HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964 City Council Minutes1
amount of $499.75. Roll: Ayes, Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford,
Strom. Motion carried.
The claims against the City for the first half of December 1963 was presented
to the Council.
Salaries $8801.00
Expenses 702.03
Upon favorable report from the Finance Committee, Councilman Rice made a motion
and Councilman Hopke seconded that claims be allowed and warrants issued for
same. Roll, ayes, Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion
The City Manager presented Treasurer Report for the month of November. It
was accepted and ordered placed on file.
The City Manager reported that street signs would be installed on arterial
streets under the new budget for 1964.
Letter had been sent to State Highway Department, to Mr. McDay, regarding
resurfacing Commercial from 12th Street to 36th, and 12th Street west of
In reviewing Mr..Marvin Sager's request for vacation of 35th Street for one
block east of D Avenue, City Manager reported that 121 of house and 281 to the
well are on City property. He also stated that Mr. Sager was willing to
compensate City for vacation. It was of this general opinion of the Council
that if this request was granted, there would be more requests of the same
presented in the future. Councilman Rice made the motion and Councilman Hopke
seconded that request should be held in abeyance until next council meeting.
Roll: All ayes, Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle,- Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion
Councilman Hopke asked City Manager if enforcement was being put on the .
10:30 p.m. curfew law. City Manager reported that he had discussed the problem
with the Police Chief and it was being dealt with.
Councilman Ford asked the Council if they would meet with the Finance
Committee Monday December -23, 6:00 p.m. This was agreeable with the Council.
Councilman Hopke made the motion and Councilman Peck seconded that the
meeting be adjourned. Meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
Don McDugle, Mayor
Mildred Bryant, City Clerk
January 7, 1964
A regular meeting of the City Council for the City of Anscortes was called
to order at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor McDugle presiding.
Roll: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Stroma. Mayor McDugle informed
the Council that Councilman Ford had been excused for this meeting, due to
Company business.
Mrs. Ann Bessner spoke from the audience announcing that the show case now
located in the main hallway of the City Hall had been donated to the Anacortes
Women's Club for historical purposes from Mrs. Gary Simpson, formerly Simpson's
Jewelry Store in Anacortes.
Minutes of the previous meeting were considered and after hearing no altera-
tions or corrections, Councilman Rice made a motion ando-C ouncilman Peck seconded
that the minutes be approved as read. Roll: ayes, Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle,
Peck, Strom, Motion carried.
City Manager read a copy of a letter that had been sent to the Washington
State Highway Department from the Motel Owners Association requesting more
adequate directional signs to the City of Anacortes.
January 7, 1964 continued
Letter was read from Mr. Ken T. Sherman tending his resignation on the Planning
Commission due to a conflict of interests.
Letter was read from Douglas Stansbery Jr., Manager of Cascade Natural Gas
Corporation tending his resignation on the Gas Examining Board, due to being
transferred from the City of Anacortes.
Letter was read from the Seattle Mountaineers requesting the use of Mount
Erie for climbing courses April 11-12, and September 19-20, 1964. Councilman
Hopke made a motion and Councilman Peck seconded that request be granted and
instructed City Clerk to notify the Seattle Mountaineers. Roll: ayes, Hopke,
Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom. Motion carried.
City Attorney read proposed ordinance establishing a basic compensation plan
for certain classes and grades of employment in the municipal service of the City
of Anacortes. Councilman Hopke stated that he did not feel like he could vote
due to not being present on study session and this was the first time he had
been the ordinance. Further discussion followed. Councilman Rice made the motion
and Councilman Peck seconded that Ordinance be adopted and given No. 1357 and
the City Clerk and Mayor be authorized to sign and publish same. Roll: ayes,
Russell, Rice, McDugle, Strain. .Hayes, Peck. Abstain: Hopke. Motion carried.
Mayor McDugle declared the public hearing opened on the proposed Six Year
Street Improvement Plan, for the City of Anacortes. He explained that this was
a requirement of the State of'Washington and was by no means inflexible, it could
be amended or altered by a majority vote of any given council and paving of any
of the streets listed would be done by citizens petitions only with 51% of property
owners favoring. City Manager read the list of the proposed streets on the six
year program plan. He further stated that if the Plan was approved by the State
of Washington, the City could use the a cent arterial gas tax monies to assist in
financing improvements on the arterial streets projects. Various interested
citizens spoke from the audience and asked questions regarding the plan. Mayor
McDugle then declared the hearing closed and instructed the City Attorney to read
proposed resolution. Councilman Rice moved and Councilman Peck seconded that
Resolution be adopted and given No. 96 and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized
to sign. Roll: ayes, Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom. Motion carried.
Councilman Hopke informed the Council that the fill near San Juan Marina will
be repaired with additional fill by the State Highway Department.
City Attorney read proposed ordinance establishing Cranberry Lake Park under
the jurisdiction of the Park Board and Park Department of the City of Anaoortes.
City Manager showed general outline of property involved on the map. Councilman
Hopke made a motion and Councilman Rice seconded that Ordinance be adopted and
given No. 1358 and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign and publish
same. Roll: ayes, Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom. Motion carried.
City Manager presented a request from the City of Anacortes Chief of Police
for reviewing the City's policy of issuing liquor (beer) license to stores and
taverns. The license in question at the council session was application of
Koffee Kup located at 2611 Oakes Avenue which was being held in abeyance until
City approval. Councilman Peck suggested that a study session with the Chief of
Police and Liquor Inspector be held, Councilman Strom agreedewith this suggestion.
City Manager explained that upon investigation and checking zoning area the store
was now in a R-1 zone. Councilman Hopke made a motion and Councilman Peck seconded
that a study session be called for Monday January 13, 7:00 p.m. in the Council
Chambers of the City Hall. A11 Ayes. Motion carried.
City Attorney read proposed resolution relating to contributions to the
Statewide City Employees Retirement System and making an election as to the basis
of the contributions of the City of Anacortes. Councilman Rice made a motion and
Councilman Peck seconded that resolution be adopted and given No. 97 and Mayor
and City Clerk be quthorized to sign. Roll: ayes, Hopke, Russell, Rice, MdDpgle,
Peck, Strom. Motion carried.
The City Manager presented to the Council the claims against the City for
Local Improvement District No. 158.
Retained Percentage due B & B Plumbing and Heating Company
in the amount of $19499.22
Rental of Equipment from Marine Asphalt for work being performed
by the City of Anacortes on LID No. 158 in the amount of
$ 71.50
He further stated that thirty days had elapsed from the time Contract No. 4
performed by B & B Plumbing and Heating Company had been completed and accepted,
January 7, 1964 continued
and no claims had been filed against the City for amount held for payment of
claims. He further stated that releases from the Washington State Tax Commission
and Department of Labor and Industries had been recaived by the City Clerk and
it was his recommendation that payment be made to B & B Plumbing and Heating
Co. and Marine Asphalt. Councilman Rice made the motion and Councilman Peck
seconded that recommendation of the City Manager be accepted and interest bearing
warrant No. 34 and 35 in the total amount of $1,570.72, demoninations of $1,000.00
and $570.72, dated January 8, 1964 be issued to Haghbanks, Incorporated. Roll:
ayes, Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom. Motion carried.
Special claims on Special Sewer Construction APW WN -121 to:
P & B Company, Inc. for Progress Payment No. 7 $259502.23
Stevens and Thompson, Inc. for engineering and survey services 1,138.26
Rockwell Mfg. Company 201.24
Total $26,841.73
was presented to the Council. City Manager stated that progress work had been
checked to date and it was his recommendation payment be made for all costs
incurred. Councilman Hopke made the motion and Councilman Rice seconded that
the recommendation of the City Mgr. be accepted and claims be allowed and
warrants issued for same. Roll: ayes, Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck,
Strom. Motion carried.
Special claims on Special Water Construction APW--WN-8G was presented to the
B & B Plumbing and Heating Company for retained percentage $329590.04
Reimbursement to Current Expense 669.00
Total $33,259.04
City Mgr. stated that thirty days had elapsed from the final progress payment
to B & B Plumbing and Heating Company and no claims had been filed against the City
for amount held for payment of claims. He further stated that tax releases from
the Washington State Tax Commission and Department of Labor and Industries had
been received by the City Clerk and it was his recommendation that payment be
made. Councilman Peck made the motion and Counci.lmn Hopke seconded that the
recommendation of the City Manager be accepted and claims be allowed and warrants
issued for same.
Special Claims on 32nd Arterial Project were presented to the Council:
Marine Asphalt Co., Inc.
City Manager recommended that payment be made. Councilman Rice made the motion
and Councilman Peck seconded that recommendation of the City Manager be accepted
and the claim be allowed and warrants issued for same. Roll: ayes, Hopke,
Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom. Motion carried.
The claims against the City for the second half of December 1963 was presented
to the Council:
Salaries $15,153.24
Expense 32,597.00
Total *499750.97
City Attorney read proposed emergency ordinance authorizing the expenditure
of the estimated sum of $600.00 over and above the amounts budgeted in the 1963
budget, due to the passing and approving of Ordinance No. 1344, April 1, 1963,
which changed the method of payment for the system of collection from 72%, which
was allowed in the 1963 budget to 75$. Councilman Hopke made the motion and
Councilman Peck seconded that the hearing date of proposed ordinance be set for
January 21, 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, and the City Clerk
be authorized to publish same. Roll: ayes, Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck,
Strom. Motion carried.
City Manager reported that the Port of Anacortes is requesting negotiations
with the City to buy property adjacent to the new sewage disposal plant not needed
for City expansion, to use for storage and loading operation for logs. Councilman
Strom made the motion and Councilman Peck seconded that authorization be given
to the City Manager to negotiate with the Port of Anacortes on buying property,
but with the stipulation that the City rights be protected in any action considered.
Roll: ayes, Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom. Motion carried.
City Manager reported that the Association of Washington Cities had reported
that the ititiative to enlarge the local sharing of State -collected revenues had
January 7, 1964 continued
been favored by 91 cities with a population of 706,456; 49 cities, representing
860,215 were opposed; and 127 cities representing 230,165 did not vote. As a
result, this initiative will not be sponsored at the 1964 general election.
City Manager reported that he had attended ceremonies of the new Memorial
Highway Project with Mayor McDugle. He also reported that a meeting had been held
with Paul McKay and Charles G. Prahl, State Highway Director on siggs and high-
way conditions.
Councilman Hopke made the motion and Councilman Peck seconded the meeting be
adjourned. A11 ayes.
,,�� 0C F
Signed V""V ��{
Don McDugle, Mayor 0 r
Mildred Bryant, City Clerk
January 21, 1964
A regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 7:30 p.m. with
Mayor McDugle presiding.
Invocation was presented by Reverend Herman Kazen, of the Assembly of God
Roll: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Strom, Ford.
Minutes of the previous meeting were considered and hearing no alterations or
corrections, Councilman Peck made a motion and Councilman Ford seconded that
minutes be approved as read. Roll: Hopke, Russell, Rice, MoDugle, Peck, Strom.
Motion carried.
City Manager read a letter from the Anacortes Woman's Club stating that they
were presenting the following articles to the Historical Board, given to the
Club by Mrs. Gary Simpson. Two large mahogany glass display cases; which are
now in the entrance hall of the City Hall and the Dining Room. Also one small
tiered display table, heating stove, and sewing machine.
Letter was read from citizen Paul J. Grube, stating a number of reasons for
the necessity of a Four Lane Hih Span Bridge over the Swinomish Channel.
(1) The Urban Renewal Project (2) Dredging and enlarging of the Port (3) Increase
in traffic to the Washington State Ferry (4) Increase in the population of Whidby
Island (5) Increase in Government Personnel at Oak Harbor and Ault Field. Mr.
Grube feels that this Four Lane High Span Bridge is one of the most important links
in the chain of progress necessary for the Fidalgo and Whidbey Islinds.
City Manager read a letter from Carol M. Daluge, Girl Scout Leader, in
reference to the City of Anacortes celebrating the 75th anniversary of the founding
of the State of Washington. She suggested a celebration which would involve the
men of the City in a beard raising contest and to be kncnm as Brothers of the
Brush Club. Also to form auxilliary groups for their ladies to be known as
Sisters of the Swish. Other suggestions included parades, pet parades, contests,
games, costume parties and etc. Discussion followed and it was the general
opinion of the Council that it was a very good idea to honor this day with a
celebration of some kind, but not for the City Council to sponsor such. Councilman
Ford made the motion and Councilman Peck seconded that this letter be duplicated
and sent to the Civic and Fraternal 02tders of Anacortes. Roll: All Ayes.
Mayor McDugle instructed City Clerk to mail copies of this letter to the various
Mayor McDugle requested the pleasure of the Council on the resignation of
Doug Stansberry from the Gas Examining Board, which was presented to the Council
on January 7, 1964. Councilman Hopke made the motion and Councilman Ford seconded
that resignation be accepted and a letter of appreciation sent to Mr. Stansberry
for his services with the City. Roll: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck,
Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
Mayor McDugle presented the list of the proposed Street Paving Projects for
the year of 1964s using the a cent State Gas Arterial Fund, City Equipment and
Crews. Streets proposed were as follows:
January 21, 1964 continued
R Ave.- 21st thru 35th St. 0" asphalt surface)
141st - 0 Ave. thru Heart Lake Road (2" asphalt surface)
Ansco Beach Road - Sunset Road to City Limits (County road surface)
D Ave. 12th thru 32nd (County road surface)
Lust - Heart Lake Road to Havercost Road (Counter,road surfaces)
City Manager detailed the streets proposed and material to be used. A lengthy
discussion followed. Councilman Hopke made the motion and Councilman Ford
seconded that the recommendation of the City Managers proposed street improvement
plan be accepted. Roll: Ayes, Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford.
byes, Strom. Motion carried.
Mayor McDugle presented the proposed Arterial Street Lighting Program.
Street recommended were as follows:
12th Street Alaska to M Ave.
6th Street 0 Ave. to L Ave.
14th Street Commercial to' W Ave.
Q Ave. 14th to 9th Street
Commercial 38th to 140th Street
M Ave. 12th to 41st Street
K Ave. 12th to 20th Street
J Ave. 20th to 29th Street
R Ave. 21st to 35th Street
8th Street M Ave. to D Ave.
City Manager explained that these additional lights would lessen some of the
traffic on Commercial Ave. Project will cost approximately $1800.00, which is
about 60 lights. Discussion followed in which Councilman Strom questioned what
was wrong with the program we have now in having the citizens buy their own
lights. He stated that if we accepted this program there would be more and more
requests for the City to furnish lights in other sections of the town. Council-
man Rice stated that the City would soon be furnishing all the lights for the
City and there would be no other program. Councilman Hopke made a motion and
Councilman Peck seconded that the proposed Street Lighting Program be accepted.
Roll: Ayes, Hopke, Russell, McDugle, Peck, Ford. Nayes, Rice, Strom.
Motion carried.
City attDvney read proposed Resolutions on establishing the Urban Renewal
Survey and Planning Application, which is in three .parts.
1. Proposed resolution establishing City of Anacortes as Local Planning Agency
for Urban Renewal Survey and -Planning. Councilman Hopke made the motion
and Councilman Rice seconded the resolution be adopted and given No. 98 and
City Clerk and Mpyor be authorized to sign. Roll: Hopke, Russell, Rice,
McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
2. Proposed resolution finding Blight and necessity of redevelopment and/or
rehabilitation within Urban Renewal Project. Councilman Hopke made the motion
.and Councilman Peck seconded that resolution be adopted and given No:. 99 and
City Clerk and Mayor be authorized to sign. Roll: Ayes, Hopke, Russell,
Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
3. Proposed resolution of the City Council setting forth City's intention to
exercise its Urban Renewal Powers. Councilman Rice made the motion and
Councilman Peck seconded that.resolution be adopted and given No. 100 and
the City Clerk and Mayor be authorized to sign. Roll: Ayes, Hopke, Russell,
Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
The City Attorney gave a second reading to a proposed emergency ordinance
providing for the estimated sum of $600.00 over and above the amounts budgeted
in the Sanitation Budget for the year of 1964. Mayor McDugle declared the hearing
open on the proposed emergency ordinance. There being no one in the audience
wishing to speak for or against the ordinance, Mayor McDugle declared the
hearing closed. Councilman Hopke moved and Councilman Peck seconded that the
proposed emergency ordinance be adopted and given No. 1359 and the City Clerk
and Mayor be authorized to sign. Roll: Ayes, Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDagle,
Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
The City Manager reported to the Council that bids had been received on the
Loader for the Street Department. Bids as follows:
Star Machinery Trojan Model 1614 - Hercules D-3000 $15,516.92
Star Machinery Trojan Model 1614 G.M. 3-71 169432.12
Feenaughty LD -7D Scoopmobile 169088.08
N C Machinery Caterpillar 944 Traxcavator 199320.00
January 21, 1964 continued
Evans Equipment Case Model W 9B Diesel $19,864.00
Evans Equipment Euclid GM 3-71 25,376.00
City Manager read letter from Carl Thorene, Superintendent of the Street
Department recommending bid award to Feenaughty Machinery Company for Scoop -
mobile although it was not the lowest bid, members of the Street Department felt
that it was the best machine, price wise, for their various types of uses.
Frank Russell made a motion to award Feenaughty Machinery the bid for loader.
Being no.second to the motion the bid award will be held in abeyance until
Council session of February 4, 1964, and study session held January 28th, to
review bids and specifications.
City Manager reported to the Council that bids had been received on the
Petroleum Products
for the period of February 1,
1964 to Feb.
1, 1965.
Island Transfer
Regular Gasoline
Premium Gasoline
Diesel Fuel
Stove Oil
Fuel Oil
3.87 bbl.
Councilman Hopke made a motion and Councilman Peck seconded that low bid of
Texaco Inc. be accepted for gasoline and diesel and Island Transfer be awarded
Fuel Oil.
City Manager reported to the Council that bids had been received on the City
printing for the period of February 1, 1964 to Feb. 19 1965.
Anacortes American .74¢ for 1st insertion and.65¢ for additional
Reporter 1.10 a column inch for the 1st insertion and .80 for
Councilman Ford made the motion and Councilman Rice seconded that the low bid
of the Anscortes American be accepted. Roll: Ayes, Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle,
Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
City Manager reported to the Council that Service Station Suppliers bid on
Tires for City Cars and Equipment was the only one received and it was his
recommendation that bid be accepted. Councilman Hopke made the motion and
Councilman Rice seconded that recommendation of the City Mgr. be accepted and
bid award be given to Service Station Suppliers. Roll: Ayes, Hopke, Russell,
Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
City Manager presented the one and only bid for Liability Insurance from
Moen Agency in the amount of $2,865.73. Councilman Peck made the motion and
Councilman Hopke seconded that insurance bid be awarded to the Moen Agency.
Roll: Ayes, Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
Special claims on Water Project APW Wash -90G were presented to the Council.
LeGro and Judy for survey services $750.00
Councilman Rice made the motion and Councilman Hopke seconded that claims be
allowed and warrants issued for same. Roll: Ayes, Hopke, Russell, Rice,
McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
The City Attorney presented a Quit Claim Deed requested by Eleanor Gibbons
on Lot 17, Block 288, City of Anacortes, resulting from a delinquent local
improvement assessment in 1937. Councilman Ford made a motion and Councilman
Hopke seconded the deed be granted and Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized
to sign for the City of Anacortes. Roll: Ayes, Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle,
Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
Claims against the City for the 1st half of January were presented to the
Council. Councilman Rice made the motion and Councilman Strom seconded that
claims be allowed and warrants issued for same. Roll: Ayes, Hopke, Russell,
Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
Treasurer report for the month of December 1963 was presented to the
Council and placed on file.
Mayor McDagle presented a report citing the progress made by the City
during the past two years.
1964. Mayor McDugle declared the meeting adjourned until 7:30 p.m. February 4,
January 21, 1964 continued
I) Signed / �A �1- ()Oe
DoWNbDugle, Mayor
Mildred Bryant, City Clerk
February 4, 1964
A regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 7:30 P.M. with
Mayor McDugle presiding.
Invocation was presented by Reverend Neil Munro of the Presbyterian Church.
Roll: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom.
Minutes of the previous meeting were considered and Coupcilman Peck requested
that the resigiation of Ken T. Sherman from the Planning Commission on January 2nd,
1964, be entered in the official minutes. With this amendment Councilman Peck
made a motion and Councilman Hopke seconded that the minutes of January 21, 1964
be approved as read. Roll: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom.
Motion carried.
City Manager read a letter from Micro Electronic announcing the completing
of application tc the Federal Communications Commission for licensing commercial
FM facilities to serve Whatcom County, Skagit County, Snohomish and King Counties.
They are requesting City property atop Mt. Erie, which is now leased to Puget
Sound Power and Light Company. It'further stated that they had received a very
definite negative response from Puget Sound Power and Light in attempting to
discuss this matter with them and would appreciate the City Council's aid.
Councilman Hopke made the motion and Councilman Peck seconded that the City
Manager be authorized to further investigate and call a study session with City
Council for further discussion. Roll: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck,
Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
City Manager informed the Council that a vacation request from Mr. Oldfield
on Oakes Ave., Baring Addition had been received. He further stated that Mr.
Oldfield was willing to quit claim deed a portion of his property to the City
of Anacortes for a like size parcel abutting his property on the back side,
which is a dedicated right of way in the Baring Addition. This property is
necessary to the City to comply with Federal Regulations pertaining to the
water construction project on Oakes Avenue. Discussion followed. Councilman
Hopke made the motion and Councilman Russell seconded that after appraisal
of said property Mr. Oldfield be offered a cgeh settlement. Roll: Hopke,
Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
Award of bid on Loader for the Street Department which had been held in
abeyance until further investigation by the City Council was again presented
by the City Manager. A second letter of recommendation from'the Superintendent
of Streets, Carl 0. Thorene was read to the Council. Mr. Thorene and members
of the Street Department stated that the low bid received from Star Machinery
for the 164 Trojan loader did not cone up to the minimum requirements of the
specifications and therefore the actual low bid of Feenaughty Machinery
Company on the Waganer Scoopmobile was their recormmendation. Councilman Russell
made the motion and Councilman Hopke seconded that the bid of Feenaughty
Machinery Company in the amount of $16,088.08 for the Scoopmobile be accepted.
Rolls Ayes, Hopke, Russell, McDugle, Peck, Ford. Nayes: Rice, Strom. Motion
City Attorney read the ten (10) year lease agreement with Shell Oil Company
for installation of a directional sign to the refinery on City property at
Summit Park. Councilman Hopke made the motion and Councilman Peck seconded
that lease agreement with Shell Oil Company be accepted. Roll:' Hopke, Russell,
Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
Claims against the City for the 2nd half of January were presented to the
Council. Councilman Hopke made the motion and Councilman Rice seconded that
claims be allowed and warrants issued in favor of same. Roll: Hopke, Russell,
Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
February 4, 1964 continued �
• C�
Special claims on Special Water Construction APW-WN-8G were presented to the
Council. Reimbursement to Water Dept. for Bid Call in Daily Journal of Commerce
Councilman Hopke made a motion and Councilman Rice seconded that claims be
allowed and warrant issued in favor of same. Roll: Hopke, Russell, Rice,
McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
Special claims on Special Seger Construction AFW-WN-121 were preanted to
to the Council.
P&B Consturction Company Progress Payment #8 $10,198.61
Stevens & Thompson for Eng. & Survey Service $ 1,138.26
City Manager recommended that$1,000.00 be held back from payment due to P & B
Construction Company due to the contract penalty agreement. Councilman Rice
made the motiow-and Councilman Peck seconded that payment be made to P & B
Construction Company in the amount of $9,198.61. Warrant to be issued to
United Insurance Compary assign of P & B Construction Company. Councilman
Ford made the motion and Councilman Rice seconded that payment in the amount
of $1,138.26 be made to Stevens and Thompson. Roll: Ayes, Hopke, Russell,
Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
City Manager requested permission of the Council to give authorization to
the City Treasurer to reinvest a portion of $60,0000.00 in the Storm Sewer
Investments due to mature Feb. 15, 1964, in 2 year and 1 year Treasury Notes.
