HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962 City Council MinutesDecember 26, 1961 The adjourned meeting of the City Council for the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor Strom presiding. Roll call: Ness, Antonius, Dickinson, Mansfield and Strom. Mayor Strom state that this was the hearing on the proposed six -year street improvement plan for the City of Ancortes, and that this plan was by no means inflexible; it could be ammended or altered by a majority vote of any given council after a public hearing. The City manager showed the Council and the audience the map showing the presently paved streets and the proposed paving projects for the next six years. Various interested citizens spoke from the audience and asked questions regarding the plan. Mr. Walter Van Horn asked tha Council why the proposed L.I.r. #157 has not been extended to include "U" Avenue from Second to the waterfront in the project. A lengthy discussion followed And Mr. Mansfield moved and Mr. Dickinson seconded that the City Attorney be instructed to prepar6 a Resolution of Intention ammewing Resolution #46 and including 11UM Avenue from Second to the water- front in the project. Roll call: Ness,.Antonius, Dickinson Mansfield, and Strom. All Ayes. Mayor Strom called upon four former students of Anacortes High School, namely Larry Fix, Gary Mansfield, Elmer Guthrie, and Ron Crawford, to give their views on the hearing and their feelings on the community. All four men gave brief, concise statements on Anacortes and expressed their gratification at the street paving program to date. There being no 6ther comments from the Council or the audience Mayor Strom indicated the hearing closed, instructed the City Attorney to read the Resolution adopting the comprehensive street program for the ensuing six -year period. Mr. Mansfield moved and Mr. Ness seconded the resolution be adopted and given #48 and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign. Roll call, Ness, Antonius, Dickinson Mansfield, and Strom, All Ayes. Mayor Strom dec ared the meeting adjourned at 9:17 p.m. 11 f r EA STROM, MAYOR ATTEST C_ I , CITY CLERK January 2, 1962 A regualr meeting of the City Council for the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor Strom presiding. Invocation: Reverend Clarence Ostrom, Paster of the Church of God. Roll Call: Ness, Antonius, Dickinson, Ford, Mansfield and Strom. The minutes of the previous meeting were considered and after hearing no alteration or corrections, Mr. Mansfield moved and Mr. Ness seconded that due to the fact that each Councilman had a copy for study and that copies were available at the City Clerk's Office upon request, the minutes be approved as read. Roll call. All Ayes: Ness, Antonius, Dickinson, Ford, Mansfield, and Strom. Motion carried. City Manager reported to the Council that bids have been received for the Liability Insurance for the City for the Year 1962. Bids are as f611ows: 161 January 2, 1962 continued Francisco -Weber --General Insurance of American--$3,595.10 Scott 0. Richards --Northwestern Mutual Insurance Company--$3,111.67 Mr. Ness moved and Mrs. Antonius seconded that the lbw -lid' -of Northwestern Mutual Insurance Company (Scott 0. Richards) be accepted. Roll call. All Ayes: Ness,-Antonius, Dickinson, Ford, Mansfield., and Strom. Motion carried. City Manager reported to the Council that bids have been received on Petroleum Products for the year 1962. It was his recommendateion that the low bids be accepted, Mr. Ford moved and Mr. Ness secoriddd the bids of Regular Gasoline, Shell, $.2097: Hi Test (Alternate), Texaco, $.2454; Auto Diesel, Texaco, $.1395; Stove Oil, Texaco, $.1395; Furance Oil, Shell $.1137; Fuel Oil, Island Transfer, $3.87 per barrel be accepted. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Dickinson, Ford, Mansfield, And Strom. Motion carried. City Attorney read a resolution ammending Resolution # 46 to order improvement on the following described properties: BE IT RESOLVED, aby the City Council of the City of Anacortes, Washington that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Ancortes, Washington, to order the improvement of V Aveue from the South line of 6th Street to a point of 35 feet south of the south line of 1st Street, as V Avenue is platted in the Original Plat of the City of Anacortes and In Bowman+s Central Ship Harobr Water front Plat; 3rd Street from the east line of V Avenue to Pagoda Place; Pagoda Place from 3rd Street to East Park Drive; all of East Park Drive to the north line of 5th Street, all as platted in Cap Sante Park Addition to the City of Anacortes; 5th Street from the meander line to the east line of V Avenue, as said 5th Street is platted in Cap Sante Parr Addition and Bowman;s Central Ship Harbor Water Front P]a t; 2nd Street from the west line of V Avenue to the east line of U Avenue; and U Avenue from the meander line to the north line of Lath Street, all asplatted in the Original Plat of the City of Are cortes; diagonal road leading from the south line of 6th Street and V Avenue to the south line of 7th Street and W Avenue, across Block 19 of Bowman;s Central Ship Harbor Water Front Plat, now ordered by the City of Anacortes as park property; W Avenue from the south line of 7th Street to the center line of the alley in Blcok 35 of Bowman;s Central Ship Harbor Water Front P3at; Thence easterly along 9th Street and southerly and easterly through vacated blocks of Bowman;s Central Ship Harbor Water front Plat of the City of Anacortes, now constituting Cap Sante Park property of the City, on existing gravel road to and through the loop at the 6utlook point of Cap Sante City Park, as follows: As to V Avenue, 3rd Street, East Park Drive, Pagoda Place, 5th Street 2nd Street, U Avenue, the diagonal road and W Avenue Avenue, by grading drianing, surfacing, and by the construction of asphaltic concrete pavement approximately 2" in depth and 81, of base material and twenty-two (22) feet in width, with circular turn-arounds and such drainage facilities as are required: On the road lying southerly and easterly from'the center line of the alley on Block 35, "Bowman;s Central Ship Harbor Water Front Plat' through existing city park property to and through the loop at the ,outlook point of Cap Sante City Park, by grading, draining, surfacing and the construction of asphaltic concrete pavement, approximately 29 in depth and from 2" to 81, of base material, twenty (20) feet in width, and such drainage facilities as are required. That the territorial extent of the said improvement dittrict shall include all property along 2nd Street, 3rd Street, 5th Street, and 9th Street from the property lines on both sides of said streets to the center line of the alleys of the blocks on both sides of said streets, and in the case of 5th Street, an equivalent distance from the north side of said street running to the north in depth to that established on the south side of said street as herein set forth; and all property along V Avenue, Pagda Place, East Park Drive, the diagonal road, U Avenue, W Avenue, and the road through city park property to and through the loop at the outlook point of Cap Sante City Park lying east and west and esasterly and westerly thereof from the property lines on both sides of said avenues and roads to a depth of one hundred fifty (150) feet, measured from the property lines. Said territorial extent shall further be as prescribed for local improvement districts in statutes of the State of Washington relating to this t3r2e of improvement, and shall include all property lying between the terninii of the improvements abutting upon, adjacent to or prozimate to the streets, avenue and roads proposed to be 162 a January 2, 1962 continued improved. Mr. Raymond Robinson spoke from the audience and stated that tere is a definite drainage problem on his property which is located in this proposed improvement district. A lenghy discussion followed, and Mayor Strom assured Mr. Robinson that the drainage problem would be studied and a solution worked out. Mr. Ness moved and Mr. Ford seconded that the Resolution of Intention be adopted and adopted and given the number 49, and that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign, and that the Clerk be instructed to publish and notifh affected property owners. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Dickinson, Ford, Mansfield, And Strom. Motion carried. City Attorney mead a proposed agreement between Puget Sound Power and Light Company, and the City of Anscortes regarding the sight at Mt. Erie described a; follows: The Northeast 4 of the Northwest ! and the Northwest z of the Northeast 4 of Section 12, Township 34 North, Range 1 East, W. N., EXCEPT road. The lease would run for a 25-year period and the payment would be $30.00 annually. The City Attorney stated that he could find no objection to the form of the proposed agreement, but that it was his recommendation that the City refrain from signing the leaseuntil they had received written approvel of the Kiwanis Club and Mr. Driftmier as Executor of the Gus Henslers Estate. Mr. Mansfield moved and Mr. Ness seconded that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the lease providing it meets with the approval of the Kiwanis Club and the Henslers Estate. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Dickinson, Ford, Mansfield, and Strom. Motion carried. The claims against the City for the 2nd half of December, 1961 were read to the Council and upon hearing no objection the Mayor referred them to the Finanace Committee. Upon favorable report by the Finance Committee, a motion was made by Mr. Ford and seconded by Mr. Dickinson that the claims be allowed and warrants be drawnin favor bf same. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius Dickinson, Ford Mansfield, and Strom. Motion carried. City Manager presented to the Council the retained percentage due Pittsburgh-Demoines Steel Company for the additionsio the Central Filter Palnt in the amount of $3,333.30 Mr. Ford moved and Mr. Ness seconded that recommendation of*the Manager be accepted and the warrant be issued Pittsburgh- Demoines Steel Company to pay the retained percentage. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Dickinsonm Ford, Mansfield, and Strom. Motion carried. City Manager reported to the Council that there would be a meeting in Portland, Oregon, on Wednesday, January 3, 1962, to lay the final plans for the Northwest City Managerst Association Convention to be held in Yakima on February 22, 23, and 24th . He requested to attend the Planning Meeting in Portland. Mr. Ford moved and Mr. Antonius seconded the request of the City Manager by allowed. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Dickinson Ford, Mansfield and Strom. Motion carried. Mayor Strom read a letter frcm Mr. Charles Van Meter submitting his resignation as Civil Defense Director for the City of Anacortes. Dr. Strom commended Mr. Van Meter on his tireless efforts during his five-year term as Director and accepted the resignation with regret. Mr. Mansfeedl moved and Mr. Ford seconded that a letter of appreciation be sent to Mr. Van Meter for his work as Civil Defense Director. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Dickinson, Ford, Mansfield and Strom. Motion Carried. mayor Strom reported to the Council that it was his recommendation that Mr. Loren Welch be names to fill the 3rd Ward Council position recently t vacated by Mr. James Rice. Mr. Ness Moved and Mrs. Antonius seconded the recommendation be accepted and Mr. Loren Welch be appointed coucnilman for the 3 rd Ward. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Dickinson, Ford, Mansfield, and Strom. Motion Carried. Mayor Strom reported thathe has received a communication from Congressman Jack Weslund regarding the completion date on the new post office. 1 I 163 January 2, 1962 continued Mayor Strom dec'Ured the meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. I, DINNE ERHOLM, duly appointed Clerk of She City of Anacortes, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of the Council meeting minutes held on January 2, 1962 January 16, 1962 A regular meeting of the City Council for the City of Ara cortes was called 1bp order at 7:30 p/m. with Mayor Strom presiding. The invocation was presented by Reverend Clarence Ostrom, Pastor of the Church of God. The City Clerk administered the oth of office to Mr. Loren Welch as Councilman of the third ward. Mayor Strom welcomed Mr. Welch to the Council. Roll call. Ness,ANtonius, Welch, Dickinson, Ford, Mansfield and Strom. The minutes of the previous meeting were considered and after hearing no alterations or corrections, Mr. Mansfield moved and Mr. Ness seconded that due to the fact that each Councilman had a copy for study and that copies were available at the City Clerk's office upon request, the minutes be approved as if read. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Welch, Dickinson, Ford, Mansfield, and Strom. Motion carried. Mayor Strom delcared the hearing on the proposed L. I• D. #156, the property described a s follows open: "on "i{" Avenue as platted on Queen Anne Addition to the City of Anacortes. Original Plat of the City of Anacortes, and Hensler's Second Addition to the City of Anacortes from the south line of 12th Strret to the north line of 22nd Street; 13th Street as platted in Queen Anne Addition to the City of Anacortes and MunksI Queen Anne Addition to the City of Anacortes frobf- the west line of "K" Avenue to the east line of I Avenue; 14th Street as platted in Queen Anne Addition to the City of Anacortes from the west line of K Avenue Ito:'the east line of J Avenue; 15th Street as platted in Queen Anne Addition to the City of Anacortes from the west line of K Avenue to the east line of J Avenue; 17th Street as .platted in the Original Pia t of the City of Anacortes from the west line of Commercial Avenue to the west line of J Avenue; 20th Street as platted in the Original Plat of the City of Anacortes, and Henslerfs Second Dddition to the City of Anacortes from the west line of M Avenue to the east line of J Avenue and J Avenue as platted in the Original Plat of the City of Anacortes from the south line of 17th Street to the south line of 18th Street by grading, draining surfacing, and the construction of asphaltic concrete pavements, approzimately, two inches(211) in depth, with eight inches (811) of base material and thirty-six feet (36t) in width, along with necessary concrete curbs and gutters and drainage facilities where required, and on K Avenue and 17th Street be installi-og two inches (211) of pit run gravel as additional balast.11 The City Attorney gave a complete resume of the legal aspects of Local Improvement Districts and explained how they are financed. Councilman Ford explained the area invloved to be improved by the L. I. D. Councilman Mansfield explained how the affected property is assessed. The City Manager explained the engineering process invbbved in the Local Improvement District. Mayor Strom reported to the Council that protests from affected property owners totaling 20.7 per cent of the affected property have been received. The protests were in the area of 13th , 14th and 15th Streets west of "K" Avenue, most of this area being on dyad -end Streets. Many affected property owners spoke from the audience asking questions regarding the Local Improvement District. Mr. Elmer Knudson ask&d the Council why a junk yard was allowed on 17th Street in an R-1 zone. Air. Gordon Lamphier, the owner of said junk yard spoke from the audience and stated that it wasn't a junk yard. Mayor 6trom requested the City Manager and City 164 January 16, 1962 Attorney to look into this matter. Mayor Strom then declared the hearing closed. The Council discussed at length the aspects involved in this L. I. D. due to the h ct that practically 90 percent of the property owners in the area of 13th, 14th and 15th Streets west of 11K1' Avenue were opposed to the paying, Mr. Ford moved and Mr. Dickinson seconded that the City Attorney be instructed to pre prepare a new resolution of intention for the affected area which would delete 13th, 14th, and 15th Streets west of "K" And present it at the next Council meeting. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Welch, Dickinson, Ford, Mansfield and Strom. Motion carried. The City Attorney read a resolution authorizing the issuance of bonds on L. I. D. #154 in the total principle sum of $71,330.37. Mr. Ford moved and Mr. Mansfield seconded that the resolution be adopted and given the number 50 and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Welch, Dickinson, Ford, Mansfield, and Strom. Motion carried. The City Attorney read a resolution authorizing the filing of an application to apply fur funds to aid in financing the cost of engineering and architectual surveys, designing, plans, work drawings, and specifications for domestic sewage treatment facilities and authorizing the City Manager to sign on behalf of the City the application for financial aid in defraying the cost of plan for the application. Mr. Mansfield moved and Mr. Ford seconded that the resolution be adopted and given the number 51; and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign. Roll Call. All ayes: Ness, Welch, Dickinson, Ford, Mansfield and Strom. Motion carried. The City Attorney read a resolution transferring the sum of $132.33 from the Current Expense miscellaneous account to the budget of the City Clerk to bring into balance the Clerk's 1961 budget. Mr. Ness moved and Mr. Dickinson seconded the resolution be adopted and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign. Roll call. All ayes: Noss, Welch, Dickinson, Ford, Mansfield, and Strcn. Motion carried. The City Clerk read a petition from Mr. Lawrence E. Nicholson and Mrs. Dorothy Nicholson requesting the vacation of the east Ito feet of V Avenue lying north of the north line of Second Street. The petition stated that in consideration for the vacation, the property owners were willing to give the City for street purposes the triangular piece of porperty located at the inersection of 3rd and V Avenue for a frantage of some 30 feet on V Avenue and 70 feet on Third Street. The petition was further signed by Mr. E. E. Dodge and Tempa E. Dodge stating that they have nolobjection to the petition and joined with the petitioners in the same Mr. Ford moved and Mr. Ness seconded the rgquest be referred to the Plannigg Commission and they report back to the Council. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Welch, Dickinson, Ford, Mansfield, and Strom. Motion carried. The City Manager reported to the Council that bids have been received for automotive tires for the City for the year of 1962. He stated only one bid had been received from Service Station Supplies in the amount of $1,169.31. Mr. Mansfield moved and Mr. Ness seconded the bid of Service Station Supplies be accepted. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Welch, Dickinson, Ford, Mansfield, and Strom. Motion carried. The City Manager reported that bids have been received for the Police car for the year of 1962. Bids are as follows: Trulson Motor Company, 1962 Chevrolet V8 r door Sedan, $2,525.08 Evergreen Motors Sales, Inc. 1962 Ford Galaxie, $2,658.80 Swenson Motor Company, V8 Plymouth 230 H. P., $2,395.00 :DepehdAble Motor Co., Inc. 1962 Dodge Police Pursuit, $2,414.27 A discussion followed and the matter was tabled for the present until more information on the comparative values of the cars were ascertained. The City Manager reported that bids have been received for the printing for the year 1962 from the Anacortes American in the amount of $1.00 per inch for the first insertion and 800 per column for each subsequent insertion. Mr. Ness moved and Mr. Ford seconded the bid of the Anacortes American be Approved. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Welch, Dickinson, Ford, Mansfield and Strom. Motion carried. 1�� January 16, 1962 continued Mr. French presented to the Council the progress payment for B & B Plumbing and Heating for the pipe line relocation west of the Swinomish Channel in the amount of $24,254.77. Mr. Ford moved and Mr. Ness seconded that the payment be accepted and when the money has been received from the State Highway Department the paymenttD B and B be authorized. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Welch, Dickinson, FORD, Mansfield, and Strom. Motion carried. Mr. French presented the Council with Change order #2 in the amount of $877.67. Mr. French stated this Change order has occurred due to the fact that it was necessary to re -coat five lengths of the City's pipe which was used im the city project, and the work was done by B & B Plumbing and Heating. Mr. Ford moved and Mr. Ness seconded the same order be accepted. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Welch, Dickinson, Ford, Mansfield and Strom. motion carried. The City Attorney read a proposed emergency ordinance transferring from the cash balance in the sanitation fund to the sahitatAon budget;•of.1961%:the'..'•.On burn *of $3, 20411171aeMr. Mansfield moved and Mr. Dickinson seconded t13 t the hearing date of the proposed emergency ordinance be set for February 1, 1962, at 7:30 p.m. and the Clerk be authorized to publish. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Welch, Dickinson, Ford, Mansfield, and Strom. Motion carried. The City Attorney read a proposed emergency :ordinance transferring the sum of $149.99 from cash balance in the Cemetery fund to the 1961 budget of the Cemetery Department. Mr. Mansfield moved and Mr. Dickinson seconded that the hearing date of February 6, 1962, be set on the proposed emergency ordinance and the Clerk's be authorized to publish. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Welch, Dickinson, Ford, Mansfield and Strom. Motion carried. The final claims against the Cray for the year 1961 were read to the Council and upon hearing no objections the mayor referred them to the Fira nce Committee. Upon favorable report by the Fira nce Committee, a motion was im de by Mr. Mansfield and seconded by Mr. Dickinson that the claims be allowed and warrants be drawn in favor of same. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Dickinson, Welch, Mansfield, Ford, and Strom. Motion carried. The claims against the City for the first half of January 1962, were read to the Council and upon hearing no objections the Mayor referrred them to the Finance Committee. Upon Favorable report by the Finance Committeep a motion was made by Mr. Ford and seconded by Mr. Dickinson tYa t the claims be allowed and warrants be drawn in favor of same. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Welch, Dickinson, Mansfield, Ford and Strom. Motion carried. The Treasurer's Report for the year of December 1961 was accepted and ordered place on file., The City Manager presented comparative figures for various City Fund balances for the year 1957 and 19f 1 to the Council. The City Manager presented the report tegarding the utility, water, sewer, and gargabe billing presently being done in Mount Vernon to the Council. The City Manager requested permission to call for bids for a pick-up truck for the Cemetery Department in an amount not to exceed $500.00 and a dump truck for the Street Department. Mr. Ford moved and Mr. Dickinson seconded that the City Manager be authorized to call for bids on these two items. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Welch, Dickinson, Ford, Mansfield, and Strom Motion carried. The City Attorney requested permission to close his office from January 20 to January 31, 1962. Mr. Ford moved and Mr. Dickinson heconded the request of the City Attorney be accepted. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Welch, Dickinson Ford, Mansfield and Str cn. Motion carried. Mayor Strom declared the meeting adjourned at 11:16 p.m. I, DIANE BRHOLM, duly appointed clerk of the City of Anacortes, Washington, do hereby cei^tify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the city Council Mifau6es of the meeting held on January 16, 1962 _-(�p I, -o' DIANE ERHOLM, 166 �17 Febris ry 6, 1962 is A REgular meting of the City Council for the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor Strom presiding. The Invocation was presented by ReveraAd Seymour. Roll call: Ness, Antonius, Welch, Ford and Strom The minutes of the previous meeting were considered and after hearing no alterations or corrections, Mr. Ness moved and Mr. Antonius seconded that due to the fact that each Councilman has a copy :)for study and that copies were available at the City Clerk's Office upon rquest, the minutes be approved as if read. Roll call. All ayes Ness, Antonius, Welch, Ford, and Strom. Motion carried. Mayor Strom declared the hearing on the proposed L. I. D. #157, the property described as follows, open: V Avenue from the south line of 6th Street to a point 35 feet south of the south line of First Street, Third Street from the east line of V Avenue to Pagoda Place, Pagoda Place from . Third Street to East Park Drive, East Park Drive from Pagoda Place to the north line of 5th Street, Fifth Street from the meander line to the east line of V Avenue, Second Street from the west line of V Avenue to the east line of U Avenue, U Avenue from the Meander line to the north line of Fourth Street, diagonal road leading from the south line of Sixth Street and V Avenue to the south line of Seventh Street and W Avenue tiW Avenue from the south line of Seventh street to the center line of the alley in Blcok 35 of Bowman's Central Ship Harbor Water Front Plat, thence southerly and easterly to and along Ninth Street and southerly and easterly through vacated blocks of Bowman's Central Ship Harbor Water Front Plat of the City of Ansortes on existing gravel road to and through the loop at the outlook point of Cap Sante City Pakr, by grading draining, surfacing, and paving the same where required, and by installing such drainage facilities as are required and doing such other work as may be necessary in connection therewith. Mayor Strom gave a general resume of the L. I. D. procedure . The City Attorney explained the legal aspects involving in L. I. D. The City Manager explained the actual paving that would be done and the area located in the improvement. Mayor Strom reported to the Council that he had been informed that a tertian affected property owner would protest the paving if approximately 200 feet east of East Park Drive were left in the paving project. A discussion followed, and the City Attorney stated that if the Council wished, it could delete this portion from the project. Mr. Ford moved and Mr. Welch seconded that the Coucnil delete the approzimately 200 feet east of East Park Drive from the paving project. Roll call. Ayes: Welch, and Ford. Nayes: Ness, Antonius, and Strom. Motion defeated. The City Manager presented to the Coucnil an affidavit of mailing the hearing notice, a preliminary estimate of the cost of the proposed improvement, and a letter showing the assessed valuation of the land within district and improvements on the property with the proposed district. Mayor Strom declared the hearing closed. The City Clerk read a letter from the Planning Commission regarding a petition from Dr. L. E. Nicholson and Dorothy Nicholson for the vacation of the east 40 feet of V Avenue lying north of the north line of Second Street. The Commission recommended the following: that the east 40 feet of V Avenue from the north line of second Street to a point 116 feet north of the north line of V Avenue be vacated. The letter further stated that the reason for the change from the original request is that the Anacortes Planning Commission felt that the full width access to the water at this point would someday be beneficial to the City. Dr. Nicholson spoke from the audience and explained the reasons for his request. Councilman Welch requested a diagram of the proposed vacation be presented the evening of the hearing. Mr. Ford moved and Mr. Ness seconded that the hearing date be set on the proposed 167 February 6, 1962 vacation for March 6, 1962, at 7:30 p.m., and the City Clark be instructed to post the prnpprty. Roll call: All Ayes: Ness, Antonius, Welch, Ford, and Strom. Motion carried. The City Clerk read a letter from Anaco T. V. and Appliances requesting two parking loading spaces directly east of the present loading space on Seventh and Commercial. The Clerk also read aletter from Pacific Gas and Fuel requesting vacating one parking meter space at the same location. Mr. Clifford Kelly, co-owner of Anaco T. V• and Appliances stated that in their new location there is no alley space available, as them had been in there old location.- Chief Beebe spoke from the audience and stated that with the loss of two parking meter spaces Swenson Motor Company might object. Councilman Ford moved and Councilman Ness seconded that the matter be referred to the City Manager and the Police Chief and they be instructed to contact Mr. Swenson regarding his feelings on the matter and be brought up to the Cftncil at a later date. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Welch, Ford and Strom. Motion carried. The City Clerk read a letter from the Bureau of Community Development stating that in February, Mr. Hussan E1 Din Aly Sabet of Egypt, Special Assistant to Administrator for Public Relations, Ehyptian American Rural Improvembnt Service would be in the area. They requested that the Ctiy Officials be available for a lunbheon with him Tuesday, February 15, 1962. Mayor Strom asked Mr.s Antonius to take charge of this worthwhile project. The City Manager presented the Council with a tabulation on thw bids for the 1962 Police car. They were as follows: Trulsnn Motor Company, $2,525.08: Evergreen Motors, $2,658.8p: Swenson Motor Company, $2,395.00; Dependab3mm Motor Company, $2,414.27. The Chief of Police spoke from the audience regarding the merits of the various automobiles and stated that in the past the performance of the two Plymounths and not been too satisfactory. Mr. Charles Overton, Maintenance man for the city, spoke from the audience and stated that in the pat there had been constatn trouble with the steering mechiaism in the Plymouth. The City Manager stated that in previous years the Plymouth had a six -cylinder motor, and that the eight -cylinder motor would be an entireley different matter. Councilman Ford moved and Councilman Ness seconded that the bid of Swenson Motor Company be accepted and a 1962 Plymouth Police Special be voted. Ayes: Ness, Antonius, Ford, Strom. Nayes: Welch. Motion carried. F The City Clerk read a report from the Century 21 City Beautification Committee prepardd by Mrs. David B. Smith, Chairman. The report stated the various projects the committee has undertaken and requested the Council, to adopt the Azalea as the official flower of the City of Anacortes. The Committee also requested the Ctiy to enter the official "anit-litter" campaign and designate the last week in March as Anacortes Clean-up Week and "Anti -litter" Week. Councilman Ford moved and Councilwoman Antonius seconded that the request of the Centuray 21 City Beautification Committee be accepted and the Azalea be designated as the official flower of the City of Anacortes, and the last week in March be designated as Anacortes Clean-up week. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Ford, Strom and Welch. The City Attorney read a proposed ordianance providing for the improvement of V ,Avenue from the south line of 6th Street to a point 35 feet south of the south line of First Street., Third Street from the east line of V Avenue to Pagoda Place, Pagoda Place from Third Street to East Park Drive, East Park Drive from Pagoda Place to the north line of 5th Street, Fifth Street from the wemeander line to the east line of V Avenue, Second Street from the west line of V Avenue to the east line of U Avenue, U Avenue from the meander line to the north line of Fourth Street, diagonal road leading from the q outh line of Sixth Street and V Avenue to the south line of Seventh Street and W Avenue W Avenue from the south line of Seventh Street to the center line of the alley in Block 35 of Bowman's Central Ship Harbor Water Front Plat, thench southlrly and easterly to and along Ninth Street and southerly 168 p February 6, 1962 and easterly through vacated blocks of Bowman's Central Ship Harbor Water Front Plat of the City of Anacortes on existing gravel road to and through the loop at the outlook point of Cap Sante City Prk., by grading draining, surfacing, and paving the same where required, and by instal- ling such drainage facilities as are required and doing such other work as may be necessary in connection therewith. Mr. Ford moved and Mr. Ness seconded that the ordinance be adopted and given the number 1316, and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign.,, Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Ford, Ublch, and Strom. Motion Carried. TM The City Attorney read a proposed resolution of intention to order improvement on the following described property: nKI Avenue as platted in Queen Anne Addition to the City of Anacortes, Original Plat of the City. of Amortes, and Hensler's Second Addition to the City of Anacortes; from the south line of 12th Street to the north line of 22nd street; 17th Street as platted in the Original Plat of the City of Anacortes from the west line of Commercial Avenue to the west line of J Avenue; 20th Street as platted in the Original Plat of the City of Anacortes and Hensler's Second Addition to the City of Anacortes from the west line of M Avenue to the east line of J Avenue, and J Avenue as platted in the original Plat of the City of Anacortes from the south line of 17th Street to the south line of 18th Street, as follows: By grading, draining, surfacing and the construction of asphaltic concrete pavement where required, approximately two inches (211) in depth, with ei ht inches (811) of base material and thifty-six feet (36, in width, along with necessary concrete curbs and gutters and 2 drainage facili- ties where requred, and in K Avenue and 17th Street by installing two inches (211) of pit run gravel as additional ballast. Mr. Welch moved and Mr. Ness seconded that the resolution be accepted and given the number 52, and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign, and the hearing date of March 20, 1962, at 7:30 p.m/ be set. and the Clerk be authorized to notify property owners. Roll call. All, ayes: Ness, Antonius, Ford, Welch, and Strom. The City Attorney gave a second reading to a proposed emergency ordinance transferring the sum of $149.99 from cash balance in the Cemetery Fund to the 1961 budget of the Cemetery Department. Mayor Strom declared the hearing open on the proposed emergency ordinance. There being no one in the audience wishing to speak for or against the ordinance, Mayor Strom declared the hearin g closed. Mr. Ness moved and Mrs. Antonius seconded the ordinance be adopted and given the number 1317 and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Ford, Welch, and Strom. Motion carried. The City Attorney read a proposed emergency ordin nce transferring from the cash2balance in the sanitation fund to the sanitation budget of 1961 the sum of $3, 2044.11. MR. Welch moved and Mr. Ness seconded that the proposed emergency ordinance be adopted and given the number 1318 and the Mayor and Clerk be auth orized•to sign. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Ford, Welch, And Strom. Motion carried. Mayor Strom appointed Mr. Welch in the place of Mr. Mansfield om the Finance Committee. The claims against the City for the second half of'January, •1962, were read to the Council and uporn hearing no objections the-Malror referred them to the Finance Committee. Upon favorable report by the Finance Committee, a motion was made by Mr. Ford and seconded by Mrs. Antonius that the claims be allowed and warrants be drawn in favor of same. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Welch, Ford, and Strom. Motion carried. The City Manager reported to the Council that he had been in contact with the State Highway Department regarding the installation of a 40-inch Basing beside the 24-inch water line in the Swinomish section of the highway re -location. Febra ury 6, 1962 continued The City Manager presented the Council with a contract for engineering services of Stevens and Thompson to make an engineering study on the economical feasiblilty of purchasing supplemental domestic water supplies from the Skagit County Public Utility District, and estimation of costs to be incurred by the City to -increase their existing water supply facilites as necessary to deliver an equivalent amount of domestic water into theri transmission syttem. The City Manager stated that the cost of the report would not exceed $2,000.00 and that matching funds would be available under the Housing and Home Finance Agency. Mr. Welch moved and Mr. Ness seconded tha contract with Stevens and Thompson be adopted, but Welch further stated that the records show that it was his opinion that the City sould apply for a largerloan with Housing and Home Finance in the amount of $3,500.00. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Ford,. Welch, and Strom. Motion carried. Mayor Strom delcared the meeting adjourned at 10:08 p.m. I, DIANE ERHOLM, duly appointed clerk of the City of Anacortes, Washington do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correctcopy of the City Council minutes of the meeting held on February 6, 1962. February 20, 1962 A regular meeting of the City Councilfor the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor Strom presiding. The Invocation was presented by Reverend Seymour. Roll call: Ness, Antonius, Dickinson, Welch, Ford, Mansfield and Strom. The Minutes of the previous meeting were cbn idered.and after heaf'ing no alterations or corrections, Mr. Ford moved and Mr. Ness seconded that due to the fact that each councilman has a copy for study and that copies were available at the City Clerk's Office upon request, the minutes be approved as if read. Roll call. A� ayes: Ness, Antonius, Dickinson, Welch, Ford, Mansfield and Strom. Motnnn carried. The City Manager reported that bids had been received on a dump truck, The bids are as follows: Trulson Motors, $4,180.96: Trulson Motors, $4,164.32: Trulson Motors, $5,283.92; Trulson Motors, $5,261.52; Cook Motors, $4.752.00; Frankts Used Cars, $5,227.00; Dependable Motors, $4y.6?7.78. Councilman Ford moved and Councilman Mansfield sedonded that the bids of Trulson Motors in the amount of $4,164.32 be accepted. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Dickinson, Welch, Ford, Mansfield, and Strom. Motion carried. The City Manager reported to the Council that bids had been received on a used pick up truck for the Cemetery Department.. and that at the time of the bid opening two bids had been received. He further stated that he had been in ca munication with Mr. F. B. Whittman, owner of Frank's Used Cars. and Mr. Whittman had informed him that since the time of the bid he had sold the truck he was bidding ipon. Mr. French further stated that the Cemetery Superintendent had driven the truck bid by Baker Radiator and Glass Service and that the Cemetery Board had recommeded that this bid be accepted. Mr. Ness moved and Mr. Ford seconded the recommendation of the City Manager and the Cemetery Board be accepted and that the bid of Baker Radiator and Glass Service in the amount of %500.00 be accepted. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Dickinson, Ford, Welch, Mansfield, and Strom. Motion carried. The C itym Clerk read a communication from the Federal Aviation Agency regarding the proposed heliport tote erected on the bbspital grounds south of 24th Street, east of M Avenue. The Communication requested comments on the above proposed heliport. A discussion followed, and Mr. Mansfield moved and Mr. Dickinson seconded that the City Mangger be authorized to nQti.fy the Federal Aviation Agency of the Councilts endorsement, subject to Planning Commission clearance. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Dickinson, Ford, Welch, Mansfield and Strom. Motion carried. hbruary 20, 1962 The City Clerk read a letter from Mr, George E. Giffin requesting the leasing of 80 lineal feet street right-of-way end of "Q" Avenue on Guemes Channel, known as the old Guemes Ferry Dock. He also requested to be granted a first option on this property. The City Attorney reported to the Council that the City could not grant a first option, and they cannot have a leasa for more than a ten-year period. The City Clerk read a letter from the Port of Anacortes requestipg the vacation of the west half of Q Avenue lying north of the meander line. The petition further stated the additional facilities the Port was desirous of installing on this property. Councilman Mansfirld stated that this request was vital and had a great over all value to the community. Mr. Robert Keller spoke from the audience and further explained the Port's stand in this matter, Councilman Mansfield requested that the City and Port work closely together to find a suitable place for Mr. Giffins proposed business. Councilman Ford moved and Councilman Ness seconded that both requests of the Port Commission and Mr. Giffin be referred to the Planning Commission. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Dickinson, Welch, Ford, Mansfield, Strom. Motion carried. The City Clerk read a letter from Mr. Tom Graler, A. S. B. Secretary, stating that the Associated Student Body was desirous in participating in a Student Government Day and had turned their request over to the Administration, and that any further correspondence would be between the City and the Administration. Mayor Strom ordered the letter placed on file. The City Clerk read a letter from the Department of Commerce and Economic Development stating that the City's application for machine funds had been approved. Mayor Strom ordered the letter placed on file. The City Clerk read a letter from Mr. Ernest E. Brooks requesting permission to operate the concession at Washington Park, but that in addition to the food items that have previously been for sale at the concession, Mr. Brooks requested permission to sell certain fishing equipment. The City Manager stated that he had been in communication with Mr. Lloyd O'Neil who is presently leasing the concession, and Mr. O'Neil was not desirous in continuing his operation. A discussion followed, and Councilman Mansfield moved and Councilman Dickinson seconded that the matter be referred to the Park Board and a recommendation from this Board be made prior to the next meeting of the Council. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Ford, Dickinson, Welch, Mansfield, and Strom. Motion carried. The City Council then canvassed the votes cast for the Primary Election held on February 13, 1962, and opened the absentee ballbts, and are as follows: Candidate Votes at Election Absentees Total Position No. 1 Frank Russell 179 5 18h Henry Biesheuvel 56 56 Position No. 2 Nina M. Antonius 234 8 242 Harold Harker 96 1 97 Charles Hopke 283 12 295 Loren F. Welch 88 6 94 Position No. 3 Ken T. Sherman 870 Eugene A. Strom 933 27 29 897 962 Position No. 4 Theo D. Kast 189 7 196 Jerry L. Mansfield 165 8 173 Marion A. Peck 683 19 702 Donald E. Smith 91 91 A. I. Mustacich 611 22 633 171 February 20, 1962 continued Candidate Votes at Election Absentees Total Position No. 5 Stanford Lewis 75 1 76 Don H. McDugle 592 15 597 Ted Ness 752 22 774 Lew Weekley 366 17 383 Position No. 6 Dorothy R. Bartholomew 257 14 271 James Rice 881 33 914 George Brado 609 10 619 The City Attorney read a resolution authorizing the investment of $50,000 from the Sewer Revenue Fund, $21,000 from Water Reserve, and $10,000 from Water Revenue. Mr. Mansfield moved, and Mr. Ness seconded the resolution be adopted and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Dickinson, Ford, Welch, Mansfield, and Strom. Motion carried. The City Manager presented the Council with a Change Order #3 for B & B= Plumbing on the pipe line relocation west of the Swinomish Channel for cost of water line repair over a period in the amount of $405.15. Mr. Ford moved and Mr. Mansfield seconded the Change Order be accepted and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Dickinson, Ford, Welch, Mansfield, and Strom. Motion carried. The claims against the City for the first half of February, 1962, were read to the Council and upon hearing no objections the Mayor referred them to the Finance Committee. Upon favorable report by the Finance Committee, a motion was made by Mr. Mansfield and seconded by Mrs. Antonius that the claims be allowed and warrants be drawn in favor of same. All ayes: Ness. Antonius, Welch, Ford, Dickinson, Mansfield, and Strom. Motion carried. The Treasurerts report was accepted and ordered placed on file. The City Manager reported that hb had been in communication with General Buchannan of the Washington State National Guard regarding the Armory site. As General Suchannan stated that as of this date the 32 acres leased by the Nationikl Guard had not been approved by headquarters due to the fact that it was not enough land. General Buchannan had hoped that the City would look into its various property to find a ten -acre site that would be suitable. Mr. French stated that he and a representative of the National Guard had surveyed property at Whistle Lake and that it seemed suitable. Mayor Strom stated that the Council would thin upon this vital question. The City Manager reported to the Council that regarding the application for Federal Funds to finance the combined water study with PUD, the City would have to make application for the exact amount needed for the survey, in this case, $2,000.00, instead of the $3,500.00 that had been discussed at the last meeting. He stated that a representative of Stevens and Thompson would be in Anacortes within the next few days to make out the application. The City Manager reported that Mr. James. Norton had proposed a survey of the cathodic protection survey necessary on the 1611 and 2011 steel pipe that is presently installed on R Avenue. He stated that the cost of this would be approximately $1,250.00 for the equipment and less than $700.00 for engineering. He further stated that a great deal of work on this project could be done by present water department crews. Councilman Mansfield moved and Councilman Ness seconded that the City engage the firm of James F. Norton, Corrosive Engineer, to install cathodic protection on the R Avenue water line, and the City Manager be authorized to call for bids on the equipment. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Dickinson, Ford, Welch, Mansfield, and Strom. Motion carried. The City Manager reported to the Council that the Northwest City Managerst Association would meetiin Yakama on February 22, 23, and 24, 1962, and requested permission to attend. Mr. Ford moved and Mr. Mansfield seconded the Manager's request be accepted and he be allowed to attent the convention. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Dickinson, Welch, Ford, Mansfield., and Strom. Motion carried. 172 � February 20, 1962 continued The City Manager reported to the Council that he had checked with Mr. Palmer y Swenson regarding the proposed loading zone for Anaco T. V. located on Eighth Street, and that Mr. Swenson had no objections. Mr. Ford moved and Mr. Mansfield seconded the request of Anaco T. V. and appliances be accepted and they Pe granted one additional parking stall. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Dickinson, Ford, Idelch, Mansfield, and Strom. Motionecarried. Mayor Strom declared the meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m. I, DIANE ERHOLM, duly appointed Clerk of the City of Anacortes, Washington, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the City Council minutes of the meeting held of February 20, 1962 d I NE EH=3 I March 6, 1962 A regular meeting of the City Council of Anacortes was called to ordet at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor Strom presiding. The Invocation was presented by Father Marner. Roll call: Ness, Antonius, Dickinson, Welch, Ford, Mansfield, and Strom. _The minutes of the previous meeting were considered and after hearing no alternations or corrections, Mr. Mansfield moved and Mr. Ness seconded that due to the fact that each Councilman had a copy for study and that copies were available at the City Clerk's office upon request, the minutes be approved as if read. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Dickinson, Welch, Ford, Mansfield, and Strom. Motion carried. Mayor Strom declared the hearing on the proposed vacation of 'IV', Avenue lying north of the north line of second street open. The Clerk again:,read the original petition from Dr. and Mrs. L. E. Nicholson, and,the recommendation of the Planning Commission --that being, the east 40, of V Avenue from the north line of Second Street to a point 116' north of the north line of V Avenue be vacated. The City Manager explained to the Council the areas involved. A discussion followed, and Mrs. W. H. Beasner presented the Council with a petition signed by residents of the City protesting the vacation. The petition further stated that it was the opinion of the petitioners that scenic areas are rightfully a part of all of the people of Anacortes. The petition further requested the Council to establish a policy for keeping the full width of all scenic street ends presently platted with the exception of those vacations to industry. A lengthy discussion followed, and various members of the audience spoke to the Council. The City Clerk read a letterifrom Mr. Frank Taylor of 415 Fifth Street vigorously protesting the proposed vacation. A discussion followed and the City Attorney explained that this Council could not bind a future Council' regarding policies on street vacations. Ns. Welch moved and Mrs. Antonius seconded that the request for vacation be disallowed. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Dickinson, Welch, Ford, Mansfield, and Strom. Motion carried. A continuing discussion on the proposed vacation followed and Mr. Mansfield moved and Mr. Welch seconded the Clerk be instructed to file the petition and the action by the Council on this va6ttion for the reference Of future Councils, and that this Council continue to judge each request for vacation on its mef-its. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Dickinson, Welch, Ford, Mansfield, and Strcn. Motion carried. Mayor Strom declared the hearing closed. The City Manager reported to the Uuncil..that he had been in contact with the Park Board regarding the request of Mr. Ernest Brooks to take over the concession at Washington State Park. It was the recommendation of the Park Board that Mr. Brooks' request be allowed and that he be allowed to sell fishing gear limited to the swivel down. 6 March 6, 1962 continued 17 ' The Part• Board further recommended that Mr. Brooks lease the concession for a three-year period. Mr. Ford moved and Mr. Ness seconded the request of the:-. City Manager and the Park Board be accepted and the lease be given to Mr. Brooks. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Ford, Dickinson, Welch, Mansfield, and Strom. Motion carried. A letter was fead from the Planning Commission regarding the request of the vacation of the west half of 'IQ" Avenue. The Planning Commission recommended that the vacation of the west half of Q Avenue street end north of the meander line be vacated subject to the approval of the Fire Marshall. A discussion followed regarding the proposed vacation as to whether or not the City should vacate the property or lease the property to the Port. The matter was referred to the City Manager and City Attorney to contact the Port authorities regarding the possibility of leasing the property to them and to report back to the Council. The City Attorney read a resolution to apply to the HHFA to obtain interest - free funds to conduct a water study in the amount of $3,500. Mr. Ness moved and Mr. Mansfield seconded the resolution be adopted and given the number 53 and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Dickinson, Ford, Welch, Mansfield, and Strom. Motion carried. The City Manager presented the Council with final payment to B & B on the pipe line relocation'west of the Swinomish Channel in the amount of $14,305.22. Mr. Ford moved and Mr. Mansfield seconded the payment of $14,305.22 be allowed. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Dickinson, Ford, Welch, Mansfield, and Strom. Motion carried. The City Manager presented the Council with Change Order #4 in the amount of $2,612.50. The City Manager stated that due to the fact that additional pit run gravel had to be placed on the Stevenson Road. Mr. Ford moved and Mr. Mansfield seconded'the change order be accepted and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Dickinson, Ford, Welch, Mansfield, and Strom. motion carried. The City Manager reported:to the Council that he had been notified by the Highway Department that they are disallowing Change Order #3 which occurred at the time the contractor was making connection with the line. The City Manager stated that being the engineers had an inspector on the job at all times, it t•:as his opinion that the City was in no way responsible and that it was the repponsible of either the engineering firm or the contractor. Mr. Ford moved and Mr. Welch seconded that the City Manager and City Attorney- contact the Contractor and the Engineers and discuss this matter and report back to the Council. Roll call. A111ayes: Ness, Antonius, Welch, Dickinson, Ford, Mansfield, and Strom. Motion carried. The Claims against the City for the second half of February, 1962, were read to the Council and upon hearing no objections the Mayor referred them to the Finance Committee. Upon favorable report by the Finance Committee, a motion was made by Mr. Ford and seconded by Mr. Mansfield that the claims be allowed and warrants be drawn in favor of same. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Welch, Ford, Dickinson, Mansfield, and Strom. Motion carried; The City Manager reported to the Council that he had received contracts from the HHFA for the interest -free loan for the Sewage Treatment Plant Study and that it was his recommendation that the contracts be referred to the City Attorney. The City Manager presented the Council with a contract to be entered into by the City and the Department of Commerce and Economic Development for the second phase of planning on the Comprehensive Plan. He recommended that these be referred to the City Attorney to be approved. The City Manager reported briefly gn the Northwest City Managers' Convention he had attended recently in Yakima. Mayor Strom read a letter from Mrs. E. G. Englebright thanking him for his assistance in gathering information concerning Mr. Erie City Park for publication in the North Cascades Conservation Council newsletter. Mayor Strom presented the Council with a copy of the publication which stated that one of the most unusual parks in Washington State was Mr. Erie Park. The article further paid tribute to Gud Hensler who donated 120 acres to the City and to the Kiwanis Club who donated 40 acres to the City. 174 March 6, 1962 continued The City Attorney reported to the Council that he had studied the contracts and that he did approve them as to from. Mr. Ford moved and Xr. Ness seconded that the Mayor and Cleric be authorized to sign the contract for interest -free � funds for the Sewage Treatment Plant Study and the second phase of the Comprehensive Plan. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Dickinson, Ford, Welch, Mansfield, and Strom. Motion carried. Mayor Strom declared the meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m. March 20, 1962 A regular meeting of the City Council for the City of Ana c ortes wa s called to order at 7:30 P.M. with Mayor Strom presiding. The Invocation was presented by Father Marner. The minutes of the previous meeting were considered and after hearing no alternations or corrections, Mr. Ness moved and Mr. Mansfield seconded that due to the fact that each Councilman had a copy for study and that copies were avail- able at the City Clerk's office upon request, the minutes be approved as if read. Roll call. All ayes: Ress, Antonius, Dickinson, Ford, Welch, Mansfield, and Strom. Motion carried. Mayor Strom then reported to the Council that it was time to canvass tha votes of the City General Election held March 13, 1962, and to 6p6h,.-the absentee ballots. He stated that to have an absolutely impartial count of the absentee votes he had requested two Certified Public Accountants, namely Don Escher and Bill Etter to assist in the canvassing of the votes and the absentee ballot tally. The results of the City General tlection held on March 13, 1962, are as follows: Candidate Votes at Election Absentees Total Position No. 1 Frank Russell 214 8 222 Henry Biesheuvel 132 4 137 Position No. 2 Nina M. Antonius 447 32 479 Charles Hopke 577 26 603 Position No. 3 Ken T. Sherman 1309 49 1358 Eugene A. Strom 1324 59 1383 Position No. 4 Marion A. Peck 1356 45 1401 A. I. Mustacich 1248 60 1308 Position No. 5 Don H. McDugle 1 0 — 5? 1458 Ted Ness 1219 57 1276 Position No. 6 James Rice 1312 62 1374 George Brado 1303 45 1348 Mayor Strom declared the hearing on LID No. 156, K Avenue from the south line of 12th Street to the north line of 22nd Street; 17th Street from -.the west line of 06mmercial Avenue to the west line of J Avenue; 20th Street from the west line of M Avenue to the east line of J Avenue; and J Avenue from the south line of 17th Street to the south line of 18th Street, open. The City Manager presented the Council with the following documents: 1. Affidavit of mailing the hearing notice 2. Preliminary estimate of cost of proposed improvement 3. Letter showing the assessed valuation of the land within district and improvements on the property with the proposed district. 4. Letter showing the outstanding Local Improvement Assessment against property embraced in this project. He further sta''ted that protests in his office at the time of the hearing amount to 1,59751 March 20, 1962 continued The City Manager explained how the affected property was to be improved and various residents of the affected area asked questions regarding the proposed improvement. Mayor Strom then declared the hearing closed and requested the Attorney to read the proposed ordinance providing for the improvement of K Avenue from the south line of 12th Street to the north line of 22nd Street; 17th Street from the west line of Commercial Avenue to the west line of J Avenue; 20th Street from the west line of M Avenue to the east line of J Avenue; and J Avenue from the south line of 17th Street to the south line of 18th Street; by grading, draining, surfacing and paving the same where required and by installing necessary concrete curbs, gutters and drainage facilities where required, and doing such other work as.'may be necessary in connection therewith. Councilman Ford moved and Councilman Ness seconded the ordinance be adopted and given number 1319 and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign; and the Manager be authorized to call for bids on bonds and warrants bn April 17, 1962. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Dickinson, Ford, Welch, Mansfield, and Strom. Motionocarried. The City Clerk read a letter from Ed Keyes, Advisor to the Sea Scouts, thanking the Council and all people connected for the use of the gym in the basement for the many years that the Sea Scouts have been privileged to use this facility. Mayor Strom requested the letter placed on file. The City Manager reported to the Council that it was time to open bids for bonds and warrants on LID No. 157. The bids are as follows: Statewide City Employees Retirement System 4.40% Grande & Company, Incorporated 4.60% @100.14 Hughbanks Incorporated 4.7 Councilman N.ansfield moved and Councilwoman Antonius seconded the low bid of Statewide Retirement in the amount of 4.40% be accepted. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Dickinson, Fotd, Welch, Mansfield, and Strom. Motion carried. The City Manager reported to the Council that bids had been received on the equipment for the cathodic protection of the water line on R Avenue. Bids are as follows: Farwest Corrosmon Control Corporation $1,392.00 Maydwell & Hartzell, Incorporated 1,991.77 L. H. Butcher Company 1,285.00 Bid on the first two items ONLY He further stated that he had not had time to analyze the bids or to contact the bidders and request additional time before making the recommendation. The City Manager presented an agreement between the City of Anacortes and the State Highway Department regarding the traffic signal maintenance. He stated that the City Attorney had not had an opportunity to examine the agreement and requested a recommendation from the Attorney before making his recommendation. The City Manager presented the Council with an agreement between the City of Anacortes and the State Highway Department for the installation of a 48-inch culvert at the relocation of the highway near the Swinomish Channel. He stated that the cost would amount to $9,200.00 for this installation. He further stated that the City Attorney had not had an opportunity to examine the agreement and requested a recommendation from the Attorney before making his recommendation. He further stated that the State Highway Department was desirous of setting up a meeting between Highway official and the City of Anacortes concerning various phases of the relocation of the water line. The claims against the City for the first half of March, 1962, were read to the Council and upon hearing no objections the Mayor referred them to the Finance Committee. Upon favorable report by the Finance Committee, a motion was made by Mr. Ford and seconded by Mr. Mansfield that the claims be allowed aPA warrants be drawn in favor of same. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Dickinson, Ford, Welch, Mansfield, and Strom. Motion carried. The financial report for the month of February was accepted and ordered placed on file. 1 March 20, 1962 continued The City Manager reported to the Council that the protest period on LID No. 157 had ended on March 9, and that the total protests were 1.424%. He requested permission to call for bids on.the construction of the improvement. Councilman Ness moved and Councilman Mansfield seconded the recommendation of the City Manager be accepted and he be authorized to call for bids. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Dickinson, Ford, Welch, Mansfield, and Strom. Motion carried. Mayor Strom reported on the various communications he had received regarding Anacortest selection of an ALL-AMERICA N CITY. City Attorney Wells introduced Iana Cobianco, Diane Wells, and Chris Anderson. Mayor Strom declared the meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. I, DIANE ERHOLM, duly appointed Clerk for the City of Anacortes, Washington, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the City Council Minutes of the meeting held on ch 20, 1.962. Diane Erholm, C lty Cler April 3, 1962 A regular meeting of the City Council for the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor Strom presiding. Invocation was presented by Reverend Egertson. The City Clerk administered the Oath of Office to Frank Russell, Councilman from the First Ward, and to Charles Hopke, Councilman from the Third Ward. They were then seated at the Council table. Roll call: Ness, Antonius, Hopke, Russell, Ford, Mansfield, and Strom. The minutes of the previous meeting were considered and after hearing no alternations or corrections, Mr. Mansfield moved and Mr. Ness seconded that due to the fact that each Councilman had a copy for study and that copies were available at the City Clerk's office upon request, the minutes be approved as if read. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Hopke, Russell, Ford, Mansfield, and Strom. Motion carried. Mr. Hopke then questioned as to why the minutes were not read at each Council meeting. Mayor Strom explained that due.to the length of the minutes and in the essence of saving time at the Council meetings, marry previous Councils as well as the present Council had eliminated the reading of the minutes due to the fact that each Councilman received copies of thetminutes and, that extra copies were available at the Clerk's office. Mrs. Ann Beasner spoke fromathe audience regarding the approach to the City on the new highway near the area of the former Weaverling home. She stated that hhhe had noticed many tourists stopping on Marine Drive to admire the view and requested the Ctiy lower the speed limit in that area so that tourists could enjoy the view. Councilman Mansfield stated that plans were underwpy to pave and to provide access, parking, and picnic tables near the city limits sign and that at present the Rotary Club was dealing with the Highway Department on this subject. Mr. Hopke stated while he had no ax to the grind; however, he was deeply concerned about the entrance to Sunset Park and stated that due to the fact that many trees had been taken out it had created a wind tunnel and detracting from the natural beauty of Sunset Park. A lengthy discussion followed and Councilman Ford asked whether or not any City trees had been cut to date. Park Superintendent Harr spoke fromt the audience and stated that no city trees had been cut. He further stated that any trees which had been cut belonged to Skyline on Burrows Bay. Mayor Strom explained to Mr. Hopke how Skyline's land adjointed the Park property. 1 1 1 177 r� o, 1962 continued Mrs. Alice Newland spoke to the Council regarding the City's moral obligation to keep Sunset Park in the natural area. A further discussion followed and Mr. Mansfield moved and Mr. Ness seconded that the City Manager be instructed to cease and desist from cutting any further trees from Sunset Park. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Hopke, Russell, Ford, Mansfield, and Strom. Motion carried. The City Clerk read a letter from the Planning Commission requesting a joint meeting in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 10, 1962, to discuss the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Hopke requested the Council set aside any meeting dealing with the Comprehensive Plan until the new Council is seated. He further stated that it was his opinion that there was an illegal member seated on the Planning Commission, namely Dr. James Kelly. City Attorney Wells explained to Mr. Hopke that the authority of the Planning Commission extends outside the corporate city limits; therefore, even though Dr. Kelly lives outside the city limits he is still a legal member of the Commission. Councilman Ford moved and Councilman Mansfield seconded the request of the Planning Commission be accepted and the meeting be set for April 10, 1962, and that the new Councilman -elect members be invited to sit in. All ayes: The City Clerk read a letter from the West Coast Telephone Company regarding the pay telephone presently3located in the basement of the City Hall. The letter stated that due to the fact that the placement of the phone does not justify its existence, the West Coast Telephone Company requested to locate the booth on the sidewalk just we&t of the building entrance. The booth would extend approximately 341, onto the sidewalk. The letter further stated that lighting for the booth would be available from the "live" circuit within the building and as compensation for this, the City would receive 10% of the revenue derived from the telephone. The letter further stated that the public telephone located at Washington Park is only used during aperiod of approximately four months during the year, and that it would be removed shortly after Labor Day this year and reinstalled shortly before Memorial Day, 1963. Councilman Ford moved\and Councilman Mansfield seconded that the -pay phone in the basement of the City Hall be moved to the sidewalk near the building; entrance and that the telephone at Washington Park be removed shortly after Labor Day and reinstalled shortly before Memorial Day, 1963. Park Superintendent Harr stated that the phone is in use before Memorial Day due to the fact that the ramp traffic starts round the first of April:- Councilman Mansfield amended Councilman Ford's motion to state that the date for the installing of the telephone be the first of April, and Councilman Ford seconded the amended motion. All ayes. The City Manager reported to the Council that he had been in contact with the Post Master regarding the possibility of the Post Office renting space in the City Hall for a period of approximately 10 months while the Post Office is being remodeled. The space requested is the Old Chamber of Commerce room which would house the Immigration office. He further stated that the City would have to install another light fixture at a cost of $100.00 and that the Post Master was agreeable to pay $35.00 per month rental, which would include lights, heat, and janitorial service. The City Planager further stated that this rental foe had been suggested by a realtor. A lengthy discussion followed and Councilman Ford moved and Councilman Hopke seconded that a price of $35.00 per month be established for the rental of this room and the City bear the cost of installation of the light fixture. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Hopke, Russell, Ford, Mansfield, and Strom Motion carried. The City Clerk read a letter from Mr. H. Y. Thomas of Thomas Floor Covering, 1005 Eighth Street, Anacortes, Iashington requesting the installation of a loading zone on the south side of Eighth Street west of Commercial at a parking space presently painted yellow. Councilman Ford moved and Councilmman Ness seconded the request be granted. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Hopke, Russell, Ford, Mansfield, and Strom. Motion carried. 178 �1�, 1962 continued The City Manager presented the Council with tabulations of bids received for cathodic protettion of the R Avenue water line. The bids are as follows: Farwest Corrosion Control Corporation $1,3.92.00 Maydwell & Hartzell, Incorporated 1,991.77 L. H. Butcher Co;rpany 1,285,00 Bid on first two items ONLY He stated that he had been in contact with the companys involved and that it was his recommendation that the bid of Farwest Corrosion Control Corporation in the amount of $1,392.00 be accepted. Councilman Hopke requested that no action be taken on this bid at this time in that there had not been sufficient time to study all of the bids received. The City Manager explained to Mr. Hopke that he had contacted the Consulting Engineer, James F. Norton, and that it was also their recommendation that the bid of Farwest Corrosion Control Corporation be accepted. Mr. Hopke then asked if the amount of cathodic protection would be sufficient on the line and the City Manager explained that in the opinion of the Consulting Engineer within three years the leaks in the line would have diminished by 95%. Councilwoman Antonius explained to Mr. Hopke that it would be impossible for the Council to go back over everything that had happened in the past and that rir. Hopke would have to go along with the Council on many issues on faith. Mr. Hopke stated that it was difficult for him as a new Councilman with little knowledge to vote intelligently on these issues. Mrs. Antonius moved and Mr. Ford seconded the recommendation of the City Manager and the Consulting Engineer be accepted in the bid of Farwest Corrosion Control Corporation for cathodic protectionc: of R Avenue water line in the amount of $1,392.00. Ayes: Ness, Antonius, Russell, Fdrd, Mansfield, and Strom. Nayes: Hopke. Motion carried. The City Manager presented the Council with an agreement between the City and the Highi-my Department for the installation of a 48" diameter culvert under the proposed highway near. the Swinomish Channel. Mr. French explained the area involved on a diagram drawn to scale. He further stated that there were 15 water dustomers on the other side of the highway and if this culvert were not installed the City must either abandon these customers or extend a smaller line to them. He further stated that it was the recommendation of the Consulting Engineers, Carey & Kramer, that the City enter into this agreement with the Highway Department. Councilman Mansfield stated that this had been discussed at length in a meeting with the representative of the Highway Department and it was his opinion that no other discussion was needed. Councilman Hopke stated that it was difficult for him to understand the drawing due to the fact that it was a different drawing then he had viewed the night of the meeting with the Highway Department. Mayor Strom explained to Mr. Hopke that at the time of the meeting with the Highway Department he had requested Mr. French to quickly sketch a free -hand drawing of the area involved and at that time the City Manager had shown the three culverts which had been proposed and that the Council was only dealing with the one culvert involved this evening. Councilman Hopke then questioned the City Manager regarding the length of pipe involved in the culvert, so that there would be no chance of the cELlvert buckling. Councilman Ford moved and Councilman Mansfield seconded that the City enter into the agreement with the Highway Department for the installation of the 481, diameter culvert at an estimated cost of $9,200.00. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Hopke, Russell, Ford, Mansfield, and Strom. Motion carried.,` The City Manager presented to the Council the final payment due B & B Plumbing and Heating on the pipe line relocation in the amount of $14,390.22. Councilman Ford moved and Councilman Ness seconded the recommendation of the City Manager be accepted and the bill be sent to the Highway Department in the amount of $lh,390.22 and when payment was received from the Highway Department the City be authorized to pay B & B Plumbing and Heating in the amount of $14,390.22. Roll call. All ayes: Yess, Antonius, Hopke, Russell, Ford, Mansfield, and Strom. Motion carried. The City Manager presented the Council with payment to Carey & Kramer as Consulting Engineers for the relocation of the water line near 1 April 3, 1962 continued 179 the Swinomish Channel in the amount of $2,644.97. Councilman Ford moved and Councilman Mansfield seconded the request of the City Manager be granted and payment be made to Carey & Kramer in the amount of $2,664.97 for the relocation of the water line near the Swinomish Channel. Roll call. Ayes: Ness, Antonius, Russell, Ford, Mansfield, and Strom. Nayes: Hopke. Motion carried. The City Manager requested permission to Call for bids for a rotary type mower in the amount of $500.00 and a pick up truck for the Water Department in the amount of $240,00.- Councilman Ness moved and Councilwoman Antonius seconded the request of the City Manager be allowed and he be authorized to call for bids on a rotary mower and a pickup truck. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Hopke, Russell, Ford, Mansfield, and Strom. Motion carried. The claims against the City for the second half of March, 1962, were read to the Council and upon hearing no objections the Mayor referred them to the Finance Committee. Upon favorable report by the Finance Committee, a motion was made by Mr. Ford and seconded by Mr. Antonius that the claims be allowed and warrants be drawn in favor of same. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Hopke, Russell, Ford, Mansfield, and Strom. Motion carried. Mayor Strom explained to the new Councilman the function of the Finance Committee and stated that this is only special committee on the Council. He further stated that on all other actions the Council acts as a committee of the whole. The City Attorney read an agreement between the City and the Department of Commerce and Economic Development for the second stage of planning on the Comprehensive Plan. The agreement stated that the amount involved was $2,500.00 and that of this amount $200.00 would be services actually performed by City employees and that the payment of $2,300.00 be made to the Department of Commerce and Economic Development. Councilman Ford moved and Councilman Ness seconded the City enter into the agreement with the Department of Commerce and Economic Development for the second stage of the Comprehensive Plan. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Hopke, Russell, Ford, Mansfield, and Strom. Motion carried. The City Manager reported to the Council that there had been a water break near Avon on March 24, 1962, and that Scott Paper had had to close down for a period during the time of the water break. The City Manager reported to the Council that the Association of Washington Cities meeting would be held in Yakima clay 9, and 11. He requested that Council members desiring to go should contact him regarding reservations. Mayor Strom and Councilman Ford expressed desire to attend the meeting. The City Manager reported to the Council that he had received a communication from Nike Renquist regarding the Student Government Day which is to be April 18, 1962. Mayor Strom stated that he hoped'•this would be an annual affair. Councilman Mansfield moved and Councilman Ness seconded that the Council adjourn at 9:30 p.m. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Hopke, ',ussell. Ford, Mansfi&ld, and Strom. Motion carried. • April 17, 1962 A regu ar meeting of the City Council, for the City of Anacortes, was called to order at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor Strom presiding. Invocation was presented by Reverend Egerston, pastor of the Anacortes Lutheran Church. Roll call: Ness, Antonius, Hopke, Russell, Ford, Mansfield, and Strom. The minutes of the previous meeting were considered and after hearing no alternations or corrections, Councilman Ness moved and Councilwoman Antonius seconded that due to the fact that copies were available at the City Clerk's office upon request, the minutes be approved as if read. Roll call. All ayes: Nexx, Antonius, Hopke, Russell, Ford, Mansfield, Strom. Motion carried. 1 - ® April 17, 1962 continued Guest Hearing: Mr. Harold Rader spoke from the audience regarding the area near the old Walton Lumber site, namely Woods addition to the City of Anacortes, and stated to the Council that at the pesent time this tract of land was not platted and that the mmerssof the property were desirous of platting this property and deeding the City 60 feet with alley access to the lots. A lengthy discussion followed during which time Councilman Hopke questioned the fact Of who was to be responsible for the grading and clearing the streets --the property owners or the City. A further discussion followed and Councilman Ford moved and Councilman Mansfield seconded that the request be referred to the Planning Commission and that the City ITanager be requested to pass along the comments of the Council to the Planning Commission. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Hopke, Russell, Nrd, Mansfield, and Strom. Motion carried. The City Clerk read a letter from the Horizons Club (Camp Fire Girls) requesting permission to hold a cotton candy sale in front of Western Auto on April 21, 1962. The letter further requested permission to put signs on the light poles. The City Attorney explained to the Council that the City has jurisdiction only on the steel standards on Commercial Avenue, and if they wish to ask permission to place signs on these poles it would be permissable; however, they would have to get permission from Puget Sound Power and Light Company to use the wooden standards. Councilman Ford moved and Councilman Mansfield seconded that the request to hold a cotton candy sale in front of Western Auto be granted and the group be allowed to put signs on the ste&l poles only. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Hopke, Russell, Ford, Mansfield, and Strom. Motion carried. The City Clerk read a petition from affedted property owners on 17th Street protesting 17th Street being included In L. I. D. No. 156. A discussion followed and Councilman Hopke stated that according to the petition there were 63% against the paving of 17th Street and that it was his opinion that if people felt that strongly about the project it should not be forced upon them. He further stated that he had spoken to people on the street and they had stated to him that they were not against the paving but felt it courd'be done at a later date. Councilman Ness stated that he had also talked to people on the street, and that he was not surprised that this had happened because during the last municipal campaign and election there had been many - promises of paving streets at no cost to the property owners. Councilman Hopke stated that he had never stated that he felt streets could be paved at no cost to the property owners Councilwoman Antonius stated that prior to adopting this Resolution of Intention for this local improvement district, there had been many questioned whether or not the 17th Streetpaving could not be done in the same manner as Cap Sante. Mayor Strom explained the difference between the terrain and further explained that the area west of K had been added to the original paving as rather ari afterthought, due to the fact that some affected property owners had requested this. He further explained the Councils -action in deleting this from:the original LID due to the fact that there were dead end streets only and that marry of the propety owners were on low fixed incomes and that at the time of the preliminary hearing of the paving, a petition had bben received by the Council bearing signatures of approximately 90% of the owners in that area requesting that those streets be deleted from the paving. Mayor Strom further explained the legal technicalities in starting over on an LID and stated that the cost already incurred would have to be absorbed by the City. Mayor Strom further explained that timing is very important in an LID due to the fact that there is only a limited amount of favorable weather conditions in which to lay the paving and also that in recLgiving the best bid possible timing is also a very important factor. He further stated that if there was anymore delay it would not be practical to do the street this year. City Attorney Wells explained how the property is assessed and further noted that the number of people protesting does not necessarily mean that it is a clear majority of the property involved. He further explained that one property owner might 2/3 of the project. The City Manager explained how the specifications for paving had been determined. He stated that the specifications used by the City of Anacortes were similar to State Highway specifications, which had had 50 years of experience in setting up ideal specifications. He further stated that dollar for dollar this was proven method of doing paving. 1 1 1 1 1 1 182 Q April 17, 1962 continued Councilman Hopke then asked if perhaps there had been any indication from the residents of K Avenue or 20th Street as to whether or not they yere desirous of paving, and that it was his opinion that we wait until all the protests have been received before deciding to go ahead with the paving. The City Manager explained to the Council that at the time the bids were let for the project the Council could decide whether or not to go ahead with the project. Councilman Ford moved and Councilwoman Antonius seconded that the protests be placed on file with the other protests. Roll call. All ayes: Yess, Antonius, Hopke, Russell, Ford, Mansfield, and Strom. Motion carried. The City Manager reported to the Council it was time to open bids on Bonds and War-t•ants on LID No. 156. Bids are as follows: Statewide City Employees Retirement Systen - 4.40% at par Grande & Company - 4.40% premium $100.16 of par value net effective interest rate 4.363 Hughbanks Incorporated - 4.55% $100.01 per $100.00 of bond Councilman Ford moved and Councilman Ness seconded the bid of Grande and Company in the amount of 4.40% premium $100,16 of par value, net effective rate 4.363 for bonds and warrants on LID No. 156 be accepted. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Hopke, Russell, Ford, Mansfield, and Strom. Motion carried. $he City Attorney read a resolution establishing a Sewage Treatment Planning Fund. The City Manager explained how the funds would be available through the HHFA. Councilman Hopke stated that he was under the impression that a survey for a sewage treatment plant had been made by Carey & Kramer some time ago. The City Attorney stated that no report had been submitted by Carey & Kramer and that the only partial report had been done by Sisl.er and Gilkey at the time the sanitary sewers had been installed in 1554. Mayor Strom further stated that when he had attended the Association of Washington Cities meeting in Seattle last year he had taken time off to go to the Health Department and speak with them regarding the possibility of postponing work on the treatment plant until a later date. Mayor Strom further stated that the State Polution Commission had been adament in their determination to see that the City of Anacortes had a Sewage Treatment Plant as soon as possible. Councilman Ford moved and Councilman Mansfield seconded the resolution be adopted and given the number 54. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Hopke, Russell, Ford, Mansfield, and Strom. Motion carried. The claims against the City for the first half of April, 1962, were read to the Council and upon hearing no objections the Mayor referred them to the Finance Committee. Upon favorable report by the Finance Committee, a motion was made by Councilman Mansfield and seconded by Councilwoman Antonius that the claims be allowed and warrants be drawn in favor of same. Roll call. All ayes:, Ness, Antonius, Hopke, Russell, Ford, Mansfield, and Strom. Ilotion carried. The financial report for the month of March was accepted and ordered placed on file. The City Manager requested permission to advertise for bids on the construction of LID 156 to be opened May 14, 1962. Councilman Hopke then questioned whether or not the bids would be on the entire project or just on certain streets. Mayor Strom explained to Councilman Hopke that the bidders at the time the bids were submitted would bid unit prices which would be determined by the area to be paved and that if they bid on a large amount and at the time of the bid opening the Council awarded only a partial amount it would be very unfair to the bidder. Councilman Hopke then questioned whether or not tests were made of the material being excavated bef re:7-the peVing--was done as to whether or not the material being removed from the existing street was suitable to be used as backfill. The City Manager assured Councilman Hopke that this was checked and any amount that could be used from the excavated road was used. Councilman Hopke stated that at the time the road was constructed to the new Washington State Ferries these tests were made by the Highway Department. Councilman Ford explained to Councilman Hopke that there was a different type of road involved. Mayor Strom explained that the State builds roads and the City builds streets. 184 April 17, 1962 continued Q Councilman Russell stated that he had noted in the M Avenue paving project x there was too much dirt used and not enought gravel. Mayor Strom stated that he was sure the City Engineering Department was doing the best job possible to see that adequate ballast was being used; however, he would instruct the City Manager to be even more vigilant in the future. Councilman Ness moved and Councilwoman Antonius seconded the City Manager bb authorized to call for bids for the construction of LID 156, bids to be opened at 2:00 p.m. Tiay 14, 1962, and to be awarded at the Council meeting of May 15. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Hopke, Russell, Ford, Mansfield, and Strom. Motion carried. Mayor Strom reported on the luncheon on Thursday, April 19, 1962, at which time Governor Fjermeros of Bodo, Norway would be in Anacortes and that a luncheon -was being planned and a tour of various industries. Mayor Strom reported that on Wednesday, April 18, 1962, there would be aStudent Government Day at the City Hall and introduced the new Mayor who introduced the Council and the various appointed City Officials for the day. Mayor Strom stated that he hoped this would be an annual affair and that he was sure that by having the students actually run the City for a day they would understand the many problems facing City Officials. The meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m. I, DIANE ERHOLM, duly appointed, qualified, and acting Clerk for the City of Anacortes, Washington, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the above is a true and correct copy of the City Council minutes of the regular meeting held April 17, 1962. "//1 -/V lane Erholm, City Clerk May 1, 1962 A regular meeting of the City Council, for the City of Anacortes, was called to order at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor Strom presiding. The Invocation was presented by Reverend Richard L. Stanford, pastor of the Southern Baptist Church. Roll call: Antonius, Hopke, Russell, Ford, Mansfield, and Strom. The minutes of the previous meeting were considered and after hearing no alterations or corrections, Councilman Mansfield moved and Councilwoman Antonius seconded that due to the fact that copies were available at the City Clerk's Office upon request, the minutes be approved as if read. All ayes. Motion carried. Mr. Arthur Carlson, representing the Anacortes Rotary Club, spoke to the Council regarding requests from the Club on three projects. The first to be to erect a sign proclaiming Anacortes and ALL AMERICAN CITY on the east City limits. Mr. Carlson explained how the sign would be erected and further requested that in the event that any City equipment would be needed on this project it would be available. He further stated that it was the plan at the present time to have a light over the sign and requested the City consider the feasibility of the City taking over the responsibility and payment of the light over the sign. Councilman Ford moved and Councilman Mansfield seconded that the City be authorized to apply to the State for a permit to erect a sign at the east city limits of the City. Councilman Hopke then questioned whether or not the City could take over payment for the light over the sign. City Attorney Wells informed him that being this was a legal question, he could not answer at this moment. Mr. Carlson further stated that the Rotary Club was planning to run a power line to the Girl Scout Camp located at Little Cranberry Lake. He stated that the line would be installed according to State Code and that he was requesting permission to run the line beside the cross section line and through Park property to the Girl Scout cabin. May 1, 1962 continued He further statdd that the Rotary Club was planning to digran,well near the Girl Scout cabin, and that it would provide water facilities. He stated that if a well could be dugron the property, the installation of an electric pump would be necessary. Councilman Mansfield moved and Councilman Ford seconded that the Rotary Club be given permission to erect a power line and go ahead with their plans to dig•.a well at the camp site. Roll call. All ayes: Antonius, Hopke, Russell, Ford, Mansfield, and Strom. Motion carried. Mrs. Jane Lubich of 1501 16th Street spoke to the Council regarding the letters 'she had apparently sent to all members of the Council and asked what decision the Council would take on these letters. Mayor Strom stated that he had indeed received a letter, but it had no signature. Mrs. Lubich asked that the letter be read and considered. Councilman Mansfield moved and Councilman Hopke seconded that the letter be read. Roll call. All ayes: Antonius, Hopke, Russell, Ford, Mansfield, and Strom. Motion carried. The Clerk then read the letter. A lengthy discussion followed with various members of the Council explaining to Mrs. Lubich why the paving was to be constructed as planned. Mrs. Lubich stated that she was not against paving; however, she felt that it could be done at a lower rate. Councilwoman Antonius explained to Mrs. Lubich that when a 'black topping surfact coat was used it was only good for a few years. Councilman Hopke stated that if the people in the area did not want the paving it should not be forced on them. Mayor Strom pointed out;: that this paving was not "forced" on them and that at this moment there were only 43% total protests on the project. After a further lengthy discussion Councilman Ford moved and Councilwoman Antonius seconded that the letter be placed on file. Roll call. Ayes: Antonius, Ford, Mansfield, and Strom. byes: Hopke and Russell. Motion carried. The Clerk read a letter from J. W. Papritz, Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce sponsored Arts and Crafts Festival, requesting permission to create a mall from 6th throught 8th Street on Commercial and down both 7th and 8th Streets from Commercial to 11011 Avenue starting 12:00 noon on Friday, July 13th throught 12:00 noon on Saturday, July 16th. Dr. Papritz spoke from the audience explaining how the mall was to be erected and stated further that in the event of a fire the A -frames could be moved quickly to provide access. Councilman Mansfield moved and Councilman Ford seconded that the request be granted subject to the approval of the Fire and Police Departments. Roll call. All ayes: Antonius, Hopke, Russell, Ford, Mansfield, and Strom. Motion carried. The City Manager presented the Council with tabulations of bids received for the pickup truck for the Water Department. The bids are as follows: Swenson Motor Company Dodge $2,438.80 Evergreen Motors Ford 22472.50 Trulson Motor Company Chevrolet 2,440.80 He further stated that all bids met the specifications involved. Councilman Russell stated that with the resale value involved, it was his recommendation that the Chevrolet be purchased rather than the Dodge, even through the Dodge was low bid. He requested a legal opinion from -the City Attorney on which bid must be accepted. Mr. Wells stated that it was the lowest and best bid. Councilman Mansfield stated that he did not like to deviate from accepting the low bid providing they met the specifications. Councilman Hopke statedcthat Councilman Russell's experience in purchasing equipment of this order was extensive. Councilman Russell moved and Councilman Hopke seconded that the second low bid of Trulson Motor Company be accepted based on trade-in value. Roll call. Ayes: Antonius, Hopke, Russell, Mansfield, Nayes: Ford and Strom. Motion carried. The City Manager presented the Council with bids received on the rotory mower. Bids are as follows: Maryott's Maryott's Maryott6s * Turfco, Inc. Turfco, Inc. $439.95 Plus Tax 402.50 Plus Tax 433.50 Plus Tax 469.95 670.00 * Terms: to loth Prox. May 1, 1962 continued Councilman Ford moved and Councilman Mansfield seconded that the low bid of Maryott's for a 30 inch Roof Mower in the amount of,,$4jb2- 50 plus tax be accepted. Roll call. All ayes: Antonius, Hopke, Russell, Ford, Mansfield, and Strom. Motion carried. The City Attorney presented the Council with a resolution authorizing the City to purchase investments in the amount of $40,000 from the Street Fund and $50,000 from the Water Fund in U. S. Treasury Notes. Councilman Mansfield moved and Councilman Ford seconded the resolution be adopted and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign, and the City Treasurer be further authorized to invest the sums of $40,000 from the Street Fund and $50,000 from the Water Fund in U. S. Treasury Notes. Roll call. All ayes: Antonius, Hopke, Russell, Ford, Mansfield, and Strom.Motion carried. In the absence of Councilman Ness, Mayor Strom appointed Councilman Russell to serve on the Finance Committee. The claims against the City for the second half of April, 1962, were read to the Council and upon hearing no objections the Mayor referred them to the Finance Committee. Upon favorable report by the Finance Committee, a motion was made by Councilwoman Antonius and seconded by Councilman Ford that the claims be allowed and warrants be drawn in favor of same. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Hopke, Russell, Ford, Mansfield, and Strom. Motion carried. The City Manager informed the Council that on Wednesday, May 2, the Planning Commission would have apublic hearing on the Comprehensive Plan. The City Manager further reported on the Association of Washington Cities annual meeting to be hold in Yakima May 9, 10, and 11. Councilman Hopke asked whether or not the Councilman -elect could attend the meeting and be reimbursed for their expenses. The City Attorney stated that he had received a communication from the Association of Washington Cities that due to the fact that the Councilman -elect were not yet City Officials their expenses could not be paid by the City. Mayor Strom reported that on May 9, 1962. he would be in Seattle to represent the City of Anacortesrat Century 21 activities honoring the State of Washington. Councilman Mansfield reported on the ALL AMERICA BANQUET to be held Friday, May 11, and urged all citizens of Anacortes to attend this banquet. Councilman Hopke questioned the City Manager regarding the fact as to why the repair of the City's mobile radio equipment was not done in Anacortes. He stated that it was his understanding that there were available personnel here in the City that would take care of the equipment. The City Manager stated that he would look into this matter and report; -back to the Council at a later date. dI or Strom declared the meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m. clay 15, 1962 A regular meeting of the City Council, for the City of Anacortes, was called to order at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor Strom presiding. The Invocation was presented by Reverend Richard L. Stanford, pastor of the Southern Baptist Church. Roll call: Ness, Antonius, Hopke, Russell, Ford, Mansfield, Strom. The minutes of the previous meeting were considered and after hearing no alterations or corrections, Councilman Ness moved and Councilman Mansfield seconded that due to the fact that copies were available at the City Clerk's Office upon request, the minutes be approved as if read. All ayes: Motion carried. 1 C 187 May 15, 1962 continued Councilman Mansfield stated that he had been questioned by many citizens regarding the trees which were in the process of being cut in the Cap Sante area. Mr. French stated that there were approximately 26 trees that would require cutting prior to the paving project. A discussion followed and the Manager was instructdd to see that as few trees as possible were cut. The Clerk read a letter from the American Legion Auxiliary requesting permission to hold a Poppy Day parade May 25 from 5th Street and Q Avenue to Commercial and Fourth and From Foutth to 12th Street. Councilman Mansfield moved and Councilman Ness seconded the request be granted and that the Manager be instructed to notify the Police Department of the parade. All ayes: Motion carried. The Clerk read a letter from Anacortes Lodge B.P.O.,E. requesting permission to use Causland Park on Sunday, June 10,1962 for holding the annual Flag Day services. Councilman Ness moved and Councilman jo Mansfield seconded the request be granted. All ayes. TZotion carried. The Clerk read a letter from the Planning Commission notifying the Council that a public hparin on the first two stages of the Comprehensive Plan, namely the major thoroghfate plan and land use plan, had been held on May 2, 1962, and that the Commission was fon arding these two plans to the Council for acceptance. The letter further stated that due to the fact that the City of Anacortes is sadly lacking in public beaches, the Planning Commission was recommending that the Council and Park Jobard look into the matter of trying to obtain the beach at Ship Harbor for the use of the citizens of Anacortes. A lengthy discussion followed with the Council expressing various views. Councilman Hopke stated that he was not in favor of rezoning the area adjacent to Ship Harbor for residential purposes. Councilman Mansfield stated that due to the fact that the Ship Harbor area was at the present the only deep water port available, he was also of the opinion that this area should hot be rezoned. Planning Commission ChairrA n Kelly spoke from the audience and stated that the plan under discussion was not the zoning ordinance, but merely a projected 20-year plan. He further stated that at the time of the hearings on the proposed Zoning Ordinance all of these problems would be discussed. Councilman Mansfield commended the Planning Commission for their great effort that had gone into the compiling of the Comprehensive Plan. After a further discussion, Councilman Mansfield moved and Councilman Ness seconded the Comprehensive Plan be accepted but that the land use map in no way affect the zoning of the west end area and that the Attorneys be instructed to prepare an appropriate ordinance. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Hopke, Russell, Ford, Mansfield, and Strom. Motion carried. A further discussion of the general overall Comprehensive P1anl followed at length and the matter of the public beach was tabled for the time being. Mr. Grench presented the Council with the bids on L.I.D. 156, Proposal A. The bids are as follows: Associated Sand & Gravel Co, Everett $1015520.08 120 days Marine Asphalt Co., Anacortes 104,986.05 120 days Councilman Ness moved and Councilwoman Antonius seconded the bid of Associated Sand & Gravel in the amount of $101,520.08 be accepted and the Mayor. and Clerk be authorized to sign the neclessary contracts. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Hopke, Russell, Ford, Mansfield, and Strom. Motion carried. The City Manager presented the Council with the bid on water line construction for LID 156. He stated that even thought the call for bids were published iri the local paper as well as the Daily Journal of Commerce in Seattle, B & B Plumbing & Heating was the only bid received in the amount of $35,481.57. Councilman Hopke stated that he was of the opinion that there should be other interested bidders and moved that the bid of B & B not be accepted and that the City re -advertise for bids on this phase of the local improvement district. There being no second to Councilman Hopke's motion, the motion died. 188 I -lay 15, 1962 continued p X Councilwoman Antonius moved and Councilman Ness seconded the bid D;:. of B & B Plumbing and Heating in the amount of $35,481.57 be accepted b"W. and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign the necessary contracts. Roll call. Ayes: Ness, Antonius, Russell, Ford, Mansfield, and Strom. Nayes: Hopke. Motion carried. The City Manager presented the L ouncil with bids he had received for construction of LID 157. Bids are as follows: Marine Asphalt Co., Anacortes $41,683.70 90 days Associated Sand & Gravel Co., Everett 43,968.95 120 days He stated that at the time the bids were received, the bid of Marine Asphalt was $43,253.70. However, upon analyzing the bids, it was discovered that Marine Asphalt had been under the impression that they would have to pay for rock encountered in the storm sewer work. He stated this was�.a miscalculation on the part of Marine Asphalt and upon their reanalyzation of the specifications on the project their bid was $41,683.70. Councilman Ford moved and Councilwoman Antonius seconded the bid of Marine Asphalt in the amount of $41,683.70 be accepted, and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign the necessary contracts. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Hopke, Russell, Ford, Mansfield, and Strom. Motion carried. The City Attorney read a proposed resolution setting the hearing date of June 19, 1962, for the proposed vacation of the west 40 feet of that portion of Q Avenue north of the meander line. Councilman Ford moved and Councilman Hopke seconded the resolution be adopted and the hearing date be set for June 19, 1962, and the Clerk be authorized to post same. Roll cell. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Hopke, Russell, Ford, Mansfield, and Strom. I•iotion carried. The claims against the City for the first half of May, 1962, were read to the Council and upon hearing no objections the Mayor referred them to the Finance Committee. Upon favorable report by the Finance Committee, a motion was made by Councilman Ford and seconded by Councilwoman Antonius that the claims be allowed and warrants be drawn in favor of same. Roll call. All ayes: Ness, Antonius, Hopke, Russell, Ford, Mansfield, and Strom. Motion carried. The Financial report for the month of April was accepted and ordered placed on file. The City Manager briefly reported on the Association of Washington Cities meeting he and Mayor Strom attended and stated that the panel on which Mayor Strom had participated was undoubtedly the best there.' Mayor Strom stated that if possible all Councilmen should attend these meetings as they were very edudational and helpful. He further stated that there would be a school for new Councilmen and Mayors this fall and hoped that members of the new Council would attend. Mayor Strom then gave a Comprehensive report on the effects of adding fluorides to the water system. Mr. French stated that it would be possible to add the fluorides tt the old filter plant rather than at the Centeral Filter Plant which would be saving a chemical costs due to the fact that much of the water pumped from the Central Filter Plant was used by industry. Councilman Hopke moved and Councilman Mansfield seconded that the City Manager be instructed to work up a cost estimate for the in- stallation of fluorides in the water and chemical costs involved. Mayor Strom stated that this was the last meeting for Councilwoman Antonius, Councilman Mansfield, and Councilman Ness, and expressed appreciation for their tireless efforts on behalf of the City. '9 Councilman Ness stated that he felt that his nine years on the Council had been an education in itself and that he wished the new Council the very best of luck. Councilwoman Antonius stated that it had been a pleasure to serve on the Council and that she was more convinced than ever that the Council -Manager form of government is the most successful. May 15, 1962 continued Councilman Mansfield concurred with the statements of the other two Councilmen. 189 City Attorney Wells stated that in his opinion this was one of the best.Councils to ever serve the City of Anacortes. • Mayor'Strom reported to the Council that Mr. J. F. Carroll, who had been a Councilman in previous years, had died and expressed regret for the loss of this civic -minded man to the Community. Councilman Hopke moved and Councilwoman Antonius seconded the meeting adjourn at 9:55 p.m. I, DIANE ERHOLM, duly appointed, qualified and acting Clerk for the City of Anacortes, Washington, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the above is a true and correct copy of the minutes of the City Council meeting held May 15, 1962, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, Anacortes, Washington. CI -CLERK June 5, 1962 A regular meeting of the City Council, for the City of Anacortes, was called to order at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor Strom presiding. Invocation was presented by Reverend Boyd, pastor of the Methodist Church. The Clerk administrated the oath of office to new Councilmen; McDugle, Rice, Peck, and Strom who%ere then seated at the Council table. Mayor Strom stated that the chair would entertain a nomination for Mayor. Councilman Peck nominated Councilman McDugle for the office of Mayor. Councilman Rice moved and Councilman Hopke seconded that the nomination be closed. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. ' Mayor Strom then turned t)ie gavel over to Mayor -elect McDugle who stated he hoped he would be a worthy successor to retiring Mayor Strom. Mayor McDugle stated that he would entertain a nomination for Mayor Pro-Tem. Councilman Hopke nominatsdrL ouncilman Peck for the office of Mayor Pro-Tem. Councilman Strom moved and Councilman Rice seconded that the nominations be closed. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Rus§dll. Motion carried. Mayor McDugle stated that he would entertain a nomination for Chairman of the Finance Committee. Councilman Russell nominated Councilman Ford as Chairman of the Finance Committee. Councilman Rice moved and Councilman Strom::seconded that the nominations be closed. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. Mayor McDugle then appointed Councilman Peck and Russell to serve with Councilman Ford on the Finance Committee::. Roll call: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. The minutes of the previous meeting were considered and after hearing no• alternations or corrections, Councilman Ford moved and g$uncilman Strom seconded that due to the fact that each Councilman has a copy for study and that copies were available at the City Clerk's office upon request, the minutes be approved as if read. All ayes: Motion carried. The Clerk read a letter from Pacific Tow Boat Company in which they stated they had no objection to the request of the Port of Anacortes for the vacation of the West z� of 'IQ" Avenue beyond the Meander Lire. The letter further stated that Pacific Tow Boat Company was requesting the vacation of the East 1 of "Q" Avenue upon which they now have a rental agreement. Councilman Hopke stated that he felt the entire area should be vacated to the Port and they in turn coftld do as they desired, with the entire area. City Attorney Wells explained that the Port has only requested the vacation of the West z of 'IQ" Avenue and that the City could not vacated the entire area to the Port. 1-9 v June 5, 1962 continued due to the fact that Pacific Tow Boat was the abutting property owner on the East side of "Q" Avenue. Councilman Ford moved and Councilman Rice seconded that the request be referred to the Planning Commission for their recommen- dation back to the Council. All ayes: Motion carried. The Clerk read a letter from the Rotary Club of Anacortes which stated that Mr. Richard V. Stockwell on Fidalgo Bay Road has offered his water line to be used to provide water to the sign the Rotary Club is presently constructing at the City Limits. The letter further stated that the Rotary Club would install the water line for the immediate purpose of watering shrubs near the sign. The letter requested the City to install:a water meter for the project and to assume the cost of the water and power for the sign. A discussion followed and Councilman Rice moved and Councilman Ford seconded that the City assume the cost of providing water and power and install the necessary water meter. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. The City Attorney presented the Council with the ordinance adopting the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Anacortes. Councilman Hopke asked whether this was the land use plan or the zoning ordinance. City Attorney Wells assured him that this was the land use plan only. Councilman Ford moved and Councilman Strom seconded that the ordinance be adopted, and given the number 1320 and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and publish same. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. City Attorney Wells reported to the Council that he had an additional ordinance for their consideration, namely one adopting the 1960 Fire Prevention Code. Fire Chief Hauge spoke briefly from the dudience on the proposed ordinance. After a further discussion Mayor McDugle referred the proposed ordinance to a study meeting before taking action. Councilman Hopke questioned the City Manager regarding the wcdden water line located near 17th and Commercial. He stated that it was his opinion that wooden line as old as that should be replaced before the paving was put in. Mr. French stated that the water line was replaced in 1947 and that there was still a life expectancy for the line of around 20 years. He further stated that water services were being replaced. Councilman Peck asked when an audit of the general and utility books of the City was due. Mr. French stated that one was due in the immediate furture. Councilman Peck moved and Councilman Hopke seconded that a request be sent to the State Auditors office .for audits of both the general and utility accounts of the City, for the protection of outgoing and incoming Council man. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. The claims against the City for the last half of May, 1962 were read to the Council and upon hearing no objections the Mayor referred them to the Finance Committee. Upon favorable report by the Finance Committee, a motion was made by Councilman Rice and seconded by Couke i7man Strom that the claims be allowed and warrants be drawn in favor of same. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. The City Manager reported to the Council that he had cost figures available regarding the possibility of adding Fluorides to the water supply. He stated that it would be necessary to purchase a dry chemical feeding machine at a cost of approx. $3,000.00 and a sparling meter at an approximate cost of $1,00.00. He further stated that it was his recommendation that the fluorides be added at the high level reservoir near the Cemetery, thus eliminating the need to fluoridate the water used for industrial purposes. He stated this process could be combined with the chlorinating process now in' operation and would entail no additional labor force. He further stated that the cost of treatigg a million gallons of water would be around $2.00. The Clerk read a letter from Dorothy R. Bartholomew asking various questions regarding the fluoridation of the water supply. The letter was ordered placed on file. Councilman Ford moved and Councilman Strom seconded that the City of Anacortes proceed with the Fluoridation of the water supply and instructed the City Manager to prepare specifications and call for bids, on the necessary equipment. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. N X T+ ram' 1 1 1 June 5, 1962 continued The City Manager requested permission to call for bids on the following items: A mobile radio unit for the new truck, a maintenance agreement for all mobile and base station radio equipment for the City. Councilman Hopke moved and Councilman Peck seconded that the City Manager be authorized to call for bids on both the mobile unit and the maintenance agreement. All ayes% Motion carried. Mr. French requested permission to take two days of vacation on June 14th and 15th. Councilman Ford moved and Councilman Strom seconded that the City Manager be granted permission to take the two days vacation. All ayes: Motion carried. The City Attorney introduced two young ladies from the audience who would soon be attending Girls State and who were attending Council meeting to see government in action. 1 Maypr McDug decla ed the meeting adjourned at 8:35 P.m.� 1 June 19, 1962 j �,� /'/► �G A� A regula meeting of the City Council, of the City of Anacort, s, Washington, was called to order at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor McDugle Presiding. Invocation was presented by Reverend Boyd, pastor of the Methodist Church, The minutes of the previoas meeting were considered and after hearing no alter- nations gr corrections, Councilman Rice moved, and Councilman Peck seconded that due to the fact that each Councilman has a copy for study and that copies were available at the City Clerk's .office upon request, the minutes be approved as if read. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, Russell. Motion carried. Dr. F. B. Exner spoke to the Council from the audience, stating that he was under the impression that he would be scheduled to speak to the Council regarding the effects of fluoridation of the municipal water supply at this time. Councilman Peck informed Dr. Exner that the Council had not been aware that he was to be in the audienco for the meeting. Mayor McDugle stated the Council would hear Dr. Exner at the conclusion of the Council meeting. 'ayo-� t;cDugle declared the hearing of the proposed vacation of the west 2 of Q Avenue open. There being no one in the audience to speak for or against the vacation, Mayor McDugle declared the hearing closed and directed the Attorney to read the proposed ordinance vacating; the west I of Q Avenue, lying north of the Keander Line along Guemes Channel. Councilman Rice roved, Councilman Hopke seconded the ordinance be adopted and given number 1321, and the Mayor and Clerk be author- ized to sign acid publish same. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, Russell. Motion carried. The Clerk read a letter from L. F. Welch, representing the American Red Crops. The letter stated that due to the fact that the U. S. Customs and Immigration Service, which had formerly agreed to rent the Old Chamber of Commerce office in the City Hall for the sum of $35.00 per month, had decided to locate elsewhere l the Red Cross was petitioning the Council to rent the same space for the sum^of $10.00 per month for approximately ten months. Councilman Ford moved, and Coucilman Peck seconded that the request of the Red Cross be granted and the City enter into an agreement to rent the old Chamber of Commerce office to the American Red Cross in the amount of $10.00 per month. Mr. Dalstead, the Postmaster, spoke from the audience stating that he would recommend that any'agreement entered into between the Red Cross and the City be for an additional three months beyond the ten months stated, Councilman Peck ammended the motion to increase the limit to an addition three months. Councilman Strom seconded the ammendment. The City Manager stated that Mr. Welch, representing the Red Cross, had stated that any additional facilities needed would be furnished by the Red Cross during their tentantacy in the building. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, Russell. Motion carried. The Clerk read a letter from Robert K. Edgett requesting the installation of a fire hydrant along the water transmission line adjecent to his residence located at Summit Park. The letter stated that the property owners would furnish the fire hydrant and install to meet City specifications and to pay all costs. The City Manager stated that he had investigated this request and explained that within the City limits there was a minimum charge of $1.00 per month per hydrant. He stated -9s o; 11i 2 : June 19, 1962 continued ►7'C that it would be his recommendation that there be a similar charge by the City for hydrants located outside the City limits. A lengthy discussion followed, with various Councilmen expressing their opinions regarding the proposed hydrant. Coun- cilman Rice moved, Councilman Strom seconded that provided the kirdrant meet City specifications and the property owners involved pay all costs, including upkeep, the hydrant be installed. Roll call. Ayes: Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck,Strori., Russell. Nayes: Ford. Motion carried. Councilman Hopke asked if the installation of this hydrant would set a prs- cident, and if so, would the same policy apply to all hydrants outside the City limits. A further discussion followed, and Councilman Ford asked whether the water used in the hydrant would be metered. The City Manager stated that it would not, and that the hydrantwould be used for fire fighting only. Mr. John Schneider, a 1-ator Department Employee, spoke fromtthe audience and requested that the owners of -the hydrant be instructed to notify the Filter Plant when they had the hydrant opened. Mayor McDugle requested the Manager to so inform the owner. The Clerk read a letter from K. T. Sherman, Local Manager of Puget Sound Power & Light Company, requesting that the two parking spaced in front df their office at 1019 Seventh Street, be posted for a two hour time limit for the convenience of their customers. The letter further stated that at the present time the two spaces are being used for all day parking and wereccausing considerable congestion. A discussion followed. Councilman Peck stated that it was his opinion that twenty minutes was sufficient time for that area. Councilman Peck moved, and Councilman Russell seconded that twenty minutes harking be posted on the two parking spaces. Roll call. Ayes: Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, Russell. Nayes: Ford. Motion carried. The Clerk read a letter from the Federal Electric Company, 1009 8th Street, requesting a parking space plus the drive -way in front of their place of business. A discussion followed. Councilman Peck moved, and Councilman Russell seconded that the request be referred to the City Manager and the Police Department for further study and report back to the Council. All ayes: Motion carried. The Clerk read a letter from the Anacortes Chamber of Commerce informing the Council that at the last regular meeting, the Chamber of Commerce had unanimously approved the action of the Council to fluoride the water supply. The letter tiao ordered placed on file. The Clerk read a letter from the First Federal Savings & Loan regarding the property described as follows: Lots '-7,8,9, & 10, Block 10 11P1&t of the Nelson Addition to Anacortes, Skagit County, Washington", according to plat recorded in Volume 2 of plats, page 102. The letter stated that it uTas their understanding that the City had lien on this property for local improvement, District, Deed dated July 18, 1932. The letter further stated that it was the understanding of First Federal that the City would issue a clear title to the property in exchange for the amount of $5.00 or by paying ten percent of the assessment of the..lots in question at the time the LID was formed. The City Attorney explained to the Council that this was a policy which had been established in approximately 1948, regarding old LID leins. Councilman Ford moved, Councilman Strom seconded the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign a quit claim deed for this property for the amount of either $5.00 or 10% of the assessment for the lots at the time the LID was formed, which ever amoutt.was greater. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, Russell. Motion carried. 1 The Clerk read a letter from Nss. Dorothy R. Bartholomew stating that due to the fact that fluorine benefits only children under the age of ten ,years, why couldn't the City supply fluorine tablets to those under the age of ten years. The letter 7.!as ordered placed on file. The City Attorney presented the Council with an ordinance adopting the fire preventive code for 1060. Councilman Ford moved, Councilman Rice seconded that the ordinance be adopted and be given No. 1322, and Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign same. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. The claims against the City for the first' -half of June, 1962, were read to the Council and upon hearing no objections, the Mayor referred them to the Finance Committee. Upon favorable report by the Finance Committee, a motion was made by Councilman Strom and seconded by Councilman Rice, that the claims be allowed and warrants be drawn in favor of same. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, P•TcDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. The financial report of the City of Anacortes for the month of May, 19623 was accepted and ordered placed on fil@. June 19, 1962 continued 193 Councilman Hopke stated that he had received several phone calls for residents of the Sunset Beach area, requesting pulp liquor. He requested the City Manager to look into the situation. The City Manager presented the Lbuncil with the final payment due to B & B­ Plumbing and Heating for the relocation of the water line located near the Swino- mish Channel. He stated the amount due consisted of estimate #3 in the amount of $14,390.22 and retained percentage of $10,737.04, making a grand total of $26,127.26. The City Manager further reported to the Council that the relocation of the water line was complete and that he was presently undergoing discussion with the State Highway Department regarding the C ityts part of the costs of the project, which would amount to approximately $9,000.00. Councilman Rice moved and Councilman Strom sec- onded that the recommendation of the City Manager be accepted and a warrant be issued.B & B Plumbing and Heating for $26,127.26. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, Peck, Strom, Russell. Motion carried. The City Manager reported to the Council that he had bben in contact with Great Northern Railroad regarding the possibility of relocating Great Northern Railroad tracks in the vicinity of 17th Street and Q Avenue. The letter stated that it was the estimate of Great Northern that this project would cost the City approximately $27,875.00, plus right-6fi-way costs. Councilman Strom moved, and Councilman Peck seconded, the City Manager set up a meeting between Council and Great Northern Railway to discuss this matter at a later date. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. Mayor McDugle presented retiring Mayor Strom with a gavel he had used during his tefm of office, Councilman Strom expressed pleasure in receiving the gavel. Councilman Ford moved, and Councilman Russell seconded that the meeting be adjou ed atd: 4pm. All ayes: Motion carried. July 3, 1962 A reg r meeting of the City Council, of the City of Anacor s, Washingtoh�., was called to order at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor McDugle presiding. Invocation was presented by Reverend Dawson. Roll call: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, and Strom. The minutes of the previous meeting were considered and after hearing no alternations or corrections, Councilman Ford moved, and Councilman Peck seconded that due to the fact that each Councilman has a copy for study and that copies were available at the City Clerk1s office upon request, the minutes be approved as if read. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, PeL-b; and Strom. Motion carried. Mayor McDugle stated that there were many interested citizens in the audience and stated that he was of the opinion that the guest hearing should be held after the regular business had been considered. Councilman Strom stated that it was his belief that the hearing should be held at this time, and Councilman Ford concurred with Councilman Strom. Various interested citizens of the audience spoke to the Council regarding their views on the addition of fluorides to the water supply. Dr. Papritz explaindd the addition of fluorides to the water from a medical point of view. Councilman Strom spoke as a dentist, and explained the action of fluorides on teeth. Councilman Peck requested Mr. Edward White, a Chemical Engineer, to explain the type of fluoride ions to be used in the water supply. Mayor McDugle then declared the guest hearing closed. Councilman Hopke stated that various citizens in'L-,the Cap Sante area had contacted him regarding several trees that had been retained during the paving project. Councilman Peck moved, and Councilman Strom seconded that the matter of the trees be referred to the City Manager and he be instructed to confer with the property owners and to have the power to act. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, and Strom. Motion carried. The City Manager reported to the City Council that bids had been received on a mobile radio unit for the Water Department service truck, and a radio main- tenance agreement for all mobile and base station radio units. Councilman Hopke questioned as to why the bids had been opened before the Council meeting. Councilman Ford explained to Councilman Hopke that it had been a practice to have the bids opened before the Council meeting, so that the City Manager could analyze the bids received, and be able to make his recommendations at the meeting. The first bid considered by the Council was on the mobile radio unit for the Water Department. The bids are as follows: 4 Y July 3, 1962 continued-: Q MOBILE RADIO UNIT BIDDER DESCRIPTION PRICE Rothenbuhler 25W U4 Motorola $650.00 Rothenbuhler 10OW 6N15/SLTA Areotron 595.00 Rothenbuhler 15W 6N15/SLT Arrotron 395.00 Motorola 520.00 Motorola D 33 13MT 494-00 Motorola D43GGV 25W Rebuilt 335.00 Outercom Model FM-50-30 Hammarlund Councilman Ford moved, and Councilman Rice seconded 395.99 that the bid for the Outercom, for the amount of $395.00 be accepted. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, and Strom. Motion carried. The City Manager reported to the Council that bids had been received on main- tenance of all mobile units and base stations, for City radio equipment. The bids are as follows: RADIO MAINTENANCE PRICE Rothenbuhler Sedro Woolley $854.40 Outercom Burlington 1075.80 Motorola Everett 1392.00 Councilman Ford moved, and Councilman Strom seconded that the bid of Rothenbuhler in the amount of $834-40 be accepted. Roll call. Ayes: Ford, �.ce, McDugle, Peck, Strom. Nayes: Hopke. Motion carried. The City Manager reported to the Council that it -was time to open the bids on the fluoride equipment. The bids are as follows: Instrument Laboratory $1,749.00 Five weeks delivery (5) Wallace and Tiernan 1,887.00 Six weeks delivery (6) Councilman Hopke stated that he felt that no action should be taken on the award of the bids at this time. He felt that the Citizenary of Anacortes would be happier if a stamp was put on the water bills, requesting the people to express their opinion on this issue one way or the other. Councilman Peck concurred with Councilman Hopke. Councilman Strom asked the other members of the Council what had changed their minds since the last Council meeting at which time they had unanimously voted to add fluoride to the water supply, Councilman Hopke stated that his personal at- titude regarding fluoridation had not changed from two weeks ago, but he was of the opinion that the people should be given a chance to express their views on this issue. Various members of the audience spoke both for and against fluoridation. Councilman Ford moved, and Councilman Strom seconded that the low bid of Instrument Laboratories in the amount of $1,749.00 be accepted. Roll call. Ayes: Ford, nice, Strom. Nayes: Hopke, McDugle, and Peck. Attorney Wells stated that it was his opinion that the motion had passed with the votes catt, but he would check into the matter further and give his opinion at a later date. The City Clerk read a letter from the Planning Commission regarding the request of the Pacific Tow Boat Company for fhb vacation of the east a of 'IQ" Avenue, north of the Meander Line. The letter stated the Planning Commission had no ob- jections for this request for vacation, subject to the approval of Fire 1-•7arshall. Councilman Ford moved, and Councilman Peck seconded that the hearing date of August 7, 1962, at 7:30 p.m. be set and that the Clerk be instructed to post and publish same. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, and Strom. Motion carried. The City Manager stated that at the present time, Pacific Tow Boat was operating under a lease agreement with the City of Anacortes and is currently paying the City $50.00 per year for the street end. He stated that in the past the City has accepted a cash donation ..for a vacation of this type. He recomriended that this fact be kept in mind at the time of the hearing. July 3, 1962 continued The City Manager presented the Council with progress payment #1 to Associated Sand & Gravel Company for LID 156 in the amount of $19,211.85. He stated he had checked the work to date and it was his recommendation that progress payment #1 to Associated Sand & Gravel be accepted and that a warrant bearing the interest of 4.40% be issued Associated Sand & Gravel, dated July 3, 1962. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, rcDugle, Peck, and Strom. Motion carried. The City Manager presented the Council with progress payment #1 due B & B- Plumbin€ and Heating for the water line reloaatibncin connection with District Improvement ##156 in the amount of $25,675.00. He stated that he had checked the % work to date end it was his recommendation that the progress payment ##1 to B & B Plumbing and Heating ba ?aid. Councilman Ford moved, and Councilman Rice seconded the recommendation of City Manager be accepted and progress payment #1 be paid to B & D Plumbing and Heating. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, and Strom. Motion carried. The City Manager presented the Council with miscellaneous costs in connection with Local Improvement District #156 in the amount of $234.35• He stated that it was his recommendation that these costs be paid. Councilman Rice moved, and Councilman Strom seconded the recommendation df City Manager bb accepted and miscellaneous costs indurred to date in the amount of $234-35 be paid and interest bearing warrant of 4.40% be issued Grande and Company, dated July 3, 1962. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, and Strom. Motion carried. The City Manager presented the Council with progress payment #1 due Marine Asphalt for District Improvement ##157 in the amount of $10,603.11. He stated that he had checked the work to date &ndait was his recommendation that the progress payment ##1 to Marine Asphalt be paid. Councilman Strom moved, and Councilman Rice seconded that interest bearing: warrant be issue Statewide Retire- ment in the amount of 4.4Y,. dated July 3, 1962. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Fdck, and Stror^. Motion carried. The City Yanager presented the Council with miscellaneous costs for LID 157 in the amount of $228.37. Councilman Strom moved, and Councilman Rlce seconded the recommendation of the City Y'anager be.accepted and interest bearing warrant be issued Statewide Retirement in the amount of 4.40%, dated July'3, 1962. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, and Strom. Motion carried. In the absence of Councilman Russell, Mayor McDugle appointed Councilman Rice to serve on the Financial Committee. The claims against the City for the last half of June, 1962, were read to the Council and upon hearing no objections, the Mayor referred them to the Finance Committee. Upon favorable report by the Finance Committee, a motion was made by Councilman Ford and seconded by Councilman Hopke,.that the claims be allowed and warrants be drawn in favor of same. Roll call. All ayes: F.ord, Hopke, Rice, McDugle., Peck, and Strom. I,iotion carried. The City Manager reported to the Council that he had prepared a study bB the loading zone requested for the Fidalgo Electric Company. He stated that at the present time there were two spaces available in the drive -way dnd there was alley acess. It was his recommendation the request be denied. A lengthy discussion followed regarding the request. Councilman Peck moved, and Councilman Strom seconded the City Managers recommendation be accepted and the request be denied. Roll call. Ayes: Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Strom. ATayes: Ford. Motion carried. The City manager reported to the Council that he had submitted to the State Highway Department a plan to resurface that area from Sunset Avenue from the ferry terminal road west to Sunset Park. The estimated cost of the project is $9,767.00, which 75% would be paid for by the gas tax arterial funds. He further stated the paving would be approx. 22 feet in width. He also recommended permission to advertise for bids, however, informed the Council that if after a study of the bids received, it was determined that the project could be completed cheaper with City forces, the Council would have the option of rejecting all bids, and use City crews for this project. Councilman Ford moved, and Councilman Strom seconded that the City Manager be authorized to call for bids for this project, to be opened August 7, 1°62, at 7:30 p.m. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, and Strom. Motion carried. Tine City Manager requested permission to call for bids for lime and chlorine to be added to the water supply. Councilman Ford moved, and Councilman Hopke seconded that the City Manager be authorized to call for bids for chemicals for the water supply, to be opened August 7, 1962, at 7:30 p.m. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, and Strom. Motion carried. . 96 July 3, 1962 continued Q X The City Manager was directed to contact the Police Chief and have a traffic y survey regarding the alley at loth and I Avenue. ;I;; - The City Attorney reported to the Council that he had prepared the ordinance authorizing the addition of fluorides to the wAter'supply as requested at the last Council meeting. Councilman Ford moved, and Councilman Strom seconded that the City Attorney read the ordinance to the Council. Roll call. Ayes: Ford, Rice, McDugle, Strom. Nayes: Hopke, and Peck. Motion carried. Councilman Strom stated that he was of the opinion that definite action should be taken regarding the acceptance of the bids of the fluoridation equipment. A discussion followed, and Councilman Strom moved, and Councilman Ford seconded that if the specifications outlined in the call for bids were met, and it was the recommendation of the City Manager, that the bid for the fluoridation equipment be accepted. Roll call. Ayes: Ford, Rice, Peck, Strom. Nayes: Hopke, and McDugle. Motionr.carried. Mayor McDugle declared the meeting closed at 10:15 p.m. I, DIANE ERHOLM, duly appointed, qualified and acting Clerk for the City of Anacortes, Washington, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the above is a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Council meeting held July , 1962. IA ERHOUN-70ITY C July 17, 1962 A regular meeting of the City Council, of the City of Anacortes, Washington, was called to order at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor McDugle presiding. Invocation was presented by Reverend Dawson. The minutes of the previous meeting were considered and after hearing no alterations or corrections, Councilman Rice moved and Councilman Peck seconded that due to the fact that each Councilman has a copy for study and that copies were available at the City Clerk1s office upon request, the minutes be approved as if read. Z.611 call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, Russell. Motion carried. Mrs. Alice Newland spoke to the Council and asked why the Yew tree had been removed from the street presently under construction for LID 157. The City Manager reported that due to the fact that the Yew tree had been cut and the fact that the property owners involved had requested it be removed, and that the Council had authorized him to meet with the affected property owners and decide on which trees were to be left standing and which were to be cut, he had ordered the tree removed. Councilman Peck questioned as to why the City employees had not been paid on Friday as was the custom. The Clerk informed Councilman Peck of the ordinance stating pay periods for the City employees and further explained that when possible the employees were paid on Fridgy if it fell in the middle of the month. The Clerk read a communication from the Federal Aviation Agency, regarding the construction of a transmission line on nine wooden power poles by Puget Sound Power and Light Company on property described as follows: Starting at the north- east corner of Sunset Drive and Warren Street; thence north on the east side of Warren Street to the Southeast and Northeast corners of Park Avenue. From the Northeast corner of Park Avenue and Warren Street, the line will continue „test on the north side of Park avenue for a distance of 500 feet; thence 170 feet northwest. From the Southeast corner of Park Avenue dnd Wa ftehr&tveet, the line will continue west on the south side of Park Avenue for the distance of 540 feet; thence 110 feet west-northwest. With a maximum overall height 65 feet above ground level, 130 feet above mean sea level. This area involved is located at the Skyline Airpprt. A lengthy discussion followed and Councilman Hopke moved and Councilman Peck seconded that the City take no direct action on this notice, but do as the Chamber of Commerce had done, and place the communication on file. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, Russell: Motion carried. The City Manager reported to the Council that a great amount of vandalise: had occurred at the bld Filter Plant at Whistle Lake and that it was his recom- mendation that the area be fenced. Ke requested permission to call for bids for fencingthis area at an estimated cost of $1,600.00. Councilman Rice moved and Councilman Peck seconded the recommendation of the City Manager be accepted and authorized him to call for bids for Fencing the Filter Plant site. Bids to be opened 7:30 p.m., August 7, 1962. Rollcall. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, Russell. Motion carried. July 17, 1962 continued The claims against the City for the first halfcof July, 1962, were read to the Council and upon hearing no objections, the Mayor referred them to the Finance Committee. Upon favorable report by the Finance Committee, the motion was made by Councilman Rice and seconded by Councilman Strom, that the claims be allowed and warrants beddrawn in favor of same. Roll call. All ayes.: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Pebk, Strom, Russell. Motion carried. The City Manager reported to the Council that he*had analyzed the bids re- ceived for the fluoridation equipment and that the bid of Instrument Laboratories met the specifications as outlined in the call for bids and he had submitted the specifications to the State Department of Health for approval, and when approval had been received he could award the bid to Instrument Laboratories. The City Manager reported that work was proceeding on the sewer treatment plant study and 4t the present flow measurement from outfall lines were being taken and computed, and he further stated that it was necessary to extend the tests for a longer period of time, and he would recommend an extension of time be applied to the Housing and Home Financing Agency. The City Manager was instructed to proceed with an application to extend the time to the Housing and Hone Finance Agench. The City Manager further reported that he had been in contact with Housing and Home Finance Agency regarding the City's application for federal funds to secure a study on the feasability of a water supply system between the City of Anacortes and the PUD. A discussion followed of the recent water breaks in the Hillcrest area. The City Manager explained to the Council the problems involved in many of the distribution lines in the City of Anacortes, and discussed the fact that the Council should; -give some thought to a bond issue to replace certain distribution lines.. He further stated that it was his recommendation that for the amount of $362,000.00 the critical lines could be replaced. yor McDug declared the meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. i!4 August 7, 1�962 A regular meeting of the City Council, of the City of Anacortes,Washington was called to order at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor McDugle presiding. Invocation was presented by Reverend Marner. Roll call. Strom, Ford, Rice, Russell, Hopke, Peck, ancd McDugle. The Minutes of the previous meeting were considered and after hearir g no alterqtions or corrections, Councilman Rice moved, and Councilman Strom seconded that due to the fact that each Councilman has a copy for study and that copies were available at the City Clerk's office upon request, the minutes be approved as if read. Roll call. All ayes: Strom, Ford, Rice, Russell, Hopke, Peck, and McDugle. Motion carried. Several interested citizens in the audience spoke to the Council regarding the plan to add flouride to the water supply. Mr. J. A. Cole and Mrs. Elwin D. Adams read to the Council articles regarding the addition of flourides to the water supply. Mayor McDugle declared the hearing on the proposed vacation of the East half of "Q" Avenue open and asked if anyone had anything to say either for or against this proposed vacation. Councilman Hopke questioned the City Attorney as to the possibility of the City retaining ownership of the proposed vacated a rea if Pacific Tow Boat Company decided that they would have no further need of the area in the future. The City Attorney explained to Councilman Hopke that if the City were to vacate the property, it would become, solely Pacific Tow Boat's property and they would dispose of itas they wished. Councilman Strom stated that he was unalterable opposed to pAving such pro]prty to any petitioner and informed the Council that in the past, the City had acc6pted donations for like property, Coun- cilman Ford moved and Councilman Rice seconded the Uity `'anger be authorised to contact Pacific Tow Boat officials and ddtermine a reasonable donations for the property and report back tothe Council. Roll Call. All ayes: Strom, Ford, Rice Russell, Hopke, Peck, and "IDugle. Motion Carried. 198 X August 7, 1962, continued The Clerk read a letter from the Anacortes Women's Club regarding Anacortes' Sister City. The letter stated that at the inception of the Sister City Plan an invitation was sent to Bahia Blanca, Argentina. However, no enthisiasm could be aroused in Argentina. The letter stated that Puntarenas, Costa Rica would be a desirable affiliation. Mrs. William H. Bessner spoke from the audience and gave a brief resume of the Women's Club activities regarding the Sister City Plan. Councilman Strom moved and Councilman Rice seconded the Council accept the recom- mendation of the Women's Club regarding the Sister City Plan to affiliate with Puntarenas, Costa Rica. Roll calla All ayes: Strom, Ford, Rice, Russell, Hopke, Peck, and McDugle. Motion carried. The Clerk read a letter from KAGT requesting permission to block off Com- mercial Ave. from 7th to Sth St., from 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. on August 17, 1962, for the -purpose of holding a back -to -school street dance. Councilman Strom moved, and Councilman Rice seconded the request be granted on the basis the proper authorities are informed. Roll call. All ayes: Strom, Ford, Rice, Russell, Hopke, Peck, and McDugle. Motion carried. The Clerk read a letter from Mr. LeRoy N. Klingman of Rt. 3, Box ?36 requesting permission to connect to the City water line located at approximately lust St. and K Avenue. The letter further stated that the City Manager quoted the cost of approximately $125.00 for connection to the water meter. Any additional problems, would be at Mr. Klingman's expense: AL.discussion followed. Councilman Rice moved and Councilman Hopke seconded that Mr. Klingman's request be granted. Roll call. Ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Strom, Russell. Nayes: Peck. Motion carried. The Clerk read a letter from the Planning Commission regarding the 2 areas of the zoning map be changed from R-1 and S-1 as shown on the accompanying map. The property is described as follows: M-3 to R-1 Beginning at the intersection of the center line of Anaco Avenue and the north line of the Anaco Beach Plat to the City of Anacortes; thence Northwesterly along the center line of Anaco Beach Road to the center line of Sunset Ave.; thence North- easterly along the center line of Sunset Ave to the intersection with primary State Highway 1 AN; thence Northwesterly along the center line of primary State Highway 1 AN to the north line of the Norman and Woods Subdivision to the City of Anacortes; thence West along the North line of the Norman & Woods Subdivision to the East line of the First Ships_Harbor Addition to the City of Anacortes; thence North along the East line of the First Ships Harbor Addition to the North line of said Addition; thence West along the North line of First Ships Harbor Addition to the City of Anacortes to the East line of the Woods Addition to the City of Anacortes and the East line of Government Lot 2.521 T35-1; thence North along the East line of Government Lot No. 2 to the North line of property owned by F. E. Foss & Sons, Inc., as conveyed by deed dated 4/11/57 and recorded 4/22/57 under Auditors file #550306; thence West along the North line of said property to the outer Harbor line at Sunset Beach; thence Southwester],y along said outer Harbor line to a point projected from the North line of Woods Addition to the City of Anacortes, west to the outer Harbor Line; thence East to the West line of Woods Addition to the City of Anacortes; thence South along the'West line of Woods Addition and the Easterly border of Washington Park to the S. line of Section 213 Township 35 N, Range 1 E. then East along said South line to a point of intersection with the center line of Skyline Airfield projected Northwesterly; thence Southeasterly along said center line projected to the outer Harbor line of Burrows Bay; thence Southeasterly along the outer Harbor line of Burrows Bay to a point due West of a line projected from the N. line of Anaco Beach Plat to the City of Anacortes; thence East along said projected North line to the point of beginning, except North half of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 27, Township 35 North. Said exception includes property owned by William P. and Peggy Lowman and Mr. B. D. Maticich, Rt. I #1, Box 110, Anacortes. M-3 to S-1 Beginning at the intersection of the center line of Anaco Ave. and the N. line of the Anaco Beach Plat to the City of Anacortes; thence E. along said N. line projected to the E. line of Section 27, Township 35 N., Range 1 E. W. M.; thence North along the East line of Section 27 to the N-S center line of Section 27 to the southeast corner of the southwest quarter of the NE quarter; thence North along the East line of the SW -SE line of the Southwest and August 7, 1962, continued Northeast; thence West along the North line of the E-W center line of Section 27; thence North along the E-W center line of the North line of Section 27; thence West along the North line of Section 27 to the Corner of Common Section of 21 - 22 - 28 - 27; thence South to the South line of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 27, Township 35, Range 1; thence East along said South line to the East line of the North half of the NW quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 27, Township 35, Range 1 E; thence North along said line to the center line of Anaco Beach Road; thence Southeasterly along the center line of Anaco Beach Road to the point of beginning. Councilman Hopke moved and Councilman Peck seconded that the letter be tabled for further study. Roll can. Ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, and Russell. Nayes: Strom. Motion carried. The Clerk read a letter from the Planning Commission regarding the request of Mr. Robert C. Sager for the vacation of.the Northern thirty feet of 35th Street between "D" Avenue and R. Jones! acreage be denied for the following reasons: 1.) It would reduce•.the street right-of-way to a substandard width (501 as opposed to a minimum 601). 2.) It would off -set the right-of-way toward the south. 3.) This is a street which connects.a major arterial, D Avenue, presently undeveloped acreage, and will probably be opened up in the future. 4.) It is not a sound planning from a street engineering stand point. 5.) Previous right-of-way vacations (down to a minimum of 601) have been divided equally on both sides of the street. A discussion followed and Mr. Sager spoke from the audience to the Council, stating his problem, which is that a part of the house is sitting in the middle of the City street as projected. A discussion followed and Mayor MaDugle appointed Councilman Rice and Councilman Strom to investigate this problem and report back to the Council. The City Manager informed the Council that it was time to open the bids on' the fencing of the old Filter Plant area. The bids are as follows: San Jose Steel Company - Seattle $1,588.00 Anchor Post Products, Inc. - Seattle 1,944•00 plus sales tax Cyclone Fence - Bellingham 2.9098.00 McBride Fencing Company - Seattle 19950.00 Councilman Strom moved and Councilman Ford seconded the bid of San Jose Steel be accepted in the amount of $1,588.00. Roll call. AU ayes: Ford, Strom, Rice, Russell, Hopke, Peck, and McDugle. Motion carried. The City Manager reported to the Council that it was time to open bids for hydrated lime and liquid chlorine to be added in the water supply. The bids are as follows: Van Waters & Rogers: Chlorine 150# containers Chlorine 2,000# containers Hooker: Chlorine $12.50 cwt. 9.20 ton F.O.B. delivered 4.00 per 100# plus freight Due to the complexity of the bids received, Councilman Strom moved and Councilman Peck seconded that the bids be referred to the City Manager for his analyzation and report back to the Council. Roll call. .All ayes: Strom, Ford, Rice, Russell, Hopke, Peck, and McDugle. Motion carried. The City Manager reported to the Council that it was time to open bids for the Sunset Avenue Improvement from the Ferry landing Road to Washington Park. Mr. French read a letter from Howard F. Sievers of Associated Sand & Gravel Co., Inc. explaining why his company was not submitting a bid. The letter recommended that a two-inch surface thickness of bituminous plant mix be substituted for the bituminous road mix as stated in the bids. The bid of Marine Asphalt Co. is as 200 X August 7, 1962 continued Z:-.- follows: $9,412.50. The bid further stated that Marine Asphalt requested per- mission to substitute bituminous plant mix at the same quality and price as Item 1 and 2 in the bid specifications, at $7.50 per ton. The letter further stated that they had no objections to the City using City crews and equipment to furnish and place 3A" - 0" mineral aggregates. A lengthy discussion followed and Councilman Hopke stated that he had no objection to the bids received, however, he felt that due to the fact that there was a definite sewage problem in the area, no paving should be undertaken at this time until the sewage problem had been al- leviated. A discussion followed regarding the proposed Skyline Subdivision. Councilman Peck moved and Councilman Hopke seconded that the paving of this area be tabled until such a time as the sewage needs are taken care of. Councilman Strom stated to the Council that due to the fact that the money to be used to pave this arterial was a new revenue from the State, he was of the opinion that the City should utilize this money as soon as possible. Roll call. Ayes: Hopke, Russell. Hayes: Ford, Rice, McDugle, Peck, and Strom. Motion defeated. The Mayor asked the Clerk to restate the motion due to the fact that there appeared to be some confusion on part of several of the'Councilman in regard to the motion. Roll call. Ayes: Hopke, Peck, Russell, Nayes: Ford, Rice, MoDugle, and Strom. Motion defeated. Councilman Strom moved and Councilman Ford seconded that the bid of Marine Asphalt be accepted and the City crews furnish and place 3/4"-0" mineral aggregates. Roll call. Ayes: Ford, Rice, McDugle, and Strom. Nayes: Hopke, Peck, and Russell. Motion carried. The City Manager presented the Council with progress payment #2 to Associated Sand & Gravel Co. for LID 156 in the amount of $26,913.25.and miscellaneous costs of $36.56 making a total of $26,949.81. He stated that he had checked the work to date and it was his recommendation that progress payment #2 to Associated Sand & Gravel and miscellaneous costs be accepted. Councilman Rice moved and Councilman Strom seconded that a warrant bearing the interest of 4.40% be issued Grande & Co., dated August 7, 1962. Roll call. All ayes: Strom, Ford, Rice, Russell, Hopke, Peck, and McDugle. Motion carried. The City Manager presented the Council with progress payment #2 to B & B Plumbing & Heating for LID 156 in the amount of $5,218.32. He stated that he had checked the work to date and it was his recommendation that progress payment #2 to B & B Plumbing & Heating Co. be accepted. Councilman Ford moved and Councilman Rice seconded that a warrant be issued to B & B Plumbing & Heating, dated August 79 1962, in the amount of $5,218.32. Roll call. Ayes: Ford, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Russell. Nayes: Hopke. Motion carried. The City Manager presented the Council with progress payment #2 to Marine Asphalt Co. for LID 157 in the amount of $11,192.67.and miscellaneous costs of $51.20 making a total of $11,243.87. He stated that he had checked the work to date and it was his recommendation that progress payment to Marine Asphalt Co. and miscellaneous costs be accepted. Councilman Rice moved and Councilman Strom seconded that an interest bearing warrant be issued Statewide Retirement in the amount of 4.40$, dated August 7, 1962. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. The City Attorney presented the Council with a Quit Claim dated the 7th day of August, 1962, for the City of Anacortes and Safeway Store for the following property: The North 10 feet of the west 180 feet of vacated alley adjoining Lots 1 to 10, inclusive, Block 38, City of Anacortes, according to the recorded plat thereof in the office of the Auditor of Skagit County, Washington, in Volume 2 of Plats, page 4. Councilman Ford moved and Councilman Russell seconded that the Mayor and Clerk be instructed to sign a Quit Claim deed. Roll call. A11 ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugls, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. The claims against the City for the second half of July, 1962, were read to the Council and upon hearing no objections, the Mayor referred them to the Finance Committee. Upon favorable report by the Finance Committee, a motion was made by Councilman Strom and seconded by Councilman Rice, that the claims be allowed and warrants be drawn in favor of same. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. 201 August 7, 1962, continued 1 1 1 The Financial Report for the month of July was accepted and placed on file. The City Manager requested permission to advertise for bids for redecorating the dining room in City Hall. Councilman Rice moved and Councilman Strom seconded that the request of the City Manager be accepted. Councilman Peck amended the motion to state that local labor be employeed. Councilman Rice seconded the ammendment. Roll call on the ammendment. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carrird. Roll call on original motion. All ayes: Strom, Ford, Rice, Russell, Hopke, Peck, and McDugle. Motion carried. The City Manager reported to the Council that Mr. Tommy Thompson was desirous of installing a miniature railway between the ferry terminal and the Washington Park. He requested the City's approval of this project before applying to Great Northern Railway for the use of their line. Councilman Rice moved and Councilman Hopke seconded that the City Manager be authorized to state to Mr. Thompson that the City had no objections to his plan. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. Mayor McDugle gave a report on his recent attendance to the Gold Cup Races in Seattle. Councilman Hopke moved and Councilman Rice seconded that City Council be adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Ayes: Strom, Ford, Rice, Russell, Hopke, McDugle. Nayes: Peck. Motion carried. Signed DON MCDUGLE August 21, 1962 August 21, 1962 Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor McDugle presiding. Invocation was presented by Father Marner. Roll call. Hopke, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. The minutes of the previous meeting were considered and after hearing no alterations or corrections, Councilman Strom moved, and Councilman Russell seconded that due to the fact that each Councilman has a copy for study and that copies were available at the City Clerk's Office upon request, the minutes be approved as if read. Roll call. All ayes: Hopke, McDugle, Peck, Strom, Russell. Motion carried. Mr. Stanley Anderson of 1613 24th Street spoke to the Council asking about the proposed Urban Renewal area. He qu.0stioned the Council at length as to whether they would be ..4doing amything regarding his business, which is located in the af- fected area. Various members of the Council spoke to Mr. Anderson explaining that it was still in the early planning stages at this time. Mr. Ken Sherman, a member of the Planning Commission, spoke from the audience stating that this was in the very early preliminary stages and it would be months before argrthing was done on it and stated to Mr. Anderson that he thought that Mr. Anderson should attend a Planning Commission meeting. He further stated that Walter Johnson,of the John Graham Co., be present and explain all the plans for the Urban Renewal Program. Mr. Carl Smitha, who was a resident of Island View, spoke from the audience asking what could be done about the street between J and H Avenue on 22nd St. He stated it needed servicing badly and wondered if perhaps the arterial gas tax money could not be used for a like area. A lengthy discussion followed. Coun- cilman Peck stated that he was of the opinion that it should have been included in with LID No. 156. A discussion then followed regarding what constituted an arterial and what streets could be resurfaced with the arterial gas tax money. The City Manager presented a copy of the Comprehensive Plan and the 6-year Plan showing what streets had been designated as arterial and minor -arterial. 