HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986 City Council MinutesDecember 16, 1985 - continued
Rezone Request between Commercial & Q and 34th $ 37th Streets
Mayor Rice declared a public hearing open on a request for rezone
from Residential Medium to Commercial property located between
34th & 37th street and Commercial and Q Avenue. The petitioner wishes
to construct a nursing home/retirement center in this area.
A petition has been received opposing this rezone signed by 7 property
owners in the area. The Planning Commission held a public hearing
on this matter and recommended denial as they felt there was a lack
of demonstrated need to expand the Commercial zone.
Comments were received from the audience and tape recorded for the
record. Mayor Rice then closed the public hearing. This request
was tabled for further study and will be considered again at the
first meeting in January. (Mr. Separovich left the meeting at this
Anacortes Industrial Park Authority
Ian Munce asked Council to authorize staff to proceed with the forma-
tion of an Anacortes Industrial Park Authority. The industrial
Authority would constitute a separate entity for the purpose of
facilitating development of the urban renewal property.
Mr. Brown moved and Mrs. Horn seconded that staff pursue the forma-
tion of the Anacortes Industrial Park Authority. Vote: Ayes -
Littlefield, Horn, Brown, Smith, Coleman. Motion carried.
Voucher Approval
Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer (City Clerk -
Treasurer) as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reim-
bursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been
recorded on warrant register which has been made available to the
Council Committee. These vouchers are as follows:
Claims Fund
Month Voucher No. Total Amount
October 507 - 565 $ 308,998.77
*567 - 822
November 823 - 1076 337,235.77
*566 Interest Bearing Registered Warrant
October 524 - 775 197,317.98
November 776 - 1022 211,920.25
Mr. Coleman moved and Mrs. Smith seconded that as of December 16,
1985, the Council approve for payment those vouchers included in
the above list. Vote: Ayes - Horn, Brown, Smith, Coleman,
Littlefield. Motion carried,
Mayor Rice stated an executive session would be held to discuss
appointments to the Council, Planning Commission and Board of
Adjustment. There being no further business he then adjourned the
meeting at 9:50 P.M. to the executive session.
xfe>IC.��onxecutive Secretary
January 6, 1986
James Rice, Mayor
11a.yor Rice called. the meeting to order at 7; 3G P.M,Jerry McLntuxf,
Skagit County Auditor, then swore.in newly, elected Council members
Ruth Horn, Helen Smith, Bud Rock, Keri Brown, and Mayor, Tim Rice.
Pastor Grenhover of the Salvation Army -offered the* invocation followed
by Pledge of. Allegiance to the Flag.
736 January 6, 1986 - continued
Appointment to Council
Mt. Coleman moved and Mr. Separovich seconded that Mr. Bill Stittbe
appointed to fill Council Position No. 2 vacated by Bob Bellum.
Vote: Ayes - Smith, Coleman, Separovich, Rock, Horn, Brown.
Motion carried. Mr. McInturf then swore in Mr. Stitt.
Roll call then found present: Bill Coleman, Bill Stitt, Ray
Separovich, Bud Rock, Ruth Horn, Helen Smith and Ken Brown.
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Mr. Brown moved and Mrs. Smith seconded the minutes of December 16,
1985 be approved as if read. Vote: Coleman,.Stitt, Separovich,
Rock, Horn, Smith, Brown. Motion carried.
Mayor Rice stated Dave Welk is appointed to the Planning Commission
to fill the position vacated by Ben Root; Richard Dickison will
fill Bud Rock's vacated position on the Board.of Adjustment; Nick
Petrish, Sr. is reappointed to the Housing Authority Board and
Kitty Huddleston is reappointed to the Library Board.
Mr. Rock moved and Mr. Brown seconded that the appointments be
approved. Vote: Ayes - Stitt, Separovich, Rock, Horn, Smith,
Brown, Coleman. Motion carried.
Citizen Hearings
Mr. Pres Holton inquired when the street light on Commercial Ave.
at 6th and 8th streets would be fixed. Mayor Rice stated these
lights are on a time sequence and it would be.too costly to change
over to an automatic change according to traffic.
Old Business
Mayor Rice stated Item A under old business pertaining to Findings
of Fact on Mavar's Skyline 21 Subdivision will be post poned until
a future Council meeting; and as Mr. Stitt and Mr. Rock were not
on Council when Item B (Zoning Ordinance Amendments), Item C
(Rezone of Lot 5, Skyline Division 13) and Item D (Rezone of an
area approximately between 34th and 37th and Commercial and Q
Avenue), they would not participate in voting on'these issues.
Zoning Code Amendments
Ian Munce, Planning Director, reviewed the proposed zoning code
amendments relating to rear yard setbacks on which a public hearing
had been held on December 16th. After brief discussion Mr.
Separovich moved and Mr. Coleman seconded that an ordinance be
prepared, reflecting the proposed amendments, for adoption at the
next regular Council meeting. Vote: Ayes- Separovich, Horn, Smith,
Brown, Coleman. Motion carried.
Rezone Lot S, Skyline Division'13
Ian Munce reviewed the.proposed request for -rezone from Residential
to Commercial Lot S, Skyline Division 13; which would allow expan-
sion of ABC Charters boat sales. Mayor Rice stated he received one
phone call and one letter after the public hearing was held on
December 16th, both opposing the rezone.
Mrs. Horn proposed a conditional rezone be considered with a 20'
setback required for parking of cars only and the length of a boat
not to exceed 251. Mrs. Smith stated, considering the history of
the area and that it did begin as a commercial area, she was in
favor of the rezone but would like a limitation of "trailerable
small boats" which would give some flexibility and a 10' setback
which would allow for sidewalks. Mr. Coleman suggested limiting
the height of boats to 141 and width to 81, and Mayor Rice suggested
limiting the area to parking of cars only. Steve Mansfield, City
Attorney, stated enforcement of conditional rezones can be a
problem for the City. Mr. Brown stated he was reluctant to re-
strict a rezone but would allow a rezone with size restrictions.
Mrs. Smith moved the rezone be granted with the stipulation that
the applicant's usage be restricted to the parking of vehicles
and the display of small trailerable boats and the area be land-
scaped in a manner similar to Lot 6 with a 10' setback. Mr.. Brown
seconded the motion. Mrs. Horn amended the motion to require a
January 6, 1986 - continued
20' setback for car parking. Mr. Coleman seconded
Vote on amendment: Ayes - Horn, Coleman. Nayes -
Separovich. Motion failed. Vote on Mrs. Smith's
Brown, Coleman, Horn, Smith. Nayes - Separovich.
the amended motion.
Smith, Brown,
motion: Ayes -
Motion carried.
Rezone Commercial & Q and 34th & 35th Street
Ian Munce reviewed the proposed rezone from RM Zone to Commercial
and alternative considered regarding the proposal. Mr. Meaker,
petitioner, stated he wished to construct a retirement center and
convalescent home along with professional offices in the area. Mr.
Meaker stated the people owning property within the rezone area were
definitely in favor of the rezone. Mayor Rice stated he wanted to
make it clear that people who abutted the area were against the rezone.
