HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946 City Council MinutesJ .-n uary 2), iV4� A regular meeting of the City CDuncil of the City of -nacortes was called to order at 8:00 P.L. with ZLayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. The roll was called and Hansen, Ellin, Clausius and Brado were present. Yr.'J. V. Veils, "Jr. Asst. City Attorney, presented a report recommending the acceptance of an insurance policy covering the 1936 International truck and a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Brado that the report by the Ausista.nt City .Attorney be accepted. Notion carried. At the last meeting of the City Council, Mr. 3. P. 11alsh put in an a-rvlication for a J.ai�::Claim Deed on lots 13 and 14 of block 285 of the original plat of the city of Apacortes and this matter was referrers, to the City Attorney, At tnis time, the Asst. City Attorney made a report recom�iending that the city give a Quitlb Claim Deed to Lir. 3. P. Valsh covering the above described lots and that the I.Iayor and the City Clerk be authorized to sign said quiff Claim Deed. N motion ,vas made by Clausius and seconded by Ellin that the above report of the Asst. City Attorney be accepted as recommended by the asst. City attorney. Zotion carried. The report of the Police Justice for the month of December 1945 was 'presented and read to the City Council and a motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Brado that said report be accepted and placed on file. nation carried. The report of the ;pater Superintendent .for month of December 1945 was presented and read to the City Council and a motion was made by Brado and seconded by Clausius that said report tie accepted and placed on file. Potion carried. the report of the Street Foreman for the month of December 1945 was presented and read to the City Council and a motion was made by Brado and seconded by Ellin that said report be accepted and placed on file. Notion carried. The gasoline report was presented and read to the City Cothncil and a :notion wus made by Clausius and seconded by Ellin that the said report be accepted and placed on file. Ration carried. An insurance policy covering the International Pick -Up Truck used by the '"later Dept. was presented to the City Council and was referred to the City Attorney. Lotion Carried. At this time, an ordinance relating to regulating and licensing public dance halls in the City of Anacortes ',fashington and ammeding subdivision 20 of section 10 of ordinance 640, ammended by Ordinance 690 of the City of Anacortes --Rs presented to the City Council and read for information. Hotion was.made by Ellin and seconded by Brado that the said -)rdinance be given it's first and second readings by title. Iulotion carried. Said ordinance given it's first and second readings by title and a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Clausius thf.t said ordinancebe given it's third and final reading at the meet- ing of the City Council to 'r.e held on Jan. 15, 1946 at 8;00 P. LIa Potion carried. The matter of the purchase of the Grand 'i'ew Cemetery, L,,ayor Joe L. Fagan announced a meeting to be held on Friday Jan. 11, 1946 at 7030 P. P.I. to discuss that matte of appointing a cemetery committee and other matters pertaining to the purchase of the Grand View Cemetery. At this time, the following claims against the City of Anacortes were presented and read to the city Council C URIC]= EXPENSE Joe L. Hagan 13300 Salary as Mayor 20.00 George Brado 13301 Salary as Councilman 10.00 Charles F. Fisher 13302 Salary as Councilman 10000 A. L. Derby 13303 Salary as Councilman 5.00 Syd Ellin 13304 Ca n 0 10000 E. E. Dodge 13305 '¢ Q 10.00 Eo A. Clausius 13306 10000 Ho L. Hansen 1330 5 00 Oo E. Arges 1330 "' Deputy Treasurer80.00 John G. Dorcy 13309 City Clerk 82.50 ;7o V. ':fells, Sr. 13310 City Attorney 82.50 Dr. A. B. Cook 13311 " Health Officer 41.40 A. R. Sellenthin 13312 CD Police Justice 45.80 Alfred Robbins 13313 U Dog Catcher 24.10 Samuel Lrclvor 13314 0 Janitor a� City Hall 57.50 Alfred Robbins 13315 n Dump Ilan 33090 71ithholding Tax Fund 13316 ,7ithhold ing Taxes 34.801, G. Y. Dalstead P. I.. 13.317 Eostage for. Clerk's Office 3.00 Katherine H. Snider 1331$ Work in Clerk's Office 20,88 Eldon Peterson 13319 Typewriter Service 8.50 H. 0. Davey, Plb. Insp. 13320 4 Plumbing Inspections 6000 Galvin Corporation 13321 2ayment of Police Radio 500000 Anacortes Gas Co. 13322 Gas used in City Hall 7.11 Island Transfer Co. 13323 Fuel Oil used in City Hall 17.32 Ho H_* Hinshaw 13324 Salary as Chief of Police 212.90 hTick Petrish 13325 " !asst. Chief of Police 205.90 J. B. Goff 13326 "' " Capt. of Police 194.00 L. Pollard 13327 " 0 w'c,trolman 169.00 Varren 'Thompson 13328 t0 'Patrolman 185.00 Carl Springer 13329 0 1' Patrolman 185.00 LF-rvin Beebe 13330 Vages as Policeman 6.00 Vithholding Tax Fund 13331, Jithholding Taxes 38.70# Jack L. Saad 13332 Beals for Prisoners 14.16 Trick and Hurray 13333 Filing Cabinet, ?olice Dent. 91.16 H. H. Hinshaw 13334 Cash .Advanced 1.00 Dr. A. B. Cook 13335 Hedical Service for Prisoners 10.00 Diamond 10;,� Store 13336 Supplies for P olive Dept. .93 Benson Hotors 13337 Repairs and Service 22009 E. A. Abbott Motor Co. 13338 Repairs and Service 38.58 Marine Supply Co. 13339 Haterial do Supplies 1.91 Dept. of Labor & Indo 13340 Ind. Ins. & Medical Aid 13-35 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 10 16 1 January .R, 1946 Continued Anacortes American L. E. Snider Bert Verrall Oliver Hauge M. G. Strock C. T•.• Strock K. a. Snart C. R. Springer K. McClellan Jay Thayer J. G. Dorcy Roy McDougall H. Chevrier George Miller C. Wi.rsing D. Ilazelton A. Hondhan %lithholding Tax Fund FirAmen°s Relief & Pen L. E. Snider Bert Verrall Anacortes 71ater Dept Schwartz Iron 1orke Brown Lumber Co. Iff. R. Kingsley City, Street Fund 13341 Printing Supplies 13342 Salary as Chief of Fire Dept. 13343 sa 0 Asst; Fire Chief 13344 " r Capto Fire Dept. 13345 °� 17 Fireman 13346 to 11 Fireman 1334 '� '° Fireman 1334 '� '� Fireman 13349 t7 Fireman 13350 �' " Fireman 13351 Call Man and extra Fireman 13358 to r7 17 n C 13353 Fire Dept. 13354 10 Fire Dept. 13355 " t7 Fire Dept. 13356 " tQ Fire Dept. 13357 " " Fire Dept 13358 Withholding Taxes Fund 13359 2% of Firemen's Salaries 13360 Mileage on Car 13361 .1,1ileage on Car 13362 Hydrant Rental 13363 Service for Fire Dept. 13364 Lumber for Fare Dept. 13365 The on Ford Fire Truck 13366 Gas used, Fire & Police Depts. 6.70 208.33 187.17 190.09 173.20 173.20 173.20 41.04 71.82, 52.92 38.44 30.68 1.25 5.00 1.25 1.25 1.25 95.70# 29.21 11.50 8.00 565.00 .52 3.62 21.40 69.74 Surplus Property Purchase Revolving Fund 1336 Front End Fire Pump 216.22 I' Anacortes Laundry 13369 Laundry Service 4602 Southside Hardware 13369 Material for Fire Dept. 4.45 Simpson's Electric `shop 13370 Material & Supplies 9.94 Curtis ',7harf Co. 13371 Coal for City Hall 100.40 J. Eo Amsberry 13372 Janitor's Supplies 1.03 WestCoast Telephone Co. 1.3373 Telephone Serv-6e,� Fire & Police 16.78 Puget Snd. -'ower & Light 13374 Lighting Service 290.73 Hansen Electric Shop- 13375 Supplies for Police Dept. 17.30 The Fern Press 13376 Printing & Supplies 1.55 City Street Fund 13377 Transfer of Funds 378.96 Constance Fox Mildred N. Safford Samuel McIvor Blanc:he Sackett Withholding Tax Fund. Constance Fox Puget Snd Power & lgt Co Water Dept. Curtis Vh1arf Co. Alf red Robbins Simpson's lectric Whop Carlos C. Cook The Fern Press R. L. Whipple Gaylord Brothers Aubert Drug Store Anacprtes Drug Co. Ideals Publishing Co. The .Personal Book Shop ,American Library Assoc. The H. V1. 'Milson Co. Best Seller Book Store Hansen :electric Co. Art Olson A. E. Lovell Dept of Labor & Ind. A. C. M-cClurg Co. Harry Hartmen Simpson's Electric Shop R. L. Whipple Hansen Electric Co. R. L% Whipple J. E. Harding Frank Knapp Withholding Tax Fund Dept. of Labor & Indo Anacortes dater Dept. Southside Hardware City Street Fund Marshall -jells Store LIBRARY FUITD 2234 2235 2236 22V 2238 2239 2240 2241 2242 2243 2244 22.45 2246 2247 2248 2249 2250 2251 2252 2253 2254 2255 2256 2257 225'8 2259 2260 2261 2262 2263 2264 2265 Salary as Librarian Salary as Assistant Librarian Salary as Janitor iJages as Substitute Withholding Taxes Cash Advanced Lights for Library Water used in Library Coal for Library Garbage Service for Library Supplies for Library Service for Library Supplies for Library Fork in Library Supplies for Library .Library Book Library Book Library Book Books for Library Books for Library Books for Library Books for Library Repairs & Alterations at Library P. I. Subscription Repairs at Library Ind. Ins. & laedical Aid Books for Library Books for Library Supplies for Libr;:ry Work in Library, See #2247 Mork in Library, See -#2256 To replace # 2265 'AIX FUND 1659 Salary as Park Supt 1660 Salar., as Park a-mployee 1661 ;Ji thhold i.ng Taxes 1662 Ind. Ins. & Medical Aid 1663 'later Used in Park - 1664 Toole & Supplies 1665 Gasoline used in Park Truck 1666 Supplies for Park Dept. 148.80 100.00 78.20 3.00 21.20# 2.26 12.23 2.5'0 31.62 12.00 2.49 1.00 5.00 180.50 39.43 4.12 1.95 1.00 1.00 8.25 23:75 1.16 155.00 7.95 30.90 .3u 17.16 52.28 1.49 Cancelled ,o 180.00 1,126.14 169.00 165.00- 16. oo# 65.0016.00# 6.48 2.50 11.80 5.89 . 45- S -n T. C. McCrory Sad i'e 12. Arge s Dorothy Fee J'ohn G. Corcy Charles ':ledlund Russell Carolan 1. 0< Rogers G. F. Keller A. Sirett Frank Dean Lester Thomas Carl 0. Thorene Artia Taylor Oliver Hauge 5"li thho ld ing Tax Fund :lest Coast Telephone Co. Simpson's :electric Shop Standard Oil Co. City. Street Fund Ochwartz Iron 11orks ColvinQs Service station Anchor Packing Co. Marine supply Co. Pennsylvania Salt Co. Island Transfer Co. Skagit Valley Telephone Co. Skagit Bonded Collector's G. NoDalstead Hansen 8lectric Co. J. Eo Amsberry Dept, of Labor & Ind. Tax Commission Puget Sound Power & Light Co. The Fern Press Curtis Vlharf Co. Tthholding Tax Fund Simpson9s Electric Shop r AT -4:R nPPT _ 8734 Salary as `:"latex° Supt. 87.35 Salary as Water Cashier 87.36 Salary as Clerk 87337 Salary as Bookkeeper 8 Salary as Foreman 8739 Salary as serviceman 8740 la.lary as Filterman 8741 Salary as Filterman 8742 Salary as Filterman 8743 Salary as Filterman 8744 Salary as Pumpman 8745 laborer 6746 Laborer 8747 Labarer° 8748 '.lithholding Taxes 8749 Telephone Service 8750 Material & Supplies 8751 T:iiotor oil - ';later Rept. 8752 Gasoline used - 'later Dept. 8753 Material and supplies 8?54 Replacing lost Warrant 8755 Supplies for Water Dept. 8756 Material & Supplies 8757 Chlorine for ',later Dept. 8758 Fuel Oil - Filter Plant 8'159 Telephone at Avon 8780 Collection of Water .Accts 87ol Postage for `,later office 6762 Service for dater Dept. 8763 Supplies for Water Dept. 8764 Ind. Ins. & Medical Aid 8765 Business Tac 8766 Power & Service 8762 Prin�itg and Supplies 876 Material for Water Dept. 8769 3ithholding Taxes 8770 To replace ##8750 CITY STREET FUND Roy McDougall 2236 Salary as Street Foreman. Lynn Balcom* 2237 " " Graderman Carl- Thorene 2238 laintenance Han Dove Summers 2239 Q to a Carl ':lelk 2240 t9 co 3 to �rtis Taylor 2241 " i0 Laborer Jacob Riedlinger 2242 n " Street Sweeper SG. Mc ror ohn Bor°cy 22qq. 224 a Street Supervisor " " Bookkeeper G. lithholding Tax Fund 2245 Withholding Taxes Siipsonts Electric Shop 2246 Supplies for Street Dept. Schcrartz Iron Works 2242 Labor, Material and Supplies Jay R. Carroll 224th Insurance on 1936 Int. Truck Drake Auto Shop 2249 Service on Street Truck Marine Suply Co. 22 0 11aterial and Supplies Southside &ardware 22 1 Material for Street Dept. Puget sound Power & Light Co. 22 2 Power for Crusher Pacific Highway Transport 2253 Freight Frank Russell 2254 Bulldozer 'Mork Standard Oil Co. 22N Gasoline and Oil The Texs C . La9or and Ind. 22 22 na oline Cit um Indy. Ins® aU �ed�cal kid Dept, oP C=TERM FUND Ben Priftmier 1 Paym .nt for Grand View Cemetery Trick and Hurray 2 Supplies for Cem-otery Records COLMMUTY BUILDING RENTAL FUND at. Clair Jackson 77 Salary as Janitor ':Jithholding Tax Fund 78 Withholding Tax Dept of Labor & Industry 79 Ind. Insurance and L:edical Aid Anaco rtes Water Deet. 80 Water used i -t Community Bldg. Puget Sound Power & Light 81 Lights used in Community Bldg. Island Transfer Co. 82 Fuel Oil ® Community Bldg. Drs Llewellyn Cook 218 Peoples National Bank of 71no 30 F1IRE=-N O S RELI7F & PEINOION FUND L,edical Service '.7I FUOLDING TAX FUND Total 'Withholding Taxes 284.60 152.20 123.60 50.10, 235018 192.58 194.50 176090. 16l. lo 161010 194.50 6015. 5.60 7.65 26.50 20.00. 80019 3.86 24.63 56.27 59977. 16.37 .77 12.50 0.00 362 . 16032 55785. 1339-51 6.35 24-78 130.20 244.45 4 D 591.46- 1 3.04 1 3.80 196.44 179.23 178.07 167.70 10.0pp0 41040 11 0 0;� Y.04 2 g4© 3�-I� H103 16.077 24.50 �0. 1 826.79 2000.00 1.18 140.20 90to# 082 6025 50.85 93.8Z_ 301039 5-00- 459"70 000- 459070 1 1 1 i,,. a . t - January -;Rl- 1946 - Continued The motion was made by Ellin -and seconded by Hansen that the above claims against the city of Anacortes for the month of Dec.-mber of 1945, be presented to the Finance Committee. The Finance Committee considered the above claims and recom- mended that the claims be allowed and•,.iarrants drawn in favor of the same. A motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Hunsen that the recommendations of the once Committee in the matter of the above laims be adopted. Ayes, Hansen, in, Clausius and Bradoo raiotion was carried. Having completed the business of the evening, a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Clausius that the meeting of the City 'Council adjourn. Potion carried. The meeting of the City Council did then adjourn. i JANIZARY 11, 1945 A special meeting of the.City go unc it was called to order at 7:30 P . M. with Mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. The roll was called and Dodge, Ellin, Clausius, Hansen and Brado were present- The purposeof this meeting was to further consider the matter of the purchase of the Grand View Cemetery and also to prepare and ordin- ance setting up a Cemetery Fund and setting forth regulations for the operation of the cemetery after it has been purchased by the City of Anacortes. An ordinance setting up the cemetery fund and containing regulations for the op- eration of the cemetery was Prepared by W. V. 'Jells, ;r., Asst. City Attorney, and was read at the meeting for information. Mr. & Lrs. Robert Deutsch and Mr. and Pers. 71m. Deutsch were ,present at the meeting and many details regarding the operation of the cemetery were discudsed. Hayor Hagan apl,ointtgd Piro harry Deane and I41ro Harry D. Jackson as members of the Oemetery Commi e and stated than he would appoint a third member of this committee at a regular meeting of the City Council, to be held Jana 15, 19460 11r. 7.1m. Deutsch presented to the City Clerk a. book containing a record of all the persons buried in the Grand View Cemetery. Having completed the business of the evehing, the motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Dodge, that the special meeting of the City Council adjourn. The motion was carried, the special meeting of the City Council did then adjourn. � 'a Attest:- Citj Clerk JANUARY 15, 1946 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 8„00 P.m. with Mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. The role was called and Ransen, Dodge, Ellin, Clausius, Fisher and Brado were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Communication from Pyr. Ben Driftmier was read to the City Council in which he requisted a Quit Claim Deed covering lots 1 to o, block 5, Shannon's ammended plat. After some discussion a motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Ellin that the matter be referred to the City Attory for further investigation. i_otion Carried. ii At this time, Payor Joe Hagan appointed Pur. E. L. Knapp as a member of the Civil Service Commission to succeed Pir. Ted Bruland, whose term on this commis- sion expired on Deco 31, 1945- T�.,Iayor Joe l.. F- —gan made the following appointments on the cemetery committee; Charles Peters; Harry Deane; and Harry Jackson. Motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Fisher that the City Council approve the above appointments made by Id-yor Joe L. Hagan. Il:otion carried. I,Ir. Cl. V. ':dells, Sr. Assistant City Attorney, presented a report recommending renewal insurance policy on the .Ford Fire Truck used in the ,Anacortes Fire Dept. Hot ion carried. The report of the Chief of Police for the month of Dec. 1945, was presented and read to the City Council and a motion was Made by Dodge and seconded by Liana sen that said report be acce.pted and placed on file. Kotion carried. The annual report of the Police Deot. was presented to the City Council and was referrod to the License and Police Committee. The annual report of the Police Justice was presented and read to the City Council. The motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Erado th.ut said report be accepted and placed on file. i'Iotion carri::d. January 1ti , 1_94cL_c- Cance niAPr3.-- The report for the i+ire rept. for the month of Dec. 1y47 was 1,, esented ,.na read to the City Council and a motion was made by I'ra.do and seconded by Ellin that said report be a`cepted and placed on file. Hotion carried. The annual report of the Fire Dept. was presented to the City Council and motion was made by Ellin ana seconded by Clausius that said report be referred to the Fire, Light & ',later committee. Hotion carried. Some time ago Lr. J. C. Farrell made an offer to purchase lots lb, 19 & 20, block 101j, and' this matter was further considered at tris time. A motion �,-as made by Fisher and seconded by 'Ellin that the Citi? Clerk be authorized to ad- vertise this property for sale in the An•icortes Daily L'ercury once each week for t+hree cueek,,. Bidders on this. piece of property are to file a sealed bid with the City Clerk and said bids to be opened at the regular meeting of the City Council to be held on February 5, 1946. Motion carried. Councilman Hansen reported that a Sump Pump had been installed in the boiler room of the Anacortes Community Building and that this pump was working satis- factorily. Klayor Hagan pointed out to the City Council that he had received oral appli- cation from several parties to construct a new building for a tavern in the city of Anacortes and asked the City Council for an expression of their thoughts on this matter. After some' discussion, a motion was made bSr Ellin and seconded by Prado that the City Council take no action in this matter until after the deci- siDn of the Liquor Board, with reference to this application. Lotion carried. The matter of Taxi licenses were discussed to some lengths and the motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Ellin that the taxi license ordinance be xle- ferred to the City Attorney for study and to m@.ke a report at a later meeting of the City council. The matter of a surveyor or an engineer to survey lots and blocks in the Grand View Cemetery was discussed at some lengths and i:ayor Ragan reported that an engineer' for this work would be available abut Feb. 1, 1946. An ordinance relating to regulating and licensing of public dance halls in the City of Anacortes, 'Yashington and a,mmended subdivision 20 of section 10 of or- dinance 640 as ammended by ordinance u90 of the City of Anacortes, was present- ed at the last meeting of the City Council and received its first and second readings by'title and came up this time for its third and final reading by section. A motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Brado that said ordin- ance be given its third and final reading by section. Notion carried. Section � one read, motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Dodge that section one be adopted. Lotion carried. Section two read and a motion was made by Dodge and ! seconded by Prado that section two be adopted. Motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Clausius that said ordinances above described, be adopted as a whole. .ayes: TTansen, Dodge, Ellin, Clausius, Fisher and Brado. Recently the Washington Shingle Co. made application for a lease of the south 409 of 20th street between the east line of iIR1° Avenue to the east end of said !! street. The consideration of granting this lease came up at this time and hav- ing no protest against the granting of this lease, motion was made by Ellin and and seconded by Hansen that the city of Anacortes issue a lease to the `.Uashington Shingle Co. on the territory described above and that the Kayor or City Clerk be appointed to sign said lease. Lotion carried. Tiie following resolution was presented and read to the City Council: RESOLUTION WHEREV3, provisions of Chapter 109 of the 1941 Session Laws of the Stwte cfi' 71ashington give authority to city clerks to destroy by fire municipal records over ten (10) years old which consist of warrants, vouchers, tax and other mis- cellaneous receipts, tax rolls and tax roll accounts, or any other old records that may be approved for destruction in writing by the State .Auditor through its Division of Lunicipal Corporations; and CIHEREAS, city records so designated for disposal must be destroyed during the course of the regular examination of such city and under the supervision of the Division of Iun_cipal Corporations and its examiner; and the City of Anacor- tes is presently undergoing such regular examination, -md the representative from the -Division of 1:unicipal Corporations of the Office of State Auditor is on hand to supervise such destruction of records; and WHERE'S. the attached complete listof all records of the City of knucortes to be destroyed has been certified to by the City vIerk and filed %Ith the amity Council, and z copy thereof filed with the -,tate Diviz ion of 111unic•ipal Corpor- ations in accordance with the provisions of the above cited session Lat.,s; and "'MEREA3, all records enumerated on the attached list requiring audit and examination have been audited. and examined by the examiner f r -m the Livision of Plunicipal corporations of the Office of ;tate Auditor; and the destruction of the old records enumerated on the attached list is necessary to provide available space for the filing and storage of current city records, 10 1 1 14D 1 January 158 1946 •- Continued NO':i THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Ana- cortes that the City. Clerk is hereby authorized to destroy by fire under the supervision of the Examiner from the Division of Municipal Corporations of the Offi e of State Auditor, all records enumerated on the attached list, on the 7�day o f cola n u u r , 1946. The City Clerk is hereby authorized to publish this resolution in the city Official Paper. Adopted on the 1 th day of Janu:.-iry, 1946. i Attest: John G. Dorcy, City leakIiagan, I'l r .A motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Hansen that the above resolution providing for the destruction of old city records, be adopted. Kotion carried. Under the supervision of Tiir. A. C. Killer, State Examiner, certain old City as specified in a list which is attached to the original copy of the above Resolution, were destroyed by burning. At this time, an ordinance amending the title of Section 2 (a) of Ordinance No. 837 of the City of Anacortes, passed on "ctober 17, 1933, by stating a schedule of fees to be charged by the building Inspector for issuing Building Permits; repealing Ordinance Number 647, Passed April 6, 1915, which amended � Ordinance Number 268 and pertained to a tiventy five cent fee charged by the City Clerk for issuing Byilding Permits; repealing Ordinance Number 896, passed November 18, 1938, which amended Section lb of Ordinance ilumber 837 by allot.✓ing the use of treated shingled roofs within certainportions of the fire limits of the City of Anacortes; re,)ealing Ordinance 921, passed December 17, 1940, which amended Section 2 (b) of Ordinpnee 837 by permitting the Constru- ction of cottages, cabins and private garages within certain restrictions, in the waterfront area of the fire limits of the City of Anacortes; and reinstating and reiterating Sections 2 (b) and 16 of the Ordinance slumber 838, so as to be in full force and effect, and a motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Clau- sius that said Ordinance be given its fitst and readings by title. Hotion carried, Said Ordinance given its first and second readings by title and a Y-.)4 -ion was made by Clausius and seconded by Brado that said ordinance be given its third and final reading by title. Motion carried. Section 1 read and a motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Hansen that section 1. be adopted. Notion carried. Section 2 read, and a motion was made by Dodge and, seconded by Ellin that Section 2 be adopted. !action carried. Section 3 read, and a motion was nude by Ellin and seconded by Brado that Section 3 be adopted. Motion carried. Section 4, read, and a motion was made by Clausius and seconded by hansen that Section 4 be adopted. liotion carried. Section 5 _. L;ad , and a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Clausius that Sec- tion 5 be adopted. Lotion carried. Section 6 read, and a motion was made by Clausius .and seconded by hansen that Section 6, be adopted. Motion carried. Section 7 read, and a motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Ellin that-ection 7 be adopted. Notion carried. Section 8 read, and a motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Ellin that Sec- tion 8 be adopted. °otion carried. Section 9,read, and a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Dodge that section 9 be adopted. Lotion carried. A motion was made by Dodge and seconded by ?Fisher that above ordinance be adopted as a whole. Ayes: Hansen, lodge, Ellin, Clausius, r'isherBrado. Eayor Joe L. N.agan made the appointment of L. E. Snider Fire Chief, as Building inspector and Plumbing Insnector, and a motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Dodge that the City Council approve the above a^pointment of Fire Chief L. E. Snider as Building Inspector and Plumbing Inspector. Motion Carried. A motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Ellin that a one thousand dollar bond pe purchased for r'ire -hief Snider as Plumbing and Building Inspector. 1`iotion carried. raving completed the business of the evening, a motion was made by r'isher and secinded by brado that the meeting of the City Council ad*ourn Lotion carried. Attest:) Cit Clerk ' _�' ruary 5, 1-146 I A regular meeting .)f tr:e -ity council of the -ity of - nucorteo wus c,.11ed to order at 8:00 P. IT. ,4ith Lr;.yor Joc L. Hagan presiding. The roll was ;alled and '"arisen, Eilin, Clausius, Fisher and Brado were present. The minutes of the previous neet- ing were read ana a(:,;roved as read. a petition signed by a number of property owners asking that the city .nater servico Ee extended to the commurmity immediately south of the filter was presented and reutL to the city council. lifter some discussion this matter rias referred to the Fire, Light &':later Committee and ti.rith the water superintendent. Mr. Uoore of 407 Second Street, was present at the city council anu asked per- mission to cut down two fur trees in front of his property. After some discussion, the m.,tion was made by Brado and seconded by Dodge that permission be granted to Er. K -ore to cut these two trees at 407 Second. 1_otion carried. I..r. Jacob Riedlinger, Strect Sweeper, spoke to the City Council with reference to his work of sweeping the city streets. • I Severel members of the Junior Chamber of Cimmerce were present and asked the city Council vvnat progress upas being made on the matter of the side walk for Commercial Avenue. Layor Joe L. Hagan c.ssured them that this matter vas being taken care o -f as fast as possible anu that an ordinance to amend ordinance 7#973 tiviiich would create local improve .ent district ."147 which would authorize the building of this • side walk. The complaints of the unsanitary conditions existing north of jhird between T and U Avenues was discussed some length akid was presented by the RJlayor to the Print- ing ringing and Health Committee. Communications from Paul Luvera and the ;yodel Cleaners were presented and read to the City Council in which permission was asked for parking space to be reserved in front of their places of business were read . After this matter was discussed .t some length a motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Clausius that the atove matter be referred to the City .attorney. Motion Carried. The foll6wing communication from John L. Hein was Iresented and read to the City Council after some discussion the motion was made by Ellin and seconded by C,'IUUsius t•.at this matter be referred to the City Attorney. Lotion Carried. K.r. Fred Nelson presented a letter to the City Council asking the the lease of a certain oortion of the north end of 8th Street which was granted to `'e'iley Perry beginning with*the first day of Larch 1944 and ending Feb. 20, 1946, be trans- ferred to Fred Nelson. After some discussion th:.e motion was made by Clausius and-econded by Brado that the above mentioned matter be referred to the City Attorney. Llot ion carried. Lr. Ben Driftmier presented a communication asking that the City Council issue a Quick Claim Deed covering tracts 1 and 10ap S,.nte Park edition and enclosed a. check for X715.00 for the payment of said Qui'M Claim Deed_. After some discussion a motion was m:.de by Clausius ana seconded by Fisher that this matter be referaed to the City i1ttorney for consideration. At the last meeting of the City Council, the - City Clerk was authorized to adver- tise a call for Lida on lots 16®1, and 20 of block 10; Original flat of Anacortes nd that the .bids would be opened on Feb. 5, 194-6. zit this time- a motion was rn,.de by Clausius and seconded by Brado that the City Clerk open bids on said lots. The bids were opened with the following results: J. C. Farrell, x50.00 per lot. Joseph 1. Kagan, $oO.00 per lot and Robert Lee Hamilton, Q"35-00 for the three lots. .After some discussion a motion was made by Fisher and seco6ded by Hu.risen that the bid of Joseph L. Kagan of ;60<00 per lot be accepted. Ades: Iiansen, Dodge, Eilin, Clausius and Fisher. Nays: Brado. Lotion carried. Two insurance policies were presented t. the City Council, one covering the 1030 Ford One and a half ton truck used by the Street Dept. and the 1940 International Dump truck used by -the Street Dept., were referrer to the City Attorney. I� • I, Some time ago Llr. Roy E. Furse, of the Furse Stage Tines, spoke to the City Council and was given permission to have parking space on the south side of 7th stre•.t I` from Commercial .Avenue to a point 751 east to be used as a terminal f, -r the stages �I operated by Pyr. Furse and his company. Since that time, Er. Furse has changed his plans and does not intenu to use this space so a motion was made by Clau;3ius • and seconded by Ellin tnGt the permission given to use this ►parking zone above ! described be revolt. Lotion carried. At this time, Idiayor Joe L. Hagan ap!'-ointed Mrs. Tempa Dodge as a member of the Library Board so succeed !,:rs. Harriett Elder whose term of ap,-ointment on the Library 17joard expired on December 31, 1945. Lotion was made by Clu,usius and seconded by 2isher that the above appointment of Lrs. Tempa Dodge to the Library Board be approved. Notion carried. Ordinance -#918 being an ordinance to purchase Grand View Cemetery and adjacent lands providing for the maintenance and operation of the cemetery =;y the City of Anacortes creating a Cemetery Fund and a Cemetery Improvernitt i+und establish a Cemetery Board and position of Cemetery ;ugertendeL;t outlining the powers, func- tions and duties of a Cemetery Board and Cemetery Superintendent and providing for t,.e finance of the Cemetery was presented and read to the City Council. kfter j some discuosion a motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Ellin th-;A the Cemetery Ordinance above described be adopted. A,es: Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, Clausius and Fisher and Brado. 11rotion carried. I 0 1 14D LJ 1 rAbruary 5. 1946 Continued. At this time Mayor Joe L. Haran presented the following persons as members of the .Cemetery Board. I -Tarry Deane, a three year term. Harry Jackson, a two year. term, and Ruth Amsberry a one year term. A too tion was made by Clausius. and seconded by Ellin that the ap;7oint:nents of the Cemetery Board above named, be approved. Tot ion carried. ;,t this time, ordinance 4977 being an ordinance ammending the title.and section 5 of ordinance #973 of. the City of Anacortes pertaining to the improvement of Commercial Avenue by building a u° cement side walk from 12th Street to 17th 3t. Passed the 16th day of Oct. 1945, was presented and read to the City Council. After some discussion, a motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Brado, that the a1jove described ordinance ammending #973 be adopted as a whole. Ayes: Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, Clausius, Fisher and Brado. At this time, Ordinance #979 being and ordinance amending Ordinance No. 228, entitled, LOBeing an Ordinance to establish a public library and reading room in the .City of .Anacortes, Skagit Courity, '.:ashington," passed April 1, 1901, to conform with Chapter 65 of the 1941 Session Lags of the State of 1,7ashington, and creating a Public Library Fund for depositing moneys received for the library through State Aid donations, and like sources. After some discussions, a motion was.made by Clausius and seconded by Ellin that the above described ordinance be adopted. Ayes: Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, Clausius, Fisher and Brado. Potion was made by Ellin and seconded by Brado that the City Clerk call for bids for. doing the printing for the period beginning March 1, 1940 and ending Larch 1, 1947. Mr. Floyd E. Osborne made a request for a quiC- Claim Deed covering lots 1 to 6 inclusive, lot 5 Shannonos amended plat, to the City of An.acort-6s. After some discussion, a motion was made by Clausius and seconded: by Ellin that the City Attorney be authorized to prepare a quick Claim Deed for the above described lots for a consideration of 'V50.00 and that the Mayor and City Clerk be autaor9 ized to sign said quick Claim Deed. Motion Carried. The following claims against the -ity of Anacortes for the month of Junua.ry 1946 were presented and read to the City Council. CURRENT EXPENSE Joe L. Hagan 13316 George Brado 13319 C4arles F. Fisher 13366 3yd Ellin 13381 E. E. Dodge 13382 E. A. Clausius 13363 H. L. Hansen 13384 0. E. Arges 13385 John G. Do rcy 13366 ':r. V. Wells, Sr. 13387 Dr. .A. B. Cook 13388 carry Davis 13389 Samuel Mclvor 1331>J Harry Davis 13391 A. R. Sellerithin 13392. ':lithhclding Tax Fund 13393 G. '1. Dalstead, P.."K. 13394 Lulu Cole 13395 Burroughs Add. Hachine Co. 13396 Kee Lox Mgf. . Co. 13397 Anacortes Daily .tlercury 13396 G. ,\T.. D:.,Istead, P -:d. 13399 H. E. Iuansfield, Inc. 13400 Bernard T. J son 13401 Galvin Mfg. Corp. 13402 Anac.o rtds Gas Co. 13403 Island Transfer Co. 13404 H. II. Hinshaw 13405 Nick Petrish 134Jo Jack Goff 1340'7 i. Po1lara 13408 :arx;en Thompson 13409 Carl Springer 13410 V7i thho ldi ng Tax Fund. 13411 Jim .Hill 13412 1:arshall '.jells Store 13413 Dept. of Labor & Ind. 13414 Jack ':'!i t tman 13415 E. A. .Abbott Motor Co. 13415 .Anacortes L:zundry & Cleaners13417 f,.cCullough°s Texaco Service 13418 J. B'. Goff 13419 H. H. Hinshaw 13420 L. E. Snider 13421 Bert'Verrall 13422 Oliver Hauge 13423 K. 7. Snart 13424 M'. G. Strock 13425 C. T. ,Strock 13426 Jay Thayer 13427 Ed Alexander 13428 Salary as mayor 2j.00 3"iary as Cjuncilman 10.00 to ID 5.00 to r 10.00 it it io 5.00 to 94 41 l 10.00 to S0 10 10. 00 F° 't Deputy Treasurer 90.00 to t° City Clerk 62.50 " 11 City Attorney 62.50 to 't Health Offic�!r 41.40 " 11 Dog Catcher 25.00 It i' Janitor at City Hall 00.00 f° " Garbaggt Dump Man 40.00 It ".Police Justice j0.10 Withholding Taxes 33.50# Postage for Clerk's office 5.00 Work in Clerk's Office 23.00 Supplies yc Service 5.51 Supplies, City Clerk's Office 1.29 Printing, Legal notices 19.5.0 Postage, City Treas. Office 1.00 Bond for City Treasurer '75.00 Service on City Hall Radio Eqp-t. 7.10 Payment on City Hall Radio Eqpt. 2502.31 Gas used in City Hall 5.35 .Fue.l Oil Used In City H:wll 6.46 Salary as Cftief of Police 217.20 it " Asst. Chief of Police 210.90 Co " Capt. of Police 197.00 `Q 't Patrolman 113-30 Pat ro1,gon 1y0.00 Pat rolman 190.00 Withholding Taxes ,41.50# Tire itepairs, Police Dept. 1.0,E Supplies, Police Dept. 1.06 Ind. Ins. & ),Zed. Aid 13.'/y Supplies, Police Dept. 4.80 Change of Eqpt., Police Cars 12.64 Laundry Service, Police Dept. 1.23 Tires, Police Dept. 31.24 Cash Advanced '1.52 Cash Advanced 2.03 Salary as Chief of Fire Dep t. 212.53 ,clary " Asst. Chi6f of Fire Dep t1 C, 0.77 " f1 Capt. of Fire Dept. 193-59 Capt. of Fire Dept. 185.69. Fireman 1117.50 " t0 Fireman 111.50 " " Fireman 165.'74 't 11 Fireman 113.20 �'� 5v �la.h f!�n f•if•i�I7�ri J. G. Dorcy 13429 Call Man & E;�.tra Fireman 5.36 H. Chevrier 13430 M '° Fire Dept. 6.30 R. McDougall 13431 Call Man & Extra fireman 2.50 'lithholding Tax Fund 13432 Withholding Taxes 90.00 Pen. &Relief +and 13433 2%of Firemen's Salaries 32.J6 L. iI. Snider 13434 ?:,ileage on Car & Inspection .Tork 28.4 Mater Dept. 1335 Trydretit Rental 505.00 Iiiai~ne Safety Applicanes Co. 13436 Supplies, Fire Dept* j.00 Anacortes Equipment Co.1343'/ 2274 ;applies, Fire Dept. 1.03 City Street Fund 13438 Gas Used, Police & Fire Depts. '/1.60 Tweten Motor. Co. 13439 Repairs on DeSoto 157.67 Union Oil Service Station 13440 Tire Service, Desoto 2.86 Voitus Furniture Store 13441 Supplies, Fire Dept. 1..55 J. C. Penney Co. 13442 Supplies, Police & Fire Depts. 24.20 fest Coast Telephone Co. 13443 Telephone Service, City Hall 12.35 Marine Su. -ply & Hardware 13444 Supplies, Police & Fire Depts. 7.31 ;chiaartz Iron :'forks 13445 1flaterial & Supplies, Fire Dept. .3 John Gi Dorcy 13446 Fees for Reg/ of Births & Deaths 13.29- ,eithholding Tax Fund 1344'] 'dithholding Taxes 2.72 Puget Sound Poweg, A Light 1344th Light Service, City Hall 294.18 ilioneer Inc. 13449 Registration Supplies ).y3 Katherine H. Snider 13450 ;fork on Registrations 50.00 Association of ';dash. Cities 13451Zembership Fee 125.00 The Fern Press 13452 Printing & Supplies u9./O Benson Motors 13453 Repairs & Service 33.11 3t. Clair Jackson 13454 Salary as Janitor, Comm. Bldg. 140.20 Withholding Tax Fund 13455 Withholding Taxes Anacortes `Mater Dept. 13456 Mater Used In. Comm. Bldg. 10.55 Southside Hardware 13457 Material for Comm. Bldg. h./b Puget Sound Power & Light 13458 Lights in Comm. Bldg. 2y.4J Island Transfer Co. 13459 Fuel Oil Used in Comm. Bldg. 69.19 Dept. of Labor & Ind. 13460 Ind. Ins. & Lied. Aid .3b Island Transfer 134bl Stove Oil m City Clerk 13.10 LIBRARY FUND Constance Fox 2266 Salary as Librarian 97.48 Blanche Sackett 2267 Salary as Acting Librarian 42.30 L:ildred N. Sufford 2268 Sal�.Lry as Children's Librarian 110.00 Samuel LicIvor 2269 ;clary as Janitor at Library 90.00 Withholding Tax Fund 2270 ';'ithholding Taxes 10.20 Hansen°s Electric Scop 2271 Balance on Contract 104.30 Water Dept. 2212 dater Used In Lib:•ary 2.50 Vest Coast Telephone Co. X2/3 Telephone Service, Library.50 311.0 ,7. Harry Hartman 2274 Books for LibrEry 16.75 Charles Scribner's Glons 2275 Books for Library 56.50 Constance Fox 2276 Cash Advanced 3.50 Elizabeth Dwelley 2277 11:iineographing Service 1.50 Constance Fox 2278 Traveil�ng .Expense 0./9 Pacifice NW Bibliograph Cen. 22'79 Membership Fee 20.00 Kark Krupa 2280 Boiks for Library 31.65 .Dept. of Labor & Ind. 2201 Ind. Ins. & Led. Aid .31 P,�get Sound Power & Liight 2282 Light Service m Library `i•0�2_. G. F. Keller b/118 a t; Iiflerman i erman. 674.20 PARK FURD J. E. Harding 1667 Salary as Park Supt. 173.30 Frank Knapp 1668 Salary as Park Lmploye.e 170.00 Withholding Tax Fund 16u9 'Jithholding Taxes 1u.'70 Marshall Wel-Is stores 1070 Supplies for Park Dept. 5.62 Amcor-tes Via -ter Dept. 1671 ',-later Used In Park 2.50 City Street Fund 1672 Gasoline Used In Park Truck 2.95 Dept. -of Labor & Ind. 1673 Ind. Ins. % LIed. Aid 6. 60 . 311.0 ,7. 171"ITHHOLT)ING TAX FUND People's Nat'l Baru of Wash. 31 T.'tal Withholding Taxds for Jan. 4'10.00 T. G. ucCrory 6771 Salary as Water Supt. 2bb.10 Saaie I.i. Arges 87/2 1' 'i :.ate Cashier 156.50 Dorothy Fee 8773 tQ " Clerk 127.90 John G. Dorcy 8 774 10 " Bookkeeper 51.10 C�arles �ledlund 715 11 " ;Nater Foreman 230-00 Russell Carolan 8/76 t° Ser � i cerrlan 182. 30 '1. 0. Rogers 6777 t4 Filterman 196.10 G. F. Keller b/118 a t; Iiflerman i erman. ¢ e c7 3irett a°a..n Deane'3�� '° 11 Filterman 173.30 Lester Thomas 8161 " S° Pumptnan '.3ithrolding 196.10 149.40 Withholding Tax Fund 8782 Tax Deductions 365.01 Hamburg Iron Jorks 6783 Labor ® hluyeria,l & supplies I.O. Davey 19nd and Insurance 4.00 Marine Supply & Ha.rdware .6784 0785 Iulaterial & Supplies .,0.65 ';lest Coast Telephone Co. 6186 Telephone Service 9.45 G. N. Dalstead, P. 11. 8787 Postage & Postal Cards 106.00 16.29 City Street Fund 6788 Gasoline Used In Lotor Vehicles 1 1 61 1 16 10 1 LJ 10 L J Rph miry 5. 194h Cnntimipri Curtis `Jharf Co. Trulson Motor Co. Island Transfer Co. T. G. ?McCrory Burroughs Adding Machine Co. H. D. Fo.: ler C o . Feder4l Pipe & Tank Co. Pennsylvania Salt Mfg. Co. Ropes Inc. Skagit Valley Telephone Co. 3ka.�it Electric Co. ',7orthington Gamon 'Meter Co. Pacific IXighway Translipt 3chirartz Iron Works The Fern Press Dept. of Labor & Ind. '.7allace & Tiernan Co. Puget loand Power & Light H. 0. Davey E. A. Abbott Kotor Co. Roy McDougall Lynn Balcomb Carl Thorene Dave Summers Carl ':elk Artis Taylor Jacob Riedlinger T. G. idcCrory John G. Dorcy Withholding Tax Fund Earine Supply & Hardware Trulson Idotor Co. H. 0. Davey Cook Truck &.Eqpt. Co. Dept of Labor & Ind . Wm. G. I!, cCallum Brown Lmbr. Co. Lt. Vernon Bldg. Laterial pacific Asphalt Paving Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Shell Oil C_mpany Standard Oil Co. Schwartz Iron ',Yorks 8789 Material for Slater Dept. 50.06 8790 Truck Repairs 18.13 8791 +uel Oil, Filter Plant 24.50 8.792 Cash Advanced 1.97 8793 Supplies for Water Office .46 0794 3erice, ':'ester Dept. 17.00 8795 Pipe Bands •72.10 8796 Crilorine. for Filter Plant 79.46 879'/ Supplies for Water Dept. 9.20 8798 Telephone Service At Avon. y.10 6T99 Labor & 11'aterial '15.17 5800 Teter Parts 59-178 6801 Freight on P$pe Bands .62 8802 Labor, Material & Supplies 9.11 8803 -Printing and Supplies 30.1 8804 Ind. Ins . & Med. Aid. 16.98 8805 Material & Supplies 4,34 b806 Power & Service 1153456 8807 Ins. On. Int. Pickup Truck 16.35 6608 Seyvice on .Dodge Cjupe 3-98-- 2279 Gasoline, City Pump 4316.14 CITY ST +' �T FUND 2258 Salary as St. Foreman 196.10 2259 Salu,ry as Graderman 4 2200 Salary as 11aint. Man 198.10 2261 10 1° 11 10 182.30 2262 1t 1V 10 to lb1.30 2263 IV 1f 90 iV 173-30 2264 It 00 itteet Sweeper 111.30 2265 10 10 i0 Supervisor 41.50 2266 10 If Bookkeeper 41.50 2267 Withholding Tax Deductions 12u.90 2268 Material & Supplies 51.37 2269 Truck R.pairs 91.00 2270 Bond for Street Supervisor 4.00 22'71 Parts for Street Truck 3.80 2272 Ind. Ins. & IIed. Aid 21.73 22'74 Ins. On Street Truck 41.82 2275 Lumber for Street Dept. 5.24 Co. 2276 Supplies for Street Dept. 36.70 22?7 Supplies for Street Depaartmrnt 53.56 Co. 2278 Power for Crusher J7-50 2279 Gasoline, City Pump 104.62 2280 Gasoline & Oil 11577 2273 Service for Street Dept. 1._03 2005.94 CEMETNRY FUND The Fern Press 3 Printing; Supplies lo.27 Ben Driftmier 4 Recording Cemetery Deed 1.15 Trick & ::array 5 Book Y records for Cemetery 62.41 100.43 A Motion was mode by :Bilin and seconded by Hansen that the above claims be referred to the Finan -,e Committee. I:iotion Carried. 'the Finance Committee considered the above claims and recommended that the claims be allowed and warrants be drawn in favor of the same. Notion was made by Ellin and seconded by Hansen that the recommendation of the Finance Comm-ittee on the matter of the claims against the City of Anacortes for the month of Jan. 1946 be adopted. Ayes: Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, Clausius, Fisher & Brado. Lotion carried. Having completed the business of the evening, a motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Brado th,A the meeting of the City Council adjourn. I;:otion carried. the City Council did then adjourn. iSl r Joe L .HAgaIn Attest: ���✓ Jy,11mber Lorcy - City /1 r"k Ordinanc980 provid n .for the installation of a lateral sewer from the vicinityavenue down the alleys of Block 122 and 89 of the Original Plat of the City of-Anacortes to a connection with the trunk sealer on M Avenue and creating Local Improvement District Number 1481 was presented and read to the Gity Council. After some discussion a motion was made by :Ellin and seconded by Clausius that said ordinance providing for the above described sewer be adopted. 1�,ttest: kayor City Clerk 1.34 February 19, 1946. The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 8:00 o'clock P.E. with ELayor Joe J. Hagan presiding. Roll as called and Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, Clau.sius, Fisher and Brado Mere presen . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved Us read. Mr. Oak Smith was present at the meeting and asked the city council to sell him down cedar timber for posts. _.fter some discussion, a motion as made by :Bodge and seconded by Brado that Mr. Oak Smith be given permission to cut down cedar,timber on the city pro- perty near the Garbage Dump to make posts. 6, Lotion carried. Lr. C.V. ':,eekley was present at the meeting and spoke to tae city council and asked that he be given water service. Zr. Weekley had been using an un- authorized water service for some time, and the city council discussed wt some length what action should be taken in this matter. ^ motion was made by. 4insen and seconded by Dodge that tae matter of compensation to the city for. the period of the unauthorized water service used by .ter. C.V. Weekley be referred to the city council as a whole and the City_Attorney. Motion carried. The following letter from lir. H. J. Fee was presented and read to the city count il: Anacortes, ilashington February 18, 1946 Honorable iAayor and City Council, Anacortes, 'Jashington. Gentlemen: I would like to purchase Lots 15 & 16 Block 109 of the Original Plat of the City of Anacortes. I would appreciate having you give this matter your earliest consideration, Thanking you in advance, I am Yours very truly', Horace J. Yee. " �v motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Hansen that the City Clerx advertise for bids on Lots 15 and 16 in Block 109 of the Original Plat of the City of nacortes, after having been appraised and a mini,aum price stated. l:r. Fred G. Cartwright, :am. :i. L,,IcCallum and H.O. Davey were named as appraisers fur these lots. .1 Resolution approving the development of the hast -Gest Nortri State Highway and wort vevelopment association was presented to the City council, ana a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by -wodge that said Aesolution be adopted. Motion carried. iri yor Joe J. Wigan presented a price quotation for decorating certain parts of the Anacortes Community Building. .A motion eras moue by Clausius end beconde by Ellin that this matter be referred to the Building Committee. Eotion carried Councilman Dodge suggested that as the Bowling Alleys here being dismantled and would be stored for future use, that it might be a good plan to have the boiling alley moved to the Anacortes Community Building. The city council discussed this matter but no official action was taken. The following letter from the Cemetery Board was presented and read to the city council: to Anacortes, Washington. Febru,i.ry 19th, 1940. Hon. ilayo r and Llembers of the Council of the City of Anucortes, Skagit County, .Vashington. Gentlemen: The members of the Cemetery Board herewith submit a portion of the proposed rules and regulations formulated for the operation of GRAND VIE71 CELIETF,RY. Your Bogard members feel that the first consideration is the securing of a competent Cemetery Superintendent, the determina- tion of his salary, and the fixing of brices for cemetery lots, blocks and grave spaces. "lith that in mind �Je therefore submit to you at this time only that portion of the rules and regulations which seem imperative at the present time. ,.'e will, from time to time, submit further and more complete rules and regulations as time and experience in the operation of the cemetery reveal the need and suggest procedute. Respectfully, CUKET7,ERY BOA2D OF CITY OF A-W.CORTES, by Ruth 3. Amsbergy Secretary ;, motion was mode by Ellin and seconded by Dodge that the rules, r egul,i t ions and prices outlined by the above letter be adopted. Lotion carried. 1 1 [7 � 0 1 February 19, 1946. In the matter of the Petition signed by residents immediately to the South of the present City Filter, in which they ask for 1iater service, Councilman Hansen renorted that the Fire, Light and Pater Committee was still working on this matter, and would make a report on the estimated cost of this system in the near future. T.G. McCrory made an oral report on this matter, and pointed out somo of the difficulties in the constructing of a system at this time. . An Ordinance providing for the installation of a lateral sewer down the alleys of Block 89 and 122 from a point near K A*Penne to the trunk sewer on M Avenue, was presented and read to the- city council. After some discussion, a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Brado that said Ordinance providing for the installation of the above described sewer be adopted. :Motion carried. Reference was made to the minutes of the meeting of February 6, 1946, which should have the following additions: "Ordinance No. 977 amending Ordinance No. 9?3, which provides for the construe tion of a six-foot cement sidewalk on the `,fest side of Commercial Avenue from 12th Street to 17th Street, was presented and read to the city council. After some discussion a motion was made by ""lin and seconded by �;lausius that the said Ordinance No.977 be adopted. Idotion carried. n A motion was made by ill in and seconded by Fisher that the City Clerk be amthorized to call for bids for the construction -of the six-foot cement side- walk on the �;est side of Commercial -Avenue, from 12th to 17t�l Streets; and for the consUPuction of a six-inch sewer in the alleys of Block 89 and 122 from a point near K Avenue to the trunk sewer on Til Avenue, and that said bids be returned to the City Clerk on Iularck 19, 1946. Lotion carried. At a recent meeting of the city council a lease was granted to the ' ashington Shingle Co. on certain parts of Twentieth Street. Since that time the Washington Shingle Co. was sold and is now known as the Olin Hardman JJfg. Co. The new oviners of this mill have requested that the .Lease be re -written to include the name of the new company. A motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Hansen that the City :It to rney be authorized to re -write the Lease above described and that the payor and City Clerk be authorized to sign said Lease. Motion carried. Mr. W.V. ';,ells Jr., City Attorney, recokmended the acceptance of an insurance policy on the 1930 Ford truck belonging to the Street Department, and also an insurance policy covering the 1940 International dump truck belonging to the city Street department. A motion oras made by Brado and b econded by Clausius that the City Council accept the recommendation of the City Attorney in the above described insurance policies. -1,11[otion curried. Mr. VI.V. ';dells, Jr., City Attorney, made an oral report on the application for reserved p-_rki.ng signs. Iflotion made by Bodge and seconded by Clausius that this utter be tabled and referred to the Str.eets::and'.