202 � X August 21, 1962 continued � Councilman Peck stated that he felt that due to the fact that the Cap Sante paving was minus curbs, gutters, and storm sewers and was still an LID, which was assessed to each property owner, he felt that the Sunset Beach people were getting their property paved free, and he did not think this was fair. The City Manager explained that the Sunset Beach area benefitted many people due to the fact that it was the access to a City Park. A disaussion was given regarding the specifications used for the paving of Cap Sante and the Sunset Beach area by Councilman Peck. The City Attbrney ex- plained to the Council that their position should be to set up the street improve- ment programs for 1963, and this was the time to be thinking of what paving projects would be completed due to the fact that the paving season would be soon over for the year of 1962. Mrs. Dorothy Bartholomew presented the Council with a petition bearing sig- natures of 404 voters in the City of Anacortes, petitioning the Council to submit the fluoridation of the domestic water supply to the voters. Councilman Hopke moved and Councilman Peck seconded that the petition be accepted and ordered placed on file for further signatures and study. Roll call. All ayes: Hopke, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell.. Motion carried. The City Clerk read a letter from Puget Sound Power & Light Co. requesting the approval of the City for construction of proposed power lines from 2nd Ave. south along the easterly side of Kansas Street to a point near Fouth Avenue. They further requested.permisdion to remove the existing trees from the center of and to the east line of Kansas Street at which time Mr. Sherman, representing Puget Power & Light Co, spoke to the Council from the audience stating that Puget Power & Light would cut the trees and do all necessarywork in the area. A dis- cussion followed and Councilman Peck moved and Councilman Hopke seconded that the request be granted and the land cleared and that all saleable logs in the clearing of the land be sold and the money be deposited in the City treasury. Roll call. All ayes: Hopke, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. The City Manager reported to the Council that it was time to open the bids on the painting of the dining room. The first bid received was from Leslie 0. Henderson, 819 22nd Street in the amount of $367.20. the completian date to be August 31, 1962. The second bid was from Ivan D. Gililand, Rt. 3 box 81 in the amount of $448.30. Councilman Peck moved and Councilman Russell seconded that the low bid of Leslie 0. Henderson in the amount of $367.20 be accepted. Roll call. A11 ayes: Hopke, McDugle, Peck, Strom, Russell. Motion carried. The financial report for the month of July was accepted and placed on file. In the absence of Chairman For#, Mayor McDugle appointed Councilman Strom to serve on the Finance Committee. The claims against the City for the first half of August, 1962, were read to the Council and upon hearing no objections, the Mayor referred them to the Fiance Committee. Upon favorable report by the Finance Committee, a motion was made by Councilman Peck and seconded by Councilman Hopke, that the claims be allowed and warrants be drawn in favor of same. Roll call. All ayes: Hopke, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. The City Manager reported to the Council that he had analyzed the chemical bids which had been received at the last Council meeting for liquid chlorine for the treatment of the water supply. The bids are as follows: Hooker Chemical $95.21 per ton delivered -treatment plant (water) Van Waters & Rogers 92.24 per ton delivered -treatment plant (water) Councilman Hopke moved and Councilman Russell seconded that the low bid of Van Waters & Rogers for liquid chlorine in the amount of $92.24 be accepted and ordered. Roll call. All ayes: Hopke, McDugle, Peck, Strom, Russell. Motion carried. August 219 1962 continued 203 The City Manager presented the Council with the final payment due Marine Asphalt on Local Improvement District #157, in the amount of $10,594.40. He stated that he had checked the work to date and it was his recommendation that this amount,be paid and he further recommended that an interest bearing warrant bearing the interest of 4.40% be issued Statewide Retirement, dated August 21, 1962, in'the amount of $10,594.40. He further stated that there was still an amount retained by the City, which would be released after the thirty day period had elapsed. He further stated that he was going to write to the State Tax Commission and the Department of Labor and Industries to secure releases for the Contractor. The City Manager further stated that it was his recommendation that the date of October 2, 1962, at 7:30 p.m. be set as the date for the hearing on the assessment roll for Local Improvement District 157. Councilman Strom moved and Councilman Hopi-e seconded that the recommendations of the City Manager be accepted and that an interest bearing warrant in the amount of $10,594.40 be issued Statewide Retirement bearing interest of 4.40% dated August 21, 1962 as the final payment due Marine Asphalt on Local Improvement District 157, and the project be accepted and the date of October 2, 1962 be set as the final date for the hearing of the assessment roll on the project. Roll call. All ayes: Hopke, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. Further, the Clerk be instructed to notify the affected property owners. The City Manager reported to the Council that on the Hillcrest area the transsmission line of 16" steel transits pipe was in critical condition. Electrolosis had been at work upon the line and it was in poor condition. He recommended that the City contact the Consulting Engineering Firm of Stevens & Thompson to provide a design for laying a new water line in the same area. He stated that the cost would be in the neighborhood of $30,000.00 and that the engineering cost would be approximately 7% of the constructions cost. He further explained that in projects of this nature consultants are usually retained to make the design. He further stated that this was the busy time for the City's Engine- ering Department with the paving projects going on and that while there was no doubt that the City Engineering staff could make the design for the project, in as much as time was of the essence, it was his recommendation that the Con- sultant Firm be retained. A lengthy and heated discussion followed regarding the City's using the Consultants 'or existing engineering staff. Various members of the Council expressed their views on this question and stated that they felt that the engineering work should be completed with existing crews. The City Manager stated that of course it could be done with the existing engineering crews but due to the fact that the line was in such critical condition that it was im- perative that it be done as soon as possible. Mr. William Latimer of the Anacortes Water Department spoke to the Council and stated that it was indeed crucial and that for the last three weekends water crews have had to work the entire weekend to repair the existing line. A further discussion followed and Councilman Strom moved and Councilman Hopke seconded that the City retain the Engineering Firm of Stevens & Thompson to prepare the engineering design and to report back to the Council. A further discussion followed and Councilman Peck ammended the motion that the City Engineering Department prepare the engineering design on this water line and all other small water lines within the City. Councilman Hopke seconded the ammendment. Roll call. Aybs: Hopke, McDugle, Peck, and Russell. Noyes: Strom. Motion carried. Roll call on the .:motion as ammended. Ayes: Hopke, McDugle, Peck, Russell. Noyes: Strom. Motion carried. Councilman Peck moved that the Office of the Building Inspector be transferred to the Fire Department under the direct supervision of the Fire Chief. Councilman Hopke seconded the motion. A discussion followed. Councilman Strom explained to the rest of the Council that there was protocall involved in this problem and that he was of the recommendation that there should be further study on this before anything was done regarding any changes. He further stated that there was no money allocated in the Fire Department budget to pay the Building Inspector's salary. City Attorney Wells explained to the Council that the time to do anything in the changing of personnel or job re-classification was to be done at the time the preliminary budget was adopted. He further stated that.he would withhold legal opinion on any ordinances involving such a change. After a further discussion Councilman Peck withdrew his motion, and the matter was referred to a study. Councilman Hopke reported to the Council that he and Councilman Peck had been in communication with interested property owners on 41st Street near the Mt. Erie School regarding the problem of the hazards involved by children walking to and W August 219 1962 continued N Q X 2-1. from the school at the side of the road. He stated that of the people he had contacted, they were willing to donate the land in providing a twenty-five foot roadway, but in no way a sixty foot roadway, providing, of course, the road be constructed in the property location. The City must donate the tile and cover the ditch and to assist in providing this roadway. Mr. Robert Sager's petition for the vacation of the northern thirty feet of 35th Street between "D" Avenue and R. Jonev acreage, which had been discussed at a previous Council meeting was brought up. The City Attorney explained that he had been in contact with Mr. Sager and that Mr. Sager's home was approximately 15, in the middle of the road. A lengthy discussion followed and Councilman Peck moved and Councilman Hopke seconded that any further discussion on this proposed vacation would be tabled for the moment and the City Attorney be instructed to check with the Engineer involved, and for him to report back at the next Council meeting. Roll can. An ayes: Hopke, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. Mayor McDugle reported that it was time to make appointments to various boards. A discussion then followed as to whether or not the entire Park Board could be appointed, new appointments made, or additions be made to the Board. Mayor McDugle presented the name of Fred Snyder as a member of the Park Board to replace Dr. Brooks. Councilman Peck moved that Fred Snyder be appointed. After a further discussion on this appointment, it was the concensus of opinion that an appointment for the Park was to be discussed at a study meeting before there wast.:any action taken. Mayor McDugle presented the name of Tom Gannon to replace Mrs. Wendell / Hildebrand, who is.presently serving on the Library Board. Councilman Hopke moved and Councilman Peck seconded that the recommendation of the Mayor be accepted and that Mr. Gannon be appointed on the Library Board. Roll call. Ayes: Hopke, McDugle, Peck, Russell. Abstain: Strom. Strom. Motion carried. After a lengthy discussion, all further Board appointments were tabled at this time. Councilman Hospke stated that he felt the same way as Mayor McDugle regarding the salary of the City Manager. He further stated that he, too, had run on the platform that the City Manager was making too much money. City Attorney Wells stated that before arV action was taken on this matter, it was his recommendation that more study be given. Mayor McDugle stated that he had been apprized very recently of all the additional duties that Mr. French was performing in addition to his duties as City Manager. Mayor Strom stated that he was violently opposed to a discussion of this nature in an open meeting and stated that he would strongly recommend that a discussion of this type be held at a study session with only the Council present. A further discussion followed. Councilman Hopke moved that the salary of the City Manager be adjusted. There being no seconds, Councilman Hopke's motion died. Mayor McDugle stated that it was his recommendation there be a study meeting on August 28, 1962, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at which time the preliminary budget of 1963 will be discussed. Councilman Russell moved and Councilman Hopke seconded that a study meeting be held. Ayes: Hopke, McDugle, Peck, Russell. Abstain: Strom. Motion carried. 1 There being no further business Mayor McDugle declared the meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Signed 9M4 1*eit Iron- H. McDugle, Mayor Attest ' lane Erho3r., City Clerk September 4, 1962 y Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor McDugle presiding. Invocation was presented by Reverend Barfoot. Roll call. Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck,gtrom., and Russell. The minutes of the previous meeting were considered and after hearing no alterations or corrections, Councilman Rice moved, and Councilman Strom seconded that due to the fact that each Councilman has a copy for study and that copies were available at the City Clerk's Office upon request, the minutes be approved as if read. Councilman Hopke then questioned the City Clerk regarding the preceding minutes, which stated that the property owners on 41st Street near the Mr. Erie School Iliad stated they would donate the tile and cover the ditch. Councilman Hopke: 205 September 4, 1962, continued stated that the Clerk was erroneous in that the property owners had not stated that they would provide this tile and covering the ditch, and it being their wish to have the City provide the services. Roll call on the minutes as corrected. All ayes: Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. Mr. Robert L. Harr spoke from the audience regarding the dust from the Skyline Airport landing strip, which was making Washington Park very undesirable and he requested that the City Manager look into this problem. Mr. French stated that • it was his understanding that Skyline had planned to plant grass seed on half of the.;. strip this fall and the other half this spring. However, he reported he would look into this matter and report back to the Council. Mr. Ivan Smith, a resident of Island View spoke from the audience regarding 22nd Street from J to H Avenue. He stated it was in deplorable condition and asked if there were any plans to pave this street. The matter was discussed at length and was referred to a study meeting. Mr. Osborn, of 1309 27th Street, spoke from the audience to the Council regarding the sidewalk on his street, stating that it was defective. The City Manager was instructed to check into this matter and report back to the Council. Mr. John Hammons, a resident of Hillcrest, spoke from the audience to the Council regarding the open water line near Hillcrest Avenue. He stated for some time the water had been going under the alley into his property, and he requested that this matter be alleviated as soon as possible. Mrs. Dorothy Bartholomew spoke from the audience and presented the Couhcil with a petition with the signatures of 140 residents of Anacortes requesting that the additions of fluorides to the water be putup to the voters of the City of Anacortes on a ballot at the General Election, to be held November 6. Mayor McDugle ordered the petition placed on file with a previous petition. The Clerk read a letter from Loren F. Welch tendering his resignation as a member of the Board of Adjustment, to be effective September 4, 1962.The letter stated that his decision to resign had been brought about due to the fact that he had lost confidence in the decisions of apparently four (4) members of the present Council, who in his opinion were in a part: -responsible for the loss of key personnel in our City. Mayor McDugle ordered the letter placed on file. r The Clerk read a letter from Ardath I. Schneider requesting that Skyline bring its planes in and out over Flounder Bay instead of Sunset Park, as it is scattering droves of dust over the area. The Mayor ordered the letter placed on file. Mayor McDugle then read a letter of resignation from Mr. Archie French, City Manager, stating his resignation would be effective October 3, with a three week terminal vacation. Councilman Hopke moved•-4nd Councilman Peck seconded that the resignation be accepted. Roll call. All ayes: Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. The City Manager presented the Council with the preliminary budget for 1963. He then gave a brief budget message and stated that there had been study meetings with the Council regarding the proposed preliminary budget and that the budget, as presented, contained the Council's wishes. Councilman Peck stated that there had been a discussion at one point of putting an extra policeman on duty. He further stated that he was of the opinion that it would be more feasible to purchase a grader for the Street Department over a three .year period, and to use the money budgeted for the grader to provide ample police protection. The City Manager stated that the budget presented herewith was identi- cal to that which the Council had agreed upon at a study session. A discussion followed and Councilman Peck moved that the sum of $15,000, which had been allocated in the Street Department for a grader, be transferred to the Current Expense Fund and to make adjustments where necessary for salaries for City employees. The motion died for the lack of a second. A discussion then followed in which the City Attorney explained that any changes to be made in the budget at this point would constitute the budget being thrown out of balance and would require recalcu- lation in order to be presented to the Council. Councilman Strom moved and Councilman Rice seconded that the preliminary budget for the year 1963 be accepted as presented due to the fact that at the study meeting it had been agreed by the Council to accept the budget as it was presented herein. Roll call. Ayes: Rice, McDugle, Strom, Russell. Nayes: Hopke, Peck. Motion carried. September 4, 1962, continued Q The City Manager presented the Council with Progress Payment #1 due Marine Asphalt for paving Sunset Beach Road from the ferry terminal road to Washington Park. He stated that the work was complete and the total cost of the project was $9,457.50 less 15% retained a $8s038.87. He stated that of this amount due $2,009.72 would be paid by the Street Department and the balance would be paid by the one-half gas arterial tax money. Councilman Rice moved and Councilman Strom seconded that the recommendation be accepted and warrants be drawn to pay the $8,038.87 for the resurfacing of the road. Roll call. All ayes: Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. The City Manager presented the Council with Progress Payment #3 to Associated Sand & Gravel Co., in the amount of $22,721.69 in connection with LID 156. He stated that he had checked the work to date and it was his recommendation that this amount was owing to the Contractor at this time. Councilman Rice moved and Coun- cilman Russell seconded that the City Manager's recommendation be accepted and warrants bearing the interest of 4.40% be issued Grande & Co., Inc. dated September 4, 1962, in the amount of $22,721.67. Roll call. All ayes: Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. The City Manager presented the Council with Final Progress Payment #3 to B & B Plumbing and Heating for the waterline relocation in connection with LID 156. He stated that the work on this phase was complete and it was his recommendation that the City Council accept the work and authorize payment due B & B Plumbing & Heating Co. Councilman Rice moved and Councilman Strom seconded that the City Manager's recommendation be accepted and Final Progress Payment #3 in the amount of $1,267.66 be paid B & B Plumbing & Heating Co. Roll call. Ayes: Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, Russell. Neyes: Hopke. Motion carried. In the absence of Chairman Ford, Mayor McDugle appointed Councilman Rice to serve on the Finance Committee. The Claims against the City for the last half of August, 1962, were read to the Council and upon hearing no objections, the Mayor referred them to the Finance Committee. Upon favorable report by the Finance Committee, a motion was made by Councilman Rice and seconded by Councilman Peck, that the claims be allowed and warrants be drawn in favor of same. Roll call. A11 ayes: Hopke, Rice, NeDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. The City Manager reported to the Council that at the inception of the C ity's participation in the Statewide City Employees Retirement System, Marvin Beebe's prior service had been incorrectly stated as 16 years, 9 months, 6 days. He stated that it should have been 14 years, and 279 days. Councilman Strom moved and Councilman Peck seconded that the prior service be ammended to 14 years, and 279 days for Marvin Beebe. Roll call. All ayes: Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. The City Manager reported to the Council that the PoliceMDepartment had re- ceived their All American shoulder patch insignias, and further stated he was desirous of procuring decals for all City vehicles. Mayor McDugle stated that there would be a study meeting on September 11. A discussion then followed regarding the area of 41st Street near the Mount Erie School regarding the possibility of widening the existing roadway. Council- man Strom moved and Councilman Peck seconded that the Mayor be instructed to notify the affected property owners, namely, Mr. Merrifield, Mr. Dimmick, Mr. Michal, and Mr. Lee, and request their attendance at a Council study meeting to discuss this matter at length. Roll call. All ayes: Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carded. The City Attorney reported to the Council that it was his recommendation that the Mayor advertise for a new Manager as soon as possible. Councilman Strom moved and Councilman Rice seconded an advertisement for City Manager and City Engineer, or able to secure a registration in the State of Washington, be issued to Western City Magazine and the International City Managers' Association. Councilman Strom amended his motion to state that in the advertisement, experience as Manager, would be a requirement. Councilman Rice concurred on the ammendment. Roll call on the ammendment. All ayes: Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, Russell. Motion carried Roll call on the motion. All ayes: Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, Russell. Motion carried. 207 September 42 19622 continued Councilman Strom then stated that he wished to publicly express his gratitude to the City Manager for the excellent and efficient way he had administered his duties as City Manager during his term of office. He further stated that in no way had the Manager tried to direct the Council. Attorney Wells stated that the com- munity had improved during Mr. Frenchis term with the City and through his efforts, the City was being run as efficiently and economically as arw City of this size could be run. The members of the audience gave the City Manager a rousing ovation. Councilman Rice moved and Councilman Strom seconded that the City Manager be allowed three weeks terminal vacation, to be effective October 3. Roll call. A11 ayes: Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. A discussion then followed on the possibility of submitting to the voters the proposed addition of fluoride to the water supply. Councilman Strom stated that the Council had previously voted unanimously to add fluoride to the water. He further stated that the equipment to do this had been ordered and he was of the opinion that the'Council should stand by their convictions and he was unalterably opposed to putting this issue on the ballot. The City Manager stated that he had received the approval of the State Department of Health to install the equipment and to add fluoride to the water supply. Councilman Peb.k moved and Councilman Hopke seconded that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance submitting the pro- posal of adding fluoride to the water supply for the next Council meeting. Roll call. Ayes: Hopke, McDugle, Peck, Russell. Nayes: Rice, Strom. Motion carried. A discussion then followed regarding the possibility of submitting the pro- posed dog leash law to the voters. Councilman Peck moved and Councilman Hopke seconded that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance submitting the proposal of a dog leash law for the next Council meeting. A discussion fol- lowed and Councilman Strom reviewed for the members of the Council, the thinking of past Councils on the problem of dogs running at large in the City. Attorney Wells pointed out to the members of the Council that there should be three separate propositions submitted in the ordinance that being 1. no dog leash law. q. a leash law for the summer months 3. an all year leash law. Councilman Peck moved and Councilman Russell seconded that the Attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance submitting the three propositions regarding the dog leash law for the next Council meeting. Roll call. Ayes: Hopke, McDugle, Peck, Russell. Nayes: Rice, Strom. Motion carried. Councilman Hopke moved and Councilman Peck seconded that the meeting be ad- journed at 9:55 p.m. Signed Rq 0-0 o c le , Mayor 71/_Attest ane rho , ity lerk September 18, 1962 A regular meeting of the City Council for the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor McDugle presiding. Invocation was presented by Dr. C. R. Pinson Roll call. Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, & Russell. The minutes of the previous meeting were considered and after hearing no alterations or corrections, Councilman Rice moved and Councilman Strom seconded that due to the fact that each Councilman has a copy for study and that copies were available at the City Clerk's Office upon request, the minutes be approved as read. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, Russell. Motion carried. Being there was no one in the audience who wished to speak for the good of the City, Councilman Ford requested permission for Mayor McDugle to speak as a citizen. Councilman Ford then gave the following statements 208 September 18, 1962, continued ►7C Conditions in the affairs of Anacortes, by my and marry other peoples' standards, have reached a point which requires a review of what is happening. In the last four years - up to the municipal election of this year - the City of Anacortes had made progress beyond amy previous siinilar period in its history. Streets were paved, City services were extended and improved, departmental equipment was augmented, more efficient people and methods were employeed, water facilities were extended and improved, the financial condition of the City was almost unbelievably improved, and material purchasing and labor and services were placed beyond the reach of political influence. In contrast to this accomplishment, let's review what has happened since the municipal elections earlier this year. 1. Some folks don't seem to realize the election is over. The same old worn-out issues are still being belabored. For example, "the last administration was crooked." If anyone on or off this Council bears any person say the previous administration was crooked, and is willing to stand as a witness, I shall take legal action against the person making the statement. 2. The Council is indecisive. Several important appointments remain unfilled. Other decisions are delayed. 3. The Council reverses itself. In one instance Council members voted "yes" and "no" within one minute:on the same issue. 4. Only one program of important significance to Ansoortes has been planned or completed, and certain Councilmen have since grumbled that even this should not have been done. 5. Because of actions,.attitudes or unjustified harassment, key people of competence in the administration have resigned. I happen to know that other competent people are either looking for other employment or considering resignation. 6. In my opinion, competitive and competent people will hesitate to apply for key jobs in our City under the present conditions. 7. This Council has no definite policy or program. Neither the Council nor the citizens of Anacortes know what the City is doing or will do from one meeting to the next: Such conditions cannot continue and produce a progressive City. So, I respectfully suggest that: 1. Petty, personal bickering be eliminated from this Council. 2. We agree that the Council floor is not a forum for emotional, personal, or insignificant issues. Our time should be spent in orderly and serious handling of routine city business and in planning and im- plem6nting a program for continuing progress in"Anacortes. 3. The leadership, originality, dignity and ability which Anacortes' people have a right to expect from us should be demonstrated. Mayor McDugle then presented the Council with a program which the City of Puyallup adopted, which is in his opinion a very workable plan. The plan is as follows: The following departments have been created fro the administrative management of the City of Puyallup: 1. Department of Finance:This department has been created to provide a central control over the accounting, disbursing, auditing, and other fiscal affairs of the City. The units to be combined in this department area 209 September 18, 1962, continued 1. City Clerk 2. City Treasurer 3. Deputy City Clerk and Treasurer 4. Billing and Bookkeeping Operations 5. Elections Supervision and control of this department is under the immediate direction of a Director of ?Finance. The City Clerk is hereby designated as the Director of Finance. 2. Department of Law: This department is established for the administration of the legal affairs of the City. The units to be combined in this department are: 1. City Attorney 2. Police Judge Supervision of this department will remain under the supervision of the City Manager. 3. De artment of Safet : This department is established to protect the life and property of citizens and of all persons within the City. Units to be combined in this department are: 1. Police Chief and Officers 2. Fire Chief and Officers 3. Office of Civil Defense Supervision of this department will remain under the direction of the City Manager. 4. Departtent of Public Works: This department will administer all City busi- ness relating to public improvements and those services which require the application of engineering skills. The units to be combined in this depart- ment are those of" 1. Municipal Engineering 2. Street and Alley Construction and Maintenance 3. Storm and sanitary sewer construction and maintenance 4. Automotive Maintenance 5. Waterworks 6. Sewage Treatment Supervision and control of this department will be under the immediate direction of a Director of Public Works. The City Engineer is hereby designated as the Director of Public Works. 