Mr. Coleman and Mrs. Horn agreed that an RH2A density would be more
appropriate -for the proposal. Mr. Separovich stated his opposition
to the proposal and concern over elderly people wandering onto the
Mr'. Brown stated because he felt this would be a continuous strip
for the commercial zone he would move to grant the rezorie with a
condition that the area south of the highway coming into town be
for convalescent care, nursing house and professional offices. Mrs.
Smith seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes - Smith, Brown. Nayes -
Coleman, Separovich, Horn. Motion failed.
2MG Reservoir Bids
Alan Dutcher, Engineering Supervisor, explained to Council where
the 2 MG reservoir would be constructed and what the three schedules
of construction involved. After review of the bids it was staff's
recommendation that Contract Schedule A be awarded to Del Mar Con-
struction of Tacoma and Contract Schedule B & C awarded to Cedar
Ridge Construction. of Port Angeles for a total contract amount of
$687,853.40 and that an administrative agreement between the two
construction companies and the City be executed to coordinate con-
struction, final inspection and to relinquish the right to claim
additional compensation against the City for delays caused by the
other contract.
Mr. Dildine stated his opposition to the citizens of Anacortes having
to pay for a Reservoir which would benefit the Skyline Subdivision.
Mrs. Horn moved and Mrs. Smith seconded that the Bids for Schedule
A, B and C be accepted as recommended by City Engineering staff.
Vote: Ayes - Brown, Coleman, Stitt, Separovich, Rick, Horn, Smith,
Brown. Motion carried.
Grave Liner Bids
Mayor Rice stated two bids were received by the Cemetery Department
for Grave Liners, and it was staff's recommendation to accept the
low bid of Cascade Concrete in the amount of $92.00 each.
Mrs. Smith moved and Mr. Coleman seconded that the low bid of Cascade
Concrete be accepted as recommended. Vote: Ayes - Coleman, Stitt,
Separovich, Rick, Horn, Smith, Brown. Motion carried.
Interlocal Agreement City of Anacortes and Port of Anacortes
Mayor Rice stated Council has before them an Interlocal Agreement
between the Port and the City regarding a site for a possible future
secondary sewer treatment plant. He thanked the Port of Anacortes
for their cooperation in locating a possible site.
Mrs. Horn moved and Mr. Stitt seconded that the concept contained
in the proposed interlocal agreement be approved and staff be directed
to enter into negotiations with the Port of Anacortes on the details.
Vote: Ayes - Stitt, Separovich, Horn, Smith, Brown, Coleman, Nayes -
Rock. Mr. Rock stated he has not seen a map of the area and would
have reservations about agreeing before fully understanding the
situation. Motion carried.
Sewer Hookup 'Fee Ordinance
Mayor Rice stated that the total sewer Hookup fee is currently
$610 plus a $15 inspection fee, and a revised hookup fee charge
has not yet been established; therefore, the ordinance before Council
is to continue the addition of a $30 per year surcharge increase
until new hookup fees are determined in the near future.
738 January 6, 1986 - continued
Mr. Stitt moved and Mr. Rock seconded that the ordinance amending
Section 2 -of Ordinance*No. 1614 passed and approved on the 4th
day of February, 1974 be adopted and given ORDINANCE*NO. 2001.
Vote: Ayes - Separovich, Rick, Horn, Smith, Brown, Coleman, Stitt.
Motion carried.
Garbage Rates
Mayor Rice stated recommendations of the garbage rate committee will
be presented to Council for discussion at the January 20th Council
meeting, and possible adoption in February.
Bill Mitchell
Mayor Rice stated King T.V. will be in Anacortes on January 7th
to do a story on Bill Mitchell.
Study Session - January 13th
Items to be discussed at the next study session will include
secondary sewage treatment, the bicycle path and problems arising
with alarm systems involving commercial operations.
Meeting January 27th
The Hospital Board, Fire Department and Finance Department will
meet on January 27th .to discuss costs of ambulance service.
Chamber of Commerce
Ruth Horn stated a speaker from the Department of Ecology attended
the Chamber of Commerce meeting this date to discuss secondary
sewage -treatment.
There being no further business to discuss, Mayor Rice adjourned
the meeting to an executive session at 9:00 p.m.
C� Monahan, Executive Secretary
January 20,1986
aures Rice, Mayor
Mayor Rice called the meeting to .order at 7:30 P.M. Invocation was
offered by Pastor Dave Yount of the Church of Christ, followed by
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll call found present: Bill Coleman, Bill Stitt, Ray Separovich,
Bud Rock, Ruth Horn, Helen Smith, Ken Brown..
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Mrs. Horn stated she wished to correct the minutes of the meeting of
January.6, 1986, page 2, Rezone Lot 5., Skyline Division 13, para-
graph 4, to reflect an affirmative vote by Mr. Separovich ori Mrs.
Horn's amendment to the motion,.therefore, indicating the motion
to amend Mrs. Smith's motion passed.
Mrs. Smith stated she wished to correct the first paragraph on page
3 to indicate her vote as a negative vote on the proposed rezone
of an area -approximately Commercial & Q Avenue and 34th $ 35th St.
Mrs. Smith then moved and Mrs. Horn seconded that the minutes of
January 6, 1986 be approved as corrected. Vote: Ayes - Stitt,
Separovich, Rock, Horn, Smith, Brown, Coleman. Motion carried.
Appointments to Economic Development Corporation
Mrs. Horn moved and Mr. Separovich seconded that Mr. Stitt a.nd_Mr.
Rock be appointed to the Economic Development Corporation.replac-
ing vacated positions of Mr. Littlefield and Mr. Bellum, and that
the resolution appointing members of'the Board of Director of the
City of Anacortes Economic Development Corporation be adopted and
given RESOLUTION No. 868. Vote: Ayes - Separovich, Rock., Horn,
Smith, Brown, Coleman, Stitt. Motion carried.
January 20, 1986 - continued
B Avenue Vacation - Ordinance
The ordinance formally adopting the vacation of B Avenue will be before
Council for adoption on February 3, 1986.
Zoning Code Amendment - Ordinance
Ian Munce, Planning Director, explained the amendments to the zoning
ordinance were considered and approved by Council at a previous meeting,
and the ordinance before Council was to forma-ly adopt the amendments.
Mrs., Smith moved and Mrs. Horn seconded that the ordinance amending
Section .02, .04.10(f)(4) and .08.1(a) of Ordinance No. 1917, passed
and approved on the 18th day of July, 1983 be adopted and given
ORDINANCE NO. 2002. Vote: Ayes - Horn, Smith, Brown, Coleman,
Separovich. Motion carried. (Stitt and Rock did not vote as they
did not participate in the public hearing.)
Rezone Skyline Division 13, Lot 5 - Ordinance
Steve Mansfield, City Attorney, asked that action on this matter be
continued until Jim Anderson, attorney for the applicant, is able to
review the documents with him. Mr. Bob Hogg, Chairman of the Planning
Commission, addressed Council stating the action taken by Council on
the rezone was a quasi-judicial action on land use and there were
violations of the Appearance of Fairness Doctrine; he asked that
Council recind the action and reopen the public hearing on this
matter. Mayor Rice stated this matter would be tabled until Steve
Mansfield was able to review it and determine what would be the
proper action.
