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December 17, 1968 Cont
Motion by Mr Perry seconded by Mr Rice that upon approval of the Finance
Committee that claims be allowed and warrants drawn for same Roll Ayes --
Ford, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson, Rice motion carried
The Treasurer's report for November 1968 was given as follows
Receipts 308,821 05
Disbursements 368,784 18
Cash Balance 691,888 72
Investments 1,839,120 03
The City manager announced that the 1938 Water Revenue Bonds had been paid
off in full in November, 1968
The City manager stated that he had spent the previous day with the con-
sulting engineers and the bonding attorneys discussing the water bond issue
for the proposed new water construction project They had recommended that
it would be better to call for construction bids now, so that an exact cost
figure could be obtained before arranging for the financing The City
Manager asked for Council permission to go ahead with the bid call for con-
struction motion by Mr Rice seconded by Mr Perry that permission be
granted Roll Ayes --Nelson, Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford motion carried
Motion by Or Nicholson seconded by Mr Rice that the meeting be adjourned
Roll All ayes meeting adjourned at 8 25 P M
Kathryn Lowry, Mayor
City Clerk Pro Tem
January 7, 1969 '
A regular meeting of the Anacortes City Council was called to order by
Mayor Pro Tem James Rice on January 7, 1969 at 7 30 P M
The invocation was given by Rev Bunger of the Free methodist Church
Roll call Or L E Nicholson, Mr James Rice, Mr Floyd Lunsford, Mr
Don McDugle, Mr Gary Nelson k Mr Jesse W Ford was excused and Mr Robert
Perry entered the meeting at 7 45 P M
Mayor Pro Tem Rice requested the Council's pleasure on the minutes of the
previous meeting held December 17, 1968 motion by Mr Lunsford seconded
by Dr Nicholson that minutes be approved as if read Roll Ayes --
Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Lunsford, mcDugle, Nelson motion carried
Guest hearings were called for Mr Robert Nemitz addressed the Council
and stated that he was being charged for a $90 00 sewer bill on an old
house in the Urban Renewal area Mr Nemitz stated that the house had been
empty for over two years and that the swiitary facilities had been broken
and not in use, and he would like to have an adjustment made on the bill
The City manager replied that it had been brought to his attention and in
April the Building Inspector checked it out and that no charge had been
made since that time Mr Nemitz also requested permission to buy back
one of the buildings that he had owned which had been sold to Urban Renewal
The Council decided to hold a study session on Tuesday, January 14, 1969
at which time these requests would be taken up
A letter was received from Mrs Andrew Holm of 18197th Street, requesting
that a Local Improvement District be formed for paving 7th Street between
"J" and "G" Avenues
Under communications a
letter was read from the Immigration and Naturaliza'
tion Service
in which
they stated that starting January 1, 1969 a aharge
will be made
for time
spent on inspection on all private planes, yachts
and boats of
description, when the Inspecting Officer is in an
overtime pay
A letter was received from Mrs Andrew Holm of 18197th Street, requesting
that a Local Improvement District be formed for paving 7th Street between
"J" and "G" Avenues
January 7, 1969 Cont
A letter from the City Engineer was read in regards to LID #166 which stated
that petitions containing 44 signatures protesting the LID #166 had been
examined with the following results
Lineal feet of property protesting 6,272
Total lineal feet in project 61,024
Percent lineal feet protesting 10 3%
Square feet of property protesting 565,846
Total square feet im project 5,793,814
Percent square feet protesting 9 8%
Dr J K Neils, Skagit County Health Officer, gave a report on the activities
and services being performed by the County Health Department Some of the
programs such as medicare and migrant workers and being subsidized by
Federal Funds and with charges being made to various food establishments,
camps, trailer parks, etc , for inspections, licenses and permits, the amount
for each city in the county to pay has been reduced The deficit for the
Health Department for 1968 is approximately $7,403 01 and the share for
Anacortes to pay is 31 335% for a total of $2,319 78
Two requests were made to the City Council for office space within the City
Hall One for space for a State Electrical Inspector, and the other for
the State Department of Public Assistance It was established that space
could be made available for both of these offices A motion made by Mr
Perry and seconded by Or Nicholson that permission be granted to both
parties to establish offices within the City Hall building Roll Ayes --
Lunsford, mcDugle, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson, Rice motion carried
Bids for new equipment were as follows
Backhoe Straub Farm Supply Co
Barnett Imp Co
$11,161 44
12,354 60
Motion by Mr Perry seconded by Mr Nelson that the low bid from Straub
Farm Supply be accepted Roll Ayes--mcDugle, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson,
Rice, Lunsford motion carried
Police Car (2) Gubrud motor Co 2,883 17 each
Trulson motor Co 2,881 94
Motion by Mr mcDugle seconded by Dr Nicholson that the low bid from
Trulson motor Co beaaccepted Roll Ayes --Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Lunsford,
mcDugle, Nelson motion carried
1z Ton Cab/Chassis Trulson motor Co 3,398 01 (tax included)
Fro--, , c
Motion by Mr Perry seconded by Dr Nicholson that the bid from Trulson
Motor Co be accepted Roll Ayes --Nicholson, Rice, Lunsford, mcDugle,
Nelson, Perry motion carried `
One Half Ton Pickup Trulson motor Co
Frontier Ford
2,038 42 (tax included)
2,033 26 (tax not incl )
Motion by Mr Nelson seconded by Mr Perry that the low bid from Trulson
Motor Co be accepted Roll Ayes --Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Lunsford,
mcDugle, Nelson motion carried
One=half ton Cab/Utility Body Trulson motor Co 2,910 heti (tax included)
Motion by Mr Perry seconded by Or Nicholson that the bid from Trulson
Motor Co be accepted Roll Ayes --Rice, Lunsford, mcDugle, Nelson,
Perry, Nicholson motion carried
A request was received from Union Oil Company to renew their ten year lease
on that portion of Fourth Street, lying between the east line of "K" Avenue
and a line parallel to and 90 feet east of the east line of "K" Avenue
Their present lease expired on December 26, 1968 The yearly lease payment
has been $50 00 per year
January 7, 1969 Cont
A motion made by Mr Perry seconded by Mr Nelson that the lease agreement
be renewed for a ten year period with the yearly rate to be $90 00 instead
of the previous $50 00 Roll Ayes --Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson, Perry,
Nicholson, Rice motion carried
Claims against the City for the last half of December 1968 were presented
as follows
Salaries and Wages $22,661 95
Expenses 38,970 94
Upon approval of the Finance Committee, a motion made by Mr Perry seconded
by Mr mcDugle that claims be allowed and warrants drawn for same Roll
Ayes--mcDugle, Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Lunsford Abstain --Nelson motion
The City manager reported that bid notices have been published in the news-
papers for certain properties in the Urban Renewal area and that he expected
to have a report on this at the next Council meeting
Councilman Nelson requested that the Council go over rates for vendor's
licenses at the study session on January 14, 1969
Motion by Mr Perry seconded by Or Nicholson that meeting be adjourned
Roll All ayes meeting adjourned at 8 50 P M
Kathryn Lowry mayor
City clerk pro tem
January 21, 1969
A regular meeting of the Anacortes City Council was called to order by mayor
Pro Tem James Rice on January 21, 1969 at 7 30 P M
The invocation was given by Rev Winkle of the Nazarene Church
Roll call Mr Robert Perry, Or L E Nicholson, Mr James Rice, Mr Floyd
Lunsford, Mr Don mcDugle, Mr Gary Nelson mayor Jesse W Ford was excused
Mr Rice requested the Council's pleasure on the minutes of the previous
meeting held on January 7, 1969 motion made by Mr Lunsford seoonded by
Mr Nelson that the minutes be approved as if read Roll Ayes --Perry,
Nicholson, Rice, Lunsford, mcDugle, Nelson motion carried
Guest hearings were called for There were none
A request for a zoning change from C-1 Commercial to M-1 Light manufacturing
for the Phillips Building was read This change would allow a clothing
manufacturer to occupy this building A motion was made by Mr Perry seconded
by Or Nicholson that this be turned over to the Planning Commission with the
recommendation that they consider a "Use Permit" for a one year period, with
the permit to be renewable each year if satisfactory Roll Ayes --Nicholson,
Rice, Lunsford, mcDugle, Nelson, Perry motion carried
A letter from Thomas G Thompson, Jr was read that indicated that a public
right of way had been established where the old railroad track had been and
he was requesting that the City Council prepare a resolution to acquire the
railroad grade from the Port of Anacortes in the Shannon Point area A
portion of the property is being optioned to Western Washington College and
Mr Thompson requested that the City should obtain an option on this before
it was too late A motion was made by Mr Perry seconded by Or Nicholson
that this be taken up at the next study session of the Council Roll
Ayes --Rice, Lunsford, mcDugle, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson motion carried
Mr Eugene C Anderson, Attorney at Law, addressed the Council on behalf of
his clients, Mr and Mrs Jack Mayer, Mr and Mrs Norrie Estvold, and Mrs
Edna Ferguson Mr Anderson stated that the property in question does not
belong to the Port of Anacortes, but to his clients, and that they were pre-
pared to resist any attempt by anyone trying to deny them the use of their
January 21, 1969 Cont
Mr Thompson addressed the Council and stated that the portion he was concerned
with belonged to the Port of Anacortes Mr Thompson stated that the land
involved is less than 3/4 of an acre, and in view of the City's comprehensive
park plan, the objectives of its Open Space application to obtain the beaches
of Ship Harbor, and also to link the park system using the railroad grade,
that he felt it was essential that steps be taken now to assure these future
plans He suggested that if the City cannot afford to purchase this piece
at this time, that it should obtain an option to retain the property until
funds are available from the Open Space application now pending in Washington,
Councilman mcDugle addressed the Council and stated that he felt that if
people owned property that they should have the right to develop it as they
saw fit eas long as it was an asset to the community
a proposed ordinance was read by the City Attorney This ordinance would
amend Ordinance No 1420 of the City of Anacortes by the addition of new
sections prohibiting the operation of motor vehicles upon the highways of
this city or ways open to the public in this city while under the influence
of or affected by the use of intoxicating liquor, providing that operation
of a motor vehicle by any person implies consent to chemical test of breath
or blood for determining alcoholic content, establishing certain presumptions,
providing procedures, repealing a portion of Section 119 of said ordinance,
declaring an emergency, and constituting Sections 5-2 126 and 5-2 127 of
the Code motion made by Dr Nicholson seconded by Mr Nelson that this
ordinance be approved and adopted and given ORDINANCE NO 1474 Roll
Ayes --Lunsford, mcDugle, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson, Rice motion carried
A proposed ordinance was read by the City Attorney which would amend the
plumbing code to require garbage disposal units to be installed in all new
residential buildings The council decided this ordinance should be taken
up at their next study session
A proposed resolution was read which would establish policy of the City of
Anacortes relative to compensation for vacarted streets and alleys The
compensation for such vacations not to exceed one-half the appraised value
of the area so vacated motion made by Mr Perry seconded by Mr mcDugle
that this resolution be approved and adopted and given RESOLUTION NO 253
Roll Ayes--mcDugle, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Lunsford motion
One bid was received for the printing of legal notices from the Anacortes
American at a price of $1 40 per inch for legal set in nine point type
Motion by Mr Perry seconded by Mr mcDugle that this bid be accepted Roll
Ayes --Nelson, Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Lunsford, mcDugle motion carried
Bids received for gas and oil for 1969 were as follows
Regular gas
Prem gas
Furnace oil
Stove oil
Diesel #1
Diesel #2
Diesel #3
Light Fuel Oil
Motion by Mr Perry
be accepted Roll
Motion carried
3 97 BBL
seconded by Dr Nicholson that the low bids on all items
Ayes --Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Lunsford, mcDugle, Nelson,
The treasurer's report for December 1968 was given as follows
Cash Balance
691,888 72
643,729 46
419,502 77
2,095,271 43
Claims against the City for the first half of January 1969 were presented
January 21, 1969 Cont
as follows
Salaries and Wages 12,375 00
Expenses 39,235 22
Upon approval of the Finance Committee motion made by Mr Nelson seconded
by Mr Perry that claims be approved and warrants drawn for same Roll
Ayes --Nicholson, Rice, Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson, Perry motion carried
Mr Rice asked Mr Norrie Estvold if they were ready to go ahead with the
development of the Mayer-Estvold property Mr Estvold replied that he
could answer that better after they have another meeting with the Planning
Commission on January 22, 1969
Mr Mayer addressed the Council and stated that their plans had been under
way for some eight or nine months and they had experienced some difficulties
in getting everything done according to City specifications and ordinances
Mr Mayer stated they had been given the wrong information the first time
and had to have everything redone, and that they had had difficulties in
finding out gust exactly what the City wanted, but he was in hopes that their
meeting with the Planning Commission on January 22, 1969 would straighten
out all remaining details
The City Manager reported that --
1 Bid call for the water system construction was out and the return
date for the bids is February 14, 1969 To date some 40 sets of
plans have been asked for by prospective bidders
2 Reported receipt of letter from Water Pollution Control Commission
stating the plans and specifications for the Sanitary Sewer Plan
for Skyline Division No 2 had been approved with the provision that
prior to use of the collection system it shall be connected to an
approved treatment facility
3 Reported receipt of letter from Department of Housing and Urban
Development giving approval of redeveloper's statement for Public
Disclosure from Habitat West, and stating that the firm is an
acceptable redeveloper
4 Reported that the Department of Public Assistance is going to use
the room directly across from the Red Cross Office for their office
Permission was asked to sign the Water Agreement Contract with the Town of
LeConner Renewal of the contract having been previously agreed to by the
Council Motion made by Mr McDugle and seconded by Mr Perry that the
agreement be signed Roll Ayes --Rice, Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson, Perry,
Nicholson Motion carried
Mrs Alice Newland addressed the Council and expressed her thanks to all who
had helped out with the Christmas scene on Cap Sante
The invocation was given by Rev Don Hardenbrook of the Church of Christ
Roll calf. Mr. Robert Perry, Dr L E Nicholson, Mr Jesse W Ford, Mr
James Rice, Mr Floyd Lunsford, Mr Gary Nelson Mr Don McDugle was excused
because of illness
Motion by Mr McOugle seconded by
Mr Nelson that the meeting
be adjourned
Roll --All ayes Motion carried
Meeting adjourned at 8 25 P
Kathryn Lowry
City clerk pro tem
February 4, 1969
A regular meeting of the Anecortes
City Council was called to
order by Mayor
Pro Tem James Rice on February 4,
1969 at 7 30 P M
The invocation was given by Rev Don Hardenbrook of the Church of Christ
Roll calf. Mr. Robert Perry, Dr L E Nicholson, Mr Jesse W Ford, Mr
James Rice, Mr Floyd Lunsford, Mr Gary Nelson Mr Don McDugle was excused
because of illness
February 4, 1969
Mr Rice requested the Council's pleasure on the minutes of the previous
meeting held January 21, 1969 motion made by Mr Lunsford seconded by Mr
Nelson that minutes be approved as if read Roll Ayes --Perry, Nicholson,
Ford, Rice, Lunsford, Nelson motion carried
Mr Rice called for guest hearings There were none
Under communications a letter from Thomas G Thompson was read which enclosed
two letters One was from Senator Henry m Jackson and the other from the
Department of Housing and Urban Development The letters stated that the
application for Open Space Funds sent in by the City of Anacortes was still
being reviewed and that everything possible was being donetto complete the re-
view so that some definite action could be made on the application
Mr Rice declared a public hearing to be open on the assessment roll for
Local Improvement District No 164 There were no comments from anyone in
the audience One letter of protest from Chris Demopolis for the estate
of Ellen Demopolis was read motion by Mr Ford seconded by Mr Lunsford
that this letter be turned over to the City Attorney Roll Ayes --
Nicholson, Ford, Rice, Lunsford, Nelson, Perry motion carried
The City Attorney addressed the Council and stated that he had looked the
letter over before the meeting started and could see no reason why the
Council could not properly proceed to approve the Ordinance on the assess-
ment roll The City Attorney also stated that it was his understanding that
Mr Chris Demopolis was not the legal representative of the estate of Ellen
Mr Rice declared the public hearing to be closed motion made by Mr
Perry and seconded by Mr Ford that the assessment roll be accepted Roll
Ayes --Ford, Rice, Lunsford, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson motion carried
The ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll of
L I D #164 was read motion made by Dr Nicholson seconded by Mr Perry
that this ordinance be approved and adopted and given ORDINANCE NO 1$75
Roll Ayes --Rice, Lunsford, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson, Ford motion carried
The total amount to be paid by property owners on L I D 7#164 is $9,830 00
The City Attorney stated that the assessed valuation of the property did
not warrant charges made by Mr Chris Demopolis in his letter,of objection
A letter was read from the Planning Commission in which they recommended
that the street vacations requested by the Urban Renewal Department be
approved motion made by Mr Perry seconded by Or Nicholson that the City
Council hold a public hearing on this at the regular City Council meeting on
March 4, 1969 Roll Ayes --Lunsford, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson, Ford, Rice
Motion carried
The City manager presented a letter from the museum of History Board which
outlined the formation of the "Friends of the museum" organization in which
they were requesting that dues from this organization and other donations
they might receive be deposited in a separate bank accownt and that a yearly
audit by a certified public accountant be made The City Attorney was asked
if this would be all right, and he replied that he could seeino reason for
these funds to be under city control motion made by Or 'Nicholson seconded
by Mr Perry that the Council approve this request for the separate bank
account for the funds received by the "Friends of the museum" Roll Ayes --
Nelson, Perry, Nicholson, Ford, Rice, Lunsford motion carried
Claims against the City for the last half of January 1969 were presented as
Salaries and Wages $25,975 80
Expenses 74,066 05
Upon approval of the Finance Committee a motion made by Mr Lunsford seconded
by Mr Nelson that claims be allowed and warrants drawn for same Roll
Ayes --Perry, Nicholson, Ford, Rice, Lunsford, Nelson motion carried
The City manager reported
1 Special meeting to be held in Olympia on February 12, 1969 to discuss
money for cities/
February 4, 1969 Cont
2 Perspectus has been prepared in connection'with the bond issue for
Water Construction project Asked Council to be giving consideration to
granting permission to sell bonds Announced that bid opening for the
construction bids had been extended to February 26, 1969
3 Announced that Planning Commission would be holding a public hearing
to consider the proposed plat for the Mayer-Estvold "Puget View" subdivision
on February 5, 1969 at 7 30 P M
4 Announced that the State Grant on Shannon Point was pending and
the Council should consider this at next study session
5 Stated that things were fairly well back to normal after the cold
weather Stated some streets were being restricted to heavy traffic until
after they are thawed out Reported that Washington Loggers had agreed to
repair any damages done to city streets by their trucks
Mrs Alice Newland addressed the Council and commended the City on the
continued improvement to the Council Chambers
Motion made by Mr Nelson seconded by Mr Lunsford that meeting be adjourned
All ayes Meeting adjourned at 8 15 P M
Kathryn Lowry _ Mayor
City Clerk Pro Tem
February 18, 1969
A regular meeting of the Anacortes City Council was called to order by Mayor
Jesse W Ford at 7 30 P M on February 18, 1969
The invocation was given by Rev Bunger of the Free Methodist Church
Roll call Mr Robert Perry, Dr L E Nicholson, Mr James Rice, Mr Jesse W
Ford, Mr Floyd Lunsford, Mr Don McDugle, Mr Gary Nelson
Mayor Ford requested the Council's pleasure on the minutes of the previous
meeting held February 4, 1969 Motion made by Mr Perry seconded by Or
Nicholson that minutes be approved as if read Roll Ayes --Perry, Nicholson,
Rice, Ford, Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson Motion carried
Mayor Ford called for guest hearings Mrs Roy Harris addressed the Council
and presented the following request, "I would like to recommend that the
Anacortes City Council authorize the City Manager to enter into negotiations
with all appropriate parties to amend the Open Space application now before the
Department of Housing and Urban Development, with the view of up -dating and
implementing the Comprehensive Park Plan in its relation to the proposed
development of Western Washington State College, at Shannon Point and Ship
Harbor "
Mr Bob McCollum addressed the Council and asked when repairs would be made
to 34th Street The City Manager replied that the City has an agreement
with Washington Loggers whereby they will repair damages to the street
Mrs Thelma Palmer addressed the Council and asked them to givefevery con-
sideration possible to having the Shannon Point area for parks, and open
space recreation Mrs Palmer also spoke in favor of having the scenic
railroad which has been proposed by Mr Thomas Thompson She asked the Council
to give serious thought to what would do the most good for the most people
Others in the audience who spoke and were in accord with Mrs Palmer's suggest-
ions were Mrs Robert Beard, Mrs Deen Morris, Mrs Alice Newland and Mr Joe
Councilman McDugle addressed the Council and stated these were all good ideas,
but that he was more in favor of the Ship Harbor area, especially as far as -
public beaches are concerned as the beach at Ship Harbor is much better than
at Shannon Point
February 18, 1969 Cont
Councilman Perry addressed the Council and stated that the Council had
previously told Mr Thompson that they would help him in any way they could
with his railroad project Mr Perry stated that he felt that the Council
would be shirking their duty if they did not follow through on this, and also
that the Council should take a good look at what is good for Anacortes and
forget about sub -dividers
Under communications a letter was read from the Anacortes Community Improve-
ment Committee in which they were requesting assistance in obtaining plans
from the State Highway Department for the new bridge over Swinomish Channel
The Improvement Committee is particularly concerned that aesthetic consider-
ation be given to the design of the bridge and provisions for attractive approaches
to it mayor Ford asked the City manager to write the Highway Department and see
if he could get their plans for the bridge
An application, accompanied by a $25 00 check was received from Ron Gold
with a request for a change in zoning of Block #1, Henslers second addition
,to the City of Anacortes from R-1 to R-3 This change would enable the
owner at 2012 110" Avenue to acquire a permit to complete two upstairs,
apartments in this building The request was accompanied by a list of near
by property owners motion made by Mr Rice seconded by Mr Nelson that
this request be turned over to the Planning Commission Roll Ayes --
Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Lunsford, mcDugle, Nelson, Perry motion carried
Council permission was asked to advertise the sale of $2,880,000 00 of water
revenue bonds The funds raised, along with Federal Grants, will enable the
City of Anacortes to construct additional facilities at the Skagit River and
build two water transmission lines to the area of march's Point and Padilla
Bay motion made by Mr Rice seconded by Mr mcDugle that permission be
granted Roll Ayes --Rice, Ford, Lunsford, mcDugle, Nelson, Perry,
Nicholson motion carried
A recommendation from the Planning Commission was read on changes and additions
to the Zoning Ordinance as to definitions of uses within the code, on
"apartment -hots" and "air -oriented" motion made by Mr Perry seconded by
Mr Nelson that a public hearing date of march 4, 1969 be set on this
Roll Ayes --Ford, Lunsford, mcDugle, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson, Rice motion
City Attorney Wells read a proposed ordinance relating to the sale of city
water, so as to restrict applicants for metered service to the owners of
property to the exclusion of tenants, with certain exceptions motion made
by Mr mcDugle seconded by Mr Lunsford that the Council take this up at a
study session before taking any action on it Roll All ayes motion carried
The treasurer's report for January 1969 was given as follows
Receipts 670,133 04
Disbursements 1,089,635 81
Cash Balance 535,436 65
Investments 1,997,388 33
Claims report for the first half of February 1969 was given as follows
Salaries and Wages 12,735 00
Expenditures 16,503 79
Upon approval of the Finance Committee, motion made by Mr Rice seconded by
Mr Perry that claims be allowed and warrants drawn for same Roll Ayes --
Lunsford, mcDugle, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford motion carried
The City manager reported
1 Board of Adjustment has granted a one year temporary non -conforming
use permit for the Phillips Building at 317 Commercial
2 Fire Department is starting a new type program in connection with