Councilman Hopke made the motion and Councilman Peck seconded that City Treasurer
be authorized to reinvest and Resolution be drawn up by City Attorney. Rolls
Hopke,•Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
City Manager reported that audit on Special Water Construction 8G was
completed and on file in the City Clerks office.
City Manager asked the pleasure of the Council on holding a study meeting
with Stevens &'Thommpson in reference to future expansion of the water system.
Meeting was scheduled for Feb. 10th, 7:00 p.m.
Mayor McDugle declared the meeting adjourned until Feb. 18, 1964, 7:30 p.m.
Don McDugle, Mayor
Mildred Bryant, City Clerk
February 18, 1964
A regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 7:30 p.m. with
Mayor McDugle presiding.
.Invocation was presented by Reverend Boyd,
Roll: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford.
Minutes of the previous meeting were considered and after hearing no
alterations or corrections, Councilman Rice made the motion and Councilman
Peck seconded that the minutes be approved as read. Roll: Hopke, Russell,
Ricer McDugle, Peck, Ford. Motion carried.
City Mgr. read a letter from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
Saints. They are requesting that permission be granted to establish and
operate a safe and sane fireworks concession from June 15, 1964 to July 4,
1964 within the City of Anacortes pursuant to Ordinance No. 13117. After
discussion, Councilman Ford made the motion and Councilman Peck seconded
that Ordinance be reviewed by City Attorney, and if granted this request be
given piority. Roll: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford. Motion carried.
February 18, 1961 continued
City Mgr,, read a letter from Anacortes Junior Chamber of Commerce informing
the Council they were sponsering its annual Distinguished Service Award Banquet.
This award will be presented to a outstw.iding young man from 21 thru 35 years
of age who has done the most outstanding job in the field of community service.
Nominations are being requested from business, civic, fraternal, religious, and
service groups in Anacortes. They requested the qualification form be filled
out and returned to them before March 11th.
Letter was presented to the Council from the Anacortes Central Labor
Council in reference to a "Citizen's Job Protection Ordinance", which was
attached. This ordinance was originated by Skagit Typographical Union, Local
No. 972. It was submitted to the Anacortes Central Labor Council on Jan. 16,
1964 for consideration and recommendations. At same meeting ordinance was
unaimously endorsed and recommendation that it be submitted to the Anacortes
City Council and Board of County Commissioners of Skagit County for their study
and action. It further stated that representatives of the Anacortes Central
Labor Council will be in.attendance at the March 3rd meeting of the Anacortes
City Council and will be prepared to answer any questions to help clarify the
issue. A study session with recommendations of City Mgr. and City Attorney
will be held before next Council Session.
Mayor McDugle read a letter of resignation from Jack Smith, Chairman
and Ashley Mondan and Charles Williams, members of the Acting Civil Service
Commission, due to failure of the Mayor and City Council to reappoint Ashley
Mondan (term expired Dec. 31, 1960) and Jack Smith (term expired Dec. 31, 1962).
Councilman Ford requested a explanation of these resignations and stated that.
the number of resignations in the past 2 years was uncalled for. He further
stated he was not :ifi favor of accepting these resignations until further in-
vestigation. Councilman Hopke made the motion and Councilman Peck seconded
that resignations be accepted. Ayes, Hopke, Russell, McDugle, Peck. Nays:
Rice, Ford. Motion carried. Mayor McDugle instructed City Clerk to send
letters of appreciation for services rendered to Jack Smith, Ashley Mondan
and Charles Williams.
Mayor McDugle recommended the appointment of the following citizens to
Oivil Service, Planning Commission, Gas Board, & Plumbers Board:
Gas Board
Reappointment -- Al Dickison
Appointment -- Larry Tenborg
Vance Coder
Planning Commission
Appointment -- Ferd Eisenzimer
History Board
Reappointment -- Ann Bessner
Civil Service
Appointment -- Leonard Moore
Mike Kilpatrick
Norman Beets
Plumbers Board
Appointment -- Jack Snelson
Harold Breckenridge
Tom Wilkerson
Al McKee
Charles Carey
Councilman Hopke made the motion and Councilman Peck seconded that Mayor
McDugle's recommendations for subject citizens to these boards be accepted.
Roll: Hopke, Russell, McDugle, Peck. Abstain: Rice, Ford. Motion carried.
City Mgr. read resolution #51 from the Board of Commissioners of Skagit
County Hospital District recommending and supporting the petition submitted
by Stuart Litzsinger requesting permission to construct a medical center
south of Island Hospital. His petition states that he holds a option for the
purchase of the following described property and if petition be granted will
purchase said land and proceed with the development.
February 18., 1964 continued
Beginning at the NW corner of Lot 58 of View Acres
Addition to the City of Anacortes; thence easterly
to the BE corner of Lot 54; in said subdivision;
thence North 256 feet more or less to the South
boundary of the Island Hospital property; thence
west along said boundary to M Avenue; thence 256
feet more or less to the point of beginning.
It further requested a change in the zoning ordinance under Section 8-7-24
be granted permitting use of the subject property for a medical and professional
center. Councilman Peck made the motion and Councilman Ford seconded that
formal action be delayed and request be referred to a Study Session with
City Attroney and Planning Commission. Roll: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle,
Peck, Ford. Motion carried. Councilman Hopke made the motion and Council-
man Peck seconded that a copy of the resolution and petition be sent to
each member of the Planning Commission for study, and study session be
called for Tuesday Feb. 25th at 7:00 p.m. All Ayes. Motion carried.
Councilman Strom entered Council Chambers 7:45 p.m.
City Attorney read proposed resolution authorizing Earl Diller, City
Mgr., to file application with the United States of America for an advance
to provide for the planning of public works, generally dtescribed as an
expansion of the Municipal Water Supply, treatment and transmission facilities.
Councilman Hopke made the motion and Councilman Rice seconded that
Resolution be adopted and given No. 102 and City Clerk and Mayor be author-
ized to sign. Roll: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom.
City Attorney read proposed resolution on defining the boundary lines
of specific urban renewal area within the City arra to indicate a finding as
to blight within said area. After some discussion on softening down the
word "blight" (press -wise) for the sake of the citizens now residing in -
this area, Councilman Peck made the motion and Councilman Rice seconded
that Resolution be adopted and given No. 101 and City Clerk and Mayor be
authorized to sign. Roll: Ayes, Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck,
Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
City Mgr. presented special claims to Special Water Construction 90G
in the following amo#gts
Haskell Corp. Progress Payment ##1 $40,069.46
He further stated that this payment was high, due to the pipe line material
required for project had been received. He further stated that 40% of the
project was completed and work had been checked by the Federal Government
and they recommended payment be made. Councilman Rice made the motion and
Councilman Peck seconded that payment be made in the amount of $403,069.46
to Haskell Corp. Roll: Ayes, Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford,
City Mgr, presented final special claims on Special Water Construction
8G to Williams & Nulle for audit costs in the amount of $250.00. Council-
man Hopke made the motion and Councilman Rice seconded that claim be
allowed and payment made to Williams & Nulle in the amount of $250.00.
Roll: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
City Attorney read resolution confirming authorization given at
Council Session of Feb. 4, 1964 for City Treasurer to reinvest $35,000.00
held in the Storm Sewer Construction Fund into 2 yr. U.S. Treasury motes
and to bear interest at 4%, and $12,000.00 held in Storm Sewer Construction
Fund into 1 year U.S. Treas. Notes to bear interest at 3 7/8%. Councilman
Hopke made the motion and Councilman Peck seconded that resolution be
adopted and given No. 103 and Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to
sign. Roll: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion
Claims against the City for the 1st half of February were presented to
the Council:
Salaries -- $9008.00
Expenses -- $2355.12
Councilman Rice made the motion and Councilman Hopke. seconded that claims
be allowed and warrants issued for same. Roll: Hopke, Russell, Rice,
McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
February 18, 1964 continued
City Mgr. reported that the request of Don Knutzen for permission to
install a transmitter atop Mt. Erie was under study by electronic engineers.
They have been hired by Puget Sound Power & Light,..leasee of the city owned
property, and are very willing to cooperate with the City of Anacortes.
Councilman Rice questioned the City Mgr. as to what was being done
with the Harris property as for income purposes. City Mgr. reported that
the building was being rented out at a nominal fee of $15.00 per -month for
storage purposes only. He further stated that moorage at dock was bringing
in a small sum, but very few boats moored there due to condition of floats
and no lights on water.
City Mgr, was further questioned as to rumors of moving offices of City
Hall to Police and Fire Hall in April. He reported that it had been discussed
but there had been no survey taken and he had not had a chance to study any
plans as yet. He further stated that before any action was taken it would
be presented to the Council for their recommendations.
Councilman Strom reported to the Council that he had been at a hospital
staff meeting which explaimed for his absence at the earlier part of the
Council Session. He reported that there had been in attendance 2 physicians
that were planning on making residence in Anacortes. He further stated that
he was well aware of resignations of Civil Service Members, which was a
earlier issue of this meeting, and in his opinion the City was losing the
services of good and qualified men thru pressure by the Central Labor Council,
Councilman Peckdenied this, stating the only action taken by the Council was
in a form of letter from Anacortes Central Labor Council and presented at
Council Session of Oct. 152 1963 that a vacancy existed on the Board and
should be filled and appointment made as soon as possible.
Mayor McDugle declared the meeting adjourned until 7:30 p.m. March 3,
Don H. McDugle, Mayor
Mildred Bryant, City Clerk
March 3, 1964
A regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 7:30 p.m.
with Mayor McDugle presiding.
Invocation was presented by Rev. Ashley -Cole.
Roll: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom,
Minutes of the previous meeting were considered and hearing no alterations
or corrections, Councilman Ford made the motion and Councilman Rice seconded
that the minutes be accepted as reproduced. Roll: Hopke, Russell, Rice,
McDagle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
The City Manager informed the Council that it was time to open the bids
on Bonds and Warrants on Local Improvement District No, 159. Bids are as follows:
Statewide City Employees Retirement System
Hughbanks Incorporated
Grande and Co., Inc.
4.40% at par
4.3076 $100.11 per $100.00
of Bond.
4.20% premium $100.14 of
par value net effec-
tive interest rate
Councilman Ford made the motion and Councilman Peck seconded that the bid of
Brands and Co., Inc. that 4.20% premium $100.14 of par value, net effective
interest rate of 4.168% for bonds and warrants on L.I.D. 159 be accepted.
Roll: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
March 3, 1964 continued
Mayor McDugle recommended the appointment of the following citizens to
the Citizens Advisory Committees
Pastor Ashley -Cole
June Dixon
Rev. Neil Monroe
Cliff Kelly
Rev. Jerry Wilson
Marie Hapeman
Frank Crossley
Hubert Crosby
Paddy Fraser
Councilman Ford made the motion and Councilman Hopke seconded that Mayor
McDugle's recommendations for subject citizens to this board be accepted and
approved. Roll: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Ilotion
City Manager read a letter from the International Lions Club, Anacortes
Washington, requesting 1964 permit for the sale of safe and sane fireworks.
After discussion Councilman Ford made the motion and Councilman Hopke seconded
that the Lions Club be granted the request for such permit. Roll: Hopke,
Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford. Abstain, Strom.
City Clerk was instructed to send letter with explanation to Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and copy of Ordinance 1342, explaining the
correct procedure of application request for Fireworks Permit which was granted
subject to review of the City Attorney at the Council Meeting of February 18,
Letter was read from the Chairman of the Planning Commission, E. W. Purcell,
in reference to the petition of Stuart Litzsinger. "It is the opinion of the
Planning Commission that this request is consistent with the long range
development use in the hospital area and that this petition be given tentative
approval with the restrictions that a nursing home be excluded, and only the
property to be used at this time be granted this conditional permit." Mayor
McDugle called on Stuart Litzsinger in the judience for any additional
information. Mr. Litzsinger explained thoroughly and outlined on the map all
details of plans on request for construction of a medical center south of
Island Hospital.
Letter was read from Stevens and Thompson, Consulting Engineers in which
they stated that they were transmitting 10 copies of a Construction Report
for the HHFA Project No. APW-Wash-8G as constructed by the B & B Plumbing
and Heating Company of Anacortes. The purpose of this report is to include
in one document, a summary of the pertinent items pertaining to the con$truction
of the water system modifications, and will be beneficial to the contractor,
engineer, resident inspector and supplier for any future need or reference.
Charles Valentine., civic activities committee chairman of the Chamber of
Commerce, spoke from the audience on the following projects and expressed hope
that the Council would cooperate with the Chamber of Commerce on these projects
for a better Anacortes.
1. Better Parks
2. Cleaning up of vacant lots
3. Vandalism
A. Off-street parking
City Manager reported that a meeting will be held in the near future with
police, school representative, and YMCA to discuss the curbing of vandalism
and work out a program on curfew.
Recommendation kom the Planning Commission on vacation of alley east of
T Ave. in Block 13, 27th St. east of T Ave. and 80' extension into Tract 28
from Pioneer Shingle Company was presented to the Council. After discussion
Councilman Hopke made a motion and Councilman Ford seconded that letter be
sent to applicant not gran ting a vacation of property in question, but grant
them continued.use of street on time basis, pending other dispostion for
good of the public. City would further reserve the right if it serve the
public convenience to require lease arrangements for any long age use of
such street by Pioneer. Roll: Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford,
Strom. Motion carried.
City Manager presented special claims on L.I.D. No. 159 in the following
Daily Journal of Commerce on Bid Calls on Bonds & Warrants $70.80
Anacortes American 6.75
h4 0 .
March 3, 1964 continued
Councilman Rice made the motion and Councilman Hopke seconded that claims
be allowed and warrants issued in favor of same. Roll: Hopke, Russell,
Rice, McDug'le, Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
Special Claims on Sewer Construction Treatment Plant APW--Wash-121
were presented to the Council.
West Coast Telephone Company
Puget Sound Power and bight Co.
$ 7.25
Councilman Hopke made the motion and Councilman Rice seconded that claims
be allowed and warrants issued in favor of sane. Roll: Hopke, Russell,
Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
Special claims on Water Construction Project APW-Wash-90G were presented
to the Council.
West Coast Telephone Company $ 7:60
Councilman Hopke made the motion and Councilman Rice seconded that claim
be allowed and warrants issued in favor of same. Roll:. Hopke, Russell,
Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
Claims against the City for the 2nd half of February were presented to
the Council.
Salaries $150407.29
Expenses 32,887.84
Councilman Rice made the motion and Councilman Strom seconded that claims
against the City be allowed and warrants issued in favor of same. Roll:
Hopke, Russell, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
City Manager reported as follows:
New street signs were being considered which would reflect to
lights. Cost would be approximately $10.80 a sign plus pole.
Port of Anacortes would like to meet with the Council and discuss sale
of city property abutting the sewage treatment plant. Being unable to come
up with a decided date for study session where all Councilmen could be present,
the City Clerk was instructed to convey the Council's feeling to the Port
of Anacortes until a later date could be determined for study session.
Councilman Rice made a motion and Councilman Russell seconded that
Evergreen Maintenance be called in to do the windows and floors of the City
Hall offices. All Ayes. Motion carried.
Councilman Peck made a motion and Councilman Hopke seconded that
meeting be adjourned until March 17, 1964 at 7:30 p.m.
Signed c��
Do . McDugle, or
Mildred Bryant, City Clerk
March 17, 1964
A regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 7:30 p.m.
with Mayor McDugle presiding.
Invocation was presented by Reverend Clarence Ostrom of the Church of
Roll: Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom.
286 March 17, 1964 continued
Minutes of the previous meeting were considered and hearing no alterations
or corrections, Councilman Rice made the motion and Councilman Ford seconded
that the minutes be approved as read. Roll: Ayes, Rice, McDugle, Peck,
Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
Letter was read by the City Manager from Glen Prothero, pound master for
the City of Anacortes, advising the City Council and the public of the situa-
tion that exists in this department since acquiring the job five years ago,
on a supposedly part-time basis and part-time pay. He feels that the
statistics of this department now places the position on a 24 hr. a day, 7
day a week job, with the need of a full time attendant and full titre! pay.
He asks that the City Council consider his request and will grant a fair
and just remuneration for facilities and services involved.
Letter was read from South Side Realty, Alfred L. Carpenter, informing
the City Council that he had been approached with a tentative offer to
purchase all of Lots 5 through 20, inclusive, Block 3 of Seattle Syndicate
First Addition to be used for a church site. The proposed building would
be 401 x 601, with parRing area on the property. This offer is from an out
of town church group. They have requested clearance of re -zoning to permit
building of the church, including set backs, provisions and restrictions.
Present zoning is R-1. They would also require that the alley could be
vacated so they would have full use of the property. Total area with the
alley vacated would be 216' x 2401. Councilman Ford made the motion and
Councilman Strap seconded that the request be referred to the Planning
Commission for their recommendation. Roll: Ayes, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford,
Strom. Motion carried.
City Manager informed the Council that a petition had been received in '
the office of the City Clerk signed by approximately 200 people for removal
of the billboards within the City limits of the City of Anacortes. They
believe that the elimination of billboards from the City will improve the
impression that tourists and visitors will take with them of Anscortes, bill-
boards are a traffic hazard and detract the driver's attention. They further
believe this is a practice established by other cities and the State Highway
Commission. Councilman Rice made the motion and Councilman Ford seconded
that said petition be referred to a study session at a later date. All
ayes. Motion carried.
Letter was read from the Anacortes Arts and Crafts Festival requesting
a change of site for their Festival to be held July 30th to August 2nd from
the original granted request by the City Council at a previous session, from
7th and 8th on 0 Avenue to Commercial Avenue between 5th and 8th Street.
Councilman Ford made the motion and Councilman Rios seconded that request be
referred to a study session for further discussion. All ayes. Motion
Letter was read from the Anacortes Y.M.C.Ae inquiring as to the feasi-
bility of operating a concession stand on City property at the Arts and
Craft Festival. Councilman Ford made the motion and Councilman Strom seconded
that the approval of the Arts and Craft Festival be necessary before complying
with this request. All ayes.
The City Manager requested permission to call for bids for Power Mowers
for the Cemetery and Park department. Councilman Rice made the motion and
Councilman Peck seconded that the request of the City Manager be allowed and
he be authorized to call for bids on two (2) Power Mowers. Roll: Ayes, Rice,
McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
Special claim on Special Sewer C onstructioa Project APW-WASH-121 were
presented to the Council:
Stevens & Thompson, Inc. for Engineering Services on Project $1,190.00
Councilman Rice made the motion and Councilman Ford seconded that claim be
allowed and warrant issued for same. Roll: Ayes, Rice, McDugle, Ford, Strom.
Nayes, Peck. Motion carried.
Special Claim on LID No. 159 was presented to the Council:
Legro and Judy for professional engineering services in securing
property ownerships and field data and in preparing a topographic
survey and ownership map of 29th Street from Q Ave. for LID 159
$ 701.36
Councilman Ford made the motion and Councioman Rice seconded that claims be
allowed and interest bearing warrant No. 3, dated March 17th, 1964, in the
March 17, 1964 continued
amount of $701.36 at 4.20% be issued Grande and Company, Inc. Roll: Rice,
McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
Special claim on Special Water Construction APW-WASH-90G was presented
to the Council.
Haskell Corporation Estimate No. 2 $6,168.85
City Manager stated that the work had been checked to date and it was the
recommendation of the Federal Government that payment be made. Councilman
Ford made the motion and Councilman Peck seconded that recommendation be
accepted and warrant in the amount of $6,1689,85 be issued to Haskell
Corporation. Roll: Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
Claims against the City for the lot half of March were presented to
the Council:
Salaries $89996.00
Expenses 7,790.69
Councilman Rice made the motion and Councilman Strom seconded that claims
be allowed and warrants issued for same. Roll: Ayes, Rice, McDugle, Ford,
Strom. Abstain: Peck. Motion carried.
Treasury Report was presented to the Council and ordered placed on file.
Mayor McDugle then reported to the Council that it was time to canvass
the votes of the City General Election held March 10, 1964, and to open
the absentee ballots. The results of the election are as follows:
Candidate Votes at Election Absentees Total
Ward I
- Position I
Frank Russell 140 2 1112
William Dickinson 156 2 158
Ward II
Position 2
Jesse Ford 623 2 625
Robert Nemitz 3113 - 343
Paul Grube
Improper Ballot
Ward III
Position 3
Charles Hopke
Robert Perry
Mayor McDugle spoke thanking the citizens of the City of Anacortes,
the City Council members, City Boards and all City Departments for their
help and cooperation during his term as Mayor. "I would also like to
thank Frank Russell and Charles Hopke for the good work they have accam-
plished while serving on the Anacortes City Council. They have been
instrumental in establishing three main mile -stones in Anacortes City
government. They proved:
1. The City budget can be reduced while maintaining and expanding city
2. Proved that L.I.D.Is can be put in by a 60$ or better majority. This
was done with the utmost harmony.
3. The paving of streets can be accomplished out of the regular street
maintenance fund.
I wish to assure the people who voted for me that I will continue to serve
bn the platform on which they elected me. My aim has always been for the
beat interest of Anacortes, and as a Councilman I will continue to work to
this goal. I again wish to thank Frank Russell and Charles Hopke for a
job well-done."
Meeting adjourned.
• •J
March 17, 1964 continued
Signed: Ot ; � �(?_ l . �J
Don H. McDugle, Mayor
Mildred Bryant, City Clerk
April 7, 1964
A regular meeting of the City Council for the City of Anacortes was called
to order at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor Don H. McDugle presiding.
Invocation was presented by Father Auer.
The City Clerk administered the Oath of Dffice to Jesse Ford, Councilman
of the Second Ward, and to Robert Perry, Councilman of the Third Ward. William
Dickinson, Councilman of the First Ward, was absent due to illness. The new
Councilmdn were then seated at the Council table.
Roll: Perry, Rice, McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom.
Mayor McDugle stated that the chair would entertain a nomination for Mayor.
Councilman Peck nominated Councilman Perry for the office of Mayor. Council-
man Perry declined the nomination. Councilman Rice nominated Councilman
Jess Ford for the office of Mayor. Being no further nominations Councilman
Rice made the motion and Councilman Strom seconded that the nomination be
closed. Roll: Ayes, Perry, Rice,'McDugle, Peck, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
Councilman Peck made the motion and Councilman Rice seconded that a roll
call vote be taken for the office of Mayor. Roll: Ayes, Perry, Rice, Ford,
Strom. Nayes: Peck, McDugle. Mayor Don McDugle then turned the gavel over
th Mayor -elect Jess Ford.
Mayor Jess Ford then spoke to the Council, City Employees and citizens
of Anacortes with the following words:
Like all cities, Anacortes has problems and we will always have problems.
The important consideration is to solve these problems as they arise in the
most logical, reasonable and acceptable manner possible. This will be the
major effort of this council.
Anacortes is an intense, emotional town in many respects.
Anacortes is a relatively good town. Thousands of cities would be happy
to have our many acres of area for potential growth, our hundreds of acres of
parks and public lands, our municipally owned water system, our scenic setting,
and the human abilities resources of our city. Anacortes had many competent,
aggressive people. We should continuously enlist these human resources in
activities which improve our city.
In the operation of our city, three major groups are involved. These are
the City Council - including the City Manager and appointive groups, the City
employees, and the citizens of our City.
As your Mayor, I am offering to these three soups a Code of Conduct.
To the City Council and Manager and Appointive Groups
The Council and Manager and appointive groups should generate and offer
ideas for the progress of their city.
Councilmen should be aware of the needs of those they represent. This
isn't always easy; sometimes it takes some discussion'and leg -work and judgment.
Too often, a Councilman must make a decision when he doesn't really know the
sentiment of the citizens. In these cases, he show,$ get all the facts possible,
insist on time to deliberate, weigh the facts, make a decision, and stick to
it. Few things are more disconcerting to other Councilmen and to the public
than having a Councilman expressing a different opinion every day in the week.
April 7, 1964 continued
Councilmen should be open and frank and honest with other Councilmen and
the public. •
.Councilmen should know that they can and will make mistakes. Councilmen
are people, and are subdect to the same weaknesses and strengths as are other
human beings. If we made a mistake, admit it, try to correct it, and profit
from the experience. If a councilman makes the same mistake too many times,
he will and should lose the confidence of the public.
