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January 2, 1963
Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor McDugle presiding.
Roll call: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, and Strom. The Mayor
announced that he had excused Councilman Russell's absence due to his em-
The minutes of the previous meeting were considered. Councilman Strom
wished to correct a motion made by Councilman Peck and seconded by himself,
concerning the use of the City Hall basement for youth recreation activities.
He stated that the City would have supervisory control and would have to
sanction the activities and would not be liable in any way in case of in-
juries. Councilman Rice then moved that the minutes be approved as cor-
rected and Councilman Strom seconded the motion. Roll call. All ayes:
Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, and Strom. Motion carried.
The City Attorney presented an ordinance establishing salaries for
Department Heads for the year 1963. A motion was made by Councilman
Ford and seconded by Councilman Rice that the ordinance be adopted and
biven No. 133b and the Mayor and Clerk be auhhorized to sign and publish
same. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke,•Rice, McDugle, Peck; and
Strom. Motion carried.
The City Attorney then read a proposed emergency ordinance for the
Park Department for establishing funds to make a $12,927.93 payment for
street improvement at Cap Sante in accordance with Local Improvement District
No. 157. A motion was made by Councilman Strom and seconded by Councilman
Ford setting January 15, 1963, as the date on this proposed emergency
ordinance. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck,
Strom, i-.:otion carried.
A proposed resolution on the transfer of funds in the amount of
$5,717.68 from the Street Department to Local Improvement District no. 156
was read by the City Attorney. A motion was made by Councilman Ford and
seconded by CouneiLnan Rice that the Council adopt the resolution and give
it No. 62 and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign same. Roll call. Ayes:
Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Strom. Nayes: Peck. Motion carried.
The City Manager read a letter from the State Department of Health
approving Stevens & Thompson's report on comparative cost studies for
future improvements on the water system. All proposed plans met with their
approval but Plan II, the development of Whistle Lake, were favored.
A request by Stevens & Thompson for an additional payment of $391.00,
which was expended in completing their survey, was discussed at length.
The original contract was for $2000 and it was a part of the $3500 grant
advanced by the Federal Government for the water comparative cost study.
Some of the Councilmen felt that the extra amount was justifiable while
others disagreed. A motion was made by Councilman Rice and seconded
by Councilman Peck that, the additional payment not be made. Roll call.
Ayes: Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Mayes: Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
The City Attorney read a proposed resolution approving the Stevens &
Thompson comparative cost studies for the City of Anacortes Water supply
system and authorized payment $2000. The motion was made by Councilman
Peck and seconded by Councilman Hopke to approve this resolution and give
it No. 63 and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign same. Roll call.
All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, and Strom. Motion carried.
_ A proposed resolution was read by the City Attorney relating to the
transfer of $10,000 from the Current expense investment fund to current
expense fand. A motion was made by Councilman Rice and seconded by
Councilman. Ford that the resolution be adopted and given No. 64 and the
Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign same. Roll call. All ayes:
Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, and Strom. Motion carried.
A proposed resolution was read by the City Attorney on the Planning
Commission's .recommendation concerning a request by the School District
requesting the vacation of 18th Street between J & K Avenie as they wished
this additional parcel of land to increase their school facilities. The
Councilmen set February 5, 1963, as the date for public hearing on this
vacation. A motion was made by Councilman Peck and seconded by Councilman.
Ford to adopt this resolution and give it No. 65 and authorize the Mayor
and Clerk to sign same. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle,
AQ Aid a
January 2, 1963 continued ✓C
Peck, and Strom. Motion carried.
The Planning Commission also recommended a time extension of the
contract for an additional four (4) months on the second phase of the John
Graham & Co., Planning Consultants, who are working with the Planning
Commission on second phase of the Planning Program. A motion was
made by Councilman Rice and sedonded by Councilman Ford that the time
extension be granted. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle,
Peck, and Strom. Motion carried.
The Planning Commission further recommended additional work
proposed by John Graham & Co. A motion was made by Councilman Ford and
seconded by Councilman Rice that the City Manager and the Chairman of
the PlanninU Commission be given authorization to decide what additional
work was to be done by the Company, but not to exceed 134 man days at
a cost of $1300. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck,
and Strom. Motion carried.
Under the City Manager's report a motion was made by Councilman Hopke
and seconded by Corncilman Peck that Stevens & Thompson were to proceed with
the sampling of Whistle Lake: Roll. call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice,
McDugle, Peck, and Strom. Hotion carried.
The City Manager explained a proposal .for an application of federal
funds to augment the $Ik4O,000 water line replacement, which is now under-
way. The application would be in the amount of $200,000 to $225,000
needed to renew lines considered in poor condition in the north and t -*est
end of the City. A motion was made by Councilman Peck and seconded by
Councilman Hopka to authorize the City Pianaber and the City Enj=neer to
apply for federal matching funds in the amount of $200,000 to $2*P5,000.
Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, NcDugle, Peck, and Strom. Notion
The City Iianager reported receiving a letter from Mr. John Duckett, trho
retired as Cit,7 Hall Janitor after thirteen (2.3) years of service. ?'_- was
comme;:ded for his service and a motion was made by Councilman Pecs and
seconded t Councilman Rice instructing the CitirPunaLer to write a letter
of apprec_ation and thanks :'-r. Duckett. Roll call. All a.ves: Ford,
Hopke, Rice, :4cDu,-le, Pecl:, and Stror,.. :.:oti.on carried.
Iir. , Diller zlso reported that the riew ,,rader for the Street Department
had arri_vPd,
Councilman Hopke asked the City ;�ana;;er to inspoct D Avenue right -of
way to determi.re. what should be done to open the street. A discussion
followed and the Cita Pi=na:,er stated that he would report his firdinLs
at the next Council mosting.
irayor McDugl.e declared ..he meetin:- zd j o»r.1ad at 9:30 p.n.
Ddn 11. McDugl.e, ;vlayor /
Ann CepernAh, City Clerk Pro -Tem
January 15, 1963
Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor McDugle presiding.
Roll call: Ilopke, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell..
The minutes of the previous meeting were considered. Councilman Peck
wished to correct the roll call on a motion made by Councilman Ford and seconded
by Councilman Rice that the City Manager and the Chairman of the Planning
Commission be givL-n authorization to decide what additional work was to be
done by John Graham & Co., but not to exceed 134 man days at a cost of $1300.00.
Roll call. Ayes: Nord, Rice, McDugle, and Strom. Nayes: Hopke, and Peck.
Motion carried. Councilman Hopke then moved that the minutes be approved
as corrected. Roll call. All ayes: Hopke, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell.
Motion carried.
The City Manager read the bids on the sale of bonds with which the City
would finance the purchase of the old hospital property for a civic center cite.
A bid was received by the Rational Bank of Commerce at an interest rate of
3.1126% and the other bid by Peoples National Bank of Washington at a rate of
3.244835. The matter was tabled tntil the total interest rate had been computed
and studied.
The City Manager explained to the Councilmen the general problems confronting
the City and the Rocket Sanitation Service in the collection of garbage, manage-
ment of the garb&ge pit and the collection of garbage fees. A motion was made
by Couz;cilman Peck and seconded by Councilman Hopke that this matter be referred
to a study session next Tuesday, January 22, and they would work out an amiable
solution to the problon. Roll call. All ayes: Hopke, McDugle, Peck, Strom,
and Russell. Motion carried.
Awarding of bids was the next item on the agenda. Insurance - compre-
hensive liability coverage - The following bids were received: Moen Insurance
Agency $2,922.36; Scott 0. Richards $3061.00; and Francisco Webber $3,554.95.
A motion was made by Councilman Peck and seconded by Councilman Hopke that the
City of Anacortes accept the lov bid of Moen Insurance Agency in the amount
of $2,922.36. Roll call. All ayes: Hopke, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell.
Motion carried.
Awarding of bids on legal publication was then discussed. Bids are as
foll.oris: Anacortes Reporter 1.35 for the first insertion and 1.25 for the
second notice with a 10;j discount if typed in order to reproduce photographically,
while the Anacortes American quoted $.75 for the first insertion and $.70 for the
second. The City Clerk Pro -Tem was asked by the Mayor to read a letter which he
had received from the Anacortes Reporter. The letter was in regard to the above
mentioned bid of the Anacortes American and the legality of said paper. A
discusbion "olloiaad and a motion was made by Councilman Hopke that the City
Attorney give h iu legal opinion on the matter. This motion was amended by
Councilr'an Peek and seconded by Councilman Russell that the City Attorney give
his legal written upinlon.on the matter. This motion was amended by
Councillran Peck and seconded by Councilman Russell that the City Attorney give
his legal vritten opinion on this matter at the next regular Council Meeting.
Roll call on the amended notion. All ayes: Hopke, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and
Russell, Motion c&rried. Johx. Webber of the Anacortes American, stated that he
would lilke a cop; cf thi:; letter so - at he may present it to his attorney.
The ;ollu?irg bids were received on supplying the City with regular and
ethyl gasolina, diesel and stove oil: Shell Oil - Shell gasoline $.2146; Super
Shell x.2546; Shell Dieseling 50 �'P.115; Shell premium $.115; Shell Furnace Oil
$.11185; L'41311 Stove Oil $3.10. Texaco, Inc. - Sky Chief Gas $2451; Fire Chief
Gas $.2077; Di;;sel Chief $.1124; Fuel Chief (stove oil) $.1385. Standard Oil
of California - Chevron Supreme $.21:73; Chevron $.2204; Diesel $.1582. Island
Transfer a• Staxdard Light fuel Oil $3.87 per/barrel on order of 24 barrel. A
motion -oa_, nerds by Councilman Russell and seconded by Councilman Pock that Texaco,
Inc. be awarded the bid to supply the City of Anacortes with the items stated above.
Poll call. All ayes: IIopka, VcDugle, Peck, Stroh, and Fussell. Motion carried.
Island Transfer CoriparW was the only bidder for light fue•wl oil. A motion was
made by Councilman Russell and seconded by Councilman Hopke that Island Transfer
be awarded the bid. Roll call. All ayes: Hopke, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell.
Yotion carried.
No bids :sere received on supplying the City with tires. The Councilmen
agreed to continue with the present supplier and recall for bids when re3ded.
A second .reading of the proposed emergency ordinance for the Park Department
for establishing funds to make a $12,927.93 payment on the Cap Sante Local
January 15, 1903 continued �►
Irnprovement District No. 157, was read by the City Attorney. A motion was made
by Councilman Hopke and seconded by Councilman Russell that the Ordinance be
adopted and given No. 1337 and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and
publish same. Roll call. Ayes: Hopke, McDugle, Strom, and Russell. Nayes:
i'eck. Motion carried.
Recommendations from the Planning Commission on arn,,ending the lana use map
on Skyline and zoning of Skyline and the Woods -Walton Additions were considered.
A motion ras made by Count l.Tran IIopke and seconded by Councilman Peck that a public
hearing be set for the February 5th meeting of the City Council. Roll call. :111
ayes: Hopke, RTcDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried.
Yuayor NcDugle instructed the City Y.anager to send a letter to Chairman Kelly
Liui the Planning Commission informing them of the hearing.
The City Engineer explained several proposals made by the State Highway
Department affecting the traffic control on 36th and Commercial and 12th and Cam-
reraial. Traffic islands on 36th and Cormusrcial would be planned and a ban on
parking in certain areas would be necessary. This matter was referred to the
January 22nd study see.sion after which they would ask the City Attorney to prepare
an ordinance authorizing the disposition of this proposal.
1'ayor r^.cDugle appointed Councilman Russell as acting Finance Chairman .r_
the absence of Councilman Ford and appointed Councilman Strom assistant Chairiman.
The claims report for the month of December was presented. A ri-oLior. i•;as
made by Councilman Peck and seconded by Councilman Hopke that the clairrs report
be acceptad viith the exception of the warrant issued to Grande & Co. in the
ar:uu ,it of v 7:7.68. Poll call. All ages: I?opke, ?°cDugle; Peck, Strom, ane.
7uusell. Yotion carried.
The Treasureres report was then read by the City LManager.
The Manager's report is as follows:
Question of "Dr Avanue, which ::as Lrought up by Councilman :iopke at •she
last r.eeting. The City Engineer el %Tanager had inspected the right of way ai:i.
,lot ;rained that the Street Department uuuld open a twenty -tyro foot wide road,
wli-.eh would help divert traffic. Council felt that the abutting property uwners
:should be contacted to determine if they could assist J -h the project. The
::anger will report his findings at the next meeting.
T.r. Gallagher stated that last Sunday night a transmission watcr line was
broken due to the freezing heather, which necessitated restricting or Suter uLage
at Scott Papar Co. and tho refineries and Ch;.mi--al i'lants. Mayor McDugle requebtud
Meat letters be sent to these companies thanking them for their co-operation
during this break in our transmission line in the Avon area.
Mr. Diller explained that he was having a series of articles run in throo
newspapers concerning City Governmant -• its complexities and general problem;.
The City Manager also reported that the Teenage Club was to start its
activities next week. They will have use of the City Hall facilities on Mon(lay:,,
Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays.
A motion was :rade by Councilman Peck for the meeting to be adjourned.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P. m. by mayor McDugle.
jJ ,
046L II C1)u le Mayor
Ann Cepernich/City Clerk Fru -Ton
January 16, 1963
Special Meeting
Meeting was called to order at 4:45 p.m. with Mayor McDugle presiding.
Roll call. Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and.iPussell.
The special meeting was called by the Vayor for the purpose of awarding the
bid of the sale of the General Obligation Bond of the City of Anacortes in the
amount of $41,000. This bond is to finance the purchasing of the old hospital
property for a Civic Center site. Timely notice of this meeting was given to the
newspapers, which are recognized as official newspapers of general circulation ',
within Skagit County. Notice was also given to an official radio station of Skagit
The City Manager read the bids, which are as follows:
National Dank of Commerce interest rate of 3.1126%
Peoples National Bank of I -lash. interest rate of 3.24083%
Councilman Russell moved and Councilman Rice seconded that the City accept
the bid of the National Bank of Commerce at an interest rate of 3.1126% on the
$41,000.00 General Obligation Bond. Roll call. All ayes: Hopke, Rice, McDugle, `
Peck, Strom, and Russell. notion carried.
Thia being the only business before the Council, Mayor McDugle declared the ,
meeting ajourned at 4:55 p.m.
Attest f.e ,./ Signed
City Clerk, Pro -.Tem Ann Cepernich Don McDugle, ayor
February 5; 1963
Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor YeDugle presiding.
Invocation was presented by 1•7. J. Ashley -Cole.
Roll call: Peck, Ford, Strom, Hopke, Russell, Rice and McDugle
The minutes of the previous meeting were considered. Councilman Hopke
moved that the minutes be approved as read. Roll call. All ayes: Iiopke,
McDugle, Peck, St-rom, and Russell. Motion carried.
nyor McDugle nominated Cybil Hansen to the library Board, Floyd Lundsford,
Board of Adjustment, and Jess Ford aci•'Legislative Officer. A motion was made
by Councilman Ford and seconded by Councilzran Peck that the nomination be approved.
Roll call. Ayes: Peck, Ford, Strom, Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle. Nayes: None.
Motion carried.
A Public Hearing was called, the City giving proper legal notice, on Street
Vacation of 18th Ave. between J to K Ave. by Mayor McDugle. He further stated
that the request was signed by all abutting property owners. There being no
objectors, the City Attorney read the Proposed Ordinance for Vacation. A motion
was made by Councilman Rice and seconded by Councilman Ford that the City accept
the proposed Ordinance and give it No. 1338 and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized
to sign and publish same. Roll call. Ayes: Peck, Ford, Strom, Hopke, Russell,
Rice, Y-,Dugle. Nayes: None. t:otion carried.
A Public Hearing was called, after the City gave proper legal notice, to amend
the Land Use Map, by the Mayor. The City Manager explained that the present Land
Use Val., at the �.(oste ly part of the City, does not show in a large area any Land
Use classifications. The Planning Com. -Fission had recommended designating the
area ovined by Skyline, between the airstrip and residential, be classified resi-
dential, and abutting area east of Skyline classified suburban. The City
Attorney read the Proposed Ordinance. There were no objectors. A general
discussion :followed and motion was Trade by Councilman Peck and seconded by
CounciLtan Rice that the Land Use Yap be brought up to date designating a proper
Land Use cla8sificatiol and the City accept the proposod ordinance and give it
No. 1339 and the Tfayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and publish same. Roll
call. Ayes: Peck, Ford, Strom, Hopke, Russell, Rice, T.;cDugle. Nayes: None.
Notion carried.
A Public Hearing was called on zoning of west end of the City, in which the
City gave proper legal notice by Mayor TlcDugle. Properties in question were
Skyline, Woods and Walton Additions. Zoning of Residential I and Subdivision
I was requested. The City Manager explained the situation and stated that the
Planning Commission has recommended this zoning.
Fobruary 5, 1963 continued
Councilman Strom asked that it be clear to the audience that the zoning is a
result of hearings and exhaustive studies of the Planning Commission. Bill
Loiman stated that he wished it to be written in the minutes that at times he has
repaired boats, including outboard motor boats, skiff and even one gillnet boat
on his own premises and since he has been doing this that he hoped to continue
in the future. The City Attorney cautioned Mr. Lowman not to let a year lapse
before doing it again or he would forfeit continued use of the land for that
particular instance. There being no objectors, the City Attorney then read the
ordinance for amending the zoning map for certain westerly areas in the City.
Motion was made by C-ouncilman Ford and seconded by Councilman Rice that adoption
be nade of the proposed ordinance and that it be given No. 1310, and the Mayor
and Clark be authorized to sign and publish. Roll call. Ayes: Peck, ford, Strom,
Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle. Nayes: None. Motion carried.
The City Manager explained the State Highway Department's request for no
parking on Commercial from 11th to 13th, and the installation of left turn lanes
at Commercial and 12th. Also for no parking on Commercial from 35th to 36th and
:improving the intersection on 36th and Commercial to improve traffic flow. The
City Manager further explained that a decision should be made shortly so the
ordinance will get into the State's budget. A General Discussion followed with
' Councilman Ford indicating caution because the State is slow in these matters.
The City Attorney read the proposed ordinance drawn up to amend the present parking
ordinance. Councilman Rice moved for the proposal, giving it No. 1311, and the
Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and publish same. Councilman Ford seconded
the motion, but did not iaish enforcement until after the State performed the
necessary work. Councilman Rice amended his previous motion and Councilman Ford
seconded the amended motion. Roll call. Ayes: Peck, Ford, Strom, Hopke,
Russell, Rice, McDugle. Nayes: None. Motion carried.
The City Manager next explained the proposed resolution for amending
Resolution #62 in the lesser amount, instead of $5,747.68. He stated that the
City would contribute 2.26% of project but due to a miscalculation, the per-
centage was higher than the original 2.2% and an amendment for the change
was needed. A general discussion followed at which time the City Manager stated
the cost of the contract. The City Attorney read the proposed resolution. 1-Totion
was made by Councilman Rice and seconded by Councilman Ford that the resolution
be given No. #66 and be adopted. Moll call. Ayes: Fords, Strom, Russell, Rice,
McDugle. Nayes: Hopke, Peck. Motion carried.
The City I -Tanager explained the letter from Driftmier & Driftmier pertaining
to clearing title on unused property whichwas developed by the Pageant Association
for playground purposes. The City Manager stated that Mr. Klint of San Juan
Lanes suggested that he would like to purchase the existing four lots for $1000.00
and move the play equipment to a designated area. Councilman Ford explained that
the property consisted of four 3500 -foot lots and 1/2 of the street. The other
half belongs to the school board. Alice Newland brought to the attention of the
council an existing self -shaped alley. The City Manager confirmed her statement
and declared that he was not sure of the ownership. Pres Holton stated that
anytime the property fell into disuse it would fall into the city's jurisdiction.
