HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966 City Council MinutesDecember 21, 1965 continued The City Manager's report as follows: 1. Proposed agreement between the City of Ana.cortes and the Washington Title Insurance Company for a current review of ownership of property in the Urban Renewal Project Area - amount involved $55.00.. Mr. Rice moved and Mr. Perry seconded that approval be given to enter into this agree- ment. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. 2. Requested that the Council set a. date in January for the public hearing on the Anacortes Industrial Park Urban Renewal Project, suggesting January 11, 1966. Mr. Perry moved and Dr Nicholson seconded that a public hearing be held January 11, 1966 on the proposed Urban Renewal Project. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. Mr. Peck stated that since Western Farmer's Co-op has not purchased a. business license for this year that they should be charged a license for 1965 and 1966. Dr. Strom moved and Mr. Rice seconded that the meeting ado.Qhrn. Motion carried. Matting a.djour'ned at 9:40 p.m. Mayo \ _LIL�41- City. C1er&o�Tem January 4, 1966 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Ford. The Invocation was presented by Reverend Neil Munro, of the West - minister Presbyterian Church. Roll Call: Robert Perry, Dr, L. E. Nicholson, James Rice, Jesse Ford, Marion Peck, Don McDugle, Dr. Eugene Strom, Mayor Ford requested the Council's pleasure on the 1pinutes of the December 21, 1965 meeting. Mr. Peck moved and Mr. Rice seconded that the minutes be approved as if read. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Bice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. Mayor Ford called for guests hearings. No one addressed the Council at this time. Mayor Ford read a letter from the Tacoma Mountaineers requesting the use of Mount Erie on April 2 - 3 for use in instructing climbing course in rock practice. Mr. Rice moved and Mr. Perry seconded that this request be granted, that the City be held blameless for any injuries in connection with this climbing course. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. A letter was presented from the Anacortes Y.M.C.A.. requesting re- newal of their lease for 1966 of the basement of City Hall with the same terms as the 1965 lease. The City Manager reported that they also request improvements of the acoustics in the dining room and repairing the showers. Mr. Peck moved and Dr. Nicholson seconded that the lease be renewed and that the request for improvements be referred to the City Manager, to be in- vestigated and reported on to the Council. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. An invitation was presented to the Council members to attend open house at the Latter Day Saints Church on Heart Lake Road, January 9th, from 2 to 6 p.m. The City Manager opened a discussion on financing to existing water RR January 4, 1966 continued treatment and intake facilities at the Skagit River, and suggested making application to the government for federal financing. Mr. Amble from Stevens & Thompson, Inc., gave figures on water usage in past years. The City Attorney read a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute and file application with the Housing and Home Finance Agency for a grant to aid in financing the construction of a new water treatment plant, a new intake structure with river crossing, cement motar lining of approximately 48,400 lineal feet of 24 inch pipe and six cross connections to present 36 inch line. Mr. Perry moved and Dr. Nicholson seconded that this Resolution be adopted and given No. 154. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. The City Manager opened a discussion on the construction of additional facilities at the Skagit River and entering an agreement and contract with Stevens & Thompson, Inc. for engineering services. It was pointed out that if the loan is not granted, the City is not obligated on this agreement. After discussion Mr. Perry moved and Mr. Peck seconded that the City enter in- to this agreement and contract for professional engineering services for final design of water supply and treatment dacilities consisting of a new water treatment plah�, new intake structure with river crossing, cement mortar pipe lining, cross connections and repairs and replaaement of deteriorated pipe approximately 48,000 l.f. of the presently abandoned 24 inch line paralleling the 36 inch transmission line from 4kvon to Summit Park. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. The City Attorney read a proposed resolution authorizing the filing of application for an advance to provide for the planning of final engineering of above public works, authorizing the City Manager to file said application and furnish such information and take such action as may be necessary to enable the City to qualify for the advance. Mr. Perry moved and Dr. Nicholson seconded that the Resolution be adopted and given No. 155• Roll: ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. There was a discussion on the need for sewer lines in the Cap Sante areaand a storm sewer system in the downtown area. It was stated that the cost of the preliminary study would not exceed $5,000 and if the grant is not allowed, the agreement would be void. The contract and agreement for the preliminary engineering design services for proposed sanitary sewers and storm sparation facilities was presented for approval. Dr. Nicholson moved and Mr. Perry seconded that this agreement be enetered with Stevens & Thompson, Inc. Roll- Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. A proposed resolution authorizing filing of application with the United State of America for an advance to provide for the planning of public works for preliminary engineering for sanitary sewers to serve Cap Sante area and to seperate the storm water run-off from the sanitary sewers within the downtown area. Mr. Rice moved and Mr. Perry seconded that this resolution be adopted, given No. 156 with the Mayor and City Clerk Pro Tem authorized to sign. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. Mr. McDugle stated that the dip on Oakes Avenue that washed out last winter is again washing out. The City Attorney continued the reading of the proposed revised Traffic Code. The reading will again be continued at another meeting. There was a discussion on Western Farmer's Co-op not having a business license. The City Attorney will check on this matter. Mr. Peck requested that the City Manager be instructed to enforce the license ordinance. Mr. Gallagher, City Engineer, presented an application to be submitted to the State for a franchise to obtain permission to cross Primary State Highway No. 1 easterly of Barthlomew Road with the proposed 36 inch water transmission line. Mr. Rice moved and Mr. Peck seconded thatthis application be made. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. Mr. Perry requested additional street lights be pia ced on the curves on Oakes Avenue, The City Manager was instructed to check on this matter. The City Manager presented the following t1aims Report for the iast.'half At - January 4, 1966 continued of December, 1965 for Council approval: Salaries 616,972.39 Exg nses 22,Q29.61 Upon approval of the Finance Committee, Mr. Perry moved and Mr. Peck seconded that claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of same. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. Mr. Peck moved that the meeting adjourn. Mr. McDugle asked if when the Council voted to extend a law officer's time, is a simple majority vote needed or an unanimous vote. The City Attorney replied that a majority vote was x+equired. Mr. McDugle seconded the motion for adjournment. Motion carried..Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Mayor City Clerk Pro Tem January 11, 1966 A special meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes, called for the purpose of a public hearing on the Anacortes Industrial Park Urban I(enewal Project, was called to order by Mayor Ford at 7:30 p.m., January 11, 1966. Approximately 200 people were in attendance. Roll call: Robert Perry, Dr. L. E. Nicholson, James rice, Jesse Ford, Marion Peck, Don McAugle. .. The Invocation was presented by Reverend Neil Munro, Westminster Presbyterian Church. Mayor Ford read a telegram from Senator Jackson, Senator Magnuson and Representative Meeds announcing the approval of Part I of the Application for Loan and Grant. Mayor Ford then turned the meeting over to City Manager, Earl Diller. The City Manager explained some of the background and purposes of the project. o , Gust Dahlstead, Stanikey Anderson and Gene Smith presented reviews of the thinking and planning that took place prior to the Survey and Planning phase of this project. Members of the LPA Staff and Consultants who had worked on the Survey and Planning explained the work that had gone into the preparation of the Urban Renewal Plan, Engineering, Marketability Study, Structural Surveys, First Acquistion Appraisal, Land Acquisition, Relocation, Land Disposition and Redevelopment, and Project Financing. After the presentation on each subject questions from the audience were answered. Mr. Wieder from Radio Station KAGT expressed concern over the drainage of the land in connection with grounding matter. Mr. Amble from Stevens and Thompson, Inc. stated that requirements from each industry had been requested but the radio station had not set forth any requirements. He also stated that the fill will be inorganic clay and that the grounding water elevations inthe area would not be affected. The question was asked as to specific types of industry to be settled in this area. Mr. Logan replied that there would be wood product, shipping, warehousing, stone, clay or glass industries, and non -electrical machinery manufacturing. Mr. Goebel, 615 -30th Street and Mrs. Iversen, 720 -30th Street spoke against the method of appraisal. January 11, 1966 continued A question was asked on the City's ability to supply water to new industry. The City Manager gave figures on present water usage and plans for additonal intakest" 565e4ater out of Skagit River. Mrs. Vera Stuber, 3203 R Avenue, asked a question on what this development would cost the tax payer. The City Manager replied that there wouldn't be any need for additional tax on real estate to meet the cost of this project. Mrs. Woolsey, 701 -32nd Street, stated that because of the lack of industries here to provide jobs, almost 50% of our children have to leave Anacortes when they finish school in order to find work; Anacortes is able to operate on a 2 mill levy due to aid provided by present industry. The City Manager called for additional comments from the audience. Mr. Andrews, manager of Puget Sound Power & Light Company, stated that if this industrial park becomes a reality, the Puget Power Company will do every- thing they can to make it a -success. Mr. •Paul Schofield, Ghamber of Commerce, told of their interest in the project and that they are continuing to work on attracting -industries to this area. Mr. Don McKee, member of the Port of Anacortes, stated that the Port of Anacortes is vitally interested in the progress of this project and they in- tend to fulfill their obligations in this area in whatever manner seems advisable at the time. Reverend Neil Munro, member of the Citizen's Advisory Committee, stated that they are helping the people of this area, not to be hurt but to help them get what they deserve. Melva Nichols asked about the people; --who did not want to move --if this is a case of sacrificing a few for the good of all. The City Manager answered this question stating that people are compensated for the loss of their property. Mr. Ray Separovich, member of the Citizen's Advisory Committee, stated that he feels that the people on charge of this project are doing this with the sincerest effort and for the benfit of all the people of Anacortes. The City Manager turned the meeting over to the Mayor and City Council, Mayor Ford asked if everyone felt that they had ample opportunity to be heard and to ask all the questions and make all comments they wished. Mr. Bill Wieder, radio station KAGT, stated that anything which brings industry to Anacortes is definitely a step in the right direction and offered their assistance in any way. There being no further comments or questions from the audience, Mayor Ford declared the hearing closed. Meetings adjourned at 10:45 p.m. City Clerk Pio Tem January 18, 1966 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7:30 P.m. by Mayor Ford. The invocation was presented by Reverend Cdcil Moe, of the Southern Baptist Church. Roll Call: Robert Perry, Dr. L. E. Nicholson, James Rice, Jesse Ford, Marion Peck, Don McDugle, Dr. Eugene Strom. Mayor Ford requested the Council's pleasure on the minutes of the January 4, 1966 meeting. Mr. Peck moved and Dr. Nicholson seconded that the minutes be approved as if read. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson,: Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. Mayor Ford called for guest hearings: 1 1 1 January 18, 1966 continued Mrs. Julie Moe, 504 -7th Street thanked the City for the street light installed near her home. Attorney Ken St. Clair of Mount Vernon addressed the Council on the L.I.D. on Hillcrest Drive, presenting an objection submitted by Elmer Knutsen and E. J. Kidder and representing others who have signed and submitted a protest petition. Mr. St. Clair stated that City property should not be supplied toward an.L.I.D. and that this matter will be taken to Superior Court for an injunction to stop this L.I.D. Mayor Ford stated that the City intends to proceed with the paving of this street until stopped by a court order. After further discussion. Mr. Perry moved that this petition be referred to the City Attorney. Mr. McDugle seconded the motion. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Mr. John Hammon, 615 Hillcrest Drive, presented a petition to the City Attorney. Mr. St. Clair requested a copy of the petition and map that represented 60% of property in -favor of the Hillcrest L.I.D. In reference to a recent accident, Mr. Dwain Brown addressed the Council asking the possibility on installation of a signal light at 32nd and M Avenue. He stated that he felt that a flashing red light for M Avenue and a flashing caution light for 32nd Street m uld help prevent traffic accidents. He also re- quested that the City have something done about brush and trees that obstruct the view of traffic -at that corner. He inquired about members of the Police Department being trained in first-aid and suggested that a committee be set up to check into ambulance service. The City.Manager replied that all members of the Police Department, with the ex- ception of the newest man, have advanced first-aid training cards. Mayor Ford stated that the Council is aware of the•problem of the intersection at 32nd and M Avenue. He requested that the City Manager ask the Safety Committee to give study to this matter. Some of the trees and shrubs have been taken out near this intersection and with permission of the property owners, more will be re- moved. Mayor Ford stated that ambulance service is technically not the responsibility of the City Council. Mrs. Ferguson stated that.the problem is not with the ambulances., but a problem with communication -and that a central communications system is needed. A discussion followed. Mr. McDugle stated that the Council should consider an ordinance on requiring crash helmets for riders of motorcycle and simi�ar vehicals. Mayor Ford stated that the Council hopes to do something about the problem of crash helmets and noise control before motor bike season. Mayor Ford presented a letter -from the Victoria Chamber of Commerce in- forming the Council of a proposed visit to this City by the Victoria Chamber of Commerce Tourist Industry Group. A letter from Mrs. G. Thompson, Jr. in reference to applying for federal funds for planting along the main highway into town, was referred to the City Manager. Mayor Ford read a letter from the Seattle Mountaineers, requesting per- mission to use Mount Erie for field trips on April 16, 17 and September 1T, 18, 1966. Mr Perry moved and Mr. Rice seconded that permission be granted and the City be absolved of any liability and responsibility due to these field trips. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. The Mayor presented the following statement of sufficiency and accuracy signed by the City Engineer and City Clerk on the petition to form the L.I.D. on Seattle Syndicate Area. Portion of Lineal Frontage Total 10,906 Lineal feet 52.6% 5,737 Lineal feet For 5,169 Lineal feet ]Uinst Portion of Area Total 1,067,030 Square feet 52.4% 559,765 Square feet Fox 507,265 Square feet Against 109 January 18, 1966 continued This statement was referred to the City Engineer and City Attorney. Mr. Rice moved and Mr. Perry seconded that an ordinance be prppared after needed in- formation has been compiled. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. Mayor Ford announced the reappointment of Dr. Kelly to the Planning Commission. Mr. Perry moved and Dr. Strom seconded that this reappointment be approved. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Strom. Nayes - Peck, McDugle. Motion carried. Mr. Peck stated that Dr. Kelly is not a resident of the community. The City Attorney stated that there is nothing in the law stating that residency is required. The City Attorney read a proposed resolution approving and providing for the execution of a First Amendatory Contract amending contract for planning advance No. Wash. R-15 (A) by and between the City and the Government to aid in.financing costs of certain surveys and plans for Urban Renewal Project No. Wash. R-15, Drq. Nicholson moved and Mr. Perry seconded that this Resolution be adopted and given No. 157 with the Mayor and City Clerk Pro Tem authorized Io sign. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. The City Attorney presented and read a proposed resolution approving the Urban Renewal Plan and the feasibility of relocation for Project No. Wash. R-15. Mr. Perry moved and Mr. Peck seconded that this Resolution be adopted, given No. 158 with the Mayor and City Clerk Pro Tem authorized to sign. Roll: ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, MCDugle, Strom. ,Motion carried. The City Attorney read a proposed resolution approving conditions under which relocation payments will be made for Project No. Wash. R-15. Dr. Strom moved and Mr. Perry seconded that this Resolution be adopted, g iven No. 159 with the Mayor and City Clerk authorized to sign. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. The City Attorney read a proposed ordinance amending Section 6, Salary and Wage Schedule, of Ordinance No. 1357, to be effective January 1, 1966. Mr. Peck stated that the salary set forth for the City Manager is $200.00 above the budgeted figures; that this increase would be spending money not in the budget. Mr. Perry moved and Dr. Nicholson seconded that this Salary & Wage Ordinance be adopted and given No. 1397 with the Mayor and City Clerk authorized to sign. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, McDugle, Strom. Nayes - Peck. Motion carried. The City Manager gave the following Treasurer's Report for December 1965: Receipts 326,121.08 Disbursements 295011.15 Cash Balance 462,137.79 Investments 793,826.02 The City Manager presented the following Claims Report for the first half of January 1966 for Council approval: Salaries 9,755.00 Expenses 180519.90 Upon approval of the Finance Committee, Mr. Rice moved and Dr. Strom seconded that Claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of same. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. Mr. Perry moved and Mr. Peck seconded that the meeting adjourn. Motiop carried, meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. City Clerk Pro/Tem 1 1 1 10 1 February 1, 1966 A► regular meeting of the City Council of the City of .Anacortes was called to order at 7:30.p.m..by Mayor Ford, Roll Call: br. L. E. Nicholson, James Rice, Jesse Ford, Marion Peck, Don McDugle, Dr. Eugene Strom. Mr. Perry was present at 7:50 p.m. Mayor Ford requested the Council's pleasure of the minutes of the January 18, 1966 meeting. Mr. Rice moved and Dr. Nicholson seconded that the minutes be approved as if read. Roll: Ayes - Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. Mayor Ford called for guest hearings: Mr. nchard Brown presented to the Council a petition containing 45 signatures, seeking an explanation on the method of selecting the Assistant Chief of Police and Sargeant. Mayor Ford stated that this matter was outside of the jurisdiction of the Council. Mr. Rice moved and Dr. Strom seconded that this petition be referred to the Civil Service Board, Roll: 4.7.1. Jeyes. A discussion followed on the method of making appointments. Mr. Brown asked if an employee of the Police Department is supposed to be in service a year before being.eligible for promotion. Mr. Peck stated that one employee has not been with the Department for a year prior to taking the exam. Mrs. Moe asked if there is some way that 6th Street can be connected to the proposed sewer system for Cap Sante., Mayor Ford replied that any adjacent area which would be helped will be included. Mrs. Estelle Ferguson inquired of progress made on resolving the traffic hazard at 32nd and M Avenue; and progress on a central communications system. The City Manager replied that the Traffic Safety Committee has had discussion as .to what type of.signal to install at the intersection at 32nd and M Avenue; that there has been a meeting with the hospital in connection with extablishing a central communications system and that the Council is in favor of proceeding on this matter. Mr. Perry entered the meeting at this time. Mr. Brown asked what the revenue received for dog taxes is used for. The City Manager replied that it is used for the administration of dog control and operating cost of kennels. Mr. George Flippo, 2206 H Avenue, stated that the T. V. Cable Service is interfering with reception on televisions in that part of the City. Mr. Ray Iversen, 1501 -9th Street, stated that this interference is caused by radiation. Mayor Ford asked if this interference by radiation is caused by defective equip- ment. The City Manager stated that he has called the manager of,the T.V. Cable Inc. in Burlington and that he stated.that he would take care of it - that new wiring will be put in to up -date the system. It was pointed out that T. V. Cable Inc. is opeffl&tng under a permit to use the City streets, not a franchise. Mr. Peck stressed this problem of radiation is not a localized problem but exists in other areas in the City. Mr. McDugle moved that the City Manager be directed to contact the Federal Communication to have T. V. Cable Inc. take steps to correct this problem. Mr. Peck seconded the motion. Mr. Rokes, manager of T. V. Cable Inc, in Anacortes, stated that they are in the process of correcting this problems involving a process of changing out poor construction. There was a discussion on possible causes of this spurious radiation. Mayor Ford asked Mr. Rokes if the company is exceeding F.C.C. allowances on radiation. Mr. Rokes replied that he is aware of the obligations of.F.C.C. and he is not aware of exceeding this allowance. Mr. Rokes agreed to Mayor Ford's request to make reports to the City Manager on progress in resolving this problem. Mr. Flippo stated that if this is a technical problem - the public should not suffer because of a lack of technical knowledge. Mr. McDugle stated that if the Company agrees to correct this problem within a reasonable length of time that he would be.willing to take no action at this time. Mr. McDugle withdrew his motion to contact the F.C.C. 102 � February 1, 1966 continued A letter was presented from Puget Sound Power and Light Company telling Of forthcoming improvements to stre6t lighting in Anacortes.- Mr. Perry expressed his thanks to the City and Power Company for the lighting in- stalled on the S curve on Oakes Avenue. A► petition with 10 signatures was presented to the Council, rej.esting formation of an L.I.D. covering the west line of M Avenue; L Avenue between the north line of 26th Street and the south line of 24th Street; -25th Street from west line of M Avenue to the east line of K Avenue produced; 24th Street from the west line of M Avenue to the east line of K Avenue produced, and including all property along the streets proposed to be improved, lying north and south, east and west, thereof to the centerline of the blocks facing or abutting thereon. Mr. Perry moved that this petition be referred to the City Engineer's office for verification by the City Engineer and City Clerk. Mr. Rice seconded the motion. Roll: Oyes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. It was requested that the Council approve the modification of the Electrical Code Ordinance to conform to the National Electric Codes. After discussion Mr. Rice moved that Ordinance #1395, passed December 21, 1965, be revised to remove the exceptions retained when this ordinance repealed Ordinance #1214 and Sections 1 through 17, inclusive; of Ordinance #982. Mr. Perry seconded the motion: Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Strom. Nayes - Peck, McDugle. Motion carried. Mr. Peck stated that he voted against this modification as he felt that this revision was for the benefit of one person and would result in doing away with the Fire I Zone. The City Manager stated that a study has been made on Appraising Companies that meet national standards, and, as a result of this study, he recommends that Fenton, Conger and Ballaine Inc. be employed to make the second appraisal for property located in the Urban Renewal Area. Mr. McDugle moved and Mr. Perry seconded that Fenton, Conger and Ballaine Inc. be hired to make the second appraisal of the Urban Renewal Area. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. Bids on a 1966 Police car and Gas and Oil were presented to the Council for their consideration: Police Car Mount Vernon Dodge 1966 Coronet $2,557.70 40-50 days del. 1966 Polara 2,724.42 4- 50 days del. Trulson Motor Company 1966 Chevrolet Biscayne 2,865.50 Swenson Motor Company 1966 Fury V8 22750.88 • 52 days del. The City Manager presented a letter from the Chief of Police recommending that if -the low bid from Mount Vernon Dodge is accepted, that of the two cars offered by this company, that the Department would prefer the Polara. After discussion, Mr. Rice moved and Mr. Perry seconded that the low bid from Mount Vernon Dodge for the 1966 Polara be accepted. Mr. McDugle stated that he felt that the City should not deal out -of town and asked where the car would be taken for servicing. Dr. Strom pointed out that the Fury, offered by Swenson Motors, is a full size car. Mr. Peck stated that the Mount Vernon Dodge Company should be required to purchase a business license, and that when the bids are as close as these, that the City should do business with a local dealer. Roll Call: ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Nayes - Peck, Mc- Dugle, Strom. Motion carried. Gasoline & Oil Bids: Quantity Unit Item Unit Prices Richfield Texaco Shell Isl. Trans. 30,000 gallons regular .2125 .2086 .2065 309000 gallons - premium .2375 .2459 .2448 2,500 gallons diesel .1165 .1119 .1125 February 1, 1966 continued Richfield Texaco Shell Isl. Trans. 2,500_ gallons stove oil .1315 .1320 .1345 2,000 gallons furnac a oil .1165 .1125 1,000 bbl. fuel oil --- ---- ----- 3.97 bbl. Mr. Peck moved that the respective low bids be awarded. Mr. Rice seconded the motion. Roll: Ayes - Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, Strom. Nayes - Perry, Mc Dugle. Motion carried. Mr. McDugle stated that the Council should consider the business people of Anacortes over out of town businesses and requested that the Richfield Oil Corporation in Burlington be required a business license. Mayor Ford stated that competitive business would be discouraged if the low bids were not considered. The City Engineer's and City Clerk's statement was presented on the assessed valuation of the proposed Local Improveaent District No. 161, Seattle , Syndicate Addition Area, giving A total valuation of $133,542•. A statement was also presented by the Engineer and Clerk on the estimate of proposed costs for LID No. 161 wiht a total estimated cost of $150,000. The City Attorney read an ordinance providing for the improvement of portions of Commercial Avenue, 39th Street, 40th Street, Q Avenue, R Avenue, S Avenue, and 38th Street; creating a special fund of the City of Anacortes, to be known as the "Local Improvement District No. 161 Fund". Warrants bearing interest at the rate of not to exceed.6% per annum shall be drawn on said fund and said warrants and bonds shall be sold at public sale, and bids for the same shall be opened, read and considered by the Council at their meeting on April 19, 1966 at 7:30 p -m - Mr. Peck asked why Q and R Avenues north of 39th Street were excluded from this L.I.D. The City Manager replied that the people who signed the petition did not want Q Avenue paved and that R Avenue is not through at that location. Mr. Peck ,asked if a public hearing is required on forming this L.I.D. The City Attorney replied that no public .hearing is required, that this L.I.D. is formed by a petition. Mr. Peck asked how the people are given a chance to object. The City Attorney replied that it has to be a logical district, and comply with statutory requirements as to LID'S intitiated be petition. Mr. Rolph, 3717 Commercial Avenue, asked if federal funds could be used to pve streets. Mr. Larson, 3704 Commercial Avenue, stated that he had been told that he would be contacted about this meeting and that no one had contacted him. The Clerk stated that she had attempted to contact Mr. Larson by telephone several times during the day in regards to this meeting. Mr. Larson asked why the streets around Councilman Strom's home were excluded. Dr. Strom replied that he has carried three petitions for paving; that he will not.vote on this L.I.D. , Mrs. Kohler, 3806 Q Avenue, stated that she is opposed to the proceedure of being informed about a petition after it is formed. Mr. Larson again asked why he wasn't notified of this meeting. Mayor Ford stated that plans for the L.I.D. and meetings have been ade- quately reported in the local press, that this item has been on the agenda several times and that an effort has been made to contact Mr. Larson. In reply to stateipents made, Mayor Ford stated that the majority has rights also and it is the Council's responsibility to proceed. Mr. Rolph asked how mapy petitions have been filed with the City Clerk on this L.I.D. Mayor Ford replied that two have been filed. Mrs. Sherman, 3908 Commercial, objected to the way the petition was presented to the residents. Mr. Rice moved that the proposed Ordinance forming L.I.D. No. 161 be adopted, given No. 1398 with the Mayor and City Clerk authorized to sign. Dr. Nicholson seconded the motion. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, McDugle, Nayes - Peck. Mr. Peck stated that the people didn't get ample pro- tection under law on this matter. Abstain - Strom. Motion carried. 104 February 1, 1966 continued The City Manager presented the following Claims Report for the second half of January 1966 for Council approval: Salaries $18,101.98 Expenses 33,552.12 Upon approval of the Finance Committee, Mr. Perry moved and Mr. Peck seconded that claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of same: Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. The City Manager reported: 1. the State is to go to bids on Memorial Highway on the 1st of April. 2. the State is -to call for bids on the 1st of June on improving the Y to the Ferry Dock. 3, in connection with the Youth Corp, boys between 16 and 21 are being employed under the Park Department on a community park area in Washington Park. 4. told of a proposal to be sent to the Library Board in Olympia on the City Library. He told of plans to use the old hospital site as a base plant and remodel and rebuild for a library for a total cost of $124,000. The cost to the City would be the hospital property plus $24,000. This would yield a library to serve a population of 25,000. Mr. McDugle stated that the City Manager had received the honor of -being invited to a seminar at the Brooking Institute, as City Manager on urban problems. Mr. McDugle moved that Mr. Diller attend this seminar. Mr. Perry seconded the motion. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. -Motion carried. Mr. Peck moved and Dr. Nicholson seconded that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried, meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m. Mayor City Clerk Piro Tem February 15, 1966 1 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Ford. Roll Call: Dr. L. E. Nicholson, James Rice, Jesse Ford, Don McDugle, Dr. Eugene Strom. Mayor Ford stated that Councilman Peck was e=usedfrom this Meeting due to illness. Councilman Perry was present at 7:40 p.m. Mayor Ford requested the Council's pleasure on the minutes of the February 1, 1966 meeting. The City Attorney requested that the paragraph giving the City Attorney's reply -to a question asked by Mr. Peck as to if a public hearing is required on forming L.I.D. #160 and how people are given a chance to object to this L.I.D., be corrected to read "The City Attorney re- Rlied that it has to be a logical district and comply with statutory re- quirements as to LI.D.'s initiated by petition." With this correction, Dr. Nicholson moved and Dr. Strom seconded that the minutes be approved as if read. Roll: Ayes - Nicholson, Rice, Ford, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. Mayor Ford called for guest hearings: Mr. Richard Brown asked what had become of the petition presented to the Council at the last meeting on the method used for determing promotions in the Police Department. Mayor Ford replied that a copy of this petition has been sent to the Vivil Service Board - that there has been no reply. He also- stated'that all action taken by the Civil Service Board is in accord with State law. Mr. Brown stated that he felt that the people should have an answer on this matter. Mayor Ford gave dates of Civil Service Board meetings and suggested that Mr. Brown attend a meeting. 1 105 February 15, 1966 continued Mr. Perry entered the meeting at this time. Mr. Gene Anderson presented a petition for Mrs. Sarah Lingwood, 3402 Commercial Avenue � Mrs. Lingwood, owner of Lots i through 6 and the east 23' of Lot 7, Block 2, Beale's Maple Grove Addition to the City of Anacortes, petitions for a change of zoning of her property from R-1 classification to C-2. Mrs. Lingwood intends to utilize a portion of the first floor of the premises for import items and gifts, and packaged fancy food items. Mr. Perry moved and Dr. Nicholson seconded that this petition and request for change of zoning be referred to the Planning Commission for their study and reco- mmendation. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. Mr. Willard Evans, who seeks to construct a mortuary in an R-1 zone, requested the opportunity to present his case,. Mayor Ford read a letter from the Chairman of the Planning Commission concerning Mr. Evan's request for a Conditional Use Permit. It is the recommendation of the Planning Commission that this request be refused. Mayor Ford read a letter from the Association of Washington Cities regarding zoning provisions for mortuaries. After discussion Mr. Evans stated he would like to have the Council hold a public hearing on his requett. The City Manager read a letter from the Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, announcing a public hearing on proposed navigational improvements for Anacortes Harbor, to convene at 2: p.m. in the Anacortes City Hall on March 3, 1966. Mayor Ford read a letter from the Anacortes Assembly of God Church, expressing their appreciation for repair of the old wooden water main in their parking lit. Mayor Ford read a letter from the Anacortes Women's Club on the Council's action for considering saving the northern beach area of Fidalgo Bay. A letter was read from Frank Snelson, Sedro Woolley, stating that he is against an L.I.D. for Commercial Avenue south of 34th Street and requested he be notified of all meeting in connection with L.I.D.s contemplated for this area. The City Manager informed the Council that it was time to open bids on bonds and warrants on Local Improvement District No. 160. The following bid was receiveds Statewide City Employees Retirement System 4.75% at par. Mr. Rice made the motion and Mr. Perry seconded that the bid of Statewide City Employees Retirement System at 4,75% for bond and warrants on L.I.D. #160 be accepted subject to the approval of bond counsel. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Strom. Nayes - McDugle. Motion carried. .The City Attorney presented and read a proposed ordinance repealing Sections 18 through 23 inclusive of Ordinance No. 982, City Electrical Code, to conform with the National Electrical Code. Mr. Rice moved and Mr. Perry seconded that this Ordinance be adopted, given No. 1399 with the Mayor and City Clerk authorized to sign. Roll: -dyes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Strom. Nayes - McDugle. Motion carried. The City Manager reported on the proposed establishment of Transportation Department for the City, based on the recent purchase of a 37 passenger bus. Estimated revenues and expenses were given. The City Manager stated that this has been discussed with the -Chamber of Commerce and that he will report to the Council at the next meeting on this matter. The City Attorney read a resolution author izing the City "`anager to sign and execute on behalf of the City the Assurance of Compliance Form CFA -1901 fcrProject No. P Wash. 3367 in connection with the proposed installation• of sanitary sewers in the Cap Sante Area and separation of storm drainage from sanitary sewers in the business district. Dr. Nicholson moved and Mr. Perry seconded that this Resolution be accepted and given No. 160. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. 1,0 6 The City Attorney read a resolution authorizing the City Manager to sign and execute for the City the Assurance of Compliance Form CFA -1901, for Project No. P Wash -3366, in connection with the proposed installation of a water treatment plant and intake structure at the Skagit River and the lining of an, existing 24" transmission line. Mr. Perry moved and Dr..Strom.seconded that this Resolution be adopted and given No. 161. Roll,: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice,, Ford, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. A proposed resolution was read authorizing the City Manager to execute and file an application on behalf of the City with the Economic Development Administration, U. S. Department of Commerce, for a grant -and/or loan to aid - in financing the construction of facilities to use Whistle Lake as a high level storgae reservoir, and appurtenant influent and effluent piping, pump -station and intake structure, and high level transmission line to the intersection of 23rd Street and D. Avenae. Mr. Perry moved and Mr. Rice seconded that this Resoultion be approved and given No. 162. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried, The City Attorney read u resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute and file an application for a grant and/or loan to aid in financing the construction of 10,500 lineal feet of 36" transmission line with cross - connections to the existing 24" line; flow control device at the reservoir; and a variable speed pump at the water treatment plant. Mr. Perry moved and Mr. Rice seconded that this Resolution be adopted and given No. 163. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. The City Attorney continued the reading of the revised Traffic Code. The City Manager gave the following Treasurer's heport for January 1966: Receipts 1512845.89 Disbursements 188,469.62 Cash Balance 425,5111.06 Investments 793,o16.50 The City Manager presented the following Claims heport for the first half of February, 1966 for Council approval: Salaries 10,298.67 Expenses 8,459.50 Upon approval of the Finance Committee, Mr. Perry moved and Dr. Nicholson seconded that claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of same. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. Mayor Ford stated that he had a statement from Councilman Peck de- claring that he was opposed to the revision of the City Electrical Code. The City Manager reported a modification to the Neighborhood Youth Corps Agreement No. R7-6207-51, which would extend the project termination date from March to Septmeber 15, 1966; with no changes -in the Project Budget. Mr. Rice moved and Mr. Perry seconded that Council approval be given to said modification. Roll: Reyes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. The City Manager presented a proposed contract with Puget Sound Power & Light Company for power used in connection with the operati n of water dis- tribution systems. This contract is to be considered at the next meeting. The City Manager brought to the Council's attention the Association of Washington Cities Convention to be held at Yakima, May 11, 12, 13. The Bity'Manager reported on the Urban Policy Seminar that he attended at the Brookings Institution in Pasadena, California. He also thanked the Council for being allowed to attend. He presented a written report to Councilman on the format, faculty and staff of the Seminar. Mr. Perry moved and Dr. Nicholson seconded that the me Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m. City Clerk Pro Tem Mayor 107 March 1, 1966 A: regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Pro Tem Rice. The Invocation was presented by Reverend Workman of the First Methodist Church. Roll Call: Robert Perry, Dr. L. E. Nicholson, James Rice, Don McDugle, Dr. Eugene Strom, Mayor Pro Tem Rice stated that Mayor Ford is in San Francisco, therefore unable to attend this meeting; that Mr. Peck had also requested to be excused. Mr. Rice requested the Council's pleasure on the minutes of the February 15, 1966 meeting. Dr. Nicholson moved and Mr. Perry seconded that the minutes be ap- proved as if read. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. Mr. Rice called for guest hearings: Mr. Robert Morris addressed the Council stating that he is pleased with the way the City has installed street lights on 9th Street. k letter was presented from Highline College in Seattle, requesting -permission to use Mount Erie for a r6ck climbing practice on April 23 - 24th. Dr. Nicholson moved and Cdr. Perry seconded that permission be granted on this request providing that the City be held blameless for any injuries incurred in connection with this climbing course. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. The City Manager presented a proposed contract between Puget Sound Power & Light Company and the City, establishing a new electric power rate at the water treatment plant. A, discussion followed. A letter from Stevens & Thompson, Inc., consulting Engineer was referred to on this subject. Dr. Nicholson moved and Dr. Strom seconded that approval be given for the City to enter into -this contract with Puget Sound Power and Light Company., Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. The City -Attorney read a proposed ordinance, creating a municipal transportation department for the City of Anacortes, confirming the acquisition of a motor bus, creating a municipal department fund, and authorizing of a system for transportation of freight and/or passengers within the corporate limits of the City of Anacortes. There were questions on the cost of putting the bus in operating condition. Mr. Perry suggested that consideration be given to the route and color of the bus. Mr. Perry moved and Dr. Nicholson seconded that the Ordinance be -adopted, given #1400 with the Mayor and City Clerk authorized to sign. Roll: Dyes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. The City Manager requested Council permission to call for bids on the paving, street, storm sewer and curbs on L.I.D. #160 and L.I.D. #161. The City Manager stated that this request is in no way meant to interfer with the pending law suit on L.I.D. #160. It is hoped that this law suit will be decided before the bid date which will be sometime in 4pril. Bid notices and dates are set for the same time in a hope of getting a better price. The difference in the thickness of paving in relation to traffic load was dis- cussed. Mr. McDugle requested that the two L.I.D.'s be voted on separately. Mr. Rice asked if the City will be able to pave L.I.D. #161 this year. The City Manager replied that the plans are to bid -on and do the construction this year. Mr. Perry moved that Council permission be granted to call for bids on L.I.D. #160. Dr. Strom seconded the motion. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Strom. Mayes - McDugle. Motion carried. Dr. Nicholson moved that Council permission be granted to call for bids on L.I.D. #161. Mr. McDugle seconded the motion. Roll Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, McDugle. Abstain - Strom. The City Attorney continued the reading of the proposed traffic ordinance. March 1, 1966 continued The City Manager presented the following Claims Report for the second half of February, 1966 for Council approval: Salaries $180558.97 Expenses 302585.35 Special warrant: P Wash -3344 Water Transmission Line. Payment to Stevens & Thompson 11,040.00 Upon approval of the Finance Committee, Mr. Perry moved and Dr. Strom seconded that claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of same. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. The City Engineer stated that representatives of the State Highway Department have contacted his office in connection with closing the access to 35th and 36th Streets at Commercial Avenue. It was pointed out that this had been approved by the Council in October, 1955• The City Manager showed a sketch of the area involved. A discussion followed. The City Attorney presented a resolution providing for the issuance of bonds of Local Improvement District No. 159 in the total principal sum of $19000.00. Mr. Perry moved and Dr. Strom seconded that this resolution be adopted and given No. 164, Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. The City Manager presented a letter from E..J. and Anna Kidder requesting the return of a 10 foot easement, running East and West connecting to Longview Avenue on the west side of the Kidder property, given to the City for a water line. This easement is no longer needed by the City. Showing a skecth of Hillcrest Drive, the City Manager explained the need for the City to obtain right of.way on the south side of Hillcrest Drive from five property owners. He stated that the owners are agreeable to make a dollar per dollar exchange with the City ontheI.D.. Signed Quit Claim Deeds from three of these property owners were presented. Mr. Rice inquired as to the amount of the claim vouchers. The City Manager replied that the amounts of the claim vouchers were as follows: E. J. and Anna Kidder - $1,280.00, Linda Rudig - $1328.00, Llewellyn and Virginia Weekley - $1,440.00. Dr. Strom stated that he had not been aware of the City's lack of right-of-way on Hillcrest Drive and he moved that the problem be worked out and that the City pay for what they are using, authorizing the City Attorney to prepare papers and make payments; that the easement and/or deed for right-of-way across the Kidder and Weekley property, no longer used by the City, be returned to the property owners. Mr. MdDugle seconded the motion. Roll:_ Ayes -,- Perry, Nicholson, Rice, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. The City Manager presented a petition 6n Initiative No. 226, distributed by the Committee for Community Betterment, Seattle. He stated that there are petitions available at the City office, for circulation. The City Attorney asked if this 10% to be returned to the City under this initiative could be used to eliminAte the business license tax. The City Manager replied that some cities intend to use it for this purpose. Dr. Strom stressed the importance of this program and that all cities would receive a share of the sales tax. Dr. Strom moved and Mr. Perry, seconded that the Council act on this matter. Roll* Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. The City Manager presented a letter from the Washington State Library Commission, giving approval to the application of the City of Anacortes for construction funds under the Library Services and Construction Act for a new library building, in the amount of $59,842.00; also stating that pre- liminary drawings have been approved. It was stated that the Library Board has given it's approval subject to the Council's approval of the City's share of the cost -land located at 9th Street and M Avenue, plus $25,613.00 - for a total of $124,255.00. The City Manager explained the possibility of setting up a Library District. There was a discussion on City Funds. 1 1 1 LI 1 March 1, 1966 continued Dr. Strom moved that the City go ahead with the program and enter into the contract with the -Washington State Library Commission. Mr. Perry seconded the motion. From the audience, Mrs. Alice Newland asked if the public would have the opportunity to vote on this. The City Manager replied that action would depend on the decision of the City Council. Mrs. Newland pointed out that the present library was built to be added onto. The City Manager stated that the architects had considered both routes and that they felt this ::method more economical. Mrs. Newland stated that she felt that this location was better suited for recreational facilities. Roll Call on motion: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, McDugle, Strom. Nayes - Rice, Motion carried. Mrs. Newland asked why the City Center sign at the east end of 12th Street had been removed. The City Manager stated that he would check on it. Dr. Nicholson moved and Mr. Perry seconded that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m. City Clerk Pro-fem March 15, 1966 A•regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Ford. The Invocation was presented by Reverend K. G. Egertson of the Anacortes Lutheran Church. • Roll Call: Robert Perry, Dr. L. E. Nicholson, James Rice, Jesse Ford, Marion Peck, Don McDugle, Mayor Ford stated that Concilman Strom and the City Attorney.were unable to attend this meeting. Mayor Ford requested the Council's pleasure on the minutes of the March 1, 1966 meeting. Dr. Nicholson moved and Mr. Perry seconded that the minutes be approved as if read. Roll: eyes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, McDugle. Abstain - Peck. Motion carried. Mr. Peck stated that he abstained from voting as he was not present at the meeting. Mayor Ford called for guest hearings: Mr, Van Meter, president of the Anacortes Lions Club, stated that the Club is visiting this Council meeting as a group as part of their regular meeting. He asked the Mayor to make a proclaimation recognizing the good work all service clubs are doing in Anacortes. Mayor Ford welcomed the members of the Lions Club to the meeting. - Mayor Ford read a letter from the Anacortes Chamber of Commerce, thanking the Council for the project underway for installation of metal posts and new street designation signs. A letter was presented from William Stiles, Jr., Attorney representing Mr. Edward Oldfield, asking that some arrangement be made to work out the problem of Oakes Avenue in the Baring Addition running across a portion of Mr. Oldfield's property. The City Manager stated that he has discussed this situation with Mr. Oldfield and his attorney and methods were suggested to absolve this matter. The City Engineer stated that this matter had been brought before the Council in September, 1965; that a survey had been made and a meeting -held with Mr. Oldfield's attorney. It appeared that a reasonable approach was worked out. Mr. Rice asked if Mr. Oldfield has been agreeable to the arrangement made at that time. The City Manager replied that it was his impression that he had March 15, 1966 continued been. The City Manager stated that the City Attorney will meet with Mr. Oldfield's attorney for further discussion on this situation. The Mayor requested Council approval for the following appointments to the Citizen's Advisory Committee: Mr. Egill Peterson Mrs. Melida Kaanta Mrs. Jim Drake Mr. Rice moved and Mr. Perry seconded that the appointments be made to the Citizen's &dvisory Committee. Roll: ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle. Motion carried. The City Manager presented a proposed agreement between the City of Anacortes and Architect, Don McKee, for remodeling the existing structure at 10th Street and M &venue to provide facilities for a library for a fee of 10% of the construction cost of the project. The City Manager stated that this agreement has been reviewed by the Library Board and have given their approval and that the Chairman, Mr. Mason, has instructed him to proceed with the form. Mr. Peck asked if this would be required to be submitted for bids. The City Manager stated that thin would come under professional services and is usually negotiated. In the discussion that followed, Mr. Rice pointed out that there would be no guarantee on the amount of the bids. The City Manager stated that he is going by the figures set forth by the architect. He further stated that this library could service a population of 21,000. Mr. Rice stated that a completly new library could be built for the same cost. Mr. Peck asked if this would be an area library. The City Manager replied that this library would be owned by the City. Mr. Peck asked if the State Library architect felt that it was not feasible to add on to the present library. The City Manager replied that they had felt that they would get the most for their money by remodeling the old hospital building. Mr. Peck stated that the present library has ample space for addition. Mr. Rice stated that he is in favor of a new building. The City Manager stated that a special bond issue would be needed for a new building; that the equipment and furniture are included in the cost. Mayor Ford moved that the City enter into this contract with Don McKee, Architect. Mrs. Alice Newland stated that the.public would feel better if a hearing was held on this matter. Mrs. Julia Moe stated that the people should be asked first before all the plans are made. Mayor Ford stated that the Council is continousltiy involved in improving public facilities - if a bond issue is needed it would go to vote; that this was an opportunity to improve public facilities, so the Council and Library Board proceeded withit. Mr. Perry pointed out the need for a bigger library and better and more material. Mr. Perry seconded Mayor Ford's motion. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Ford, McDugle, Nayes - Rice, Peck. Mayor Ford read a resolution transferring 420,000.00 fromto tiger Fund as a loan:: to the Library Construction Fund at 44x, to.be paid w h interest from the Library fund budget in five equal installments over a period of time not to exceed five years; that the 05,613.00 in the Library Fund be transferred to the Library Construction Fund; authorizing the City Manager to take all necessary steps and cause to be prepared and executed all necessary documents to perfect said loan. Mr. Perry moved and Mayor Ford seconded that this Resolution be adopted and given No. 165. Roll: ,Gres - Perry, Nicholson, Ford, McDugle. Nayes - Rice, Peck. Motion carried. 1 1 1 March 15, 1966 continued Mayor Ford read a resolution authorizing W. 0. Rogers, Water Superintendent, in the event of the City Manager's absence or inability to s ign treasurer's checks for the City of Anacortes and to have the authority for acess to the City safe deposit box. Mr. Peck moved and Mr. Perry seconded that this Resolution be adopted and given No. 166. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle. Motion carried. Mayor Ford read a'letter from the President of the A.A.U.W. and Acting President of the Anacortes Woman's Club, stating their desire to sponsor a Leisure Time type of organization, to be held in the basement of the City Hall as agreed to by the Board of Directors of the Y.M.C.A. Mayor Ford stated that he felt this to be a commendable and worthwhile effort. The City Manager gave the following Treasurer's Report for February, 1966: Receipts 210,801.52 Disbursements 157,806.17 Cash Balance 478,269.41 Investments 7763269.41 The City Manager presented the following Claims Report for the first half of March for Council approval: Salaries 10,080.00 Expenses 10,859.1.4 Upon the approval of the Finance Committee, Dr. Nicholson moved and Mr. Perry seconded that claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of same. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. The City Manager reported on a City Manager's meeting that he attended in Seattle. He stated that Initiative Measure 2261, Cities Sharing Sales, Use Taxes, had been discussed and is a United effort by all cities; that the 10% return to Anacortes would amount to $61209000. He gave the following suggestions on how this money could be used: Transit Bus Operation 4,500 Depreciation 2,000 Police Equipment 23000 Fire Equipment 6,000 Streets 24,000 Parks 25,000 Swimming Pool 37,500 Downtown Beautification 103000 Street Lights - 7,000 Street Signs 2,000 $120,000 Mayor Ford announced that the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation has approved Shannon Point which consists of 166 Acres near Ship's Harbor to qualify for State funds in the amount of $32,500. Total cost of the project is listed at $130,000. Mr. McDugle stated that he has visited homes to observe the television inter- ference credited to radiation from the T. V. cable in this area; also stating that the T. V. Cable Company is not working fast enough on this problem. The City Manager stated that he had contacted the Federal Communication Commission on this matter today and that they would contact the engineer of the T. V. Cable Company. Mr. Peck stated that he had received a letter from the F.C.C. saying that they had been informed by the T. V. Cable Company that the problem had been taken care of and that the people complaining of this problem had been satisfied with correction of the problem. Since the situation has not improved Mr. Peck stated that he has sent a letter to Washington D. C. Mr. Gallagher presented booklets received from the State Historical Museum at Tacoma, containing a color reproduction of the Moyer painting. Copies of this booklet were presented to the Councilmen. March 15, 1966 continued Mr. Perry spoke commending the City Engineer and City Manager on their work on the Shannon Point Park -Project. Mayor Ford reminded the Council of the Association of Washington Cities meeting to be held at Yakima on May, 11, 12, 13. There being no further business, Mr. Peck moved and -Mr. Rice seconded that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. City Clerk Pio Tem April 5, 1966 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7:35 P. m. by Mayor Ford. The Invocation was presented by Reverend Seymour of the Free Methodist Church. Roll Call: Dr. L. E. Nicholson, James Rice, Jesse Ford, Don McDugle, Dr. Eugene Strom. Councilman Perry was present at 7:55. Mayor Ford requested the Council's pleasure. on the minutes of the March 15, 1966 meeting.. Mr. Rice moved and Dr. Nicholson seconded that the minutes be approved as if read. Roll: Ayes - Nicholson, Rice, Ford, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. Mayor Ford called for guest hearings: Mrs. Julie Moe, 504 -7th Street, asked when the material that has been dumped at the head of the bay will be taken care of. The City Manager replied that this material will be used for rip -rap and that work has been held up due to high tides; however, work did commence a couple of days ago. A letter was read from Mrs. R. L. Broome, thanking the City for the attention given to the condition of 28th Street. Mayor Ford read a letter from the Chairman of the Anacortes Arts and Crafts Festival requesting permission to use the area between 5th and 8th Streets on Commercial Avenue during their Festival on August 6th and 7th. It will be necessary to block the street to through traffic from 5:30 P. m. on August lith until 8:00 a. m. on August 8th. Room will be allowed to permit passage of fire trucks. Mr. Rice moved and Dr. Nicholson seconded that this request be approved and permission granted. Roll: Ayes - Nicholson, Rice, Ford, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. Mayor Ford stated that Mr. Jack Hinshaw had requested approval to have professional sky divers perform in Anacortes on April 30th. These performers would land in the vicinity of the hospital and armory grounds. The Mayor pointed out that these men are self insured. The City Attorney stated that the City would need to provide the necessary traffic control in the area. Dr. Nicholson moved that Council approval be given. Dr. Strom seconded the motipn. Roll: Ayes - Nicholson, Rice, Ford, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. & letter was read from the Skagit Mountain Rescue Unit, Inc. requesting permission to use Mount Erie for a training session on April .34 1966. Mr. Rice moved and Dr. Strom seconded that permission be granted on this request providing that the City he held blameless for any injuries incurred in connection with this training session. Roll: Ayes - Nicholson, Rice,.Ford, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. Mayor Ford read a letter from the Park Board;. commending the Mayor , Council, City Manager and City Engineer for their work and foresight in preparing the plan to incorporate the Ship Harbor - Shannon Point area into the park system of Anacortes. However, the Park Board recommends that the City not continue with its plan as they feel -that this plan does not fit into the actual needs of the community at this time and that Federal and State grants could be used in a manner which would be of more immediate and lasting benefit to Anacortes and still would not be a duplication of existing facilities. S�. C. 1 1 1 1 11 1-13 ALpril 5, 1966 continued Councilman Perry entered the meeting at this time. The City Attorney read the proposed tentative agreement With the Anacortes Community Theatre. He suggested that this proposed agreement be taken up with representatives of A.C.T. A discussion followed. 'The City Attorney will discuss this agreement with the theatre group. The City Manager showed a sketch, explaining the need to purchase additional right of way for R Avenue in the vicinity of 21st and 17th Streets and Q Avenue for a thru truck arterial. He stated that Mr. Grace, who has a business and property in the path of this right of way, is agreeable to exchanging property with the City. Since property would need to be rezoned to permit this exchange of property it was felt that this should be referred to the Planning Commission for their study and recommendation. This will be referred to the Planning Commission at their next meeting. The City Engineer presented a drawing for Council study in connection with the request from the Bonneville Power Administration for an easement at Sunset Beach for underwater and ground power lines. The City Manager stated that the Park Board has requested landscaping for the substation and asks that this be in- corporated into the easement agreement. A discussion followed. The City Attorney stated that more details will be needed on the landscaping. Mr. Rice moved that the easement be granted. Dr. Nicholson seconded the motion. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. Mayor Ford announced the appointment of Scott Richards for membership to the Planning Commission to fill an existing vacancy. Dr. Nicholson moved and Mr. Perry seconded that the appointment be -approved. Roll: Ayes - Perry; Nicholson, Rice, Ford, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. Mr. Perry was excused from the meeting at this time. The City Attorney continued with the reading of the proposed traffic code, reading until completed. He explained the codifying of the Motor Vehicle Laws and stated that at least six copies should be obtained - two for the Police Department, three to be placed on file in the Clerk's office, 1 for the Police Judge. There was a discussion of speed limits. The City Attorney suggested that speed limits be discussed with the Chief of Police. The proposed traffic code will be retyped and studied further. The City Manager presented the following Claims Report for the second half of March -for Council approval: Salaries $18,293.15 Expenses 32,525.71 LID #159 231.63 to Bank Note Co. P Wash -3297 19,618.75 to Stevens & Thompson Upon approval of the Finance Committee, Mr. Rice moved and Dr. Strom -seconded that claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of same. Roll: Ayes - Nicholson, Rice, Ford, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. Mayor Ford reminded the Council that Wayne Kite, Director of the Skagit County Planning Commission will be at the Planning Commission meeting on April 6th and. that Councilman are invited -to attend. Mayor Ford stated that reservations -should be sent in for the annual convention of the Association of Washington Cities. Dr. Nicholson moved that the meeting adjourn. The motion was seconded and carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m. City Glerk Pro Tidm l't � I April 19, 1966' G A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Ford. The Invocation was presented by Reverend Dams of the Christian Reformed Church, Roll Call: Dr. L. E. Nicholson, James Rice, Jesse Ford, Marion Peck, Don McDugle, Dr. Eugene Strom. Mayor Ford stated that Councilman Perry had been excused from this meeting. Mayor Ford requested the Council's pleasure on the minutes of the April 5, 1966 meeting. Dr. Nicholson moved and Mr. Peck seconded that the minutes be approved as if read. Roll: Ayes - Nicholson, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Rice, Strom. Motion carried. Mayor Ford announced that it was now time to open bids for bonds on Local Improvement District No. 161.. The following bids were presented: Wm. P. Harper & Son & Company 5.10% per annum Statewide City Employees Ret. System 5.00% per annum Hughbanks Incorporated 5.20% per annum A good faith deposit of $1,500.00 accompanied each bid. After discussion Dr. Strom moved that the low bid from Statewide Retirement System at 5.00% be accepted for bond and warrants on Local Improvement District No. 161, Dr. Nicholson seconded the motion. Roll: Ayes - Nicholson, Rice, Ford, McDugle, Strom. Nayes - Peck. Motion carried. Mayor Ford called for guest hearings. There was no response from the audience. A letter was read from the Anacortes Woman's Club stating that the possibility of Ships Harbor becoming industrialized has been brought to their attention and that it is their opinion that this area should be retained for public use. A Penny Drive will be held by the Orthpedic Chapter May lst-14th. A request was presented from the Skagit Valley College-SkagitAlpine Club for permission to use Mount Erie on April 24th from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m* for rock practice. It was pointed out that another club is using Mount Erie for climbing practice on that date. Mr. Rice moved and Dr. Strom seconded that this request be granted; that this club be informed on the plans of others to use Mount Erie on that day; that the City be absolved of all liability and responsibility due to this climbing.course. Mr. Peck stated that.last week he had observed several small children climbing down from the top of Mount Erie as a group of climbers were scaling the face of the mountain. He pointed out the danger to these children as well as those climbing up. The City Attorney stated that these groups cannot be held responsible in such instances. After discussion, Dr. Nicholson suggested that the City request that clubs using Mount Erie have someone on top of the mountain to warn the public of possible danger. Roll on motion: Ayes - Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. A letter was read from Fidalgo Lodge No. 77, F. & A. M., seeking per- mission to use the parking strip on 0 Avenue beside the lodge building for a barbeque. Dr. Strom moved that the request be approved. Mr. Peck seconded the motion. Roll: Ayes - Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. A petition was presented from John A. and June E. Stevens and Inga Floe, requesting vacation by the City of that portion of Q Avenue between} the south line of 36th Street and the north line of acreage lying north of 37th Street. After discussion Dr. Nicholson moved and Mr. Peck seconded that this request be referred to the Planning Commission for their study and recommendation. Roll: Ayes - Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. 1.15 April 19, 1966 continued A letter was presented from the Beautification Sub -committee of the Anacortes Advisory Committee protesting any plan to industrialize any portion of the Ship Harbor area. Mr. Peck pointed out that this is the second protest on industrializing Ships Harbor and stated that the Council could rezone that area to reserve it for at Fa rk. Mayor Ford read a letter from the Citizen's Advisory Committee requesting that the sub, -committee on Housing for the Aged be made an independent committeep Mr. Peck moved and Dr. Nicholson seconded that this sub -committee be made an independent committee. Roll: Ayes - Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. A discussion followed. A letter was prese:,ted from the Citizens Advisory Committee recommending that the City acquire the property at Ships Harbor for park and recreation purposes. There was a discussion on ownership of property at Ships Harbor: Dr. Nicholson moved that these protests by put on file and brought up for reference when the new zoning ordinance is brought up for consideration and adoption. Dr. Strom seconded the motion. Roll:- Ayes - Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. A letter was read from the Planning Commission, giving their recommen- dation on the request from Mrs. Sarah Lingwood for rezoning of her property at 3402 Commercial Avenue from R-1 to C-2. Mrs. Lingwood wishes to expand her present home baking business by utilizing a portion of the first floor of her residence for import items, gifts, packaged fancy food items, and perhaps a" tea room. Off street parking area is planned behind the residence. It is recommended by the Planning Commission that this request for change of zoning be refused for the following reasons: 1.. The block containing this property has developed as residential and there is no good place to draw a boundary'line. 2. The proposed parking would be adjacent to a residential area. 3. Further extension of commercial property south on Commercial Avenue is not consistant with the Comprehensive Plan, 4. It would be poor planning to extend commercial property closer to the highway interchange. Mrs. Lingwood stated that she is requesting this zoning change because the property is zoned residential and that the boundry line for the zoning could be established at the property line; that neighbors contacted approve of the plans for'the parking area and have signed the petition approving the zoning change. She further stated that the home has passed value as a single residence - that such a business could be a benefit to the City as there is no fancy food shop between Vancouver and Seattle. Because this house is so close to a highway interchange, it is no longer desirable as a residence. Mr. Standish, 1019 -34th Street, stated that the proposed parking area would be n6xt to his home and he has no objections to it. Mr. Peckpointed out that there are businesses located on the other three corners of the intersection and that this area will be a business district in the future. He moved that the Council call for a public hearing for May 3rd. Mr. Rice seconded the motion. Roll: Ayes - Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. A letter was read from the Planning Commission stating their recommendation on the request from the Northwest Outdoor Advertizing Company for permission to relocate a billboard presently located on 11th Street right-of-way east of Commercial Avenue. A diagram was also submitted in- dicating the relocation site approximately 40 feet north of the present loca- tion. It was recommended by the Planning Commission that permission be granted on this request. After discussion, Dr. Strom moved and Mr. Peck seconded that this request be granted. Roll: Ayes - Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion.carried. 116 April 19, 1966 continued The City Manager gave a review of the financing for the Urban Renewal Project, showing figures of funds needed. Four resolutions were presented. The City Attorney read the first resolution, approving and providing for the execution of a proposed loan and capital grant contract No. Wash R-15 (LG). The City Manager answered inquires about accounts involved and stated that sufficient funds would remain in the accounts for other city improvementsp The City Attorney read the remaining three proposed resolution: authorizing the issuance of certain project temporary loan notes in connection with Urban Renewal Project No. Wash R-15 and providing for the security for the payment thereof; authorizing the execution and delivery of a certain project temporary loan note in connection with Project No. Wash R-15; authorizing the transfer of certain funds to the project expenditures account. Dr. Strom and Mr. Peck requested more time to study the financing of this project. These resolutions will -be presented and acted upon at the next regular meeting. Mayor Ford introduced Mr. Lipian from the Urban Renewal office in San Francisco. The City Attorney read a proposed ordinance establishing a History Board Advisory Committee, setting forth the manner of appointment of its members, authorizing the same to accept donations for historical purposes. Dr. Nicholson moved and Mr. Peck seconded that this Ordinance be adopted, given No. 1401 with the Mayor and City Clerk authorized to sign. Roll: Ayes - Nicholson, lfi.ce, Ford, Peck, McDugle. Abstain; Strom. Motion carried. The request for a garbage renewal license by Rocket Sanitation was re- ferred to a study session. The City Manager gave the following Treasurer's Report for March, 1966: Receipts 2462330.51 Disburesements 2812566.76 Cash Balance 4433273.16 ` Investments 796,340.30 :t The City Manager presented the following Claims Report for the first half of April, 1966 for Council approval: Salaries Expenses 9,497.20 15,073.66 Upon approval of the Finance Committee, Mr. Rice moved and Dr. Nicholson seconded that claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of same. Roll: Ayes - Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. The City Manager reported that accomodations have been made for Council- men at the Hotel Cabana in Yakima for the Association of Washington Cities Convention. The Manager read a portion of the Auditor's Report recently received. The City Manager reported that he had received a letter from the Committee for Community Betterment pertaining to Initiative 226, Mr. McDugle moved that the meeting adjourn. Mr. Peck seconded the motion. All Ayes. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:10 p.m. City Clerk PA -Tem rJ 1 1 117 May 3, 1966 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Ford. The Invocation was presented by Reverend Neil Munro of the Westminister Presbyterian Church. Roll Call: Robert Perry, Dr. L. E. Nicholson, James Rice, Jesse Ford, Marion Peck, Don McDugle. Mayor Ford requested the Council's pleasure on the minutes of the April 19, 1966 meeting. 'Mr. Peck moved and Dr. Nicholson seconded that the minutes be approved as if read. Roll;' Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle. Motion carried. Mayor Ford called for guest hearings. There was no response from the audience. Councilman Strom entered the meeting at this time. Mayor Ford read a letter from the Committee on Housing for the Elderly, giving the following recommendation: "We recommend to the City Council of Anacortes that we are agreed that there is a need for some type of housing for the elderly. Therefore, we seek the permission of the City Council to invite people from the Department of Housing and Urban Development to come to Anacortes to help us establish ground rules for planning in this field of housing for the elderly." Mayor Ford stated that this matter is within the providence of authority of the" Committee on Housing for the Elderly and is agreeable with the.Council. Mayor Vord read a letter from Dan Wollam, Studentbody President of the Anacortes Junior High School, expressing appreciation for the opportunity given students to view and participate in the municipal government on April 21; also thanking city employees for their service and informative discussions. A letter was presented from Skagit Mountain Rescue Unit., thanking the City for granting permission to use Mount Erie on April 30, 1966. Mayor Ford read a letter from the -Mayor of Yakima extending and invitation to the Annual Statewide Convention of the Association of Washington Cities to be held in Yakima on May 11-13, 1966. The City Attorney read a proposed resolution approving and providing for the execution of a proposed loan and capital grant contract, No. Wash R-15 (LG) between the City of Anacortes and the United States of American, pertaining to Project No. Wash R-15, and establishing a project expenditures account with respect to said project, and for other purposes. Mr. Peck moved that Resolution No. 167 be adopted. Mr. Perry seconded the motion. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. The City Attorney read a proposed resolution authorizing the issuance of certain project temporary loan notes in connection with Urban Renewal Project No. Wash R-15 and providing for the security for the payment thereof, and for other purposes. Mr. Peck moved and Dr. Nicholson seconded that Resolution No. 168 be adopted. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. ' The City Attorney read a proposed resolution authorizing the execution' and delivery of a certain project temporary loan note in connection with Project No. Wadh. R-15. Mr. Perry moved and Mr. Peck seconded that Resolution No. 169 be adopted. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. May 3, 1966 continued A proposed resolution was read. authorizing the transfer of certain funds to the prosect expenditures account. Mr. Perry moved and Mr. 'Peck seconded that Resolution No. 170 be adopted. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. Mr. Peck asked that it be made clear to the public that the money loaned from other funds to this fund is not going to come back to the funds because of construction in the Urban Renewal area. Dr. Strom requested an explanation on these funds to the public. The City Manager explained the process of accummulating of funds. Mayor Ford declared the public hearing open on Mrs. Lingwood's request to rezone ger property at 3402 Commercial Avenue from R-1 to C-2. Mr. Peck stated that the southeast corner of this intersection has a motel, operating on a variance; a real estate office and construction company is on the northwest corner and a gas station is located on the northeast corner. Mrs. Lingwood's property is situated on the southwest corner. Mr. Peck stated that there is no good reason that this property should not be rezoned, that there have been no objections from the neighbors. Dr. Strom stated that strip commercial zoning subtracted from both commercial and residential areas. Mr. Peck pointed out that this is not a primarily residential area, that it is 75% commercial; that the logical boundary line for zoning would be the new high- way. Mr. Bob McCollum stated that this business is already there and that Mrs. Lingwood should be allowed to continue; if an area is rezoned for one person why not another. Mrs. Lingwood stated that it would be difficult to find another intersection in town where three corners are commercial and one residential. Mrs. Trafton pointed out that Mrs. Lingwood had brought an established business to Anacortes and that the town should be happy that Mrs. Lingwood wants to expand her business and improve her property. Mr. Sager stated that he lives in the south half of the block that Mrs. Lingwood lives in and that he sees no harm in her having the business that she wants; that she is trying hard to raise a family and that sheshould be given a break on this. This business would be an asset to the City. Mr. Ray Standish, 1019 -34th Street, stated that he lives west of Mrs. Lingwood and if anyone would be effected by this proposed growth of business that it would be him. He pointed out that there are bulldozers and trucks parked across the street from his residence. M.Tor Ford stated that the long range planning of the town has to be considered. The petition with 12 signatures of neighbors approving rezoning of phis area was presented by the Mayor. AL letter from the Planning Commission was also read recommending that the commercial zoning not be extended any further south on Commercial Avenue. Mr. Peck moved that Mrs. Lingwood's request fro rezoning be granted. Mr. McDugle seconded the motion. Roll: Ayes - Peck, McDugle. Nayes - Nicholson, Ford, Strom. Abstain, Perry, Rice. Mr. Peck stated that he has lived near that intersection for eight years but does not know Mrs. Lingwood; his decision was not based on personal reasons, that he feels that this property is commercial and should be rezoned. Mr. Perry stated that he would like to lokk at the property. Mr. Peck agreed that this would be a good idea, pointing out that 35th and 36th Streets are going to be closed and that this area might be a logical place for commercial growth. Mayor Ford declared the public hearing closed. Mayor Ford presented a letter from the Planning Commission recommending that the Comprehensive Plan be revised to change the zoning from R-2 to C-2 in Block 1 Nelson's $ddition and the east half of Block 21, Stewart!s Addition. Rezoning of this 1 1 1.1.9 May 3, 1966 continued area would permit Mr. Floyd Grace to relocate his business out of the path of the g oposed truck route right-of-way. Dr. Strom moved that the Comprehensive Plan be changed as recommended by the Planning Commission and that this area be rezoned from R-2 to C-2. Mr. McDugle seconded the motion: Roll: .Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, McDugle, Strom. Nayes - Peck. Motion carried. The City Manager presented a request from the West Coast Tele phone Company stating that since they have been requested to relocate their telephone lines on Commercial Avenue, they are moving them to city owned right-of-way between 22nd Street and 25th Street -on a line projected from 0 Avenue. They request that this area be kept clear of obstructions, and that the Telephone Company be indemnified against any damage to property within this right-of-way area; that the City not vacate, this right-of-way. The Planning Commission recommends that the City enter am agreement with the Telephone Company not to vacate this righ-of way. This request was tabled for further consideration. Council permission was requested to advertize for bids on a new dump truck for the Street Department. Mr. Peck moved that approval be granted on the bid call and that it be specified in the bid that any supplier doing business with the City of Anacortes will be required to purchase a business license. Mr. Peck asked if Mount Vernon Dodge has purchase a business licensee The City Manager replied that they have not. Mr. Peck withdrew his motion. Mr. Rice moved and Mr. Ford seconded that permission be given to call for bids for a new dump truck. Dr. Nicholson requested that it be stipulated that the truck be delivered to Anacortes and that on all guaranty work it also be picked up and delivered to Anacortes. After discussion Dr. Nicholson moved that the motion be amended to read that the truck be delivered to City Hall and pick up and delivery service to City Hall be given on all guaranty work. Mr. Peck seconded 'the motion. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. Roll on original motion made by Mr. Rice, seconded by Mr. Ford to call for bids for purchase of a new dump truck: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. Mayor Ford announced the appointment of Mr. Ingvald Iversen for membership to the Citizen's Advisory Committee. Mr. Peck moved and Mr. Perry seconded that the appointment be approved. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. The City Attorney read additions to be.�.incotporated into the proposed traffic code. He also asked the Council to consider speed limits on Havecost Road and to what extent to prohibit bicycle riding on Commercial Avenue in the downtown district. This proposed traffic code is to be submitted to the State Highway Department for approval before being acted on. The City Manager presented the following Claims Report for the second half of April, 1966 for Council approval: Salaries $17,472.12 Expenses 31,459.65 Upon approval of the Finance Committee, Mr. Peck moved and Dr. Nicholson seconded that claims ne allowed and warrants drawn in favor of same. Roll: Ayes Perry, Nicholson., Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. Mar or Ford introduced Mr. Johnson from the Urban Renewal office in San Francisco. The City Manager presented comments from the State Auditor in connection with the Water Department, pointing out the increase in net earnings during the past year. 120 May 3, 1966 continued The City Manager read a letter from the Executive Secretary, Association of Washington Cities, stating that a number of Chambers of Commerce have endorsed Initiative 226. Included also were resolutions supporting this Initiative which would be helpful to local groups when drafting similar policy statements. From the audience, Mrs. Baird, 708 -28th Street, asked when the City will start buying property in connection with Urban Renewal. Mayor Ford replied that the City hopes to start buying by the end of this month. Mrs. Baird asked if the City will inspect homes to be bought by people from that area. The City Manager replied that upon request the City will inspect and advise as to the standard of the house. Mr. McDugle moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Peck asked if any action will be taken on renewal of the garbage contract. Mayor Ford stated that there will be a study session next Tuesday on this matter. Meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m. (:ityk Yrro-Tem May 17, 1966 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Ford. Reverend Kazen of the Assembly of God Church presented the Invocation. Roll Call: Robert Perry, Dr. L. E. Nicholson, James Rice, Jesse Ford, Marion Peck, Don McDugle, Dr. Eugene Stxo m. Mayor Ford requested the Council's pleasure on the minutes of the May 3, 1966 meeting. Mr. Peck moved and Dr. Nicholson seconded that the minutes be approved as if read: Holl: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. Mayor Ford called for guest hearings: Attorney Anderson addressed the Council in behalf of Sarah Lingwood, asking that the Council reconsider their motion, made at the last meeting, at which time they rejected Mrs. Lingwood's request for rezoning of her property located at 3402 Commercial Avenue. He 'stated that he felt that the 3-2-2 vote on this matter had not been a clear majority vote. He also pointed out that the only objection to her request was that of the Planning Commission; that if this lot was vacant, no one would build a home there because of its location near the highway and businesses. Mayor Ford replied that Mrs. Lingwood would not be able to maintain this building regardless of its use. He suggested that maintance of this building be put in writing. There was a discussion on the proper procedure of bringing this request before the Council again. The City Attorney stated that the request could be put before the Council by a motion of any one of the Councilmen. C.. 1 1 1 121 May 17, 1966 continued A request was presented from Washington Alpine Club, Inc., requesting permission to use Mount Erie for their Basic Climbing Course Rock Practice on Sunday, May 22, 1966. Mr. Perry moved and Dr. Nicholson seconded that approval be given with the stipulation that the City be absolved of all liability and responsibility and that this club have someone on top of the rAountain to warn the public of possible danger. Roll: byes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. Mr. Len Clark from Stevens & Thompson, Inc. gave a progress report of the engineering study of the Whistle Lake Reservoir and High Level Distribution System, also the 361' pipe line across Marches Point. He stated that final plans and drawings will be presented to the Council at the June 7th meeting. Mr. Clark reported that the cost of the•Whistle Lake Reservoir is 122% over the original estimated cost (15% is allowed) due to a fault that runs through the lake. Mr. Clark stated that June 17th is the deadline for the plans and specifications to be submitted for approval to the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Mr. Rice suggested that a study session be held. Mayor Ford stated that there would be a study session on May 31st at 7:00 p.m. Mr. Clark will also be present at this meeting. The Council will also meet for a study with the City Employees Union on May 24th. Mr. Peck moved that a date be set for a public hearing on the request for Sarah Lingwood. Mr. McDugle seconded the motion. Roll: P.yes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Nayes - Ford. Motion carried. Legal notice is to be published and a public hearing will be held on June 7th. The City Manager presented proposed contracts for the Urban Renewal Project: (a) An agreement with Pioneer Title Insurance Company for Real Estate Title Insurance and Escrow Services (b) An agreement with Ben Martin to act as acquisition agent of real property within the project area. The City Manager explained the proposed contracts, stating that Mr. Martin is a real estate agent in Mount Vernon and a. F. H. A. appraiser. Mr. Rice moved and Mr. Perry seconded thatthe agreement be entered into with Pioneer Title Insurance Company, and Ben Martin be hired to act as acquisition agent for real property within the project area. It was requested that seperate action be taken on these proposed contracts. Mr. Rice withdrew his motion. Mr. Rice moved that the City enter into an agreement with Pioneer Title Insurance Company for Real Estate Title Insurance and Escrow Services. Mr. Peck seconded the motion. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice. Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. Mr. Peck moved and Mr. Perry seconded that the City enter an agreement with Ben Martin who is to act as acquisition agent of real property within the project area. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. Mayor Ford announced that it was time to award the bids on L.I.D. #160 for construction of a 36 foot width asphaltice concrete pavement on Hillcrest Drive from the east side of S Avenue to the west side of V Avenue; and L.I.D. #161 for the construction of a 36 foot width curb to curb of asphaltic concrete pavement on Commercial Avenue from the South side of 37th Street to the North side of 40th Street; 40th Street from the East side of Commercial Avenue tothe East side of S Avenue; 39th Street from the East side of Commercial Avenue to the East side of Spinks Addition; Q Avenue from the South Side of 39th Street to the North line of 40th Street; R Avenue from the South side of 39th Street to the North side of 40th Street; S Avenue from the South side of 38th Street to the North side of 40th Street; 38th Street from the West side of R Avenue to the east Side of Spinks addition; R Avenue from the South side of 37th Street to the North side of 38th Street; S Avenue from the South side of 37th Street to the North side of 38th Street. 1. ,- 2 May 17, 1966 continued The City Manager presented the following tabulation of bids received: Contract No. 1 L.I.D. 160 - Associated Sand & Gravel 56,758 Marine Asphalt 6,448 YYilder Construction Co. 6,634 L.I.D. 161 - Associated Sand & Gravel 27,820 Marine Asphalt 27,040 Wilder Construction Co. 272820 Contract No. 3 L.I.D. 160 - Geo. V. Nolte 5,577 Sno-King Cement Co. 5,379 L.I.D. 161 - Geo. V. Nolte 212125 $no -King Cement Co. 20,375 Contract No. 2 L.I.D. 160 - Lake Erie.Construction Item 1 D 1,400 J. I. Mayer 1,500 Item 1 1,752 1 B ,700 1 D 1, 260 Marine Aspralt 4, 050 Item 1 1,971 1 A 4080 1 B 770 1 C 3,150 1 D 1,9330 1 E 3,780 2 12736 2 A 980 1 D Contract No. 2 L.I.D. 161 - Lake Erie Construction Co. Item 1 D $4,500 2 D 1,500 J. I. Mayer Item 1 5,760 1 B 2,250 1 D 4, 050 2 1,860 2 B 750 2 D 1,350 Marine Asphalt Item 1 69480 1 14,400 1 B 2, 475 1 C 10,125 1 D 4,275 1 E 12,150 2 2,100 2 4 4,800 2 B 825 2 D 1, 425 2 E 4,050 3 * 5, 880 3 A 2, 940 4 2,184 4 A 1,102.50 1 11 :123 May 17, 1966 continued Contract No. 4 L.I.D. #160 - Eerkes Contracting Inc. • Item 1 645 2 315 3 1,9824 4 1,680 4,464 Total B & B Contracting Item 1 870 2 459 3 1,488 4 2 616 5;03 Total Ray Jones Item 1 758.08 2 278.13 3 1,668 4 2.784 5,478.21 Total Contract No. 4 L.I.D. 161 Eerkes Contracting B & B Contracting Bax Jones Item 1 A $ 460 496 484.48 1 B 1, 2 90 474o 4496.16 1 C 150 162 93.00 1 D 2,600 3,978 2,410.46 1 E 3,900 3,224 32614.00 1 F 3,536 11,936 T. �5' 6688 1 ,5 gets T. 6,032.00 142-130.10 T: A Alt. 900 1077 834.39 b. 690 570.40 639.40 c. • 736 1,002.80 13067.20 2,3�� T. 1,950.10 T. 1,540.99 T. B Alt. 230 248 242.24 b. 645 870 748.08 C* 75 81 46.50 d. 4050 1,530 927.10 e. 4710 1,413.6o -111584.60 f. 1,653 2,485.20 219644.80 5063 T. 6,627.bO T. 6,193.32 C a. 220 248 b 645 870 c 75 81 d 330 459 e 1,395 1,153.20 f 1 302 9T7' T. 29027-40. 4, Ud.60 T. 4, 755.25 T. D a 480 612 b 240 99.20 c 176 174.40 896 T. 885.60 T. 667.64 T. The City Engineer stated that by accepting the low bids that the cost of contract work would be L.I.D. 160 - $19,287, and L.I.D. 161 - $72,815. He recommended that the low bid of Marine Asphalt Company on Contract 1 for 33,488 for asphalt pave- ment; Contract No. 3 - Sno-King Cement Company of Auburn - $25,754 for curbs and gutters; Contract No. 2, J. I. Mayer - pit run gravel for base - $6,660; Marine Asphalt - crushed material; Contract # 4 Eerkes Contracting, Inc. - Storm sewer installation - $16,400, be accepted. Dr. Nicholson moved that the low bids of Marine Asphalt, Sno-King Cement, J. I. Mayer and Eerkes Contracting, Inc. be accepted on L.I.D. #161. Mr. Perry seconded the motion. Roll; Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, McDugle. Nayes - Peck. Abstain - Strom. Motion carried. 124 May 17, 1966 continued Ce. Dr. Nicholson moved that the low bids of Marine Asphalt, Sno-King Cement Company, J. I. Mayer, Eerkes Contracting, Inc., be accepted for L.I.D. ,160 subject to the approval of the bonding attorneys. Mr. Perry seconded the motion. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Strom. Nayes - Peck, McDugle. Motion carried. The City Manager requested the Council approval of a real property purchase and trade for right-of-way to connect R and Q Avenues truck route between 20th and 21st Streets. A petition was also presented from Mr. Floyd Trace whose business is located at 813 -20th Street. Mr. Grace requests the City to vacate that portion of the alley abutting Lots 3, 4, and part of 5, and Lots 17, 18 and part of 16 in Block 1 of Nelson's Addition. Mr. Rice moved that approval be given on the real property purchase and trade and that a public hearing be held on the requested vacation on June 7th. Dr. Nicholson seconded the motion. Roll: Dyes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. Mr. Peck stated that the Council had not held a public hearing on the zoning change from R-2 to 0-2 for Block 1 Nelson's Addition and the east half of Block 2 Stewarts Addition; that a public hearing should not be needed to change the zoning as per Mrs. Lingwood's request. A letter was read from the Chairman of the Planning Commission on the petition referred to them by the Council from Inga Floe, John Stevens, and June Stevens, requesting vacation by the City of that portion of Q Avenue between the south line of 36th Street and the north line of acreage lying north of 37th Street. It is the recommendation of the Planning Commission that this petition be denied until interchange plans for R avenue and/or Commercial Avenue have been completed since this property may be involved in such interchanges. Mr. Peck moved that the Council concur with the recommendation of. the Planning Commission, Dr. Strom seconded the motion. Roll: Ayes,- Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. Mayor Ford requested that the Refuse Collection Contract be acted on. Rocket Sanitation wishes to continue_City garbage collection under a renewed contract calling for 782% of the billing instead of 75% as set forth in the present contract. Mr. Peck moved and Dr. Nicholson seconded that the Ordinanc be amended to a 5 year contract at 782$. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom.. Motion carried. The City Manager gave the following Treasurer's Report for April 1966& Receipts 166,574.32 Disbursements 1209061.49 Cash Balance 4899785-99 Investments 793,840.30 The City Manager presented the following Claims Report for the first half of May, 1966 for Council approval: Salaries 9,925.00 Expenses 9,078.79 Upon approval of the Finance Committee., Dr. Nicholson moved and Mr. Peck seconded that claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of same. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. The City Manager explained the updating of the Workable Program that is to be sent to the federal government, stating that if there are no objections, the following Declaration of Policy will be sent: L. During the past year, Amcortes has made significant progress on mapy aspects of community improvement. Six thousand, six hundred and thirty (6630) feet of new street paving were installed and new and attractive. street signs are.being installed on all arterial streets, J truck route has been extablished and is being extended to accommodate increased traffic to the new bulk handling facility of the Port of Anacortes. 1 1 E May 17, 1966 continued 125 5 Sanitary and storm sewers have been extended in several locations. Incadescent street lights have been replaced by Mercury-vapor lamps and street lighting has been extended to previous]y unserviced areas,of the City. A Comprehensive Park Plan has been prepared and is being implemented. The State of Washington has accepted an application for acquisition of land for parks in four areas of the City and has approved one of them. Application for a Federal Grant is under the Open Space Program to assist in this acquisition is beiftg,.prepared. Existing parks are being improved through our Neighborhood Youth Corps Program and a committee has been formed to initiate a beautification program prerequisite to the establishment of an Urban Beautification Program. Planning for water system improvements are progressing through assistance of Public Works Planning Advances. Utility companies are cooperating in combining their services on poles, locating poles off main thoroughfares and placing utilities underground whenever possible. A new library is being constructed and the History and Museum Board is preparing to establish a City Museum. Coded enforcement data for a Code Enforecement Program is being accumulated in connection with the Neighborhood analysis. The City is considering establishment of a Local Housing Authority inorder to utilize one of the Public Housing Administration Programs to alleviate an apparent need for housing for the elderly. The Anacortes Industrial Park Urban Renewal Project now in execution will eliminate blight from one or more deteriorated portions of the City and the redevelopment of the area is expected to contribute considerably to the economic well being of the community. 2. The broad objective of the community continues to be the elimination and prevention of blight as well as the provision necessary facilities to serve its citizens. These measured together with a beautification program are expected to result in a healthy and pleasant environment of the community and to promote its sound growth and development in the future. 3. During the coming year the City will continue its program of street paving, utility extension and placement of utility poles off major thoroughfares and underground whenever possible. We expect to under -take a Codes Enforcement Program and an Urban Beautification Program to provide a lasting improvement to the City. The Anacortes Industrial Park Urban Renewal Project will be well under- way and a program to provide housing for the elderly will be initilted. The City will acquire additional park and open space and will continue to improve existing parks. The City Manager reported that W. 0. Rogers, Water Superintendent, has been appointed by Governor Evans, as a member of the Statewide City Employees Retirement System, Board of Trustees of the State of Washington. Mr. Perry moved and Mr. Peck seconded that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. ax.e-. , z City Clerk Pro -Trim ' 126 June 7, 1966 , A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order -at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Ford. Roll call: Robert Perry, Dr. L. E. Nicholson, James Rice, Jesse Ford, Marion Peck, Dr. Eugene Strom. Mayor Ford stated that Mr. McDugle had been excused from this meeting. Mayor Ford requested the Council's pleasure on the minutes of the May 17, 1966 meeting. Mr. Peck moved and Dr. Nicholson seconded that the minutes be approved as if read. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, Strom. Motion carried. Mayor Ford called for guest hearings: Mrs. Moe, 504 -7th Street, asked why Great Northern Railway Company has been permited to barricade 6th Street before 9th Street is completed. She stated that the path and street light promised have not yet been installed. The City Manager stated that 9th Street can be driven and that the street light has been ordered; that the Port intends to construct a sea wall on 8th Street and that truck traffic in this area will help compact the road; 9th Street must be raised another foot before it is topped. A petition for an L.I.D. for a 3/4" water line and meter was pre- sented from George Dodson for his property at 25th Street and D Avenue. Mr. Dodson also agrees to sign a petition for an L.I.D. to extend the sewer line to D Avenue. Dr. Nicholson moved and Mr. Perry seconded that this petition be referred to the City Engineer and City Clerk. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, Strom. Motion. carried. Mayor Ford presented a letter from the Kiwanis Club requesting permission to block off 7th Street between Commercial Avenue and Q Street on August 7th for use of a childrens train to be used in con- junction with the Kiwanis food booth during the Arts and Crafts Festival. The Kiwanis Club will carry a liability insurance policy to cover children riding the train. Mr. Rice moved and Mr. Perry seconded that permission be granted. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck. Abstain: Strom Motion carried. A letter was presented from Harley Sutt, Rocket Sanitation Service, requesting a contract for the disposal of the refuse from the sewer treatment plant. This contract is requested for the dur- ation of the Garbage Contract. Mr. Sutt stated that he has contacted the State on regulations. After discussion, Mayor Ford requested the City Attorney to draw up a contract. Mayor Ford declared the public hearing open on the request from Mrs. Sarah Lingwood for rezoning of her property at 3402 Commercial Avenue from R-1 to C-2. A letter was presented from Eugene Anderson stating that he will be in attendence later in the meeting for discussion on this request; suggesting that the Council change the property zoning to R-2 and allow Mrs. Lingwood by special permit to install a paved parking area of about 5000 square feet with widened access driveway at the rear of her premises and install a sign not over 32 square feet on the front part of her property, install a small sign over the back entrance to her house, install a sign as appropriate to direct traffic. 1.?7 June 7, .1966 continued Mrs. Ann Bessner pointed out that Mrs. Lingwood's neighbors are in favor of this proposal and asked why the Council is trying to keep business out of town. Mayor Ford replied that it is in the best interest of the City to prevent commercial.spread and that this re- zoning does n't fit long term plans. The City Manager told of plans of the State Highway Department for a four lane highway to Sharpe's Corner; pointing out that 35th Street intersection will be taken out and 35th and 36th Streets will be closed. Mr. Peck stated that this property is no longer R-1 and that tourist trade is practical on that end of Commercial Avenue. He also stated that what Mrs. Longwood wants to do with this property should have no bearing on this hearing; that Commercial Avenue should be for commercial use. Mayor Ford stated that the hearing would remain open until later in the meeting. Mayor Ford declared the public hearing open on the request from Floyd Grace for the City to vacate that portion of the alley abutting Lots 3, 4 and part of 5 and Lots 17, 18 and part of 16 in Block 1 of Nelson's Addition. The City Manager reviewed the situation f.or Council.and audience. There being no discussion from the audience, Mayor Ford declared the public hearing closed. Mr. Rice moved that the City Attorney be in- structed to draw up an ordinance. Motion seconded by Mr. Perry and Dr. Nicholson. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Strom. Nayes - Peck. Motion carried. Mayor Ford referred the proposed zoning code to a study session to be held at 7:00 p.m., June 14th. The City Manager pointed out on a vicinity map the area studied by the Planning Commission for revision of the Comprehensive Plan and zoning change. After holding a public hearing on this matter, the Planning Commission recommends rezoning from R-1 to R-2 that area south of Island Hospital, on the west the east line of the clinic property. on the east, the Southern extension of 0 Avenue; on the south, the nbrth side of 27th Street. Mr. Lynn of Campbell- Lynn explained their program and plans to con- struct a 60 bed nursing home on a portion of this rezoned area, south of the hospital. Mayor Ford stated that the Council should hold a public hearing on this request. Mr. Peck moved that a public hearing be held on June 21st to consider this request for rezoning. Mr. Perry seconded the motion. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, Strom. Motion carried. Mayor Ford referred to the request from Mrs. Lingwood discussed pre- viously in the meeting. After discussion it was started that Mrs. Lingwood could operate in. an R-2 zone if permission was granted to put up a sign and allow paving in back of her building for parking. Mr. Peck suggested using Mrs. Lingwood's property line as a boundary line for C-2 zoning. He stated that the City should encourage business. Mayor Ford stated that if R-2 zoning is considered that the request should go back to the Planning Commission for their .study and re- commendation. e- commendation. Mr. Peck moved that the C-2 zoning be granted and the property line be the C-2 boundary. Discussion followed. Dr. Strom stated that he would be willing'to vote to grant everything except rezoning. The City Attorney stated that the Council can instruct the Building Inspector to issue a building permit. 128 June 7, 1966 continued The City Manager presented the following bids received on a Street Department truck: Oak Harbor Garage, Inc. (Frank's Rambler) 1966 Dodge Truckweld Body Allied Body 1966 G.M.C. Truckweld Body Allied Body Cook Motors Inc.- Mount Vernon 1966 International 1600 Truckweld Body Alternate bid No. 1 Alternate bid No. 2 1966 Internation 1600 D Truckweld Body 1966 International 1800 Truckweld Body Trulson Motor Company 1966 Chevrolet Truckweld Body $5246.47 5,365.47 $5,212.90 5.331.90 delivery 90-120 days $5,937.26 approxi 70 day del. 5,698.03 $6,812.71 $6,612.49 immediate delivery $5,375.00 Mr. Peck moved that the low bid from Oak Harbor Garage, Inc., bid through Frank's Rambler be accepted. Dr. Nicholson seconded the motion. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, Strom. Motion carried. Selection of the truck body type was referred to the City Manager and Street Superintendent. The City Manager explained toe need for the Council to approve the Workable Program on community improvement. The City Attorney read the proposed resolution approving submission of a Report of Progress under the Workable Program for Community Improvement for Small Communities for the Elimination and Prevention of Slums and Blight in the City of Anacortes, to the Housing and Home Finance Agency. Mr. Peck moved and Mr. Perry seconded that the Resolution, No. 171 be adopted. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, Strom. Motion. carried. The City Attorney read a. proposed resolution approving and providing for the execution of a First Amendatory Contract amending Loan and Grant Contract No. Wash R-15 (LG) by and between the City of Anacortes and the United States of America.; authorizing the Mayor to execute and Amendatory Contract and authorizing the City Clerk to attest and seal said contract. Dr. Nicholson moved and Mr. Perry seconded that Resolution No. 172 be adopted. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, Strom. Motion carried. The City Attorney read a proposed resolution approving request No. 2 for concurrence in acquisition prices and authorizing the City to execute HHFA Urban Renewal Administration Form No. H-6144, to process the same in accordance with federal regulations for all appropriate pending real property acquisitions, and to proceed to purchase said property without further council approval. Mr. Perry moved and Dr. Nicholson seconded that Resolution No. 173 be approved. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, Strom. Motion carried. 1 1 129 June 7, 1966 continued The City Attorney read a proposed resolution authorizing the City Manager to invest the sum of $10,000.00 from the Current Expense Fund; $15,000.00 from the Series B Sinking Fund; $5,000.00 from the 1954 Sewer Reserve Fund; and $20,000.00 from the'1960 General Obligation Storm Sewer Funds, in United States Government Notes. Mr. Peck moved and Dr. Strom seconded that Resolution No. 174 be approved. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, Strom. Motion carried. The City Attorney read a proposed ordinance amending sections of Ordinance No. 1344, the same being the health, sanitation and garbage collection ordinance; constituting sections 8-8.22 and 8-8.36 of the Official Code of Ordinances. Mr. Perry moved and Dr. Nicholson seconded that the Ordinance be adopted, given No. 1402 with the Mayor and City Clerk authorized to sign. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, Strom. Motion carried. Dr. Strom moved and Mr. Perry seconded that June 21st be set as the public hearing date for amending the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map for blocks south of 20th Street and east of Commercial Avenue to west of R Avenue and North of 21st Street. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rive, Ford, Peck, Strom. Motion carried. The City Manager presented the following Claims Report for the second half of May, 1966 for Council approval: Salaries: $17,954.56 -Expenses: 28,985.00 Upon approval of the Finance Committee, Mr. Perry moved and Dr. Nicholson seconded that claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of same. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, Strom. Motion carried The City Attorney requested permission to be absent from the June 21st meeting. Attorney Eugene Anderson asked that Mrs. Lingwood be allowed to place a sign and parking area on her property at 3402 Commercial Avenue. Dr. Strom moved and Mr. Perry seconded that this request be granted. Roll Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Peck, Strom. Nayes - Ford. Motion carried. Mayor Ford stated that he voted against granting this request as it should go to the Planning Commission first. Mr. Peck pointed out that due to a mistake by the government, not the City, that funds are not yet available to pay for real estate in the Urban Renewal Area; that as soon as the City gets the money, the people will be paid. Mr. Peck moved that the meeting adjourn. Mr. Perry seconded the motion. All Ayes, Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:45'p.m. I, Alice Tyra, duly appointed Deputy City Clerk of the City of Anacortes, Washington, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the minutes of the City Council meeting of June 7, 1966. 4ity- Clerk �Prg-Tem I :_30 June 21, 1966 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Ford. Major Stava of the Salvation Army presented the invocation. Roll Call: Robert Perry, Dr. L. E. Nicholson., James Rice, Jesse Ford, Don McDugle, and Dr. Eugene Strom. Marion Peck was executed from this meeting. Mayor Ford requested the Council's pleasure on the minutes of the June 7th, 1966, meeting. Mr. Perry moved and Dr. Nicholson seconded motion that minutes be approved as if read. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. Mayor Ford called for guest hearings: There were none. Mayor Ford read a letter from the Department of Housing and Urban Development in which they acknowledged receipt of Anacortes' Workable Program for Community Improvement which had been sub- mitted to them on June 7, 1966. Mayor Ford read an invitation from the Association of Washington Cities inviting all public officials to attend the 31st Annual Institute of Government on Friday, July 8, 1966. Mayor Ford declared a public hearing open on the recommendation from the Planning Commission changing the Comprehensive Plan and re- zoning of property to R-2, that area south of Island Hospital, on the west, the east line of the new clinic property; on the east, the southern extension of 0 Avenue; the south, the north side of 27th Street. The purpose of this rezoning is to allow the con- struction of a nursing home of approximately 60 beds. City Manager, Earl Diller showed a sketch of proposed rezoning and also a sketch of proposed nursing home. There was some discussion as to height of buildings if this rezoning was approved. Mr. C. H. MacDonald and Mr. Gene Lynn who are parties proposing to build the nursing home, both stated that the nursing home would be a one story building. Public hearing was then closed by Mayor Ford. Mr. Perry moved and Mr. Rice seconded the motion that the City Council adopt Ordinance No. 1403 to change the comprehensive plan which changes the land use. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Rice, Ford, Strom. Nayes - Nicholson, McDugle. Motion carried. Dr. Strom moved and Mr. Perry seconded motion that City Council adopt Ordinance No. 1404 for the rezoning of this area. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Rice, Ford, Strom. Nayes - McDugle, Nicholson. Motion carried. City Council was asked to approve the paving of the truck route, R to Q Avenue to Ninth Street. Also Market Street and S Avenue construction with paving to be at a later date. Mr. McDugle moved and Mr. Perry seconded motion that this be approved. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. Mayor Ford declared public hearing open on recommendation from Planning Commission to change the Comprehensive Plan and zoning of the land from residential to Commercial for the blocks south of 20th Street, east of Commercial Avenue, to west of R Avenue and North of 21st Street. Mr. Stanley Paul, a. home owner in this area objected to this rezoning, stating that there are four property owners this would affect and that it would only benefit Mr. Grace who has a business in this area. Mr. Paul also stated he thought it would lower the valuation of their homes. Mr. Kenneth Allen, another home owner in this area voiced his objections for the same reasons. A discussion on various aspects of this took place. Mayor Ford then closed the public hearing and stated that in view of the objections presented that no Council action would be taken until something could be worked out that would be acceptable to all concerned. C.. 1 1 1 131 June 21, 1966 continued City Manager Earl Diller stated that resolution number 170 on the proposed loan and capital grant contract in connection with Urban Renewal Project No. Wash R-15, which had previously been accepted and approved by the City Council was not worded quite the way the Urban Renewal people would like to have it, and that they requested a new resolution be drawn up. Mr. Rice moved and Dr. Nicholson seconded motion to accept the rewritten and more clarified resolution and that it be given resolution number 175. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, McDugle and Strom. Motion carried. Council was asked to approve the final engineering studies by Stevens, Thompson, Runyan and Ries, Inc., on Whistle Lake Reservoir, the high level distribution system and the 36" transmission line with cross connections on March's Point. Mr. Rice moved and Mr. McDugle seconded motion to approve Resolution No. 176 on the construction of 10,500 l.f. of 36" transmission. line with necessary cross connections, Project No. P -Wash -3344. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson., Rice, Ford, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. Dr. Nicholson moved and Mr. Perry seconded motion to approve Resolution No. 177 on the rehabilitation of Whistle Lake as a high level storage reservoir, and construction of 16,000 l.f. of 16" transmission line to serve high level areas in southwest Anacortes, Project No. P -Wash -3297• Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson., Rice, Ford, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. Mr. Perry moved and Dr. Nicholson seconded a motion that a. hearing date of July 5th be set on the recommendation from the Planning Commission on the proposed zoning code. New code would update existing zoning code and develop zoning regulations based on the comprehensive plan. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, McDugle, Strom. Motion. carried. Mayor Ford read the Engineer's Certificate as the sufficiency and accuracy of the proper owners signatures on the proposed LID for a sanitary sewer on D Avenue from 23rd to 27th Streets and also the Engineer's proposed cost for this project. Mr. Perry moved and Mr. Ford seconded motion that this certificate and cost estimate be accepted and the City administration be authorized to form the LID. Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice Ford, Strom. Abstain: McDugle. Motion carried. Mayor Ford read a letter from the Beautification Subcommittee of the Citizens Advisory Committee stating that their studies indicate the need for the early development of a City Beautification Program which would incorporate the efforts of public bodies and private organizations and which would complement the Open Space activities now pending. Dr. Strom moved and Mr. Perry seconded motion that City administration be instructed to prepare such a. program with the assistance and advice of the Beautification Sub - Committee. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholsons Rice, Ford, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. The City Manager gave the following Treasurer's Report for May, 1966: Receipts $265,105. 95 Disbursements 242,315.72 Cash Balance 512,576.22 Investments 793,711.30 The City Manager presented the following Claims Report for the first half of June, 1966, for Council Approval: Salaries $10,010.00 Expenses 14,967.82 Upon approval of the Finance Committee, Dr. Nicholson moved and Mr. Perry seconded motion that claims be allowed and warrants drawn in favor of same. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. Dr. Nicholson. moved and Mr. Perry adjournment. Motion carried. Meeting Deputy Clei4k ' seconded motion for adjourned at 9:40 p 4aor .e ' 132 � July 5, 1966 A regula.r meeting of the City Council of the City of Ana.cortes was called to order a.t 7:30 P.M. by Ma.yor Ford. Roll call: Dr. L. E. Nicholson, Mr. James Rice, Mr. J. W. Ford, Mr. Marion Peck, Mr. Don McDugle. Absent: Robert Perry, Dr. Eugene Strom. Mayor Ford requested the Council's pleasure on the minutes of the June 21st, 1966 meeting. Dr. Nicholson moved and Mr. Rice seconded motion tha.t minutes be approved a.s if read. Roll: Ayes - Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle. Motion carried. Mayor Ford called for guest hearings: Mrs. Julis Moe asked if the gra.ss growing on 4th street could be cut. Mayor Ford sta.ted tha.t the City would take care of this. Mr. Peck sta.ted tha.t he thought the Safety Committee should take a.nother look a.t some of the "Yield Right of Wa.y" sings, with the thought in mind of repla.cin.g them with "Stop" sings. Two pla.ces in pa.rticula.r he mentioned a.s being bad corners were a.t 34th and R, a.nd a.t 17th and L. Mayor Ford read a. letter from the Associa.tion of Wa.shington Cities requesting the City to endorse Referendum 15. This Referendum would provide tax funds for school buildings around the Sta.te. Hearing no objection from any of the Councilmen, -Mayor Ford stated that the City would endorse this referendum. A letter wa.s read from Skagit Valley College in which they thanked City Manager, Earl Diller, for having been over to the College to speak to one of their classes. A letter was read from Mrs. D. G. Vigus of Sea.ttle, who had written to express her very fa.vora.ble impression of the City Parks, a.nd the fa.cilities availa.ble, and spoke of the Park Superintendent as being most hospitable a.nd friendly. City Attorney, Wm. Wells read a Judgment from the Superior Court on the findings of the suit brought against the City by Elmer Knutsen a.nd others, in regards to the L.I.D. #160. The Judgment sta.ted that the L.I.D., wa.s legal a.nd valid in all respects and tha.t the suit had been dismissed. Mayor Ford decla.red a. public hearing open on the proposed zoning code a.s recommended by the Planning Commission. Gordon Loga.n pointed out on a. map the various zones a.s they would be if the new code is adopted. Mr. Logan sta.ted tha.t very few changes in. the zoning had been made, but the terminology had been changed and thereby changed some cla.ssifica.tions. Councilman McDugle sta.ted tha.t he thought the 12-3 zoning in the area. covered by the Hospital and the new nursing home showed very poor planning by not including the area occupied.by the Clinic. A letter read from the Board of Adjustment in which they stated tha.t there should be one specific individual responsible for referring an appeal to the proper author- ity. City Manager, Ea.rl Diller, called their a.ttention to page 69 in the proposed zoning ordinance which sta.tes tha.t it shall be the duty of the Building Inspector, under the supervision of the City Engineer, to administer and enforce this ordinance. Mayor Ford a.sked the City Attorney if that wa.s adequate enough language to show who wa.s to administer this. City Attorney replied tha.t it wa.s. Mayor Ford declared the hea.ring closed. Motion by Dr. Nichol- son, and seconded by Mr. Rice that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare necessa.ry papers to put this in form of an Ordinance, to be voted on a.t the next meeting. Roll: Ayes - Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle. Motion carried. Dr. Thoma.s Brooks presented a. recommenda.tion from the Park Board tha.t the Lions Club be a.11owed to develop fa.cilities within Cap Sante Park area.. Some of the things they would like to do, being 1-33 July 5, 1966 continued the removal of signs and painting on the rocks, restoration of a sa.fety fence, establish a. secure guard rail a.t view top, placement of picnic tables, construction of trails and foot -paths, install- ation of directional marker, and general ma.intenance of area.. Motion by Mr. Peck, seconded by Mr. Rice, tha.t Lions Club be allowed to do this. Roll: Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle. Motion carrier. City Attorney, Wm. Wells read the proposed ordinance to establish L.I.D. 0162 for sewer construction on D Avenue, between 23rd and 27th Streets. M•oti•on by Mr. Rice, seconded by Dr. Nicholson that this ordinance be adopted and given Ord. No. 1405. Roll: Ayes - Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle. Motion carried. Mayor Ford reopened hearing on recommenda.tion from Planning Comm- ission to change the Comprehensive Plan and zoning of the -land from residential to Commercial for the.blocks South -of 20th Street, Ea.st of Commercial, to West of R Avenue -and North of 21st Street. This hea.ring being continued from the June 21st, 1966 meeting. Mr. Stanley Pa.ul stated he wa.s still objecting for the same reasons as sta.ted at the June 21st meeting. Mrs. Pa.te stated tha.t option on their property had run out. Mayor Ford declared hearing closed. Councilman Rice suggested that the City Manager get together with the Pauls, Allens, and the Pa.tes, and see if some workable' agree- ment could be reached. Mayor Ford stated that no Council action would be taken until some agreement had been reached. Mr. -John Weir presented the proposed lease between ACT a.nd the City. of Ana.cortes-for use of the auditorium loca.ted in the City Hall. City Attorney, Wm. Wells read the proposed contra.ct which would run for 15 yea.rs, with the City being reimbursed in rent at $50.00 per month.. This $50.00 per month rent to be in the way of Capital Improvements to the Auditorium. Councilma.n Peck asked to have a. study session with the City Attorney to see wha.t the insurance responsibility of -the City would be if this lea.se wa.s approved. Mayor Ford stated that no action would be taken at this time and requested that copies of the lea.se be made for ea.ch Coun.cilman to study. City Attorney Wells read an Ordinance establishing titles,or designations for certain numbered sections in the Code of Ordin- ances of the City of Ana.cortes for use in indexing and research purposed where ordinances previously adopted have not indicated said titles. Motion by Mr. Rice, seconded by Dr. Nicholson that this be adopted and given Ord. No. 1406. Roll Ayes - Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle. Motion carried. City Mana.ger stated that Dan Wolla.m, . an Ana.cortes Student, had done. a. grea.t deal of work in prepa.ring this ordinance. Ma.yor Ford a.sked Dan to stand and on behalf of the City thanked him for all the time and effort he had put in on this. City M.ana.ger Ea.rl Diller presented the following Claims for the second half of June 1966. Special Claim on L.I.D. #161 to Eerkes Contra.cting $5,279.20. Motion by Mr. Rice, seconded by Dr. Nicholson that this cla.im be allowed and warrant drawn for same. Roll: Ayes - Nicholson, Rice, Ford, McDugle. Na.yes - Peck. Motion ca.rried. Sala.ries--------- 19,445.43 - Expenses --------- 28,911.17 Upon approval of the Finance Committee Mr. Rice moved and Dr. Nicholson seconded motion tha.t sala.ry and expense claims be allowed and warrants dra.wn for same. Rol -1: Ayes - Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle. Motion Carried. Meeting adjourned a.t 9:20 P -.M. rn�s i y Clerk-gV Pro T6m I M o 134 July 19, 1966 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Ana.cortes was called to order at 8:00 P.M. by Mayor Ford, having been preceded by a study session with the commettee from ACT on their proposed leasing of the auditorium located in the City Hall. The Invocation was presented by Reverend Neil Munro of the West - minister Presbyterian Church. Roll Call: Robert Perry, Dr. L. E. Nicholson, James Rice, Jesse Ford, Marion Peck, Don McDugle, Dr. E. A. Storm. Mayor Ford requested the Council's pleasure on the minutes of July 5th, 1966 meeting. Motion by Mr. Peck and seconded by Dr. Nicholson, that minutes be approved as if read. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle. Abstain: Strom. Dr. Strom abstaining as he was not present at last meeting. Motion carried. Mayor Ford called for guest hearings. There was no response from the audience. Mayor Ford read a letter from Police Chief Beebe requesting a. year's extension -on his employment, as is required by the State- wide City Employees Retirement System, after a uniformed per- sonnel has reached attained age of 55. Motion by Mr. Rice and seconded by Mr. Peck that this extension be granted. There was some discussion following this motion. Mr. Perry asked if a study session. shouldn't be held on this first. Mr. Peck stated that Chief Beebe had been certified by the Civil Service Board and he sa.w no reason for not -acting on his request. Mayor Ford stated that he would like to consider it a little longer. Motion made by Mr. Perry and seconded by Dr. Nicholson that the motion made previously be tabled until a later da.te. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson,, Ford, Strom, Na.yes - Rice, Peck, McDugle. Motion carried. A letter addressed to Wm. F. Gallagher, City Engineer, from the Washington Community Festival was read, in which they expressed their gratitude to the City of Anacortes for their support to the 1966 Festival. Mayor Ford asked for the Council's pleasure on the proposed ordinance establishing new zoning code. City Attorney Wells stated that page 92 should be changed to contain the following insertion: "Zoning Ordinance #1061 dated October 3, 1950, is hereby repealed, and ALL ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this zoning ordinance or inconsistent with the provisions of this ordinance, are hereby repealed to the extent necessary to give this ordinance full force and effect. This ordinance shall become effective five (5) days after its passage, approval and legal publication, and shall constitute Sections 8-7.01 through 8-7.53 of the "Offical Code of Ordinance of the City of Anacortes." Motion by Mr. Peck and seconded by Mr. McDugle that this ordinance be adopted with the under- standing that the Floyd Grace property is not to be rezoned to commercial zoning, and given Ordinance No. 1407. Roll: Ayes - berry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. City Manager, Earl Diller brought up the impact that the four lace Memorial Highway might have on Commercial Avenue. He stated that the Safety Committee had discussed this problem at their la.st meeting. One suggestion was that it might be well to have two lanes of traffic coming Northward down Com- mercial. However, something would have to be worked out for stores on Commercial who had no off-street parking. Dr. Strom said some plan should be worked out as to how far down Com- mercial two lanes should go. Mr. Perry stated he thought there was just as big, if not bigger problem, with traffic heading South, as they all come off the Ferry at the same time. I' July 19, 1966 continued City Manager asked the council's pleasure on the animal pound for the City, stating that the Police Department has located a place in which to hold the dogs and a satisfactory person obtained to take care of them for the fee of $100.00 per month. Dr. Strom asked if there was money enough in. the budget to take care of this fee. City Manager stated that the money would come out of the Police Department budget and that it would be a. little tight, and might be necessary to ask City Council for a little supplement money in November. Motion by Dr. Strom seconded by Mr. Perry, that the City have this dog pound ser- vice. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, McDugle, Strom. Nayes - Peck. Motion carried. Mayor Ford asked for Council's pleasure on. permission to call for bids on chemicals for water and sewer. Motion by Mr. Rice, seconded by Mr. -Perry, that permission be granted. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. The City Manger presented the Treasurer's Report for June 1966: Receipts $ 277,042.18 Disbursements $ 259,745.31 Cash Balance $ 529,873-09 Investments $ 845,261.84 Special Claim on L.I.D. #161 to Eerkes Contracting, Inc., in the amount of $2,827.16 was presented. Motion by Mr. Rice seconded by Mr. Perry that this claim be allowed and warrant drawn. for same. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, McDugle, Strom. Na.yes - Peck. Motion. carried. Special Claim on L.I.D #161 to R. L. Kirkpatrick in the amount of $484.50 was presented. Motion by Mr. Rice seconded by Mr. Perry that claim be allowed and warrant drawn. for same. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, McDugle, Strom. Na.yes - Peck. Motion carried. Special Claim on L.I.D. #160 to Eerkes Contracting, Inc. in the amount of $3,320.34 was presented. Motion by Mr. Rice seconded by Mr. Perry that this claim be allowed and warrant drawn for same. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson., Rice, Ford, Strom. Na.yes - Peck, McDugle. Motion carried. City Manager presented the Claims Report for the first ha.lf of July 1966: Salaries $10,390.00 Expenses 38,407.98 Upon approval of the Finance Committee, motion by Mr. Rice seconded by Mr. Perry that claims be allowed and warrants drawn for same. Roll: Ayes Perry, Nicholson., Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. City Manager Reported: 1. That the City bus had been painted and the Chamber of Com- merce was working on a. plan for its use. 2. State Park Commission is holding a meeting in An.a.cortes in the Council Chambers on Monday, July 25th, 1966. Meeting to open at 9:00 A.M. Adjourn at noon to attend Chamber of Commerce lunch and reconvene at Council Chambers for after- noon. session. City Manager said that if there were no ob- jections, he would like to make a request at this meeting that Washington Park be shown on the map put out by the State Parks. 3. Architect's drawings for the new Library had been approved by the local Library Board. City Manager would like to call for bids on this building. 13 Motion by Mr. McDugle seconded by Mr. Peck, that if the plans were approved by the State Library Hoard, that City Manager could go ahead and issue a ca.11 for bids, Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried 4. City Manager had received an invitation. from Vice President H. Humphrey to attend a. meeting in Washington, D. C. This meeting to be with Officials from cities of under 50,000 population to discuss Urban problems. Mr. McDugle read a. letter he had received which stated there was no reason why an Ordinance couldn't be established making it mandatory for all motor like riders to wear crash helmets He Also read an article which stated that the City of Medina had adopted such an Ordinance. Mr. Rice requested Council to give some thought to possibility of removing a.11 parking meters, except those on. Commercial Avenue.. Motion by Mr. Perry and seconded by Mr. Peck that meeting adjourn.. All Ayes. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.A. August 2, 1966 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Ford. Roll ca.11: Robert Perry, Dr. L. E. Nicholson., James Rice, Jesse Ford, Don McDugle. Absent: Marion. Peck and Dr. E. A. Strom. Mayor Ford requested the Council's pleasure on. the minutes of July 19th, 1966, meeting. Mr. Rice requested that page two, paragraph one, line six be amended to read "Floyd Grace pro- perty is not to be rezoned under this Ordinan.ce." Motion by Mr. Perry, seconded by Mr. Rice that minutes be approved as amended. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, McDugle. Mayor Ford called for guest hearings. There was no response from the audience. Mr. Perry made a motion that the Anacortes City Council go on record as being in favor of the new Aluminum plant to be lo- cated on Guemes Island and also in favor of the County Comm- issioners making the necessary rezoning that would be required. Motion seconded by Dr. Nicholson, Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice., Ford. Abstain McDugle. Motion. carried. Mayor Ford read a. letter from the Washington. State Highway Commission in which they acknowledged receipt of the proposed Traffic Ordinance for the City of Anacortes. They stated that it did not reach them in time to be 'considered at their July meeting, but that they would submit the proposed regula.tions to their District office in Seattle for their immediate review and see that the matter is placed on the agenda for the August meeting of the Commission. A letter from the American Red Cross was read in which they expressed their sincere thanks an.d appreciation. for extending them office space rent free as of July 1, 1966. 1 1 1 137 August 2, 1966 cont'd A letter from the Washington State Parks and Recreation Comm- ission, addressed to the City Manager was rea.d. They expressed their appreciation for the many courtesies extended them by Mr. Diller and the City of Ana.cortes upon. the recent meeting of the State Parks Commission which was held in An.a.cortes. Mayor Ford read a letter from Attorney Anderson written on be- half of Mrs. Esther Smiley in which Mrs. SMiley was offering to sell certain. portions of her property to the City of Ana.- cortes. Mayor Ford referred this to the City Manager to look into. A letter was read from the Museum of History Board in which the Board recommended that upon completion. of the new Library facilities that the present Carnegie Library building be re- tained by the City for a Museum. Mayor Ford read a. letter from the State of Washington Health Department in which they stated they had reviewed the Plans and specifications on the Water System Improvements, Trans- mission Pipe line Modifications, Whistle Lake Reservoir Sup- ply and Transmission Facilities, and the High Level Trans- mission Water Supply Line. They stated they had reviewed all of these projects and in accordance with Chapter .54 of the codified Rules and Regulations of the State Board of Health and the State Department of Health, all are approved. Mayor Ford asked for the Council's pleasure on. advertising for bids.on the construction work on L.I.D. #162. (Sanitary Sewer on D Avenue) Motion by Mr. Rice, seconded by Mr. Perry, that the City Manager be instructed to call for bids on this work. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, McDugle. Motion carried. City Attorney Wells rea.d' a. proposed contract with Ska.git County Public Utility District, whereby the City of Ana.cortes would sell water to the PUD at the same price as we sell to the City of La.Conner. This contract will allow the PUD District to give better water service to the residents of the County on Fida.lgo Island. Motion by Mr. Rice, seconded by Dr. Nicholson, that this contract be accepted. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, McDugle. Motion carried. City Manager presented a Special Claim on. L.I.D. #161 to Sno- King Construction Company for curb and gutters. This is a. partial payment in the amount of $9,005.75• Motion. by Mr. Rice and seconded by Perry and Nicholson that this claim be allowed and warrant drawn for same. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson., Rice, Ford•, McDugle. Motion. carried. City Attorney Wells read the revised proposed Agreement bet- ween ACT and the City of Ana.cortes on. the leasing of the audi- torium in the City Hall. Revised contract calls for a. five year lease with an option for continuing the lease at a mon- thly figure of $50.00; Liability insurance to be $100,000 - $300,000; after construction to appraise value of improvements in order to form a credit base on which to determine rent; be- fore starting any work ACT to supply City with plans and es- timates of cost of work. After the reading of the proposed agreement some discussion took place on the question of a. fire escape for the auditorium. Dr. Nicholson. proposed that the fire escape should be amortized over a ten. year period, and that if it was necessary for Sprinkler System to be in- stalled that ACT would be responsible for such installation. Motion by Mr. McDugle and seconded by Mr. Perry that the agree- ment be accepted with the inclusion of the two above items. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, McDugle. Motion carried. Mayor Ford asked for the Council's pleasure on. advertising for bids.on the construction work on L.I.D. #162. (Sanitary Sewer on D Avenue) Motion by Mr. Rice, seconded by Mr. Perry, that the City Manager be instructed to call for bids on this work. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, McDugle. Motion carried. City Attorney Wells rea.d' a. proposed contract with Ska.git County Public Utility District, whereby the City of Ana.cortes would sell water to the PUD at the same price as we sell to the City of La.Conner. This contract will allow the PUD District to give better water service to the residents of the County on Fida.lgo Island. Motion by Mr. Rice, seconded by Dr. Nicholson, that this contract be accepted. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, McDugle. Motion carried. City Manager presented a Special Claim on. L.I.D. #161 to Sno- King Construction Company for curb and gutters. This is a. partial payment in the amount of $9,005.75• Motion. by Mr. Rice and seconded by Perry and Nicholson that this claim be allowed and warrant drawn for same. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson., Rice, Ford•, McDugle. Motion. carried. August 2, 1966 cont'd City Manager presented the Claims Report for the last half of July 1966: Salaries $ 19,905.59 Expenses 226.092.96 Upon approval of the Finance Committee, motion. by Mr. Perry seconded by Dr. Nicholson that claims be allowed and warrants drawn for same. Roll: Ayes - Ferry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, McDugle. Motion carried. City Manager pointed out that $202,025.14 of the above claims was out of the Urban Renewal Fund for purchase of properties. City Manager Reported: That Property South of Fire Hall towards 110" Avenue was for sale, at a price of $4,500.00 with interest at 5% on declining balance on a. five year contract. Mayor Ford stated thut the Council should give some thought to the possibilities of this. Mrs. Alice Newland, Chairman of the Beautification Committee, asked for Council approval of a. slogan for the City of Ana.- cortes. The slogan to be, "Fidalgo Island, The Jewel of the San Juams'. Motion by Mr. Perry, seconded by Mr. Rice that City Council approve this slogan. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, McDugle. Motion carried. Motion. by Mr. Perry, seconded by Mr. Ford that meeting adjourn. All Ayes; Meeting adjourned at 9:05 P.M. Kathr ow Yn Y'y City Clerk Pro Tem August 16, 1966 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Ford. Invocation was presented by Rev. Lester Dams of the Christian Reformed Church. Roll Call: Dr. L. E. Nicholson, James Rice, Jesse Ford, Marion Peck, Dr. E. A. Strom. Absent: Robert Perry and Don McDugle. Mayor Ford stated that Don McDugle was on vacation. Mayor Ford requested the Councils pleasure on the minutes of August 2, 1966, meeting. City Manager Earl Diller stated that at the July 19, 1966, Council meeting Special Claims on L.I.D. #160 and #161 were allowed for final payment less the 15% re- tention to Eerkes Contracting, Inc., but did not indicate acceptance of the work and the retention of the 15% and that the Bonding Company requires that this be included in the minutes. Councilman Robert Perry entered meeting at this point. Motion by Mr. Rice and seconded by Dr.'Strom that minutes be approved with,the above amendment included. Roll: Ayes - Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, Strom. Abstain: Perry. Mr. Perry abstaining because he did not enter meeting in time to hear the amendment to the minutes. Motion carried. Mayor Ford called for guest hearing. Mr. W. D. Hushbeck, accompanied by several other people, addressed the Council on behalf of the Jr. League Baseball Program. He asked the Council to give consideration to obtaining City owned land for the 1 1 J R9 August 16, 1966 cont'd A letter of resignation from Austin Shaw was read, in which he resigned from the History Board. A letter from Rev. Don Hardenbrook was read in which he apolo- ized for not being at the August 2, 1966, meeting to give the invocation due to unforeseen circumstances. A letter from Charles H. Odegaard, Director of the Washington State Parks & Recreation Commission was read in which he ex- pressed his appreciation for the hospitality provided at the recent meeting of the Parks Commission which was held in Ana- cortes. The letter also stated that they were in agreement with the City of Anacortes in the need for coordination con- cerning the proper development of Heart Lake, and stating that they would try to have a meeting set up to discuss various possibilities on this matter as soon as possible. The bids on the L.I.D: #162 were opened. There was one bid presented from the Statewide City Employees Retirement System in the amount of $10,000.00 accompanied by a Good Faith deposit of %500.00. Motion by Mr. Rice and seconded by Mr. Perry that this bid be accepted. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, Strom. Motion carried. A proposed resulution was read by City Attorney Wells author- izing the issuance, sale, and delivery from time to time of preliminary loan notes for delivery -pursuant to requisition agreements, in connection with Urban Renewal Project No. Wash. R-15. Motion by Mr. Perry, seconded by Mr. Peck that this re- solution be adopted and given Resolution No, 1788. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, Strom. Motion carried. A proposed resolution was read by City Attorney Wells author- izing filing of application for grant to acquire'..open-space land. Mr. Gordon Logan gave a resume of what this resolution would cover stating that the City of Anacortes desires to ac- quire pewmanent interest to certain land known as Causland Park Extension, Thirty-second Street Playfield, Heart Lake Park Ex- tention, Guemes Park, and Ship Harbor/Shannon Point Park, which land in to be held and used for permanent open -space land for general outdoor recreational and high density recreational uses. Mr. Logan indicated that this program had been under discussion for the Mast year with the City Council and all the various boards and committees of the City. Motion by Mr. Peck and seconded by Mr. Perry that this resolution be adopted and given Resolution No. 179. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, Strom. Motion carried. purpose of {paking baseball fields. He stated that at the present time they were using school properties for this pur- pose, but thought that the City should have fields of their own. Mr. Andy Sloww addressed the Council stating he felt that the City owned enough land so that some of it could be used for this purpose. Mayor Ford stated he was sure most everyone was in sympathy with the Jr. Baseball program and that consideration would be given to this in the establishing of the open -space program for the City of Anacortes. A letter was read from Mr. P. J. McKay, District Engineer of the Washington State Highway Commission stating he was leaving the service of that department and expressing his thanks and appreciation for the assistance and cooperation he had re- ceived from members of the Engineering staff in Anacortes. He stated that Mr. W. M. Foster would be taking over in his place and'asked to have the same consideration and cooperation given to Mr. Foster that had been given to him. A letter of resignation from Austin Shaw was read, in which he resigned from the History Board. A letter from Rev. Don Hardenbrook was read in which he apolo- ized for not being at the August 2, 1966, meeting to give the invocation due to unforeseen circumstances. A letter from Charles H. Odegaard, Director of the Washington State Parks & Recreation Commission was read in which he ex- pressed his appreciation for the hospitality provided at the recent meeting of the Parks Commission which was held in Ana- cortes. The letter also stated that they were in agreement with the City of Anacortes in the need for coordination con- cerning the proper development of Heart Lake, and stating that they would try to have a meeting set up to discuss various possibilities on this matter as soon as possible. The bids on the L.I.D: #162 were opened. There was one bid presented from the Statewide City Employees Retirement System in the amount of $10,000.00 accompanied by a Good Faith deposit of %500.00. Motion by Mr. Rice and seconded by Mr. Perry that this bid be accepted. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, Strom. Motion carried. A proposed resulution was read by City Attorney Wells author- izing the issuance, sale, and delivery from time to time of preliminary loan notes for delivery -pursuant to requisition agreements, in connection with Urban Renewal Project No. Wash. R-15. Motion by Mr. Perry, seconded by Mr. Peck that this re- solution be adopted and given Resolution No, 1788. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, Strom. Motion carried. A proposed resolution was read by City Attorney Wells author- izing filing of application for grant to acquire'..open-space land. Mr. Gordon Logan gave a resume of what this resolution would cover stating that the City of Anacortes desires to ac- quire pewmanent interest to certain land known as Causland Park Extension, Thirty-second Street Playfield, Heart Lake Park Ex- tention, Guemes Park, and Ship Harbor/Shannon Point Park, which land in to be held and used for permanent open -space land for general outdoor recreational and high density recreational uses. Mr. Logan indicated that this program had been under discussion for the Mast year with the City Council and all the various boards and committees of the City. Motion by Mr. Peck and seconded by Mr. Perry that this resolution be adopted and given Resolution No. 179. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, Strom. Motion carried. F140 August 16, 1966 cont'd A proposed contract with Mr. Ralph Davis for ate -Use Appraisals for the Anacortes Industrial Park area was explained by the City Manager. The contract calls for an amount which shall in no event exceed two thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars, ($2,950.00) Motion by Mr. Perry, seconded by Dr. Nicholson, that this contract be accepted/ Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nisholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, Stroma Motion carried. A proposed Ordinance was read by City Attorney Wells which amends Section 5 of Ordinance No. 1400 of the City of Anacortes, passed and approved on the last day of March, 1966, to change the code reference numbers for said ordinance from 6-7.01 through 6-7.05 to 6-8.01 through 6-8.04, and changing the code reference numbers as set forth in the individual sections of said ordinance. Motion by Mr. Perry and seconded by Mr. Peck, that this Ordinance be adopted and gdven Ordinance No. 1408. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, Strom. Motion carried. Bids on Lime and Chlorine for coming year were read: Lime Bids Pacific Lime Co...........:......$28.75 per ton Ash Grove Lime Co ................ 30.50 per ton Van Waters and Rogers............ 30.00 per ton Chlorine Bids Van Waters & Rogers.....$80.00 per ton - - 1 ton Cylinder 12.50 CWT........ 150# cylinder Pennsalt Chemicals...... 80.00 per ton... 1 ton " 12.50 CWT ...... 150# Hooker Chemicals........ 80.00 per ton... 1 ton " 12.50 CWT ...... 150# " Motion by Mr. Rice and seconded by Mr. Peck that Lime bid be awarded to Pacific Lime Co., and Chlorine bid to Hooker Chemicals. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, Strom. Motion carried. Mayor Ford stated that Lawrence Brewster and Nancy Reinstra had been recommended as appointments to the Citizens Advisory Board. Motion by Mr. Peck, seconded by Dr. Nicholson, that these appointments be made. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, Strom. Motion carried. The City Manager presented the Treasurer's report for month of July 1966: Receipts ................$923►074.99 Disbursements........... 8989104.00 Cash Balance............ 554,844.08 Investments............1,343,217.77 Special claims were presented on the Whistle Lake Reservoir Project #3297 from Stevens, Thompson, Runyan and Ries for engineering services in the amount of $13,031.25, and on the Water Transmission Line Project #3344 in the amount of $5,361.80. Motion by Mr. Peck and seconded by Mr. Perry that these claims be allowed and warrants issued for same. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, Strom. Motion carried. Special Claim on L.I.D. #160 to R. L. Kirkpatrick for survey work in the amount of $734.25. Motion by Mr. Rice, seconded by Mr. Perry that this claim be allowed and warrant issued for same. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Strom. Nayes- Peck. Motion carried. Special Claims on LID. $161 to R. L. Kirkpatrick for survey work in the Amount of $1,827.15 and to Concrete Nor'West in the amount of $139.17 for materials. Motion by Mr. Perry, 1 1 1 LJ 1 1 141 August 16, 1966 seconded by Dr. Nicholson that these claims be allowed and warrants issued for same. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice Ford. Nayes - Peck. Abstain - Strom. Motion carried. Regular claims for the first half of August 1966 were presented: Salaries .......... $10,360.00 Expenses.......... 61,418.97 Motion by Mr. Perry, seconded by Dr. Nicholson that these claims be allowed and warrants issued for same. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Pecko Strom. Motion carried. City Manager reported: That present Neighborhood Youth Corps program would terminate September 15, 1966, and that we were asking for av extension of this program to run from September 15, 1966, to August 1, 1967. Gave a report on all the work that had been accomplished by the Youth Corps so far. Gave a report on the Urban Renewal Program outlining the work being done at present time by Mr. Logan and Mr. Martin, and explained the steps necessary to finalize the purchase of pro- perties in this area and the making of relocation and adjustment payments. Requested that anyone in this area having problems or questions on the appraisals of their property to come into the office at City Hall and discuss them. A motion was made by Mr. Peck and seconded by Mr. Rice that Police Chief Beebe's request for a years extension of his employment be granted. Some discussion followed this motion,as some of the Councilmen felt they needed more time to consider this request. Mr. Peck asked the City Attorney if a special meeting of the Council could be held on this question, and if a legal decision could be made at a special meeting. City Attorney said that in a case of this kind he knew of no reason why this could not be done. Mr. Peck stated that upon the City Attorney's advise that he would withdraw his motion with the understanding that a special meeting he held before September 1, 1966. The date of Tuesday, August 30th, 1966, was set up for this special City Council meeting to be held. A motion by Mr. Perry and seconded by Mr. Peck that the meeting be adjourned. Roll: All Ayes. Meeting adjourned at 9:05 P.M. Kathryn Loiry City Clerk Pro Tem Special Meeting Anacortes City Council August 30, 1966 MV �. A special meeting of the Anacortes City Council was held August 30th, 1966. Meeting was called to order by Mayor Jesse Ford. Roll: Robert Perry, L. E. Nicholson, James Rice, Jesse Ford, Marion Peck, Don McDugle, E. A. Strom. Mayor Ford stated that the sole purpose of the Special Meeting was to consider the request of Police Chief Beebe in which he asked for another year's extension of his employment, as is August 30, 1966 cont'd required by the Statewide City Employee's Retirement System, after a uniformed personnel has reached attained age of 55• Motion made by Marion Peck and seconded by James Rice that one year's employment extension be granted to Marvin Beebe. Roll: Ayes - Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Nayes - Perry. Motion was not carried, as this type of motion required an unanimous ballot. Mayor Ford stated that Marvin Beebe would be retired from the Police Department as of Sept- ember 1, 1966.. Motion by Dr. Nicholson and seconded by Mr. Perry that meeting be adjourned. Roll: All ayes. I&Kathryn Lo%ury City Clerk Pro Tem September 6, 1966 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Ford. Invocation was presented by Rev. James Workman of the First Methodist Church. Roll Call: Robert Perry, Dr. L. E. Nicholson, James Rice, Jesse Ford, Marion Peck, Don McDugle, Dr. E. A. Strom. Mayor Ford requested the Council's pleasure on the minutes of the August 16th, 1966, meeting. Motion by Mr. Rice and seconded by Mr. Perry that minutes be approved as if read. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. 1 1 Mayor Ford called for guest hearings. Mr. Ray Iversen addressed the Council stating that he had turned in a petition of protest to the city authorities regarding interference of television reception caused by radiation leakage from the Laquipment of the Television Cable Company. A number of people present also stated that they were having interference on their TV sets from the cable. Com- plaints were voiced by Mr. and Mrs. Langford White, Mr. Ray Simpson, Mr. George Flippo and Mr. C. Bergeson. Mr. Opperman from the TV Cable Company was present and stated that thousands of dollars worth of new equipment had been installed in the Ana- cortes area trying to eliminate this problem, and also stated that further equipment had been ordered and should be arriving around September 15th, and would be installed at once. Mr. Jim Bozeman, technician for the TV Cable Company explained what this new equip- ment was and also stated that it should eliminate a lot of the problems. Mr. Opperman and Mr. Bozeman said this equipment should be installed by October 1, 1966. Mr. Jim Sinclair addressed the Council and suggested that the TV Cable Company be given a chance to correct the problem. Mayor Ford stated that the City would wait until October lst, and see what had been accomplished by the TV Cable Company in the way of trying to solve this problem. September 6, 1966 Cont'd Mayor Ford read a letter from the Assembly of God Church in which they expressed their approval and appreciation for the efforts put forth to bring the Aluminum Plant to this vicinity. A letter was read from Mrs. R. C. Barton, Chairman of the Allied Performing Arts of the 1966 An.acortes Arts and Crafts Festival, in which she thanked the City for allowing them the use of the ballroom facil- ities on August 7th, 1966. A letter was read from Bell Intercon- tinental Corporation., in which they thanked the City for the tele- gram sent to them in regards to the Aluminum Plan.t. Mayor Ford announced that there would be a meeting of the Legislative District Committee in Lynden on October 13th, 1966. Mayor Ford explained about the Special Meeting of the City Council which was held on August 30, 1966. The purpose of that meeting was to consider the request of Marvin Beebe for one years extension of his employment, as is required by the Statewide City Employee's Retirement System, after a. uniformed personnel has reached attained age of 55. At this meeting it was the understanding of the Council- men that any action on this required an unanimous vote. A motion was made and seconded that Mr. Beebe be granted one years extension. The resultcf the vote being six (6) Ayes and one (1) Nay. Since that meeting considerable discussion has arisen as to whether or not this required an unanimous vote or just a majority vote of the Council. A letter from Statewide City Employees Retirement System would indicate that a majority vote is all that is necessary. Mr. Ford stated that the City cannot directly ask the Attorney General for an opinion on this, but they can write the Division of Mun- icipal Corporation through the Auditor's office and request them to ask the Attorney General. Mayor Ford asked City Attorney Wells for his opinion on the matter. Attorney Wells stated that in his opinion the Council had voted to retain Mr. Beebe -for another year, however, he suggested that the City try to get an•opinion from the Attorney General. Mayor Ford stated that if there were no objection that the City Attorney, City Manager, The Mayor, and the Mayor Pro Tem would gettogether and write a letter to the Division of Mun- icipal Corporation and ask them to request an opinion from the Attorney General. In the meantime Mr. Beebe would remain on the City payroll. A motion was made by Dr. Strom and seconded by Mr. Perry that this letter be written. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, McDugle, Strom. Nayes - Peck, Motion. carried. A number of people in the audience spoke on behalf of Mr. Beebe, commending the job he has done in the Police Department, among these being former police officers, Clyde Cook, and Lewis Willis. Other speaking on behalf of Mr. Beebe were Mr. D. Young, James Sinclair, Art Olson, Bob Broome, and Mr. Murphy. Marvin Beebe addressed the Council and thanked all the people who had supported him. He also asked for a clarification -on. his.job classification as he has never been given a permanent appointment as Police Chief, only as Acting Police Chief. Mr. Murphy asked Mr. Perry why he had voted not to retain Mr. Beebe. Mr. Perry replied that in his opinion he felt there was a lack of leadership and coordination in the Police Department, and after giving many hours of thought and consideration to the matter he voted the way he felt was right. Bids on the construction of L.I.D. #162 and the 23rd Street con- nection to this L.I.D. were read. There was only one•bid submitted. This was from Eerkes Contracting Company. Their bid on the L.I.D. #162 construction was for $5,665.00 and their bid on the 23rd Street connection was for $2,299.50. A letter from City Engineer Gallagher recommending that the Eerkes bids be accepted was read. Councilman McDugle asked the City Manager if he recommended that these bids be accepted. City Manager replied that he did. Motion by Mr. McDugle and seconded by Mr. Perry that the bid from Eerkes Contracting Company be accepted. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. 14 4 September 6, 1966 Cont'd Mayor Ford stated that the name of Guy Carroll had been recommended for appointment to the History Board. Motion by Dr. Nicholson seconded by Mr. Perry that this appointment be made. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. The names of Mrs. Darrell Palmer and Mrs. Phil McCracken were recommended as being appointed to the Citizen's Advisory Board. There was some discussion on Mrs. McCracken as she resides on Guemes Island. Mayor Ford stated that more information on the question of a resident from Guemes Island being on the Board should be obtained. Motion by Mr. Rice and seconded by Mr. Perry and Mr. Peck, that Mrs. Darrell Palmer be appointed to the Board. Roll: Ayes- Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. City Attorney Wells read a proposed Air Pollution Ordinance. This proposed Ordinance is a coordinated program between the City's and Skagit County. A motion made by Dr. Nicholson seconded by Mr. Perry, that September 20th, 1966 be set as a hearing date on this Ordinance. Roll: Ayes - Perry Nicholson., Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. Special Claims on L.I.D. #160 were presented: Eerkes Contracting Company ...... 15% retention. fee ... $ 585.94 Concrete Nor'west...............Materials........... 434.31 Sno-King Concrete Const. Co,....Curbs & Gutters..... 4,433.60 The bill from Sno-King Concrete Construction Company for curbs and gutters was accompanied by a statement from City Engineer Gallagher stating that the work was completed in accordance with the contract award and payment, except for a 15% retention was in order. Motion by Mr. Rice seconded by Mr. Perry, that the work be accepted and warrants issued for claimes against L.I.D. $160. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, McDugle, Strom. Nayes - Peck. Motion carried. Special claims on L.I.D. #161 were presented: Eerkes Contracting Co .......... 15% retention ........ $1,430.54 Concrete Nor'west..............Material............ 340.92 Sno-King Concrete Const.co..... Curbs & Gutters..... 4,502.87 The bill from Sno-King Concrete Construction Company, for curbs and gutters was accompanied by a statement from City Engineer Gallagher stating that the work was complete in accordance with the Contractaward and payment, except for a 15% retention was in order. Motion by Mr. Perry, seconded by Dr. Nicholson that the work be accepted and claims against L.I.D. #161 be paid. Roll: Ayes -Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, McDugle. Nayes - Peck, Strom. Motion carried. Dr. Strom stated that he was voting no an the claims on L.I.D. #161, as he is very much dissatisfied with the curbs that were put in. He stated that not enough consideration was given. to the people who live in this area., and that in his opinion the curbs are too high and the contour of the land in this area, is spoiled by the high rise of the curbs. Regular claims for the last half of August 1966 were presented: Salaries and Wages ........ $ 21,989.46 Expenditures .............. 247,440.52 Motion by Mr. Perry seconded by Dr. Nicholson that these claims be allowed and warrants drawn for same. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. 1 1 September 6, 1966 Cont'd City Manager Reported: Agreements were ready to be signed on final engineering study on Filter Plant, also, preliminary study on sanitary sewers for Cap Sante, and storm sewers for down town Anacortes. A proposed L.I.D. at 25th and "M" was under consideration. This would involve parts of 24th, 25th and 26th Streets. September 8th, 1966, was set up as a meeting date for the Council to have a study session on the proposed 1967 budget. Motion by Mr. Rice and seconded by Mr. Peck that adjourned. Roll: A11 Ayes. Meeting ad'^•^r^�' �+ Kathryn Lo4ry City Clerk Pro Tem September 20, 1966 meeting be -1n.hn D M 145 A regular meeting of the Anacortes City Council was called to order by Mayor Ford at 7:30 P.M., September 20, 1966. Invocation. was given. by Rev. R. J. McCullough, of,the Church of God. Roll Call: Robert Perry, Dr. L. E. Nicholson, James Rice, Jesse W. Ford Marion Peck, Don. H. McDugle, Dr. E. A. Strom. Mayor Ford requested Council's pleasure on minutes of September 6. 1966 meeting. Motion by Mr. Rice seconded by Dr. Nicholson, that minutes to approved as if read. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. City Manager Earl Diller stated there was an error in the Council minutes of August 16th, pertaining to the Chlorine Bids. Pennsalt Chemical Company bid was for $75.00 per ton instead of $80.00 per ton as was written. Motion by Mr. Perry seconded by Dr. Nicholson that minutes be amended and Pennsalt Chemical given the bid on chlorine at $75.00 per ton. Roll: Ayes -Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. Mayor Ford called for guest hearings: Mr. Robert Morris asked if under the new zoning ordinance whether or not political campaign posters could be put up on private property. Mayor Ford asked Inspector Bowen for an answer on this. Mr. Bowen replied that under the new zoning ordinance they were not permitted. Mr. Jack Harlow addressed the Council and asked what disposition had been made of Police Chief Beebe's request for a years extension of his employment. City Attorney Wells said that as of to date no reply had been received from the State Attorney General. Mayor Ford stated that the City wanted to do whatever was best for Marvin Beebe and whatever is best for the City of Anacortes and that it should be done in a correct and legal manner, and that no further action would be taken until such time as an opinion was forth coming from the Attorney General, and until such time Chief Be&be would be retained,.'on the city payroll. Mr. Steve Chicoratich asked if a letter of recommendation or an opinion. had been received from the Civil Service Board. Mayor Ford replied that an opinion from the Civil Service Board would not be applicable in this case as Mr. Beebe had reached the legal retirement age as set up by the Statewide City Employees Retirement System. Mr. W. B. Van Horn addressed the Council and said he was wondering how the vote would have gone had the City Council known at the time that a majority vote was required instead of an unanimous vote. Mr. Al McKee addressed the Council and stated there was a drainage problem in the neighborhood of his property on 4th Street between R and T Avenue. The problem had come about because of the fill that the Port has put in for their log dump. Councilman Peck stated that under the new code it was his understanding that the Port should have made provision for drainage in that area. Mayor Ford asked the City Manager to look into this situation.. Mr. Vince Yankacy addressed the Council stating that he had called the City Hall on four different occasions and asked to have -his street repaired: City Manager Diller explained,.that•'the City Street Department had been extremely busy working on the Hillcrest L.I.D. and that he was in hopes that by next week the Street Department would be in a position where they could take care of the maintenance work that needed doing. Councilman Peck asked to whom people in the Urban. Renewal area should register a complaint if they were not satisfied with the appraisal price of their property. City Manager Diller replied that they should come into the City Hall and talk to him or Mr. Gordon Logan, and then if no agreement could be reached that the San Francisco office would be contacted to see whether or not the pro- perty could be revaluated. Mrs. Lester Baird addressed the Council stating she was not satisfied with the price offered for her house, and that several other people she knew of in the Urban Renewal area were not satisfied with the price offered them, as it was not enough for them to go out and buy another house with. Mr. Gordon Logan explained how the appraisals were determined and stated that the City was concerned about relocating people who lived in this area and that every effort was being made to locate suitable homes that might be purchased at reasonable prices. Mayor Ford read a request from Frederick and Marjorie Ames asking for a property vacation of the west 10 or more feet of "V" Avenue between the North line of 3rd Street and the South line of the alley in Block 285 of the City of Anacortes. Motion by Mr. Rice seconded by Mr. Perry that this request be turned over to the Planning Com- mission. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. Mayor Ford read a letter from the Federal Communications Commission in reply to a letter Mr. Diller had written them concerning the matter of interference to television reception, allegedly from incidental radiation originating with the distribution system of Skagit TV Cable Company. The letter stated that the matter had been brought to the attention -of Mr. Frank Cohee, Vice President of Telecable, Inc., and Mr. Cohee felt that as a result of activities they were scheduling for the week of September llth, the problems of interference would be satisfactorily resolved. Mayor Ford read a petition of protest signed by fourteen property owners who reside in the area covered by L.I.D. #161. The petition stated that the property owners felt that very serious engineering mistakes had been made bringing about a condition. which would re- sult in detriment to the value of their property. They stated that the grades and street levels as laid out seriously damage much of the property in that area. The petition asked that the Council insist that the engineering be reaccomplished and the curb levels be made to conform more with existing properties and thereby enhance the value of the streets covered by this L.I.D. Councilman Strom who resides in this area stated that his name should have been on the petition as he also is very much dissatisfied with the engineering job done on this L.I.D. 1 1 1 147 September 20, 1966 Cont'd Councilman Strom stated that the aesthetics of the landscaping. had been completely destroyed. Mr. Ben Nelson expressed his dissatisfaction with the job also. City Manager Diller stated that as soon as the paving was completed the Street Department would go in and put in fills where it was required and put in some rockeries and dress up the yards behind the curbs. Also that any driveways that had previously been asphalted would be re -asphalted and gravel driveways would be re -graveled. Council- man Perry asked if the entire City Council could set a time and date and go and look over this area, before the paving was done. Wednesday September 21, 1966 at 5:00 P.M. was set for the Council to do this. Mrs. Anne Olson who resides in this area expressed her dissatisfaction with the job and invited the Council to stop at her house for coffee on their inspection trip. Mayor Ford called for a. public hearing on the proposed Air Pol- lution Ordinance. This proposed Ordinance is a coord:.nateo-pro- gram between the.Cities in the County and Skagit County-.- Attorney Wells read -the proposed.ordinance. Mayor Ford called -for comments from the audience. Mr. Clair Heilman asked if this ordinance included water pollution. Mayor Ford replied that at the present time water pollution was under State regulations. Mr. Heilman stated that he thought this ordinance was a good step forward.but in his opinion not inclusive enough. Mayor Ford explained how the District would be set up with a Board of Directors consisting of three members. One member would be a County Commissioner, one a City Mayor, and the third member would be selected by the first two, and it had been suggested that the third member be a. Mayor also. The Board of Directors would then set up an. Advisory Council consisting of five members. Mayor Ford recommended that the City of Anacortes get into this program. A motion by Mr. Rice seconded by Mr. Peck that the Air Pollution Ordinance be adopted and given Ordinance No. 1409. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. The City Manager asked for --the Council's approval for preliminary engineering study on the C p Sante Sewer System and Storm sewers in the Boat Haven area. Grant for this would be in the amount of $5,000.00. Motion by Dr. Nicholson seconded by Mr. Perry that approval be given. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. To comply with regulations in new zoning ordinance, Mayor Ford asked to have the following appointments to the Board of Adjustments re- confirmed: Ray Iversen, term to expire Sept. 20, 1969; Harry DeRemer, term to expire Sept. 20, 1967; Edward Trafton, term to expire Sept. 20, 1968 and Louis G rbrecht, term to expire Sept. 20, 1970. Motion by Dr. Nicholson seconded by Mr. Rice that these appointments be reconfirmed. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. The Claims Report for the first half of September 1966 was presented as follows: Wages and Salaries $ 9,768.00 Expenses 59,187.91 Upon approval by the Finance Committee a motion by Mr. Perry seconded by Mr. Rice that claims be allowed and warrants issued for same. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. The City Manager asked for the Council's approval to sign agreements with HUD for final engineering design on the Treatment Plant and Transmission facilities to Summit Park and March Point areas. The grant for this would be in the amount of $104,120..00. Motion by Mr. Rice seconded by Dr. Nicholson that approval be given. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. The City Manager asked for --the Council's approval for preliminary engineering study on the C p Sante Sewer System and Storm sewers in the Boat Haven area. Grant for this would be in the amount of $5,000.00. Motion by Dr. Nicholson seconded by Mr. Perry that approval be given. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. To comply with regulations in new zoning ordinance, Mayor Ford asked to have the following appointments to the Board of Adjustments re- confirmed: Ray Iversen, term to expire Sept. 20, 1969; Harry DeRemer, term to expire Sept. 20, 1967; Edward Trafton, term to expire Sept. 20, 1968 and Louis G rbrecht, term to expire Sept. 20, 1970. Motion by Dr. Nicholson seconded by Mr. Rice that these appointments be reconfirmed. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. The Claims Report for the first half of September 1966 was presented as follows: Wages and Salaries $ 9,768.00 Expenses 59,187.91 Upon approval by the Finance Committee a motion by Mr. Perry seconded by Mr. Rice that claims be allowed and warrants issued for same. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. September 20, 1966 Cont'd City Treasurer's report for montn of August 1966 was read. Receipts Disbursements Cash Balance Investments $850,242.95 726,470.73 678,616.30 994,o48.23 Mayor Ford issued a proclamation declaring the week of October 9-15, 1966 as Fire Prevention Week. Mayor Ford reminded Council- man of Legislative District Committee meeting to be hald in Lynden, Washington on October 13, 1966. Lt. Betz from the Whidbey Naval Air Station asked for permission to put up a banner across the street advertising the Naval Air Show. Premission granted. Motion by Mr. Peck seconded by Mr. Perry that meeting be adjourned. Roll: All Ayes. Meeting adjourned at 9:25 P.M. Kathryn L(Ywry City Clerk Pro Tem MINUTES OF SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 3, 1966 START ON PAGE 176 October 4, 1966 A regular meeting of the Anacortes City Council was called to order by Mayor Ford at 7:30 P.M., October 4, 1966. Invocation was given by Father Paul Auer of St. Mary's Church. Roll Call:. Robert Perry, Dr. L. E. Nicholson, James Rice, Jesse W. Ford, Marion Peck, Don H. McDugle, Dr. E. A. Strom. Mayor Ford requested the Council's pleasure on minutes of September 20, 1966 meeting. Motion by Mr. Rice seconded by Mr. Perry that minutes.be approved as if read. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck., McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. Mayor Ford called for guest hearings: Mrs. Moe asked when the light at 6th and "S" was going to be put up. Mrs. Moe also said that the 9th Street extension was in poor shape, and she also inquired about having a sidewalk installed on 4th Street. The City Manager said he would again contact the Power Company and find out when they would be able to put in the light at 6th and "S", and he would look into Mrs. Moe's other requests. Mayor Ford read a letter from Island Broadcasting Inc., written on behalf of the Retail Trade Promotion Committee in which they requested that no parking tickets be issued for the Christmas shopping period of November 28th through December 24th. Mayor Ford stated that if there were no objections from the Council he would assume that this could be arranged and he would turn the matter over to the City Manager. A letter was read from the Skagit County Auditor's Office in which they thanked the City for allowing them to use the City Hall to hold their Election Schools. A letter was read from the State Highway Commission in which they requested that the City give considered review and comments as to the merits of a proposal that the highway signing to the Anacortes and Whidbey Island area which is now directed over sign route 536 at Mt. Vernon, be changed to direct traffic off the Freeway near Burlington on SR 20. 1 I� October 4, 1966 Cont'd A letter was read from the State Attorney General's office which was written and signed by the Assistant Attorney General. This letter was in reply to a letter that the City had written in re- gards to the vote taken by the City Council on extending Marvin Beebe's employment for one year. The letter stated in part, "we are re- quired to refrain from issuing legal opinions directly on behalf of City Attorneys or other City Officers." Mr. Jack Harlow addressed the Council and asked what Mr. Beebe's status was and if this could not be settled without any more delay. Considerable discussion followed. Members of the audience addressing the Council on this matter were Jack Harlow, Clyde Cook, Alice Newland, Charles Young and Steven Chicoratich. In reply to questions asked about Civil Service status of the Police Officer's appointed temporarily the City Manager indicated that upon his request the Civil Service Board held a Special meeting to discuss police problems and status of all temporary Officers, and as a result of that meeting the Assistance Police Chief, Captain and Sergeant were given permanent appointments but the Chief's permanent appointment was not granted at that time because of circumstances and situations that are known to the Civil Service Board, Marvin Beebe, and the City Manager. Councilman Peck read a copy of a letter from the Civil Service Board addressed to the City Manager. The letter listed temporary appointments to the Police Department to be effective January 1, 1966, and stated that at the end of a six month period the City Manager could make a written request for permanent appointments. Mr. Peck asked the City Manager if he had complied with this re- quest. The City Manager indicated that he had not made the re- quest in writing. Mr. Peck, stated, "That is normal, it follows the same pattern." Mayor Ford then stated that the problem of the Police Chief would be resolved at the City Council meeting of October 18, 1966. A letter was read from the Skagit TV Cable Company in which they gave a summary of the steps that they have taken and are taking in attempting to remedy the TV Cable radiation within the City. Mr. Don Opperman, Manager of TV Cable Company was present in the audience and also gave a report on what they were doing. Mr. Opperman said that an extensive program of cable replacement has begun which will include that portion of line from 20th to 14th Streets on "M" Avenue. Also, cable will be completely replaced for 300 feet on both the Northeasterly and Southwesterly portions of all numbered streets from 20th to 14th, and that completion of cable replacement is expected to take no more than three weeks. A motion was made by Mr. Peck and seconded by Mr. McDugle that if this problem was not resolved within three weeks, that the City revoke the business license of the Cable Company. City Attorney Wells said that the City did not have authority to take such action. Mr. Peck withdrew his motion, and Mr. McDugle withdrew his second to the motion. Discussion from members of the audience followed. Mr. Ray Iversen stated he was still getting radiation on his TV and wanted something done about it immediately as the problem has been in existence for a year and no improvements have been accom- plished. The Citizen's Advisory Committee asked to have the following names approved as members of their Committee: Mrs. Anne McCracken, Mr. Ben Kolbe, and Dr. Milton Snyder. Motion by Mr. Rice, seconded by Mr. Perry that these three be appointed to the Citizen's -Advisory Committee. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, Strom. Abstain - McDugle. Motion carried. A proposed resolution was read by the City Attorney. This resol- ution would amend Section 4, ADVERTISING OF NOTES, of Resolution No. 178 of the City of Anacortes, adopted August 16, 1966, and entitled, "RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE, SALE AND DELIVERY FROM. TIME TO TIME OF PRELIMINARY LOAN NOTES, THE EXECUTION OF REQUISITION AGREEMENTS, AND THE EXECUTION OF PROJECT TEMPORARY LOAN NOTES FOR DELIVERY PURSUANT TO REQUISITION AGREEMENTS, IN CONNECTION WITH URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT NO. WASH. R-15,11to the extend 150 October 4, 1966 Cont'd the time for receipt of sealed proposals following the advertisement of the notice of sale of preliminary loan notes from 16 to 20 days. Motion by Mr. Rice seconded by Mr. Perry that this resolution be adopted and given RESOLUTION NO. 180. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. City Manager asked for permission to call for bids for a new Police Car. Motion by Mr. Peck seconded by Mr. Perry that permission be granted. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. City Manager asked for permission to call for bids for the paving of strip between 29th and "J" to 32nd and Heart Lake Road. Motion by Mr. Rice seconded by Mr. Perry that permission be granted. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. A resolution was read by City Attorney.Wells which would authorize the increasing of Employee's and City's contribution on Statewide City Employees Retirement System to be increased from $400.00 monthly to Full Compensation. M.tion by Mr. Rice seconded by Mr. Peck that this be adopted and given Resolution No. 181. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. Special Claim on L.I.D. #160 for 15% retention fee to Sno-King Construction Company in the amount of $782.40 was presented. Motion by Mr. Rice seconded by Mr. Perry that this claim be approved and warrant issued for same. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, McDugle, Strom. Nayes - Peck. Motion carried. Special Calim on L.I.D. #161 for 15% retention fee to Sno-King Construction Company in the amount of $2,383.88 was presented. Motion by Mr. Rice seconded by Mr. Perry that this claim be approved and warrant issued for same. Roll: Ayes -Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, McDugle. Na.yes - Peck, Strom. Motion carried. Expenditure claims for last half of September 1966 were presented as follows; Salaries and Wages .......... $17,622.87 Expenses .................... 71,495.30 Upon approval of the Finance Committee motion by Mr. Rice seconded by Mr. Perry that claims be approved and warrants issued for same. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. Motion by Mr. Peck seconded by Dr. Strom that meeting be adjourned Roll: All ayes. Meeting adjourned at 10:10 P.M. Kathryn Lo ry City Clerk Pro Tem MINUTES OF OCTOBER 18TH,1966 November 1, 1966 START ON PAGE 164 A regular meeting of the Anacortes City Council was called to order by Mayor Ford on November 1, 1966. The invocation was given by Rev. Neil Munro of the Westminister Presbyterian Church. 1 L7 1 15 t November 1, 1966 Cont'd Roll Call: Dr. L. E. Nicholson, Mr. James Rice, Mr. Jesse W. Ford, Mr. Marion Peck. Dr. E. A. Strom was excused from the meeting. Mr. Don McDugle and Mr. Robert Perry were absent due to illness. Mayor Ford requested the Council's pleasure on minutes of October 18, 1966 meeting. Motion by Mr. Peck seconded by Dr. Nicholson that minutes be approved as if read. Roll: Ayes - Nicholson, Rice Ford, Peck. Motion carried. Mayor Ford called for guest hearings: Mrs. Julia Moe thanked the City Council for having the street light installed at 6th and "S" Avenue. Mr. W. A. Hildebrand who resides at 619 - 38th Street addressed the City Council stating that he could not get to his house and also that the garbage pick-up truck could not get there. Mr. Hildebrand asked if it would not be possible to open up the alley in this area so that residents would have an approach to their homes. The City Manager replied that the Street Department had started to work on this but had accidently opened up a sewer line which had to be fixed up and then the area. had to be regraded again, and due to the recent heavy rains that they had not been able to get equip- ment in there to finish this. Mr. Hildebrand asked that this alley be graded properly and obstructions removed so that it can be used as an access to their homes. The City Manager stated that the Street Department had instructions to take care of this and it was just a matter of getting it scheduled in with the rest of their work. Mr. Ray Iversen addressed the City Council stating that there was no improvement in his TV reception, due to the radiation from the TV Cable. Mr. White addressed the Council and stated that his TV problems had been cured. Mr. Don Opperman from the TV Cable Company addressed the Council stating that the work they had previously out- lined to the Council had all been accomplished as per schedule. Mr Opperman said, they could find no radiation leak by Mr. Iversen's home and that he was going to ask the Federal Communications Com- mission to send an official up here and have him look at Mr. Iversen's TV with the cable both on and off and see if they could find an answer to the problem that Mr. Iversen is still having. Mr. Jack Harlow addressed the City Council asking what the status of Marvin Beebe was. Mayor Ford replied that Mr. Beebe was to re- port for work November 2, 1966. Mr. Harlow then asked in what position he would be returning. Mayor Ford stated it was the same position as before. Mr. Harlow asked if Mr. Beebe would be given a permanent appointment as Police Chief. Mayor Ford replied that he did not know. The City Manager stated that when Mr. Beebe returns to work that it would be a. matter of Mr. Beebe showing the Citizens, the Civil Service Board and the City Manager, that all internal problems that exist were being worked out in a satisfactory matter, and if these problems were resolved so that the Police Department was giving the Citizens of the City the best possible service that can be had, that there would be no reason why Mr. Beebe could not be given a permament appointment. Councilman Peck stated that he was not in agreement with the City Manager and in his opinion the City Manager was in violation of Section 41.12.040 of the State Laws. Councilman Peck read a letter from Phillip H. Austin, Assistant Attorney General. The letter stated that a simple majority vote of a City Council was all that was necessary'to grant employment extension to employees who had reached retirement age. Mr. Peck also read an excerpt from the City Council minutes of September 16, 1958, which read as follows: "Mr. French advised the Council that.Chief of Police Goff had resigned, effective today in order that he may spend his time electioneering for the Sheriff's position of Skagit County. Mr. French said, also that he had accepted the resignation and that he had appointed Marvin Beebe presently the Assistant Chief of Police to take Mr. Goff's pla.ce." Mr. Young addressed the Council and said that he thought the Council should get on the ball and appoint Marbin Beebe as permanent Chief. Mayor Ford replied that it was not -up to the City Council but to the Civil Service Board. The 11.52 November 1, 1966 Cont'd City Manager stated that Mr. Beebe or any member of the Police Department who had problems they would like to have resolved should take them to the Civil Service Board for adjudication. Mayor Ford read a letter from a. group of business men and property owners in the area. of 15th Street and Commercial Avenue which asked the City to give consideration to installing a traffic light at that corner due to the increased flow of traffic and pedestrains crossing at that point. Mayor Ford turned this over to the City Manager and Safety Committee. The City Manager stated that a request had gone to the State Highway Department for this but no reply bas been received as yet. The City Manager also reported that a report from the Highway Department on the proposed traffic code for Anacortes has not been received. City Attorney Wells read a proposed Ordinance appropriating City revenues for 1967 as set forth in the separate budget Ordinance, approved October 3rd, and listing total expenditures of $4,377,987• Motion by Mr. Rice seconded by Dr. Nicholson that this Ordinance be adopted and given Ordinance No.1412. Roll: Ayes - Nicholson, Rice, Ford. Nayes - Peck. Motion carried. Rev. Neil Munro representing the housing sub -committee of the Citizen's Advisory Committee discussed the problem of housing for the elderly. Rev. Munro said that the committee was in the provess of gathering specific information and plans regarding the housing needs in this area.. As soon as this information is all gathered Rev. Munro requested a study sessions be held with the City Council to discuss various phases of this. Rev. Munro also said they would like to see some form of a local Housing Authority set up. The proposed agreement between the Port of Anacortes and the . City of Anacortes on a joint working agreement onconstruction in the Urban Renewal Area which had been tabled from the previous Council meeting was again tabled, until it could be rewritten and more explicitly state just what facilities would be built and paid for by the City of Anacortes and what would be paid for by the Port of Anacortes. Mayor Ford requested the Council's pleasure on request of Water Department to call for bids on purchase of new Backhoe. Motion by Mr. Rice seconded by Mr. Peck that permission be granted. Roll: Ayes- Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck. Motion. carried Mayor Ford requested the Council's pleasure on request to call for facts and features on various plans of medical insurance for City Employees, which the City will be providing for employees in 1967. Motion by Mr. Rice seconded by Dr. Nicholson that request be granted. Roll: Ayes - Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck. Motion carried. Special claims against L.I.D. #160 were presented as as follows: Richard & Janis Maurer ..................$ 800.00 Marine Asphalt for crushed top course... 1401.82 Marine Asphalt for 95% of Paving........ 5206.76 $7408.58 .01 Certification from Wm. F. Gallagher, City Engineer, was read and stated that the furnishing of these materials and work involved had been completed in accordance with the contract and payment except for a 15% retention was in order. Motion by Mr. Rice seconded by Dr. Nicholson that claims on L.I.D. #160 be paid. Roll: Ayes - Nicholson, Rice, Ford. Nayes - Peck. Motion ca.rried. 1 1 1 153 November 1, 1966 Conttd Special claims against L.I.D. #161 were presented as follows: Marine Asphalt for crushed top course..... ... $4,748.10 Marine Asphalt for 95% of Paving.............17,467.84 $22,215.94 Certification from Wm. F. Gallagher, City Engineer, was read and stated that the furnishing of these xpaterials and work involved had been completed in accordance with the contract and payment except for a 15% retention was in order. Motion by Mr. Rice seconded by De. Nicholson that claims on L.I.D. 7#161 be paid. Roll: Ayes - Nicholson Rice, Ford, Peck. Motion carried. Special claims against L.I.D. #162 were presented as follows: Eerkes Contracting Company .................$ 5,057.35 Certification from Wm. F. Gallagher, City Engineer, was read and stated that the furnishing of materials and work involved had been completed in accordance with the contract and payment ex- cept for a 15% retention was in order. Motion by Mr. Rice seconded by Dr. Nicholson that claims be paid. Roll: Ayes - Nicholson, Rice, Ford, XXX0&XXX =X06-X0Y20$ . Nayes - Peck. Motion carried. Regular claims for last half of October 1966 were presented as follows: Salaries & Wages ...................$ 18,244.38 Expenses.,.... ...................... 72,093.03 Upon approval of the Finance Committee, motion by Dr. Nicholson seconded by Mr. Rice that claims be paid. Roll: Ayes - Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck. Motion carried. Wm. F. G llagher, City Engineer, gave a report on a meeting of the Legislative Committee on Highways which he had attended on Friday, October 28th. At this meeting representatives from various counties had an opportunity to state their problems and suggest improvements they would like to see accomplished in their various counties. The City Manager sppke on Initiative #226 telling what could be accomplished in the City of Anacortes if this passes at the November 8th, election. A request from Simplex Wire and Cable Company to conduct cable tests off Sunset Beach was presented. A Motion. by Mr. Peck seconded by Mr. Rice that this permission be granted provided the Park Board was agreeable and also provided the Simplex Company would sign a letter releasing the City of Ana.cortes from any liability that might result. Roll: Ayes - Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck. Motion carried. Motion by Mr. Peck seconded by Mr. Rice that meeting be adjourned. Roll: All Ayes - Meeting adjourned at 9:50 P.M. Kathryn Lley M yo City Clerk Pro Tem Continuation of paragraph four (4) on page 152 Mr. Peck stated that he voted no on raise for the City Manager and that Manager was worth what he is getting _f � �5c�'L�r Kathryn Lowry City Clerk Pro Tem this because of the stupendous he did not believe the City now. r' Mayo(� 154 November 15, 1966 A regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Ford on November 15, 1966. The invocation was given by Rev. Ole Jokisaari of the Pilgrim United Church of Christ. Roll Call: Robert Perry, Dr. L. E. Nicholson, Mr. James Rice, Mr. Jesse Ford, Mr. Marion Peck, Mr. Don H. McDugle. Dr. E. A. Strom entered the meeting late. Mayor Ford requested the Council's pleasure on minutes of November 1,, 1966 meeting. Motion by Mr. Rice seconded by Mr. Perry that minutes be approved as if read. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice Ford Peck, McDugle. Motion carried. Mayor Ford called for guest hearings: There were none. A letter from the Skagit Apline Club was read in which they re- quested permission to clean up debris, broken glass, etc., on Mt. Erie on Sunday, November 20, 1966. Motion by Mr. Perry seconded by Mr. Rice that permission be granted for the Skagit Alpine Club to do this. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle. Motion carried. A letter from the Department of Housing and Urban Development was read in which they stated that they had recertified Anacortes' Workable Program for Community Improvement. This new approval to be effective until October 1, 1967. The City Manager gave a report on a meeting he had had with the Port of Anacortes in regards to a. sidewalk on 4th Street between "R" and "T" Avenues. He stated that the Port was receptive to the idea of paying the cost of a cement sidewalk 5' wide and some 300 plus feet long, providing the City would grade the base. The City Manager stated that he had also contacted the Railroad about their portion of the sidewalk which would be approximately another 300'. The man he talked to at the Railroad said that a letter should be written to the Railroad Company to be processed through their normal channels, in order to find out what action they would take. Mrs. Alice Newland asked if the Railroad could also be contacted about putting in warning signals at the 4th Street crossing. Mayor Ford referred this to the Safety Committee for their study recommendation. The proposed specifications for Medical Insurance Plan for City Employees was read by the City Manager. The main features of these specifications asked for $29.00 a day for hospital room and board; surgical expense of $450.00; office and hospital treatment by physician $5.00 per call; X-ray and Laboratory $50.00; major medical $10,000.00 and a $2,000.00 Life Insurance Policy. Motion by Mr. Rice seconded by Mr. Perry that a bid call be put out based on the stated specifications. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle. Motion carried. The bids on a new police car were read as follows: Charles Fund Ford Sales, Inc., $2,760.99 including sales tax; Swenson Motor Company, $2,682.63 including sales tax; and Trulson Motor Company, $2,790.48 including sales tax. Councilman Peck asked if the specifications had called for disc brakes. The City Manager replied that the specs had not called for this. Councilman Peck stated.that in his opinion he thought all Police cars should be equipped with disc brakes, as it is an extra measure,of safety. Motion by Mr. Rice seconded by Dr. Nicholson that the low bid from Swenson Motor Company be accepted. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, McDugle. Nayes - Peck. Motion carried. 1 1 1 155 November 15, 1966 Cont'd The City Manager asked for Council approval to advertise for proposals to purchase structures for demolition or moving. This pertains to the structure which have been purchased by the Urban Renewal Agency. The City Manager stated that any houses that were purchased to be moved to another location that the purchaser would be required to sign a performance bond. This bond would require that the house be brought up to standards of the Uniform Housing Code, and completed within a certain specified time. Motion by Mr. Rice seconded by Mr. Perry that permission be granted to advertise for such proposals. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle. Motion carried. City Attorney Wells stated that the Ordinance appropriating City Revenues for 1967 as set forth in the separate budget Ordinance which was voted on at the November 1st meeting, would have to be voted on again, due to the absence of three Councilmen at that meetin. The Ordinance calls for a total expenditure of $4,377,987.00 for the year 1967. Motion by Mr. Rice seconded by Mr. Perry that this Ordinance be adopted and given Ordinance No. 1412. Roll: Ayes Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, McDugle. Nayes - Peck. Motion carried. Councilman Peck stated he was voting "No" for the same reasons he gave before, which are stated in the Council Minutes of the November 1, 1966 meeting. The Treasurer's report for the month of October 1966 was presented as follows: Receipts...................$1,120,733.17 Disbursements .............. 1,067,213.15 Ca.sh balance ............... 719,216.25 Investments ................ 1,628,465.55 The Claims Report for the first half of November was presented as follows: Salaries ...................$ 9,635.00 Expenses ................... 35 667.47 Upon approval of the Finance Committee, a motion by Mr. Perry seconded by Dr. Nicholson that claims be allowed and warrants issued for same. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle. Motion carried. City Manager's Report: 1. Gave report on trip he and Mr. Logan made to San Francisco to meet with Urban Renewal people, at which time they had a general discussion on all Urban Renewal problems, and also on housing for the elderly. After this meeting the City Manager went to Phoeniz, Arizona, to attend the annual meeting of the International City Managers Association. This meeting was, attended by City Managers from all over the world. At this meeting Mr. Dave Rowlands, City Manager from Tacoma was elected President of the Association. 2. Report on application City of Anacortes has made for Open - Space Land Project. A letter from the Department of Housing and Urban Development has been received in which they acknowledge receipt of our application for Federal assistance in this program, and giving authorization to start negotiations on land purchases. If our application is approved 50% of the cost would be financed by the Federal Government, and the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation of the State of Washington would finance 25%, leaving 25% .to be financed by the City. The City Manager asked for per- mission to start negotiations on the land purchase especially the Causland Park addition, the Ships Harbor -Shannon Point area and Guemes Island. There were no objections from the Council. 3. Report on proposed agreement between Port of Ana.cortes and City of Anacortes. This is a joint working agreement on cons- truction in the Urban Renewal Area which has previously been tabled until such time as it can be rewritten to bonform with X56 November 15, 1966 Cont'd specifications suggested by Department of Housing and Urban Development. The City Manager stated that he had a letter from the Corps of Engineers in regard to a proposed survey of a barge channel in Fida.lgo Bay under the authority con- tained in Section 107 of the 1960 River and Harbor Act. If this survey is successful and approved, the Corps of Engi- neers could spend up to $500,000, on dredging a barge channel. In order for this to be accomplished the City would have to meet certain requirements such as (a) provide, without cost to the U.S., all lands easements and rights-of-way required for construction (b) Provide and maintain at local expense, adequate public terminal and transfer facilities open to all (c) hold and save the U.S. free from damages that might re- sult from construction and subsequent maintenance (d) provide and maintain without cost to the U.S. depths in berthing areas and local access channels serving theterminals commen- surate with the depths provided in the related project areas (e) accomplish without cost to the U.S. such alterations as required in sewer, water supply, drainage, and other utility facilities as well as their maintenance (f) provide a cash contribution toward the project for all Federal construction costs in excess of the $5000,000-00- 4. City Manager reported that the City Hall Building has been inspected by the State Fire Marshall in conjunction with the activities planned by the Anacortes Community Theatre in their use of the City Hall Auditorium. Several suggestions were made as to what would be required to bring the building up to standards to meet the State Fire Code, some of these require- ments being one hour fire walls, and direct entrances and exits from 6th Streets. The funds the ACT group has would not be adequate to meet the entire expense, and the City Manager suggested the possibility of the City using some of the funds they have allocated for remodeling and painting of the building. 5. City Manager presented a request from a home owner to hook up to the City Sewer system. The property is located at California and 2nd Street. It would cost the property owner approximately $500.00 to tie directly into -the Oakes Avenueline. The City Manager suggested that if there were no objections the City could install a sewer line down the alley for an approximate cost of $1,095.00. The property owner would pay his $500.00 and the balance would be paid by the City. No objections were voiced. 6. At the request of Councilman Peck the City Manager gave a report on the status of Marvin Beebe. The City Manager stated that he had had a meeting with the Civil Service Board and that as a result of that meeting and upon the advise of the City Attorney that a letter had been written to Marvin Beebe officially notifying him of his permanent appointment as Chief of Police. The letter to Mr. Beebe also contained a list of recommendations pertaining to the administration of the Police Department. Council Peck reported that there were no white center lines on the pavement on 24th and 29th Streets between "M" Avenue. City Attorney asked to be excused from the December 6th, meeting. Permission granted. Motion by Dr. Nicholson seconded by Mr. Peck that meeting be adjourned. Roll: All Ayes. Meeting adjourned at 8:55 .M. G� r I Kathryn Lo ry City Clerk Pro Tem l Ma or , 1 . 