The Council should develop definite policy for city operation and be sure
the Manager understands that policy.
The Manager should be sure he understands Council policy and administer
city business according to that policy.
A Councilman should be aware that when he was elected, those who elected
him assumed he would make more than a reasonable effort to tkke care of the
job. Elections are still too much popularity contests, but not so much as they
used to be. The average voter today is a much more sophisticated person than
was the case in years past.
Once the public develops confidence in a Council's ability to handle city
affairs, they will seem to be apathetic and disinterested, But, let a Council
"goof up", and it is soon discovered that the public was asleep with one eye
Councilmen and the Manager should be continuously alert to discover
competent and interested people to serve in the many public service positions
necessary to running our city. Anacortes employs sixty-two elected and salaried
people, and about the same number serve their town without salary. This is
quite a demand on a community, but Anacortes is fortunate in that many of its
people are willing and able and do serve their city.
A councilman should accept constructive criticism in an impersonal and
dignified manner. Conversely, a Councilman has the right to be treated'as a
human being, and should not be expected to tolerate bemeaning and insulting
The City Manager should keep the Council fully informed at all times.
This shohlid include those areas of action which are within the right of the
Manager to act without Council approval.
To City Employees
The people of Anacortes, as emplpyers, have a right to expect City em-
ployees to do quality work and a good dayls work.
City employees have a right to expect public respect and patience while
in the pursuit of their duties.
City employees are not expected to accept supervision from City Councilmen.
In all departments, supervisors are hired to supervise and it should be assumed
that they will accept supervisory'resp6hsibilities.
The people of Anacortes and the City Council have the responsibility of
providing facilities, equipment and training necessary for a City employee to
do us a good job.
City employees should be courteous and helpful in their contacts with
Anacortes people. It is recognized that law enforcement officers have a
difficult public relations -job, but they can be firm with dignity and, in most
cases, keep public resentment at a minumum. Of course, we all recognize that
an officer can't always "turn the other cheekn - he might get slugged on that
one, too.
• We suggest that city employees do not take their job problems to the
public - take them to the supervisors, Manager, and Iast, the Council.
To The Citizens of Anacortes
As we said earlier, we have our share of intense, emotional individuals
and groups in Anacortes.
In my opinion, if the energy that these people expend in battling each
other could be funneled into positive action for our city, we will get more
290 April 7, 1964 continued
done, and faster. Aggressiveness is great, if it is positive aggression and not
negative aggression. This Council will try to channel these active, aggressive
people into positive civic service activities.
When offering criticism of how our City is operated, the critic should be
prepared to offer suggestions on how to do things better, and be willing to help
do it if requested.
Anacortes people should defend and promote our City to outsiders. This can
be done in good conscience.
Experts on the subject agree that there is only one great economic expansizn
frontier left in America, the Northwest. This area will grow and prosper whether
we want it to or not, but we will do better if we help ourselves.
I sincerely solicit the understanding and help of everyone in the best
interests of our City.
Mayor Jess Ford stated that he would entertain a nomination for Mayor Pro -
Tem. Councilman Strom made the motion that Councilman Rice be nominated for
Mayor Pro -Tem. Councilman;Perry seconded the motion. Councilman Peck made the
motion and Councilman Strom seconded that nominations be closed. Roll: Ayes,
Ford, Perry, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Abstain: Rice. Motion carried.
Mayor Jess Ford then appointed Councilman Rice as Chairman of the Finance ' '
Committee and Councilman Perry and Councilman Strom to serve with Councilman Rice.
Roll: All Ayes.
Minutes of the previous meeting were considered and hearing no alterations
or corrections Councilman Rice made the motion and Councilman Peck seconded that.
the minutes be accepted as read. Roll: Perry, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom.
Motion carried.
Letter was read from the Anscortes Assembly of God stating that they were the
owners of the west three acres of the following described tract:
Commence at a point 330 feet east of the northwest corner of the
northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section twenty-five
(25), township thrity-five (35) north, range one (1) east, W.M.;
thence east along the north line of said sectibn, a distance of
612 feet and 8 inches, more or less, to west line of a one acre
tract conveyed to one George Spencer on April 23, 1901; thence
south along Spencer's west line 296 feet to center of Thirtieth
Street produced 612 feet 8 inches, more or less, to a point due
south of the place of beginning; thence north 296 feet to place of
beginning, EXCEPT any portion thereof lying within the east one
acre of said tract, and ALSO EXCEPT ar6r portion thereof lying
within existing streets; SUBJECT TO easements or record.
They further stated that the road connecting the west end of 29th Street
with 32nd Street in the general area where the above described property exists
is an unplatted road which has grown through usage over the years. They feel
like a connection between 29th and 32nd must be maintained, and that a relocation
of said road upon property donated by the corporation to the City would be of
general benefit to both the church and the city. The corporation proposed to
convey to the city a 60 foot right-of-way for the continuation of J Avenue
from the north line to the south line of the above described property, and in
addition thereto, the south 30 feet of that part of the above described tract
lying west of the east line of said continuation of J Avenue, which the City
requires for completing the 29th Street proposed L.I.D. In return for the
above conveyances, the church would be entitled to close off the now existing
road curving from 29th to 32nd,.insofar as the same was not required for access
by abutting property owners to the west, and that further the City would improve
the continuation of J Avenue and the 30 foot connection with the existing road
in the same manner that J Avenue is proposed to be improved in the current L.I.D.,
and improve 29th Street from the west line of J Avenue east,in the same manner
as the balance of 29th Street is proposed to be improved, through the use of
gas tax moneys and without further cost to the corporation, it being understood
that the connection between 32nd Street and J Avenue would be classified as a
Community Arterial.
April 7, 1964 contipged
• , 29!
Mayor Jess Ford suggested to the Council that this request was too complex
to be dealt with at a Council Session without further study. Councilman Strom
made the motion and Councilman Perry seconded that request be referred to City
Engineer, City Manager and Planning Commission, Roll: Ayes, Perry, Rice, Ford,
Peck, McDugle, Stroma. Motion carried.
Letter was read from the Washington Alpine Club, Inc. requesting permission
to use Mt. Erie for their Basic Climbing Course Rock Practice on Sunday April 12,
1964, Councilman Rice made the motion and Councilman Strom seconded that request
be granted. All Apes.
Letter was read from E. W. Purcell, Chairman of the Planning Commission,
recommending that more detailed information was needed from Mr. Carpenter or
or the church before this request could be studied further. Councilman Rice
made the motion and Councilman Peck seconded that the recommendation of the
Planning Commission be accepted. Roll: Ayes, Perry, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle,
Strom. Motion carried.
• Mayor Jess Ford asked the pleasure of the Council on the request from the
Anacortes Arts and Crafts Festival requesting the use of Commercial Avenue
between 5th and 8th Streets and adjoining side streets from 5:30 p.m. Thursday,
July 30th to 12:00 p.m. Sunday,.August 2, 1964. Councilman Perry made the
motion and Councilman Rice seconded that request for designated area be granted
to the Arts and Crafts Festival. Roll: Ayes, Perry, Rice, Ford, Peck,
McDugle, Strom. Motion carried.
Referring to Mr. Sager's request for vacation on 35th Street, a letter was
read based on discussion of City Attorney and City Manager as follows:
Dear Mr. Sager.:
The City Council did not feel the proposed vacation on 35th Street by
your property was in the public interest. The Comprehensive Plan for that
area of the City indicates the need for this right of way.
Although the Council appreciates your title problem as to your hone,
they felt that any decision on the matter should be with held until this is
actually a problem. Then at that time to review your home location and title
difficulty only.
The City Council certainly welcomes any suggestion you might have on this
There being no comments from the Council, the letter was accepted as Council
Mayor Ford appointed Councilman Robert Perry and Councilman Eugene Strom
• as delegates to the Association of Washington Cities 1964 Annual Convention in
Spokane;,Washington, May 13, 14, 15th.
Mayor Jess Ford then recommended the re -appointment of P. E. Malson to the
Library Board. Councilman Rice made the motion and Councilman Perry seconded
that the recommendation of the Mayor be accepted. Roll: Perry, Rice, Ford,
McDugle, Strom. Motion carried.
Mayor Jess Ford asked the pleasure of the Council on their decision to
issue a conditional use permit for construction of medical office unit south-
west of the Island Hospital. Councilman Don McDugle then asked if request
was rejected by vote of the City Council could they still build. City attorney
replied that the Planning Commission was a advisory body only and their
recommendation was subject to review by the City Council by a affirmative
decision. Councilman Don McDugle made a motion and Mayor Ford seconded that
recommendAtion of the Planning Commission be accepted and conditional permit
be issued for constructionoof medical center. Question: Councilman Peck
stated that he was opposed to this request unless 26th Street was opened to
alleviate traffic problems the clinic would create. Councilman Perry stated
that this had been discussed at the Planning Commission meeting and no parking
signs would be placed along M Avenue. Councilman Strom stated that he was
opposed to the location of the clinic as it was in a prime residential district.
Roll: Ayes, Ferry, Ford, McDugle. Nayes: Rice, Peck, Strom. Being a tie
vote, no official action could be taken. Mayor Ford then announced that a
Special Council meeting would be held when Councilman William Dickinson would
be available.
April 7, 1964 continued
Special claim vbuchers-U: b"r-b
Washington State Tax Commission for period of
Jan. 1, 1960 to Dec. 31, 1963 in the amounts of $2095.25
were presented to the Council. Councilman Peck made the motion and Councilman
Perry seconded that claims be allowed and warrants issued for same. Roll: Perry,
Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried.
Special Udim vouchers on Special Water Construction APW-WASH-90G were
presented to the Council.
Skagit Valley Herald $ 18.48
Councilman Perry made a motion and Councilman Rice seconded that claim be allowed
and warrant issued for same. Roll: Perry, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom.
Motion carried.
City Manager presented Special claim vouchers on L.I.D. No. 158 to the Council:
Mt. Vernon Sand & Gravel Co., Inc. for miscl. costs $ 292.52
Councilman Rice made the motion and Councilman Perry seconded that claim be
allowed and interest bearing warrant No. 36 dated April 7, 1964 in the amount of
$292.52 at 4.15% be issued Hughbanks, Inc. Roll: Perry, Rice, Ford, Peck,
McDugle, Strom. Motion carried.
Claims against the City for the 2nd half of March were presented to the Council.
Salaries $15,578.64
Expenses 46.329.82
Councilman Perry made a motion and Councilman McDugle seconded that claims be
allowed and warrants issued for same. Roll: Ayes, Perry, Rice, Ford, Peck,
McDugle, Strom. Motion carried.
Special claim vouchers on Special Sewer Construction APW-VASH-121 were
presented to the Council.
Progress payment to P & B Company of Washington for $4,418.84
Councilman Rice made a motion and Councilman Perry seconded that claim be allowed
and warrant issued payable to United Pacific Insurance Company in the amount of
$4,418.84. Roll: Ayes, Perry, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried.
Councilman Rice made the motion and Councilman Strom seconded that meeting
be adjourned until April 21, 1964 at 7:30 p.m.
Signed: O
J as Ford, Mayor
City Clerk
April 21, 196
A regular meeting of the City Council for the City of A nacortes was called
to order at 7:30 p.m, with Mayor Jess Ford presiding.
Invocation was presented by Rev. Herman Kazen, Assemble of God Church.
Roll: Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle.
Mayor Ford made the announcement that Councilman Strom was attending a
hospital staff meeting and if possible would join the Council later.
City Manager read a letter from the A nacortes Assembly of God Church stating
APRIL 114, 3.964
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Jess Ford presiding.
City Clerk administered Oath of Office to Councilman -elect.. William Dickinson,
Ward I, April 10, 196., in the office of the City Clerk, City Hall, Anacortes,
Roll: Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom.
The Special Meeting was called by the Mayor for the purpose to reconsider the
Paanning Commission recommendation that a conditional permit be granted for
construction of a medical clinic south of Island Hospital to Stuart Litssinger.
No official action was taken at the Council Session of April 7, 1964 as a
result of a tie vote.
Mayor Ford asked"the Council if there was arW additional discussion to add to
this request. No comments. Councilman Don McDugle made a motion and Council -
Tian Perry seconded that the Council in reviewing the recommendation of the
Planning Commission indicate approval of issuing conditional permit to construct
a medical clinic to Stuart Litasinger. Roll: Ayes, Perry, Dickinson, Ford,
McDugle. Nayes, Rice, Peck, Strom. Motion carried.
Councilman Peck made a motion and Councilman Perry seconded that meeting be
2 9 3
April 21, 1964 (continued)
that they were in the process of completing a sale for their church building
located at 10th and 0 Avenue and requested the rental of the City Hall for
the purpose of conducting Church and Sunday School Services at a rental charge
of $75.00 per month. Councilman Rice made the motion and Councilman Peck
seconded that request be granted. Roll: Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck,
McDugle. Motion carried.
Mayor Ford requested the pleasure of the Council on the previous meeting
April 7, 1964 and the special meeting April 13, 1964. Councilman Dickinson
requested that it be entered in the minutes of April 7th that if he had been present
at council session his vote for Mayor would have been in favor of Jess Ford.
Councilman Peck requested the minutes of April 7th to be amended on the following
motions. Motion for roll call vote for the office of.Mayor to read, Councilman
Peck made the motion and Councilman Rice seconded ther.motion. Motion for Mayor
Pro -Tem on roll call: Ayes, Perry, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Abstain: Rice.
Motion on request from Washington Alpine Club, Inc. Roll: Perry, Rice, Ford,
Peck, McDugle, Strom. With these amendments in the official minute book of the
City of Anacortes, Councilman Peck made the motion and Councilman Rice seconded
that minutes of April 7th and April 13th be approved as read. Roll: Ayes, Perry,
Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle. Motion carried.
Letter was read from the Anacortes Assembly of God Church stating that at
their recent board of trustees meeting their request for a relocation of road
connecting the west end of 29th Street with 32nd Street and their conveyancing
of property by the corporation for continuation of J Ave. to be rescinded.
Mayor Ford asked the City Manager to advise the Planning Commission of this
Resolution from the Chamber of Commerce on the establishment of a Relief
Fund for Alaska was read'by the Council.
"Now therefore, it is Hereby Resolved, that the Anacortes Chamber of
Commerce assist in any way possible in the establishment of an Alaska Relief
Fund to be collected by the City Council of the City of Anacortes & managed and
distributed by it."
City Attorney advised the Council that if this was established it should not
be in the form of a official fund of the City. Mayor Ford suggested that a
City employee be designated unofficially to raise funds for said cawse, with the
support of the City Council. In further discussion it was of the opininn that
the Chamber of Commerce should be in charge of such a fund. Councilman Don
McDugle made a motion that a letter be written to the Chamber of Commerce
- stating the opinion of the City Council and that the Council would back this
project 100%. Councilman Perry asked for the motion to be amended by asking
the Chamber of Commerce to be recipient of this fund and take job on. Council-
man McDugle restated his motion to this effect and Councilman Peck seconded the
motinn if the Chamber of Commerce would handle the Alaske Relief Fund themselves.
Roll: Ayes: Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle. Motion carried.
Letter was read and placed on file from Washingtnn Alpine Club Inc. thanking
the City Manager and City Council for considering aimd granting permission for the
use of Mt. Brie for their Basic Course Rock Practice on such short notice.
Letter was read from P.S.P. & Light Co. informing the Council that Thursday,
April 23rd, 7:30 p.m. Puget Power would present "Trade or Fade" a searching
analysis of world trade, both import and export, and its importance to our
community. Letter was ordered placed on file.
Mayor Ford informed the City Council that Dr. Eugene Strom had been appointed
Association of Washington Cities nominating committee chairman at Convention
to be held in Spokane May 13th, 14th, and 15th.
City Manager reported that bids had been received on the Power Lawn Mowers
for the Park and Cemetery Departments. Bids are as follows:
Cemetery: Northwest Mower & Marine Co, Seattle, Washington
75" Locke Power Lawn Mower with trade-in. $1,137.30
Maryott's, Anacortes, Washington
76" Toro Professional with trade-in. 1,156.00
Park: Northwest Mower and Marine Co., Seattle, Washington
75" Locke Power Lawn Mower without trade. 1,337.30
Maryott's, Anacortes, Washington
76" Toro Professional without trade. 1,456.00
City Manager stated that at the Board -meetings of the Cemetery and Park Departments
994 .,,d� April 21, 196 (continued) �
their recommendation was for the purchase of the Locke Power Mower from the Northwest
Mower and Marine Co., Seattle, Washington. It was noted that a demonstration of
both mowers was conducted and that the department heads felt that the Locke mower
could be better utilized for our type of operation. Councilman Peck made the motion
and Councilman Rice seconded that the recommendations of the Park and Cemetery
Boards be accepted in bid of the Northwest Mower and Marine Company for the purchase
of two (2) Powei';,awn Mowers in the amount of $1,137.30 for the Cemetery Department
and $1,337.30 for the Park Department. Roll: All Ayes, Perry, Dickinson, Rice,
Ford, Peck McDugle. Motion carried.
Letter was read from Mr. W. T. Guenther, General Secretary of the Anacortes
Y.M.C.A. requesting permission to use the basement of the City Hall (excluding
Boiler Room) for Y.M.C.A. office and to house Y.M.C.A. programs and activities.
The Y.M.C.A. would be responsible for maintaining the janitoral seawice and
present furnishings, and supervising the community rental of these basement
facilities. They propose a monthly usage fee of $35.00 which includes heat
and utilities plus 50% of all community rental fees. They would maintain the
existing community rental policy and fees. They believe that with the above
facilities the Y.M.C.A. would be in the position to offer the community
physical education, hobby and craft, classes and courses for youth and adults
plus a recreational facility for youths.
Mayor Ford asked if there was any specified time on this request. City Manager
stated that they would like to try out this arrangement for balance of year.
Councilman Peck made the motion and Councilman Rice seconded that recreational
facilities bf this nature was much needed by the community and their request be
granted for use of the City Hall basement at the stated price of $35.00 per
month. Question: Councilman Perry inquired if a breakdown of the cost of
heating and lighting the City Hall had been made. City Manager reported that
it cost approximately $1,300.00 to $1,500.00 to heat the full building. Council-
man Dickinson asked if this request was on a month to month basis. City Manager
reported that they would sign a lease agreement. City Attorney stated that
there should be a understanding as to the usage of the rentals of the buildings.
Councilman Perry asked the motion include granting the request on a cnntract
basis and renegotiable at the end of the year. Councilman Peck restated his
motion to this effect. Roll: All Ayes. Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck,
McDugle. Motion carried.
City Manager read a letter from J. Melville, Regional Administrator of the
Housing and Home Finance Agency informing the City Council that the Anacortes
Workable Program for Community Improvement meets Federal requirements. City
Mana§er showed framed certificate issued by the Administrator evidencing his
certification of the Program.
Mayor Ford presented the Council with the following recommendations from the
Citizens Advisory Board:
(1) Twelve (12) month each year Dog Leash Law be put in effect
immedately and enforced night and day.
(2) City Dog Warden be made a full time municipal employee.
(3) Comparable salary on a twelve (12) month full time basis be paid
the City Dog Warden.
(4) Glen Prothero, present Dog Warden, be retained to continue his '
present activities.
Councilman Peck stated that the dog leash law was long overdue and made a motion
that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a 12 month dog control ordinance
amending the present ordinance now in effect and present to the Council. Councilman
Rice seconded the motion. Roll: Ayes, Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle.
Motion carried. Councilman Perry requested that the other 3 recommendations from
the Advisory Board be referred to a study session. Mayor Ford informed the
Council that a study session would be held Tuesday, April 28, 7:00 p.m.
Request for vacation from G. C. Lauderbach for vacation of the north half of
east side of R, between 37th and the State Highway for the sum of $150.00 was
presented to the Council. Councilman Peck made the motion that request be
referred to the Planning Commission for their recommendation and to review
the long range plans of the City in studying this request. Councilman Dickinson
seconded the motion. Roll: Ayes, Perry, Dickingson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle.
Motion carried.
Treasurer Report was presented for the month of Feb. and March and ordered
placed on file.
April 21,'1964 (continued) 295
Claims against the City for the lst half of April were presented to the
Council in the amount of:
Salaries $8,555.00
Expenses 5.610.60
Upon hearing no objections the Mayor referred them to the Finance Committee.
Councilman Perry made the motion and Councilman Rice seconded that claims be
allowed and warrants drawn in favor of same. Roll: All Ayes, Perry, Dickinson,
Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle. Motion carried.
Special claim on Special Water Construction 90G was presented to the
Haskell & Co. on Estimate No. 3
Period of March 10th, April 10, 1964 in the amount of $3,966.54
3,200.00 of this sum is for material stored on job site.
City Manager reported that the work had been checked to date and it was
the•recom1endation of Stevens & Thompson that payment be made. He further
stated that 80% of the work had been completed but he would like the authorization
of the City Council to hold payment of warrant until some clean up work had
been completed. Councilman Rice made the motion and Councilman Peck seconded
tha.,t'recommendation of Stevens & Thompson be accepted and warrant drawn up
in the amount of $3,966.54, payable to Haskell & Co., Inc., but held by City
Manager until clean-up work completed. Roll: Ayes, Perry, Dickinson, Rice,
Ford, Peck, McDugle. Motion carried.
Councilman Perry reported to the Council that he had met with the Director
of the Tour Division of the Greyhound Bus Lines and he complimented the City
of Anacortes on their well kept Parks and City owned areas.
Mayor Ford reported that at a recent study session one of the subjects
of discussion was a community ball field and the Council would cooperate in
development of such a facility. He further stated that one location was now
being checked but would appreciate any recommendations from the citizens of
Anacortes. Councilman Dickinson reported that he had talked with Lewis
McKay,assistant Supt. of Schools, and he was very much in favor of furnishing
all the play fields possible.
Councilman Peck made the motion and Councilman Perry seconded that the
meeting be adjourned until May 5, 1964 at 7:30 p.m.
Signed: �Z'05�
Je a Ford, Mayor
City Clerk
May 5, 19614
. A regular meeting of the City Council for the City of Anacortes was called
to order at 7:30 p.m. Pith Mayor Besse Ford presiding.
Invocation was presented by Rev. K. G. Egertson of the Lutheran Church.
Roll: Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, McDugle, Strom. Mayor Ford announced
that C ounc.ilman Peck has been excused due to illness.
Alice Newland spoke from the audience questioning if there had been a
follow-up in regards to the Cap Sante Park Area. She stated that at a previous
council session there had been a discussion to have the rocks sand blasted and
also talk to Dr. Frisk to see if anything could be done on the young people
defacing the rocks in the Park Area.
Letter was read from Bernard C. Johnson, General Superintendent of Scott
Paper C ompamy expressing appreciation for the work done in firefighting
Saturday, April 11th, by the Pacific Tow Boat Comparr. He further stated that
the Fire Department was prevented from access to the fire due to its location,
although they attempted everything in their power, and the working arrangement
May 5, 1964 continued
of the Pacifit-1aw Boat Company was very fine and of substantial benefit to the
Minutes of the previous meeting were considered with a requested amendment
by Councilman Peck to amend the motion on the Dog Leash Law to read: "Councilman
Peck made the motion and Councilman Rice seconded that the twelve (12) month Dog
Leash Law be adopted and the City Attorney preparh the necessary Ordinance and ,
present to the Council." This amendment was protested and Councilman Dickinson
made the motion and Councilman Perry seconded that the original previous minutes
be accepted and approved as read. Roll: Ayes, Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford,
McDugle. Abstain: Strome.