The City Attorney explained that the property to the east was deeded to the City
to be used for park purposes and as long as it remains park, it is city property.
Councilman Hopke moved the property matter be referred to the Planning Commission
and Park Board. It was seconded by Russell. Roll call. Ayes: Peck, Ford, Strode,
KcDuolu, Rice, Russell, Hopke. Nayes: Pone. Motion carried. Councilman
wished it to be made clear to the people that referral to the Planning
Committee and Park Board did not indicate tha C ouncilOs approval or disapproval.
The amended claims report was read. Councilman Rice moved and it was
a0cord;;d by Councilman Peck that the amended claims report be accepted. Roll
call. Ayes: Peck, Ford, Strom, Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle. Nayes: None.
Motion carried.
Discussion was held concerning the authorization to advertise for bidz, for
water line modifications. The City Manager explained that we received a telegram
from tho Government to move the program and advertising ahead. City Engineer
Gallagher further stated treat the timm ums moved from 170 days to 140 day;..
Also advertising for bids must be on February 7 rather than on February 15. The
bids open February 21. Mr. Gallagher also stated that it would mean extra ma3tL1gZ
for the council to pass on the bids and than the signing of the contrac-L v7ith tthu
lowest bidder on the 26th of February. It was Moved by Councilman Hopke and second::;
by Courci]rran Peck authoriziug the extra meetings and the advertising for bids.
Roll call. Ayes: Peck, Ford, Strom., Hopke, Russell, Rice. McDugle. RTayes: ?tine.
Motion carried.
February 5th, 1963
Permission was asked of the City Council to authorize the calling
in and the cancellation of warrants #30 and #35 drawn on Local Improve—
ment District No. 156, and the issuance' of warrants numbered 36 to 40.
The reason for the request was the misinterpretation of including
Proposal B within such project. A general discussion followed in which
Councilman Hopke moved and Councilman Ford seconded that warrants
#30-35 drawn on Local Improvement District No. 156 be cancelled, and
the issuance of warrants 36 to Ito in the denominations of $5000.00
$2000.00, $2000.00, $1000.00 and $542.31 totaling $10,542.31 at 4.W
to Grande and Co., Inc., and part payment be made to Associated Band
and Gravel on retaining percentage in the amount of $10,622.03; 8ypress
Stationers in the amount of $7.68 and Anacortes American in the amount
of $12.60 be approved. Roll call. Ayes: Peck, Ford, Strom, Hopke,
Russell, Rice, McDugle. Nayes: None. Motion carried.
A legal opinion of the City Attorney was made on what constitutes
a legal publication. Question was raised in reference to the Anacortes
American. He stated that the superior county court has so found the
subject newspaper to be a legal newspaper. Councilman Ford and
Councilman Rice seconded to accept the Anacortes American bid for
legal publication since it was the lowest bidder. Roll call. Ayes:
Ford, Hopke, Strom, Russell, Rice, McDuvle, Nayes: Peck. Motion carried.
February 5, 1963
Discussion of the progress payment #2 for the sum of $1,888.01 on Hillcrest
water line to B 0 B Plumbing and Heating be paid. It was moved by Council-
man Ford and seconded by Councilman Russell that the payment be approved.
Roll call. Ayes% Peck, Ford, Strom, Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle. Nayes:
None. Motion carried.
City Manager asked permission to advertise for bids on a police car and
truck for the Sewer Department. The City Manager stated that he has received
the specifications from the department concerned. Motion was made by Councilman
Hopke and seconded by Councilran Russell that a call for bids be made. Roll
call. Ayes: Peck, Ford, Stror:, Hopke, Russell, Rice, XcDugle. Nayes: None.
Motion carried.
The City D%nager requasted permission to rake application for t-.ater rights
on Skagit River in order to protect the city when there is an increase in the
demand for water. A general discussion followed and motion was made by
Councilman Strom and seconded by Councilman Hopke that the City make application
for additional water rights. Roll call. Ayes: Peck, Ford, Strom, Hopke, Russell,
Rice, McDugle. hTayes: None. Motion carried.
The City Manager read the Claims Report for January of 1963. Councilman
Peck moved and Councilman Rice seconded that the Claims Report be approved as
read. Roll call. Ayes: Peck, Ford, Strom, IIopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle.
Nayes: None. Motion carried.
A proposed resolution was introducted which would authorize the City to
invest Storm Sewer Construction Fund in U. S. Treasury Notes. Councilman Hopke
moved and Councilman Russell seconded that the resolution be givan #67 and
adopted. -Roll call. Ayes: Peck, Ford, Strom, Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle.
Nayes: None. Motion carried.
The Cite Manager explained tae situation on D Avenue and stated that the
property ot•.,nar has agreed to open D Avenue, clear contour and colvert it and
the City in turn will put on ballast and gravel on the road. Councilman Hopke
;roved and it was seconded by Councilman Strom that the City correspond with Mr.
Sid McIntyro, Jr., on this matter and express the city's approval on the proposal.
Roll call. Ayes: Peck, Ford, Strom, Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle. Nayes: RTne.
Yotion carried.
Councilman Ford stated that there were some minor changes on the labor
agreement. A general discussion followed whereupon Councilman Ford roved that
the labor agrcement changes be approved and it was seconded by Councilman Peck.
Noll call. Peck, Ford, Strom, Hopke, Russell, Rice, PcDugle. Nayes: None.
Motion carried.
The City 2:anager's Report:
A. That titie viould purchase the 3011 valve worth approximately Four thousand
dollars from the State Highway Department and the State would return to the City
$2350.00, i-ihich represents the remainder owing city from state on highway water
constru,zticn east of City on the ne-o state highway at the slough.
B. The City Manager stated that the University of Washington, through Dr.
Carlson, would submit a proposal on the feasability of lwhistle Lake as a water
reservoir in accordance with the recommendation of Steven's & Thompson.
C. The City Manager next stated that lie was hopeful the state legislature
would give the cities in Washington State a larger share of the liquor taxes and
profits. He further stated that 80w of the arrests were the result of liquor and
that the City alas using its funds to uphold a state lata. He indicated that if
additional money were forthcoming that the city try to get nore policemen.since
the city is far below the state average for cities of our populaticri in number
of policemen. He urged the poeple to vrrite letters to the legislative body and
try to get support that way.
YFay&. McDugle read frori the 1•dashington Health a statement about florine in
the water. The City manager stated that within 40 days we should have floridation
in the water.
Coun.;ilman Hopke moved the meeting be adjourned.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 P.m. by I•Gyor McDugle.
Y or
Attest /0• (,.,.�, =;
Ann Cepernioh, City Clerk
Pro -Tem
Don McDugle,
1tbruaiy 19, 1963
1,1eeting vas called to order at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor McDugle presiding.
Invocation was presented by Reverend Neal Monroe.
Roll Call: Peck, Ford, Strom, Hopke, Russell, Rice and McDugle.
The minutes of the previous meeting were considered. Councilman Hopke
moved that the minutes be approved as read. Roll call. All ayes: Fack,
Zord, Strom, FIopk,-,y Russell, Rice, McDugle.
The City Manager read the communications. The T-;ountaineers of Seattle:,
Wabhington, requested that they be allowed to take two field trips on Mr.
Erie, April 6-7 and September 21-22. They further absolved the City of any
liability. Councilman Rice moved and it was seconded by Councilman Strom that
the request be approved. Ayes: All. Nayes: None. Motion carried. A latter
to the Council from Ralph Rickdall in which he gave the Council Floor Passes to
the legislature Eas read. Also there ryas a letter of appreciation from Don Eldridge,
State Representative 40th District. A letter from W. H. Iwin was also read
requesting that the words, "local union labor", be used on all bid notic,;s.
Discussion was held to establish the cost of collecting garbage Teithin the
City for 1963, policy at the dump and policy which will allow the collector to
purchase new equipment. The City Manager explained the problem concerning rocket
Sanitation Company. He shovTod a financial statement from the company. Mr. Harley
Sutt claimed he needed new egiiplient and an increase liras needed to provide hhr,
with it. The increrse would be against the residential district. The City
Attorm-y— brought out th3 fact that the Council might be criticized if they
gave Rgshst Sanitaticn Company a new contract without opening up bids. The city
Manger stated that the Rocket Sanitation Company had given good service and that
if we accepted a lower bid that we might not get that same service which would
ultirrately lead to trouble. It was brought up that other cities extended th3r
contract to the companies. Councilman Ford Questioned sr. Sutt on some of the
estirates on the 1"LLancial statement at which time Cowicilrcan Strom suggested that
we move the meeting to another night where Mr. Sutt.e s personal and private affairs
might be discussed in privacy. The Council agreed to move the meeting to the
26th of February.
The City Attorney read the resolution which requested for plaLmirng asuistance
and an extension to $11,200 be made by an amended application to the Goverrrr.-Ont.
Councilman Ford moved and it was seconded by Councilman Rice that the Resolution
be given No. 68 and be adopted. Ayes: Rice, PMcDuglo, ford, Stron. ;ayes:
Iiopke, Russell, Peck. Motion carried.
Discussion was held for approval to negotiate a contract agreement for unused
land at the filter plant. The City Engineer explained that the present tenant
did not wish to use the land azy more, but a new tenant who would grow bulbs
*.:l:;hed to use the land and ?,as willing to pay the sax)e price as the former tenant.
The price is $,50.00 an acre. Councilman Hopke moved and it was seconded by Council-
man Russell that the agreement be made for the man to grow bulbs. Roll call.
Ayes: Hopke, Russell, Rice, N:cDugle, Peck, ford, and Strom. Hayes: None. 211otion
The City .Manager explained the P•'utual Protection Agrec:,ent between city and
fire districts for fire prot;;etion and discussion was, held on the approval of 5=:;.
'O'c would aid out of to,,jn fires and in turn they would aid us. Councilman 13cpkei'l
roved and it was seconded by Councilman Ford that the Fire Protection Agro:rrrant
:; approv3d. Roll call. Ayes: Hopke, Russell, Rice, ircDugle, Peck, Ford, and
Strom.. Vayes: None. Notion carried.
Discussion was held on a mechanical bookkeeping machine which would iyfipzova
administration operation. The City Manager pointed out that the use of the
equip,nent could bring the City into line with the school and hospital district
operations. The Burroc:s reachine was suggested because the other two districts
have this machine and ile vould fall into line with their, in their operation.
Training Mould be easier if the help could discuss mutual problems. In addition
to saving costs in maintenance of machine because the Burrows representative
conies to"tcmin quite often, we could go in with the.school and hospital districts
Eith the supplies and stationery and Savo honey in buying in bulk quantities.
The City Tanager further stated that we could rent a machine with the option to
buy and if tae should not want the machine we would only be out the rent we paid.
The cost involved is $8,100 for the machine but with discounts and trade-in of
old equipment the price would be $6,000. Lle could extend this over a three year
period so that the budget *,could not be hit at one time. Cost of renting would
be $190 a moi44:h. Council.rran Strom asked about' -,the training of operators and the
City Manager explained that the help in the office would be trained to operate
the mac'r-ine. Further the :cathine rould 'keep the bookkeeping data up to date
with no carry overa. r"ayor McDugle suggested r:e call for bids with the urlderutandintl
� - I •-i i -d
February 19, 1963 continued
that we rent the machine we are planning to buy. Councilman Peck moved and
it was seconded by Councilman Rice that we call for bids with option to buy.
Roll cai.l. Ayes: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom... Mayes:
None. Motion carried.
Mayor McDugle nominated Fred Brokens to the Cemetery Board, Don McKee
to the Planning Commission and Ray Balthazor for the Planning Commission.
Councilman Ford stated that we should not remove Bill Turner. Mayor McDugle
stated that Mr. Turner has missed several meetings. Councilman Hopke moved
and Councilman Peck seconded that the nominations be accepted. Roll call.
Ayes: Hopke, Russell, McDugle, and Peck. Mayes: Rice, Ford, Strom. Motion
Dis axss ro&i•.uas held .on the request to: advertise for bida_ on loadbr for Streot
Department . •, T11e ; C it,y Manager -explained that we:.;needed a smaller. -loader with one
bucket"�-' «Col'mcilw,an`Russb.11 wished --that- tae state on the bids to-:ayceptt,:only-
American made equipment for the reason that he was less costly and easier to
obtain parts for repairs. Councilman Russell moved and it was seconded by
Councilman Peck that we advertise for bids on a loader with the stipulation we
accept only American made equipment. Roll call. Ayes: Hopke, Russell, Rice,
McDugle, Peck, Ford and Strom. Mayes: None. Motion carried.
Discussion was held to approve the payment of the final warrant on the
LID 157 Fund in the amount of $500.00 at 4.40% interest to Statewide City Employees
Retirement System: to cover miscellaneous city costs, Attorney fees, and printing.
Motion seconded -by Councilman Hopke. Roll call. Ayes: All. Motinn Carried.
The City Manager explained the Mutual Protection Agreement between city and
fire districts for fire protection and discussion was held on the approval of
same. We would aid out of town fires and in turn they would aid us. Councilman
Hopke moved and it was seconded by Councilman Ford that the Fire Protection
Agreement be approved. Roll call. Ayes: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck,
Ford, and Strom. %yes: Mone. Motion carried.
Thi Clt;y:-Attorneny read 'the proposed resolution to provide for the issuance
of bonds. Councilman Hopke moved and it was seconded by Councilman Rice that
the resolution be given a No. 69 and approved as read. Roll call. Ayes: Hopke,
Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford and Strom. Mayes: Mone. ?lotion carried.
The City Attorney read the resolution to authorize the mayor to sign the
grant for sewage treatment plant. Councilman P.ice moved and Councilman Russell
seconded that the resolution be given #70 and be adopted. Roll call. Ayes:
Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom, Mayes: None. Motion carried.
Councilman Hopke moved and councilman Peck seconded that we retain Stevenson
and Thompson as consulting engineers on sewage treatment project. A discussion
followed. Roll call. Ayes: Hopke, Russell, McDugle, Peck. Mayes: Rice, Ford,
Strom. Motion carried.
The City Manager read the Claims Report. Councilman Hopke moved and it
was seconded by Councilman Peck that the report be approved. Roll call. Ayes:
Hopke, Russell, McDugle, Peck, Rice, Ford, and Strom. Nayes: None. Motion
The City Manager next read the Treasurer's report for the month of January.
He reported on Traffic Safety Board meetings and stated there was a member from
the School Bo&rd, City Engineer, Police Department and Street Department. He
stated that they were working on the traffic problem. They.were also working on
the cross walks, stop signs, etc. They have blocked off a parking spot on
Commercial Avenue by the Red bion Tavern so that children could walk across and
be seen by traffic.
The City 14anager next stated that the floridation chemical had arrived
and as soon as we are inspected by the Department of Health, fluoridation can
The City Manager also reported that there was a screen put across the
reservoir at the Heart Lake Road so that small children could not throw sticks
in the water.
It was moved by Councilman Peck and seconded by Councilman Hopke that the
meeting be adjourned.
Meeting was adjourned by Mayor MdDugle at 9:30 p.m.
Attest el ,�... _ �+
!' Signed
Ann Cn.nr±rni r.?i .0 i.ty Clerk Pro -Tem
February 21, 1963
Special Session
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. with Mayor McDugle presiding.
Roll call: Hopke, Rice, Russell, McDugle, Ford and Peck.
The special meeting was called by the
Mayor for the purpose of awarding the
bid on the water system modifications and
additions project and adopting a resolu-
tion puxsuant thereto. Timely notice of this meeting was given to the newspapers of general
circulations within Skagit County, who are
recognized as official newspapers. Notice
was also given to an official radio station
of Skagit County. The City Manager read
the bids:
1 2
Louis Elterich Co. 152,220.00 No Bid
No Bid 152,220.00 1
P. 0. Box 868
Port Angeles, Z:n.
Shoreling Const. Co. 128,344.15 No Bid
No Bid 128,344.15 1
12531 15th Ave. N.E.
Seattle 55, brash.
Harold Kaeser 114,552.45 141,092.08
1203066.29 375,710.82 11 2 & 3 Without Deduc.
3629 34th s. 1,700-00
2,000-00 370,867-32 67.32 1, 2 & 3 t-gith Deductions
Seattle, Wash. 111,728.95
118,066.29 For Con.b. Bids
B & B Plumbing 108,347.00 109,816.07 842018.99 302,182.06 11 2 & 3 Without, Deduc.
13000.00 1,000.00 11000.00 2993lb2.06 11 2 & 3 I -lith Doduc.
107,347.00 108,816.07 83, 018.99 for Co,hb. Dids
A motion was made by Councilman Hopke and seconded by Councilman Rice to accept
the bid of B & B Plumbing and Heating, Inc. Roll call. Ayes: Hopke, Rice, Russell,
McDuglo, Ford and Peck. Hayes: None. Motion cart ied. A proposed resolutio h tra:,
read recommending to the Housing & Home Finance Agency that B & B Plumbing and Heating.
Inc. be awarded the bid. Councilman Hopke moved that the proposed resolution bo given
No. 71 and be approved and adopted. The motion was seconded by Councilman Rico.
3oll call. Ayes: Hopke, Russell, Rice, IcDugle, Peck and Ford. Noyes: Koiie.
Motion carried.
This being the only business bofore the council, Kayor YcDugle declared fthc
meeting adjourned at 5:15. p.m.
on 1 . c ugle, ayor
Ann Cepernic'r, City Clerk Fro -Tem
Fi eb rua ry 26, 1963
Special Se Sion
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. with Payor McDugle presidii►g.
Noll call: Hopke, nice, McDugle, Ford, Peck, and Strom.
The special meeting was called by the mayor for the purpose of assigning the
contract on I -later System Modifications and additions project to the lots bidde!-, rrhic:i
Z:as B & B Plumbing and Heating, Inc., of 2917 Commercial, Anacortes, Lashington.
Mr. Wilfred Amble from Stevens & Thompson Consulting Engineering Firm reported
on tilc progress with the government as to easements, and additional construction
we hop;: to do because of the bids being under the osti rates for the project. II: sta't"c:.i
th:: II -HFA people indicated that they would we liberal towards our desires.
I:r. Amble further read a letter from. the- :i-IiFA, approving the bid to D & B Plu,i;b:.i1e;
Lnd ;,eating, Tac., subject to the conditions that the remaining uaturli.i:; cas;;r:1::d1JJ :iu;:1u
have to be acquired before construction would be approved on that part of the project.
February 26, 1963
Special Session (coni.)
Councilman Ford moved that ve award the contract to B & B Plumbing and Heating,
Inc., since they ware the lot, bidder in the amount of $299,182.06 plus state; sales tax,
subject to the condition:: outlined in the letter of approval from H -HFA as to the ease-
ments. The motion eras seconded by Councilman Fdck. Roil call. Aycs: Iiopke, Rico,,
McDugle, Ford, Peck, and Strom. Nayes: Atone. Motion carried.
This being the only business before the Councilyt :`'Mayor V..cDugl8 declared the
special meeting adjourned as of 8:00�-,ip.m.
Signed �(9'�►
g (046
Mon H. Yc'DuF Le, .ayor
Arin Cepernich, City Clerk Pro -Ten
Varch 5, 1963
:'dating was called to order with Mayor YeDugle ,residing.
Roll call. Iiopke, P.useell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom
The minutes of the previous meeting was approved.
