HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953 City Council Minutes97 December16, 1952,(Cont'd) building will be installed soon. The City Attorney then read a proposed ordinance .regulating traffic on the Shell Dock and ap_oroaches thereto in the Port District. A motion was made by Mustacich and seconded by Weekley that the ordinance be adopted and given #1101. Ayes: Mustacich, Ginnett, Fosse, Smith, Maryott and Weekley. Motion carkidd. The report of claims against the City of xnacortes for the first half of December, 1952 was read to the Council. The Mayor, hearing no objections, referred the claims to the Finance Committee. Upon favorable report by the Finance CommlitteeI a motion was made by Fosse and seconded by Weekley that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of the same. Ayes: Mustacich, Ginnett, Fosse, Smith, Maryott and Weekley. Fiction carried. iiayor Hagan reported that he had noted that the Great Northern Railroad was putting in a new dike and had made arrangements to check with them to be certain that propdr provision is made so that people west of the dike will not be flooded... A motion was made by Mustacich and seconded by Maryott that the Council adjourn at 8:30 P.M. Notion carried, Attest • i'�Y/ City Cler�t � January 6, 1953 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7:30 P.M. with Mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. The roll was called and Mustacich, Ginnett, Fosse, Smith and Maryott were present. The minutes of the meeting of December 16, 1952 were considered and the Mayor stated that due to the fact that each Councilman has had a copy for study, the minutes are approved as if read. The request from Ray Reinstra to purchase timber near the City Dump was read to the Council. The matter was referred by the Mayor to the Fire, Light and Water Committee for study and report. A letter from the State Air marking Committee requesting permission to use the top of the City Hall -for an aircraft signal sign was read and after discussion a motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Maryott that permission to paint the sign be granted. Motion carried. A letter from the Puget Sound Power and Light Company stating that the City Would benefit by a credit in the street lighting statement due. to turning off a portion of -the lights on Commercial Avenue was read and ordered placed on file. A letter from John H. Anderson, Mayor of Tacoma advising Mayor Hagan of a meeting in Olympia on January 13th, 1953 was read and the Mayor stated that he may attend. The Mayor said that he would not report on the meeting with Harper and Company and the Engineers regarding the sewer plans because the Council- men were already aware of the discussion at that meeting. The City Attorney reported that the Building Code is in process. He further reported that the Cemetery has an outstanding account against the Estate of Steve Taslac and he requested authority to accept a settlement in accordance with Court Order. A motion was made by Maryott January 6, 1953 (Cont'd) and seconded by Fosse that the Attorney be authorized to make the best settlement possible. Ayes: Smith, Ginnett, Fosse, Maryott and Mustacico. Motion carried. The Clerk reported that he had a renewal of the bond for the 0ity Attorney and the Mayor referred it to the City fttorney for report. The City Clerk said that he had new information on a blanket bond to cover city employees and the Mayor referred the matter to the Finance Committee. The Clerk then asked the Council how many polling places they would like to have for the Primary Election February 10th. After discussion a motion was made by Mustacich and seconded by oI= that the polling places for both the Primary and General Elections be limited to one in each ward. Motion carried. The Clerk reported that he had a request for photographer's license from Harriet E. Williams for the San Juan Photo Studios. Chief Goff stated that his department had no objection to they suanpl o; thlo� 1Bdw,tb license. A motion was made by Ginnett that;fhe` Ucense �e gran�;ed. r. Fosse stated that he would second the motion providing that ordinances pertaining to the issuance of the license had been complied with. The question was called for and the motion carried. Mayor Hagan reported that he, with four members of the Council, the Clerk, the Attorney, the Fire and Police Chiefs, the City Street Superintendent and representatives of the contractor and sub -contractors had inspected the new fire hall and police station before coming to this Council meeting. It was not an official inspection but some details were worked out so that the building will be completed on schedule. The con- tractor will be through with the building January loth. Ginnett said that the people of Anacortes'should be very glad and give thanks to the Mayor and Councilman Maryott because they have worked very hard to see that the building is well done. The report of the Treasurer for the month of December, 1952 was accepted and ordered placed on file. Ginnett suggested that a letter be written to the members of the Legislature asking that they consider legislation which would change the date for city officials to take office to the first Monday in April instead of June. The Mayor said that he agreed with the thought except that he would like to see them go back to the original method of the first of January. As an outcome of this discussion the City Clerk was requested to write to the Association of Washington Cities asking them for information regarding the reqsons the dates were changed. Chief Goff said the Skagit County Law Enforcement Officials' meeting will be held in Anacortes on February 17th, 1953• He asked that the Council keep this date in mind and if possible adjourn their meeting early so that they could attend. The report of the Water Department for the month of December, 1952 was accepted and ordered placed on file. The report of the Street Superintendent for the month of December, 1952 was accepted and ordered placed on file. Ginnett asked about getting the big truck into the new workshop in the fire and police station. The Fire Chief reported that the light on top of the cab could be removed. Mustacich reported for the Finance Committee that they recommended the acceptance of the low bids which were submitted.by the Shell Oil Company for stove oil furnace oil and gasoline and the Island Transfer for light fuel oil. a motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Fosse that the report be adopted and the bids accepted as recommended. Ayes: Smith, Ginnett, Fosse, Maryott and Mustacich. Motion carried. Smith reported for the Streets and Parks Committee by calling attention to the improvement being made in the Shell service Station at 9th and Commercial. Mayor Hagan said the Great Northern Railway had not, but are making provision for drainage through their tresle improvement. 1 1 1 January 6, 1953 (Cont'd) The Clerk reported that he had been advised by Mr. Derby of J. C. , Penney Company that a hole in the sidewalk at their corner will be re- paired in the near future. Councilman Maryott reported for the Building Committee by stating that after investigating the finances of the new fire hall and police station, he does recommend that the drunk tank ceiling be installed right, that is that it be a permanent ceiling as quoted by W. G. Clark Company, which is 10 gauge steel. A motion was made by Maryott and seconded by Smith that W. G. Clark Company be authorized to install and paint a 10 gauge steel ceiling at a cost of $776.00 plus sales tax. Ayess Smith, Ginnett, Fosse, Maryott and Mustacich..Motion carried. Maryott suggested that the City Clerk write letters to nearby cities offering the old cell block to them for sale. The Mayor hearing no objec- tions, so ordered. Councilman Smith suggested that the top set core for the rooms where new tile is to be applied be furnished but not applied so that it can be used when these rooms are tiled. After discussion, the Mayor hearing no objection ordered that he and Council- man Maryott be authorized to look into the matter. Mayor Hagan asked about the old.fire hall and police station. After discussion a motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Maryott that when the departments are all out of the building and all the equipment has been removed and this fact has been certified to by the Fire and Police Chiefs, that the Clerk be authorized to call for bids to have the building demolished and the material removed from the land site. Motion carried. Ginnett reported for the Fire, Light and water by reading a list of pipe needed to replace wooden water mains this year. .He said the cost of the pipe would be approximately $7,000.00 and that he -recom- mends that a call for bids be authorized, A motion was made by Lin- nett and seconded by Fosse that the Clerk be authorized to call for bids for cement asbestos water pipe. The bids are to be opened Janu- ary 20th, 1953• Motion carried. Councilman Maryott told the Council that he is making a sewer connection for six places that have used septic tanks. He said that he would appreciate having Council approval of this project which he is undertaking along with several neighbors. A motion was made by Fosse and seconded by Mustacich that approval be given to connect to the sewer in the alley between 20th and 21st on Q. Motion carried. The report of claims against the City of 4nacortes for the month of December, 1952 was read to the Council. the Mayor, hearing no objections, referred the claims to the Finance Committee. Upon favorable report by the Finance Committee, a motion was made by Ginnett and second- ed by Smith that the claims be allowed.and warrants drawn in favor of the same. Ayes: Smith, Ginnett, Fosse, Maryott and Mustacich. Motion carried. A motion was made by Fosse and seconded by Mustacich that the meeting adjourn at 9:00 P.M. Motion carried. 10-0 Attes City' Uri' January 20, 1953 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7:30 P.M. with Mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. The roll was called and Mustacich, Ginnett, Fosse, Whipkey, Weekley and Maryott were present. The minutes of the meeting of January 6, 1953 were read and the City Clerk stated that he -had been advised that Mr. Ginnett's motion re- garding issuance of the license to San Juan Photo Studios should have been worded "that since the ordinance has been complied with, the license be granted." The Clerk stated that if there were no objections, he would 100 y January 20, 1953 (Cont'd) make this correction. Mayor Hagan hearing no further corrections, stated that the minutes were therefor adopted with the inclusion of the one correction. A letter from the Puget Sound Power and Light Company advising the City that critical power regula m have been lifted was read and ordered placed on file. A notice from the Washington State Liquor Control Board for a trans- fer of license for the Anchor Inn from James L. McLachlan to Walter J. and Beatrice L. Jasna was read and ordered placed on file. A communication from the Federal security Agency thahking the City for the use of the hall during the past --year was read and ordered placed on file. A letter from the Anacortes.:Recreation Association asking the Mayor to find someone to reprebent the City who could attend all board meet- ings was read and Mayor Hasan stated that he would attempt to find such a person. The Mayor then ordered the letter placed on file. The City Attorney reported that he believes the school board i`/ / / approve a vacation of Q street at the Nelson School Grounds. The Clerk reported that the bids for pipe were on hand. The Mayor hearing no objections authorized the Clerk to open the bids. The bid from Johns Manville quoted 4" pi a at .99 a foot, 6" pipe at 1.48 a foot and 8" pipe at 2.10 per foot. The bid from H. D. Fowler Co., quoted 4" pipe at .92, 6" pipe at 1.43 and 8" pipe at 2.04. A motion was made by Linnett and seconded by dhipkey that the bids of H. D. Fowler be ac- cepted. Ayes: Whipkey, Weekley, Ginnett, Fosse, Maryott and Mustacich. Motion carried. The Clerk presented the warranty deed from F. E. Foss and Eva D. Foss to two 40 -acre tracts adjoining the Mount Brie property of the Water Department. A motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Weekley that the deed be accepted. Motion carried. The Clerk reported that he had received an answer to his request for.information regarding the June date of taking office. The Clerk then read the letter from the Association of Washington Cities which was ordered placed on file. Under the Police report Councilman Weekley said that during the wet weather the patrol boys on 12th street get clear out on to the black top and are thereby endangering themselves. The mayor referred the matter to Mr. Beebe. Under the Street report the City Clerk reported that Affleck Bros. had requested fill material for the cmner r.., :�L,� I on 13th and Commercial. Mayor Hagan said that Afflecks had been very co-operative in cleaning up the property thereby improving the appearance of the fire hall and police station. He then asked Mr. Thorene if he had some material and Mr. lhorene said that he would fill in as conditions permitted and said that he would also fill in between the Udd Fellows Hall and the Tire Hall and Police Station. A letter from Oliver Hauge advising that Clyde Cook had returned to duty on January 11th was read and ordered placed on file. Maryott reported on the completion of the fire hall and police station and said that it was a wonderful asset to the community. He said that.he committee recommends the acceptance of the building. A letter 8f acceptance prepared by W. G. Clank Company was then read to the Council. A motion was made by Maryott and seconded by Mustacich that the City accept the fire hall and police building and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to.sign the approv.-1 letter. Ayess Whipkey, Weekley, Ginnett, Fosse, Maryott and Mustacich. Motion carried. 101 January 20, 1953 (Cont'd) Mayor Hagan said that all the Councilmen were present at the in- spection of the fire hall and police station last Friday and that all the details had been worked out very well and that he appreciated having them all :.attend. He thought also that the building would be of great value for many years to come. Marvin Beebe •said that he would like to thank the Council on behalf of the police Department for having provided them with such fine quarters. Ginnett reported that the Fire, Light and Water Committee had given Reinstra permission to obtain wood along the Mt Erie right of way. Lin- nett then told the Council that the creek from the filter plant cuts into some properties during the winter months. The channel of the creek widens when the water used to clean the filter and the heavy rains combine to over -load the creek. Linnett inspected several places and talked with Mr. McCrory who said that he would have his men try to control the flow of water so it will not cause serious trouble. Ginnett suggested clean- ing the creek once a year and said that Sullivan and Berend5were very upset about possible damage to their property. After discussion the Mayor referred the suggestion to the Water Supt. for investigation and report. Linnett said that he had checked on the street lights along Com- mercial Avenue and said that a saving of about $2,600.00 would be rea- lized if the lights were left off for Timet a year. The Anacortes Equipment has offered to turn them on for $51.95 and if only a few lights are turned on the charge would be on an hourly basis. He said the only seruous complaint about the lights being turned off was from the E. and E You Save. -Service Station and Ginnett feels that a light is really needed at this point. He further reported that the lights on 20th street will be installed this week and suggested that the same basis as used on 20th be used for additional lights in the city. Maryott said that he, as an individual felt that people on Commercial had paid for;:the lights bnr Commercial Avenue and should have them on. He said that there was no reason why the south end should have half the.lights off and the north end not do the same. Ginnett suggested that publicity be given to the question and the matter be tabled until the next Council Meeting. After being questioned,.Marvin Beebe said that there had been no in- crease in accidents due to the lights being off but that there could be a difference in -the amount of crime in the area. Mayor Hagan, hearing no objections ordered the matter tabled until the next meeting. Councilman Whipkey reported that Leo Ratzow had given permission to employees to paint two rooms at the filter plant. Whipkey said that Mr. Hatzow had agreed to send a letter to the Council advising them of the Union's reasons for not wanting to allow this type of work. The report of claims against the City of Anacortes for the balance of December, 1952 and the report of claims for the 1st half of January, 1953 were read to the Council. There being no objections, Mayor Hagan referred the claims to the Finance Committee. Upon favorable report by the Finance Committee a motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Fosse that the claims for the balance of December, 1952 and the first half of January, 1953 be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of the same. Ayes: Whipkey, Weekley, Ginnett, Fosse, Maryott and Mustacich. Motion carried. Maryott advised the Council that there were still individuals cut- ting timber off the Mt. Erie Road. After discussion Mayor Hagan referred the matter to Councilman Smith so that he could contact the Park Supt. who in turn would see that the loggers worked on the Mt. Erie Road right of way. Mayor Hagan said that he would like to have the Councilmen stay after the meeting for a committee meeting with Wm. P. Harper Company and the sewer engineers. A motion was made by Fosse and seconded by Weekley that the Coun- cil adjourn at 8:55 P.M. Motion carried. .9;i (/ Attest= ��l Mayor City Clef 102 y February 3, 1953 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7:35 P.M. with Mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding, The roll was called and Mustacich, Ginnett, Fosse, Whipkey, Smith, Weekley and Maryott were present. The minutes of the meeting of January 20, 1953 were considered and the Mayor stated'that due to the fact that each Council- man has had a copy for study, the minutes are approved as if read. A letter from Arthur J. Xesford and R. Hay Auld asking for develop- ment of T. Avenue South of 35th Street was read to the Council. Carl Thorene said that he had met with the people and had told them it could probably be taken care of this summer providing they install a culvert. There being no objections Mayor Hagan requested the, City Clerk to write advising them of this action. The Council then discussed a loying Morgan, Lewis and Bockius of ' Washington D. C. to represent the Uity of Anacnrtes in the matter of the allocation of natural gas to this city. x motion was made by Mustacich and seconded by Ginnett that the Firm be employet on proposed contingent basis as expressed in the letter from David Manzfbf Morgan, Lewis and Bockius dated December 9, 1952. Ayes: Mustacich, Ginnett, Fosse, Whip - key, Smith, weekley and Maryott. Motion carried. A letter from the Mayor of Puyallup requesting that Mayor Hagan attend a meeting of Mayors in Puyallup on February 10th was read and ordered placed on file. Mayor Hagan advised the Council that several national and state - .reports have been received and are interesting information for the Councilmen. These will be on file in the Clerk's Office if they should care to look them over. The City Attorney reported that he had requested that a new bond be made for himself which would be in agreement with the new terms of office. He said that the hearing on natural gas would be held in Washington D. C. -on February 16th, 1953. Mr. Wells then called attention to the method of distributing liquor revenues under the proposed new bill in our State Legislature. The matter of legislation was then discussed by the Council and it was decided that the Councilmen would keep themselves informed so that action could be taken by contacting our County Representatives when the need arose. Chief Goff requested that the Council take action to restrict parking in front of the new fire hall and police station and release restrictions at the old fire hall and police station. There being no objections, Mayor Hagan referred the matter to the City "ttorney for the preparation of an ordinance. Goff reported that a siren and light had been placed on the corner of 12th and Commercial and the Mayor said that Puget sound Power and Light had given permission for this installation on their pole. Goff toldithe Council that the State has made the request and many cities have passed'nordinance requiring the registration of parolees. After discussion a motion was made by Linnett and seconded by Mustacich that the Council request the Attorney to draw such an ordinance. Motion carried. The Mayor then asked about planning•a grand opening for the fire hall and police station and after discussion there being no objections, he set the date for February 21A between the hours of 10:00 A.M. and 6:00 P.M. and appointed the Building Committee with its 6hairman, Mr. Maryott'to be in charge. The report of the Police Justice for the month of December, 1952 and the annual report for 1952 was accepted and ordered placed on file. A report from Mr. McCrory desckibing the work the water Department had done on the creek from the filter plant was read and ordered placed on file. 'he report of the Water Department for the Month of Januarys 1953 was accepted and ordered placed on file. 103 February 3, 1953 Mayor Hagan asked how the change to billing every two months had ,worked out and Mr. McCrory said that the main difficulty that had de- veloped was that the people would not know of leaks for two months now instead of one. He said, however, that it was their responsibility. He also mentioned that Whistle Lake had risen slightly over a foot during this season. The report of the Street Department for the month of January, 1953 was accepted and ordered placed on file. The report of the Fire Department for the month of January, 1953 was accepted and ordered placed on file. The report of the Park Department for the month of January, 1953 was accepted and ordered placed on file. For the Streets and Parks Committee Mr. McCrory said that F. E. moss and Sons were logging from the last spar tree. Councilman Smith said that he and Mr. Thorene had inspected the Coppermine xoad and that they need grav::l and will get it as soon as possible. Thorene asked about the private road at the end of the Anacoppermine Road and Councilman Mustacich said that the Council had a policy not to do private work except on an equipment rental basis and then only if the department had time. A motion was made by Smith and seconded by Mustacich that this policy be followed wherein only city roads will be taken care of as departmental routine, that the othersbe charged -equipment rental and the work be done at the convenience of the department. Councilman Ginnett reported for the Fire, Light and water Committee Stating that his Committee had met and discussed the Commercial Avenue street lights and the Committee could not arrive at a decision. 'k� motion was made by Mustacich and seconded by Whipkey that the lights be turned back on and the Fire, Light and Water Committee study the possibility of cutting the lumens of light used and submitting a recommendation to the Council regarding the feasibility of cutting down on lumens so that more coverage could be given covering outlying areas. Councilman Linnett asked if anyone knew where the applications for street.lights are and the City Clerk said that he would ask former Councilman Syd 0-11in. Councilman.Maryott then asked if a former Council had an agreement with the Power Company regarding the moving of the light poles on Commercial Avenue. Mayor Hagan said that he was verbally told that the Power Company would do everything they could to get them moved and suggested asking the.Puget Sound Power and Light Company what their intentions are. A motion was made by Maryott and seconded by Mustacich that the Council request that the City Clerk write the -Puget Sound Power and Light regard- ing their plans for moving the poles on Commercial Avenue. Motion carried. The Printing and Health Committee submitted a written.report present- ing a proposed Mandatory Garbage Ordinance for consideration by the Coun- cil. j'here being no objections, the report was accepted and ordered placed on file. Police Chief Jack Goff advised the Council that the date of the Skagit County Law Enforcement Officers' Meeting had been changed to February 26th, 1953• The City Clerk reported that the Cities of Sequim and Ferndale had shown interest in the purchase of the old jail cells. The proposed new ordinance for mandatory garbage collection was then introduced and after discussion, Mayor Hagan stated that it was the con- sensus of the Council to postpone reading and consideration of the ordi- nance until next Tuesday and he would suggest that the motion for adjourn- ment be worded so that a continued meeting could be held next Tuesday. 104 y b February 39 1953 (Cont'd) The report of claims against the City of Anacortes for the month of January, 1953 was read to the Council. A motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Weekley that the claims be referred to the 21nance Committee. Motion carried. Upon favorable report by the Finance Committee a motion was made by Fosse and seconded by Smith that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of the same. Ayes: Mustacich „ Ginnett, Fosse, Whipkey, Smith, Weekley and Maryott. Motion carried. The Police and Fire Chie$ both stated that they have moved every- thing from the old building and the Council then discussed calling for bids to have the building removed. After discussion a motion was made by Mustacich and seconded by Weekley that the Clerk call for bids and that one of the provisions be that the bell on top of the building be removed by the successful bidder. Motion carried. A motion was made by Weekley and seconded by Maryott that the Coun- cil adjourn until Tuesday, February 10th, 1953 at 7:30 P.M. Motion carried. Attest: -k-.....)- Mayr ity (�Y (/W February 10, 1953 A continuation of the meeting of February 3, 1953 of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7:30 P.M. with Mayor Pro tem Anidony Mustacich presiding. The roll was called and Smith, Ginnett, Mustacich, Fosse, Weekley and Maryott were present. The Clerk read an application for a taxi drivers license from Wm. Huckins and stated that the fee had been paid. A motion was made by Fosse and seconded by Weekley that the license be granted providing the ordinance is'complied with and police approval is giben. Motion carried. Councilman Ginnett advised the Council that the watts in the Mercury Vapor lights on the south end of Commercial cannot be reduced with the same type of globe. After general discussion of the street lighting problem Mayor Pro tem stated that hearing no objections, he would authorize the Fire, Light and Water Committee to continue its study of the problem. The City Attorney then read the proposed garbage ordinance and suggested that final consideration be held up until the next regular meeting. Musta- cich said that this would give the public time to consider the matter. A motion was made by Maryott and seconded by Smith that final consideration be postponed until the next meeting. Motion carried. Mr. DeRemer from the audience asked who will set prices in unusual cases. Mayor pro tem Mustacich said that the garbage supervisor would have this duty. DeRemer asked how much revenue was anticipated. Musta- cich said that one could -not tell until after bids had been received but - that the Council's consideration was from the standpoint of sanitation and health. A question was then asked about old age pensioners and Mr. Heister said that the welfare agency grantsan additional sum to pay this charge. Wm. McCracken, also from the audience, advised the council of some of the things he had heard regarding operation of similar systems in other cities and advised the Council to approach the matter very cautiously. Mayor Pro tem Mustacich said that the Council had had the matter under consideration for two years and that the ordinance in its present form was the result of a very intensive study of the problems of other cities and their 'relation to.the City of Anacortes. A motion was made by Weekley and seconded by Maryott that the Coun- cil adjourn at 8:40 P.M. Motion carried. NO Mayor 7ro tem Attest:, 'City Ule 105 February 17, 1953 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7:30 P.M. with Mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. The( roll was called and Mustacich, Ginnett, Whipkey, Smith, Weekley and Maryott were present. The minutes of the meeting of February 3 were considered and the Mayor stated that due to the fact that each Councilman has had a copy for study, the minutes are approved as if read. A letter from Mr. McIvan, requesting permission to move a garage from his property was read and discussed. A motion was made by Smith and seconded by Weekley that permission be granted providing the ordi- nances are complied with and the vehicle used to pull the garage be rubber tired. Motion carried. A letter from James M. Klontz, Architect, presenting an estimate for cell blocks in the new police station was read and discussed. Mayor Hagan said that he wanted the Councilmen to have an idea of the possible cost of such an installation and asked that the letter be placed on file. The Mayor stated that the heating engineer was at the station today and also advised the Council that the covering for the electrical panel will be replaced. A letter from the State Fish and Gains Department presenting a new Agreement for Little Cranberry Lake was read and upon request, the Clerk read the Agreement. After discussion a motion was made by Mustacich and seconded by Ginnett that the City enter into the Agreement with the State Fish and Game Department and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign. Ayes: Mustacich, Ginnett, Whipkey, Smith, Weekley and Maryott. Motion carried. The City Clerk read a letter which had been loaned by the Puget Sound Power and Light Company. This letter addressed to Mr. Sherman advised that the supervisor in Bellingham would send.an engineer to work up new figures to top the light poles from 15th to 20th on Commercial. This would remove the high tension lines from these poles. The letter also stated that Mr. Sherman would be advised regarding the the results of the study. The Mayor then requested that the letter be returned to Mr. Sherman. Mayor Hagan said that a piece of the sidewalk at the new station is settling and cracking that that he thought it .best to wait until the settling was complete before asking for a replacement by the contractor. Maryott informed the Council that his committee had extend the time of the grand opening of the new station to 7:30 to accomodate more people. He also said that a short program and fire drill had been ar- ranged. The City Attorney reported that two ordinances are in proeess,that in discussing the parking ordinance, he had found that more amendments should be made and will be presented for Council consideration at a later date. The City %attorney then discussed several legibUtive bills which are up for consideration in Olympia and which will affect the revenue of the cities. The City Attorney reported that he finds his bond in regular form. The Mayor, hearing no objections, stated that the Attorney's report on his bond is accepted. The Attorney then reported that all is in readiness to proceed with the vaotion of Q Street '..by the'.Nelson School Playfield. After discussion a motion was made by Mustacich seconded by Ginnett that a resolution calling for the hearing on March 17th be prepared and adopted and the Mayor and Clerk authorized to sign. Motion carried. Yhe Clerk reported that he had been presented with an offer from Earl Barrington and Albert Howard to cut and remove the trees at the Library for $150.00 or to cut them for $100.00. During the discussion Councilman Smith said that he had talked to others and Mayor dagan stated that hearing no objections, he would order the offer placed on file to wait for word from other firms. 