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1945 City Council Minutes
1 16 1 �0 January 2, 1945, The regular meeting; of the city council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 8:00 o'clock P.M. with Mayor C.A. Peters presiding. Roll was called and Schulz, F6ss, Derby, Brady, Hatton and Dodge were bresent. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. A motion was made by Derby and seconded by Dodge that Walter Hammons be appointed as councilman from the Second Ward for the two-year teria. Ayes, Schuls, Foss, Derby., Brady, Hatton.and Dodge. Motion carried. The following communication from Ben Driftmier was read to the city .council: OT.o the Mayor and City Council: On behalf of J. E. Shehan I tender herewith payment of P425.00 offered am settlement of L.I.D. assessment and Judgment and for a quit claim deed on account thereof to the following described property, to -wit: Lots 8, 9, 10, 11, B1.ock 4, nHensler's Second Addition to Anacortes, Washington", according to the recorded plat thereof in the office of the auditor of Skagit County, Washington, in volume 3 of plats, page 55. Respectfully submitted, Ben Driftmier. `C A motion was ina.de by Brady and seconded by Derby that this cornminucation be referred to the City Attorney. Motion carried. The r.eport of the City Treasurer for the month of December, 1944, was presented to the C lity council and was referred by the Mayor to the FinAnce Committee. The report of the Chief of Police for the month of December, 1944, was presented and read to the city council, and a motion was made by Hammons, and seconded by Schulz Shat said report be accepted and placed on file. ]lotion carried. The reportsof the Police Justice for the months of November and December, 1944, were presented and read to the city council, and a motion was made by Schulz and seconded by Derby that said reports be accepted and placed on fila. Motion carried The report of the Water. Superintendent for the month of December, 1944, was pre- sented and read to the pity council, and a motion was made by Derby and seconded be Dodge that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The report of the Stree.t Foreman for the month of December, 1944, was preseaked and read to the city council, and a motion was made by Hatton and seconded by Hammons that said report be adcepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The Gasoline report for the month of December, 1944, was presented by L.E. Snider Chief. of .the Fire Department, and was read to the city council , and a motion was made. by Brady and seconded by Derby that said report be accepted and placed on file.. Motion carried. The matter of the purchase of a new or used car for the Police Department was further considered at this time. Several members of the License and Police Com- mittee, and L -Ir. H.H. Hinshaw, Chief of .the Police Department, made reports o.f several cars which they were considering. After, same discussion, a motion was made by Foss and seconded by Hammons that the City of Anadortes purchased a used 1942 De Soto Sedan from the Abbott Motor Co. Ayes, Schulz, Hammons, Foss, Derby, Brady, Batton and Dodge. Motion carried. At ti;is time petitions asking the city council to install street lights,- at 7th Street and M Avenue;, 37th street and R .Avenue :end 37th Street and S Avenue, were presented to the city council, and a motion ias made by .Hammons and seconded by Dodge that these petitions for street lights be referred to the new city council. Motiop carried. The annual inventory of tools, equipment and material of the Park Department was presented and read to the city council, and a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Derby that said report be accepted and placed on file. 1iotion carried Mr. .Art Hillstead made an offer to the city council of X100000 for lots 12 and 13 in Block 109 Original Plat of the City of Anacortes. After, some discussion, a motion was made by Brady and seconded by Hattan.that this matter be placed with the Fire, Light & Water Committee, and the Fire Chief to br.injg back a report to the new council. Motion carried. Mr. W.V. Vells, City Attorney, presented reports recommending the acceptance.of the following renewal insurance policies; One on Dodge Coupe used by the `;Dater Department, No. 228659 issued by the National :automobile insurance Co;; one on the G -M -C Fire truck issued by the United States Fidelity & Guaranty Co. and an insurance policy on the Ford Fire truck, policy No- 318806, issued by the United Pacific Insurance Co. A motion was made by Schulz and seconded by Brady that.said City Attorney's reports on the above insurance policies be accepted.. Mot io.n carried. The following claims against the City of .Anacortes for the month of December,. 1944 were.presented and read to the City Council: January ?- a 1945. CURRENT EXPENSE. 0. E. .urges 12366 Salary as Deputy Treasurer 1 '74.30 John G. Dorcy 12367 " 0 City Clerk 69.30 1Y. V. TJelle 12368 ° It City Attorney 69.30 Dr. A.B. Cook 12369 " `r Health Officer 39.20 A. R. SellentgLin 12370 tB Police Justice 35.90 Paul Marshall 12371 " c' Janitor 57.20 Alfred Robbins 12372 " n Dog Catcher 25.00 Withholding Tax Fund 12373 Withholding Taxes 29.8o- 9.80Lulu LuluCole 12374 1 day of Clerk's Vacation 3.50 Pioneer, Inc. 12375 Supplies for Clerk's office 1.94 Anacortes .American 12376 Printing and Publishing 57.61 James McLachlan 12377 Plumbing service at Jail 2.00 Dr. A.B. Cook 12378 Health Office Expense 7.50 Central Furniture Store 12379 1 Desk Light 2.37 Anacortes Gas Co. 12380 Gas used in City Hall.9 • Island Transfer Co. 12381 Fuel Oil for City Hall 19.49 Western Auto Supply Co. 12382 Janitor's Supply . 1.03 H.H. Hinshaw 12383 Salary as Chief of Police 199.60 Nick Petrish 12384 " It Asst Chief of Police 173.20 Jack Goff 12385 " " Capt. of Police 173.20 L. Pollard 12386 " Patrolman 156.90 Warren T4ompson 12387 "Istv 171.60 Carl Springer 12388. " " " 166.70 George Frdderick 12389 It it ° 166.70 Withholding Tax Fund 12390 Vithholding Taxes 66.50- 6.50The TheFern Press 1,2391 -Supplies, Clerk & Police Dept. 3.71 Dept. Labor and Industries 12392 Ind Ins & Med Aid 12.60 H. H. Hinshaw 12393 Cash Advanced 1.75 E.A. iibbott Motor Co. 12394 Service on Police Car 1.'75 Texaco Station 12395 Service on Police Car 1.29 L.E. Snider 12396 Salary as Fire Chief 195.24 Bert Verrall 12397 tY " asst Fire Chief 173.57 Oliver Hauge 12398 �' Cd` Capt. Fire Dept. 177.89 I2. G. Strock 12399 " `" Fireman 161.70 C. Strock 12400 Fireman 161.70 K. Cd. Snart 12401 Fireman 161.70 H. L. Iversen 12402 " Fireman 163.30 J. G. Dorcy 12403 Call Ilan and Extra Fireman 9.23 H. Chevrier 12404 Call Tian, Fire Dept. 2.00 L. Monroe 12405 Call Man, Fire Dept. 1.00 Geo. Miller 12406 " it It " 2.00 Roy McDomgall 12407 Call Man & Extra Fireman 10.03 A. Mondhan 1240$ Call Man, Fire Dept. 1.50 C. 'Uirsing 12409 Call Man, Fire Dept. 1.00 Withholding Tax Fund 12610 Withholding Taxes 84-32- 4.32Anacortes AnacortesWater Dept. 12411 Hydrant Rental 565.00 Firemen's Relief & Pen. Fund 1241.2 2% of Fftremen's Salaries 26.46 City Street Fund 12413 Gasoline used, Fire & Police Dept. 64.57 Railway Express Agency 12414 Express on Fire Truck tools 1.98 State Treasurer 12415 Volunteer Firemen Fees 16.00 L. E. Snider 12416 Mileage on Car 19.50 J. C. Penney Company 12417 Supplies for Fire Department 6.06 South Side Hadrware 12418 Supplies for Fire Dept. 6.47 M. R. Kingsley 12419 Ins. on Ford Fire Truck 21.40 Eureka Hose Co. 12420 Supplies for Fire Dept. 3.72 L. Moore 12421 Call Man, Fire Dept. 1.00 Simmonds Paint Co. 12422 Supplies for Fire Dept. 3038 11m. G. McCallum 12423 Ins. on Amer. La France Fire Truck 21.40 Allan's Mercantile 12424 Supplies for Fire Dept. Anacortes Laundry 12425 Laundry Service, Fire & Police 15.75 Hansen Electric Shop 12426 Supplies for Fire Dept. 4.97 Simpson's Electric Shop 12427 Supplies for Fire Dept. & Elections 13.48 Bell Machine Works 12428 Labor on Fire Truck 32.00 • The Marine Supply & Hardware 12429 Material and Supplies American -la France Co. 12430 Parts for Am.-LaFrance Fire trucg 43.75 gest Coast Telephone Co. 12431 Telephone Service, City Hall 11.10 Schwartz Iron Works 12432 Service on Fire 2truck 5.80 Benson Motors, 12433 Service & Supplies 5.56 Katherine H. Snider 12434 Work on Elections & Registrations 24.50 • Charlotte Asseln 12435 Work on Election Boardm 6.25 Marie Asseln 12436 " " "6.50: Besse C. Baker 12437 i0 " CD 6.25 Jan Baker 12438 "� `� 1° 6.50 .uetha Grace M. Boyer 12439 " `* " 7.00 Alice Brokens 12440 " " " 6.75 Ada Carter 12441 p 6.75 Mrs. Lulu Cole 12442 " ° " 6.75 Mrs. Kate Crawford 12443 a " " 7.00: Mrs. Fred Davis 12444 " t4 6.50 Freda M. Doane 12445 G° " f° 6.50 J. C. Farrell 12446 " " " 6.75 Hazel Handy 12447 p w 6.75 Edith L. Haynes 12448 n `II 6.50 Lorna, L. Hess 12449 " ° " 6.50 Grace L. Holton 12450 w 6.50 Lila M. King 12451 cr " " 6.25 Mrs. Lois Marcoe 12452 " 6.50 Eva Moore 12453 " " 6.50 Faith Paddock 12454 6.50 Jennie May Peterson 12455 n " 6.50 Henriette Pierce 12456 " t° 6.75 Dorothy Pinson 12457 `D " 6.75 January ?D 1945. 7.00 6.5o 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.5o 6.5o 5.00 5'.00 5.00 5.00' 10.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 .24 2.66 510.68 293.38 4.26 6.50 4.58 38.00 266.8o 140.00 107.36 49.20 201.98 173-70 182.10 165.20 148.60 136.90 179.10 162.40- 13-30 24.07 42.063 2.5'8 •118.68 1.96 301.27 32.12 16.51 100.00 1.25. 6.0o 20.35 306.58 18.54 1209.35 16.57 8.50 33-78 10.10 14.81 9.50 7.05 526.52 4.70 178.60 170.30 165.40 156°90 101.00 163.90 32.60 40.90 40.90 128.30 23.66 10.30 8.70 .82 91.58 3793 69.41 52.80 80.00 37450 30.01 7.88 24.'12 Mrs. Frances Rook 12458 Work on Election Boards E. S. Rose 12459 p 0 Voila Splain 12460 0 Signe Swanson 12461 m n r> Bertha Terrell 12462 a " ca Elizabeth Trafton 12463 to p c Clara Tuff 12464 it to, n Dora Verhoeff 12465 to R 4' Ellen 0. Whipple 12466 a Q to E. Demopoulos 12467 Rent of Voting Precinct J. Paul Logal 12469 Rent of Voting freeinft Mrs. Addie Kasch 12469 Rent of Voting Precinct ILA Longshoremen's Hall 12470 Rent of Voting Precinct School -District No. 18 12471 Rent of Voting Precinct Gus Dalstead 12472 Rent of Voting Prdcinct Donald A. Finlayson 12473 Rent of Voting Precinct Mrs. -.W. Keyes12474 Rent of Voting Precinct School - District No. 18 12475 Rent of Voting Precinct Archie - Allan 12476 Rent of Voting Precinct ' Southside Hardware 12477 Supplies for Election Curtis• a+barf Co. 12478 Coal for Election Precincts City Street Fund 12479 Transfer of Funds Puget Sound P. & Light Coy.. 12480 Lighting service Vbmpire• Cafe 12481 Meals for Prisoners Allice C. Bockman 12482 Work on Election Board Allan's Mercantile 12483 To replace No.124424 Marine Supply & Hardware 12484 To replace No. 12429 WATER DEPARTMENT FUND T. G. McCrory 8278 Salary .w s Water Supt. Sadie M. Arges 8279 v a 'dater Cashier Dorothy Fee 8280 0 p Clerk John G. Dorcy 8281 a Bookkeeper Chas. Wedlund 8282 to FJater Foreman Russell Girolan 8283 �' Serviceman T9. 0. Rogers 8284 Q `o- Filterman G. F. Keller 8285 a n Filterman A. Sirett 8286 0 C? 0 Frank Deane 828 n Lester Thomas 8289 ° to p Withholding Tax Fund 8289 Withholding Taxes Dept. of Labor and Industries 8290 Ind Ins & Med .Aid Island -Transfer Co. 8291 Fuel Oil for Filter Plant G. H. Doust 8292 Pile Driving in Skagit River Simpson's Electric Shop 8293 Supplies for 11.ater Dept. Guarante6; El Vielding Co. 8294 Fielding aervice Pennsylvania Salt Co. 8296 Chlorine for abater Dept. E.A. Lbbott Motor Co. 8297 Service for eater Dept. Johp G. Lerch 8297 Piling for Skagit River dolphin Multiplex Mfg. Co. 829$ Supplies for Water Dept. Curtis Wharf Co. 8299 Material for 'eater Dept. G.N. Dalstead, P.M. 8300 Post Cards for dater `office Skagit Bonded Collectors 8301 Collection of Water bills G. N. Dalstead P. M. 8302 Tostage for Water Dept. City Street Fund. 8303 Gasoline used in Motor Vehicles Marckman & Williams 8304 Cast Iron Pipe H. D. fowler 8305 Parts for surge suppressor Puget Sound Pr. & Lt. Co. 8306 Power & Service Schwartz Iron Works 8307 Material & Supplies The Fern Press. 8308 :Printing & SSuppliea, tlarine Supply & Hardware- 8309 Material & Supplies Central Farniture Co. 8310 Stove for Fater Dept. Simmonds Faint Co. 8311 Supplies for Water Dept Anacortes Daily Mercury 831?_ Printing and Supplies :lest Coast Telephone Co. 8313 Telephone Service Tax Commission 8314 Business Tax The Bristol Company 8315 Supplies for Water Dept. CITY STREET T'UND . P. E. Olson 1935 Salary as Street Foreman Lynn Balcomb 1936 1P f° Graderman Roy McDougall 1937 " 0 Maintenance Man Dave Summers 1936 so 0 0 a Lee Parish 1939 10 " Street Sweeper Carl Whelk 1940 Wages as Laborer Alfred Robbins 1941 Salary as Dump Man T. G. McCrory 1942 R 0 Street Supervisor John G. Dorcy 1943 � Q Bookkeeper Withholding Tax Fund 1944 Withholding Taxes Dept. of Labor & Industries 1945 Ind Ins & Med Aid Curtis Wharf Co. 1946 Material for Street Dept. Larine Supply & Hdwe 1947 Md.terial and Supplies Home Transfer Co. 1948 Express on Grader farts Standard Oil Co. 1949 Gasoline and. Oil The Texas Company 1950 Gasoline, City Pump The Union Oil Company 1951 Gasoline and Oil Jay F. Carroll 1952 Ins. on 1938 Street Truck Ka.guire Industries Inc. 1953 Supplies for Street .)ept . Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 1954 Power for Crusher County Road Engineer 1955 Equipment rental on County Eqpt. ..iilliam McRae 1956 Labor on County Equipment Clyde Eqpt. Co. 1957 Scraper Teeth 7.00 6.5o 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.5o 6.5o 5.00 5'.00 5.00 5.00' 10.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 .24 2.66 510.68 293.38 4.26 6.50 4.58 38.00 266.8o 140.00 107.36 49.20 201.98 173-70 182.10 165.20 148.60 136.90 179.10 162.40- 13-30 24.07 42.063 2.5'8 •118.68 1.96 301.27 32.12 16.51 100.00 1.25. 6.0o 20.35 306.58 18.54 1209.35 16.57 8.50 33-78 10.10 14.81 9.50 7.05 526.52 4.70 178.60 170.30 165.40 156°90 101.00 163.90 32.60 40.90 40.90 128.30 23.66 10.30 8.70 .82 91.58 3793 69.41 52.80 80.00 37450 30.01 7.88 24.'12 Brown Lumber Co. Simmonds Paint Co. Constance Fox Blanche Sackett Paul idarshall Vithh•olding Tax Fund Anaco-rtes Uater Dept. Puget -Sound Power & Light Co. Schreiber do `Jerner Cpm. G`. 1:cCa.11um Dept. -of Labor and Industries Luve ra I s Best 'Seller Book Store krt Olson Gaylord Bros. Y.C. tTcClurg & Co. J.K. �TcGill Company College Bindery Simmonds Paid Co. 4nacortes Mercury Charles E. Franklin J.E. Harding Walter C. Strong Withholding Tax Fund Southside Hardware Co. Colvin°s Service Station City Street Fund Dept.'of Labor & Industries January #, 1945. 1958 Lumber Street Department 6.71 1959 Supplies for Street Dept. 7.47 LIBRARY FUND 2047 Salary as Librarian 136.90 2048 Asst. Librarian 69.30 2049 Janitor 60.90 2050 Withholding Taxes 47.6o- 7.602051 2051 hater used in Library 2.50 2052 Lights for Library 8.64 2053 Insurance on the library 4.55 2054 Insurance on the Library 55.44- 5.442055 2055 Ind Ins & Ked Aid.42 2056 Supplies for Library 1042 2057 Yook for Library 4.41 2058 Subscription to P.I. 9.00 2059 Books for Library 23.45 2060 Books for Library 7.24 2061 Books for Library 8.68 2062 Bookbinding 53.00 2063 Supplies for Library 177.11 2064 Subscription to Daily Mercury 6.00 2065 Painting at the Library 44759 PARK FUND. 1545 Sabary as Park Supt. 1546 ca C3 Park Employee 1547 Withholding Taxes 1548 Supplies for Pork Dept. 1549 Service for Park Dept. 1550 Gasoline used in Park Truck 1551 Ind Ins and Tried Aid C O2QTQ VI TY BUILDING RENTAL FUND Anacortes Water Dept. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Brown" Dumber Co. Peoples National Bank 24 Tater used in Com. Bldg 25 .Lights used in Com. Bldg 26 Lumber used in Com. Bldg `dITHHOLDING TAX FUND 18 Withholding Tax Deductions 156.90 140.00 33.10- 4.64 1.55 3.b8 6.19 15.50 29.40 9.02 552.02 .A motion vias made by Brady and seconded by Derby that said Claims against the city of finacortes for the month of December, 1944, be referred to the Finance Committee. Potion carried. The Finance Committee considered the said Claims against the City of Anacortes for the Konth of December, 1944, and r6commended that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of the same. Motion carried. A motion E1gs made by Dodge and seconded by Hatton that the recommendation of the Finance Committee in the matter of the claims against the city of Anacortes for the month of December„ 1944K be adopted: Ayes, Schulz, Hammons,'Foss, :Derby, Brady, Hatton and Dodge. Hotion carried. • o 1�t this time several of the ddpartment heads thanked Idayor Peters for his heli and cooperation during his term as mayor of the city. mayor Peters then expressed his thanks and appreciation to the department heads and the members of the city council, and also the officials, for their help and cooperation during his term of office as Mayor of the City of Anacortes. Councilman Brady then presented a token of appreciation to the Mayor from the department heads, members of the city council and other city officials. .Is the members of the city council had completed the business for the year 1944, a motion was made by Hatton and seconded by Hammons that the city council declare a recess in order that the new Mayor and two new councilmen might be seated in the City Council. notion carried. The new mayor, Joe L. Fagan, and the new councilman, Charles F. Fisher, dere duly, seated in the city council, which was called to order at 9:35 P. -l- ziith mayor Joe Lo Hagan, presiding. One new councilman, Syd Ellin, was unable to be present on account of illness. Roll was called and Schulz, Hammons, Fisher, Derby, Hatton and Dodge were present.! i The following communication from Sadie IIT. Arges, City Treasurer, cuas Presented* and read to the city councils �o Anacortes, IJashington. January 2, 1945. Eonorable luayor and City Council Inacortes, LJashington . Gentlemen: Subject to your approval, I am appointing O.E,.Arges as Deputy Treasurer for the ensuring term of office. Sadie 11. urges, City Treasurer. A motion was made by Vchulz and seconded by Hainmons that the appointment of O.E. Arges as deputy Treasurer be approved. motion carried. 11 1 1 1 1 1 19 140 I I/ 41 January 9, 1945. I1r. W.V. .Wells, City Attorney, spoke to the .city council and expressed his regret that his son, W.V. `,dells, Jr. who had been elected as City Attorney, was unable to be present at the c.ouncil meeting. lir. Lells, Sr. pointed out that his son expected to appoint him as assistant city attorney until his discharge from the Army. The following communication from Mr. R.L. Whipple was presented and read to the city council.: Anacortes, Wash.. Jan. 2, 1945. His Honor the Xla.yor and City Council . Dear Sirs: I would lake to purchase the following two lots, Lots 3 and 4 Block 447 Original plat Anacortes. These lots are just back of the deserted Richfield gas station and join the property I now own. I think that ($35.00) Thirty-five dollars each lot P)70.00) Seventy dollars for the two would be a fare price. which I will pay in cash for clear. title . j Trusting you will act on this, I am Yours truly, R.L. Whipple, 1814 Commercial Box 442 Anacortes " After some discussion a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Dodge that this matter be referred to the City Attorney. Motion carried. A petition for a street light at 7th Street and 11Y, Avenue, and also a petition for street lights to be installed at 37th Street and R Ave and 37th Street and S ;.ve. were presented and read to the city council, and a t®tion was made by Hammons and seconded by Schulz that said petitions be referred to the Fire, Liggt and.taater Committee.. Motion carried.. renewal insurance policy on the 1936 International truck used by the 7,nacortes Street Department, and an insurance policy on the Anacortes Public Library were presented to the city council, and a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Schulz that said 9nsurance policies be referred to the City Attorney. Motion carried. At the last meeting of the City Council, held on Decetaberj,1944, the City Clerk was authorized to call for bids for gasoline to be used by the city of Rnacortes during the year 1945. And these bids were to be 6n on January 2, k945, and were considered at this time. A motion was made b; Derby and seconded by Schulz that said City clerk kra opegt the one and only gas bid which had been filed with the city clerk. Motion carried. This bid was submitted by the Shell Oil Co. and quoted first grade premium gasoline at 1B ¢, first grade non -premium gasoline 162¢. and kerosene at 14,18 ¢ A motion was made by Schulz and seconded by Hammons that the city council accept;. the bid of the Shell Oil Col for gasoline at the prices of their bid, which is quoted above, and also that the city council accept,the bids of other companies who migh5 submit bids at equal rates. Ayes, Schulz, Hammons, Fisher, Derby, Hatton and Dodge. Motion carried. The matter of the heating plant for the Anacortes Community Building was again considered and discussed, and a motion was made by Hatton and seconded by Hammons that the city courrcil haue the local plumbers make a survey of the type and capacity of the hewing plant most suitable for the Community Building, and that after the necessary facts have been determined, that a call for bids for a heat- ing plant be called, and that, in the meantimr it be referred to the Building Committee and the City Dnginees. kotion carried. Having completed the business of seconded by Derby that the city 3, 1945 . Motion carried.. A the ev'et2ing, a motion was made by Hammons and council adjourn until 7:00 P.M. o°clock January UAYOR 2 January 3, 1945. The regular adjourned meeting of the city council of the city of Anacortes was called to order at 7000 o'clock P.M. with Kayor Joe E. Hagan presiding. Roll was called and.Hammons and Derby were present. The purpose of the meeting was to consider the granting of a Lease to Tilton A. Smith on the East end of 13th Street as described in the notice published in the Anacortes .American. '., 7000 o'clock P.M.. on the 3rd day of January, 1945, at the City Hall in the City of Anacortes was the time and place for anyone to protest the granting of the lease, but there were no protests. Owing to the fact that there was not a quorum of the city council present, no action was taken at this meeting. A motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Derby that the meeting of the city council adjourn unt.il 7:00 o'clock P.M. January 4, 1945 Kotion carried. The meeting of the city council did then adjourn. ATTEST: - - - -711AYOR C ITY �RX. January 4, 1945. The adjourned regular meeting; of the city council of the city of Anacortes Yvas called to order at 7:00 o'clock P.M..with Mayor Joe E.. Hagan presiding. Roll was called and Hammons, Fisher, Derby and Dodge were present. The purpose of this meeting was to grant a lease on the East end of 13th Street as! described in the following Resolution: RESOLUTION. WHEREAS, Kilton A. Smith has made application to the Mayor and City Council of the City of flnacortes, Washington, for a. ten year lease of the butt end of 13th Street, extending from 0.. avenue to- R. Avenue in the City of Anacortes and lying North of the sewer line of said 13th Street and South of that, portion of 13th Street now being used as a public thoroughfaUe, offering to pay therefor the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) per year, with the understanding that at the end of the first five year period, the amount of said rental will be readjusted.; that the uses and purposes for which. This lease is sought.is for the construction of a small frame building on the said ground for the canning of shrimp. NC',I THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Anacortes, Fashington; That at 7:00 P.M. on the 3rd day of January, 1945, in the Council Chamber in the City Hall in said City of Anacortes, Washington, s.si% appli- cation will be heard and finally acted upon, and BE IT FURTKER RESOLVED, that at any time during the leasehold period the Tiashington State Land Office, or the United States 1:a,r Department may want to use the said premises this lease will be terminated after a notice of 30 days has been given the lessee. In case the same premises are wanted by the City Councih for purposes for which they were dedicated to the public, the said lease will be terminated after giving the lessee a notice of 30 days. IT IS FURTHP,R RESOLVED, that the City Clerk will mail one copy of this Resolution to the State Land Office of the State of Washington and one copy of said Resolution to the United States War Department. Adopted at a regular session of the City Council on the 19th day of December, 1944. 0. A. PETERS, LTayor. Attest: John G. Dorcy, City Clerk. Published Dec. 28, 1944. There being no protests against the granting of this lease, a motion was made by F' Hammons and seconded by Dodge that the application for a lease of the street end as described above ne gtanted and that the Idayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign said lease. .Ayes: Hammons, Fisher, Derby and Dodge. Motion carried. In the matter of the purchase of the 1942 DeSoto sedan from the Abbott Yliotor Co. a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Derby that the Iiayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the papers necessary for the purchase of said car from the 1-bbott Motor Co. Ayes, Hammons, Fisher, Derby and Dodge, Motion carried. Having completed the business of the meeting a motion was made by Dodge and se- conded by Hammons that the meetin69 of She City counci a rn. Motion carried. Keeting of t cit council did then adjourn. , L MAYOR ATTEST_ City rrk i LI 1 1 1 1 �e January 16, 1945 The regular meeting of the city council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 8:00 o'clock P.M. with Mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. Roll was called and Hammons, Fisher, Ellin,Derby and Hatton rrere present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.. The following communication from Bert Verrall was presented 4nd read to the city council: It, Anacortes, Wash, Honorable Mayor and January 16, 1945 City Council, Anacortes, 'Jash. Gentlemen: kttthe last;tax sale in -aount Vernon, ':Jashington, I purchased Lot 7 and the East half.of Lot 8 of Block 113, Original Plat, City of Anacortes, 7ashington, and am making an offer of 115,00 for a quit Claim Deed from the City of-Anacortes covering said property. Trusting that your Honorable Body ,iill ;;;ave thio nv-�ttor your ea:,�1y and favorable condsideration, I am Very truly yours, Albert R. Verrall. " After some discussion a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Ellin that said communication be referred to the Judiciary Committee and the City Attorney. Motion carried. At this time a lir. Ames spoke to the city council about the purchase of Lots 11, 12 and 13 in Block 109 Original Plat of the City of Anacortes. Previous to this meeting -w-r. Art Hillstead had made an offer of p100o00 for the purchase of Lots 12 and 13 in Block 109 Original Plat, and lir. Ames stated that he had made arrangements with Mr. Hillstead in this matter. A motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Fisher that this matter be held over to make investigation of the property. Uotion carried. As there has been some doubt as to whether the city of Anacortes owned all of these lots or not, this matter was referred to the dity Attorney. Mr. 1J. V. Wells, City Attorney, made an oral report recommending the acceptance of the offer of J. E. Sheahan in the amount of 'P25.00 as a settlement of the L.I. D. assessment and judgement and offered a quit claim deed on Lots 8, 9, 10 and 11 Block 4 of Hensler's Second Addition. A motion was made by Derby and seconded by Hammons that the recommendation of the City attorney in this matter be accepted and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the above described Quit Claim Deed. Motion carried. The following communica6ion from S.P. Walsh and Delbert J. Brown was presented and read to the city council: n Pnacortes, Sash. Jan. 15, 1945. To the Honorable !Aayor and City Council_ of the City of Anacortes, dash. Gentlemen: The undersigned wish to purchase Lots 13 and 14 Block 47 .Original plat from the city, and hereby tender the sum of $25.00 per lot for the same. These lots adjoin our houses and we wish to clear and improve them. Respectfully, So P. Walsh Delbert J. Brown " Mr. S.P. Walsh was present and urged the city to sell the above described lots. After some discussion, Mayor Hagan appointed a special committee composed of Ellin, Derby and Hammons, and the matter of the sale of the above described lots was referred to this special committee and the City Attcrney. At this time, Mayor Joe L. Hagan, made the following appointments. FINANCE CO19JITTEE: Derby, Schulz and Dodge JUDICIARY COI-IMITTEE: Hammons, Fisher, Schulz FIRE, LIGHT ANS 1flt:EE COMMITTEE: Dodge, Ellin and Derby BUILDING .#iND PLUPIBING C0181ITTEE: Hatton, Fisher and Hammons STREETS AND PARKS COMTITTEE: Schulz, Ellin and Hatton PRINTING AND HEALTH CO1,�ITTEE: Fisher, Dodge and Hatton LICENSE AND POLICE COr9 ffTTEE: Ellin, Derby and Hammons 73ater Superintendent, Street Superintendent and City Engineer: T. G. McCrory &STREET FOREMAN; P. E. Olson PARK SUP;':RINTENDFNT: J. E. Harding HEALTH OFFICER: Dr. A.B. Cook CITY 1TTORNEY: %`J. V. Wells, Jr. Assistant CITY ATTORNEY: W. V. Wells, Sr. LIBRARY BOARD: Jesse R. Wilcox and James T. Gander PLANNING COLAISSION: Syd Ellin, Ferd Brady, Mrs. Bernice Babarovich A motion wa.s made by Hammons and secolided by Hatto6 that the above appointments be approved by the City Council. ,eyes, Hammons, Derby, Ellis and Hatton. Not voting, Fisher. :Notion carried. Mr, CJ. V. Wells, City attorney, presented two written reports recommending the acceptance of the Hartford Eire Ins. policy No. 7983, covering the Anacortes ii January 16, 1945. Public Library for 12a000 against fire; insurance Policy No. 1681WAm1 10 G asuener l alt Y Casualty Co. covering the 1936 International 4 -ton truck for personal liability) property damage and fire. , motion was made by Derby and seconded by Hatton that the city council accept the recommendation of the City attorney do the above described policies. i -lotion carried. At this time thfara�.0 report of the Police Department Was presented and read to the city council, and a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Hammons that said final report of the Police Department for the year 1944 be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The report of the Fire Department for the month of December, 1944, was presented and read to the city council, and a motion was made by Hatton and seconded by Ellin that said report be accepted and placed on file. M®tion carried. The following commubication from Wm. the city council: V. Wells, Jr. was presented and read to January 2, 1945 ttHonorable Mayor and Council, c/o City Clerk, Anacortes, Washington. Gentlemen: My filing for City Attorney of Anacortes was prompted by a an anticipation of service to the City in the post war world. Needless to say I was very pleased and indeed fortunate to be enabled, through the voters of Anacortes, to attain the position. However, cimcumstances arising from military service necessitate that I be absent from the City for an unknown length of time, which, optimistically enough, may not have seemed to extend as far in the future at the time of my filing as it may now appear to do. I am therefore compelled to apply for a military leave of absence from the office of City attorney of Anacortes, until such time as the Armed Forces have rebased me and I am enabled to accomplish the functions of the office as they Ehould be accompl$shed. If this application meets with your approval and acceptance I would propose that the duties and responsibilities of the office be carried on in my absence by my father, W. V. dells, Sr., and to that end, I appoint him Assistant City of .Attorney, subject to your approval. This letter makes belated appearance. Allotments of time while serving in the Army do not always turn out to be available for the purposes for which they were intended o® hence I have written late. I hope this has not caused you inconvenience. I hope still further and most fervently that in facing the great prospects to be offered by the post war world, the new Mayor and Council for the City of Inacortes look to the future with renewed vigor and artZicipation of great thingi for a greater Anacortes; and I hope I c@.n sharia In working for thoze great things. Sincerely yours, 'Gilliam V. Dells, Jr. Captain, W.K.C. O The surety bond for 71. V. Wells, Jr. as City attorney cjas presented to the City Council and a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Hatton that the above matter be referred to V1. V. Cells, Sr. Assistant City Attorney. Motion carried. The following Resolution was presented and read to the City Council: WHEREAS, 77. V. "dells, Jr. the duly elected and qualified City .Attorney a-nd being in the armed services of the United States, has applied to the mayor and city council for a military leave of absence until such time as he will be relieved from active military duty; and has appointed 71. V. `ells as his assistant subject to the approval of the city council-, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the mayor and city council of the City of Anacortes that the request of W.V. Wells, Jr. for a leave of absence from the duties of City Attorney until such time as he shall be relieved from active duties in the armed services, be and the same is hereby granted; and 13E IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the appointment of I.V. `Hells as assistant city attorney be and the same Taereby is approved and confirmed, pro- vided, however, that the said assistant city attorney take the oath of office and file with the city clerk a bond in the sum of one thousand dollars. Adopted this 16th day of January, 1945. Joe L. Hagan, Mayor ATTEST: John G. Dorcy, City Clerk. (CORPORATE SEAL) After some discussion a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Ellin that said resolution be adopted. Motion carried. The following communication from R. L. Whipple was presented and read to the city council: Anacortes, Mash. Jan. 2, 1945. Ria Honor the Mayor and City Council, Dear Sirs; 1 1 I 0 1 lie 10 1 January to , 1945. "I would like to purchase the following two lots, Lots 3 and 4 Block 47 Original flat, .Anacortes. These lots are just back of the deserted Richfield gas station and join the property I now own. I think that ($?35.00) Thirty five Dollars each lot,(*$ 70000) Seventy dollars for the two would be a fair price. which I will pay in cash for clear title. Trusting you will act on this, I am Yours truly, R. L. Whipple, 1$14 Commercial, Box 442 .Anacortes, gash. a A motion was made by Derby and seconded by Hatton that said communication be referred to the Judiciary Committee and the City 4ttorney. Motion carried. The Union tail Company presented a Gasoline Contract for the year 1945, at the rate of 1$til¢ for Ethyl gasoline and 16& for standard nonpremium gasoline, and a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Hammons that the mayor and city clerk be authorized to sign said Gasoline Contract. Motion carried. A renewal insurance policy written by the United Pacific Nnsurance Co. covering auxiliary firemen in the city of Anacortes was presented to,the city council. A motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Mutton that this policy be referred to the Fire, ]Light and Water Committee to make a report back to the city council. Motion carried. Three insurance policies, one for the International 1940 pick-up truck, one for the International 1940 dump truck and one for the 1930 Ford Tank truck were pre- sented to the city council and a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Hatton that said insurance podLicies be referred to the city Attorney. Lotion carried. The City Council has decided to sell the 1941 Ford sedan delivery car which has been used by the Anacortes Police Department, and a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Hatton that the city clerk be authorized to call for bids on the above described car, said bids to be returnable on January 23, 1945. Motion carried. Paving completed the business of the evening, a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Hatton that the meeting of the city council adjourn to 7:00 o'clock P.M. on January 23, 1945- Lotion carried. The city council did then adjourn. ATTEST: o-1 '1 CS y Clerk. January 23rd, 1945 RUY0R The regular adjourned meeting of the city council of the city of Anacortes was called, to order -rat 7•> 00'Io ° clock P.M. with Mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. Roll was called and Schulz, Hammons, Fisher,, Derby, Ellin and Hatton were present The minuted of the last meeting were read and approved. The following communication from Mrs. Elizabeth M. Dwelley was presented and read to the city council: Anacortes, January 20, 1945 To the Mayor and City Council, Gentlemen: I would like to call your attention to the condition of the sidewalk at the curb of J.C. Penney & Co. store. The break in the walk at the curb is a dangerous one, and if not re- paired someone is going to sprain their ankle or injure themselves on it. Very truly youts, Elizabeth M. Dwelley. " Mr. T.G. McCrory, City Engineer, reported that as soon as tete weather permitted this repair in the sidewalk would be made. The matter of new Street lights for 7th and M Ave, 17th St. and 0. Ave., 24th Street at M, N and 0 Avenues, 24th St. and T Ave., Fourth Street and R Ave, and 37th St. at R and S Avenues, was again discussed and a motion Vas made by, Hammons and seconded by Hatton that this matter be referred to the Fire, Light and Water Committee and Street Superintendent. Lotion carried. As mentioned in the mast meeting of the city council the City Clerk called for bids on the 1941 Ford sedan delivery car used by the Police Department, rind these bids came up for consideration at this time. A motion was made by Derby and seconded by Hammons that the bids on the above described police cur be opened 1'lotion carried. There were two bids, one by.Ben A. Van Dausen and the other bid by the Benson iYotor Co. Ikr. Van Deusen°s bid was ; 485.50 and the bid by the Benson Motor Co. was X500.00. After some discussion a motion was made b<r Derby and seconded by Hatton that 46 January 23, 1945. this matter be referred to the next meeting of the city council. Tklotion carried. The bids for furnishing a central heating plant in the Anacortes Community Build- ing case up for consideration at this time. There was only one bid filed with the city Clerk, and a motion was made by Hatton and seconded by Ellin that said bid be opened. Lotion carried. The following bid by James L. KcLachlan was the only bid on file with the City Clerk: Anacortes, � ashington. January 23, 1945. f0T'o the mayor and City Council, ynacortes, 7ashington. Gentlemen: I wish to submit this as my bid for installing a heating plant • at the Community Building, Anacortes, Washington: For the sum of 03650.00 I wild furnish labor and material to install heating plant as per specifications; also furnish a surety performance bond for.the amount of the Contract, and install this job in a speedy and satisfactory manner. • Thanking you in advance, and trusting that I will be the successful bidder, I remain. Very, truly yours, James L. McLachlan W I Mr. McLachlan spoke to the city council at some length regarding his bid, and a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Derby that this matter be laid over until j next meeting of the city council, and that Mr. McLachlan furnigh the city council with a list of trade names, model and sizes of materials used in the installation j of the heating plant in the Community Building. Motion carried. Mr. L.E. Snider, Fire Chief, spoke to the city council and asked permission to purchase 300 feet of 2z" hose at 11.10 per foot; 100 feet of 1 -Lt hose at 11.10 per foot, and 100 feet of fill hose at approximately 751- per foot. After some discussion a motion was made by Schutz and seconded by Hammons that the Fire Chief be authorized to purchase the above described fire hose. ',yes, Schulz Hammons, Fisher, Derby, Ellin and Hatton. Motion carried. Mr. L.E.,Snider, Fire Chief, also spoke to the city council about the condition of the gas at the present time, and pointed out a number of fires which had been caused by the condition of the gas now. was made by Schulz and seconded by Hammons that this matter be referred to the Fire, light and Water Committee and the Fire Chief to make an investigation of the gas situation in Anacortes at the present time. Lotion carried. Mr. L.E. Snider, Fire Chief, spoke to the city cauncil and.:asked permission to sell a pump which originally came with the G -M -C Fire truck, but was removed and is of no further use to the Fire Departipemt. After some discussion a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Fisher that the Fire Chief be authorized to sell the above described fire pump. notion carried. Tua; surety, bondd, I one. for. T.G..HcCrory , as !dater Superintendent, and one for T.G. McCrory as Street Supervisor, were presented to the City council and a motion «as made by Schulz and seconded by Hammons that said bonds be referred to the City Attorney. 1Totion carried. Having completed the business of the evening,a motion was made by Fisher and seconded by Hammons that the meeting of the city council adjourn. The meeting of the City Council did then adjourn. ATTEST: CITY C Fid<� MAYOR 1 1 it 1 1 10 140 1 49 February 6, 1945 After some discussion a motion was made by :Alin and seconded by Fisher that the city council accept the bid of Ben A Van Duesen for the above described car. Hation• carried. A motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Fisher that the City Clerk be auth- orised to call for bids for doing the city printing for the period from March 1, 1945, t'o March 1, 1946. Motion carried. ED. T.G. McCrory spoke to the city council about the purchase of a portable gasoline operated pump of 33Omgallons per hour, and a larger gasoline operated pump '^!ith a capacity of 20,000 gallons per hour. According to the Water Superintendent thio equipment is very urgently needed. A motion wasmade by Hammons and seconded by Ellin that the '.later Superintendent be authorized to purchase the above 'described pumps. Ayes, Hammons, Fisher, DebtTy and Ellin. Notion carried. A surety bond covering W.V. 'dells, Sr. as Assistant City Attorney, two bonds for the City Treasurer, and an insurance policy on the City Hall, were presented to the city council, and a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Ellin.that the above described bonds and insurance policy be referred to the City .attorney. Motion carried. The Standard Oil Company presented a gasoline contract to the city council to fur- nish gasoline to the City of Anacortes for the year 1945. The price for Standard EOhyl gasoline to be 18JO and Standard non -premium gasoline for 16-�p.. -A motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Fisher that the Ya- yor and City Clerk be -authorized to sign said gasoline contract with the Standard Oil Company. Motion carried. At this time the Claims against the city of Anacortes for the month of January, 1945, were presented and read to the city council: CURRENT EXPENSE. Jae L. Hagan 12485 E. -A. Schulz 12486 Walter Hammons 12487 A. -L. Derby 12488 Syd Ellin 12489 S. -T. Hatton 12590 Dr. E.E. Dodge 12491 0. E. Arges 12492 John G. Dorcy 12493 W. V. Wells 12494 A. -R. Sellenthin 12495 Paul Marshall 12496 Alfred Robbins 1249? Dr. A.B. Cook 12498 Alfred Robbins 12499 7ithholding Tax Fund 12500 G. -N. Dalstead, PzH. 12501 Mrs. Katherine Snider 12502 Burroughs Adding Mach. Co. 12503 Trick and Murray 12504 H. -E. Mansfield, Inc. 12505• M. -R. Kingsley 12506 H. -O. Davey, P1bg.Insp. 12507 Puget Sound Stainp Works 12508 Wm. G. McCallum 12509 Anacortes Gas Co. 12510 Island Transfer Co. 12511 Anacortes .Auto Supple. -Co. 12512 Affleck Brothers 12 513 H. H. Hinshaw 12514 Niok Petrish 12516 Jack Goff 12516 I.. •Pollard 12517 Earren Thompson- 12518 Carl Springer 12519 George Frederick 12520 Gilbert Lee 12521 Withholding Tax Fund 12522 Diamond Store 12523 Liar• ine Supply & Hardware 12524 Colvin's Service Station 12525 W. •S. Darley 12526 Al -Carpenter 12527 E. -A. Abbott Motor Co. 12528 Dept. of Labor and Industries 12529 John G. Dorcy 12530 L. •E. Snider 12531 Bert Verrall 12532 Oliver Hauge 12533 U. •G. Strock 12534 C . •Strock 12535 K. Nv . Snart 12536 M. L. Iversen 12537 J. -G. Dorcy .12538 Roy HcDougall 12539 Geo. Miller 12540 H. Chevrier 12541 L. -Monroe 12542 C. •Za irs ing 12543 A. I+gondhan 12544 Withholding Tax Fund 12545 Salary as h1a.yor " 10 Councilman t° i0 Councilman to " Councilman Councilman to 10 Councilman 1t W Councilman i0 Deputy Treasurer '? City Clerk q L' City Attorney Police Justice Janitor at City Hall Dog Catcher Heal th Off i cer q Dump Man Withholding Tax deductions Postage for Clerk's Office Extra Work in Clerk's Office Fees on Adding Machine Contract Supplies for Clerk's Office Bonds for City Treasurer Bond for City Attorney2 1 Plumbing Inspection Dog Tags Ins. on City Hall Gas used in City Hall Fuel Oil used in City Hall Janitor's Supplies Wood for City Hall Salary as Chief of Police Salary as !asst. Chief of Police to q Captain of Police '° " Patrolman i0 11 Patrolman i0 Patrolman Patrolman '= 10 Patrolman Withholding Taxes Supplies for Police Dept. Supplies for Police Dept. Service on Police Car Supplies for Police Dept. Repairs on Police Car Service and Supplies Ind Ins & Med Aid Cash Advanced Lalary as Chief of Fire Dept. 0 " 4sst Chief of Fire Dept. Capt. Fire Dept. Fireman `3 i0 Fireman " Fireman 1° fi Fireman •CaY.l ZaR, Fire Dept. to D Fire Dept. 1s n to to Withholding Taxes 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 88.80 81.00 81.00 45.10 46.70 23.90 40.90 33.70 51.40- 5 !"0 0 1.405:400 26.95 5.05 1.91 75.00 5.00 1.50 14.42 17.78 4.68 16.83 .62 4.12 207.10 202.60 181.60 164.40 181.20 176.40 28.g 141.1 88.00d 515 515 1.55 2.50 1.28 9079 14.22 3.00 202.53 181.67 18599 16q.00 16q.00 169.00 172.80 3.50 15.26 5.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 95.10- q q q to n a n u q L7 to 0 Withholding Taxes 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 88.80 81.00 81.00 45.10 46.70 23.90 40.90 33.70 51.40- 5 !"0 0 1.405:400 26.95 5.05 1.91 75.00 5.00 1.50 14.42 17.78 4.68 16.83 .62 4.12 207.10 202.60 181.60 164.40 181.20 176.40 28.g 141.1 88.00d 515 515 1.55 2.50 1.28 9079 14.22 3.00 202.53 181.67 18599 16q.00 16q.00 169.00 172.80 3.50 15.26 5.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 95.10- Fftremen7s Rel & Pension Fund City Street Fund L.3. Snider Bert Verrall Anacortes 77ater Department Trulson Lotor Co. Oakland Shoe Shop Voitus Furniture Store Southside Hardware Hest Coast Telephone Co. Standard Cil Co. Simpson's Electric Shop The fern Press Puget Sound .Power & Light Co. Ass°n of Yvashington Cities John G. Dorcy ti`Iithholding Tax Fund Pioneer, Inc. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Schvjartz Iron Works Union Printing Co. Charles F. Fisher Withholding Tax Fund E.A. Abbott Motor Co. Joe L. Hagan The Fern Press February 6, 1945 CURRENT EXPENSE FUND (Cont. ) 12546 27 of Firemen's Salaries .27.65 12547 Gasoline used, Fire & Pol. 1553 Salary as Park Employee Dept. 72.34 12548 Mileage on Car 15.00 12549 Mileage on Car. 8.00 12550 Hydrant Rental 565.00 12551 Ford Fire 'Truck Repairs 21.99 12552 Repair of Turnout Clothes 5.15 12553 Material & Supplies, Fire Dept. 23.39 12554 Haterial & Sup. Fire Dept. 17.15 12555 Telephone Service 14.30 12556 & Fire Dept. Supplies Police. _ 12 557 3 to 3 W 9.44 12558 Supplies for Fire Dept. (cancelled 12559 Supplies for Fire Dept. 7.76 12560 Membership Fees 125.00 12561 Fees for Reg. Births'2z Deaths 14.15 12562 Withholding Taxes 3.85- 12563 Supplies for Clerk and Regis. 