from the date the same is presented to said Treasurer and not paid for want of funds. SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall take affect and be in force from and after five days after its publication. Passed and approved this day of_ _9 19 , after having been submitted to the City Attorney and by'him approved as to form® CITY OF ANACORTES i Byo ATTEST. Joe Hagan, Mayor _ _ I John G. 'Jorcy9 City Clerk j (CORPORATE SEAL) I ORDINANCE #1035 i An Ordinance repealing Ordinance #902 and fixing the amount of costs to be assessed, and taxed in police court eases. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANACORTES DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOCVSs SECTION to The police justice shall charge and assess, in all police court cases,i a charge of one dollar and fifty cents ($1,50) to cover costs of filing the complaint, docketing, and issuing a warrant of arrest. SECTION 2. Ordinance #902 entitled, "An Ordinance fixing the amounts of certain fees to be assessed and taxed in police court cases, and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith" passed April 189 1939, approved April 18, 1939, and published April 20, 19399 is hereby repealed. SECTION 3, This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after five days after its publication. Passed and approved this day of _ 9 after having been submitted to the City Attorney and by him approved as to forma 1 • CITY OF ANACORTES • By -.__ Joe Hagan, Mayor John Go Dorcy9 City Clerk i • (CORPORATE) i Febr_uar. v 8, 1949 Ordinance No. 1031 being an ordinance repealing various ordinances and parts of ordinances which have become inappropriate or undesirable because of changed conditions since their enactment or which have become ineffectual because of later enactments by the Viathington State Legislature shown on page 443 of this record was read and discussed and a moti-n was made by Allan and seconded by Hansen that ordinance No. 1031 as described above be adopted as a whole. Ayes. Hansen9 Ellin Welch, Ginnett and Allan. Motion carried. Ordinance No. 1030, beerg an c-rde BEING AN ORDINANCE repealing various #486 entitled, "An Ordinance providing a method of making Local Improvements whether ordinances and parts of ordinances which have been superseded by later ordinances by Ellin and seconded by Ginnett that ordinance No. 1035 has shown on page 448 of but not heretofore considered at been this time expressly repealed as and was read and discussed shown on pate 441 of this record was section be section. motion provements already instituted, but which have not been completed or the assessments was made by Hansen and seconded by Ell -_n that ordinance No. 1030 as above described, be adopted as a whole. Ayeso Hansen, Ellin9 Welch, Linnett and Allen. Motion Section 21 of Ordinance #486, as amended, of the City of Anacortes, Washington, carried and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflkct herewith,1° and repealing Sections 18, 199 35 of Ordinance #486, and repealing Section 1 of #8689 entitled, "An Ordinance relating to the foreclosure of assessments for local Ordinance No. 1031 being an ordinance repealing various ordinances and parts of ordinances which have become inappropriate or undesirable because of changed conditions since their enactment or which have become ineffectual because of later enactments by the Viathington State Legislature shown on page 443 of this record was read and discussed and a moti-n was made by Allan and seconded by Hansen that ordinance No. 1031 as described above be adopted as a whole. Ayes. Hansen9 Ellin Welch, Ginnett and Allan. Motion carried. Ordinance No. 1033 being an ordinance adopting the code of ordinances known as "The Official Code of Ordinances of the City of Anacortes" and providing that the named code shall be accepted as 2rima facie evidence of the law of this city as of the date of its authentication by the City Clerk was read and discussed section by section and a motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Ellin that ordinance No. 1033 shown as page 447 of thig record be adopted as a whole. Ayes: Hansen, Ellin, Welch, Ginnbtt and Allan. Motion carried. Ordinance No. 1034 being an ordinance amending Section 3 of Ordinance #75 entitled9 "An Ordinance providing for the issuring and payment of City Warrants"9 passed Sept. 269 1891, approved Sept. 26 1891 and published Oct. 8, 1891; aid amdndiiig,-Section 1 of Ordinance #119 entitled, "An ordinance amending Section 5 of Ordinance -#7511 and dealing with Special Improvement Fund Warrants was read and discussed at some length section by section and a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Allan that ordinance No. 1034 shown on Pare 448 of this record bead- dopted as a whole. Ayeso Hansen9 Dodge, lillin, Welch, Ginnett and Allan. 1,49tinn carried. Ordinance No. 1035 being an ordinance repealing Ordinance #902 and fixing the Ordinance No. 1032 being an ordinance amending Sections 5 and 36 of Ordinance amount of costs to be assessed and taxed in police court cases was presented aid #486 entitled, "An Ordinance providing a method of making Local Improvements whether instituted upon petition of property owners, or by resolution of the City Council-, letting ofcontracts therefor, levying and collecting of special assessments ori by Ellin and seconded by Ginnett that ordinance No. 1035 has shown on page 448 of property specially benefitted thereby aid repealing all Ordinances or parts of Or- dinances in conflict therewith, except so far as the same may relate to the im- provements already instituted, but which have not been completed or the assessments to pay for same have not been fully collected,°° amending Section 1 of Ordinance - #664 entitled, P1An Ordinance amending Section 15 of Ordinance #486 of the City of Anacortes anrepealing all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflbct here- with " ana amending Section 1 of Ordinance #691 entitled "An Ordinance amending Section 21 of Ordinance #486, as amended, of the City of Anacortes, Washington, and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflkct herewith,1° and repealing Sections 18, 199 35 of Ordinance #486, and repealing Section 1 of #8689 entitled, "An Ordinance relating to the foreclosure of assessments for local improvements and fixing the time thereof, and repealing Ordinance #824, being an ordinance relating to the same subject matter, passed April 59.1933, passed and approved June 2, 1936°was read and discussed and a motion was made by Ellin aid seconded by Ginnett that Ordinance 1032 shown on page 446 of this record be ad- opted as a whole, Ayeso- Hansen, Ellin, Welch, Ginnett and Allan, Motion carried. Ordinance No. 1033 being an ordinance adopting the code of ordinances known as "The Official Code of Ordinances of the City of Anacortes" and providing that the named code shall be accepted as 2rima facie evidence of the law of this city as of the date of its authentication by the City Clerk was read and discussed section by section and a motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Ellin that ordinance No. 1033 shown as page 447 of thig record be adopted as a whole. Ayes: Hansen, Ellin, Welch, Ginnbtt and Allan. Motion carried. Ordinance No. 1034 being an ordinance amending Section 3 of Ordinance #75 entitled9 "An Ordinance providing for the issuring and payment of City Warrants"9 passed Sept. 269 1891, approved Sept. 26 1891 and published Oct. 8, 1891; aid amdndiiig,-Section 1 of Ordinance #119 entitled, "An ordinance amending Section 5 of Ordinance -#7511 and dealing with Special Improvement Fund Warrants was read and discussed at some length section by section and a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Allan that ordinance No. 1034 shown on Pare 448 of this record bead- dopted as a whole. Ayeso Hansen9 Dodge, lillin, Welch, Ginnett and Allan. 1,49tinn carried. Ordinance No. 1035 being an ordinance repealing Ordinance #902 and fixing the Having completed the busines of the evening a motion was made by Hansran. and seconded by Ellin that the meeting of the City Council adjourn. Potion carried The meet of the City•�'ouncil did then adjourn. Attes .r R$ayo /� City C amount of costs to be assessed and taxed in police court cases was presented aid read to the City Council and was discussed at some length and a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Ginnett that ordinance No. 1035 has shown on page 448 of this record be adopted as a whole: Ayeso Hansen9 Dodge, Ellin, Welch, Ginnett and Allan9 ;)Action carried. As outlined in OLOfficial Code of Ordinances of the City of Anacortes" and authorized in ordinance No. 1033, all regular meetings of the City Souncil of the City of Anacortes will in the future be held at 7:30 P. 11. instead of 8:00 P. M. Councilman Ginnett made a report of the meet -ng of the Printing and Health Committee held on February 7, 1949 as followss We Recommend a city ordinance to refuse the granting of further building permits for the constructions, relocation or alterating of outside privys -within the corporate limits of Anacortes, and that septic tanks be installed in connection; with all new construction or alteratings affecting the sanitary facilities of dwellings or business establishments wherein there is no sewer connections within a space of 200 feet, and further recommend that the City Attorney draft letters to be signed by the city H,,alth fficer and addressed to the owner; his agent of any and to the o0cupants bf 110 _= 11062 6th street 9 requiring that water cibsts anVor privy vaults in or adjacent to said building be connected with the city sewer within 60 days; and that all garbage and debris on the premises of said b uld� be cleaned up to the sati2faction of the health officer within a period of three days. After some discussi,-n by the City Council a motion was made by Ginnett ad seconded by Ellin that the City Council ad6pt : the recommendation of the above report from the Pringing and Health Committee. 1.70tion carried. II i Councilmen Ellin and Ginnett told of property owners on 26th street west of Commercial Avenue who wish to donate land for the opgning'.of 26th street between i 0 Avenue and No Avenue. This matter was discussed at tome length but no official act -'on was taken i,n.:this matter. Having completed the busines of the evening a motion was made by Hansran. and seconded by Ellin that the meeting of the City Council adjourn. Potion carried The meet of the City•�'ouncil did then adjourn. Attes .r R$ayo /� City C P. x � 5 February 159 1949 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7030 P. M. with Mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. The roll was called and Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, Welch, Ginnett, Allan and Brado were present. The minutes of the previous meeting. -were read and approved with a correction. The correction is as follows: On page 39 of this record, the mihutes state that the Streets and Parko Committee recommended that 4 -way stop signs be placed at 20th street and K. Avenue. This is an error as the Committee did not recommend that 4 -way stop signs be placed at this location. The following communication from the City Treasurer was presented and read to the City Council. The Honorable Mayor and City Council Anacortes, Washington. Gentlemeno Febru,iry 14, 1949 Re: Local Improvement District #149 Commercial Avenue Repaving Herewit•1 as requested is a list of ownerships within this district and the various amounts past due on the Mrst installment, interest and penalty have been adddd. December 4 is the due date of each annual installment. The total bond issue is ;8,823.64 and bonds and interest coupons are payable February 1 of each year for a term of ten years. On February 1 of this year the treasurer had on hand sufficient funds to pay bonds numbered 1/9 inclusive 31823.64 and coupon #1 from bonds numbered 1,44 inclusive, $352.95 - total 62,176.5. The 2 following communications from Ben Driftmier, Sr. were presented and read to the City Council: February 15th, 1949 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Anacortes, Wash ngton. The port of Anacortes respectfully petitions that it be granted a lease to the East forty feet of that portion of 11011 Avenue lying north of Great northern right of way on a ten year basis or suth terms as you would normally lease street and to adjoining property owners. Respectfully, PORT OF AFACBRTES BY: Ben Driftmier9 Port Attorney To the ISayor and City Council, Anacortes, Washington. The Port of Anacortes respectfully petitions that yoj take such act16n_ as may be necessary under the statutes to provide for the vacAtion of that portion j of Railroad Avenue lying north of railroad track and between 10Q90 Avenue and 11010 Avenue. Upon examination of the map you will note that this particular property could not possibly ever become a..street and it is vital to the Ports future op- e=ation and welfare and rather than to bother with leases therefor from year to year we think it probably would be well from the City's Standpoint as well as the Port's9 that the area be vacated. Would be glad if you would condider this and if you need any further information regarding it if you -,will advise the Port officers,, would be glad to discuss the matter with you further® Respectfully, PORT OF ANACORTES BY: Ben Driftmier, Part Atty. i After some discussion a motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Ell;n that action on these two letters be held until the next meeting of the City Council Motion carried. An application for a license.,to operate a place of refuge or an Old Folks Home was made by Tessie K. Barth of 1407 0 5th Street. After some discussion a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Dodge that a license be granted to Mrs. Tessie K. Barth and Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Kast to ope-ate an ®ld Folks Home at 1407 - 5th Street. M,,tion carried. A commmnication from the Fede -al Housing Project of the City of Anacortes was presented and road to the City Council: February 10, 1949 Payor Joe Hagan City Hall Anacortes, Washington Dear Mr. Hagans Please find enclosed two checks, one for $323.97 and the othlar for x)394.049 to cover our voluntary payments in lieu of taxes for the year 1948 on projects Wash - 4596 and Wash -45221 respectively. I The amounts enclosed were determined by applying the local tax rates to an oth(r- wise assessable value of $21 for project Viash-45096 and x}25,182 for project Wash -45221. These payments are made direct to you in accordance with the provisions of Section 306 of the Lanham Actp as amended and the lease agreement between the United States of America (acting throughhe Public Housing Admin7.stration) and the Housing Authority of Anacortes, Washington. Sincerely, HOUSING AUTHORITY OF ANACOR-Ea Sybil Hansen, Executive Director 1 • • 1 1 • • 1 During the past year vie have been privileged to supply your Liquid Chlorine requirements in accordance with our existing contract which expires March 31, 19Q We are enclosing a new contract which we believe will cover your requirements for the twelve month period beginning April 11949.E If this contract meets with your approval, we will appreciate it is you will sign both copies and return them to us. When they have been completed here the original will be returned to you. We wish to take this opportunity to extend our thanks for your consideration in the past. We hope that we will continue to have the privilege of serving you. Yours very truly, February 15, 1949 PE's IT%SYLVANIA SALT MANUFACTURING This letter was accepted and placed on file. COMPANY OF WASHINGTON The following communication from Virgil Johnson was presented and read to the City Council- Sales Manager The contract prices being 10¢ per pound, Anacortes, Wash9 effect.. A motion was made by Ellin and Feb. 8th 1949 Mayor Joe Hagan- accepted. Motion carried. and Mr. Zehringer of the Standard Time Shop at 710 Commercial Avenue made an City Councilmen: for a loan license. This matter was discussed at some length and a Gentlemen- was made by Ellin and seconded by Ginnett that this matter be turned over Having been a cripple since 1917 and could walk around fait�,y good up to Police Committee to report back At the 6 months ago, since then it has been very hard for me to walk at all, therefore carried. I am requesting a parking place for my car right next to the pop corn stand where the pity Council and asked for a new mot<r I work so that I will have only a few steps to walk in stand, Trusting you will inspector, This matter was referred give this request your utmost attention. It means my bread and Butter, investigate and make a report to the Thankingyou Y in advance I remain , 9 Council. Virgil S. Johnson the opening of the bids for building 4 1120 -> 8th Street, A motion was made by Hansen and j City. by Ellin that said bids be opened. 14otinn carried. The following are motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Brado that this letter be referred their bids: to the Street and Parks Committee. Motion carried. No. 1 No. 2 Total The following communication from the Pennsylvania Salt Company of Tacoma was 329044.00 presented and read to the City (Council: Dawson Construction Bellingham $349449.50 4. February 7, 1949 $369850.00 $8289700.00 $8659550.00 City of Anacortes 6. Chishom & Eiford Bellingham $p369172.00 Anacortes 7. Blake Thompson Mt. Vernon 6369200.00 Washington Attention. Pyr. John G. Dorcy, City Clerk $309393.00 Gentlemen: 9. Jurgena & Egelkrout Burlington During the past year vie have been privileged to supply your Liquid Chlorine requirements in accordance with our existing contract which expires March 31, 19Q We are enclosing a new contract which we believe will cover your requirements for the twelve month period beginning April 11949.E If this contract meets with your approval, we will appreciate it is you will sign both copies and return them to us. When they have been completed here the original will be returned to you. We wish to take this opportunity to extend our thanks for your consideration in the past. We hope that we will continue to have the privilege of serving you. Yours very truly, PE's IT%SYLVANIA SALT MANUFACTURING COMPANY OF WASHINGTON T. E. Moffitt Sales Manager The contract prices being 10¢ per pound, the same as the contract now in effect.. A motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Allan that said contract be accepted. Motion carried. Mr. Zehringer of the Standard Time Shop at 710 Commercial Avenue made an application for a loan license. This matter was discussed at some length and a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Ginnett that this matter be turned over to the City Attorney and the!License-and Police Committee to report back At the next meeting of the City Council. Mr,tion carried. Nr. L. E. Snider, Fire Chief, spbketo the pity Council and asked for a new mot<r for the 1946 Ford Coupe used by the building inspector, This matter was referred to the Fire Light and dilater Committee to investigate and make a report to the City Council. At this time the Council Considered the opening of the bids for building 4 new filters at the Anacortes Filter Plant. A motion was made by Hansen and j seconded by Ellin that said bids be opened. 14otinn carried. The following are the names of the bidders and the amount of their bids: No. 1 No. 2 Total 2. Odegard Construction Everett 329044.00 3. Dawson Construction Bellingham $349449.50 4. Starbird Construction Bremerton $369850.00 $8289700.00 $8659550.00 6. Chishom & Eiford Bellingham $p369172.00 7. Blake Thompson Mt. Vernon 6369200.00 8. E. R. Johnson Everett $309393.00 9. Jurgena & Egelkrout Burlington $829,376.00 10. L. R. Everett Oak Harbor $p369467.87 12. Joe Lundberg Seattle $8339992.54 $239694.43 $579686.97 13. Utility Construction Tacoma $41,728.00 $249500.00 566,228.00 14. Northwest Filter Co. Seattle $299380.00 16. Barrow & Shaffer Everett $8279950.00 18. E. W. Bacharach, Inc. Kansas City $379500.00 19. Haskall Bellingham $279677.48 A motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Ellin that the bids of E. R. Johm- son and Jurgena and Egelkrout be accepted and that 8,9,12914 169and 19 be retained for further consideration and referred to the Fire Light and Water Committee. Motion carried. I Fdbruary 159 1949 ----- - --- --- Councilman Hansen made an oral report on behalf of the Fire9 Light and 1,7ater Committee in the matter of cathodic protection for the 2401 steel•water pipe bring- ing water to Anacortes. Mr. Hansen unbiased person to determine what is recommended that the City Council employ some the best plan of cathodic protection for the City to ourchase and use. One of the principal things to be decided is the amount I of electric current necessary for this protection. Mr. Ho Do Fowler was present and spoke to the City Council on behalf of his plan of cathodic protection. This matter was referred to Mr. To G. McCrory9Water Supt. to consult an unbiased authori,�y un this matter and report back to the City Council. l At the meeting of the City ° Council held on February 19 19499 2 tractor bids, olge by Lyle Duncan in the amount of $601.00 and Alvoud Summers, 6738.059 were opened anl' referred to the Streets end Parks Committee. At this time Llr. Sod Ellin9 chairman of the Streets and Parks Committ6e, made an oral report and recommended that the City Council accept the bid of Lyle Duncan in the amount of 8)601.00 and a motion wad made by Brado and seconded by Ginnett'that the City Council approve the recommendat:jon of the Streets and Parks Committee in the matter of the purchase of the garden tractor from Lyle Duncan in the amount of $601.00. Ayeso Hansen9 Dodge Ellin, • Welch9 Ginnett9 Allan and Brado. Motion carriedo The following claims against the City of Anacottes were presented I and read to the City Councils CURRENT EXPENSE j • 0. Eo urges John G. Dorcy 17181 17182 Deputy Treasurer City Clerk 55000 � 50000 Wo Vo Wells Jr.9 17183 City Attorney 50.00 John Cheney 17184 Police Justice 40000 Norman Fulton 17185 Janitor 110.00 David L. Bowen 17186 Janitor 110.00 Jacqueline Gurney 17187 Work in Clerk's Office 90000 J. B. Goff 17188 Chief of Police 100.00 No Petrish 17189 Asst. Chief of Police 110.00 W. Lo Pollard 17190 Patrolman 120.00 W. E. Thompson 17191 Patrolman 100.00 1,1. Eo Beebe 17192 Patrolman 130000 Gilbert Lee 17193 Patrolman 125.00 L. E. Snider 17194 Fire Chief 125.00 Bert Verrall 17195 Asst. Fire Chief 125.00 C. S. Mondhan 17196 Capt.9 Fire Dept. 125.00 Ko WoSnart 17197 Capt., Fire Dept. 125.00 M. G. Strock 17198 gireman 125.00 Ed. Alexander 17199 Fireman 125.00 J. N. Parsons 17200 Fireman 125.00 D. W. Parsons 17201 Fineman 125.00 Geo. Ray 17202 Fireman 125000 Mut. Ben. Hlth'. & Acc. Assn. 17203 Group Insurance Deductions 48.30 Wm. G. 11"cCalium 17204 Insurance City City Hall 892.2 West Coatt Telephone Co. 17205 Telephone Service 17095 WATER DEPARTMENT T. G. lacCrory 10515 Water Supt. 165.00 Sadie M. Arges 10516 Cashier 105.00 Shirley Owens 10517 Clerk 90.00 John G. Dorcy 10518 Bookkeeper 40.00 Chas. Wedlund 10519 Foreman 145000 Everett Thorene 10520 Serviceman 120.00 W. 0. Rogers 10521 Filterman 125.00 G. F. Keller 10522 Filterman 115.00 Ao Sirett 10523 Filterman 115.00 Frank Deane 10524 Filterman 115.00 Lester Thomas 10525 Pumpma.n 125.00 Mut, Ben. Hlth. & Acc. Assn. 10526 Group Insurance Deductions 11.10 West Coast Telephone Co. 10527 Telephone Service 30670 LIBRARY DEPART17FT • Ruth E. Brinkley 2915 Librarian 100.00 Elemner Nevill 2916 Asst. Librarian 75.00 P, E. Olson 2917 Janitor 65.00 Mut. Ben.Hlth. & Acc. Assn. 2918 Group Insurance Deductions 4.80 CEMETERY DEPARTMENT • Ingvald Iversen 691 Cemetery Supt. 120.00 Wm. E. Latimer 692 Cemetery Employee 110.00 Cash. Rex Mitchell 693 Cemetery Employee 110.00 i PARK DEPARTMENT Lewis Harr 2057 Park Employee 75.00 Frank Knapp 2058 Park Supt. 100.00 STREET DEPARTMENT Roy Mc Dougall 3320 Street Foreman 125.00 Lynn Balcomb 3321 Graderman 120.00 Carl Thorene Artis Taylor 3322 3323 Maintenance Man Iiaintenance Ilan 125o00 120.00 Dave Bummers 3324 Maintanance Man 115.00 Carl Welk 3325 Maintenance Man 120.00 K. Pio McClellan 3326 Street Sweeper 75.00 T. G. McCrory 3327 Supervisor 35.00 John G. Dorcy 3328 Bookkeeper 30900 Mut.Ben. Hlth. & Acc. Assn. 3329 Group Insurance Deductions 21.00 1 • t 1 i • • 1 February 15, 1949 'A motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Allan that the claims be referred to the Finance Committee. The Finance Committee considered said claims and laco- memded that the claims be allowed and warrant drawn in favor of the same. A motion, was rude by Allan and seconded by Hansen and the recommendation of the lfinance Committee in the matter of the above claims be adopted. Ayes. Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, Welch, Ginnett, Allan and Brado. Id.tion carried. Having completed the business of the evening a motion was made by Allan and seconded by Brado that the meeging of the City Council adjourn. The meeting of the City Council did then adjourn. Atter !larch 19 1949 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 700 o'clock P. M. with Mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. The roll was called and Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, Welch, Ginnett9 Allen and Brado were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Itgr, Irvin Rydberg was given permission to use the gym in the City Hall on Tuesday evening providing necessary arrangements can be made with the Senior Rifle Club. A motion was made by Ellen and seconded by Hansen that this matter be referred to the Building Committee, Motion carried. Mr. E. 0. Brown of the Brown Lumber`.Company was present and spoke to the City Council with reference to a new type of chimney which he wished to use in his housing units in the future. After some discussion it was decided that bore infor�a ti should be obtained on this type of chimney both on the part of Mr. Brown and L. E. an Snider, Building Inspector. The matter of recording the deeds particularly with reference to the Cemetery was discussed at some length and Mr. W. V. Wells, City Attorney, asked for permission to write to the Association, -,of Washingto2i Cities and ask for an opinion in the matter of recording deeds. A motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Allen that the request of the City Attorney be granted and that he write:to the Association /of Washington Cities for the necesarry infommation on this matter. The following City Attorney's Report was presented and read to the City Council - Your City Attorney, Vi. V. Wells Jr. to who was referred the matter of Bond of public officail of the Great American indemnity Company covering Nick Petrish9 assistant chief of police, Ohio Casualty Company offical bond of $1,000.00 cover- ing Shirley Fay Owens, employee of the Anacortes Water Department Ohio Casualty Insurance Company official bond covering Sadie 19. Arges, as city treasurer of $15,000.009 Maryland Casualty Company bond covering Lawrence Pollard as police - patrolman in the sum of $1,000.00, Fidelity and Deposit Company of 11aryland bond covering �homas G. McCrory, as street supervisor in the amount of $1 000.009 Fid- elity and Deposit Company bond covering Thomas G. McCrory as superintendent of water department in the amount of $19000.00, bond of public official of the Great American Indemnity Company covering John Grover Dorcy as city clerk for $19000.009 begs leave to report as follows - I have examined said bonds and find same in regular form with the following exceptions- Offical bond of'the Ohio Casualty Company covering Shirley Fay Owens should le corrected to show the full_ signature of the principal. General endorsement No. 1 to Ohio Casualty Insurance Company offical bond of Sadie 11. Arges s'iould be returned to obtain the signature oR the local agent of the company. The local agent is, I believe, Robert E. Brown of Welch Bros. Accounting. A motion was made by Allan and seconded by Dodge that the City Attorney°s re- port given above be adopted. hl tion carried. The treasurer's report for the month of February, 1949 was presented to,the City Council and was accepted and placed on file. The following comunication from the United Stag Engineers was presented and read to the City Councils Application has been received from Guemes Island Cooperative Association for a Department of the Army permit to install a submarine cable across Guemes Channel, extending from Avenue K. At Anacortes to the southerly shore of Guemes Island, Washington, as shown on the inclosed print. Information is requested as to whether there is any objection from the stand- point of navigation to the proposed work. If you have an objection, an immediate reply should be submitted in order to insure consideration. If a reply is not received by 28 February, 19499 it will be assumed that you have no objection. FOR THE DISTRICT ENG.INEERs J. H. BEDDOW Lt. Co. Corns of Engineers, Chief, {operations Division �I This matter struction of a Guemes Island. March 19 1949 was discussed at some length and the City Council approved the con- power onopower cable accross Guemes Channel supply power to people living on j I The matter of considering the bids for 4 new Filter Units was discussed at some length and it was decided to have a meeting of the Fire Light and Water Committee at 10000 A. M.9 on Saturday March 5, 1949. Mr. L. E. Snider, Fire Chief, reported on the matter of the Demopbiis property on the southwest corner of 8th street and J. Avenue. Mr. Snider also gave an outline of the flood water pumping on Commercia:� Avenue during the recent flood. A motion was made by Ginnett and seoonded by Ellin that the expense for gasoline and other materials and equipment during the flood emergency be not charged to the property owners along commercial avenue. Potion carried. The following claims against the City of Anacortes were presented and read to the City Councils. Joe L. Hagan 17206 George Brado 17207 Robert W. Ginnett 17208 Romie Allan 17209 W. J. Welch 17210 Syd Ellin 17211 E. E. Dodge 17212 H/ L. Hapsen 17213 0. E. Arges 17214 John G. Dorcy 17215 Dr. C. W. Douglass 17216 W. V. Wells Jr.9 17217 John Cheney 17218 Harry Davis 17219 Norman Fulton 17220 David L. Bowen 17221 Harry Davis 17222 Jacqueline Gurney 17223 Withholding Tax Fund 17224 14. R. Kingsley 17225 G. N. Dalstdad P. M. 17226 `Vm> G. McCallum 17227 Puget Sound Stamp Works 17228 Anacortes American 17229 People's National Bank 17230 Union Printing Company 17231 Sadie M. Arges 17232 Welch Brothers 17233 Pioneer Inc. 17234 Pioneer Inc. 17235 J. B. Goff 17236 Nick Petrish 17_2,37 11. L. Pollard 17238 W. E. Thompson 17239 IA. E. Beebe 17240 Gilbert 0. Lee 17241 Jack Kelley 17242 Withholding Tax Fund 17243 Empire Cafe 17244 Marine Supply Co. 17245 Ditri's Mobilgas Service 17246 '.Tm. G. McCallum 17247 E. A. Abbott Motor Co. 17248 Simpson's Electric Shop 17249 Fosse's Texaco Service 17250 Trulson Motor Co. 17251 Empire Cafe , ..-, 17252 Anacortes Iron Works 17253 L. E. Snider 1754 Bert V'errall 17255 C. S. Mondhan 17256 K. W. Snart 17257 M. G. Strock 17258 Ed. Alexander 17259 J. N. Parson's 17260 D. W. Parsons 17261 George Ray 17262 C. T. Strock 17263 George Miller 17264 A. Mondhan 17265 R. ldcDougall 17266 J. G. Dorcy 17267 C. Wirsing 17268 George Olson 17269 H. Chevrier 17270 Withholding Tax Fund 17271 Union 031 Co. 17272 Kimsey's Dependable h1arket 17273 Levenseller's Cafe 17274 Anacortes Water DVpt 17275 L. E. Snider 17276 Fosse's Texaco Service 17277 Anacortes Iron Works 17278 Marine Supply Co. 17279 Anacortes Veneer Co. 17280 CURRENT EXPENSE Salary as Mayor 118.00 " °° Councilman 10000 99 PQ Councilman 10.00 It PO Councilman 4.00 it PB Councilman 10.00 it °° Councilman 10.00 00 0o Councilman 10.00 ro ro Councilman 10.00 Deputy Treasurer 70.00 " City Clerk 56.30 Health Officer 50.00 City Attorney 51.50 f0 '0 Police justice 47.50 Dog catcher 13.15 " t0 Janitor 99.20 io ►' Janitor 93.90 PO oo Dumpman 50.00 WoYk in Elerk's Office 10.00 Withholding Taxes 63.50 Insurance on Treasurer's Safe 27.00 Postage for Treasurer 7.50 Bonds for City Officials 15.00 Supplies for City ClerX 3.81 Supplies, City Clerk 10.50 Safe Deposit Rent, City Treasurer 4.80 Supplies9 City Treasurer 12.90 Supplies9 City Treasurer 2.10 Bond for City Treasurer 75.00 Supplies for City Clerk 5.86 Supplies for City Treasurer 29.11 Salary as Chief of Police 186.85 to " Asst Ch. of Police 165.10 it " Patrolman 121960 Patrolman 165000 Patrolman 128.20 10 " Patrolman 124.90 Wages as extra Policeman 37.72 Withholding Taxes 70.90 Meals9 Police Dept. 1.18 Supplies9 Police Dept. 33-99 Wife Repairs 4.12 Bonds for P91icemen 10000 Supplies9 Police Dept 52003 Supplies9 Police Dept. 3.09 Supplies 4 Police Dept, 34.06 Service Supplies, Police Dept. 134.50 School Safety Patrol Luncheon 32.45 Service & Suppltes9Pol Dept. Cancelled .00 Salary as Fire Chief 146.98 Salary as Asst Fire Chief 141.53 °' °° Captain, Fire Dept 120.43 " " Captain9 Fire Dept. 120.43 " 10 Fireman 100.35 It " Fireman 111.65 Fireman 111.65 Fireman 89.51 Fireman 109.61 "Fireman 100.03 Wages as call man 58025 Wages as Call Ilan 18.00 Wages as call man 2.00 Wages as call man 3.00 Wages as call man 64.80 Wages as call man 58.00 Wages as call man 3.00 Withholding Taxes 187.50 Supplies9 Fire Dept. 4.00 Supplies Fire Dept. 7.28 Meals9 Fire Dept. 13.29 Hydrant Rental 625.00 Inspections 25.00 Service, Fire Dept. 2.68 Service, Fire Dept. 1.68 Supplies9 Fire Dept 73.08 Plywood City Hall 23073 1 • • 1 1 r� • 1 Afln,re%h l 1049 r CURRENT EXP'INSE Continued Anacortes Gas Co. Harris Engind Co. Simpson's Electric Shop Smith Floor & Window Cov. Lyle's Grocery Leonard Products Co. Breckenridge Plumbing Co. United Janitor Supply Co. Idun Fin Officers Assn Trick & Murray Rufus a Webb Island Transfer Co. Northwest Roofing Anacortes Equipment Co. Puget SA,, Pr. & Lt. Co. Water Department M. R. Kingsley Simmonds Paint Co. Anacortes Laundry Bird's Stationery The Fern Press Brady's Studio Thelma Wolfe Anacortes Iron ?'Works 5 5 17281 Lewis Harr 7.96 Frank Knapp Pump Service City Hall Supplies, Ci�y Hall Colvin's Service Station 17284 Water Department 18034 Marine Supply Co. Supplies9 City Hall Figenshow Hardware 17286 Anacortes Iron Works 10.40 Brown Lumber Co. Service & Equipment l7ithholding Tax Fund 5 5 17281 Gas Service -Fire Hall 7.96 17282 17283 Pump Service City Hall Supplies, Ci�y Hall 42.85 2.36 17284 Material & Labor, City Hall 18034 17285 Supplies9 City Hall 1.03 17286 Janitor's Supplies 10.40 17287 Service & Equipment 15.29 17288 Janitor's Supplies 23.68 17289 Renewal of Membership 10.00 17290 Supplies for City Clerk 76033 17291 Gasoline Fire Dept. 171057 17292 Stove OH, City Buildings 464,92 17293 Repairs to Fire Hall Roof 75-00 17294 Supplies & Service 181.80 1717296 Power & Service 744,87 1�J296 Water Sertice, City Hall 6.50 17297 Insurance on Chev. Cab Truck 69,87 17298 Supplies City Hall �ervice 42.51 19.42 17299 Laundry Cash advanced 17300 Supplies, Police Dept. 5.87 17301 Printing Service 108,72 17302 Service9 Police Dept. 10.96 17303 A-Vork in Clerk's Office 17.00 17304 To replace No -17253 9.05 PARK DEPARTMENT 2059 Salary as Park Employee 150.10 2060 Salary as Park Sutt,, 158.20 2061. Supplies9 Park Dept. 2.52 2062 Water used in Park 2.50 2063 Supplies, Park Dept,, 29.00 2064 Supplies Park 4 Dept,, 31.81 2065 Service Supplies 700 1.17 2066 Supplies, Park Dept. 26.58 2067 Withholding Taxes Water Department 26.70 CER ETERY DEPARTPiENT Ingvald Iversen 694 Salary as Cemetery Supt. 135.76 191m. E. Latimer 695 Salary as Cemetery Employee 113038 Chas. Rex Mitchell 696 Salary as Cemetery Employee 121.68 Jacqueline Gurney 697 Work in Clerk's Office 60.00 Withholding Tax Fund 698 Withholding Taxes 76410 Katherine H. Snider 699 Clerical Work 14.00 Puget Sound Pr. & Lt. Co. 700 Lighting Service, Cemetery 12.70 Baker's Firestone Store 701 Supplies, Cemetery 5.24 Water Department 702 Water Service _ 2.50 Rufus A. Webb 703 Gasoline for Cgmetery 24.07 Ingvald Iversen 704 Cash advanced 10.00 Affleck Bros. 705 Stove Oil, Cgmetery 7.86 Oregon Brass Works 706 Grave Marker 13.75 Bird's Stationery 707 Supplies 9.71 LIBRARY DEPART19EIV Ruth E. Brinkley 2919 Salary as Librarian 82.20 Eleanor Nevill 2920 If 11 Asst Librarian 90.60 Marjorie Ross 2921 to 11 Cataloger 15.00 P. E. Olson 2922 11 11 Janitor 79.20 Fern Derby 2923 Substitute 2.25 Withholding Tax Fund 2924 :Vithholding Taxes 28.20 Water Department 2925 Water Service Library 2.50 Puget S6und Pr. & Lt. Co. 2926 Lighting Service 6.68 Simpson's Electric Shop 2927 Supplies Library 2.68 American Builder 2928 Subscription 5.00 40 J. K. Gill Company 2929 Books _ 49.41 Doubleday & Company 2930 Sub. to Literary Guild 19.40 Anacortes Equipment 2931 Supplies, Library Dept. 46.81 WATER DEPARTMENT T. G. McCrory 10528 Salary as Water Supt 171.00 Sadie M. Arges 10529 Salary as Water Cashier 114.90 Shirley Otvens 10530 1' 1° It Clerk 96.90 John G. Darcy 10531 " " '0 Bookkeeper 41.00 Charles W dlund 10532 " " " Foreman 157.01 Everett Thorene 10533 " " " Serviceman 134.40 W. 0. Rogers 10534 " 1Q Filterman 170.20 A. F. Keller 10535 11 10 t0 147.00 A. Sirett 10536 " " 11 140.60 Frank Dane .ester Dane 10537 10538 " " If136.10 " " Pumpman 143.00 E. G. -Childs 10539 Wages as Laborer 36.30 Roy Wedlund 10540 Wages as Laborer 48.40 Ed. Alexander 10541 Wages as Laborer 12.65 Withholding Tax Fund 19542 Withholding Taxes 241.75 n Welch Brothers Pacific Highway Transport Simpson's Electric Shop Aubert's Drugs Atlas Foundry & Mach Co. Marine Supply & Hardware Skagit Valley Telephone Co. Trick & Murray Rufus Webb Will B. Ellis Puget Sound Pro & Lt. Co. Welch Brothers Pennsylvania Salt Co. Wallace & Tiernan Sales Corp. Daily Journal of Commerce Great Northern railway General Chemical Company A. H. Cox & Co. Standard .Oil Co. Island Transfer Co. Go N. Dalstead P. M. Wm . D. Gaddis Harine Supply Co. Tax Commission E. A. Abbott Motor Co. H. D. Fowler & Co. The Fern Press March 1_ y 1949 WATER DEPART'17H i' Continued 10543 Bond & Insurance 10544 Freight Charges - 10545 Supplies, Water D�pto 10546 Supplies Water Dept. 10547 Service for Water Dept. 10548 Material & Supplies 10549 Telephone Service 10550 Printing Supplies 10551 Gasoline for who Lake Pump 10552 Fire Tax, Water Shed 10553 Power & Service 10554 Surety Bonds 10555 Chlorine 10556 Supplies 10557 Filter addition bids 10558 Freight on Alum 10559 Alum 10560 Pump for 17ater Dept. 10561 Kerosend Oil. Cancelled 10562 Stove Oil & Truck Service 10563 Postage for Water „Office 10564 Supplies Water Dept. 10565 Material & Supplies 10566 Business Tax 10567 Sgrvice & Supplies 10568 Century Water Pipe 10569 Printing Supplies STREET DEPARTUENT 32.80 1.00 3.09 1.03 43.$2 44.87 7.04 39003 39016 80076 1944x34 10.00 134.60 21.42 46.40 540.86 1050.00 416.05 .00 218.61 6.00 . 2751 544.61 16.59 7622.00 56.91 Roy McDougall 3330 Salary as Street Foreman 200.70 Lyn Balcomb 3331 10 80 Graderman 174.60 Carl Thorene 3332 " °0 Maintenance Man 217.31 Dave Summers 3333 " " Maintenance Man 182.30 Carl Welk 3334 91 10 Maitnenance Ilan 186.80 Artis Taylor 3335 11 of u,1aintenance Man 151®60 Ernest Childs 3336 Mages as Extra Maint, Man 75.25 Howard Bunney 3337 Wages as Extra Maint. Man 125.95 K. M. McClellan 3338 Salary as Street Sweeper 65.30 T. G. McCrory 3339 10 90 °' Superviosr 32.70 John G. Dorcy 3340 " 17 40 Bookkeeper 29.50 Withholding Tax Fund 3341 W9thholdi.ng Taxes 236.10 Trulson IJtotor Co. 3342 Supplies, Street Dept. 33.51 Standard Oil Co. 3343 Oi19 Street Dept. 10.16 Anacortes Iron Works 3344 Labor & Subplies9 Streot Dept. 10.43 (Dovin's Tire Service 3345 Supplies, Stre`t Dent, 4.23 M. R. Kingsley 3346 Insurance on Grader 28.88 Baker's Firestone Store 3347 Supplies Streit Dept. 111.58 Skagit County Road Enginaer 3348 Rental of Equipment 48936 Rufus A. Webb Supply Co. 3349 Diesel Oil Street Dept. Street 208.30 Marine 3350 Supplies Dept. 10.46 Island Transfer 3351 Stove OH, Street Dept. 35.46 Nelson Insurance Agency 3352 Insurance on Scoop Mobile 52.38 Welch Bros.9 Inc. 3353 Bond for Street Supervisor 5.00 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 3354 Power for Crusher 39950 Ditri's Mobilgas Service 3355 Qrease9 Street Dept. 2.80 Marine Supply Co. 3356 Supplies Street Debt. iquipment 32.84 Anacortes Equipment Co. 3357 Labor & 417953 Harris Engine Co. 3358 Service & Supplies Street Dept. 18.89 WITHHOLDING TAX FUND People's National Bank Total WithholdingTaxes 930.75 A motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Lllin that the above cMaims be referred to the rinance Committee. Motion carried. The Finance committee con- sidered said claims and recommended that the claims be allowed and warrant drawn in favor of the same. ,A motion was made by Alan and seconded by Ellin that the recommendation of the Finance Committee in the matter of the above claims be adopted. A,yeso Hansen , Dodge9 L11in9 Welch, Ginnett, Allan and Brado. Motion carried. The matter of enforcing parking regulations on Commercial Avenue was dis- cussed at some length and a motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Lod�e9 that the Police Depattment be instructed to check car parking Once eaph day of,eachl` week using different & :and hours and that the Chief of Police be instructed to .enforce a warning against over time parking on commercial Avenue. Motion carried. The matter of installing a communication system of a bell system b9twben the Clerk's office and the furnace room in the City Hall was discussed at some length. The matter was referred to the building Committee to investigate and make a repobt at a later meeting of the City Council. Being unable to complete the business of Hansen and seconded by Ellin that the meeting March 8, 1949, at 7-30 P. M. Hotion carried. so adjourn. Attest - _-. i y Clerk the evening a motion was made by of the City Council be adjourned unti:� The meeting of the City Council did • 1 1 • • 1 March 8, 1949 A regular adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of called to order at 7:30 o'clock P. M. by City Clerk, John G. Dorcy Hagan and Dr. E. E. Dodge, Mayor Pro -Tem were unable to be present. called and Hansen, Ellin, Welch, Ginnett and Brado were present. z �� e? . Anacortes was as Mayor Joe L. The roll was A motion was made by Brado and seconded by Ellin that H. Lo Hansen be elected as temporary Mayor Pro -Tem. Motion carried. The matter of placing a street light at the corner of 12th street and 0. Avenue was discussed at some length. Also the matter of placing a flood light in front of the Townsend Hall was discussed. As neigher the T:ayor or the Mayor Pro -Tem were present no further action was taken in this matter. A motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Ellin that the meeting of the City Council adjourn. Ylotioncarried. The meeting of the 'ty ouncil did then adjourn.. 4 yorO-Tem Attest:---.' City Clerk I March 159 1949 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7030 o'clock P. -M. with Mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. The roll was called and Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, Ginnett Allen and Brado were present. The minutds of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. I.qr. W. V. dells, Jr., City Attorney, presented a form of a Pawn Brokers License to the City Council, This was considered at some length and the City Attorney would make the necessary changes and present said ordinance at a later meeting of the City Council. Mr. W. V. Wells, Jr., City Attorney, presented the following report: Your City A.,-torney, W. V. Wells, Jr., to whom was referred the matter of united Pacific Policy No. A557231 covering 1948 Chevrolet of Street Department fr fire, transportation and theft public liability and property damage, London and Lancashire Insurance Company Lid. policy on power scoopmobile for bodily injury and property lamae liability and fire, lightning and transportation, United Pac- ific policy No. B96273 covering safe in city treasurer's office for burglarly in the amount of $2000.00 Fidelity and Deposit Company official bond covering Oscar E. Arges deputy city treasurer in the amount of $1 000.00 and Maryland Casualty Company off ical bond covering John B. Goff as chief of Police in the amount of $1000.00, begs leave to report as follows: I have examined said bond and said insurance policies and find same in reg- ular form with the exception of United Pacific policy --covering the sa fe in the treasurer's Office which should be changed by the agent to read 1°City Treasurer's office" instead of County Treasurer's offices Aftersome discussion a motion was made by Ell'n and seconded by Ginett that the City Attorney's report on the above Policies and licenses be adopted. Motion carried. The report of the Fire Department for the month of Feb., 1949, was presented and read to the City Council was accented and placed on file. An ordinance gr;)nting to the Island Bus Company was given its final reading section by section. Aftersome discussion a moticn was made by Hansen and seconded by Allen that ordinance No. 1036 as described above be adopted.,as a whole. Motion carried. The report of the Chief of Police for the month of February, 1949 was presented and read to the City Council and was accepted and placed on file. A motion was made by Brado and seconded by Ellin that the City Clerk be author- ized to call for bids on a new car to be used by the Anacortes Police DgXrtment, said bids to be opened on April 5, 1949. On behalf of the Streets and Parks Committee, Ellin reported on the matter of bycicle parking on the south side of the Empire Theater and recommended that parking space be given to Virgil Johnson of the pop corn stand on said corner and that stands for parking bycicles by installed at an angle on the side walk nex-�to the wall of the Empire Theater. On behalf of the Bldg. & Plumbg. Committee Dodge made an oral report on {h e matter of a signal system between the City Clerk's officeaand the Furnace Room. In his report uodge did not have all the necessary information and promised to made a further report at the next meeting of the City Council. Dodge also spoke to the City Council on the matter of hawing Irving Rydberg of the Recreation Committee use the gymnasium on Tuesday evehing. Mr. Irving Rydberg spoke to the City Council. ° and pointed out the urgent need for more in which to carry on the Recreation Prgram andasked for the gymnasium on Tuesday ev&ning. Tyesday even- ing is now being used by the Junior Rife Club. Mr. Vlm. Beale spoke to -he City Council about the use of the Gymnasium on Tuesday ev61Jng. It was finally dec- ided that the Junior and Senior Wifle Clubs would viork out a miitual plan under which both clubs could use the gym. on Monday evenings. March 15, 1949 Under this plan Tuesday evening would be available for use under the p 9 y g present Recreation Program, Mayor Joe L. Hagan reported on the site of a Boy Scout Camp which had been secured on the shore at the northwest corner of Cranberry Lake, The Hayor was very well pleased with the site chosen and pointed out brat it was also a good site for any other groups desiring to establish a camp in this area for either girls or boys. The matter of the purchase of chairs for the auditorium by the Women's Club was discussed at some length and was approved by the City Council, The matter of a rental charge for the auditorium was discussed at some length and a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Hansen that the rental charge be $10,00 per evening for nonprofit organizations. Lotion carried, Councilman Ginnett, of the Printing and Health Committee made an oral report • on an ordinance to provide for the protection of public health. This ordinance was discussed at some length and it was decided to have a number of these ordi- nances typed, so that each councilman would have a copy and that action on said ordinances be taken at the next meeting of the City Council, Mr, Phil Cope was present and spoke to the City Council and suggested that parking meters be installed and that the receipts from said parking meters be • used for our Recreation Program, T. G. IicCrory9 Water Supt,9 made an oral report to the City Council on the bids for the construction of 4 new filter units for the filter plant.in Anacortes, The Water Supt, Recommended that the bids of Barrow and Schaffer be accepted for the construction of section No, 1 in the amount of 8279950.00 and the bid of F. K. Haskell Plumbing and Heating Company of Bellingham9 Vdashingt-n be accepted for the construction of section No, 2 of said specifications in the amount of ('>28,507.80, j The City Council discussed thi2 matter at some length and a motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Ginnett that the recommendation of the Water Supt, in the � matter of the above filter bids by accepted, and that the City enter into a con- tract with the above named bidders and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign said contract. Ayess Hansen, Dodge Ellin9 Welch9 Allen and Brado, 114otion carried, At the meeting of the City Council held on February 159 1949, the City Clerk was authorized tocall for bids for doing the City printing during the period from March 19 1949 to March 19 1950, Said bids were to be opened on March 19 1949, At the meeting held on March 19 1949, there were no printing bids submitted to the City Clerk and again said bids for printing were called and at this time there were) two bids submitted to the City Clerk,A Motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Ellin that the City Clerk open said printing bids. Motion carried, The following are the names of the bidders and the amount of their bids Anacortes Daily Hercurys' lst insertion - 6.50 per column inch, 2nd and subsequent insertions $.10 per column inch. Anacortes American - S,50 per column inch9 ist insertion,. $,10 per column inch9additional insertions. After some discussion a motion vas made by Ginnett and seconded by Allen that the bid of the Anacortes American for doing the City printing for the period from March 15th9 1949 to March 19 1950 be accepted, Ayes- Hansen, Dodge9 Ellin9 Ginnett9 Allen and Brado. L2otion carried. 'I Mr, H. G. 11cDonald"spoke to the City Council about placing - 1211 tile down the west side of Commercial Avenue north of the Bettys place to 36th strebt, at no cost) to the City of Anacortes. After some discussion this matter was referred to the Streets and Parks Committee, A motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Allen that the City Council that the City Clerk call for bids for furnishing stove oil I Fuel Oil and Diesel Oil to the City of Anacortes during the year 1949. Said bids to be opened on April 199 1949, The following letbter from Mr. Thomas Henwood was presented and read to the City Councils To the Hon. Mayor and City Council, City of Anacortes, Wash, Anacortes9 Wash,, Larch 159 1949 Gentlemen - Having purchases certain city lots from Skagit Council T now offer the city 625.00 for a quit claim deed to the following lots. Lots 1 to 20 inclusive9 Block 14 Bowmans Ship Harbor Add, to Anacortes. With my thanks for your consideration I am, Yours very truly, Thomas Henivood The above letter was referred to the City Attorney, The following Claims against the City of Anacortes were presented and read to the City Councils 1 • • CURRENT EXPENSE 0, E. Arges 17306 Deputy Treasurer. 55.00 Jr,hn G. Dorey 17307 City Clerk 50,00 W. V. Wells, Jr,9 17308 City Attorney 50,00 John Cheney 17309 Police Judge 40,00 Norman Fulton 17310 Janitor 110.00 David Bowen 17311 Janitor 114.00 1 • • *, March 159 1949 Lewis Harr Frank Knapp PARK DEPARTMENT 2068 Park Employee 2069 Park Supt. 75.00 100.00 Jacqueline Gurney 17312 Work in Clerk's Office 90.00 708 J. B. Goff 17313' Chief of Police 100.00 Cemetery Employee N. Petrish 17314 Asst. Chief of Police 110.00 110.00 W. L. Pollard 17315 Patrolman 120.00 Roy McDougall W. E. Thompson 17316 Patrolman 100.00' 3360 PR. E. Beebe 17317 Patrolman 130000 IJlaintenance Man Gilbert 0. Lee 17318 Patrolman 125.00 120.00 Jack Kelley 17319 Extra Patrolman 18.72, Carl Welk L, E. Snider 17320 Fire Chief 125000 3365 Bert Verrall 17321 Asst. Fire Chief 125.00 Supervisor C. S. Moiddhan 17322 Cpto, Fire Dept. 125.00. 30.00 K. W. Snart 17323 CaPt., Fire Dept. 125.00, Howard Bunney M1 G. Strock 17324 Fireman 125.00:: 3370 Ed. Alexander 17325 Fireman 125.00-1 Extra Labor, St. Dept. J, N. Parsons 17326 Fireman 125.00 58.00 D. W. Parsons 17327 Fireman 125.00: Lester Sharpe George Ray 17328 Fireman 125.001 3375 Mut. Ben. Hlth & Ace. Assn. 17329 Group Insurande Deductions 48.30'! i9 If 19 99 22.40 Emmett Gardner WATER DEPARTMENT 10 " it 10 130.50 T. G. McCrory 10570 Water Supt. 165.00"! A. L. Friend Linus McLeod Sadie M. Arges 10571 Water Cashier 105.001 3381 Shirley Owens 10572 Clerk 90.00: John G. Dorcy 10573 Bookkeeper 40.00, Chas. 'Hedlund 10574 Foreman 145.00', Everett Thorele 10575 Serviceman 120.00, 101. 0. Rogers 10576 Filterman 125.00' G. F. Keller 10 577 Filterman 115.00' A. Sirett 10578 Filterman 115.001' Frank Deane 10579 Filterman 115.00 Lester Thomas 10580 Pumpman 125.00 Aoy Wedlund 10581 Laborer 73.40 Stanley Mondhan 10582 Laborer 8.50 Mut. Ben. Hlth. & Ace. Assn. 10583 Group Insurance Deductions 11.10 LIBRARY DEPARTMENT Ruth E. Brinkley 2932 Librarian 80.00 Eleanor Nevill 2933 Asst. Librarian 70.00 P. E. Olsons 2934 Janitor 60.00 Mut. Ben. Hlth. & Acca Assn. 2935 Group Insurance Deductions 4,.80 Lewis Harr Frank Knapp PARK DEPARTMENT 2068 Park Employee 2069 Park Supt. 75.00 100.00 A motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Allen that the baio Claims'.0be re- ferred to the Finance Committee. The Finance Committee considered said claims and recommended that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of the same. A motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Hansen that the recommendation of the Fmnanace Committee in the matter of the above claims be adopted. Ayeso Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, Ginnett, Allen and Brado. Motion carried. Havincr completed the business seconded bk Hansen that the meeting The meeting of the City Council did 1 Attest o CITY CILB11K of the evening a motion was made by Brado and of the City Council adjourn. Potion carried,, so adjourn. CEIETERY DEPARTMENT Ingvald Iversen 708 Cemetery Supt. 120.00 Wm. E. Latimer 709 Cemetery Employee 110.00 Chas, R. Mitchell 710 Cemetery Employee 110.00 STREET DEPARTMENT Roy McDougall 3359 Street Foreman 125.00 �. Lynn Balcomb 3360 Maintenance Man 120.00 Carl Thorene 3361 IJlaintenance Man 125.00 Artis Taylor 3362 Maintenance Man 120.00 Dave Summers 3363 Maintenance Man 115.00 Carl Welk 3364 Maintenance I.91an 120.00 ! K. H. McClellan 3365 Street Sweeper 75.00 T. G. McCrory 3366 Supervisor 35.00 John G. Borcy 3367 Bookkeeper 30.00 E. U. Childs 3368 Laborer 108.90 Howard Bunney 3369 Truck Driver 150.00 iiut. Ben. Hlth. & Ace. Assn. 3370 Group Insurance Deductions 21.00 Robert Culver 3371 Extra Labor, St. Dept. 22.90 Emmett Gardner 3372 19 1t r' 1° 58.00 Charles Hoffman 3373 " 99 If 1° 22.40 Lester Sharpe 3374 it 19 99 26.30 A. Van Wieringen 3375 " it it is 24.00 G. L. Van Wieringen 3376 i9 If 19 99 22.40 Emmett Gardner 3377 10 " it 10 130.50 Skagit County Road Engineer 3378 Gasoline & Equipment 31.36 A. L. Friend Linus McLeod 3379 3380 Laborer Laborer 5.20 5.60, Ben Gardner 3381 Laborer 6.20 A motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Allen that the baio Claims'.0be re- ferred to the Finance Committee. The Finance Committee considered said claims and recommended that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of the same. A motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Hansen that the recommendation of the Fmnanace Committee in the matter of the above claims be adopted. Ayeso Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, Ginnett, Allen and Brado. Motion carried. Havincr completed the business seconded bk Hansen that the meeting The meeting of the City Council did 1 Attest o CITY CILB11K of the evening a motion was made by Brado and of the City Council adjourn. Potion carried,, so adjourn. April 5, 1949 � A regular meeting of the City Council of the Cityrof Anacortes was called to order at 700 P. M. with Mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. The roll was called and Welch Dodge9 Ellin, Hansen, Ginnett, Allan and Brado were present. The minutes of tha previous meeting were read and approved with a correction. The correction is ;13 follows s On page 458 of this record it is stated that the 1'domen e s Club was in- terested in the purchase of chairs for the auditorium. This is an error. It should of stated that the matter of the purchase o" t:le chairs by the C.i'uy -,na, cortes for the Auditorium was discussed at some length, and was referred to the Building Committee. Mr. L. L. Bair, the P. I. dealer in the City of Anacortes asked permission to Dut a small directional arrow at the Northeast corner of 28th street on Commercial. Avenue. Said arrow would point to his residence at 10112 28th street. After some discussion a motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Ginnett that the matter be referred to the Streets and Parks Committee. Hargaret Buckner made an application for a Taxi Dttiver°s License. This matter' was discussed at some length and motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Ginnett that the said Margaret Buckner be granted a Taxi Drivers License. A group of people from Guemes Island were present and spoke to the City Counci:L This Committee wished to have the permission of the City to use the north end of 1. Avenue as a terminal to run a power line across to Guemes Island. This matter was discussed and a moti,-n was made by Ginnett and seconded by Hansen that permission be granted to the Guemes group to lay their power cable from the north end of K. Avenue to Guemes. Ayess. Hansen, Dodge, Ellin9 Welch, Ginnett, Allan and Bradt. { Motion carried. Mr. Winters, District Engineer of the Department of Highways was present and spoke to the City Council and explained House ,Bjll No. 217, section 5, chapter 220 of the law,of 1949. This house bill provides;'the Department of Highways maintain arterial Highways through the Cities and Towns of the Stete of Washington. Mr. Al Sellenthin, member of the Park Board, presented the following Communim cationo Ana(,ortes 9 Wn. , March 299 1949 To The Honorable Joe L. Hagen, Mayor of the City fo Anacortes. Dear Mayors. I hereby tender my resignation as a member of the City Park Board, due to my inability to properly and efficiently function as such member. Thanking you for the honor of the appointment. Very truly yourz9 Al Sellenthin, The resignation of Mr. Al Sellenthin as a member of the Park Board was accepted and the City Clerk was requested to write;'.a letter to Mr. Sellenthin thanking him for his many years of service to the City of Anacortes. -The, letter from Mrs. H. E. Harris was presented and read to the City Council,.which letter complained of the garbage being scattered on the streets from the garbage truck. After some discussion a motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Dodge that Mr. Davis, garbage man, be instructed to provide proper coverage for his garbage truck. A motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Allen tl[Lat this letter from Mrs. Harris be referred to the City Attorney and the'Health Officel'. Motion carried. The following letter from Mr. Phil Cope was presented and read to the City Councils To the Anacortes City Counci19 Under City Ordinance No. 10369 section 10 it states that the franchise for city bus operation, granted by the city to the Island Bus Co. Inc., can not be assigned without the consent of the City Council. The stockholders and directors of the Island Bus Co. Inc., have voted to sell their. shares of stock to and to transfer their directorships to Mr. Paul Murker formerly of Bremerton, Wauhington, providing the consent of said transaction is granted by the City Council of the Anacortes, Washington. Mr. Murker is from a family of bus line operators and from early childhood has worked on or operated various kinds of busses and bus lines. His father oper- ated the first bus line from Brermerton to Union in the early 1900s and Pauls last operation was a shuttle bus for navy personel in Bremerton during the war. He has handled all phases of the business and is well equipp:d to seccessfully operate and improve Anacottes bus service. It is the plan of Mr. Murker, providing the City Council accepts him, to move his wife and four children to Anacortes and to purchase a home immediately. Present bus routes and schedules will of course remain as they are and having read Ordinance 1036, Mr. Murker readily agrees to act according to its provisions. The directors of the Island Bus Co. Inc.9 request that the City Council interview Mr. Murker on the nite of April 5 1949 at the Council meeting and to render a de- cision concerning his acceptability that nite if possible as time is the essence of the transactio n for both LZr. Yairker and Mr. Cope. Island Bus Co. Inc. By: Philip --F, Cope J • • 1 • • 1 is t rfwJ ,._"- I - - April 59 194.9 After some discussion a motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Welch that permssion be given for the transfer"-.