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December 21, 1981 - - - - -continued:
by Mr. Moore, seconded by Mr. Separovich that Mr. Rick Latham be re -appointed
to the Planning Commission for the term beginning January 1, 1982 and ending
December 31, 1987. Vote: All in favor, motion carried.
Mrs. Kribs then moved that the position vacated by Mr. Baxter be filled with
Barbara Jackson for the term beginning January 1, 1982 and ending December 31,
1987. Seconded by Mr. Kiel. Vote: All in favor, motion carried.
Mr. Kiel then stated that since this was Mr. Rock's final meeting, on behalf of
the Council he wished to thank Mr. Rock for all his hard work; that Mr. Rock
had always been on time, had done his "homework" and had been a credit to the
Council. Mr. Rock responded by saying he had enjoyed the past 4 years; that he
had received an invaluable education and hoped the public would continue to
take an interest in City government and endeavor to learn what is going on
and what the responsibilities of the Council are.. Everyone generally wished
everyone a Merry Christmas and the meeting adjourne a 9:15 p.m.
Ida Rolph, Execut ve Secretary K. S. Fi sow, Mayor
January 4, 1982
Meeting called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Knute Figensow. Invocation was
offered by Reverend V. J. Bachman of the United Presbyterian Church. City
Attorney, Stephen Mansfield, then gave the Oath of Office to the newly elected
councilmen: Tom Cleland, Bill Coleman, Charles Kiel and Ray Separovich.
Roll Call found present: Bill Coleman, Karolyne Kribs. Ray Separovich, Knute
Figenshow, Tom Cleland, Charles Kiel. Ken Moore entered shortly thereafter.
ELECTION OF MAYOR AND MAYOR PRO TEM Inasmuch as the new Mayor -Council form
of government will not become effective until after the elections in February
and March, Mr. Kiel nominated Knute Figenshow as mayor until that time;
seconded by Mr. Coleman. Vote: All in favor except Mr. Figenshow who
abstained. Motion carried.
Mr. Kiel then nominated Ray Separovich Mayor Pro Tem until the change of
government. Seconded and approved ananimously except for Mr. Separovich
who abstained.
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Motion by Mr. Kiel that the minutes of the previous
meeting held on December 21, 1981 be approved as if read. Seconded by Mr.
Cleland and approved unanimously.
CORRESPONDENCE Manager Robert Olander read a letter from Mr. Bill Ellin in
which he resigned from the Planning Commission of fective January 31, 1982.
Persons interested in possibly filling this position are asked to contact the
Manager, Council members or Planning Commission members. Mayor Figenshow
commented that Mr. Ellin had been an outstanding member and Chairman of the
Planning Commission during his 8 years of service.
CITIZEN HEARINGS There was no response from the audience to Mayor Figenshow's
invitation to speak on any itbm not on the agenda.
INSTALLATION Attorney Mansfield read, by title, a resolution authorizing
execution of an agreement with Terry and Mona Myers in which the Council
granted an exception to its policy of requiring extension of water lines all
the way past property being developed for a period of 5 years, or sooner if
other property in the area was developed. The circumstances of this matter
were briefly reviewed by Mr. Mansfield and Mrs. Kribs moved that the resolution
be adopted and given RESOLUTION NO. 690. Seconded by Mr. Separovich. Under
the question, Mr. Cleland asked that the reasons for granting this variance
be entered into the record. Mr. Moore said he did not think it was necessary,
that it had been thoroughly discussed previously; Mr. Figenshow's opinion was
that the Council should not grant such exceptions stating the City was not in
the "banking business". Mrs. Kribs disagreed saying the City also was not in
the "bankrupting business". In reply to a question about the granting of the
exception being legal, Attorney Mansfield said it was because the policy was
not an ordinance and being just a policy, the Council could vary its concepts.
Mr. Separovich said he felt this was a special situation which probably
would never happen again the same way. Mr. Kiel suggested the following
factorsbe entered into the minutes as being the circumstances considered
January 4, 1982 - - - - -continued: U
by the Councilmen making its determination in this matter. (1) the applicant
was a private home owner and not a developer; (2) the City's requirement
presented a financial hardship case; (3) the applicant had already extended
the water line a sizeable distance to bring water to his property. Vote on
the motion: Ayes --Kiel, Moore, Coleman, Kribs, Separovich. No--Figenshow,
Cleland. Motion carried.
Attorney Mansfield read, in its entirety, a resolution commending members
of the Anacortes community for their efforts in providing many Christmas
activities in the City. Motion by Mr. Kiel, seconded by Mr. Separovich,
that the resolution be adopted and given RESOLUTION NO. 691. Vote: All in
favor, motion carried.
1982 SALARY SCHEDULE FOR NON=UNION EMPLOYEES Manager Olander informed the
Council that the City had not yet settled with the four City bargaining units,
however, after consideration, there had been proposed a "tiered" increase for
non-union personnel based on the highest union salary of $23,000 per year.
Rationale for this approach being that the lower and medium range non-union
personnel should receive somewhat more than the higher range employees. For
the non-union employees, an increase of 5% was proposed on the first $23,000
of salary with 3% on any increment above that. Several different proposals
had been considered, but this seemed the most reasonable. He recommended the
Council adopt the resoluti-n accepting this schedule. Mr. Mansfield read, by
title, the proposed resolution and Mr. Cleland moved that the resolution be
adopted and given RESOLUTION NO.692. Seconded by Mr. Coleman. Mr. Moore
commented that he had not been able to attend the study session on this item
and agreed with the approach, but thought that perhaps a 50-3%-1% range might
have been better. He felt that a 30% difference between the maximum and
minimum salaries was too great and that possibly 20% would be more equitable.
Vote on the motion: All in favor, motion carried.
APPOINTMENTS For the vacant position on the Park and Recreation Advisory
Commission, the names of Gary Dye and Gail Davis were proposed. There was
some discusssion about these two candidates. Motion by Mr. Kiel, seconded by
Mr. Separovich that Charles (Chuck) Wilson be named as the representative
from Anacortes to the Skagit County Fair Board. Vote: All in favor, motion
Motion by Mr. Separovich, seconded by Mr. Cleland, that Willard Evans be re-
appointed to the Housing Authority Board. Vote: All in favor, motion carried.
Motion by .r. Cleland, seconded by Mr. Kiel, that Gary Dye be appointed to the
Park and Recreation Advisory Commission. Vote: All in favor, motion carried.
Fire Chief Cecil Little addressed the Council and stated that the Fire Depart-
ment had been working to find a good location for a satellite fire station
to serve the west end of Anacortes. The proposed piece of property is at
the intersection of Sunset and Anaco Beach Road and meets all of the require-
ments to make it an ideal location. Mr. Little went into detail listing the
various desirable requisites and said they had looked over the entire area
very carefully before deciding this pa-ticular spot would be the best. Also,
it is compatible with the neighboring residents and the price was more than
reasonable.. He recommended the Council execute an option to buy the property
for $500 which would allow the purchase at a price of $17,500 until March 1,
1983. The owners of the property, Dean and Olive Brown, agreed to such an
option if the property were used only for a fire station and if it, when con-
structed, would be named the "Norman M. Brown Station". The City would also
have to pay all purchase costs in addition to the $17,500. Councilwoman Kribs
asked if there would be any problem with the close proximity of the ferry
traffic and was advised there would not. In reply to a question about whether
the property had been appraised, Manager Olander said comparisons with other
building lots indicated it was well worth the price. Attorney Mansfield read,
by title, a resolution authorizing the execution of the option to purchase the
proposed property. Motion by Mrs. Kribs, seconded by Mr. Kiel, that the
resolution be adopted and given RESOLUTION NO. 693. Vote: All in favor,
motion carried. Several Councilmen commended Mr. Little for his work in
location the property and securing the option to purchase it. New Council
member, Bill Coleman, expressed his pleasure at being elected to the Council
and said he hoped to be able to fulfill his obligations satisfactorily.
There being no further business to come before the Council, meeting adjourned
at 8:1155 p.m.
Ida Rolph, Execu iv Secretary K.S. Fig, Mayor
02 January 18, 1982
Meeting called to rder at 7:35 P.M. by Mayor Figenshow. Roll call found present:
Bill Coelman, Karolyne Kribs, Ray Separovich, Knute Figenshow, Tom Cleland,
Charles Kiel, and Ken Moore.
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Motion by Mr. Separovich, seconded by Mr. Kiel, that
the minutes of the previous meeting held on January 4, 1982 be approved as if read.
Vote: All in favor, motion carried.
CORRESPONDENCE Manager Olander read the following letters addressed to the Council:
from Stan Sandvik, Mgr. of Publishers Forest Products, urging no action at this
time on the Comprehensive Plan; from Elizabeth Yates, 606 Longview Avenue, urging
adoption of the new Comprehensive Plan; from Margaret "Juddie" Murphy, 1020 "E" Ave.
also urging approval of the Plan.
Planning Director Munce read a letter he had received from the Skagit County
Senior Services asking for the City's cooperation in conducting a survey to
determine the elderly housing needs. The County must furnish information to the
Farmers Home Administration in connection with an application for a loan to build
such housing in Anacortes. There were several questions asked by the Council
and then a motion was made by Mrs. Kribs, seconded by Mr. Moore, that the City
be authorized to investigate and explore the senior housing situation and work
with the County to determine if the proposed senior housing would meet the hous-
ing goals formerly set by the City. Vote: All in favor, motion carried.
CITIZEN HEARINGS There was no response to the Mayor's invitation to speak on
any item not on the agenda.
COMMITTEE Mayor Figenshow called upon Mr. Munce to review the purpose of this
committee and report on the Council's request for information on other cities
who operate a haul -out and shipwright's repair spaces as had been proposed by
the Anacortes Shipwright's Association for part of the land in the urban renewal
area. Mr. Munce explained that the Urban Renewal Review Committee had been
appointed by the Council to investigate priorities for use of the urban renewal
land in question and that the Committee had submitted a report to the Council
with their recommendations.
He gave the Council a report .on his call to the Port Manage of the Port of Port
Townsend. That port operates a haul -out area and work spaces which they rent
based on the square footage; they charge an additional fee for use of a large
boat lift. He said Port Townsend amortized the cost of the facility over a
4 -year period, but did not include the cost of the land in this amount. The
Port Manager promised to send some figures on revenue, but did not have them
when Mr. Munce called him.
City Attorney Mansfield then read, by title, a resolution adopting and
approving guidelines for disposition of urban renewal property. Motion by
Mr. Separovich, seconded by Mr. Kiel, that the resolution be adopted and
given RESOLUTION NO. 694. Vote: All in favor, motion carried.
Mayor Figenshow briefly explained the procedure for the public hearing and
declared a public hearing open to consider the revised Comprehensive Land Use
Plan. Robert Hogg, Planning Commission Chairman, gave an opening statement
describing how the plan was compiled. He stated it was the work of 7 major
committees comprised of 74 citizens who held a total of 49 meetings. The Plan
was carefully and thoroughly worked out and presented to the Planning Com-
mission who then held seven public meetings starting in Octiber of 1981.
The Planning Commission reviewed the document, line by line, and concluded
the plan was a good one; that it gave a broad statement of the goals and
policies toward land use in the City of Anacortes for the next five years.
After the public hearings and consideration by the Council and acceptance by
the Council, then the zoning ordinance must be revised to implement and
conform to the new Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Figenshow thanked Mr. Hogg for
his statement.
At this point, Councilman Kiel asked to make a statement to the citizens of
Anacortes and the press regarding a letter to the Anacortes American from
Buehl Berentson. In that letter, Mr. Berentson alleged that the Comprehensive
Plan as drawn up by the committees had been changed by the Council and staff.
Mr. Kiel said, to his knowledge this was not true and that if anyone had an -
information indicating the plan had been tampered with, to please advise of it
during the public hearing.
Mr. Figenshow then asked those in the audience to follow along with copies
of the Plan as he read the General Goals. After reading each Goal, he asked
if anyone in the audience had any questions, objections or comments. There
were none.
He then read the entire Comprehensive Land Use Plan which consisted of seven
major sections: Industrial, Commercial, Residential', Transportation,
January 18, 1982 - - - - -continued:
Recreation/Tourism, Conservation and Commercial Marine . Each section listed
a number of goals and under each goal, a number of policy statements indicating
how each goal might be reached. Mr. Figenshow asked for comments from the
audience as he finished each goal and the policy statements of each goal.
Comments were as follows:
Under the section on Residential, Goal No. 3, Mr. Richard Bohn, 1401 "K" Ave.
addressed the Council and stated he is the owner of a piece of property at the
end of Commercial Avenue which is currently zoned RM. He planned to build
two 4-plexes on the property and said the proposed policies under the Goal 3
would reduce the number of units he could build. He said he had not been
contacted about the possible changes and'he also felt this plan should not
be adopted by the current Council.
Mr. Alton Van Every, 1401 34th, gave the Council copies of a letter written on
behalf of 23 property owners of the city block at 32nd and "M" Avenue. He
then read the letter aloud. It stated this group of property owners purchased
the property intending to build four qual and two tri-plex units for fixed
income residents. The former Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance allowed
such a development. They have not been able to start construction because of
the current money market and now plan to divide the parcel into four building
sites for .the purpose of building a four-plex on each site. Mr. Van Every's
letter further stated they are now fearful that the intended use cannot be
utilized if the proposed plan is approved and that the land will lose its
value to below the purchase price;.and so were requesting Council delay a
decision on the proposed plan until more input can be made on the RM zoning.
Mr. Richard Ballow, 1476 Lexington, also asked for a delay for much the same
reason. He had purchased a piece of property to build multi -family units and
is waiting for interest rates to go down. He feels the proposed plan would
affect the density of his proposed development. Mr. Jim Joy, 618 Hillcrest,
who served on the Residential Committee, stated the density of the RM zone
has not been changed from the original plan. Mr. Ballow said he felt the
plan would enable the Planning Commission to change the density in a hearing
on a specific project.
Under the section on Transportation, Mr. Les Johnson, P.O. Box 158, said he
was concerned that the proposed Plan was not "site specific" as had been the
previous plan and gave as examples the proposals for additional routes to the
west end of Anacortes. Mr. Pres Holton, 2320 11th, said he also felt the
old document was more forceful and to the point than the proposed new one.
Under Recreation/Tourism, Mr. Richard Threet, 2803 17th, said he believed
that Policy (a) would do more to discourage tourism than to encourage it.
Under the section on Conservation, Mr. Nick Petrish, 1907 9th Street, said
he was of the opinion that the waterfront property footage should be used
to expand the economic base of Anacortes; that Goal #7 and the policies
presented under this section would hamper that.
There was no further comments from the audience. Mayor asked for comments
from the Council and Councilman Kiel remarked that since there seemed to be
some question about the language in the Transportation section, that ample
copies be available for the public along with copies of this section of the
1977 plan, also copies of the minutes of the meetings of the Transportation
Committee in formulating the new section.
Mayor Figenshow then suggested a break which lasted from 9:35 p.m. to 9:45 p.m.
Concerning the proposed Comprehensive Land Use Map, Mr. Munce was asked to
explain the difference between it and the previous one. Mr. Munce stated the
map was intended to be a more generalized document and does not have precise
lines. The zoning map has the specific zoning lines. Mr. Les Johnson again
addressed the Council and suggested that if the proposed map is adopted, the
Council make a specific statement for the record that this map does not set
specific lines.
Mr. Petrish again addressed the Council and suggested, in light of Mr. Bohn's
statement, that some provision and consideration should be put in the plan
for persons who have invested in property with plans under the provisions of
the old plan.
Mr. Herb Pearson, 2012 10th Street, said he felt there were many statements in
the proposed plan which seemed ambiguous, were not always clear and that
there were goals which did not seem approperiate for such a plan and some
statements that should be only in a zoning ordinance; also there were state-
ments he felt a building official would have difficulty in interpreting;
however, on the whole, he was generally satisfied with the document and
omplimented the people who worked on it.
January 18, 1982 - - - - - continued:
After some additional discussion, motion by Mr. Moore, seconded by Mr. Separovich,
that the hearing be continued to the next regular meeting of the Council. Vote;
all in favor, motion carried.
hearing open to consider a petition to vacate the alley from "A" Avenue to Kellogg
between 16th and 17th Streets. Mr. Munce showed a view foil depicting the
location and advised there were no utility lines in the right-of-way; it is not
presently used and is all in brush and trees. The section of alley immediately
west was vacated previously by Ordinance No. 1264. City staff has no objections
to the vacation. Planning Commission reviewed the request at their December 9th
meeting and voted unanimously to recommend denial based on lack of demonstrable
need. Representing the petitioners, Mr. Earl Hillis addressed the Council and
stated the petitioners wished the alley vacated so they might clear it off
rather than having an unattractive area at the rear of their properties. The
petitioners own 100% of the property abutting the right-of-way in question.
Councilman Coleman said he could see no objection and Mr. Separovich said he
thought it would be doing a favor for future homes in the area. Manager Olander
asked if the petitioners were aware they would have to pay one-half the appraised
value for the property and also said there was another alternative to vacating
the right-of-way and that was to possibly issue a "street agreement" whereby
the abutting property owners would be allowed to use the right-of-way under
an agreement with the City. Mayor Figenshow indicated he was opposed to any
vacation which did not show a need or a hardship and Mr. Separovich said he
thought the necessity of the property owners having to fight back bruch was
something in the manner of a hardship. Councilman Cleland asked whether this
might set a precedent for other such areas in the City and the reply was in
the affirmative.
From the audience, Mr. Dick Dildine, 1211 6th Street, asked whether the terrain
was level which would allow for improvement at some future time and was told
it was.
Councilwoman Kribs asked if the petitioners might accept something along the
line suggested by Mr. Olander and Mr. Hillis said he, personally, would, but
he would have to check with the other petitioners before he could advise their
response. Mr. Olander pointed out that perhaps, later on, some of the property
owners might wish access to their back yards through this right-of-way. Mr.
Moore then moved that this public hearing be continued to the next regular
Council meeting so that any available alternatives could be presented to the
property owners. Seconded by Mrs. Kribs. Vote: All in favor, motion carried.
AWARD OF BID FOR 1982 POLICE CARS Manager Olander advised that Captain Mead of
the Police Department who was scheduled to present this matter had been called
out of the meeting and, therefore, he wished to make the recommendation on
behalf of the Police Department. He advised that investigation into the cost
of purchasing the necessary vehicles, with the specifications required,
revealed that they could be bought under the Washington State contract for
the most reasonable price. It was the recommendation of the Police Dept.
that the City purchase two 1982 Dodge Diplomats at a price of $8,469.03 each.
This request was thoroughly discussed at a previous Council study session.
After a brief discussion, motion was made by Mrs. Kribs, seconded by Mr.
Coleman, that the City authorize the purchase of the two vehicles as recom-
mended. Vote: All in favor, motion carried.
GENERAL TELEPHONE Attorney Mansfield advised Council that in order to
complete the sale of the City property previously authorized by Council, it
was necessary to execute a Warranty Deed and such authority should be by
resolution. He read, by title, a resolution giving such authority. From
the audience, Mrs. Carol Hove, 516 "0" Avenue, asked to speak to the Council
and said she was not objecting to the sale of the property to the phone
company, but was complaining again about the noise, the phone company's
trucks spewing gravel into her yard, being awakened at early morning hours
by their air conditioners, etc. After considerable discussion, the Council
promised Mrs. Hove they would dndeavor to solve her problems. Motion by
Mr. Kiel, seconded by Mr. Coleman, that the resolution authorizizing
execution of the warranty deed on the property be adopted and given
RESOLUTION NO. 695 with the addition of a statement to the effect that
the property has been appraised at $17,500. Vote: Ayes --Moore, Coleman,
Separovich, Figenshow, Cleland, Kiel. No--Kribs. Motion carried.
January 18, 1982 - - - -continued:
the date of February 1, 1982 for a public hearing on the Capital Improvement
Plan. Motion by Mr. Kiel, seconded by Mr. Cleland, that said date be set as
recommended. Vote: all in favor, motion carried.
Mayor Figenshow then declared a brief executive session to consider applicants
to the vacant position on the Planning Commission at 10:30 p.m. Meeting re-
convened at 10:45 p.m. Mayor Figenshow recommended Gary Baker to fill the
vacancy on the Planning Commission. Ken Moore moved that the Mayor's recom-
mendation of Gary Baker be confirmed. Motion seconded by Mr. Coleman. Vote:
Coleman --yes, Kribs--yes, Separovich--yes, Figenshow--yes, Cleland --yes,
Kiel --no, Moore --yes. Motion carried. Mayor Figenshow adjourned the meeting
at 1:48 p.m.
Ida Rolph, Executi Secretary K. S. Fige sh , Mayor
February 1, 1982
Meeting called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Knute Figenshow. The invocation
was offered by Reverend Backman of the Westminster United Presbyterian Church.
Roll call found present: Bill Coleman, Karolyne Kribs, Ray Separovich, Knute
Figenshow, Tom Cleland,.Charles Kiel and Ken Moore.
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Motion by Mr. Separovich, seconded by Mr. Kiel,
that the minutes of the previous meeting held on January 18, 1982 be approved
as if read. Vote: All in favor, motion carried.
CORRESPONDENCE Manager Olander advised that all correspondence he had received
pertained to the business being considered and he would read it when the subject
was discussed. Attorney Mansfield then read a Proclamation proclaiming Feb. 14,
1982, Valentine's Day, as "We Believe in Marriage Day" and urging all citizens
of Anacortes to support efforts to promote the permanence and stability of
marriage. Motion by Mr. Separovich, seconded by Mr. Coleman, that this proclama-
tion be unanimously supported by the Council. Vote: All in favor, motion carried.
CITIZEN HEARINGS In response to the Mayor's invitation to the audience�to speak
on any item not on the agenda, Pres Holton, 2320 11th Street, addressed the
Council on behalf of the Kiwanis Sunrisers. He offered the services of that
group (for a small remuneration).to conduct a proposed survey which had been
requested by the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Holton was advised to discuss the
matter with the City Manager who owuld then bring a report to the Council.
Mr. John Hammons, 615 Hillcrest, reported to the Council that there was storm
water backing upin the drains,badly and he suggested that the City should take
a good look at the drainage system which has been installed in the deep ditch
running alongside the south end of Commercial Avenue and possibly prohibit any
more dumping in that ditch until a determination has been made as to whether
the system is blocked. In response, Public Works Director Ford advised the
City crews have been working almost around the clock the past two weeks to
keep the drains open and have found all kinds of blockage caused by dumping in
areas where there should not have been and items that should have been hauled
to the County dump. He said the heavy rainfall experienced by the area has
filled the system to its capacity.
GRANDVIEW CEMETERY Parks/Cemetery Director Steve Colby reviewed the previous
work done by the Council and his department in drawing up the two documents
which set out the policies for Washington Park and the Cemetery and stated the
present documents included all changes proposed by the Council. After a brief
discussion, it was determined that the fee schedule for the Park services
should be attached as an addendum because they were subject to change from
time to time. Attorney Mansfield then read a resolution adopting the policies
for the operation of Washington Park. Motion by Mr. Kiel, seconded by Mr.
Separovich, that the resolution be adopted and given RESOLUTION NO 696. Vote:
all in favor, motion carried.
After a brief discussion of the cemetery policies, motion by Mr. Coleman,
seconded by Mr. Kiel, that the resolution read by Mr. Mansfield adopting said
policies be adopted and given RESOLUTION NO. 697. Vote: All in favor, motion
February 1, 1982 - - - -continued:
PUBLIC HEARING - PETITION TO VACATE ALLEY Mayor Figenshow declared a public
hearing continued on a petition to vacate the alley from "A" Avenue to Kellogg
between 16th and 17th Streets and called upon Planning Director Munce to review
the proposal and previous testimony. Mr. Munce did so and reported the petitioners
had been presented with a possible use agreement between the property owners and
the City rather than the City vacating the right-of-way. Mr. Earl Hillis,
representing the petitioners, said he had contacted them and the alternative
proposition by the City is acceptable in lieu of the vacation. Mayor Figenshow
declared the public hearing closed. Attorney Mansfield advised Council some
determination should be made of the petition for the record. Motion by Mr. Kiel,
seconded by Mr. Moore, that the request for vacation be denied in light of the
possibility of a use agreement. Vote: All in favor, motion carried. Staff and
petitioners will discuss the agreement, a draft will be drawn and presented to
the Council for their consideration.
the procedure to be followed for the public hearing and declared a public hearing
open to consider a six-year plan for possible capital improvments throughout the
City. Manager Olander reviewed the history of the proposed plan stating it began
after the Council's meeting two years ago at which time certain goals and policies
were set for the coming years of the City. The purpose of the Plan was to plan
ahead for necessary improvements, replacements, etc. rather than waiting until
something needed to be taken care of before giving it consideration. The Council
held several study sessions in the field viewing the City's buildings, facilities,
etc. and then had several study sessions discussing the many proposed projects.
The proposed plan is now ready for public in -put and comment. It is planned to
be an on-going, continuous process with another year being added as each year
passes. Before calling for comment from the audience, Mayor Figenshow suggested
several more copies of the plan be made for the public to review and while this
was being done, he skipped to item 8 (b) of the agenda.
Public Works Director Ford stated this project had been under consideration for
several years and that it would cost the City $15,000 plus administration of a
contract with the State Department of Transportation who would provide the
balance of the funds necessary to complete the project. The State will also
provide the plans and technical specifications. The final plans and specifications
have to be reviewed and approved by the State and an Agreement executed between
the City and the State. Mr. Ford proposed to immediately call for bids rather
than wait until the plans and agreement portion is completed to save some 4
weeks in time. Councilman Separovich said he felt the City should move ahead
with all speed and moved to authorize staff to call for the bids as requested.
Seconded by Mrs. Kribs. Vote: All in favor, motion carried.
APPOINTMENT TO MUSEUM BOARD Mayor Figenshow said this appointment has been pending
for some time and recommended Michelle Wallace to fill the position. Motion by
Mr. Kiel, seconded by Mr. Cleland, that Michelle Wallace be appointed to the
Museum of History Board to fill the vacancy created when Virginia Richards'
term ended. Vote: All in favor, motion carried.
PUBLIC HEARING - COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Mayor Figenshow declared the public hearing
continued to consider the proposed revisions to the Anacortes Comprehensive Plan
and called upon Planning Director Munce to review the procedure by which the
plan had been drawn. Mr. Munce did so and details are set forth in the minutes
of the Council meeting of January 18, 1982. He then reviewed a list of
corrections proposed for clarification which primarily were minor word changes
and read a proposed "Preamble" explaining the purpose and intent of the Plan.
As a result of discussion during the January 18th meeting, copies of information
pertaining to the Transportation section of the plan, including minutes of the
committee meetings, proposed goals and policies as presented to the Planning
Commission, the Planning Commission's markup of said materials, the records of
their proceedings and the section as recommended to the Council by the Planning
Commission, were distributed.
Manager Olander read correspondence pertaining to this matter from: Robert
Atterberry who asked the Council not change zoning in the RM aread listing six
reasons for his views; Don Coughlin who brought up pending legislation in the
State House of Representatives (HB 1006-1007) relating to property rights in
Washington and stating he felt the Council should take no action without first
obtaining legal counsel about "total liability to the City should this Code
Revision be passed". Mr. Coughlin also suggested the language in the Compre-
hensive Plan referring to land use in the RM zone be amended to include two
February 1, 1982 - - - -continued: 477
designations, RM -1 and RM -2 woth one allowing outright multi -family use up
to 4-plex and the other allowing conditional multi -family use up to 4-plex.
The Council was also provided copies of a letter from Lucille Brissey who
also objected to changing the existing RM zoning as being a threat to the
future orderly growth of the City and a major decrease in value for the
present property owners.