9.06 12564 Lighting Service 294.98 12565 Service for Fire vepwrtment .62 12566 Supplies for Clerk's Office 1.1s 12567 Salary as Councilman 10.00 12568 Withholding Taxes 4.55 12569 1942 De Soto Police Car 1814.86 12570 To replace ;112485 20.00 12571 To replace 12558 20.50 W.11,11 r6w:110 J. E. Harding 1552 Salary as Park Supt. 164.40 Walter C. Strong 1553 Salary as Park Employee 148060 Withholding Tax Fund 1554 Withholding Taxes 37.00 Dept. Labor & Industries 1555 Ind Ins and CTed Aid 6.60 City Street Fund 1556 Gasoline used in Pars Truck 3.14 Southside Haraware 1557 Supplies for Park Dept. 1.59 Anacortes water Department 1558 Water used at Sunset Beach home 2.50 CO1=, ITY BUILDING RENTAL FUND. Puget Sound Power & Lt Co. 27 Lights used in Community Bldg 39.15 Anacortes Water Department 28 hater used in ;' � 27.50 DATER DEIPARTLMENT FUND T. G. T�ccrory 8316 96alary as Water Superintendent 275.00 � Sadie L1. Arges 831 a 11 Mater Casbier 147.60 Dorothy Fee 8318 f0 tP Clerk 121.00 John G. Dorcy 8319 ° ' Boobkeeper 49.20 Chas. Wedlund 8320 °T °D Water Foreman 249035 Russell Carolan 8321 " Serviceman 206.25 'J.O. Ringers 8322 Filterman 190.40 G. F. Keller 8323 C3 172.7.0 II. Sirett 8324 0 U °° 156090 Frank Deane 8325 w M n 156.90 Lester Thomas 8326 i0 C9 Pumpman 224.35 J. L.- Jensen 8327 Wages as Laborer 29.53 Roy cDougall 8328 Wages as Laborer 25.25 Dave Summers 8329 <lages as Laborer 23.95 7lithholding Tax Fund 8330 Withholding Taxes 210;20e,. Jill Ellis, County Treasurer 8331 Fire Patrol lax on water Shed 85.06 Pennsylvania Salt Co. 8332 Chlorine for Water Dept. 118.96 Island Transfer Co. 8333 Fuel Oil, Filter Plant 29.12 Curtis t,,harf Co. 8334 Material for Water Dept. 55.21 Anacortes Auto Supply Co. 8335 Supplies for Yater Dept. .61 Simpson's Electric Shop 8336 Supplies for `Fater Dept. 6.82 Colvinis Service Station 8337 Service for Cater Dept. 9.89 ti'est Coast Telephone Co. 8 38 Telephone Service 1 •55 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 8339 Power and Service 114.55 T. G. iTcCrory 8340 Cash advanced 4.52 Bellingham Iron Works 8341 Castings for .dater Dept. 27.81 Aubert'.s Drugs 8342 Supplies for '-Yater Dept. 1.32 Trulson Motor Co. 8343 Service on `Nater Trucks 13.§4 City Street Fund 8g44 Gasoline used in eater Dept. 24.98 Standard Oil Co. 8345 Gasoline for %7histle Lake Pump Engine 30.53 Delaval Steam Turbine Co. 8346 Pump Parts 470.02 H.D. Fowler Co. 8347 Parts for Surge Suppressor 17.00 Mt. Vernon Transfer Co. 8348 Freight on Pump Parts .80 Skagit.Valley Telephone Co. 8349 Telephone at.�von 8.56 Palace Cafe 8350 Heals for Water Dept. workers 11.22 7orthiggton Gamon Meter Co.. 8351 Deter Parts 30.27 Dept. of Labor & Industries 8352 Ind Ins & lled Aid 15.50 Henry 6. Davey 8353 Ins. on Int. pickup 18.35 Alfred McBee 8354 Collection on eater Bills 28.97 G.N. Dalstead, P.H. 8355 Postage for Water Office 6000 Trulson !Jotor Co. 8356 Truck Repair 25.54 The Fern Press 8357 Printing and Supplies 36.01 Schwarls Iron Works 8358 Service for later Dept. .52 1 1 1 February 6, 1945. The regular meeting of the city council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 8000 o'clock P.I. with Mayor Joe L. Hagan, presiding. Roll was called and Hammons, Fisher, Derby and Ellin were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. A communication was presented and read from Urs, S. G.Brooks thanking the City of Anacortes for the flowers sent to the funeral of the late Dr. S.G. Brooks. Mr. W. V. Tells, Sr., Assistant City Attorney, presented two reports recommending the acceptance of one bond for T.G. McCrory as water Superintendent and one bond for Mr. McCrory as street Supervisor. A motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Fisher that the kssistant City Attorney's report recommending the acceptance of the above described bonds be accepted. Lotion carried. Llr. W.V. dells, Sr., assistant City Attorney, presented reports recommending the acceptance of the bond of W. V. Wells, Jr. as City Attorney, and insurance policy covering the 1940 International Dump truck, and the 1930 Ford Tank truck, both used by the Anacortes Street Department. A motion vias made b Hammons and seconded b Fisher that the Assistant Cit Y Y Y Attorney's report on the above described bond and insurance policies be accepted Motion carried. The City Treasurer's report for the month of January, 1945, was presented to the city council and was referred by the Mayor to the Finance Committee. The report of the Chief of Police for the month of January, 1945, was presented and read to the city council, and a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Ellin that said report be accepted and placed on file. Alotion carried. The report of thr Police Justice for the month of January, 1945, was presented and read to the city council and a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Ellin that said report be accepted and placed on file. Notion carried. n The report of the `1Jater Superintedent for the month of January, 1945, was pre- sented and read to the city council, and a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Hammons that said report be accepted and placed on files Motion carried. The report of the Street Foreman for the month of January, 1945, was presented and read to the Gitij council and a motion was made by Fisher and seconded by Hammons that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. annual The/report of the Police Justice for the year 1944, eras presented and read to the city council, and a motion was madle by Hammons and seconded by Ellin that said report be accepted and placed on file. Dation carried. The Gasoline report for the month of January, 1945, was presented and read to the city council, and a motion was made by Fisher and seconded by Hammons that said report be accepted and placed on file. Lotion carried. The annual report of the Fire Department was presented to the city council and a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Fisher that said report be accepted and placed on file. motion carried. An attorney's report, submitted by W.V. Wells, Sr., assistant City _attorney, recommended that the application for a Quit Claim Deed by Albert R. Verrall, covering .Lots 7 and the East half of Lot 8 of Block 113 of the Original .Flat of the City of Anacortes, Washington, be granted. A motion was ode by Ellin and seconded by Hammono that the recobmendation of the assistant City Attorney in the matter of the Quit Claim Deed being issued to Albert R. Verrall on the above described lots be accepted and that the Mayor and City Clea,,k be authorized to sign said quit Claim deed. Motion carried. The following report of the Judiciary Committee and the City Attorney was present- ed and read to the city council: i0 To the Mayor and City Councils Your Committee on Judiciary and City attorney to whom was referred the matter of the application of R.L. l.'hipple to purchase Lots 3 and 4, Block 47, Original Plat, City of Anacortes, at $35.00 each, beg leave tto report as follows: Cie have examined the property hereinabove described and believe that a fair value of the said Lots 3 and 4 in Block 47 is X50.00 per lot, and upon an offer being made of thst amount the City sell the same. T+alter Hammons C. F. Fisher Anacortes, Lashington, February 6, 1945 U. V. 7Jells, Assistant City Attorney 10 After some discussion a motion was .made by Ellin and seconded by Hammons that the report of the Judiciary Committee and the City .'attorney be adopted, and that the City Council sell to Hr. R.L. Whipple the above described lots provided he wishes to pay the prices mentioned by the above report. Motion carried. In the matter of the application of S.P. Walsh and Delbert Brown to purghase lots 13 and 14 in Block 47 Original plat of the city of Anacortes, 'Jashin©tan, a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Ellin that this matter be held over until the next regular meeting of the city council. Motion -carried. The two following Resolutions were presented and read to the City Council; February 6, 1945 IUL=LUT^ION. WHEREAS, There has been introduced in our State Legislature Senate Bill No. 25 proposing to create a ':LATER POLLUTION COMMISSION with authority to maxe rules and kagulations pertaining to the pollution of waters in the State of `'dashington, and to employ engineers, biologists, chemists and other technicians to determine what are pollutants, to issue orders the violation of which constitutes a gross misdemeanor punishable by a maximum fine of one thousand dollars or the confine- ment in jail for one year, or for both such fine and imprisonment, and sit as a tribunal to determine whether their rules, regulations or orders have been vio- lated; and ':1HEREAS, Our state courts are ample to determine -whether q person or corporation has violated any laws of the state; that THE -STATE, BOARD OF ?iEALTF and the STATE BOARD OF FISFERIra have authority to institute proceedings for the prosecution of Jae persons or corporations violating the laws of the state pertaining to health and sanitation and pertaingnto matters affecting shell fish, game fish and all edible fish and marine life; that in such proceedings either party may summons as witnessi!s engineers, biologists, chemists and other technicians as the case at hand may require who may be cross-examined as to all conditions pertaining to the case at issue; That in a recent action in court a pulp mill company was ch_z.r, c �t allowing eater containing certain acid or-chimicals to floe from its mill into the waters of Puget Sound thereby causing damage to oysters growing in a bed six or seven miles distant from the said pulp mill; Whether or not the water from the said mill might be termed polluted or not; it was determined in the said action that no damage was done to the plaintiff's oysters; that in the above action all parties had their day in court and it is fair to presume that justice was done to all parties ; That on Ridalgo Bay in the City of Anacortes there is now and for many years last past has been a pulp.mill, the water from the mill is being discharged into the waters of the Sound; that the waters in front of Anacortes, a. short dis- tance from the pulp mill are teeming with small fish, as well as large ones, crabs are caught in as large quantities as ever, a shrimp cannery is nn. -a being constructed at Anacortes to care for shrimp which will be dredged an the eaters adjacent to Fidalgo Bay; and rIFEREAS, isle believe that any person or corporation charged with an offense con- stituting a gr&ss demeanor should be given the right of having his case, from the beginning to the end, tried, both as to the facts and as to the law, before the constituted courts of the State: THEREFOR-', BE IT RrSOILVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Anacortes: That we are opposed to the passage of Senate Bill No. 25, and do urge our members in Obympia to vote and work against the passage of the said bill. .Adopted at a regular session of the City Council this 6th day of 2ebruary, 1945. (C 0 RPOR.A'T7' 13'A .) BOE L. HAG.AN, -Iia yor i attest: John G. Dorcy, City Clerk. RESOLUTION. ?THER.PMS, Senate Bill No. 81, now pending before the legislature in proposing to take 4'*9500,000.00 from the Motor Vehicle Fund for the purpose of acquiring and operating a system of ferries running from Bellingham and 1nacortes to and through' the San Juan group of Islands; and "I7,REAS, There is now a ferry system in operation from Anacortes to and through the San Juan Islands throughout the whole year, and to Sidney on Vancouver Island during the summer season] which we believe is giving ample service and satisfac- tory service in all respects including schedules and fares; NO'V1 THEREFORE, BE IT REVOLED by the Kayor and City Council of the City of Ana- (i cortes,- That sae are opposed to the passage of Senate Bill No. 81, and respectfully petition our Senator and Representatives to oppose the passage of the same. j 4dopted at a regular session of the city council on the 6th day of February, 1945 JOE L. HAGAN, HCyor I attest: John G. Dorcy, City ClerIi. CO.RPORATF, SEAL. After some discussion a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Hammons that the two above Resolutidne be adopted and that copies of the said Resolutions be sent to the proper parties. I:1otion carried. I In the matter of the sale of the 1941 Ford Sedan delivery ruck, which has been used by the w.nacortes Police Department, and upon which bids -were called for the sale of the same, and for which truck the Benson Motor Co. bid ;500.00 and Bec Van Duesen bid 8485.50; the following letter from the Benson Motor Co. was presented and read to the city council: Jan. 30, 1945 City Clerk, !I Anacortes, bush. Dear Sir: We wish to withdraw our bid for the 1941 Sedan delivery, on which ,.,e :were, the high bidder. j Respectfully yours, BENSON MOTORS, Harvey Benson, abna,cortes, '.cash. n ii I 1 1 1 L 1 1 [7 P. E. Olson Lynn Balcom Roy McDougall Dave Summers Carl Welk Lee Parish To G. McCrory John Go Dorcy Withholding Tax Fund Trulson Motor Co. Colvin's Service Station Puget Sound Power & Light Mt. Vernon Bldg Mat'l Co. Vim. G. McCa llum Standard Oil Co. Shell Oil Co. Union Oil Co. Simpson's Electric Shop Bepartment Labor & Industry Southside Hardware Howard Cooper Corp. Curtis Wharf Co. Colvin's Service Station IddIt. Vernon Transfer Co. Schwartz Iron ~Works Constance Fox ]Manche Sackett Paul Marshall 17ithholding Tax Fund Puget Sound Power & Light Anacortes Water Dept. Dept. Tabor & Industries A.C. UcClurg & Company Doubleday, Horan & Co. A.E. Tovell Gaylord Bros. Inc. February 6, 1945 CITY STREET FUND 1960 Salary a,s.Street Foreman 186010 1961 0 0 Graderman 177.80 1.962 Maintenance lean 173080 1963 " 10 Maintenance Man 164.40 1964 r 1' 172.70 1965 ca u Street Sweeper 105010 1966 ro ' Street Supervisor 40.90 1960 Bookkeeper 40 090 1968 Withholding Taxes 139-30- 390301969 1969. Truck Repairs 24,95 1970 Service on Trucks 4.48 1971 Power for Crusher 37050 1972 Supplies for Street Dept. 8.32 1973 Ins. on Trucks 45019 1974 Gasoline, City Pump 32.19 1975 Gasoline, City Pump 101°75 1976 Gasoline, City Pump 48.84 1972 Service for Street Dept. 20033 1M Ind Ins and Ned Aid 24.79 1979 Material for Street Dept. 5.75 1980 Grader Blades 49032 1981 %aaterial for Street Dept. 1.94 1982 Tire Service. 55.54 1983 Freight on Grader Blades 2058 1984 Material and Supplies 6059 LIBRARY FUND. 2070 Salary as Librarian 144040 2071 ° t4 Asst Librarian 96.80 2072 Janitor 83.90 2073 Withholding Taxers 39-90- 9.902074 2074 Lights for Library 7052 2075 dater used at Library 2.50 2076 Ind Ins and lied Aid, .44 2077 Book for Library 2.50 2078 Books for Library 2.67 2079- Labor and Materials for Library 24077 2080 Supplies for Library 11015 A motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Fisher that said Claims above described be referred to the Finance Committee. Motion carried. The Finance committee considered said claims and recommended that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of same. Mi A motion was made by Hammons and seconded bV Ellin that the recommendation of, the Finance Committee in the matter of the claims against the city of Anacortes for the month of January, 1945f be adopted. Motion carried. Having completed the business of the evening, a motion was 3nde by Ellin and seconded by Hammons that the meeting of the city council adjourn to February 13, 1945, at 7:00 o'clock P.M. The meeting of the city council did then !ATTEST • i/,��/ City C36 -Irk adjou 7��� MAYOR � ! 2 February 13, 1945 A Regular Adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes tivas called to order at 7 o'clock P. K. with Mayor Joe L. Hagan Presiding. The roll was called and Hammons, fisher, Derby,. Ellin, Hatton and Dodge were present. Roy Blythe was present and spoke to the City Council and said that he wished to purchase a small house located on Lot 12, Block 'c); 0 r.?.ginal Plat, pity of :.macortes, and which lot is owned by the City of Lsnacortes.After some discussion a motion was made by Hammons and seconded,by Derby that this matter be referred to the Street Committee and the City Attorney. 1"otion carried. . One of the persins in the audience spoke to the City Council and pointed out the urgent need of more drainage at 1015 -11th Street. !'his matter was discussed at. some.length and lir. T. G. McCrory, City_Engineer, gave an outline of the drain- age problems in this area. hTo official action was taken in this matter. councilman Charles F. Fisher brought up the matter of the construction of a cbment sidewalk on the west side of Commercial Lvenue between 12th atreet and 15th_8treet. The matter was discussed at some length, but no official action was taken in the matter. Councilman S. T. Hatton pointed out the need of sign to be placbd.on the corner of 23rd Street and 0 Avenue. -v-. T. G. HcCrory told the City Council that an appropriate sign tivoul(' placed at this location. The graded portio.n of 23rd Street ends abruptly at. -.0 Avenue and a number of cars have -one over the end of the grade and have had to have help to get out. An appropriate sign would prevent any more trouble in this matter. ,,,.t the meeting of the City Council held on January 23, 1945, a Heating Plant bid to install a complete central Heating Plant in the Anerortes Community Building was opened. This bid was submitted by James L. HcZachlan, and this was the only bid was on file at that time. After some discussion, a motion was duly passed that this matter be laid on the table until the next meeting of the City Council. the &ayor was unable to be present at the next meeting of the �;ity.Council so the matter was continued until this meeting.. The matter of a larger storage tank was discussed and a notion was made by Dodge and seconded by Hammons that a 54 Barrel tank at an additional cost of 0185.00 be installed instead of the 24 Barrel Tank mentioned in the.specifications. The amount of the heating plant bid was $3650.00 together with the addition of ".185400 would make the total cost of the heating plant X13835.00, Motion Carried. A motion c as made by Ellin and seconded by Fisher that this heating plant bid in the total amount of x;3835.00 for the Anacortes Community Building be accepted and that tk-. City Attorney draft a,contract between the City of "-Inac-ortea and James L. Lc�achlan for the installation. of above described heatirq Dlant and that the "ayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign said contras;,. Ayes. Rammons, Fisher, sDerby, .0,llin, Eatton and Dodge. Notion carried. Having completed the business of the evening, a motion was made by Derby and seconded by-dammons that the meeting of the City Council adjourn. Hotion carried. The meeting of the City Council did then adjourn. Lt�o r Attest- ; pity Clerk fi 1 1 1 February 20, 1945 1 L7 I* I* L� e. V. :'ells, Sr., Issistaht City Attorney submitted•a report recommending the accertance of insurance policy on the 1943 International truck, issued by the Karyland Casualty Co. add also a renewal insurance policy on the City Hall in the amount of X1500000. Assistant ,A motion was ,Wade by Hammons and seconded by Schulz that the/City Attorneys report on the above described insurance policies be accepted. Motion carried. I k.r. G.V.Wells, Assistan+ City,.Attorney, also presented reports recommending the acceptance of a Bond issued in the amount of w7500.00 for .aadie 11. 1.rges, (Tity Treasurer, and also bond in the amount of 67500.00 for Sadie E. Irges, City Treas- urer, urritten by the Sun lndemnity',Co., and a bond in the amount of $P1000.00 issued by the American Bonding Co. of Baltimore, Md. covering William V. 17ells, Sr. as Assistant City Attorney. � A motion was made by Hammons, seconded by Schulz, that the Assistant City Attor- j}ey°s report recommending the acceptance of`the above described surety bonds he accepted. Motion carried. Sr. Lir. ',%V.Vells,/Assistant City Attorney, presented a quit Claim Deed from the City of Anacortes to Albert R. Verrall covering Lots 7 and the East half of Lot 8 of B Block 113, Original Plat of the City of Anacortes. A motion was made by Schulz and seconded by Hammons that said deed be signed by the Mayor and City Clerk. Lotion carried. Sr; W. V. Wells/ Assistant City .Attorney, presented a quit claim dedd from the City of Anacortes to R.L. Whipple covering Lots 3 and 4 of Block 4'1 of the Original Plut of the City of Anacortes. A motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Hatton that said deed by signed by I the Idayor and City Clerk. _Ayes, Schulz, Hammons, Fisher, Derby, Ellin and Hatton. The report of the Fire Chief for the month of January, 194f, was presented and read to the City council Motion made by I-atton and seconded by Derby that said Report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The following report from the Fire, .Light 3c Water Committee on the matter of Petitions for new street lights is as follows: � To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Your Committee on Fire, Light and Water, to whom tPras referred the matter of petitions for new Street Lights, beg leave to report as follows: That the following lights be put in at this time: ` 1. Light at 4th St. & R Avenue 1 Light at 24th Street & M Avenue 1 Light at 37th Street and R Avenue 1 Light at 35th and T, change 37th & S to R A.L:: Derby, Syd Ellin., Committee. Anacortes, Wash. February 20, 1945. A motion was made by Schulz and seconded by Hammons that the above report of the Fire Light and -eater Committee be adopted. 'Motion carried. The following communication from the Port of Anacortes was presented and read to the city council: TO THE 11AYOR AND C I TY COUNCIL: The Port of Aba,cortes being urgently in need of a gasoline pump to service its equipment from a convenient point, desires to place a gasoline despensing pump in front of its property now commonly known as 11orrison Idill Shed, being at northerly corner of Lot Ten, Block 27, and therefore respectfully requests permission to place at said point a curb pump. Useage would be entirely and solely for servicing port equipment. PORT OF ANACORTES, By Clyde 0. Tebb rA motion was made by Schulz and seconded by Hammons that permission be given to the Port of Anacortes to install the gasoline pump as requested in the above communication. Lotion carried. The matter of the request of W.R. Blythe to remove a small house from. Lot 12 Block 109 to a site on the beach on the East side of Cup Sante was discussed at this time. 1. motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Hatton that the City Attorney draw up a Bill of Sale transferring to said W.R. Blythe whatever right the city has in the above described house on said property, it beim; understood and agreed that the said W.R. Blythe will move the shack from said Block 109 and in doing so will clear the lots and ground of all delipddated structures and debris situated thereon. Ayes, Schulz, Hammons, Fisher, Derby, Ellin and _Hatton. :,-:otion carried. The regular meeting of the City council of the city of Anacortes was called to order ,t &:OU o'clock 7.2. w.th _iayor Joe L. IT-.gan presiding. Roll eas called and Schulz, II Hammons, Fisher, Derby, Ellin and Hatton viere•present. i The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. 1 L7 I* I* L� e. V. :'ells, Sr., Issistaht City Attorney submitted•a report recommending the accertance of insurance policy on the 1943 International truck, issued by the Karyland Casualty Co. add also a renewal insurance policy on the City Hall in the amount of X1500000. Assistant ,A motion was ,Wade by Hammons and seconded by Schulz that the/City Attorneys report on the above described insurance policies be accepted. Motion carried. I k.r. G.V.Wells, Assistan+ City,.Attorney, also presented reports recommending the acceptance of a Bond issued in the amount of w7500.00 for .aadie 11. 1.rges, (Tity Treasurer, and also bond in the amount of 67500.00 for Sadie E. Irges, City Treas- urer, urritten by the Sun lndemnity',Co., and a bond in the amount of $P1000.00 issued by the American Bonding Co. of Baltimore, Md. covering William V. 17ells, Sr. as Assistant City Attorney. � A motion was made by Hammons, seconded by Schulz, that the Assistant City Attor- j}ey°s report recommending the acceptance of`the above described surety bonds he accepted. Motion carried. Sr. Lir. ',%V.Vells,/Assistant City Attorney, presented a quit Claim Deed from the City of Anacortes to Albert R. Verrall covering Lots 7 and the East half of Lot 8 of B Block 113, Original Plat of the City of Anacortes. A motion was made by Schulz and seconded by Hammons that said deed be signed by the Mayor and City Clerk. Lotion carried. Sr; W. V. Wells/ Assistant City .Attorney, presented a quit claim dedd from the City of Anacortes to R.L. Whipple covering Lots 3 and 4 of Block 4'1 of the Original Plut of the City of Anacortes. A motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Hatton that said deed by signed by I the Idayor and City Clerk. _Ayes, Schulz, Hammons, Fisher, Derby, Ellin and Hatton. The report of the Fire Chief for the month of January, 194f, was presented and read to the City council Motion made by I-atton and seconded by Derby that said Report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The following report from the Fire, .Light 3c Water Committee on the matter of Petitions for new street lights is as follows: � To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Your Committee on Fire, Light and Water, to whom tPras referred the matter of petitions for new Street Lights, beg leave to report as follows: That the following lights be put in at this time: ` 1. Light at 4th St. & R Avenue 1 Light at 24th Street & M Avenue 1 Light at 37th Street and R Avenue 1 Light at 35th and T, change 37th & S to R A.L:: Derby, Syd Ellin., Committee. Anacortes, Wash. February 20, 1945. A motion was made by Schulz and seconded by Hammons that the above report of the Fire Light and -eater Committee be adopted. 'Motion carried. The following communication from the Port of Anacortes was presented and read to the city council: TO THE 11AYOR AND C I TY COUNCIL: The Port of Aba,cortes being urgently in need of a gasoline pump to service its equipment from a convenient point, desires to place a gasoline despensing pump in front of its property now commonly known as 11orrison Idill Shed, being at northerly corner of Lot Ten, Block 27, and therefore respectfully requests permission to place at said point a curb pump. Useage would be entirely and solely for servicing port equipment. PORT OF ANACORTES, By Clyde 0. Tebb rA motion was made by Schulz and seconded by Hammons that permission be given to the Port of Anacortes to install the gasoline pump as requested in the above communication. Lotion carried. The matter of the request of W.R. Blythe to remove a small house from. Lot 12 Block 109 to a site on the beach on the East side of Cup Sante was discussed at this time. 1. motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Hatton that the City Attorney draw up a Bill of Sale transferring to said W.R. Blythe whatever right the city has in the above described house on said property, it beim; understood and agreed that the said W.R. Blythe will move the shack from said Block 109 and in doing so will clear the lots and ground of all delipddated structures and debris situated thereon. Ayes, Schulz, Hammons, Fisher, Derby, Ellin and _Hatton. :,-:otion carried. 64 February 20, 1945 The matter of the request of S.P. Walsh and Delbert J. Brown to purchase Lots 13 and 1. and 14 in Block 47 of the Original Plat of the City of (,nacortes for the amount of �25.00 per lot was presented to the City council, and a motion was made b,r Hatton and seconded by Fisher that the City Council accept the above offer of -- '25.00 each..for said lots and that the City Attorney be authorized to prepare a quit claim deed covering the same, and that the Mayor and City Attorney be authorized to sign said deed. Ayes, Schulz, Iiammons, Fisher, Derby, Ellin, and Hatton. Hotion carried. The Texas Oil Co, presented a, gasoline bid in the amount of 152 cents per gallon for regular ;a.soline. _a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Ellin that the ISayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the Contract I::otion carried. `,-m. G. McCallum presented personal surety bonds for the following City officials: John G. Dorcy, 0.E. Arges, A.R. Sellenthin, H.H. Hinshaw, Nick Petrieh, John 1bo Goff, Lawrence Pollaed and Carl Franklin Springer . J. motion grad made by Schulz and Oeconded by Hammons that said surety bonds be referred to the City Attorney. notion carried-. At this time the Council considered the bid for doing the city printing for the beriod from March 1, 1945 to uarch 1, 1946. There being only one bid, that of the Anacortes Daily Mercury, on file, a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Hammons that said painting bid be opened. :otion carried. The following is the printing bid from the Anacortes Daily Ilercur•y: Feb. 20, 1945 Irlayor Joe Hagan and City Council, Gentlemen: ,-'e herewith submit our bid for the publication of the city legal notices for the perios of one year from Itiarch 1, 1945, ds follows: 1st insertion solid 12 ems 300 Subsequent insertions solid 12 ems 100 yttention is called to the service of the Mercury, available each day except Sunday. Very truly yours, DULY MERCURY By Ma4garet McNaryn A motion vias made by Schulz and seconded by Hatton that the above bid of the _r.nacortes Daily Mercury for doing the city printing during the period between Ilarch 1, 1945 and Piarch 1, 1946 by accepted. Ayes, Schulz, Mimmons, Fisher, Derby, Ellin and Hatton. Motion carried. Hr. Lee L91covich of the Fishermen's Packing Corporation spoke to the City council at some length about the relater Pollution Bill now before the State Legislature. The matter of opening a ditch on ,16th Street was discussed and a motion was � made by Hammons and seconded by Hatton that this matter be referred to the Street Sommittee and the Street Subervisor, to make.a report to the Council. Lotion carried.' Having completed the business of the evening, a. motion was made by Hatton and seconded by Ellin that the city council adjourn. The meeting of the City council did then adjourn. ATTEST I 1 1 1 NX 1 I• 1 1 P• � 0 Larch 6, 1945 The regular meeting of the City council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 8:00 o°clock P.M. with Mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. Roll was called and Hammons, Fisher, Derby, Ellin and Dodge were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. The following commumication from Labor's Legislative Council of the City of Anacortes was presented and read to the City council: A PROPOSAL FOR THE ADV4NCEIrENT OF T1-Ii+� CITY OF ANACORTES from .. BCR' S LEGISLATIVE DOUNC IL - OF NACORTES , WASH. The Honorable ka.yor and City Council: Gentlemen: Labor's Legislative Council of Anacortes gash. on hehalf of the entire labor movemeht in this City, who, we assure you, are deeply interested in the welfare and advancement of this City, wish to submit for your approval the following proposal. Whereas, The post war development of the State of '.ashingtcn promises to be phenomenal. The natural advantages of this State such as the potential and actual hydro-electricower, the natural harbors (Of which Ana- cortes has one of the best, the moderate climate, the stabilized Labor conditions, are sure to prove attractive to prospective indus- tries and ?:.ereas, The tremendous export business that will take place with the Orient and Russia, the development of Alaska, the Skagit Hy -way, con- necting Skagit County directly with Eastern Washington with its vast amount of agricultural products with Anacortes as its natural outlet, the fortunate circumstance that placed Anacortes in its position at the entrance to Puget Sound with its fine harbor and safe anchorage, its extensive water front, its accessibility to cheap hydro -electric poorer and 7hereas, the above facts make it imperative that we the citizens of Anacortes make ready and prepare for our City's destiny as an impor- tant seaport and industrial center. Therefore, We propose as a measure of preparation that we immediately develope our Port facilities to their fullest extent. ,Je also propose that a hard surface or concrete paved road or indus- trial artery be built paralleling our water front from the site of the Anacortes Veneer Inco to the site of the Robinson Fisheries. An artery of this nature along our waterfront will add greatly to our industrial facilities; it is also necessary because of the heavy hauling connected with industrial production; this artery will also remove the necessity of using; Commercial Avenue for this purpose. On the offshore side of this proposed artery are several miles of warehouse sites that will work in very nicely with the over -q11 plata In behalf of the above proposal we urge that your Honorable Body take the necessary steps to assure the adoption of this plan so that the interests and future of.Anacortes be protected and assured. Respectfully submitte, Labor's Legislative Countt of Anacortes, Washington. Stanley 4.nders6n, President." A motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Ellin that the city council write to the Labor's Legislative Council of the city of Anacortes thanking them for communication, and that their communication be turned over to the Anacortes Planning Commission. Notion carried. lv1ayor Joe L. Hagan made an oral report of the meeting of the .License -1CPolice Committee with the Chief of Pulite and himself, and was very pleased with the results of this - meeting. i"r. W. V. ,ells, Sr., Assistant City Attorney, presented the deports recommend- ing the approval of surety bonds for the following city officials: O.E. Arges, deputy Treasurer; A.R. Sellenthin, Malice Justice; John G. Darcy, City Clerk; and for H.H. Hinshaw, Chief of Police; Nick Petrish, .1seistant Chief of Police; Kohn B. Goff, Captain of Police; and Lawrence Pollard and•Carl Franklin Springer police officers. A motion was made bt Derby and seconded by Ellin that the Assistunt City .Attor- ney's report recommending the above named shrety bonds be adopted. Lotion carried. The report of the City Treasurer for the month of February, 1945, eras presented and read to the City council, and was referred by the Mayor to the Linance Committee. The. report of the Chief of Police for the month of February, 1945, was presented and.read to the City Council, and a motion rags made by Hammons and seconded by Ellin that said report be accepted and placed on file. i:,otion carried. The, retort of the ":Dater Superintedent for the month of February, 1945, was presented and read to the city council, and a motion was :Wade by Dodge and seconded by Ellin that said report be accepted and placed on file. Kotion carried The report of the Street Foreman for the month of February, 1945, was pre•sen'ted and,read to the city council and a motion was, made by Derby and seconded by Hammons that said report be accepted and placed on file. motion carried. March 6, 1945 The gasoline report for the month of February, 1945, was presented and read to the city council, and a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Ellin that said report be accepted and placed on fil':tr. Motion carried. The report of the 2olice Justice for the month of February, 1945, was presented and read to the city council, and a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Dodge that said report be accepted and placed on file. %otion carried. Mayor Joe L. Hagan brought yp the matter of the purchase of (rand View Cemetery by the city of Anacortes, and pointed out some of the difficulties of obtaining title to the Cemetery owing to the fact that it is an Estate within an Estate, which is being probated at the present time. The following committee report from the Mcense & Police Committee waspresented and read to the City Council: Your Committee on License and Police beg leave to report as follows: That a meeting held -with the Chief of Police on February 28, 1945, to consider present.ordinances, and more efficient police operation, wish to recommend at this time the following: (1) That we educate the public and enforce Ordinance No. 911 as to the one (1) hour parking law on Commercial Ave. and 10th Street between the hours of 9:00 A.H. and 6:00 io.I1. as follows: Secure signs to be placed at convenient height and located so that they will be visible to the driving public, also that parking space sufficient for a car be painted along curb extending out into the street along Commercial Ave. (3) That the Police Chief inaugurate a system of schooling for the members of the police forces through a meeting to be held once a month said meeting to be attended by the Mayor and a member of the city council of the police committee. This maeting to be held at a time set by the Police Chief when convenient for him and his men. (4) 41mending Ordinance No. 911 to give authority to the police de- partment, empowering them to impound cars for violation of present laws regulating operation and parking of motor vehicles, and any subsequent lows in the future. (5) That members of the police force purchase regulation uniforms, and the City council purchase regulation insignias for designation of rank. Ilso that handcuffs and leg irons of new design and regu- lation be purchased. Syd Ellin, falter. Hammons k.I,. Derby, Committee. .After some discussion a motion was made by Hammons, seconded by Derby that Sec. 5 of said report of the License and Police Committee be adopted and that the balance of said report be laid over until the next meeting of the city council. -Motion carried. An insurance polidy covering auxiliary firemen was recently presented to the city I council to be renewed, but after some discussion, a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Dodge that said policy covering auxiliary firemen in the City of ..nacortes be discontinued. Motion carried. gasoline contract presented by the Standard Oil Company which quoted Standard Suprdme gasoline at 18-10 and Standard Yon -premium gasoline at 15z0 was presented and read to the City Council and a motion uas made that the la.yor and City Clerk be authorized to sign said gasoline contract. A renewal Contract between the City of An_Lcortes and the I?ennsyl-vanga. Salt Efg. Co. of Tacoma, 5;oashington, for furnishing the chlorine for the 'L-4'Department was presented and read to the City council, for the period from April 1, 1945 and Harch 31, 1946, motion made by Hammons and seconded by Derby that the City Clerk and the iayor be authorized to sign said chlorine contract. Hotion carried. For some time the City council hL:s been considering the matter of improving Com- mercial Avenue by the construction of a sidewalk on certain portions of the same. The matter of contacting the owners of the property along Commercial Avenue has been discussed for some time, and the Junior Chamber of Commerce has expressed its desire to do this work. A motion was made by Fisher and seconaed by Ellin that the Junior Chamber of Commerce be authorized to contact the owners of property on Commercial Avenue where the sidewalks are being propoued, and make a report to the City Council. .notion carried. At this time the following claims against the City of Anacortes for the month of February, 1945, were ._resented to the city council: CURRMTT EXPENSE. Joe L. Hagan 12572 Salary as L2a.yor � 20.00 Elton L. Schulz 12573 a `° Councilman 5.00 Ualter Hammons 12574 " C4 Councilm€�n 10.00 Charles F. Fisher 12575 " " Councilmen 10.00 fo L. Derby 12576 " " Councilman 10.00 Syd Ellin 12577 `a "' 10.00 S. T. Hatton 1257$ " " `a 10.00 Dr. E.E. Dodge 12579 a to `I 5.00 0. E. -rges 12780 Salary as Deputy Treasurer 88.80 John G. Dorcy 12581 a n City Cberk 81.00 LEa. V. '.Jells 12582 " `° Asst City 1.ttorney 81.00 oRo Sellenthin 12583 p " Police Justice 45.10 Paul Iularshall 12584 � t° Janitor, City Hall 7,50 1 1 1 : March 6, 194 5 CURB NT EXPENSE (Cont o ) H. 0 Davey, Plb. Inspector Voitus Furniture Store Affleck Bros. Island Transfer Co. Ho H. Hinshaw Nick' Petrish Jack' Gof f 1:. Pollard Gilbert Lee :arren T�iompson Carl` Springer Withholding Tax Fund Allan's Mercantile E-A.*Abbott Motor Co Benson l�iotors Jm o G. McCallum H. H> Hinshaw J. Ce Fenney Co. Dept. of Labor & Industries P. La Larson 2081 Alfred Robbins 144,40 Dr. A. B. Cookt Blanche Sackett Alfred Robbins Asst Librarian Withholding Tax Fund Katherine H. Snider 2083 G. N. Dalstead, P.I. 9.27 ;bnaco rtes American H. 0 Davey, Plb. Inspector Voitus Furniture Store Affleck Bros. Island Transfer Co. Ho H. Hinshaw Nick' Petrish Jack' Gof f 1:. Pollard Gilbert Lee :arren T�iompson Carl` Springer Withholding Tax Fund Allan's Mercantile E-A.*Abbott Motor Co Benson l�iotors Jm o G. McCallum H. H> Hinshaw J. Ce Fenney Co. Dept. of Labor & Industries Withholding Tax Fund Firemen's Rel & Pension Fund L. E. Snider Bert ' Verrall Anac6rtes Vater Leet;, Anacortes Laundry - Simpson°s Electric Shop ;Jest Coast Telephone Co.. City Street Fund Schwartz Iron Works Trick & I Tur ray Puget Sound Power & Light The, FErn Press 12585 ;clary as Janitor, City Hall` ,m 12586 " " Dog Catcher 12587 it it Health Officer 12 588 to It Dump i1an 12589 Withholding Taxes 12590 747ork in City Clerk`s office 12591 Postage for Clerk's Office 12592 Printing Notices 12593 1 Plumbing Inspection 12594 Oil Heater, City Hall 125ti5 Fuel Oil, Fire Department 12596 Fuel Oil, City Hall 12597 Salary as C'hie;f of Police 12 59b " 10 asst Chief of Police 12599 It 10 Capt. of Police 12600 '0 f0 Patrolman 12601 " 10 Patrolman 12602 " ro Patrolman 12603 17 ` :-Patrolman 12604 Wi ehho lei ing Taxes 12605 Supplies for Police'Depto 12606 Repairs and Service, Police Car 12607 Repairs and Service, Police Car 12608 Bonds for City Officials 12609 Cash advanced for Postage 12610 Supplies for Police Dent, 12611 Ind Ins & Med Aid 12612 Sal4ry as Fire Chief 12613 0 " Asst Fire Chief 12614 11 01 Capt. Fire Dept. 12615 19 17 Fireman 12616 'P 0 Fireman 1261 0 " Fir eman 12618 0 C7 Fireman 12019 Call Tuan and Extra Fireman 12620 Call Tian ec Extra Fireman • 12621 Call Man & Extra Fireman 12622 Withholding Taxes 12623 2% of Firemen's Salaries 18624 Hi le age on Car 12625 Mileage on Car 12626 Hydrant Rental 12627 Laundry Aervic e 12628 Supplies for Fire Dept. 12629 Telephone Service 12630 Gasoline used, Fire &.Police Dept. 12631 Service for Fird Dept. 12632 Laterial and Supplies 12633 Lighting Service 12634 Supplies for Police Dept. LIBRARY FUND 49,20 23090 40.90 33.70 41.40- 8.50 1.408.50 3.0.0 1.75 1.50 40.00 4.17 ,18.,07 207&lG 202.60 181.60 164,40 164.40 181.20 176.40 92.8o- 2.14 2.8oa2014 23-11 94.96 40000 1000 10026 13.85 202.53 161.6,E 185.99 169000 169aoo 169000 172.80 16.04 9060 5..88 98.86- 28-13 808625.13 15.20 8ao0 565000 5.90 2016 10000 63064 1.88 14035 295072 7.93 L. Eo Snider 2081 Bert Verrall 144,40 Oliver Hauge Blanche Sackett M. G. Strock Asst Librarian Carl Strock K. V. Snart 2083 11. L. Iversen 9.27 Roy McDougall P. Lo Larsoic John'G> Dorcy IP " Janitor, Cancelled Lloyd Monroe Withholding Tax Fund Firemen's Rel & Pension Fund L. E. Snider Bert ' Verrall Anac6rtes Vater Leet;, Anacortes Laundry - Simpson°s Electric Shop ;Jest Coast Telephone Co.. City Street Fund Schwartz Iron Works Trick & I Tur ray Puget Sound Power & Light The, FErn Press 12585 ;clary as Janitor, City Hall` ,m 12586 " " Dog Catcher 12587 it it Health Officer 12 588 to It Dump i1an 12589 Withholding Taxes 12590 747ork in City Clerk`s office 12591 Postage for Clerk's Office 12592 Printing Notices 12593 1 Plumbing Inspection 12594 Oil Heater, City Hall 125ti5 Fuel Oil, Fire Department 12596 Fuel Oil, City Hall 12597 Salary as C'hie;f of Police 12 59b " 10 asst Chief of Police 12599 It 10 Capt. of Police 12600 '0 f0 Patrolman 12601 " 10 Patrolman 12602 " ro Patrolman 12603 17 ` :-Patrolman 12604 Wi ehho lei ing Taxes 12605 Supplies for Police'Depto 12606 Repairs and Service, Police Car 12607 Repairs and Service, Police Car 12608 Bonds for City Officials 12609 Cash advanced for Postage 12610 Supplies for Police Dent, 12611 Ind Ins & Med Aid 12612 Sal4ry as Fire Chief 12613 0 " Asst Fire Chief 12614 11 01 Capt. Fire Dept. 12615 19 17 Fireman 12616 'P 0 Fireman 1261 0 " Fir eman 12618 0 C7 Fireman 12019 Call Tuan and Extra Fireman 12620 Call Tian ec Extra Fireman • 12621 Call Man & Extra Fireman 12622 Withholding Taxes 12623 2% of Firemen's Salaries 18624 Hi le age on Car 12625 Mileage on Car 12626 Hydrant Rental 12627 Laundry Aervic e 12628 Supplies for Fire Dept. 12629 Telephone Service 12630 Gasoline used, Fire &.Police Dept. 12631 Service for Fird Dept. 12632 Laterial and Supplies 12633 Lighting Service 12634 Supplies for Police Dept. LIBRARY FUND 49,20 23090 40.90 33.70 41.40- 8.50 1.408.50 3.0.0 1.75 1.50 40.00 4.17 ,18.,07 207&lG 202.60 181.60 164,40 164.40 181.20 176.40 92.8o- 2.14 2.8oa2014 23-11 94.96 40000 1000 10026 13.85 202.53 161.6,E 185.99 169000 169aoo 169000 172.80 16.04 9060 5..88 98.86- 28-13 808625.13 15.20 8ao0 565000 5.90 2016 10000 63064 1.88 14035 295072 7.93 7IT HHOLDING TAX FUND .Peoples National Bank of 71no 20 Withholding Tax Deductions 646061- Constance Fox 2081 Salary,,z Librarian 144,40 Blanche Sackett 2082 Asst Librarian 96.80 Paul'IVlarshall 2083 " r' Janitor 9.27 P. Lo Larsoic 2084 IP " Janitor, Cancelled Withholding Tax Fund 2085 Eaithholding Taxes 54.25 - Puget Sound Power'& Light Co. 2086 Lights used in Library 9044 Anacor tes tater Dept. 2087 Water used in Library 2-50 Dept; of Labor & Industries 2088 Ind Ias and bled Aid .28 Charles Scribner & Sons 2089 Books for Library 12335 The H.';d. Wilson Co. 2090 Books for Library 20020 Pacific N-VI.Bibliographic Center 2091 Membership Fees 20.00 The A.C. McClurg & Co. 2092 Books for Library 16094 Constance Fox 2093 Cash Advanced 6091 P. Lo Larson 2094 To replace No. 2084 60028 PARK FUND J. E. Harding 1559 Salury as Park Supt. 164.40 Walter C. Strong 156 Salary as Park Employee 148.60 Withholding Tax Fund 1 61. Withholding Taxee 37 0 00- Anacdrtes '.'Dater Dept. 1662 '-ater used at Sunset Beach 2050 City Street Fund 1563 Gasoline used in .Park Truck 3088 Dept. of Labor & Industries 1564 Ind Ins & lied Lid 5.78 Southside Hardware 'Co. 1565 Equipment for Park Dept. 2017 Marshall '�: el is Stores 1566 la 17 to to 1.53 7IT HHOLDING TAX FUND .Peoples National Bank of 71no 20 Withholding Tax Deductions 646061- T. G. 11cCrory Sadie Ila. Aries Dorothy Fee John G. Dorcy Charles ', edlund Russell Carolan V. 0. Rogers G. F. Keller L. Siret t Frank Deane fester Thomas Carl :elk D. A-. Lundgacird Withholding Tax Fund Curtis 1Jharf Co. Railway Express °gency �.'a,llace & Tiernan Pennsylvania Salt Co. Scientific Supplies Co. '.Jest Coast Telephone Co. Island Transfer Cor Puget Sound Power & Light Co. H. Cox & Co. Town of La Conner Robert Nordland. Schwartz Iron Works Dept. of labor & Industries City Street Fund F. =°a.. Abbott No,tor Co. Brown Lumber C o . Aubert°s Drug; Henry Brantley SimpsBn's Electric Shop Larine Supply & Hardware Skugit Electric Co. Lt. Vernon Transfer Co. Anchor Packing Co. Pittsburgh Equitable Co. The Fern Press Standard Oil Co. G. N. Dalstead, P.PI. Tax -Commission Skagit Bonded Collectors March 6, 1945 'TATER DEP 4F ANT FU1M 8359 Salary as ' ,,a ter Supt . 