Mayor Jess Ford ddclared the public hearing open for discussion on the
twelve (12) month Dog Leash Law. Various citizens in the audience.spoke, some
protesting and some favoring the year round Dog Leash Law. Henry Biesheuvel,
stated that even though he did not own a dog and had one of the nicest yards in
town, he did not feel it necessary to punish all the dogs just because some of
them were hoodlums. Tony Barcott favored the law stating that Anacortes was an
AU American City and it should be kept beautiful and to do this all dogs would
have to be kept at home and fenced in. Bill Lowman protested with the feeling
that there would have to be an army of dog catchers to keep all the dogs in the
City tied, and that a law should never be made unless it can be enforced fairly
and in tni.formity. Little Red Sutherland questioned as to the cost of taking
care of all these dogs that would be picked up and how one man would be able to
operate 24 hours a day. Mr. John Ballard, Cub Master of Pack 85, statedkat
the only correct way to make a decision on the passage of this'llaw would/to put
it on a ballot. Councilman Don MdDugle agreeded with Mr. Ballard. Mrs. H. J.
Fee spoke regarding the more vicious dogs that come at you while walking down
the street. Mr. E. Miller favored the reporting of these vicious dogs and
also varying the price of a license to the size of the dog. Mayor Ford informed
the public that although citizens complain about dogs they will not give their
names so a complaint can be issued and there is little anyone can do without
proof. A citizen in the audience felt that if the dog leash law went into
effect it would give people a more harmonious feeling on these complaints.
Councilman Perry pointed out that a signed complaint would still be required
even though the dog leash law went thru. He further stated that the owners of
the dogs are the ones responsiblte for their actions. Mary Mackey favored
putting the issue on a ballot.
Mayor Jess Ford then declared the hearing on the twelve (12) month Dog
Leash Law closed and informed the Council that the Ordinance had not yet been
completed and would be held in abeyance until a further date.
City Attorney informed the public that in his opinion placing issues of
this nature on a ballot was being overdone. He further stated that Anscortes
has a representative council which the citizens put into office to act on such
issues, and to put issues such as this on a ballot only hinders municipal develop-
ment. Councilman Dickinson disagreed with the City Attorney and favored the
Issue to be put on ballot.
Councilman McDugle asked to be excused from Council Session of May 19th.
Permission was granted.
Special Claim on Special Water Construction 90G was presented to the Council.
Anacortes American for Water Shut -Off Notice $6.00
Councilman Strom made a motion and Councilman McDugle seconded the special claim
be allowed and warrant issued for same. Roll: Ayes, Perry, Dickinson, Rice,
Ford, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried.
Claims against the City for the 2nd half of April was presented to the
Council in the amount of:
Salaries 15,6115.03
Expenses 35,,190.81
$ 509635•U4
Upon hearing no objections the Mayor referred them to the Finance Committee.
Councilman Strom made the motion and Councilman McDugle sedonded that claims
be allowed and warrants issued for same. Rolls A11 Ayes, Perry, Dickinson,
Rice, Ford,-McDugle, Stroma. Motion carried.
-City Manager reported that the J Street paving would be completed May 6th.
He Niffther reported that at the recent Chamber of Commerce meeting they discussed
May 5, 1964 continued
the feasibility of operating a bus line between down town Anacortes and the
ferry terminal.
Councilman Dickinson asked if anything further had been done on the
playfields. City Manager reported that he had talked to Dr. Frisk, super-
intendent of schools and they were willing to cooperate in whatever way
;Councilman Dickinson questioned if akV action had been taken on the
redommiendation of the Citizens Advisory Board on the Curfew Law. City
Manager reported that a meeting was to be held soon for this subject to be
Councilman Perry informed the Council that he did not believe the
young people of Anacortes should be discouraged on painting the rocks of
Park Areas or elsewhere. In his opinion a regular program should be worked
f, out and offered to the young people as a project.
Meeting adjourned.
City Clerk
May 19, 1964
Signed: X, a -e ZJ
Jo s Ford., Myor �
A regular meeting of the City Council for the City of Anacortes was
called to order at 700 p.m. with Mayor Pro -Tem James Rice presiding.
:Invocation was presented by Rev. Ralph Underwood of the Southside Church
of Christ.
Rollt Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Peck, Strom, Mayor Jess Ford was absent
due.to vacation, and Councilman Don McDugle had been excused at the previous
meeting for this session.
Councilman Peck inquired who had been responsible for sending out
sptestionnaires to all City Employees. He stated that it was altogether too
personal, and no one had the right to ask for such information. City Manager
reported that he had been responsible for the questionnaires and they had
been sent out under his direction. He further stated that he later informed
department heads to notify the employees that they need not fill in any
questions that they felt were too personal.
Alice Newland spoke from the audience inquiring as to why the flag was
not flying over the City Hall or in Causland Park. City Manager reported that
due to the City Hall no longer having a custodian there was no one to raise
andilower the flag at this time. He further stated that the flag that was
formerly at Causland Park•was now flying over the Fire Hall Building.
Alice Newland also inquired if a program was being planned for the
defacing of the rocks on Cap Sante.
A petition was read from Mary E. Smith of 270$ J Ave., Anacortes, Washington
requesting a vacation of the alley in Block 1 of EdWaught's First Addition.
The petition was referred to the Planning Commission.
Request from Bryant's Marina, Inc. to put a Boat Show banner across
Commercial at 13th Street on May 22nd to May 25th was read to the Council.
City Manager reported that the City Inspector had informed him that 31st
and Commercial was the only street that the City had been allowing banners
across the Street. Councilman Peck stated that due to the State Highway
-Department having jurisdiction over 13th and Commercial that a request of
this nature should go through them. Councilman Strom made a motion and
Councilman Peck seconded that Bryant's Marina, Inc. be allowed to place a
banner on 31st and Conmercial and directional signs off the street at 13th
and Commercial; Roll: Ayes, Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Peck, Strom. Motion carried.
298 May 19, 1964 continued
Letter was read from the Skagit County Civil Defense urging the Mayor and
the City Council to attend the Anacortes District Organization Meeting of the
Skagit County Civil Defense meeting on May 26th, 1964 at 8:00 p.m. in the
Council Chambers of the City Hall, Anacortes, Washington.
City Manager reported that Project APW-WASH-121, Sewage Treatment Plant,
was now completed and it was the recommendation of the Consulting Engineers,
Stevens and Thompson, Inc., for Council approval and acceptance of project.
Councilman -Peak inquired that in case of a law suit who would it reflect on, the
City or the Contractor? He stated that two claims had already been filed. One
from Mr. Demopoulos for damage to a retaining wall in the estimated amount of
$5600.00 and one for an auto accident and the possibility of claims from the
citizens of Anacortes for the odor from the pipes of the plant. City Attorney
stated that the odor from the pipes would be a claim against the City, but the
Contractor would be responsible for the damage to the property. Councilman
Peck made the motion and Councilman Dickinson seconded that the project be
accepted with the�tituplation that the City be held harmless from any liability
in connection wi}tj�i the claim of Mr. Demopoulos or property damage by the
employees of the P & B Construction ComparW. Roll: Ayes, Perry, Dickinson,
Rice, Peck, Strom.
City Manager reported that Haskell Corporation had completed their contract
on Water Project APW-WASH-90G and it was the recommendation of the City Engineer
and Stevens and Thompson, Consulting Engineers that the project be accepted
and approved. Councilman Peck made the motion and Councilman Strom seconded
that the recommendation of the City Engineer and Consulting Engineers be
accepted and Project APW-16sh-90G completed. Roll: Ayes, Perry, Dickinson,
Rice, Peck, Strom. Motion carried.
City Attorney read proposed emergency Ordinance appropriating an additional
$637.30 over and above the 1964 Budget for the purchase of a new lawn mower
due to the appropriating of $600.00 budgeted item for repairs of cemetery
equipment. At the time of adopting the 1964 budget it was believed that the
lawnmower used by the Cemetery Department could be kept in repair through the
year 1964 by the amount of $500.00 money so budgeted. It has now been determined
that the cost of keeping sdid lawnmower in repair will equal approximately 40%
of the cost of a new machine. Hearing date of proposed emergency ordinance was
set for June 2, 1964, 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, and
the City Clerk authorized to publish same.
City Mahager requested premission to advertise for bids on L.I.D. 159.
Councilman Peck inquired if negotiations were being made for right of way on
this project. City Manager reported that they were in this process now and
advertisement of bids would not be published until all right of way claims
were completed. Councilman Dickinson suggested that records be maintained on
all work done by the Street Department on this project. Councilman Dickinson
made the motion and Councilman Strom seconded that permission be granted the
City Manager to advertise for bids on L.I.D. Project No. 159 when all clearance
of right of ways had been received. Roll: Ayes, Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Peck,
Strom. Motion carried.
.Councilman Perry and Councilman Strom reported on the Association of
Washington Cities Convention in Spokane on May 13th, 14, 15th.
Claims against the City for the 1st half of May was presented to the
Salaries $8,885.00
Expenses 1,692.04
Total 10,577.04
Upon hearing no objections the Mayor referred them to the Finance Committee,
Councilman Dickinson made the motion and Councilman Perry seconded that claims
be allowed and warrants issued for same. Roll". An Ayes, Perry, Dickinson,
Rice, Peck, Strom. Motion carried.
Special Claim on Special Water Construction 90G was presented to the Council:
Reimburse current expense fund for phone calls, applicable to
90G -- $30.40
Councilman Perry made the motion and Councilman Dickinson seconded that claim
be allowed and warrants issued for same. Roll: AU Ayes, Perry, Dickinson,
Rice, Peck, Strom. Motion carried.
May 193 1964 continued
Special claim on APW-WASH-8G was presented to the Council:
To transfer funds from APW 1WH-8G to APW-VISH-90G to cover
engineering design costs not applicable to 8G. $3,103.76
Councilman Strom made the motion and Councilman Peck seconded that transfer
claim be allowed and a warrant issued for same. Roll: An Ayes, Perry,
Dickinson, Rice, Peck, Strom. Motion carried.
Special claim on APW-121 Sewer Treatment Plant was presented to the
To reimburse Current Expense for phone calls applicable to
APW-121 $37.55
Counailman Perry made the motion and Councilman Dickinson seconded that claim
be allowed and warrant issued for same. Roll: Ayes, Perry, Dickinson, Rice,
Peck, Strom. Motion carried.
City Manager requested permission to rectify 16kkant No. 36 approved
for payment at Council Session April 7, 1963 on L.I.D. 158 to Mt. Vernon
Sand and Gravel Company for miscellaneous costs and to approve Vbtrant No. 36
to Mt. Vernon Sand and Gravel Company in the total amount of $292.52 for
drain tile material which are charges incurred by the City for that portion
of the work which the City is doing itself. Councilman Strom made the
motion and Councilman Perry seconded that claim be allowed and interest
bearing warrant No. 36 dated April 7, 1964 in the amount of $292.52 at
4.15% be issued Hughbanks, Inc. Roll: Perry,'Dickinson, Rice, Peck, Strom.
Motion caftied.
Special Claim Vouchers for L.I.D. No. 158 were presented to the Council:
Marine Asphalt for 29 hours rental roller for work performed
by the City of Anacortes on L.I.D. No. 1.58 $226.20
To Frank Russell for bulldozer work and removal of stumps on
L.I.D. 158 93.60
To Marine Asphalt for Contract No. 1, less 15% retainage 11,,844.41
Councilman Strom made the motion and Councilman Peck seconded that interest
bearing warrants #37 through 49 in the demominations of $1,000.00 and $164.21
at 4.15% be issued to Hughbanks, Inc. Roll: Ayes, Perry, Dickinson, Rice,
Peck, Strom. Motion carried.
Special Claim Vouchers on APW WASH -121 for Sewer Treatment Plant were
presented to the Council.
P & B Construction Company on final progress payment, less
10,E retainage. $ 61037.93
Councilman Strom made the motion and Councilman Dickinson seconded that
warrant be issued to United Insurance Company assign of P & B Construction
Company. Roll: Ayes, Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Peck, Strom. Motion carried.
Special Claim Voucher on APW-WASH-90G was presented to the Council:
Final Progress Payment to Haskell Corporation less
10% retainage. 5,106.06
Councilman Perry made the motion and Councilman Dickinson seconded that clailh
be allowed and warrant issued for same. Roll: Ayes, Perry, Dickinson, Rice,
Peck, Strom. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned.
UJ.ty Cleric
tesa Ford, yor \
1QX AA m r
Anacortes'City Council Minutes
June 23, 1964
A regular meeting of the City Council for the City of Anacortes was
called to order at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor Pro -Tem James Rice presiding.
Invocation was presented by Reverend Richard Boyd of the Methodist
Roll: Dickinson, Rice, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Mayor Jess Ford was
excused due to vacation.
A letter was read from the Mt. Erie Radio Club requesting permission to
use a portion of the top of Mount Erie for the period June 26th through
June 28th for their annual Field Day exercises. Councilman Strom moved that..
permission be granted. Councilman Peck seconded the motion. Roll: Ayes -
Dickinson, Rice, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. .
Councilman Perry entered the meeting at 7:35 p.m.
A letter from Ted Ness was read. He requests the termination of an
easement by the City of 15' on lot 23, Seattle Syndicate, Anacortes. This
property is located at 39th Street and S Avenue. Councilman Strom moved
that this request be referred to the City Engineer. Motion seconded. Roll:
Ayes - Dickinson, Rice, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Abstain - Perry. Motion carried.
A letter was presented from the Seattle -King County C ivil.Defense with
an invitation to the Sixth Annual Region VIII, USCDC Conference to be held in
Idaho Falls, Idaho, July 22-24, 1964. Mayor Pro -Tem Rice reported on the
Civil Defense meeting held here on May 26th.
At the last regular meeting, May 19, 1964, a public hearing on the
proposed ordinance appropriating an additional $637.30 for a lawnmower for the
Cemetery Department was set for the June 2, 1964 meeting. Mayor Pro Tem Rice
called the'Public Hearing to order. The City Attorney read the ordinance.
Mayor Pro -tem Rice asked if there was anyone in the audience to speak for
or against this proposed ordinance. There was no discussion from the audience.
Councilman Peck moved that the ordinance be approved and given.No. 1360.
Councilman Perry seconded the motion and requested that any needed corrections
be made in the final ordinance. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, McDugle,
Strom. Motion carried.
A request from G. C. Lauderbach of 719 -36th Street was referred to for
vacation of the east 301 of R Avenue as platted in Beale's Maple Grove
Addition to the City of Anacortes between the north line of the alley of
Block 14 and the State;:Highway PS -1 -AN. Councilman Strom moved that a public
hearing be held on July 7, 1964, pending a letter from the•Planning Conrinission
stating their recommendation. Motion was seconded by Councilman Dickinson.
Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried.
. Claims against the City for the second half of May 1964 were presented
to the Council:
Salaries 16,316.22
Expenses 27,651.90
Total 43,960.12
Upon hearing no objections, the Mayor Pro -Tem referred. them to the Finance
Committee. Councilman Strom moved that the claims be'approved by the
Finance Committed and warrants issued for same. Motion seconded by Council-
man Dickinson. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Peck, McDugle, Strom.
Motion carried.
Special Claim on APW-121 Sewer Treatment Plant was presented to the
Stevens & ThaWson for design and engineering costs on Sewer
Treatment Plant.
Special Claim on APW-121 was presented -to the Council:
West Coast Telephone Co. for phone calls for Sewage Treatment Plant
Current Egpense to transfer Engineering Services applicable to
Sewage treatment Plant 400.00
Total 400.75
Councilman MoDugle moved and Councilman Dickinson seconded that claims be
allowed and warrants issued for same. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson,
Rice, Peck, MoDugle, Strom. Motion carried.
Special claims on APW-Wash-90G were presented to the Council:
West Coast Telephone Co. for phone ealls applicable to 90G 3.15
Marine Asphalt Co., for patching with hot mix asphalt on
May 12, 1964 355.03
Marine Asphalt Co., for patching on May 15, 1964 81.91
Total 440.09
Councilman Peck moved, seconded by Councilman Strom, that claims be allowed
and warrants issued for same. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Peck,
MoDugle, Strom. Motion carried.
Special Claim on L.I.D. #158 was presented to the Council:
To Marine Asphalt Co., for patching on 20th & J Avenue 38.42
Councilman MoDugle moved and Councilman Perry seconded that claim be allowed
and interest bearing warrant No. 50 in the amount of 38.42 at 4.15% be issued
Hughbanks, Inc. Roll: Ayes -Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Peck, McDugle, Strom.
Motion carried.
City Manager referred to a letter from the Department of Justice
commending the Police Department for their roll in the apprehension of
Marvin Decker.
A list of items to be studied at a ftture meeting was given to the
Council members by the City Manager.
Councilman MaDugle inquired of the two resignations recently presented.
The City Manager replied that the resignation of Police Officer Willis and
the City Clerk had been accepted.
Meeting adjourned.
Deputy 6, 2.�yVZerk
June 2, 1964 continued"
In the discussion that followed, the City Manager stated that the work has
been inspected by the Public Health Department and Pollution Control Commission
and given a satisfactory report. There cannot be a final audit until it is
all approved by the Council. Councilman Peck asked if the Health Department
has been notified. The City Manager replied that they have been. 10,E is
still being retained. Claims against this project and odor problems were
discussed. It was stated that the plans were approved by all State agencies
involved before construction started. Councilman Peck stressed the fact
that the plans presented to them did not show location of adjacent dwellings
in connection with location of pipes. It was stated that because of the soil
conditions, plans for the plant had to be changed. Councilman Dickinson
asked if Stevens & Thompson had taken a soil test. City Manager replied
that preliminary engineering had been done by; another firm. Stevens &
Thompson had to redesign the plant to fit the property. The Health Depart-
ment will recheck the Plant. Councilman Dickinson moved that payment be
allowed and warrant issued for same. Councilman Perry seconded the motion.
Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson•, Rice, MoDugle., Strom. Nayes - Peck.
Councilman Peck stated that the odor problem bad been turned over to Stevens
and Thompson and he feels that they have dragged their feet on this situation.
Special Claim on APW-121 was presented -to the Council:
West Coast Telephone Co. for phone calls for Sewage Treatment Plant
Current Egpense to transfer Engineering Services applicable to
Sewage treatment Plant 400.00
Total 400.75
Councilman MoDugle moved and Councilman Dickinson seconded that claims be
allowed and warrants issued for same. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson,
Rice, Peck, MoDugle, Strom. Motion carried.
Special claims on APW-Wash-90G were presented to the Council:
West Coast Telephone Co. for phone ealls applicable to 90G 3.15
Marine Asphalt Co., for patching with hot mix asphalt on
May 12, 1964 355.03
Marine Asphalt Co., for patching on May 15, 1964 81.91
Total 440.09
Councilman Peck moved, seconded by Councilman Strom, that claims be allowed
and warrants issued for same. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Peck,
MoDugle, Strom. Motion carried.
Special Claim on L.I.D. #158 was presented to the Council:
To Marine Asphalt Co., for patching on 20th & J Avenue 38.42
Councilman MoDugle moved and Councilman Perry seconded that claim be allowed
and interest bearing warrant No. 50 in the amount of 38.42 at 4.15% be issued
Hughbanks, Inc. Roll: Ayes -Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Peck, McDugle, Strom.
Motion carried.
City Manager referred to a letter from the Department of Justice
commending the Police Department for their roll in the apprehension of
Marvin Decker.
A list of items to be studied at a ftture meeting was given to the
Council members by the City Manager.
Councilman MaDugle inquired of the two resignations recently presented.
The City Manager replied that the resignation of Police Officer Willis and
the City Clerk had been accepted.
Meeting adjourned.
Deputy 6, 2.�yVZerk
June 16, 1964
A regular meeting of the City Council for the City of Anacortes was
called to order at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor Jesse Ford presiding.
Invocation was presented by Reverend Frank L. Dawson of the Congregational
Rolf.: William Dickinson, James Rice, Jesse Ford, Marion Peck, Don
McDugle, Dr. E. A. Strom. Mayor Ford stated that Councilman Robdrt Perry had
requested to be excused from this meeting.
Councilman Peck moved that the minutes from the May 19, 1964 meeting be
adcepted'as presented. Councilman Rice seconded the motion. Roll: Ayes -
Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried.
Councilman Peck inquired of the City Manager as to what is being done
about a walking patrolman. He also asked if any thought has been given to
having a reserve police force equipped with Walkie Talkies. The City Manager
replied that such equipment has been ordered. A citizens ban receiver is
located at the police station. It was suggested that the walking patrol
should be a patrol that is moving in a vehicle with foot patrol connected
and alternated in different areas. Councilman McDugle asked how soon this
check on foot will be made. Councilman Peck asked if any thought has been
given to a reserve police patrol. The City Manager replied that a Citizens
Defense patrol has been discussed.
The City Attorney, W. V. Wells, referred to the motion to hold a public
hearing passed at the last meeting, June 2, 1964, in reference to the request
from G. C. Lauderbach of 719 -36th Street for the vacation of the east 301
of R Avenue as platted in Beale's Maple Grove Addition to the.City of Anacortes
between the north line of the alley of Block 14 and the State Highway PS -1 -AN.
The City Attorney read the resolution prepared in connection with this pegdest.
A letter frau the Planning Commission, stating their recommendation was read.
A discussion followed. Councilman Rice asked if there was a building on
'this property. Mayor Ford replied that a portion of the Lauderbach's garage
is on it. Uouncilman McDuRle said he thaought that the property should be
considered in connection with':the proposed Urban Renewal. Would this area
be needed for a clover leaf for traffic to connect with the State Highway?
If this property was vacated, would the City have to re -purchase it later?
The City Manager will talk to Mr. Purcell, Planning Commission Chairman, as
,to the Comprehensive Program for this area. Councilman Peck stated that he
understood that an underpass at that point had been recommended by John
Graham, Consulting Engineer on Urban Renewal. Mayor Ford pointed out that
considerable property besides the area under discussion would be needed to
develop an access to the State Highway. Councilman Strom moved that the
•resolution read by the City Attorney be adopted as read for a public hearing
on July 7th. Councilman Peck seconded the motion. troll: Ayes - Dickinson,
Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried.
The City Manager read a letter from the Stanwood, LaConner, Anacortes
coin clubs requesting courtesy parking for visitors to the coin show to be
held Sept. 18, 19, 20, 1964 in Anacortes. The coin club will have courtesy
parking cards printed and distributed to divers of cars visiting the show.
Councilman Str an moved and Counci3xbn Rice seconded the motion that this
request be allowed. Roll: Ayes - Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle,
Strom. Motion carried.
A letter was read by the City Manager from Howe, Davis, Riese & Jones,
Attorneys at Law. This letter was a reply to the request from the City to
use property owned by Coast Investors, Inc. for Little League purposes.
The firm of Howe, Davis, Riese & Jones, is handling bankrupcy proceedings
for Coast Investors, Inc. This request was denied as•that firm feels that
granting the request would not be in the best interest of the bankruptcy
A letter was read from Political Science Instructor, Skagit Valley
Collp#e, thanking the City Manager for his presentation to their class.
June 16, 1964 - continued
A lease agreement between the City of Anacortes and the'Y.M.C.A. was
summarized and explained by the City Attorney. Councilman Peck moved that
this lease agreement be accepted with the addition of an inventory. Council-
man Rice seconded the motion. Roll: Ayes - Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck,
McDugle, Strom. Motion carried.
A request from Ted Ness presented at a previous meeting, June 2, 1964,
was referred to. Mr. Ness requested termination by the City of an easement
of 15 feet on lot 23, Seattle Syndicate of Anacortes. This request had been
referred to the Engineering Department. Mr. Gallagher, City Engineer, explained
the use of this easement in the past. He stated that no future need for this
easement can be. -seen. Councilman Rice moved that this request be granted and
a Quit Claim Deed be made by the City and the Mayor and City Clerk be allowed
to sign. Councilman Peck seconded this motion. Roll: Ayes - Dickinson, Rice,
Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried.
The City Manager read a letter from the Great Northern Railway Company.
This letter stated a need for additional storages tracks to be located between
R & S Avenues and extending from 4th Street to the vicinity of 8th Street.
They request that the City vacate 6th Street between R & S and grant a
franchise for location of additonal tracks crossing 4th Street. The Railway
Company suggests the exchange of this street area for those parcels of land
heretofore required for extension of the truck route along Q Avenue. Drawings
submitted with this letter were studied. A discussion followed. Councilman
Strom asked if this vacation is a necessity nr a convenience. The City
Manager replied that it would be practical usage. Councilman Strom also asked
of possible routes to Cap Sante other than 4th Street. Would 6th Street be
nedded for additional access to Cap Sante for ambulances or fire trucks?