Fire Prevention Have set up a schedule for monthly inspections of various
public buildings, apartments, motels, business houses, and industries
These inspections would be conducted on a monthly schedule in the hopes of
making people more aware of fire prevention methods
February 18, 1969
3 Reported on letter from Statewide City Employees Retirement System
in which they listed amendments for submission to the 1969 Legislature The
City manager stated that Anacortes was ahead of a number of other cities in
their retirement program in as much as we pay on the full amount of salary
rather than a limited amount
4 Reported on bulletin from Association of Washington Cities which
listed six vital points for cities to consider, namely 1 --Finances, 2 --
Orderly Growth, 3 --Pension Reform, 4 --Extension of Local Responsibility,
5 --Tax Reform, 6 --Safeguards
5 Reported that the City was getting ready for the central area
street improvement program and asked the Council to give consideration to
granting permission to call for construction bids motion by Mr Nelson and
seconded by Mr Lunsford that permission to call for bids be granted Roll
Ayes--McDugle, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Lunsford motion
A certification from the Deputy City Clerk was read which stated that the
examination of the signatures on the petitions to change the form of govern-
ment was complete and that out of 1,313 signatures 851 were valid, which is
less than the 20% of the registered voters required for an election under
the provisions of statutes relating to the abandonment of the Council-manager
System The City Attorney read a resolution stating the above facts and
further stating that it be resolved that the Council finds it cannot proceed
to call for a special election and expend public funds in connection therewith
on the basis of petitions which do not comply with the requirements of state
statute motion made by Mr Perry seconded by Or Nicholson that this
resolution be approved and adopted and given RESOLUTION NO 254 Roll
Ayes --Nelson, Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Lunsford Nayes--McDugle
Motion carried
Mrs Thomas Thompson addressed the Council and expressed her thanks to
Councilman Perry for expressing his favorable comments on her husband's
proposed scenic railroad
Meeting was adjourned after which a film entitled "A City Reborn" was shown
The film depicted improvements made by the City of Fresno, Califor a
Kathryn Lowry Ma or
City Clerk Pro Tem
March 4, 1969
A regular meeting of the Anacortes City Council was called to order by Mayor
Pro Tem James Rice at 7 30 P M on March 4, 1969
The invocation was given by Rev Winkle of the Nazarene Church
Roll call Or L E Nicholson, Mr James Rice, Mr Floyd Lunsford, Mr Don
McDugle, Mr Gary Nelson Mayor Ford and Councilman Perry were excused
Mr Rice requested the Council's pleasure on the minutes of the previous
meeting held February 18, 1969 Motion made by Mr Lunsford seconded by Or
Nicholson that minutes be approved as if read Roll Ayes --Nicholson, Rice,
Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson Motion carried
Guest hearings were called for Mrs William Bessner addressed the Council
and said that due to frozen and broken water pipes which occured during the
cold weather, the lower part of the Museum was badly in need of repair, as
ceiling the and plaster had fallen down Mrs Bessner asked if these re-
pairs could be taken care of very soon as they are scheduled to open on April
10th This was turned over to the City Manager to look into
Mr Andy Sloss addressed the Council and asked what had ever happened to the
project at Ship's Harbor Mr Rice replied that the Port of Anacortes was
working on this at the present time and that the City Council would be meeting
with them in the very near future
March 4, 1969
Mrs Robert Nemitz addressed the Council and asked when the problem of moving
their possessions out of the Urban Renewal area would be taken care of Mrs
Nemitz then read a letter which she had written in regard to the moving of
their belongings, and in which she requested that a settlement of $25,000 be
made immediately Mr Rice read a letter which the Urban Renewal Department
had sent to Mr and Mrs Nemitz giving them specific instructions on how to
proceed with the requirements necessary to obtain a settlement for the moving
Mr Rice also told Mrs Nemitz that the Council would hold a study session
on this matter next week and invited Mr and Mrs Nemitz to attend this
Under communications a letter was read from Mr Thomas G Thompson in which
he stated that he was in favor of the Council's stand to acquire Ship Harbor
as a park, but that it would not be feasible to operate his proposed scenic
railroad east to downtown as had been suggested Councilman McDugle stated
that he was the one who had suggested that the railroad run on the east side
but gust around the Ship Harbor area and not clear to town '
A letter was read from Mr A 0 Strandberg in which he asked the Council to
accept his resignation as a member of the Anacortes Planning Commission
A letter was read from Or Thomas P Brooks, Chairman of the Park Board, in
which he stated that it was the recommendation of the Park Board that the
project proposed by the Kiwanis Club in regard to the fishing boat be accepted
The Kiwanis Club have a fishing boat which they would like'to have set in the,
ground for children to play in The Park Board suggested that this be located
in Washington Park or in the vicinity of the Library The Council decided to
take this up at the next study session
A letter from Fire Chief Bowen was read in which he stated that the Anacortes
Lion's Club had made an application for a permit to sell "Safe and Sane"
fireworks at 1519 Commercial Avenue, the Thrifty Food Center parking lot, and
he recommended that permission be granted Motion made by Mr Nelson seconded
by Mr McDugle that permission be given to the Lion's Club for this project
Roll Ayes --Rice, Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson, Nicholson Motion carried
A letter addressed to Mrs Roy Harris from Mr Don Eldridge, Speaker of the
House of Representatives, was read The letter stated that he had received
a letter from Mrs Harris outlining the problem of the acquisition of 141
acres located between the college property and Sunset Beach, and further stated
that it would seem that the City of Anacortes, with possibly some outside
financial assistance, should acquire that acreage for public use Another
letter addressed to Mrs Harris from the Interagency Committee for Outdoor
Recreation on the same subject was also read
Two letters from the Community Improvement Committee were read The first one
recommending that the City of Anacortes purchase the beach rights and railroad
right-of-way on the property at Shannon Point and the second letter recommended
that all future sub -divisions within the city limits be required to install
sidewalks and tree plantings along the streets as part of the approval of such
A letter from the Washington State Highway Commission was read in which they
stated they would be holding public hearings on the Swinomish Bridge No
dates have been set for the hearings as yet
Mr Rice declared a public hearing to be open on proposed changes of the zoning
code pertaining to the definition of"Apartment-Hotel" and "Air Oriented
Industries " The public hearing on this was continued to the next Council
meeting to be held on March 18, 1969
Mr Rice declared a public hearing to be open on the proposed vacation of
streets within the Anacortes Industrial Park area The City Manager pointed
out the streets involved on a map Mrs Nemitz addressed the Council and asked
if their alley would be shut off before they got moved She was told that it
would not be There were no other comments and Mr Rice declared the public
hearing to be closed Motion made by Or Nicholson seconded by Mr Nelson
that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an Ordinance on this vacation
Roll Ayes --Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson, Nicholson, Rice Motion carried
March 4, 1969 Cont
The City Attorney read a proposed resolution declaring the intention of the
City Council of Anacortes, to require compliance with the standard speci-
fications for municipal public works construction The resolution states
that all future public works construction, including but not limited to streets,
sewers and water distribution system in the City of Anacortes shall conform
to the 1969 Standard Specifications for municipal Public Works Construction,
prepared by the Washington State Chapter of the American Public Works Construc-
tion, and all amendments and supplements thereto motion made by Or Nicholson,
seconded by Mr Nelson that this resolution be approved and adopted and given
RESOLUTION NO 255 Roll Ayes--mcDugle, Nelson, Nicholson, Rice, Lunsford
Motion carried
The City manager presented the bids that have been received on the Water
Construction Project The facilities that bids were received on are A
new treatment plant, underwater crossing, and intake structures at the Skagit
River Eighteen firms turned in bids on various parts of the construction
The bids have not been finalized by the consulting engineers as yet, but should
be ready within the next week or two The City manager explained that the
City has 45 days in which to either accept or reject the bids
Mr Diller commended the City Engineer, Mr William F Gallagher, and the firm
of Stevens, Thompson, and Runyan, for all the work they have done in getting
this project ready The City manager said that the next step would be to
sell the water revenue bonds in the amount of $2,800,000 00
A special claim against L I D #166 in the amount of $740 23 was presented
Upon approval of the Finance Committee a motion made by Mr mcDugle and seconded
by Or Nicholson thatthis claim be paid Roll Ayes --Nelson, Nicholson, Rice,
Lunsford, mcDugle motion carried
Regular claims against the City for the last half of February 1969 were
presented as follows
Salaries and Wages $24,994 46
Expenditures 86,119 83
Upon approval of the Finance Committee motion made by Mr mcDugle and seconded
by Mr Lunsford that claims be allowed and warrants drawn for same Roll
Ayes --Nicholson, Rice, Lunsford, mcDugle, Nelson motion carried
The City manager reported that copies of the bond proposal for the water
revenue bonds would be available for the Councilmen at the next study session
The City manager reported that General Buchanan, who is in charge of the
Anacortes Armory will have a rental schedule ready very shortly
A map showing proposed locations of facilities on the 32nd Street playfield
was shown to the Council by the City manager This drawing will be given
to the Park Board and the Chamber of Commerce for their consideration before
any Council action is taken
At 9 15 P m a motion was made, seconded and carried that meeting adjourned
Kathryn Lowry r ayo \
City Clerk Pro Tem
Mayor Ford requested the Council's pleasure on the minutes of the previous
meeting held march 4, 1969 motion by Mr Rice seconded by Mr Nelson that
minutes be approved as if read Roll Ayes --Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Lunsford,
mcDugle, Nelson motion carried
March 18,
A regular
of the Anacortes
City Council was called to order by mayor
Jesse W
Ford on march
18, 1969 at
7 30 P m
The invocation
given by Rev Egertson
of the Lutheran Church
Roll call
Or L
E Nicholson, Mr
James Rice, Mr Jesse W Ford, Mr Floyd
Mr Don
mcDugle, Mr Gary
Nelson Absent Mr Robert Perry
Mayor Ford requested the Council's pleasure on the minutes of the previous
meeting held march 4, 1969 motion by Mr Rice seconded by Mr Nelson that
minutes be approved as if read Roll Ayes --Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Lunsford,
mcDugle, Nelson motion carried
March 18, 1969 cont
Mayor Ford called for guest hearings Mrs Roy Harris and Mr Thomas Thompson
both asked for the privilege of speaking after the communications were read
Mr Robert McCollum addressed the Council and asked when the repairs to 34th
Street would be made The City Manager replied that he would contact the
street superintendent and have them make the repairs as soon as they can It was
pointed out that the Washington Loggers would reimburse the City for these
Under communications a letter was read from Nell Driggs which listed a number
of suggestions for community activities for young people Mayor Ford said
the letter would be turned over to the Park Board and the Safety Committee
for their consideration
Two letters from the Washington State Department of Highways were read These
were in regard to the Swinomish Channel Bridge and stated that a public hearing
would be held the latter part of May relating to the design and access features
of the bridge The City will be notified when a definite date has been set
for this hearing
A letter from Alfred McBee, Attorney at Law was read The letter stated that •
Mr Thomas G Thompson had consulted him in reference to a building permit
which had been issued by the City of Anacortes to Mr Hal Harker and which
gave Mr Harker permission to use a portion of,the abandoned Great Northern
Railway right of way which traverses the east end of a building site at
1016 Puget Way Mr McBee stated that there is a grave probability that the
public has an easement by prescription to use this right of way and by virtue
thereof it has become public domain Mr McBee requested that the building
permit be cancelled or suspended until the matter of its actual ownership
could be legally determined Mayor Ford referred this to the City Attorney
The City Attorney stated that in his opinion the best legal position for the
City at this time was not to rescind the building permit
A letter was read from Charles J Flora, President of Western Washington State
College The letter was in regard to the recent purchase and lease by the
College for a part of Shannon Point for the purpose of building a Marine
Science Center The letter pointed out three points that the College wished
to clarify These being as follows
1 No portion of the Shannon Point site acquired by the College is for
sale It will not be available to any public or private body for any purpose
other than marine center related uses
2 The College will want to control public pedestrian access onto and
through the site This is necessary to retain the life colonies and other
features of the site which will make teaching and research at the marine center
possible over an extended period of time The marine center will also be a
biological preserve
3 The College would regard any vehicular intrusion onto the site, or
across the site except for service, and any public use ofithe beach, or the
site for non -marine center related activities as incompatible with the marine
center concept and plan, and therefore the College opposes any use of the site
for the proposed railroad, any other traffic,for park
A letter was read from the Park Board in which they stated that at their meet-
ing held on March 14', 1969 a motion was made, seconded and passed that the
Park Board go on record as continuing to favor acquisition of property and
improvement of park properties in the west end of Anacortes for park purposes
A letter was read from Mayor Wilbur F Bon of Leavenworth, Washington The
letter gave a resume of projects completed by the City of Leavenworth in
order to increase tourist traffic
Mrs Roy Harris addressed the Council and asked them to hold in abeyance the
building permit which has been issued to Mr Harker Mrs Harris read an
excerpt from an article which appeared in the Seattle Times newspaper and which
she said expressed her opinions The article stated, "The long struggle to
save Washington's unspoiled seashore for the public is entering a new phase
which the State Parks Department hopes will submerge the rancor which has
been a part of the years -long battle Parks Director Charles Odegaard is
working with property owners in hopes of developing a master plan for use of
the beaches regardless of who holds title to the property The approach
stresses public-private cooperation 11
March 18, 1969 Cont c
Mr Thomas Thompson addressed the Council and spoke on behalf of his proposed
scenic railroad Mr Thompson read exceepts from the Anacortes High School
paper which expressed approval of this project by some of the high school
students He also showed a scrap book he has been keeping of newspaper articles
on the proposed project Mr Thompson stated that the City Council should do
whatever is in the best interst of the public
Councilman mcDugle addressed the Council and stated that he is not against the
railroad, but he was still of the opinion that it would be better to run it
east rather than west, and he thought more people would use Ship's Harbor area
The City Attorney was asked how long it took to establish a public domain He
replied that it took at least ten years and as far as the property in question
is concerned that there would be a lot of questions and aspects that would
have to be considered, as there might be the possibility that the City would
have a prescriptive right to use this for a trail or pathway, but they might
not have a prescriptive right to use it for a railroad
Eugene Anderson addressed the Council and stated that as long as the Western
Washington College had stated in their letter that they were opposed to having
a railway run through their property that the City make every effort to
purchase Ship Harbor area and have a decent beach for public use
Mayor Ford asked the City Attorney to explore all the legal aspects of the
situation and asked the City manager to contact the Western Washington College
Mayor Ford declared a continuation of the public hearing on changes of the
Zoning Code pertaining to definitions of Apartment -Hotel and Air -Oriented
Industries to be re -opened There were no comments from the audience, and
the public hearing was closed
Motion made by Mr Rice seconded by Mr mcDugle that the City Attorney be
instructed to prepare an ordinance covering this Roll Ayes --Rice, Ford,
Lunsford, mcDugle, Nelson, Nicholson motion carried
An ordinance was read which would authorize the vacation of certain streets
and alleys within the Anacortes Industrial Park area motion made by Mr
Rice seconded by Mr Nelson that this ordinance be approved and adopted and
given ORDINANCE NO 1476 Roll Ayes --Ford, Lunsford, mcDugle, Nelson,
Nicholson, Rice motion carried
The City Attorney read a proposed ordinance which would allow the City Water
Department to require all property owners to have water, garbage and sewer
billing in the property owner's name motion made by Mr Rice and seconded
by Mr mcDugle that this ordinance be approved and adopted and given
ORDINANCE NO 1477 Roll Ayes --Lunsford, mcDugle, Nelson, Nicholson, Rice,
Ford motion carried
A proposed ordinance was read which would require the installation of approved
garbage disposal equipment in kitchen areas in all new construction of dwell-
ings and dwelling units in the City of Anacortes motion made by Mr Rice
seconded -by Mr Nelson that this ordinance be approved and adopted and given
ORDINANCE NO 1478 Roll .Ayes--mcDugle, Nelson, Nicholson, Rice, Ford,
Lunsford. motion carried
The City Attorney presented a rough draft of an ordinance for the user's of
,ewer and water on 32nd street and Heart Lake Road and asked to have the
reading of this postponed until a later date so that the City Engineer would
have time to go over it
A resolution was read authorizing the sale, issuance and delivery of project
notes and the execution of requisition agreements for the Anacortes Industrial
Park motion made by Mr Rice seconded by Mr Lunsford that this resolution
be approved and adopted and given RESOLUTION NO 256 Roll Ayes --Nelson,
Rice, Nicholson, Ford, Lunsford, mcDugle motion carried
A resolution was read authorizing the issuance of project loan notes in
connection with Urban Renewal Project No Wash R-15 motion by Mr Rice
seconded by Mr mcDugle that this resolution be approved and adopted and given
March 18, 1969 Cont
RESOLUTION NO 257 Roll Ayes --Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Lunsford, mcDugle
Nelson motion carried
A resolution was read authorizing sale of loan notes at a rate of interest
higher than that provided for in the contract for loan and grant Project
Wash R-15 A motion made by Mr Nelson seconded by Mr Lunsford that this
resolution be approved and adopted and given RESOLUTION NO 258 Roll
Ayes --Rice, Ford, Lunsford, mcDugle, Nelson, Nicholson motion carried
Eugene Anderson addressed the Council and asked if the City was going to accept
the fishing boat which the Kiwanis Club will donate to the city for play -ground
use The Kiwanis Club had suggested placing the boat somewhere in the down-
town area It was mentioned that the Park Board was in favor of placing this
boat in Washington Park Others are in favor of it being placed at the City
Library grounds, although the Library Board and Park Board are not in favor
of this location A motion was made by Mr Rice and seconded by Mr Lunsford
that the City accept the boat and place it on the library grounds There was
some discussion about this and Mr Rice withdrew his motion and Mr Lunsford
withdrew his second to the motion to the motion A motion was then made by
Mr Ford and seconded by Dr Nicholson that the City accept the boat and
within one month would decide where it is to be placed Roll Ayes --Ford,
Lunsford, Nicholson, Rice Nayes--mcDugle, Nelson motion carried
Mr Rice reported that the roots of a large tree at 21st and m was causing
sewer stoppage problems for residents dnd Mr Rice made a motion that this
tree be removed and replaced with a birch tree motion was seconded by Mr
Nelson Roll Ayes --Lunsford, mcDugle, Nelson, Nicholson, Rice Abstain --
Ford motion carried
The Treasurer's report for February 1969 was given as follows
Receipts 679,627 73
Disbursements 714,198 55
Cash Balance 500,865 83
Investments 1,995,092 10
Special claims on L I D #166 were as follows
Daily Journal of Commerce 57 80
Conceete Norwest 221 64
Assoc Sand and Gravel 728 73
$1,008 17
Motion by Mr Rice seconded by Mr Nelson that upon approval of the Finance
Committee that these claims be allowed and warrants drawn for same Roll
Ayes --Nelson, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Lunsford, mcDugle motion carried
The City manager reported that the construction bids on the new water facilities
have been reviewed and the City is now waiting for the opinion of the bonding
attorney, before proceeding with the sale of bonds Interest rates at present
time are very high
The City manager reported that cutting and grading had been started for the
Central Area L I D , paving and that the installation of the storm sewers
was about completed Awarding of bids for the curbs and gutters will be
made in April
Motion made by Mr Rice seconded by Mr mcDugle that meeting b adjourned
Roll All ayes meeting adjourned at 9 50 P m
Kathryn Lowry m yo
City Clerk Pro Tem
April 1, 1969
A regular meeting of the Anacortes City Council was called to order by mayor
Jesse W. Ford at 7:30 P. M. on April 1, 1969.
Roll call: Mr. Robert Perry, Dr. L. E. Nicholson, Mr. James Rice, Mr. Jesse W.
Ford, Mr. Floyd Lunsford, Mr. Don McDugle, Mr. Gary Nelson.
Mayor Ford requested the Council's pleasure on the minutes of the previous
meeting held march 18, 1969. motion made by Mr. Rice seconded by Mr. Nelson
that minutes be approved as if read. Roll: Ayes --Perry, Nicholson, Rice,
Ford, Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson. motion carried.
Mayor Ford called for guest hearings: Mr. Stacey Keith addressed the Council
and asked permission to speak on behalf of the Anachords after a letter they
had written was read.
Mr. Tom Lian addressed the Council on behalf of the merchants Committee of the
Chamber of Commerce and asked for Council consideration of holding the Anachords
annual salmon barbeque at Sunset Beach. Rev. Don Hardenbrook also requested
the Council to give every consideration to this request.
Mrs. Roy Harris addressed the Council and stated that events of this type only
go to show that the City does need more park grounds and asked the City to go
ahead at once in obtaining the property at Ship Harbor.
Mrs. Marie Hapeman addressed the Council and asked if the damage done at the
Museum during the freeze could be repaired by April 20th. The City Manager
said that every effort is being made to have the repairs done by that date.
Under communications a letter was read from Mrs. Eileen Bowman in regards to
the chestnut tree on the parking strip in front of her home on 22nd and "M"
Avenue. At the previous Council meeting, the City Council had voted to have
the tree cut down as the neighbors had complained that the roots from the tree
were blocking their sewer line. In the meantime it was discovered by the
plumbing company that the line was b6ing blocked by a block of wood•and not ,
by the tree roots. Mrs. Bowman asked that in view of these findings that the
chestnut tree be left standing.
A letter was read from Mrs. E. L. Engleson of 1903 12th Street requesting that
a portion of "G" Avenue south of 12th Street be vacated. Motion made by Mr.
Rice seconded by Mr. McDugle that this request be turned over to the Planning
Commission. Roll: Ayes --Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson,
Perry. Motion carried.
A letter from Mr. Gordon Logan was read in which a request for the right of
way on certain streets in the Industrial Park area be vacated. Motion made
by Mr. Perry seconded by Mr. Rice that this be turned over to the Planning
Commission. Roll: Ayes --Rice, Ford, Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson, Perry,
Nicholson. Motion carried.
A letter was read from the Town and Country Garden Club in which they asked
permission to plant a memorial tree or trees and set a small bronze marker in
cement at the roadside park at the Anacortes city limits. Motion made by Mr.
Nelson seconded by Mr. Perry that permission be granted. Roll:.Ayes--Ford,
Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson, RICE. Motion carried.
A letter was read from the Anacortes W6man's Club in which they commended the
City Council and Port Commission for the negotiations with Western Washington
State College for development of the marine laboratory at Shannon Point, and
for preservation of the ecology of the Shannon joint area. They urged the
City of Anacortes to proceed with the original Open Space Plan and negotiate
with all proper persons and agencies to secure recreational areas for future
development in the interest of the general public. They further recommended
that the old Great Northern right-of-way and adjacent foot trail from the ferry
dock to Sunset Beach be retained for public use.
A letter was read from the Veterans of Foreign Wars requesting permission to
bring the Intermountain Shows to Anecortes June 11, 1969 to June 14, 1969.
Permission for this granted with the purchaee of the required city licenses.
A letter was read from the Western Washington State College requesting permission
to use Mt. Erie on April 12, April 19, and April 27, 1969. A letter from the
Tacoma Branch of The Mountaineers requested the dates of May 10th and 11th, 1969.