275.00 8360 "' ca dater Cashier 147.60 361 ;later Clerk 121.C'O 8362 " Bookkeeper 49.20 8363 7:ater Foreman 229.37 8364 �' �' Serviceman 187.78 8365 'a Fi 1 to rman 190.40 8366 Fi1terman 172.70 8367 FiI to rman 156.90 8368 Fi 1 to man 156.90 8369 Pumpman 190.40 8370 Wages as Laborer 12.68 8371 Wages as Laborer 20.00 8472 Withholding Taxes 181.40® 8376 PTaterial and Supplies 77.87 8373 Express on Supplies, i:ater Dept. .40 8374 Parts for Chloriort;or 1.56 8375 Chlorine for Water Dept. 119.14 8377 Supplies for ':Jat er Dept. 5.92 9378 Telephone Service 20.00 8379 Fuel Oil for Filter Plant 16.66 8380 Power and Service 1197.52 8981 Fquipme nt and Supplies 649.97 8 2 .Labor for Pipeline Repairs 58.00 383 Opening and Closing Ditch 756.50 8384 Labor, ila to ri al & Suppl ie s' 260.41 b385 Ind Ins & Med Aid 13.57 8,386 Gasoline used in motor vehicles 24.24 8 57 Service to 1940 Dodge Coupe 7.39 8388 Lumber for Vater Dept. 43.90 8389 Supplies for `Dater Dept. 1.32 8390 Equipment for 'dater Dept. 4.12 8391 IV n a M98 8392 Ha to r ial and Supplies 11.16 8393 Service a< t Avon Pump House 6.44 $394 Freight on Pump farts .80 8395 Supplies for 'tater Dept. 24.21 8396 Deter Parts 91.87 8397 Printing and Supplies 41.97 8398 Gasoline for !.his tle Dake Pump 35.15 8399 Postage for 'later Off ice 6.00 8400 Business Tax 527.88 8401 Collection. of eater bills 102.03 5ITY aTR". T FUND P. E. Olson 1985 Salary as Street Foreman 166.10 Lynn Balcomb 1986 « « Graderman 177.80 Roy' McDougall 1987 "' Pnlaintendnce Plan 173.8q Dave Summers 1988 r ° ��T intenanc e an 113.80 Carl Welk 1989 p 17 Lain tenanc e Pian 172.70 Lee Parish 1990 " Street Sweeg)er 105.10 T. G. P.1cCrory 1991 Street Supervisor John G. Dorcy 1992 Bookkeeper Withholding Tax Fund, 1993 71ithholding Taxes 140.904 Marine Supply & Hardware 1994 Pella to ri al and Supplies 58.$6 Charles E. Franklin 1995 Painting a Street sign 3.09 Curtis '�,harf Co. 1996 Material for Street Dept. 1.01 .Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 1997 Poorer for Crusher 37.50 Brown Lumber Co. 1998 Lumber for Street Dept. 29.2 The Texas Company 1999 Gasoline, City Pump 75.96 Shell Oil Company 2000 Gasoline, City Pump 55.50, Union Oil Company 2001 Gasoline, City Pump 48.66 Standard Oil Co. 2002 Gasoline, City Pump 24.05 Schwartz Iron Works 2003 ��,Iaterial for Street Dept. 053 Lt. -Vernon Bldg 11aterial Co. 2004 Supplies for Street Dept. 9.81 Dept. of Labor x Ind. 2005 Ind Ins & Iced Aid 17.05 T.G. KcftoZy 2006 To replace #1991 40.90 John G. Dorcy 2007 To replace #1992 40.90 COL(QlMITY BUIIDING RENTAL FUND Anacortes ',Dater Dept. 29 Fater used in Community Bldg 7.95 Puget Sound Power & bight Co. 30 Fights used in Community Bldg 42.70 A motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Ellin that the above claims for the month of February, 1945, be presented to the Finance Committee. Potion carried. The Finance @ommittee considered said claims against the City of 4-nacortes for the month of February, 1945, and recommended that the Claims be allowed and warran�i5 drawn on the City for the same°��o A motion was rade by Hammons and seconded by Ellin that the recommendation of the Finance Committee in the matter of the above described claims be adopted. .Ayes, Hammons, Fisher, Derby, Ellin and Dodge. LIotion carried. Junior The Anacortes/Chamber of Commerce has requested the use of certain rooms in the Anacortes Community Building for the Youth Center and the Building Committee was instructed to meet with the Junior Chamber of Commerce and find out their plans and what particular part of the Anacortes Community Building they wished to use. 1 1 1 1 I• 1 � is 11arch 6, 194 5 Having completed the business of the evening , a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Hammons that the meeting of the city council adjourn. The meeting of the city council did then adjourn. i ATTE S T: T prAyp R l - `� City Clerk March 20, 1945 The regular meeting of the city councitl of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 8:00 o'clock P.M. Frith blayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. Roll was called and Schulz, Hammons, Fisher, Derby and Dodge were present. :Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as read. The reportof the Chief of the Fire Department for the month of February, 1945 was presented and read to the Citi} council, and a tgot ion was made by Schulz and seconded by Hammons that said reportbe accepted and filed. Yotion carried. The following report of the Streets & Parks Committee was presented and read to the City council: (See page 60 for copy) March 20, 1945 Honorable 4iyor and City Council Gentlemen: Following is a report of the Fire Department for the month ending February 28, 1945. 9 Charms Loss $25.)0 Valuation of property involved !p63,500.00, Insurance carried on property involved A45,800,00 Average men attending fires 6 2 Drills 28 Building inspections 2 Inspection of gasoline tank installation 2 Buildings condemned and being removed Charged three extinguishers for Citizens. 24 hours Mechanical work on apparatus 100 police calls completed. Respectfully submitted L. E. Snider, Fire Chief A motion was made by Ha,nmons and seconded by Schulz that the above report be accepted and placed on file. Iuotion carried. !Jr. T.G. McCrory, Street Supervisor, made an oral report arid'stated..thaf the work :mentioned in the above reoort,tiaas practically all completed. Tr. Tom Forsythe spoke to the city council and asked that a street light be installed at 37th Street and S avenue. %fter some discussion a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Ra.mmons that this matter be referred to the Fire, Light & 'Mater Committee and the Street Slapervisor notion carried. Councilman Derby brought up the matter of trying to obtain State funds for a Director of Recreation for either inside or outside recreational activities. This matter was discussed at some length .but no official action was taken. The matter of allowing a youth group to go ahead and use certain portions of the .Anacortes Community Building was discussed at some length, and a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Dodge that the Youth Center be alloir?ed to go ahead and use the room on the East side of the Community Building just North of the room now occupied by the Red Cross, temporarily. Ayes, Schulz, Hammons, Fisher, Derby and Dodge. It was reported that the Junior Chamber of Commerce is working on the matter of the survey for sidewalks on Commercial Avenue, and expect to have a report for the next meeting of the city council. The matter of placing a center strip on the highway leading into Anacortes down to Second Street and "o°' Avenue was discussed at this time, and a motion was made by Haimmons and seconded by Lerby that this matter be referred to the City Attor- ney to dray up a resolution for center striping of the highway leading from the Anacortes City limits to Second Street and 0 Avenue. Tiotion carried. deferring to the License & Pblice Committee report shown on page 56 of this record, a motion was mad:: by Hammons and seconded by Derby that Paragraph 2 of said .License & Police Committee report be adopted. 'W:otion carried. In the matter of providing a heating plant for the Anacortes Community Building it appears at this time that the CirSr of Anacortes will possibly not be allowed to use oil -burning equipment in this heating pl:int. A motion was made by Schulz and seconded by Derby that the crder for an oil-burnOT-for the heating plant h,arch 20, 1945 - ------ - - - - - — - - - -- ----- (( I for the Anacortes Community Building be cancelled, provided that the Office of the i Petroleum ,.dministration for 7ar revoke our authority to use oil in ,the above described heating plant. DIotion carried. A g-soline contract submitted by the Standard ail Company was presented and read to the city council wherein the price of Standard premium gasoline was quoted at 176K Standard non -premium gasoline quoted at 15-�O. A motion w(ns made by Schulz and seconded by Derby that the Liayor and City Cleric be authorized to sign said gasoline contract. io6ion carried. fit this time Councilman A.L. Derby reported that the Ochool Board was making a ©urvey of the recreational facilities in the City of Anacortes, and Uayor !lagan appointed Councilman Derby to represent the City and make a report on the results of this recreation meeting. A surety bond for Gilbert 0. Lee, city policerr@n, was presented and read to the city council and a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Schulz that this matter be referred to the City Attorney. notion carried. The matter of installing a tennis Court hn the lower western part of Causla,nd Park oas suggested by Councilman E. E. Dodge, and after some discussion a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Derby that this matter be taken up with the Anacortes :'ark Board and that u report be made at the nett meeting of the city council. `motion curried. ?having completed the business of the evening, a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by :Fisher that the meeting of the city council wdjourn. The meeting of the city council did then adjourn. UAY �yTTEST r City Attorney Report of the Utreets & Parks Commit tee p To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Your Committee on Streets and Parks to whom was referred the matter of sur.'ace water gverflowing the ditch on 0 Avenue between 22nd Street and 28th Street, beg leave to report as follows: Tlia.t the committee, together with Hayor Hagen and Sup°t McCrory made a tour of inspection on the above described street on `,Jed. February 21, 1945, and found that the ditch was partially filled with rubbish, berry bushes and weeds, thereby causing the water to seep along both sides of the ditch on private property. The Committee recommends that the Street Department be instructed to clean this ditch from Twenty Second Street to approximately Twenty Eighth Street. Anacortes, Wash. February 23rd, 1945 Elton L. Schulz, Chairman. 1 1 1 0\1I 1 10 1 1 � 0 1 April 3, 1945 j The regular meeting of the city council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 8:00 o'clock D.LI, with 11ayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. Roll was called and Schulz, Fisher, Desby, Ellin and Dodge were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. The following communication from the General Chemical Company was presented and read to the city council: Seattle, 1, Washington Iffarch 20, 1945 City -of Anacortes, . Anacortes, Washington. Gent•Iemen: Referring to our contract with you dated November 10; 1941 covering your requirements of Aluminum Sulfate, we wis:z to advise that effective March 15, 1945, and continuing thereafter unless notified in :rriting to the contractayour price on this commodity will be as follows: Sulfate of Alumina In 100 pound paper bags, carloads •- $26.25 per N.T. of 2,000 pounds, F.O.B. Nichols, California. .All. other terms and conditions of said contract shall remain in full force and effect. Yours very truly, GENERA- C HMKIC AL COMPANY WTAC/ t h By W.M. Cliner. RECEIPT ACKN017I.EDGED: assistant 11.anager CITY OFANACORTES COUNTER aIGNED: Joe L. Hagan, Date ,A •motion -tiwas made by Schulz and seconded by Aerby that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign said communication. !notion carried. A•motion was made by Schulz and seconded by Derby that the City Clerk advertise a -Call for Bids for 50 tons of Sulfate of Alumina to be used in the ':tater Department. Motion carried. iy�r•. W.V. Tells, Sr., Assistant City Attorney, presented a report recommending the acceptance of a surety bond for Gilbert 0. Lee, city police officer. A motion was made by Derby and seconded by Ellin that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The report of the '.later Superintendent for the month of Karch, 1945, was pre- sented and read to the city council, and a motion was made by Schulz and se- conded -by Dodge that said report be accepted and placed on .file. I,;lotion carried The report of the Street Foreman for the month of !�a.rch, 1945, was presented and read to the city council, and a motion eras made by Derby and seconded by Ellin that said report be accepted and placed on file. emotion carried. The Police Justice report for the month of march, 1945, was presented and read to the city council and a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Derby that said report•be accepted and placed on file. motion carried. A•petition to the city council to install adequate water mains along 3jth Street betweeaa 10 10 and °S" avenues was presented and read to the city council. After some discussion, Tdr. T.G. KcCrory, Uater Superintendent, was asked .to made a survey of the new water main possibilities and make a report at the next meeting. The Treasurer "s report for the month of 'arch, 1945, was presented to the city council and was referred by the Kayor to the finance Committee. ;Er. T.G. McCrory, Street Supervisor, made an oral report to the city council with reference to the installation of neva street lights which had been author- ized recently by action of the city council. Lights at 24th Street and M .Ave. 37th and R Aveo;•37th and S Ave. cannot be installed due to regulations which will not permit the power Company to use the necessary material to install the above described lights. The street lights at 4th Street and R Aveoue will be installed and also a street light will be installed at 35th Street and T Avenue, and the street light at 35th Streetand S Avenue will be moved to 35th Street and -R Avenue. The matter of the purchase of road oil for use on the streets during the pre- sent year was discussed and a motion was made by Schulz and seconded by Ellin that the City Clerk advertise a Call for Bids for approximately 100 tons of road oil. Motion c irried. At this time the matter of legal punch boards was discussed at some length. April 3, 1945 A motion was made by Derby and seconded by Schulz that the Hayor secure a list of merchants in the city of Anacortes rho wish to use these legal punch boards. Also the matter of an appropriate license on the use of the above punch boards was discussed but no official action i--aas taken. Mayor Hagan reported that satisfactory progress was being made in the matter of sidewalks for certain portions of Commercial Avenue. At this time the claims against the city of Anacortes for the month of larch, 1945, were presented and read to the city council: CURRENT E)nPENSE Joe L. Kagan 12635 Salary as Trayo r 20..00 Mton A. Schulz 12636 Salary as Councilman 5.00 7a,1 to r Hammons 12637 Salary 10.00 Charles F. Fisher 12638 t° " 10.00 1 • J11. L. Derby 12639 `T " `y 10.00 Syd Ellin 12640 `VI 5.00 Dr. E.E. Dodge 12641 It 10.00 O.E. krges 12642 ' "Depaty Trees. John G. Dorcy 12643 City Clerk 810 00 "V.V. ;"ells, Sr. 12644 3 Asst City tty 81.00 Dr. A.B: Cook 12645 Health Officer 40.90 .1.R. Sellenthin 12646 Police Justice, 45.10 Alfred Robbins 12647 " `y Dog Catcher 23.90 1 P. L. Larson 12648 n M Janitor, City Ha. 55.10 .,lfred Dobbins 12649 " n Dump h�an 33.70 Withholding Tax Fund 12650 Withholding Taxes 43.J0> Ga N. Dalstead, P.H. 12651 Postage for Clerk's office 2.00 .1merican City Magazine 12652. Subsc. to American City 'Hug. 2.00 I Union Printing Co. 12653 Supplies for Clerk's office 2.49 KeeLox Hfg. Co. 12654 Supplies for Clerk's Office 1.29 Municipal Finance Assn 12655 K3embership in Pssociation 10.00 P.n: tortes .American 12656 Printing Supplies, Treas. Office 43079 j H. 0. Davey, Plumbing Inspector 12657 2 Plumbing Inspections 3.00 Robbins Lumber Co. 12658 Lumber & daterial, City Hall 1.87 J. P. Gurney 12659 Equipment for Fire Department 4.50 Island Transfer Co. 12660 Fuel Oil for City Hall 17.17 Simpson's Electric Shop 12661 Supplies for City Hall 1.03 Anacortes Gas Co. 12662 Gas used for City Hall, 2 mos. 9.61 James L. KcLachlan 12663 Payment of Heating Plant Contr.. 6042.93 H. H. Hinshaw 12664. Salary as Chief of Police 207010 Nick Petrish 12665 Salary as Asst Chief of .Police 202.60 Jack Goff 12666 n Capt. of Police 181.60 L. Pollard 12667 °° " Patrolman 164.40 Gilbert Lee 12668 C3 to 164.40 -.Iarren Thompson 12669 U 181.20 1 Carl Springer 12670 p " 1'19..67 'Jithholding Tax Fund 12671 17ithholding Tax Deductions 92.80- H. H. Hinshaw 12622 Cash Advanced 1.00 Carl Springer 12673 Cash advanced for ammunition 12.50 W. S. Darley 12674 Supplies for Police Dept. 21.60 Railway Express _lgency 12675 Express Charges, Pqlice Dept. 1.42 Dr. George Shorkley 12676 Hedical Service for prisoner 5.0,)) -`E. A. Abbott Motor Co. 12677 Service and Repairs, Police Dept. 55.55 Anacortes nmerican 12678 Printing Supplies 6.18 Um. G. L eCallum 12679 Bond for Patrolman 5.00 A. Arthur Riggs 12680 Service and Equipment 29.94 Colvin°s Service Station 12681 Service and Repairs, Police Dept. 2.07 Dept. of Labor & Industries 12682 Ind Ins 11 Lied Aid 16.28 L. E. Snider 12683 Salary as Fire Chief 202.53 Bert Verra,ll 12684 tQ t° .Asst mire Chief 181.67 Oliver Hauge 12685 `s C° Captain Fire -Jept. 165.99 • L?. G. Strock 12686 Fireman 169000 Carl Strock 12687 to `L Fireman K..V. Snart 1266 f0 43 `` 1Fi9.00 M. L. Iversen 12689 °Z " t° 172.60 Lloyd Monroe, 12690 Call Ulan, vire Dept. 1.00 Roy McDougall 12691 Call Iblan and Extra Fireman 12.56 • George Tuiller 12692 Fire Dept. 1.00 J. G. Dorcy 12693 i0 ° & Extra. Fireman 13.3p Withholding Tax Fund 12694 Withholding takes 99's,70 - Firemen's Rel. & Pen Fund 12695 2% of Firemen's Salaries 2'1.69 City Street 12696 Gasoline used Police & Fire Depto 69.56 Lo E. Snider 12697 mileage on Car and Cash Advanced 19.00 Bert Verra.11 12698 mileage on Car 000 Anacortes Water Department 12699 Hydrant iiental 565.00 Union Oil Company 12700 Supplies for Fire Dept. 13.20 `vest Coast Telephone Co. 12701 Telephone Service 14.00 1 Southside Hardware Co. 12702 Supplies for Fire Dept. 1.11 I Sanderson Safety Supply Co. 12703 Supplies for Fire Dept. 14.65 Trulson Hotor Co. 12704 Tkuck Repairs, Fore Dept. .87 K arine Supply& Hardware 12705 Material. and Supplies 7.37 Puget Sound Power & bight Co. 12706 Lighting Service 291.83 The Fern Press 12707 Supplies for Fire Dept. & Clerk 4,85 Railway Express Agency 12708 Express Charges, Fire Dept. 2023 O.E. Arges 12709 To Replace number 12642 88080 April 3, 1945 LIBRARY YJND Constance Fox 2095 jalary as Librarian 144.40 Blanche Sackett 2096 " " t 96.80 I'. L. I•arson 2097 ."ss .Librarian Janitor 68.40 17ithholding Tax Fund 2098 Withholding Taxes 55.40- Anacortes '.later Dept. 2099 Water used at Library 2.50 Puget Sound Tower & Light 2100 Lights used at Library 6.28 Chas. E: Franklin 2101 Labor at Library 43 25 Moran's Boat Shon 2102 Flower Boxes for Library 8.65 Iserman Goldberger Agency 2103 Magazine Subscriptions 60.90 A. C. McClurg & Co. 2104 Books for Library 18.84 Dept. of Labor & Ind. 2105 Ind Ins & plied Aid .32 I• 1 1 10 14D J. E. Harding ':dalte r Strong Withholding Tax Fund Anaco rtes `,later Dept. City Street Fund Chester Duranceau Iut. Vernon Nursery Carlos C. Cook Dept. of Labor & Ind Southside Hardwolre Colvin's Service Station Laryott's Greenhouse R. G. McCrory Sadie M. P;rges Dorothy Fee John G. Darcy Charles "ledlund Russell Carolan 7. 0. Rogers G. F. Keller .. Sirett Frank Deane Lester Thomas I). A. Lundgaard `'lithholding Tax Fund Dept. of Conservati.oh and Development E. Danielson Pennsylvania. Salt Co. Crest Coast Telephone Co. Island Transfer Co. Railway Express Co. 1.7allace & Tiernan Co. Puget Sound -Power & Light Nash Engineering Co. H.D. Fowler Co. Delaval Steam Turbine Co. Anchor Packing Co. Skagit Electric Co. tlor thing ton Gamon Meter Co. The Fern Press G. N. Dalstead, P.R. Marine Supply Co. Curtis Wharf Co. Colvin's Service Station Dept. of Labor & Industries City Street Fund Standard Oil Co. Skagit Valley Telephone Co. Trulson Motor Co. Central Furniture Store PARli FUND 1567 Salary as Park Supt. 1568 Salary as Park Employee 1569 Withholding Taxes 1570 Slater used at Sunset Beach 1571 Gasoline used in Park Truck 1572 Supplies for Park Dept. . 1573 Shrub for Park 1574 Servide for Park Dept. 1575 Ind Ina & Tied Aid . . 1576 Supplies for Park Dept. 1577 Service oh Park Truck 1578 Supplies for Park Dept. ;DATER DEPARTITENT 8402 Salary as Water Supt. 8403 " 01 `Nater Cashier 8404 Roy rlcDougall " Cle rk 8405 n ` Bookkeeper 8406 T.G. McCrory Water Foreman 8407 t0 iD Servic eman 8408 ` " Filterman 8409 n r Fi 1 to rman 8410 " " Fi 1 to rman 8411 co cr co 8412 Brown Lumber C o . Pumpmsn 8413 gages as Laborer 8414 Withholding Taxes 8415 Uater Permit s 8416 Registration Fees 8417 Chlorine for ':later Dept. 8418 Telephone Service 8419 Fuel Oil, City Hall 8420 Express on Pump Parts 8421 Supplies for hater Dept. 8422 Poner and Service 8423 Supplies for Water Dept. 84244 Part for Surge Suppressor 8425 Parts for Avon Pump 8426 Supplies for Water Dept. 8427 P It so n 8428 12 new Meters 8429. Printing and Supplies 8430 Stamps for ?'Dater Office 8431 Equipment for �-:ater Dept. 8432 Material for 71ater Dept. 8433 Tire and Tire Repairs 8434 Ind Ins and Iled laid 8435 Gasoline used in',.. -later Dept. 8436 Supplies for Water Dept. 8437 Telephone Service at Avon 8438 Truck Repairs 8439 Pump for later Dept. CITY STREET FUND 2008 Salary as Street Foreman 2009 " " Graderman 2010 " t0 h1aintenanc a P.'Ian 2011 2012 2013 " t° Street Sweeper 2014 Street Supervisor 2015 " f0 Bookkeeper 2016 Cli thho ld ing Taxes 2017 Material for Street Dept. 2018 Truck Repairs 2019 Express Charges, Street Dept. 2020 Supplies for Street Dept. 2021 Ind Ins & lied Aid 2022 Oil and Gasoline 2023 Gasoline, City Pump 2024 Gasoline, City Pump 2025'' Gasoline, City Pump 2J26 Power for C ruche r 2027 Lumber for Street Dept. 164.40 148.60 37.,)0- 2.50 5.74 7.50 1.55 7.21 6.74 1.66 4.38 7.21 275.00 147.60 121.00 49.20 227.97 186.65 190.40 172.70 156.90 156.90 190.40 10.80 178.20- 2.80 1.50 119.45 11.80 22.50 8.61 4..30 1222.01 30.70 128.75 311.58 56.56 5.78 146. io 56.65 6.00 111.70 7.21 81.02 19.20 22.38 9 9 12.96 6.34 2.58 166.10 1'77.80 173. So 173.80 172.70 26.'14 40.90 40.90 127-75- 3.09 13.60 .98 10.46 17.44 64.11 37-93 55.50 3ra�-o 9.08 P.2. Olson Lynn Balcom Roy rlcDougall Dave Summe rs Carl Velk Lee Parish T.G. McCrory John G. Dorcy "Ji thhold i ng Tax Fund Curtis t;harf Co. 'Trulson Hotor Co. Anac3rtes-11t. Vernon Stage Mount Vernon Bldg Kate ri al Co. Dept. of Labor & Industries Standard Oil Co. The Texas Company Shell Oil Company Union Oil Company Puget Sound Power & Light Brown Lumber C o . 2008 Salary as Street Foreman 2009 " " Graderman 2010 " t0 h1aintenanc a P.'Ian 2011 2012 2013 " t° Street Sweeper 2014 Street Supervisor 2015 " f0 Bookkeeper 2016 Cli thho ld ing Taxes 2017 Material for Street Dept. 2018 Truck Repairs 2019 Express Charges, Street Dept. 2020 Supplies for Street Dept. 2021 Ind Ins & lied Aid 2022 Oil and Gasoline 2023 Gasoline, City Pump 2024 Gasoline, City Pump 2025'' Gasoline, City Pump 2J26 Power for C ruche r 2027 Lumber for Street Dept. 164.40 148.60 37.,)0- 2.50 5.74 7.50 1.55 7.21 6.74 1.66 4.38 7.21 275.00 147.60 121.00 49.20 227.97 186.65 190.40 172.70 156.90 156.90 190.40 10.80 178.20- 2.80 1.50 119.45 11.80 22.50 8.61 4..30 1222.01 30.70 128.75 311.58 56.56 5.78 146. io 56.65 6.00 111.70 7.21 81.02 19.20 22.38 9 9 12.96 6.34 2.58 166.10 1'77.80 173. So 173.80 172.70 26.'14 40.90 40.90 127-75- 3.09 13.60 .98 10.46 17.44 64.11 37-93 55.50 3ra�-o 9.08 r% . 4 11nacortes 1Nater Deet Puget Sound Poc.er & Dight Co. IT)ril 3, 1945 C01.1113NITY BUI1=TG RENTAL FUITM 31 ':Nater used at Community Bldg 32 Lights used at 0 FII =' E ° S REL IE F UMI �NaION FUVD - Samuel G. Brooks Estate 214 Off ide Treatment for injured fireman WITHHOLDING TAX FUND 8.90 2 .75 2.00 Peoples National Bank of Wash. 21 Total of Withholding Ta2z deduc- tions 633®85 A .motion was made by Derby and seconded by -Alin that t he above claims be refer- red to the Finance Committee. notion Carried. The Finance Committee recommended that the claims be alto. ed and warrants u rav,an in favor of the same. A motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Derby that the recommendation of the Finance Committee in the me-tter of the claims against the city of An;.�cortes for the month of March, 1945, be adopted. Ayes, Schulz, Fisher, Derby, :Alin and Dodge. Motion carried. There being no further business to come before the meeting, a motion was made by Schulz and seconded by Derby that the meeting of the city council adjourn. The meeting of the city council did then adjourn- LT7y ST 0 April 17, 1945 T-.1 AYO R A Regular Meeting of -the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 8 o'clock P. M. with Mayor Joe L. pagan presiding. The Roll was called and Hammons, Fisher, Derby, Ellin, Hatton and Dodge were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Ur. Clayborn Colvin of the Anacortes Junior Chamber of Commerce spoke to the City Council about a suitable room in the Anacortes Community.Building to be used asa recreation room. After some discussion, it was decided to have the City Council :Building Committee meet with the Anacortes Junior Chamber of Commerce at 2 20. M. on April 18, 1945 in the Community Building. An -oral application was made at this time for the purchase or lease of certain property about 650 feet long and located on 38th Street between J and L Avenues and owned by the Anacortes Dater Department. After some discussion, a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Batton that this matter be referred to the Streets and Parks Committee and Mr. T. G. McCrory, Street Supervisor. Motion carried. 1, Resolution providing for the vacation of the Alleys in Blocks 146 qnd 153 of Original Plat of the -City of Anacortes was presented and read to the City Council and a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Fisher that the said resolution be -adopted and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign said Resolu- tion. Motion carried. The following communication was presented and read to the City Councils Anacortes, 'dash. , April 16, 1945. Honorable Mayor & City Council: Gentlemen: I wish to lease for garden purposes that portion of Baltimore Avenue lying between the alley between 2nd Street Hest and 3rd Street from the south boiandry of said Alley to the north boundry of 3rd Street West. The above described property is now overgrown with brush and bushes. If a lease is granted to me I will clear the land and plant a garden on this property. Thanking you for what you can do for me in this matter, I ams Yours very truly, Gilbert 0. Lee After some discussion a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Fisher that this matter be referred to the Streets and Parks Committee. notion carried. 1 11 1 1 I* 1 10 140 April 17, 1945, Continued 'i The Curtis Wharf Company made application through their attorney, Ben Driftmier, for a renewal of their lease on the ,fest 40 feet o,' 0 Avenue North of the Great Northern Railway Hight of tiJay and the East 40 Feet of. N Avenue North of the North line of Second Street, and a motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Ellin that the City Council allow the renewal of above described leases. Motion carried. At this time an estimateof the cost of re -roofing the Anacortes Community Build- ing in the amount of ?650000, plus tax, was presented and read to the City Council. After some discussion a motion was made by Hatton and seconded by Hammons that this matter be referred to the Building & Plumbing Committee. Motion carried. A written report from Mr. T. G. McCrory recommending that ,starting with the meter reading in the middle of h -ay and ending on a like date in October, the minimum amount of water charged to regular users be increased from 500 cubic feet to 1000 cubic feet per month, this increase,of course, being contingent on our havein a surplus of v,ater over our regular requirements. A motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Fisher that the above recommendation by Mr. T. G. McCrory ;'Dater Superintendent,be adopted. Motion carried. dir. L. E. Snider, spoke to the City Council at some length and urged that S Ave- nue from 20th Street to 21st Street be opened as soon as possible. The Fire Chief pointed out the manyatvantages and benefits which would accrue to the City if snsrnecnedeewe ttetsfremdnmotion bymmoandsodbyDerby hahimatrbereferredto the Streets and -'arks Committee, the ,'dater Superintendent and the Fire Chief. Motion carried. The report of the Fire Department for the month o.f March, 1945, was presented and read to the City Council and a motion was made by Hatton and seconded by Hammons that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. A contract price of $140.00 plus a certain amount of money for labor and material for removing plai'Jter and repairing the walls in the Office of the Chief of Police was given orally by the City Clerk for painting and paperhanging in the City Clerk's Office and the Office of the Chief of Police, and a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Hatton that the above price quotation be accepted. Ayes, Hammons,-eidher, Derby, Ellin, Hatton and Dodge. Motion carried. J. Shepperd, of the Junior Chamber of Commerce made a very favorable report of the proposed sidewalks for Commercial Avenue. lit the last meeting of the City Council, the City Clerk was authorized to call f6r approximately 50 tons of Aluminum Sulfate for the `dater Department. These bids were to be opened at this meeting and a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Dodge that said Aluminum Sulfate bid be opened. Motion carried. The only bid received and on file wa,s from the General Chemical Company, of Seattle, !Jashington, and the bid given was at yS26.25 per bet ton, F. 0. B. Nichols, California, and a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Fisher that above bid on Aluminum Sulfate, be accepted. Ayes, Hammons, Fisher, Derby, :Alin, Hatton & Dodge. Motion carried. Al T aih the n meEtAng of the City � vncil the City Clerk was authorized to pu is a ca or i s for approxi.ma e y 106 1° of $ituminus'Cement, MC2, "C3, or RCS, and said bids Were to be opened a is time. A motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Dodge that the one and only bid on the Bituminous Cement.be opened. Notion carried. This one and only bid was from the Standard Oil Company and gave 313.90 per ton. A motion was ;nude by -Jodge and seconded by Derby of the Stanaard Oil Company� qupting the prase of $13.90 per fon Cement be accepted. ,dyes, Hammons, Fisher, Derby, Ellin, Hatton Motion carried. the price of that i,he bid for ;3 ,Ulmirlo,us and Dodge. The matter finding a more satisfactory solution of the dog control problem was brought up and dd.,cussed at this time. The Mayor and Councilmen cinsidered this matter fully and 4..motion,wa8=made by Dodge and seconded by .Ellin to have the License and police Committee communicate with the proper authorities in Mount, vernon, 71_shington, to find out how they handle their dog problems. Motion carried. The matter of t':- City building a Comfort Station down town •-.,as discussed at some length a.na a.rhation was made by Hammons and seconded byDerby that this matter be referred to the Building and Plumbing Committee. Motion carries. The matter of installing one hour parking signs on certain parts of Commercial Avenue was discussed and a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Dodge that the Cit of Anacortes purchase 6 one hour � City p 3 parking signs to be placed on Commer- cial Avenue between 4th Street and 10th Street. Ayes, Hammons, .Fisher, Derby, Ellin, Hatton and Dodge. Motion carried. Having completed the busines.of the seconded by Derbu the meeting of the The meeting of the City Council did i A t t e s t, / City Clerk l\ j evening, a motion was made by Fisher and City Council adjourn. Motion carried. then adjourn. Mayor Hay 1, 1945 I A regul-ir meeting of tie City Council of the City f Ana or,t!s was .;al -ea to order at b; JJ o'clock P. K., ori tai L.'ayor Joe Iragan oresiding. The rol_ was ;ailed and Schulz, uammons , Derby, Ell n, and Dodge were present. The minutes ;f the previous meeting; viere read and aot)i•oved as read. Mrs. Elizabeth iuc nary spoke to the City Council and urged a rest room be provided for the w -.nen and cn.Lidren of Anacortes. The locati,ns that Yrs. Ic.c Gary suggested for a rest room were as follows: tyle small b -molding at the rear of the Boyer Building, recently occupied, b y Iirs. Ioore as a tailoring Shop; the room occupied as the stage depot for the I"uxilteo-77hidbey Stage stages;and a certain room in the Anacortes Com�iAnity B ,lding. This matter was left with the City Council Building Committee. A petition f,)r oiling and hard -surfacing K A,enue, frjm 12th street to 1 jth Street, was presented and :c•ead to the City Council. .after some �.iscussion, • a suggestion was made by Hasmrnons and seconded by Derby, that this matter be referred tp I.je $treets a«d Parks Committee. Motion carried. The following cammunication from J C narrell was presented and read to the City Council.- Anacortes, gash., April 24, 1945. Honorable tZayor and City Council, Anacortes, Washinf: t in. Gentlemen. I wish to parjhase bots 18-19-20 in Block 109, Original flat, City of Anacortes, and will pay w50.00 per hot for this property. I expect to build a home on this property nd would appreciate your earliest c,-)nOideration of this matter. Thanking you, I am, Yours very trulg, 1 J C Farrell A motion was made by Ham ons and sec,,nded by Derby, t aat ti,is matter be referred tc the Streets and Parks Committee, the City Attorney to meet with the Fark Board and make a report later. "he fcllowing communication by Mfrs. Margaret H Pic Nary was presentee to the City Council. - FIE ANACORTES DAILY iIERCURY Anacor�es, Wash. May 1-1945 Honorable Mayor & 'Members of the City Council Gentlemen - I am enclosing a sta.t.ement from the E A ALbott Company for storage and towage charges ::n the Hercury truck in the amount of .'019.50 w.iich I believe � should be pain by the city. i The truck was taken from in front of the Mercury office Febru::,ly 12, � at the instigation of the police uepartment. Upon inquiry at headquarters I was told it was removea upon oraers of • the City attorney, which he says was not true. After the truck has b,:� en .oved the sec-nd time from a parking lot near the city hall to the Abbott --arage, I called at headquarters and asked :ghat auth.) ri ty they had f or appropriating the vehicle. i Officer Goff told me it had been taken under the "aband.ned auto10 I • law ana hau been turned over t., the :sheriff. 'he ttuck was not abandon:d and the expense in c.)nriection with its removal and storage sh-,uld be char -ea to the city. Very truly yours, oar -are t II.Ec Nary "'hief of police H H Hinshaw spoke to the Cit,- Council and pointed -),At that this truck was by state 1Fzw, aband-,ned by t -he ci-ty, ana was now in the ilrierriff's hands. The and City Council accented the opinion of a motion was made by Derby, seconded the Ciiief of Police t -y Dodge, that t_..is in this ;natter, letter bg accepted and filed, and that the C,.lef of P,;lice notify ",u_rs. La.rgaret H Lic Nary of the ,action taken by the City Council. Riotion carried. The following communication, with reference to refinancing local ImDravement � Boards, was preseriteu and re- d o the City Council; C HI=S , JEJ 7 RIES & TTIORNDIKE New York 4, N Y April lb, 1945 I May 1, 1945--Continued i The Iffayor Anacortes Wasn-Lngton Dear Sir: Please advise in enclosed stamped envelope whether your City Council would sanction a refunding issue (or other financing of our arrangement) to take care of all available outstanding i and unpaid LID bonds of Anacortes. We have a cony of House Fill #62. Our thought is that in- stead of your City providing the funds, vie would 6o so. Thanking you for a reply at y.)ur c"nvenience, vie ai-e, Yours very truly, CHILDS , JEFFPIE -� & THORNDIKE , INC J West Rulon Cooper, Treasured Enclosure:S E Motion was made by Dodge, seconded by Ellin that the above communication be referred to the City Attorney. A petetion to the City Cauncil to authorize a license on certain legal Candy , oards and Punch Boards in Anacortes was presented and read to the City Council. After some discussion, a motion was made by Zchulz and seconded by Hammons that t-is matter by referred to the License and Police Committee. Motion carried Mayor Joe L Hagan ann-unced a meeting; of the County Law Enforcement Officers to be held in the V F W Hall, on May 8, 1945, and invited the members of the City Council to be present at that meeting. Mayor Joe L Hagan reported that he had talked to Mr. Driftmier, regarding; the nurchase of Grandview Cemetery by the City of Anacor�,es, and reported that the matter was still in probate. The fc,llowing resolution was presented and reau to the City Council: "'.dHEIREAS, the CURTIS "UHARF CO, a corporation, of Anacortes, Jashington, has applied to the City of Anacortes for a ten year lease of the west forty feet s it xte;idin froze the njrth line of the butt ..na �f 0 venue in .paid C e of A Y g I Second Street in said City and extending northward into the naviga'oie waters of Gaemes Channel, the use of the said portion if' street to be fir dockage, wharfage and shipping purposes. "he applicant offers as rental c..nsider- ation to keep the il..provements on the portion of the street sought to be leased in proper repair and open to the public; and �:JHEREAS, the said CURTIS `JHARF CO, a corporation, has applied to the City of Anacortes for a '_ease for a ten year period, commencing with the lst day of June, 1945, of the east forty feet of the butt end of N Avenue in samd (pity, commencing with the nortri line of the railway rig•nt of aay of Guemes Channel, the said property to be used for dockage ana commierci:al.. purposes, ihhe recital to be 1,60.00 per year payable in aava,nce. THEREFORC, BE I': RI:SOLti'ED that in the council ci.ambers, at a regular meeting of the City Council, at 8o°clock P.M. on the5th day of June, 1945, the two applications hereinabove ment_ineed will be heard, at which time protests against the said applictaions or either of them will be heard. ADOPTED AT 4 RTG1JL,R IS Sn I -r? n.F 77E CITY COTIqC IL -N r1210T PAY OF 71,AY, 1945. I ,fittest: John G )orcy, City Clerk Joe L Hagan, Mayor (SE4Ir} After some discussion , a motion was made by hammons, sec,ndeo by Ellin, that the above resolution be ad)pted. Motion carried/ Thee of the 'Nater Superintendlent for the 7i,nth of April, 1945, was *nort presented and read t:; the City Council, and a motion was made by Dodge, seconded by Ellin, that said report be accepted and placed on file. The report of tr:e Street Foremen for tree month of April, 1945, tivas presented and read to the City Council. A motion was made by Schulz, and seconded by Hammons, that said rport be accepted and placed onfile The report of. the Police Justice for the month of April, 1945, was presented and read to the City Council, and a motion was made by --erby and seconded by Schulz, that said report be accepted ana filed. The Gasoline Report for the mont,, of April, 1945, was presented and r,.-ad to the City Council, and th notion vias made by Ham.nons, seconded by Derby, that said report be accepted ani; placed on file. The report of the City Treasared for the month of April, 1945, was presented to the City Council, and was referred to the Finance Committee by the Mayor. The Annual Report of theCity Clerk, for the year 1944, was presented to the May 1, 1945 Continued City Council, and a motion was made by Derby, seconded by Ellin, that said report be accepted and filed. Mr. Cornelius Meenan made an oral application to the City C .until for the lease of a certain tact of land, owned by the City of Anacortes 'later Pept . , described as follows; "South 5 rods of the North Half of tree East half of the Northwest 'quarter cf the Southeast Quarter of Section 25, "ownship 35, North, k lE W.K. Less the ?lest 20 feet w.:ich is reserved for a road;" The lease would be for a period of five years commencing on the tenth Uay of May, 1945, dna ttie consideration to be .`�*15>00 pear year, payable in advance. Mr. T G Mc Crory, Mater Superintendent, epoke to the City Council ana rec® commended tnut the lease on the aLove property be grur:ted, then the Motion v,as m�_ae by Ellin, seconded Py Schulz, that tiie reccommenda,tion of the ',•'ater Superintendent be a:;cepted. Than a motion was made by Hammons, secupded by Schulz, that the City grant a five year lease to %r. Ccrnelius Keenan, on the above uescribed property, at the rate of ; 5.00 per year, and that tie Mayor and City Clerk be ,Lthorized to sign said lease, The following is a. copy of said lease: ;The LESSOR, the City of Anacortes, a munijival corporation, of Sakgit ; May 1, 1945 Continued CURRENT EXPENSE Continued 12,116 1271 12 / 1. 1211.9 12 720 12123, 12122 12123 12 124 1-,/25 12'126 12-127 12/28 12129 12130 12T31 12 732 12733 12'734 12735 12736 12737 12/38 12139 12740 12741 12/42 12743 12 744 12'145 12746 12 141 7.2 14 127.49 12/50 12`"151 1=753 12753 12154 12755 12156 12157 12/58 12159 12760 12761 12762 12763 12164 12165 12155 12/67 12 7 b b 12169 12/70 1771 12772 12T73 12774 12'176 121'15 127'77 12778 12779 1278o 12'/81 12782 talary ae Councilman Salary as Councilman Salary as Dep. Treasurer Salary as City Clerk Salary as City Atty (Asst) Salary ao lealth Officer Salary as Police Justice Salary as Dog Catcher Salary as Janitor Salary as Garbage Dump Man 'Jithholaing Taxes Supplies for. Clerk & Treasurer Extra work in clerk's office Cash advanced Magazine Subscription 3 Plumbing Inspections Puna Oil for City Hall Gas used in City Hall Coalfor City Hall Salary as Chief of Police Salm y as Asst Ch of Police Salary as Capt of Police Dept. Saiary as Patrolman Salary as Patrolman S_.lary as Patrolman Salary as Patrolman ias1;7aas Withholding Taxes jupplies for Police Dept. Cash advanced Parts & Sel•vice, Police Car Suppliea fjr Police dent. Service for Police Dent. Supplies, Clerk 3: Police Dent . Ind. Ins. & hied Aid Slaary as Fire Chief Salary as Asst Fire Chief Salary as Capt. Fire Dept. Salary as Fireman Salary as Fireman Salary as Fireman Salary as Fireman Call Man, Fire Dept. Extra Fireman l7ithholding Taxes 2% of Firemen's Salaries Mileage on car Mileage on Car Hydrant Rental Material 'Supplies, Fire Dept. Supplies 1'or Fire DePt. Material & Supplies Express Charges, i+ire De t . If.aterial & Supplies Gasoline used, Fire & Polic: Supplies for Fire Dept. Equipment for Tire Dept. Equipment for Fire Dept. Laundry Service, Fire Dept. Telephone Service Dept Fees for Reg of Births & Deaths Supplies for Fire Dept. Withholding Taxes 'Jork in City Clerk's Office Lighting Service Painting & Paperhanging Supplies for Police Dept. To Replace #12T78 LIBRARY FUND 5.00 10.00 88.80 81.00 81.00 40.90 45.10 23.90 55.10 33.'10 43.00 �T I. USS '7.00 1.50 4. JO 4.50 131'1 5.1 16o.o 20'/.10 202.6o 181.60 164.40 164.40 181.20 181.20 93.00 4.4 '7.4 19.51 10.06 1.50 13.24 15.47 202.53 181.67 185.99 16$.00 169.00 169.00 172.80 1.00 4.68 94.30 27.* 53 16.90 8.00 54D5.00 3.09 1.42 4.90 2.03 1.84 63.08 48 4378 . 2 .i5 17.26 19.45 13.80 .40 3.4a 292.08 161.5o 2.32 15.50 4942.76 2106 S. T. Hatton 144.40 Dr. E. E. Dodge Salary as Asst Librarian 0 E. Argef 210th John G Dorcy tit~ .40 If V Wells Substitute at Library Dr. ABCook 2110 A R Selienthin :ao;?J Alfred Robbins j A;,:trt lte ..;t .; ibr,_ry F L Larson 2112 Alfred Robbins 2.0J ditgahokding Tax 2uod, ',dithholdinm Taxes Burro... -hs Aading kach.ne Co 2114 Lulu M. Cole 2.50 John G Dorcy Lights used at Library Public Ma.nagemen 2116 H 0 Davey, .1lb Insp 6.87 Island Transfer Co. Ind. Ins x uIed Aid Anacortes Gas Co. 2118 Curtis Uhwrf Co 39.22 H Ii Hinshaw Books for Library Nick Petrish 2120 Jack Goff 2a.�3 ' L Pollard Gilbert Zee ',darren Thompson Carl Springer 'vVi thholding Tax Fund Hansen Elect. Co H H Hinshaw E A Abbott Motor Co Texaco Station George '�: Ulleberr The Fern Press Dept. of Labor & Ind. L E Snider Bert Verrall Oliver Hauge M G Strock Carl Strock K W Snart M. L. Iversen Roy Mc Dougall J G Dorcy Withholding Ta.;,. Fund Fireman's Rel & Pen Fund L E Snider Bert Verrall Anacortes ;later Dept. Schwartz Iron :forks Anacortes Equipmnt Co. Marine Supply & Hardware Rawlway Express Agency Southside Hardware City Street Fund Am. La France & Foamite Co Howard. Cooper Corp. ',J ; Darl ey & Co Anacortes Laundry & C1'nrs '.Test Coast Telephone Co John G Dorcy Western .1uto Supply Cc Withholding Tax Fund Mrs. Katherine Snider ]Puget Sound Pr. & Lt. Co. Stanley AndePson 1 Allan's Mercnatile Hrs. Katherine S-sider Constance Fox Blanche Sackett P L Larson Maude F ,`debb Annette Bessner I. C !. `JcrrL,ll <.A.tricia Snozfleet Withholding Tax ?und Anacortes ''later Deet. Puget Souna .Pr. & Lt Co. Constance Fox Dept of Labor :1k Ind A C 11c C1urg & Co Binfords & Mort -.'Ile Caxton 30rinters 12,116 1271 12 / 1. 1211.9 12 720 12123, 12122 12123 12 124 1-,/25 12'126 12-127 12/28 12129 12130 12T31 12 732 12733 12'734 12735 12736 12737 12/38 12139 12740 12741 12/42 12743 12 744 12'145 12746 12 141 7.2 14 127.49 12/50 12`"151 1=753 12753 12154 12755 12156 12157 12/58 12159 12760 12761 12762 12763 12164 12165 12155 12/67 12 7 b b 12169 12/70 1771 12772 12T73 12774 12'176 121'15 127'77 12778 12779 1278o 12'/81 12782 talary ae Councilman Salary as Councilman Salary as Dep. Treasurer Salary as City Clerk Salary as City Atty (Asst) Salary ao lealth Officer Salary as Police Justice Salary as Dog Catcher Salary as Janitor Salary as Garbage Dump Man 'Jithholaing Taxes Supplies for. Clerk & Treasurer Extra work in clerk's office Cash advanced Magazine Subscription 3 Plumbing Inspections Puna Oil for City Hall Gas used in City Hall Coalfor City Hall Salary as Chief of Police Salm y as Asst Ch of Police Salary as Capt of Police Dept. Saiary as Patrolman Salary as Patrolman S_.lary as Patrolman Salary as Patrolman ias1;7aas Withholding Taxes jupplies for Police Dept. Cash advanced Parts & Sel•vice, Police Car Suppliea fjr Police dent. Service for Police Dent. Supplies, Clerk 3: Police Dent . Ind. Ins. & hied Aid Slaary as Fire Chief Salary as Asst Fire Chief Salary as Capt. Fire Dept. Salary as Fireman Salary as Fireman Salary as Fireman Salary as Fireman Call Man, Fire Dept. Extra Fireman l7ithholding Taxes 2% of Firemen's Salaries Mileage on car Mileage on Car Hydrant Rental Material 'Supplies, Fire Dept. Supplies 1'or Fire DePt. Material & Supplies Express Charges, i+ire De t . If.aterial & Supplies Gasoline used, Fire & Polic: Supplies for Fire Dept. Equipment for Tire Dept. Equipment for Fire Dept. Laundry Service, Fire Dept. Telephone Service Dept Fees for Reg of Births & Deaths Supplies for Fire Dept. Withholding Taxes 'Jork in City Clerk's Office Lighting Service Painting & Paperhanging Supplies for Police Dept. To Replace #12T78 LIBRARY FUND 5.00 10.00 88.80 81.00 81.00 40.90 45.10 23.90 55.10 33.'10 43.00 �T I. USS '7.00 1.50 4. JO 4.50 131'1 5.1 16o.o 20'/.10 202.6o 181.60 164.40 164.40 181.20 181.20 93.00 4.4 '7.4 19.51 10.06 1.50 13.24 15.47 202.53 181.67 185.99 16$.00 169.00 169.00 172.80 1.00 4.68 94.30 27.* 53 16.90 8.00 54D5.00 3.09 1.42 4.90 2.03 1.84 63.08 48 4378 . 2 .i5 17.26 19.45 13.80 .40 3.4a 292.08 161.5o 2.32 15.50 4942.76 2106 Salary as Librarian 144.40 2102 Salary as Asst Librarian 96.80 210th Slaray as Janitor tit~ .40 2109 Substitute at Library 1.40 2110 Sub„tit -t: ,„ �,iLr, ry :ao;?J 2.11 j A;,:trt lte ..;t .; ibr,_ry 6.JU 2112 Substitute at Library 2.0J 2113 ',dithholdinm Taxes 55.40 2114 '.later used at library 2.50 2115 Lights used at Library 5.12 2116 Cash advanced 6.87 2117 Ind. Ins x uIed Aid 30 2118 Gooks for Library 39.22 2119 Books for Library 25.4c:, 2120 Books forLibzary 2a.