Bids on Legal Notice - Resolution
Mayor Rice stated two bids were received on publishing legal notices
for the City; one from the Anacortes American at $3.55 per column inch
and one from the Skagit Argus at $3.80 per column inch. Because of the
width of the columns of the Skagit Argus it appeared they would be
low bidder. However, Mayor Rice stated he felt it only fair to accept
the bid of the Anacortes American as the circulation was considerably
more than that of the Argus. Mr. Dan Berentson of the Skagit Argus
agreed with Mayor Rice. Mr. Robert Aguilar, representing Skagit Valley
Publishing handed out an informational letter to Council.
Mr. Stitt stated because of the circulation difference, he would move
to accept the bid of the Anacortes American and that the resolution
naming the Anacortes American as the Official City Newspaper for 1986
be adopted and given RESOLUTION NO. 866. Mr. Coleman seconded the
motion. Vote: Ayes - Horn, Smith, Brown, Coleman, Stitt, Separovich,
Rock. Motion carried.
Bids on Self Contined Breathing Apparatus
Mayor Rice stated because WAC 296-305 prohibits the use of the breath-
ing apparatus currently used by the Fire Department it was necessary to
call for bids on State approved masks. Two bids were received for 10
Ultralite masks - one from Mine Safety Applicance Co. in the amount of
$14,945.00 and one from Sea Western, Inc. in the amount of $12,882.10.
It was staff's recommendation to accept the low bid from Sea Western
Mrs. Horn moved and Mr. Rock seconded that the low bid of Sea Western,
Inc. in the amount of $12,882.10 be accepted. Vote: Ayes - Smith,
Brown, Coleman, Stitt, Separovich, Rock, Horn. Motion carried.
Monitoring Alarm Systems
Mayor Rice explained consideration has been given to.eliminating
monitoring, by the communication center of the Police Department, alarm
systems for residential and commercial accounts. It is recommended
they go to a private monitoring system. The City will continue to
monitor public entities such as schools and hospital. This matter
will be discussed at a meeting in February when more information is
Bicycle Path
Mayor Rice stated following discussion at study sessions, three
staff recommendations have been made regarding the use of the
bicycle path along 12th street $ Oakes avenue; there are: 1) the
present designated bike path on the south side of 12th street from
Commercial to D Avenue be eliminated by removal of all bike routes
740 January 20, 1986 - continued
signs, leaving in tact the ordinance as it exists which properly
allows for bicyclists to ride on the sidewalk; 2) the designated
bike route west from D Avenue remain as it is for time being;
and 3) staff be authorized to pursue funding through the State
Dept, of Transportation to eradicate striping from D avenue to
Ferry Terminal and restripe to provide shoulders of equal dimension
on both the north and south side of Oakes Avenue.
Mr. Brown suggested that because of a probable increase in parking
requirements due to Expo 86, he would like to have staff look into
the possibility of mowing the grassy area and placing parking
stripes so people can park properly and space is not wasted.
Mr. Richard Dildine suggested 11th street to D Avenue be designated
as a bike route.
Mrs. Smith moved and Mrs. Horn seconded that the staff recommenda-
tions pertaining to the bicycle path be approved as recommended.
Vote; Ayes - Brown, Coleman, Stitt, Separovich, Rock, Horn,
Smith. Motion carried.
Increase in Garbage Rates
Mayor Rice explained discussion has been taking place regarding
increasing garbage rates for 1986 and 1987. A proposed increase of
74% will be discussed at a Garbage Rate Committee meeting on
February 10th. Mr. Rock commented he hoped the newspaper would
give some good coverage on this subject and he also wanted Council
to consider graduating the increase. Mr. Stitt asked that staff
provide a couple of brief paragraphs on what citizens can do to
keep garbage costs down. Mayor Rice stated disposal of aluminum
cans and newspaper by turning them in for recycling is a good
Mr. Holton stated he was not satisfied with the proposed figures
on garbage rates and would like to see true costs for both
municipal operation and private.
Skagit County Community Action Agency Resolution
A resolution was before Council to authorize execution of an agree-
ment between the City and Skagit County Community Action Agency
to provide certain services to the low income residents of
Anacortes for the year 1986.
Mr. Separovich moved and Mr. Rock seconded that the resolution
authorizing and directing execution of a Memorandum of Agreement
by and between the City of Anacortes and Skagit Councy Community
Action Agency be adopted and given RESOLUTION NO. 867. Vote:
Ayes - Coleman, Stitt, Separovich, Rock, Horn, Smith, Brown.
Motion carried,
January 27th Meeting
Mayor Rice announced that next Monday evening the City will meet
with members of the Hospital to discuss overall ambulance service.
Recommended appointments area as follows; Civil Service Commission_,
reappointment of Normal Beets; Traffic Safety Committee
reappointments of Bob Ellis, Andy Sloss, Bud Rock, Floyd Lunsford,
Joe LeBlonde, and Jerry McCormick. Mr. Stitt moved and Mr.
Separovich seconded that the recommended appointments be approved,
Vote: Ayes - Stitt, Separovich, Rock, Horn, Brown, Smith,
Coleman. Motion carried.
Reservoir Overflow
Mr. Jim Pemberton,Maintenance Superintendent, explained some of
the problems which have occurred with overflowing of the 2MG
reservoir on Whistle Lake Road and what some of the alternatives
are to alleviate the problem, He proposed Council consider pur-
chasing a 2,2 acre.parcel of property at the corner of Whistle
Lake Road and Haddon which has a natural drainage course and on
which overflow could be routed, An appraisal was done on the
property and a price of $31,000 was negotiated, A portion of
this property could also be used for a park.,
January 20, 1986 - continued
Mrs. Horn moved and Mr. Brown seconded that City staff be directed to
purchase the property for $31,000.. Vote: Ayes - Separovich, Rock,
Horn, Smith, Brown, Coleman. Abstained - Stitt. Motion carried.
Mayor Pro -Tem
Mrs. Smith moved and Mr. Separovi.ch seconded that Bill Coleman be
appointed Mayor -Pro -Tem for 1986. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
There being no further business to discuss. Mayor Rice adjourned the
meeting at 8:40 P.M.
C. Monahan, Executive Secretary ,/.Ames Rice, Mayor
February 3, 1986
The meeting of the Anacortes City Council was called to order at 7:30
P.M. by Mayor Rice. Invocation was given by Pastor Broussard.
Roll call was taken with the following Council members present: Bill
Coleman, Bill Stitt, Ray Separovich, Bud Rock, Ruth Horn, Helen Smith,
Ken Brown.
It was moved by Brown and seconded by Horn to approve the minutes of
the previous meeting with the _following correction: the term for
Mayor Pro -tem, Bill Coleman, is a two year term rather. than one. The
motion was unanimously passed.
Citizen Hearings
Juddie Murphy, on behalf of the Association of University Women, pre-
sented Council with an updated list of elected and appointed officials.