April 1, 1969 Cont ` `1 '1 T
A letter from the Washington Alpine Club requested the date of may 18, 1969
Motion made by Mr Nelson seconded by Mr Lunsford that permission be
granted to these clubs to use Mt Erie on dates requested, except the
April 12th and April 19th dates which are already reserved for the Seattle
Mountaineers, and with the usual stipulation that the City will not be
held liable for any accidents Roll Ayes --Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson, Perry,
Nicholson, Rice, Ford motion carried
A letter from the Anacortes Arts and Crafts requested permission to close off
the same area of downtown streets that they have had in previous years for
the Arts and Crafts Festival which will be held August 2 and 3, 1969 motion
made by Mr Rice seconded by Mr Nelson that permission be granted Roll
Ayes--McDugle, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Lunsford motion carried
A letter from the Anacortes Anachords was read in which they requested the use
of Washington Park for their annual salmon barbequesto beheld July 27, 1969
They asked that boat launching be suspended for that weekend, and that the small
shelter in the picnic area be extended twelve feet to the east and that a sink
be installed in the east end of the same motion by Mr Rice seconded by Mr
McDugle that permission be granted Roll Ayes--Nelson,'Perry, Nicholson,
Rice, Ford, Lunsford, McDugle motion carried It was suggested that the
Anachords committee get together with the City manager and the Park Superin-
tendent on the arrangements for this event Mrs William Bessner stated that
the History Board had a sink that they would donate
A letter of resignation was read from Johnny (Hayden) McCaw He is resigning
from the Anacortes Beautification Committee as he is moving out of town
A recommendation from the Planning Commission that the City adopt a proposed
residential planned unit development ordinance within the zoning code was
discussed A motion was made by Mr McDugle seconded by Dr Nicholson that
a public hearing date of May 6, 1969 be set with the understanding that the
City Council have a study session on this before that date Roll Ayes --
Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson Motion carried
A proposed ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Anacortes
to include apartment -hotels and air oriented industry as permitted primary
ases in certain districts in the City, defining the same, and constituting
a portion of Sections 8-7 12, 8-7 14, 8-7 16 and 8-7 52 of the Code was read
by the City Attorney Motion made by Mr Rice seconded by Mr Perry that this
ordinance be approved and adopted and given ORDINANCE NO 11479 Roll
Ayes --Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson, Perry Motion carried
The City Attorney read a proposed ordinance which would require special sewer
and water connection charges for property not previously assessed or otherwise
charged for sewers or water in areas developed with sewers and/or water mains
pursuant to development contracts, and constituting sections 6-6 01 through
6-6 07 of the Code Motion made by Or Nicholson seconded by Mr Perry that
this ordinance be approved and adopted and given ORDINANCE NO 1480 Roll
Ayes --Rice, Ford, Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson Motion carried
Bids were presented on the construction of curbs and gutters for L I D #166
as follows
Gary Merline Const Co
Ed Hewson Cement Contractor
M E West, Concrete Curbs
Jim Ferguson Concrete Bonst
Ben Griffin Const Co
Sno-King Concrete Const
Stubbert Concrete Co
Sharp & Associates
lineal foot
n It
n n
n n
n n
Motion made by Mr Rice seconded by Mr Perry that the low bid of $1 58 per
lineal foot from Sno-King Concrete Construction be accepted Roll Ayes --
Ford, Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson, Rice ' Motion carried
A proposed agreement was presented which would authorize the City Manager to
sign an agreement with Stone and Youngberg, Municipal Financial Consultants
to provide financial consulting services for the City of Anacortes Motion
made by Or Nicholson seconded by Mr Perry that the City Manager be given
permission to sign this agreement Roll Ayes --Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson,
April 1, 1969
Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford motion carried
Claims against the City for the last half of march were presented as follows
Salaries and wages $23,216 98
Expenditures 47,072 44
Upon approval of the Finance Committee a motion made by Mr Perry seconded by
Mr mcDugle that claims be approved and warrants drawn for same Roll Ayes--
mcDugle, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Lunsford motion carried
The City manager reported
1 Receipt of letter from the State of Washington military Department
listing charges for the rental of the Anacortes Armory Building The charges
as listed are $3 00 per hour for use of armory drill floor by schools, and the
same rate would apply to other City activities Rate of $1 25 per hour for
daytime use of any classroom
2 Reported that report is completed for theisale of water revenue bonds,
but at present time the interest rate is quite high and the maximum that a
municipality is allowed is 6% There is legislation in the State Legislature
at the present time trying to raise this maximum to 8%, but right now unless
the market softens somewhat or the 8% maximum is passed by the Legislature,
there will be a delay in the selling of the bonds The construction bids are
in and Stevens, Thompson & Runyan, Consulting Engineers, have recommended three
acceptable low bidders For Schedule I --Water Treatment Plant Snelson, Inc
For Schedule II --River Intake Constructors Pamco
For Schedule III --Venture Construction, Inc
All three of these firms have been asked for a 30 day extension and all have
indicated that they would be willing to do this, in order to give the City
time to sell the bonds A motion was made by Mr Rice and seconded by Mr Perry
that the City manager be given permission to call for the sale of these bonds
whenever the market is right Roll Ayes --Nelson, Perry, Nicholson, Rice,
Ford, Lunsford, mcDugle motion carried
Mr Len Clark of the engineering firm of Stevens, Thompson & Runyan, presented
the final plans for the construction of the "R" Avenue Truck Route and asked
for Council approval of same motion made by Mr Perry and seconds d by Mr
Rice that these plans be accepted and that a resolution coveringthe same be
drawn up Roll Ayes --Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Lunsford, mcDugle, Nelson
Motion carried
Councilman Nelson asked if a building permit had been issued for the house that
had been moved in on Longview Avenue It was established that a permit had
been issued and would be good for two years
Councilman Nelson also stated that he was concerned about the distribution of
drugs in Anecortes and asked if our laws were adequate for the police to take
care of violators The City Attorney stated that the local police could make
arrests and then in most cases the violators would be turned over to the
Prosecuting Attorney
Mr Nelson asked about the repairs to 34th Street The City manager replied
that the strip east of "R" Avenue will be recoated and the strip west of "R"
will be repaired
Mr Nelson made a motion which was seconded by Mr mcDugle that the fishing
boat donated by the Kiwanis Club be placed on the Library grounds, the location
to be decided by Library and Park Boards After considerable discussion about
this, a motion was made by Dr Nicholson and seconded by Mr Perry that Mr
Nelson's motion be tabled until the next meeting Roll Ayes --Nicholson,
Ford, Perry Nayes--Rice, Lunsford, mcDugle, Nelson motion did not carry
A vote was then taken on Mr Nelson's motion to place the boat on the
Library grounds Roll Ayes --Rice, Lunsford, mcDugle, Nelson Nayes--
Ford, Perry Nicholson motion carried
A motion was made by Mr Rice seconded by Mr mcDugle that the salary for
City Councilmen be raised from $10 00 to $20 00 a month Adequate money had
been provided in the budget for this Roll Ayes --Lunsford, mcDugle, Nelson,
Perry, Rice Nayes--Ford, Nicholson motion carried
28 '
April 1, 1969 Cont
Motion by Mr Perry secondec by Mr Nelson that meeting be adjourned
Meeting adjourned at 9 30 P M n /J
Kathryn Lowry
City Clerk Pro Tem
April 15, 1969
A regular meeting of the Anacortes City Council was called to order by
Mayor Jesse W Ford on April 15, 1969 at 7 30 P M
The invocation was given by Rev Bunger of the Free methodist Church
Roll call Mr Robert Perry, Dr L E Nicholson, Mr James Rice, Mr Jesse
W Ford, Mr Floyd Lunsford, Mr Don McDugle, Mr Gary Nelson
Mayor Ford requested the Council's pleasure on the minutes of the previous
meeting held on April 1, 1969 motion made by Or Nicholson and seconded
by Mr Perry that minutes be approved as if read Roll Ayes --Perry,
Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson motion1carried
Mayor Ford called for guest hearings Mrs Thelma Palmer addressed the
Council and asked to have three questions answered pertaining to Ship
Harbor, Shannon Point, and proposed park Question one --What is outcome
of Shannon Point appraisal? The City Manager replied that Wilcox and
Associates were in the process of doing the appraisal at present time and
that he hoped to have some figures on it by next week Mrs Palmer's
second question was whether or not the City Manager had met with Dr Flora
of the Western Washington State College The City Manager replied that he
had, and also with Dr Cole from Skagit Valley College,/and that they were
willing to allow people to walk on their property as long as they could
say where they were to walk and to establish controls as to time, etc
Mrs Palmer's third question was to ask if a study session had been held
with the Port of Anacortes Councilman Rice replied that a study session] 1
had been held and that an account of it had been published in the local,
paper and that there wasn't much that could be done until after the appraisal
is completed Mrs Palmer read the following article from the Seattle Times
"Lawyers can play a ket role in preserving environmental resources for the
good of mankind, Senator Henry M Jackson said here Tuesday Night
"Speaking at the quarterly dinner of the Seattle -King County Bar
Association, the senator said 'Your corporate clients probably will face
air and water pollution problems if they haven't already experienced them
Land -use management and planning have an impact on everyone's activities
New concepts such as noise control, scenic easements and assessment
problems are coming to the fore '
"People no longer are complacent about their surroundings, the use
of the environment and the way public resources are administered, the
chairman of the Senate Interior and Insular Affairs Committee commented
"'As lawyers, a major task you will face is the translation of these
new-found public values into reality through advice, interpretation, admini-
strative proceedings and adjudication by our courts ' Jackson said
"Congress and legislatures gradually are learning to avoid falling
victim to economic expediency, the senator believes They are learning
that the right of future generations to a quality life in a quality en-
vironment cannot continue to be traded for short-term economic gain, he said
"'Unfortunately, the development of a law of environmental rights in
our courts has not kept pace,' Jackson told the ,fudges and attorneys 'The
individual who tries to save trees, open spaces, parks and streams may find
himself equated with little old ladies wearing tennis shoes and carrying
butterfly nets '
April 15, 1969 Cont
"At present, 70 per cent of our population is crowded onto 1 per cent
of the land --and most of the 1 per cent is concrete and asphalt, the
speaker asserted
"'This is why it is so important that we act to save some open spaces
in and near our cities,' Jackson said 'This is why the zoning and land -use -
management decisions of local government are so important '
"The growth of the economy and the expansion of technological power
have exacted a price, Jackson noted Experts have estimated it will cost
between $26 billion and $29 billion in the next five years to clean lakes,
streams, rivers and bays
"An estimated $3 billion a year will be required to reduce air pollution
by two thirds
"'We are entering an era where qualitative values and esthetic factors
are considered as important as material wealth,' the speaker said
"Members of the bench and bar were told they have an obligation to
speak out against those who seek special treatmentlat the expense of the
public good 'Land -se management and planning cannot be left to those who
have mastered what one expert terms the "zoning game",' Jackson warned
"The senator recently introduced legislation to establish an advisory
council on environmental quality Hearings on the measure are scheduled
before the Senate Interior Committee next Wednesday "
Mr Joseph Zygmenski addressed the Council and asked what position the City
Council was going to take about this property Councilman Perry stated
that he thought the City should take steps to acquire this property for the
citizens of Anacortes mayor Ford stated that he was in agreement that
this should be public land, but at present time it is private property, and
it would be necessary for the City to buy it or have it condemned or to
find some other way to acquire it
A motion was made by Mr Perry and seconded by mr Ford that the City take
steps to acquire this property dust as soon as possible Roll Ayes --
Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson, Perry motion carried
Mrs Newland addressed the Council and asked why this property could not be
declared to be public property The City Attorney explained that in order
to establish perscriptive rights to property that it would have to be proven
that the property had been in adverse use for the past ten years, and as
the railroad has not given up its right of way until 1962, that it didn't
seem likely that such a use could be established
Under communications a letter was read from Dr James Kelly in which he
resigned from the Planning Commission Motion made by Mr Rice and
seconded by Mr McDugle that the resignation be accepted and a letter of
appreciation sent to Dr Kelly for his time spent on the Planning Commission
Roll Ayes --Rice, Ford, Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson,Perry, Nicholson
Motion carried
A letter was read from the Anacortes Library Board and signed by all
Board members in which they express their surprise at the action of the City
Council with reference to placing a fishing boat on the library grounds,
and expressed their concern that the Library Board had not been given an
opportunity to vote on this, and requested that no further action be taken
on the boat until they had an opportunity to meet with the City Council and
discuss it Mrs Sybil Hansen, Chairman of the Library Board was present
and addressed the Council and verbally requested a meeting with the City
Council The Council decided to hold a study session on April 22, 1969 at
7 30 P M at which time they will meet with the Library Board
A recommendation from the Planning Commission was received in which they
recommended that land use for the comprehensive plan be established as
multi -family in the area in the southeast section of Anacortes (Property
April 15, 1969 Cont
included in the Medford rezone request ) A motion made by Mr McDugle and
seconded by Mr Lunsford that a public hearing date of May 6, 1969 be set
on this with the understanding that the Council have a study session on
this beforehand Roll Ayes --Ford, Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson, Perry,
Nicholson, Rice Motion carried
A proposed resolution was read authorizing the sale of water bonds for the
new water treatment plant, river intake structure, and pipeline river cross-
ing The City Manager explained that the total amount toibe sold is
$2,800,000, but because of the high interest rate at the present time this
resolution was asking for the issuance of $1,800,000 as an initial issue and
$1,000,000 additional at a later date, when interest rates might be lower
Motion made by Mr Perry seconded by Or Nicholson that this resolution be
approved and adopted and given RESOLUTION NO 259 Roll Ayes --Lunsford,
McDugle, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford Motion carried
A proposed resolution was read authorizing the disposal of certain parcels
of land in the Urban Renewal Area, Project Wash R-15 to Habitat West
Motion made by Mr Rice seconded by Mr Lunsford that this resolution be
approved and adopted, and given RESOLUTION NO 260 Roll Ayes --Nelson,
Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Lunsford, McDugle Motion carried
A proposed resolution was read authorizing the disposal of certain parcels
of land in the Urban Renewal Area, ProjectcWash R-15 to Anacortes Veneer,
Inc Motion by Mr Rice seconded by Mr Lunsford that this resolution be
approved and adopted and given RESOLUTION NO 261 Roll Ayes--McDugle,
Nelson, Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Lunsford Motion carried
Council permission was asked not to require utility easement on east 90'
of the alley in Block 59 This is for the new People's National Bank
Arrangements have been made by the Bank to provide an access alley for
residents on 10th instead of 9th Street, and also the arrangements to re-
locate sewer and gas lines have been made Motion made by Or Nicholson
seconded by Mr Perry that permission to change alley to exit on 10th be
granted and the Mayor authorized to sign a quit claim deed Roll
Ayes --Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson Motion
The construction bids on the water treatment plant, the river intake structure,
and the river pipeline crossing were reviewed A motion made by Mr Perry
and seconded by Mr Lunsford that the construction bids be entered in the
minutes Roll Ayes --Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson,
Perry Motion carried
1 Snelson
2,273,502 00
2 Venture
2,355,899 21
3 Teeples and
2,452,615 00
1 Snelson
2,189,902 00
2 Venture
2,225,274 21
3 Teeples and
2,364,005 27
Pamco Venture
663,575 00 183,294 05
Venture Manson
691,790 00 197,505 00
Teeples and General
608,057 00 244,602 11
(1)$3,120,371 05
(2) $3,245,194 21
(3) $3,305,274 11
663,575 00
183,294 05 (1) 3,036,771 05
691,790 00
197,505 00 (2) $3,114,569 21
Teeples and
608,057 00
244,602 11 (3) $3,216,664 38
River Intake Complete NO BID
42" River Crossing NO BID
(1) $3,117,236 05
(2) $3,242,059 21
(3) $3,300,525 60
April 15, 1969
Schedule I
Schedule III
1 Snelson
2,273,502 00
183,294 05
2 Venture
2,355,899 21
197,505 00
3 Teeples and
2,452,615 00
244,602 11
List of Bidders
SNELSON Inc --601 State St , Sedro Woolley, Wash
Water Treatment Plant
Wash State Sales Tax
Total Bid, Schedule I
Deductible Alt (Delete Dike)
River Intake Complete
42" River Crossing
NEISE MORTENSEN & Co --1021 Westlake Ave
N , Seattle, Wash
Water Treatment Plant
Wash State Sales Tax
Total Bid, Schedule I
Deductible Alt (Delete Dike)
River Intake Complete
42" River Crossing
WICK CONSTRUCTION CO --720 N 35th, Seattle, Washington
Water Treatment Plant
Wash State Sales Tax
Total Bid, Schedule I
Deductible Alt (Delete Dike
River Intake Complete NO BID
42" River Crossing NO BID
(1) $3,117,236 05
(2) $3,242,059 21
(3) $3,300,525 60
April 15, 1969 Cont
NELSON CONST Company --P 0 Box 905, Ferndale, Washington
Water Treatment Plane, Complete $2,175,600 00
Wash State Sales Tax 101,575 35
Total Bid, Schedule I Complete $2,358,805 35
Deductible Alt (Delete Dike) 007,000 00
$2,246,990 00
River Intake Complete NO BID
42" River Crossing NO BID
AL JOHNSON CONST Co --600 Continental Ntl Bk , Englewood, Colorado
Water Treatment Plant, Complete $2,898,740 00
Wash State Sales Tax 130,443 30
Total Bid, Schedule I Complete $3,029,183 30
Deductible Alt (Delete Dike) 46,000 00
$2,981,113 30
River Intake Complete NO BID
42" River Crossing NO BID
CROY CONST CO --1107 C St , Bellingham, Washington
Water Treatment Plant NO BID
River Intake Complete $690,462 80
Wash State Sales Tax 31,070 79
Total Bid, Schedule II Complete $721,532 79
Deductible Alt (Del Access Rd )Add 3,000 00
$724,667 79
42" River Crossing NO BID
BUTLER CONST & ENG , 3419 13th SW, Seattle, Wash
Water Treatment Plant NO BID
River Intake Complete $720,000 00
_Wash State Sales Tax 32,400 00
Total Bid, Schedule II Complete $752,400 00
Deductible Alt (Del Access Rd ) 5,000 00
$747,175 00
42" River Crossing NO BID
MCCRAY MARING CONST --2370 Fairview East, Seattle, Wash
Water Treatment Plant
River Intake
Total Items 1, 2, & 3
Wash State Sales Tax
Total Bid, Schedule III Complete
$147,597 30
6,641 88
$154,239 18
April 15, 1969 Cont
CONST-PAmCO--3600 Fremont Ave N , Seattle, Wash
Water Treatment Plant,
State Sales Tax
River Intake Complete
Bid, Schedule II Complete
Wash St Sales Tax
Total Bid, Schedule II
Deductible Alt (Del Access
Rd )
Total Items 1, 2, & 3
Wash State Sales Tax
Total Bid, Schedule III
5659 40th
Ave W , Seattle, Wash
Water Treatment Plant, Complete NO BID
River Intake Complete $714,800 00
Wash State Sales Tax 32,166 00
Total Bid, Schedule 11 Complete $746,966 00
Deductible Alt (Del Access Rd ) 100 00
$746,861 50
Total, Items 1, 2, & 3 $237,800 00
Wash State Sales Tax 10,701 00
Total Bid, Schedule III Complete $248,501 00
AMER PIPE DRIVING CO --411 13th St , Everett, Wash
Water Treatment,Plant, Complete NO BID
Intake Complete
State Sales Tax
Bid, Schedule II Complete
Deductible Alt (Obl Access Rd )
Items 17 27 & 3
State Sales Tax
MANSON CONST & ENG --5209 marginal Way, Seattle, Wash
Water Treatment Plant, Complete NO BID
River Intake Complete $7879000 00
Wash State Sales Tax 35,415 00
Total Bid, Schedule II Complete $822,415 00
Deductible Alt (Del Access Rd ) 2,000 00
$820,325 00
SCHEDULE III 421VIeRiver Crossing
Total, Items 1, 2 & 3 $189,000 00
Wash State Sales Tax 8,505 00
Total Bid, Schedule III Complete- $197,505 00
TEEPLES & THATCHER CONST --8850 SE Otty Road, Portland, Oregon
Water Treatment Plant, Complete $2,347,000 00
Wash State Sales Tax 105,615 00
Total Bid, Schedule I Complete $2;45211615 00
Deductible Alt (Delete Dike 24,794 00
$2,364,005 27
April 15, 1969 Cont
River Intake Complete $581,873 00
Wash State Sales Tax 26 184/28
Total Bid, Schedule II Complete $608,057 28
Deductible Alt (Del Access Rd ) 4,640 00
$603,208 49
42" River Crossing NO BID
PACIFIC VENTURES INC --1836 Westlake N , Seattle, Wash
Water Treatment Plant, Complete $2,391,000 00
Wash State Sales Tax
Total Bid Schedule I Complete
Deductible Alt (Delete Dike)
Deductible Alt (Delete Dike)
River Intake Complete
$ 807,315
Wash State Sales Tax
Total Bid Schedule II Complete
$ 843,644
Deductible Alt (Del Access Rd )
Deductible Alt (Del Access Rd )
$ 840,195
42" River Crossing NO BID
WILL CONST CO INC , 9510 Stone Ave N , Seattle, Wash
Water Treatment Plant
Wash State Sales Tax
Total Bid, Schedule I Complete
Deductible Alt (Delete Dike)
Wash State Sales Tax
$ 691,790
River Intake Complete
$ 850,334
Wash State Sales Tax
Total Bid Schedule II Complete
$ 888,599
Deductible Alt (Del Access Rd )
42" River Crossing
VENTURE CONST CO --303 26th St N E , Auburn, Wash
Water Treatment Plant, Complete $2,254,449 00
Wash State Sales Tax 101,450 21
Total Bid, Schedule I Complete $2,355,899 21
Deductible Alt (Delete Dike)
River Intake Complete
$ 662,000
Wash State Sales Tax
Total Bad Schedule II Complete
$ 691,790
Deductible Alt (Del Access Rd )
$688,655 00
42" River Crossing
Total, Items 1,2, and 3
Wash State Sales Tax
Total Bid, Schedule III Complete
$ 183,294
April 15, 1969 Cont
GENERAL CONST CO , P 0 Box 3845 Ave S W , Seattle, Wash
Schedule I
Water Treatment Plant, Complete $2,363,000.00
Wash State Sales Tax 106,335 00
Total Bid, Sehedule I 2,469,335 00
Deductible Alt (Delete Dike)
Schedule II
Wash State Sales Tax
River Intake Complete
Wash State Sales Tax
20 '
Total Bid, Schedule II
Deductible Alt (Del Access Rd )
Schedule III
42" River Crossing
Total, Items 1, 2, & 3 234,069 00
Wash State Sales Tax 10,533 11
Total Bid, Schedule III Complete $ 244,602 11
MOTTNER& MCCUTCHEN--7722 Rainier Ave S , Seattle, Wash
Schedule I
Water Treatment Plant,
Wash State Sales Tax
Total Bid, Schedule I
Deductible Alt (Delete
Schedule II
River Intake Complete
Wash State Sales Tax
Total Bid, Schedule II
Deductible Alt (Del
Access Rd )
Schedule III
42" River Crossing
Total Items 1, 2, and 3 256,000 00
Wash State Sales Tax 11,520 00
Total Bid, Schedule III, Complete 267,520 00
LORD BROS CONSTR CO --9233 N Calvert Ave , Portland Oregon
Schedule I
Water Treatment Plant, Complete $2,907,485 00
Wash State Sales Tax 130,836 83
Total Bid, Schedule I Complete $3,038,321 83
Deductible Alt (Delete Dike) 28,000 00
$3,009,061 83
Schedule II
River Intake Complete 611,124 00
Wash State Sales Tax 27,500 58
Total Bid, Schedule II Complete 638,623 54
Deductible Alt (Del Access Rd ) 1 00
638,623 54
Schedule III
42" River Crossing
Total Items 1, 2, and 3 267,787 00
Wash State Sales Tax 12,050 42
Total Bid, Schedule III Complete $ 279,837 42
April 15, 1969 Cont
Mrs Marjorie Klingman of Sunset Florist requested permission to close the west
end of the alley by the post office to vehicular traffic, but open to pedestrian
traffic The City Engineer, William F Gallagher explained that this alley was
not used to a great extent Mainly by the garbage truck and other service trucks,
and that an laternate route could be used by any vehicular traffic This route
for vehicular traffic would be the east 20 feet of the South half of Lot 6 and
east 15 feet of the North half of Lot 6, Block 23, Original Plat This would
allow traffic to enter on 5th Street rather than on Commercial Avenue The Sunset
Florist would maintain shrubbery and plants on the portion closed to vehicles
The City Attorney stated that he felt an ordinance should be adopted to cover
this and that a public hearing should be held first Motion by Mr Rice and
seconded by Mr Perry that May 6, 1969 be set as a public hearing date for
this Roll Ayes --Rice, Ford, Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson
Motion carried
The Treasurer's report for the month of March 1969 was presented as follows
Cash Balance
707,625 49
772,248 01
436,443 31
2,059,409 68
Claims against the City for the first half of April 1969 were presented as
Salaries and wages 12,850 00
Expenditures 24,154 01
Upon approval of the Finance Committee motion made by Mr Rice seconded by Mr
McDugle that claims be allowed and warrants drawn for same Roll Ayes --Ford,
Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson, Rice Motion carried
An agreement between the Skagit County Diking District No 17 and the City of
Anacortes was read This agreement would give the City of Anacortes a per-
petual right of way and easement across and along the west bank of the Skagit
River at a location approximately 1800 feet south of the north line of the
Section 13, Township 34 N, Range 3 E W M , the City of Anacortes to pay the
Diking District the sum of $50 00 for said easement privilege Motion made by
Mr Rice seconded by Mr Perry that the Mayor sign this agreement Roll Ayes --
Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Lunsford Motion
At the request of the Beautification Committee, Mayor Ford proclaimed the dates
of April 19 and April 20, 1969 as "Clean-up Week "
An ordinance was read which would finalize L I D No 164 and provide for the
issuance of bonds in the total principal sum of $7,925 00 Councilman McDugle
asked if all legal aspects of this L I D had been complied with The City
Manager stated that they had since the bonding attorneys had drawn up the
ordinance and recommended its passage Motion made by Mr Perry and seconded
by Mr Rice that this ordinance be approved and adopted and given ORDINANCE No
1481 Roll Ayes --Nelson, Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Lunsford, McDugle
Motion carried
The City Manager reported
1 1969 convention of Association of Washington Cities will be held in
Seattle on July 16, 17, and 18, 1969
2 Receipt of a resume from Stevens, Thompson & Runyan stating quali-
fications of Robert L Anderson whom they propose as resident engineer during
the water project construction The City's Water Superintendent and employees
from the Engineering Department would be doing inspecting on this also
3 Washington State Municipal Employers Labor Relations Conference will
be held at Rosario Resort Hotel, Eastsound, Orcas Island on on April 18th and
19th, 1969
4 Reported receipt of preliminary cost estimate for 32nd Street
A motion was made by Mr Rice and seconded by Mr McDugle that one year's extension
of employment be given to William F Gallagher Roll Ayes --Perry, Nicholson,
Rice, Ford, Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson Motion carried
April 15, 1969
Councilman mcDugle reported that there were weeds around city streets that need-
ed to be sprayed and also street signs that needed to be fixed
Motion by Mr Perry seconded by Mr
All ayes meeting adjourned at 9
Kathryn Lowry
City Clerk Pro Tem
May 6, 1969
Ford that meeting be adjourned
35 P m
A regular meeting of the Anacortes City Council was called to order by mayor
Jesse W Ford on may 6, 1969 at 7 30 P m
Roll call Mr Robert Perry, Or L E Nicholson, Mr James Rice, Mr Jesse
W Ford, Mr Floyd Lunsford, Mr Don mcDugle, Mr Gary Nelson
Mayor Ford requested the Council's pleasure on the minutes of the previous
meeting held April 15, 1969 motion made by Mr Rice seconded by Mr Perry
that minutes be approved as if read Roll Ayes --Perry, Nicholson, Rice,
Ford, Lunsford, mcDugle, Nelson motion carried
Mayor Ford calledtflortguestuhearings Mr Clyde Cook addressed the Council
and asked permission for the Boy Scouts to hold a Scoutarama Parade on may
24, 1969 Parade to be in the morning and line of march to start at Bth and
Commercial up to 17th Street, and from there to the high school football
field There were no objections from the Council and mayor Ford asked Mr
Cook to contact the Police Chief and make arrangements
On behalf of the Beautification Committee and the City of Anacortes, mayor
Ford presented Mr Richard Hoover of the Scott Paper Company an award for
the beautification work done in the area around their plant
Another award was presented by mayor Ford to the senior students from the
Anacortes High School for their participation in the Student -City Government
Day , The award was accepted by Jim Weaver and Jim Hardenbrook on behalf of
the students and their teacher, mrsn Robert Beard A letter was read from the
students who had participated in a mock session of the City Council in which
they made the following recommendations 1 Ihat the City act as authorized
by the State Legislature to create a youth agency It was proposed that ten
persons, including five adults and five students, be appointed to this agency
to advise, study, and implement programs that would benefit local youth,
subject to the approval of the City Council
2 That the City replace the worn out flags currently flying on the
Municipal Building and the museum of History and repair the halyard on the
flag pole in Causland Park
3 That the City investigate such modern methods of garbage disposal as
inter -municipal cooperation in the development of a chemical processing unit
and/or other means This action was made on the basis of the advice of Mr
James Rice that current garbage disposal procedures do not comply with
requests made by the state air pollution boards
4 That the City should act as fast as possible to acquire the Ship Harbor
and Shannon Point areas for public park, with particular emphasis placed
upon implementing the proposal of Mr Thomas Thompson to construct a narrow
gauge railroad
A resolution prepared by the senior students was then read in which they ex-
pressed their appreciation for the cooperation of the City in making the
Senior Government Day possible and invited the city officials to participate
in a Day at School
Mayor Ford thanked the students for their letter and the resolution and told
them that a plaque bearing the names of the'students who had participated in
the Senior Government Day would be placed in the Municipal Building and that
each year names of other students participating would be added
On the request from the students about creating a youth agency, mayor Ford
May 6, 1969
asked the City Attorney to contact the Association of Washington Cities to
find out more about the procedures on this
Under communications a letter was read from the Fire Department recommending
that the Anacortes Church of the Latter Day Saints be granted a permit to
sell "Safe and Sane" fireworks at 918 Commercial Avenue motion made by Mr
Rice seconded by Mr -1 Perry that permission be granted Roll Ayes --
Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson, Perry motion carried
A letter from Mrs Claire Lindquist was read in which she asked if a stop
sign could be installed at the corner of 3rd and "Q" and also a "No U Turn"
sign, or else a four way stop sign This was referred to the Traffic
Safety Committee
A letter Was read from residents residing on 25th Street between Commercial
and R Avenues registering a complaint about sawdust trucks tearing the street
up, and requesting that the trucks use the truck route and that the chuck
holes be repaired It was suggested by the City Manager that the police
department be instructed to notify trucks using this street or any other
street that they should use the truck route on R Avenue The City Manager
stated he would contact the Street Department about repairing the chuck
A letter from Mr Joe Zygmanski was read in regard to Shannon Point property
Mr Zygmanski urged the City Council to act immediately to acquire the con—
tested property for the good of all residents, and to keep in mind the ever
burgeoning population whose access to recreational and waterfront properties
is rapidly being denied by developers, and to reflect upon the younger
generation who will hold in contempt any decision which will deny them access
to a flower, a pond, a tidal pool
Mr R Werder addressed the Council and stated that he thought some action
should be taken on this at once as time was running out The City Manager
stated that it was his understanding that the Interagency on Outdoor
Recreations would discuss the funding of this property at their next meeting
to be held the latter part of May providing that the City, can furnish
evidence of their desire to acquire the property It would be necessary to
have the appraisals completed and options obtained The appraisals are being
made at the present time and should be completed shortly
A letter from the Port of Anacortes was read in which they stated that the
Anacortes Port Commission would be pleased to cooperate with the City of
Anacortes in a ,point project for the development of public access and use for
recreational purposes in the Ship Harbor area of Anacortes The letter
further stated that, "While the Port Commission has considered this area in
past planning, it is realized that Ship Harbor can be of benefit to the people
of Anacortes, but development must proceed so that all of the people of the
Anacortes Port District are served through a balanced project To that end
the Port Commission of Anacortes would like to note in this informal way
that it is their intention to proceed with planning for a development of the
area immediately east of the Washington State Ferry Terminal for public rec—
reational use In any development it would be the intention of the Port
Commission to ensure full public utilization of the properties entrusted to
them and to preserve and enhance the existing beach At,thi.s time the
Comprehensive Plan of the Port of Anacortes is in need of revision and up—
dating, particularly regarding Port properties in West Anacortes, and it
would perhaps be hasty to enter into property sale negotiations at this
time Nonetheless the Port Commission in realizing the worth of a public
development in Ship Harbor would like to enter into negotiations with the
City of Anacortes so that the City might acquire certain properties for the
purpose of park development in conjunction with Port Plans At this time
consideration should be limited to the tidelands immediately fronting the
private property in the area, this parcel marked I on the appraisal map
supplied to the city by Mr Ray Richards of Wilcox and Associates, Inc ,
and 100 feet of access on the western side of parcels C and A The Commission
would feel that City acquisition of these properties would be contingent upon
the City acquisition of the private properties marked B in the immediate area
It is to be emphasized that as the new Port Comprehensive Plan progresses,
the Commission will inform the city and work out the planning of properties
on a cooperative basis It should be mentioned at this time that the most
recent appraisal which was obtained by the city represents values considerably
below net cost figures on some of the parcels In view of the many constituents
May 6, 1969
of the Anacortes Port District who reside outside of the city limits of
Anacortes, it is vital that the best values be realized in any property
transaction so that all of the people of the Port District are served "
Mr Hal Harker addressed the Council and stated that he had given permission
for people to walk around his property
The City manager explained that there was no assurance that the State would
grant funds for this project, although it seemed quite likely that they
might if all requirements are met After some further discussion on this by
the Councilmen, a motion was made by Mr Perry and'seconded by Mr Rice
that the City manager be authorized to negotiate for this property within the
prescribed appraisals and that if negotiations for options cannot be reached
within the next week, that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare the
necessary ordinance to acquire this property by other means Roll Ayes --
Rice, Ford, Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson motion carried
Mrs Robert Beard addressed the Council and expressed her appreciation for
the time and effort they have spent in taking steps to acquire this property
A letter was read from Commanding Officer H R Graf of the USS Skagit in
which he stated that the USS Skagit was being decommissioned and retired
from active naval service in San Diego on July 1, 1969 Mr Graf stated that
they have on board many momentos of last year's port visit to Anacortes and
asked if it would be feasible for a delegation or an individual representing
the City of Anacortes, to be present in San Diego on July 1 to attend the formal
decommissioning ceremony and accept the momentos in behalf of the City of
Anacortes The Councilmen thought someone from the City should attend this
A public hearing was declared to be open by Mayor Ford on establishing a land
use for the Comprehensive Plan for the area in the southeast section of
Anacortes This land is owned by the Medford Company who are proposing to
build garden court apartments A small part of the area now being classified
for single family dwellings and the remainder is unclassified The question was
asked if this wouldn't bring about spot zoning Mr Don McKee addressed the
council and stated that the question of zoning was,not being considered at
this time, only the establishment of the land use
Mr Walt Miller addressed the Council and stated that he was for single
family use
Mrs Al LeMay addressed the Council and stated that she was in favor of single
family use and was very much opposed to the density of 19 units per acre, as
she thought this would put too many children in this area
Mr A Mustmcich addressed the Council and stated that he was opposed to any
change unless it would be to R-1
Mrs Walt Miller asked if this proposed development would put another street
alongside of their property Mr Don McKee replied that the streets would be
within the perimeter of)the Medford property
Others stating that they were in favor of single family use were L A Dunstan
and Raymond Gullick
Mr Bob Allen addressed the Council and stated that he was in favor of this
type of apartment
Mr I R Nichol addressed the Council and stated that the density of children
in this type of apartment would be small as these are generally rented by
professional people, and retired people, rather than families with young
Mr Robert K Keller, representing the Medford Company, addressed the Council
and stated that if the apartments were built, that the grounds would be
landscaped and contain recreational areas and off-street parking Under the
May 6, 1969 Cont
contract method requested, the firm could not obtain building permits until
both the Planning Commission and the City Council have held public hearings on
the land use and the zoning and all are satisfied with all phases of the plans
for buildings, recreational facilities and landscaping Mr Keller mentioned
that apartments of this type in other areas have been well accepted, and the
density of children in this type of apartment is not too large
Councilman Gary Nelson suggested that the Councilmen visit apartments of this
type and talk to people who live in them and also to people who live in the
area where they are located The Councilmen thought this was a good idea
and mayor Ford declared the public hearing to be closed
Mayor Ford declared a public hearing to be open on proposed Residential
Planned Unit Ordinance for the City of Anacortes The purpose of this
ordinance would be to encourage creative land development practices
Developments allowed under this should produce a quality environmental condition
in the form of more aesthetic open space setting, more efficient service
systems and land utilization while maintaining substantially the same popu—
lation density as permitted in the underlying zone classification There
were no comments from the audience and mayor Ford declared the public hearing
to be closed motion was made by Mr Rice seconded by Mr Perry that the
City Attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance covering this Roll
Ayes --Ford, Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson, Rice motion
Mayor Ford declared a public hearing to be open on the porposed ordinance to
close the alley by the post office for a half block east of Commercial
This request having been made by Mr and Mrs Klingman who own a florist
shop on the corner and contemplate installing a fish market facing the
alley behind their shop and requested that vehicular traffic be barred to
provide pedestrian access, and they would have this beautified with plants,
etc , and would give the City an easement for land behind their store to
provide an alley exit to 5th Street, east of the closed section There
were no comments from the audience and Mayor Ford declared the public hearing
to be closed City Attorney Wells read the ordinance covering this Motion
was made by Mr Perry seconded by Mr Rice that the easement be obtained
from the Klingmans and the ordinance be approved and adopted and given
ORDINANCE NO 1482 Roll Ayes --Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson,
Rice, Ford Motion carried
A resolution was read to approve plans and specifications prepared by Stevens,
Thompson & Runyan, Inc , Engineers and Planners and Consultants for the City
of Anacortes, for the improvement of R Avenue, also designated the "R" Avenue
Truck Route, from 22nd to 34th Street Motion made by Mr Rice seconded
by Mr -'Perry that this resolution be approved and adopted and given RESOLUTION
NO 262 Roll Ayes--McDugle, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Lunsford,
Motion carried t
The bids received for the sale of water revenue bonds in the amount of $1,800,000
were read Two bids were received One from Marshall and Meyer, in connection
with John Nuveen and Co with an interest rate of 6 2603%, and a bid from
Gregory and Sons with an interest rate of 6 1597% A motion was made by Mr
Rice and seconded by Mr Perry that the bid from Gregory and Sons be accepted
Roll Ayes --Nelson, Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Lunsford, McDugle Motion
In connection with the bids on the water revenue bonds a letter was received
from Wm P Harper & Son which stated that they were not submitting a bid
but in case no acceptable bids were received, they would be available to
help work out some other form of financing, the same type of letter was also
received from Barcus, Kindred & Co
City Attorney Wells read an ordinance specifying and adopting a plan for the
acquisition, construction and installation of certain additions and improve—
ments to and extensions of the water supply and distribution system of the
city and declaring the estimated cost thereof, authorizing the issuance of
water revenue bonds of the city in the aggregate principal amount of
$2,880;000 00, and the sale of $1,880,000 00 of such bonds A motion was
made by Mr Rice seconded by Mr Perry that this ordinance be approved and
May 6, 1969 Cont
adopted and given ORDINANCE NO 1483 Roll Ayes --Perry, Nicholson, Rice,
Ford, Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson motion carried
Mayor Ford recommended the appointment of R A Waldron and John Carabbe to the
Planning Commission and asked for council approval motion made by Mr Rice
seconded by Mr Nelson that these appointments be made Roll Ayes --Rice,
Nicholson, Ford, Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson, Perry iMotion carried
Mayor Ford recommended the appointment of Charles Kiel to the Board of
Adjustment asked for Council approval motion made by Mr Rice seconded by Mr
Perry that this appointment be made Roll Ayes --Rice, Ford, Lunsford, McDugle,
Nelson, Perry, Nicholson motion carried
Claims against the City for the first half of may were presented as follows
Salaries and Wages $23,009 04
Expenditures 177,546 89
Motion made by Mr Perry seconded by Dr Nicholson that upon approval of the
Finance Committee the claims be allowed and warrants drawn for same Roll
Ayes --Ford, Lunsford, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson, Rice Nayes--McDugle
Motion carried
Special claims against L I D #166 were presented as follows
,marine Asphalt 226 90
J I Mayer 526 68
Motion by Mr Rice seconded by Mr Perry that these claims be allowed and
warrants be drawn for same Roll Ayes --Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson, Perry,
Nicholson, Rice, Ford Motion carried
Council acceptance was asked for on the water construction bids which had pre-
viously been reviewed by the Council Motion was made by Mr McDugle and
seconded by Mr Nelson that upon approval of the Economic Development Adminis-
tration that the low bid of $183,294 05 from Venture Construction Co , for the
under river pipe crossing, Schedule 3, be accepted Roll Ayes--McDugle,
Nelson, Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Lunsford Motion carried
The City Manager reported that the burning of garbage at the City dump was in
violation of rules and regulations of the Northwest Air Pollution Authority
and that Mr Harley Sutt had applied to them for a variance to burn garbage until
some other method could be worked out
Councilman McDugle reported that he had noticed that cars do not pull over
when the fire trucks and police cars are on the streets with the sirens on
City Attorney Wells asked for permission to be absent from the next Council
meeting Permission was granted
Motion made, seconded and carried that meeting be adjourned Roll All ayes
Meeting adjourned at 11 35 P M
Kathryn Lowry Mayor
City Clerk Pro Tem
May 20, 1969
A regular meeting of the Anacortes City Council was' called to order by Mayor
Jesse W Ford at 7 30 P M on May 20, 1969
The invocation was given by Rev Egertson of the Lutheran Church
Roll call Mr Robert Perry, Dr L E Nicholson, Mr James Rice, Mr Jesse
W Ford, Mr Floyd Lunsford, Mr Don McDugle, Mr Gary Nelson
Mayor Ford requested the Council's pleasure on the minutes of the previous
meeting held on May 6, 1969 Motion made by Mr Rice seconded by Mr Perry
that minutes be approved as if read Roll Ayes --Perry, Nicholson, Rice,
Ford, Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson Motion carried
May 20, 1969 Cont
Mayor Ford called for guest hearings Mrs Julia Moe addressed the Council
and stated that some wood cutters had left a pile of brush behind her house
which she understood the City would burn, but it has not been taken care of
Also, she asked to have some wild cherry trees that are on city property behind
her house cut down as they are full of caterpillars Mayor Ford stated that
this would be referred to the Park Superintendent
Under communications an announcement from the Association of Washington
Cities was read reminding the councilmen of the annual convention to be
held in Seattle July 15, 16, 17, and 18, 1969, and requesting councilmen to
get their reservations in
A letter was read from Mr and Mrs Chester Hollopeter stating that they
were in favor of allowing the Medford Company to build apartments as had
been requested
A letter was read from Mrs Robert E Beard urging the City`Council to take
whatever action is necessary to purchase the property at Shannon Point and
Ship Harbor so that the addition to Washington Park could become a reality
A letter was read from the Mt Erie Radio Club in which they were requesting
permission to use Mt Erie for a field day June 27, 1969 to June 30, 1969
Motion made by Mr Perry seconded by Dr Nicholson that permission be granted
with the understanding that this would not interfere with any radio broad—
casting, and that the City would not be held liable for any accident or
A request was received from John Utterstrom as agent for property owners and
prospective purchaser for a vacation of right of way on 8th Street between "R"
and "Q" Avenues, comprising a strip 80 feet wide This vacation being
requested because of a proposed development project Motion by Mr Rice
seconded by Mr Perry that this request be turned over to the Planning
Commission Roll Ayes --Rice, Ford, Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson, Perry,
Nicholson Motion carried
A request was read from Mr Gilbert Matson asking permission to build a
duplex or two unit building at 1219 29th Street Motion made by Mr Perry
seconded by Dr Nicholson that this request be turned over to the Planning
Commission Roll Ayes --Ford, Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson,
Rice Motion carried
A recommendation from the Planning Commission was read in which they recommended
that the rights of way vacations requested by the Urban Renewal Department be
granted Motion made by Dr Nicholson seconded by Mr Perry that the date of
June 17, 1969 be set for the Council to hold a public hearing on these
vacations Roll Ayes --Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson, Rice,
Ford Motion carried
A plaque was presented by Mayor Ford which will be hung in the Municipal
Building The plaque was inscribed with names of senior students who had
participated in Senior High School Government Day for year 1969 Names of
students participating in this in future years will be added to the plaque
Mayor Ford gave a report onihis attendance at an air pollution control session
which he had attended in British Columbia
The Council continued their discussion on the land use request from the Medford
Company for a multi—family use for property in the southeast section of Anacortes
Some of the councilmen had gone on an inspection tour of garden court apart—
ments in the Bellevue area and gave a report on what they had seen The general
consensus being that the apartments were all very nice and well kept with
recreational facilities provided within the complex of the apartments Council—
man Nelson reported that he was not able to go on this trip and therefore was
not ready to make a decision on it
Mrs Al LeMay addressed the Council and stated that she was sure that the
apartments were beautiful and well kept, but the question she was asking was
what the people living -in the area surrounding these apartments thought of
them and how they are to live around Mrs LeMay also stated that she thought
Anacortes was in need of apartments but thought that there must be other
property in Anacortes on which they could be built
Mrs Ann Caldwell addressed the Council and stated that she was interested
May 20, 1969 Cont
in having the apartments built and would like to live in one herself
Mr Walt miller addressed the Council and stated that he had gone on an
inspection tour of garden court apartments He stated that most of the ones
he had seen were in Bellevue and that they were all very nice, but he felt
that there was more money in Bellevue than there was in Anacortes and so he
had gone to Kent and Auburn to look at apartments as these cities might be a
little more comparable with Anacortes However, in,Kent and Auburn, when he
asked about apartments built by the Medford Company, no one knew of any
Mr Miller stated that he had talked to some residents who lived around this
type of apartment and some of them said that they were not a nuisance and
some said that they didn't make any difference to them, and some wondered
what effect they would have on their property values Mr Miller said he
would like to get addresses of other apartments located somewhere besides
the Bellevue area
Mr Robert Keller, of the Medford Company addressed the Council and in answer
to Mrs LeMay's statement that there must be other locations where these
apartments could be built, stated that at the present time there was no land
in Anacortes zoned for garden court apartments as they required acreage
Mr Keller also pointed out that before any apartment could be built that it
would be necessary to have the City issue a building permit and that apart-
ments would have to conform to all city requirements and therefore would be
first class units and not second or third rate units
Mrs Walt Miller addressed the Council and stated that the apartments of this
type that she had seen were very beautiful and well kept, but if the land use
is changed in Anacortes for this, she would like the City and the Medford
Company to reconsider the access street location As the present plan is,
the street would run alongside of the Miller property
Mr Joe Sturgeon addressed the Council and stated that the reason he had left
Seattle was because of apartments that were being built, and also said that
he would not like to see any high rise apartments located on water front
Mr Don McKee addressed the Council and stated that the addresses given for
apartments to be looked at were not all built by the Medford Company, but had
been built by other developers as well
Mr I R Nicol addressed the Council and stated that he and Mr Bob Allen
had inspected two garden court apartments in Bellingham One of them had
72 units with rents ranging from $130 to $190 a month and that their recreation
room was in use by various city groups without charge, with a $15 00 deposit
being made on clean-up The second one they looked at had 29 units with rents
a little higher than the first one The people they talked to said that there
had been no friction with other people
Councilman Rice stated that .the Medford Company had made their request in
January and he thought it was unfair to them to take so much time to come
to a decision
Mr Bob Allen addressed the Council and stated that while in Bellingham he had
talked to a building contractor and asked him why he didn't build,some apart-
ments in Anacortes, and the contractor told him that he had looked into the
possibility but had found out that it probably would take at least a year to
get a zoning change and that he would not build anything in Anacortes under
these conditions
A motion was made by Mr Perry and seconded by Mr Rice that the City Attorney
be instructed to prepare an ordinance covering this land use Roll Ayes--
McDugle, Perry, Rice, Ford, Lunsford Abstain --Nelson Nayes--Nicholson
Motion carried
Councilman Lunsford suggested that anyone interested in this, inspect some
more garden court apartments before the next Council meeting Mrs Al Lemay
offered to organize a tour to see apartments of this type for anyone wishing
to go
A proposed ordinance was read by Mayor Ford providing for a residential
planned unit development, amending Ordinance No 14,07 for the City of Anacortes,
such being the zoning Ordinance The purpose of this ordinance is to encourage
creative land development practices Motion made by Mr Perry seconded by Dr
May 20, 1969
Nicholson that this ordinance be approved and adopted and given ORDINANCE NO
1484 Roll Ayes --Nelson, Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Lunsford, McDugle
Motion carried
The acquisition of property at Shannon Point and Ship Harbor for park purposes
was the next item to come before the Council City manager Earl Diller re-
viewed the situation and stated that the Interagency Committee for Outdoor
Recreation would be meeting in Spokane on Monday and that if the City's request
for funds were to be considered at this meeting, that it would be necessary
for the City to have the papers in showing their evidence of desire to acquire
this property The two main things needed being an agreement with the Port
of Anacortes and an agreed upon purchase price with the owners of the Mayer-
Estvold property, and also Mr Hal Harker, owner of another section involved
in this
Mr Ken St Clair, Attorney representing Mr Hal Harker, addressed the Council
and stated that Mr Harker had no desire to sell his property, but had quoted
a price for it, but was not at all anxious to sell as he was building a new
home there and wished to live in it Mr St Clair pointed out that in order
for condemnation proceedings to go to court that it would be necessary for the
City to first establish the necessity for acquiring this property, and as the
City of Anacortes already owned considerable park land that his necessity
might be hard to establish Mr St Clair also stated that Mr Harker was
agreeable to the public using the salt water beach below his house and also
using a trail behind his house
The Council was asked if funding of this would be possible without the'acquis-
iti.on of the Harker property The City Manager replied that it might be possible
Mr Doug Burton, representing the Port of Anacortes, addressed the Council and
stated that they were in the process of having feasibility studies'made but
these were not complete and that they would need time to consider them after
they are completed, so were not able to make any committments at the present
time One of the things being considered by the Port is the establishment
of a marina on a portion of their property
The City Manager was asked to contact the Interagency Committee and see if
such a letter would be acceptable to them in order for them to consider the
request for funds at their meetino next week
No action was taken on the awarding of bids for Schedule II on the water con-
struction as their are legal questions that will have to be settled first
A proposed resolution was read authorizing filing of amendatory application
to increase loan and'relocation grant for making relocation payments under
section 114 of Housing Act of 1949 for Project Number Wash R-15 Motion
made by Mr Perry seconded by Or Nicholson that this resolution be approved
and adopted and given RESOLUTION NO 263 Roll Ayes --Perry, Nicholson,
Rice, Ford, Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson Motion carried
The claims report for the first half of May was presented as follows
Salaries and Wages
12,725 00
26,389 72
Motion made by Mr Perry seconded by Or Nicholson that upon approval of the
finance committee claims be allowed and warrants drawn for same Roll
Ayes --Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson, Perry Motion
Treasurer's report for April 1969 was presented as follows
Cash Balance
1,177,869 40
1,614,312 71
623,702 59
2,155,596 86
The City Manager requested permission to sign certificates with Scott Paper
Company and Shell Oil Company for "Equal Employment Opportunity " As both
of these companies purchase water,,from the City of Anacortes, they requested
that these certificates be signed There was no objection from the Council
and permission was granted
May 20, 1969 Cont
The City manager reported that the Northwest Air Pollution Authority had
granted a variance to Rocket Sanitation on the burning of garbage until may 7,
1970, under the following conditions (1) The immediate reduction of the
amount and extent of refuse burned to the minimum possible with particular
effort to reduce the burning of such items as tires, heavy oils, roofing materials,
plastics, ets (2) By July 1, 1969 investigate and plan other methods of
refuse disposal that do not entail open burning (3) By August 1, 1969 submit
in writing a statement that a planfor the disposal of refuse without outdoor
burning will be in operation no later than may 7, 1970
(4)No later than may 7, 1970 have plan implemented and cease all open burning
The City manager reported receipt of a letter from the Planning and Community
Affairs Agency inviting him to attend a statewide conference may 23rd on
Title I of the Higher Education Act, purpose of which is to develop a partner-
ship between colleges and the communities of which they are a part 0
Motion made by Or Nicholson seconded by Mr Perry that meeting be adjourned
Roll All ayes meeting adjourned at 10 45 P M
Kathryn Lowry f� mayor
City Clerk Pro Tem U
June 3, 1969
A regular meeting of the Anacortes City Council was Icalled to order by
Mayor Pro Tem James Rice at 7 30 P M on June 3, 1969
Roll call Or L E Nicholson, Mr James Rice, Mr Floyd Lunsford, Mr
Gary Nelson Mr Robert Perry entered the meeting at 7 32 P M and Mr
Don McDugle entered at 7 35 P M Mr Jesse W Ford was excused
The invocation was given by Rev Bunger of the Free methodist Church
Mr Rice requested the Council's pleasure on the minutes of the previous
meeting held may 20, 1969 motion made by Mr Lunsford seconded by Mr
Nelson that minutes be approved as if read Roll Ayes --Nicholson, Rice,
Lunsford, Nelson motion carried
Mr Rice called for guest hearings Mrs Robert Nemitz addressed the
Council and asked to have their moving out of the urban renewal area settled
Mr Rice reminded Mrs Nemitz that the procedures had all been explained
to them several times and that they should keep track of the time spent in
the moving process and turn this time in and that they would be paid for
their time up to a maximum of $10,000 00
Mr Joe Zygmanski addressed the Council and thanked them for allowing the
City Manager to negotiate for Shannon Point property and asked for Council
consideration in getting in all necessary papers to the Interagency Com-
mittee for Outdoor Recreation in time for their August meeting, so that it
would be considered for funding at that time Councilman Perry told Mr
Zygmanski that it was his understanding that the Council was in favor of
doing this and in his opinion it should be done
Mrs Julia Moe addressed the Council and said that her neighbor had a dog
that had gotten loose and dial some damage to her yeard, and when she told
the neighbor about this, he had called her names and used abusive language
Mr Rice told Mrs Moe that someone from the City would talk to her neighbor
Under communications a letter was read from the Pioneer Shingle Company in
which they stated they had sustained six incidents of vandalism or burglary
in as many months and were requesting additional security patrols particu-
larly between the hours of 10 00 P M and 6 30 A M and most importantly
on Saturday and Sunday nights
A request was read from Police Judge Eugene C Anderson asking that Stephen
E Mansfield be appointed Judge Pro Tempore in the event of the inability of,
temporary absence of, or disqualification of, the regularly appointed Police
June 3, 1969
Judge ,motion made by Mr Perry seconded by Mr McDugle that this appoint-
ment be made Roll Ayes --Rice, Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson
Motion carried
Through the office of Anderson & Mansfield a request was made by Mr and
Mrs Jack Snelson of 2004 10th Street to construct a four and one-half
feet fence for the purpose of beautifying and landscaping their property
A portion of the fence would be situated on property owned by the City and
which is part of, the right-of-way for "F" Avenue Councilmen tabled this
request for a study session
A proposed agreement was read which would provide for mutual assistance
for police protection between cities and counties for law enforcement in
the event of any disasters or any unusual occurences effecting public
safetyland welfare Motion made by Mr McDu�gle seconded by Dr Nicholson
that this be taken up at a study session Roll Ayes --Lunsford, McDugle,
Nicholson, Rice Nayes--Nelson, Perry
A proposed resolution was read on the comprehensive street plan designated
as "City of Anacortes Six -Year Street Improvement Program - 1969 Revision "
The plan is the same as 1968 with the exception of 13th Street between "N"
and 11011, and 2nd Street west of 11011, these having been eliminated Mr Rice
declared a public hearing to be open on the street plan There were no
comments and Mr Rice declared the public hearing closed Motion by Mr
Perry seconded by Mr Nelson that this resolution be approved and adopted
and given RESOLUTION NO 264 Roll Ayes--McDugle, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson,
Rice, Lunsford Motion carried