Mr. Olander explained that the recommendations by the Planning Commission
did not change the present density allowed in an RM zone of 8 units per
gross acre, but only recommended what kinds of structures are to be allowed;
8 units could still be built; but a 4-plex or tri-plex could not be built
without a conditional use permit.
Mayor Figenshow then called for comments on the goals as set out by category
and went rhough each section separately.
There were no comments under the first 3 goals of the Industrial section.
Under the 4th goal, Felicia Childs, 809 33rd Street, suggested policy (b) be
changed to read: "Encourage expansion of Cap Sante'Boat haven for commercial
fishing, commercial enterprises and recreational boat moorage". Everyone
agreed this was a good idea.
There were no comments or recommendations pertaining to the Commercial
Under the Housing and Residential section, testimony from the audience was
given as follows: Jim Joy, 618 Hillcrest, said he believed the plan should
be adopted as proposed. Jay Smith, 5705 Kingsway, asked that the procedure
for obtaining a conditional use be read from the present zoning code. Mr.
Munce did so (pages 72,73 and 74) and Mr. Smith said he felt this was too
much government control over private property. Margaret Murphy, 1020 "E"
Avenue, as Chairman of the Residential. Committee, said this was a very
controversial subject, but the majority of the members of the committee
voted for the conditional use permit procedure as presented. It was her
feeling that this was the best way to protect the existing development
throughout the City. Mr. Clarence Steen, 624 Hillcrest, pointed out that
a survey referred to by Mr. Smith concerning the RM zone, was made all over
town, not jut in one particular area. Mr. Dick Bohn, 1401 "K" Avenue,
reiterated his feelings on the RM zoning as he had set forth in the meeting
of January 18th.
At this point, Mayor Figenshow said he would have to go back and take each
goal under each section as he had originally planned and there were no
comments about goals 1 or 2 of the Residential Section, but under Goal 3,
Mr. Bohn thought policies (b) and (c) should be deleted and Mr. Joy asked
him why he was afraid of the conditional use process. Mr. John Hammond
again addressed the Council saying he felt every property owner should
have the right to say what is built next to him and what he can put on his
own property. Don Coughlin, 417 38th Street, reiterated the statements he
had suggested in his letter.
Councilman Kiel asked if there had been an examination of the current zoning
map to determine the present amount of RM zoning and Mrs. Murphy produced a
map on which she showed in colors the number of multi -family buildings in
the City (tri-plex, 4-plex or higher). She said that it might be that the
City would wish to divide the RM zone as suggested, but there still should
be protection for waht exists in the areas. Goals 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 were
accepted with no comments. Mr. Munce was asked to explain policy (b) under
goal 9 and he stated that the new mobile homes that meet all the require-
ments of the Uniform Building Code look very much like the regular "stick -
built" homes. There are other mobile homes which do not meet the Uniform
Building Code and these are the ones which it is proposed be regulated.
There was no comment on Goal 10, Mayor Figenshow went on to the Transportation
At this point, Mr. Les Johnson, 913 7th Street, asked where the proposed
"Preamble" is to be located in the Plan and was told that had not yet been
determined. He also asked for a definition of the word "base" in the first
paragraph under Commercial -Tourist Recreation and Mr. Munce told him the
intent was to leave the Comprehensive Plan map in general areas rather than
specific lines dividing the zones. Mr. Johnson also said he hoped the
proposed preamble would be put in as it is stated.
February 1, 1982 - - - - - - - -continued:
Mr. Coleman said he would like to have policy (a) under Goal 3 of the
Transportation section made more strong. Bill Stitt, 4107 Mitchell Drive,
who was a member of the Transportation Committee, responded to Mr. Coleman
stating that the committee did not want to take on the job of the engineer-
ing department and therefore did not specify a certain east -west route through
the City. Rick Latham, 2013 "L" Avenue, as a member of the Planning Commission
advised that the reason the language in the Transportation section did not
identify any particular route was because the Commission felt that no specific
time could be set for such a project and, therefore, they did not feel a
particular route should be named; then when it is time for a decision to be
made, all options should be left open. Mr. Cleland said he agreed with Mr.
Coleman that a more specific plan should be stated.
Under the Recreation and Tourism section, there were no comments from the
audience. Under the Conservation section, Mr. Munce read a letter he had
received from Mr. Mike Smith, 1010 6th Street, in which he commented that
Goal 4, policy (a) seemed inconsistent with other parts of the Plan in the
commercial marine or light manufacturing areas and these beaches are con-
trolled by the Shoreline Management Act and so it is not necessary to include
it in the Comprehensive Plan. That Goal 7, policy (b) should be omitted
because this is taken care of under other permit processes. Goal 7, policy
(d) also should be deleted because this is taken care of under the Shore-
line Management Master Plan. It was further his opinion that Goal 8, policies
(a) and (d) are inconsistent with other providions of the Code. He also
disagreed with Goal 8, policy (b) stating that the current trend in housing
is away from the single family home because of high costs and the Plan should
not restrict other forms of housing for residents not able to afford single
family residences. Mayor Figenshow then said he wished to go through the
entire Plan once again.
Under the Commercial Goals section, Mr. Moore suggested that the words "City
parking" (Goal 5, policy (b)) be changed to "public parking". Under Dousing
and Residential, Jim Colley, 4912 MacBeth Drive, said that.Goal 3, policy (b)
is a polarizing element in the plan and said he could see both sides of the
argument; that there is very little property left in Anacortes in the RM
zone where a 4-plex could be built and suggested that possibly the size of
a lot could be used to control whether or not a 4-plex could be built. Mrs.
Murphy again reminded the audience that the purpose of this section was to
protect the already existing properties and homes. Mr. Olander elaborated
on the state legislation referred to previously and stated the Association
of Washington Cities opposed it a year ago and still opposes it. He
reminded the audience that the zoning code remains the controlling document,
but the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance should be consistent. There
was considerable additional discussion about this particular policy of the
Residential section with many people from the audience who had already
commented making additional comments along the same lines previously stated.
Mr. Joh said he felt the conditional use process would force a survey of
each lot as it came up; Mrs. Murphy quoted the wording presented to the
Planning Commission by the Residential Committee on this item and it was
brought out that no one objected to the wording at the Planning Commission
level. Mr. Rick Latham,member of the Planning Commission, said the Com-
mission chose the conditional use process rather than two separate RM zones
because they thought the conditional use process would be less restrictive -
each piece of land would be looked at individually. Mr. Olander said the
Council should try to keep it in perspective; that it was not that great a
problem; in the past few years there had been only a very few four-plex
constructions and probably would be only a few in the next few years.
Mr. Bob Hogg, Chairman of the Planning Commission who had not previously
addressed the Council, said he agreed with the major portion of what had
been said and recognized the two different views of the problem; but it
was his opinion that the whole matter wasn't that "big a deal"; only that
someone wants it to be. Whichever way the Council might decide about the
matter, he felt it should not be left the way it is in the current plan.
Mr. John Hammons said that if the construction of a 4-plex in a single-
family residence area downgrades property values, then the property owners
would have the right to sue, in his opinion. Mr. Ken Brown,1404 22nd,
said that after studying the proposal and listening to the testimony, he
felt that dividing the RM zone into R-1 and R-2 would be a better proposal
than the conditional use permit process. Mr. Figenshow asked him how this
might be done and he replied possibly through a survey of the different
RM sections to see how they might be divided.
February 1, 1982- - - - - continued:
Under Goal 6, policy (b), Mr. Moore.asked if this agreed with Goal 3,
policies (d), (e), and (f) under Transportation and Mrs. Murphy advised
him that Goal 10 of the Housing section took care of it. Mr. Olander
agreed they did not conflict.
Mr. Cleland suggested that the portion of the Preamble addressing Trans-
portation should be put at the beginning of that section. Mr. Bob Pickett,
3rd and "0" Ave, addressed the Council and said he thought that Goal 2 under
Recreation and Tourism would only get the Council in trouble. He suggested
instead that it should say: "Encourage local businessmen to make use of the
development district when indicated to rehabilitate areas as are necessary."
Mr. Rodger Wallace, 818 25th Street, said he agreed with Mr. Pickett's
statements. Ms. Jane Collins (address?) went back to the Transportation
Goals and policies and said she didn't think the multi -use trail along
Guemes Channel was necessary. Mr. Figenshow advised her there would be
no City money involved in this project. Mr. Bill Mitchell said he felt this
corridor was more than a recreational corridor and was very important.
The Council agreed that under Energy Conservation, Goal 9, add a policy (b)
Work with Puget Power to encourage energy conservation in street lighting
and other, private uses. Mr. Richard Sands, 4817 Yorkshire Drive, asked
whether there would be a public hearing when the matter becomes a changing
of the zoning code and was advised there would. Mayor Figenshow declared
the public hearing closed.
There was a recess from 10:50 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. and when the meeting re-
convened, Mr. Munce gave a recap of the changes agreed upon during the public
hearing. He then proposed that the corrections noted in his memorandum to
the Council of January 27, 1982 be adopted and that the proposed Preamble
be added as the page before the Introduction except for the second section
of the Preamble pertaining to the Transportation section which would become
the last sentence of the introduction to the Transportation section.
There followed additional discussion and clarification of some of the changes
and then Attorney Mansfield read, by title, an ordinance adopting the new
Comprehensive Plan as corrected and changed. Motion by Mr. Moore, seconded
by Mr. Kiel, that the ordinance be passed and approved and given ORDINANCE
NO. 1869. Vote: All in favor, motion carried.
Mayor Figenshow then thanked everyone who had worked to prepare the Compre-
hensive Plan - the committees, staff, Planning Commission and the news media
for their coverage and said he thought it was a good document and the City
should be proud of it.
Manager Olander advised the Council that the City had requested legislation
to correct unfair regulations which requires the City to .provide treatment
to the Wastewater from the water treatment plant and suggested that the
Council express their support. Motion by Mr. Separovich, seconded by Mr.
Kiel, that the Councilgive full support to the City's request and also
support the delegation who were going to Olympia to do everything possible
to get the needed change in the law. Vote: All in favor, motion carried.
Mayor Figenshow then continued the public hearing on the Capital Improvement
Plan to the next regular meeting on February 16, 1982 due to the lateness
of the hour. Councilwoman Kribs then said she had been asked to request
the City to buy the dog warden some materials to use to tie up dogs in the
course of her duties.
There -being no
at 11.25 p m
further business to come before the Council, meeting adjourned
Ida Rolph, ExecutivI Secretary
February 16, 1982
v K. S. Fig s w, Mayor
Meeting called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Figenshow. Roll call found
present: Bill Coleman, Karolyne Kribs, Ray Separovich, Knute Figenshow, Tom
Cleland, Charles Kiel, and Ken Moore.
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Motion by Mr. Kiel, seconded by Mrs. Kribs,
that the minutes of the previous meeting held on January 4, 1982 be approved
as if read. Vote: Ayes --Coleman, Kribs, Separovich, Figenshow, Cleland, Kiel,
Moore. Motion carried.
80 February 16, 1982 - - - - -continued:
CORRESPONDENCE City Manager Robert Olander read a letter from Margaret (Juddie)
Murphy congratulating those who had served on the various boards revising
the City Comprehensive Plan, the Planning Commission, and City Council on the
fine job they had done revising the Plan; Mrs. Murphy also expressed her
appreciation for being part of that revision. The second piece of correspondence
was a letter from Snelson-Anvil regarding the establishment of a City public
corporation for issuance of Industrial Development Bonds.
CITIZEN HEARINGS In response to the Mayor's invitation to anyone in the audience
to speak on any item not on the agenda, Mr. Preston Holton, 2320 11th Street,
presented the City with a 1891 wooden wicket which he had renovated and saved
when the old City jail was torn down. Mr. Holton explained that the wicket
was a small door through which jail prisoners were given their meals while
incarcerated. The Anacortes Museum Director, Tim Boles, thanked Mr. Holton
for his contribution on behalf of the City and Mayor Figenshow and also thanked
Mr. Holton for the presentation on behalf of the City Council and the citizens
of Anacortes.
delcared a public hearing to be open on the Capital Improvement Plan. City
Manager Olander explained the need and reason for the Six Year Capital Improve-
ment Plan for the City and how it would benefit in the budgeting process for
the purchase of major equipment, improvements and projects the City would
eventually be facing. One piece of correspondence had been received from Boyd
and Jane Cummings, 2219 11th Street, addressing the Guemes Channel Trail project
opposing the construction of the trail and recommending that the area be allowed
to return .to its natural state.
Mr. Bill Scott, 2017 11th Street, stated that he was also opposed to construction
of the proposed trail. Mayor Figenshow pointed out that the land needed for
the trail would not be purchased, but would be a donation.
Mr. Les Johnson, 1137 Whistle Lake Road, inquired as to what type of donation the
City was looking for on this project. Mr. Olander reported that the City had
been negotiating with Burlington Northern for the donation of that land and
pointed out that no City linds will be traded and no City assets involved.
Felicia Childs, 809 33rd Street, expressed opposition to the trail when monies
could be used toward the extension of 32nd Street to the west end.
Violette Wyatt, 2410 17th Street, asked what the cost of the trail would be.
Mr. Olander explained that a cost estimate had been supplied last year and
that $300,000 would be needed for that construction. Mr. Olander also
explained that monies for the project might be supported through a bond
issue which would be voted on by the public. Mr. Separovich expressed his
opposition to making the trail and felt that it would be better to make a
public dock along the trail area for fishing for the elderly and youth of the
In regard to monies for the Street End Parks, City Manager Olander explained
that Council had set aside in the 1981 budget $1000 seed money to encourage
local service groups to provide matching moni-s and manpower for the develop-
ment of the street end parks.
Mr. Cleland explained that the "Q" Avenue Track Bypass was an issue for which
monies should be set aside for the protection of bikers crossing the railroad
tracks at the section of "Q" Avenue near 21st Street and that the City's
share would be approximately $5000.
Felicia Childs requested that Dave Ford, City Engineer, show the route on a
map to the audience for the 32nd Street extension to the west end. Mr. Ford
did so showing the possible routes through 32nd Street connecting the west
end of the proposed grid system.
Jane Cummings, 2219 11th Street,.asked Mr. Ford to explain what areas are
owned by the City and what areas are privately owned. Mr. Ford then explained
those areas to the audience.
Mr. Wayne McKean, 4419 Heart Lake Road, inquired as to what type of right-of-
way on either side of such a road would be. Mr. Ford explained that it would
be at least 250 feet on either side of the road.
Boyd Cummings, 2219 11th Street, then asked if there were any drainage
problems on the proposed 32nd Street grid system. City Engineer Ford replied
that there were a couple and pointed them out on the map.
Mr. Coleman then asked if it was feasible to use 41st street as an alternate
route. City Engineer Ford explained that that route had been studied and
that it was felt the 32nd Street alternative was better. Mr. Coleman also
asked how much it would cost the City for the property that needed to be
purchased on the 32nd Street route. City Engineer Ford estimated about $25,000.
February 16, 1982 - - - - - - continued:
Mr. Preston Holton, 2320 11th Street, expressed concern about monies set aside
for the cathodic protection of the water lines used by the City. Mr. Ford
expalined the need for that protection, and that the monies spent for the
protection was far less than replacing the water lines as a result of cor-
rosion and deterioration. City Manager Olander also pointed out that since
the City services not only Anacortes but NAS Whidbey, the refineries,
LaConner, and the Skagit County PUD, and that 72% of the costs for the
protection is borne by these areas serviced. ;
Mr. Moore expressed his support of the Capital Improvement Plan in that it
helped provide funds each year in the budget for long range improvements.
Mr. Wayne McKean, 4419 Heart Lake Road, inquired if there were any bonds
retiring in the near future. Finance Director George Khtaian replied that
there would be bonds maturing around 1994 and 1996.
Mayor Figenshow expressed that Council felt it would be in the best interests
of the community if the public hearing for the Capital Improvement Plan be
continued for two weeks to the March 1 meeting. It was so moved by Mr.
Separovich, seconded by Mr. Kiel. Vote: Ayes --Coleman, Kribs, Separovich,
Figenshow, Cleland, Kiel, Moore. Motion carried.
Fire Chief Cecil Little explained that the agreement that the Fire Depart-
ment will provide first.response aid to Fidalgo and Guemes Islands east to
the Swinomish Channel is the same as in past years with the only change
being in an increase of funds to the City. Mr. Cleland inquired if the
Fire Department was close to meeting the criteria for the Advanced Life
Support Response; Fire Chief Little replied that they had med the criteria
and that presently there are six ALS personnel in the department. Mr. Moore
asked why the increases and.decreases in the amount towards the dispatchers
and maintenance of equipment. Fire Chief Little responded that since the
"bugs" were worked out of the equipment that the maintenance costs would be
less. Mr. Moore then asked why the need for an addendum in the contract.
Paramedic Chief John Murphy replied that last year the addendum was put in
the agreement by the Council and City as an after thought to cover dispatcher
and maintenance costs. Mr. Moore suggested that it might be possible to now
train police department personnel to be paramedics. Mr. Little replied that
the funds available for such training were from the state and had since
"dried up", that since the costs and time involved in such training were
expensive and long, that it would not be feasible to have police personnel
take the time and money to become paramedics. Motion was made by Mr.
Separovich, seconded by Mrs. Kribs, that this resolution be adopted and
given RESOLUTION NO. 698. Vote: Ayes --Coleman, Kribs, Separovich,
Figenshow, Cleland, Kiel, Moore. Motion carried.
explained the request for an ordinance creating a Paramedic Donation Fund for
the City of Anacortes to be used for 1) the purchase of non -disposable rescue
and emergency medical equipment 2) the purchase of materials and equipment for
use in public education courses and 3) to cover expenses for training and
continuing education of paramedics. Mr. Khtaian reported that there is presently
about $2500 to be transferred to this fund. Mr. Cleland asked if the monies
spent from that fund would have to be approved by City Council. Manager Olander
replied that all expenditures of this fund would have to be approved by Council.
Motion was made by Mr. Kiel, seconded by Mrs. Kribs, that this ordinance be
adopted and given ORDINANCE NO. 1870. Vote: Ayes --Coleman, Kribs, Separovich,
Figenshow, Cleland, Kiel, Moore. Motion carried.
ACCESS EASEMENT - CLEARIDGE STORM SEWER Mayor Figenshow informed Council that
this agenda item was not ready for discussion and would be discussed at a later
BONDS) Planning Director Ian Munce reminded Council that the letter sent by
Snelson-Anvil requesting the establishment of a City public corporation for
issuance of industrial development bonds had prompted this request for an
ordinance to create the City corporation. Mr. Separovich asked if this in any
way would make the City liable for bonds and debts incurred by companies
requesting bonds. City Manager Olander replied that these would be non-recourse
bonds and that the City would in no way be responsible for payments.
February 16, 1982 - - - continued:
Felicia Childs, 809 33rd Street, stated that it sounded very good, but wondered
why a public hearing was not necessary. City Attorney Steve Mansfield replied
that the state law does not require a public hearing on this matter. Mrs. Childs
then read an article from a national magazine that warned of cities being in-
volved in industrial development bonds - mostly aimed at small businesses. City
Manager Olander recognized that there had been abuses in other states and in-
dicated that the state law had been drafted to avoid and protect the City from
those abuses. Mr. Separovich moved and Mr. Moore seconded that this ordinance
be adopted and given ORDINANCE NO. 1871. Vote: Ayes --Coleman, Kribs,
Separovich, Figenshow, Cleland, Kiel, Moore. Motion carried.
presented the request for a resolution authorizing issuance of interest-bearing
warrants on the Urban Renewal Fund which is done every six months. Mr. Coleman
moved and Mr. Kiel seconded that this resolution be adopted and given
RESOLUTION NO. 699. Vote: Ayes --Coleman, Kribs, Separovich, Figenshow, Cleland,
Kiel, Moore. Motion carried.
Jim Pemberton reported that a petition had been presented requesting that the
parking on 4th Street, Commercial to "0" Avenue, be limited to 2 hours. Mr.
Cleland requested that the title of the ordinance include "a portion of the
north side of 4th Street" as clarification. It was moved by Mr. Separovich and
seconded by Mr. Coleman that this ordinance, with suggested inclusion, be
adopted and given ORDINANCE NO. 1872. Vote: Ayes --Coleman, Kribs, Separovich,
Figenshow, Cleland, Kiel, Moore. Motion carried.
There being no further business to come before the Council, meeting adjourned at
10:1f55 p.m.
I-,S�iirley G con, Secretary pro tem K. S. Figensh ay
March 1, 1982
Meeting called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Knute Figenshow. Invocation
was offered by Reverend Jim Hardenbrook of the Church of Christ. Roll call
found present: Bill Coleman, Karolyne Kribs, Ray Separovich, Knute Figenshow,
Tom Cleland, Charles Kiel and Ken Moore.
MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING Motion by Mr. Kiel, seconded by Mr. Cleland,
that the minutes of the previous meeting held on February 16, 1982 be approved
as if read. Vote: All in favor, motion carried.
CORRESPONDENCE There was no correspondence outside the items on the agenda.
CITIZEN HEARINGS There was no response from the audience to Mr. Figenshow's
invitation to speak on any subject not on the agenda.
Mayor Figenshow declared the public hearing open and asked Manager Olander to
review the purpose and format of the plan. Mr. Olander did so and suggested
that at the end of the public hearing, the Council again review the plan at
their next study session so it could possibly be approved at the meeting of
March 15, 1982. Mr. Olander also read a letter received from Rochelle Wallace,
818 25th Street, in which she urged the Council to set aside funds for improve-
ment of the City Museum and expansion of the Library.
Mayor Figenshow then reviewed, year by year, the proposed Capital Improvement
Program explaining the document was drawn to remind the City of the projects,
improvements, maintenance, etc. necessary to keep the City's assets, utilities,
roads and streets, and other services in good repair and working order; that
the projects listed for each year might not necessarily be completed due to
lack of funding, but the plan helped set priorities for whatever funding could
be found. There were no comments concerning the list for 1982; for 1983
Councilman Coleman said he would like to see funds allocated for a "32nd
Street route" and Councilman Kiel commented he felt it was under a "West
end Road" without specifying any particular street. It was also pointed out
that item 83-16 might be better titled "property acquistion" rather than
Causland Park addition. Back to the 1982 list, Councilman Separovich said it
looked as though the City would not have to spend the money for the treatment
of the wastewater at the water treatment plant and Mr. Olander agreed that
preliminary indications from the Director of the D.O.E. that they have, in-
formally, agreed to find some legal way to relieve the City from this
responsibility, but no official termination has been received.
Pertaining to the Library addition, Library Director Doug Everhart addressed
the Council and audience and offered to conduct tours of the library to
March 1, 1982 - - - - -continued:
demonstrate on the site the lack of space for books and staff. He said that
if something is not done in the near future, the library will be in serious
trouble. This item is shown on the 1984 list.
From the audience, Mr. Pres Holton said he had 3 questions: (1) would the
automatic controlsystem for the water treatment plant save manpower? Mr.
Ford replied saying with the number of people presently operating the plant,
it is still understaffed and so probably it would not, but it would provide
a much faster reaction time. (2) where is the "Young's Road" project? Mr.
Ford said this connects the Memorial Highway with the LaConner-Whitney road;
(3) what is to .be built at the location of Smiley's Bottom field? He was
advised the City and School District had proposed a multi -use athletic field
in that area.
Mr. Bob Jahns addressed the Council saying he felt it was not a good time to
think about issuing bonds due to the economic situation, but he felt the City
should think about improvements to the library if at all possible; that other
cities in the County have much better library facilities and there is no
county library system in Skagit County as there are in other counties in the
There were no comments on the list for 1985 or the list for 1986. On the 1987
plan, Mr. Coleman asked for an explanation on "Clyde Way Design". Mr. Ford
informed him this was a proposed transmission line to connect the Skyline
reservoir to the Anacortes water system. Manager Olander pointed out that
most of the utility projects where funding is suggested from "bonds" - this
refers to revenue bonds, not bonds which are voted on and added to taxes.
Mr. Holton again addressed the Council and said he believed the present economic
position of the country was due to too much borrowing and that the.State is
now in the same dilemma; he suggests the City take a hard look at any borrow-
ing proposals. Mr. Olander said Mr. Holton's points were well taken and that
the finance department had gone over the city's bonding position just recently
and found that the City of Anacortes has been exceedingly conservative in its
borrowing; had not even come close to the amount it is legally allowed.
Mr. Separovich said he would hope that the cost of the anode wells would some-
day be finished and mr. Ford reiterated that it was much less expensive to
protect the waterlines with these wells than to make repairs to the lines
when they got holes in them. There was additional discussion about funding
projects, how bonds are issued, etc. and then Mayor Figenshow declared the
public hearing closed and continued the item to the study session of March
8, 1982.
PROPOSED HOUSING PROJECT Planning Director Ian Munce reviewed the project
proposed by Mr. Louis Buchsieb for an apartment complex to be located on 27th
Street west of Commercial Avenue and east of "M" Avenue. He reported that
Mrs. Lynch of the Housing Authority had no particular comments to offer on the
project and that the Farmers Home Administration informed him current regulations
allow a loan for a project such as this at 1% for 50 years; the portion of
rent going towards payment of the loan would be fixed, but FHA could authorize
rent increases to cover other expenses such as utilities; that the developer
is restricted to an 8% a year return on his capital investment; that the City
could recommend to FHA that no rental assistance be allocated to this project,
but there is no guarantee they would support this position. All the Farmers
Home Administration wishes from the City at this time is some direction as to
its wishes.
Mr. Bushsieb then addressed the Council and elaborated on his project stating he
had conducted a survey, primarily of the central area of Anacortes, to determine
if there was a need and whether there was more for elderly housing or family
housing. He said the results showed approximately 25% for elderly and 75% for
family housing. He went into detail about the formula used to determine the
rents of the units according to the income of the rentors and said he hoped,
if the loan was approved and he was able to get plans drawn, etc., to be able
to begin building by May or June and hopefully have the project completed by
October. He requested a letter from the Council indicating the City would
support his project. He could not answer questions about access, etc. because
his plans are not yet drawn. He did state he did not wish a rent subsidy
program attached to his project. There were additional questions from the
Council concerning the results of his survey. Mr. Separovich ask -d if he intend-
ed to hire the work done from the Anacortes work force and he affirmed this
was his intention.
1 �1
March 1, 1982 - - - - -continued:
Motion was then made by Mr. Kiel, seconded by Mr. Moore, that the Council endorse
the project for two reasons (1) it complies with the existing zoning and (2)
it is not low income housing. Under the question, Mr. Cleland asked for more
information on the survey and Mr. Buchsieb read the survey in its entirety,
explaining the questions as he went along and giving the results which answered
Mr. Cleland's questions. Mr. Separovich again questioned Mr. Buchsieb about who
would do the work and was assured local workers would be used as much as possible.
Mayor Figenshow called for the vote and all were in favor except Mr. Coleman, who
abstained because he owned property nearby.
Olander reminded the Council that when the Anacortes Community Forest Lands
Management Plan was adopted, it called for the Forest Advisory Board to inter-
view and recommend a forester to implement the forest resources section of the
Plan. The Board did so and recommends the firm of Professional Forestry Services,
Inc. owned by Mr. Jack Winn. Mr. Winn has been a professional forester for over
40 years and is well qualified; he is familiar with the City's lands; he served
as Chairman of the Anacortes Park Board in the 1950's. The Board reviewed and
approved a proposed contract with Mr. Winn to implement the Forest Management
Plan. The Board recommends the Council authorize execution of the contract
which provides for all costs for forestry services to be based on a 15% percentage
of stumpage revenues.