-, of the franchise of the Island bus company to Mr. Paul Murker who recently purchased the south side bus system from Mr. Phil Cope according to section 10 of ordinance Na. 1036 and Mr. Cope shall provide a written transfer of said franchise. Motion carried. A letter and a petition with reference to the pavement of 20th street, west of Commercial Avenue was read and discussed at some length. A motion was made by Ellini and seconded by Ginnett that this petition be referred to the City Engineer to prepare the necessary papers and make a report at a later meeting of the City Counci;_o Motion carried. The following communication from Ruth Amsberry was presented and read to the Cil;y Councils To the Hon. Mayor and Council of the City of Anacortes, City Hall Building, Anacortes, Washington. Gentlemen., Anacortes Washington, April 5�h9 1949 Supporting the personal request of membbr-s.:of the Cemetery Board of the City of Anacortes present at your meeting of April 5th 19499 this letter is written, setting out in writing the needs of the Board and the reasons therefor. Due to the length and severity of the cold spell this winter the men working under the supervision of Mr. Ingvald Iversen, Superintendent of the cemetery, have not been able to complete as much work as he had planned and hoped for; the good weather is coming on and demands of the public for contracted perpetual care are growing and it appears that it may be beyond the ability of the present emplpyees to meet this demand which9 of course, becomes greater with the advance of the season just prior to Memorial Day. ,i Mr. Iversen states that he is in need of one more mower to facilitate the work sand that the original budget for the year provides for a portion of the cost of such �a machine but that he will be shott about $400.00. He believes that if he could purchase this mower and have some additional help for the next six weeks he would be able to take care of the business which is coming in. The Board has carefully checked the Cemetery Budget and on the advice of Mr. Iversen9 believes that the item of Reconstruction and Betterment for $1500.0o,can be cut about $500.00; also that the amount budgeted for clerical work17to-wit 9 $900000, can be redueed, leaving a small margin in that bracket. With this in mind, the Board petitions tho Council to declare an emergency of $1000.00 for the budget of the Cemetery Board for the reasons above stated„ In this con ection the Board wishes to recommend to the Councils that the Ceme- tery Departmqnt be charged with not to exceed $25.00 per month for the clerical services of Mrs. Snider and a like amount for those of the City Clerk9 which will total somewhat less than the amount which has been previously charged against the Cemetery. The Board feels that this amount will amply cover the services rendered this department. We feel that it is to..:the best interests of the Cemetery Department and t)to City of Anacortes as a wholo that the Council allow this Emergency Appropriation for the reason that the perpetual care business has been worked up by Mr. Iversen for the last three years and is now coming in rapidly and we believe it is sound psychology to take care of it. Hoping for your favorable consideration of our request, and thanking you sincerely, we are Respectfully, ANACORTES CEMETERY BOARD, By: Ruth S. Amsberry, Secretary A motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Brado that the City Attorney be authorized to draw an emergency ordinance for $1,000.00 for Grand View Cemetery. Motion carried. The following communication from L. C. Weekley was presented add read to the City Council, Anacortes Wash. To the Honorable Mayor and City Councils April 59 1949 Anacortes, Wash. Dear Sirss I will appreciate you giving consideration to graveling the streets which I have just recently opened in front of my property on 38th St. from V Ave to � block West of U Ave. The cost of the bulldozer was paid for by myself. ;Thanking you for this consideration, I remain, Yours truly, L. C. Weekley Mrs. Dimmick was present and spoke tothe City Council and presented a written request that a pipe line be extended up, 34th street west of Commercial to L. Avenue, pointing ourt the unsatisfactory condition of the wells being used in this communit;r. After some duscussion a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Dodge that this ma';ter be referred to the Health Officer and the Fire, Light and Water Committee. Motion • carried. Several h1embers of the S6nior Class of 1949 of the Anacortes High School were present and asked permission to decorate the skatink rink for their Senior Ball. This matter was discussed at some length and a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Brado that this matter be referred to the Building Committee. Motion carried. • Mrs. Floyd Rusing was present and spoke to*the City Council about straightening; out Commercial Avenue south of 37th Street. Mr. H. G. McDonald also spoke to the City Council on this matter.. A motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Welch that a map be prepared showing the actual conditions on Commercial Avenue south of 37th street, showing all necessary details for the improvement of Commercial Avenue and present said map to the City Council. Motion carried. The City Council recently called for bids for a car to be used by the Anacorte� Police Department. Said bids to opened on April 5, 1949. A motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Allen that the bids on a car for the Police department be opened. Motion carried. The following are the net bids on said Police Car: Abbot' Auto Company- $1264.00- Tweten Motor Company: $1122.65; Anacortes Motors: X1389.4'1; San Juan Motors- $1416.00. A motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Allen that said bids be referred to the License and Police Committee. Motion carried. Councilman Dodge made an oral report on the purchase of a communication system April 59 1949 for use between the City Clerk's Office After some discussion a motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Ellin that After some discussion a motion this request be given due consieration and be granted as soon as possible® Motion carried. said communication system. Motion carried. Mr. T. G. McCrory spoke to the City Council on -.a report made by Mr. Ryland i Hill on the necessary cathodic protection for the City of Anacortes pipe line for read to approximately 2500 feat around the head of the bay coming into Anacortes. Tr. HemmaY, Hansen recommended that the City callffor new bids for this cathodic protection. This matter was referred to the Fire Light and Water Committee for further study. Joe L. Hagan A motion was made by Brado and sec®naed by Allen that all former bids be rejected and that the City Engineer prepare new specifications and that said bids be publish{ 10,000 ed and that said bids be opened on April 199 1949. Motion carried. P° °° " Mrs. Dimmick was present and spoke tothe City Council and presented a written request that a pipe line be extended up, 34th street west of Commercial to L. Avenue, pointing ourt the unsatisfactory condition of the wells being used in this communit;r. After some duscussion a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Dodge that this ma';ter be referred to the Health Officer and the Fire, Light and Water Committee. Motion • carried. Several h1embers of the S6nior Class of 1949 of the Anacortes High School were present and asked permission to decorate the skatink rink for their Senior Ball. This matter was discussed at some length and a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Brado that this matter be referred to the Building Committee. Motion carried. • Mrs. Floyd Rusing was present and spoke to*the City Council about straightening; out Commercial Avenue south of 37th Street. Mr. H. G. McDonald also spoke to the City Council on this matter.. A motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Welch that a map be prepared showing the actual conditions on Commercial Avenue south of 37th street, showing all necessary details for the improvement of Commercial Avenue and present said map to the City Council. Motion carried. The City Council recently called for bids for a car to be used by the Anacorte� Police Department. Said bids to opened on April 5, 1949. A motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Allen that the bids on a car for the Police department be opened. Motion carried. The following are the net bids on said Police Car: Abbot' Auto Company- $1264.00- Tweten Motor Company: $1122.65; Anacortes Motors: X1389.4'1; San Juan Motors- $1416.00. A motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Allen that said bids be referred to the License and Police Committee. Motion carried. Councilman Dodge made an oral report on the purchase of a communication system for use between the City Clerk's Office and the Furnace room in the City Hall. After some discussion a motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Ellin that Dodge i by authorized to purchase said communication system. Motion carried. i The following claims against the City of Anacortes Were presented and read to the City Council: CURRENT EXPENSE Joe L. Hagan 17330 Salary (Cancelled) Geo. Brado 17331 it as Councilman 10,000 Robert W. Ginnett 17332 P° °° " 10.00 Romie Allan 17333 " It'B 4.00 W. J. Welch 17334 " " " 10.00 Syd Ellin 17335 °1 to t° 10.00 E. E. Dodge 17336 00 0o r° 10.00 H. L. Hgpsen 17337 'o 00 0° 10.00 0. E. Arges 17338 °Q " Deputy Treasurer 70.00 John G. Dorcy 17339 PO '° City Clerk 56.30 Dr. C. W. Douglass 17340 " 1° Health Officer 50.00 W. V. Wells9 Jr., 17341 P° 09 City Attorney 51.50 John Cheney 17342 " °° Police Justice 47.50 Harry Davis 17343 °A t° Dog Catcher 13.15 Norman Fulton 17344 " " Janitor 99.20 David L. Bowen 17345 '° °° Janitor 93.90 Harry Davis 17346 " t0 Dumpman 50.00 Jacqueline Gurney 17347 Work in Clerk's Of�`ice 10.00 • Thelma Wolfe 1734$ Work in Clerk's Office 9.00 Withholding Tax Fund 17349 Withholding Taxes 63.50 Trick & Murray 17350 Supplies City Clerk's Office 1.37 The AmC-rican (City Mag. 17351 Subscription to A.CfC. M. 4.00 Hartman Typewriter Co. 17352 Rental on Adding Mahhino 15.00 Kee Lox Mfg. Co. 17353 Supplies, City Clerk 4.12 • Birds' Stationery 17354 Supplies, City Hall 5.04 John G. orcy 17355 Cash Advanced for Postage 3.00 J. B. Goff 17356 Salary as Chief of Police 186.85 N. Petrish 17357 °8 °° Asst. Chief of Police 165.10 W. L. Pollard 17358 " PO Patrolman 121.60 Wo E. Thompson 17359 °0 °B Patrolman 165.00 M. E. Beebe 17360 " " Patrolman 128.20 Gilbert 0. Lee 17361 °9 '° Patrolman 124.90 j Jack Kelley 17362 °0 " Extra Patrolman 8.20 Withholding Tax Fund 17363 Withholding Taxes 73.05 The Texas Co. 17364 Supplies Police Dept. 4 32.41 Fosses Texaco Service 17365 Service Supplies, Police Dept. 20.65 Aubert°s Drug Co. 17366 Supplies, Police Dept. 5.41 E. A. Abbot Motor Co. 17367 Supplies, Police Dept. 86.85 Marine Supply & Hardware 17368 Supplies, Police Dept. 2.22 Western Auto Supply Co. 17369 Equipment, Police Dept. 34.97 I, Birds° Stationery 17370 Supplies, Police Dept. 2.11 April 59 1949 Barrow & Shaffer Const. Co. 10610 Blake Thompson Const. Co. 10611 Wallace & Tiernan Sales Co. 10612 City Street Fund 10613 Anacortes Iron Works 10614 A,.chie Young 10615 Service 'Police Dept. Supplies, Police Dept. Photographic Supplies Supplies Police Dept. Equipmcn� Telephone Service Salary as Fire Chief If It Asst. Fire Chief 1° 11 Capt.; Fire Dept. °o 11 Capt,, Fire Dept. If 1' Fireman 10 1' Fireman to " Fireman to 11 Fireman to " Fireman Wages as Call Man Wages as Call Flan Wages as Call Dian Withholding Taxes Equipment Fire Dept. R@newal•ol Bond for L. E. Snider Service, Fire Dept, Service to Radio Fire Dept. Membership for Fireman Hydrant Rental Supplies, Fire Dept. Service,'Fire Dept. Supplies, Fire Dept. Inspections & Cash Advanced Supplies; Fire Dept. Supplies Fire Dept. Laundry hrvice, Fire Dept. Fuel Oil Police Dept. Registration Supplies, City Clerk Lighting Service (Cancelled) Supplies City Clerk's Office Labor & Lpplies Supplies City Hall Balance due on account Gasoline, Fire Dept. Janitor's Supplies Janitor's Supplies Janitor's Supplies Garbage Service Gas Service City Hall Supplies City Hall Coal, Ci�y Hall Labor & Supplies City Hall Water Service, City Hall Service & Supplies_ Service for City Attorney Industrial Insurance & Med. Aid. Pension Payroll Deductions To Replace No. 17330 To Replace No. 17405 Salary Adjustment WATER DEPART1!ENT Salary as Water Supt. PP 11 Mater Cashier f° 11 Water Clerk 0o 1P Bookkeeper `� 1Q Foreman 1P Serviceman Filterman °Q Filterman to " Filterman 10 " Filterman Pumpman Laborer Withholding Taxes Supplies, Water Dept. Freight on Supplies Labor & Supplies Service9 Water Dept, Postage,'Water Dept, Supplies Water Dept. Stove OH, Water Dept, Telephone Service, Water Dept. Chlorine Equipment Water Dept. Power & Lighting Service Sup,)lies, Water Dept. Telephone Service, Avon Excavation Labor, Filter Plant Payment of Estimate Equipment, Water Dept. Gasoline, Water Dept. Labor & Supplies Water Dept. Service & Equipment 1.03 1.02 4.02 5.62 17.61 35,,41- 146,,98 141.53 120.43 120.4,3 100035 126.75 111.65 89.51 109.61 56.86 2.00 12.00 155.70 15,,08 10.00 2.73 15.04• 30.00 625.00 383.16 3.61 188.48 39 -JO 3.12003 17-55 178.41 8060 13.51 9.42 1.03 73.30 137.20 22.09 10.40 5.67 6.00 4.54 5.79 2.04 11.42 6.30 49.77 10.00 92.15 131.38 118.00 740.8 18.81 171.00 114.90 96.90 41.00 158.12 135,40 143.00 126.60 126.60 12.10 143,00 104.05 231.95 12.21 4.22 12.52 6.00 6.00 371.82 48.93 39-95- 135.02 9095135.02 79919.72 2 9 p45.55 11.85 12.20 382.50 3998.75 23.38 31.52 32.11 17,95 Colvin's Tire -Service 17371 Standard Oil Co. 17372 Eattman Kodak Co. 17373 Jack's Radio & Appliance 17374 Tweten Motor Co. 17375 West Coast Telephone Co. 17376 L. E. Snider 17377 Bert Verrall 17378 C. S. Mondhan 17379 K. W.. Snart 17380 M. G. Strock 17381 Ed. Alexander 17382 J. N. Parsons 17383 D. W. Parsons 17384 Geo. Ray 17385 C. T. S,rock 17386 A. Mondhan 17387 C. Wirsing 17388 Withho;ding Tax Fund 17389 Western Auto Supply Co. 17390 Lyle A. Riddle 17391 Trulson Motor Co. 17392 M. W. Featherkile 1?393 State Treasurer 17394 Water Department 17395 American Elkhart Co. 17396 Cliff's Welding & Mach. Co. 17397 Anacortes 4quipment Co. 1739$ L. E. Snider 17399 Marine Supply Co. 17400 Fosse's Texaco Service 17401 Anacortes Laundry & Clns. 17402 Island Transfer Co. 17403 Pioneer Inc., 17404 Puget Sound Power & Lt. 17405 Puget Sound Stamp Works 17406 A. E. Lovell 17407 C. C. Cook 17408 Affleck Bros,, Inc., 17409 Rufus A. Webb 17410 United Janitor Supply Co, 17411 Leonard Products Co. 17412 Coast Wide Supply Co. 17413 Harry Davis 17414 Anacortes Gas Co; 17415 Figenshow Hardware 17416 Curtis Wharf Co. 17417 Anacortes Iron Works 17418 Water Department 17419 Trulson Motor Co. 17420 Irene Snart 17421 Department of Labor & Ind. 17422 Firemen's Relief & Pension Fund17423 Joe L. Hagan 17424 Puget Sound Power & Light 17425 Jack Kelley 17426 T. G. McCrory 10584 Sadie M. Arges 10585 Shirley Owens 10586 John G. Dorcy 10587 Chas. Wedlund 10588 Everett Thorene 10589 W. 0. Rogers G. F. Keller 10590 10 591 A. Sirett 10 592 Frank Deane 10593 Lester Thomas 10594 Roy Wedlund 10595 Withholding Tax Fund Pioneer Incorporated 10596 10597 Pacific Highway -transport 10598 E. A. Abbott Motor Co. 10599 Roy & Ted's Garage 10600 G. N. Dalstead P. M. 10601 Marine Supply & Hardware 10602 Island Transfer 10603 West Coast Telephone Co. 10604 Pernsylvania Salt 'Rfg. Co. 10605 H. D. Fowler Co. Inc. L. 10606 Puget Sound Power & Co. 10607 Rockwell Manufacturing Co. 10608 Skagit Valley Telephone Co. 10609 Barrow & Shaffer Const. Co. 10610 Blake Thompson Const. Co. 10611 Wallace & Tiernan Sales Co. 10612 City Street Fund 10613 Anacortes Iron Works 10614 A,.chie Young 10615 Service 'Police Dept. Supplies, Police Dept. Photographic Supplies Supplies Police Dept. Equipmcn� Telephone Service Salary as Fire Chief If It Asst. Fire Chief 1° 11 Capt.; Fire Dept. °o 11 Capt,, Fire Dept. If 1' Fireman 10 1' Fireman to " Fireman to 11 Fireman to " Fireman Wages as Call Man Wages as Call Flan Wages as Call Dian Withholding Taxes Equipment Fire Dept. R@newal•ol Bond for L. E. Snider Service, Fire Dept, Service to Radio Fire Dept. Membership for Fireman Hydrant Rental Supplies, Fire Dept. Service,'Fire Dept. Supplies, Fire Dept. Inspections & Cash Advanced Supplies; Fire Dept. Supplies Fire Dept. Laundry hrvice, Fire Dept. Fuel Oil Police Dept. Registration Supplies, City Clerk Lighting Service (Cancelled) Supplies City Clerk's Office Labor & Lpplies Supplies City Hall Balance due on account Gasoline, Fire Dept. Janitor's Supplies Janitor's Supplies Janitor's Supplies Garbage Service Gas Service City Hall Supplies City Hall Coal, Ci�y Hall Labor & Supplies City Hall Water Service, City Hall Service & Supplies_ Service for City Attorney Industrial Insurance & Med. Aid. Pension Payroll Deductions To Replace No. 17330 To Replace No. 17405 Salary Adjustment WATER DEPART1!ENT Salary as Water Supt. PP 11 Mater Cashier f° 11 Water Clerk 0o 1P Bookkeeper `� 1Q Foreman 1P Serviceman Filterman °Q Filterman to " Filterman 10 " Filterman Pumpman Laborer Withholding Taxes Supplies, Water Dept. Freight on Supplies Labor & Supplies Service9 Water Dept, Postage,'Water Dept, Supplies Water Dept. Stove OH, Water Dept, Telephone Service, Water Dept. Chlorine Equipment Water Dept. Power & Lighting Service Sup,)lies, Water Dept. Telephone Service, Avon Excavation Labor, Filter Plant Payment of Estimate Equipment, Water Dept. Gasoline, Water Dept. Labor & Supplies Water Dept. Service & Equipment 1.03 1.02 4.02 5.62 17.61 35,,41- 146,,98 141.53 120.43 120.4,3 100035 126.75 111.65 89.51 109.61 56.86 2.00 12.00 155.70 15,,08 10.00 2.73 15.04• 30.00 625.00 383.16 3.61 188.48 39 -JO 3.12003 17-55 178.41 8060 13.51 9.42 1.03 73.30 137.20 22.09 10.40 5.67 6.00 4.54 5.79 2.04 11.42 6.30 49.77 10.00 92.15 131.38 118.00 740.8 18.81 171.00 114.90 96.90 41.00 158.12 135,40 143.00 126.60 126.60 12.10 143,00 104.05 231.95 12.21 4.22 12.52 6.00 6.00 371.82 48.93 39-95- 135.02 9095135.02 79919.72 2 9 p45.55 11.85 12.20 382.50 3998.75 23.38 31.52 32.11 17,95 Western Auto Supply Co. 10616 Worthington-Gamon Meter Co. 10617 City Building Rental Fund 10618 Pacific Builder ,& Eng. Co. 10619 Rufus A. Webb 10620 Curtis Wharf Co. 10621 W. Ryland Hill 10622 City Street Fund 10623 City Building Rental Fund 10624 Birds'- Stationery 10625 The Fern Press 10626 Department of Labor & Ind. 10627 Withholding Tax Fund 10628 Roy McDougall 3382 Lynn Balcomb 3383 Carl Thorene 3384 Dave Summers 3385 Carl Welk 3386 Artis Taylor 3387 Howard Bunney 3388 X. M. McClellan 3389 Emmett Gardner 3390 T. G. McCrory 3391 John G. Dorcy 3392 Withholding Tax Fund 3393 L. L. Bair 3394 Island Transfer Co. 3395 Curtis Wharf Co. 3396 Marine Supply & Hardware 3397 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 3398 Rufus A. Webb 3399 Colvin's Service 3400 Harris Engine & Equipment 3401 Skagit County Road Engineer 3402 Ellis Tubbs 3403 Western Auto Supply 3404 Anacortes Iron Works 3405 Ozette=Morrison Spruce Co. 3406 J. P. Gurney 3407 Mount Vernon Transfer 3408 Rufus A. Webb 3409 Skagit County Road Eng. 3410 Cook Truck & Equipment Co. 3411 Trulson Motor Co. 3412 Fern Press 3413 Current Expense Fund 3414 Withholding Tax Fund 3415 Department of Labor & Ind. 3416 Ingvald Iversen 711 Wm. E. LatiAier 712 Chas, R. Mitchell 713 Withholding Tax Fund 714 Robbins Lumber Co. 715 Jack Gurney 716 Western Auto Supply 717 A. Dp Frets Monument Co. 718 A. H. Cox & Company 719 George Miller 720 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 721 Pacific Highway Transport 722 Water Department 723 Ingvald Ivdrsen 724 Clarence Thomas 725 Birds° Stationery 726 Katherine H. Snider 727 West_Coast Telephone Co. 728 Oregon Brass Works 729 Dept. of Labor & Ind. 730 Jacqueline Gurney 731 A. D. Frets Monument Co. 732 Ruth E. Brinkley 2936 Eleanor Nevill 2937 P. E, Olson 2938 Withholding Tax Fund 2939 Marjorie Ross 2940 Marshall -Wells Store 2941 Curtis Wharf Co. 2942 An;cortes Water Dept. 2943 Puget Sound Power & Lt. Co. 2944 Gaylord & Co, 2945 Puget Sound News Co. 2946 Amorican Library Assn. 2947 The Books Hospital 2948 R. L. Polk 2949 Doubleday & Company 2950 j Harry Davis 2951 Birds' Stationery 2952 Dept. of Labor & Indo II 2953 April 5, 1949 Supplies,Water Dept. Meters & Meter Parts Rent of Office and Garage Publishing Advertisement Gasoline, Water Dept. Lime, Water Dept. Service, Water Dept. 3.33 232.49 Space 100.00 for Bids 38.25 Gasoline used by Water Dept. Rent of Office & Garage Space Sup,Dlies, Water Dept. Printing Service Indurtrial Ind. & Med. Aid. Bal. due on Withholding Taxes STREET DEPARTIt2ENT 41.20 71.07 100.00 FAb. 31-52 Mch.100.00 1375 71.07 110.75 14.00 Salary as Street Foreman 143.25 11 '1 Graderman' 137.70 it 11 Ma int . Man 160.00 10 " faint. Man 133093 91 11 daint. Phan 124.45 150.00 Paint. Paan 133.20 Labor & Supplies, Cemetery Dept Truck Driver 176.82 49 " Street Sweeper 65.30 Wages as Shovel Operator 72.50 Salary as Street Supervisor 33.30 °' " Bookkeeper 29.50 Withholding Taxes 234.30 Supplies Street Dept. 17.94 Stove Oi1j Street Dept. (Cancelled) Equipment, Street Dept. Supplies, Street Dept. Lighting Serv. & Power for Crusher Diesel Oil Street De-ot. Supplies Street Dept. Service 4 Supplies ( Cancelled) R ntal of Equipment Lumber, Street Dept. Supplies Street Dept Service 4 Supplies Lumber, Street Dept. Sharpening & Tempering Grader Freight on Supplies Gasoline Street Dept. Rental of Equipment Material & Supplies Service & Equipment Printing I.M. Warrants Transfer of Funds Withholding Taxes Ind. Ins. & Itled. Aid CEMETERY DEPARTMENT 45.11 28.89 39-50 37.24 34.13 67.88 10.00 20 13 83 4 .54 Teethl2.00 10.76 270.48 216030 36.85 108.34 17.00 69.87 18.40 45.29 Salary as Cemetery Supt. 128.68 it °Q Cemetery Effiployee 106.80 1' 1° Cemetery Employee 131.68 Withholding'Taxes 73.80 Supplies Cemetery Dept. hols 14.05 Welding 7:50 Supplies Cemetery Dept. 12.80 Equipmen�, Cemetery Dept. 150.00 Equipment, Cemetery Dept. 155.6; Labor & Supplies, Cemetery Dept 33-75 Lighting Service Cemetery Dept. 5.00 Freight on Supplies, Cem. Dept. 1.20 Water Service, Cemetery 2.50 Cash Xjvanced 5.00 Gravel, Cemetery Dept. 6.00 Supplies, Cemetery Dept. 5.20 Work on Cem. Files & Cash Adv. 35.00 Telephone Service, Cem. Dept. 12.10 Grave Markers 106.70 Ind. Inch. & Riod. Aid 12.15 Work in Clerk's Office 28.00 Grave'Liners 205.00 LIBRARY DEPART14ENT Salary as Librarian 102.20 °1 " Asst. Librarian 95.60 It 11 Janitor 84.20 Withholding Taxes 28.20 Work in Library 64.62 eanitor's Supplies 2.20 Coal for Library 82.39 Water used in Library 2.50 Lights 8.96 Supplies for Library 50-55 Books for Library 167.78 Book for Library 5.00 Bookbinding Service 10.30 Directory 35.00 Books for Library 53.65 Garbage Service 3.00 Supplies 6.80 Ind. Ins. & Med. 4.67 1 • 1 F� • C7 1 • • n Lewis Harr Frank Knapp Withholding Tax Fund Albert Wartinri Lyle C , Duncan C. CQ book Transmission Supply Co,, Marine Supply & Hardware Colvin°s Service Western Auto Supply Co. Anacortes Water Dept,, Brown Lumber Co. Anacortes Iron Works Trulson Motor Co,, Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid Anacortes Equipment & City Electric & Firture Co. Anacortes Equipment Co,, Dr. C. W. Douglass 4'- 6 5 April 5, 1949 STREET LIGHTING FUND Light Pole 156035 Labor & Supplies 56,,53 FIREMEN'S RELIEF & PENSION FUND Medical Service9 Fire Dept. 8,,00 A motion was made by Hansne and`.secgpded lay Allen that the above claims be referred to the Finance Committee, Motion carried. The Finance Committee considerei said claims and recommended that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of the same. A motion was made by Allen that seconded by Hansen that the recommedd- ation of the Finance Committee in the matter of the above claims be adopted. Ayess Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, Welch, Ginnett, Allen and Brado. Motion carried. Being unable to complete'the business of the evefting_a motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Dodge that the meeting of the City Council adjourn until 7:3C P, M. April 12th 1949. Motion carried. The meeting of the City Council did so adjourn. Attests_ lerk A )il 12, 1949 A regular adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7:30 Po M. with Mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. The roll was called and Ellin, Welch, Ginnett, Allen and Brado were present. Mayor Joe L. Hagan brought up the matter of the appointment of a Deputy City Clerk and mentioned the name of Mr, Clifford M. Olson. Upon the recommendatior; with the approval of all the City Council members present and the City Clerk a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Brado that Mr. Clifford M. Olson be ap- pointed as Deputy City Clerk. Motion carried. PARR DEPARTMENT 2070 Park Employee 150010 2071 Park Supt. 158.20 2072 Withholding Taxes 26070 2073 Supplies for Park 15000 2073 Tractor for Park 601,,00 2074 Service to Park 4,,64 2075 Service to Park 2.41 2076 Supplies 8.19 2077 Supplies 4.43 2078 Supplies 18020 2079 Water used in Park 2.50 2080 Lumber for Park Dept,, 57°55 2081 Service 1.05 2082 Service for Park 4.38 2083 Ind,, Ins. & Med. Aid 8,06 STREET LIGHTING FUND Light Pole 156035 Labor & Supplies 56,,53 FIREMEN'S RELIEF & PENSION FUND Medical Service9 Fire Dept. 8,,00 A motion was made by Hansne and`.secgpded lay Allen that the above claims be referred to the Finance Committee, Motion carried. The Finance Committee considerei said claims and recommended that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of the same. A motion was made by Allen that seconded by Hansen that the recommedd- ation of the Finance Committee in the matter of the above claims be adopted. Ayess Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, Welch, Ginnett, Allen and Brado. Motion carried. Being unable to complete'the business of the evefting_a motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Dodge that the meeting of the City Council adjourn until 7:3C P, M. April 12th 1949. Motion carried. The meeting of the City Council did so adjourn. Attests_ lerk A )il 12, 1949 A regular adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7:30 Po M. with Mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. The roll was called and Ellin, Welch, Ginnett, Allen and Brado were present. Mayor Joe L. Hagan brought up the matter of the appointment of a Deputy City Clerk and mentioned the name of Mr, Clifford M. Olson. Upon the recommendatior; with the approval of all the City Council members present and the City Clerk a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Brado that Mr. Clifford M. Olson be ap- pointed as Deputy City Clerk. Motion carried. WHEREAS It is only fitting and proper that a record be made of his achievements so that all may know of the good he accomplished and the loss that is ours; NOVI9 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED By the City Council of the City of Anacortes9 Washingtons That the City of Anacortes has lost a great citizen and councilman9 a man of thought and action, respected, beloved and admired by all who knew and worked with him, That the passing of Herman L. Hansen has saddened us all beyond the ability of word3s,to express; That the example set by him in serving the public of the City of Anacortes will be one for X11 to strive to emulate; That the most sincere sympathy and deepest regret of the city government be extended to his beloved wife, Margaret Hansen9 in whose mourning the whole community _,shares.;__ AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That all flags displayed on municipal buildings be Blown at half mast until sunset April 159 1949, in homage to his passing- A resolution with reference to the death of Herman L. Hansen was presented and' read to the City Council and a motion was made by Brado and seconded by Ginnett that said resolution be adopted and a copy of this resolution be spread upon the minutes of the City Council; that a copy of said resolution be sent to Mrs. 11argaret Hansen and a copy be sent to the Scott Paper Co. of Chester Penn. and a copy be given to the Anacortes American,, Motion carried. The following is the resolutions WHEREAS, Herman L. Hansen, Councilman from the thired ward, has been called suddenly from his duties amoung us; and WHEREAS9 Due to his capable thoughtful and selfless energies bent to the good this to the of community and particularly good of the city administration, he serv- ed in his term as the best example of public servant; and WHEREAS, Because of the friendly spirit of co-operation, assiduous attention to council matters, and outstanding ability, Mr. Hansen was responsible for effecting numerous improvements in City affairs9 which have meant progress for Anacortes and a better city government; and WHEREAS It is only fitting and proper that a record be made of his achievements so that all may know of the good he accomplished and the loss that is ours; NOVI9 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED By the City Council of the City of Anacortes9 Washingtons That the City of Anacortes has lost a great citizen and councilman9 a man of thought and action, respected, beloved and admired by all who knew and worked with him, That the passing of Herman L. Hansen has saddened us all beyond the ability of word3s,to express; That the example set by him in serving the public of the City of Anacortes will be one for X11 to strive to emulate; That the most sincere sympathy and deepest regret of the city government be extended to his beloved wife, Margaret Hansen9 in whose mourning the whole community _,shares.;__ AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That all flags displayed on municipal buildings be Blown at half mast until sunset April 159 1949, in homage to his passing- April 129 1949 AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resoluti6n be mailed to Hargan' et Hansen, so that she may know the sentiment of the City; that a copy be mailed to the main office of the Scott Paper Company at Chester, Pennsylvafiial so that they may know of the high regard in which•he was held; and that this Resolution be spread; upon the Minutes of the City Council, and published in the official newspaper of the City of Anacortes, Washington, so that all may know; 'Well done, most good and faithful servant;, Dated this 12th day of April, 1949. CITY OF ANACORTES BY Joe L. Hagan, Mayor ATTESTS i John G. Dorcy9 City Clerk I In the matter of the bids for a new Police car a motion was made by Brado and seconded by Ginnett that said Police Car bids be rejected and that new bids be call- ed for and said bids be opened April 19, 1949. Motion carried. The following communication from the American Legion and the American Legion Auxiliary was presented and read to the City Councils The member's of the Council of Anacortes9 Dear Sirs April 9th, 1949 The American Legion and American Legion Auxiliary would like permission to use the Anacortes City park for an Easter Egg Hunt for the children of the community on April the 16th. at 2s00 P. M. We would see that the Park is left in good condition after the egg hunt. Respectfully yours, Ellen 19. Whalen Childs Welfare Chairman Mildred Brown Community Oervice Chair,an Ida Watrous American Legion Auxiliary Presi4ent j I A motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Ginnett that permission be granted to the American Legion and American Legion Auxiliary to hold an Easter Egg Hunt in Causland Park. Mot16n-carried. The following Resolution was presented and read to the City Councils WHEREAS The City Council of the City of Anacortes, Washington, at the time of considering Le 1949 budget for the City of Anacortes approved in said budge an item of $1500.00 for betterment and reconstruction for the cemetery department of the City of Anacortes9 an item for $900.00 for Clmfibal: help for said cemetery departme;zt of the City of Anacortes, and an item for ;225.00 for mowing equipment for said cemetery, and WHEREAS, Weather conditions during the winter of 19481949 bonsiderably slowed work being done in said cemetery in maintenance9 betterment and reconstruction of same so that the personnel of the cemetery department cannot keep up with the demand for such work9 and WHEREAS, It has been determined that the purchase and use of an additional power- mower for the cemetery department will greatly expedite the work being done in said department and there are sufficient funds on hand in the fund budgeted for bettermen'; and reconstruction and in the fund budgeted for mowing equipment to purchase said mower, and WHEREAS, It has been determined that approximately $300.00 of the amount budget- ed for clerical help can be save d and better utilized for labor in the cemetery department in keeping up with the demands placed upon it. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANACORTES WASHINGTh, That the cemetery department be and it is hereby authorized to expend up to but not exceeding f?500.00 out of the fund budgeted as betterment and recon- struction to apply toward the purchase of a power mowing machine for said department, and that said cemetery department be and it is hereby authorized to pay out the sum of 3300000 from the fund budgeted in the 1949 budget for clerical help for labor on the cemetery grounds. i That this Resolution is passed for the purpose of indicating the desire of the City Council regarding the items for which a portion of the funds budgeted as betterment and reconstruction and as clerical help in the 1949 budge shall be ex- pended. Passed on this 12th day of -April, 1949. CITY OF ANACORTES ATTESTS John G. Dorcy, City Clerk BY Joe L. Hagan, Hayor 1 • • 1 1 • • 1 1 t t 1 1 C • 1 4, 6 7 April 129 1949 A motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Allen that the City Council approvedthe adoption of the above resolution. Motion carried. A motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Ellin that the City Council ad- journ as a memorial to Herman L. Hansen. Motion carried. Having completed the business of the evefting a motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Ellin that the meeting of the City Council adjourn. Motion carded. The meeting of the City Council did then adjourn. Ma $r Attest -, ,:„�tl.,,vn 4Ctyve Cleric April 199 1949 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7.'30 Po 19. witti Mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. The roll was called and Ellin, Welch9 Ginnett, Allen and Brado were present. The minuted of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. The following letter from the American Legion was presented and read to the City Councils The Honorable Mayor and members of the 6ity Council-, April 199 1949 Causland Post 139 American Legion, and their co-sponsors the V. F. W, propose to bring a carnival, Western Shows, to Anacortes for one week, beginning May 169 1949, ,I We propose to set the carnival cn the show lot at Thirteenth Street, and � Commercial Avenue, with the consent of the property owner, or lessors. We agree to furnish veteran members of our two organizations to assist in policing the midway under the supervision of the City police chiefs The proceeds from this venture will be used in our veterans welfare projects. I This show has played Anacortes under our sponsorship for a number of years and has always left a favorable impression. The American Legion and the V. F. W. partition your honorable body to grant us your permission to present this show, during this week. Sincerely Al Valentine, adjutaht, Causland Post 13 American Legion A motion was made by Bodge and seconded by Brado that the request to sponsor a carnival during the week beginning May 16th, 1949 by -'the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars be granted. Motion carried. The following communication dn,0ity Beautification was presented to the City Council by Gertrude Ellis-, CITY BEAUTIFUL PROGRAM sponsored by CITY BEAUTIFUL COZIISSION It is proposed that there shall be set up a commission Composed by seven members, each representing a "geographic” area of Anacortes, Appointment coulc develop a permanent revolving commission. Commission should be composed of people who own homes- people who have demon- strated a deep and abiding interest in the possibilities of Anacortes. The purpose of the commission shall be To coordinate and direct group action so that Anacortes shall become the most attractive, safe9 healthy and desirable city for people to seek residence and recreation. Activities of the commission might be To develop interest among the people, young and old, of Anacortes to keep the city clean- A program to improve city sanitation,, A program to keep the city free from avoidable accidents. A program:. to improve the appearance of Anacortes. I Method of achieving program Annual clean up time. zl,�- 6 8 April 19, 1949 Program in schools to develop civic pride of the young people: j A poster contest; Plant a Garden; Make Anacortes a Garden. Slogan contest-. Make Anacortes Shine in 849. Suggest ways and means; Keeping the city clean; getting rid of pests,; improving surroundings. Program among civic groups - To develop understanding of the program. Secure participation in program. Action with city government to improve general health and safety conditions. Call for yearly suggestion- What shall vie do now? Develop a coordin#ted program of city-wide action. A motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Allen that the Business and Prof- essional Women's Club appoint a committee to work with the City Planning Commission and that Mrs. Ellis' letter be referred to the Planning Commission. Motion carried',, The following letter from the Taxpayers' Coimittee was presentedand read to th{8 City Councilo Taxpayers Committee Anacortes Washington March 22 99 Anacortes City Council 9 Mr. mayor and Gentlemen - The Taxpayers Comr.ittee respectfully asks for your views and reactions to the import of the Housing Units being brought from Poulxbo. We feel the action needs more discussion and thought. We understand the Fidalgo Improvement Club is the force behind the idea. Are these units necessary?9 do we need them?. will they be an addition to the future plans of Anacortes? Isn't there enough money, material and man -power in our City to build homes ofl� the desireable sort; permanent buildings; We trust you will give this letter consideration and hope for an early reply, I I }respectfully, Taxpayers Committee j 3402 Commercial Avenue Anacortes, Washington. This matter was discussed at some length and was ordered placed on file. A petition for the paving of 17th street between the west side of Commercial Avenue and J. Avenue was presented and read to the City Council. A motion was madd by Ellin and seconded by Dodge that this petition be a ccepted by the City Council and referre,3 to the City Engineer to preparb all necessary papers and re- port back to the City Council. The sport from the recent examination of the City records was presented to the, City Council by Mayor Haaan who read the Examiner's comments; on this report. A motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Welch that the City Council ap- prove the application of Causland Post No. 13 for an H. Club License. Motion carried. i At this time Mayor Joe L. Hagan appointed Mr. Phil Robbins as a member of the Anacortes Dark Board to replace Mr. Al. Sellenthin, who recently resigned from this' position and a motion was made by Do &Ie and seconded by Allen that the appointment of Mr. Robbins to the Park Board be approved. Motion carried. At this time Mayor Joe L. Hagan suggested the appointment of Mr. A. I. Musta- cich as a councilman from the 3rd ward to replace Mr. Ho L. Hansen who died recent- ly. A motion was made by Brado and seconded'by Ellin that the City Council concur with Mayor Hagan in his appointment of Mr. A. I. Mustacich as a councilman from the; 3rd ward to replace H. L. Hansen, deceased. Motion carried. According to previous instructions from the City Council, Mr. W. V. Wells, Jr. City Attorney, read a copy of a letter which he had written to Mr. Harry Davis, locI4 garbage man urging hcm to put a cover on his garbage truck to keep the contents frol� littering the streets. Mr. Harry Davis was present and spoke to the City Council and assured them that he would be glad to cooperate in:•this matter to the fullest exgent. At a recent meeting of the City Council Mr. Tom Henwood made an offer of 4325.0() for a Quit Claim Deed on lots 1 to 20, inclusive, Block Fourteen Bowman's Central Ship Harbor Waterfront Plat of the City Anacortes, Skagit County, Washington. 1 • 1 1 • • 1 4.69 April 199 1949 At this time Mr. Wells, City Attorney recommended the acceptance of this offer of.1 ,$25.00 for a Quit Claim Deed on said lots and a motion was made by Brado and second ed by Allen that the City Council accept the recommendation of the City Attorney in this matter and that a Quit Claim Deed 'be issued covering this property and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign said Quit Claim Deed. Motion carried Dr. C. W. Douglass9 Health Officer, made an oral report on conditions existing around Mrs. Dimmick's well. This is located on approximately 34th street and M. Avenue. Mrs. Dimmick had recently made.a request that a water main be installed on Commercial Avenue west of her property. This matter was discussed at some length but no official action was taken at this time. The City Council recently called for bids for cathodic protection for approxi- mately 2500 feet of 24t1 water pipe around the head of the bay on the Anacortes Pipe Line. Said bids to be opened on April 199 1949. A motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Allen that the City Clerk open said bids. Motion carried. Said bids were opened and the following are the names of the bidders and the amount of their bids° Wallace and Tiernan Sales Corp, $39875,00. H. D. Fowler Co., Inc.,- $3,1R5.00o These bids were discussed at some length and"a motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Allen that,the said bids be referred to the Fire, Light and Water Committees Mr. T. G. McCrory and Mr. Ryland Hill to make an investigation and report back to the City Council at a later meeting. Motion carried. The City Council recently called for bids on a car for use by the Police De- partment and said bids were to be opened on April 199 1949. A motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Allen that said Police car bids be opened. Motion carried. The following are the names of the bidders and the amount of their bids Benson Motors. $1,300.00: San Juan Motors $1,549.85: Carpenter Pontiac: $1 133.23. These bids were discussed at tome length and were referred to the Fire, Light and Water Committee. An oral request for gravel on 29th Street west of J. Avenue was made and after some discussion a motion was made by Brado and seconded by Allen that this matter be referred to the Streets and Parks Committee with power to act. Motion carried. A Resolution providing for licensing and controlling punch boards in the City of Anacortes was presented and read to the City Council by W. V. Wells Jr., City Attorney. After some discussion a motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Allen that this resolution be adopted. The following is the roll call on this matters Ayes: Dodge, Ellin, Ginnett and Allen. Nays: Welch, Brado. Hotion carried. This matter was referred to the License and Police Committee. A furniture salesman demonstrated a steel folding chair to the City Council. The Council considered the matter of purchasing chairs at some length and this matter was referred to the Building Committee and the City Clerk to determine the amount of money availabe for the purchase of these chairs. Mr. W. V. Wells City Attorney discussed the matter of a new Health Ordinance for the City of Anacortes. This matter was discussed at some length by the City Council and a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Ginnett that this matter be made the first order of business at the next meeting of the City Council. Motior. carried. The National School Studios asked permission for a photographer's Lieense to practise photography in the City of Anacortes. After some discussion a motion Vvas made by Ellin and seconded by Dodge that a photographer's License be granted to the National School Studios providing they provide a $ 500.00 bond as requested in sec- tion 4 of ordinance No. 1004. !'!lotion carried. The following claims against the City of Anacortes were presented and read to the City Councils 0. E. Ares Eorcy 17427 Deputy Treasurer 55.00 John G. 17428 City Clerk 50.00 W. V. Wells, Jr. John Cheney 17429 17430 City Attorney Police Judge 50.00 40.00 Norman Fulton 17431 Janitor 110.00 David Bowen 17432 Janitor 110.00 Jacqueline Gurney 17433 Work in Clerk's Office 90.00 Clifford M. Olson 17434 Deputy City Clerk 70.00 J. B. Goff 17435 Chief of Police 100.00 N. Petrish 17436 Asst. Chief of Police 110.00 W. L. Pollard 17437 Patrolman 120.00 W, E. Thompson 17438 Patrolman 100.00 M. E. Beebe 17439 Cancelled Gilbert 0. Lee 17440 Patrolman 125.00 Jack Kelley 17441 Cancelled L. E. Snider 17442 Fire Chief 125.07 Bert Verrall 17443 Asst. Chief of Fire Dept. 125.00 C. S. fdondhan 17444 Capt., Fire Dept. 125.00 K. W. Snart 17445 Capt., Fire Dept. 125.00 M. G. Strock 17446 Fireman 125.00 Ed. Alexander 17447 Fireman 125.00 J. N. Parsons 17448 Fireman 125.00 D. W. Parsons 17449 Fireman 125.00 Geo. Ray 17450 Fireman 125.00 Mutual Benefit H1th & A. A.17451 Group Insurance Deductions 48.30 M. -E. Beebe 17452 To Replace No. 17439 130000 Jack Kelley 17453 To Replace No. 17441 35.00 7 0 April 19, 1949 WATER DEPARTMENT T. G. McCrory 10629 Water Supt. 165..00. Sadie M. Arges 10630 Cashier 105.00 Shirley Owens 10631 Clerk 90.00 John D. Dorcy 10632 Bookkeeper 40.00 Chas. Wedlund 10633 Foreman 145.00 Everett Thorane 10634 Serviceman 120.00 W. 0. Rogers 10635 Filterman 125.00 Go F. Keller 10636 Filterman 115.00 A. Sirett 10637 Filterman 115000 Frank Deane 10638 F;lterman 115.00 Lester Thomas 10639 Pumpman 125.00 Mut,, Ben. Hlth & Acca Assn. 10640 Group Insurance Deductions 11.10 Roy B. Wedlund 10641 Inspector for new Filter Add. 125.00 LIBRARY DEPARTMENT j Ruth E. Brinkley 2954 Librarian 100000 1 Eleanor Nevill 2955 Asst. Librarian 00 75.00 P. E. Olson 2956 Janitor 65.00 Mut. Ben, Elth & Acc. Assn. 2957 Group Ipsurance Deductions 4.80 I CEMETERY DEPARTPJIENT Ingvald Iversen 733 Cemetery Supt. 120.00 William Eo Latimer 734 Cemetery Employee 110.00 Chas, Rex, Mitchell 735 Cemetery Employee 110.00 PARK DEPARTMENT I Lewis Harr 2085 Park Employee 75.00 Frank Knapp 2086 Park Supt. 100.00 David Estabrook 2087 Park Employee 116.70 STREET DEPARTMENT Foy McDougall 3417 Foreman 125.00 Lynn Balcomb 3418 Maintenance Man 120.00 Carl Thorane 3419 Maintenance Man 125.00 Artis Taylor 3420 Maintenancd Plan 120.00 Dave Summers 3421 P.:aintenance Man 115.00 Carl Welk 3428 Maintenance Man 120.00 Ko M. McClellan 3423 Sweeper MOO T. G. McCrory 3424 -Supervisor 35000 John D. Dorcy 3425 Bookkeeper 30.00 Howard Bunney 3426 Truck Driver 150.00 Mut. Ben, Hlth. & Acco Assn. 3427 Group Insurance Deductions 21.00 A motioi was made by Ellin and seconded by Allen that the claims be referred to the Finance Committee. Motion carried. The Finance Committee recommended that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of the same. A motion was made by �lLtn and seconded by Allen that the recommendation of the Finance Committee in the matter of the claims against the City of Anacortes for the-lst half of the month of April 1949 be adopted. Ayes: Dodge, Ellin, Welch, Ginnett, Allen and Brado. Motion carried. Being unable to complete the business of the evening a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Allen that the meeting of the City Council adjourn until 7:00 P. P.I., April 269 1949. Motion carried.. The meeting of the City Council did so adjourn. Attes - -- -- City e April 26, 1949 A regular adjourned meeting of the City Council of the -City of Anacortes was called to order at 7:30 P. M. by Mayor Joe L. Hagan. The roll was called and Mustacich, Dodge, Ellin, Welch, Ginnett, Allen and Brado were present. According to a motion made in the last meeting of the City Council the matter of the Health Ordinance presented by the City Attorney was given first consideration, The septic tanks mentioned in said ordinance were decided'to start at 300 gallons, 500 gallons, and 600 gallons. Said tanks must have opening large enough for clean- ing, They must also have different types of drainage, and Mr. Ginnett made a motion that this be referred to a committee and be discussed and then be presented to the City Council at a later date. Mr. Anthony Mustacich attended his first Council meeting as a member of the City Council, and was sworn in by Mayor Joe Lo Hagan. A motion was made by Ellin, and seconded by Dodge that the improvement of 20th ,street be referred to the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance on same. Ginnett proposed that the City Council request a bond of the circus coming to town in the amount of X1,000.00. This would require them to clean up the grounds after the circus leaves and insure the collection of the admission tax due the City of Anacortes. This matter was referred to the City Attorney. 1 • • i 1 • • 1 c.71 April 26 9 1949 1 • C 1 I hand your herewith petition of Paul H. Kruger to vacate.the whole of the Plat of 1pColver's Addition to Anacortes" including all streets, alleys and roads embracd in said plat. The petitioner, Paul H. Kruger, owns all of the lots and blocks included in said plate The plat of Colver's Addition to Anacortes is located at the extoeme southern boundary of the limits of the City and is entirely surrounded by un - platted property. It will be appreciated if you will present this petition at the meeting of the Council to be held this evening, April 26th, 1949, and I respectfully request that the council take such action as may be necessary looking to the passage of an ordinance vacating the plat as requested. Yours truly, Ho Co Barney, HCB:IS Attorney for Paul Ho Kruger This matter was referred to the Coumcil and will be taken up at the next meeting. A map of Commercial 1lvenue south of 37th Street up to Fidalgo Avenue, showing ditches and homes was discussed at some length. The matter of discussion was in regards to making Commercial Avenue straight. Having completed the business of meeting of the City Council adjourn. Council did then adaourn, Atte s t - �c-~i, ._ City C7,rk� the evening a motion was made that the Motion carried, The meeting of the City May 3 9 1949 lay A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7:30 Po M. with Mayor Joe Lo Hagan presiding. The roll was called and Ellin, Welch, Ginnett Allan and Brado were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were reasd and approved as read. The following communication from Alice Newland, Secretary of the Planning Commission was presented and read to the City Council. May 3, 1949 Honorable Mayor and City Council Anacortes, Washington Gentlemen - At the April 20th meeting of the Planning Commission for the City of Anacortes John Lo N rdmark was tentatively named - Zoning Consultant -9 whose duties wi3l consist of acting in an advisory capacity oftly, and not as a member of the Commission. This action by the Commission is subject only go and by the approval of the City Council of Anacortes, '.Jashingtono Very Truly Yours Alice Parchman-Newland Secretary Representatives of the Senior Class were present and asked permission to use the Skating Rink for their Ballo After some discussion permission was granted to use the skating rink for'the Senior Ball to be held on May 69 19490 The matter of the purchase of a Police car was discussed at some length. As the bid on the new Pontiac was low it was decided to accept this bid. An emergency ordinance in the amount of $43,23 to pay the balance on the new Police Car was passed and filed with the City Council. A motion was made by Brado and seconded by Ellin that said emergency ordinance be accepted, filed with the City Council and published in the Anacortes American. Untion carried. The City Council recently cal7.ed,.for bids on fuel oil and stove oil. Two bids were filed with the City Council and a motion was made by Brado and seconded by Ellin that said fuel oil bids be opened. Motion carried. The following are the names of the bidders and the amount of their bids: Rufus A. Webbo Shell stove oil; 13,4¢ per gallbno Shell furnace oil; 1109¢ per gallon. Island Transfers Standard Light Fuel Oil $3007 per barrel Standard Stove Oil 1-39 ga�so 0184 per 200-339 40009 gal,, 40-199 gals., -144 per gallon gals., 0139 per gal,, over 0134 40-199 per gala Standard Furnace Oil: 1-J9 gals., ,169 per gallon gals,9 0129 per gal. 9 200-399 gals., 0124 per gallons over 400 gals., 4 19 per gallon. This matter was discussed at some length by the City Council and a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Brado that this matter be referred to the Building Committee. The Women's Club made a request to the City Council for an extension from in the City Hall Kitchen four one of the electric range outlets whereby waffle irons could be used at one time. The matter was referred to the wiring inspector to get a bid for doing this work. Said work to be done under the supervision of Chief Snider at a cost not to exceed $300000 The following communication from Ho Co Barney was presented and read to the City Councils April 26s 1949 Clerk or the City of Anacortes Anacortes, Washington Dear Sir: 1 • C 1 I hand your herewith petition of Paul H. Kruger to vacate.the whole of the Plat of 1pColver's Addition to Anacortes" including all streets, alleys and roads embracd in said plat. The petitioner, Paul H. Kruger, owns all of the lots and blocks included in said plate The plat of Colver's Addition to Anacortes is located at the extoeme southern boundary of the limits of the City and is entirely surrounded by un - platted property. It will be appreciated if you will present this petition at the meeting of the Council to be held this evening, April 26th, 1949, and I respectfully request that the council take such action as may be necessary looking to the passage of an ordinance vacating the plat as requested. Yours truly, Ho Co Barney, HCB:IS Attorney for Paul Ho Kruger This matter was referred to the Coumcil and will be taken up at the next meeting. A map of Commercial 1lvenue south of 37th Street up to Fidalgo Avenue, showing ditches and homes was discussed at some length. The matter of discussion was in regards to making Commercial Avenue straight. Having completed the business of meeting of the City Council adjourn. Council did then adaourn, Atte s t - �c-~i, ._ City C7,rk� the evening a motion was made that the Motion carried, The meeting of the City May 3 9 1949 lay A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7:30 Po M. with Mayor Joe Lo Hagan presiding. The roll was called and Ellin, Welch, Ginnett Allan and Brado were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were reasd and approved as read. The following communication from Alice Newland, Secretary of the Planning Commission was presented and read to the City Council. May 3, 1949 Honorable Mayor and City Council Anacortes, Washington Gentlemen - At the April 20th meeting of the Planning Commission for the City of Anacortes John Lo N rdmark was tentatively named - Zoning Consultant -9 whose duties wi3l consist of acting in an advisory capacity oftly, and not as a member of the Commission. This action by the Commission is subject only go and by the approval of the City Council of Anacortes, '.Jashingtono Very Truly Yours Alice Parchman-Newland Secretary 479 May 39 1949 After some discussion a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Brado that Jolin Nordmark be appointed as a consultant to the Anacortes Planning Commission at no salary and no vote on qu6stions coming before the Planning Commission. Motion carried. The following communication from Alice Newland with reference to an official map was presented and read to the City Councils May 3, 1949 Honorable Mayor and City Council Anacortes, Washington Gentlemen: At the April 20th meeting of the Planning Commission the W. S. Clark, C. E. map of the City of Anacortes (300'/°9) was adopted as the official map for zoning purposes -- minor errors and ommissions accepted. This action by the Punning Commission is subject to and by the approval of th8 City (Cduncil of Anacortes, Washington. Very truly yours Alice Parchman-Newland Secretary After some discus ion a motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Ellin that the map mentioned in the above communication b32 adopted accepting minor errors or ommissions for zoning purposes. Motion carried. The following communication from persons living in the vicinity of 5th street between Commercial and Q Avenue was presented and read to the City Councils TO THE P.'IAYOR AND CITY COUNCID: April 14th, 1949 The undersigned9 respectfully submit, that we are residents of the vicinity as hereinafter described and as residents in such vicinity we specifically desire t< call your attention to a deplorable condition of the south side of Fifth Street from Commercial Avenue to 1'Q" Avenue. The sidewalk along this side of the Street which serves the undersigned, as well as many other citizens of the community, instead of being used as a sidewalk is being used in many other ways. At one point is is being used constantly and continuously as a washing platforM for the washing, greasing and servicing of automobiles. At many points along the way, it is being used as a parking area. A good share of the block is being used as driveways with no attempt to keep the same clear not clean. Adjoining property is not being kept clean and there is constant fire hazard particularly at one point where papers and refuse are constantly being permitted to accumulate and crease a fire hazard as well as an unsightly spectacle. We recognize that the city has many neighborhood problems and we do not desire !' to be unreasonable but we do feel that if your Officers are advised of the situa- tion in this block, much could be dohe to remedy the very undesirable situation existing, and we therefore desire to call it to your attention and trust you can find means for improvement. Respectfully, This communication was signed by 14th residents. In the matter o2 the com- plaint in the above communication against washing cars on the sidew alk on the southeas corner of 5th street a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Ginnett that the City Attorney be authorized to write to the General Petroleum Company to f relieve this matter. Motion carried. It was also subgested that the Pacific Highway Transport be contacted to see if it would not be possible for them to purchase a new location for loading and unloading their trucks. The following communication from Mr. J.B. Goff, Chief of Police was presented and read to the City Council: li Honorable Mayor and City Council, May 109 1949 Gentlemens Reference is made to the parking situation on fifth street between commercial and Q avenue as called to the attention of the police department at your last meeting. Mr. Floyd Walker, district manager of the Pacific Highway Transport was in Anacortes on May 9, 1949 and very carefully studied the problem and seemed eery willing to cooperate. Mr. Walker agrees that a new location would be the best solution and requests that he be given 30 days to secure one. He is instructing his driver's to be expedi.> ent in the meantime with regards loading and unloading and will make weekly visits to Anacortes for a report from our office. Respectfully yours9 J. B. Goff9 thief of Police This letter was accepted and ordered filed by.' the City Council. 