Mayor Ford suggested that this request be referred to a study session. The
Council will meet as a group next Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. to study the location
involved. A study session will follow. Councilman Peck requested, if
possible, for someone from Great Northern Railway Company to be present at
that meeting.
The City Manager brought attention to the easel.ta the Council Chambers
donated by Councilman Rice. Councilman Strom moved that a notation of the
appreciation for the easel be included in the minutes. Councilman Peck
seconded the motion. A11 Ayes. Motion carried.
Special Claim Vouchers on Special Water Construction 90G were presented
to the Council:
To transfer funds from APW-90G to reimburse current expense
for time spent by City Engineer on project 90G $215.00
To transfer funds from APW-90G to Water Construction account
#2900. Capitalized interest during construction
$38,500 at 3-5/8% for 121 days. $462.70
Councilman Rice made the motion and Councilman Peck seconded that transfer
claims be allowed and warrants issued for same. Roll: Ayes - Dickinson,
Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried.
The City Engineer gave a report of the review of the preliminary draft
of the Water Quality Study of Whistle Lake with engineering.personnel of the
University of Washington.
The City Manager read letters from Stevens & Thompson, Inc., and the
State Department of Health in reference to the Sewage Treatment Plant.
Councilman McDugle inquired if an easement is community property, are
both signatures required. The City Attorney replied that both signatures
would be required.
Claims against the City for the first half of June were presented to the
Salaries $8805.00
Expenses 3054.50
Total 11, t$59.50
Councilman Peck moved and Councilman Strom seconded that claims be allowed and
warrants issued for same. Roll: Ayes - Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle,
Strom. Motion carried.
June 16, 1964 continued
The Treasurer's Report for the month of May was given by the City
Manager. Councilman Rice asked if some of the cash on hand could be put
into savings accounts in the banks located in Anacortes to draw interest.
The City Manager replied that $10,000 would be insured by a bank in such
an account. Sufficient funds must be kept on hand to comer warrants for
all accounts but some additional money could be invested in bonds.
Councilman McDugle inquired as to when the first year lease expires
on the old hospital. City Manager replied that it expires next month.
Councilman Dickinson asked when the business license ordinance would
be reviewed. The City Attorney replied that toward the end of the year would
be a good time for this review. Councilman Strom suggested that the business
license ordinance should be discussed during budget time.
Councilman Peck moved, Councilman Rice seconded that•the;.meeting
adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
es e ord, Mayor
puty pity -V.L rk
July 7, 1964
A regular meeting of the City Council for the City of Anacortes was
called to order at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor Jesse Fird presiding.
Invocation was presented by Reverend Ralph Underwood of the Southside
Church of Christ.
Roll: Robert Perry, William Dickinson, James Rice, Jesse Ford, Marion
Peck. Don McDugle was present at 7:45. Mayor Ford stated that Councilman
.E. A. Strom had requested to be excused from this meeting.
The following corrections were requested for the May 19, 1964 minutes:
1. Correct wording on page 3, Special Claim on APW-Wash-8G from
"To transfer funds" to"'to transfer claims."
2. Omitted on page 4, first paragraph - Special Claims that the
City Engineer has inspected the completed work of Marine Asphalt Co. and re(*
commended that the Council approve and accept their work, subject to the
retention of 15%.
Councilman Peck moved that the correction for the May 19, 1964 minutes be
approved and that the minutes from the previous meeting be approved as
presented. Councilman Rice seconded the motion. Roll: Ayes - Perry,
Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck. Motion carried.
Councilman Rice stated that there is a sewer leak at the shopping
center on 32nd Street and asked if there could be some recourse of the
City of this area. City Attorney, W. V. Wells, stated that the sewer at
this location had been put invywithout easements in 1954.
Councilman Don McDugle entered the meeting at this point.
The Public Hearing for the vacation request from Mr. & Mrs. G. C.
Lauderback of 719 -36th Street was called to order by Mayor Ford. The
Lauderback8sask vacation by the City of the east 30 feet of R Avenue as
platted in Beales Maple Grove Addition to the City of Anacortes between
the north line of the alley of Block 14 and the south line of State
Highway PS -1 AN. City Manager, Earl Diller, explained a sketch of the
situation. A letter from the Planning Commission stating their recommenda-
tion for approval of this request was read by Mayor Ford. It was stated
July 7, 1961 continued
that the Lauderbacks have on deposit with the City Clerk $150.00 for payment
of this vacation. A discussion followed. Councilman McDugle said that he
was not in favor of granting this request because of the Urban Renewal plans
for this area. Councilman Peck brought out the fact that the City will have
to participate with the State in forming an interchange. Councilman Perry
asked if this area could be vacated under the stipulation that the City could
take said property back if needed in the future. City Attorney stated that
it would be possible to:lhave a contract with the owner. Councilman Peck
inquired as to the actual size of thdL property involved to which the Attorney
replied that it was 30 feet wide and approximately 100 feet long. Councilman
Peck reminded the Council that one business in Anacortes had been refused .a
request for vacation previously because of its location �n the Urban Renewal
Area. It was stated that the City would not be able to buy back this property
for the amount paid the City ($150.00). A portion of the Lauderback's cement
garage is situated on this property. Mayor Fordxlpointed out that if an
interchange goes in at that location much more property than this pnntion
would be involved. Councilman Peck stated that as long as the City already
owns this property that it would be that much less that they would have to
buy in the event that an interchnnge is built. The question was asked as to
how long before the City will know for sure as to whether the Urban Renewal
will go through. The City Manager replied that it would be 18 months.
Councilman Peck asked Mrs. Lauderback if her property was up for sale. Mrs.
Lauderback replied that the fact that their garage extends onto this 30 foot
area under discussion has interfered with the sale of their property in the
past. In reply to a question from Counci]nan Perry, Mrs. Lauderback replied
that there had been no title survey made when they purchased their property.
Councilman Perry asked what was stated in the minutes held previously on this
request (Nov. 15, 1960). The request had been granted at that time for
vacation of the east 30 feet of R Ave. between the north line of 37th Street
and the alley. Councilman McDugle asked what the City's position would be
if the property owners across the street requested simular vacation. The
City Attorney replied that if vacation was requested it need not be granted.
Each petition must be considered separately. Councilman Peck said that he
felt that if we granted this request that the Council was being discriminatory
as the Sager request had been refused. He also stated that he was against
granting this vacation until we know what will happen with the Urban Renewal.
The idea is to improve R Avenue to get truck traffic off of Commercial.
Councilman Perry said he would like to take a look at the area under dis-
cussion. The City Attorney read the proposed ordinance for vacation of
this area. Councilman Peck said that this is now Highway PS -536, not PS -1 -AN.
City Attorney so corrected the Ordinance. Councilman Rice moved and Council-
man Dickinson seconded that the ordinance be adopted and given No. 1361 and
the Mayor and City Clerk given authority to sign. Roll: Ayes - Perry,
Dickinson, Rice, Ford. Mayes - Peck, McDugle. Motion carried. Councilman
McDugle stated that he was not against vacation but he felt that 18 months
was not too long to wait to find out what will be done with this area under
the Urban Renewal. He felt that the Citizen's property should be protected.
Dr. Papritz was present in the audience to present plans, sk6tches, and
information compiled by the Chamber of Commerce on the Proposed Waterfront
Park, at the Cap Sante Harbor Area, owned by the Port. He feels that a
picnic area and fountain would enhance the yacht basin itself. If this
area is needed in the future for Port extension, it could be so used. The
Chamber of Commerce needs the'Councills approval for plans and the City's
help for fill dirt, labor, financing, trees, etc. The Council gave it's
unofficial approval and Dr. Papritz agreed to request Port Commission
approval of a definite lease agreement that would enable the City to par-
ticipate in the park development:
Councilman Rice moved that the request from Great Northern Railway
Company to vacate 6th Street between R & S Avenues be referred to the
Planning Commission for their recommendation. Councilman Dickinson seconded
the motion. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle.
Motion carried.
Bid tabulations and the awarding of contracts for construction of paving
on 29th Street was reviewed. Bidders are as follows:
July 7, 1964 continued
Contract 1
Marine Asphalt Co. of Anacortes - for paving $9,506
Contract 2
Geo. V. Nolte of Bellingham - construction of
curbs and gutters 8,575
Contract 3
Fred Tidrington of Anacortes - for storm sewer
installation 9,365
Other bidders were:
John W. Schade of Seattle - Contract 3 $145571.50
Dow Construction Co., Mt. Vernon
Contract 2 9,065.00
B & B Construction Corp., Anacortes
Contract 3 9,802.00
Ray Jones, Anacortes - Cont%pct 3 99423.62
Assoc. Sand & Gravel- Everett, Contract 2-10,282.00
Councilman Peck moved that the bids of Marine Asphalt, $9,506.00, Geo. V.
Nolte, $8,575, and Fred Tidrington, $9,365.00 be accepted. Councilman
Perry seconded the mot&on. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford,
Peck, McDugle. Motion carried.
Setting of a date for a hearing on Assessment on LID#158 was discussed.
The City Attorney suggested August 18, 1964 as the date of the hearing. The
Resolution was read by the City Attorney. Councilman Rice moved, Councilman
Peck seconded that the Resolution be adopted and given No. 105. Roll:
Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck, MoDugle. Motion carried.
The recommendation from the Planning Commission was read in reference
to the request of Mary Smith, and Clarence and Myrtle Sherin for the vacation
of the alley in Block 1 of McNaught's First Addition to the City of Anacortes.
The City Manager deew a sketch and explained the situation. The City
Attorney stated that a hearing date needs to be set on this request. Council-
man McDugle inquired as to how wide this alley is. The City Manager replied
that it is a the width of a normal alley. Councilman Peck asked if the area
beyond is unplatted. The City Manager replied that it was. Mayor Ford
asked if it is possible that this unplatted area would ever need this alley
for access. The City Manager and Engineer have checked with the County
Auditor on this property. The City Attorney read -the Resolution. Council-
man Rice moved that the first meeting in August be set for a hearing and
that the resolution be adopted as read and given No. 106. Councilman
Perry seconded the motion. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford,
Peck, McDugle, Motion carried.
A request was presented to the Council to assign lease on tract of
land in vacated Block 52, of Bowman's Central Ship Harbor Addition by the
new West Coast Telephone Company. Mayor Ford suggested that this request
be referred to the City Manager. Councilman McDugle moved that this
request be tabled to a study session. Councilman Peck seconded the
motion. The City Manager and City Attorney will check into this request.
Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle. Motion carried.
The Council was requested to authorize a contract with Stevens &
Thompson, Inc. to perform grid surveys and fathometer depth determinations
for Water Quality Studies of Whistle Lake. Councilman Rice moved, Council-
man McDugle seconded that the contract be authorized. Roll: Ayes - Perry,
Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle. Motion carried.
Special Payments were presented to the Council for:
1. Stevens & Thompson, Inc. final payment on Water Project
APW-Wash-90G $447.37
Councilman Rice moved and Councilman Perry seconded that final payment for
$447.37 be allowed to Stevens & Thompson, Inc. Roll: Ayes - Perry,
Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle. Motion carried.
July 7, 1964 continued
2. Haskell Corporation final payment except for 10% retention on Water
Project APW-Wash-90G. $3,405.08
Councilman Perry made thermotion that this claim to Haskell Corporation for
final payment except for 10% retention on Water Project APW-Wash-90G be granted
and warrant issued for same. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford,
Peck, McDugle. Motion carried.
3. Reimburse Current Expense for time of City Engineer on APW-Wash-90G for
month of June 1964. 40.00
West Coast Telephone Company - phone charges 5.0
Councilman Rice moved and Councilman Perry seconded that claims be allowed
and warrants issued for same. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford,
Peck, McDugle. Motion carried.
4. Special Claim Vouchers for L.I.D. No. 158 were presented to the Council:
Marine Asphalt for 29 hours rental for work performed by the
City of Anacortes on L.I.D. No. 158 226.20
To Frank Russell for bulldozer work and removal of stumps
on L.I.D. 158 93.60
Marine Asphalt for Contract No. 1 less 15% retainage 11., 144.41
Total $12,164.21
It was stated that the state releases for Tax Cam fission and Industrial
Insurance had been received on Marine Asphalt Co. Councilman Peck moved and
Councilman Perry seconded that claims be allowed and warrants issued for
same. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle. Motion carried.
5. L.I.D. # 159
Payment to Don McKee for prints of plans on 29th Street paving 18.00
Councilman Perry moved and Councilman Peck seconded that claim be allowed and
warrant issued for same. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck,
McDugle. Motion carried.
6. Payment to P & B Company -United Pacific Insurance Co. final retained
percentage on sewage treatment plant, subdect to claim of lien by sub-
contractor, damage to abutting property owner and release from State of
Washington Departments. $20,419.60
Councilman McDagle asked the City Manager if the Pumping Station on B
Avenue is working properly. City Manager replied that there had been a
•iroblem, but that this has been repaired and is inspected regularly. Council-
man Peck asked if there is a warning system. City Manager replied that there
is not but there is an automatic cut-off and by-pass. Councilman Dickinson
asked about warrantees on equipment. Mayor Ford replied that this is handled
by United Pacific Insurance Co. Councilman Rice made the motion and Council-
man Perry seconded that claim be allowed and warrant issued for same. Roll:
Ayes, Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, McDugle, Nayes - Peck. Motion carried.
Claims for the second half of June were presneted in the amount of:
Salaries 16,649.95
Expenses 35,747.88
Total 52097.83
Councilman Peck moved and Councilman Rice seconded that claims be allowed and
warrants issued for same. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck,
McDugle.. Motion carried.
City Manager's Report:
1.Ths City Manager gave a report on progress on paving of streets.
2. Presented a letter from HHFA on the project approval for Survey and
Planning for Urban Renewal. He had been requested to attend a
meeting in San Francisco and stated that he would like to combine
this trip with his vacation during the 4th week in July. City
Mangger read a letter pertaining to the Urban Renewal from Senator
July 7, 1964 continued
3. In reference to the expansion of the municipal water systems, no action
is necessary by the Council. Grant offer is to be signed by the City
City Manager stated that he will not be here at the next Council
meeting, July 21st, due to vacation.
Councilman McDugle suggested that wishes for a speedy recovery be
sent to Fire Chief Oliver Hauge.
Councilman MaDugle said that he felt that the Mayor should also attend
the meeting in San Francisco with HHFA. He moved that the Mayor accompany
the City Manager to this meeting and Councilman Peck seconded the motion.
Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck, MoDugle. Motion carried.
Copies of the study of Whistle Iake were distributed to Council
Councilman Peck requested absence from the last meeting in July and
the two meetings in August.
Mayor Ford stated that William Gallagher's term on the History
Board has expired. Councilman Dickinson moved and Councilman Rice seconded
that Mr. Gallagher be reappointed to the History Board. Roll: Ayes -
Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle. Motion carried.
The Mayor said that Mr. Hinshaw suggested that the Council can put
any item before the Citizen's Advisory Committee for discussion. .
The City Attorney presented a proposed emergency ordinance pertaining
to a law suit being brought by a number of municipalities against concerns
that manufacture pipe producte.forowater and storm sewer lines. Anacortes
is one of these municipalities damaged by its restraint of competition
by these pipe manufacturers. The proposed emergency ordinance allows the
City to pay its cost of the law suit. The Emergency Ordinance was read
and will be Before the City Council at its next meeting July 21st.
' The City Attorney asked to be excused from the last meeting in
August and the first meeting in September.
Councilman McDagle requested absence from the first meeting in
Meeting adjourned at 9:55 p.m.
Deputy ity dlerk
July 21, 1964
� / I
A regular meeting of the City Council -for the City of Anacortes was
called to order at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor Jesse Ford presiding.
Invocation was presented by Reverend A. V. Fraley of the Church of
Roll: William Dickinson, James Rice, Jesse Ford, Don McDugle. Robert
Perry was present at 7:40 and Dr. E. A. Strom at 8:00 p.m. City Manager,
Earl Diller, and Councilman Marion Peck had requested to be excused from
this meeting.
From the audience Mrs. Eessner brought to the Council's attention that
a sum of money has been left to the City Park Department from an estate.
She inquired as to what has been done with money left previously to the
City from the Hensler Estate. City Attorney, W. V. Wells, stated that he
will check the status of the Hensler gift.
July 21, 1964 continued
Councilman Rice moved and Councilman Dickinson seconded the motion that
the minutes from the July 7, 1964 meeting be approved as:presented. Roll:
Ayes - Dickinson, Rice, Ford, McDugle. Motion carried.
Councilman Perry entered the meeting at this point.
Mr. Gallagher, City Engineer, read a letter from Fire Chief, Oliver
Hauge, thanking the City Manager and Council for the plant and card sent to
Mr. Gallagher presented a letter to the Council from the chairman of the
committee for the new Childrens Institiitionu This committee asks the Council
to send a reply giving their individual support to the endorsement of the
Association of Washington Cities to this cause. Councilman Rice moved and
Councilman Perry seconded that this reply be sent. Roll: Ayes - Perry,
Dickinson, Rice, Ford, McDugle. Motion carried.
A letter was read by Mr. Gallagher from Darer Miller, president -of the
Associated Student Doby of Anacortes High School. Permission is sought to
construct an activity sign on the northeast corner of 13th Street and
Commercial Avenue. A sketch of the sign was shown. It was suggested that
this request be passed to the Planning Commission for their recommendation.
Councilman McDugle moved that the Council approve this request on condition
that it meets approval of the Planning Commission. Motion seconded by
Councilman Rice. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, McDugle,
Motion carried.
Mr. Gallagher presented a letter from Driftmier and Driftmier, attorneys
at law, requesting the sale of City property (Harris property) to the Port
of Anscortes. Councilman Dickinson suggested that this request be studied
further it a study session. This request will also be referred to the City
The City Attorney gave the final reading of the proposed emergency
ordinance to finance the City's cost of a joint lawsuit for damages against
pipe manufactureres for restraint of competition. A correction was made
under Section 3 to change "The City Attorney hereby is authorized..." to
"The Mayor hereby is authorized". With this correction, Councilman Perry,
moved and Councilman Rice seconded that this ordinance be adopted and
given No. 1362 and the Mayor and City Clerk authorized to sign. Roll.:
Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, McDugle. Motion carried.
Councilman Strom entered the meeting at this time.
Professor Dale Carlson from the University of Washington presented a
report on the Whistle Lake Study. A discussion followed.
The City Attorney read the proposed resolution approving the Whistle
Lake Study. Councilman Strom moved and Councilman Perry seconded that the
resolution be approved and given No. 108. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson,
Rice, Ford, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried.
The proposed ordinance on adoption of the Uniform building Code for 1964
was read by the City Attorney. Councilman Rice moved and Councilman•Perry
seconded that the ordinance be adopted and given No. 1363 with the Mayor
and City Clerk authorized to sign. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice,
Ford, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried.
City Attorney read the proposed ordinance on the adoption of the Uniform
Plumbing Code for 1964. A discussion followed. Councilman Strom stated that
he would like to consider this resolution further. Mayor Ford referred the
proposed resolution to a study session.
The Council's permission was requested to call for bids on chemicals
used by the Water and Sewer Departments. Councilman Rice moved that permission
be granted to call for bids. Motion seconded by Councilman Strom.• Roll:
Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried.
July 21, 1964 continued
City Attorney read the proposed resolution on accepting the Advance Planning
Contract with the HHFA Urban Renewal Department. A portion of the,cmntraot
was also read by the City Attorney with the suggestion that Section 301
be corrected omitting the last comma in that section. Councilman Strom moved
and Councilman Dickinson seconded that the correction be made in the Contract
and the Resolution be adopted and given No. 109. Roll: Ayes - Perry,
Dickinson, Rice, Ford, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried.
Claims Report for the first half of July, 1964 was presented in the
amount of:
Salaries: $89822.00
Expenses: 3,249.73
Total $12,071.73
Councilman Perry moved that claims be allowed and warrants issued for
same. Councilman Rice.seconded the motion. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson,
Rice, Ford, McDugle, Strom,: Motion carried.
The Treasurers Report for June 1964 was given by the City Engineer.
City Engineer reported on the conference in the Governor's office on
the Water Resource Study -of the Puget Sound Region.
Councilman McDugle asked that the dog control agreement with Mt, Vernon
be explained. Mayor Ford answered questiorson this arrangement.
Councilman Dickinson asked if study sessions will be held to work
on the budget. Mayor Ford replied that budget sessions will be held. In
order to take care of accumulated business, it was decided tohhold a study
session on July 28th.
Councilman Rice moved .and Councilman Perry seconded that the meeting
adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
August 4, 1964
Jess cord, Ma or �.
A regular meeting of the City Council for the City of Anacortes was
called to order at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor Fesse Ford presiding.
Invocation was presented by Reverend Seymour of the Free Methodist
Roll calls Robert Perry, William Dickkison, James Rice, Jesse Ford,
E. A. Strom. Mayor Ford stated that Councilman Marion Peck and Don MdDugle
have requested to be excused from this meeting.
From the audience Mr. Robert Morris asked if the local curfew ordinance
might be revised to conform with the Courrty-wide curfew ordinance. W. Q. Wells,
City Attorney, was asked to obtain a copy and review this County Ordinance.
Mr. Strom requested the City Managed, Earl Diller, to make contacts.to
inquire from other cities their intentions in connection with the County
Curfew Ordinance.
Mr. Roy Harris from the audience asked the Council to consider stirting
a community work project in Anacortes in connection with the State Department
of Public Assistance. After discussion Mir. Rice made the motion to start
such a project in Anacortes. Dr. Strom seconded the motion. Roll call:
Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
August 4, 1964 continued
The minutes of the previous meeting were considered and after hearing no
objections or alerations, Mr. Rice moved and Mr. Dickinson seconded that the
minutes be approved as if read.
Mayor Ford read a letter from the Department of Health Education and
A letter from Henry A. Jones was read by Mayor Ford. A copy of this
letter will be sent to the Port Commission.
Mayor Ford announced that it was now time for the Public Hearing.on the
request from Mary E. Smith and Clarence Sherin for the vacation of an alley in
Block 1 of McNaughts First Addition to the City of Anacortes. Mayor Ford called
for any objections to the vacation. There were no objections. A sketch of the
situation was shown; the recaamnendation of the Planning Commission was condidered.
Mr. Wells read the proposed ordinance. Dr. Strom moved that the Ordinance be
adopted and assigned No. 3,364 and that the Mayor and City Clerk be instructed
to sign and publish same.. Mr. Perry seconded the motion. Roll call: Ayes -
Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
The proposed Plumbing Ordinance adopting the Western Plumbing Officials
Uniform Plumbing Cede, 1964 Edition as the plumbting code of the City of
Anacortes was read by Mr. Wells. Mr. Rice moved that the Ordinance be
adopted and assigned No. 1365 and the Mayor and City Clerk be instructed to
sign and publish same. Dr. Strom seconded the motion. Roll call: Ayes -
Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Strcm. Motion carried.
A petition from Tide Water Oil Company was presented requesting the
vacation of the east half of the alley in Block 42, Original Plat of the City
of Anacortes. A sketch of the location and plans were whown and explained.
Mr. Gallagher, City ESineer, was asked to check this location as to major
utilities. Mr. Perry moved and Mr. Dickinson seconded that this request be
referred to the Planning Commission for their recommendation. Roll call:•Ayes-
Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
Mr. Diller asked the Council's permission to authorize Stevens & Thompson
to prepare a supplemental report to their 1962 report on financial feasibility
of Whistle Lake. The cost is to be included in the grant fvr the Whistle Lake
Study P -Wash -3169. There were no objections.
The following Special Payments were presented to the Council:
1. L.I.D. #158
Anacortes American, notice of hearing
Mr. Rice moved and Mr. -Perry seconded that claim be allowed and interest bearing
warrant No. 52 in the amount of 9.04 at 4.15% be issued Hughbanks Inc. Roll
calll Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
2. L.I.D. #159
Anacortes American, can for bids 11.12
R. L. Kirkpatrick, construction survey control 632.00
Fred Tidrington, subdrain east of Commercial 381.53
Payment #1 for stDrm sewer construction 2363.48
Sather Manufacturing Co, Inc. for monument pins 4.67
There was a report presented from the City Engineer recommending that Mr.