Attorney Mansfield read, by title, a proposed resolution authorizing execution
of the contract. Under the question, Mr. Kiel asked about the term of the contract
and how it could be consumated. Mr. Olander explained that there was a 90 -day
cancellation clause which would allow time to close any outstanding sales. Mrs.
Kribs asked about the 5 -year term of the contract and Mr. Olander said he felt
such a contract should be on a long term basis which allows the party to become
familiar with the lands and its needs. Also, the forester will be doing a lot
of work besides timber sales. Motion then was made by Mr. Cleland, seconded by
Mr. Kiel, that the resolution be adopted and given RESOLUTION NO. 700. Vote:
All in favor, motion carried.
discussed plan, it was felt a separate fund should be established to account
for the revenues and expenses of managing the forest lands as said management
is to be self-supporting. Attorney Mansfield read, by title, a proposed
ordinance establishing the Anacortes Community Forest Land Management Fund.
Motion by Mr. Kiel, seconded by Mr. Separovich, that the ordinance be passed
and approved and given ORDINANCE NO. 1873. Vote: All in favor, motion
carried. Comment by Mr. Moore that Mr. Del Taylor had cautioned that the
City should go slowly and not look at this program as a source of income.
Mr. Olander agreed and said the primary function of the management plan was
to rehabilitate a long neglected forest resource over the next several years
and then it will be a better and productive resource.
advised that this Phase II of the Clearidge development consists of 70
residential lots; the water, sewer and storm sewer utilities have been con-
structed as well as concrete curbs and gutters and the base course for the
roads. The developer has not yet constructed the off-site storm sewer, the
asphalt concrete paving, street lights, street signs, sanitary sewer pump
station or the Phase I recreational facilities. They have requested that
the City accept a cash deposit in lieu of bond in the amount of $164,961.33.
The engineering department has reviewed the bond estimates and feel that
the funds set aside are sufficient to complete the work. The Planning
Commission reviewed the final plat of Phase II at their meeting of February
24, 1982 and they recommend to the City Council that the plat be approved.
The Planning Commission also granted a shoreline permit for the construction
of the project's storm sewer outfall with the condition that within 60 days
of completion, the site be seeded with perennial plant life. Mr. Kiel
asked why they wished to make a cash deposit instead of securing a performance
bond and was advised that such bonds are now difficult to obtain and this
would allow the plat to be recorded which would, in turn, allow the develop-
er to sell the lots. There was additional discussion about whether or not
the City had made any arrangements to tie into the new development from
one of the West numberes streets. Mr. Ford said that when the plat is
filed, the City could acuqire the necessary right-of-way.
Motion by Mr. Separovich, seconded by Mr. Coleman, that the final plat of
Clearidge Division II be approved subject to the payment of all final plat
filing fees and inspection fees and that the City accept a cash deposit
in lieu of bond totalling $164,961.33. Under the question, Council asked
several questions of Mrs. Thomas, developer's wife who was present in his
stead, including whether the streets were going to be paved this year.
March 1, 1982 - - - -continued:
Parks Director Steve Colby advised that the contract with Skagit County for
senior services for 1982 has been reviewed by both County and City staffs and
contains the same language as the 1981 contract, but shows an increase of
$1,264 over 1981. The total payment to the County is well within the money
budgeted for 1982. Mr. Colby recommended the contract be accepted. Motion
by Mr. Separovich, seconded by Mr. Cleland that the resolution be adopted and
given RESOLUTION NO. 702. Vote: All in favor, motion carried.
this matter which had been previously studied by the Council. He stated that
Anacortes occasionally uses the Skagit County Jail and is charged a daily rate.
Skagit County is now going to build a new jail and the City has entered into
an agreement to help pay the cost of construction not covered by the State
grant which is extended over a 10 -year period. Upon request, the County
itemized the costs of construction not funded and the contract has been
amended to show a limitation on said amount of $2,860,000. This was agree-
able with the Council and motion was made by Mr. Coleman, seconded by Mr.
Kiel, (after proposed resolution was read by Mr. Mansfield) that the
resolution authorizing execution of the agreement be adopted and given
RESOLUTION NO. 703. Vote: All in favor, motion carried.
Mr. Figenshow then declared a brief intermission so the Council could discuss
in executive session.an appointment to the Community Forest Advisory Board.
Meeting reconvened at 10:05 p.m. and Mayor Figenshow announced they had
decided to defer action on this matter until the next regular meeting on
March 15, 1982.
Mr. Peter Liske addressed the Council and asked if he could present some
material on a request he had of the Council for their consideration at a
future meeting. He was allowed to do so and was advised his request would be
considered at the next study session on March 8, 1982.
There being no further business to come before the Council, meetin ourned
at 10:15 p.m.
Ida Rolph, Executi e cretary K. WSTige sh Mayor
March 15, 1982
Meeting called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Vice Mayor, Ray Separovich. Invocation
was offered by Jim Cook Minister of the Fidalgo Island Church of Christ.
ROLL CALL Present: Bill Coleman, Karolyne Kribs, Ray Separovich, Tom Cleland,
and Charles Kiel. Excused were: Knute Figenshow and Ken Moore.
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: Motion by Mr. Cleland, seconded by Mrs. Kribs,
that the minutes of the previous meeting held on March 1, 1982 be approved as
if read. Vote: All in favor, motion carried.
CORRESPONDENCE City Manager Olander read a letter from Mr. Gary Dye resigning
from the Park and Recreation Advisory Commission due to his moving away from
Anacortes. Mr. Olander announced that anyone interested in filling this vacancy
should submit their name to the new mayor, Jim Rice.
CITIZEN HEARINGS There was no response from the audience to Mr. Separovich's
invitation to speak on any item not on the agenda.
She replied they had already received bids for this work and assumed the
paving would be done shortly. Vote: All in favor, motion carried.
Mr. Munce explained that the Agreement in question is designed to define the
relationship between the City and the Economic Development Corporation and to
set forth the scope of service and methods of compensation of City staff for
services to the Economic Development Corporation. Attorney Mansfield read,
by title, a resolution authorizing execution of the Agreement. Mr. Olander
pointed out that this arrangement does not mean that any City staff supplying
these services would receive any extra money. Motion by Mr. Moore, seconded
by Mr. Separovich, that this resolution be adopted and given RESOLUTION NO. 701.
Vote: All in favor, motion carried. Council was advised that the first
eting of this new Corporation would be on March 8, 1982 at 7:30 p.m. in
e Council Chambers.
Parks Director Steve Colby advised that the contract with Skagit County for
senior services for 1982 has been reviewed by both County and City staffs and
contains the same language as the 1981 contract, but shows an increase of
$1,264 over 1981. The total payment to the County is well within the money
budgeted for 1982. Mr. Colby recommended the contract be accepted. Motion
by Mr. Separovich, seconded by Mr. Cleland that the resolution be adopted and
given RESOLUTION NO. 702. Vote: All in favor, motion carried.
this matter which had been previously studied by the Council. He stated that
Anacortes occasionally uses the Skagit County Jail and is charged a daily rate.
Skagit County is now going to build a new jail and the City has entered into
an agreement to help pay the cost of construction not covered by the State
grant which is extended over a 10 -year period. Upon request, the County
itemized the costs of construction not funded and the contract has been
amended to show a limitation on said amount of $2,860,000. This was agree-
able with the Council and motion was made by Mr. Coleman, seconded by Mr.
Kiel, (after proposed resolution was read by Mr. Mansfield) that the
resolution authorizing execution of the agreement be adopted and given
RESOLUTION NO. 703. Vote: All in favor, motion carried.
Mr. Figenshow then declared a brief intermission so the Council could discuss
in executive session.an appointment to the Community Forest Advisory Board.
Meeting reconvened at 10:05 p.m. and Mayor Figenshow announced they had
decided to defer action on this matter until the next regular meeting on
March 15, 1982.
Mr. Peter Liske addressed the Council and asked if he could present some
material on a request he had of the Council for their consideration at a
future meeting. He was allowed to do so and was advised his request would be
considered at the next study session on March 8, 1982.
There being no further business to come before the Council, meetin ourned
at 10:15 p.m.
Ida Rolph, Executi e cretary K. WSTige sh Mayor
March 15, 1982
Meeting called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Vice Mayor, Ray Separovich. Invocation
was offered by Jim Cook Minister of the Fidalgo Island Church of Christ.
ROLL CALL Present: Bill Coleman, Karolyne Kribs, Ray Separovich, Tom Cleland,
and Charles Kiel. Excused were: Knute Figenshow and Ken Moore.
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: Motion by Mr. Cleland, seconded by Mrs. Kribs,
that the minutes of the previous meeting held on March 1, 1982 be approved as
if read. Vote: All in favor, motion carried.
CORRESPONDENCE City Manager Olander read a letter from Mr. Gary Dye resigning
from the Park and Recreation Advisory Commission due to his moving away from
Anacortes. Mr. Olander announced that anyone interested in filling this vacancy
should submit their name to the new mayor, Jim Rice.
CITIZEN HEARINGS There was no response from the audience to Mr. Separovich's
invitation to speak on any item not on the agenda.
March 15, 1982 - - - - continued:
briefly reviewed the purpose of the proposed plan stating the Council had held
two public hearings on the matter and had considered recommendations of City
staff; had made a few changes and corrections which were incorporated in the
final document which covered the years 1982 through 1987. He reiterated that
this was not a program "cast in concrete", but merely a guideline to bring
to mind necessary projects, improvements, maintenance, etc. to keep the City's
assets, utilities, roads and streets, etc, in good repair and working order.
It was staff's recommendation that the plan be adopted. City Attorney Mansfield
read a resolution, by title, approving said Capital Improvement Plan. Motion
by Mr. Kiel, seconded by Mr. Cleland, that the resolution be adopted and given
RESOLUTION NO. 704. Vote: All in favor, motion carried.
APPOINTMENT TO FOREST ADVISORY BOARD Manager Olander explained the vacancy
on this board was due to Mr. Ellin's resignation from the Planning Commission
and the Forest Management Plan calls for one member of the board to be from
the Planning Commission. Mr. Separovich moved that Rick Latham be named to
the Forest Advisory Board to fill the position. Seconded by Mr. Coleman.
Vote: All in favor, motion carried.
proposed ordinance was more in the form of a housekeeping measure to comply
with recent legislation passed by the State legislature. The procedures
outlined in the ordinance are actually less intense than the methods already
used by the City, and will not noticeably affect the City's policies. He
then read, by title, a proposed ordinance establishing procedures for contract
and for architectural and engineering services. Under the question, Mr. Kiel
asked if there was anything in Section 4 that would not pertain to the Mayor -
Council form of government and was advised by Mr. Mansfield there is nothing
that would not be compatible with the new form of government. Mr. Cleland
asked Mr. Ford if the correction he desired in Section 2 had been made and
was advised it had. Motion by Mr. Kiel, seconded by Mr. Coleman, that the
ordinance be passed and .approved and given ORDINANCE NO. 1874. Vote: All
in favor, motion carried.
SIGNAL Mr. Ford reminded the Council that permission had previously been
granted to enter into the agreement with the State pertaining to a new
traffic signal at 22nd and Commercial Avenue. He advised the proposed
agreement is in proper order and recommended it be executed. After execution,
the City would be in a position to advertise for bids on the signal. Mr.
Separovich asked if an approximate date of completion had been determined
and Mr. Ford said probably toward.the end of the summer. Mr. Kiel stated
that since this project was due primarily to the efforts of Mr. Separovich,
he felt Mr. Separovich should move for execution of the agreement. Motion
by Mr. Separovich, seconeed by Mr. Kiel, that the proposed agreement be
executed as requested. Vote: All in favor, motion carried.
Mansfield said he had meant this matter to be presented to the Council at
a study session prior to its being acted upon and suggested it be deleted
from the instant agenda. Mr. Separovich directed it be placed on the next
study session agenda.
Councilman Kiel then requested that the Council hold a brief executive session
to discuss a personnel matter and the Council retired from the meeting room
at 7:50 p.m. At 10:45 p.m. regular Secretary, Mrs. Rolph, left the meeting
and Mr. Munce substituted. Councilman Moore and Mayor Figenshow joined the
executive session in progress. Said session ended and the regular meeting
reconvened at 11:40 p.m. Mr. Figenshow assumed the chair.
Mr. Cleland moved adoption of a resolution entitled: "A Resolution establish-
ing a specific date for reorganization of government of the City of Anacortes
under the Mayor -Council plan of government, establishing a time for the ::
swearing in of the Mayor and newly elected Councilpersons, and expressing
appreciation for the services of Robert Olander, CityManager, and assignment
of RESOLUTION NO. 705. Under discussion, Mr. Separovich spoke against the
motion on the basis that there was, he believed, a question on the details
of Mr. Olander's employment contract and it should, he argued, be settled
by a third, independent party. Mr. Coleman expressed similar concerns.
Roll call: Mr. Coleman, no; Mrs. Kribs, no; Mr. Separovich, no; Mr.
Figenshow, yes; Mr. Cleland, yes; Mr. Kiel, yes; Mr. Moore, yes. Motion
March 15, 1982 - - - - -continued:
Mr. Kiel outlined the implications of the Resolution, including the provision
that the City Manager shall receive the three months severance pay as specified
in the contract. He stated that the Council met on this matter in executive
session because of the potential for future litigation on the matter. The
Council, he pointed out, struggled long and hard with the issue of severance
pay. Passage of the resolution was predicated on three considerations: (1) The
City Attorney advising the Council that the intent of the City Manager's
employment contract was to pay severance pay; the language of the contract
stated that the manager would be entitled to severance pay unless he quit or
was convicted of an illegal act. (2) The City Council acts for the City;
when the first City Manager was hired in the 1950's when that form of govern-
ment was voted in by the people, the then City Council hired the City Manager
to act for the City. In this case,.the City has terminated the City Manager
and this City Council takes this action. (3) The City has paid severance pay
in an earlier case of termination; when Mr. Kinzel was terminated he received
three months severance pay. Mr. Kiel added that the City Council who affirmed
Mr. Olander's employment contract were: Andy Sloss, Charles Kiel, Bud Rock,
Jim Rice, Ray Separovich, and.Knute Figenshow.
Mr. Olander then expressed his thanks to the City Council for the opportunity
to work for them and expressed his appreciation to his secretary, Ida Rolph,
and to the other City employees whom he described as an outstanding and very
dedicated group of people. He concluded that the Ci y is in a sound financial
state. The meeting adjourned at 11:55 .m.
Ida Rolph, Execut e Secretary Ray ep ovi Ma or pro tem
5-",— � 4.-,
Ian Munce, Secretary pro tem
April 5, 1982
Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor James Rice. Invocation was
offered by Father Paul Auer of the Catholic Church. Roll call found present:
Mayor Rice, Norm Young, Charles Kiel, Bill Coleman, Al Littlefield, Ruth Horn,
Helen Smith and Ken Brown.
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Mrs. Horn questioned the statement No. (3) in the
5th paragraph on page 2 concerning severance pay paid to former employee, Ken
Kinzel. Mr. Kiel said he believed he said just "severance pay" instead of "three
months severance pay". Motion by Mr. Coleman, seconded by Mr. Young, that the
minutes be approved as if read with the one correction described. Vote: All in
favor, motion carried.
CORRESPONDENCE Mayor Rice read a letter from the Water Works Certification Board
of the State DSHS announcing that a Certificate of Competency was issued to John E.
Moore as a Water Distribution Manager 2 and a Water Treatment Plant Operator; and
to John B. Franz as a Water Treatment Plant Operator 1. Mr. Rice commended these
employees on their efforts to improve their working skills.
CITIZEN HEARINGS In response to the Mayor's invitation to speak on any item not
on the agenda, Mr. Bill Morningred, 1606 "D" Avenue, addressed the Council and
asked for the status of the improvement of "D" Avenue project. Public Works
Director Dave Ford replied the project was scheduled for completion this year;
there will be a public hearing held as soon as the designing is complete which
should be in the next 30 to 60 days.
stated this item was being postponed for further study.
Mayor Rice explained that Mr. Funk had constructed a stairway with landings on the
north side of an existing building located at 26th and Commercial. The stairway
and landings encroach into the public right-of-way of 26th Street a distance of
six feet and is 18 feet parallel with 26th Street. The purpose is to provide
access to the upstairs of the building. The owners of the property, Mr. & Mrs.
Charles Funk, have no objection to the encroachment agreement which would require
that the stairway and landings be removed at any time the City would require use
of the right-of-way. City staff has no objection to the agreement and Mayor Rice
recommended it be executed. Motion by Mr. Coleman, seconded by Mr. Kiel, that the
encroachment agreement be executed with Mr. Funk. Vote: All in favor, motion
�88 April 5, 1982 - - - - - - - - -continued:
title, a proposed ordinance which would make two changes in the present sub-
division ordinance. 1. Sub -section (2) of Section 12.040 be amended to read:
"A final plat meeting all requirements of this Chapter shall be submitted to the
City Council for approval within three years of the date of Preliminary Plat
approval. An applicant who files a written request with the City Council at
least thirty days before the expiration of this three year period shall be
granted one one-year extension upon a showing that the applicant has attempted
in good faith to submit the final plat within said three year period."
2. Sub -section (3) of Section 12.040 be amended to read: "If a final plat
meeting the requirements of Section .020 of this title is not submitted to the
administrator within three years, and the period of any extension granted,
preliminary approval shall be null and void and any new application therefor
must be in accordance with all requirements in effect at the time of re-
3. A new sub -section (4) be added to Section 12.040 stating: "All work done
pursuant to the preliminary plat shall be consistent with the approved plans.
The preliminary plat may be modified by the administrator if it is determined
that such modification does not substantially change the density or usage or
increase the bulk proposed, or otherwise increase the impact of the develop-
ment. If the proposed changes are not within the scope and intent of the
preliminary plat, the applicant shall apply for a new preliminary plat in the
manner provided herein."
Attorney Mansfield explained that the change in the time period for approval
of preliminary plats was to conform to recent legislation by the State
Legislature providing the time as stated in the amendment and the new section
was to authorize administrative changes to approved preliminary plats because
the existing ordinance had no such procedure. Any major changes would have
to go before the Planning Commission and/or City Council. Councilman Young
asked for the identity of the "Administrator" and was advised this would be
Mr. Munce, the Director of Community Development. Motion by Mr. Kiel, seconded
by Mr. Coleman, that the ordinance be passed and approved and given ORDINANCE
NO. 1875. Vote: All in favor, motion carried.
ACCEPTANCE OF 1981 PAVEMENT OVERLAY PROJECT Mayor Rice explained that'this
project to overlay the northbound lanes of "R" Avenue from 34th to 22nd Street
and "O" Avenue from 2nd to 6th Street had been completed and staff had
requested the Council accept the project and allow the 30 -day mandatory
lien period to begin and, if no valid claims are filed against the project
within that time, the 10% retainer be released to the contractor. He recom-
mended the project be accepted. Motion by Mr. Coleman, seconded by Mr.
Brown that the City accept the project as being complete and allow the 30 -day
lien period to commence as requested with payment of same at the end of that
time if no valid liens are presented. Vote: All in favor, motion carried.
Planning Director Munce recommended the request for a one-year extension be
granted to Mr. Mavar because he has had difficulty in completing the necessary
engineering work required by the City. After a brief discussion, motion by
Mr. Coleman, seconded by Mr. Young, that the one year extension be granted.
Vote: All in favor, motion carried.
Attorney Mansfield read, by title, a cproposed ordinance amending previous
Ordinance No. 1871 due to the change in the plan of government and the election
of a new Council. The ordinance expands the size of the Board of Directors of
the Anacortes Economic Development Corporation to eight members and appoints
the new members to the Board. Motion by Mrs. Smith, seconded by Mr. Brown,
that the ordinance be passed and approved and given ORDINANCE NO. 1876.
Vote: All in favor, motion carried.
AWARD OF BID ON SANITATION CONTAINERS Mayor Rice read bids received for 12
six -cubic yard refuse containers as being from: Cascade Containers in the
amount of $9,514.56; Dewald Northwest in the amount of $8,840.40 and Capital
Industries in the amount of $9,773.09. The low bidder met all specifications.
Purchase of these containers is necessary to complete a program which replaces
small containers with large ones to allow dumping only once a week instead of
several times and to be able to handle the extra refuse during the tourist
season at the marinas, etc. as well as allowing for rehabilitation of the
older containers. Motion by Mr. Littlefield, seconded by Mrs. Horn that
the low bid of Dewald Northwest be accepted. Vote: All in favor, motion
April 5, 1982 - - - continued;
Mayor Rice announded the formation of a Law Enforcement Liaison Committee
consisting of Jay Hughes, Ronald Noble and Nick Petrish because of recent
negative comments about the Police Department. The purpose is to help the
police to operate in the City in a more effective manner; that any complaints,
suggestions or comments should be directed to a member of the committee or the
Mayor. The Police Department does have the support of the City. He urged all
citizens to support the upcoming school levy and help spread the word that the
State is in charge of Heart Lake and there will be no overnight camping allowed.
Mayor Rice then adjourned the meeting to a meeting of the Economic Development
Corporation and, after that, to an executive session to discuss labor negotiations.
April 19, 1982
�es Rice, Mayor
Meeting called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Jim Rice. Invocation was offered
by Reverend Al Baunsgard of the First Assembly of God Church.
ROLL CALL Present: Norm Young, Charles Kiel, Bill Coleman, James Rice, Al
Littlefield, Ruth Horn, Helen Smith and Ken Brown.
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Motion by Mr. Young, seconded by Mrs. Horn, that
the minutes of the previous meeting held on April 5, 1982 be approved_ as if
read. Vote: all in favor, motion carried.
CORRESPONDENCE Mayor Rice read a letter from the Dept. of Ecology advising that
Robert Childers had been issued a certificate of competency as a Water Pollution
Control Plant Operator for Group II plants and a letter from the Department of
Social and Health Services advising that Eric D. Williams was being issued a
certificate of competency as a Cross Connection Control Specialist 1. Mr. Rice
commended these employees for improving their skills for the benefit of the
CITIZEN HEARINGS There was no response to Mayor Rice's invitation to anyone in
the audience to speak on any item not on the agenda.
This matter having been discussed by Council on previous occasions, Attorney
Mansfield read a proposed ordinance, by title, which set forth the regulations
for posting and publication of City ordinances which included posting the entire
text of any ordinance in three specific locations; the publishing of all ordinance
titles in the Anacortes American and, if the Mayor determines that an ordinance
should be published verbatim, the City is allowed to do so. After a brief dis-
cussion, motion by Mr. Coleman, seconded by Mrs. Horn, that the ordinance be
passed and approved and given ORDINANCE NO. 1877. Vote: All in favor except
Mr. Young who abstained. Motion carried.
REQUEST FOR WATERLINE AGREEMENT Peter Liske, 2718 "B" Avenue, who owns Lots 1
thru 20 of Block 259, original plat of Anacortes, wrote to the Council on
February 23, 1982 advising that his source of water (from a neighbor's well)
was very unsatisfactory and his rights to same would soon be terminated. Mr.
Liske advised he had previously proposed an LID in 1979, but it was denied.
He, therefore, requested permission to install a 1 -inch service line from 29th
and "B" Avenue to his property rather than the 6 -inch ductile iron main, plus
appurtenances, which would cost approximately $8,000. Mr. Liske's proposal would
cost him approximately $1,000. After considerable investigation into the matter
and discussion of alternatives, an agreement was drawn including several con-
ditions which would limit the use of the line, replace it with specified size
line by 1987 and install a new line meeting specifications at any time he should
sell any property.
Mr. Rice asked Public Works Director Ford for his opinion and Mr. Ford said he
could not recommend granting the request because, among other reasons, he felt
the Council would be setting a precedent for other similar requests. There
followed additional discussion with the Council asking various questions of Mr.
Ford and expressing their feelings in the matter. Mr. Rice said he felt the
City could be faced with several such requests per year.
Motion by Mr. Kiel, seconded by Mrs. Smith, that the Council grant the request
and enter into the Agreement with Mr. Liske which enumerates the conditions of
the permission granted. Vote: All in favor, motion carried.
Ida Rolph, Secreta
April 19, 1982
�es Rice, Mayor
Meeting called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Jim Rice. Invocation was offered
by Reverend Al Baunsgard of the First Assembly of God Church.
ROLL CALL Present: Norm Young, Charles Kiel, Bill Coleman, James Rice, Al
Littlefield, Ruth Horn, Helen Smith and Ken Brown.
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Motion by Mr. Young, seconded by Mrs. Horn, that
the minutes of the previous meeting held on April 5, 1982 be approved_ as if
read. Vote: all in favor, motion carried.
CORRESPONDENCE Mayor Rice read a letter from the Dept. of Ecology advising that
Robert Childers had been issued a certificate of competency as a Water Pollution
Control Plant Operator for Group II plants and a letter from the Department of
Social and Health Services advising that Eric D. Williams was being issued a
certificate of competency as a Cross Connection Control Specialist 1. Mr. Rice
commended these employees for improving their skills for the benefit of the
CITIZEN HEARINGS There was no response to Mayor Rice's invitation to anyone in
the audience to speak on any item not on the agenda.
This matter having been discussed by Council on previous occasions, Attorney
Mansfield read a proposed ordinance, by title, which set forth the regulations
for posting and publication of City ordinances which included posting the entire
text of any ordinance in three specific locations; the publishing of all ordinance
titles in the Anacortes American and, if the Mayor determines that an ordinance
should be published verbatim, the City is allowed to do so. After a brief dis-
cussion, motion by Mr. Coleman, seconded by Mrs. Horn, that the ordinance be
passed and approved and given ORDINANCE NO. 1877. Vote: All in favor except
Mr. Young who abstained. Motion carried.
REQUEST FOR WATERLINE AGREEMENT Peter Liske, 2718 "B" Avenue, who owns Lots 1
thru 20 of Block 259, original plat of Anacortes, wrote to the Council on
February 23, 1982 advising that his source of water (from a neighbor's well)
was very unsatisfactory and his rights to same would soon be terminated. Mr.
Liske advised he had previously proposed an LID in 1979, but it was denied.
He, therefore, requested permission to install a 1 -inch service line from 29th
and "B" Avenue to his property rather than the 6 -inch ductile iron main, plus
appurtenances, which would cost approximately $8,000. Mr. Liske's proposal would
cost him approximately $1,000. After considerable investigation into the matter
and discussion of alternatives, an agreement was drawn including several con-
ditions which would limit the use of the line, replace it with specified size
line by 1987 and install a new line meeting specifications at any time he should
sell any property.
Mr. Rice asked Public Works Director Ford for his opinion and Mr. Ford said he
could not recommend granting the request because, among other reasons, he felt
the Council would be setting a precedent for other similar requests. There
followed additional discussion with the Council asking various questions of Mr.
Ford and expressing their feelings in the matter. Mr. Rice said he felt the
City could be faced with several such requests per year.
Motion by Mr. Kiel, seconded by Mrs. Smith, that the Council grant the request
and enter into the Agreement with Mr. Liske which enumerates the conditions of
the permission granted. Vote: All in favor, motion carried.
April 19, 1982 - - - - - - -continued:
21, SKYLINE Mayor Rice declared a public hearing open and stated that the Council
on May 21, 1979 had approved an 8 -lot subdivision for Division 21 in Skyline.
Mr. Mavar recently requested approval for a modification to the plat which would
add two lots and still allow over the minimum square footage required for each lot.
There were no comments from the audience on this request. Mr. Rice declared the
public hearing closed and requested comments from the Council.