�3 4'79.40 J E Herding Walter C Strong i thhold i ng Tux :Fund City St. 2und Wt. G -Mc Ca1.um rept, . . of Labor & Ind. Anacortes `.Dater Dept. E'A Abbott Motor Co. Earshall ;dells Stores T G TLIc Crory Sauie H Arges Dorothy Fee John G Dorcy ChGrles ',Dediund .Mussell Carolan W 0 Ro-ers G F Keller A. Sirett Frank Deane Lejter Thomas John Anderson J LSI Jensen Oliver Hauge Kenneth Snort Pete Olson Roy Kc Du ugal 1 Dave Summe_s C �.r 1 'Welk Withholding Tax,, Fund Island Transfer Co. y A Abbott Ltr. Co Pennsylvania Salt Co Marine Supply & Hardware Railway Express Agency City Street _Fund G IT Dalstead, P. H. Hamburg Iron -o rks ':Dallace & Tiernan Co 3itagit Elect. Co. :_Ou et .Sound -'ower & Li -ht Co Pacific Highway Transport Skagit Valiey Tel. Co H D Fowler I Co De .Laval Steam Turbine Co 3urruughts Adding Eacizlne Co :Jest Coa_:t Telephone Co T G I;Ic Crory Schwartz Iron "forks Lt R Kingsley "he Pern Frees Tax Dommission Vlorthington Gamon Lieter Co. Anacortes Auto Supply Co yAay Skdx-it Bonded Collectors Lept. of Labor & Insustries P E Olson Lynn daicom Roy Kc Dougall Dave Su -i -.-tiers Jacob Rieolinger T G iac Crory John G Dorcy ':Jit hhold ing Tax Fund Simpson's Elect. Co. Sch�:artz Iron ',W'ori:s Deot.- of Labor z industries JoLIthside u:rdware Co Puget 3.;und Pr & Lt. Co Standaru Oil Co Union tail Co Chell Oil Co. The Texas Co. May 1, 1945 'PARK FUND 1579 1`j80 1581 1582 1563 1584 1585 c 1586 1587 7;ATE: FUND Continued Salary as bark Supt. 104 .40 3diary as dark ailmployeel4b.60 8441 'Jithholdin '''a.xeo 31000 Ls Gasoline used in Pk Truce 4.44 - Ins on Truck k 2/-75 Ind iaed.id 6.33 `.Tater used at Sunset Beach House 22 7. yo F 2050 Trucx nepu ri s 14 .68 Supplies for ?k Dept 1'1.95 19 0.40 -423-65 6440 Salary as ,,Dater Supt . 215. JO 8441 Salary as `.Dater Cashier 14'7,60 8442 Salary as Cierk 121.00 b443 Salary as Booxkeeper 41.20 b444 Salary as ',Dater L?o eman 22 7. yo 8445 Salary as Serviceman 186.15 8446 Salary as Fi 1 t e rman 19 0.40 8441 Salary as 2i It e rman 179.10 844b Salary as Filterman 156,90 8449 Salary as Fi l t e rman 156.90 8450 'Salary as Pu� ipman 190.40 L451 '1Tage s as Laborer b.25 8452 1.lage sas Laborer 6.40 . 8453 :Wages as .Lwborer 6.40 8453 Q 0 Q 6.40 56 �a n �r 3 b456 " `� `� 4.92 8457 4.92 8458 " " 4.64 6459 Withholding 'faxes 187.15 X 64b�) Fuel Oil for Filter Plant 14.01 8461 Truck itepairs 1.06 8462 Chlorine for til er Plant 59.09 b403 Material & Supplies 4'7.54 0464 Express Charges, Water Dept. 6.Z2 8465 Gasoline used in J_.ter 1)ei, p 21. 3 6468 Postage for '.Tester Office 6.00 64,7 Avon ]Pump Re nai rs lu .43 6466 Chlorinator Repairs 20.21 84u9 Service at Avon 'rump IT;.use 9.01 847(D Power & Ser -vice 1129.36 8471 Freignt Cli ages, ` ate r Dept 5.22 84'72 Telephone Service at .Avon 11.06 5473 -aepair parts, .icon 10.25 8474 Repair Pa is, Av,n Pump H3.,se 90.65 6475 Supplies for Adding l,Iacl.ine 7.57 8476 Telephone Service 10.65 8r'77 Cash Advnaced 1.50 8478 I+4a%erial & Supplies g6.81 b4 9 Insurance on Chev. ^rack 1.35 64880 Printing & aupnlies 5.92 6481 Business Tax 461.02 6482 New Meters 146.10 6463 Supplies fcr '.;;ter .wept. 1.84 8484 Collection of crater bii. s 49.38 6485 Ind Ins °c ided Aid 1'7.06 4346.13 STREET DEPAR T �LXTEXT 2028 Salary as St. Foreman 186.10 2029 Sla,ary as Graderman 117.b0 2030 Salary as Haint P.Ian 173.80 2011 Salary as Maint . Zan 872.'%0 2033 Salary as Street Sweeper 16.10 2J34 3aiary as 3t. 3,I)ervisir 40.90 2035 aal'ry as Bookkeeper 40.90 2036 Ma .716 X ':Jithn:;luino Taxes 130.90 -037 Supplies for St. ;.)e t. 1.03 2J,38 Material & Supplies 12.03 2039 Ind. Ins & Med Aid 1'7.16 2J4J aupplieu f.)r St. Dept. 2.97 2041 Power for Crusher 37.50 2042 Gras,line & 'Japplies 95.79 2043 Gasoline, City Pump 44.40 2044 Gasoline, City Pump 55.50 2045 Gasoline, City rump 3'x.92 1483.30 1 1 May 1, 1945 Continued COIZ'UNITY BUILDING RENTAL .FUND Anacortes '.later j)ept. 33 'dater used in Com. B.Ldg 11.00 louget ;sound Pr. x Lt. Co 34 Lights used at Com. Blug. 2�.3� 40.35 JITH HOLD ING TAX FUND Zeople.,I�s Nat.,?,23anic of 'Yash a2 Total withholding taxes 648.21) Moti,n was made and seconded by Ellin, that the above claimes be referred to the Finance Com:r:ittee. The Firnanc(-= Committee considered the ;.hove claims against the City of Anacc rtes, for the month of April, 1945, and reccommended that the claims be allowed and warrants be drawn in favjr of the same. A motion was made by Ellin, and seconded by Ilan ons, that the reccommenda6ions made by the Finance Committee be adopted. Ayes: Schulz, Hammons, Derby, 0 Ellin, andl)odge > Council Ha.:.: -ons spoke to the City Coundil on behalf of,:,the Recreation Youth Group of the Anacortes Recreational Association and asked permission for that group to use the old Clubroom in the Anacortes Community Building. After some discussion, the motion was made by Hammons, and seconaed by Schulz, that permission be granted the Anacortes Recreational Assn, to use the old Clubroom, Ln the Anacortes Community Builoing, for recreational purposes. Motion carried. Having completed the business of tree evening a motion was made by Dodge and seconded by .Derby, that the matti�ag of the 'lity Council for the City of Anacortes, adjourn. Motion carried. The meeting of t e City Council did tiien adjourn ATTEST: C legis lad 76r I;Iay 15th, 1945 The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Almaeortes, was called to order at 8:00 o'clock P.H. with Layor Joe L. Hagan presiding. Roll was called and Hammons, Fisher, Derby, Ellin, Tutton and .Dodge were present. The minutes of the proVious meeting were read and approved as read. The fallowing communicatiob was presented and read to the city council: Lt. T�rthur E. Carlson Post 29§2., V.F.W. Anacortes, Y+ash. Hay 10, 1945 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of An��cortes, Washington. Gentlemen: The members of Lt. Arthur E. Carlson Post 2962, Veterans of Foreign !::ars and of Causland Post #13 of the American Legion, herewith ?ODP , ?_.����� free, at some time during the early summer, very likely the latter part of June. This Carnival is to be sponsored jointly by the two organizations as last year, and we should be very grateful for your consideration in our behalf, as this is one of the few sources of revenue open to us, by which de are enabled to finance some of our projects. tie shall, as formerly, accept responsibility for the orderly con- duct of the show and will furnish men for extra police to cover the affair. ':ie have secured the area between 13th and 15th where the Carnival will be set uk. gespectfully yours, Fred F. Ellison, Chmn V.F.Y;. Coranittee 'ftor some discussion e motion -as made by Derby and seconded by Hammons that permission be granted the Causland Post No; 13 and Lieut. �Jrthur E. Carlson Post 2962 to sponsor a Carnival. Motion carried. !.:r. Alfred Robbins was present and spoke to the city council to obtain more cooperation to his business of collecting garbage in the city of Anacortes, and a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Derby that this matter be referred to the License and Police Committee. not ion carried. A representative of the kukilteo= ahidby Isi-and Stage Co. spoke to the city council and asked to have a parking area designated in front of their bus station at wpproximately 906 Commercial Avenue. After some discussion a motion vias made by Dodge and seconded by Derby that this matter be referred to the Streets and Parks Committee, the City Attorney and the City Engineer. Luotion carried. The City Clerk presented a number of sanitary ordinances which has been rec eivea Lay 15th, 154 from the association of Washington Cities, and after some discussion a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Batton that the Streets and Parks Committee meet with the Hambers of the Anacortes Perk Board in the City Hall at 8:00 P.17. i! y 23rd, 1145. lotion carried. The following resolution vas presented and read to the city council, WHERFYIS, SCHOOL DISTRICT Nidi 'R 18 of Skagit County, '::ashington, _a Municipal Corporation, has heretofore filed with the City Clerk of the City of Am-cortes, a petition pb•aying for the vacation of the alleys in Blocks 146 and 153, of the Original Plat of the City of Anacortes, in said county and state, representing in the said petition that said petitioner vias the owner of 2.11 of the property abbut- t ing upon the said alleyes sought to be vacated; NO17, THEREFOI=, BE IT R?+'SOVILD by the 2da•yor and City Council of the City of I Ana,co rtes; That the 15th day of l�:a 1 4 e T P.z. , a t the Council Chamoe b s • 5 Ya 9 5'a 2 t 8 o cbo of the City of Anacortes, be f axed as the time and place when and where said petitions will be heard; That more than twenty days prior to the date of said hearing the City C11 r.K shall post notices of the pendency of the said hearing in three of the most paullol ! in the City of Anacortes and a like notioe cn each of the said alleys sought to be I • vacated. 1945, adopted at a regular session of the City Council on the 17th dwy of April, Joe L. Hagan, 11ayo r ttest: John G. Dorcy, City Clerk .after some discussion a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Ellin that the above Resolution be adopted and that the rL`'ayor and City Clerk be aLithorized to sign said Resolution. Ayes, :_,mmons, Fisher, Derby, Ellin, Itatton and Dodge. Eotion carried. iuiro J. R. Lewis of the inacortes Recreational Association spoke to the city council upon the needs of his Association for certain parts of the knacortes Community Building. He pointed out the need of a gym and swimming pool and asked that this � project be included in the tax levy to be made for the purchase of and improvement of playfields in the city of Ana,co rtes. R. L. % ooten, chairman of the Anacortes Recreational association, spoke to the ci i,y council about establishing a canteen and hobby shop under the supervision of a supervisor in the Jnaco rtes Community Building. He also urged the establishment of regional play f ields in the city of Anacortes according to population. Paul Luvera also spoke to the city council and pointed out several improv em opts which should be made in the Community Building at this time. A motion was made by Derby and seconded by Ellin that the Finance Committee of the City Council meet with the Finance Committee of the Anacortes Recreational Issoci- a,tion on Thursday Lay 17, at 'Ta30 P -H- Lv�otion carried. The renor t of the Chief of Police for the Month of April, 1945, was presented and read to the City council, and a motion was made by Dodge and seconded by E11in that said Report be accepted and placed on f ile. hulotion carried. i The annual report of the ;later Department for the year 1944 was presented tb the i, city council, and a motion was m=ode by Lllin and seconded by Hatton that said report be accepted and placed on file. emotion carried. The report of the Fire i)epartment for the month of April, 1945, was presented and read to the city couhcil and a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Hattgn that said retort be accepted and placed on file. 'Lotion carried. • I Councilman .11atton made an oral report on the matter of locating a, rest room in the Anacortes Community Euilding. The .councilman recommended that the room on the East side of the Community Building, just North of the production room of the ped Cross occupied by the iced Cross, be given for this purpose. This matter was discussed ar some length but no official action was taken.. • i The matter of providing duplicate kegs for certain rooms in the 1 nacortes Commu- nity Building was discussed, and a motion was made by Fisher and seconded by Hatton that duplicate keys be made and left with the City Clerk. Lotion c..rried. The following application for the vacation of the alleys in Blocks 146 and 153 of the Original Plat of the City of Anacortes was consideted at this time: (See above -Resolution) There being no protests against the vacation of the above described alleys, an Ordinance vacating the &lleys in Blocks 146 and 153 of the Original Flat of the City of Anacortes was presented to the City Council. A motion was made by Derby and seconded by Ellin that the said Ordinance be given its first and second readings by title. Iflotion carried. Said Ordinance was given its first and second readings by title and a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Hammons that said Ordinance be given its third and final reading by Sections. motion carried. Section One was read and a motion was made by Hatton and seconded by Hammons that Section One be adopted. "notion carried. 1 Farrell application to purchase lots 1 1 10 Arthur Bros. Circus 10 1 L May 15 0 194 5 Sect ion Two was read , and a motion was made by Derby- and seconded by Ellin that Section Two be adopted. Motion carried. A motion ..was made by Hammons and seconded by Ellin tjat said Ordinance vacating alleys between Blocks 146. and 153 of the Original Plat of the City of Anacortes be adopted as a whole o Ayes, &Lmmons , Fisher, Derby, Ellin, Hatton and Dodge Lotion carried. The following communication from J. C. Farrell was presented and read to the City council: Anacortes, Wash. April 24, 1945. Honorable idayor and City Council .knucortes, Washington. Gentlemen: I wish to purchase .Lots 18-1 -20 in Block 109, Original Plat, City of Anacortes, and will pay 4p50o00 per Lot for this property. I expect to build a home on this property and would appreciate your earliest consideration of this matter. Yours very 'truly, J. C. Farrell A motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Hatton that this matter be held up until after the meeting with the Anacortes Recreational Association to be held on May 23, 1945. Uotion carried. A motion was made by Hatton and seconded by Ellin- that the City of Anacortes make application to the County Treasurer to obtain the of n.ership of the rail- roud right of way in Block 109 Original Plat of the 3ity of Anacortes. Motion carri ed. sir. I. E. Snider, fire chief, spoke to the city count i and pointed o t the, large accumulation of old cars nd car parts i.n the al ey be ween S. venue and T Avenue on. 27th Street. This was discussed at some length but no official action was taken in the matter. Mayor Joe L. Fagan thanked all the department heads of the city of Anacortes for their help and cooperation in the Seventh l'ar Bond Drive. The City Clerk was asked to write to Kr. Frank Hunt, City Clerk of Fount Vernon and ask for a copy of their doh' a.tdinance in the city of &ount Vernon. A committee composed of Hammons, 'Alin and Dodge was appointed to make a study of the dog problem in the city of Anacortes. Having completed the business ®f the evening, a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Fisher that the meeting of the city council adjourn. 1Iotion carried The meeting of the City council did then adjourn. .' ATTE ST : , KA R % City Clerk Kay 31, 1945. A special meeting of the city council of the city of Anacortes was called to order at 7:00 o'clock P.M. with ar:ayor Joe L. N.a,gan presiding. Holl was called and Hammons, Fisher, .Derby, Ellin, and Dodge were present. The purpose of this taeeti&g was to determine whether or not a license should be given to the Arthur Bros. Circus which was to show in Anacortes on June 5, 1945 Mr. Austin, a representative of Arthur Bros Qt,XIat f3, spoke to the city council at some length and also answered many questions on the operation of the Circus, which he represented. .After some discussion a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Dodge t4at the Arthur Bros. Circus be granted a license providing a cash bond or check in the amount of X400.00 be filed with the City Clerk on June 4, 1945, as a guaran.> tee for the payment of the admission tax, and that the Circus would be conducted in a proper manner. Lotion carried. :-laving completed the business of the evening, a ma ion rias made by Hammons and seconded by Derby that the meeting of the city c ci a • urn. Tdotion carried. f '1TTES ,o -•u �;AYO R City C rk f) � .e._t ----- - — ---- - - - -- --- Juney , ly4y .---- - -- -- -- — - - -- The regular meeting of the city coungij of the city of Anacortes was called to order at 6:00 o'clock F.M. with Mayor Joe L: Hagan presiding. Roll was called and Hammons, Fisher, Derby, Ellin and Dodge were present. The minutes- of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. A petition was presented and read to the city council which asked to have 34th petition Street oiled between Commercial Avenue and the Veneer plant at the earliest pos- Oiling of sible moment. 34th St. Hr. N.P.Q. Holland, who is employed at the Veneer plant, spoke to the city council at some length and pointed out the urgent need of having this work done on 34th Street rather than on 35th Street. Several other persons who were present spoke to the city council and urged that the oil which has been purchased by the city of Anacortes be used on 34th Street instead of 35th Street. Ur. T. G. McCrory, City Engineer, spoke to the city council and explained the use of calcium chloride on the city streets and explained that for the account of approximately X225.00 for the cost of material this chemical would be applied to 34th Street from Commercial Avenue to the Veneer plant. Mr. Co H. Moran, who operated a woodworking shop on the Northeast corner of 12th Street and C Avenue spoke to the city council and asked for permission to build an exten- sion on his woodworking plant. As this woodworking plant is located within the fire limited of the city of Ana- cortes Mr. Moran was denied permission to build his proposed extension to his shop. Kr. L: E. Snider spoke to the city council at some length about the regulations required for constructing buildiggs within the fire limits. The following resignation of Elton A. Schub was presented and read to the city council: 1501 Ninth Street Anacortes, Wash. May 22, 1945 To the llrayor and City Council As I am leaving .Anacortes, I hereby tender my resignation as a member of the Council of the City of Anacortes. Respectfully, Elton A. Schulz. " I motion was made by Hemmons and seconded by Dodge that the above resignation of Resignation Elton A. Schulz be accepted and that the city Clerk write a letter to Mr. Schulz Elton A.3hulz, thanking him for his services on the City Council. Motion carried. � The following communication from Tars. Luretta Lamphiear was presented and reed ! to the city council: I Anacortes, Wash.. June 4, 1945 Honorable Mayor and City Council, Anacortes, Wash. I Gentlemen: I hereby make abplication to have 37th Street vacated from the east line of : .Avenue to where it joins the acreage to the east. I own all of Blocks 29 and 36 which is the abbutting property on both sides of the Street sought to be vacated. Thanking you in advance for your early and favorable ccasideration, I am Yours very truly, Mrs. Luret to LamphieartP A motion was made by Derby and seconded by.Dodge that this matter be referred to the Streets and Parks Committee. Motion carried. � The following communication from Tars. Ruth S. Amsberry was presented and read to the City council: ,�nacortes, '�ashington. June 4, 1.945. To the Mayor and City Council, of the City of IPAacortes, Washington. Gentlemen: We hereby makO request for permission to block F Avenue from Ninth to Tenth Streets for the period of one'day, or less, for the reason that trees are is Be cut• .on oug, property on, Nin.tb and F,_ which j must be fallen across F Lvente. :Je cannot specify the exact day the workman will be able to do this work but it will he within a very short time, and the avenue will be cleared immediately. Thanking you, we are Yo ur s very truly, Ralph E. Amsberry Ruth S. Amsberry 1917 9th Street 1 1 1 1 � 0 1 1 I* [7 76 June 5, 1945. After some discusson a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Derby that the request of Mrs. Ru'h S. Amsberry be granted, provided that she notify the Fire and Police Department at the time the trees were fallen across F Avenue. Lotion carried. / 1 The following communication :from Le.slie Cummings was presented and read to the city council. Honorable Mayor and City Council, Anacortes, Wash. Anacortes, 'lash. Uay 17 , 1945. Gentlemen; I wish to purchase Lots -8, 9, and 10 Block 5 Hensler's First Addition, which the records in the Skagit County Treasurer's C umminga office show as belonging to the City of Anacortes. These lots application are adjoining to my property, and I have cared for these loco ovor to purchase a twenty year period by keeping the brush cut down and cpm whing_. in lots offer of $40.00 per lot,. .Hoping that this off6r will receive your favorable consideration, I am Yours very truly, Leslie Cummings. A motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Derby that this matter be referred to the Streets and ,Parks Committee. Motion carried. Recently at a meeting between the Streets and Parks Committee and the Park Board held in the City Council chamber the matter of combining the Cemetery Board and the ]Park Board vias considered at that time. Mr. E..Van Buren, Chairman of the Park Board, made an oral recommendation thata separate Cemetery Board be appointed by the Payor. After some discussion a motion. was made by Hammons, seconded by Fisher, that the recommendation of Mr. E. Van. Buren Lith reference to the appointment of a separate Cemetery Board be accepted and that Mayor Hagan appoint a Cemetery Board. Motion carried. The report of the Treasurer for the month of Hay, 1945, was presented to the city council and was referred by the Mayor to the Finance Committee. The report of the Police Department for the month of May, 1945., was presented to Ahd r084 to the city council, and a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Ellin :that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion.carried. I _ The report of the Police Justice for the month of May, 1945, was presented tLnd read to the city council, and a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Dodge that said report be accepted and placed on file. Notion carried. The report of the Water Superintendent for the month of Hay, 1945, was presented and read to the city council, and a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Ellin that &aid report be accepted and placed on file. motion carried. The report of the Street Foreman for the month of May, 1945, was presented and read to the city council, and a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Dodge that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion.c.arried. The Gasoline report for the month of Play, 1945, vas presented and read to the c1ty council and a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Dodge that said report -be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. Councilman Hammons made an oral report on the matter of providing a rest room Restroom in the.Anacortes Community Building. The Building Committee was instructed to Community go ahead and find out the necessary cost of preparing the room chosen in the Bldg. Anacortes Community Building for occupancy as a rest rocim and make a report at the. next meeting of the City council. Councilman Dodge brought up the matter of the sanitary condition of the outlet of the.sewer in or near the Guemes Ferry dock. Mr. T.G. UcCrory, City Engineer, promised to make a survey of this matter and report.at a, later meeting of the city council. IT -IV Is -Bus Co. The matter of the request of the Mukil5eoo5hidby Island Bus Co. for a parking loading zone space to be reserved in front of their office on Commercial Avenue was disuussed and a motion was. made by Ellin and seconded by Hammons that the City Attorney drag up a resolution granting permission to the Nukilteo-71hidby Island Stage Co. to have a loading zone directly in front of their office., south of the entry way into the service: station at the Southwest corner of 9th Street and Commercial Avenue.. Motion carried. A motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Derby that the City notify the public through the neupapers Fahy the City cannot grant all the requests for oiling the city.streets. Motion carried. The matter of the renewal of two Curtis -Jharf Leases was taken up at this time. Curtis Wharf The date set for the hearing of the tvio leases for the Curtis Wharf Co. one for Leases the East 40 feet of "IN" Avenue North of the North line of Second Street and the Renewal railroad right of way of the Great Northern Railway Co. and .one for the ':.est 40 feet of 110" Avenue extending,,from the North line of Second Street Northward to deep water, was set for June --5, 1945, at 8;00 o'clock P.R. , at which time any June 5, 1945. person may appear for or against the granting of this lease. There being no person present to protest the granting of the lease, a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Dodge that the lease for the East 40 feet of "N" Avenue North of the North line of the railroad right of way of the Great Northern Railway Co. to deep water, of Guemes Channel for the period of 10 years be granted. Ayes: Hammons, Fisher, Derby, Ellin and Dodge. Motion carried. A motion was made by Derby and seconded by Ellin that the lease on the west 40 feet o? of "0" Avenue extending from the North line of Second Street Northward to deegb Wate� Guemes Channel for the period of ten years be granted. Ayes, Hammons, Fisher, Derby, Ellin and Dodge. Motion carried. i A motion was made and seconded by Derby that the Treasurer's report for the month of May, 1945, be adopted. Motion carried. The following claims against the city of Anacortes for the month of Ea.y, 1945, were presented and read to the City Council: Joe Z. Hagan Walter Hammons Charles F. Fisher A. L. Derby Syd Ellin S. T. Milton E. E. Rouge 0. E. Arge s John G. Dorcy W. V. Wells Dr. A.B. Cook A. R. Sellenthin Alfred Robbins P. L. Larson Alfred Robbins Withholding Tax Fund G. N. Dalstead, P.M. Anacortes American Lulu H. Cole John G. Dorcy S. 1. Richardson Anacortes Gas Co. Merrill L. Iversen Hansen Electric Co. Brown Lumber Co. Island Transfer Co. Young's Home Furnishings Affleck Bros. James L. McLachlan H. H. Hinshaw Nick Petrish Jack Goff L. Pollard Gilbert Lee Warren Thompson Carl Springer Withholding Tax Fund Colvin's Service Station E.A. Abbott Motor Co. Benson Motors Trick & Murray Dept. of Labor and Industry L. E. Snider Bert Verrall Oliver Hauge M. G. Strock Carl Strock K. 17. Snart M. L. Iversen Roy McDougall J. G. Dorcy H. Chevrier Withholding Tax Fund Firemen's Relief & Pension Fund L. E. Snider Bert Verrall Water Department Anacortes Auto Supply Co. Sanderson. Safe$y Supply United States Rubber Co. J. C. Penney Co. Trulson L71otor Co. Raill::ray Express Agency The Fern Press .:est Coast Telephone Co. City Street Fund Simpson's Electric Shop Katherine H. Snider Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Int. City Kgr's Association The Marine Supply Co. Katherine H. Snider CURRENT EXPENSE 1278 3 12 784 12785 12786 1278 1278 12789 12790 12791 12792 12793 12794 12795 12796 1279 1279 1299 12 00 12801 12802 12803 12804 128o5 128o6 12807 128o8 12809 12810 12811 12812 12813 12 814 12815 12816 1281 12819 12819 12820 12821 12822 12823 12824 12825 12826 1282 12829 12829 12830 12831 12832 12833 12834 12835 .12836 1283?' 12838 12839 12840 12841 12842 12843 12844 12845 12846 12847 12849 12849 12850 12851 12852 12853 12854 Salary as Mayor " as Councilman " as Councilman " as Councilman " qs Councilman " as Councilman " as Councilman " Deputy Treasurer. City Clerk " City Attorney Health Officer " Police Elustice n Dog Catcher a Janitor Garbage Dump Fran Withholding Taxes Postage dor Clerk's office Printing and Publishing Mork in Clerk's office Cash advanced for Postage Hose for Gas Pump Gas. used in City Ball T7ork in Clerk's office, Work in Police Office Material for City Ball Fuel Oil for City Hall 2 Shades for Police office Fuel Oil, City Hall Labor and Katerial Salary as Chief of Police " a Asst. Chief Police Captain of Police Patrolman t' s Patrolman Patro lmgn tr " Patrolman Vithholding Taxes Tire for Police Car Service and Repairs Repairs and Service Smpplies for Police Office Ind Ins & Med Aid Salary as Fire Chief " " Asst Fire Chief n as Capt. Fire Dept. Fireman Fireman F i reman n n Fireman Call man and extra fireman a a n 0 t6 a a tt Vithholding Taxes 2% of Firemen's Salaries Hileage on Car Mileage on Car Hydrant Rental Supplies for Fire Dept. Supplies for Fire Dept; Hose for Fire Dept. Supplies for Fire Dept. Service & Supplies Express charges Printing and Supplies Telephone Service 20.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 88.80 81.00 81.00 40.99 45.10 23.90 55.10 33.70 - 43.00- 5.00 6.46 3.50 1.00 8.65 5.19 7.00 58.13 35.79 8.38 3.92 4. c15 352.55 207.10 202.60 181.60 164.40 164.40 181.20 181.20 93.00- 17.75 15.22 126.23 2.43 15.67 202.53 181.67 18599 169.00 169.00 169.00 172.8o 17.84 17.84 1.25 120.20-. 26.13 1g .50 .00 565.00 1.20 4.10 404.00 6.06 4.12 2.5 10.00 Gasoline used Fire -Police Dept. 65.67 Supplies for Fire Dept. 2.47 Work in Clerk's office Lighting Service 288.83 Book for Planning Commission 2.00 Supplies Police Dept. 4.64 To replace 12850 13.50 1 1 1 June 5 , 1945 LIBRARY FUND 'UATER DEPARTMENT Constance Fox Blanche Sackett 2121 2122 Salary as Librarian Salary as Asst Librarian 144.40 96.80 P. L. Larson 2 212? Salary as Janitor 68.40 Maude F. Webb 2124 Substitute at Library 4.20 Withholding Tax Fund 2125 Withholding Taxes 55.40 - Puget Sound Power & Light 2126 Lights used in Library 4.70 Anacortes Water Dept; 2129 Water used in Library 2. 0 The Fern Press 212 Office Supplies 10.2 Dept. cif Labor & Ind. 2129 Ind Ins & Med Aid .1 A. C. 2cClurg & Co. 2130 Books for Library 89.20 Gaylord Bros 2131 Supplies for Library 20.08 Lester Thomas PARK DEPARTMENT n " Pumpman 190.40 J. E. Harding 1588 Salary as Pant Supt. 164.40 i 11.80 71alter C. Strong 1589 " n Park Employee 36.90 177.70 - M. Grinnell 1590 Wages as Laborer 42.40 45.2 Paul Marshall 1591 Wages as Laborer 9.50 16.27 Jacob Reidlinger 1792 Wages as Laborer 1000 11 .44 Tfithholding Tax Fund 1793 Withholding Taxes 29.70 - Power and Service City Street Fund 1594 Gasoline used in Park Truck 1044 8503 Dept. of Labor & Ind. 1495 Indo Ins & Med Aid 6.60 8504 Southside Hardware Co. 1596 Supplies for Park department 9.79 8505 Anacortes Plater Dept. 1597 Water used at Sunset Beach 2.50 8506. Anacortes Water Dept. 1598 Water used at Causland Park 1.25 8507 Charles Dibble 1599 Lawn Mower sharpened 1.55 8508 Mill B. Ellis, Co. Treas. 1600 Purchase of Park property 35.75 8509 Bond Handling charge 23.45 FIREMEN'S RELIEF AND PENSION FUND Railway Express Agency 8510 Beeples Nat. Bank of `dn. 215 Purchase of '-1ar Bonds 2060:00 8511 Peoples Nat. Bank of Vln. 216 Purchase of 'Jar Bonds 4600.00 'UATER DEPARTMENT T. G. McCrory 8486 Salary as Water Supt. 275.00 Sadie M. Arges 8487 Water Cashier 147.60 Dorothy Fee 8488 Clerk 121.00 John G. Dora 8489 " " Bookkeeper 49.20 Charles We dl and 8490 Ola t e r Foreman 221.51 Russell Carolanc. 8491 a " Serviceman 182.53 V.I. 0. Rogers 8492 Filterman 190.40 G. F. Keller 8493 " n c: 172.70 A. Sirett 8494 156.90 Fran% Deane 8495 c' n °' 156.90 Lester Thomas 8496 n " Pumpman 190.40 John Anderson 8497 Wages ab Laborer 11.80 Withholding Tax Fund 8498 Withholding Taxes 177.70 - Curtis Wharf Co. 8499 Supplies for dater Dept. 45.2 island Transfer Co. 8500 Fuel Oil for Filter Plant 16.27 Pennsylvania Salt Co. 8501 Chlorine for hater Dept. 11 .44 Puget Sound Power & Lt Co. 8502 Power and Service 118.52 Wallace & Tiernan Co. 8503 Parts for Chlorinator 6.62 Nash Engineering Co. 8504 Supplies for Nater Dept. 61.91 Bearing Engineering Co. 8505 Supplies for Water Dept. 1.08 The Bristol Company 8506. Supplies for Water Dept. 1.15 Ut. Vernon Transfer Co. 8507 Freight Charges 660 Benson & Wiggins Lbr Co. 8508 Lumber for Water Dept. 5.86 Am. Nat Bank & Trust Co. 8509 Bond Handling charge 23.45 Railway Express Agency 8510 Express Charges 1.70 Colvin's Service Statiob 8511 Tire Service and Repairs 9.54 The Fern Press 8512 Printing Post Cards Marine Supply & Hardware 8513 Material and Supplies X5.15 11 .39 Stonehard Company 8514 Material for Water Dept. 37.885 H. 0. Davey 8515 Bond for fa'ter Supt. 5.00 City Stmeet Fund 8516 Gasoline used in Water Dept. 22.02 Dept. of Labor & Ind. 8517 Ind Ins & M -ed Aid 17.04 West Coast Telephone Co. 8516 Telephope Service 11.20 G. N. Dalstead, P.M. 8519 Postage for later .Office 6.00 CITY STREET FUND P. E. Olson 2046 Salary au Street Foreman 186010 Lynn Balcom 204 Salary as Graderman 177.80 Roy McDougall 204. n P Tiain tenanc e Tai 173.80 Dave Summers 2049 " 0 ca W 173080 Carl Welk 2050 °a c' c' a 172.70 Jacob Reidlinger 2051 °' " Street Sweeper 105010 T. G. McCrory 2052 "' " Street Supervisor 40.90 John G. Dorc;y 2053 " Bookkeeper 40.90 John Anderson 2054 Wages as Laborer 13.20 Alfred Jorgenson aO55 Wages as Foreman 20.70 Leslie Hayton 2056 Wages as Shovel Operator 28.38 Robert Lee 2057 Mages as Bulldozer Operator 26.40 J. B. Stearns 2058 Wages as Screen Operator 21.75 Jim Richards 2059 'sages as Truck Operator 20085 A. L. Legis 2060 Wages as Truck Operator 20.85 Withholding Tax Fund 2061 Withholding taxes 163.20- Frank Russell Trulson Ldotor Co. Curtis Uharf Co. Dept. of :Labor & Industry Union Oil Co. The Texas Company Shell Oil Company Standard Oil Company Marine Supply & Hardware Co. H. 0. Davey Mtl Vernon Bldg Material Co, Truck Service & Equipment Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Simmonds Paint Co. Benson Motors Puget Sound Power & Light Co: Anacortes Water Departmebt 1 -Tari ne Supply & Hardware Peoples -Nat, Bank of r-ashington June 5 ,. 194 5 OTTY STREET FUND (Cont.) 2062 Cat and Operator 2063 Repairs for Street Truck 2064 Material for 0 SDept. 2065 Ind Ins & Med Aid 2066 Gasoline, City Pump 2067 Gasoline, City Purap 206$ Gasoline, City Pump 2069 Gasoline, City Pump 2070 Equbp,.ment for Street Dept. 2071 Bopp for Street Supervic= 2072' Supplies for It Dept. 2073 Truck Repairs 2074 Power for Crusher 2075 Paint for Street Dept. 2076 Supplies for Street Dept. COPETWITY BUILDING RENTAL FUND 170.50 7.31 4.12 21.18 48.10 37093 55.50 30.45 58.86 5.00 16.17 25-75 37.50 44.55 3.37 35 Lights for Community Bldg 2g.15 36 Fater used at Community Bldg 2.20 37 Material for Community Bldg .46 17I T HHOI.D ING TAX FUND 23 Total Withholding Tastes 682.20 A motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Fisher that the above claimo be referred to the Finance Committee. Notion carried. The Finance Committee considered the above claims and recommended that the claime be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of sage. A motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Ellin that the recommendat? ^c of the Finance Committee in the matter of the above claims be adopted. Ayes:-Hammons, Fisher, Derby, Ellin and Dodge. Motion carried. A motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Hammons that the city Clerk advertioe a Call for Bids for processing the streets and distributing oil on 12th Street from Commercial Avenue to Burrows Bay and on 35th Street East to V Avenue. At this time the matter of ellecting a Mayor protein was considered. E. E. Dodge and A.L: Derby were nominated for this position. Ballots were dis- tributed and as a result of the vote taken E.E. Dodge was elected as Mayor pro tem. F.aving completed the business of the evening, a motion was ma,dc by Hammons and seconded by Ellin that the meeting of the City Council adjourn until 5:30 P.m - June 12; 1945. Notion carried The city council id then adjourn. M AYOR ATTEST_ / City Clerk G June 12, 1945 The regular adjourned meeting of the City council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 5:30 P -M- with Mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. Roll was called and Hammons, Fisher, Ellin and Dodge were present. The purpose of this meeting was to consider the bids for oiling the city streets Bids for art outlined in the published notice. As published in the Notice 5:00 o'clock Oiling P.I. on June 12, 1945, was the closing date in which bids for doing this work 35th Street could be received.- 12th Street As there were no bids filed with the City Cleric, a motion was made that the Street :Department be authorized to proceed with the application of the proper grade of oil to the streets on 12th Street from Commercial Avenue to Burrows Bay, and on 35th Street to V Avenue. Ayes, Hammons, Fisher, Ellin and Dodge. Motion carried. Paving completed the business of the evening a motion was made by liammons that the meeting of the city council adjourn. The meeting of the city council did then adjourn. AT by Derby and seconded i - I ITAYO R G 1 1 June 19, 1945 In the matter of the application of leslie Cummins to purchase hots 8, 9 and 10, albek 5, Hensler's First Addition to the Cagy of $naeortes, a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Fisher that the above offer of Leslie Cummings to purchase bots 8, 9, and 10, Hensa er'ss• First Addition to the City of Anacortes for $p40.00 per lot be accepted and that the Payor and City Clerk be authorized to sign said quit claim deed. Ayes: hammons, Fisher, Derby, Ellin, Hatton and Dodge. Motion Carried. The application of A Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to ' order at 8 o'clock P. �I. with _ ayor .Toe L. Hagan presiding. The roll was called and Hammons, Fisher, Derby, Ellin, Hatton and Dodge were present. The minutes, of the two previous meeting were read and approved as read. Building Pyr. C. C. Blacker, a carpenter living in Anacortes, spoke to the City Council Trades want and urged the adoption of a, uniform Building Code here in the City. Several Uniform other men, all of whom are employed in the building trades, also spoke to the Building City Council and mentioned the need of an examination for plumbers before grant - Ordinance ing them a plumber's license and also the need of an electrical inspector as well as a plumbing inspector. Payor Joe L. Hagan assured the City Council and the above parties in the Building Tradez that he had a plan which he felt sure would be satisfactory to all concerned. Petition to A petition was prgsented and read to the City Council asking that the follow 40 oil Certain ing Streets be oiled foTc dust control: Streets -'venue from 8th Street to 12th Street, Ninth Street from Commercial Avenue to "K"- Avenue, & 10th Street from Commercial Avenue i,o "N" Avenue. Mr. T. G. McCrory, City Engineer, explaindd that Calcium Chloride would be used as far as possible on these streets and he felt sure that this treatment of the streets vrould solve the dust problem satisfactorily. Mr. Ted Bruland, operator of the skating rink in the Anacortes Community Build - Renew lease ing, made an application for the renewal of hie skating rink lease for one year on Skating beginning on July 9, 1945, and a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Ellin Mink. that a renewal of the lease to Mr. Ted Bruland to operate a skating rink in the Anacortes Community Building be ranted for one year beginning July 9, 1945, that the base rate per month be F075-90 per month, plus the cost of heating added to the above rate. The new central heating plant is being installed in the said. Community Building and expects to be in operation by July, 9, 1945. Ayeis;nHammonwi -Fisher, Derby, Ellin, Hatton & Dodge. Motion carried. To use the The matter of a rest room in the Anacortes Community Building was considered Red Cross and discussed at this time. The room on the east side of the building just Production north of the Red Cross production room was thought by the Building -Committee Room fora to be most suitable and the Anacortes Equipment submitted their bid for making Rest Room certain improvements in this room. Mayor Joe L. Hagan suggested that the room now being used by the Red Cross as a -production room be taken over and used as a rest room. After much discussion a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Dodge that the Mayor and the City Council Building Committee meet with the local officials of the Red Cross to give the: Red Cross another suitable room for their use and take the corner room used by the Red Cross and make the necessary changers to make it a satisfactory rest room, and that above committee have -.power to act.. .Ayes: Hammons; Fisher, Derby, Ellin, Hatton and dodge. Motion carried. Russel. The Russell Brothers Pan -Pacific Circus has made an application for a license Brothers 'to show their Circus in Anacortes on Sunday July 8, 1945. After some discussion Circus. a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Ellin that the apt;licastion for a license to show a circus by Russel Brothers in Anacortes on Sunday July 8, 1945, be denied. Motion carried. A motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Hatton that a license be given to Russell. Brothers to shod their Circus in Anacortes on any other day than Sunday providing they pay.their 1944 Admissions Tax, make a deposit of $250.00 and pay their X50.00 license before the opening of the first perfo.xmance. Motion carded. Cemetery Mayor Joe L. Hagan appointed E. E. Dodge, Reverend Harry Monroe, T. F. Henwood Committee and Harry D. Jackson, as a committee to study tke various ordinances pertaining to Cemeteries which are on file in the City Clerk's Office and make recommend- ationeas to which type would be most suitable for the City of Anacortes to use in acquiring and operating the Grand View Cemetery in Anacortes, The report of the Fire Department for the month of May, 1945, w4a presented and read to the City Council and a motion was made by Hammon, and Seconded by Ellin that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. Garbage An Emergency Ordinance to provide funds for improvements at the City Garbage Dump Dump in the amount of a500.00 was presented to the City Council and a motion Emergency i was made by Derby and seconded by Ellin that said Emergency Ordinance be given Ordinance its first and second readings by title. Motion Carried. Said Emergency Ordinance given its first and second reP0.4.ngs by title and a motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Ellin that said Emergency Ordinance be filed with the City Conseil and also be published in the Anacortes Daily Mercury and come up for final hearing on July 3, 1945, at 8 o'clock P. X. in the Council Chamber in the City Hallo Ilotion Carried. More about Councilman Fisher again brought up the matter of the unsanitary condition the of a certain location on the West aide of Commercial Avenue and South of the "Cesspool" Colvin Service Station, and this matter was referred by the `%yor to the on Com.Ave. Printing and Health Committee. In the matter of the application of leslie Cummins to purchase hots 8, 9 and 10, albek 5, Hensler's First Addition to the Cagy of $naeortes, a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Fisher that the above offer of Leslie Cummings to purchase bots 8, 9, and 10, Hensa er'ss• First Addition to the City of Anacortes for $p40.00 per lot be accepted and that the Payor and City Clerk be authorized to sign said quit claim deed. Ayes: hammons, Fisher, Derby, Ellin, Hatton and Dodge. Motion Carried. The application of -- Vitae 13, 945. Cont in_ued--_---- —. - - — - -- --- - -- The Application of BIrs, Lv.retta Lobdell for the vacation of 37tI, Street from raDO Avenue East to the acreage is still being considered by the Streets and Streets and Parks Committee. The matter of electing a Councilman at urge was discussed at some length and the following names were suggested; Vernon fierce, Arimtage Dodwick, Depore Pollom, Kirvin Smith and Earl Swan. It was decided to Trait until the -next meeting of the City Council to elect.;a Councilman at Large. Councilman Ellin brought up the matter of providing more housing faciliti�-. ", the City of Anacortes. After some discussion a, motion vras made by Dodge and seconded by Ellin that a Committee from the City Council be appointed by the Uayor to meet with the Committee from the Chamber of Commerce and the Committee from the Federal housing Commission. Motion carried. Mayor Hagan then appointed Ellin, Hatton andon this Committee. �odge living completed the business of the evening, a motion was made b�7 Hammons and seconded by Dodge that the meeting of the City Council adjourn. Potion carried. The City Council did then adjourn. j payor Attest:��/ - u vyN ul e rk i July 3, 1945. A Regular Meeting of the City Cotancil of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 8 o'clock P. K. with :_!ayor Joe 1. Hagan presiding. The roll vaas called and Hammons, fisher, Derby, Batton and Dodge were present. I The minutes of the previous meeting mere read and approved as read. Ross Sparks spoke to the City Council on behalf of the f.merican Legion and asked permission to install a certain type of a money jar from which numbers ars drawn to provide funds to help returning veterans. After some discussiou on: this matter, a motion rrao made by Hammons and .seconded by Hatton that thio matter be referred to the License and Police Committee. Potion carried. The following communication from the Anacortes Chamber of Commerce vas presented and Read to the City Council: ANACORTES CHAIMER OF C019�MRCE July 3, 1945 To the Honorable Mayor, and City Council of the City of Anacortes, Washington.. Gentlemen: .Lt the meeting of the Chamber of Commerce held on Uonday July 2, it was moved, seconded and carried that the attention of your honorable body be called to the fact that a sidewalk an Second Street between. Commercial Avenue and 0 Avenue, leading to the Guemes Ferry is very much needed. The fact that the people on Guemes are frequent visitors in the -City, and they need such a convenience, especially as th;� :e is so much travel on this road during the summer months, by those who have summer homes on Guemes Island, vas braught out by several at the meeting. ''Would it be possible to declare an emergency, and provide funds for a sidewalk at least on the North side of Second Street, from Commercial to 0 Avenue, so that the people traveling to and from Guemes could have a safe passage to and from the Ferry? The need for some sort of dust -settler is also very much needed during the coming months. Thanking you for your attention to this matter, and any relief you may be abbe to provide, ire are, LEROY L Yours Very truly, Anacortes Chamber of Commerce, LEROY L. TODD, PRESIDENT, By Elizabeth U. Dwelley, Secretary. The City Council_ decided to hold thio matter over till the next meeting of the City Council. A communication was presented and read to the City Council which stated that Russell Brothers Pan -Pacific would give two performances in Anacortee on July 9, 1945. As permission had been given for the showing of this Circus in Anacorteo no action was taken by the City Council at thiG time. 1 1 1 16 1 I* 10 1 July 3, 1945 The report of the City Treasurer for the month of June, 1945, was .presented and read to the City council, and was referred by the mayor to the Finance Committee. The report of the Chief of Police for the month of June, 1945, was presented and read to the City council, and a motion was. made by Derby and seconded by Hatton that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. Mx. H.H. Hinshaw, Chief of Police, made an oral report to the city council, and recommended that the traffic signs immediately in front of the Post Offide should be for one-half hour rather than one hour. After some discussion a m®Sion was made by Derby and seconded by Hatton that one 30 -minute parking sign should be placed immediately in front of the Anacortes Post Office. Notion carried. The report of the .Police Justice for the