1 • • 1 C • 1 �J • • • May 39 1949 A communication was read from Birds' Stationery in which they offered for sale a new Royal Typewriter for $130.01. After some discussion a motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Brado that the City Clerk's be authorized to purchase this typewriter from Birds' Stationery together with a typewriter stand. Ayess Ellin, l';elc Welch9 Ginnett, Allan -'and Brado, Motion carried. i The matter of whether the City of Anacortes would change to daylight saving time on June 19 19499 was discussed at some length. Finally a motion was made by E:.lin Ellin and s econded by Ginnett that the City bf Anacortes stay on standard time. Ayess Ellin, Welch, Ginnett9 Allan and Brado. Motion carried. In the application df Ha Co Barney on behalf of Paul Kruger to vacate the whol(. of Culver's Addition to the City of Anacortes came up for final consideration at this time. After some further discussion this matter was referred to the Streets and Parks Committee. The following commuhicetian from Nick Petrish was presented and read to the City Councils Honorable r:Tayor and City Council Gentlemen: April 239 1949 With reluctance I hereby tender my resignation to become effective May 15, 1949. It is with deep regret that I choose to do so, as my dealings with all of the various departments has been of utmost satisfaction and I wish to thank you for you, splendid cooperation. I served you and our community to the best of my ability and if at any time in the future my services are needed, you need not hesitate to ask them of me. Again I thank you and I shall cherish many happy memories as a former member: of the Anacortes Police Department. Sincerely Yours, Nick Petrish After some discussion a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Allen that the resignation of Mr. Nick Petrish be accepted and that the City Clerk write a letter to Mr. Nick Petrish thanking him for his service as a police officer in the City of Anacortes, 1A.tion carried, The following communication from Mr. L. B. Judy, Manager of Puget Public Utility District No. 1 of Skagit County was presented and read to the City Council.- Joe ouncils Joe L. Hagan, .Mayor 822 --7th Anacortes, Wash. Dear Mr. Hagan: April 23, 1949 Commissioner Harvey Benson has related to us conversation between he and you and other city officials regarding the District's water program. He felt it would be of interest to the officials of the City of Ann:cortes to know more about the Distric, and its program and suggested our meeting wit'i the city officials at some j early date to have a frank discussion as to water needs and plans for Skagit County'. If you desire the District Commissioners and I and our Engineer would be pleas?d to come to Anacortes and meet with your council or any one you wish to have in and tell you the story of the Districts operation for the past none years what we have done, and what our future p�&ns are so far as they ban be projected. If you wish a meeting next week or later you may contact Commissioner Benson or call me at Mount Vernon 244 and we will try and arrange a date suitable for sucta a meeting. Very truly yours L. B. Judy, Manager LBJ9om This letter was accepted and placed on file. A communication to Mr. T. Go McCrory from W. Ryland Hill , as to the type of cathodic protection for the Anacortes Water line was presented and read to the City Council and was referred to the Fire, Light and Water Conrr.ittee. The report of the City Treasurer for the month of April 1949, was read to the City Council was accepted and placed on file. The report of the City Clerk for the ,year 1948 was accepted and placed on file, A motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Brado that the City Clerk's report in condensed form be published in the official newspaper the Anacortes American. Motion carried, The report of the Water Supt. for the month of April 1949 was presented and read to the City Council was accepted and placed on file. The report of the Strebt Foreman for the month of Apri19 1949 was presented and read to the City Council was accepted and placed on file. , z-�,�-?F -4, May 39 1949 The gas reports for the month of April 1949 were presented and read to the City Council were accepted and placed on file. The matter of appointing an inspector for wiring, plumbing and building was discussed at some length. The idea being to have the present Fire Chief lirelieved of this work and return to work a shift in the Fire De'nartmento This change was proposed by Mayor Joe L. Hagan. After some discussion a motion was made by Ginnett' and seconded by Ellin that the City hire a man for inspector of wiring building and plumbing and that the Fire Chief return to serve and shift in the Fire Depart- ment. Motion carried. L _._ ` I A motion was made by Brado and seconded b,r Allan that the City Clerk be auth- orized to call for bids for a Power lawn mower and that said bids be opened on May � 179 1949. M.tion carried. The matter of the improvement of Commercial Avenue ,south of 37th street was discussed at some length and a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Ginnett that the City Engineer establish a line and a grade on Commercial Avenue south of 37th street. The City Clerkvas asked to check the minutes of February lst9 1949 about the proposed stop signs to be placed at 32nd street and I. Avenue. The following is an excerpt from the minutes of the Council meeting of February lst, 1949 as shown o1� page 438 of this record: Councilman Ellin made an oral report on the matter of making 17th Street and 20th street though streets. The committee recommended that 4 -way stop signs be placed at 17th and M. and 17th and K., also at 32nd street and I. AITnue and 20th street and M. Avenue. After some discussion a motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Allan that the City Council concur with Street Committee recommendation that we have a 4 - way stop on 17th street and I.T. Avenue, 20th street and 14. Avenue, 17th street and K. Avenue, 20th street and K. Avenue, 8th street to 12th street and 12th street to 20th street on K. Avenue. Ayes: Hansen; Dodge, Ellin, Welch Ginnett, Allan and Brado. Motion carried. At the top of page 450 of this record at the meeting of the City Council held on Feb. 15th, 1949*sthe following correction of the above paragraphs A regular meeting of the City Council ofthe City of Anncortes was ealleiI to order at 7x30 P. M. with Mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. The roll was called and la Hansen9 Dodge, Ellin, Welch, Ginnett, Allan and Drado were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved with a correction. The correction is as followss On page 438 of this record9 the minutes state that the Stre,ts and Parks Com Tit tee recommended that 4 -way stop signs be placed at 20th stroet and K. Avenue, his is an error as the Committee did not recommend that 4 -way, -stop signs be placed at this location. An ordinance to provide for the protection and preservation of ?public health was presented anO discussed by the City Council. A iftotion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Ellin that this matter be made 1st order of business at the next meeting of the City Council. Motion carried© An emergency ordinance to provide funds necessary forthe purchase of a police car was introduced and filed with the City Council. This ordnance is to be published and come up for final passage on May 10th, 1949. A resolution for the paving of 20th street.was presented and read to the City Council. A motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Ellin that the City Council adopt said resolution. Ayess Ellin, Welch, Ginnett, Allan and Brado. M.tion car- ried. The following claims against the City of Anacortes were presented and read to the City Councils CURRENT EXPENSE Joe L. Hagan 17454 Salary as Mayor 118.00 Geo. Brado 17455 it " Councilman 10.00 Robert W. Ginnett 17456 10 " Councilman 10.00 Romie Allan 17457 " " Councilman 4.00 W. J. Welch 17458 °° " Councilman 10.00 Syd Ellin 17459 'Q '° Councilman 3.0.00 E. E. Dodge 17460 1° " Councilman 5.00 H. L. Hansen 17461 1° " Councilman 4.00 0. E. Arges 17462 " t° Deputy'Treasurer 70.00 John G. Dorcy 17463 1° t1 City Clerk 56.30 Dr. C. W. Douglass 17464 " t° Health Officer 50.00 W. V. Wells9 Jr. 17465 " °° City Attorney 51.50 John Cheney 17466 " " Police Justice 47.50 Harry Davis 17467 " " Dog Catcher 13.15 Norman Fulton 17468 1° '° Janitor 99 20 1 David Bowen 17469 °D °0 Janitor 93.90 Harry Davis 17470 10 " Dumpman 50.00 Jacqueline Gurney 17471 Work in Clerk's Office 10.00 C. M. Olson 17472 SU ary as Deputy Clerk 46.00 Withholding Tax Fund 17473 Withholding Taxes 63.50 i Birds. Stationery 17474 Office Supplies, City Clerk 9.53 Trick & Murray 17475 Office Supplies, City Clerk 81.70 J. B. Goff 17476 Salary as Chief of Police 186.85 N. Petrish 17477 it " Asst. Chief of Police 154.16 W. L. Pllard 17478 B0 P9 Patrolman 121.60 W. E. Thompson 17479 " " Patrolman 165.00 M. E. Beebe 17480 1° t° Patrolman 128.20 Gilbert 0. Lee 17481 " " Patrolman 124.90 John Tennant 17482 1° °0 Patrolman 78.83 Jack Kelley 17483 1° °° Extra Patrolman 58.70 j C7 • 1 �J • 1 May 39 1949 i' Withholding Tax Fund 17484 Withholding Taxes 81.90 Colvin's Tire Service 17485 Cancelled Curtis Wharf Co. 17486 Cancelled Nick Petrish 17487 Stamps and Box Rental 2.o8 j Art Burnside & Co. 17488 Police Supplies 41.15 1'irds' Stationery 17489 Office Supplies .25 Fosse's Texaco Service 17490 Services and Supplies 16.11 Standard Stations Inco 17491 Services 2.27 Colvin's Tire Service 17492 Service 1.03 West Coast Telephone Co. 17493 Telephone Service, Police Dept. 10.10 L. Eo Snider 17494 Salary as Fire Chief 146098 Bert Verrall 1749 5 " 4° Asst. Fire Chief 141,,53 C. So Mondhan 17496 " " Capt. Fire Deot. 120.43 K. W. Snart 17497 to 11Capt.9 Fire Dept. 120.43 �. m. G. Strock 17498 to 11 Fireman 100035 Edo Alexander 17499 " " Fireman 126075 J. No Parsons 17500 to " Fireman 111,65 D. W. Parsons 17501 " 91 Fireman 890 51 Geo. Ray 17502 " " Fireman 109.61 C. T. Strock 17503 " " Call Man 163.61 A. Mondhan 17504 " to Call Pian 12.00 C. W. Wirsing 17505 " " Call Klan 8.00 L . :amore j Geo. Olson 17506 17507 " " Call Man t9 t° Call Paan 8.00 8.00 H. Chev:iier 17508 " " Call Man 4.00 Geo. Miller 17500 " " Call Plan 2.00 1 R. M McDougall 17510 " Call Man 2.00 j Withholding Tax Fund 17511 Withholding Taxes 162.20 M. W. Featherkile 17512 Services and Supplies 39,09 Water Department 17513 Hydrant Rental 625.00 1 Rufus A. Webb 17514 Gasoline - Fire Dept. 89.20 1 Sim:1onds Paint Co. 17515 Supplies Fire Dept. 1.96 Welch, Bscoso, Account's 1751.6 Ins. on Ford Coupe 46.56 Anacortes Laundry 17517 Laundry Service, Fire Dept. 16.43 Harry Larsons 17518 Wages as Supply Janitor 107.38 Colvin's 'tire Service 17519 Oil & Solvent City Hall .81 Water Department 17520 Service City Hall 6.15 Verd-AQRay 17521 Light Bulbs City Hall 12.88 Simmonds Paint Co. 17522 Paint & Supplies, City Hall 13.21. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 17523 Service for City Hall 737.83 Birds' Stationery 17524 Tape City Hall .50 Carl Hansen 17525 Supplies, City Clerk 6.45 Island Transfer 17526 Fuel Oil City Hall 75.89 Island Transfer 17527 Stove OH, City Hall 7,86 Vim. G. McCallum 17528 Ins. on Bldgs. 33.86 Western Auto Supply 17529 Supplies, Clerk's Office 1.13 Anacortes Equipment Co. 17530 Repair in Hall Basement 32.58 Anacortes Equipment Co. 17531 Supplies Fire Dept. Lr 1.76 Viest Coast Telephone Co. 17532 Service City Offices 17.15 L. E. Snider 17533 Inspections 25.00 An5acortes American 17534 Insertions 34.00 [Plest Coast Telephone Co. 17536 Phone Service, City Offices Cancelled John G. :borcy 17535 Birth & Death Registration Fees 16.50 Firemen's Relief & Pension Fe 17536 Pension Payroll deductions 140.23 STREET DEPARTMENT Roy McDougall 3428 Salary as Street Foreman 135.00 Lynn Balcomb 3429 '° " Graderman 137.70 Carl Thorene 3430 " 10 Maintenance Man 151.00 Artis Taylor 3431 " " Maintenance Man 125.40 Dave Summers 3432 1° to Maintenance Man 122.10 Carl Welk 3433 " " Maintenanee Man 117.10 Ko Mo McClellan 3434 " " Street Sweeper 64.70 To G. McCrory 3435 Street Supervisor 33.30 John Dorcy Howard Bunney 3436 3437 1° " Bookkeeper " °' Truck Driver 29.50 176.82 Withholding Tax Fund 3438 Withholding Tax Deductions 199.50 Nelson Equipment Co. 3439 Supplies 53.04 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 3440 Service 37.50 Rufus A. '.Vebb 3441 Gasoline 94.76 Rufus A. Webb 3442 Fuel Oil 21.16 Island Transfer 3443 Stove Oil 2.37 Baker's Firestone Store 3444 Suonlies 59.65 Howard. -Cooper Corp. 3445 Fan Belt 3.16 Colvin's Tire Service 3446 Repair 3.09 Pacific Transport Inc. 3447 Freight on Supplies 1.20 Anacortes Iron Works 3448 Supplies 5.12 WATER SUPPLIES T. G. McCrory 10642 Salary as Water Supt. 171.00 Sadie M. Arges 10643 11 11 Cashier 114.90 Shirley Owens 10644 it 11 Clerk 96.90 John G. Dorcy 10645 " 1° Bookkeeper 41.00 Chas. Viedlund 10646 " 10 Foreman 153.70 Everett Thorene 10647 " " Serviceman 131.40 W. 09 Rogers 10648 " " Filterman 143.00 G, F. Keller 10649 " '° Filterman 126.60 A. 6irett 10650 " " Filterman 126.60 Frank Deane 10651 " 1t Filterman 122,10 Lester Thomas 10652 " " Pumpman 143.00 Withholding Tax Fund 10653 Withholding Tax Deductions 220.70 Puget Sound Power & Light 10654 Lighting Service & Power 19750.30 Welch, Bros. 10655 Service 6.00 Birds' S,ationery 10656 Supplies 7.83 Hatt R. Kingsley Curtis Wharf Co. Penn. Salt Mfg. Co. Roy Wedlund Island Transfer Co. Blake Thompson Hamburg Iron n"orks H. D. Fowler Anacortes Foundry Herb Person Colvin's Tire Service West Coast Telephone Co. Anacortes Iron Works G. N. Dalstead, P. M. Barrow & Shaffer Const® Co. The Fern Press V�orthington-Garcon Co. Worthington-Gamon Co. Withblding Tax Fund Tax Commission Ingvald Iversen William E. Latimer Chas. R. Mitchell Carl Strock Jacqueline Gurney Withholding Tax Fund An cortes Equipment Co. Frank J. Pratt Puget Sound Power & Light Katherine H. Snider Birds' Stationery Water Department Jack P. Gurney Curtis Wharf Co. A. 1'. Frets Monument Co. Lloyd Wheeler Birds' Stationery Mster Vibrator Co. Railway Express Anency Ingvald Iversen C. H. Moran West Coast Telephone Co. Lewis Harr David Estabrook Robert Harr Frank Knapp Withholding Tax Fund Brown L,)mber Co. Wm. McCallum Birds' Stationery Colvin's Tire Service Anacortes Iron Works Curtis Wharf Co. Robbins Lumber Co Skagit Auto Parts Co. Figenshaw Hardware Water Department Withholding Tax Fund Robert Harr Ruth E. Brinkley Eleanor Nevill P. E. Olson Withholding Tax Fund Puget Sound News Co. E. M. Hale & Co. Doubleday & Co., Inc. Mrs. M. Ross Puget Sound Powe & Light Co. Water Department C. C. Cook May 3, 1949 10657 lob 58 lo659 10660 1o661 lo662 10663 10664 10665 10666 10667 10668 10669 10670 lo671 10672 10673 10674 lo675 10676 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750. 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2958 2959 2960 2961 2962 2963 2964 2965 2966 2967 2968 Ins. On Truck Supplies Supplies Salary as Inspector Filter Fuel oil Contrace for Pipe Change in Valve Pump Supplies Supplies Supplies Repair of Tire Service for Water Dept. Supplies Postage for Water Dept. Supplies Printing & Supplies Supplies Supplies Withholding Tax for R. Wedlund Tax on Water Sales 28080 31.42 67.65 Add'ri24.90 44.65 701.47 5.356 159°8a 229.43 1.34 2.58 19.47 CEPJETERY DEPARTMENT Salary as Cemetery Supt. " B0 Cemetery Employee Cemetery Employee Cemetery Employee " PO Office Asst. Tax Deductions Supplies Service to Cem..Dept. Service Work on Cemetery Files Supplies Service Making Forms Cement Marker & Setting of Marker Supplies Suppies, Cancelled Repair -of Hammer Charges Cash Advanced Luger Service PARK DEPARTMENT Salary as Park Employee o° 16 park Employee if " Park Emplo: •ee Can to " Park Supt. Cancelled Supplies Ins. on Dodge Truck Stamp Pad Service Welding Cement Supplies Supplies & Repairs Supplies Water Service Withholding Taxes Salary Adjustment LIBRARY DEPARTMENT Salary as Librarian If " Asst. Librarian it " Care -taker Withholding Tax Deductions Books Books Books Cataloging Books Service Water Service Service to Mower 6.00 49029.90 72.87 85.07 223.49 15.10 556.01 121.60 106.80 105.10 64.95 6o.00 77.80 6.70 9.22 5.30, 24.00 13.90 2.50 15.50 13.75 155.00 205.00 53.86 4.65 6.00 8.28 5.95 150.;0 158.20 24.98 38.20 .41 2.l6 1.32 1.39 3.41 13.72 48.85 2.50 32.50 122.50 73090 90.60 85. oo 30.70 101.75 151.48 18.41 3500 8.06 2.50 2.58 A motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Ellin that the claim of E. A. j Abbott Motor Co. in the amount of $172.40 for labor charges during the flood in Anacortes during April, 19499 be rejected. Motion Carried. A motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Allen that the above claims be referred to the Finance Committee. Motion carried. The Finance Committee consfid- ered daid claims and recommended that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn � in favor of the came. A motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Allen that the recommendation of the Finance Committee in the matter of the above claims be adopted. Ayeso.Ellin9 Welch, Ginnett, Allen & Brado. Motion carried. Beimg.,unable to, 'complete the business of the evening, a motion was made by Linnett and seconded by Allen that the meeting of the City Council adjourn until Tuesday May 10, 1949. Motion carried. The meeting of the City Council did so adjourn. Attests City Cler U 1 • • r& v 10 � 1949 An ordinance being an ordinancd requiring a license and bond for the right to engage in the business of a carnival, circus, traveling show, or any business of similar character in the City of Anacortes, Washington, and repealing Section 7, froi Ordinance No. 690 (Seco 7-2.03) of the Code) of Anacortes, passed and ap- proved on the 21st day of May, 1918, was presented and read to the City Council. After some discussion a motion was made by uin:-.ett and seconded by [Ielch that this ordinance be referred to the License and Police Committee for their study and to made a report to the City Council. Motion carried. Upon the recommendation of Mr. T. G. IyicCrory, Street Supervisor, a :notion was made by Lllin and Seconded by Mustacich that the City Clerk advertise a call for bids for X screen equipment for the Anacortes gravel pit. Said bids to be opened on June 7, 1949- Alotion carried, The following deed from E. R. Mitchell and P.7ae E. Mitchell, his wife was pre- sented and read to the City Council: The Grantors, E. Radford Mitchell and Mae E. Mitchell , husband and wife., of Seattle, Kink County, Washington, for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) in hand paid, and other valuable considerations, receipt whereof is here- by acknowledged, convey and warrant to the City of Anacortes, a municipal corpor- ation, of Skagit County, Washington, the following described real property situ- ated in the County of Skagit, State of Jashington, to -wit: A sixty foot right of way through Lots 67, 68 and 69, of Anaco Beach Plat, as the same is of record in the office of the County Auditor of Skagit County, ;,ashington, in Volume 5 of Plats, Page 4, situated in the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 27, Tovmship 35 North, Range 1, Last 7.M., the center line of i7hich right of way is described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of Anaco Avenue and Bur-ows Street; thence North 44049 East a distance of 375 feet; thence along a curve to the right with a radius of 125 feet and a distance of 157 feet; thence North 20209 Iricst a distant of 75 feet, more or less, to a connection with the present road on the M argine View Highway, the same being a revision of Burrows Street in said Plat. , The above described property is conveyed for public street and highway purposes. Dated this 20th day of April, 19190 E. Radford Mitchell, Mae E. Mitchell STATIE OF WASHINGTON,) COUNTY OF KING. On this day personally appeared before me E. Radford Mitchell and Diad .Eo Mitchell, to me known to be the Individuals described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that they signed and sealed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. Given ander my hand and official seal this 21st day of April, 1949. Benjamin S. Graham, Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Seattle. A Regulan Adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called t: order at 7:30 o'clock with Mayor Joe L. Hagen presiding. The Roll was called and Mustacicn, Dodge9 Ellin9 Welch, Ginnett and Brado were present. I An Ordinance to provide for the protection and preservation of Public Health and,iDroviding rules and regulations of same was given its final hearing and was read'g,Ld discussed section by section. A motion was made by Ginnett and Seconded by Brado that said Health Ordinance, being an Ordinance to provide for the pro- tection and preservation of public health, prohibiting the construction of privy vaults, privy buildings and cesspools in the City of Anacortes, empowering the City Health Officer to prohibit the use of privy vaults of cesspools now exist- ing in the City of Anacortes under certain::condition, empowering the City health officer to compel connections to be made to public sewers under certain circum- stances and providing penalties for the violation of this ordinance. Amending Ordinance No. 984 of the City of Anacortes passec and approved on the kik 9th day of April, 19461 by the addition of Paragraph t14a" Concerning plans for private sewers and "15a" concerning specifications for septic tanks. Repealing ordinance No. 378 of the City of Anacortes passed on the 19th day of November 1908, and approved on November 23rd, 1908, repealing ordinance No. 310 of the City of Anacortes passed and approved on the lst day of may, 1906, be adopted as a whole. Ayeso TJustacich9 Dodge, Ellin, Welch, Ginnett, and Brado. Motion carried. Mrs. Fay 1Vd.ling of 913 - 21st Street made an application for a rest home which was preselited to the City Council. This application was entirely filled out and a :notion was made by Ellin and seconded by Musticish that a license be granted to Mrs. Welling to establish a rest home at 913 - 21st Street. :Motion carried. '41051 An emergency ordinance in the amount of 3433.23 which was filed with the City Council at the meeting of May 3., 1919, came up for final passage at this time. There were no protests against this passage of this emergency ordinance and a notion was made by Ellin and seconded by Dodge that the said emergency ordinance be adopted as a whole. Ayes: Mustacich, Dodge, Alin, welch, Ginnett, Allan and Brado. Motion carried. An ordinance being an ordinancd requiring a license and bond for the right to engage in the business of a carnival, circus, traveling show, or any business of similar character in the City of Anacortes, Washington, and repealing Section 7, froi Ordinance No. 690 (Seco 7-2.03) of the Code) of Anacortes, passed and ap- proved on the 21st day of May, 1918, was presented and read to the City Council. After some discussion a motion was made by uin:-.ett and seconded by [Ielch that this ordinance be referred to the License and Police Committee for their study and to made a report to the City Council. Motion carried. Upon the recommendation of Mr. T. G. IyicCrory, Street Supervisor, a :notion was made by Lllin and Seconded by Mustacich that the City Clerk advertise a call for bids for X screen equipment for the Anacortes gravel pit. Said bids to be opened on June 7, 1949- Alotion carried, The following deed from E. R. Mitchell and P.7ae E. Mitchell, his wife was pre- sented and read to the City Council: The Grantors, E. Radford Mitchell and Mae E. Mitchell , husband and wife., of Seattle, Kink County, Washington, for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) in hand paid, and other valuable considerations, receipt whereof is here- by acknowledged, convey and warrant to the City of Anacortes, a municipal corpor- ation, of Skagit County, Washington, the following described real property situ- ated in the County of Skagit, State of Jashington, to -wit: A sixty foot right of way through Lots 67, 68 and 69, of Anaco Beach Plat, as the same is of record in the office of the County Auditor of Skagit County, ;,ashington, in Volume 5 of Plats, Page 4, situated in the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 27, Tovmship 35 North, Range 1, Last 7.M., the center line of i7hich right of way is described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of Anaco Avenue and Bur-ows Street; thence North 44049 East a distance of 375 feet; thence along a curve to the right with a radius of 125 feet and a distance of 157 feet; thence North 20209 Iricst a distant of 75 feet, more or less, to a connection with the present road on the M argine View Highway, the same being a revision of Burrows Street in said Plat. , The above described property is conveyed for public street and highway purposes. Dated this 20th day of April, 19190 E. Radford Mitchell, Mae E. Mitchell STATIE OF WASHINGTON,) COUNTY OF KING. On this day personally appeared before me E. Radford Mitchell and Diad .Eo Mitchell, to me known to be the Individuals described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that they signed and sealed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. Given ander my hand and official seal this 21st day of April, 1949. Benjamin S. Graham, Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Seattle. May 10, 1949 The above deed was accepted by the City Council and placed on file. i The City Council discussed the matter of the condition of 6th Street and the City Lnginner was instructed to contact the highway department to see what repairs could be made at this time. The following letter from the Abbott Auto Company was presented and read to thq City Council: Nay 10th, 1949 I To the Honorable Mayor, Fire Chief, and Fire Dept, Committee: i There seems to be a misunderstanding as to the agreement I made in furnishing a mechanic to assist in pumping water behind the Firestone Store. l I am willing to assume responsibility of paying for my mans time while workin il on water on my property, but not on the other pumping. I pacifically made no agreement to pay for a mans time to pump water from the ' • block between 11th and 12th and in the block between 12th and 13th. I believe the Fire Chief will verify this. I also know that you Gentlemen are fair-minded enough to see the inTAustice of this. • Yours very truly, E. A. Abbott After some discussion a motion was made by Linnett and seconded by I.Iustacich that the above letter be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The matter of placing stop signs on 32nd street at.H. avenue was discussed at some length . This matter was referred to the Fire, Lirht and Water Committee. Being unable to complete the business of the evening a motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by :Jelch that the meeting of the City ouncil adjourn until May 17, 1949. Motion carried. The meeting of the City Council did then adjourn. - ay� Attest: dd / itv May 17, 1949 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was.called to order at 7:30 P. ISI, by the City Clerk as Mayor Joe L. Hagan was not.present. The 1st order of business was to elect a temporary Mayor Pro -Tem. George Brado was nominated and elected as temporary May Pro -Tem. The roll was called and Mustacich, Dodge, Lllin, Welch, Linnett, Allan and Brado were present. The following letter from T. G. McCrory was presented and read to the City Council: Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: May 5, 1949 As has been the custom during the last fete years, I would recomnend, that, during the summer month, starting with the meter reading in the middle of May and ending on a like date in Oactober, the minimum amount of water charged to regular users be increased from 500 cu. ft. to 1000 cu. ft. per month. This increase, of course being contingent on our having a surplus of water over our regular requirements. Respectfully Submitted, T. G. McCrory, Water Superintendent A motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Ginnett that the above letter from T. G. McCrory, Nater Sept. be adopted. Motion carried. i An application from John Dwight for a Master Plumber's License was presented and read to the City Council. A motion was made by Ginnett and seconded Allan that a Master Plumber's License be granted to John Dwight. The following letter from Fb E. Foss and Sons was presented and read to the City Council: Too 0 Mayor of Anacortes, and City Council Gentlemen: May 10, 1949 As we are logging on land joining city land in Section 1-34-1, and have roads within 600 feet of the south boundary of Section 1, we would be willing to have same of the city land in Section 1 added to our contract at the same rate of stump- age that tine are now paying. I 1 • • May 17, 194.9 This land slopes to the Sotth and the timber should. be taken out that way. Vie have rights over private lands to the highway at Campbell Lake and when we are through logging, these rights expire. The city land covers the following description: EL of SEI and MqV- of SE4 of Section 1-34-1 LJe could not pay the same rate of stumpage that we are now paying on our con- tract, were it not possible to use the road rights we now have. Very truly yours, F. E. Foss & Sons After some discussion a m)tion was made by Ginnbtt and seconded by Allan that the above reauest be granted providing that the logging operations stay back 300 feet from the lake shore and that the I-dayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign said new contract. lilotion carried. The report of the police Justice for the month of April, 1949, was presented and read to the City Council and was accepted and filed. Iur. Lwing, a plumber from Mount Vernon was present and spoke to the City Council and asked permissijn to connect a sewer from the school property to the City sewer system. After some discussion Mr. Ewing withdrew his request. Mr. L. E. Snider, Fire ('hief, spoke to the City Council and told of the urgent need for the new pump for the G. TA. C. Fire Truck at an approximate cost of $2,800.00. after some discussion by the City Council a motion was made by lllusta-- cich and seconded by Dodge that the City Clerk be authorized to call for bids ona new pump for the G. M. Ce Pire Truck. Said pump to a bronze centrifugal, two stage; 500 per minute capacity. Motion carried. The matter of appointing an inspector for wiring, plumbing and building was discussed at this time. This matter had been referred to a committee composed of Mustacich, Ginnett and Brado to interview applicants for this position. On behalf of D:Ir. Paul Kruger, Mr. H. C. Barney spoke tothe City Council and urged that all street and alleys in "Colveros Addition to Anacortes' be vacated. The matter was discussed at some length and a motion was made by Ginnett and. sec- onded by Mustacich that this petition be -not granted. Ayes: RZustacich, Ellin and Ginnett. Nays: Dodge, Welch, Allan and Brado. Motion carried. This matter was discussed at some length and a motion was made by Welch and seconded by Allan that the City Council proceed with the necessary papers to vacte the above property. Ayes: Dodge, Alin, Welch, Allan and Brado. Nays: Mustacich, and Ginn6tt. Motion carried. A request for a street light at 11th street and M. Avenue was presented and read to the City Council. After some discussion this matter was referred to the Fire, Light and 'r"later Committee. In the matter of the purchase of cathodic Equipment for the protection of the Anacortes pipe line which matter had been referred to the Fire, Light and 'Water Committee, filustacich made an oral report and recommended that acceptance of the H. D. Fowler bid. After some discussion a :notion was made by Dodge and seconded by Allan that the report of the Fire, Light and Water Committee to accept the bid of the H. D. Dowler Company be adopted and that the necessary contract between the City of Anacortes and H. D. fowler be prepared by the City Attorney and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized. to sign said contract. Ayes: Mustacich, Dodge, Ellin, Welch, Ginnett, Allan and Brado. Motion carried. Councilman Ellin spoke to the City Council in reference to the matter of im- proving 7th street west of 1.2. Avenue. This matter w as discussed at some length and will be brought up at the next meeting; of the City Council. In the matter of the call for bids for light fuel oil, stove oil and furnace p oil a motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Dodge that the City Council ac- cept the bid of the Island Transfer Company for Furnace Oil and divide the purchases of stove oil and fuel oil between the Island Transfer Company and Rufus Webb. Motion carried. In the matter of the call for bids for a lawn mower for the Cemetery Departmeni, tiro bids have been filed with the City Clerk. A motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by ,�elch that said bids be opened. ;1Iotion carried. Said bids were opened one from Ross and Beasley of Seattle, �dashington and one from lvan ,`I. Lee of SeattlE ';Jashington. after some discus ion a motion was made by `-innett and seconded b Mus- tacich that the City Council accept the bid of Ivan W. Lee in the amount of $60.00. Ayes: Mustacich, Dodge, Lllin, iielch, C'innett, Allan and Brado. Motion carried. Mrs. Dunthorne of Guemes Island spoke' -to the City Council in favor of adopting daylight saving time as of June 1, 1949. Fibs. Dunthorne pointed out the'.advantaaes of daylight saving time to the people of Guemes Island. Mr. Henry Harris also spoke in favor of daylight saving time. I '16• F18 May 17, 1949 At this time the following claims against the Sity of Anacortes were presented b and read to the City Council: CURRENT EXPENSE � 0. E. Arges 17537 Salary as Deputy Treasurer 55.00 John G. Dorcy 17538 Salary as City Clerk 50.00 W. V. Jells, Jr 175 9 It 11 City Attorney 1"0.00 John Cheney 17540 t° " Police Justice .0.00 Norman Fulton 17541 'P 1' Janitor 110.00 , Daviel L. Bowen 17542 '9 'o Janitor 110.00 'I Jacqueline Gurney 1754 Work in Clerk's Office 90.00 Clifford M. Olson 1754 talary as Deputy City Clerk 100.00 J. B. Goff 17545 Salary as Chief of Police 100.00 M. E. Beebe 17546 it 11 Patrolman 130.00 W. L. Pollard 17547 f° 11 Patrolman 120.00 W. E. Thompson 17548 11 11 Patrolman 100.00 Gilbert 0. Lee 17549 " 11 Patrolman 125.00 J. W. Tennant 17550 '1 9° Patrolman 115.00 L. E. Snider 17551 91 °' Fire Vhief 125.00 i Bert Verrall 17552 11 11 Asst. Fire Chief 125.00 C. S. Mondhan 1755 '1 '1 Capt. Fire Dept. 125.00 K. W. Snart 1755 C apt . Fire Dept. 125.00 Ed. Alexander 17555 't 1i Fireman 125.00 J. N. Parsons 17556 1° 11 Fireman 125.00 Geo. Ray 17557 1° '� Fireman 125.00 Clyde Cook 17558 P° 11 Fireman 125.00 Iv1ut. Ben. filth. & Ace. Assn. 17559 Group Ins. Deductions D. W. Parsons 17560 salary as Fireman 125.00 Mut. Ben. Hlth. & Ace. Assn. 17561 To Replace No. 17559 39.30 MATER DEPARTMENT T. G. McCrory 10677 Salary as 'Nater Supt. 165.00 Sadie M. Arges 10678 " 1° Cashier 105.00 Shirley Owens 10679 19 t1 Clerk 90.00 John G. Dorcy 10630 11 '1 Bookkeeper 1{0.00 Chas. iiedlund 10681 '1 1° Foreman 145.00 Everett 'Ihorene 10682 11 a Serviceman 120.00 W. 0. Ro`ers 1068 1° '1 Filterman 125.00 G. F. Keller 1068}. " 1° Filterman 115.00 A. Sirett 10685 11 11 Filterman 115.00 Frank Deane lo686 t° 'o Filterman 115.00 Lester Thomas 10687 '0 9i Pumpman 125.00 Roy Wedlund 10688 °' 1° Inspector 125.00 Mut. Ben. Hlth. & Acc. Assn. 10689 Group Insurance Deductions 11.10 LIBRARY DEPARTMENT Ruth E. Brinkley 2969 Salm y as Librarian 80.00 Eleanor Nevill 1970 11 of Asst. Librarian 80.00 P. E. Olson 2971 °9 9Y Caretaker 7 00 Irlut. Ben. Hlth. & Ace. Assn. 2972 Group Insurance Deductions .80 PARK DEPARTMENT Lewis Harr 2105 Salary as Park Employee 75.00 Robert Harr 2106 11 f1 Park Employee 100.00 Frank Knapp 2107 11 11 Park Supt. 100.00 CEMETERY DEPART!. -TENT Ingvald Iversen 760 'salary As Cemetery.Supt. 120.00 William Latimd.r 761 '1 '1 Cemetery Employee 110.00 Chas. R. Mitchell 762 19 9' Cemetery Employee 110.00 Carl )trock 763 '1 1° Cemetery Employee 110.00 STREET DEPARTMENT Roy McDougall 3449 Salary as Street Foreman 125.00 Lynn Balcomb 3450 Ma_ntanance Man 120.00 Carl Thorene 3451 Maintenance Idan 125.00 Artis Taylor 3452 1a " Maintenance Man 120.00 Dave Summers 10 Maintenance Man 115.00 Carl Welk 345 I11 " Maintenance Man 120.00 T. G. McCrory k55565 44 11 Supervisor 35.00 John G. Dorcy t9 '1 Bookkeeper 30.00 K. M. McClellan 3457 '1 '9 Sweeper 67.65 IJut. Ben. Hlth. & Ace. Assn. 3458 Group Insurance Deductions 21.00 STREET LIGHTING FUND Anacortes Equipment Co. Repairs to Light Pole 278.17 A motion was made by `Tinnett and seconded by Allan that said claims be referred, to the Finance Committee. Motion carried. The Finance Committee considered said claims and reco-amended that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of the same. A motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Dodge that the reco�nnendation of Vie Finance Committee in the matter of the claims against the City of Anacortes be adopted. Ayes: I+lustacich, Dodge, Ellin, Welch, Ginnett, Allan and Brado. IvIotio_a carried. Being unable to complete the business before the City Council a :notion was made by Ellin and seconded by Allan that the meeting adjourn until May 24, 1949 a* 7:30 o°clock P. 1i1. Motion carried. The meeting of the City Council did so adjourn. P.7 ayo Attest-. �,� City Clerk" 1 • • 1 1 • • 1 May 211., 1949 A regular adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacorteswas called to order at 7:30 1'. M- with Mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. The roll was calle':,� and Mustacich, Ellin, Welch, Ginnett, Dodge and Brado were present. i The following, Communication from C. L. Halgren was presented and read to the City Council: Anacortes, 'dashington May 23, 1949 Anacortes City Council Anacortes, 4ashington Gentlemen: I hereby request permission to install a four inch sewer line across Ninth Street in the Two Thousand block, This line will connect with a private six inch sever installed recently by Mr. W. L. Hall. As my now home is nearing completion I hope that there will be no undue delay, in granting this request. Thank Youo. Very truly yours, C. L. Halg .ren After some discussion a motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Ellin that permission be granted as requested in the above communication providing that the work in done under the supervision of the building inspector. Motion carried. Councilman Brado made an oral .report on behalf of the License and Police Com- mittee on the proposed Circus and Carnival License Ordinance. Councilman Mustacich, chairman of the special committee appointed to interview applicants for an inspector of Building and Wiring and Plumbing made an oral report to the City Council and recommended the'name of Mr* Earl Olson for this position* After some discussion a motion was made by -ve.lch and seconded by Ellin that the City Council accept the recommendation of the special committee in its appointment of Mr. Earl Olson as an inspector of building, plumbing and wiring* Ayes: Mustacicl Dodge, Ellin, Welch, Ginnett and Brado. Motion car-ied. The :natter of Daylight saving was discussed at some length at this time and 2 letters 1 from the Anacortes Chamber of Commerce and 1 from Brown Lumber Co. were presented and read to the City Council and were in favor of daylight saving time. Mustacich reported that daylight saving time would not affect the .fishing industry to any great extent. A group of people from Guemes Island including Mr. and I$rs* Dunthorne viere present and spoke' -,in favor of ddopting day light saving time. Mr* Ilenry Harris of the Chamber of Commerce tourist Conrtiittee spoke at length in favor of daylight saving time. Mr. John '�,'iley, Bert Higgum and several others spolke in favor of standard time. A petition containing approximately 45 names composed large-, ly of .residents of Guemes Island in favor of Daylight saving time wasresented and read to the City Council. Also a petition containing approximately 34 navies of re- sidents in favor of staying, on standard time was presented and read to the City Council. After discussing this matter at some length a motion was made by Ellin and secanded by Ginnett that the City 6f Anacortes remain on standard time. Ayes: Mustacich, Ellin, Welch, Ginnett and Brado. Nays: Dodge. B'Iotion carried. At this time an ordinance No. 1039 providing for the improvement of 20th Strect from the West line of Commercial Avenue to the center line of 1PJI Avenue and the intersections included therein by placing upon said portions of twentieth Street plant mix asphaltic concrete pavement thirty (30) feet in width; dreating a local improvement district to be known as Local Improvement District no. 150, which is to be assessed for the entire cost of said improve.nent, and establishing and fixing the bouddaries thereof; creating a local Improvement fund to be known and designated as Local Improvement I"und No, 150, for the payment of costs and expenses of said improvement, and providing for the assessment of the property benefited for the payment of the costs thereof carmup for final hearing at this time. Said ordinance ,,ras read to the City Council and as there were no protests a ;notion was made by Ginnett and seconded by I,'lelch that said Ordinance No. 1939 be adopted as a w'-1-cle. Ayes: Mustacish, Dodge, Ellin, '�-+elch, tillan and Brado. 1,1otion carried. At this time an ordinance No. 1010 requiring a license and bond for the right to engage in the business of a cQrnival, circus, traveling show, or any business of similar character in the City of `•nacortes, �Jashington and repealing Section 7 from Ordinance No. 690 (Seco 7-2.03) of the Code) of Anacortes, passed and approved on the 21st day of I,Zay, 191Acame up for final reading at this tine. A motion was made b,?*Ellin and seconded by '.�odgc that the rates in said ordinance be x'50.00 per day for a circus, '?20.00 a day -for a carnival and -'.00 a day for traveling shows: i,Iotion c �rried* A motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by 11elch that the amount of the bond mentioned in subsection b of said ordinance be $1,000000. Said ordinance No. 140 was read and discussed section by section and a motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Lllin that said ordinance No. 1040 be adopted as a whole. Ayes: i,iustacich, Jodge, Ellin, Welch, Ginnett and Brado. Motion carried. At a recent meeting of the City Council the City Clerkwas authorized to cal l' i for bids for a new pump for the G. PSI, C. Fire Truck. Said bids to be opened on riay,'l 211, 1949. "motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Brado that said pump bids be opened. Motion carried. The following are the names of the bidders and the amouri� of their bid: American Elkhart Co. of Seattle - ;2,682*12: Nelson Equipment Co. I of Portland Oregon, F`2,61�0.76: Howard Cooper Corp. of Seattle - $2,500*00: L. IJ* 1 Curtis and Sons of Seattle 4�2,11•�i5*00* A motionwas made by x-llin and seconded by Mustacich that the Cit\ Council declare a recess to consider said pump bids* Motidn carried. The City noun 1 was called to order after said recess and a motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Dodge that the bid of the American iAlkhart Company for a 500 gallon per minute all bronze 2 stage pump be accepted* Motion carried* May 24, 1949 - - - - --- The Fire, Light and Water `'om�nittee recommended that for an additional 0' .00 that the 600 allon per minute pump be purchased. A motion was made by Ginnett and sec=' onded by odge that the recommendation of the Fire, Light and Water Committee for the purchase of a 600 gallon per minute pump be adopted. Aye;. iMustacich, 'JodFe, Ellin, ',7elch, Ginnett and Brado. ',lotion carried. At this time an emergency ordinance in the amount of $29682.12 to provide for the purchase of the above pump for the G. Li. C. -tire Truck was presented and filed with the City 'Jouncil. Said emergency ordinance -to provide for a hearing on June 7, 1949 Mr. Walter Wise and Don Altman presented an application for a photogra-pher's license. Upon the recommendation of the Chief of Police a motion was made by Brado and seconded by Ellin that a photDgrapheras license be granted to the above appli- cants for a photographer's license. Motion carried. At this time a report from T. G. McCrory, City Lngineer on the 17th Street improvement was presented and read to the City Council. A motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Brado that the report of the City Engineer on the proposed paving of 17th Street from the west line of Comnercia_l Avenue to the East line of J. Avenue, be adopted. Motion carried. A Resolution providing for the improvement of 17th Street by paving from the West side of Commercial Avenue to the East side of J Avenu'o was presented to the City Council. This Ttesolution provides for a hea-ing to be held on June 14, 1919, at 7;30 o'clock P. M. A motion was made by Ginnett and second— ed by Welch that the City `'ouncil adopt the above Resolution. :~notion carried. was piled Mr. J. B. Goff, Chief of Police reported that a large supply of wood/in front of the John Keilhamer and Bill Morris Lots. A complaint has been made about the presence of the wood on the sidewalk in this area. It was decided that the City Engineer should make an examination of the area and report at a later meeting of the City Council. A motion was made by Lllin andseconded by Ginnett that stop signs be placed north and south of 32nd street on I. Avenue. Motion carried. Having completed the business of the evening a motion was made by Brado and seconded by Welch that the meeting of the City Council adjourn. Motion carried. The meeting of the City Council did so adjourn. � Attes . ICity Cle June 7, 1949 May I / I A regular meeting of'the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7030 P. M. with Mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. the roll was called and Mustacich, Dodge, Ellin, Welch, Ginnett, Allan and Brado-were present. The minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved as read. The following communication from Ewing Plumbing and Heating Company of Mount Vernon, Washington was presented and read to the City Councils June )}., 1949 Your HonDr, the flIayor Honorable members, City Council of Anacortes Dear Sirs. i I have been authorized by the school board of the Anacortes district to request' permission from your body to co_Znect the sanitary sewer from the new C(--ntral School into the end of the city sewer on M. Street. This would include removal of the pre- sent lamp hole at the end of the sewer on M Street, the extension of said sewer With Y to school, and installation of new lamp hole at end of extension. Only the sanitay,�r outlets of the building would be connected to this lateral, with no roof drains. We would also like permissionto extend a surface drainage line from the school property into the catch basin at the intersectioi of M Avenue and 22nd street, which would have connected into it a lateral line to pick up the remaining roof drains', which will not now bc; co ..: ct:;a to the sanitary sewer, as formally planned. I believe that it is pretty well understood how the work will be done, by my- self, the members of the streets and sewers committee and the city engineer, after the meeting* last Wednesday evening. All work will of course be done subject to ap- proval and inspection by your city engineer, and wit'z a minimum of interference to Dur streets. Sincerely yours, John G. Ewing. The following report was presented and read to the City Council: Your Committee to whom was referred the matter of connecting sewer at the new � grade school beg leave to report as follows. That the City grant the school district) permission to hook up to the sewer at 22nd street and M. Avenue with the understandin�a .that when a new sewar district is formed that the school district will assume their share of the expense. i Also we recommend that permitsion be granted the school district to ..DIt in a (-i -?.nage line for surface water and roof drainage to catch basin at 22nd ec avenue. Syd Ellin Anthony I,1ustacich C0:7I11T_T`^E?; Robert 17. Ginnett 1 • �J 1 1 • /r�� r , 2, June 7, 1949 A motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Brado that the City Council accept the above report of the Streets and Parks Committee. Motion carried. The following communication from Willard Evans was presented and read to the City Council. 1, June 7, 1949 To May or Hagan and the Cmuncil of the City of Anacortes Gentlemen: I am hereby asking permission to connect a sewer pipe to the city sewer line on G. Avenue between Tenth and r-leventh Street. The following are interested in useing the same, Jack Krebs, Vialter Minor, William Cummings, Leonard Verhoeff and Ray Pusey. Taking action on this at your earliest convenience will be greatly appreciated. Respectfully yours, Willard Evans 1905 - 10th Street After some discussion a motion was made by Brado and seconded by Allan that this matter be referred to the Strebts and Parks Committee. Motion carried. The following communication from T. G. McCrory, City Engineer was presented and read to the City Council: June 7, 1949 Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: Report on Sidewalk at 3rd Street and Q Avenue. This sidewalk iz 2001 long and 141 wide. It is suported on a 4 x61° sill rest, ing on the ground on the street side, and on bents and �" x 6" stringers back to the property side which is about 51 off the ground. The 1�" x 6" sill on the street side is rotten allovvirg the sidewalk to sag and makint; it very uneven. I counted 55 planks which had large knot holes or rotten spots in them or were broken and should be replaced. The repair this walk and put it in fair shape will cost at least 1'P300 -00 - To make permanent repairs this sidewalk should be torn out and filled, requiring about 500 cubic yards of fill, which should not cost. over $500.00. Respectfully submitted, T. G. McCrory City Engineer This matter was discussed at some length and a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Allan that the property owners at the above :mentioned location be noti- fied to make the necessary repairs in the above described area. The present wooden sidewalk should be removed and said sidewalk area filled with dirt. Ayes:- MustacicY,, Dodge, yllin, -Veleh, Linnett, Allan and Brado. Motion carried. Several persons were present from the Burrows Bay area and complained about the smoke and cinders inthis area. After some discussion this matter was referred to the Printing and Health Committee. A petition containing 19 names asking; the City to take some action in the above matter was presented and redd to the City Council. �.' A vrritten request signed by 12 residents of this community was presented and read to the City Council asking that the alley between L. Avenue and M. Avenue ;and 14th and 15th Streets be opened for traffic by the City of Anacortes grader. ,,This matter was discussed at some length and was referred to the City Engineer to !investigate this matter and report back tot -he City Council. The following communication from the Wo men Club ,�' s uwas 1 presented and r::a d to the City Council: Hon. Joe Ilagan,, Mayor and I,Iembers of the City Council Anacortes, Washington. Gentlemen: May 23, 1949 Believing that you would be interested in a report of the improvements made in rooms in the City Building by the Anacortes Woman's Club and the Business and Profession- al Womenls Club, I submit herewith a report of the income and expenditures since early in 1947 when we took over the job of improving the rooms for the use of the public. I believe results and use of the rooms speak for themselves. By verbal agreement with City officials.,,, rentals collected prior to March 1, 1947 were to be used for the purchase of replacements in the rooms. All rentals collecte after that date (alb o•accordi.ng to verbal agreement) were to be divided equally, ti� June 7, 1949 50% to the city to cover maintenances, -,fuel etc., and 50% to be used for the benefit to the rooms. This arrangement was in effedt until March 9, 1948 when a written agreement covering a period of two years was entered into by the City with the two Clubs whereby during the first year 60% of collections were to be used for imprevemex.ts and 40o to be paid the city for maintenance, etc. During the second year (which started March 9, 1949) the rentals were to be equally divided. During the early part of 1947 (before the building was remodeled) some money was spent on the room now occupied by the Chamber of omnerce, which we had hoped to outfit for a Committee Room for the use of small civic groups. We believed there was real need for such a room in the city. All other expenditures were for the basemeht rooms. Each time a division of rentals was made, a statement showing names of renters, amounts paid, also explanation of expenditures, was submitted with the payment to the City. By agreement between the two Clubs, the undersigned was designated to receive rentals make division with the City, and pay for improvements. A committee composed of two members of each organization administers the business of making all of the purchases and designates improvements. A report on our activities would not be complete without mention being made of the fine cooperation we have had from your maintenance men, Mr. Bowen and Mr. r'ulton. We are deeply appreciative of their help m and patience, at all times. Your -Building Committee also have been most cooperative in recommending permanent improvements to the building which have greatly increased the efficiency of the kitchen. We are happy to number this work among our civic projects. Sincerely, Isma Reynolds Mrs. J. b1. Reynolds C'za i rman, ANA C ORTES l"lOI,iAN' S CUB. This letter was accepted and plaeed on file. At this time the City Council discussed further the matter of daylight saving. petitions carrying approximately 1200 names in favor of daylight saving Dere present- ed to the City Council. Eleven persons addressed the Council in favor of daylight saving and one person addressed the Council in favor of standard time. A motion was' ,made by Dodge and seconded by Welch that the City Council reconsider their former ,decision and go on daylight saving time. Ayes: Dodge and Welch. Nays 1.Iustacich, Ellin, Ginnett, Allan and Brado. motion lost. Mr. Iulurcker who operates the southside bus spoke to the City Council and asked ;permission to install five bus zone stopc signs. Mr. Murcker proposed to buy the suns providing the City Council would purchase pipe standards for the signs and install said siVne. After some discussion a motion was made by Ginnett and seconded) by Mustacich that Mr. Llureker be given permission to purchase stop signs at five bus stops and pay for said signs and 2 of the cost of said pipe standards for said sirens. Motion carried. The following Attorney's report from 14r. W. V. Wells, City Attorney was presented and read to the City Council: ,To the Mayor and Common Council: Your City Attorney, IN. V. bells, Jr., to whom was referred the matter of North Pacific Insurance policy No. A-553329 coverin 29) Qhovrolet__dlamp- truck of the lVater Department for 10/20 bodily injury and 5000 property damage, begs D ave to report as follows: Ohio Casualty Insurance Co. policy No. 5063021 covering 19;_6 Pore, coupe A.G.V. comprehensive, 20/40 bodily injury, 05,000. property damage; Home Insur- ance Co. policy 1217 insuring the City fire Department, the Police Department and aai,_1500. on building, 9500. on furniture, with extended coverage; The Home In- isurance Co. and Home Indemnity Co. policy No. 6718622 covering 1942 dump truck used by the Park. Department for 10/20 bodily in jury, _$5, 000. property damage, fire, light-� ning and transportation and theft; and Great American Indemnity Co. bond for public official covering Marvin E. Beebe as police patrolman, from May 18, 1949 to May 18, ;1950, begs leave to report as follows° 1. Morth Pacific policy No. A-558329 is app- roved as to form providing that "purpose of used endorsements" is countersiuned by the authorized agent of the company. 2. Ohio Casualty Co., policy No. 5068021 is approved as to form, providing said -policy is couttersi-ned by the duly authorized agent of the company- 3. Home Insurance Co. policy No. 1217 and Home Indemnity policy No. 6718622 are hereby found to be in due and regular form and therefore ap- ,proved. 4. Bond of public offical of the Great American Indemnity Co. covering ,Slarvin L. Beebe is approved as to form; however, it is the understanding of your attorneythat Marvin E. Beebe was appointed assistant Chief of rolice and not police patrolman, in which event it would appear that the bond should be changed to cover Marvin E. Beebe as assistant Chief of Police, providing the bonding company agrees. A motion was made by Brado and sconded by Ellin that the a.-.ove report of the City Attorney be adopted. Motion carried. The report of the City Truasurer for the month of May, 1949 was presented to the City Council was accepted and placed on file. The report of the chief of Police for the month of May, 1949 was presented and read tothe City Council was accepted and placed file. 0 1 �J 1 1 0 • 1 /,9,5. June 7, 1949 The following report from the Fire, Light and Water Committee was presented and read to the City Council: Your Committee on-1�ire, Light and Water to whom was re- ferred the matter of asking SkaEit Public Utilities District No. 1 for a survey on possibility of securing greater volume of water for the City of An-1cortes beg leave to report as follows: Your'Conunittee recommends that such a survey be requested and that rates be determined for supplying water to the City of Anacortes by tens of Millions of cubic feet per day from ten million cubic feet ]Per day up to one hundred million cubic feet per day. The purpose of this durvey is to learn what potential of water can be made availab).e, for industrial expansion and to explore the possibility of reducing current domestic water rates. Such survey to be made at no cost whatsoever to the City of An,icortes. Anthony Mustacich Syd Ellin COMAITTEE M. J. Welch A motion was made by *'edge and seconded by Ginnett that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The report of the Police Justice for the month of May, 1949 was presented and Ginnett read to the City Council was accepted and placed on file. the City Clerk write The report of the Water Supt. for the month of Iday, 1949 was presented and read to Governor Langlie and a3k to the City Council was accepted and placed on file. opinion as to whether this The report of the Street Foreman for the month of May, lgl+g was presented and read to the City council was adcepted and placed on file. Motion The gasoline reports for the month of May, 1949 were presented and read to the City Council were accepted and placed on file. * h c A letter from the Washington State Pollution Control Commission was presented and read to the City �'ouncil. This matter was referred to the Printing and Health th Committee. Council held on May 24th, the The "'ire Truck emergency ordinance No. 10L�l came up for discussion at this time. There were no protests against the passage of this ordinance, in the amount of ,,?2,688.12. This ordinance was read section by section and a motion was made by a rotary screen to be used at the Ginnett and seconded by .Ellin that said emergency ordinance in the amount of p2,688.12 be adopted as a whole. Ayes: Mustacich, Dodge, Ellin, '�ielch, Ginnett, be opened Allan and Brado. Motion carried. was made by Brado Mayor Hagan brought up the matter of needed imprevements in the alley between G. and seconded by Ginnett that 8th Street and 9th Street and Commercial Avenue and O Avenue. Mr. T. McCrory screen bids be opened. I'+Iotion Street Supervisor, advised the Council that it willbe taken care of immediately. The following report from the Fire, Light and Water Committee was presented and read to the City Council: Your Committee on-1�ire, Light and Water to whom was re- ferred the matter of asking SkaEit Public Utilities District No. 1 for a survey on possibility of securing greater volume of water for the City of An-1cortes beg leave to report as follows: Your'Conunittee recommends that such a survey be requested and that rates be determined for supplying water to the City of Anacortes by tens of Millions of cubic feet per day from ten million cubic feet ]Per day up to one hundred million cubic feet per day. The purpose of this durvey is to learn what potential of water can be made availab).e, for industrial expansion and to explore the possibility of reducing current domestic water rates. Such survey to be made at no cost whatsoever to the City of An,icortes. Anthony Mustacich Syd Ellin COMAITTEE M. J. Welch A motion was made by *'edge and seconded by Ginnett that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. A motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Brado that the City Clerk write to Governor Langlie and a3k for an opinion as to whether this area should use standard or da�[light saving time. Motion carried. * h c At thz,s meeting of the City Council held on May 24th, the City Clerk was auth- orized to call for.bids on a rotary screen to be used at the City of Anacortes gravel pit. Said bids to be opened on June 7, 1949. A motion was made by Brado and seconded by Ginnett that said screen bids be opened. I'+Iotion carried. The following are the names of the bidders and the amount of their bid: Feenaughty Machinery Co., $1,11.75.00: Clyde Equippment Co., 41,699.50: Columbia Nelson Equipment Equipment Co., $1,590.00: Co., 91,400.00: Howard Cooper Corporation., $2,315000. After some discussion these bids were'referred to the Street Committee and the Street Supervisor. The salary of the newly appointed inspector of Vviring, Plutnbing and Building waste discussed at this time. t` motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Mustacich that the total salary of the above inspector be p260.00 per month. Motion carried. The City Council discussed the matter of allowing mileage for the inspector's car but took no offical action at this time. ^� The following claims against the City of An9cortes were presented and read to the City Council: CURRENT EXPENSE Joe L. Haran 17562 Salary as Mayor 118.00 Geo. Brado 1756 " 'r Councilman 10.00 (Robert W. Ginnett 17564 Councilman 10.00 IRomie Allen 17565 'r " Councilman 4,00 17, J. Welch 17566 " " Councilman 10.00 Syd Ellin 17567 " " Councilman 10.00 .;E. E. '`''odge 17568 it " Councilman 10.00 A. I. 14ustacich 17569 It Councilman 10.00 0. E. Arges 17570 it11 Deputy Treasurer 70.00 ,John G. Dorcy 17571 'r " City Clerk 56.30 .!Dr. C. �'�. Douglass 17572 " 1° wealth Officer 50.00 I J. V. dells, Jr., 17573 rr It City Attorney 1.50 ;John Cheney 1757 " rr Police -Justice 7.50 Harry Davis 17575 " " Dog Catcher 13-15 Norman Fulton 17576 Janitor 99.20 .David Bowen 17577 " " Janitor 93.90 Harry Davis 17578 " " Dumpman 50000 Jacqueline Gurney 17579 Clerk's Office 70.00 Clifford M. Olson 17580 Salary as Deputy City Clerk 100,00 Withholding Tax Fund 17581 Withholding fax Deductions 63-50 W. V. 