Mr. Coleman asked Planning Director Munce if the developer had stayed within the
guidelines for the preliminary plat and Mr. Munce replied he had. Mr. Kiel asked
if the total area was the same as originally platted and Mr. Ford advise it had
been increased slightly, less than 100 feet to the south. Mr. Mavar was in the
audience, but no one desired additional information. Motion -by Mrs. Smith,
seconded by Mr. Littlefield, that the request for modification from lots 8 to
10 be granted. Vote: All in favor, motion carried.
Director George Khtaian explained it was necessary to update the City's travel
and reimbursement policies because of the change in the form of government and
because of some changes in policies. There was a brief discussion and Mayor
Rice said the biggest change was that no longer would the City pay for lunches
of employees who lived in the City. Mr. Mansfield then read, by title, a
resolution updating the travel policies and procedures for the City of Anacortes.
Motion by Mrs. Smith, seconded by Mr. Young, that the resolution be adopted and
given RESOLUTION NO. 706. Vote: all in favor, motion carried.
Attorney Mansfield explained that after the construction of the new high school,
it was discovered that certain streets and avenues lying within school district
pxperty had never been vacated. The City agreed to vacate said streets at such
time as the School District conveyed an 80 -foot right-of-way to the City for the
purpose of extending 20th Street. The School District had difficulty in locating
some property owners, etc. and was not able to provide the City with the deed to
20th until the last several months. At that time, it was determined a new
rdinance should be drawn since a portion of "J" Avenue originally intended to be
vacated abutted upon property owned by an individual and would create access
problems for the School District. Mr. Mansfield then read, by title, a proposed
ordinance repealing the original vacation ordinance and vacating the streets and
alleys which had been agreed upon. The Council indicated they all understood
the foregoing and motion was made by Mr. Coleman, seconded by Mr.Brown, that
the ordinance be passed and approved and given ORDINANCE NO. 1878. Vote: All
in favor, motion carroed.
Mansfield advised Council that a purchaser of property in the urban renewal
area was now in default in not paying the full purchase price and not construct-
ing the designated improvements on the property consisting, in part, of a
lumber mill which would employ a number of individuals. Mr. Mansfield reviewed
the circumstances which occurred after Mr. Gregory's pruchase of the property
and which delayed his being able to go ahead and comply with the requirements
of the contract and said that these circumstances have now been resolved, but
still Mr. Gregory has not complied. Therefore, he proposes a resolution
declaring Mr. Gregory in default and authorizing the City Attorney to take
necessary legal steps to forfeit out through court action all interest in said
property held by Mr. Gregory (Anacortes Lumber, Inc.). After additional
discussion concering the urban renewal area and the pending lawsuit on another
parcel, motion by Mr. Young, seconded by Mr. Kiel, that the resolution be
adopted and given RESOLUTION NO. 707 . Vote: All in favor, motion carried.
REQUESTS FROM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Mayor Rice said he had received a request
from the Chamber of Commerce for funds to put up two billboards advertising the
City of Anacortes - one to the north above Bellingham and one east of the
mountains, possibly around Wenatchee. Such advertising is funded from the
Tourist and Convention budget which is revenue received from the Hotel/Motel
Tax. The City regularly appropriates about $7,000 per year to the Chamber of
Commerce for tourist information expenses, but this proposal would exceed the
amount budgeted. If they are able to locate such billboards, the rental
would be approximately $300 per month. After a brief discussion, motion by
Mrs. Horn, seconded by Mrs. Smith, that the Council approve the expenditure
of not more than $2,400 to the Chamber of Commerce for such billboards. Vote:
all in favor, motion carried.
April 19, 1982 - - - - continued:
The second request through the Chamber was permission for Mr. Mike Petrie to
construct a "pocket park" behind the Chamber of Commerce Building. Mr. Petrie
wishes to do this to earn his Eagle Badge and advised members of local scout
troops and explorer posts and their parents would be working on the project.
Tables, benches, trash can, etc. would be donated along with the labor and
equipment. City permission is needed because the land is on City right-of-way.
The park proposed would be 70' X 25'; the Chamber of Commerce would accept the
responsibility of maintenance. After brief discussion, motion by Mr. Kiel,
seconded by Mrs. Horn, that permission be granted to build the pocket park
described. Vote: All in favor, motion carried.
listed bids received for Contract Maintenance Service as: Honeywell, Inc.
$2,252.20 per year;Control Services $3,380.00 per year; Instrument Repair
Services $3,840 per year and Automation Services, Inc. $4830.00 per year.
Bids were reviewed and staff recommends acceptance of the low bid from
Honeywell, Onc. Operations Superintendent Mike Foster responded to several
questions of the Council concerning services to be supplied, etc. Motion
by Mr. Kiel, seconded by Mr. Coleman, that the Honeywell, Inc. bid in the
amount of $2,252.20 be accepted. Vote: All in favor, motion carried.
Mayor Rice announced the appointment of Ralph Gregory to the Board of
Adjustment; Karmen Separovich to the Civil Service Commission and Dick
Waldron to the Forest Advisory Board.
After asking the Council to remain for an executive session to discuss labor
contracts, Mr. Rice adjourned the meeting at 8:15 p.m.
Ida Rolph, Ex&ut/ve Secretary J?!�X Rice, Mayor
May 3, 1982
Meeting called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor James Rice. Roll call found
present: Norm Young, Charles Kiel, Bill Coleman, James Rice, Al Littlefield,
Ruth Horn, Helen Smith and Ken Brown.
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Motion by Mr. Littlefield, seconded by Mrs. Horn,
that the minutes of the previous meeting held on April 19, 1982 be approved as
if read. Vote: All in favor, motion carried.
CORRESPONDENCE There was no correspondence to be read.
CITIZEN HEARINGS In response to Mayor Rice's invitation to speak on any item
not on the agenda, Mr. Ball Malseed, President of the Anacortes Chamber of
Commerce, addressed the Council and made a plea for additional assistance from
the City for the Tourist Information Center. Mr. Malseed reviewed the services
performed by this agency; explained how its expenses have increased during the
past 5 years to a total of approximately $11,000 at present. Heretofore, the
State has contributed about $1,500 per year to the operation, but they no longer
receive this money and need about that sum to remain open the rest of this year.
Then, they ask that the City fund one-half of their costs for 1983. Mrs. Petrish
handed out a recap of Mr. Malseed's statements and the cost of operation of the
center to the Council members. Mr. Coleman asked Mr. Malseed if it might not be
wiser to retain the money recently granted for billboard advertising for operating
expenses and Mr. Malseed replied this project had already been contracted and
the Chamber felt it was a good investment. Council will take this request under
There was no old business to come before the Council.
MOUNTED FLAIL MOWER Public Works Director Ford advised bids had been requested
from six area dealers for this equipment and only two bids had been received.
The bid received from Cascade Tractor Company of Everett was the lower, but the
side -mounted mower did not meet the specifications required. The bid from Brim
Tractor Company of Lynden did meet all specifications. Also, Mr. Ford requested
Council allow the purchase of the rear -mounted flail mower as it is sorely needed.
The present equipment is about worn out and funds are available to make the pur-
chase in addition to the original tractor and side -mounted mower. Delivery by
Brim Tractor Company would be within 10 days of receipt of the award of bid.
The total for all desired equipment is $24,293, which was almost $6,000 lower
than had been anticipated. After a brief discussion, motion by Mr. Kiel, seconded
by Mr. Young, that the bid be awarded to Brim Tractor Company in the amount of
$24,293. Vote: All in favor, motion carried.
May 3, 1982 - - - - -continued:
CLAIM FOR DAMAGES -`THERESA KNUTSON Attorney Mansfield reviewed a claim
presented to the City for $175, plus tax, for damage to the floor of a bathroom
caused by a sewer backing up at the residence of Theresa Knutson, 1020 34th
Street. Investigation showed roots growing in the sewer line in the area main-
tained by the City. Mr. Mansfield said he believed the City should accept
responsibility in this particular case and recommended payment of the claim.
After a brief discussion, motion by Mrs. Smith, seconded by Mr. Brown, that the
City pay the claim of $175, plus tax. Vote: All in favor, motion carried.
ORDINANCE TRANSFERRING CASH BALANCES Mr. Mansfield read a proposed ordinance, by
title, transferring cash balances as follows: the balance in the 1977 General
Obligation Bond Construction Fund to the Water Capital Reserve Fund and the
balance in the EDA Drought Relief Project Fund to the Water Capital Reserve Fund.
Finance Director Khtaian explained this is money left over from projects which
are now completed and has just been sitting drawing interest. The two funds
total some $81,000. By transferring to the stated Reserve Fund, the money
could be used where needed. Motion by Mr. Coleman, seconded by Mrs. Horn, that
the ordinance be passed and approved and given ORDINANCE NO. 1879. Vote:
All in favor, motion carried.
RESOLUTION TO RELOCATE EASEMENT Attorney Mansfield read, by title, a proposed
resolution authorizing the relinquishment of an easement over lot 31, Division
No. 9 in Skyline so that the easement could be relocated on Lot 31 and a portion
of lot 30, Division 9, of Skyline, where the utility line was actually placed.
The City would receive a new easement over the correct location in exchange for
the relinquishment of the old easement, from Mr. & Mrs. Edward Knorr, owner of
the property in question. After a brief discussion, motion by Mrs. Horn, seconded
by Mrs. Smith, that the resolution be adopted and given RESOLUTION NO. 708 .
Vote: all in favor, motion carried.
read, by title, a resolution to set a public hearing date on a petition for
vacation. According to state law, this notice must be published 20 days prior
to such a public hearing and he suggested the date be June 7, 1982. Motion by
Mr. Coleman, seconded by Mr. Young, that the Resolution be adopted setting the
date at June 7, 1982 and given RESOLUTION NO. 709. Vote: All in favor, motion
Mayor Rice announced that the month of May would be Clean-up Month in Anacortes
and all extra trash would be picked up by the sanitation department free of
Mr. Rice then appointed Bud Rock to the Board of Adjustment and introduced Mr.
Glen Hunter as the new reporter for the Anacortes American. He also announced
that on Wednesday, May 5th, beginning at 1:30 p.m., the Council would be taking
a walk over the proposed 32nd Street west end route. He stated anyone wishing
to participate would be welcome.
There being no further business to come before the Council, meeting adjourned
at 7:55 p.m.
Ida Rolph, Exe ute Secretary am Rice, Mayor
May 17, 1982
Meeting called to order at
7:30 p.m. by Mayor James Rice. Invocation was
by Lt. Michael Nute of the
Salvation Army.
Roll call found present: Norm
Charles Kiel, Bill Coleman,
James Rice, Al
littlefield, Ruth Horn, Helen
and Ken Brown.
Young, seconded by Mr. Kiel,
the minutes of the previous
meeting held on
May 3, 1982 be approved as if
Vote: All in favor, motion
CORRESPONDENCE At the request of the Coast Guard, Mayor Rice issued a Proclamation
making June 6, 1982 through June 12, 1982 National Boating Week and urging all
persons interested in boating in the area to increase their boating skills
essential to their safety and to take advantage of motor boat examinations
offered between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. during said week at the Cap Sante Marina,
the Skyline Marina, Cove Marina and the Anacortes Marina.
May 17, 1982 - - - - - - continued:
A letter from the Washington State Dept. of Social and Health Services Water
and Wastewater Operator Certification Board of Examiners announced that a
Certificate of Competency was being issued to Tim LeMaister and Joe Natola
as Cross Connection Control Specialists 1. Mr. Rice commended these employees
for their efforts in advancing their knowledge and skills.
CITIZEN HEARINGS There was no response from the audience to Mr. Rice's
invitation to speak on any item not on the agenda.
explained that the Chamber of Commerce had requested the sum of $1500 additional
from the City for operational expenses during the balance of the year. Such
money is budgeted yearly from the Motel/Hotel tax funds, but this year the
Chamber has asked additional because their allocation from the state has been
cut. Motion by Mr. Kiel, seconded by Mr. Brown that the City allow the additional
funds as requested. Under the question, Mr. Coleman suggested the City postpone
such an allocation until it is determined whether or not the City will be awarded
the "Preston", a sternwheeler to be used as a tourist attraction. Mr. Coleman
felt the City may need all funds available for this project. Mrs. Horn said
she felt the business community should contribute to the costs of promoting
tourism and possibly help the Chamber. Mr. Kiel, in support of his motion, said
he felt the Chamber needed the money now to carry out already -planned projects
and budgeted expenses. Vote: All ayes except Mr. Coleman who voted no.
Motion carried.
Mr. Rice then advised the Council that the Chamber of Commerce had been able to
carry out their project of advertising Anacortes on billboards, but the sum of
$300 was necessary for art work on the billboards. After a brief discussion,
motion by Mrs. Horn, seconded by Mrs. Smith, that the additional $300 be allowed
the Chamber on this project. Vote: All ayes, motion carried.
Mansfield read, by title, a proposed resolution authorizing execution of a lease
agreement between the City and Island Boxing Club, and then reviewed the terms
and conditions of a proposed lease agremeent by which the Boxing Club would pay
all utilities, maintenance and, in addition, do repairs currently necessary to
the building. The building is the easterly half of the northerly old City shop
buildings on the corner of 6th and "0" Avenue. Mayor Rice asked if there were
any comments from the audience and Ray Separovich addressed the Council recom-
mending approval of the lease. Motion by Mr. Coleman, seconded by Mr. Young,
that the lease be executed and the resolution be adopted and given RESOLUTION
NO. 710. Vote: All in favor, motion carried.
a public hearing open to consider certain changes to the zoning ordinance to
conform to the recently -adopted Comprehensive Plan. Prior to any comments,
Councilman Young stated he felt the current Council had not had an opportunity
to study in depth the proposed changes and that this matter should be post-
poned. He moved the Council take at least 60 days to look it over. There was
no second and Mr. Young was advised this would not'be proper; that the public
hearing had been advertised and the Council•iaas obliged to hear whatever
testimony would be offered and then they could take time to study all the
information received.
Robert Hogg, Chairman od the Planning Commission, addressed the Council and
reviewed the process by which the recently -adopted Comprehensive Plan was
amended and the procedure by which the Planning Commission arrived at the now -
proposed recommendations. He said these recommendations were divided into three
categories: additions, amendments to the language of the present zoning ordinance
and definitions to clarify language of the ordinance. He reviewed, as an example,
a recommendation in the amendments regarding triplexes and fourplexes in the RM
zone, and stated this particular recommendation (which basically was to make
triplexes and fourplexes a conditional use) came about after long and hard
deliberation. That those who were in favor it it and those who did not favor
it felt very strongly on the issue; that the Planning Commission realized the
proposed amendment would not make everyone happy, but the proposers would have
to come to the Planning Commission and then to the City Council with whatever
particular plans they might have. The Planning Commission felt this would
merely keep better control and allow the building of such units where it would
be a good thing and prevent them where it would not.
Mayor Rice then directed the attention of the audience to copies of a memorandum
which set forth the proposed additions, changes and definitions to the zoning
ordinance. He proposed that the audience follow along with each item and any-
one wishing to make comments or ask questions, do so as each item was considered.
May 17, 1982- - - - - - -continued:
First there were seven additions proposed about which there were no comments,
objections or questions. Then there was proposed to add a list of definitions and
Mr. Richard Stockwell, 1111 Fidalgo Bay Road, questioned the defintion of "Area,
site" because it excluded tidelands as part of a site area. He was advised this
was done because it would be possible for a piece of property to be (for example)
three-fourths under water and only one-fourth remaining for a building site.
There was discussion of the proposed addition "No trailer, camper or motor home
shall be used as a temporary or permanent place of abode within the City limits
of Anacortes,. unless such trailer, camper or motor home is parked within a mobile
home park, trailer park or a mobile home subdivision other than stated above".
It was pointed out that this would not allow the Council, if they wished, to
grant a variance and give permission on a short -time basis in special cases.
The next proposed addition concerning the parking requirements for facilities
having boat moorage, boat landing and dry boat mooragewas questioned by Mr.
George Wasilewski, Manager of the Skyline Marina. He contended that 1 for 1 is
completely unrealistic; and asked the Council to give this matter a lot of
study and investigation before making a decision. Mr. Hogg said he felt this
matter was covered in the addition numbered 4 to the Parking Section which was
Mr. Mike Smith, Attorney representing Figalgo Bay Marina and Richard Stockwell,
addressed the Council stating that in the future, indications are that storing
of boats.will be dry storage instead of wet moorages and urged the Council to
investigate the figures on the different types of storage so there will be
some rationale for the parking ratio required. Mr. Stockwell said that as a
result of the present requirement, his development has no space for trailer
parking at all.
There was no comment on the 11th proposed addition which required that appeals
be commenced in Superior Court within 30 days of the date a decision is rendered.
Next listed were six proposed changes to the zoning ordinance and Mayor Rice
asked for comments from the audience on each one. There were no comments on the
first one which would delete marinas as a conditional use in the Heavy Manu-
facturing district.
The second change was the one referred to by Mr. Hogg earlier in the meeting
regarding triplexes and fourplexes being allowed only as a conditional use in
the Residential Medium Density district. Mrs. Margaret (Juddi) Murphy addressed
the Council and read a prepared statement which reviewed her participation as
Chairman of the Residential Committee during the formation of the recommendations
for the residential section of the Comprehensive Plan.
Mrs. Murphy clearly described the long and difficult process which brought about
two alternatives: (1) to use the conditional use permit procedure or (2) to
divide the RM district to permit predominantly single family residences in one
area and to allow for multi -family in the other. These proposals were forward-
ed to the Planning Commission along with the rest of the residential revisions,
with a recommendation from the Steering Committee, that only one proposal be
selected. The Planning Commission held public hearings, the Council held public
hearings.and in February of 1982 the Council accepted the Planning Commission
recommendation of a conditional use permit procedure as being the easiest to
administer and affording ood protection to existing development - this it was
entered into the new Comprehensive Plan. She urged the same procedure be
adopted into the proposed zoning code update.
Mr. Ernest Baster, 818 "H" Avenue, addressed the Council and said he had talked
with a great number of home owners living north of 12th Street, east of "D"
Avenue south of 12th, down "M" Avenue, etc. who have single family residences
and who had asked him to voice their opinion that owners of homes in pre-
dominantly single-family residential areas should be provided a means of pro-
tecting their investments and one way would be to prevent the infusion of
multi -family dwellings constructed by developers for rentals by absentee land-
lords. He said duplexes are usually occupied by the owner, but three and
four -family buildings are not and are built with the intention of being
rented. He said these people endorse a zoning ordinance which would make
the construction of triplexes and fourplexes in a predominantly single family
area possible only through the conditional use permit procedure.
Mrs. Elizabeth Yates, 606 Longview Avenue, quoted from two articles published
by the Skagit County Board of Realtors which gave suggestions to prospective
home owners when considering buying a residence. She said she and her husband
followed these suggestions and then, two years later, the zoning was changed.
Now she feels the conditional use process is the only protection they have.
May 17, 1982- - - - - -continued:
Ray Separovich, 1117 3rd Street, urged the Council to pass the zoning changes
as recommended by the Planning Commission.
Mrs. Joy Werner, 904 8th Street, commented that in today's economy, young
people just starting out do not have the money to build a single family home
and it was her opinion that the code should not restrict them to "one little
corner" of Anacortes because they were obliged to rent their residences.
Don Coughlin, 417 38th Street, spoke on behalf of the current zoning'ordinance
and said there was no need to make any changes because there were' no problems.
In his opinion, the economy of the country soon would allow only multi -family
housing and the only threat he couls ee would be that landlords who has sub-
standard rentals might have to upgrade them or build better units. It was
his recommendation that the Council consider the division of the RM district
into the two different areas previously discussed.
Dr. Ansel Hyland, 1613 7th Street, was in favor of the conditional use permit
process saying it would allow everyone to speak on each specific proposal
.presented and this would be a degree of security for property owners.
Mr. Rick Latham, 2013 "L" Avenue, said dividing the present RM district into
two zones would be rather arbitrary as there are lots in both proposed areas
which would be useful as multi -family and lots which would not. He felt the
conditional use process would be the best approach.
Merle Iversen, 609 Hillcrest Drive, said he was also in favor of the conditional
use process as he would dislike waking up one morning and finding a multi -family
building across the street from him.
There were no comments on the third change proposed which had to do with the
performance criteria in the Commercial Marine section.
The fourth proposed change deleted the 10 -acre maximum for mobile home parks.
Mr. Ken Gentry of Mt. Vernon addressed the Council and said he had found
through a very lengthy development process that it is very difficult to scale
a mobile home park into less than 10 acres and that this proposed change would
be of great benefit to the City.
There were no comments on the 5th and 6th proposed changes which had to do
with excavation permits being issued and the Planned Unit Development section
being transferred to the subdivision ordinance and the time period for PUD
final approval being changed from nine months to three years.
Mr. Rice then declared the public hearing closed and asked for comments from
the Council. These, basically, were that they wished to study the proposals
in depth.
Mayor Rice then brought up the matter of the proposed change in the Policies
and Procedures of the City cemetery which had been previously considered and
discussed. Motion.by Mr. Kiel, seconded by Mrs. Smith, that the proposed
change which would be to set aside a section of the cemetery where upright
markers would be allowed and a $200 endowment fee charged at the time of
setting of the marker. Vote: All in favor, motion carried.
Another item which was not on the agenda was brought up by Mr. Rice. Puget
Power just recently changed their policy with regard to rental of transformers
and substations and raised the rental of the substation at the Anacortes
Water Treatment Plant from $750 per month to $2,498.78. City staff has
investigated all aspects of the problem, including the possibility of
installation of a new power line which would eliminate the substation
entirely. Mr. Rice asked Dave Ford, Public Works Director, to review the
situation for the benefit of the audience and he did so stating that a new
line would take at least 6 months, or possibly a little longer, to secure;
and so, it was his recommendation that the City purchase the present trans-
formers, based on an offer by Puget Power, for the sum of $10,564.19. This
would be a short term measure to save the City a considerable amount of
money over the next few months because of the new rental rates which are
effective immediately.
There ensued considerable discussion of the pros and cons of this proposal
and then Mr. Brown moved that the City accept staff's recommendation and
purchase the substation for the sum of $10,564.78. Seconded by Mrs. Horn.
Vote: All ayes except Mr. Young who voted no. Motion carried.
Mr. Rice advised he had received word from the State Department of Trans-
portation indicating they are going to do some resurfacing work on 12th Street
and would be putting in left turn lanes at 12th and "0". Next year, they will
be doing further improvements on 12th.
496 May 17, 1982 - - - - continued:
Another item was the proposal of the Anacortes Business Community to operate a
shuttle bus to and from the State ferry terminal which would not involve the City
actually. The ABC is discussing the possibility with the School District of
using their buses,;etc.•
Mayor Rice asked the Council to remain for an executive session to discuss land
contracts and personnel and adjourned the meeting at 9:15 p.m.
Ida Rolph, Executiv Wretary
June 7, 1982
z� A2
J s Rice, Mayor
Meeting called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor James Rice. Roll call found
present: Norm Young, Charles Kiel, Bill Coleman, Mayor Rice, Al Littlefield,
Ruth Horn, Helen Smith and Ken Brown.
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Motion by Helen Smith, seconded by Norm Young that the
minutes of the previous meeting held on May 17, 1982 be approved as if read.
Vote: All in favor, motion carried.
CORRESPONDENCE There was no correspondence to be read not pertaining to any item
not on the agenda.
CITIZEN HEARINGS Mayor Rice asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak on
any item not on the agenda and Mr. Stan Sandvik, of Publishers Paper Company,
asked for time at the end of the meeting to address the Council relative to the
proposed zoning changes affecting their property in Anacortes.
OLD BUSINESS - There was no old business to come before the Council
NEW BUSINESS - PETITION FOR VACATION Mayor Rice delcared a public hearing open
to consider a petition to vacate that portion of the 36th Street right-of-way
between Lots 18, 19 and 20, Block 25, Beale's Maple Grove Addition and the free-
way. Mr. Rice advised that since receiving the original petition, additional
request had been received to vacate the rest of the block which consists of seven
more lots owned by two different property owners. Mr. Ford, Public Works Director,
showed a view foil of the location of the right-of-way in question; stated the
area is zoned RM and, given the location in relation to the freeway, it would
not be practicable in any way to construct 36th street through from "U" Avenue to
"T" Avenue. In order to rpovide a 20 -foot access to the other lots, the petitioner
proposes to deed four feet on the alley -side to the City to be added to the
16 -foot alley right-of-way. City staff is in favor, along with the Planning
Commission, of granting the street vacation in exchange for the four feet on
the alley side with the provision that if there is any new construction on any
of the lots, the alley be paved. Mr. Ford recommended this course of action as
being a straight trade rather than any additional monies being involved. The
Planning Commission also recommended there be no parking allowed in the alley
right-of-way. There were no comments from the audience and Mayor Rice declared
the public hearing closed.
After a brief discussion, motion by Mr. Coleman, seconded by Mrs. Horn, that the
36th Street right-of-way adjacent to Block 25, Beale's Maple Grove Addition, be
;vacated with the provision that each property owner deed four feet of his land
to be added to the 16 -foot alley right-of-way at the opposite end of the subject
lots. Vote: All in favor, motion carried. Attorney Mansfield will draw up
the necessary legal documents.
AWARD OF BID ON 22ND STREET SIGNAL Mayor Rice said the following bids had been
received for installation of the traffic signal at 22nd Street: Carl Madsen
of Tacoma -$57,700; Canam Systems of Kirkland -$54,734; West Coast Electric of
Kent -$59,050; Service Electric of Woodinville -$53,200 and Signal Electric of
Kent -$50,700. The City Engineer's estimate was $53,780. Mayor Rice stated that
the City 'would have to pay $15,000 of the cost of this signal and the balance
would be paid by the State Department of Transportation. After a brief dis-
cussion, motion by Mr. Kiel, seconded by Mr. Young, that the bid be awarded to
the low bidder, Signal Electric of Kent, in the amount of $50,700. Vote: All
in favor, motion carried. Mr. Ford said he wished the Council and the public
to know that by the time the contracts are executed and the materials procured,
it probably will be some tib September before construction is actually started.
June 7, 1982 - - - -continued:
PUBLIC HEARING DATE SET - 6 YEAR STREET PLAN Mr. Rice said the earliest available
date for the required public hearing on the annual update of the City's Six -Year
Street Plan was July 6, 1982. He said he would also like to have a public hear-
ing that same date on the proposed transfer of the ambulance service from the
hospital to the City. Motion by Mr. Young, seconded by Mr. Littlefield, that
these two items be noted for public hearing on July 6, 1982. Vote: All in
favor, motion carried.
AWARD OF BID ON USED EQUIPMENT City received bids on the following used equipment:
1975 Chevelle-$106.00; 1977 Chevelle-$116.00; 1960 Ford 1/2 ton pickup --from
$111.00 to $251.50. Brief discussion indicated these bids were reasonably fair
and motion by Mrs. Horn, seconded by Mr. Coleman, that the bids we awarded to the
high bidder for each vehicle. Vote: All in favor, motion carried.
Bids were also received on a 1942 Ward LaFrance crash truck as follows: $200.;
$50.50 and $26.00. Mr. Rice said there had been interest shown in preserving
this vehicle as an antique rather than selling it. Fire Chief Little advised
the truck ran well and needed only a battery. The pumping unit would not work,
but otherwise it could be used for display and in parades, etc. Motion by Mr.
Littlefield, seconded by Mr. Borwn, that the City keep this vehicle as an antique.
Vote: All in favor, motion carried.
AWARD OF BID ON EXTRICATOR (RESCUE TOOL) Fire Chief Little announced that two
bids had been received for this piece of equipment which is used, primarily, for
extricating accident victims tra-ped in vehicles, but can be also used for many
other purposes. The bids were: Sea Western, Inc. of Kirkland --$8884.23 and Fire
Control Northwest of Bellevue --$9,505.12. Both bids are in excess of the amount
budgeted for this tool which had been expected, and the Fire Department will provide
the difference from pledge funds and paramedic donation funds. Motion by Mr.