5. Department of Public Services:This department is created to provide for e health and welfare an recreational activities of the citizens of Puyallup. The units combined in this department are: 1. Parks and Recreational 2. Health 3. Building Inspection 4. Cemetery Supervision of this department will remain under the direction of the City Manager. Monthly reports and work orders will be submitted to the appropriate director will in turn submit them to the City Manager. Regarding the letter to the Council Mr. Mr. Eldon Baker, Councilman Peck moved and Councilman Hopke seconded that the letter be placed on fild.. Roll call. Ayes: Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, and Russell. Nayes: Ford, Strom. Motion carried. The Clerk read excerpts from the Park Board Meeting of September 7, 1962, regarding the proposed Lions Club project for Little Cranberry Park. The minutes stated that the Park Board recommended to the City Council the acceptance of the .19 1 '1.1i September 18, 1962 continued Lions' Club proposal subject to the transfer of property from the Water Department to the Park Department and subject to the Lions Club providing adequate sanitary facilities appropriate to the area, in addition to other provisions of their plan., The Mayor referred it to a stud session. Mayor McDugle read a proposed resolution putting the proposition of adding fluoride to the water to the Council. Councilman Peck moved andCouncilman Hopke seconded that the resolution be adopted and the Clerk be instructed to send a notice to the County Auditor and prepare ballots to be issued at the November 6 election. Roll call. Ayes: Hopke, McDugle, Peck, Russell. Nayes: Rice, Strom; Present: Ford. Motion carried. Councilman Strom then stated that he felt that due to the fact that the Council' had already gone -on record as being for this proposition and the equipment had been ordered and was presently being installed, he felt that the Council's stand should not be reversed and that this matter should not go up to the people. A lengthy discussion followed in which Councilman Hopke stated that he had felt that at the time the new Council members had been seated, this proposal had been put up to the Council, which is to add fluoride to the water. He stated he felt that it was unfair to have t&is done in this manner, and that it would have been his recommendation that the old Council would have voted to add the fluoride to the water. Councilman Strom explained to Councilman Hopke that members of the old Council were practical politicians and he had been assured that they would have gone along with the plan. However, being an election was in the offing, there had been no action taken. The City Manager read the proposed proposition of dog control on the ballot. The order was as follows: 1. dog control from April 1 to September 1. 2. dog control year around. 3. dog control no. Councilman Russell moved that this measure be put on the ballot and the resolution be passed. The motion died for lack of a second. A discussion then followed regarding how the vote would count, if dog control would count more insome form than dog control no. Then various interested people in the audience spoke regarding the proposition. Councilman Ford moved that the reslution be passed providing that it be stated at this time that some form of dog control by the voters be counted double to those against. The motion died for lack of a second. A discussion further followed regarding the fact of the emergency involved for putting it on the ballot at this time. Councilman Rice moved and Councilman Ford seconded that the resolution be held absence until the March election. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. The claims against the City for the first half of September, 1962, were read to the Council and upon hearing no objections, the Mayor referred them to the Finance Committee. Upon favorable report by the Fina reface Committee, a motion was made by Councilman Rice and seconded by Councilman Ford that the claims be allowed and warrants be drawn in favor of same. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. The City Manager presented the Council with Progress Payment to Associated Sand & Gravel in the amount of $199 311.20. This is the Final Progress Payment except for the 15% retained. He stated that he had inspected the work to date and it was his recommendation that this be paid due to the fact that it was owing the Contractor as of this date. He further stated that the work was complete and it was his recommendation that the City accept the job as completed. Councilman Ford moved and Councilman Rice seconded that interest bearing warrants dated September 18, 1962, bearing interest at a rate of 4.40% be issued Grande & Co. Inc. to pay Final Progress Payment due to Associated Sand & Gravel Co. in the amount of $19,111.40 and the project be accepted as complete. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carded. The City Manager requested permission of the Council to change the hearing dates for Local Improvement District #157 from October 2, to October 16, 1962. Councilman Hopke moved and Councilman Peck seconded that the date of October 16, 19629 be set as the Final Hearing date on Local Improvement District #157, and authorize the Clerk to notify the affected property owners and publish same. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. 1 1 I 211 September 18, 1962 continued The City Manager reported to the Council that at the present the City Engine- ering Department was preparing the designs for the Hillcrest water transmission line and they would be done in the near future. He requested permission to can for bids on approximately 1,500 feet of 16" water line at an estimated cost of $25,000.00. Councilman Rice moved and Councilman Strom seconded that the request of the City Manager be accepted and he be instructed to call for bids on the 16" water transmission line. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. The City Manager reported to the Council that as they had requested at the last study meeting, he had contacted the Consulting Engineering Firm of Stevens & Thompson regarding the possibility of securing a City Engineer and a Water Super- intendent on a temporary basis. He reported that Stevens & Thompson had agreed to have a man in Anacortes to assume these duties at the following figures: Salaries'- $725.00 per month,. Direct overhead charges on labor - 40% making a total of $290.00, lodging in subsistence based on actual costs incurred but not to exceed $450.00 per month, Maximum total per month $1,455.00. Mr. French further noted that in addition to this the City will have to furnish transportation for the Consultant here. Mr. French also reported to the Council that this was indeed a reasonable figure due to the fact that normally consultants charge 100% of the overhead. Councilman Peck reported that he had been in contact with Mr. Le Gro, a civil engineer, in Mount Vernon, and that Mr. Le Gro was indeed desirous of discussing the possibility of being retained by the City of Anacortes on a Consultant basis for the amount of approximately $300.00 - $400.00 per month. Mr. Peck further moved that the Mayor appoint a committee to contact Mr. Le Gro. A discussion followed :;with former Mayor Pinson speaking from the audience and stating to the Mayor to keep in mind the fact that not only was the City of Anacortes involved, but also large industry such as Shell Oil Refinery, Texaco Refinery, Ault Navy Base, and the City of La Conner. It was explained by Mr. French that not only was engineering involved, but the Water Superintendent had to be on call seven days a week. He further stated that it was his recommendation that a man be hired as soon as possible due to the fact that familiarity would have to be established by., whoever takes his place. After a further discussion Councilman Hopke moved and Councilman Strom seconded that the consultants mentioned in the agreement with Mr. Chrles of Stevens & Thompson be retained as a Water Superintendent and Engineer at an amount not to exceed $1,4500.00 a month and that it would be on a temporary basis. Roll call. Ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, Strom, & Russell. Hayes; McDugle, and Peck, Motion carried. The City Manager reported to the Council that he had only two more weekbre- maining on the job and he hoped for a replacement to work with to appraise them of the marW duties and problems facing the City of Anacortes and its Manager. He requested an answer from the Council regarding the position of City Treasurer, whether or not the Council wished him to advertise for applications for City Treasurer or if they wished him to appoint someone for this position. He further stated that it had been determined that there would have been'a conflict of interests regarding the Manager of either one of the local banks to asume the duties of the City Treasurer. Councilman Hopke stated that he had been apprised of the fact that it was legal for the Clerk to be also a City Treasurer and that he would move that the City Clerk be appointed City Treasurer. The City Clerk stated to Councilman Hopke that she was terminating her position as Deputy Treasurer effective October 2, and did not wish to be appointed City Treasurer for The City of Anacortes. A discussion then followed regarding the possibility of appointing someone who is presently employeed in the office as temporary City Treasurer, and after a discussion Councilman Rice moved and Councilman Ford seconded the City Manager be instructed to contact the Certified Public Accountants of the City of Anacortes, to whether or not they would consider being City Treasurer on a temporary basis. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. A lengthy discussion then followed regarding Mr. French's resignation. Coun- cilman Hopke stated that at the time a discussion of the salary of the City Manager he had in no way hoped for Mr. French's resignation. A discussion of the Assis- tant Engineer followed and the City Manager reported to the Council that the .As&istant Engineer had not applied for other employment until after the last municipal election. Mr. French further stated that the actions and performance of certain members of theCouncil make it undesirable to continue as the City Manager of the City of Anacortes and this was the principal consideration in making the decision to leave. The turmoil that now exists will discourage many of the better qualified prospective applicants from accepting employment with the City of Anacortes. 22 September 18, 1962, continued �+ The Mayor then requested the City Clerk to read a letter from an applicant for the position of City Clerk from Blaine from a Mr. Paul Andros. The letter was ordered placed on file. Councilman Strom stated that as of the present no decision had been reached as to the appointment of a Manager-Pro-Tem. Councilman Hopke moved and Councilman Peck moved that the meeting be ad- journed at 9:55 p.m. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, MdDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. n Signed Don H. McDugle, Mayor d Attest ane rholm, CUy Clerk - October 1, 1962 Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor McDugle presiding. There being no quorum, Mayor McDugle declared the meeting adjourned until 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, October 2, 1962. October 2, 1962 Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor McDugle presiding. Invocation was presented by Reverend Barfoot. Roll call. Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. The minutes of the previous meeting were considered and after hearing no alterations or corrections, Councilman Rice moved and Councilman Hopke seconded that due to the fact that each Councilman has a copy for study and that copies were available at the City Clerk's Office upon request, the minutes be approved as if read. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. The City Attorney then presented the proposed 1963 annual budget to the Council for their consideration. Councilman Ford moved and Councilman Rice seconded that the budget as presented be adopted and given Ordinance No. 1323, and Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and publish same. Ro]1 call. All ayes: For4, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. The City Attorney presented the Council with an ordinance setting forth -the millage levy for the year of 1963. Councilman Rice moved and Councilman Peck seconded that.the ordinance be adopted and given No. 1324 and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and publish same. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. The Clerk read a letter from Mr. Harold Sherman, representing Marine Asphalt Co. requesting permission to install on Mount Erie, an antenna for six two-way radios. The letter requested a five year lease for the property on Mr. Erie and they would agree to pay a modest fee. Mayor McDugle referred the matter to the next study meeting. The City Attorney presented the Council with an ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 1240 for the City of Anacortes, which had consolidated the duties of theCity Treasurer and City Manager. Councilman Ford moved and Councilman Rice seconded that the Ordinance be adopted and given No. 1325 and the Mayor and Clerk be autho- rized to sign and publish same. Roll call. Ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Strain, and Russell. Nayes: Peck. Motion carried. The City Attorney presented the Council with a resolution naming the present City Clerk Manager Pro-Tem. Councilman Ford moved and Councilman Rice seconded that the resolution be adopted. Roll can. Ayes: Ford, Rice, Strom, and Russell. Nayes: Hopke, McDugle, and Peck. Motion carried. 21 October 2, 1962 continued 1 1 prepared nAtPirorjllagieretoorbadTemporary Yager per3ntandent an3l6itynEngineer. Councilman Rice moved and Councilman Strom seconded that the resolution be read. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. The City Attorney then read the resolution naming Mr. William Gallagher as Temporary Water Superintendent and City Engineer. Councilman Ford moved and Councilman Peck seconded that the resolution be adopted and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. LThe City Attorney then presented the Council with a resolution naming Mrs. Mildred C. Bryant as the Temporary City Treasurer of the City of Anacortes. Councilman Rice moved and Councilman Peck seconded that the resolution be adopted and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peek, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. The City Attorney then read an ordinance ammending Section I of Ordinance No. 1313, setting forth the salaries of certain appointed officials of the City. Councilman Ford moved and Councilman Strom seconded that the Ordinance be adopted and given No. 1326 and the MayorApffid Clerk be authorized to sign. Roll call. Ayes: Ford, Rice, McDugle, Strom, and Russell. Nayes: Hopke, Peck. Motion carried. The City Attorney presented the Council with a proposed emergency ordinance making provisions for salaries for the City Manager Pro-Tem, and the Acting Water Superintendent and City Engineer, and the City Treasurer. Councilman Rice moved and Councilman Hopke seconded that the hearing date on the Ordinance be set for October 16, 1962, and the Clerk be instructed to publish same. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. The City Attorney reported to the Council that as instructed he was herewith presenting his opinion as to the liability of the City regarding the trees on Park property in relation to the Skyline Airport. The opinion Ls as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: You have requested rV written opinion as to the liability of the City of Anacortes in the event -.of the collision of aircraft approaching or leaving Skyline Airport with trees near the northwesterly and of said airport which are on property owned by the City and which exceed the 20 to 1 approach plane. Before Skyline Airport was approved, the Planning Commission required the submission of a number of maps and diagrams which located the centerline and terminii of the runway with considerable certainty. During the proceedings, the Planning Commission viewed the northerly approaches to the field and discussed the topping of certain trees on property owned by Skyline and by the City. Tentative designation of the trees concerned were made. Based on these discussions, the Planning Commission recommended the approval and zoning of Skyline Airfield to the Council, and thereafter the Council passed the appropriate ordinance. Section 8-7.14.2 of the Code, relating to Airfield Zoning Map, states in part, "The Airfield Zoning Map approach Zones A and B shall bear a 20 to 1 ratio of incline, beginning at the end of the runway." Section 8-7.14.3 states, "The height of any and all buildings, structures and all natural growths shall be limited to district requirements ... and shall further alimited and kept belo* the incline restrictions..." (underlining supplied). ec ion - a es "These permitted use-s-Mall. be subject to all state and federal regulations and requirements of the State of Washington and Federal Government and their official subdivisions regulating aircraft and airfields." Letter from Abbott, Lant & Fleeson, attorneys representing Skyline, states that the Director of Aeronautics has indicated that certain trees in the park near the northwest end of the runway of the airstrip may constitute a hazard to planes... and should be topped or removed. In letter from the Washington State Aeronautics Commission addressed to Skyline, dated September 28, 1962, it was stated that a recent inspection of the Skyline Airport had revealed that the trees at the northwest end of the airstrip were not removed, topped or marked, and further in- dicated, "The trees exceed the criteria as defined in State standards for ob- struction to aerial navigation." Mills vs. Orcas Power & Light Co., 56 Wash 2nd 807 is the first case in Washington which recognized navigable air space and the right of planes to fly the same without becoming automatic trespassers of land adjoining airfields. This case also held that while the owners of an airfield had the primary responsibility, the owners of the adjacent land, once they were notified of the fact that there existed 2414 � x 0#ober 2, 1962 continued �+ D;;' on their lands a condition dangerous to users of the navigable air spece, had secondary responsibility to remove or properly mak-k such hazard. City vs. Tucker, an Iowa case decided in 1936, while not entirely in point, has held that trees on land adjoining an airfield obstructing air traffic and constituting a hazard thereto, were a nuisance, and the landowner could be enjoined from maintaining the same. "Obstruction, Marking and Lighting", a booklet put out by the Washington State Aeronautics Commission, W. A. Gebinini, Director, provides on Page 18 for the lighting of trees where found to be an obstruction to a lighted airfield. While Skyline is not a lighted airport, this does indicate the concern of the Aero- nautics Commission for the existence of obstructing trees. Under the circumstances, if the City had not been a party to the creation of the airport, and was not the owner of the adjoining property, there would not seem to exist the problem we have before us. The attorneys for Skyline have definitely put the City on notice of the existence of a hazard which, while it is Skyline's primary duty to remove, they cannot, without the consent and approval of the Council, carry out this responsibility. On the premise that the City knew of the existence of trees in the Park at the time of zoning for the airport which exceeded the 20 to 1 ratio of incline for the end of the airstrip fixed by map furnished the Planning Commission, and on the premise that it was tentatively agreed those trees would be topped or re- moved, based on the understanding that the ordinance required the limitation of natural growths and the observance of state requirements and the fact that the Director of Aeronautics has indicated that the trees may constitute a hazard, it is my considered opinion, subject to various defenses which the City could present, that the City might be liable under the circumstances posed by the request given me. There is certainly no guarantee against the Cityls being made a defendant in any lawsuit involving accident as a result of the trees existing above the 20 to 1 ratio of the incline. I would recommend the topping of the offending trees. Yours respectfully, City Attorney Wells Mr. H. Stuart Litzsinger, Vice President of Skyline on Burrows Bay Inc. pre- sented a letter to the Council stating Skyline's position on the trees. Mayor McDugle read the letter, which is as follows: City Councilmen City of Anacortes Gentlemen: At the time of Skyline's request for the creation of a Laning Field District for an airstrip the matter was investigated quite thoroughly. There was one%major factor of concern to the Planning Commission; the matter of high poles and trees on the NW end of the proposed runway. The Federal Aviation Agency and the State of Washington Board of Aeronautics were contacted for comments and recommendations. Both agencies recommended that for the safe operation of the proposed airstrip, the hazards on the NW end should be removed. Based on this recommendation the request for rezoning was presented by the Planning Commission to the City Council with the agreement that steps would be taken to remove the hazards. Skyline was to have the power and telephone lines rerouted and the City would top or remove the necessary trees. This is also in compliance with the Anacortes Zoning Ordin- ance which states, in part, "The height of any and all buildings, structures, and all natural growths shall be limited to district requirements as established in the Zoning Ordinance for the various land use districts hersinabove set forth and shall further be limited and shall be kept below the incline restrictions designating the safe angle or glide for airplanes approaching and leaving the field of the airport, as set forth on the Airfield Zoning Map hereinabove referred to and in accordance with the incline ratios herein established." 215 October 2, 1962, continued Construction of the airstrip has been completed and the entire strip 300, x 2000, has been fertilized and seeded.The power poles and wires and the telephone lines has been removed. The only hazards remaining are the high trees. The State Board of Aeronautics inspected the partially completed runway on 7/13/62 and recommended that the poles and wires be rerouted or marked and that the trees be removed from the NW and of the airstrip. Mr. Gebenini, the Director of the Aeronautics for Washington, also informed us of the possible liability connected with an accident involving hazards to a safe landing approach. He cited an accident on Orcas Island where judgement was rendered against the owner of the airstrip and the owner of the hazard. Following the rerouting of the poles and wires a reinspection was made by the State. The report of this second inspection emphasises the fact that the trees have not been removed as originally suggested and stated, "It is therefore again recommended that you take the necessary action to comply with this recommendation to establish a clear zone for aerial navigation to and from the Skyline Airport." Skyline is interested primarily in the safety of the pilots using our airstrip. We are also interested in making the airstrip an asset to Anacortes and lastly we are interested in protecting our stockholders investment. For thesd reasons we have requested permission to top or remove the trees constituting the hazard. We feel that in doing so we have exhausted all reasonable means within our control to eliminate the remaining hazard. Further, if our request is denied, or delayed, we feel that until such time as the offending trees are topped or removed, the City of Anacortes is accepting full responsibility for any accident involving the trees. Sincerely, H. Stuart Litzsinger Vice President - Skyline Airport A further discussion followed with Councilman Hopke stating that he was of the opinion that the Council as a group go out together and look over the project before any action was taken. Councilman Strom stated that the City would be liable if there were any accidents involved while said trees were standing. He further stated that he was convinced that there was a great hazard involved and after a further discussion, Councilman Ford moved and Councilman Bice seconded that the trees be removed or topped as required to guard the City against being liable re- garding this Skyline Airstrip. Roll call. Ayes: Ford, Rice, McDugle, Strom, and Russell. Nayes: Hopke. Abstain: Peck. Motion carried. The claims against the City for the second half of September, 1962, were read to the Council and upon hearing no objections. the Mayor referred them to the Finance Committee. Upon favorable report by the Finance Committee, a motion was made by Councilman Ford and seconded by Councilman Pecic, that the claims be allowed and warrants be drawn in favor of same. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. The City Manager reported to the Council that due to the fact that Local Improvement District No. 156 was complete, it was his recommendation that the hearing date of Novem*er 20, 1962, be set for the final assessment on Local Improvement District No. 156. Councilman Rice moved and Councilman Strom seconded the recommendation of the City Manager be accepted and the date of November 20, 19622 be set as the final hearing date for Local Improvement District No. 156. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, Russell. Motion carried. The City Manager reported to the Council that he had been in contact with a Consulting Engineering Firm of Cornell, Howland, Hayes, & Merryfield, regarding the possibility of getting federal matching funds for the Sewer Treatment Plant. He further stated that a representative of the firm desired a meeting with the Council and he would have a representative of the firm at the next Council meeting of October 16, 1962, to discuss this matter further. Councilman Ford then commended the City Manager for his devotion to his duties during the four years he has been Manager of the City of Anacortes, and stated that he was expressing the opinion of the majority of the Council in thanking him for a job well done. The City Manager thanked the people attending the meeting for showing a great interest in local government and commended the past Council on their forward thinking attitude. Mayor McDugle declared the meeting adjourned at 8:45 p. . Signed G gn t " "1 ; Attest A 4;Q49ra'.on c ug e, Mayor Diskyle o , itter 216 October 16, 1962 X Meeting was called to order at ,7:30 p.m. with Mayor McDugle presiding. Roll call. Ford, Hoppe, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. The minutes of the previous meeting were considered and after hearing no alterations or corrections, Councilman Rice moved and Councilman Peck seconded that due to the fact that copies were available at the City Clerk's Office upon request, the minutes be approved as if read. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. Mayor McDugle then declared the Final Hearing on assessment roll for Local Improvement District No. 157 open. The property description is as follows: The improvem ent of V Avenue from the south line of 6th Street to a point 35 feet south of the south line of 1st St.; 3rd St. from the east line of V Avenue to Pagoda Place; Pagoda Place from 3rd St. to East Park Drive to the north line of 5th St.; 5th St. from the meander line to the east line of V Avenue; 2nd St. from the west line of V Avenue to the east line of U Avenue; U Avenue from the meander line to the north line of 4th St.; diagonal road leading from the south line of 6th St. and V Avenue to the south line of 7th St.; W Avenue across Block 19 of Bowman's Central Ship Harbor Water Front Plat; and W Avenue from the south line of 7th St. to the center line of the alley in Block 35 of Bowman's Central Ship Harbor Water Front Plat; thence easter2yalong 9th St. and southerly and easterly through vacated blocks of said plat on existing gravel road to and through the loop at the out -look point of Cap Sante City Park. Dr. L. E. Nicholson of 201 V Avenue spoke to the Council and stated that he had on file with the City Clerk;a letter protesting the assessment for fifty-three (53) feet of street not paved at the north end of V Avenue south of the point described as thirty-five (35) feet south of the south line of 1st Street. Mr. William Henderson of the City Engineering Department explained to Dr. Nicholson why the project had been changed. He further stated that at the time of the preliminary assessment roll, it had been planned to pave the area in question, but during the actual construction, it had been decided to landscape the area and not to pave. After a further discussion, Councilman Ford moved and Council- man Rice seconded that part of the assessment district be held in abeyance and discussed at a later date. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. Mr. Willard Evans spoke to the Council requesting additional information on the amount of feet involved in an intersection. It was explained to Mr. Evans that due to the topography Involved in the area that this project was unique from other Local Improvement Districts. There being no further ques- tions, Mayor McDugle declared the hearing on the Final assessment roll for Local Improvement District No. 157 closed. The City Attorney then presented to the Council the second reading on the proposed emergency ordinance setting forth salaries for Water Superintendent — City Engineer, City Manager, and City Treasurer. Councilman Ford moved and Councilman Rice seconded the ordinance be adopted and given No. 1327, and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and publish same. Roll call. All ayess Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. Mayor McDugle then called upon Mr. Ralph Roderick of Cornell, Howland, Hayes, and Merryfield, Consulting Engineers, who presented the Council with a preliminary study of the Sewer Treatment facilities. Mr. Roderick gave a detailed description of the preliminary study. It was discussed that the total estimated amount of expenditure would be $263,000.00 of which 50% of this would be provided for by the City and 50% to be paid by the government. After a discussion, Councilman Ford moved and Councilman Peck seconded that the City proceed with applying for federal funds and to go ahead with this project. Roll call. An ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. Then, after a further:,discussion,,Councilman Ford moved and Councilman Strom seconded that the City accept the report of the preliminary study of the Sewer Treatment facilities as presented by Cornell, Howland, Hayes, and Merryfield. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. 1 1 1 217 October 16, 1962, continued The City Attorney presented the Council with a proposed ordinance ap- propriating the 1963 revenues of the City of Anacortes in various departments of the City. Councilman Rice moved and Councilman Peck seconded that the or- dinance be adopted, and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. Mayor McDugle then called upon Wilfred Amble, representative of the Stevens & Thompson Consulting Engineers, who discussed the possibility of ap- plying for Federal funds to replace certain transmisdion and distribution lines in the City. Mr. Amble further stated that it would be his recommendation that Mr. William F. Gallagher, Water Superintendent and City Engineer, be named as the City's representative to make application for federal funds. Councilman Peck moved and Councilman Hopke seconded that Mr. William F. Gallagher be named the representative of the City of Anacortes to apply for federal funds. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, Russell. Motion carried. The City Attorney then read a proposed resolution naming Mr. Gallagher as the representative of the City and Councilman Ford moved and Councilman Rice seconded that the resolution be adopted and given number 53, and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. The claims against the City for the first half of October, 1962, were read to the Council and upon hearing no objections, the Mayor referred them to the Finance Committee. Upon favorable report by the Finance Committee, a motion was made by Councilman Rice and seconded by Councilman Peck that the claims be allowed and warrants be drawn in favor of same. Roll call. All ayes: Ford. Hooke. Rice. McDuele. Peck. Strom. and Russell: %'") e- The City Manager requested permission to call for bids on a grader for the Street Department. Councilman Russell moved and Councilman Ford seconded that the recommendation of the City Manager be accepted and the City Manager be authorized to call for bids for a grader for the Street Department. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, MoDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. Councilman Peck moved and Councilman Ford seconded that the City Council hold a special meeting on Friday, October 19, 19629 at 7:30 p.m. within the Council Chambers of the City Hall, at which time the resolution for the ap- plication for federal funds would be discussed and the final assessment hearing on Local Improvement District No. 157 would be considered. Mayor McDugle declared the meeting adjourned a Signed Don H. McDugl*, Mhybr Attest op D ne rho , i y ler October 19, 1962 Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor McDugle presiding. Roll call. Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, and Strom. The City Attorney explained to transpired between himself, the Cit y The City Engineer gave a comprehensive report on the problem involved. A lengthy discussion followed with Dr. Nicholson expressing his opinion, that he felt his property had not been benefited by the way the area had been improved, and he further reminded the Council that he had a large a.sessment to begin with, and he wanted it to be done as agreed upon. He suggested the City pave the complete area now. The City Attorney told him it was im- possible at this time. Mr. Wells further stated that there was in his opinion, a benefit involved and that it was his recommendation that if the Council wished to make an adjustment, they should do so at this time. However, he felt that there had been an asset to Dr. Nicholson. Mr. Gallagher concurred on this opinion. A further discussion followed, and Councilman Peck moved 91S October 19, 1962, continued and Councilman Strom seconded that Dr. Nicholson's assessment be reduced in the amount of $166.22 and this amount be applied to the City's assessment due to the fact that by the improvement to the street end as it now stands, made the area somewhat like a park. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, and Strom. Motion carried. The City Attorney then presented the Council with an ordinance confirming Local Improvement District No. 157 assessment roll with the exception of Dr. Nicholson's assessment. Councilman Rice moved and Councilman Peck seconded that the ordinance be adopted and given No. 1329 and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, and Strom. Motion carried. Mr. Wilfred Amble, representing Stevens & Thompson, presented the Council with the application for federal funds to replace certain lines in the water distribution system,. in the amount of $4140,000.00. Councilman Strom moved and Councilman Peck seconded that the resolution be adopted providing for increase in planned expenditures for capital improvement and be given No. 54 and the Mayor and (Clerk be authorized to sign. Bbll call. A11 ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, and Strom. Motion carried. The City Manager then requested that an agreement between the City of Anacortes and Stevens & Thompson to do the engineering on the project providing . federal funds become available be considered at this time. The City Attorney presented the proposed contract and Councilman Strom moved and Councilman Rice seconded that the contract for engineering services between the City of Anacortes and Stevens & Thompson be accepted providing federal funds are available. Roll call. A11 ayes: For4, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, and Strom. Motion carried. Mr. James Poirot, representative of Cornell, Howland, Hayes, & Merryfield, presented the application for public assistance for the Sewage Treatment Plant in the amount of $263,121.16. Councilman Rice moved and Councilman Peck seconded that the application be accepted, providing the City Attorney gave his recommendation to the acceptance as to the form herein presented. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, and Strom. Motion carried. The City Attorney then presented the Council with a proposed resolution authorizing the application and naming Mr. William F. Gallagher, City Engineer, be made the representative of the City of Anacortes to apply for the federal funds. Councilman Rice moved and Councilman Strom seconded that the resolution be adopted and given No. 55 and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom. Motion carried. The City Attorney then presented the resolution providing for an increase in planned public expenditures on Local Improvement projects. Councilman Peck moved and Councilman Strom seconded that the resolution be adopted and given No. 56 and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign. Roll call. A11 ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, and Strom. Motion carried. The City Council then discussed the possibility of adopting an engineering contract with Cornell, Howland, Hayes, & Merryfield to be the project engineers for the construction of the proposed Sewage Treatment Plant in the event that federal funds are available. The forms were presented to the City Attorney for his recommendation at a later meeting. Councilmn Peck moved and Councilman Ford seconded that Mr. Earl Diller be named City Manager to the City of Anacor�es, for the salary of $760.00 per month, starting November 1, 1962. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, and Strom. Motion carried. Mayor McDugle declared the meeting adjo at 9s05 p.m. Signed Doh H. McDuglb, Mayor Attest ro1m, Gity Clerk 1 1 1 November 6, 1962 Meeting was called to order with Mayor McDugle presiding at 7:30 p.m. 219 Invocation was presented by Reverend Stanford, of the First Southern Baptist. Roll call. Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. The minutes of the previous meeting were considered and after hearing no alter- ations or corrections, Councilman Rice moved and Councilman Peck seconded that due to the fact that each Councilman has a copy for study and that copies were availbble at the City Clerks office upon request, the minutes be approved as if read. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. The City Attorney then presented the Council with a resolution naming Mr. Earl Diller as City Manager. Councilman Peck moved and Councilman Rice seconded that the resolution be adopted and given No. 57 and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign. Roll call.,, All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. The City Attorney then presented the Council with an ordinance amending Section I of Ordinance No 1326 in relation to the City Manager's salary. Councilman Rice moved and Councilman Peck seconded that the Ordinance be adopted and given No. 1330 and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to,sign and publish same. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. The City Manager reported to the Council that bids received for the Hillcrest water line replacement were opened at-.2:00 p.m., Monday, November 5, 1962. The bids received are as follows: B & B Plumbing & Heating . $14 377.40 L. A. Hendricks Construction Co. 18,221.00 Dickinson Heating, Sheet Metal, & Plumbing, Inc. 19,575.85 A discussion followed and the City Engineer explained further the specifications on the Hillcrest water line replacement. Councilman Ford moved and Councilman Peck seconded that the bid from B & B Plumbing & Heating be accepted. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. The bid for the Motor Grader for the Street Department was then discussed. As there was only one bid from N. C. Machinery Co. from Mount Vernon, Councilman Russell moved and Councilman Rice seconded that the bid from N. C. Machinery Co. be accepted. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. A further discussion followed concerning the retained percentage and mis- cellaneous costs from Marine Asphalt Co. in relation to Local Improvement District No. 157. Councilman Ford moved and Councilman Peck seconded that the 15% retained percentage in the amount of $5,715.92 be paid Marine Asphalt Co. as it was owing the Contractor at this time; and miscellaneous costs of $25.65 owing to the Anacortes American and $231.27 owing the Tax Commission be paid. Motion died in conversation. Councilman Ford ammended the motion and Councilman Strom seconded that warrants be drawn in favor of same until bonds on Local Improvement District No. 157 are sold. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, rgcDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. The City Attorney then presented the Council with a resolution for the re -investment of Water Reserve Funds into 32% interest U. S. Treasury Certi- ficates. Councilman Rice moved and Councilman Peck seconded that the resolution be adopted and given No. 58 and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. The City Attorney presented the Council with a proposed resolution approving the planning documents of the Sewage Treatment Facilities. Councilman Ford moved and Councilman Rice seconded that the resolution be adopted and given No. 59 and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. `3 20 November 6, 1962 continued X The City Clerk Pro -Tern read a communication from the Anacortes Y nis Club giving their consent to the Marine Asphalt Co. to install a radio antenna on Mount Erie. No action was taken and the matter was referred to the City Attorney for a later report. The claims against the City for the second half of October, 1962, were read to the Council and upon hearing no objections, the Mayor referred them to the Finance Committee. Upon favorable report by the Finance Committee, a motion was made by Councilman Ford and seconded by Councilman Rice that the claims be allowed and warrants be drawn in favor of same. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. The City Manager reported to the Council describing the work involved in preparing for the General Election. He further reported that the windstorm had damaged the All America City sign, but it had been repaired. The City Manager stated that the school street crossings on Commercial Avenue and on 12th Street had been re -striped by the City Street Department. The City Manager presented the -Council with a drawing of the proposed changes in the City Hall offices, which would make availbble more work space and more convenience for the citizens coming into the City offices. Estimate costs will be presented at the next meeting. Councilman Peck moved the Council meeting be adjourned; there was no second to this motion. Mayor McDugle declared the meeting adjourned at 8:45�p.m. Signed �/ t 7X4G n—H. McVQ1e, Mayor Attest r4lt.,J Ann Cepernic , City ClerkPro-T9m November 20, 1962 Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor McDugle presiding. Invocation was presented by Reverend Stanford, of the First Southern Baptist. Roll call: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, and Stram. The minutes of the previous meeting were considered and after hearing no alterations or corrections, Councilman Rice moved and Councilman Peck seconded that due to the fact that copies were availbble at the City Clerk's Office upon request, the minutes be approved as if read. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, and Strom. Motion carried. The City Clerk Pro-Tem read a communication concerning minors in taverns in the City of Anacortes. The letter requested that the City pass an ordinance for more restriction on juveniles entering and endulging in local taverns. The letter was referred to the City Attorney for a liter report at the November 27th meeting. The Clerk Pro -Tom then read a letter of request from the Sea Scouts for use of a location to sell Christmas trees. Their previous location is now a through street. Councilman Strom moved and Councilman Peck seconded that the City Manager look into the matter and find a location for the Sea Scout yearly Christmas tree sale. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, and Strom. Motion carried. The Clerk Pro -Tam read a letter from the Chamber of Commerce, City of Bellingham, Washington, concerning European tourist trade, no action was taken at this time, but was referred to a study session. 1 1 S November 20, 1962 The final hearing on Local Improvement District #156 assessment roll was then opened by Mayor McDugle. The description is as follows: For the improvement of K Avenue as platted in Queen Anne Addition to the City of Anacortes, Original Plat of the City of Anacortes, and Hensler's Second Addition to the City of Anacortes, from the south line of 12th Street to the north line of 22nd Street; 17th Street as platted in the Original Plat of the City of Anacortes from the west line of Commercial Avenue to the west line of J Avenue, 20th Street as platted in the Original Plat of the City of Anacortes, and Hensler's Second Addition to the City of Anacortes from the west line of M Avenue to the east line of J Avenue, and J Avenue as platted in the original plat of the City of Anacortes from the south line of 17th Street to the south line of 18th Street by grading, draining, surfacing, and the construction of asphaltic concrete pavement, approximately two inches (211) in depth, with six inches (611) of base material and thirty-six feet (361) in width, along with necessary concrete curbs and gutters and drainage facilities where re- quired, and on K Avenue and 17th Street by inbtalling two inches (211) of pit run gravel as additional ballast. Mr. Gallagher, City Engineer, read four letters of protest for the Local Im- provement District 156 hearing. Mr. Lang protested his assessment in person. A discussion followed after which Councilman Ford moved, and Councilman Rice seconded that an Ordinance accepting Local Improvement District #156 be adopted and given No. 1331 and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and publish same. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, and Strom. Motion carried. The claims against the City for the first half of November, 1962, were redd to the Council and upon hearing no objections, the Mayor referred them to the Finance Committee. Upon favorable report by the Finance Committee, a motion was made by Councilman Peck and seconded by Councilman Rice that the claims be allowed and warrants be drawn in favor of same. Roll call] Motion carried. Mayor McDugle asked Chairman Hopke and Assistant Chairman Strom, of the Civic Center Committee, to report on the old hospital site as a future Civic Center for the City of Anacortes. At a study meeting held the evening before, it was the consensus of opinion that the City should purchase this area of land. Mr. Howard Beckman spoke from the audience and suggested that the Council express their opinion to the trustees and court. Attorney Wells stated that he had talked to Mr. McBee and he was informed that they have received a cash offer of an unknotm amount. Councilman Strom suggested that the Council seriously consider the time element involved. Dr. Kelly, Chairman of the Planning Commission, stated that they would recommend the City buy the site as a potential City center. A motion was made by Councilman Peck and seconded by Councilman Strom requesting a ten minute recess be given the Council members for an executive session. Motion carried. Meeting was convened again after a ten minute recess. Councilman Strom moved and Councilman Rice seconded that the committee meet with the proper authorities and bid for the hospital site contingent upon approval of the City Library Board. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, and Strom. Motion carried. The City Manager reported that the City had received approval of a gover- nment offer of $220,000.00 as a federal grant for water improvements. Councilman Rice moved and Councilman Peck seconded that a resolution be adopted and given No. 60 and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, and Strom. Motion carried. The City Manager then presented the Treasurer's report. The City Manager was in receipt of six books written by Nard Jones on commentaries of Puget Sound. Some red'erence was made to Anacortes and the origin of the name. Mayor McDugle asked the Clerk to write a letterrto Puget Sound Power & Light Co. thanking them for these books. The books will be found in the Anacortes Library and are for public use. The Council was informed that the construction of the Hillcrest water line was started today. 9 9 46.4 November 20, 1962 continued Councilman Peck moved and Councilman Hooke seconded the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried. Mayor McDugle declared the meeting adjourned 9:20 p.m. Signed on H. McDugles Mayor Attest J �c-�t�✓ Ann Cepernich, QAty Clerk Pro -Tim November 23, 1962 Special Meeting Meeting was called to order with Mayor McDugle presiding. Roll call: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, and Strom. The special meeting was called for the purpose of determining a bid price on the old hospital property, which composes the civic center proposal. Timely notice was given to the newspapers and radio station concerning this meeting. The main topic of discussion are as follows: The value of the property involved; usages the property could be put to; what a reasonable bid would be; the Council members decided $40,000.00 would be a fair bid for this property. This decision was based on the advise of the City Engineering Department, who had examined the building, on the researches of the Fire Department, and based on the recommendations of the Library Board, Park Board, and the Planning Com- mission of the City of Anacortes, Washington. An ordinance was read by the City Attorney, establishing the bid amount of $40,000.00. Councilman Rice moved and Councilman Strom seconded that the ordinance, establishing the amount to be paid for the old hospital property, be adopted and given No. 1332 and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and publish same. There being no further business, Mayor McDugle declared the meeting ad- journed. f Signed Don H. McDugle, Mayor Attest Ann CepernicW City Clerk Pro -Tern December a4, 1962 0 Meeting was called to order at 7:30 with Mayor McDugle presiding. Invocation was presented by Reverend Ostrom of the Church of God. Roll call: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. The minutes of the previous regular and study meetings were considered and after hearing no alterations or corrections, Councilman Rice moved and Councilman Strom seconded that due to the fact that copies were available at the City Clerks Office upon request, the minutes be approved as if read. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. Mayor McDugle asked what the pleasure of the Council was on the retained percentage for Local Improvement District No. 156. Councilman Rice moved and Councilman Strom seconded that the retained percentage in the amount of $15,222.03 be paid to Associated Sand & Gravel Co., and to B & B Plumbing & Heating Co. in the amount of $5,675.48, and also miscellaneous costs including the Anacortes American $12.60, Cypress Stationers $7.68. The City Engineer stated he had checked the work to date and it was his recommendation that the payment be made. Roll call. A11 ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. 1 1 1 223 December 4, 1962 continued Mayor McDugle asked what the pleasure of the Council was on the retained percentage to Marine Asphalt in the amount of $1,418.63. Councilman Rice moved and Councilman Strom seconded that the retained percentage be paid. The City Engineer stated he had checked the work to date and recommended this amount be paid. Roll call. All ayes:. Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and.Rus- sell. Motion carried. The City Attorney reported his findings, as previously requested, on the City Liquor Control Ordinance pertaining to minors. After considerable dis- cussion, Councilman Peck moved and Councilman Rice seconded that the City Attorney prepare an ordinance amending the present one to include, attempting to enter a licensed tavern or lounge or attempting to purchase alcoholic beverages, and that all premises be posted on the penalties of any such violation. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. The City Attorney then presented the Council with an ordinance concerning the purchase of the old hospital site for the civic center in the amount of $41,000,00. Councilman Rice moved and Councilman Hopke seconded that the ordinance be accepted and given No. 1333 and the Mayor and Clerk be author- ized to sign and publish same. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. The City Attorney then presented the Council with a proposed resolution designating the City Engineer to apply for federal funds for the wind damage which occurred on October 12, 1962, Mr. Gallagher explained that an estimated $300.00 - $400.00 damage resulted from this storm. A discussion further followed and Councilman Strom moved and Councilman Peck seconded that they did not believe the City should apply for federal funds since the damage was minor. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. Mr. Fred Poe and Mr. Wilfred Amble of Stevens & Thompson Engineering Firm presented the Council with a detailed report on a supplementary water supply program. The Council asked the representatives to meet with them at the next study session where they would further discuss this matter. - The City Attorney read a letter from Stevens & Thompson requesting additional information on the contractors schedule. A motion was made by Councilman Rice and seconded by Councilman Strom that the request information be attached. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. The claims against the City for the second half of November, 1962, were read to the Council and upon hearing no objections, the Mayor referred them to the Finance Committee.. Upon favorable -report by the Finance Committee, Councilman Ford moved and Councilman Peck seconded that the claims be allowed and warrants be drawn in favor off same. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. A progress payment due B & B Plumbing & Heating on the Hillcrest water line replacement was presented in the amount of $10,969.73• The City Engineer stated that he had checked the work to date and he recommended the progress payment be paid. Councilman Rice moved and Councilman Strom seconded that _ the progress payment be paid. Roll call. .All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. The City Manager reported that new school crossings signs were being in- stalled. The state will paint the school crosswalks.k Mr. Diller re:por�od that Puget Sound Power & Light Co. are engineering a new lighting system for the Anacortes Library. The Planning Commission wished to have a joint meeting with the Council to discuss the Urban Renewal. Representatives of Harper & Sons wished to meet with the Council at there next study session. Councilman Peck moved and Councilman Hopke seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Mayor McDugle then declared the meeting adjourned at 91-15 p.m. 224 December 18, 1962 A joint meeting of the City Council and the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor McDugle presiding. Invocation was presented by Reverend Ostrum of the Church of God. Roll call. Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, and Strom. Dr. Kelly, Chairman of the Planning Commission, i.ntroducted Mr. Robert Boldt, Director of the Northwest Regional Urban Renewal Administration. Mr. Boldt gave a detailed explanation of the federal urban renewal progra; what it is, how it works, its functions, and its uses. Three basic phases in the development of the Urban Renewal Program were then outlined. The first phase being eligibility - a survey to determine whether there is a need for such a program in the community. The second phase was an extensive planning period - which would be followed by a formal application to the administration. The final step being the executive phase in which land would be acquired, cleared and made ready for sale to in- terested parties. The financing of such a program if approved would be up to 75% of the net cost and 25% of amount to be paid by the City. A question and answer period followed Mr. Boldt's explanation. Mayor McDugle called a short recess after which the regular Council meeting was reconvened. The minutes of the previous meeting were considered and after hearing no alterations or corrections, Councilman Rice moved and Councilman Hopke seconded that due to the fact that copies were available at the City Clerks Office upon request, the minutes be approved as read. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, and Russell. Motion carried. The City Attorney Wells discussed the sale of $250s000 in water revenue bonds, which would be necessary to comply with the government requirements for the water system improvement. Mr. Wells explained that there was a lack of performance by McLeand and Co. gn the contract, which was for their financial service on the public s,►le of the water revenue bonds. A general discussion followed, in which Councilman Ford stated that because of the urgency of complying with the government requirements for obtaining federal funds for the water system improvements, and the resulting necessity to negotiate the sile of bonds, Mr. Ford moved that the City of Anacortes terminate the contract with McLean and Co., Inc., which retained their assistance in the water system Improvements. Councilman Peck seconded the motion. Roll call. Ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, and Peck. Abstain: Strom. Motion carried. Mayor McDugle asked the City Manager and the City Attorney to compose a letter to McLean and Co., Inc. explaining why such action was taken by the City Council. Mr. Willard Vadman, representing Wm. Harper & Sons, Inc. and Blyth & Co., presented an offer for the sale of water bonds at an interest rate of 3 5/8%. He explained that this contract was conformative with the federal government specifications. A motion was made by Councilman Ford and seconded that the City of Anacortes accept the offer to Harper & Sons, Inc. and Blyth & Co. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom. Motion carried. The City Attorney then presented a proposed ordinance on the City's business licenses. A discussion followed in whibh it was pointed out that there were some iniquities, but the City Attorney explained that if future revisions are considered, several meetings would be necessary to further study this matter. A motion was made by Councilman Ford and seconded by Councilman Hopke that the City of Anacortes renew the ordinance for a period of two years and give it No. 1334 and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and publish same. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, and Strom. Motion carried. 6l? 25 December 18, 1962 continued The City Attorney next read a proposed ordinance which included amend- ments previously discussed which dealt with the City liquor control ordinance. A motion was made by Councilman Rice and seconded by Councilman Peck that the City accept the proposed ordinance and give it No. 1335 and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and publish same. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, and Strom. Motion carried. A proposed resolution on retaining the Bonding Counsel of Preston, Thorgrimson, Horowitz, Starin & Ellis for legal services rendered in ap- proving bonding ordinance on the purchase of the hospital for municipal purposes was read by the City Attorney. After a brief discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Ford and seconded by Councilman Rice that the City approve the resolution and give it No. 60 and the Mayor and Clerk be auhhori- zed to sign. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, and Strom. Motion carried. o The City Attorney read a proposed resolution concerning a temporary transfer of funds from water revenue to water construction to be repaid to water revenue upon receiving moneys from the sale of water revenue bonds. These moneys are to be available to pay for the Hillcrest water line re- location. A motion was made by Councilman Peck and seconded by Councilman Hopke that the resolution be adopted and given No. 61 and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, and Strom. Motion carried. Mayor McDugle asked what the pleasure of the Council was for the call for bids for the year 1963 for the following items: 1. gas, oil, and fuel oil 2. fluoridation supplies 3. automotive tires 4. City's insurance 5. legal notice publications A motion was made by Councilman Ford and seconded by Councilman Peck that the City Manager be empowered to call for bids for the above supplies and services. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, and Strom. Mot&on carried. The City Engineer requested authorization to arrange employment, when he deemed necessary, of Stevens & Thompson Co. to conduct surveys and in- spections. According to the contract, the City may request them to do part or all of said work. A motion was made by Councilman Rice and seconded by Councilman Hopke that the City employ said firm for the surveys and inspec- tions, when the City Engineer deemed nedessary on the projects. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, and Strom. Motion carried. Mayor McDugle informed the Council that a request had been received by the City Manager from a group requesting the use of the City Hall basement for youth recreation activities. This program is sponsored by the American Legion and endorsed by the Lions, Eagles, and Elks Club. It was further discussed and explained by Jim Sinclair, a representative of the group, requesting the use. A motion was made by Councilman Peck that the City Manager meet with the sponsoring people and work out a schedule which would be acceptable to both groups. Councilman Strom seconded this motion. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, and Strom. Motion carried. The City Manager presented the Treasurers Report for the month of November. It was accepted and ordered placed on file. Next the claims report for the first half of Hecember was presented to the Council and upon hearing no objections the Mayor referred them to the Finance Committee. Upon favorable report by the Finance Committee, a motion was made by Councilman Rice and seconded by Councilman Peck that the claims be allowed and warrants be drawn in favor of same. Roll call. All ayes: Ford, Hopke, Rice, McDugle, Peck, and Strom. Motion carried. 999 December 1$, 1962 The City Manager then brought up the following items on the City Managers report: 1. Contact with Departments of Highways on reducing pedestrian hazards at the entrance of Primary State Highway No. 1 to Commercial Ave. 2. Hearing on franchise application for water transmission line set for Dec. 31, at 11:00 a.m. in County Commissioners Room, Court House. 3. Meeting with representative of Cornell, Howland, Hayes, & Merryfield on Sewage Treatment Plant design set for Thurs., Dec. 20, at 2:00 p.m. 4. Bids received on IBBM valve, surplus from water line relocation due to h1ghway revisions. 5. Water line tie-in Hillcrest, December 27, 1962. 6. School signs in middle of street on 12th and Commercial Ave. 7. Police survey on children walking to and from school. Meeting was adjourned at 11:00 p.m. Attest £XAMio-S O/y it UN.f'!!t by Mayor McDugle. Signed C' J 1 1 1