Tidrington be paid. Mr. Rice moved and Mr. Perry seconded the motion that
claims be allowed and interest bearing warrants at 4.20% be issued Grande & Co.
in the amount of $2689.71. Roll call: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford,
Strom. Motion carried.
3. APW-Wa sh-90G
Final 10,E retention on construction contract
Haskell Corporation 6524.00
It was reported that there was some work yet to be completed in connection with
this project on 20th & N. Mr. Perry moved that after differences have been
settled that this claim be allowed and warrant issued for same. Mr. Rice
seconded the motion. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Strom.
Motion carried.
August 4, 1964 continued
4. P -wash -3169
R. 0. Sylvester and Dale Carlson of University of Washington
for investigation and report 1350.00
University of Washington for material and facilities 1685.00
Mr. Perry moved and Mr. Rice seconded that claims be allowed -and warrants
issued for same. Roll call: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Strom.
Motion carried.
5. R Avenue
LeGro and Judy, survey for establishing center line and
grades for paving project 297.05
After a discussion, Mr. Dickinson moved and Mr. Perry seconded that claim
be allowed and warrant issued for same. Roll calls Ayes - Perry, Dickinson,
Rice, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
The Claims Report for the second half of July was presented in the
amount of:
Upon hearing no objections the Mayor referred the report to the Finance
Committee. Mr. Perry moved and Mr. Rice seconded that claims -be allowed
and warrants drawn in favor of same. Roll call: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson,
Rice, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
The Council will meet for a study on the proposed 1965 Budget Friday,
August 14th.
The City Manager gave a report on the Summer Seminar for City Managers
that he had recently attended at the University of Southern California.
The City Attorney stated that he has talked with Den Driftmier, attorney,
as to the status of the HerislerrEstate.
Mr. Dickinson moved and Mr. Perry seconded that the meeting adjourn.
Motion carried. Muting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
Deputy i y Clexfk
August 18, 1964
A regular meeting of the City Council for the City of Anacortes was
called to order at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor Jesse Ford presiding.
Invocation was presented by Reverend Ashley -Cole of the First Baptist
Roll Call: Robert Perry, William Dickinson, James Rice, Jesse Ford,.
Marion Peck, Don MoDugle, Dr. E. A. StrogX
The minutes of the previous meeting were considered. City Manager,
Earl Diller, requested that on page 2 under special payment #2 that it
be corrected to read "Mr. Rice moved and Mr. Perry seconded the motion'that
claims be allowed and interest bearing warrant No. 2 through 4 at 4.168%
be issued Grande & Company in the amount of $2689.71." With this correction
Mr. Dickinson moved and Mr. Perry seconded that the minutes be approved
as if read. Roll call: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle,
Strom. Motion carried.
1.4 August 18, 1964 continued �
Mayor Ford read a letter from the Anacortes Arts & Crafts Festival expressing
their appreciation for the help received from the City during their recent
Arts & Crafts Festival.
Mayor Ford stated that the Council and City Officials have been invited
to attend the Open House for the New Municipal Building on August 22nd from
2:00 until 9:00 p.m. - Second, Broadway and Cleveland Streets, Mount Vernon,
A letter was read by Mayor Ford from the Latter -Day Saints°requesting
permission to establish and operate a fireworks cogcession from June 28, 1965
to July 5, 1965 to be located on the southeast corner of 14th and Commercial
Mayor Ford read a letter from the Anacortes Arts & Crafts Festival
thanking the Anacortes Police Department for their assistance during the recent
Arts & Crafts Festival.
A letter was read from the Automobile Club of Washington stating that
Anacortes had been awarded the Pedestrian Safety Award. This Award will be
presented to the City during ceremonies in the near future.
The City Manager presented a letter from the HHFA authorizing our cons-
tants to proceed with the planning on Project #P -wash -3275•
Mayor Ford announced that it was .now time for the Public Hearing on
Assessments ofi L.I.D. #158. The method used to arrive at the charges was
explained by the City Manager.
A letter of protest was presented from Mr. & Mrs. Albert Miller.
Mrs. Eliza Lanphear had verbally protested her assessment to the City
Manager. Her property is located at 2204 J Avenue.
Mr. Perry asked how Mr. Miller's assessment was arrived at. The question was
answered by the City Manager. A discussion followed:
Mr. Strom stated that he had not heard of this method of assessment before
and akked if this method meets the approval of the Bonding Compare*. He also
asked if the City intends to use this method from now on. The City Manager
said that this method has been discussed with the City Attorney and the
Engineering Department. Mr. Strom stated that this is not the same petition
as was made up to start with. He stressed the importance of having a set
formula for assessments. He brought out that adjustments have not been
made in the past and this as an inconsistancy on setting up this L.I.D.
Assessment roll; he is not in favor of the way this assessment is drawn up.
Mr. C. R. Wells of 1518 -22nd Street, stated that the dirt used in fronts
of his property had rocks and roots and is full of weeds. He further requested
some steps be put in because of the slope left in front of his property., and
that the wooden step; placed there by the City were unsatisfactory. The City
Manager stated that the Street Department is planning to install concrete
steps for Mr. Wells.
Mr. Peck stated that some of the people are being charged $7.75 per lin.
ft. while others were charged $8.00. The petition that was signed by these
people stated $8.00 per lin. ft. as the charge. He asked if exceptions
will also be made on paving of 29th Street. He fells that the original
plan should be followed unless the Council is consulted. Mr. Peck pointed
out that the Methodist Church was paging $7.75 and he asked if they had
signed the petition for $8.00. The City Manager answered thit they had.
Mr. Peck stated that this was the first he had heard of this method and
he felt that each property owner should be given equal treatment. He fedls
that he must vote against this assessment roll as it is not the formula
orginally set up.
Mr. Rice asked if the State set up the guides to go by and do we abide
by them. Tfie City Manager replied yes. Mr. Rice thought we should except
the rules and keep to it. He did riot recall there being a previous
discussion on this method of assessment.
August 18, 1964 continued
Mr. McDugle stated that he doesn't feel that a corner lot is more
valuable than one located In the middle of the block.
Mr. Dickinson said that the Council should be consulted on these
matters first.
Mr. C. R. Wells stated that he feels that the value of his property
has gone Blown because of the paving project. Since the paving was done,
he gets all the water off of J Avenue through his yard.
Mr. Perry stated that this method of assessment^roll would be
alright if adopted by the City from now on.
The City Manager stated that in determining the assessments, the
Engineering Department realized that a property owner has a legal right
after protesting his assessment at this public hearing to. get legal
relief in the courts. So determined assessments on property, as against
the increase of value to the property benefited, with the idea of tyying
to rectify any problem in advance by being equitable to all property
effected. He said that this method of assessment had been discussed
Jay the Council previously.
Mr. A. J. Oakes of 26204 Avenue told of a water drainage situation
that had existed in previous years and asked if the City would take care
of the ditching to prevent further problems.
Mayor Ford closed the Public Hearing by reading the proposed
Ordinance on approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll
of Local Improvement District #158. Mayor Ford moved that the ordinance
be adopted. Mr. McDugle seconded the motion. Roll call: Ayes - Perry,
Ford, McDagle. Hayes - Rice, Peck, Strom. Abstain: Dickinson.
Mayor Ford asked what the Council desired to do with this Ordinance.
Mr. Dickinson was asked for his vote. He stated that he voted no. Dr.
Strom moved to reconsider this Ordinance at the next Council meeting.
Mr. Peck seconded this motion. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice,
Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried.
The City Manager gave a review of the policies of other cities in
Skagit County on the Curfew Ordinance. After discussion Mr. McDugle
moved that the City Attorney revise Anacortes' Ordinance to conform with
the Curfew Ordinance of Skagit County. Mr. Perry seconded the motion.
Roll call: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom.
Motion carried.
Mr. Diller presented to the Council the tabulation of bids received
for Chemicals for the Water Department. Bids were as follows:
Lime Fluoride Cl. Ton Cont. •C 1. 150# Cont.
Van Waters and Rogers $28.82 $11.05 CWT $80.00 Ton $12.50 CWT
Great Western Chemicals 10.93 CWT
Hemphill Bros. 29.50
Pennsalt Chemicals 80.00.Ton 12.50 CWT
Hooker Chemical Company 80.00 Ton 12.50 CWT
Central Solvents & Chemicals 10.35 Cwt
*Van Waters & Rogers price if they receive all contracts.
Mr. Rice moved and Mr. Peck seconded that the bid of Van Waters & Rogers
be accepted. Roll call: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle,
Strom. Motion carried.
Mayor Ford gave a report on his trip with the City Manager to the
Housing and Home Finance Agency Urban Renewal Office in San Francisco,
California. This information will be presented to the Citizens Advisory
Committee on August 24, 1964.
2 a
August 18, 1964 continued
The City Manager gave the Treasurer's Report for July 19611:
Receipts 1112, 906.61
Disbursements 184,572.05
Total balance of Cash & Investments 1,103,888.60
Claims against the City for the first half of August 1961 were read to
the Council:
Salaries: 8,620.00
Expenses: 2,551.27
Total 119171.27
Mr. Rice moved and Mr. Peck seconded the motion that the claims be allowed and
warrants be drawn in favor of same. Roll call: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson,
Rice, -Ford, Peck, MoDugle, Strom. Motion carried.
Mr. Dickinson asked whose decision it was not to have a City Clerk.
Mr. Ford replied that it was an administrative decision. Dr. Strom asked
if a City Clerk position was required. Mr. Diller replied that the State
ke4iires the posit&on of Clerk and that the work is done by a deputy. Mr.
Diller stated that this has been discussed with the City Attorney and
State Auditors and that we will proceed with the present set up until he
has had a chance to review the situation.
Mr. Perry moved and Mr. Peck seconded that the meeting adjourn. All
Ayes. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.
sse Yo , or
putt' City C Lark
September 1, 1964
A regular meeting of the City Council for the City of Anacortes was called
to order at 7:35 p.m. with Mayor Jesse Ford presiding.
Roll call: William Dickinson, James Rice, Jesse Ford, Marion Peck, Don
McDugle, E. A. Strom. Nr. Robert Perry was present at 7:40 p.m.
The minutes of the previous meeting were considered. Mr. McDugle requested
that the roll call on the approval of the minutes be changed to "Roll call:
Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck, Strom. Abstain - McDugle." With
this correction, Dr. Strom moved and Mr. MoDugle seconded that the minutes
be approved as if read. Roll call: Ayes - Dickinson, Rice, Ford, HoDugle,
Strom. Motion carried.
Mr. Perry entered the meeting at this point.
Mayor Ford called for guest hearing and a discussion on the leash law
followed. Mr. & Mrs. John Ballard of 1612 -7th Street presented to the Council
a petition with 151 signatures petitioning the Council to put the Dog Leash
Ordinance on a ballot so that the people may vote on it.
Mr. Marvin Mackey of 1305 -27th Street was also in favor of putting this
Ordinance on a ballot. He inquired as to the cost to the City of doing this.
Mr. Henry Biesheuvel of 405 -3rd Street stated that more signatures can
be obtained for petitions. He had received letters from people who had
agreed with his statements made at a previous Council meeting at which this
subject was discussed.
September 1, 1964 continued
Mayor Ford, in reply to questions asked, stated that he would consult
the Council as to when the proposed twelve month Dog Leash Ordinance will
be put on the agenda.
The City Manager, Earl Diller, read a letter from the Anacortes Art
League requesting permission to hold an Art Show in the park on Sept. 13th
from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. In case of rain they request permission to
use the main street for this show. The Mayor asked the City Manager to
send approval mn this request.
A letter from the Planning Commission was read pertaining to their
recommendation on the petition from John Carabba and Tide Water Realt)a
Company. This petition had requested that the City vacate the east
half of the alley in Block 42, Original Plat of the City of Anacortes.
It was the general feeling that this request should be considered further.
Mayor Ford read a resolution calling for a Public Hearing on the 15th of
September, 1964. Mr. Dickinson moved that this resolution be accepted and
given No. 110. Dr. Strom seconded the motion. Roll: Ayes - Perry,
Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Sbrom. Motion carried.
A letter was presentedfrom Great Northern Railway Company with
additional maps in reference to the requested vacation by the City of
6th Street from R to,S Avenue. The prints showed the proposed emergency
roadways for the use of City vehicles. Mr. Dickinson moved and Mr. Perry
seconded that this information be forwarded to the Planning Commission for
their study and recommendation. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinsmn, Rice , Ford,
Peck, MoDugle, Strom. Motion carried.
Mrs. Alice Newland addressed the Mayor from the audience and expressed
concern over not reservin# recreation areas for recreation only.
Mayor Ford made the following appointments to the Gas and Plumbing
Boards: Plumbing Board - Gail Cross, Gas Board - Lew Weekly, Ralph
Daluge. Mr. Perry moved the appointees be accepted. Mr. Rice seconded
the mota - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Strom. Nayes-
McDugle. Abstain - Peck. Motion carried.'
A discussion followed during which it was decided that there was only
one place to be filled on the Gas Board. It was decided to limit the motion
to one appointment to the Gas Board. Mr. Perry moved to rescind the
previous motion. Mr. Rice seconded the motion. All Ayes. Motion carried.
Mr. Rice moved and Mr. Dickinson seconded that the following appointments
be made:
Plumbing Board -- Gail Cross
Gas Board -- Ralph Daluge
Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Strom. •Nayes - McDugle.
Abstain - Peck. Motion carried.
The Mayor read a proposed resolution to invest currently unused funds
in short-term U. S. Treasury Notes.
15,000.00 Sewer Bond Redemption Fund
30,000.00 Arterial Street Fund
16,000.00 L.I.D. Guaranty Fund
Mr. Rice moved that the resolution be adopted and given No. 111 and Mayor
and Deputy Clerk be authorized
to sign.
Mr. Perry seconded the motion.
Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson,
Rice, Ford, Peck, MdDugle, Strom. Motion
The following special payments for
tight of ways on 29th
Street for
L.I.D. 159 were presented to the Council for approval:
a. Bertha B. Hansen
William Brown
Alvin B. Dickison
C. 0. Ramstead
Pentecostal Assembly
Kenneth N. Jobe
of God Church,
C3,yde T. Cook
u On
Dr. Strom moved and Mr. Perry seconded that payment be made and warrants issued.
Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried.
c. Payment was requested on Anacortes Industrial Park Project No. R-15
in the amount of $27.25, payment for expenses of City Manager and Mayor on
trip to San Francisco. Mr. Rice moved and Mr. Perry seconded that payment be
made and warrant issued for same. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford,
Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried.
d. Payment was requested for $47.70 to William Sullivan for grading work
on 29th Street L.I.D. #159. Mr. Rice moved and Mr. Peck seconded that the claim
be allowed and interest bearing warrant #11 at 4.20%'be issued Grande & Company.
Roll call: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck; McDugle, Strom. Motion
Claims Report for the last half of August, 1964, was presented in the
amount of:
Salaries: 15,695.43
Expenses: 32,869.68.
Total 40,505 ..i.i
Upon hearing no objections, the Mayor referred the report -to the Finance
Committee. Mr. Perry moved, Mr. Dickinson seconded that claims be allowed
and warrants issued for same. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Didkinson, Rice, Ford,
Peck, McDQ3:09 Strom. Motion carried.
There will be a study session September 8th at 7:00 o'clock.
Mr. Diller gave the Manager's Report. He stated that the Public Assis-
tance Report has been approved and this work will start in November.
Mr. Perry moved and Mr. Peck seconded that the meeting adjourn. All
ayes. Meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
Deputy CityZ�rk
September 15, 1964
Ford, Mayor
A regular meeting of the City Council for the City of Anacortes was
called to order at 7:k35 p.m. with Mayor Jesse Ford presiding.
The Invocation was presented by Reverend E. D. Seymour of the Free
Methodist Church.
September 1, 1964 continued
Charles A. Parks 52.50
Lyle R. Spradley 143.50
Robert G. Goldsmith 119.00
Total $1.,695-50
Mr..Perry moved that claims be allowed and interest bearing warrants No. 12
through 21 at 4.20% be issued Grande & Company in the total amount of $1695.50.
Mr. Rice seconded the motion. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford,
Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. Mr. Peck asked for additional inform-
ation on the number of feet sold the City by each property owner.
b. Special payments were presented for ri#ht of way on the Arterial
Street Project on 41st Street.
Otha D. Merrifield $110.00
Donn J. Michal 420.00
0. G. Lee 160.00
R. L. Kirkpatrick 25.00 (surveying)
Total 1$715.00
Dr. Strom moved and Mr. Perry seconded that payment be made and warrants issued.
Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried.
c. Payment was requested on Anacortes Industrial Park Project No. R-15
in the amount of $27.25, payment for expenses of City Manager and Mayor on
trip to San Francisco. Mr. Rice moved and Mr. Perry seconded that payment be
made and warrant issued for same. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford,
Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried.
d. Payment was requested for $47.70 to William Sullivan for grading work
on 29th Street L.I.D. #159. Mr. Rice moved and Mr. Peck seconded that the claim
be allowed and interest bearing warrant #11 at 4.20%'be issued Grande & Company.
Roll call: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck; McDugle, Strom. Motion
Claims Report for the last half of August, 1964, was presented in the
amount of:
Salaries: 15,695.43
Expenses: 32,869.68.
Total 40,505 ..i.i
Upon hearing no objections, the Mayor referred the report -to the Finance
Committee. Mr. Perry moved, Mr. Dickinson seconded that claims be allowed
and warrants issued for same. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Didkinson, Rice, Ford,
Peck, McDQ3:09 Strom. Motion carried.
There will be a study session September 8th at 7:00 o'clock.
Mr. Diller gave the Manager's Report. He stated that the Public Assis-
tance Report has been approved and this work will start in November.
Mr. Perry moved and Mr. Peck seconded that the meeting adjourn. All
ayes. Meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
Deputy CityZ�rk
September 15, 1964
Ford, Mayor
A regular meeting of the City Council for the City of Anacortes was
called to order at 7:k35 p.m. with Mayor Jesse Ford presiding.
The Invocation was presented by Reverend E. D. Seymour of the Free
Methodist Church.
September 15, 1964 continued
Roll Call: Robert ferry, William Dickinson, James Rice, Jesse Ford,
Marion Peck, Don McDugle. Mayor Ford stated that Councilman Strom had
requested to be excused from this meeting.
Mayor Ford asked the Council's pleasure pertaining to the minutes from
the previous meeting. Mr. Ford requested that on page 3, first paragraph
that the minutes be -changed to read "warrants No. 5 and 6 at 4.20% be
issued Grande & ComparW". He also asked that paragraph "D" on page 3 be
changed to read "interest bearing warrant 01.
Mr. Peck moved that with these correLtions the minutes of the previous
meeting be approved as if read. Mr. Perry seconded the motion., Roll:
Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck, MaDugle. Motion carried.
Mayor Ford opened the public hearing on the requested vacation of the
east half of alley in Blchck 42, Original Plat of the City of Anacortes.
He asked if any party faom the audience wished to speak on this matter.
There was none. City Attornpy, W. V. Wells, requested that the public
hearing be continued until the next Council meeting, October 6, 1964.
Mayor Ford continued the public hearing on the proposed vacation until
October 6th.
A proposed resolution was read by the City Attorney on transferring
$400.00 from the Library Salary and Wage Account to the Library Maintenance
and Operation Account and the transfer of $2;500.00 from the City Building
Salary and Wage Account to the City Building Maintenance and Operation
Mr. Rice moved that with omitting the word "approximately" before the
amounts that the Resolution be adopted and given No. 112 and the Mayor
and Deputy City Clerk be given authority to sign. mr. Peck seconded
this motion. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle.
Motion carried.
A report on Whistle Lake Reservoir Project was given by Mr. Amble
of Stevens & Thompson Consulting Engineering Firm. This report was a
supplement to a previous report, explaining the increase in the estimated
cost of the Project. A discussion followed with Mr. Amble answering
questions on the subject.
The City Attorney read a proposed resolution approving the planning
documents submitted by University of Washington Consultants and Stevens
& Thompson in connection with Housing and Home Finance Agency Project
No. P -Wash -3169. 'Mr. Rice moved and Mr. Perry seconded that this Resolution
be adopted and given No. 113 with the Mayor and Deputy Clerk authorized
to sign. Roll: Ayes -Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck, MoDugle. Motion
Mayor Ford announried a Study Session will be held on the above subject,
Tuesday September 22, 1964.
The City Attorney read the proposed ordinance on curfew for teenagers
18 years and under. Mr. Peck moved that this Ordinance be adopted and
given No. 1366 with the Mayor and Deputy Clerk authorized to sign. Mr.
Dickinson seconded the motion. Motion carried. This Ordinance repeals
Ordinance #953•
The Mayor asked the Council if they wished to put the proposed Dog
Leash Law Ordinance on the Agenda for this meeting. Mr. Peck moved and
Mr. Rice seconded the motion that this ordinance be presented. Roll:
Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle. Motion carried.
The City Attorney read the proposed ordinance. A discussion followed.
Mr. Peck moved and Mr. Rice seconded that the Ordinance be accepted and
given No. 1367 and the Mayor and Deputy Clerk authorized to sign. Roll:
Ayes - Ferry, Rice, Ford, Peck. Nayes: Dickinson, McDugle. Motion carried.
Mr. Dickinson and Mr. VcDugle stated that they had voted against this
ordinance because they thought that the public should have a chance to vote
on it.
The City Attorney read the proposed ordinance on the Assessment Roll
for L.I.D. $158. Mr. Rice.moved that the Ordinance be accepted, given
%timber 1368 and the Mayor and Deputy Clerk be authorized to sign. Mr. Perry
seconded the motion. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, MoDugle.
Nayes - Peck. Motion carried. Mr. Peck clatified his no by stating that
a different system of assessment was in effect when this L.I.D. was
presented and that the people were not aware of this new method of assessment.
2.0- September 15, 1964 continued aC
The following Special Claims were presented to the Council for approval: ►
1. Payment to Stevens & Thompson, Inc. in the amount of $148.70
to cover the cost of preparing 'supplemental report to the
Whistle Lake Study request by Housing and Home Finance.Agency.
Mr. Rice moved and Mr. Perry seconded the motion that payment be made and
warrant issued for same.
2. Payment to Fred Tidrington for Storm Sewer work on 29th Street
L.I.D. #159 in the amount of $4,178.19, plus not to exceed
$300.00 for sales tax and with holding retaining 15%.
The Engineering Department has inspected and approved this work. Mr. Peck
moved that as the work has been approved by the Engineering Department that
claim be -allowed and interest bearing warrants #8 through #12 at 4.20% be
issued to Grande and Company. Mr. Rice seconded the motion. Roll: Ayes -
Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle. Motion carried.
3. Payment on travel expenses $73.46 charged to Anacortes
Industrial Park R-15.
Mr. Peck moved and Mr. Dickinson seconded that claim be allowed and warrant
issued for same. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle.
Motion carried.
The City Manager presented the Claims Report for the first half of
September to the Council for approval:
Special vouchers:
1. From 8G Fund to*1963 Water Bonds for capitalized interest
during construction - $5,025.44.
2. From 8G to Water Construction to repay money borrowed
Upon approval from the Finance Committee, Mr. Peck moved that the Claims be
allowed including transfers and warrants issued for same. Mr. Rice sedonded
the motion. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle.
Motion carried.
j The City Manager gave the Treasurer's Report for August 1964:
Receipts 143,376.18
Disbursements 131,014.10
Total Balance of
Cash & Investments 1,122,410.11
City Manager gave the Manager's Report:
He showed the inspection forms to the Council that will be used inconnection
with the structures located in the Urban Renewal Area. He also explained that
this will be a inspection only, not a survey to determine values. A letter
will be sent to harms owners in that area notifying them of the inspection.
From the Audience:
Mrs. Glen Holeton asked if there was anyway the citizens could have the
chance to vote on the Dog Leash Ordinance. A discussion followed. The City
Attorney will check on this point and report back.