'Jells, Jr. 17582 Cash Advanced .61 Union Printing Co. 17583 Supplies for Clerk's office 8.26 P. E. Olson Puget Sound Stamp Works Irene Snart Anacortes Chamber of Commerce Anacortes American G. N.Dalstead J. B. Goff M. E. Beebe W. L. Pollard ,,Va E. Thompson Gilbert 0. Lee John W. Tennant Jack 11-elly Lee Roy Ealey Trulson Mlotor Corjpany Allan's Store M. E. Beebe The Texas Comeany Vdm. G. IuIcCallum South Side Hardware Parson°s Sporting Goods Edo Nelson, Marine Supply & Hardware Lyle's Grocery Colvin's Service Fosse's Texaco Service L. E. Snider Bert Verrall C. S. Mondhan K. Ud, Snart Ed. Alexander J. N. Parsons D. Silo Parsons Geo. Ray Clyde Cook R. M. McDqugall L. Moore J. G. Dorcy Geo. Miller Withholding Tax Fund Fosse's Texaco Service Citizen's Pharmacy Anacortes Equipment Co. Rufus A. ddebb Standard Oil Co. of Calif® Trulson Motor Co. Water Department Anacortes Laundry L. E. Snider Marshall - Wells Store West Coast Telephone Co. M. 11J. Featherkile L. N. Curtis & Sons Howard -Cooper Corp. Melvin Olson South Side Hardware Anacortes Gas Co. M. G. Strock Marshall - Wells Store Royal 'Typewriter Co. United Janitor Supply Co. Lyle's Grocery Verd-A-Ray Corporation Marmhall - '.'Jells Store Birds' Stationery Curtis Wharf Co. Mater Department Anacortes x-quipment Co. Island Transfer Affleck Bros. Anacortes Gas Co. `Prick & ivlurray Puget Sound Power & Light Carpenter Pontiac Co. E. A. Abbott Motor Co® Simmonds Paint Co. Simpson's Electric Shop Withholding Tax Fund Bird's Stationery Firemen's Relief & Pension VIm. G. McCallum Lewis Harr Robert Harr Frank Knapp ',Jithholding Tax Fund Anacortes Iron Works C C. Cook 'Nater Department Colvin's 6ervicd Marshall - Viells Store South Side Hardware Anacortes Sheet Metal June 7, 1949 17584 Service 17585 Supplies 17536 Typing of Ordinances 17587 2 C i ty Maps @ �12.00 17588 Printing Service 17589 Postage, Clerk's "ffice 17590 Salary as '-'hief of Police 17591 1° 1° Asst. Chief of Police 17592 Patrolman 17593 " 1' Patrolman 17594 " " Patrolman 17595 " 11 Patrolman 17596 11 11 Patrolman 17597 Viages as Extra Patrolman 17598 Repairs & Labor 17599 Groceries, Etc. 17600 Cash Advanced 17601 Motor Oil 17602 Patrolman Bond 1760 Supplies 1760 Supplies 17605 Supplies & Service 17606 Supplies 17607 Groceries 17608 Tire Repair 17609 Repairs 17610 Salary as Fire Chief 17611 11 11 Asst. dhief 17612 '1 " Capt., Fire Dept. 17613 9° " Capt., Fire Dept. 1761 14 1° Fireman 17615 " " -O fireman 17616 1' " Fireman 17617 " 1P Fireman 17618 '.° t1 Fireman 17619 Vlaps as . Call Man 17620 " Call Than 17621 " " Call Man 17622 91 1° Call Plan 1762 Withholding Tax Deductions 1762} Supplies 17625 Supplies 17626 Supplies 17627 Gasoline 17628 Supplies 17629 Supplies 17630 Hydrants 17631 Laundry Service 17632 Inspections 1763 Supplies 1763 Telephone Service 17635 Service Rendered 17636 Supplies 17637 Supplies 17638 Service 176 9 Supplies 17640 Services 17641 Cannelled 1761�2 Supplies & Labor 1764 Typewriter 176 Janitor's Supplies 17645 Supplies 17%6 Supplies 17617 Supplies 17648 Supplies 17649 Supplies 17650 Service for City Hall 17651 Supplies 17652 Stove Oil 17653 Stove Oil 17654 Service 17655 Suo>>lies 17656 Service & Power 17657 New Police Car 17658 Repairs & Supplies 17659 Supplies to City Hall 17660 Supplies to Police Dept. 17661 Withholding Tax Deductions 17662 Supplies 1766 Pension Payroll Deductions 17664 Patrolman Bond PARK DEPARTMENT 2108 Salary as Park Employee 2109 1° " Park Employee 2110 11 " Park Supt. 2111 Withholding Tax Deductions 2112 Supplies 211 Service 211 Water Service 2115 Gil & Supplies 2116 Supplies 2117 Lawn Mower 2118 Equipment .6o 1.67 .00 2 .00 17 008 6.00 186.85 123.20 121.6o 16.00 121k.90 11W.50 6 .o8 284 9.77 25010 !+!T.50 5.00 7.41 1000 03 44 5.65 1.03 23038 146.98 141.53 120.43 120.43 123-95 111.65 89.51 lo9.61 99.18 2.00 2.00 6000 6.00 151.00 26°73 1.13 )�. 82 153.26 1.40 625.00 17.69 25.00 21.83 28.55 35-50 20.03 9.57 9.0 2.4 12.5 13),-®73 130.02 21.27 . 2 21. 6 13.16 31.78 2.35 1.90 2.1 93.694 3 16.47 1.25 112036 V 6.57 19133.15 17.07 17090 .21 95 40 3:49 131.73 5.00 150.10 111.5.00 158.20 26.70 .83 11.33 19.75 8.97 73.27 147.111)6 2.27 1 • �J 1 1 • • 1 1 C7 • 1 1 • • 1 Ruth E. Brinkley Eleanor Nevill P. E. Olson Marjorie Ross Withholding 'rax Fund Simpson's Llectric Shop, Staly's Fixit Shop Water Department Curtis V11harf Co. Pumet Sound 'ower & Light R. L. Polk & Co. Oceana Publications H. W. Wilson Co. Doubleday & Co., Inc., Puget Sound Dews Co. T. G. T.ZcCrory Sadie M. Arges Shirley Owens John G. Dorcy Chas. 7edlund Everett Thorene 'iv'. 0. Rogers G. F. Keller Frank Deane Roy Wedlund A. Sirett Lester Thomas Withholding Tax Fund A. H. Cox & Company Barrow!-& Shaffer Const. Co. Anacortes Iron Works E. A. Abbott Motor Co. Curtis Wharf Co. Roy 'g7edlund 1.7ilo Strock Withholding Tax Fund I -est Coast Teleb_ hone Co. Pacific Highway Transport Anacortes American Scientific Supplies Co. Wallace & Tiernan Sales Co. Viorthington-Gamon Pieter Co. Gilkey & Wright, Inc., Mt. Vernon Bldg. Material Rockwell Mfg. Co., Trulson Motor Co. Dunlap Hardware Co. Birds' Stationery City Hall Rental Fund Pennsylvania Salt Mfg. Co. Skagit Llectric Co. Puret Sound Power & eight Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Skagit Valley Telephone Co. Marine Supply & Hardware Citi Street Fund G. IJ. Dalstead Island Transfer H. D. Fo*ler Co., Inc., City Street Fund Jame 7P 19lr9 2973 297. 2975 2976 2977 2978 2979 2980 2981 2982 298 298 2985 2986 2987 10690 lo691 10692 lo69 lo69� 10695 10696 10697 lo698 10699 10700 19701 10702 1070 1070 10705 10706 10707 10708 107G9 10710 10711 10712 1071 10714 10715 10716 10717 10718 10719 10720 10721 10722 1072 1072 10725 10726 10727 10728 10729 10730 10731 10732 1073 1073 LIBRARY DEPARTMENT Salary as Librarian Asst. Librarian Caretaker Cataloger Withholding Tax Deductions Supplies Repair to 1'rnnt Door Lock Service Coal Service Balance due on account Books 1918 year Book Books Books WATER DEPARTMENT Salary as Supt., Cashier ,� T9 Clerk Bookkeeper Foreman Oerviceman Filterman Filterman Filterman " "'ilterman " Filterman u " Pumpman 'Nithholding Taxes Equipment Filter Addition Equipment Repairs Supplies Inspection Services Inspection Services Deductions from salary Telephone Service r'reight on Supplies Printing Service Supplies Supplies Supplies Inspections Supplies Equipment Repairs Cancelled Cannelled Office Rent & Garage S Supplies Supplies Power & Lighting Servi Supplies Telephone Service Supplies Gasoline Postage Stove Oil Supplies Gasoline for Month of f�• l 1 9g8.70 85.60 90.00 15.43 32.90 7.94 1.25 2.50 76.28 7'. 64 loos 3.00 6.00 13.74 81.81 171000 llt .90 90.90 41.00 153070 131.40 159.00 140.60 136010 7060 12606o 143.00 238.20 5.70 7,161.20 9.28 2.68 71007 132.50 132050 of Milo Strock 11070 14.30 1.71 2.40 6.o8 10.cf2 21 .9 5. 3 10030 56059 2359 pace 200.00 270.7? 11.62 ce 1,51685 .62 11.67 77.11 27.70 106.00 11.x.. 2 3 24.1 May 23911 STREET DEPARTMENT Roy McDougall 3459 Salary as Street Foreman 137.62 Lynn Balcomb 3460 It " Graderman 137,0'70 Carl Thorene 3461 It " Maintenance Man 15.50 Dave Summers 3462 It " Maintenance Man 12 . 8 Carl .7clk 346 " " Maintenance Man 119.4.8 Artis Taylor 346� Maintenance Ulan 127.90 T. G. McCrory 3465 Supervisor 32.70 John G. Dorcy 3466 " bookkeeper 29-50 i"lithholdinF7 `rax Fund The Texas 3467 'Nithholding 'Taxes Oil 166.35 ompany 3468 79-16 Trulsoh Motor Co. 3469 Repairs & Supplies lb 89 South Side Hardware 3470 Supplies .7 Cook Truck & Equipment Co. 3471 Muffler 4.3� Union Oil Co. of Calif., 3472 Oil 1.009 Rufus Webb, Shell Jobber 347 Gasoline*& Fuel Oil 145.41 arine Supply C Hardware 347} Supplies 20.95 M .ward -Cooper Corp. 3475 Supplies 239.49 Puget sound Power & Light Co. 3476 Power for Crustier 39.50 Colvin's Service 3477 Repairs 14.77 Jay F. Carroll. 3478 Ins. on Truck 4080 Pacific Highway 'Transport 3479 Freight on Supplies .06 Minn. Mining & Mfg. Co. 3480 Supplies 3 .95 S. B. Thompson 3481 Labor 6.18 Trulson Motor Co. 3482 Repairs & Supplies 108.58 Cliff's Welding Shop 348 Labor logo island 'Transfer Co. 3484 Fuel Oil 3.28 Standard Oil Co. 3485 Supplies 14,07 Dunlap Hardware Co. 3486 Oil Elements 11..21 June 79 1949__ - LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO.150 lila V. yells, Jr., 71 Ownerships @ 01®50 106.50 FIREMEN'S RELIEF & PENSION FUND M. J. Strock 1 months salary 125.00 A motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Allan that the above claims be red ferred to the Finance Committee. The Finance Committee considered the above claims and recommended that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of the same.l A motion was made by Allan and seconded by Ellin that the recommendation of the Finance Committee in the matter of the above claims be adopted. Ayes. Mustacich, Dodge, Ellin, Welch, Ginnett, Allan and Bradoa Motion carried. Being unable to complete the business before the City Council a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Allan that the meeting of the City Council adjourn until 11 70.30 o'clock P. M., June 14, 1949. Motion carried. The meeting of the City Counci,� did so adjourn. C Attest.,: yor I City Cr June 149 1949 An adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7®30 o'clock P. M. with Mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. The roll was called and Mustacich, Dodge, Ellin, Ginnett, Allan and Brado wore present. The following report from Dr. C. W. Douglass, Health Officer of the City of Anacortes was presented and read to the City Council® Anacortes City Council Anacortes, Washington Gentlemen: June 10, 1949 Health Officer Report on 1106- 6th 1066th Street A second inspection of the property and building at 1106 6th street owned by Henry Davey shows that the following recommendations have been carried out. The latrine which has a flush toilet setting upon the alley between 5th & 6th has been improved to this extent. The latrine now has water in it and will flush. The water jackE-.t leaks and drips dorm into a hole in the fl000r. Said hole being filled with paper and other rubbish. There has been some tar paper put on the roof of this buildinr, so that it will not leak. However, the boards of the floor are rotten and this hole in the corner should be covered. The only way to fix this proV- erly is to put in a concrete slab floor. The yard is still littered but shows that an attempt at one time has been made to clean it up. There are now garbage cans J present for the use of the occupants. All other difficulties are still present andl it might be noted the sewer drain tile is broken and there is a leakage of foul smelling sink debris out on the back porch. Also at this point there is a vent pipe' which crosses through the roof. Connecting to the sink drain pipe is another shoat vent pipe. This pipe runs out approximately 12' and within 3't of a kitchen window. All venting is done by this short pipe. i Other difficulties will be noted by the building inppector. i Yours very truly, C. 17. Douglass, I'+7. D. City Health Officer. After some discussion a motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Allan that i City Attorney to the City Attorney write to Mr. H. 0. Davey, manager of the building at 1106 - 6th write to H. Oo Street requiring him to make necessary improvement to this building immediately. i Davey Motion carried. I 1 • • 1 1 is 1 1.1ITHHOLDIEG TAX FUND Withholding 'rax Fund Total Withholding Tax D&ductions 00945 CEMETERY DEPARTMENT Ingvald Iversen 764 Salary as Cemetery Supt., 121.60 vim* E. Latimer 765 " " Cemetery Employee 106.80 Chas. R. I,4itchell 766 " 19 Cemetery Employee 115.10 Carl Strock 767 " " Cemetery Employee 115.10 Lloyd Wheeler 768 " '° Cemetery Employee 52.80 Kenneth Allen 769 " " Cemetery Employee 123.20 Withholding Tax Fund 770 Withholding Tax Deductions 115.40 Oregon Brass Works 771 Supplies 310.15 West Coast Telephone Co. 772 'telephone Service 8.10 A. D. Frets Monument Co. 77 Liners & Supplies 577050 Lloyd Wheeler 77� Marker 20.00 Ingvald Iversen 775 Mileage on Car .00 South Side Hardware 776 Supplies 1 .52 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 777 Lighting Service .00 Curtis Wharf Co. 778 Supplies 13.80 Anacortes, Feed & Seed Store 779 Supplies 228006 1�atherine Snider 780 Work on Records 27.00 Water Department 781 Water Service 2.50 Inervald Iversen 782 Cash Advanded 3.00! Ivan Ill. Lee 783 New Mower 679.80 FIREMEN'S RELIEF & PENSION FUND M. J. Strock 1 months salary 125.00 A motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Allan that the above claims be red ferred to the Finance Committee. The Finance Committee considered the above claims and recommended that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of the same.l A motion was made by Allan and seconded by Ellin that the recommendation of the Finance Committee in the matter of the above claims be adopted. Ayes. Mustacich, Dodge, Ellin, Welch, Ginnett, Allan and Bradoa Motion carried. Being unable to complete the business before the City Council a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Allan that the meeting of the City Council adjourn until 11 70.30 o'clock P. M., June 14, 1949. Motion carried. The meeting of the City Counci,� did so adjourn. C Attest.,: yor I City Cr June 149 1949 An adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7®30 o'clock P. M. with Mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. The roll was called and Mustacich, Dodge, Ellin, Ginnett, Allan and Brado wore present. The following report from Dr. C. W. Douglass, Health Officer of the City of Anacortes was presented and read to the City Council® Anacortes City Council Anacortes, Washington Gentlemen: June 10, 1949 Health Officer Report on 1106- 6th 1066th Street A second inspection of the property and building at 1106 6th street owned by Henry Davey shows that the following recommendations have been carried out. The latrine which has a flush toilet setting upon the alley between 5th & 6th has been improved to this extent. The latrine now has water in it and will flush. The water jackE-.t leaks and drips dorm into a hole in the fl000r. Said hole being filled with paper and other rubbish. There has been some tar paper put on the roof of this buildinr, so that it will not leak. However, the boards of the floor are rotten and this hole in the corner should be covered. The only way to fix this proV- erly is to put in a concrete slab floor. The yard is still littered but shows that an attempt at one time has been made to clean it up. There are now garbage cans J present for the use of the occupants. All other difficulties are still present andl it might be noted the sewer drain tile is broken and there is a leakage of foul smelling sink debris out on the back porch. Also at this point there is a vent pipe' which crosses through the roof. Connecting to the sink drain pipe is another shoat vent pipe. This pipe runs out approximately 12' and within 3't of a kitchen window. All venting is done by this short pipe. i Other difficulties will be noted by the building inppector. i Yours very truly, C. 17. Douglass, I'+7. D. City Health Officer. After some discussion a motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Allan that i City Attorney to the City Attorney write to Mr. H. 0. Davey, manager of the building at 1106 - 6th write to H. Oo Street requiring him to make necessary improvement to this building immediately. i Davey Motion carried. I 1 • • 1 1 is 1 June 14, 1949 Dr. C. W. Doul -lass, Health Officer for the City of Anacortes also presented Health Officer a copy of a letter which he woote to Mr. Halliday, proprietor of the 2nd hand store report on 1105 at 1009 - 5th street. Dr. Douglass pointed out the very urgent need of proper 5th Street improvements at this location. This letter from the Health Officer was accepted and placed on file. `there being no further business to come before the meeting, sane was regularly adjourned. Dated this 13th day of June, 19)+9. Ruth S. Amsberry, Secretary Anacortes Cemetery Boa,d Report accepted After some discussion a motion was made by Mustacich and seconded by Ellin that the City Council concur with the Cemetery Board and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign said real estate contract described in the above communication, Mot ion carried. The report of the Chief of the Fire Department for the month of May, 19149 was Report of Fire presented and read to the City Council was accepted and placed on file. Dept for May,1949 To the Honorable mayor and City Council: Ygur.Committe bo whom was referred from Feenaughty The following report from the Cemetery Board was presented and rca d to the Machine Co. City Council: Fetter from Co for one used Pioneer 39 x 10' 2 or 3 deck vibrating screen with bin and motor Cemetery Board The Cemetery Board of the City of Anacortes 'held a special meeting on June 13th on Brook's real with Mr. H. D. Jackson, Mr. Jack Smith and Mrs. R. E. Amsberry, present. Mr. Ing - estate contract vald Iversen, Cemetery Superintendent, was absent due to vachtion. The meeting; was called for the specific purpose of passing upon a contract I drawn by Mr. Ii. C. Barney, Attorney, between his client, Mrs. Edna L. Brooks, and the City of Anacortes. This contract is for the sale by Ifirs. Brooks and the purchase by the City of Anacortes of a certain tract of land to be used for cemetery purposes, and more par- ticularly described as follows, to -wit: Willard Evans The North Half (WO of the ''Jest twenty (20) rods of Government Lot Six (6), application to Section Thirty (30), Township Thirty-five (35); North, Range Two (2), Last of connect to sewe7, Willamette Meridian, except existing public roads, located in Skagit County, State of Washington. Mr. Jackson presented copies of the contract of conditional sale, and, after careful examination, the board members believe the conditions therein set forth to be as previously agreed upon between members of the board and Mrs. Brooks. It was therefore unanimously agreed to accept the contract in the form dravrn, and recommend its execution to the City of Anacortes on advice of the City Attorney, W. V. Wells, Jr. `there being no further business to come before the meeting, sane was regularly adjourned. Dated this 13th day of June, 19)+9. Ruth S. Amsberry, Secretary Anacortes Cemetery Boa,d Report accepted After some discussion a motion was made by Mustacich and seconded by Ellin that the City Council concur with the Cemetery Board and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign said real estate contract described in the above communication, Mot ion carried. After some discussion a Notion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Dodge that the City Co•nc:il accept the roport of the Streets and Parks Committee and that the request _'or opening the alley between 14th and 15th street between L. and I.I. Avenues be not granted. Motion carried. The following report from the Streets and Parks Committee was presented and read to the City Council: Purchase screen To the Honorable mayor and City Council: Ygur.Committe bo whom was referred from Feenaughty the matter of bids on screen for gravel pit beg leave to report as follows: Machine Co. That the Committee recommends the acceptance -,of -the bid of, Feenaughty machinery Co for one used Pioneer 39 x 10' 2 or 3 deck vibrating screen with bin and motor mounting at a cost of $1,475.00 -providing it meets with the approval of the Street Superintendent upon delivery. Syd Ellin, Anthony TAustacich, C0I4MITTEE I Robert W. Ginnett. A motion was made by Brado and seconded by Allan that the City Council accept the recommendation of the Streets and Parks Committee and purchase the used pioneer 3' x 10' vibrating screen from the Feenaughty Company in the amount of 5k1,475.CO. Ayes: Mustacich, Dodge, Ellin, Ginnett, Allan and Brado. Motion carried. Willard Evans The following Coimnittee report was presented and read to the City Council: application to To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Your Committee to whom was referred the connect to sewe7, � matter of the right to extend a sewer in the alley between 10th & 11th Street beg leave to report as follows: That we have looked this situation over with the City Engineer, and we recommend that this request be granted. Syd Ellin, -Anthony Mustacich, COMM. Robert IV. Ginnett After some discussion a motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Brado that permission be granted providing it is done under the supervision of the Street Superintendent. Motion carried. Opening of Alley The following committee was report p presented and road to the Cit, Council: between I.4 � P1 & 174th the Honorable ",lay and City Council: Your Conraittee to vihom pias referred the Avenue & 15th Street. matter of the openir�-of alley between 14th & 15th street beg leave to report as I4otion dost follows: That we do not feel that it is advisable tLt this time as it would mean either a high retaining wall or else a sloping extending into the property on both sides of the alley. Syd Ellin, Anthony Mustacich, COMMITTEE Robert a7. Ginnett After some discussion a Notion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Dodge that the City Co•nc:il accept the roport of the Streets and Parks Committee and that the request _'or opening the alley between 14th and 15th street between L. and I.I. Avenues be not granted. Motion carried. June 14, 1949 In the matter of the request of the national Guard for a renewal of their leas which expired March 31st, 194.9, a motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Musta- cich that said lease be renewed at the same rate of rental being 4,P50.00 per month and that said lease shall expire on March 31st, 1951. Motion carried. Councilman Geo. Bnado made an oral report on the meeting of the Light and Police Committee held on June, 14, 194.9 which they discussed the matter of providing a license for punch boards. Another meeting on this matter will be held in the near future. In the matter of repairs to the furnace in the City Hall, Hull Bros. in Mount Vernon submitted prices for these repairs. This was referred to the Building Com- mittee to make an investigation and report later. The following report from the Printing and Health Committee was presented and read to the City Council: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Your Committee on Printing and Health to whom was referred the matter of smoke problem at Walton's l Pole Yard be leave to report as follows: The Committe visited the pole yard on Wednesday last, saw the smoke was dense as had been described to the Council but could not agree as to a solution. We also visited other pole yards but found none had solved the situation. As the yard will be operated but 3 days a week this sum- mer, some of the smoke will be thus eliminated. Robert W. Ginnett, E. E. Dodge, COMT.4. Anthony Mustacich. /�- The City Council accepted said report, and placed same on file. I I At this time the City Council considered the matter of an ordinance providing for the paving of 17th Street between the west side of Commercial Avenue and the East side of J. Avenue. The Mayor called for protests against this improvement. There being none an ordinance was presented and read to the City Council. After some discussion a motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Ell -in that the above ordinance be adopted, as a whole. Ayes: Mustacich, Dodge, Ellin, Ginnett, Allan and Brado. Motion carried. A motion was made by Ginnett that the City Council use its police power and force all clocks on Commercial Avenue to be set back to standard time. No second. !� Motion lost. The matter of the Post Office opening their windows on daylight saving time was 6iscussed by the City Council and a motion was made by Mustacich, and seconded by Allan that a telegram be sent to the Attorney General and ask if the local post- master has authority to open and close post office windows by daylight saving time when standard time has been adopted by the City Council. Motion carried. National Guard Lease to be renewed for 2 Years. Same Terms Discussed a Punch board Ordinance Price for repairing City Hall Furnance Smoke nuisance from Pole Plant neap Walton • Lumber Co,, No Solution decided upon Ordinance for Paving 17th St. Ginnett Motion tomove back Street Clocks to Standard Time. Send Telegram to P.H.General A motion was made by Ginnett that the Cit;7 Council hold an election to determine Gitnett Motion to whether daylight saving time or standard ti -me should be used in Anacortes. No second. to hold Special Motion lost. Election. No Second The City Clerk spoke to the City Council and asked that the City offices be given permission to open at 8: o'clock A. M. and close at 4: o'clock P. M. during Summer special the -month of June, July and August. A motion was made by Mustacich and seconded hours for City by Brado that all City offices open at 8:00 o'clock A. M. and close at 1_:00 P. M. Offices during the summer months of June, July and August. I,�Totion carried. The matter of the improvement on 33rd street between R. and So Avenues was discussed at some length. No official action was taken in the matter. Having completed the business of the evening a :notion was made by Brado and seconded by Mustacich that the meeting of the City Council adjourn. The meeting of the City Council did then adjourn. Attest .- City Clerk O June 21, 1949 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to or der at 7o '30 o'clock P. M. with Mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. The roll was called and Mustacich, Dodge, Ellin, Welch, Ginnett and Brado were present. The minutes of the 2 previous meetings were read and approved as read. The following communication from Mrs. George Williamson was presented and read to the City Council: Anacortes, Wn. June 20th, 49 Mr. Mayor City Council Dear Sirs: We %vish to thane the committee on the splendid work which they accomplished on the 'a'alton Pole Yd. Yours truly, Mrs. Geo. Williamson Burrows Bay This letter was accepted and placed on file. • 1 1 • 1 1 • • �I • LJ 1 .. -"I Ir R June 219 19-9 The following letter from the Anacortes Ea_uipnent Company was presented and read to the City Council: City of Anacortes Gentlemen: Attn: T. J. McCrory June 209 1949 In accordance with Dr. Dodge's request, we are quoting on the boiler room work as outline; namely, replacing the refractory in the firebox, repairing the 6" flanged union leak, and overhauling the two oilburners. We agree to do the above work, including furnishing the firebrick for the sum of $209075. In the event that you furnish the firebrick, as mentioned by Dr. Dodge, deduct 550.00. Thank you for the opportunity bf figuring this work. Yours truly, Ben Van Deusen This matter was left with the Building Committee. Councilman George Brado made a request for a meeting of the License and Police Committee to held soon. T. G. McCrory, Water Supt. made an oral report on the progress being made on the construction of the four new filters. Mr. Earl Olson, Inspector of Plumbing, Building and wiring made an oral report to the City Council in <«hich he stated that there had been about 40 new residences either completed or under construction since October, lst, 1943. In the matter of the request of Virgil Johnson for reserved parking space im- mediately we�7t of the pap corn stand on 7th Street and Commercial Avenue the Street Committee made an oral report and recommended that this permission be granted and that the City Clerk notify bTr. Johnson of the action taken by the City Council. The matter of providing licenses for punch boards will be discussed at the meet-, of the City Council to held on Tuesday, June 28, 1949 - Councilman Ginnett brought up the matter of garbage falling off the garbage truck -and littering the streets. This was discussed at some length and no official action was taken in the matter. Mr. T. G. McCrory, Street Supt., reported that some work had been done on 33rd ;street and more would be done in the near future. At this time the matter of the vacation of Colver's Addition was discussed. The Mayor asked if there were any protests. There being no protest from persons in 'the audience this matter was discussed at some length by the City Council. Mr. H. C. Barney was present and spoke to the City Council urging them to vacate the streets in this property. Councilman Ginnett pointed out that the Planning Commission was.- working on the matter of Zoning the City of Anacortes. Ile thought they should wait until this work was completed before any streets were vacated.. A motion was made by Mustacich land seconded by Ginnett that the matter of the vacation of Colver's Addition be continued until the Planning Commission gives the City Council a report on this smatter. Motion carried. Recently Mr. 'Iilliam Graler, paster of the Presbyterian Church in Anacortes made an application to place an arrow sign at 9th street and Commercial Avenue pointing to the Presbyterian Church location. After some discussion a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by IAustacich that said sign be installed under the supervision of the Chief of Police and the City Engineer. Motion carried. Mr. Harry "Wilson spoketo the City Council on behalf of Mr. L. N. Kolste, City Superintendent of schools and asked permission to make a connection between a new house being built for Mr. Kolste and the City sewer system. A m6tion was made by Brado and. seconded by Dodge that permission be granted to make this.sewer connection under the supervision of the City Engineer and the Plumbing Inspector. Motion carrie=-� The matter of the rate of interest that the local improvement bonds should bear was discussed at this time by the City Council. This was with reference to the paving of 17th street and 20th street. After some discussion a motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Welch that the lical improvement bonds issued for the paving of 17th street and 20th street bear interest at the rate of 4-�%. Motion x arried. At this time a m.)tion way, made by Ginnett and seconded by -Dodge that the City Clerk be authorized to call for bids for the paving of 17th street and 20th street, and that plans and specification may be obtained from the City LngiAeer at his office in the City Hall. Motion carried. The following claims against the City of Anacortes for approximately the lst one-half of June, 1949 were presented and read tothe City Council: 0. E. Arges 17665 John Dorcy 17666 W. V. Wells, Jr., 17667 John Cheney 17668 Norman Fulton 17669 David L. Bowen 17670 Jacqueline Gurney 17671 Salary aR Deputy Treasurer City Clerk 11 1 City Attorney 11 1° Police Justice Janitor 'r Janitor ark in G1erk's 'ff ice 55.00 5000 0.00 0.00 110.00 110.00 90.00 Clifford M. Olson J. B. Goff M. L. Beebe IV, L. Pollard yl. E . 'Thompson Ga 0. Lee Jo W. Pennant N. Petrish Jack Kelly C. !-), Mondhan L. E. Snider Bert Verrall C. 6. 51ondhan K. W. Snart Edo Alexander J. N. Parsons D. W. Parsons Geo. Ray Clyde Cook Mutual Benefit Iilth & Ace. it 11 11 it E. G. Olson 17672 1767 1767 17675 17676 17677 17678 17679 1768o 17681 17682 1768 1768 17685 17686 17687 17688 17689 17690 Assn. 17691 17692 17693 Ruth E. Brinkley 2988 Salary as Librarian Eleanor Nevill 2989 ' P. E. Olson 2990 Mutual 3enefit Hlth. & Ace. Assn. 2991 People's National Bank 2992 CEMETERY DEPARTMENT 784 Salary as Cemetery Supt. 785 1° " Cemetery Employee 786 1° 9P Cemetery Employee 787 Purchase of Property June 219 1949 Salary as Deputy City Clerk Salary as Police Chief Ass 1 t. Chief 19 " Patrolman 11 " Patrolman tP " i atrolman 11 'o Patrolman Balance of Vacation time Salary as Lxtra Patrolman It II it t1 t° '1 Fire Chief It 11 Asst. Chief 1t °' Capt., Fire Dept. Capt., vire Dept. Fireman 11 " Fireman " 11 Fireman Fireman 11 °° Fireman Group Insurance Deductions Ins. Ded. from Salary of Inspection tiV6ork LIBRARY DEPARTMENT Ingvald Iversen Wm. E. Latimer Chas. R. Mitchell Edna L. Brooks Lewis Harr Robert Harr Frank Knapp T. G. McCrory Sadie M. Arges Shirley Owens John G. Dorcy Chas. Wedlund Everett Thorene W. 0. Ro'-ers G. F. Feller Frank Deane Roy Wedlund Lester Thomas M. Strock Mutual Benefit Hlth. & Ace. People's National Bank Carl Thore ne Artis Taylor Dave Summers Carl Welk T. G. McCrory John Dorcy Sam Nunn Roy McDougall Lynn Balcomb Roy McDougall Lynn Balcomb ' " Asst. Librarian " '1 Caretaker Group Insurance Deductions Payment of Claim PARK FUND 2119 Salary as Park Employee 2120 1° '1 Park Employee 2121 11 " Park Supt. 10735 10736 10737 10738 1079 107 �O 107" 10742 10�4 . 1074, 1071 5 10�4 6 Assn.10747 10748 Mutual Benefit Hlth. 8c Ace. Assn. 34.87 3488 89 3490 3491 92 344.9 3495 34934976 3498 3499 WATER DEPARTMENT Salary as `�v.ater Supt. 11 " Cashier It tP Clerk if 11 Bookkeeper to tt Foreman r1 '� Serviceman Maint. Man Filterman II to Filterman tt to Filterman " 11 Filterman II 10 Pumpman II 'o Inspector Group Insurance Deductions INIthholding Taxes STREET DEPARTMENT Salary as Maint. Man it " Maint. Man it t1 Maint. Man Maint. Man 1° '1 Supervisor Bookkeeper " 19 Sweeper 11 1° Foreman Ic '1 Mai nt . Man Cancelled Cancelled Omitted by printers Group Insurance Deductions Strock 100.00 100.00 135.00 120.00 100.00 125.00 115.00 7776 107.6k 9.3� 125.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 125000 125.00 125.00 125.00 39.30 3-.00. . 125.00 80.00 80.00 75.00 .80 26.831 120.00 110.00 110.00 265.25 75.00 100.00 100.00 165.00 105.00 90.00 4.0.00 145.00 120.00 125.00 115.00 115.00 125.00 x.25.00 115.00 11.10 11.50 125.00 120.00 115.00 120.00 35-00 30.00 25.00 125.00 120.00 21.00 A motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Hustacich that the above claims be referred to the Finance Committee. Motion carried. The finance Com-iittee con- sidered said claims and reco:'imended that the claims be allowed and warrant drawn in favor of the same. A, miltion was made by Ellin and seconded by Ginnett that the recommendation of the Finance Committee in the matter of the claims against the City of Anacortes be adopted. Ayes: Mustacich, Dodge, Ellin, "�Jelch, Ginnett and Brado. Motion carried. Being unable to complete the business of the evening a motion was made by Brado and seconded by Mustacich that the meeting of the City Council adjourn until June, 28, 1949, at 7:30 o'clock P. M. uIotion carried. The meeting of the City Council did so adjourn. i Attest.*:���.��,�% C ty ClJrk , V 'May/ 1 • • 1 • • July 5b 19L9 A Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7030 o'clock Po °,Zn with Mayor Joe Lo Hagan presiding. The Roll was called and blustacich, Dodge, ':Jelch, Ginnett, and Brado were present. The following letter was presented and read to the City Council. July 59 1949 Anacortes, Washington To: Anacortes City Council Attn: tlayor Hagen '.'le hereby apply for Plumbing License for the City of Anacortes, ,"lashington to be known as the Island Plumbing Shop. License fee of $25.00 attached. Thank you, Robert IQemitz Gail W. Cross A motion was made by Mustacich and seconded by Ellin that a plu_-nbers license be granted to Robert Nemitz and Gail W. Cross. Mction carried. The following communication from Ed Jarbo was presented and read to the City Council. July 5, 1949 To Ilomorable Mayor and City Council Anacortes, 1rlashin gt:)n Gentlemen: I vx uld like to receive permission to open a Taxicab Business in Anacortes. On receipt of this permission I will apply for the necessary Licenses. I plan on having two new automobiles for Taxicabs and plan on furnishing a very dependable service for this community. Thank you. Yours very truly, Ed Jarbo The City Council has no objections to Mr. Jarbo's application. i The follovrin communications from the office of Governor Langley were presented and .read to the City Council. State of Nashin7ton Executive Department Olympia, Nashin7ton June 21, 1949 John G. Dircy, City Clerk City of Anacortes Anacortes, .*;ashin -ton Dear Mr. Dorcy This will acknowledge your letter of June 15 which arrived just after the Governor's departure for Colorado. At the first opportunity, I will discuss your letter with him and give you the benefit of his reaction. I fully realize the confusion created between areas, but I am unable to advise you as to just what the Governor's policy would be. In the event I am discussing other matters with hien on the telephone, I will bring this matter up. Sincerely, Ho P. Everest Assistant to the Governor State of "lashinr~tcn Executive Department 01�,�npia, ','Jashin ;ton I June 21, 1949 John Go Dorcy, City Clerk City of Anacortes Anacortes, Washin-ton Dear Mr. Dorcy: I have not had an opportunity to discuss your letter with the Governor as I indicated I could in my letter of June 21, but I know What his position would be at the present time. As you will recall, there was a bill before the Legislature %Oai.ch .,ould have set a standard policy for the State of filas:lin,,ton for the sunrier months, so far as kaylight saving time is concerned. This bill failed to get through the legislature. For that reason, the Governor does not feel that he should attempt to accomplish legislation which the legislature itself did not see fit to take action upon. It would be quite difficult for the Governor to make a move in the direction of statewide regulation at this late date in the summer. 7hile he recognizes the c:mfusion that exists, there are many reasons tidy he should not attempt to est- ablish a statewide policy at this time. Sincerely, Ho P. Everest Assistant to the Gov. July 5 9 14q_ The following comnunication from the First Assistant Post Master General was presented and read to the City Council. Post Office Departmeni; Washington 25, D.C. June 21, 1949 Mr. Joh,. G. Dorcy, , City Clerk, Anacortes City Council, Anacortes, washin-,ten. j My dear I:Iro Dorcy The Postmaster General has asked me to reply to your telegram of June 16, 1919, aDneerning the operation of the Anacortes, ';lashington, post office on daylight saving time. Post offices are kept open for the delivery of mail and the sale of stamps during the hours .^Lien the principal business houses are open® The question of the change in hours of the Anacortes post office is receiving attention. Sincerely yours, V. Co Burke, First Assistant Postmaster General The above letters from Governor Langley's Secretary and the First Assistant Postmaster General were accepted and placed on file. The two following letters from Walla Walla College were presented and read to the City Council. Walla :7alla College Biological Station Anacortes, Wasnin,ton June 8, 1949 Mr. Joe L. Hagen Anacortes, Washin[;ton Dear Mr. Hagen: Here we are a--ain at the biological station at the Lorrer Cannery, and are enjoying the cool .weather a-aino This :Hakes our third year now, and we have a larger group than ever before. In fact, it looks as though we will have 75 people here for the summer. Now, I am w,%ndering if there isn't some way to improve our road out here? We have had a hard time operatin- the past two years because of the road. The postmaster does not like to leave our :nail out on the main road, yet the road is not un to postal regulations for rural delivery. ;'le are getting a petition for rural deliver�� of mail, and if the orad can be ,ridened and {graded vie will be able to have the mail run down here each day. Iiowever, vie are even more concerned about driving trucks ind our bus in here. ti7e ruined a new tire the other day, and that was due tc the road down the hill. It � is just too narrow for the big bus. Vie have hit the body on rocks many times too. � Actually, it would not be a very big job to widen the road a bit and to grade it. It is well drained, so widening and grading is all it needs. It seems to me that this would be a good project for the city to do, since we are inside the city limiisi� and since there are so many of us here. We spend about $10,COO here every summer, and our school is growing, too. We arc building several more buildings this su,nmer, too. i We will appreciate it a great deal if you can arrange to improve our road a bit, .for it will be a great help to use Sincerely yours, Erncst So Booth, Director June 10, 1949 ?'falla .'lalla College BioloZical Station Anacortes, Washin-ton Honorable J.L. Hagoa, "ayor and the City Council An --tortes, i'!as'zi n-t_)n Gentlemen: It was indeed a pleasure to meet you the other day, Mr. Hagen, and to have a visit j with you re,-ardin- some of the problems that confront us at the `3alla 71alla College, Biological Station, located so suitably in the .-vest part of your CItyo The road leading to the biological station is very narrow. In fact, our dual -tire bus can hardly get through there. I was informed that a tire was bruised or blown out just because of the narrowness of the road. We .could greatly appreciate it if the City could see light in wideninm the road somewhat and leveling it off so it is more usable. From the viewpoint of future developments, I realize that you may not want to nut too much into this road, but quite likely we will be usin,7 it for _two or three more summers, unless some other plan for our locatijn should materialize in the near future. Thank you very much for givin- consideration to this request. l"fishing you every success, I remain Very sincerely yours, H. Ca Hartman Business i.:anager 1 • • 1 • 1 July 5, 1949 The foregoing letters were accepted and placed on file. Mr. T. G. McCrory reported that he and. the Grader Tian would make a survey of the road to the lower cannery and would try to improve said road as much as possible with the use of the City Grader. The following communication from '.7. 0. Rogers was presented and read to the City Counc_l. American Federation of State, County and '01unicipal Employees Anacortes City Employees W. C. Rogers Rt 1 Anacortes, Washington June 29, 1949 Honorable Mayor and City Councilmen City of Anacortes Anacortes, 's'Iashin;ton Sirs: 71e, the City Employees of Anacortes, Local 3479 would like our committee to negotiate with the City Council Co:,imittee at your convenience for a $10,00 per month raise in salary and consideration of a 40 hour work week. This letter is sent prior to July first in accordance with ..ur agreement. Most sincerely yours, W. 0. Rogers The matter was discussed at sone length and Mayor Hagan appointed the following Committee; Mustacich, Ellin, and Bradoo This committee is to meet with a committee .from t'^e City Employees at their convenience, to discuss the matter of salaries for 1950 budget. Mr. Earle Olson, Inspector, made an oral report on the Time Oil Station at 13th Street and Commercial Avenue. This location is being cleaned un and satis- factory improvements are being made to the sanitary conditions at this location. Mr. Olson also reported that Mr. H. C. Davey has done a good job of cleaning up the building at 1106 6th Street, and satisfactory improvements are bein-.; made in the Second Hand Store at 1105 5th Street. The treasurer's report for June 1()49 was presented to the City Council and was referred to the Finance Committee. Mr. Jack Goff, Chief of Police, recommended that the City Council order a ring job for the motor of the Chevrolet Panel truck used by the Anacortes Police Department. Water Superintendent's Report for June 1949 was presented and read to the City Council and was accepted and placed on file. Street Foreman's report for June 1949 was presented and read to the City Council and was accepted and placed on file. Mr. L. E. Snider, Chief of the Fire Department, made an oral report to the City Council in which he pointed out that the new '. of the GTX fire truck had not arrived, and that as he was going to Seattle soon, he would check this matter and try to obtain the new .. ., as soon as possible. The :natter of a reserved parkin- space immediately west of the Popcorn stand at 7th Street and Commercial Avenue was again discussed at some length. It was decided to have the Streets and Parks Committee visit this location and make a recommendation as to the size of the reserved parkin-_ space and make a report to 40 the City Council. The matter of directional signs was discussed at some le.igtb and was referred to the Streets and Parks Committee. In the matter of the offer of the Anacortes Equipment Company to make the 40 necessary repairs to the furnace in the City Hall, a 'notion vuas made by Dodge and seconded by Ginett that the Anacortes Equipment Company ma'_ -e these repairs for the sum of �)209,75 and that the necessary fire brick be purchased from the Anacortes Veneer. Motion carried. Councilmnan Ginnett, Chairman of the Printing and Health Committee, presented the folloviin- report. Committee Report T) the Honorable Prlayor and City Council Your. Committee on Printing and Health to whom was referred the matter of Modern- C,) our Sewer System as .recommended by the Pollution Control Comnission, beg (leave to report as follows: We recommend that the City Council call for bids for a preliminary survey of our Sewage disposal facilities and needs for the future, provided that no part of the ;cost of such a survey shall be paid by the City -of Anacortes during the budget Y ear 1949, Robert W. Ginnett Eo E. Dodge Anthony TTustacich June 5, 1949 After some discussion, a motion was made by Welch and seconded by Brado that `! the City Council accept above report of the Printing and Health Coglittee and that the City Clerk be authorized to call for bids for said preliminary survey of the Anacortes Sewer Systema At this time, Irlr. N. V. '."tells, Jr, City Attorney, presented the folloviing ordinance relating to, regulating and reouirin license and payi1ent of fees for the distribution, operation and use of certain trade stimulators, sometimes rcfer- red to,as "punch boards", defining offenses and p rescribin- penalties, and constit- uting Section 7-3011 of the official Code of Ordinances of the City of Anacortes. This matter was discussed at some len-th section by section and a motion was made by Ginett and seconded by Dod"-e that said "punch board" ordinance be adopted in whole. Ayes: 1.Iustacich, Dodge, Welch, Ginnett and Brado. Motion carried. Councilman Ginnett brought up the matter of an ordinance rel atin- to fire and traffic hazards in the City of Anacortes; prohibitinS the accumulation of debris or the permitting of grass' and weeds to become dry and inflammable; requiring the i trimnminc of certain trees, hedges and shrubs. After s_,me discussion a motion was made by Ginett an' seconded by Dodge that the City Attorney be authorized to draft an ordinance for the control of the mater- ial mentioned on this matter. I,'[otion carried. I A notion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Dodge that the City Clerk writ e i to the School Board or Student Council informin- that the Admission Taxes on all school activities will have to be paid to the City of Anacortes. Motion Carried. Councilman Pdustacich put up the matter of char- �.in,. a lecense on taxi stands and parkin- zones in .front of stores. This matter was referred to the City Att- orney. The City Council recently called for bids for tae pavin- of 17th and 20th Streets ti"rest of Commercial, said bids to be opened on July 5, 1949. This matter came up for consideratiin at this time. A motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Brado that said bids be opened. Motion carried. There was only one bid on file with the City Clerk. This bid boinS from the A. v;- Stevens Construction Company, and the following is the amount of his bids. For 17th Street from the west side of Commercial Avenue to the Ease side of J Avenue,10,496.63. For 20th Street from the west side of Commercial Avenue to the center of J Avenue, 010,689.13. These bids being more than loo above the Engineer's estimate could not be accepted and a motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Dodge that said bids be rejected and that the City Clerk call for new bids on this work to be opened on July 19, 1949. Motion carried. The License and Police Committee will hold a meeting on Tuesday evening July 12 at 7:30 PM- The M. The following claims against the City of Anacortes for the balance of Vao month of June 1919 were presented and read to the City Council. CURRENT EXPENSE Joe L. Hagan 17694 Salary as 1.ayor 118.00 George Brado 17695 " " " Council-,N.an 10.00 Robert Ginnett 1769 r1 rf " 11 11 " 11 " 11 11 10.00 Romie Allen 17697 it 1t 11 11 11 '1 11 11 11 11 4.00 ;PJ. Jo CJelch 1768 'f 11 11 it r1 " 11 11 Ir it 10.00 ,Syd Ellin 17699 t1 ,f 111111 11 11 11 11 11 11 10.00 B. E. Dodge 17700 11 1! 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 1C.00 A. l;justacich 17701 f1 1' 11 1' 11 11 11 Ift1 11 10.00 0. E. ArL;es 17702 11 11 "1r"" Dep. Treas. 70.00 John Dor. cy 1770 It" 'f 11 11City Clerk 53.00 Dr. C. 7J. Dou;lass 1770 '1 '-' '-' " '-' Health Officer 50.00 V. V. '.'Jells, Jr. 17705 " " " " " City Attorney 1.50 John Cheney 17706 " " " " " Police Justice 7.50 Harry Davis 17707 " " " " 'r Do- Catcher 13.15 Norman Fulton 17708 " " " Janitor 19.20 John Petersen 17709 1t " " " " " If " 11 1'j9-87 Jacqueline Gurney 17710 " 11 " " " ';"Fork in Clerks Office 70.00 Clifford M. Olson 17711 " 11-11 " " Deputy City Clerk ',Vitholding Tax Fund 17712 Tax Deductions Z7000 9.20 Collins Office Supply 1771 Supplies for Clerks Office 1.85 Municipal Year Book 1771 Year Book 10.00 Zlizabeth M. Dwelley 17715 ,York on Ordinances for City Attn 21.00 Bird's Stationery 17716 Supplies for Clerks Office 12.00 J. B. Goff 17717 Salary as Chief of Police 178.85 T.I. E. Beebe 17718 " " " 'r " Ass f t. Chief 3.38.10 ''l. L. Pollard 17719 'f " " " It Patrolman 121,60 13. E. Thompson 17720 11 it If 11 11 11 11 It '1 11 11 157.00 , ilbert Lee 17721 " " " " H f/1 " " " " 121. 9 0 John Tennant 17722 +I If I1 fl It 11 If if 1► it 111_.50 Jack Kelly 177 " " " " " " " " " " (extra) 20.01 C. S. T.Iondhan 1772 ++ 11 n " " n 1f r1 rr a 25.68 '.litholc�in- Tax Fund 1772 Tax Deductions 107.35 E. Beebe 17727 WaSe Adjustment 34.[1 Bird's Stationery 17728 Supplies •93 C. W. Douglass 17729 Medical Service to G. Thomas 10.00 South Side Hardware 17730 Supplies .63 1 C7 • 1 • 1 July 5, 19119 CURRENT EXPE1,1SE (Cont.) STREET LIGHTS :, C1.'):,?T1X1'TENT FUND John Dorcy 17731 Cash Advanced 2.50 G. McCallum 17732 Police Bond .00 11npire Cafe 177 3 Meals .for City Prisoners 1�.11 Trulson Motor Company 1773,1_ Repairs 511.61 J. B. Goff 17735 Cash Advanced 1000 M. E. Beebe 17736 Cash Advanced 1036 Marine Hardware & Supply 17737 Supplies 16.16 Clayton Couch 17738 Airplane Service 1.50 Art Burnside 9c Coo 177 9 Supplies 45.71 W. S. Darley & Co. 17740 Service Light 17.22 J. B. Goff 1771 Cash Advanced for C.O.D. 15039 Fosses Texaco Service 1772 Repairs & Supplies 25007 L. E. Snider 17743 Salary as Fire Chief 146.98 Bert Verrall 1774!1 Salary as Asst. Fire Chief 122.72 C. S. Mondhan K. W. Snart 17745 17746 Salary as Captain Salary as Captain 120 .3 113.4.8 Edo Alexander 177117 Salary as Fireman 3.19.95 J. N. Parsons 1778 Salary as Fireman 10k-70 D. lel. Pars ins 17711.9 Salary as Fireman 8b .51 George Ray 17750 Salary as Fireman 109061 ;Robert Harr Clyde Cook Roy McDougall 17751 17752 Salary as Fireman Salary as Call Phan 85018 6000 !Lewis Harr John G. Dorcy 177,5,,33 Salary as Call Man 2. 00 Frank Knapp C. Wirsing 1778 Salary as Call Man 3.00 'I'litholdinE Tax Fund Geo. Olson 17755 Salary as Call Man 200 hater Department C. T. Strock 17756 Salary as Call Man 2.00 South Side Hardware Earle Olson 17757 Salary as Inspector 128.20 Robinson Imp. Co. Witholding Tax Fund 17758 Tax Deductions 159090 Figenshaw Hardware Fosses Tecaco Service 17759 Supplies & Service 2006 Robert Harr Bird's Stationery 17760 Supplies 1.13 Lewis Harr Rufus Webb, Shell Jobber 17761 Gasoline 9579 Dept of Labor ec Ind L. N. Curtis & Sons 17762 Refill "D" gas 7.73 United Janitor Supply Co. 1776 Soap 1.55 Ruth Brinkley M. W. Featherkile 1776 Repair of Radio 47.2B Eleanore Nevill ';later Department 17765 Hydrant Rental 6?5.00 Marjorie Ross Earle Olson 17766 Mileage - 71 :Hiles 0 8� ..5.68 P. E. Olson L. E. Snider 17767 Supervision of Inspections 25.00 Witholdin-Tax Fund Anacortes Gas Co. 17758 Service 1.25 Simpson's Elec. Shop Rufus Webb, Shell Jobber 17769 Stove Oil 7.59 Puget Sound Power r, Lir-ht Marine Supply & Hardware 17770 Supplies 23.18 ',dater Department Kimsey's Market 17771 Supplies 10.73 STREET LIGHTS :, C1.'):,?T1X1'TENT FUND Puget Sound Poorer & Light 17772 Service -Fire Hall -City Hall & Street Lights 1,037.46 C. C. Cook 1777 New Keys 1.03 North Coast Soap '�dorks 1777 Fl,)or Brush 8.43 Anacortes Drug Co. 1777.5 2 Batteries .80 Bird's Stationery 17776 Supplies for Janitor 9.79 ,Nater Department 17777 Service for City Hall 2.50 Simmonds Paint Co. 17778 Supplies for City Hall -30 'lest Disinfecting Co. 17779 Ecuipment 8. Supplies A,-33 'Nest Coast Telephone Co. 17780 Service City Hall 17.19 iIrene Snart 17781 Typin letter -notices -ordinances 7.50 Peter E. Olson 17782 Service of notice on H.O. Davey 1.2C Harry Davis 1778� Service at City Hall 6.00 David Bowen 17764 June :7ages 122.72 Firemen's Relief Pen. Fund 17785 Payroll Pension Deductions 131.13 G. U. Dalstead, P.T.I. 17786 Posta ;e for City Clerk 6.00 Harry Davis 17787 Garbage Dump Y an 50.00 Dep.ar�_-:nent of Labor °- Ind 17790 Ind Ins tc ivied Aid 91.99 PARK FUND ;Robert Harr 212.2 Salary for labor. (cancelled) !Lewis Harr 212 Salary for labor (cancelled) Frank Knapp 212 Salary as Supt. 1148.20 'I'litholdinE Tax Fund 2125 Tax Deductions 26.70 hater Department 2126 Service 81,60 South Side Hardware 2127 Supplies 11.62 Robinson Imp. Co. 212 Liquid in Tires 7.21 Figenshaw Hardware 2129 Supplies 13.04 Robert Harr 2130 Salary Balance for June, 191.1.') 145.00 Lewis Harr 2131 Salar�.Balance for June, 194.9 150.10 Dept of Labor ec Ind 2132 Ind Ins & Mod Aid 12.53 LIBRARY FUND Ruth Brinkley 299 Sal as Librarian 93. go Eleanore Nevill 299 Sal as Asst 85.60 Marjorie Ross 2995 Cataloger 30.60 P. E. Olson 2996 Care -Taker 75000 Witholdin-Tax Fund 2997 Tax Deductions 35.10 Simpson's Elec. Shop 2998 Supplies 1.13 Puget Sound Power r, Lir-ht 2999 Services 9.51 ',dater Department 3000 Service 3.65 17in;e's Community Store 3001 Paper Towels 4, 35 Harry Davis 3002 Service 3.00 Gaylord Bros. Inc. 300 Supplies 21.25 Breckenridge Plumbing 3004 Service 3035 Doubleday �: Co., Inc .300 Puget Sound News Co. 006 Books Books 11-70 123.70 The College Bindery 3007 Service 32.34 Dept of Labor and Ind .Flitholding Tax Fund M. Ga Strock W. Vo Wells, Jr. July 5, 1949 3008 Ind Ins and Medical Aid Tax Deductions from City Empl FIREI1Ai? I S iTt;LI:EF c-. PEITSI O'l FUND Pension Sal 122.00 LOCAL II4PROVE1:1ENT DISTRICT FUND 56 tracts at 75� each 42.00 WATER DEPART_11ENT To Go McCrory 10749 Salary as Superintendent 171000 Sadie M. Arges 10750 Salary as Cashier 11}..90 Shirley Owens 10751 Salary as Clerk 96.90 John G. Dorcy 10752 Salary as BookeeperX1.00 Chas. '�Jedlund 1075 Salary as ForemEn 1 7.62 Everett Thorene 1075?� Salary as Serviceman 139.20 W. 0. Rogers 10755 Salary as Filterman 14 ..6G Go F. Keller 10756 Salary as Filterman 12 060 Roy Wedlund 10757 SalRry as Filterman 121x90 Frank Deane 1.0758 Salary as Filterman 122.10 Lester Thomas 10759 Salary as Pumpman 143000 Witholding Tax Fund 10760 Tax Deductions 217.20 Marine Supply -- Hardware 10761 Supplies 84032 Trulson Motor Company 10762 Supplies & Repairs 51.62 Bird's Stationery 10763 Supplies 7.52 Puget Sound Power & Light 10764 Service 39050075 Multiplex Mfg. Co. 10765 Supplies 36.37 SkaTit Bonded Collectors 10766 Amount Due 1.25 Worthington-Gammom Meter 10767 Meters & Connections 232.49 Robertson Freight Lines 10768 Freight Charges 1.25 City Street Fund 10769 Gas used by VJater Dept. 27070 City Building Rental Fund 10770 Rent of Offices & Garage 100..00 Standard Oil Company 10771 Supplies 1060 A. Ho Cox & Company 10772 Ingersoll-Rand Pavement Bredcer 1540 0 G. No Dalstead, Postmaster 1077 Postage 6000 Milo Strock 10774 Salary as Inspector on Filder Addnl48.40 VJitholding Tax Fund 10775 Deductions from Milo Strock Sal 23040 E. A. Abbott Motor Co 10776 Repairs 1©29 Curtis Wharf Company 10777 Tw.) Ton of Lime 71,07 Barrow Shaffer Cons. Co. 10778 Supplies 2,622'®25 Pennsylvania Salt Mfg. Co. 10779 Chlorine 67061 Anacortes Iron Works 10780 Supplies & Labor 32®37 Tax Commission 10781 Business Tax 585:74 West Coast Telephone Co 10782 Service 16®15 Fimenshaw IIardware 107 Supplies 6.75 Ho D. Fowler 1078 8 Tap & Drill for J I;Iachine 23063 Jack Gurney 10785 Drills Sharpened & '3elded 5.75 Consumers Elec. Inco 10786 Service & Labor 7.72 Puget Sdo Pr & Lt Co 10787 Lighting; Service' ;later Dept. 163.12 Dept of Labor w Ind 10789 Ind Ins and Ivied Air 103856 Milo Strock 10790 To replace No. 10��4 126®60 STREET DEPARTi.:EITT Roy McDougall 3500 Salary as Foreman 144.68 Lynn Balcomb 3501 Salary as Grader-nan 139,80 Carl Thorene 3502 Salary as Ialaintenance 161060 Dave Summers 3503 Salary as V ,'intenance 129.22 Carl Welk 3504 Salary as Eaintenance 124022 Artis Taylor 3505 Salary as Maintenance 134.18 Sam Nunn 3506 Salary as Sweeper 87084 To Ge McCrory 3507 Salary as Supt. 33-30 John Go Dorcy 3508 Salary as Bookkeeper 29.50 Witholding Tax Fund 3509 Tax Deductions 160080 Marine Supply & Hardware 3510 Supplies 31.65 Standard Oil Company 3511 Kersone 13.8 Trulson Motor Company 3512 Repairs 19099 Curtis Wharf Company 3513 Cement 2.78 Otette-Morrisson Spruce Co 301_ Lumber 18118 Ska`it County Road Engineer 3515 Asphalt ?c E,juip,nent Rental 59.44 Puget Sound Power & Light 3516 Service 65077 Rufus Webb, Shell Jobber 3517 Diesel Fuel Oil 21.41 Island Transfer 3518 Oiling; on G Avenue 16.50 V1. 19. Keer cc Co. 3519 Supplies 5.12 Dept of Labor R-. Ind 3520 Ind Ins Sc I;Ied Aid 39°99 CEL=ERY FUND Ingvald Iverson 788 Salary as Supt. 118060 Vim. Latimer 789 Salary as Laborer 105.68 Chas. R. Mitchell 790 Salary as Laborer 116.93 Witholdin7 Tax Fund 791 Tax Deductions 71.50 Pu., -!et Sound Power & Li7ht 792 Service 22.96 South Side Hardware 793 Repairs 6.23 Birds Stationery 794 Supplies 2.32 Pu -et Sound Power !