106 February 17, 1953 The Clerk reported that he had received word from Harper and Company that they were ready with their figures and the -sewer project meeting could now be held at the Council's convenience. A motion was made by Maryott and seconded by Weekley that the date of March lith, 1953 be set for the hearing. Motion carried. Mayor Hagan discussed the money in the Cemetery Improvement and Firemen Pension Funds and said that he will suggest at a later meeting how much of it should be invested. The report of the Police Justice for the month of January, 1953 was accepted and ordered placed on file. The City Engineer reported that the culvelt in the Great Northern fill is working efficiently. Councilman Weekley suggested that it might be a good idea to make a pamphlet which would contain the most commonly misunderstood 'rules of the Building Code and the Zoning Ordinance. Mayor Hagan asked Mr. Rogers to develop such a pamphlet. Councilman Smith asked if 9th street had been designated as an arterial to the hospital. Mr. Wells said that it has been and Mr.Thcrene said that they were waiting for the signs. Mr. Smith said that he understood that a resident on Commercial has painted the curb in front of his house with yellow paint. The City At- torney said that this case would probably be best covered by the State law regarding signs and markings on State highways. Smith recommended that the Attorney look into 'an ordinance of this type for better control of the streets and requested the Chief of Police to contact the home owner and tell him to remove the paint. A motion was made by Smith and seconded by Maryott that the Attorney prepare an ordinance and the Chief of Police have the home owner remove the yellow paint. Motion carried. A motion was .made by Smith and seconded by Mustacich that $490.00 of the Betterment Reserve item of the Park Department Fund be authorized for further road work on Mt. Erie. Ayess Mustacich, Ginnett, Whipkey, Smith, Weekley and Maryott. Motion carried. Ginnett reported for the Fire, Light and Water Committee by submitting a written report on the street lighting. The report recommended that city accept applications for street lights and that if the property owners pay three years cost•,,of power and maintenance, the Council will consider the installation, the money to be held in escrow by the City Clerk until the light has been installed. Further that if the locality already has a street light that the owners only be required to furnish the difference in cost between the two types of 1�-ghting '.three year ' All lights to be installed will be 2500 lumen luminaire. After discussion a motion was made by Mustacich and seconded by Maryott that the Council accept the report and adopt a resolution to be prepared in accordance with the report and that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign. Motion carried. Timber cutting was discussed and it was pointed out that in the question at issue the watershed property is involved and the individual will pay stumpage for only down timber and snags. Mr. McCrory recommended $.75 a cord and hearing no objections, Mayor Hagan authorized the sale on this basis. The City "ttorney was asked to read the proposed garbage ordinance and Councilman Mustacich suggested that the reading be dispensed with and the Council consider individual parts. Mayor Hagan, hearing no ob- jections, so ordered. after discussion a motion was made by Mustacich and seconded by Smith that the ordinance be adopted and given #1102. Ayess Mustacich, Ginnett, Whipkey, Smith, Weekley and Maryott. Motion carried. 1 1 1 107 February 17, 1953 The Council then proceeded with the canvassing of the votes of the Primary Election, February, 10th, 1953 and the counting of the absentee iballots for this election. The final tabulation was noted and Mayor Hagan stated that hearing no objections, he will order the minim to read that the ballots have been canvassed, the absentees counted and the official tabulation completeda.s lasted .be.laH/, The report of the claims for the 1st half of February was read to the Council. A motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Weekley that the claims be referred to the Finance Committee. Motion carried. Upon favorable report by the Finance Committee a motion was made by Smith and seconded by Maryott that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of the same. Ayes: Mustacici, Ginnett, Whipkey, Smith, Weekley and Maryott. Motion carried. The Council discussed a method of using curds for trucks so that they would not have to use the parking meters. After discussion a motion was made by Mustacich seconded by Smith that the matter be referred to the License and Police Committee. Motion carried. The City Clerk then asked the Council what inspectors and judges they would like to appoint for the General Flection, March 10th. It was suggested that the same judges and inspectors be used, and Mayor Hagan hearing no objections,.so ordered. A motion was made by Smith and seconded by Maryott that the Council adjourn at 9130 P.M. Motion carried. No. Votes Cast at Polls 1078 No. of Absentees 11 Total Votes Cast 1O89. WARD"I WARD II WARD III TOTAL MAYOR Carl Raymond Pinson 141 298 367 806 Frank Wittman 68 103 111 282 CITY CLERK Paul Flint, Jr., 186 363 398 947 CITY ATTORNEY W. V. Wells 195 363 417 975 CITY TREASURER Sadie M. Arges 192 351 397 940 COUNCILMAN -AT -LARGE Ted Ness 151 285 316 752 Jack Station 55 101• 128 284 COUNCILMAN -1ST WARD 4Yr T. F. Kenwood 196 196 COUNCILMAN -2ND WARD 4 -Yr. Harley C. butt • 240 240 Robert W. Ginnett 143 143 COUNCILMAN -3RD WARD 4 -Yr. Rufus L. Fox 280 280 Fred Brokens 119 119 Preston Dolton 60 60 TOTAL VOTES CAST 212 399 478 1089 OC �� aril Attest:- May/ Ci Clerk /� [Ti: March 3, 1953 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was cabled to order at 7:30 P.M. with Mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. The roll was called and Mustacich, Ginnett, Smith, Weekley and Fosse were present. The minutes of February 10th and February 17th, 1953 were considered and approved with two corrections noted; in the minutes of February 10th, changing the name of the Mayor from Hagan to Pro tem because of the 'absence of Mayor Hagan, and in the minutes of February 17th, with regard to street signs, changing the name of Fosse to Thorene. Mayor Hagan told the Council that Mr. Bert Goff is building 'cabinets for the Police Department at no cost to the City. After discussion, the Clerk was asked to write a letter to Mr. Goff thanking him for_the very splendid work he is doing. Mayor Hagan said that he had had several complaints on the door to door sales of bakery goods and asked the Judiciary Committee to again study the matter. The Attorney reported that he had an ordinance and resolution ready for Council consideration. The City Clerk referred two policies to the Council and these in turn were referred to the City Attorney for study and report. The Clerk said that he had been advised by the Chamber of Commerce that a letter of appreciation was to be written, thanking the_Council for the very excellent improvements made on the road and parking areas at the top of Mt. Erie. The report of the Treasurer for the month of FebruVy 1953 was accepted and ordered placed on file. May Hagan discussed House Bill 578 and Senate Joint Kesolution'23 with the Council and no action was taken. `he Attorney reported that the Attorney for the executrix of the house on Q.'Street, which is to be removed because of the fire hazard, had requested additional time because he is waiting for a court order to allow the execu- trix to sell the property. After discussion, there being no objections, Mayor Hagan said that this was alright, but requested the Attorney to keep checking it. The report of the Water Department fdr-the month of February 1953 was accepted and ordered placed on file. The report of the Street Department for the month of February 1953 was accepted and ordered placed on file. Councilman Smith asked for a recess for five minutes. There being no objections, Mayor Hagan so ordered and the Council recessed from •7:55 until 8:00 P.M. Under the'Building Committee report, Councilman Ginnett said that he had made an inspection of the City Hall Building with the Clerk and Patrolman Shull and he said he thought the Police Department would try to help stop the vandalism. Mayor Hagan mentioned an article in the paper and said that he hoped the vandalism would cease. He also said that he would try to find an opportunity to speak to the youth at their teen age center. Ginnett reported for the Fire, Light and Water Committee by stating that the Attorney has a resolution prepared covering the Committee's re- port on the installation of street lights. The Garbage Ordinance was discussed and the Clerk stated that it would probably be published next week. Councilman Fosse asked for assistance in drawing the specifications for the bid callo 1 1 1 109 March 3, 1953 Mr. McCrory asked about buying stationery and supplies and after discussion the matter was referred to the Finance Committee. The Clerk then read a petition from ten residents of the area on K. from 20th to 22nd Street. The petition requested a larger water main. Mr. McCrory advised that the pipe has been ordered and the 4" line will be installed this summer. The City Attorney. read a Rroposed ordinance requiring probationers and parolees to report to the hief of Police. A motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Fosse that the ordinance be adopted and given #1103. Ayes: Mustacich, Ginnett, Smith, Weekley and Fosse. Motion carried. The City Attorney then read the proposed resolution covering the installation of street lights in the City. A motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Mustacich that the Council adopt the Resolution. Ayes: Mustacich, Ginnett, Smith, Weekley and Fosse. Motion carried. The Council then discussed the work of the Building Inspector during slack periods and the Mayor pointed out that he is doing a great deal of work on the new fire and police station and is also checking wiring and other features of some of the older buildings in the City. Councilman 4eek1ey said that he had been asked why some people are allowed to have fences 5' high and some only 42" and it was pointed out that where 51 -fences have been allowed by the Planning Commission, the owner has had unusual problems with the terrain and the approval of the adjacent neighbors had been obtained before granting the petition. Mayor Hagan said that the opening of the Fire Hall and Police Station was a great success and that everyone he -talked to was very complimentaryebout the building. Mayor Hagan said that the station still needs furniture. The Clerk was then requested to write letters thanking the people who sent flowers to the opening of the Station. a letter Councilman Ginnett suggested/of thanks be sent to the Mariner's Pageant Committee for deeding the lots at the Nelson School Grounds to the City and there being no objections, the Clerk was asked to write the letter. The Clerk was also asked to write a letter to titan Jewell of the Empire Cafe, commending him on his ad in the American advising people to attend Council meetings. The Clerk was then requested, that if the street lights on 20th street had not been installed by next Tuesday, to write a' letter• -to the:Puget ''ound Power and Light requesting immediate action. After discussion of the Poston Appropriation%which is before the State Legislature, a motion was made by Mustacich and seconded by Smith that the Clerk write a letter to Asa W. Clarke, �;hairman of the Appropriations Committee of the Senate advising him that the 6ouncil approved of the appropriation and requested its passage. Motion oarried. The Clerk advised that no bids had been received to raze the old fire hall and police station. Mayor Hagan said that he had talked to an individual who would like to present a plan to the Council and requested that all Councilmen come at 7:00 P.M. tomorrow night to listen to this gentleman's proposition. The Mayor reminded the Council that the Sewer Hearing is tomorrow night at 7:30 P.M. and asked all Councilmen to be present. The Building Inspector advised that he would like to attend a con- vention in Portland from the 17th to the 20th of this month and would like to have a leave of absence for that period. The Mayor, hearing no objections so ordered. 110 March 3, 1953 (Cont'd) The report of claims against the City of Anacortes for the month of February 1953 was read to the Council. Hearing no objections, Mayor Hagan referred the claims to the Finance Committee. Upon favorable report by the Finance Committee a motion was made by Smith and seconded by Weekley that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of the same. Ayess Mustacich, Ginnett, Smith, Weekley and Fosse. Motion carried. Councilman Ginnett suggested that the Clerk and the Finance Committee try to work out a program of centralized purchases. There being no ob- jections, Mayor Hagan so ordered. Mrs. Newland,from the audience, asked about the ]Development Plans Ordinance and after discussion and there being no objections, Mayor Hagan asked the Judiciary Committee to look into the matter. A motion was made by rosse and seconded by Smith that the Council adjourn at 8:55 P.M. Motion carried. �V442 Mayo Attest: 'City Cler�e®`J March 17, 1953 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7:30 P.M. 'kith Mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. Mayor Hagan informed the large audience that the Council would follow its regu- lar agenda and then conduct a hearing on the proposed sewer program. The roll was called and Mustacich, Ginnett, Smith, Whipkey, Weekley, Fosse and Maryott were present. The minutes of the meeting of March, 3, 1953 were considered and the Mayor stated that due to the fact that each Councilman has had a copy for study, the minutes are approved as if read. A letter from Kirvin Smith, stating that due to the pressure of personal activities, he found it necessary to resign his position on the Planning Commission was read to the Council. Mayor Hagan and the Councilmen expressed their regrets that Mr. Smith found it necessary to resign. A motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Maryott that the resignation be accepted and the Clerk authorized to write a letter thank- ing Mr. Smith for his years of valued service. Motion carried. An invitation to attend a program at Ault Field on Whidbey Island on March 27th, 1953 was read and ordered placed on file. Mayor Hagan advised the Councilmen that if any of them could attend, the City Clerk would make proper arrangements. Two letters from the Port of Anacortes, one requesting vacation of the alley in block 27, original plat, and that portion of railroad Ave. lying between Commercial Avenue and QAvenue, and the other letter request- ing that the City give careful considera jij ps.to any applications for the lease of the east 40' of 0 Street end. n the case of the street end, the Port Commission advised that their future plans call for the extension of dock space in that direction. After discussion and there being no ob- jections, Mayor Hagan referred the letters to the Streets and Parks Com- mittee with the suggestion that they meet with the Port Commissioners. Councilman Ginnett said that since it would take some time to complete the vacation requests, that he would like to suggest that the newly elected Mayor and Councilmen be invited to attend the meeting. The report of the Police Department for the month of February, 1953 was accepted and ordered placed on file. The report of the Police Justice for the month of February, 1953 was accepted and ordered placed on file. The City Clerk advised the Mayor that this was -the evening and the time set for the hearing on the vacation of Q. ,k'venue from 28th to 29th Streets. Mayor Hagan then asked if there was anyone in the audience who 1 1 1 111 March 17, 1953 (Cont'd) had any objections and after allowing an interval for reply declared that Phone were heard. A motion was made by Mustacich and seconded -by Weekley that the City Attorney be authorized to draw an ordinance calling for the vacation of Q from 28th to 29th Streets. Motion carried. A letter from the Water Superintendent advising the Council that the pipe is on- hand to repair certain old water mains and suggesting that bids be called for this work as outlined in the letter was read to the Council and Mayor Hagan stated that hearing no objections, he would refer the matter to the Fire, Light and Water Committee. Mayor Hagan announced his appointment of John Reid as Co -Ordinator of Civilian Defense for the City of Anacortes. Mayor Hagan then stated that the meeting would be recessed to hold the Hearing on the sewer program in the auditorium of the City Hall. At this time, 7:50 P.M., the Council recessed to the auditorium for the Hearing and at this time letters and petitions were read, the engineering and financial programs were briefly discussed by Messrs. Sisler, Gilkey and Ellsworth. This was then followed by a question and answer period and members of the audience were given the opportunity to make any statements they desired. There were approximately 350 people in attendance. Mayor Hagan terminated the Hearing at 10:00 P.M, and the Council returned to the Council Chamber for continuation of its regular meeting. counting of The City Clerk advised that the/ absentee ballots and the canvassing of the returns of the City General Election, held March, 10, 1953 was to be done at this meeting. Mayor Hagan, hearing no objections stated that the Council would proceed with the canvassing of the ballots. The final tabulation was noted and Mayor Hagan stated that hearing no ob- jections, he will order the minutes to read that the ballots have been canvassed, the absentees counted and the official tabulation completed as listed below: No. votes Cast at Polls 1637 No. of Absentees 30 Total Votes Cast lam. Ward I Ward II Ward III Total MAYOR Carl Raymond Pinson 202 431 473 1106 Frank Wittman 158 193 200 551 CITY CLERK Paul Flint, Jr., 310 550 581 1441 CITY ATTORNEY W. V. Wells, 314 561 603 1478 CITY TREASURER Sadie M. Arges 308 536 584 1428 COUNCILMAN -AT -LARGE Ted Ness 251 458 500 1209 Jack Station 89 143 131 363 COUNCILMAN -18T WARD 4-vr. T. F. Henwood 311 311 COUNCIL14AN-2ND WARD.4-vr. Harley C. Sutt 387 387 Robert W. Ginnett 210 210 COUNCILMAN -3RD WARD 4-vr. Rufus L. Fox 426 426 Fred Brokens 230 230 TOTAL VOTES CAST 361 628 678 1667 112 March 17, 1953 (Cont'd) I Mayor Hagan recognized Mr. Otto Carl and this gentleman suggested than publicity was needed on the sewer program. Mayor Hagan thanked him. The Council then discussed a request by a boat building firm to place a sign on 26th and Commercial directing people to their business location. After discussion a motion was made by Fosse and seconded by Smith that the request be referred to the Streets and Parks Committee and that the firm be advised that they should try to place a sign on private property. The Committee to investigate placing a sign on Commercial Avenue if this sug- gestion was -not possible. Motion carried. The Council then discussed the hearing just held for the sewer program. A motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Maryott that the Council do not approve the financial plan as set up for the sewer program. Ayes: Mustacich, Ginnett, Smith, Whipkey, Weekley, Fosse and Maryott. Motion carried. Councilman Mustacich said that he felt very badly about the result because a plan was presented which was workable and which would give Anacortes a much needed sewer system. He said that evidently people would not like. it if it cost them anything at all and that he personally didn't feel like working on it longer unless someone came up with a plan that the people would like. Councilman Smith said that he felt the same way. Councilman Fosse said that his impression was that everyone wanted sewers but did not want to pay for them. Councilman Whipkey said that he had received this impression too. Councilman Ginnett said that there was not a whole lot you can do when people do not want to be helped. Mayor Hagan suggested that the Council approach the Pollution Com- mission advising them of the situation and asking them to study it in the hope that they could find a solution. Ginnett suggested that that they all make an effort to devise ways of trimming the plan so that it would be acceptable. Councilman Weekley suggested items that might be removed from the pro- gram but still use the present plans for the overall picture. of the future so that additions could be made in accordance with this basic plan;as required over the years. Mr. Ellsworth of Harper and Company said that they might cut down on the south end new section and not include the cost for operation of the treatment plant in the rate schedule. He further recommended newspaper stories and the consensus of the Council was that the education of the public is necessary. Councilman Mustacich said that he felt the Council should back up Mr. Reister in correcting septic tanks and other unsanitary conditions. Mayor Hagan said that hearing no objections, the Council would work on the education.of the public and otherwise table the plan as a whole. He so ordered. Mayor Hagan asked the City Clerk to read a message that he had just re- ceived from Mr. Ginnett. The City Clerk then read the following, consti- tuting the resignation of Mr. Linnett as Councilman of the 2nd Wardi: Anacortes, Wash. 17 March, 1953 Hon. Joe Hagan, Mayor. I hereby tender my resignation as councilman from the 2nd ward, to take effect immediately. I have enjoyed my service here, but now feel it best to give my successor an early opportunity to perve Sincerely., /s/ Hobert W. Ginnett Mr. Ginnett commented that he had always felt that a new Councilman should have as much experience as possible prior to working on a budget and that the .time - between the time of election and taking office was too long and he would like to have Mr. Sutt obtain the advantage of the two months additional experience. He further stated that he had, during his term seen the development of the City in many ways and was proud to have been able to take part in many of the programs which had benefited the City so materially. Mayor Hagan said that he was very sorry to have him leave the Council now and wished him every success. Councilman Mustacich said that Mr. Ginnett's advice and ability had been invaluable. Mayor Hagan stated that hearing no objections, he would regretfully 1 1 113 March 17, 1953 (Cont'd) I ccept the resignation of Robert Ginnett as Councilman from the second ward to be effective with the close of this meeting. The report of claims against the City of Anacortes for the first half of March, 1953 was read to the Council. '!'here being no objections, Mayor Hagan referred the claims to the Finance Committee.- Upon favorable report by the Finance Committee, A motion was made by Ginnett and seconded by Fosse that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of the same. Ayes: Mustacich, Ginnett, Smith,',.Whipkey,, Weekley, Fosse and Maryott. Motion carried. Mr. Gilkey said that he felt the Council should beat: in mind that the sewer plans have been approved by the Federal Government and the State Pollution and Health Commissions, and any change of plans would have to be re -approved by all concerned. Mayor Hagan thanked Mr. Ellsworth for coming this evening and said that he and the Council greatly appreciate his work and the efforts of his firm in the sewer program. A motion was made by Fosse and seconded by Mustacich that the Council adjourn at 11345 P.M. Motion carried. Z ' Mayo/ Attest / -city �;� April 7, 1953 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7:30 P.M. with Mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. The roll was called and Mustacich, Smith, Whipkey, Weekley, Fosse and Maryott were present. Mayor Hagan stated that at this time the Council should elect a W to replace Mr. Ginnett as Councilman from the 2nd ward, and that he would like to suggest the name of Mr. Harley Butt. A motion was made by Fosse and seconded by Maryott_that the Council elect Mr. Harley Sutt to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Uinnett as Councilman from the 2nd ward. Ayes: Mustacich, Smith, Whipkey, Weekley., Fosse and Maryott. Motion carried. The City Clerk then gave the oath of office to Mr. Butt who was then seated by Mayor Hagan as a member of the Council. The minutes of the previous meeting were considered and the Mayor stated that due to. the fact that each Councilman has had a copy for study, the minutes are.ap- proved as if read. A letter from the Chamber of Commerce requesting permission to plant shrubs and flowers at the street end of 10th street just east of Commercial was read to the Council. A motion was made by Smith and seconded by Maryott that the Council approve and grant permission. Motion carried. A letter from the West Coast Telephone Company requesting that the City sell one foot of ground to the Telephone Company next to their build- ing on 5th street was read and after discussion a motion was made by Musta- cich and seconded by Weekley that the City sell one foot to the'West Coast Telephone Company for the sum of $30.00 and the Mayor and Clerk authorized to sign the deed. Ayes: Mustacich, Sutt, Smith, Whipkey, Weekley, Fosse and Maryott. Motion carried. A letter from the _F.H.A. requesting permission to put a directional sign on Commercial Avenue on April 17th and 18th was read and a motion was. made by Maryott and seconded by Smith that the request be granted providing that the sign be installed under the supervision of Mr. Maryott. Motion car- ried. A request from the Island Electric Company for a franchise to construct, operate and maintain coaxial cable for distribution of television signals in the City of Anacortes was read. Mr. Bacon, owner of the Company, told the Council how it would work. Mayor Hagan asked if he would be willing to put 114 April 7, 1953 (Cont'd) up a bond. Mr. Bacon said yes. After discussion Mayor Hagan referred the matter to the Council as a whole -and the City Attorney for report at the next regular Council meeting. A letter from the Associated Tavern Owners of Washington suggesting a resolution regarding the.acquiring of intoxicating liquors by minors. After the reading Mr. Goff told the Council that the matter would bear careful study and he would like to talk to State Officials before making a decision in favor of the resolution. Mayor Hagan then referred the matter to the City Attorney and the Chief of Police for recommendations. A letter from the Better Fishing, Inc. presenting.a proposed program for Juvenile participation in fishing contests was read and at the suggest- ion of Councilman Maryott, Mayor Hagan referred the letter to the Sports- men' Club. The City Attorney not being present, the City Clerk presentea written report and stated that the Attorney had prepared an ordinance on the vacation of Q which was ready for Coungil consideration. The written report stating that insurance policies on the safe in the Treasurer's Office and the Fire Hall and Police Station were in regular form was read and a motion was made by Maryott and seconded by Mustacich that the report be accepted. Motion carried. The Clerk read a letter from Mayor Pomeroy of Seattle requesting aid in endeavoring to retain Fort Lawton, Fort Casey and Sand Point Naval Air Station. usiaemeed. Councilman Mustacich said that he felt that the Joint Chiefs of Staff were well aware of our critical need for defense and would not drop these forts if they were important. He said he thought Mayor Pomeroy was undoubtedly desirous of assisting Seattle's economics by trying to keep them activated. He said he thought the letter should be placed on file. Mayor Hagan stated that hearing no objections, he would order the letter placed on file. Mayor Hagan presented the State Auditor's report on the City of Ana- cortes and asked the Clerk to read the comments. The report was then ordered placed on file. Councilman Mustacich said that mention in the report of un - bonded firemen accepting bail money reminded him that his Committee was to report on the blanket bond for city employees. Mr. Mustacich said that the Finance Committee recommends that the blanket -bond be purchased covering all city employees except those elective officials for whom individual bonds are required by State Statute. After discussion a motion was made by Musta- cich and seconded -by smith that the Committee report be adopted and the. blanket bond purchased. Ayes: Mustacich, Sutt, Fosse, Smith, Whipkey, Weekley and Maryott. Motion carried. ' Councilman Fosse reported for the Fire, Light and Water Committee recommending that the Call for Bids to repair water mains be made and the bids be opened on May.5th, 1953• After discussion a motion was made by Fosse and seconded by Weekley that the report of the Committee be adopted. Motion carried. Mayor Hagan said that he had information prepared by the Engineers on the sewer program and that this information was available for study by the Councilmen. He said that the information would be on file with the City Clerk and suggested that the Uouncil have a meeting in the near future. The City Clerk reported that the State Legislature had passed a new law authorizing a payroll fund. The Clerk told the Council that this would greatly facilitate the operation of his office and recommended that the Council consider an ordinance to establish this fund. After discussion a motion was made by Mustacich and seconded by Whipkey that the Attorney be requested to draw an ordinance providing for this fund. Motion carried. The report of the Treasurer for the month of March, 1953 was accepted and ordered placed on file. The report of the Police Department for the month of March, 1953 was accepted and ordered placed on file. cc y C� 1 1 1 115 April 7, 1953 (Cont!d) Mayor Hagan asked the Chief of Police if he had noticed any difficulties ' arising -from the fact that they do not ring the curfew. Mr. Goff advised that he had noticed no additional difficulties. He then told the Council that he had received a request from the Rain- bow Girls to have their dance last after 10330 P.M. Mayor Hagan said that he understood the Council policy was that if they were properly chaperoned and went directly home after dance:, was over it would be alright. Mayor Hagan hearing no objectionssaid that he was correct in his statement of the policy and the Chief of Police could act accordingly. Mr. Goff then told the Council that there is a blind corner at 20th and K. due to the work being done on the football field. He suggested a stop sign at the north west corner of the field. Councilman ,mith said that he had investigated the work being done and that a drawing prepared by Mr. McCrory showed that everything was in accordance with the permission given by the Planning Commission. His Committee, however, has not had time to study the question of a stop sign and would like to discuss'an overall program before making a decision. Mayor Hagan so ordered. Mayor Hagan then said that he was hereby appointing Mr. Butt to fill in on all committees in place of Mr. Ginnett. The report of the Water Department for the month of March, 1953 was accepted and ordered placed on file. The report of the Park Department for the month of March, 1953 was accepted and ordered placed on file. Councilman Mustacich reported for the Finance Committee stating that the matter of stationery for water and sanitation was referred to his Committee and their recommendation is that the Council authorize the purchase of stationery as planned for in a sum not to exceed $280.00. After discussion a motion was made by Mustacich and -seconded -by Maryott that the Council adopt the report and approve the expenditure. Ayes: Mustacich, Butt, , Smith, Whipkey, Weekley and Maryott. Motion carried. Mr. Mustacich then told the Council that a mesting-had been held with the representatives of Wm. P. Harper and Son and Company and Porter Barry and Associates at which time exhibits were shown which if the Council ap- proves will be presented at a hearing in Washington D. C. A motion was made by Mustacich and seconded by Maryott that the exhibits prepared by Wm. P. Harper and Son and Company and Porter Barry and Associates be approvedg and authorization given for their presentation to the Federal Power Wommission in connection with the proposed distribution system for the City of Anacortes, Washington. 