month of June, 1945, was presented and read to the city council, and a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Hatton that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. I Mayor Joe L. Hagan reported that the Health Officerhad recommended that the City try to improve conditions in the sump hold west of Commercial Avenue, and South of 12th Street. "r. T.G. McCrory spoke to the city council and recommended that some form of chloride or chloride of lime be applied at this point acr a disinfectant. A motion wasmade by Derby and seconded by Dodge that the City Attorney write to the owners of the property upon which the sump hole was located and advise them of the Health Officer's report and ask them to improve this condition. :lotion carried. The report of the Water Superintendent for the month of June, 1945, Lomas presented and read to the city council and a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Fisher thtt said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The report of the Street Foreman for the month of June, 1945, was presented and read to the city council and a,,motion made by Hatton,and seconded by Dodge that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The gasoline report for the month of June, 1945, was presented and read to the city council and a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Derby that :.said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. ter. T.G. McCrory, Street Supervisor, made an oral report to the effect that the improvement of the city streets by the use of calcium chloride and liquid asphalt was working out very cue&l. The matter of a type of fire brick to be used in the new heating boiler in the Type of Anacortes Community Building, was discussed at some length at this time. A new Fire brick type of brick, which would cost approximatelt $25.00 more than the regular type o Community of fire brick was considered, and Mr. James McLachland, the contractor, wished Building to know if the city would reimburse him for the extra cost in installing a better type of fire brick. A motion was made by Derby and seconded by Fodge that the Building Committee investigate the different types n3d price of fire brick, and have power to act in this matter. Lotion carried. Mr. J. E. Harding, Park Superintendent, was present at the meeting, and requested Park employee that .the city council have a park employee deputized as a special police officer special residing at Sunset Beach. Police Officer After some discussion a motion was made by Hammons, and seconded by Hatton, that the lark employee living at Sunset Beach be deputized as a special police officer and that a surety bond of j1JOO.00 be purchased for said specbal police officer.. Motion carried. The natter of dog licenses was discussed at some length and a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Fisher that this matter be referred to the Chief of Police and License and .Police Committee for study. motion carried. A motion was made by Derby and seconded by Fisher that the City Clerk present model dog license ordinances from other cities to the above named commfttae. Motion ,carried. , At the meeting of the city council held on June 5, 1945, Mrs. Luretta Lamphiear Lamphier made an application for the vacation of 37th Street from D Avenue to where it - application Joins on the acreage on the East, approximately obe block long, and was at that for vacation time referred to the Streets & Parks Committee. of 3 Jth St. At this time the Streets and Parks Commtttee recommended that Mrs. Luretta Lamph- iear and Wayne Lamphiear be allowed to use the above described street until s'ch time as the City of Anacortes would require it for street purposes. A motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Derby that the above recommendation regarding the vacation of 37th Street above described be adopted. Ayes, Hammons Fisher, Derby, Hatton, and Dodge. Motion carried. A communication from the State Pollution Control Commission wasp resented to the city council and a motion was made by Hammons, and seconded by Derby, that said communication be accepted and placed on file. `Motion carried. Mayor Joe L. Hagan made a oral report on the progress being made in the purchase of the Grand View Cemetery. The report of the City Treasurer for the month of June, 1945, was .presented and read to the City council, and was referred by the mayor to the Finance Committee. The report of the Chief of Police for the month of June, 1945, was presented and read to the City council, and a motion was. made by Derby and seconded by Hatton that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. Mx. H.H. Hinshaw, Chief of Police, made an oral report to the city council, and recommended that the traffic signs immediately in front of the Post Offide should be for one-half hour rather than one hour. After some discussion a m®Sion was made by Derby and seconded by Hatton that one 30 -minute parking sign should be placed immediately in front of the Anacortes Post Office. Notion carried. The report of the .Police Justice for the month of June, 1945, was presented and read to the city council, and a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Hatton that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. I Mayor Joe L. Hagan reported that the Health Officerhad recommended that the City try to improve conditions in the sump hold west of Commercial Avenue, and South of 12th Street. "r. T.G. McCrory spoke to the city council and recommended that some form of chloride or chloride of lime be applied at this point acr a disinfectant. A motion wasmade by Derby and seconded by Dodge that the City Attorney write to the owners of the property upon which the sump hole was located and advise them of the Health Officer's report and ask them to improve this condition. :lotion carried. The report of the Water Superintendent for the month of June, 1945, Lomas presented and read to the city council and a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Fisher thtt said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The report of the Street Foreman for the month of June, 1945, was presented and read to the city council and a,,motion made by Hatton,and seconded by Dodge that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The gasoline report for the month of June, 1945, was presented and read to the city council and a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Derby that :.said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. ter. T.G. McCrory, Street Supervisor, made an oral report to the effect that the improvement of the city streets by the use of calcium chloride and liquid asphalt was working out very cue&l. The matter of a type of fire brick to be used in the new heating boiler in the Type of Anacortes Community Building, was discussed at some length at this time. A new Fire brick type of brick, which would cost approximatelt $25.00 more than the regular type o Community of fire brick was considered, and Mr. James McLachland, the contractor, wished Building to know if the city would reimburse him for the extra cost in installing a better type of fire brick. A motion was made by Derby and seconded by Fodge that the Building Committee investigate the different types n3d price of fire brick, and have power to act in this matter. Lotion carried. Mr. J. E. Harding, Park Superintendent, was present at the meeting, and requested Park employee that .the city council have a park employee deputized as a special police officer special residing at Sunset Beach. Police Officer After some discussion a motion was made by Hammons, and seconded by Hatton, that the lark employee living at Sunset Beach be deputized as a special police officer and that a surety bond of j1JOO.00 be purchased for said specbal police officer.. Motion carried. The natter of dog licenses was discussed at some length and a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Fisher that this matter be referred to the Chief of Police and License and .Police Committee for study. motion carried. A motion was made by Derby and seconded by Fisher that the City Clerk present model dog license ordinances from other cities to the above named commfttae. Motion ,carried. , July 3, 1945 The matter of providing additional housing facilities for Anacortes was discussed Additional at this time and it ivas pointed out that any further housing units could not be Housing built at the present time. facilities The matter of providing a trailer camp was discussed at some length, but no offi- cial action was .taken in the matter. Mayor Joe L. Fagan re -appointed ll�r. Kenneth T. Sherman as a member of the Housing Authority Board for a five-year term.. At the last meeting pf the city council an emergency ordinance declaring an emer- i Garbage gency, to provide funds in the amount of $500.00 for fire protection at the city Dump garbage dump was filed with the City council, and was given its first, and second Emergency readings by title, and advertised in the Anacortes Daily LZercury. Ordinance At this time, there being no protests -against the passage of the above described emergency ordinance, a motion wasmade by Derby and seconded by.Dodge that said eme emergency ordinance be given its third and final readings by sections. Motion carried. Section One was read, and a motion was wade by Hatton and seconded by Fisher that Section One be adopted. Kotioji carried. Section Tuo was read, and motion made by Hammons and seconded by Dodge, that Section Two be adopted. Motion carried. Section Three was read, and a motion was made by Hatton and seconded by Hammons that Section Three be adopted. Motion carried. A motion Was made by Dodge and seconded by Hammons that ssgid Emergency Ordinance be accepted and adopted as a whole. Ayes, Hammons, Fisher, Derby, Hatton and Dodge. Motion carried. i At this time an ordinance providing for zoning or parking strip on the Weet side Ordinance of Commercial Avenue, Anacortes, Washington, to be used by a public transporta- Zoning on tion Company, and providing a penalty for the violation of this ordinance was ?Jest side presented to the city council. Commercial Ave. A motion wasmade by Hammons and seconded by Hatton that said ordinance be given its first and second readings by title. Motion carried. Said ordinance was given its first and second readings by title and a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Dodge, that said ordinance be given its third and final reading by sections. Motion carried. Section One was read, and a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Hatton that said Section One be adopted. Zotion carried. Section Two. was read, and a motion was made by Fisher, and seconded by Derby that said Section Two be adopted. Motion carried. Section Three was read, and a motion was made by Hatton and seconded by Dodge that said Section Three be adopted. Lotion carried. Section Four vas read, and a motion was Made by Hatton and seconded by Hammons that Section Four be adopted. Motion carried. Section Five was read, and a motion was. made by Derby and seconded by Hatton that Section Five be adopted. Motion carried. I A motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Derby that said Ordinance be adopted asi a whole. Dyes, Hammons, Fisher, Derby, Hatton and Dodge. Motion carried. A motion was made by Fisher and seconded by Derby that the punch board ordinanae be carried over until the next meeting of the city council. Motion carried. A motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Derby that the City Treasurer's report for the month of June, 1945, be adopted. motion carried. The following claims against the, city of Anacortes for the month of June, 1945, were presented and read to the city council; . Joe L. Hagan E. A. Schulz Charles Fisher A. L. Derby Syd Ellin Walter Hammons S. T. Hatton Ec E. Dodge 0. E. Arges John G. Dorcy Y'J. V. Wells Dr. A.B. Cook A. R. Sellenthin Alfred Robbins P. E. Olson Alfred Robbins Vithholding Tax Fund G. N. Dalstead Katherine H. Snider CURRENT EXPENSE. 12855 Salary as Mayor 12856 " " Councilman 12857 Councilman 12858 Councilman 12859 °' " Councilman 12360 p t4 Councilman 12861 " " Councilman 12862 Councilman 12863 p " Deputy Treasurer 12864 °' " City Clerk 12865 " City Attorney 12666 It " City Health Officer 12867 " " Police Justice 12868 Dog Catcher 12869 n "' Janitor 12870 " 0 Dump Mari 12871 Withholding Taxes 12872 Postage for Clerk's Office 12873 Work in Clerk's Offide 20.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 88.00 81.00 81.00 40.90 45.10 23.90 46.70 33.70 51.40- 5.00 5.00 1 1 1 1 K`i July 3, 1945 J. E. Harding Pioneer Inc. 12874 Supplies for Clerk's office 2.41 1602 Fern Press 128 5 " Clerk do Police Dept. 12.10 Wages as Laborer 17.25 Anacortes Gas Co. 12 76 Gas used in City Hall 5.19 WaterDepartment H.O..Davey, Plumbing Inspector 12877 Plumbing Permits 6.00 1606 Merrill L. Iversen 12878 Work in Clerk's office 4.00 Supplies for Park j James KcLachlan 128'79 advance Payment of Heating Plant 8 103NO 4.4$ Marine Supply & Hardware 128$0 Supplies for Clerk's Office Dept. of Labor and Industry H. H. Hinshaw 128$1 Salary as Chief of Police 207.10 1611 Nick Petrish 12882 r '► Asst Chief 202.60 Jack- Goff 12883 U " Captain 181.60 L. Pollard 12884 U Patrolman 164.40 Gilbert Lee 1886 8.0 Thompson, 2 112Warren j Carl. Springer 12887 f0 a " 181.20 Dept.. of Labor and Industries 128$8 Indl Ins. and Med Aid 13.21. E.A._ Abbott Motor Co 12889 Labor & Material, Police Dept. 5.62 Marshall -cells Store 12890 Supplies, Police Dept. 3.1.7 Jack Wittman 12891 Labor and Materials 14.42 Colvin's Service Station 12892 Labor and Materials 23.17 H. H. Hinshaw 12893 .Postage and Box Rental. 2.00 Brady's .Anacortes Studio 12894= ',fork, Police Dept., School 1.55 Nick Petrish,. 12895 Expense, Federal Investigation 34.90 Withholding Tax Fund 12896 Withholding Taxes 93-00- L. E. Snider, 12897 Salary as Fire Chief 202.53 Bert. Varrall 12898 Asst. Fire 181o67 Oliver Hauge 12899 .Chief r Captain 185.99 M. G. Strocli 12900 n' Fireman 169.00 C. T. Strock 12901 Fireman 169.00 K. W. Snart 12902 " '► 169.00 M. L. Iversen 12903 177.40 John G. Dorcy 12904 Call Man and Extra Fireman 30000 C. Wirsing 12905 a, ° 16.06 Roy .McDougall 12906 0 " " Cr 15.78 George Miller 12907 & afd T3 9.70 H. Chevrier 12908 0 0 fa " 6.25 G. A. Snider 12909 0 a 3.00 A. Mondhan 12910 ° C1 �' rr 9.95 17ithholding Tax Fund 12911 Withholding Taxes 10'%.70-- Firemen's Pension & Relief 12912 2% of Firemen's Salart 2$.47 Bert Verrall 1213 Mileage on Car .8.00 L. T. Snider 12 14 Mileage on Car 19000 Water Dept. 12915 Hydrant Rental 565.00 West Coast Telephone Co. 12916 Telephone Service, City Hall 12.68 South Side Hardware 12917 Supplies 4.25. Automopive Parts Service 12918 Supplies 1,27 Anacortes Laundry & Cleaners 12919 Laundry jervice, City Hall 5038 City Street Fund 12920 Gasoline, Police & Fire Depts. Puget Sound Pover & Light Co-. 12921 Lighting Service g7-70 6.53 Uithholding Tax Fund 12922 Withholding Taxes 6.50- 050Charles CharlesR. 17atts & Co. 12923 Traffic Signs 64.89 F.O.E. #249 12924 Froom Eental. 10.00 Mrs.. Alice Newland 12925 Cash Advanced for Planning Como 2.81 F. E. Foss & Sons 12926 Clearing Fire Breaks, Garbage Dump 138.00 John Anderson 1492 Burning at Garbage Dump 31050 Schwartz Iron Works 1292 Sign Post Clamps 44.50 LIBRARY FUND. Constance Fox 2132 Salary as Librarian 144.40 Blanche Sackett 2133 q, as Asst Librarian 96.80 P. E. Olson 2134 cr as Janitor 83.90 Maude F. 71ebb 2135 Substitute 7.00 Withholding Tax Fund 2136 7ithholding Taxes 39090« Puget Sound Power & Light 213Lights used at Library 3.50 Anacortes "Dater Department 2139 Crater used at Library 2.65 Robbins Garbage Service 2139 Garbage Service 3.00 Maryott's Greenhouse 2140 Shrubbery 3.09 A. C. McClurg & Co. 2141 Books for Library. 12.8 Dept. Labor and Industry 2142 Ind. Ins. and.Med.. Aid .3� Americatba Corporation 2143 Magazine Subscription 2.95 The .H.16. Wilson Co. 2144 Books for Library 5000 J. E. Harding 1601 Salary as Part Superintendent 170.40 Legis E. Harr 1602 92 rr Park Employee 76.10 Henry Heller 1603 Wages as Laborer 17.25 Withholding Tax Fund 1604 Withholding Taxes 26.23- 6023ti"later WaterDepartment 1605 Water used at Park 15.55 City Street Fuhd 1606 Gasoline used in Pari, Truck 7.22 South Side Rat�ehvare . 1607 Supplies for Park 7.23 Staliy6s Fbc-it , Shop 1608 Labor 4.4$ M. Grinnell 16@9 Wages as Laborer 22.40 Dept. of Labor and Industry 1610 Ind. Ins and Med. Aid 5.81 U. Grinnell 1611 1.58 July 3, 1945 CJITT.UMLDING TAX FUND Peoples National Bank of 1,7ash. T. .G. McCrory Sadie X. Arges Dorothy Fee John G. Dogcy Charles Yledlund Russell Carolan G. •F. Keller L. .Sire t t Frank Deane ester Thomas Withholding Tax Fund Island Transfer Co. Fest Coast Telephone Cp. The Texas Company 5:3al,lace & Tiernan Co. Standard Oil Co. E.l�o .Abbott Motor Co. Penn. Salt Mfg. Co. of Washington H. -D. Fouler Co. C . -L. Bower Puget Sound Power & Light Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Skagit Valley Telephone Co. Rrubson Motor Co. Tax Commission Anacortes Roofing Co. Corin°s Service Station Skagit Bonded Collectors The Fern Press Schwartz Iron Works Marine Supply & Hardware Dept. of Labor ..nd Industry J. 0. Rogers o Roy McDougall Lynn Balcomb Dave Summers Oscar Thorene Carl Welk George Miller Joh9 tmderson Jacob Reidlinger T. -G. McCrory John G. Dorcy Withholding Tax Fund Union Oil Co. Shell Oil Co. The Texas Uo. Standard Oil Co. of C°��fornia Howard Cooper Corporation C.L. Bower, South Side Haddivare Frank Russell Puget Sound Power & Light Trulson Motor Co. The Marine Supply Hardware Colvin's, Service Station County Road Eng. Hey Account (3kagit Grain & Seed Co. Inland Petroleum Trans. Co. Fiorito Brothers Pacific 21spha.lt Paving Co. L. A. Hendricks Standard Oil Co. Schwartz Iron Vorks Dept. Labor and Industries Gowa,rd Cooper Corporation 24 Total Vithholding Taxes June 1945 703..23- CIATER DEPARTMENT 8520 Salary as Water Supt. 275.00 8521 " Water Cashier 147.60 8522 2080 Clerk 121.00 8523 t? Bookkeeper 49.20 8524 Er Vater Foreman 220.10 8525 " Serviceman 173.80 8526 Ualary as St. eeo- Supervisor Filterman 172.70 8527 40.90 a 156.90 8528 a Er 156.90 8529 a L° Pumpman 190.40 8530 Withholding Taxes 183.00- 8531 Fuel Oil for Filter Plant 5.81. 8432 Telephone Service Water Dept. 25.42 8533 Supplies for later Dept. 4.95 8534 Supplies for 'Cater Dept. 11.50 8535 Gas for Water Dept. 21.70 8536 Labor and Materials, Water Dp.17.04 8537 Chlorine, Water Dept. 1188.99 8538 Materials, Llater Dept. 34. 0 8539 Labor '210.29 2.90 8540 Lighting Service 1222.13 8541 Supplies for dater Dept. 100.43 8542 Telephone Service 4.60 8543 Material and Labor 2 32.2 8544 Business Tax 496.8 8545 New Roof for .von Pump -House 2?.29 8546 Service & Supplies, `later Dt .8.45 854Collection of Water Bills 38.04 8549 Printing and Supplies 10.40 8549 Service and Material 1.48 8550 Material and Supplies 38.38 8551 Ind Ins x died Aid, 16.49 8552 SalAry as Filterman 190.40 CITY STREET FUND 2077 Salary as Street Foreman 214074 2978 p Graderman 1 6.82 2079 °� MaintenanceL,an 13.93 2080 " Maintenance Han 19 5.22 2081 `� Maintenance Man 132.00 2082 Wages as Roller -man 55.50 2082 Wages as Laborer 32.00 2083 Mages as Street Swee�.er 105.10 2084 Ualary as St. eeo- Supervisor 40.90 2085 Saliry as Bookkeeper 40.90 2087 Withholding Taxes 170.00- 2088 Gasoline, City Pump 62..?7 2089 Gasoline, City Pump 55.50 2090 Gasoline, City Pump 37.93 2095 Gasoline, Citi Ekimp .03 2092 Grader Blades and Bolts 2093 Welding & Sharpening Pick Pts 2.40 2096 2 Scythe Stones, Street Dept. .65 2094 Bulldozer at Gravel Pit 196.00 2095 Lighting Service, Street Dept.37.50 2097 Service 1.29 2099 "Haterial and Supplies 14.73 2098 Labor and Materials 3.62 2100 Equipment Rental, 369.71 2101 Calcium Chloride. 260.79 2102 hlc2 Liquid Asph�ilt '210.29 2103 Rental of 10 -ton roller 202.8 2104 Eqpt. Rental and Service 280.4 2105 Equipment Rental 280.50 2106 Ide 2 2sphalt 1343.64 2107 Labor, Material and Supplies 40.6 2108 Ind Ins & Med Aid 20.8 2109 To replace 2092 49.32 COMMUNITY BUILDING RENTAL FUND Puget Sound Power & Light 38 Lights used at Com. Building 23.95 Anacortes Mater Dept. 39 Plater used at Com. Bldg. 5.55 Schwartz Iron Works 40 Material for Com. Bldg :.3) The Fern Press 41 Keys for Community Bldg 1.44 Lnacortes Roofing Co. 42 Roof for Community Bldg 180.25 Island Transfer Co. 43 Fuel Oil for Com. Bldg 45.37 A motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Derby that the above claimo be referred to the Finance committee. Notion.carried. The Finance Committee having considered the claims against the city of Anacortes for the month of June, 1945 recommended that said claims be allowed and warrahts drawn on the Treasurer for the same. A motion was made by Hatton and seconded by Fisher that the recommendation of 1 1 16 1 10 I* 1 July 3, 1945 the Finance Committee be accepted and orders drawn for the amounts. Motion carried. Councilman Derby brought up the matter of leasing a part of the school playfield to the City and to use City funds for the maintenance of this field. There was much discussion, but no official action was taken. Having completed the business of the evening, a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Hatton that the meeting of the city council adjourn. The meeting of the city Council did .ATTEST : � Aja CJITY CI4ERK. them adjourn. /MAYOR July 17, 1945 A regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 8 o'clock P. M. with Iiayor doe La Hagan presiding. The Roll was called and Hammons, Fisher, Derby, Ellin and Dodge were present The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. The following communication was presented and read to the City Council.- Anacortes' ouncil.Anacortes' Wash., July 9, 1945. Honorable Mayor and City Council.- Anacortes, ouncil:Anacortes, Vash. Gentlemen. I hereby make an application for a Quit Claim. Deed covering Lot 16, Block 6, Shannon's First Addition to the City of Anacortes, which I ]Purchased from the County some time ago. I will pay $5.00 for this deed. Hoping that you will give this matter your earliest favorable consideration, I am, Yours very truly, (Signed) Edna R. Machin .After some discussion this matter was referred to the City Attorney. Mr. T. G. I'_TcCrory, City -Engineer, reported that there had been a 30 Minute parking sing had been placed in front of the Anacortes Post Office. Ar. L. E. Snider, Fire Chief, sponse to the City Council and pointed out the urgent need .for additiongl113No..DarkingO signs in front of the City Hall. After some discussion, a motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Hammons that Mr. T. G. McCrory, City Engineer, be authorized to purchase the necessary "No Parking* signs to be placed in front of the City Hall. Motion carried. Runc 11roan Ellin made oral rt on th matter of P c $.ar s and.asked at his matter be MR over �bplj the next meeting of ��ie� b.y ouncil. The matter of a Wading Pool for children was discussed at some length and a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Fisher th,::.t the. natter of a Wading Pool be referred to the Street,sand Parks .Committee and Par_ k:,Board. Hation Carried. Having completed the business of the evening, a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Derby that the meeting of the City Councilad'our . Motion carried. City C 1 e r -k --o--_-_ �� / ity G1erk August 7, 1945 A regular Ueeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes vies called to order at 8 -o'clock P.M. with Zayor Joe L. Hagen presiding. The roll was called I and Hammond Fisher, Derby,Ellin, Hatton and Dodge were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. The matter of electing a councilman to succeed Eltan A. Schulz was taken up at j this time. Irr. George Brado was nominated for councilman at large to succeed Mr. Elton A. Schulz, and the following was the roll call on this matter. Ayes: � Hammon, Derby, Ellin, Hatton, Dodge. Nays: Fishek. Mr. '=eorge Brado took his oath of office and was seated in the City Council. j The following communication was presented and read to the City Council: Anacortes, Washington August 6, 1945 The Mayor and Members of the City Council of Anacortes, Washington Ger:tlemen : There are four families near 25th and N Streets who are badly in need of city water. Three of these families have cnickens and stock that require u great deal of dater. These three are trying to help out the food shortage by increasing the milk, poultry and egg supply, but the lack of water makes it almost impossible for them to carry out their program. Two of these three families are now hauling water in order to take care of their chickens and cows. The fourth famiig has four servicemen and their families living at his home, and the dater supply from his well is almost used up. In fact it is dangerously low at present. For these reasons, we, tlie undersigned petition the Mayor and the Members of the City Council for enough 3 inch pipe, or smaller if necessary, to reach from J Street to X. Street, 750 ft. If the City will furnish the pipe, we the undersigned will furnish the labor to lay it. Respectfully submitted, A. Cz. Smith R. H. Rowell D. L. Padgett J. R. Easter After some discussion, motion vas made by Dodge and seconded by Derby that the request in the above communication be grabted with proper consideration for easments and that the ownership of siad pipeline remain with the city. Ayes: i lammons, Fisher, Derby, Ellin, Hatton, Dodge and Brado. Motion carried. A committee of citizens of the South side of the City of Anacortes were present and requested that more water by supplied to consumers in the city for minimum price of "2.50 per month. This matter vias discussed at some length, and the motion was made by Hammon and seconded by Hatton that this matter be referred to the Fire, bight and 'dater Committee. Lotion carried. The following communication from Dumber and Sawmill Jorkers No. 2832, Anacortes, °lashingto n was presented and read to the City Council: July 30, 1945 Eayor J. L. Hagen City Hall i Anacortes, Wash Dear Sir: _ At a meeting of the Lumber and Sawmill Workers Local 2832, held July 26, it was reported that the Chamber of Commerce had taken under discussion the possi- bility of getting surplus war s,_ipment anchored here at Anacortes. It was further reported that the amount of men to be stationed here cJould be of benefit to the City of Anacortes. The quantity of merchandise and materials used would also prove beneficial. 7e believe th&A the Chamber of Commerce and the City Council should do all in their power to get this work for the city even to the point of sending a, committee � to Seattle, to meet with the authorities who are responsible for the berthing of these ships. Very truly yours, The Organization of Lumber and Savnnill t'lorker0 L. U. 2832 I'aotion was madd by Derby and seconded by Dodge that the Mayor appoint a special c-ommittee to work with the Anacortes Chamber of Commerce to obtain more shipping in the City of Anacortes. Motion carried. Mayor Hagen then appointed Hammons, Brado and Ellins to act on this committee. The three following communications were presented and read to the City Council: Anacortes, Washington July 25, 1945 City Council j Anacortes, dasl.ington Dear Sirs.- 1Tiie members of the Fiat Lethodist Church of Anacortes wish to thank the City Council for refusing permission to the Russell Brothers Circus to show on Sunday July eigth. � Sincerely yours .Karjorie Francis, Sec. of Board II Ij 1 F� Ll 1 01 1 i Anacortes'Veneer, Inc. Anacortes, Washington July 13, 1945 To the mayor and Gity Council City of Anacortes Anacortes, 'Jashington Gentlemen: I' recently lie, the undersigned, are sincerely grateful for the work/done on 34th Street between Commercial and V Avenues. The appiication of Dowflakes keeps the dust down in a satisfactory manner. it (Signed) J. A. Sagen Mo N. Holland J. L. Stuart Homer Queen T. Eo Fuhr F. R. Strandberg I alton Brothers Timber Company Anacortes, `dashington July 31, 1945' City Council of Anacortes: Anacortes, Washington Gentlemen.- The entlemen: The residents of Barrows Bay and the employees of this saw mill, join me in expressing our thanks for`he present oiled road now running from town to.Sunset Beach.. It is really a pleasure now to use this road and we all realize that many.of the hazards of driving the road have been eliminated. Your street department Ment to considerable work and expense in providing this hardsurfaced road, but we feel sure that the satisfaction it gives to all citizens using this highway on their way to work or to the beaches on this section of the island, must be gratifying to you. Yours truly, 71ALTON BROTHERS TILMER COL0ANY ( Signed) P. A. Workman motion made by Derby and seconded by Ellin that the above three communieati;,ns be accepted with thanks and filed. Motion carried. The folla7ing communication from J. C. Cheney, Manager of Safeway Store No. 138 was presented and read to the City Council: Anac,rtes, ',cash., July 27, 1945 Honorable Mayor & City Council, Anacortes, Wash. Gentlemen: The local Garbage Collector has announced a raise in the garbage hauling rates for the Safeway Store. Attached are the rates of two previous garbage collectors. Ve would very much appreciate your having the Garbage Collector file his present rates with the City Council in order that a price ceiling may be established for this service in Anacortes. Thanking you for your early consideration in this matter, I u m, Yours very truly, (Signed) J. C. Cheney, L-naer Safeway Store, #139 SCHEDULE OF GARBAGE COLLECTION RATES, FILED 61ITII THE CITY OF ANACORTES SEPT. 19, 1938. Cde, the undersigned, hereby file the following rates with the City of Anacortes for hauling garbage in the City of Anacortes: RESIDENCES: Weekly Service .80 per month Semi-monthly Service .50 per month 15 cents per month extra where garbage must be carried 30.ft. or more BUSINESS HOUSES: �yt1.50 per load or X1,50 per hour at option of patrons. (Signed) Everett Moody E. B. Hoe The above communication was referred by the Mayor to the Printing and Health Committee. At the meeting of the City Council held on July 17, 1945, Mrs. Edna R. Machin made an application for a quit claim deed covering Lot 16, Block 6, Shannon's First.Addlition to the City of Anacorteu and was referred at that time to the City Attorney. The City Attorney has prepared the above described Quit Claim Deed and a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Hammon that the recommendation by the City Attorney be adopted and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the above Claim deed. notion carried. Councilman Fisher brought up the matter of installing a sidewalk on Commercial Avenue between 12th Street and 15th Street and suggested that procedure necessary be taken to use a local improvement district to install the above sidewalk and a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Derby that this matter be referred to the Streets and Parks Committee. Motion carried. The report of the City Treasurer for the month of July, 1945 was presented to the City'Council and was referred by the mayor to the Finance Committee. The report of the•Chief of Police for the month of July, 1945 was presented and read to the City Council and a motion was made by Dodge and'seeonded by Hammon that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The report of the Chief Justice for the month of July 1945 was presented and read to the City Council. Motion teas made by Ellin and sec:nded by Dodge that said reportbe accepted and placed on file. motion carried. Lr. F. E. Foss spoke to the City Council. and urged that the City of Anacortesszll the timber from certain tracts of land to -the Anacortes Veneer. After some discus- sion, motion was made by Hammons and seconded by (s" that this matter be referred to the Fire, Light and Vater Committee and the Coater Superintendent. %lotion carriedo The report of the water Superintendent for the m.,nt�h�of July 1945 was presented aai read to the City Council and a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Ellin that said report be accepted and placed on file. The report of the Street Foreman for the month of July 1945 was presented and read to the City Council and a motion was made by Hammon and sec:;nded by Hatton that said report be accepted and placed on file. motioned carried. The Causland report for the month of July 1945 was presented and read to the City Council, and a motion was made by Hatton and seconded by Brado th_-t said report be accepted and placed on file. motion carried. Mr. L. E. Snider, Fire Chief, spoke to the City Council and tasked permission'to attend the mire College to be held in Yakima, Washington on August 25 and 26, 1945•. Mr. Snider also reported that he had sold a pump formerly used in the Fire Departmen for {)40.00. The motion was made by Derby and seconded by Dodge thut the Fire Chief be granted permission to attend the Fire College to be held in Yakima on the abode dates. Lotion carried. � Councilman Ellin suggested that road to Grandview Cemetery be improved by grading and oiling. No official action was taken in the matter. Councilman Dodge reported that the.Park Coard had approved the installment of a wading pool in Causland Park. After some discussion motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Derby that the City Council meet at the Empire Cafe Banquet Room on August 14, 1;45 together with the members of the Park Board and the Lionst Club to discuss the matter of a wading pool in Causland Park. motion carried. The i:enewal Insurance Policy covering the two cars used by the Anacortes Police Department was presented to the City Council and a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Ellin that the above described insurance policy be referred to the City Attorney. The following claims against the city of Anacortes for the month of July 1945 were presented and rend to the City Council: CURRENT EXPENSE Joe L. Hagan 12929 Salary as Mayor 20.00 Charles F. Fisher 12930 "isCouncilman 10.00 A. L. Derby 12931. It It It 10.00 Syd Ellin 12932 " It er 5.00 Walter Hammons 12933 " n n 10.00 S. T. Hatton 12934 `" " " 5.00 E. E. Dodge 12935 " " 10.00 0. E. Arges 12936 " Deputy Treasurer b8.80 John s. Dorcy 12937 " City Clerk 81.00 U. V1 veils 12938 " " City Attorney 81.00 Dr. A. B. Cook 12939 " " Helath Officer 40.90 A. R. Sellenthin 12940 " " Police Justice 45.10 Alfred Robbins 12941 n " Dog Catcher 23 .90 P. E. Olson 12942 " " Janitor, City Hall 46.70 Alfred Robbins 12943 it " Garbage Dump Ilan 33.70 Withholding Tax Fund 12944 Withholding Taxes 51.40 G. N. Dalstead I.M. 12945 Postage for Clerks Office 5.00 Union Printing Co. 12946 Budget Supplies 2.57 Trick and Murray 12947 Supplies for Clerk's Office 4.66_ ilunicipal Year Book 12948 Book for Clerk's Office 8.50 Katherine H. Snider 12949 Extra Work in Clerk's Office 26.00 Burrough's Adding Lachine Co. 12950 Adding Machine Service 5.05 H. 0. Davey 12951 5 Plumbing Inspections 1�.; .1.50 7.50 Herrill Iversen 12952 Work in Clerk and rresurers Offices 3.00 Anacortes Gas Company 12953 Gas used in City Hall, 2 ono. 10.38 H. H. Hinshaw 12954 Salary as Chief of Police 207.10 Nick Petrish 12955 Salary as Asst Ch of Police .202.6o Jack Goff 12956 a " Capt. of Police 181.60 L. Pollard 12957 It Patrolman .164.40 Gilbert Lee 12958 n `F It 164.40 Uarren Thompson 12959 " " " 181.20 Carl Springer 12960 " ° " 181.20 Vithholding Tcx Fund 12961 Withholding Taxes 93.00 Matt '2. Kingsley 12962. Insurance on Police Cars 58.09 Colvin's Service Station 12963 SeOvi.ce on ?police Cars. 1.55 Maryland Cafe 12964 Meals for Prisoners 13.24 Dept. of Labor & Ind. 12965 Ind Ins & Med Aid 17.59 L. E. Snider 12966 Salary as Fire Chiu° 202.53 Bert Verrall 12967 Salary as Asst. Fire Chief 181.67 Oliver Hauge 12968 n " Captain, Fire Dept. 185.99 o M. G. Struck .12969 " ". Patrolman 169.Oo Carl S trock 12970 "� " Patrolman 169.00 K. V. Snart 12971 i° " Patrolman 169.00 1 U 1 Q 17j 1 1 1 89 11, L.. Iversen 12972 Salary as Patro.lman 1'T7;40 R. McDougall 12973 Call Ilan & Extra Fireman 58.11 Jahn 'Dorcy 12974 Call Ilan & Extra F i.reman 48:16 Lo L. Monroe 12975 Extra rireman 5.78 C o �Nirsing 12976 Call Man *& Extra 'Fireman 9.78 A. Mandhan 12977 Call Man, Fire Dept 4.75 George hiller 12978 Call Man, Fire Dept 1.25 L. Moore 129 9 Call Man, Fire Dept 4.25 Withholding Tzx Fund 1290 `Jithholding Taxes 121.8 Firemen''s Rel &.Pen Fudd 12981 2% of Firemen's Salaries 30.46 Anacartes dater Dept. 12982 Hydrant Rental 565.00 L. E.- Snider 12983 Mileage on Car 17.00 Bert Verrall 12984 Mileage on Car 8.00 Schtivarts Iron Works 12985 toelding Service, Fire Dept. 1.29 Marine Supply & Hdwe 12986 Material and Supplies 17.61 Mine Safety appliances Mo. 12987 Supplies for Fire Dept. 11.07 Lloyd Monroe 12988 Supplies for Fire Dept. 27.92 Western Auto Supply Co. 12989 Supplies for Fire Dept. 2.08 South Side Hardware 12990 Supplies for City Hall 25.91 Union Oil Station 12991 Supplies for Fire Dept. 1.03 Trulson Kotor Co. 12992 Repairs & Service, Fire :Dept. 5.67. Ahacartes Laundry & Cl'rs 12993 Laundry Service 6.89 M. R. Kingsley 12994 Bond for L. E. Snider 5.00 Ldvera•s Grocery 12995 Supplies for Fire Dept. 7:22 Simmonds Paint Co. 12996 Supplies for Fire Dept. 1.18 City Street Fund 1299 Gasoline used, Fire & Police Depts 88.80 Standard Oil Co. 1299K Supplies for Fire Dept. 1.80 Shell Oil Company 12999,1 " " t0 0 .24 Berson Motors 13000 R 3 i0 0 -57 Test Coast Telephone Co. 13001 Telephone Service, City Hall 12.80 John•Dorcy 13002 Registration of Births and Deaths 150'60 'Withholdin_; Tax Fund 13003 Withholding Trues 3.90 Puget Sound Pr. & Lt. Coo 13004 Lighting Service 2$9.08 The Fern Press 13005 Printiiig and Supplies 9,53 Brown Lumber Co 13006 Counter Cabinet for Clerk's Office 77.25 Anacartes Daily -Mercury 13007 Printing and Publishing 20.56 State Treasurer 13008 2 Volunteer Firemen&& Memberships_ 4.00 4,b67.13 LIBRARY FUND Constance Fox 2145 Salary as Librarian 144.440 Blanohe Sackett 2146 " 10 Asst. Librarian 96.80 P. E. Olson 2147 1D ,0 Janitor 83.90 Janis Wiseman 2148 i0 1° Substitute 54.60 Withholding Tax Fund 2149 Withholding Taxes 42.30 Nater Department 2150 dater used at Library 12.35 Puget Sound Power & Lt. Co. 2151 Lights used at Library 2.43 Constance Fox 2152 Cash Advanced 8.04 P. E. Olson 2153 Cash Advanced 3.13 H. 0. Yiampler 2154 Charge for Grinding Lawn Mower 1.25 C. A. Templer 2155 Supplied for Library ?rounds 5.60 Young's Home Furnishings 2156 Window Shades for Library 15.71 A. Cd McClurg & Co. 2157 Books for Library 8.55 Charles Scribner's Sons 2158 Books for Library 42.75 0ollege Binders 2159 Rebinding Books 48.54 Dept of Labor & Ind 2160 Ind Ins & Hed Aid .30 570-65- 70.65PARK PARK FUND J. E. Harding 16.12 Salary as Park Superintendent 164.40 Lewis E. Harr 1613 Salary as ]Park Employee 148.60 Withholding Tax Fund 1614 'Withholding Taxes 37.00 ',rater Department 1615 Fater Used at Library '72.60 South Side Hardware 1616,. Supplies for Park Dept .92 Colvin's Service Station 161 Service on Park Truck 4.33 City Street Fund 1618 Gasoline used in Park Truck 7.40 Dept. of Labor & Indo 1620 Ind Ins & Med Aid 6.33 Puget Sound Power & Lt. Co. lo21 Lights used at Sunset Beach House 2.20 443.78 T. G. McCrory Sadie M. Arges Dorothy Fee John G. Dorcy Charles Wed.1_1znd RUdBell Carolan W. 0. Rogers G. F. Keller A. Sirett Frank Deane Lester Thomas John Anderson Oliver Hauge Withholding Tax Fund T. G. McCrory Pennsylvania Salt Mfg Co. Curtis Wharf Cmmpany Island Transfer Co. Hansen Electric Shop TIATER e CURRENT 8553 Salary as Water Superintendent 275.00 8554 Salary as Cashier 147060 8555 Salary as -Clerk 121.00 8556 Salary as .Bookkeeper 49.20 8557 Sa.-ary as '-'later Foreman 227.05 8558 Serviceman 193.e2 8559 " Filterman 190.40 8Q560 " '0 Filterman 172.70 8561 °: if Filterman 156.90 8562 '0 " Filterman 156.90 8563 if Pumpma n 190.40 8564 Wages as Laborer 18.50 8565 'rages as Laborer 4.75 8566 Withholding Taxes 172.95 856`z Cash advanced for Postage 3.00 856tS Chlorine for :`Dater Dept. 59.79 8 569 Lime & Coal, Filter Plant 187 055 8570 Fuel Oil, Filter Plant 8.46 8571 Labor & Material, `nater Dept. 30.2 00, Puget. Sound Power & Light Co. 8572 Lighting and Power service 13146'73 Simps.on's E.Lectric Shop 8573 Supplies for %*later Dept. 4.45 Delaval Steam Turbine Co. 85'74 Pump Parts 36:41 Skagit Electric Co. 8575 Service & Material x.56:-10 . H. D.• Fowler Co. 6 576 Equipment & Aepairs 101:83 Skagit Valley Telephone Co. 8577 Avon Telephone Service 10.89 Hamburg Iron Works 85'78 Labor, Material & Service 240.76 City Street Fund 8579Gasoline, °later ")ept. 44.7'1 . Harine Supply & Hardware 8560 Material and Supolies 52.46 gest Coast Telephone Co. 8581 Telephone Service= 11.85 %;orthington Lleter Go. 8582 Eeter Parts 250:30 Standard Oil Co. 8583 Supplies for Water .sept, 1..29 . Pacific Highway Transport 6564 Freight, Vater Dept. 3.44 Colvi-n's Service.atation 8585 Tire Service 3.61 Remington Rand Co. 8586 New Typewriter 126.10 Federal Pipe & Tank Co. 8587 Pipe Bands 30.90 G. N.• Dalstead P.M. • 8588 Postage for 'dater Dept & P.cds 106.OG Dept.. of Labor & Ind. 8589 Ind Ins &lied laid 15:38 The Fern Press 8590 Printing and Supplies 5.51 Marshall Wells Store- 8591 Equipment Water Dept. 3.76 Schwarts Iron Works 8592 Material & Supplies 922.7 CITY STREET FUND Roy McDougall 2110 Salary as Street Foreman 187.44 Lynn-Balcomb 2111 " ,a Graderman 177.80 Carl-Thorene 2112 r, it Maintenance tan 183.33 Dave .Summers 2113 n i0 Maintenance Ilan 113.80 Carl `Jelk 2114 " Maintenance Man 172.70 Jacob Riedlinger 2115 " " Street Sweeper 105.10 T. G.•IdcGrory 2116 " 0 Street Supervisir 40:90 JTohn -G. Dorcy 2117 " " Bookkeeper 40.90 '.7ithholding Tax Fund 2118 Withholding Taxes 132.60 Marshall Wells Store 2i19 Equipment for St. Dept. 3.76 Greut•Northern Railway 2120 Freight on street Signs 3:30 Marine Supply & Hdwe 2121 Material & Supplies 10.23 South aide Hardware 2122 Supplies for St. Dept. 5.10 Schwartz Iron 176rks 2123 Labor & Material 6.49 Standard Oil Co. 2124 Gasoline & Supplies 60.44 Shell Oil Company 2125 Gasoline, City Pump 55-50 The Texas Company 2126 Gasoline, City Pump '15.86 Puget Sound Power & Lt. Co. 2127 Power for Crusher 37.50 Colvin's Service Station 2128 Tire and Service 63;31. Trulson Too for Co. 2129 Repairs & Service on Eqpt. 60.51 C. -A. Ames 21 0 Mental on Mower 22.50 Pacific Asphalt Paving Co. 2131 Material for St. Dept. 26.66 Howard C000er Corp. 2132 Repairs & Parts. 165.45 Diesel Oil Saies Co. 2133 Equipment mental 674.92 ilinnesota Mining & Mfg. Co. 2134 Street Signs 16.20 ! Skagit Grain & seed Co. 2135 Calcium Chloride 260.59. Pacific Highway Transport 2136 Fright on Grader Blades 1.94. Dept -of Labor & Ind 2137 Ind Ins & Ked Aid 16.02 2?60.85 COMIUNITY BUILDING RENTAL FUND Anacortes eater Dept. Puget Sound Power & Lt. Co. C. C. Blacker People's Natl. Bank of Wash. 44 Mater used at Com. Bldg, 45 Lightis used at Com. Bldg 46 Labor & Materials, Com. Bldg. 71ITHHOIDING TAX FITND 25 Total Withholding Taxes 1.20 17.50 103.43 655.00 Motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Derby that the above claims against the City of Anacortes for the month of July 1945 be referred to the Finance Committee. The Finance Committee considered the above claims and recommended that the claims be allowed and warrants be drawn in favor of the same. The motion was made by. Ellin and seconded by Hammons that the recommendation of.the Finance Committee in ttie-matter of the above described claims be adopted. Ayes. Brado, Hammons, Fisher, Derby, Ellin, Hatton and Dodge. Motion carried. The matter of purchasing A complete Police Radio System to be used by the Police and Fire Departments of the City of Anacortes was discussed at this time and a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Ellin that the City Clerk publish a call for bids -on the above described radio.equip;nent. Ayes: Brado, Hammons, Fisher, Derby, Ellin, Hatton and Dddge. Mot ion carried. motion was made by Hammons and seconded adjourn. The meeting of the City IL-1 ay r Having completed the business of the evening, by Derby that t:ie meeting of the City Council Council did then adjourn. C City Clerk -.6 ty C'le tk 1 1 1 1 1 U -j 1 0 1 I* 10 1 cel . e. August 21, 1945 A Regular ideeting of Ckty Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 8 otclock 'P.M. with*MLyor Joe L. Hagan presiding. The roll was called and Brado, Hammons, Fisher, Derby, Ellin and Dodge were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and ap1roved as read. Mr. Alfred Rawlins, a garbageman in the City of Anacortes was present and gave the City Council some of his rates which he charges, in his garbage service. After some discussion, a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Derby that this matter 6t' referred to the printing and Health Committee and the Health Officer. Motion Carried. The following communication. from the Veterans of Foreign ',Jars and tie Amarican Legion of the City of Anacortes was presented and read to the City Council,. August 21, 1945 Honorable Mayor and City Council: Dear Sirs: I.t. Arthur E. Carlson Post of the V.F.71. of Anacortes and tle Harry Causland Post of the American Legion of Anacortes respectfully seek your permission to sponsor the showing -.f the "Douglas Greater Shows' in Anacortes on September 11 to September 15. ::'e would like your permission to use the Shell Oil Company grounds or that vicinity that has been used for past carnivals. Members of the two Veteran P;.sts of Anacortes wish to assure your honorable body that we will see that a go --d clean show is presented in Anacortes. Respectfully yours, Lt. Arthur E. Carlson Post (Signed) Harry .7. Pinson, Adjt. Harry Causland Post (Signed) Arthur C. Olson, Adjt. Notion was made by Ellin and seconded by Hammons that the request to sponsor a carnival as outlined in the above communication be granted. motion carried. Members of the Lions Crab of the City of Anacortes presented the bluepirint of the proposed wading pool to be built in Causland Park. Mr. John F. Sampson, local architect, spoke to the City Council and pointed out that certain materials for the construction of a wading pool were not available at the present time and redommended that the building of the wading pool be postponed until the Spring of 1946. After some discussion this matter was referred back to the Streets and Parks committee and members of the Park Board. The following communication was presented and read to the City Council: Anacortes, 'gash. Aug us t 12, 1945 To the Hon. Mayor & City Council Anacortes, Wash. Dear Sirs: In reference to the Kiddies wading pool at Causland Park. This project has been brought to the attention of the Carpenter's Local and the question arose about donation labor. The Carpenter's wish to assure you and all clubs or individuals interest in projects of this kind, that in this time of labor shortage etc. that we will waive all rights ordinakily claimed by us. Yours truly, Arnell I. Johnson, Sec. Local 1532 (Signed) Arnell I. Johnson (copy to Anacortes Lions Club) The motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Derby that the above communication from Arnell I. Johnson be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. Mr. :'J. B. Wells, .Assistant City Attorney, presented a report recommending the acceptance of a Renewal Insurance Policy covering the two cars used by the Anacortes Police Department. Ilotion was made by Derby and seconded by Harnmons that the report of the City Attorney in the amtter of insurance on the cars used by the Police Department be adopted. Motion carried. The report of the Fire Department for the month of July 1945 was presented and read to the City Council and motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Brado that said report be accepted and placed on file. Councilman Ellin brought up the matter of the problem of Aled MacDonald who desires a road along the South .Side of the railway right of way from his plant east to 11th Street. The council discussed this matter at some length, but no official motion Baas taken. The matter of the ownership of the property on the Vcst Side of Commercial Avenue from 12th Street to 15th Street was discussed. Ur. W. B. Cdells,' Assistant City Attorney, made an oral report and pointed out that the owners of this property v+ere the People's National Bank, C. R. :dells, Dr. A. B. Cook, the Estate of E. P. Barker, the Estate of Dr. S. G. Brooks, and `,o. B. Vells. Mr. Wells further --s-hated that he had written the Abstract Office in .lint. Vernon to find out further datails on this matter. c_. At this time the Ordinance pertaining to the disposition of unclaimed property coming into the possession of th-e Folice Department of the City of Anacorteo and repealing all ordinances, or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith was presented to the City Council. A motion was made by Derby and seconded by Hammuns that said ordinance be given its first and second reading title. Potion carried. Said Ordinance was given its first and second readings by title and a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Derby that said Ordinance be given its third and final. i reading by sections. Motion carried. Section One read and motion was made by Derby and seconded by Dodge that Section One be adopted. Motion carried. erection Two read and a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Fisher that Section Two be adopted. Section Three read and a motion was made by Bodge and seconded by Bra.do that Section Three be adopted. Section Four read and a motion was made by yllin and seconded by Derby that Section Your be adopted. ;Lotion carried. Section Five read.. Motion made by Hammons, seconded by Ellin that Section Five be adopted. Lotion was made by Hammons and seconded by Derby that said Ordinance be adopted as a whole. Ayes: Brado, Hammons, -isher, Derby, Ellin, Dodge. notion carried. At the last meeting of the City Council held on August %, 1945, the City Clerk was authorized to advertise a call for bids for complete Radio jet for the Police and Fire .Departments to consist of one complete Station sending and receiving equipment of four Mobile Units, and that said bids mould be opened on August 21, 1945 at 8 o'clock P.M. At this time motion was made by Derby and seconded by 11a,mmons that the City Clerk be given authority to open the two bids which had been filed with the City Clerk. The following are the bids and the amounts of the same. Galvin Manufacturing Cmmpany - - ' 2,885.06 The General Electric Company - - $ 2,'62.29 After some discussion, Mayor Joe L. Hagan appointed a special committee consisting of L. E. Snider, Chief of the Fire Department, H. H. Hinshaw, Chief of the Police Department, and Councilmen Hammons, Fisher and Ellin. This committee decided to meet at ?