Mayor Rice expressed his appreciation for the work of the AAUW in this
Dick Ash made a presentation in regards to the upcoming tulip festival
and Anacortes' participation therein. Mr. Ash indicated that the
Committee could use additional financial help from the Council if
Nadine Palmer addressed the Council in regard to the needs for an
ordinance establishing a curfew for juveniles within the City of
Old Business - B Avenue Vacation
Under old business, an ordinance was presented to the Council vacating
a portion of B Avenue in the First Ship Harbor's addition to the City
of Anacortes.
Motion by Smith and seconded by Brown to adopt Ordinance No. 2003,
entitled "An Ordinance Vacating a Portion of B Avenue Lying Between
Blocks 4 and 5, First Ship Harbors Addition to the City of Anacortes."
Motion was unanimously passed.
New Business - Bed & Breakfast, 4911 MacBeth Dr.-Conaitional Use
Mayor Rice opened a public hearing to consider a conditional use appli-
cation for a Bed & Breakfast establishment at 4911 MacBeth Drive.
George Ray of Anacortes spoke in favor of the application. The public
hearing was closed by Mayor Rice.
Horn moved with a second by Smith to approve the Conditional Use
application. Motion was unan.i:nously approved.
Bed $ Breakfast -"1220 31st Street - Conditional Use Permit
Mayor Rice opened a public hearing to consider a modification of a
Conditional Use Permit issued for a Bed & Breakfast establishment at
1220 31st Street. Petitioner is requesting permission to erect a sign
on the public right of way adjacent to his establishment and also to
have a sign approximately 5 s.f. in area.
742 February 3, 1986 - continued
Juddie Murphy spoke against granting a proposed modification and
read a letter into the record which she had sent to the Council.
The applicant, Bill O'Connor, explained his position relative to
his need for some relief.
Mayor Rice closed the public hearing. Stitt moved that the peti-
tion be denied and Coleman seconded the motion. Those in favor:
Coleman, Stitt, Separovich, Rock, Horn. Those opposed: Smith,
Brown. Rock then moved to allow a 2 s.f. sign to be placed away
from the establishment but on the property of petitioner. Coleman
seconded the motion.. Motion was unanimously approved.
Set Public Hearing Date Vacation of 9th at Market - Resolution
Separovich moved that Resolution No. 869 entitled "A Resolution
fixing a time when a petition for vacation may be heard and
determined by the Council and setting a public hearing date", be
approved. Rock seconded the motion. The vacation would involve
a portion of Market Street. Motion was unanimously approved.
Public Hearing will be March 3rd.
Pres Holton addressed the Council in regard to questions about how
Market Street came to be.
Contract with Chamber of Commerce - Resolution
Smith moved and Horn seconded a motion to approve Resolution No.
870, entitled "A Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor
anU City Council Clerk Treasurer to execute a contract by and be-
tween the City of Anacortes and the Anacortes Chamber of Commerce",
said contract in the amount of $9,500. Motion was unanimously
Amendment to Zoning Code - Rear Yard Setbacks
The Council then discussed Ordinance No. 2002, which dealt with
rear yard setbacks and accessory buildings. Some Council members
felt that the action taken at the previous meeting was not in
accordance with what they'd intended. A motion was made by Coleman
and seconded by Horn that the Council reconsider the action taken
at the previous meeting in regard to passage of Ordinance No. 2002.
Those in favor: Coleman, Separovich, Horn, Smith, Brown. Stitt
and Rock did not vote since they had not participated in the pre-
vious decision. Horn then moved to table the reconsideration of
the matter to the next Council meeting. Separovich seconded the
motion. Those in favor: Coleman, Separovich, Horn, Smith, Brown.
Stitt and Rock did not participate in the vote,
Rezone of Lot 5, Division 13, Skyline - Set Public Hearing Date
A motion was made by Horn and seconded by Stitt to set a new
Public Hearing date to consider the rezone of Lot 5, Division 13,
Skyline, said date to be March 3rd. Motion was unanimously
Mayor Rice asked the Council to approve the reappointment of Paul
Stratton to the Museum Board. Horn moved with a second by Stitt,
that Paul Stratton be appointed to the Museum Board. Motion
unanimously carried.
Study Session
Mayor Rice announced a study session to consider garbage rates on
February 10th.
Mayor Rice announced that the next regular Council meeting would be
Tuesday, February 18th because'Monday, February 17th is a holiday.
It was also announced that Thursday at 7:30 P.M, in th.e Council
Chambers a study session would be held on the Appearance of Fair-
ness of Doctrine and the Open Meeting Act.
Mayor Rice updated the Council on current legislation relating to
secondary treatment requirements.
With no further business before the Council, the meeting was adjourned.
C. Monahan, Executive Secretary J es Rice, Mayor
February 18, 1986
Mayor Rice called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. Pastor Love
offered the invocation followed by Pledge .of Allegiance to the Flag,
Foll call found present: Ruth. Horn, K.en Brown, Bud Rock., Helen Smith.,
Absent: Bill Coleman, Bill Stitt, Ray Separovich_,
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Mr. Brown moved and Mrs. Smith seconded that the minutes of February 3,
1986 be approved as if read, Vote: Ayes - Brown, Rock, Smith., Horn,
Motion carried.
Mayor Rice stated he received a letter from people who live in th.e
West End who are concerned about th.e coyote problem in that area,
The animal control officer has trapped two and Mayor Rice has
been discussing.the problem with someone who may do some trapping
at no charge to the City. Mayor Rice also suggested that people
make an effort to keep their pet food inside and keep garbage away
from alleys.
Old Business Zoning Code Amendment
Ian Munce, Planning Director, explained becaus.e of misunderstandings
involved with proposed zoning code amendments regarding rear yard
setbacks it is suggested that the issue be brought back to Council
for clarification of definitions,
Mrs. Horn moved and Mr, Rock seconded that a public hearing date
of March 17th be set to reconsider the matter, Votes Ayes � Brown,
Rock, Smith, Horn. Motion carried.
New Business - Bond Anticipation Notes,
A request for quotes on bond anticipation notes for urban renewal
property was sent to five commercial banks and 7 investment firms.
It is recommended that a low bid of 6.065% from Rainier Bank be
approved. Steve Mansfield, City Attorney, read by title an ordinance
authorizing the issuance of bond anticipation notes.
Mr. Brown moved and Mrs. Horn seconded that the low bid of 6.065% from
Rainier Bank be accepted and that an ordinance of the City of
Anacortes, Washington, relating to contracting indebtedness; amending
Section 2 of Ordinance No. 1936 extending the time by which such bonds
must be issued; establishing a limited tax general obligation bond
anticipation note fund; authorizing the issuance and sale of a limited
tax general obligation bond anticipation note to pay part of the cost
of redeeming the City's outstanding Limited Tax General Obligation
Bond Anticipation Notes, 1985, and Limited Tax General Obligation Bond
Anticipation Notes, 1985, Issue No. 2; and providing for the sale
and delivery of such notes to Rainier National Bank, Seattle,
Washington be adopted and given ORDINANCE NO. 2004. Vote: Ayes -
Rock, Smith, Horn, Brown. Motion carried.