14otion.carried... Councilman Mustacich then discussed closing City Hall Offices on Saturdays. He said that he had personally looked into the matter and that there were very few if any, people coming in on Saturday mornings and he said that the public would in no way suffer by this change. On request, Mr. McCrory said that some Saturdays, no one comes into the Water Office. Mayor Hagan said that if the Council decided to make this change, he would suggest that they have it start the lot of next month so that proper publicity can be given in the newspaper. A motion was made by Smith and seconded by Weekley that the City Hall Offices be closed on Saturdays starting with the 1st Saturday in May. Ayes3 Mustacich, Butt, Smith, Whipkey, Weekley and Maryott. Motion carried. Councilman Weekley reported that the Judiciary Committee is still studying the ordinance on peddlers. Councilman Smith reported for the Streets and Parks Committee by stating that he had endeavored to check on the request of the Port Com- mission but had been unable to do so. Mr. Fosier, Port Manager, asked if it would be possible to take some action on it. After discussion a motion was made by Smith seconded by Maryott that the Council adopt a resolution setting the date for the hearing for May 5th, 1953 to vacate the property requested and further that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign said resolution. Ayes$ Mustacich, Butt, Smith, Whipkey,•Weekley and Maryott. Motion carried. _ 116 y April 7, 1953 ( Cont'd ) Mr. Smith then told the Council that they had hoped the State Ferry Landing problems would be solved this year but evidently the State Highway Department would not do the work until 1954. This problem was discussed at length and a motion was made by Mustacich and seconded by Smith that the Clerk be authorized to write the State Highway Department reminding them of their verbal commitments to City Councilman and asking if it couldn't be -done under maintenance account. Motion carried. Councilman Maryott said that Commercial Avenue needs some repair work and suggested that the Clerk contact the Highway Department on this matter also. Mayor Hagan hearing no objections, so ordered. Mayor Hagan asked the Councilmen to meet next Tuesday for about an hour and that when they adjourn this evening, they adjourn until next Tuesday. Councilman omith reported that the conveyor belt at the gravel pit is in very poor shape and because of the emergency he had requested the'City Clerk to obtain firm prices on a replacement of this belt. He then asked the Clerk to read these prices which were as follows: Marine Supply & Hardware Company, 3.789, Hulse Machinery Company 3.64, and Feenaughty Machinery Company, 3.84. Mr. Smith said that his Committee recommends purchase of the belting from the firm submitting the lowest price. A motion was made by Mustacich and seconded by Weekley that the report of the Committee be -adopted and the belting be purchased from the Hulse Machinery Company. Ayes: Mustacich, Butt, Smith, Whipkey, Weekley and Maryott. Motion carried. The Mayor then asked the Clerk to read the proposed ordinance vacating that portion of Q Avenue lying between the south line of 28th street and the north line of 29th street. After discussion a motion was made by Smith and seconded by Whipkey that the ordinance be adopted and given #1104. Ayess Mustacich, Butt, Smith, Whipkey, Weekley and Maryott. Mo- tion carried. The report of claims against the City of Anacortes for the month of March, 1953 was read to the Council. There,being no objections, A"ayor Hagan referred the claims to the Finance committee. Upon favorable report by the Finance Committee a motion was made by Smith and seconded by Sutt'•• that that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of the same. Ayess Mustacich, Butt, Smith, Whipkey, Weekley and Maryott. Motion carried. A motion was made by Mustacich and seconded by Maryott that the Coun- cil adjourn at 9:50 P.M. until 7230 P.M., Tuesday, April 14, 1953. Motion carried. Attest Ci /isr Clerk April 14, 1953 A continuation of the regular meeting of April 7, 1953 was called to order at 7255 P.M. with Mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. The roll was called and Smith, Butt and Whipkey were present. Mayor Hagan stated that because of a lack of quorum, the meeting is adj9urned at 7256 P.M. May, Attests Ci y Clerk / j W 117• April 21, 1953 A letter from the Air Corps asking that Mayor Hagan and the City do all possible to assist in the observance of Armed Forces Day on May 16th was read to the Council. A motion was made by Sutt and seconded by Smith that the Council concur with the request and that the letter be placed on file. Motion carried. The Clerk read a letter from the Association of Washington Cities describing the State Convention to be held in Aberdeen June 4th through June 6th. This letter was ordered placed on file. A letter from the Northwest Pest Control Company offering their services at the City dutrat a fee of $300.00 yearly was read and ordered placed on file. A request from the 54-40 Club for permission to paint street addresses on the Light Company's poles was read to the Council. Councilman Smith asked about placing the signs on commercial and 6th Avenues, Mr. Hen Driftmier, Jr., said that the Club plans to place the signs wherever there are no• signs nowwith the exception of these two streets which are State highway. A motion was made by Whipkey and seconded by Sutt that the re- quest be granted. Motion carried. Mayor Pro tem Maryott said that he would deviate from the regular agenda:to discuss the Development Plans and Hoard of A ustment Ordinance because of the interested people in the audience. The Uity Attorney discussed the question and suggested that the ordinance be referred from the Judiciary Committee to his office so that the ordinance could be changed to two ordinance; one for Development Plans and the other for the Hoard of Adjustment. After some further discussion; by the audience,and the Council, a motion was made by Smith and seconded by Sutt that the proposed ordinance be referred from the Judiciary Committee to the Attorney as suggested. Motion carried. The Pity Clerk reported that he had an application for taxi drivers license for L. W. Childs together with the approval of the Police Depart- ment and the statement that he had been fingerprinted. A motion was made by Smith and seconded by Whipkey that the license be granted. Motion carried. The report of the Police Justice for the month of March, 1953 was accepted and ordered placed on file. The report of the Fire Department for the month of March, 1953 was accepted and ordered placed on file. The Pgli a Chief advised the Council that the space in front of the 9th Street.ekrance would be available for the installation of parking meters if the Council desired. After discussion a motion was made by Smith -and seconded by Whipkey that the Police Department, with the Street Department, be authorized to install the meters at this location. Motion carried. Mr. McCrory reminded the Council that it was almost time for summer water rates, and that the State Examiner had stated that such a change should be by ordinance rather than by motion. After discussion, Mayor A regular meeting of the City Council of the City•of Anacortes was called to order at MO P.M. by Paul Flint, Jr., City Clerk. The roll was called and Smit, Sutt, Whipkey and Maryott were present. The Clerk declared that there was a quorum present and due to the absence of the Mayor and the Mayor Pro tem he would declare the nominations open for the position of Mayor Pro tem to serve at this meeting. A nomination was made by Mr. Whipkey seconded by Mr. Smith in behalf of Mr. Mar'yott, A motion was made by Sutt and seconded by Smith that the nominations be closed and the Clerk instructed to cast a unanimous ballot in favor of the nominee. Motion carried. The minutes of the meeting of April 7, 1953 were considered and the Mayor Pro tem stated that due to the fact that each Councilman has had a copy for &udy the minutes are approved as if read. A letter from the Air Corps asking that Mayor Hagan and the City do all possible to assist in the observance of Armed Forces Day on May 16th was read to the Council. A motion was made by Sutt and seconded by Smith that the Council concur with the request and that the letter be placed on file. Motion carried. The Clerk read a letter from the Association of Washington Cities describing the State Convention to be held in Aberdeen June 4th through June 6th. This letter was ordered placed on file. A letter from the Northwest Pest Control Company offering their services at the City dutrat a fee of $300.00 yearly was read and ordered placed on file. A request from the 54-40 Club for permission to paint street addresses on the Light Company's poles was read to the Council. Councilman Smith asked about placing the signs on commercial and 6th Avenues, Mr. Hen Driftmier, Jr., said that the Club plans to place the signs wherever there are no• signs nowwith the exception of these two streets which are State highway. A motion was made by Whipkey and seconded by Sutt that the re- quest be granted. Motion carried. Mayor Pro tem Maryott said that he would deviate from the regular agenda:to discuss the Development Plans and Hoard of A ustment Ordinance because of the interested people in the audience. The Uity Attorney discussed the question and suggested that the ordinance be referred from the Judiciary Committee to his office so that the ordinance could be changed to two ordinance; one for Development Plans and the other for the Hoard of Adjustment. After some further discussion; by the audience,and the Council, a motion was made by Smith and seconded by Sutt that the proposed ordinance be referred from the Judiciary Committee to the Attorney as suggested. Motion carried. The Pity Clerk reported that he had an application for taxi drivers license for L. W. Childs together with the approval of the Police Depart- ment and the statement that he had been fingerprinted. A motion was made by Smith and seconded by Whipkey that the license be granted. Motion carried. The report of the Police Justice for the month of March, 1953 was accepted and ordered placed on file. The report of the Fire Department for the month of March, 1953 was accepted and ordered placed on file. The Pgli a Chief advised the Council that the space in front of the 9th Street.ekrance would be available for the installation of parking meters if the Council desired. After discussion a motion was made by Smith -and seconded by Whipkey that the Police Department, with the Street Department, be authorized to install the meters at this location. Motion carried. Mr. McCrory reminded the Council that it was almost time for summer water rates, and that the State Examiner had stated that such a change should be by ordinance rather than by motion. After discussion, Mayor 118 cc April 21, 1953 (Cont'd) Pro tem Maryott said that hearing no objections, he would authorize the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance to.cover summer rates. The City Attorney presented a deed for one foot of ground to the West Coast Telephone Company and stated that it was ready for the Mayor and Clerk's signatures. Mayor pro tem Maryott asked if Mr. Williamson had asked about cut- ting timber on Mt. Erie. Mr. McCrory said that he had talked to Mrs. +4 Williamson who had told him that her husband would send a leiter to the Council offering 1¢ a foot for poles. The report of claims against the City of Anecortes for the first half of April, 1953 was read to the Council. Hearing no objections, Mayor pro tem Maryott referred the claims to the rinance Committee and upon favorable report by the Finance Committee a motion was made by Smith and seconded by Mlhipkey that the claims be.allowed and warrants drawn in favor of the same. Ayes: Smith, Butt, Whipkey and Maryott. Motion carried. Mr. -6acon of the audience asked the Council about his request for a franchise for a television cable. Discussion showed that the Council was not ready to act at this meeting and Mr. Maryott advised him that something would probably be done at the next meeting. A motion -was made by smith seconded by Whipkey that the meeting adjourn at 8:10 Y.M. Motion carried. Mayor Attest ✓' ` prom City Clerlf*//_/' May 5, 1953 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Inacortes was called to order at 7:35 with Mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. The roll was called and Smith, Butt, Whipkey, Fosse, Mustacich and Maryott were present. The minutes of April 14th and April 21st, 1953 were considered and the Mayor stated that due to the fact that each Councilman has had a copy for study, the minutes are approved as if read. A letter from Captain Gallery, inviting the Mayor and Council to an Open House at the Naval Air Station, Whidby Island, May 16th, 19532 National Armed Forces Day, was read and orddred placed on file. A letter from the Mayor of Kirkland, Washington, advising of the meeting of the Mayors of Puget Sound on May 11th, 1953 was read and Mayor Hagan said that he would not be able to attend and suggested that if any of the Councilman could attend, they contact the City Clerk so that a reservation can be made. A letter from the Anacortes Recreation Inc. regarding alley ways and problems regarding the size of the playfield at the Nelson School Ground was read and after discussion a motion was made by Smith and sec6nded by Maryott that the matter be referred to the Planning Commis- sion for recommendation to the Council. Motion carried. A copy of the letter written to the Firm of Sisler and Gilkey by Kenneth Jones, Field Engineer of the Pollution Commission was read to the Council and ordered placed on file. A transfer of liquor license for the Rainbow Tavern from -6arl K. Swanson to Binnie A. Backman was read and ordered placed on file.' Ipo. 119 May 5, 1953 (Cont'd) A letter from the Washington State Patrol enclosing the final ratings ifor cities of the State in the Washington traffic contest was read and it was noted that Anacortes, for the 3rd successive year, has a perfect record of no traffic fatalities. The letter and report were ordered placed on file. The report of the Water Department for the month of April, 1953 was accepted and ordered placed on file. The report of the Street Department for the month of April, 1953 was accepted and ordered placed on file. The mayor and council complimented the Street Superintendent for the excellent work in cleaning and improving the walk -way on the east side of the street. The report of the Fire Department for the month of April, 1953 was accepted and ordered placed on file. Chief Hauge told the Council that he had a problem arising because• a man had returned from the Navy less than a year ago and he questioned whether to allow a vacation or not. After discussion a motion was made by Fosse and seconded by Mustacich that the man be paid his vacation for this year. Ayes: Smith, S)itt, Whipkey Fosse, Maryott and Mustacich. Motion carried. Mayor Hagan said that Everett Thorene had asked for permission to return to work stating that he was ready to go back to his old job. After discussion, there being no objections, the matter was referred to the Labor:Management Committee. The City Kttorney reported that an ordinances for Development Plans, ' Board of Adjustment and water rates were ready for Council consideration. He also reported that after a committee meeting, he had re -drafted the proposed ordinance for television cable franchise. Mr. Wells then reported that he had received a letter from the Attorney for the owner of the house at 2nd and Q advising him that he had advised the owner to have the house removed without delay. Mr. Wells said that he would contact the Attorney next week if the house was not removed by that time. ,Mr. Hagan said that he had discussed the matter with the Pacific Tow Boat Company and that they are also working on the problem. The report of the Treasurer for the month of April, 1953 was ac- cepted and ordered placed on file. The report of the Water Department for the month of April, 1953 was accepted and ordered placed on file. The report of the Street Department for the month of April, 1953 was accepted and ordered placed on file. The mayor and council complimented the Street Superintendent for the excellent work in cleaning and improving the walk -way on the east side of the street. The report of the Fire Department for the month of April, 1953 was accepted and ordered placed on file. Chief Hauge told the Council that he had a problem arising because• a man had returned from the Navy less than a year ago and he questioned whether to allow a vacation or not. After discussion a motion was made by Fosse and seconded by Mustacich that the man be paid his vacation for this year. Ayes: Smith, S)itt, Whipkey Fosse, Maryott and Mustacich. Motion carried. Mayor Hagan said that Everett Thorene had asked for permission to return to work stating that he was ready to go back to his old job. After discussion, there being no objections, the matter was referred to the Labor:Management Committee. A letter from the Planning Commission advising that Mr. C. Herman Kuehnoel had inquired as to the possibility of having the Fidalgo Road hard surfaced from the State Highway to the Veneer Plant was read. Councilman Whipkey said that the condition of the road slowed down the big trucks and probably wasn't too bad an idea to leave it un -improved. Mayor Hagan said that he had watched the traffic at the change of shifts at the Veneer Plant and felt that most of the use of the road was by the big logging trucks coming into town. Councilman Maryott suggested that the 'road might be oiled by the residences and businesses along it. The Mayor stated that hearing no objections, he would refer the matter to the Streets and Parks Committee, The City Clerk advised the Council that he had one bid for the im- provement of water mains in answer to the Call for Bids and that the bids were to be opened at this meeting. Mayor Hagan sAid that he was sorry that there was only one bid and wondered if it were because it was only advertised in one paper. Councilman Mustacich said that he questioned the Mayor's statement because it has always been customary to publish it in the one paper, but it is very difficult to determine just how much advertising would be necessary to obtain more than one bid. Further, he felt that nearly -'all of the contractors subscribed to clipping services which would apprise them of the bid call. Mr. McCrory said that this had been delayed once. Mayor Hagan said that we still will have good 120 May 5, 1953 (Cont'd) not heather for several months to come so that he did/feel that it would be fair to open Mr. Thompson's bid and felt that the council should call � for new bids. Mr. Thompson said that he would just as soon have it opened and considered by the Council. Mayor Hagan thanked him and said that he had done a great deal of work for the City and that it has always been very satisfactory, however, he still felt that theta should haveBmore than one bid for consideration and that it would be better not to open the bid. The City attorney questioned whether the Council should reject something that was an undetermined quantity, which it would be if the bid were not opened. Councilman Maryott asked if Mr. Thompson knew whether most firms subscribed to a clipping service or not. Mr. Thompson did not ansWer the question directly but stated that contractors are all getting their jobs lined up for.the season and that they were all probably well lined up on their work. Councilman Fosse said that as long as the bids were legally advertised and all conditions fulfilled, he felt the bid should be opened. The City ,attorney 46s recommended that the bid be opened. A motion was made by Smith and seconded by Maryott that the City clerk be authorized to open the bid. Motion carried. The Clerk then opened the bid of Blake Thompson Construction Company and found the grand total of the bid to be $25,315.20. A motion was made by Mustactch and seconded by Whipkey that the bid be referred to the Fire, light and Water Committee and Mr. McCrory for study and report. Motion carried. Mayor Hagan said that Chas. Wedlund had requested additional pay for work during the construction of the water mains. Mr. McCrory said that he was about to ask that an allowance of $40.00 each for each of two men be allowed for each month as had been done last year. Mayor Hagan, hearing no objections, referred the matter to the Fire, Light and Water Committee for study and report. Councilman Fosse reported for the Judiciary Committee that they had met and requested the City Attorney to revise the proposed television cable franchise and that this had been done as the Attorney had stated and the ordinance was ready for presentation to the Council at this meet- ing. Mr. Fosse then reported for the Printing and Health Committee stating that he had received information from the Association of Washington Cities but had not found it to be a great deal of help in determining the speci- fications for a call for bids on the garbage contract and he,said his committee is still working on the problem. Coupcilman Whipkey said that he would like to ask his Labor Management Committee to meet Thursday night, May 7th, in the City Hall. Mayor Hagan asked the committee to take notice of this request. The ordinance/recommended by the Committee was then introduced to the Council and the City Attorney indicated that he had read it and approved the ordinance as to form. Mayor Hagan stated that the ordinance was hereby introduced to the Council and requested that the Clerk make copies of the ordinance and that these copies be sent to each councilman for study. Mr. John Cheney, Attorney for the Island Slectric Company, stated that the ordinance as written was acceptable to the applicant. The City attorney was then asked to read the proposed ordinance changing water rates. After the read -ng, Mr. McCrory said that there would be a -bil- ling problem due to the bi-monthly system of reading the meters and suggested that the effective date of summer rates be set at May 15th. A motion was made by Mustacich and seconded by Smith that the ordinance be changed so that the effective date for summer rates be between the dates of May 15th and September 15th. Motion carried. A motion was made by rosse and seconded by Sutt that the ordinance be adopted and given #1105. A7�es3 Smith,.'Siitt, Whipkey, Fosse, Mustacich and Maryott. Motion carried. The Council then discussed the proposed ordinance of development plans and a motion was made by Mustacich seconded by Whipkey that that ordinance be read. Motion, carried. The City fttorney then read the proposed ordi- nance on development plans and suggested that this form of the ordinance be adopted because it is in strict accordance with the hearing which was held on the Nelson School Grounds Development Plans. A motion was made by Mustacich seconded by Maryott that the ordinance be adopted and given #1106. Ayes= Smith, Sutt, Whipkey, Fosse, Mustacich and Maryott. Motion carried. 121 f1'1 iy, ley . • 5, 1953 ( Cont' d The City Attorney then read the proposed ordinance establishing a Board of Adjustment. Mrs. Newland advised the Council that Mr. Jennings will be in town in the near future and would be available for a joint meeting of the Planning Commission and the City Council. A motion was made by Maryott and seconded by Fosse that the ordinance be tabled until a meeting can be held with Mr. Jennings. Motion carried. Mayor Hagan then announced that this was the!tims set for the Hearing on the vacation t6 the Port'District,:a portion ofc.Aailroad Avenue between Commercial and Q"Avenue and the alley in block 27, original plat.. the Mayor then asked if there was anyone in the audience who had any objections to the vacation of this property to the Port District. After allowing time for anyone to speak, Mayor Hagan announced that no objections were heard. A motion was made by Mustacich and seconded by Whipkey that the Attorney proceed to draft an ordinance vacating a portion of Railroad Avenue to -the Port District, between Commercial Avenue & Q Avenue and the alley in block 279 original plat. Motion carried. Mr. Rydberj► asked if the Port Commissioners could now go ahead with their plans and the Mayor advised him that the ordinance would have torpassed fiind:fivpdays elapse after publication before the vacation would be effective. Mayer Hagan asked if all the outgoing councilmen could attend the first meeting in June for a short time while he turned over the gavel to the incoming Mayor and they in turn conducted the incoming councilmen to their respective positions at the council table. The report of claims against the City of Anacortes for the month of April, 1953 was -read to the Council. Hearing no objections, Mayor Hagan referred the claims to the Finance Committee. Upon favorable report by the rfinance Committee a motion was made by Fosse and seconded by Smith that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of the same. Ayes: Smith, Sutt, Whipkey, Fosse, Mustacich and Maryott. Motion carried. Mayor Hagan asked that the Council, when it adjourned, adjourn until 7:00 P.M. tomorrow evening. A motion was made by Mustacich seconded by Whipkey that the Council adjourn at 9:20 until Wednesday, May 6th at 7:00 P.M. Motion carried. 6., � r Attest:,_ /Ci'ty `1 May 6, 1953• A continuation of the regular meeting of May 5, 1953 was called to order at 7:05 P.M, with Mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. The roll was called and Smith, Sutt, Whipkey, Weekley and Mustacich were present. Mayor Hagan said that he would not follow the agenda at this meating but hearing no objections, he would call for unfinished business and then the consideration of the ordinance to vacate certain property to the Port Di6trict. The City Clerk read an appliction from Elizabeth Padgett for taxi drivers license to drive for the City Cab company, and it was noted that the application had been approved and that fingerprints had been taken by the Police Department. A motion was.made by Whipkey and seconded by Weekley that the license be granted. Motion carried. A letter from Local #347, City Employees, written in accordance with the working Agreement and asking Council consideration of a $50.00 per month increase for the coming year was read and the Mayor stated that hearing no objections, he would refer the letter for consideration by the new Council. 122 May 6, 1953 (Cont'd) A letter from the County Health Officer requesting that he be advised of which manholes could be used for dumping sludge from septic tanks was read and there being no objections, Mayor Hagan referred it to the Printing and Health Committee. A letter from Mr. Carl Williamson offering 75¢ per cord and 1¢ per foot for poles on the Mount Erie Road property was read and there being no ob- jections, it was referred by Mayor Hagan to the Streets and Parks Committee. The report.of the Police Justice for the month of April, 1953 was ac- cepted and ordered placed on file. Upon request, the City Attorney then read the proposed ordinance vacating the alley in block 27 and that portion of Railroad Avenue lying between Commercial And @ Avenue to the Port District. After discussion a motion was made by Smith and seconded by Whipkey that the ordinance be adopted and given #1107. Ayes: Smith, Butt, Whipkey, Weekley and 1'Sustaacich. Motion carried. ° A motion was made by Smith and seconded by Weekley that the Council adjourn at 7:15 P.M. Motion carried. yr/ Attestrr Ci,<y Cle rlc/ May 19, 1953 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7:30 P.M. with Mayor joe L. Hagan presiding. The roll was called and Weekley, Fosse, and Whipkey were present. Mayor Hagan stated that due to a lack of quorum and there being no objections from members of the Council present, the meeting would stand adjourned until Tuesday.May 26, 1953 at 7:30 P.M. Attest 4�__,� " City May 26, 1953 A continuation of the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes of May'19; 1953; was called:to.order.at 7:35 P.M. with Mayor Joe L. Hagan presiding. The roll was called and Smith, Butt, Vosse, Maryott and Mustacich were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as corrected. The Mayor asked if there were any corrections. Mr. Maryott called attention to the minutes of May 6th, 1953 which showed him as voting aye on ordinance #1107 when he was not present at the meeting. The City Clerk stated that it had been corrected to read Mustacich instead of Maryott. Hearing no further corrections, the Mayor stated that due to the fact that each councilman has had a copy for study, the minutes are approved as if read. A letter from the Association of Washington Cities reminding the Uouncil of the Convention on June 5th and 6th, 1953 was read and ordered placed on file. A petition from the Veterans of Foreign Wars requesting permission to sponsor -Western Shows Carnival from June 15th to 20th, 1953, was read to the Council. Mr. Loftis who was present -,.'told the Council that the Carni- val would be located on the lots between 11th and 13th on the east side 1 1 1 t.. 123 May 26, 1953 (Cont'd) of Commercial. Chief of Police Goff asked about gambling and girl show concessions in the carnival and Mr. Loftis stated that none of this type of thing would be allowed. x motion was made by Smith and seconded by Fosse that permission be granted with the understanding that all City ordinances would be adhered to. Motion carried. A letter from Mr. Alfred N. Carlson of Koute #5, box 179, Mount Vernon, Washington, offering to raze the old fire hall and police station for the salvagable material was read and Mayor Hagan discussed the letter stating that it might be a good opportunity to have the building removed. A motion was made by Fosse and seconded by Mustacich that the letter be referred to the Building and Plumbing Committee for study and report. Motion carried. The following communicationsfrom the Washington State Liquor Control Board were read and ordered placed on filet The disapproval of the trans- fer of license for the Rainbow Tavern from Earl K. Swanson to Binnie A. Backman, the transfer of License of Pastime Tavern from Monroe Bogart to John Logan, a transfer of license for the Commercial Tavern from Geet Gourd and Barney E. Bennett to Cecil W. Shy. The City Attorney reported that he had 7 ordinances for Council consideration and suggested that the claim of Martin LaRue be considered at this meeting of the Council. He further reported on the house at 2nd and Q. stating that it was a difficult matter to complete the removal of the dwelling because of various delays that the owner has put forward. He said that the Council had declared the building a nuisance and can order it torn down by the owner. Chief Hauge stated that the building is in a more hazardous condition now than it was when it was first acted on and that it is more dangerous to surrounding property than ever and should be removed immediately. A motion was made by Maryott and seconded by Smith that the Attorney pro- ceed to have the building removed or torn down allowing the owner 2 weeks in which to accomplish the action. Ayes: Smith, Butt, Fosse, Maryott and Mustacich. Motion carried. The claim of -Martin LaRiXe was discussed and there being no objections Mayor Hagan.ceferred the claim to the Fire, Light and Water and Streets and Parks Committee jointly. The City Clerk reported that he had an application for taxi drivers license from Dewey Forbes and that all city ordinances had been complied with. A motion as made by Fosse and seconded by Butt that in -as -much as the ordinances had been complied with, the license be granted. Motion carried. The Clerk reported that he had an application for taxi drivers license from Alton U. Willoughby and that all city ordinances had been complied with. A motion was made by Fosse and seconded by Butt that in -as -much as the ordinances have been complied with the license be granted. Motion carried. The City Clerk read a copy of a letter that he had received. The letter was addressed to Mr. Forgey, District Engineer of the Department of Highways and stated that the highway Commission had approved the inclusion of item #53 in the amount of $20,000.00 for the paving of 6th street from M. Avenue to the ferry dock. After discussion and upon the suggestionof Mr. Maryott,Mayor Hagan asked the Clerk to contact Mr. Forgey and endeavor to find out when the street would be paved. The City Clerk was aldo asked to contact Senator Luvera and ask him to assist in the matter. The Clerk reported that the Green Thumb Garden Club had asked him to present their request that they be granted permission to use their membership cards in the windshieldsof their automobiles on the day of their district conference as a courtesy. 'This would eliminate the need for them to use the parking meters on that day. The Clerk also advised that they would like to reserve a space at the back door of the Empire Theatre on the morning of that date for 46* use by a guest speaker. A motion was made by Mustacich and seconded by Maryott that permission be granted for both requests. Motion carried. 124 May 26, 1953 (Cont'd) The Clerk presented a new bond. for the City Treasurer and Mayor #lagan stated that hearing no objections, he would refer the bond *to the City Attorney for report. 'ihe report of the police Department for the month of April, 1953 was accepted and ordered placed on file. The Building Inspector asked the Council to advise him how to handle the larger industries in town who do repair work on their plants but who do not take out building permits. Councilman Mustacich pointed out that the larger firms have employees who are continually doing this work. Mr. Rogers pointed out that some of the larger.ones.had taken out building permits on major repairs and new construction in many instances. After further discussion, Councilman Smith suggested that the City Clerk request any information the Association of Washington Cities might have on this problem. Mayor Hagan stated that hearing no objections, he would so order. The City Attorney advised the Council that the ordinance was broad enough to cover all repairs if they desired. Fire Chief Hauge said that they are working onthe lawn at the new station and that they ha'O-,a problem heating the water for lavatory taps. he would also like to get the State's permission to install the light on 12th and Commercial. The City Clerk said that he would again write the Highway Department for permission to install the light . A written report from the Labor Management Committee recommending the reinstaitementEverett Thorene to his regular position with the Water DepartmenC4ayor Hagan stated that he had known of this report and had gone ahead with the reinstatement of Thorene and the transfer of Clarence Bust to the Street Departmentto replace John Mulholland who resigned. A motion was made by Mustacich and seconded by Smith that the Council adopt the report of the Labor Management Committee and con- firm the action of the Mayor. Motion carried. Councilman Fosse reported for the printing and Health Committee by stating that he would like to have Mr. Reister explain the need for a designated manhole to dump the refuse from septic tanks. Mr. Reiste r said that the County Health Department would greatly appreciate having the Council take action on this matter because of,the long trip to Burlington or Mount Vernon to dump this material. He said that his Department requires a $2,000.00 bond and the State Department has approved dumping into Guemes Channel. Mayor Hagan complimented the County Health Department on their activity and after discussion A motion .was made by Fosse seconded by Smith that the matter be referred to the i%ngineer and Street 5up1t9 for the selection of a manhole. and that they then advise Mr. Reister. Motion carried. Mr. Fosse then presented a notice from the State Division of Forestry which stated that the present condition of the city dump violates State law and that it will be necessary for the City to correct the condition by June 22nd, 1953. Fire Chief Hauge•, said that there is a very real danger of forest fire in this area. Mayor Haan said that hearing no objections, he would refer the matter to the tire, Light and Water Committee. Fosse then reported that the call for bids for garbage contract had taken a long time and was still not completed and he felt that it would be better in any event to leave it for the new Council. A written report from the Fire Light and Water Committee recommending the acceptance of the bid from the blake Thompson Construction Company to lay water mains at a total cost of $25,315.20 was read to the Council and after discussion a motion was made by Mustacich and seconded by Maryott that the report of the Committee be accepted and the bid awarded to Blake Thompson Construction Company in the amount of $25,315.20. Ayess Smith, Butt, Fosse, Maryott and Mustacich. Motion carried. Mr. Butt then reported that his Committee had not completed their study of the request for an additional $40-00 per month of each of two men during the construction period on the water mains. 