Mayor McDugle asked for a guest hearing at which time Irb. Bartholonew inquired
about the Local Business and Operational Tax which shoved up on her ;electric bill.
The City Attorney explained that the tax is imposed upon the company and the company may
either abeo?•b the to;c o; pass it to the consumer.
Discuscion on.proposed Ordinance 1342 for Water Bond issued in the amount of
$250,000. It will match amount with Federal Governnent for proposed Ordinance. A motion
was madc by Councilman Ford and seconded by Councilman Peck that the ordinance be adopted
and given ;r'1432 and the I"ayor and Cler}- be authorized to sign and publish same. Roll call.
Ayes: Hop',ce, Russell, rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Mayes: None. rflotion carried.
Di.,cussion was held concerning the contract approval with Stevens & Thompson,
Consulting Engineer on Ser,age Treatment Plan. Councilman Strom wished to %note why the Engin-
eer had been changed. Mayor P^cDugle called a recess. It was roved b.r Councilman Iiopke
and seconded by Counc.iL.ar1 Peck that the contract with Stevens & Thorpson for Sewage
Tzeatment Plan Engineering be adopted. Roll call. Ayes: Hopke, nus:,e;ll.• McDugle,
Puck,. Y:a;j,;s: nice, Mord, Strom. Motion carried.
Councilman Ford reported on bills or lagislatare which might affect our city.
The; City Y.;anager naxt read the con aunications. The Alpine Club Inc. wished
permission to hold a climbers lesson period on fount Erie on tho lith of April. It v1;as
moved by Councilia�n nice and seconded by Councilman Strom that the Alpine Club Inc. be
allowed to use ;fount Erie for this purpose. All ayes. A letter• iron the mayor of
Everett in regard to IIB ; expressed the opinion that the cities should realize t:ieir
fair share of liquor revenues. A letter frurl the City MLanager of Tacoma was read ill tidhich
he advis;;d us to pass a resolution similar to theirs. The City Manager read the reaolatiun.
It was noved hyuO"ouncilman lord and seconded by Councilman Peck that the resolution be
given No. 73 and be adopted &nd brought to the attention u.� uur State: Representatives.
Roll Sall. Ayes: Hopke, Russell, Rica, McDugle, Peck, Ford, & Strom. Nayes: None.
Motion carried.
A letter was read _corn Ralph ricdall ackno►aledging receipt of our letter oxpressi: g
the desire to realize 52;, of the liquor taxes. A letter from the Anacortes Chawber•of
Commerce: was read in regard to SB 1426 that would enlarge the preSU-rlt Highway CoMar .ssion
from .;1vu to semen members giving us better representation. It was moved by Councilman
Peck and seconded by Council;-aan Ford endo--e-se SB 426. T.otion carried by all. Yr.
Johnson, from Scott Faper Co. submitted a letter to the City stating that there r;ere
two bills befor,3 the logislature pertaining to the appraising o^ land;, that have timber.
Thera i:: a discrepancy in the appraising between counties and he advocates a 25 value
for Eastern Washington and 300' value for Western Washington. He wished the City to
support this bill. Councilman Hopke Inquired about whist: -Lar or not this percentage arould
incr&;oc the value already being .dharged. .i COuncilman ForcdL..%tated that in some cases
this would increase the revenue or cities and in other instances would decreaso the
revenue;. Counc!L-!a : utroln moved and it was seconded by Councilman Rice that we suppok-t
Bill #349. P'otion carried by all.
The City Manager next commented on the bid on the police car. Tho City received
one bid from, Evergreen T•.otoz•s Sales Inc. bidding $2584.87 fol• car plus tax of $103.39
P:asrch .5, 1963 ; (coy 't)
`'''8P ^` It :-.as rov%d ��„ Countsillmil lord and seconded b Councilman �EcI•:
U�;La1illg Y"20 v.L6. ✓
gist the bidbe accepted. r"otion carried by all.
I�i� ., Cita, Maiiat;er next colmnented on the outcome of the ,neeting witl^.Ja:,1,
cam' Socket Sanita tio;:. A letter "i -on i I"z . Suet was as .ollob�a
iris is a suggesteu 5oluticr� to sanitation and garbage problems:
1. The collector i.ould continue under the present contract until it expires
February 1, 1964.
2. That the oi•dinancZ be amended to change the base rate fro;n Y'1.00 to �1.2;.
3. Amending the ordinance so that the garbage du;up would be op, ,n thru.- dGy
a :Leek, I;'cdneuday, Saturday, and Sunday, for public use.
1;. That a city ordinance astablich an exclusive city license for doing busiiisz;6
w14 -h' n the City of Anacortes for garbage collacteion purposes; this 11ceiaiJ; ::u -'U 'u
exceed two years in dwration.
a. That within the ordinance, the collector would be paid on billing.
b. That the collactor be issued said license for two years, to
February 1, 1964.
c. The City Council may de•ter,nine: the percentage paid the collector oil billezzo.
d. Upon issuance of license, collector will operate three gaebage truth. dally
except holidays and Sata_rday .aithin the City.
A general discussion folloued in which the City ranger pointed out the,, .i;:
would riot change the; con'iract 'but i•;ould change -the ordinance statizig the r;onuy
charged for pickup of garbage. Mr. Sutt needs to be issued the license so he; could
obtain the financial backing he needed for new equipment. Mr. Sutt feels that throu
years is adequate. Councilman Ford stated that he understood that Mr. Sutt i7as not
enjoying adequate income but he wanted to be; sure that the Council stated within the
legal boundries. The City Attorney stated that we were staying within the ru1_11gs
Divisions of Municipalitions. Councilman Nice stated he felt a new license 'b-- gi_*Q",hz
now w.ich states rates and percentages. Councilman IIopke moved and it was seconded bi
Councilman Peck that an acceptable proposal be made which incorporates Mr. Suttees and
Councilman Picefs suggestions And that the City Attorney would drat up t.ze;
papers, and that a discussion would be had by the City "`anger, City Attol•no;y and
Stitt. Roll call. IIopke, Russell, Rice, 'McDugle, Peck, Ford, and Strom. Kayas:
Pone. Yotion carried.
The City Tanager read the claims report. It was ;,loved by Councilman Hopke and
seconded by Councilman Peck tliat the bills be paid. iaotion carried by all.
The City Attorney read the proposed reuolution -,-Jai_ch provided additional 'unds
for LID 156 for $54,555.21. It was moved by Councilman Rice and seconded by
Councilman Hopke that the resolution be adopted and given We. 74. Roll call.
kyus: Hopke, Russell, Rice, P.cDugle, .IPeck, Ford, and Strom. Nayes: None. ::otion
carried. The City (Tanager read a voucher which would wind up claims against LID 156
w750.00. Councilman Ford moved dna it was seconded by Councilman Hopke that ':larrant;;
rr 41 of LID x'156 in denomination of w750.00 at 4.40 to Grande & Co., Inc., bo is'quud.
Roll call. Ayos: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Nayes: :?one.
ITotion carried. The City 'angor noxt read a voucher for 4%397.91. $350.00 iu for ieeib
by the Laughlin, Preston, Thorton and $27.91 for long distance phone calls. Roll call.
Ay --s: Iiopke, Ruosoll, Rice, I-.IcDugle, Peck, Ford, Stron. Nayes: None. Ilotiun ;a:.•r ....1.
It was roved by Councilman Rice and seconded by Councilman Hopke that the clai*is bo
paid. Potion carried by all. A voucher for $40,000 was read for Paul d.ebber fu
purcha;;o on the hospital pyoperty for the civic center. Councilman Peck moved and it
t:as :seconded by Councilman 'Hopke that the warrant be approved. Roll call. Asses:
IIopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Nay e s: None. Motion cari•l:ad.
The City Manager reported: (A) on the remodeling that is being do;za in the;
City Ball office, (3) the nuu, billing s;ystex,, (C) the approval of the i.at6 Ilaali;ai
For the floridation equipment, (D) and the closing of stec:ts in order to effect tilt:
faster construction of water replacement- and additions project with appropl•iate detours
for traffic. A general discussion insued between newly appointed Planning Coj;mzissioil�jr,
Pay Balthazor, Councilman Ford, & Councilman Strom.
The meeting ti -ma adjourned by Payor I:cDugle at 9:35 P.m.
Attest--��� Signed G�'L1
Ann Capernic' , Ci.ty Ulerk Pro -Tem Don �I: HeDugle, Mayor
Karch 19, 1963
Invocation was given by
Roll call: Hopko, Rice, Peck, Ford, PcDugle
Thu: minutes of the previous meeting -was approved.
Discussion was hold concerning the application of TV Systems, Inc. They are
applying for permission to use City streets to run cables on utility pales for
TV services, from individual houses to a receiver station. Also, they are roquesting
permission to install a receiver on Mt. Erie in order to receive clear TV signals.
Phil Evans from TV Inc. distributed statements concerning their motives and questions
that the Council might have. The Council requested TV Systesm Inc., to gain permission
from Puget Sound, Kiwanis Club and the Hanley Estate to put their receiver on top of Pit.
Erie. TV Systems Inc., agreed. The Council stated that after permission was gained
that then they would give their answer. Councilman PEck moved and it was seconded
by Qouncilman Rice that TV Systems Inc., be referred to Puget Sound ^`^-:e:� =�� ;::. �r.:•
Kiwanis Club and the Hanley Estate to put their receiver on top of Pft. Erie. TV Systems
Inc., agreed. The Council stated that after permission was gained that then they would
give their answer. Councilman Peck moved and it was seconded by Councilman Rice that
TV Systems Inc., be referred to Puget Sound Power and Light, Kiwanis Club and the Park --
Board for permission to install their equipment and come back at the next council meeting
for their answer. Ayes: Hopke, Rice, A:cDugle, Peck, and Ford. Nayes: None. Motion
carried. It was determined that the Hensler Estate has already given their consent.
The City Attorney read the proposed resolution adopting Standard Specifications
for Municipal Public [Jorku Construction. (At this time Councilman Strom enterdd -the
meeting, 8:10 p.m.) City Engineer, Gallagher, fully approved of the resolution. It
was movt.d by Councilman Ford and seconded by Councilman Rice that the resolution be
given "75 and be adopted, frith the mayor and clerk authorized to sign. Ayes: Hopke,
Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, and Strom. Nayes, None. Motion carried.
The City Attorney read the proposed resolution authorizing City Treasurer to
transfer $131j560 from sewer revenue fund to a new sewer treatment plant construction
fund. It was moved by Councilman Peck and seconded by Councilman Rice that the
resolution be given #76 and adopted with the Mayor and Clerk being authorized
to sign. Ages: Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, and Strom. Nayes: None. r?otion carried.
Discussion was held concerning the payment to Stevens & Thompson for Engineering
Services and Survey s on AFil-WASH-8G. Total amount of engineering and survey for water
systems modifications is $23,762.30. It was moved by Councilman Hopke and seconded by
Councilman Pack that payment $23,762.30 be made to Stevens.on and Thompson for
Engineering 'and survey work. Ayes: Hopke, Rice, 1-fcDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Nayes:
None. Notion carried.
Discussion was held concerning the bids for the tractor, truck, and office machine.
The bids on the tractor were:
Bid 1 - Tractor - $5077.03
Bid 2 - Tractor - $5485.43
Bid 1 - W.T. - $4820.99
Bid 1 - Tractor - $4533.60
Bid 1 - Tractor - $4555.20
Councilman Hopke moved to accept Smiley's bid for :x4555.20. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Rice. Ayes: Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Nayes:
None<;j Kotion carried.
The bids on the truck were:
Bid 1 - Truck - $5935.13
SWENSON - Dodge - D600
Bid 1 - Truck - $5718.96
op. - $5692.00
:arch 19, 1963 (con't)
FITU KS USED CARS - Dodge - D600
Bid 1 - Truck - $5539.39
TRULSON - Chevrolet
Bid 1 - Truck - $5450.76
Bid 1 - Truck (Ford) - $5897.84
Councilman Rice moved and Councilman Peck seconded that the bid from Trulson
I:otor Company on a chevrolet for $5450.76 be accepted. Ayes: Hopke, Rice, XcDugle,
Peck, Ford, Strom. Nayes: None. Motion carried.
The bids on the Machine Bookkeeping System were:
Ntith trade in: "'1501 - $6083-57
N. C . R.
With trade in: 24 totals $6966.74
20 totals $6569.02
Councilman Ford moved and it was seconded by Councilman Peck that we accept
Burrough's bid of X6083.57. Ayes: Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Mage:.:
None. Potion carried.
The City F;anager explained the proposed Citizen Street Participation I'rogi,t.T .
This prograr. would include the folluwl.ng streets: 22nd Street from Island Vie -,-j to
Co?ra-nercial; 0 Avenue �.rom 12 to 22 Struet; R avenue from 22 to 35 street; Hart"o-!-
Street from Oakes Avenue: to Second Street West; 32nd Street from Hart Lake to
within the gravel pit) H? llc-rest Area; 41st Street by Kt. Erie School from Iiart Lv.':::
Road to 0 Avenue; Fidalgo to Hillcrest Drive.
The proposed progran would allow the property ovaiers on the affected area to
decide whether they vished to ir:prove their street, and how they planned to ."uza ,cc:
improvement. The city would help in the; participation by doing storm drainage ai.0 i.i t;..
use of city street crews and equipment where possible in preparing street grades.
Tl.cre was a lengthly d�scusoion on all parts of street and drainage work. Council; -,s..
Hopke moved and it waLi seconded by Councilman Peck that the city use city 6t.-Cct
creiys and equipment and storm drainage funds for material, to inotall s-cone d:. -anlage;
ori 41st from 0 Avcnae to Ilart Lake Road, and also on Fidalgo Street and Hillurest
Drivo, both areas having extreme area wide drainage problems. Ayes: Hopke;, Rice.,
*?cDugle, Peck, Ford, Otruia. Kayt;s: Nonu. notion carric;d.
Trio city rarwber read the claims report for the first half of i:a. c::. it t:as
moved by Councilman Peck and seconded by Councilman Hopke that the claims r:.port bu
approved asread. Ayes: Hopke, Rice, McDuLle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Neyes: Ru;ie.
Kot ion carried.
A claim voucher from B & B Plumbing for X2,269.01 was read. It t -:as mooed by
Councilman Hopke and seconded by Councilman Ford that the voucher be paid. Ayes:
Hopke, :lice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Nay= None. Motion carried.
The City P?anager asked pernission to go for bids for clorine and lime. It teas
moved by Councilman Strom and seconded by Councilman Rice that permission be grantcd.
Hotion carried by all.
The City Manager's report:
A. He reported that the Association of t,;ashington Cities Neill have their
annual convention June 1 through 11 June at Longview, 1.ashington.
B. The City I`,.anager stated that we have approval from the State Nealth
Depar ,: int on the - lovide equipment.
C. The: Lions Club are hav:_ng a meeting in British Columbia and they have requasted
that thu mayor invite the .International Liu..s to have their regional
.:..acortt;;, naxt year.
D. The city has receivdd a letter from International City Manager Association
accepting the city manager for attendance at the Advance Management School for
City Managers at the University of Chicago during the month of May.
E. There has been a center line ac::i-d do.Jn M AvenuQd
7 5 .0 0
27 5.00
1 8 5.42
8 0.15
1 4,5 6 9.68
1 0,5 1 2.50
2 9.16
3 6.78
1 4 .6 4
11 5.00
18,95 2.73
8 8.00
46,59'".14 T
�� � Z
,. ' i�
Larch 19, 1963 (coni)
F. That additional lighting was installed on 0 Avenue through the Chamber of
Commerce, which has greatly improved this area for drivers and pedestrians.
Mlayor McDugle adjournod the meeting at 10:30 P.n.-
Don H. McDugle, Ntayor
Attest e' �/ c �t-�2.L-.�/.
Ann CepernichCity Cler'; Pro -Tem
April 2, 1963
Invocation was given by Reverend Richard Boyd.
Roll call: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom
It was moved by Hopke and seconded by Russell that the minutes of the previous
meeting be approved. Ayes: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Nayes:
None. Motion carried.
The mayor asked for a guest hearing at which time Mr. Howard Beckman, Chairman
of the Building Committee, First Methodist Church, stated that as far as the First
Methodist Church was concerned that they would support the city in the street program
on 22 and H Avenue. They stated that they would help if the proper specifications were
used and at the lowest possible cost.
Councilman Hopke stated that Mr. Sherman from Pgget Sound Power called him and
stated that they had given permission to.TV Systems Inc. to erect an antennae on their
leased property and to use their poles. The City Attorney was also informed and stated
that the Council should make a similar agreement with TV Systems Inc. that they would
have with Mr. Coder to use city streets. It was moved by Councilman Hoppe and seconded
by Councilman Ford that an agreement be made with TV Systems similar to the one obtained
by Mr. Coder to use the city streets. Said agreement to be made and executed by the
city. Ayes: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford. Abstain, Strom. It was
suggested that TV Systems Inc. should contact the Kiwanis Club and keep in touch with
the Park Board.
The City Manager was asked to read the correspondence. A letter from the Lions
Club asking that they receive a franchise where they will be able to sell safe and
sane fire works. Councilman Ford moved and it was seconded by Peck that the communica-
tion be filed and be referred to in case the city should allow fire works activity
within the city. Motion carried by all. A letter from the Moen Agency stating that
they would like to extend the city the same liability policy on a three year basis
at the same rate the city paid this year. The City Attorney stated that the contract
was the result of bidding and he recommended that the city go out on bids again this
year. A letter from the Cemetery Board recommending the creation of a capital improve-
ment fund of $5300 for the purchase of a digger and $400 for the lumber for a shed.
The City Atkorney read the proposed resolution. It was moved by Councilman Rice and
seconded by Councilman Peck that the resolution be given No. )_ and adopted.
Ayes: Hopke, Rice, Russell, McDugle, 1Peck, Ford, Strom. Naves: one. Motion carried.
The City Attorney read the resolution applying $250,000 funds under bonding
Ordinance #1342 for water system modification to 1963 budget, raising the capital outlay
of the Water Department from $42,500 to $292,500, stipulating also that an amount of
$220,000:is proposed for matching funds with Federal Government for water project.
Councilman Peck moved and it was seconded by Councilman Hopke that the resolution be
given # and be adopted. Motion carried. Ayes: Hopke, Peck, Rice, Russell,
McDugle, Ford, Strom. Nayes:; None. Discussion was held as to the reason two
inspectors were necessary. It was determined that they would-be used for the different
projects; two jobs would have their own inspectors.
The City Attorney read the proposed ordinance on garbage collection. After
considerable discussion the issue was referred to a study session. The motion was
made by Councilman Ford and seconded by Councilman Russell. Motion carried. Roll
call: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Ford, Strom. Hayes:; Peck.
The City Attorney read the proposed ordinance concerning the consolidation
of the office of Clerk -Treasurer under the direction of one official. It was moved
by Councilman Hopke and seconded by Councilman Russell that the ordinance be adopted
and given a number. Ayes:; Hopke, Rice, Russell, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom.
Nayes: None. Motion carried.
The City Manager asked for authorization to enter into contract with the
University of Washington for Whistle Lake water quality study, contingent on
approval of grant by the Federal Government. It liras moved by Councilman Ford and
seconded by Councilman Peck that authorization be given to sign the contract with the
University of Washington. Ayes: Hopke, Rice, Russell, MoDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom.
Nayes: None. Motion carried.
The City Manager read the treasurer's report for February.