Garbage Rate Increase
Mayor Rice stated approximately 4 meetings were held regarding
proposed garbage rate increases for 1986 and 1987. A proposed ordinance
was before Council which will be placed on the March 3rd agenda for
consideration. Mayor Rice stated people who use only one garbage
can should let the Finance Department at City Hall know within 60
days so the billing can be adjusted. Everyone will be notified
of proposed changes prior to billing. A "bag" system of collecting
garbage was discussed and Mayor Rice stated this may be tried in
a portion of the City later on to see how it works,
Mr. Pres Holton addressed Council questioning the effectiveness of
a recycling operation at 32nd Street.
Mr. Rock moved and Mrs. Horn seconded that Les Vandervort be appointed
to the Community Center Board, Ayes - Smith, Horn, Brown, Rock,
Motion carried.
744 February 18, 1986 - continued
Study Session - Ambulance Service
On Monday, February 24th in the Council Chambers at 7:30 P.M, the
Council will meet with Island Hospital employees to discuss ambu-
lance service.
Mayor Rice stated he had been informed by Dick Staples of 2 upcom-
ing centennials - the State Centennial in 1989 and the City
Centennial in 1991.
Secondary Sewer Treatment
Mr. Brown stated there is a bill on the Governor's desk that will
be signed on Friday which will give the City until 1991 to con-
struct a secondary sewer treatment plant,
There being no further business to discuss Mayor Rice adjourned
the meeting at 8:00 P.M. after which Mr. Staples showed a program
done on Bill Mitchell by KING T.V.
C. Monahan, Executive Secretary
March 3, 1986
es Rice, Mayor
Mayor Rice called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. Invocation
was offered by Father Clanahan, followed by Pledge of Allegiance
to the Flag.
Roll call found present: Bill Coleman, Ray Separovich, Bud Rock,
Ruth Horn, Helen Smith, Ken Brown. Absent; Bill Stitt.
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Mr. Brown moved and Mr. Coleman seconded that the minutes of the
meeting of February 18, 1986 be approved as if read. Vote:
Ayes - Separovich, Rock, Horn, Smith, Brown, Coleman. Motion
9th $ Market Street Vacation
Steve Mansfield, City Attorney, explained the two meth -ods in which
a vacation could be initiated; one being by petition of abutting
property owners and if they don't wish to petition but are not
opposed to the vacation, then Council could go ahead and pass a
resolution to vacate the street. It was agreed by Council that
Mr. Mansfield will contact abutting property owners and prepare
an appropriate resolution to initiate the vacation of Market
Solid Waste Rate Ordinance
Mayor Rice discussed the proposed increases in garbage rates and
emphasized the importance of recycling. He also stated that 200
discount was still available to low income citizens.
Mr. Brown moved and Mrs. Smith seconded that the ordinance amend
ing Section 10 and 11 of Ordinance No. 1845, dated December 15,
1980 setting rates for pickup and disposal of garbage or refuse be
adopted and given ORDINANCE NO. 2005. Vote: Ayes Rock, Horn,
Smith, Brown, Coleman, Separovichi—. Motion carried.
Call for Bids on Solid Waste Containers
Mayor Rice explained 3 bids were received on 6, 3, and 1.1/2 yard
solid waste containers. It was staff's recommendation to accept
the low bid of DeWald Northwest in the amount of $14,230.85.
Mrs. Smith moved and Mrs. Horn seconded that the low bid of DeWald
Northwest in the amount of $14,230.85 be accepted. Vote: Ayes -
Horn, Smith, Brown, Coleman, Separovich, Rock. Motion carried.
Annual Cleanup Month
Mayor Rice stated the month of April is annual cleanup month and
extra garbage will be picked up at no charge.
March 3, 1986 - continued
Voucher Approval
Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer (City Clerk -
Treasurer) as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimburse-
ment claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded
on warrant register which has been made available to the Council
Committee. These vouchers are as follows:
Claims Fund
Month Voucher No. Total Amount
December 1077-1355; *1356; 1357-1363; $386,580.28
*1364-1369; 1370-1434;
1435 was voided; *1436-1466;
1467-1520; *1521; 1522-1542
* 1986 claims
December 1023-1274 $203,295.63
Mr. Coleman moved and Mr. Separovich seconded that as of March 3,
1986, the Council approve for payment those vouchers included in
the above list. Vote: Ayes - Smith, Brown, Coleman, Separovich,
Rock, Horn. Motion carried.
Secondary Sewage Treatment
Mayor Rice stated he and City staff met with D.O.E. people in Olympia'
this date and at the end of this month they will offer 50o funding
for secondary treatment, but even with that offer secondary treatment
would not be affordable.
Study Session
Mayor Rice stated next Monday Council will be discussing possible
terms of lease for an R.V. Park but site specifics will not be in-
cluded in the discussion. Alarm systems and non-union employment
contracts will also be discussed.
There being no further business to discuss, Mayor Rice adjourned
the meeting at 8:00 P.M.
C. ona an, Executive' Secretary
March 17, 1986
Mayor Rice called the meeting to
offered by Pastor Claasen of the
of Allegiance to the Flag.
ames Rice, Mayor
order at 7:30 F.M. Invocation was
Lutheran Church, Followed by Pledge
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Mr. Separovich moved and Mir. Brown seconded that the mii.utes of March 3,
1986 be approved as if react. 'Dote: Ayes - Stitt, Separovich, Brown,
Horn, Sinith, Rock, Coleman. Motion carried.
Amendment to Lease for Anacortes Plywood
Ian Niunce, Planning Director, explained the City is able to restrict
the proposed barge loading; facilities to either owners or lessors of
property in the industrial Park, therefore, an amendment to the lease
option with Anacortes Plywood Inc. has been prepared which incorporates
the local cooperation terms and designates Anacortes Plywood, Inc. as
managers of the corridor and dock.
Mrs. Smith moved and Mrs. Horn seconded that the Resolution amending
Resolution No. 835 (lease between the City of Anacortes and Anacortes
Plywood, Inc.) be adopted and given RESOLUTION NO. 871. Vote: Ayes
Separovich, Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman. Nayes - Stitt.
Motion carried.
7 4 6 March 17, 1986 - continued
Authorization to Solicit Offers to Purchase Urban Renewal Land
Mayor Rice explained he was requesting Council's authorization to
advertise the sale of urban renewal property in order to raise
money to pay for costs of constructing a secondary sewage treat-
ment plant.
Mr. Stitt moved and Mrs. Horn seconded that authorization be given
to City staff to advertise the sale of 55 acres of waterfront
property in the Anacortes Industrial Park. Vote: Ayes - Brown,
Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman, Stitt, Separovich. Motion carried.
Rezone Lot 5, Division 13, Skyline - Public Hearing (Tape Recorded)
A new public hearing had been set on a request by ABC Charters for
rezone from Residential to Commercial Lot 5, Division 13 Skyline.
Mayor Rice declared the public hearing open. Steve Mansfield,
City Attorney asked if there was anyone present who challenged
participation of any member of Council on this public hearing. Mr.
John Green, 2901 I Avenue, stated he believed it would be appro-
priate to issue a challenge to the two members of Council who
apparently violated the Appearance of Fairness doctrine. Mrs.