Coleman, seconded by Mrs. Smith that the City accept the low bid from Sea
Western, Inc. in the amount of $8,884.23. Vote: All in favor, motion carried.
the audience who had not attended the Council study sessions on this matter to give
their comments. Mr. Doyle Geer , 2408 32nd Street, addressed the Council. With
five small children, Mr. Geer said he did not wish the additional traffic and
did not wish to see the area where he resides disturbed. Mr. Tim Vogel, 4509
Kingsway, was also concerned about the increased amount of traffic stating the
ferry traffic would soon learn about the route and avoid Oakes Avenue. Mr.
Herb Pearson, 2012 10th Street, detailed the reasons why an alternate route
was needed, but indicated the Havekost and Marine View Drive would be viable
as an alternate being only 1.4 miles longer and would take only a little over
a minute longer to travel from the west end to the east end of Anacortes, or
another alternative would be to use dedicated street presently existing. Mr.
Pearson pointed out that to go the 32nd Street route would entail a great deal
of expense because there would be a lot of rock to go through, two swamps to
traverse, several bad curves, etc. Being unpaved, the road would be very dusty;
he questioned whether there might be deed restrictions which might prevent an
arterial going through the watershed or parklands; he said it possibly would
upset the drainage pattern and after cutting down the necessary trees, there
could be a windfall problem. He felt people who reside in Skyline should be
encouraged to use the Marine View Drive route and a panel appointed by the
Council to study the alternatives. His comments were well received by the
Mr. Dick Dildine, 1211 6th Street, said he agreed with Mr. Pearson on many of
his comments; and that the effect on the watershed land would cause trouble in
the future. He said the City would be donating 15 acres of public land and
spending a lot of money to benefit only the residents of the west end. It was
Mr. Dildine's opinion that access thorofares should be constructed by the
developers as they open the areas. At the present time, West 2nd, 3rd or 4th
could be opened without too much expense; the proposed 32nd Street route is a
mis-use of public funds.
Nick Petrish, 1907 9th Street, said he felt the approach should be to alleviate
the problem, but 32nd would only serve a small number of people for a long
time. His alternative would be to install left turn lanes on 12th Street and
on Oakes Avenue. He said the people who were supposed to use this expensive
32nd Street route would drive over it once and never use it again if it were
not paved. His comments were well received by the audience.
498 June 7, 1982 - - - - continued:
Bobbie Griesel, 4513 Kingsway, also said it would be a misuse of public funds
and it was her opinion that the people residing in Skyline did not want the
route to be as proposed out 32nd Street.
Don Weiland, 2301 32nd, said he did not have an opinion pro or con on the
particular issue, but if it were put in, he felt the Council should consider
eliminating one or two City department head positions and use the money paid
them and also consider using the facilities and manpower of the State National
Guard to put in the road.
Francis Orr, 1617 32nd, asked whether there was trust land involved and, if so,
what conditions might be attached thereto. He also asked how the project would
be funded; whether it might entail a bond issue and, regarding the increased
traffic, had a safety engineering study been made to determine the ramifications
involved. It was his opinion that opening 32nd would be like opening a
"Pandora's Box"; there would not only be the initial costs, but large ongoing
maintenance costs including additional costs for police protection of the
roadway. As an alternative, Mr. Orr suggested taking a look at making 12th
Street 3 lanes - 2 eastbound and 1 westbound.
Mayor Rice asked for comments from the Council and Mr. Kiel said that many pro-
vocative questions had been raised which appeared to need answering. He
suggested a citizen's committee be formed to look at the matter for a couple of
months which could bring additional information and recommendations to the
Council for their consideration rather than the Council feeling it was mandatory
that something be done immediately. He reiterated this statement in the form
of a motion and it was seconded by Mr. Brown. Mr. Brown said he felt the
study should also include 41st Street as well as 32nd. Under the question,
Councilman Coleman asked to speak and said that if there was a bad fire in
the undeveloped land in question, there would be no way to get a fire truck
there; he did not feel there were any covenants attached to any of the property
that would prevent the road going through (this was confirmed by Mr. Ford);
and the longer the City waits, the more the project is going to cost; that
the matter has been studied for a long time and now is the time to do something
about it.
Mr. bildine again asked the Council to delay action; Mrs. Horn and Mr. Brown
indicated they felt the road should be platted through the right-of-way already
acquired so it cannot be blocked again. Mrs. Horn read a letter from Les
Johnson in which he said he felt there was a need for improving transportation
to and from the west end and that certain improvements could be made to the
12th Street/Oakes Avenue route, but he felt 32nd Street should eventually
extended west to tie into both Anacopper Mine Road and Kingsway, even though
that route had its shortcomings. At this point, Mr. Brown withdrew his second
to Mr. Kiel's motion, and the motion died for lack of a second.
Motion was then made by Mr. Coleman, seconded by Mr. Young, that the City take
the advice of the Engineering Department and designate 32nd Street, "B" route"
as the east -west end route and proceed with the development. Before the vote,
Mr. Kiel commented he felt the Council was doing some long-range planning
based on short-range thinking. Vote: Ayes --Brown, Young, Coleman, Horn,
Smith. No --Kiel, Littlefield. Motion carried.
SHUTTLE BUS PROPOSAL Pauline Ford addressed the Council on behalf of the
Anacortes Business Community and asked the City consider entering into a
contractual agreement with the Anacortes School District to enable the ABC
to operate a shuttle bus from downtown Anacortes to the State Ferry Docks.
She stated the School Board has indicated they are willing to enter into
such an agreement. Attorney Mansfield said this would be legal, but it would
probably obligate the City to reimburse the School District for their costs
unless there was a written guarantee agreement between the City and the
ABC wherein the ABC would hold the City harmless for these costs. There
followed discussion which resulted in the matter being continued to next
Monday night, with the meeting also being continued, in order to accomplish
the necessary proposals prior to the date the State's new schedules go into
Mr. Stan Sandvik then addressed the Council stating he had not received the
notices concerning the proposed changes in the City's zoning ordinance which
would effect the property owned by Publishers Forest Products adjacent to the
urban renewal area. He thanked Councilwoman Smith for letting him know of the
proposed changes. Mr. Sandvik was informed the Council was still studying the
proposals and he would be notified when they would be taking action.
Mr. Rice announced he had appointed Gayle Davis to the Parks and Recreation
Advisory Commission and that June was Food Bank Month in Anacortes. He urged
all residents to support the drive for food for the needy of the community.
This drive is being sponsored by the Olympic Bank and will be handled by the
Salvation Army.
June 7, 1982 - - - - continued:
Mr. Rice thanked the audience for their comments on the 32nd Street issue and
said he did not appreciate the comments made by City employee Weiland suggesting
two City staff be eliminated; for his information, department head's salaries
had been cut by some $10,000 the rest of this year; that he disliked discussing
personnel publicly. He then continued the meeting to Monday, June 14, 1982
ad 7:30 p.m.
Ida Rolph, Executive SePtary s Rice, Mayor
June 14, 1982 - continued meeting from June 7, 1982
Meeting called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor James Rice. Members present
were: James Rice, Norm Young, Charles Kiel, Bill Coleman, Ruth Horn and
Ken Brown. Al Littlefield and Helen Smith were absent.
The shuttle -bus proposal was discussed. Pauline Ford of the Anacortes
Business Community advised the Council that the ABC was working with
Lavina Longstaff regarding the provision of a shuttle bus service. She
thanked the City and its employees for their help and cooperation in explor-
ing alternatives.
A representative of the taxi company addressed the Council and expressed
concern over difficulty in getting parking near the ferry terminal to make
pickups. He indicated that the taxi company had no objection to the provision
of bus service to the terminal.
Council then adjourned to an executive session to discuss litigation involving
urban renewal land.
_z I �,
Stel3he Mansfield, See
etary prem am Rice, Mayor
June 21, 1982
Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor James Rice. Roll call found
present: Norm Young, Charles Kiel, Bill Coleman, Mayor Rice, Al Littlefield,
Ruth Horn, Helen Smith and Ken Brown.
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Motion by Norm Young, seconded by Charles Kiel
that the minutes of the previous meeting held on June 7, 1982 be approved as
if read. Vote: All in favor, motion carried.
CORRESPONDENCE Mayor Rice informed the Council that a letter from Dora and Jeff
Sandine of 1118 5th Ave. N., Seattle, had been received requesting to rent the
part of the upstairs of City Hall for a small custom sewing business of canvas
products for $75.00 per month. It was recommended by Mr. Coleman that this request
be discussed in the next study session of City Council, on Monday, June 28,
1982. The letter will be discussed at that time.
Mayor Rice also informed the Council that the Anacortes Womens Club had presented
a request to have the City's permission to place a wrought iron arch at the road
side park on State Route 20 just outside of the City. It was explained that the
entire cost and upkeep would be paid by donations to the Womens Club. The Womens
Club also mentioned that possibly electrical lighting might be put in at a future
date with that cost and any electrical fees to be paid by the Womens Club. After
a brief discussion, motion by Mr. Young, seconded by Mr. Coleman that the City
give their approval of placing the arch at the road side park be given. Vote:
All in favor, motion carried.
OLD BUSINESS There was no old business to come before the Council.
that the Public Hearing for the update of the 6 -year Street Plan would not be heard
as it was scheduled and advertised to be heard at the July 6, 1982 meeting.
June 21, 1982 ---- continued:
6, 1982 meeting.
LOCAL 788 - POLICE Motion by Mr. Kiel, seconded by Mr. Coleman to approve the
labor contract between the City of Anacortes and Teamster's Local 788 - Police for
the year retrocactive January 1, 1982 to December 31, 1982, to be given Resolution
No. 711. Vote: All in favor, motion carried.
TEAMSTER'S LOCAL 788 SANITATION Motion by Mr. Coleman, seconded by
Mr. Littlefield to approve the labor contract between the City of.Anacortes
and Teamster's Local 788 - Sanitation for the year retroactive January 1, 1982
to December 31, 1982, to be given Resolution No. 712. Vote: All in favor,
motion carried.
seconded by Mr. Brown to approve the labor contract between the City of Anacortes
and Local No. 1537 International Association of Firefighters for the year retro-
active January 1, 1982 to December 31, 1982, to be given REsolution No. 713.
Vote: All in favor, motion carried.
TEAMSTER'S LOCAL 788 - MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES Motion by Mrs. Horn, seconded by
Mrs. Smith to approve the labor contract between the City of Anacortes and
Teamster's Local 788 - Municipal Employees for the year retroactive January 1,
1982 to December 31, 1982, to be given Resolution No. 714. Vote: All in favor,
motion carried.
explained that the State had already recently passed a state law which addressed
the sale and discharge of fireworks within the State of Washington and that the
City should take more time researching the legality of passing such an ordinance
by the City. The City Council concurred with this recommendation.
Mayor Rice then announced that the City Council meeting would be continued to
Tuesday, June 22nd, 4:45 P.M. at the Snelson Anvil Corporation for a tour of
their facilities.
Meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.
�iirley gdah , Secretary Pro Tem
July'.6, 1982
;Jfes�Rice, Mayor
Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor James Rice. Roll call found present
Norm Young, Charles Kiel, Bill Coleman, Mayor Rice, Al Littlefield, Ruth Horn, Helen
Smith, and Ken Brown.
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Motion by Mr. Young, seconded by Mr. Brown that the minutes of the meeting of June
21, 1982 be approved as if read. All in favor, motion carried.
Planning Commission had reviewed the petition for vacation of 36th Street between
T and U Avenues and recommended to Council that the vacation be approved; and
the City Council in turn held a public hearing. Mr. Mansfield, City Attorney,
then read, by title, the ordinance vacating the 36th Street right of way between
"T" Avenue and "U" Avenue adjacent to Lots 11 through 20 of Block 25, Beale's
Maple Grove Addition to the City of Anacortes. Mr. Littlefield moved that the
Ordinance be adopted granting the vacation and given Number 1881. Mr. Young
seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes - Coleman, Littlefield, Horn, Smith, Brown, Young,
Kiel. Motion carried.
July 6, 1982 - Continued
that much time had been spent by City Council and Planning Commission on the
Zoning Ordinance amendments, and there appeared to be a consensus on all changes
except two, therefore, three separate ordinances were drawn up. Mr. Mansfield
read, by title, the first ordinance dealing with 14 amendments to the zoning
ordinance. Mr. Brown moved that this Ordinance be adopted and given ORDINANCE
NO. 1882. Mrs. Smith seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes - Littlefield, Horn, Smith,
Brown, Young, Kiel, Coleman. Motion carried.
Mr. Mansfield then read, by title, the ordinance dealing with amendments to
Section .05(b) pertaining to the size of mobile home parks. Mr. Munce informed
Mayor Rice that the maximum units for an 18 acre park would be 102. Mrs. Smith
moved that this ordinance be adopted and given ORDINANCE NO. 1884. Mrs. Horn
seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes - Horn, Smith, Brown, Kield, Coleman, Littlefield.
Nayes - Young. Motion carried.
Mr. Mansfield read by title the third ordinance amending Sections .04.9 (b) and
Section .04.9 (d) pertaining to tri-plexes and four-plexes in Residential Medium
Density zones. Mr. Munce explained that with the amendments tri and four plexes
would only be allowed in RM district under Conditional Use. Mr. Kiel moved that
this ordinance be adopted and given ORDINANCE NO. 1883. Mr. Coleman seconded the
motion. Vote: Ayes - Smith, Kield, Coleman, Littlefield. Nayes - Brown, Young,
Horn. Motion carried.
the Public Hearing on the Update of the Six Year Street Plan to be open. Mr. Dave
Ford, Director of Public Works gave background information on the program and stated
this update was for the years 1983 to 1988 and streets involved were: 1. D Avenue,
12th to 37th; 2. West End Grid System; 3. Installation of 22nd & Commercial
Signal; 4. Miscellaneous Pavement Overlays not site specific; 5. 32nd Street,
Commercial Ave. to D Avenue design and construct; 6. Connection of Anacopper Mine
Road with Clearidge Addition. The total cost from 1983 - 1988 would be 1,532,000.
Mr. Al Graber, 1152 Highway 20, Anacortes, addressed the Council stating he felt
federal, state and county funds were "practically zero" these days, and inquired
what the source of local funds would be for this project. Mr. Ford responded
that �-cent gas tax and motor vehicle tax would be available. Mr. Rice reminded
Mr. Graber that this program is something the State requires, and Mr. Ford stated
this was simply a project and not something that must be adhered to. Another
gentlemen from the audience questioned item No. 6, and Mr. Ford explained the
proposal for Anacopper Mine Road. Mr. Rice then declared the public hearing to
be closed.
Mr. Ford explained to Mr. Kiel that the West End Road had been included in the
grid system, and Mr. Coleman stated he would rather see it listed as West End
Route than "grid system". He asked that it be changed for clarity. Mr. Ford
explained, regarding D Avenue reconstruction, that property owners involved would
be meeting on July 26th to have questions answered and information passed along,
and following this, if everyone is in agreement, there would be final design and a
contract let.
Mr. Richard Dildine from the audience stated he felt it was important to emphasize
the grid system rather than the West End Road, and that the terminology should
continue as "grid system". Mrs. Horn suggested that this item be entitled West
End Road and Grid System".
Mr. Mansfield then read, by title, a resolution adopting a revised and extended
Comprehensive Street Program. Mr. Coleman moved that the resolution, with the
title change of item 2 reading West End Raod and Grid System, be adopted and given
RESOLUTION NO. 715. Motion seconded by Mrs. Horn. Vote: Ayes - Coleman,
Littlefield, Horn, Smith, Brown, Young. Nayes - Kiel. Motion carried.
declared the public hearing open to discuss possible City takeover of the ambulance
service. He explained at the pesent time Mt. Vernon and Anacortes have a 911
System but the rest of the County does not, and there has been some preliminary
discussion of making a county -wide 911 system. He also stated in the Capital Im-
provement Program adopted a year and a half ago there is an item regarding reno-
vation of existing police and fire station, and this should be done whether or
not the ambulance service is accepted by the City.
July 6, 1982 - - Continued
Mayor Rice then read a letter signed by 12 practicing physicians in Anacortes
supporting the relocation of patient transport responsibility and equipment to
the Anacortes Fire Department. He also stated there would be no voting by
Council on the proposal this evening.
Mr. Mansfield briefly explained the agreement including monies and maintenance,
billing and collection and the contract duration involved.
Mr. Ray Separovich addressed the Council stating he felt the changeover will be
a great service by the City.
Dorothy Chicoratich stated she was a former hospital board member and would want
to see 2 provisions; one that the care be equal or better; and two that there be
no increased cost to the community. She also questioned the method of billing.
Mr. Jamie Harju stated he was totally in favor of bringing the two together.
Mr. Merle Iversen inquired where the financing would come from, and that there would
be no. necessity in having aid service if it was not needed. Mr. Cecil Little,
Fire Chief, explained the various sources of funding. Dr. Hyland also discussed
the financing and explained the contract would be with Island Countyk including
Camano Island, and Skagit County.
Mr. Dennis Lavine stated he felt the medics should handle the ambulance as they are
first to the call. Mr. John Murphy, Anacortes Paramedic, explained the system of
answering emergency calls.
Mr. Al Graber questioned the City's backup system, and Mr. Murphy explained call
back system of the Fire Department.
Mr. Joe Oien commented on the paid volunteer system of the ambulance drivers and
the schedule on which they are paid, and offered information on the 1981 ambulance
expanses including wages, vehicle repairs, EMS transmission lines, gasoline, in-
surance and miscellaneous; also the amount of trips made. He informed Mr. Young
that one 1974 ambulance had 40,000 miles on it and was due for replacement; the
other 1978 had 45,000 miles but was not in need of replacement.
Mr. Wayne Olson asked if the questions he posed to the Council over a month ago
had been answered, and if so when would there be a group study session.
Mrs. Smith inquired of Mr. Oien the advantages or disadvantages of the changeover.
Mr. Oien stated one advantage would be the backup system.
Mr. Rick Wallace stated the proposed system would allow the City to gain some
paramedics and will increase the quality of service in 2 or 3 areas. He added
that the people who have provided the ambulance system have done a fine job and
have provided a great service.
Dr. Hyland stated the system needs to be more efficiently run and there is no
point in talking until there are some positive feelings for the system.
Mr. Del Compton inquired where the ambulance would be housed and Mr. Little stated
that some 1982 funds, approximately $3,000, will be to house a second ambulance.
Mr. Mike Archer, 2207 G Avenue, Anacortes, addressed the Council, stated he was
not in favor of taking over as the preliminary responsibility of the Fire Dept.
is firefighting. He then read various comments prepared to support his statements.
Mayor Rice then declared the public hearing to be closed and stated this subject
would be discussed at a study session on Monday, July 12th.
1981 CATHODIC PROTECTION PROJECT Mr. Dave Ford explained two cathodic protection
wells had been drilled to protect the City's water transmission system. The pro-
ject had been completed to the satisfacton of staff and now they were asking that
Council accept the project. Mr. Kiel moved that the project be accepted and Mr.
Young seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes - Littlefield, Horn, Smith, Brown, Young,
Kiel, Coleman. Motion carried.
July 6, 1982 - - Continued e�W�
this ordinance was a renewal of an existing franchise that Burlington Northern
has had with the City of Anacortes for the last 50 years, and involves a section
of track that serves the Port of Anacortes; there is no payment involved.
Mr. Mansfield then read the ordinance by title. Mr. Kiel moved that this ordinance
be approved and given ORDINANCE NO. 1885, Mr. Coleman seconded the motion.
Vote: Ayes - Horn, Smith, Brown, Young, Kiel, Coleman, Littlefield. Motion carried.
RESOLUTION - CHUCK WILSON Mr. Mansfield read, in full, a Resolution expressing ap-
preciation for the years of dedicated.service to the City of Anacortes by Chuck
Wilson, and wished him success and happiness in his retirement.
Mr. Mansfield then read, in full, a Resolution expressing appreciation for the
years of dedicated service to the City of Anacortes by Ida Rolph, and wished her
best wishes for a happy retirement.
Mr. Coleman moved that these resolutions be adopted and given RESOLUTION NOS. 717 and
716 respectively. Mrs. Horn seconded the motion. Vote: Smith, Brown, Young, Kiel,
Coleman, Rice Littlefield, Horn. Motion carried.
There being no further business to discuss, Mayor Rice adjourned the meeting at
9:0 P.M. and moved to executive session to discuss 1983 Union negotiations.
Cherry Monahan,Axecu e Secretary
July 19, 1982
Rice, Mayor
Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mauor James Rice. Roll Call found present:
Norm Young, Charles Kiel, Bill Coleman, Mayor Rice, Al Littlefield, Ruth Horn,
Helen Smith, and Ken Brown.
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Mr. Young moved that the minutes of the meeting of
July 6, 1982 be approved as if read. Mrs. Smith noted a correction on Page 3,
third paragraph from the bottom of the page: The second sentence should read
"Mr. Oien stated one disadvantage would be the backup system." Mr. Young then
moved that the minutes be approved as corrected. Mr. Brown seconded the motion:
Vote: Ayes - Kiel, Coleman, Littlefield, Horn, Smith, Brown, Young. Motion carried.
CORRESPONDENCE Mayor Rice read a letter received from the Department of Social'&
Health Services stating that Mr. Dean Barth has passed the State examination and
received a Certificate of Competency as a Water Treatment Plant Operator No. 1.
Mayor Rice then read two letters received from Mr. & Mrs. Ray Carpenter stating
their opposition to removal of the 10 acre maximum for mobile home parks and their
specific opposition, as abutting property owners, to Singing Hill PUD.
CITIZEN'HEARINGS Mayor Rice asked if anyone form the audience wished to speak on
any subject not on the agenda, and there was no response.
Mr. Rice declared the Public Hearing on Shoreline Master Plan Amendments .to be open.
Mr. Robert Hogg, Chairman of the Anacortes Planning Commission, addressed the
Council giving background information on the amendments proposed for the Anacortes
Shoreline Master Program. He stated a technical advisory committee was appointed
consisting of people with "all kinds of orientation"; some environmentally, some
development and some business oriented to cover a wide spectrum and who were very
much involved in the community. He went on to say this Committee worked long
and hard in making their recommendation to the Planning Commission. The recommen-
dations were then reviewed by the Planning Commission and in turn they have made
the recommendations which were now being considered by Council. If Council approves
the amendments, they will then go to the State Dept. of Ecology for approval, and
again, if approved, they will become part of the State Shoreline Master Plan.
Mr. Ian Munce then reviewed the proposed amendments.
July 6, 1982 - - continued
Mr. Mike Smith, P.O. Box 438, Anacortes, stated he was working with Mr. Richard
Stockwell on a marina proposal on Weaverling Spit and asked that if the conditional
use requirements for dredging were being taken out, would there be need to go to
the Department of Ecology for approval. Mr. Munce informed him that the Planning
Commission did not recommend removal of the conditional use requirements for
dredging. Mr. Smith reviewed the process for obtaining such a permit and the
problems involved and concluded by saying "lets have it so that once the permit
is granted locally it does not need State control". Mr. Smith also stated that
there were 6 or 7 different regulatory agencies involved in land fills and dred-
ing and he saw no need to put in an -additional -paragraph to allow.for more arg-
uments as to whether it "applies or does not" - the different regulatory agencies
can take care of that. Mr. Smith also discussed first class tide lands and set-
back requirements using ordinary high tide lines.
Mr. Hogg explained to the Council that he was strongly in favor of local control
over these matters and had argued for that, but the Planning Commission did not
agree with his point of view and he felt their reason was to have an additional
safeguard - if there is a conditional use permit then the Department of Ecology
will review it, otherwise they would not. Mr. Munce explained that the DOE reviewed
the permit administratively after being issued by the Planning Commission and that
he "was with Mr. Hogg and felt it should be done locally".
Mr. Rick Latham, 2013 L Avenue, addressed the Council stating he was a member of
the Planning Commission and he felt Mr. Smith brought up a good point in that some
of the regulations are rather technical in nature and do require certain expertise,
therefore, he would really prefer to see a safeguard of conditional use which
would allow DOE to use their "in house expertise" to look at the local actions and
concluded by saying he would hope that Council take this into consideration.
Mayor Rice then declared the public hearing to be closed. It was decided that this
item would be acted on at the next meeting.
Mr. Richard Dildine asked that the public hearing not be closed so that they may
discuss this further at the next meeting.
Mayor Rice declared the Public Hearing for Conditional Use Permit on Bayside
Condominiums to be open. He then read a telegram received from Richard Warfield,
Toad Hall, 143 Candlewyck Dr., Tacoma, urging approval of the Planning Commission
recommendation on the Conditional Use Permit.
Mr. Munce summarized the action taken by the Planning Commission and the conditions
attached to their recommendation. He stated the issue before Council was request
for approval of a conditional use permit to allow condominiums in a commercial
marine zone.
Mr. Mark Estvold, representing the developer, gave a brief description of the
proposal and displayed drawings of the 3 story units. He stated that all parking
will meet or exceed City requirements; a small on site recreation area will be
provided and also a 20' easement on the west side of the property will be provided
for public access to the beach. He added he felt this proposal was well suited
for the site due to its unique concept of being a condominium with moorage
available. Mr. Young asked if the entire length of the area would be open to
the public and Mr. Estvold responded that it would not be fenced off and they
have fulfilled City requirements. The developer, Mr. Mousel, does own the tide
Mr. Bill Morningred, 1606 D Avenue, inquired if public access meant the public
could just go to the beach and back down the 20' easement and would not be
allowed in front of the condominium owner's property. Mayor Rice explained
that they would be able to go down the 20' easement and then 60' east along
the beach if the Planning Commission recommendation is accepted.
A gentleman from the audience asked for and received confirmation that the
Planning Commission approved condominiums limited to two stories.
July 6, 1982 -- Continued
Mr. Phil Walterman, 5306 Kingsway, Anacortes, stated there were several items
he wished to address. He then read the covenants for Division 3 and a statement
which he had prepared indicating his opposition to the condominiums due to his
loss of view.
Mrs. Ada Marie Pastrana, 5406 Kingsway, addressed the Council stating she was
afraid if a variance and conditional use permit weas granted this would open the
door to further action of that sort. She bought her property knowing what the
zoning was, and it would leave her with an altered condition for the use. She
felt there was no stability and she wanted to see zoning established in the City
of Anacortes that could be counted on. She went on to say that condominiums and
residences would weaken the concept of a commercial marine area; and that she
had written a letter to the editor of the Anacortes American and hoped everyone had
read her comments.
Mr. Joe Park, 4709 Yorkshire Drive, Anacortes, stated he has plans to build a new
home about half way up the hill on Kingsway that looks directly over the spit.
He went on to say that he heard people mention scare tactics by saying what
horrible things could happen to the spit, and he felt that if this project was
"killed" sometime somebody is going to put something on that spit, and because the
spit will be a focal point from his picture window of his future home and is of
his current home, he could not think of anything he would rather look at. He added
he certainly did not want to look at any industry in that area and of all things that
could happen to this property the present proposal is the least objectionable.
Mr. Jim Anderson, 2102 10th Street, attorney representing Mr. Harold Mousel,
commented that they would not be before the Council if they had applied to build
something which was a permitted use, i.e.. hotel, marina, boat repair shop, rest-
aurant. A condominium is not a permitted use but is allowed under conditional
use, and they were not applying scare tactics, it is just a matter of fact what is
allowed. Mr. Anderson then reviewed some of the information which was brought
up at the Planning Commission meeting. Mr. Anderson concluded by saying this
proposal is in the best interest of the residents of Skyline and a condominium
is the least intensive type use of anything out there; if the condominiums are
not approved, then they will have to go back to the Planning Commission for
something that is zoned for the area.