-Parks committee and City Attorney for further investigation, and report back to the city council. Motion carried. The following communication from lar. Ben Driftmier on behalf of iUrtha Bar- rick, was pd-esented and read to the city council: fOTo the Honorable mayor and City Council: On behalf of Martha Barrick I enclose herewith a tender of Fifteen Dollars, which I respectfully ender in payment of a Quit Claim deed from the city to the following: Tract Seven and Ten, Cap Sante Park addition to the City of Anacortes, Skagit County, �:ashington. It is my understanding that the City L.I.D. claim hereon has been previously foreclosed but I make this tender in order to clear the cloud from the title. Respectfully, Ben Driftmier. it The above communication was referred to the City Attorney who recommended that the offer of the above communication be accepted. A motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Brado that the recommendation of the City Attorney be adopted, and that a quit claim deed be prepared and that the x-ayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign said deed. notion c: rried. The report of tAe Chief of Police for the month? of January, 194b, was pre- sented and read to the city council, and a motion was ,made by Fisher and seconded by Clausius that said report be referred to the License and 11ol,ice Department, motion carried. The report of the Police Juati ce for the month of January, 1946, was pre- sented to knd read to the city council and a motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Brado that said report be accepted and placed on file. Potion c;.rri ed. The report of the .,later superintendent for the month of January, 194.6, was presented and read to the city council and a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Hansen that said report be referred to the Fire, Light and Water Committee. ILotion carried. 11.. If -3 6 February 19, 1946. The report of the Zitreet Foreman for the. -month of January, 1946, was presented and read to the city council, and a motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Hansen that said report be referred to the Streets and :'arks Committee. Trot ion carried. The report of the mire Chief for the month of Janu:..ry, 1946, was presented and read to the city council and a motion ,vas made by Brado and seconded by Clausius that said report be referred to the Fire, Eight and eater Committee. i+:iotion carried, The Gasoline report for the month of Januu,ry, 1946, was presented and read to the city council, and a motion wasmade by Clausius and seconded by Ellin that said report be accepted and placed on file. Kot ion carried. The matter of the unsanitary condition on Third Street between T and U avenues was discussed at some length, but no official action was taken in the matter. The renewal of the Chlorine Contract between the :'ennsylvania Salt 11anu! acturing Co. of `.lashington, located at 'Tacoma, Washington, and the city of Anacortes to furnish Chlorine to the city of Anacortes during the period from Aoril 1, 1946 to Earth 31, 1947, was presented to the city council, and a motion was ra..cae by Brado and seconded by Ellin that said Contract be renewed and that the Yltyor and City Clerk be authorized to sign said Contract. motion carried. A motion wasmade by.Clausius and seconded by Br,.do that the dity Clerk be auth- orized to open the printing bids. Kotion carried. Said printing bids were 6pen.edo One was from the Anacortes Daily Mercury and one bid was from the gnacortes American. After some discussion a motion was made by Clausius and seconded by r'isher that the bid of the Anacortes Daily.!ercury be accepted. Ayes: Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, Clausius, Fisher and Brado. Motion carried. The matter of installing a street light at the corner of 24th and T Avenue waa discussed abd i7as referred to the Fire, .Light and `.later Committee. Having completed the business of the evening a motion was made by Fisher and seconaed by Clausius that the meeting of the city council adjourn. i�iotion carried. The meeting of the city council ATTEST: did then adj a V*�X, I, hYOR March 5, 1946 A regular ISeeting of the City Council of the City of Ana^.ortes was called to order at b o'clock P. T.:. with ill"ycr Joe L. Hagan presiding. dhe roll was called and �nsen, Dodge, Ellin, Clausius, Fisher and Brado. I -r. Frank -ilkey gave a very complete. -report of the ,progress being made by him in surveying the area to the vest and southof the present the ,resent Cemetery. Mr. Frank Gilkey also presented a plat of the work being done as above outlined and a motion was made by Brado a:d seconded by Ellin that the plat of the neva additions to Grand view Cemetery be adopted and that theuayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign said plat. motion carried. Franx Gilkey spoke to the at some length regarding the laying out of the area to the south of the present Cemetery and recommended �SloZ that a certain section in the southwest corner of the above described tract be set aside as a-emorial, and a motion vies made by Ellin and seconded by Clausius that the area recommended by "Lr. Frank. Gilkey ' in the new area to the south of the present Cemetery be set aside as a memorial. Motion carried. 111r. T. G. McCrory, City .;Ingineer, sopke to the City Council and recommended that this area be set aside as a memorial. Report on aurveyinm of Grandvieu Cemetery group of ladies from the '.;omen's Club and the Business and Professional oma.n°s Club Club were present and spoke to the City Council and requested that the Ooinen°s application Club and the Business ane Professional ;omen be given a letter giving then for rooms in permib�ion to have'eharge of the rooms now occupied by the USO in the Anacortes !Com. Bldg. Community Building, also the former Library Rooter in said building, and that a letter be written to the Anaccortesomen°s Club to this effect. After some discussion, a, motion tra.s made by Clausius and seconded by Hansen that if and when the room now occupied by the USO becomes available, that a committee from the Clomen°s Club and the Business and Professional Jomen°s club will meet with the City Council to provide equitable rates for rent, heat and janitor service. lotion Carried. The motion also included the room known as the Library Roomf See bottom of page 137 for letter. i..r. R. E. '°°ouglas tvra,s present and spoke to the City Council and asked permission: R. E. Douglas to lease certain City property. After some discussion a motion vt�as made by Program Fisher and sec)nded by Clausius that the Mayor appoint a Cpecial Committee to investigate the plan of R. E. Douglass for his recreational Project -Lotion Carr:. x-ayor Hagan then aol-,ointed T. G. TicCrory, Dodge, Ellin Hansen & Clausius- ied. 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 �e 1 3 7 March 5, 1946 Continued. 21r. J. E. Gaskill spoke to the City Council and stated that he was pumping out septic tanks in Anacortes and requested a place to dump the refuse from his truck. After some discussion, a motion'was made by Fisher and seconded by Ellin that i.lr. J. E. Gaskill be given .err-ission to dump the refuse from his septic tank pumping truck at the Garbage Dump until such time as the City can hear from the State Pollution Commission, at Seattle, Wash. Motion carried. The resignation of Walter Hammons as Councilman from the oecond Ward was presented and read to the City Council and a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Clausius that the resignation of ;'alter Izmmons be accented and that a letter expressint the thanks and api)reciation of the Mayor and City Council be sent'to' Mr. 'falter gammons. Motion carried. The Following Rej)ort by TIr. T. G. McCrory, City Engineer, was presented and read to the, City Council: Anac ortes, Wash., Parch 5, 1946. Honorable Mayor & City Council, Anac ortes, Wash. Gentlemen„ . In the matter of the servers for the district from 2'1..h Street, South to 36th Street and from Avenue K to Avenue S,, a preliminary estimate of the cost of such a project is 072,000.00. This would amount to approximately '140.00 per lot of 30' x 100'. This cost contemplates being able to connect on the existing server between 28th street and 29th Street on Avenue T. Respectfully Submitted, T. G. McCrory City Engineer Copy of above letter to be sent to Mr. H. G. McDonald who resides at 3402 -Com. avenue. The above report was accepted by the City Council. Complaints have been received by the members of the City Council that certain persons are unlawfully dumping garbage at the old g-:•.rbage dump on Oakes Avenue, and a motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Dodge that an appropriate sign be posted at this location, prohibiting the use of this location as a garbage dump in the future.Motion carried. The report of the C11ief of Police for the month of 1946, was pregen,ted and read to the City Council and a motionwas m3&t_ by Clausius and seconded by fisher, that the said report be referred to the :License and Police Committee. The report of the Police Justice for the month of February, 1946, was presented and read tb the City Council and a motion -:vas made by Ellin and seconded by Hansen that said report be accepted and referred to the License and Police Committee. motion carried.. TIT Report of the !later Superintendent for the month of February, 1946, was, presented and read to the City Council and a motion was made by Brado and seconded by Ellin that said report be accepted and referred to the Fire, Light and :later Committee. L -lotion Carried. Street.roreman's Report for the month of February. 1946, was presented and read to the Ci�y Council and:a motion was'made by Clausius and seconded that said report be accepted and referred to the atreets and A'arks Committee. Lotion carried. The unauthorized use of City water by C. V. a0eekley and son was discussed at some length and a motion was made by Dodge and seconded by*Clausius that the City Attorney write to the said C. V. '�jeekley & Son and tell them that the City Gouncil was considering action on the unauthorized use of water by the said C. V. Weexly and.3on. Lotion carried. Too separate proposed ordinances, one on wiring and -e on plumping `Jere pre- sented to the City Council and a motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Ellin.that said proposed ordinances on plumbing and wiring be referred to the City Attorney. Lotion carried. The Fire -Chiefs Gas�larie.:re'port_ for the month of February, 1946, was presented and read to the City Council and a motion was made by Clausius and Fisher that said gasoline report for the month of February, 1946, be' adopted. T.Lotion carried. The report of the City Treasurer, for the month of February, 1946, presented to the City Council and was referred by the Mayor to the Finance Committee.' inacortes, Wash., November 14, 1945 To the Honorable Krayor and members of the City Council: lit a meeting held on November 13th the members of t'he Anacortes "loman's voted unanimously in favor of the recommendation of their Committee that the dining room and kitchen in the Community Building, when availablo, r- r--,7Prvpd for the use of the community, and that the :roman's Club and the Busineus• €end Professional '#omengs Club be given supervision of those rooms; also that the room it known as the "Library" be reserved for c,mmittee meetings and small community gatherings. This recommendation, I believe, was read before the Council Ideeting of November 13th by firs. Allmond. This letter is being ~mitten so that you may have on file a written endorsement of the ',soman' s Club. Very truly yours, ANAL ORTES WOMAN ° 3 CLUB (Signed) Isma Reynolds, Secretary. Ty Ers. J. ?7. Reynolds, Secretary. 1 J F 01 1 The following claims again,t the City of Ana,cor,ces for the month of i ebruary 1946 were presented -nd read to the City Council. CURREX1 EXYEMSE, Joe L. Hagan 13462 3alury as Layor 20.00 George Brado 13463 " 1P Councilman 10.00 Charles Fisher 13464 " " `� 10.00 Syd Ellin 13465 t0 " it 10.00 E. E. Dodge 13466 `O10.00 " ;, E. A. Clausius 13467 t0 It lO.OJ H.L.Hansen 13468 i0 it f7 10.00 0E.Arges 13469 Salary as Dep. Treas. ;0.00 John G. Dorcy 13470 't City Clerk 62.50 "t7. V. '.:'ells,Jr. 134.71 t° " City :'ltty. 62.50 Dr. A. B. Cook 13472 t0 `" Health Cfficer 41.40 A. R.. Sellenthin 13473 '7olice Jujtice 50.10 Harry Davis 134'14 Dog Catcher 25000 3u,nuel :IcIvor 13475 " Janitor,City Hall 6o.00 Harry Davis 134.76 :' f° Damp man 4J.00 `�t.Clair Jackson 13477 " " Ja,. itor,Com. Bldg. 140.20 Withholding Tax Fund 13478 '.Jithholding lax Deduc tions 43.30; Seattle Rubber ;tamp Co. 13479 Dog Tugs 14.42 Lyle ° s Grocery & Larket 13480 Supplies, City Fall x.66 ;,m. G. LcC.tilum 134bl Premium on Bonds 15.00 K. A. Kingsley 13482 1-remium on Bond 5.00 Ila,nsen Clectric Co. 13463 Repairs on Com. Bldg. 5.15 Island Transfer Coo 13464 atove Oil,City Hall 13001 �,'ater Lept. 13485 `dater, Com. Bldg. 12050 Island Transfer Co. 13466 Fuel Oil, Com. :Bldg. 134.11 L. i�. Snider 1348Inspections 25.00 Affleck Bros. Inc. 13489 Stove Oil, Fire Dept. 4.00 Anacortes Gas Co. 13489 Gas,, City Hall 1531 H. II. Hinshaw 13490 Salary as Y'olice Chief 21'7..20 Nick 1'etrish 13491 t0 t0 Asst. Police Chief 210.90 Jack Goff 13492 `0 1D Captain Police Dept;. 197.60 L. Pollard 13493 ` c0 ,Patrolman 17330 ~Barren Thompson 13494 " 1° Patrolman 190.00 Carl springer 13495 " f0 Patrolm�in ".ithholding Tax Deductions 190.00 41.50# %,Iithholding Tam Fund 13496 Wm. G. HcCal,Lum 1349'1 Premiums on Bonds 25.00 Southside 11p,rdware 13498 -upnlies, Police Dept. 2.25 A. Abbott Motor Co. 13499 .Labor on Ford Sedan, Police !sept. 1.34 Kray V. L.illard 13500 "a,terial & Repairs,?,olice Dept. 1.24 Denson Eotors 13501 Labor & 11a.terials 26.26 Simpson's ;{Blectric Shop 13502 Supplies,l'olice nept.&Com.Bldg, I, . L . ,nid e r 13503 aalary as Dire C of 212011 53 Beit Verrall 13504 " diss°t Fire Chief 190.77 Oliver Hauge K. `.i. Snart 13505 13506 `J Capt. .Fire Dept. tP Capt. ?Fire Dept. 193.59 125.69 Id. G. Strock 13507 " Fireman 171.50 C. T. �trock 13508 to Fireman 117.50 Jay Thayer 13 509 " C1 Fireman 161.20 Ed. Alexander 13510 to Fireman Firemen 173.20 12.53 John G. Uorcy 13511 Extra George Diller 13512 to ;; 6.43 Roy NcDougall A. 29ondhan 13513 13514 Callma.n, Fire Dept. 6.43 3.75 H. Chevrier Withholding Tax Fund 13515 13516 (a " to Withholding Tax Deductions l°�5 bl.Obif Firemen's relief &Pen.Fur:d 13517 2fa of Firemen's Salaries Fire Depts. 32.50 55 18 City Street Fund 13518 Gasoline,Police & Dept. 13.60 Union ail Co. 13519 Triton Fire Snyder°s Pharmacy 13520 Supplies,Fire rept. 1.13 Line Safety "ppliances Co.13521 Supplies, .04ire Dept 4.'71 5 An.cortes Lwndry&uleanersl3522 Laundry Gervice,Fire Dept. 35 Brown Lumber Co&pany 13523 Llaterials, Fire Dept. .88 565.00 :ester Dept. 13524 Hydrant Rentals Lepto 3.64 Southside Hardware 13525 Supplies, r'ire 5.00 1. h. Kingsley 13526 Premium on Bond 1-55 Clifford Jacobson 13527 Labor & Materials 10.60 ';lest Coast 'fele. Co. 13528 Tele. Service,City Hill Dept. 3°05 Kimsey°s Dependable :i kt. 13529 Supi:lies, Fire Office 5.00 G. N. 1`alztawd,P.Z1'- 13530 Postage, Clerk's 23.82 Centr`l Furniture Store 13531 Election precinct Supplies I ",ept. of Labor & Incl. 13532 Ind. Ins. & Lied. :'did 12.41 9.00 Esther Thayer 13533 ,ork on Registrations tP t' to 35000 Katherine Snider 13534 Lulu Cole 13535 Cancelled 0-75 � Swanson Rio Printing Co. 13536 13537 Mork on Registrations 2egistration Supplies 3117 Puget Sound Pr.&Lt.Co. 13538 1.t.Service,City Hall 332.83 The Fern Press 13539 jupplies,roiice .,ept.&Fire Dept. 1.0220 Ii. H. Hinshaw 13540 Stamm 1.00 Anacortes Daily LIercury 13541 Publishing Notices 5536 4'1o25 :,Ulu Cole 13542 1Jork on Registrations 5,142.69 1j 1 J F 01 1 I* [J 1 1 16 �0 1 j Mildred N. Safford Blanche Sackett Samuel KcIvor 'uarj orie D. Ross Maude N. Webb Anacortes 'tiJater Dept, Puget Sound Pro & Lt. Island Transfer Co. Barry Hartman The Personal Book Sho A. E. Lovell .Dept. of Labor & Indo 'tJi thholdi ng Tax Fund Jo E. Harding Frank Knapp Withholding Tax Fund Um. G. McCallum City Street Fund An: cortes 1,7ater Dept. Dept. of Labor & Indo T. G. McCrory Sadie K. `irges Dorothy Fee John G. Dorcy Charles Wedlund Russell Carolan W. 0. Rogers G. F. Ke Ile r A. Sirett Frank Deane Lester Thomas Chas. 7alters %lithholding Tax Fund LIBRARY FUND 2.283 2284 2285 2286 2,287 2288 Co. 2289 2290 2291 p 2292 2293 2294 2295 PARK FUND 1675 1676 i677 1678 16 9 1680 it)BI ;:" a TER DE'P T . 8809 6810 8811 8812 8813 8814 8815 8816 881 819 8819 8820 6621 sland Ranpfer Co.� � ansen ec ric m 228?- 282Lynn .0 Hamburg Iron %orks 8624 Standard Oil Co. 6825 Pittsburgh Eq.!:eter CorApany 8626 Pacific Highway Transport 6827 1dailace & Tiernan 6828 Pennsylvania Salt Co. 6829 Mill B. Ellis, Co. Treas. 6830 E. A. :4bbott Motor 2290 Uurine Supply Co. 883 32 Brown Lumber Co. 88 33 Simpson's 1:lectric Shop 8834 'lorthington Gamon Deter Co. 8835 G. N. Dalstead 8836 The Bristol Co. 8837 Railway Express Agency 8838 Schwartz Iron Works 6839 City Street Fund 8840 Neptune 'Meter Co. 8841 Tax Commission 8842 West Coast Telephone Co. 6843 The Fern Dress 8844 Dept. of Labor & Indo 8845 Puget Sq.und Pro &Lt.Co. 8846 Pacific Highway Transport 684'1* CITY STREET Roy McDougall 228?- 282Lynn LynnBalcomb 2283 Carl Thorene 2284 Dave Summers 2285 Carl " elk 2286 :rt i s Taylor 2287 Jacob Riedlinger 2286 To G. ,corory 2289 John G. Darcy 2290 ,iithholding Tax Lund 2291 Schwartz Iron '.forks 2292 Curtis Wharf Co. 2293 Puget Sound Pr. & Lt. Co. 2294 Cook Truck & Lgpto 2295 tiarine Supply & Hardware 2296 Uorrison Mill Co. 2297 Howard Cooper Corp. 2298 Dept . of Labor & Indo 2299 Shell •ail Co. 2300 Union Oil Co. 2301 The Fern Press Gilkey & ;Tright Peonle°s Nat. Bank Salary as Asst.Librarian 110.00 it. 1°11Librarian 9y o lu it E; `° Janitor 9 0.0 0 ;Japes as Cataloger 21.00 Sub. Librarian 1.50 Vater used at Library 2050 Lights Used at Library 12.32 Hauling Fertilizer 3009 Books for Library 38.10 Books for Library 1.45 Serviae in Library 21.64 Indo Ins. & hied. Aid .28 'Withholding Taxes 10.90# Salary as Park Supt. 173030 Salary as Park Employee 110.00 '.Ji thholding Taxes 16.7 0# Bond for Lewis Harr 5.00 Gasoline used in Park Truck 6.51 eater used in Park .Dept. 2.50 Ind.Inso& I*ed>Aid 50948' Salary as Water Shpt. 26b>10 '0 1° Cashier 156.50 t4 Clerk 12'7.90 10 „ Bookkeeper 53.70 Foreman 230.00 E° " oerviceman 182030 it 11 Filtermi-in 1 8010 Filterman 11.30 Filterman 173.30 Filterman 173.30 `r Pumpmwn 1.9 .10 Laborer 22.50 'Jithhold ing Taxes 153.30{} Fuel Oil for Filter Plant 15.94 liaterials 3c Supplies 20.60 Labor Lruterial & Supplies 175032 Gasoline for ':thistle Lace Pump 1'105 let er farts 10.71. Freight Cancelled Chlorinator Parts 28.05 Chlorine for `.tater dept.. 119.23 Tax Watershed Property 69.77 Repairs & Service 22052 Iuat erial & Supplies 346-23 Lumber for Fire Dept. 23022 Supplies for Fire Dept. 5.62 New deters 146.10 .Postage for '.:cater Dept. 6.00 Supplies for ':Dater Dept. 2.70 Eupre s s Charges 7-34 Lalior,,Vaterial & 'Supplies 31°31 Gasoline used in '.Vater Trucks 15066 Dieter Parts o7 9 Business Tax 534.7 Telephone Service 8025 Printing Service 5.15 Ind. Ins. & lied. Aid 15031 Power & Service 1301.03 Freight :85 Salary aff Street Foreman 196010 i0 Graderman 179-70 " 1° Taint. Irian 198.10 It 176.62 ,p 173.30 IT 1° " 179-08 Street Sweeper 111030 3alaryas St. Supervisor 41.50 `v 10 Bookkeeper 41.50 i7i thho ld in g Taxes 134 . bO# 1daterial & Supplies 4.9 Hater ial Street Dept. 3.61 Power for Crusher 37-5o tarts for Int. Truck 2.99 Material & Supplies 124.o6 Lumber for 3t. 1 ept. 3496 Grader Blades 49.12 Ind. Ina. & Med. Aid 14.63 Gasoline,City Pump 40.30 W It °' 122.45 CEITETERY Ic`UND 6 Filing Cabinet for Cemetery Records 14083 7 Surveying & Tapping 218.40 IT?Ui'JLDING T 11i FUND 32 Total Withholding Taxes 481.48 . 'c19 h> 0 -- !.:arch 5, 1946, Jontinued. motion was made by :Alin and seconded by Hansen that the claims r;,gainst the pity of`nacortes for the inonth of February, 1946, be referred to the Finance Committee. lZotion carried. The .2inlince Committee considered said claims referred to them as above stated and rec^mmehded that the Claims be allowed and warrants dram in favor of the same. R motion' v, -.s -_-4e by Ellin and seconded by Hansen that the a.b6ve reoom­.end,dtion of the Pinance Committee in the matter of tthe claims against the City of Ana- cortes for the month of February, 1946, be ado1)tedo (Motion c-1.rried. Ayes: Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, Cljusius,Fisher and Brado. ,he follo�---zing Aesolution was presented and read to the City Council; Il";50LUT IOY '.,M?tE'3,- Anacortes, �;ashin,lton is located in the 1uorthern portion of the i'u�et' a,und District, conveniently located to serve as u harbor for fishing boats and other vessels entering the waters of Puget wound, and 145,- The accomodations and facilities at the present time for tying up, berthing and otherwise docking the boats of fishermen and other vessels requiring such services, is wholly in adequate t! meet the present needs in this respect,and, 7'1-7E�REAS,- T'- prospect -t the present time is that the demands for tying up, berthing, docking and servicing of fishermen and other vessels will be greatly increased at an early date, which demands and requirements :3hould steadilar increast. in the future; and 7,IE1HEAt,- The City of Anacortes has for several years last past lost a large volum(; of business because of its inability to Pecomod.ate and serve fishing boats recreation boats and other vessels whiu.. would tie up and berth permanently here if prover accomodations were made available; NO''.,' THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That there is an immediate need for greatly increased docking facilities for fishing boats and other vessels in Anacortes; That we urgently request the fort Commissioners of the Port of'Anacortes to insti- tute such proceedings at an early date as will insure the construction of a dock for the pUrfoses above mentioned, near what is known as the t°Shell Oil Dock" in .Lnacortes..That said dock to be so constructed should be of the dimensions of not less that Tvienty (20) feet nide .rlet Three Hundred (3JO) feet long, together V.ith the a .proa.ch thereto, and larger if deemed advisibleo That we also urgently request that every effort be made to•insure the com- pletion of this mock so that it may be ready for use and occupancy during the present season of 1946. The above and foregoing Resolution was duly ar.' regularyl adopted by .:inacor- tes City Council at its regular meeting in Anacortes, Washington, on the 5th day of -...arch, 1946. f.ttest: _City ilerk !'Iayor Having.completed the business of the evening, a motion was made by Fisher and sceonded by Dodge that the meeting of the City Council adjourn. Lotion carried. The meeting of the City Council did then adjourn. YO / Attest: 4ee rk 1 1 1 1 10 1 14D L' J ILiarch 19, 1946 A regular meeting of the Cith Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 8400 p. m. with mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. The roll was called with Hansen, Dodge, Ellin , Clasuius, and Fisher present. A motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Dodge that the City Clerk tail for bids on lots 9 and 10, block 47, original Plat. Potion carried. The special committee appointed by Mayor Joe L. Hagen to investigate the Plan of R. E. plan of Mr. R. E. Douglas for a recreational project on City property in Douglas for Anacortes made an oral report -at this'ti&e.. Oning to the fact that much of a recreationE:1the property desired to be leased by Mr. R. E. Douglas has already been leased project. to Mr. F. E. Foss and Sons for logging purposes, the committee felt that nothing could be done on Ur. Douglas's plan at the present time. It was decided to leave the matter for approximately two years and then consider it at that time. Reports of the Chief of Fire deparment for the month of February 1946 were presented and read to the City Council. ' A motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Hansen that said report be accepted and reported to the fire, light and water comittee. Motion carried. Unauthorized The matter of the unauthorized use of water by Ervin and E. V. Weekly use of water was discussed and decided that the fire, light and water committee would meet on Saturday, Yarch 23 at 1000 a. am. to arranged settlement of this matter. Mayor Joe L. Hagan repDrted that application in install a tavern at 1610 application Commercial avenue had been received by him a.n.d he asked the opionion of the to install City Council on this matter. After some discussion a motion was made by a tavern Ellin and seconded by Dodge that the application for a tavern at 1610 Commercial avenue be refused. Ayes; Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, and Fisher. Not voting; Clausius. Surety bonds for the following City Officials were presented to the City Council; 0. E. Ar, -es, Deputy Treasure, John G. Dorcy, City Clerk, A. P. Sellenthin, Police Justice, John B. Golf, Captain .police Department, H. H. Hinshaw, Chief of Police, Lawarence Pollard, (Patrolman, Nick Petrish, Assitant Chiefs of Police, Carl Springer, Patrolman, L. E. Snider, Building Inspector, Lewis E. Harr, Special Police Patrolman, A motion wasmade by Ellin and seconded by Clauisius that the above names be presented to the City Attorney for approvel. Motion carried. The matter of bus stops on down town corners was discussed at some length and Bus stops Chief of Police, Hinshaw spoke of havine the city buses stop on the far side of the cross street instead of the near side as they do at the present time. The'City Council decided to try the above plan as suggested by Chief Hinshaw, and authorized the Chief of Police to put a notice to this effect in the City papers. At this time an Ordinance electing to come within, complying with, and adopting the provisions of Chapter 261 of the Session Laws of 1945 of the State of Washington. creating a board of trustees of the Volunteer Firemen °3 Relief and Pension Fund- designating its duties; providing for the enrollment of firemen under the refief and compensation and retirement provisions of the above cited act; providing for the collection and payment of fees as required by said act; limiting the membership of the Volunteer Fire Department; transferring moneys from the Volunteer FiremenQs Relief and Compensation Fund to the Volunteer Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund; and repealing Ordinance The minutes of the previous meeting were read and apl.roved as read. A motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Ellin that the bids for constructing a 6 foot side walk on the west side of Commercial Avenue from 12th street to 17th street be opened. Motion carried. The following are names and addresses Construction of the persons submitting bids. Dakan and Thompson, Mt. Vernon, R.and L of side walk Construction Company, Mt. Vernon, and C. V. 1;1ilder Company, Bellingham, 1.7ashington. on Commercial The City Council considered the bids at some length and as the bid of C. V. Avenue. Wilder company was the lowest -of Lhe three a motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Hansen that the bid of C. V. ?gilder and Company be awarded the contract for the construction of the above described side walk on Commercial Avenue .for the sum of 1,948. 50. Ayes: Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, Clausius and Fisher. Motion. Carried. This time a motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Hansen that the bids for the construction of a sewer in the alleys of blocks 89 and 122 from a point Construction near K avenue to the trunk sewer on Pal avenue be opened. A motion was made in that smid sewer bids be opened. Motion Carried. The following firms of sewer blocks 89 submitted bids: Dakan and Thomason, PIt Vernon, and C. V. Wilder and Company, and 122. Bellingham, Washington. After discussion a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Dodge that these bids be held over till the next meeting of the City Council. That the property owners along said alleys in blocks 89 and lc be advised of the amount of the bids for constructing said sewer. Lotion carried. A local improvement peti..tion for the improvement of K avenue between 20th and Improvement 22nd streets was presented and reu.d to the City Council and a motion was made by of K avenue Clausius and seconded by Dllin that said petition by presented to the city Engineer. Motion carried. Improvement And a local improvement petition for the improve:nept of L avenue between of L avenue 20th and 22nd streets was presented and a motion eras made by Dodge and seconded by Ellin that said petition be refered to the city. Engineer. Motion carried. A motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Dodge that the City Clerk tail for bids on lots 9 and 10, block 47, original Plat. Potion carried. The special committee appointed by Mayor Joe L. Hagen to investigate the Plan of R. E. plan of Mr. R. E. Douglas for a recreational project on City property in Douglas for Anacortes made an oral report -at this'ti&e.. Oning to the fact that much of a recreationE:1the property desired to be leased by Mr. R. E. Douglas has already been leased project. to Mr. F. E. Foss and Sons for logging purposes, the committee felt that nothing could be done on Ur. Douglas's plan at the present time. It was decided to leave the matter for approximately two years and then consider it at that time. Reports of the Chief of Fire deparment for the month of February 1946 were presented and read to the City Council. ' A motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Hansen that said report be accepted and reported to the fire, light and water comittee. Motion carried. Unauthorized The matter of the unauthorized use of water by Ervin and E. V. Weekly use of water was discussed and decided that the fire, light and water committee would meet on Saturday, Yarch 23 at 1000 a. am. to arranged settlement of this matter. Mayor Joe L. Hagan repDrted that application in install a tavern at 1610 application Commercial avenue had been received by him a.n.d he asked the opionion of the to install City Council on this matter. After some discussion a motion was made by a tavern Ellin and seconded by Dodge that the application for a tavern at 1610 Commercial avenue be refused. Ayes; Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, and Fisher. Not voting; Clausius. Surety bonds for the following City Officials were presented to the City Council; 0. E. Ar, -es, Deputy Treasure, John G. Dorcy, City Clerk, A. P. Sellenthin, Police Justice, John B. Golf, Captain .police Department, H. H. Hinshaw, Chief of Police, Lawarence Pollard, (Patrolman, Nick Petrish, Assitant Chiefs of Police, Carl Springer, Patrolman, L. E. Snider, Building Inspector, Lewis E. Harr, Special Police Patrolman, A motion wasmade by Ellin and seconded by Clauisius that the above names be presented to the City Attorney for approvel. Motion carried. The matter of bus stops on down town corners was discussed at some length and Bus stops Chief of Police, Hinshaw spoke of havine the city buses stop on the far side of the cross street instead of the near side as they do at the present time. The'City Council decided to try the above plan as suggested by Chief Hinshaw, and authorized the Chief of Police to put a notice to this effect in the City papers. At this time an Ordinance electing to come within, complying with, and adopting the provisions of Chapter 261 of the Session Laws of 1945 of the State of Washington. creating a board of trustees of the Volunteer Firemen °3 Relief and Pension Fund- designating its duties; providing for the enrollment of firemen under the refief and compensation and retirement provisions of the above cited act; providing for the collection and payment of fees as required by said act; limiting the membership of the Volunteer Fire Department; transferring moneys from the Volunteer FiremenQs Relief and Compensation Fund to the Volunteer Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund; and repealing Ordinance 42, March 19, 194b (Continued) #863 of the City of Anacortes, was presented to the City Council. A motion was made by Clauisius and seconded by Hansen that said ordinance be read to the City Council. A motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Clausius that said j ordinance above discribed be adopted as a whole. Ayes: Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, Clau- sius and Fisher. Notion carried. At this time a Ordinance for safeguarding life and property by regulating and providinT.Pg for the inspection fo the installation and maintenance in buildings of Nets Ordinance electric devices and electric material; fixing a penalty for the violation thereof; and creating the office of electrical inspector, was presented to the City Council. A motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Fisher that said ordinance be read to the.City Council. A motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Fisher that said wi.rring ordinance be adopted as a whole. Ayes: Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, Clauisius.l and Fishc;r> Mayor Xoe. L. Hagan appointed Pyr. L. E. Unider as wiring inspector. The motion pointment of was mane by Hansen and seconded by Fisher that the appointment of L. E. Snider tri6eSoinspeider �eoas wiring inspector be approved by the City Council, Motion carried.c or • At this time 2 ordinances, One and Ordinance relating to plumbing; providing for the examination and licensing of journeyman plumbers, and for the licensing, New Ordinates registration and blinding of master plumbers; creating an examinging board for journeyman plumbers; and defining offensces and providing penalties for violatian hereof. And an Ordinance regulating the installation of plumbing, sewer and • state approved septic tank connections and drainage systems in the C-ity of Anacortes; creating the office of plumbing inspector; providing for the issuance of plumbing permits; providing a schedule of fees for the inspection of work covered by this ordinance; providing penalties for the violation of this ordinance; providing for the licensing of plumbers; repealing ordinance no.. 876 of the City of Anacortes and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. A motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Fisher that they hold above described ordinances regarding plumbing until the next meeting of the City Council. Mr. T. G. McCrory, eater superintendent, pointed out the urgent need of a concrete � miter which would cost approximately �}41U.00, �, motion was made by Ellin and purchase of seconded by Dodge that Mr. T. G. McCrory be authorized to purchase a concret mixer a con rete mixer t6 cost approxiamtely x'410.90. Ayes: Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, Clausius, and Fisher. I!,otion carried. Hr. Ubey Sherman and D. Pollom presented written requests for a quit Claim deed on U 49ta. Certain .iota and these requests dere referred to thv City ®ttorney, by a motion made; by Hansen and seconded by Ellin which was passed and so ordered, Having completed the business: of the evening, a motion was rude by Ellin & seconded by Iiansen that the meeting of the City Council adjourn, notion carried. The meeting did then adjourn/ d�Attest: � ity cle1 I J v I April 2, 194b The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was culled to order at 6:00 o'clock p.m. with Mayor Joe L. Hagen presiding. The roll was called with, Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, Calusius, Fisher and Brado, present. The minutes of the previoun 2aeting were read and approved with corrections. The correction was that the total amounts of the various bids for the conotruction of a side walk on G-)mmercial Avenue between 12th street and 11th street and for the construction of a sewar in the alleys of blocks 89 and 122 should have been • given in the minutes. This information will be shown later in the minutes of the meeting. At this time mayor Joe,L. Hagen made the appointment of Romie L. Allen as a Appointment of member of the City Council from the 2nd ',lard. A motion rias made by Ellin and seconat!d Romie L. Allen by Brado that the City Council approve of the appointment of Romie L. Allen as I as a member Df • a member of the City Council from the 2nd Ward. to serve the unexpired time of i City Council Walton Hammonds who recently resigned from the City Council. Motion carried. Romie L. Allen took his oath of office and uwas duelly seated in the City Council. The following letter from the U. S. Navel Air Station at Whidby was and road to the City Council: Honorable Hayor, and Members of the City Council, Anacortes, gash. > Gentlemen, Its is respectfully requested that I be granted permissio6 to paint a N© PARXIIgG space on Bouth side of 8th at. just off Commercial Ave. for the use by SHORE PATROL truck. I could got a sign p-,inted at Naval Base to stand on curb to read FOR SHOD PATROL only if this request is approved. This rcquoDt io of my own origin and does not comae via approvel of Official 7aval sources. I � Thanking you for any cooperation you might give I remain, Very truly yours, I Leon B. Tompkings, Senior Shore Patro4 ± 1 I• 10 1 1 16 10 1., :4 3 Q}nr l ?_ 1g46 (Cont) N0 PARKING sign The motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Hansen that the request stated in the above letter be granted and the proper NO PARKING sign be instructed under the direction of the Chief of Police and Street Supervisor. Motion carried. A petition for the improvement of L avenue beginning at -the intersection improvement of of L Avenue and 20th Street and running sbuth to the intersection of L Avenue and 22 Street and covering, a area of 150 feet both east and west of die .east L Avenue 1 and west sides respectively of L. -Ave was presented and read to the City Council. After some discussion a motion twas made by Clausius and seconded by Hansen that said petition be presented to the City Engineer for recommendation and advice. Motion carried. need o.£ a largez, Mr. J. E. Sheahan spoke to the City Council and pointed our the urgent need of a larger pipe line on L .Avenue between 20th and 22nd streets. He pointed pipe line out that a one inch pipe was serving the people living; in these two blocks. Mr. McCory, Water Superintendent, told the City Council that he had planned on the use of a larger pipe in this area. i The following communication was presented and read to the City Counall Honorable Mayor and Gity Council. - We,. the undersigned, petition your honorable body to vacate the petition to vacate alley in Block 3, Stewart's Addition. Block 3 Stewart'13 The undersigned constitute all the property owners in said block. Addition The entire block has been fenced in and the alley unused for several years. Respectfully, Charles E. Zurcher Vary E. Zurcher Ruth I. Cole After some discussion a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Clausius that this matter be presented to the Fire:Chief, City Engineer, and the Stieet and Parks Comm6ttee. At the last meeting of the City Council the City Clerk was authorized to call for bids on lots 9 and 10 bloclt 47, 021ginalPlat, City of Anacortes and Bide on Lots also on lots 15 and 16, block 109, 03iginal Plat, City of Anacortes. At this time a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Brado that the bids on the above described lots be opened. Motion carried. The bids on lots 9 and 10, block 47, Original Plat, City of Anacortes, were as follows: Gordon Fountain, 150 dollars for both lots and .lean F. Halsey 70 dollars for both lots. The bids on lots 15 and 16, block 109, Original Plat, City of Anacortes were as follows: Kenneth A. gills, 100 dollars for both lots and G. Lee Montgomery, 85 dollars for both lots. After some discussion a motion was made by Clausius and sedonded by Brado that the bids'6f Gordon Fountain in the amount of 150 dollars for lots 9 and 10, in block 47, Original P1atp City of Anacortes and the bid of Kenneth A. 'hills in the amount of 100 dollars for lots 15 and 16, clock 109, Original Plat, City of Anacortes be accepted. Ayes: Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, Clausius, Allen, Fisher, Brado. The City Council at this time discussed the bid of C. V. Willer and Company of Bellingham, Washington, for the construction of a 6 inch sewar in the alleys of blocks 89 and 122 from a point near K Avenue to the trunk sewar on If Avenue. Discussion of (Several residents whose property are situated on these alleys were present and the bid of C. J talked to the City Council. Aftersome further discussion a motion was made by Willer and Co. )Fisher and seconded by Dodge that the contract for the construction for the above described sewar be let to Co V. Willer and Company of Bellingham, Washington. Ayes: Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, Clausius, Allen, Fisher, Brado. G. Vo Weekly's Mr. Ca V. weekly was present and epoke to the City Council with reference to unauthorized his unauthorized use of City Water taken from a water main which crossed his use of City property. After some discussion a motion was made by Brado and seconded by water Clausius that this matter be referedto the City Attorney. lotion carried. I ' The following communication of Kr. -Ben Driftmier was presented and read bo the City Council. - The City of Anacortes, Anacortes, Washington. On behalf of Fidalgo Bay Lumber Co., I tender herewith the sum of Three Transfer of Hundred Dollars, and on their behalf do hereby exercise the right of, pr§perty option as incorporated In that certain lease dated February 11, 1941, originally made by the C'ity of Anacortes, to John Reposa, and by mesne assignments now being the property of the Fidalgo Bay Lumber Co., I respectfully request that conveyance in accordance with the terms of said option be fortwith executed and delivered in order to facilitate continuous operation of the mill located thereon. Respectfully, Ben Driftmier After some discussion on this matter the City Council refered this matter to the City Attorney and Judiciary Committee. The report of the Police Justi.oe for the month of March, 1946 was presented and read tD the City Council. A motion ias made by Ellin and seconded by Hansen that said report be accepted and refered to the License and Police Committee. A q��? ,—��G -C n t knued ) The report of the Street Foreman for the month of March, 1946 was presented tae the City Council and read. A motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Fisher that said report be acedpted' and nfared to Street and Parks Committee. The gasoline report for the month of Harch was presented and read to the City Council. A motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Brado that said report be accepted and referred to Fire A Light Committee. The report of the City Treasure for the month of March, 1946 was presented to the City Council and was referredto the Finance Committee. The report of the Water Supe y endent for the month of March, 1946 was presented and read to the City Council and a motion eras made by Clausius and seconded by Brado that said report be accepted and referred b the Fire, Light and Water Committee. The following City Attorney's report: TO THE MAYORAND COHKORT COUNCIL: Your City Attorney, W. V. Wells, Jr. to whom was refeared the matter of Public Official B9nds, as listed below.- begs elow.begs leave to reprot as follows: Lewis E, Harr, Special Police Patrolman, Great American Indemnity Go. Bond #235007 Leslie E. Snider, Building Inspector, Americran Bonding Co. Bond X898140 John Grover Dorcy, City Clerk, Great American Indemnity Co. Bond renewal notice, #184120 Alfred R. Sellenthin, Police Judge, Great American Indemnity Co.. Bond renewal notice, #184115 John B. Goff, Captain of Police® Haryland Casualty Co. Bond Lawrence .Pollard, Police Patrolman, Harylind Casualty Co. Bond Harold H. Hinshal, Chief o•f Police, Great American Indemnity C'o. Bond Nick IPetrish, ,Assistant Chief of Police, Great Amarican Indemnity Co. Bond Carl. Franklin Springer, Police Patrolman, Great Americana Indemnity Coo Bond I have examined the above named papers, aid find that Legis E. Harr has not signed his bond. Otherwise, they are all in proper.form. April 1, 1946 W. V. Wells, Jr. with reference to Public Official Bonds was presented and read to the City Council. A motion was made by Ellin and sedonded by Brado that the City Attorney's report as stated above be accepted. Motion carried The following communication from Mr. Ben Driftrnier was presented and read to the City Councils To the Houorable Mayor and City Council Anacortes;, Washington I respectfully 2equest, on behalf of Clifford Cuichshank of lease to the following described street end. All that portion of 29th Street lying easterly of the east line of Great Northern dight of Cray.- and located. in Sec. 19, Tp. 35 Y.R. 2 X� 'U. M. For your information advise that said street end is located at location heretofore occupied by Fidalgo Bay Lumber Co., which mill I contemplate purchasing and operating and to insure continuous operation would appreciate punctual action upon this street end lease. On completion I will be sole owner of all abutting property . _ Ben Driftmier Attorney for Clifford Cruichshank -� After some discussion this -communication was referred by the Mayor to the City Attorney and Judiciary Committee. The following communication from Mr. Ben Driftmier on behalf of Albeit R. Chonzna was presented and read t o the City Oouncila To The honorable Mayor and City Council Anacortes, Washington Gentlemen: Lease of Street end 1 1 1 On behalf of Albert R. Chonzena, I tender herewith the sutra of X25.00 for quit claim deed from the city of Anacortes .to Albert R. Chonzena, to the following quit claim deed • desdribed property, tooivit: Lots 2 and 3, in Block 6, Anacortes Hunks First queen Anne Addition to the City of Anacortes, Skagit County, Washington. I am advised that this property in 1912 was subjected to and L.I.D. Assessment which of course has been outlawed many years. Respectfully submitted Ben Driftmier This matter was also referred to the City Attorney. The following communication from Mr. Alf Bdtwan was presented and read to the City Council& ,Anacortes City Council Anacortes, Washington Gentlemen: I am requesting permission to put my sewer line under road in front of Lot 9 Block 197 on the end of 9th Street. I wanted to attend the meeting but couldn't on account of having to work. Please reply as soon as possible. `Toul�G truly, A?,f Bowman After some. discussion a motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Hansen that permiss- g� t gut,a sewsr wade the road in front of lr�t bl$c 19 �n the end of 9th 3 ee s regues ed in he above communication a ran e o ion carriecL6 The f'ollogin communication from the Harris Engine and Eiquipment C®mpany of A�aacortes, Washingkon, vas presented and mad to the City Council: Permission to put in seavar 101 1 I* L' }application for the east half of the butt end of R Avenue. 1916 (Gent) TP the Honorable 2ayor and City Council of the City of Anacortes, Washington Gentlemen: The undersigned Harris Engine and Equipment Fakes application for a ten year lease subject to readjustment of rental at the end of the first five year period of the east half of the butt end of R. Avenue runningfrom the north line of Third Street to the outer line of the harbor area in the City of Anacortes, Washington, the - purpose of the said lease is for t he. building and repair of boats and boat mooring. For the said lease we offer .five dollars per year payable each year in, advance . I own a fifteen year lease on the West u,,a of the Anacortes Shipways property which ajoines the property for which the lease is asked. Mr. Gilkey of Western Tow Boat who owns -the -lease on the West half of R Avenue has no objections to my leasing the east half of R Avenue. Harris Engine and Equipment Company Henry E. Harris Atter some discussion a motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Hansen that the City Attorney prepare a resoultion requesting the lease of the street End mentioned in the above communication and that said resoulution be published -and that May 7, 1946 at 8:00 o'clock F. Mo in,the Council Chamber of the City Hall be designated as the ti.me and place for any protest against the granting ofthe lease on this street end be heard. Notion carried. Mr. T. I. 4PcCory, City Engineer, spoke to the City council and pointed out that certain s -e ..ar ouPfalls had fallen in anc: asked permission to purchase new material. Purchase of so that the sewars maybe repaired at once. �I motion was made by '''ansen anct l for seconded .by Dodge that the City Engineer be authorized to purchase necessary materia fallen l fors. material .for the repair of the sewar for certain ourfalls mentioned .in his oral request as stated above. Motion carried. The mater of purchasing a neer car to be used by the Fire Chief in his duties as plumbing, airing and building inspector and other necessary duties was discussed at some length. Also the matter of purchasing a sedan delivary carfbr the Police D t t d' d t 0-11 11 t' 1 f C question of span r mevanc s isusse a is bmep A ro I cell vote ound that the ouncxl A petition protesting the constructing of a garage on lot 7 and the south .half petition protest -of made 'by Ellen and seconded by Dodge that the City Clerk call for bids for a lot 6 in block 5 Henslers First Edition, City of Anacortes , by Charles Overton ing the const- was presented and readto the City Council. This matter was discussed at some length ructing of and a motion was made by Fisher and seconded by Clausius that there is nothing deed to the City Council. A motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Brado that that the .City Council as a whole or Council Building can legally do in this matter a gora eg, to prevent the building, of this garage, and that the City Clerk a,.visethe people and a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Dodge that the request of the City who signed said petition of this motion by the City Council. Motion carried. Mr. T. I. 4PcCory, City Engineer, spoke to the City council and pointed out that certain s -e ..ar ouPfalls had fallen in anc: asked permission to purchase new material. Purchase of so that the sewars maybe repaired at once. �I motion was made by '''ansen anct l for seconded .by Dodge that the City Engineer be authorized to purchase necessary materia fallen l fors. material .for the repair of the sewar for certain ourfalls mentioned .in his oral request as stated above. Motion carried. The mater of purchasing a neer car to be used by the Fire Chief in his duties as plumbing, airing and building inspector and other necessary duties was discussed at some length. Also the matter of purchasing a sedan delivary carfbr the Police D t t d' d t 0-11 11 t' 1 f C question of span r mevanc s isusse a is bmep A ro I cell vote ound that the ouncxl purchasing new was opposed to calling for b U�3 for the purchase for both the cars for the Police cars for the Department andthe car to be used by the Fire Chief at the present time. A motion Police departmertwas made 'by Ellen and seconded by Dodge that the City Clerk call for bids for a and Fine Chief five passenger Coupe to be used by.the Fire Chief for his duties as Building, E. A. Clausius Witing, and Plumbing inspector and Fire Department Duties. Ayes: Hansen, Dodge, H. 1. Hansen Ellin, Clausius, Allen, Fisher, and Brado. 