The City Manager read the claims for March. Salaries $15,442.90. Expenses
$25,582.66. Grand total $41, 025.56. Councilman Rice moved and it was seconded by
Conncilman Hopke that the claims be paid. Ayes:; Hopke, Rice, Russell, McDuglo,
Peck, Ford, Strom. Nayes: None. Motion carried.
The City Manager's report:
A. The Navy Department has invited the City Manager on a trip for a number of days
commencing April 15.
B. The City Manager requested permission to go for bids on the tractor for the cemetery.
It was moved by Councilman Hopke and seconded by Councilman Russell that the City
Manager call for bids on an American made tractor. Motion carried by all.
C. The City Manager next thanked the First Methodist Church representative for the
backing on the street program and stated other persons in the area effected will be
D. Survey crew are working in the city on additional work for water modification and
addition project, and also on storm drainage.
Councilman Rice asked about the discontinuing of the launching fees at the
city park. The City Manager stated that a suggestion for reduced fees for citizens
of the city, and larger fees for outsiders has been made, and also a meter payment
system was suggested. At Washington Park the Park Board is planning to consider
these suggestions at the April 5 meeting.
The meeting was adjourned by Mayor McDugle at 9:15 p.m.
Attest CJ
April 16, 1963
&, 17,44. -
Signed t
Don H. McD e,
Invocation was given by Reverend Ralph Underwood.
Roll call: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom
-It was moved by Rice and seconded by Peck that the minutes of the previous meeting
be'approved. Ayes: Hopke,'Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Nayes: None.
Motion carried.
The Skagit Alpine Club requested the use of Mount Erie on April 21 for practice
by students enrolled in a basic mountaineering course at Skagit Valley College. A
letter was received from the State Highway authorizing the prohibition of parking at
locations of proposed channelization of traffic on Commercial Avenue and 12th Street
which conforms to our ordinance. It was moved by Councilman Strom and seconded by :-
Councilman Rice that the Skagit Alpine Club be granted their request. Ayes: Hopke,
Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Nayes: None. Motion carried.
April 16, 1963 (const)
Changes in the proposed garbage ordinance from that read at the last meeting
were read by the City Attorney. Councilman Hopke moved and it was seconded by
Councilman Peck that the revised ordinance be adopted and given No. 13YLJ with
the Mayor and Clerk being authorized to sign. There was some discussion about the prices
per month on pickups and the overall return to the contractor. Ayes: Hopke, Russell
Rice, McDugle, LPeck. Nayes: Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
A proposed agreement with State Highway Commission for moving an 81, valve and
section of water main at ,-?Sullivan's Corner to clear new highway relocation was read
by the City Attorney. The City is to cap three services and inspect the work. The
The project would cost �he State $22,000 to make. It was moved by Councilman Rice and
seconded by Councilman Peck that this agreement be approved as presented. Ayes:
Hopke, Russell, Rice; McDugle, 1Peck, Ford, Strom. Nayes: None. Motion carried.
A proposed agreement with the State Highway Commission to perform maintenance work
on traffic signal systems at Commercial and 6th and 8th Streets on a routine basis was
read by the City Attorney. It was moved by Councilman Rice and seconded by Councilman
Peck that this agreement be approved as read. Ayes: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle,
Peck, Ford, Strom. Nayes: None. Motion carried.
The City Attorney presented a quit claim deed for Grace S. Olson and Ila June
Deane, on lots 14-16. Blk 140 - Original Plat, for the City Clerk and Mayor to sign
if the City Council so approves. Councilman Ford moved and it was seconded by
Councilman Strom that the city sign this deed. Ayes: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle,
Peck, Ford, Strom. Nayes: None. Motion carried.
The City Engineer presented Claim Vouchers on the water modification project to
cover materials supplied by the City for service connections in an amount of $93.1.18-
911.18and to cover cost of publication of water shut off and bonding ordinance notices in
the newspapers in an amount of $91.72. It was moved by Councilman Hopke and seconded
by Councilman Rice that the claims be paid. Ayes: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle,
Peck, Ford, Strom. Hayes: None. Motion carried.
Bids for a police car radio were received as follows:
Outercoms of W+datGhington State, Burlington
Front Mount $395 + Tax Completely installed
Rear Moun t $435 + Tax Completely installed
Manufacturer: Hammerlund
Rothenbuhler Engineering Co., Sedro Wooley
Front Mount $420.50 + Tax lind Installation
Rear Mount $465.00 + Tax and Installation
Manufacturer: Aer atron
It was moved by Councilman Hopke and seconded by Councilman Russell that we
accept Outercom of Washington State, if it is approved by the police chief. Ayes:
Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, :Strom. Hayes: None. Motion carried.
Treasurerts report for March: Total Receipts: $396,311.61
Total Disbursements: 2483158.25
Claims report for the first half of April:
Total Salaries: $ 8,933.00
It was moved by Councilman Hopke and seconded by Councilman Rice that claims
be allowed of $12,530.78. Ayes: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom.
Hayes: None. Motion carried.
Mayor McDugle adjourned the meeting at 8:57 p.m.
Don H. McDugle," Mayor
` 44 �
May 7, 1963
A regular meetin of the City Council for the City of Anacortes was called to
order at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor McDugle presiding.
Invocation was given by Reverend Stewart.
Roll call: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, peck, Strom, Russell present.
The minutes of the previous meeting were considered and after hearing no
alterations or corrections, Councilman Rice moved and Councilman Peck seconded that
due to the fact that each Councilman had a copy for study and that copies were available
at the City Clerk's Office upon request, the minutes be approved as if read. Ayes:
Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Nayes: None. Motion carried.
,City Attorney read a revised subdivision ordinance recommended by the Planning
Commission, amending various sections of Ordinance No. 1118 passed in 1953, regarding
plats, subdivisions, pedestrian ways, sidewalks and streets and highways. After
discussion Councilman Rice moved and Councilman Ford seconded that the ordinance be
adopted and given No. 13ilir and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign
and publish same. Ayes: For, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell.
Nayes:*..-..None. Motion carried.
City Attorney read a proposed ordinance on building codes also recommended by
the planing Commission. The revised ordinance adopts a 1961 uniform code prepared
by International Conference of Building Officials, repealing Section I of Ordinance
No. 1215 passed and approved in 1958. Coucilman Hopke moved and Councilman Peck --
seconded that the ordinance be adopted and given No, and the Mayor and City -
Clerk be authorized to sign. Ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, Russell, McDugle, Peck,
Strom. Nayes: None.
Letter was read by Mr. Gallagher on an offer from "enry Harris to purchase his
property adjacent to the City's sewer plant in the amount of $30,000.000. Mr.
Gallagher pointed out that this property would be valuable to the City for future
sewer plant expansion and perhaps some of the property could be utilized by the
Port Commission. Area in question is approximately 12 to 2 acres and includes
lend, building, docks and boat mooring floats. Valuation of such has not yet been
determined. Mr. Harris has offered two plans for payment.
1. Down payment of $80000 when papers signed, payment of
$1100.00 on Dec. 1, 19631 and a payment of $2200.00
annually. Interest at lt2�.
2. Down payment large enough to make it legal and binding,
payment of $1100.00 on Dec. 1, 1963 and a semi-annual
payment of $1100.00. Interest at 512%.
It was recommended of the Council that the matter be referred to a study meeting on
May 28th and that Mr. Diller and Mr. Gallagher meet with the Part Commission prior
to that date to discuss the possibility of utilization.
Mr. Gallagher read a letter from Washington State Council of County and City
Employees on a request for a date for contract negotiations for 1964 fiscal year.
Their requests are:
1. Paid medical plan covering the members under'Skagit
Valley Medical.
2. A minimum of $18:60-permonth across the board salary
increase. This Jas referred to Councilman Ford, Chairman
of the Finance Committee.
Mayor McDugle reported to the Council that the Association of Washington
Cities meeting would be held June 12-13-14, and request two members of the Council
to attend. Councilman Peck and Councilman Ford agreed to attend and represent
the City of Anacortes. „
= Mr. Gallagher presented to the Council the second Progress Payment due
B & B Plumbing and Heating on the Water Modification Project, approved by Stevens
and Thoppson. Councilman Ford moved and Councilman Rice seconded that authorization
be given to pay B & B Plumbing and Heating in the amount of $42,209.72. All Ayes:
Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Nayes: None. Motion
MOV179 1963 (continued)
Mr. Gallagher presented to the Council the tabulation of bids received for
the cemetery tractor -loader -and backhoe Bids as follows:
Smileys $5312.00 Alternate $5212.00
Van's Equipment 4600.00 Alternate 4236.45
Ohlsen 4973.13
He pointed out that it was the recommendation of the Cemetery Superintendent
that Van's Equipment be awarded their alternate bid. It was moved by Councilman
Hopke and seconded by Councilman Peck that the alternate bid of $4236.45 from
Van's Equipment Co. be accepted. Ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom,
Russell. Nayes: None. Motion carried.
Claims report for the month of April was read. On favorable report from
the Finance Committee a motion was made by Councilman Rice and seconded by
Councilman Hopke that the claims be allowed and warrants be drawn in the favor
of same. Ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Nayes:
None. Motion carried.
Additional Water Modivication Claims were also presented in the total amount
of $458.35. Councilman Rice moved and Councilman Peck seconded that these
additional claims be accepted. Ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom,
and Russell. Nayes: None. Motion carried.
Mr. Gallagher presented the City Manager's report due to the fact that
Mr. Diller was attending the Manager's Association School in Chicago. Report
as follows:
A. Approval of HHFA for funds to proceed with the Whistle Lake Study.
Cost $6500.00 commended Senator Jackson's office for assistance.
P6ssib7lity of refunding the 1957 water Bond Issue at a substantial
saving to the City.
B Possibility of refunding the 1957 Water Bond Issue at a substantial
saving to the City.
C. Construction of the storm sewer line of Fidal:go Avenue has commenced.
D. Generally favorable response to paving J Avenue between 20th and 29th
and also along 22nd Street West from J Avenue.
E. Street Lighting Improvement Program commenced on Q Avenue from 4th
Street to 9th Street.
F. School District has approved the right of way on 41st Street.
G. Councilman Peck asked that action be taken against J. I. Mayer for
gravel removed from City's Gravel Pit without authorization. City
Attorney recommended that this matter be held over until the return
of Mr. Diller, City Manager.
H. Mayor McDugle read a letter from the American War Mothers of plans for
a convention in Anacortes June 13 and 14. If possible requested the
attendance of Mayor and Councilman.
Being no further business it was moved by Councilman Peck and seconded by
Councilman Rice that the meeting be adjourned at 9:05 p.m.
MildrbkW ryCit C erk
Signed _ �/�4`�.
Don cDugle, yor
246 �
May 21, 1963
A regular meeting of the City Council for the City of Anacortes was called to
order at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor McDugle presiding.
Invocation was given by Reverend Boyd.
Roll Call: Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford.
The minutes of the previous meeting were considered and after hearing no
alterations or corrections, Councilman Ford moved and Councilman Rice seconded
the minutes be approved as read. Ayes: Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford. Motion
Mayor McDugle read a letter from Mr. D. M. Bernard submitting his resignation
from the board of Adjustment due to being transferred from the area.
City Attorney was requested to read a proposed resolution apply?.ng for the
receiving from the Housing and Home Finance Agency of the Federal Go#ernment
an advance of $2,000.00 for the Whistle Lake water quality study and additional
funds in the sum of $6,500.00, totaling $8,500.00. This will cover cost of
special design consultation and further water quality studies. Councilman Hopke
moved and Councilman Rice seconded that the proposed Resolution be accepted and
given No. and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign. byes:
Hopke, Rice., McDugle., Peck, Ford. Motion carried.
Permission was requested by the City Manager to advertise for bids on
construction for addition to the sewage treatment plant and pump station.
Councilman Hopke moved and Councilman Rice seconded that the City Manager be
authorized to issue a call for bids, with bid closing 2:00 p.m. June 18, 1963,
Ayes: Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford. Motion carried.
Permission was requested by the City Manager for Change Order on Water
Modification and Additions Project, in the amount of $46,303.65. He stated that
due to the favorable contract bid on the original work that nearly $50,000.00
was left unallocated. This extension would be replacement of some of the wood
lines *athin the City and if granted it would leave only two major sections on
10th Street., and on Oakes Avenue West of Anacopper Mine Road with wood lines.
Councilman Hopke made the motion that permission be granted to request this change
order, Councilman Peck seconded the motion. Ayes: Hopke, Rice, McDugle,
Peck, Ford. Motion carried.
City Manager reported to the Council that Boeing Co. is asking permission to
install an antenna on a 30 foot mast, 200 to 300 feet from the power lines on Mt.
Erie. After some discussion it was agreeded upon to hold up on any action
until the drawings and specification of the proposed installation are received from
the Boeing Co.
Claims against the City for the 1st half of May 1963 were read to the Council.
Salaries: $9,098.00
Expenses: 6,656.73
Councilman Peck made the motion that the claims be allowed and warrants be
drawn in favor of same. Councilman Rice seconded the motion. Ayes: Hopke, Rice.
McDugle, Peck, Ford. Motion carried.
Treasurer's Report for April 1963 was presented to the Council.
Receipts for the month of April: $2323025.08
Disbursments for themoth of April: 1962077.98
Total Balance of Cash and Investments' 10221220.25
On a favorable report from the Finance Committee a motion was made by
Councilman Ford and seconded by Councilman Peck that the report be approved as
read. Ayes: Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford.
City Manager's Report as follows:
1. 1962 General Audit of the City of knacortes received and available for
inspection at City Hall to Council and Public.
2. Addressed the State and Local Government Class of Skagit Valley College
on City Government.
3. Asked permission to accept County Commissioners offer to surface Whistle
May 212 1963 (continued)
Lake, Happy Valley and kavekost roads. City will furnish the gravel and
material, County will furnish services and equipment. Councilman Hopke
made a motion that the City accept the County offer, Councilman Peck
seconded the motion. Ayes: Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford. Motion
4. 12th Street between N & 0 widening lane for Eastbound traffice partially
5. Fidalgo Street storm sewer Project 2/3 completed.
6. T. V. System Inc. has requested permission to use City owned poles in
their installation on Mt. Erie. Councilman Hopke made a motion that
permission be granted and this addition be entered on the T. V. System
agreement with the City Attorpey, Councilman Peck seconded the motion.
Ayes: Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Pedks Ford. Motion carried.
8:15 Councilman Strom. present.
7. Road Oiling and P4. -p Juice being put on City Streets.
8. Complaint against J. I. Mayer for removal of City Gravel without
authorization being held for police investigation befor any decision be
Councilman Rice made q request to the Council to see if arrangements could be
made for a minister to officiate at the graveside rites for the deceased who are
without families and friends. The City Clerk was directed to see if such
arrangements could be made.
Mayor McDugle reported that the Planning Commission was to meet with Council
May 28th, 7:30 p.m. to discuss industrial plans. Port Commissioners will also
meet with Council on that day to discuss Harris property purchase
Mayor McDugle declared the meeting adjourned 8:30 p.m.
Attest yfijea
Jutis 41 1963
R4,,4 a,7,i
CityFerk "
Signed �.
- - _ . r�
A regular meeting of the City Council for the City of Anacortes was called
to order at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor McDugle presiding.
,Invocation was given by Reverend Underwood,
Roll Call: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom.
The minutes of the previous meeting were considered and after hearing no
alteration or correction, Councilman Hopke moved and Councilman Rice seconded the
minutes be approved as read. Ayes: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford,
Dorothy Bartholomew asked about the dog leash law. Mayor McDugle informed her
that the City was enforcing this law, and if she would call Mr. Prothero on any
problem she might have.
d' 8 Q
June 4, 1963 (continued)
City Manager Earl Diller requested permission to advertise for bids on 32nd
Avenue from Heart Lake Road to the Gravel Pit. This would consist of 3 inches of
Asphaltic Concrete paving. Estimated cost of the project would be approximately
$9,000.000 to be financed with matching funds from the gas tax monies. The City
would contribute one quarter of the cost. Time involved in the project would be
approximately two weeks. After a discussion Councilman Ford moved that permission
be given to advertise for bids on this project and Councilman Peck seconded themotion.
Ayes: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom.
A proposed resolution charging off uncollectible utility accounts was presented
to the council. This would include unpaid billing for water, garbage, and sewer
services by the City of Anacortes prior to and during the years 1961 and -196.2.
These delinquent accounts total $4,201.05. After a lengthy discussion
Councilman Peck moved that this proposed resolution be adopted and given No. 79
and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign. Councilman Ford seconded
the motion. Ayes: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom.
City Manager requested approval of Progress Payment No. 3 to B & B Plumbing
and Heating Company on the Water Modification Project, which was approved by Stevens
and Thompson, in the amount of $111,664.45. Councilman Peck moved that
authorization be given to issue warrant in given amount. Councilman Rice seconded
the motion. Ages: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom.
City Manager requested approval of Progress Payment to Stevens and Thompson
in the amount of $4,002.00 for 20m of professional services and surveys in
connection with design of sewage treatment plant. Councilman Hopke made a motion
that this paymept be issued, Councilman Russell Seconded. Ayes: Hopke, Russell,
Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom.
City Manager Report:
1. Fidalgo Street storm sewer project nearing completion.
2. County has completed the let phase of the surfacing of Whistle Lake,
Happy Valley and Havekost roads, will return in 30 days to complete
3. 1964 Budget Expenditures forms are in the process of being sent out to
all City Departments.
4. Planning on widening 12th Street from D to K to make parallel parking
area on south side of street. This will not cover any area where there are
5. Police Officers are attending a Command School conducted by Don Sprinkle,
Sheriff of King County.
6. Island Hospital will give first aid training to all Police and Fire
Department personel.
7. Skyline Plat street paving is completed.
8. City Manager reported on his trip to Chicago to attend the International
City Managers Advance Management Training Program conducted inconjunction
with the University of Chicago.
City Attorney, William Wells introduced his daughter Marilyn Wells and Carol
Zoet who were nominated to attend Girls State in Ellensburg.
Councilman Hopke inquired about possibility of installing water line along
Heart Lake Road. City Manager and City Engineer offered to look into such a
project and estimate the cost of such.
Councilman Peck requested permission to be absent on June 18th Council
Meeting as he is on vacation.
Mayor Don McDugle declared meeting adjourned 9:00 p.m.
on MCDu e, Mayor
APt;est & a Q 0--� v
M ldred Bryant, ,ity Clerk
Special Council Meeting
June 12, 1963
Meeting called to order at 6:45 p.m. with Mayor McDugle presiding.
%oll Call: Hopke, Russell, Rice and McDugle.
The special meeting for the City of Anacortes was called by the Mayor for
the purpose of making an application to the H & HFA, for the Water Additions
and Modifications Project. Timely notice of this meeting was given to the news-
papers, which are recognized as official newspapers of general circulation within
Skagit County.
The proposed resolution making application to H & HFA was read by the City
Attorney. Councilman Rice moved, seconded by Councilman Hopke that the resolution
be given a No. 81 and be approved. Roll Call: Ayes - Hopke, Russell, Rice, and
McDugle. Nayes - None.
--his being the only business before the Council, Mayor McDugle declared the
meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.
Signed C'
Do cDugle, ayor
AttestM.ijj P_'W—
Mil ed Bryant, it Clerk
June 18, 1963
A regular meeting of the City Council for the City of Anacortes was called
to order at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor McDugle presiding.
Invocation was given by Reverend Seymour.
Roll Call: Hopke, Rice, Mcllugle, Ford, Strom.
The minutes of the June 4th meeting were considered and Councilman Rice made
a motion and Councilman Hopke seconded that the previous minutes be approvedp Ayes:
Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Ford, Strom.