A proposed resolution was read for the acquisition of certain property for
the urban renewal of a blighted area by condemnation These are small
parcels of land within the urban renewal area that no one seems oto have
title to Motion made by Mr Perry seconded by Mr McDugle that this resolu-
tion be approved and adopted and given RESOLUTION NO 265 Roll Ayes --
Nelson, Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Lunsford, McDugle Motion carried
Bids on the "R" Avenue truck route construction were presented as follows
Schedule I --Utility
Commercial Excavating Co
Select Contractors Inc
Schedule II --Grading
Marine Asphalt Co
Schedule III --Curbs, Gutters
Ben Griffin Construction Co
Sno-King Concret Const Co
Sc Schedule IV --Paving
Marine Asphalt Co
Assoc Sand and Gravel Co
Schedule V --Electrical
General Service Electrical
Schedule VI --Signs
Marine Asphalt
$130,048 37
130,714 87
64,742 56
35,988 66
36,468 47
47,023 07
50,889 18
67,830 00
1,683 00
Motion made by Or Nicholson seconded by Mr Perry that the low bid of
$130,048 37 from Commercial Excavating Co for Schedule I; low bid of
$6319742956?from Marine Asphalt for Schedule II, low bid of $35,988 66 from
Ben Griffin Const Co , for Schedule III, low bid of $47,023 07 from Marine
Asphalt for Schedule IV, low bid of $67,830 00 from General Service Elec-
trical for Schedule V, and low bid of $1,683 00 from Marine Asphalt for
Schedule VI all be accepted with the understanding that these are subject
to approval of the Urban Arterial Board Roll Ayes --Perry, Nicholson,
Rice, Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson Motion carried
June 3, 1969
Bids for the central paving project L I D #166 were presented as follows
Paving --142,000 square yards v Unit Price
Marine Asphalt 1 06
Assoc Sand and Gravel 1 10
Crushed Rock --142,000 square yards
Marine Asphalt 38
Assoc Sand and Gravel 45
Move on and off at Request
Marine Asphalt 350 00
Assoc Sand and Gravel 500 00
Pit Run Gravel --4,000 cubic yards
Marine Asphalt (In Bank) ' 55
" if (Delivered) 11 85
it it (Furnished & Placed) 2 80
Lake Erie Trucking 93
Assoc Sand and Gravel 3 00
$150,520 00
156,200 00
53,960 00
63,900 00
1,400 00
2,000 00
2,200 00
7,400 00
11,200 00
3,720 00
12,000 00
Motion made by Mr Perry and seconded by Mr Nelson that the low bid of
$150,520 00 from marine Asphalt for the paving, and low bid of $53,960 00 from
Marine Asphalt for crushed rock, and low bid of $1,400 00 from marine Asphalt
for move on and off and low bid of $3,720 00 from Lake Erie Trucking for pit
run gravel be accepted Roll Ayes --Nicholson, Rice, Lunsford, McOugle,
Nelson, Perry motion carried
Bids for Schedule II for the water construction project which had previously
been submitted but had not been awarded due to a legal technicality in the
bid from Teeples and Thatcher were reviewed The bids as presented were
Teeples and Thatcher 608,057 00
Pamco Company 663,575 00
Venture Company 691,790 001
A motion was made by Mr Perry and seconded by Dr Nicholson that based upon
the understanding that Judge Walter J Deierlein, Jr , of the Superior
Court of Skagit County, has heretofore entered an oral order enjoining the
City from accepting the bid of Teeples & Thatcher because of irregularities
in the bid of said company, and with the understanding that by stipulation
between counsel for the City and for the complaining bidder, the order of
Court has been reduced to writing and would be presented to Judge Deierlein
on Wednesday, the 4th of June, making said injunction permanent, the City
should accept the bid of Pacific mechanical Constructors, Inc , a Washington
Corporation, and Constructors Pacific Company, a Washington Corporation,
d/b/a Constructors-Pamco, as the lowest and best bid which the City can law-
fully accept Roll Ayes --Rice, Lunsford, mcDugle, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson
Motion carried
An ordinance was read which would adopt an amendment to the Land Use map
of the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Anacortes The following area to
be designated for multi -Family use Portions of Section 30, Township 35
North, Range 2 East,.W m , described as follows South half of the south
half of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter, the west 495 feet
of the north half of the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of the
southwest quarter, and the west 495 feet of the northwest quarter of the
southeast quarter of the southwest quarter, except the north 320 feet thereof
Mr Bob Allen addressed the Council and urged passage of this ordinance
stating he felt it would upgrade the whole area Mr H P Creel addressed
the Council and also urged passage of this ordinance Mr Creel stated that
new employees coming into the Texaco Refinery are unable to find decent
places to rent in Anacortes and are going elsewhere to live, and he felt that
apartments of this type had been needed in Anacortes for some time Mr and
Mrs _Wm Vincent both addressed the Council and urged passage of this ordinance
June 3, 1969 Cont
Mr Ed Clay addressed the Council and also urged passage of the ordinance
stating that he had been looking for the last two months for a place to live
A letter from Mrs Albert LeMay was read in which she stated that she objected
to the land use change as she felt that it might eventually lead to trailer
courts and other objectionable type housing, and she would like to see this
area reserved for single unit dwellings
Councilman Nicholson stated that he thought the apartments were needed but
the thing he was concerned about was having 19 units per acre, when the
city's Planning Consultants had recommended no more than 11 units per acre
Mr Robert Keller, representative from Medford Company addressed the Council
and stated that the density of units would depend entirely upon their
finance company, and that the least density that loans have been granted on
previously had been 18 units per acre Mr Keller also stated that they
would never allow any trailer courts in this area, and that streets and
recreational facilities are planned for the perimeter within the complex
Councilman Perry stated that he thought progress and growth were most im-
portant for Anacortes and believed that the City was holding back progress
by not allowing well planned developments to come into the city He stated
that he thought garden court apartments would enhance business and would
bring in people who would like this type of apartment Mr Perry made a
motion which was seconded by Mr Nelson that this land use ordinance be
approved and adopted and given ORDINANCE NO 1485 Roll Ayes --Lunsford,
McDugle, Nelson, Perry, Rice Nayes--Nicholson Motion carried
Claims against the City for the 2nd half of May 1969 were presented as
Salaries and Wages
$24,087 17
29,838 13
Motion made by Mr Perry seconded by Mr Lunsford that claims be allowed
and warrants drawn for same Roll Ayes--McDugle, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson,
Rice, Lunsford Motion carried
Motion made by Mr Perry seconded by Or Nicholson that mee ng be adjourned
Roll All ayes Motion carried Meet in adjourned at 9 P M
Kathryn Lowr `� ► M yo
City Clerk Pro Tem
June 17, 1969
A regular meeting of the Anacortes City Council was called to order by Mayor
Jesse W Ford on June 17, 1969 at 7 30 P M
The invocation was given by Rev Campbell of the Methodist Church
Roll call Mr Robert Perry, Dr L E Nicholson, Mr James Rice, Mr Floyd
Lunsford, Mr Gary Nelson Mr Don McDugle entered meeting at 7 35 P M
Mayor Ford requested the Council's pleasure on the minutes of -the previous
meeting held June 3, 1969 Motion by Mr Lunsford seconded by Mr Perry that
minutes be approved as if read Roll Ayes --Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford,
Lunsford, Nelson Motion carried
Mayor Ford called for guest hearings Mrs Robert Nemitz addressed the
Council and asked what was going to be done about an old building on their
property that had been bull -dozed down The City Manager explained that the
Port of Anacortes had made arrangements with the City for the Washington
Loggers to stock pile logs in the Urban Renewal area and the area they were
to use had been surveyed and marked off Washington Loggers were the ones
who knocked over the old building and they said it was in a dilapidated
condition and had nothing of value in it Mrs Nemitz stated that they did
have some things stored in the building The City Manager replied that he
would contact the Washington Loggers and have them get in touch with Mrs
Nemitz, and he was sure that they probably carried insurance to cover any
loss that might have been sustained
Under communications a letter was read from Pioneer Shingle Co in which they
commended the Anacortes Police Department for their work in apprehending the
persons responsible for the burglary and forgeries sustained by the Pioneer
Shingle Co
June 17, 1969 Cont
Mayor Ford reminded the Council of the invitation from the Commanding Officer
of the USS Skagit to attend the decommissioning ceremony of the "Skagit" to be
held in San Diego on July 1, 1969 Councilman Perry said that he would be
in San Francisco the latter part of June and perhaps could make arrangements
to attend this ceremony to receive on behalf of the City of Anacortes the
artifacts they have offered to the City
Vacation of certain streets within the Industrial Park area were reviewed by
Mr Gordon Logan, after which mayor Ford declared a public hearing to be
open on this vacation A letter from Pioneer Shingle was read in which they
requested that they be allowed to continue using "T" Avenue and to have access
to the north end of their property without having to purchase a city street
Mr Jack Hinshaw, president of Pioneer Shingle Company, addressed the Council
and explained their position on this matter and also outlined their plans
for future developments There were no other comments and mayor Ford declared
the public hearing closed motion made by Or Nicholson seconded by Mr Perry
that the City Attorney be instructed to develop and prepare an ordinance on
the street vacations that would take care of the stipulations of all parties
concerned Roll Ayes --Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson,
Perry motion carried
A request from Mr and Mrs Jack Snelson of 2004 10th Street to erect a
fence on their property, a portion of which would be situated on property
owned by the City of Anacortes, was reviewed Motion made by Mr Rice
seconded by Mr Perry, that permission to erect this fence be granted Roll
Ayes --Rice, Ford, Lunsford, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson Neyes--McDugle
Motion carried
A recommendation from the Planning Commission that the rights of way be vacated
on 8th Street between "R" and "Q" Avenues, comprising astrip 80 feet wide
be granted, was read Motion made by Or Nicholson seconded by Mr Perry
that a public hearing date of July 15, 1969 be set on this Roll Ayes --
Ford, Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson, Rice Motion carried
A proposed "Skagit County Mutual Aid Agreement" was read This agreement
would provide that all of the resources and facilities of the County, its
various departments and agencies, and all its municipal corporations, and
other public agencies, be made available to prevent and combat the effects
of disasters which may result from such calamities as flood, fire, earthquake,
pestilence, war, sabotage, and riot, or any unusual occurrences affecting
public safety and welfare Motion made by Mr Perry, seconded by Mr Nelson
that the City of Anacortes enter into and sign this agreement Roll Ayes --
Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford Motion carried
A contract resolution with Puget Sound Power and Light Company was read
This contract would cover power used in connection with the operation of
water distribution system at Whistle Lake, and would run for a period of ten
(10) years Motion made by Or Nicholson and seconded by Mr Perry that the
contract be signed and the resolution be adopted and approved and given
RESOLUTION NO 266 Roll Ayes--McDugle, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson, Rice,
Ford, Lunsford Motion carried
An ordinance was read providing for an Anacortes Youth Commission and Youth
Coordinating Board,and_prescribing the duties and,f_unctions thereof, _and
constituting Sections 8-28 01 through 8-28 04 of, the Official Code of
Ordinances of the City of Anacortes Motion made by Mr Perry and seconded
by Or Nicholson that this ordinance be approved and adopted and given
ORDINANCE NO 1486 Roll Ayes --Nelson, Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford,
Lunsford Nayes--McDugle Motion carried
Mayor Ford asked for Council approval for the following appointments to the
Citizen's Advisory Committee Mr Ken W Martig, Rev Merle Winkle, and
Mrs Robert Beard Motion by Mr Rice seconded by Or Nicholson that these
appointments be approved Roll Ayes --Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Lunsford,
McDugle, Nelson Motion carried
Claims report for the first half of June 1969 was presented as follows
Salaries and Wages
$12,725 00
9,719 80
Upon approval of the Finance Committee a motion made by Or Nicholson
seconded by Mr Perry that claims be approved and warrants drawn for same
Roll Ayes --Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson, Perry
Motion carried
June 17, 1969
Treasurer's report for may 1969 was given as follows
Receipts $ 623,702 59
Disbursements 446,479 59
Cash Balance 552,135 87
Investments 2,154,974 78
The City manager repo'rted
1 Receipt of the money from the sale of bonds for the new water
construction, and that the money had been invested in various investments
drawing 6 15 and 6 856 interest
2 That representatives from the EDA had been in Anacortes and held
a conference with the three contractors on the water construction project
and had authorized the start of Schedules I and III
3 Explained the difficulties being encountered by the Water Depart-
ment the past few weeks
4 Explained request from Grande and Company to raise the interest
rate on L I D No 166 bonds and warrants from original rate of 5 85 to
6 00% because of delays experienced in getting the work under way on this
A motion was made by Mr Rice seconded by Mr Perry that the interest
rate to Grande and Company on L I D No 166 bonds and warrants be raised
to 6 00% Roll Ayes --Rice, Ford, Lunsford, mcDugle, Perry, Nicholson
Nayes--Nelson motion carried
5 Reported that the Port of Anacortes had made arrangements with
the City for the Washington Logger's to stock pile logs in a 5 acre area
in the Industrial Park area
Councilman Rice suggested that the Council give some thought to the possibility
of the City acquiring Weaverling Spit some time in the future
City Attorney Wells asked the Council to give some consideration to whether
or not they would like to adopt the "Optional municipal Code" which goes
into effect July 1, 1969 Mr Wells recommended that the City adopt this
code as it offers an improved structure of local government which would
permit more effective administration of city affairs
Councilman mcDugle asked what might be done about two houses on J Avenue
which had been boarded up for some time The City Attorney replied that
nothing could be done about them unless it could be established that they
created a health or fire hazard The City manager said that the City
Inspector would be instructed to take a look at them
Motion made by Mr Perry seconded by Or Nicholson that meeting be adjourned
Roll All ayes motion carried Meet Ayr
djourned at 9 1 /fm
athryn Low 7
City Clerk Pro Tem
July 1, 1969
A regular meeting of the Anacortes City Council was called to order by
Mayor Jesse W Ford at 7 30 P m on July 1, 1969
The invocation was given by Rev Dams of the Congregational United Church
Roll call Or L E Nicholson, Mr James Rice, Mr Jesse W Ford, Mr
Floyd Lunsford, Mr Don mcDugle, Mr Gary Nelson Councilman Perry was
excused from this meeting as he is in San Diego attending the decommission-
ing of the USS Skagit on behalf of the City of Anacortes
Mayor Ford requested the Council's pleasure on the minutes of the previous
meeting held June 17, 1969 motion made by Mr Rice seconded by Or
Nicholson that minutes be approved as if read Roll Ayes --Nicholson,
Rice, Ford, Lunsford, mcDugle, Nelson motion carried
July 1, 1969 Cont
Mayor Ford called for guest hearings There were none
Under communications a letter from the law firm of Anderson and Mansfield
written on behalf of their clients Mr and Mrs T E Fuhr was read
Mr and Mrs Fuhr reside at 2005 10th Street and were requesting permission
to construct a * fence on their property, a portion of which would extend
approximately 6 to 12" on City right of way Mr and Mrs Fuhr stated
they would agree to assume all liability for any damage claims resulting
from the construction, maintenance and existence of the fence, and would
agree to hold the City of Anacortes harmless from any such damage claims,
and would remove the fence at no expense to the City in the event the City
wanted to utilize any portion of the property owned by the City Motion
made by Mr Rice seconded by Mr Lunsford that permission to build the
fence be granted under the stipulations agreed to Roll Ayes --Rice,
Ford, Lunsford, Nelson, Nicholson Nayes--McDugle Motion carried
A letter was read from Donald Strom, Battalion Fire Chief, in which he
recommended that permission be granted to the Anacortes Lion's Club to put
on a fire works display on the night of July 4, 1969 at Skyline Development
All requirements having been met by the Lion's Club Motion made by Or
Nicholson seconded by Mr Nelson that permission for the fire works display
be granted Roll Ayes --Ford, Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson, Nicholson, Rice
Motion carried
A letter from the Fraternal Order of Eagles was read in which they were
requesting permission to erect a sign at the city limits A motion was
made by Mr Rice and seconded by Mr Nelson that more detailed information
be obtained before any action is taken Roll Ayes --Lunsford, McDugle,
Nelson, Nicholson, Rice, Ford Motion carried
A letter from the law firm of Anderson and Mansfield written on behalf
of their clients Mr and Mrs Raymond G Jones of Rt 3, Box 811, Anacortes,
Washington was read in which they were requesting that the City give them
and other property owners involved, a definite starting date for the con-
struction of a sewer line along "H" Avenue and along 32nd Street
According to anagreementsigned with the City in November of 1968, the
work was supposed to have been started around May 1, 1969 The letter
stated that Mr Jones and thelother property owners would not insist that
the pro',ject be commenced immediately if the City Council would guarantee
completion of the project by this fall The City Manager pointed out that
the reasons for the"delay in starting'this sewer line were due to the bad
weather experienced this past winter, and the work that had to be completed
at Whistle Lake and the present work going on for the central area L I D ,
and that the city crews were not large enough to do all of these gobs at
once The City Manager told Mr Jones that they would get to this sewer
line dust as soon"as possible Mr Ray Jones and Mr Eldon"Baker both
addressed the Council and asked to have this sewer line started or at least
a date given them as to when they could expect this work to start and
requested'that it be finished by this fall at the latest Mayor Ford asked
Mr Jones and'Mr Baker if they would give the City a few days to check
with the Engineering Department and the Street Department in order to come
up with a definite date after which the City Manager would write a letter
to their'ettor'neys and give them this information
A proposed ordinance was read vacating certain streets and alleys in the
City of Anacortes Vacations to be as follows
11 1 n 1 11
"S" Ave' from 20th'to 26th Street
"T" Ave from 22nd to south line of the plat of Curtis First Addition,
EXCEPT that portion of "T" Avenue lying between a line parallel to
and 60' south of the south line of 25th Street and the south line of
27th Street
"V" Ave from 34th St to 'north line of Beale's Maple Grove Addition
21st St from "S" Ave to Inner Harbor'lline
22nd St from "R" Ave to Inner Harbor line
23rd St from "S" Ave " to Inner Harbor line
24th St from "R" Ave to "T" Ave
25th St from "R" Ave to "T" Ave
26th St from "R" Ave to "T" Ave
28th St from "T" Ave to Inner Harbor line
Alley in Block 6 of Nelson's Addition
Alley in Block 11 of Nelson's Addition
Alley in Block 12 of Nelson's Addition
Alley in Block 13 of Nelson's Addition
July 1, 1969
Alley in Block 6 of Shannon
Alley in Block 4 of Curtis
Alley in Block 13 of Curtis
East 90' of alley in Block
6 of Griffin's Addition
This ordinance to become effective after the owners of the property abutting
upon the above described streets and alleys so vacated shall have compen—
sated the City of Anacortes in an amount which equals one—half the appraised
value of the area so vacated motion made by Or Nicholson seconded by
Mr mcDugle that this ordinance be approved and adopted and given ORDINANCE
NO 1487 Roll Ayes--mcDugle, Nelson, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Lunsford
Motion carried
A proposed ordinance was read which would vacate that portion of "T"
Avenue lying between a line parallel to and 60' south of the south line of
25th St and the south line of 27th St was read Ordinance to become
effective after owners of property abutting upon the above described portion
of street shall have compensated the City of Anacortes in an amount which
equals one—half the appraised value of the area so vacated motion made by
Mr Rice seconded by Mr Lunsford that this ordinance be approved and adopt—
ed and given ORDINANCE NO 1488 Roll Ayes --Nelson, Nicholson, Rice,
Ford, Lunsford, mcDugle motion carried
A resolution was read which would transfer funds from the salary and wage
account in the Water Dept fund to the maintenance and operation account
in the Water Department fund motion made by Mr Rice seconded by Or
Nicholson that this resolution be approved and adopted and given RESOLUTION
NO 267 Roll Ayes --Nelson, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Lunsford, mcDugle
Motion carried
A resolution was read which would transfer funds from the salary and wage
account of the Current Expense fund to the maintenance and operation account
of the Current Expense fund motion made by Mr Rice and seconded by Or
Nicholson that this resolution be approved and adopted and given RESOLUTION
NO 268 Roll Ayes --Rice, Ford, Lunsford, mcDugle, Nelson, Nicholson
Motion carried
A recommendation from the Planning Commission to approve the mobile Home
Condominium at Skyline was received motion made by Mr Rice and seconded
by Or Nicholson that a public hearing date of July 14, 1969 be set on
this Roll Ayes --Ford, Lunsford, mcDugle, Nelson, Nicholson, Rice
Motion carried
A resolution was read which would transfer to Publichers Fores Products
Co of Washington, all of the rights of Anacortes Veneer, Inc , in Urban
Renewal Area Project Wash R-15, and contracts for the sale of land there—
under This being necessary because of the sale of Anacortes Veneer, Inc
to Publishers Forest Products Co motion made by Mr Nelson seconded by
Dr Nicholson that this resolution be approved and adopted and given
RESOLUTION NO 269 Roll Ayes --Lunsford, mcDugle, Nelson, Nicholson,
Rice, Ford motion carried
A lease and easement extension agreement between the City of Anacortes and
the General Telephone Company was read This would extend the agreement
the Telephone Company has with the City for the period of January 1, 1970
through December 1, 1970, and the rental to be $140 per year motion by
Mr Rice seconded by Mr Nelson that this agreement be entered into and
signed Roll Ayes--mcDugle, Nelson, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Lunsford
Motion carried
Council permission was asked to call for bids on chemicals for the Water
and Sewer Departments motion made by Mr Rice seconded by Mr Lunsford
that permission be granted Roll Ayes --Nelson, Nicholson, Rice, Ford,
Lunsford, mcDugle motion carried
Special claims against the City on L I D #166 were presented as follows
Progress payment No 1 to Sno King Construction Co $12,286 08
Less 10% retention 1,228 61
$11,057 47
July 1, 1969
Progress payment No 1 to Lake Erie Trucking Co $1,860 00
Less 10% retention 186 00
$1,674 00
Motion made by Mr Nelson seconded by Dr Nicholson that these claims be
allowed and warrants drawn for same Roll Ayes --Nicholson, Rice, Ford,
Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson motion carried
Regular claims against the city for the last half of June 1969 were
presented as follows
Salaries and Wages
$24,902 31
43,347 12
Upon approval of the Finance Committee, motion made by Mr Rice seconded
by Or Nicholson that claims be allowed and warrants drawn for same Roll
Ayes --Rice, Ford, Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson, Nicholson motion carried
The City manager reported 1 On a letter received from the U S Department
of Commerce in regard to Project #07-1-00552, Water Transmission main for
Laconner, Washington The letter stated in part that the "Earliest possible
completion of the water main is urgently necessary in order that the City
of LaConner provide their fish processing plants with an adequate supply
of water during the peak canning season, which will reach peak operation
in mid-July Recognizing this critical situation, EDA has concurred in
acceleration of the pipeline construction, to'be completed July 17 At
that time, it is expected that the pipeline will be able to increase the
quantity of water needed to meet minimum requirements of the City of
LaConner and the fish processing plants We are fully aware that the
supply of water from your system is limited and that service to users in
the combined Anacortes-LaConner systems must be carefully controlled to
meet the minimum requirements of all We recognize that this may mean
rationing of water, particularly to large customers with whom you have no
service contracts " The letter went on to ask for formal assurance from
he City of Anacortes that Anacortes would provide the water requirement
of LaConner in fulfillment of the agreement between Anacortes and LaConner
Mayor Ford and Councilman Rice both stated that the City of Anacortes
would be obligated to help them out as much as possible and that it might
become necessary to ask people to curtail their water usage
2 Reported that construction of a Condominium at Skyline was under way
3 Reported that the Library Board would like to hold an official dedication
of the new library building the first part of August
4 Reported on progress of the central area L G D and that the lettered
avenues were being done first, and that water services were being renewed
where needed
Motion made and seconded that meeting be adjourned Roll All ayes
Motion carried meeting adjourned at 9 10 ida.Ap_ -�f J I
Ka ryn Lowry Mayo \
City Clerk Pro Tem
July 15, 1969
A regular meeting of the Anacortes City Council was called to order by
Mayor Jesse W Ford at 7 30 P M on July 15, 1969
The invocation was given by Rev Campbell of the Methodist Church
Roll call Mr Robert Perry, Mr James Rice, Mr Jesse W Ford, Mr Don
McDugle, Mr Gary Nelson Dr L E Nicholson entered the meeting at 7 40
P M and Floyd Lunsford was excused
Mayor Ford requested the Council's pleasure on the minutes of the previous
meeting held July 1, 1969 Motion made by Mr Rice seconded by Mr Nelson
that minutes be approved as if read Roll Ayes --Perry, Rice, Ford,
McDugle, Nelson Motion carried
Mayor Ford called for guest hearings Mr Floyd Waller addressed the
Council and asked to reserve right to speak later in the evening
July 15, 1969 Cont
Mayor Ford declared a public hearing to be open on vacation of rights of
way on 8th Street between "R" and "Q" Avenues The City manager pointed out
the area on a map and reviewed the request Mrs Alice Newland addressed
the Council and asked the City to have a scenic easement if this vacation
is granted, as -she thought the view coming down 8th Street should be retained
Mr John Utterstrom addressed the Council and stated that the view from 9th
Street was much better than from 8th Street and on behalf'of his clients was
asking for the vacation Mrs Ward Dawkins who resides at 806 8th Street
addressed the Council and stated that she lives in the area and that she
and her neighbors were in favor of the vacation and in favor of the housing
for the elderly which is proposed for this location Mayor Ford declared the
public hearing to be closed A motion was made by Mr Nelson seconded by
Mr McDugle that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance,
covering this vacation Roll Ayes --Nicholson, Rice, Ford, McDugle, Nelson
Abstain --Perry Motion carried
Mayor Ford declared a public hearing to be open on establishing Plat #6 of
Skyline as a Planned Unit Development This was reviewed by the City
i� Manager and he explained that this was for mobile home lots There are to
be 149 lots which will have shrubbery all around and will be maintained by
Skyline and agreements will be signed to guarantee that this maintainance
will be done There were no comments from the audience and the public hear-
ing was closed Motion made by Mr Perry seconded by Mr Rice that the City
Attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance covering this Roll Ayes --
Rice, Ford, McDugle, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson Motion carried
Claims report for the first half of July 1969 was presented as follows
Salaries and wages $13,260 00
Expenditures 18,333 13
Upon approval of the Finance Committee, motion made by Mr Rice seconded by
Mr Perry that claims be approved and warrants drawn for same Roll Ayes --
Ford, McDugle, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson, Rice Motion carried
Treasurer's report for June 1969 was presented as follows
Receipts $2,436,789 23
Disbursements 2,988,925 10
Cash Balance 639,198 67
Investments 4,015,696 18
The City Manager reported on receipt of a letter from Mrl and Mrs Richard
U Stockwell who were offering their waterfront property located on Fidalgo
Bay for sale The property consists of approximately 25 acres east of the
State Highway with 1,765 feet of beach frontage facing north and approxi-
mately 400 feet facing east, along the county road Motion made by Mr
Perry seconded by Or Nicholson that the Council consider this offer at
their next study session Roll Ayes--McDugle, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson,
Rice, Ford Motion carried
The City Manager reported that the People's Bank was requesting that Ithe
marquee for their new building be allowed to project 416" onto the city
street right of way on 110" Avenue Mr Floyd Waller from People's Bank
addressed the Council and explained the situation and introduced Mr Hugo
Osterman, the architect for their building Mr Osterman pointed out that
this was not really a marquee, but a roof overhand and that it would have a
clearance of approximately 18 feet above the sidewalk The full block
between 9th and 10th Streets bordering 110" Avenue is owned by the banking
firm, so no other business would have a problem of site obscurement if this
request is granted Mr Osterman showed photographs of other banks with
the some type of roof overhang Motion made by Mr Perry seconded by Mr
Nelson that the City Manager and City Engineer be given permission to work
this out with the bank Roll Ayes --Nelson, Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford,
McDugle Motion carried
The City Manager reported that he had been in contact with the Diking
Districted in order to obtain the necessary easement which would be required
for the construction of the new water system, and explained in detail what
would have to be done and requested Council permission for the Mayor to
sign an easement agreement with Diking District No 1 Motion made by Mr
July 15, 1969
Perry seconded by Dr Nicholson that the mayor sign this agreement Roll
Ayes --Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, mcDugle, Nelson motion carried
Councilman mcDugle addressed the Council and stated that he had some questions
to ask in regards to the suit filed against the City of Anacortes-by Mr -
Will Lowman His questions were
1 Has a legal summons been served against us, as Councilmen?
2 Was I (Don mcDugle) as Councilman included?
3 How come, we, as Councilmen, were not consulted on the action we,
as Councilmen, and the City would be taking?
4 If we have the names of the invalid signatures, why, as public
information, wasn't this available to the citizens of Anacortes
on first request?