Mr. Ed Shotwell, 5302 Kingsway, Anacortes, stated he did not want to, see any
additional housing on the spit until additional fire protection was available
in the Skyline area. He cited a boat fire which took place last year and the
problems surrounding the situation. He felt that it would be "irresponsible" to
allow additional building until there is more than one access to the Skyline area.
Mr. Robert Magill, 2010 Cove Place, Anacortes, stated he had not been informed
of any commercial enterprises onthe spit when he bought the property, and was given
some information that never materialized.
Mr. Richard Sands, 4817 Yorkshire Drive, Anacortes, said he knew exactly what
information was handed out when people purchased property in Skyline, and the
Council should not be mislead by certain individuals. Mr. Sands then handed
out several brochures, drawings and articles regarding Skyline area dating
back to 1967 for Council review. Mr. Sands also described various enterprises
which had been proposed for the spit, including a $2,000,000 convention center for
which a building permit had been applied and paid. He aldo handed out an original
price listing of property in Division 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 7 & 8 indicating an upward
change in property values. He pointed out that he had personally toured Mr. Magill
around the property and Mr. Magill got everything he had available and had full
knowledge of the spit and what was available. Mr. Sands added that public access
through privately owned land should be done at the time of platting, not after.
Mr. Richard Dildine, 1211 6th Street, Anacortes stated the present zoning is
Commercial Marine and while condominiums are permitted with a conditional use
permit this means the conditions set by the residents of that area. If it is
decided to have public access this should be attached to the permit.
Mr. Latham addressed the Council stating he thought there was a need for some
explanation for their recommendation; they recognized that this use would have
some effect on the view, and also recognized that the Shoreline Master Program
indicated preservation of view of residential properties should be maintained;
this is why they attached the conditions. The presentation in the E.I.S. shows
no car ports and it was felt they would obstruct somewhat from this open view
corridor. The two story limitation was also attached for preservat on of view.
506 July 6, 1982 -- Continued
Mr. Latham commented this is what he liked about conditional use; that these
conditions can be attached to the permit to mitigate some of the impact. He added
he agreed with Mr. Sands regarding public access at the time of platting, but this
was not done in this particular area and now this is the only opportunity the Council
has to obtain waterfront access. Mr. Latham concluded by saying he felt the
Planning Commission made a mistake by attaching certain conditions to the Shoreline
permit and not attaching the same conditions to the Conditional Use Permit. He
asked that Council consider those conditions attached to the Shoreline Permit
and if they seem reasonable, they also attach them to the Conditional Use Permit
under the zoning ordinance.
Mr. Jim Anderson stated he could not say with certainty that they will not come
back to attempt to raise project from 2 stores to 3. He asked that Council not
put that limitation on them. He asked that Council approve the projec as re-
quested for a conditional use permit; they would not like to be double -restricted
by attaching same conditions as on the Shoreline Permit.
Mr. Walterman again addressed the Council commenting that he had talked to the
title office and looked into records and Division 3 was the only area with height
Mayor Rice then declared the public hearing to be closed.
Mr. Charles Kiel then moved that the Conditional Use Permit as requested in the
application be approved with the following conditions: a) the proposed easement
be expanded 40' along the waterfront; and b) all plans for utilities, landscaping,
parking, solid waste facilities and fire protection measure are to be submitted
to the City for review and approval prior to issuance of a building permit. Mrs.
Horn seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes - Coleman, Littlefield, Horn, Smith, Brown,
Young, Kiel. Motion carried.
COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT WITH STATE PARKS Mayor Rice made reference to his letter of
July 7, 1982 and explained that the City at this time has declined to enter into
an agreement with the State of Washington for joint management of parks.
Attorney, read a resolution, by title, declaring the intention of the Council
to order the improvements of various streets within the City and to create a
Local Improvement District to assess the cost and expenses, and to set a public
hearing date of August 16, 1982 to present any objection to the proposed L.I.D.
Mayor Rice stated this would set in motion the process for L.I.D. 194 and all
property owners involved would be notified,'in writing, of the public hearing.
Mr. Coleman moved that the resolution be adopted and given RESOLUTION NO. 718.
Mr. Young seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes - Littlefield, Horn, Smith, Brown,
Young, Kiel, Coleman. Motion carried.
JULY 26, 1982 STUDY SESSION Mayor Rice informed the audience that at the study
session on Monay, July 26 Mr. Ben Meyers and Mr. Gary Ravetto will be showing
a film on general aviation for those who may be interested. This study session
will also have D Avenue reconstruction on the agenda.
There being no further business to discuss, Mayor Rice adjourned the meeting
at 9:40 P.M.
Cherry Mon n, xecutive Secretary Jzmes Rice, Mayor
August 2, 1982
Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor James Rice. Roll Call found
present: Norm Young, Bill Coleman, Al Littlefield, Ruth Horn, Helen Smith
and Ken Brown. Councilman Kiel arrived shortly after roll call was taken.
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Mr. Young moved that the minutes of the meeting
of July 19, 1982 be approved as if read. Mr. Coleman seconded the motion.
Vote: Ayes - Coleman, Littlefield, Horn, Smith, Brown, Young, Kiel. Motion
CORRESPONDENCE Mayor Rice read a letter received from Mona Myer requesting that
the Council reexamine the lifting of the ten acre maximum limit for mobile home
parks. Bill Rockwell addressed the Council and said that he would raise the
issue with the Planning Commission since an amendment of the current zoning
code would require a,Planning Commission public hearing as well as the City Council
public hearing.
Mayor Rice then read a letter from the Anacortes Community Theater group requesting
a contribution by the City Council out of the hotel -motel tax fund to help defray
the cost of renovation of the Community Theater. The Council requested that
the City Attorney Mansfield look into the legality of making such a payment from
the fund.
CITIZEN HEARINGS Mayor Rice asked if anyone from the audience wished to speak
on any subject not on the agenda, and there was no response.
OLD BUSINESS The Council agreed to table action on ordinances amending the
Shoreline Master Plan until the meeting of August 16, 1982.
NEW BUSINESS - AWARD OF CHEMICAL BIDS Mrs. Smith moved that the following low
bids for the amounts indicated be accepted; Hydrated Lime - Jones Chemicals, Inc.
- $29.15 cwt, Chlorine - Jones Chemicals, Inc. - $223.00/ton, Liquid Aluminum
Sulfate - Stauffer Chemical Co. - $117.54/ton and Activated Carbon - Jones
Chemicals, Inc.
Mr. Brown seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes - Littlefield, Horn, Smith, Brown,
Young, Kiel, and Coleman. Motion carried.
BID FOR FURNACE IN MUSEUM Mr. Rice advised the Council that bids from three
separate bidders had been received for replacing a furnace in the Anacortes
Museum. The Museum Director and Mayor Rice recommended that the bid of Foss
and Company of Mount Vernon for an Amana HTM furnace be accepted in the amount
of $6,206.80. The reason for the recommendation that the bid for the Amana
HTM be accepted was because of safety, fuel economy, and the flexibility of later
modifications. The system features remote combustion (outside of the building),
preventing gas from entering the building and the furnace does not use the
decaying present chimney as a vent. Discussions with Cascade Natural Gas
indicate a substantial fuel bill savings by the use of the Amana HTM. Also, a
hot water heating system can be added at a minimal cost at a later time with the
Amana HTM. Mr. Coleman moved that the bid of Foss and Company for the Amana
HTM Furnaces be accepted in the amount of $6,206.80. Mrs. Smith seconded the
motion. Vote: Ayes - Horn, Smith, Brown, Young, Kiel, Coleman and Littlefield.
Motion carried.
City Attorney, read a resolution, by title, authorizing execution of an Agreement
between the City of Anacortes and Anacortes School District No. 103 for the
development and maintenance of a recreational facility in the area known as
"Smiley's Bottom". Mrs. Horn moved that the resolution be adopted and given
Resolution No. 719. Mr. Young seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes - Smith, Brown,
Young, Kiel, Coleman, Littlefield, and Horn. Motion carried.
open on Amendments to the Anacortes Zoning Code which would allow for Bed and
Breakfast Establishments to exist within all zones in the City of Anacortes.
Mayor Rice reviewed the amendment which would provide for Bed and Breakfast
Establishments to be allowed by conditional use following Planning Commission and
City Council hearing.
August 2, 1982 - - Continued
Margaret Murphy of 1020 E Avenue spoke form the audience and indicjted that hse
was in favor of the amendment and feels that residential zones must be adequately
protected. She was concerned that provision be made for adequate parking, that
there be strict controls established, that these bed and breakfast establishments
do not compete with motels, that a maximum three day stay be provided for and
that the size and location of signs be closely controlled.
John Prosser of 1301 6th Street addressed the Council and indicated that he
was strongly in favor of the proposed amendment.
Alice Perry of Anacortes indicated that she had worked on a Bed and Breakfast
proposal on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce and she had done a great deal
of research and felt that Bed and Breakfast Establishments would be very beneficial
to the community.
Mr. Mansfield advised the Council that provision could be made in the ordinance to
allow for some administrative approvals and controls if the Council wished.
Mrs. Smith expressed concern about the definition of "3 Family Unit", as proposed.
Mayor Rice then closed the public hearing.
The City Attorney, Steve Mansfield, was instructed to draft a proposed ordinance
to submit to the City Council at their meeting of August 16, 1982.
APPOINTMENTS TO MUSEUM BOARD Mayor Rice announced the following appointments to
the Anacortes Museum Board: Stephen Gerwells, Iry Rydberg, and Pru Oakes. The
outgoing Museum Board members are: Robert Morris, Martha Clure, and Preston
Holton. Mr. Rice expressed appreciation to those outgoing members for their
contribution to the community and to the Museum Board and expressed special apprec-
iation to Preston Holton who was in the audience. Mr. Holton received a round of
applause upon his recognition by Mayor Rice.
to state for the record that he had made the motion to grant a conditional use
permit for the proposed Bayside Condominiums at the last meeting. In his motion
he had not included as conditions attached to the conditional use permit all
of the restrictions contained inthe Shoreline Substantial Development Permit
issued by the Planning Commission, such as limiting the project to two stories
in height, disallowing carports between the structures and providing access to
the water. Mr. Kiel indicated that in not adding those conditions to the con-
ditional use permit he was not indicating to the Planning Commission his support
for any change in the Shoreline Permit granted.
Mr. Coleman expressed his agreement with Mr. Kiel's position.
STUDY SESSION Mayor Rice reminded the audience that a study Session of the Council
would be held on August 9, 1982 and the main topic of discussion would be the
6 Year Park Improvement Program.
With no further business to discuss, Mayor Rice adjourned the meeting and asked
the City Attorney, Steve Mansfield, to be Acting Secretary.
Steve Mansfield, cretary Pro Tem James Rice, Mayor
August 16, 1982
Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor James Rice. Roll call found
present: Noim Young, Bill Coleman, Charlie Kiel, Al Littlefield, Ruth Horn,
Helen Smith, and Ken Brown.
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Mr. Coleman moved that the minutes of the previous
meeting on August 2, 1982 be approved as if read. Mrs. Smith seconded the motion.
vote: Ayes - Kiel, Coleman, Littlefield, Horn, Smith, Brown, Young. Motion
CORRESPONDENCE There was no correspondence read.
CITIZEN HEARINGS Mayor Rice asked if anyone form the audience wished to speak on
any subject not on the agenda, and there was no response.
OLD BUSINES - BED & BREAKFAST ORDINANCE City Attorney Stephen Mansfield read
the Ordinance Title: An ordinance amending Section .02, definition of terms, of
the comprehensive zoning ordinance and adding Section .20.2 in providing for
bed and breakfast establishments. Mayor Rice asked if anyone from the audience
would like to comment on this item. Margaret Murphy of 1020 E Avenue aksed if
the ordinance provided adequate protection for the residential zones. Attorney
Mansfield replied that it did. Mayor Rice added that additional use permits
would be required, fire inspections, and building inspections, and hearing with
City Council would be required before each permit could be accepted. There were
no comments from Council. Mrs. Horn moved that the ordinance be adopted and given
Ordinance No. 1887. Mr. Young seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes - Coleman,
Littlefield, Horn, Smith, Brown, Young, Kiel. Motion carried.
Dave Ford informed Council that last year City Council had awarded a contract for
the Padilla Heights Cathodic Protection Program, but because of budget restric-
tions elected to eliminate one 300 foot deep well and post mounted rectifier as-
sembly. That deletion reduced the contract amount by $18,450.60. Several weeks
ago the Engineering Department requested written quotes in accordance with state
law for the construction of this cathodic protection deep well, from all bidders
on last year's bid. One quote was received from Norton Corrosion Ltd. of Woodinville,
Washington for $18,203.15 including Washington State sales tax. Staff recommended
that the quote be accepted and a contract be executed with Norton Corrosion Ltd.
Mayor Rice noted that the amount was over $200 less than last year's bid amount.
Mr. Kiel moved that the quote be accepted and a contract between the City and
Norton Corrosion Ltd. be executed. Mr. Coleman seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes -
Littlefield, Horn, Smith, Brown, Young, Kiel, Coleman. Motion carried.
requested that Council pass a resolution to continue for another six months the
Urban Renwal interest-bearing warrant with Skagit State Bank in the amount of
$450,000 at around ll�% interest rate. After Discussion Mrs. Smith moved that
the resolution be adopted and given Resolution No. 720. Mr. Brown seconded the
motion. Vote: Ayes - Horn, Smith, Brown, Young, Kiel, Coleman, Littlefield.
Motion carried.
PUBLIC HEARING - L.I.D. 194 Engineering Supervisor James Pemberton reported that
a study session was.held and questions were answered at that time regarding LID
194; that notice had been sent to all property owners involved advising them
to either contact the City by mail or by attending this Council meeting of any
objections they might have. Mr. Pemberton also advised that if Council elected
to proceed with the LID as has been prepared that a maximum 30 day protest period
would be set into action. Finance Director Khtaian reported that the LID's would
be between 14-15% and that the revenue bond would run approximately 1% less, and
the GO bonds would run 1% less than that. Mr. Young asked if there was any ceiling
on the interest rate and Mr. Rice replied that there was none. Mr. Kiel asked
MX. Pemberton how much it would cost per lineal foot; Mr. Pemberton replied between
$10-$11 per lineal foot. Mr. Rice explained that the City would do it in the
intersections and the other areas were up to the individual property owners.
Mr. Young then asked how much it would cost for people who wanted to extend their
driveways to which Mr. Pemberton replied that it would be almost double the actual
assessment price.
Mrs. Lindquist from the audience asked why 2nd & 3rd on "Q" Avenue were not paved.
ML'. Pemberton replied that no one had requested that those streets be paved
and that it would be up to the Port to waive their restrictions in that area as
well as -100% of the property owners in that area who would be affected.
51 August 16, 1982 - - Continued
City Attorney Mansfield read the ordinance to Council. Mr. Kiel moved that
the ordinance be adopted and given Ordinance No. 1886. Mrs. Smith seconded
the motion. Vote: Ayes - Smith, Brown, Young, Kiel, Coleman, Littlefield,
Horn. Motion carried.
REQUEST FOR CONTINUANCE The meeting will be continued to August 23, 1982 at 8:00
P.M. to handle matters relating to IRB issue for Snelson-Anvil.
Mayor Rice publicly thanked Ralph Edwards for improving the sound system in the
Council Chambers and for saving the City several thousand dollars for this
volunteer work.
6 -YEAR PARK IMPROVEMENT PLAN Mayor Rice declared a Public Hearing open on
the 6 -Year Park Improvement Plan. Park Director Steve Colby explained the
background of the Plan, the public meetings, and final draft plan that had been
accepted by the Park Board to be presented to City Council. Mr. Colby pointed
out that the Smiley's Bottom improvements would be included in the 1983 budget.
Mr. Pres Holdton, 2320 11th Street, expressed his concern that the burden of
traffic caused by these additional ball fields would not be carried by those
who live on 12th Street. Mr. Holten suggested that perhaps 15th could be extended
and that the way the fields were laid out could be amended to allow for that access
change. Mayor Rice expressed his concern and that more study would be done to
see if another access to the fields could be made. A resolution will be drafted
for final approval at the September 7th meeting.
Mayor Rice noted that the next regular Council meeeting will be held Tuesday,
September 7, 1982 as Monday, September 6, 1982 is a public holiday.
Meeting adjourned at 8:05 P.M.
Ahirley Eeahl�ecreta�iy Pro -Tem
Continued Meeting - August 23, 1982
James Rice, Mayor
Meeting called to order at 8:00 P.M. by Mayor James Rice. Roll call found
present: Norm Young, Charles Kiel, Bill Coleman, Mayor Rice, Al Littlefield,
Ruth Horn, Helen Smith and Ken Brown.
BONDS Consideration by Council was given to the action of the City of Anacortes
Economic Development Corporation on issuance of Industrial Revenue Bonds for
Snelson Anvil. Mr. Steve Mansfield, City Attorney, then read a REsolution, by
title, approving issuance and sale of industrial development bonds by the City
of Anacortes Economic Development Corporation for Snelson-Anvil, Inc. to provide
funds to finance certain industrial development facilities for Snelson-Anvil, Inc.
in the City of Anacortes.
Mr. Coleman moved that this resolution be adopted and given RESOLUTION NO. 721.
Mr. Littlefield seconded the motion. Vote: All in favor, motion carried.
AGENCY. Mr. Mansfield read, by title, a Resolution approving the City of
Anacortes Economic Development Corporation as the recognized planning agency
for the issuance and sale of bonds to finance certain industrial facilities
for Snelson Anvil, Inc. in Anacortes.
Mr. Kiel moved that this resolution be adopted and given RESOLUTION NO. 722.
Mr. Young seconded the motion. Vote: All in favor, motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 P.M.
Ian Munce, Secretary Pro Tem J m Rice, Mayor
September 7, 1982
Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor, James Rice. The
invocation was given by Pastor Hilary Bitz of the Ancortes Lutheran
Roll call found present: Norm Young, Charles Kiel, Bill Coleman,
Mayor James Rice, Al Littlefield, Ruth Horn, Helen Smith, Ken Brown.
Minutes of August 16th and August 23rd Meeting
Mr. Coleman moved that minutes of both meetings be approved as if
read. Mrs. Horn seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes - Kiel, Coleman,
Littlefield, Horn, Smith, Brown. Motion carried.
There was no correspondence received.
Citizen Hearings
Mrs. Juddie Murphy addressed the Council stating she represented the
American Association of University Women and wanted to present the
Council with updated precinct maps of both Anacortes and Skagit County.
Mrs. Murphy explained some of the changes that had been made and gave
the maps to Council.
Old Business - Shoreline Master Plan Revisions
Mr. Ian Munce, Planning Director, explained the proposed Amendments
3 and 4 to the Anacortes Shoreline Master Plan recommended to Council
by the Planning Commission. He then read a letter received from
Rochelle Wallace, 818 25th Street, Anacortes expressing her support
of the recommendation by Planning Commission to retain the conditional
use requirements for landfills and dredging. Mr. Steve Mansfield,
City Attorney, then read by title a proposed ordinance amending the
Anacortes Shoreline Master Plan. Mr. Ken Brown moved that the pro-
posed amendments be incorporated into the Anacortes Shoreline Master
Plan and the ordinance be adopted and given ORDINANCE NO. 1888.
Mrs, Ruth Horn seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes - Coleman, Littlefield,
Horn, Smith, Brown, Young. Abstained - Kiel. Motion carried.
Resolution Adopting 6 -Year Park Program
Mr. Steve Mansfield, City Attorney, read a Resolution by title ad-
opting the Six Year Capital Improvement Program for the Anacortes
Parks Department. Mayor Rice stated that concern had been expressed
at the public hearing on this Park Program regarding the effect
the ball field would have on 15th Street. He asked that the Council
and public offer any input they may have on the City taking necessary
steps with regard to 15th Street right of way acquisition. Mr. Young
then moved that the resolution adopting the Six Year Capital Improve-
ment Program for the Parks Department be approved and given RESOLUTION
NO. 723. Mr. Coleman seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes - Littlefield,
Horn, Smith Brown, Young, Kiel, Coleman. Motion carried.
Mayor Rice addressed the audience stating that he had appointed
Mr. Jim Pemberton to fill the position of public works supervisor
and with the retirement of Ida Rolph and Chuck Wilson, who were not
replaced, there was a savings to the City of approximately $55,000;
however, this savings may be "eaten up" with the added cost of medical
benefits for City staff which is expected to increase 40o next year.
Mayor Rice went on to say that in order to increase revenue funds,
The Council may have to consider adopting a z� gas tax. Public
hearing will be held on this matter so that citizens may offer their
Mayor Rice stated the next study session would be held at the Anacortes
Public Library on Monday, September 13th, and the public is invited
to attend.
Mayor Rice explained that a Downtown Revitalization Plan has been
performed by University of Washington Students, and at the Council
meeting of September 20th the Council will be asked to consider an
application for State Grant to implement suggested improvements made
in the Plan such as repairs of sidewalks, streets, storm sewers, etc.
September 7, 1982 Cont.
Mayor Rice stated a vacancy --on -the Planning ' Commission had been created
after Mr. Otis Pihurn. resigned and he had appointed Pyr. Ken Kinzel
to fill this vacancy.
Mrs. Ruth Horn stated she wished at this time to nominate Mr. Norm
Young as Mayor Pro -Tem. Mr. Littlefield seconded the motion. Mr. Kiel
then nominated Mr. Coleman. There was no second to the nomination
and Mr. Coleman asked that his name be withdrawn. Vote on Mrs. Horn's
nomination. Ayes - Horn, Smith, Brown, Kiel, Coleman, Littlefield.
Abstained - Young. Motion carried.
There being no further business to discuss, Mayor Rice adjourned the
meeting at 7:50 P.M.
Cherry Monahan, Executive Secretary Ja eice, Mayor
September 20, 1982
Meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor James Rice. Roll
call found present: Norm Young, Charles Kiel, Bill Coleman, Al
Littlefield, Ruth Horn, Helen Smith, Ken Brown.
Mr. Kiel moved that the minutes of the meeting of September 7th be
approved with one correction; that being on page 1, last paragraph,
7th line: The wording "z� gas tax" should be corrected to read
sales tax". Mrs. Horn seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes - Kiel,
Coleman, Littlefield, Horn, Smith, Brown, Young. Motion carried.
There was no correspondence.
Mayor Rice at this time read a proclamation declaring the month of
October 1982 as United Way month, and urged all the citizens of
Anacortes to participate in the drive. Mr. Steve Mansfield, City
Attorney, and Mr. Dennis Lensegrav, Manager of Puget Sound Power
and Light Co., are participating as co-chairman of the United Way
Drive in Anacortes.
Mrs. Margaret Murphy, 1020 E Avenue, Anacortes, addressed Council
stating the television program on Mr. Paul Luvera and his totem pole
carving is being aired at another time than origianlly set, and she
asked that the people of Anacortes watch for the new time scheduling
so they will not miss the program.
Mayor Rice declared the public hearing to be open for a bed and
breakfast conditional use permit. He explained the application for
operating a bed and breakfast establishment had been submitted by
Mr. Gary Van Luven, 2.902 Oakes Avenue; and the Planning Commission
has reviewed the application and recommended to Council the Permit
be granted.
Mr. John Prosser, 1301 6th Street, Anacortes, submitted to Council
a list of names of residents living within 600' of Mr. Luven's
residence who stated they were not opposed to a bed.and breakfast
establishment at 2902 Oakes Avenue.
Mr. Dennis Lensegrav, 2905 Oakes Avenue, addressed Council stating
that Mr. Van Luven has been a very good neighbor and he did not see
a problem with a bed and breakfast establishment at Mr. Van Luven's
September 20, 1982 Cont.
Mrs. Juddie Murphy stated she had been in Mr. Van Luven's house 22
years ago and she felt it was a "marvelous" place for Bed & Breakfast
establishment. Mrs. Murphy added she thought it would be wise to
add a condition that a business license be required.
Mayor Rice stated there is a $50 fee for the permit and the establish-
ment is subject to review every year. He then declared the public
hearing to be closed. It was noted that the parking would be in the
rear of the residence and the Fire Department will check the safety
of the residence.
Mayor Rice declared the public hearing open on the application of
Conditional Use Permit for a microwave tower submitted by General
Telephone Company. Mayor Rice expalined the tower was to be con-
structed at 5th & O Avenue where General Telephone offices are presently
located, and that this request had been reviewed at a Planning Com-
mission meeting where they received one written and three verbal
objections to the proposed tower. The Planning Commission recommended
that Council grant the permit.
A petition signed by 23 residents of the area stating their objection
to the construction of a tower within their community was presented
to Council.
Mr. Mike CAllero, 1117 4th Street, addressed Council stating he felt
that General Telephone Company should,have spent more time looking
for another placeto construct their tower as it would not look
good at the 5th Street location.
Mrs. Carol Hove, 516 O Avenue, stated she lived next to the Telephone
Company offices and the noise made her life "miserable"; and went
on to state various problems she felt were created by the Telephone
Company. Mrs. Hove concluded by stating she felt the tower should
be constructed somewhere in the industriallarea.
Mr. David Moore, 1112 5th Street, stated he felt the Telephone Company
should have been more communicative regarding this matter.
Mr. Herb Pearson, 2012 10th Street, asked if there would be any
radiation hazard produced from the tower,, and he was assured by a
representative of the Telephone Company they had acquired all permits
necessary and the conditional use permit addresses the electro magnetic
radiation levels produced by this tower and it would be 100 times less
than accepted by OSHA and WISHA standards for electro- magnetic ex-
posure. The representative also explained that a previous,applic-
ation submitted to the Planning Commission was for another type of
tower, and this application is a compromise between strength and
Mr.Young inquired if there was any reason why the tower had to be
in this location and was informed by the representative that it was
primarily economics and if it were to be placed remote from Anacortes
it would increase the costs. He explained also that the tower was
to allow for future growth.
Mayor Rice declared the public hearing to be closed.
Mr. Coleman asked if television receiptioniwould be affected anywhere
within 200' and was informed that there would be no disruption to re-
ception. Mr. Rice stated if the permit was approved there could be
a mason wall the same height as the building constructed around the
entire site.
Mr. Kiel moved that the conditional
use permit for bed and breakfast
establishment at 2902 Oakes
be granted with the condition
that a business license be
on a yearly basis. Mrs. Horn
seconded the motion. Vote:
Ayes -
Coleman, Littlefield, Horn,
Smith, Brown, Young, Kiel.
Mayor Rice declared the public hearing open on the application of
Conditional Use Permit for a microwave tower submitted by General
Telephone Company. Mayor Rice expalined the tower was to be con-
structed at 5th & O Avenue where General Telephone offices are presently
located, and that this request had been reviewed at a Planning Com-
mission meeting where they received one written and three verbal
objections to the proposed tower. The Planning Commission recommended
that Council grant the permit.
A petition signed by 23 residents of the area stating their objection
to the construction of a tower within their community was presented
to Council.
Mr. Mike CAllero, 1117 4th Street, addressed Council stating he felt
that General Telephone Company should,have spent more time looking
for another placeto construct their tower as it would not look
good at the 5th Street location.
Mrs. Carol Hove, 516 O Avenue, stated she lived next to the Telephone
Company offices and the noise made her life "miserable"; and went
on to state various problems she felt were created by the Telephone
Company. Mrs. Hove concluded by stating she felt the tower should
be constructed somewhere in the industriallarea.
Mr. David Moore, 1112 5th Street, stated he felt the Telephone Company
should have been more communicative regarding this matter.