William Colby spoke from the audience asking if any action had been taken on a
water line on Anaconda Copper Road. City Manager reported that he had talked w th
property owners in this area and on Heart Lake Road, and price estimates and drawings
should be ready in the near future.
Mayor McDugle read a letter from Mr. And Mrs. Frank Kamps, thanking the City
for their cooperation in the suf'facing of the approach to Whistle Lake Road,
City Manager reported bids on the Sewage Treatment Plant had been received.
The bids are as follows:
P & B Company of Washington $224,640.00
G. R. Leischner Construction 2582284.00
Giske Construction & Stevens Construction 269,152.00
Mr, Wilford Amble representing Stevens and Thompson, Consulting Engineers
stated that approval must be recbived from the State Pollution Board before contract
can be awarded. Councilman Strom made the motion and Councilman Rice seconded
that 'P&B Company of Washington be awarded contract pending approval of Washington
Skate Pollution Control Commission and State of Washington Department of Health, and
when received permission be granted to the City Engineer to proceed with work as per
agreement contract. Ayes: Hopke, Rice, MCDugle, Ford, Strom, Motion carried.
City Manager presented the Council with payments due Stevens and Thompson
for surveys crew work in the amount of $1,854,00 -- Anacortes Reporter $9.57 --
Pacific Water Works $177.73 for Water System Modification Project APUD -WN -8G.
Councilman Rice made a motion and Councilman Hopke seconded that these payments be
made. Roll: Ayes: Hopke, Rice, McDugle, mord, Strom. Motion carried.
o 0
June 18, 1963 (continued)
A request from the Lions Club of Anacortes for a safe and sane fireworks
Ordinance was presented to the Council. City Attorney read proposed Ordinance.
Councilman Strom stated that if such Ordinance be adopted he felt like it should
be on a probation period of one year. Discussion followed. Councilman Rice made
the motion and Councilman Hopke seconded that the Ordinance be adopted and given
No. 1347 and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign and publish same.
Ayes: Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
Gus Dalstead, County Director of Civilian Defense presented the Council with an
outline of the Civilian Defense Program and requested the amount of $500.00 from the
City of Anacortes for the remainder of 1963, to help with the purchasing of new
equipment and transporation expense. Also requested that consideration be given in
the 1964 budget for an appropriation of $1,000.00 for the Defense Program. He
stated that with such help from the cities of Skagit County and Matching Funds from
the State that the overall amount would total $8,500.00. After discussion Mayor
McDugle asked permission that this request be referred to the July 1st Finance
Committee Meeting, and approval held over to Council Meeting when all Councilmen
would be present.
The City Manager informed the Council that the City Clerk's office had received
a petition to form a Local Imporvement District, for street improvement and paving
for J Avenue from 20th to 29th Street, 22nd Street from J to H Avenue, and H Avenue
from 22nd Street to 24th Street. The City Clerk and City Engineer had certified
as to sufficiency in a pajority of lineal frontage on the Improvement, and majority
of square footage within the Improvement District, to form a Local Improvement
District as established in R. C. W. 35-43-040 (1959 Supplement). He stated that
the City Engineer's estimates of project cost were below the requirements of assessed
valuation of the Improvement Area. He stated that bids specifications on the project
should be ready by July 2nd Council Meeting.
The City Attorney read the proposed Ordinance for the Improvement to the east
half of H Avenue from the south line of 24th Street to the south line of 22nd Street;
22nd Street from the center line of H Avenue to the west line of J Avenue; and J
Avenue from the south .line of 20th Street to the north line of 29th Street, by
grading, draining, suffacing and paving the same where required, by installing
necessary concrete curbs, gutters and drainage facilities where requred, by the
installation of sidewalks on the east side of that portion of H Avenue to be improved,
on the north and south sides of 22nd Street from H Avenue to J Avenue, and on the
east side of J Avenue from the south line of 22nd Street extended 1327.70 feet
south, and doing such other work as may be necessary in connection therewith;
creating a local improvement district therefor and a local improvement district
fund, and providing that the payment for said improvements may be made by special
assessments on property in said district, payable by the mode of "payment by bonds".
After discussion Councilman Ford moved and Councilman Hopke seconded that the
Ordinance be adopted and given No. 1348 and that the Mayor and City Clerk be
authorized to sign and publish same. Ayes: Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Ford, Strom,
Motion was carried.
Mayor McDugle appointed Councilman Rice to serve on the Finance Committee in
the absence of Councilman Peck. The report of claims against the City for the 2nd
half of June 1963 was read to the Council.
2nd half of May Salaries: $16,638.96
Expenses: 45,554.37
lst half of June Salaries: $ 9,184.00
Expenses: 360.00
$ 9,544.74
Hearing no objection, Mayor McDugle referred them to the Finance Committee.
on favorable report by Committee, a motion was made by Councilman Hopke and seconded
by Councilman Strom that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of same.
Ayes: Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Ford, Strom.
June 18, 1963 (continued)
The Treasurers Financial Report for the month of May 1963 was presented to the
Council and ordered placed on file.
City Managers Report as follows:
1, Informed Council new bookkeeping machine had arrived and the setting up of the
records, and training of personnel had begun.
2. Representative from Washington State Council of County and City Employees
to meet with Finance Committee July 1st, 1963•
3. Property owners request for City to cut grass on their property is agaist
the state Auditors instruction, as this type of work is not a municipal
function and should be done by private business of this nature.
4. Discussing Right of Way with Scott Paper from R to' -'G -'-Avenue,
5. Water project on J Avenue started and will be working in this area for
next 2 weeks.
6. Right of way releases are being received on 41st Street.
7. Mr. Oscar Thorene, Street Supt., just returned from Sewage Treatment School
at Washington State University.
8. State is fencing the Highway entering City from East for protection of
children playing or crossing right of way.
Councilman Rice made'a request that if any extra city work be available in the
summer months, that high school students be considered.
Mayor McDugle declared meeting adjourned 10:15 p.m.
o Mcgal bue,or
Attest �fi-jiij
Mildred`Bryant, Uity CGk
July 2, 1963
A regular meeting of the City Council for the City of Anacortes was called to
order at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor McDugle presiding.
Invocation was given by Reverend Wilsbn.
Roll Call: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom.
The minutes of the previous meeting were considered and after hearing no
alterations or corrections, Councilman Rice moved and Councilman Russell seconded
that the minutes be approved as read. Roll, Ayes: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle,
Peck, Ford, Strom.
Mr. Ray Culbertson from the audience asked for permission to build a garage
on his property line but was informed by the building inspector that according to
the zoning ordinance it would be a violation. The request was referred to the
Board of Adjustment.
In a communication read by Mayor McDugle, Mr. Ivar Antonious tendered his
resignation as Chairman of the Board of Adjustment effective July 1, 1963,
Councilman Peck moved and Councilman Rice seconded that the resignation be accepted.
Councilman Strom asked the motion be amended to include the resignation be accepted with
regret. Councilman Peck restated his motion to that effect. Ayes: Hopke, Russell,
Rice, McDugle, neck, Ford, Strom. Councilman Peck Asked the Mayor to have a letter
of appreciation sent to Mr. Antonious.
A second communica.ion was received from Stanley Anderson concerning the Port
District and Urban Renewal.
The City Manager informed the Council that the City Clerk's office and recieved
a petition to form a local Improvement District, for street improvement and paving
July 2, 1963 (continued)
for J Ave., from 20th to 29th Street, 22nd Street from J to H Ave., and H Ave.
from 22nd Street to 24,,,h Street. The City Clerk and City Engineer hhd certified
as to sufficiency in a tajority of lineal frontage on the Improvement, and
majority of square footage within the Improvement District, to form a Local
Improvement District as established in R. C. W. 35-43-040 (1959)Supplement). He
stated that the City Engineer's estimated of project cost were below the requirements
of assessed valuation of the Improvement Area. Mayor McDugle called a public hearing
on the petition to form a Local Improvement District. After a general discussion
the City Attorney read the proposed Ordin ance for the Improvement to the east
half of H Avenue from the south line of 24th Street to the south line of 22nd Street;
22nd Street from the center lire of H Avenue to the west line of J Avenue; and J
Avenue from the south line of 20th Street to the north line of 29th Street, by
grading, draining, surfacing and paving the same where required, by installing
necessary concrete curbs, gutters and drainage facilities where required, by the
installationoof sidewalks on the east side of that portion of H Avenue to be improved,
on the north and south sides of 22nd Street from H Avenue to J Avenue, and on the
east side of J Avenue from the south line of 22nd Street extended 1327.70 feet
south, and doing such other work as may be necessary in connection therewith;
creating a local improvement district therefor and a local improvement district
fund, and providing that the payment for said improvements may be made by special
assessments on property in said district, payable by the mode of "payment by
bonds". Councilman Ford moved and Councilman Rice seconded that the Ordinance be
adopted and given No. 1329 and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign
and publish same. Ayes: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion
A request from Anacortes Arts and Craft Festival Committee for permission to
block Commercial Avenue from 6th to 8th Street for the Festival in lat July and
August was granted. A motion was made by Councilman Rice, seconded by Councilman
Russell. Ayes: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
Appointments weremade by Mayor McDugle to the Planning Commission, Board of
Adjustment, Library Board, Cemetery Board, History Goard and the Citizens Advisory
Committee for the workable program and Urban Renewal. The following are the boards and
Planning Commission: Jerry Mansfield
Board of Adjustment: Harry DeRemer, Charles Meyerson, Ted Trafton
and Ray Iversen, re -appointed.
Park Board: Mike Demopolis and re -appointment Dr. Tom
Books and Doug Burton.
Cemetery Board; Egbert Bowen and the re -appointment of Mrs.
Edward McGovern.
Library Board: Mrs. Leonard Moore
History Board: Dr. Austin Shaw, Mrs. Frank Kimsey and Dr. Lewellyn
Citizens Advisory
Committee: George Brado, Bill Coleman, J. J. Sadlier,
Kenneth W. McKenzie, Jay Williams, Ray Separovich,
Bob Allen, Ed Brown, Fred Cartwright, Marvin
Mackey, the Rev. K. Li, Egertson, Merrill
Iverson, Mrs. Vance Coder, Cecil Thomas, Jim
Jackson, Tom Lian, Joe Colley, Harold Sherman,
Ray Jones, Dr. Jack Frisk, Fred Tidrington,
Dave Snyder and Ellis Henderson.
Councilman Peck moved that the appointments made by Mayor McDugle be
accepted, the motion was seconded by Councilman Hopke. Ayes: Hopke, Russell,
Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Nayes: Strom. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Councilman Hopke, seconded by Councilman Rice that the
progress payment No. 4 to B & B Plumbing & Heating for the month of June for
construction of water system.:modifications, Project APW-Wash-8G in the amount of
$60,312.29 be approved. Ayes: Hopke, Russell, Kice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom.
Motion carried.
July 2, 1963 (continued)
A motion was made by Councilman Rice, seconded by Councilman Peck that the
final payment of 10% retention to Stevens & thompson, Inc., on engineering contract
for design of bypass around old filter plant in the amount of $75.00 be paid.
Roll call: Ayes: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom, Motion carried.
A motion was made by Councilman Hopke, seconded by Councilman Peck that the
progress payment of 90% total to date to Stevens & Thompson, Inc., for design,
surverys, and subsurface investigation for sewage treatment plant Project APW Wash -121,
in the amount of $12,461.90 be allowed and payment made. Ayes: Hopke, Russell,
Rice, MCDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
Mayor McDugle called upon Councilman Peck, Ford, and Strom for a report on
their attendance at the state convention of Associated Cities of the State of
Washington which was held in Longview, Washington on June 12, 13, 14.
City Manager Diller asked approval of claim vouchers agaisst the Government
Grant Projects for materials and services supplied the City in the following amounts:
LeGro &•Judy $356.30, Palmer Supply $184.92, and Pacific Water Works & Supply $116.68.
A motion was made by Councilman Hopke, seconded by Councilman Russell that the claims
be allowed and warrants be drawn in favor of same. Ayes: Hopke, Russell, Rice,
McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
A claim by the Daily Journal of Commerce for publication of notice of Bid
call #6326-B was next presented in the amount of $72.60. A motion was made by
councilman Hopke, seconded by Councilman Rice, that authorization be given for
payment -of same. Ayes: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom.
Motion carried.
Claims for the month of June totaled $49,990.63. A motion was made by
Councilman Rice, sedonded by Councilman Hopke that these claims be allowed.
Ayes: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
City Manager Diller gave the following report:
1. The FinancerCommittee met with representatives from Washington State
Council of County and City Employees and stated they would. meet again
in two weeks.
2. Work has commenced on 32nd Street and Hart Lake Road.
3. Clearing of D Street in order to enable connection from 32nd to 12th.
4. The Street Department and the Highway Department will install left turn
lanes on 12th and 0 Avenue and Commercial Avenue.
5. The water project is continuing on J Street from 20th to 38th Street
at reservoir.
6. Avon Work Project will be tied in the next week or so.
7. Sewer treatment plant construction started last Friday.
8, The Library Board is havin- new lighting put in the library building
on the top floor.
Mr. Diller asked the councilmen for permission to put up bids for LID #158.
A motion was made by Councilman Hopke, seconded by Councilman Peck that permission
be granted for same. Ayes: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom.
Motion carried.
A motion was duly made by Councilman Hopke and seconded by Councilman Peck that
the meeting be adjourned. Time 8:L5.
Don McDugle, 5itor
Mildred Bryant, 'ty C erk
July 16, 1963
August 6, 1963
(See No. 255)
A regular meetingof the City Council for the City of Anacortes was called
to order at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor McDugle presiding.
Roll: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom.
The minutes of the previous meeting were considered and after hearing no
alterations or correction, Councilman Hopke moved and Councilman Peck seconded
that the minutes be approved as read. Ayes: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle,
Peck, Ford.
The mayor asked for a gtast hearing at which time Mr. Vinton Rogers, City
Building Inspector, stated that he was displeased with some statements that had been
in the newspaper regarding his work with the City.
Councilman Hopke asked if there was any possibility of erecting a basketball
stand in back of the old hos.)ital. The City Manager reported that he had met with
the Park Board discussing such a plan and the Park Board had been very receptive.
The City Manager read a letter from the Anacortes Chamber of Commerce requesting
the City Council to improve and designate Avenues "Q" and "R" as a truck route .. '
through, -the city. They feel that the designating of these streets as a truck route
was fast becoming a necessity rather than just desirable, with the vehicle and
pedestrian traffice problems which now exist on Commercial Ave. Mayor McDugle
stated the negotiations with Great Northern Railway are now underway for the necessary
right of way and as soon as this was obtained consideration could be given to this -
request. It was decided to take no direct action, but the CoOcil would meet in a
study session and so discuss the problem more thoroughtly.
Letter received from Congressman Jack Westland was read by the City Manager
in which Congressman Westland stated he had received the copy of our resolution ¢#82.
He advised us that he would be happy to cooperate in the effort to accomplish
a feasibility study of Fidalgo Bay and he had directed a request tothe Chairman of
the House Public Works Committee for a resolution to authorize a review of reports
and would' -keep us advised as to progress made on the House side. Letter was also
read from Warren G. Magnuson, United States Senate, on this same resolution
stating that he had discussed our request with Senator Jackson, and were conducting
some preliminary investigations and then be guided as to how to proceed.
C,ty Manager read copy of Letter for Renfro Turner, Jr., Captain, United
States Navy, sent to Henry M. Jackson, United States Senate, which would aid City
of `Lnacortes in obtaining additional federal funds for waterline improvement.
Letter received from Henry E. Harrid requesting some action be taken on
purchase of his property, which was offered to the City May 7.tt}, 1963, was read
by the City Manager, His request was based on the necessity of informing customers on
the winter boat storage applications and dredging company whether to proceed with
enlarging boat mooring basin. Councilman Rice moved that the City accept Mr. Harris'
offer, the City Attorney prepare the necessary purchase papers. Seconded by
Councilman Peck, Ayes: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom.
Motion carried.
Petition was read by the City Manager signed by Anacortes business men,
requesting the relocation of the Arts and Crafts Festival an Commercial Avenue in
the future. Their request was based on the interference with their normal business
activities during the time that Commercial Avenue is so blocked to through traffic.
It was their suggestion that in the future the Council consider permitting location
of the Festival at some point along 0 Avenue, which would cause little or no interference
with downtown business activities. After discussion, the matter was referred to
the Planning Commission for recommendations.
A recommendation from the Planning Commission that pedestrian crosswalks
be installed at the alleys from 5th to 8th Streets on Commercial Avenue on a
trial basis. After much discussion, particularly to the sadety of such crosswalks,
Councilman Ford made the motion that this recommendation be accepted on a trial
basis, with the approval of the Safety Commission and Chief of Police. Councilman
Strom seconded the motion. Ayes: Rice, McDugle, Foro,.Strom. Nayes: Hopke,
Russell, Peck. Motion carried.
Councilman Strom was excused from meeting. 9:00 p.m.
A .need for parking space in the downtown area was presented to the Council
by Councilman Hopke. After discussion Councilman Hopke made the motion that this be
referred to the Planning Commission and the City Attorney to Stltdy the possibility of
August 6, 1963 (continued)
forming a local improvement district to finance such public parking facilities.
Councilman Rice seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimous.
The City Manager presented the Council with Progress Payment #5 to B & B
Plumbing, in the amount of $12,832.40 in connection with Water Modification Project.
APW Wash -8G HHFA-OA. Councilman Hopke made the motion that payment be made and warrants
drawn in favor of same, Councilman Russell seconded the motion. Ayes: Hopke, Russell,
Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford. Motion carried.
City Manager presented the Council with Progress Payment #2 to P & B Construction
Company, in the amount of $27,136.21 in connection with Special Sewer Construction
APW-WN 121. Councilman Rice made the motion that payment be made and warrants
drawn in favor of same. Councilman Hopke seconded the motion. Ayes: Hopke, Russell,
.Rice, McDugle, neck, Ford. Motion carried.
Additional Water Modification Claims were also presented in the total amount
of $494.78 in connection with APW Wash -8G. Councilman Rice made the motion and
Councilman Hopke seconded that these payments be made and warrants drawn in favor of
same, Councilman Russell seconded the motion. Ayes: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle,
Peck, Ford. Motion carried.
Claims report for the 2nd half of July was read. On favorable report form
the.Finance Committee a motion was made by Councilman Rice that the claims be
.allowed and warrants be drawn in the favor of same. Councilman Hopke seconded the
motion. Ayes: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Councilman Hopke and seconded by Councilman Peck that
thatthe meeting be adjourned.
Signed Y
D cDugle, Mayor
Mildrbd Bryant, City Jerk
July 16, 1963
A regular meeting of the City Council for the City of Anacortes was called to order
at 7:30 p.m. with *ayyor McDugle presiding.
Roll Call: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford.
The minutes of the previous meeting were considered and after hearing no alterations
or correction, Councilman Hopke moved and Councilman Peck seconded that the minutes be
approved as read. Roll: Ayes, Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford.
The City Manager read a request from Farwest Fisheries to locate a steel tank
approximately 8' x 21' on an unused portion of 4th Street between the Great Northern
Railway spur track and their main cannery building. After discussion Councilman Peck
made the motion t=at this request be granted with the understanding that the tank would
have to be removed if at any time in the future it would inerfere with the City's public
conveniences. Seconded by Councilman Ford. Ayes: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck,
Ford, Nayes: None. Mottn carried.