In answer to some of these questions, it was pointed out the summons listed
the City Council as a whole and they were not named individually The total
number of names that were invalid were classified as to category and given
to individuals requesting them, but no list of names had been prepared, and
that all of this has been burned over to the attorneys representing the
City and though the City had offered to exchange any information we had -
regarding the validity of signatures for a copy of their petitions and
other information, they would not agree to this exchange
The City manager reported on a meeting with officials from Scott Paper
Company about the quantity and quality of water they are receiving They
do not like having to use water from Whistle Lake as it is unfiltered and
are apposing any water sales, particularly to firms who have a secondary
right to purchase water from the City to theirs They prefer filtered water
and their contract requires the City to supply them,with filtered water and
are asking the City for remwneration for all unfiltered water
The City manager reported that Mr Vance Anderson wished to dispose of the
west half of his property at 2402 "L" Avenue, and in order to obtain a
building permit on the west portion, the property must have frontage on a
street right of way Mr Anderson is willing to deed to the City a 40
foot wide strip on the north side of his property and the school has indicated
willingness to deed a 10 foot strip to provide the needed 50 foot right of
way, willingness to accept this proposed street right of way by the City
Council would allow preparation of quit claim deeds to proceed motion made
by Mr Rice seconded by Mr Perry that the City enter into agreement for
this right of way Roll Ayes --Nicholson, Rice, Ford, mcDugle, Nelson,
Perry' motion carried
Councilman Rice asked if the City planned on adjusting any of the curbs
on L I D #166 The City manager replied that probably some of them
would have to be adjusted
Professor morrel and a group of students from the Skagit Valley College
were introduced f '
City Attorney Wells reminded the Council that he had some ordinances which
they should study These ordinances covering minor things that would bring
the City more up to date with state statutes
Councilman Nelson asked if the Council could meet with some of the different
Boards as well as the department heads to consider budgets for 1970
Councilman Perry gave a report on the decommissioning of the USS Skagit
which he had attended in San Diego and requested that letters of thanks be
sent to Congressman meeds and Senator Jackson for their efforts in obtaining
air transportation for representatives from the City Mr Perry also stated
that they had offered the anchor from the USS Skagit to the City of Anacortes
and Skagit County, and suggested that somewhere along Swinomish bridge might
be a good place for the anchor to be located Mr Perry said that new ships
of this type were being build and if requests were sent in that perhaps one
might be named "Skagit" or "Anacortes
July 15, 1969
Motion by Mr Perry seconded by Dr Nicholson that meeting be journed
Roll All ayes meeting Adjourned at B 55AP M
a hryn LoAr,
City Clerk Pro Tem
August 5, 1969
A regular meeting of the Anacortes City Council was called to order by mayor
Jesse W Ford at 7 30 P M on August 5, 1969
Roll call Or L E Nicholson, Mr James Rice, Mr Jesse W Ford, Mr
Floyd Lunsford, Mr Don McDugle, Mr Gary Nelson Mr Robert Perry was
excus d
Mayor Ford requested the Council's pleasure on the minutes of the previous
meeting held July 15, 1969 motion made by Mr Nelson seconded by Mr
Lunsford and Mr Rice that minutes be approved as if read Roll Ayes --
Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson motion carried
Mayor Ford called for guest hearings There were none
A letter was read from Mr and Mrs Frans W Johnson in which they were rell
questing a vacation of the west 10 feet of Burrows Street between Sunset
Avenue and the south line of the alley in Block 10 of Wood's Addition
Motion made by Mr Lunsford and seconded by Mr Nelson that this request be
turned over to the Planning Commission Roll Ayes --Rice, Ford, Lunsford,
McDugle, Nelson, Nicholson Motion carried
A proposed ordinance was read calling for the vacation of Eighth Street
between the east line of "Q" Avenue running easterly to the meanderline as
the same crosses Eighth Street gust west of the intersection of said street
with "R" Avenue Mrs Alice Newland protested the vacation of this street
and asked to have a scenic easement for the City if the vacation was granted
Motion made by Mr Rice seconded by Mr Nelson that this ordinance be approved
and adopted and given ORDINANCE NO 1489 Roll Ayes --Ford, Lunsford,
McDugle, Nelson, Nicholson, Rice Motion carried
A proposed ordinance was read which would establish Plat #6 in the Skyline
Development as a Planned Unit Development Motion made by Mr Rice seconded
by Mr Nelson that this ordinance be approved and adopted and given ORDINANCE
NO 1490 Roll Ayes --Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson, Nicholson, Rice, Ford
Motion carried
A proposed ordinance was read which would amend Section 5 of Ordinance No
1470 to authorize a 6% interest rate for the warrants and bonds of Local
Improvement District No 166, and confirm the salle of said warrants and
bonds Motion made by Mr Rice seconded by Dr Nicholson that this ordinance
be approved and adopted and given ORDINANCE NO 1491 Roll Ayes --
Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Lunsford Nayes--McDugle, Nelson Motion carried
A resolution was read authorizing the disposal of certain parcels of land in
the Urban Renewal Area to Pioneer Shingle Company Motion made by Mr Lunsford
seconded by Mr Nelson that this resolution be approved and adopted and
given RESOLUTION NO 270 Roll Ayes --Nelson, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Lunsford,
McDugle Motion carried
A proposed agreement and "Offer for Sale of Real Estate" was read Mr and
Mrs Richard U Stockwell have offered to sell the City of Anacortes their
property located at Weaverli.ng Spit The property is to be appraised and
the City of Anacortes would have the opportunity to purchase said property
if they wish Motion made by Mr Rice seconded by Mr Nelson that the City
enter into the "Offer for Sale Agreement " Roll Ayes- Nicholson, Rice,
Ford, Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson Motion carried
Chemical bids for Water and Sewer Departments were read as follows
August 5p 1969
A special claim for progress payment No 1 to Snelson, Inc on the Water
Construction was presented in the amount of $204,690 54 motion made by Mr
Rice seconded by Dr Nicholson that this claim be approved and warrant drawn
for same Roll Ayes --Ford, Lunsford, mcDugle, Nelson, Nicholson, Rice
Motion carried
Claims against L I D No 166 were presented as follows
Air mac Incorporated 1,488 08
Fray Equipment Company 3,108 14
Motion made by Mr Rice seconded by Mr mcDugle thalt these claims be approved
and warrants drawn for same Roll Ayes --Lunsford, mcDugle, Nelson, Rice,
Nicholson, Ford motion carried
Regular claims against the City for the last half of July 1969 were presented
as follows
Salaries and Wages 26,944 00
Expenses 48,029 07
Upon approval of the Finance Committee, motion made by Or Nicholson seconded
by Mr mcDugle that claims be approved and warrants drawn for same Roll
Ayes--mcDugle, Nelson, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Lunsford motion carried
Mayor Ford asked for Council approval of the appointment of J Rex Hartsfield
to the Library Board motion by Mr Rice seconded by Dr Nicholson that
this appointment be made Roll Ayes --Nelson, Nicholson, Rice, Ford,
Lunsford Nayes--mcDugle Mr mcDugle stated he was voting "no" because he
understood Mr Hartsfield was a service man and might not be around for long
Mr mcDugle asked if anything had been done about adjusting some of the curbs
in the L I D #166 that were too high Mr. Wm F. Gallagher, City Engineer,
replied that he didn't think that it would be possible to do much in the way
of changing them now The City manager stated that he would get together with
the City Engineer and the street crews and go over these again and see if
anything could be worked out, particularly on 10th Street Mr mcDugle
stated that he wanted to go on record as staging that in his opinion this
was extremely poor engineering on these curbs
The City manager reported that all the papers required on the Open Space
application pertaining to the West End had been sent into the State so as to
reach them by August 1, 1969
Mr Rice asked if any steps have been taken about garbage disposal The
City manager stated that there was some possibility of working this out in
conjunction with the County, and that march's Point was one of the possi-
bilities for a central garbage site
Motion by Mr Lunsford seconded by Mr mcDugle that meeting be adjourned
Roll All ayes motion carried meeting adjourned t 8 20 P m
<-Cu� _* a 4 . _ .r / _Y�A�
KWthrn Lowr
Y Y m � ayor
City Clerk, Pro Tem
Van Waters
& Rogers Pennsalt
Ash Grove Pacific Lime
500 tone lime
$37 65 v
$36 60 $32 00
5 tons Sodium Silico
14 27
50 tons liquid
94 00
86 80
16,000 lb liquid
14 00
14 00
Motion made by Mr Rice
seconded by Or
that the following bids
be accepted 500 tone
lime to Pacific
Lime Inc ,
5 tons sodium silico
fluoride to Van Waters
and Rogers, 50
tons liquid
chlorine and 16,000 The
liquid chlorine to Pennsalt
Eo Roll
Ayes --Rice, Ford, Lunsford, mcDugle,
Nelson, Nicholson motion
A special claim for progress payment No 1 to Snelson, Inc on the Water
Construction was presented in the amount of $204,690 54 motion made by Mr
Rice seconded by Dr Nicholson that this claim be approved and warrant drawn
for same Roll Ayes --Ford, Lunsford, mcDugle, Nelson, Nicholson, Rice
Motion carried
Claims against L I D No 166 were presented as follows
Air mac Incorporated 1,488 08
Fray Equipment Company 3,108 14
Motion made by Mr Rice seconded by Mr mcDugle thalt these claims be approved
and warrants drawn for same Roll Ayes --Lunsford, mcDugle, Nelson, Rice,
Nicholson, Ford motion carried
Regular claims against the City for the last half of July 1969 were presented
as follows
Salaries and Wages 26,944 00
Expenses 48,029 07
Upon approval of the Finance Committee, motion made by Or Nicholson seconded
by Mr mcDugle that claims be approved and warrants drawn for same Roll
Ayes--mcDugle, Nelson, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Lunsford motion carried
Mayor Ford asked for Council approval of the appointment of J Rex Hartsfield
to the Library Board motion by Mr Rice seconded by Dr Nicholson that
this appointment be made Roll Ayes --Nelson, Nicholson, Rice, Ford,
Lunsford Nayes--mcDugle Mr mcDugle stated he was voting "no" because he
understood Mr Hartsfield was a service man and might not be around for long
Mr mcDugle asked if anything had been done about adjusting some of the curbs
in the L I D #166 that were too high Mr. Wm F. Gallagher, City Engineer,
replied that he didn't think that it would be possible to do much in the way
of changing them now The City manager stated that he would get together with
the City Engineer and the street crews and go over these again and see if
anything could be worked out, particularly on 10th Street Mr mcDugle
stated that he wanted to go on record as staging that in his opinion this
was extremely poor engineering on these curbs
The City manager reported that all the papers required on the Open Space
application pertaining to the West End had been sent into the State so as to
reach them by August 1, 1969
Mr Rice asked if any steps have been taken about garbage disposal The
City manager stated that there was some possibility of working this out in
conjunction with the County, and that march's Point was one of the possi-
bilities for a central garbage site
Motion by Mr Lunsford seconded by Mr mcDugle that meeting be adjourned
Roll All ayes motion carried meeting adjourned t 8 20 P m
<-Cu� _* a 4 . _ .r / _Y�A�
KWthrn Lowr
Y Y m � ayor
City Clerk, Pro Tem
W0 a
August 12, 1969
An executive session of the Anacortes City Council was called to order by
Mayor Jesse W Ford at 5 00 P M on August 12, 1969
Roll call Mr Robert Perry, Dr L E Nicholson, Mr James Rice, Mr
Jesse W Ford, Mr Don McDugle, Mr Floyd Lunsford Mr Gary Nelson was on
vacation and was excused
Purpose of the meeting was to consider an agreement with Dike District #12
in connection with the new water construction for Anacortes, which requires
the installation of a river intake structure on the west bank of the Skagit
River, at a location approximately eighteen hundred feet south of the north
line of Section 13, Township 34 North, Range 3, E W M In accordance
with the agreement the Dike District #12 would give and grant to the City
of Anacortes, subject to its right, power, interest and authority so to
do, perpetual authority to operate over, along and in the dike of The
District, to the extent and in the manner and in strict compliance with
the Agreement motion made by Mr Rise seconded by Mr mcDugle that the
City of Anacortes enter into this agreement with Dike District #12 Roll
Ayes --Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, mcDugle, Lunsford motion carried
Motion by Mr Perry seconded by Mr Rice that meeting be adjourneyJ Roll
All ayes motion carried meeting adjourned „ _ %_//
'Kathryn Lowr mai or
City Clerk Pro Tem
August 19, 1969
A regular meeting of the Anacortes City Council was called to order by
Mayor Jesse W Ford at 7 30 P M on August 19, 1969
Roll call Or L E Nicholson, Mr
Rice, Mr Jesse W
Ford, Mr
Floyd Lunsford, Mr Don mcDugle, Mr
the meeting at 7 35 P m
Gary Nelson
Perry entered
Mayor Ford requested the Council's pleasure
on the minutes of
the previous
meeting held August 5, 1969 motion
by Mr
Lunsford, seconded by Mr Nelson
that minutes be approved as if read
Ayes --Nicholson,
Rice, Ford,
Lunsford, mcDugle, Nelson motion carried
Mayor Ford called for guest hearings There were none
Under communications a letter was read from Mrs James E Whittendale in
which she stated that her family had been on vacation and had stopped on
Saddlebag Island and had found the island littered with garbage and she
wondered if perhaps some local group might make this a clean-up project
Mayor Ford said the matter would be referred to some local groups and see
if something could be done
A letter addressed to Mr Harley Sutt from the North West Air Pollution
Authority was read which stated that a written plan for the disposal of
refuse was supposed to have been turned in to them by August 1, 1969 and
they had not received it Councilman Rice stated that he thought the City
was passing the buck by having Mr Sutt come up with the answers as to
what should be done and the City itself should take steps to solve this
problem The City Manager stated that meetings have been held by the Skagit
Regional Planning Council on solid waste disposal in attempting to solve
the disposal problem and that the County has authority to designate dis-
posal areas Councilman Nicholson stated that the City of Anacortes as
owners of the city dump are responsible, and that we should not wait for
the County to solve the problem for us
A letter was read from Nelson Vending Service in which they stated they were
paying their license on their vending machines under protest as they are
of the opinion that the cost per machine is too high
A letter from the law office of Anderson & Mansfield written on behalf of
Mr Harley Sutt was received Mr Sutt was requesting various changes be
made in his contract with the City for garbage disposal The Council decided
to take this request up at a study session to be held Tuesday, August 26, 1969
August 19, 1969 Cont
A letter was read from Mr and Mrs Ellsworth E Smith in which they were
requesting permission to temporarily locate a mobile home on their property
at 3004 "K" Avenue, in which to house Mrs Smith's mother who is ill and
needs to be close to someone who can look after her A permission slip
signed by neighbors who live near the Smith residence was presented and the
Smith's agree to remove the mobile home immediately after the need no longer
exists Motion by Mr Perry seconded by Or Nicholson that permission be
granted to the Smith's to place a mobile home on their property in accordance
with their agreement Roll Ayes --Rice, Ford, Lurisf,6rd, McDugle, Nelson,
Perry, Nicholson Motion carried
A proposed ordinance revising Ordinance No 1489 was read by the City Attorney
This ordinance is for the vacation of a portion ofIEighth Street Councilman
McDugle asked why the entire street could not be vacated The City Attorney
replied that this would require another ordinance as there would be different
property owners involved Councilman McDugle asked that the other property
owners be contacted and see if they were willing for the remainder of the
street to be vacated The City Manager stated that he would contact them
Motion made by Or Nicholson seconded by Mr Rice that the revised ordinance
be approved and adopted and given ORDINANCE NO 1492 Roll Ayes --Ford,
Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson, Rice , Motion carried
An easement agreement with Dike District #12 which had been approved by the
Council at a special meeting was brought up for formal approval Motion
made by Mr McDugle seconded by Mr Lunsford hat the City of Anacortes enter
into an agreement with Dike District #12 Roll Ayes --Lunsford, McDugle,
Nelson, Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford Motion carried
Claims against the City for the first half of August 1969 were presented as
Salaries and Wages $13,675 00
Expenses 13,762 15
Upon approval of the Finance Committee a motion made by Or Nicholson seconded
by Mr Perry that claims be allowed and warrants drawn for same Roll
Ayes--McDugle, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Lunsford Motion carried
The Treasurer's report for July 1969 was presented as follows
Cash Balance
$445,042 72
523,949 60
3,958,749 16
Councilman Rice asked if the developers interested in building a marina in
the Urban Renewal area had signed any agreements The City Manager replied
that no agreements have been signed, but that the interested developers
would like to start negotiations and that they intend to have an economic
survey made and would be bringing in plans and drawings for what they have
in mind Councilman McDugle asked the City Manager if the City would re-
ceive at least and possibly more than the Urban Renewal paid for raw land?
The City Manager replied that it was possible that they would, but it was up
to the Federal Government to set prices, and a lot would depend on what
type of business it was, as the primary use for this project is for things
that will create gobs
Motion by Mr. McDugle seconded by Mr Perry that meeting be adjourned
Roll All ayes Motion carried Meeting adjourned at 8 15 P M , after
which the City Council went on a field trip to the Water Treatment ant
Kethr n Lowry Mayor
City Clerk Pro Tem
September 2, 1969
A regular meeting of the Anacortes City Council was called to order by mayor
Jesse W Ford, at 7 30 P m on September 2, 1969
The invocation was given by the Rev Winkle of the Nazarene Church
Roll call Or L E Nicholson, Mr James Rice, Mr Jesse W Ford, Mr Floyd
Lunsford, Mr Gary Nelson Councilman Don mcDugle entered the meeting at
7 34 P m and Councilman Robert Perry entered at 7 37 P m
Mayor Ford requested the Council's pleasure on the minutes of the previous
meeting held August 19, 1969 motion by Mr Nelson seconded by Mr Lunsford
that minutes be approved as if read Roll Ayes --Nicholson, Rice, Ford,
Lunsford, Nelson motion carried
Mayor Ford called for guest hearings Mr Clyde Cook who lives at 1104 29th
Street, addressed the Council and stated that there was a big hole in the
street gust above his house which had been there for some time and should be
fixed Mr Cook also stated that there are several small children in his
neighborhood who attend kindergarten at Island View School,; and he was re-
questing that a school crossing be put at 29th and "m" for these children
Mr Robert Coberly who resides at 1408 17th Street addressed the Council and
stated that he was trying to sell his house and has had several parties who
were interested in buying but would not buy because of the mess of gunk that
is in the yard of the Lamphear residence at 1410 17th, and asked if something
couldn't be done about getting Mr Lamphear to clean up his property City
Attorney Wells stated that the City has been working on this problem for
some time and that Mr Lamphear had been brought into police court for
violating the zoning ordinance Mr Wells stated that there didn't seem to
be enough evidence to go on to prove that the gunk was creating a fire or
sanitation hazard, and about the only way to get him into court again was to
be able to prove the he was maintaining a gunk yard in a R-1 zone mayor
Ford stated that the City would continue to work on the problem and try and
come up with something that would alleviate this situation
Mayor Ford asked for Council approval of the appointment of Ray Iversen to
the Board of Adjustment and Delbert mason to the Cemetery Board motion by
Mr Rice and seconded by Or Nicholson that these appointments be approved
Roll Ayes --Rice, Ford, Lunsford, mcDugle, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson motion
City Attorney Wells gave a report on some of the new laws that have been
passed by the State Legislature One of these is relating to authorizing
cities and towns to require the removal of debris from private property, and
another on the impounding of gunk vehicles Mr Wells discussed the Optional
Municipal Code which cities may adopt if they wish, and recommended that the
City Council give every consideration to the adoption of this code He also
discussed the new Washington Law Enforcement Officers' and Fire Fighters'
Retirement System which goes into effect march 1, 1970
A special claim against L I D #166 was presented It was moved by Mr
Rice seconded by Mr mcDugle that Payment Estimate No 2 for work performed
by Lake Erie Trucking Company in Local Improvement District No 166 be
approved and that in order to provide funds for the payment thereof, revenue
warrants be drawn against the L I D No 166 Fund in favor of Grande and
Co , Inc , in the total amount of $1,777 79, dated September 8, 1969 and
bearing interest at the rate of 6% per annum from their date of registration,
that the proceeds on said interest-bearing warrants be deposited in the
L I D No 166 Fund and that cash warrants be drawn upon said fund in favor
of said creditor in the amount of $1,777 79, in payment for work performed
Roll Ayes --Ford, Lunsford, mcDugle, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson, Rice motion
Regular claims against the City for the second half of August 1969 were
presented as follows
Salaries and Wages $27,877 73
Expenditures 76,331 26
Upon approval of the Finance Committee, motion made by Mr mcDugle seconded
by Mr Perry that claims be approved and warrants drawn for same Roll Ayes
September 2, 1969 Cont
Lunsford, BBcDugle, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford motion carried
Motion by Mr Perry seconded by Mr Lunsford that meeting be adjourned
Roll All ayes motion carried meeting adjourned at 8 10 P M
Kathryn Lowry Y f Mayo
City Clerk Pro Tem
September 16, 1969
A regular meeting of the Anacortes City Council wasicalled to order by Mayor
Jesse W Ford at 7 30 P M on September 16, 1969
The invocation was given by Rev Norman Scruton
Roll call Or L E Nicholson, Mr James Rice, Mr Jesse W Ford, Mr Floyd
Lunsford, Mr Don McDugle Absent --Mr Robert -Perry, Mr Gary Nelson
Mayor Ford requested the Council's pleasure on the minutes of the previous
meeting held September 2, 1969 Motion made by Mr Rice seconded by Mr
Lunsford that minutes be approved as if read Roll Ayes --Nicholson, Rice,
Ford, Lunsford, McDugls Motion carried
Mayor Ford called for guest hearings There were none
Under communications a letter was read from Mr and Mrs R T West of Mercer
Island in which they stated they had been on a cruise of the Islands and had
spent one night at Cap Sante boat haven and expressed their appreciation
for the efficient and courteous service they had received there
A letter was read from the American Association of University Women in which
they extended an invitation for all Councilmen to attend a "Meet your City
Officials and Candidates" night on October 23, 19691
A letter was read from Mr H S Hicks, Shell Oil Refinery Superintendent in
which he expressed his appreciation for the recent tour of the water treating
facilities at Avon given several members of the Shell Oil Company by Mr W 0
A letter was read from Mr Lewis W McKay, Assistant Superintendent of
Anacortes Public Schools, in which he expressed his thanks for the cooper-
ation received from the City for fill dirt at various locations on the former
Christensen property and also for the use of backhoe equipment to move and
level the fill and stated that if the schools could be of any assistance to
the City at any time they would be glad to do so
A letter from the Anacortes Chamber of Commerce was read in which they were
inquiring as to when work would begin on the playground on 32nd Street The
City Manager said it was a little hard to set a definite date on this, due
to all the other work to be done by city crews, but it would be started as
soon as possible The City Manager also stated that the Anacortes Rotary
Club has a little less than $1,000 00 earmarked for playground equipment for
this project and that the fishing boat donated by the Kiwanis Club would
probably be placed in this area
A recommendation from the Planning Commission for the adoption of an Under-
ground Utilities Ordinance was received This Ordinance was discussed and
the City Manager explained that new construction would be the first to be
affected by such an ordinance, and it would take some time before existing
overhead poles and wiring could be put underground Councilman McDugle asked
if underground utilities could be put on an L I D and what the cost per
foot would be The City Manager said that it could be put on an L I D ,
but he did not have any figures available as to cost per foot A motion
was made by Mr McDugle and seconded by Mr Rice that a public hearing date
of October 7, 1969 be set on this ordinance Roll Ayes --Rice, Ford,
Lunsford, McDugle, Nicholson Motion carried
A proposed refuse ordinance came up for discussion next City Attorney
Wells stated that some of the wording in the ordinance should be changed and
suggested a study session by the Council before such an ordinance is passed,
September 16, 1969
as it might be construed to apply to one person that the City has been attempt-
ing to get to clean up their yard The Ordinance, if passed, would apply to every-
one, but it should be worded right
A petition for an L I D sewer construction program for the Kellogg Addition
and area between "D" and Alaska was turned in and the City Engineer, William F
Gallagher outlined this area on a map and explained in detail what it would,
involve The petition at present time has slightly less than 50% of the
property owners signatures Mr Dean Reichardt and Mr Andy Thorneycroft,
both property owners in this area addressed the Council and stated that they
thought it would be possible to get a few more signatures on the petition by
contacting some of the people who had not been available at the time they were
getting signatures Mr Thorneycroft pointed out that if the sewer was in,
that a house can be built on 601, but if the sewer is not in that 100' is
required to build A motion was made by Mr Rice seconded by Dr Nicholson
that the City proceed with the development plans of this L I D for sanitary
sewers in this area Roll Ayes --Ford, Lunsford, McDugle, Nicholson, Rice
Motion carried
A special claim against L I D #166 was read It was moved by Mr Rice
seconded by Mr mcDugle that periodic payment No, 3 for work performed by
Lake Erie Trucking Company in Local Improvement District No 166 be approved
and that in order to provide funds for the payment thereof, revenue warrants
be drawn against the L I D No 166 funds in favor of Grande and Co , Inc ,
in the total amount of $1,104 00, dated September 18, 1969 and bearing
interest at the rate of 6% per annum from their date of registration, that the
proceeds of said interest-bearing warrants be deposited in,the L I D No
166 Fund and that cash warrants be drawn upon said fund in favor of said creditor
in the amount of $1,104 00 in payment for work performedRoll Ayes --
Lunsford, mcDugle, Nicholson, Rice, Ford motion carried
Regular claims against the City for the first half of September were as
Salaries and Wages $13,324 00
Expenditures 143,368 25
Upon approval by the Finance Committee, motion made by Dr Nicholson
seconded by Mr Lunsford that claims be approved and warrants drawn for same
Roll Ayes--mcDugle, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Lunsford motion carried
The treasurer's report for August 1969 was presented as follows
Receipts $ 811,670 99
Disbursements 1,335,495 59
Cash Balance 429,134 40
Investments 3,856,560 75
City manager reported
1 That the City has a definite shortage of water and that the Skagit
River is at the lowest point that it has been in a good many years, and this
in connection with the construction that is going on at the river crossing has
caused an effect on the taste and quality of the water, and that this shortage
will continue until the new construction is completed which will be sometime
the latter part of next year
2 Construction at the river is proceeding according to schedule
3 Construction at "R" Avenue has been started and coming along 0 K
4 Mr and Mrs Stockwell have extended their option offer for another
30 days on their property at Weaverling Spit in order for the appraisers to
get their reports completed
5 Asphalting will start on "N" Avenue Wednesday, September 17, 1969,
and Sno King Construction Company will be back next week to put in more curbs
and gutters for the central area L I D
6 Asked City Council to stay after meeting is adjourned to go over
some preliminary figures for 1970 budget
7 Has been in contact with the attorney representing Rocket Sanitation
on their request concerning garbage collections and would be meeting with
him again next week
September 16, 1969 Cont
8 Reported that the money received from property taxes for 1969 was
$201,121 00 and estimated receipts for 1970 would come to $210,045 50, but
with requests for higher wages and the higher cost of all materials it would
be a real chore to come up with a balanced budget for 1970
Councilman mcDugle asked the City manager if he had been able to cgntact Mr
Demopoulos to,find out,.if he was in favor of having the remainder of 8th
Street vacated A portion of 8th Street has been vacated to provide space
for the housing for the elderly and Mr Demopoulos is the owner of some
property in this area The City manager replied that he had talked to Mr
Demopoulos and that he wanted to study it further before making a decision
Councilman Rice stated that he thought something should be done to provide
better service for water hook-ups, as customers were having to wait too long
for this service He stated that a change in policy or perhaps a raise in
water rates might be necessary in order to hire more help so that this work