-.30 P.M. .August 29, 1945 to cin -aider said radio bids. Mayor Hagan requested that a meeting of the Finance Committee be held on August 28 at 7:30 P.M. to consider the proposed Preliminary Budget for the Year 1946. The matter of restoring Telephone Service to Guemes Island vas discussed at some length and motion was made by Derby and seconded by Xllin that the City Cleric and H,ayor write the Telephone Company, urging them to install a new telephone cable to Guemes Island in order that telephone service may be restored to the residents of Guemes Island. Cify Clerk was requested to see Mrs. Dvaelley, Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce before sending this letter. Having completed the business of the evening, motion was mady be Derby and seconded by Hammins that the meeting of the City Council adjourn. Motion carried. The meeting of the City Council did then adjourn. ATT';�T : 1 1 1 1 140 1 1 September .4 , 1945 The regular meeting of the city council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 6400 o'clock P.M. with :payor Joe L. Hagan presiding. Roll was called and Brado, Hammons, Fisher, Derby, Ellin, Hatton and Dodge were present. The minutest of the previous meeting Nere read and approved as read. Mr. L.H. Tarbox presented a communication to the City of-"Anacortes on behalf of the residents of Blocks 89-122 of the Original flat of,athe City of Ana- cortes to ask the City Engineer for an estimate of the cost of a lateral sewer to be built in the alley across these two named blocks. After some discussioh this matter was referred to Mr. T.G. McCrory, City Engineer, to present a report at the next meeting of the city council. Councilman Walter Hammons of the special committee appointed to consider bids for,a radio set for the Police Department made an oral report to the fact that the committee hadl decided to leave the choice of equipment to the chief of the fire Department and the Chief of the .Police Department. The Chief of the Fire Department and the Chief of the Police department immed- iately retired to the City Clerk's office for a conference and returned to the council room shortly. Whereupon the Chief of Police, H.H. Hinshaw, reported to the Council that they had decided to purchase the Motorola radio equipment manufactured by the Galvin Manufacturing Co. A motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Ellin that the recommendation of the Chief of Police be accepted and that the City council purchase the Motorola equipment consisting of a station equipment and four mobile units as recommgnded by the Special Committee appointed by Mayor Joe L. Mogan. Ayes: Hammons, Brado, Fisher, Derby, Ellin, Hatton and Dodge. Motion carried. Mr. Reece uho is Sales and Construction Engineer .for the Galvin Manufacturing Co. spoke to the city council at some length and answered a number of questions by the members of the city council. A communication was read from A.J. George who has property on the Heart Lake road, requesting that the city of Anacortes do something about certain flood waters which came down the road .and settled on their property. After some discussion a motion was made by Hammons and seconded,by Derby that this matter be referred to the Streets & Parks Committee and Stueet Supervisor. Notion carried. fFor some time the State Census Board has been making an estimate of the population of the cities in the State of Washington. According to the estimate prepared by this Board the city of Anacortes was given a population of 7,000. The following is a letter from the Chairman of this Census Board: Dear City Official-, Enclosed herewith is a copy of the official population estimates of the towns and cities of the State of WashingtoU. which the Census Board derived in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 231, Laws of 1945. As you will recall, this series of figures will be the main basis for the apportionment of state funds to the towns and cities during the current biennium. The Census Board is very greateful to all the city officials for their wholehearted cooperation. Sincerely yours, Calvin F. Schmid, Chairman. " Mayor Hagan reported that much progress was being made on the purchase of the Grand View Cemetery and he hopes to have the estate settled by the next meeting of the city council. The report of t1►e City Treasurer for the month of August, 1945, was presented and read to the city council, and was3 r(aferred :by; --the Kayor to the Finance Committee. The report of the Police Justice for the month of August, 1945, was presented and read to the city council, and a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by-Brado that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The report of the Water Superintendent for the month of August, 1945, was presented and rdad to the city council, and a motion wau made by Hatton and seconded by Derby that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The report of the Street Foreman for the month of August, 1945, was presented and read to the city council, and a motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Brado that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The Gasoline report for the month of August, 1945, was presented and read to the city council, and a motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Fisher that said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. -:r. L.E. Snider, Fire Chief, made a very complete report on his trip to Yakima. Also the Fire Chief pointed out that it crould be necessary to purchase or return a trailer pumping unit which was furnished the city by the office of Civilian Defense, and also to purchase or return the Front-end Pump now in use on the 1935 Ford Fire Truck. The Fire Chief also report that the cost cif this front-end pump would be $192,07. September 4, 1945. A-i'rAotion was' made by .Elkin ..and seconded.•by.Ha.tton -that, the .front end pump on the Ford Fire truck be purchased. Ayes: Brado, Hammons, Fisher, Hatton, Derby, Ellin and Dodge. Notion carried. I After some discuooion. Chief E.E. Snider was given permission to use gasoline from the City pump. �satisfactory Councilman Fisher made a report on the/u,:9,... �,,:.,v condition of the sidewalk in front of the 1Ia.rine Supply Iiardtiaa,re store. Pyr. Yfells report that he had viritted the Shagit County _!abstract & Title Co. to obtain the ownership five blocks back from Commercial Avenue, betvieen lath and 15th Streets. Ur. Names McLachlan, the contractor who installed the new heating plant in the Anacortes Community Building, spoke to the city council at some length. • After some discu-oaion a motion was made by Fisher and seconded by Ellin that the heating plant in the Anacortes Community Building be accepted and that the Sales Tac be allowed on the contract price. Ayes: Brado, Hammons, Fisher, Derby, Ellin, Hatton and Dodge. motion carried. A motion was made by Derby and seconded by Ellin that the Building Committee make an investigation as to the amount to be paid to a janitor and the cost of • heating and janitor service to each tenant in the Commubity Building, and that the Building Committee be empowered.to hire a caretaker in the city building. Motion carried. The matter of the preliminary budget for the year 1946 was taken up at this time and after some diacussion a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Ellin that the preliminary budget for the year 1946, as presented and filed with the city council by the City Clerk, be adopted. Ayes, Brado, Hammons, Fisher, Derby, Ellin, Hatton and Dodge. uotion carried. A motion was made by Derby and-econded by Ellin that the Finance Committee meet ing to consider the 1946 budget be held on September 12, 1945, at 7:00 O'clock P.H. in the Council chamber. Motion carried.. In the matter of post-war projects, Hayor Joe L. Hagan pointed out that he felt that the paving of Commercial Jvenue should be the first post-war project to be considered by the city of Anacortes. At this time the Claims against the City of Anacortes for the month of August, 1945, were presented and read to the city council: GURRENT EXPENSE Joe L. Hagen 13009 Salary as Mayor 20.00 George Brado 13010 Salary as Councilman 10.00 Walter Hammons 13011 `11 It 10.00 Charles F. Fisher 13012 10.00 A. L. Derby 13013 10.00 Syd E' 11 bn13014 [9 iW 10.00 S. T. Hatton 13015 `�`� ►z `� 5.00 E -E. Dodge 13016 10.00 i 0. E. Argea 13017 Deputy Yreasurer 88.80 John G. Dorcy 13018 City Clerk 81.00 �. V. Cells 13019 City Attorney 81.00 Dr. A. B. Cook 13020 health Officer 40.90 A. Rs Sellenthin 13021 " " Police Justice 45.10 Alfred Robbins 13022 " " Dog Catcher 23 .90 P. E. Olson 13023 � � Janitor 4b.70 Alfred Robbing 13024 Garbage Dump Stan 3.70 • Withholding Tax Fund 13025 Gdithholding Taxes 1.40 G. No Dalstead P. M. 13026 Postage for Clerk's.Office 3.00 H. 0. Davey Plb Insp. 1302 2 Plumbing Inspections 3.00 Shell oil Company 13029 Janitor's Supplies 1.49 James L -c -Lachlan 13029 Bal. due on heating Plant Con't.1522.79 H. H. Hinshaw 13030 Salary as Chief of Police 207.10 • Nick :'etrish 13031 Salary as . Sat Ch of Police 202.60 Jack Goff 13032 Captain, Police Dept 181.6o L. Pollard 13033 Patrolman 164.40 Gilbert -bee 13034 �' " Patrolman 164.40 'Marren Thompson 13035 Cr Patrolman 181.20 Carl ,Springak 13036 0 " Patrolman 181.20 I Withholding Tax Fund 1303 Withholding Tax deduction®93.00 E. A. Abbott Motor Co, 13039 Repairs & Service, Police Car 96.52 H. H. Hinshaw 13039 Cash advanced for postage 1.00 Federal Laboratories Inc. 13040 Equipment for Police Dept. 18.66 City of Ht. Vernon 13041 Supplies for Police Dept. .00 Colvin's Service Station 13042 Tire and Service 21.63 i Dept of Labor & Industries 13043 Ind Ins & Ked laid 14.87 Railway Express Agency 13044 Express Charges, Police Dept. 1.02 Southside Hardware Co. 13045 'Anterial and Supplies 12.71 LE. Snider 13,046 Salary as Fire Chief 202.53 Bert Verrall 13047 Salary as Asst Fire Chief 181.67 Oliver Hauge 13048 " Captain, Fire Dept. 185-99 1[o G. Strock 13049 Fireman 169.00 0. T. Strock 13050 Fi rpmapn 169 . oo X. V. Snart 13051 " Fireman 169.o0 H.. L. Iversen 13052 Fireman 177.40 September 4, 1945 I I CURRENT EXPENSE Continued R. McDougall 13053 Extra Fireman 18072 J. G. Darcy 13054 Call roan & Extra Fireman 35.08 C. Wirsing 13055 Extra Fireman 9.36 A. Tdondhan 13056 CallMan,,Fire Dept 7.50 Jo Smith 13057 Call �, , Fire Dept 1.25 L. Monroe 1305$ Q r? 0 ra 2.50 H. Chevrier 13059 r' „ 10 ra 2.50 I,. Moore 1.3060 n ro r ca 1.25 George Miller 13061 �' ra �' ;a 7.00 17ithholding Tax 7,, 0 13062 %;7ithholding Taxes 10g .55 Firemen's Relief and Pen TTund 13063 2% of Firemen's Salaries 28.95 Anacortes r7ater Dept. 13064 Hydrant Rental for August 56 5.00 L. )T. Snider 13065 Cash advanced & Car Zileage 4 .50 Bert Verrall 13066 Car Mileage .0o City. Street Fund Oil 13062 Gasoline used, Fire & Pol Depts 81.41 Standard Co. 130611 Votor Oil,, Fire Dept, 10.10 Tlest Coast Telephone Co.1 r 06 3 9 Telephone Service p Anacorte's laundry & Cleaners 13070 Laundry Service g-05.7 Brown Lumber Co. 13071 Material, Fire & Police, Depts 7.82 Katherine H. Snider, 13072 17ork in Clerk's Office 10.50 Anacortes Daily mercury- 1.3073 Printing & Publishing 5.60 Pioneer Inco 13074 Supplies for Clerk's Office 4.45' Puget Sound Power & Lt. Co. 13075 Lighting Service 288.53 James 11cLachla® 13076 Service in Community Bldg. 37.87 LIBRARY? FUND Constance Fox 2162 Salary as Libra -Tian. 144.40 Blanche Sackett 2163 Salary as Asst Librarian86.80 83.90 P. E. Olson 2164 Salary as Janitor 1.1ithholding Tax Fund 21.65 Withholding Taxee 39.90 Anacortes Water Department 2166. 'dater used at Library 12.95 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 216 Lights used at Library 1.92 West Coast Telephone Co. 216 Toll and Telegram charges 1.05 M. E. Flagg 2169 Wood for Library 264.00 A. C. McClurg & Co. 2170 Books for Library 146o29 The Personal Book. Co. 2171 Books for Library 9045 Dept of Labor & Industries 2172 Ind Ins & died Aid ,32 PAR11 FUND J. Pio Harding 1622 Salary as 1�'a,rk Supt 164.40 Lewis E. Harr 1623 Salary as Park Employee. 148.60 Withholding Tax Fund 1624 Withholding Twies 37000 Anacortes Water 'sept. 1625 eater used in Parks 77.80 Stalyte Fixi.t Shop 1626 Service for -'ark Department 1.03 South. Side �La.rdvare Co. 162 Supplies for Park Department 3Q93 City Street Fund 1629 Gasoline used in Park Truck 7.21 Dept of Labor & Industzies 1629 Ind Ins & Med Aid 6.88 .TATER DEPARTMENT T. G. McCrory 8593 Salary as '.Vater Supt. 275000 Sadie M. Arges Dorothy Fee 8594 8595 Salary as Cashier Clerk 147060 121.00 John G. Dorcy 8596 Bookkeeper 49.20 Charles 17edlund 8597 r' Water Foreman 221-51 Russell Carolan 8598 °' " Serviceman 182010 V1. 0. Rogers 8599 Filterman 190.40 G, F. Keller 8600 Filterman 172.70 I' A. Sirett 8601 Filterman 156.90 Frank Deane 8602 Filterman 156.90 Lester Thomas 8603 " r Pumpmasa 190.40 Sohn Anderson 8604 17ages as Laborer 67,00 Withholding Tax Fund 8605 Withholding Taxes 187.70 Standard oil Company 8606 Gasoline and Oil 58-79 'Nest Coast Telephone Co. 86o7 Telephone Service 7.20 Pennsylvania Salt Co. 8608 Chlorine for ["later Dept. 11".9.2,5 Skagit Valley Telephone Co. 8609 Telephone at Avon 4.06 H. D. Fowler Company 8610 Pump Parts 232.78 Colvin's Service Stataon 8611. Tire Service 14,37 G. N. Dalstead P. K. 8612 Postage for dater Office 6.00 Great Northern Railway 8613 Freight on Aluminum Sulfate* 428.66 General Chemical Co. 8614 Aluminum Sulfate 1050000 Marine Supply & Hardware 8615 Material and Supplies 53078 Puget Sound Power & Lt. Co. 8616 Power & Service 1207.60 Tax Commission 8617 Business Tax 602.46 Railray Express Agency 8618 Express Charges 7.08 Skagit Bonded Collectors 8619 Collection of Water Accounts 54.24 E. A. Abbott Motor Co. 8620 Rejsairs and Service 27.16 . Brown Lumber Co. City Street Fund 8621 8622 Material for Water Dept. Gasoline used in Motor Vehicles 2.27 19.24 Dent of Labor & Industries. 8623 Ind Ins & Hied Aid 15470 Puget Sound Power & might Co. 8624 Power & Service 39070 Roy McDougall Lynn Balcomb Carl Thorene Dave Summers Carl Welk Jacob Riedlinger T. G. McCrory John G. Dorcy Vithholding Tax Fund C. R. Lues Great Northern Railway Colvin's Service Station Puget Sound Power & ]Light C o . Minnesota Mining & Mfg. Co. Amerioran Bitumuls Go. Charleo R. Watts Marine Supply & Hardware Lorrison Mill Co. Brown Dumber Co. Standard Oil Co. The -Texas Company Dept of Labor & Industries Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Anaeortes Viater Dept. W. H. Martin People's National Bank September 4, 1945 STREET DEPARTMENT 2138 Salary as Street Foreman 186.10 2139 Salary as Graderman 177.70 2140 t' Fp Maintenance Dian 190.40 2141 F' Maintenance Han 173.70 2142 'F FF Maintenance Man 172.70 2143 FF Street Sweeper 105.10 2144 Fe tr Street Supervisor 40.90 214 Bookkeeper 40.90 2146 Withholding Taxes 124.30 214 Equipment Rental 12.50 214 Freight on Street Signs 10.38 2149 Tire Service 1.55 2150 Power for Crusher 37.50 2151 Street Signs 27.00 2152 Pump for Street Dept. 54.33 2153 Street Signs 7.21 2154 Material and Supplies. 5.82 2155 Lumber for Gt. Dept. 35.58 2156. Lumber for St. Dept. 12.11 2157 Oil and Gasoline 57.88 2158 Gasoline., City Pump 11 .7 2159 Ind Ins & Med Aid 18.46 CC➢,WJNITY- BUILDING RENT.AIL FUND 47 lights used in Community Bldg 20.45 4 Water used in to U 1.75 49 3 Keys for Community Building 1.03 WITHHOLDING TLX FUND 26 Total Withholding Tax Deductions642.85 A motion was made by Hammons and seconded by Ellin that the matter of the above claims against the City of Anacortes for the month of August, •1945, be referred to the Finance Committee. Motion carried. The Finance Committee considered the above claims and recommended that the above claims be allaUddand that warrants be drawn in favor of the same. A motion was made by Hatton and seconded Ellin that the recommendation of the Finance Coumittee in the matter of tke claims against the City of Anacortes for the month of August, 1945, be adopted. Ayes: Brado, Hammons, Fisher, Derby, :Alin, Hatton and.Dodge. Motion carried. Councilman Hatton brought up the matter of a new street light which was requested for,the intersection of 37th Street and R Avenue. leaving completed the business, of the evening, a motion was made by Brado and seconded by Hammons that the meeting of the City Council adjourn. Zotion carried. The City Council did then adjourn. L �ayo . Attest.. /I�/ - . ti . City Clerk September 12, 1945 A Special Meeting of the City Council of the City Council of the City of Ana- cortes was called to order at 7 o°clock P. M. with Mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. The roll was called and Brado, Fisher, Ellin and Dodge were present. This meeting was called to consider the Proposed Preliminary Budget for the Year 1946. The above described Budget was considered at some length and a number of recommendations dere made by the members of the City Council. As only four members of the City Council were present and being unable to complete the business before the City Council at the present meeting, a motion nasi made by Fisher and seconded by Dodge that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. The City Council did then adjourn; Attest;- / / v i ty Clerk (/ L_I •I 1 1 140 September 18, 1945 A Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Anaxortes order -with Payor Joe L. Hagan Presiding. The Roll was called and Ellin and Dodge were present. was called to A motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Dodge that due to the Ta,cR of a quorum that the meeting of the City Council adjourn until 8 o'clock P. H'. on September 19, 1945. Motion carried. The City Council did so adjourn. kayor� Attest:1� C ity Clerko--1-7 September 19, 1945 An adjourned Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 8 o°clock P.M. with Ilayor Joe L. Hargan presiding. The Roll was called and Brado, Fisher, Derby, Ellin and Dodge were present. The minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved as read. The following communication from Mr. R1 E. Douglas cuas presented and read to the City Council. Anacortes, Washington September 14, 1945 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Anacortes, Vashington Gentlemen: I desire to make and file with you herewith my application for a lease of the following described real property: Section 1, Township 34, N.R. 1 E.W.M., except the NE 1/4 thereof. Lots 1 and 9 Sec. 2, Twp. 34, N.R. 1 E.W.M. Lots 1 to 6 inc., Stid/1/CP of NE 1/4: SE 41� of N17 NW -6' of SE-�, Sec. 6 Twp, 34, N.R.2 E.W.N. Lots 1 and 2- West 20 rods of SE• of NV14 and 'J-� Twp. 34, N.R, 2, E.W.M. Lot 4; SE -,t of NE;� of S714 and SE, of SM of Sec. N.R. 2, E X.M. -k-, NE� of SW , an d of NE-� of NE -4 -of Sect 7 31, Twp. 35, Lot 7: SES of ST11 Sec. 7, Twp. 34, N.R. 2, E1CI.M. I would like to lease this property for two years at an annual rental of x¢300.00 and have the lease contain an option to renew it for an additional two years at the same rental or a slightly increased rental to be negotiated, not to exceed $400.00 per. year. I desire to use this property in order that I may establish a recreation center containing riding and hiking trails, camping shelters, and a canoe float and shed. I am advised that the mineral rights upon this property have heretofore been leased to others by the city, and I would be willing to take ti -e lease subject to the pre-existing th6neral leased. I would be willing that the lease contain a provision prohibiting the cutting of all trees except such underbrush, libbs, and branches a s may be necessary to make trails and am willing to take all steps necessary to avoid PalUition of the city's coater system, the extent of these precautions to be left to the discretion of the cit,; water superintendent. There is also the matter of fire protection, and I Mould be willing to close operatons in the area and take such other fire preventative measures as necessary whenever directed so to do in the interests of fire prevention. I vo uld, of course, agree to keep camps and trails clear of refuse and do all that is proper to preserve the natural beauty of the area. I contemplate erecting some few small structures (toilets and camp shelters)' on the property, but the material for these structures will not be taken from the leased property, but will be taken from others. The fuel for all the camps will be supplied from property other than that described above. I would, of course, be willing to do all that is right and proper to protect the city's property, and, at the same time, have the maximum use thereof for my purposes. It is respectfully requested that tkis application be considered the first request to be considered by your body for a lease on the property above described for recreational purposed. Respectfully yours, j s (Signed) • R. E. Douglas Mr. Douglas was present and spoke to the City Council and urged them to grant him- a lease on the property described in his communication. Mr. Douglas pointed out that if he could not obtain a lease on the above described property, he would be intere0ted in a leasO in certain properties around Cranberry Lake and I.-ake Erie on Pidalgo Island. Mr. Douglas -was asked by the City Council to prepare an application for tL.e lease of the property he had in mind around Cranberry Lake and Lake Erie on Fidalgo Island. At the meeting of the City Council held on September 4, 14>45, 1r. L. H. Tarbox presented a communication to the City Council on behalf of the residents of Block 89 and 122 of original plat of City of Anacortes, to aske the City Engineer for an estimate of the cost of a lateral sewer to be built in the alley across these two named blocks. At this time, Lir. T. G. HcCrory , City yngineer filed the following report on tris matter: September 17, 1945 Honorable Iliayor and City Council Gentlemen: In the matter extending the server between 18th and 19th Streets, from Avenue K to Avenue K through Blocks 89 and 122, Original Plat of Anaoortes, the following is an esti ate of the cost of this work under -present conditions of Iabof and materials. Total lenght of 61, Sewer pipe - 622 feet Excavation 0746.00 609 Seger pipe in place 311.00 1- Man -hole 65.00 1122.00 Plus 10 jo 112.00 Total Cost $1234.00 36 lots would be benefited by this improvement at a cost of •)34.25 per lot. i Respectfully submitted T. G. McCrory � City Engineer In the matter of the purchasing of Grand view Cemetery, the following letter from Mr. Ben Driftmier was presented and read to the City Council: September 12, 1945 t Mr. Joe Hagan, Anacortes, Washington Tear Sir: Beg to advise that the cemetery matter is finally getting to a head and the estate of Lucy Crout is now calling for bids on the undivided one-fourth interest. These bids, in writing, need to be in within the next ten days. I enclose original and a copy of a proposed bid which would be correct in form. If agreeable to the City I would recommend that you offer �4MO.00 for this undivided one-fourth interest and if you will take this form up with the City Attorney and then execute the bid and deliver it to me I will see that it gets to the proper source. Respectfully, ( Signed ) Ben Driftmier With the consent of the City Council, the offer of $500.00 for the undivided one- fourth. interest was executed by the I.layor to Mr. Ben Driftmier. The following communication from 'lir. X. E. Flagg was presented and read to the City Cu until: Anacortes, Washington September 19, 1945 Honorable LLayor and City Council Anacortee, 'Xashington Gentlemen: I wish to purchase approximately 25 old grouch fir trees located on the `Jest 20 rods of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 7, North, Range 2 East 1Y.M. to out down and use for wood. I would very much appreciate having you give this matter your earliest consideration and if you would want to 4 sell these trees, kindly advise me what you would charge for them. Thanking you in advance, I am, Yours very truly, Sgned) LI. E. Flagg After some discussion a motion was m:.de by Derby and seconded by Ellin that this matter by referred to the Fire, Light and Water Committee and Water Superintendent. The following letter from Hr. L. S. Hatton was presented and read to the City Council: Anacortes, Washington September 17, 1945 Honorable Mayor and Gentlemen -of the Council: I Owing to the fact ti:at i am unable to make arrangements so I might attend j the meetings regularly, I deem it advisable that someone be appoipted in my place. I therefore take this opportunity to submit my resignation. Thanking you for your attention to this matter, I am Very sincerely yours, I Singed ) L. S. Hatton Motion was made by Ellin nd seconded by Herby that said communication be accepted and placed 6n file and that a letter be viritten to Mr. Hatton thanking him for j his services as a member of the City Council. Councilman Vialter Hamm;,ns vias reported ill at his home, and a motion vas made by Derby and seconded by. Brado that the Ha.yor and City Council send him flowers. Notion carried. The following communication from the U. S. Coast Guard Office at aeattle, Washinyto� was presented and read to the City Council: September 11, 1945 1 Honorable Joe L. Hagan Mayor of Anacortes, Washington Dear Sir: The responsiblity of tae Coast Guard for the protection of vessels and wvater- 1 L 1 10 1 10 I* L U-.S.Coast Guard, Seattle (cont.) Sept. 11, 1945 front faciliti0s, established by Executive Order earlier in the ;lar, has been terminated. As a result, the Coast Guard fireboats now stationed in your city will be decommissioned on 30 September 1945. The Coast Guard appreciates the cooperation given by you and your fire depart- ment in carrying out our mutual responsibilities for the protection of vessels and waterf r_.nt facilities, and it is with regret that this cordial association, in that cdnnection, is now being brought to an endo Very truly yours., (Signed) F. A. Zeusler Rear Admiral, USCG Distrct Coast Guard Officer Thirteenth Naval District cc Chief, Anacortes fire Dept. Motion was made by Dodge and seconded City council to the proper authorities base in Anacortes. Motion carried. by Ellin that a letter be written from the to urge the U.S. Coast Guard to leave their The following resolution with regard to the improvement of Commercial Avenue by building a sidewalk on certain blocks was presented and read to the City Council. PX SOLUTION OF INTENTION TO ORDER I;dPROV 4NT BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANACORTES That it is the intention of the city council of the City of Anacortes, -ashington, to order the improvement of Commercial Avenue in said city, as follows: To construct a six foot cement sidewalk on the west side of Commercial Avenue, complete in every particular, coz-;mencing at Twelfth Street and extending to Seventeenth Street, excluding therefrom the construction of a sidewalk fronting on flock 44 of the original plat of the City of Anacortes, Skagit County, Washington, which has already been constructed by private enterprise. That the territorial extent of the said improvement district will be from 12th Street to 17th Street and from the ivest line of Commercial Avenue to a line drawn parallel to Commercial Avenue and westward 150 feet from the said west line of CommercdLal Avenue, excepting therefrom Block 44 of the original plat of the City of Anacortes; That all of the cost of the said proposed improvement will be assessed against to lots and lands abutting, contiguous and proximate to said Commercial Avenue and. included in said assessment district; That at a regular meeting of the City Cauncil to be held in the council chambers on the 16th day of October, 1945, at $ o°clock P.M. the City Council will hear protests, if any, against the said improvement, at which time will be c..nsidered the manner of payment of said assessments whether by.immediate payment, by the issuance of bonds or othervse; That the City Engineer be and he hereby is directed to submit to the Council at or prior to the said 16th day of October, 1945, at 8 ol'clock P.M. the estimated cost and expense of said improvement, a statement of the aggregate assessed valu- ation of the real estate, exclusive of improvements, within said district accurd- ing to the valuation also placed upon it for the purposes of general taxation, togetkler with a diggram or prints showing thereon the lots, tracts, and parcels of land and other property which will be specially benefited thereby and the estima- ted amount of the cost and expense of such improvement to be borne by each lot, tract or parcel ofland or other property. That notice of the date of such hearing shall be given each owner or reputed owner of any lot, tract or parcel of land or other property, specifically benef- ited by theimprovement by mailing to.the owner or reputed owner of the property as shown on the tax rolls of the county treasurer, at the address shown thereon, a hotice setting forth the nature of the proposed improvement, the total estimated cost, and the estimated benefits to the particular lot, tract or parcel, and the date of the hearing before the city council; such notice shall be mailed as herein provided at least fifteen days before the date fixed -for such hearing; That this resolution be published in at least two consecutive issues of the city official paper, the date of the first publication to be at least 15 days prior to the date fixed by this resolution for hearing before the city council. i Attest: John G. Darcy City Clerk �Mayor (CORPORATE SEAL) Passed and apj.,roved Sept. 18, 1945 Published, Sept. 24, 25, 1945. Motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Dodge that the above resolution with reference to building a sidewalk on Commercial Avenue be adopted. Ayes: Brado, Fisher, Derby, Ellin and Dodge. Lotion carried. The report of Police Chief the City Council. Motion be accepted and placed on The report of the Chief of presented and read to the by Brado thi,.t said report for the month of August 1945 was presented and read to was made by Dodge and seconded by Brado that said report file. the Fire Department for the month of August 1945 was City Council and a motion was made by Derby and sec..nded be accepted and placed on files At a recent meeting of the City Council a motion was passed authorizing the Police Department to have a sale by auction of certain unclaimed property and the follow- ing is the report of the sale of this property: Honorable Mayor and City Council; Gentlemen: Police Deptment City of Anacortes September 15, 1945 Police Department Following is a report in regard to the sale of uncliamed property pursuant to Ordinance ITo. 970 passed on the 21st day of August 1945. I i The following items were disposed of at public aution at the police station at i 10:00 A.P. on September 15, 1;45: 1 Westfield boys bike #A 169743 Y�16.00 1 Pair of holler Skates .25 I Fair of Koller Skates .25 1 Steel block small size] .25 1 Steel block large size) .50 1 Armstrons tire, 4.75-500 x 19 and rim 2.75 1 Yellow lents lorraine foge lite 4.50 1 Auto wheel 0 Total X25.00 The above amount has been deposited with the City Treasurer. • (The following items were claimed by the owners prior to the time -of sale:) 1 Dayton McClaren tire 600 x 16 on wheel. 1 Two wheel trailor (The following items remain the property of the City of Anacortes as no bids were received at the time of the sale:) 1 Bike (make unknown) 1 U.S. sioyal tire #1278142V. Very truly yours, (Signed) H. H. Hinshaw Chief of Police At a recent meeting of the City Council a communication from A. J, George with reference to the damage caubed by flood water on certain portions of Mart lake Road was presented and read to the City Council and was referred to the Fire Light, and `dater Committee and the tater Superintendent. Mr. T. G. llicCrory made an oral report at this time and recommended that this matter be referred to the proper County officials as he felt it was a problem for the County to take care of rather than the City. {"'r. St. Clair Jackson was appointed as caretaker of the Anacrotes Community Bldg. at a starting salary of 0150.00 per month. The matter of rental charges together j with heat and janitor service was discussed at some length. The following rates j were determined as a beginning to be raised or lowered as cunditiuns demanded from time to time: Skating Rink $100.00 per month Red Cross 017.50 ber month Unity Ladies 10.00 per month Recreation 62.50 per month Councilman Dodge brought up the matter of the Bowling Alley moving into the Community Building. Lotion was made by Ellin and second6d by Brado that ttbis matter be referred to Fisher, Ellin and Dodge. A petition signed by residents near 34th Street and Commercial Avenue asking that a fire hydrant be installed in the vicinity of 34th and Commercial. 12r. T. G. McCrory, Water Superintendent reported there was no dater main available to make this installation at this time, but that this installat .on x7as included in his post war pians of the Anacortes Water System. Gouncilman Ellin brought up the matter of freight trains blocking the street crossing at 4th Street and R ,Avenue. Lr. H. H. Hinshaw, Chief of Police promised to investigate the matter and make a report at a later meeting of the City Council.; The matter of traffic hazard caused by large trucks unloading freight in front of the stores on Commercail Avenue was discussed at some length, but no official action was taken in the matter. A surety bond for `:iarren E. Tompson, Police Chief, was presented to the Cite Council and a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Brado that this matter be referred to the Assistant City Attorney. 1 1 At a recent meeting of the City Council, it was decided to have certain city employees speak before the City Council and point out why a raise in salary was • necessary at this time. Several of the city employees were present and spoke to the City Council and pointed out the rising living cists and requirements Uf city employeesand why they felt the rais in salary was neces.:ary at this time. Councilman Derby felt that tc,e matter of having the City employees spews to the City Council was not the correct way to approach this matter and after some dis- cussion a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Didge that the method of having the employees make certain statements before the city Council lith reference to their rais in salaries be discontinued. laving completed the business of the meeting, a motion was made by Derby and I I seconded by Ellin that this meeting of the City Council adjourn. Lotion carried. The meeting of the City Council did then adjourn. l L �e is 1 Sept. 19, 1945 After a short recess, the Meeting of the City Council was again called to order by Mayor Joe L. Hagan to consider the proposed Preliminary Budget for the year 1946. The Council immediately took up the consideration'of the above described budget and the matter of a X10.00 raise for City employees.was taken up and discussed. After somediisdussion a vote was taken on a $5.00 raise in city employees salaries with the following results, Brado, Derby, Ellin and Dodge voted for a $5.00 raide and Charles Fisher voted for a 4P 00 raise. As the vote was 4 to 1 in favor of a 45.00 raise, the City Council decided to allow this raise in the preliminary budget for 1946. Having completed the business of the evening,, a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Dodge that the meeting of the City Council adjourn to September 26, 1945 at 7 V clock P•Mo The City Council did so adjourn. Attest:— �� Eayo �' September 26, 1945 An adjourned Regular Meeting of the City Council of Anacortes was called to order at 7 o"clock P.M. with Mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. The following communi-cation from Uk. Ben Driftmier was presented and read to the City Council: September 21, 1945' To the Mayor and City Council: I enclose hereby my check for $19.89, which I tender as an offer for a quit claim deed to Lot 6, Block 25, Original Plat, City of Anacortes, Skagit Ctaunty, Washington. This offer is made on behalf of the estate of Eddie A. LaFontaine. For your information advise that this property belonged to Eddie LaFontaine, and apparently by his inexperience was permitted to be defaulted and I understand that the City foreclosed in L.I.D. No. 1.46, acquiring title thereto in 1941. The amount herewith offered being the amount of the original assessment plus accumulated interest, penalties and costs. Respectfully, (Signed) Ben Driftmier A motion was made by Brado and seconded by Ellin that this matter be referred to the City Attorney. A petition signed by city employees of the City of Anacortes, requesting a $25.00 a month increase in salary was presented and read to the City Council and a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Dodge that said petition be refused. Moslon carrieo;l Motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Dodge that the Police Department be d reduced from seven men to six men on July 1, 1946. Motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Dodge that the 1941 Ford Car used by the .Police Department be transferred to the Fire Department for building, plumbing, wiring and fire inspect- ions. Motion carried. The matter of salaries of men working in the filter plant of the Anacortes Water Department was discussed tnd a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Brado that their salaries for the year 1946 be as follows: Head1 filterman X2412.00 3 filtermen 2280.00 per year each Motion carried. The matter of the salary of caretaker of Grandview Cemetery, if and when said cemetery is acquired by the City of Anacortes was discussed at some length and decided that salary of said caretaker be $2400.00 per year and *1240.00 to be added for extra labor in Cemetery. Having completed the business of the evening, a motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Ellin that the City Gouncil of the City of Anacortes adjourn to October 1, 1945 at 7 oeclock P.M. Motion carried. The meeting o thety Council Attest: / City Clerk I did so adjourn. Uday a r October 1, 1945 A Regular Keeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 8 o'clock P.L. with Mayor Pro tem E. E. Dodge presiding. The roll was called and Fisher and Dodge were present. This meeting, being on the first Monday of Qctober, is the time prescribed by lair for protests against the Budget for the coming fiscal year, and there dere no protests against Mae proposed Budget for the City of Anacortes for the Year 1946. Motion was made by Fisher and seconded by :Dodge that due to the fact that a quorum was not present, that the meeting of the City '''ouncil by adjourned until October 21; 1945 at 8 o'clock P.M. Motion carried. The meetin. o the City Council did so adjourn. Attest: �li/�� ��-��ir// y �� 0✓%� City Cler ) May r ProTyp� October 2, 1945 A Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of A acortes was called to order at 8 o'clock P.M. with Mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. The roll was called and Brado, Fisher, Derby, Ellin and Dodge dere present. The minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved as read. The following communication from E. A. Abbott, Motor Company was presented and read to the City Council, October 2, 1945 To the Honorable Mayor & City Council Anacortes, 7ashington We respectfully petition you to permit us to erect side-walls of corregated iron and a mopped roof on the platform at 1009 Commercial Avenue at a cost of $2500.00. This is to be used as a car storage warehouse, ahich is a necessity in our business because of the lack of space at our 3rd Street location. The urgency of acting on this petition at once so we can buiid before Fainter sets in is.respectfully called to your attention. We attach a diagram so that you gill better understand the location of this proposed improtement. The building will be modern looking and will be painted white. There will be a side entrance on 10th street and the three old pumps will be removed. Sincerely, E. A. ABBOTT MOTOR COMPANY I (Signed) E. A. Abbott Mr. E. A. Abbott spoke to the City Council at same length, urging the City Council j to grant him a building permit to make improvements outlined in him communication � on his building at 11th Street and Commercial Avenue. Mr. Lo E. Snider, Fire Chief, gave a good outline of how the Fire Insurance rates are determined by the 'dashington Surveying and Rating Bureau. After some further diocussion, a motion was made bu Derby and seconded by Ellin that the matter of the petition of the E. A. Abbott Kotor Company be referred to the Buildiug and Plumbing Committee and the fire Chief to consider and contact the ':�ashington Surveying and Rating Bureau and make a report to the City Council. The following resolution from the Business and Professional ':Damen°s Club was presented and read to the City Council. RN 3OLUT ION WHEREAS, we understand that the City Council -are contemplating renting a � part of the Community Building to a Bowling Alley with permission to place pin ball machines, etc, in the rooms they Trish to occupy; and 17HEREAS, tbe,Community building was secured to the City largely through the efforts of the women of Anacortes, who wished the building for the young people of Anacortes; and 7117,REAS, we feel that this building should be left intact for the community purposed for which',i.t was meant, and with the exception of its occupation by the City offices, should be kept for the youth activities; 701.7 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLD by the Business and Professional 'Women's Club in regular session assembled, that this body of women go on record as opposing any action on the part of the City Council to use the Community :'uilding for commercial purposes, and that this Resolution be sent to the Mayor and City Councml� of the City of Anacortes, ':Jashington. IN WITN':aS WHEREOF, we have duly signed this Resolutian, upon the authority � of this body here assembled, September g4, 1945 BUSI'VESSAND PROFESSIONAL 7.701T[013 CLUB BY (SIGNED) Frances Solibakke ATTEST (SIGNED) (Mrs.) Edna H. Gerhardt 1 It was pointed out by several members of the City Council that they never at any time wished to have any pinball machines installed in the Anacortes Community Building. Motion was made by Fisher and seconded by Derby that the City Council extend a vote of thanks to the Business and Professional Women's Club, thanking them for their interest in the Community Building. Motion carried. 