The City Attorney read proposed resolution on the request from the Port of Anacortes
to make application to the Committee on Public Work s of the United States Senate to
review reports on the Anacortes Harbor for the purpose of determining ¢ whether it is
feasible to improve Fidalgo Baer to accc¢nmodate larger vessels. Councilman Hopke made the
motion that this Resolution be adopted and given No. 82 and the Mayor and City Clerk be
authorized to sign, Councilman Peck seconded the motion. Roll: Ayes: Hopke, Russell,
Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford. Nayes None. Motion carried.
City Manager presented the Council with the bids received on paving of 32nd and D
Street improvement. Bids are as follows:
Marine Asphalt Company $ 89840.00
Associated Sand & Gravel Co. 9,100.00
Councilman Ford made the motion and Councilman Peck seconded that the bid of
Marine Asphalt Company in the amount of $ 8,840.00 be accepted.
City Attorney read a letter received from Elmar Lanczos, Northwest Talent, asking
the City of Anacortes if they would be interested in presenting concerts by outstanding
professional musicians of our Northwest. He informed the Council that his personal opinion
was that theCity could certainly use concerts of this nature, but unfortunately Anacortes
has no Civic building. ,
Claims against the City for the first half of July 1963, were read to the Council.
Upon favorable report bythe Finance Committee., a motion was made by Councilman Hopke, that
the claims be allowed and warrants be drawn in favor of same. Ayes: Hopke, Russell, Rice,
McDugle, Peck, Ford. Nayes: None.
The Treasurer's Financial Report for the month of June 1963 was presented to the'
Council aid ordered placed on file.
City Managers Report as follows:
Installation of new fluorescent lights at Library completed.
Finance Committee met with Washington State Council of County and City Employees
July 15th and agreed to make recommendation to the Council for a two year contract with
a $15.00 per month raise in 1964 and $13.00 per month in 1965, with option on the part
of the employeerto pay their own Medical Plan.
Transfering of City Records to the new Burroughs Bookkeeping Machine was proceeding
and working out very satisfactorily.
Councilman Strom present 8:30 p.m. .
Councilman V1ord reported to the Council that it was his recommendation that the
Council accept and approve the agreement made with the Washington State Council and City
Employees ^.o a new contract could be written up between the City and Union. Councilman
Hopke made the motion that the recommeddation;7 be accepted, Councilman Rice seconded the
motion. Roll: Ayes:: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Nayes: None.
Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned 9:10 pim.
Signed Gr'� P "'a
Don McDugle, o
Attest:��izr.��,•� n�„.L
ed Bryant, Ci&y Clerk
September 3, 1963
A regular meeting of the City Council for the City of Anacortes was called to
order at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor McDugle presiding.
Invocation was given by Reverend Lawson.
Roll call: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Ford.
The minutes of the previous meeting were considered and Councilman Rice made
a motion that correction be made that the minutes of the August 6th Council meeting
had .not been approved and be considered with the previous minutes and both approves
as read. Councilman Peck seconded the motion. Ayes: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle,
A letter was read to the City Council from t7ames W. Schofield of Yakima, Wash-
ington, who had suffered a heart attack while vacationing in the Anacortes area. Mr.
Schofield congratulated the City on the new hospital facilities and staff. He felt
very grateful to Skyline Marina for their assistance and the care given by Dr. Ted
A request from Commercial Auto Sales at 24th & Commercial for Council approval
of installation of pole for a Reader Board Sign was read and considered. Sign is
on three feet of City property and a legal distance back from the street. Councilman
Ford explained that this pole and sign had been erected previously but was pending
Council approval. (Councilman Strom entered Council Chambers at 7:40 p.m.) After
a short discussion Councilman Ford made the motion and Councilman Peck seconded that
approval of pole and sign be granted to Commercial Auto Sales. Ayes: Hopke, Russell,
Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford. Obstained: Strom. Motion carried.
Sept. 3, 1963 (Continued)
A letter received form the Association of Washington Cities was read to the
City Council, stating that Miss Ruth Ittner of their staff would visit the City
Hall on Thursday, September 5, 1963. The Association would like to obtain ideas
as to what subjects would be of most interest in formulating future research
projects and Association programs.
Mayor McDugle informed the Council that he had received a letter form
American Safe Driving Crusade which would be referred to the Police Department.
I-skidi:scussion Councilman Strom stated that it would be a good idea for the Mayor
to proclaim "School Safety Week" to impress drivers of the improtance of being
extra careful.
City Attorney read proposed Resolution of acceptance of Grant Offer -- Project
No. APW - Wash - 90G dated June 12, 1963. This is to be used for replacement of
mains of the existing water distribution system on N Avenue from Guemes Channel to
11th Street, 10th Street and Oakes Avenue from Alaska to Burrows Bay., Councilman
Hopke made the motion and Councilman Rice seconded that the proposed Resolution
be adopted and given No. 83 and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to
sign. Ayes: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Ford, Peckd, Strom. Motion carried.
A letter was read by Mr. Diller on an offer from Ivan Suryan to purchase his
property on 5th Street to the City in the amount of $ 6500.00. Property abbutts
City Garage on the north side of alley between 5th and 6th Streets on 0 Avenue.
Councilman made the dicision that at this time the City had no use for this property
and Mayor McDugle requested City Clerk to write a letter of thanks to Mr. Suryan
for his offer and if at a future date the City had some specific use for the property
they would certainly contact him.
Mayor McDugle informed the Council he hada complaint from Mr. Owens of 37th
and C Avenue that removal of gravel from land adjoining his had blocked his access
to 38th Street. Mr. Diller explained that in 1961 and early 1962 the gravel material
had been excavated by a contractor for a city project. After some discussion this
was referred to the City Attorney for further investigation.
City Manager presented the Council with Claims against Lid Construction No. 158
to R. L. Kirkpatrick, $ 242.50; Daily Journal of Commerce, $ 70.20; Anacortes
American, $ 43.35; Almac Towing, $ 40.56 all totaling $ 396.61. Councilman Ford
made a motioh and Councilman Strom seconded that these claims be allowed. Ayes:
Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
Claims against Whistle Lake Projects No. P - Wash g 3169 to Dr. Ray T. Oglesby
on consultation was presented in the amount of $ 900.00. Councilman Ford made the motion
and Councilman Aice seconded that these claims be allowed and warrants issued for
same. Ayes: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
Claims against Sewer Treatement APW - WN - 121 to P & B Construction Company for
Progress Payment No. 2 in the amount of $ 27,124.57 was presented to the Council.
Councilman Hopke made the motion and Councilman Rice seconded that this claim be
allowed and warrant drawn in favor of same. Ayes: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle,
Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
Approval of payment of Carry & Kramer for Engineering Service of Pipe Line
Relocation No. 1 in the amount of $ 3,093.32 was requested by the City Manager.
Councilman Rice made the motion and Councilman Russell seconded that the claim be
allowed and warrant issued for same. Ayes: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck,
Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
Claims against the City for 2nd half of August was read to the Council and
upon hearing no objections, the Mayor referred them ttb the Finance Committee.
Upon Favorable report, a motion was made by Councilman Ford and'seconded by
Councilman Peck that claims be allowed and warrant be drawn in favor of same. Ayes:
Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
City Manager reported as follows: B & B Plumbing had commenced work on J
Avenue of installing storm sewers and work was on schedule. He made the suggestion
to the press that it would be appreciated on write up of "Back tb School Safety
August 6 (from page 255)
Sept. 3, 1963 (continued)
Mayor McDugle reported that the preliminary budget estimates are on file in the
City office, and the Council would meet tuesday, September 10th for a special meeting,
Councilman Peck moved and Councilman Ford seconded that the meeting be adjourned.
Signed-�" ;n/ �j� /J 6
Don M4clhigle, Mayor r,
Mildred Bryan - uity Clerk
August 6, 1963
A regular meeting of the City Council for the City of Anacortes was called to
order at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor McDugle presiding.
Roll: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom.
The minutes of the previous meeting were considered and after hearing no
alterations or correction, Councilman Hopke moved and Councilman Peck seconded that
the minutes be approved as read. Roll: Ayes, Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck,
Ford, Motion carried.
The mayor asked for a guest hearing at which time Mr. Vinton Rogers, City
Building Inspector, stated that he was displeased with some statements that had
been in the newspaper regarding his work with the City.
Councilman Hopke asked if there was any possiblity of erecting a basketball
stand in back of the old hospital. The City Manager reported that he had met with
the Park Board discussing such a plan and the Park Board had been very receptive.
The City Manager read a letter from the Anacortes Chamber of Commerce requesting
the City Council to improve and designate Avenues "Q" and "R" as a truck route through
the City. They feel that the designation of these streets as a truck route was fast
becoming a necessity rather than just desirable, with the vehicle and pedestrian
traffic problems which no exist on Commercial Ave. Mayor McDugle stated.that negotiatio
with Great Northern Railway are now underway for the necessary right of way and as
soon as this was obtained condideration could be given to this request. It was decided
to take no direct action, but the Council would meet in a study session and discuss
the problem more thoroughly.
Letter received for Congressman Jack Westland was read by the City Manager in
which Congressman Westland stated he had received the copy of our resolution No. 82.
He advised usthat by would be happy to cooperate in the effort to accomplish a
feasibility study of Fidalgo Bay and he had directed a request to the Chairman of the
House Public Works Committee for a resolution to authorize a review of reports and
would keep us advised as to progress made on the House side. Letter was also read
from Warren G. Magnuson, United States senate, on this same resolution stating that
he had discussed our request with Senator Jackson, and were conducting some preliminary
investigations and then be guided as to hot to proceed.
City Manager read copy of letter from Renfro Turner, Jr., Caption, United
States Navy, sent to Henry M. Jackson, United States Senate, which would aid City of
Anacortes in obtaining additional federal funds for water line improvement.
Letter received for Henry E. Harris requesting some aaction be taken on purchase
of his property, which was offered to the City May 7th, 1963, was read by the City
Manager. His request wqs based on the necessity of informing customers on winter
boat storage applications and dredging company whether to proceed with Enlarging
boat mooring basin. Councilman Rice moved that the City accept Mr. Haris' offer,
the Attorney of the City prepare the necessary purchase papers. Seconded by
Councilman Peck, Ayes: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion
Petition was read by the City Manager signed by Anacortes business men, requesting
the relocation of the Arts and Crafts Festival on Commercial Avenue in the future.
Their request was based on the interference with their normal business activities
during the time that Commercial Avenue is so blocked to thru traffic. It was their
suggestion that in the future the Council consider permitting location of the Festival
at some point along 0 Avenue, which would cause little or no interfere►-ce with
downtown baldness activities. After discussion, the matter was referred to the
Planning Commission for recommendations.
V "R.
August 6, 1963 ( continued)
A recommendation from the Planning Commission that pedestrian crosswalks be
installed at the alleys from 5th to 8th Streets on Commercial Avenue on a trial
basis. After much discussion, particularly to the safety of such crosswalks,
Councilman Ford made the motion that this recommendation be accepted on a trial
basis, with the approval of the Safety Commission and Chief of Police. Councilman
Strom seconded the motion. Roll: Ayes: Rice, McDugle, Fcm d, Strom, Ayes:
Hopke, Russell, Peck. Motion carried.
Councilman Strom was excused from meeting. 9:00 p.m.
A need for parking space in the downtown area was presented to the Council
by councilman Hopke. After discussion Councilman Hopke made the motion that this
be referred to the Planning Commission and theCity Attorney to sutdy the possiblity
of forming a local improvement district to finance such public parking facilities.
Councilman Rice seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimous.
The City Manager presented the Council with Progress Payment # 5 to B & B
Plumbing, in the amount of $ 12,832.40 in connection with Water Modification Project
APW - Wash - 8G HHFA-OA. Councilman Hopke made the motion that payment be made and
warrants drawn in favor of same. Councilman Russell seconded the motion. Ayes:
Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford. Motion carried.
City Manager presented the Council with Progress Payment #1 to P & B Construction
Company, in the -amount of $ 27,136.21 in connection with Special Sewer Construction
APW - WN - 121. Councilman Rice made the motion that payment be made and warrants
drawn in favor of same. Councilman Hopke seconded the motion. Ayes: Hopke, Russell,
Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford. Motion carried.
Additional Water Modification Claims were also presented inthhe total amount
of $ 494.78 in connection with APW - Wash - 8G. Councilman Rice made the motion and
Councilman Hopke seconded that these payments be made and warrants drawn in favor of
same, Councilman Russell seconded the motion. Ayes: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle,
Peck, Ford. Motion carried. ,
Claims report for the 2nd half of July was read. On favorable report from the
Finance Committee a motion was made by Councilman Rice that the claims be allowed and.
warrants be drawn in the favor of same, Councilman Hopke, seconded the motion. Ayes:
Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Councilman Hopke and seconded by vouncilman Peck that the
meeting be adjourned. /
Signed 1
Do McLugle, Mayor
Attest 1�1% 6w
Mildred Bryant, City C r
August 20, 1963
A regular meeting of the City Council for the City of Anacortes was called to
order at 7:28 p.m. with Mayor McDugle presiding.
Invocation was given by Reverend Ashley Cole.
Roll call: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Ford, Strom.
The mintues of the previous meeting were considered and after hearing no alterations
or corrections, Councilman Hopke made a motion and Councilman Russell seconded that
the mintues be approved as read. Ayes: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Ford, and
It being 7:30 p.m. Mayor McDugle instructed the City Manager to open the Bond Bids
for Local Improvement District No. 158. The bids were as follows:
Hughbanks Incorporated 4.125%
Grande and Company 4.15 %
Southwick, Campbell, Waterman Company 4.20 %
Councilman Ford moved that the low bid of Hughbanks Incorporated be accepted and
Councilman Rice seconded. Ayes: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Ford, Strom.
Motion carried.
August 20, 1963 ( continued)
The City Manager read the Construction Bids on J Avenue from 20th to 29th Street;
22nd street from J Avenue to H AvenuQ and H Avenue from 22nd to 24th Street, which
LID # 158 will pay a percentage of the cost of construction. Bids were as follows:
Contract No, 1 Pavement
Asphaltic Concrete Associated Sand and Gravel $ 15,000.00
Marine Asphalt Company 14,250.00
Contract No, 2 Base Preparation
1, Excavation Marine Asphalt Company 72625.00
2, Pit Run Gravel Marine Asphalt Company 62885.00
Lester Sharpe 6,375.00
3, Crashed Stone Marine Asphalt Company 5,440.00
1. Excavation
2. pit Run Gravel
3. Crushed
Contract No. 3
Contract No. 4
Marine Asphalt Company
Lester Sharpe
Marine Asphat
Lester Sharpe
Curb, Gutter, and Sidewalks
George V. Nolte Company
Marine Asphalt Company
Dow Construction Company
Storm Drainage
George V. Nolte Company
Erkes Construction Company
B & B Plumbing Company
5,610.00 (4335.00)
2, 050.00
1,870.00 (1445.00)
$ 212018.00
m It was moved by Councilman Hopke and seconded by Councilman Russell that the bid
on Contract No. 1 - Paving be awarded to Marine Asphalt Company, Contract No. 3 - Cutb,
Gutter, and Sidewalks be awarded to George V. Nolte Company. Contract No. 4 - Storm
Drainage be awarded to B & B Plumbing Company, A discussion followed. All ayes: Hopke,
Russell, Rice, McDugle, Ford, and Strom. Motion carried.
City Manager reported to the Council that bids had been received for chemicals
for the Water Treatment. Bids are as follows:
Great Western Chem. $33.99 ton
Pacific Lime Inc. 30.50 ton
Pennsalt Chemicals
$13.20 ton
Alternate 94.00
City pay freight
Van Waters & Rogers 30.95 11.05 111.84
Alternate 10.80 Alt. 94.00
if lime and chlorine City pay freight
contracts are awarded
Hemphill Bros. Inc. 29.50
12.50 cwt
12.50 cwt
Discussion was held on the bids for chemicals used in the treatment of the
Skagit River water at the filter plant. Councilman Ford moved that the bid for
lime be awarded to Hemphill Bro. Inc.; sodium silico fluoride to Van Waters & Rogers:
and chlorine to Pennsalt Chemical Corporation. Councilman Rice seconded. All ayes:
Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, mord, Strom. Motion carried.
August 20, 1963 ( continued )
The City Attorney read a proposed ordinance on the uniform plumbing code. The
ordinance repeals Ordinance No. 1251; and constituting Section 8-21.01 through
8-12.07 of the Code. Councilman Ford moved the Ordinance be adopted and given No.
And that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign. Councilman Hopke, seconded.
All ayes: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Ford, dnd Strom. Motion carried.
At this time, Mayor McDugle wished it written in the minutes that Councilman
Peck has been in the hospital for the last two weeks, being the reason for his
absence tonight and therefore be excused.
Communications from U. S. Senator Henry Jackson was read pertaining to Fidalgo
Bay Dredging, at which time the City Manager stated that a representative from the
Bureau Corps of Army Engineers was here to conduct an inventory of Anacortes
Harbor Facilities.
The City Manager next read a notice from the Department of Conservation from the
State of Washington stating that the application for 70 million gallons of water
from the Skagit River had been granted to the City of Anacortes.
The City Manager stated that due to an emergency illness in Mrs. Bryant's family,
the treasurer's report was not completed and would the Council wait until the next
meeting for it to be read.
Claims report was read for the first half of August. Salaries $9,260.00;
Expenses, $6,806.58; Total $16,066.58. It was moved by Councilman Ford that the
claims be allowed. Councilman Russell seconded. All ayes: Hopke, Russell, Rice,
McDugle, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
At this time, the Mayor asked for any comments from the audience. Mr. Jack
Mayer asked the coucil to either adgept-or reject his contract No. 2 on LID No. 158
A discussion followed and Councilman Hopke moved and Councilman Russell seconded that
Contract No. 2 be rejected. All ayes: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Ford, Strom.
At this time Councilman Hopke asked the Mayor to recognize Mr. Klingman of Hart
Lake Road. Mr. Klingman stated that they would like to have the City run a water line
to approximately 10 homes just outside of the city limits. Mr. Klingman would be
willing to run a pipe from his home to the main pipe at his own expense. The City
Manager stated that they were working on the problem.
Cbuncilman Hopke moved the meeting be adjourned,
Attest: /,� ri�rye
re yant,
August 27, 1963 Special Session.
Councilman Rice seconded. Motion
Don McDugle, Mayor
Meeting was called to order at 5:00 p:m. with Mayor McDugle presiding.
Roll call; Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford,
The Special Meeting was called by the Mayor of the purpose of discussion
on leasing the old Anacortes Hospital facilities to American International Instrument
Co. of Los Angeles. Timely notice of this meeting°was given to the newspapers, which
are recongnized as official newspapers of general circulation whthi.n Skagit County,.
Notice was also given to an official radio station of Skagit County.
Councilman Strom joined Council 5;10 p.m.
City Manager read a letter from the American International Instrument Co.
presenting their offer of leasing old hospital site.
1. Requested 3 year lease, with yearly options until City is read to develop
the center (site).
2. With installation of their equipment and remodeling of building to meet
needs, a yearly rental of $1,000.00 - 1st year; $2,000.00 2nd year and
$3,000.00 -3rd year, with a mutual agreement upon yearly rental there after
until City needs area for a civic center.
3. Planning on employing 10 or more employees within six month operation.
Expansion would progress to a maximum of 50 to 75 employees.
4. Event City wished to sell this property, they would like first option to
puibchase this property.
City Manager read a letter from the Anacortes Chambers of Commerce -to the Mayor
and the City Council a proving the Industrial Committee's recommendation that the firm
be allowed to establish a laboratory in the old hospital building and requesting the
City Council to allow the building to be used for this purpose.