Mr. Alan Pentz asked if the Council would control the use of the building
during meetings to curb noise caused by other groups.
Mr. Peck moved, Mr. McDugle seconded that the meeting adjourn. Roll:
All Ayes. Meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.
Jesse Ford, Mayor
Deputy Clerk
October 5, 1964
A Special Meeting of the City Council for the City of Anacortes was called
to order at 7:30 p.m. with Mayer Jesse Ford presiding.
Roll: Robert Perry, William Dickinson, James Rice, Jesse Ford, Marion
Peck, Don MaDugle, E. A. Strom.
Mayor Ford opened the Public Hearing on the Budget for 1965. Hearing
no comments from theppublic, the Council then discussed the Budget inodetail.
The proposed Budget Ordinance was read to the Council by the City Attorney.
Mr. Perry moved that the 1965 Budget Ordinance be -approved and given
#1369 with the Mayor and Deputy Clerk authorized to sign. Mr. Rice seconded
Ie motion. Roll: Ayes a Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, McDugle, Strom.
Nayes - Peck.. Motion carried.
Mr. Peck stated that he voted against this budget because of the
anticipated increase in water rates and his concern over the occupation
tax on telephones.
The proposed ordinance on the levying of taxes on Personal and Real
Property within the City of Anacortes was read by the City Attorney. Mr.
Rice moved that this Ordinance be adopted and given No. 1379 with the
Mayor and Deputy Clerk authorized to sign. Mr. Perry seconded the motion.
Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion
Mayor Ford declared the Public Hearing closed.
-Meeting adjourned.
Jes a ord, Mayor \
October 6, 1964
A regular meeting of the City Council for the City of Anscortes was
called to order at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor Jesse Ford presiding.
Invocation was presented by Revenend E. B. Seymour of the Free
Methodist Church.
Roll call: Robert Perry, James Rice, Jesse Ford, E. A. Strom. Mayor
Ford stated that Councilman McDugle had requested to be excused from this
Mayor Ford opened the public hearing which was continued to this meeting
from the meeting of September 15, 1964, pertaining to the request from John
Carabba and Tide Water Realty Company. It is requested that the City vacate
the east half of the alley in Block 42, Original Plat of the City of
Anacortes. The recommendation of the Planning Commission - that the entire
alley be vacated at this location along the south line of this property
subject to easements; and that the City accept Mr. Barabbals offer to give
to the City in exchange, 161 off of the west end of his property for a
north and south alldy - was considered. The City Attorney, W. V. Wells,
asked if any protests had been filed with the City Clerk. It was replied
that there had been none. Mayor Ford read from the minutes of the previous
meeting the portion pertaining to this request. Mayor Ford then asked if
there was anyone present in the audience to give any objections to this
request. There being no objections, Mr. Rice moved that this request be
granted subject to regular easements and that the City Attorney be authorized
to prepare an ordinance. The City Attorney asked that the motion be re -worded
to specify that just the east side of this alley be vacited. Pursuant to
Mr. Wellts cla irfication, Ifir. Perry seconded the motion. Roll: Ayes -
Perry, Rice, Ford, Strom. Motion carried. Mayor Ford closed the Public
«(r� October 6, 1961 continued x
Mayor Ford asked the Council's pleasure pertaining to the minutes of the
September 15, 1964 meeting. Mr. Strom moved, Mr. Rice seconded that the
minutes be approved as if read. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Rice, Ford, Strom.
Motion carried.
City Manager, Earl Diller, read a letter from the State Department of
Health stating that the Supplemental Report and Comparative Cost Studies -
Anacortes Water Supply has been recieved at their office and approved.
A letter from the Planning Commission was presented, stating their
recommendation on the proposed school activity sign. It was their recommend-
ation that the request be approved and that the Council waive the normal
$50.00 fee. This request was approved by the Council upon the approval of
the Planning Commission.
A letter was presented from Architect, Don L. McKee, requesting per-
mission to preserve an old frame office building located behind the Keystone
Building. He desires to move this buildipa to a location directly across the
street. After a discussion, Dr. Strom moved that this matter be referred to
the City Manager and City department interested in this problem for their
recommendation. Mr. Perry seconded the motion. Roll: Ayes - Perry; Rice,
Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
A letter was presented from the Skagit County Historical Society stating
a need for additional funds for their proposed museum to be located in LaConner.
After discussion Dr. Strom moved that a list of addresses from our water billing
be supplied to this organization for their fund drive. Mr. Perry seconded
the motion. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Ford, Strom. Hayes - Rice. Motion carried.
The City Manager read a letter form the Anscortes Chamber of Commerce
requesting permission to print and issue courtesy parking permits to special
groups holding conventions here. After discussion Mr. Perry moved and Mr. Rice
seconded that permission be granted and that these permits are to be issued
upon approval by the City Manager. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Rice, Ford, Strom.
Motion carried.
Upon recommendation of the Citizents Advisory Committee, Mayor Ford made
the following appointments to that Committee:
Dean Reichardt Tom McCrory
Bill Etter Charlie Hanson
Clancy Meyers Leo Schmaddt
Robert Morris
Mr. Rice moved and Mr. Perry seconded that these appointments be approved.
Roll: Ayes - Perry, Rice, Ford, Strom.. Motion carried.
Recommended appointment to the Real Estate and Contractors Committee:
Chet Guidinger
Mr. Rice moved and Mr. Perry seconded that this appointment be approved.
Roll: Ayes - Perry, Rice, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
A letter from the Planning Commission was read stating their recommendations
on the request from Great Northern Railway Compare[. This request was for
vacation by the City of 6th Street between � and S Avenues. It was the recom-
mendation of the Planning Commission that there be an improved road from
6th Street south on S Avenue parallel to the railway on the east, running from
9th to S and 6th east of railway together with a crossing in the vicinity of
9th & R Avenue. That when 6th Street is vacated that a 601 right of way
should be maintained throughout. 241 should be improved for road with the
balance left for utilities and sidewalks. Quit claim deeds are required
from Great Northern Railway and the Port to provide right of way. The
follvwigg reasons were given for need of an alternate route.
1. provides adequate commerdial access to north bay area
owned by the Port.
2. Provides safer crossing and a good alternate route;to
cap Sante area.
October 6, 1964 continued
This letter suggested that development might result in street improvement
along the complete eastern side of the railway to 11th and Q Avenue, where
anotherrcrossing might be required in the future and that acceptance of
emergency access between 3rd and 4th as proposed by Great Northern is
Dr. Strom moved that Resolution No. 17.4 be adopted on this request
calling a Public Hearing for November 3, 1964 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council
Chamber of the City Hall of Anacortes, Washington and the Mayor and City
Clerk be authorized to sign. Mr. Rice seconded thermbtion. Roll: Ayes -
Perry, Rice, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
Mayor Ford read a letter form Ben Driftmier, Attorney at Law in
reference to the Estate of Gus Hensler. Drawings of a proposed memorial
to Mr. Hensler to be erected on the top of Mount Erie were studied. After
a discussion, Mr. Perry made the m6tion that this request be considered
after a meeting with the Park Board. Mr. Rice seconded the motion. Roll:
Ayes - Perry, Rice, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
The City Manager and City Engineer explained the Contract with Stevens
and Thompson for plans and specifications for rehabitation of Whistle Lake
as a high level storage reservoir. The City Engineer suggested that to the
contract on page 10, item 4, line 2 it be added "for engineering services",
and that a sentence be added to item 4 providing that "interim payments
shall be contingent on prior receipt from the HHFA of the necessary funds
to cover." Dr. Strom moved that the Contract be approved with the changes
suggested by the City Engineer. Mr. Perry seconded the motion. Roll:
Ayes - Perry, Rice, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
The City Attorney read the proposed resolution authorizing filing of
application to Housing and Home Finance Agency for advance to provide plan
preparation forr rehabilitation 6f Whistle Lake as a high level storage
reservoir. Mr. Rice moved and Dr. Strom seconded that the Resolution
be accepted, given No. 115 with the Mayor and Deputy Clerk authorized
to sign.
The following Special Claims were presented to the Council for
a. Payment to George V. Nolte Company for final payment less
15% retention for 'curb and gutter construction on L.I.D. #7.59
in the amount of $6,668.46. Work has been completed and
inspected. '
Mr. Rice moved and Dr. Strom seconded that payment of claim be allowed and
interest bearing warrants #13 through #19 at 4.20,E be issued to Grande and
Company. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Rice, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
b. Payment to R. L. Kirkpatrick - surveying 62.50
Payment to Les Sharpe 26.00
Dr. Strom moved and Mr. Rice seconded that payment of clAims be allowed
and interest bearing warrant #20 at 4.20,E be issued - to Grande and ComparW
Roll: Ayes - Perry, Rice, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
2. Payment to Current Expense from 90G for phone calls. $1.20
Dr. Strom moved, Mr. Perry seconded that claim be allowed and payment made.
Motion carried.
3. L.I.D. #158 - payment to Anscortes American for printing of
r notices $20.41
Mr. Rice moved, Mr. Perry seconded that claim be allowed and interest
bearing warrant #53 in the amount of $20.41 at 4.15% be issued Hughbanks,
Inc. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Rice, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
4.. Anacortes Industrial Park R-15 payment to:
Anacortes Travel Service $169.40
People's National Bank 4.63
Mr. Rice moved and Mr. Perry seconded that claims be allowed and payment
made. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Rice, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
24 �
October 6, 1964 continued
L' C.
The City Manager presented the Claims Report for the second half of
September, 1964 to the Council for approval:'
Salaries: $15,470.09
Expenses: 44,456.14
Total 59,926.23
Upon approval from the Finance Committee, Mr. Rice moved and Df. Strom seconded
that claims be allowed and warrants issued for same. Roll: Ayes - Perry,
Rice, Ford, Strom. Motion carried.
The City Manager gave the Manager's Report. He stated that a Public
Hearing is to be held by the Corp of Engineers, October 12. Forms were
shown that will be presented on "Deep Water Navigation in Fidalgo Bay"
and "Water Supply for Induatrial and Domestic Use".
Mr. Rice moved that the meeting adjourn. Mr. Perry seconded the motion.
Roll: All Ayes. Motion carried.
Deputy Clerk /
r6LJ sse Ford, Mayor
October 20, 1964
A regular meeting of the City Council for the City of Anacortes
was called to order at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor Jesse Ford presiding.
Invocation was presented by Reverend Jerry Wilson of the Nazarene Church.
Roll call: Robert Perry, William Dickinson, James Rice, Jesse Ford,
Marion Peck, Don McDugle. Mayor Ford stated that Councilman Strom had
requested,to be excused from this meeting.
Mayor Ford asked the Council's pleasure on the minutes of the October 6,
1964 meeting. There was a request to change the wording of the last two
paragraphes on page 3 to read: "Payment to George V. Nolte Company for final
payment less 15% retention for curb and gutter construction on L.I.D. #159
in the amount of $6,668.46. Work has been completed and the City Engineering
Department has inspected it and recommends the City Council acceptance.
" Mr. Rice moved and Dr. Strom seconded that work be accepted and payment
of claim be allowed..."
With.these corrections, Mr. Rice :coved and Mr. Perry seconded that the
minutes be approved as if read. Roll: Ayes - PeW, Dickinson, Rice, Ford.
Abstain: Peck, McDugle. Motion carried.
City Manager, Earl Diller, presented a letter from the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter -Day Saints, making formal application to establish and
operate a fireworks concession stand from June 28, 1965 to July 5, 1965 on
the northeast corner of 23rd and Cbmmercial. A license is to be issued on
this request.
A lettdr from the Anacortes Chamber of Commerce was read requesting:
1. The repair of curbings and sidewalks, especially in the business district.
2. Have health, fire and building. inspectors survey all old buildings and
have them brought up to proper, present standards or removed. 3. S'§ictly
enforce the weed and trash abatement ordinance. 4. Lower manhole covers
that are exceedingly high.
The proposed ordinance.for the vacation by the City of the east part of
the alley in Block 42, Original Plat of the City of Anacortes was considered.
A letter of protest, filed with the Deputy City Clerk, from E. Demopoulos
was read. Mr. Demopoulos objects to the proposed vacation as he is owner
of property in this block serviced b)i the alley sought to be vacated. After .
October 20, 1961 continued
Council consideration and discussion of th
of the vacation, the proposed ordinance was
After a discussion, Mr. Rice moved that the
#1371 with the Mayor and Deputy City Clerk
seconded the motion. Roll: Ayes - Perry,
McDugle. Motion carried.
is protest, and a general discussion
read by City Attorney, W. V. Wells.
Ordinance be adopted and given
authorized to sign. Mr. Perry
Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck,
The City Manager presented a request for permission from the Anacortes
Motel to add additions to the present motel sign, located on commercial
Avenue near the Motel. Part of this sign is built on pyblic right of way.
Mr. McDugle made the motion that this request be referred to the Planning
Commission for rear mendation. Mr. Rice seconded the motion. Roll: Ayes -
Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle. Motion carried.
Mr. Diller presented a sketch for study on the request of Don McKee
to move the Whitney House to the southside of 7th Street between the
Eagles Hall and Wellfs building. Mr. McKee expressed a desire to keep the
structural make up for historical reasons. A letter was read faom Mr.
Mckee listing the things that he could reasonably accomplish in restoring
the building after it is moved to the new sine.
A letter from the Building Inspector was read listing improvements
that must be made to comply with Fire Code. He suggested using fire proof
paint and fiber bless insulation or asphaltic paper under the shakes.
After discussion Mr. Rice moved and Mr. Perry seconded that permission
to relocate this house be granted and the suggestions of the Building
Inspector be applied. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, McDugle.
Nayes - Peck. Motion carried.
Permission was requested from the Council to call for bids on the
removal of the tin building owned by the City at 23rd and S Avenue. Mr. Rice
moved that the building be removed and a call;for bids be made. Mr. Peck
seconded the motion. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck,
MdDugle. Motion carried.
The City Attorney read a proposed ordinance transfering $700.00 from
the City Clerk's Salary and Wage Account to the City Clerk's Maintenance
and Operation Account and $1,200.00 from the Police Department Salary and
Wage Account to the Police Department Maintenance and Operation Account.
Mr. Rice moved and Mr. Perry seconded that the Resolution be adopted, given
#116, and the Mayor and Deputy City Clerk authorized to sign. Roll: Ayes -
Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, McDugle. Nayes - Peck. Motion carried.
The propesed Uniform Housing Code was presented to the Council for
study. Mr. Merril Iversen from the audience, pointed out that there is
no provision for air pollution in this Code. After discussion it was
dedided to place this proposed Code on the agenda for the next meeting.
Request was presented for the addition of the Industrial Rate Study to
the Contract of Stevens & Thompson, Inc., for Whistle Lake final plans on
cost - Plus basis with saximum quarantee of $2,500.00. Total estimate cosh.
of $620,000.00 for the project will remain the same. Mr. Rice moved that
the Rate Study be added to the Contract. Mr. Perry seconded the motion.
Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle. Motion carried.
A request was presented from Ben Driftmier, Attorney, seeking-�srmission
to place a memorial to Gus Hensler on Mount Erie. Mayor Ford stated that
the Park Board, after reviewing the proposed Hensler Memorial request,
recommneds that the Memorial's construction commence. The City Attorney
read the provision of Mr. Hensler's Will. Mr. Peck moved and Mr. Perry
seconded that this request be approved. Ayes: Perry, Rice, Fordtp Peck,
McDugle. Motion carried.
The following Special Claims were presented to the Council for approval:
L.I.D. #159
Right of ways:
Kenneth M. Jobe $58.50
Clyde T. Cook 54.00
C. 0. Ramstead 25.50
Lester Sharpe & Associates - rock 130.00
L� October 20, 1964 continued
Marine Asphalt Co. payment less 15% retention 9,857.91 C.
Work has been completed, inspected and approved
by the Engineer Department.
Fred Tidrington 1,126.88
final payment subject to receiving sales tax
release and release from Department of Labor
and Industries.
Mr. Rice moved and Mr. Perry seconded that the work be accepted and payment::
of claim of $11,252.79 be allowed and that interest bearing warrants #21
through #32 inclusive at 4.20,E be issued to Grande and Company. Roll: .
Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle. Motion carried.
The City Manager presented the Treasurer's Report for September 1964.
Receipts $169,347.38
Disbursements 189,812.16
Cash in Hank 475,154.05
Investments 6852935.95
The City Manager presented the Claims Report for the first half of
October to the Council for approval.
Salaries $8,630.00
Expenses 59931.95
Total 14.,561-95
Upon approval from the Finance Committee, Mr. Perry moved and Mr. Rice
seconded thattclaAms be allowed and warrants issued for same. Roll: Ayes -
Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle. Motion carried.
Mr. Diller gave the Manager's Report. He stated that the Engineering
Department and Fire Department are proceeding on the Urban Renewal Area
inspection. This is a structural survey and letters have been sent to
both owners and occupants.
From the audience, Mrs. Alice Newland suggested that the Public Hearing
called for November 3rd be reset as that is election day. Mayor Ford said
that the hearing would be held on that date and continued to another meeting
to give opportunity for everyone interested to be heard.
Mr. Peck inquired as to why the flag is not displayed over City Hall.
He felt that the glag should be flown over the seat of government.
The new playground equipment located at lObh and M Street was discussed.
Mr. MoDugle pointed out that the equpment at 28th & Q Streets is in need
of repair. Mr. Peck suggested placing playground equipment on Water
Department property on Heart Lake Road. Mr. Diller stated that the Park
Director is to make a study on the proper placement of thI& equipment at
the location on Heart Lake Road and that money is budgeted next year for
additional equipment.
Mr. Peck moved and Mr. Rice seconded that the meeting adjourn. Roll:
All Ayes. Motion carried.
see • o , mayor
Deputy City Clerk
November 3, 1964
A regular meeting of the City Council for the City of Anacortes was
called to order at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor Jesse Ford presiding.
R Roll Call: Robert Perry, William Dickinson, James Rice, Jesse Ford,
Marion Peck, Don McDugle, Dr. Eugene Strom.
Invocation was presented by Reverend Neil Munro of the Presbyterian
Mayor Ford opened the Public Hearing on the request from Great Northern
Railway Comparq. This request is for the City to vacate'6th Street from
R to S Avenues. They desire to put in four more tracks for switching
purposes east of their depot.
A petition with 63 signatures was presented representing people who object
to the vacation of 6th Street. From the audience, Mrs. Melvin Gill of
515 -5th Street asked the Council if there would be just one outlet from
5th Street. Mayor Ford replied that the Council will consider this.
Mrs. Julie Moe of 504 -7th Street alsked if the railroad expansion would
destroy the use of the near -by bay area owned by the Port.
Mr. Dickinson asked that the letter from the Great Northern Railway
Company of Oct. 22 be read. This letter stated that the Company had found
the recommendations from the Planning Cozmdssion to be unsatisgactory.
Mayor Ford stated that the hearing would remain open until problems are
resolved. The hearing was closed at this point and will resume at the
next Council mestigg.
Mr. John Schneider, President of the Anacortes City Employees Union,
requested a meeting with the Finance Committee for Monday, November 9th,
7:00 p.m. This date and time for a meeting were approved by the Finance
Mayor Ford asked the Council's pleasure on the minutes of the October 20,
1964 meeting. Mr. Rice moved and Mr. Perry seconded that the minutes be
approved as if read. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck,
McDugle. Strom.
It was stated that the proposed ordinance on the Uniform Housing Code
is being studied.
The City Manager, Earl Diller, presented a bulletin on Washington
Traffic Statutes for study by the Council.
A letter was read from the Parks Committee of the Anacortes Chamber of
Commerce requesting permission to plant trees along 8th Street between 0
and Commercial and along the same block on nth Street. These proposed
plantings would be planted in three foot square holed centered ii yards
back from the curb and spaced approximately 9 yards apart. It is requested to
use City crews to break and dig the holes. Mr. Rice moved and Mr. Dickinson
seconded the motion that this request be approved. Roll: Ayes - Perry,
Dickinson, Rice, Ford, McDugle, Strom. Nayes - Peck. Motion carried.
Mr. Peck clarified his vote against this request by stating that these trees
will be planted in the middle of the side walk and until the dirt settles
and is built up safely, who is responsible for injuries - the City or the
Chamber of Commerce?
The City Engineer, William Gallagher, using a sketch, explained the
recommendation of the Engineering Department of the proposed sewer line
locatddn for Mt. Erie Avenue and 2nd Street. The question was asked if
this sewer could be put through the alley from Mt. Erie Avenue to Baltimore
instead of down the middle of'Mt. Erie Avenue. The advantages and dis-
advantages of this route were discussed. It was stated that there is
enough money available to put the sewer line down Mt. Erie Avenue but not
enough budgeted to allow a line down the alley to Baltimore Avenue. After
discussion, Mr. Peck stated that he does not approve of the idea of putting
the sewer line down Mt. Erie Avenue, but if the money is not available for
putting this line through the alley to Baltimore he moved that the line be
put down Mt. Erie Avenue. Mr. Perry seconded the motion. Roll: Ayes -
Perry, Rice, Ford, Peck, Strom. Nayes - Dickinson, McDugle. Motion
The City Engineer read a letter from the Board of Trustees of the
Assembly of God Church on their acceptance of the Engineering Departments
November 3, 1964 continued
recommendation on relocation for J Avenue between 29th and 32nd Streets,
through their property. A map was presented for study. The Church will cornmey
to the City of Anacortes a 601 right of way. In exchange the City will pave
620 lin. ft., 22 ft. wide road way and also construct and mmintain a ditch
on both sides of the road for proper drainage. It is also requested that
the relocation of the road be done immediately and that the read be graded
and then paved as soon as possible. Mr. Rice moved and Dr. Strom seconded
the motion that the proposal be accepted. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson,
Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle. Strom. Motion carried.
City Manager presented the Claims Report for the last half of October
to the Council for Approval:
Salaries 15,316.76
Expenses 37,687.67
Total 53,004.43
Upon approval of the Finance Committee, Mr. Perry moved and Mr. Dickinson
seconded that claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of same. Roll:
Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried.
The City Manager stated that since law requires a holiday for city
employees on election day and that the employees had worked that day, he is
requesting a day off for the employees on Friday November 6th.
Mr. McDugle expressed concern over the lack of a gravel supply
available to the City. He stated that there is land offered for sale which
could be used for obtaining gravel. Drillings have been taken which show it
to be a good gravel supply. This is to be referred to the Engineering
Department and City Manager.
During a discussion on the Urban Renewal Project the following thoughts
were expressed: It was suggested that a public hearing be held on this.
It was stated that the Planning Commission and the Citizens Advisory
Committee had previously held hearings. Mr. Dickinson said that he felt
that the legislative body of the City should inform people - not committees.
Concurrent with the meeting being adjourned, Mr. Peck asked -who from the
City had told the newspaper people not to go into the Urban Renewal Area
and stir these people up.
J ss 'ord,Mayor
Deputy City CZ
November 17, 1964
A regular meeting of the City Council Bor the City of Anacortes was
called to order at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor Jesse Ford presiding.
The invocation was presented by Reverend Neil Munro of the Presbyterian
Roll Call: Rpbert Perry, William Dickinson, James Rice, Jesse Ford,
Marion Peck, Don McDugle. Mayor Ford stated that councilman Strom would be
in attendance later.
Mayor Ford asked the Council's pleasure on the minutes of the November 3,
1964 meeting. Mr. Rice moved and Mr. Perry seconded that the -minutes be
approved as if read. Mr. Peck, in reference to the last paragraph of the
minutes, stated that the meeting was not adjourned when he had asked his
question. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Rice, Ford. Nayes - Dickinson, Peck, McDugle.
Mr. McDugle said he was under the impression that the meeting was not over
as the Mayor had rapped on the table reminding the audience that the meeting
was not over.