1 1 lei i lie 1 1 lie 10 October 2, 1945 Mrs. Cora Allmond spo?re to the City Council at 'some length and urged that the Community Building be kept free from all business purposes for ali the' people of Anacortes. The following communication from Mr. K. E. Douglas was presented and read to the City Council. October 2, 1945 Honorable Mayor and Members of the 'City Council Anacortes, Washington Gentlemen : - I desire to make _end file with You kerewi th my application for a lease of the accompanying described real property. I would like to lease this property fro two years at an annual rental of 0150. and have the lease contain an option to renew it for an additional two years at the same rental or slightly increased rental to be negotiated. I desire to use this property in order thatl rzay establish a recreation center c,,ntaining riding and hiking trails, camping shelters, canoe float and shed, and other recreational facilities. I am advised that the mineral rights upon this property have heretofore bees leased to others by the city, and I would be willing to take the lease subject to the preexisting mineral leases. I would be willing thatthe lease contain a provision prohibiting the cutting of all trees except such underbrush, limbs and branches as may be necessary to make trails, and am willing to take all steps necessary to avoid polution of the city"s crater system, the extend of these precautions to be left to the discre- tion of the City Plater superintendent. There is also the matter of fire protection, and I would be willing to close operations in the area and take such other fire preventative measures as necessary whenever directed to do so in the &nterests of fire prevention. I would, of course, agree to keep camps and trails clear of refuse and do all that is proper to preserve the natural baauty of the area. I contemplate erecting some few structures (rest rooms and camp shelters) on the property, but the material for these structures will not be taken from the leased property. The fuel for all the camps will be supplied from property other than that in accompanying description. I would, of course, be willing to do all that is right and proper to protect the city's property, and at the same ti .e, have the maximum use thereof for my purposes. It is respectfully requested that this ap�ication be considered the first request to be considered by your body for a lease on the property described for reaareational purposes. Respectfully yours, (Signed) Ra 2. Douglas This matter was referred to the ,ouncil as a whole to make a survey of the property in question. The following communication from the Union Oil Company was .presented and read to the City Council. September 20, 1945 City of Anacortes Anacortes, 'Washington Gentlemen. With reference to that certain Memorandum of Agreement entered into between us for the period from January 1, 1945, to and including December 31, 1945, we hereby modify the prices provided therein to' the following: Ethyl Gasoline 17O per gallon Union x'761' Gasoline 15`0 per gallon These prices include State of Washington tax and exclude Federal tax, and are for delivery f.o.b. Anacortes, `dashington. In all other respects said Memorandum of Agreement is unchanged, and will remain in full force and effect until its expiration, December 31, 1945. Yours very truly, UNION OIL CO3IPANY OF CALIFIRNIA Signed v Cd'o E. Daven0ort, Division Manager This communication is a part of the gasoline contract with the City of Anacortes for the year 1945 and will be filed with the contract. The following communication from Ellis Andrews was presented and read to the City Council. October 1, 1945 Honorable Mayo r and City Council Gentlemen: I hereby ask permission to place an electric light pole on the Northeast line of the Anacortes Settling Basin property located in the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 31, Toimship 35, Range 2 East W. N. I have abtained permission for the placing of all the other light poles nec•> essary to complete the service to my property and hope that you will give this matter your earliest and favorable consideration so'that a complete electric pourer line to my property. Yours very truly, Si'gned - Ellia Andrews After some discussion, a motion was mode by Ellin and seconded by Dodge that fir. Andrews be. given permission to install a light pole as outlined in the above communication. Notion carried. October 2, 1945 The following communication from 11r. G. V. Crowell was presented and read to. the City Council. Oct®ber 10 1945 Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen; I wish to purchase from the City of Anacortes a number of down dry trees ,West f the Garbage dump on the property where Foss and Sons were logging. I will pay x.75 per cord for dry down wood. Hoping that you will give this matter your early favorable consideration, I am Yours very truly, Signed - G. W. Crowell Motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Derby that this matter be referred to the Fire Light and Water Committee and the dater Superintendent. Motion carried. The following communication from Charles F. Fisher was presented and read to the City Council. October 1, 1945 Honorable mayor and City Council Gentlemen.. I have purchased from Skagit County, Lots 5, o, 7, 8, 9, and 10, Block 19, Nelson°s Addition to the City of Anacortes. I wish to obtain a quit claim deed from the City of Anacortes covering; these lots and will pay $1.00 per lot, or 96.00 for this quit claim deed. Hoping that you will give this your early consideration, I am Hoping Yours very truly, Signed - Charles F. Fkaher Yotion was made by Derby and seconded by Ellin that this matter be referred to the City Attorney. Motion carried. A petition, asking t:iat a light be installed on the corner of 15th and ® Avenues and signed by residents in this vicinity was presented and read to the City Councils It was decided that a survey of the locations needing a new street light would be made in the near future, and that a report would be made to the City Council at a later meeting. Mayor Toe 1. Hagan made an oral report to the effect that some progress was being m�;.de in the matter of the City of Anacortes purchasing Grandview Cemetery. A j r�2x'o 17. V. '.`jells, Assistant City Attorney, presented a report reccommending the acceptance of a surety bond for Warren Eugene Thompson, City policeman, and a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Ellin that Assistand City Attorney report on the above bond be adopted. The following communication from Kr. Sen Driftmier was presented and read to the City Council. Lr. 11. V. Hells, Assistant City Attorney, made an oral report, recommending that the City of Anacortes grant a quit claim deed covering lot 6, � Blook 25, original plat of the City of-nacortes as requestedin this communication. September 21, 1;45 To the 1dayor and City Council; I enclose hereby my check for X19.89, which I tender as an offer for a quit claim deed to Lot 6, Block 25, Original Plat, City of 'nacortes, Skagit County, Washington. This offer is made on behalf of the estate of i�ddie A. LaFontaine. For your information advise that this property belon--ed to Eddie LaFontaine, and apparently by his inexperience was permitted to be defaulted and I understand that the city foreclosed in L I.D. No. 146, acquiring title thereto in 1941. The amount herewith offered, being the amount of the original assessment plus aectirpt fated interest, penalties and costs. Respectfully, I i Signed - Ben Driftmier A motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Brado th_.t the Assistant City Attorney's,, report in the matter of the quit claim deed be adopted and that the said quit claim deed be issued and that the ilayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign said ,' quit claim deed. Ayes® Brado, Fisher, Derby, :Alin and Dodge. Motion carried. The report of the City Treasurer for the month of aeptember 1945 was presented to the City Council and was referred by the Mayor to the Finance Committee. T The report of the Water Spperintendent for the mont of September 1945 was presented] and read to the City Council and motion was made by Brado and seconded by .04isher jthat said report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The report of the Street ,foreman for the month of September 1945 was presented and read to the City council. Kotion was made by rsher and seconded by Derby teat said report be accepted and placed on file. The gasoline report for the mondh of September 1945 was presented and read to the I City Council. Koti.,n was made by Dodge and sec.:nded by Brado that said report be accepted find placed on file. The report of the Police Justice for the month of September 1945 was presented and read to the City Council and a motion was mwde by Derby and seconded by Brado that this report be accepted and placed on file. '%ouncilman ?isher made an oral rpeort to the effect that certain doors and other curtain re,,pairs made in the Anacortes Community Building were being damaged by certain persons using the Community Building for entertainment purposed. After some discussion, this matter was referred to the building Committee -to investigate, this matter and propose a rate satisfactory to the City of Anacortes and the Unity Ladies who are using a room in the Community Building. L� — 1 1 1 *I 1 � 0 fl 1 � 0 � 0 1-..05-- October -..05. October 2, 1945 Councilman Dodge asked the City Council on behalf of the Lionel Club to use the Gymnasium in the Anacortes Community Building for recreational purposes. 14otion was.made by Ellin and seconded by Derby that permission be given to the Lionec" Club to use the gymnasium temporabily until satisfactory rental rates can be established. H. H. Hinshaw, Chief of Police, nave an oral raport on the matter of the Railway Crossing at 4th and R Avenues. He reported that conditions seem Very much imr)r::ved and that he felt there would be no further trouble with trains stopping for.long periods on the street crossing. The following Committee Report was presented and read to the City Council. To the Honmrable Kayo r and City Council : September 26, 1945 . Your committee on to whom was referred the matter of Margaret George's letter regarding drainage at the City Limits on the Heart Lake Road, beg leave to report as fo lows: On investigating this condition we find that it is caused by the drainage off the County road just South of the City, and recommend that this.matter be turned over to the County for their Consideration and correction. Signed: COIMITTEE George Brado Syd Ellin T. G. McCrory,, Street Supervisor After some discussion, a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Ellin that the above report be accepted. Motion carried. The.following claims against the City of Anacortes for the m.:nth of Septmber 1945 were presented and read to the City Council. CURRENT EXPENSE Joe L. Hagan 13077 Salary as Mayor 20.00 George Brado 13078 Salary as Councilman 10.00 "salter Hammons 130792 Salary as Councilman 5.00 Charles F. Fisher 1 0 0 " " 10.00 A. L. Derby 1 0 1 13131 10.00 Syd-Ellin 13082 " " 10.00 St . 'Hatton 13083 " 10 5.00 E. F. Ddd e 0. V. Arg 1 p 4 110 5 " Deputy Treasurgr 0 �96.90 s as John G. Dorcy 13086 as City Qerk 81.00 W. V. Wells 1308 " as City Attorney 81000 Dr. A. B. C®ok 1308 " a6 Health Officer 40.90 A. R. Sellenthin 13089 " Police Justice 45.10 Alfred Robbins 13090 " Dog Catcher 21.90 P. E. Olson 13091 Janitor, .:ity Hall 46-70 Alfred Robbins 13092 " Garbage Dump Llan 33.70 Withholding Tax Fund 13093 Withholding Taxes 51.40 Elizabeth U. Dwelley 13094 Mimeographing 1946 Budget 7.25 Anacortes American 13095 Printing Service 9037 Lulu M. Cole 13096 Work in Clerk's Office 15.00 H. 0. Davey, Plb. Ina, 130972 2 Plumbing Inspections3000 Island Transfer Co. 13098 Fuel Oil, City Hall 8.79 Voitus Furniture St:re 13099 Material and supplies 14.40 Shell Oil Company 13100 Janitors' supplies 1.4 Trick and Murray 13101 Equipment for City Hall 210 Pacific highway Transport 13102 Freight on above equipment .90 Anacortes Gas Co. 13103 Gas used in the City Hall 5.35 H. H. Hinshaw 13104 Salary as Ch of Police 207.10 Nick Petrieh 13105 Salary as Asst Ch of Police 202.60 Jack Goff 13106 Salary as Capt. Police Dept 181.60 L. Pollard 13107 3 as Patrolman 164.440 %'Varren Thompson 13108 10 as Patrolman 181020 Carl Springer 13109 1i as Patrolman 181.20 J. McLachlan 13110 " as Patrolman 145.20 Withholding Tait Fund 13111 Withholding Taxes '17.20 H. H. Hinshaw 13112 Cash advanced for Postage 1600 E. A. Abbott Lot„r Company 13113 Repairs & Service, .Police Dept. 45.54 Colvin°s Service Station 13114 Tire Service 2.07 Wm.'McCallum 13115 Bond for Policeman 5.00 Simpson's ylectric Shop X3116 S..pplies for City Hall 2.18 Auburt's Drug Store 13117 Supplies for Loiice .wept. 3.5g The*Fern Press 1311$ Printing and Supplies 12.9 Dept of Labor and Ind 13119 Ind Ins Cc Med Aid 14.35 L. E. Snider 13120 Salary as Fire Chief 202.53 Bert Verrall 13121 Salary as Asst lire Chief 181.67 Oliver Hauge 13122 Salary as Capt Fire -Dept 185.99 M. G. Strock 13123 Salary as Fireman 169.00 C. T. Strock 13124 Salary as Fireman 169.00 K. Snart H. L. Iversen J. G. Dorcy R. liar cDougall A. 1i ondhan C. lhrs Ing J. !rcmith ,7itiiholding Tax Fund Firemen's Rel & pen -+und Bert Verrall L. E. Snider 13125 Salary as Fireman- 169.00 13126 Salary as Fireman 17.7.40 13127 Call man & Extra Fireman 60.52 13128 Call man & Extra Fireman 30008 13129 Call man, mire Dept. 8.00 13130 Call man, 1 -'ire Dept. 3.75 13131 Call man, Fire Dept. 1.25 13132 Vlithholding taxes -2 118065 13133 2 % of Firemen's Salaries 29.91 13134 Mileage on Car 8.00 13135 11ileage on Car 10610 October 2, 1945 Anacortes `o;ester Dept. Ln16 Hydrant Rental 565.00 Citi, Street Fund 13137 Gasoline used in Fire,Pol D. 67..15 State Treasurer 13138 Volunteer Fireman Application 3.00 American Fire T:gpt . Co. 13139 New Siren for lire Truck 100.7 Anacortes Laundry 3c Cleaners 13190 Laundry jervice 4.25 :?est Coast Telephone 13141 Telephone .Service 10.85 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 13142 Lighting Service 292.49 Seattle Rubber Stamp Co. 13143 Supplies for Clerks iffice 3.35 Anacortes Daily Mercury 13144 Publishing Notices 9.85 Trulson Lotor Company 13145 Truck Ilepairs 1.1_ Atlantic Monthly 2183 3 Year subscription 4677.5 LIBRARY FUND Constance Fox 2173 Salary as Librarian 144.40 Blanche Sacicett 21'14 Salary as Asst Librarian 27.30 Helen Keister 2175 Salary as Asst Librarian 44.62 1.1ildred N. Safford 2176 Salary as A.,st Librarian 21.00 P. E. Olson 2177 Salary as Janitor 83 90 Puget 3;.und Pr. & Lt Go. 2178 Lights used in Library 3.38 Anacortes .'Dater Dept. 2179 'Jater used at Library 2.50 H. 0. Wampler 2180 Grinding Lawn Mower 1.25 Shell Oil Company 2181 Furniture Polioh 1.55 Constance Fox 2182 Cash Advanced. 14.02 Atlantic Monthly 2183 3 Year subscription 12.00 Gaylord Bros. 2184 Supplies for Library 28.40 H. 71. Lilson Company 2185 Books for .Library 1 .18 Shorey Book Store 2186 Books for Library 8.94 Lowman and Hanford 2187 Books for Library 78.86 A. C. McClurg & Co. 2189 Books for Library 21.94 Dept of Labor and Ind 2189 Ind Ins & Ided Aid .29 Ili thho lding Tax Fund 2191 Withholding Taxes 40.90 Anchor Packing Co. 86.61 Skagit Bonded Collectors 550043 WEINEWULF J. 1.,;. Harding 1630 Salary as Park Supt. 164.40 Lewis E. Harr 1031 Salary Park t.mployee 113.35 P2. Grinnell 1632 gages as Laborer 27.39 Frank Knapp 1633 Mages as Laborer 37.20 Ciithholding Tax Fund 1634 Withholding 'faxes 32.05 Colvints Service Station 1035 Tire liepairs 2.02 Dept of labor & Ind 1636 Ind Ins 4? Kied Aid 5091 City Street rand 103 z Gasoline used in St. Truck 5. 2 L. A. Abbott Motor Co. 16315 Truck repairs 10.7 Anacortes %Juter Dept. 1639 Water used in Park 33.65 Soutkiside Hardware Co. 1640 Supplies for Park 1.57 _ 864 West Coast Telephone Company 434.33 WATER DEPARTMENT I' T. G. McCrory 8625 Sadie M. forges 8626 Dorothy Fee 8627 John u. �►orcy 8628 Charies aedlund 8629 Russell Carolan 8630 vJ. 0 ® Rogers 8631 G. E. Keller 8632 A. 31rett 8633 Frapk Deane 8634 Lepter Thomas 8635 ?`Withholding Tax bund 8636 Auberts Drug Store 8637 Puget Sound Power and bight 8638 Island Transfer Co. 8639 ' Trulson IA' otor Com�-any 8640 Brown Lumber Co. 8$41 Pennsylvania Salt Co. 8642 Schwartz Iron forks 8643 G. N. Dalstead P.M. 8644 The Fern Press 8645. Harirrie Supply & Hardware 6646 I Standard Oil Company 864 West Coast Telephone Company 614 Dept. of Labor & Ind. 8649 City, Street Fund 8650 E. A . Abbott Ho t or Company 8651 Vortliington Garcon EeterCo 8652 Wallace & Tiernan Co. 8653 Skagit Electric Co. 8654 Scientific Supplies Co. 8655 Curtis Wharf Co. 8656 C. Co Carney Truck lines $657 Colvin°s Service Station 8658 Hamburg Iron Works 6659 Jack's Radio Service- 8660 Anchor Packing Co. 86.61 Skagit Bonded Collectors 8662 .Dept. of Labor & Ind 8663 Salary as dater Supt 275.00 Salary as Cashier 147.60 Salary as Cleric 121.00 Salary as Bookkeeper 49.20 Salary as Foreman 221.51 Salary as Serviceman 182.10 Salary as Filterman 190.40 0 172.70 ID 156.90 14 « 156.90 " Pumpman 190.40 Withholding taxes 170.70 Supplies for �Jater Dept 1.03 Power and Service 1643.3.7 Stove Oil and hauling Alum ?3.50 Truck Repairs 1.29 Lumber for "later Rept. 33.28 Chlorine for Filter Plant 119.28 Labor Material � Supplies 30.65 Postage for dater office 6.o0 Printing and Supplies 89.61 .Vaterial and Supplies 217.45 Gasoline for 14h. bake Pump 23.25 Telephone Service 8.95 Ind Ins & Hed Aid,Cancelled .o® Gasoline used in Motor Vehicle16.65 Supplies for ,later Dept 1.51 New Meters 146.10 Pump Parts 23.19 Supplies and Service 4.18 Supplies for ,later Dept. 7.98 Material for Mater Dept. 64.16 Eaterial for 'dater Dept. 16.68 Tire Service 7.67 Labor & 1a.terial, Avon Pumps 51.29 Supplies for Water Dept. 3.40 Supplies for ,later Dept. 11.59 Collector of Old Accounts 63.40 To replace `Oarrant 8649 11.87 4731.64 1 1 1 1 lie 140 October 2, 1945 CITY STREET FUND Roy McDougall 2160 Salary as Street Foreman 186.10 Lynn Balcomb 2161 Salary as Graderman 183016 Carl Thorene 2162 " " Maintenanceman 190.40 Dave Summers 2163 " rr Maintenanceman 173.80 Carl Welk 2164 " to Laborer 172.70 Jacob Hiedlinger 2165 " Street Sweeper 105.10 T. G. McCrory 2166 " t7 Street Supervisor 40.90 John G. Dorcy 2167 " °? Bookkeeper 40.90 G. B. Purley 2168 Mages as Truck Drkver 21.75 Parker Hodgins 2169 ip t' Truck Driver 3.00 Gordon Jorgenson 2170 r '? Truck Driver 30000 A. L. Lewis 2171 `? '? Truck Jriver 55.60 Leslie Hayton 2172 " 10 Lodder Operator 34.46 Curtis Crumrine 2173 " `? Loader Operator 13097 Hugh Hall 2174 Loader Operator 27.93 Withholding Tax Fund 2175 Withholding Taxes 145.07 Schwartz Iron Works 2176 Material and Supplies 2.47 Alvin Smith 2177 Serviee for painting St. Sign 4.00 Anchor .Packing Co. 2178 Supplies for St., Cancelled .00 Skagit Bonded Collectors 2179 Collection of Old Accts,Cancelled .00 Trulson Motor Rompany 2180 Truck Repairs 28.01 Washington Culvert Co. 2181 Material for St. Der)to 31.64 Marine Supply and Hdwe. 2182 material and Supplies 6.70 E. A. Abbott Motor Co. 2183 Truck Repairs 2.58 Brown Lumber Co. •2184 Lumber for Street Dept. 22.55 Colvin°s Service Station 2185 Tire Service 3.62 Howard Cooper Corp. 2186 Farts for Grader 14.92 Puget Sound Dower & Lt. Co. 2187 Power for Crush -@r 37.50 Pacific Paving & Asphalt Co. 21$$ Material for Street Dept. 101.12 Standard Oil Co. 2189 Gasoline & Supplies Cancelled .00 The Texas Company 2190 Gasoline, City Pump 75.85 Dept. of Labor & Ind 2191 Ind Ins & Led Aid 19085 Standard Oil cjmpany 2192 To replace No 2189 179.04 1954. COMMTITY BUILDING RENTAL FUND St. Clair Jackson 50 Salary as Janitor 112.70 Southside hardware Co. 51 Supplies for Cmm. Bldg. 9.3/ Island Transfer Co. 52 -Oil for Com. Bldg. 49.37 The Fern Press 53 Key for Com. Bldg. .36 Marshall Wells 6tore 54 Tools for Com. .bldg. 1. 5 Anacortes Water Dept. 55 :Tater used in Com. Bldg. 5.75 Puget Sound Pr. & Light Bldg. 56 Lights used in Com. Bldg. 25.20 Dept of Labor & Ind 57 Ind Ins and 2ed Aid .27 Withholding Tax Fund 58 Vithholding `faxes 7.10 211.97 People's Natl Bk of Wn. 11ITHHOLDING TAX FUND 27 Total IJithholdi.ng Taxes 610.00 A motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Fsher that the above claims be referred to the Finance Committee. Motion carried. Finance Committee considered the above claims and recommended that the above claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of the same. Lotion was made by Ellin and seconded by Fisher that the recommendation of the Finance Committee in reference to the above claims be adopted. Apes: Brado, Fisher, Derby, Ellin and Dodge. Motion carried. The City Council at this time completed the final Budget for the City of Anacortes for the Year 1946, and a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Dodge that said Budget Ordinance Be given its first and second readings by title. Lotion carried. Said Budget Ordinance given its first :.tnd second readings by title and motion made by Derby and seconded by Ellin that said Ordinance be given its third and final. -.readings by sections. Motion carried. Section I read. Motion madgr by Ellin and seconded by Derby that Section I be adopted. Section II read. Wiotion made by Ellin and seconded by Dodge that Section Il be adopted. Motion made by Derb,, and seconded by Dodge to adopt said Budget Ordinance for the Year 1946 as a whole and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign siad Budget Ordinance. Ayes. Brado, 2isher, Derby, Ellin and Lodge. At this time an Ordinance levying a tax upon the real and personal property within the City of Anacortes, Skagit County, Washington, for the municipal purposes for the Year 1946 was presented to the City Council and a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Brado that said Tax Levy Ordinance be given its first and secind readings by title. Lotion carried. Said Ordinance given its first and second readings by title and a motion was made by Brado and seconded by Fisher that said ordinance be given its third and final reading by sections. Hotion carried. Section I read. Motion was made by Derby and seconded by Ellin that Section I be adopted. Motion carried. Section II read. Potion made by Brado and seconded by .derby that Section II be adopted. Lotion carried. Section III read, and a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Brado that Sectkon III be adopted. Motion carried. Motion was made by Derby and seconded by Ellin that said Tax Levy Ordinance described above be adopted as a whole. Ayes: Brado, Fisher, Derby, Ellin and Dodge. Motion carried. 108: October 2, 1945 And Ordinance appropriating the 1946 Revenues of the City of Anacortes, %iashingtuu.. to the various departments of the City, the amount of ea6h said Department respect- ively as set forth in Secticn II of Ordinance 9'71, passed and approved October 2, 1945, was presented to the City Council. h motion was made by Lerby and seconded by Fisher that said ordinance above described be given its first and sec.,nd read- ings.by title. Motion carried. Said ordinance given its first and second reacting. by title. notion made by Dodge and seconded by Ellin that said Ordinance be given its third a,na final reading by sections. LIotion carried. Section I read. Lotion made by Derby and seconded by Dodge that Sectton I be adopted. Uotion carried. Section II read. Lotion made by 2isher and seconded by Brado that Section II be adopted. Section III read and motion made by Dodge and seconded by i'.rado that said Ordinance appropriating the 1946 Revenues of the City of "nacortes to the various Departments of the 'ity Government be adopted as a eiAole. Ayes. Brado, fisher, Derby, Ellin and Dodge. Ilotion carried. Having completed the business of the evening, a motion was made by Brado and seconded by Fisher that the meeting of the City Council adjourn. Motion carried. The meeting of Ptle City Council didthen adjourn. j A t t e s.t .� _ qty Clem ) _ 4/T1a� October 16, 1945 A Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Anac®rtes was called to order at 8 o(clock P.N. with Payor Joe L. Fagan presiding. Roll Lias called and Brado, Fisher, Ellin and Dodge were present. The Xinutes of the previous meeting were presented and read and approved as read. The matter of the application of G. 1,7. Crowell to 'purchase wood legs from the City of Anacortes was considered. After some further discussion, motion was made by Brado and secc:nded by Fisi,er that the Fire Dight and ',later gommittee and dater Superintendent investigate this matter and be given power to act. T_lotion carried. � Mr. C. H. Kuehnoel spoke to the City Council and urged that the City make some very necekizary repairs on the Fidalgo Road South of the Anacortes_Plywood Plant at a point where this road joins Marine Drive. Mr. Kuehnoel and several other residents pointed out a very unsAtisfaQtory condition of this raad at the present time. After some.discussion by tY�e City Council, motion was made by Brado and seconded by Dodge � that .this matter .be referred to the Streets and darks Committee. lTr. Dave Mooney spoke to the City Council and asked about the fill being made to his' property which is immediately South of Colvinfs Service Station on Commercial Avenue. Lr. Rooney asked a number of questions of the City Engineer and members of the Council as to the matter of the fill Bing made on ibis property. The following letter from the-3eattle office of the United States Coast Guard was presented and read to the City Council. 11 October 1945 Chamber of Commerce Anacortes, 17ashington 1 Gentlemen. Information has been received from Coast Guar6 Headquarters that it is possible to loan fireboats formerly stationed at certain municipalities on custody receipt pending final disposition. In the event the City of Anacortes is still interested in the Hanley fireboat CG=30105-F, formerly stationed at the Coast Guard Idoorings, Anacortes, arrangements can be made to return this fireboat on a loan basis pending final disposition. It will be necessary for an authorized representative cf the City of Anacortes to sign a custody receipt for the fireboat and equipment, the city being fully responsible for the boat and equipment until final disposition. Personnel for manning t:e fireb::at will be furnished by the City of Anaaortes. Advise this office immediately if the City of Anacortes desires to have the301 Hanley fireboat returned on the basis outlined above. Very truly yours, Signed F. A. Zeusler Rear admiral, U.S. Coast Guard District Coact Guard Officer Thirteenth Naval Listrict This matter was referred by the Mayor to the r'lre bight and 'J'ater Committee to discuss this matter with the Auxiliary Coast Guard in Anacortes. The following resolution concerning the East :Jest North State Highzay and A ort Development Associa.ti)n was presented and read to the City Council: CdgiE,REA'S, the proposed East-West Northern State Highway would tie together five Northwestern and eight North East Counties of 'tiJashington into an integrated economic unit comprising 40 percent of the t.,tal area of the State; and the highway would provide a necessary direct connection between the Inland Lmpire and Northwest 7iashington, and the Lower mainland of Brit1sh Columbia; and 717',RFAS, lack of such a direct connection to tidewater ,ports teriously affects the agricultural economy of North Central Washington particulary by increasing cost of handling its farm products; and 1 1 1 1 1 I 0 1 October 16, 1945 ':J? -_REAS, the value of the Columbia River irrigation development would be enhanced by a North State direct direct highway; and "�RmFfii+:AS, the min.ng development of Washington which centers in the affected 'counties needs more adequate transportation facilities, and 71BEREAS, the failure to provide such transportation facilities has resulted in North Central Washington's industrail and business growth being retarded, and CTD]REAS, the state can never develop its recreational possibilites without suc: North State Highway being constructed to integrate the available sea, mountain and igii plateau potential tourist resources and 7-MiREA3, the future cf the agriculturely, tourist, industrial and business interests of the entire area can best be served by development of an integrated pro- gram Df all 13 counties and the adjoingin parts of Washington and British Columbia; art; WITREAS, the ports of Bellingham, Anacortes, and Everett are dependent upon such a progrmm if they are to be developed to provide a full share of world commerce com- mensurate with their loca ion and natural advantages qlose to world markets; and WITREAS, the highway project would provide employment for men and equipment in ithe T,ostwar period and meet any and all.requirements of proper public works program- ing to give the peopile of Vashington the greatest value for money expended on neces- sary public works; and "aM-REAS, the governor and tree Legislature of the State oL' Washington has provides ;,,100,000 for a reconnaisance survey which is in its initial phases; NOTI T aREFOI;:E, BE IT RESOLVED That the East ulest Northern State Highway and Port Development Association, believing that the best interest of the people of Jashington can thereby be served, respectfully urges the Honorable Mon C. Gallgren, Governor of the State of '.vashington, �through the Advisory Commission of the Stare Department of Conservation and Develop- nent to place the said East West North State Highway in the first priority group of project to be undertaken by the State of Washington in the postwar period; and that adequate funds be allocated for its construction; and that the work be commenced as soon as the Director,of Highways can complete the reconnaisance survey. Adopted by the City Council of' the City of Anacortes at one of its Regular Keetings held on October 16, 1945, at 8 o°clock P.M. ATTEST: City Clerk (COPORATE SEAL) liayo r �Aotion was made by Ellin and seconded by Lodge that the above Resoluti;,n be adopted nd ti.atthe Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign same. �I fir. YI. V. Weils, Assistant City Attorney, made an oral report recommending that a quit claim deed be issued by the City of Anacortes to Cn.arles Fisher, covering lots 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 4 Block 19, Nelson's Addition to the City of Anacortes, for consideration of C6. Lotion vsas made by Ellin nd seconded by Brado that the eeommendation of Assistand! City Attorney in the matter of the above described deed e adopted and that the Wayor andClerk be authorized to sign same. Motion carried. �Prr. V1. V. Wells, Asst. City Att'y also recommended that this quit claim deed be issued by the City of Anacortes to Harvey K. Kelvin, coverin` fractional lots 11, 12, ,.3 and 14 in Block 109 of the Original Plat nf' the City of Anacortes for a condiderati(;n of $120. Lotion was made by 2isher and seconded by Ellin that the Assistant City f ttorney°s report.recommending the issuance of the above described quit claim deed e adopted and thatthe Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign said quit claims deed. The report of the Fire Department for the month of September 1945 was presented and read to the City Council. Riot ion was made byDodge- and seconded by Ellin that said report be accepted and placed on file. the report of the -Police Department for the motth of September was presented and read to the City Council. Iulotion was made by Fisher and sec3nded by Brado that said report be accepted and placed on file. A Renewal Insurance Policy on the American 1LaFrance Fire Truck was presented to the City Council and a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Dodge that this matter ibe reftirred to the City Attorney. The following report from Yr. T. G. AcCrory, City Engineer, was presented and read to the City Council. After some discussion, motion was made by Dodge ana seconded by;: Ellin that this report h�nda map attached be adopted. Ayes: Brado, Fisher, Ellin and Dodge. October 15, 1945 ,I Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: -Pursuant to .the resoluti"n passed by the City Council on October 2, 1945, I 'I have examined the petition submitted by property owners in Blocks 89 and 122 of the Original Plat of the City of Anacortes, asking that an improvement district be formed, ;for the purpose of constructing a lateral sewer through these two blocks, I find that'd the facts as set forth in this petition are true. That of the 36 lots which would be within the proposed assessment district the owners of 29 have signed this petition In view of the foregoing, I would li7ecommend that this i.nprovement district be formed. The estimated cost of this i,provement is y,t1234.DO, all of which is to be borne by the property within the proposed a:,se,ssment district, which composes all of Block 122 and all of Block 89 with the exception of lots 1 and 2 and 19 and 20. The assessed valuation of the property within the proposed ..istrict, exclusive of i:.provements, as sh+cwn on the records in the County Assessors Office is $1310.00. Attached is a map showmng the proposed assessment district, outlined in red, 'also shown in red figures on each lot or parcel of land is the estimated cost and expense of thus improvement to be borne by each lot or parcel of land. I am also abtauhing the original petition together with the report of ownerships and assessed valuations from the Mount Vernon Abstract and Title Company. Respectfully .submitted, Signed: T. Ga McCrory City Engineer October 16, 1945 At this ti!,le an Ordinance providing for the improvement of Commercial Avenue from 12th to 1?th Streets by grading and placing along the I7est aide thereto a six foot cement sidewalk and creating local improvement district No. 147 was presented and read to the CitNr Council. A motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Alin that said ordinance be given its third and final reading by title. Hotion carried. Said Ordinance Igiven its first and second reading by title and a motion was made by I Dodge and seconded by Brado that said ordinance be given its third and final reading! by sections. Notion carried. I Section I read. motion made by Dodge and seconded by Fisher that Section I be adopted. Section II read. Yotion made by Brado and seconded by :Alin that Section II be adopted. Section III read. Motion made by Brado and secon ed by Dodge that Section III be adopted. Section IV read. Motion made by Ellin and seconded by Brado that Section IV be adopted. Section V read and motion was made by Dodge and sec.,nded by Ellin that Section V be adopted. Rection VI read. Lotion made by Brado and seconded by E_lin that Section VI be adopted. Section VII read. Potion made by :+.11in and seconded by Dodge that Section VII be adopted. • PotiDn was made by Ellin and seconded by Dodge that the above described Ordinance for the improvement of Commercial Avenue bey placing a cement sidewalk on the "Jest side thereto from 12th to 17th Streets and creating local improvement district No. 147 be adopted as a whole. Ares: Brado, Fisher, Ellin and Dodge. T:;otion carried. Tyr. T. G. HcCroagy, City Engineer, presented the following resort concerning the • sidewalk on Commercial Avenue. _ Octoher 11, 1"5 Honorable k ayor and City Council Gentlemen: Pursuant to the resolution passed by the City Council on September 18, 1945 whereby the City Council declared its intention to order the improvement of a portion of Commercial Avenue by the construction of sidewalxs thereon, I beg to report as follows. The estimated oost of this improvement is ?2329.21, all of which is to Le borne by the property within the proposed assessment district. The assessed variation of the property, exclusive of improvements, as shown on the records in the County assessors office, within the proposed district is '3050.00. Attached is a map showing the proposed assessment district, outlined in red, also shown in red on each lot or parcel of land on this map is the estimated amount of the cost and expens^ of such im;rovement to be born by each lot or parcel of land 1, ai`2 also attaching ,thy o .,ownerfihips and `assessed- valuations fkoo the Haunt. Verhon..Abbtract-;and Title Company. Respectfully submitted I Signed: T. G. PcCrory City Engineer =Concerning the report on bottom of page 109 with reference to lateral sewers, as given by T. G. L,TcCrory, City Engineer, should have been sh)vM in the minutes at -this point. After some discussion motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Ellin taa,t the above plans and specifications for the cinstruction of a lateral sewer from K Avenue to K Avenue through the alleys in Blocks 122 and 89, Original lat of the City of Anacortes be adopted. Ayes: Brado, Fisher, Ellin and Dodge. JThe following resolution was presented and read to the City Council. 771U:REAS, on the 2nd day of October, 1945, there ivas filed with the City Clerk a petition of owners of property in Block 122 and Block 89 of the Original Plat cf tree City of Anacortes, petitioning the City Council to organize a. local improvement district for the purpose of installing a lateral sewer from K Avenue down the alleys of the said Blocks 122 and 89 to a connection with the trunk sewer in Ls Avenue, the cost and expense of the said lateral sever to be paid and ass-essed against the ,property in the said proposed local improvement -district, which said petitijn was referred to the City Lngin,er together with the subject matter proposed by the Siad petition; and • 71176RE.kG, the said City Engineer has reported to the City Council in writing that the matters and things contained in the above manti,�ned petition were true; that the said report contained an estimate of t..e cost of the proposed improvement and the estimated cost to each owner of property in the said proposed district accordin_ to the benefits to be derived from the said improvement together with a statement of the aggregate assessed valuation of the real estate exclusive of improvements • Iaccording to the valuation last placed upon it for purposed of general taxat-ion, ;which said report also contained a diagram shouibg thereon t.e lots, tracts and iparcels of land and other property which shall be specially benefitted by said im- 1provemen and the estimated amount of the cost and expense of shch improvement to be (borne by each such lot, tract or parcel of land and other property. NO`rJJTTT,,.REITi'O RE, BE IT RESOI.VPD that on the 6th day of Nov. 1945 at 8 o e clock P.M. at tr�e council chambers in the city hall, the City of Anacortes, be and the same (hereby is fixed as the time and place when the said etition Trill .e heard, at vrhich ;time the City Council will hear and consider any and all protests against the said i -proposed improvement; that this resolution be published in two consecutive issues of •the City Official paper at least fifteen days prior to the date of hear.ng protests. Adopted and pabsed October 16, 1945. Attest: _ __ City Clerk- - L:ayor (CORPORATE SEAL) A motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Dodge that the above resolution be adopteli and that the Layor and City Clerk be authorized to sign said resolution. Ayes: Brado, Fisher, Ellin and Dodge. Potion carried. The following resolution with reference to the Federal dousing Project in he City Df Anacortes was presented and read to the City Council.: October 16, 1945 IN THF -T)ISTRICT' COURT OF TIM UNITED STATES FOR TITS ASTERN DISTRICT OF `7ASIiINGTON NORTHERN DIVISION UNITED STATES OF AA' ,",RICA, Petitioner, vo CERTAIN PARCELS OF LAND IN TFE ) CITY OF ANAC ORTES , COUNTY OF � . Nov 687 (1 SKAGIT, ST,TE OF WASHINGTON: CITY OF ANACORTES, et ala, Respondents. =RENIS, certain lands belonging to th- City of Anacortes and which were under lease to the United States of America for the purt,ose of instarling and operating a Federal Housing Project have been_,ppropriated and condemned by the Federal Govern- ment together with tiie said l ase; that in the said condemnation proceedings the City of Anacortes was awarded the sum of 3*900.00 for the said lands and 5P1.00 for the said lease; that the said sum of $p901.00 is now on deposit with the Clerk of the above named court, to the credit of the City of Anacortes. NO','J, THEREFOR":, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Attorney be authorized and directed, to petition the said court for an order distributing the said money to the Jity of Anacortes. Paus a adopted the 16th day of October, ly 7 II Attest / i ty CleTk /%/ Mayo (CORPORATE SEAL) l After some discussion, motion was m:zde by Ellin and seconded by Brado that the above I resolution with reference to the lots occupied by the Federal Housing Project in Anacortes be adopted. lotion carried. Having completed the business of the evening, motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Fisher that tie meeting of the City Council adjourn. luotion carried. The meeting of the City Council did then adjourn. Attest: 1 'I City Clerk i'yxyollr November b, 1945 A Regular I:eeting of the City Councii of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 8 o'clock P.M. ivith Mayor Joe 1.. Xa.gan presiding. The roll was called and Brado, Fisher, Derby, Ellin and Dodge were present. The minutes of the previ&us meeting were read and approved as read. G .A communication from Mr. R. E. Douglas to lease certain parts of the Anacortes :Community Building was presented and read to the City Council. Mr. Douglas was present and spoke to the Citi Council at some length and answered numerous questions concerning the.lease which he wished to obtain on certain )arts of the Anacortes .Community Building. After some discussion a motion was made by Derby and secc.nded b3r Brado that a meeting composed of members of t e City Council, and thP-t committees from certain groups such as the '.Jomen°s Clubs, PTA°s,, and other service groups, be held at the Dining Room in the Eqgles Hall at an early date. Motion carried. The following petition was presented and read to the City Council. To the honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Anacortes, gash - .Gentlemen: The undersigned citizens and owners of property on D Avenue in said City respectfully represent, that there is no drainage on tae said D Avenue above 32nd Street and as a result the natural drainage fans out over a considerable area. between 36th Street a.id 32nd Street, :rer therefore, petition that an open drainage ditch be run from 36th Street on D Avenue to 32nd Sheet, The undersigned will reimburse the City for the cost of the culverts. Respectfully submitted3 (Signed Julius Willette 35th and D Ave Fioyd Earcoe 35th and D This petition w -is ',Jayne Lumphear�-, 36th nd D referred to ~rater Supt Samuel L,-. .Venter 34th and D to make a report to the Joe F. Crawford 34th and D City Council. John G. .0o rc y 32nd and E See the bottom of page.112 for the following petition. After the reading of the petition, several of the persons who signed the above petition were present and pointed out the urgent need of a larger pipeline. Mr. T. G. McCrory, .later Superintendent, spoke to t:,e City Council, on the matter and felt that a larger pipeline could be insta,led at this ti e, providing men who signed the ;.,etition would assist in nutting the new pipelinein. 12 November 6, 1945 The following communication from the ':"a.shington Shingle Com any was presented and read to the Cty -'ouncil. Anacortes,-,Jashington November 2, 1945 To the Mayor and Council of the City of Anacortes Anacortes, Washington Gentlemen: The undersigned, ';Jashington-Shingle Co., hereby requests that it be given a lease for a period of five years or more on the South 40 feet of 20th Street between the East line of R Avenue to the East end of said Street. For many yea. s we have been using that part of 20th Street on which we now request a lease for the purpose of transporting manufactured shingles from the shingle mill to loading platform at the railroad spur on R. Ave; ue and vie have a track on siad street which is used for transporting the shingles f"rm the mill to the railro ;A spur. �e own all of the l-)rol,erty abutting on that part of the str et for which e � seek a lease excepting bots 9 and 10, in Block 2, of Nelsonas addition to Anacortes, and there is access to said lots over a Avenue. ':Je offer to pay you such reasonable amount as rental for said street as may be agreed upon. We respectfully request that you take immediate action on this apt-lication. 1� motion was made by Fisher and Yours very truly, seconded byDerby that the lease ;7A,uI-'CxTON SfrI'\TGI,E COlIE'ANY on the above St. End be granted Signed ® R. E. Stover and that the mayor & City Clerk Vice President be authorized to sign the same ISotion carried. Mr. G. 'Wheeler, who operates a boatyard near the end of 27th Street was Present at the City Cjuncil meeting and made a request to the City Council for a lease of the East end of 2%th Street. I;:r. Wheeler spoke to the City Council at some length regarding his future plans, and Iur. C. . Peters, who was also present at the meet- ing spoke to the City Council at this tiaie about the vacation of the East End of 27th Street. A motion was made by Fisher and seconded by Herby that the lease � reQuested by Hr. Gene "+Jheeler on the east end of 27th Street be granted and that the Hayor and City Clerk be authorized to signe said lease. The following communication from i:r. Aoy E. Fur®e, Iianager of the Furse Stage lines,r was presented and read to the City Council. Seattle, as:zington November 6, 1945 Honorable Kayor and City Council, ' Anacortes, Washington Dear Sirs: Having recently acquired the 121ukilteo s ':Jhidby Stage Lines and desiring to make some changed in the operation of same, I would like among other things to change the terminus from the present location to the corner of Seventh and Commer- cial and alk that a Stage Zone be established on the south side of Seventh and a distance of seventy five (75) feet from curb on Commercial,. Very truly yours, Signed o Aoy E. Furse, Kanager After lime discussion by the City Council, a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Brado that the above request for a parking zone on the south side of '%th 3tr_et a space 8 feet wide and '15 feet long immediately east of Commercial Avenue be granted, and that an ordinance providing for this _eserved parking space be urea pared. Ayes: .Brado, Fisher, Derby, Ellin and Dodge. Hotion Carried. Chief Al Seymour of to Shore Patrol was present at the meeting and urged that a light be installed over the Kedical Dental Building on the Northwest corner of 5th Street acid Commercial Avenue, which light could be turned on in the Fire Iull "hen a request for the Services of the Shore Patrol officers on duty was made over the telephone and answered by the Fire Department. The Chief suggested that the lightbe either green or blue to distinguish it from the red light which is used to call the members of the Anacortes Police Department. Chief Hinshaw of the Anacortes Police Department spoke to the City Council and pointed out thz..t he had obtained an estiyAate of the cost of the light and that it was approximately ','40.000 Lotion was made by Vage and seconded by Ellin that the request be granted and that a light be installed on the rdedicaL Dental Building to be used in signalling the Shore Patrol when a call came in for them over the telephone. notion carried. The f„llowing petition was presented and read to the City Council. To the ka,yor and City Council: We, the undersigned, the property owners and water users all residin_; in the Tvienty=six Hundred Block of Second Street, "Nest, respectfully petition that for the servicing of the homes in said Block the city install a larger and circulating water main. AtIhe present time there are five hor7es attempting to obtain water on a three-quarter inch deadend line, and that it is wholly impossible to obtain water therefrom sufficient to service said homes. De,ted this 30th day of October, 1945. Signed - Elsuj rth Halinan Albert E. Allen L. O'Neil Jewel S. Anderson Gilbert 0. Lee Kotion was made by -Ellin and seconded by Derby that this matter be referred to the Streets and Parks Committee. The matter of the heating plant was discussed at this ti.ie, and it was pointed out by severa.,lmembers of the City Council that the heating plant contract was not complete and a motion vias made by Ellin and seconded by Brado that t1i.9 City Clerk write a letter to Zr. James iucLachlan anu urge him to do the necessary viort: to � 0 1 1 � 0 1 -1- 1 - e3 November 6, 1945 complete the contract as so..n as p possible. Motion carried. Mr. T. G. McCrory, City Engineer, spoke to the City Council and pointed out that certain parties wished to purchase the merchantable timber aroun6 Hart Lake. ufotion. was made by Derby and seconded by 3rado that theCity Clerk publish a call for bids on the merchantable tibber near Hart Lake under areas prescribed and recommended by the Fire Light and Water Committee and City engineer. Lotion Carried. Councilman Derby expuessed orally his tiianks to the Mayor and City Council for the flowers received in his recent bereavement. Mayor -Joe L. Hagan reported to the City vout,cil that he was assured by Mr. Ben Driftmier that the necessary papers for the purchase of Grandview Cemetery would be signed by the next meeting of the City Council. Mr. H. 0. Davey presented a letter to the City Council asking to purchase Lots 3 and -4, Block 47, Original Plat of the City of Anacortes and affering 25 dollars per lot. After some discussion, motion was made byc:Ellin and seconded by Derby that t,i.is matter be referred to the Streets and Parks Committee. Motion carried. At this titae the claims against the City of Anacortes for the month of October 1945 were presented and read to the City Coun,:il. :..o CURRENT EXPENSE Joe L,. Hagan 13146 Salary as Mayar 20.00 George Bradb 13147 Salary as Councilman 10.00 Charles F. Fisher 13148 n 10.00 A. L.. Derby 13149 0 " 5,00 Byd Ellin 13150 r 10.00 R. Z. Dodge 13151 10.00 0. E .. Arge s 13152. t' Deputy Treas uryr 88.80 John G. voGpcy 13153 i° City Clerk 81.00 W. V. delle. 