-..Li-ht 795 Service 13014 Union Oil Company 796 Grease 5.23 Water Department 797 Service 2050 11 1 ,• • 1 p July 59 1949 Affleck Bros 798 Stove Oil 8030 '1 Katherine Snider 799 Work on Records 40000 C. C. Cook Boo Sharpen T,lower 6.18 Vlest Coast'Tele phone Co. 801 Telephone Service 5,65 Oregon Brass Works 802 Supplies 71085 J Skagit County Hed. Assoc. 80 Ins. 6000 Dept of Labor Sc Industries 80 � Ind Ins & Med Aid 15-13 A motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by f0ustacich that the Claims be referred to the Finance Committee. Motion carried. The IPinance Committee considered said claims and recommended that the Claims be allowed and warrants written favor of the same. A motion was mate by Ginnett that the recommendation of the Finance Committee in the matter of the Claims against the City of Anacortes as given above be adopted. Ayes: Mustacich, Eltixx, Dodge, 1,7elch, Ginnett and B -ado. Motion carried. A petition si-ned by 27?0 of the owners of lots on 17th Street protested the paving of 17th Street from the West side of Commercial Avenue to the Hist Sidd of J Avenue. `;'his matter was r..ferred to the City Engineer. A City Attorney's Report recommending the acceptance of a renewal bond. issued by the Great Indemnity Company in the amount of ,1,000.00 in favor of Viarren Eugene Thomnaon was presented and read to the City Council.The City Council approved the above recommendation of the City Attorney. The Gasoline Report for the month of June, 19119, was, presented to the City Council and was accepted and placed on file. Having completed the business of the evening, a motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Ginnett that the meeting of the City Council adjourn. Motion carried. The ::Ieetinc; of the City City Council did then adjourn. i 4 / I:Zvor7 Attest: City Clerk July 19, 1919 Honorable r:Iayor and City Council: Attention: Printing & Health Committee. Subject: Sewage Disposal A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7:30 P. :, with Mayor Joe L. Ha,Tan presiding. The roll vias called and Dodge', '+;elch Ginnett and Brado were , present. On behalf of the Marinecr's Pa oant Cor.�::ittec, lir. T. G. I1on ood presented the following communication: Anacortes, Vin. July 15, 1949 To: City Council, Anacortes, Washington. The I:larinecr Pay-eant Assn. of=Lnacortes request permission to use City Streets and City Parks to hold parades and conduct other events in connection of annual celebration. Use of strec"ts to conform with rel-ulations of fire and police depart- ments. Sincerely, T. F. Henwood Co-Mlana-er After some discussion a motion was made by Ginnett and secc)nded by ',;Velrh that permission be granted to the Marineer's Pageant Committee as requested the above .in communication. Motion car-ied.. Mrs. James Earle presented the following corr_munication to the City Council: Anacortes, 'Yash. July 16, 19 �� 9 Honorable I:Iayor, t+e would please li`.{e 'permission to hook on to the City Sewer. Out lot and block number are: The Hast 90 ft. of the south half of the follozing desc-ibed tract of land in the S. E. k of the Southeast 41- of Section 21�, Township 35 tiorth,Range 1 Last of the dillamette I-eridian. Beginning at the Southeast corner of said S. E. I thence North on the east line of said section Ik chains, )�7� links, then south on a line parallel with the east line of said section to the south line of said section thence east of the south line - of said section to t -he point of beginning. The address 'cin; 1102 - 29th street. Thank you. :yrs. James Earle. After some discussion a -.lotion waa rnado by Jrado and seconded by Dodge that per- mission be ;ranted to :7iake said sewer connection under the supervision of the Plumb- ing Inspector.rind the Street Supervisor. Motion carried. The following communication from Torso Alice 14ewland, Secretary of the Anacortes Planning Connission vias presented and read to the City Council: Honorable r:Iayor and City Council: Attention: Printing & Health Committee. Subject: Sewage Disposal 5W( -a0 July 19, 1949 At the regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Anacortes July 132 1949 - representation of the following engineering firms presented in briefil what would constitute a preliminary survey - Barry II. Sisler and Frank Gilkey of Sisler & Gilkey Assoc., Kirkland, Washington: Allen E. IIill and Gordon G. Inman of, Parker & Hill, Smith Tower, Seattle, 1�7 ashington: H. 71. Kramer of James ':I. Carey & Assoc., lst Avenue Building, Seattle, Washington: Conrad 0. Mannes of De7litt & Griffin & Assoc., Lllyd Building, Seattle, Washington. After due consideration the Planning Council makes the following recommendation to the Council of the City of Anacortes: 11 That representatives of the firms present at the above said meeting be notified'! to ap,)ear before the City Ccuncil at a special meeting, July 26th, 1949 at 7030 P.Ii. and to present a written report of what would constitute a preliminary survey and studies, and the cost of such a survey. j Alice Parchman Newland, Seely., Anacortes Planning Commission. After some discussion a motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Brado that a regular adjourned meeting of the City Council be held on July 28, 1949 as recommende�� in the above cor.Lmunication. Hotion carried. rl • The following communcation and petition were presented and read to the City Council'. � • July 8, 1949 To the Mayor and Ivlembers of the City Council of Anacortes, :"In. tile, the undersigned citizens of Anacortes, do respectfully petition you to take measures for having the thistles removed from all vacant and unused lots within the city limitd. The thistles are now in bloom and in about three weeks their seed will be ripe Ii' and the first wind will send millions of them all over torn. In order to control this menace we recuest you to act promptly. Very respectfully yours, Dr. A. B. Cook Alida J. Aiton This pot.i.tion was signed by 29 residents. This letter was accepted and placed on file. The following CommunLeation from Frank Maryott was presented and read to the City Council: Anacortes, '�Iashin;ton June 29, 1949 � To the Icon. Mayor and City Council j of the City of Anacortes, bdashington Gentlemen: The undersigned is the owner of the West 11 feet of Lot 6, Block 7, "Amended Plat of Shannon's First Addition to the City of Anacortes" against which there ap- pears a record of a L. I. D. deed of the City of Anacortes dated July 18, 19320 71e have checked with the City Treasurer and find that the property is indebted to Local Improvement District No. 139, Southside Sewers, in the principal amount of 018.12 0 Wo herewith tender you the sum of X18,12 and we respectfully request that the j City issue a quit claim deed to C. Grant Taylor and Lillie P.I Taylor, Husband and � Wife on the ahove described property. i Wo are at present negotiating for the sale of this and adjacent property and would deeply appreciate your irrLmediate consideration and action upon this petition. I Yours truly, Frank E. Llaryott After due consideration. a motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Brado that a Quit Claim Deed be issuod as requested in the above coimunication. 1.1r. Ed. Jarbo presented an application for a taxi owner's license and a taxi driver's license. This matter was discussed at some len-t'.1 and a :notion was ma:?e by Dodge and secondee. by I'Ielch t'aat this license be granted providing that the proper evidence of insurance be presented to the City Clerk. Motion carried. The folloWing Resolution was presented and read to the City Council.* MHERLAS, Unusual adverse weather conditions existing in Anacortes in February lof this year have made necessary the reconstruction and betterment of many miles of ,roads wit'ain the city limits; have required the employment of ad itional personnel in the stre _ t departYaent seas to repair the damage caused as cx,�e, 1_t *_- r1'sly .s sible, and will require the expenditure of approximately 'Q1500.00 over and above the amount budgeted for labor in the 1949 budget; and -ti �MEREAS, The street sweeper employed b-- the city on a part time basis for ?15.00 per month has quit his work and no one has yet been found to replace said street sweeper and it is believed thrt because of the '_tours and pay of the position that no one will be found for the job, and 1 1 • 1 1 • is �:-) 0 1 July 19, 1949 '.Pi;RIAS, Due to t'_ze amount of ,%,ork rcqui.red to reconstruct and better the damaged strects and alleys in the City of Anacortes it is necessary„ that an ad- ditional man be employed to uor'X for the street department, which said full time person can assume as part time duty the work done b- the street sweeper, and .`MREAS9 There are funds available for these purposes in the 1949 budget of the City of Anacortes set forth under general classifications of betterment and reconstruction. NO, THEREOFRE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the City Council of the City of Anacortes, �ashinEton: 1. That the City employ an additional man full time for viork in the street department, which said person shall perform as a part of his duties the work formerly accomplished by the street sweeper of the street department. 2. That the street department be and it is hereby authorized toexpend-up to but no exceeding �1500.G0 out of the fund budgeted for betterment and reconstruction for the street department in the 1949 budget to apply toward and be used for the Dur pose of paying for all extra work and labor in said depart,nent required in bettering and reconstructing the strects and alleys in the City of Anacortes during the year 1949. 3. That tris Resolution is passed for the purpose of indicating the desire of the City Council regarding the items for -which a portion of the funds budgeted as bottenment and reconstruction in the 19)9 budget as concerns the street department shall be expended. Adopted this AT T ESS": f John'G. Darcy, C ORPURATE. 'SEAL day of July, 1949 CITY OF , A11AC ORTES BY . ��x '1C��✓ Joe L o F� :-an, Mayor City Clerk After some discussion motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Ginnett that said resolution above given be adopted as a whole. Ayes: Dodge, 1le-1 Ginnett and Tirado. ,.oti.on carried. Perrisrlon grnn- An oral request vias made by members of the National Guard to paint the floors ted National in the .National Guard office in the basement of the City Balla This per -fission Guara to paint was granted by the City Council. floors in office. The following claims a-ainst Claims Of July, 1910 were presented and 0. E. Arges John Dorcy Vo k`vells, Jr,, John Cheney Norm -in Fulton Jacqueline Gurney Clifford M. Olson John Peterson Mutual "Benefit Ass'n. La Eo Snider Bert Verr.all C. S. Mond}. -pan. K. W. Snart Ldo Alexander J. 11. Parsons Do Bd. Parsons Geo. Ray Clyde Cook Earle E. Olson L. E. Snider J, B. Goff M. E. Beebe W. L. Pollard G. 0, Lee J. W. Tennant Jack Kelly C. S. Mondhan W. E. Thompson Railway I xPress To Go McCrory Sadie 11. Arges Shirley Owens John G. Dorcy Chas. ',.'iedlund Everett Thorene Id. 0. Rogers G. F. Keller Frank Deane :,Roy Wedlund Le:stcr Thomas .Milo Strock Mutual Benefit Ass'n. 17791 17792' 1779 1779 17795 17796 17797 17798 17799 17800 17801 17802 1790 1780 17805 17806 17 807 17808 17809 17810 17811 17812 17 813 1781' 17815 1781'0 17817 17818 17819 10791 10792 10793 10794 10795 10796 10797 10798 10799 1-0800 10801 10802 10303 the City of Anacortes for the read to the City Council: CURRENT EXPENSE Salary as Dep. Treas. " " City Clerk rr rr City Attorney Police Justice Janitor '.Fork in Clerk's Office Salary as .Deputy City Clerk rr It Janitor Insurance Deductions Salary as Fire Chief Asst. Chief Capt. Fire Dept. Capt. Fire Dept. rr " Fireman t1 1° Fireman Fireman Fireman Fireman " 11 inspector Expenses to Fire School Salary as Police Chief it " Asst. Chief 1° " Patrolman It " patrolman It It Patrolman It 14 Extra Patrolman it 1f Extra Patrolman t9 " Patrolman Express Changes on su pplies ',PATER DEPARTMENT Salary as V`j'a Wer Supt. 11 " Cashier Clerk Bookkeeper Fireman Serviceman Filterman rr rr Filterman Filterman it " Filterman " 11 Pumpman Inspector Group Insurance Deductions first ' of the month 55. CO 50.00 0.00 0.00 110.00 90000 100.00 110.00 3045 125.00 125.00 125-00 125000 125000 125.00 125.00 125000 125.00 125.00 66.10 100.00 135.00 120.00 125.00 1%.046 0 6 10.53 100.00 18.86 165..00 10,.00 90.00 1�0 0 00 115.00 120400 125.00 115.00 115.00 125.00 125.00 115.00 9.30 ii July 19, 1949 A :notion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Bra, -Io t'iat said claims be referred to the Finance Committee. The finance Committee considered said claims ane, recom- mended that the cla:Lns be all.:^ed and �7iarrants dr. aim in Favor of the same. A motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Drado that the reco:lmendation of the i"finance CorLmittec in the matter of the claims against the City of Anacortes for a,)pro4imatelJ- first 7'of July, 1949 be adopted. Aycs: Dodge, Belch, Ginnett and Brado. :.lotion carried. In the matter of the request of Virgil Johnson for a reserved -a--1c-7n PAR K DEPARTMENT R;;au,_ n t of Robert Harr 213 Salary as Employee 100.00 Lewis Harr 213 " t9 Employee 75.G0' Frank Knapp 2135 " 9P Supt, 100.00 Streets Parks Committee in the rsattor of the above reserved parking area be acoptcq CEI;IETERY DEPA'RT11ENT In;vald Iversen 805 Salary as Supt. 12_C;CO'l Virg. E. Latimer 806 " " Employee 110.00 Chas. Mitchell 807 " " Employee 110.00, i STREET DEPARTT112TT Roy I.ZcDougall 3521 Salary as Foreman 125.00; Lynn Balcomb 3522 " " I.1aint . Idan 120. CO Carl `rhorene 3523 " " Ida:1. nt . Ilan 125.00 Art i s Taylor 3521 Llai nt . Elan 120.00 Dave Summers 3525 " " Irlaint. Ilan 115.00 Cer 1 Vie lk 3526 " " Maint. Man 120.00' Sam Nunn 3527 " " Sweeper 32.50' T. G. McCrory 3528 " " Supervisor 35.00 John G. Dorcy 3529 " " Bookkeeper 30.00 Mutual Benefit Ass9n. 3530 Insurance Deductions 21.00' LIBRARY DEPARTMENT Ruth E. Brin'_sley 3009 Salary as Librarian 80.G0' Eleanor Nevill 3010 It " Ass9t. Librarian 80.00 P. E. Olson 3011 " " Caretaker 75.00 :::utual Benefit Assn. 3012 Insurance Deductions x.80 FIREMEN 9S PENSION FUND Mutual Bcnefit Ass9n. Ins. for 14. Strock 3.00 A :notion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Bra, -Io t'iat said claims be referred to the Finance Committee. The finance Committee considered said claims ane, recom- mended that the cla:Lns be all.:^ed and �7iarrants dr. aim in Favor of the same. A motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Drado that the reco:lmendation of the i"finance CorLmittec in the matter of the claims against the City of Anacortes for a,)pro4imatelJ- first 7'of July, 1949 be adopted. Aycs: Dodge, Belch, Ginnett and Brado. :.lotion carried. In the matter of the request of Virgil Johnson for a reserved -a--1c-7n sp,zce R;;au,_ n t of immediately west of the popcorn stand on the nort'z;Jest corner of 7th street and ''''' ' Joli.n. Commercial Avenue, the Streets and Parks Corgi ttee recor"iended that an area 229 son "or oark- i-Lnediately west of the popcorn stand be marked off as a reserved -oar ting space. A ing -..cc motion was macre by Ginnett and seconded by Brado that the .reco_ mendation of the Streets Parks Committee in the rsattor of the above reserved parking area be acoptcq Motion carried. Mayor Joe L. 11a,;an mace an oral report of a meqt.tin- held on July 12th in vhich i:et�r.g of the License and Police Co.-mittce and Police officers dere present. The Police Of- Lich_.^o "Ind ficer. s made an interesting report of their expenience at Plilice schools. Poll cc: Co,I-n.o At the mectinc- of the City Council held on July 5, the City Clerk was authorize4 No bids on to call for bids for the paving of 17th street and 20th street nest of Commercial file 'or Avenue ane_ saia bids to be opened on July 19th, 1g1k9. `there w(re no bids on file 01Ivy �: of at this meeting. The CitS, Council decided that this :Natter mould continue until a 17th Sc 20t'no later date. Being unable to complete the business of the evening, at the present necting a motion was :Wade by Ginnett and seconded by "od-e that the neet'.n,; of the City Council adjourn until Tuesday, July 23, 194; at 7:30 P,L.. Lotion carried. The mcetinV cf the City Council did,,so adjourn. Attest.*: City Clerk July 26, 1949- A 949 / 17ay o r% A regular adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7.*30 P. Ill. with `mayor Joe L. liagan presiding. `ihe roll was called and llodge, Lllin, I'Jelch,Ginnett, Alland and Brado ;gore pres:.nt. The following letter from L. L. Todd .vas presented and read to the City Council, Anacortes 67ashington July 26, 1919 y Iion. Hayor and iYiembers of City Council, Anacortes, 71ashington. Gentlemen.* This co_mt!iunication is written for Lute F. Childs, a resident of this City. I,Ir. Childs is now operating a Trailer Cafe in Anacortes at the N. E. corner of 3rd Street and Corivier. tial Avenue This `Frailer Cafe is being oper^ted especially to accommodate the fisher..ien, long shorc.:-ien and cannery worlhers employed in that district. The only refuse form the place which '."ie doesnot haul away is the water from .• �s',� n^ t:�c dis'zes ane, this he disposes of by pouring into holes he has dug for that i)urpose au: then covers it up. Lottor fr,)n L. T,o To -1d re: trailer c^_`'e aDe nate:! !-^y T,a+•e Childs. 1 • • 1 • 0 1 July 26, 1949 Letter !rom Arigrican '.,Czio'"l re: dressi.nU The followin- letter was presented and read to the City Council: Honorable layor and City Council, City Hall, Anacortes, '."dash. Crentleinen: July 13, 1949 Causland Post 13, American Legion is sponsorin- the Albert Hamilton Yost Bu -le Band, of Bell inc,•'-,am, ',lash„ as a Marineers Pa eant parade feature, This crganization will parade in their dress uniforms, and that will require that they dress just prior to parade time. Causland Post does not have the facilities for a group as large as this to dress at our hall, therefor fire roust find a suitable dressing room. It has been mentioned that adequate facilities are available in the old council chamber above the Fire Hd_llo Causland Post vro,.1ld like to ask your honorable body for permission to use these quar- ters to use these quarters on Saturday mcrninr; for the above mentioned purpose. ','/e agreeing to see that the room is cleaned after the parade, Sincerely, Al. Valentine adjutant After some discussion a motion was :made by Ginnett and seconded by 'elch that permission to.C.rantcd to Causland Post No. 13 to use the old Council room. Motion carried. Applic,itic,n An application for a taxi drivers license from Victor Jo Todd bins presented of V. J. Todd and read to the City Council. After some discussion and the aporoval of the Chief ofl for tRxi dri- Police a motian was made by Ginnett and seconded by Allan that a taxi drivers license v^re l:ecase. be granted to Victor J. Todd. Motion carried. Smoke hazard The City Council discussed at some length the matter of eliminating the smoke at the _)ole hazard from the burner at the pole mill operated by the 7dalton Lumber Co,, After some ill ac "Tal.t- discussion a motion made by Ginnett and seconded by Allan that the City Clcrlc an Co. ,:rite a letter to the Walton L,.Lmber Co., asl:in-them to close dorm immediately until such time as a way can be found to eliminate the smoke hazard from the burner at said pole mill. Ayes: Dodge, Lllin, :•welch, G� nnett, Allan and Brac:.o a I.Iotion carried. Se. -!Cr SJ ;tom. For some time the City has been considering; a nea server system in the City of Anr_cortcso This meeting ::,as called largely to give various enginecrino firms an opportunity to present an estimate of costs for making a survey of the seWer.systen, in Anacortes. The following firms were present and spoke to the City Council: Richard ';d. Wolfe , 1506 Smith To::c.r, Seattle, '•lash., Jamcs '.1, Carey and Assoc., Seat',' -.1e, *:lash., C. Oo Mannes, Seattle, lash., Parker and Hill Seattle,-Jash., and Sisler and Gilkey, I,lount Vernon, Wash. The City Oouncil decided to have a meeting In the near future of the printing and 'health committee and on August 2nd, 1949 adjourn the regular meeting until August 9th, 1949. E. Jarl:o rcq- Mr. Edo Jaubo asked to have a parking space reserved in front of the Commercial uests p^r'ciag Tavern. After some discuss&on this matter was referred to the streets and parks space '.r. :`.'rent committee and the license and police committee, to discuss this matter and :Hake a of C-)^:11 Tay. report to the City Council. Completed the business of the eveniLig a :notion was made by Ginnett and ,,seconded by Allan that the meeting• of the City Council adjourn until August 2nd 1949 �at 7:.30 P, RS I�Io carried. 9 Attest: �c %AA.A-4,.'�� City May F C�rk or ,r Mr. Childs wishes permission to operate this :Frailer Cafe only until the end of the fishing season for this year. Thanking you for your consideration of same, I am Respectfully yours, i Leroy L. Todd Atty, for Lute F. Childs, Anacortes, �lashington Pcr::^3_ssion Mr. Earle Olson, Plumbing inspector,made an oral report on this matter and a granted to motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Ellin that permission be Srranted to L. C. T,uto Childs Childs to operate this cafe at the corner of 3rd street and L. Avenue until October to cr;e-ate caf; lst, 1919. Motion carried. lentil Oct. lst , The following cormiunication from the Anacortes Central Labor Council was preseni;(d '.'.c Iter fr.:m and read to the City Co nci1 l n,icortcs ! Ccr_tr^1 Labor City Council Council re: An^cortes, ',ash. stnnd`�rd time. Dear Sirs: The Central Labor council r;fishes to thank, those r.,embcrs of the Citi, Council their kind consideration of the fanner and ;.,orking people in the recent time issue. ,.�Ie realize that there was considerable opposition from a minority group. In -as -much as the official time is standard vie feel that the lame clocks on Coif&ercial Avenue should be corrected or removed as it makes it very confusingo i. Respectfully,* Leo E. Ratzocr, Seely. This cor:Lmunication was accepted and placed on file. Letter !rom Arigrican '.,Czio'"l re: dressi.nU The followin- letter was presented and read to the City Council: Honorable layor and City Council, City Hall, Anacortes, '."dash. Crentleinen: July 13, 1949 Causland Post 13, American Legion is sponsorin- the Albert Hamilton Yost Bu -le Band, of Bell inc,•'-,am, ',lash„ as a Marineers Pa eant parade feature, This crganization will parade in their dress uniforms, and that will require that they dress just prior to parade time. Causland Post does not have the facilities for a group as large as this to dress at our hall, therefor fire roust find a suitable dressing room. It has been mentioned that adequate facilities are available in the old council chamber above the Fire Hd_llo Causland Post vro,.1ld like to ask your honorable body for permission to use these quar- ters to use these quarters on Saturday mcrninr; for the above mentioned purpose. ','/e agreeing to see that the room is cleaned after the parade, Sincerely, Al. Valentine adjutant After some discussion a motion was :made by Ginnett and seconded by 'elch that permission to.C.rantcd to Causland Post No. 13 to use the old Council room. Motion carried. Applic,itic,n An application for a taxi drivers license from Victor Jo Todd bins presented of V. J. Todd and read to the City Council. After some discussion and the aporoval of the Chief ofl for tRxi dri- Police a motian was made by Ginnett and seconded by Allan that a taxi drivers license v^re l:ecase. be granted to Victor J. Todd. Motion carried. Smoke hazard The City Council discussed at some length the matter of eliminating the smoke at the _)ole hazard from the burner at the pole mill operated by the 7dalton Lumber Co,, After some ill ac "Tal.t- discussion a motion made by Ginnett and seconded by Allan that the City Clcrlc an Co. ,:rite a letter to the Walton L,.Lmber Co., asl:in-them to close dorm immediately until such time as a way can be found to eliminate the smoke hazard from the burner at said pole mill. Ayes: Dodge, Lllin, :•welch, G� nnett, Allan and Brac:.o a I.Iotion carried. Se. -!Cr SJ ;tom. For some time the City has been considering; a nea server system in the City of Anr_cortcso This meeting ::,as called largely to give various enginecrino firms an opportunity to present an estimate of costs for making a survey of the seWer.systen, in Anacortes. The following firms were present and spoke to the City Council: Richard ';d. Wolfe , 1506 Smith To::c.r, Seattle, '•lash., Jamcs '.1, Carey and Assoc., Seat',' -.1e, *:lash., C. Oo Mannes, Seattle, lash., Parker and Hill Seattle,-Jash., and Sisler and Gilkey, I,lount Vernon, Wash. The City Oouncil decided to have a meeting In the near future of the printing and 'health committee and on August 2nd, 1949 adjourn the regular meeting until August 9th, 1949. E. Jarl:o rcq- Mr. Edo Jaubo asked to have a parking space reserved in front of the Commercial uests p^r'ciag Tavern. After some discuss&on this matter was referred to the streets and parks space '.r. :`.'rent committee and the license and police committee, to discuss this matter and :Hake a of C-)^:11 Tay. report to the City Council. Completed the business of the eveniLig a :notion was made by Ginnett and ,,seconded by Allan that the meeting• of the City Council adjourn until August 2nd 1949 �at 7:.30 P, RS I�Io carried. 9 Attest: �c %AA.A-4,.'�� City May F C�rk or ,r August 29 1949 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7.-30 P. 11. with Mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. The roll was called and ;Jlustacich9 Ellin, Ginnett, Allan and Brudo were present. Mr. Edo Jarbo spoke to the City Council and asked permission to have a reserved' L. Jarbo parking space for his taxi cab in front of the Commercial Tavern at 418 - Commercial ;;i,;; j_)L' 1 Avenue. This matter was discussed at some length and was referred to the Streets ani°.-.°ws_o to Parks Committee., r `l s is V \')` ' IIS The following Communication from Irvin Rydberg w as presented and read to the City Council.- T-Ut ; ,„ August 19 1949 Anacortes City Council Anacortes9 Washington. J of t"Ic �.r. ti -c -, Sirs.- C : t;;; Hall • Speaking for the Anacortes Community -iecreation Association9 I wish to request On _ ^ the use of the gym in the City Hall on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday nights of each week during the following fall and winter programs. Of c,ac'.. On the various nights it would be open to men9 women9 and teen-agers. The afternoons be to boys • will open and girls on alternate afternoons. Sincerely Irvin L. Rydberg Recreation Director After some discussion a motion was made by Allan and seconded by Brado that this! matter be rdferred to the Building Committee. Motion carried. The following communication from Robert T. Wright was presented and read to the City Councils Anacortes 9 liJash9>• ;. 7 - 29 - 49 Request to the City Council of Anacortes, Wash. s.L=s_)r Cl.rcus. for The Anacortes Kiwanis club. Dear Sirs.- I am aksing your permission for the Kiwanis Club of this city to sponeer the Polo Brothers Circus to be held on the east side of Commercial Ave., in the Shell Dock area on Tuesday, August 2nd, 1949. The 5% given to the Kiwanis Club as Sponser; of the show is to be used for the underpriviledged children of our community. In cooperation Dith the city clerk, John Dorcy who is also a Kiwanian, we will see that all provisions of the city ordinances are �aken cure of - mainly - col- lecting of the 5% city fees and the ordinance pertaining to damaged property, Thank you Robert T. Wright President. After some discussion a motion was made by Brado and seconded by Hustacich that permission be granted to the Kiwanis Club to sponser the Polo Bros. Circus to held at Anacortes, Washington on August 2nd9 1949. Motion carried. The Treasurer's report for the month of July, 1949 was presented to the City Trcr_ .rc crt. Council and was referred to the Finance Committee. The report of the Water Supt. for the month of July, 1949 was presented and reaC. '7-1t,e_r. Dc'lv,i;o to the City Council and was accepted and placed on file. rc�ori;. The report of the Fire Department for the mohth ending June 30 1949 was present- F_ru �;:rt., • ed and read to the City Council was accepted and placed on filen s Por. L. E. Snider 9 Fire Chief 9 spoke to the City Council of his experiences over r„ r, ,' ^Y' ^cat, - s a period of 24 years. He told of his effort to enforce Plumbing and Wiring Ordinanc(�s to C_; r cit of and pointed out the need of new equipment in the Fire Hallo cc:cmiFnces. • The Gasoline reports for the month of July, 1949 were presented and read to the', Cnsolinc rc�ort:. City Council. They were accepted and placed on file. i The report of the Street foreman for the month of July, 1949 was presented and St. read to the City Council was accepted and placed on file. r._:,nto 11r. J. B. Goff 9 Chief of Police9 reported that he and W. V. !fells City AttorneS,q attended a conference at Olympia, Wazhington and that he attended a Police School in Seattle. Councilman Ellin, chairman of the streets and Parkd Committee made an oral rep(rt 1_1'r.. asks on the matter of the application of Ed Jarbo for a taxi zone in front of the Com- that E. Jc.rJo mercial Tavern and asked that Mr. Jarbo obtain the signatures of all persons having ol-,t, ' c : '_ � t_ires businesses in the block bwtween 4th street and 5th street on the west side of Commer<ial -ill"pe-nsuns Avenue to the effect that they had no objection to a taxi zone being located at the : 't'::�:coo above described location. ' .; i .y zona. The matter of directional street signs for certain areas in Anacortes was dis- `c.tl cussed at some length but no official action was taken. �,,;�c�t -1.1 .i:s. August 29 1949 Ordinance I An Ordinance requiring the removal or destruction of weeds, vegetable and re: removal orticultural growths which obstruct or impair the use of sidewalks and streets or of iaeeds, etc. which area fire hazard or menace to public health, safety or welfare of the City of i Anacortes, providing for the City to accomplish such work under certain circumstance,- and for a lien against the propertyfor the cost thereof, providing penalties for the 11 violation of this ordinance9 and constituting Sections of the "Official Code of Ordinances of the City of Anacortes, Washington10 was presented to the City Council. by 111. V. Wells9 City Attorney and the City Clerk was asked to make sufficient copies so that all members of the City Council, the Police Chief Fire Chief and Street Supt. could have a copy of said ordinance. Resignation Mr. L. E. Snider who has been Fire Chief for the past 24 years and who will be of L. E. Snidw 55 years old on August 31st, 1949, presented his resignation and request for re- tirment which was granted by the City Council.— Mayor Joe L. Hagan at this time appointed Piro Bert Verrall as Fire Chief to succedd Mr. L. E. Snider. A motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Brado that the City Council confirm the appointment of Mr. Bert Verrall as Fire Chief I;�otion carried. to succeed Mr. L. E. Snider who has retired, ,IcLaughlin Mr. James McLaughlin was present and apoke to the City Council against the opposes issu- granting of beer and wine licenses to grocery:- stores in the City. Mr. McLaughlin ante of beer also pointed out the probldm at the 'Nilson Hotel. This matter was discussed at some wine licenses length and was referred to the to groc. stores. Health Officer. The Following claims against the City of Anacortes were presented and read to the City Council: CURRENT EXPENSE Claims Joe L. Hagan 17820 Salary as Mayor 118.00 George Brado 17821 1t " Councilman 10.00 Robert Ginnett 178 2 19 01 Councilman 10.00 R6mie Allen 17823 It 11 Councilman 4.00 W. J. Welch 17824 t9 t° Councilman 10.00 Syd Ellin 17825 1° `° Councilman 10.00 E. E. Dodge 17826 " t° Councilman 10.00 A. I. Mustacich 17827 " 1° Councilman 5.00 0,, E. Arges 17828 19 t° Deputy Treasurer 70.00 John G. Dorcy 17829 t° " C(tty Clerk 53,36 Dr. C. W. Douglass 17830 " " City Health Officer 50.00 Wv V. 'Hells, Jr., 17831 19 City Attorney 51.50 Jghn Cheney 17832 f9 " Police Justice 47.50 Harry DaVis 17833 i° " Dog Catcher 13,15 Nrman Fulton 17834 10 1° Janitor 99.20 John Petersen 17835 1° " Janitor 179.87 Thelma Palmer 17836 Work in Clerk's Of"ice 7.00 Cliff6rd Pao Olson 17837 Salary as Deputy City Clerk 97.00 Harry Davis 17838 11 11 Dufpman 50.00 Withho�ding Tax Fund 17839 Withholding Taxes 49.20 Skagit County Med. Bureau 17840 Insurance Daductions 6.00 Bird's Stationery 17841 Supplies Clerk's Office �ervice 4.32 Burroughs Adding Machine Co. 17842 'Machine 27.82 Pioneer Inc. 17843 Supplies, Clerk's Office 5.25 L. E. Snider 17844 Salary as Fire Chief 146.98 Bert Verrall 17845 It " Asst. Fire Chief 141.53 C. S. Mondhan 17846 It t1 Captain 120x43 K. W. Snart 17847 19 " Captain 113.48 Ed. Alexander 17848 11 t° Fireman 111.95 J. N. Parsons 17849 11 t0 Fireman 104.70 D. W. Parsons 17850 " Fireman 86.51 Geo. Ray 17851 " P° Fireman 109.61 Clyde Cook 17852 1A °° Fireman 121.52 C. T. Strock 17853 to 10 Call Man 49.92 Geo. Miller 17854 1Q '° Call Man 2.00 John G. Dorcy 17855 It 10 Call Klan 4.00 H. Chevrier 17856 10 t° Call Man 6.00 A. Mondhan C. Wirsing 17857 17858 1t " Call Man 1° It Call Man 2.00 4.00 Earle Olson 17859 19 11 Inspector 108.75 Withholding Tax Dund 17860 Withholding Taxes 165.25 Skagit County Medical Bureau 17861 Ynsurance Deductions 36.35 Water Department 17862 Service 210.00 L. E. Snider 17863 Inspection Supervision 25.00 Water Department 17864 Hydrant Rental 625.00 Benson Motors 17865 Repairs 4.54 Anacortes Laundry 17866 Laundry Service 16.08 American Elkart Co; 17867 Supplies 6.15 Anacortes Equipment Co. 17868 Supplies 13.29 Anacortes Motors 17869 Equipment .47 Colvin's Service 17870 Equipment 2.06 Trulsofr Motor Co. 17871 Equipment .21 M. W. Featherkile 17872 Service to Radio 18.64 Anacortes Iron Works 17873 Labor 2.65 Rufus Webb 17874 S$ove Oil 7.59 Earle Olson 17875 Cash Advanced 15.92 Rufus Webb 17876 Gasoline 158.21 Marine Supply & Hardware i 17877 Supplies 18.49 ly IREPJIE N' S RELIEF & PEI' S I ON FUND Mo G. Strock Salary for July, 1949 122.00 L^WITHHOLDING TAX FUND Peoples National Bank Total Withholding Taxes 858.75 2.50 3.45 699.97 5.44 38.40 .35 73.42 .50 5563 173.54 187070 138,10 121060 157.00 117095 111.50 65.52 92.20 3395 26038 14.64 3041 2.83 927610 5000 3.24 27.04 3.59 25.80 16.46 7.16 17.50 136.32 5.21 6000 9.23 9.50 118.60 103.80 115.10 71.50 6.00 3.86 2.44 36.05 25.00 2.50 6.95 130000 18.96 1060 171000 114.90 96990 41.00 166,,41 133.20 156060 140.60 136.10 127060 143000 231.50 14.00 13.17 63084 42.00 42.00 9.00 3.59 9.89 48.45 122.16 39.26 39900050 9.27 100.00 48.54 6.00 7.05 1.25 6.28 100.00 214.49 1.03 25079 134.52 1 • 1 • • August 29 1949 Water Department 17878 Service at City Hall Simmonds Paint Co. 17879 Suppiies9 City Hall Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 17880 Service Leonard Products Co. 17881 Paper Towels Coast Wide Supply Co. 17882 Supplies Colvin's Service 17883 Supplies Island Transfer 17884 Fuel Oil City Hall Lyle's Grocery 17885 Supplies Anacortes Veneer Inco 17886 Supplies Anacortes Equipment 17887 Supplies & Repair to Furnace J. B. Goff 17888 Salary as Chief of Police IA. E. 1.'eebe 17889 t0 11 Asst® C'zief of Police W. L. Pollard 17090 10 11 Patrolman W. E. Thompson 17891 to °° Patrolman Gilbert O. Lee 17892 p0 8° Patrolman John IV. Tennant 17893 it 11 Patrolman Co S. Mondhan 17894 to 11 Extra Patrolman Withholding Tax Fund 17895 Withholding Taxes Skagit County Medical Bureau 17896 Insurance Deductions Carpenter Pontiac C 'o0 17897 Sup)lies Sheriff & Police Reporter 17898 Books Snappy Photo Service 17899 Supplies Colvin's Service 17900 Repairs Anacortes Hospital 17901 Medical Service Trulson Motor Co. 17902 Repairs & Labor Anacortes Hospital 17903 Medical Service Bird's Stationery 17904 Supplies The Fern Press 17905 Printing Service Brogan Studio 17906 Photo Marine Supply & Hardware 17907 Supplies Anacortes Equi-oment 17908 Supplies & Labor Auberts Drug 17909 Supplies John G. Dorcy 17910 Registration of Births & Deaths Firemen's Relief & Pension Fund 17911 Pension Payroll Deductions Kimsey's Dependabld Market 17912 Supplies Fire Department G. N. Dalstead9 P. M0_ 17913 Pottag�9 Clerk's Office Union Printing Co. J. B. Goff 17914 Supplies Clerk's Office �o 17915 Expense Police School CEMETERY FUND Ingvald Iversen 808 Salary as Supt. Wm. Lather 809 to t' Employee Chas. Mitchell 810 t° t° Employee Withholding Tax Fund 811 Withholding Taxes Skagit County Medical Bureau 812 Insurance Deductions C. C. Cook 813 Repair to Sprinkler Dorsey's Grocery' 814 Supplies Bird's Stationery 815 Rental of Adding Machine Katherine Snider 816 Work on Records Water Department 817 Service Curtis Wharf Co. 818 Cement Frets Monument Co. 819 Markers Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 820 Servicd Skagit Auto Parts 821 One Bearing WATER DEPARTMENT T. G. McCrory 10804 Salary as Supt. Sadie M. Arges 10805 to PO Cashier Shirley Owens 10806 t° °° Clerk John G. Dorcy 10807 to 0° Bookkeeper Chas. Wedlund 10808 to °0 Foreman E. Thorene 10809 t0 t0 Serviceman W. 0. Rogers 10810 t0 10 Filterman G. F. Keller 10811 t0 °° Filterman Frank Deane 10812 t' 10 Filterman Roy Wedlund 10813 to to Filterman Lester Thomas 10814 t° P° Pumpman Withholding Tax Fund 10815 Withholding Taxes Skagit County Medical Bureau 10816 Insurance Deductions Anacortes Iron Works 10817 Supplies & Repairs Marine Supply & Hardware 10818 Supplies Gilkey & Wright, Inc., 10819 Inspection of Concrete Mix Gilkey & rJfight9 Inc.9 10820 Inspection of Mix for Water Filter Lester Thomas 10821 Cash Advanced for Supplies Bristol Co. 10822 Equipment Curtis Wharf Co. 10823 Cement Worthington -Garcon Meter Co. 10824 Suppl&es Fern Press 10825 Printing Service Standard Oil of Calif. 10826 Cancelled Puget Sawmill Inc. 10827 Supplies Barrow -Shaffer Cons . Go. 10828 Supplies for Filter Burroughs Adding Machine Co. 10829 Service to bdachine City Bldg. Rental Fund 10830 Rent of Office & Garage Space Island Transfer Co. 10831 Stove Oil & Service G. N. Dalstead P. M. 60. 10832 Postage lbr WaterDept. Palmer Supply 10833 Equipment Robertson Freight Lines r 10834 Freight Chgs. Skagit Valley Telephone Co. 10835 Service Blake -Thompson Const, Co. 10836 Backfilling Worthington-Gamon Meter 10837 Supplies Colvin's Service 10838 Service City Street Fund 10839 Gasbline used by Water Dept. Penn. Salt Mfg. Co. 10840 Chlorine 2.50 3.45 699.97 5.44 38.40 .35 73.42 .50 5563 173.54 187070 138,10 121060 157.00 117095 111.50 65.52 92.20 3395 26038 14.64 3041 2.83 927610 5000 3.24 27.04 3.59 25.80 16.46 7.16 17.50 136.32 5.21 6000 9.23 9.50 118.60 103.80 115.10 71.50 6.00 3.86 2.44 36.05 25.00 2.50 6.95 130000 18.96 1060 171000 114.90 96990 41.00 166,,41 133.20 156060 140.60 136.10 127060 143000 231.50 14.00 13.17 63084 42.00 42.00 9.00 3.59 9.89 48.45 122.16 39.26 39900050 9.27 100.00 48.54 6.00 7.05 1.25 6.28 100.00 214.49 1.03 25079 134.52 1 • 1 • • 1 • • 1 • August 29 1949 Milo Strock 10841 Sal. as Inspector at Filter Plant 126.40 Puget Sound Power & Light 10842 Service 106.41 Withholding Tax Fund 10843 Deductions from Sal. of M. Strock 23.40 Standard Oil of Calif. 10844 To Replace No. 10826 9.76 STREET DEPARTI.4ENT Roy McDougall 3531 Salary as Foreman 140.10 Lynn Balcomb 3532 11 11 Graderman 134.90 Carl Thorane 3533 1t 11 Maint, Ilan 153.00 Dave Summers 3 534 to 11 Ma int . Han 124.00 Carl fielk 3535 to 11 Maint. Man 119.00 Artis Taylor 3536 'P f° Iiaint. Man 127,40 T. G. McCrory 3537 Supt. 33.30 John G. Dorcy 3538 TQ 1° Bookkeeper 29.50 Withholding Tax Fund 3539 Withholding Taxes 168.30 Puget Sound Power & Light 3540 Service 39.50 Skagit County Rd. Engineer 3541 Asphalt & Rental of Equipment 111.72 Anacortes Iron Works 3542 Supplies 42.69 Standard Oil of Calif 3543 Pearl Oil 10.16 Gilkey & Wright, Inc., 3544 Plans 7.19 Feenaughty Mach. Co. 3545 Vibrating Screen 19519225 Colvin's Service 3546 Service 5.16 Anacortes Motors 3547 Equipment 3.71 Walton Lumber Co. 3548 Lumber 37.92 Curtis Wharf Co. 3549 Cement Skagit County Rd. Engineer 3550 Road Oil & Rental of Equipment U9 59. 0 Rufus A. Webb 3551 Gasoline & Diesel Fuel 116.17 Skagit County Medical Bureau 3552 Insurance Deductions (Cancelled) Mount Vernon Material Co. 3553 Equipment 49.44 L. L. Bair 3554 Supplies 17.00 Marine Supply & Hardware 3555 Material & Supplies 53.25 Minnesota Mining & Mfg. Co. 3556 Equipment 142.66 Frank Russell 3557 Service 160.00 Walton Lumber Company 3558 Lumber 53.29 PARK DEPARTU NT Lewis Harr 2136 Salary as Employee 150.10-j. Robert Harr 2137 1° 11 Employee 145.00 Frank 'Knapp 21.38 10 11 Supt. 158.20 Withholding Tax Fund 2139 Withholding Taxes 26.70 'VIater Depattment 2140 Service 72. C. C. Cook 2141 Service 4.38 Marine Supply & Hardware 2142 Supplies 7.47 Colvin'sService 2143 Supplies 8.96 LIBRARY DEPARTMENT Ruth E. Brinkley 3013 Salary as Librarian 93.90 Eleanor Nevill 3014 1° 11 Asst. Librarian 85.60 Marjorie Ross 301 1P 11 Cataloger 5.00 P. E. Olson 3016 1° 11 Caretaker 75.00 Withholding Tax Fund 3017 Withholding Taxes . 30.70 Mutual Ben. Health Assn. 3018 Cancelled Puget Sound Power & Light 3019 Service 4.52 Water Department 3020 Service 6.35 C. C. Cook 3021 Service to Dower 2.06 Bird's Stationery 3022 Supplies 4.27 Frank Kagel & Sons 3023 Supplies 23.71 Simpson.'s hlectric Shop 3024 Supplies 2.27 Americ6na Corp. 3025 Annual Book 5.00 H. W. Wilson Co. 3026 Supplies 28.20 J. K. Gill Co. 3027 Books 37.22 Doubleday & Co. 3628 Book 2.00 A motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Allen that said claims be referred, to the Finance Committee, idotioncarried. The Finance Committee considered said claims and recommended that the clam~s be allowed and warRantsdrawn in favor of the same. A motion was made by EI] -in and seoonded by IQustacich that the recommendation of the Finance Committee in the matter of the claims against the City of Anacortes as shown above be adopted. Ayess Mustacich, Ellin, Ginnett, Allen and Brado. Motion-' carried. Being unable to complete the business of the eventng'.at the presen'. meeting a motion was made by Ellin And seconded by Mustacich that the meeting of the City Council adjourn until 7030 P. M., August 99 1949. Tdationc� rried. The Meeting of the City Council did so adjourn. C. Attest ° /f,�_ (�f� Ida l - ,/'' City Clerk August 9, 1949 An adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7030 o'clock P. M. with P,layor Protem E. E. Dodge presiding. The Roll was called and Dodge, Ellin9 Welch, Ginnett, Allan and Brado were present. The following communication from 0. W. Van Niewenhuise was presented andread to the City Councils Anacortes, Wash. August 49 1949 Honorable .,payor and City Council of the City of Anacortes: Dear Sirs-. We the undersigned citizens and taxpayers of the City of Anacortes, to hereby petition you for a corner light on 6th and N. Streets. "'i August 99 1949 --- — _ This petition was signed by nine residents of this vicinity® After some discussion this matter was referred to the Streets and Parks Committoie,, Mr,, Murker 9 Operator of the Southside Bus in t%nacortes spoke to the City Council) '�'ur'-,;r cics and asked permissionto change the route as outlined in his present bus scheduled After some discussion a motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Welch that I:Ir,, ! t_ c!-anL;c Murker be given permission to change his bus schedule as requested. M ,tion carried. r 'L; Mr. Murker also pointed out the traffic hazard at the corner of 12th street and Ko Avenue caused by a tree growing in the parking area and also a traffic hazard at 22nd street and M. Avenue. After some discussion a motion was made by Ellin and seconded - by Allen that this matter be referred to the Chief of Police to make a report back to the City Council. Motion carriedo In the matter of the request of Irvin Rydberg to use the gym on Tuesday evening P7 40 a motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Ellen that the recreation group be given �' permission to use the gym.on Tuesday and Wednesday Evenings of each week. Motion *o carried. c JJ ^?jl, • At this time the City Council discussed the engineering repprts from Gilkey and !.i�ir.'asion rc Sisler Richard E. Wolff and Parker and Hill. The report of the engineers were carefully considered and after some discussion a fh6tion was made by Ellin and second�id 2_ -ports fr-)m by Dodge that the City Clerk write a letter requesting a representative of each of SGi7_lty, these firms to be present at a council meeting to be held on Thursday, August 18th, ;'v1' r c T7.'I- .9�tc. • 1949, Motion carried. Mr. Lester Eo Gibbons made an application for the renewal of a mineral lease which he held in 19399 located bn'.City Property between Heart Lake and Lake Erie. After some discussion a motion was made by Brado and seconded by Dodge that Mr. L. E. Gibbons be -given a renewal of the mineral lease as described d)ove for a period of two years. Mption carried® Mayor Joe Lo Hagan made a report on the results of a Civil Service Examination after which Stanley Mondhan was appointed Assistant Chief and Jo N. Parsons was appointed Captain of the Anacortes Fire Department, The 2ayor announced that an examination f®n Assistant(- Chief of Police would be held in the near future. Having completed the business of the evening a motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Welch that the meeting of the City Council adjourn,, Ilotion cartiedo The meeting of the City Council did so adjourn, Attest o-_ City lerk August 169 - y6yor - 1949 u iby ons .'6r,n n 1 Uf 1J...-ral :"7. f.n .r F t. C' 1 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7:30 P. H. with Mayor Joe Lo Hagan presiding,, The roll was called and Llustacich9 Do,1ge9 Welch9 Ginnett and Allen were present,, The minutes of the previou3 meeting were read and approved with a correction. The minutes stated that John B. Goff9 Chief of Police, and Wm, V. Wells, Jr., City Attorney, attended a conference together in Olympia9 Wash,, This is an error as only the Chief of Police attended this conference,, In the matter of the application ofthe Charles Studio for a photographer's License Photo in the City of Anacortes a motion wa§ made by Ginnett and seconded by Welch that a l'Lcense liccns(,, be granted to the Charles Studio,, Hotion carried,, grg_lntc.d to C' -anus ItuJ*o0 An application for a dance license was made by Roy Rogers,, After some discustion Dance a motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Allen that Roy Rogers Place be granted L;rer.tU;' Rny 7 )L�crs a dance license. I.6tion carried,, 40 Mr. James McLaughlin spoke to the City Council and urged that some ordinance !°,r.ughlln ,.sks be prepared to limit the number of taverns and grocery stores selling beer and wine '1;',,,.aL and 2::ka:�kud to the number which we have at the present tire. This matter was referrer 1c by the ;Mayor to the License and Police Committee,, _-:i t i 1'L no. of t;;v. _ grocor.y • The following communication from Gertrude Ellis of the City Beautiful Commission stoic's sc�.lil?e was presented and reau to the City Councilo ivine. CITY BEAUTIFUL C010ISSION Tetter - C qty Purpose of the CITY BEAUTIFUL COi�TISSION Dertifill Co:a:I. TO coordinate and direct group action so that Anacortes shall become the most attractive9 safe, healthy and desirable city for people to seek residence and rec- reation. Nature of the C0I1:JIISSION .It shall be composed of members from 1°geographic" areas of Anacortes,, Ap- pointments could develop a permanent revolving commission. Commission should be composed of people who own homes; people who have demonstrated a deep and abiding interest in the ppssibilities of Anacortes. Activities of the C01fiISSION August 169 1949 Letters rrom I The following.letters from the Navy personnel•to Mayor Joe L. Hagan were pre - Navy personnell sented and read to the City Council: thankin- ::".Iav:,r August 19 1949 for courteswcsi' The Hbnorable Joseph Hagan, e;ctcndcd t'^.cm Payor of the City of •Anacortes 9 during Mari- i City Hall, Anacortes, Washington. neer's Pa,;C11nt1 Dear Mayor Hagan Congratulations are due the city of Rnacortes for the excellent and exciting I Marineers' Pageant of 1949. The -competent management of the action -packed program certainly reflects great credit cin the Pageant Committees. It is particularly desired to express appreciation for the cordial hospitality afforded the military personnel by the city's citizens and officials. Sincerely R. R. Ballinger, Captain U. S. Navy, Chief o� Staff. 8 August 1949 His Honor, the Mayor, Anacortes, Washington. Dear Sir S It shall develop and direct interest of the people, young and old, of Anacortes you our appreciation of the opportunity to participate in the Anacortes Marineers to improve the appearance of our town; to keep the city clean; to develop neglected areas and to plan for the ultimate City Beautiful. Suggested activities of a COT.:ISSIONER j j 1. Appoint a District Development Committee. ceremonies at Bellingham and all of us who have been in the Navy for any length of 2. Help the Committee plan a program to devlop the city-wide program. a.. Beautify whole streets with planting. remain strangers for long as bath officers and men were received into your midst as b. Improve the parkways and approaches to the city, remove disfigurements along) highways, replace with rolling greensward and plantings. at our base in San Diego or wherever my future -Naval career takes me. c. Remove rubbish on vacant lots and turn sites into gardens. I' d. Landscape grounds around a public building; school church hospital or city Captain Navy, Commanding, USS RENDOVA. building. e. liake a municipal garden honoring the iris, peony, rose of rhododendron. The following Attorney's report was presented and read to the City Councils f. Beautify public beaches. g. Improve stream or other banks, clean out rubbish, add landscapi g Insurance h. Make a bird sanctuary. on Chcv. Pancl This letter was accepted and pladed on file. Your City Attorney, W. V. Wells Jr., to whom was referred the matter of United Seddn The matter of the sanding of Commercial Avenue discussed at some length by the City Council. The during the freezing weather was question being whether this is Sedan of the Police Department for Fire9 Transportation, Theft Comprehensive, Bodilr a responsibility of the State Highway Department of the City of Anacortes. Letters rrom I The following.letters from the Navy personnel•to Mayor Joe L. Hagan were pre - Navy personnell sented and read to the City Council: thankin- ::".Iav:,r August 19 1949 for courteswcsi' The Hbnorable Joseph Hagan, e;ctcndcd t'^.cm Payor of the City of •Anacortes 9 during Mari- i City Hall, Anacortes, Washington. neer's Pa,;C11nt1 Dear Mayor Hagan Congratulations are due the city of Rnacortes for the excellent and exciting I Marineers' Pageant of 1949. The -competent management of the action -packed program certainly reflects great credit cin the Pageant Committees. It is particularly desired to express appreciation for the cordial hospitality afforded the military personnel by the city's citizens and officials. Sincerely R. R. Ballinger, Captain U. S. Navy, Chief o� Staff. 8 August 1949 His Honor, the Mayor, Anacortes, Washington. Dear Sir S E On behalf of the officers and men of the U.S.S. RENDOVA I desire to convey to you our appreciation of the opportunity to participate in the Anacortes Marineers Pageant. In particular I want to thank you and the people of Anacortes for the very sincere and hospitable reception tendered to us. Vie greatly enjoyed our four days with you, In October it had been the RENDOVA�s privileoge to participate in Navy Day ceremonies at Bellingham and all of us who have been in the Navy for any length of time have had the opportunity to see the Pacific Northwest, So we were not precisel,r strangers to the area although Anacortes was new to all of us. However se did not remain strangers for long as bath officers and men were received into your midst as though we were old friends. We hope someday to be able to return. I desire also to express my personal thanksv anhope You may d hda visit m& Y some Y at our base in San Diego or wherever my future -Naval career takes me. Sincerely yours, J. M. Lan �.S. Captain Navy, Commanding, USS RENDOVA. The above letters were accepted and placed on file. City Att'ys The following Attorney's report was presented and read to the City Councils report - re: Insurance TO THE HONORABLE 1AYOR AND CITY COUNCILS on Chcv. Pancl and Pc tiac Your City Attorney, W. V. Wells Jr., to whom was referred the matter of United Seddn Pacific Insurance Co. Policy No, A 575814 covering the Chevrolet Panel and Pontiac Sedan of the Police Department for Fire9 Transportation, Theft Comprehensive, Bodilr Injury and Property damage Liability, (latter in amounts of 16 000.•00-209000.00 and 59000.00) begs leave to report as followss I have examined said Policy and find the same in regular form. After some discussion a motion was made by Ginnett and second- ed by Allen that the above City Attorney's report be accepted. Motion carried. Tir. Jp B. Goff, Chief of Police made a report on his trip to Olympia to attend a meeting for law enforcement officers and told of the exper&ments made with an intoxometer. This is a new piece of equipment to determine the degrees of intoxi- cation of persons arrested for drunkeness-. E �5 10 August 169 1949 Bert Verrall, Fire Chief reported that the Go T.i. C. Fire Truck had returned with the new pump installed and would be by the Washington rating Bureau in the near future. Councilman Dodge made an oral report on the matter of the disposal of the Nelson School Building as it will be no longer used as a school. He also reported that nothing would be done with the building until after an election which will determine what should be done with the building. Dodge also pointed out that Irvin Rydberg had made an application for the use of the Nelson School building for rec- reation purposes. w7 .. �n- .y l i D , ,os .I o C 0'a c' 0 01 -.ai _1.dinG dis- 1 To Go McCrory, Water Supt. reported on the installation of cathodic protection "" ry ro- of the Anacortes pipe line. This work is being carried on and will be completed in _ c In - the near future. '.1.^.tion of c: t'�.o sic i;rotcct1L)n. The City Council discussed at some length an ordinance requiring the removal of weeds vegetable and horticultural growths in the City of Anacortes. As the Council' felt hat some changes were necessary in this ordinance it was referred back to the City Attorney. The matter of the salary of the Deputy City Clerk was discussed at some length and a motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Ellin that Ca 14. Olson Deputy City' Clerk, be given a salary of $250.00 a month from July 15th9 1949 to December 31st9 19499 inclusive. Motion carried. �. p The following emergency ordinance was introduced and filed with the City Counci��: 1.c e°_., .,Gy ��din^ r�.ce; Being an Ordinance declaring an emergency and making provision for meeting the r:.° �-rl'cc� same. o`' C1.ex,ito THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANACORTES DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOVIS: Section 1. An emergency which could not have reasonably been forseen at the time of making the budget for the year of 1949 which requires the expenditure of money not provided for in the 1949 budge is hereby declared to exist. The facts constituting the emergency and the estimated money required to meet the same are as follows. Due to the increased amount of work required bo be performed by the office of the City Clerk of the City of Anacortes by reason of expansion of services performed! by the City and due also to the reauirements of the State of Washington concerning } the maintenance of records and rendering of reports by the City Clerk's office it has been found necessary to provide the city clerk with assistance over and above that now available to him and over and above money provided in the 1949 budget. The full extent of the increase of work in the clerk's office was unknown to I the City Council at the tite of preparing the 1949 budget. In order to furnish and provide the city clerk's office with additional help reauired to maintain the ef- ficiency of said office it will be necessary to expend x;2379000 for the employment o� an assistant or deputy city clerk therein, which said sum of $2379.00 is in addition; to the moneys on hand available to the clerk's office and osTer and above the amount budgeted for such items in the 1949 budget. Section2. The mayor and the city clerk are hereby authorized to issue and the treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to honor emergency warrantz in the amounj; set forth above being payable from moneys on hand in the city treasury in the funds properly chargeable with such expenditures and pursuant to law. Section 3. This ordinance shall take -effect and be in force from and after five (5) days after its publication. Passed this 16th day of August, 1949. Attest: John G. Dorcy, City Clerk CORPORATE SEA1 Approved as to form: W. V. Wells, Jr., City Attorney CITY OF ANACORTES BY Joe L. Hagan, Mayor NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the above proposed emergency -ordinance was filed with and presented to the city clerk on the 16th day of August, 1949 and will come up for final passage on the 6th day of September9 1949, in the Council Chamber of thf.� City Hall of said City of Anacortes9 Washington9 at wh&ch time any interested person! may be heard for or against this emergency ordinance or any part thereof. Dated this 17th day of August, 1949. John Go Dorcy, City Clerk The above emergency ordinance was published in the Anacortes American in 2 issuf.�s that will come up for final hearing on September 69 1949, The following claims against the City of Anacortes were presented and read to ;;Ia_.ac the City Councils 0. E. Arges 17916 Deputy Treasurer 55.00 John G. Dorcy 17917 City Clerk 50.00 IV. V. Wells, Jr., 17918 City attorney 50.00 J,hn Cheney 17919 Police Justice 40.00 WTnrr.L,n Fulton 17920 Janitor 110.00 • • F_ 1 • • 1 bil C� , ._a_ _ft� August 169 1949 Jacqueline Gurney 17921 Work in Clerk's Office 90.00 C. Poo Olson 17922 Deputy City Clerk 150.00 John Petersen 17923 Cancelled. J. B. Goff 17924 Chief of Police 100.00 M. E. Beebe 17925 Asst. Chief of Police 135000 lql, L. Pollard 17926 Patrolman 120.00 V9. Eo Thompson 17927 Patrolman 100.00 G, 0. Lee 17928 Patrolman 125.00 J hn Tennant 17929 Patrolman 115.00 C; Sa MRndhan 17930 Extra Patrolman 9.36 L. Eo Snider 17931 Fire Chief 125.00 Bert Verrall 17932 Asst. Fire Chief 125.00 C. S. Ugndhan 17933 Captain 9 Fire Dept. 125.00 K. W. Snart 17934 Captain, Fire Dept. 125.00 Edo Alexander 17935 Fireman 125.00 Jo NParsons 17936 Fireman 125.00 D. W,o Parsons 17937 Fireman 125.00 Geo. Ray 17938 Fireman 125.00 Clyde Cook 17939 Fireman 125.00 Earle Olson 17940 Salary as Inspector 125.00 Ilut. Ben. Hlth. Assn. 17941 Insurance Deductions 30.45 Vest Coast Telephone Co. 17942 Service 22.65 David Bowen 17943 Salary as Janitor 110.00 WATER DEPARTMENT To G. McCrory 10845 Superintendent 165.00 Sadie 11. Atges 10846 Cashier 105.00 Shirley Owens 10847 Clerk 90.00 Jahn G. Dorcy 10848 Bookkeeper 40.00 Chas. Wedlund ' 10849 Foreman 145.00 Everett Thorene 10850 Serviceman 120.00 Vro 0. Rovers 10851 Filterman 125.00 G, F. Keller 10852 Filterman 115.00 Roy VJedlund 10853 Filterman 115.00 Frank Deane 10854 Filterman 115.00 Lester Thomas 10855 Pumpman 125.00 E. Childs 10856 Extra. Labor 19.20 J. N. Parsons 10857 Extra Labor 13.10 Ed. Alexander 10858 Extra Labor 13.35 Geo. Ray 10859 Extra Labor 19.65 Dan Parsons 10860 Extra Labor 18.83 Ken Snart 10861 Extra Labor 19.65 Milo Strock 10862 Salary as Inspector 115.00 Mut. Ben, Hlth. Assn. 10863 Insurance Deductions 9.30 lVest Coast Telephone Co. 10864 Service 17.95 STREET DEPART11ENT Roy McDougall 3559 Foreman 125.00 Lynn Balcomb 3560 Maint, Man 120.00 Carl Thorene 3561 Maint. Man 125000 Artis Taylor 3562 Maint. Than 120.00 Dave Summers 3563 Maint. Man 115.00 Earl Holmes 3564 idaint. Man 115.00 Carl Welk 3565 Ma int. Man 120.00 T. G. McCrory 3566 Sopervisor 35-00 John G. Dorcy 3567 Bookkeeper 30.00 Mut. Ben. Hlth. Assn. 3568 Insurance Deductions 21.00 LIBRARY DEPARTH..ENT Ruth Brinkley 3029 Librarian - 80.00 Eleanor Nevill 3030 Ass t. Librarian 80.00 P. E. Olson 3031 Caretaker Taut. Ben. Hlth. Assn. 0 75.00 303 Insurance Deductions 4.80 PARK DEPARTITNT Lewis Harr 2144 Employee 75.00 Robert Harr 2145 Employee 100.00 Frank Knapp 2146 Supt. 100.00 CEMETERY BEPARTMENT Ingvild Iversen 822 Superintendent 120.00 Wm. E. Latimer 823 Employee 110.00 Chas. R. Mitchell 824 Employee 110.00 liiest Coast Telephone Co. 825 Service 5080 FIRENEN'S RELIEF AND PEESION FUND Mut. Ben. Assn. Ins. Ded. from Salary of Mo Strock 3.00 A motion was made by Ellin and seconded by I.4ustacich that the said claims be referred to the Finance Committee. Motioncarried. The Finance Committee considered said claims and recommended that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of the same. A motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Mustacicla that the recom- mendation of the Finance Committee in the matter of the above claims be adapted. Ayes: Mustacich, Dodge9 Welch, Ginnett and Allen. Motion carried. Picr._'. ; for 1.1ayor Hagan brought up the matter of having a picnic for City Employees and the' _r Cit- 1:mplos- families. This was discussed at some length but was left with the 14ayor to makd ees discus- arrangements as to time and place. sed. Having completed the business of the evening a motion was made by Mustacich and seconded by Ginnett that the meeting of the City Council adjourn. Motion carried. The meeting of the City Council did then adjourn. Mayor,// attest - City Clerk �---� . F i See Page in reference to the request of Tdlr. ITurker to change the route of the City Bus Line. Gentlemen of the City Council Anacortes, Washington. Due to lack of patronage, the H. and 12th street run does not pay expenses so we wish to abandon it. Inttead of the H & 12th street run we wish to sta rt a thru Commercial bus to 40th. This will give the pe6ple on the hill service who now walk down to the bus. We will leave town the same as H & 12th run, on the 2 hr. This will not change schedule on south side. We will make one trip up to 40th once an hour on the hr.', from town. The regular hour trip from town will followF- the route as Is now, to 37th, We also wish to discontinue going down 20th from K St. rum and go down 22nd instead. This will give small children service to the new school. And also catch north side of housing project at the same time. If this is approved by City Council, we will have new schedules made up immediately to notify the people of our changes Thank you, Island Bus Co. (Paul Hurker) Sept. 6, 1949 A regular meeting of the City Council'of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7:30 P. M. with Mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. 