Smith and Mr. Separovich stepped down at this time. Mr. Green
then stated he was appearing on behalf of a number of concerned
citizens who are opposed to the rezone request and gave a state-
ment outlining reasons why the request should be denied.
Jim Anderson,.Attorney for A.B.C. Charters, addressed Council
offering a statement as to why the property should be rezoned.
Delores Shimkus, 5708 Kingsway and Fred Bartleson, 5707 Kingsway
addressed Council opposing the rezone and Mr. Dick Dildine
suggested a conditional use permit might be appropriate in this
Phil Walterman, 540.6 Kingsway, stated he felt the best possible
utilization of the property would be to revert back to Commercial
Mr. Gene Jordeth, 1901 Bradley Drive, addressed Council giving
information on A.B.C. Charters and the reasons why the property
should be rezoned. Mayor Rice then declared the public hearing
Mr. Stitt inquired of Mr. Jordeth if he would be willing to accept
a qualified rezone wherein the area would be restricted to park-
ing of automobiles, motor homes and trailerable boats specifi-
cally limited to an overall length of 26 feet, a beam of 10 feet
and a height, including masts, of 14 feet above the highest point
on the lot. Mr. Jordeth stated he would have a problem with the
height and a trailerable overall length of 26 feet is very small.
It was decided that the meeting be continued to Tuesday, March 18th
at 6:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers where Council will meet prior
to viewing the subject site, and then continue the meeting to
April 7th at which time the matter will be considered at the
regular Council meeting. (Petitions and letters submitted will be
kept on file in Planning Department.)
Setbacks for Accessory Buildings - Public Hearing (Tape Recorded)
Mayor Rice declared the public hearing open on proposed amendments
to rear yard setbacks for accessory buildings. Ian Munce eNplained
there was, in the past, some confusion as to a decision regarding
rear yard setbacks, therefore, two proposed ordinances were before.
Council this evening; one giving the Planning Commission recommen-
dation and the other an alternative developed by City Council.
George Ray, 5105 MacBeth Drive, Joe Park, 4709 Yorkshire Drive,
Brian Walters, 1619 13th St., Bob Hogg, 1920 8th St., John Prosser,
1301 6th St., Steve Roseberry, 1108 9th St., Richard Sands, 4817
Yorkshire Drive, Cliff Rise, 5205 Kingsway, and Don Leatherwood
all addressed Council stating their opinions on the proposed
changes. Mayor Rice then declared the public hearing closed.
March 17, 1986 - continued 747
After discussion Mr. Stitt stated he felt it was an aesthetic matter
and does not affect public safety, therefore, he moved to repeal the
previous ordinance No. 2002 passed on January 20th, 1986 and reject
the two proposals before Council this evening. IMr. Separovich seconded
the motion. Vote: Ayes - Horn, Rock, Coleman, Stitt, Seaprovich.
Nayes - Smith, Brown. Motion carried. (Petitions and letters will be
kept on file in the Planning Department.)
Authorization of Loan to Forest'Land Management Fund
Mrs. Smith moved and Mr. Stitt seconded that a resolution authorizing
a loan from the General Fund (001) to the Forest Land Management Fund
(151) and setting forth rates applicable thereto be adopted and given
RESOLUTION NO. 872. Vote: Ayes - Smith, Rock, Coleman, Stitt,
Separovich, Brown, Horn. Motion carried.
Oak Harbor Water Rate Contract - Resolution
Mayor Rice stated a water contract between the City of Anacortes and
the City of Oak Harbor was before Council for consideration. This
contract would put in effect new rates as of April 1986 reflecting an
overall increase of budgeted wholesale water costs.
Mr. Coleman moved and Mr. Separovich seconded that the resolution
authorizing execution of an amendment to water contract, by and
between the City of Anacortes and the City of Oak Harbor be adopted and
given RESOLUTION NO. 873. Vote: Ayes - Rock, Coleman, Stitt,
Separovich, Brown, Horn, Smith. Motion carried.
Marina Motor Inn Variance Request
A drawing was displayed of a proposed motel at 9th and Market Street
and Mayor Rice explained the developer was requesting that the con-
struction of sidewalk, curb and gutter and paving on Market street
between 9th and Q Avenue be waived; and that the paving of 9th street
between R and Q be waived until October of 1986 at which time they
would coordinate with the Port of Anacortes improvements. Also re-
quested was a reduction in width of sidewalk from 8 feet to 6 feet.
Mr. Coleman moved and Mrs. Smith seconded that the variance requests
be approved. Vote: Ayes - Coleman, Stitt, Separovich, Brown, Horn,
Smith, Rock. Motion carried.
January Voucher Approval
Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer (City Clerk -
Treasurer) as required by RCW 42.24..080, and those expense reimburse-
ment claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded
on warrant register which has been made available to the Council
Committee. These vouchers are as follows:
Claim Fund
Month Voucher No. Total Amount
January 1357-1676 except; $301,950.61
1358-1363; 1370-1435;
1467-1520; 1522-1542
are December warrants
January 1275 - 1530 $209,686.32
Mr. Separovich moved and Mrs. Smith seconded that as of March 18, 1986
the Council approved for payment those vouchers included in the above
Mayor Rice asked Council permission for a carnival to be set up be-
tween 13th and 14th and 0 Avenue on April 4, 5th and 6th. Mr. Rock
moved and Mr. Brown seconded that permission be given to operate a
carnival at the requested location. Vote: Ayes - Separovich, Brown,
Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman, Stitt. Motion carried.
Permission to Allow Bus at 1718 D Avenue
Mayor Rice stated the family of an elderly person living at 1718 D
Avenue requested that they be allowed to live in a bus on that
property in order to take care of the invalid person. The bus will
be removed when it is no longer necessary to care for the person.
748 March 17, 1986 - continued
Mrs. Horn moved and Mr. Separovich seconded that the bus be allowed
to remain there as long as necessary to care for the person. Vote:
Ayes - Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman, Stitt, Separovich.
Motion carried.
Secondary sewer treatment was discussed and the Mayor then con-
tinued the meeting until March 18th at 6:00 P.M.
C. Monahan, Executive Secretary James Rice, Mayor
April 7, 1986
Mayor Rice called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M., followed by
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll call found present: Bill Coleman, Bill Stitt, Ray Separovich,
Ken Brown, Ruth Horn, Helen Smith, Bud Rock.
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Mrs. Smith moved and Mrs. Horn seconded that the minutes of
March 17, 1986 meeting be approved as if read. Vote: Ayes - Stitt,
Separovich, Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman. Motion carried.
Skyline Division 21- Public Hearing
Mayor Rice stated the public hearing scheduled on Skyline Divison
21 will be held at a later date and public notice will be made
when a date is set.
Citizen Hearing
Mrs. Kilpatrick, 1713 6th St., addressed Council expressing her
concern about the dumping of debris over the hillside at 6th
Street and H Avenue. Mayor Rice stated he was aware of the
problem and would take steps to post the area.