1 1 1 157 December 6, 1966 A regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem James Rice on December 6, 1966 at 7:30 P.M. The invocation was given by Mr. Rex Mitchell from the Church of Christ. Roll Call: Dr. L. E. Nicholson, Mr. James Rice, Mr. Marion Peck, Mr. Don H. McDugle, Dr. E. A. Strom. Mayor Ford was excused to attend another meeting, and Councilman Perry entered the meeting late. Mr. Rice requested the Council's pleasure on minutes of November 15, 1966, meeting. Motion by Mr. Peck seconded by Dr. Nicholson that minutes be approved as if read. Roll: Ayes - Nicholson, Rice, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. Mr. Rice called for guest hearings: Mrs. Julia Moe reported there was a drainage problem at 6th and "T" Avenue. The City Manager said that since the Port had filled in their property there that the water run-off from Cap Sante was running in there and there wasn't any place for it to drain. Councilman Peck asked if it wouldn't be the responsibility of the Port to remedy this situation, and asked the City Manager to talk to the Port officials about this problem. A letter from Mr. R. Boyd of the Great Northern Railway was read in regards to the installation of a sidewalk on 4th Street. The letter stated that the matter was being taken up with the Railroad officials and a reply should be forthcoming in a couple of weeks. A proposed Emergency Ordinance on the Sanitary Collection was read. The increased amount of refuse collected exceeded earlier estimates, and a change in collection charges to the collector from '75% of the billing to 78-21% of the billing have resulted in the need for add- itional revenue in the budget to cover this. December 20, 1966 was set up as a public hearing date and Council action on this proposed ordinance. Recommendations from the Planning Commission were read as follows: 1. To change C-2 Commercial Primary Uses to include Retail Sales and Services and included other activities that were not included previously. (b) Accessory Uses to allow expansion of existing residences to allow advertising signs. (c) Allow suitable landscape, instead of continuous planting for trailer parks. (d) To increase the allowance for buildings to cover 50% of the property. 2. Change of the Official Zoning Map from C-2 Commercial to R-3 Residential, the a.rea. between 12th Street and 15th Street and "M" Avenue and Commercial Avenue. 3. Change of Official Zoning Map from M-1 Light Manufacturing to C-2 Commercial, the area between 14th Street and 20th Street and Commercial Avenue and the Great Northern Rail- road right-of-way. The Councilmen were in favor of having a study session with the Planning Commission before taking any action on this and the date of December 14th, 1966, was set up for this meeting. On the bid call for a Backhoe for the Water Department only one bid was received. This bid was from the Ohlson Tractor & Implement Inc., of Mount Vernon, Washington in the amount of $10,820.18 with a trade in allowance of $2,750.18 leaving a total price of $8,070.00. Due of the fact that only the one bid had been received the Council did not accept it. 158 December 6, 1966 Cont'd A motion was made by Mr. Peck and seconded by Mr. McDugle that the City re -advertise for bids on the Backhoe. Roll: Ayes - Nicholson, Rice, Peck, McDugle. Strom. Motion carried. The City Manager asked for Council permission to sell old' vehicles, not now being utilized by the City. These consist of two police cars, a 1960 Plymouth and a 1962 Chevrolet, a 1950 panel wagon, and a 1958 Chevrolet. Motion by Mr. McDugle seconded by Mr. Peck that permission be granted to sell these vehicles. Roll: Ayes - Nicholson, Rice, Peck, McDugle. Strom. Motion carried. Council permission was asked to call for bids on advertising, gas and oil. Motion by Mr. Peck seconded by Mr. McDugle that permission be granted. Roll: Ayes - Nicholson, Rice, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. Councilman Peck inquired about the driveway repair work to be done at Hank Moore's home. The City Manager replied that he would instruct the City Street Department tomorrow, to do the necessary work. Councilman Peck asked how the bidski were being awarded for the demolition and removal of houses in the Urban Renewal area.. The City Manager replied that wherever possible, with other things being equal, the people moving out of the Urban Renewal area were given preference. Other than that, bids were awarded to the person making the proposal that was most beneficial to the project. On all houses being moved from the a.rea a performance bond of $1,000.00 is being requested, plus liability insurance. Councilman Rice asked what could be done about other buildings in the City that had been moved and never completed. The City Manager said they could be inspected by the City Inspector and be given a certain length of time to bring them up to standard. Councilman Peck asked what criteria was being used by the City Inspector when he made inspections. The City Manager replied that the Uniform Building and Housing Codes were being used. Councilman Peck said he knew of one house that had been inspected for Urban Renewal people to move into, and that the rood was leaking. It was suggested that the seller of the house to contacted to see what could be done about this. Specials Claims on L.I.D. #160 were presented as follows: Marine Asphalt ......... Balance due on paving .... $341.22 Marine Asphalt ......... Balance due on top course......... 91.87 Total $433.09 A letter of certification from Wm. F. Gallagher, City Engineer, was read which certified that this work had been completed in accordance with the contracts awarded ana final payment except for a 15% retention was in order. Motion by Dr. Nicholson and seconded by Mr. McDugle to accept the certificate and to accept the work as completed in accordance with the contracts, and to pay the claims against same. Roll: Ayes - Nicholson, Rice, McDugle, Strom, Nayes - Peck. Motion carried. Special Claims on L.I.D. $161 were presented as follows: Marine Asphalt....... Balance due on paving ....... $ 38.01 Marine Asphalt ....... Balance due on top course... 80.21 Curtis Wharf Co ...... For Cement ................... 353.64 Total $471.86 1 1 1 1 159 December 6, 1966 Con'td A --letter of certification from Wm. F. Gallagher, City Engineer, was read which certified that this work had been complete in accordance with the contracts awarded and final payment except for a 15% retention was in order. Motion by Dr. Nicholson seconded by Mr. McDugle to accept the certificate and to accept the work as completed in accordance with the contracts, and to pay the claims against same. Roll: Ayes - Nicholson, Rice, McDugle. Nayes - Peck, Abstain - Strom. Motion carried. Regular claims for last half of November 1966 were presented as follows: Salaries and Wages ............ $ 17,766.06 Expenses ...................... 61,963.34 $ 79,729.40 Motion by Dr. Nicholson seconded by Mr. McDugle that claims be allowed and paid. Roll: Ayes - Nicholson, Rice, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. City Manager reported: 1. In connection with the request of Planning Commission for professional planning help, that Mr. Gerald Schlatter of Stevens, Thompson, Runyan,and Ries, along with Wayne Kite, Skagit County Planner, were in attendance at the last meeting of the Planning Commission and that Mr. Schlatter would also be present at their next scheduled meeting. The Planning Commission asked that the Council be invited to this meeting which will be on December 7, 1966. Mr. Arnold Strandberg, Chairman of the Planning Commission was present and stated that the Planning Commission was trying to solve all of the many problems facing them but that it*would take considerable time, but with the help of Mr. Schletter they hoped to solve some of the problems in a more reasonable.amount to time. A proposed resolution was read by the City Manager. The resolution proposed a transfer of $225.00 out of the Salary and Wage account in the Park Department to the Maintenance and Operation account in the Park Department. Motion by Mr. Peck seconded by Dr. Strom that this Resolution be adopted and given Resolution No. 184. Roll: Ayes - Nicholson, Rice, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. Mrs. Alice Newland once again inquired about a signal at the 4th Street :,railroad crossing. Mr. Rice stated that with the mar- shalling yard now in its present location he doubted if the Rail- road would do anything about placing a signal at 4th Street. Mrs. Newland also asked about a billboard that was being put up on 11th Street. The City Manager replied that this was a matter of moving a;billboard that was already up, and not a. new one being installed. Mr. Rice offered congratulations to Dr. E. A. Strom for having been elected to the position of State Committeeman for Skagit County Republican Party. Motion made seconded and carried that meeting be adjourned. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M. Kathryn Lowr City Clerk Pro Tem n .4 Mayo' 16® December 20, 1966 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anacortes was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Ford. The invocation was presented by Reverend Egertson of the Anacortes Luthern Church. Roll Call: Robert Perry, Dr. L. E. Nicholson, James Rice, Don McDugle, Dr. Eugene Strom, Marion Peck. Mayor Ford requested the Council's pleasure on the minutes of the December 6, 1966 meeting. Motion by Mr. Peck seconded by Dr. Nicholson that minutes be approved as if read. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. Mayor Ford called for guest hearings: Mr. Hank Moore, 701 - 38th Street addressed the Council, stating that nothing had been done about the alley between 38th and 39th Streets to make it passable for traffic. He also stated that there was an obstruction in the way of wood being piled in the alley right-of-way. The City Manager reported that the Street Department had done some work on the alley by putting in shale rock and that they would be doing some more work on it, but because of the conditions that exist that it might be necessary to have it asphalted as it was difficult to get a base for the driveway. City Engineer Gallagher said that some drainage might help a little. Mr. Peck asked if the wood piled there was on City Property. It was stated that it was. Mr. Peck stated that the wood should be moved off the City property. Mrs. Julia Moe addressed the Council stating that she had no complaints to make other than the water running down 4th Street.. A letter from Dudley B. Kimsey was read in which she resigned her position on the City History Board. A letter from G. V. Carroll was read in which he resigned from the Museum and History Board. A letter from "The Mountaineers" was read in which they requested use of Mt. Erie for two field trips. One on April 15 and 16th, 1967, and the other on September 16 and 17th, 1967. The letter stated they would absolve the City of of all liability and responsibility due to these two trips. Motion made by Mr. Rice and seconded by Mr. Perry that "The 1 1 Anacortes Mountaineers" be granted the use of Mt. Erie for these two trips. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. The City Attorney gave the second reading on the proposed emer- gency ordinance on the Sanitary collection. The increased amount of refuse collected exceeded earlier estimates, and a change in collection charges to the collector have resulted in the need to adjust the budgeted amount, in the sum of $5,822.45• Mayor Ford declared a public hearing to be open on this proposed ordinance, there were no comments from the audience and the public hearing was closed. Motion by Mr. Perry seconded by Dr. Nicholson that the ordinance be adopted and given Ordinance No. 1413. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. Mayor Ford read the recommendations from the Planning Commission for certain zoning changes as follows: 1. To change C-2 Commercial Primary Uses to include Retail Sales and Services and included other activities that were not included previously. (b) Accessory uses to allow expansion of existing residences to allow advertising signs. (c) Allow suitable landscape, instead of continuous planting for trailer parks. (d) To increase the allowance for buildings to cover 50% of the property. 1 161 December 20, 1966 Conttd 2. Change of the Official Zoning Map from C-2 Commercial to R-3 Residential, the area between 12th Street and 15th Street and "M" Avenue and 110" Avenue. 3. Change of Official Zoning Map from M-1 Light Ma.nu- facturing to C-2 Commercial, the area between 14th Street and 20th Street and Commercial Avenue and the Great Northern Railroad right-of-way. Motion by Dr. Nicholson seconded by Mr. Peck that January 3, 1967, be set up as a public hearing date on these proposed changes. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle. Strom. Motion carried. A proposed resolution was read which would allow the the trans- fer of $400.00 from the Library Operation and Maintenance account to the Library Salary and Wage account. Motion by Mr. Rice seconded by Mr. Perry that this resolution be adopted and given Resolution No. 185. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. A proposed resolution was read which would authorize loans from the Water Revenue Fund to the Cemetery Fund in the amount up to but not exceeding $4,000.00 a loan to the 1963 G.O. Bond Fund in the amount up to but not exceeding $1,220.00, and a loan to the Transportation Fund in the amount up to but not exceeding $565.00. These three loans to be repaid on or before nineth (90) days from date of loan and to bear interest at the rate of 44$ per annum. Motion by Mr. Perry seconded by Dr. Nicholson that this resolution be adopted and given Resolution No. 186. Dr. Strom asked it it was illegal to carry these funds in the red, so that the various departments would not have to pay in- terest on these loans. The City Manager replied that it was not illegal but recommended procedure by the State Auditor is to have each fund balanced at the end of each fiscal year so that all Funds cover all warrants issued. Roll on above motion Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Ford, McDugle. Nayes - Rice, Peck, Strom. Motion carried. The bids on Health, Accident and $2,000.00 Life Insurance for the City Employees were read as follows: Pacific Mutual Life ...................$ 12.84 International Life .................... 9.85 Equitable Life ........................ 10.22 United Benefit ........................ 12.32 United Pacific ........................ 9.45 Skagit Medical ........................ 10.00 National Health... ....... ........... 11.06 Councilman Perry asked if the Insurance Consultant for the City Employees represented any of the companies turning in bids. Charles F. Wilson, President of the City Employees Local #347 replied that the Consultant represented several of the companies. Motion by Mr. Peck and seconded by Dr. Strom that the low bid of $9.45 from United Pacific Insurance Company be accepted,.' Roll: Ayes - Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Nayes- Perry. Motion carried. A recommendation that Floyd Lunsford be appointed to the Planning Commission was made. Motion by Mr. Rice seconded by Mr. Perry that this appointment be made. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson., Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried.. A recommendation that Gail Cross be appointed to the Housing and Appeals Board was made. Motion by Mr. Perry seconded by Dr. Nicholson that this appointment be made. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle,, Strom. Motion carried. 162 December 20, 1966 Cont'd A recommednations that Mrs. Don McKee and Mrs. Worth Knapp be appointed to the History Board was read. Motion by Dr. Nicholson seconded by Mr. Perry that these appointments be made. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. A recommendation that Dan Wollam be appointed as an Honorary member to the History Board was read. Motion by Mr. Perry seconded by Mr. McDugle. that this poointment be made. Roll: Ayes - Per'ry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. A motion by Dr. Nicholson seconded by Mr. Perry that the resign- ations of Mrs. Dudley Kimsey and Mr. G. V. Carroll from the History Board be accepted with regrets and tha the City express their appreciation to them for their services. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. A motion by Dr. Nicholson seconded by Mr. McDugle that a letter of thanks and appreciation be sent to the Local District Camp- fire group for all the work they did in connection with the 75th anniversary celebration of the City of Anacortes. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. Dr. Strom suggested that a letter also be sent to the City of Mount Vernon thanking them for their cooperation and expressing sympathy on the death of Judge C. C. Fowler. Claims for the first half of December were presented as follows: Salaries and Wages ...............$ 9,775.00 Expenses ......................... 19,131.05 Upon approval of the Finance Committee a. motion by Mr. Perry seconded by Dr. Nicholson that claims be allowed and warrants drawn for same. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. Special Claims on L.I.D. #160 were presented as follows: Jack Mayer.....15% retention due on base materials .....$130.27 This work previously accepted and approved at City Council meeting of October 18th, 1966. Motion by Mr. Rice seconded by Mr. Perry that this claim be allowed and paid. Roll: Ayes - Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, McDugle, Strom. Nayes - Peck. Motion carried. Special Claims on L.I.D. $161 were presented as follows: Jack Mayer .....15% retention due on base materials ....$425.25 This work previously accepted and approved at City Council meeting of October 18th, 1966. Motion by Mr. Rice seconded by Dr. Nicholson that this claim be allowed and paid. Roll: Ayes - -Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, McDugle. Nayes - Peck, Abstain Strom. Motion carried. City Treasurer's report for month of November 1966 was presented as follows: 8 82 Receipts .............$ 31 , 03.0 Disbursements.... ... 415,440.70 Cash Balance......... 617,578.57 Investments.......... 12627,403.66 1 1 1 163 December 20, 1966 Cont'd City Manager's Report: 1. That Dan Wollam had received his appointment to serve as a page at the 1967 session of the State Legislature. 2. Reported on a letter received from Lucille Woolsey, President of District #8, of the Washington Congress of Parents and Teachers, Inc., in which she expressed their appreciation for the cooperation and support given to efforts to achieve the goal of a better education for our youth. The letter particularly mentioned planned parks, playfields and playgrounds, adequate library and fire prevention program of the Fire Department in working directly with the schools. The letter commended the City Manager for providing this type management. 3. A letter from George D. Smith, City Manager of Yakima, and President of the Washington City Manager's Assoc- iation had been received by the City Manager in which Mr. Smith on behalf of the membership of the City Manager's Association expressed their appreciation to Mr. Diller for the capable manner in which he had presided at the panel on "New Sources of Municipal Revenue" on December 9, 1966. This meeting was attended by Mayor Braman of Seattle, the Governor's Representatives and other State and City Officials. This meeting initiated the actions leading to the recently publicized proposals of the Governor to provide financial assistance to Cities. 4. City Manager announced that he had received a communication from the International City Managers Association which stated that Anacortes had been selected as one of the nine cities out of a possible 500 in the nation, to be featured in the coming June issue of the Magazine "Public Manage- ment". The article will consist primarily of a dialog with the City Managers of the nine cities to be surveyed, and will be concerned with the small cities problems. "Public Management" is a professional publication with a circulation throughout this country as well as in certain foreign countries. 5. Reported on letter received by the Skagit TV Cable Company from the Federal communications Commission. in regards to steps taken by the TV Cable Company to suppress incidental radiation from the distribution system. A motion was made by Councilman Peck that the City Manager submit his resignation as City Manager. There was no second to the mdtion. Council Rice suggested a study session of the Council on this. Mr. Scott Richards addressed the Council and said he thought the City had selected a good Medical Insurance for the City Employees but he wondered if the Insurance Company had a City license. This will be looked into. Councilman Rice said that if it wasn't too late to do so, that he would like to see a sidewalk put in on "M" Avenue between 24th and 25th Streets when the L.I.D. for this goes through. Motion by Dr. Nicholson seconded by Mr. Perry that meeting be adjourned. Roll: All Ayes - Meeting adjourned at 8.30 P.M. Kathryn Lowr CJ / City Clerk Pro Tem Mayr 164 October 18, 1966 A regular meeting of the Anacortes City Council was called to order by Mayor Ford at 7:30 P.M., October 18, 1966. Invocation was given by Rev. Francis Bunger of the Free Methodist Church. Roll Call: Dr. L. E. Nicholson, James Rice, Jesse W. Ford, Marion Peck, Dr. E. A. Strom. Councilman Don H. McDugle, was detained and entered meeting at 8:00 P.M. Councilman Robert Perry was excused as he was on vacation. Mayor Ford requested the council's pleasure on minutes of October 4, 1966 meeting. Councilman Peck asked to have the minutes amended. He requested that Page 2, paragraph 1, line 20, be amended to read "at the end of a six month period the City Manager was further instructed to make a written request". Motion by Dr. Nicholson seconded by James Rice that minutes be approved as amended. Roll: Ayes - Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, Strom. Motion carried. Mayor Ford called for guest hearings: Mrs. Moe addressed the Council and stated that the street grader was pushing gravel and rocks over to,the side of the 9th Street extension making it difficult to walk there. The City Manager stated that he would talk to the Street Department about this. The City Manager also stated that in regards to previous requests by Mrs. Moe, that the Power Company had been notified about putting in a light at 6th and "S", and also that he had talked to the Port Commission about a sidewalk on 4th Street. Dr. Nicholson stated that the City should see that something is done about a side- wa.lk there before winter sets in. Dr. Strom stated that he thought a member of the Council or the City Manager should attend a Port Commission meeting and see what could be done about put- ting in this sidewalk. The City Manager stated that there was a possibility of an L.I.D. to take care of this. The Railroad and the Port are the main property owners in this area.. Mr. Jack Harlow addressed the Council and asked if Marvin Beebe had received a permanent appointment as Chief of Police. Mayor Ford stated that he had not. The City Manager stated that the situation was under review by the Civil Service Board, Marvin Beebe and himself and that the situation would be resolved shortly to the satisfaction of the individual man and for the good of the community. Mr. Harlow asked why there was any question at all about giving a permanent appointment. Mayor Ford sug- gested that Mr. Harlow talk to Mr. Beebe himself. Councilman Peck read some excerpts from the Civil Service rules which stated in part that temporary appointments should be for no longer than four months. Mr. Charles Young asked Mr. Beebe how he felt about the situation. Mr. Beebe addressed his remarks to the City Manager and with Mr. Beebe's consent the City Manager stated that at the meeting with the Civil Service Board and Mr. Beebe the giving of a permanent Civil Service appointment as Chief was not granted. At that meeting the City Manager stated.that he had not received any assurance from Mr. Beebe that he could properly ad- minister the Police Department. The City Manager asked Mr. Beebe if this was not so, and Mr. Beebe replied that it was and that administrative problems existed because of the Civil Service tests, and too much outside interference. Mayor Ford read a letter from the Church of Christ in which they expressed their thanks to the City for providing materials and labor for parking space in front of their church parsonage. A,invit4tion from the Mental Health Research Institute to attend an open house at Fort Steilcoom on October 28; 1966 was'read. k� RE G, 1 1 165 October 18, 1966 Cont'd A letter was- read from the Citizens Advisory -Committee in which they made the following recommendation: rThat the Anacortes City Council activate a local Housing Authority or similar body to deal with Housing for the Elderly or Disabled, its purpose being to alleviate the dire situation that now exists in housing for this group of citizens. Mr. Bill Amble of Stevens, Thompson, Runyan and Ries, Inc., gave a resume of the final engineering design of the Water Treatment Plant.and transmission line to Fidalgo Island. Mr. Amble also discussed the preliminary engineering study of a Sewage System on Cap Sa.nte and Storm Sewer System for the down -town area.. Mayor Ford asked the Council's pleasure on the request from the State Highway Commission in regards to their proposal to change the highway signing to the Ana.cortes and Whidbey Island area, from sign route 536 at Mount Vernon to the Burlington cut-off on SR -20. Motion by Mr. Rice and seconded by Mr. Peck that this be approved. Roll: Ayes - Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle Strom. Motion carried. City Attorney Wells read a proposed resolution to adopt the Ana.cortes Beautification Program. Motion by Mr. -Peck seconded by Mr. Rice that this Resolution be adopted and given Resolution No. 182. Roll: Ayes - Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle. Nayes - Strom. Motion carried. City Attorney Wells read a proposed resolution authorizing filing of application for Housing and Urban Development grant for Beautification Program. Motion by Mr. Rice seconded by Mr. Peck that this resolution be adopted and given Resolution No. 183. Roll: Ayes - Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle. Nayes - Strom. Motion carried. Mayor Ford asked for the Council's pleasure on the following pro- posed appointments to the Citizens Advisory Board: Mrs. C. T. Lundberg, Mrs. Lucille Woolsey, Mrs. Deanna Aschim and Wm. J. Beale,Jr. Motion by Mr. Rice seconded by Dr. Nicholson that these appointments be approved. Roll: Ayes - Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. Mayor Ford asked for the Council's pleasure on the proposed appointment of Floyd Lunsford to the Housing Board of Appeals. Motion by Dr. Nicholson, seconded by Mr. Rice that this appoint- ment be approved. Roll: Ayes - Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. City Attorney Wells read a proposed agreement between the Port of Anacortes and the City of Anacortes which would retain the Engineering firm of Stevens, Thompson, Runyan and Ries, Inc., as Engineers for the final design of all construction associated with the Urban Renewal Area. Funds for this to come from Urban Renewal Funds. Motion by Mr. Peck seconded by Mr. Rice that this be tabled until after City Officials return from Urban Renewal meeting in San Francisco. Roll: Ayes - Nicholson, Rice, Peck, McDugle. Nayes - Ford, Strom. Motion carried. City Treasurer's Report for month of September 1966 was read as follows: Receipts ............ $519,313.43 Disbursements....... 539, 233.50 Ca.sh Balance........ 665,696.23 Investments......... 844,133.66 A certification from Wm. F. Gallagher, City Engineer, was ea.d and stated that the furnishing and hauling of base material by J. I. Mayer for street paving on L.I.D. #160 and L.I.D. #161 had been completed in accordance with the contract awarded and 166 October A8, 1966 Cont'd that payment except for a 15% retention was in order. Claims on L.I.D. #160 were presented as follows: J. I. Mayor .. ............$771.98 Right-of-way claims to: Geo. Osborn.. . .......... 640.00 Lew Weekly................1440.00 Linda Rudig...............1328.00 E. J. Kidder..............1280.00 Motion by Mr. Rice seconded by Dr. Nicholson that claims be allowed and warrants drawn for same. Roll: Ayes - Nicholson, Rice, Ford, McDugle, Strom. Nayes - Peck. Motion carried. Claims against L.I.D. #161 were presented as follows: J. I. Mayer............... $1,567.25 Motion by Mr. Rice seconded by Dr. Nicholson that claiTs be allowed and warrants drawn for same. Roll: Ayes - Nicholson, Rice, Ford, McDugle. Na.yes - Peck, Strom. Motion carried. Claims against L.I.D. #162 were presented as follows: W. D. Hushbeck..... ....... $ 217.50 Motion by Mr. Rice seconded by Dr. Nicholson that claim be allowed and warrant drawn for same. Roll: Ayes - Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. Regular claims for first half of October 1966 were presented as follows: Salaries and Wages... .... $ 9,356.00 Expense ................... 33 806.13 Upon approval of the Finance Committee, motion by Mr. Peck seconded by Dr. Nicholson that claims be allowed and warrants drawn for same. Roll: Ayes - Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Peck, McDugle, Strom. Motion carried. City Manager Diller read a possible breakdown of the use of $120,000 which might be realized by the City if Initiative #226 passes at the November election. The breakdown was as follows: Park Improvement .............. $ 25,000 Swimming Pool ....... ......... 35,000 Street Improvement ............. 24,000 Street Lights ... 1 ............. 5,000 Street Signs .................. 2,000 Beautification ................ 5,000 Public Transportation......... 6,000 Police & Fire Depts........... 18,000 Dr. Strom stated that he thought some allocation should be made for wages for City Employees, and also for sidewalks, walkways, and paths which are badly needed in various parts of the City. Motion by Mr. Peck seconded by Dr. Nicholson that meeting be adjourned. Roll: All Ayes . Meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M. K�a�hryn Lo ry City Clerk Pro Tem L 1