0. E. Arges At the last meeting of the City Concil Dir. Ubey Sherman made an offer of 15 aolla'•_ John G. Dorc for a quit claim deed covering lot 2, block 1_J of Nelseds Edition, City of Anacortes VI. V. Wells, Tr. and was at that time referredto the City Attorney. At this time W. V. Wells Jr., quit claim deed City Attorney , recommeEled the acceptance of this offer and presented a quit claim A. R. Sellenthin Harry Davia deed to the City Council. A motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Brado that Do Catcher the request of the City Attorney be accepted and that the Mayor and City Glexk.Foe aaquel Ifolvor authorized to sign said quit claim deed. Harry Davis At the -last meeting of the' City Council Hr. A. D. Pollem made an offer of 356.20 for a quit claim deed.of lots 19 and 20 Cap Santa. bard Edition of the City of St. Clair Jackson Anacortes', Washington and was at that time referred to the City Attorney. At Withholding Tax This time Hr. V. V. Wells Jr., City Attorney, requestedthe acceptance of this offer Arlowine Cole and a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Dodge that the request of the City SeattleRubber Stamp Attorney to accept the off.'er of A. D. Pollem for the above described lots be Trick and Murray. accepted and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign said quit claim dee.. R. R. Yates Hotion carried. 140 �e J The following claims against the City of Anacortes for the month of March, 1946 were presented and read to the City Council: CURRENT EXPENSE Joe D. Hagan 13543 George Brado 135-44 Charles F. Fisher 13545 Syd Ellin 13646 E. E. Dodge 13547 E. A. Clausius 13548 H. 1. Hansen 13549 0. E. Arges l 0 John G. Dorc 1` 1 VI. V. Wells, Tr. 1 2 Dr. A. B. Cook 1 553 A. R. Sellenthin Harry Davia 1 ��4, 1 Do Catcher 5000 aaquel Ifolvor 60.00 Harry Davis 1�6 9 St. Clair Jackson 1355 Withholding Tax 13559 Arlowine Cole 13560- 3560Seattle SeattleRubber Stamp C.13561 Trick and Murray. 13562 R. R. Yates 13563 Colo Ribbon & Carb-mfg.13564 1.25 Municipal Fin. Off. A8813565 Anacortes Gas Co. 13566 Mayor X20.00 Gouncilman 5..00 Councilman 10.00 Councilman 10.00 Co un c i lma,n 10.00 Councilman 10.00 Councilman 10.00 Dep. Treas, *00 BookL ee er City Attorney fl�Ao Health Officer 41.40 Police Justice 0.10 Do Catcher 5000 Sity Hall Janitor 60.00 umpman Com. Bldg. Janitor 140.20 Withholding Tax Deductions 43.30 Work in City Clerks Office 7.50 Supp&ies for Clerk's Office -77 2.22 rr rr r. n 5,46 Typewriter Ribbon 1.25 Membership Fee 10.00 Gas f fl -x Fire Department 5.51. Affleck. Bros. 13567 Stove Oil, City Hall Island Transfer 13568 n a , Police Dept. James McLachlan 13569 Repair Work on ]Pump, Com. Bldg. S. Bp Thompson 13570 Work on Cm. Bldg. Oil Burner C7ater Department 13571 Community Building St. Clair Jackson 13572 Cash Advanced R. J. Normand 13573 Labor on furnace, Com. Bldg. Southside Harduare 13574 Check Valve, Com. Bldg. 162a,nd Transfer Co. 13575 Fuel oil, Com. Bldg. H. H'. Hidshaw 13576 Chief Mck Petrish 13577 Asst. Chief Jack Goff 13578 Capt. L. Pollard 1359 Partolman ITarren Thompson 135 0 Patrolman Carl Springer 1301 Patrolman Withholding Tax Fudd� :. 13582 Withholding rax Deductions Everson Bros. 13583 Batteries, Police Dept. Tree e t e n Motor C. 13 584 Auto Repair Railway Express Agency 13585 Express on Pkg. Parson's Sporting Goods13586 One Case Batteries, Police Dept. Bradyts Anacortes Studiol3587 Photo for Police Dept. Department of Labor &- .Ind.13588 Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid L.. E.. Snider 13589 Chief Bert Verrall 135'90 Asst. Chief Oliver Hauge 13591 Capt. X. W. Snart 13592 Capt. Strock 1359/3' Fireman (XA �G?. C. 1 . Strock 13594 � Jay Thayer 135-95- 5595Ed.. Ed..Alexander 13596 Roy McDougal 13592 Call Man J. G. Dorcy 1359 0 W Vater Department 13599 Hydrants Firemen"s Relief & Pen Fund 13600 2,16 of Firements Saleries Withholding Tax Fund 13601 iiithholding Tax Deductions L. Ev Snider 13602 Inspections and Postage Bert Verrall 13603 Mileage Anacortes Laundry & CleanOrs 13604 Laundry Kunnell & Sherrill 13605 Extinguisher State Treasurer 13606 Volunteer Fireman Fee Western Auto Supply, 1360'j Supplies . Anacortes Equipment co -13601 Leakproof Cells Rubbing Lumber Company 13609 Supplies City Street Fund 13610 Gasoline Fire & Police Dept. West Coast Telephone 13611 Service Rendered Southside Hardware 13612 Supplies for City Fire Dept.. Schwartz Iron Works . 13613 Auger Drilled Katherine Snider 13614 Work on Registration The Fern Press 13615 Printing and Supplies Puget Sound Poorer & Light Co. 13616 Lighting Service Curtis Wharf Co. 13617 Material for Elections Southside Hardware 13618 Election Supplies Simpson°s Electric Shop13619 Election Supplies Puget Sound Poorer & Light Co. 13620 Service for Election Union Printing Co. 13621 Registration Supplies Pioneer Inc. 13622 Registration Supplies V. V. Vells, Sr. 13623 Cash Advanced L. I. D. 147 & 148 Skagit County Eng eer 13624 Blueprints John- G. Dorcy 13625 Cash Advanced Anacortes Daily Nercury13626 Printing & Publishing Benson Motors 13627 Repairs & Service LIBRARY FUD Mildred Y. Safford 2296 Blanche Sackett2297 Haj orie D. Ross 229 Sam. HeIvor 2299 Withholding Tax Fund 2300 Anacortes Water Dept. 2301 Puget Sound Pr. & Lt, Co'. 2302 The Fern Press 2303 Lyle°s Grocery 2304 Department of Labor & Ind. 2305 Harry Hartman. 2306 Gaylord Bros. 2307 J. E. Harding 1682 Frank Knapp 1683 Withholding Tax Fund 1684 Anacortes Water Dept. 1685 City Street Fund 1686 Colvinrs Service Station 1687 Anacortes Feed & Seed Co.1688 Southside Hardware Co. 1689 Dept. of Labor 1c Ind. 1690 T. G. McCrory 8848 Sadie la. Arge s c;849 Dorothy Fee 8850 John G. Dorcy 8851 Salary as Asst. Librarian rn r4- n el Substitute Librarian C1 " Janitor Withholding Taxes Water used at Library Lights used at Library Printing Supplies Supplies for Library Ind.. Ins. & Med. Aid Books for Library CS 0 cr Salary for Park Supt. Salary as Park Emp. Withholding Taxes Mater used in Part Dept. Gasoline, used in Park Dept. Tire Service Supplies for Park Dept. Supplies for Park Dept. Ind. Ins. & Med Aid VATFR DEPARTMENT Salary as Nater Supt. Salary as Water Cashier Clerk Bookkeeper r 8.38 ?-3,18 24.10 9.89 9.65 1.86 5.00 1.95 45.37 21'7.20 210. 90 197.60 173.30 190.00 190.00 41-50- 1.13 9.62 24-25 1.80 13.95 212.53 190.x'7 1 3.59 185.69 17.7.50 177.50 184.20 173.20 _ . 1...25 1.25 565.00 32.02 77-00- 26.98 6.50 4.04 10.55 3.00 1.91 2.58 6.79 61.69 10.65 12.19 1.00 30.00 15.45 330.98 5.69 1.65 1:73 13.5$$5 32,80 20.00 4.40 10.00 103-J7 _62..04 36.48 99.10 'T7.90 82.50 27.00- 2.50 7.002.50 11.18 3.44 . 2 20.18 20.90 173.30 170.00- lti.'JO- 2.50 4.65 1.03 5.92 5.p 6.69 288 .io 156.,o 12'7.90 53-70 Charles Wedlund 8852 Salary as dater Foreman 242.T5 1 •I 1 1 6� 1 1 I 0 1 1 � 0 140 1 April 2, 1946 Cont) Russell Garolan 8853 7o 0. Rogers 8854 Ga F. Keller 8855 A. Sirett 8856 Frank Deane 885'7 Lester Thomas 8858 Charles Winters 885.9 Withholding Tax Fund 8860 West Coast Telephone Co.. 886: Pennsylvania Salt Co. 8862 Wallace & Tiernan Co. 8663 Island Transfer Go. 8864 .Puget Sound Pr. and Lt.'Co0 8865 Skagit Valley Telephon-: Co. 8666 Railway Express Agency 6867 Skagit Electric Go.. 8066 -Simpsorrp'a Electric Shop 8569 G. N. Dalstead, P. Ma 8870 Ifforans Boat Shop 8871 Skagit Bonded Collectors 8812 The Fern Press 8873 Trulson M6for Co. 8874 City Street Fund 8875 Western Auto Supply Goo 8576 Ho- W. Clark Co. 8877 Federal Pipe and Tank Go. 867 Palmer Supply Co.. 8879 Marine Supply. Go. 8880 Curtis Wharf Co. 8881 Dept. of Labor & Ind. 8882 Schwartz Iron Works 8883 Salary as Serviceman p0 Filterman Filterman Filterman Filterman Pum r,.man Laborer Withholding Tax Deductions Telephone Service Chlorine, eater Dept. Supplies & Parts, Filter Plant Fuel Oil, Filter Pland Power & Service Telephone at Avon Exp;• ess Charges- Labor hargeeLabor & Supplies Material & Supplies Postage for Water Office 12 Ft. Skiff' Collection of Water Bills Printing & Supplies Truck Repairs Gasoline used in Water Dept. Supplies for Nater Dept. Meter Part Wood Pipe Supplies for Water Dept. Material & Supply a 0 n Ind. Ins. & Y -ed Aid Material & Supply - C ITY STREET - YUM Roy McDougal 2302 Lynn Balcomb 2309 Carl Thorene 2304 Dave Summers 2305 Carl Welk 2306 Artis Taylor 2307 Jacob Riedlinger 2306, T. G. McCrory 2309 John G. Dorcy 2310 'Withholding Tax Fund 2311 Skagit County Auditor 2312 Standard Oil Co. 2313 Morrison Mill Co. 2314 S. B. Thompson 2315 Puget Sound Power & Dight C©. 2316 Trulson Motor Co. 2317 Detp. of Labor & Ind. 2318 The Texas Company 2319 Union Oil Company 2320 Southside Hardware 2321 Marine Supply Co. 2322 Schwartz Yron Works 2323 CEMETERY FUND Salary as Street Foreman r Graderman Maintenance Man s, ro r r• Street Sweeper ro Street Supervisor Bookkeeper Withholding Tax Fund Recording Easement Supplies for Street Dept. Lu mber for Street Dept Service Street Dept Power for Grusher Repairs & Service, Street Trucks Ind. Ina & Med, Aid Gasoline, City ]Pump n a. a• Supplies, Street Dept. Material & Supplies Labor, Material, & Supplies 185.20 198.10 1?3.30 173030 173.30 196,10 69.23 173.87 6.80 5'9.62 17.64 9.o6 1196. 30 4.93 184.27 8032 5150 4o.80 78038 12p93 21.06 4.12 16e50 28.33 3.7 '71.06 23.59 17.50 21098 196.10 196.50 198.10 173.30 1 3.30 1 2.30 111.30 41.50 41.50 n8.lod 060 7.50 3.57 3.25 31.50 115.33 16.39 158.90 43.40 1.30 94..10 21.13 Ingvald Iverson 8 Salary as Cemetery Supt. 173030 Raymond E. Balthazor 9 Labor in Cemetery 114.00 Withholding 'fax Fund 10 Withholding Taxes 16.70 - Lulu M. Cole 11 Work on Cemetery Records 55.50 Marshall Wells 12' Supplies for Cemetery 24.24 W. H. Deutsch 13 Service in Grand View Cemetery 25.04 Cliffts Welding Shop 3.4 Service for Cevetery 33-99 Frank Russell 15 Bulldozer Service 45.5'0 The Fern ]Press 16 Printing 8c Supplies 12.98 Affleck Bros. 17 Feul oil for Cemetery 1.9c Southside Hardware 18Supplies fo; Cemetery 14.55 Dept. of Labor & Ind. 19 Ind . ' Ins. & Med. Aid 3.2-5- .2.5WITHHOLDING WITHHOLDING TAX FUND People's National Bank 33 Total Withholding Taxes 514.17 That the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of the a-ame. E.. A. Clausues-Chairman George Brado FINANCE Anaco rtes , Wn .. .COMMITTLre, April. 2, 1946 E. E. Dodge 1-47 i_'48 April 2 n )_9k FA C Qn tJn_iA e d. The above claims dere discussed at some length and a motion w as made by Ellin and seconded by -Dodge that said claims be,referred to the Finance Committee. F,ot ion carried. The Finance Committee considered said claims and recommended that said claims be allowed and b,Tarrants drawn in favor of the same. Matlan az=xk-u i. A motion was made by Fisher and seconded by Ellin that the recommendation ©f the finance Committee in the matter of the Claims against the City of Anacortes for the month of ''arch, 1946, be adopted. Kul±aa =Blixt. Ayes: l-lansen, Dodge, Ellin, Clausius, Allen., Fisher and Prado. Hotion carried. A Communication asking to have the alley in Block 3, Stewartrs Addition to the City of Anacortes. ":his was discussed at some length and a motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Dodge that said application be referred to the City. Attorney. Potion carried. The matter of installing neer lights in the Council Room and Water Office was discussed at some length abd a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Dodge that this matter be referred to the Building Committee. Motion carried. Being unable to*finish all of the business at hand during the present meeting, a motion was made that the meeting of the City Council adjourn until 7000 o°clock P. U. on April 9, 1946. ;Notion carried. The City Council did so, adjourn. Attest; G if1% April 9, 1.946 A Regular Adjourned Reeting of the City Council was called to order at 7:00 o Qclock P. K. With Uayor Joe D. Hagan. The Doll was called and Hansen, Dodge!, Ellin, Clausius, Allen and Brado were present. The purpose of this meeting being to consider andpass two proposed ordinances with reference to plumbing. The first ordinance being an ordinance relating to plumbing; providing for the examination. and licensing of Journeyman Plumbers, and for the licensing registration and bonding of Master Plumbers.; Creating an examining board for journey man plumbers, and defining offenses and providing penalties for violation hereof. Said ordinance above described was read and doscussed section by section and a motion was made by Ellin and seconded Iby Ranseft that said Plumber's examination Ordinance Number 983 as above described andentitled be adopted as a whole. byes. Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, Clausius, Allen and. Brado. Motion carried. At this time an Ordinance being an Ordinance regulating the installation of plumbing, serer and state approved septic tank connections and drainage systemo in the City of Anacortes; Creating the office of Plumbing Inspector; providing for the issuance of plumbing permits; pr6viding a schedule of fees for the inspection of work covered by this ordinance; providing penalties for the vio- lation of this_ ordinance; providing for the licensing of plumbera; repea,�Iing Ordinance Number 876 of the City of Anacortes and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, cuss presented and r�;!-,d to the City Council. A mation was made by Brado and seconded by Dodge that Article E, Section 7 be stricken out and that Article F, Section 7 become 6,rticle E. in said Section 7. Kotioh Carried. Said Ordinance above described was read and discussed section by Section a motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Dodge that said Ordinance Number 984, being an ordinance on plumbing as above described be adopted as a whole. Ayes: Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, Clausius, Allen and Brado. Motion carried. The matter of the vacation of the alley in Block 3, "tewart°s Addition to the City of 111nacortes was discussed, but no final action.was taken in the matter. IyAt, a recent meeting of the City Council, 4r. Ben driftmier presented the following communication: City of lnacortes, Anacortes, Washington. On behalf of the Fidalgo bay Lumber Company, I tender herewith the sum of Three Hundired.Dpilaro, and on their behalf do hereby exercise the right of of option as incorporated in that certain lease dated February 11, 1941, and originally made by the City of Anacortes, to John Reposa., and by meene assign- ments now being the property of the Fidalgo Bay Dumber Company, I respectfully request that conveyance in accordance with the terms of said option be forth- with executed and delivered in order to facilitate continuous operation of the mill located thereon. Respectfully, (Signed) Ben. 'Driftmier At the time this letter was introduced and read to the City Council, it waQ referred to the City Attorney. At this time, Hx. W. V. `ells Jr., City Attorney made an oral report recommending that the offer by Ben Driftmier in the above comm"nication be accepted. A motion was made by Brado and seconded by Allen that the recommendation of the City Attorney in the matter of the offer of Ben Drift - in the amount of Three Hundred C300.00) Dollarc be adopted, that the City Attorney prepare the necessary deed and that the � yor and City Clerk be auth® opined to sign said deed. Motion carried. 1 9� 1 1 ,0 1 10: 16 1 April 9' , 1946, Continued mr. Ben Driftmier presented a request on behalf of Clifford Gruichshank at a - recent 'meeting of. the City Council r.nd anked for a lease on a street end described as follows., all .of that portion of 29tih Street lying easterly of the east line of Great Northern Right of: Way.'and located in Section 19, Tp. 3 N. R. 2 E. W. M. After discuss n this matter at some length, a motionvias made y Ellin and sec- onded by Brado%t this matter be held over till the next meeting of the City- Counc i1..4 Having compleAed the business of the evening, a motion was made seconded by Dodge that the meeting of the City Co'uncl.l adjo.urn. The meeting of the City Council did then adjourn. _1/011 /�,r'J., Attest; / Oily clerk> April 15', 1946 by Clausius and I'.iotion carried,,. A regui r meeting of the City C-ouncil of the City of Anacortes wap calleO to order at 9:00 o°clock p.m. with Mayor Joe L> Hagen presiding. The roll was called with Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, Clausius. Fisher, Allen and Brado present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Pyr. Alvin Smith spoke to the City Council about certain unsanitary conditions Unsanitary near his home at 25th Street and 0 Avenue, caused by an accumulation of water grater conditiflns.from the housing project. This matter was discussed at s7me length and was referred b the Mayor to the treet and Parks committee. The Isla Bu C m any w� o rate the s uthmsi a bVs in naca tes, presented a pets: ion asOng Nha eserved p � ing zones a crea ed in cer ar.n lacks in the oetitmon for down town area. Mr. Mil Holland a member of the Island Bus Company, spoke to reserved the City Council on this matter. After some discussion an the part of the parking zones. City Council a motion vas made by Clausius and seconded by Hansen that this matter be referred to the City Engineer, the Fire Chief, The Chief of Police and the Street and Parks Committee for study. Motion carried The following communication was read to the City Council: Hr. Joe Hagen, Hayor of Anacortes ID ar Pia o r Ha q n : A our �ast Union meeting, April 9th, 1946, it was voted that the secred Paving of terry be instructed to write to you ur in the g g paving of Commercial U-cmmerc ial Ave Avenue. Our Unior also, favored the cost to be born by all taxpayers in Anacortes, and not the fewthat live on Commercial. We hope you may also present our views to the City Council. We remain.,. Sincerely yours, Cecil Strong, Sec. No official action wastaken on the above communication. Clean up Mayor Joe. Campaign y ts Hagen announced that the Lions Club viere conducting a cleanup campaign from May 5 to May 12, 1946 and urged that all persons in Anacortes � cooperate so far as possible with this campaign. The following resouhtion was presented to the City Council by Hr. 7'f. V. [dells Jr., City Attorney: RESOLUTION WHEREAS Clifford Cruichshank, and individual, has- filed with the City Council an application f or a lease f or ten years of that portion of 29th street lying easterly of the Great Northern Railroad right oL was across said street, offering therefor ($1000) one dollar per year, and repre- senting that he is the owner of a majority of the square foot frontage Lease of pro.- of the harbor area butting on the said property sought to be leased, perty. and titiziisAS the purpose of the lease Of said property is to further manufacturing and commerce; NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that at 8.00 p. m.., May 7th, 1946, in the Council Chambers, the said application will be heard; and be it further resolved that any and all persons wishing to protest the granting of said application may file his protest with the City Clerk, or may appear personally at a said hearing to protest maid application. The City Clerk is hereby authorized to publish this resolution in the City Official Paper at least once a geek for two consecutive weeks. Adopted on the loth day of April, 1946 John Dorcy, City Clerk Joe Hagan, Mayor A motion vas made by Clausius and seconded by Dodge that the City Clerk be authorized to publish the above resoulution in the Anacortes Daily Hercury once a week for two consecutive Deeks as stated in said r esaJlut ion . Motion carried. The matter of the repair of Side warms which have been damaged by the grovrth Repair of of tree toots was discussed at this t ime. The City Attorney suggested that an sid nwalk9 ordinance for the repair of broken side walks under such conditions be paid by the ovmer of the ctutting property,, �lfter some discussion a motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Brado that the City Attorney be authorized to prepare an ordinance providing for the repair of side -walks by owners of abutting property. Motion carriad. The report of the GhieJr of Police for the mohth of March, 1946 was presented and read to the City Council. A motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Ellin that saidxeport be accepted and referred to the License, Police Com,nittee. Hotion Carried. The report of the Chief- of the Fire Department for i3ie month' of .arch 1946 was presented and mad to the City Council. A motion was made by Brado and seconded by Clausius thatsaid report be accepted and ref2 rred to the Fire, Dight and Water Committee. Motion Carried. Er. L. :�]. Snider, Fire Chief made an oral report on the proposed vacation of the alley -in Block 3, Stewart;a Addition. motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Hansen that the City Clerk open the j bids submitted on a Five -�'assenger Coupe for use for inspections and -Lire Depart- ment uses. 11otion carried. The above car bids were opened, with the f olloving results Benson motor Company, Ford Gedan Coupe complete, X1262.5? E.. A. Abbott dotor Co. for Plymouth Deluxe 5 Passenger Coupe complete, Q1238.06 j After some discussion the City Council decided to leave the awarding of the bid for the above described car until the next meeting of the City Council. Hr. T. O. r.?cCrery, City Engineer, spoke to the Gity Council about the costs of paving Commercial Avenue and gave a number of estimates of cost for different type.s and thicknesses of materials which could be used in this construction. `t''his mtt;er was referred by the Uayor to the Str.eetes and Parke Co mittec-, City, • Engineer and City Attorney° liaving completed the business of the evening, a motion was made by Ellin and sceon- ded by 4,n3en that the meeting of the City Council adjourn.. Zotion carried. The meeting of the City Council did then adjourm. ' or % Attest: i d ity lerk V/ May 7, 1946 A Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 8 o °clods P. n. with Layor Joe L. Ragan presiding. The roll was called and Dodge, Ellin, Clauciuc, Allem and Brado were present. The minutes of the previous meeting Frere reed and approved as read. A petition frog. the Island Bea Company who operate the South Side Busses arcking for reserved parking zoneo in the down town area, was presented and read to the. City Council. Er. 11. C. Ar-�rney and er. ililholl.and one of the owners of the Island Bus. Company spoke to the City Council on this matter. After some discussi©n on this matter it was decided to leave this matter on the table till the next meet- ing of the City Council and that tho City Attorney check up on this watter and make a report on whether or not a blanket ordinance could be drawn to provide for all Parking Zonoo. The following 'is tha report of i'=sr. T. G. McCrory, hater Superintendent on tho matter of providing a water system for residents south of the Anacortec Filter Planta . I zay 6, 1946 Honorable Uayor & arty Council I Gentlemen: In the matter of Vate.T for the'residents along the Whietle 1,ake Road south of the Filter Plant which came up before the Council some time ago 0 wish to report as follows-. I Very fere od the pump manufacturers uho manufacture the type of pump needed for this kind of iu3tallation tate back in production and will not be until after the first of the yeaac . ! The CFaocad.e ivaachirnery Company of Seattle are ageate for Fairbanks Morse and Co.'s 'Oeoco Pump and have quoted me a price of 0375.00 F.O.B. Seattle for Wooco Nodel El 48,1 " auction and discharge Pump capable of delivering 20 gallonz Der minute into a pressure tank, with a cut in pressure of 20 lbs. and a out out • pressure of 60 lba. The price includes pump, 14 H.L31. Tlotor, pressure owitch, magnetic otarted, air volume control and a 520 gallon black iron pressure tank. i Thie pump and trams could be installed in the basement of the Filter, with a suction pipe connected to the Filter discharge pipe about 70 feet north of the Filter building. • It now-developes that new pipe will likely have to be installed for the entire distance to the lost customer. This will require acme 15001 of lip Pipe, 700° of l � pipe and 700• of l�D pipe. The only ave�ilable pipe as black iron wipe. The 1�0 pipe will cost 19�� per lin. ft. the 17X per ft, and the &CI 12�r_/ per ft. This installation including setting cep the pumb and tank and laying the pipe dill cost at lenot 01733.00.and poocibly more, depending on how ward the pipe excavation is. The cost to operate the 1� H.P. Notor io estimated at 57.50 per month or 75,0 additional for each of l0 customers. Respectfully submitted T.G. LlaCrory, Stperintendent Pyr. T.G. HeCrory pointed oft that no galvanized pipe wao available, and that he would not recommend the installation of black pipe at this time. After some discussion, a motion was Made by Dodge and seconded by Ellin that the recommendation of the Water Superintendent in the matter of the above dater pro® joct be approved. That the pump and necessary equipment be installed at the prcoent tisk, on soon uo the amount of approximatelt X510.00 was paid in to the city. Lotion caz r�od. A coranxunicatior2 nom ,�r. �si.�x. Fec about a nusioa,nce consisting of a collection 10 10 1 lie �0 1 May 7 , 194 6 of used cars and parts near 1407 5th Street was read to the city council. After some discussion a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Dodge that this matter be referred to the License and Police Committee to report back at the -vnext meeting. Motion carried. Mayor J.1. Hagan presented and read the following resigmotion from Mr. H. H. Hinshaw: "'Mr. Joe Hagan, Mayor, 1 May 1946 Anacortes, Washington. Dear Sire I herewith tender this, my resignation, to be effective on or about 4 P.N. Wednesday, 8 May, 1946. As I have worked sevefra months of 1946 without vacation., I respectfully ask that I be granted seven days vacation time with pay effective immediately, which, with ¢ordinary day off usually granted, should terminate at the above -designated date and time. The reason for this resignation is that I deem it necessary to devote my full time and effort to furthering my candida,ncy for the office of sheriff of Skagit County. Lotion by Brado, seconded by Dodge, that Yours very truly, this resignation be accepted. Motion carried. Harold H. Hinshaw, Chief of Police.' IlQayor Joe 2L. Hagan made the following appointment for a Board of Examiners for applicants to obtain plumbing permits in the City of Anacortes: Plumbing xnstector, Z. E. Snider Plaster Plumber, Ben Van Duesen Journeyman Plumber, Robert Breckenridge Motion made by C1ay.3Jluo and seconded by Brado that the City council approve the above appointments by the Mayor for the Plumbers Examining Boaad. Motion carried Mayor Joe Hagan then appointed 9r. A.R. Ve.rrlll assistant Inspect( r,? of Building Plumbing and Wiring. Motign made by Ellin and seconded by Dodge that the appoint ment of Mr. A.R. Verrall a Inspector of the above departments be app --lived. Motion carried. Motion made bV Ellin and seconded br Bradc thOt a letter of appreciation and thanks be sent to Mr. H.H. "Unshaw for his services and cooperation while Chief of Police of the city of Anacortes. Motion carried. Payor Joe L. Hagan at this time expressed his thanks to the members of the City Council for their cooperation and help since he became ayor. Lir. W.V. Wells, Jr., City Attorney, presented a quit Claim deed between the City of Anacortes and Albert R. Chonzene, covering Lots 2 and 3 of Block 6 of Anacortes Munks Fkrst Queen Anne Addition in Anacortes, for a consideration of $25.00. The City Attorney recommended that.the offer of �25e00 for this deed be accepted. A motion was made by Cla&sius and seconded -by Ellin that the recommendation of the City Attorney be adopted, and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign said Quit Claim Deed. Motion carried. Mr. 7.V. Yfells, Tr., City Attorney, then made an oral report onthe matter of the unauthorized use of water by Mx. Weekley. The City Attorney will make a ferther report on this matter later. The report of the City Treasurer for the month of April, 1946, was presented to the city council and was referred by the ]Mayor to the Finance Committee. The report of the Police Justice for the month of April, 1946, was presented and read to the city council. A motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Ellin that said report be accepted and placed on file . Motion carried. The report of the Water Superintendent for the month of April, 1946, was presented and read to the city council, and a motion wasmade by Brado and seconded by Clausius that_the said report be accepted and referred to the Fire, Lights and ;Dater Committee. Motion carried. The following communLeation from Mr. T.G. McCrory, Water Superintendent, was presented and read to the city council.- Honorable ouncil. Hay 1, 1946 Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: .As has been the custom for the last few years, I would recommend that, during the summer months, ntarting- with the meter reading in the middle of May and ending on a like date in October the minimum amount of mater charged to regular users be increased f from 500 cu. ft. to •1000 'cu. ft. per month, this increase, of course being -contingent on our having a surplus of grater over our regular requirements. Respectfully submitted, T. G. McCrory, Superibtehdcant A motion vae made by Clausius and seconded by Brado that, the recommendation of the Water Superintendent in the c,bove communication be adopted. Motion carried. 7'.The'.-;annr -L report for the dater Department for the year 1945; tobether with analysis by the Plater Superintendent was presented to the city douncil, and a May 7, 1946 motion,waas made by Dodge and seconded by Ellin that said report be accepted and placed on f ile. 'Not ion cq ridd;. The report of the Cit Clerk for the year 1 4 was presented and read t th p y y 9 5 a p e a o e city council and a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Clausiuc that said report be accepted and placed on file. Notion carried. The reportof the .police Department for the month of April, 1946, was presented and read to the city council, and a kotion was made by Clausius and seconded by Ellin that said report be accepted and peferred to the License and Police com- mittee. Motion carried. The following report of progress on the construction of a sewer in L.I.D.#148 by Thr. T.G. XcCrory4 City Engineer, was presented and read to the city council. May 7, 1946. j 'honorable Mayor and City Council, Gentlemen: The contractor, C.V. Vilder got started on the sewer job, I.I.D. 148 last Tuesday, April 30th. . He shou&d finish excavating and laying the pipe by noon tomorrow. The excavation has been very hard. The lower half of the ditch has been the hardest kind of hard pan, with numerous large boulders. Respectfully submitted T.G. McCrory, City Engineer"' The following report from Mr. T.G. McCrory, City Engineer, for the improvement of L avenue between 20th and 22nd Streets was presented to the city co»nc$l a Hay 7, 1946. HonorgUe Mayor and City Council, Gentlemena Perouant to the two petitions filed with the City. Council on March 19 and April 2, 1946, for the improvement of Avenue L between 20th and 22nd Streets by grading the entire street and constructing curb and sidewalk on the west .side and that ars assessment district be formed, conprising the Vest one- half of Block 3 and the Fast one half of Block 4 both of Hensleklo 2nd Addition. I find that 6 of t of the 17 lots on the East side of the Street.have Signed one of the petitions and 16 out of 17 lots on the gest side have signed the other petition. In view of the foregoing I would recommend that .this improvement district be formed. For the same of convenience I have combined these 2 petitions into one district. The estimated cost of this improvement is, grading and graveling X2247.00 which is to be borne by the entire district, and curb and sidewalk ;11442.00 which is to be borne by the property on the West side of the street or the E� of Block 4. The assessed valuation of the property within the proposed district, exclusive of improvements, as shown on the records in the County Assessors office is 01305.00. Attached is a trap shoeing the proposed assessment, outlineC in red, also shown in figures on each lot or pgreel of land is the estimated cost and expense of this improvement to be bonne by each lot or parcel of land. I am also attaching the original petit On together with the report of ownerships and assessed valuations from the Mount Vernon Abstract and Title Co. Respectfully submitted, T. G. McCrory, City Engineer. After some discuv6ion, a motion waass made by Clauoius and seconded by Ellin that the above recommendation of the City Engineer in the matter of Avenue L be accepted, and that the city proceed with the necessary legal action to comple;w this matter. Notion carDied.. Hr. T.G. KcCrory, City Engineer, presented to the city coutdil a report on the K Lvenue improvement. The City Engineer recommended that this project be held in aboyGmoe until other otreets in this vicinity are improved. The Kayor recommended that the City (Fleck write to all signers of the improvement petition, 1 In the matter of the request of Alvin Smith for improvement of the ditcTh at 25th Street and 0 Avenue. Councilman Brado reported that the ditchae vere all dry, which settles this problem at the present time. mayor J'oe H6.'a�_n reported that the tile would be paid by the property owners but the city mould cover the tile with grgvel. Bids for a czar to be used for inspections and Fire Department work which had been opened at the last meetigg of the city council, were considered at this A motion was made by Clausiuo and seconded by Ellin that the bid of the Bencoh Motor Co. of a; 1946 Ford Sedan Coupe be accepted. Ayes, Dodge, Ellin, Clausiva fU len and Bradoa Motion carried. The application of the Harriss Engine Co. for a lease for as teR®yearperiod on 1 1 1 1 1 , 21 May 7, 194 6 the Eact half of R Avenue commencing on the North line of -Third Street and run- ning-to unsping to the outer harbor line in the City of Anacortes, Washington, came up for consideration at this time. There being no protests against the granting of this lease, a motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Brado that said Lease on the j above described street ends be granted, and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign said lease. Ayes, Dodge, Ellin, Clausiub, Allen and Brado Motion carried. On April 16, 1946, Clifford Cruichohank made application for a portion of 29th Street easterly of the Great Northern Railway, offering to pay $1.00 per year for this lease. This was advertised and came up for hearing at this time. There being no protests against the granting of this lease, a motion was made by Brado and seconded by Allen, that said lease be granted and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign said lease. Ayes, Dodge, Ellin, Clausius, Allen and Brado. Motion carried; Ur. T.Go McCrory, 'later superintendent, asked that the city council call for bids on 3000 feet of 1011 pipe, and,2-000 feet of 81, pipe. After some'discussion, a motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Dodge, that the City Clerk hzi publish a call for bids on the pipe recommendedby the later Superintendent. notion carried. T. G. McCrory also asked permission to purchase four water hydrants and valves. A motion wasmade by Brado and seconded by Ellin thatthe Wat'er'Superintendent be authorized to purchase four water hydrants and valves. Ayes, Dodge, Ellin, -Clausius, Allen and Brado; motion carried. T. G. McCrory- asked permissidn to purchase a water depth guage for the racy wafer area reservoir. A motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Elliri that the authority be given the Water Superintendent to purchase the necessary guage. Ayes, Dodge, Ellin, Clausius, Allen and Brado. Motion carried. Mr. T.G; McCrory also asked permission to purchase a Gravely Mower to be used by the Stueet Department. The funds for the purchase of this mower are in the present -budget, and a mo tton Was made by Ellin and seconded by -'Allan to purchase said movuer. Ages, Dodge, i'llin, Clausius, Allen and Brado. Motion carried. The following claims againot the city of Anacortes for the month. of April, 1946 were presented and read to the city council: CUREM,NT EXPENSE. Joe L. Hagan 13628 Salary as Mayor $ 20.00 George Brado 13629 0 I] Councilu mi 10.00 Charles -F. Fisher 13630 Councilman 10.00 Syd Ellin 13631 10.00 E. E. Dodge 13632 .1 0.00 E. A. Clausius 13633 10.00 H. L. Hansen 13634 a 10.00 Romie Allen 13635 D 0 0 10.00 0. E. urges 13636 D DepRty Treasurer 90.00 John G.-Dorcy 1363 0 GitSr Clerk 82.50 V. V. dells, Jr. 1363 0 n City Attorney 82.5'0 Dr. A.B6 Coon 13639 r Health Officer 41.40 A. R. Sellenthin 13640 Police Justice 50.10 Harry Davis 13641 Dog Catcher 25.00 PaE. Olson 13642 a City Hall Janitor 30.00 St. Clair Jackson 13643 G Com. Bldg Janitor 156.80 Harry Davis, 13644 Garbage Dump Man 40.00 Samuel Hclvor 13645 City Hall Janitor 30.00 Uithholding Tax Fund 13646 Withholding Tax Fund 460709 G. N. Dalstead 1364 Postage for Clerk's Office 5-.00 Union Printing Co. 13648 Supplies for Clerk's Office 2.79 Anacortes American 13649 Registration Cards 6.90 American City 2im-,gazine 13650 Subscription 3000 Trask & Murray 13651 Supplies, Clerk and Treasurer 2 llgm 2 R. R. Yater 13652 Supplies for Clear'u office 50(67 Pioneerj Inco 1365'3 Supplies, Clerk and Treas. 100.98 Hearne Bros. 13654 Map for Clerk's office 23.18 L. E. Snider 13655 Plumbing wiring & Bldg Inspector 25000 Laing Insuraeace Agency 13656 Bonds -for Inspector 10.00 Lyle A. -Riddle 13657 Insurance on Warehouse 30022 Bernard -T. Olsob 13658 Service on Radio Equipment 30010 Curtis Wharf Co.. 13659 Coal for City Hall 171.28 Affleck -Bros. 1 660 Fuel Oil City Hall 4,53 Vm. G. McCallum 1361 .insurance on City Hall 33055 Anacortes Gas Co. 13662 Gari used in City Hall 5.67 Island Transfer Co. 13663 Fuel Oil, City Hall be Como Bldg 67.35 Anacortes Equipment Co. 13664 Service and Equipment 27.61 Central Furniture Co. 13665 Janitor"s Supplies 7.41 C. C. CgDok 13666 Keyo for Community Bldg 1.08 Anacortes dater Department 13667 Later ysed in Como Bldg. 11.40 H. H. Hinshaw 13668 Salary as Chief of Police 217.20 Nick Petrish 13664 G " Asst Cho of Police 210.90 Jack Goff 13670 Capt. of Police 1970.60 L. Pollard 13671 p' ° Patrolman 173030 Larren Thompson 13672 c " ]Patrolman 190.00 Carl Springer 13673 n- p Patrolman '.190.00 Withholding lax Fund 13674 Withholding Tax Fund 2 41.50 13rady"s Anacortes Studio 13675 Service for Police Dept. 1.03 Foffe°s Texaco Service 136'/6 Supplies for Police Dept. 17.21 TJ. S. Darley"L Co. 1677 Supplies for Police Dept. 24.82 Colvin's Service Station 13 7 Supplies for Police Dept. 13. 3 ,qrt Burnside 13679 Badges for Police Dept. 7.17 .r T5 4- Simmonds Paint Store 1368. James D. Hill 13681 H.H.Hinshaw 13682 Fingerprint Eqpt. Lab. 13683 Baker's Firestone Store 13684 Jack's Radio Shop, 13,685 Railway Expreos Agency 13686 Benson Motors 13687 The Fern Press 13688 L.E.Snider 13689 Bert Verrall 13690 Oliver Hauge 13691 K.W.Snart 13692 M.G.Strock 13693 C.T.Strock 13694 Jay Thayer 13695 Ed.Alexander 13696* Roy McDougall 13697 A.1Tondhan 13698 J.G.Dorcy 13699 Clithholding Tax Fund 13700 Fikemen"s Rel.& Pen. Fund13701 Anacortes "later Dept. 13702 City Street Fund 13703 Benson Motors 13704 Marine Supply &Hardware 13706 U.S.Rubber Co. 13707 Shell Oil Co: 13707 Union Service 13708 Bert Verrall 13709 West Coast Telephone Co. 13710 Anacortes Laundry&CleanerL3711 Hansen Electric Co. 13712 Charles C7alters 13713 Dept. of Labor & Ind. 13714 Washington Culvert & Pipe13715 Puget Sound Pr.& Lt.Co. 13716 Withholding Tau Fund 13717 John G.Dorcy 13718 May 7, 1946 Continued LIBRARY FUND Mildred N. Safford ---��-- -- ---,-- Current Expense Continued 110.00 Supplies for Fire & Police Dept. 3.55 Tire & Tire repair 17.86 Cash Advanced 8.22 Supplies for Police Dept. 5.770 Tire for Police Dept. 16.86 Service for Police Dept. 7.21 Express Charges3.21 2312 Service & Supplies,Police Car 4$.80 Supplies,Clerk•& Police Dept. .16.22 Salary as Fire Chief 212053 Q '° Asst. Fire Chief 190,,77 " t0 Capt. of Fire Dept. 1Q3059 c� r Capt. of Fire Dept. 1tS5.69 Fireman 177050 p C7 a 177-50 ca °Q C3 . 181.20 n ra to 173.20 Call Man, Fire Dept. 1.25 Call Man, Fire Dept. 1.25 Call Ilan, Fire Dept. 1.25 Vithholding Tax Deductions 77000 2% of Firemen's Salaries 2.02 Hydrant Rental 55.00 Gaooline,Fire & Police Depts. 62.93 Repairs, Fire Dept. 6.55 Material & Supplies 20.19 Hooe for Fire Dept. 409.05 Supplies for Fire Dept. 1.'/0 Repairs & Service 2.80 Mileage 6.75 Telephone Service 12.15 TZaundry Service,Fire & Police 10,.08 Repairs & Service 44.65 C7ork on L I D L46 11.00 Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid 14.00 Culvert Pipe 402.08 Lighting Service 324.18 Withholding Tax deductions 3.00 Registration of Births & Deaths 15.00 LIBRARY FUND Mildred N. Safford 2308 Salary as Asst. Librarian 110.00 Blanch6 Sa:kett E1309 c' " i0 " 99.10 Harjorbe D. Ross 2310 Substitute 38.75. Samuel *HcSZvor 2311 Janitor 43.75 P.E.016on 2312 Janitor 43.75 .Mrs. J:A.Brinkley 2313 Substitute 2.25 Withholding Tax Fund 2314 Vithholding Taxes 3.6 15 Hearne'Brothers 2315 Flap for Library 23.18 Water Dept. 2316 Anter used in Library 2.50 Puget Sound Pr.& Lt. Co. 231 Lights used in Library 9.86 Curtis 17harf eo. 2311 Coal for Library 15.71 American Library Assn. 2319 Service for Library 1.25 The J.K.Gill Co. 2320 Books for Library 53.00 The MacMillan Co. 2321 to a sa 13.62 A.C.EcClurg 2322 Books for Library 20.82 Griffin°s Book Hospital 2323 Service for Library 8.60 The Personal Book Co. 2324 .48 Hansen .electric Go. 2325 ra � ra 205 P.E.Dlson 2326 Cash Advanced 1.25 Dept. of Labor & Ind. 2327 Ind. Ins.&lied. Aid .32 PARK FUND J.E.Harding 1691 Salary as Park Supt. 173.30 Frank Knapp 1692 Salary as Park Emp. 170.00 Vithholding Tax Fund 1693 Withholding Taxesb 16.70 City Street Fund 1694 Gasoline used in ark Truck 3.72 Dept. of Labor k Indo 1095 Ind.Ins.& filed. Aid 6.81 Anacortes eater Dept. 1696 Cuter used in Park 2.50 Alvin Smith 1697 Service to Park Dept. 3.00 Vm.G. Z•lcCallum 1698 Ins. for Park Truck 26.50 E.A.Abbott Motor Co. 1699 TruckService 13.65 Colvinis Service Stati06 1700 Service to Park Truck 22.92 G.R.Sutherland 1 Anacortes Public Library 2 Anacortes Public Library 3 Fidalgo Lodge,#77 F & A M4 J, SPECIAL LIBRARY FUND Janitor Service,Feb.Forum 1.50 Cash Advanced,Mos.C.F.Stufford 6o-16 Cash advanced,hildred N.Safford 3.51 Rental of Masonic Hall 5.00 1 •I 1 0� 1 10 i 1 10 [7 1 Many 7, 1946 Continued WATER DEPARTMENT' T.G.McCrory 8684 yZalary as Water Supt. 288.10 Sadie K.Arges 8885 ,o 0 " Cashier 156.50 Dorothy Fee 8886 Clerk 127.90 John,.',G.Dorcy. 8887 Bookkeeper 53-70 Charles Wedlund 888$ "' " 17ater Foreman 242075 Russell Carolan 8889 " n Serviceman 191005 VJ.O -Rogers 8890 '0 " Filterman 198,10 G.F.Keller 8891 " " Filterman 173.30 A.Sirett 8892 " Filterman 173.30 Frank .Deane 8893:; p Filterman 173.30 Lester Thomas 8894 " " Pumpman 198.10 Charles Valters 8695 Mages as Laborer 130.95 Withholding Tax Fund 8890 Uithholding Tax Deductions 177.90 Brown Lumber Co. 8897 Lumber for Water Dept. 49.53 Schwartz Iron 'fforks 8898 Material & Supp,.ies 5.82 G.N.Dalstead, P.M. 8899 Postage for Water Office 6.00 Colvin's Service Station 8900 Supplies & Service 57.07 West Coast Telephone Co. 8901 Telephone Service 15'.40 Am. Nat. Bank & Trust Co. 8902 Bond Handling Charge 22.06 City Street Fund 8903 Gasoline used in 1.7,1ter Dept. 20.1.5 Skagit Valley Tel Co. 8904 T'elephome at Avon 10.23 Curtis wharf Co. 8905 Lime'for mater Dept. 50.06 Marine Supply & Hardware 8906 Materials & Supplies 108.09 R.R.Yates 0907 Supplies for Water Office 2.17 Skagit Bonded Collectors 8908 Collection of dater Bils 4•.20 K.R.Kingsley 8909 Ins. on Chev Dump Truck 21.50 Anchor Packing Co. 8910 Supplies for Water Dept. 3.09 Burroughs Adding'Mach.Co. 8911 Adding Machine Service 6.80 Hamburg Iron Works 8912 Service for Water Dept. 34.87 Mt.Vernon B1dg.Matl. Co. 8913 Material for Plater Dept. 13.80 Island Transfer Co. 8914 Fuel Oil,Filter Plant 18.67 Neptune Meter Co. 8915' Supplies for Meters 013 P'enneylvannia Salt Co. 8910 Chlorine for Water Dept. 59.40 Pelton dater 171heel Co. 8917 Supplies for Water Dept. 23.00 Pacific Highway Transport 8918 Freight on Wood Pipe 1.31 Puget Sound Pr.& Lt.Co. 8929 Power & Servtce 994,01 Dept. of Labor & Ind. 8919 Ind.lna.& Med. Aid 18-17 Tax Commission 8920 Business Tax 488.81 The Fern Press 8921 Printing Post Cards 5.15 CITY STREET -FUND Roy McDougall 2324 Salary as Street Foreman 196.lo Lynn Balcomb 2325 U " Graderman 188010 Carl Thorene :2326 i1 " Maint Man 198.10 Dave Summers 2327 „ 0 Maint Man 173.30 Carl "Velk 2328 f° " aaint Man 173.30 Artie 'Taylor 2329 " 'r £Taint Man 182.30 L.E. Harr 2330 1P " St. Sweeper 43.50 T.G..M. c"rory 2338 " " St. Supervosor 41.50 John G. Darcy 2332 " 17 Bookkeeper 41.50 Gordon Jorgenson 2333 Mages as Laborer 4.84 Withholding Tax Fund 2334 'Uithholding Tax Deductions 125.30 Standard Oil Company 2335 Gasoline, City Pump 150.98 Anacortes Foundry 2336 Service f•or Street Dept. 10.30 Dept of' Labor & Xnd. 233 Ind Ina & Ned Aid 16.04 Broun Lumber go. 2339 Lumber, St. Dept. 112.68 Leon Pretti 2339 Service for St. Dept. 2.50 `Prulson Motor Co. 2340 Service for St. Dept. 25.56 Schwartz Iron Works- 2341 Haterial & Supplieo 35~.0 5 flSt , Vernon Bldg Matl Co. 2'3421',' "Ha.t er ial for St. Dept. 21.67 Dunlap Hardware Co. 2343 Grader Repaira 102.31 Korrison Dill Company 2344 Lumber, St. Dept. 18.08 Curtis Wharf Co. 2345 Laterial, St. Dept. 6.11 Hari.ne Supply & Hardware 2346 Material & Suppliee 18.62 Mt. Balser Hardware Co. 2347 Eqpt fox- St. Dept. 79.83 Puget Sound Pr. & Lt. Co. 234$ Power for Crusher 37.50 Howard Cooper Gorp. 2349 Repairs & Service ;56.36 FIREM U' S .RELIEF & PE1TSION FUND Dr. Llewellyn Cook 219 Services for Injury to Jay Thayer 15.50 VIXTHHOLDXXG TAX FIJITID F?eople's National Bank 34 Withholding Tax Deductions 533.90 'r -,:Ir) May 7, 1946 Continued A motioh uaB made'by Ellin and seconded by Allen that the above claims be referred to the Finance Committee. Hotion carried. The finance Committee considered the above claims and recommended that t:.a claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of the same. motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Allen that the above recommendation of the Finance Committea in the matter of the claims against the City'of' Anacortes for tha month of April, 1�46, be -adopted. Ayeb: Dodge, Ellin, Clausius, Allen abd Brado. Lotion Carried. Having completed the buBiMss of the meeting a motion was wade by Claueiuo and seconded by Dodge that the meeting of the City Council adjourn. " tion .carried. The meeting of the City Council did then adjourn. Attdsl . t y Hay 21, 1946 A Regular hleeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 8 o'clock P. K. with mayor J'oe L. Ragan Presiding. The Moll was called and Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, Glausius, Allen and Brado were present. At The meeting of the City Council held on 7, 1946, the Gity Clerk Liao auth- orized to publish a call for bids -for 3900 feet of 10 inch dater pipe and 2000 feet of -8 mach cater pipe.. The call for bins on the above described pipe Vao published, and trio bids were submitted, and came up for consideration at thio time. A motion wan rade by Clauaaus and seconded by Hanson that the City Clerk open the bido on the cater pipe. Eotion carried. The bids were opened, one from the Johns©Hanville Sales Corporation and one from the K. D. Fowler Comtsatny. The Johns-Kanville bid was as follows for Transite ripe: 3000° 10" Claso 150, 2 ;9� per foot, 9 x;1.664 per foot X4,992.00 20001 8" Class 150 1 per Foot, 0 $1.235 per foot`78fy2,470.00 462.0® The H. D. . owler bid was folbowo: 3000 Lineal feet Clare 150 Asbestos Cement Pipe O 11,71 per Ft.�5,130.00 2000 Lineal feet Class. 150 Asbestos Cement Pipe 6 G1.21 per ft.012,420.00 07,559.00 After some discuosion, a moti,,r --s mmdo by Claunius and seconded by 'bane= that the the natter oa' r coeptIL _ ~the .bid f or the above U�:,.: 'i.beel pipe be held ®4cr till the newt meeting of tho City Council. Llotion carried. Brado made an oral report, on the matter of the parking zones f or thu South Side Bussea.Ur. R. C. Barney was present and spoke to the City Council on thin matter. Recently the City Clerk wrote a letter to Dr. Austin Shad, as vice ozcsident of the Anacortes Gaa Company and pointed out that the Gas Company ohould according to the 0tdinance pay to the City of Anacortes 2% of its gross sales since some time in 1935. Nothing has, been paid to data. Lir. Barney opoko to the City Council on this matter also. No official action vac taken in the matter. 77hen parking zones are agreed upon for t)^.c South. Side BuBses by the City Council, the matter of suitable and very oubstantial sigino which will be necessary wore discussed. The question of ghat department would pay for the signs and which Department would be responsible for then was also discussed. A motion was made by EV00 an(� seconded by Alleh that the City Attorney prepare a blanket ordinance to comply Jith State Regulations and that the Police Depwrt® ;Hent be responsible for the epforcenent of the parking zones. Ayes: HanDen, Dodge, Ellin, Clausiva, Allen and Brado. Notion Carried. 1 1 •I 1 C'eme t o ry Fund Ingvald Xversen 20 Salary as Cemetery St�pt 173.30 Charles Rex `��� itchell 21 Gabor in Cemetery 24.15 Raymond'Balthezor 22 Labor in Cemetery 116.00 William'Labor in Cemetery 23 Laborin Cemetery 138.90 Lulu u.