'The roll was called and Nlustacich Welch, Ginnett Allen and Brado were present. The minutes of the prev- ious meeting dere read anA approved as read. The following communication from A. G. Smith was presented and read to the City Councils City Council, Anaeortes, Wash. Gentlemen 9 2516 H: Avenue Anacortes Wash. Aug. 6, 149 I own a lot and a half at 27th & Commercial Hensler°s first addition lots S 15° 6 and 7. This property was sold for taxes by the County in 1941, and I bought it in 1946. Y am desirous of selling said property but thet6 is An old debt to the city for sewer line in 1939 and the parties who wish to purchase this property have asked that this cloud over the property be removed. For -this reason I am asking that City Council to cancel the debt'ih order that the property can be used for the es- tablishment of a business at once. Yours very truly, A. G. Smith. Lct;tcr from llaul `,Zur,�cr Y'C 'U 71Ct;,C.' - A o G. D�;,;d. 1 • 1 After some discustion a motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Mustacich that a quit claim deed be given to Mr. A. G. Smith as requested in the above cora® muination upon the payment of $6,00 for said quit claim deed. • Mr. L. M. Kolste, Supt. of Schools spoket.to the City Council and urged that j I::�7_:,t c, r'ccltzr,sts the City open M Avenue between 22nd an � 24th street. The Supt pointed out that t1lat: t;he City this improvement was very necessary for the loading and unloading of school busses. Io�)en ^,I Nveo, at the new Central Grade School. After some discussion at was decided to hold a 22nd meeting with members of the school board9 the Housing Authority, the Streets and y 2►*;,.1 c",r'eet• Pard Committee and the Street Supt. at the new Central Grade School on Sept. 13, 1949 at 7:30 oaclodk P. M. to discuss this matter. Mayor Hagan made an oral report on a meeting of the City Beautiful Commission j'TIT^�_ ::1 :c'c:ports which he attended recently. The Mayor gave a very complete description of the meet.-ozi. I3aautif ul ing but no official action was taken in the matter. i Coin iI _^iJZl. 'Zcf,' neo The following City Attorney's report was presented and read to the City Council: C'.;, littorricyls rc oovt on TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Your City Attorney VT. V. Wells Jr. to o 9 whom was referred the matter of Springfield Fire and Purine insurance Policy IVs. � ). oo'is of S 266130 in the sum of 31000.00 on Equipment and 61000.00 on Books of the Anacortes Public Library, including Extended Coverage, for fire and allied damage, begs leave to report as follows: I have examined said insurance Policy and find the same in regular form. This report was accepted and placed on file. I Sept. 69 1949 Treas. report; The Treasurer's report for the month of August 1949 was presented to the City Council, was accepted and placed on file. Report of The report of the Chief -of Police for the month of August, 1949 was presented Police Dept. and read to the City Council, was accepted and placed on file. Fire Dept. The report of the Fittc.- Chief fdr the'month of August, X949, was 'resented report. and read to the City Council was accepted and placed on file. 'Water Supt. The report of the Water Supt. for the month of August, 1949 was presented and report. read to the City Council was accepted and placed on file. Police Justice The report of the Police Justice for the month of August, 1949, was presented 13eport. and read to the City Councilswas accepted and placed on file. Petition for At this time a petition for a mop sign at the corner of 17th street and 0 stop sign at Avenue was presented to the City*Council'byGeorge Lo Osborne of 1019 - 17th Street. 'a corner of This matter was discussed .at some length andmotion was made by Mustacich and 17th St. pre- seconded by Dodge that this matter be referred to the License and Police Committ0o. rented. The following petition from H. C. Barney was presented and read to the City Petition Councilo fron H. C. Barney re: To the Mayor and Council of the City of Anacortes, vacation of Anacortes, Washington. property. The undersigned, H. C. Barney, respectfully represents and petitions as follop.s;: That he is the record owner of'the-folloviing described real estate, situ9itedL: in the City of Anacortes, Skagit County,.Washingtono All of fractional Block Twenty-two (22) of "Bowman's Central Ship Harbor� nater Front Plat of Anacortes, Skagit Co. Wash -"9 according to the Plat thereof on fila and of record in the office of the Auditor of Skagit County, Washington. That your petitioner desires that the alley in said Block above described be duly vacated. Your petitioner further'rcipresents that he is the only owner of property abutting on said alley and there is no other property being served by said alley. That yotr petitioner is now sieg6ciating a sole of said property as a site for an industry and it is a condition of the sale that the said alley be vacated. WHEREFORE your petitioner prays that the alley in said fractional Bloch Twenty-, two (22) of "Bowman's Central'Ship Harbor Water Front Plat of Anacortes, Skagit Co. Wash.DO be vacated and that such action betaken by your honorable body as is nec- essary to vacate said alley. Respectfully submitted this 6th day of September 1949. H. C. Barney. After some discussion a motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Welch that a hearing on this matter be held on -October 109 1949 at 7030 P. M. and that this matter be referred to the Streets and Parks Committee. Motion carried. Emergency At this time an emergency ordinance in the amount of 32379.00 which provides Ordinance funds for a Deputy City Clerk and other help in the City Clerk's office casae up for ren funds final hearing. There being no protests against the passage of this ordinance a _. for Deputy motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Allen that said emergency ordinance be City Clerk. adopted as a i7hole. Ayes4 Hustacich, godgo, Ellin, Welch, Allen and Brado. Motiog carried. Ordinance relating to the appointment and employment of a Dep. City (Clerk re: appoint- An Ordinance/dog3car±ng an m xguaQry and z2rZ pr �:a:km 201? Fina ttlu, a=. , lip ment of Dep. vas considered at this time., A motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Ginnett City Clerk. that said ordinance above described by -adopted as a whole. Ayes. Hustacich, Dodge£ Ellin, belch, Ginnett, Allen and Brado. Motion carxied. Ordinar_ce At this time an ordinance requkring the removal or destruction of weeds, veg- re: removal etable and horticulture growths which obstruct or impaiir the use of sidewalks and of weeds etcr streets or which are a fire hazard or menane:,to public health, safety or welfare - which irlpair, of the City of Anacortes, providing for the City to accomplish such work under use of side-; certain circumstances and for a lien against the property for the cost thereof, pro- wal'.,cs. vidin penalties for the violation of this ordinance, and constituting Sections 8-2.0 of the `Official Code of Ordinance of the City of Anacortes, Washington,`0 was presented and read to the City Council and discussed section by section. A. motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Ellin that the above ordinance be adopted, as a whole. Ayes:. Mustacich, Dodge, Ellin, Gelch, Ginnett, Allen and Brado. Motion carried. Se•.rcl> Surveyl The matter of a survey of the sewer system in Anacortes was discussed further discussed. at this time and a motion was made by Lllin frind seconded by Allen that the City Council withhold a decision of which firm of engineers will be chosen until the Council can determine the amount of money that can be spent for this survey. Motio carried. Dep. CitJ A .notion was made by Linnett and seconded by Ellin that the Deputy City Clerk Clcrk auth.- keep a complete record of all licenses and revenues coming in to the office of the orizcd to City Clerk. Motion carried. keep .record of 1.1 conses Q,- revenues comino Into tq of'f'ice of t'.:c Clerk Sept. 6, 1949 I The following claimz against the City of Anacortes for the month of August, Claims 1949 were presented and read to the City Council: CURRENT EXPENSE Joe L. Hagan 1791.4 Sal ary as Mayor 118:00 Geo. Brado 17945 't It Councilman 10:00 Robert Ginnett 17946 1' °t Councilman 10.00 Romie Allen 17947- 't °° Councilman W. J. Welch 17948 It 't, -Councilman 10.00 E. E. Dodge 17949 Councilman 10.00 A. S. Mustacich 17950 at 't- Councilman 10.00 .I 0.. E. Arges 17951 't °0 Deputy Treasurer 70.00, John G. Dorcy 17952 " It City Clerk 53.30' Dr. C. bJ. Douglass 1795 f1 " Health Officer 50.00 W. V. Wells, Jr., 1795 't 90 City Attorney 1.50 John Cheney 17955 it 19 Police Justice 7.50 Harry Davis 17956 It 9° Dog Catcher 13.15 '1 Norman Fulton 17957 't 't Janitor 99.20 • David Bocnien 17958 't 't Janitor 93:90 Jacqueline Gurney 1�959 Work in Clerk's office 70.00 C. M. Olson 17960 Salary as Deputy City Clerk 122.00 'I Harry Davis 17961 It 11 Dtmipman 50.00 John Peterson 17962 't t' Janitor 91.26 Withholding Tax Fund 17963 Withholding Taxes 71.95 • C. C. Cook 1?964 Service, -City Hal 1 .52 Collins Office Supply 17965 Office Supplies, City Clerk 5..'30 Withholding Tax Fund 17966 Cancelled Anacortes American 1?967 Printing Service 32.60 Birds' Stationery 17968 Office Supplies; City Clerk .61 Trice & Murray 17969 Office Supplies,'City Clerk �.51 Anacortes American 17970 Printing Service, City Clerk 3.70 J. B. Goff 17071 Salary ag Chief of Police 17.70 M. E. Beebe 17972 '1 Asst. Chicf of Police 138.10 11J. L. Pollard 1797 t' 't6 Patrolman 121.6o W. Le Thompson 1797 1° " Patrolman 157.00 G. 0. Lee 17975 't '1 Patrolman 117.95 J. W. Tennant 17976 Patrolman 111.50 Withholding Tax Fund 17977 Withholding Taxes 92.20 Colvin's Tire Servic6 17978 Service; Police Dept. 1.03 Carpenter Pontiac Co.- 17979 Service, -Police Dept. 127.58 I� Standard Stations Inc. 17080 Supplies, -Police Dept.' •93 Art Nugeht Co. 1?981 Equipment, Police Dept. 3.75 M. R. Kingsley 17982 Ins. On -Police Cars - 110.96 Trulson Motor Co. 1798 Service, -Police Dept. 34.6 Birds' St^tionery 1798 Supplies; Police Dept: 34 6 1 Pacific GutfItting Co. 17985 Supplies, Police Dept. 18.4 L. P-. Snider 17986 Salary as Fire Chief 146.9 I!� Berk; Verrall 17987 As6t. Fire Chief' 141.53 C. S. Mondhan 17988 10 °P Capt.Fire Dept: 120. 3 K. W - Snart 17989 t° 1° Capt.: Fire De ,)t . 11348 Ed. Alexander 17990 It PB Fireman 111.95 J. W. Parsons 17991 't " Fir anan 10k.70 D. bJ. Parsons 17992 't 11 Fireman 86.51 Geo. Ray 1799 it Fireman 102.66 Clyde Cook 17994 Fireman 75.80 C. T. Strock 17995 °t Call Man 95:85 1 H. Chevrier 17996 r� Call Man 2.p0 1 P�ondhan 17997 Call Masa 2.00 Geo. Miller, 17998 0° tt Call Mt 2.00 Earle Olson 17999- °t Inspector Withholding Tax Fund 18000. Withholding Taxes 168:90 II, Bert Verrall 18001 Inspections 25.00 Benson Motors 18002 Service; Fire Dept. 31.65 ! Anacortes American 1800 Printing Service, Fire Dept. 16.80 Bert Verrall 1800 Cash Advanced 2.00 Skagit Auto Parts 18005 Supplies, -Fire Dept. 2:48 • .Howard -Cooper Corp. 18006 Equipment, Fire Dept. 9.54 ! Ed. S. Beard 18007 Service, Fire Dept. 10.80 Haakenson All Car Service 18008 Equipment, Fire Dept. 4.76 ,Zimmerman Auto Rebuild 18009 Service, Fire Dept. 15. 45 ! 'Water Department 18010 Hydrant Rental 655.00 +M. W. Featherkile 18011 Service to Radio, Fire Dept. 16.11 • Earle G. Olson 18012 Cash Advanced 8.96 Anacortes Laundry Co. 1801 Laundry Service, Fire Dept. 11. Anacortes Gas Company 1801 Gas Service 2:50 Rufus A. Webb 18015 Gasoline, Fire Dept. 106.71 Puget Sound Power & Light 18016 Lighting Service, City Bldgs 709.72 Water Department 18017 Water Service, City Hall •15 Rufus A. Webb 18018 Stove Oil, Fire'Dept. 7:87 !Anacortes Laundry Co. 18019 Laundry -Service, Police Dept. ll'?5 !Anacortes Laundry Co. 18020 Service, City Hall 2.�7 IG. N. Dalstead, P. M. 18021 Postates Clerk's Office3.00 Phil D. Burton 18022 Service, Police Dept. 2,52 111est Coast Telephone Co. 1802 Telephone Service,City Bldgs 36. the Fern Press 1802 Supplies, Police Dept. .7? Anacortes Equipment Co. 18025 Service, City Hall 8;37 Jack Kelley 18026 Salary adjustment 45.51 Skagit Co. Med; Bureau 18027 Cancelled Skagit Co. Med. Bureau 18028 Group Insurance Deductions 77.30 1 Earle Olson 18029 To replace Number 17999 129. 0 Sept. 6, 1949 WATER DEPARTMENT Claims T. O. McCrory 10865Salary as Supt. 171000 Sadie M. Arges 10866 Salary aR Cabhier ll .90 Shirley Owens 10867 t° Clerk 9b 9Q John•G. Dorcy 10868 9P " Bookkeeper 41.ou Chas. Vedlund 1x869 9P i0 Foreman 150.81 Everett Thorene 10870 " f° Serviceman 131.40 W. 0. Rogers 10871 9t `0 Filterman 211.00 G. F. Keller 10872 99 " Filterman 204.60 Roy Wedlund 1087 9° 1P Filterman 192.40 Frank Deane 1087. 10 1° Filterman 200.10 E. G. Childs 10875 " 1° Laborer 110.80 Lester Thomas 10$76 99 9r Pumpman 14.00 Withholding Tax. Fund 10877 Withholding.Taxes 279.02 Mar ine Supply & Hardtivare 10878 Supplies 77.84 Anacortes Equipment Co. 10879 Suppl6es 23.70 Milo Strock 10880 Salary as Insp., Filter Plant 126.60 Withholding Tax Fund 16881 Tax Deductions from M. Strock 2 .40 Simpson "'lectric Shop 10882 Service .9 Benson Motors1088 Sup -)lies 1. �'I Barrow & Shaffer Const. Co. 10884 Balance of contract j059: 4 Haskell Plumbing & eating 10885 Service 823 .67 Curtis�uharf Co. 108$6 Supplies for ilter Plant 96.10 Atlas Foundry & 1Ulachine Co. 10$$7 Supplies 18.71 City Hall Bldg. Fund 10888 Rent of Office & Garage 100.00 Rufus Webb, 10889 Gasoline 43.26 Anaoortes Iron Works 10890 Service 15.88 City Street Fund 10891 Gasoline used by Water Depto 31.90 The Anchor Packing Co.— 10892 Supplies 26.42 Puget Sound Power •& Light 1089 Service 3832,5:.7 G. N. Dalstead, Po M. 1089 Postage 6.00 Frank Grover & Co. ' 10895 Supplies 12.05 Northwest Filter'Co. 10$96 Parts 44.58 Palmer Supply Co. 10897 Supplies 14.68 Skagit Valley Telephone Co. 10898 Service 5.10 T.rulson Motor Co. ' 1C899 Supplies .62 Penn:. Salt Mfg;'. Co. 10900 Chlorine 135.85 Worthington-Gamon Meter Co. 10901 12 Meters & Connections 232.49 Colvin°s Tire Service 1:0902 Repair of Tire 1.03 West Coast Telephone Co 10903 Telephone Service 35.10 Worthington-Gamon Meter Co. 10900 Equipment 30.99 Tax Commission 1090 Business Tax 65 .70 Skagit Co. Med. Bureau 10909 Group Inaur°•ance Deductions 1.00 STREET DEPARTMENT Roy McDougall 3569 Salary as Foreman 135.00 Lynn Balcomb 3570 94 " Graderman 139.80 Carl Thorene 3571 fQ '° Maint. Man 156.10: Dave Summers 3572 't " Maint. Man 124-00 Carl Welk 357 it to Maint» Man lid. 0� Artis Taylor 3574 1P " Mainto Man 12. O', E�ara Holmes 3575 99 90 Maint. Man 12?. Of T. . McCrory 3576 Supervisor 33.30' John G. Dorcy 3577 99 99 Bookkeeper 29050, Withholding Tax Fund 3578 Withholding Twc Deductions 179400 L. L. Bair 3579 Brooms & Handles 29 e7 Wm. D. Gaddis 3580 Service & Supplies 6.3 Pacific Highway Transport 3581 Freight Charges 1.25 Marine Supply & Hardware 3582 Supplies 1 .19 Puget Sawmill, Inc., 3583 Lumber 1 ,- Armco Draniage Inc., 358 Supplies 770 7 Anacortes Iron U°orks 3585 Supplies 19. 0 Rufus Webb 3586 Gasoline & Diesel Oil 1056 Trulson Motoi° Co. 3587 Repairs 8c Service 8.86 Union Oil Co. of Califs 3588 Supplies 23.52 Standard oil of California 3589 Cancelled Puget Sound Power & Light 3590 Service 30.75 CEMETERY DEPARTM'!T Ingvald Iversen 826 Salary as Cemetery Supt. 118.60 Wm. E. Latimer 827 1P f° Cemetery Employee 103.80 Chas. R. Mitchell 828. °° f° Cemetery Employee 115.10 Withholding Tax Fund 829 Withholding Taxes 71.50 Katherine H..Snider 830 Work on Cemetery Files 7.50 Ingvald Iversen 831 Cash Advanced Puget Sound Power & Light 832 Lighting Service, 22.32 Water Dept. 83 Water Service 2.50 Ivan W. Lee 83 Equipment 2075 Oregon Brass Vi6rks 835 Grave Markers 94.25 H. & H. Signal Co. 836 Supplies 7030 Geo. Miller 837 Service X0$0 Dorsey8s Grocery 838 Supplies 3.i6 Curtis Wharf Company 839 Cement 6.Z5 West Coast Telephone Co. 840 Telephone Service 5mb5 Skagit County Medical Co. 841 Group Insurance Deductions 6.00 September 6, 1949 A motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Allen that above claims be referred to :ktm the Finance Committee. I-�otion carried. The Finance Committee considered said Claims and recommended that the Claims be allowed -and warrants written in favor of the Same. Ayess Mustacich, Dodge, Ellin, Welch, Ginnett, Allen and Brado. Motion carried. Being unable to complete the business before -the City Council a motion was made by Mustacich and seconded by Ellin that the meeting of the Ci�y Council adjourn to 7030 o'clock P. PSI. on September 14, 1949. Motion Carried. Attes*__"Aity Clerk September 149 1949 G , 2ayor A Ro;mlar Adjourned meeting of the City Council-of-the*City of Anacortes was called to order at 7:30 o'clock P. M; with Mayor Joe L. Hagan Presiding. The Roll was called and Dodge, Ellin' Ginnett, Allen and Brado were present. The purpose of this meeting was to consider the Proposed Preliminary Bydget of the City of Anacortes for the Year 1950. The Proposed Preliminary Budget of the City of Anacortes was presented to the Proposed City Council by 'Mayor Zoo L. Hagan and considered and discussed for some time. Preliminary Being unable to complete the work before the City Council at this meeting, Budget Are- a motion was made by Dodge and Seconded by Allen that t meeting of the City sented. Council adjourn until 7:30 o'clock P. H. on September 1%, 1949. Motion carried. The meeting of the City Council did so adjourn. At sto ler September 1�, 1949 A Regular adjourned meeting of the City Council of -the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7030 o'clock P. Hi with Mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding, The Roll was called and Dodge, Welch, Ginnett and Brado were present. This meeting was to further consider and discuss the proposed preliminary Budget for the Year 1950. A motion was made by Brado and seconded by Dodge that the salary of the Cemetery Superintendent be raised �,�10.00 per month. Motion carried. After some further discussion a motion eras made by Ginnett that with the exception of the above faise that the salaries in the 1950 remain as shown in the 1949. Budget. Motion carried. Being unable to complete the business before the Cita Council, a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Brado that the meeting of the City Council adjourn until 7030 P. U. on September 20, 1949. Potion carried. The Heetin of h City Council did so adjou A est ° erk I Salary of Cemetery Supt. raised. other ,salaries to re- main "he same. 1 • • 1 • • 1 LIBRARY DEPARTMENT Ruth E. Brinkley 3033 Salary as Librarian 93.90 Eleanor Nevill 3034 " 11"A88t Librarian 85.60 Fern Derby 3035 Wages as substitute 26.25 i, P. E. Olson 3036 Salary as Caretaker 75000 i Withholding Tax Fund 303Withholding Taxes 30.70 Mrs. Mafjorie Ross 3039 Cancelled Puget Sound Stamp Works 3039 Books, Cancelled A. N. Marquis Company 3040 Book - 11.45 Gaylord Brothers 3041 Supplies 12.00 Edo Savage 3042 Service 9.80 Curtis Wharf Co. 3043 Coal 101.71 M. R. Kingsley 3044 Insurance•on equipi�ent 30.78 Water Department 3045 Water Service 2.50 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 3046 bighting Servicd 5.66 Doubleday & Company 3047 Books 6.30 Puget Sound News Co. 3048 Books 117.75 PARK DEPARTMENT Robert Harr 2147 Salary as Pgrk Employee 145.00 Lewis Purr 2148 to to 1/ to 150.10 Frank Knapp 2148 "- "'Pk Supt. 158.20 Withholding Tax Fund 2149 Withholding lax deductions 26.70 Frank U. Haryott 2150 Lamin Sweeper 38.52 Bert Robinson 2151 Stone Grinder 27.77 Maxine Supply Co. 2152 Service 8 2.58 Anacortes Iron Works 2153 Service 11.77 Watdr Department 2154 Water S@rvice 30.10 A motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Allen that above claims be referred to :ktm the Finance Committee. I-�otion carried. The Finance Committee considered said Claims and recommended that the Claims be allowed -and warrants written in favor of the Same. Ayess Mustacich, Dodge, Ellin, Welch, Ginnett, Allen and Brado. Motion carried. Being unable to complete the business before -the City Council a motion was made by Mustacich and seconded by Ellin that the meeting of the Ci�y Council adjourn to 7030 o'clock P. PSI. on September 14, 1949. Motion Carried. Attes*__"Aity Clerk September 149 1949 G , 2ayor A Ro;mlar Adjourned meeting of the City Council-of-the*City of Anacortes was called to order at 7:30 o'clock P. M; with Mayor Joe L. Hagan Presiding. The Roll was called and Dodge, Ellin' Ginnett, Allen and Brado were present. The purpose of this meeting was to consider the Proposed Preliminary Bydget of the City of Anacortes for the Year 1950. The Proposed Preliminary Budget of the City of Anacortes was presented to the Proposed City Council by 'Mayor Zoo L. Hagan and considered and discussed for some time. Preliminary Being unable to complete the work before the City Council at this meeting, Budget Are- a motion was made by Dodge and Seconded by Allen that t meeting of the City sented. Council adjourn until 7:30 o'clock P. H. on September 1%, 1949. Motion carried. The meeting of the City Council did so adjourn. At sto ler September 1�, 1949 A Regular adjourned meeting of the City Council of -the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7030 o'clock P. Hi with Mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding, The Roll was called and Dodge, Welch, Ginnett and Brado were present. This meeting was to further consider and discuss the proposed preliminary Budget for the Year 1950. A motion was made by Brado and seconded by Dodge that the salary of the Cemetery Superintendent be raised �,�10.00 per month. Motion carried. After some further discussion a motion eras made by Ginnett that with the exception of the above faise that the salaries in the 1950 remain as shown in the 1949. Budget. Motion carried. Being unable to complete the business before the Cita Council, a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Brado that the meeting of the City Council adjourn until 7030 P. U. on September 20, 1949. Potion carried. The Heetin of h City Council did so adjou A est ° erk I Salary of Cemetery Supt. raised. other ,salaries to re- main "he same. 1 • • 1 • • 1 September 209 1949 1 1 • I� 1 Letter from Anacortes Home Club regarding a spring bingo party. I I The following communication from the Anacortes Homs Club was presented and read to the City CounciL8 Mayor HFagan., City Hall Anacortes, Wash. Dear Sirs Sept. 14 1949 1103 26th Street, Anacortes, [dash. I hope I'm not out of order in sending you this brief nota but I have made sev- eral trips to your office with no sucess. I am Secy of the Anacortes Home Club and I was asked by the members to confer with you or who ever I must see regarding our spring Bingo Party. We understand there was some question about giving us permission last spring ar.d tine sincerely do not want to be out of order in this matter. We aero not informed as to whether it was the gaAe of Bingo itself or the manner in which the games were conducted. We would greatly apreciate an appointment to clear this up and we would like tc know what money making projects are legal and etc. The money we make goes for beautification of homes and to help members and non-members who are in need. go would like to know were a small group like ours car, be of more help outside our membership. If you can't see your way clear or if you are to small a group to give an appointment would you please answer our questions in a letter? Thank yollo Sincerely Mrs. Verlio Parks Sec°yo Anacortes Home Club, 9 1103 - 28th Street Anacortes, Washingiono Permission After some discussion a motion was made by Brado and seconded by Ellin that granted to permission be granted to the Anacortes Home Club to operate their Bingo games. A.H.C. to Potion carried. bperate bingo games'. The following communication from the Anacortes Lodge No. 94 IOOF with reference to connecting the sewer on 13th street in block 91 Original Plat of the City of Letter from Anacortes was presented and read to the City Councils Anacortes Lodge No. To the Honorable Mayor and 94 IOOF with City Council of the City of reference to Anacortes, Washington. connecting sewer on 13t:a. Gentlemens September 159 1949 We hereby request permission to cross the alley between Lots 9 and 10 and Lot 11, less the right of way, of Block 41 of the original Plat of the City of Anacortes according to the plat as recorded in the office of the County Auditor of Skagit County, for the purpose of connecting with the sewer on 13th Street in said Block. Very truly yours ANACORTES LODGE No. 94, 1. 0.0. F9 By Robert C.Sagen Noble Grand C. L. Dwelley Secretary After some discussion a motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Allen that permission be granted to make the sewer connection mentioned in the abovo communication. Motion carried. A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7030 o°'clock Po K. with Mayor Joe L. Hagan, presdding. The roll was call- ed and Dodge. Welch, Ginnett Ellin. Allen and Brado were present. The minutes of the previous meetings of Sepi. 6th. 14th. and 16th. 1949 were read and approved as read. Letter from The following communication from Alice Parchman Newland was presented and A. Newland read to the City Councils stating that 20 September, 1949 Planning Com- To the honorable Mayor mission wily Ind Gentlemen of the Council allocate of the City of Anacortes $650.00 towai^d costs of pre> Dear Sirss liminary sur- vey of sewag At the September 14, 19499 meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of systema .Anacortes, the following motion was made and subject only to the approval of the City Councils 07o.o.that 00650.00 of the funds of the Planning Commission be allo- cated toward the costs of the preliminary survey of a sewage system for the city of Anacortes©00 Alice Parchman Newland Secretary. This letter was accepted and placed on file. 1 1 • I� 1 Letter from Anacortes Home Club regarding a spring bingo party. I I The following communication from the Anacortes Homs Club was presented and read to the City CounciL8 Mayor HFagan., City Hall Anacortes, Wash. Dear Sirs Sept. 14 1949 1103 26th Street, Anacortes, [dash. I hope I'm not out of order in sending you this brief nota but I have made sev- eral trips to your office with no sucess. I am Secy of the Anacortes Home Club and I was asked by the members to confer with you or who ever I must see regarding our spring Bingo Party. We understand there was some question about giving us permission last spring ar.d tine sincerely do not want to be out of order in this matter. We aero not informed as to whether it was the gaAe of Bingo itself or the manner in which the games were conducted. We would greatly apreciate an appointment to clear this up and we would like tc know what money making projects are legal and etc. The money we make goes for beautification of homes and to help members and non-members who are in need. go would like to know were a small group like ours car, be of more help outside our membership. If you can't see your way clear or if you are to small a group to give an appointment would you please answer our questions in a letter? Thank yollo Sincerely Mrs. Verlio Parks Sec°yo Anacortes Home Club, 9 1103 - 28th Street Anacortes, Washingiono Permission After some discussion a motion was made by Brado and seconded by Ellin that granted to permission be granted to the Anacortes Home Club to operate their Bingo games. A.H.C. to Potion carried. bperate bingo games'. The following communication from the Anacortes Lodge No. 94 IOOF with reference to connecting the sewer on 13th street in block 91 Original Plat of the City of Letter from Anacortes was presented and read to the City Councils Anacortes Lodge No. To the Honorable Mayor and 94 IOOF with City Council of the City of reference to Anacortes, Washington. connecting sewer on 13t:a. Gentlemens September 159 1949 We hereby request permission to cross the alley between Lots 9 and 10 and Lot 11, less the right of way, of Block 41 of the original Plat of the City of Anacortes according to the plat as recorded in the office of the County Auditor of Skagit County, for the purpose of connecting with the sewer on 13th Street in said Block. Very truly yours ANACORTES LODGE No. 94, 1. 0.0. F9 By Robert C.Sagen Noble Grand C. L. Dwelley Secretary After some discussion a motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Allen that permission be granted to make the sewer connection mentioned in the abovo communication. Motion carried. September, 209 1949 Mayor Joe L. Hagan made an oral report on a meeting which he attended with Discuss change tho officers of the National Guard -and a committed from the Anacortes Chamber of of name of Commerce. The National Guard proposes to change the name of the local National 'National Guard. Guard unit from the 964th C. A. Battery to Special Battery 565th Field Artillary Bn. It is expected that 14 vehicles will be sent to here In Anacortes and the big problem seems to be a place in which to house these vehicles. The Chamber of Commerce as a committee are working on this matter. i The matter of placing licenses on amusement machines in Anacortes was discusse at sono length. This matter was referred to the City Attorney. Ed. Getoor was present and spoke to the City Council in reference to having a !Getoor requests packing space reserved in front of the Jackson Funeral Home. This matter was ref® ',�eserve parking drred to the Streets and Parks Committee. ;space in front of ''Jackson F. Ho Mr. Albert Allen who lives in the 2600 block on west 3rd street spoke to they City Council and asked -the City to opon a street from Oakes Avenue to gest 3rd Street. Allen asks According to Mr. Allen, the power company will not put a power lino into this lo- Council to open • cation unless the street is opened. 'This matter was referred to a special committeO street° composed of Gi-nnett9 Brado and Dodge The matter of the utilization of the labor by persons in welfare work on City ;Utilization of poojects was discussed at some length. The City Clerk was asked to write to Wal® !Nelfare labor. lace Sharpe, County Commissioner and ask him to be present at the Council on Oct. • 4th9 to talk to the City Council about the utilization of welfare labor. Mayor Hagan made an oral report of a meeting held at Oak Harbor, Washington Ifermanent/fase against on the matter of making Ault Field -a permanent air base. This meeting was attended lat Ault Field. of by Representative Henry L. J4ckson, Navy Officials and Mayors of surrounding cities4 of the jClaims Mayor Hagan also made an oral report of a recent meeting of Association of � Asson of Wash. presented Washington Cities in Mount Vernon on September 15th 1949. Many municipal problems�,Cities meeting. read to the City Council° wero discussed which made it a very successful meeting. The matter of Virgil Johnson's request for a reserved parking space immediately Johnson's re - GENERAL gest of the pop corn-istand on Commercial Avenue was discussed at some length and wad quest for re- referred to the health officer to make a report on this matter. served parking 18030 space discussed. as The matter of stop signs was discussed at some length and it was decided to i 55.00 make an intensive drive to make p66ple observe all stop signs in the City of Ana® Aatter of stop 18031 tortes. A motion was made by Brado and seconded by Allen that a 2 -way stop sign be signs discussed. °B placed at 17th street and Oo Avenue north and south and that the north and south 50.00 signs on 17th street and M. Avenue and 20 th street and M Avenue be removed. Motion. 18032 carried, °A A motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Allen that permission be given to Permission 122.00 erect loading signs on the east side of the Whitney School on H Avenue between 15th granted to erect 18033 and 13th streets for loading and unloading school busses. Motion carried. loadinr* signs near Clerks Office Whitney School. W. V. Wells9 Jr.9 The matter of limited parking apace in front of the new City Hall was discnsse� Salary at some length and a motion was made by Brado and seconded by Dodge that a space to, Limited parking City Attorney accomodate four cars immediately west of Q. Avenue on 6th street be reserved from space in front of John Cheney 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. and be limited to 30 minute parking during these hours. Motion City Haul. 00 carried. Police Justice The report of the Chief of the Fire Department for the month of August 1949 1 ire Depto Norman Fulton was presented and read to the City Council and was accepted and placed on file. eport. PO A renewal bond for Gilbert Lee, Police Officer, Pas presented to the City enewal Bond Janitor Council and was referred to the City Attorney. ifor Go Lee. David Bowen The Police Chief spoke to the City Council and pointed out that it would be Impossible to impossible to change the radio frequency in the Fire Hall radio and the mobilo egpt4 change radio of the City of Anacortes for the year 1949 and recommended that $850.00 Im set up Ifrequency. for this purpose be included in the 1950 budget. The City Council at this time Considered the proposed preliminary budget for tyle Preliminary • year 1950 and a motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Allen that said prelimi- Budget adopted. nary budget as presented to the City Council be officially adopted as a preliminary budget for the City of Anacortes for the year 1950 and that a meeting be held on Octobez 3rd 1949 at 7e o'clock P. M. at which time any taxpayer may be heard for of against said preliminary budget. Ayess Dodge, Welch, Ellin, Ginnett, Allen and • Brado. Motion carried. The following claims against the City of Anacortes for the 1st half of the jClaims month of September, 1949 were presented and read to the City Council° GENERAL GOVERNMENT 0. E. Arges 18030 Salary as Deputy Treasurer i 55.00 John G. Darcy 18031 It °B City Clerk 50.00 Clifford M. Olson 18032 P° °A Deputy City Clerk 122.00 Jacqueline Gurney 18033 Work in Clerks Office 90.00 W. V. Wells9 Jr.9 18034 Salary as City Attorney 50000 John Cheney 18035 00 °° Police Justice 40.00 Norman Fulton 18036 PO AB Janitor 110.00 David Bowen 18037 0° PO Janitor 110.00 Mutual Benefit Hlth. Assn. 18038 Insurance Deductions 30.45 J. B. Goff 18039 Salary as Police Chief 100.00 M. E. Beebe 18040 " °0 Ass°t. Chief 135.00 � W. L. P llard 18041 0o o° patrolman 120.00 W. E. Tsompson 18042 4° o° Patrolman 100.00 G. 0. Lee 18043 fo 0° Patrolman 125.00 J� W,, `pennant 18044 9° °0 Patrolman 115.00 September 209 1949 A motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Allen that said claims be referrer! Claims Bert Verrall- 18045 Salary as Fire Chief 125.00 C. S. Mondhan 18046 oa as Asset. Chief 125.00 R. Wo Snart 18047 0o 91 Capt. q Fire Dept. 125.00 onnends that West 400 of Grade School on September 13 1949 with representatives of the school board, the housing authority and the City Council, and recommended that the west 40 feet of J. No Parsons 18048 99 Do Capt., Fire Dept. 125.00 Brado and seconded by Allen that the City Council concur with the recommendation Ed. Alexander 18049 90 99 Fireman 125.00 0 Geo o Ray 18050 to 10 Fireman 12500 Clyde Cook 18o51 99 Do Fireman 125000 Earle Olson 18052 oc ao Inspector 125.00 Do W. Parsons 18053 9a 99 Fireman 125.00 WATER DEPARTMENT T. G. McCrory 10907 Salary as Supt. 165.00 Sadie M. Arges 10908 V `o Cashier 10500 1 Shirley Dunes 10909 10 " Clerk 90.00 John G. Dorcy 1090 °0 0° Bookkeeper 40000 Chas. Wedlund 109 1 99 °° Fireman 145000 Everett Thoreno W. 0. Rogers 10912 109'3 is o9 00 0o Serviceman Filterman 120.00 125.00 G. F. Kellor 1094 Q0 0o Filterman 115.00 Roy Wedlund 10915 90 oD Filterman 125.00 Frank Deane 10916 90 90 Filterman 115.00 Lester Thomas 10917 00 °D Pumpman 125"00 E. G. Childs 10918 Labor 140.00 H. G. Edwards 10919 Labor 60.00 Milo Strock 10920 Salary as Inspector 115.00 STREET DEPARTMENT Roy McDougall 3592 Salary as Foreman 125.00 Lynn Balcomb 3593 PO ,° Maint. Man 120.00 Carl Thoreno 3594 90 90 mint o Ilan 125.00 Artis Taylor 3595 09 90 Minto Man 120.00 Dave Summers 3596 99 0o Waint. Man 115.00 Earl Holmes 3597 99 90 Maint. Man 115.00 Carl Welk 3598 9a 99 Maint. Man 120.00 T� G. McCrory 3599 00 0° Supervisor 35000 John G. Dorcy 3600 c0 °0 Bookkeeper 30.00 Mut. Ben. Hith. & Acc. Assn. 3601 Insurance Deductions 21.00 PARD DEPARTMENT Robert Harr 2156 Salary as Employee 100.00 Rrank Knapp 2157 90 10 Supt. 100.00 LIBRARY DEPARTMENT Ruth E. Brinkley 3049 Salary as Librarian 80.00 Eleanor Nevill 3050 Q0 °° Asset. Librarian 80.00 P. E. Olson 3051 90 70 Caretaker 75"00 Pout. Ben. filth. Acco Assn. 3052 Insurance Deductions 4.80 CEME, TIMY FUND Ingvald Iversen 848 Salary as Supt. 120.00 11m. E. Latimer 843 9a oD Employoe 110.00 Chas. R. Mitchell 844 °Q °° Employoe 110.00 FIREMEN° S RELIEF & PENSION FUND Ilrut. Benefit Hlth. Assno 238 Ins. Ded. from Salary of Milo Stroek 3o00 A motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Allen that said claims be referrer! At a�, test s� City Clerk ept. 279 1949 A regular adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacorted was called or order at 7030 P. M. with Payor Joe L. Hagan presiding. The roll was called and Ellin Welch, Ginnett and Brado were present. Pyr. Paul Murker, pho, operates the South Side bus was present and spoke to the City Council and asked permission to chango the bus zone from the south side of Aubert°s Drug Store to the East side of saf.d. Drug store in other words from 8th street to Commercial Avenue. This was discussed at some length and a motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Brado that permission be granted to Paul Murker to change his bus zone to the Finance Commitbtee. Mgtion carried. The Finance Committee considered said claims and recommended that the claiihs be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of the same. A motion was made by Allen and seconded by Ginnett that the recommendation of the Finance Comit'06 in the matter of thetabove claims be adopted. Ayes, Dodge, Welch, Ginnett9 Allen and Bfado. Motion carried. xagan rec- Payor Joe L. Hagan made an oral report on a meeting held at the nets Central onnends that West 400 of Grade School on September 13 1949 with representatives of the school board, the housing authority and the City Council, and recommended that the west 40 feet of M Avenue be M Avenue be opened from 22nd street to the school driveways.- A motion 17as made by opened Brado and seconded by Allen that the City Council concur with the recommendation of this committee and assist the school all they can in opening this portion of N Avenue. Motion carried. 0 Being unable to complete the business of the present meeting a motion was made by Brado and seconded by Allen that the City Council adjourn until 7930 o'clock P. M. Sept. 27th9 1949. Motion carried. The meeting of the City Council did•so adjourn. At a�, test s� City Clerk ept. 279 1949 A regular adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacorted was called or order at 7030 P. M. with Payor Joe L. Hagan presiding. The roll was called and Ellin Welch, Ginnett and Brado were present. Pyr. Paul Murker, pho, operates the South Side bus was present and spoke to the City Council and asked permission to chango the bus zone from the south side of Aubert°s Drug Store to the East side of saf.d. Drug store in other words from 8th street to Commercial Avenue. This was discussed at some length and a motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Brado that permission be granted to Paul Murker to change his bus zone September 279 1949 i from tho south side of Aubert°s Drug store to the east side which is on Commercial immediately in front of said store, provided that Mr. Murker obtains the written consent of all businesses on the west one-half of Commercial Avenue, south of the alloy in the block between 7th street and 8th street and also obtain permission from tho Highway department to move said parking place. Motion carried. At this time the City Council further considered and discussed the preliminary (Discussion of Budget of the City of Anacortes for the year 1950. preliminary �udget for Being unable to complete the business before the City Ccpuncil at this time a X1950. motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Ellin that the City Council adjourn to 7-000 P. M. on Thursday September, 29, 1949. Mption carried. The meeting of the City Council did so adjourn, Attesl Sept. 299 1949 A regular adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes vas called to order at 7:00 o'clock P. M. with Mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. The purpose of the meeting being to further consider and discuss the preliminary Study of budget of the City of Anacortes for the year 1950. This matter was taken up and dis- preliminary cussed department by department but being unable to complete the business before the budget for Council a motion was made -by Welch and seconded by Ginnett that the meeting of the 19500 City Council adjourn unci; 70000 o'clock P. lf.,'October 3, 1949. M9tion carried. The meeting of the City Council did so adjourn. Attc / Mayor October 3, 1949 The annual meeting required by law to begin the consideration of the final buds get of the City of Anacortos for the year 1950 was called to order at 7:00 P. H. by, Mayor Pro -Tom, E. E. Dodge. The roll was called and Dodge, Ginnett and Welch Caere prosnnt. There were no protests against said 1950 budget. There not being a quorum present a motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Dodgo that the meeting of the City Council adjourn until 7:30 o°clock P. Ilio, Oct. 4, 1949. Tho meeting of the City Council did so adjou r � � 1 19ayov Pro -T .— Atte October 41 1949 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7:30 o'clock P. M. with Mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. The roll was called and Dodge, Ellin Welch, Ginnett, Allen and Brado were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.. The following communication from Mr. Leroy L. Todd on behalf of Lute F. Childs Letter from was presented and read to the City Council: LeRoy Todd October 4, 1949 on behalf of Hon. Mayor and Members of City Council, Lute Childs. Anacortes, Washington Gentlemen: Referring to our communication to you under date of July 26, last relative to' granting to Lute F. Childs, of this City, the privilege of operating a Trailer ffafe in Anacortes, at the northeast corner of 3rd Street and Commercial Avenue, Mr. Childs was not certain that the permission given him at that time would include the canning season for the year 1949, As stated in the above mentioned communication, the cafe is operated especial;'y to accomodate the fishermen, longshoremen and cannery workers employed in that dis-' trict, and a large number of the above mentioned employees have taken advantage of the service given them at this cafe; and have very much appreciated same. Mr. Childs has greatly appreciated the privilege granted him of operating this cafe, and will be glad to be permitted to finish the season in giving this dervice. As previously stated, Mr. Childs agrees to thoroughly clean the place upon removal of his Trailer Cafe. 1 CJ CJ 1 • • 1 October 4, 1949 t • 1 Space reserver' In the matter of the reserved parking space in front of Jackson's Funeral home in front of a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Ginnett that this space be reserved and Jackson F.H. that the curb be painted reserving said space for Funeral services and for visitors. for parking. Motion carried. Bond for G.O. The following City Attorney9s report on the matter of the.bond for Gilbert 0. Lee accepted. Lee was accepted and placed on file. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Your City attorney, W. V. Wells, Jr. to whom was referred the matter of Great American Indemnity Co*pan bond of Public official, Gilbert Odin Lee, as police patrolman, in the amount of 11000.00 for one year beginning 15th of September, 1949, begs leave to report as follows,* That I have examined said bond and find same in regular and proper form. Matter of part'- The matter of the parking space 4mmediately west of the pop corn stand on 7th ing space wes,� and Commercial Avenue was discussed and held over until the next meeting of the of pop corn City Council. stand. W. V. Wells, Jf., City Attorney, asked permission to attend a State-wide sdfet� City Attorney council at Olympia, 67ashington on October 5th and 6th, 1949. A motion was made by authorized to Ginnett and seconded by Allen that the City Attorney be authorized to attend the attend meetinj; meeting of the'safety committee and that the City pay the expenses of the trip. of safety Com Motion carried. Klein discuss- Mr. Emil Klein, Administrator of Skagit Coundiy Welfare Program was present and es matter of spoke to the City Council about the matter of the employment of persons receiving employment of welfare grants. Mr. Klein gave a very good description of this matter which was persons recei— much appreciated by all who were present. ing welfare giants) The following claims against the City of Anacortes were presented and read to' Claims the City Council: i Joe L. Hagan Ged. Brado Robert Ginnett Romie Allen W. J. Welch E. E. Dodge A. I. Mustacich 0. E.Arges John G. Dorcy Dr. C. W. Douglass W. V. Wells, Jr., John �'heney Harry Davis Norman 1'ulton Jacqueline Gurney C. -.M. Olson Harry Davis Syd Ellin Withholding Tax Fund CURRENT i We presume that no further action is necessary by you relative to this matter, 18054 Salary but this letter is'written in order that there may be no misunderstanding between Mayor 17055 Mr. Childs and you. ouncilman Respectfully yours, it 11 Leroy L. Todd 18057 '° After some discussion a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Allen that Councilman 18058 the City Council's action allowing the above cafe to operate until Octobela fQ Councilman 1949. must hand. Ayes*. Dodge, Ellin, Welch, and Allen, Nays: Ginnett. Motion 1° " carried. 18060 Osborne asks Mr. George Osborne spoke to 'the City Council and asked permission to build a Councilman permission to fireplace chimney at the -'Christian Church on 10th street and M. Avenue. After some 1° build fireplace discussion a motion pias made'by Ellin and seconded by Dodge that permission be °° chimney at granted to Mr. Osborne with the understanding that if the City needs the space oc- 1806 Christian cupied by this chimney that he will remove said chimney. Miltion carried. Health Officer Church. The National Guard officials were presentcand asked permission to obtain more ;, City attorney space in the new City Hall. This matter was then referred to the City Building rr Committee. 18066 Hearing for The hearing for the vacation of the alley in block 22 between S and T Avenues Dog Catcher vacation of alley in bl. carne up for consideration at this time. There were no written protests against the vacation of said alley and a motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Welch that 14 .22 between the City Attorney be authorized to draw up,an ordinance providing for the vacation Work in S & T Avenue of said alley. Ayes: Dodge, Lllin, Welch, and Allen. Nays,* Ginnett. Salary as considered. 18070 44 9° Mayor Hagan reported for the -streets and parks committee which investigated 18071 Committee rec- several matters which were referred to them at the last meeting of the City Council, Councilman ommends light; One of these problems was a request for a street light at 9th street and D. Avenue at 9th & 36th and at 36th street and S Avenue. The Cam:nittee recommended lights at both of these streets. locations and wished to investigate this matter further to see if a better form of street light would be available for these locations. City grader In the matter of opening 3rd street west between Alaska and Baltimore, owing unable to to the roughness of the area, the committee reported that the city grader would be open 3rd st. unable to open this street. The committee suggested that if Mr. Allen open this because of street with his bulldozer that the grader might be able to go over the street. roughness of After some discussion a motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Welch that if area. Mr. Allen opens this street with the bulldozer that the City will put gravel on said street: Motion carried, t • 1 Space reserver' In the matter of the reserved parking space in front of Jackson's Funeral home in front of a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Ginnett that this space be reserved and Jackson F.H. that the curb be painted reserving said space for Funeral services and for visitors. for parking. Motion carried. Bond for G.O. The following City Attorney9s report on the matter of the.bond for Gilbert 0. Lee accepted. Lee was accepted and placed on file. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Your City attorney, W. V. Wells, Jr. to whom was referred the matter of Great American Indemnity Co*pan bond of Public official, Gilbert Odin Lee, as police patrolman, in the amount of 11000.00 for one year beginning 15th of September, 1949, begs leave to report as follows,* That I have examined said bond and find same in regular and proper form. Matter of part'- The matter of the parking space 4mmediately west of the pop corn stand on 7th ing space wes,� and Commercial Avenue was discussed and held over until the next meeting of the of pop corn City Council. stand. W. V. Wells, Jf., City Attorney, asked permission to attend a State-wide sdfet� City Attorney council at Olympia, 67ashington on October 5th and 6th, 1949. A motion was made by authorized to Ginnett and seconded by Allen that the City Attorney be authorized to attend the attend meetinj; meeting of the'safety committee and that the City pay the expenses of the trip. of safety Com Motion carried. Klein discuss- Mr. Emil Klein, Administrator of Skagit Coundiy Welfare Program was present and es matter of spoke to the City Council about the matter of the employment of persons receiving employment of welfare grants. Mr. Klein gave a very good description of this matter which was persons recei— much appreciated by all who were present. ing welfare giants) The following claims against the City of Anacortes were presented and read to' Claims the City Council: i Joe L. Hagan Ged. Brado Robert Ginnett Romie Allen W. J. Welch E. E. Dodge A. I. Mustacich 0. E.Arges John G. Dorcy Dr. C. W. Douglass W. V. Wells, Jr., John �'heney Harry Davis Norman 1'ulton Jacqueline Gurney C. -.M. Olson Harry Davis Syd Ellin Withholding Tax Fund 118.00 10.00 10.00 4.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 70.00 53.30 0.00 3.5(0 39.50 13.15 99.20 70.00 97000 50.00 ,I 5.00 63.50 CURRENT EXPENSE 18054 Salary aq Mayor 17055 r°O ouncilman 18056 it 11 Councilman 18057 '° 19 Councilman 18058 'P fQ Councilman 18059 1° " Councilman 18060 '9 S° Councilman 18061 " 1° Deputy Treasurer 18062 °° 1° City Clerk 1806 " 1° Health Officer 1806 it ;, City attorney 18065 rr Police Justice 18066 t' to Dog Catcher 18067 r9 14 Janitor 18068 Work in Clerk9s Office 18069 Salary as Deputy City Clerk 18070 44 9° Dumpman 18071 99 '9 Councilman 18072 Withholding Taxes 118.00 10.00 10.00 4.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 70.00 53.30 0.00 3.5(0 39.50 13.15 99.20 70.00 97000 50.00 ,I 5.00 63.50 October 4, 1949 G. N. Dalstead, P. 14. 1807 P6stage,-clerk's Office 3.00 Union Printing Co. 1807 Supplies; Clerk's Office 2.88 Pioneer Inc. 18075 Supplies; City Treasurer 71:51 Collins Office Supply 18076 Supplies; City Clerk's office 3:69 Birds' Stationery 18077 Supplies, City Clerk's Office 11.59' J. B. Goff 18078 Salary as Chief of Police 187-70 M. E. Beebe 18079 it 11 Asst. Chief of Police 138.10 VV. L. Pollaiad 18080 it 11 Patrolman 121.60 W. '''. Thompson 18081 It " Patrolman 157.00 Gilbert 0. Lee 18082 '1 " Patrolman 117.95 J. bd . Tennant 1808 " '1 Patrolman 111.50 Withholding Tax Fund 1808 I'lithholdingg 'taxes 92.20 Best Coast Telephone Co. 18085 Dept. Service1 •45 irds' Stationery 18086 Supplies, Police �.1 Fosse's Texaco Service 18087 Supplies, Police Dept. 8.04 Aubert°s Drug Store 18088 Supplies, Police Dept. 1 Northern Sales Co. 18089 Supplies; Police Dept. 21:Z9 Simpson's Llectric Shop 18090 Supplies; Police Dept: 2.38 • Anac rtes Equipment Co. 18091 Supplies, Police Dept. 20.66 Wm. �. McCallum 18092 Police Patrolman Bond 5.00' Berg Verrall 1809 Salary as Fire Chief 157.68' C. . MoYidhan 1809 It " Asst. Fire Chief 128.68 K. W-. Snart 18095 " It Capt: Fire Dept: 113.48 I J. No Parsons 18096 91 Capt. Fire Dept. 110:68 ,I • Ed. Alexander 18097 Fireman 111. 95 Clyde Cook 18098 °1 10 Fireman x96.88 D. W. Parsona 18099 " " Fireman 86.51 Geo. Ray 18100 1° '1 Fireman 102.661 C. To Strock 18101 " " Fireman 179.631 Geo. Miller 18102 Call Manx}.00 Geo. Olson 1810 Caill Man- 600' R. McDougall 1810. Call Man 2.00 ' A. Mondhan 18105 Call Man 12.00 H. Chevrier 18106 Call Man 4.00 Earl Olson 18107 Salary as Inspector 123. Withholding Tax Fund 18108 Withholding Taxes 149.901, Earl Olson 18109 Cash Advanced 14.48 Bert Verrall 18110 Inspections 25.00 T American zlkhart ompany 18111 Equipment, ire Dept. 2,682.12 Anacortes Equipment Co. 18112 Supplies, Fire Dept. 7.53 Anacortes Laundry & Clns. 1811 Laundry Service, Fire Dept. 11.57 Fosse's Texaco Service 1811} Supplies, Fire Dept. 47.12 State Treasurer 18115 Membership for 2 Vol. Firemen 6.00' M. W. Featherkile 18116 Service to Radio, -ire Dept. 35.31 Water Department 18117 Hydrant Rental 65:00 Rufus A. Webb 18118 Gasoline, Fire Dept. 7:79'' Birds' Stationery 18119 Supplies; Fire Dept: 1:95 Marine Supply & Hardware 18120 Supplies, Fire Dept. 3.35 Simmonds Paint Co. 18121'_ Supplies, Fire Dept. 1.01 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 18122 Lighting Service, City Bldgs 706.18 Water Depattment 1812 Water Service, City Hall 2.50 Firemen's Relief A pension Fund 1812 Payroll'Deductions 136:32 Skagit County Medical Bureau 18125 Group Insurance Deductions 106.20 David Bowen 18126 Salam as Janitor 93 .90 The Fern Press 18127 Supplies, Clerk's Office 4.64 '1 FIREMEN'S RELIEF & PENSION FUND M. G. Strock Nary as Retired Fireman 122.00 L. E. Spider fe it it 125.00 WATER DEPARTMENT To G. McCrory 10922 Salary as Supt. 171.00 Sadie M. Arges 1P92 It Cashier 111.90 Shirley Ovens 1092 Clerk 93.90 John G. Dorcy 10925 i° It Bookkeeper 41.00 • Chas. Wedlund 10926 it /' Foreman 176. 5 Everett Thorene 10927 m. Rogers 10928 °f to Serviceman 19 0 W. 11 �; I"ilterman 2 .00 G. F. Keller 10929 " Filterman 1 .20 Roy ti�edlund 10930 " Filterman 199.90 Frank Dgane 10931 t1 " 'vilterman 174.50 • Lester homers 10932 't Pumpman 143.00 '. E. G. Lhi 1 ds 1093 1° °1 Laborer 11 1.60 H. G. Edwards 1093 't °4 Laborer 126.goo Haskell Plumbing & Heating- 10935 New Filter hquipment 2 653 Barrow & Shaffer Const. Co. 10936 Filter Plant Addition 9875.58 The Texas Co; 10937 Oil Marine Supply & Hardware 10938 Supplies 7 . 66 437 9 E. A. Abbott Motor Co. 109 9 Repairs & Parts 117.15 Anacortes Sheet Metal 109.0 Supplies 7.00 Jack°s Radio & Appliance 10941 One Roll of Wire 3.09 1! H. P. Fowler Co., Inc. 10942 Cathodic Protection- System 2,798.22 Anacortes Post Office 109Postage 6.00 4 Anacortes Iron "orks 109 Supplies 41.89 I Transmission Supply 109 5 Supplies Aubert's Drug Store 10946 Supplies 1.11 The Fern Press 10947 Printing Post Cards 6.18 i Robertson Freight Lines 10948 Freight Charges 1,29 Anacortes Equipment Co. 10949 Material & Labor at "'alter Plant 133.81 October 4, 1949 Claims Figenshaw Hardware 10950 Supplies 6.95 Gilkey & Wright, Inc. 10951 Inspection of Concrete Mix 33075 Island Transfer 10952 91 Gal. of Stove Oil 13.49 Puget Sound Power & Light* 1095 Service 19350.10 Pennsylvania Salt Mfg. Co. 10954 Chlorine 136 095 Skagit Valley 'Telephone Co. 10955 Service .22 The Texas Company 10956 Oil Milo Strock 10957 Salary as Inspector 124U$0 Uithholding Tax Fund 10958 Withholding Taxes 2,3 .40 City SStreet Fund 10959 Gasoline 24:95 City 1dg. Rental Fund 10960 Rent of Office & Garage Space 100.00 Rufus Webb, Shell Jobber 10961 Stove Oil 12.42 H. 1J. Fowler Co., Inca 10962 Supplies 85.00 The Belcher Munhall Co.' 1096 Work on Roof on Filter Plant 46 74 Nest Coast Telephone Co. 1096 Service 17.60 I'lithholding Tax Fund 10965 Withholding Taxes 321}}.80 The Fern Press 10966 Printing Service 6.18 Skagit County Medical Bureau 10967 Group Insurance Deductions 20.00 STREET DEPARTMENT Roy McDougall 3604 Salary as Foreman 140.10 Lynn Balcomb 3605 f° " Graderman T .80 Carl Thorene 3606 Pe c, Maint. Man .10 Dave Summers 3607 Maint. Man 124.00 Carl Welk 3608 14 " Maint. Man 117.10 Artis Taylor 3609 r° °? Maint. Man 1 6.20 Earl, ' Holmes 3610 PP " Maint. Man 10.40 T. �'. McGrory 3611 rr 19 Supervisor 33.30 John G. Rorcy 3612 r' " Bookkeeper 29.50 Withholding Tax Fund 361 withholding Taxes 183.80 Skagit County Rd. Engineer 3614 Road Oil & Gravel 261.58 ColvinTs Tire Service 3615 Repairs 4.74 Trulson Motor Company 3616 Repairs & Parts 40.77 Anacortes Iron o-"orks 3617 Supplies 11.93 Standard Oil Co. 3618 Oil 19017 Figenshaw Hardware" 3619 Equipment 9.45 Howard Cooper Corp.* 3620 k'ontrel Lever 14. 