1 1 I. 1 1 1 May 26, 1953 (Cont'd) Ccroncilman Smith asked Mr. Maryott to report his findings on the request of Mr. Williamson to.cut timber on contract. Maryott said that originally Williamson.was interested in cutting poles to be sent to Japan, but that there is now no market. If granted now, the contract would not be to the best interests of the City because the timber would be cut over a long period of time and he therefor recommended that no contract be agreed to at the present time. Councilman Smith said that in view of this recommendation,.he would make a motion which was seconded by Mustacich that the Council -do .' not grant the contract: . Motion carried. The City Attorney then read a proposed ordinance setting up "Claims and Payroll Funds". A motion was made by Mustacich and seconded by Smith that the ordinance be adopted and given #1108. Ayess Smith, Sutt, Fosse, Maryott and Mustacich. Motion carried. The City Attorney then read the proposed ordinance on the purchase, use or possession of liquor by minors and then in view of the .local situation, urged immediate action. Chief of Police Goff also.urged immediate action and stated that it was important in the control of minors. The City Attorney said that it was primarily pointed at youths.: in cars. Mayor Hagan discussed parentd'responsibility and said that he favored anything which would assist the police in their duties. A motion was made by Maryott and seconded by Mustacich that the 6rdinance be adopted and given #1109. Ayes: Smith, Butt, Fosse, Maryott and Mustacich. Motion carried. The City Attorney then read a proposed ordinance granting a franchise for .television cable to the Island Electric Company. Mr. Wells stated that the ordinance had been properly introduced at a previous meeting. During the discussion, Mr. Oacon said that subscribers would be able to have their choice of .three stationson one cable and that it would eliminate the hazard•of antennas. The City Attorney suggested that where the word streets is used, that the word alleys be included. Mayor Hagan hearing no objections ordered this change made. The City Attorney advised that the City ordinance required- printing before introduction to the Council and suggested that the Council •specifically waive the recommendation of the original publication. A motion was made by Mustacich and seconded by Smith that the Council adopt the ordinance and give it #1110 and that the City ordinance provision requiring publication before introduction to the Council be waived. Ayes: Smith, Sutt, Fosse, Maryott and Musta- cich. Motion carried. The City Attorney introduced a traffic ordinance and Mayor Hagan, hearing no objections, referred theordinance to the City Clerk to present to the new Council at their first meeting. The City tittorney introduced a proposed ordinance for a building code and Mayor Hagan hearing no objections, referred this ordinance to the City Clerk tp present to the new Council at their first meeting. The City Attorney said that he wanted to thank Mayor Hagan for all that he had done to assist him during his term of office and said that the City could look back on a fine program of progress during the last eight years. He wanted to congratulate him on his work during his tenure as Mayor. Mayor Hagan said that he would like to have all the Councilmen present at the meeting June 2nd. The City Clerk said that he would also like to thank Mayor Hagan for his excellent cooperation and congratulate him on a job well done. The report of claims against the City of Anacortes for the first half of May, 1953 was presented bnd:,read to the Council. Hearing no objections, Mayor Hagan referred to the claims to the Finance Committee. upon favorable report by the Finance Committee, a motion was made by Fosse and seconded by Sutt that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of the same. Ayes: Smith, Sutt, Fosse, Maryott and Mustacich. Motion carried. A motion was made by Mustacich and -seconded by Maryott that the Council adjourn at 10:05 P.M. Motion carried. Attest L-A�Martey ' 'lerk/G ,,/ r7o 125 126 �-3 C� JUNE 2, 1953 A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANACORTES WAS CALLED TO ORDER AT 7:30 P.M. BY JOE L. HAGAN. MR. HAGAN REQUESTED THAT THE CITY CLERK CALL THE ROLL OF THE OUTGOING COUNCIL. ANSWERING THE ROLL CALL WERE SMITH, SUTT, WHIPKEY, WEEKLEY, MARYOTT AND MUSTACICH. THE CITY CLERK STATED THAT MR. FOSSE HAD CALLED AND EXPRESSED HIS REGRETS IN NOT HAVING BEEN ABLE TO ATTEND, MR. HAGAN THEN INTRODUCED THE NEW MAYOR, RAYMOND PINSON, AND PRESENTED TO HIM THE GAVEL AND POSITION AT THE COUNCIL TABLE. HE THEN WISHED MAYOR PINSON EVERY SUCCESS DURING HIS TENURE OF OFFICE AND SAID THAT HE KNEW THE PROGRESS TO COME WOULD BE VERY ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE CITY OF ANACORTES. MAYOR PINSON THANKED MR. HAGAN FOR HIS GOOD WISHES AND SAID THAT THE CO- OPERATION HE HAD SHOWN HAD PROVEN MOST VALUABLE. MR. SMITH THEN PRESENTED HIS POSITION AT THE COUNCIL TABLE TO COUNCIL- MAN RUFUS FOX. MR. WHIPKEY PRESENTED HIS POSITION AT THE COUNCIL TABLE TO COUNCILMAN TED NESS. COUNCILMAN SUTT HAD ALREADY BEEN SEATED BECAUSE HE WAS FILLING THE UNEXPIRED TERM OF GINNETT. THE CITY CLERK ACTED ON BEHALF OF MR. FOSSE, PRESENTING HIS POSITION AT THE COUNCIL TABLE TO COUNCILMAN T. F. HENWOOD. MAYOR PINSON THEN CALLED TO ORDER THE FIRST REGULAR MEETING OF THE NEW COUNCIL AT 7:40 P.M. THE ROLL WAS CALLED AND FOX NESS, SUTT, MQSTA- CICH, HENWOOD, MARYOTT AND WEEKLEY WERE PRESENT. THE MINUTES OF THE PRE- VIOUS MEETING WERE CONSIDERED AND THE MAYOR STATED THAT DUE TO THE FACT THAT EACH COUNCILMAN HAS HAD A COPY FOR STUDY, THE MINUTES ARE APPROVED AS/I F READ. / A LETTER FROM HARLEY SUTT, CHAIRMAN OF THE COMMITTEE FOR THE NORTH- WEST AUTO REACING CLUB, REQUESTING PERMISSION TO HOLD RACES ON THE SCHOOL PROPERTY WEST OF THE CENTRAL GRADE SCHOOL WAS READ TO THE COUNCIL. MR. SLOTT_INFORMED THE COUNCIL THAT IF PERMISSION WERE GRANTED, THE SCHOOL DISTRICT WOULD RECEIVE A PERCENTAGE OF THE RECEIPTS. HE FURTHER SAID THAT THE DATE OR DATES FOR RACES HAD NOT BEEN DECIDED. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MUSTACICH AND SECONDED BY MARYOTT THAT PERMISSION BE GRANTED. COUNCIL- MAN SUTT SAID THAT THE RACES MIGHT BE HELD ON SUNDAY BUT WOULD NOT START UNTIL AFTER 2:00 P.M. IN ANSWER TO A QUESTION OF MAYOR PINSON, THE CITY CLERK SAID'THAT ADMISSION TAX AND LICENSE FEE WOULD HAVE TO BE PAID. THE QUESTION WAS CALLED AND THE MOTION CARRIED. A LETTER FROM HARLEY SUTT, CHAIRMAN OF THE ANACORTES CENTENIAL, RE- QUESTING PERMISSION TO USE 6TH STREET BETWEEN COMMERCIAL AND Q AVENUE, ON JULY 24TH AND 25TH, WAS READ AND A MOTION WAS MADE BY MARYOTT SECONDED BY MUSTACICH THAT PERMISSION BE GRANTED, MOTION CARRIED. MAYOR PINSON ANNOUNCED COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS AS FOLLOWS: FINANCE COM- MITTEE: MUSTACICH, HENWOOD & MARYOTT; JUDICIARY COMMITTEE, HENWOOD, WEEKLEY & MUSTACICH; FIRE, LIGHT ,AND WATER COMMITTEE, FOX, NESS & HENWOOD; BUILDING AND PLUMBING COMMITTEE, MARYOTT, SUTT & WEEKLEY; STREETS AND PARKS COMMITTEE, SUTT, MUSTACICH & FOX; PRINTING AND HEALTH COMMITTEE, NESS, MARYOTT & MUSTACICH; LICENSE AND POLICE COMMITTEE, WEEKLEY, FOX & NESS; LABOR MANAGEMENT, COMMITTEES HENWOOD, SUTT & FLINT. MAYOR PINSON SAID THAT HE WOULD LIKE TO RE -APPOINT JOHN CHENEY AS POLICE JUDGE AND ANNOUNCED THAT HEARING NO OBJECTIONS, IT WAS SO ORDERED. THE CITY CLERK, IN ACCORDANCE WITH INSTRUCTIOPS FROM'THE PREVIOUS COUNCIL, PRESENTED PROPOSED ORDINANCES AS FOLLOWS: ONE ON SIZE, WEIGHTS AND LOADS OF VEHICLES USING HIGHWAYS STREETS AND ALLEYS, ONE REGULATING VEHICULAR TRAFFIC AND ONE ADOPTING A UNIFORM BUILDING CODE. MAYOR PIN - SON STATED THAT NONE WERE PRESSING AND HEARING NO OBJECTIONS, WOULD ORDER THEM HELD FOR NEW COUNCIL MEMBERS TO STUDY, THE CITY CLERK THEN PRESENTED CERTIFICATES OF ELECTION TO THE MAYOR, COUNCILMEN, CITY ATTORNEY AND CITY TREASURER. THE REPORT OF THE TREASURER FOR THE MONTH OF MAY, 1953 WAS ACCEPTED .AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILE, THE REPORT OF THE POLICE JUSTICE FOR THE MONTH OF MAY, 1953 WAS AC- CEPTED AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILE. THE REPORT OF THE STREET DEPARTMENT FOR THE MONTH OF MAY, 1953 WAS ACCEPTED AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILE. 40.`K .: 127 JUNE 2, 1953 (CONt'D) 'COUNCILMAN SUTT REPORTED FOR THE FIRE, LIGHT AND WATER COMMITTEE WITH, RIEGARD TOTHE DANGEROUS FIRE CONDITION.EXISTING AT THE CITY DUMP. MR. SUTT SAID THAT HE FELT IT WOULD BE BEST IF ALL COUNCILMEN MADE THEMSELVES FAMILIAR WITH THE PROBLEM, THAT HE FELT A PORTION OF THE REQUEST SHOULD BE.COMPLIED WITH SOON AND THAT HE HAD TALKED TO FRANK RUSSELL REGARDING THE COST OF THE WORK AND MR. RUSSELL WAS TO LET HIM KNOW. MAYOR PINSON SAID THAT HE WOULD AGAIN REFER THE MATTER TO THE FIRE, LIGHT AND WATER. COMM ITTEE• MAYOR PINSON ANNOUNCED THAT HE WOULD NOT APPOINT A PARK BOARD AND THAT MATTERS PERTAINING TO THE PARKS WOULD BE HANDLED BY THE STREETS AND PARKS COMMITTEE. THE MATTER OF USING CARDS FOR TRUCKS SO THEY WOULD NOT HAVE TO USE THE PARKING METERS WAS DISCUSSED. COUNCILMAN MUSTACICH SAID THAT IT WAS INTENDED.TO AID REPAIR TRUCKS MORE THAN DELIVERY TRUCKS. THE CITY ATTORNEY SAID THAT THE PARKING METER ORDINANCE COULD BE AMENDED AND COUNCILMAN MUSTACICH SUGGESTED THAT HOODS MIGHT BE.USED INSTEAD OF CARDS. HEARING NO OBJECTIONS, MAYOR PINSON REFERRED THE MATTER TO THE LICENSE AND POLICE COMMITTEE. MR. MCCRORY REPORTED THAT TWO MANHOLES, ONE AT 2ND AND 0 STREET HAD BEEN SELECTED FOR DISPOSAL OF SEPTIC TANK REFUSE, THE REPORT OF CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY OF ANACORTES FOR THE MONTH OF MAY, 1.953•WAS READ TO THE COUNCIL, THERE BEING NO OBJECTIONS, -MAYOR PINSON REFERRED THE CLAIMS TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. UPON FAVORABLE REPORT BY THE FINANCE COMMITTEE A MOTION WAS MAOE.BY WEEKLEY AND SECONDED BY SUTT MR. SUTT THEN REPORTED ON THE ADDITIONAL $40.00 EACH TO BE PAID TWO MEN DURING THE LAYING OF THE NEW WATER MAINS. HE SAID THAT HE HAD TALKED TO MR. MCCRORY AND THAT IT WILL MEAN A SAVING IN THE CONTRACT PRICE AND THE MEN WILL DO MORE WORK WHEN CONSTRUCTION WORK IS IN PROGRESS. SUTT SAID THAT HE RECOMMENDS THE PAYMENT OF THE $40.00 EXTRA. COUNCILMAN HENWOOD ASKED IF ADDITIONAL HOURS WOULD BE WORKED BY THE MEN. SUTT SAID NO THERE WOULD NOT BE AND THEY GET THE WORK DONE BETTER BECAUSE THEY KNOW THE PEOPLE WHOSE WATER WILL BE SHUT OFF. IT WOULD COST THE CITY MORE MONEY BECAUSE THE CONTRACTOR WOULD HAVE TO HIRE ADDITIONAL MEN, MR. MCCRORY SAID THAT IT WAS THE SAME METHOD AS USED ON THE LAST CONTRACT AND THE SPECIFICATIONS ARE MADE. THE MEN WILL MAKE SERVICE CON- NECTIONS ON 1.85 CHANGES TO THE NEW LINES. FIRST, THEY GO AHEAD OF THE PIPE LAYING CREW DISCONNECTING THE OLD HOOK UP AND THEN FOLLOW ALONG BEHIND THE CREW HOOKING UP TO THE NEW LINE. CARE MUST BE USED BECAUSE IT IS TRANSITS PIPE AND IT IS NOT IN THE REGULAR LINE OF WORK BUT WOULD COST TEN TIMES AS MUCH IF INCLUDED IN THE CONTRACT. MR. MCCRORY SAID HE HAD LAYED OUT THE JOB TO COVER THIS AMOUNT AND THE CHARGE GOES DIRECTLY AGAINST THE CAPITAL OUTLAY ACCOUNT, NESS ASKED IF THE MEN ARE BUSY OTHERWISE. MR. MCCRORY SAID YES BUT THIS IS OVER AND ABOVE THEIR REGULAR WORK AND HE FIGURED THE CONTRACT ON THAT BASIS. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MUST9CICH AND SECONDED BY WEEKLEY THAT MR. SUTT'S REPORT BE.ACCEPTEO. .MR. HENWOOD SAID THAT HE THOUGHT THAT HE AND THE NEW COUNCILMEN WOULD LIKE TO LOOK INTO THE MATTER A LITTLE FURTHER AND THAT HE QUESTIONED THE NEED FOR EXTRA COMPENSATION IF NO OVERTIME IS INVOLVED. COUNCILMAN MARY - OTT SAID THAT HE DID NOT UNDERSTAND THE PAYMENT UNDER THE LAST CONTRACT AND STILL CANNOT WHEN IT INVOLVES EXTRA PAY.WITHOUT OVERTIME WORKED, MR. HENWOOD ASKED IF THERE WAS A SPECIAL JOB CLASSIFICATION FOR THIS TYPE OF WORK. MR. MCCRORY SAID THAT.THE MEN INVOLVED BELONGED TO THE EMPLOYEES UNION WHICH ALLOWS ANY WORK ASKED OF THEM. MAYOR PINSON ASKED IF THESE MEN HAVE A SPECIAL.CLASSIFICATION WHERE THEIR DUTIES ARE SPECIFIED, MR. MCCRORY SAID NO BUT THAT THE CONTRACTOR WOULD NEED TWO PLUMBERS AND HIS CREW. MAYOR PINSON ASKED IF THEY GET OVERTIME NOW AND MR. MCCRORY SAID YES THEY ARE PAID FOR OVERTIME WORK. COUNCILMAN NESS ASKED HOW THIS WOULD AFFECT THE REST OF THE EMPLOYEES AND WOULD THEY BE REQUESTING ADDITIONAL MONEY FOR SPECIAL WORK. MR. MCCRORY SAID THE EMPLOYEES ALL UNDERSTAND THE SITUATION AND WOULD NOT MAKE SUCH REQUESTS, COUNCILMAN FOX SAID IT MIGHT BE.COMPARED TO A GAS STATION ATTENDANT BEING PAID LESS IN THE WINTER THAN IN THE SUMMER. THE QUESTION WAS CALLED FOR, THE ROLL WAS CALLED AND THE AYES WERE: FOX, NESS, SUTT, MUSTACICH, MARYOTT AND WEEKLEY HENWOOD VOTED NO. MOTION CARRIED. MR. MCCRORY REPORTED THAT TWO MANHOLES, ONE AT 2ND AND 0 STREET HAD BEEN SELECTED FOR DISPOSAL OF SEPTIC TANK REFUSE, THE REPORT OF CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY OF ANACORTES FOR THE MONTH OF MAY, 1.953•WAS READ TO THE COUNCIL, THERE BEING NO OBJECTIONS, -MAYOR PINSON REFERRED THE CLAIMS TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. UPON FAVORABLE REPORT BY THE FINANCE COMMITTEE A MOTION WAS MAOE.BY WEEKLEY AND SECONDED BY SUTT 128 JUNE 2, 1953 (CONT'D) THAT THE CLAIMS BE ALLOWED AND WARRANTS DRAWN IN FAVOR OF THE SAME, AYES: Fox, NESS, SUTT, MUSTACICH, HENWOOD, MARYOTT AND 'NEEKLEY. MOTION CARRIED. COUNCILMAN MUSTACICH SUGGESTED THAT THE COUNCILMEN CONSIDER THE CITY BUS SITUATION. PERHAPS TAXIS COULD BE USED TO PICK UP PEOPLE ON COMMERCIAL. MR. BRADO, SAID THAT ON BEHALF OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION, HE WOULD LIKE TO THANK MAYOR HAGAN AND THE COUNCIL FOR THEIR COOPERATION. MAYOR HAGAN SAID THAT HE WOULD LIKE TO THANK MR. :HELLS FOR HIS COOPERA- TION DURING HIS TERMS OF OFFICE, MRS. NEWLAND ASKED THE COUNCIL TO CONSIDER ASSISTANCE IN OBTAINING BETTER FERRY SERVICE FOR THE RESIDENTS OF GUEMES ISLAND. SCOTT RICHARDS, PRESIDENT OF THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, THANKED MR. HAGAN AND CITY OFFICIALS FOR THEIR COOPERATION DURING THE PAST YEAR AND WISHED GOOD LUCK TO THE.NEW MAYOR AND COUNCIL, A MOTION WAS MADE BY 'NEEKLEY AND SECONDED BY MUSTACICH THE.COUNCIL ADJOURN 0A. P.M. MOTI CARRIED. ATTES / MAYOR CI l(Y CLERK / JUNE 40 1953 A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANACORTES WAS CAL- LED TO ORDER AT 9:00.P.M. WITH MAYOR PINSON PRESIDING. THE ROLL WAS CALLED AND MUSTACICH, MARYOTT, HENWOOD, SUTT, NEEKLEY AND NESS WERE PRESENT, MAYOR PINSON SAID THAT HE HAD ASKED THE CITY CLERK TO CALL A SPECIAL MEETING BECAUSE OF THE EXTRAORDINARY TIMES PLACED UPON THE CITY BY THE ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE INTENTION OF THE SHELL OIL COMPANY TO LOCATE ON MARCH'S POINT. HE SAID THAT THE MEETING WAS CALLED BECAUSE MR. BACON, DISTRICT ENGINEER OF THE SHELL OIL COMPANY HAD CALLED HIM STATING THAT HIS FIRM WOULD NEED A BONA FIDE REPORT FROM AN ENGINEERING FIRM SUCH AS R. W. BECK AND ASSOCIATES AND THEY NEED IT AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE. IN CONJUNCTION WITH THIS CALL, THE INDUSTRIAL COMMITTEE OF THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ARE PRESENT AND HAVE A PROPOSAL FOR THE COUNCIL. MR. DALSTEAD, CHAIRMAN OF THE COMMITTEE SAID THE' SHELL OIL PEOPLE ARE WRITING A LETTER STATING THEIR ENGINEERING NEEDS AND THAT THEY WILL NEED A REPUTABLE FIRM SUCH AS BECK AND ASSOCIATES. THE SKAGIT COUNTY P.U.D. IS WILLING TO HELP AND SHOULD BE REQUESTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL TO GIVE THIS HELP. HE SAID THAT MR. UACON WOULD NEED TO SEND THE REPORT TO NEW YORK VERY SOON AND THAT.MR. BENSON, CHAIRMAN OF THE P.U.D. HAD SAID -THAT HIS GROUP WOULD ASSIST. THE ASSISTANCE OF THE P.U.D. WILL SAVE THE CITY OF ANACORTES THE.EXPENSE OF THE S'VRVEY. HE THEN DISCUSSED THE CAPACITY AND NEEDS OF THE CITY WHICH IS BOUND TO GROW WITH THE COMING OF SHELL OIL PLANT. MR. MUSTACICH SAID THAT HE FELT THE CITY SHOULD GO ALONG AND THAT THE P.U.D. HAS MADE TWO PREVIOUS SURVEYS AND THE PREVIOUS COUNCIL WAS VERY PLEASED WITH THEIR COOPERATION. MR. BENSON SAID THAT THE P.U.D. OBTAINS TAX MONEY FROM THE CITIZENS OF ANA- CORTES AND THAT IT IS NOT UNREASONABLE TO EXPECT HIS ORGANIZATION TO ASSIST IN SUCH -STUDIES AND THE MONEY IS AVAILABLE. DURING THE FURTHER DISOUSSION MAYOR PINSON SAID HE UNDERSTOOD THE SHELL OIL PEOPLE ARE INTERESTED IN AN ENGINEERING REPORT AND WATER RATES. A MOTION WAS MADE BY SUTT SECONDED BY MUSTACICH THAT THE COUNCIL REQUEST THE P.U.D. TO MAKE THE NECESSARY SURVEY FOR THE SHELL OIL COMPANY ON THEIR UTILITY NEEDS AND THE CLERK BE AUTHORI- ZED TO WRITE THEM A LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION, COUNCILMAN NESS ASKED HOW FAR THE P.U.D. COULD GO IF THE CITY COULD NOT FINANCE THE NECESSARY PROJECT. MR. BENSON SAID THAT THE ENGINEERING STUDY WOULD UNDOUBTEDLY SHOW SEVERAL METHODS OF OBTAINING AND FINANCING THE NECESSARY AMOUNT OF WATER. DURING THE DISCUSSION, MAYOR PINSON SAID THAT BOOSTER PUMPS COULD INCREASE THE CAPACITY OF THE PRESSURE TO ALLOW TEN MILLION GALLONS PER DAY BUT THIS WOULD NOT COVER THE NEED WHICH WOULD BE AUGMENTED BY THE ADDITION TO OUR POPULATION. COUNCILMAN HENWOOD SAID THAT OUR IMMEDIATE NEED IS TO SATISFY ALL QUESTIONS WHICH THE SHELL OIL COMPANY MIGHT HAVE AND DEVOTE OUR ENERGIES TO THIS SO THAT WE GET THE PLANT HERE. MR. BENSON SAID THE STUDIES WOULD PROBABLY TAKE A MONTH. THE QUESTION WAS CALLED FOR AND THE AYES WERE: HENWOOD, SUTT, NESS 'NEEKLEY MARYOTT AND MUSTACICH. MOTION CARRIED. 1 1 1 1 1 129 JUNE 4, 1953 (CONT'D) COUNCILMAN HENWOOD SAID THAT HE WOULD LIKE TO HAVE THE COUNCIL AS A BODY -GO ON RECORD AS BEING WILLING TO GIVE COMPLETE COOPERATION TO THE SMELL OIL COMPANY. MAYOR PINSON, HEARING NO OBJECTIONS, SAID THAT IT WAS SO ORDERED, A MOTION WAS MADE BY WEEKLEY SECONDED BY HENWOOD THAT THE COUNCIL ADJOURN AT 9:30 P.M. MOTION CARRIED. MAYOR ATTEST: C I TY CLEM' JUNE 16, 1953 A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANACORTES WAS CALLED TO ORDER AT 7:35 P.M. WITH MAYOR PINSON PRESIDING. MAYOR PINSON STATED THAT HE FELT ALL NEEDED ASSISTANCE IN THEIR ENDEAVORS AND THAT HE HAD ASKED THE ANACORTES MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION TO PROVIDE FOR SOMEONE TO GIVE AN INVOCATION AT THE BEGINNING OF EACH.OFFICIAL COUNCIL MEETING, REV. WM. GRALER THEN GAVE THE INVOCATION FOR THIS MEETING. THE ROLL WAS CALLED AND FOX, NESS, SUTT, HENWOOD, MARYOTT AND MUSTA- CICH WERE PRESENT, MAYOR PINSON CALLED FOR AN ELECTION OF A MAYOR PRO TEM. MR. MUSTA- CICH WAS NOMINATED BY"MARIOIT SECONDED BY HENWOOD. MUSTACICH NOMINATED MARYOTT AND MR. MARYOTT DECLINED IN FAVOR OF MR. MUSTACICH. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MARYOTT AND SECONDED BY HENWOOD THAT THE NOMINATIONS BE CLOSED AND THE CLERK AUTHORIZED TO CAST THE UNANIMOUS BALLOT.FOR COUNCILMAN MUSTACICH TO THE OFFICE OF MAYOR PRO TEM. AYES: FOX., NESS., SUTT, HENWOOD, MARYOTT.MUSTACICH ABSTAINED.MO.CAR'D.COUNCILMAN MUSTACICH THANKED THE COUNCIL FOR THEIR ACTION. HE SAID THAT HE WOULD DO H S BEST TO.FULFILL THE OFFICE. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF JUNE 4, 1953 WERE CONSIDERED AND A MOTION WAS MADE BY NESS AND SECONDED BY MUSTACICH THAT DUE TO THE FACT THAT EACH COUNCILMAN HAS HAD A COPY FOR CONSIDERATION,THE MINUTES BE ARP.ROVED AS IF.READ. MOTION CARRIED. A LETTER FROM THE ISLAND BUS COMPANY REQUESTING THAT THEIR FRAN- CHISE CONTINUE AND THAT THEY BE GRANTED PERMISSION TO INCREASE THEIR FEE TO 153 FOR ADULTS WAS READ TO THE COUNCIL. THE CITY ATTORNEY SAID THAT ACCORDING TO THgORDINANCE IF THE COMPANY DID NOT OPERATE FOR A PERIOD OF FOUR WEEKS, THE COUNCIL COULD DECLARE THE FRANCHISE NULL AND VOID. MUSTACICH SAID THAT IN VIEW -OF THE FACT THAT THEY HAD BEEN OPERATING AND TRYING TO GIVE SERVICE AT A SACRIFICE TO THEMSELVES, THAT HE FELT THEY SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO CONTINUE. AFTER FURTHER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY MUSTACICH AND SECONDED BY FOX THAT THE FRANCHISE CONTINUE IN EFFECT AND THE RATE INCREASE TO 15� BE APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED. A LETTER FROM HOWARD FAYETTE REQUESTING PERMISSION TO USE THE SOUTH j OF LOT 7 AND THE NORTH j OF LOT 8, BLOCK 14, SEATTLE SYNDICATE ADDITION FOR APPROXIMATELY FOUR MONTHS TO CONSTRUCT A BOAT WAS READ TO THE COUNCIL. DURING THE DISCUSSION " MR. MCCRORY SAID THAT THIS WAS WATER DEPARTMENT PROPERTY BUT THAT THERE WAS PLENTY OF ROOM WITHOUT THE CONSTRUCTION BEING DONE OVER -A WATER MAIN WHICH RUNS THROUGH THIS PROPERTY. A MOTION WAS MADE BY HENWOOD SECONDED BY NESS THAT THE REQUEST BE GRANTED PROVIDING THAT THE CITY -ALWAYS HAVE ACCESS TO THE WATER MAIN IF NEEDED. MOTION CARRIED. A LETTER FROM THE HOUSING AND HOME FINANCE AGENCY, SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE, ADVISING THE COUNCIL THAT IT WOULD BE POSSIBLE FOR THEM TO PASS A RESOLUTION WHICH WOULD HOLD THE REMAINING 75 UNITS NOT PURCHASED BY THE ANACORTES HOUSING AUTHORITY WAS READ TO THE COUNCIL. THE ATTORNEY SAID THAT HE THOUGHT THE LETTER MEANT THAT IF THE COUNCIL ADOPTED THE RESOLUTION SAYING THAT THE UNITS WERE SUITABLE FOR RENTAL, THAT THE HOUSING AND HOME FINANCE AGENCY WOULD THEN ALLOW THE UNITS TO REMAIN. AFTER DISCUSSION, MAYOR PINSON REFERRED THE MATTER TO THE BUILDING AND 130 JUNE 16, 1953 (CONT'D) PLUMBING COMMITTEE AND SUGGESTED THAT IT MIGHT BE N�ESS..W TO ADJOURN THIS MEETING UNTIL THE FOLLOWING TUESDAY IN ORDER TO ACT ON THE RESOLUTION. A LETTER FROM THE SHELL OIL COMPANY STATING THE WATER REQUIREMENTS OF THEIR PROPOSED PLANT AND A LETTER FROM MAYOR PINSON TO THE SHELL OIL COMPANY WERE READ TO THE COUNCIL. AIMOTION WAS MADE BY MUSTACICH AND SECONDED BY MARYOTT THAT THE ACTIONS TAKEN BY THE COUNCIL IN ITS SPECIAL MEETING JUNE 4TH BE APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED. A LETTER FROM THE KIWANIS CLUB ASKING THAT THE COUNCIL PLACE CAUTION SIGNS ON COMMERCIAL AVENUE AT THE NELSON SCHOOL GROUNDS WAS READ AND REFERRED BY MAYOR PINSON TO THE STREETS AND PARKS COMMITTEE. A LETTER FROM ALGOTT ANDERSON, 3504 COMMERCIAL AVENUE REQUESTING PERMISSION TO DIG A TRENCH 18" DEEP AND 6" WIDE ACROSS 35TH FOR THE INSTALLATION OF A 3/40 WATER PIPE WAS READ AND AFTER DISCUSSION A MOTION WAS MADE BY SUTT AND SECONDED BY FOX THAT PERMISSION BE GRANTED PROVIDING A BOND IS OBTAINED AND ALL ORDINANCES COMPLIED WITH. MOTION CARRIED. A LETTER FROM THE GENERAL CHEMICAL DIVISION OF ALLIED CHEMICAL AND DYE CORPORATION NOTIFYING AND REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE BY THE COUNCIL OF A PRICE CHANGE FOR SULFATE OF ALUMINUM FROM $34.00 TO $39.00 WAS DIS- CUSSED AND REFERRED BY MAYOR PINSON TO THE COUNCIL. THE MAYOR ASKED THE CITY CLERK TO HAVE THE CONTRACT AT THE NEXT MEETING. MAYOR PINSON ANNOUNCED THE FOLLOWING APPOINTMENTS: J. B. GOFF, CHIEF OF POLICE, T. G. MCCRORY, WATER SUPERINTENDENT AND CITY ENGINEER, INGVALD IVERSEN., CEMETERY SUPERINTENDENT, FRANK KNAPP, PARK.SUPERINTENDENT, V. D. ROGERS, BUILDING INSPECTOR AND OLIVER HAUGE FIRE CHIEF; HAROLD BUTLER, LIBRARY BOARD, H. L. TRULSON, JR., LIBRARY BOARD AND TEMPA DODGE, LIBRARY BOARD; DR. E. A. STROM, PLANNING COMMISSION; JOHN REID, COORDINATOR OF CIVILIAN DEFENSE AND STANLEY JEWELL, ASS.ISTANT.CO- ORDINATOR OF CIVILIAN DEFENSE. THE CITY ATTORNEY PRESENTED A WRITTEN REPORT ON BOND FOR CITY TREASURER STATING THAT IT WAS IN REGULAR FORM. A MOTION WAS MADE BY SUTT AND SECONDED BY HENWOOD THAT THE REPORT BE ACCEPTED. MOTION CARRIED. THE CITY ATTORNEY REPORTED THAT THE PACIFIC TOW BOAT COMPANY WOULD DISPOSE OF THE HOUSE AT 2ND AND Q DURING THE NEXT WEEK. HE REPORTED THAT THE CLAIM:OF MARTIN LARUE HAD BEEN SETTLED BY THE INSURANCE COMPANY AND THE CLAIM COULD BE FILED. THE ATTORNEY THEN SAID THAT HE HAD A RESOLUTION FOR COUNCIL CON- SIDERATION WHICH HAD BEEN SUGGESTED*BY THE CITY CLERK.90IIIIIINMe THE BUDGET,ORDINANCE FOR 1953 CHANGING THE MAYOR'S SALARY BECAUSE OF THE CITY MANAGER PROPOSAL 4& IN CONTRAVENTION TO ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE WAGE OF THE MAYOR WHICH ORDINANCE HAD NOT BEEN AMENDED. A LETTER FROM SADIE ARGES ADVISING THAT SHE HAD APPOINTED 0. E. ARGES AS DEPUTY TREASURER FOR HER TERM OF OFFICE WAS READ TO THE COUNCIL AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILE. THE REPORT OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT FOR THE MONTH OF MAY, 1953 WAS ACCEPTED AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILE. CHIEF GOFF ADVISED THAT HIS DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDED STOP SIGNS AT 15TH AND M. COUNCILMAN MARXOTT SUGGESTED CUTTING TREES AND BRUSH ON THE CEMETERY ROAD AT THE CURVE BY THE NEW HOUSES. THESE ITEMS WERE REFERRED BY THE MAYOR TO THE STREETS AND PARKS COMMITTEE. MR. MCCRORY REPORTED THAT THE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY HAD BEGUN THE INSTALLATION OF WATER PIPES AND THAT THE PAVING WAS ALL CUT. MR. MCCRORY FURTHER REPORTED THAT HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT ENGINEERS HAD BEEN IN AND DISCUSSED THE IMPROVEMENTS ON 6TH STREET. HE SAID HE THOUGHT THEY HAD COME TO THE CONCLUSION THAT THE BEST WAY TO USE THE FUNDS WOULD BE TO START AT THE FERRY LANDING AND WORK TOWARD COMMERCIAL, AlA CURBS WILL BE INSTALLED. IT MAY BE SOMETIME BEFORE THE CONSTRUCTION BEGINS DUE TO WHETHER OR NOT BIDS ARE CALLED.' 131 JUNE 169 1953 ( CONT' D) THE REPORT OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT FOR THE MONTH OF MAY, 1953 WAS ACCEPTED AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILE.. MARYOTT REPORTED FOR THE BUILDING COMMITTEE: -.STATING THAT THE . COMMITTEE WAS STUDYING THE PROPOSAL THAT THE SKATING RINK BE MOVED FROM THE BALLROOM TO THE GYM. HE SUGGESTED THAT THE COUNCILMEN MAKE A TOUR OF THE BUILDING AFTER THIS MEETING, A LETTER FROM JOSHUA VOGE.L, ASSOCIATION OF WASHINGTON CITIES CONSULTANT ADVISING THE BEST METHODS OF HANDLING B'JILDING PERMITS FOR INDUSTRIES WAS READ TO THE COUNCIL, COUNCILMAN MARYOTT SAID THAT HIS COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED THAT PERMITS BE TAKEN OUT FOR MAJOR CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIRS. AFTER DISCUSSION A MOTION WAS MADE BY MARYOTT AND SECONDED BY MUSTACICH THAT PERMITS BE REQUIRED ON ALL MAJOR CONSTRUCTION AND MAJOR REPAIRS AND ANNUAL PERMITS MAY BE DEVELOPED BY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR. THE CITY ATTORNEY SAID THAT THE BUILDING INSPECTOR AS ADMINISTRATOR SHOULD BE GIVEN THE ABILITY TO MAKE DECISIQNS BASED ON GOOD JUDGEMENT AND COMMON SENSE WITH REGARD TO THE DETERMINATIONS OF WHETHER OR NOT SOMETHING WAS REPAIR OR MAINTENANCE. THE QUESTION WAS CALLED FOR AND THE MOTION CARRIED. COUNCILMAN MARYOTT REPORTED THAT HE HAD RECEIVED A LETTER FROM MR. L;ARLSON OF MT. VERNON REQUESTING ADDITIONAL TIME TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE FINANCING OF THE REMOVAL OF THE OLD FIRE HALL AND POLICE STATION. MR. MARYOTT SAID THAT MR. CARLSON HAD PROMISED A DEFINITE PROPOSAL FOR THE NEXT MEETING. COUNCILMAN NESS REPORTED FOR THE PRINTING AND HEALTH COMMITTEE STATING THAT THE CITY DUMP NEEDS A GOOD DEAL OF WORK AND THAT HE HAD NOTICED THAT A LARGE AMOUNT OF PAPER AND MATERIAL HAD FALLEN OFF THE TRUCK AT 32ND AND J. THE COUNCIL THEN DISCUSSED THE HANDLING OF THE GARBAGE AND THE DUMP FOR SEVERAL YEARS BACK AND THE FACT THAT A MAN- DATORY GARBAGE ORDINANCE HAS BEEN PASSED BY THE COUNCIL. MAYOR PINSON REFERRED THE MATTER TO MR. NESS FOR STUDY AND TO ARRANGE FOR SPECI- FICATIONS SO THAT A CALL FOR BIDS MAY BE PUBLISHED AS PROVIDED BY THE NEW ORDINANCE, COUNCILMAN SUTT STATED THAT HE WOULD REPORT ON THE FIRE TRAIL AROUND THE DUMP AT THE NEXT MEETING, A LETTER FROMTHE PLANNING COMMISSION STATING THAT THEY HAD APPROVED THE PRESENT FENCE LINE AT THE NELSON SCHOOL GROUNDS ON COMMERCIAL AVENUE SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT AND THE CITY COUNCIL WAS READ TO THE COUNCIL. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MUSTACICH SECONDED BY SUTT THAT IN VIEW OF THE APPROVAL OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION, THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE THE INSTALLATION OF THE FENCE AS IT NOW STANDS. MOTION CARRIED, A LETTER FROM THE PLANNING COMMISSION REGARDING A REQUEST OF THE BAPTIST CHURCH TO EXTEND THEIR STEPS 3' BEYOND THEIR PROPERTY LINE WAS READ TO THE COUNCIL. MR. ELLIN DESCRIBED THE CHANGE AND STATED THAT IT WOULD BE CONSTRUCTED IN A SAFE MANNER WITH REGARD TO ROUNDING THE STEP AT THE BOTTOM AND PLACING THE RAILS BACK AS FAR AS POSSIBLE TO AVOID ANYONE BUMPING THEM. MAYOR PINSON ASKED MRS. NEWLAND IF THE COMMISSION HAD APPROVED THE REQUEST OF THE BAPTIST UHURCH AMD N'RS. NEWLAND REPLIED THAT THE COMMISSION HAD APPROVED AND RECOMMENDED COUNCIL APPROVAL. A MOTION WAS MADE BY FOX SECONDED BY HENWOOD THAT THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION BE ADOPTED AND THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH BE ALLOWED TO _ENCROACH THE CITY PROPERTY WITH THE STEPS OF THEIR CHURCH TO A DISTANCE OF 31. MOTION CARRIED. THE CITY ATTORNEY THEN READ A PROPOSED ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE PACIFIC COAST UNIFORM BUILDING CODE, SHORT FORM. AFTER DISCUSSION A MOTION WAS MADE BY MUSTACICH AND SECONDED BY MARYOTT THAT THE ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AND GIVEN # 1111. AYES: FOX, NESS, SUTT, HENWOOD, MARYOTT AND MUSTACICH. MOTION CARRIED. COUNCILMAN HENWOOD SAID THAT HIS COMMITTEE NEEDED ADDITIONAL TIME TO STUDY THE PEDDLERS ORDINANCE. HE FINDS THAT THE COUNCIL HNS HAD IT UNDER CONSIDERATION FOR SEVERAL YEARS AND THAT THERE IS A GOOD DEAL OF STUDY NEEDED BY HIS COMMITTEE TO BRING THEM UP TO DATE, FOX REPORTED FOR THE FIRE, LIGHT:AND WATER COMMITTEE RECOMMENDING THAT THE CLAIM OF MARTIN LARUE BE FILED BY THE CITY CLERK. A MOTION WAS MADE BY FOX AND SECONDED BY SUTT THAT THE CITY CLERK FILE THE CLAIM. MOTION CARRIED. MARYOTT REPORTED FOR THE BUILDING COMMITTEE: -.STATING THAT THE . COMMITTEE WAS STUDYING THE PROPOSAL THAT THE SKATING RINK BE MOVED FROM THE BALLROOM TO THE GYM. HE SUGGESTED THAT THE COUNCILMEN MAKE A TOUR OF THE BUILDING AFTER THIS MEETING, A LETTER FROM JOSHUA VOGE.L, ASSOCIATION OF WASHINGTON CITIES CONSULTANT ADVISING THE BEST METHODS OF HANDLING B'JILDING PERMITS FOR INDUSTRIES WAS READ TO THE COUNCIL, COUNCILMAN MARYOTT SAID THAT HIS COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED THAT PERMITS BE TAKEN OUT FOR MAJOR CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIRS. AFTER DISCUSSION A MOTION WAS MADE BY MARYOTT AND SECONDED BY MUSTACICH THAT PERMITS BE REQUIRED ON ALL MAJOR CONSTRUCTION AND MAJOR REPAIRS AND ANNUAL PERMITS MAY BE DEVELOPED BY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR. THE CITY ATTORNEY SAID THAT THE BUILDING INSPECTOR AS ADMINISTRATOR SHOULD BE GIVEN THE ABILITY TO MAKE DECISIQNS BASED ON GOOD JUDGEMENT AND COMMON SENSE WITH REGARD TO THE DETERMINATIONS OF WHETHER OR NOT SOMETHING WAS REPAIR OR MAINTENANCE. THE QUESTION WAS CALLED FOR AND THE MOTION CARRIED. COUNCILMAN MARYOTT REPORTED THAT HE HAD RECEIVED A LETTER FROM MR. L;ARLSON OF MT. VERNON REQUESTING ADDITIONAL TIME TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE FINANCING OF THE REMOVAL OF THE OLD FIRE HALL AND POLICE STATION. MR. MARYOTT SAID THAT MR. CARLSON HAD PROMISED A DEFINITE PROPOSAL FOR THE NEXT MEETING. COUNCILMAN NESS REPORTED FOR THE PRINTING AND HEALTH COMMITTEE STATING THAT THE CITY DUMP NEEDS A GOOD DEAL OF WORK AND THAT HE HAD NOTICED THAT A LARGE AMOUNT OF PAPER AND MATERIAL HAD FALLEN OFF THE TRUCK AT 32ND AND J. THE COUNCIL THEN DISCUSSED THE HANDLING OF THE GARBAGE AND THE DUMP FOR SEVERAL YEARS BACK AND THE FACT THAT A MAN- DATORY GARBAGE ORDINANCE HAS BEEN PASSED BY THE COUNCIL. MAYOR PINSON REFERRED THE MATTER TO MR. NESS FOR STUDY AND TO ARRANGE FOR SPECI- FICATIONS SO THAT A CALL FOR BIDS MAY BE PUBLISHED AS PROVIDED BY THE NEW ORDINANCE, COUNCILMAN SUTT STATED THAT HE WOULD REPORT ON THE FIRE TRAIL AROUND THE DUMP AT THE NEXT MEETING, A LETTER FROMTHE PLANNING COMMISSION STATING THAT THEY HAD APPROVED THE PRESENT FENCE LINE AT THE NELSON SCHOOL GROUNDS ON COMMERCIAL AVENUE SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT AND THE CITY COUNCIL WAS READ TO THE COUNCIL. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MUSTACICH SECONDED BY SUTT THAT IN VIEW OF THE APPROVAL OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION, THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE THE INSTALLATION OF THE FENCE AS IT NOW STANDS. MOTION CARRIED, A LETTER FROM THE PLANNING COMMISSION REGARDING A REQUEST OF THE BAPTIST CHURCH TO EXTEND THEIR STEPS 3' BEYOND THEIR PROPERTY LINE WAS READ TO THE COUNCIL. MR. ELLIN DESCRIBED THE CHANGE AND STATED THAT IT WOULD BE CONSTRUCTED IN A SAFE MANNER WITH REGARD TO ROUNDING THE STEP AT THE BOTTOM AND PLACING THE RAILS BACK AS FAR AS POSSIBLE TO AVOID ANYONE BUMPING THEM. MAYOR PINSON ASKED MRS. NEWLAND IF THE COMMISSION HAD APPROVED THE REQUEST OF THE BAPTIST UHURCH AMD N'RS. NEWLAND REPLIED THAT THE COMMISSION HAD APPROVED AND RECOMMENDED COUNCIL APPROVAL. A MOTION WAS MADE BY FOX SECONDED BY HENWOOD THAT THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION BE ADOPTED AND THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH BE ALLOWED TO _ENCROACH THE CITY PROPERTY WITH THE STEPS OF THEIR CHURCH TO A DISTANCE OF 31. MOTION CARRIED. THE CITY ATTORNEY THEN READ A PROPOSED ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE PACIFIC COAST UNIFORM BUILDING CODE, SHORT FORM. AFTER DISCUSSION A MOTION WAS MADE BY MUSTACICH AND SECONDED BY MARYOTT THAT THE ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AND GIVEN # 1111. AYES: FOX, NESS, SUTT, HENWOOD, MARYOTT AND MUSTACICH. MOTION CARRIED. 132 y a a JUNE 169 1953 (CONT'D) MAYOR PINSON REMINDED THE COUNCILMEN OF THE MEETING TOMORROW NIGHT AT THE EMPIRE CAFE, AT WHICH TIME MR. JENNINGS OF THE ASSOCIATION OF WASHINGTON CITIES WILL DISCUSS PLANNING WITH THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND COUNCILMEN. THE CITY ATTORNEY SAID THAT A RESOLUTION WAS PREPARED ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR THE -MAYOR'S SALARY. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MARYOTT AND SECONDED BY MUSTACICH THAT THE RESOLUTION BE READ. THE CITY ATTORNEY THEN READ THE RESOLUTION AS FOLLOWS: "WHEREAS, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANACORTES PROVIDED IN THE 1953 BUDGET FOR SAID CITY A SALARY FOR A•CITY MANAGER AND REDUCED THE SALARY TO BE PAID THE MAYOR, TO BE EFFEC- TIVE JUNE IST, 1953, IN ANTICIPATION OF A CHANGE tN THE FORM OF CITY GOVERNMENT AND A REDUCTION IN THE DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE MAYOR, AND WHEREAS, THERE IS NO NEED FOR FUNDS WITH WHICH TO PAY A CITY MANAGER AT THIS TIME AND THE URDINANCE•SETTING FORTH THE SALARIES OF THE VARIOUS ELECTED OFFICIALS IN THE CITY OF ANACORTES HAS NOT BEEN CHANGED AND IS STILL IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT WHEREIN IT IS STATED THAT THE SALARY OF THE MAYOR SHALL BE $125.00 A MONTH, AND WHEREAS, IT IS THE DESIRE OF THE CITY COUNCIL_ THAT THE MAYOR RE- CEIVE THIS SALARY BECAUSE OF THE PRESENT AND POTENTIAL DUTIES -AND RE- SPONSIBILITIES OF HIS OFFICE, AND IT IS NECESSARY IN ORDER TO MAKE SAID SALARY POSSIBLE TO TRANSFER SUFFICIENT MONEYS FROM THE CITY MANAGER SALARY ACCOUNT TO THE MAYORS SALARY ACCOUNT IN THE CURRENT EXPENSE FUND OF THE CITY. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANACORTES, WASHINGTON, THAT.THERE BE AND THERE HEREBY IS TRANSFERRED FROM THE SALARY ACCOUNT FOR CITY MANAGER AS SET FORTH IN THE BUDGET OF THE CITY OF ANACORTES FOR THE YEAR 1953, THE SUM OF $290.00, TO THE SALARY ACCOUNT OF THE MAYOR, AND THAT THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK -ARE HEREBY DIRECT- ED TO ISSUE, AND THE CITY TREASURER IS HEREBY DIRECTED TO HONOR WARRANTS UPON SAID FUND SO TRANSFERRED, IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE -LAWS -AND REGULATIONS OF THE CITY OF ANACORTES, STATE -OF WASHINGTON." ADOPTED THIS 16TH DAY OF JUNE, 1953. CITY OF ANACORTES BY /S/ C. R. PINSON, MAYOR ATTEST: /S/ PAUL FLINT, JR., CITY CLERK ( CORPORATE SEAL) A MOTION WAS MADE BY MUSTACICH AND SECONDED BY MARYOTT THAT THE RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED. AYES: FOX, NESS, SUTT, HENWOOD, MARYOTT AND MUSTACICH. MOTION CARRIED. COUNCILMAN MARYOTT SAID THAT THE LAWN WOULD BE IN AT THE FIRE STATION VERY SHORTLY AND THEY WITH THE WORK OF THE FIREMAN, IT WOULD COST VERY LITTLE. THE REPORT OF CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY OF ANACORTES FOR THE FIRST HALF OF JUNE, 1953 WAS READ TO THE COUNCIL. THERE BEING NO OBJECTIONS THE CLAIMS WERE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. UPON -FAVORABLE REPORT BY THE FINANCE COMMITTEE A MOTION WAS MADE.BY SUTT AND SECONDED BY NESS THAT THE CLAIMS BE AVLOWEDn AND AND WARRANTS DRAWN IN FAVOR OF THE SAME. AYES: FOX, NESS, SUTT, HENWOOD, MARYOTT AND MUSTACICH. MOTION CARRIED, MR. HAGAN SAID THAT IT HAD BECOME QUITE A HABIT TO ATTEND COUNCIL MEETINGS AND HE CONGRATULATED THE MAYOR AND COUNCILMEN ON THE 'NAY THEY HANDLED THE MEETINGS. COUNCILMAN MUSTACICH REMINDED THE COUNCIL THAT THERE WAS A MEETING OF THE SKAGIT COUNTY LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS, TUESDAY, JUNE 23RD AT 8 P.M. AT BURLINGTON. 133 JUNE 169 1953 (CONT'D) A MOTION WAS MADE BY MUSTACICH AND SECONDED BY SUTT THAT THE COUNCIL ADJOURN AT 9:30 P.M. UNTIL 7:30 P.M. JUNE 23RD. MOTION CARRIED, 1 MAYOR ATTES T . t I TY CLERK-' JULY 7, 1953 A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANACORTES WAS CALLED TO ORDER AT 7:30 P.M. WITH MAYOR PINSON PRESIDING. REV. HASLAM, PASTOR OF THE BAPTIST CHURCH, GAVE THE INVOCATION. THE ROLL WAS CALLED AND FOX, SUTT, MUST4CICH, HENWOOD AND MARYOTT WERE PRESENT. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF JUNE 169 1953 WERE CONSIDERED AND A MOTION WAS MADE BY MUSTACICH AND SECONDED BY SUTT THAT DUE TO THE FACT THAT EACH COUNCILMAN HAS HAD A COPY FOR CONSIDERATION, THE MINUTES BE APPROVED AS IF READ. MOTION CARRIED. A LETTER FROM DON LANG OF ROUTE #2, OAK HARBOR, WASHINGTON RE- QUESTING PERMISSION TO HAVE THE METHODIST YOUTH GROUP OF OAK HARBOR HOLD A WEEKEND OUTING AT LITTLE CRANBERRY LAKE WAS READ TO THE COUNCIL. A MOTION WAS MADE BY HENWOOD AND SECONDED BY MARYOTT THAT THE REQUEST BE GRANTED. MOTION CARRIED. THE MAYOR, HEARING NO OBJECTIONS, AUTH- ORIZED THE CLERK TO INFORM THEM OF THE COUNCIL ACTION AND ADVISE THEM TO CHECK WITH THE FIRE DEPARTMENT AS THEY GO THROUGH TOWN. A LETTER FROM THE ANACORTES RECREATIONAL INC. ASKING THAT THE COUN- CIL VACATE AN ALLEY AT THE NELSON SCHOOL PLAYFIELD WAS READ AND DISCUSSED BY THE COUNCIL. MAYOR PINSON SAID THAT HE THOUGHT THE' REQUEST WAS REASONABLE AND A MOTION WAS MADE BY MUSTACICH AND SECONDED BY SUTT THAT THE ATTORNEY BE AUTHORIZED TO DRAW A RESOLUTION SO THAT THE ACTION MAY BE STARTED TO GRANT THE REQUEST FOR A VACATION. MOTION CARRIED. A LETTER FROM THE NAVY CLUB OF THE UNITED STATES, REQUESTING PERMIS- SION TO SHOW ROBERT RIPLEY'S BELIEVE IT OR NOT EXHIBIT IN A MOBILE UNIT WAS READ AND DISCUSSED BY THE COUNCIL. THE CLERK WAS ASKED TO CONTACT THE V. F. W. AND THE AMERICAN LEGION AND ASKED THEM TO HAVE REPRESENTA- TIVES PRESENT AT THE NEXT COUNCIL MEETING IF THEY DESIRED TO DISCUSS THE REQUEST OF THE NAVY CLUB. A TRANSFER OF LIQUOR LICENSE FOR THE LOG CABIN TAVERN FROM ROBERT VERRALL TO7JOHN S. CARTER AND ROBERT VERRALL, WAS READ AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILE. A PROPOSAL FROM LEO A. DALY COMPANY, ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS OFFERING A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE FUTURE DEVELOPMENTaOF THE CITY OF ANACORTES WAS READ AND THE CITY ATTORNEY SAID THAT HEA WRITTEN A LETTER TO JOHN HOMER, LEGAL CONSULTANT FOR THE ASSOCIATION OF WASHINGTON CITIES REQUESTING HIS OPINION AS TO THE LEGALITY OF THE PROPOSED FEE INCLUDED IN THE PROPOSAL. IT WAS DECIDED THAT IF THE LEGAL END COULD BE WORKED OUT, A MEETING WOULD BE CALLED FOR THE 14TH OF JULY TO FURTHER DISCUSS THE PROPOSAL. MR. FOX INFORMED THE COUNCIL THAT THE CHAMBER OF %OMMF_RCE WOULD LIKE TO HAVE THEN MEETIN ED. NIGHT AT 7:30 P.M. TO HEAR A SIMILAR PRO- POSAL TO BE PRESENTED BY MR. NORDMARK OF PUGET PLANNING,A SEATTLE FIRM. MR. FOX ADVISED THAT IT WOULD BE BEST TO HAVE ALL THE VARIOUS A I ETTER FROM MORGAN, LEWIS AND BOCKIUS INFORMING OF THE ACTIONS TAKEN BY THE FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION TO THE COUNCIL DATE WITH REGARD TO THE NATRUAL GAS PROPOSAL WAS READ AND THERE BEING NO OBJECTIONS, THE LETTER WAS ORDERED PLACED ON FILE. COUNCILMEN HENWOOD AND FOX ASKED QUESTIONS RELATIVE TO THE CONTRACT WITH THIS LAW FIRM AND THE CITY ATTORNEY DISCUSSED THE CONTRACT. A LETTER FROM THE ANACORTES RECREATIONAL INC. ASKING THAT THE COUN- CIL VACATE AN ALLEY AT THE NELSON SCHOOL PLAYFIELD WAS READ AND DISCUSSED BY THE COUNCIL. MAYOR PINSON SAID THAT HE THOUGHT THE' REQUEST WAS REASONABLE AND A MOTION WAS MADE BY MUSTACICH AND SECONDED BY SUTT THAT THE ATTORNEY BE AUTHORIZED TO DRAW A RESOLUTION SO THAT THE ACTION MAY BE STARTED TO GRANT THE REQUEST FOR A VACATION. MOTION CARRIED. A LETTER FROM THE NAVY CLUB OF THE UNITED STATES, REQUESTING PERMIS- SION TO SHOW ROBERT RIPLEY'S BELIEVE IT OR NOT EXHIBIT IN A MOBILE UNIT WAS READ AND DISCUSSED BY THE COUNCIL. THE CLERK WAS ASKED TO CONTACT THE V. F. W. AND THE AMERICAN LEGION AND ASKED THEM TO HAVE REPRESENTA- TIVES PRESENT AT THE NEXT COUNCIL MEETING IF THEY DESIRED TO DISCUSS THE REQUEST OF THE NAVY CLUB. A TRANSFER OF LIQUOR LICENSE FOR THE LOG CABIN TAVERN FROM ROBERT VERRALL TO7JOHN S. CARTER AND ROBERT VERRALL, WAS READ AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILE. A PROPOSAL FROM LEO A. DALY COMPANY, ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS OFFERING A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE FUTURE DEVELOPMENTaOF THE CITY OF ANACORTES WAS READ AND THE CITY ATTORNEY SAID THAT HEA WRITTEN A LETTER TO JOHN HOMER, LEGAL CONSULTANT FOR THE ASSOCIATION OF WASHINGTON CITIES REQUESTING HIS OPINION AS TO THE LEGALITY OF THE PROPOSED FEE INCLUDED IN THE PROPOSAL. IT WAS DECIDED THAT IF THE LEGAL END COULD BE WORKED OUT, A MEETING WOULD BE CALLED FOR THE 14TH OF JULY TO FURTHER DISCUSS THE PROPOSAL. MR. FOX INFORMED THE COUNCIL THAT THE CHAMBER OF %OMMF_RCE WOULD LIKE TO HAVE THEN MEETIN ED. NIGHT AT 7:30 P.M. TO HEAR A SIMILAR PRO- POSAL TO BE PRESENTED BY MR. NORDMARK OF PUGET PLANNING,A SEATTLE FIRM. MR. FOX ADVISED THAT IT WOULD BE BEST TO HAVE ALL THE VARIOUS 134 y -Ca JULY 7, 1953 ( CONT' D) <_ GROUPS IN ANACORTES AT THE MEETING SO THAT THE PROGRAM COULD BE STUDIED BY ALL AND -THE PLANS COULD THEN COME INTO BEING WITH THE CO- OPERATION OF ALL INTERESTED CIVIC GROUPS. MAYOR PINSON SAID THAT. HEARING NO OBJECTIONS, HE WOULD ASK ALL THE COUNCILMEN TO BE PRESENT TOMORROW EVENING. MAYOR PINSON ASKED THAT THE COUNCIL CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING APPOINT- MENTS: MR. HAL BUTLER AND MR. LARRY TRULSON TO THE LIBRARY BOARD. A MOTION WAS MADE BY FOX AND SECONDED BY MUSTACICH THAT THE COUNCIL CON- CUR IN THE APPOINTMENTS OF MR. BUTLER AND MR. TRULSON TO THE LIBRARY BOARD.* MOTION CARRIED. MAYOR PINSON THEN PRESENTED THE NAME OF DR. E. A. STROM TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION. A MOTION WAS MADE BY SUTT AND SECONDED BY HENWOOD THAT THE COUNCIL CONCUR IN THEAPPPOINTMENT OF DR. STROM TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION. MOTION CARRIED. MAYOR PINSON THEN PRESENTED THE NAME OF MR. A. L. DERBY AS AN APPOINTMENT TO FILL THE UNEXPIRED TERM!OF'MR. R. J. TUCKER ON THE -CEMETERY BOARD. A MO- TION WAS MADE BY MUSTACICH AND SECONDED BY MARYOTT THAT THE COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE APPOINTMENT OF MR. DERBY TO THE CEMETERY BOARD. MOTION CARRIED, THE CITY ATTORNEY URGED THE ATTENDANCE OF CITY OFFICIALS AND DEPART- MENT HEADS AT THE INSTITUTE OF GOVERNMENT MEETING AT THE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON JULY 7 THROUGH 10. THE CITY ATTORNEY REPORTED THAT HE HAS INFORMATION FROM MR. JENNINGS REPORT OF THE POLICE ON THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE AND THE MAYOR HEARING NO OBJECTIONS REFERRED THI'S TO MR. MARYOTT, CHAIRMAN OF THE BUILDING COMMITTEE. AND ORDERED PLACED ON THE CITY ATTORNEY SAID THAT HE HAD INFORMATION ON THE QUESTION OF CARDS FOR TRUCKS AND THE MAYOR REFERRED THIS INFORMATION TO MR: SUTT, REPORT OF THE 4ATER CHAIRMAN OF THE STREETS AND PARKS COMMITTEE. THE CITY ATTORNEY REPORTED THAT NORK WAS BEING DONE ON A SMALL ' AND ORDERED PLACED ON CLAIM FOR DAMAGES AND THAT NO ACTION IS NEEDED AT THE PRESENT TIME• THE CITY CLERK REPORTED THAT HE HAD BEEN REQUESTED TO BRING TO THIS MEETING THE CONTRACT FOR ALUM, AND AT THE REQUEST OF THE COUNCIL THE CLERK READ THE CLAUSE IN THE CONTRACT SPECIFYING THAT ADJUSTMENTS IN PRICES MAY BE MADE BY THE SELLER AT ANY TIME UPON 30 DAYS ADVANCE WRITTEN NOTICE, AFTER DISCUSSION A MOTION WAS MADE BY MUSTACICH AND SECONDED BY HENWOOD THAT THE MAYOR AND CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE CHANGE IN PRICE FROM $34.00 TO $39.00 PER TON FOR ALUM. AYES: FOX, SUTT, HENWOOD, MARYOTT AND MUSTACICH. MOTION CAR- RIED. THE CLERK READ A LETTER IN ANSWER TO HIS REQUEST FOR AN EXTENSION OF TIME.,AS AUTHORIZED BY THE COUNCIL, FROM THE PUBLIC HOUSING ADMINI- STRATION. THE LETTER INFORMED THE COUNCIL THAT THE PUBLIC HOUSING AD- MINISTRATION WOULD REVIEW THE QUESTION OF THE NEED OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY UNITS IN 90 DAYS AND AT THAT TIME DISCUSS ALTERNATE PLANS OF DISPOSITION WITH OFFICIALS OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT AND LOCAL HOUSING AUTHORITY. THERE BEING NO OBJECTIONS, THE MAYOR ORDERED THE LETTER PLACED ON FILE. THE REPORT OF THE TREASURER FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE, 1953 WAS ACCEPTED AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILE, THE REPORT OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT FOR THE MONTH'O'F JUNE, 1953 WAS' ACCEPTED AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILE. THE REPORT OF THE 4ATER DEPARTMENT FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE, 1953 WAS ACCEPTED AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILE. THE CITY ENGINEER REPORTED THAT THE STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEERS HAVE COMPLETED THE CROSS SECTION WORK ON 6TH STREET TO' THE FERRY LANDING AND they INFORMED HIM THAT THE WORK WOULD BE DONE BY THE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. HE SAID THAT THERE WOULD BE APPROXIMATELY 1000 YARDS OF EXTRA MATERIAL WHICH WITH THE PERMISSION OF THE GREAT NORTHERN RAILROAD WOULD BE AP'LIED TO THE PARKING AREA ON 6TH STREET ABOVE THE FERRY LANDING. 135 JULY 7, 1953 (CONT!D) THE REPORT OF THE STREET SUPERINTENDENT FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE, 1953 WAS ACCEPTED AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILE. THE REPORT OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE, 1953 WAS ACCEPTED AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILE. A LETTER FROM MRS. BRINKLEY CITY LIBRARIAN REQUESTING A SIGN ON COMMERCIAL POINTING THE WAY TO THE LIBRARY AND REQUESTING ADDITIONAL LIGHT ON THE STREET IN FRONT OF THE LIBRARY WAS READ TO THE COUNCIL. COUNCILMAN MUSTACICH SUGGESTED THAT THE PORCH LIGHT MIGHT BE LEFT ON OR SOME LIGHT WITHIN THE BUILDING. HEARING NO OBJECTIONS, MAYOR PIN - SON REFERRED THE REQUESTS TO THE BUILDING COMMITTEE. A WRITTEN REPORT FROM THE STREETS AND PARKS COMMITTEE ADVISING THAT THE WORK HAD BEEN DONE AT THE CITY DUMP , CLEARING THE TRAIL AT A COST OF $60.50 WAS READ AND MAYOR PINSON SA11D THAT T -HE FORESTRY DEPARTMENT HAD ALREADY INVESTIGATED AND OKED THE WORK. A MOTION WAS MA CEBY MUSTACICH AND SECONDED BY HENWOOD THAT THE PAYMENT OF $60.50 TO FRANK RUSSELL FOR WORK -ON THE FIRE TRAIL AROUND THE DUMP BE - AP -PROVED. AYES:- FOX, SUTT, MUSTACICH, HENWOOD AND MARYOTT-. MOTION CARRIED. MR. MUSTACICH REQUESTED THAT A COMPARATIVE FIGURE BE PLACED ON THE MONTHLY WATER REPORT. MR. MCCRORY SAID THAT it* AN OVERSIGHT ON' THIS REPORT AND THE COMPARATIVE FIGURE WILL BE PLACED ON ALL FUTURE REPORTS:. COUNCILMAN MARYOTT SAID THAT.HE HAD TALKED TO.MR. JONES OF THE POLLUTION COMMISSION AND NOW WOULD LIKE TO SUGGEST THAT THE COUNCIL, THE ENGINEERING FIRM, THE FINANCTAL FIRM AND THE POLLUTION COMMISSION MEET AND DISCUSS THE SEWER PLAN. THIS WOULD GIVE AN OPPORTUNITY FOR A WRITTEN REPORT FROM THE STREET'S AND PARKS COMMITTEE RECOM- MENDING THE INSTALLATION OF STOP SIGNS AT 15TH AND M. AVENUE WAS READ AND HEARING NO OBJECTIONS-, MAYOR PINSON ORDERED THE STREET DEPARTMENT TO PROCEEd. THE REPORT FURTHER STATED THAT THE TREES ON THE CEMETERY ROAD HAD BEEN CLEANED UP IN VERY GOOD SHAPE BY THE STREET DEPARTMENT, THE REPORT THEN RECOMMENDED THAT THE CITY CONTACT OWNERS OF PROPERTY AT 37TH AND R. AVENUE IN AN EFFORT TO WORK OUT A SATIS- FACTORY SOLUTION TO THEIR DRAINAGE PROBLEM. ON THIS MATTER, AFTER DISCUSSION AND THERE BEING NO OBJECTIONS, MAYOR PINSON REQUESTED THAT THE CITY ENGINEER DEVELOP A COST ESTIMATE AND REPORT AT THE NEXT COUNCIL MEETING. THE WRITTEN REPORT FURTHER BROUGHT ATTENTION TO THE NEED OF PAINTING THE STREET LIGHT STANDARDS. MR. MCCRORY WAS ASKED TO DEVELOP COST FIGURES AND REPORT AT THE NEXT MEETING, THE REPORT ADVISED THE COUNCIL THAT THE CAUTION SIGNS REQUESTED BY THE KIWANIS CLUB HAVE BEEN TAKEN CARE OF BY THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. THESE SIGNS WERE REQUESTED FOR COMMERCIAL A•VEiNUE AT THE NELSON SCHOOL PLAYFIELD, COUNCILMAN MARYOTT REPORTING FOR THE BUILDING AND PLUMBING COMMITTEE SAID THAT MR. CARLSON WAS IN THE AUDIENCE AND WOULD LIKE TO DISCUSS THE RAZING OF THE OLD FIRE HALL AND POLICE STATION. MR. CARLSON SAID THAT A SURETY BOND HAD BEEN REJECTED BECAUSE HE IS NOT AN ESTABLISHED WRECKER OR CONTRACTOR. HE WOULD HOWEVER, FURNISH A $500.00 PROPERTY BOND AND SIGN A CONTRACT TO REMOVE THE BUILDING IF THE TIME WERE EXTENDED TO 8 MONTHS. COUNCILMAN MARYOTT ASKED ABOUT LIABILITY INSURANCE AND AFTER DISCUSSION, MR. CARLSON STATED THAT HE WOULD FURNISH SUCH INSURANCE, REMOVE THE BELL AND JAIL CELL FOR THE CITY, CLEAR THE GROUNDS IN 8 MONTHS AND FURNISH A $500.00 PROPERTY BOND. A MOTION WAS MADE BY SUTT SECONDED BY MUSTACICH THAT THE COUNCIL ACCEPT THE PROPOSAL, AUTHORIZE THAT A CONTRACT BE DRAWN AND SIGNED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK AND THE AMOUNT OF THE LIABILITY INSURANCE REQUIRED BE DECIDED BY THE CITY ATTORNEY AND THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BUILDING COMMITTEE. AYES: FOX, SUTT, MUSTACICH, HENWOOD AND MARYOTT. MOTION CARRIED. COUNCILMAN MARYOTT SAID THAT.HE HAD TALKED TO.MR. JONES OF THE POLLUTION COMMISSION AND NOW WOULD LIKE TO SUGGEST THAT THE COUNCIL, THE ENGINEERING FIRM, THE FINANCTAL FIRM AND THE POLLUTION COMMISSION MEET AND DISCUSS THE SEWER PLAN. THIS WOULD GIVE AN OPPORTUNITY FOR 136 JULY 7, 1953 (CONT'O) THE NEW COUNCIL TO BECOME ACQUAINTED WITH THE PLAN AND OFFER AN OPPOR- TUNITY FOR THE INJECTION OF NEW IDEAS. AFTER DISCUSSION AND HEARING NO OBJECTIONS, MAYOR PINSON AUTHORIZED THE CLERK TO ARRANGE SUCH A MEETING FOR TUESDAY, JULY 28TH IN THE COUNCIL ROOM. MR. HENWOOD REPORTED THAT THE LABOR MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE HAD MET WITH THE UNION COMMITTEE AND DISCUSSED WAGES. THE CITY CLERK IS OB- TAINING WAGE SCALES OF OTHER CITIES AND ANOTHER MEETING WILL BE HELD WITH THE UNION COMMITTEE IN THE NEAR FUTURE. MR. BEN ORIFTMIER JR., SAID THAT HE DID NOT HAVE A FORMAL PETITION BUT WOULD PRESENT ONE LATER. HOWEVER, AT THIS TIME, HE WOULD LIKE THE COUNCIL TO CONSIDER A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE GRANTING OF PERMISSION TO THE RECREATIONAL ASSOCIATION, INC, TO USE THE WEST 40' OF 0 AVENUE STREET END FOR THE LAUNCHING OF SMALL BOATS, THIS PERMISSION WOULD BE GRANTED BY MR. MCCRACKEN OF THE CURTIS 'WHARF AND ANACORTES ICE COMPANY. THIS WOULD NOT BE A SUB LEASE BUT -A PERMISSIVE USER AGREEMENT AND MR. MCCRACKEN COULD TERMINATE THE PERMISSION TO USE THE PROPERTY AT WILL. HE SAID THAT HE HAD BEEN REQUESTED TO CALL THE COUNCILS AT- TENTION TO MR. CROWDER'S NEW BOAT LAUNCHING INSTALLATION.. MR. HENWOOD SAID THAT HE THOUGHT THERE WAS A NEED FOR SUCH A PLACE TO LAUNCH BOATS. MR. MARYOTT SAID THAT HE FELT THERE WAS A NEED IN TOWN SINCE THE ONLY PLACE WAS OUT AT SUNSET BEACH. MR. JOE HAGAN ASKED WHY COUNCIL ACTION WAS NEEDED. MR. SEN URIFTMIER, JR., SAID IT WAS NOT ABSOLUTELY NECES- SARY BUT WAS A REASONABLE REQUEST MADE BY MR. MCCRACKEN. MR. MUSTA- CICH SAID THAT HE HAD TALKED WITH MR. CROWDER AND MR. CROWDEA FACILITIES ARE NOW BEING USED TO THEIR FULL EXTENT AND SUCH AN INSTALLATION WOULD NOT BE OBJECTIONABLE TO HIM. A MJTION WAS MADE BY MUSTACICH AND SECONDED BY SUTT THAT THE CITY ATTORNEY BE AUTHORIZED TO DRAW A RESOLUTION AS REQUESTED BY MR. MCCRACKEN. MOTION CARRIED. MR. SUTT REQUESTED THAT THE COUNCIL CONSIDER CHANGING THE DATE FOR THE USE OF 6TH STREET BY THE CARNIVAL TO THE 7TH AND 8TH OF AUGUST. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MARYOTT AND SECONDED BY FOX THAT THE REQUEST BE GRANTED. MOTION CARRIED. THE REPORT OF CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY OF ANACORTES FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE, 1953 WAS READ TO THE COUNCIL. HEARING NO OBJECTIONS, MAYOR PINSON REFERRED THE CLAIMS TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. UPON FAVORABLE REPORT BY THE FINANCE COMMITTEE A MOTION WAS MADE BY SUTT AND SECONDED BY FOX THAT THE CLAIMS BE ALLOWED AND WARRANTS DRAWN IN FAVOR OF THE SAME. AYES: FOX, SUTT, MUSTACICH, HENWOOD AND MARYOTT. MOTION CARRIED. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MARYOTT AND SECONDED BY MUSTACICH THAT THE COUNCIL ADJOURN AT 9:30 P.M. MOTION CARRIED. MAYOR ATTEST: % 7 I4�ryc LE JULY 219 1953 A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANACORTES WAS CALLED TO ORDER.AT 7:30 P.M. WITH MAYOR PINSON PRESIDING. REV. HASLAM, PASTOR OF THE BAPTIST CHURCH, GAVE THE INVOCATION. THE ROLL WAS CALLED AND FOX, SUTT, MUSTACICH, HENWOOD AND NEEKILEY WERE PRESENT. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF JULY 7, 1953 WERE CONSIDERED AND A MOTION WAS MADE BY MUSTACICH AND SECONDED BY SUTT THAT DUE TO THE FACT THAT EACH COUNCILMAN HAS HAD A COPY FOR CONSIDERATION, THE MINUTES BE APPROVED AS IF READ. MOTION CARRIED. MAYOR PINSON SAID THAT AS HIS REPORT, HE WOULD LIKE TO MAKE SOME STATEMENTS REGARDING THE PROPOSALS THE.COUNCIL HAS BEEN CONSIDERING FROM VARIOUS PLANNING CONSULTANTS AND FIRMS. THE MAYOR SAID THAT FIRST cc a a 137 JULY 212 1953 (CONT'D) THE CITY CLERK REPORTED THAT HE WAS WORKING ON THE TRANSFER OF THE SKATING RINK TO THE GYMNASIUM AND HAD FOUND THAT IT WOULD COST APPROXIMATELY $275.00 TO INSTALL PROPER PLUMBING IN THE GYMNASIUM. THERE BEING NO OBJECTIONS, MAYOR PINSON ACCEPTED THE REPORT AND ASKED THAT THE INVESTIGATION CONTINUE, COUNCILMAN SUTT REPORTED THAT AS CHAIRMAN'OP THE STREETS AND PARKS•COMMITTEE, HE HAD INVESTIGATED THE USE OF HOODS AND CARDS BY SERVICE TRUCKS IN CONNECTION WITH PARKING METERS AND THE RECOMMENDA— TION OF THE VARIOUS CITIES WAS THAT THE CITY SHOULD NOT ENTER INTO SUCH A PROGRAM. MR. SUTT SAID THAT HE WOULD CONTINUE HIS INVESTI— GATION, THE CITY CLERK READ A REPORT FROM THE PRINTING AND HEALTH COM— MITTEE WHICH GAVE A SUGGESTED BID CALL AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR A GARBAGE COLLECTION CONTRACT. MAYOR PINSON SAID THAT IF THERE WERE NO OBJECTIONS, HE WOULD HOLD THE REPORT FOR THE NEXT MEETING. % • WEEKLEY REPORTED FOR THE LICENSE AND POLICE COMMITTEE BY*SAYING ar THAT THEY HAD RECOMMENDED MORE REGULAR CHECKING OF THE PARKING METERS. THE CITY ATTORNEY READ A PROPOSED RESOLUTION CALLING FOR A HEAR— ING TO VACATE THE WEST 401 OF ALLEY IN BLOCK 6, GRIFFINS ADDITION. A MOTION WAS MADE BY HENWOOD AND SECONDED BY SUTT THAT THE COUNCIL* ADOPT THE RESOLUTION, AYES: FOX, SUTT, MUSTACICH, HENWOOD AND WEEKLEY. MOTION CARRIED. IN IMPORTANCE WAS THE FINANCIAL POSITION OF THE CITE ANALYSIS OF WHICH SHOWED THAT WE DO NOT AT PRESENT HAVE THE FUNDS FOR SUCH AN EXPENDITURE . 'SECONDLY, WE HAVE A PLAN WHICH WAS DESIGNED FOR A CITY OF 25,000 PEOPLE, A ZONING ORDINANCE, A DEVELOPMENT PLANS ORDINANCE, A UNIFORM BUILDING. CODE ORDINANCE,AND ARE NOW WORKING ON A SUB DIVISION ORDINANCE AND A BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ORDINANCE. HE SAID THAT PERHAPS THE ORDINANCES ALREADY PASSED DO NOW OR WILL NEED SOME AMENDMENTS, BUT THAT WITH MR.'JENNINGS OF THE ASSOCIATION'OF WASHINGTON CITIES, COMING ON JULY 27TH AND THE POSTON SURVEY TO START ON AUGUST 3RD, HE FELT THAT THE CITY WOULD NOT AT THE PRESENT TIME REQUIRE THE SERVICES OF PLANNING CONSULTANTS. THE WORK OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION HAS BEEN EXCELLENT . AND SIM -THEY, TOGETHER WITH THE COUNCIL, MR. JENNINGS AND MR. POSTON WILL UNDOUBTEDLY BE ABLE TO 20 THE MAIN JOB WHICH WOULD BE PERFORMED BY THESE PLANNING FIRMS AND^AGAIN STATED THAT HE IS OPPOSED TO HIRING ANYONE AT THIS TIME. A MOTION WAS MADE BY HENWOOD AND SECONDED BY WEEKLEY THAT THE COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE MAYORS STATEMENTS AND DO- NOT CONSIDER HIRING A PLANNING CONSULTANT OR FIRM AT THIS TIME. DURING THE DISCUSSION , MR. FOX SAID THAT HE THOUGHT WE WOULD EVENTUALLY NEED PLANNING HELP AND'THAT THERE WAS A POSSIBILITY OF PLANNING SERVICES BEING PAID FOR FROM SOURCES OTHER THAN CITY FUNDS. MR. HENWOOD SAID THAT HE DID NOT FEEL IT WAS NEEDED AT THE PRESENT TIME AND THAT THE CITY SH)ULD TAKE ITS TIME IN CONSIDERING CHANGES DUE TO GROWTH, MR, MUSTACICH SAID THAT HE THOUGHT WE HAVE A FA:I.RLY GOOD PLAN AND THAT WE CAN GET ALONG FOR SOME TIME WITHOUT SPENDING ADDITIONAL MONEY FROM WHATEVER SOURCE. COUNCILMAN'S'JTT SAID THAT HE THOUGHT"THE'GROWTH WOULD BE FAST AND THAT WE SHOULD HAVE SOME HELP EVENTUALLY AND PERHAPS SOONER THAN WE THINK. LIR. HENWOOD SAID THAT THE MAYOR HAD POINTED OUT THE MANY SAFEGUARDS WHICH WE HAVE AND THAT WE CAN THEREFOR WAIT FOR DEVELOPMENTS AND FOR THE TIME BEING, -WE SHOULD CONCUR IN THE MAYORS STATEMENTS AND PASS THE MOTION BEFORE THE COUNCIL. THE QUESTION WAS CALLED FOR AND THE MOTION CARRIED. • THE CITY ATTORNEY SAID THAT HE HAD A RESOLUTION ON THE NELSON SCHOOL PLAYRIELD ALLEY READY FOR COUNCIL CONSIDERATION AND ALSO A RESOLUTION REGARDING THE CURTIS WHARF LEASE OF THE WEST 401 OF 0 AVENUE WHICH THEY ARE CONSIDERING USING FOR SMALL BOAT LAUNCHING. em R. WELLS SAID THAT HE WAS WORKING ON A SUMMONS TO THE CITY TO APPEAR IN A TRIAL AND THAT HE HAD FOUND THAT THE CITY'S ONLY IN— TEREST WAS A .MATTER OF $10.00 OR $12.00 IN AN UNPAID WATER BILL. HE THOUGHT HE WOULD BE ABLE TO HAVE THE BILL PAID BY OTHER MEANS THEREBY -SAVING A COURT FEE OF•$5.00. THE REPORT OF THE POLICE JUSTICE FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE, 1953 WAS ACCEPTED AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILE, THE CITY CLERK REPORTED THAT HE WAS WORKING ON THE TRANSFER OF THE SKATING RINK TO THE GYMNASIUM AND HAD FOUND THAT IT WOULD COST APPROXIMATELY $275.00 TO INSTALL PROPER PLUMBING IN THE GYMNASIUM. THERE BEING NO OBJECTIONS, MAYOR PINSON ACCEPTED THE REPORT AND ASKED THAT THE INVESTIGATION CONTINUE, COUNCILMAN SUTT REPORTED THAT AS CHAIRMAN'OP THE STREETS AND PARKS•COMMITTEE, HE HAD INVESTIGATED THE USE OF HOODS AND CARDS BY SERVICE TRUCKS IN CONNECTION WITH PARKING METERS AND THE RECOMMENDA— TION OF THE VARIOUS CITIES WAS THAT THE CITY SHOULD NOT ENTER INTO SUCH A PROGRAM. MR. SUTT SAID THAT HE WOULD CONTINUE HIS INVESTI— GATION, THE CITY CLERK READ A REPORT FROM THE PRINTING AND HEALTH COM— MITTEE WHICH GAVE A SUGGESTED BID CALL AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR A GARBAGE COLLECTION CONTRACT. MAYOR PINSON SAID THAT IF THERE WERE NO OBJECTIONS, HE WOULD HOLD THE REPORT FOR THE NEXT MEETING. % • WEEKLEY REPORTED FOR THE LICENSE AND POLICE COMMITTEE BY*SAYING ar THAT THEY HAD RECOMMENDED MORE REGULAR CHECKING OF THE PARKING METERS. THE CITY ATTORNEY READ A PROPOSED RESOLUTION CALLING FOR A HEAR— ING TO VACATE THE WEST 401 OF ALLEY IN BLOCK 6, GRIFFINS ADDITION. A MOTION WAS MADE BY HENWOOD AND SECONDED BY SUTT THAT THE COUNCIL* ADOPT THE RESOLUTION, AYES: FOX, SUTT, MUSTACICH, HENWOOD AND WEEKLEY. MOTION CARRIED. 138 JULY 219 1953 (CONT'D) THE CITY ATTORNEY READ THE RESOLUTION ON THE CURTIS WHARF REQUEST CONCERNING THEIR LEASE OF THE WEST 40' OF 0 AVENUE. A MOTION WAS MADE BY'SUTT AND SECONDED BY MUSTACICH THAT THE COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION, AYES: FOX, SUTT, MUSTACICH, HENWOOD AND WEEKLEY. MOTION CARRIED. THE REPORT OF CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY O'F ANACORTES FOR THE FIRST HALF OF JULY, 1953 WAS READ TO THE COUNCIL. THERE BEING NO OBJECTIONS, THE CLAIMS WERE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. UPON FAVORABLE REPORT BY THE FINANCE COMMITTEE A MOTION WAS MADE BY HENWOOD AND SECONDED BY SUTT THAT THE CLAIMS BE ALLOWED AND WARRANTS'DRAWN 1N FAVOR OF THE SAME. AYES: FOX, SUTT, MUSTACICH, HENWOOD AND VEEKLEY. MOTION CARRIED. MR. E. C. HEILMAN TOLD THE COUNCIL THAT HE HAD COME TO TONIGHT'S MEETING TO ASK ABOUT COUNCIL ACTION ON HIRING PLANNING CONSULTANTS. HE SAID THAT HE THOUGHT THE COUNCIL SHOULD DELAY ANY ACTION FOR AWHILE, BECAUSE, IN HIS ESTIMATION, IT IS NOT TOO NECESSARY TO MOVE TOO FAST, MAYOR PINSON EXPLAINED TO HIM THE ACTION OF THE COUNCIL EARLIER IN THE ,qe icn/ MEETING WHICH/OCCURRED BEFORE MR. HEILMAN ARRIVED AND MR. HEILMAN SAID THAT HE WAS VERY PLEASED AND THAT THIS WAS IN HIS OPINION, A VERY ANISE COURSE TO TAKE, THE MAYOR THIN DECLARED A RECESS FOR TWO MINUTES. AFTER THE RECESS THE MEETING WAS CALLED TO ORDER BY MAYOR PINSON WHO STATED THAT THE REPRESEN- TATIVES OF THE P.U.D. AND THEIR ENGINEERS R. W. BECK AND ASSOCIATES WERE PRESENT AND H?D A FINANCIAL REPORT FOR COUNCIL CONSIDERATION, THE CITY ATTORNEY READ THE REPORT WHICH SET FORTH A METHOD OF MAXING .,., BY WHAT THE REPORT TERMED THE MOST ECONOMICALLY FEASIBLE METHO -WATER A- VAILABLE TO THE SHELL OIL COMPANY. AFTER THE READING OF THE REPORT A MOTION WAS MADE BY MUSTACICH AND SECONDED BY SUTT THAT THE COUNCIL TENTATIVELY APPROVE THE PROPOSAL AND THAT IT ALSO BE SUBJECT TO LEGAL APPROVAL AND THAT THE CITY ATTORNEY BE AUTHORIZED TO PROCEED WITH THE LEGAL WORK INVOLVED. AYES: FOX, liUTT, MUSTACICH, HENWOOD AND WEEKLEY. MOTION CARRIED. A MOTION WAS MADE BY SUTT AND SECONDED BY MUSTACICH THAT THE CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SENO A WIRE TO THE SHELL OIL VOMPANY ADVISING THEM OF THE COUNCIL'S ACTION. MOTION CARRIED. A MOTION WAS MADE BY WEEKLEY AND SECONDED BY SUTT THAT THE COUNCIL' ADJOURN AT 9:25 P.M. MOTION CARRIED. oMAYOR ATTEST: r/1 CITY VCLK�9 AUGUST 4, 1953 A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANACORTES WAS CALLED TO ORDER AT 7:45 P.M. WITH MAYOR PINSON PRESIDING. REV. KNUTZEN, PASTOR OF THE LUTHERAN CHURCH GAVE THE INVOCATION. THE ROLL WAS CALLED AND FOX, NESS, SUTT, HENWOOD, WEEKLEY AND MUSTACICH WERE PRESENT. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF JULY 211 1953 WERE CONSIDERED AND A MOTION WAS MADE BY SUTT AND SECONDED BY HENWOOD THAT DUE TO THE FACT THAT EACH COUNCILMAN HAS HAD A COPY FOR CONSIDERATION, THE MINUTES BE APPROVED AS IF READ. MOTION CARRIED. A LETTER FROM MORGAN, LEWIS AND BOCKI'US, ATTORNEYS HANDLING THE NATURAL GAS PROCEEDINGS BEFORE THE FEDERAL POWER CO\rMISSION WAS READ AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILE. THE LETTER WAS A REPORT OF THE PROCEEDINGS TO THAT TIME. 'THE CITY ATTORNEY PRESENTED A WRITTEN REPORT APPROVING THE HART- FORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY'S BLANKET POSITION BOND. HEARING NO OBJECTIONS, MAYOR PINSON STATED THAT THE REPORT WAS ACCEPTED BY THE COUNCIL. 0 1 1 139 AUGUST 4, 1953 (CONT'D) I THE CITY ATTORNEY REPORTED THAT THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE AND BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ORDINANCE ARE READY FOR COUNCIL STUDY. THE CITY ATTORNEY ADVISED THAT THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ORDINANCE COULD BE AN AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE. THE CITY CLERK READ A TELEGRAM WHICH HE HAD BEEN AUTHORIZED BY THE COUNCIL TO SEND TO THE SHELL OIL COMPANY. HEARING NO OBJECTIONS, MAYOR PINSON ORDERED THE TELEGRAM PLACED ON FILE. THE REPORT 'OF THE TREASURER FOR THE MONTH OF JULY, 1953 WAS ACCEP- TED AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILE, THE REPORT OF THE POLICE JUSTICE FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE & JULY, 1953, WERE ACCEPTED AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILE, THE REPORT OF THE WATER DEPARTMENT FOR THE MONTH OF JULY WAS ACCEPTED AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILE. THE REPORT OF THE STREET SUPT FOR THE MONTH OF JULY, 1953 WAS AC- CEPTED AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILE. COUNCILMAN HENWOOD REPORTED THAT THE FINANCE COMMITTEE HAD MET WITH THE CEMETERY BOARD AND THE PROPOSAL WILL BE MADE THAT A MAUSOLEUM BE BUILT. HE •ALSO SAID THAT THE CEMETERY BOARD WOULD LIKE TO HAVE THEIR MONEY INVESTED IN SECURITIES THAT WILL PAY INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS IMMEDI- ATELY. SUTT REPORTED FOR THE STREETS AND PARKS COMMITTEE RECOMMENDING THAT THE COUNCIL DO NOT CONSIDER PUTTING HOODS ON THE METERS OR CARDS ON THE TRUCKS IN LIEU OF MONEY IN THE METERS. MR. SUTT SAID THAT THE PROBLEM BECAME TOO COMPLICATED AND OTHER CITIES HAD ADVISED IN THIS VEIN. A MOTION WAS MADE BY SUTT AND SECONDED BY NESS THAT THE - CITY ISSUE NO SPECIAL PERMITS FOR THE USE OF PARKING METERS. -COUNCILMAN FOX SAID THAT TRUCKS DOUBLE PARK UNNECESSARILY AND COUNCILMAN MUSTACICH SAID THAT THAT WAS TRUE AND THAT THESE SAME TRUCKS WOULD NOT DARE TO DO IT IN OTHER 01 CITIES. THE QUESTION WAS CALLED AND THE MOTION CARRIED. • COUNCILMAN NESS REPORTED THAT THE PRINTING AND HEALTH COMMITTEE HAD A•REPORT READY WHICH CONSISTED OF A PROPOSED CALL FOR BIDS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR A GARBAGE CONTRACT. THE CITY CLERK THEN READ THE PROPOSED BID CALL AND SPECIFICATIONS. DURING THE DISCUSSION, COUNCIL- MAN NESS MID THAT IT WAS NOT FAIR TO EXPECT -ANYONE TO OPERATE UNDER THE PRESENT TEMPORARY STATUS. COUNCILMAN FOX ASKED ABOUT THE NEW TYPE OF TRUCK AND WHETHER IT WOULD WORK IN OUR ALLEYS. COUNCILMAN MUSTACICH SAID THAT THE ALLEYS ARE SUPPOSED TO BE 16' AND THE TRUCKS ARE 8'. AFTER FURTHER DISCUSSION, MR. HARRY DAVIS WAS ASKED WHAT HE THOUGHT.. MR. DAVIS STATED THAT THE ALLEYS ARE IN MUCH BETTER SHAPE AND SAID THAT THIS TYPE OF TRUCK WOULD NOW OPERATE WELL IN ANACORTES. A MOTION WAS MADE BY NESS AND SECONDED BY MUSTACICH THAT THE COUNCIL ACCEPT THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PRINTING AND HEALTH COMMITTEE AND THE CITY CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO CALL FOR BIBS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPECIFICATIONS. COUNCILMAN NESS ASKED MR. VAVIS WHAT HE THOUGHT OF THE SPECIFICATIONS WHICH ARE BASED ON A PERCENTAGE OF THE NET INCOME AND MR. DAVIS REPLIED THAT HE THOUGHT THIS WAS THE FAIREST WAY FOR BOTH THE CONTRACTOR AND THE CITY. THE QUESTION WAS CALIImAND THE AYES WERE: FOX, NESS, SUTT, HEN - WOOD, NEEKLEY AND MUST4CICH. MOTION CARRIED. COUNCILMAN QEEKLEY REPORTED FOR THE LICENSE AND POLICE COMMITTEE STATING THAT INVESTIGATION HAD SHOWN THAT THE POLICE DEPARTMENT WAS DOING ABOUT AS WELL AS COULD BE EXPECTED TAKING CARE OF THE METERS. HENWOOD.REPORTEO THAT ANOTHER LABOR MANAGEMENT MEETING WOULD BE HELD SOON, COUNCILMAN SUTT SAID THAT A PROGRAM OF PAVING STREETS BY THE METHOD USED LAST YEAR ON 20TH STREET WOULD BE STARTED SOON. ON REQUEST-,- THE EQUESTyTHE CITY CLERK EXPLAINED THE METHOD USED LAST YEAR. COUNCILMAN SUTT SAID THAT HE WOULD LIKE TO HAVE IT START VERY SOON SO THAT IT WOULD TIE IN WITH THE COUNTY'S PROGRAM ON GUEMES ISLAND. ST. SUPT.