-0ole 24 Mork on cemetery recokdc 74.25 Dept of Labor & Ind. 25 Ind Xna & Lied Aid 5.T3 L[arshall Yfello Store 26 Supplies for St. Dept. 4067 Gilkey & Vright Ingvald'lversen 2 Service in Cemetery Mileage 263.15 2 in Cemetery 15000 Liarine Supply & Hardware 29 -a.terial & Supplies 35.12 Arlowind Cole 30 Work on Cemetery records ;;�00 Horrison Hill Go. 31 Lumber for Cemetery 59.19 Vestern'Auto Supply Co. 32 Supplies for Cemetery 5.02 Lyle A. ' Riddle 33 Bond for Cemetery Supt. 5.00 Herbert Woodfield 34 Lumber for Cemetery 55.00 Broom Lamber Co. 35 Dumber for Cemetery 16<4g The Yerh Press 36 Supplies for Cemetery 4.4 June Swanson 3.7 fork on Cemetery Records 37.50 Withholding Tax Fund 38 Vithholding Tax deductions 29.65 A motioh uaB made'by Ellin and seconded by Allen that the above claims be referred to the Finance Committee. Hotion carried. The finance Committee considered the above claims and recommended that t:.a claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of the same. motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Allen that the above recommendation of the Finance Committea in the matter of the claims against the City'of' Anacortes for tha month of April, 1�46, be -adopted. Ayeb: Dodge, Ellin, Clausius, Allen abd Brado. Lotion Carried. Having completed the buBiMss of the meeting a motion was wade by Claueiuo and seconded by Dodge that the meeting of the City Council adjourn. " tion .carried. The meeting of the City Council did then adjourn. Attdsl . t y Hay 21, 1946 A Regular hleeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 8 o'clock P. K. with mayor J'oe L. Ragan Presiding. The Moll was called and Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, Glausius, Allen and Brado were present. At The meeting of the City Council held on 7, 1946, the Gity Clerk Liao auth- orized to publish a call for bids -for 3900 feet of 10 inch dater pipe and 2000 feet of -8 mach cater pipe.. The call for bins on the above described pipe Vao published, and trio bids were submitted, and came up for consideration at thio time. A motion wan rade by Clauaaus and seconded by Hanson that the City Clerk open the bido on the cater pipe. Eotion carried. The bids were opened, one from the Johns©Hanville Sales Corporation and one from the K. D. Fowler Comtsatny. The Johns-Kanville bid was as follows for Transite ripe: 3000° 10" Claso 150, 2 ;9� per foot, 9 x;1.664 per foot X4,992.00 20001 8" Class 150 1 per Foot, 0 $1.235 per foot`78fy2,470.00 462.0® The H. D. . owler bid was folbowo: 3000 Lineal feet Clare 150 Asbestos Cement Pipe O 11,71 per Ft.�5,130.00 2000 Lineal feet Class. 150 Asbestos Cement Pipe 6 G1.21 per ft.012,420.00 07,559.00 After some discuosion, a moti,,r --s mmdo by Claunius and seconded by 'bane= that the the natter oa' r coeptIL _ ~the .bid f or the above U�:,.: 'i.beel pipe be held ®4cr till the newt meeting of tho City Council. Llotion carried. Brado made an oral report, on the matter of the parking zones f or thu South Side Bussea.Ur. R. C. Barney was present and spoke to the City Council on thin matter. Recently the City Clerk wrote a letter to Dr. Austin Shad, as vice ozcsident of the Anacortes Gaa Company and pointed out that the Gas Company ohould according to the 0tdinance pay to the City of Anacortes 2% of its gross sales since some time in 1935. Nothing has, been paid to data. Lir. Barney opoko to the City Council on this matter also. No official action vac taken in the matter. 77hen parking zones are agreed upon for t)^.c South. Side BuBses by the City Council, the matter of suitable and very oubstantial sigino which will be necessary wore discussed. The question of ghat department would pay for the signs and which Department would be responsible for then was also discussed. A motion was made by EV00 an(� seconded by Alleh that the City Attorney prepare a blanket ordinance to comply Jith State Regulations and that the Police Depwrt® ;Hent be responsible for the epforcenent of the parking zones. Ayes: HanDen, Dodge, Ellin, Clausiva, Allen and Brado. Notion Carried. 1 1 •I 1 1 I 0 � 0 1 1 � 0 I18 1.57 May 21, 1946 Continued Mr. John. Cheney presented the following petition on behalf of Preston Holton: To the Honorable Mbror and City Council., City of Anncortesa The undersigned petitioner, Preston F. Holton, is tha owner of 13lock.I, and the eastern half of Block 101, Northern Pacific Addition to the City of Rnacor- tes. The Noethere end of"Alaska Avenue cuts through the petitionervs property between said blocks, and is now uncleared and unimproved. SAS' it is believed that the City of Anac-ortes could not benefiP by re- taining this street end, since the street as platted runs north to a deep em- bankment, approximately a seventy foot drop at the railroad right-of-way, and t no other individuals could possibly -benefit by using this area as a street, since all adjoining lots front on Oakes Avenue, and that, in all probability, the area would forever remain unimproved and uncleared, and that the petitioner and several prospective home owners of Blocks I and lol of said addition mould benefit by the vacation of Alaska Avenue in that the said area could then be cleared and improved and the entire area would wake a beautiful district of nen holmes thus adding to the beauty and appearance of our city. THEREFORE IT IS HEREBY PETITIOM that the north endof Alaska ...venue from the northern boundry of Oakes Avenue running north to the Couthern boundry of the rail road- right@of way be vacated to Preston F. Holton. (Signed) Preston F. Holton Petitioner After some discussion, a motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Allen that this matter be referred to the Streets and Parks Committee. Motion carried. • Pyr. 'Uilliam Dolph was present and made an application for the down timber on the City property recently logged off by F. E. Foss and. sons. Mr. Dolph quoted prices which he would pay for the different kinds of timber. After some discussion, a motion crap made by Hansen and seconded by CL,,usius t%t this matter be referred to the Fire, Light and Clater Committee. Motion carried. Hr. Hall of the Furse Stage Line which comes into Lnacortee, spoke to the City Council. K.r. Hall asked for a parking zone in the City of J nmcortes, preferably on the south side of Fourth Street immediately west of Commercial Lvenueo The City Council did not wish to give the Furse State Line any reserved parking zone at this location, but favored giving the Furse Stages permission to park for a period not longer that ten minutes in front of the Maryland Cafe. After some further discussion, a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Dodge thatpermission b© granted to the Furse Stage Line to park their busses in front of the Maryland Cafe for a.period not to exceed ten minutes immediately before its departure until such time as the Furse Stage Line officials can make other arrangements,. Motion c.arriedo The following communication from. the Anmortes Planning.Commission was presented to the City Cdunc it o May 9, 1946 Honorable Mayor and City Council., Ana.corte.s, Washington. Gentlemen. At the regular meeting of the Anacortes Planning Commission held on liay 8, 1946,.a motion was made requesting that the City Council consider the passage of an ordinance or ordinances which would govern the type of trees and shrubs, the planting and location of same along streets, alleys and parking strips; arking- stripsa and also prohibiting the accumulation. of debris or permitting of gFass and weeds to become dry and inflammable, requiring the brimming of certain trees, hedges and shrubs and providing for the enforcement of such ordinance or ordin- ances and penalties for violation thereof. Yours very truly, (Signed) John Go Dorcy, Chairman, Anacortes Planning Commission. A motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Dodge that this matter be referred to the Streets and Parks Committee for further study. Motion carried. Hayor Joe L. Hagan presented a Liquor Boakd Appl.icatiom for a 23T Club License and a beer license to the American Legion, Causland Post. #13. After some disc cuss.ion, a motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Ellin that the application of the American Legion, Causland Post #13, be approved. Notion carried. The following communication from the fort of Ana_cortes was presented and read to the City Councils Ana cortex, Washo.•, May 10, 1946. Honorable mor and City Council, Anac.ortes, Vasho Gentle men We ivoald like permission to place a scale platform on Commercial Avenue, between First and Second' Street,on the 'Jest side paralleling curb, fifteen to twenty feet south of fire hy0rant. This will be constructed so as not to interfere with gutters or auto- mobile traffic. The operation of the scales themselver will be placed inside proposed new concrete warehouse. Far ' A1VP„C ORTES PORT C 011KI SSI OTQ (Signed) Berent C. Rydberg, Secretary. geter some diseu; �':_ n a mot' pn w ma e Cla s w �d secgnde y Ejl�b jhg soEe��esliebpi�e��yedrai��ovmo��ionTc�ar�iedo�irm o � scales is a eas e The report and read to Ellin that Committee. Kay 21, 1946, Continued. of the Faire Department for the month of April, 1946, r-ra.s presented the City Council and a motion was made by Cla.usius and seconded by - said report be accepted and referred to the Fire, Light and Water Qz Motion carried. Mr. V. N. Wells Jr. ,City At-torney, presented a report recommending the following bonds and insurance policies be accepted. j�49S2792 Aetha Casualty company Bond for Cemetery Guperintendent 011D000;00 #398390 U. S. E. & G Bond for Plumbing Inspector 11D000.00 X398389 U. S. Y. &G Bond for Electrical Inspector 61,000.00 fj693251 Glens falls Idemnity Co. policy for bodily injury (110000.00'.. to 620,000.00) and property damage (4)5,000.00) on tater Dept 1941 Chevrolet l ton Dump truck 06109375 Franklin Fire Insurance Company and Home Indemnity Company CAU policy for Bodily Injury (4,10,000.00 to ;20,000.00) and' property damage 05,000.00) on Park Dept 1942 Dodge truck. A363 Automobile Insurance Company of Hartford police for fixe and lightning without extended coverage on warehouse at. 1103 -5th Street (01,000.00) and contents (1200.00) f11004 Home Insurance Company policy for Fire, lightning and extended coverage on City hall. (01500.00) and contents (1500.00) A motion was made by Brado and seconded by Claausius that tho recommendation in the matter of the above bonds and insurance policies by the City Attorney -be accepted. Motion carried. The matter of paving Commercial Avenue was discussed as to the thickness of the pavement and thQ cost of the construction. It was decided to hold a committee meeting of the Council as a whole on Play 28, 1946 to discuss this matter further. Ellin made an orad: report of the -iomplaint of H. -J. Fee against a nuisance next to hire property at approximately 1�-05m5th Street, caused by a collection of old cars. In his report Councilman Ellih felt that there was very little that the City Council could do about thei matter. At this time, a resolution to construct a five foot cement sidevalk, and concrete curb on the west oido of L Avoyaua, complete in every particular, commencing at - Twentieth Street and extending South to Twenty Second Street; -and to grade L Ave- nue between twentieth Street and Twenty'Second Street, Vaag. presented, and read to the City Council. After Some di-ocusoion, a motion teas made by Claiasius and seconded by Kedge thLt paid r000lution for the improvement of L C&venue between Twentieth St,cet akid Twenty second Street be adopted. Ayes: Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, Clausius, Allen and Brado. Motion carried. Zr. T. 0..='oCrory, City Eng'lneer, presented the following report which was read to the City -Council; This report io ohown on page 152. 7 A motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Dodge that the date of th. assessment roll for Local Improvement. District.:'N-umber 148 -bo June 18, 1946. -motion carried. The following report by T. Go McCrory, City Engineer, was presented and read to the City Council: Yay 219 1946 Honorable 4.yor & City Council j Gentlemen: In the matter of the assessment roll for Improvement District No. 148; the final estimate to the contract amounts to ;91856.58, the expenses for publishing) ordinances, resolutions, sending out notices, interest, and engineering expense is$98.22, making a total expense to be borne by this improvement district. of ,'1954.60. The results is an assessment of $54.30 per lot. For your information I am attaching an assessment map showing the bound® arieo of the district, the lots and blocks affected and the assessment number of each lot. Respectfully submitted, (Signed) T. G. KcCrory, City Engineer. The plans ofGrbud View Cemetery Annex was presented to the City Council by the City Engineer, and after some discussion, a motion was made by Brado and seconded by Hansen that said plat of Grand View Cemetery Annex be accepted and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign same. Motion carried. Having completed the business of the evening, a motion raa made by Clausiuc and seconded by Brado that the meeting of the City Council. dj � Potion. carried. The City Council did thew adjourn® Attest:� )_�!% - - City Clerk 1 • 1 7 1 I.* I* 1 �0 Tune 4, 1946 A' Regutla Meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes eras called to order at $'o°clock P. 11.,with Mayor Joe L. Kagan (Presiding. she roll was called and Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, Clausius, Fisher, allen and Brado were present.. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and; approved as read. Mr. Tom Henwood and several other members of the Veteran°s Orgatizations were present at the meeting and asked permission to have the American .�-"egion and the Veteran's of Foreign Vars sponsor a Carnival in Anacortes this summer. After'some'discussion., a motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Ellin that the City Council give permission to the American Legion and Veteran's of Foreign Mars of the City of Anacortes to jointly sponsor a Carnival here this summer. Lotion carried. The matter of the vacation of Alaska avenue in Anacortes in favor of' Preston Holton"was discussed at some length at this time. Preston Holton and John Cheney both spoke to the City Council and poidted out many reason why they -felt, that the City Council. should take this action at this time. The City C0,1,ncil asked that either Freston Holton or John Cheney ger°'a letter from tnc Great 1;o±-therib Railway stating Choy have no objeo.tions to the vacation of Alazka Avenue. The following communication was presented and read to the C'ity,Council: -4nacortes, Mash., May 4, 1946 Mr. Joe L. Hagan, Ur-yor, City of f.macortes , Anacortes, Wash.. Lear Sir: I wish to tender herewith -my resignation as Park Superintendent of the City of Anacortes, as of 14ay 15�, 1946. I regret to have to do this, but feel that this is the proper action to take owing to the condition of my health. 1 wish to thank you, the City Council and other City Officials for their help and cooperation while I have been work- ing for the City of Anacortes. With best wishes for the future of' the City of Anacortes, I am, Yours very truly, (Signed) J. E. Harding A motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Clausius that the resignation of J. E. Harding as Park Superintendent be accepted. Llotion carried. kir. C. V. Wilder of Bellingham, Washington, who has the contract for construct- ing a sidewalk on the west side of CommercialAvenue between 12th Street and 17th Street., asked*for an extension of time of 15 days in which to complete his sidewalk contract.. The City Council granted this request. Mayor Joe L. Hagan brought up the matter of the transfer of the Class. BCEF Liquor License from Gladys B. Jorgeson to Harvey L. Hoen and Sigler P. Moen who have purchaood the Brown Lantern Tavern from Gladys B. Jorgeson. After some discusisiom, a motion was made by Brado and seconded by Ellin that the City Council approve the transfer of the above. described Liquor License from Gladys B. rorgesom to F..art�ey L._Moen and Sigler and Sigler P. Moen for the operation of the Brown Lantern Tavern. Motion carried. At this time, -;a.yor Joe La Tiagan announced that he was ready to make the appoint- ment of -Chief of Police to fill the position of IT. R. Hinshaw who recently- resigned ecentlyresigned to become a candidate for Skagit County Sheriff. Tfayor Hagan reported that he had offered the position of Chief of Police to Nicht Petrish, Assistant Chief of kolice, who declined the offer in favor of Captain John B. Goff of the AnacorteR Police Department. Uayor Hagan then appointed Captain John B. Goff CC Chief cf .the Anacortes Police Department, subject to -the approval of the City Council. 11 motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Hansen that the appoint- ment of Captain John B. Goff LS Oh*ef df ::the r-aacurtes Police Department by Mayor Joe L. Hagan be approved by the City Council. Mu2txn aawctAud. Ayes:Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, Clausius, Fisher Alen & Brado. lflotion.carried9 The .report of the City Treasurer for the month of .lce_y, 1946, was presented to the .City Council and vas referred by the Mayor to the finance Committee. The report of the ]Police Department for the month of Way, 1946, was presented and read to the City Council and a motion was made by-Clausius and seconded by Hansen that said report be accepted and referred to the License and kolice Committee.2�otion carried. The matter of riding bicycles on sidewalks was brought up and discussed at some length, and it was decided to obtain copies of bicycle ordinances used in other cities and take this matter up later. The report of the Police Justice for the month of May, 1946, was presented and reed to the City Council and a motion Was made by Dodge and seconded by Clausius that said report be accepted and referred to the License & Police committee. ]Motion carried. , Tune 4 , 1946 The report of the hater De^artment for the month of Uiy, 1946, was presented and read to*the City Council and a motion was made by Clausius and„seconded by Hansen that said report be accepted and referred to the Fire, -°ight and dater j Committee. llotioki carried. The report of 'the Street Foreman for the month of 2ay, 1946, was presented and read to the City Council and a motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Allen that said report be accepted and referred to the Streets & Parks Committee. 11otion carried. The Gasoline Report fot the month of Hay, 1946, was presented and read to the City Council and a motion was made by Brado and seconded by -Allen that said gasoline report be accepted and placed on file. 'Motion carried. The matter of the application of Tm. Dolph to cut down timber on the City property recently logged of by F. E. Foss & Sons and which had been referred to' • a Committee, came up for discussion at this time. After some further discussion, a motion wag made by Ellin and seconded by-Brado that the application of Hr. 11m. Dolph to cut the down timber on the City Property recdntly logged off by F. E.. oss & Sona be refused. Notion carried. At this time, the City Council considered further the awarding of a bid for • 3,000' of 10 inch, Class 150, asbestos Cement water pipe with couplingo and 20001•of 8 inch, Class 150, asbestos pement mater pipe complete pith couplings. Bids were received and opened on May 21, 1946, from Jobe-:1qnvil3_e and K. lP Fowler Company, and said bids vera laid over until the meeting of June 4, 1 46. These bids were considered at this time and a motion was made by E_,_nnsen:uxd seconded by Ellin -Yat the bid of Johnem4” nville on the above described pipe in the total amount of )7,462.00 be accepted. dyes: Hansen, Dodge, Ellin., Clausius, Fisher, Allen and Brado. Zotion carried. Mr. T. G. McCrory, hater Superintendent,•asked permission to purchase 400 Feet of 6 inch pipe. After some discussion, a motion was made by Clausius and j seconded by Brado that The dater tuperintendent be authorized to purchase 400. of 6 inch water pipe. Ayes: Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, Clausius, Fisher, Allen and .0xado. emotion carried. ter. T. G. UcCrory, City Engineer, asked permission to purchase approximately -:165 tons of liquid asphalt or Bitimidous Cement LZ2 or equal and a motion was by Clausius and seconded by Brado that the City Clerk be authorized to advertise a call for bide on approximately 165-tono of Bituminous Cement TX2, or Emulsified Asphalt (Bitumuls-HRII-or equal), Standard specifications. Ayes Hansen, Dodge, 2111in, Clausius, Fisher, Allem and Brado. notion carried. T. G. McCrory,* City Engineer, asked for permission to purchase approximp-telt'- This; paragraph 40000 pounds of Ditulals for use on City Streets, and a motion wa.s made by ; is a duplication Clausius and seconded by laiden that the City Clerk advertise a call for bids I of the above para- araon onapproximately 40000° of Bitumals for use on City streeto. 1syes3: Ransen,Dodge, graph and ie' not 111in, Clausius,Fisher,Allen and Brado. Hotion carried a part of these minutes. 1do. T. G. EaC.rory, Dater Z)uperintendent, asked.permie^lon to purchase 30 tong of Aluminum Sulphate for %mte.r purification and a motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Dodge that the City Clem advertise a call for bids on. 30 tons of Aluminum Sulphate as requested by the Vater Superinten6ent. byes: Kasen, Dodge, Ellin, Claueiuo, Visher,.Allen and Brado. Kotion carried. Numerous ,plans for the paving of commercial Avenue from 11th Street to Commercial 37th Street together with a modern lighting ori Avenue were discussed -at some length. After some further consideration, a motion was made that the lknyor, City Attorney and City Engineer employ a recognized Bond Attorney to proceed with the proposed plana for paving and street lihting Rk for Commercial Avenue focal as follows: 25% of entire cost to be paid by a Improvement District and 75% to be General Obligation Bonds if this plan is workable and/or any such plan as may be proposed by said Bond Attorney. Lyes: Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, Clausgus, • Fisher, Alen, & Brado. Elotion carried. The following claims against the City of, Anacorteo for the month of may, 1946, were presented and read to the City Council: CURRENT t".mivSU • Joe L. Hagan 13719 Salary as Mayor 20.00 George Brado r r Councilz n 10.00 q' Romie L.. Allan T20' 21 � � � 10000 j Charles F. Fisher 13722 a ° ° 5.00 E. A. Cgausius 13723 a 10.00 Syd Ellin 13724 10.00 E. E. -Dodge 13725 M r 10 : 00 i H. L. Hansen 13726 a CT 10.00 I 0T. E. firgea. 1372(7 r3 "I Treasurer 0.00 G. Dor+cyy' 13728 Cr � /DVeput;/yq City �Johgnp . �}. 4Wello dr. /Cle�'tk /C 13729 �"I City Attorpey f92.�O 83'. x/300 Dr. A. B. Cook 13730 r « Health Officer 41.450 A. R. Sellenthin 13731 r Police Justice 50.10 Harry Davis 13732 p " Dog Catcher 25.00 L). E. Glsor_ 13733 r Janitor at City Hall 56.30 St. Clair Jackson 13734 Janitor at Com. Bldg. 144.50 Harry Daviu 13735 " Garbage Dump n 40.00 ,'jithholding Tax Fund 13736 Withholding Tax deductions 47.70 1 I 0 I• 1 1 10 14D 1 June 4, 1.946 Continued. CEME?'ERY FiIATD SSd. Schafer William E. Latimer Ch&rles'. Rex.Zitchell.. Robert Rolstad Floyd Lo Wheeler- Ingvald Iversen Vithholding Tac Fund Brown Lumber Co. ' AnacortvesWater Dept. Ingvald Iversen Curtis 17harf Co. Anacorte.s Equipment Co. Depth of -babor & Ind Clarence -Thomas Marine, Supply & Hardware Gilkey & "aright Robert Deutsch C. Co. Cook The Fern Press Lulu. M. Cole 39 Wages as Laborer 40 Wages as ��aborer 41 " a IT 42 a to r 43 is it V7 44 Salary as Cemetery Supt 45 Withholding Taxes 46 Lumber for Cemetery 47 Water used in'Ceme�lery 48 Mileage on Car. 49 aterial for Cemetery 50 haterial & Service 51 Ind Ins & Died Aid 52 service for Cemetery 53 Pla.terial el Supplies 54 iwap & Service, Cemetery Annex 55^ Material & Service 56 Service for Cemetery 57 Printing & Supplies 58 Vork on Cemetery records 55.92. 156080 148.8o 148.80 144020 173030 96018 275.57 2050 60oo 3.62 208007 10051 44.'00 139-15- 63-50 17.32 1.55 38093 18000 WI1 TMMLDING TAX FM Peoplec National Bank 35. Withholding `ax deductions 627.27 L I D NO. .1�8 C. Vo Wilder 1 Varrant for Sewer Project. LPD 148 18.56.58 A motion was m�de by Clausius and seconded by Ellin that the above claimsbe referred to Eche Finance Committee. Notion carried. The Finance Committee considered said claims and recommended that the Claims be allowed and warrants draw'n in favor -at the. same. 11, 11 uaa made by Ellin and seconded by �,isher that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be adopted. Ayes: Hansen, Dodge, Ellin Cla.usius, Fisher, Allen & Brado. Notion carried. Being.un3bl� ,%o�- cQmplete the busineps of the evenin�$ a mgtionwas made by H.nseh and seconds by Dodge that the meeting of the City l+OunC11 adjourn to June 1, 1946 at 8 P. ff. Notion carried. The meeting of the C .,ty cil did so adjourn. yore - Attest: City Clerk ,Tune 11, 1946 A Regular Adjourned meeting of the City Council was called to order a1, 8 o.4clodk P. K. with mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. the roll was called and Hansen, P®dge, Ellinm Clausius, Yisher, Allen &.Brado. present, A communication from Mike Caspar asking that the rent of the Okating rink be reduced from $100000 per month to $75.00 per month during the summer montho of June, July &August. The following is a communication from Mr. Mike Casper: i Honorable Mayor & Councilmen Anacortes, Vashington Gentlomen: I °rill be out of town on the night the Council meets, therefore I am writing this request for reduction of rent at the Roller Rink in the Community Building for the month of June, and also for July and August if lease renewal is granted. At present $100.00 per month is paid, of which 525.00 is for heat and Janitor service. As heat is not needed these months, and Janitor service has been practically none, I believe a charge of $75.00 for these months would be satisfactory to everyone. As rental is payable in advance, the month of June has already been paid; therefore, a rebate of �y25.00 for June would be required if reduction is granted. Yours very truly, Mike Casper. After some discussion this matter was referred to the Building Committee. IQ4(i, rnntinil arl- Mr. James H. Stump was present at the meeting and stated that he had purchased the Commercial Tavern in this cit a and asked ermission of the City Council to transfer the Liquor License for tKis location �o him. After some discussion a motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Fisher that the Cit Council approve the transfer of the Liquor License of the Commercial Tavern to Mr. James H. Stump. Motion carried. Mayor Joe Lo Hagan made an oral report on the matter of Commercial Avenue paving and street lighting improvements at this time. The Hayor stated further that the day of election to authorize the bonds for this improvement must be held on the day of General Election, which this year is on November 5, 1946. After some further discussion on the matter of the improvement of Commercial Avenue by paving, street lighting and other necessary construction, a motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Ellin that authority be given to the City Engineer, the City Attorney and the Blind Attorney to proceed with the local improvement for Commercial Avenue, paving and necessary -construction as far as vie can go at this time. Ayes: Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, Clausius, Fisher, Allen and Brado. Mayor Joe L. Hagan presented a very complete outline of the plan to be used in improving Commercial Avenue by construction of•a pavement from curb to curb, a new street lighting system, and other necessary construction, and a motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Ellin that this report be published in the nieuzl*m papers in Anacortes, in order that the public may know the plans for the improve- ment of Commercial Avenue. Uotion carried. T-layor Joe L. Hagan repotted that Harry Do Jackson feels that he can no longer operate the ambulance service in the city of Anacortes, and urged that the City of Anacortes take over the operation of his ambulance service. This ratter was discussed at some length and decided to leave final decision until the next meet- ing of the City Council. Mr.T.G. McCrory, City Engineer, spore to the City Council on the matter of a service charge for -applying calcium chloride to certain street areas, and charg- ing the property owners in the area for this service. After some discussion, motion was made by Dodge and.seconded by Allen that the City of Anacortes be i, authorized to furnish calcium'chloride for dust control purposes. on streets in the City of Anacortes, and that the owners of the abutting property pay the cost of material only for this service. Motion carried. I At this time An Ordinance relating to construction, reconstruction and renewal of sidewalks; providing for the payment therefor by abutting property owners, and for the application and enforcement of the- provisions of Sections 1 and 2, Chapter 37 of the 1905 Session Laws of the State,of Washington, and Sections 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Chapter 203, of the 1927 Session Laws of the State of Washington was presented and read to the City Council.. After some discussion a motion was made b Ellin and seconded b Brado that said Ordinance relating` to construction, reconstruction and renewal of sidewalks, be adopted as a whole. Ayes:- Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, Clausius, Fisher, Allen and Brado. Motion carried. Having completed the seconded by Clausius The City Council did Attest business of the evening, a motion was made by Dodge and that the meeting of the City Council adjourn. Motion carried. then adjqurn. i ICOR June 18, 1946. A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 8:00 o'clock P.M., with Mayor Joe L, Hagan presiding. The roll was called and Hansen, Ellinn Clausius, Fisher, Allen and Brado were present. The minutes of the meetings. of June 4th and June 11th, 1946, were read and approved as read. A Petition protesting the improvement of L Avenue between Twentieth and Twenty - Second Streets, which was signed by eleven residents of this proposed improvement district, was presented and read to the City Council. As the property owned by the persons who signed the petition against the improvement of the above described, area amounts to more than sixty per -cent (600) of the cost of this improvement, a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Clausius that this petition be accepted and that the original petition for the improvement of this district be kept on filo. Motion carried. Mr. Charles 71. Vedlund spoke to the City Council and presented a working agree- ment between the employees of the City of Anacortes who belong to a union, and the City Council. The City Council received this working agreement and asked ! that copies of the same be made so that each member of the City Council could study it over thoroughly and take action on the same at a later meeting. Pyr. Comstock was present and asked the City Council for permission to purchase a taxi license to operate the Taxi now under license by Zan Norman. Hr. Comstock stated that he was about to purchase the taxicab from Mr. Norman, and was acting as manager of the taxicab at the present time. The City Council discussed this matter at some length and instructed the City.Attorney to prepare a new ordinance governing City licenses in general, and have the same ready for presentation at the next meeting of the City Council, and decided to permit Hr. Comstock to operate the Midway Taxi as manager under the license held by Zan Norman. FA 1 L i 6� 1 1 140 10 1 1 16 L June 18, 1946, Continued. The report of the Fire Department for the month of May, 1946 was presented and read to the City Council, and motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Allen that said report be accepted and referred to the Fire, Light and 'dater Committee. Motion carried. At the meeting of.the City Council held on June 4th, 1946, the City Clerk was authorized to publish a call for bids on approximately 40,000 pounds of Aluminum Sulphate for water purification purposes, and said bids to be opened on June 18th, 1946. At this time a motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Hansen that said bid from the General Chemical Company be opened. The following is their bid: 40 Tons Aluminum Sulphate, Standard Ground, Packaged in 100# Paper Bags . . . . . . . . . . . .$26.25 per net ton, F.O.B. Nichols, California. Terms: Net 30 days. After some discussion, motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Ellin that said bid from the General Chemical Company for Aluminum Sulphate be accepted. Ayes: Hanse, Ellin, Clausius, Fisher, Allen and Brado. Motion carried. At the meeting of the City Council held on June 4th, 1946{ the City Clerk was authorized to publish a call for bids on approximately�gndc!e� of Bitumuls TUM for use on city streets, said bids to be opened on June 1i�,194 A motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Brado that said bids on Bitumuls TM be opened. The Motion carried. The following is the bid from Raeco Sales Company of Seattle, Washington: Bitumuls HRU in minimum lots of 5000 gallons delivered to your distributor trucks at Anacortes----- <.mv_a-.13� per gal. Bitumuls HRU in 55 gallon drum fob our plant, Seattle .17 per gal. Bitumuls HRM in 55 gallon drum fob Anacortes. .21 per gal. We are now setting up 20,000 gallo-n atr;l-age tanks for both Bitumuls Hid. and HRK. After these fadilities are completed we will be able to offer you HRE, tank wagon delivery fob our � plant at .12 cents per gallon. ]lotion was made by Brado and sedonded by Allen that the above bid on Bitumuls HRU by the Raeco Sales Company be accepted. Ayes: Hansen, Ellin, Clausius, Fisher, Allen and Brado. Motion carried. Also at,the meeting of the City Council held on June 4th, 1946, the City Clerk was authorized to publish a call for bids on approximately 165 tons of XC -2 Liquid Asphalt for use.on City streets, and said bids to opened on June 18,1946, and a motion was made by Allen and seconded by Brado that said bids on liquid asphalt be opened. The following are the names of the bidders and the amount of the bids: Standard Oil Company. . . . . . . . . . . o 013.90 per ton Shell Oil Company . . .. . . . . . $14.75 per ton. Both bids being F.O.B. Richmond Beach, yJashington. After some discussion, motion was made by Brado and seconded by Allen that the bid of the Standard Oil Company in the amount of $13.90 per ton for UC --2 liquid asphalt be accepted. Ayes: Hansei�,Ellin, Clausius, Fisher, Allen and Brado. Potion carried. Por. T.G. McCrory, City Engineer, spoke to the City Council and recommended that the City Clerk call for sealed bids for applying Asphalt to the streets in the City of Anacortes, and a motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Ellin that the City Clerk call for bids for applying the Asphalt and Bitumuls and other necessary material to the streets, and that said bids be opened at the next meeting of the City Council to be held on July 2nd, 1946. Motion carried. A Surety Bond for Warran Eugene Thompson, City Police Officer, and insurance policy covering the 1946 Ford Five Passenger Coupe was presented to the City Council, and a motion was made by Allen and seconded by Brado that said Bond and Insurance Policy be referred to the City Attorney. Motion carried. An Ordinance confirming an assessment roll of Local Improvement District No.148 for the installation of a lateral sewer from the Vicinity of K Avenue down the alleys of Blocks 122 and 89 of the Original Plat of the City of Anacortes, to a connection with the truhk sewer on M A7enue; as and,in the manner provided for in the plans and specifications of the said district as described in Ordinance No. 980, and equalized by the city council of the City of Anacortes on the 18th day of June, 1946, and prescribing within what time the assessment shall be paid, was presented and read to the city council. A motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Hansen that said Ordinance. above described, d'onfirming an assessment roll of District No. 148, be adopted as a whole. Ayes: Hansen, Ellin, Clausius, Fisher, Allen and Brado. Notion carried. At this time an Ordinance for safeguarding life and property by providing for establishing, changing or removing restricted traffic zones in the City of Anacortes; outlining the powers, functions, and duties of the Chief of Police or Assistant Chief of Police in regard to restricted traffic zones; providing penalties for the violation of such zones, and this ordinance; and repealing Ordinance No. 968 of the City of Anacortes, passed the 3rd day of July, 1945, and all other ordinances o pars of ordinances in conflict herewith, vias presented and read to tie ity ounce.. June , P . 104.6 , cont inuPd After some discussiOU, motion was m,,de by Hansen a,nd spcnnoed by Ellin t�.at said Ordinance ao above described be ad-o-oted as a ph.a9,P. Ayes Hansen, Ellin., Clausius, Ffs�+Pr, klen a,nl. Brado. lotion carried. Havin7 completed the and seconded by Allen otion carried. The City Council did business Of the evening, a motion Fas made by Fisher that the meeting oi' the City council adjourn. ' then adjourn, Yo�� — — -- t t.e s.t a clerk -- --- - � July 2, 1946 reqular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 6:00 o'clock P. M. with Mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. The roll was called and Hansen, Dodge, Clausius, Fisher, Allen and Brado were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved with a correction. The City Cotancil considered further the application of Preston Holton for the vacation of the north end of Alaska Avenue. Mr. John Cheney and Preston Holton were present and spoke to the City Council urging them to vacate this street endo After discussing this matter at some length a motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Clausius that the petition of Preston Holton for Alaska Avenue from the street boundry of Oaks Avenue running North of the sounth boundry of the railway right away be denied. Ayes: Hansen, Dodge, Clausius, Fisher, Allen, and Brado. Motion carried. At this time an application for the vacation of the extreme north ends of H and I avenue bounded on the north by the inner harbor line,on the east and west side by the petitioniers property and on the Qouth by the Great Northern Railroad right away, was presented by Milton Po Roumm and Edith Roumm. After some discussion a motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Brado that this petitio.a be referred to the City Attorney for further information. Motion carried. The following report from the City Attorney was presented and read to the City Council. TO THS MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL, Your City Attorney, V. V. Wells, Jr. to whom was referred the matter of Great American Indemnity Company Public Official Bond for Warren Eugene. Thompson, police patrolman, and Ohio Casualty Insurance Company Policy on 1946 V-8 Ford Coupe for bodily injury and property damage liability (yo. 373739$) begs leave to report as follows: I have examined these documents and find them in regular form. V. V. Jells, Jr. City Attorney Anacortes, Wash., June 27, 1946 A motion was made by Dodge and secondPA ry Braao�at above report from C'bty Attorney by accepted. per. V. V. Wells �'r. C-ity Attorney, -made a oral report on the lot located at g20 6th Street and owned by Charles E. Taylor. The City Attorney recommended that the City of Anacortes require that all taxes be paid and that title insurance be furnished the City of A�,ann�$ms in the event that they decide to purchase this lot. After some discussion a motion was made by CIlausius and seconded by Bodge that the City Attorney be given the authority to complete the purchase of the above described lot at 820 6th St. and owned by C. E. Taylor for a consideration of X450 providing that the other two lots to the East of the property can be purchased for a cost not to exceed $618.00. Ayes: Hansen, Dodge, Clausius, Fisher, Allen, and Brado, Motion carried. The report of the Police Department for the month of June, 1946 was presented and read to the City Council. A motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Brado that said report be accepted and referred to the license and police committee. Motion carried. The report of the Police Justice for the month of June, 1946 was presented and read to the City Council. A motion was made by Fisher and seconded by Dodge that said report be accepted and Rferred to Licence and Police committee. Motion carried. The report for the City Treasure for the month of June 1946 was presented and read to the City Council. it was referred by the Lrayor to the finance committee., The report of the Water Department for the month of June, 1946 leas presented and read to the City Council. A motion was made by Brado and Seconded by Clausius that said report be accepted and referred to the Fire, Light, and Water Committee. Motion carried. The report of the Street Foreman for the month of June, 1946 was presented and read to the City Council. A motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Allen that said report be accppted andzeferred to the Streets and Parks Committee. Motion carried. The gasoline report for the month of June,1946 was presented and read to the City Council. A motion was made by Dodge and seconed by Hansen that said report be accepted and referred to the Fire, Light, and !Dater Committee. Motion carried. Mr. L. E. Snider, Fire chief,, asked permission to go to Bremerton, Washington on or About August 7 to attend a Fire College and to take one of the firemen with him. A motion was tiade by Brado and seconded by Hansen that permission be granted to the Fire Chief 6nd one fireman to attend fire college in August,19410. Motion carried. 1 9I 1 6� 1 I* 14D 1 lie 1 Tuly- 2, 1946 Cont - Mayor Joe Hagan appointed a special committee composed of councilmen, Brado, Clausius, Hansen and Dodge with himself to meet with the Lions Club on Tuesday, July 9, to purchase approximately two lots from the Lions Club. These lots are on the North East corner of 6th and Q Avenue. Mr. E. T. Kidder spoke to the City Council at some length about Taxi Cabs. At the meeting of the City Council held on June 18, 1946, the City Clerk was authorized to call for bids for applying asphalt, bitumuls and other necessary material to City streets and that said bids be opened at the meeting of the City Council to be held July 2, 1946 and came up for consideration at this time. A motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Dodge that said bids for applying materials to City streets be opened. Motion carried. Two bids were submitted. One, Diesel Oil Sales Co. of Seattle Fln. in`.the amount of $5,564.50 and the other id from the Pacific Asphalt Paving Co. of Mt. Vernon, !7n. in the amount of �115,051,25. After some discussion a motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Hansen that said fids above described be held over till the next meeting of the City -Council. Mr. T. G. McCrory, City Engineer, requested that the City Council call for bids for a new grader. A motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Dodge that the City Clerk be authorized to call for bids on a new grader.according to specification' furnished by the City Engineer. Motion carried. A motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Brado that the Mayor and City Engineer be authorized to %onsult or secure an architect to draw plans for a new Fire Hall - and other city buildings. motion carried. W. Vo ;`cells Jr., City Attorney, reported that the Mr. Vernon Abstract Co. is making a survey of ownership of all property 150 fe0t East and West of Commercial Avenue from 11th street to 37th street. The following claims against the City of Anacortes for the month of June 1946 were presented and read to the City Council: Joe L. Hagan 13814 Salary as Mayor 14;20.00 George Brado 13815 Councilman 10.00 Rom ie- L . Allan 13816 rr n r 10.00 Charles F. Fisher 13817 r r. " 10.00 E. A. Clausius 13818 " t4 i° 10.00 Syd Ellin 13819 °' 1Q " 10.00 E. B -Dodge 13620 " 10 10.00 Ho L.• Hansen 13821 f0 " " 10.00 0. E.•Arges 13622 Salary as Dep Treasurer 90.00 John 0. Dorcy 13823 r 0 City Clerk 82.50 V1. V. Wells Jr. 13824 -7 " City Attorney 82.50 Dr. A. B. Cook 13825 r r' Health Officer 41.40 A. Il. Sellenthin 13826 r °' Police Justice 50.10 Harry Davis 13827 " r Dog Catcher 25.00 P. E.- Olson 13828 Janitor, City Hall 30.00 St. Clair Hackson 13829 Janitor, Community Bldg. 144.50 Harry Davis 13830 Garbage Dump Man 40.00 ["Withholding Tax Fund 13831 Withholding Tax Deductions 44.00 G. N. Dalstead, P.M. 13832 Postage for City Clerk 5.00 Municipal Year Book 13833 1946 huni-cipal Year Book 8.50 Anacortes American 13634 Printing & Supplies 58.92 William V. Wells Jr. 13835 Cash Advanced 22055 Anacortes Equ�pmentCo13836 Tubes for Radio Set 5036 91nacortes Gas Co. 13837 Gas, City Hall 4.86 C.C.Cook 13838 Service, Clerk's Office 15.45 Bernard T. Olson 13839 Repairs & Service, Radio Set 46.80 Lylep•s Grocery &Harket13840 Supplies,. City Hall 1.71 Union Printing Co. 13841 Supplies 4076 Puget Sound Stamp�VorkN3842 Supplies, Clerk's Office 1>68 Earle G. Olson 13843 Labor & Materials, Comm. Bldg. 73.06 Island Transfer Co. 13844 Stovu Oil, Police Dept. 4.98 Water Dept. 13845 'dater used in Com. Bldg. 3.70 J. B, Goff 13846 Salary as Chief of Police 225.20 N. Petrish 1384'7 Asst. Ch. of ]Police 210.90 L. Pollard 13848 " " Policeman 1.73.30 il. Thompson 13849 '° " 190.00 C. Springer 13850 i0 " °0 190.00 M. Beebe 13851 r 10 f° 113.30 Vithholding Tax Fund 13852 Withholding Tax deductions 4'7.30 Allan's- Mercantile 13853 Supplies, Police Dept. 3.41 Jack's Radio Rc App. 13854 Radio Tube & Repairs 2.88 Trick 3c Murray 13855 Equipment, Police Dept. 39.14 Carl 'Springer 13856 Cash Advanced 1.0i North Pacific Bank N.1385Supplies, Police Dept. 5.8.7 Bus.'Control Inc. 13859 Supplies, Police Dept. 61.60 Geo. -Bower 13859 Service, Police Dept. 2.50 Hansen Electric Co. 13860 Service & Repairs, Police Dept. 14.A4 Colvin's Service 13861 Tires & Tire Repairs 52.4 Benson Motors 13862 Labor & ]Parts, Police Dept. 20.27 Snyder's Pharmacy 13863 Supplies, Police Dept. 1.11 Mt. Vernon Transfer 138b4 Express Charges 1.03 rlm. G. McCallum i3865 Police Patrulman Bond 5.00 Twetem Motor Cod 13866 Car Repair, Police Dept. 71.30 Pacific Highway Traas13667 Express charges 1.0.3 L. E. Snider 13868 Salary as Fire Chief 212.53 Bert .Vexrall 138 * 9 Salary as Asst. Fire Chief 190.77 Oliver Hauge 1380 ' °' Capt. of Fire Dept. .2 43 K. 77. Snart 13871 n « Q n a r. 195.b9 S. Co h1ondhan 13677 " " acting Capt. Fire Dept. 109.69 M. G. Strock 13873 " " Fireman 17.7.50 C. T. S t ro ck 138'14 ,° �° °°. i -r? - 5 o July 22, 19,v VListo Jay Thayer 13875 Salary as Fireman 161°20 Yd Alexander 13876 " co- f0 1'13.20 A. Yondhan 138'7'/ Gallman A Fire Dept. 5.00 I`6�.Chevrier 13878 cal n- 0 2450 J. Go IDorcy 13879 Extra Fireman 8.68 'Geo. Miller 13880 Callman, Fire Dept. 2050 Jack Smith 13881 1° 1.25 G. Wirsing 13882 1°25 Lo Moore 13863 n " 1°25 Withholding Tax Fund 13884 Uithholding Tax Deductions 102-90 Fireman's Rel. & Pen.. Fund 13885 2% of Firemen's Salaries 32.bl.. Marien Supply & Hardware 13886 Supplies, Fire Dept. 3451 Standard Oil Com 13887 Supplies, Fire Dept. 1.07 Benson Motors 13888 Service 3c Parts, Fire Dept. 9.01 i W. S. Darley & Co. 13889 Supplies, Fire Dept. 19°00 I Modern Sign Co. 13890 Service, Fire Dept. 10®30 Vater Dept. 13891 Hydrant Rental 565°00 Anacortes Laundry 13892 Laundry Service 7002 Colvin°s Service 13893 Service, Police 9-c Fire Depts. 15°55 Vest Coast Telephone Co. 13894 Telephone Service, Police & Fire 17°90 Fosse°s,Texaco Service 13895 Battery, Fire Dept. 29.20 Beryl Fenn 13896 Uork in Clerk's Office 6°00 Lulu M. Cole 13897 Vork on Registrations 2'/000 Katherine H. Snider 13898 Work on Registrations 23.25 L. E. Snider 13899 Inspection ',fork 25000 Dept. of Labor & Ind. 13900 Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid, 14°23 . The Fern. Press 13901 Supplies, City Hall 57°33 Puget Sound Pr. ?e Lt. Co. 13902 Lighting Service 31/x69 j Railway Express Agency 13903 Express Charges °99 Anacortes Daily Mercury 13904 Publishing Notices 33°48 [0.+111pyy i Ingvald Iversen 59 Salary, Cemetery Supt. 288 ° 10 William E. Latimer 6o Labor at Cemetery 15o°b0 Chas.. Rex Mitchell 61 Labor at Cemetery 146.80 Withholding Tax Fund 62 Vithholding Tax deductions 51.10 Ingvald Ivensen 63 Mileage & Cash advanced 13.00 West Coast Telephone Co. 64 Telephone Service, Cemetery 13°4 Robbins Lumber Co. 65 Lumber,Yaterial,&Supplies Cemetery 103°911 Snyder4D Pharmacy 66 Supplies, Cemetery 1°96 Anacortes American 67 Printing & Supplies 10°82 Curtis Wharf. 68 Materials, Cemetery 2°73 Trick & Kurra.y 69 Supplies, Cemetery 107°06 Plater Dept°70 8968 New Service & Water, Cemetery 22085 Dept. of Labor & Ind. 71 Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid 9.25 Roscoe Haney 8970 PARK 8°85 Frank Knapp 1709 ]Labor in City IParke 189.20 Lewis Harr 1710 ]Labor in City Parks 156.80 7ithholding Tax Fund 1711 withholding Tax Deductions 14.00 Marshall Wells Store 1'/12 Supplies, Dark Dept. 25.11 Anacortes Feed & Seed Store 1713 Supplies, Park Dept. 1°.85 Dept. of Labor & Ind° 1/14 Ind. Ins° & Med. Cid 6°41 City Street Fund 1715 Gasoline used in Park Trucks 4.65 ?3ater Dept. 1716 Water used in Parks 37.'%0 V7ATER DEPT. „ T. G. M-cGrory 8957 SLUary ad. Nater Supt. 288 ° 10 Sadie M. Arges 8958 p Cashier 156°. 