could be done faster The City manager explained that all water services
in the central area L I D were being renewed before the paving is done and
that was one of the reasons for the delay in getting other work attended to
Motion by Mr Rice seconded by Or
Roll All ayes motion carried
Kathyy n LowryY
City Clerk Pro Tem
October 7, 1969
Nicholson that the meeting be adjourned
Meeting adjo ned at 8 50 P M
A regular meeting of the Anacortes City Council was called to order by mayor
Jesse W Ford at 7 30 P m , October 7, 1969
The invocation was given by the Rev Arthur Campbell of the Methodist Church
Roll call Mr Robert Perry, Or L E Nicholson, Mr James Rice, Mr Jesse W
Ford, Mr Floyd Lunsford, Mr Gary Nelson Councilman Don mcDugle was absent
Mayor Ford requested the Council's pleasure on the minutes of the previous
meeting held September '16, 1969 motion by Or NicHolson seconded by Mr
Perry that minutes be approved as if read Roll Ayes --Perry, Nicholson,
Rice, Ford, dunsford, Nelson motion carried
Mayor Fordiceilled for guest hearings Mrs Oscar Nelson addressed the Council
and asked permission to locate a mobile home on her property on 6th Street
Mrs Nelson is operating the Barth Nursing Home and her husband is ill, and
she would like the mobile home for her husband to live in Mr Nelson
turned in a letter from their doctor which recommends that this permission
be granted. Motion by Mr Perry seconded by Dr Nicholson that this request
be turned over to the Planning Commission Roll Ayes --Nicholson, Rice,
Ford, Lunsford, Nelson, Perry Motion carried
Under communications a letter was read from Mrs Blanche Lakish of Dearborn
Heights, Michigan, who stated that she has a hobby of writing to servicemen
serving in foreign countries, and she was requesting names and addresses of
servicement from this area
Mayor Ford declared a public hearing to be open on the proposed Underground
Utility Ordinance There were no comments from the audience, but written
comments were read from General Telephone Company in which they suggested
some changes be made in the ordinance Mayor Ford declared the public hearing
closed A motion was made by Mr Perry seconded by Mr Rice that the Council
hold a study session on this, and that the attention of the Planning Commission
be called to the comments and changes suggested by the General Telephone
Company Roll Ayes --Rice, Ford, Lunsford, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson
Motion carried
The proposed tax levy ordinance levying a tax upon real and personal property
withing the City of Anacortes for municipal purposes for the year 1970 was
read by the City Attorney The ordinance sets 17 40 mills to be apportioned
October 7, 1969 Cont
among the various funds motion made by Mr Rice seconded,by Mr Perry that
this ordinance be approved and adopted and given ORDINANCE,NO 1493 Rollr
Ayes --Ford, Lunsford, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson, Rice Motion carried
A proposed refuse ordinance which was to be discussed was dropped from the
agenda as the City Attorney and City manager stated that it would require
further study,
Two recommendations were received from the Planning Commission One was to
amend the Residential Planned Unit Development Ordinance within the
Anacortes Zoning Code and the second to amend section of Zoning Code regulating
advertising devices in commercial zones motion made by Mr Perry seconded
by Mr Lunsford that the Council hold a study session on these recommendations
and set a public hearing date of November 18, 1969 Roll Ayes --Lunsford,
Nelson, Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford motion carried
Mayor Ford asked for Council approval of appointments to the Youth Commission
There are to be five adults and five students serving on the Eommission
The five adults recommended are Mr George Flippo for a two year term, Rev
Willard Buckner for a two year term, Mrs Douglas Burton for a two year term,
Mrs Nich Petrish, Jr , one year term, and Mr Jack Granville, one year term
Students recommended are Ken Jobe, two year term, Debbie Vallentyne, two year
term, Jerry Cooley, one year term, Gene Ferrario, one year term, and Karen
Dansingburg, one year term Motion made by Mr Rice seconded by Or
Nicholson that these appointments be approved Roll Ayes --Nelson, Perry,
Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Lunsford Motion carried
Claims against L I D #166 were presented as follows
City of Anacortes $ 2,979 27
Curtis Wharf 14 94
Concrete Norwest 693 61
Lake Erie Trucking 364 10
Marine Asphalt 27,963 18
$32,015 10
It was -moved by Mr Rice and seconded by Mrs Perry that these claims be
approved and that in order to provide funds for the payment thereof, revenue
warrants be drawn against the L I D No 166 funds in favor of Grande and
Company, Inc , in the total amount of $32,015 10 dated October 10, 1969 and bear-
ing interest at the rate of 6% per annum from their date of registration,
that the proceeds of said interest-bearing warrants be deposited in the L I D
No 166 Fund and that cash warrants be drawn upon said fund in favor of said
creditors in the amountlofi $32,015 10 in payment for work and materials fur-
nished Roll Ayes --Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Lunsford, Nelson Motion
Regular claims against the City for the second half of September 1969 were
presented as follows
Salaries and Wages $ 22,391 61
Expenses 450,575 99
Motion by Mr Perry seconded by Or Nisholson that upon approval of the
Finance Committee that claims be approved and warrants drawn for same
Roll Ayes --Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Lunsford, Nelson, Perry Motion carried
City Manager reported
1 A variance permit had been issued to Mr Marion Peck at 916 34th
Street to locate porch steps on city property This was approved by the
Council at a study session and a formal motion was in order so this would
be a matter of record in the Eouncil minutes Motion made by Mr Perry
seconded by Mr Lunsford that formal approval of this variance be approved
Roll Ayes --Rice, Ford, Lunsford, Nelson, Parr, Nicholson Motion carried
2 Reported a meeting to be held Thursday October 9, 1969 between
County Planners and City Engineers on solid waste disposal
3 Reported that preliminary budget for 1970 would be ready October 31,
1969, and final adoption by the Council to be made the first week in December
Wages for 1970 have not been resolved as yet and the City is waiting to see
how wages are handled in other cities
October 79 1969
4 Presented an up -dated resolution on sale of Anacortes Industrial Park
property to Habitat West Resolution was read by the City Attorney and a
motion made by Dr Nicholson seconded by Mr Perry that this resolution be
approved and adopted and given RESOLUTION NO 271 Roll Ayes --Ford,
Lunsford, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson, Rice motion carried
5 Reported that the Government had approved some changes in the financing
plan of the Anacortes Industrial Park The City originally was to contribute
$100,000 each year for a period of five years Due to savings and money
earned on interest, that the original $100,000 would be all that the City
would have to contribute at the present time
6 Requested a study session with the Councillto discuss the budget,
a planning contract with Stevens, Thompson & Runyan, and the Stockwell
property Monday, October 20th, 1969 was set up for a study session
Mayor Ford announced that Representative Lloyd Meeds would speak at a no -dost
lunch at the Harbor Cafe on Friday, October 10, 1969
Motion by Mr Perry seconded by Or
Roll All ayes Motion carried
Kathryn Lowry
City Clerk Pro Tem
October 21, 1969
Nicholson that meetingbe adjou ned
Meeting adjou ned at 8 35 P M
A regular meeting of the Anacortes City Council was called to order by Mayor
Jesse W Ford at 7 30 P M on October 21, 1969
The invocation was given by the Rev Egertson of the Lutheran Church
Roll call Mr Robert Perry, Dr L E Nicholson, Mr James Rice, Mr Jesse W
Ford, Mr Floyd Lunsford, Mr Don McDugle, Mr Gary Nelson
Mayor Ford requested the Council's pleasure on the mmnutes of the previous
meeting held October 7, 1969 -Motion made by Mr Lunsford seconded by Or
Nicholson that minutes be approved as if read Roll Ayes --Perry, Nicholson,
Rice, Ford, Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson Motion carried
Mayor Ford called for guest hearings Allan Burrows addressed the Council
and stated he was a student at Skagit Valley College and was asking the
Council to consider keeping the library open until 10 00 P M in order
that college students would have a little more time to make use of the library
facilities Mayor Ford stated that the Council would give consideration to
this and would consult with the Library Board on the request
A letter was read from the Pacific Northwest Air Pollution Control announcing
a meeting to be held in Seattle at the Washington Plaza Hotel on November 5-7,
A letter was read from the Planning and Community Affairs Commission stating
that if cities had any suggestions or ideas that they would like to have
brought up at the special session of the State Legislature to be held in
January 1970, to get them in as soon as possible
On behalf of the Beautification Committee, Mayor Ford presented an award to
Mr Bill Berry and radio Station KAGT for all the work contributed on the
last three City clean-up campaigns The Beautification Committee also was
presenting an award to Mr Ray Auld, but he was not present to accept it
A resolution was read to provide for the sale of certain property within the
Anacortes Industrial Park to Modular Industries A motion made by Mr Rice
seconded by Mr Nelson that this resolution be approved and adopted and given
RESOLUTION NO 272 Roll Ayes --Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Lunsford, McDugle,
Nelson, Perry Motion carried
Mr Beryl Barker of Merit Investment Company was introduced and thanked by
Mayor Ford for his efforts in getting Modular Industries to locate in
October 21, 1969 Cont
A recommendation was received from the Planning Commission to approve vacation
of alley and portion of right of way on "Q" Avenue between 22nd and 23rd
Streets, this being needed for the low income housing project motion made
by Mr Rice seconded by Mr Nelson that a public hearing date of November 18,,
1969 be set for this Roll Ayes --Rice, Ford, Lunsford, mcDugle, Nelson,
Perry, Nicholson motion carried
Claims report for the first half of October 1969 was presented as follows
Salaries and Wages $13,385 00
Expenditures 24,540 03
Upon approval of the Finance Committee, motion made by Mr Rice seconded by
Mr Perry that claims be approved and warrants drawn for same Roll Ayes --
Ford, Lunsford, mcDugle, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson, Rice motion carried
Treasurer's report for September 1969 was given as follows
Cash Balance
$1,638,265 31
1,263,917 99
803,481 92
3,329,127 17
The City manager asked for a study session of the Council following the
meeting, and reported that the preliminary budget would be ready for Council
study the end of next week
Councilman Rice stated that a number of the planters along Commercial Avenue
were in poor shape and not being cared for and suggested that perhaps some
civic group could be interested in taking over the care of these planters
A group of students from Skagit Valley College were in attendance at the
meeting and their presence was acknowledged by mayor Ford
Motion made by Mr
adjourned Roll
P m
Perry seconded by Or Nicholson that the meeting be
All ayes motion carried meeting adjourned at 8 00
Kathryn Lowry ma or `
City Clerk Pro Tem
November 4, 1969
A regular meeting of the Anacortes City Council was called to order by mayor
Jesse W Ford at 7 30 P m on November 4, 1969
The invocation was given by Rev Campbell of the methodist Church
Roll call Or L E Nicholson, Mr James Rice, Mr Jesse W Ford, Mr
Floyd Lunsford, Mr Don mcDugle Councilman Nelson entered at 7 32 and
Councilman Perry at 7 33
Mayor Ford requested the Council's pleasure on the minutes of the previous
meeting held October 21, 1969 motion by Mr Rice seconded by Mr Lunsford
that minutes be approved as if read Roll Ayes --Nicholson, Rice, Ford,
Lunsford, mcDugle motion carried
Mayor Ford called for guest hearings There were none
Underc.communications a letter was read from the City Christmas Committee
which requested permission to have a shepherd permanently installed on the
south point of Cap Sante near the small boat harbor motion by Mr Rice
seconded by Mr mcDugle that permission be granted Roll Ayes --Rice, Ford,
Lunsford, mcDugle, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson motion carried
A letter from New Lear Inc was received inviting citizens to attend a
meeting of their Board of Directors in Mt Vernon on November 5, 1969 at
7 30 P m
A letter from the Retail merchants Committee of the Chamber of Commerce was
read in which they invited the City of Anacottes to be represented in the
Christmas Parade which will be held on November 29, 1969 at 11 00 A m
November 4, 1969
Mayor Ford stated that the City would have a fire truck available to be in the
parade Councilman Perry volunteered his services as well as those of
Councilman Nelson to put together something that would represent the City of
It was announced that the District meeting of the Association of Washington
Cities would be held in Burlington on November 18, 1969 As this date is in
conflict with the regular Anacortes City Council meeting, mayor Ford stated
that he would contact the mayor of Burlington and see what arrangements
could be made in regard to the Anacortes Council members attending
A letter from the International Association of Fire Fighters, Local No 1537
was read in which they were requesting wages be increased by 10 4 with 2 5%
added for hazardous duty pay for the year 1970, and that medical insurance
be raised to the present rate of room and board in our local hospital A
similar letter from the State, County, and municipal�Employees Local #347
was received, and they requested a wage increase of 10 4% with an additional
2 5% hazardous duty pay for the police officers and a vacation schedule as
1 to 5 years
5 to 10 years
10 to 15 years
after 15 years
10 working days
15 working days
20 working days
25 working days
Sick leave to accumulate to a maximum of 90 days
A motion was made by Mr Perry seconded by Mr Ford that these requests from
the Fire Department and from the City Employee's Local No 347 be approved
Roll Ayes --Ford, Lunsford, mcDugle, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson Nayes--Rice
Motion carried
Councilman Rice stated that he was voting "no" on this as the original request
from the employees was for $1001across the board and1with the wage on a
percentage basis that the employees in the lower income brackets who really
needed a raise would not receive as much as they should
A proposed resolution was read by the City Attorney which would provide for
the amortization of the prior service payments to Statewide City Employees
Retirement System over a 30 year period with an annual payment of $9,035 00
Motion made by Mr Rice seconded by Mr Perry that this resolution be adopted
and given RESOLUTION NO 273 Roll Ayes --Lunsford, Nelson, Perry, Rice,
Ford Nayes--mcDugle, Nicholson motion carried
Claims against L I D No 166 were presented as follows
Lake Erie Trucking Co $1,285 59
It was moved by Mr Rice seoonded by Mr mcDugle that these claims be approved
and that in order to provide funds for the payment thereof, revenue warrants
be drawn against the L I D No 166 funds in favor of Grande and Co , Inc ,
in the total amount of $1,285 59, dated November 12, 1969 and bearing interest
at the rate of 6% per annum from their date of registration, that the proceeds
of said interest bearing warrants be deposited in the L I D #166 Fund and
that cash warrants be drawn upon said fund in favor of said creditor in the
amount of $1,285 59 in payment for work and materials furnished Roll
Ayes--mcDugle, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson, Rice, Ford, Lunsford motion carried
Regular claims against the City for the second half of October 1969 were
presented as follows
Salaries and Wages $ 24,731 03
Expenditures 350,924 95
Upon approval of the Finance Committee motion made by Mr Perry seconded by
Mr mcDugle that claims be approved and warrants drawn for same Roll Ayes --
Nelson, Perry, Nicholson, Rice; Ford, Lunsford, mcDugle motion carried
The City manager stated that the City should in the very near future give
consideration to the storm sewer drainage problem in the down town area
The City manager presented the Councilmen with a letter of transmittal on the
preliminary budget and Wednesday, November 12, 1969 was set for a study
session of the proposed budget
November 4, 1969 Cont/
Councilman mcDugle asked what the appraised value had been on the vacation of
4th St in comparison with the appraised value recently made on the vacation
of 8th St Mr mcDugle thought the appraisal of 8th might be too high The
exact figures were on file in the office and Mr mcDugle was informed that
he could come into the office and get them
Motion made by Mr Perry seconded by Or Nicholson that meeting be adjourned
Roll All ayes motion carried meeting adjourned at 8 25 P m
KatHryn Lowry, � / may 'r
City Clerk Pro Tem
November 18, 1969
A regular meeting of the Anacortes City Council was called to order by
Mayor Pro Tem James Rice at 7 30 P m on November 18, 1969
The invocation was given by the Rev Herman Kazen of the Assembly of God
A certification of election from the Skagit County Auditor on the recent
election was read as follows
Ward One ---------- L E
Ward Two ----------Eldon
C Baker
W Ford
Ward Three --------Robert
H Perry
Mr L E Nicholson, Mr Eldon C Baker and Mr Robert H Perry were given
the oath of cffi.ce by the City Clerk Pro Tem
Nominations were then in order for a new mayor The name of James Rice was
placed in nomination There were no other nominations and a motion was made
by Mr Lunsford and seconded by Mr Perry that the nominations be closed
in favor of James Rice Roll Ayes --Perry, Nicholson, Baker, Lunsford,
Nelson Abstain --Rice motion carried and James Rice was declared duly
elected as mayor of Anacortes for the ensuing term Councilman mcDugle was
unable to be present at the meeting, but wishes ti to be entered in the
minutes that had he been present his vote for mayor would go to James Rice
Nominations were then in order for mayor Pro Tem The name of Dr L E
Nicholson was placed in nomination There were no other nominations and a
motion made by Mr Lunsford and seconded by Mr Nelson that nominations be
closed in favor of L E Nicholson for mayor Pro Tem Roll Ayes --Baker,
Lunsford, Nelson, Perry, Rice Abstain --Nicholson motion carried and
Laurence E Nicholson was declared to be duly elected as mayor Pro Tem for
the ensuing term
Nominations were then called for Chairman of the Finance Committee The
name of Gary Nelson was placed in nomination There were no other nominations
and a motion made by Mr Lunsford and seconded by Dr Nicholson that nomin-
ations be closed in favor of Gary Nelson as Chairman of the Finance Committee
Roll Ayes --Rice, Lunsford, Perry, Nicholson, Baker Abstain --Nelson
Motion carried and Gary Nelson was declared to be duly elected as Chairman
of the Finance Committee
Mayor Rice appointed Robert Perry and Don mcDugle to serve on the Finance
Committee with Chairman Nelson
Due to health reasons the outgoing mayor Jesse W Ford was unable to be
present, and mayor Rice announced that a certificate of appreciation and
an engraved gavel would be presented to Mr Ford and mayor Rice extended
a vote of thanks and appreciation to Mr Ford for his many years of service
to the City of Anacortes ,
Roll call Mr Robert Perry, Or L E Nicholson, Mr Eldon Baker, Mr
James Rice, Mr Floyd Lunsford, Mr Gary Nelson Councilman mcDugle was
Mayor Rice requested the Council's pleasure on the minutes of the previous
meeting held on November 4, 1969 motion by Mr Lunsford seconded by Mr
Nelson that minutes be approved as if read Roll Ayes --Perry, Nicholson,
Baker, Rice, Lunsford, Nelson motion carried
Nov 18, 1969 Cont
Guest hearings were called for There were none
Under communications a letter was read from miss Joan Kinsedahl on behalf
of an eighth grade class in Tacoma who were studying different forms of
city government and requested information about the City of Anacortes
On behalf of the Beautification Committee mayor Rice presented a certi-
fication of recognition and appreciation to Mr Ray Auld for all the
time, work and effort that he has spent on beautifying Mt Erie On
accepting the certificate Mr Auld said that he thought his wife's name
should be on the certificate as she was the one who got him started
every morning mayor Rice expressed the City's thanks to Mrs Auld also
A public hearing was declared to be open on proposed changes to the zoning
code on a "Planned Unit Development Ordinance" This change would be to
Section 8-7 13 4 4 Uses (Changed to read)
1 Residential units, either detached or in multiple dwellings,
including mobile homes on individually owned lots
Section 8-7 13 4 5 Minimum Site Size (Changed to read)
Residential planned unit development may be of a minimum site size
of one-half (J) acre so long as the basic purpose of this section is
served Mobile homes are permitted on individually owned lots when the
total development is a minimum of ten (10 acres)
There were no comments from the audience and the public hearing was
declared to be closed A motion was made by Dr Nicholson seconded by
Mr Baker that this be taken up at the next study session of the City
Council Roll Ayes --Nicholson, Baker, Rice, Lunsford, Nelson, Perry
Motion carried
A public hearing was declared to be open on proposed changes to the
zoning code dealing with "Advertising devices in Commercial and Industrial
Districts " There were no comments from the audience and the public
hearing was declared to be closed Motion made by Mr Perry seconded by
Mr Nelson that this be reviewed at the next study session of the City
Council Roll Ayes --Baker, Rice, Lunsford, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson,
Motion carried
A public hearing was declared to be open on proposed vacation of alley
between lots 24 and 25, block 9, Hensler's First Addition and portion of
right of way on the southwest corner of this same block This being
located on "Q" Avenue between 22nd and 23rd Streets There were no
comments from the audience and the public hearing was declared to be
closed Motion made by Mr Lunsford seconded by Or Nicholson that this
also be taken up at a Council study session Roll Ayes --Rice, Lunsford,
Nelson, Nicholson, Baker Abstain --Perry Motion carried
A recommendation was received from the Planning Commission to change
land use to multi -family an area generally bounded on the south by the
centerline of 28th Street, the east line 300' west of Commercial, the
north approximately the north line of 27th Street and the west 300'
east of "M" Avenue Motion by Dr Nicholson seconded by Mr Perry that
this be taken up at the next study session and that a public hearing
date of December 2, 1969 be set Roll Ayes --Lunsford, Nelson, Perry,
Nicholson, Baker, Rice Motion carried
The Treasurer's report for the month of October 1969 was given as follows
Receipts 1,624,100 64
Disbursements 1,765,929 26
Cash Balance 661,653 30
Investments 3,449,504 22
Claims report for the first half of November 1969 was given as follows
Wages and salaries 13,600 00
Expenditures 46,183 07
Upon approval of the Finance Committee, motion made by Mr Perry seconded
by Dr Nicholson that claims be approved and warrants drawn for same Roll
Ayes --Nelson, Perry, Nicholson, Baker, Rice, Lunsford Motion carried
City Attorney Wells presented a check in the amount of $228 20 from
Ferguson -Goodell This was another check from proceeds in the pipe
litigation suit '
November 18, 1969
City Attorney Wells requested permission to be excused from the next
regular Council meeting so that he might attend a session being held at
Western Washington College Permission was granted
A letter from Merrill Iversen, Chairman Pro Tem of the Citizen's Advisory
Committee was read The letter stated that at their October meeting it
had been noted that utility wires were being moved from the east to the
west side of "R" Avenue and the Committee voted to recomment that the
City Council investigate and discuss the possibility of having these
utilities placed underground, as well as those already in the Industrial
Park The City Manager stated that two or three poles had been tempor-
arily installed on the west side of "R" Avenue to supply cathodic pro-
tection for the water pipe and that ultimately those power lines will
be put underground before the Urban Renewal project is finished
Mrs Alice Newland addressed the Council and asked if any action had been
taken as yet on what to do about the planters in the downtown area Mayor
Rice replied that no action has been taken as yet
Motion made by Mr Lunsford seconded by Mr Perry that meeting be
adjourned Roll All ayes Motion carried Meeting adjourned at 8 00
P M after which the Councilmen went to Max Dale's Restaurant to ,loin
a District Meeting of the Association of Washington Cities
Kathryn LowYy' / yor
City Clerk Pro Tem
December 2, 1969
A regular meeting of the Anacortes City Council was called to order by Mayor
James Rice at 7 30 P M on December 2, 1969
The invocation was given by Father Auer of St Mary's Catholic Church
Roll call Dr L E Nicholson, Mr Eldon Baker, Mr James Rice, Mr Don
McDugle, Mr Gary Nelson Councilman Perry entered at 7 40 P M , and
Councilman Lunsford was excused
Mayor Rice requested the Council's pleasure on the minutes of the previous
meeting held on November 18, 1969 Motion made by Mr Nelson seconded by
Dr Nicholson that minutes be approved as if rea d Roll Ayes --Nicholson,
Baker, Rice, McDugle, Nelson Motion carried
Mayor Rice requested guest'Hearings Mrs Julia Moe addressed the Council
and stated that it had been understood at the time 6th Street was closed,
down by the railroad station, that a footpath would be established running
north and south and parallel to the railroad track, but this had never been
done Mrs Moe also stated that the squatter living next to her was still
there Mayor Rice replied that the Council would see what could be worked
out on both situations
A request was made by the Retail Merchants for permission to place Santa's
but on 6th Street by the Honey Bee Bakery A discussion took place as to
whether or not this would be a good location due to the fact that Pith
Street is an arterial and traffic to the Guemes ferry and to the Post Office
use it quite extensively It was suggested that perhaps a few of the
parallel parking spaces might be used, so as to place the but against the
curb Mayor Rice stated he would check with the Police Department and see
gust what can be worked out
A letter was read which the Colonial Live & Accident Insurance Company
would like to have signed bi the City Mr Bill Hendricks, representing
this insurance company, addressed the Council and stated that they had a
supplemental insurance program they would like to interest employees in
securing The letter they would like signed by the City would giver per-
mission for the premium to be by payroll deduction in the event any employees
wished to buy this type of insurance The Council decided to take this up
at a study session
A letter was read from the Washington Federation of Fraternal, Patriotic
City and Country Clubs They were asking for views and comments in regard
to certain types of wagering and asked for help in drafting a bill to
present to the State Legislature which would make it legal for non-profit
December 2, 1969
organizations to have bingo games, raffles, etc motion made by Mr Perry
seconded by Dr Nicholson that this be taken up at a study session Roll
Ayes --Baker, Rice, McDugle, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson motion carried
A latter addressed to the Port of Anacortes with a copy to the City of
Anacortes from the Citizen's Advisory Committee was read in which they
were recommending that the west side of Cap Sante be left in its natural
state and maintained as a beach area for public use
A letter addressed to the City Council from the Citizen's Advisory Com-
mittee was read in which they asked the Council to give consideration to the
replacing of the planters on Commercial Avenue with trees mayor Rice
stated that the merchants would be contacted this spring and see if they
wouldn't agree to keep the planters up and if not, then something else
would have to be worked out
A letter was read from the Association of Washington Cities calling the
Council's attention to the 1970 Washington Community Festival to be held
in June of 1970, and asking for community support of the Festival
A letter from mayor R 0 Ellis of Oak Harbor was read in regards to a plan
proposed by the United States Navy to construct additional water trans-
mission facilities from the City of Anacortes transmission line at Dean's
Corner south to the Naval Air Station on Whidbey Island, and stating that
the City of Oak Harbor has been requested by the Navy to give consideration
to participating in this project, which would appear to provide the most
logical and economical means of\supplying, in part, the long-range water
requirements of the Island They requested that the City of Anacortes
submit a firm rate per million gallons delivered, together with a minimum
monthly consumption, for a pipeline which, initially, would serve the Naval
Air Station and, ultimately, would serve a substantial portion of Whidbey
Island This will be taken up by the Council at a study session
A letter from the law office of Anderson & Mansfield on behalf of their
client Rocket Sanitation, was read Mr Sutt, owner of Rocket Sanitation,
was requesting that garbage rates be raised to $1 65 per month for the
first can, and 750 per month extra for the second can, 750 per month extra
for the third can, and 500 per month extra for each additional can They
also requested a five year license commencing January 1, 1970 The City
Council set Thursday, December 11, 1969 for a study session and a meeting
with Mr Sutt and his attorneys on this matter
Next on the agenda was Council decisions on public hearings that were held
by the Council on November 18, 1969 The first one being for proposed
changes to the Residential Planned Unit Ordinance of the Zoning Code to
allow mobile homes within the planned unit Motion made by Or Nicholson
seconded by Mr Perry that this be approved and the City Attorney instructed
to prepare an ordinance Roll Ayes --Rice, McDugle, Nelson, Perry,
Nicholson, Baker Motion carried
The second item was for proposed changes in that portion of the Zoning Code
governing advertising devices in Commercial Zones There was some dis-
cussion on this Cm uncilman Nelson stated that he was of the opinion that
signs on Commercial Avenue should be more uniform and possibly attached to
the buildings instead of being over sidewalks Councilman Nelson stated
that he realized that this would take some time before it could be accom-
plished, but thought this possibility should be kept in mind Councilman
McDugle stated that in that event he would not like to be opening a busi-
ness eight or nine years from now and be told he could not have a sign to