Mr. Herb Pearson, 2012 10th Street, asked if there would be any
radiation hazard produced from the tower,, and he was assured by a
representative of the Telephone Company they had acquired all permits
necessary and the conditional use permit addresses the electro magnetic
radiation levels produced by this tower and it would be 100 times less
than accepted by OSHA and WISHA standards for electro- magnetic ex-
posure. The representative also explained that a previous,applic-
ation submitted to the Planning Commission was for another type of
tower, and this application is a compromise between strength and
Mr.Young inquired if there was any reason why the tower had to be
in this location and was informed by the representative that it was
primarily economics and if it were to be placed remote from Anacortes
it would increase the costs. He explained also that the tower was
to allow for future growth.
Mayor Rice declared the public hearing to be closed.
Mr. Coleman asked if television receiptioniwould be affected anywhere
within 200' and was informed that there would be no disruption to re-
ception. Mr. Rice stated if the permit was approved there could be
a mason wall the same height as the building constructed around the
entire site.
514_ September 20, 1982 Cont.
Mrs. Horn suggested that this matter be looked at in great depth,
and Mr. Young and Mr. Littlefield both agreed. Mayor Rice stated
this item would be.placed on the October 4th Council agenda for action.
Mr. Ian Munce, Planning Director, displayed some transparencies of
various alternatives and proposals for improving the downtown area.
Mr. Munce explained that a study had been done by University of
Washington students on the revitalization of downtown Anacortes, and
there were State grant funds available, on a competitive basis, to
implement some of the improvements posed in the study such as street
and sidewalk repairs, etc.. 11
Mayor Rice stated that it was necessary to have a public hearing on
the proposed block grant application for.funds to improve the down-
town area, and then declared the public hearing to be open.
Mr. Jerry Wallrath, 1216 15th Street, Anacortes, explained to Council
his involvement with such a program in Edmonds, Wa. and supported
the grant application for such improvements in Anacortes.
Mayor Rice stated that the approximate costs for these improvements
would be State Funds: $740,000; in kind City Engineering: $118,000;
and private funds (L.I.D.1s),$90,000.
Mr. Herb Pearson, 2012 10th Street, Anacortes, stated he is president
of Evergreen Islands, and was speaking on behalf of the group in
saying that anything which permits development of the downtown area
they were for.
Mayor Rice declared the public hearing to be closed.
Mr. Coleman moved that the downtown revitalization plan be adopted
and that the resolution authorizing application by the City of
Anacortes to the State of Washington for a Community Development
Block Grant be adopted and given RESOLUTION NO. 724. Mr. Littlefield
seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes - Littlefield, Horn, Smith, Brown,
Young, Kiel, Coleman. Motion carried.
Mr. Steve Mansfield, read by title a resolution authorizing and ap-
proving entry by the City of Anacortes into a Deferred Compensation
Plan. An insurance representative addressed Council stating why
Hartford had been chosen as a carrier for the Plan and explained how
the plan was implemented. After brief discussion, Mayor Rice stated
he will take this plan to the empyoyees for their consideration and
notify the representative of any action they wish to take.
Mayor Rice stated the City had entered into an Agreement with Puget
Sound Power & Light Co. to convert street lighting on Commercial Ave.
(12th to 36th) and R Avenue (22nd to 34th) to sodium vapor which
would mean an approximate savings to the City of $7,400 per year.
Mayor Rice informed Council that a request had been received to declarf
the old hotel on 8th & J an historic building and this matter will
be discussed at a study session on Monday, September 27th along with
proposed use for the building.
Planning Commission - MOBILE HOME PARKS
Mayor Rice stated the Planning Commission will be discussing rules
and regulations for mobile home parks at their meeting on Wednesday,
September 22nd.
Mayor Rice informed Council and audience that in attendance this
evening were a group of Anacortes High School students observing
government action.
September 20, 1982 Cont.
Mayor Rice informed the audience that the newly painted mural behind
Council seating was done by his good friend Glen Bartlett of LaConner;
the fee for the painting being paid by the.Mayor.
There being no further business to conduct, Mauor Rice adjourned the
meeting at 8:50 P.M.
Cherry .Monahan,- Executive Secretary James Mayor—
ayor_October 4, 1982
Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor, James Rice. The
.invocation was given by Todd Ferguson.
Roll call found present: Norm Young, Charles Kiel, Bill Coleman,
Al Littlefield, Ruth Horn, Helen Smith, Ken Brown.
Mr. Coleman moved the minutes of the meeting of September 20, 1982
be approved as if read. Mrs. Horn seconded the motion. Vote:
Young, Kiel, Coleman, Littlefield, Horn, Smith, Brown. Motion carried.
There was no correspondence received.
Mayor Rice explained that this subject had been reviewed by the
Planning Commission and a public hearing was held by the City Council
on September 20th. The public hearing was'closed and the matter
tabled until this meeting to allow Council to review the matter further.
Mayor Rice read .a petition received from property owners in the area
opposing the installation of the tower. He then reminded Council of
his recommendation that if the conditional use permit were approved
a condition be attached that a'wall the same height and appearance
as existing building be constructed; and he would add at this time
that the sidewalk be repaired and the alley be paved abutting General
Telephone's property.
Mr. Preston Holton addressed the Council stating he personally felt
the proposed site for the tower was the most appropriate.
Mr. Mike Callero, 1017 4th Street, stated he had received a letter
from General Telephone and, even though it'was late, he appreciated
hearing from them; although he felt it was'still up to Council to
decide whether the community was more important or General Telephone.
Rev. Melvin Brown, 1115 5th Street, addressed the Council stating
he felt the property values would be lessened by placing the micro-
wave tower in this area; there may possibly be a potential health
hazard involved; and there were other buildings which were much
more compatible for the area.
Mr. Littlefield stated he would go along with the construction of a
wall as a condition to approval of the permit. Mrs. Hove, 516 0
Avenue, commented this would cover some of the generator noise also.
Mayor Rice stated he hoped that if Council agreed to approve the permit
with the condition of the wall that the texture of the wall be such
that it would inhibit the noise.
Mr. Kiel inquired what factors were involved with locating the tower
in the industrial area and bringing signal'to office downtown. Mr.
Skip Tennis, representing General Telephone, stated that radio equip-
ment would have to be located within 200' of the antenna and then all
channels and trunks from that location would have to come back to
central office, so there was a matter of economics involved. Mr. Tennis
also handed brochures to the Council which indicated they were within
OSHA health and safety standards.
IS Oct. 4, 1-982 Cont.
Mrs. Horn asked what effect the tower may have on a pacemaker, and
Mr. Tennis stated it would have less than a microwave oven.
Mr. Kiel moved that the conditional use permit be granted with the
conditions that the proposed wall be raised to the same height as
the building and constructed to match the.exterior of the building;
the wall be of such material or texture as to minimize further any
possible noise; the alley abutting General Telephone's property be
paved and; the sidewalk at the entrance of the alley be replaced.
Mrs. Smith seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes - Coleman, Littlefield,
Smith, Brown, Kiel. Nayes - Horn, Young. Motion carried.
Mr. Kiel stated at this time that this is an area where both
residential and.commercial property are interfaced and if General
Telephone wants the tower bad enough they will have to make these
Mayor Rice explained that a request from the Anacortes Women's Club
had been submitted to change authorized location of an arch from
City Limit roadside park to City property located'at the "Y" of
Sunset Avenue & Ferry Terminal,Road.
Dave Ford, Director of Public Works, stated if the intersection is
someday upgraded to meet a design to control sight distance, etc.
then the property would have to be utilized in the construction and
the arch would have to be placed somewhere else. For the present
there are no short range plans to do anything. He added the property
is utilized for excess parking by ferry traffic and there is the
possibility that the arch may became damaged.
Mr. Young noted that the Park Dept. has long range plans for care
of this property and possibly the Woemn's Club would like to assume
this responsibility. Mr. Young then moved that permission be
granted to the Women's Club for installation of an arch at the "Y"
intersection of Sunset Avenue and Ferry Terminal Road with the con-
dition that the onus for any damages to the arch be with the Women's
Club and, in the event the City will want to utilize the property for
other purposes, the expenses incurred in the removal of the arch will
be borne by the Women's Club. Mrs. Smith seconded the motion.
Vote: Ayes - Littlefield, Horn, Smith, Brown, Young, Kiel, Coleman.
Motion carried.
Mayor Rice stated this request for rezone would be a public hearing,
and he then declared the hearing to be open. He explained the re-
quest for rezone was for lots 1-6 and k of 7, Block 2, Beales Maple
Grove Addition located on the SW corner of 34th and Commercial; and
the request is to rezone from Residential Medium Density to Commercial„
He further stated there were no negative comments or protests received
regarding this zone change. There were no comments from the audience
and Mayor Rice declared the public hearing to be closed.
Mr. Kiel inquired if it was possible to set aside lots on which the
house is not located and sell them separately; it was determined
that this could be done.
After brief discussion Mrs. Smith moved that the application for
rezone from Residential Medium to Commercial be approved as requested.
Mr. Young seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes - Horn, Smith, Brown,
Young, Kiel, Coleman, Littlefield. Motion carried.
Mr. Munce, Planning Director, explained that the request for a
landmark designation was nothing more than opening up the conditional
use process, and if some time in the future the building were to be
ra zed the designation would pose no problem.
Mr.Young stated the building itself is in horrible condition and he
could not conceive anyone putting much money into it; he felt it would
have a devastating impact on the neighborhood to use the building
for apartments and shops which had been indicated by a potential
owner. Mrs. Horn commented at present it is not a good looking building.
Oct. 4, 1982
Mr. Richard Dildine stated the building was there before the people
who live in the area now.
Mr. Tim Boles, Museum Director, addressed Council stating it is un-
likely that.anyone would purchase the building for a single family
residence. He showed Council a photograph taken of the hotel in
1890 standing alone; and suggested it would be appropriate that this
building be given a landmark designation.
Mrs. Horn moved that the resolution designating the Anacortes Hotel
Building as a landmark building be adopted and given RESOLUTION
NO. 725. Mr. Littlefield seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes - Smith,
Brown, Kiel, Coleman, Littlefield, Horn. Nay - Young. Motion carried.
Mayor Rice stated that Mr. Phil Gere has been appointed to the
Park Board to fill the position left vacant by Mr. Bob. Harr.
There being no further business to discuss', Mayor Rice adjourned
the meeting to an executive session at 8:40 P.M.
Cherry Monahan, Executive Secretary James Rice, Mayor
October 18, 1982
Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor, James Rice, after which
he led in pledge of allegiance to the Flag.
Roll call found present: Norm Young, Charles Kiel, Bill Coleman,
Al Littlefield, Ruth Horn, Helen Smith, Ken Brown.
Mrs. Smith moved that the minutes of the meeting of October 4, 1982
be approved as if read. Mr.;Brown seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes -
Kiel, Coleman, Littlefield; Horn, Smith, Brown, Young. Motion carried.
Mayor Rice read a letter received from Walter VomLehn, M.D., former
resident of Anacortes, complimenting Mr. Doug Everhart.on the out-
standing content and excellent service of the Anacortes Library.
Mayor Rice read a letter from Bud Norris, Skagit County Commissioner,
requesting the City of Anacortes to support enactment of legislation
to overturn the "Boldt Decision" and to pass a resolution supporting
this endeavor. Mr. Young moved that: the resolution be adopted and
given RESOLUTION NO. 726. Mr. Littlefield seconded the motion.
Vote: Coleman, Littlefield, Horn, Smith, Brown, Young, Kiel. Motion
Mayor Rice read a letter to Michael Foster, Operations Superintendent,
from Pacific Northwest Pollution Control Association, complimenting
him on winning the PNPCA Safety Award, Division D "Zero Lost Time
Accident" Award - 1981 for the Anacortes Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Mayor Rice also complimented Mr. Don Weiland and Bob Childers.on their
participation in receiving this award. The award is to be presented
in Vancouver, B.C. on November 4th, although, Mayor Rice stated, Mr.
Foster has chosen not to expend funds to attend this annual conference
but instead to spend the money on attending various industrial safety
education conferences.
Mayor Rice explained that a petition to rezone the area commonly known
as the Nantucket Inn from Residential Medium Density to Commercial
was recommended by the Planning Commissionland approved by City Council.
Mr. Mansfield then read, by title, an ordinance amending the map of
the City of Anacortes to reflect the rezone of Lots 1 to 6 and E.' of 7,
Block 2, Beals Maple Grove Addition from Residential Medium to Commer-
cial zone.
518 October 18, 1982 Cont.
Mrs.' Horn moved that this. Ordinance be adopted and given ORDINANCE
No. 1889. Mrs. Smith seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes - Littlefield,
Horn, Smith, Brown, Young, Kiel, Coleman. Motion carried.
Mr. Dennis Lensegrav, Manager, Puget Sound Power & Light, addressed
Council explaining the King County Public Safety Department wished
to install a microwave repeater unit and two antennas on the Mt. Erie
Microwave Site leased by'Puget Power, and he would like approval
of a Limited Use Permit from the Ciyt of Anacortes for this instal-
lation. He explained to Council there would be no interference
with the cablevision antenna in that area due to the location of
the proposed installation. Mayor Rice also pointed out there is an
agreement which states there will be no interference tolerated.
Mr. Coleman moved that the request be approved for the installation
of two antennas and a microwave repeater in addition to the already
existing Puget Power installation on Mt. Erie. Mrs. Horn seconded
the motion. Vote: Ayes - Horn, Smith, Brown, Young, Kiel, Coleman;
Littlefield. Motion carried.
Mayor Rice explained that the State legislature passed a bill en-
compassing variuos financial matters, one of which was reduction of
utility tax from 7% to 6% which is to be done over a 5 year period
and to take effect by November lst of this year. The proposed
ordinance indicates the percentage reduction for the power company,
telephone company and gas company over a five year period and also
reflects a change from 45% to 100% tax on all intrastate toll calls.
This increase is proposed to offset the deficit incurred by the
reduction in utility tax from 7% to 6%.
Mayor Rice also outlined other areas which may have to be increased
in order to gain revenue such as a loo increase in business licenses
next year and possibly in April of next year increasing sales tax by
Mr. Preston Holton addressed Council stating he was opposed to any-
more increases in taxes. Mr. Ken Brown stated he would like to
postpone a decision on this ordinance until he had time to investi-
gate the increased costs to businesses which do a lot of work in
long distance calls outside the City.
Mr. Kiel stated he felt this proposal is fair and the intent of the
legislation is to reduce utility taxes and the tax on long distance
phone calls is reasonable.
Mr. Kiel then moved that the ordinance providing for a tax on the
privilege of carrying on certain business activities within the City
of Anacortes and repealing Section 1 of Ordinance No. 1866 passsed
and approved on the 7th day of December, 1981 and repealing Section 5
of Ordinance No. 1602, passed and approved on the 15th day of October,
1973 be approved and given ORDINANCE NO. 1890. Mrs. Smith seconded
the motion. Vote: Ayes - Smith, Young, Kiel, Coleman, Littlefield,
Horn. Nayes - Brown. Motion carried.
Mr. Khtaian explained briefly that a property tax levy will be sent
to the City from Skagit County and this levy should be set by the
first Wednesday following the first Monday in October, although the
County has not yet provided us with the needed information. He
stated Council will be asked to pass an ordinance adopting this levy,
and this information will be used in the City's budget preparation.
Mayor Rice explained that Skagit County will be beginning its 100th
Year Anniversary with a kickoff in LaConner. Festivities will take
place throughout the County ending a year from now. A centennial
committee for these festivities has asked that each City contribute
12� per capita in support of the celebration. He added Skagit County
has earmarked $2,500 for this occasion and if the City were to approve
12� per capita it would amount to no more than $1,100.
Mr. Kiel moved that the 12G per capita expenditure to participate in
the Skagit County Centennial be approved. Mr. Young seconded the
motion. Vote: Ayes - Brown, Young, Kiel, Coleman, Littlefield,
Horn, Smith. Motion carried.
October 18, 1982 Cont.
Mr. Mansfield.read a resolution, by title,,fixing a time of November
15, 1982 to hold a public hearing on the vacation of 6th Street between
U and V Avenues.
Mr. Young moved that the resolution be adopted and given RESOLUTION
NO. 727. Mr. Coleman seconded the motion., Vote: Ayes - Young, Kiel,
Coleman, Littlefield, Horn, Smith, Brown. Motion carried.
Mayor Rice stated Skagit County Citizens for Nuclear Disarmament will
be in attendance at Monday, October 25th Study Session and all those
persons interested are invited to attend.
There being no further business to discuss, Mayor Rice adjourned the
meeting at 8:00 P.M.
Cherry Monahan, Executive Secrdtary
November 1, 1982
ames Rice, Mayor
Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor James Rice. Invocation
was offered by Reverend V. J. Bachman followed by Pledge of Allegiance
to the Flag.
Roll Call found present: Norwood Young, Charles Kiel, Bill Coleman,
Al Littlefield, Ruth Horn, Helen Smith, Ken Brown.
Mr. Young moved and Mrs. Horn seconded that the minutes of the meeting
of October 18, 1982 be approved as .if read'. Vote: Ayes - Kiel,
Coleman, Littlefield, Horn, Smith, Brown, Young. Motion carried.
There was none.
Mayor Rice stated the proposed ordinance setting for 1983 property
tax levy had not been listed on this meeting's agenda due to the late
arrival of information from the County. He explained the difference
in property valuations between 1982 and 1983 as follows:
1983 1982
Real Property A.V. $321,779,075 $174,990,105
Personal Property A.V. 36,842,856 31,343,784
Utility A.V. 9,421,345 8,890,003
Total A.V. $368,043,,276 $215,223,892
Total Levy 703,832 622,998
Levy Rate (per $1000) 1'.912. 2.895
Mr. Steve Mansfield, City Attorney, then read the ordinance by title.
Mr. Coleman moved that the ordinance levying a tax upon real and
personal property within the City of Anaco'rtes for 1983 be adopted
and given ORDINANCE NO. 1891. Mr. Brown seconded the motion.
(Mr. Kiel pointed out at this time that part of the reason why real
property value is significantly higher is because there was an across
the board reassessment of property in Anac'ortes.) Vote: Ayes -
Coleman, Littlefield, Horn, Smith, Brown, Young, Kiel. Motion carried.
Mayor Rice declared the public hearing open on the request for rezone
from Residential High (RH) to Commercial (C) property located at
1014 and 1019 25th Street. He explained this request is to allow
expansion of an already existing boat shop operation; and the Planning
Commission has reviewed the request and recommended that Council
approve the rezone. There were no comments from the audience and
Mayor Rice declared the public hearing to be closed.
520 November 1, 1982 Cont.
Mr. Littlefield moved that the request for rezone from Residential
High to Commercial for that property located at Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, and
10 in Block 2 and Lots 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 in Block 3 of Hensler's
First Addition be approved. Mr. Young seconded the motion. Vote:
Ayes - Littlefield, Horn, Smith, Brown, Young, Kiel, Coleman.
Motion carried.
Mr. Steve Colby, Director of Parks & Recreation, explained the scope
of improvements he planned for Washington Park and that the cost would
be approximately $25,000. He proposed to make application to the
Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation for grant funding of up
to 750 of the total amount and in order to make this application it
would be necessary to pass a Resolution authorizing the application.
Mr. Young moved that the Resolution be adopted and given RESOLUTION
No. 728. Mrs. Horn seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes - Horn, Smith,
Brown, Young, Kiel, Coleman, Littlefield. Motion carried.
Mayor Rice explained the current fee schedule for development fees
does not cover the expenses incurred to process applications and,
therefore, the proposed fee schedule has been prepared to reflect the
increase in costs. Mr. Ian Munce, Planning Director, stated how he
had arrived at the proposed fee schedule. Mayor Rice suggested that
filing fee for Final Long Plat be changed from $6.00 per lot to
$25.00 per lot and the inspection fee for utility and street construc-
tion be reduced to .40G lineal foot of 'extension into existing plats'
Mr. Kiel moved that the suggested changes be incorporated into -the
proposed ordinance and that the ordinance revising the fee schedule
for application for certain administrative action be adopted and
given ORDINANCE NO. 1892. Mrs. Horn seconded the motion. Vote:
Ayes - Smith, Brown, Young, Kiel, Coleman, Littlefield, Horn.
Motion carried.
Mayor Rice stated the proposed amendment to the 1982 budget was merely
a "housekeeping" measure. Due to not knowing exactly the amount of
Health Information Grant Funds and Planning Grant Funds that would
be expended in 1981 and 1982 an estimation was made. More was
expended in 1982 and less in 1981, therefore, this amendment was a
budgetary requirement.
Mr. Coleman moved that the ordinance amending the 1982 budget and
salary schedule be adlopted and given ORDINANCE NO. 1893. Mr. Young
seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes - Brown, Young, Kiel, Coleman,
Littlefield, Horn, Smith. Motion carried.
Mayor Rice stated there was a resolution before the Council this even-
ing regarding the City of Anacortes supporting nuclear arms freeze.
He asked that any citizens who wished to speak on this matter address
Council for no longer than 2 minutes.
Persons speaking for the Nuclear Arms Freeze were: Dr. Jack Papritz,
Rochelle Wallace, Herb Pearson, Dean Cameron, Janet Shepard, Amelia
Heilman, Kirk Cole, Rick Wallace.
Persons speaking in opposition of the Nuclear Arms Freeze were:
Don Weiland, Joy Werner, Bob McCauley, Pres Holton.
Mrs. Smith moved that the City Council consider this resolution to
be inappropriate for Council action and urge the citizens to make
their views known individually. Mrs. Horn seconded the motion.
Mr. Coleman stated he disagreed with this motion; he had eight
grandchildren and would like to help them in the future; and he felt
a lot of military people were against the freeze. Vote on Mrs. Smith's
motion: Ayes - Young, Littlefield, Horn, Smith, Brown. Nayes - Kiel,
Coleman. Motion carried.
Mayor Rice stated due to the resignation of Mr. Bob Farrar from the
Planning Commission, Mr. Ben Root was appointed to fill the position.
Mr. Ham Sandvig has been reappointed to the Park Board.
Mr. Rick Latham has been reappointed to the Forestry Board.
November 1, 1982 Cont.
ADDITION Mayor Rice explained a public date is required to be set
by Council to hear petition for vacation of an alley in Block 33,
Kellogg & Ford Addition. Mrs. Horn moved that a public hearing
date of December 6, 1982 be set to hear the request. Mr. Littlefield
seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes - Kiel,'Coleman, Littlefield, Horn,
Smith, Brown, Young. Motion carried.
Mayor Rice stated review of the 1983 budget will begin next Monday
night and any interested citizens are invited to attend.
Mayor Rice stated a sun dial has been donated to the City by Mr.
Richard Threet. This sun dial has been placed above the marquee of
the front entrance to City Hall. Mayor Rice thanked Mr. Threet for
his contribution to the City.
There being no further business to discuss, Mayor Rice adjourned the
meeting at 8:30 P.M. Council then met in'executive session.
Cherry Mgohan, Executive Secretary es Rice, Mayor
November 15, 1982
Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor ,James Rice. Mayor
Rice led a Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll Call found present: Norwood Young, Charles Kiel, Bill Coleman,
Al Littlefield, Ruth Horn, Helen Smith, Ken Brown.
Mr. Young moved and Mrs. Horn seconded that the minutes of the meeting
of November lst be approved as if read. Vote: Ayes - Young, Kiel,
Coleman, Littlefield, Horn, Smith, Brown.' Motion carried..
Mayor Rice read a proclamation declaring the week of November 14
through 20th to be American Education week, and urged all citizens
to make a commitment to public education. Mayor Rice thanked Mr.
Knutsen and the students of Anacortes High School for attending
Council meetings and stated the second Monday in January will be
student government day; all council. members will attend, and the
public is invited.
Mayor Rice addressed attention to two articles which had been given
to the City of Anacortes by Mr. & Mrs. Miyamori Kazu of Yokohama,
Japan who recently spent time visiting and working in Anacortes.
The gifts were given in appreciation of courtesy they received during
their stay. '
Mrs. Juddie Murphy addressed Council stating she had been bothered
by an issue raised during Comprehensive Plan meetings dealing with
control of signs on State property. She was of'the impression that
the City would write a letter to the state asking them to change the
sign on SR20 off -ramp from 34th Street to R Avenue. Mayor Rice stated
a letter would be written.
A gentleman from the audience addressed Council stating he recently
attempted to purchase a business license to operate a residential
electrical service and was informed that he would have to pay the
fee for a full year. He asked that this fee be pro -rated. Mayor
Rice asked that he come to his office the next day.
Mayor Rice explained this rezone had recently been recommended by
the Planning Commission and approved by Council and this ordinance
would adopt their action. Mr. Steve Mansfield, City Attorney, read
the ordinance by title.
522 November 15, 1982
Mr. Coleman moved that the Ordinance adopting the rezone and amending
the zoning map for the City of Anacortes be approved and given
ORDINANCE NO. 1895. Mr. Young seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes -
Coleman, Littlefield, Horn, Smith, Brown, Young, Kiel. Motion carried.
Mayor Rice declared a public hearing to be open regarding proposed
amendments to public notice requirements as stated in the Zoning
Code. Because this item was not listed on the agenda it was continued
and will be heard at the December 6, 1982 meeting.
Mayor Rice declared the public hearing to be open to hear a request
from Mr. Ivar Berquist to vacate 6th Street between U and V Avenue.
The request was heard by the Planning Commission and their recom-
mendation to Council was to approve the request with an exchange of
a'portion of alley currently on Mr. Berquist's property for street.
Mayor Rice stated due to the steepness of the property only 3 family
dwellings could be built in the block. The cost to Mr. Berquist
for the property vacated is yet to be determined.
Mr. Richard Dildine addressed the Council inquiring about access to
the alley and if there would be problems related with garbage pickup.
There were no other comments from the audience and Mayor Rice declared
the public hearing closed.
Mr. Kiel moved that the vacation request be approved with the ex-
change of land and the City being compensated for any difference
in the appraised value of the property. Motion seconded by Mr.
Coleman. Vote: Ayes - Littlefield, Horn, Smith, Brown, Young, Kiel,
Coleman. Motion carried.
Mr. Mansfield explained a utility easement had been granted to the
City of Anacortes in Lot 75 of Skyline Division 4 by Skyline Asso-
ciates in 1977. This utility line is no longer in service and there
are no future plans for this line, therefore, it seems reasonable to
relinquish the easement. The easement is 10' wide. 11
Mrs. Horn moved that the easement be relinquished and the Resolution
authorizing and directing execution of a relinquishment of easement
be adopted and given RESOLUTION NO. 730. Mrs. Smith seconded the
motion. Vote(: Ayes - Horn, Smith, Brown, Young, Kiel, Coleman,
Littlefield. Motion carried.
Mayor Rice explained that the School District has agreed to pay the
City $10 per hour for additional security man hours spent by the
Police Department covering football games, basketball games, etc.
Mr. Mansfield read by title a resolution authorizing this agreement.
Mrs. Smith moved that the resolution authorizing and directing ex-
ecution of an agreement for reimbursement of additional security
costs for security provied by the Anacortes Police Department be
adopted and given RESOLUTION NO. 731. Mr. Brown seconded the motion.
Vote: Ayes - Smith, Brown, Young, Kiel, Coleman, Littlefield, Horn.
Motion carried.
Mayor Rice read a letter received from Les Johnson, Attorney,
stating his comments that the recommendations from the Planning
Commission on mobile home subdivisions would allow occupancy
of residential structures built to less stringent standards than
U.B.C., would allow mobile home subdivisions to be built in any
residentially zoned area.