4/�8 Pit. Vernon Bldg. Co. 3621 Pipe & Tile 195.1J6 Puget Sound Pourer & Light 3622 Lighting Service 2.00 Island Transfer 362 Stove Oil 7,56 Puget Sawmill, Inc. 362Lumber 502( Marine Supply & Hardware 3625 Supplies .q0 The 'Texas o. 3626 oil x.56 E. A. Abbott Motor Co.3627 Repairs 1.35 Rufus A. Webb 3628 Gasoline 228.69 Chas. R. Ratts & Co. 3629 Stop Signs 1p8.20 Robbins Lumber Co. 3630 Suppliies 8.14 CEMETERY DEPARTMENT INgvald Iversen 845 Salary as Cemetery Suit. 118.60 Wm. E. Latimer 846 °° " Cemetery Employee 103.80 Chas. R. Mitchell 847 'r " gemetery Employee 115.10 Withholding Tax Fund 848 Withholding Taxes 71050 Robertson Freight Lines 849 Freight Charges 1.29 Puget Sound Power & Light 850 Power & Lighting Service 25.16 Katherine H. Snider 851 Work on Cemetery Records 10.00 `Nater Department' 852 Water Service, Cemetery 2.50 Puget ,Sawmill Co. 85Lumber 67.53 West `'oast Telephone Co. 854 Telephone Service 5.65 Boown Lumber Company 855 Lumber 66043 Birds' Stationery 856 Supplies 098 Robbins Lumber Co. 857 Lumber11t}.07 Great Northern Railway Co. 858 Freight on Supplies 6.12 South Side Hardware Co. 859 Equipment' 27.40 Skagit County Med. Bureau 860 Group Ins. Deductions 6000 Ross & Beasley, Inc., 861 Equipment 40.17 PARK DEPARTMENT iRobert Harr 2158 Salary aq Park Lmployee 145.00 Frank Knapp 2159 i° Park Supt. 158.20 Withholding Tax Fund 2160 Withholding Taxes 6.80 Rufus A. Webb 2161 Gasoline 62.62 Figenshaw Hardware 2162 Supplies 7.73 Water Department 216 Water Service �9:1 !Skagit Auto Parts 216 Equipment9 LIBRARY DEPARTMENT lRuth E. Brinkley 305 Salary aff Librarian 9N, Elzanor Nevill 3054 rr Ass't. Librarian 0 P. E. Olson 3055 r° 17 Caretaker 75.00 P. L. Larson,- 3056 1Q " Sub. Caretaker 62.50 Fern Derby 3057 " s'' Sub. Librarian % 6.75 Withholding Tax Fund 3058 Withholding Taxes 30070 Puget Sound Power & Light 3059 Lighting Service 5.24 Water Department 3060 Water Service 2:50 Mrs. James Ross 3061 Cataloging Bokks at Library(Cance&led) The J.,K. Gill Company 3062 Books 24.28 Puget ''ound News Company 3063 Books 53,08 2 4 October 4, 1949 A motion was made by Lllin and seconded b� "llen that said claims by re- ferred to the Finance Committee. Motion carried. he Finance Committee considered said claims and recommended that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of the same. A motion was made by Allen and seconded by Alin that the recommendatiiIpn of the Finance Committee in the matter of -the above claims be adopted. Ayes: Lodge, Ellin, Ginnett and Allen. Motion carried. Being unable to complete the business before the Council at the present meeting a motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Allen tat the meeting of the City Coun� cil adjourn to•October 5th, 1949• Motion carried. he meeting of the City Council did so adjourn. Mayor Attest: City e r. I October 5, 1949 An adjourned meeting of the City Council of the Cityof"nacortes was called to order at 7:30 P. M. with Mayor Joe L. Hagan pres&ding. The roll was called and Mustf. acich, Ellin, Welch, and Ginnett were present. The purpose of this meeting being to further consider the proposed preliminary Budget for the year 1950. Said Budget was considered section by section. Being unable to complete this matter at this meeting a motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Mustacich that the meeting of the City Col-ncil adjourn to 7:00 o'clock P. M. on October 6, 1949. Motion carried. The meeting of the City Council did so adjourn. AttestM or� s r Cityu October 6, 1949 A Regular Adjourned meeting of the City Council of.the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7 o'clock P. M. with Mayor Joe L. Hagan Presiding. The roll was called and Mustacich, Welch, Ginnett, Allen and Brado were present. j Budget for 1950 consider- ered. This meeting being called to further consider and discuss a Final Budget of the Budget for the City of Anacortes for the Year 1950- year 1950 ac- cepted. The City Council considered said budget, section by section, and a motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Mustacich that said Budget for the Year 1950; beim; Grdinance 1046-A Be adoptod as a :chole. Ayes: Mustacich, ?7elch, Ginnett, Allen and Brado. Motion carried. An Ordinance levying a tax upon real and personal property within the City of Ordinance Anacortes, Skagit County, Washington, for municipal purposes for the Year 1950 levying was presented and read to the City Council. After some discussion a motion was tax upon real made by Brado that said Ordinance above described and being Ordinance Number 1047, & personal be adopted as a whole. Ayes: Mustacich, Welch, Ginnett, Allen and Brado. Motion property. carried. The chatter of establishing a deadline for filing claims for City bills was dis- cussed at soi;ie len th and a motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Welch that the first Tue da. RL each month be established as the deadline for receiving claims for the payment of same for the previous month. Motion carried. Having completed the business of the evening, a motion was made by Allen and seconded by Brado that the meeting of the City Council adjourn. Motion carried. The meeting of the City Council did then adjourn./ Mayor " i Attest: i t4r rl Arlr October 189 1949 Matter of establishing deadline for filing claims discussed. A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7030 o'clock P. M. with Mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. The roll was called and Hustacich, Bodge Ginnett9 Allen and Brado were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. The following letter from James McLnckl.aA was presented and read to the City Letter from (Council-. McLacklan �. October 189 1949 requesting To the Honorable Mayor and members of the City Council (permission Anacortes, Washington. !to install live music Gentlemeno, in his tav- ern. For your consideration I wish to present the following petition and facto. It is G • • 1 • • 1 October 189 1949 .4• my desire to install Live mus&c in my taverna I feel that something like this will being more people into our town. -4. No, there is no inducement for the Soldiers stationed at Fort Casey and the Sailors at the Naval Base at Whidbey Island to -come to our city as there is no entertainment of any sort for these servicemen. Live music will not only furnish employment for our local muscicians but it will help other businesses, namely Hotels Restaurants, and shoals. We need these servicemen's business here that now goes �o Mt. Vernon, Bellingham and Seattle for their enjoymento For your informationa resolution has been passed allowing Li've'music in the City of Bellingham and other localitibs. I contacted the Senior Liquor,Inspector at Bellingham. He notified me that he saw no objections that the Liquor Board would have and suggested that the Council pass a resolution allowing my petition. Thanking you in advance and hoping that you will act favorably on this request.' I remain, Yours truly, James HcLacklan After some discussion a motion was made by Brado and seconded by Mustacic�l that the City Council go on record as having no objections to the installation of live music in taverns in the City of Anacortes provided that no persons under 21 years of age be employed as a musician. Motion carried. Letter from The following letter from the City Beautiful Committee was presented and read City Beautiful; to the City Councils Comm-ittee Anacortes, Washington requesting October 6, 1949 lease. Honorable Mayor, Mrd J. L. Hagan9 and City Council i i Gentlemens The City Beautiful Commission is receiving many suggestions and requests to add to the recreational area of our city. There is a great need for a clean beach i easily reached from our city center. To meet that need the City Beautiful Commission asks for a lease of part o2 all of H Avenue north of the railroad track. They would clean up the beach and upper area; they might even add a picnic table or two. Sincerely Fred F. Edison, Commissioner. Motion passed After some discussion a motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Allen that that the end the end of H Avenue north of the railroad track be reserved for the City Beautiful of H Ave be Committee until such time as the City needs said street end, - ~ reserved for Motion carried. City Beauti.Pu:-. The following letter from Garrit Van Dyk was presented and read to the City Letter from Councils Van Dyk re- October 189 1949 questing per- Dear Councilmens mission to use a portion Itis requeuted that I be granted permission to use 17th Street between C. and If 17th for D streets for the purpose of planting a garden. I own five lots on one side of thi i garden purpose proposed street and 10 lots on the other side. es. Thanking you, I remain Sincerely yours, Garrit Van Dyk 17th & D Street �I Anacortes9, Washington After some discussion a motion was made by Mustacich and seconded by Allen tha permission be granted to use 17th street between C and D Avenues for garden purpose as requested in the above letter. Motion carried. F. E. Eisenziner The following communication from F. E. Eisenzimer was presented and read to th requests per- City Councils mission to Anacortes Washington purchase or October 16, 1949 lease City Honorable Mayor and City Councils property. I would like to receive permission to purchase or lease or otherwise obtain poo26ssion of the north end of G Avenue lying between 7th street and the Great Northern right og way, for use as a building sited In my opinion this street end has no Commercial value as it is situated on a high embankment directly above the Great Northern tracks. The usable space upon which I would like to build is ap- proximately 60 by 80 feet. Yours tpuly 9 F. E. Eisenzimer 620�y - I Avenue Ci City. October 18, 1949 After some discussion a motion was made by Girinett and seconded by Mustacich that a letter be written to Mr. Eisenzimer advising him that the City Council not ve the property requested in the above communication. Motion carried. The following letter from the State Highway Department was presented and read to the City Councils Town or City Council Gentlemen: October 179 1949 The Director of Highways on September 309 19499 established a policy prohibitirl,g the suspension of signs banners or decorations above the portion of such street be.*, tween the curbs or portion used for highway purposes up to a vertical height of twenty feet above the surface of the roadway, as set forth in Section 5 (c), Chapte�i 220 , Laws of 1949. Ypurs very truly, Geo® Ho Shearer, District Engineer Bys R. McCrossen9 State Aid Engineer After some discussion the above letter was accepted and filed and the City Clerk was ordered to present:,a copy of the above letter to the City of Anacortes Pageant Committee. Letter from Highway Depto concerning suspension of signs. The following communication from the Housing Authority of the City of Anacortes Tetter from was presented and read to the City Councils Housing Auth- September 309 1949 ority concern - TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL ing work t#e OF THE CITY OF ANACORTES done on their CITY HALL streets. GENTLEMEN -0 The local Housing Authority of Anacortes*enjoyt-a good many municipal services' furnished by the City of Anacortes® In return for -these services, which include th� use of the city sewers, police and fire protection, the local Housing Authority makes certain payments "in-lieu-of-taxesPQ9 and which, during the year 19489 amount=' ed to $7180010 Within the local Housing Authority there are several unplatted streets which require grading and surfacing with new gravel periodically. Inasmuch as these streets are not city streets, the local Housing Authority has been billed by the City Street Departaaent for work done on these -streets. Government auditors have requested that before any payments are made to the City, in addition to payments already made to the City "in-lieu-of-takesll a working agteement or contract should be accepted by the City, and the amounts for such street grading and surfacing budgeted in the annual budget of the local Housing Authority, as all maintenance expenditures are. In order to benefit the City of Anacortes by not deducting street maintenance payments from the annual payments 00in-lieu-oftaxesB, the local Housing Authority must be able to show its auditors such a working agreement calling for the extra money payments to be paid to the City. The Commissioners of the local H.usi_ng Authority have determined to offer the City the following proposal for grading and surfacing the unplatted streets in the local Housing Authority, and in return for said services to make payments to the City in addition to the yearly payments made to the City QBin-lieu-of-taxes00, at the following rates; 1. per hour for the services of the City grader. 2. �5:00 225 per cubic yard of gravel furnished on the streetz. 3. The Housing Authority to notify the City Street Department.,' whenever such services are necessary. i It is hoped that the City of Anacortes will agree to the three items above and that this agreement will be considered as binding upon the local Housing AuL- ority and the City of Anacortes for the period of one year without change, and that either the City of Anacortes or the local H.using Authority may change any of the terms of this proposal by giving notice at the end of the fiscal year 1950 June 30, 19 50 . Your advice as to the acceptability of this proposal will be appreciated. HOUSING AUTHORITY OF ANACORTES, Wl, K. T. 6herman, Chairman of the Board After some consideration and descussion a motion was made by Brado And seconded. by Ginnett that the City Council agree to the proposition presented in the above communication. Motion carried,, 1 • • 1 The above letter was accepted and placed oh file. Ordinance At this time an ordinance vacating the alley in Block229 "Bowman's Central vacating the Ship Harbor Waterfront Plat of Anacortes9 Skagit Co.; Wash. 910 as the same iia of alley in Ill 2? record in the office of the Auditor of Skagit County was presented and read to the Bowman's Cen- City Council. After some discussion a motion was mace by PAustacich and seconded tral Ship Har- by Dodge that said ordinance above described by adopted as a whole. Ayes-, Mustacith9 bor. Dodge, Allen and Brado® Wa'yss Ginnett. Motion carried. Police Dept. October 189 1949 report*of the Police Department for the month of Sept., 1949 was presented report. and read Resolution The following Resolution was presented to the City Council by the Housing from Housing Authority of the City of Anacortess Authority. report of the Fire Department for the month of Sept., 1949 was presented report. WHEREAS, the Housing Authority of Anacortes9 Washington is applying to the to the City Council was accepted Public Housing Administration in accordance with the provisions of the United State.j! Water Supt. The Housing Act of 1937, as amended, for a Preliminary Loan in the amount of $30 000 -'planning Supt, for the to cover the costs of surveys and in connection with the development of not report. to exceed approximately 75 dwelling units of low -rent public housing; and the City Council was WHEREAS, there exists in the City of Anacortes, Washington a need for such low= placed on file. rent public housing at rents within the means of low-income families, expecially families of lining or deceased veterans and servicemen, which need is not being met by private enterprise; and WHEREAS, such a condition constitutes a menace to the health, safety, morals anti welfare of the inhabitants of the City; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF Anacortes9 j Washingtons That the City Council and the Mayor of the City of Anacortes Washington do Application hereby approve the of the Housing Authority of Anacortes9 Washington to the Public Housing Administration for a Preliminary Loan in an amount not to exceed $30 0009 to cover the costs'of surveys and planning in connection with the development of not to exceed approximately 75 dwelling units of low -rent public housing in the City of Anacortes Washington and does hereby declare its intent to enter hereafter into an agreement with said Housing Authority for the local co- operation by the City in the provision of said low -rent public housing which may be required by the Public Housing Administration pursuant to the United States Housing act of 1937, as amended. Adopted the 18th day of October, 19490 Joe L. Hagan, Mayor ATTESTS John G. Dorcy, City Clerk Mrs. Sybil Hansen spoke'"to the City Council on hehalf of the Housing Authority regarding the proposed'surve,y mentioned in the above Resolution. After some dis.. cussion by the City Council a motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Allen that the City Council go on record as approving the above survey and that said Resolution be adopted. Motion carried. Bldg Insp. & .' Wo V. INe11s9 Jr., City Attorney, discussed at some length the matter of the � Fire Chief Building at 1106 m 6th Street. After some discussion by the City Council a motion to make ins- was made by Ginnett and seconded by Mustacich that the Fire Chief and the Building pection of Inspector make an inspection of the said building and report back to the City bldg at 6th siN.Councils Ayes-, Mustacich9 Dodge, Ginnett, Allen and Brado. Mption carried. Mayor Hagan Mayor Joe L. Hagan made an oral report on the matter of using the lots on the 6th street 0 discusses southwest corner of and avenue as a playfield. Mayor Hagan pointed out matter of us-- that owing to the fact that inhere were large rocks which could not be removed by ing lots on 6 t use of the City grader it would be impossible to clear up this block at the present for playfield, time. Letter from. The following letter from Lloyd M. Foster, Manager .of the Port of Anacortes Lloyd Foster. was presented and read to the City Councils No objection October 189 1949 to vacation The Honorable Mayor and City Council of the of alley ownel City of Anacortes by Port. Gentlemen s This is to signify that the Port of Anacortes owner of Tract 20 Bowman°s Block Cdntral Ship Harbor waterfront plat bordering on 229 and approximately 5 feet of the alley on the East end of Block 22 of the above addition, have no ob=- jection to the vacation of said alley to the owner of said Block 22. Yours very truly, PORT OF ANACORTES Lloyd Al. Foster The above letter was accepted and placed oh file. Ordinance At this time an ordinance vacating the alley in Block229 "Bowman's Central vacating the Ship Harbor Waterfront Plat of Anacortes9 Skagit Co.; Wash. 910 as the same iia of alley in Ill 2? record in the office of the Auditor of Skagit County was presented and read to the Bowman's Cen- City Council. After some discussion a motion was mace by PAustacich and seconded tral Ship Har- by Dodge that said ordinance above described by adopted as a whole. Ayes-, Mustacith9 bor. Dodge, Allen and Brado® Wa'yss Ginnett. Motion carried. Police Dept. The report*of the Police Department for the month of Sept., 1949 was presented report. and read to the City Council was accepted and placed on file. Fire Dept. The report of the Fire Department for the month of Sept., 1949 was presented report. add read to the City Council was accepted and placed on file. Water Supt. The report of the Water Supt, for the month of Sept. 1949 was presenteddand report. read to the City Council was accepted and placed on file. 5218 na ce . 9 g a appropr a ung e 9 revenues o e City of Anacortes9 Washington, in the,various Departments of the City, the amount Ordinance to each said Departments9 respectively, as set forth and particularly -designated in' appropriating Section 2 of Ordinance No. 1047 passed and approved October 6th, 1949, was present-' 1950 revenues. ed and read to the City Council. After some discussion a motion was made by Lin- nett and seconded by Allen that the above described ordinance be adopted as a whole4 Ayess Mustacich, Dodge, Ginnett9 Allen and Brado. Motion carried. W,o V. Wells, Jro9 City Attorney, reported to the City Council that he has a .ample ord. for number of sample ordinances for the operation of music machines. This matter loperation of was referred to the License and Police Committee© music machines. A motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Allen that the City Attorney WritO Attly to write to headquarters of the Zigler Shows requiring them to pay the admission tax to the to Zigler Shows City of Anacortes on the concession in use while in the City of Anacortes during tho for admission week of the Marineers Pageant. Motion carried. , tax. The matter of choosing the firm to make a survey of the sewer system in Anacortes Sewer Survey was discussed at some length and a motion was made`by Ginnett and seconded by Allen contract given that Parker and Hill be given the sewer survey contract. Ayess Ginnett and Allen. to Sisler & Nayss Mustacich Dodge, and Bradoo Motion lost. A motion was made by Mustacich Gilkey. and seconded by �rado that the firm of Sisler and Gilkey be given the sewer survey contract. Ayess Mustacich, Dodge, Ginnett, Allen and Bradoo Motion carried. The matter of keeping a record of pinball licenses to come due on Januvey lst9 Motion passed April 1st, July lst9 and Octoberlst9 each year, was discussed at some length. that Clerk A motion was made by Mustacich and seconded by Dodge that the City Clerk and the pro -rate quar- Deputy City Clerk be authorized to prorate the quarterly license due on pin ball terly license licenses in order that said licenses will become due on the above dates. Motion on pin ball carried. licenses. The City Clerk was instructed to make claims for Sisler and Gilkey for the ! Clerk instruct- pooposed survey of the sewer system charged to the funds in the City Planning ed make claims Commission yBudgetFasfollo ss ^ $650.00 for Jthe year 1949 aad-ti�8 .o -f-Gr-the--y-ear j Gilkeysler & The following claims against the City of Anacortes for the 1st half of the Claims month of October, 1949 were presented and read to the City Councils October 189 1949 0. E. Arges 18129 Salary as Deputy Treas® The report of the Street for®man for the month of Sept., 1949 was presented ISt. Dept report. and read to the City Council, was aceepted and placed on file. 50.00 , Clifford M. Olsbn On behalf of the Women's Club, Councilman Dodge made an oral report to theWomen's Club City Council. The Women wish to protest themattErof the storage of firearms in iprotest matter the room between the kitchen and the fan Poom in the bazement of the City Hall. iof storage of The Women's Club also wished to know if the City Council intends to purchase chairs firearms in for the auditorium and also asked permission to -sell a showcase which was left in basement. Asked the basement by the Uo So 0. This matter was referred to the Building Committee. ;permission to Janitor 110000' David Bonen showcase. 00 O rdi n No 1048 bein n ordinance i t' th l 50.9 4-1.1sell 110.00 na ce . 9 g a appropr a ung e 9 revenues o e City of Anacortes9 Washington, in the,various Departments of the City, the amount Ordinance to each said Departments9 respectively, as set forth and particularly -designated in' appropriating Section 2 of Ordinance No. 1047 passed and approved October 6th, 1949, was present-' 1950 revenues. ed and read to the City Council. After some discussion a motion was made by Lin- nett and seconded by Allen that the above described ordinance be adopted as a whole4 Ayess Mustacich, Dodge, Ginnett9 Allen and Brado. Motion carried. W,o V. Wells, Jro9 City Attorney, reported to the City Council that he has a .ample ord. for number of sample ordinances for the operation of music machines. This matter loperation of was referred to the License and Police Committee© music machines. A motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Allen that the City Attorney WritO Attly to write to headquarters of the Zigler Shows requiring them to pay the admission tax to the to Zigler Shows City of Anacortes on the concession in use while in the City of Anacortes during tho for admission week of the Marineers Pageant. Motion carried. , tax. The matter of choosing the firm to make a survey of the sewer system in Anacortes Sewer Survey was discussed at some length and a motion was made`by Ginnett and seconded by Allen contract given that Parker and Hill be given the sewer survey contract. Ayess Ginnett and Allen. to Sisler & Nayss Mustacich Dodge, and Bradoo Motion lost. A motion was made by Mustacich Gilkey. and seconded by �rado that the firm of Sisler and Gilkey be given the sewer survey contract. Ayess Mustacich, Dodge, Ginnett, Allen and Bradoo Motion carried. The matter of keeping a record of pinball licenses to come due on Januvey lst9 Motion passed April 1st, July lst9 and Octoberlst9 each year, was discussed at some length. that Clerk A motion was made by Mustacich and seconded by Dodge that the City Clerk and the pro -rate quar- Deputy City Clerk be authorized to prorate the quarterly license due on pin ball terly license licenses in order that said licenses will become due on the above dates. Motion on pin ball carried. licenses. The City Clerk was instructed to make claims for Sisler and Gilkey for the ! Clerk instruct- pooposed survey of the sewer system charged to the funds in the City Planning ed make claims Commission yBudgetFasfollo ss ^ $650.00 for Jthe year 1949 aad-ti�8 .o -f-Gr-the--y-ear j Gilkeysler & The following claims against the City of Anacortes for the 1st half of the Claims month of October, 1949 were presented and read to the City Councils 1 • • 1 • 1 CURRENT EXPENSE 0. E. Arges 18129 Salary as Deputy Treas® 55.001 John Go Dorcy 18130 °° 08 City Clerk 50.00 , Clifford M. Olsbn 18131 °o GD Deputy City Clerk 125.00 W. V. Wells, Jr. 18132 10 Q0 City Attorney 50.001; John Cheney 18133 0° oo police Justice 40.00, Norman Fulton 18134 00 1B Janitor 110000' David Bonen 18135 00 °P Janitor 110.00 Jacqueline Gurney 18136 Work in Clerk'l Office 90000 J. B. Goff 18137 Salary as Police Chief 100.00, M. E. Beebe 18138 0o 01 Ass•1t. Chief 135.00 W. L. Pollard 18139 Q° •11 Patrolman 120.00' W. E. Thompson 18140 Q° °° Patrolman 100.001 Gilbert 0. Lee 18141 to 11 Patrolman 125.00, J. W. Tennant 18142 °0 °0 Patrolman 115.00 Bert Verrall 18143 00 1t Fire Chief 125.00 C. So Mondhan 18144 °o 11 Ass 1t® Fire Chief 125.00 ' X. Wo Snart 18145 11 80 Capt. 125.00 J. No Parsons 18146 °A 00 Capt. 125.00 Ed. Alexander 18147 0o 00 Fireman 125.00 Geo. Ray 18148 0o 0o Fireman 125000' Do W. Parsons 18149 Qo °o Fireman 125.00' Clyde (Cook 18150 0° 11 Fireman 125.00 Earl Olson 18151 °I 11 Inspector 125.00 Muto Ben. Hlth. Ass°n. 18152 Group Insurance Deductions 20.85 Depto of Labor & Ind. 18153 Ind. Ins. & Medical Aid 77.90 WATER DEPARTMENT To Go McCrory 10968 Salary as Supt. 165000 Sadie M. Arges -10969 °D 11 Cashier 105.00 Shirley Owens 10970 0o 1° Clerk 90.00 John G. Dorcy 10971 0o 11 Bookkeeper 40.00, Chas. Wedlund 10972 00 0 Foreman 145000 Everett Thorene 10973 °o 11 Serviceman 120;00' W. 0. Rogers 10976 oo °o Filterman 125.00, Go Fo Keller 10975 10 11 Filterman 115.00 Roy Wedlund 10976 10 00 Filterman 125.00 Frank Deane 10977 10 0o Filterman 115.00 Lester Thomas 10978 to 01 Pumpman 125.00 Milo Strock 10979 11 10 Inspector 115.00 E. G. Childs 10980 11 °° Laborer 85.00 Go Go Edwards 10981 oa oo Laborer 85.00 Wut. den. Hlth. Ass°n. 10982 Group Insurance Deductions 4.50 Dept. of Labor & Ind. 10983 Ind. Ins. & Hedical Aid 79.25 1 • • 1 • 1 I* 1 1 • • 1 Permission granted to Simpson to install power lines. Letter from Nieuwenhuise on parking conditions on 6th. Ruth Brinkley Eleanor Nevill Po Eo Olson Mut. Ben, Hlth. Ass9n,, Dept,, of Labor & Indo Robert Harr Frank Knapp Dept. of Labor & Ind. Ingvald Iversen William Latimer Chas,, R. Mitchell Dept,, of Labor & Ind. Roy McDougall Lynn Balcomb Carl Thorene Artis Taylor Dave Summers Earl Holmes Carl Welk T. Go McCrory John G. Dorcy Phut. Ben. Hlth. Ass9n. Dept. of Labor Ind. Mutual Benefit Hlth. Ass9n October 189 1949 A motion was mdde by Ginnett and seconded by Allen that the said claims be referred to the Finance Committee,, The Finance Committee considered said claims and recommended that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of the same. A motion was made by Allen and' -seconded by Ginnett that the recommendation of the Finance Committee in the matter of the above claims be adopted. Ayess Mustacich, Dodge, Ginnett, Allen and Brado. Potion carried. Go FZ Simpson spoke to the City Council and asked permission to cross the corner of City property with power lines and trim limbs from such trees as is nec- essary to install said power lines. After some discussion a motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Dodge that the City Council grant permission to install said.. power lines across City property at the above location, being at 42nd street and A. Avenue, Motion carried. Having completed the business of the evening a motion was made by Brado and seconded by Allen that the meeting of the City Council adjourn. Uption carriedo The meeting of the City Council did so adjourn. Attest-. ,.��_.•,,,,'� - M o pity Clerk November 1, 1949 A regular meeting of ihe City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7330 P. M. -with ,Mayor Joe. Hagan presiding. The roll Was called and Dodge, Ellin, Welch9 Ginnett and Brado were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as Dead. The following letter from 0. Van Nieuwenhuise was presented and read to the City Councils The Honorable Mayor and City Council of Anacortes9 October 28, 1949 I here by invite your attention to the danger point in the 1100 and 1200 block on 6th street. Sooner or later some one is going to get killed on account of the condition which now exists of the parking on both sides of this narrow street. I speak for the many people of the San Juan Islands who have brought this to my attentionV, I have two suggestions to offer that may save somennes life at this Bottleneck point.il ONES Widen the streets up to the sidevalk9 Twos One Way pa�?king9 Trusting that you will give this to your attention at once. Yours truly, 0. Van Nieuwenhuise After some discussion the City Clerk was instructed to write a letter to Pyr. Geo,, Ho Shearer District Engineer, explaining the parking condition of thAs street and asking his recommendation as to whether the parking should be allowed oni the north or south side. LIBRARY DEPARTMENT 3064 Salary as Librarian 80.00 3065 10 " Asslt. Librarian 80.00 3066 °° S0 Caretaker 75000 3067 Group Insurance Deductions 4.80 3068 Ind. Ins. & Hedical Aid 4.98 PARK DEPARTMENT 2165 Salary as Park Employee 100.00 2166 99 D9 Park Supt. 100.00 2167 Indo Ins. & Medical Aid 11,,4k CEMETERY DEPARTMENT 862 Salary as Supt. 120.00 863 09 10 Employee 110 900 864 90. P9 Employee 110.00 865 Ind. Ins. & Medical Aid 12.52 STREET DEPARTMENT 3631 Salary as Foreman 125.00 3632 t9 D° Maint. Man 120.00 3633 19 11 Maint. Man 125.00 3634 no °9 Maint. lean 120.00 3635int m P.bn 115.00 3636 90 °0 a int c Ilan 120.00 3637 °° °° Maint. Man 120.00 3638 Supt. 35.00 3639 9° c° Bookkeeper 30.00 3640 Group Insurance Deductions 15.00 3641 Ind. Ins. & Medical Aid 39,,95 FIREMEN'S RELIEF & PENSION FUND Ins. Deductionr 3.00 A motion was mdde by Ginnett and seconded by Allen that the said claims be referred to the Finance Committee,, The Finance Committee considered said claims and recommended that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of the same. A motion was made by Allen and' -seconded by Ginnett that the recommendation of the Finance Committee in the matter of the above claims be adopted. Ayess Mustacich, Dodge, Ginnett, Allen and Brado. Potion carried. Go FZ Simpson spoke to the City Council and asked permission to cross the corner of City property with power lines and trim limbs from such trees as is nec- essary to install said power lines. After some discussion a motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Dodge that the City Council grant permission to install said.. power lines across City property at the above location, being at 42nd street and A. Avenue, Motion carried. Having completed the business of the evening a motion was made by Brado and seconded by Allen that the meeting of the City Council adjourn. Uption carriedo The meeting of the City Council did so adjourn. Attest-. ,.��_.•,,,,'� - M o pity Clerk November 1, 1949 A regular meeting of ihe City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7330 P. M. -with ,Mayor Joe. Hagan presiding. The roll Was called and Dodge, Ellin, Welch9 Ginnett and Brado were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as Dead. The following letter from 0. Van Nieuwenhuise was presented and read to the City Councils The Honorable Mayor and City Council of Anacortes9 October 28, 1949 I here by invite your attention to the danger point in the 1100 and 1200 block on 6th street. Sooner or later some one is going to get killed on account of the condition which now exists of the parking on both sides of this narrow street. I speak for the many people of the San Juan Islands who have brought this to my attentionV, I have two suggestions to offer that may save somennes life at this Bottleneck point.il ONES Widen the streets up to the sidevalk9 Twos One Way pa�?king9 Trusting that you will give this to your attention at once. Yours truly, 0. Van Nieuwenhuise After some discussion the City Clerk was instructed to write a letter to Pyr. Geo,, Ho Shearer District Engineer, explaining the parking condition of thAs street and asking his recommendation as to whether the parking should be allowed oni the north or south side. November 19 1949 The following petition was presented and read to the City Council- We the under -signed do not dissapprove of the Wand Bus Co. (City bus) bus stop being moved from the south side of the north west corner of 8th & Commercial tC the east side of the north west corner of 8th & Commercial. Island Bus Co. Paul Murker (Manager) This petition was approved by five business firms. The Fidalgo Lodge No,, 77 F. & A.M.9 presented the following letter to the ,Request per - City Council- mission to November 19 1959 build scaf- To the Honorable Mayor and City Council ;folding. City of Anacortes, Washington Gent&emend Fidalgo Lodge No. 779 Free and Accepted Masons, is improving the property be- longing to the local lodge by covering the outside walls of the two-story building with treated shingled. This work is being done by local labor, under city buildingi':- permit. Because of the proximity of the North line of the Alley in Block 37 to the rear of the building owned by the lodge and situated on the west half of lot 9 and all of lot 10 of said block, incompleting the shingling of the rear of the building is is necessary to erect scaffolding in the Alley. This scaffolding will block the use of said alley to other users during the shingling operation. Because we know of no other alternative to permit the completion of the work vie have contacted the Anacortes Stage Co. Model Cleaners, and Nuway Cleaners, ana they have consented to such use of the alley. -The work requiring the presence of the scaffold is scheduled to commende Thursday, 3 November, 1949, providing you ap-', prove this request, and to end Saturday, 5 November, 1949. It is possible that duo; to inclement weather or other unforeseen eventsthat the job may hot be completed until M.nday or Tuesday, but we know of no reason to require a longer use. j May we therefore, respectfully request your permission to allow the Fidalgo Lodge No. 71, F. & A.M. to erect scaffolding in the west end ofthe Alley in Block 37, Orhginal Plat of the City of Anacortes and to use said portion of said alley for purposes of i0proving the rear of the Lodge -Building immediately to the North thereof for the period commencing November 3rd, 1949, and running not to exceed 5 days ihereafter2 Because of committments already made by the organization, we would deeply appreciate your earliest possible consideration and advice hereon. i Respectfully submitted, Fidalgo Lodge No. 77, P. & A.M� By David R. Gilkey Secretary A motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Ginnett that permission be granted providing that lanterns be put up at night. Tho following communication mom Bert Vernall, Fire Chief, was presented and read to the City Councils Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Anacortes, Washington Gentlemen: - November 1, 1949 We inspected the two-story frame building at 1106 m 5th Street on October 27, 19499 and the following is the report of our findings: We find the building in a very unsafe condition and unfit for occupancy. All stairways are in poor repair and should be rebuilt, the foundation is decayed and deteriorated and should be replaced and the floors leveled. i I '!Fire Chief u s report on building at 1106 - 6th. All chimneys are in poor condition and should be repaired. Also the wiring in the premises is now sub -standard and is a definate fire hazard, and should be li brought up to code. II The pluhibing is in a very unsanitary condition and also substandard condition;, and should be brought up to code. RespectffAlly Submitted Fire Chief Bert Verrali Bldg. Inspector Earle Olson, This letter was placed on file' and a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Brado that the present owner of the residence at 1106 - 6th street be notified to repAir the building and that the work must be completed within 60 days. Motion carried. Chief Goff made an oral report on the damage done on Halloween. He stated the damage was siight°and that the Halloween party given by the Recreation Club was very successful'in keeping the bhildren entertained. The report of the Water Supt. for the month of Oct., 1949 was presented and read to the Ci.ty Council and was placed on file. tha�jSlight damage done on Hallow- een® Water Supt. report. • • 1 • C7 1 1 is • 1 1 • �J 1 1 - Q1. 5 - r. _ P - A� -t November 19 1949 The report of the Street Foreman for the month of October9 1949 was presented and read to the City Council., was accepted and placed on file. Fire Dept. Fire Chief, Bert Verrall made an oral report to the City Council in which he Coupe in neei stated that the Ford Coupe used by the Fire Department was in need of an overhaul � of overhaul. Job. The City Council had no objections to this. Discuss stor- age space in room be- hind dining room. The Deputy City Clerk was instructed to write a letter to the Sins--C-ea. the"Businbss & Professional Women's Club,and the Anacortes Unit of the Nationa� Guard to arrange a meeting in the City Hall at 10000 o'clock P. M. Tuesday November 89 1949 discuss storage space in the room directly behind the dining room in the basement of the City Halla Claims The following claims against the City of Anacortes for the month of October, 1949 were presented and read to the City Councils Joe L. Hagan 18155 Salary as Mayor 118000 George Brado 18156 11 0° Councilman 10.00 Robert Ginnett 18157 19 10 Councilman 10.00 Romie Allen 18158 1°°9 Councilman 4.00 1111. Jo Welch 18159 90 0° Councilman 10.00 Eo E. Dodge 18160 90 P° Councilman 10.00 A. I. Mustacich 18161 00 i0 Councilman 10.00 0. E. Arges 18162 1' 1' Deputy Treasurer 70oOO John G. Dorcy 18163 00 °° City Clerk 53,30 i Dr. Co W. Douglass 18164 1' S0 Health Officer 50.00 W, V. Wells9 Jr., 18165 °0 07 City Attorney 43.50 John Cheney 18166 °o 90 P�licd Justice 390 50 Harry Davis 18167 90 °° Dog Catcher 13.15 Norman Fulton 18168 P1 °° Janitor 99.20 David Bovaen 18169 °9 °' �ani for 90.90 Jacqueline Gurney 18170 40 °P Steno. Clerk's Office 67.00 C. M. Olson 18171 1° °° Deputy City Clerk 122.00 1 Harry Davis 18172 °0 °t Dumpman 50.00 1 Syd Ellin 18173 °0 °? Councilman 10.00 Withholding Tax Fund 18174 Withholding Taxes 63.50 Irene Snart 18175 Steno, Services 3.50 Barney & Wells 18176 Cash Advanced 15.00 Verd-a-Ray, Corp, 9 18177 Equipment 13.95 Birds' Stationery 18178` Supplies, Clerk's Office 9.29 W. V. Wells, Jr.9 18179 Cash Advanced 11.40 Anacortes American 18180 Printing Service 62.50 G. N. Dalstead 18181 Postage9 Treasurer's Office 2.50 J, Bo Goff 18182 Salary as Chief of Police 187.70 M. E. Beebe 18183 90 11 Asst. Chief of Police 138.10 W. L. Pllard 18184 70 00 Patrolman 121.60 W. Z. Thompson 18185 °0 99 patrolman 157000 G. 0. Lee 18186 "7 '° Patrolman 117095 J. W. Tennant 18187 00 11 Patrolman 111.50 N. Petrish 18188 °o 19 Patrolman 10,71 Jack Kelley 18189 Wages as Extra Patrolman 14.16 Withholding Tax Fund 18190 Withholding Taxes 92.20 Anacortes Laundry 18191 Laundry Service, Police Dept. 4.94 M. E. Beebe 18192 Cash Advanced 4.00 Trulson TJ,tor Co. 18193 Service & Equipment 2017 Carpenter Pontiac(' Co 18194 Service,'Police Dept, 18.13 Birds' Stationery 18195 Supplies Police Dept. 1.39 Marino�'Supply Co. Fosse's Texaco -Service 18196 Equinmeni & Supplies Police Dept. 1.13 18197 Supplies9 Police Dep . 5.20 C. UI. Douglass, M. D. 18198 Service, Police Dept. 10.00 Bert Vorrall 18199 Salary as Fire Chief 157.68 C. S. Mondhan 18200 90 11 Ass°to Fire Chief 128.68 K. W. Snart 18201 to 90 Capt,, Fire Dept. 113.48 J. N. Parsons 18202 °' 00 Capt., Fire Dept. 114.68 Ed.. Alexander 18203 9' 90 Fireman 111.95 D. .N. Parsons 18204 0° 1° Fireman 86-51 Geo, Ray 18205 OZ " Fireman 102.66 Clyde Cook 18206 " '° Fireman 96.88 C. T. Strock 18207 Wages as Call Man 170.20 John G. Dorcy 18208 90 91 Call Man 2.00 Geo. Miller 18209 9° 11 Call Man 2.00 Geo. Olson 18210 so D0 Call Man 2.00 Roy McDougall 18211 19 1D Call Man 10.00 H. Chevrier 18212 S0 '° Call Man 4.00 A. Mondhan 18213 9' 1° Call pian 2.00 Earle Olson 18214 19 9° Inspector 123.45 Withholding Tax Fund 18215 Withholding Taxes 144090 Birds' Stationery 18216 Supplies, Fire Dept. 1.34 Anacortes Theatres 18217 Service 7.00 Earle -Olson 18218 Cash Advanced 13.12 The %trument Laboratory 1821'x^ Repairs 2.30 Bertrrall 18220 Inspections 25.00 Anacortes Laundry & Clns, 18221 Laundry Service, Fire Dept. 11.52 Water Department 18222 Hydrant Rental 655.00 The Texas Company 18223 0119 Fire Dept. 24.10 Welch Bros. Marine Supply Co. 18224 Insurance on LaFrance Fire Truck 35,10 18225 Supplies9 Fire Dept. 54.25 Mine Safety Appliances 18226 Equipment, Fire Dept. 10.80 Fosse's Texaco Service 18227 Service & Supplies -4062 Robbins Lumber Co. Harry Davis 18228 Supplies City Hall �ervice, 2.58 18229 Garbage City Hall 3.00 46 November 1, 1949 Birds' Stationery 18230 Supplies City Hall 088 Firestone Storo 18231 Equipment, City Hall 55 82 United Janitor Supply Co. 18232 Janitor's Supplies 5.77 Puget Sound Power & Light 18233 L$ghting Service City Bldgs Water Department 18234 Water Service City Hall 4.75 Curtis Wharf Company 18235 Coal, City Hail 2.35 Skagit County Medical Bureau 18236 Group Insurance Deductions 117070 WATER DEPARTPQENT To Go McCrory 10984 Salary as Supt. 171.00 Sadie M. ,urges 10985 P° 11 Cashier 116.70 Shirley Owens 10986 03 e' Clerk 93.90 John Go Dorcy 10987 4a 09 Bookkeeper 41.00 Chas. Wedlund 10988 °0 00 Foreman 148.70 Everett Thorene 10989 10 °A Serviceman 128.40 W. 0. Rogers 10990 9° 00 Filterman 211.00 Go F. Keller 10991 °o °' Filterman 126.60 Roy Wedlund 10992 0° 10 Filterman 199.90 Frenk Demo 10993 0° fe Fitterman 187.30 Lestbr'Thomas 10994 Salary as Pumpman 143.00 E. G. Childs 10995 °1 °1 Laborer 60.00 H. Go Edwards 10996 Laborer 140.00 Withholding Tax Fund 10997 Tax Deductions 279.20 Marine Supply Co. 10998 supplies 139.79 E. A. Abbott Motor Co. 10999 Repairs . 6 11, H. Do F6wler 11000 Installation Services 492® l� Haskell Plumbing & Heating 11001 Filter Equipment 29404.59 Barrow & Shaffer Const. Co. 11002 Filter Plant Addition 437.64 City Stredt Fund 11003 Gasoline 50.04 The Texas Company 1004 11005 Oil 4.22 Hilo Stroek Inspections 177.50 Withholding Tax Fund 11006 Withholding Taxes 11.80 City Bldg. Rental Fund 11007 Rent of Office Space 100.00 i', Anacortes American 11008 Printing Service 32.29 Roy Typewriter Co. 11009 One New Typewriter 80.00 Worthington -Garcon Meter Co. 11010 New Meter 41.63 Wallace & Tiernan Sales 11011 Equipment 43.99 Go N. Dalstead9 P. M. 11012 Postage 6.00 Trick & Murray 11013 Supplies 31.24 Standard Oil of Calif. 11014 Oil 11.52 Puget Sound Power & Light 11015 Power & L*ghting Service 39664.54 Skagit Valley Telephone Co. 11016 Service 5.35 Scientific Supplies Coo 11017 Supplies 5.23 Penn. Salt Mfg. Co. 11018 Chlorine 125.00 Mt. Vernon Transfer 11019 Freight Charges 5.15 Hamburg Iron Works 11020 Repairs & New Parts 331013 H. D. Fowler Co., Inc. 11021 lalance on Old Account 3.80 DeLaval Steam Turbine Co. 11022 Supplies 332.18 Cascade Machine Co. 11023 Repairs 65.67 The .2nchor Packing Co. 11024 Supplies 9.52 Curtis Wharf Co,, 11025 Lime 71®07 Anacortes Iron Works 11026 Repairs 9.40 Skagit County Medical Bureau 11027 Ins. Deductions 20.00 Tax Commission 11028 Business Tax 632oO5 CEMETERY DEPARTMENT Ingvald Iversen 866 Salary as Supt. 280.60 Wm. E. Latimer 867 00 10 Employee 252.20 Chas. R. Mitchell 868 °° 10 Employee 252.20 Withholding Tax Fund 869 Withholding Taxes 71.70 :I Curtis Wharf Co. 870 Cement 13.90 Katherine Snider 871 Work on Records 5.50 E. L. Knapp 872 Service 5.50 Ingvald Iversen 873 Cash Advanced 10.00 A. B. Frets Monument Coo 874 Grave Markers 100.00 Ivan Wo Lee 875 Supplies 127,.'71 Leitner Electris 876 Service 3.86 Maryott's Greenhouse 877 Equipment & Supplies 104.00 Soderbom Machine Works 878 Repairs to Tractor 7.15 Water Dept. 879 Service 2.50 Skagit County Medical Bureau 880 Group Insurance Deductions 6.00 Robbins Lumber Co. 881 Lumber 19.19 PARK DEPARTMENT Robert Harr 2168 Salary as Employee 245.00 Frank Knapp 2169 90 10 Supt. 265.00 Withholding Tax Fund 2170 Withholding Taxes 6.80 Water Depto 2171 Water Service 7.85 Anacortes Iron Works 2172 Repairs 4.49 STREET DEPARTMENT Roy McDougall 3642 Salary as Foreman 137.95 Lynn Balcomb 3643 ov °c Graderman 137.70 Carl Thoreno 3644 to " Haint. Man 157.10 David Summers 3645 °o Q° Maint. Man 128.75 Carl Welk 3646 90 P° Maint. Man 117.10 Artis Taylor 3647 99 G0 Maint. Man 137.20 Earl Holmes 3648 90 °° Maint. Han 137.20 To G. McCrory 3649 00 °0 SuperviBor 33.30 John Go Dorcy 3650 °° 00 Bookkeeper 29.50 Withholding Tax Fund 3651 Withholding Taxes 186.20 1 • �J 1 1 • • 1 November 1, 1949 Claims Armco Drainage Co,, 3652 PiP o 115,,89 October 159 1949 Marine Supply Co,, 3653 Supplies 2032, mission to Bruce V,, Nelson 3654 Supplies 6.13 phrenology Puget Sound Power & L4ght 3654 Service for Garage 2.00 Request not Howard -Cooper Corp. 3655 Supplies 26. 32 Lois Prothero 3656 Street Signs 5.84 The Texas Company 3657 Oil 80037 seeking my assistance. Many of in3rlpatrons have told me that they appreciated the Union Oil of Calif. 3658 Service 30.99 Rufus Webb 3659 Supplies 235.72 i Trulson Motor Co. 3660 Repairs 97.32 other people of An,,cortes that I really do assist those who seek my services, W. Eo Dolph 3661 Service 18.00 Anacortes Iron Works 3662 Repairs 16.70 Skagit County Road Engineer 3663 Gravel 591.00 Curtis Wharf Co. 3664 Cement 1.39 LIBRARY DEPARTMENT Ruth E. Brinkley 3069 Salary as Librarian 98.70 Eleanor Nevill 3070 '° '° Assot.* Librarian 85.60 P. E. Olson 3071 '° " Caretaker 75.00 Withholding Tax Fund 3072 Withholding Taxes 30.70 Wa6er Department 3073 Service 2.50 Puget Sound News Co. 3074 Books 16.48 Doubleday & Co., Inc. 3075 Book 1.40 Harry Davis 3075 Service 3.00 STATE LIBRARY FUND Mrs. Marjorie Ross Cataloguing Books 21.32 LID GURRANTY FUND Ralph Amende Sale of Guaranty Funds 15560.02 FIREMEN'S 2ELIEF & PENSION FUND Milo Strock Salary as Retired Fireman 119.00 L. E. Snider 10 to is 00 125.00 Skagit County Ledo Bureau Insurance Deduction: 3.00 People's National Bank WITHHOLDING TAX FUND Total Tax Deductions Claims re- Ginnett made a motion which was seconded by Brado that the claims be referred ferred to to the Finance Committee. The Finance Committee considered said claims and roco- Finance Com- mended that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of the same. A motion' mittee for was made by Ellin and seannded by Ginnett that the recommendation of the Finance approval. Committee in the matter of the above claims be adopted. Ayes.-'odge9 Ellin, Welch Ginnett and Brado. Motion carried. McLacklan James McLacklan of the New Wilson Tavernaras � o nadusjoke to the City objects to Council and expressed his objections ` ' a the oppositeside of possibility the Hotel. No Official Action was taken in the matter. of cocktail lounge. The following communication was presented and read to the City Councils Thanking you for any consideration given meg I am Most respectfully yours, Rosie Steve After some discussion a motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Brado that the request of Rosie Steno not be granted. Motion carrLled. Having completed the business of the evening a motion was made by Brado and seconded by Ginnett that the meeting of the city council adjourn. Motion carried. The meeting of the City Council did so adjourn. J Attests yo , _..% .�'��`�/- ..:1/'�J% / City Clerk I Seattle Washington October 159 1949 Requests per- To the Hon. Mayor mission to Members of the City Council and practice Chief of Police phrenology Anacortes, Washington, in City. Request not Gentlemens granted. I, the undersigned9 ROSIE STEVE, respectfully represent to you that I am a practicing Phrenologist and have been for a number of years. That, as such a practitioner, I feel that I have rendered a real servAee to these seeking my assistance. Many of in3rlpatrons have told me that they appreciated the advice and assistance I had given them for they felt certain that it had helped them. I It is my desire to practice as a Phrenologist in the City pf Anacortes. I have i been advised that no license is necessary for that purpose but I am addressing these few lines to you in the hope that I will be permitted to prove to you and tho �! other people of An,,cortes that I really do assist those who seek my services, I assure fou that my practice is honorable in every reppect and that 2t will bear the closest scrutiny. Thanking you for any consideration given meg I am Most respectfully yours, Rosie Steve After some discussion a motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Brado that the request of Rosie Steno not be granted. Motion carrLled. Having completed the business of the evening a motion was made by Brado and seconded by Ginnett that the meeting of the city council adjourn. Motion carried. The meeting of the City Council did so adjourn. J Attests yo , _..% .�'��`�/- ..:1/'�J% / City Clerk I 534 November 159 1949 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7030 P. M. with Hayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. The roll was called and Mustacic�, Dodge, Ellin, Welch, Ginnett, Allen and Brado were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. The following letter from Barney and Wells was presented and read to the City 'Letter from Councils Barney & November 12th 1949 Wells. Tp the Mayor and City Council of the City of Anacortes9 Anacortes9 Washington. Gentlemen, We are representing Oliver Hauge and Alice F. Hauge who are under contract to purchase the following described real estate situted in Skagit County, Wash- ington9 to -wits Lots 11 and 129 Block 9, "Griffin's First Addition to the • (pity of Anacortes D19 according to the recorddd plat thereof in the offfice of the Auditor of Skagit County, Washington, in Volume one (1) of Plats, page 43. The title report on said property discloses that there is an unpaid L.I.D. assessment on said property and that same has been foreclosed by the City of Ana- cortes. This assessment is but nominal. I am also informed that the County fore- • closed its lien for taxes on said property after the time of the L.I. D. assessment of the City and the County sold the property to one Hattie Pd. Hanley. The assessed value of the property above descriged as shown in the office of the Treasurer of Skagit County is $20.00. I am authorized to offer to you the sum of x$10.00 for a quit claim deed con- veying any interest of the City in the above described teal estate to Oliver Hauge and Alice F. Hauge, which amount will be paid upon delivery of said Quit Claim Deed, It will be appreciated if you will consider this offer at your next meeting and advise me of the result. Yours truly, BARNEY & 17ELLS By H. C. Barney A motion was made by Welch and ssconded by Ginn6tt that the above be accepted. Motion carried. umnbur , Olzah The following letter from the Deputy Treasurer was presented and read to the City Letter from Councils �Depo Treas. November 15, 1949 ,concerning Honorable Mayor and City Council ,unpaid local Anacortes, Washington. improvement assessments. Gentlemens Res fractional lots 11 & 129 Block 99 Griffins Add°no Please be advised that the unpaid local improvement assesments on these lots in Local. Improvement District #1399 Southside Sewers, is $2.34 on each parcel 9i total unpaid assessment $4.68. Last payment being made in 1931. Respectfully 0. E. Arges9 Dep. Treas. The above was accepted and placed on file. The foblowing petition was presented and read to the City (councils ! • Anacortes Wash. j Nov. 5, 149 To the Mayor and council ! City of Anacortes Anacortes, Wash. i • Gentlemens i The undersigned, property owners on BIS" Avenue south of 37th Street, are Request for widening the road on 38th for a distance of about half a block and widening and extension of - extending "S" Avenue leading up the hill. We hereby apply to the City of grading �S Avenue, & and graveling of these sections of road. !widening road !on 38th Street. We thank you for your consideration and hope for a favorable decision. Rgspectfully, This petition was signed by eight residents and was referred to the Streets and Parks committee. ! The following petition was presented and reed to the City Councils Petition re- questing open - We the undersigned property owoners and residents hereby petition your honor- ing of N Ave. able body to open N. Avenue between 12th I and 14th stilets. I 13 MM November 159 1949 This petition, which was signed by 35 residents of the City of Anacortes was also referred to the Streets and Parks Committee. Permission Mr. Joseph C. Hansen, Pastor of the 7th Day Adventist Church in Mount Vernon, granted to requested permission to rent the auditorium on Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridays of 7th Day Ad -i each week until December 21st 1949- rent to be ten dollars per night as is. A ventist Churh motion was made by Ginnett ana seconded by Welch that permission be granted until to rent audi December 21st, 1949 inclusive. Motion carried. Corium. The following letter was presented and read to the City Councils Request to Nov. 159 1949 cut Wood on Honorable Mayor & City prover- City Council tyo Dear Sirss We request permission to cut wood for fuel on city property located behind city dump, this wood is already down and we would not fall any standing timber. Sincerely yours9 Vern H. Ferguson Jack Smith Bob Oxenham The City Attorney was instructed to draw up a contract for the above in the City of Anacortes. This agreement shall terminate 60 days from the date of this agreement9 unless sooner terminated as provided herein9 and the privilege and right of the Grantees to go upon said premises and to cut or remove coat wood thereon will cease and the premises be entirely vacated as of that date. A motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Welch that the above be accepted. Motion carried. Agreement An agreement of the Planning Commission with Mr. Nordmark was presented and of Planning read to the City Council. A motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Welch fbr'- Commision wih adoption of the agreement. Motion carried. A motion was made by Ginnett and secs Mr. Nordmark onded by Ellin that the Deputy City Clerk be authorized to sign the above agreement. Motion carried. Claims. The following claims against the City of Anacortes were presented and read to the City CounU160 CURRENT EXPENSE 0. E. Arges 18239 Deputy Treasurer 55.00 John G. Darcy 18240 City Clerk 50.00 Clifford M. Olson 18241 Deputy City Clerk 125.00 W. V. Wells, Jr.9 18242 City Attorney 50.00 John Cheney 18243 Police Justice 40.00 Norman Fulton 18244 Janitor 110.00 David Bowen 18245 Janitor 110.00 Jacqueline Gurney 18246 Steno.9 Clerk's Office 90.00 Mut. Ben. Hlth. Assn. 18247 Group Insurance Deductions 22.65 J. B. Goff 18248 Police Chief 100.00 M. E. Beebe 18249 Asst. Chief of Police 135.00 W. L. Pollard 18250 Patrolman 120.00,. W. E. Thompson 18251 Cancelled G. 0. Lee 18252 Patrolman 125.00 J. 1U. Tennant 18253 Patrolman 115.00 W. E. Thompson Bert Verrall 18263 To replace No. 18251 Chief 100.00 18254 Fire 125.00 C. S. Mordhan 18255 Asst. Chief of Police 125.00 K. W. Snart 18256 Captain 125.00 J. N. Parsons 18257 Captain 125.00 Ed. Alexander 18258 Fireman 125.00 Geo. Ray D. W. Parsons 18259 18260 Fireman Fireman 125.00 j 125.00 ' Clyde Cook 18261 Fireman 125.00 Earle Olson 18262 Inspector 125.00 LIBRARY DEPT. Ruth Brinkley Eleanor Nevill 3077 3078 Librarian Asst. Librarian 80,00 80.00 P. E. Olson 3079 Carbtaker 75.00 Iluto Ben. Hlth. Ass n. 3080 Group Insurance Ded.. 4.80 PARK DEPT. Robert Harr 2173 Park Employee 100.00 Frank Knapp 2174 Park Supt, 100.00 WATER DEPARTMENT T. G. McCrory 11029 Water Supt. 165.00 Sadie M. Arges 11030 Cashier 105.00 Shirley Owens 11031 Clerk 90.00 John G. Dorcy 11032 Bookkeeper 40.00 Chas. Wed�und 11033 Foreman 145.00 Everett Thorene 11034 Serviceman 120.00 W. 0. Rogers 11035 Filterman 125.00 G. F. Keller 11036 Filterman 115.00 Roy Wedlund 11037 Filterman 125.00 Frank Deane 11038 Filterman 115.00 Lester Thomas 11039 Pumpman., 125.00 Mut. Ben. Hlth. Assn. 11040 Group Insurance Deductions 4.50 November 15, 1949 A motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Allen that the claims be referred' to the Finance Committee. The Finance Committee considered said claims and reco- mended that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of the same. A motio';4 was made by Ellit and seconded by Allen that tho zecommendation -of thc, Finanec; - ' Committee in the matter of the above claims be adopted. Ayess Hustacich, Dodge, Ellin9 Welch9 Ginnett, Allen and Brado. Motion carried. The following Resolution was presEnted and read to the City Councils (Resolution ,concerning WHEREAS. John Go Dorcy the beloved Clerk of the City of Anacortes9 has been 1passin,, of suddenly called from the duL es of his office9 and John Dorcy. WHEREAS, His many years of faithful public service have but reflected a fine and upright character, possessed of honesty, unremitting energy, and the love of his fellow man, and WHEREAS His everpresent desire to help and to serve others without stint epitomized his unselfish devotion to duty in the city government, in the community,' and in his Faith, and WHEREAS9 It is meet and proper that the minttes of the City Council which he so zealously kept bear the testimony of our esteem and the evidence of our loss NOW, THEREOFRE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anacortes, Washingtow That the City of Anacortes has lost a most sincere9 hardworking and devoted City Clerk, beloved and respected by all who knew him, That his passing leaves a vacant space in the community and in the city government where once a true friend trod, saddening b.uyond measure those with whom he worked; That there be extended to his closest kin the deepest regrets and sincere sympathy of the city government, on behalf of the many who share their mourning; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all flags displayed on municipal buildings be flown at half mast until sunset, November 17, 19499 in homage to his passing; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that upon the passage of this resolution the Council adjourn in tribute to the memory of John G. Dorcy, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be mailed to his closest' relatives so that they may know --the sentiments of the city, and that this resolutioli be spread upon the minutes of the City Council and published in the city official newspaper9 to record icor the whole community the passing of a true and loyal friend, Dated this 15th day of November, 1949. CITY OF ANACORTES BY Joe L. Hagan, PZayox° ATTESTS Cliff Olson, Deputy City Clerk A motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Dodge that the above relolution be spread upon the minutes of the City Council of the City of Anacortes. A motion was made by Mustacich and seconded by Ginnett that all City offices be closed from 9500 o°clocL A. 1A, until 12500 noon on N vember 17th1949 and that the flag on the City Hall be flown at half mast until sunset of �he above date in respect to John G. Dorcy, long time resident and City Clerk of the City of Anacortes9 17ashing- ton, Motion carried. Being unable to complete the business before the City Council a motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Allen that the meeting of the City Council adjourn until 7030 o'clock P. M. November 29th, 1949. Motion carried. The meeting of the City Council did so adjourn. j C Mayor 1 C7 u • 1 CEMETERY DEPARTMENT 1I IngvAld Iversen 882 Cemetery Supt. 120.00 'I Wm. E. Latimer 883 °O Employee 110®00 Chas. R. Mitchell 884 00 Employee 110.00 STREET DEPARTMENT , Roy McDougall 3666 Foreman ' 125.00 Lynn Balcomb 3667 Graderman 120.00 Carl Thorene 3668 Maint. Man 125-00 Artis Taylor 3669 Maitt. Man 120.00 Dave Summers 3670 Maiht. Man 115-00 Earl Holmes 3671 Maint. Man 120.00 Carl Welk 3672 Maint. Man 120.00 T. G. McCrory 3673 Supervisor 35-00 John G. Dorcy 3674 Bookkeeper 30.00 Mut. Ben. Hlth. Ass°n. 3675 Group In6urance Deductions 15.00 A motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Allen that the claims be referred' to the Finance Committee. The Finance Committee considered said claims and reco- mended that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of the same. A motio';4 was made by Ellit and seconded by Allen that tho zecommendation -of thc, Finanec; - ' Committee in the matter of the above claims be adopted. Ayess Hustacich, Dodge, Ellin9 Welch9 Ginnett, Allen and Brado. Motion carried. The following Resolution was presEnted and read to the City Councils (Resolution ,concerning WHEREAS. John Go Dorcy the beloved Clerk of the City of Anacortes9 has been 1passin,, of suddenly called from the duL es of his office9 and John Dorcy. WHEREAS, His many years of faithful public service have but reflected a fine and upright character, possessed of honesty, unremitting energy, and the love of his fellow man, and WHEREAS His everpresent desire to help and to serve others without stint epitomized his unselfish devotion to duty in the city government, in the community,' and in his Faith, and WHEREAS9 It is meet and proper that the minttes of the City Council which he so zealously kept bear the testimony of our esteem and the evidence of our loss NOW, THEREOFRE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anacortes, Washingtow That the City of Anacortes has lost a most sincere9 hardworking and devoted City Clerk, beloved and respected by all who knew him, That his passing leaves a vacant space in the community and in the city government where once a true friend trod, saddening b.uyond measure those with whom he worked; That there be extended to his closest kin the deepest regrets and sincere sympathy of the city government, on behalf of the many who share their mourning; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all flags displayed on municipal buildings be flown at half mast until sunset, November 17, 19499 in homage to his passing; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that upon the passage of this resolution the Council adjourn in tribute to the memory of John G. Dorcy, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be mailed to his closest' relatives so that they may know --the sentiments of the city, and that this resolutioli be spread upon the minutes of the City Council and published in the city official newspaper9 to record icor the whole community the passing of a true and loyal friend, Dated this 15th day of November, 1949. CITY OF ANACORTES BY Joe L. Hagan, PZayox° ATTESTS Cliff Olson, Deputy City Clerk A motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Dodge that the above relolution be spread upon the minutes of the City Council of the City of Anacortes. A motion was made by Mustacich and seconded by Ginnett that all City offices be closed from 9500 o°clocL A. 1A, until 12500 noon on N vember 17th1949 and that the flag on the City Hall be flown at half mast until sunset of �he above date in respect to John G. Dorcy, long time resident and City Clerk of the City of Anacortes9 17ashing- ton, Motion carried. Being unable to complete the business before the City Council a motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Allen that the meeting of the City Council adjourn until 7030 o'clock P. M. November 29th, 1949. Motion carried. The meeting of the City Council did so adjourn. j C Mayor 1 C7 u • 1 November 29, 1949 In line with the above reference is made to Police Officer John W. Tennant who entered the service on April 23rd, 1949 and completed the necessary probational per- iod on October 23rd 1949. After observation and consideration of Pyr. Tennant's performance of duty during the period thus afforded I recommend without reservation his permanent appointment. Very truly yours, J. B. Goff9 Chief of Police A regular adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes, Washington was called to order at 7o30 O'clock Po M. with Payor goe L. Hagan. Police Dept. presiding. The roll was called and Mustacich, Dodge Ellin9 Welch, Ginnett, Allen report. and Brado were present. Note of ack- As lst order of business the following communications were presenteds Note of nowledgement acknowledgement from the Dorcy family was read and placed on file. from Dorcy family. An application to the State liquor Board transferring license for the Midway Liquor licenseTavern - 1420 - Commercial, Anacortes, Washington, from Harold G. Larson to C. R. accomplished to date by the firm of Sisler and Gilkey on the water engineering transfer. Wells, was read, accepted and placed on file. contract. He stated that the work was progressing sAtisfactorily. i Approve ap- At this time Mayor Hagan reported on the special meeting held November 22nd, The report of the Fire Department for the October 1949 was read, accepted and i pointment 1949 and re=affirmed the appointment of Paul Flint, Jr.9 City Clerk. A motion was placed on file. of Flint as made by Gannett and seconded by Brado that the Council approve this appointment. Mr. Brado asked if any damage had been done to property in Anacortes during City Clerk. Motion carried, by unamimous vote. the heavy rain. Mayor Hagan stated that the Fire Department had pumped water out oi, Conway flood. Mayor Hagan made a brief report of the activities of various Anacortes citizens the basement -of the Anacortes Super Market for 3 hours and that there was water in to help during the flood near Convfay. Mayor Hagan praised the co-operation of more the basement of the City Hall building. Mr. MaGiorkc,'. stated that culverts bvere than fifty people in efforts to repair dikes and assist stricken families, and plugged hoar',tbz auto court and the Super market and that the condition was relieved' stated that he would publicly thank all who took part in this work,, by ramming the obstruction on through the culverts. Permanent appointment The following letter from J. B. Goff9 Chief of Police was presented and read to the City Councils The minutes of the meeting of the Cemetery Board for October 3rd 1949 were of Tennant November 159 1949 read and placed on file. Mayor Hagan stated that he had attended their last meet - recommended. Honorable Joe L. Hagan9 Mayor ing and had urged them to be most careful in their expenditures for 1950 eveh City of Anacortes, though they are self-supporting. Anacortes, Washingtoh. Dear Sirs Mr. Ginnett requested that the City Clerk's office furnish a monthly report We respectfully call your attention to Pierce's Code for the State of Washington. on income from punchbourd licenses, Admission Taxes and Pin Ball Machine Licenses. #896-111 Section 11 which provides as follows. Mayor Hagan asked that the City Clerk's Office comply with this request. Mayor 10To enable the appointing power to exercise a choice in filling of positions, Hagan commented on the status of Pin Ball Machines in Skagit County. He stated that I no appointment employment or promotion in any position in the classified service the revenue for 1948 was approximately $ 5 000.00 and that he had talked with The shall be deemed complete until after the expiration of a period of six (6) monthd' County Prosecuting Attorney who had stated that a general meeting of the City probationary service, as may be provided in the rules of the Civil Service Com- executives within the County would be held to discuss the new application of the mission.P9 In line with the above reference is made to Police Officer John W. Tennant who entered the service on April 23rd, 1949 and completed the necessary probational per- iod on October 23rd 1949. After observation and consideration of Pyr. Tennant's performance of duty during the period thus afforded I recommend without reservation his permanent appointment. Very truly yours, J. B. Goff9 Chief of Police After some discussion and there being no-` protests, Mayor Hagan announced that J. W. Tennant was there -by assigned to permanent dtA;us. Police Dept. The report of the Police Department for the month of October9 1949 was presentei report. and read to the City Council vas accepted and placed on file. St. lights Mr. Goff personally described the various ways the Street lights had been damaged on damaged. Particular reference was made concerning the damage on Halloween. Halloween. At the request of Mayor Hagan Mr. T. G. 1..IcCrory9 Water Sept. told of the work accomplished to date by the firm of Sisler and Gilkey on the water engineering contract. He stated that the work was progressing sAtisfactorily. i I Fire Dept. The report of the Fire Department for the October 1949 was read, accepted and i report. placed on file. Water pumped Mr. Brado asked if any damage had been done to property in Anacortes during out of base- the heavy rain. Mayor Hagan stated that the Fire Department had pumped water out oi, ment of Supe;, the basement -of the Anacortes Super Market for 3 hours and that there was water in Market. the basement of the City Hall building. Mr. MaGiorkc,'. stated that culverts bvere plugged hoar',tbz auto court and the Super market and that the condition was relieved' by ramming the obstruction on through the culverts. Minutes of The minutes of the meeting of the Cemetery Board for October 3rd 1949 were meeting of read and placed on file. Mayor Hagan stated that he had attended their last meet - Cemetery Bd ing and had urged them to be most careful in their expenditures for 1950 eveh for Oct.3rd, though they are self-supporting. 