•THORENE SAID THAT PEOPLE ALONG K. HAD SHOWN INTEREST AND COULD BE INCLUDED. MR. THORENE 1'140 AUGUST 4, 1953,(CONT'D) TOEN TOLD THE COUNCIL ABOUT THE CONDITION OF 32ND STREET AND HEART LAKE ROAD. HE SAID HE WOULD RECOMMEND THAT BALLAST WORK BE DONE THIS WINTER SO THAT A GOOD JOB COULD BE DONE NEXT YEAR. COUNCILMAN HENWOOD SAID THAT HE THOUGHT THIS WAS A VERY FINE PROGRAM AND WILL PICK UP MOMENTUM AS MORE STREETS ARE DONE. A MOTION WAS MADE BY SUTT AND SECONDED BY NESS THAT THE CLERK, ENGINEER AND STREET SUPERINTENDENT START A PROGRAM FOR 12TH STREET' AND OTHER STREETS AS REQUESTED ON A BASIS OF SELF HELP TO DO THE PAVING. MOTION CARRIED. A PETITION FROM PEARL LAING REQUESTING THAT AN OLD L.I.D. ASSESSMENT AGAINST THE CITY BE CLEARED BY A QUIT CLAIM DEED FROM THE CITY FOR THE SUM OF $5.00. THE CITY ATTORNEY ADVISED THE COUNCIL OF THE PAST METHODS USED IN ESTABLISHING AMOUNTS ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY INTHESE CASES. THE CITY ATTORNEY RECOMMENDED THAT THE CITY,COUNCIL ACCEPT THE $5.00 AND AUTHORIZE THAT THE DEED BE ISSUED. A MOTION WAS MADE BY HENWOOD AND SECONDED BY MUSTACICH THAT THE COUNCIL ACCEPT THE $5.00 AND AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AND CLERK TO SIGN THE QUIT CLAIM DEED. AYES: FOX,, NESS, SUTT, HENWOOD, WEEKLEY AND MUSTACICH. MOTION CARRIED, A PETITION FROM 16 RESIDENTS ON A WATER LINE FROM K. TO M. ON 11TH AVENUE WAS READ TO THE COUNCIU. THIS PETITION REQUESTED THAT THE OLD LINE BE REPL.ACED\BECAUSE IT WAS RUSTY AND INADEQUATE. AFTER DISCUS31ON AND HEARING NO OBJECTIONS, MAYOR•PINSON REFERRED THE PETITION TO THE FIRE, LIGHT AND `CATER COMMITTEE FOR REPORT AT THE NEXT MEETING. THE REPORT OF CLAIMS AGINST THE CITY OF ANACORTES FOR THE MONTH OF JULY, 1953 WAS READ TO THE COUNCIL. MAYOR PINSON APPOINTED SUTT TO ACT ON THE FINANCE COMMITTEE IN THE ABSENCE OF COUNCILMAN MARYOTT. HEARING NO OBJECTIONS, MAYOR PINSON REFERRED THE CLAIMS TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. UPON FAVORABLE REPORT BY THE FINANCE COMMITTEE A MOTION WAS MADE BY HEN - WOOD AND SECONDED BY NESS THAT THE CLAIMS BE ALLOWED AND WARRANTS DRAWN IN FAVOR OF THE SAME. AYES: FOX, NESS, SUTT, HENWOOD, WEEKLEY AND MUSTACICH. MOTION CARRIED. MAYOR PINSON THEN DECLARED A RECESS FOR ONE HALF HOUR. AT THE END OF A HALF HOUR, MAYOR,PINSON CALLED THE COUNCIL TO ORDER AND STATED THAT AS THEY KNEW, THE SHELL OIL COMPANY HAD REQUESTED THAT THE CITY FURNISH THEM A COST OF 'NATER AT THEIR PLANT AND THAT THE CITY HAD ASKED THE P.U.D.'S ASSISTANCE AND THE CITY HAD TENTATIVELY ACCEPTED THE P.U.D.'S REPORT. HE SAID THAT HOWEVER, BECAUSE WORD HAD COME FROM THE BOND ATTORNEYS INFORMING THE COUNCIL THAT IT WOULD BE NECESSARY TO HOLD AN ELECTION IF THE LINE WERE SOLD OR LEASED TO THE P.U.D., HE FELT IT WOULD BE WISE TO LOOK INTO THE MATTER FURTHER 9N0 OBTAIN ADVICE FROM OTHERS. A MEETING HAD BEEN HELD WITH REPRESENTATIVES,OF WM. P. HARPER AND SON AND COMPANY, THE CITY'S FINANCIAL ADVISOR IN OTHER MATTERS, WHO HAVE OFFERED TO ASSIST IN THIS MATTER,. MAYOR-PINSON SAID THAT THEY HAD BEEN,INFORMED OF THE P.U.D.'S ST&TEMENT THAT BONDS WOULD COST UP TO A j PER CENT MORE IF SOLD BY THE CITY AND THEY HAD STATED THAT IN THEIR OPINION THIS WAS NOT NECESSARILY A CORRECT STATEMENT IN AS MUCH AS MANY FACTORS WOULD HAVE TO BE TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION AT THE TIME OF THE SALE. COUNCILMAN FOX SAID THAT THE SHELL OIL COMPANY HAS SHOWN DISPLEASURE WITH COSTS PRESENTED TO THEM AND THE COUNCIL WILL ASK THE SHELL OIL COMPANY TO APPROVE THE ENGINEERS. HE SAID THAT TIME WAS VERY IMPORTANT IN THIS MATTER BUT THAT THIS INFORMATION WOULD NOT DELAY,�THINGS TOO MUCH IN VIEW OF THE ELECTION WHICH MUST BE HELD IF A SALE OR LEASE IS MADE TO THE P.U.D. AFTER DISCUSSION A MOTION WAS MADE BY HENWOOD AND SECONDED BY NEEKLEY THAT THE CITY ENGAGE THE FIRM OF WM. P.HARPER AND SON AND COMPANY AS FIaN�NCr}IAL ADVISORS AND THE FIRM OF LEO A. DALY AND COMPANY AS ENGINEERS^IF"�HEY ARE ACCEPTABLE TO THE SHELL OIL COMPANY. BOTH FIRMS TO BE EMPLOYED ON A CONTINGENT FEE BASIS TO STUDY THE FINANCES AND ENGINEERING OF WATER TO MEET THE NEEDS OF THE SHELL OIL COMPANY AND THE NORMAL POPULATION GROWTH OF THE CITY.AYES: FOX, NESS, SUTT, HENWOOD, NEEKLEY AND MUSTACICH. MOTION CARRIED. COUNCILMAN MUSTACICH READ A PART OF AN ARTICLE ON THE CITY MANAGER PLAN WHICH WAS IN THE :'WESTERN CITY MAGAZINE AND 'JRGED,THAT THE NEW COUNCIL- MEN STUDY THIS FORM OF GOVERNMENT, A MOTION WAS MADE BY NESS AND SECONDED BY WEEKLEY THAT THE COUNCIL ADJOURN AT 9:40 P.M.. MOTIQN CARRIED. c 9AYOR ATTEST: ITY CLE 1 1 141 AUGUST 189 1953 A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANACORTES WAS CALLED TO ORDER AT 7:30 P.M. WITH MAYOR PINSON PRESIDING. REV. UNDERWOOD; PASTOR OF THE SOUTH SIDE CHURCH OF CHRIST, GAVE THE INVOCATION, THE ROLL WAS CALLED AND FOX, NESS, SUTT, HENWOOD, WEEKLEY AND MUSTA- CICH WERE PRESENT, THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF AUGUST 4, 1953 WERE CONSIDERED, AND MR. HENW000 SAID THAT WITH REGARD TO A MOTION TO EMPLOY AN ENGINEERING FIRM, THAT THE WORDS "OR OTHERS" SHOULD HAVE BEEN INCLUDES IN THE MOTION TO EMPLOY THE ENGINEERS ACCEPTABLE TO THE SHELL OIL COMPANY. THE CITY CLERK SAID THAT THIS WAS AN OVERSIGHT AND THAT IT WOULD BE CHANGED ON THE ORIGINAL COPY OF THE MINUTES. MAYOR PINSON STATED THAT HEARING NO FURTHER ALTERATIONS OR CORRECTIONS, THE MINUTES WOULD STAND APPROVED,WITH THIS CORRECTION,AS IF READ. THE CITY CLERK INFORMED THE COUNCIL THAT HE HAD RECEIVED AN ANSWER TO A LETTER REQUESTING INFORMATION CONCERNING THE POSSIBILITY OF OBTAIN- ING CONTOUR MAPS FROM THE U. S. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. THE LETTER RECEIVED FROM CONGRESSMAN WESTLAND, HAD EXPLAINED THE SITUATION IN THAT THESE MAPS WILL BE'AVAILABLE IN THE SUMMER OF 1954 AND AERIAL SURVEY PHOTOGRAPHS CAN BE PURCHASED AT $9.00 EACH. AN APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF LIQUOR LICENSE FOR LUVERAS MARKET WAS READ AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILE. MAYOR PINSON INFORMED THE COUNCILMEN THAT THE ASSOCIATION OF WASH- INGTON CITIES REGIONAL MEETING WILL BE HELD IN SEDRO WOOLLEY ON OCTOBER 23RD, 1953. HE ASKED THE COUNCILMEN TO MAKE NOTE OF THIS DATE SO THAT THEY COULD ATTEND. THE CITY CLERK REPORTED THAT HE HAD RECEIVED AN APPLICATION FOR TAXI DRIVERS LICENSE FOR E. F. GRANDY. CHIEF OF POLICE GOFF STATED THAT HIS DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDS THAT THE APPLICATION BE DENIED. A MOTION WAS MADE BY FOX AND SECONDED BY MUSTACICH THAT THE COUNCIL ACCEPT THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE CHIEF OF POLICE. MOTION CARRIED. THE REPORT OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT FOR THE MONTH OF JULY WAS ACCEP- TED AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILE, MR. MCCRORY REPORTED FOR THE WATER DEPARTMENT STATING THAT THERE IS A NEED FOR A'LARGER WATER MAIN FROM COMMERCIAL TO 0 ON 28TH STREET AND HE RECOMMENDED THAT THE 2" PIPE BE INSTALLED FOR .76 PER FT. FOR APPROXI- MATELY 300' BY BLAKE THOMPSON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY AND THAT THIS BE AD- DED TO THE PRESENT CONTRACT UNDER WHICH BLAKE THOMPSON IS WORKING. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MUSTACICH AND SECONDED BY NESS THAT THE CITY ACCEPT THE RECOMMENDATION AND AUTHORIZE THE INSTALLATION OF 2" PIPE BY BLAKE THOMPSON. AYES: FOX, NESS, SUTT, HENWOOO, WEEKLEY AND MUSTACICH. MOTION CARRIED. MAYOR PINSON ASKED MR. MCCRORY IF HE AND MR. THORENE HAVE THE FIGURES ON PAINTING THE LIGHT STANDARDS. MR. MCCRORY SAID THAT IT WOULD COST SOMEWHERE BETWEEN $900.00 TO $1000.00 TO DO THIS WORK. THE MAYOR ASKED THE COUNCIL COMR41TTEE TO TAKE THE REPORT UNDER ADVISEMENT. 'MR. MCCRORY STATED THAT THE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT ON 32ND WOULD COST APPROXIMATELY $620.00. NO ACTION WAS TAKEN ON THIS REPORT. THE REPORT OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT FOR THE MONTH OF JULY, 1953 WAS ACCEPTED AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILE, COUNCILMAN FOX REPORTED FOR THE FIRE, LIGHT AND WATER COMMITTEE RE- GARDING THE PETITION FROM THE PEOPLE ON 11TH TO HAVE A NEW MAIN INSTALLED. HE SAID THAT HIS COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS THAT THIS -BE INCLUDED IN THE REPLACE- MENT PROGRAM PLAN FOR NEXT YEAR AND THAT IT WOULD NOT ONLY BE FOR THIS SMALL DISTR AS REQUESTED BUT FROM K. TO COMMERCIAL AVENUE. THERE BEING NO OBJECTIONS, ICT. MAYOR PINSON ASKED THE CLERK'TO NOTIFY THE PETITIONERS THAT THE WORK WOULD BE DONE NEXT SPRING AS OUTLINED BY THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. rl42 AUGUST 18, 1953 (CONT'D) MR. SUTT REPORTING FOR THE STREETS AND PARKS COMMITTEE SAID THAT THE SELF HELP PAVING PROGRAM WAS PROGRESSING BUT THERE WAS NO WAY TO TELL WHETHER THERE WOULD BE ANY STREETS IMPROVED THIS YEAR. RESIDENTIAL STREETS ARE TO BE DONE AT A 20' WIDTH AND BUSINESS STREETS CAN BE WIDER. A GOOD DEAL OF INTEREST HAS BEEN SHOWN BIJT A LACK OF TIME IN WHICH TO ORGANIZE IS THE MAIN PROBLEM, MR. SUTT SAID THAT THE ALLEY BEH'I'ND ENGDAHLS MAY BE TOO FAR SOUTH AND MR. ENGDAHL WOULD LIKE TO HAVE THE DISTANCE CHECKED. MAYOR PINSON ASKED MR. 1ACCRORY TO CHECK THE ALLEY LOCATION. MRS. BAKER SPEAKING FROM THE AUDIENCE, SAID THAT PEOPLE ON 22ND STREET SEEM TO BE IN FAVOR OF PAVING AND THAT THEY MAY BE ABLE TO BE READY FOR THIS YEAR'S WORK. MR. WEEKLEY REPORTED FOR THE LICENSE AND POLICE COMMITTEE STATING THAT THEY WOULD HAVE A MEETING NEXT WEDNESDAY AT THE POLICE STATION. MAYOR PINSON THEN ASKED MR. KIRK OF THE AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE ASSO- CIATION IF HE WOULD LIKE TO MAKE HIS PRESENTATION AT THIS TIME. MR. KIRK THEN PRESENTED THE AWARD TO MAYOR PINSON AND COMPLIMENTED THE CITY ON ITS RECORD OF NO FATAL PEDESTRIAN ACCIDENTS IN 1952. HE EXPLAINED THE CONTEST, SAYING THAT IT WAS NATION WIDE AND THAT SINCE THE CONTEST HAD STARTED IN 1939, PEDESTRIAN DEATHS HAD DECREASED 45%. MAYOR PINSON THANKED MR. KIRK ON BEHALF OF THE CITY AND STATED THAT THE:PLAQUE-WOULD BE GIVEN TO THE CHIEF OF POLICE TO HANG IN THE NEW STATION WITH PREVIOUS AWARDS. COUNCILMAN FOX THEN PRESENTED AND INTRODUCED A SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE. THE TITLE PARAGRAPH WAS READ BY MR. FOX. A MOTION WAS MADE BY FOX AND SECONDED BY MUSTACICH THAT THE COUNCIL ACCEPT THE ORDINANCE AS HAVING BEEN INTRODUCED AND THAT IT BE CONSIDERED AT THE NEXT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. DURING THE DISCUSSION, COUNCILMAN HENWOOD SAID THAT THIS ORDI- NANCE WAS VERY IMPORTANT AND NEEDS STUDY BY ALL THE COUNCILMEN. THE QUESTION WAS CALLED FOR AND THE MOTION CARRIED. MRS. NEWLAND TOLD THE COUNCIL THAT THE ORDINANCE HAD BEEN APPROVED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF CON- SERVATION OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON ON JULY 28TH. PAAYOR PINSON SAID THAT HIS DESIRE WAS TO SET THE WHEELS IN MOTION SO THAT THE ORDINANCE COULD BE ACCEPTED WHEN THE PLANNING COMMISSION SENC$ ITS RECOMMENDATION WHICH HE UNDERSTOOD WOULD BE READY BY THE NEXT MEETING. COUNCILMAN WEEKLEY TOLD THE COUNCIL THAT SOME METHOD OF HANDLING THE SIGNS FOR THE NELSON SCHOOL PLAYFIELD SHOULD BE DEVISED. DURING THE DISCUSSION, MAYOR PINSON SAID THAT THEY WERE PROBABLY THROUGH WITH THE SIGNS FOR THIS YEAR AND HE ASKED THE CLERK TO WRITE 4 LETTER TO THE RECREATION ASSOCIATION ADVISING THEM THATTHE COUNCIL WOULD LIKE THEM TO PLACE AND REMOVE THE SIGNS IN THE STREET AS NEEDED NEXT YEAR. HE SAID THAT CHIEF DOFF WOULD TAKE CARE OF THE STORAGE OF THE SIGNS UNTIL THEN. MAYOR PINSON THEN SAID THAT THE COUNCIL WAS STUDYING HOW BEST TO FURNISH WATER TO THE SHELL UIL COMPANY AND SEVERAL FIRMS WERE PRESENT WITH PROPOSALS THEY WOULD LIKE TO PRESENT FOR CONSIDERATION. HE SAID THAT HE WOULD CALL A RECESS AT THIS TIME AND WOULD RECONVENE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. UPON RETURN FROM THE RECESS THE COIJN61L WAS AGAIN CALLED TO ORDER `BY MAYOR PINSON WHO STATED THAT THE COUNCILMAN HAD HEARD THE PROPOSALS OF VARIOUS ENGINEERS AND ASKED THE COUNCILMEN THEIR WISHES. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MUSTACICH AND SECONDED BY WEEKLEY THAT THE FIRM OF CAREY AND KOAMER BE EMPLOYED TO FURNISH A WATER SUR\IEY AT A COST OF $1200.00. AYES: FOX, NESS, SUTT, HENWOOD, 14EEKLEY, MARYOTT AND MUSTA- CICH. MOTION CARRIED. COUNCILMAN FOX SAID THAT HE WOULD LIKE TO THANK THE OTHER FIRMS AND SUGGESTED THAT THE CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO WRITE LETTERS TO THEM FOR THAT PURPOSE AND FURTHER THAT THEY WOULD BE NOTI- FIED IN THE EVENT THAT THE CITY DECIDED TO CONTINUE WITH THE PROJECT. THERE BEING NO OBJECTIONS, MAYOR PINSON SO ORDERED. THE REPORT OF CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY OF AN.4CORTES FOR THE FIRST HALF OF AUGUST, 1953 WAS READ TO THE COUNCIL. THERE BEING NO OBJECTIONS MAYOR PINSON REFERgED THE CLAIMS TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. UPON FAVOR- ABLE REPORT BY THE FINANCE COMMITTEE 4 MOTION WAS MADE BY HENWOOD AND SECONDED BY SUTT THAT THE CLAIMS BE ALLOWED AND WARRANTS DRAWN IN FAVOR OF THE SAME. AYES: FOX, NESS, SUTT, HENWOOD, `NEEKLEY, MARYOTT AND MUSTACICH. A MOTION WAS MADE BY IfEEKLEY AND SECONDED BY MARMOT THE COUNCIL ADJOURN AT 10: 5 P.M. MOTION CARRIED. ' ATTEST: Z��k � � J MAYOR I PAUL FLfNT, JR CITY RK 1 1 1 1 SEPTEMBER I, 1953 A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY -COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANACORTES WAS CALLED TO ORDER AT 7:30 P.M. WITH M*YOR PINSON PRESIDING. REV. KNUTZEN, PASTOR OF THE LUTHERAN CHURCH, GAVE THE INVOCATION. THF ROLL WAS CALLLD AND FOX, NESS, SUTT, HENWOOD AND MARYOTT WERE RESENT, THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF AUGUST 18TH, 1953 WERE CONSIDERED AND A MOTION WAS MADE BY.SUTT AND SECONDED BY HENWOOD THAT DUE TO THE FACT THAT EACH COUNCILMAN HAS HAD A COPY FOR STUDY, THE MINUTES BE APPROVED AS IF READ. MOTION CARRIED. LIQUOR RENEWAL LICENSE APPLICATIONS FOR SAFEWAY STORES AND FERGIES PARK AND SHOP WERE READ M THE COUNCIL AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILE. A LETTER FROM THE COOS BAY PULP CORPORATION REQUESTING THAT THE CITY VACATE A CERTAIN PORTION OF R. AVENUE SO THAT THE COMPANY COULD REDAOVE POTENTIAL HAZARD TO TRAFFIC WAS READ AND- DURING THE DISCUSSION IT W65 BROUGHT OUT THAT THIS PROPERTY HAD PROBABLY ALREADY BEEN VACATED. MAYOR PINSON, HEREING NO OBJECTIONS, REFERRED THE MATTER TO THE STREETS AND PARKS COMMITTEE AND THE CITY ENGINEER. r 143 A LETTER FROM THE SALVATION ARMY, REQUESTING PERMISSION TO INSTALL A BANNER ACROSS COMMERCIAL AVENUE AT 5TH STREET FOR THE PERIOD FROM SEPT. 9TH TO SEPT. 18TH, FOR THEIR ANNUAL DRIVE FOR FUNDS WAS READ AND AFTER DISCUSSION A MOTION WAS MADE BY MARYOTT AND SECONDED BY HENWOOD THAT THE REQUEST BE GRANTED. DURING THE D'I'SCUSSION IT WAS BROUGHT OUT THAT THERE MIGHT POSSIBLYI'BE A POTENTIAL HAZARD IF THE BANNER FELL SURING A HIGH WIND. HOWEVER, THE COUNCIL CONSENSUS WAS THAT THE BANNER BEING CLOTH', THERE WOULD BE.A MINIMUM OF DANGER. THE QUESTION WAS CALLED FOR AND THE MOTION CARRIED. A LETTER FROM CAREY AND KRAMER VERIFYING THEIR PROPOSAL AND STATING WHAT THEY WOULD DO IN MAKING A REPORT ON THE PTER SUPPLY SYSTEM FOR $1200.00 WAS READ AND ORDERED PLACED ONFILE.1/MAYOR PINSON SAID THAT HE WQ'JLD LIKE TO HAVE THE COUNCILMEN CONSIDER THE BUDGET IN ITS PRESENT FORM SO THAT THEY COULD MAKE ADDITIONS IF THEY DESIRED PRIOR TO ITS BEING DE- CLARED A PRELIMINARY BUDGET. MAYOR PINSON SAID THAT HE WOULD LIKE TO SUGGEST TUESDAY, SEPT. 8TH AS A TIME TO GET TOGETHER AND THE COUNCILMEN CONCURRED. THE CLERK THEN READ A LETTER FROM MAYOR PINSON TO THE CX3UNCIL AD- VISING THEM THAT HE WOULD LIKE TO HAVE THEM CONSIDER INVESTING THE CEMETERY IMPROVEMENT FUNDS IN SECURITIES WHCCH WOULD PAY a. HIGHER AND AN ANNUAL RATE OF INTEREST. MAYOR PINSON STATED THAT THE PRESENT BONDS WOULD NOT PAY INTEREST UNTIL THEY MATURED 12 YEARS AFTER THEIR PURCHASE. HE SAID THAT HE FELT THAT THIS WOULD GIVE THE CEMETERY DEPARTMENT A MEANS OF BRINGING.THEIR ACCOUNTS INTO THE BLACK. THERE BEING NO OBJECTIONS, THE MATTER WAS REFERRED TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. THE CITY ATTORNEY REPORTED THAT THE COMPO TTEE WAS STUDYING AND WORK- ING ON THE AMENDMENT OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE ORDINANCE TO INCLUDE F.H.A. REQ'IIREMENTS. HE SAID THAT HE HAS COMPLETED AN AMENDMENT TO THE PRESENT TRAFFIC ORDINANCE WHICH WOULD MAKE IT POSSIBLE TO PROSECUTE JAY WALKERS.. THE CITY CLERK REPORTED THAT THE BUDGET ESTIMATES FOR 1954 HAD BEEN PRESENTED TO THE MAYOR AS REQUIRED BY LAW. THE REPORT OF THE TREASURER FOR THE MONTH OF Aj)GUST, 1953 WAS ACCEPTED AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILE, THE REPORT OF THE WATER DEPARTMENT FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST, 1953 WAS ACCEPTED AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILE, THE CITY LNGINEER REPORTED THAT THE STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT IS GOING RIGHT AHEAD WITH ITS WORK ON 6TH STREET AND WAS ONLY BEING HELD UP BY THE BAD !HEATHER. THE REPORT OF THE STREET DEPARTMENT FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST, 1953 WAS ACCEPTED AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILE. 144 SEPTEMBER 1, 1953 ( CONT'D I HENWOOD REPORTING FOR THE LABOR MANAGEMENT COhAMITTEE STATED THAT THEY ARE WORKING WITH THE JNION COMMITTEE ON -WAGES AND THAT PROGRESS IS I BEING MADE. HENWOOD SAID THAT HE HAD RECOMMENDED THAT A RAISE BE GRANT - E% BASED ON THE COST OF LIVING INCREASE FROM SEPT., 1951 TO SEPT., 1953. AIR. HENWOOD SAID THAT THEY HOWEVER, HAD REQUESTED THAT THE CITY GO BACK TO 1950 DEDUCTING FROM THE TOTAL INCREASE GAINED THEREBY XNH RRRXRX ✓NR XROM XXXX THE AMOUNT OF INCREASE GIVEN? IN 1952. MR. HENWOOD SAID THAT THIS WOULD BE A LARGER SVM THAN THE OTHER METHOD AND THAT HE HAD ADVISED THEM THAT IN ANY EVENT IT WOULD BE UP TO THE FINANCE.COMMITTF_E TO FIND THE MONEY FOR AN INCREASE. HE SAID THAT NEGOTIATIONS WERE VERY FRIENDLY. SUTT REPORTED FOR THE STREETS AND PARKS COMMITTEE SAYING THAT IT WAS DEFINITE THAT TWO BLOCKS WOULD BE DONE UNDER THE VOLUNTARY STREET IMPROVE- MENT PROGRAM AND THAT THE DEADLINE HAD BEEN EXTENDED BECAUSE THE COUNTY WAS NOT FINISHED AT GUEMES ISLAND. A PETITION PRESENTED BY DRIFTMIER AND DRIFTMENR ON BEHALF OF D. M. AND CLARA M. MUNHALL REQUESTING A QUIT CLAIM DEED TO LOTS 6,7,8,9,10, BLOCK 4, WHITNEY'S IST ADDITION WAS READ TO THE COUNCIL AND THE COUNCIL WAS ADVISED THAT THE PETITION WAS ACCOMPAINED BY CHECKS TOTALING $105.16 IN PAYMENT OF THE DEED. AFTER DISC'1SSION A MOTION WAS MADE BY HENWOOD AND SECONDED BY NESS THAT THE COUNCIL ACCEPT THE REMITTANCE IN FULL PAYMENT FOR THE QU1'T CLAIM DEED AND THAT THE MAYOR AND CLERK -BE AUTHORI- ZED TO SIGN. DURING THE DISCUSSION, MAYOR PINSON READ AN EXCERPT OF PREVIOUS MINUTES WHICH STATED THAT THE COUNCILS POLICY WAS TO ACCEPT 10% IN CASES SUCH AS THIS ONE. THE CITY ATTORNEY STIAITED THAT THF SUM PRESENTED REPRESENTED THAT AMOUNT. THE QUESTION WAS CALLED FOR AND THE AYES WERE: FOX, NESS, SUTT, HENWOOD AND MARYOTT. MOTION CARRIED. THE CITY ATTORNEY STATED THAT HE UNDERSTOOD THAT THERE WERE NO COM- PLAINTS HEARD AT THE LAST MEETING REGARDING THE VACATION OF THE WEST 60' OF THE NFLSON SCHOOL PLAYFIELD AS A ALLEY. HE SAID HOWEVER, THAT HE WOULD LIKE TO RECOMMEND THAT THE COUNCIL AGAIN CALL FOR ANY OBJECTIONS. MAYOR PINSON THEN ASKED IF THERE WERE ANYONE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WISHED TO PROTEST THE VACATIONOF THIS PIECE OF LAND. NONE WERE HEARD WHERE- UPON MAYOR PINSON STATED THAT HEARING NO OBJECTIONS FROM THE COUNCIL, THE CITY ATTORNEY WAS AUTHORIZED TO DRAW THE ORDINANCE, THE REPORT OF CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY OF ANACORTES FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST, 1953 WAS -READ TO THE COUNCIL. MAYOR PINSON ANNOUNCED THAT IN THE ABSENCE OF MR. MUSTACICH, HE WOULD APPOINT IAR. SUTT TO SIGN THE CLAIM REPORT. HEARING NO OBJECTIONS THE CLAIMS WERE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. A MUT1ON WAS MADE BY HENWOOD AND SECONDED BY THAT THE CLAIMS BE ALLOWED AND WARRANTS DRAWN IN FAVOR OF THE SAME. AYES: FOX, NESS, SUTT, HENWOOD AND MARYOTT. MOTION CARRIED, MRS. N ENLAND TOLD THE COUNCIL THAT THE TOURIST SEASON WAS ABOUT OVER, HOWEVER, SHE WOULD LIKE TO CALL THEIR ATTENTION TO THE FACT THAT AT THE EAST END OF 10TH STREET AT THE TOURIST BOOTH, OLD CAR BODIES ARE BEING DUMPED AND IT IS GETTING TO BE A VERY UNSIGHTEY':CONDITION.• MR. THORENE SAID THAT HE HAD NOTICED THAT IT WAS GETTING TO BE VERY LARGE AND THAT IT WAS BEING PLACED THERE BY THE TRULSON MOTOR COMPANY.- MAYOR PINSON SAID THAT HE WOULD CHECK INTO THE MATTER THE NEXT DAY. COUNCILMAN FOX ASKED 1BOUT THE MEETING OF THE LICENSE AND POLICE. COMMITTEE AND CHIEF GOFF ADVISED THAT IT WAS CALLED OFF BECAUSE MR. 'YEEKLEY COI1LD NOT MAKE IT THAT NIGHT. HE SAID THAT MR. 14EEKLEY HAD SAID THAT HE WOULD ARRANGE FOR A NEW TIME. A k'10TION WAS MADE BY MARYOTT AND SECONDED BY HENWOOD THAT THE MEETING ADJOURN AT 8:25 P.M. MOTION CARRIED. i CITY CLERK/ MAYOR 1 1 145 SEPTEMBER 15, 1953 A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANACORTES WAS CALLED TO ORDER AT 7:30 P.M. WITH MAYOR PINSON PRESIDING. REV. PENDLETON, PASTOR OF THE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, GAVE THE INVO- CATION. THE ROLL WAS CALLED AND FOX, NESS, SUIT, HENWOOD, MARYOTT & W EEKLEY WERE PRESENT. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF SEPTEMBER I, 1953 WERE CONSIDERED AND A MOTI%)N WAS MADE BY FOX AND SECONDED BY SUTT THAT DUE TO THE FACT THAT EACH COUNCILMAN HAS HAD A COPY FOR STUDY, THE MINUTES BE APPROVED AS IF RE4D. MOTION CARRIED. A LETTER FROM THE CITY GAS COMPANY REQUESTING THAT THEY BE GIVEN AN OPPORTUNITY TO DISCUSS THEIR PLANS FOR NATURAL GAS IN THE CITY OF ANACORTES WAS READ TO THE COUNCIL. MAYOR PINSON SAID THAT HE HAD TALKED TO A REPRESENTATIVE OF THEIR COMPANY AND HAD ADVISED HEM THAT THE CITY WAS NOT COMMITTED TO GO INTO THE BUSINESS. MAYOR PINSON SUGGESTED THE 2ND TUESDAY IN OCTOBER AS THE MEETING DATE. DURING THE DISCUSSION, COUNCILMAN WIARYOTT SAID THAT THE GAS COMPANY WOULD LIKE TO TELL THE(k PLAN AND HE FELT THE COUNCIL SHOULD HEAR THEM. A MOTION WAS MADE BY NESS AND SECONDED BY SUTT THAT THE COUNCIL INVITE THE CITY GAS COMPANY REPRESENTATIVES TO BE PRESENT AT THE 2ND COUNCIL MEETING IN OCTOBER, MOTION CARRIED. THE FOLLOWING APPLICAT IONS FOR RENEWAL OF LIQUOR LICENSES WERE READ TO THE COUNCIL .AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILE: TRADEWELL, INC., IVERSON BROS., ANACORTES ICE, PASTIME TAVERN, SKIPPERS TAVERN, STEINMAN'S GROCERY, AND 80SARIO GROCERY. MAYOR PINSON TOLD THE COUNCIL THAT THE BUDGET PRESENTED TO THEM AT THE LAST MEETING WAS NOT AT THAT TIME THE PRELIMINARY BUDGET AND THAT SINCE THAT TIME MEETINGS HAD BEEN HELD AND SOME REVISIONS MADE AND THAT HE WAS NOW PRESENTING AND DECLARING THE PRELIMINARY BUDGET FOR 1954 AND THEREBY .ALSO AUTHORIZING THE CLERK TO PUBLISH THE NECESSARY NOTICES AND HAVF COPIES ON FILE, MAYOR PINSON THEN PRESENTED A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF A LONG RANGE PROGRAM FOR THE CITY OF ANACORTES. HE SAID HE FELT THAT SUCH A PROGRAM WAS NFEOED AND HE THEN PASSED OUT COPIES TO ALL COUNCILMEN AND SAID THAT THERE WERE COPIES FOR THE PLANNING COMMISSION. HE INFORMED THE COUNCIL THAT HE INTENDS THIS PROGRAM TO RE A START FOR THE CITY AND CAN BE RE- VISED AS FOUND NECESSARY. THE CITY ATTORNEY REPORTED THAT AN ORDINANCE TO VACATE THE ALLEY AT THE NELSON SCHOOL PLAYFIELD IS PREPARED'. MR. ''SELLS SAID THAT HE HAD CHECKED ON THE LEGALITY OF A ONE YEAR ADDITIONAL LEVY FOR STREET PURPOSES. HE FINDS THAT IT WOULD BE IN ORDER AND THE COMMITTEE CAN PROCEED WITH THEIR ST')DY. THE CITY CLERK REPORTED THAT HE HAD AN APPLICATION FOR A TAXI DRIVERS LICENSE IN THE NAME OF MR. EDMUND FORKI'N, JR.THE MAN HAS COMPLIED WITH ALL CITY ORDINANCES AND THE APPLICATION BEARS THE APPROVAL OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. A MOTION WAS MADE BY "NEF_KLEY AND SECONDED BY MARYOTT THAT THE LICENSE BE GRANTED. MOTION CARRIED. THE CLERK THEN REPORTED THAT THE BIDS FOR REFUSE COULECT10NS IN THE CITY OF ANACORTES WERE ON HAND FOR COUNCIL CONSIDERATION. THE REPORT OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST, 1953 WAS ACCEPTED AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILE. THE REPORT OF THE POLICE JUSTICE FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST, 1953 WAS ACCEPTED AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILE. MAYOR PINSON SAID THAT HE HAD ON HAND A LIST OF THE DUTITES OF THE B'U*LDING INSPECTOR AND THE ORDINANCES UNDER WHICH HE OPERATES. ANY OF THE COUNCILMEN COULD STUDY THEM AT THEIR CONVENIENCE. MR. MCCRORY REPORTED THAT MR. KRAMER OF CAREY AND KRAMER IS IN TOWN AND WILL ATTEND THIS MEETING LATER TO MAKE A REPORT. MR. MCCRORY REPORTED THAT THE REQUEST OF THE COOS BAY PULP CORPORATION TO VACATE f146 SEPTEMBER 15, 1953 (CONT'D) A PIECE OF PROPERTY WAS STUDIED AND IT WAS FOUND THAT THE PROPERTY HAD ALREADY BEEN VACATED TO THEM SO THE MATTER IS CLEAR AND -NO FURTHER ACTION IS NECESSARY. THE REPORT OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST, 1953 WAS ACCEPTED AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILE, THE MAYOR THEN SAID THAT HEARING NO OBJECTIONS, HE WOULD SUSPEND THE THE REGULAR ORDER OF BUSINESS TO HEAR THE REPORT OF MR. KRAMER. MR. KRAMER REPORTED THE PROGRESS HIS FIRM HAS MADE. HE SAID THAT THE SRELL OIL COMPANY REQUESTS::HAVE CHANGED SOMEWHAT AND THAT THE STEAM ELECTRIC GENERATOR PLANT WILL ADD A MILLION TO TWO MILLION GALLONS DAILY TO THE TOTAL NEEDED. FUR- THER, THAT THE SHELL OIL COMPANY HAVE ADVISED THAT THEY :CONTEMPLATE DO US - LING THE CAPACITY OF THEIR PLANT IN FROM 5 TO 10 YEARS. MR. KRAMER OUTLINED THE PROGRAM THEY ARE TAKING AND THEN ANSWERED QUESTIONS POSED BY COUNCILMEN. MR. HENWOOD ASKED IF THE REPORT WOULD GIVE THE COUNCIL THE ABILITY TO OFFER A FIRM FIGURE TO THE SHELL OIL COMPANY AND MR. KRAMER SAID THAT THAT WAS THE INTENT OF THE REPORT, NIR. KRAMER SAID THAT HE WOULD HAVE A REPORT OF CONCLUSIONS PRIOR TO THE FINAL:RtEPORT. THE REPORTS SHOULD BE COMPLETE IN 4 WEEKS. MR. HENWOOD ASKED ABOUT OBTAINING THE j MILLION GALLONS" NEEDED FOR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES EARLY NEXT YEAR. NIR. KRAMER SAID THAT THEY WERE WORKING ON METHODS OF OBTAINING THIS A�4OUNT AND CHECKING WITH THE STATE HEALTH DEPARTMENT ON THE USE OF PRESSURE FILTERS. MR. FOX REPORTED FOR THE FIRE, LIGHT AND WATER COMMITTEE TO THE EFFECT THAT THE LIGHT AT THE LIBRARY WILL PROBABLY BE ORDERED SHORTLYIN AS MUCH AS ONE PERSON HAD AGREED TO PAY AND THE OTHER PARTY INVOLVED WILL BE APPROACHED AS SOON AS HE RETURNS TO THE CITY. MAYOR PINSON SAID THAT HE HAD BEEN APPROACHED BY PEOPLE WHO WOULD LIKE TO HAVE LIGHTS INSTALLED ON 22ND STREET. HE SAID THAT THEY HAD HOPED FOR A REDUCTION IN PRICE IF SEVERAL WERE INSTALLED. THE CITY CLERK EXPLAINED THAT THE RATE WAS BASED ON SO MUCH PER POLE AND THE RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL WHICH AUTHORIZED THE INSTALLATION OF THE LIGHTS IF THE FLAT FEE WERE PAID BY THE RESIDENTS AND THE FIRE, LIGHT AND NATER COMMITTEE AP- PROVED THE INSTALLATION AT THE LOCATION REQUESTED. COUNCILMAN MARYOTT REPORTED FOR THE BUILDING COMMITTEE STATING THAT HE HAD NOT HAD AN OPPORTUNITY TO TALK TOTHE REST OF THE COMMITTEE BECAUSE THE FIGURES HAD JUST BEEN RECEIVED THIS AFTERNOON AND THAT HE WOULD LIKE TO REPORT TO THE COUNCIL THAT THE CITY'S COST TO -INSTALL THE PROPER FA- CILITIES IN THE GYMNASIUM WOULD BE $390.00. THESE CHANGES ARE NECESSARY IF THE SKATING RINK IS MOVED FROM THE BALLROOM TO THE GYMNASIUM. COUNCIL- MAN HENWOOD ASKED ABOUT THE REST OF THE BUILDING AND COUNCILMAN MARYOTT EXPLAINED THAT THERE WOULD BE A SAVING IN HEAT AND IN REPAIRS TO THE BUILDING. COUNCILMAN HENWOOD SAID THAT HE THOUGHT THIS WAS A VERY FINE STEP. C!)UNC�ILMAN FOX ASKED ABOUT THE GYMNASILMFOR OTHER ACTIVITIES ASVD COUNCILMAN RIIARYOTT ADVISED THAT SOME THINGS THAT HAD BEEN HELD IN THE: EVENING WOULD NO LONGER BE POSSIBLE BUT IN GENERAL IT WOULD STILL BE POSSIBLE TO HAVE THE SAME ACTIVITIES AS BEFORE, PARTICULARLY CIVIC FUNCTIONS EUTTHAT THESE WOULO HAVE TO SE ARRANGED WITH MR. CASPER. COUNCILMEN SUTT AND 4EEKLEY SAID THAT AS MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE THEY WERE IN FAVOR OF THE REPORT GIVEN BY NIR. MARYOTT WHEREUPON A MOTION WAS MADE BY SUTT AND SECONDED BY WEEKLEY THAT THE COUNCIL ADOPT THE REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE TO MOVE THE SKATING RINK TO THE GYMNASIUM AND AUTHORIZE THE EXPENDITURE OF $390.00 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PLAN OUTLINED. AYES: FOX, NESS, SUTT, HENWOOD, MARYOTT AND 3EEKLEY. MOTION CARRIED. SUTT REPORTING FOR THE STREETS AND PARKS COMMITTEE, SAID THAT THE MONEY IS IN FOR 22ND STREET AND THIS STREET WILL BE PAVED SOON. HE SAID THERE WAS SOME MISUNDERSTANDING ABOUT SOME OTHER STREETS BUT THAT 22ND WOULD BE ALL FOR THIS YEAR. COUNCILMAN NESS SAID THAT RIE NOTED THAT THE BIDS WERE ON HAND FOR THE REFUSE COLLECTION CONTRACT AND SIJGGESTED THAT THEY BE OPENED AT THIS TIME. MAYOR PINSON ASKED IF THERE WERE ANY OBJECTIONS TO OPENING THE BIDS AT THIS TIME AND HEARING NONE, AUTHORIZED THE CLERK TO OPEN AND READ THE BIDS. THE FIRST BID OPENED WAS FROM THE LAKE CITY DISPOSAL COMPANY, WHO OFFE=RED TO ACCEPT 75% OF THE GROSS INCOME AND AGREED TO USE COVERED TRUCKS. THE 2ND AND LAST BID OPENED WAS FROM MR. HARRY 1 1 1 1 SEPTEMBER 15, 1953 ( CONT'D DAVIS, WHO OFFERED TO ACCEPT 95% OF ALL FEES COLLECTED AND AGREED TO IUSE A HIGH PRESSURE REFUSE COMPACTING TRUCK. MAYOR PINSON STATED THAT HEOkRING NO OBJECTIONS HE WOULD REFER THE BIDS TO THE PRINTING AND HE'1LTH COKJNITTEE FOR STUDY AND REPORT TO THE COUNCIL COUNCILMAN WEEKLEY REPORTING FOR THE LICENSE AND POLICE COMMITTEE CALLED THE COUNCIL'S ATTENTION TO THE EXCELLENT JOB OF HANDLING PARKING METERS AS SHOWN BY THEIR MONTHLY REPORT. . THE CITY CLERK READ A PETITION WHICH CONTAINED 37 SIGNATURES AND REQUESTED THAT THE COUNCIL CONSIDER ESTABLISHING CROSS WALKS IN THE MID BLOCK ALLEY IN THE BLOCKS FROM 5TH TO 9TH STREETS. 147 COUNCILMAN FOX CALLED ATTENTION TO THE AUTOMOBILE CONGESTION AT THE PRESENT TIME AND SAID THAT IT WOULD BE WORSE IF CROSS WALKS WERE fNeI"IDOL E°f ESTABLISHED EVERY 100'.WHICH WOULD BE THE EFFECT OF ESTABLISHING CROSS WALKS IN INAA 216' BLOCK. MAYOR PINSON SAID TH%T HE AGREED WITH MR. FOX: CHIEF OF POLICE GOFF SUGGESTED THAT THE COUNCIL CONSIDER THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH A REQUEST BEING MADE IN ALL THE BLOCKS ON COMMERCIAL AVENUE IF THIS PETITION WAS GRANTED. HE ADVISED THAT MORE JUDGEMENT WOULD BE NECESSARY IN CROSSING IN THE MIDDEE OF THE BLOCK AND SAID THAT THIS WOULD TEND TO MAKE IT MORE DIFFICULT FOR CH)LDREN. VURING THE DISCUSSION IT WAS INDICATED THAT THE COUNCILMEN DID NOT FEEL THAT CROSS WALKS WERE NEEDED IN A 216' BLOCK. HOWEVER, A MOTION WAS MADE BY SUTT AND SECONDED BY MARYOTT THAT THF PETITION BE REFERRED TO THE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. THE CITY ATTORNEY THEN READ A PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO VACATE AN ALLEY IN BLOCK 69 GRIFFIN'S FIRST ADDITI-ON. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY W EEKLEY AND SECONDED BY HENWOOD THAT THE ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED .AND GIVEN #1112. MR. MCCRORY ASKED IF THE ORDINANCE SHOULD NOT PROVIDE FOR ACCESS TO THE SEWER. THE -CITY ATTORNEY SAID THAT HE INTENRE�D,;.O OBTAIN AGREEMENTS FROM THE SCHOOL DISTRICT AND THE MARINEER'S PAGEANTATHAT AT SUCH TIME AS THE.PLAYFIELD WAS NO LONGER USED FOR ITS PRESENT PURPOSES, THAT THEY WOULD RE -DEDICATE THE ALLEY TO THE CITY. AFTER DISCUSSION COUNCILMAN VIEEKLEY WITHDREW HIS MOTION AND COUNCILMAN HENWOOD HIS SECOND TO THE MOTION AD- OPTING THE ORDINANCE AND MAYOR PINSON ASKED THE CITY ATTORNEY TO PROCEED WITH THE OBTAINING OF THE AGREEMENTS WITH THE SCHOOL DISTRICT AND THE WlARINEER'S PAGEANT AND STATED FURTHER THAT THE ORDINANCE WOULD AGAIN BE AVAILABLE AT THE NEXT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. COUNCILMAN MARYOTT SAID THAT MR. PHIL ROBERTS WAS INTENDING TO BUILD AN AUTO COURT AND HAD ,,AIS�KoED `Njoy TO LOOK. 1 NTO THE POSSIBILITY OF CONNECTING TO THE SEWER IN THEAPLAYFIELD. NO ACTION WAS TAKEN. THE REPORT OF THE CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY OF ANACORTES FOR THE FIRST HALF OF SEPTEMBER, 1953 WAS READ TO THE COUNCIL. THERE BEING NO OBJECTIONS THE CLAIMS WERE REFERRED 1D THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. UPON FAVORABLE REPORT BY THE FINANCE COMMITTEE A MOTION WAS MADE BY 'WEEKLEY AND SECONDED BY NESS THAT THE CLAIMS BE ALLOWED AND WARRANTS DRAWN IN FAVOR OF THE SAME. AYES: FOX, NESS, SUTT, HENWOOD, MARYOTT AND W EEKLEY. MOTION CARRIED. (VERS. NEWLAND ASKED IF THE STREET DEPARTMENT IS CUTTING THE WEEDS ON PARKING STRIPS.FOR ALL PEOPLE. MR. THORENE SAID THAT HE TRIED TO CUT AS MANY AS POSSIBLE PAYING PARTICULAR ATTtNTION TO LOCATIONS WHICH CREATED A TRAFFIC HAZARD. HE SAID THAT HE WOULD LIKE TO SEE THE WEED ORDINANCE ENFORCED AND DURING THE DISCUSSION IT WAS BROUGHT OUT THAT IT WAS TOO LATE FOR THIS YEAR BUT IT COULD BE SET UP FOR NEXT YEAR, PARS. NEWLAND THEN ASKED ABOUT MR. RUSSEL'S LOGGING EQUIPMENT, ETC. ON 6TH STREET. NO ACTION WAS TAKEN, A MOTION WAS MADE BY WEEKLEY AND SECONDED BY MARYOTT THAT THE COUNCIL ADJOURN AT 9:15 P.M.. MOTION CARRIED.. l MAYOR ATTEST: t,� ' t t31 TY"CLERK �/ j OCTOBER 5, 1953 THE ANNUAL MEETING REQUIRED BY LAW TO BEGIN THE CONSIDERATION OF -THE FINAL BUDGET OF THE CITY OF ANACORTES FOR THE YEAR 1954 WAS CALLED TO ORDER AT 7.:30 P.M. BY CITY CLERK PAUL FLINT, JR. THE ROLL WAS CALLED AND NO COUNCILMEN WERE PRESENT. CITY ATTORNEY W. V. 