Mayor Rice declared the public hearing to be open. Mrs. Juddie
Murphy addressed Council stating she had three points: 1) to urge
Council to legally find a way to create owner/occupancy of mobile
homes rather than renting; 2) try to avoid home owner's assn.
being in charge of common space; 3) do not allow private streets
in the subdivisions but require that they meet all City standards.
November 15, 1982 Cont.
Mayor Rice stated he felt several mobile home lots being purchased
and homes placed upon them for rental purposes was an "unfounded
fear" as investment cost would be too high; and. the streets would
be up to City standards. Mr. Kiel stated the streets being to
City requirements should be in the ordinance.
Mr. Richard Dildine stated the only way the recommendations could
be interpreted is to benefit not the resident but the subdivider.
He commented further that the home site should be large enough to
accomodate stick built homes. He added "we don't need a mobile
home ordinance creating an RPUD specificially for mobile homes".
Once land is divided into smaller parcels there will be pressure
on the City to reduce standards for stick built homes.
Mr. Ron Clark, representing Washington Manufacturing Housing
Association, stated they essentially have single family housing
and would like to "play by all the .rules that control single family
housing". They have rules for low, medium or high density and don't
treat them differently than "stick built" housing. The homes are
built to federal manufacturing housing standards.
Mayor Rice declared the public hearing to be closed.
Mr. Dildine stated he felt once the public hearing was closed the
public no longer had an.opportunity to speak. Mayor Rice commented
the public can speak.any time they wish.
It was decided to table this tiem to allow more time to study the
matter, and it•,will again be heard on December 6th.
Mayor Rice stated the City and Municipal Employees Union No.788,
which includes all employees except fire; police and sanitation,
have come to a two year .agreement which covers increase in medical
costs over a two year period and the removal of 30 days accumulated
sick leave pay for any new employee.
Mrs. Smith moved that the resolution approving Labor Agreement by
and between the City of Anacortes and Teamster's Union Local No. 788
- Municipal Employees - be adopted and given RESOLUTION NO. 732.
Motion seconded by Mr. Young. Vote: Ayes - Brown, Young, Kiel,
Coleman, Littlefield, Horn, Smith. Motion carried.
Mayor Rice stated this item was basically a housekeeping item re-
quired by the State Auditor approving previous interfund loans,
liabilities and long term obligations.
Mr. Mansfield read the resoltuion by title, and Mr. Brown moved that
the resoltuion authorizing approval of the prior establishment of
inter -fund loans, liabilities, and long-term obligations be adopted
and given RESOLUTION NO. 733. Mrs. Horn seconded the motion.
Vote: Ayes - Young, Kiel, Coleman, Littlefield, Horn, Smith, Brown.
Motion carried.
Mayor Rice declared the public hearing open to hear the preliminary
plat proposal submitted by Mr. Ray Jones for Divisions 3 & 4 of
Horizong Horizon Heights located between D Avenue and Heart Lake Road
and 32nd Street & 40th Avenue. He explained this proposal had been
before the Planning Commission and their recommendation was to approve
the preliminary plat with the conditions that Lot 10 be configured
to allow for a smooth transition from Down Jones Way in Division 2
to Down Jones Way in the unplatted property to the west; and the
Connovers Addition and Blocks 2 & 3 of Fidalgo Addition be vacated
prior to submission of final plat.
Mr. Dildine suggested it would be better if the proposed streets
were set on a grid pattern which joined up with existing grid pattern.
The proposed street layout was explained by Mr. Jones' engineer and
it was noted that there will be three accesses to the area - D Avenue,
32nd Street & Heart.Lake Road - in the overall plan.
24 November 15, 1982 Cont.
'Mr. Rice declared the public hearing to be closed. Mr. Kiel asked
if a preliminary plat could be approved over a plat of record.
Mr. Mansfield stated approval could be given with the understanding
that the plat be vacated. After brief discussion it was decided
this matter would be tabled to allow further study and would be on
the agenda of December 6th. Mr. Kiel requested that a map be
provided showing a better layout of the streets.
Q & R
Mayor Rice explained that the Port of Anacortes submitted a request
to vacate 14th Street and a date for the hearing had to be set by
resolution. Mr. Mansfield read the resolution by title, and
Mr. Young moved that the resolution fixing a time of December 20th,
1982 to hear the proposed vacation request be adopted and given
RESOLTUION NO. 734. Mrs. Horn seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes -
Kiel, Coleman, Littlefield, Horn, Smith, Brown, Young. Motion
Mayor Rice stated the budget meeting will be held in the Building
Department Conference Room on Tuesday.
Mayor Rice stated the Department of Emergency Services will be
showing a film in the Council Chambers on Tuesday dealing with what
would happen if Mt. Baker erupts.
On November 22nd the Hospital Board will meet with Council for
informal discussion on transferring ambulance service to the City.
An ordinance to institute 1/2G sales tax for the citizens of Ana-.
cortes will be proposed.
There being no further business to discuss, Mayor Rice adjourned
the meeting at 8:35 P.M. 11
Cherry MorZhan, Executive Secretary 6ile Rice, Mayor
December 6, 1983
Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Jar.es Rice. Mayor Rice
led in Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll call found present: Norwood Young, Charles Kiel, Bill Coleman,
Al Littlefield, Ruth Horn, Helen Smith, Ken Brown.
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Mr. Young moved that the minutes of the meeting of November 15th, 1982
be approved as if .read. Mrs. Smith questioned whether the public
hearing on amending the zoning ordinance regarding publication dates
had been opened. Mr. Mansfield stated the public hearing was opened
and continued to this date. Mrs. Smith seconded the motion. Vote:
Ayes - Kiel, Coleman, Littlefield, Horn, Smith, Brown, Young.
Motion carried.
Mayor Rice stated he'had received a letter from Mr. Bob McCauley,
4567 40th N.E., Oak Harbor, WA requesting that a letter to the editor
of the Anacortes American dated 11/17/82 and entitled "Naive Trust
Criticized", which he wrote, be made part of the City's official
December 6, 1982 Cont.
Citizen Hearings
Mr. Nick Bacetich addressed Council on behalf of the Anacortes Kiwanis
Club, stating he was in attendance this evening, along with Herb
Pearson and Steve McLean, to read a resolution adopted by the Board
of Directors of Kiwanis urging all citizens and government officials
to be aware of and direct more action toward drunk drivers. Mr.
Bacetich gave copies of a resolution to Council for their information.
Mayor Rice commented that the Kiwanis Club,this date donated $250
toward the Christmas Festival Program to benefit children.
Deferred Compensation Plan - Resolution
Mr. Ian Munce, Planning Director, stated the Hartford Insurance
Company approached the City to establish aideferred compensation plan
for the City employees; Council asked that other programs be considered
and this was done. The Resolution before Council this evening was
a deferred compensation plan for City employees with Hartford Life
Insurance Company. Mr. Coleman moved that this Resolution be adopted
and given RESOLUTION NO. 735. Mrs. Smith seconded the motion.
Vote: Ayes - Coleman, Littlefield, Horn, Smith, Brown, Young,
Kiel. Motion carried. ;
Amendment to Subdivision Code - Mobile Home Parks - Ordinance
Mayor Rice stated the Ordinance to be considered dealt with allowing
mobile homes in the City of Anacortes; the,matter had been considered
by the Planning Commission and a public hearing held by Council; and
basically it would allow mobile homes in the same underlying and zoning
density, provided the minimum lot size is no less than 5,000 square
Mr. Littlefield moved that the Ordinance amending Subdivision Ordin-
ance No. 1805 by adding a section on Mobile Home Subdivisions be
adopted and given ORDINANCE NO. 1895. Mr.,Young seconded the motion.
Vote: Ayes - Littlefield, Horn, Smith, Brown, Young, Kiel, Coleman.
Motion carried.
Horizon Heights Division 3 & 4 PreliminarylPlat Approval
Mayor Rice explained that the preliminary plat for Division 3 & 4
of Horizon Heights has been before -the Planning Commission and
City Council for review. This property owned by Mr. & Mrs. Ray Jones
located off Heart Lake Road between 36th &'32nd Streets originally
was platted at 7,500 square feet per lot and now has been changed
to 9,000 square feet per lot. A study session was held to review the
matter and the through streets were changed. Mr. Coleman inquired
if the vacation of a portion of this area was necessary before pre-
liminary plat approval and Mayor Rice informed him this could be
done later.
Mr. Kiel moved that the approval be granted for the preliminary plat
of Horizon Heights Division 3 & 4. Mrs. Horn seconded the motion.
Vote: Ayes - Horn, Smith, Brown, Young, Kiel, Coleman, Littlefield.
Motion carried.
Publication of Hearing Dates - Amendment to Zoning Ordinance
Mayor Rice declared the public hearing to be open for discussion on
amending Section 18 of the Zoning Ordinance which would affect the
publishing and posting of notice for public hearings. Mr. Munce.
explained the current requirements.for notice are that 10 days
notice be given before a public hearing and because the American
publishes on a Wednesday the 10 day period causes a 2 week wait
for hearing. The ordinance basically changes the waiting period
from 10 days to 7 days between publication -and hearing and there
shall be a period of not less than 7 days between Planning Commission
and City Council hearings.
Mrs. Horn commented she did not like to have a public hearing one
evening and have to vote on the subject the same evening. Mr. Munce
explained the amendment would not have any affect on this and Council
could take more meetings if necessary to decide on a matter.
December 6, 1983 Cont.
Mayor Rice stated Mr. William Rockwell had written a letter on this
matter stating there should be enough time between Planning Commission
hearings and City Council hearinas so that results could be published
in the newspaper.
Mrs. Juddie Murphy cited examples which she felt indicated there
was not enough time allowed for publicity of the meetings and urged
the City Council not to shorten the time requirements for public
Mayor Rice declared the public hearing closed. Mrs. Smith asked
that this matter be placed for consideration on the December 20th
Council agenda.
Ambulance Service Agreements
Mayor Rice stated the subject of ambulance service has been discussed
on and off for 8 - 10 years and both the City and Hospital District
have now come to an agreement as to language of the contract and fin-
ancial arrangements, and now it is up to the City Council to decide
which would be the best Possible service for the City of Anacortes.
Mr. Kiel moved that the resolution authorizing and directing exe-
cution of a cooperative agreement by and between the City of
Anacortes and Public Hospital District No. 2 for the Providing of
ambulance service be adopted and given a number. Mr. Coleman seconded
the motion. Vote: Ayes - Kiel, Coleman. Naves - Smith, Young,
Littlefield, Horn. Abstain - Brown. Motion failed. Mrs. Horn
took the opportunity to state, before voting, that she had studied
the matter at length and felt that the extra paramedics that would
have to be hired would add to the burden of the budget at this time;
that most of the City employees didnot get a raise and many depart-
ment's budgets were cut to "bare bones"; the Mayor had taken a cut
in pay; and there were commitments already made that Council should
honor, i.e. West End Road.; and in these economic times there is no
need to add to the burden of the budget, therefore, she would vote
"no" on this matter.
Mrs. Smith then stated she felt the proposal has merit and its
sponsors are dedicated people but she did not believe it was in the
best interests of the City, and upon termination of the 5 year con-
tract there is no obligation for hospital to take over the services.
Mrs. Smith also stated she had heard no complaints about the pre-
sent EMS services.
Mayor Rice took this opportunity to thank all the people who worked
on this contract.
2� Sales Tax Ordinance
Mayor Rice explained that imposing a 2� sales tax is necessary to
balance the 1983 budget. In the last .five years the City has had
cash balance of $200,000 to $300,000; however, current balances are
extremely low.
Mr. Kiel moved that the Ordinance imposing a sales or use tax upon
and to be collected from those persons from whom the State sales or
use tax is collected, fixing the rate of tax, providing for the
administration and collection, thereof, consenting to the inspection
of records and providing penalties .for the violation thereof be _.
adopted and given ORDINANCE NO. 1896. Mr. Young seconded the motion.
Vote: Ayes - Brown, Young, Kiel, Coleman, Littlefield, Horn, Smith.
Motion carried.
December 6, 1983 Cont.
Resolution - 1982 Volunteer Firemen Compensation
Mayor Rice stated it was an auditor requirement that a Resolution be
adopted approving the current reimbursement of $4.50 per hour for
volunteer firemen. Mrs. Horn moved that the resolution setting vol-
unteer firemen reimbursement for,1982 be adopted and given RESOLUTION
NO. 736. Mr. Brown seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes - Kiel, Coleman,
Littlefield, Horn, Smith Brown, Young. Motion carried.
Resolution - 1983 Volunteer Firemen Compensation
Mr. George Khtaian, Finance Director, explained that there as been
a pay increase to $5.00 per hour budgeted for 1983 to compensate the
volunteer firemen. This will amount to a total of'a little over
$1000 increase for 1983. Mr. Kiel asked how the pay for 1983 compared
with other cities and Fire Chief, Cecil Little, stated the volunteers
use their own automobiles and have to -:respond to calls at all hours;
he felt it was comparable and would recommend the increase.
Mrs. Horn moved that the resolution setting volunteer firement reim-
bursement for 1983 be adopted and given RESOLUTION NO. 737. Mr.
Young seconded the motion. Vote; Ayes - Coleman, Littlefield, Horn,
Smith, Brown, Young, Kiel. MOtion carried.
1983 Budget
Mayor Rice declared the 1983 Budget public hearing to be open. He
explained this budget is slightly less than 1982; there were 8 less
employees than 2 years ago; the water, sewer and sanitation departments
are financially in good shape, the problem'is in the general fund,
thus the need to impose a 1/2G sales tax. 'There are very .few capital
improvements budgeted in the general fund;1and he expected a lesser
amount of revenue for 1984. There were no comments from the audience
and Mayor Rice declared public hearing to be closed. Mayor Rice stated
there would be copies of the budget available for anyone who is inter
Mr. Littlefield moved that the 1983 budgetlbe adopted. Mr. Kiel
seconded the motion. Mr. Khtaian noted the budget should be formally
adopted on December 20th at which time an ordinance will be read.
Planning Commission Appointments
Mayor Rice stated that Mr. Ken Kinzel and Mr. Bob Hogg have been re-
appointed to the Planning Commission.
Housing Authority Board
Howard Beckman has been reappointed to thelHousing Authority Board.
Library Board
Mr. J. F. Lienesch has been newly appointed to the
Library Board to
complete the term of Mr. Wayne McKean.
1983 Contract - Teamsters Sanitation
Mr. Munce explained the cntract for the sanitation
workers is very
much the same as the previous contracts; it is a 2
year contract with
an increase to cover medical premiums for 1983 and
Mr. Young moved that the Resolution anoroving labor agreement by and
between the City of Anacortes and Teamster's Union
Local No. 788 -
Sanitation employees, be adopted and given'RESOLUTION NO. 738. Mrs.
Horn seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes - Littlefield, Horn, Smith, Brown,
Young, Kiel, Coleman. Motion carried.
Study Session
Mayor Rice stated there would be no study session on Monday, December
13th. There being no further business to discuss,
Mayor Rice adjourned
the meeting at 8:15 P.M.
C. Monahan, Executive Secretary a s Rice_
December 20, 1982
Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor, James Rice. Invocation.
was offered by Reverned Tom Christoe of the Anacortes Christian
Fellowship Church, followed by Mayor Rice leading in Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll call found present: Norwood Young, Charles Kiel, Bill Coleman,
A1'Littlefield, Ruth Horn, Helen Smith, Ken Brown.
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Mrs. Smith moved and Mr. Youna seconded that the minutes of the
meeting of December 6, 1982 be approved as if read. Vote:.Ayes -
Kiel, Coleman, Littlefield, Horn, Smith, Brown, Young. Motion
1983 Budget Approval - Ordinance
Mayor Rice explained the budget had been reviewed at the previous
meeting and now an or dinance was before Council for their action.
Stephen Mansfield, City Attorney, read the ordinance by title.
Mr. Littlefield moved that the ordinance adopting the budget and
salary schedule for all municipal purposes and uses for the year 1983
be adopted and given ORDINANCE NO. 1897. Mr. Kiel seconded the motion.
Vote: Ayes - Comeman, Littlefield, Horn, Smith, Brown, Young, Kiel.
Motion carried.
6th Street Vacation - Ordinance
Mayor Rice explained the exchange of land that would take place between
Mr. Ivar Berquist and the City of Anacortes in order to vacate a
portion of 6th Street between "U" and "V" Avenues and the cost to
Mr. Berquist for this exchange. Mayor Rice added that the ordinance
would not be published and in effect until the fee was paid by Mr.
Mr. Young moved that the ordinance vacating the 6th Street right of
way between "U" and "V" Avenue adjacent to Lots 11-20 of Block
13 of Bowman's Central Ship Harbor waterfront Plat, City of Anacortes,
be adopted and given,ORDINANCE NO. 1898. Mr. Coleman seconded the 11
motion. Vote: Ayes - Littlefield, Horn, Smith, Brown, Young, Kiel,
Coleman. Motion carried.
Amendment of Public Hearing Notice Periods- ORDINANCE
Mayor Rice explained a notice would be posted 8 days in advance of
public hearings and would be published in the official City newspaper
at least 6 days prior to the hearing; if the public hearing is on
a rezone, PUD, or conditional use permit then property owners within
300 feet of the subject property would be sent a notice; and where
public hearings are scheduled both for Planning Commission and City
Council.a period of not less than 7 days shall elapse between the two
Mrs. _Horn moved that the ordinance amending Section .18 - Public
Hearings of the City of Anacortes Zoning Ordinance be adopted and
given ORDINANCE No. 1899. Mr. Brown seconded the motion. Vote:
Ayes - Horn, Smith, Brown, Young, Kiel, Coleman, Littlefield.
Motion carried.
Revision of Electrical Service Agreement - R. W. Beck
Mr. Dave Ford, Director of Public Works, explained the background
on the electrical service agreement between the City and R. W. Beck
& Associates of Seattle and how assistance has peen requested from
R. W. Beck in the purchase of a transformer. The additional assis-
tance.'will exceed the maximum amount of $10,000 of the original
agreement and, therefore, he was seeking approval by Council to
increase the agreement amount to $12,000.
Mr. Coleman moved that authorization be granted to increase the
maximum amount of the agreement between the City of Anacortes and
R. W. Beck from $10,000 to $12,000 to cover the cost of additional
assistance by R. W. Beck. Mr. Kiel seconded the motion. Vote:
Ayes - Smith, Brown, Young, Kiel, Coleman, Littlefield, Horn. Motion
December 20, 1982 - - Continued.
Award of Bid - Grave Liners
Mayor Rice explained that two bids were received for grave liners
which are used by the Anacortes Cemetery; one from Skagit Vault of
Mt. Vernon in the amount of $87.00 ea. and,the other from Cascade
Concrete of Lynden in the amount of $82.00 ea. It is recommended
by Steve Colby, Director of Parks, Recreation and Cemetery that the
bid be awarded to Cascade Concrete as the low bidder.
Mr. Bill Coleman moved that the bid be awarded to Cascade Concrete
for the purchase of grave liners for 1983 in the amount of $82.00
per liner. Mr. Young seconded the motion.' Vote: Ayes - Brown,
Young, Kiel, Coleman, Littlefield, Horn, Smith. Motion carried.
Fertilizer/Herbicide Bid - Cemetery & Park
Mayor Rice stated three bids had been received for the purchase of
fertilizers and herbicides for use in Cemetery & Park turf; those
being from Turfgo NOrthwest; Fran -cher Chemicals,.Inc. and NULIFE.
The overall low bid was received from NULIFE. Mr. Steve Colby explained
the amount spent on fertilizer per year and stated that he felt it was
in the best interests of the City to award,the bid to NULIFE, of Tacoma,
the overall low bidder.
Mrs. Smith moved that the bid for Fertilizer/Herbicide Supplies for the
year 1983 be awarded to NULIFE of Tacoma. Mr. Brown seconded the
motion. Vote: Ayes - Young, Kiel, Coleman, Littlefield, Horn, Smith,
Brown. Motion carried.
14th Street Vacation - Port of Anacortes - Public Hearing
Mayor Rice declared the public hearing to be open for the request
to vacate 14th Street between "Q" and "R" Avenue submitted by the
Port of Anacortes. Mayor Rice stated the recommendation by the
Planning Commission was the vacation not be granted based on two
reasons; l/ the City Comprehensive Plan recommends against vacating
street ends that abutt the shoreline and; 2/ it is more appropriate to
discuss this request when a specific development plan is submitted
and it can be determined how this fits in.'
Mr. Les Johns, Attorney for the Port of Anacortes, addressed Council
and stated he would like to use visual aids to explain the request -
the Planning Commission did not have the benefit of these visual aids.
He explained on the drawings the location of various buildings,
berths, etc. and presented the Port's position and reasoning behind
the request.
Mr. Rick Latham stated this was not presented the same way at the
Planning Commission and when the Port Manager was asked why the
vacation was necessary, they were told there was nothing planned, it
was just general housekeeping.
Mr. Otis Piburn stated 212 years ago the Port said they would provide
waterfront access and to date there is still no public access, and
there is "no guarantee that the Port will make it".
Mr. Latham stated further that he felt if and when the proposed dev-
elopment comes about the City will have public access; the point is they
"did not know when or if it will come about" and the City does have
access now.
Mr. Bill Vaux, Port Commissioner, addressed Council stating he felt
there was cooperation between the Port and'the City; the Port has
plans for a boardwalk that starts at Snelson Anvil and goes around to
Cap Sante; the Port has had talks with fishermen and they are having
problems in coming up with something the fishermen like themselves -
they need to have an area that will accommodate more than one fisherman
work on nets. "T" dock area has to be filled in and in order to do
this.they.need the 14th Street vacation. Mr. Vaux concluded by saying
the Port.had-no intention to cut the public out= of anything, but
they do want something workable for the fishermen.
December 20, 1982 -- Cont.
Mr. Latham commented he felt that it was the Planning Commission's
feeling that the City should not get into the habit of granting
vacations to someone "who may be doing something", if the City is
going to vacate land then they should know wht is going to be there.
Mr. Richard Dildine asked why the Port needed to have ownership of
14th Street in order to use it; a number of other streets, including
15th Street had been vacated, therefore, utilization of 15th'Street
is "not all that simple". He added that 14th Street should be
left unobstructed for such things as fire protection.
After further discussion, Mayor Rice declared the public hearing
Mr. Kiel inquired if 14th Street was included as a waterfront access
in the downtown revitalization plan, and was informed that 9th Street
was indicated as a waterfront access. Mrs. Smith inquired what is
to stop the Port from using 14th Street as long as it is not developed.
and Mr. Vaux stated it would need improving.
Mrs. Horn requested that action on this matter be postponed, and the
rest of Council concurred.
Firefighters Labor Agreement - Resolution
Mr. Ian Munce, Planning Director, explained the City and Firefighters
had come to an agreement for the 1983 and 1984 union contract, and
except for a few changes the contract was essentially the same as
the other union contracts.
Mrs. Smith moved that the resolution approving labor agreement by
and between the City of Anacortes and International Association of
Firefighters, Local No. 1537 be adopted and given RESOLUTION NO.
739. Mr. Young seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes - Kiel, Coleman,
Littlefield, Horn, Smith, Brown, Young. Motion carried.
Asset Write -Off Policy - Resolution
Mayor Rice explained the proposed resolution would allow the City
to write off bad debts from year to year which amount to somewhere
between $900 and $1,100 per year. Mr. George Khtaian explained
the current billing process and attempts at collecting bad debts.
Mr. Mansfield stated that because these bad debts are written off
it will not inhibit the City from still trying to collect.
Mr. Kiel moved that the resolution authorizing approval of an Asset
Write -Off Policy encompassing uncollectable utility customer accounts
and surplus fixed assets be adopted and given RESOLUTION NO. 740.
Mr. Young seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes - Coleman, Littlefield,
Horn, Smith, Brown, Young, Kiel, Motion carried..
Resolution To Extend Option Agreement - Rockwell
Mayor Rice stated there were two resolutions before the Council which
dealt with the purchase of property by the City to develop a west end
road. The City staff have now been .given direction to go ahead with
the plans for the West End Road. The sellers have indicated that they
are willing to extend the option agreement with some minor changes.
Mr. Ken Kribs, one of the owners of the property, stated from the
audience that.he had read the agreement and it was acceptable to hLm.
Mrs. Horn moved that the resolution authorizing execution of an
agreement extending an option to purchase certain properety between
the City of Anacortes and William C. and Elizabeth J. Rockwell be
adopted and given RESOLUTION NO. 741. Mrs. Smith seconded the
motion. Vote: Ayes'- Littlefield, Horn, Smith, Brown, Young, Kiel,
Coleman. Motion carried.
December 20, 1983 -- Cont.
Resolution to Extend Option Agreement - Kribs
Mr. Young moved that the resolution authorizing execution of an
agreement extending an option to purchase certain property between
the City of Anacortes and Kenneth D. Kribs and Karolyne A. Kribs
be adopted and given RESOLUTION NO. 742. Motion seconded by Mrs.'
HOrn. Vote: Ayes - Horn, Smith, Brown, Young, Kiel, Coleman,
Littlefield. Motion carried.
Community Center Fees - Resolution
Mayor Rice explained the increase in fees proposed for 1983 for various
rooms in the municipal building, and noted that 82C of each hour
charged in 1983 will be placed into a special building capital im-
provement fund.
Mr. Kiel moved that the resolution authorizing and approving fee
schedule for use of the Anacortes Community Center be adopted and
given RESOLUTION NO. 743. Mr.Young seconded the motion. Vote:
Ayes - Smith, Brown, Young, Kiel, Coleman, Littlefield, Horn.
Motion carried.
Agreement with Puget Sound Power & Light Co. for Street Lamps
Mayor Rice stated the City will be entering into an agreement with
Puget Power for street lamps on Commercial from 12th STreet north
which will be 1/3 largerthan the present size. It is anticipated
there will be an approximate savings of $1,600 a year from 12th Street
north; 12th Street south has been completed and. when R Avenue south
is completed there will be a total savingto the City of approx-
imately $9000 per year. Mayor Rice thanked Mr. Dennis Lensegrav
for his efforts to benefit the citizens•'of Anacortes. It is estimated
the work will be completed sometime in February of 1983.
Smiley's Bottom
Mayor Rice stated a lot of work had been done to create a first
class ball field in Smiley's bottom, and although it will not be
completed in 1983, it will be ready for use in 1984. Mayor Rice
thanked the following people for their participation and donation
of time and machinery to make this ballfield for the City: the
Rotary Club; Dean Reichardt; Will Porter; Shell Oil Compnay; Skagit
County; Murray BEnjamin; Ray Jones; Eagles,Cldb; and Bill Wooding.
Mayor Rice asked that the City Council officially accept the work done
by the above named people
Mr. Kiel moved that the work donated by the above mentioned citizens
be approved and that letters be sent to these people thanking them
for their donations. Mr. Coleman seconded'the motion. Vote:
Ayes - Brown, Young, Kiel, Coleman, Littlefield, Horn, Smith. Motion
There being no further business to discuss, Mayor Rice adjourned the
meeting to an executive session.
C. Mbna' han, E;ecutive Secretary
January 3, 1983
Meeting called to order at 7:30
was offered by Reverend Hilary
followed by Mayor Rice leading
James Rice, Mayor
P.M. by Mayor James Rice. Invocation
Bitz of the Anacortes Lutheran Church,
in Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll Call found present: Norwood Young, Bill Coleman, Al Littlefield,
Ruth Horn, Helen.Smith, Ken Brown. Absent: Charles Kiel
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Mrs. Smith moved and Mrs.Horn seconded that the minutes of the
meeting of December 20, 1982 be approved as if read. Vote: Ayes -
Coleman, Littlefield, Horn, Smith, Brown., Young. Motion carried.