advertise the fact A motion was made by Or Nicholson and seconded by Mr
Baker that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance on this
Roll Ayes--McDugle, Nicholson, Baker, Rice Nayes--Nelson, Perry
Motion carried
The third item was the vacation of an alley and portion of right of way on
"Q" Avenue between 22nd and 23rd Streets Motion made by Mr Perry seconded
by Mr Nelson that this be approved and the City Attorney instructed to
prepare an ordinance Roll Ayes --Nelson, Perry, Nicholson, Baker, Rice,
McDugle Motion carried
Mayor Rice declared a public'hearing to be open on a proposed land use
change to multi -family on an area generally bounded by 28th on the south,
the east line 300' west of Commercial, 27th on the north, and the west
300' east of "M" Avenue There were no comments from the audience and Mayor
Rice delcared the public hearing to be closed Motion made by Mr Perry
December 2, 1969
seconded by Or Nicholson that this be approved and the City Attorney
instructed to prepare an ordinance Roll Ayes --Perry, Nicholson, Baker,
Rice, mcDugle, Nelson Motion carried
A recommendation was received from the Planning Commission to change the
land use in portions of Plat 13 and Plat 2 of Skyline Development to single-
family residential motion made by Dr Nicholson seconded by Mr Perry
//X that December 16, 1969 be set as a public hearing date 1 Roll Ayes --
Nicholson, Baker, Rice, mcDugle, Nelson, Perry Motion carried
The propeeed budget ordinance for 1970 was read Estimated revenues and
estimated expenditures each amounted to a total of $9,645,747 50 motion
made by Or Nicholson seconded by Mr Perry that the budget be approved
and adopted and given ORDINANCE NO 1494 Roll Ayes --Baker, Rice, Nelson,
Perry, Nicholson Nayes--mcDugle motion carried
Claims report for the 2nd half of November 1969 was presented as follows
Salaries and Wages $ 27,144 48
Expenditures 261,779 27
Upon approval of the Finance Committee, a motion made by Dr Nicholson
seconded by Mr Nelson that claims be approved and warrants drawn for same
Roll Ayes --Rice, mcDugle, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson, Baker motion carried
The City manager reported that Councilman Nelson had obtained a sketch of
a mall for downtown Eugene, Oregon which might give some ideas as to what
might be considered for downtown Anacortes for anyone wishing to look at it
The City manager reported that the Urban Planning students from the Univer-
sity of Washington who have made several trips to Anacortes, would like to
attend the next Council meeting and give a detailed report as to their
recommendation as to urban growth, and planning to meet this growth
Permission was granted
Motion by Mr Nelson seconded by
Roll All ayes motion carried
Kathrynv Low
City Clerk Pro Tem
December 16, 1969
Mr Perry that meeting be adjourned
Meeting adjourned at 8 45 P m +
M or
A regular meeting of the Anacortes City Council was called to order by
Mayor James Rice at 7 00 P M on December 16, 1969
The invocation was given by Rev Lester Dams of the Christian Reformed Church
Roll call Mr Robert Perry, Or L E Nicholson, Mr Eldon Baker, Mr
James Rice, Mr Floyd Lunsford, Mr Don mcDugle, Mr Gary Nelson
Mayor Rice requested the Council's pleasure on the minutes of the previous
meeting held December 2, 1969 motion made by Dr Nicholson seconded by
Mr Nelson that minutes be approved as if read Roll , Ayes --Perry,
Nicholson, Baker, Rice, Lunsford, mcDugle, Nelson motion carried
Mayor Rice called for guest hearings Mr Robert McCollum addressed the
Council and stated that 34th Street had not been repaired in a satisfactory
manner and requested that it be fixed
City Attorney Wells read a proposed ordinance which would amend sections
of the zoning ordinance pertaining to planned unit developments, so as to
include mobile homes Residential planned unit development may be of a
minimum site size of one-half acre so long as the basic purpose of this
section is served mobile homes are permitted on individually owned lots
when the total development is a minimum of ten (10) acres Mr Robert
McCollum voiced an objection to this ordinance motion was made by Mr
Perry seconded by Or Nicholson that the ordinance be approved and adopted
and given ORDINANCE NO 1495 Roll Ayes --Nicholson, Baker, Rice, Lunsford,
McDugle, Nelson, Perry Motion carried
December 1 , 1969 Cont
An ordinance was read which would amend Section 4 21, Advertising Devices in
Commercial and Industrial Districts, of Ordinance No 1407, the same being
the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Anacortes This would allow advertising
devices to be located in commmercial and industrial districts, 1 e , C-1,
C -1-A, C-2, m-1, and m -P1 and m -P2, provided they are located on the same
property as the advertised businesses Except in C-1, C -1-A, and C-2
Districts no such sign or advertising device shall project over public
right of way motion made by Mr mcDugle seconded by Mr Lunsford that this
ordinance be approved and adopted and given ORDINANCE NO 1496 Roll Ayes --
Baker, Rice, Lunsford, mcDugle, Perry, Nicholson Nayes--Nelson motion
An ordinance was read which would vacate the following 16 foot alley
lying between Lots 24 and 25 of Nelson's Addition to the City of Anacortes,
that portion of 23rd Street as platted in Nelson's Addition adjacent, abutting
upon and immediately south of Lot 24 of Nelson's Addition, lying between the
east line of Lot 18, Block 6, of First Addition to the City of Anacortes, and
the west line of "Q" Avenue as platted in Nelson's Addition and north of the
north line of 23rd Street as platted in First Addition, produced easterly
Motion made by Mr Perry seconded by Mr Nelson that this ordinance be approved
and adopted and given ORDINANCE NO 1497 Roll Ayes --Rice, Lunsford,
moDugle, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson, Baker motion carried
An ordinance was read which would establish an Anacortes Youth Commission Fund
for the purpose of accumulating all monies received from grants, loans,
donations, or any like sources other than taxation, to be used in the execution
of programs to be sponsored by the City of Anacortes Youth Commission
Motion made by Dr Nicholson seconded by Mr Lunsford that this ordinance be
approved and adopted and given ORDINANCE NO 1498 Roll Ayes --Lunsford,
mcDugle, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson, Baker, Rice motion carried
An ordinance was read appropriating the 1970 revenues of the City of Anacortes,
A resolution was read which would authorize a loan up to but not exceeding
the sum of $11,000 00 from the Water Revenue Fund to the Cemetery Fund,
said loan to be repaid on or before ninety days from the date of loan and to
bear interest at the rate of 6% per annum motion made by Mr mcDugle seconded
by Mr Perry that this resolution be approved and adopted and given RESOLUTION
NO 274 Roll Ayes --Perry, Nicholson, Baker, Rice, Lunsford, mcDugle,
Nelson motion carried
Professor Henry Hightower from the Urban Planning Department of the University
of Washington and a group of forty students from his department were intro-
duced This group had made a three month comprehensive study of the City of
Anacortes and had many findings and recommendations which they presented
The first group of students concentrated their study on the preservation of
the scenic beauty and recreation areas of Fidalgo Island and Anacortes It
was felt that with the expansion of industry and population in Anacortes,
the natural scenic beauty of the area is likely to be sacrificed for economic
development if steps are not taken immediately to prevent its destruction
The group's two main areas of study were development control responsibility
and development control techniques, and they presented their recommendations
in these areas
They felt that control responsibility should be on a broad basis of regional
intergovernmental cooperation between the City of Anacortes and Skagit
County They suggested the formation of an Environmental Development Com-
mission as a part of th® Wdstern Governmental Conference to focus attention
on cooperative regional planning, with citizens forming a panel of specialists
representing different areas
The students also recommended immediate annexation of the water -shed areas
owned by the City of Anacortes on the southern part'of Fidalgo Island and
the eventual annexation of the remainder of that area when necessary services
can be provided and following the establishment of firm development control
in the
various departments of the City, the amount to
each department as set
forth and particularly designated by Ordinance
No 1494,
passed and approved
on the
2nd day of December 1969 motion by Mr
seconded by Dr Nicholson
that this ordinance be approved and adopted and
Ayes--mcDugle, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson,
Rice, Lunsford
A resolution was read which would authorize a loan up to but not exceeding
the sum of $11,000 00 from the Water Revenue Fund to the Cemetery Fund,
said loan to be repaid on or before ninety days from the date of loan and to
bear interest at the rate of 6% per annum motion made by Mr mcDugle seconded
by Mr Perry that this resolution be approved and adopted and given RESOLUTION
NO 274 Roll Ayes --Perry, Nicholson, Baker, Rice, Lunsford, mcDugle,
Nelson motion carried
Professor Henry Hightower from the Urban Planning Department of the University
of Washington and a group of forty students from his department were intro-
duced This group had made a three month comprehensive study of the City of
Anacortes and had many findings and recommendations which they presented
The first group of students concentrated their study on the preservation of
the scenic beauty and recreation areas of Fidalgo Island and Anacortes It
was felt that with the expansion of industry and population in Anacortes,
the natural scenic beauty of the area is likely to be sacrificed for economic
development if steps are not taken immediately to prevent its destruction
The group's two main areas of study were development control responsibility
and development control techniques, and they presented their recommendations
in these areas
They felt that control responsibility should be on a broad basis of regional
intergovernmental cooperation between the City of Anacortes and Skagit
County They suggested the formation of an Environmental Development Com-
mission as a part of th® Wdstern Governmental Conference to focus attention
on cooperative regional planning, with citizens forming a panel of specialists
representing different areas
The students also recommended immediate annexation of the water -shed areas
owned by the City of Anacortes on the southern part'of Fidalgo Island and
the eventual annexation of the remainder of that area when necessary services
can be provided and following the establishment of firm development control
December 16, 1969 Cont
The group stated that the objective of control techniques should be to
develop the recreational potential and resources of the area It was
suggested that a scenic highway route around Fidalgo Island be established
in cooperation with the State of Washington and that access to the lake and
beach areas be developed through use of easements
They recommended flexibility in the guidelines developed for private land use,
as rigid standards of zoning and subdivision cause unimaginative use of land
In this way, the burden of compliance would be put on the property owner
Two methods for gaining this flexibility for private land use control were
recommended Special treatment of certain areas of the City and County due
to their unique charactheristics and the planned unit development approach
For either technique, performance standards must be developed demonstrating
the following things
(1) Any adverse environmental effects which cannot be avoided by
following reasonable uses should be ,justified
(2) Local short-term uses of land should be consistent with maintaining
long-term standards
(3) Any irretrievable and irrevocable commitment of land should be
A member of the audience asked for the group's view on the proposed Pass
Lake development The group replied that any planned development should be
required to demonstrate the three standards listed above If these things
could be demonstrated, the development should be considered acceptable
The group was asked what they would suggest as improvements for the Planned
Unit Development Ordinance, and it was replied that an environmental impact
study demonstrating the three requirements listed above should be required
by the Ordinance
A question was asked concerning whether the students felt that an opportunity
should be given the developer to develop without interference, to which it
was replied that, although there should be flexibility allowed in a develop-
ment, the developer should be required to show that the land use proposed
has only a positive effect on its environment
The second group of students was introduced and their presentation was con-
cerned with the future development of Anacortes within the city limits,
stressing design considerations They had chosen six areas of potential
development of problems within the City
The first area was Commercial Avenue from Twelfth Street south The three
main problems of Commercial Avenue were stated as follows
(1) General appearance is poor
(2) There isino provision for separation or screening between the
commercial and residential uses
(3) There is conflict between traffic and shoppers, problems with
tourist traffic, and potential parking problems
The group felt that Commercial Avenue could be made more lfunctional and
attractive through altering and applying the zoning ordinance, the use of
Federal funds, activating merchant associations, or local improvement districts
The following recommendations were made control of access to and from Com-
mercial Avenue, regulation of left turns, provision of additional traffic
signals, encouraging off-street parking, landscaping between business and
residences, and the regulation of lights, advertising signs, and gas stations
The group suggested a City Design Review Board to implement these regulations
The second area of study was the area in the vicinity of Causland Park, the
Museum of History and Art, the Public Library, and the vacant land located
between Causland Park and the Library It was recommended that this be
developed into a civic, service, and cultural center for Anacortes, and the
objective of the methods suggested was to encourage this type of growth
The recommendations included encouraging only residential and civic uses
in the area, development of vacant land for a community center linking the
Park, Library, and museum, expanding the use of Causland Park, emphasizing
Eight and Ninth Streets by plantings, providing parking on "0" Avenue,
placing signs to emphasize the Library, Park and museum
The third area of study was the potential recreational facilities at Cran-
berry Lake and the area of the high school and ,junior high school
December 16, 1969 Cont
Recommendations included an indoor activity complex with a swimming pool to be
located in the area east of the high school, outdoor activities to be concen-
trated in the area northwest of the high school, and the development of
Cranberry Lake
The fourth area was concerned with the characteristics and wuality of residential
areas in Anacortes The poor appearance of the area and traffic conflict
are the two main problems, it was reported The group recommended modification
of the use of public rights-of-way for more landscaping and the expansion of
the street improvement program
Methods of correcting the problems in residential areas included street im-
provements, the initiation of improvements by the residents, and the Federal
funding for urban beautification
The fifth area of study concerned the waterfront along Guemes Channel and
around Fidelgo Bay This area suffers from such problems as lack of balance
between residential and industrial uses, lacklof unity with the rest of the
City, and the lack of development of the natural attractions of the area
The group recommended the development of the Fidelgo Bay area with shops and
restaurants linked by pedestrian walkways along the,water to the downtown
area Also recommended was the development of the vacant land between Florida
Street and the ferry terminal for recreational uses, regulation of landscaping
of industrial areas along the waterfront, and the establishment of measures
to control water and air pollution by industries located in this area
Finally, the sixth area of study was presented concerning the northwest
section of Fidalgo Island, which encompasses the ferry terminal, Shannon
Point, Skyline, and Washington Park The study found that there was no visual
and functional integration of the major elements in the area, there is con-
fusion at intersections to Burrows Bay Road and the ferry termina, and scenic
qualities of the area have not been utilized to full potential
Recommendations included re -definition of the intersections to Burrows Bay
Road and to the ferry, re -definition of the entrance to Washington Park,
acquiring the strip of land west of the ferry terminal for tourist facilities,
the development of the oceanographic research center proposed by Western
Washington State College for Shannon Point, and improving the pathway along
the periphery of Shannon Point on the old railroad bed
A question was asked concerning whether there would be sufficient space in
the proposed civic center in the Causland Park area for a recreation center
with swimming pool, considering the necessary parking requirements, it was
replied that such a recreation center would be better located near the high
school On the vacant land, they proposed an auditorium and future City
A member of the audience asked whether the students felt that putting the
recreation center downtown would draw activity to the downtown area The
group replied that this would draw only recreational activity which might
conflict with the residential and civic activity in the area
The third group fo students was introduced In their discussion on the
poverty situation in Anacortes, they reported that, according to the standards
developed by the Washington State Department of Public Assistance, it had
been established that a family of four was living below the poverty line if
it had a yearly income of $4,500 It was established that at least 600
families (or 30 2% of the 1968 population) are living below this level
Areas of concern in regard to poverty include education, health, recreation,
citizen participation, housing, and services for the elderly
One of the main policy proposals of the group is the formation of an indepen-
dent Community Development Corporation, owned and operated by the residents
This corporation would be focal point for citizen activity and involvement
The profits of this corporation would be used to aid residents in gaining
employment, expanding educational resources, and providing for social ser-
vices needed in Anacortes
One of the desirable features of a Community Development Corporation is that
it can provide the needed social services for the poor The students am-
phasiced that the Community Development Corporation does not exclude other
means of dealing with the problem of poverty, such as Federal and State
A member of the audience asked if there is any such organization already
December 16, 1969 Cont
formed which operates as this proposed corporation would It was replied
that there is a Community Development Corporation in Alabama which wa's formed
around a group of unskilled people working in clothing manufacturing It
has earned enough money to commence some services for the town It was also
cited that there is another such organization in Los Angeles
A member of the audience inquired as to who would pay for the Communicy
Development Corporation's programs It was replied that the money would come
from shares sold to the community
It was asked if applying for State and Federal matching funds would be a
good way to clear up problems in the community The students replied that
it is a good way, but they wanted to particularly emphasize the idea of the
City financing the work itself as this gets a community away from the
fluxuating availability of State and Federal money
A member of the audience asked if the percentage of people over the age of
60 or 65 had been determined It was replied that in 1968 there were 1,630
elderly people living in Anacortes
It was asked if there is an advisory service available for starting a Community
Development Corporation program The students replied that if the Community
Self -Determination Act passes in Congress, it will provide a complete frame-
work for starting a CommunitydDevelopment Corporation There is also a
National Community Development Advisory Board to aid local communities
The fourth group of students was introduced and they concentrated their dis-
cussion on the trend of elderly people coming to Anacortes to retire
Thirty to eighty percent of the people moving to Anacortes are coming for the
purpose of retirement it was estimated They said that these people could be
a definite resource to Anacortes, using their experience to support programs
for housing and elderly services It was recommended that the City of
Anacortes establish a Community Development Commission to keep an inventory of
the resources of retired people coming to Anacortes, recording their back-
grounds and what they could contribute to Anacortes
Other projects suggested for the Community Development Commission included
the coordination of young and old people and the development of an "institution
of lifetime learning "
The fifth and final group of students was introduced to discuss economic
development and environmental quality It was stated that economic stability
and rationally planned economic development are necessary for Anacortes, but
that this development should not disrupt the existing level of environmental
The general policies of the group included recognizing the need to expand
recreational and tourist facilities, optimizing industrial development,
minimizing destruction of natural land features and amenities, and developing
a method for relating industrial growth, tourist/recreation increases, and
protecting the natural features of the community
Recommendations in light of these policies included special consideration
to protect all waters and adjacent lands, limiting of industrial development
in order to prevent curtailing of tourist and recreational activity, special
studies for Port expansion in cooperation with the"County, the hiring of
full-time professional planners to work with long-range planning concepts
by utilizing necessary planning techniques, and formation of a land bank to
secure additional waterfront and recreation land
The students further recommended that the following criterial be introduced
into any decision regarding industrial and other development
(1) Environmental quality data to be used as a framework for protecting
the quality of life for the citizens of Anacortes, as well as held-
ing to protect many of the amenities needed for recreation and
scneic attractions
(2) Indicators of social change brought on by increased population
(3) Increased community expenditures and services and their costs
(4) How much the new development will change the land form by filling
or cutting its land
December 16, 1969 Cont
A complete printed report will be available at a later date for anyone wishing
to study it
A resolution was read which would authorize a loan up to but not exceeding
the sum of $5,000 from the Water Revenue Fund to the Library Fund, said loan
to be repaid on or before ninety days from the date of loan and to bean
interest at the rate of 6% per annum motion made by Dr Nicholson seconded
by Mr Nelson that this resolution be approved and adopted and given RESOLUTION
NO 275 Roll Ayes --Perry, Nicholson, Baker, Rice, Lunsford, McDugle,
Nelson motion carried
The City Attorney read an ordinance which would amend the Land Use map of
the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Anacortes This would designate the
following area for Residential R-3, multi—Family District 1 That portion of
the Southeast one quarter of the Southeast one quarter of Section 24,
Township 35N, Range 1, EWM Generally described as a piece of property with
a westerly boundary 300' east of "M" Avenue, being the east line of the
portion of View Acres Addition lying east of "M" Avenue, the southerly boundary
being the centerline of 28th Street produced, the easterly boundary being a
line 300' west of Commercial Avenue being the west line of Hensler's First
Addition, and the northerly boundary being approximately the north line of
27th Street produced A motion made by Dr Nicholson seconded by Mr Perry
that this ordinance be approved and adopted and given ORDINANCE NO 1500
Roll Ayes --Nicholson, Baker, Rice, Lunsford, mcOugle, Nelson, Perry
Motion carried
Mayor Rice declared a public hearing to be open on change of land use in
Skyline's Development in portions of Plat 13 and Plat 2 to Single—family
residential City Engineer William F Gallagher explained where this is
located There were no comments from the audience and mayor Rice declared
the public hearing closed motion made by Or Nicholson and seconded by
Mr Perry that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance on
this Roll Ayes --Baker, Rice, Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson
Motion carried
Council permission was asked to call for bids on vehicle equipment, gas and
oil, and an official newspaper for the year 1970 motion made by Mr Perry
seconded by Mr Nelson that permission be granted Roll Ayes --Rice,
Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson, Baker motion carried mayor
Rice stated that the bids on gas and oil would be in conjunction with the
bids called for by the School District
Claims report for the first half of December 1969 was presented as follows
Salaries and Wages 13,725 00
Expenditures 11,276 40
Upon approval of the Finance Committee a motion made by Mr McDugle seconded
by Mr Lunsford that claims be approved and warrants drawn -for same Roll
Ayes --Lunsford, McDugle, Nelson, Perry, Nicholson, Baker, Rice motion
Treasurer's report for November 1969 was presented as follow's
Cash Balance
822,448 67
1,484,101 97
494,258 67
3,199,223 20
A letter was read from Publishers Forest Products Co of Washington in which
they stated they were interested in acquiring the extension of "V" Avenue
north of 34th Street, which is presently included in the Urban Renewal
Project This property involves one rectangular piece approximately 80
feet wide x 116 feet long on the west side, dead—ending at the Great Northern
right—of—way and 80 feet wide on the east—west base line They were offering
to buy this property at a price of 250 per square foot and upon formal acquis—
ition comply with all regulations involved with property acquired from the
Urban Renewal Project Their present plans include installation of a large
propane storage tank as a fuel standby facility on this property with the
balance of the property to be used for parking space motion made by Mr
McDugle seconded by Mr Baker that this request be taken up at a study
session on Tuesday, December 23, 1969 Roll Ayes--McDugle, Nelson,
Perry, Nicholson, Baker, Lunsford Nayes--Rice motion carried
A letter was fead from the Town of Milton, Washington which enclosed a resolu—
December 16, 1969 Cont
tion they had drawn up petitioning the Governor and Legislature to sponsor
and to enact certain narcotics use legislation, and asking for consideration,
attention and recognition of this problem from the City of Anacortes in
order to add emphasis to their request mayor Rice stated that at the present
time the City of Anacortes was going along with Skagit County in their
enforcement of the sale and distribution of narcotics
A Thank You" card was received from the Golden Years Club in which they
expressed their thanks for the use of the basement in the municipal Building
A motion made by Mr Nelson seconded by Mr Lunsford that meeting be adjourned
Roll All ayes motion carried meeting l/adjourned
a�t1 �03300�PQ m
Ka hryn Lo yC19110
City Clerk Pro Tem
January 6, 1970
A regular meeting of the Anacortes City Council was called to order by
Mayor James Rice on January 6, 1970 at 7 30 P M
The invocation was given by Rev Arthur Campbell of the methodist Church
Roll call Dr L E Nicholson, Mr Eldon Baker, Mr James Rice, Mr Floyd
Lunsford, Mr Don McDugle, Mr Gary Nelson Mr Robert Perry entered the
meeting at 7 38 P M
Mayor Rice requested the Council's pleasure on the minutes of the previous
meeting held December 16, 1969 Motion made by Mr Nelson seconded by
Mr Lunsford that minutes be approved as if read Roll Ayes --Baker,
Nicholson, Rice, Lunsford, mcDugle, Nelson motion carried
Mayor Rice called for guest hearings Mr Richard Stockwell addressed the
Council in regard to the application sent in to the Army Corps of Engineers
by the City of Anacortes requesting permission for dredging, bulkheading
and filling in Fidalgo Bay Mr Stockwell was protesting this project as
he felt it would have a detrimental effect on fish and wildlife, conservation,
pollution, and general public interest, and he was also concerned because
the adjoining property owners did not receive written notice on this proposal
Mr Stockwell felt that the project as now proposed would irrevocably
destroy, without compensating ,justification, all hope of use of the property
as a park or beach site, and he was requesting that a public hearing be held
so that the public could properly be notified and all the facts presented
Mr mile Moore, also a property owner in this vicinity, addressed the Council
and stated that he would like to request that a public hearing be held on
this before any decisions are reached
Mr William Gallagher, City Engineer, stated that a letter had been received
from the Corps of Engineers in which they stated that a decision on the
application had been postponed so that further study could be made
Mayor Rice stated that no action would be taken on the City holding an
election on changing the form of government until a written opinion from
the Court is received
Under communications a letter was read from Mr T G Thompson stating that
he had written to the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation to
inquire about the current status of the Anacortes Open Space application
for Ship Harbor, and he attached their reply to his letter The letter
from the Interagency Committee stated that they had not received any
official confirmation from either the Port or the City as to the status of
the property, particularly as it related to the proposed marine development,
and it was their position that this matter should be resolved on a local
level with a general agreement as to the availability of the property and a
firm indication as to how the property will be put into public use before it
could be considered further for funding assistance Mr Thompson asked that
the City take immediate steps towards meeting these conditions
Mayor Rice presented a plaque to Mrs Marie Hapeman for the Museum Board
The plaque listed the names of the original members of the Museum Board Mrs
Ann bessner and Mrs Madge Stafford, both original members of the Board were
also present and were introduced