Mr. Don Neven representing the organization sppke from.the audience stating that
the firm produces industrial and medical instruments primarily. He felt that the
old hospital site was ideal for company's operation. Requirements are several samll
rooms for special reseqrch and manufacture, low ceilings and a building in a quiet,
dust free area.
Question concerning zoning was brought to the attention of the Council. City
Attorney stated that property in question was in a P - R (Public Reserve) District
which would conform to our zoning ordinance if request was granted.
Question on appearance, up keep and use of grounds was brought up for discussion.
Mr. Nevin informed the Council that building would be kept up in the best possible
appearance at all times, and that their only need for ground space would be parking
area. Also stated that major remodling of any kind would be with the approval of the
Council and at their own expense. The surrounding grounds of the site to be open to
public and maintained by City.
Councilman Hopke made the motion to lease property to American International
Insturment Company and City Attorney, Mr. Wells, Draw up the necessary papers to
give Mayor McDugle authorization to sign. Councilman Ford seconded the motion.
All ayes: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
Permission was asked by Councilman Russell to be excused farm Sept. 3, 1963
meeting. Mayor McDugle granted request.
Meeting adjourned.
Signed )moi=/
Mcvugle, Ma
Attest sJi�.y
Mi Bred Bryant, ty 1P-rk
October 1, 1963
The regular meeting of the City Council for the City of Anacortes was called to
order at 7:45 p.m. with Mayor McDugle presiding.
Invocation was presented by Reverend Major Stave.
Roll: Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Russell Absent.
The mintues of the previous meeting were considered and after hearing .no
alterations or corrections, Councilman Peck moved and Councilman Ford seconded
that the minutes be approved as read. Roll: Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford,
Strom. Motion carried.
Moyor McDugle informed guests and the Council that the meeting would be
turned over to Gene Smith, Chairman of the Planning Commission, for a presentation of
the Comprehensive Plan for future development of Anacortes.
Mr. Smith introduced Mr. Barney Healey, appraiser, Frank Ramisch, urban planner,
and Merrell Watts, field representative from San Francisco, California, and Reuban
Ramirez, consultant from John Graham and Company, Seattle, Washington who presented
the plan. Mr. Ramirez in describing the proposal of industrial development under the
Urban Renewal Plan stated that it could result in a $30,000,000 industrial site, jobs
for 500 to 700 people., #kewcport facilities and an increase in tax revenue. He explained
that since Anacortes is classed as a depressed area, the federal government would pay
75% of costs of such a project. Cost, including purchase of property- dredging and
filling to create a deep water channel and docks were estimated at $3.1 million.
Ramirez also explained that credits for improvement projects, such as the ndw water
October 1, 1963 ( continued )
modification lime and sewage treatment plant would help cover the City's share of
net costs. Mr. Ramirez also presented future land use and public facilities pland
and a captial improvement programs for 1963 and 1969. These expenditures were estimated
at $1,991,000. Mr. Smith explained that ppplication for federal assistance had not yet
been filed and definite decision could not be made until surveys are compiled and they
could work out the economic feasibility for such a program.
Mayor McDugle thanked Mr. Smith and Mr. Ramirez for their presentation and the
remainder the regular meeting of the City Council was resumed.
City Manager read a letter received from Warren G. Magnuson, U. S. S. in which
he stated that the Senate Public Works Committee formally adopted a resolution
requesting the Corps of Engineer s to review the reports on Anacortes Harbor, with
a view to determining whether the existing project should be modified in any way at the
present time, with particular reference to improvements in Fidalgo Bay to permit the
accommodation of larger vessels.
The request from Frances M. Tucker, property owner of Lot 4,5, and 6 Bbock 4, Child's
and Hagadern's First Addition to the City of Anacortes, Washington requesting assurance
from the City that any improvement of 36th Street. would not require the removal of
her home, since by a recent survey the home was found to extend about five inches
into platted 36th Street. Mr. Ford made the motion and Mr. Hopke seconded that Mrs. T
Tucker request vacation by petition to the Council for 5 inches in width and the length
of her property on the south side of 36th Street, whidh in effect would grant her
permission to use that protion of the Street.
The City Manager presented the Council with miscellaneous costs and Right of Way
Claims in connection with LID No. 158 in the amount of $1,812.72. He stated that it
was his recommedation that these costs be paid. Councilman Hopke made the motion and
Councilman Rice seconded that these costs be paid from monies received as Good Faith
Deposit from Hughbanks, Inc., which has been deposited and covered by warrant bearing
interest of 4.15% dated August 20th, 1963, being retained in the Clerk's office until
delivery of bonds. Roll: Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
The City Manager presented the Council with Progress Payment #1 to B & B Plumbing
and Heating Company in connection with construction on LID No. 158 in the amount of
$8,098.88. He stated that the Citylk Engineer had checked the work to date and
recommended that progress payment # 1 be accepted and paid. Councilman Rice made
a motion and Councilman Hopke seconded that payment be made to B & B Plumbing and
Heating Company and warrant bearing interest of 4.15% dated October 1, 1963 be issued
hughbanks inc. to pay the remainder of the costs incurred to date on Lid No, 158.
All ayes: Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
Claims against Special Sewer Construction APW - WN - 121 to Stevens and Thompson,
Inc. for resident engineering services and field surveys was presented to the Council
in the amount of $1065.00. Councilman Rice made a motion and Councilman Ford seconded
that these claims be accepted and warrants issued for same. Roll: All ayes: Hopke,
Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
Claims against Special Water Construction to B & B Plumbing and Heating Company
for Progress Payment ## 7 was presented to the Council. Councilman Hopke, made a
motion and Councilman Ford seconded that these claims be accepted and warrants issued
for same. Roll: All ayes, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
Claims against the City for last half of September was read to the Council and
Upon hearing no objections, the Mayor referred them to the Finance Commettee. Upon
favorable report, a motion was made by Councilman Rice and seconded by Councilman
Hopke that claims be allowed and warrants be drawn in favor of same. All ayes:
Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
The City Manager asked approval of Urban Renewal Contract No, 311 Amendment in
the amount of $300.00 increase to the original contract established in the City's
Resolution dated November 7, 1961, as,amended on February 19, 1963 by Resolution
No. 68. City Attorney read Amendment to the Council. Councilman Rice made the
motion and Councilman Hopke seconded that this amendment be accepted in the amount of
$300.00. Roll: All ayes: Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
Treasurer Financial Report for the month of September was presented to the Council.
It was accepted and placed on file.
Vayor McDugle informed the Council that there would be a Special Council. Session
for the prupose of approving and passing of the 1964 Budget on Monday October 7, 1963.
Councilman Hopke made a motion and Councilman Peck seconded that the meeting be
adjourned. All ayes.
Attest ,_)V_aXZ .
Mildred Bryant, CityF erk
A Special Session October 7, 1963
Don McDugle, Mayor
A special council meeting was called to order by Mayor Don McDugle at 7:30 p.m.
for the public hearing of the final budget of 1964.
Roll: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom.
Invocation was presented by Reverend Cole.
Mayor MCDugle informed the Council that timely notice of this meeting had
been published with the official newspaper, pursuant to RCW 35.33.060.
Mayor McDugle then declared the 1964 Budget hearing open and invited comments
from anyone in the audience regarding the proposed 1964 Budget. Oliver Hauge, Fire
Chief of the Fire Department of the City of Anacortes, spoke from the audience r
requesting that he would like a specified amount for Sick Leave Expenditures in his
Department. He stated that he had been informed that• it was included in the Non Depart-
mental Account but since the Fire Department did not participate under Social Security,
Statewide Retirement or Industrial Insurance he felt like it should be entered as a
separate expenditure in his Department.
There being no further comment from the audience, Mayor McDugle asked for the
pleasure of the Council. Discussion followed relating to some differences in the figures
of the preliminary and final budget. Councilman Ford stated that he could not
accept a budget that he had only seen for the first time a few minutes previous to the
meeting. Councilman Hopke made a motion and Councilman Peck seconded that the 1964
Budget be accepted. Ayes: Hopke, Russell, McDugle, Peck. Nayes: Rice, Ford, Strom.
Motion carried.
Mayor McDugle requested the City Attorney to read the ordinance setting forth
the budget for 1964. Councilman Peck made the motion and Councilman Hopke seconded
that the ordinance be adopted and given No. 1351 and the Mayor and Clerk be
authorized to sign and pbulish same. Ayes: Hopke, Russell, McDugle, Peck, Nayes:
Rice, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
City 4ttorney presented the Council with an ordinance setting forth the millage
levy for the year 1964. Councilman Rice moved and Councilman Hopke seconded that the
ordinance be adopted and given No. 1352 and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign
and pbulish same. Ayes: Hopke, Russell, Rice, Mebugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion.
This being the only business before the Councilor Council man Ford made the
motion that the meeting be adjourned, Councilman Hopke secmnded. All Ayes.
( GCl,
"cDugle., Mayor Q
MkLdred Bryant,C' y Clerk
October 15, 1963
A regular meeting of the City Council for the City of Anacortes was challed
to order at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor McDugle presiding.
Invocation was given by Father Mauer of the Episcopal Church.
Roll: Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom, Mayor McDugle announced that
Councilman Russell had been excused fvDm this Council meeting.
The minutes of the previous meeting and the special meeting were considered.
Councilman Peck requisted that the minutes of the special meeting be amended to read
as follows: Councilman Ford seconded the motion made by Councilman Rice to adopt
Ordinance 1352 on the 1964 Tax Levy and that Councilman Peck made the motion that
the me. -ting be adjourned. With these amendments Councilman Rice made the motion that
the previous and special minutes be approved as read, Councilman Ford seconded the
motion. Ayes: Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
Mayor McDugle, informed the Council that he had appointed the following
citizens to the Citizens Advisory Committee:
Bernice Smith, Jack Hinshaw, Al Valentine, Noel Melcher.
Mayor McDugle then asked for a guest hearing. Dorothe Bartholomew spoke from
the audience complimenting the City Council on their preparation of the 1964
Budget, but would like to know what department covered the Fluoridation Expenditure.
The City Mgr. explained that it was included in the operation of Purification.
City Mgr. read a letter from Ruth Ettner, Research Assistant of Association of
Washington Cities, who visisted the City of Anacortes in the month of September,
requesting information on the Anacortes citizens' participation street program since
interest had been aroused in other areas of the state by the program.
City Mgr* read a letter received from Association of Wahington Cities requesting
the City Council's opinion for an increase in the cities and towns share of state
reveneue. After some discussion it was the general opinion of the Council to discuss
the subject further at the Legislative District Meeting scheduled to meet October
23rd, and obtain other cities and towns thoughts on this subject.
Letter was read addressed to Mr. Diller from the Seattle Public School teachers,
thanking him for his lecture on September 26th for the Northwest History Lecture
Series at the Museum.
Letter was read from the Anacortes Central Labor Council stating that a
vacancy exists on the Civil Service Board and they felt that in the best interest
of'good City dovernment, this vacancy should be filled and appointment made as soon
as pollible.
Announcement was made that Marvin Beebe, City's Chief of Police was in the
Island Hospital and Mayor McDugle directed the City Clerk to send flowers and
card wishing him a speedy recovery.
A request from Frances Tucker, for vacation of the east 10 feet of 36th Street,
was presented to the Council. Councilman Ford made a motion and. Councilman Rice
seconded that the petition be referred to the Planning Commission for their recom-
mendation. Ayes: Hopke, Hice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
Letter was read from the Elks Club requesting the removal of the peanut vending
stand at 7th and Commercial, due to parking area problems. City Attorney informed
the Council that the vending stand was now closed and would be the property of the
estate. Councilman Ford made the motion that license not be re -issued and vehicle
be moved by giving the proper notification. Councilman Peck seconded the motion.
Ayes: Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom.
City Attorney read a proposed resolution transfering the amount of $18,000.00
from the Storm Sewer Investment Fund to Street Department, to meet the
requirement of the 1963 budget for improvements performed and installed. Councilman
Peck made a motion and Councilman Ford seconded that the resolution be adopted and
given No. 85 and the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to sign. Ayes: Hopke, Rice,
McDugle, Peck; Fcr d, Strom. Motion carried.
City Attorney read proposed resolution of transfer of funds in the amount of
$6500.00 from the Water Rev. Fund to Whistle Lake Water Quality Study Fund to cover
costs of quality studies and design qualifications until completion of the project,
which at this time will be repgi.d through federal grant from the Housing and Home Finance.
Councilman Hopke made a motion and Councilman Rice sec nded that the resolution be
adopted and given No. 86 and the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to sign. Ayes:
Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
Claims against the City for the first half of October was read to the Council.
Salaries $8,888.00
Expenses 4,720.85
Upon favorable report from the Finance Committee a motion was made by Councilman
Rice and seconded by Councilman Hopke that claims be allewed and warrants be drawn in
favor of same. Ayes: Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom.
Mayor McDugle requested the pleasure of the Council in accepting the Contract,
which had been reviewed by each Councilman at the openigg of the meeting, between
the Skagit County Hospital No. 2 and the City of Anacortes, A motion was made by
.Councilman Hopke, and seconded by Councilman Peck that the Contract be accepted.
Ayes: Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford. Abstained: Strom. Motion carried.
Claims against Special Sewer Construction APW WN -121 to Stevens and Thompson,
Inc. for resident engineering services and field surveys was presented to the
Council in the amount of $1,282.50. Councilman Hopke made the motion and Councilman
Rice seconded the Claim be allowed and warrant drawn in favor of same. Ayes: Hopke, �.
Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
Claim against Special Sewer Construction APW-WN-121 to P & B Construction
Company for Progress Payment No. 3 was presented to the Council in the amount of
$14,025.72. Discuss on followed regarding the deplorable condition of the road on
B Avenue from 11th Street to the Waterfront, and it was of the opinion that P & B Construction
Company be held liable for repairs to read. Mr. Gallagher, City Engineer explained that
one of the stipulations in the Contract included that 10% retainage be held from
payments until the City had accepted the project completed and this would pertain
to complaints of this nature. Councilman Rice made a motion and Councilman Strom
seconded that claim be allowed and Warrant drawn in favor of same. Ayes: Hopke, Rice
McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom.
Treasurer Report for the month of September was presented to the Council, and order-
ed placed on file.
Councilman Hopke requested information as to why the property around Cranberry
Lake owned by the Water Department could not be transferred to the Park Department.
City Attorney informed the Council that land coU. d be transferred, but we should
consider what effect it would have on our bonding capacity. Decision on any formal action
was delayed, pending request from the Park Board and Planning Commission.'
City Mgr. asked for permission to advertise for bids on second water main
replacement project on October 29th, 1963. Bid opening to be on November 19th..
Councilman Hopke made a motion and Councilman Peck seconded that request of City
Mgr. be accepted. Roll: Ayes:_ Hopke, Rice, Mcbugle, Peck, Ford, Strom.
Motion carried.
City Mgr. reported to the council that the off street parking program is
progressing and cooperation has been even more than anticipated.
City Mgr. informed the council that the Corps of Engineer District Office in
Seattle have made a tenative estimate ad to the cost of the dredging of Fidalgo
Bay and the Federal Government might authorize such a dredging project in budgets
for the United States Army Corps of Engineers.
Mayor McDugle announced that there would be a meeting Mondpy Oct. 21st, City
Hall, 7:30 p.m. for the Citizens Advisory Board and Councilman Peck would be
yemporary chairman for the board.
With the newly appointed citizens to the Advisory Board, Councilman Strom made
the motion that the Council concur with Mayor McDugle recommendations and appointments
to this Board. Councilman Hopke seconded the motion. All ayes:
Being no further business, Councilman Hopke, made the motion and Councilmmn
Peck seconded the the meeting be adjourned. All Ayes.
Attest e' �C�1,�JCaet',
MiiCidred Bryant, C' y Clerk
November 19, 1963 U
Signed ���1 �,1� �-d
D Mcl�-ogle Mayor
A regular meeting of the City Council for the City of Anacortes was called to
order at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor McDugle presiding.
Invocation was given by Reverend Neil Muro of the Presbyterian Church.
Roll: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDuglle, Peck, Ford.
Mayor McDu:;le called for a guest hearing from the audience. Dr. Jack Read
representing the Anacortes Arts and Craft Festival, spoke requesting permission on
the lst and 2nd day of August 1964., to block M, N, 0 Avenues between 7th and 8th
Streets, including Causland Park, Discussion followed. Councilman Hopke made a
motion and Councilman Peck seconded to permit the use of the Streets requested.
All ayes: Motion carried.
Letter was read from Mrs. Bernice Smith, resigning her position as Chairman
of the City Beautification Committee and as a member of the Anacortes Community
Improvement Committee, due to her moving from the City. She expressed her thanks to
the citizens of Anacortes for cooperation received on all the projects she had
undertaken, and wished the City of Anacortes the very best in civic progress. Council-
man Hopk6 made a motion and Councilman Peck seconded that a letter be written to
Peck seconded that a letter be written to Mrs. Smith thanking her for the time and
effort devoted in her services to the City of Anacortes. All ayes. Motion carried.
Letter was read from John Koivisto, member of Sea Scout Committee, sponsored by
Elks Lodge $1204, requesting permission to use area of 10th Steeet,, east of Commercial
Avenue for sale of Christman trees. Councilman Hopke made the motion and Councilman
Peck seconded permission be granted. A11 ayes: Motion carried.
City Attorney read proposed Resolution authorizing Clerk -Treasurer to invest
$20,000.00 in Mandatory Sinking Fund of the Water Department in short term U. S.
Treasury Notes maturing August 1964. Councilman Rice made the motion and Councilman
Peck seconded that resolution be accepted and given No. 91 and Mayor and Clerk be
authorized to sign. All Ayes. Motion carried.
City Attorney read proposed Ordinance providing for the improvement of 29th
Street from the east line of J Aveuue to the west line of Q Avenue, hereby establishing
a lOCAl improvement district to be known as LID No. 159.,, Councilman Hopke made the
motion and Councilman Peck seconded that Ordinance be adopted and given No. 1353 and
the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign.and pu§lish same. All Ayes. Motion carried.
Mayor McDugle announced the appointment of follow ng citizens to the Anacortes
Community Impaovemen# Committees Alice Newland -- Representing Anacortes Women's Club,
Harley Sutt -- Representing Eagles Lodge.
Motion was made by Councilman Hopke and seconded by Councilman Peck that these
appointments be accepted. All ayes. Motion carried.
City Mgr, presented the Council with bids received on the second phase of
Anacortes.waterline improvement project Wn-90G. Bids were as follows:
Haskell Corp.
Manor Const. Inc.
The Ballard Co.
Nelson Const, Co.
J & H Mech. Const.
B & B Plumbing and Heating
Jolm W. Schade
Lester N. Johnson Co.
National Mech. Cont.
Gaasland Co., Inc.
Councilman Ford made the motion and Councilman Peck seconded that the.bids of
Haskell Corporation of Bellingham be accepted subject to the speculation of HHFA in the
amount of $2634130,52. All ayes. Motion carried..
City Attorney read Petition for Refund to the Washington State Tax Commission,
for refund of all monies heretofore paid by the City of Anacortes to the Tax Commission
as state public utility tax, and the service, business and occupation tax, on that
portion of water ans .sewer revenue received by the City that has been earmarked for
the retirement of water and sewer bonds. Petition is filed pending hearing of the
appeal of City of Kennewick V State of Washington by the State Supreme Court,
Councilman Ford made the motion and Councilman Peck seconded that petition be accepted
and Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and place on file with the Secretary of the
Washington State Tax Commission, Olympia, Washington. All ayes, motion carridd.