Rezone Lot 5, Division 13, Skyline
Mayor Rice explained a public hearing had been held on the rezone
request from RL to Commercial of Lot 5, Division 13, Skyline. The
site was viewed by Council members Horn, Stitt, Brown and Rock.
Mr. Jordeth, the petitioner, was also at the site at this time.
(Mrs. Smith and Mr. Separovich stepped down at this time and did
not participate in consideration of this matter.)
Mr. Robert Hogg, Chairman of the Planning Commission, explained
recommendation to deny the rezone was made by the Planning
Commission because the original request was to allow automobile
parking and they felt this could be handled in a different way.
Mr. Brown moved and Mrs. Horn seconded that the subject property
be rezoned from RL to Commercial Marine with a stipulation that
if there is any parking of boats on this property they not be
over a length of 30'.
Mr. Stitt moved that Mr. Brown's motion be amended to limit the
size, if other than automobiles are to be parked on the lot,
such as motor homes, boats, etc., to 26' overall, 10' in width
and a height, including masts, of 14' from the highest point of
the lot. Mr. Coleman seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes- Horn,
Rock, Coleman, Stitt, Nayes - Brown. Motion carried.
Vote on Mr. Brown's motion as amended: Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman,
Stitt. Motion carried..
Bed & Breakfast-Coridit`ional Use Permit
Mayor Rice declared the public hearing open on a request for Con-
ditional Use Permit for a Bed and Breakfast establishment at 1919
Tweed Place. There were no comments from the audience and Mayor
Rice declared the public hearing closed.
April 7, 1986 - continued
Mr. Rock moved and Mrs. Horn seconded that the Conditional Use Permit
be approved as requested. Vote: Ayes - Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman,
Stitt, Separovich, Brown. Motion carried.
Proposed Amendments to the Uniform Building Code
In order to allow more time to consider the proposed amendments, Mr.
Rock moved and Mr. Coleman seconded that this matter be tabled to a
study session on May 12, 1986. Vote: Ayes - Smith, Rock,. Coleman,
Stitt, Separovich, Brown, Horn. Motion carried.
Bid Recommendation T.V. Inspection of Sewer System
Mayor Rice stated bids were received for cleaning and television
inspection of approximately 46,000 feet of the City sanitary sewer
system. The three firms submitting bids were: Cal -Tom, Inc. of
Portland, Oregon - $39,646; Gelco, Kent, Washington - $37,077; and
Precision Sealing and Video Systems, Bellevue, Washington - $43,064.
It was staff's recommendation that the low bid of Gelco be accepted
subject to approval by the Department of Ecology.who is offering a
grant of up to $20,000 for the project.
Mrs. Smith moved and Mrs. Horn seconded that the low bid of Gelco
in the amount of $37,077 be accepted. Vote: Ayes - Rock, Coleman,
Stitt, Separovich, Brown, Horn, Smith. Motion carried.
Interlocal Agreement w/Skagit County for Solid Waste Disposal
IZayor Rice explained an Agreement is before Council for consideration
which involves the participation of all cities in Skagit county and
Skagit County to dispose of solid waste at a designated site. The
County will have the responsibility of how and where to dispose
with input from the cities involved.
Mr. Brown moved and Mr. Stitt seconded that the City of Anacortes
enter into the Interlocal Agreement for disposal of solid waste.
Vote: Ayes - Coleman, Stitt, Separovich, Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock.
Motion carried.
Bid Recommendation D Avenue Construction
Mayor Rice stated three bids were received for the D Avenue Con-
struction project which would include road work, waterline con-
struction and asphalt; these were from Associated Sand & Gravel -
$413,186.70; Wilder Construction - $416,275.45 and. Lakeside Industries -
$362,858.60. It is staff's recommendation to accept the low bid from
Lakeside Industries.
Mrs. Horn moved and Mr. Rock seconded that the low bid of Lakeside
Industries in the total amount of $362,858.60 be accepted. Vote:
Ayes - Stitt,. Separovich, Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman. Motion
Solid Waste Disposal
Mayor Rice stated he had attended a symposium in Ellensburg on solid
waste disposal at which discussion was held on problems involved
in disposal.and recycling. He urged all citizens to utilize the drop
off sites for recycling materials.
NPDES Permits for Storm Water
Dave Ford, Director of Public Works stated he recently attended an
American Public Works Association Spring Conference and the subject
of storm water outfalls was discussed and the possiblity of the State
requiring permits for each outfall existing within the City, of which
Anacortes has about 30. He explained if this was required, the
permit and testing would cost approximately $8,000.00.
Study Session
Mayor Rice stated next Monday a study session will be held and traffic
revision on Commercial Avenue and the imposition of 1/4 of to real
estate tax will be discussed.
Incineration Plan
Mr. Pres Holton expressed his concern over what he has read on Skagit
County's solid waste incineration plan.
750 April 7, 1986 - continued
Tulip Festival
Mrs. Horn stated approximately 25,000 people visited Anacortes
during the Tulip Festival. She expressed her appreciation on
the work done by the Tulip Festival Committee and asked that a
resolution be adopted thanking the Committee for a job well done.
Mrs. Horn moved and Mr. Rock seconded that a resolution thanking
the Tourism Committee of the Chamber of Commerce for their work
involved in the Tulip Festival be adopted and given RESOLUTION
NO. 874. Vote: Ayes - Separovich, Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock,
Coleman, Stitt. Motion carried.
There being no further business to discuss, Mayor Rice adjourned
the meeting at 8:40 P.M.'
C. -'Monahan, Executive Secretary
April 21, 1986
Mayor Rice called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. Invocation
was offered by Pastor Love, followed by Pledge of Allegiance to
the flag.
Roll call found present: Bill Coleman, Bill Stitt, Ray Separovich ,
Ken Brown, Ruth Horn, Helen Smith, Bud Rock.
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Mrs. Smith moved the minutes of April 7th be approved with a correc-
tion on Page 1, under Rezone Lot 5, Division 13, Skyline to read on
the first line of last paragraph that Mr. Brown voted instead of
Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Horn seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes - Stitt,
Separovich, Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman. Motion carried.
Mayor Rice stated he received a letter from Gene Sampley of Skagit
County informing him that Sunday, April 27th, dumping would be
allowed free at both Inman and Gibraltar solid waste sites. This
would include household solid waste but would not include ccnenercial
dumping or tires, demolition materials, etc.
Mayor Rice stated the week of May 11th is proclaimed to be National
Police Week and May 15th of each year to be "Police Memorial Day."
He called on the citizens to make every effort to express appreciation
for the police officers of the City.
Old Business - Rezone Lot 5, Division 13, Skyline
Mayor Rice stated due to possible changes in the Property Use Agree-
ment the rezone of Lot 5, Division 13, Skyline would be tabled
until the next regular meeting.
Texaco Water Contract
Mayor Rice explained an -amendment to the water contract between
Texaco Refinery and the City was before Council for approval. Mr.
Separovich moved and Mr. Stitt seconded that the resolution
authorizing execution of an amendment to water contract, by and
between the City of Anacortes and Texaco Refining & Marketing, Inc.
be adopted and given RESOLUTION NO. 875. Vote: Ayes -.Separovich,
Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman, Stitt. Motion carried.