0 Dorothy Fee 8959 Clerk 1025 John G. Dorcy 8960 Bookkeeper 53°70 Charles Wedlund 8961 `later Foreman 246.05 Russell Carolan 8962 Serviceman 185°95 CST° 0° Rogers 8963 " a Filterman 198°10 G. I'. Keller 8964 a " Filterman 1T3, 30. Aa Sirett 8965 rr "� Filterman 173°30 Frank Dean® 8966 n Filterman 17 °30 c� e s t e r Thomas 8967 a 1Pizmpman 19$ .10 Charles Walters 8968 Vages as Laborer 3°82 J. A. Stevenson 8969 Vages as Laborer 9.25 Roscoe Haney 8970 8°85 Harold King 8971 ..9°25 Lyman Bunney 8972 Glen Gilden 8973 n 8°65 Withholding Tax Fund 8974 Withholding Tax Deductions 179095 Wallace & Tierman Co.. 897 Parts for Chlorinator 1 ° Pennsylvania Salt Co. 8976 Chlorine for Water Dept. 90°84 Puget Sd° Pr. & Lt. Go. 8977 Power & Service 1153.20 The Fern Press 897$ Supplies for Fire Dept. 7.21 Island Transfer Co.. 8979 Fuel Oil, Water Dept. 1'/°22 Marine Supply Co. 8980 Material & Supplies 54°35 G. N° Dalstead 8981 ?postage for Water Office 6.00 Standard Oil Co. 8982 Supplies for Nater Dept. 32°46 Colvin°s Service StatQon 8983 Tire for Nater Dept. 23°.06 ., Skagit Bonded Collectors 8984 Collection of Water Bills 2°50 j. Gurtis 7Jharf Co. 8985 Material for Tiater Dept. 55°52 West Coast Telephone Coo 8986 Telephone Service 22°35 Hersey Mfg. Co. 8987 Meter Parts 32-55 7069 Pacific Highway Transport 898$ Freight on Concrete Kiger The Texas Company 8989 Supplies for Water Dept., 35°04 Trulson Motor Co. 8990 Repairs & service 3°92 E. A. Abbott Motor Co °1 8991 Repairs & service 9°9 1 r� 1 1 6� 1 1 16 People's National Bank 36 Total Withholding Taxes 595.65 A motion was ma.do by Hansen ani seconded by Dodge that the above claims be referred to the finance Committee. Notion carried. The Finance Committee considered said claimer and recommended that the above claims against the City of Anacortes for the month of June, 1946, be allowed and warrants be drawn in favor of the same. A motion eras made by Hansen and seconded by Fisher that the recommendation of the Finance Committee in the matter of the above calims be adopted. Ayes: Hansen, Dodge, Clausius, Fisher, Allen and Brado. Motion carried. Having completed the business of the evening, a motion w as made by Clausiva and seconded by Fisher that the meeting of the City Council adjourn. Hotion Carried. The meeting of the City Council did then a 7aa-,r r or Attest: _ City Clerk �9 - lu_ *F *:. July 2, 1940 WATER DEPT. CONT. Dept. of Labor & Ind. 8992 Ind. Ins. & Ned. Aid 10.79 Tax Commission 6993 Business Tax 499.20 Benson L"otors 8994 Truck repairs 3.34 CITY STREET FUND Roy McDougall 23'72 Salary as Street'Foreman 212.88 Lynn Balcomb 2373 9r 0 Graderman 188.10 Carl Ttiorene 2374 "' " Maint Man 210.60 Dave Summers 2375 " " Maint Man 185;00 Carl Welk 2376 0 Faint Duan 136.50 Artis Taylor 2377 " 0 Maint Man 196.15 J. E. Draper 2378 rr " Street Sweeper 103.40 T. G. McCrory 2379 " " St. Supervisor 41.50 John G. Dorcy 2380 r " Bookkeeper 41.50 Withholding Tax Fund 2381 Withholding Taxes 136.40 Marine Supply & Hardware 2382 Material &- Supplies 11.88 Frank Russell 2383 Work at Gravel Pit 112.00 Cook Truck & Eqpt. Coo 2384 Truck repairs & Service 42.89 Colvin's Service 2tation 2385- Service 21.27 V. B. Kerr & Co. 2386 Repairs & Materials 10.11 Puget Sound Pr. & Lt. Co. 23827 Lighting Service 37050 ;Trulson Motor Co. 2388 Service, Street Dept. 1.49 Union Oil Co. 2389 Vasoline for City Pump 173.60 Dept. of Labor & Ind. 2390 Ind. Ins. & Med Aid 13.15 Standard Oil co. -2391 Supplies, Street Dept. 32.2'1 .Pacific Asphalt Paving Co. 2392 Servie & Supplies 231.15 I LIBRARY FUND 'Mildred N. Safford 2346 Salary -a5 Asst. Librarian x_10.00 Blanche Sackett 2347 �" n �� n 99.10 Uarjorie D. Ross 234$ Cataloguer 43,90 P. E. Olson 2349 Janitor 22.50 Withholding Tax Fund 2350 Withholding Taxes 20.00• ]Puget Sound ]Pr. & Lt. Co. 2351 Lights and Library 5.78 C.C. Cook 2352 Service for Library 2.52 Anacortes Vater Dept. 2353 Crater used at lebrary 4.05 H. A. Bockman 2354 Moving Lawn 5.00 Marshall Flagg 2355 Food for Library 52.00 P. E. Olson 2356 Cash Advanced .76 George Sutherland 2357 Janit)r Work 4.00 i7m. G. McCallum 235$ Insurance ]Premium 7.18 Dept. of Labor & Ind. 2359 Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid .10 J. X. Gill & Co. 2360 Books for Library.58 A. C. McClurg & Co. 2361 Books for ]Library 25.62 FIREMAN°S RELIEF & PENSION FUND Anacortes Hospital 220 Dressing Room Service S'. C. Mondhan 3.00 WITIMIOLDING TAX FUND 1 16 People's National Bank 36 Total Withholding Taxes 595.65 A motion was ma.do by Hansen ani seconded by Dodge that the above claims be referred to the finance Committee. Notion carried. The Finance Committee considered said claimer and recommended that the above claims against the City of Anacortes for the month of June, 1946, be allowed and warrants be drawn in favor of the same. A motion eras made by Hansen and seconded by Fisher that the recommendation of the Finance Committee in the matter of the above calims be adopted. Ayes: Hansen, Dodge, Clausius, Fisher, Allen and Brado. Motion carried. Having completed the business of the evening, a motion w as made by Clausiva and seconded by Fisher that the meeting of the City Council adjourn. Hotion Carried. The meeting of the City Council did then a 7aa-,r r or Attest: _ City Clerk �9 - lu_ *F *:. July 1A,1946 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order aP ;00 P.M. with (mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. The roll uas called with Hansen, Dodge, Clausius, Fisher, .Ellin and Brado present. The minutes of previous meeting were read and approved as read. The following communication from Morris 71. Lawder, Secretary -treasurer, Jr. Chamber of.Commerce of the City of Anacortes was presented and read to the City Councilo 601 36th Street Anacortes, Vashington July 15, 1946 Mayor.Joe Kagan City Council of Anacortes Gentlemen: The Junior Chamber of Commerce of Anacortes requests permission to hold a • pavement dance in Anacortes on September 14, 1946. The place we would like to hold it is on R Avenue, between 6th Street and 'jth Street, by the Great Northern Depot. The dance is to start at 6;30 P. M. Assessment Roll for this (District. iHoping to hear favorable from you, I remain For your information I am attaching the assessment map shoeing the boundries of Sincerely yours•, ! Morris W. Lowder i' Secretary -Treasurer Jr. Chamber of Commerce i' 6UI 36th Street Anacortes, Washington After some .discussion a motion was made by Clavai'us and seconded by Fisher that ,permission.be trated the Jr. Chamber of Commerce to hold a pavement dance -at i the location given in the above communication on :September 14, 1946. Motion Carried. The following communication from the Skagit County Board of Realtors was .presented and read to the City Council: Mayor Joe Lo Hagan 622 7th Anacortes, Vashington i (year Sir: There was considerable discussion of the Rent situation at the meeting of the - of the Skagit County Board of Realtors last Friday evening, -July 12th.. The National Association, including all boards, have pledged themselves that they wi.11 make every effort to hold the line in rentals prices. Our board was unanimous in supporting this pledge. Ue realize that with a housing shortage, rentals may have to be controlled, however, we believe that there will be more fairness in rent control under local committees than there has been under the previous national program. Wherefore it was unanimously voted at the meeting to offer our help, to the Mayors in our communities and to -the Governor, in estabilishing fair rent committees, to promote fairness inxentals, and in general lend our aid to a rair, equitable program of local or state rent control. Yours truly, Skagit County Real Estate Board. T7. G. McCallum, President. Transmitted by La F. Buchanan Acting Secy. Mayor Joe L. Hagan requested that the above communication be filed and that the City Clerk write a letter to the Skagit County Board of Realtors thanking them for their interest in this matter. The report of the fire department for the month of J- ne, 1946 teas presented and read to the City Council. A motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Brado that said report be accepted and referred to the Fire, Light and ;iater committee. • For a period of approximately 2-j years Lerein Duranceau has been paying i 5000 each month for land which he purchased from the City of Anacortes and has recently pade his final payment. A motion was made by Clausius and seconded by ;Ellin that as the said Lerein (Duranceau has made his final payment on the contract j,covering the aobve land purchased a motion was made by Clausius and seconded by • !Ellin that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign said deed on the above idescribed property to the said La rin Duranceau. Motion carried. Uayor Joe L. Hagan reported that they had agreed to purchase approximately two lots on the North East Corner of 6th Street and Q Avenue from the Lions Club. A motion was made by (Dodge and seconded by Hansen that T. G. UcCrory be given ;authority to have a survey made of this property to be purchased from. the Lions Klub. Notion carried. The following communication from Mr. T. G. McCrory, City Engineer, was presented and read to the City Council. Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: In the matter of the assessment roll for the sidewalk on Commercial Avenue between 12th and 1Jth Streets, Local Improvement District No. 14J, the final estimate to the Contractor amounted to 01921.70. The expense for publishing ordinances, resolutions, sending out notices, interest, and engineering expense amounts to <)95.65 making a total expense to be born by this Improvement District of av2017.35. This has,'been distributed to the different parcels of land on the Assessment Roll for this (District. For your information I am attaching the assessment map shoeing the boundries of the districe, the lots and blocks affected and the assecsment nurber of each lot' ,or parcel of land. Yours very truly, T. G. McCrory 1 6 i• i 1 10 1AD 1 JTJ7;,Y 16, (Cont, ) A motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Clausius that the above communication from the City Engineer be accepted and that the City Clerk advertise a hearing for the assessment roll for local improvement, district No. 141 to be held on August 6, 1946° Motion Carried. Mr. Fred Go Cartwright was present and spoke to the City Gouncil on the matter of a promotional manager for the City of Anacortes. Mr. Cartwright gointed out that t�e.jit Cotflci�, oul� Raturallg be the m s i terpstat.d,. M. ecuring nec� Indus rz s ar e i y o nacor a and urge h8 acpar. a the. salapy, ofta: gprbtaoti:ona� Emanager ,be',paidlb.y the City of Anacortes. A Motion was made by Brado and seconded by Allen that the City Attorney communicate with Mr. John._Homer, 7LeSt1 consultant for the Association of Washington Cities and. ask him if the City of Anacortes could legally budget funds to pay for the services of a promotional manager of the City of Anacortes. Motion Carried. Mr. T. G. McCrory, City Engineer, reported that the sidewalk on the west side of Commercial Avenue between 12th and 1'ltyh Streets had been completed. The matter of letting the bids for the special leveling treatment were submitted by the Pacific Asphalt Waving Company of MY. Vernon, Washington and the Diesal Oil Sales Company of Seattle, 11ashington. These were considered at this time. After discussingtais matter at some length a motion was made by Brado and seconded by Allen that the Bid of the Diesel Oil Sales Company for the amount of 5,5.64050 be accepted. Ayes: Hansen, Dodge, Glausius, Fisher, Allen and Brado. Motion Carried. In the last meeting of the City Council the Mayor and the City Engineer were authorized to. consult or secure the services of an Architect to draw plans and specifications for a new Fire Hall and other City Buildings. At this time Mayor Joe L. Hagan reported that they had consulted Mr. Moore of the Architect firm of Moore and Nassar and he had been 'in Anacortes and discussed plans and specifications, with the Mayor and City Engineer and would present a written report on this matter latero it I' Being an Ordinance licensing for hire vehicles, including taxis and passenger buses in the City of Anacortes; providing for the licenesing of operators of taxis; providing for the revocation of licenses under certain conditions; gfoviding a pena t for violations of this ordinance and repealing Section 18 Ordinance Noo 9 of the City of Anacortes, and alb other ordinca.cnes or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. was presented and read to the City Council. 71. V. 'dells Jr., City Attorney suggested several changes in the above ordinance and it was decided to leave the matter of this ordin.:ince to the next meeting of the City Council. The City Clerk was .M quested to write to the association of Washington Cities and ask for copies of ordinances giving license rates for taxi cabs being used in the Cities comparable in size to the City of Anacortes. The City Clerk was also requested to write to the Washington State Highway Department requesting their assistance in painting the center stripe on the Primary State Highway Nal. from the City Limits to second Street and 0 Avenue. On behalf of Charles Ylilson,Mir. Earl Stump was present and made application for a dance license to be used in the location occuppi.ed by the former OAD dub. Mr. Charles Uilson had not signed the application.for the dance licence but after some discussion a motion uas made by Fisher and seconded by Clausius that a dance license be issued to Charles Milson provided that he sign the application and pay the M-00 fee for the licensee Ayes: Hansen ,Dodge, Clausius, Fisher, Allen, and Brado. Having completed the business of the evening a motion%was made by Clausius and seconded by Fisher that the meeting of the City Council adjourn. The meeting did then adjourn. ATTEST: Mayo r August- 6, 1946 The regular meeting -of the city council of the city of Anacortes was called to order at 8.00 otclock P.N. by the City C;eri in the absence of the Mayor and the Mayor pro tem, The first order of business was to choose an acting Mayor protemo Mr. E.A. Claasiu-s was elected as Mayor pro tem. The roll was called and Hansen, Ellin, Clausius, Fisher, Allen and Brado were present. The matter'of the application for the vacation of certain parts of the northeim end of I avenue by Mr. Milton P. Roumm and Edith Roumm, his wife was taken up. Mr. Mr. Palmer, representing Mr. Roumm., spoke to the city council and urged that this street be vacated as soon as possible. Mr. Thomas Alverson and Gaptain Anderson of the Black Ball Ferry Co. spoke to I the city council and pointed out that this would be an ideal location for a ferry terminal, and that they could use much larger ferries than it is possible to use', at the present time. The following resolution was presented and read to the city council: OWHEREAS, Milton P. Roumm and Edith Roumm, his wife, have petitioned the City Council of the City of Anacortes to wascate that portion of I Avenue lying northerly of the North line of the Great Northern vfglat..ofl.way acrobs--­.4 said Avenue, abutting upon Tract 6 and Tract 62a Plate 8,'Tide and Shore Lands of Section 13, Township 35N, Range 1 E, Willamette Meridian, Anacortes, Harbor, and upon a portion of vacated Railroad Avenue, in the city of Anacortes, Skagit County, Washington, and it appearing that said petition is signed by the owners of more than tvio thirds of the property abbot - ting upon said street sought to be vacated, now therefore, BD IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANACORTES: That Tuesday, the 27th day of August, 1946, at the hour of Eight P.M. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall of Anacortes, Skagit CountyYg Washington, be and the same Taoreby is fixed as the time and place when and where the said petition dill be heard and determined, at which time and place all persons interested therein or objecting thereto may appear and present their objections. Adopted this 6th day of August, 1946. Ed Glausius, Mayor Pro Tem aTTEST': John G. Dorcy, City Clerk (C OMPORATE SEAL) A motion vas made by Hansen and seconded by Fisher that the above Resolution with reference to the vacation of the northerly end .of I Avenue by adopted and that August 27, 1946, at the hour of 8000 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall orf Anacortes, Skagit County, Washington, fixed as the time and place when and where said petition will be heard and determined at which time and place all persons interested therein or objecting thereto may appear and present their objections. byes, Hansen, Ellin, Fisher, Allen, Brado. Motion carried. The following communication from Midway Taxi Gab Co. of Anacortes was presented and read to the city council: "Anacortes City Council, Gentlemen: it is respectfully requested that we be assigned a parking strip, approximately 1.8 ft. long adjoining the alley between 6th and 7th on the west side of the street, to be used as a taxi zone. Thanking you in advance, Midway Taxi, D. W. Maxson. � The communication was referred to the License and Police Committee and Chief of Police. At a recent meeting of the city council, Mr. Fred G. Cartwright, on behalf'of the'Lions Club spoke to the City Council and urged that the city place funds in the budget for 1947 to help pay for a promotional manager for the City of .Anacortes. At this time, Mr. W.V. 'Jells, Jr., city attorney, presented a letter from John Homr, a legal consultant of the Association of Washington Cities, who advised against this plan, as he felt that no funds could legally be provided by the city for this matter. The following communication from the Morrison Mill Co. was presented and read to the city council. M August 5, 1946 To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City council, Anacortes, Washington. Gentlemen: There is a tract of standing time on the Northwest side of Thistle Lake which the are interested in buying and we earnestly re- quest that you put it up for sale. 1 0 18 J L C 14D 1. 7 . ] August 6, 1.946. "'The writer and your Mr. McCrory inspected this tract a. fent days ago and any information you desire on this matter will be available from him. Very truly yours, Morrison Mill Company, Fraser Morrison, Manager This matter was referred to the Fire, Light and Water Committee and the Water Superintendent. The following communication from Richard Van Velkenburgh was presented and read to the city council. C 3 August 19446 Honorable Mayor and City Councilmen: T, the undersigned, do hereby resubmit my application for a license for public dancing as per your request. It is my intention to erect a building on tye land on Seventh Street directly behind the Empire Theatre. I plan to construct the building of concrete material and make the plans flexible enough to be made into a place of business which will be an added attraction to our toren. Signed: Richard Van Vernkenburgh 10144 7th Street Incl. $25. to cover cost of liscense. to A motion was Made by Brado and seconded by Allen that a dance license be granted to Mr. Van Valkenburgh as requested in the above communication. Ayes, Hansen, Ellin, Fisher, Allen, Brado. A communication from H. C. Barney on behalf of Samuel M. and Moddie N. Penter, asking to pay the principal and interest on Lota 13 Block 97 City of Anacortes was presented and read to the city council. After some discussion a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Brado that H.C. Barney"s offer be accepted and that a clearance be issued from the City Treasurer to the said Samuel M. Penter and Moddie B. Penter. Motion carried. At the last meeting of the city council the City Clerk was authorized to publish a Call for Bids on a neer Diesel Motor grader, and that the bids. were to be opened at the meeting of` the City Councit to be held on August 6, 1946. At this time a motion was made by Brado and seconded by Hansen that said motor bids be opened. Motion carried. Three bids were opened with the names and amounts of bid as follows: Howard Cooper Corporation, amount of bid, ;'7366020 Trade-in allowance on old grader $1250.00 Feenaughty"Machinery Co., amount of bid, . 8152.00 . Trade-in on old grader X1000.00 Western Tractor & Equipment Co., price of grader p57O6.64 Trade-in on old grader X9500.00 A motion was made by Fisher and seconded by Ellin that the matter of the grader bids be referred to the Streets and Parks Committee and the Stuec§t Supervisor. Motion carried. Mr; V.V.Uells, Jr., ffity Attorney, made a report on the lots to be purchased from the Lions Club located on the Northeast corner of Sixth Street and Q Avenue This propertg being purchased from the Tions Club is approximately Lots 12 and 13, of Block 6.of the Original Plat. At this point there is an overlapping of property lanes as a result of the Original Plat of the City of Anacortes and Bowman's Central Ship Harbor Later Front Plat coming together at this point. According to the measurements from the Original Plat the property line between Lots 13 and 14 would go through the house occupied by Lee Thayer at the present time. The present plan is to sell to Lee Thayer enough of the property so that the pro- perty line would be a reasonable distance west of the Hee Thayer House. This matterw€•as discussed at some length but no definitt decision was made in the matter. At this time an ordinance, Being an Ordinance licensing for hire vehicles, including taxis and passenger busses in the City of Anacortes,; providing for the licensing of operators of taxis; providing for the revocation of licenses under certain conditions; providing a penalty for violations of this ordinance, and repealing Section 18, of Ordinance No. 690 of the Cityof Anacortes, and all other ordinances or partsof ordinances in conflict herewith. A motion was made by Brado and seconded by Allen that Paragraph IV of Section IM read 10that the license fee. for a passenger bus shall be 425.00 for the first vehicle and 'Q12.5O for each additional vehicle." "That the license fee for taxis in Section "C" pagaraph III be $'25000 for the first vehicle and �,1205O for each additional vehicle". Ayes, Hansen, Fisher, Allan, Brado Nays Ellin. notion carried. .k motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Ellin that the taxi cab ordinance, Being an Ordinance licensing for hire vehicles, including taxis and passenger busses in the City of Anacortes; providing for the licensing of operators of taxis; providing for the revocation of licenses under certain conditions; provid- ing a penalty for violations of this ordinance, and repealing Section a, of Ordinance No. 690 of the City -Of ;\nacortes., and'all other ordinances of parts August 6, 1946 ss of ordinances in conflict herewith. Obe adopted as a whole. Ayes, Hansen, Ellin, Hagan Fisher, Allen and Brado-. Salary as A protest against the cost of the sidewalk on Commercial Avenue between 12th and 200.00 17th Streets from Mrs. Vincent Dragovich, was presented and read to the city Brado council. A motion was made by Brado and seconded by Allen that the City.Clnrk Salary as write to Hrs. Dragovich and explain that there was little to be done in the matter 20.00 as the amount of the assessment was set up by law, and the cougicil could not change it. Motion carried. / d At this time an ordinance confirming the assessment roll of Local Improvement District Noo147, far the construction of a six-foot cement sidewalk on the west side of Commercial Avenue from Twelfth to Seventeenth Street, excluding therefrom the construction of such sidewalk fronting on Block 44 of the Original Plat of the'' City of Anacortes, as and in the manner provided for in the plans and specificatidrs of the said district as described in -Ordinance 9?3 as amended by Ordinance Noa977 and equalized by the City Council of the City of Anacortes on the 6th day of August, 1946, and prescribing within what time the assessment shall be paid. • was bresented and read to the city council, There being no protests in the audience, and after some discussion, a motion was made by _Illen and seconded by Brado that said o2dinance'_confirming the assessment roll of Local Improvement District No. 147 -be adopted as a whole. Ayes, Hansen, Ellin, Fisher, Allen and i Brado. Motion carried. • At this time an ordinance ratifying and confirming authorization previously granted to theMayor and City Clerk to sign a warranty deed to Chester A. and Edna AL Duranceau for certain property purchased from the city of Anacortes, described as follows° j Ten and 25/100 (10.25) acres of land, more or less, in Section 25; Township 35 North, Range 1 East, 7.M., described by metes and bounds as follows: Beginning a� a point on the east line of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of said section which is 398 feet north of the Southeast corner of the said Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarterl thence North 922 feet to the Northeast corner of said Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter; thence west 465040 feet; thence South 495 feet; thence 'Jest 137060 feet; thence South 42'1 feet; thence East 603 feet to the place of beginning. was presented and read to the ci-ty council, and after some discussion a motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Brado that said Ordinance be adopted as a whole. Ayes, Hansen, Ellin, Fisher, Allen and Brado. Motion carried. i The gasoline report for the month of' July, 1946, was presented and read to the city council, and a motion was made by -Ellin and seconded by Hansen that said report be accepted acid placed on file. Motion carried. The Treasurer's report for the month of July, 1946, was presented to the city council and was referred to the Finance committee. Hr. Jo B. Goff, Chief of Police, presented a report recommending that there be created six bus zones in the city -of Anacortes to be used by the South side bus, diter,,.come discussion, a motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Ellin that the Chief of Police report be referred to -the Streets and Parks Committee. Uotion� carried. The report of the Police Justice for the month of July, '1946, was presented and read to the city council. A motion was made by Brado and seconded by Hansen that said report be accepted abd placed on file. Motion carried. i The report of the,C'Ja,ter Superintendent for the month of July, 1946, was presented and read to the city council. A motion was made by Allen and seconded by Hansen that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The report of the Stueet Foreman for the month -of July, 1946, was presented and read to the city council, and a motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Ellin that said report he accepted aid placed on file. Motion carried. • Councilman Fisher brought up the matter of moving the small service men's shelter built and donated by the Lions Club now located at approximately 13th Street aid Commercial avenue, to 24th Street and Commercial Avenue for the convenience of service men and others from the Housing Project and surrounding vicinity. • The city council felt that this building was the Property of the Lions Club and that permission should be secured from the Lions Club to move this building. The city council ttsself having no objection to the shelter being moved. A motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Brado that the City Clerkcall for bids for a new car for the Trolice Department, and trade-in the 1942 De Soto now in use, on the new car. Said bids to be opened at the meeting of the city council to be held on August 20, 1946. Motion carried. i A motion made by Hansen and seconded by Ellin that the city council approve of the purchase of Lot 11 Block 6 of the Original Plat of the City of Anacortes, from Mr. and ]firs. Charles t> Taylor for the sum of $450aOO; also the purchaseof Lots 12 and 13 in said Block 6 of the Original Plat of the city of Anacortes from. the Lions Club for a sum not to exceed $618000. Ayes, Hansen, Ellin, Fisher, Allen and Brado. Motion carried. The following claims against the city of Anacortes for the month of July, 1946, were presented and read to the city council: CURRENT ENSE Joe J. Hagan 13905 Salary as Mayor 200.00 George Brado 13906 Salary as Councilman 20.00 1 � 0 I 0 1 1 � 0 � 0 Joe L. Hagan George Brado Romie Allen Charles F. Fisher E. A. Clausius E. E. Dodge H. L. Hansen 0. E. firge s John G. Dorcy' 77. V. Vells, Jr Dr. A.B. Cook A. R. Sellenthin Harry Davis R. R. Cole St. Clair Jackson Harry Davis Norman Fulton Withholding Tax Fund Anacortes American G. N. Dalstead Burroughs Adding tach.. Co Anacortes Gas Co. Island Transfer Co. Kimsey's Dependable Market 'Pacific Asphalt Paving Coo- S. 3. Thomson Co C. Cook Jack's Radio Shop Robbins Lumber Co. Warren Thompson J. B. Goff Nick Petrish Y' -fm. L. Pollard W. E. Thompson C. F. Springer M. Beebe Withholding Tax Fund James B. Ur ight Empire Cafe Twe.eten Motor Co. Sheriff and .Pol.ice Reporter 73. S. Darley & Co. Art. Burnside J. B. Goff Allan's Mercantile Benson Motors George Boder Fosse's Texaco Service L. E. Snider Bert Verrall K. U. Snart S. Co Mondhan M. G. Strock C. T. atrock Jay Thayer Ed Alexander C. Wirsing R. licDo ugal1 L. Moore A . LIo ndhan H. C hevrier George 2-111 er George Olson Jo Go Dorsey 73it,hholding Tax Fund Fir.emen's Rel. & ]Pen. Fund State Treasurer . Hansen Electric Shop Anacortes Auto Supply Udarine Supply Hardware ;'fest Coast Telephone Co. City Street Fund Anacortes Iron Works Standard Oil Co. Anacortes dater Dept. L. E. Snider Anacortes Laundry Simmonds ]Paint Co Jack's Radio Shop Trulson Motor Co. Arlowine Cole Katherine H. Snider John G. Dorcey 71ithholding Tax Fund United Janitor Service Anacortes Equipment Coo. Anacortes dater Dept. Dept. of Labor & Ind. UnionPrinting Co. August 6, 1946 CURRENT EXPENSE. 13905 13906 13907 13908 13909 13910 13911 13912 13913 13914 13915 13916 �391� 1391 13919 13920 13921 13922 13923 13924 13925 Salary as Mayor Salary as Councilman 0 q D 13926 1.3927 13928 13929 13930 13931 13932 13933 1.3934 13935 13936 1.3937 13938 13939 13940 13941 13942 13943 13944 13946 1394 1394 13949 13950 13951 13952 13953 13954 13956 13957 '13958 13959 13960 13961 13962 13964 13965 13966 1396.7 13968 13969 13970 13971 13972 197 1339743 1.3975 13976 13977 13978 13979 13980 13981 13982 11383 139984 5 13986z,:. 13987 13988 13989 139�Q 13991 13992 13993 a o rr F? CJ p ca � 0 Deputy Treasurer City Clerk r' City Attorney p Health Officer Police Justice p Dog Catcher E Janitor, City Hall Janitor, Como Bldg p Garbage Dump Man Janitor, City Hall Withholding Tax Deductions .Printing Supplies Postage for City Clerk's Service,Supplies, Clerk 20.00 10.00 10.00 10./00 10.00 10000 10.00 90000 82.50 82.50 41.40 50.10 25000 40000 144050 40.00 11.50 44.00- 14.53 4o.00a14.53 Office 3000 and Trea812o92, Gas used in City Hall, 2 Mos. 9099 Fuel Oil, City Hall 5.17 Supplies for Janitor ..91 Service in City Hall 44.19 Plumbing Service 2.40 Key service 041 Oil Stove for 'Police Off.etc> 63.95 Haterial for City Hall .56 Cash advanced 3020 Salary as Chief of ,Police 225020 .�,,Asat. Chief of Police 210.90 " Patrolman 173.30 Patrolman 190.00 01 Patrolman lgo-o00 0 Patrolman 173o-30 T'di�,hholding Taxes '47030 - Photographic Egpt.Police Dept. 10.00 Heals for prisoners '6078 Service on DeSoto Police car 79020 Book for Police Dept. 5.00 Supplies for Police Dept. 10.16 Supplies for Police Dept. 12.76 Cash advanced for supplies 15.50 Supplies for Police Dept. 4.62 Service for Police Cdr 1059 Camera and Supplies, Police Dept 77.07 Service ob Police Car .98 Salary as Fire Chief 212053 ° Asst Fire Chief 1907 Captain, Fire Dept. 1$50 9 Captain, Fire Dept. 169.89 °' Fireman 177.50 r Fireman 18120 n Fireman 181020 Fireman 173.20 Extra Fireman 5.88 Call man and extra fireman 5.90 Call Man, Fire Dept..00 Call Man, Fire Dept. 9>50 Call Man Fire Dept. 2.50 Call Man, Fire Dept. 4,25 Call Min, Fire Dept. 1a25. Call Mian and Extra Fireman 4086 Withholding Tax deductions 102.95- 2% of Firemen's Salaries 32.98 Membership Fees Volo Firemen 3.00 Supplies for Fire Dept. 1.29 Supplies far .Fire Dept. 071 Hateri.al and Supplies o-97 Telephone Service, City Hall 16.25 Gasoline for Fire & Police 2 'Loa 157.01 Service for Fire Department .78 Supplies for Fire Dept. 0 32 Hydrant Rental 5650-00 Inspections 25000 Laundry Service 4.33 Supplies for Fire Dept. 5025 Service changing car radio 19088 Service, Police & Fire Depts. 66080 Work in Clerk's office 62025 Work in Clerk's Office 36.25 Regnstration .Births & Deaths 1x023 Withholding Taxes -52., A.68 Janitor's Supplies & Equipt. Equipment & Supplies 78.03 73ater used in Com. Bldg 3030 Ind Ins & Med Aid 13.54 Printing & Supplies 82054 August 6, 1946 To G. -McCrory Sadie - M. Arges I-aurene McDougall John G. Dp rcy Charles W dlund Russell Carolan W. C. Rogers G. Y. Keller A. Si-rett Frank Deane L e s t e•r Thama a Carl ,Springer Edo Alexander J. Ao Stevenson: Withholding Tax Fund Charles E. Taylor Anacortes Auto Supply Co. 19arine Supply & Hardware Penns•ylvamia. Salt C.o. G. IT. Dalstead Po K. Frank Russell2 Skagit 1&lectric Co. Skagit Valley-`gelephone Co. Skagit Bonded Collectora Puget Sound Pr. & Z't. Co. Crest Coast Telephone Co,, Trulson Notor C -o. Worthington Gamon Deter Co. Curtis Wharf Co Eo AP Abbott Motor Co. Dept -of Labor & Industries City Street Fund Anaco•ctes Iron Works The Fprn Press . Simpson's Electric Shop W. Vo Wells Jr. 17ATE;R DEPARTMOT 8995 CURRENT NA EiN5s (continued) 288°1.0 j Puget. Sound Power & Ligh-u" Co. 13994 Lighting Service 315043 Curtis TJharf Co. 13995 Coal for Election Precincts 4:8e, The Fern IPre•sa. 13996Supplies for Clerk 9049 Rnacoites American 13997 Printing Supplieo 12.47 Annaoktes Laundry 1399 Laundry Service I.85 Colvifils Service Station. 13999 Tire U -Service, Police Car 29.57 Texas•Oil Company 14000 Uotor Oil 34039 South• Side flood Workero. 140,0.x:.... Ygpt .for.:Schoo_lboy Patrol. 6069 MarshUl-Dells Stores, 14002 Supplies for Police Dept... 1.24 Simm.oaids Paint Co. 14003 a a a' 01 1. 85- Brady's Anacortea Studio 14004 0 13 U ell 1.81 Brocjn Lumber C o . 14.005 Lumber for City HnI l_ 43-21 Southbide Hardware 14006 Material &.Suppl,ies 340 g7 Simps6n°�s Electric Shop 14007 Material &.Supplies 6089 106o0Q LYBRARY FUND Dozer Work, Water Dept. 31050 llildred Z. Safford 2362 Salary as Asst Libraria�a 115000 Blanche Sackett.. 2363 Salary as Asst Librarian 9y g.0 � Marjorie D. Ross 2364 Cataloguer 20-75- 0.75R. R.R. Cole 2365 Janitor at Library 54.00 ffro. Jo A. Brinkley 2366 Substitute 3.75 Norman Fulton 2362 Jmitor at Library 21000. Withholding Tax Fund - 2369 Withholding Taxes 15'.15 Vater -Department 2369 %dater used at L.ibra.ry 2. 50 Puget Sound Power & Lt. Co. 2370 Lights used at Library 5084 Mk1dred N. Safford 2371 Cash advanced 8.83 South Side Hardware 2372 Material & SupplieB 2.55 The Fern Press 2373 Supplies for Library 3010 Gaylord Bros. 2374 Supplies for LiVeary• .50 OZomptroller, Univ of Clash. 2375 Community Forum 81�eakerr 1.0.00 Children's activities Magazine 2376 Subscription 3.00 The MacMillan Co. 237Books for Library 120 9 Jo Ko • Gill Company 2379 Books for ]Library 15«80 A. C . • UcC lung & Go. _. 2379 Books for Library 79-37 Dept of Labor & Industries 2380 Ind Ins & Ned Aid o30 PARK FUND Frank.Knapp 171 Salary as Park Supt. 189 o 20 Lewis.Barr 1719 Salary as Park Employee 156«80 Vithholding Tax Fund. 1719 Withholding Taxes. 14.00 Marshall Wells Store 1720 Supplies for Park Dept. 20 37 Anacortes Feed &-Seed So. 1721 Supplies for Park Dept.. 3ob0 Southside hardware Co. .1722 Supplies for Park Dept. 1039 City Street Fund. 1723 Gasoline used in Park Track 5.27 Anacortes Water Dept.. 1724 Water used in Park Dept. 7.50 Dept of Labor & Ind. 1725 Ind Inb & Hedical Lid 6084 To G. -McCrory Sadie - M. Arges I-aurene McDougall John G. Dp rcy Charles W dlund Russell Carolan W. C. Rogers G. Y. Keller A. Si-rett Frank Deane L e s t e•r Thama a Carl ,Springer Edo Alexander J. Ao Stevenson: Withholding Tax Fund Charles E. Taylor Anacortes Auto Supply Co. 19arine Supply & Hardware Penns•ylvamia. Salt C.o. G. IT. Dalstead Po K. Frank Russell2 Skagit 1&lectric Co. Skagit Valley-`gelephone Co. Skagit Bonded Collectora Puget Sound Pr. & Z't. Co. Crest Coast Telephone Co,, Trulson Notor C -o. Worthington Gamon Deter Co. Curtis Wharf Co Eo AP Abbott Motor Co. Dept -of Labor & Industries City Street Fund Anaco•ctes Iron Works The Fprn Press . Simpson's Electric Shop W. Vo Wells Jr. 17ATE;R DEPARTMOT 8995 Salary ao Water Supt. 288°1.0 8996 Cashier 156°50 899 p Clerk 98030 891 " Bookkeeper 53070- 8999 Water Foreman 231.65 9000 Serviceman 162°30 9001 Filterman 198018 9002 w " Filterman 20007 9003 �w n Filterman 200078 9004 FiIte"rmn,n 200078 9005 Pumpman 198 . io 9006 gages as Laborer 10.20 9007 Wages as Laborer 17°85 9008 Wages as,Laborer g:25 9009 'Withholding `faxes 1725 9010 Purchase of Lotll,Blk •6 6 Pto 450.0.0• 9011Supplies for Water Dept. 4025 9012 Material &.Supplie3 24071 9013 Chlorine ® Uater Dept.. 71.43 9014 Postal Cards & Postage 106o0Q 9015 Dozer Work, Water Dept. 31050 9016 Service- & Material 250.78 9012 Telephone Service at Avon 80 9 9019 Collection of eater bills. 2096 9019 Tower & Service - 1164,30 9020 Telephohe'Service 14-30 902.1 Truck repairs_ 17051 9022 New Meters. 292.50 9023 Material 'fo;r Crater Dept...' 7021 90`24 Repair of Trucks 6033 9025 lead Ins & Med Aid 17.03 9026 Gasoline used in Uater Vehicles 31.47 9027 'Material & Supplies 34042 902 Printing & Supplies 19.852 9029 Supplies for Water Dept. 35092 9030 Cash advanced for recording deed 3015 1 •I 1 1 1 r-1 L Ie r 1 10 L August 6, 1946 CITY STREET FUND Roy NeDoagall. 2393 Salary as Street Foreman 214;44 ]jynn Balbom - 2394= G-raderman 193.74 Carl Thorene 2395. c' faint Man 205..5.0 Dave Summers 2396 '° Up -int Kan 178085 - Carl Welk _ 23,97� '� c' 11aint Mangy 1'76.ft i1rtie Taylor 2398 rr rr"Na intL-n 198.45 J. Ea Draper 2399 p ' Street Sweeper 103.40 T. G. McCrory 2400 Street Supervisor 41.50 John Go Dorcy 2401 Bookkecpor 41°50 Tfithholding Tax Fund 2402 Withholding Taxee 144..40 Southside Hardware.Co. 2403 Material & Supplies 2:08 Pacific Asphalt Paving Co. 2404 Service & Material., St. Dept. 427.20 ca r> U r. 2405 a r r. r 4400186 n ar w r 24o6 cr rr c• a 475.086 ca 2407 n c c `> 202.68 Anacortes Iron Yorks 2408 'Services & Material 45070 S. B. Thompson 2409 Filing 2 Hand Saws 2006 Llarine Supply & Hardware• 2410 Ua.terial & Supplies 1055 Trulson Idotor Co.. 2411 T.Kuck Repafi-re 166.81. Cook Truck & Eqpt Co. 2412 Truck -Repair@ 7 19 Dunlap Hardware Coo .2413 Grader Farts 121 93 Mt. Vernon Bldg Hatl Co. 2414 Supplies, St. Dept. 2.83 Standard Oil Co. 2415 Supplies, St., Dept. 8.'32 Puget Sda Pr. & Lt. Co. 2416 Power for Cruaher 37*50 Texas Company 2418 Gasoline, City Pump 155.002 Dept of Labor & Ind. 2417 Ind Tns & Eed Aid, Cancelled. Co- GP Cools 2419 I-eyo for St. Dept. 1.08 Dept of ]Labor &. Ind. 2430 Ind Ins & Ned Aid 19.35- � Ingvald Iversen 72 Salary as uVemetery Supt. 170 Villia,m Latimer 73 Salary as Cemetery Employee 15�Ao Chas Rex Ki tuhell 74 N i0 n r 148.80 'Withholding Tax Fund 75 Withholding Taxes 51.10 Anaortes American 76 Printing Supplies 12.88 West Coast Telephone Co. 77 Telephone Service 3.65 Sears, Roebuck. & Co. 78 Fence for Cemetery 49.4 Anacortes Iron Vork€. 79 Service for Cemetery 5.26 Anacortes Auto Supply Co. 80 Supplies for Cemetery 5.13 So?iyh Side Hardware 81 Supplies for Cemetery 45.744 Dept of Labor & Ind 82 Ind Ins & bled Aid 6,10 Carl Heimingsoen 83 Eqpt for Cemetery 4.00 Ingvald Iversen 84 Car Mileage 13.50 J. P. Gurney 85 Service for Cemetery 3.25 Anacortes Feed & Seed Co. 86 Supplies for Cemetery 2'7.00 Laryott°s Greenhouse 87 rr r �- 93.11 Marshall: Wells CO 88 r 9.99 Curtis Wharf Co. 89 Material. for Cemetery 2.72 Anacortes Water Dept. 90 Water used in Cemetery 5.00 Pioneer Inco 91 Supplies for Cemetery 12.01 C. C. Cook 92 Sery•i'ce for Cemetery 3.09 The Fern ]Press 93 Printing Supplies 1.82 WITHHOLDIIATG TAX FUND Temple's Hati.onal Bank 37 Withholding Tax deductions 600.77 FIR'MEN° S RELIEF & PENSIOW FUND C. Y. Wilder & Co. 221 Purchase of Warrants 945.14 LOCAL IMPROVEMENT FUND NO. 147" C. V. Wilder & Co., 1 Sidewalk: Contract, 1921.70 Remotion was made by.Ellin a.nd seconded by Hansen that the above claims be referrE d. to the Finance Committee. Motion carried.. The Fin,,nce Committee considered er-'�-d claims and recommended that the claims be allocred .and warrants drawn in favor of the same. A Motion was made by Ha.nsen'and` seconded by, Ellin, that the recommendation of the Finance in the matter pf the cla. ms against the City of Anacortes for the month of July, 1946, be adopted.,.Ayes-. Hansen, Ellin, Fisher, Allen & Brado. Lotion carried. Mr. Westman, pastor of the ]Pentecostal Church in Anam res asked permission to hold street chruch meetings and a. motion was rude by Hansen and seconded by Ellin that permission be granted to Mr. %'�estwnti to hold church meetings on the street- in Anacortes, Motion carried. Having completed the business of the meeting, a motion was made by Allen and seconded by Fisher that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. The meeting did then adjourn. Attest: City Clerk 13ayor August _29,1946 A. Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Ana. cort.es was aall_e& to order at 8 a"clock P. il. with Hayor Joe L. Hagan Presiding. j `fhe'roll was called and Hansen, ]:odge, Clausius, Fisher, Allen & Brado were presenter The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. A communication from the Investorl's Service Corpotation with reference to having, the City of -k �nacortes issue warrants f'or certain I, I D Bonds, and this letter was referred to the City Treasurer. • II M. Elmer Jo Nelson, representing Till. H. Rhodes Incorporated, maker, of irk Ti�� me Parking eters, was -present and gave a very good demonstratioL,of' Hark Time' Parking Sseters. 11r. Nelson answered many questions with reference to Parking Keters and left a contract giving the cost and requirements to have the Parking Keters installed. The Ha.yor and City Council thanke=d. YAr. Nelson for his demon- stration, but no official action was taken in the matter.except that it was referred to the License & Police Committee. The report of the Chief of Police for the month of July, 1946, was presented !I and read to the City Council and a motion was made by-Clausius and seconded by Brado that said report be accepted and referred tt the I,iaense & Police Committee. Notion carried. The report of the Chief of' the Fire Department for the• month of July, 1946,- was 946,was presented and read to the City Council and a motion was made by Dodge and s seconded by Allen that said report be accepted and placed an file. Motion carried. j i3rado reported a hole in•the street at the Northwest corner of 22nd Street - and Commercial Avenue. T. Go McCrory, Street Supervisor, reported that this matter would be taken care of immediately. The following Committee Report from the Streets and Parks Committee was presented; and read to the City Council.: To the Honorable ''payor & City Council: Your Committee on Streets & Parks, to whom was referred the matter of bids for a new City Grader, begs leave to report as follows: J We have gone over the bids submitted very carefully, comparing the t different graders as to cost, size, weight and power. We have also looked into the needs of the City for a grader which will handle all kinds of work which might come up, such as grading, processing oil roads and opening up new streets.; It is our recommendation that the City purchase the Adams Idotoo Grader Wo- 312 at a cost of $7366.20 as the grader most adaptable to the City's needs. j We further recommend that the matter of' the trade in on our old grader be left open until the delivery of the new graders (Signed) George Brado, Ghairma.n, E. A. Clausius. After some discussion, a motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Dodge that the recommendation of the Streets and Parks. Committee in'the matter of the purchase of a new grader be adopted and that the said Adams Motor'Grader 140.31.2 at a cost of'$7366020 be purchased. Ayes: Hansen, Dodge, Clausius, Fisher, Allen and Brado. Motion carried. I The following communication from Pyr. Jo B. Goff, Chief of Police, was presented and read to the City Council. I' I Honorable Mayor & City Council, Gentlemen. In compliance with Ordinance Number 987, passed on the 18th day of j June, 1946, and in keeping with your Committee's investigation relative to the establishing of loading and unloading zones for the City Bus which is operated by the Island Bus Co., we respectfully submit the following recommendation.: .That there be created six W bus zones as provided in Section No. I of said ordinance to be located as f'0110'Js: First Zone: --At the northeast corner of the intersection of 8th Street and i Commercial Avenue, commencing at the north line of the pedestrian Crosswalk and extending northward for a distance of 35 feet. Second Zone:-- At the northeast corner of the intersection of 7th Street and Commercial Avenue, commencing at the north line of the pedestrial cross- walk and extending northward for a distance of 35 feet. I Third Zone: --At the northeast corner of the intersection of 5th Street and Commercial Avenue, commencing at the north line of the pedestrian crosswalk and extending northward for a distance of 35 feet.. Fourth Zone =At the southiRJest corner of the intersedtion of 4th Street j and Commercial Avenue, commencing at the south line of the pedestrian crosswalk and extending southward for a distance of 35 feet. Fifth.:Zone:m-At the southwest earner of the intersection of -6th Street. and Commercial Avenue, commencing at the south line of the pedestrian crooswalk and extending southviard for a distance of 35 feet. Sixth Zone:-- On 8th Street at the fforthwebt corner of the intersection of 6th Street and Commercial Avenue, commencing at the west line of the pedestrian' crosswalk and extending westward for a distance of 40 feet. August: 20, 1946, Continued k motion eras made by Dodge and seconded by Clausius that the foregoing recommend- ation by J'o B. Goff' in the matter of' Bus Zones be accepted. Notion carried. At a recent meeting of the. City -Council, ]lir. D. U. Maxon presented a t7ritten request for a 'Taxi Zone immediately south of the Alley between 6$h and 7,.h Streets on Commercial Avenue, and this matter came up for discussion at this time. After some discussion,a motion was made by Fisher and seconded by Clausius, that said request for a Taxi Zone be granted in front of the Carpenters Hall. This Taxi Zone to be 18 feet long on Commercial Avenue, immediately south of the Alley between 6th and 7th Streets. Notion carried. At this time, an emergency Ordinance to providefunds in the Cemetery -Department ica,.the amount of $4160000 was filed with the City -Council. A motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Hansen that said Emergency Ordinance be filed with the City Council and be published in the City Official Paper and come up for hearing and passage on August 27, 1946. LUL9toz-i uaa 7. ft=. Dyes:Hansen, Dodge, Clausius, Fisher,. Allen & Bradoo Motion carried. The following resolution ras presented and Lead to the City Council. RESOLUTIOW Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of'Anacortes that polling places for public voting in the City Primary Election to be held September 10, 1946, shall be as follows.- First ollows;First Ward— C. A. R. Hall., 8th Street and 0 Avenue, Second hard 32nd Street and Commercial Avenue, Third Uard—Anacortes Hotel, 8th Street & J avenue. And be its further resolved that this resolution shall- be published in the City Official Paper for at least once a week for two consecutive weeks immediately, preceding the election. Passed this 20th day of August, 1946. (Signed) Joe L. Hagan Ifa.yo r Attest.: (Signed) John G. Dorcy City Clerk After some discussion, a motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Dodge that above resolution with reference to polling places for the C Ay Primary Election to be held on September. 10, 3.946, be adopted. Z� yes: Hansed Dodge,-Clausius., Fisher, Allen & Brado. Motion carried. The matter of the vacation of the north end of g Avenue was discussed at some length. At the last meeting of the City Council the Gity Clerk was authorized to publish a call for bids for a new car for the Police Department, the bids to be opened on august 20, 1946. A motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Clausius that said Police Car bids be opened. Potion carried. Benson 1,10o2s: Super DeLuxe Ford Sedan ;;1399.01, Deluxe Model$1327.45 Trade in Value of 1942 DeSoto Sedan I750.00 Tweten Zlodor Co. New DeLuxe Plymouth Sedgy 1608.56 Trade in value of 1942 DeSoto as is $900.57 The Police Car bids were referred by the Mayor to the Chief of Police. An insurance policy an the two Police Care and a bond for Lewis E. Harr as special Police Officer were presented to the City Council. and were referred to the City Attorney. The matter of the amount; of the rent for the ballroom in the Community Building used by the Skating Rink was discussed at this time and a motion was made by- Hansen yHansen and seconded by Clausius that the rental rate be $100.00 per month the year around.. Notion carried. The type of pavement for Commercial Avenue was. discussed at some length, but no official action was taken in the matter. li�aving completed the business of the meeting and in being necessary to hold a meeting on August 27, 1946, a motion was made by Fisher and seconded by Allen that the meeting of the City Council adjourn until August 27, 1946,at 8 o'clock PPS; Morion carri o The meeting of the City Council did so adjourn. Attest. /� /r _ Mayor it,. Clerk I i 11( ...- 9 Auguat. 