13154 " Asst Uity Attorney 81.00 Dr. A. B. Cmok 13155 " HeAlth Officer 40.90 A. R. Sellenthin 13156 " Police Justice 45.10 Alfred Robbins 1315 " Dog Catcher 23.90 P. E..Olson 13159 " Janitor, City 11&11 46.70 Alfred Robbins 13159 " Garbage Dump Tian 33.70 Withholding tax fund 13160 Withholding Tax deductions 51.40 Lulu Cole 13161 Work in City C..erk"s Office 22.17 G. N. Dalstead P.M. 13162 Postage for Clerk's Office.00 9.70 Kee Lox id:fg Co 13163 Supplies for Clerk's office Eldon. Peterson 13164 Adding 14achine service 7.50 People's Na.tl Bk 13165 Deposit -dox rental 3.60 H. 0. Havey 13166 5 Plumbing inspections 7.50 Anacortes Equip. Co 13167 Cleaning Oil Stoves in City Hall 5.15 Island Transfer Co 13168 Fuel oil for Clerk's office 11.66 Lyle °.s Grocery 13169 Janitor's supplies 1.79 Alfred dobbins 13170 Garbage Service, C ty Hall 8.75 Anacortes Gas Co 13171 Gas used aA City Hall 5..:5 Brown. ]Lumber Co. 13172 Material & Supplies, City Hall 8.22 H. H. Hinshaw 13173 Salary as Chief of police 207.10 Nicla Petrish 13174 " asst Ch of Police 202.6.0 Jack .off 13175 " Captain of Police 181.60 L. Pollard 13176 " Patrolman 164.40 Warren Thompson 13177 " " 181.20 Carl -Springer 13178 " 181.20 J. lrcLachlan, Jr. 13179 0 t7 169.40 Withholding tax fund 13180 Withholding Tax deductions 83.00 Simpson's Electric Shop L3181 Supplies for Police Deparrhment 4.38 ��. S.. -Jarley 13182 Equpt for Police .Department 40.03 �-. A.. Abbott Motor Co. 13183 Dervice for Police Wept 14.29 H. If.. Hinshai,7 13184 Cash advanced for stamps 1.00 Trick & Murray 13185 Supplies for Police Dept. .71 Brady's Studio 13186 Seruice for Police Dept 2006 rept of Labor and Ind 13187 Ind Ins-& Med Aid 14.81 L. E. Snider 13188 Salary as Vire Chief 202.53 Bert-Verrall 13189 " Asst mire Chief 181.67 Oliver Hauge 13190 " Capt. lire Dgpt 185.99 D1. G. Strock 13191 Fireman 169.00 C. T. Strock 13192 W 169.00 K. W. Snart 13193 " 169.00 I.I. L. Iversen 13194 `4 1D 120.66 John. , -Cursi 13195 °' " 5.88 R. Mcl)ouga.l1 13196 Callman & E$tra fireman 76.88 J. G. Dorcy 13197 Callman & Extra Fireman 63.84- H. Chevrier 13198 Callman Vire Dept. 1 25 C. %firsing 131y9 2.50 L. Yonroe 13200 n '' 1.25 Jithholding tax fund 13201 Withhold..ng Tax deductions 127.75 Firemens Rel Pen Fund 13202 2% of Firemen's Salaries 39.92 L. E. Snider 13203 Hileage on Car 12.14 Bert Verrall 13204 Lileage on car 8.00 Anacortes ','later Dept 13205 Hydrant liental 565.00 City.Street Fund 1.3206 Galsoline used, Fire & Police Depts 67.42 Southside Hardware 13207 Supplies for Fire Dept 1.13 H. 0. Davey 13208 Ins on Fire Truck 22.30 Kimsey -s Dependable %:k 132x9 Supplies for Fire .Ue..t. 57 Luvera°s Grocery 13210 Supplies for Fire De>>t. .7th A. G. "rnott 13211 Service on i'ire Truck 12.36 Cliff's fielding Shop 13212 Service for Fire "ruck 13.63 Anacortes Laundry 13213 Laundry Service, Vire & Police 12.54 Voest Coast Telephone 13214 Telephone Service - 11.95 Kine Safety Appliances .13215 The Fern Press 13216 John Dorcy 13217 Withholding Tax fund 13218 Puget Sound Pr & Lt 13219 � liaabeth Hr. Dwelley 13220 Benson Motors 13221 d-'nacortes Daily Mercury 13222 Constance Fox 2192 Mildred N. Safford 2193 P. E. Olson 2194 Fannie Ir.. Grinnell 2195 li thho ld ing tax fund 2196 Constance Fox 2197 Anacortes Ceater Dept. 2198 Puget Sound Pr & Lt. 2199 Carlos Cook 2200 Phil D. Burton 2201 Anacortes American 2202 Si psones Electric Shop 2203 E. L. Farmer 2204 C. A. Templar 2205 Puget Sound News Co. 2206 Institute for Research 220 The Ii.. W. Vi1son Co. 220 University Book Store 2209 Comptroller Univ of gash 2210 A. C. McClur8 & Co. 2211 The Personal Book Shop 2212 Aept of Labor and Ind 2213 J. E. Harding 1630 +'rank Knapp 1631 Vithholding Tax Fund 1632 Anacortes mater Dept 1633.. Staley°s 2ixit Shop 1634 Dept of Labor & Ind 1635 City Street Fund 1636 E E. A. Abbogt Hotor Co 1637 T. G. LeC ro ry 8664 Sadie H. Arges 8665 Dorothy Fee 8666 John G. Dorcy 8667 Charles Vedlund 8668 Russell Carolan 8669 �i. 0. 'Rogers 8670 G. F. Keller 8671 A. Sirett 6672 Frank Deane 8673 Lester Thomas 86'/4 John Anderson 8675 Withho-lding tax fund 8676 Marshall Wells Store 8677 ;Jest Coast Telephone 8678 Puget -Sound Pr & Lt 8679 Tennsylvania Salt moo. 8680 Curtis Wharf Co.. 8681 Island Transfer Co 8682 Pittsburgh Equitable Co. 8683 Skagit galley Telephone Co. Skagit Uteel & Iron UJka 8685 Hamburg Iron ��orks 8686 Skagit Electric Co. 8667 Udm G. 11cCallum 8688 G. N.-Dalstead P.M. 86 9 rcobbins Lumber Co. 8690 Simpson's E&ectric Shop 8691 Brown -Lumber Co. 8692 City Street 4,ui�d 8693 f ar i ne Su,ppljr& Hdwe 8694 Tax commission 8695 The Fern Press 8696 Inept of Labor & Ind 8697 Roy McLougall 2193 Lynn Balcom 2194 Rave Summers 2195 Carl Thorene 2196 Carl Welk 2197 Jacob•hiedlinger 2198 T. G. -h1cCrory 2199 John G. -Dorcy 2200 Withholding tax fund. 2201 Marine Supply & Hdwe 2202 November 6, 1945 Supplies -for -eire Dept Printing & Supplies Registration of Births & Deaths Withholding taxes Lighting Service Typing Ordinances Repairs & Service Publishing Legal Notices LIBRARY FUND Salary as Librarian Asst Librarian Janitor Substitute at Library Withholding taxes Cash advanced °ater used in Library Lights used at Library Services for Library Supplies for Library Printing Supplies Supplies for Library Roofing Repairs Supplies for Library Books for Library Supplies for Library Books for Library Books for Library Service for Library Books for Library Books for Library Ind Ins and hied Aid PARK FUND Salary as Park Supt Salary as Park Emp Withholding taxes :Nater used in Park Service for Fark Dept. Ind Ins & Med Aid Gasoline used in Park Truck Truck Repairs WATER DEFT Salary as eater Sppt -dater Cashier Clerk p Bookkeeper t3 Water Foreman t' Serviceman t' Filterman n to q 0 M Pumpman `gages as laborer bithholding taxes Supplies for dater Dept. Telephone Service Power & Service Chorine for 'Dater Dept. Material and Supplies Fuel Oil, Filter Plant Meter Parts 8684 Telephone-ervice Pump parts at Avon Pump repairs & parts Service at Avon pump house Ins on Dodge Coupe Postage for Water office Lumber for Water Dept. Supplies for dater Dept. Lumber for later Dept. Gasoline used, Dater Dept Za.terial & S-pplies Business tax on water sales Printing & Supplies Ind Ins & Med Aid CIT `r STRI`1ET FUND Salary as Street Foreman t Graderman iaantenanceman L� t} " Street Sweeper M Street Supervisor Bookkeeper dithholding taxes uaterial & Supply 4709.12 585.00 347.02 at avon 4704.82 .71 19.13 14.80 3.70 289.26 1.00 36.51 12.00 144.40 G7.6o 63.90 4.00 . 29.10 10.75 2.50 4.70 1.50 28.'jl 3.86 1.33 35.00 14.00 3-09 33.00 12.00 12.02 10.00 36.63 1e.83 - .11 164.40 112.52 22.40 2.50 1.44 6.6o N5 11 275.00 147.6o 121.00 49.20 2 1.39 1 2.53 190.40 172.70 156.90 156.90 190.40 10.10 178.8o 1.39 10.70 1543.19 119.18 . 62.73 14.22 61.15 7A6 _ 22.59 52.94 8.24 26.o9 6.00 6.07 1.24 7.26 20.00 68.80 544.39 46.o4. 17.02 190.12 117.8o 1'T3.8o 190.40 172.70 105.10 40.90 40.90 124.30 5°35 1 1 101 1 16 1 10 Brown -Lumber Company 'dashington Culvert & Pipe County lioad Engineer Puget Sound Pr � Lt Co Pacific Asphalt Paving Co Standard Oil Co Union Oil Codipany Curtis `Wharf Co. 'Dept of Labor & Ind Benson Motors November 6, 1945 2203 Lumier for Street Dept. 1036 2204 Pipe Aepair :Part 2.21 2205 Equi .spent rental 406.000 2206 Power for Crusher 37.50 2207 Materials for St. Repairs 88.58 2208 Gasoline, City Pump 49.18 2209 Gasoline, City Pump 112.23 2210 Material.for Material for Street .Dept. 69.47 Ind Ins Med Aid 18.46 2212 Grader Repairs 1.03 2007.39 CCY_7MTITY BUILDING RCT?TAL FUND St. Clair Jackson Withholding Tax fund Anacortes Vater -Ue�)t. Puget Sound Pr & Lt Co Island Transfer Co. Simpson's Electric Shop Dept of Labor & Ind u . ii. Martin People's 1datl Bk of Vin 59 Salary as Janitor, Com Bldg 60 Withholding taxes 61 Mater used in Com Bldg. 62 Lights used in Com Bldg 63 Fuel and Diesel Oil, Com Bldg 64 Labor & Material 65 Ind Ins x Pied Aid 66 Labor ?c Material Com .bldg ITT HOLDING TAX FUND 28 Total ynithholdng tax deductions 139.90 13.10 . 12.15 2'7.45 48.85 14.20 .42 164.18 620.5 Motion mras made by Ellin and seconded by Fisher that the above clai us to the Finance Gommitteeo The Finance Committee recommended that the al�_owed and warrants be written in favor of the same. Motion was made seconded by 2isher that the recommendation if the Finance Comrr.ittee in mf the claims against the City of "nacortes for the month of October , adopted. Ayes:-.Brado, .Fisher, Derby, Ellin and Dodge. Being unable to complete the Brado and seconded by nisher 7:30 P -L . Ko t ion cArried. Attest: City Clerk 633.55 be referred claims, be by Eilin and the matter 1945 be business at the present meeting, a motion was made by that the City Council adjourn until November 13, 1945 " Mayor November 13, 1945 An Adjourned Regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7:30 P. M. with Mayor Joe Hagen, Presidinf7. The roll. was celled and Brado, Fisher, Derby, Ellin ana Dodge'.',were present. The following letter from Mr. P. G. Henstrom, of the Texas -Company was presented and read to the City Council: Anacortes Wash., Nov. 9, 1§450 Mayor J. Hagen, City of Anacortes, Anacortes, hash. Dear Sir: '1le request your permission to erect a Texaco Banjo sign on.the curb in front of the service station located at 2109 Commercial atreet. The sign is 18 feet in height and for 12 feet is 1 foot square, then circles into the Texaco trade mark. A similar sign is located on the curb in front of the Trulson liotor Company. life make this request in view of the fact that there is no other avail- able location at this address for our trade mark sign. We would appreciate your reply at the earliest possible date as our new tenant will occupy the station on the 15th of November. Yours Truly, P. G. Henstrom. After some discussion, a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Dodge that permission to erect the Texaco Sign as outlined in the above communication be given provided it is installed opposite the Gasoline Pump against the outer edge of the siderialk and approved by the City Engineer. Lotion carried. The balance of the meeting was devoted largely to the discussion of the plan of recreation and entertainment to be provided in the Anacortes Community Building by Mr. R. E. Douglass. The following organizations had representatives at the meeting: The City Council, Ministerial Association, Anacortes Recreational Association, Anacortes Women's Club, Business and Professional Women, Junior Chamber of Commerce, 3 Parent Teacher's Associations, Anacortes 'ark Board, School Board, and School Superintendent and Associated Students. D. Pollom, Chairman of Anacortes -Recreational Association spoke first and gave a very complete outline of what his group had done and what they had planned to do in the future, and was definitely opposed to having the City lease the Community Building to anyone for Commercial purposes. Other speake-s during the evening were Reverand Harry Monroe, MrsE. M Dv,elley, Lrs. Cora Allmond, Mrs. Alice Newland, James Shep,perd, manford Hewitt, E. Van Buren and two speakers from the Associated Students, and Mike Casper, the a Ne�t�ex 1 �y�4K Cnhf.iv»;�gr_ _-- _--.- -- --- present manager of the Ckating mink. Kr. R. E. Douglase spoke several times during the meeting and answered many questions as to the cost and plan of operation of his grog sed BIG r;, RFCREATIOR CLUB..The sentiment of the �d most of the persoai - ed to be against the proposed plan of xdr. Douglass and he felt that his proposed plan would be better received if a mass meeting were held, and he specifically asked that a Maass meeting be held in the near future. The City Council tools no action on the request of 1r.. -Oouglass' wU4Uzj= for a mass meeting. The City Council having heard both sides of the proposed BIG A RECRLATYOW CLUB were now ready to take a vote on the matter. A motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Brado that the proposed plan of Yr. R. Eo Douglass for a Recreation Program in the Anacortes Community Building be rejected. Ayes.- Brado, Fisher, Derby, Ellin and Dodge. Motion carried. The City Council assured Ur. Douglass that if he had any other plans for recre- ation or entertainment and would bring these plans to the City Council they would be given due consideration. Mr. Douglass then announced that he had another plan which would present to the City Council in the near future. Having completed the business of the evening, a motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Ellin that the meeting of the City Council adjo rn. Lotion carried. the City Council did then adjourn. . �yr Attest: 16/ . City Clerk Yovember 20, 1945 !� Regular ueeting of the City Council of the City of Lnacmrtes was called to order at 8 o°clock P. k.'. with Eayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. The roll was culled and Brrido, Visher and Dodge dere present. ,ds ¢hare :rere only three Coancilmen present, a motion was made by Fisher and seconded by Dodge that due to a lack of a quorum that the Meeting of the City Council adjourn to December 4, 1945, at 8 o'clock P. 12. Motionarried. The meeting of the City Council did so adjourn. il ➢ ALM Attest: - - City Cierk ,f 1 I* 1 7 November, 29, 1945 The regular Meeting of the city council of the City of Anucortes was called to ,order at 8:00 o'clocp; P.M.. '.payor 'oe L. Hagan.presiding. Roll was called and Brado, Fisher and Dodge were present A motion was made by Fisher and seconded by BWad1a that due to a lack of a quorum the meeting would be adjobrned to December 4, 1945, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. Notion carried. The: meeting of the City Council did then adjourn I ATTEST., J/�-�7. -1 // iLr;YOR CITY Com' December 4, 1945. The regular - meeting of the city council of the city of Anacortes was called to order at 8:00 o'clock P.M. with 1t111ayor Joe J. Hagan presiding. Roll;was•.call.ed and .Brado, Fisher, Derby and Dodge were presehto Mayor Joe Hagan proposed the name of E. A. Clausius as a prospective councilman to fill the 4acancy caused by the resignation of S. T. Hatton in the First `ward 1 lie 140 1 After some discussion a motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Brado that the above request to decorate the streets as outlined in the above communication be granted. :Motion carried. Layor Joe Hagan gave an oral reportof his trip to Seattle, taking with him the examination papers written by the members of the Police Force, Firemen and 'I Volunteer Fireman at a recent examination taken on Nov. 27, 1945, to obtain operator's licenses to operate the new radio system to be installed in the city Hall and used by the ]Police and Fire Departments. � I The Treasurer's report for the months of October and November, 1945, were pre- sent to the city council and were referred by the La-1yor to the Finance Committee. The reports of the Police Justice for the months of October and November, 1945 were presented and read to the city council and a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Brado that said reports be accepted and placed on file. Lotion carried. The reports of the Chief of :iPolice for the months of October and November, 1945,' were presented and read to the city council and a motion wasmade by Dodge and seconded by Fisher that said reports be accepted and placed on file. Uotion carried. The reports of the Water Superintendent for the month of October and November, 1945, were presented and read to the city cokincil, and a motion wasmade by Brado and seconded by Fisher that said reports be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The reports of the Street Foreman for the months of October and November, 1945 were presented and read to the city council and a motion was made by Brado and seconded by Dodge that said reports be accepted and placed on file. Lotion carried. The reports of the Chief of the Fire Department for the months of October and November, 1945, were presented and read to the city council and a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Dodge that said reports be accepted and placed on file. Lotion carried. .After some discussion a motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Derby that,E. A. Clausius be appointed as Councilman for the First Ward to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of S. T. Hatton. Ayes, ;gado, Fisher, Derby and' Dodge. Motion carried. Ur. E.A. Clausius was then administered the oath of office and duly seated as a member of the city council. The following communication from Niro R. .•de Thornton was presented and read to the city council: .Anacortes, 0ashington, 4 December 1945 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Gentlemen: The Merchants Bureau of the Chamber of Commerce requests permission to decorate Commercial Avenue for the holidays by attach.- ing to the lightpoles between 3rd and 9th Streets and upon 8 poles from 9th to 22nd, a 3UfCOt evergreen wret.th suspended from a. metal bracket and a small tree bound to the. base of each pole similar to the manner of drawing below. These decorations will be remoded immediately after New Years' Day Very truly yours, (Drawing) Iuerchants Bureau of the Chamber of Commerce, by R. M. Thornton 1 lie 140 1 After some discussion a motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Brado that the above request to decorate the streets as outlined in the above communication be granted. :Motion carried. Layor Joe Hagan gave an oral reportof his trip to Seattle, taking with him the examination papers written by the members of the Police Force, Firemen and 'I Volunteer Fireman at a recent examination taken on Nov. 27, 1945, to obtain operator's licenses to operate the new radio system to be installed in the city Hall and used by the ]Police and Fire Departments. � I The Treasurer's report for the months of October and November, 1945, were pre- sent to the city council and were referred by the La-1yor to the Finance Committee. The reports of the Police Justice for the months of October and November, 1945 were presented and read to the city council and a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Brado that said reports be accepted and placed on file. Lotion carried. The reports of the Chief of :iPolice for the months of October and November, 1945,' were presented and read to the city council and a motion wasmade by Dodge and seconded by Fisher that said reports be accepted and placed on file. Uotion carried. The reports of the Water Superintendent for the month of October and November, 1945, were presented and read to the city cokincil, and a motion wasmade by Brado and seconded by Fisher that said reports be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The reports of the Street Foreman for the months of October and November, 1945 were presented and read to the city council and a motion was made by Brado and seconded by Dodge that said reports be accepted and placed on file. Lotion carried. The reports of the Chief of the Fire Department for the months of October and November, 1945, were presented and read to the city council and a motion was made by Derby and seconded by Dodge that said reports be accepted and placed on file. Lotion carried. December 4, 1945. The gasoline reports for the month of October and November, 1945, were presented and read to the city colancil and a. motion was made by Derby and seconded by Bardy that said reports be accepted and placed on file. Lotion carried. Regarding the matter of the recent offer to purchase Lots 3 and 4 of Block 47 of the Original Plat of the City of Anacortes, the Council, after some discussion, asked that the ownership of these lots be chedked to see if the City really owned them at the present time, or no$o One of the members of the city council suggested that a list of all property which the City owned be advertised for sale and the Council wished to check the legality of advertising for the sale of the above described lots. Mr. T.G. McCrory, Nater Superintendent, made an oral report on the installation of a pipe line on Second ;avenue West. �. very lengthy Petition was submitted to the City Council asking that Sec. QO of Ordinance No. 690 i7hich requires dances to close at 12:00 o'clock midnight on Saturday night, be amended to allow dances to continue until 1:00 4.N. 'Sunday morning. After some discussion, a motion curd made by Dodge and seconded by Brado that the that the City Attorney be authorized to draw up the necessary Ordinance to make j the above described change in Ordinance No. 690. ;.yes, Dodge, Brado, and Clausius Noes: Fishera. motion carried. At a recent meeting of the city council bids for the sale of timber on city owned land were advertised and came up to be opened at this time. The following bid from F.E. Foss & Sons was the only bid received: I'Lr. John G. Dorcy, City Clerk Cityof Anacortes, Dear Sir: j We the undersigned do hereby submit our rbid for the purchase of the timber as situated on the following described lends, as appears .on your call for bids dated 11/8/45. NE:` of nl;�- of Sec. 36o T35N, RIE, ono Lot 3 & 4 of Sec. 1, T 34- N.R.L. E.W.H. do ':Je hereby/agree to comply with the regulations as set forth in your call for bids relative to the cutting of timber adjacent to Heart LL.a0. 'V below:e do submitt the following prices as stumpage as desclosed #1 Peelers ),12.50 per Z; f#2 Peelers ),8.00 #3 Peelers $6.00 iPI sawmill , 7.00 J12 Sawmill 5.00 #3 sawmill 9'2.50 #1 cedars 'P10.00 Shingle cedar ,33.50 White Fit X2.50 Hemlock y�2.50 flood logs 0.75 per L111andWood „1.00 per H and cedar poles 2- cts per foot. In payment for the above vie adx'ee to nay the stumpage as soon as the logs are scaled by the official scaler and will submitt payment before the logs leave your booming grounds. Yours truly, F. E. Foss & Sons By F.E. Foss Hanager P.S. In connection to above Bid Nve do wish to specify that it would be impossible to log the above timber during the eget weather without damaging the grounds, therefore we vould .have to log it during dry weather and clould commence logging as soon as weather permits next summer and therefore would require at least 2 years to complete. F.E. Fogs motion was made by Brado and seconded by Dodge that the city council accept the above bid of F.E. Foss & Sons on timber above described in the above bid, with the exception of standing cedar poles and that the City 4ttorney prepare the necessary contract between the city of Anacortes and F.E. Foss & Sons, and that F.E. Foss & Sons provide a performance Bond satisfactory to the citycouncil. ayes, Brado, Fisher, Clausius and Dodge. Kotion carried. a Hotion was made by Dodge and seconded by Bardo that the City Clerk be authorized to call for Gasoline bids for the year 1946. Said bids to be opened on December 18, 1945. motion carried. An insurance policy on the Anacortes Community Building in the amount of '110,000.00 was presented to the city council, and a motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Brado that this insurance policy be referred to the City Attorney. notion carried. T. G. McCrory, City Engineer, made an oral report on the wood situation on city property, and discussed the contract made with G.W. Crowell. The matter of inducing Eames KcLachlan to finish his heating plant contract in the Anacortes Community Building was discussed at some length and a motion was made by Brado and seconded by .Dodge that this matter be referred to Councilmen Clausfns and Fisher with rpawer to act. motion carried. 1 1 1 1 1 140 1 10 140 1 December 4, 1945 The following claims against the City of Anacortes for the month of November, 1945, were presented and read to the City Council: CURRENT EXPENSE Joe I.. Hagan 13223 Salary as Mayor 20.00 George Brado 13224 Salary as Councilman 10.00 Charles F. Fisher 13225 f° " `' 10.00 A. L. Derby 13226 " " '° 10.00 ;yd Ellin 13227 17 to, a 10.00 E. E. Lodge 13228 1° 10 " 10.00 0. E. Arges 13229 " 1' City Treasurer 88.90 John G. 1�orcy 13230 6 City Clerk 81.00 Vt. V. -de 11s 13231 " 10 City Attorney 81.00 Dr. A. B. Cook 13232 " 'a Health. Officer 40.90 A. R. Sellenthin 13233 ': " Police Justice 45.10 A,ifred Robbins 13234 " " Dog Catcher 23.90 P. E. Olson 13235 '° Janitor at City lia.11 43.00 Samuel Mclvor 13236 C1 f5 Janitor at City Hall 4060 Alfred Robbins 13237 " Garbage Dump Man - 33.70 'Withholding Tax Fund 13238 Withholding Tax Deductions,Cancelled .00 G. N. Daistead P. M. 13239 Postage for Clerk's Office- 3,00 Eldon 0. Peterson 13240 Typewriter Service 9.00 Am Nat Lank & Trust Co. 1/241 Cancelled See Water Fund Claim 8733 .00 H.C. Davey iP1b. Insp. 13242 1 Plumbing Inspection 1.50 Affleck Brothers 13243 Fuel for Fire Department 6.00 Island Transfer Co. 13244 Fuel for City Hall 16.21 Anacortes Gas Company 13245 Gas used in City Hall 5.19 Central Furniture Store 13246 Janitor's Supplies 5.25 Simpson's Electric rShop 13247 Labor, "laterial & Sup,. -lies 3/.54 Simmonds Faint Co. 13248 supplies for City Hall 4.17 H. H. Hinshaw 13249 Salary as Chief of Police 207.10 Nick Petrish 13250. Salary as Asst Ch of Police 202.50 J. B. Goff 13251 Salary as Captain„ Fire Dept. 195.50 L. Pollard 13252 '° °' Patrolman 164.40 '::arren Thompson 13253 1C n 161.20 Cv.rl Springer 13254 "• " " 181.20 Withholding Tax Fund 13255 :fithholding Tax deductions 58.50 17.3.Darley 13256 Supplies for Police Dept. 13.20 E.A.Abbott Motor Co. 1325 Material & Supplies, rol. Dept. 49.85 Stana-.rd Oil Co. 1325 Motor Oil for Police Dept. 2-7.25 Anacortes Eqpt. Co. 1325; Service for Poilce Dept. 1.03 F.TI.Hinshaw 13260 Cash advanced for Postage 1.00 Colvin's Service Station 13261 Repairs & Service, Police Dept. 90.16 Benson Klotors 13262 Repairs & Service, Police Car 3.71 Dept. of Labor & Ind. 1;263 Ind. Ins. & Yed. .Aid 12.35 L.E.Snider 13264 Salary as Fire Chief 202.53 Bert Verrall 13265 it.Asst. Fare Chief 161.67 Oliver Hauge 13266 " Capt., Fire Dept. 165.99 M. G.Strock 1326 " Fireman 16,). JO C.T.Strock 132b' " " Firemen 169.70 K.'t1.Snart 13269 "' " Fireman 169.00 C.�k. Springer 13270 " " Fireman 112.J6 Roy i!,2cDougall13271 CL�.11 man �; extra fireman .20.92 J.G.Dorcy 13212 Call man & extra fireman D. Hazelton 132/3 Call man Dept., 1.;)-5 A.Mondhan 13274 Call man, Fire Det )t . 2.51 H. C hevrier 132/5 Call man, Fire Dept. 1.25 George riiller 1327b Call man, Fire Dept. 1.27 Withholding Tax Fund 13277 Withholding Tax deductions 11%.20 Firemen's Rel. & Pen. Fund 13276' 2jo of Firemcn's Salaries 27.41 L.E. Snider 13279 Mileage on C;ar .11.95 Bert 'v'er•rall 13260 Mileage on Car 8.00 Anacortes Cdater Dent. 1.3281 Hydrant Rental 565.00 The Fern Press 13262 Printing and Supplies 14.58 Simmonds Paint Co. 13263 Supplies for Fire Dept. 22.42 J.C.Penney Co. 13284 Supplies for Fire Dept. Cancelled ;•:x )". Anacortes Laundry 13285 Laundry Service 5.17 x.11cCallum 13286 Fire Truck Ins. 21.40 Southside Hardware 132b'7 Supplies for Fire Dent.. `).85 Texaco Super Service 13288 supplies for Fire Dept. 2.26 7immonds Faint Co. 13269 Juppli -s for Fire Dept. 2.72 Anacortes Auto Supply Co. 13290 Supplies for Fire Dept. .64 Luvera's Grocery 13291 supplies for Fire Dept. 3.59 '�'-st Coast Telephone Co. 13292 Telephone Service, Fire .,c Police 12.95 City Street Fuud 13293 Gasoline used, Fire & Police Depts. 65'.8'/ T rulson 11otor Co. 13294 Fire Truck Repairs ( GKC) i20:b' Puget Sound rr.& It. Co. 13295 Lighting Service 269.96 E.Danieison, Co. Auditor 13296 Exempt Truck Licenses 6.25 Lulu Cole 1329'7 Work on Registrations 30.24 17ithholding Tax' Fund 1329 To replace No. 132 a 50.40 J.C.Penney Co. 13299 To replace No. 1324 7.bl LIBI;.'%nY FUND Constance Fox 2214 Salary as Librarian 144.40 Mildred N. Safford' 2215 Salary as asst. Librarian 96.00 r.E.Olson 221" it Janitor 35.40 George C. Sutherland 221! 10 it It 59.78 Blanche Sackett 2218 Substitute at Library 15.60 ',7ithholding Tax Fund 2219 Withholding Tax deductions 29.80 John Anderson 2220 Laborer at Library Constance Fox 2221 Cash Advanced 1°1' December 4,1945 PARK DTIPARTP ANT J.F.Narding lo49 LIB;.A:Rv F'TND,Continued lu4.40 ]Puget Sound Fr. & lt. Co. 2022 Lights used at Librury 5.16 Anacortes 'eater Lept. 2223 `:tater used at Library 2.>O Anacortes Daily Mercury 2224 Subs3ription to Iiercury 4.50 Fidalgo bodge #77 (Masonic) 2225 Rent of Masonic Hall 5.00 James L. ItilcLachlan 2226 Plumbing Service 12.40 The Fern Press 222'7 Printing & Supl;iies 13.23 ,%nacortes Drug ^.o0 2228 Book for Library 3.•)0 Trick &, Hurray 2229 Furniture for Library 2`i.�6 A.C.II:cClung 3: Co. 2230 Books for Library l 59.29 The Personal Book Shop 2231 Books for Library 8112 Harry Fartman 2232 Books for hibrary 30-.0u Dept.o of d'abor ?c Indo 2233 Ind. Ins. 3e Tiled. Aid • 3'J PARK DTIPARTP ANT J.F.Narding lo49 Salary <.s Park -�u;.t. lu4.40 ',rank Knapp 1650 ;' it Park Employee lulo8u ithholding Tax Fund 1651 ':Jithholding Tax deductions 23.60 K'arshall ""ells Stores lo52 llateiial I Too. -s, Turk Jept. 5.15 T.iotor Co. 1u53 Repairs to Tarn Truck _: Supplies 5.15 _..nb.:ott Southside Hardware 1654 Tools for Park Dept. 5.60 .l:nacortes %Ja.ter Dept. 1055 water used in Park 2.50 City Street Fund 1656 Gasoline used in .mark Truck 3.12 E. Danielson, Co. Auditor lo57 Exempt Truck License,- 1.25 Dept. of Labor & Ind. 1058 Ind. Ins. & Lied. Aid b.33 `.'kTTR T.G.'LoCrory 8698 Salary as water 3unt. Sadie if. Arges 6699 " iV '.later Cashier Dorothy Fee 6'7JJ Ifi0 Clerk John G.Dorcy 8101 f0 ' Bookkeeper Charles '.redlund 8102 7Dater Foreman Mussell Carolan 6703 " Serviceman J:. O.ko-;ers b J)04 ° to Filterman (IT .F .Keller C', 05 It it Filterman &.Sirett 8/o6 " " Filterman Frank Deane 6107 ' " Filterman Lester Thomas 6/0 ' i° Purapman Withholding Tax Fund0179 !Laterial for Street Dept.. ':Jithholding Tax de .ucti:;ns Lsland Transfer Co. 8113 Fuel Oil, Filter -Plant Federal K'ipe 4c Tank Co. 6711 Pipe Bands Delaval ;team Turbine ;;o. 8112 Pump tarts Pu et Sound Pr. ': Lt. Co. 6113 Power : Ser% ice %najortes `,�qnt. Co. b/14 Supplies for ':ater Dept. Pennsylvania 3a.Lt Co. 6715 Chlorine for '.rater Dept. Railway Express Agency 6716 Freight :;n rump Parts Barrett,Naentjens -c Co. 611'7 Supplies for '..'ater De ;t.. ;t2ndard Oil Co.. br/1b Gaso.Line for '.Thistle bake t'umo Curtis ,hurf Co. 6119 Material for "Dater Jept . City Street bund 6120 Gasoline used in idotor Vehicles The Texas Co. 6121 Tiotor Oil, .Dater Dept.. Pittsburgh Equitable Co. 6722 14'eter Parts E.A.Abbott l:aotor Co. 8/23 Service on Dodge Coupe Standard Oil Co. 8'124 Turbine Oil, Avon Pump House '.Jest Coast Telephone Co. 8725 Telephone Service O.V.DalsteaG, p.il. 8726 Postage for eater Office The Fern Dress ()72j Printing ". Supplies Simpson's Electric chop 6728 Labor c Llatex•ial Supolies E.Danielson, Co. Auditor 8729 3 Exempt Truck hicenses Colvin's Service Station b/30 Tire Service Marine Supply & Hardware 8731 I•ua.terial �: Supplies Dept. of Labor 'c Industries 8'132 Ino. Ins. & Lled. Aid Am. Nat. Bank I Trust Co. 8733 Bond Handling Charges Roy KcDougall Lynn Balcomb Carl Thorene Dave Summers Carl Welk krtis Taylor Ja,_ob Riedlinger T . G .11cC ro ry John G. Dorcy ':Jithholding Tax Bund Brovin Lumber Co. Pacific .'asphalt Paving Co. Standard Oil Co. Union Oil Co. The Texas Co. Morrison LIill Co. Puget Sound Pr. 3c 1A. Co. Curtis `:Tharf Co. Simmonds uPa,int Co. Colvin°s Service ^Station Za.rine Supply 4c Hardware E. Danielson, Co. ikuditor Dept. of :"abo:.• .: Industries CITY STRI-T FT! STD 215.01 147voO 121.0) 49.90 231.14 6 � .44, 50,40 172.70 156.90 15J.yJ 1;0.40 179.50 14.92 U. �5 1 :6v. o0 .�J X.09 15.40 32.86 lb.60 23-19 '1.35 3.52 5.4n �1.LJ 6.J0 11.95 99.71 3.15 12.98 38.05 10.52 42.22 1 F� JI 1 2213 Salary as Street Foreman 186.1) 2214 Salary as Graderman 177.8J • 2215 T.Iaint pian IyJ.40 2216 " t0 :.faint Ean 1/3.t,0 221'7 ' Idaint Man 1'12.'7) 2218 " t0 1laint Kan 59.03 2219 1D It Street Sweeper 1)5.10 2220 If '° Street 3upervi,or 40.90 2221 t° to Bookkeeper 13.00 2222 Tax deductions 133 .27 2223 Lumber for 3toeet Dept. 6.45 2224 !Laterial for Street Dept.. 43.56 2225 Kerosene Oil for 3tredt Dept. 7.92 2226 Gasoline , City lump 39.2 2227 Gazoline, City Pump 14J.14 1226 Lumber for Street Dept. 6.25 2229 Power for Crusher 31.50 2230 1:1aterial .'c adjustment 5.16 2231 Supplies for Street Dept. 30.46 2232 Tires & Ger, ice 2J7.33 2233 1aterial % 3unplies 5.55 2234 3 Exempt Truck Licenses 3.15 2235 Ind. Ins. °t Led. Aid U-.82 , a.,,►i , December 4, 1945 COrEAUNITY BUILDING ;i7--r?TA1 17, P"D u I* 10 1 The Finance Committee considered the above claims and recommended that the claims be allowed and warrants be issued in favor of the same. A motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Risher that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be adopted. Ayoso Bradc, Fisher, Clausiub and Dodge. Having completed the business of the evening, a motion titins made by Fisher and seconded by Brado that the meeting of the City Council adjourn. notion carried. The meeting of the City Council did then adjourn. ,f'rrgrr� Zay o Attest: I/ City Clerk V Lecember 18, 1945 A Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at eight o'clock P. A2, with iaayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. The roll was called and Brado, Ellin and Clausius were present. A motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Clausius-that as there was not a quorum present that the meeting, of,. the City Council adjourn to 8 o'clock P. H. on December 28, 1945. Uotion carried. The meeting of the City Council did so adjourn. 4 fittest: v'.' �% J z-' City Cletrk December 28, 1945 Mayor A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of nnacortes was called to order at 8 o'clock P. M. with Mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. The roll was called and Brado, Fisher, Ellin, Clausius and Hodge were present. The minutes of the two previous meetings were read and approved as read. The following communication was presented and read to the City Council; "nacortea, bash. , December 17, 1945. Mayor and City Council: Owing to the condition of my health, and the advice of my Doctor, please accept my resignation from the City Council as of the above date. It is with regret that I find it .it.o.�ssary to take this measure as I have thououghly enjoyed working with youmen'',t in vies of the above believe it to be the wise thing to do. respectfully yours, (Signed) A. I,. Derby. A motion was made by Brado and seconded by Clausius that the resignation of Mr. A. Lo -Werby as a Councilman from the Third -;lard in the City of "nacortes be accepted and that a letter of thanks be written to Mr. A. L Derby for his services as a Councilman. Motion carried. St.Clair Jackson 67 .salary & Cash advanced 141.50 Withholding Tax Fund 68 1,7ithholc:in Tax deductions 13.10 Anacortes Water Dept. 69 ;later used in Com. Bldg. 21.85 .3outhside Hardv-mre 70 Supplies for Com.Bldg. 1.18 Corson°s Variety ;tore 71 Supplies for Com. Bldg. 2,44 Puget Sound Pr. & -It. Co. 72 Lights used in Com. Bldg. 27.70 77m. C. McCallum73 Ins, on Com. Bldg. 1480'72 ?l.H.Nartin 74 Cash advanced in Com. Bldg. 38.o1 impson"s Electric Shop 75 Adjustment on former bill 050 Island Transfer Co. 76 Fuel Oil, Com. Bldg. 136.11 FIHE%.-'.No S REELIr F 3: PENSION .FTnTD People's Nat. Bank "lash. ':lar of 217 Inve:;tment in Bonds3 70. JJ WI T 111TOLDI (7, TAX FUND People o :; Nat. Bank of •,+ash.. 29 Total Tax deductions for Nov.1945 005'.9-7 motion was made by Clausius an. a.econded by Fisher that above cle.ims be referred to the Finance Committee. Lotion carried. u I* 10 1 The Finance Committee considered the above claims and recommended that the claims be allowed and warrants be issued in favor of the same. A motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Risher that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be adopted. Ayoso Bradc, Fisher, Clausiub and Dodge. Having completed the business of the evening, a motion titins made by Fisher and seconded by Brado that the meeting of the City Council adjourn. notion carried. The meeting of the City Council did then adjourn. ,f'rrgrr� Zay o Attest: I/ City Clerk V Lecember 18, 1945 A Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at eight o'clock P. A2, with iaayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. The roll was called and Brado, Ellin and Clausius were present. A motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Clausius-that as there was not a quorum present that the meeting, of,. the City Council adjourn to 8 o'clock P. H. on December 28, 1945. Uotion carried. The meeting of the City Council did so adjourn. 4 fittest: v'.' �% J z-' City Cletrk December 28, 1945 Mayor A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of nnacortes was called to order at 8 o'clock P. M. with Mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. The roll was called and Brado, Fisher, Ellin, Clausius and Hodge were present. The minutes of the two previous meetings were read and approved as read. The following communication was presented and read to the City Council; "nacortea, bash. , December 17, 1945. Mayor and City Council: Owing to the condition of my health, and the advice of my Doctor, please accept my resignation from the City Council as of the above date. It is with regret that I find it .it.o.�ssary to take this measure as I have thououghly enjoyed working with youmen'',t in vies of the above believe it to be the wise thing to do. respectfully yours, (Signed) A. I,. Derby. A motion was made by Brado and seconded by Clausius that the resignation of Mr. A. Lo -Werby as a Councilman from the Third -;lard in the City of "nacortes be accepted and that a letter of thanks be written to Mr. A. L Derby for his services as a Councilman. Motion carried. DeG�r�be�28�1�4 Continaed At this time, T,1-ror Joe L. Fagan ap,ointed Mr. Herman L. Hansen as a Councilman fxom the Third Ward to serve in this capacity during the unexpired term of A. L. -Oerby who has just resigned as a 3rd tiJard Councilman. A motion was made by Brado and seconded by Dodge confirm the appointment of °german L. Hansen as councilman from the Third `Uard to succeed A. L. Derby. Ayes, Brado, fisher, Clausius, Alin and -Oodge. Notion carried. Councilman Herman. L. Ran5e'n was then administered his oath of office and duly seated in the City Council. The following Communication was then read to the City Council: Dec. 28, 1945 Gentlemen: I am selling my Garbage Business to Harry Davis, and therefore am resigning as Dump '"an and 'Jog catcher effective as of Jan ud.ry 1, 1946. ;'signed Alfred F. Robbins. k motion was made by r'isher and seconded by Clausius that the above of Alfred F. "obbins be accepted. ''otion Carried. A motion was made by Alin and Seconded by Irado that "arry Davis be appointed as Garbage 4a.n, Dump "man and Dog Catcher as df January 1, 1946. Notion carried. Ida.yor Joe L. pagan reported that a number of the Taverns in the City of Anacortes via.nted to stay open until 3 o'clock A. H. on January 1, 1946. PSfther much discussion, a motion was made by -urado and Seconded by fisher that the Taverns be given permission to stay open until 3 o'clock A. U. on January 1, 1946, providing it is legal and thgt the Chief of Police can get the necessary help on the Police Force. Ayes: Hansen, Dodge, Fisher and Brado. Not Voting Clausius. Nays:Ellin. Motion carried. Three City Attorney Reports recommending the acceptance of a n insurance policy of the Dodge Coupe used by the Vlater Department, Insurance on the American La France lire Truck and an insurance policy on the Community Building were presented and read ¢; the City Council and a motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Dod;e that said /A-soistant City Attorney's Reports be accepted and placed on file. lotion ca,rkied. Mr. S. P. '.ralsh made an application for a Quit Claim Deed on lots and Block 285 in the City of Anaco rt es , and a m(.) t ion eras made by Ellin in a.nd seconded by Dodge that this matter be referred to the City Attorney. Motion carried. Clausius reported on the conditions in the matter of the heating Plant installa- tion in the Community Building, and pointed out that the sump around the Condon oa.tion pump in the boiler room needed attention. A motion was made by Clausius and seconded byDodge that this matter be referred to the Building Comittee with poker to act. Lotion carried. ljhereas :the ,-Washibgtan Shingle Company, a corporation, has filed with the City Cuunc it with the City Council an application for a lease for five years or more �C of the 'youth Vorty feet or Twentieth Street, between the east line of R Avenue to the east end of said street, offering therefor -one dollar 01.00) per year, and rejresent ing that said corporation orins a majority of the square foot i' :ntage of the harbor area butting on the said property sought to be leased;and L'hereas, the purpose of the lease of said property is to further manufacturing and commerce; NOW THEREFORE, be it r,solved that at 8000 P. Z.. January 15, 1946, in the Council Chambers, the: said. application will be heard; and be it further resolved that any and all persons wishing to protest the granting of said application may file his protest with the City Clerk, or may appear personally at said hearing to protest said application. The City Clerk is hereby authorized to publish this resolution in the City `'fficial Paper for at least once a week for two consecutive weeks. adopted on the 28th day of December, 1945. c oe L. Hagan yor !I Attest / city C1er��1 - R motion w s made by Clausius and seconded by Ellin that the above resolution be publish&d and adopted. Motion carried. 1 fl 1 1 1 16 De c e nb e_� _�_8�.4 5 C ox The following communication ,was presented and read to the City Councils 1-�nacortes, `Yash. , December 17, 1945 City of Anacortes, Anacortes, mash Gemtlemeno I now enclose herewith deed to the City of Anacortes upon the property known as Grandview Cemetery, together with title insurance report thereon. Upon the recording of this deed, title insurance rill then issue to the City in accordance with this title report. This deed is submitted to you on condition that I in turn will receive your remittance in the sum of "2000000 in payment therefor. This remittance,by the way should be made to Ben REA Driftmier, in order that I may be able to make proper distribution to the various parties concern. If you -wish, I will be glad to attend to the recording of this deed for you and see that the title insurance is properly issuedolf you will return the deed to me, I will attend to this for you. Respectfully, u lie lie i A motion was made by lodge and seconded by Ellin that said ordinance be given its first and second readings by title. Notion carried. Said ordinance given its first and second readings by title and a motion was made by Ell -in and seconded by '•'odge that said ordinance be given its third and final readings. Motion .carried° Section one Read, a motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Brado that Section one be - adopted. Motion carried. Section 2 read, and a motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Dodge that Section 2 be adopted. Motion carried. Section Three read, and a motion was made by Brado and Seconded by Clausius that Section 3, be adopted. "oti on carried. Section 4 r c !i, and a motion was made be Bradoand seconded by -Alin that Section 4, be adopted; 'Motion carried. Section 5 read, and a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Brado that Section 5 be adopted.I'�Iotion carried. A motion was made by :@llin and seconded by 19odge that said ordinance providing for the outlines of voting precincts in the City.� of hnacortes as above des;ribed be adopted as a whole. Uz Ayes: Ha.nses, Dodge, Ellin, Clausius, -Fisher and Dodge.Eotion carried. An Insurance on the 1936 International Truck was presented and was referred to ' the C i-ty Attorney who made an oral report recommending the acce'otance of said � insurance polisy4 Ylko Ta Go McCrory, City Engineer, made an oral report on the termination of the mood contract with G. Crowell. Mayor Joe. Z. Hagan reported on -the return ofCaptain l!> V. hells Jr. from army service overseas. A motion,.,as made by ,Clausius and seconded by Brado that the Council adjourn to 4anuary 2, 1946, at 8 o'clock P. alfa roti The meeting of the City Council did so adjourn. Attest; meeting of t he City n carried. or (Signed) Ben Driftmier A motion was made by Dodge and Seconded by Ellin that the Grandview Cemetery Deed outlined in the above communication be accepted, o nd that Cdr Ben Driftmier have the deed recorded and get the Title Insurance for the City of Anacortes. Ayes; Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, Clausius, -Lis-her and Brado. Tgotion aarriedo At this time the Gasoline bids for the year 1946 were opened and four Oil Companies, namely, The Standard Oil Company, The Union Oil Company, the Texas Company and the Shell. Oil Uompany, all bid the same; Ethyl Gasoline, 0172 per gallon -and hegular standard non premiuzft gasoline, 0152 per gallon. A motion was made by lodge and seconded by Clausius that all four of the above Oil Companies gasoline bids be accepted, and that each "il Com•�any receive its share of the City's Gasoline bu/sinesso the manner of each.-dompd.ny receiving its share to be determined by the "hief of tln Fire Department, Motion carried. 'ayes: Hansen, Dodge, Ellin, Clausius, Fisher$ Brado. lotion carried. An Ordinance dividing the wards of the City of Anacort-es into votirig:precincts, and repealing ordinance Number 919 relating Yo the same subject matter, passed and approved the 3rd day of December, 1940 and repealing all ordinance, or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance. u lie lie i A motion was made by lodge and seconded by Ellin that said ordinance be given its first and second readings by title. Notion carried. Said ordinance given its first and second readings by title and a motion was made by Ell -in and seconded by '•'odge that said ordinance be given its third and final readings. Motion .carried° Section one Read, a motion was made by Dodge and seconded by Brado that Section one be - adopted. Motion carried. Section 2 read, and a motion was made by Clausius and seconded by Dodge that Section 2 be adopted. Motion carried. Section Three read, and a motion was made by Brado and Seconded by Clausius that Section 3, be adopted. "oti on carried. Section 4 r c !i, and a motion was made be Bradoand seconded by -Alin that Section 4, be adopted; 'Motion carried. Section 5 read, and a motion was made by Ellin and seconded by Brado that Section 5 be adopted.I'�Iotion carried. A motion was made by :@llin and seconded by 19odge that said ordinance providing for the outlines of voting precincts in the City.� of hnacortes as above des;ribed be adopted as a whole. Uz Ayes: Ha.nses, Dodge, Ellin, Clausius, -Fisher and Dodge.Eotion carried. An Insurance on the 1936 International Truck was presented and was referred to ' the C i-ty Attorney who made an oral report recommending the acce'otance of said � insurance polisy4 Ylko Ta Go McCrory, City Engineer, made an oral report on the termination of the mood contract with G. Crowell. Mayor Joe. Z. Hagan reported on -the return ofCaptain l!> V. hells Jr. from army service overseas. A motion,.,as made by ,Clausius and seconded by Brado that the Council adjourn to 4anuary 2, 1946, at 8 o'clock P. alfa roti The meeting of the City Council did so adjourn. Attest; meeting of t he City n carried. or