'WELLS WAS PRESENT. CITY CLERK PAUL FLINT ASKED IF THERE WERE ANY PROTESTS AGAINST THE 1954 BUDGET. NONE WERE HEARD. CITY CLERK PAUL FLINT THEN STATED THAT BECAUSE THERE IS NOT A QUORUM PRESENT, THIS MEETING OF THE COUNCIL IS ADJOURNED AT 8:00 O'CLOCK P.M. UNTIL 7:30 O'CLOCK P.M., OCTOBER t+, 1953. MAYOR ATTEST CITY CLERK OCTOBER 5, 1953 A REGULAR MEICTING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANACORTES WAS CALLED TO ORDER AT 7:45 P.M. CJITH MAYOR PINSON PRESIDING. -REV. PENDLETON, PASTOR OF THE CONGREGATI'.)NAL CHURCH, GAVE THE INVO- CATION. THE ROLL 'HAS -CALLED AND NESS,-SUTT, MUSTACICH AND 4EEKLEY WERE PRESENT. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 15,1953 WERE CONSIDERED AND A MOTION WAS MADE BY VEEKLEY AND -SECONDED BY SUTT THAT DUE TO THE FACT THAT EACH COUNCILMAN HAS HAD A COPY FOR STUDY, THE MINUTES BE APPROVED AS IF READ. MOTION CARRIED. A LETTER FROM PAUL MURKER OF THE ISLAND BUS COMPANY WAS READ AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILE. THE LETTER INTRODUCED THE NEIN OWNERS, MESSRS. SALTER AND REX CASE. MR. MURKER THEN INTRODUCED THEM FROM THE FLOOR AND MAYOR PINSON WELCOMED THEM TO THE CITY OF ANACORTES. A LETTER FROM BEN DRIFTMIER ON BEHALF OF NAYNARD LEWIS AS SPOKES- MAN FOR RESIDENTS OF J AVENUE FROM 22ND TO 29TH STREETS WAS READ TO THE COUNCIL. THE LETTER REQUESTED THAT THE COUNCIL .AUTHORIZE THE CITY ENGINEER AND THE CITY ATTORNEY TO ASSIST IN OBTAINING DESCRIPTIOIw OF PROPERTY THAT SHOULD BE CONVEYED TO THE CITY SO THAT J -AVENUE COULD BE WIDENED TO A STREET SIZE. AFTER DISCUSSION A MOTION WAS MADE BY MUST4CICH AND SECONDED BY SUTT THAT THE CITY COUNCIL Af)TH7RIZE THE ATTORNEY AND ENGINEER TO PROCEED AS REQUESTED IN THE LETTER. MOTION CARRIED. A LETTER FROM MORGAN, LEWIS AND BOCKIUS, INFORMANG THE COUNCIL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE FEDERAL POWER COP4"ISSION HEARING ON GAS ALLOCA- TIONS WAS READ AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILE. A LETTER FROM THE NEST COAST TELEPHONE COMPANY REQUESTING THAT THE COUNCIL CONSIDER AN ORDINANCE CONVEYING THE ONE FOOT OF PROPERTY.PRE- VIOUSLY SOLD TO THE SEST COAST TELEPHONE COMPANY WAS READ AND THE CITY ATTORNEY SAID THAT HE WOULD PREPARE A PROPOSED ORDINANCE FOR COUNCIL CONSIDERATION AT ITS NEXT MEETING. THERE BEING NO OBJECTI)NS, MAYOR PINSON SO ORDERED. A LETTER FROM DR. ERNEST S. BOOTH, 4ALLA WALLA COLLEGE, REQIJESTING THAT THE CITY ASSIST THEM IN OBTAININD PROPERTY AND UTILITIES FOR A PRO- POSED NEW SCHOOL TO BE ERECTED IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD OF SUNSET BEACH WAS READ AND HEARING NO OBJECTIONS, MAYOR PINSON REFERRED THE MATTER TO THE STREETS AND PARKS COMMITTEE.• THE CITY CLERK REPORTED THAT IN ACCORDANCE WITH REQUESTS OF A MAJORITY OF THE COUNCILMEN, HE HAD WRITTEN TO THE PUBLIC HOUSING ADMINISTRATION REQUESTING THAT THEY HOLD THE FURNITURE IN THE UNUSED PORTION OF THE ANACORTES HOUSING AUTHORITY UNTIL A DISPOSITION OF THE UNITS IS DECIDED UPON. HE ALSO REPORTED THAT HE HAD REQUESTED ASSISTANCE FROM SENATOR JACKSON AND CONGRESSMAN 3ESTLAND AND THEN READ LETTERS OF ACKNOINLEDGER4ENT FROM THOSE GENTLEMEN. BOTH LETTERS INDICATED THAT THE SENATOR AND CONGRESSMAN WOULD AiSI.ST IN EVERY WAY POSSIBLE. cry OCTOBER 6, 1953 (CONT'D) A LETTER FROM THE COOS BAY PULP COMPANY REQUESTING THE OPENING OF NEGOTIATIONS FOR A NEW WATER CONTRACT TO BE EFFECTIVE JANUARY IST 1954 WA'3 READ AND HEARING NO OBJECTIONS, MAYOR PINSON REFERRED THE REQUEST TO THE FIRE LIGHT AND WATER COMMITTEE. THE FOLLOWING APPLICATIONS FOR RENEWAL OF LIQUOR -LICENSES WERE READ TO THE COUNCIL AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILE: FRATERNAL ORDER OF' EAGLES, BROWN LANTERN TAVERN,MAC'S MARKET, ETTER'S GROCERY, AMERICAN LEGION, B.P.O. ELKS, RED LION TAVERN, RAINBOW TAVERN, LOG CABIN TAVERN, ANCHOR INN, NEW WILSON TAVERN', MIDWAY TAVERN, JORGENSEN'S, SUCIA REEF, THE COMMERCIAL TAVERN & MARINE CLUB. MAYOR PINSON SAID THAT HE HAD MET WITH THE MAYORS OF CITIES OF SKAGIT COUNTY AND HAD' ASKED THEM TO SEEK COUNTY ZONING FROM THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. HE REPORTED THAT THE MAYORTWERE ALL VERY COOPERATIVE AND HAD AUTHORIZED THAT A RESOLUTION BE DRAWN. THIS RESOLUTION WILL BE SIGNED BY THE MAYORS AND PRESENTED TO THE COMMISSIONERS AT THEIR MEETING NEXT WEEK. MAYOR PINSON THEN REMINDED 'THE COUNCILMEN AND CITY OFFICIAL OF THE REGIONAL MEETING OF THE ASSOCIATION OF WASHINGTON CITIES ON OCTOBER 23RD AT SEDRO=NOOLLEY. HE REQUESTED THAT EVERYONE MAKE AN EFFORT TO ATTEND, THE CITY ATTORNEY REPORTED THAT HE HAD TWO ORDINANCES READY FOR COUNCIL CONSIDERATION AND A CHANGED ORDINANCE TO VACATE THE ALLEY AT THE NELSON -SCHOOL PLAYFIELD. HE ALSO HAS A PROPOSED LEASE PREPARED FOR THE SKATING RINK IN THE GYMNASIUM. THE CITY CLERK REPORTED THAT HE HAD CALLED THE REGULAR MEETING TO ORDER ON OCTOBER 5TH'AND HAD NOT FOUND A QUORUM PRESENT. CITY ATTORNEY NIR. +JELLS WAS PRESENT AND THEY NOTED THAT THERE WERE NONE PRESENT TO BE HEARD FOR OR AGAINST THE 1954 PRELIMINARY BUDGET. THE REPORT OF -THE TREASURER FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER, 1953 WAS ACCEPTED AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILE, THE REPORT OF THE INATER DEPARTMENT FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER, 1953 WAS ACCEPTED AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILE. THE REPORT OF THE STREET DEPARTMENT FOR THE MONTH'OF SEPTEMBER, 1953 WAS ACCEPTED AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILE. THE REPORT OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER, 1953 WAS ACCEPTED AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILE, COUNCILMAN'MUSTACICH REPORTED THAT THE FINANCE COMMITTEE WAS PRESENT- ING A RESOLUTION EMPLOYING WM. P. HARPER AND SON AND COMPANY IN ACCOR- DANCE WITH THE MOTION PASSED AT THE REGULAR MEETING, AUGUST 4, 1953. HE SAID THAT HIS COMMITTEE RECOM�AENDED THAT THE COUNCIL ADOPT'THIS RESOLU- TION. THE CITY CLERK READ THE PROPOSED RESOLUTION AND A MOTION WAS MADE BY W EEKLEY AND SECONDED BY NESS THAT THE RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AND THE MAYOR AND CLERK A!JTHORIZED TO SIGN. AYES: NESS, SUTT, MUSTACICH AND :9EF_KLEY. MOTION CARRIED. MR. M'1STACICH'THEN REPORTED FOR THE FIRE, LIGHT AND WATER COMMITTEE STATING THAT THEY RECOMMENDED THAT THE COUNCIL AUTHORIZE THE SALE OF THE SERIES F. BONDS OWNED BY THE CEMETERY IMPROVEMENT FUND AND THAT THE MONEY BE USED TO PURCHASE MORE REMUNERATIVE SECURITIES. MR. MUSTACICH EXPLAIN- ED THAT THE CEMETERY DEPARTMENT NEEDS A REG'1LAR INCOME AND THE INTEREST FROM THE CHANGE IN THE TYPE OF INVESTMENTS WILL MATERIALLY AID THEM. THE COMMITTEE FURTHER RECOMMENDED THAT THF COUNCIL AUTHORIZE THE PURCHASE OF $10,000.00 OF BONDS OF THE CITY OF MCCWRY AND FURTHER THAT THE CITY PURCHASE THREE ANACORTES WATER REVENUE -BONDS, WHICH ARE AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME. DURING THE DISCUSSION, MR. SCHLICTING OF-WM. P. HARPER AND SDN AND COMPANY EXPLAINEDrDIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE DIFFERENT TYPES OF INVESTMENTS AND NIR. MUSTACICH SAID THAT HIS COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED ACTION. A MOTION WAS MADE BY SUTT AND SECONDED BY NEEKLEY THAT THE COUNCIL ADOPT THE RECOhRMENDATION OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. AYES: NESS, SUTT, MUSTACICH AND 'WEEKLEY. MOTION CARRIED. 150 OCTOBER 6, 1953 (CONT'D) THE CITY CLERK REPORTED ON BEHALF OF MR. MARYOTT, CHAIRMAN OF THE BUILDING COR4441TTEE, WHO WAS NOT PRESENT AND ADVISED THE COUNCIL THAT ALL THE MEASURES NECESSARY FOR REMOVAL OF THE SKATING RINK FROM THE BALLROOM TO THE'GYMNASIUM 4Y THEFTHE EXCEPTION OF THE LEASE WHICH MR. WELLS HAS PREPARED. THE MAYOR THEN ASKED THE CLERK TO READ THE PRO- POSED LEASE. AFTER THE READING.OF THE LEASE, A MOTION WAS MADE BY MUSTACICH AND SECONDED BY :WEEKLF_Y THAT THE LEASE BE ADOPTED AND THE MAYOR AND CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN ON BEHALF OF THE CITY. AYES: NESS, SUTT, MUSTACICH AND VIEEKIEY. MOTION CARRIED. THE CLERK THEN REPORTED THAT HE HAD WRITTEN TO MR. CARLSON REGARD- ING THE CONTRACT TO RAZE THE OLD FIRE HALL AND POLICE STATION AND STATED THAT HE HAD HEARD FROM AN INSURANCE COMPANY THAT MR. CARLSON WAS ENDEAV- ORING TO OBTAIN LIABILITY INSURANCE. HE SAID THAT IT WAS FURTHER INDI- CATED THAT MR. CARLSON WOULD LIKE ADDITIONAL TIME IN WHICH TO COMPLETE THE CONTRACT AFTER IT IS SIGNED. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY MUSTACICH AND SECONDED BY SUTT THAT A DEADLINE OF 30 DAYS FROM TONIGHT BE SET AS A TIME IN WHICH MR. CARLSON MUST QUALIFY UNDER THE CONTRACT. THE CITY CLERK WAS TO NOTIFY MR. CARLSON. MOTION CARRIED. CHAIRMAN SUTT REPORTED FOR THE STREETS AND PARKS COMMITTEE BY ADVISING THE COUNCIL THAT 22ND WOULD BE PAVED TOMORROW. CHAIRMAN NESS REPORTED FOR THE PRINTING AND HEALTH COMMITTEE STATING THAT THEY RECOMMENDED THAT THE COUNCIL REJECT ALL BIDS FOR A GARBAGE CONTRACT AND THE CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO CALL FOR NEW BIDS. A MOTION WAS MADE BY NESS AND SECONDED BY NEEKLEY THAT THE CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO CALL FOR NEW BIDS. DURING THE DISCUSSION, COUNCILMAN NESS SAID THAT IT WOULD BE ADVISABLE FOR THE COUNCIL TO CONSIDER A NEW TYPE OF TRUCK BEFORE CALLING FOR BIDS IN ORDER THAT THE SPECIFICATIONS MAY BE CHANGED AS DEEMED ADVISABLE BY THE COMMITTEE. THE QUESTION WAS CALL FOR AND THE MOTION CARRIED, COUNCILMAN WEEKLEY REPORTING FOR THE LICENSE AND POLICE CONIMITTEE SAID THAT THE CONSTABLE OF THE ANACORTES PRECINCT, MR. SILAS BRAND, HAD RECEIVED A PARKING TICKET WHILE ON OFFICIAL B'JSINESS AND REQUESTED THAT THE COUNCIL REVIEW THE CASE FOR FUTURE WORK THAT HE WILL PERFORM. POLICE CHIEF GOFF SAID THAT THE COUNCIL HAD MADE A POLICY THAT CARDS BE ISSUED BY HIS DEPARTMENT TO BE USED ON WINDSHIELDS WHEN CARS WERE ON OFFICIAL B'1SINESS. MR. GOFF WAS NOT CLEAR HOW THE CASE OF MR. BRAND SHOULD BE HANDLED. HE SAID THAT MR. BRAND DOES DO SOME WORK, WHICH, IF HE WERE NOT AVAILABLE, WOULD FALL UPON THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. HE SAID THAT HIS DEPARTMENT WOULD NOT DISAPPROVE THE ISSUANCE OF THE CARD IF THE COUNCIL DESIRES THAT MR. BRAND BE CONSIDERED AS0,1NON�OFFICIAL CITY BUSINESS. MR. WEEKLEY THEN ASKED MR. BRAND IF HE WOULD DESCRIBE HIS WORK TO THE COUNCIL AND NIR. BRAND DID SO. MR. NEEKLEY THEN SAID THAT HIS COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED THE ISSUANCE OF THE CARD TO MR. BRAND AND A MOTION WAS MADE BY MUSTACICH AND SECONDED BY SUTT THAT A CARD BE ISSUED BY THE POLICE DEPARTMENT TO MR. BRAND FOR USE WHEN HE IS ON OFFICIAL CITY BUSINESS. MOTION CARRIED. COUNCILMAN 'NEEKLEY THEN COMMENDED THE POLICE DEPART54ENT ON THEIR WORK IN TAKING CARE OF THE PARKING METERS. MR. MUSTACICH REPORTED FOR THE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE, SAYING THAT THAT COMMITTEE WAS HEREBY REPORTING FAVORABLY ON THE'BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ORDINANCE AND RECOMMENDED ITS ADOPTION BY THE COUNCIL. THE CITY ATTORNEY READ THE PROPOSED BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ORDINANCE. THE CITY ATTORNEY REPORTED THAT THE PLANNING COMMISSION HAD HELD A PUBLIC HEARING ON THIS ORDINANCE AND NO OBJECTIONS WERE VOICED AT THAT HEARING. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MUSTACICH AND SECONDED BY SUTT THAT THE COUNCIL ADOPT THIS ORDI- NANCE AND GIVE IT #1112. DURING THE DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY 4EEKLEY AND SECONDED BY NESS THAT THE CITY CLERK ACT AS SECRETARY OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT. MOTION CAR9i ED. THE QUESTI.ON WAS CALLED ROR ON THE MOTION TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE. AYES: NESS, SWTT, MUSTACICH AND dEEKLEY. MOTION CARRIED. 1 1 1 151 OCTOBER 6, 1953 (CONT'D) MAYOR PINSON THEN ASKED THE COUNCILMEN IF THEY HAD ANY CHANGES TO RECOMMEND FOR THE PRELIMINARY BUf'GET. NO CHANGES BEING SUGGESTED, MAYOR PINSON ASKED THE CITY ATTORNEY TO READ THE PROPOSED BUDGET ORDINANCE. THE MAYOR THEN ASKED IF THERE WAS ANYONE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WOULD LIKE TO MAKE ANY STATEMENTS FOR OR AGAINST THE PROPOSED BUDGET FOR 1954. NONE WERE HEARD. A MOTION WAS MADE BY 'VEEKLEY AND SECONDED BY NESS THAT THE ORDI- NANCE BE ADOPTED AND GIVEN NO. 1115. AYES: NESS, SUTT, MUSTACICH AND VEEKLEY. MOTION CARRIED. THE CITY ATTORNEY THEN READ THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE 1954 MILLAGE LEVY. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MUSTACICH AND SECONDED BY '9EEKLEY THAT THE ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AND GIVEN N0. 1116. AYES: NESS, SUTT, MUSTA@ICH AND WEEKLEY. MOTION CARRIED. COUNCILMAN SUTT ASKED IF THE T. V. FRANCHISE ISSUED TO MR. BACON WAS EXCLUSIVE. THE CITY ATTORNEY STATED THAT IT WAS NOT AN EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE AND IF THE COUNCIL DESIRED, VIOLATIONS OF THE ORDINANCE HAD UNDOUBTELY BEEN MADE, AND THE ORDINANCE COULD BE REPEALED. HOWEVER, HE SUGGESTED THAT MR. BACON BE GIVEN NOTICE BEFORE FINAL ACTION IS TAKEN. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTIONWAS MADE BY SUTT AND SECONDED BY MUSTACICH THAT THE CITY ATTORNEY NOTIFY MR. BACON THAT HE HAS 30 DAYS IN WHICH TO COMPLOY WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE FRANCHISE. MOTION CARRIED. THE CITY ATTORNEY SUGGESTED THAT SOME ACTION BE TAKEN WITH REGARD TO THE TRANSFER OF THE BUS COMPANY FRANCHISE TO THE NEW OWNERS. HE SAID THAT ANY ACTION SHOULD BE CONFIRMED AT THE NEXT MEETING BECAUSE A VOTE OF FIVE WASNEEDED. HOWEVER, THE COUNCIL COULD'INDICATE WHAT THAT ACTION MIGHT BE BY TAKING SOME ACTION THIS EVENING. AFTER DISCUSSION A MOTION WAS MADE BY MUSTACICH AND SECONDED BY JEEKLEY THAT THE COUNCIL RECOGNIZE THAT CASE BROS. AS OPERATING THE BUS SYSTEM AND AS THE SUCCESSORS TO PAUL MURKER AND THAT THE COUNCIL AUTHORIZE THEM TO OPERATE UNDER THAT FRANCHISE. MOTION CARRIED. A CLAIM OF HALTER NELL3 AGAINST THE WATER DEPARTMENT FOR $50.00 DAMAGE TO HIS OATS CAUSED BY A LEAK IN THE WATER MAIN WAS READ AND THE MAYOR STATED THAT HEARING NO OBJECTIONS, HE WOULD REFER THE MATTER TO THE FIRE, LIGHT AND WATER COMMITTEE AND THE CITY ATTORNEY. MR. MCCRORY SAID THAT THE CITY DOES NOT HAVE ENOUGH PORTABLE PUMP" CAPACITY TO REPAIR LARGE BREAKS IN THE WATER MAIN. THE LAST BREAK IN THE LINE REQ'J I RED THE BORROWING OF A 4" PUMP FROM N.A. •.S. WH I DBY. MR. MCCRORY SAID THAT HE WOULD LIKE TO SUGGEST THAT THE COUNCIL AUTHORIZE HIM TO DRAW SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE PURCHASE OF A 4" PUMP INSTALLED ON A PHEUMATIC TIRED CHASSIS WITH A TRAILER HITCH AND FURTHER THAT THE CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO CALL FOR BIDS. THE COST OF THE PUMP WOULD BE APPROXIMATELY $1,100.00. AFTER DISCUSSION A MOTION WAS MADE BY ISEKKLEY AND SECONDED BY MUSTACICH THAT THE WATER SUPERINTENDENT DRAW THE SPECIFICATIONS AND THE CITY CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO CALL FOR BIDS FOR THE PUMP AS SUGGESTED AND THE BID CALL DATE BE SET AS NOVEMBER 3RD, 1953. AYES: NESS, SUTT, MUSTACICH AND WEEKLEY. MOTION CARRIED. THE CITY ATTORNEY READ A PROPOSED ORDINANCE GOVERNING THE WEIGHTS OF TRUCKS ON CITY HIGHWAYS, STREETS AND ALLEYS. CHIEF GOFF TOLD THE COUNCIL THAT THE ORDINANCE WAS REQUIRED BECAUSE WHEN HIS DEPARTMENT 'FINDS THAT A TRUCK IS OVERLOADED, THE CASE GOES BEFORE THE JUSTICE COURT AND THE FINE I� PAID TO THE COUNTY AND THE STATE'.. WITH THE PASSAGE, VIOLATIONS FOUND WITHIN THE CITY OF ANACORTES•;WOULD BE TRIED IN THE POLICE COURT AND THE REVENUE WOULD ACCRUE TO THE CITY. A:MOTION•WAS MADE BY MUSTACICH AND SECONDED BY !wEEKLEY THAT THE ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AND GIVEN•N0. 1113. AYES: NESS, SUTT, MUSTACICH AND WEEKLEY. MOTION CARRIED. THE OITY ATTORNEY THEN -READ THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE VACATING THE ALLEY AT THE NELSON SCHOOL GROUNDS. A MOTION WAS MADE BY SUTT AND SECONDED BY WEEKLEY THAT THE COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AND GIVE IT NO. 1114. AYES: NESS, SUTT, MUSTACICH AND WEEKLEY. MOTION CARRIED. MAYOR PINSON THEN ASKED THE COUNCILMEN IF THEY HAD ANY CHANGES TO RECOMMEND FOR THE PRELIMINARY BUf'GET. NO CHANGES BEING SUGGESTED, MAYOR PINSON ASKED THE CITY ATTORNEY TO READ THE PROPOSED BUDGET ORDINANCE. THE MAYOR THEN ASKED IF THERE WAS ANYONE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WOULD LIKE TO MAKE ANY STATEMENTS FOR OR AGAINST THE PROPOSED BUDGET FOR 1954. NONE WERE HEARD. A MOTION WAS MADE BY 'VEEKLEY AND SECONDED BY NESS THAT THE ORDI- NANCE BE ADOPTED AND GIVEN NO. 1115. AYES: NESS, SUTT, MUSTACICH AND VEEKLEY. MOTION CARRIED. THE CITY ATTORNEY THEN READ THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE 1954 MILLAGE LEVY. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MUSTACICH AND SECONDED BY '9EEKLEY THAT THE ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AND GIVEN N0. 1116. AYES: NESS, SUTT, MUSTA@ICH AND WEEKLEY. MOTION CARRIED. COUNCILMAN SUTT ASKED IF THE T. V. FRANCHISE ISSUED TO MR. BACON WAS EXCLUSIVE. THE CITY ATTORNEY STATED THAT IT WAS NOT AN EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE AND IF THE COUNCIL DESIRED, VIOLATIONS OF THE ORDINANCE HAD UNDOUBTELY BEEN MADE, AND THE ORDINANCE COULD BE REPEALED. HOWEVER, HE SUGGESTED THAT MR. BACON BE GIVEN NOTICE BEFORE FINAL ACTION IS TAKEN. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTIONWAS MADE BY SUTT AND SECONDED BY MUSTACICH THAT THE CITY ATTORNEY NOTIFY MR. BACON THAT HE HAS 30 DAYS IN WHICH TO COMPLOY WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE FRANCHISE. MOTION CARRIED. THE CITY ATTORNEY SUGGESTED THAT SOME ACTION BE TAKEN WITH REGARD TO THE TRANSFER OF THE BUS COMPANY FRANCHISE TO THE NEW OWNERS. HE SAID THAT ANY ACTION SHOULD BE CONFIRMED AT THE NEXT MEETING BECAUSE A VOTE OF FIVE WASNEEDED. HOWEVER, THE COUNCIL COULD'INDICATE WHAT THAT ACTION MIGHT BE BY TAKING SOME ACTION THIS EVENING. AFTER DISCUSSION A MOTION WAS MADE BY MUSTACICH AND SECONDED BY JEEKLEY THAT THE COUNCIL RECOGNIZE THAT CASE BROS. AS OPERATING THE BUS SYSTEM AND AS THE SUCCESSORS TO PAUL MURKER AND THAT THE COUNCIL AUTHORIZE THEM TO OPERATE UNDER THAT FRANCHISE. MOTION CARRIED. A CLAIM OF HALTER NELL3 AGAINST THE WATER DEPARTMENT FOR $50.00 DAMAGE TO HIS OATS CAUSED BY A LEAK IN THE WATER MAIN WAS READ AND THE MAYOR STATED THAT HEARING NO OBJECTIONS, HE WOULD REFER THE MATTER TO THE FIRE, LIGHT AND WATER COMMITTEE AND THE CITY ATTORNEY. MR. MCCRORY SAID THAT THE CITY DOES NOT HAVE ENOUGH PORTABLE PUMP" CAPACITY TO REPAIR LARGE BREAKS IN THE WATER MAIN. THE LAST BREAK IN THE LINE REQ'J I RED THE BORROWING OF A 4" PUMP FROM N.A. •.S. WH I DBY. MR. MCCRORY SAID THAT HE WOULD LIKE TO SUGGEST THAT THE COUNCIL AUTHORIZE HIM TO DRAW SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE PURCHASE OF A 4" PUMP INSTALLED ON A PHEUMATIC TIRED CHASSIS WITH A TRAILER HITCH AND FURTHER THAT THE CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO CALL FOR BIDS. THE COST OF THE PUMP WOULD BE APPROXIMATELY $1,100.00. AFTER DISCUSSION A MOTION WAS MADE BY ISEKKLEY AND SECONDED BY MUSTACICH THAT THE WATER SUPERINTENDENT DRAW THE SPECIFICATIONS AND THE CITY CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO CALL FOR BIDS FOR THE PUMP AS SUGGESTED AND THE BID CALL DATE BE SET AS NOVEMBER 3RD, 1953. AYES: NESS, SUTT, MUSTACICH AND WEEKLEY. MOTION CARRIED. 152 OCTOBER 6, 1953 .( CONT' D) THE REPORT OF THE CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY OF ANACORTES FOR THE MONTH'OF SEPTEMBER, 1953 WAS READ TO THE COUNCIL. THERE BEING NO OB— JECTIONS, THE CLAIMS WERE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. COUNCILMEN SUTT AND WEEKLEY WERE APDOINTED 8Y MAYOR-PINSON TO SERVE ON -THE FINANCE COMMITTEE DURING THE ABSENCE OF HENWOOD AND MARYOTT. A MOTION WAS MADE BY WEEKLEY AND SECONDED BY NESS THAT THE CLAIMS BE ALLOWED AND IVARRANTS DRAWN IN FAVOR OF THE SAME. AYES: NESS, SUTT, MUSTACICH AND WEEKLEY. MOTION CARRIED. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MUSTACICH AND SECONDED BY WEEKLEY THAT THE COUNCIL ADJOURN AT 9:45 P.M. MOTION CARRIED. ATTEST: SCI Y CLERK s OCTOBER 20, 1953 1 MAYOR A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY YOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANACORTES WAS CALLED TO ORDER AT 7:30 P.M. WITH MAYOR-PINSON PRESIDING. REV, PENDLETON, PASTOR OF THE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, GAVE THE INVO- CATION. THE ROLL WAS CALLED AND FOX, NESS, SUTT, HENWOOD AND MUSTACICH WERE PRESENT, THE MINUTES OF -THE MEETING OF OCTOBER 6, 1953 WERE CONSIDERED AND A MOTION WAS MADE BY SUTT AND SECONDED BY NESS THAT DUE TO THE FACT THAT EACH COUNCILMAN HAS HAD A COPY FOR STUDY, THE MINUTES BE APPROVED AS IF READ. MOTION CARRIED. A LETTER FROM THE ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH, REQUESTING PERMISSION TO USE TRAFFIC SIGN AT (0TH AND 0 DURING THE PERIOD OF THE SUNDAY SCHOOL WAS READ TO THE COUNCIL. A MOTION WAS MADE BY SUTT AND SECONDED BY NESS THAT THE REQUEST BE REFERRED TO THE CHIEF OF POLICE WITH AUTHORIu ZATION TO ACT, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUEST CONTAINED IN THE LETTER, MOTION CARRIED, A LETTER FROM THE ISLAND BUS COMPANY REQUESTING PERMISSION TO INSTALL A NEW SCHEDULE OF BUS SERVICE WAS READ ANO OJUNCILMAN SUTT SUGGEST— ED THAT IT BE REFERRED TO COMMITTEE FOR STUDY. MAYOR PINSON HEARING NO OBJECTIONS REFERRED TH MATTER TO THE STREETS AND PARKS COMMi" FOR REPORT AT THE NEXT COUNCIL MEETING. COUNCILMAN HENWOOD COMMENDED THE FIRM ON THEIR HANDLING OF BUS TRANSPORTATION SO FAR.. A LETTER FROM FORTUNE'S BAKERY REQUESTING THIO'THE CITY CONSIDER ENACTING A PEDDLERS' ORDINANCE SIMILAR TO THE ONE IN FORCE IN SEDRO WOOLLEY WAS READ TO THE COUNCIL.' BOB GINNET-T THEN TOLD THE COUNCIL OF THE URGENT NEED TO STOP THE PASTERY PEDDLERS AND VARIOUS OTHEkjIN THE CITY. MAYOR PINSON, HEARING NO OBJECTIONS, REFERRED THE REQUEST TO THE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE. COUNCILMAN HENWOOD SAID HE WOULD ATTEMPT TO HAVE APPROPOSAL READY FOR THE NEXT MEETING. COUNCILMAN FOX SAID THAT THE PUBLIC NEEDED TO BE EDUCATED IN CAUTION WHEN.SIGNING CONTRACT WITH OUTSIDE PEDDLERS. IT WAS MENTIONED THAT THE ANACORTES STUDY SURVEY MAY HELP. A TRANSFER OF LIQUOR LICENSE FOR THE COMMERCIAL TAVERN FROM GEET GOURD AND BARNEY E. BENNETT TO R. B. MCWHENNEY WAS READ AND HEARING NO OBJECTIONS, MAYOR PINSON ORDERED IT PLACED ON FILE, A LETTER FROM.DRIFTMIER AND DRIFTMIER, ATTORNEYS FOR MR. MURDOCK REQUESTING THAT THE CITY ACCEPT $5.00 IN FULL PAYMENT FOR AN L.I.D. ASSESSMENT WAS READ AND A MOTION.WAS MADE BY HENWOOD SECONDED BY NESS THAT THE CITY ACCEPT THE $5.00 AND AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AND CLERK TO SIGN A WARRANTY DEED TO MR. MURDOCK. AYES: FOX, NESS., SUTT, HENWOOD AND MUSTACICH. (MOTION CARRIED. MAYOR PINSON ANNOUNCED THE FOLLOWING APPOINTMENTS TO THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT: IVAR ANTONIUS, 4—YEAR TERM; DON MCOUGLE, 4 -YEAR TERM; ED. DODGE, 3 -YEAR TERM; RAYMOND IVERSEN, 2 -YEAR TERM AND WM. LITTLE, i—YR TERM. 1 1 -1 153 OCTOBER 20, 1953.(CONT'D) A MOTION WAS MADE BY MUSTACICH AND SECONDED BY HENWOOD THAT THE COUNCIL AFFIRM THE APPOINTMENTS FOR THE TERMS STATED. THE CITY ATTORNEY REPORTED THAT IT WOULD BE NCESSARY TO SUBMITT ABOUT $50.00 TO HAVE A' TITLE SEARCH FOR THE PROPERTY ON J. AVENUE FROM 22ND TO 29TH. THIS INFORMATION I.S NEEDED SO THAT.THE PROPERTY .OWNERS CAN MAKE DEEDS TO THE CITY FOR WIDENING J. AVENUE. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MUSTACICH AND SECONDED BY SUTT THAT THE CITYAOTHORIZE THE EXPENDITURE OF UP TO $50.00 FOR TITLE WORK ON THESE PROPERTIES. AYES: Fox, NESS, SUTT, HENWOOD AND MUSTACICH. MOTION CARRIED. THE CITY ATTORNEY REPORTED THAT THE ORDINANCE TO SELL ONE FOOT OF PROPERTY TO THE TELEPHONE COMPANY IS READY POR COUNCIL CONSIDERATION. HE ALSO REPORTED THAT HE HAD CONTACTED MR. CARLSON WITH REGARD TO THE FIRE HALL AND SHOULD REACH A DECISION BEFORE THE NEXT COUNCIL MEETING, THE CITY CLERK REPORTED THAT CAREY AND KRAMER WOULD MAKE THEIR WATER REPORT TO THE CITY ON NOVEMBER 3RD. A LETTER FROM THE PLANNING COMMISSION SUBMITTING TO AND RECOMMENDING THAT THE COUNCIL PASS A PROPOSED SUB DIVISION ORDINANCE WAS READ AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILE, COUNCILMAN HENWOOD REPORTED FOR THE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDING THAT THE PETITIONS FOR CROSSWALKS ON COMMERCIAL AVENUE BE DENIED. A MO- TION WAS MADE BY HENWOOD AND SECONDED BY MUSTACICH THAT THE CITY DO NOT ESTABLISH CROSS WALKS IN THE MIDDLE OF OUR BLOCKS IN THE'SUSINESS SECTIONS OF OUR CITY. MOTIONCARRIEO. COUNCILMAN HENWOOD THEN SAID THAT HIS COMMITTEE WOULD LIKE TO REPORT THAT THEY FAVOR THE ADOPTION OF THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE REGULATING TRAFFIC WITHIN THE CITY AND THAT IT WAS READY FOR COUNCIL CONSIDERATION. DURING THE DISCUSSION IT WAS BROUGHT OUT THAT THIS ORDINANCE WAS TO MAKE THE CITY RULES COMPLY WITH THE STATE REGULATIONS. COUNCILMAN FOX AND HENW000 EXPRESSED THEIR DESIRE TO SEE THIS ACCOMIfLISHED AND THE CITY ATTORNEY AD- VISED THE COUNCIL THAT THIS ORDINANCE WOULD ALSO BRING THESE CASES INTO POLICE COURT INSTEAD OF JUSTICE COURT AS AT PRESENT. COUNCILMAN SUTT REPORTED THAT HE WAS STILL WORK ING ON THE REQUEST OF THE WALLA WALLA BIOLOGICAL STATION. COUNCI LMAN NESS REPORTED FHAT' THE PRINTING AND HEALTH COMMIETEE WAS STILL WORKING ON A NEW 610 CALL BASIS WITH REGARD -TO THE GARBAGE CONTRACT, COUNCILMAN FOX SUGGESTED THAT IT MIGHT BE PUBLISHED IN THE JOURNAL OF COMMERCE AND A MOTION WAS MADE BY FOX AND SECONDED BY NESS THAT THE CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO ADVERTISE'THIS BID -CALL IN THE JOURNAL OF COMMERCE, MOTIONCARRIED, THE CITY ATTORNEY THEN READ A PROPOSED, ORDINANCE ON TRAFFIC REGU- LATIONS, A MOTION WAS MADE BY HENWOOD AND SECONDED BY FOX THAT THE ORDI- NANCE BE AMENDED TO READ THAT J. WALKING WOULD NOT BE ALLOWED ON COMMER- CIAL AVENUE BETWEEN 3RD AND 10TH STREET. MOTION CARRIED. A MOTION WAS MADE BY HENWOOD AND SECONDED BY NESS THAT THE ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AND GIVEN #1117. AYES: FOX, NESS, SUTT, HENWOOD AND MUSTACICH, MOTION CAR- RIED. THE CITY ATTORNEY THEN READ THE PROPOSED SUB DIVISION ORDINANCE. A MOTION WAS MADE BY SUTT AND SECONDED BY MUSTACICH THAT THEORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AND GIVEN #1118. AV -ES,: FOX, NESS, SUTT, HENWOOD AND MUSTACICH. MOTION CARRIED. THE CITY ATTORNEY THEN READ THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF ONE FOOT OF PROPERTY TO THE WEST COAST TELEPHONE COMPANY. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MUSTACICH AND SECONOEO BY HENWOOD THAT THE ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AND GIVEN #1119. AYES: FOX, NESS, SUTT, HENWOOD AND MUSTA- CICH, MOTION CARRIED, MAYOR PINSON APPOINTED COUNCILMAN FOX TO ACT ON THE FINANCE COMI\91TLEE DUE TO THE ABSENCE OF COUNCILMAN MARYOTT. THE REPORT OP THE CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY OF ANACORTES FOR THE FIRST HALF OF OCTOBER WAS READ TO THE COUNCIL, THERE BEING NO OBJECTIONS, THE CLAIMS WERE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. UPON FAVORABLE REPORT BY 154 OCTOBER 20, 1953 •( CONT ' D) THE FINANCE COMMITTEE A MOTION WAS MADE BY BUTT AND SECONDED BY NESS THAT THE CLAIMS BE ALLOWED AND WARRANTS DRAWN IN FAVOR OF THE SAME. AYES: FOX, NESS SUTT, HENWOOD AND MUSTACICH. MOTION CARRIED. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MUSTACICH AND SECONDED BY SUTT THAT THE COUNCIL ADJOURN AT 9:35 P.M. MOTION CARRIED. MAYOR ATTEST: '. - • `f CITY CLERK / NOVEMBER 3, 1953 A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANACORTES WAS CALLED TO ORDER AT 7:30 P.M. WITH MAYOR ,PINSON PRESIDING. REV. HUTCHINSON, PASTOR OF THE ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH, GAVE THE INVOCATION. THE ROLL WAS CALLED AND FOX, SUTT, MUSTACICH, HENWOOD AND WEEKLEY WERE PRESENT. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF OCTOBER 20, 1953 WERE CONSIDERED AND A MOTION WAS MADE BY WEEKLEY AND SECONDED BY HENWOOD THAT DUE TO THE FACT THAT EACH COUNCILMAN HAS HAD A COPY FOR STUDY, THE MINUTES BE APPROVED AS IF READ. MOTION CARRIED. A LETTER FROM H. E. CROSBY, 820 - 32ND STREET, ANACORTES, REQUESTING THAT THE COUNCIL CAREFULLY CONSIDER THE PROPOSAL TO PASS A PEDDLERS ORDI- NANCE AND STATING HIS OBJECTION TO SUCH AN ACT WAS READ TO THE COUNCIL AND REFERRED BY MAYOR PINSON TO COUNCILMAN HENWOOD, CHAIRMAN OF THE JUDI- CIARY COMMITTEE, THE FOLLOWING APPLICATIONS FOR LIQUOR LICENSE WERE READ TO THE COUN- CIL AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILES PHIL C. DYBBRO- THE TYEE, CLASS.iH, LI- CENSE. THE FOLLOWING ARE APPLICATIONS FOR TRANSFER OF LICENSE: TRANSFER FOR RAINBOW FROM EARL K. SWANSON TO ELWOOD B. AND PEARL RANDALL, TRANSFER FOR NEW WILSON TAVERN FROM GEORGE KILBY TO GEST GOARO JR., MAYOR PINSON REPORTED -THAT THE ENGINEERS' WATER REPORT WAS NOT COMPLETE BUT THAT IT WOULD BE IN THE NEAR FUTURE. CITY ATTORNEY W. V. WELLS SAID THAT HE IS WORKING ON THE J. AVENUE PROJECT AND THE REQUEST OF THE WALLA WALLA BIOLOGICAL STATION FOR THE USE OF LAND AT SUNSET BEACH. HE FURTHER REPORTED THAT HE HAS A PROPOSED ORDINANCE FOR TRAILER COURTS AND SUGGESTED THAT IT BE REFERRED TO COMMITTEE. MAYOR PINSON STATED THAT HEARING NO OBJECTIONS, HE WOULD REFER THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO THE PLAN- NING COMMISSION WITH THE REQUEST THAT THEY SUBMIT THEIR RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE COUNCIL. THE CITY ATTORNEY THEN REPORTED THAT HE HAD AN AGREEMENTPREPAREO AND SIGNED BY MR. ALFRED N. CARLSON TO RAZE THE OLD FIRE HALL AND POLICE STA- TION AND THAT 1T WAS READY FOR COUNCIL ACTION. THE CITY CLERK REPORTED THAT HE HAD RECEIVED LETTERS FROM CONGRESSMAN WESTLAND AND SENATOR JACKSON -WITH REGARD TO THE REMOVAL OF THE FURNITURE IN THE UNUSED PORTION OF THE HOUSING PROJECT. THE CLERK THEN READ THESE LETTERS TO THE COUNCIL AND AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY FOX AND SECONDED BY WEEKLEY THAT THE COUNCIL ARRANGE A MEETING WITH THE HOUSING AUTHORITY BOARD TO STUDY THE DISPOSITION.AND NECESSARY ACTION TO BE TAKEN WITH REGARD TO THE UNUSED HOUSING UNITS AT THE HOUSING PROJECT. MOTION CARRIED, THE REPORT OF THE TREASURER FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER, 1953 WAS AC- CEPTEO AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILE, THE CHIEF OF POLICE REPORTED THAT CROSSWALKS IN THE DOWN TOWN AREA WILL BE PAINTED WITH CROSS STRIPIP'ING AS A SAFETY MEASURE. THE REPORT OF THE WATER 'DEPARTMENT FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER, 1953 WAS ACCEPTED AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILE• cc a PC NOVEMBER 3, (CONT'O) I A SPECIAL REPORT FROM THE WATER SUPERINTENDENT RECOMMENDING THAT THE CONTRACT WITH BLAKE THOMPSON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY BE ACCEPTED AS COMPLETE WITH THE EXCEPTION OF $150.00 TO COVER THE COST OF SEEDING THE PARKING STRIPS NEXT SPRING. A MOTION -WAS MADE BY HENWOOD AND SECONDED BY SUTT. THAT THE CONTRACT BE ACCEPTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE WATER SUPERINTENDENT'S SUGGESTION AND THE PAYMENT BE MADE WHEN THE RELEASE IS RECEIVED FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRIES, AYES: FOX, SUTT, MUSTACICH, HENWOOD AND WEEKLEY, MOTION CARRIED, THE REPORT OF THE STREET DEPARTMENT FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER, 1953 WAS ACCEPTED AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILE. THE REPORT OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER, 1953 WAS ACCEPTED AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILE. COUNCILMAN HENWOOD, CHAIRMAN OF THE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE REPORTED THAT HIS COMMITTEE DOES NOT HAVE THE PROPOSED PEDDLERS ORDINANCE READY AT THIS TIME AND WOULD LIKE ADDITIONAL TIME SO THAT HE CAN HAVE LEGAL ADVICE WHICH HE FEELS IS NECESSARY BEFORE MAKING A RECOMMENDATION. COUNCILMAN FOX REPORTED THAT THE FIRE, LIGHT AND WATER COMMITTEE IS WORKING ON A NEW CONTRACT WITH .THE COOS BAY PULP. THE CITY CLERK REPORTED FOR THE BUILDING COMMITTEE THAT SKATING ENDED IN THE BALLROOM ON OCTOBER 31ST AND MR. CASPER INTENDS TO RE -OPEN IN THE GYMNASIUM ON NOVEMBER 11TH. COUNCILMAN SUTT REPORTED THAT HE HAD CHECKED WITH LOCAL PEOPLE WHO RIDE THE CITY BUS AND THEY HAVE STATED THAT THEY HAVE NO OBJECTIONS TO THE'CHANGE IN THE BUS SCHEDULE AND HIS COMMITTEE WOULD THEREFOR LIKE TO RECOMMEND THAT THE REQUESTED BUS SCHEDULE BE APPROVED. A MOTION WAS MADE BY SUTT AND SECONDED BY WEEKLEY THAT THE COUNCIL O.K. THE BUS SCHEDULE. MOTION CARRIED.. MAYOR PINSON SAID THAT HE HAD BEEN REQUESTED TO ASK THAT THE COUNCIL GRANT PERMISSION FOR THE STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT ENGINEERS TO PARK BY THE MEDICAL -DENTAL BUILDING WITHOUT USING THE PARKING METERS. HE SAID THAT THESE MEN ARE WORKING FOR THE STATE AND THAT THE STATE IS WORKING FOR THE CITY IN THAT THEY ARE SURVEYING FOR A NEW HIGHWAY INTO ANACORTES. AFTER DISCUSSION A MOTION WAS MADE BY MUSTACICH AND SECONDED BY WEEKLEY THAT THE COUNCIL ALLOW THE EXEMPTION. MOTION CARRIED. THE CITY CLERK REPORTED THAT THE PRINTING AND HEALTH COMMITTEE HAD SET DECEMBER IST AS THE DATE FOR THE BID CALL ON THE GARBAGE CONTRACT.. ON BEHALF OF THE LICENSE AND POLICE COMMITTEE, COUNCILMAN WEEKLEY INFORMED THE COUNCIL OF THE CONDITION OF THE FORD PATROL CAR NOW IN USE BY THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. HE SAID THAT THEIR MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR BILL WAS EXCESSIVE AND -IT WOULD BE TO THE CITY'S BENEFIT TO PURCHASE A POLICE CAR, NOT A SEDAN. COUNCILMAN MUSTACICH SAID THAT THIS HAD BEEN PROVIDED FOR IN THE BUDGET AND BIDS COULD BE CALLED. A MOTION WAS MADE BY WEEKLEY AND SECONDED BY MUSTACICH THAT THE COUNCIL AUTHORIZE THE CITY CLERK TO CALL FOR 810S FOR A SPECIAL POLICE CAR, SPECIFICATIONS TO BE AGREED UPON BY THE POLICE CHIEF AND THE BID CALL DATE BE SET FOR JANUARY 19TH, 1954. MOTION CARRIED. COUNCILMAN ��kf¢ SAID THAT THE GREAT NORTHERN IS PARKING ITS CARS TOO CLOSE TO THE INTERSECTION ON 4TH STREET AND CREATES A HAZARD BECAUSE . OF THE DOUBLE TRACK SITUATION. THE MAYOR ASKED THE CITY ATTORNEY TO CON- TACT THE GREAT NORTHERN. AFTER DISCUSSION A MOTION WAS MADE BY HENWOOD AND SECONDED BY SUTT THAT THE REPORTS OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR BE DIVORCED FROM THE FIRE DE- PARTMENT REPORT. MOTION CARRIED. A PETITION FILED BY DRIFTMIER AND DRIFTMIER, ATTORNEYS FOR MRS. GRACE M. GILLESPIE, REQUESTING THAT THE COUNCIL ACCEPT THE SUM OF $5.00 AS FULL PAYMENT FOR THE ASSESSMENT UNDER L.I.O. #140. A MOTION WAS MADE BY HEN - WOOD AND SECONDED BY SUTT THAT THE CITY ACCEPT THE $5.00 AND AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AND CLERK TO SIGN THE QUIT CLAIM DEED. AYES: FOX, SUTT,.MUSTACICH, HENWOOD AND WEEKLEY. MOTION CARRIED. 