27 n 1-946 A Regular Adjourned meeting of the Gity Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at •8 o°clock P. H. with Mayor Joe Lo Hagan Presiding. The Roll was called and Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, Clausius, .Alen & Brado were present. The purpcse'of this meeting was to consider the passage of an Ordin- ance providing for the vacation of certain parts of the north end of I Avenue to Milton P. Roumm and Edith Roumm his wife. 21r. S. Po Walsh was present and in protest to the said vacation of the north end of I Avenue, spoke at some length and urged the City Council to follow their policy over the past years -and not vacate any street ends to anyone; -but to give a long leasento an industry which wanted to use the street endo Captain Peabody of the Black Ball- Ferry Company spoke to the City Council and pointed out that in many other -cities their ferry terminals were on vacated street ends. He also pointed out that the Black Ball Ferry Company would not spend around X75,000.00 on a leased Street end. Captain Peabody also agreed to have an agreement to the effect that in the event the. Black Ball Ferry (:om° parry should leave the north end of I llvenue, they cvrould immediately dedicato this area back to the City of Anacortes George Urisoeld was present and asked about the Parking facilities to be provided, at the new Ferry Torminal. Captain Peabody gave a good outlineofthe proposed parking areas as planned for the new terminal. A motion was made by Ellin and seconded by -fallen that that portion of I Arenue. lying northerly -of . the North line f the Great orthern aght of way across across said Avenue, abutting upon Tract 6 and 61, Plate �, Tide and Shore lands ofSection 13, Township '35 IT, Range I E, Villamett6 Meridian,* Anacortec Harbor, and abutting upon a portion of vacated Railroad Avenue in the City of Anacortes, Skagit County Washington, be vacated as per the following ordinance. See motion following Ordinance 2. ORDINANCE 992., An Ordinance vacating that portion of- I Avenue lying northerly of the North line of the Great'Northern right of way across said Avenue, abutting Iupon Tract 6 and 6J, Plate 8, Tide and Shore Lands of Section 13, Township 35 N, Range 1 East, VUllamette Ueridian, Anacortes Harbor, and abutting upon a portion of o vacated Railroad Avenue, in the City of Anacortes, Skagit County,7'lashington. WHEREAS, a petition praying for the vacation of the above described street, Ut signed by the owners of more thaei two thirds of the property abutting upon said street sought to be vacated, was filed with the City Clerk and thereafter the City Council, by -resolution, fixed the time and place for the hearing thereon, andmore than twenty days prior to the date of said hearing, notice thereoe,was duly posted and published according to lack. and no objections or protests being honored thereto, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CM OF ANAG®RTES DO ORDAIN AS POLL0 73 : section 1. That the portion of I Avenue lyin northerly of the north lin of Me Great Northe n right of way across said venue, abutting upon Tract � and V�act 6�, Plate 9, Tide and Shore Lands of'Section 13, Township 35 N, Range IR, Willamette Meridian, Anacortes Harbor, and abutting upon a portion of vacated Railroad Avenue, in the City of Anacortes, Skagit County, Washington, be and the, same is hereby de6larod to be vacated. Section 2. This ordinance shall Make effect, and be in force from and after its publication. Passed this 27th day of August., 1946,.after having been submitted to the City Attorney and by him approved as to form. ATTEST; (Signed) Joe Hagan ATTEST,. -- Go Dorcy, City Clerk - -(Joe Hagan, Mayor) CC-orporate seal) Previu to h reading f the ab ve Crdinan e, a motio Jas made by Ellin and seconodea by lien that a�I protests be considered not e well $aken, that the n�� i o 1� ieoGre�lt�'or fierroi a Rndo�- h toeumm for the vacation of I street g, ranted -and that said portion of I Pvenue be vacated and that the Mayor and City Clerk be direcfed and authorized to execute an ordinance vacating same. Ayes Hanson, Dodge, Ellin, Clambius, !Alen and Brado. Ordinance 992 given above was read and a motion vras made by.Clausius and seconded by Brado that said Ordinance be adopted as a whole. Lyes, Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, Glausius, Allen and Brado. Motion carried . In the consideration of the bids for a new oar for the Police Department , Hr. I. B. Gofg% Chief of Poli -au regia. m ended that the bid of the Vueten Motor G-mpany on a 1946 Deluxe Plymouth Sedan at a cost of .91608.56 with a. trade in allowance of 000.57 for the 1942 De Soto Sedan be accepted. Byes, Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, Clausius, Allen and Brado. Motion carried. The City Clerk was asked to write to Mr. Ray Robinson advising him that the City had vacated portions of the end of I Avenue to Ifilton Roumm and Edith Roumm, his wife. The following communication from the Anacortes®11t.Vernon Stage Company was presented and read to the City Council. Honorable Mayor and City Council Anacortes, tiVashington Gentlemen: 1"' 1 1 40 � 0 � 1 1 I 0 � 0 1 1 � 0 1 Honorable'Mayor and City Council Anacortes, Washington Gentlemen: 'We hereby request a bus zone (50 feet) in front of our depot which is very much needed. Also would appreciate 61 zone for our Taxi in front of Hotel next to Alley -on Commercial Avenue. Thanking you in advance for your consideratian, We are Yours very truly, Anacortes-Mt.Vernon Stage Co. By: 74m. Affleck Motion made by Ellin and seconded by Clausius that the parking space f'or the stage and Taxi -Cab as requested by 7illiam Affleck in the above communication be granted. Motion Carried. Sometime ago Carl Mueller made an *application for a parking zone in front' of his business -located at about 1015•8th Street, at this time this matter was referred to the Streets and Parke -committee. L CemetC-xy emergency ordinance providing funds in the amount of",$4160000 came up for considerationand passage this time. Said ordinance was read to the City Council and a motion was• made' by Brado and :Beconded by Ellin that said ordinance by adopted asaL whole. Ayes: Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, C-lausius' , Allen and Bradc.; Motion "arried.. Clausius brought up the matter of construction of a radio station on•top of Mt. Erie. Azequest for this location came from local representative of the General Electric Company. This matter will be taken up at the next meeting of the City Council. The wirkin,g agreement presented by the Union Employees of the City of Anacortes was discussed and the City Council Committee will meet and discuss the working agreement Thursday , August 31,1946 . In the matter of the request. of Fraser Morrison to purchase timber located near Wh4stle Lake from City property a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Hansen that the City Clerk publish a call for bids on said timber with the provision that local mills be given first opportunity and that a performances bond in the amount of $5000,00 be required and that said bid be opened on September 17th, 1946. Motion carried. Mr. T. G. McCrory, City Engineer, spoke at some length on the costs and different types of paving for Commercial Avenue. Ai motion was made -by Clausius and Beconded by Dodge that the City Council have Arthur Olson write up the plans and costs of the three -types of pavement for Commercial Avenue and that this information be published in the Anacortes Daily -Mercury and the Anacortes-American and that ballots forms be printed so that the tax Sayers and residences of Anacortes may indicate their preference for the type and cost of paving to be used on Commercial Avenue. Motion carried. Having completed the business of the evening a motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Brado that the meeting of the City Council adjourn. Motion carrie. The meting of the City Council did then a.dj'ourn. 11 J. TEST O Tohn" Go Dorcy, City.Clerk Joe Hagan, Mayor September 3, 1946 A regular meeting of the City'Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 8 o°clock with hlayor Jae L. Hagan ]Presiding. The roll was called and Hansen, Dodge-, Alin, Clausius, Fisher, Alen and Brado were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. The following letter was presented to the Cit3r Anacortes, Wash Council by H. Co Barney and was read: September 3, 19460 City of Anac.o rtes, Anacortes, Wash.. Gentlemen. On or about December 7th, 1943, by Resolution of the Council, the City of Anacortes leased to the Morrison Mill Company the North 40 Feet of Railroad Avenue in said City, extending from Commercial Avenue to Q Avenue, the use of said grounds to be for dockage and warehouse purposes. Thereafter a Lease was prepartd, I presume by the City Attorney, and executed by the City of Anacortes, as Lessor, and by the Morrison Mill Company, as Lessee, and through- out the Lease it shows for a ten year period, but at one place it states; *The City of Anacortes, A municipal Corpora.tion,hereby lets and leases to the Morrison P3ill Company, a corporation, for the period of ten years, commencing with the 10th day of December, 1943, and terminating with the 10th day of December, 19440. The part of the Lease above quoted appears in Paragraph 3 of the Lease, said Lease having been executed on December 21st, 1943. The undersigned now intends to assign and transfer said Lease to the Port i of Anacortes and the lease contains a provision that it shall not be assigned or transferred except by permission of the City of Anacortes and the undersigned hereby requests that the City of Anaco.Ttes. give permission to the undersigned to transfer said lease to said Port of Anacortes and further requests that a Resol- j uSion be adopted by the Council of the City of Anacortes directing the Correction j of the Lease so that the portion above quoted will read "commencing with the 10th day of December, 1943, and terminating on the 10th day of December, 1953"- I.t. will be appreciated if you will act upon this request without delay as we are informed the Commissioners of the Port of Anacortes will hold a meeting i' on Thursday, the 5th day of September, 1946, and it is hoped to complete the transfer to the Port at that meeting. Yours very,truly, i1 Morrison Hill Company, By (Signed) Kenneth C. Morrison, President. After some discussion, a motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Hansen that the dates in the above described lease_be corrected to head "Commencing with the 10th Day of December, 1943 to.the 10th day of•December, 1953.11Motion carrieda See last paragraph on this page.' The different types and'costs of paving for Commercial Avenue were discussed at this time. Many south side residents were present and spoke to the dity' Councils I .A communication from A. F. Schreiber and 0 E. Ayges was presented and read to the City Council offering $40.00 for a quit claim deed on Lots 1-2-& 3, Block 62, Original Plat., City of Anacortes. After some discussion, 21r. U. V. Wells Jr., City Attorney recommended that the City of Anacortes issue this deed and a motion was made by Brado and seconded by Allen that the City of k'nacortes isbue a quit claim deed covering Lois 1-2 and 3, Block 62, Original flat to 1-1. F. Schreiber and 0. E. Argesi, and that the ' yor & City Clerk be authorized to sign said quit. claim deed. Hotion carried. Mr. V. V. Wells Jr. City attorney, recommended the acceptance of the bond for Lewis Eo Darr as Special Police Officer and also the bond furnished by Margaret McNary covoring contract for City printing, and a motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Ellin that the City Attorney's recommendation in the matter of the above described bonds be adopted.. Motion carried. The report of the City Treasurer for the month of August., 1946, 'was presented to the City Council and was. referred to the Finance Committee. The Report of the Police Justice for the month of August,, 1946, was presented and read to the City Council. and a motion was made by Dodge and seconded by- Clausius yClausius that said report be accepted and referred. to the License and Police. Committee. Potion carried. The report of the Water Superintendent for the month of tiugust, 1946, was presented and read to the City Council and a motion was made by Brado a.nd sec- onded by Gillen that said report be accepted and referred to the Fire, -fight and dater Committee. Motion carried. The report of the Street Foreman for the month of August, 1946, was presented and read to the City Council and a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Allen than said report that said report be accepted and referred to the Streets and Parks Committee. Motion carried The Gasoline report for the month of August, 1946, was presented and read to the City Council and a motion was made Ellin and seconded by Allen that said report be accepted and placed on file and referred to the Streets and Parka committecei Motion carried. A motion was made by Clausius and seconded by -Hansen that the City Clerk be authorized to change typographical error in City Lease to Morrison Mill Company dated December 21, 1943, of the North 40 feet of Railroad Avenue fromt019440 to 1953 as terminating year and further guthorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign written permission to assignment 6L said lease by lessee to the fort of Anacortes. Motion carried. Lj •� 1 'J 0� 1W 1 I 0 10 1 16 �J 1 aepj,,_Dmbex 1, 1946 A petition was presented and read to the City Council sigj�ea by residents living on .this street asking t:iat a larger mater pipe be installed' 'to give them pore water pressura. This matter was discussed at some lengM1 and P1x�.' T. ' G. - McCrory, ':!a•ter Superintendent was to notify several of the petitioners what could be done at .this time. The following communication was presented and read to the City Council: Pennsylvania Salt Manufacturing Company of Washington Itanufacturing Chemicals Tacoma, Washin ton August 22, 194 City of Anacortes Washington Gentlemen:. Your are hereby notified, in a,cacr-ftance with'the terms of oiar• contract with•you dated April 1,1946, covering Liquid Chlorine, that effective October` - 1, 1946, or as soon thereafter as the increase is legally permissable,: the price of products coQered by said contract will be increased not more than 1500 As .. soon as such prico increase is permitted, we shall notify you.'and all shipments subsequent.to•such notice will be billed you at the new price. Very truly yours, .Pennsylvania Salt Manufa6turing Company of 71ashi.ngton T. E. Moffitt Sales Manager This time.the /Council discussed further the type of pavement to be used on Commercial Avenue. The City Council had proposed to finance 25%, of the total cost by Local Improvement District along commercial avenue 5 lots back on each sido as many of the residents on the south side had signed a petition of protest against this type of payment for the parift;o A motion was made by Ellin seconded by Brado .that the City Council hold up their decision on the type of paving to be used on Commercial ..venue until September 10th, 1946 at which time a mass meeting will be held in the Eagles Holl at 8 o° clock on said date at which time all persons who desire to do so may be heard for or against the City Couneilla Plan for paving Commercial Avenue. Motion carried. Mr. W. V. bells, Jr.., City Attorney made an oral report on the purchase of approximately 3 lots on the corner of 6th Street and q avenue,on the North East corner, which the City Council plans to use as a location for a garage and other necessary buildings for the ci.tytbucks and equipment. A motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Ellin that the City Council secure the services of Mr. John T. Sampson,an architect, to draw plans and specifications for the construction of a garage and necessary buildings on the three lots purchased on the North East Corner of 6th Street and q Avenue ' and also -to remodel certain rooms in the Anacortes Cibmmunity Building to serve as City offices. Motion carried. The following claims against the City of Ann-,cortes for the month of August,1946 was presented and read to the City Council.- ouncil:CURRENT CURRENTEXPENSY Joe L.Hagan 1400b Salary as Mayor George Brado 14009 Salary as Councilman Romie L.. Allan 14010 Charles -F. Fisher 14011 E. A. Clausius 14012 Syd Ellin 14013 E, E.' Dodgo 14014 W �� H, L, Hansen 14015 a �� 0. E. Arge's 14016 'SalEry as Dep. TrZa.s. John G.•Dorey 14017 City Clerk U. V'. '11,ells, ',Tr. 14018 r' City Attorney Dr-. A. B'. Coop 14019 Health Officer A. R. Sallenthies 14020 " Police Ju.otice Harry Davis- 14021 Dog Catcher Norman Fulton 14022 Janitor St. Clair Jackson 14023 Janitor Comm . Bldg. Harry Davis 14024 Dump Nan Withholding Tax Fund 114025 Vfithholding Taxes G. N. Dalstead,, P. M. 14026 Postage for Clerk's Office= Kee Lox Hfg. Co. 1402 Typewriter ribbon[., for ckerks Off. Lulu I.. Cole 1402 Work in Cikerk' B Office Voitus Furniture Storel4029 Linoleum & Labor, for .Police Dept. Anacortes American 14030 Certificates for Fire Dept.' Bernard -T. Olson 14031 Radio Service for Fire Dept. Southside Hardwaro 14032 Supplies for City Hall 411an°s 14033 n Herb Pc,rson 14034 1 Model 416 Error No. Copy J. B. Goff 14035 Salary as Police Chief N. Petr-ish, Asst.Chf. 14036 Asst. Police Chief Wm. Pollard 14037 as Patrolman Warren Thompson 14038 « a C. F. Springer 14039 " t° Rarvin Beebe 14040 Withholding Tax Fund 14041 Withholding Taxes 20000 10,00 10000 10,00 x0°00 10.00 10.00 10000 0.00 2.5.0 82050 41040 50.010 25000 56030 144.50 40,00 47,70 x 3000 1044 21075- 21.27 1,7521027 3062 14-070 309 •,50 29.46 225020 210.9.0 173'30 190000 190.00 173.30 47030 x Automobile Club' of 17ashm 14042 7weten Notor'Co. 14043 The 'Texas C o . 14044 Lyle °'s Grpcery- 14045 The Fern Press 14046 Dept. of Labor & Indus. 14047 later Dept. 14048 Puget Sound Power & Light 14049 L. E. Snider' 14050 B&rt 'Verrall,Azs° t Chief 140.51 K. Vf Snart ,Capt.. ' 14052- S. C. Mo ndhan ,Capt . S 14053 K. G. Strock 14054 Jay Thayer 14055 Ed. Alexander 14056 N. Parsons- 14057 Call'Man and Extra Firemen -" G. T'. Strock 14058 George Olson 14059 J. G. Dorcy 14060 L. Moore 14061 Jack'Smith 14.062 l; "Moridhan 14o63 7ithholding Tax Fund 14064 Firomenr's Relief &Pen.Fund 14065 Lo E. Snider 14066 Water Dept. 14o67' Simmonds faint Store 14068 An ac o rt e s Laundry & C- 14069 11168-t Coast Telephone 14070 City Street Fund ' 14071 C61vin'4s Service Station 14972 Mt. Vernon Abstract Co. 14073 CJ'. V. Wells, Jr. 14074 Frank Knapp 1726 Lewis Harr 1727 Withholding Tax Fund 1728 City Street. Fund 1729 Um. G. McCallum 1?30 J & K Figenshow 1731 Anacortes Cuter Dept. 1732 Southside Hardware Co. 1733 Dept. of Labor & Ind. 1734 Mildred No Safford 2381 Eleanor Nevill 2382 Norman Fulton 2383 j Marjorie D. Ross 2384 Mrs. T. A. Bririckley 2385 Withholding Tax Fund 2386 Dept. Labor & Ind-. 238 Puget* Sound Power and Light238 Water Department 2389 i H. U. Wilson Copany 5' A. G. McClurg 6 Americana Corporation 87 J. B. Lippincott Co. William Frederick Press 9 Ralph Ernest Downie 10 Supplies for -Police Dept. 'j.d3 Purchase of Xew police car 707.99 53 Gals Motor Oil,riPoliao Dept- 34.39 Supplies for Police Dept. .12 V, City Clerk&Police Dept. 1 015 Ind.. Ins. and1' ed.Aid. 13.74 ams Cuter for City Building 3.35 Services Rendered. 314.23 Salary as Fire Chief 212.53 a Ass°t Fire Chief 1 0.77 Salary as Capt. Fire Dept. 185.67 a 0° a 169 089 Fireman 1 7:50 Gas'used in Police Dept.Fire 11.20 Service for Police Dept 173020 ra i r7�) On Salary as- Fireman 177050 Call Kan, Extra Fireman- 6.25 C a. 1025 Call Man; Fire Dept. 1.25 Call llilan; Fire Dept.D 3015 Call Man, Fire Dept. 30K5, ITithholding Taxes 10 :Oxx 2% of Firemenfe SalariQs .35.72 Inspections,Expenses to Fire Co11.73'25 Hydrants 56 5.00 Supplies 1555 Services rendered4066 '30 rL a - .19-57 Gas'used in Police Dept.Fire Dept -71.'61 Service for Police Dept 12075 Service for City of Anacortes 91000 Cash advance 6.01 " 5821028- - IPARK FUND Salary as- Park Supt. C Park Employee Withholding- Tax Deductions Gasoline used in Park Truck Bond for Lewis Harr Supplies for hark Dept. Water used in Parks Supplies. for Park Dept.. Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid LIBRARY FM Salary as Asst. Librarian ri a a r Janitor Cataloger Substitute 17ithholding Taxes Ind. Ins. & hied. Aid Services Renddred Mater for Library SPECIAL LIBRARY FUND Books for Library r� a r! a 17ATER DEPARTMENT' 189.20 156.8o 14.00 6.82 5.00 3.8o 53aQO 3-34. 6.98 97.24 110.00 82.10' 12.00 20025 5.4Oxx 5.6® 14.65 ,4'00 91.014 .72.70 1 m 75' 2-.82 27.81. T. G. McCrory 9031 Salary as Supt. 288010 Sadie X. Arges 9032 Gashier 156.5Q Lauren•e McDougall 9033 Clerk -1 John G.. Dorcy 9034 Bookkeeper 53.70 Chas. Wedlund 9034 Foreman 241.10' Russgl.l Carolan 9036 Serviceman '30 V. 0. Rogers 9037 Salary as Filterman 256.40 G. E. Feller 9038 204.19 A. Sir.ett 9039 " 200.08 Frank Deane 9040 228.46, Lester. Thomas- • 9041 `' Pumpman 1 8.10 John Anderson 9042 t0 Labor 0.60 Cdithho•lding Tax Fund 9043 eaithholding Taxes 207.60xx Island Transfer Co. 9044 Stove Oil 10.87 The Anchor Packing Go. 9045 Supplies 1.55 The Bristol Company 9046 Hanger and Shaft 3.50 Curtis. T7harf Co. 9047 Lime 5o.o6 The Fexn ]Press 9048 Printing Postcards 5.15 G. N. Dalstead 9049 Stamps 6.00 Skagit. Bonded Collectors 9050 Glen Lamphier , account 1.00 Pennsylvania Salt Mfg -Co. 9051 Chlorine 60.82 E. N. Hallgren Go. 9052 Supplies 3535 Pacifi.c Highway Transport 9053 freight Bill 7926 Cascade Machinery Company 9054 1 Pump and Parts 386.25 1 1 1 I 0 r 1 14D 14D I 1 u ':est. Coast Telephone 9055 at.anclard aiI• Coo y056. City Street. Fund 9057 Jo r thi ng t o n -Garro n. II.e t er. 9058 Skagit. E.lect.ri Go., 9059 Puget. Sound_ bower & L-ightgo6o Dept.. Labor 4 Indua-- 90.61. Harine_ Supply. & hard. 9062 Anacort.es. Iron .:Jock 9063 �. Colvinr s Se.rvlcc Stat.a.cn. 9064 Tax Commission 9065` Services. RenderCd :Standard. Solvent. Gas used in Water Dept. 4 reg.ist.era complete Brushes. for Idaast.er Motor Serviae.s re_n.dereA Indo Ins. & ILed. ,did S.uppliee riper invoices Service. rendered. Tire Repair Business Tax FIREI`E,N' S RELIEF & PENSION FUND Dr. Carl K. Erb 222' IIfIedical Service to Jay Thayer CITY ST { , DEP,�RTIMNT Roy McDougal Lynn Balcomb Early Thorene Dave Summers Carl Welk Artie.Taylor J. Eo Draper T. G. McGro ry John G. Dorcy Marine Supply Hardware Withholding Tax*Fund Standard Oily Co.. Puget Sound Power &'Lt 0 Pacific Asphalt Pay.C6. Cook Truck &Bquipt.C6 'Ile B. Kerr & C o . Inc Feenaughty Machinery Standard Oil Co. Standard Oil Co. Department of -Labor &Ind ColvinQs Service Station Anacortes Iron Works Pacific Asphalt Paviuy. Ingvald Iverson William Latimer Charles Rex Mi�jchell Withholding Tax*Fund 71. B. Keri° & Co . Inc . Ingvald Iverson' Voitus Furniture Store Dept. Labor & Ind. Water Dept. Puget. Sound Power &Lt. The Fern Press Curtis Wharf Go. Colvin's Servbce'Station West.. Coast Telephone Go. 242. Salary as Foreman 2422 " Gr Aderman 2423 p 11aint.enance 2424 r rr 2425- 425-242b Labor 2426 q cr 2427 `� Sweeper 242$ "� Supervisor 242;9 Bookkeeper 2430 Supplies per invoices 24431 Cithholding Taxes 2432 Supplies per invoices 2433 Services Rendered 2434 Materials '& iervice,St.Dept. 2435 Main Shaft -Bearing - 2436 Spring Bolt Assy.Drive Studs 2437 Grader Blades,Bolts & Nuts 2438 Liquid Asphalt 2439 Pearl Oil 2440 Indo Ins. & Med.Aid 2441 Services per invoices 2442 Services per invoices 11.50 10'75 20015 11009 1309, 1124076 16.02xx 56.1-5 41046 5-.34 521.46 11.00 20g.26 1813010 2o6.95 180022 182.26 194.88 103.40 41.50 41050 .9'98 143•; 80xx 166.,18. 37'50 142>14 8055 08 3700 1086.95 4069 16055xx 7.25 11.64 94 Salary as Supt. 173 0 0 95 `� Labor 15b.>2i0 96 Labor 97080 97' Withholding Taxes . 4,0 010 xx 98 Tractor, Etc. 435000 59- Mileage 7050 100 Supplies per invoices 217096 101 Ind. Ins. & Iled. Aid 5030xx 102 Vater used in Cemetery 5000 IJ3 Services 1017 104 Supplies per invoices 1034 105 Cement 2072 106 Tirc S-ervlce 3.36 107 Telephone Service 4.05 WITHHOLDING TAX FUND Peoplees National Bank 38 Total Withholding Tax Deductions 614.70 Mot ion ' made -by Hansen that the above n2aims referred to the finance. committee .-Motion carried. Finance committee considered said claims and recommended claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of the same . Motion made by Fisher and seconded by Brado that the recommendation of- the finance committee in the matter of the c l s r s against the City of Andcortes -fox the month of August •1946 be adopted. Ayes, Hansen, Dodge and Ellin, Clausius, Fis-her, Allen, Brado. Notion carried. Being unable to Complete the business of'fhe evening motion made by Ellin ,seconded by Hansen that' the Meeting Adjourn'until September 10th, 1946 at 8 o7 clock P. H. The Fad, ourn P John GI. 1)orcy,City Clerk in the present meeting ok the City Council City Council did so September 10th, 1946 Min adjourned regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 o° cloak P. K. with Mayor Jou L. Hagan presiding. Roll was called and Hansen Dodge and Ellin , Clausius, Fisher, Allan , and Brado were present. The City Council immediatdgy bega.tn'consideration and discussion of the cost and types and paving for commercial nrenue . Dr. Nary 71hite and a number of other residents of Anacortes spoke to the City Council against the plan of financing the total cost, of the paving and new street lights for Commercial Avenue by using a. local Improvement District to cover 25 % of the total cost,. Mrs. Cora Allmond and several other residents spoke in favor of using this, plan for financing the improvements to commercial avenue. After some further discussion•a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Hansen that the City Council consider th6 asphaltic concrete material designated as plan No. 1 to be used in paving -commercial avenue. Ayes., Hansen, Dodge and E11in,Clausius Fishe4-,, klXen and Brado, motion carried. i Motion made by Brado and seconded by Allen that a Mass Meeting be held ip the Eales Ball, Thursday, September 12th, at 8 o" clock, P.k1. at which time all persons who had signed petitions of protest might present their question to the City council and also that the City Council might Explain tot'he people why a local improvement district was necessary for the commercial avenue paving. Motion carried. M$. H. G. MacDonald who lives at 3402 Commercial and pointed out the lack of water service on 35th street west of commercial avenue. Mayor and Water Superintendent agreed to look at tris location and make a report to the City Council in the near future. Dir. T. G.. XbGrory, Water Superintendent, recommended that the City of Anacortes purchase.the following material and equipment: 8000 feet 60 Cement asbestos water pipe and 890 feet 10" cement asbestos. water pipe, 9 Corey Hydrants and hydrant valves, 6-61, valves and 2-1017 valves. After some.discussion, a motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Allen that the City Clerk. publish twro calls for bid8, one for the 8000 Feer of 6m Cement asbestos water pipe and 890 feet. of 100 cement. asbestos water pipe and another call for bids on the 9 Corey Hydrants with valves, 8-611, valves and 2 U 100 Valves. Ayes: Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, Clausius, Allen & Brado. Nays: Fisher. The working agreement which was presented to the City Council some time ago, was discussed at some length particularly the hours of labor. This matter will be discussed with the Union Committee and a report drill -be made on this matter later. for the year 1947 The preliminary Budget of the City of Anaaortes was considered and discussed item by item through the entire proposed preliminary budget, and a motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Brado that the proposed preliminary Budget for the year 1947, be adopted as a whole. Ayes: Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, Clausi" , Fisher, Allen & Brado. Motion carried. Having completed the business of the evening, a motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Allen that the meeting; of the City Council adjourn. Hotion carried. The meeting of the City Cou�jdil did then ad' urn or Attest:-�c,ri�_ -- C ity Clerk September 17, 1946 Trie rtg�lar meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 8:OJ o'clock P.M. with Mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. The roll was called and Dodge, Ellin, Fisher, Alien and Brado were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Thereport of the Fire Chief for the month of August -1946, was presented and read to the City Council. A motion was made by Brado and seconded by .Alen that said report be accepted and referred to the Fire Light and 71ater committee. Motion carried. The report of the Police Department for the =th of August 1946, was presented and read to the City Council. A motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Dodge that said report be accepted and referred to the License and Police committee. Motion carried. The application of Mr. Donald 1. Maxon for a taxi owners license in the City of Anacortes was taken up and considered at this time. A motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Dodge that this apnlication be tabled till such time that the Chief of Police has approved the mechanical condition of the vehicals to be used as taxi cabs by Pati'. Donald :l. Maxon. Hotion carried'.. At the meeting of the City C-ouncil held on September 3, 1946, the City Clerk was authorized to call for bids on tiner owned by the City of Anacortes and such bids came up for consideration at this time. A motion leas made by Dodge and seconded by Eilin that said timber bids be opened. Motion carried. Two timber bids, one from the Morrison HillCompany and one from F. E. Foss and Sons were opened. The following are the two bids which were submitted to the City ColAncil: To the Honorable M:.yor and City Council of Anacortes. Gentlemen: Regarding the sale of certain timber owned by the City of Anacortes on which a call fox 'tids '..as issued August 30th 1946. , for tiab=r on ylest side of Vhistle Lake road. (P)The Morrison Mill Company wishes to put in the folioiing bids. No 1 Peeler fir 913.50 per Ft. No 2 19 0 9.00 0 ca 8T �ep_f.P r 17. 1g4b (continued.) No 3 feeler Fir 3 per Ft. No.l Fir Sawmill logs g.00 .00 11 11 It 2 11 01 60 0.00 1° 11 I° 3 r.- M' I7 3 50 to Hemlock 4.00 to White Fir 4.00 Lumber Cedar 11.00 Shingle Cedar 4.00 " v° Alder 3.00 " '4 Tood Logs 1.00 " 1° Cedar Poles .05 per lin F t . Respectfully yours Morrison Mill Company By (S) Fraser Liorrison, AIgr. We the undersigned do hereby submitt our bid on the following described timber, situated on the property described as the Water Cheds of the City of Anac..rtes, ,ashington. 'Viz: Lot 4 SE 4 of the SW -''- of Sed.31 Twn.35 m2E and lots 1-2-3 & 4 Cec.6 Twn 34 - 2E. The last items dented as Lotu 1-2 to carry the same bid as the first description providing we are able to obtain .eight -of way to removethe timber. Bids as follaays: Fir P5.80, cedar ")4.55, Hem. N3.55. signed F. L. Foss 1 Sons, by F. E. Foss (S) F. E. Foss. A motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Dodge that said tomer bids be held over till the next meeting of the City Council. motion Carried... At this time a number of petitions were presented to the City Council asking that Commer i 1 Avenue be ved with plant mit asphaltic concrete as soon as possible. 'Shese l s were signed by residents in the proposed Local Improvement District along Commercial Avenue. 11 The fcllowing comms is t'on, tom th An torte Chamber of C mmer e w s pr s ted and read to the Ci.�y Co�ncif To he tionora le Mayor and 8ity oun`1 o� ��e City of Anacortes, Washington. Gentlemen: At the regualr session of the Chamber of Commerce Monday, September 16, 1946, the following Resolution was passed by those present: RESOLVED, That tkis Chamber of Commerce go on record as supporting the City Council in their efforts tc improve Commercial Avenue by paving the same, � and urge them to go ahead �,.ith such project -..ith all speed. Passed this 16th day of September, 1946. M. H. Holland, President, Elizabeth Ir. Dwelley, Secretary, ;7e hope that no efforts will be sppared to et this very much needed improvement put thorough. Respectfully s,.bmitted, ANAC`O1.TE3 CI1A1L,'-ER OF CCMd`.�,FZCE, S K. H. Holland fres., by (S) Elizabeth M. Dwelley, Secretary. Also the following communication was presented and read to the City Council.- Mr. ouncil:Mr. Joe Hagan Mayor Ancortes The Senior Citizens Pension Union have none on record %s apposing the present plan of financing the paving of Cbmmercial St. and think that 25% on the Slots on Commercial is to much. ,.7e think 10 or 15 o would be nearer rLght, because all of Anacortes uses Commercial and should pay their percent. By order of tension Unior, Mrs. Myra E. Thomas, Sedretary. A motion -was made by Brado and second -ed by Ellin that the City Council proceed as planned with the paving of Commercial including the employment of a Bjnd Attorney for theissuance of the General Obligation Bonds and the Locul Improvement Department' for the financing of the proposed Commerci.zl Avenue pavement and street light improvement. Ayes: Dodge, Ellin, Fisher, Allen and Brado. Motion carried. The following agreement for the City of Anacortes and the rudget Sound Navigation Co was prdsented an- read to the City Council: `,VI 1REA5, .the City Council of the City of Anacortes, a municipal corporation, on the 2%th day of August, 1946, pasted an Ordinance vacating that protion of i Avenue lying north of the Great Northern Railway right of 'way across said Avenue in said Gity, upon petition therefor presented by Hilton P.. Ruumm and Edith Roumm, his wife, owners of mare than two -thuds of the property abutting upon said portion tube vacated; and 'dI1T,REA0, said va:;ating ordinance was passed'in consideration of (1) Written' assurance to said C'ouncilfrom said %Iilton t. Roumm andEdith Roumm, his rrife, and from attorneys .for the Puget Sound Navigation Company, a corporation, that said v sated Avenue w_uild be conveyed by deed by Pdilton P. Roumm and Edith Roumm, his wLfe, to said Puget Sound Navigation Company, and that s�::1.id grantee ld erect thereon a public transportatiLn terminal; Oral.agreement by and between the Du et Sound Navigation Company a corporation represen1ad by Captain Alen eabody, its president, and the City of Anacortes, a municipa� corporation, wheiin it vias agreed that should the Puget Sound Navigation Company, at away future time, fail to use said portion of Anacortes as a public masement for public street and highway purposes; NOVI UEREFORE, . to confirm andreduce to writing said oral agreement above mentioned, it is agreed by and between the Puget Sound Navigation Company, a corporation, its successors or assigns, and the City of Anacortes, w municipal corporation, that at such time as said Puget Sound Navigation Company, its successors or assigns, -hall fail to use the above-described proti('n of I Avenue for Purposes of a transportation terminal, said Puget Sound Navigation Company, its successors or assigns, sha.11re-dedic:wted said portion i of I Avenue, to the City of Anacortes as a public easement for street and highl:riy. purposes. 71itness the hands of the resp,,3tive parties hereto this 13th day of September, 1940. PUGET SOUND NAVIGATION COMPANY, By: (S) Alex Peabody CITY OF ANACORTr1S, By: (S)_ Joe L. Hagan Mayor ATTEST: (S) John G Dorcy John G. Dorcy, City Clerk -F)l 1�3 .1_ . e,rtPm. Yiar 1'7 1.9&A ,After some discussion a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Dodge that the Mayor and City Clerx be authorized to sign said t ermhal agreement. Being unable Ito complete the business before the City Council at the present, a,moticn was made by Dodge and'sec-nded by i1:.lin that the City Council adjourn to 8:00 o°clock rM September 20, 1944u. The City Council did then adjourno-/ c /� /� I " �T, e h o Wgan ayo r - - - - - Attest Jo n . Aorcy, City5Jerk September 20, 1946 A regualr adjourned sleeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was ca�,led to order at 8;00 O'clock PM with i,ayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. The roll was called with Dodge, Ellin, 'Fisher, Allen and Brado present. The purpose of this meeting is to consider necessary action to be taken by the City of Anacortes, for financing the paving of Coeanercic�l Aynnopt . The f)llo",,,ing resolution was presented and read to the City CounItil. A RESOLUTION of the Council of the City of Anacortes,-Washington, deems it necessary and to the best interest of the city to pave Commercial Avenue; and '1HERIAS, in order to pay therefor it is necessary that theCity issue and sell its general obliagtion.bonds in the approximate sum of w'130,000, an WHEREAS, it is required by law that the question of the issuance and sale of aaid bonds be submitted to the voters of the City for theri approval or disapproval; and VIIIEREAS, it is to be best interest .,f said city that attorneys skilled in such matters be employed to draft the necessary ordinAnces, resolutions,' notices, and documents therefor, and to give their opinion as to the validity of said bonds at the time of their sale, NOW, THEELFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Preston, Thorgrimson, Horowitz & Turner, attorneys at law, in Seattle, Washington, be and they are hereby employed to perform the services above set forth and saia city agrees to pay them as compensation therefor the sum of X500.00 and in addition thereto to pay- all ayall cash expenditures made by said counsel for the puri,ose of performing said services. Said city furti:er agrees to � a.y said election, which sum, in case the proposition authorizing the issuance and sale of said bonds shall not carry sha11 be payment in full for their services. In case the pro- position authorizing the issuance and sale of said bonds shallcaanry,. the balance of said fee in the sum of 0250000 shall be paid at the time of the -delivery by said attorneys of their opinion approving the legality of said bonds. PASSED at the meeting of the Council of the City of Anacortes, 7ashington, and approved by its mayor, this 20th day of September, 1946 CITY OF ANACORTES , WASHINGTON By Joe L. Hagan_ (s,igWd)-_ Mayo r ATTEST John G. Dorcy (signed) ;;ity Clerk After some.,discusseion a motion was made aboveresolution be adopted. Ayes: Dodge, by Ellin and Seconded by Drado*that the Ellin, Fisher, Alen and Brado. At this t ime an ordin=e providing for the paving of a. certain portion of Commercial Avenue, the instal,ing of adequate lighting on Commercial Avenue, dnd the constructinjg and 'irist'alling --f certain sanitary sewers across Commercial Avenu::; providing for the issuance -©f 'geder&J obligation bonds of said city in the totLl principal sum of '130,000 to pay therefor,' said bonds to be payable by annual tax levies kithout limitation, anti pxoviding"f urther for the submission to the .,ualified electors of said city of a prdposition' f-6r'the issuance of said bonds at a special electibn to be -held JTovember 5, 1946, was presented and read to the City Council and discussed by section. A motion was made by Bradoand seconded by Ellin that said ordinance x;93 providing for the paving of certain parts of Commercial Avenue and construction of certain sanitary sev✓ars*across Commercial'Avenue as above described be adopted as a whole. Ayese'Dodgeo.:Allen, Fisher, Ellin, Brado. Motion carried Having completed the business of the evening a motion was made by Dodge and seconded by allen that the meeting of the City Council adjourn. Motion carried. The meeting of the City Council did then adjourn. I-- Zr, 1 •' 1 1 • 1 I 0 I 0 1 1 [7 I* 1 October 1, 1946 .�, Regular i?eeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 8 o'clock P. 11.'with Mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. The roll was called and Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, Clausius, Fisher, Allen and Brado were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. At a.meeting of the City Council of the City of-Anacortes held on September 10, 1945,- the -City Clerk was authorized to call for bids on 900' �isbestos Cement Plpe, 2300' 81' Asbestos Cement Pipe and 8000' of 6" Asbestos Cement pipe and also another call for bids on'12 Rensselaer Hydrants, 12 6" hub and flange hydrant Auxillary valves and 2 1011 Rensselaer cast iron valves. Theso bids were to be opened on October 1, 1946, and a motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Hansen that said bids be opened at this time. The following are the bids on the Asbestos Cement pipe: Johns -Manville: H. D. Fowler C o 0 900' 1011 pipe 1497>60 900' 1010 pipe 1575.00 2300° 80 pipe 2840;.50 2300' 8" pipe 2967.00 8000.' 611 pipe 7016 . oo 8000" 61'Pipe _ 7200.00 $11.354010 $11742.00 The following bid on hydrants and valves was the only one submitted: E. N. Halgrcn Company, 12 Rensselaer*Hydrants © $121.25 each 12 61" hydrant valves 45.60 0° 2 Rensselaer valves 97-45 Special hubs fdr Transite ]Ripe 105.80. The above bids on Asbestos Cement and hydrants and valves were referred to the fire, Tight and Water Committee -to make a report on later. A letter from Mr. H. F. Hanseroth with reference to a fire hazard near the old folks Hoim at 1216 5th Street was presented and read to the City Council. This fire hazard has been removed so all parties concerned are well satisfied. Prest3n Holton brought up a matter of drains on 11th Street, and this matter was -referred to the Streets and Parks Committee. 71. V. :'ells Jr. City Attorney, spoke to the City Council in regard to the pur- chase of Lots 12 and 13, Block 6, Original Plat from the Lion's Club. A motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Hansen that the City Attorney advise the Lions Club that the Title insurance is to be furnished by the Lions Club for the two above described Lots being purchased from them by the City of Anacortes. Motion carried. The -Treasurer -'s Report forthe month of September, 1946, was presented to the City Council and was referred by the Zayor to the Finance Committee. Mr. J. B. Goff, Chief of Police „ reported on the accidents fatal and otherwise and -made many good recommendations to avoid and prevent accidents in the future. The-re�,ort of t1m Police Justice for the month of September, 1946, was presented and -read to the City Council and a, motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Allen that said report be accepted and referred to the License and Police Committee. Motion carried. i The - Report of the Fater Superintendent for .the month of September, 1946, was pre- sented and read to the City Council and a motion was made by-Clausius and sec- !. onded by Brado that said report be accepted and referred to the Fire, Light and Water Committee. Kotion carried,. The- report of the Street Foreman for the month of September, 1946, was preoented and read to the City Council and a motionivas made by Brado and seconded by Allen that said report be accepted and referred to the Streets and Parks Committee.. Motion carried. The Gasoline report for the month of September, 1946, was presented and read to the City Council and a motion ryas made by Clausius and seconded by Allen that said report be accented and referred to the Fire, Light and Nater Committee. Eotion carried. The following Communication was presented and read to the City Council: September 20, 1946 Honorable .Mayor & City Council, Anacortes, Washington. Attention: City Clerk. Gentlemen. In connection with our stage operations between Seattle and Anacortes, we are making use of the k1aryland Cafe in Anacortes for a terminal. Since�it is not practical to have a Stage Zone in front of a business house of this kind, we ask that a Stage Zone be established directly across the street, from the street corner to the alley as we believe this would interfere with now one. This letter will authorize billing the Furse Stage Lines for expense of establishing this zone. Yours very truly Furse Stage Lines (Signed) Roy E. Furse Owner October 1, 1946. After some discussion, a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Dodge that that the Stage Zone -location requested in the foregoing letter from Pyr. Roy E. Furse be refused, and th?t the City Council might consider a Stage Zone location of a side street if dnd satisfactory to Mr. Furse and the City -could be agreed upun. i:iution ca,rcied. At the meeting of the City Council -held on September 17, 1946, bids on City dwned timber was submitted by F. E. Foss and Sons and the Morriefa +hill Company. See pa es 186 and 187 of this record for the amounts of these bids. g These bids were referred at that time to the Fire Ligand tiJater Committee t this tivo, a motion was made by Brado and seconded by Hansen that the bid of ie E(orrison Z,,11 Company be accepted and eliminating cedar poles except those poles which were knocked down by logging operations. Notion carried. The Taxicab Owner's and driver's applications submitted by Nathan M. Brown and Donald 11. Maxon, and the applications for a Taxi drivers license by harry Thomas and and Lewis B. Hall were considered at't-Ahis time and a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Allen that the applications for a Taxi Owner's license be • refused and that the applications for a Taxi Driver's License be tabled. Motion carried. An Emergency Ordinance in the amount of $250.00 in'the Park Department was presented and read to the City Council for information and a motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Ellin that said Emergency Orsinance be filed -with the • City Council, be published and come up for final hearing on October 7, 1946. Motion carried® Two Insurance policies, one on the contents in the Library and one on the cars used by the Anacortes Police Department were presented to the city Council and a motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Hansen that said Insurance policies; be referred to the City Attorney. lotion carried. The folloving Claims against the City of Anacortes for the month of- September, 1946, were presented and read to the City Council: CURRENT EXPENSE Joe L. Hagan 14075 Salary as Mayor 20.00 George Brado 14076 " 1�1 Councilman 10.00 Romie Allen 1407? a '1 n 10.00 Charles P. Fisher 1407$ A ca c' 10.00 E. A. Clausius 140 9 a a 10.00 Syd Ellin 1400 10 C° 10.00 E. E. Dodge 14081 ° cy ca 10.00 H. L. Hansen 14082 10.00 0. Ea dirges 14083 Deputy Treasurer 90.00 John G. Dorcy 14084 City Clerk 82.50 V. V. Vells 14085 City At t.orney- 82.50 Dr. 1,�> B. Cook. 14086 ro "' Health Officer 41.40 A. R. Sellenthin 14087 p Police Judge 50.10 Furry Davis 14088 c' Dog -Catcher 25.00 Norman Fulton 14089 Janitor, City Hall 56.30 St. Clair Jackson 14090- c° t°'Janitor, Com. Bldg. 144.50 Harry Davis 14091 Garbage Dump fan 40.00 1.7ithholding Tax Fund 14092 Withholding Tax dedeuctions 47.70 The Fel,, :'Press 14093 Supplies; Clerk's Office 14.21 R. R. Yates,: 14094 Supplies, Glerks- Office 2.17 Katherine H. Snider 14095 Tork in Clerk"s Office 28.50 John. G. Dorcy 14096 Cash advanced 1.75_ Trick & Murray 14097 Supplies 2.277 Anacortes Daily Mercury 14098 Printing Anacortes Equipiient Cb. 14099 Supplies 21.50 Bernard 7.. Olson 14100 Service on Radio KAEB 7.70 Vim. V. Cells Jr. 14101 Recording O±dinanCes 7 United Janitor Supply Co. 14102 Janitorl's Supplies 11.1 Anacortes Gas Co. 14103 Gas used in Gity Hall 4>86 • Affleck Bros 14104 Fuel 0i1, City Hall 5.44 Brown Lumber Co. 14105 Lumber 43.21 J. B. Goff 14106 Salary as Chief -of Police 225.20 N. Petrish 14107 Salary as Asst Ch of Police 210.90 Vim. L. Pollard 14108 Patrolman 173.30 W. E. Thompson 14109 i° " ca 190.00 • C. F. Springer 14j110 1 o.00 Marvin Beebe 14111 °� � r 19.30 'Jithholding Tax Fund 14112 Withholding Tax deductions Art Burnside & Go. 14113 Supplies, Police Dept. 2,1:900 M. R. Kingsley 14114 Ins on Police Cars 93.39 Dept of Labor &, Ind. 14115 Ind Ins & Med Aid 12.32 ! The Fern Press 14116 Supplies, Police Dept. 11.15 Fosse's Texaco Station 14112 Sup.li.es, Police Dept 3.10 L. Eo Snider 1411tS Salary as Fire Chief 212.53 Burt Verrall 14119 'P " Asst Fire Chief 190.77 3. C. leo ndhan 14120 ti `� Capt. Fixe Dept. 169. 9 K. 7% Snart 14121 ° " M Fire Dept. 185.69 M. G. Strock 14122 "' 10 Fireman 177.50 Jay Thayer 14123 '° cp Fireman 181.20 Ed. rler;a.nder 14124 a Fireman 173.20 J. N. Parsons 14125 Fireman 173.20 C. To Strock 14126 °' °' Fireman 120.17 ! J. G. Dorcy 14127 Gall Yan-Fire Dept. 2.50 George Olson 14128 �� 0 f0 " 2.50 4 �7 1, _� . 'Too 14129 i° n r r° to 2.50 George- Riiller 14130 " " 2.50 A. Mondhan 14131 " t0 3.75 R. McDougall 14132 1C n 1.25 1 .91- 11, - October 1, 1946, 0ontinued. PARK MTD Current Expense, Continued. Salary as Park Supt 189.20 ,ithholding Tax Fund 14133 Clithholding Tax Deductions 106.50 156.80 Firemenas.R l & Pen. Fund F-irestone Sore 141 4 141 2% of Firemen°s Salaries SLAp,,;lies, fire Dept. 34.50 : 50.00 9 1738 0 14.00 Tne Texas Company 141 Supplies 3:57 !.47#75 City Street -Fund 14137 Gasoline -used in Fire & Pal Depts 67:73 7:49 Union Service 1413$ Supplies, Fire Dept. ,72 4 :22 L, E. Snider 141 g Inspections 2 .GO 8.50 Anacortes Water Dept ° 1410 Hydrant Rental 566 oo 6.20 Eureka fire Hose Coo 14141 Supplies 16.87 Anacortes Laundry 14142 Laundry Service 6.90 "lest Coast Telephone Co. 14143 Telephone Serv-ice 13010 Luvera4s 14144 Supplies, -Fire Dept. 7.63 Mrs. Frances Rock 14145 Inspector, City Primaries 12 *50 Tdrs. Lois Karcoe 14146 Judge; q �' 120'50 Ethel Barron 14147 Judge; r �r 12050 A. C'atherine Barber 14148 Judge, m cr 13000 Alic-e Brokens 14149 Judge, a "'r 13000 Jennie Peterson 14150 Judge, tP " 13.00 Hilda Satre 14151 Judge, 13:00 Anna Wilson 14152 Inspec tor, 13.00 Elsie D. 71ollam 14153 Inspector, ' 13000 Wrs .' 77. H. Xasch 14154 Rent GaR Hall for Election 50 00 School Dist. #18 14155 Rent of room for Eloction 5000 Union Printing Co. 14156 Supplies, Election & Clerk's Office 4'4'5 Puget Sound 13r.'& Lt'. Co. 14157 Lighting Service 31.8058 Anacortes American 14158 Printing & Supplies 70048 V,. Vo dells Jr. 14159 Cash advanced 1.00 Joe L. Hagan 14160 Cash advanced 32:40 A. C. MClurg & Co. G. N. Dalstead 14161. Postage for Clerk'"s Office 3-00 The MacMillan Company 2409 The Texas Company 14162 brotor Cal, Police Dept. 34039 2410 Supplies & Books S. H. Nunn 14163 Janitor at Com. Bldg 710.90 Books for Library Withholding Tax Funfl 14164Withholding Taxes 5.60 Books -.for Library ':.est Coast Tglephone Co. 14165" Telephone Service 10.20 Ind Ins & lied Aid Lulu Cole 14166 Work in 'Clerkvs Office 23:25 V. U0118 Jr. 14167- Cash advanced 3.25 CRUEN" RY FUND Ingvale Iversen 108 Salary as Cemetery Supt.' 173020 William Latimer 10.9 Salary "as Cemetery Employee 156.80 ?Tithholding Tax Fund 110 Vithholding Taxes 29.90 ':lest Coast Telephone Coo.111 Telephone Service 5:30 The Fern Press 112 Supplies 2.26 Ingvaid Iversen 113 Uileage on Car 7.00 E. Danielson, Co -Auditor 114 Filing Fee for Cemetery- Annex 29.50 Anacortes Vater Dept. 115 'later used in Cemetery 5.00 Ralph Rohweder 11:.6 Bulldozing 100.00 Puget Sound Pr. & Lt. Co. 117 Lights for Cemtery Office 1.00 Union Service 118 Gasoline for Cemetery 1.15 Dept of Labor & Ind 119 Ind Ins & MedAid 44* 51 Oregon Brass Works 120 Material for Cemetery 16.00 PARK MTD Frank Knapp 1735 Salary as Park Supt 189.20 L. E. Harr 17`36 " it r'' Employee 156.80 J. E. Harding 1737 Labor in Park Dept. 50.00 1:1ithholding Tax Fund 1738 Withholding'Taxes 14.00 Watelft Dept. " 1739 Nater used in Parks' !.47#75 11arshall Wells Store 1740 Supplies, Park Dept. 7:49 Dept of Labok & Ind 1741 Ind' * Iris & Med '.Aid 4 :22 Colvin°5 Service Station 1742 Service & Supplies 8.50 City Street Feind 1743 Gasoline used in Park Truck 6.20 LIBRARY FUND iiildred Safford 2390 Salary as Asst Librarian57:'50 Blanche Sackett 2391 " Q it - 26:50 Eleanox Yevilld 2392 111.30 Mrs. J. A."Brinkley 2393 'o- 'r Acting Librarian 115":7'0 drjorie D. Ross 2394 " 'r Cataloguer 50.10 Norman Fulton 2395 iP " Janitor 82.10 7'lithholding Tax Fund 2396 Withholding Taxes 43:30 Norman Fulton 239rr' Cash advanced 1:25 Anacortes Equipment Co. 23988 Furnace repairs & Service 33.06 ,later Department 2399 Vater used in •L-ibrary 5.55 Puget Sound 'Power U Lt.Co. 2400 Lights for Library -6.02 R. L. �'`hippl:e 2401 Painting &Repairs 190070 Voitus"Furniture-Store 2402 Plumbing -Service 12036 Matt R. Kingsley 2403 Ins on -Library -Contents 30.73 Curtis 7-Jharf Co. 2404 Coal for Library 33:45 Boy's Life Magazine 2405- Subscription 4.50 \ Herman Goldberger Agency 2406 Ma.gazine*Subscriptions ,` 82.45 The J. K. Gill. Company 2407 Books for Library 157:90 A. C. MClurg & Co. 2408 19°99 The MacMillan Company 2409 1Qr 1Q " 5.188 H. W. Wilson Company- 2410 Supplies & Books 27.18 Americana Corporation 2411 Books for Library 69.75 Hurry Hartman, Bookseller 2412 Books -.for Library 91.79 Dept of Labor & Industries 2413 Ind Ins & lied Aid .31 October 1. 1946 Con.tinged Roy McDougall Lynn Balc omh Carl Thorene Dave Summers Carl Ylelk Artis TAylor J. E' Draper T. G. i[cCTory John G. Dorcy 7ithholding Tax Fund Sheill Oil Co.. Modern Sigh Go. Standard Oil Co. T. G. McCrory City Street Fund Marine Supply Co. Anaa�Lrtes Dai�=Y Nefcury Standard Oil C o . Puget Mwmill Inc. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. RI.mank Russell. Trulson.Motor Co. Dgpt of Labor & Ind. Ana.cortes Iron Works fF,gTY STREET FUND 2443 Salary as -St. Foreman 2444 n 0 VATER FUND T. Go- ZCC Tory 9066 Salary as Water Supt. Sadie M. Arg.es 9067 °� PO Cashier Lauren- NoDougall 9068 Clerk John 'G. Dorcy 9069 Bookkeeper Chase `ledlund 9070 i4 C1 Water F'oxeman Russell Garolan 9071 Serviceman W. .0' Rogers 9072 °P " Filterman G. 3. Keller 9073 'c ro Filterman- ilterman-A. A.Sirett 9074 P1 °0 Filterman - Frank Deane 907 Filterman Lester Thomas 907'6 `P Q0 Pumpman Withholding Tax Fund' 9077 YTithholding Tax es Pennsylvania Salt Co. 9078 Chlorine'for Filter Plant R.. De. Baker 9079 Sup lies, Watpr-Dept. Uest Coast Telephone Coe 9080 Telephone Service The_%xa.s Company 9081 Supplies, later Dept.. Curtis Uharf Co. 9082 Material for Uater Dept. Ka.rine Supply & Hardware 9083 Material & Supplies The Fern Press 9084 Printing & Supplies G. W. Dalstead 9085 Postage for Uater Office j Standard Oil Go.. 9086 Supplies, Tatem Dept. Cameron Transfer Go. 908 Freight on Valves E. A' Abbott 9089 Service on I)odge Coupe H. D. Fowler- 9089 Supplies, Water Dept. Great Northern Ry. Co. 9090 Freight on Alum' GOderal Chemical Co. 9091 Aluminum Sulfate Skagit Valley Telephone CoA 9092 Telephone a®rvice Puget -Sound Power & Light Co. 9093 Power & Service A;:acortes Lions C-luft 9094 Deed for Lots Dept of Labor & Ind. 9095 Ind Ins & red Aid. Anacortes Iron Works 9096 Supplies & Service Skagit -Bonded Collectors 9097 Collection of" Plater Bills City Street Fund 9098 Gasoline used in T'later Dept_. Roy McDougall Lynn Balc omh Carl Thorene Dave Summers Carl Ylelk Artis TAylor J. E' Draper T. G. i[cCTory John G. Dorcy 7ithholding Tax Fund Sheill Oil Co.. Modern Sigh Go. Standard Oil Co. T. G. McCrory City Street Fund Marine Supply Co. Anaa�Lrtes Dai�=Y Nefcury Standard Oil C o . Puget Mwmill Inc. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. RI.mank Russell. Trulson.Motor Co. Dgpt of Labor & Ind. Ana.cortes Iron Works fF,gTY STREET FUND 2443 Salary as -St. Foreman 2444 n 0 Graderman 2445 to, " 111aint . Man 2446 a C° Maint Man 2447 C0 °aa in t Man 2448 .,�intman 2449 S t . Sweeper 2450 1° "' St. Supervisor 2451 Bookkeeper 2452 Withholding Taxes 2453 Gasoline, City Pump 2454 Service & Kateri*als 2455 Supplies- upplies245.6 2456 Cash advanced 2457 Gasoline used in Uater Dept 2456.1 z!. -Supplies 2459 Printing 2460 Liquid Asphalt 2461 Cedar Posts 2462 F6wer for Crusher 2463 Dozer Work 2464 Service & Material 2465 Ind Ins & Med Aid 2466. Supplies & Service WITHHOLD7ING TAX FUND People's National Bank Total 'Uithholding Taxes 288.10 156.50 120'00 5370 241610 182680 227'50 200.78 200' `10 17 730 199'10 183'6o 121'.68 9:22. 12 080 66 12'71 1%4'52 67086 6-oo 1'23 .1.-03 . 10 199 745 292-13 787 50 �' 71 151.8 <12 618.00 15669 3.19 6:25 14.26 196:10 188.10 198. lo 113.30 173.30 182.30 103.40 41.50 41.50 134.40- 122.61 34.40122.61 22.66 3.17 335 e 00 5.54 2.00 192.57 9.17 37.50 28.00 4.07 14.04 21.52 596.30 Al.f+otion was made by Ellin tnd .seconded by Hansen that above claims be referred to,j the Finance Committee. Motion carried. The Finance Considered said claims and recommended that the ca.lims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of the same. A motion was made. by Hansen and seconded by Allen that the recommendation of the ! Finance Committee in the matter of the claims against the City of Anacortes forthe'. month of September, 1946, be adopted. Ayes. Hansen, Bodge, Ellin, Clausiuse Fieherj. Allen & Bra.do. Motion carried. i A motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Ellin that the meeting of the City Council adjourn until 7030 Pe M. on October �, 1946. Motion carried. The meeting cf the Council did so adjourn. Elayor Attest:C 'tylerk 1 1 1 • 0 � 1 1 � 40 � 0 1 � is � 0 1 October 7, 1946. An adjpurned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 8 o'clock P. K. ;aith Mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. The roll, waa called and Hansen, Dodge, Ell -in, Clausius, Allen & Brado. The purpose of the meeting being to consider and pass the Budget for thr year 19470 It motion was made by Hansen and seaonded'by Clausius that the budget total of 166�O.OQ for the. police Deet. be adopted. Rothih carried. Ellin made a motion seconded by Dodge that the Inspector7s salarids of f,25.00 for the inspector and 310.00'per month fdr the assistant inspector beleft in the budget as. ayes: Dodge, Elli, & Brado. Nays. -Hansen,. Clausius, Allen & Hagan. Motion Lost. A motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Brado that the salaries for the Inspector and assi-stand ,Inspector be left in the Budget. Motion carried. A motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Ellin October b, 1946 at 7:00 P. M. Notion car,iedo The did so adjourn. See last. par? raph at bottom of page for d t q�jal. minutes of this meeting. At tes City Cleer 7 October 8, 1946 that the meeting adjourn to meeting of Un City Council Mayor A regular adjourned meeting of the City Council was called to order at 7:0°clock P. Bio with Mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. The roll was called and Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, Clausius, Allen & Brado. An Ordinance adopting the Budget of the City of Anacortes forth year 1947 was presented and read to to the City Council and a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Hansen that said Budget ordinance be adopted as a whole. Ayes; Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, Clausius, Allen & Brado. Motion carried. An Ordinance providing for a tax Levy for the City of Anacortes for the year 194.7, was oresented and read to the City Council and, a motion was made by Doudge and seconded by Callen that said Tax Levy Ordinance be adopted as a whole. Ayes: "ansen, Dodge, Ellin, Clausius, .Allen and Brado. Notion Carried. An Ordinance Appropriatine the Tax levies for the year 1947 was presented and rear to the City Council and a motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Brado that :a.w said Appropriating Ordincince be adopted as a. whole. Ayes: Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, Clausius, Allen and Brado. Lotion Carried. Having completed the business of the evening a motion�,as made'by Hansen and seconded by Brado that the meeting of the City'Council adjourn. lotion Carried. The meeting of the City Council did so adjourn. Mayor ity Cl,�k October J, 1946, Continued. A motion was made by Hansen that in the consideration of the budget submitted by the Chief of Police, J. B. Goff,. that the City Council accept with -reluctance the "Alternate Plan1P with a total of salaries in*the amount of 43�16680,0'0 and ?360.00 be left in for extra help. lotion carried. A motion was made by that the amount of 1'25.00 per month as Plumbing Xnspector and :p10.00 per month as Aosistant Plumbing Inspector be left in the 1947 Budget as submitted by the -eire Chief, L. E. Snider. Byes: Dodge, Ellin & Brado. Nays: Hansen, Clausius and Allen. This vaas a tie vote and Mayor Joe L. Hagan voted I7,o. Motion lost. A motion was made by Hansen -and seconded by Ellin that the amount of $300.00 for an inspector of Building-, Wiring and Plumbing be left in the 1)47, Budget, and also that the item of '120.00 also be left in said Budget in case it should ne needed. Kotion carried. A mot�on was made by Clausius and seconded by Brado that'the City Clerk be auth- orize to condense the form pf the oposed Budget for 1947 for finalapproval, passage and publication.. Motion Car ied. T.. G. McCrory, CTadter Superintendent, recommended that. the bid of E. N. Halgren Company on Valves and Hydrants as shown on pae 189 of this record be accepted and a motion was made by Clausius and secondedgby Clausius that the recommend- ation of the Water Superintendent in the matter of the purchase of hydrants and valves above described be adopted. Ayes: Hansen, Dodge, Elli•n,.Clausius, Allen and Brado. Potion carried. Ontnhpr 1 K, 1 A46 A regular meeting of the City of Council -of the City of Anacortes was called to order at b OO o'clock P. M. with Mayor Joe L. Hagan. presiding. Roll was called and Hansen, Ellin Clausius, Allen, and Brado were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were. read and approved as read. An application from the Fraternal Order of Eagles for a dance license was presen,t> 'ed and read to the City Council. After some discussiion, a motion was made by Ciausius and seconded by Ellin that the Eagles lodge be ranted a renewel of their dance license for another year beginning October 17, 1946�o Motion carried. The following communication was presented and read to the City'C-ouncil. To the Hon. Mayor and City Council October 9, 1946 Anacortes, 71ashington - Dear Sirs: Please .permit us to call your attention to the urgent need of a traffic signal at the corner of Commercial Avenue and Marine Drive.. At this point speeding cars and trucks constitute a constant menace to motorists, pedestrians and the people in the neighborhoods We recommend the early installation of a proper•CAUTION signal to warn motorists and truck drivefs of the -dangerous turn at the corner of Commercial Avenue and Marine Drive. ;Ye believe the CAUTION signal should have a yellow light on the north side and also on • the east side to slow dos;n traffic at the turn. The traffic signal should have a red light on the south side to -bring motorists coming down the hill to a complete stop before entering Commercial Avenue. Your early attention to this matter, and your cinsideration of it, will Ue deeply appreciated. Respectfully yours, �S) If. Ne Holland fl W.. W. Keyes (S� C. R. Ames This matter was referred by the Mayor to the Street and Parks Committee, License and Police Committee, Street Superintendent, and Chief of Police, to make a report at a �a.ter meeting Df the City Council. A number of persons were in the audience and asked for a room for a meeting 'place for Cub Scouts in the Anacortes Community Building. Several persons spoke to the City Council and a motion was mace by Clausius and seconded by Brado that this matter be referred to the City Council Building Committee. Kr. George Larsen spoke to the City Council and asked to rent the gymnasium in the Anacortes Community Building for promoting boxing matches tviice a month. This matter was also referred to the City Council Building Committee. Mr. Preston Holton was present and asked the City to furnish concrete sewer ,pipe for a covert on B avenue across 11th Street. After.some discussion a motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Ellin that the City, furnish sufficient 18" concrete sewer Imps to crops 11th street and B avenue providing that Preston Holton furnishes the labor. to put the pipes in the ground. Ryes. Hansen, .Ellin, Clausius,. Allen and Brado. Mr. Robert Kimball made an application to the City Council for a taxi owners license and Kr. Cecil L. Brown made an application for a taxi drivers license. Kotioii was made by Ellin and seconded by Hansen that the above license applications be granted providing the necessary requirments are met by Mr. Richard A. Kimball for taxi owners license and Cecil L. Brown for a taxi drivers license. The f ollowing report. Was presented and read to the City Council.- TO ouncil.TO TIM T-i0N6Ra;B1.1, I:I.'1YOR AND CITY COUN7IL OF TH5 CITY OF ANW30R793, GENTLEK'I]' W a Your City Attorney to whom was referred the matter Harine Insurance Company Policy No. 266095 covering equipment and books in the -amount of 32,000.00 with leave report as follows: I have examined said policy and find it in regular Dated the 15th day of October, 1946 W.V.VJells, Jr., City Attorney ( S) I.W. V. +ells Jr. e motion was made by Ellin -and seconded by Clausius that Attorney by adopted. of Springfield Fire and Anacortes Public Library extended coverage, begs form the above report of the City The report of the Chief of ]Police for the month of September, 1946, was presentee and read to the City Council, and arotion was made by Chusius and seconded by Allen that said report be accepted and referred to the license and Police Committee. Ido tio(II carried. Mr. J. B. Golf presented a plan for controlling traffic on H avenue and J avenue -nd this matter was referred to the License and Police Committee. The report of the Fire Department for the mjnth of September, 1946, eras nresentefl and read to the City Council and a motion was made by Brado and zieconded by Allen that: amid report be accepted andreferred to the Fire Light and Water Committee. An emergency ordinance for the ]Park Department in the amount of 4P*250.00 came up for final hearing at this time. There being no protests against the preparing of thio emergency ordinance, a motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Hansen that zmaid emergency ordinance for the Park Department -in the amount of 4250.00 be adopted as a whole. dyes: Hansen, Ellin, Clausius, Allen, and Bradoe. Ntion carried. Mayor Joe L. Haben pointed out to the City Council that Mr. Fraser Morrison of t1ie orrison mill Compan , had made application to purchase timber to the south of the ieart Lake and thathe commissioner of puplic lands at Olypia had reminded him that this timber had been taken off the market at the request of the City of Anacortes to preserve the water shed around heart lake. After some discussion a motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Ellin that the commissioner of public lands be advised that, the City Council has no objections to logging operations in this area provided that 3 strip 3000' wide !b:e,.Ieft along the Heart Lake road and Heart Lake to preserve the 1 1 • 4V 1 P 1�1 C�� P 1�1 E October 15, 1946 (Continued) scenic beauty of the lake as well as the road. Motion carried. Having completed the business of the evening a motion was made by Brado and seconded by Ellin that the meeting of the City Council adjourn. motion carried. The meeting of the City Council did then adjourn Atte, N�vember 5, 1946 A regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 6 o9clock, PX with Mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. TDie role was called andTfansen, Dodge, Ellin,. Clausius, Fisher, Allen and Brado were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Mr. Bob Breckenridge made an application for a L-a-ster Plumbers License. After some discussion a motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Dodge that a Master Plumbers License be granted to Bob Breckenridge if he can pass the necessary requirements. Notion carried. Mir. ',7- V. Wells ' Jr., City Attorney made an oral report on theprogress being made in thepurci,ase of lots 11, 12, and 13 of block 6, original plot City of Anacortes located at the northeast corner of sixth street and Avenue. The City Attorney pointed out that the numerous difficulties in ob- taining a clear title in this k;roperty wjuld be straighteded out in the near future. The City Attorney also made an oral report on the proposed local improve- ment necessary for the paving of Cammercial kvenue. After some discussion on this matter a motion was made by Claudius and seconded by Ellin that the City Attorney be authorized to contact Mu. Thorgorinson of the firm of Preston, Thorgorinson, Horwitz, and Turner, who has been engaged as bond attorney by the City of Anacortes to draw up the necessary resolution for the bond issue if the same is passed in the general election on November 5, 1946. Motion carried. Mrs. Cora Allmond, Mrs. T. G. UcCrory, and Mrs. Elizabeth Dwelly were present as representatives of the Womens Club and the Business and Professional 7aomen with reference to the issue of certain rooms in the Anacortes Community Building. The following is a report fur these ladies presented to the City Council. To. Hon. blayor and Council: The joint Committee of the Anacortes Vloman9s Club and Business and Professional 'Woman's Club begs to submit the following for your consideration, re�arding their use of the dining room, kitchen, adjoining utility room, and library, of the Community Building. 1. What rem,neration would you renire from our two Clubs for light, heat, water, and Janitor serve e in thg above rooms? 2. State definitely our responsibility in re -letting the above rooms for Community affairs. Please include responsibility as to keys. 3- Would the City put in special wiring in the kitchen for two electric ranges? 4. Would the City in its purchase of chairs for the building add 50 for the dining room, the additional 50 to be paid for, if nec- essary, by the two Clubs? - ---------------------------- 1. Equipment on hand: (1) 6 long tables (2))6 long benches (31 25 odd chairs (4 Several odd tabled (5) 100 cups (u) I iron stove -no good - (7) 1 electric range not connected. 2. 7oman's Club Equipment in*custody'of Mr. Allan 3. Piano belonging,to Rotaty Club. 4. U.S.O. equipment left in dining room foruse in the young people recreation room. Tentative Plans of Clubs 3: FurUish t librargtfof UmmAttee, or other smallye�ings. 11 11(nn .nue the probe 0 e ecreation room in L o ge room as soon as the money is available from the Anacortes Recreation Association. 3- Make a. continued effort to secure one or more persons to serve luncheons of dinners for the varioys Clubs, Groups, or other Organizations, wishing to use the dining room and kitchen for their meetings. 4. Make a busy Community Center. Yo vemb e r° 5, I u,a 6 Suggestion as to Rest Rooms for the Public. Utilize the East side of the buildingunder the side -walk' with steps going up outside the building. Respectfully submitted, Joint Corilmittee. City Council Fart of Report of theAnacortes tloman°s Club and tYhn Business' and Professional Woman's Club as of November 5, 1946. Following property of theAnacortes Woman's Club now in the hands of Al°chie Allan: 85 dinnerplates 85 dessert 50 cups 70 saucers 90 knives 90 forks 90 spoons 25 tablespoons 20 cream pitchers Kitchen cooking utensils estimated at about X20.00 Please add to our report. Cora W. Allmond After some discussion a motion was made by Clausius and seconded' by Brado that this matter by referred to the Building Committee toy study the plans of the Woman's Club and the Business and (Professional Woman"s Clubs in a later meeting of'the City Council. Motion carried. Mr. Harley Sutt spoke to the City Council about the use of the gymnausium in the Anacortes Community Building. Mr. Sutt asked permission to hold boxing matches and forprivate entertainment in this room of the Anacortes Community Building. Motion made by Eliine... This matter was also referred to the City Council Building Committee. Motion was made by Ellin and ,sVonded by Brado, that the Building Committee recognize that ng'""PAvate enterprize be allowed.to operate in the Anacortes Community Building. Motion carried. The City Treasurer report for the month of October, 1946 was presented to the City Council and also referred by the Mayor to the Finance CDmmittee. The report of the (Police Chief for the month of October,1946 was presented and read to the City Council, and a motion was made by Brado and seconded by Allan that said report be accepted and referred to the License and Police Committee. votion carried. The report of the Water Superintendent for the month of Oatober 1946, was presented and read to the City Councal, and a motion was i made by Clausius and seconded by Dodge that said report be accepted qad referred to the Fire, Light, and Water Committee. Motion carried. j The report of the Street Foreman for the month of October was -resented and read to the City Council and a motion was made by Aller and seconded by Dodge that said report be acceptod.and referred to the Street and Parks Committee. Motion carried. Mr. T.G. McCrory, dater Superintendent, made an oral report to th1, affect that the City of Anacortes had purchased 72 feet of 18 inch pipe to be used as a culvert across 11th street at Be Avenue. The Gasoline report for the month of October, 1946 was presented and read to the Gity Council, and a motion was made by Brado and seconded by Ellin that said report be accepted and referred to the Fire, Light, and 7ator Committee. Potion carried. Mr. T.G. McCrory spoke to the vity Council and recommended that the City Cierk call for bids for a new pump at the Avon Pumping Plant and that the bids be returnable on December 3, 1946, and a;sp that the City Clerk advertize the bids for a- water pipe for Commercial avenue and these bids be returnable on November 19,. 1946. After some discussion a motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Brado that the Oity Clerk advertize the bids for new Pumping Plant as per specifications, ,.on file in the office of the 'Vater Supt. Said bids to be returri�ble on December 3, 1946. Motion -carried. A motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Brado teat the City Clerk advertize a� cali for bids for the following cement asbesto,T, class 150, water pipe:. 22oo feet 12 inch pipe 2200 feet 10 1100 8 500 ca 6 n cs Said bids to be returnable on November 19, 1946. Motion carried. The following claims against the City of Anacortes for the month ofOctober, 1946, was presented and read to the City Council 1 1 1 �J •I 1 1 � 0 Uj L i I* 16 1 November 5, 1946 Continued Uurrent Expense Joe L. Hagan 14168 George Brado 14169 'Romie L. Allen 14110 Charles F. Fisher 14171 E.. A-!Claus:ius 14172 Syd Ellin '- (. 14173 'E. L. Dodgon 14114 ii. L: Hansen 14175 0. E. Arge s 14176- 4176G. G.Darcy 14177 V. Wells, Jr. 14118 Dr. A. B. Cook 14179 A. R. Sellenthin 14150 Hary r Davis 14181 Norman Fulton 14182 St. Clair Jackson 14183 Harry Davis 14184 Withholding Tax Fund 14185 Puget Sound Stamp Works 14186 cern Press 1418 Anaco, tes Gas. Co. 1418 yLrn^.rd T. Dlson 14189 �nBCortaa L,Foundry 14190 J. B.�Wf 14191 N.. Petrish 14192 YIm. L. Pollard 14193 W. E. Thorapeon 14194 C. F. Springer 14195 U1 E. Beebee 14196 'Vithholding Tax 2und 14197 South Side Hardware 14198 J. C. Fenney Co. 14199 Simpsons Electric Shop 14200 ]3rown Lumber Co. 14201 VIM. G. HcCal lum 14202 Colvins Service SAation 14203 Moran's Boat and "rood Vforks14204 L. E. Snider 14205 Bert Verrall 14206 S . C. Mondhan 14207 K. t'7. Onart 1420 �. G. Strock 14209 J. M. Parsons 14210 Jay Thayer 14211 Ed. Alexander 14212 C. Strock 14213 L. Moore 14214 H. Chevricr x14215 Gea. Olson 14216 John G. Dorcy 14217 A. Mondhan 14218 Geo. Miller 14219 Roy McDougaA1 14220 Withholding Tax Fund 14221 Fireman's Relief and Pensionl4222 Union Service, Lyle Duncan 1422 Vater Department 142 Welch Bros. Acct. 142 5 City Street Fund 142P6- 2. J. Kidder 14227 Anacortes Laundry & Cleanerl4228 South Side Hardware 14229 Fosse's Texaco Service 14230 Standard Oil of Calif. 14231 Affleck Bros. Inc. 14232 Marine Supply & Hardware 14233 State Treasurer 14234 ?7est Coast Telephone Co. 14235 L.E. Snider 14236 J. G. Dorcy 14237 ti thhold ing Tax Fund 14 238 Nelson's Sound Service 14239 Puget Sound P.& L. Co, 14240 17ater Dent. -14241 Anacortes Equip. Co. 14242 Island Transfer Co. 14243 Dept. of Labor & Ind. 14244 Peoples Bank of Ana. 14245 An�ccrtcre American 1424`) `d•:.V.-• T70 ;u t3ijr Coo 424r Central 424b tf. V. Tfells Jr. 14249 Frank Knapp I;ewis Harr Withholding Tax Fund Water Dept. J•. E. Harding City STReet Fund C u r,t i s Wharf Co. Dept. of Labor & Ind. Salary as Mayor, 00 P9 Councilman Ir YJ" ro r, IY 0 Ir P 17 to 10 Io W 17 IV r r, r S7 `� Deputy Treasurer " '•City Clerk n' City Attorney Health Officer 10 Police Justice Dog Catcher " Janitor, City Hail "Janitor, Community Bldg. ro rG Garbage Dumpman if i thhold ing Tax Deductions Supplies, City Clerk Office Supplies for City Clerk and Judge Supplies, Fire Dept. Scre-a.ce on Rzdin KAFB 1';SA0VP, Casting" Saldry at� Dol i ce .-Uhi(:X 'o Iv Asst. r. 11 to, Patrolman Ia Q r; n Ii la YP I4 i0 tlithholding Tax Deductions Supplies ;:Ter Chan d i s e Supplies Lumber and Idaterial Bond -Police Patrolman Instrument Moulding 0alary as Chief of Fire Dept. Is a Asst. phi of ro a Capt. r to r. n Fireman Yc ro to {� 1: to n n Call man andVolunteer :1 Ir It i, 0 rz S1r IP 1.1 Y7 I7 n 011 0 C7' t1 r. I7 h r IG to IV 1. [J ro' 17 c7 so I� Ya ro I? Ir Y7 li to to q ':7ithholding Tax Deductions Fireman's',)alaries, Pension Deduct Sup dies and Service Hydkants Insuronos Gasoline -Fire and Police Dept's. Wire Cutters Laundry Szrvice Nails Iderchandise Oil Supplies Fees for Firemen Telephone Service Inspections Registrations of Births & Deaths Withholding Tai: Deductions Truck Service Service and Lighting Community Bldg. r7 I7 I7 ro Oil Ins. & Tled . Aid Safe Dep. Rent Supplies Cancelled see No, 14249 Mplies . Calls ?Park Department 1744 Salary 1745 Salary 1746 Withholding Tax Deductions 174' 7'jter used in Parks 114 Extra Labor in .sparks 1749 Gasoline used in Park Trucks 1750 Haterials, park Dept. 1751 Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid 20.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10,.,o 10.00 90.00 62.50 82.50 41.40 50.10 25'.00 50.30 1444.50 40.00 47050 1.33 3.24 1.30 / 7.70 10/�� .30 225.20 210.90 173.30 190.00 199.90 189.30 31.30 16.96 5.55 6.88 1.87 5.00 0.16 5.15 212.53 1y0.71 lb$.89 185.69 177'. 50 173.20 181.20 173.20 88.20 2.5-0 6.25' 7.OG 7.40 9.25 1 ? 25 ._8.00 101.9g5 33 72 56�:9t 26.98 74.10 12.26 3.75 1.02 8.19 1.99 10. 15.48 30.00 12.45 25.00 13. 0 2. 5 5-P00 314.63 .40 56-97 95-70 13.50 3.60 '72z0.48 lti. -32 0 2. 0 189.20 156.80 14.00 2.50 72.50 9.30 12.02 4.48 November 5, 1946, Cont. ]Library Department Ruth E. Brinkley 2414 Salary as Acting Librarian 115' 7( Eleanor Nevill 2415 Salary " Asst. " 111.3( Marjorie Ross 2416 i5 " Cataloguer 20.0E Norman Fulton 2417 to " Care taker 82.1( Withholding Tax Fund 2418 Vithholding Tax Deductions 37,4 Puget Sound TP.& L. Co. 2419 Light Service, Library 5.54. 'Dater Dept. 2420 Slater used at Libfary 2.5( Simpson"s Electric Shop 2421 Light Globes, Library 4.0' A-nacortes American 2422 Advertising 3o5( L. "hipple_2423 Bal. On Repair Work, Libilary 5.0( DoLong Sub. Agency, Inc. 2424 Hagazine Sub. 2.0( The A.Y. Marquis Co. 2425 Books. Library 10.65 Child Training Ass. Inc. 243e Sub. 3.00 The College Bindery 24427 Service, Binding Books '71.01 A. C. McClurg 2428 Books .9. 6) Gaylord Bros. Inc. 2429 Supplies b.35 Harry Hartman, Bookseller 2430 Books 19.16 The I. K. Gill Co. 2431 Books 34.5Ei TheH. 17. Wilson Go. 2432 Supplies 3.5� Dept. of Labor & Ind. 2433 Ind- Ins. & Med. Aid -314 i Vater Department I T. G. McCrory 9099 Salary as Supt. :dater Dept. 288.iC Sadie M. Arges 9100 Cashier 156.5( Laurene He Dougall 9101 " " Clerk 120 -OC ;Toho G. Dorcy 9102 " "' Bookkeeper 53.7( Chas. Wedlund 9103 iP Foreman 257.6 Russell Carolan 9104 '° `� Serviceman t9 ro' Filterman 192.5 198.1 V'd.O.Rogers 9105 G. E. Keller 9106 173.3( A. Sirett. 910 " '° `> 173-Y Frank Deane 910, a to t' °a 17g.3C Lester Thomas 9109 0. R 12 19 .1(1 k"fithholding Tax Fund 9110 Withholding Tax Deductions 173.6( Curtis ljharf Co. 9111 Supplies 57.31 Puget Sound P.& L. Co. 9112 Settling Basin (Cancelled) l'j640�2k-. Horrison Mill Co. 9113 Vood 43.44 Eureka Fire Hose Div. 9114 Supplies 64.4 Federal Pipe and Tank Co. 9115 Supplies 58:'71� E. 1a. Abbott LTotor Co.. 9116 Lubrication and Oil 3.711 Johns Manville Sales Corp. 9117 Supplies 4,805-0 City Street Fund 9118 Gasoline 19.0 Uest Coact Telephone Co. 9119 Telephone Service 7.6C Standard Oil Co. 9120 Gasoline 26.9' Lester Th©mas 9121 Overhauling 6.25" linacorten foundry 9122 Stove Casting Supplies 7.71 48.0' Harine Supply &Hardware 9123 Island Transfer Co. 9124 Oil Supplies 102..0 187.491 Fenn. SUIt Plfgr. Co. 9125 Simpson's Electric Shop 9126 Material & Service 62.9,. llorthi,n;ton-Gcmon Meter Co. 9127 Deters and Conn. 172.671 �ro n L b C X' �6. 2 Lumber andMaterial 63e� � r'.i! uora 0 112 Battery replacement Rennsoela,er Valve Co.. 13 Supplies- 4900761 Pacific Highway 1ran3porCS 9131 Rubber Hose it Valley Telephone CJalYace & T ierman males 1 2 133 Tear-Serv. Supplies 9.22,Sko, 42.51 ;ax Commission 9134 Tax 549.9 Dept. Labor and Industries 913 5 Ins.& Meda Aid 1 .0 G. Ido Dasstea.d 9136 Postage for Mater Dept. 6o0C1 The Fern Press 9137 Printing Puget Sound P. & L. Co. 9138 Power Service Cemetery Fund Ingvald Iversen 121 Salary as Cemetery Supt. 173.30 Lillian Latimer 122 t' " Labor 156.3' Water Dept. 2.23 Stater at Cem. 2.50 I Union Servica 124 Supplies 1.15 Southside Hardware 125 Supplies 20057 West Coast Tel. Co. 126 Tele. Servico 3-9' Anacortes Auto Supply- 127 Supplies 1.2 Brown Lumber Co. 128 Lumber and2Taterials 60".8 ilithholding Tax bund 129 Withholding Taxes 29.90 PugetSound TP. & L. Co. 130 bight Service, Cem. 1.0(" Roberti Deutsch 131 Edge Power 3-5( Ingvald Iversen 132 Mileage 705 Anacortes Auto Supply 133 Supplies 44' Dept. of Labor and Industry 134 Ind. Ins & Mrd. Aid 4:07d; firemen°s Relief and Pension Fund Ralph Amende 233 Purchase of Varrant No -45 LID 500.0 CITY STREET FUND Roy McDougall- 246 Salary as Foreman Street Dept.1 CP "' .1 198.1 Lynn Ba.lcomb 2469 Graderman Carl Thorene 2469 " " Maintenance 198.1q Tuve Summers 2470 " 173-3( Carl meld 2471 " " 173.3 Artis Taylor 2472 182..3 1 I 0 � 0 1 �0 0 1 November 5, 1946 Cont J. X. Draper T. G. I4cC ro ry Tohn G. Dorcy Vrithholding Tax Fund Colvin's Service Station Shell Oil Co. 1t. Vernon Bldg. Mat. Co. Marine Supply & Hardware Brown Lumber Co. Standard Oil Co. Diesel Oil Sales Co. Morrison Mill Co. Puget Sound P. & L. Co. Trulson Motor Go. Dept. Of Labor & Industry Ralph Amende FMS GOi- . 2473 Salary as Street Steeper 2474 " 1- Supervisor 2475 " r'- Bookkeeper 2476 Withholding Tax Deductions 247 Supplies 2479 Gasoline 24 Materials - 24 0 Supplies 2481 °'' 2482 Paving Asphalt 2483 Preparation and Finishing Roadway 24844 Green Fir 2485 Street Dept. 2486 Supplies - 2487 Ind. Its. & Med. Aid:. L I D. GUARANTY FUND WITHHOLDING TAS FUND People's National Bank Of Wash. Total Tax Deductions 103-4O 41.5"0 41.50 134.40 127.66 35;46 144.0449 2.47 16.0 7 5". 94 5,651-75 28090 37-50 24 a61 15^0 06 5-00.00 572.90 Motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Hansen that the above claims against the city of Anac-ortes for the month of October, 1946. be referred to the Finance Committee. Motion carried. Finance Inm*giti,ee considered said claims and recommended that said clamps 0Y a1? awed and warrant -6 -drawn in favor of the same. r motion was tftade key Hansen and secoic-12d by Clausius that thf, recommendation if the finance committee in the mattef the cl ims a ainst the City of Anacortes for the month of October 146 be adopted. yes: Hansen Dodge, Ellin, Clausius, Fisher, Alen and Brado. Motion carried. Having completed the business of the evening a motion yeas made by Clausius and seconded by Brado that the meeting of the city council be adjourned. Motion carried. The meeting of the City Council did then adjourn. November 13, 1946 ayor A Special ffieeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7 o'clock P. M. with T�Tayor Pro -Tem E. E. Dodge presiding. The roll was called and Hansen, Dodge, Ell -id, Ltd Fisher were present. The purpose of the meeting was to remove the outside envelopes from the twenty (20 absentee ballots cast in the City General Election held on Nbvember,5, 19469 A waiver of a written notice was signed by all the councilmen present. The envelopes were removed from the twenty absentee ballots cast in the City General Election held on November 5, 1946, each inside was certified and signed as a legal vote and the inside envelopes were then pladed in a large envelope and sealed and locked up until the tenth day after election as provided by law. Having completed the business of the evening, a motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Clausius that the Meeting of the City Council Adjourn. Motion carried. The meeting of the City Council did then adjourn. Mayor Pro -Tem Atter ?. ity Clem ATovpmbpr 15 1 Q4A A Special Ideeting of the City Council was called to order at 7 o"clock P. II. with Mayor Pro -Tem E. 2. Dodge Presiding. The roll was called and Dodge, Ellin, Clausius, Fisher and Brado were present.The purpose of the meeting being to canvass the returns of the City Primary Election held on September 10, 1946 "nd the General, City Election held on November 5,. 1946o - In the matter of the City Primary Election held on September 10, 1946,. the City Council resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole and tabulated and counted the returns of said Primary Election with the following results: 1st Vard 2nd lard 3rd bard Total George Brado, C.)un.cilman at Large, 42 40 34 116 E. E. Bodge, Councilman 1st hard 43 43 I 4 Year Term E. A. Clausius, Councilman l.s t Ward 41 41 2 Year Term. Romie Allen, ` Cours'cilman 2nd Ward, 44 44 4 Year Term Herman .L. Hansen, Councilman 3rd lard, I, 4 Year Term 36 36 The following oath was administered to the City Clerk by the mayor Pro -Temp i' STATE OF WASHINGTORD COUNTY OF SKAGIT ( ss CITY OF ANACORTUES f I do solemnly swear that. the returns purporting to be the election returns of the several precincts in the City of Anacortes have in no wise) been altered by additions or erasures and that they are the same as vvhen received' be me, so help me Godo (Signed) John G. Dorcy, 3•ubscribed and sworn to before me City Clerk. this 15th day of November, 1946. (Signed) E. E. Dodge ki yor Pro�-tem and Ex Officio chairman of the canvassing board. STATE OF VIASHINGTON� COUNTY OF SKAGIY' ( ss CITY OF ANACORTES a The undersigned, ha.vimm been constituted the canvassing board to canvass the election returns for the -City Primary Election held on the tenth day of September, 1946, do hereby certify: That on this date, the 15th day of November, 1946, we have canvassed the returns of the above City Primary Election according to law in the several voting precincts of the City and do find the follo-,ring persons .were duly and regularly elected as the nominees of the res- pective offices of the City of Ana,cortes as candidates in the City General Elz&ion; to be held on the 5th day of November, 1946;. 1 Gouncilman at Large Councilman First 7ard Councilman First Ward Councilman Second 17ard Councilman Vaird Ward No absentee ballots were cast in above City Primary Election U George Brado E. A. Clausius E. E. Dodge. Romie Allen Herman L. Hansen_ Two Year Term Two Year Term Four Year Term Four Year Term Four Year Term signed) E. E. Dodge Idayor Pro -Tem Syd Ellin George Brado, Charles F. Fisher E. A. Clausius, Councilmen John G. Dorcy City Clerk. 1 •' r� 1 is � 0 � 1c, u(� .. V Na_v_ember 1j,. -j946 Continued I 0 � 0 1 1 L 10 1 E. A. Cla.usius Councilman 136 1st '.hard 2 Year Term E. E. JJo dge Councilman let 'lard 4 Year Term 148 Romie Allan Councilman. 2nd ;lard 4 Year Term. 193 113 199 122 231 158 168 178 442 469 735 H. y. Hansen Councilman 3rd Ward, 4 Year Term 208 158 200 123 689 The City Council canvassing board then canvassed the returns on the folLovring proposition: Shall the City of Anacortes, Washington, issue it.s General Obligation Bonds in the principal sure of $130,000.00, payable by unlimited tax levies, bearing interest at a.rate not to exceed 3% per annum and maturing in from two to ten years from date of issue for the purpose of providing funds for paving a curtain portion of Commercial Avenue and install- ing adequate lighting facilities thereon and installing cer- tain sanitary sewers across -Commercial Avenue, all as more specifically provided in Ordinance Number 993 of said City, passed and approved September 20, 1946. Bonds Yes ------------------- Bonds No------------------_- . The election returns as determined and certified by the City Council canvassing board are as follows: Bonds Yes 1838 Bonds No 559 Immediately before beginning the canvassing of the votes cast at the City General Election, the following oath was administered by the Mayor .Pro -Tem to the City Clerk: STATE OF VASHINGTON� COUNTY OF SKAGIT (ss CITY OF ANACORTES ) I do solemnly swear that the returns.purporting to be the election returns of the several precincts in the City of -6nacortes have in no xvise been altered by additions or erasures, and that they are the same as 1,lhen I received them, so help me Godo (Signed) John G. Dorcy City Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of November, 19460 ( Signed) E. E. Dodge, Mayor Pro -Tem and Ex Officio Chairman of City Council canvassing Board. The following Waiver of a written notice of this meeting was read and signed: ,hnacortes, hash. , November 15, 1946 Written Notice of a Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Ana - cartes, ,lashington, called for 7:00 P. M. on November 15, 1946, for the purpose of canvassing the returns of the City General Election held on November 5, 1946, for the election of city officials and the proposed Bond issue in the amount of $130,000.00 for the paving of certain parts of Commercial Avenue is hereby %,aaivede (Signed) E. E. Dodge, 11ayor Pro -Tem (Signed) W. V. Wells Jr. ` Syd Ellin City Attorney . A. Clausius " George Brado Charles F. Fisher Councilmen 12 At this time the City Council, as a Committee of the Whole; canvassed the returns I of the City General. Election_ of the several precincts held in the City of Anacor- tea on November 5,. 1946, and added the twenty (29) absentee ballots cast in said election faith the following results: � VI -1P 117-2P I%rl-JP 21x1 -1P 271.2P 2W. -3P 2V -4P 37d-lP 3117-2P 3VJ-31P 375-4P I Toi al George Brado 139 203 121 225 152 160 171 199 165 192 123 1856 Councilman At barge I 0 � 0 1 1 L 10 1 E. A. Cla.usius Councilman 136 1st '.hard 2 Year Term E. E. JJo dge Councilman let 'lard 4 Year Term 148 Romie Allan Councilman. 2nd ;lard 4 Year Term. 193 113 199 122 231 158 168 178 442 469 735 H. y. Hansen Councilman 3rd Ward, 4 Year Term 208 158 200 123 689 The City Council canvassing board then canvassed the returns on the folLovring proposition: Shall the City of Anacortes, Washington, issue it.s General Obligation Bonds in the principal sure of $130,000.00, payable by unlimited tax levies, bearing interest at a.rate not to exceed 3% per annum and maturing in from two to ten years from date of issue for the purpose of providing funds for paving a curtain portion of Commercial Avenue and install- ing adequate lighting facilities thereon and installing cer- tain sanitary sewers across -Commercial Avenue, all as more specifically provided in Ordinance Number 993 of said City, passed and approved September 20, 1946. Bonds Yes ------------------- Bonds No------------------_- . The election returns as determined and certified by the City Council canvassing board are as follows: Bonds Yes 1838 Bonds No 559 Immediately before beginning the canvassing of the votes cast at the City General Election, the following oath was administered by the Mayor .Pro -Tem to the City Clerk: STATE OF VASHINGTON� COUNTY OF SKAGIT (ss CITY OF ANACORTES ) I do solemnly swear that the returns.purporting to be the election returns of the several precincts in the City of -6nacortes have in no xvise been altered by additions or erasures, and that they are the same as 1,lhen I received them, so help me Godo (Signed) John G. Dorcy City Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of November, 19460 ( Signed) E. E. Dodge, Mayor Pro -Tem and Ex Officio Chairman of City Council canvassing Board. The following Waiver of a written notice of this meeting was read and signed: ,hnacortes, hash. , November 15, 1946 Written Notice of a Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Ana - cartes, ,lashington, called for 7:00 P. M. on November 15, 1946, for the purpose of canvassing the returns of the City General Election held on November 5, 1946, for the election of city officials and the proposed Bond issue in the amount of $130,000.00 for the paving of certain parts of Commercial Avenue is hereby %,aaivede (Signed) E. E. Dodge, 11ayor Pro -Tem (Signed) W. V. Wells Jr. ` Syd Ellin City Attorney . A. Clausius " George Brado Charles F. Fisher Councilmen 12 November 15, 1946 Continued. The City Council Canvassing Board then issued the following certificate: STATE OF" `MSHINGTOV COMTTY OF SKAGIT ( ss CITY OF ANACORTES i The undersigned, having been constituted as the canvassing - board to canvass the returns of the City General Election held on the 5th day- of ayof November, 1946, do hereby certify: That on this date, November 15, 1946, we opened the twenty (20) ansentee ballots voted at the above General City Election, and have counted said ballots and have added the same according to law to the returns of the several voting precincts of the City; that we have canvassed the said election returns a: with the twenty (20) absentee votes added thereto, and do find that the follow- ing persons were duly and regularly elected to the offices for which they were respectively candidates, as follows; For Councilman at Large, Councilman .First Ward Councilman First 'lard Councilman Second Ward Councilman Third Ward Two Year Term Two Year Term Four Year Term Four Year Term Four Year Term PROP03ITION George Brado 13. A. Clausius E . ' F > 'Lodge Romie Allen H. 1. Hansen Shall the City of Anacortes, Washington, issue its general Obligation bonds in the principal sum of 0130,000.00, payable by unlimited tax levies, bearing int- erest at a rate not to exceed 350 --per annum and maturing in from two to ten years from date of issue for the purpose of providing funds for paving a certain port- ion of Commercial Avenue and installing adequate lighting facilities thereon and installing certain sanitary sewers across Commercial Avenue, all as more specifically provided in Ordinance 993 of said City,, passed and approved Sept- ember 20, 1946. Bonds Yes---------- --- Bonds No------------------- o, ;7e the undersigned hereby certify that we have counted the votes on the above proposition with the following results: Bonds Yes 1888 Bonds No 558 (Signed) E. E. Lodge (Signed) John G. Dorcy,City Clerk mayor Pro, -Tem '0 Syd Ellin ° W. V. Wells Jr. City Attorney. P E. A. .C.lausius Charles F. Fisher Councilnen Having completed the business of the evening, a motion was made bar Brado and seconded by Clausius that the meeting of the City Council adjourn. Llotion Carried. The City Councit did then adjourn. ® /21-7 A t t e r . 'it ��'/Clerk 1 • • r- 1 6� 6� 1 � 0 � 0 4 1 1 �0 �e M 1 iinvPTrRFA la_,_ q46 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was Called to order at eight o'clock P.M., with Mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. 'ihe role was called and Hanson, Dodge, f,l.lin, fisher, and Brado viere present. The minutes of. the previous meeting were read.and approved as read. The following communication was presented and read to the City Council. Ide, the undersigned, respect.fuliy requiest pc:i-mi.ssion to buy wood from the city on the property Located. bet -ween the city aump.and Cranberry Lake, for the pur- pose if :gutting wood to b.e s,)ld to Anacortes people for fuel. A survey of the price by the city engi:ieer, states tneprice is approximately 075 a cord. "de guarantee to cut clean, and clear all wood. There will be no barking of trees. '.ie further promise t., uo no damage to re -forestation, or to standing timber. ':ie shall keel; the road open at. all time of oper--.tion for public use, and clear of trash. Our method of operation will be to drag the logs to the road by the use of a Cower wench. Our method of uutt.iag wood will be by buzz saw and drag saw. We wish to have the use of this property for wood cutting extending to the fire hazard season in 194'7. No one except the undersigned wil. be c.onnect.ed with this business. Signed Jamea B. Strange Signed L. H. Zunkel. Dated this 19th day of November, 1946. After some discussion a motion was made by Elkin and seconded by.Dodge that per- mission be granted to James B. Strange and L. H. Zunkel to cut wood o.. City prop- erty under the terms of the contract to be prepared by the City ,attorney and that the Yayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign said contract. Motion carried. The following communication from a committee from the Anacortes Ki.wa, is Club was presented and read to the City Council. Honorable Mayor and City ffouncil Anacortes, %Yashington November 19, 1946 Gentlemen; At a recent meeting of the KiwanisClub, the subject of erecting more street signs within the city was discussed. Theoutgrowth of tine discussion was tine appointment of a committee to bring the matter to your attention it' you have not already been considering it. If,,ou have a committee corking on t::e nrobiem we would be mooll, hap, y to meet with it to lie p w.,rk out a recommendation they would submit to you. One of the merzbers of o,..,r committee has had trouble in finding addresses when on amiulance calls because of the unmarked streets. We are very desirous of helping you in any way we can Lo get all of ourstreets marked. Very truly yours Signed 17. Dixon bong J. R. Nemyre Joe Pavlik After some discussion the ".ity Clerk was requested to write a letter to the Anacortes Kiwanis Club and point out to then that the City Council was very much interested in the purchase of new street signs for the city, and that they would make a survey of the cost and the availablility of such signs, also that the Rotary Club, and Lions Club had aisc,•.ssed this matter recently. The i following communication from 1dr. J. B. Goof was presented and read to the City Council. Honorable 11ayor and City Council Gentlemen; We respectfully submit a map of the City of Anacortes which outlines certain arterial streets and avenues presently in effect and outlining other strrets and avenues for your consideration as possible arterials. Very truly yours, Signed J. B. Goff N p_y_Rml? err,_,__1.94 6 Cont. This matter waa discussed at some length and was left, -one -the table for further study. Kr. 17o V. 'yJe s, Jr City Attorney, presented and read a letter .from the Bond Attorney, Firm of.Dreston, 'Chorgrimson, Horowitz, and Turner, with reference to the neces.sary procedure to take the matter of Generwl Cbligat.ion Fonds and local improvement. bonds necessary to provide funds for the propoLied paving of Comm- ercial Avenue. After some diacusaion a metion was mane by u..nson and seconded by Brado that the. City Attorney be given authority to go ahead and comj)le to the necessary transactions for the isauancd of the general Lond issue and the local improvement bonds fog the proposed improveme..ts of Commeruial Avenue described in Ordinance number 9930 Motion carried. The report of the Chief of Police for the month of October, 1946, was presented and read to the City Council and a motion was mace by Ellin ant. ze„onded by Dodge that said report be accepted and referred to the Lieense and :!1olice Committee. The report of the Fire Department for the month of October, 1146, was presented ane read to the City Council. A motion was made by Ellin ;:tine ze,;onded by Dodge that said report be reierrea to Fire, Light., and 'later Committee. Motion carried. Mr. T. G. RaCrory, water superintendent, gave an oral rejDort on the break in t.,e rater line under ;winomish Slough. 'fie pointed out that ties "-.-as a very -serious break and required the servic^s of th)�P-e divero and the neccssary equipment used in this type of work. Mr. 1uFcCro:.