Mayor Ford rer4ened the Public Hearing held over fvom the November 3rd
November 17, 1964 continued
meeting on the request from Great Northern Railway Company for vacation by
the City of 6th Street from R to S Avenues. A petition containing 55
signatures of property owners -and residents protesting the vacation of 6th
Street from R to T Avenue was presented. (A petition of protest had been
presented at a previous meeting with 63 signatures). Mr. Rice suggested
that the City assume all or part of the expense of a right of way along the
railroad. Mayor Ford referred to the reemmmandation on this request of the
Planning Commission. Mr. Peck said that he feels that the plan has not been
explained to the public. Mrs. Moe of 504 -7th Street stated that she would
be interested inknowing exactly what is planned. Mrs. Alice Newland of
902 -7th Street stated that the proposal had been explained to those signing
the petition and they still objected. Mr. Perry asked that the City Manager
show, by aid of a map, the plan of the Planning Commission to the public.
Mr. McDugle suggested that it is unnecessary for the people concerned to
come at all the meetings, but when additional facts are to be presented or
action to be taken that the public be notified. Mpyor Ford stated that this
request will be put on the agenda when more facts are obtained. Mr. Rice
moved and Mr. MoDugle seconded that the hearing be temporarily closed until
requieed to reopen. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck,
McDugle. Motion carried.
The adopting of the'proposed Uniform Housing Code, recommended by the
Citizne's Advisory Committee and the Engineering Department, was dicussed.
Mr. Perry moved and Mr. Peck seconded that the Uniform Housing Code be adopted
and the CUy, Attorney instructed to prepare an ordinance. Roll: Ayes -
Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle. Motion carried.
The proposed adoption of the Traffic Code, recommended by the Police
Department, was presented to the Council. Mr. Peck moved that the Traffic
Code be adopted and the City Attorney instructed to prepare an ordinance.
Mr. Rice seconded the motion. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford,
Peck, McDagle. Motion carried.
Mayor Ford stated that the Anscortes City Employees Union is seeking
Council approval for Group Insurance Program premiums to be deducted from
the individual memberts salary. Mr. Peck moved that this request be approved.
Mr. Rice seconded the motion. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford,
Peck, McDugle, Motion carried.
Mayor Ford read a letter from the Port of Anacortes stating that they
are interested in.purchasing the Harris property. The Port offers to pay
the City for this property the price of which was paid therefor, together
with any and all incidental expenses added to the purchase price to be paid
by the Port of Anscortes, together with any interest the City has paid thereon.
Since the City is interested in retaining a portion of this property for
future expansion of the Sewer Treatment Plant, the Port assumes that if this
portion was retained that the price would be diminished by the proportionate
amount of square footage retained as opposed to the total.
The City Manager, Earl Diller, presented a sketch showing the -area involved
and the two easements to be retained by the City. Mr. Bob Keller, Port
Manager, explained that this purchase is necessary to obtain property for
improvements. Mr. Rice moved and Mr. Perry seconded that the request of the
Port to purchase the Harris property, minus the property needed for expansion
for the Sewer Treatment Plant and the two easements, be granted. Roll: Ayes -
Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle. Motion carried.
Bids submitted on the taking down of the tin building at 23rd and S
Avenue and the removal of scrape metal were presented to the Council for thiir
PrestgnnHolton - $8.50 per ton to be weighed on standard scales,
raze and complete cleanup, $72.50 for rights.
Skagit River Junk, Inc. -
1. $16.50 per ton on scrap at Anaeortes,
18.50 per ton on scrap at Avon pumping station
2. $85.00 on lump sum bid for scrap located at
both planes, or,
3. Remove the building on 23rd Street, Anacortes,
for the scrap located at both places plus a
payment to the City of $50.00.
November 17, 1964 continued ILS
After discussion, Mr. Rice moved and Mr. Peck seconded that the bid from Preston
Holton be accepted. A time limit of 60 days was placed on this bid and proper
liability insurance must be carried by the person doing this work,
Councilman Strom entered the meeting at this point.
Roll was taken on the awarding of bid to Preston Holton. Ayes - Perry,
Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle „ Strom. Motion carried.
A request was presented from the West Coast Telephone Company on
extgntion of the existing lease agreement with the City of Anacortes on a
tract of land in Block 52 of Bowman's Ship Harbor Waterfront Plant of Anacortes.
After a discussion, Mr. Peck moved and Dr. Strom seconded that the request be
referred to a study session. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford,
Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried.
A request was presented to advertise for bids for a new 1965 police car.
Mr. Rice moved and Mr. Peck seconded that a call for bids be made. Roll:
Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried.
Recommendations from the Police Department were studied. A discussion followed.
The City Manager introduced a discussion on bimonthly billing for
residential utility users by the Water Department. W. 0. Rogers, Water
Superintendent, gave figures of the cost of the present method of billing
and the cost of the proposed method. Dr. Strowi suggested that the people
should be notified on their bill, if possible, of the change in the method
of billing. Mr. Rice moved that the Water Department change from monthly
to bimonthly billing. The City Attorney was instructed to prepare an ordinance.
Mr. Perry seconded the motion. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford,
Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. There was a discussion on the advantages
of billing the property owner instead of renters. This will be put on a
study session agenda.
The City Attorney read a proposed ordinance appropriating the 1965
revenues of the City, in the various departments of the Ctty, the amount to
each of the said departments, respectively, as set forth and particularly
designated in Section 1 of Ordinance No. 1369. Mr. Perry moved that the
Ordinance be adopted, given No. 1372 with the Mayor and Deputy Clerk
Authorized to sign. Mr. Rice seconded the motion. Roll: Ayes - Perry,
Dickinson, Rice, Ford, McDugle, Strom. Nayes - Peck. Motion carried.
The City Manager presented the Treasurer's Report for the month ending
October, 1964.
Receipts $1962860.65
Disbursements 1532880.21
Cash in Bank 518,134.49
Investments 666,560.51
The following Special Claim was presented to the Council for approval:
L.I.D. #159
Mt. Vernon,Sand and Gravel $58.110
Mr. Rice moved and Mr. Perry seconded that the claim of $58.40 be allowed and
interest bearing warrant #33 at 4.20% be issued to Grande & Company. Roll:
Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried.
The City Manager presented the Claims Report for the first half of November
to the Council for approval:
Salaries: $82540.00
Expenses: 7,470.36
Total 16,010.36
Upon approval of the Finance Committee, Mr. Perry moved and Mr. Rice seconded
that claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of same. Roll: Ayes -
Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Mot116n carried.
The City Manager showed and explained a form to the Council on the proposal
to pperate approved vocational education classes. The course is prescribed by
the International City Manager's Association and is entitled "Municipal Police
Administration". The Manager stated that he had talked to the Mount Vernon
police department and that their men are also interested in enrolling in this
November 17, 1964 continued
Since the minutes fo the previous meeting had not received i majority
vote, Mayor Ford moved that the minutes be approved as presented. Mr. Perpy
seconded the motion. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Rice, Ford, Strom. Nayes -
Dickinson, Peck, McDugle. Motion carried.
Mr. Dickinson suggested that the normal process for adjournment be used in
future meetings. Since Mr. Peck felt that his question had not been properly
included in the previous minutes, he restated his question to the City
Manager. Had the City Manager told the newspaper people not to go into
the Urban Renewal Area and stir people up? The City Manager replied that
so much has gone by since that time that he doesn't recall exactly what had
been said.
Mr. Dickinson asked if the retainage to cover 29th Street is still
being held by the City. The condition of the paving was discussed. The
City Manager and City Engineer were asked to see what can be done about
the paving at this location.
The City Attorney was asked to check on the length of terms for the
councilmen and the expiration date of the positions now held.
Mr. Perry moved and Mr. McDugle
Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice,
Depto City Clerk/
seconddd that the meeting adjourn.
Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion
December 1, 1964
A regular meeting of the City Council for the City of Anacortes was
called to order at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor Jesse Ford presiding.
The invocation was presented by Reverend Jerry Wilson of the Nazarene
Roll Call: Robert Perry, William Dickinson, James Rice, Jesse Ford,
Marion Peck, Don McDugle, Dr. Eugene Strom.
Mayor Ford asked the Council's pleasure on the minutes of the November 17,
1964 meeting. Mr. Perry moved and Mr. Rice seconded that the minutes be
approved as if read. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle,
Strom. Motion carried.
City Manager; Earl Diller, read a letter from the Skagit County Historical
Society which expressed their thanks to the Aimcortes Water Department for
being allowed to use the mailing list of that Department.
A letter from the Anacortes Sea Scouts, under direction of the D.P.O.E.
1204 was presented requesting the C ouncil's.permission to use a 10th Street
location for Christmas tree sales commencing December 4th; 1964. Permission
was granted on this request.
A request was presented from the Choral Director of the Anacortes High
School A Cappella Choir. The Choir seeks permission to present a program
of Christmas music at Causland Park on Monday, December 21, 7:00 p.m. -
Dr. Strom moved and Mr: McDugle seconded the motion that permission be
granted on this request. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck,
McDugle, Strom. Motion carried.
December 1, 1964
Mayor Ford presented a letter from the Planning Commission giving their
recommendation on a request from Al McKee of A. & E Garage, 801 -3rd Street.
Mr. McKee has requested permission to rent from the City an existing bill-
board located on City property on the northeast corner of 3rd and Commercial
Avenue. The Planning Commission recommended that since it is the goal of the
City to eventually eliminate billboards altbgether, that this request be
denied and that the City discontinue renting this space for billboard use
and that this billboard be removed. Mr. Peck inquired as to ghat type of
sign this is. The City Manager explained that this billboard had been used
by Harris Marina for advertisement and that Mr. McKee wished to likewise
advertise his business. Mr. Rice moved that the recommendation of the
Planning Commission be sccppted and that this request be denied. Mr. Peck
seconded the motion. Before the roll was called on this motion, there was
a discussion, In reply to questions, the City Engineer stated that he had
checked this location and finds that it is on street right of may. It
was asked if the City is renting other locations for similar use. Roll:
Ayes - Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck, Strom. Nayes - Perry, McDugle. Motion
carried. Mr. McDugle clarified his negative vote by stating that he felt
that Mr. McKee should be allowed to advertise by the method requested, as
new businesses are allowed to put up signs for advertisement.
A request from C. W. Klint, San Juan Lanes, was presented. It is
requested to exchange an area 100, by 200, (six and 2/3 lots) at 33rd and
Q Avenue for the four lots and portion of vacated Q Avenue in the rear of
San Juan Lanes. This additional property located near the San Juan Lanes
is required to permit expansion of present facilities and the addition of
others. This request also stated that Mr. Klint would prepare the site at
33rd and Q Avenue and move and reinstall the present equipment at this
proposed new site. A sketch of the situation was studied. Mr. McDugle
stated that the 29th Street playground had been moved to its present
location in an effort to get it away from Commercill Avenue and traffic
for the sake of safety. He expressed concern that the proposed location
seemed to be closer to Commercial Avenue than the present 29th Street
location. Dr. Strom moved that this request be referred to the Planning
Commission and Park Board for their study and recommendation. Mr. Perry
seconded the motion. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck,
McDugle, Strom. Motion carried.
City Attorney, W. V. Wells, read the proposed ordinance on adopting the
International Conference of Building Officials Uniform Housing Code, 1964
Edition, as the housing code of the City of Anacortes, nameing the Building
Inspector as the building official and constituting Section 8-15 of the
Code. Mr. Peck moved and Dr. Strom seconded that the Ordinance be adopted
and given #1373 --with the Mayor and Deputy City Clerk authorized to sign.
Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion
carried. Mrs. Alice Newland of 902 -7th Street asked if this Building Code
was the one advised by the Citizens Advisory Committee. Mayor Ford replied,
that it was.
The City Attorney announced that the proposed ordinance on the Traffic
Code is still in the preparatory stages and,not ready to be presented at
this time.
Concern was expressed over the lack of safety for school children
crossing the street at 24th and Commercial. The City Engineer told what has
been done in an attempt to establish a stop light at this location and
also gave the background of previous attempts. He stated that the State
Highway Department does not recommend a manually operated stop light at that
crossing because of traffic hazard from sudden stops. Possibilities of
using patrol boys or senior citizens was discussed. Mr. Perry suggested a
study session with the school board on this muter. Mr. Peck suggested the
possibility of using welfare recipients. Mr. McDugle asked if there is a
spare stop light available for use. The City Manager rq2lied that there is
an amber light available. Mr. Perry suggested placing a street blinker on
a barricade, until other arrangements can be made. Dr. Strom asked if the
sbhool board is aware of tbb opinion of the State Highway Department on a
light at this location. The City Manager replied that it was not. Mayor
Ford asked the City Manager to relay this information to the school officals
and discuss the situation further with them.
The City Attorney read the proposed ordinance amending Sections 24 and
31 of Ordinance No. 1090 of the City of Anacortes, so as to change billing
by the Water Department for domestic residential utility consumers from
monthly to bi-monthly; repealing Ordinances No. 1128 and No. 1155, and
constituting Sections 6-1.24 and 6-1.31 of the Code. Mr. Rice moved that
this Ordinance be adopted, given No. 1374 with the Mayor and Deputy City
December 1, 1961 continued
Clerk authorized to sign. Mr. Perry seconded the motion. Roll: Ayes -
Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried.
The City.Manager explained the proposed revision of the Labor Agreement
between the City of Anacortes and Local 317, American Federation of State,
County, and Municipal Employees. Two paid holidays (Lincoln's Birthday,
General Elect&on Day) are to be added to the Agreement; hours of employ-
ment changed to 8 hours, to be worked between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and
5:00 p.m.; and that all City employees are covered under this agreement
except Fire Department, Police Department, and Library employees. Mr.
Peck moved that the revisions be acce;ited. Mr. Rice seconded the motion.
Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion
The City Attorr>P'g, read a resolution for investigg Water Department
Funds moneys in United States Government Notes to earn interest. Mr. Rice
moved that the Resolution be adopted and given #117 and the Mayor and
Deputy City Clerk authorized tossign. Mr. Perry seconded the motion.
Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion
The City Manager introduced Mr. Smith and Mr. Moen from the Moen
Insurance Agency. Mr. Smith -presented a form showing the amount of
insurance carried at the present on buildings owned by the City and amounts
of Fidelity Bonds on employees. Mr. Smith then gave the recommendation
of the Insurance Agency on which items additional coverage should be
carried by the City. A discussion followed. Dr. Strom inquired about
carrying earthquake and flood insurance on the filter plant.
Mr. Rice gave a report from the Finance Committee on cumulatige sick
pay for City Employees. The following schedule has been set up:
1 to 5 years
- 30
days sick leave
6 years
- 36
7 years
- 42
8 years
- 48
9 years
- 54
10 years
- 60
Mr. John Schneider, president of the Local 317, American Federation of
State, County, and Municipal Employees, will present this schedule to the
Union at their next meeting. If this echdule is accepted, it will become
an amendment to the contract and will be in effect as of the first of the
The City Manager introduced a discussion of municipal policy for
1961-65 of the Association of Washington Cities. The legislature convens
in January and the cities need to determine what approach they should take
in presenting problems. Mayor Ford suggested formulating a report to
present to the Association of Washington Cities. Mr. McDugle requested
that the Council have access to the information so that they will be
acquathnted with it. The City Manager stated that bb delt that each city
should send someone to Olympia to explain any needs.
The City Manager reported that the City Engineer has talked to
Marine Asphalt Co., and that in the Spring they will put a thin coat of
asphalt over the area on 29th Street that the City has been concerned about.
The City Manager also stated that figures are being compiled as to how long
the present gravel supply will last the City. Purchasing a new site to obt*in
gravel is also being checked.
Mr. Rice requested that the remnants of the fruit stands at 13th
and Commercial and 21st and Commercial be cleaned up. '
The following Special Claim was presented to the Council for approval:
L.I.D. #159
Marine Asphalt Company $75.00
Mr. Rice moved and Mr. Perry seconded that the claim of $75.00 be allowed
and interest bearing warrant #34 at 4.20% be issued to Grande and Company.
Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion
December 1,'1964 continued
The City Manager presented the Claims Report for the last half of
November,to the Council for approval:
Salaries: 15,139.63
Expenses: 27,705.03
Total 42,b44.66
Upon approval of the Finance Committee, Mr. Perry moved and Mr. Peck seconded
that claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of same. Roll: Ayes -
Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried.
The City Manager stated that there will be a Manager's Association
Meeting on December 10th and 11th at Richland, Wn., and that he would like
to attend. Mr. MoDugle moved and Dr. Strom seconded that the Manager
attend this meeting. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck,
McDugle, Strom. Motion carried.
Mayor Ford declared the meeting adjourned at 9s45 p.m.
Deputy City ak
December 15, 1964
A regular me6t ing of the City Council for the City of Ana corte s was
called to order at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor Jesse Ford presiding.
The invocation was presented by Major Stavo of the Salvation Army.
Roll Call: William Dickinson, James Rice, Jesse Ford, Marion Peck,
Don McDugle, Dr. Eugene Strom. Councilman Perry entered the meeting at 8:45.
Mayor Ford asked the Council's pleasure on the minutes of the December 1,
1964 meeting. Mr. 14ice moved and Mr. Peck seconded that the minutes be
approved as if read. Roll: Ayes - Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom.
Motion carried.
From the audience Mr. Bob McCollum addressed the Council on a problem
of lack of parking area at his repair shop at 12th Street and 0 Avenue.
Mr. McCollum would like to have any available fill dirt to fill in the lot
next to his pvoperty so that the lot can be used for parking for his business
and also for the Fire and Police Departments. The lack of parking facilities
in that area was discussed. Mayor Ford asked the Building Inspector and
City Manager tollook into the situation.
Mr. Jim Nielson, representing the Anacortes Junior Chamber of Commerce,
introduced Mr. Wally Sherman, Mr. John Plattner, and Mr. Dave Hardesty,
a group interested in the conservation of fish. Problems, hazards, cost
and the operation of Fish Farming and Fish Hatcherys weee compared. An
aerial photograph of Fidalgo Bay and proposed dikes, gates, and area needed
for fish farming was shown. It is estimated that 600 acres could be diked
and that 15 million fish could be produced annually as well as providing
a place for crab and oysters. The advantages to the City of such an
industry was discussed. Mr. Nielson stated that there will be a meeting on
Fisheries at the Eagles Hall, January 2, 10:00 a.m., and invited everyone
interested in the project to attend this meetigg.
The proposed ordinance on the Traffic Code was not.ready to be presented
at this meeting. Dr. Strom suggested changes in the speed limit for Havecost
and Heart Lake Roads. The City Attorney discussed Ordinance 1176.
December 15, 1964 continued
An ordinance was read by the City Attorney relating to providing for
and requiring a license fee upon certain businesses, occupation, pursuits
and privileges conducted within the City of Anacortes, defining offenses,
providing penalties, providing for revocation of license under certain
conditions, repealing Ordinance No. 1295, passed and ppproved on the 3rd
day of January, 1961, and Ordinance No. 1334, passed and approved on the
18th day of December, 1962, and constituting Sections 7-8.01 through
7-8.24 of the Official Code. Mr. Rice moved that the ordinance be adopted
and given No. 1375 with the Mayor and Deputy City Clerk authorized to
sign. The motion was seconded by Mr. Perry, Ron: Ayes - Perry,
Dickinson, Rice, Ford, McDugle, Strom. Neyes - Peck. Motion carried.
The City Attorney read a proposed ordinance amending Section 6,
Salary and lige Schedule, of Ordinance No 1.357 of the City of Anacortes.
There was a correction of "Truck Driver and Labor 0 positions)", page 2,
Range #5 from $455.00 to $461.00. Mr. Rice moved the Ordinance be adopted
and given No. 1376 with the Mayor and Deputy City Clerk authorized to
sign. Mr. Peck seconded the motion. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson,
Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried.
A request from Farwest Fisheries, Inc., and Union Oil Company of
California was presented. This request is for the vacation by the City
of that portion of Fourth Street within the City of Anacortes lying
between the west line of Lot 4, Block 108, extended northerly, and the
east line of K Avenue. The City Manager showed a sketch of the situation
for study. Mr. Rice moved and Mr. Peck seconded that.this request be
referred to the Planning Commission for their recommendation. Roll:
Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugls, Strom. Motion carried.
Council's permission was requested to call for bids on:
Gasoline - Regular, Premium, Disel
Fuel - for heating buildings
Legal Publishing
Insurance - Liability and Fire
Dr. Strom moved and Mr. Dickinson seconded that permission be granted to
call for bids on these items. Roll: Ayes - Peryy, Dickinson, Rice, Ford,
Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried.
The 92 swi.
Council's permission was requested to extend the lease of the basement
BE the City Hall building to the Y.M.C.A. for 1965. Dr. Strom moved and
Mr. Peck seconded that permission be granted and the lease extended for 1965.
Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion
The City Manager, Earl Diller, gave the Treasurer's Report as follows:
Receipts 183,960.25
Disbursements 203,832.47
Cash in Bank 4989262.27
Investments 666,560.51
The following Special Claims were presented to the'Council for
L.I.D. #159
George V. Nolte, Co. (15% retained percentage) $1,176.79
R. L. Kirkpatrick - surveying 52.00
Marine Asphalt (15% retained percentage) 1,478.69
A letter was presented from Marine Asphalt Co., Inc. stating that the
company agrees to place a skim coat overlay of hot;amix asphalt on 29th
Street at the approximate intersection of 29th Street and N Avenue.
Approximately 200 l.f. in south traffic land and 100 l.f. in center traffic
lane. This work is to be done in the Spring of 1965. The 30 day period
for liens has passed, and the City received releases from State Tax
Commission and Industrial Insurance Depahtment, that both Marine Asphalt
Co. and George V. Nolte Co. had made their.remittance, therefore the
Engineering Department recommends payment. Dr. Strom moved and Mr. Rice
seconded that claims be allowed and interest bearing warrants #35, #36
at 4.20% be issued to Grande and Company. Mr. McDugle asked the City
Attorney if this letter from Marine Asphalt was legal and binding; the
City Attorney replied that it would be. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson,
December 15, 1964 continued
Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried.
The City Manager presented the Claims Report for the first half of
December to the Council for approval:
Upon approval of the FiAnace Committee, Mr. Rice moved and Mr. Perry seconded
that claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of same. Moll: Ayes -
Perry, Dickinson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried.
The Standard Structural Specifications for Municipal Public Works
Construction was presented to the Council for consideration. The adoption
of these standards has been recommended by the Engineering Department as
a suppliment to the Structural Specifications for Municipal Public Works
adopted last year by the Council. Mr. Rice moved and Mr. Perry seconded
that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance pertaining
to these specifications. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Dickinson;, Rice, Ford,
Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried.
The City Manager gave the following report:
1. The property sought by the City for gravel pit purposes has
been sold.
2. The dog licenses for 1965 will be sold at the Fire and Police
Department and that this fact will be published in the paper.
3. Reported on the inservice training of Ron Swedburg, Assistant
4. The problem on the crossing at 24th Street and Commercial Ave.
has been discussed with the school and a meeting with the
State Highway and School Officials will be held December 17
to discuss this problem further. Blinkers have been placed
at both 22nd and 24th Streets.
5. Fourteen men had taken the Civil Service exam.
Meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m.
Deputy City Clerk
January 5, 1965
Mayor Jesse Ford called to order the regular meeting of the City Council
for the City of Anacortes at 7:35 p.m.
The invocation was presented by Reverend Neil Munro, of the Presbyterian
Roll Call: Robert Perry, James Rice, Jesse Ford, Don McDugle. Mayor
Ford stated that Councilman Peck had been excused from this meeting due to
illness. Councilman Strom was present at 7:45.
The City Manager, Earl Diller, read the recommendation from the Planning
Commission on the request from Farwest Fisheries, Inc., and Union Oil Company
of California for vacation of that portion of Fourth Street within the City
of Anacortes lying between the west line of Lot 4, B1ock.108, extended northerly,
and the east line of K Avenue. It was the recommendation of the Planning
Commission that this portion of Fourth Street be vacated. Mr. Perry moved
that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be accepted and the request
for vacation be granted and that the City Manager and City Attorney negotiate
with representatives from Farwest Fisheries, Inc. and Union Oil Company on
possible purchase price. Mr. Rice seconded the motion.
The City Attorney asked that this motion be rescinded and that a motion be
made to adopt a resolution to hold a public hearing. The City Attorney read