155 156 NOVEMBER 3, 1953 (CONT'D) A MOTION WAS MADE BY " EEKLEY AND SECONDED BY BUTT THAT THE CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO OPEN THE BIDS FOR A PUMP FOR THE WATER DEPARTMENT, MOTION CARRIED. THE FOLLOWING BIDS WERE OPENED: PACIFIC HOIST AND DERRICK, $1130.00 PLUS TAX, A. H. COX AND COMPANY, $997.50 PLUS THE COST OF TW HOSE, COLUMBIA EQUIPMENT, $1308.00 PLUS TAX AND FEENAUGHTY EQUIPMENT, $988.40 PLUS TAX. AFTER THE READ'PNG OF THE BIDS, MAYOR PINSON, HEARING NO OBJECTIONS, SAID THAT HE WOULD REFER THE BIDS TO THE FIRE, LIGHT AND WATER COMMITTEE AND THE WATER SUPERINTENDENT FOR STUDY AND REPORT. THE CITY ATTORNEY THEN READ THE PROPOSED AGREEMENT WITH ALFRED N. CARLSON. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS.MADE BY BUTT AND SECONDED BY WFEKLEY THAT THE COUNCIL AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AND CLERK TO SIGN THE AGREE- MENT. AYES: FOX, BUTT, MUSTACICH, HENWOOD AND WEEKLEY. MOTION CARRIED, THE REPORT OF THE CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY OF ANACORTES FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER, 1953 WAS READ TO THE COUNCIL.. THERE BEING NO OBJECTIONS, THE CLAIMS WERE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. MAYOR PINSON APPOINTED COUNCILMAN BUTT TO SERVE ON THE FINANCE COMMITTEE IN PLACE OF MR. MARYOTT WHO WAS ABSENT, A MOTION WAS MADE BY WEEKLEY AND SECONDED BY FOX THAT THE CLAIMS BE ALLOWED AND WARRANTS DRAWN IN FAVOR OF THE SAME. AYES: FOX, BUTT, MUSTACICH, HENWOOD AND WEEKLEY, MOTION CARRIED, A MOTION WAS MADE BY WEEKLEY AND SECONDED BY FOX THAT THE COUNCIL ADJOURN AT 8:45 P.M. MOTION CARRIED, Q81 i i NOVEMBER 17, 1953 A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANACORTES WAS CALLED TO ORDER AT 7:40 P.M. WITH MAYOR PINSON PRESIDING. REV. SULLIVAN, PASTOR OF ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH, GAVE THE IN- VOCATION. . THE ROLL WAS CALLED AND FOX, NESS, HENWOOD AND MARYOTT WERE PRESENT. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF NOVEMBER 3RD, 1953 WERE CONSIDERED AND A MOTION WAS MADE BY FOX AND SECONDED BY MARYOTT THAT DUE TO THE FACT THAT EACH COUNCILMAN HAS HAD A COPY FOR STUDY, THE MINUTES BE APPROVED AS IF READ.. MOTION CARRIED. A LETTER FROM C. S. WETHERELL REQUESTING A LEAVE OF ABSENCE TO ATTEND U. S. COAST GUARD RESERVE TRAEINING IN SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA FOR A PERIOD OF 2 WEEKS WAS READ AND A MOTION WAS MADE BY MARYOTT AND SECONDED BY HEN - WOOD THAT THE CITY GRANT THE REQUEST. MOTION CARRIED, TRANSFER OF LIQUOR LICENSE FOR THE MIDWAY TAVERN FROM VERA V. YOST, CHARLES SCHABALKA AND ANNETTE SCHABALKA TO GLENN LAVINE AND MILDRED LAVINE WAS REAS, AND HEARING NO OBJECTIONS, MAYOR PINSON ORDERED THE TRANSFER PLACED ON FILE. MAYOR PINSON PRESENTED TO_JOE L. HAGANf•!THE GAVEL WHICH HE USED DURING HIS EIGHT YEARS IN OFFICE. MR. HAGAN EXPRESSED HIS THANKS TO THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL STATING THAT HE THOUGHT IT WAS A WONDERFUL GESTURE AND WAS SOMETHING THAT HE WOULD KEEP WITH HIS MEMENTOS. MAYOR PINSON ANNOUNCED THAT THE COUNCIL HAS RECEIVED THE FORMAL REPORT ON THE WATER POSSIBILITIES FROMTHE CITY'S ENGINEERS, CAREY AND KRAMER. HE SAID THAT THERE WERE ABOUT SIXtOPIES OF THE REPORT WHICH WOULD BE MADE AVAILABLE TO ANY CITIZEN WHO WOULD FILE FOR A COPY IN THE CITY CLERKS OFFICE; SAID PERSON COULD RETAIN THE REPORT FOR A PERIOD OF 48 HOURS. THE MAYOR SAID THAT HE UNDERSTOOD THAT THE FIRE STATION WAS HAVING DIFFICULTY WITH THE HEAT SYSTEM AND SUGGESTED THAT IT BE TAKEN UP WITH THE CONTRACTOR.MAOYOTT SAID THAT.THIS SHOULD BE DONE BEFORE THE GUARANTEE EXPIRES, AFTER DISCUSSION MAYOR PINSON, HEARING NO OBJECTIONS, ASKED THE 1 1 1 157 NOVEMBER 17, 1953 - CONTINUED CITY ATTORNEY TO WRITE A LETTER TO THE CONTRACTOR REQUESTING THAT THIS AND OTHER NEEDED WORK BE DONE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. THE MAYOR ANNOUNCED THAT THERE WAS A COURSE IN MODERN BUILDING INSPECTION AVAILABLE AT WASHINGTON STATE COLLEGE, DECEMBER 2ND, 3RD ANO.4TH, AND SUGGESTED THAT THE CITY SHOULD PAY MR. ROGER'S MILEAGE EXPENSE. COUNCILMAN HENWOOD SAID THAT HE WOULD RECOMMEND THAT MR. ROGERS ATTEND THIS COURSE AND HE FELT THAT THE CITY SHOULD ALSO PAY THE REGIS- TRATION FEE. AFTER DISCUSSION, ,A.' MOTION WAS MADE BY FOX AND SECONDED BY HENWOOD THAT MR. ROGERS BE REIMBURSED FOR HIS MILEAGE AND REGISTRATION FEE EXPENSE AND THAT THE MONEY BE PAID OUT OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL EXPENSE FUND. AYES: FOX, NESS, HENWOOD AND MARYOTT, MOTION CARRIED, THE CITY ATTORNEY REPORTED THAT HE HAD RECEIVED THE TITLE INSURANCE REPORT ON J. AVENUE AND SAID THAT HE WOULD WORK WITH MR. MCCRORY COMPLET- ING THE INVESTIGATION OF THE OWNERSHIP ON THIS AVENUE. HE SAID THAT HE HAD THE RESOLUTION PREPARED REGARDING THE HOUSING PROJECT AND THE BUDGET ORDINANCE IS READY FOR COUNCIL CONSIDERATION. HE SAID THAT THEY WERE WORKING ON THE AGREEMENT WITH THE COOS BAY PULP CORPORATION FOR WATER BUT WAS NOT ABLE TO COMPLETE IT BECAUSE OF A CHANGE THAT WAS NECESSARY, HE THEN REPORTED THAT THE CLAIM DUE TO A LEAK IN THE WATER MAIN AT WHITNEY HAD BEEN DENIED BY THE INSURANCE COMPANY BECAUSE THE PARTY HAD NOT PLACED THE CLAIM WITHIN THE LEGAL TIME LIMITATION. HE SAID THAT HE WOULD MAKE A FINAL REPORT ON THE CLAIM AFTER CONFERRING WITH MR. MCCRORY. THE REPORT OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER, 1953 WAS ACCEPTED AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILE. THE REPORT OF THE POLICE JUSTICE FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER, 1953 WAS ACCEPTED AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILE. COUNCILMAN HENWOOD REPORTED FOR THE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE STATING THAT THE PEDDLERS ORDINANCE NEEDS:MORE STUDY AND HIS COMMITTEE WOULD REPORT LATER, MR. FOX REPORTED THAT THE FIRE LIGHT AND WATER COMMITTEE HAD CONSIDERED THE BIDS FOR A WATER PUMP FOR THE WATER DEPARTMENT AND RECOMMENDED THAT THE COUNCIL ACCEPT THE 810 OF THE PACIFIC HOIST AND DERRICK COMPANY IN THE SUM OF $1130.00; IT BEING. NOTED THAT THIS WAS THE LOWEST BID THAT MET THE SPECIFICATIONS, AFTER DISCUSSION A MOTION WAS MADE BY FOX AND SECONDED BY NESS THAT THE COUNCIL ACCEPT THE BID OF THE PACIFIC HOIST AND DERRICK COMPANY FOR A WATER PUMP IN THE SUM OF $1130.00 PLUS TAX. AYES: FOX, NESS, HENWOOD AND MARYOTT, MOTION CARRIED. COUNCILMAN MARYOTT REPORTED THAT THE ROTARY CLUB HAD KINDLY OFFERED TO PREPARE A SIGN POINTING TO THE LIBRARY. COUNCILMAN NESS REPORTED THAT THE PRINTING AND HEALTH COMMITTEE HAD CALLED FOR BIDS FOR THE GARBAGE CONTRACT, THE BIDS TO BE OPENED DECEMBER 1ST. NEW SPECIFICATIONS HAD BEEN PREPARED AND THE COUNCIL COULD HAVE THE CLERK READ THEM IF DESIRED. THE MAYOR THEN AUTHORIZED THE CLERK TO READ MR. FOX REPORTED THAT HIS COMMITTEE WAS WORKING WITH THE COOS BAY PULP CORPORATION ON A NEW WATER AGREEMENT AND THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED THAT THE COUNCIL ACCEPT THE CONCLUSION OF HIS COMMITTEE. AFTER DISCUS- SION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY FOX AND SECONDED BY HENWOOD THAT THE NEW CONTRACT BE WRITTEN AT THE SAME RATE WITH AN ALTERATION OF GALLONAGE TO CORRECT AN -ERROR IN THE ORIGINAL CONTRACT AND WITHOUT A RENEWAL CLAUSE, AND THE MAYOR AND CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN ON BEHALF OF THE CITY. DURING THE DISCUS- SION, MR. FOX SAID THAT THE ASSISTANCE OF WM. P. HARPER AND SON AND CO. HAD BEEN INVALUABLE AND THAT THE COOS BAY PULP WERE ONE OF OUR BEST CUSTO- MERS AND WERE VERY BINE TO WORK WITH. THE ROLL WAS CALLED AND THE AYES WERE: FDX, NESS, HENWOOD AND MARYOTT. MOTION CARRIED, MR. FDX SAID THAT THE CITY SHOULD IN THE FUTURE BEAR IN MIND THAT THE INDUSTRIAL SIDE OF THE WATER SITUATION SHOULD BE GIVEN PRIMARY CON- SIDERATION IN THE REDUCTION OF RATES. INDUSTRIES ARE THE MAIN ECONOMIC STAY OFITHE CITY AND LOW WATER RATES MAKE IT`POS.S.IBLE FOR INDUSTRIES TO COME AND ADD TO THE PROGRESS OF THE CITY. COUNCILMAN MARYOTT REPORTED THAT THE ROTARY CLUB HAD KINDLY OFFERED TO PREPARE A SIGN POINTING TO THE LIBRARY. COUNCILMAN NESS REPORTED THAT THE PRINTING AND HEALTH COMMITTEE HAD CALLED FOR BIDS FOR THE GARBAGE CONTRACT, THE BIDS TO BE OPENED DECEMBER 1ST. NEW SPECIFICATIONS HAD BEEN PREPARED AND THE COUNCIL COULD HAVE THE CLERK READ THEM IF DESIRED. THE MAYOR THEN AUTHORIZED THE CLERK TO READ 158 NOVEMBER 179 1953 (CONT'D) THE NEW SPECIFICATIONS. AFTER DISCUSSION AND HEARING NO OBJECTIONS, MAYOR PINSON SAID THAT THE COUNCIL HEREBY ACCEPTED THE REPORT OF THE PRINTING AND HEALTH COMMITTEE. THE CITY ATTORNEY READ THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING 1954 REVENUES TO THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS AS SET FORTH IN THE BUDGET ORDINANCE N0, 1116. A MOTION WAS MADE BY HENWOOD AND SECONDED BY FOX THAT THE ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AND GIVEN N0. 1120. AYES: FOX, NESS, HENWOOD AND MARYOTT. MOTION CARRIED. THE CITY ATTORNEY THEN READ THE PROPOSED RESOLUTION REGARDING THE HOUSING PROJECT. THIS RESOLUTION RECOMMENDS THAT THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SELL THE NORTH j OF THE HOUSING PROJECT TO THE ANACORTES HOUSING AUTHORITY. AFTER DISCUSSION A MOTION WAS MADE BY HENWOOD AND SECONDED BY NESS THAT THE RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED, AYES: FOX, NESS, HENWOOD AND MARYOTT. MOTION CARRIED. THE, CITY ATTORNEY SAID THAT IT WOULD BE NECESSARY TO REQUEST AN ALLOCATION OF ADDITIONAL WATER FROM THE SKAGIT RIVER SO THAT THE NEEDED ADDITIONAL WATER WOULD BE AVAILABLE. DURING THE DISCUSSION, IT DEVELOPED THAT IT HAD BEEN RECOMMENDED BY CAREY AND KRAMER,THAT THE CITY REQUEST AN ADDITIONAL 40 SECOND FEET DAILY. A MOTION WAS MADE BY FOX AND SECONDED BY MARYOTT THAT THE CITY ATTORNEY BE AUTHORIZED TO DRAW A RESOLUTION RE- QUESTING THAT THE STATE OF WASHINGTON ALLOCATE AN ADDITIONAL 40 SECOND FEET DAILY TO BE TAKEN FROM THE SKAGIT RIVER BY THE CITY OF ANACORTES AND THE MAYOR AND CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN. MOTION CARRIED. THE REPORT OF CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY OF ANACORTES FOR THE FIRST HALF OF NOVEMBER, 1953 WAS READ TO THE COUNCIL. HEARING NO OBJECTIONS, MAYOR PINSON REFERRED THE CLAIMS TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. MAYOR PINSON APPOINTED COUNCILMAN FOX TO SERVE ON THE FINANCE COMMITTEE BECAUSE OF THE ABSENCE OF MR. M.USTACICH• UPON FAVORABLE REPORT BY THE FINANCE COMMITTEE A MOTION WAS MADE BY HENWOOO AND SECONDED BY NESS THAT THE CLAIMS BE ALLOWED AND WARRANTS DRAWN IN FAVOR OF THE SAME. AYES: FOX, NESS, HENWOOD AND MARYOTT. MOTION CARRIED. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MARYOTT AND SECONDED BY HENWOOD THAT THE CQUNCIL ADJOURN AT 8220 P.M. MOTION CARRIED. /' . -MAYOR �� ATTEST:� /,J,l�/ �- �ITY CLERK I/ , DECEMBER 1, 1953 A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANACORTES WAS CALLED TO ORDER AT 7:30 P.M. WITH MAYOR PINSON PRESIDING. REV. ANDERSON, PASTOR OF THE FREE METHODIST CHURCH, GAVE THE INVOCATION. THE ROLL WAS CALLED AND FOX, NESS, HENWOOD, MARYOTT, MUSTACICH, W EEKLEY AND SUTT WERE PRESENT. tHE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF NOVEMBER 17, 1953 WERE CONSIDERED AND A MOTION WAS MADE BY MARYOTT AND SECONDED BY MUSTACICH THAT DUE TO THE FACT THAT EACH COUNCILMAN HAS HAD A COPY FOR STUDY, THE MINUTES BE APPROVED AS IF READ. MOTION CARRIED. MAYOR PINSON ADVISED THAT THE PARK DECORATIONS COMMITTEE HAD ASKED THAT THE CITY GIVE APPROVAL OF THE INSTALLATION OF LIGHTS IN CAUSLAND PARK DURING THE CHRISTMAS SEASON, AFTER DISCUSSION MAYOR PINSON STATED THAT HEARING NO OBJECTIONS, THE CITY WOULD THEREBY GIVE ITS APPROVAL. THE CITY ATTORNEY REPORTED THAT HE HAD OPINIONS ON THE EXTENSION OF THE WATER SYSTEM, AND A LETTER TO THE ARCHITECT AND CONTRACTOR ON THE FIRE HALL AND POLICE STATION HAD BEEN SENT. THE CITY CLERK REPORTED THAT DR. JACKSON, CITY HEALTH OFFICER, HAD ASKED HIM TO ANNOUNCE THE APPOINTMENT OF TAYLOR SANDVIGEN TO THE POSITION OF SANITARIAN, REPLACING MR. TED RIESTER WHO HAD BEEN INDUCTED INTO THE ARMY. Iona d a 1 1 1 159 DECEMBER I, 1953 (CONT'D) 1 HE REPORT OF THE TREASURER FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER, IQ53 WAS ACCEPTED AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILE, THE REPORT OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR FOR THE MQNTH OF NOVEMBER, 1953 WAS ACCEPTED AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILE. THE REPORT OF THE WATER DEPARTMENT FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER, 1953 WAS ACCEPTED AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILE. THE REPORT OF THE STREET DEPARTMENT OF THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER, 1953 WAS ACCEPTED AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILE. MR. HENWOOD REPORTED THAT THE JUDICARY COMMITTEE IS STILL WORKING ON THE PEDDLERS ORDINANCE AND THAT IT NEEDED FURTHER STUDY. MR. MARYOTT REPORTED FOR THE BUILDING COMMITTEEAND SAID THAT PEOPLE HAD PARKED ON THE FIRE HALL LAWN CAUSING SOME DAMAGE. HE ASKED THAT THE ATTORNEY BE INSTRUCTED TO NOTIFY THEM THAT THEY SHOULD PAY FOR THE REPAIRS OR DO THE REPAIR NECESSARY. MAYOR PINSON SAID THAT HEARING NO OBJECTIONS IT WAS SO ORDERED, MR. MARYOTT SAID THAT A BARRIER MAY BE NEEDED AND THAT HIS COMMITTEE WOULD LOOK INTO THAT ANGLE, . ;MR. SUTT REPORTED THAT THE STREETS AND PARKS COMMITTEE HAD MET TO STUDY THE POSSIBILITY OF THE CITY PURCHASING A NEW GRADER. HE SAID THAT ANOTHER METHOD OF ACQUIRING THE EQUIPMENT HAD ARISEN AND THAT THERE WAS ANOTHER ONE BEING OFFERED FOR SALE WHICH HE THOUGHT SHOULD BE INVESTIGATED. A MOTION WAS MADE BY SUTT AND SECONDED BY MUSTACICH THAT THE COUNCIL AUTH— ORIZE THE STREETS AND PARKS COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE THE GRADER AND TO TRAVEL OUT OF TOWN IF NECESSARY. AYES: FOX, NESS, HENWOOD, MARYOTT, MUST.ACICH, WEEKLEY AND SUTT. MOTION CARRIED. MR. SUTT SAID THAT HE HAS TRIED TO GET IN TOUCH WITH DR. BOOTH WITH REGARD TO THE REQUEST THAT THE WALLA WALLA BIOLOGICAL.STATLON BE GIVEN PERMISSION TO CONSTRUCT BUILDINGS ON CITY PROPERTY. MR, SUTT SAID THAT HE DOES NOT THINK, FROM PRESENT INFORMATION, THE CITY CAN HELP THE SCHOOL. COUNCILMAN NESS REPORTING FOR THE PRINTING AND HEALTH COMMITTEE SAID THAT THIS WAS THE EVENING THE GARBAGE BIDS WERE TO BE IN AND ASKED THAT THE COUNCIL AUTHORIZE THE CLERK TO OPEN AND READ THE BIDS. MAYOR PINSON HEARING NO OBJECTIONS, AUTHORIZED THE CLERK TO OPEN AND READ THE BIOS IN THE ORDER OF THE POSTMARK. COUNCILMAN HENWOOD ASKED THAT THE SPECIFICATIONS BE READ FIRST AND THE CITY CLERK COMPLIED. THE BIDS WERE OPENED AS FOLLOWS: LAKE CITY DISPOSAL COMPANY — 75% OF THE GROSS INCOME] EUGENE LEMAY — 759 OF THE GROSS INCOME; HARRY DAVIS, 749E OF THE GROSS INCOME; AND HAROLD LODWIG, 729 OF THE GROSS INCOME, MAYOR PINSON ANNOUNCED THAT HEARING NO OBJECTIONS, HE WOULD REFER THE BIDS TO THE PRINTING AHD HEALTH COMMITTEE FOR STUDY AND RECOMMENDATION, A PETITION SIGNEP BY 27 BUSINESS FIRMS REQUESTING THAT THE COUNCIL ENACT AN ORDINANCE LICENSING AND REGULATING HOUSE TO HOUSE SELLING, WAS READ TO THE COUNCIL. COUNCILMAN HENWOOD SAID THAT HIS COMMITTEE HAP STUDIED EVERY ANGLE AND DOES NOT BELIEVE THAT A DECISION CAN BE MADE WITHOUT A GREAT DEAL MOReSTUOY, SYD ELLIN, FROM THE AUDIENCE SAID THAT THE CENTRAL LABOR COUNCIL HAD ASKED TO TALK TO THE COMMITTEE BUT THAT THIS WAS A GOOD TIME TO EX- PRESS THEIR VIEWS, THEY DO NOT WANT TO PREVENT COMPETITION, BUT TO PRO— TECT THE PUBLIC, HE MENTIONED SPECIFIC CASES WHERE PEOPLE HAD BEEN DE- FRAUOED ON SIDING, ETC. IN THIS AREA, HE SAYS THAT THESE PEOPLE TAKE WORK FROM LOCAL CONTRACTORS AND 00 NOT BACK UP THEIR JOBS. VIC GOETHALS SAID THAT BREAD TRUCKS ARE rOMING INTO TOWN AND SELLING HOUSE TO HOUSE, HE SAYS THAT.HE CAN'T.SELL HOUSE TO HOUSE OR HE WILL LOSE THE GROCERY STORE ACCOUNTS, HE POINTED OUT THAT ALL GROCERY STORES ARE IN FAVOR OF AN ORDINANCE. COUNCILMAN NESS ASKED WHO SUCH AN ORDINANCE WOULD AFFECT. MAYOR,PIN SON REMARKED THAT THAT IS THE PROBLEM MR. HENWOOO'S COMMITTEE HAS BEEN FACING.. COUNCILMAN MARYOTT SUGGESTED THAT MR. GOETHALS TALK IT OVER WITH THE GROCERY STORES AND THEN GO OUT AHEAD OF THE OUT OF TOWN TRUCKS DOOR TO DOOR UNTIL THEY CEASE COMING INTO TOWN. X160 DECEMBER 1, 1953 (CONT'D) WEEKLEY ASKED MR. GOETHALS IF HE SOLD DOOR TO DOOR OUT OF TOWN AND HE ANSWERED YES, ON THE OUTSKIRTS OF OTHER TOWNS. MR. DON BAOSY, OF THE FULLER BRUSH COMPANY SUGGESTED REGISTRATION OF SALESMEN AT A NOMINAL FEE. COUNCILMAN FOX SAID THAT HE THINKS THE MAIN CON- SIDERATION IS THE PROTECTION OF THE PEOPLE AND THE PUBLIC IS TO FIND A MEANS OF DETERMINING WHETHER THE DOOR TO DOOR SALESMAN IS A LEGITIMATE DEALER AND WILL BACK UP HIS PRODUCT, HE SAID HE THOUGHT THE CcNTRAL LABOR COUNCIL'S STATEMENT THAT COMPETITION SHOULD NOT BE RETARDED BUT 110M THE PUBLIC PROTECTED .. WAS THE MAIN FACTOR. MAYOR PINSON THEN SAID TOW THE MATTER WAS REFERRED' TO THE COMMITTEE, COUNCILMAN HENWOOD ANNOUNCED HIS RESIGNATION FROM THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANACORTES BECAUSE HE HAS MOVED FROM HIS WARD. HE THANKED.THE MAYOR AND CITY OFFICIALS FOR THE WONDERFUL COOPERATION HE HAD BEEN GIVEN WHILE A COUNCILMAN AND SAID THAT HE KNEW THE PRESENT COUNCIL WILL ALWAYS ACT IN THE BEST INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE. HE SAID THAT HE WOULD ALWAYSrBE.WILLING TO DO'_ WHATEVERY HE COULD TO ASSIST THE COUNCILMEN, THE REPORT OF CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY OF ANACORTES FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER, 1953 WAS READ TO THE COUNCIL. HEARING NO OBJECTIONS, MAYOR PIN - SON REFERRED THE CLAIMS TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. UPON FAVORABLE REPORT BY THE FINANCE COMMITTEE A MOTION WAS MADE BY WEEKLEY AND SECONDED BY SUTT THE THE CLAIMS BE ALLOWED AND WARRANTS DRAWN IN FAVOR OF THE SAME. AYES: FOX, NESS, HENW000, MARYOTT, MUSTACICH, WEEKLEY AND SUTT. ,MOTION CARRIED. . . MR. LITTLE SAID THAT HE HAD BEEN SENT BY THE MERCHANT'S COMMITTEE TO REQUEST PERMISSION TO INSTALL THE USUAL DECORATIONS ON COMMERCIAL AVE. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MARYOTT AND SECONDED BY WEEKLEY THAT THE COUNCIL GRANT PERMISSION, MOTION CARRIED. COUNCILMAN WEEKLEY SAID THAT THE PEOPLE ON N AVENUE BETWEEN 20TH AND 22ND STREET HAD REQUESTED HIM TO SEE IF NEW CONNECTIONS TO THE WATER MAINS COULD BE INSTALLED, MR, MCCRORY SAID THAT THIS WAS THE WATER DEPARTMENT'S PLAN AND THAT IT WOULD BE DONE BY NEXT SPRING, A MOTION WAS MADE BY WEEKLEY AND SECONDED BY FOX THAT THE COUNCIL ADJOURN AT 8:35 P.M. MOTION CARRIED. MAYOR ATTEST �Gr C1fY CLERVSz DECEMBER 159 1953 A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANACORTES WAS CALLED TO ORDER AT 7:35 P.M. WITH MAYOR PINSON PRESIDING. REV. UNDERWOOD, PASTOR OF THE SOUTH SIDE CHURCH OF CHRIST, GAVE THE INVOCATION, THE ROLL WAS CALLED AND NESS, SUTT, MUSTACICH, MARYOTT AND WEEKLEY WERE PRESENT. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF DECEMBER 1, WERE CONSIDERED AND A MOTION WAS MADE BY NESS AND SECONDED BY SUTT THAT DUE TO THE FACT THAT EACH COUNCIL- MAN HAS HAD A COPY FOR STUDY, THE MINUTES BE APPROVED AS IF READ. MOTION CARRIED. • MAYOR PINSON ANNOUNCED THAT HE WOULD DEVIATE FROM THE REGULAR AGENDA BECAUSE OF THE RESIGNATION OF MRJ.rIENWOQR AT THE LAST MEETING, HE SAID THAT HE WOULD LIKE TO SUGGEST THE NAME OF MR. KEITH R. WEIDEMANN FOR -COUNCILMAN OF THE FIRST WARD TO FILL THE UN -EXPIRED TERM OF MR ANWO= HE NOTED THAT IN THIS CASE, THE NEW COUNCILMAN WOULD SERVE UNTIL THE NEXT GENERAL ELECTION AND THE THEN ELECTED COUNCILMAN WOULD TAKE OFFICE IN JUNE OF 1955. COUNCIL- MAN MUSTACICH THEN NOMINATED MR. KEITH R. WEIDEMANN TO THE POSITION OF COUNCILMAN OF THE FIRST WARD. THE NOMINATION WAS SECONDED BY MR. SUTT.. MAYOR PINSON THEN CALLED THREE TIMES FOR FURTHER NOMINATIONS, WHEREUPON A MOTION WAS MADE BY MUSTACICH SECONDED BY SUTT THAT THE NOMINATIONS BE CLOSED AND THE CLERK INSTRUCTED TO CAST A UNANIMOUS BALLOT FOR MR. KEITH R. WEIDEMANN. 1 1 161 't DECEMBER 15, 1953 (CONT'D) AYES: NESS, SUTT, MUSTACICH AND WEEKLEY, MOTION CARRIED. THE CITY CLERK iTHEN GAVE THE 04TH OF OFFICE TO MR. WEIDEMANN AND ACCEPTED HIS SIGNED'NON- SUBVERSIVE AFFIDAVIT. MAYOR PINSON .AND THE COUNCIL THEN CONGRATUOATED MR. WEIDEMANN AND SEATED HIM AT THE COUNCIL TABLE, A LETTER FROM THE PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUFACTURING COMPANY NOTIFYING THE CITY OF AN INCREASE IN PRICE ON LIQUID CHLORINE, EFFECTIVE JANUARY IST, 1954 FROM 10*¢ TO II¢ PER POUND WAS READ AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILE, MAYOR PINSON SAID THAT THE SHELL OIL COMPANY HAD INFORMED THE CITY THAT THEY WOULD MAKE A DECISION WITH REGARD TO THE WATER EARLY IN JANUARY. THE CITY ATTORNEY REPORTED THAT HE HAD CONTACTED THE PEOPLE ABOUT THE DAMAGE TO THE LAWN AT THE FIRE HALL AND REPAIRS WOULD BE MADE. HE THEN SAID THAT W. G. CLARK COMPANY, CONTRACTORS FOR THE FIRE AND POLICE STATION HAD ANSWERED -'HIS LETTER AND WILL CORRECT ALL THE ITEMS, HEARING NO OBJECTIONS THE MAYOR ORDERED THE LETTER PLACED ON FILE, THE ATTORNEY SAID THAT WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF THE COUNTY ATTORNEY, A NEW AGREEMENT HAD BEEN DRAWN IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE COUNCILMENS' WISHES WITH REGARD TO THE NELSON SCHOOL GROUNDS. THE AGREEMENT HAS BEEN SIGNED BY THE SCHOOL BOARD AND TAKES •CARE OF THE POINTS REGARDING AVAILABILITY OF PIPES, WIRES, ETC., ON Q. AVENUE. IT IS NOW READY FOR COUNCIL CONSIDERATION, THE REPORT OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER, 1953 WAS ACCEPTED AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILE, THE COUNCIL THEN DISCUSSED DIAGONAL PARKING IN THE TWO BLOCKS FROM 5TH TO 7TH ON Q. AVENUE, A MOTION WAS MADE BY SUTT AND SECONDED BY MARYOTT THAT THE COUNCIL CONFIRM THE ACTION OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT AND AUTHORIZE THE ATTORNEY TO DRAW AN AMENDMENT TO THE TRAFFIC ORDINANCE. THE REPORT OF THE POI.ICE JUSTICE FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER, 1953 WAS ACCEPTED AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILE. THE ,REPORT OF THE CITY SANITARIAN ON THE RENTAL PROPERTY OF MRS. PEARL DIMMICK AT 1311 - 34TH STREET WAS READ AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILE, THE COUNCIL WAS NOTIFIED THAT MRS. DIMMICK IS MAKING AN EFFORT TO COMPLY WITH RECOMMENDATIONS. MAYOR PINSON SAID THAT, REQUESTED THE BUILDING INSPECTOR TO MAKE AN ORAL REPORT ON HIS TRIP TO PULLMAN. THIS MR. ROGERS WILL DOCAT THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING. THE ,REPORT OF THE,CEMETERY DEPARTMENT FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER, 1953 WAS ACCEPTED AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILE, COUNCILMAN NESS REPORTED FOR THE PRINTING .AND HEALTH COMMITTEE STATING THAT7HErHAO INVESTIAGED AND INTERVIEWED THE VARIOUS BIDDERS ON THE GARBAGE CONTRACT AND HAD COME TO THE UNANIMOUS CONCLUSION THAT THEY WOULD RECOMMEND THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE BID OF THE WESTERN DISPOSAL COMPANY, HAROLD LODWIG OWNER.. A MOTION WAS MADE BY NESS AND SECONDED BY MUSTACICH THAT THE COMMITTEE REPORT BE ACCEPTED AND THE COUNCIL ACCEPT THE BID OF THE WESTERN DISPOSAL COMPANY. AYES: WFEKLEY,NESS, SUTT, MARYOTT AND MUSTACICH, MOTION CARRIED. THE MAYOR ASKED IF THE COUNCIL WOULD LIKE TO AUTHORIZE THAT THE CONTRACT BE DRAWN FOR SIGNATURE WITH THE WESTERN DISPOSAL. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MUSTACICH AND SECONDED BY. SUTT THAT THE MAYOR, CLERK AND ATTORNEY BE AUTHORIZED TO DRAW AND S 1 GN A''COIIITRACT W.l TR 'THE WESTERN DISPOSAL COMPANY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE BID, COUNCIL SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDINANCE. AYES:WtEKIEY,' NESSI SUTT, MARYOTT AND MUSTACICH, MOTION CARRIED, MR. MCCRORY SAID THAT HE WOULD LIKE TO HAVE AUTHORIZATION TO BUY PROPER RECORDS AND SUPPLIES TO HANDLE THE REFUSE COLLECTION BOOKKEEPING. HE WOULD ALSO LIKE TO KNOW HOW OFTEN THE COUNCIL WOULD LIKE THE PUBLIC TO BE BILLED. HEARING NO OBJECTIONS MAYOR PINSON REFERRED THE MATTER TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE FOR REPORT AT THE NEXT MEETING. MR. LODWIG OF THE WESTERN DISPOSAL COMPANY, EXPRESSED HIS THANKS FOR HAVING BEEN AWARDED THE BID AND SAID THAT HIS COMPANY WOULD DO EVERY- THING TO MAKE THEM SATISFIED WITH THE SERVICE. DECEMBER 15, 1953 (CONT'D) COUNCILMAN SUTT REPORTED THAT -THE LABOR MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE HAD MET AND THE CONTRACT WOULD BE SIGNED AS AUTHORIZED BY THE UNION AND THE COUNCIL. HE SAID THAT THE UNION COMMITTEE ADVISED THAT THEY HAD -APPOINTED A MAN FOR JOB ANALYSIS AND THAT THE COUNCIL -COMMITTEE WOULD TAKE UP THE QUESTION WHEN A NEW MEMBER HAD BEEN APPOINTED TO FILL THE COMMITTEE POSITION LEFT VACANT BY MR. HENW000'S RESIGNATION. A PETITION SIGNED BY 27 RESIDENTS OF 29TH AND M TO 38TH AND M REQUEST— ING THAT THE CITY ASSIST IN PUTTING THROUGH A STREET WAS READ AND REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND CITY ENGINEER FOR REPORT AT THE NEXT MEETING. A PETITION SIGNED BY 39 RESIDENTS OF SIMILK BEACH AND SUMMIT PARK REQUESTING THAT THE COUNCIL CONSIDER SELLING WATER TO THESE AREAS IN t6c EVENT OF THE EXPANSION OF THE SYSTEM WAS READ AND REFERRED TO THE FIRE, LIGHT AND WATER COMMITTEE. MR. MUSTACICH SAID THAT HE KNEW THE COMMI-TTEE HAD THIS POINT IN MIND, A LETTER FROM ELMER F. FOSTER OF SEATTLE WASHINGTON, PETITIONING THE COUNCIL TO CONSIDER MAKING WATER AVAILABLE TO THE HIGHER LEVEL AREAS OF THE CITY WAS READ AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILE. MAYOR PINSON SAID THAT THIS POINT WAS INCLUDED IN PLANS FOR ENLARGING THE SYSTEM. A PETITION SIGNED BY FOUR PROPERTY OWNERS REQUESTING PERMISSION TO CLEAN THE BRUSH AND GROWTH ON THE BUTT END OF U AVENUE WAS READ TO THE COUNCIL. A MOTION WAS MADE BY WEEKLEY AND SECONDED BY MARYOTT THAT THE PETITION BE REFERRED TO THE STREET AND PARKS COMMITTEE... MOTION CARMIEO, THE CITY ATTORNEY THEN READ THE NEW AGREEEMENT•ON THE NELSON SCHOOL GROUNDS BETWEEN THE CITY OF ANACORTES AND THE SCHOOL DISTRICT. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MARYOTT AND SECONDED BY MUSTACICH THAT THE AGREEMENT BE AP- PROVED AND THE MAYOR AND CLERK AUTHORIZED TO SIGN ON BEHALF OF THE CITY. AYES: NESS; SUTT, MUSTACICH, MARYOTT AND WEEKLEY, MOTION CARRIED, THE CITY CLERK SAID THAT THIS WAS THE EVENING SET FOR OPENING THE BIDS FOR GAS, OIL AND ALUM CONTRACTS FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR OF 1954, ONLY ONE BID WAS RECEIVED ON ALUM WHICH WAS FROM THE GENERAL CHEMICAL DIVISION OF THE ALLIED CHEMICAL AND DYE CORPORATION IN THE AMOUNT OF $39.00.A TON. MAYOR PINSON ORDERED IT REFERRED TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. THE FOLLOWING BIDS WERE RECEIVED FOR GASOLINE, STOVE AND BURNER OIL: STANDARD OIL AFFLECK BROS. UNION OIL TEXACO SHELL OIL ISLAND TRANSFER -(3.14 BBL LIGHT FUEL OIL) THESE BIDS WERE ORDERED REFERRED TO REPORT, STOVE OIL BURNER OIL- GASOLINE .228 .153 .138 .225 .228 .17 .138 .223 .152 .137 .226 .16 .145 THE FINANCE COMMITTEE FOR STUDY AND THE REPORT OF CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY OF ANACOATES FOR THE FIRST HALF OF DECEMBER, 1953 WAS READ TO THE COUNCIL, HEARING NO OBJECTIONS, MAYOR PINSON REFERRED THE CLAIMS TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. MAYOR PINSON APPOINTED COUNCILMAN SUTT TO SERVE IN PLACE OF COUNCILMAN HENWOOD ON THE FINANCE COMMITTEE FOR THIS MEETING, UPON FAVORABLE REPORT BY THE FINANCE COMMITTEE A MOTION WAS MADE BY WEEKLEY SECONDED BY NESS THAT THE CLAIMS BE ALLOWED AND WARRANTS DRAWN IN FAVOR OF -THE SAME. AYES: NESS{ SUTTi MUSTACICH, MARYOTT AND WEEKLEY,. MOTION CARRIED. THE PASTOR OF THE SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH REQUESTED PERMISSION TO PLAY RECORDS THROUGH AN AMPLIFIER IN "qN: AUTOMOBILE f WHILE. -, ; CHILDREN ACCOMPANIED BY ADULTS GO DOOR TO DOOR ASKING FOR DONATIONS TO ASSIST IN WELFARE WORK. COUNCILMAN MARYOTT ASKED FOR CLARIFICATION AND THE PASTOR SAID THAT THE CHILDREN WOULD JUST PRESENT THE RFSVDM WITH A LITTLE CARO AND ASK FOR THE DONATION. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MARYOTT AND SECONDED BY SUTT THAT THE REQUEST BE -GRANTED. MOTION CARRIED, 1 1 1 DECEMBER 15, 1953 (CONT'D) COUNCILMAN NESS SUGGESTED THAT OF THE PARK COMMENDING THEM FOR THE NESS THAN PUT THIS IN THE FORM OF A AND THE MOTION CARRIED* LETTERS BE WRITTEN TO DECORATORS BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY. COUNCILMAN MOTION WHICH WAS SECONDED BY MARYOTT WALTER CASE, OF THE ISLAND BUS COMPANY., REQUESTED PERMISSION TO CHANGE THE SCHEDULE FOR A THREE WEEK TRY OUT PERIOD. MR. MUSTACICH SAID THAT HE THOUGHT THESE GENTLEMEN WERE DOING A GOOD JOB AND SHOULD BE ENCOURAGED, MAYOR PINSON, HEARING NO OBJECTIONS, SAID THAT PERMISSION WAS GRANTED. MR. HAGAN INVITED THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL TO ATTEND THE EAGLES FOOTBALL BALL - BANQUET TOMORROW EVENING. MAYOR PINSON THANKED HIM ON BEHALF OF HIMSELF AND THE COUNCIL AND SAID THAT AS MANY AS COULD WOULD ATTEND. A MOTION WAS MADE BY WEEKLEY AND SECONDED BY MARYOTT THAT THE MEETING AOUOURN. i /` ATTEST iL'iTY CLERz" JANUARY 5, 1954 163 M W44•� cC7 L GEOFFREY P. LOCKWO01 b `b �iun. A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANACORTES WAS CALLED TO ORDER AT 7:30 P.M. WITH MAYOR PINSON PRESIDING. REV. FRALEY, PASTOR OF THE CHURCH OF CHRIST, GAVE THE INVOCATION. THE ROLL WAS CALLED AND NESS, WEIDEMANN, MUSTACICH, MARYOTT, WEEKLEY AND FOX WERE PRESENT. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF DECEMBER 15, 1953 WERE CONSIDERED AND A MOTION WAS MADE BY MARYOTT AND SECONDED BY 'WEEKLEY THAT DUE TO THE FACT THAT EACH COUNCILMAN HAS HAD A COPY FOR STUDY, THE MINUTES BE APPROVED AS IF READ. MOTION CARRIED. A LETTER FROM -THE ANACORTES RECREATIONAL INC. THANKING THE CITY FOR ITS ASSISTANCE DURING THE PAST YEAR WAS READ AND ORDERED PLACED ON FILE. A LETTER FROM MRS. CHAS. M. WILLIAMS - 2014 - I AVENUE ASKING THAT THE CITY INVESTIGATE THE INTERSECTION AT 20TH AND J WITH REGARD TO THE ENTRANCE TOTHE HIGH.SCHOOL WAS READ AND REFERRED'TO THE STREETS AND PARKS COMMITTEE. MAYOR PINSON REPORTED THAT HE HAD ASKED THE MEMBERS OF THE STREET AND PARK DEPARTMENTS TO PICK UP GARBAGE UNTIL THE CONTRACT WITH MR. LODWIG CAN BE COMPLETED. HE SAID THAT MR. LODWIG WOULD PROBABLY START THE 18TH OF JANUARY AND THAT THE INTERIM ACTION WAS NECESSARY BECAUSE MR. DAVIS HAD DECIDED NOT TO PICK UP GARBAGE AFTER THE IST OF THE YEAR. THE MAYOR THEN ANNOUNCED THAT HE WOULD RE -APPOINT H. L. TRULSON JR., TO THE LIBRARY BOARDS MRS. BAKER FOR A NEW TERM ON THE CEMETERY BOARD AND LLOYD FOSTER AND ARTHUR CARLSON FOR NEW TERMS ON THE PLANNING COMMISSION. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MARYOTT AND SECONDED BY MUSTACICH THAT THE COUNCIL CONFIRM THE APPOINTMENTS. AYES: NESS, WEIDEMANN, MUSTACICH, MARYOTT,'WEEK- LEY AND FOX. MOTION CARRIED. THE CITY ATTORNEY REPORTED THAT HE WAS WORKING -ON AN ORDINANCE FOR A CUMULATIVE RESERVE FUND WHICH WOULD HAVE DEPOSITS MADE TO IT FROM REVENUE OBTAINED FROM THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE FEES. i THE CLERK REPORTED THAT HE HAD RECEIVED AN''•APPLICATION FOR A RENEWAL OF DANCE LICENSE TOGETHER WITH THE FEE FROM tHE RAINBOW TAVERN. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MU'7TACICH AND SECONDED BY WEEKLEY THAT THE REQUEST BE GRANTED. THE MAYOR ASKED CHIEF GOFF TO STATE HIS OPINION WITH REGARD TO THE ISSUANCE OF THE LICENSE. THE CHIEF SAID THAT HIS DEPARTMENT WOULD NOT OPPOSE IT AND THAT THE OPERATION IN THE PAST HAD BEEN SATISFACTORY. THE QUESTION WAS CALLED FOR AND THE MOTION CARRIED.