•y also reported that lir. John T. a;,mpaon was preparing plans and s!necirications on the r-�nrovement of the Anacortes Comra- unity Building in general and particularly the . use. of the ' uilding as city or ices. Councilman Hanson read a report to the City Cou;.cil on the rates to be cila.rgea to the Woman's Cluc and the Busineos and Professional '.:'omen as 'rent --1 for the roomy under thoir care and also the rates to be chargeu uy the_ to persons using these rooms. This matter was discussed at some length by the City Council but no definite action was taken in this matter. A motion was made by Eliin and seconded by Dodge that the plan submitted by the ';Jomenes Club, which is shown on pages 195- 196 of this record., be approved and that a meeting be held with a Committee for the '",omens$ Club, and a committee for the business and Professional Women and the City Council Building Committee before the next meeting of the City Council to determine the rates of rental and of the necessary details for t��e rooms mentioned in the Vomen°s Club plan which had been accepted by the City Council. Potion carried. It was brought during the City Council meeting that two electric ranges were available for use in the Community Building Kitchen, provided the City would have the necessary wiring installed. After some discussion a motion was maue by Brado and ueconded by Hanson that the necess-ry fairing for two electric ranged 'be in- stalled at once under the supervision of the City Council Builuing Committee. As Mr. Charles F. Fisher was a member of this committee he was given orders to contact an electiricial to do this work. Motion carried. As the City of'Anacortes expects to have a new sedan car to be used by the Police DeVartme-nt in the near future, a request was made by the Fire Chief that a radio receiving and seihding unit be installed for use in the new car. After some dis- cussion a motion was made by lodge and seconded by Hanson that the lire Chief be authorized to order aew- radi.o equipment for the new Police car. Ayes, Hanson, Dodget Ellin, Fisher, and Brado. Motion carried. At this time lir. Willis K. Shelton p resented an application for a taxi driers licenses in the City of Anacortes. After some discussion a motion was made Ly Brado and seconded by Fisher that the Taxi DriversLicense by granted to )illis K. Shelton provided that his ap};lication has the auproval of the Chief of Police. Motion Carried. At this time an ordinance amending Section One of Ordinance Number 911, entitled POAn ordinance pertaining to and providing for the regulation of vehicular traffic with the City of Anacortes; regulating the parking of vehicles on cert�n streets and avenues; declaring certain streets and avenues to be, and establishing the same as, arterial highways; providing penalties for the violationof the provisions of this Ordinance; repealing Ordinance Number 882 passed and approved on tele 1/th day of August, 1937; and repealing Ordinance Number 900, ;,assed and ap: roved March 1939, and all other ordi�;ances, or parts of ordinances in conflict with this or— dinance", passed on 18th day of June, 1940, to estaLlish Sixth Street as an arterial highway -from Commercial Avenue to the West line of 11110 Avenue, and to establish 10117 Avenue as an arLerial 4ighway from Sixth Sti,eet, Nortn to the Great Northern Night of Waye, was presented and read to the City Council. This matter was dis- cussed at some length, and a motion was made by Hanson and seconded by Brado :that said 0 rdi ante above described bei adopted. Ayes, Hanson, Dodge, Ellin, Fisher, and Brado. Notion Carried. At this time, a motion was made by Hansen and seconded by'riodge that Hayor Joe Lo Hagan and T. G. McCrory, City Engineer, be authorized to employ an engineer to make a survey of Commercial Avenue and prepare the necessary plans and specifi- cations under the supervision of the City Engineer for the proposed improvement of Commercial Avenue as outlined and specified in Ordinance 993. Motion aarriedo 1 C] 1 9� 0 � 1 I November 19, 1946, Continued At the meeting on the City Council of' the City of I;nacortes held on November 5, 1946, the City clerk vias authorized to call for bids on the the following Class 150, concrete asbestos pipe: 2200112 inch pipe, 2200 feet. of 10 inch pipe, 1100 feet. 8 inch pipe and 500 feet of 6 inch pipe. The bids were returnable on Novem- ber 19th, 1946. No bids were filed, but the following letter was received which was presented and read to the City Council; City of Anacortes, Anacorteu, WashingtoO. Johns -_Manville Sales Corporation Seattle, Washington, November 14, 1946 Also excavatingylaying and backfilling 750 feet of 10 inch, Class 150 Transite Pipe from Commercial avenue to Avenue R. The City will furnish al]- valves, llvalves, fittings, hydrants and Transite Pipe. Bids to be opened on December 3, 1946. Motion carried. . Having completed the business of the evening, a motion was made by Hansen and seconded by 5> that the meeting of the City Council adjourn. Motion carried. The City Council did then adjourn. Attest:%- �9 z -•c.., 1yo / C ty Clerk 4 � 0 � 0 Attention: Xr> John G. Dorcy, City Clerk Gentlemen: This refers to your call for bids on water pipe to be opened on Nov- ve-ber 19 , 1946. For the first time we are unable to bid on Transite Pipe due to the oversold condition. We now have orders for our entire production during 1947. For this reason we consider it inadvisable to bid for delivery farther in the future. ',Ie sincerely regret that we are unable to bid at this time. Yours very truly; (Signed) 'ff. E. Owen, District. Engineer Ur. T. Go McCrory, Water Superintendent, spoke to the City Council. and made- a recommendation thatthe City Council have the City Clerk call for bids on wooden water pipe for use on -Seventeenth Street, Twentieth Street and 37th Street as no Concrete Asbestos pipe would be available for more than a year and that nevi pipe was needed as soon as possible. After some discussion a motion was mode by Hansen and seconded by ElIin that the City Clerk advertise a call for bids an the following sizes of wood pipe:instF_lled,including. excavation , laying and backfilling as follows: 11.40 feet of 10 inch 250 foot head wood pipe on 17th Street between Ij Avenue M and Commercial Avenue, 1140 feet of 10 inoh,•.250 foot head wood pipe on 20th Street between I. Avenye 1E and Commercial Avenue, 1385 feet of 8 inch, 250 foot head wood pipe on 37th Street between between Avenue T' and Commercial Avenue. Also excavatingylaying and backfilling 750 feet of 10 inch, Class 150 Transite Pipe from Commercial avenue to Avenue R. The City will furnish al]- valves, llvalves, fittings, hydrants and Transite Pipe. Bids to be opened on December 3, 1946. Motion carried. . Having completed the business of the evening, a motion was made by Hansen and seconded by 5> that the meeting of the City Council adjourn. Motion carried. The City Council did then adjourn. Attest:%- �9 z -•c.., 1yo / C ty Clerk 4 � 0 � 0 0 3 December, 1946 A regular meeting of the Cit;, Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at eight o'clock, P.111. with. Mayor Joe L. Hagan presing. The role was called and Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, Clausius9 Fi.sher9 Allen, and Brado were pre- sent. The minutes of t' -ie previous meeting were read and approved as read. In the meeting of the Cit;,% Council held In Yovember, 1946, the city clerk was authorized to advertize a call for bids for the furnishing of a 2,000 gallon per minute water pump and install the same in the Anacortes punp house on the Skagit River in Avon, rind is to replace the pump now in operation using the same base motor and piping. Said bids in the above pump were t^ be opened on Dec- ember 3, 1946 at eight o'clock P.M. At this time the only bid ons a new pt -urn for the Avon pumping plant furnishing I wee by the De Laval Steam Turbine Company, was considered. Hotion•was made by • Clausius and seconded by Hninsen that said pump bid be opened. Motion carried. Said bid on new water pump to be used in the Avon pumping plant was opened. • $2 910 00 was the price quoted M.B. Pit. Vernon! Washington. As ghe advertized � bids de7initely stated that the bid had to be an installed price the committee • took this matter under advisement. Mr. J. A. Greenland, Factory Representative, of the D,-Isaval Steam Turbine Co® was present and agreed to contact his company and made a report as to the cost (F • said pump in the next meeting of the City Council. Motion carried. iinstalling At a recent meeting of the City Council a contract was entered into between the City of Anacortes and James B. Strange and L. H. Zunkel of Anacortes, Wash, to j, cut wood at seventy five cents per cord on certain city property. The following is the contract between the city and the above named parties. I- 1 THE CITY OF ANACORTES, a municipal corporation, f6r tho consideration of Seventy five cents (75¢) per cord, gives and grants to James B.. Strange and L. H. Zunkel, of Anacortes Wash.ngton, the right to go upon the West Half of the Southeast quarter (W2 of S4); the Southwest quarter (SW -k) and the South Half of the North west quarter S-& of NW¢), all in Section 269 Township 35 North, Range One (1) East, W. M. , and remove therefrom all crown timber now lying upon the ground,& This agreement shall terminate on the 1st day of April, 1947 unless sooner term- inated as providc-d herein, and the privilege and right of the grantee to go upon said premises and cut tuber will cease, and the premises entirely vacated, Every two weeks beginning after the date of this contract, said James B. Strange and Lo H. Zunkei will furnish to the City Engineer, T. J. McCrory, a statement of the amount of wood cut, together with�a check to the City Treasurer to cover balanceig. During said operations part cular care shall be taken that all cutting is done vaih due care to preserve the standing trees from waste and damage; that at all times the gate to the grounds shall be locked, except when the cutting of wood is in act ual operation; and said grounds shall be closed to the public at all times; no standing timber will. be disturbed; and in dry weather operations will be closed if fire hazard is acute. The Grantees agree, without expense tothe Grantor, to promptly use and employ all the force of men and equipment they have on the premises, or which are avail- able in the vicinity, to extinguish allaccidental. fires on said premises or on the surrounding land of the city, should any occur during the term of this agree- ment. i The City Council reserves the right, in the event that conditions should arise whereby the City Council would be convinced that the above operations should stop temporarily, or permanently, it may order the o.nerations discontinued. The Grantees agree that this contract shall not be assigned except by written consent of the Grantor. I • Concurrent with the signing of this contract -the iGraritees herein. have executed a bond in the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($00.00) payable to the City of Anacortes, conditioned on the proper performance o� this agreement. The said Grantees hereby agree to observe all thG restrictions and provisions ; • herein contained, or provided b„. the laws of the State of Washington. i IN WITNESS VMREOF9 the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands this 4th I day of Decemb er 9 1946. -- CITY OF ANACORTES By. Joe. L. Hagan Mayor i Joe, L. Hagan ATTEST:_ John G. Dorcy- John G. Dorcy, City Clerk James_B._ Strap ,e i _L. H. Zunkel f The above contract was considered and"Mr- James,B. Strange pointed out that it was t impossible for them to provide the bond required in the contract. A`0ter Mme dis- cussion a motion was made b:- Ellin nd seconded by Brado that the clause 1 �9 � 0 1 1 [7 � 0 1 Decembef 3, 1946 Cont. the contract on the bond to the amount of $500.00 be stricken from the contract. Ayes9 Hansen,Dodge, Ellin, Clausius9 Fisher, Allen and Brado. Motion carried. The following communication from Mr. Julius B. Falk of Seattle, Wash. was pre- sented And read to the City Council. 1631 - 16th Ave. Seattle, Wash. Nov. 27, 1946 Honorable Mayor and City Council, City Hall Anacortes, Mash. Gentlemen: I am the owner of Government Lot 1, Section 26, Township 36 North Range 1 East of the Willamette Meridiem Skagit County, lashington. This property is north of and adjacent to the Ci.ttr fit Anacortes Park on Guemes Island. I am building a road across my land approximatel:, 400 feet back from the beach which will extend from the north line to the south line of the property9the north line of '•':e Park). I wish to connect this road with the existing road which noir crosses the Park property. The most feasible gray for my proposed road to join the existing; road is to cont- inue the line of the new road as illustrated by the enclosed diagram, fron the north line of the Park ( the south line of my property) until it connects with the existing road which is a distance of approximately 250 feet. By following this course a safe juncture with the existing road can be made as it follows the natural contour of the land. If this course is not followed a sharp curve on a steep grade( approximately 20%) would result from joinginF; the roads on the prcppr- erty line. In order to avoid any kind of hazard the straight proposed road should be favored. The scenic beauty of the Park would not be disturbed and I would bear the cost of constructing the road on ry •)roperty and the portion reouested as an ease - went, I therefore request that an easement be granted me for the road as outlined abov=e in conformity to your usual procedure in such matters. Respectfully yours, Julius B. Falk After some discussion a motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Ellin that the request for an easement across the property described in the above communication by granted. Ayes: Hansen, Dodge Ellin, Clausius, Fisher, Allen, and Brado. Motion carried. At this time the City Council considered the working agreement between the City of Anacortes and Local Fo. 347, American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees Union. Union employees of Street, Vlater, and Parks Denantment and the jnnitors working for the Cit-, of Anacn-t;nr he n� to this nnj ono ' ��n�� �f this uhioh' and' a embers made C r y Council �Is' ussed a• wor r- agreement at some length, and` Ellin and" seconded by Brado that the City Attorney be authorized to prepare an ordinance authorizing; the passage of this working agreement bet- ween the Cite of Anacortes, and the City employees who belong to said union. Marvin Nelson was present and spoke to the City Council in reference to operating a sound truck in the City of Anacortes and asked if it would be possible for the Council to pass an ordinance regulating this matter. A motion was made by Clausius a,d seconded by Allen that this matter be referred to the Licenses and Police Committee • At the next meeting of the City Council the City Clerk was authorized to call for bids for Excavating, Laying, and Back Filling of 1140 feet of 10 inch pipe on 17th street between Avenue rd, and Commercial Avenue; 1140 feet of 10 inch pipe on 20th street between Avenue M. Hind Commercial Avenue; and 13$5 feet of 8 inch pipe on 37th street between T. Avenue and Commercial Avenue; also 750 feet of Transite pipe on 20th Street from Commercial Avenue to Avenue R. The bids in'he above were to be opened on December 39 1946 at eight o'clock PM. No bids viere received of pipe laying described above and a motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Clausius that Mr. Ta Ge McCrory, Nater Supt., be authorized to purchase an* -d install -the necessary wooden pipe on the location described in the above call for bids, Ayes: Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, Clausius9 Fisher Allen, and Brado. 1.4otion carried. A motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Ellin that the City Clerk advertize a call for bids on the strip of water pipe for Commercial Avenue as per spec- ifications in the ':Dater Sunerintendent's office, Motion carried. LIr. L. E. Snider spoke to the City Council about obtaining a new fire truck from the Army Eng-ineers whose office is located in Portland, Oregon. It was suggested that the Fire Chief and Mayor go to Portland to see what can be done about this matter, A motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Clausius that the Fire Chief and Herman Hansen be authorized to go to Portland, Oregone to contact the Army 1,r�;, () 8 Engineers. Ai'.r6gt6st fr m the Merchants Association to decorate Commercial Avenue was presented and read read to the City Council. A motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Brado that thcr6gitest to cecorate �'ommercial Avenue be granted. Motion carried. A petition for a street light at ninth and D. was presented and read to the City Council and was referred to the Street and Park Committee. Mr. Fran} Russell made a request to cut wood in city property on the east side of the road opposite Hes rt Lake. Motion was made by Brado and seconded by Allen that 11r. Russell's request be rejected and that a contract similar to that issued Strange and `'unkel at seventy five cents per cord be considered. Motion carried. Mr. C. F. Fisher made a report on the Anacortes Community Building meeting held recently. The City Council Building Committee agreed to have the Women's Club and the Business and Professional Women use the other dining room, kitchen utilities � room, and old library in said Community Building at no rent for a period of two months. But one half of the rent charged to original use of this bu lding would be paid to the City of Anacortes. It was decided to have the City Attorney prepare a letter of agreement between the :'ft;- Council and the Business and Professional Women and Women's Club. Motion was -'made by Ellin and seconded by Hansen that this, letter of agreement be authorized, and that the mayor and City Council be authorize to sign the agreement. Motion carried. Mr. W. V. Wells, Jr., City Attorney, reported that he had received property deeds from the Lion's Club and Mr. C. E. �aylor, concerning the three lots on the WE corner of sixth street and Q. Avenue. Due to the over laying of the original plat,', &hd Bowman's Central Ship Harto.r Water front plat, the border line between the lots recently acquired by the 6ity of Anacortes and the property ovined by Lee Thayer. The border line now runs through Lee Thayer's house. A motion was made by Brado and seconded by Ellin that the City Attorney be authorized to prepare a Quick Claim Deed for Lee Thayer, The following claims against the City of Anacortes for the month of November, 1946' were presented and re ad. Joe L. Hagan 14250 Salary as Mayor 20.00 George Brado 14251 Salary as Councilman 1.0.00 Romie L. Allen 14252 11 It P1 5.00 Chafles'F- Fisher 14253 1° t1 P° 10'00 E9 A. Clausius 14254 " " It 10.00 Syd Ellin 14255 " " it 10.00 E.E. Dodge 14256 " t' " 10.00 H. L. Hansen 14256 °° " °P 10.00 0. E. Arges 14258 11 to Deputy Treasurer 90.00 John G. Dorcy 14259 it " City Clerk 82.50 WX V. 'Jells 14260 " " City Atty. 82.50 Dr.. 14 B,1 Cook 14261 " °I Health Officer 41.40 Ae R,v 3ellenthin 14262 " " Police Justice 50.10 Harry Davis 14263 1° S Dog Catcher 25.00 Norman Fulton 14264 " °' Janitor, City Hall 56.30 St, Clair Jackson 14265 ft to it Com. Bldg. 144.50 Harry Davis 14266 " t° Du.mpman 40.00 Withholding Tax Fund 14267 Withholding Tax Deductions 47.70 The Fern Press 14268 Supplies. Pol & Fire Depts. 112.72 Trick and Murray 14269 Supplies, Cita- Clerk 7.34 Pioneer Inc. 14270 Supplies, Trees, Office 2.70 United Janitor Supply Co. 14271 Supplies, City Scall 13.60 ELA. Palmer Co. 14272 Supplies & Service 20.09 Affleck Bros. Inc. 14273 Stove Oil 5.76 Bernard T/ Olson 14274 Service on Radio Station KAEB 7.70 Anacortes Gas Cp. 14275 Gas used in city hall, 2 mos. 9.85 J. B. -Goff 14276 Salar- as Police Chief 225.20 N. Petrish 14277 11 11 Asst. of 210.90 17m. L. Pollard 1x278 " " Patrolman 173.30 Wo E. Thompson 14279 " '1 " 190.00 C. F. Springer 14280 " " " 190.00 M.E. Beebe 14281 " °P °° 181.)30 Withholding Tax Fund 14282 Withholding Tax Deductions 39.30 Hansen Electric 14283 Supplies 0.93 C. C/ Cook 14284 Car Keys 2.88 Brady's Anacortes Studio 1&285 Photo Supplies 1.54 City Street Fund 14286 @asoline used in Pol & Fire Dept. 75.33 Anacortes Laundry & Cleaner 14287 Laundry Service, Pol.& Fire Depts. 9.16 Sheriff & Police Reporter 14208 Magazine 5.00 West Coast Telephone Co. 14289 Telphone Service, City Half 7.75 Colvin's Service S,ation 14200 Supplies & Service, Pol. Dept. 4.42 Tweten Plotor Co. 14291 Balance due on car sale 5.85 Jack's Radio Shop 14292 Supplies & Service 23.18 Jim Hill 14293 Supplies, Pol. Dept. 2.96 Simmonds Paint Co. 14294 Supplies 11 it 19.58 Marshall Wells 14295 Supplies " It 3.60 Allan's Grocery 14296 Supplies It it 1.71 L. E. Snider 14297 Salary as Fire Chief 212.53 Bert Verrall 1429,8 if " Asst. 11 190.77 SZ C. Mondhan 14299 it " Capt'. Fire Dept.Z 169.89 1 W. Snart 14300 t° to it It 1' 185.69 . G. Strock 14301 t° °1 Fireman 177.50 J. N. Parsons 14302 if " tt 173.20 Jay Thayer 14303 It t0 it 181.20 Ed. Alexander 14304 It it it 173.20 C( Strock 14305 Callman, & Extra Fireman 37-58 Geo. Miller 14306 10 Fire Dept. 1.25 1 1 1 •' is 1 J. G,, Dorcy ;4307 Callman lire Dept,, 1,,25 C. Wirsing 14306 It " „ 5100 Withholding Tax Fund 14309 Withholding Tax Deductions 101130 Firemen's Rel,,& Pen. Fund 14310 20 of Firemen�s Salaries 32,,64 Yalrino Supply & Hardware 14311 Supplies Fire Dept. 1103 osse's Texaco Service 14312 Supplies9 Fire Dept. 8"19 Union Service 14313 to ,t ,t 6,,18 Colvin's Service Station 14314 1° 10,,30 Cliff's Welding Shop 14315 Service 4,,64 R/' D,o Baker 14316 Eqpt. Fire Depto 5. Danielson9 Cp,, &.1Aia�A� 14317 Motor Licenses, Fire & Pol. Dents,, 7.50 Trulson 11otor Co. 14318 Supplies & Service 5,,06 Robbins Lumber Co. 14319 Stpplies 4,,08 Union Oil Cgs. 14320 Supplies 0,188 Benson Motors 14321 It 0,,62 Voitus Furniture Store 14322 P° 23133 Water Dept. 14323 Hydrant Rental 565100 Kimsey's Dependable Market 14324 Supplies 5.00 L. Eo Snider 14325 Inspections & Expenses to Ellensberg 37.2' Mrs. blari.e Sager 14326 Work in Clerk's Office 35.25 Lula I,% Cole 14327 t, It if it 33.75 Thelma T. Wolfe 14328 tt it to It 2.25 Katherine H. Snider 14329 it It IF it 38125 Water Dept,, 14330 Water used in_Comm. Bldg..60 5 Curtis Wharf Co. 14331. coal City Hal 7.58 Southside Hardware 14332 Supplies FiremeDept. 6120 Union Printing Co. 14333 Registration Supplies 2195 Puget Sound P.& L. Co. 14334 Light Service 321,,88 Dept. of Labor & Ind. 14335 Ind. Is. & Ned. Aid 13.60 xnacortes American 14336 Election Supplies 84.87 C/C/Cook 14-337 Keyes and Service, Comm. Bldg. 3,,50 Island Transfer 14338 Stove Oil, City Hall 152.92 G. N. Dalstead, P.M. 14339 Postage for Clerk's Office 5.00 Anacortes Daily Mercury 11340 Printing notices 24.96 Western Union 14341 Service for Police Dept. 2.29 Library Dept. Ruth E/ Brinkley 2434 Salary as Acting Librarian 132.20 Eleanor Nevill 24.35 to tt Asst. to 111.30 Marjorie Ross 2436 1f to C,,taloger 32.70 Helen Monroe 2437 Substitute 4.50 Norman Fulton 2438 Care taker 84160 Withholding Tax Fund 2439 Withholding Tax Deductions 23.20 Water Dept. 2440 Water used at Livrary 2.50 Curtis Wharf Puget Sound P.& L. Co. 2441 2442 Coal Library 62132 LigR Service, Library 7.94 Dept. of Labor & Ind. 2443 Ind. I a,, & Iced. Aid 0.29 Ruth E. Brinkley 2444 Mileage on Car. 11.20 A.C.McClurg & Co. 2445 Books 4.40 Allan's Mercantile 2446 Supplies 1,48 The Fern Press 2447 Supplies9 Library -;5177 nn 1 r "'t WITHHOLDING TAX FUND People's National Bank Of Wash. 41 Total 11ithholding Tax Deductions 592.50 ' i WATER DEPARTMENT T. G. McCrory 9139 Salary as Water Supt. 288.10 Sadie N. Arges 91.40 Salary as Water Cashier, Cancelled Laurene McDougall 9141 " " to Clerk 120.00 John G. Dorcy 9142 t' 't Bookkeeper 53.70 Charles Wedlund 9143 " t' Water Foreman 277-93 Russell Carolan 9144 " " Serviceman 209.43 17. 0. Rogers 9145 " tt Filterman 217.20 G. F. Keller 0146 ff " Filterman 191.82 A. Sirett Frank Deane 9147 9148 " 11 Filterman tt ,r Filterman 191.82 191.82 Lester Thomas 9149 " " Pumpman 198.10 ':rithholding Tax Fund Q150 Withholding Tax Dedcutions 194.10 B. A. Abbott motor Co. 9151 Re)airs & Service 22.50 l')uget Sound Power 0 Lt.Cb.- 9152 Power & Service 1327.45 J. C. Penney Co. 9153 Supplies for Water Dept. 1.30 Rennselaer Valve Co. 9154 Hydrant Parts 50.95 Skagit Bonded Collectors 9155 Collection of 'Vater Bills 11.30 Trulson Motor Co. 9156 Supplies for Water Dept. 5.46 Standard Oil Co. 9157 Gasoline for Wh. bake Pump 301,34 Transmission Supply Co. 9158 Supplies 7.73 .lnacortes Mt,, Vernon Stage 9159 Freight 1.34 The Fern Press 9160 Printing and Supplies 113.43 Colvin's Service S4.ation 9161 Supplies & Service3 2.23 Island Transfer Co. 9162 Stove Oil, Filter Plant 11.20 E. Danielson 0163 Exempt Truck Licenses 3.75 '.Vest Coast Telephone Co. 9164 Telephcn-a .9ervice 26.80 G. N. Dalstead P. M° 9165 Postage fbi� Water Office 6.00 Dept of Labor & Industries 9166 Ind Ins & Med Aid 16.69 City Street Fund 9167 Trans"er of Vufids 88.69 December 3, 1946 PARK FUND Frank Knapp WATER FUND Continued 189.20 Standard Oil Co. 9168 Supplies for Water Dept. 6.85 City Street Fund 9169 Gasoline used in Motor Vehicles 23072 Curtis Wharf Co. 9170 Coal for Filter Plant 23 .72 Anacortes Iron Works 9171 Service & Material 124.94 Brady's Anacortes Studio 9172 Service for ,:'ater Dept. 2058 Am. Nat Bank & Trust Co. 9173 Bond Handling Charge 42.04 Darryl Bargewell 91.74 Tire Service 1.03 Chas. H. Harden & Co. 9175 Equipment for Watpr Dept. 110.00 Morrison Mill Co. 9176 Lumber 75.00 ft. G. McCallum 9177 Ins on 1940 Dodge Coupe 37.05 Pennsylvalhia Salt Co.9178 Chlorine 63.86 Anacortes Hotors0179 New tare 17.70 Pacific Highway Transport 9180 Freight 3.51 Marine Supply & Hardware 9181 Material & Supplies 79054 Worthington Gamon Meter Co. 9182 New Miters 345.34 Sadie M. Arges 9183 To replace Number 9140 156.50 CITY STREET FUND Roy RcDougall 2488 Salary as Street Foreman 218.12 Lynn Balcom 2489 1' 11 Graderman 188010 Cars. Thorene 2490 it 11 Maintenance Man 198.10 Dave Summers 2491 11 11 lilaintenance Man 173.30 Carl ["Jelk 2492- it 1' Maintenance Paan 173.30 Artis Taylor 2493 " '1 Plaintenance Man 202.85 Jo E. Draper 2494 " 1° Street Sweeper 103.40 T. G. McCrory 2495 " " Street Supervisor 41.50 John G. Dorcy 2496 " " Bookkeeper 41.50 Withholding Tax Fund 2497 Withholding Taxes 143.00 Colvin's Service Station 2498 Supplies 2.88 E. Danielson, County Auditor 2499 3 Exempt Truck Licenses 3.75 Dept of Labor & Ind 2500 Ind Ins & Medical Aid 15.45 Frank Russell 2501 Dozer work at Gravel Pit 49.00 Anacortes Iton,,GTorks 2502 Service & Material .98 Morrison Mill Co. 2503 Lumber 90.83 Trulson Motor Co. 2504 Service 1.54 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 2505, Power for Crusher 37.50 Standard Oil Co. 2506 Motor Oil 30.04 The Texas Company 2607 Gasoline, City Pump 158.88 Union Oil Co. 2508 Gasoline, City Pump 147.25 Marine upply & Hardware 2509 Material & Supplies 18.11 CEMETERY FUND Ingvald Iversen 135 Salary as Cemetery Supt. 170 .0 Villiam Latimer 136 Salary as Cemetery Emp. 152 Withholding Tax Fund 137 Withholding Taxes 29090 !~lest Coast Telephone Co. 138 Telephone Service 4.40 Lyle Duncan, Union Service 139 Supplies & Service 5.89 Dorsey Tdarchant 140 Supplies .94 Anacortes Water Dept® 141 Water used in Cemetery 2.50 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 142 Lights used in Cemetery 1.00 Dept of Labor & Ind. 143 Ind Ins & CTed Aid 4.32 Ingvald Iversen 144 Mileage on Car 8.00 Marine Supply & Hardware 145 Material & Supplies 2.22 PARK FUND Frank Knapp 1752 Salary as Park Supt 189.20 Lewis Harr 1753 Salary as Park Employee 156.80 ycithholding Tax Fund 1754 Withholding Taxes 14.00 C. C. Cook 1755 Service 5.15 City Street Find 1756 Gasoline used in Park Truck 8.52 Anacortes Water Dept. 1757 Water used in Park 2.50 E. A. Abbott Motor Co. 1758 Material & Supplies 15.14 Dept of Labor & Ind. 1759 Ind Ins & Med Aid 4.13 E. Danielson9 Co. Auditor 1760 1 Exempt Truck License 1.25 A motion was made by Ellin.and seconded by Hansen that the above claims be referrdd to the Finance Committee. Motion carried® The Finance Committee considered said claims and recommended that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of the same. A motion was made by Hansen and seconded by°Ellin that the recommendation of the Finance Committee in the matter of the claims against the City of Anacortes for the month of November, 19469 be adopted. Ayes: Hansen, Dodge9 Ellin9 Cl,,usius, Fisher9 Allen & Brado. Potion carried. Being unable to complete the business before the City Council at this meeting, a motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Dodge that the City Council adjourn until 8 o'clock P. M. on December 109 1946. Motion carried. The meeting of the City Council did so adjourn. Attest: - City C1 rk - - Mayor - - 1 1 1 1 1 � 0 �0 1 December 109 1946 An adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 8 o'clock P. 11. with Mayor Joe L. Hagan Presiding. I The Roll'was called and Hansen9 Dodge9 Ellin9 Clausius, Fisher, Allen and Brado were present. The Insurance Committee recently appointed by Mayor Joe L. Hagan9 composed of Wm. Gs McCallum, Matt Kingsley and Loren Welsh presented a written report of their survey of the insurance carried by the City of Anacortes on its Buildings and Eruipmento The report was very complete and showed the amount of Insurance actually carried together with their recommendation of what insurance should be carried. Mayor Hagan then appointed Syd Ellin9 E. A. Clausius and George Brado as a Special Insurance Committee and asked that a Special Committee Meeting be held in the Office of the Eagles Hall on December 139 1946 between the Insur- ance Committee and the City Council Special Insurance Committee. Dir. IV. V. Vells Jr, City Attorney read a letter to the City Council with reference the passing of the necessary Resolution to employ Counsel for services in conn- ection with the issuance and sale of local improvement district bonds of the City of Anacortes, Said Resolution to employ the law firm of Preston Thorgrimson, Horowitz and Turner to take care of the issuance of said local improvement bonds as provided for in Ordinance 993 was presented to the City Council and read to said City Council and a motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Ellin that said Resolution above described be adopted. Ayes: Hansen, Dodge, Ellin9 Clausius, Fisher Allen & Brado. Motion carried. At this time An Ordinance of the City of Anacortes9 Washington, providing for the issuance and sale of general obligation bonds of the said City in the sum of $71309000 to provide funds for the payment of the cost of certain improvements as described in Ordinance 993 of the said City passed and approved September 20, 1946, and authorized by the electors of said city at an election held therein on November 51946° providing the date form terms and maturities of said bonds and for uniimitea tax levies to pay the principal and interest thereof,was pres- ented and read to the City Council. After some discussion, a motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Brado that said ordinance authorizing the issuance and sale of ',130,000 in general Obligation bonds as outlined in Ordinance Number 9939 be adopted as a whole. Ayes: Hansen, Dodge9 Ellin, Clausius, Fisher, Allen and Brado. Motion carried. At this time, an Emergency Ordinance to provide Funds in the amount of 471000.00 for the Cemetery Fund was presented and read to the City Council and was filed with the City Council. This Er,:ergency was ordered published and would come up for final hearing on December 17, 1946. The Stoker Engineering Company made an apr)lication for a City Electrician's License be a letter accompanied by the fee of 4;25.00. A motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Clausius that the license be granted providing the Stoker Engin- eering Company Fleets all requirements. Motion carried. Mr. H. Go McDonald asked permission to move the building formerly occupied by the Red Cross at the old Anacortes Shipways Plant to 35th Street & 0 Avenue. A motion was made by Brado and seconded by Clausius that permission be granted Ur. H. G. McDonald to move said building, above described, providing that he sign a written agreement prepared by the City Attorney to the effect of absol- ing the City of Anacortes from all damages or liability at a time acceptable to the Police and Fire Departments and that the Fire Department be notified when ready to move said building. Moiion Carried. The matter of reparis to the sidewalk and railing on the east side of Commercial avenue from 11th street to 14th Street was brought up and discussed. The Street Supervisor agreed to take care of this matter at once. Having completed the business of the seconded by Clausius that the meeting The City Council did then adjourn,, evening, a motion was made by Fisher and of the City Council adjourn. Motion carried. Decemb er 179 1846 A regular meeting of the Cit7, Council. of the Cit;- of Anacortes was called to order at eight o'clock P.M., with Mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. The role was called a --d Hanson9 Ellin9 Clausius9 Allan9 Br, -.do, and Fisher were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. The Cit,, Council considered at this time supplementar-- bids on the two thousand gallon per minute pump from the De haval Steam Turbine Company. A motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Ranson that said pump bid be opened. notion j carried. The following is the bid submitted by the De Laval Steam Turbine Co. Honorable Payor and City Council City of Anacortes Anacortes9 Washington Gentlemen: Subject: 2000GPM Pump and Spare Rotor for Avon Pumping Plant. Supplementary bid. This will supplement our Proposal #46-10 submitted for your consideration Dec- ember 3, 1946. This supplementary bid gives price breaddown and information on installation of the proposed pump. Total bid price on December 3, 19A6 was X2910000 for all equipment f.o.b. Trenton with freight allowed to h1t. Vernon9 Washington. Price breakdown is as follows: 1 only- 2KS-8/611 Centrifugal Pump with flexible coupling, shaft 1-3/8" longer than standard, Fi=Resist Impellers and blearing Rings and bronze shaft sl&eves...1579.00 1 Set- Stellite shaft sleeves....... eo............000l04.00 Freight to Pt. Vernon .........................105.00 1 only- Spare Rotor complete with bronze sleeve..o... .982.00 1 Set- Stellited shaft sldeves .......................104.00 Freight to Ht. Vernon................a........ 36®00 TOTAL.o.o 2910.00 If required a�special built-up steel section can be supplied for adapting the proposed pump to the existing bedplate at an extra charge at 11t. Vernon of 63.00 A Delaval_ representative will be available to make two checks on the proposed pump during installation and on the basis of these checks will guarantee the pump to operate satisfactorily due to proper installation. Do charge vii.11 be made to the City for the two checks or for our representative being on hand when the pump is first started. Any supervisory work performed by our representative over and above this is to be charged to the City at the usual $25.00 per diem rate plus travelling and living expenses. Labor for making the installation is to be supplied by others. It is difficult to obtain a firm prion, on this work but an estimating price of $800.00 can be quoted for the Council's information. i' A price increase of 15% effective December p9 1046 is applicable to all the above items ezcep t freight and the built-up steel sectin. In the event our Proposal is accepted by the Council we ask the privilige of re- vising the Proposal -Contract before it is signed to include the built-up steel section if .required, and to show t'ze pri.cds in effect at time the Proposal- ' Contr.ac� is signed. The standard "Price in effect at time of shipment" clause is still applicable. I The opportunity to submit t'1e above supplementart• information is very mrch i appreciated. Very truly yours, DELAVAL STEAPT TURBIPTE CO1,TPA7Y J.A. Greenland Sales Engineer After some discussion, Plr. T.G. McCrory W"ter Superintendent made an oral recommendation that this bid be accepted. motion was made by Clausi_us and secondd by Hanson that the supplementary bid as described above, on the two thousand gallon per minute pur#p for the Avon Pu,ping plant be accepted. Ayes: Hanson, Ellin , Clausius9 Fisher Allan and Brado. A bid on 8 and 10" wood pipe from the Federal Pipe and Tank Company was the only bid received and came up for discussion at this time. A motion was made by C1- ausius and seconded by Brado that the City Clerk be authorized to open said bid. Hotion carried. The following is the bid from the Federal Pipe and Tank Company. 1 1 1 C1 40 I 1 December 179 1946, Con'd. I Honorable Mayor and City Council Anacortes9 Wash. Gentlemen: E.C. Baker, Sales Dept. .1 Mr. T0G. McCroafy9 Water Superintendent, rade an oral report and recommended that this bid from the Federal Pipe and Tank Llompany be accepted. A motion was made by Hanson and seconded by Ellin that the bi.d on wood pipe from the Federal Pipe and Tank Co. be accepted. Ayes: Hanson, Ellin, Clausius9 Fisher, Allan and Brado. Motion carr'edo The meeting of the City Council held on December 3, 1,46, the 6ity Clerk was authorized to publish the following call for bids; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids .iill be received b�., the Gity Council of the City of Anacortes Washington9 in the office of the C:i.ty Clerk in the City Hall up to the hour of 8:00 P.M. on December 17 '946, for the excavation laying, and backfilling of t'�e following water pipe on the west side of Commercial Ave. between 29th and 37th Streets9 including pipe across Commercial Avenue at each intersection: In response to your call for bids for 10" and 91 2501 head Untreated Coated Wire wound wood pipe vie a_ --e pleased to quote the following prices including delivery f,00b. cars Anacortes. 22801 10" Pipe at $151.20 per 1001 of Pipe 1385c Sri ii it 118.65 it ri n n the above prices are subject to revision to comply with prices which may be in effect at the time of shipment,. ale estimate that deliver; can be Made in 00 to 120 days after receipt of order. However if the City of "nacortes can supply us with 319504 BXM. of 2 x 4 heart stock B and Better Douglas Fir lumber, which is the amount necessary to manu.- City Clerk facture this quantitt- of pipe, we can complete delivery in two to three weeks. Published December 69 119 169 1946. The above nuotations for pipe are based on the price of lumber being $75.00 per 1A.B.M. f.o.b,, mill and if you do arrange to supply the lumber, it is to be under- No bi.ds c,ere received for the excavation, la,--ing and backfilling for the water stood that the prices for pipe are to be adjusted in accordance with any variation pipe. A motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Ellin that the water superin- from "75.00 which we may have to pay for the rough green pipe stock. tendent be authorized to employ the necessary labor to procede with the excavation, We do indeed regret that we a.'re not i_n a position to submit a proposal on a more laying, and backfi'l_ing of the water pipe on Commercial; Avenue as outlined in the definite basis, but do appreciate the opportunity of nuoting and hope that vie may above call for bids. Ayes: Hanson9 Ellin, Clausius9 �isher9 Allan, and Brado. be favored with yoiir order. Yours very truly, At this tire Mayor Joe L. Hagan appointed :gr. J.H. Chitwood as a member or the FEDERAL PIPE IIND TANK CO. E.C. Baker, Sales Dept. .1 Mr. T0G. McCroafy9 Water Superintendent, rade an oral report and recommended that this bid from the Federal Pipe and Tank Llompany be accepted. A motion was made by Hanson and seconded by Ellin that the bi.d on wood pipe from the Federal Pipe and Tank Co. be accepted. Ayes: Hanson, Ellin, Clausius9 Fisher, Allan and Brado. Motion carr'edo The meeting of the City Council held on December 3, 1,46, the 6ity Clerk was authorized to publish the following call for bids; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids .iill be received b�., the Gity Council of the City of Anacortes Washington9 in the office of the C:i.ty Clerk in the City Hall up to the hour of 8:00 P.M. on December 17 '946, for the excavation laying, and backfilling of t'�e following water pipe on the west side of Commercial Ave. between 29th and 37th Streets9 including pipe across Commercial Avenue at each intersection: 2200 feet 10 inch Class 150 Tr.ansite Pipe 1100 feet 8 11 11 it it 11 580 1! 6 if II If rI 11 Included --in this pipe are 3 hydrants 6 10 inch valves, 3 8 inc'i valves 10 6 inch valves and 16 castings. The Cit;- Council_ reserves the right to reject any or all 'hids and to accept any bid which j.n their opinion is to the best advantage to the City. Dated this 5th day of December 19-16. JOHN G. DORCY, City Clerk Published December 69 119 169 1946. No bi.ds c,ere received for the excavation, la,--ing and backfilling for the water pipe. A motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Ellin that the water superin- tendent be authorized to employ the necessary labor to procede with the excavation, laying, and backfi'l_ing of the water pipe on Commercial; Avenue as outlined in the above call for bids. Ayes: Hanson9 Ellin, Clausius9 �isher9 Allan, and Brado. At this tire Mayor Joe L. Hagan appointed :gr. J.H. Chitwood as a member or the Anacortes Park Board to replace Ur. Frank Rock. The report of the chief of Police for the month of i,'ovember 1946 was presented and read to the City �Iouncil and a motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Hansen that said report be accepted and referred to the License and Police Committee. 14otion carried. 1jro J..Ba' Goff9 chief of police, presented a map of the "itt, of "nacortes showing new proposed certain streets as new proposed arterial highways. This .report was accepted for study by the �'ity Council. The report of the Fire Department for the month of Povember 1946 was presented arld read to the pity 'ouncil and a motion was made by Brado and seconded by Ellin that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. 14 December 1.79 10469 Cont'd. The report of the water superintendent for the month of November 1946 was presen- ted and read to the City Council and a motion was made by Bradon and seconded by Clausius that said rep rt be accepted and referred to the Fire Light and Water Committee. the report 6f the Street Foreman for the month of November 1946 was presented and read to the City Council. A motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Allan that said report be accepted and referred to the Streets and Parks Committee. Motion carried. The report of the Hire Department for the month of November 1x46 was presented and read to the City Council and motion was made by Hanson and seconded by Clausius that said report be accepted and referred to the Fire, Light and Water Committee. Chairman, E.A. Clausius Chairman of the `ity Co-ncil Finance Committee made a report to the investment of money of funds in the cemetery investment fund. I • Mr. Clausius recommended that the City Treasurer purchase Series F. War Bonds as an investment of a cemetery investment funds. After some discussion a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Allan that the recommendation of the chairman of Finance Committee be accepted and that the City Treasurer be authorized to invest the money in the Cemetery Improvement Fund in S„r.ies F. U'r"r Bonds in the approximate amount of a cost price of $8140.00. Ayes: Hansen, Ellin, Clausius, • Fisher, Allan, and Brado. i In regard to the request of Mr. Marvin Nelson to have an ordinance passed or some regulations regarding the operation of sound trucks. A motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Ellin that this matter be laced on the table. Hotion carried.. j Councilman Hansen made,an oral report on his trip to Portland, Oregon in reference to obtaining a fire truck from the Army Engineers. He reported that nothing coua be done in this matter at this time. The following, letter from the Anacortes Recreati^n Council was presented and read to the �-ity Council. i Building Committee City of Anacortes Anacortes9 Washington i Gentlemen: The Executive Committee of the Anac-rtes Servicemen's Recreational Council_ met in the office of the chairman, Gus Dalstead, at two p.m., Friday, Kovember 299 19469 va�en the following motion was made regarding furnishings and donated equip- ; ment9 that the furniture and enuipment now left in the Community Building, which was donated to and purchased by the Anacortes Servicemen's Recreational Council be turned over to the City of "nacortes Building Committee for the use of any organization designated by said City Building Committee; that incase of any immediate local or national disaster, such enuipment would be made available to any designated organization, either elected or coordinated to meet such a disaster. Executive Board G.N. Dalstead St. Clair Jackson Alice Parchrnan Newland Secretary This matter was accepted by the Cuty Council. The following communication from the Lion's Club was presented and read to the City Council and this letter together with the one from the Anacortes Recreation • Council arias referred to the Cit.- Council Building Committee. To the Anacortes City Council, I Gentlemen: I am submittingthis reou�st t o n k ' • o you o behalf of the nacortes Lion's Club® W" are interested in securing the gymnasium of the Community Building for a community recreation program to be conducted by the Anacortes Lions Club. It is our plan to secure the gymnasium if possi.ble9 one night a week preferrably on Thursday, and on that night conduct a program of volley ba119 badminton or some similar type of recreation. Vie have also thought that in as much as the building is to be used for community activities we could in some way assist in preparing the locker rooms the showers and, the heafing system so that the building would be available to more people than we accomodate during one evening of the week. If such a plan meets with your approval we would appreciate your advising us so that we may get under way as soon as possible. Very truly yours i ANACORTES LIOTS CLUB i By Phil Robbins 16 10 1 1 �e 18 L �;.. December 179 1^46 Cont'd. A motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Ellin that the City Attorney pre- pare a contract between the City of Anacortes and Frank-iussell to cut wood on certain city property with the approval of F.E. Foss and Sons who are logging this property at this ti.r.e, Itloti.on carried. Kr. E.A. Clausius brought up 'she matter additional insurance o-1 the City Hall and Community Building, and recommended that Liability aid Property Damage insurance together with Fire and Theft be purchased for the grader and the old Liberty Tank truck owned by the City of ''nacortes, The matter of Liability Insurance on the city Hall and Community building was also discussed,, A motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Ellin that the City Clerk be authorized to buy insurance on the G_,ader and Lincoln Tank Truck and to cover city equipment with Liabi.litp and Property Damage together with Fire and Theft Insurance on said equipment, Ayes: Hanson, Ellin, Clausius, Fisher, Allan9 and Brado. The last meeting of the Cit;- Council an emergency ordinance for the Cemetery was presented and filed with the City Council, and published in the -'nacortes Daily P?ercury9 and said ordinance carne up for final consideration at this time. And being no protests against the passage of said emergency ordinance a motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Brado that said Emergency Ordinance in the amound of ?a1000,00 in the Cemetery Department be adoped-as a whole. Ayes.- Hans®n, Ellin, Clausius, 'isher9 Allan, and Brado. The following letter from the H.D. Fouler Company of Seattle, Washington was presented and read to the City Council. City of Anacortes Anacortes 9 Washington Attention: Mr. Crory Gentlemen: H.D. Fowler, Co,, Seattle Wash,, Cie have lust been advised by Keasbey and k1attison9 manufacturers of "Century" Asbestos Cement Pipe that it has finally been necessary to increase the price of pipe i5%, effective at once. Although they informed us some ten months ago they were only accepting orders on an escalator clause basis, in spite of higher labor costs and material prices this is the first increase they have made in pipe prices. In view of this increase by the factory we are therefore advising you in acc- ordance with the terms of our bid price tour order as noted below will be billed at the increased price. In addition to this there will be art increase in freight rates effective January 19 194.7 and this additional freight cost will be billed you,, According to our records your order consists of the following "CENTURY" pipes 8,000° 6" Class 150 "CENTURY" Asbestos Cement Pipe 29300 811 It It It 11 It It If we do not hear from you to the contrary we will issume that this increase in price will be acceptable to you. If on the other hand you wish to cancel your order let us know at once. Referring to our letter of November 15th on the matter of shipment, the writer spent a week at the factory in an effort to expedite delivery and get assurance that your order would be shipped. The situation appeared somewhat better than it did at the time we wrote you and Keasbey and lHattison assured us that they would do everything possible to ship this pipe and as soon as possible but were unable to make any definite promise because pf cpntinuing strikes and governoent restrictions affecting them. Just as soon as vie get any further word we will let you know. Yours very truly, H. D, _7.0',J],Ezi C01EIANY H. D. Fowler The `'ity `Iouncil authorized the purchase of the "CENTURY" pipe outlined in the above communication. The following kesolution was presented and read to the "ity Council. Be it resolved by the council of the Cit;, of knacortes, Washington, as follows: Section L, ghat it is the intention of the council of the City of "nacortes, Washington, to order the improvement of Commercial Avenue, from 11th Street to 37th Street; by repaving the same and by replacing certain lighting standards and fixtures; and doing such other work as may be necessary in connection therewith, all in accordance with plans prepared by the city engineer,, Section 2,, That all persons who may desire to object thereto are hereby notified to appear and present such objections at a meeting of the city council to be held in the coundil chamber in the City Hall in the City of "nacortes Washington at 8 o'clock P. M. on the 14th day of January, 1947, which Lme and place is hereby fixed for hearing all matters relating to said proposed improvement and all objections thereto and for determing the method of payment December 179 1946 Contod. for said improvement© Section 3. That the city engineer is hereby directed to submit to the council at or prior to the date fixed for such hearing the estimated cost and ex- pense of such improvement, a statement of the proportionate anount thereof which shpuld be borne by the property within the proposed assessment district, a statment of the aggregate assessed valuation of real estate exclusive of improvements within said district according to the valuation last placed upon it for the purposes of general taxation together with a diagram or print showing thereon the lots, tracts and parcels of land and other property which will be specially benefited thereby and the estimated amount of the cost and expense of such improvement to be borne by each lot, tract, parcel of land or other property. Section 4. That the city council has applied to the State of 71ashingt.on for a grant in aid of said improvement and hopes and expects to procure such grant in t approximate amount of 1525,0009 that all of the cost and expense of the said im- provement not procured by such state grant shall be norne by and assessed againt the property liable therefore, as provided by law. Section 5. The city clerk is hereby directed to give notice of the said heaxl- ing by mailing the same as required by law to each owner or reputed owner of any lot, tract, or parcel of land9 or Ether property specially benefited by the im- provement, and to specify in said mailed notices the nature of the proposed im- provement the total edtimated cost a -id the estimated benefit to the particular lot, traci or parcel of land owned by such person. Passed by the Council of the City of Anacortes, Washington, and approved by its Mayor this lith day of December, 1946k; CIT'-" OF AIS?ACORTES 9 WASHINGTON By Joe L. Hagan -- Mayor Aphis time Mr. W_., --V'.' Wells 9 Jr. `'ity Attorney, presented an ordinance authorizing the Mayor and City Council and City Clerk to execute an agreement by and on behalf of the "ity of khacortes with certain employees of. the Street and Water Departments, also the Cemetery Department the Park Department, and those janitorial employees of the timerican Federation of Otate9 County and Hunicipal Employees to secure for the City and those city employees the benefits of collective barganing. This ordinance was presented and read and after some discussion a motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Brado that said ordinance providing for labor agreements between the City of Anacortes and certain employees of said city be adopted as a ^rh6le. Ayes: Hansen, Ellin, Clausius, Fisher Allan, and Brado. Councilman Clausius brought up the matter of prOviding more fire protection of the larger buildings in the city of "nacortes. He pointed out the lack of fire escapee and other means of protecting the occupants of such buildings in case of tire. L.E. Snider 9 Fire Chief, spoke to the `'ity Council about the fire hazards caused by defective oil burner installations, The �Iity Council instructed the City Attorney to write to the Association of Washington 1,ities and ask for ordinances governing fire escapes on proposed buildings. This being the last meeting for the year 10469 thP,mayor thanked the City Council and all the city employees for their help and cooperation during the year 1946. A motion was made by Fisher and seconded bar Hansen that a vote of thanks be ex- tended to the Mayor9 Joe L. Hagan9 for they year 1946. At', thistime', : Hr _,W. V:- -`d ells Jr. City_ ` Ait®aene -! �preserited the following • dedde to the City Council`s - West Coast' D6iky`,to -Citi" b_° iiacortes ' Lots i2'= and Fractional Lot 1�. Bldck 6, A warranty Deed "city -of Anacortes" according to the recorded plat h the- office of the.` dbunty AU*�, ' Volute 2" bf —Plats, Page 4. Quit Claim Deed from the lions Club on Lots 12 and fractional Lot 13 B1®c� 6, "city of Anacortes according to the Recorded plat in the office of iho County Auditor Volume 2 of Plats, Page 4. Chas. E. Taylor and Flora P. Taylor to City of Anacortes Lot 11 of Block 6, Original Plat City of Anacortes. Also A title insurance policy covering these tracts in the amount of $1680.00. A motion 17as made by Allen � and seconded by Brado that said deeds and Title Insurance be accepted. notion carried. Having completed the business of the meeting, a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Clausius that the meeting of the City Council adjourn. notion nor, carried. The meeting of the City-`fCouncil did then adjourn. Attest.----- "tyv --- �- "erg � . 1 1 • • i 1