Special claims were presented to the Council for Project APW - Wash - 8G.
Final Progress Payment # 8 to B & B Plumbing and Heating $5,711.94
Stevens & Thompson for Engineering Servides & Surveys 5,761.68
Reimbursement to Current Expense for telephone and City
Attorney services during working period of project 351.91
Councilman Hopke made the motion and Councilman Russell seconded that claims be
allowed and warrants issued for same. All ayes. Motion carridd.
Special claims were presented to the Council for Project WN - 90G.
(2yaily Journal of Commerce, for bid call in the amount of $26.00)
Councilman Rice made the motion and Councilman Ford seconded that these claims
be allowed and warrants be issued for same. All ayes. Motion carried.
Special claims were presented to the Council for LID #158.
Contract No. 3, Less 15% retainage to George V. Nolte Company
in the amount of $17,220.94
Councilman Hopke made the motion and Councilman Russell seconded that interest
bearing warrant #11 thru 28 in demoninations of $1,000.00 and $220.94 at 4.15%
be issued Hughbanks, Inc. All ayes. Motion carried.
City ftgr* requested permission to call for bids on a new loader for Street and
Sewer Departments. Councilman Ford made the motion and Councilman Peck seconded
permission be granted. All ayes. Motion carried.
City Attorney read proposed Resolution for Public Hearing for Zone Classification
for Island View Park Addition No, 1, Island View Park Addtion No. 2, Shannon Heights
Addition, and Mountain View Park Addition to the City of Anacortes, from S-1, Suburban,
to R-1, Residential, on December 3, 1963, 7:30 p.m. Councilman Hopkvimade the motion
and Councilman Rice seconded that Resolution be -adopted and given No. 92 and Mayor and
Clerk be authorized to sign and publish same. All ayes. Motion carried.
Councilman Peck informed the Council that approving the mintites of the previous
meeting had been overlooked. Mayor McDugle requested the pleasure of the Council
concerning these minutes. Hearing no alterations or corrections, Councilman Peck made
the motion and Councilman Hopke seconded that the mi.ntues be approved as read.
All ayes. Motion carried.
Claims report for the 1st half of November, 1963 was presented to the Council.
Salaries $83886.00
Expenses 3,555.01
Councilman Hopke made a motion and Councilman Rice seconded that claims be
allowed and warrants drawn in favor of same. All ayes. Motion carried.
Treasurer Report for the motth-of October, 1963 was presented to the Council
and placed on file.
City Mgr, read report from Police Department on following
Liquor Violations (1962) - 58 (1963 thru October) a 42 -
Drunk Driving (1962) - 3 (1963 thru October) - 7
Councilman Strom joined 6ouncil meeting at 8:30 p.m.
City Attorney read proposed Ordinance appropiating the 1964 revenues of the
City of Anacortes, Washington, Counbilman Rice made the motion and Councilman
Hopke seconded that Ordinance be adopted and given No. 1354 and Mayor and Clerk
be authorized to sign and pbblish same. All ayes. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned.
�Don�-McDuga.e, MayorAttest , /c1 v
Mildred Bryant., C'Y Clerk
December 5, 1963
A regular meeting of the City Council for the City of Anacortes was called to
order at 7:30 P.M. with Mayor Pro -Tem, Marion Peck presiding due to the absence of
Mayor Don McDugle who was in San Francisco with City Manager, Earl Diller on City
Invocation was given by Reverend W. James Earner of the Episcopal Church.
Roll: Hopke, Russell, Rice, Peck, Ford.
Minutes of the previous meeting were considered and after hearing no altera-
tions or corrections, Councilman Rice made the motion and Councilman Hopke seconded
that the minutes be approved as read. Roll: Ayes, Hopke, Russell, Rice, Ford.
Motion carried.
Letter was read to the Council from Bob Howard, Chief of the Guemes IsUnd
Volunteer Fire Department, expressing thanks and appreciation to the City Manager
and the City Council for donation of the pumper truck to their department from
the City of Anacortes Fire Department.
Letter was read from Rev. W. James Marner, President of the Anacortes
Ministerial Association, thanking the City Manager for his cooperation in the
City wide memorial sertices Sunday, November 24, 1963 honoring our late President,
Mr. John Kennedy.
Letter was read from the State of Washington Tax Commission acknowledging
our claim for refund of taxes paid on Public Utility Income which was earmarked
for bond retirement.
Councilman Strom entered the Council Chambers at 7:40 p.m.
Mayor Pro -Tem, Marion Peck then declared the hearing on the proposed vacation
of the south five feet of that portion of 36th Street between the east line of
M Avenue and the west line of N Avenue and between the east line of N Avenue
and the west line of Commercial Avenue now open. Hearing no objections Mayor
Pro -Tem, Marion Peck declared the hearing closed and asked the City Attorney
to read the proposed ordinance. Councilman Hopke made the motion and Councilman
Strom seconded that the Ordinance be adopted and given No. 1355 and Mayor Pro -
Tem and the City Clerk be authorized to sign and publish same. Roll: Ayes,
Hopke, Russell, Rice, Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
Mayor Pro -Tem, Marion Peck then declared the hearing of the zone classification
of Island View Park Addition No. 1, and No. 2, Shannon Heights Addition and
Mountain View Park Addition to the City of Anacortes, form S-1 Suburban, to R-1
Residential, open. Ivan Smith of 1809 Island View spoke from the audience favoring
the rezoning classifiaction. There being no other one to speak for or against
the rezoning, Mayor Pro -Tem declared the hearing closed, and requested the
City Attorney to read proposed ordinance. Councilman Hopke made the motion
and Councilman Ford seconded that the Ordinance be adopted and given No. 3,356
and Mayor Pro Tem and the City Clerk be authorized to sign and publish same.
Roll: Ayes, Hopke, Russell, Rice, Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
Request from Mr. Mapuen Sager for the City Council and the Planning Commission
to reconsider the vacating of 35th Street for one block,east of D Avenue was
presented to the Council. Councilman Ford asked the City Engineer to review the
previous request. Mr. Gallagher explained that a part of the house and the well
were on the street section. After a short discussion, Councilman Ford made a
motion and Councilman Rice seconded that the request be referred to the City
Engineer and the City Manager and a detailed report on the problem involved be
presented to the Council. After such time the request can be referred to the
Planning Commission. Roll: Ayes, Hopke, Russell, Rice, Peck, Ford, Strom.
Motion carried.
A request by petition from the Pioneer Shingle Company requesting vacation
of the alley east of T Avenue in Block 13, 27th Street east of T Avenue and the
80 foot extension into Tract 28 from the line of Ordinary High Tide and to the
Inner Harbor Line, was presented to the Council. Pioneer Shingle Company and the
Fidalgo Bay Shipyards had assumed that the property involved had been vacated
and deeded to the Fidalgo Bay Shipyards at a previous date. Motion was made
by Councilman Hopke and seconded by Counci3mn Ford that the request be referred
to the Planning Commission. Roll: Ayes, Hopke, Russell, Rice, Peck, Ford, Strom.
Motion carried.
A recommendation from the Park Board that the area surrounding Little Cran-
berry Lake be designated as a City Park, was presented for Council approval.
270 `�
Councilman Hopke asked how large a area was being requested. Mr. Gallagher
explained that this had not been determined until the request had been passed
or approved by the Council. Councilman Ford made a motion and Councilman Hopke �✓
seconded that the recommendation was favorable but requested the specific area
and amount of property involved before approving any formal action. Rolls Ayes,
Hopke, Russell, Rice, Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
City Attorney read proposed resolution appropriating the transfer of
$67,500.00 to Project APW-90G. Councilman Hopke made the motion and Councilman
Russell seconded that resolution be adopted and given No. 95 and Mayor Pro -Tem
and the City Clerk be authorized to sign. Rolla Ayes, Hopke, Russell, Rice,
Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
City Attorney read proposed resolution to invest surplus funds in the amounts
$309000.00 from Sewer Revenue Fund
10,000.00 from Water Reserve Fund
18,000.00 from Mandatory Sinking B Fund
to short term U. S. Treasury Notes. Councilman Hopke made the motion and Council-
man Rice seconded that the Resolution be adopted and given No. 94 and the Mayor
Pro -Tem and the City Clerk be authorized to sign. Rolls Ayes, Hopke, Russell,
Rice, Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
City Attorney read a proposed resolution that it be recommended to the Housing
and Home Finance Agency of the federal government that Haskell Corportion, 1509
Cornwall Avenue, Bellingham, Washington, be awarded contract for water system
modification, HHFA Project No. APW-Wash-900, in the amount of $619130.52, exclusive•
of sales tax, and that said contract be executed with said bidders subject to
approval of HHFA. Councilman Ford made the motion and Councilman Rice seconded
that Resolution be adopted and given No. 93, and Mayor Pro -Tem and the City
Clerk be authorized to sign. Roll: Ayes, Hopke, Russell, Rice, Peck, Ford,
Strom. Motion carried.
Special claims were presorted to the Council for LID No. 158 in the following
Dickinson Heating and Sheet Metal Company for
124 yards shale rock $116.06
J. I. Mayer for rental of equipment 288.55
B & B Plumbing & Heating -- Final estimate less
15% retention 396.68
Councilman Hopke made the motion and Councilman Ford seconded that claims be
allowed and interest bearing warrant No. 29, dated December 4, 1963, in the
amount of $801.29 at 4.15% be issued Hughbanks, Inc. Rolls Ayes, Hopke, Russell,
Rice, Peek, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
Special claims for the Arterial Project at 32nd Street and D Avenue was
presented to the Council.
Marine Asphalt Co., Inc.
Rental of Equipment $201.50
Councilman Rice made the motion and Councilman Ford seconded•that claims be
allowed and a warrant drawn on same. Roll: Ayes, Hopke, Russell, Rice, Peck,
Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
Special claims on Water Project APW-Wash-8G were presented to the Council.
Reimbursement to Water Department for material
that was used out of stock on hand. $367.98
Councilman Rice made the motion and Councilman Russell seconded that claim be
allowed and warrant drawn in favor of same. Roll: Ayes, Hopke, Russell, Rice,
Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
Special claims for Water Project APW-Wash-90G were presented to the Council.
Anacortes American for call for bids $ 7.97
Councilman Ford made the motion and Councilman Rice seconded that claims be
allowed and warrant drawn in favor of same. Roll: Ayes, Hopke, Russell, Rice,
Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
Claims report for last half of November, 1963 was presented to the Council.
Salaries: $15097.00
Expenses: 25,745.59
Upon favorable report from the Finance Committee a motion was made by Councilman
Hopke, and seconded by Councilman Rice that claims be allowed and warrants
drawn in favor of same. Roll: Ayes, Hopke, Russell, Rice, Peck, Ford, Strom.
Motion carried.
Councilman Strom reported to the Council that at a recent Chamber of Commerce
meeting, one of the topics of discussion was the chuck holes on Commercial Avenue,
Councilman Hopke also reported that 12th Street was badly in need of some repair.
Mr. Gallagher, City Engineer, stated that this had been reported to the State
Highway Department appraxximately three (3) months ago, but they did not feel the
need for 4mmediate action at that time. Councilmen Hopke suggested that another
letter should be sent to the State Department and ask that repairs to 12th
Street be included in their 1964 program.
Mrs. Ann Bessner spoke from the audience reporting that several City Street
signs were down and some missing. She further stated that she felt that there
was a need for more street signs throughout the City. Councilman Ford suggested
that a survey of signs be taken by the City. Councilman Hopke stated that
several directional signs had been torn down and felt a need for the enforcement
of the 10:30 p.m. curfew toicurtail some of this damage being done. A further
investigation of this problem was referred to the City Manager and Chief of
Councilman Strom made the motion and Councilman Ford seconded meeting be
Don McDugle, Mayor
Mildred Bryant, City Clerk
December 17, 1963
A regular meeting of the City Councilfor the City of Anscortes was called
to order at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor McDugle presiding.
Invocation was given by Reverend Wilson.
Roll: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom.
Mayor McDugle asked the pleasure of the Council on the previous minutes.
Councilman Hopke requested that the minutes be changed to include within the
letter to the State Highway Department an additional request be made for
directional signs to the State Ferry Terminal. Councilman Rice made the motion
and Councilman Hopke seconded that this addition be entered in the official
minutes of the December 3rd, 1963 and the minutes be approved as read.
Roll: Ayes, Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom.
Paul Grube, owner and operator of the Anacortes Motel spoke from the
audience stating that the directional signs coming north on Highway 99 were
very inadequate. Mayor MoDugle suggested that a letter be written from the
Motel Owners Association to the Department of Highways.
City Manager read a letter from the Housing and Home Finance Agency,
acknowledging the Anacortes Workable Program for Community Improvement which
was submitted December 5, 1963.
City Manager presented the Council with a request by verbal cdrrespondence,
from the Sunset Advertising Company to install a directional sign on City
Water Pumping Station property at Sullivan's Corner, which would indicate the
turn off to the refineries on March's Point. He further stated they would
pay $150.00 per year for 3ise of the property for this purpose. Councilman
Strom made a motion and Councilman Hopke seconded that request be granted to
the Sunset Advertizing Company. Roll: All ayes, Hopke, Russell, Rice,
McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom.
City Manager asked for the approval of the Council to hold a public hearing
and review the six year street improvement program. Various areas in the City
were discussed. Councilman Hopke made the motion and Councilman Peck seconded
that a public hearing date be set for January 7, 1964 at 7:30 p.m. in the
Council Chambers of�"the City Hall, City of Anacortes, Washington. Roll:
All ayes, Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom.
City Manager gave a report on meeting in San Francisco with officials of
the HHFA, and asked permission of the Council to make application to the HHFA
Urban Renewal Department for a Survey Planning Grant, for the proposed Indust-
rial Park Development between R Avenue and Fidalgo Bay at 20th and 34th Streets.
He further stated that the study would take at least 18 to.24 months before
it could be decided if the project could be undertaken.
Two conditional surveys would be taken: Rating of the degree of sub-
standard structural conditions by city personnel and land appraisal by a
national marketing firm which would be completed by August. The remainder
of the planning and survey would commence at this point. Councilman Hopke
made the motion and Councilman Ford seconded that permission be granted to the
HHFA. Roll: All ayes, Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom.
Motion carried.
Councilman Hopke reported to the Council that the Citizens Advisory Comm-
ittee had requested a detailed report of the meeting in San Francisco with the
HHFA in connection with the proposed Urban Renewal project. Councilman Peck,
Chairman of the Advisory Committee, called a meeting for January 6th, 1964
and instructed City Clerk to contact Bob Keller, Manager of the Port of
Anacortes, and all members of the Advisory Committees and advise them of the
meeting to be held on that date.
City Manager designated on the map the boundaries of the proposed Little
Cranberry Lake Park, recommended by the Engineering Department and requested
the approval of the City Council. Councilman Rice made the motion and
Councilman Peck seconded that boundaries be approved and set up under Park
Department. Roll: All ayes, Hopke, Russell, Rice, MoDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom.
Motion carried.
City Manager requested permission to call for bids on printing, liability
insurance, tires, and petroleum products. Councilman Rice made the motion and
Councilman Hopke seconded that permission be granted. Roll: All ayes, Hopke,
Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
City Manager presented the Council with the retained percentage due Marine
Asphalt for Arterial project at 32nd and D Avenue in the amount of $1355.86.
Councilman Hopke made the motion and Councilman Russell seconded that recom-
mendation of the City Manager be accepted and warrant be issued to Marine
Asphalt Co. Roll: All ayes, Hopke, Russell, Rice, MoDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom.
Motion carried.
City Manager presented the Council with retained percentage due Geo. V. Nolte
Company, Contract No. 3 on LID No. 158, in the amount of $3,038.99. He stated
releases had been returned from the Tax Commission and the Department of Labor
and Industries and it was his recommendation payment be made. Councilman Hopke
made the motion and Councilman Peck seconded that interest bearing warrant at
4.15% No. 30 through 33, dated December 18, 1963, be issued to Hughbanks, Inc.,
in the amount of $3,038.99. Roll: Ayes, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford,
Strom. Motion carried.
Special claims on Special Sewer Construction, Project APW Wash -121 to
P & B Construction Company for Progress Payment No. 6 in the amount of $12,287.92
was presented to the Council. City Manager stated that the work had been
checked to date and it was his recommendation that Progress payment No. 6 be
accepted. Councilman Rice made the motion and Councilman Peck seconded that
warrant be issued to P & B Construction Company in the amount of $42,287.92.
Roll: All ayes, Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom, Motion
Special Claims on APWWash-121, Special Sewer Construction to Stevens and
Thompson for engineering and survey services were presented to the Council in
the amount of $1190.00. Councilman Hopke made the motion and Councilman Rice
seconded payment be made to Stevens and Thompson and warrant issued in the
amount of $1190.00. Roll: Ayes, Russell, Rice, Hopke, McDugle, Peck, Ford,
Strom. Motion carried.
Special claims on APW Wash -90G for Special Water Construction to Steven
and Thompson for engineering sur6+ey services in the amount of $499.75 was
presented to the Council. Councilman Strom made the motion and Councilman Peck
seconded that claim be allowed and warrant issued to Stevens and Thompson in the
amount of $499.75. Roll: Ayes, Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford,
Strom. Motion carried.
The claims against the City for the first half of December 1963 was presented
to the Council.
Salaries $8801.00
Expenses 702.03
Upon favorable report from the Finance Committee, Councilman Rice made a motion
and Councilman Hopke seconded that claims be allowed and warrants issued for
same. Roll, ayes, Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion
The City Manager presented Treasurer Report for the month of November. It
was accepted and ordered placed on file.
The City Manager reported that street signs would be installed on arterial
streets under the new budget for 1964.
Letter had been sent to State Highway Department, to Mr. McDay, regarding
resurfacing Commercial from 12th Street to 36th, and 12th Street west of
In reviewing Mr..Marvin Sager's request for vacation of 35th Street for one
block east of D Avenue, City Manager reported that 121 of house and 281 to the
well are on City property. He also stated that Mr. Sager was willing to
compensate City for vacation. It was of this general opinion of the Council
that if this request was granted, there would be more requests of the same
presented in the future. Councilman Rice made the motion and Councilman Hopke
seconded that request should be held in abeyance until next council meeting.
Roll: All ayes, Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle,- Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion
Councilman Hopke asked City Manager if enforcement was being put on the .
10:30 p.m. curfew law. City Manager reported that he had discussed the problem
with the Police Chief and it was being dealt with.
Councilman Ford asked the Council if they would meet with the Finance
Committee Monday December -23, 6:00 p.m. This was agreeable with the Council.
Councilman Hopke made the motion and Councilman Peck seconded that the
meeting be adjourned. Meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
Don McDugle, Mayor
Mildred Bryant, City Clerk
January 7, 1964
A regular meeting of the City Council for the City of Anscortes was called
to order at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor McDugle presiding.
Roll: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Stroma. Mayor McDugle informed
the Council that Councilman Ford had been excused for this meeting, due to
Company business.
Mrs. Ann Bessner spoke from the audience announcing that the show case now
located in the main hallway of the City Hall had been donated to the Anacortes
Women's Club for historical purposes from Mrs. Gary Simpson, formerly Simpson's
Jewelry Store in Anacortes.
Minutes of the previous meeting were considered and after hearing no altera-
tions or corrections, Councilman Rice made a motion ando-C ouncilman Peck seconded
that the minutes be approved as read. Roll: ayes, Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle,
Peck, Strom, Motion carried.
City Manager read a copy of a letter that had been sent to the Washington
State Highway Department from the Motel Owners Association requesting more
adequate directional signs to the City of Anacortes.