1951 Mr. Ginnett requested that the City Clerk's office furnish a monthly report Clerk's Of- on income from punchbourd licenses, Admission Taxes and Pin Ball Machine Licenses. fice request',- Mayor Hagan asked that the City Clerk's Office comply with this request. Mayor ed to furnish Hagan commented on the status of Pin Ball Machines in Skagit County. He stated that monthly re- the revenue for 1948 was approximately $ 5 000.00 and that he had talked with The port on in- County Prosecuting Attorney who had stated that a general meeting of the City come from executives within the County would be held to discuss the new application of the Punchboard law. licenses, et''31. Mr. Ginnett proposed that the Council consider a Tax on individual Bill Boards Consider tax within the City. He suggested an annual tax of $30.00 per board, Mayor Hagan on bill bds referred the matter to the City Attorney within City. November 299 1949 A letter from the Association of Washington Cities requesting a delegate from among the City officials to a meeting to be held in Olympia on December 1st and 2nd was presented and read to the City Council and Mayor Hagan stared that there were no funds available for this use but if anyone could go at his own expense, the credentials would be provided. The following letter from W. Vo Wells, Jr., President of the Anacortes Civic Music Association was presented and read to the City Councils 15 November, 1849 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Anacortes, Washington Gentlemens The Anacortes Civic Music Association is a local organization composed of approximately 465 members, of which approximately 135 are students. The gre8t majority of members live in Anacortes, the.othets reside in Burlington, Hount Vernon Coupeville, and Friday Harboro The offlicers of the -Association include W. V. ?tells, Jr., President, Mrs. Worth Knapp9 First Vice-President9 Mrs. C. F. Stafford, Secretary, and Mrso Ellsworth Olson, Treasurer© I�Letter from Assan of Wash. �Uities. I Letter from Anacortes Civil Music �AssQn. ii �I The Association has again arranged to present three concerts in the City this year, consisting of Frederick Marvin, Pianist'- The Griller String Quartet, and Hugh Thompson, Metropolitan Onera Baritone. through your kind and considered permissions the Association was enabled to use the Auditorium of the City Hall forj last year°s concert season, and the arrangements regarding this were most ap- propriate, and deeply appreciated. The Association hereby again petitions your honorable body for permission to use the Auditorium for the three coneerts scheduled this forthcoming season. Tho I� first of these is scheduled for the 11th of December1949 at 3800 P. M.; The second -,is scheduled for Friday Night, April 28th 19. 0 and the third is tentative-'' ly set for Thursday night, May 18th 1950. The consen� of any organization which may have an understanding with the City as to the use of th Auditorium on any of these dates will be obtained before the Concert is presented. Believing the rent-, al charged by the city fdr the Audit&rium to be the same this year as last, there is hereby included for your convenience the Association's check in the amount of $30.00 for the three date rentalo It is further the understanding of your petitioner that there is a license required for such performances under Section 7-2.09 of the code, the same being $5.00 a day. Petition hereby is made for a license covering three concert days and our check in the amount of ¢$15.00 is herewith further enclosed. We make application under the above cited section because we will present "singing, mtasical entertainments, concerts" within the wording of the section. In an event , the Association shall see that the premises are -left in clean condition, that no damage to the building or contents is permitted, and that the ordinances of the City are complied with. We herewith enclose our check for the Admission Taxes due the City for these concerts. Your early consideration of our request for use of the Auditorium for three dates in the forthcoming season, and for appropriate license, will be deeply appreciated. Respectfully, ANACOBTES CIVIC HUSIC ASSOCIATION By: W. Vo Wells, Jr,, Pres. This letter was accompanied by checks to cover fees and taxes. A motion was made by Mustacich and seconded by Allen that the above be accepted and permission granted. Motion carried. The following letter from Mrs. Dwelley was presented and read to the City Letter from Councils IMrs. C. Mm November 16th 1949 Dwelley. To the Mayor and City Council of the City of Anacortes9 Gentlemens h A� our meeting Honday evening the members voted in regard to the room off the dining room at the City Hall on which we have a contract, to ask'that your members', abide by the contract which expires March 1, 1950. We feel in so far as we have made every effort to save this building for the city, that we are entitled to that much consideration. Sincerely yours Business & Professional Women's Club Elizabeth M. Dwelley Secretary Mayor Hagan stated that this matter hadbeen taken care of. The letter was ordered to be placed on file. The following letter from Hans Jo Nelson of 402 © 4th Street was presented and read, Mayor Joe Hagan, Anacortes9 Wash. Anacortes Washington, November 179 19490 Communication 11 from Hans Nelson. 1 • 1 1 • 1 November �9, 1949 • • 1 No response The City Attorney reported that he had had no response from the Zigler shows from Zigler to his last letter requesting admission tax, A follow-up is to be made in the near Shows, future. Council cep- City Attorney, W. V. Wells, Jr•9 suggested confirmation by the Council of the proves sig- signature of the Deputy City Clerk on an agreement bptv6en the City of Anacortes nature of and Vern Ferguson, Jack Oxenham and Bob Oxenham of Anacortes to cut wood on City Dep. -Clerk property, A motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Mustacich that the Council on Agreement, approve the signature of Clifford Ido Olson and that the original and copies be sign- ed by the newly appointed City C1erk9 Paul Flint9 Jr, Authorizatioa City Attorney, W. Vo Wells) Jr, suggested that authorization given to the given to Dep, Deputy City Clerk to'kle the deed to Oliver Hauge be revoked. A motion was made Clerk to sig.a by Allen and seconded by Brado that the authorization issued to the Deputy City Hauge Deed Clerk to sign the Hauge deed be revoked and authorization be given to the City revoked. Clerk and the Payor to execute this quit claim deed, Mot16ncarried. Bond of Paul Flint ref. to , Attorney - Christmas ' tree decora-. tions to be placed on Post Off•latvii Discussion o1' >a arwest .acs . cupancy of City Proper The bond of Paul Flint Jr.9 City Clerk, was presented to the City Council and referred to the City Attorney, Mr. Ginnett asked what knowledge the ations on Commercial Avenue, Mayor Hagan in the center of the street thisiYear but and that traffic would be diverted around car6ls were sung on the post office steps, had both advised the Christmas Decoration City had regarding Christmas tree decor - stated that trees would not be placed instead would be on the post office lawn the post office during the tiite when Mr. Goff and Lir• Wells stated that they Committee of the City's regulation, Mr, MacDonald spoke at some length concerning new lights in TaromaM¢ r4� frsked what disposition had been made of the Farwestoecifpancyof supposed City property, Mayor Hagan stated that the Farwest fish company engineer had recently completed a survey and that he understands that they are ready to report to the City Council, Mayor Hagan also stated that he will appear at the next meeting. Repair of Mr. MacDonald then asked the Council what had transpired on the order to t&- i. bldg at 1106 pair the building at 1106 « 6th Street. Mr. Wells stated that the owner was having, 6th Street, difficulty -in evicting the residents. Mr. Ginnett questioned the City Attorney with reference to the section of the City known as little Chicago. Some ddiscussion was held but no action was taken. Attorney to Requests Would you kindly take it up with the council to have the brueh cleared off Mr. Vim, Walton to appear -be - Council to the street at V and 3rd street so that the traffic can use city property instead occupy City property on have brush of going over the corner of my lot which isanall at most? I am considering buildin, MacDonald then mentioned the home of Leonard Strand on 36th and cleared off there in the future and would not have room until this in done, Hagan instructed the City A+-torney to write Mr, Leonard Strand St. at V & 3'd• to appear before the City Council to show cause why his home should occupy City fore Council The people using this road are Mr. Earl Baily, Pyr, Gordon McGill, and the tenants of Ed Swartz besides a few others I am trying to contact to press you also with a request to clear this small strip, It would greatly improve the appearances on Cap Sante to have this opened up. Thanking you for this consideration9 Hans Jo Nelson 402 - 4th Street The Streets and Parks Committee inspected the situation and authorized the City Street Department to have a grader do the work. The letter was ordered placed on file and the City Clerk was instructed to advise Mr. Nelson of the Council's decision, Idr. Ellin reported for the Streetsand Parks Committee followso A Petition re- as petition questing requesting grading and graveling of S Avenue was reported favorably, A motion was grading and made by Brado and seconded by Ellin that this work be done after widening has been graveling of completed under direction of the City -Engineer, Mayor Hagan instructed the Dity S. Avenue, Clerk to advise 1r, Ted Ness of the Council's decirsion, Committee Mr, Ellin next reported that the Committee had inspected the location con - inspects lo- tained in the petition to open N Avenue between 12th and 14th Street. The Com - cation con- mittee report was favorable and a motion was made by Ginnett and secondRA Pay Dodge tained in that this be done as soon as the property owners have had this street under petition to the direction of the City Engineer, Motion carried, open N Ave. Piro Brado proposed that the tax on juke boxes be tabled for the time being. Proposed tax Mr. Ellin concurred in this opinion and a motion was made by Dodge and seconded by on juke boxe> Mustacich that the Committee report be accepted, Option carried, tabled. Garbage pro- Police Chief Goff was instructod to investigate dumping of garbage in City blem. limits with particular reference to spots on Cap Sante and on 4th street. 7714r, No destruct-Ginndtt suggested that all departments be advised of the rules regulating destruction ion of public of public records. He. po ntad�.out;f that fto..public records should-: bo-.destrojer ufzti1 records Avith- a committee of the Council had inspected and approved it, out Council ipprova} - ayor Hagan stated that the Puget Sound Power & Light Company had.new type of New residence residential light a-nd that he had suggested and they had stated that they would tial light, place a sample light in the residential district. This light was stated to be much more effective than the one: in present use. • • 1 No response The City Attorney reported that he had had no response from the Zigler shows from Zigler to his last letter requesting admission tax, A follow-up is to be made in the near Shows, future. Council cep- City Attorney, W. V. Wells, Jr•9 suggested confirmation by the Council of the proves sig- signature of the Deputy City Clerk on an agreement bptv6en the City of Anacortes nature of and Vern Ferguson, Jack Oxenham and Bob Oxenham of Anacortes to cut wood on City Dep. -Clerk property, A motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Mustacich that the Council on Agreement, approve the signature of Clifford Ido Olson and that the original and copies be sign- ed by the newly appointed City C1erk9 Paul Flint9 Jr, Authorizatioa City Attorney, W. Vo Wells) Jr, suggested that authorization given to the given to Dep, Deputy City Clerk to'kle the deed to Oliver Hauge be revoked. A motion was made Clerk to sig.a by Allen and seconded by Brado that the authorization issued to the Deputy City Hauge Deed Clerk to sign the Hauge deed be revoked and authorization be given to the City revoked. Clerk and the Payor to execute this quit claim deed, Mot16ncarried. Bond of Paul Flint ref. to , Attorney - Christmas ' tree decora-. tions to be placed on Post Off•latvii Discussion o1' >a arwest .acs . cupancy of City Proper The bond of Paul Flint Jr.9 City Clerk, was presented to the City Council and referred to the City Attorney, Mr. Ginnett asked what knowledge the ations on Commercial Avenue, Mayor Hagan in the center of the street thisiYear but and that traffic would be diverted around car6ls were sung on the post office steps, had both advised the Christmas Decoration City had regarding Christmas tree decor - stated that trees would not be placed instead would be on the post office lawn the post office during the tiite when Mr. Goff and Lir• Wells stated that they Committee of the City's regulation, Mr, MacDonald spoke at some length concerning new lights in TaromaM¢ r4� frsked what disposition had been made of the Farwestoecifpancyof supposed City property, Mayor Hagan stated that the Farwest fish company engineer had recently completed a survey and that he understands that they are ready to report to the City Council, Mayor Hagan also stated that he will appear at the next meeting. Repair of Mr. MacDonald then asked the Council what had transpired on the order to t&- i. bldg at 1106 pair the building at 1106 « 6th Street. Mr. Wells stated that the owner was having, 6th Street, difficulty -in evicting the residents. Mr. Ginnett questioned the City Attorney with reference to the section of the City known as little Chicago. Some ddiscussion was held but no action was taken. Attorney to Mayor Hagan instructed the City Attorney to write Mr. Vim, Walton to appear -be - write to fore the City Council to show cause why his home should occupy City property on Mr. Walton 13th street, Mr. MacDonald then mentioned the home of Leonard Strand on 36th and asking him Q. Avenue. Mayor Hagan instructed the City A+-torney to write Mr, Leonard Strand to appear be- to appear before the City Council to show cause why his home should occupy City fore Council property, b^-40 November 29, 1949 Having completed the business of the evening a m6tion was made by Dodge and seconded by Allen that the Council adjourn at 9g10 P. M. November 29th, 1949. Motion carried. The meeting of the City Council did so adjourn. Lia- 6r Attest-.- �i `Clerk December 39 1949 A special meeting of the City Council of the City;'*of Anacortes, requested by Mayor Joe L. Hagan9 was called to order at 5,,40 P. M. with Mayor Hagan presiding© The roll was called and Dodge Ellin9 Welch9 Ginnett,',Allon ayid Brado were present. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the fol,.owing petitions:,signed by Rev. Graler and Rev. Fossoo1. (1) We, the undersigned9 representing the churches of Anacortes, petition the Anacortes City Council to disallow the proposed Sunday auctions at the Childress Furniture Store in this city, (2) We the undersigned9 representing the churches of Anacortes petition the Anacortes City Council to disalow the proposed Sunday auctions at the Childress Furniture Store in the city. Those petitions were signed by 9 ministers. Petitions ,opposing auctions Ton Sunday. �I it Mayor Hagan then requested Police Chief Goff to describe the situation. Mr. iChildress Goff stated that he had checked with the City Clerk and found that a license had be.n auction° issaod to hold an auction in the Childress Fumniture store from December lst throug„ tho 10th inclusive. This license was number 1899 issued to Lee Lyon, auctioneer. In accordance with requests and betitions and many telephone calls received, Ur. Goff then advised the Childress Furniture store management that the people of Anaco�,_ tes would rather that they did not hold their auction on Sunday as they had adver- tiued. Mr. Goff stated that they were unwilling to comply with his request and that he had there informed mayor Hagan of the situation and in co-operation with the City Attorney had found that no ordinance existed preventing the holding of an auction on Sunday. Mayor Hagan then asked for a discussion oftherat erand after cont sidering the matter thoroughly Mr. Ellin made a motion seconded by Mr. Allen that in accordance with the terms o� the license, that it be revoked as of midnight December 3rd, 1949. Motion carried by unanimous vote of the councilmen present It was then moved by Mr. Welch and seconded by Mr. Brado that a license, if requested, be issued for the auction to continue but that it not be issued through a Sunday. This motion was carried by unanimous vote of the councilmen present. Having completed the business for which the special meeting had been called, it was moved by Dodge and seconded by Ellin that this meeting be adjourn at 60.05 o°clock P. M. IJlotion carried. � r Attests . - -�y Clerk --- � I December 6, 1949 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was galled to order at 7:30 P. M. with Mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. The roll was called and Mustacich, Dodge, Bllin,Welch, Allen and Brado were present. The minutes of the meetings of November 29th and December 3rd were read and approved as read. Mayor Hagan stated that he would deviate from the regular corder of business at that time to allow the reading of petitions and to hear from members of the audience, who were there with special requests. The following petition was read and referred to the Streets and Parks Committee''it October 26, 1949 We, the undersigned, do hereby petition the city council of Anacortes, Vash- Petition re- ington to take the steps necessary to the opening of the alley between 30th and �garding open - 31st., from L to rd. ' ing of alley This petition was signed by seven residents. between 30th & ,31st. i The following letter from the Marineer's Pageant Committee was read as follows: Anacortes, Washington December 6, 1949 HONORABLE YJAYOR AND MEMBERS OF CITY COUNCIL. Anacortes, Washington. Gentlemen: The ANACORTES MARINEERS PAGEANT ASSOCIATION respectively request3permission to Pageant Assvn use streets, parks and to receive police protection In order to conduct the TENTH Irequests per - ANNUAL MARINEERS PAGEANT to be held the last vaeek in July, 1950. This request is mission to necessary because if not granted we will be unable to make contracts and other ar- ireceive police rangements which are necessary to successfuly conduct business arrangements to make protection,etc our Pageant a success. during cele- bration. 'i 11 • 1 1 • 1 December 6, 1949 This venture being a community affair necessitates the wholehearted support of all citizens and particularly the support of our city officials. Respectively yours, HARLEY SUTT President. Mayor Hagan suggested taking up the question included in the letter at a specia't meeting to be held Tuesday, December 13th. He also requested the City Attorneys the Chief of Polices the Supt. of Parks and the City Engineer to be present at that meeting. Skagit County, Mayor Hagan then recognized Mr. Judy, of the Skagit County P.U.D. who described P. U. D. the background and aims of the P.U.D. relative to conserving and using viater both Report on as water and when converted into electricity. He st.ktdd that their aim was to pro - survey. duce and sell on a wholesale basis. Mr. Judy then introduced Mr. Medcalf who gave, a report of the survey just completed. Mrs Medcalf then spoke at some length on the engineering problems involved and stated that there was an unlimited gravl.ysupply in the area and that in their opinion the cost to the Water Department of the CCity of Anacortes would range from six to eight cents. Mayor Hagan expressed his appreciation of the information and thanked representative3 of the P.U.D. for presenting the survey to the Council. Mr. Judy then made closing remarks pledging the co-operation of the P.U.D. with the City of Anacortes and the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Hagan referred the survey to the Fire, Light and Water Committee and to Mr. McCrory. Purified wate., Mr. Brado asked Mr. McCrory how the prices Oompared with those at present use furnished be- in Anacortes. Mrs. McCrory stated that purified vrater is now furnished between 8 tween 8 & 9 and 9 cents perlOcubic feet and that it would compare with the price nor paid by cents per 100' local users. cubic feet. Mayor Hagan asked representatives of the merchants of Anacortes to state their requests. Mr. Les Bird as spokesman stated that he represented the merchants and would like the City Council to consider an ordinance which would prevent auctions selling out of City distress merchandise in local close out sales and also an ordinance which would prevent auctions on Sundays. After some discussion among members of the Council the matter was referred to the City Attorney who was asked to obtain ordinances from other cities and present recommendations at a later meet- I' Ing. Rev. Wm. Graler thanked the Council for recognizing the petitions from the I, ministers and preventing the auction on the previous Sunday. I� New light to Mayor Hagan reported that a new light Mould be installed on the corner of 6th be installed and Q. and that the City Clerk had given authorization to the power company to on corner of install a sample light on the corner of 7th and Q.. 6th 8& Q. As next order of business the City Attorney, V. V. Weds, Jr., reported that Ord. regardirT new copies of ordinancesfrom other cities relative to tax on bill boards had not tax on bill been received. A letter had been written to Mr. lValten. A letter had been written boards not to the County Prosecuting Attorney requesting belease from taxes charged to the City' received. of Anacortes. Bond of Paul He reported favorably to the Council on the bond of Paul Flint as City Clerk. Flint accept- A motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Allen that the bond be accepted. Motiox, bd. carried . Treasurer's The Teeasurer's report was presented for inspection. The report was then accepte report. ed and placed on file. Police report The Police report for November was read, accepted and placed on file. Mr. Ginnett asked Mr. Goff about certain places on Commercial Avenue which might be obstructing sidewalks. Mr. Goff stated that he would look into the matter. Mr. Holton was present and spoke to the City Council informing them that boys dere shooting along the waterts edge and that the bullets were rickocheting near his property. He requested that the police do something to relieve this hazard. Mayor Hagan suggested that he call the police when he first saw the boys there so that the police could apprehend them. A letter from Police Ghlef Goff off regarding the auction sale was read and ordered placed on file. Police Justic( The report of the office of the Police Justice was read, accepted and placed on report. file.. The report of the Water Supt. was read, accepted and placed on file. Mr. McCrory reported that the filter plant is in the process of adjusting the neu filters and that they should be in full operation by the end of this week. The report of the Street Foreman was read, accepted and placed on file. Mr. Ginnett offered for consideration of the Council a new schedule of fees for taxi cabs. After some disucssion it was brought out that the City should presently request taxi, -cab owners to post a card showing the rates they charge in a conspicuous place in the rear seat of the cab and that said rates be filed with the Cloy Clerk. Since neither one of these recommendations are being followed and in accordance with 4 �' December 6, 1949 counc&l offered by the City Attorney advising against setting rates, Mr. Mustacich made a motion that the Chief of Police be instructed to see that the present ordi- nance is complied with and that the City Attorney investigate this question relating) to practices in other cities and report later. Motion carried.(The above motion was seconded by Allen.) Fire Chief Verrall reported on the Bayview apartment and stated that he and tha'Bayview ap't. inspector had worked on the problem since September and that three tenants are still in the building. The building is to be sold and will be moved by June of 1950. He also said that Mr. -Dell had agreed to tear down his building in the early spring of� 1950. Mr. Ginnett asked all councilmen to sit in on Planning Commission meetingaso that they could be aware of the proposed new ordinance when it is presented to the City Council. Mr. Ginnett suggested that the City Council staft considering the daylight iDaylight sav- saving time question so that the Marineer!s Pageant Committee would have no difficu]ty ing time in determining times to be printed in their literature. discussed. The claims against the City of Anacortes for the month of November, 1949 were ,Claims read as follows CURRENT EXPENSE Joe L. Hagan 18264 Salary as Mayor 118.00 Geo. Brado 18265 1P " Councilman 1000 Robert Ginnett 18266 '� °' Councilman 10..00 Romie Allen 18267 " 1° Councilman 4.00 W. J. UJelch 18268Pot ,1 Councilman 10.00 E. E. Dodge 18269 t0 91 Councilman 10.00 A. I. Mustacich 18270 t° 0° Councilman 10.00 0. E. Arges 18271 9 11 Deputy Treasurer 70.00 Paul Flint Jr., 18272 99 " City Ulerk 30.67 Dr. C. 1°J. houglass 1827 1° " Health Officer °i 0.00 VJ. V. Vells, Jr., 1827 t9 City Attorney 8.30 John Cheney 1827510 Police Justice 39.50 Kara Dr}vis 18276 Ps f° _ Dog Catcher 1 .15 klovma "ulton 1827 °"° n Janitor 96.70 David Bowen 18278 - _ anitor 0.90 Jacqueline Gurney 18279 1° °' Steno. 7.00 Clifford M. Olsoh 18280 1Q " Dep. City Clerk 122.00 Harry Davie 18281 Dumpman 50.00 Syd Ellin 18282 t0 91 Councilman 10.00 John G. Dorcy, Estate 1828 Balance of City Clerk Salary 3.10 Withholding Tax Fund 1828 Withholding Taxes 59.20 Bird's Stationery 18285 Supplies , Clerks uffice48 Puget Sound Stamp Works 18286 Supplies, Clerk's Office 1}:55 Anacortes American 18287 Printing Service 86.98 M. R. Kingsley 18288 Bond for City Clerk 5.00 Collins Office Supply 18289 Supplies, Clerk's Office 2.94 G. K. Dalstead 18290 Postage, Clerk's Office 6.00 Bert Verrall 18291 Cancelled_ C. S. Mondhan 18292 Salary as Asst. Fire Chief 128.68 K. 10J.• Snart 1829 if 'i Fireman 40.52 J. N. Parsons 1820 10 - Fireman 114.68 Ed. Alexander 18295 t9 " Fireman 111.95 D. W. Parsons 18296- "_Fireman 86.51 Geo. Ray 18297 °P " Fireman 102.66 Clyde Cook 18298 " '° Fireman Carl Strock 18299 �s to Fireman 33.68 .88 A. Mondhan 18300 - Call Man }000 Earle Olson 18301 Cancelled Withholding Tax Fund 18302 Withholding Taxes 126.10 Skagit County Medical Bureau 1830 Insurance Deductions 114.70 Simmonds Paint Co., 1830 Supplies 3.20 Radiotelephone Service Co., 18305 Repairs to Radio 179.89 Anacortes Laundry 18306 Service 30.08 Benson Motors 18307 Service & Equipment 288.53 Voitus Furniture Store 18308 Equipment 1.39 Anacortes Gas Company 18309 Service 2.50 Kimsey's Market 18310 Supplies 4051 Rufus Webb 18311 Gas & oil 327.37 Fosse's Texaco Service 18312 Repairs 15-77 Bert Verrall 1831 Inspections 25.00 Earle Olson 1831 Sash Advunced American Elkhart Company 18315 4.16 049 J. B. Goff 18316 SSupplies alary as Police Chief 187.70 M. E. Beebe 18317 it " Asst. Chief 138.10 17.E L. Pollard 18318 " " Patrolman 121.60 W. E. Thompson 18319 " " Patrolman 157.00 G. 0. re 18320 PP P1 patrolman 117.95 J. W. nnant 18321 '-° '! katrolman 115. 0 L'Jithholding Tax Fund 18322 Withholding Taxes 930 0 Simpson's Electric Shap 1832 Supplies 5.75 C. C. Cook 1832 Service 232 Parson's Sporting Goods 18205 Supplies 2. 0 West Coas,t Telephone Co. 18226 Service 38:�o Bird's Stationery 18327 Supplies 5.12 Empire Cafe 18328 Service 6.19 Carp,eniter Motors 18329 Repairs & Parts 0 1391 I I' I� 1 • • 1 1 • • 1 December 6, 1949 Claims Anacortes Equipment Company 18330 Material & Supplies 50.47 island Transfer 18331 Fuel Oil, City Buildings 250.41 :john G. Dorcy, Estate 18332 Reg. Fees 13.75 Union Printing Company Pacific Highway 18333 18334 Reg. Forms Frbight Chargesm75 32.02 -Transport Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 18335 Service 1,44 .38 Simmonds Paint Co. 18336 Balance on Account Paul Flint 18337 Refund on License �.00 1 .00 Nest Coast Telephone Co. 18338 Service 21.00 Bird's Stationery 183 9 Supplies 2.58 ah Water & Rogers, Inc . , 183.0 Towels 14073 Curtis Wharf Company 18341 Coal, City Hall 2.35 United Janitor Supply Coo, 18342 Sweeping Compound .05 Plater Dept. 1834 Service, City Hall �,.85 Leonard Products Company Wide Supply Co., AN 18345 Supplies Supplies 2.8 Coast 14.94 ater Dept. Chamber of Commerce 18346 18347 R Hydrant ental Maps & Supplies 655.00 36.20 Schepper -Litho Plate Service 18348 Maps & Press Run 8.50 G. No Dalstead, P. M. 18349 Postage 7.80 Sisler-& Gilkey 18350 Service on Sevier Survey 325.00 Earle Olson 1851 To replace No. 18301 123.15 Bert Verrall 18352 " P' " 18291 157.68 WATER DEPARTMENT T G. McCrory 11041 Salary as Supt. 171.00 Sadie H. Arges 11042 to Po Cashier 116.70 Shirley Owens 1104 4° 9P Clerk 93.90 Paul Flint 1104 P° '� Bookkeeper 22 0 C�ohn G. Dorcy, Estate 11045 Balance of,Salary 2.. Chas. Wedlund 11046 Salary a3 oreman 167.20 Everett Thorene 110.7 " 07 Servicman 132.40 W. 0. Rogers 11048 " 'P Filterman 170.20 G. F. Keller 1109oa Pa Filterman Pa 1,53.x.0 Roy yedlund 11050 '0 Filterman 148-70 Frank Deane 11051 'a oc ilterman rilterman 1 3.40 Lester -Thomas 11052 'P - 13000 Withholding Tax Fund 11053 Withholding Taxes 219.00 Skagit County Medical Bureau 1105 Group Insurance Deductions 20.00 Trulson.T1otor Co. 11055 Repairs & -1�°quipMent 42.00 Haskell Pl,zing Co., 11056 Equipment, -Filter Plant 129218.82 T. G. 1'1cCPory 11057 Cash Advanced 1.55 ,G. N. Dalstead, P. M. 11058 Postal Cards & Postage 106.00 .Barrow & Shaffer Const. Co. 11059 Section #l, Filter Addition 39089-85 West Coast Telephone Co., 11060 Telephone Service 48.10 Pennsylvania Salt Co., 11061 Chlorine 238.60 Marine Supply Co., 11062 Supplies 4.12 Moran Boat & Woodworking Shop 1106 Labor 5,56 Cascade Machinery Co., _ 11064 Equipment 65.67 Anacortes Iron Workb G. 11065 Labor & Equipment 165.60 .E. Childs 11066 Nage Adjustment 25.00 Curtis Wharf Company 11067 ''oal 110.73 Rufus A. Webb_ 11068 Gasoline & Oil 96.59 Rensselaer Valve Company 11069 Equipment 2133.82 A. H. "ox Coppany 11070 Equipment 13. City Street and 11071 Gasoline 49.09 City Building Rental Fund 11072 Rent of Office & Garage space 100.00 Great N rthern Railway Company 1107 Freight on Supplies - 560.56 Palmer Supply Company 11074 Equipment 2.67 C Skagit alley Telephone o. 11075 Telephone Service 6.27 H. .Fowler 11076 Equipment 1 .96 Sunset Electric Co., 11077 Supplies 6.93 General 6hemical Division 11078 Supplies 1,360.00 Rockwell -Mfg. Company 11079 Equipment 26,52 Childress Furniture 11080 Equ$pment 38.62 Island Transfer 11081 Stove Oil 118.61 Worthington -Damon Meter Co. 11082 Meters 96,35 enspn PJotors he 'hnchor Pabking Company 1108 1108 .Labor Supplies .71 The Fern Press Puget Sound Povfer & Light Co., 11085 11086 Printing Service Service l .34 1173 STATE LIBRARY FUND Marjorie Ross 34 Cataloguing Books 36.25 LIBRARY DEPARTMENT Ruth E. Brinkley 3081 Salary ag Librarian 8. 0 Eleanor Nevill 3082 " Asset Librarian X5.10 P. Ee Olson 308 " Caretaker 75.00 Withholding Tax Fund 3084 Tax Dedustions 30070 Curtis Wharf Company 3085 goal 19376 Earl L. .Svian 3086 Service 40.70 R. L. _ Ughipplca 3087 Service 47-58 Oceana Publications Doubldday & Company 3088 3089 Books Book 8.00 1.40 Puget Sound News Company 3090 Books 82.86 Puget Sound Power & Light 3091 Service 20.68 Water Department - 3092 Service 2.50 Brown Lumber Company 309 Supplies 15.97 Marshall -Wells Store 3094 Equipment 3.03 Simpson's Electric Shoff 3095 Equipment 1,13 4 4 Birds° Stationery December 6, 19+9 3096 Supplies 19.98 I; Claims PARK DEPARTMENT Robert Harr 2175 Salary as Park.Employee 115.00 Frank Knapp 2176 '+ Po to Supt., 158.20 Withholding Tax Fund 2177 Withholding -Taxes _ 6.80 Marshall -Wells Store 2178 Supplies 25,58 C. C. Cook 2179 Service 1.80 South Side Hardware 2180 Equipment .12 l� Water Department 2181 Service 1.90 Skagit Auto Parts 2182 Supplies 5.11 STREET DEPTMENT Roy McDougall 3676 Salary as Poreman 11.15 Lynn Balcomb 3677 t0 1° Graderman 137.70 Carl Thorene 3678 'B " Maint. lean 161.10 Dave Summers 3679 tosa Faint. Man 127.80 Carl Welk 3680 ;a Mai nt. Mm 117.10 • Artis Taylor 3681 - Maint Maga 11}]..20 Earl Holmes 3682 u f° Plaint. Man 131.10 T. . McCrory 368 to Supervioor 33.30 ! �o i Paul Flint 3684 Bookkeeper 17.52 John G. Dore , Estate 3685 Balance of Salary 8.30 Withholding ax Fund D686 Withholding Taxes 176.20 • Trulson Motor Company 3687 Equipment & Repairs 101.32 Rufus A. Webb 3688 Gasoline 22 .18 Island Transfer Company 3689 Stove Oil �.23 Sf Puget Sound oder Light 3690 Services Garage 2.00 Union Op Company 3691 oil 12.11 Marine upply Co. 3692 Supplies 150.96 Western -Auto Supply Co. 3693 Supplies 1.03 Mt. Vernon Builing Co., 3694 Equipment 172.83 Anacortes Iron orks 3695 Labor & Equipment h .19 P. G. Renstrom. 3696 Equipment .25 Skagit Auto Parts 3697 Equipment 9.27 Howard -Cooper Corp. 3698 Equipment 73.77 i CEMETERY DEPARTMENT Ingvald Iversen 885 Salary as Supt., 134 00 Wm. E. Latimer 886 " " Labor 103.80 Chas. R. Mitchell 887 " " Em loyee 127.20 Withholding Tax Fund 888 Withholding axes 74.00 Simpson's Electric Shop 889 Supplies 50. Skagit County Medical Bureau 890 Group Insurance Deductions 6.00 H. & H. Signal'.Company 891 Supplies 19.43 R. H. Iversen 892 Equipment 5.00 A. D. Frets 89Grave Markers 225.00 aeortes American 894 rinting 83.90 Rufus s ebb, 895 Gasoline 45.53 Katherine Snider 896 Clerical Work 10.00 Bird's Stationery 897 Supplies .31 Puget Sound Power & Light 898 Service 6.87 South Side Hardware 899 Supplies 25.47 West Coast Telephone Company 900 Service 11.30 Water Department 901 Service 2.50 Oregon Brass Works 902 Markers 12.75 Ingvald Iversen 90Cash Advanced 8.00 Western Auto Parts 904 Gasoline & Oil 27.77 FIREMENS' RELIEF & PENSION FUND L. E. Shider 246 Salary ap Retired Fireman 125.00 M. G. Strock 247 " " i° 122.00 Skagit County Medical Aid 248 Insurance Deduction 3.00 WITHHOLDING TAX FUND Poples National Bank 81 Total Withholding Taxes 785.40 • The claims were then referred to the Finance Committee and on favorable report by Mr. Welch, chairman of the Committee, it was moved by Ginnett and seconded by Allen that the claims be approved and warrants drawn in favor of the same. Ayes- Mustacich, Dodge, Ellin, Welch, Allen and Brado. Motion carried. • Mr. McCrory asked whether word had been received from the highway department Bus zone at relative to a new bus zone on 8th and Commercial. At Mr. Hagans request, the City 8th & Com'l. Clerk stated that a followup letter had been written. A motion was made by Welch and seconded by Brado that thU business of the evening having been completed, the City Council adjourn as of 9:30 o'clock P. M. Motion carried. <� � M or Attestt���C�._ -city ", CIer , December 20, 1949 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7:4.0 o'clock P. M. with Mayor Eoe L. Hagan presiding. The roll was called and Ginnett, Dodge, Ellin, Welch, Allen.and Brado and Mustacich were present. The minutes of the meeting of December 6th, 1949 were read and approved as read. Stineff re- The following request froti Ed. Stineff was read: � quests per- Deco 13, 1949 mission to re -Honorable Mayor and City Council move logs. Anacortes, Washington Dear Sirso- I Trish permission to remove four logs that are located on City property, close to the dump. These logs are about ten feet long and will be used for fence posts. Thanking you for your consideration, I remain, Yours truly, Ed. Stineff 32nd & D. Street. A motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Ginnett that the request be granted if approved after inspection by Mr. McCrory. Motion carried. The City Clerk was instructed to so advise Mr. Stineff. Skagit Fish- The following letter from the Skagit Fisheries Was read and referred to the eries reauest3Streets and Parks Committee and to Mr. McCrory: that City re- December 17, 1949 pair road. Mayor Joe Hagan, Anacortes, - uyashington. Dear Siro Confirming our telephone conversation of this morning, vie wantto ask your help in rep&iring our road from Oakes Avenue down to our plant at the foot of Dakota Street. Along with Consolidated Sea Food Co., we have a substantial payroll here, and the condition of this street makes it difficult for them to get back and forth to work. In our cold storage space, vie have over 500 ton of fish and products stored, mostly for the State Departments of Game and Fisheries, and they often need to take this out in 10 ton loads which is practically impossible now. You may remember that the present condition was caused mostly by a flash f3666 last winter, and although sufficient repairs were made to make the road passable, repeated rains without sufficient drainage are increasing the danger of additional slides which could cause extensive damage. We still certainly appreciate your early attention to this matter. Yours very truly, SKAGIT FISHERIES (9NC. By Geo. M. Dynes, Manager Flood emer- A letter in appreciation of the efforts of the people of Anacortes to assist gency. in the flood emergency was read and ordered placed on file. Set new -date.. Mayor Hagan reported that the Council vias unable to meet with the Pageant for meet with Committee as planned because of previous engagements made by the pageant Committee. Pageant Com. It was decided by the City council to Trait until January 3rd, 1950 to set a nen date to meet with this Committee. Letter to The report of the City Attorney, W. V. Wells, Jr., is as follocuso Zigler Shows. A nen letter has been written to Zigler Shoes advising them that the time will be draining near for this year's pageant and that the City would look askance at . their requesting permission to operate in Anacortes unless they had paid their tax for last year. Ord. regardin; Ordinances with reference to the Ucensing of bill boards have been received bill boards. and a recommendation will be made later. Letter to A letter has been written to the Association of Washington Cities requesting Assn Wash. copies of ordinances for auctions. Cities. Pawn shop ord• The need of a neva ordinances for licensing paean shops was discussed and an ordi- needed. nance preventing parking on the south side of 6th street was presented. Daylight sav- Mr. Wells states that in Ks opinion there could be no- combining of special ing time. election to determine the daylight saving time question pith the .regular school election. Property Taxes Mr. Wells has received a letter from the County Prosecuting Attorney stating that no property taxes for certain land deeded -to the City need to be paid. Home on 36th Mr. Wells will go with Mr. McCrory to look at the house on 36th street which St. may or may not be on City property. House at 1106 The house at 1106 - 6th street was reported to have had the lights and crater 6th. turned off and eviction notices given the tenants by the ovmer. The owner is doing his utmost to solve this situation and the City is following the most practi- cal couvae in this regard. r t L December 20, 1949 It is the owners responsibility to evict the tenants but help will be given there possible such as requesting the probation officer to assist in the care of the children. t2' Mr. Wells pointed out that time to adjust the lease rental held by Hardman Hardman lease. Mfg. Co., had arrived. The City Clerk was advised that licenses for pin balls and slot machines could Licenses for be issued on a pro�-rata basis and the City Council was advised that the ordinance.- pin balls & could be left on the books pending action by the State Legislature. slot machines. After discussion of the daylight saving question it was moved by Ginnett and IMotion passed seconded by Mustacich that the City do not hold a special election of the time !that city do question because of the cost of such an election. Motion carried. It was moved knot have special by Ginnett and seconded by Ellin that the Council is not taking any action on change election on day of time for the year 1950 and th-at businesses or individuals may change their light saving time as they see fit. Ayes; Mustacich, Dodge, Ellin, Welch, Ginnett, Allen and 'time. Brado. Motion carried. The City Clerk was authorized to write the Hardman Mfg. Company requesting i Requests Hard - them to attend a meeting to discuss the rentals of City property with them. man to attend meeting. The Clerk was also requested to write a letter to Farwest Fisheries requesting I Far !Nest them to appear at the meeting concerning street end leases. - ,!Fisheries. The Clerk was requested to write a letter to Cal Branham, requesting him to �ICal Branham appear with regard to the lease of City property. !Tease. .the City Clerk reported that it was time to call for gasoline and oil bids and it eras moved by Mr. Ellin and seconded by Mr. Mustacich that gasoline *and oil bids be called for by the City Clerk. Motion carried. The City Clerk also reported that copies of the budget were ready. The following letter from Police Chief Goff was presented and read and with no objection by the City Council, Mayor.Hagan officially appointed Marvin E. Beebe Assistant Chief of Police: Joe L. Hagan, Honorable Mayor, Anacortes, Washington. Dear Sir; December 7, 1949 ,Call for bids for gasoline and oil. Beebe appointed JPolice Chief. h Reference is made to police officdr Marvin E. Beebe whom you appointed as Ac- ting Assistant Chief of Police in May of 1949 as the result of a vacancy created by the resignation of N. Petrish. Early in May of 1949 Mr. Beebe attended a trio weeks course in all phases of Lary -enforcement conducted by the FBI at Tacoma, Washington. i I am informed by Mr. E. D. Knapp of the Civil Service Commission that Mr. Beebe submitted himself for examination on August 24, 1949 and received the grade of 95% o i In assuming his new duties in the department he has demonstrated his efficiency, and fitness for the office of Assistant Chief. In view of the above record I have no hesitation in recommending his permanent appointment. Yours vers truly, J. B. Goff, Chief of Police. It was moved by Ginnett and seconded by Mustacich that the.Council donfirm this appointment. Motion carried, unanimously. �, Tam fnkkawkna kmkhan Rax gxjmsaakad and Rand fX= kka aktaf X2 mak= JM tha The following letter from the Chief of Policd was presented and read to the iLetter to +City Council: i Taxi Cab December 7, 1949 !Companies ;Honorable Mayor and City Council, tread. Gentlemen: Following is a copy of a letter sent to all local Taxi Cab Companies: "This letter will serve to advise you of the action of the City Council oil December 6, 1949 with respect to the operation of taxi service within the city. Every owner or operator of a taxi shall be required at all times to maintain or, post in full view of all passengers a printed schedule of prices and rates charged, based upon a zoning system, in which case the zones must be clearly defined, or upon a mileage sysgem. A duplicate or such schedule and all changes thereto must be filed with the city clerk before a Taxi is used thereunder.41 Dec. 7, 1949 To: Affleck Bros. Ames Taxi Service Jarbo Taxi Co. Jbg. Very truly yours, J. b. Goff, Chief of Police. 1 • • 1 1 • • 1 December 20, 1949 a Mr. Goff then g{Ave the following report. Kolste request, Mr. Kolste, Supt. of Anacortes schools requested permission to place new new signs for parking signs by the Central School. C. grade schoo: . I Affleck Bros., requested permission to place signs for bus zones. Because Affleck bus zo:,e there was no objection from members of the City.Oouncil, Mayor Hagan authorized signs. Mr. McCrory to assist these two groups in the placing of the signs. Further in his report, a letter had been received from the State Liquor Board thEt taverns must cease operation at 12:00 o9clock P. M. New Years Eve. Dancing permit,. The question of dancing after midnight was then brought up. A motion was made ted until 1 A.ii by Ellin and seconded by Mustacich that dancing until 1000 o9clock A. M. be permitted in accordance with the City ordinance. Motion carried. Barricades for,. Mr. Goff requested the Council9s approval in setting up barricades for coast - coasting. ing. A motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Brado that the Police Chief be given authorization to use his discretion in placing such barricades and that he be given authorization to publish the location of barridaded streets in the i paper. Motioncarried. Mayor Hagan stated that a Highway Patrolman has been delegated out of Anacortes, and that this man plans to make his home in this city. Directional Mayor Hagan also reported that the state b1ghway department has placed many signs. directional signs in the City. Clerk to call Mr. McCrory requested that the City Clerk be authorized to call for bids for for bids for alum and a new coupe with trade in of the old coupe for the Anacortes Water Dept. alum & coupe. A motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Mustacich that this authorization be given. Motion carried Fire Dept report The report of the Fire Department rias presented and read to the City Council and was placed on file. Frequency chanfe Fire Chief Bdrt Verrall reported orally that work is progressing on the in - in radio eqpt. stallation of the frequency change in the Cit*As radio equipment. Approves open- Mr. Ellin, who is chairman of the Streets and Parks Committee reportedthat Ing of alley his Committee approved opening the alley from 30th to 31st street between L. And from 30th to M. Avenue if the owners remove the rocks and brush. A motion was made by Allen 31st. Owners and seconded by Brado that if the ocaners complete the removal of rocks and brush to remove rock: to the satisfaction of the City Engineer that the grader be authorized to open the & brush. alley. Motion carried. Change of owner- Notices of change of ownerkihip of the following taverns were presented, read ship of taverrs and placed on file: Transfers from:- the liednse of James L. McLacklan to David J. Collier and Nina M. Collier and transfer of license from John R. Hambridge and Alfred C. Covert to Millie Freudenberg. Pawn Brokers. The Council, after discussionp decided to take up the question of Pawn Brokers licenses at the next meeting, City Clerk to The City Clerk reportadthat Ordinance No. 1049, relating to the vacating of attest Crd. No. alleys, in Block 22, Bowman's Central Ship Harbor, Waterfront Plat, which was present - 1049 & repub- ed October 18th, 1949, had -not been signed by the then City Clerk, John G. Dorcy. lish same. A motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Brado that the City Clerk attest this ordinance and republish the same. Motion carried. 2 Ord. publish- The City Clerk pointed out that 2 ordinances had been published as No. 1046, ed as ,#1046. one being the budget for 1950 and the other an ordinance relating to weeds. 4 motio:i was made by Brado and seconded by Allenithat the ordinance on needs be numbered 0 1050 and be passed by the City Council and authorized for publication by the City Clerk. Ayes: Mustacich, Dodge, Ellin, Welch, Ginnett, Allenvand Brado. Motion carried. • Bill boards & Discuso'Lon was held on the status of ,6i%1 b"rds.� machines and punch boards. No punch boards. action was taken. Sample ord. on Mayor Hagan asked RaR the City Attorney to drat up a sample ordinance on pin pin balls. balls. Ord. amending An ordinance to amend section 3 of Ordinance No. 1019 was presented, read and Seco 3 of Ord. given No. 1051. A motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Mustacich that the #10199 ordinance be passed as read. Ayes: Mustacich, Dodge, Ellin, Welch, Ginfnett, Allen and Brado. Motion carried. Purchase of siE-ns Mr. McCrory was then authorized to purehas4 the necessary signs to be used in referred to in conjunction with ordinance No. 1051. Ord. #1051. Claims Claims against the City of Anacortes for the first hal f of December, 1949 were presented and read to the City Council as follows., CURRENT EXPENSE 0. E. Arges 1835 Salary as Deputy Treas. Clifford M. Olson 18354 R " Deputy City Clerk 55-00 125.00 O December 20, 1949 UU. V. Wells, Jr., 18355 Salary as City Attorney O.00'Claims John Cheney 18356 0' " Police Justice 40.001 Norman Fulton 18357 00 " Janitor 110,001 David Bowen 18358 ov 1D Janitor 110.001! Paul Flint, Jr., 18359 " f° City Clerk 57.50 .Jacqueline Gurney 18360 It " Clerk's Steno. 90.00 Mut. Ben. Hlth. & Acc. Ass'n. 18 I,8361 Group Insurance -Deductions 17.85 9B Qi 4T it U of 18362 91 99 Si 80 Irene Snart 1836 Steno workfbr City Attorney 11.00 J. B. soft 183 Salary as Police Chief 100.00 M. E. Beebe 18365 " 'o Asst. Chief 135.001 W. L. PollArd 18366 to to Patrolman 121.60 W. E. Thompson 18367 it " Patrolman 100.00 G. G. Lee 18368 it to Patrolman 125.00 J. W. Tennant 18369 10 to Patrolman 115.001' Bert Verrall 18370 it to Fire Chief 125.00', C. S. Moddhan 18371 It to Ass t. Chief 125.00 K. W. Snart 18372 it 11Capt., 125.00 • J. N. Parsons 1837 °0 11 Capt., 125-0011 Ed. Alexander 1837 �� �a Fireman 125.00 Geo. Ray 18375 _ _ Fireman 125.00" D. W. Parsons 18376 to 'o Fireman 125.001 Clyde Cook 18377 it to Fireman 125.00 Earle Olson 18378 of " Inspector 125.001 • John Nordmark 18379 Wages as -Zoning Uonsultant 150.00 Thelma Palffier. 18380 Typing Service - 7.50, Lyle Riddle, Ins., Agency 18381 Licenses, City Autos & Eqpt., 35.501 State Treasurer 18382 Notary License 10.001 PARK DEPARTMENT Robert Harr 218 Salary as Employee 100.00 Lewis Harr 2184 1° " Employee 15.00 Frank Knapp 2185 it " Supt., 125.00 CEMETERY DEPARTMENT Ingvald Iversen 905 Salary as Supt., 120.00 Um. F. Latimer 906 " to Employee 110.00 Chaso R. Mitbhell 907 '� of Employee 110.00 LIBRARY DEPARTMENT Ruth E. Brinkley 3097 Salary as Librarian 80.00 Eleanor Nevill 3098 of " Ass't. Librarian 80.00 P. E. Olson 3099 of '0 Janitor 7 .00 Mut. Ben. Hlth. Ass'n. 3100 Insurance Deduction .80 STREET DEPARTMENT Roy McDougall 3699 Salary.as Foreman 125.00 Lynn Balcomb 3700 it" Maint. Man 120.00 Carl Thorene 3701 of tB Maint. Man 125.00 Artis-Taylor 3702 " " Maint. Man 120.00 Dave Summers 370 1° '� Maint. Man 115.00 Earl Homes 3704 if t° Maint. Man 120.00 i Carl Welk 3705 °0 90 Maint. Man 120.00 T. G. McCrory 3706 Supervisor 35.00 Paul Flint, Jr., 3707 to Bookkeeper 30.00 WATER DEPARTMENT T. G. 111cCravy 11087 Salary as Supt. 165.00 Sadie M. Arges 11088 " " Cashier 105.00 Shirley Owens 11089 Clerk 90.00 1 Paul Flint, Jr., 11090 10 1° Bookkeeper .0.00 Chas. Wedlund 11091 " 'o Foreman 115.00 Everett Thorene 11092 " f° Serviceman 120.00'' W. 0. Rogers 1109 '° " Filterman 125.001 G. F. Keller 1107 ro '� Filterman 115.00 Roy Wedlund 11095 ' Filterman 115.00 • Frank Deane 11096 if " Filterman 115.00 Lester Thomas 11097 " to Pumpman 12g.00 Mut® Ben. Hlth. Ass"n. 11098 Insurance Deduction .50 The Claims were then referred to the Finance Committee and on favorable report by Mr. Welch, Chairman of the Finance Oommittee, it was moved by Ginnett and seconde'o • by Allen that the claims be approved and warrants drawn in favor of the same. Ayes: Mustacich, Dodge, Ellin, Welch, Ginnett, Allen. -and Brado. Motion carries.; A motion was made by Brado and seconded by °delch that the business of the evening having been completed, the City Council adjourn as of 10:00 o'clock P. M. Motion carried. a or Attest:-- - City Cle _.