Vacation Request approx. 1st & Commercial
Mayor Rice stated the Port of Anacortes has requested a vacation
of streets at approximately lst & Commercial and a resolution was
before Council to set a public hearing date.
April 21, 1986 - continued
Mrs. Smith moved and Mr. Brown seconded that a resolution fixing a
time of May 19th when a petition for vacation may be heard and
determined by the Council be adopted and given RESOLUTION NO. 876.
Vote: Ayes - Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman, Stitt, Separovich.
Motion carried.
Bed & Breakfast Establishment - Amendment to Zoning Ordinance
Mayor Rice declared a public hearing open on an amendment to the
zoning ordinance which pertains to signs for bed and breakfast establish-
ments. Ian Munce, Planning Director, stated currently signs adver-
tising bed and breakfast establishments are allowed on the residential
structure only, and the amendment would allow signs to be placed on
the property as long as they do not encroach into the right of way.
Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter and made
recommendation for the amendment. There were no comments from the
audience and Mayor Rice declared .the public hearing closed.
Mrs. Smith moved and Mrs. Horn seconded that the recommendation of
the Planning Commission to amend the zoning ordinance covering Bed
and Breakfast establishment be approved. Vote: Ayes - Horn, Smith,
Rock, Coleman, Stitt, Separovich, Brown. Motion carried.
Traffic Revision on Commercial Avenue
The subject of traffic revision on Commercial Avenue from 4 lanes to
2 lanes with left turn areas was discussed. This matter will be
placed on the May 5th agenda for action.
Variance from Garbage Disposal Ordinance
Dave Ford, Director of Public Works, explained an ordinance currently
is in effect which requires that garbage disposals be placed in all
new dwellings or dwelling units and a developer of a convalescent
center is asking for a variance from placing garbage disposals in
the individual apartments, although he plans to install a commercial
disposal in the main kitchen area. It was pointed out the action
to be taken on this request would be to recind the present ordinance.
An ordinance to this effect will be drawn up for Council's considera-
tion on May 5th.
Washington State Ferry Parking in Industrial Park
Mr. Munce explained a proposal has been made to allow parking on 2'
acres of industrial park property for people utilizing the Washington
State Ferries for the months of June, July and August. The property
is located in the fenced area behind Hydraulic Fishing Supply and
it is proposed that the State Ferries would supply a shuttle bus
to transport people back and forth.
DWI Impact Funds
Steve Mansfield, City Attorney, addressed Council explaining the
process of hiring an attorney to try DWI cases which would normally
be plea bargained. He stated the City of Mt. Vernon and Skagit County
have agreed to fund a part time DWI prosecutor and if the City of
Anacortes were to utilize the prosecutor, the City's share of funding
would be $5,000.00. He felt the services were needed to prosecute
these particular cases.
Mrs. Horn moved and Mr. Brown seconded that the expenditure of
$5,000.00. be approved for the services of a part time DWI prosecutor.
Vote: Ayes - Smith, Rock, Coleman, Stitt, Separovich, Brown, Horn.
Motion carried.
Duties of City Attorney
At Mayor Rice's request the City Attorney explained to Council the
various duties of his position from prosecuting municipal court cases
to handling various litigation involving the City.
There being no further business, Mayor Rice adjourned to an executive
session at 8:10 P.M.
C. Monahan, Executive Secretary
James Rice,
752 May 5, 1986
Mayor Rice called the meeting
offered by Major Greholver of
of Allegiance to the Flag.
to order at 7:30 P.M. Invocation was
the Salvation Army followed by Pledge
Roll call found present: Bill Coleman, Bill Stitt, Ray Separovich,
Ken Brown, Ruth Horn, Helen Smith, Bud Rock.
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Mr. Brown moved and Mrs. Horn seconded that the minutes of April 21,
1986 be approved as if read. Vote: Ayes - Stitt, Separovich, Brown,
Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman. Motion carried.
Zoning Code Amendment - Bed & Breakfast - Ordinance
Mayor Rice explained public hearings had been held on amendment to
the zoning code pertaining to signs for bed and breakfast establish-
ments which would allow location of signs other than on the primary
structure. There were no objections. to the amendment and an ordinance
was before Council to formally adopt the amendment.
Mrs. Smith moved and Mrs. Horn seconded that the ordinance amending
Section .12.2e(2) of Ordinance No. 1917, passed and approved on the
18th day of July, 1983 be adopted and given ORDINANCE NO. 2006.
Vote: Ayes - Separovich, Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman, Stitt.
Motion carried.
1/4 of 1% Real Estate Tax
Mayor Rice explained the imposition of 1/4 of 1% real estate tax
would provide revenue to the City and at the same time allow the
City to borrow from a Public Works Trust Fund. The money could
be earmarked for such things as secondary sewer treatment plant.
Mrs. Horn moved and Mrs. Smith seconded that an ordinance be drawn
up imposing a 1/4 of 1% real estate tax and indicating that monies
be earmarked for sewer treatment. Vote: Ayes - Brown, Horn, Smith,
Rock, Coleman, Stitt, Separovich. Motion carried.
Traffic Revision on Commercial Avenue
Mayor Rice stated the State has approved a proposed plan to revise
Commercial Avenue from 12th Street south which would provide two
way traffic with a left turn lane and parking.
Mr. Brown moved and Mr. Coleman seconded that City staff contact
Washington State Department of Transportation to coordinate efforts
with the City to pursue the revision. Vote: Ayes - Horn, Smith,
Rock, Coleman, Stitt, Separovich, Brown. Motion carried.
Rezone Lot 5, Division 13, Skyline
Mayor Rice stated this item will be on the next Council agenda.
Rescind Garbage Disposal Ordinance - Ordinance
In order to allow the installation of garbage disposal units on a
voluntary basis Mrs. Horn moved and Mr. Brown seconded that an
ordinance repealing ordinance No. 1478, passed and approved on
March 18, 1969, be approved and given ORDINANCE NO. 2007. Vote:
Ayes - Smith, Rock, Coleman, Stitt, Separovich, Brown, Horn.
Motion carried.
Skyline Division -21 Preliminary Plat'- Public -Hearing
Mayor Rice declared the public hearing open on preliminary plat
proposal for Skyline Division 21. Ian Munce, Planning Director
explained the Planning Commission held a public hearing on .this
matter and recommended approval with two stipulations; 1/the
covenants be attached as part of the plat and 2/ the proposal be
approved subject to the comments of the Public Works Director. Mr.
Rob Henry, 411 First Avenue South, Suite 320 N., Seattle, WA,
architect, representing Mr. Cheung, developer, discussed the pro-
posed plat and Mr. Philip Carter, 1313 Market Street, Kirkland,
attorney, representing property owners in Division 20, discussed the
proposal.stating the two main concerns of the property owners in
Division 20 were that 1/'the lots stay single family and 2/someone
other than the owners of the lots in Division 21 see that the cove-
nants are not changed in 15 years. There were no further comments
from the audience and Mayor Rice declared the public hearing closed.
May 5, 1986 - continued
Mrs. Smith moved and Mrs.
of Skyline Division 21 be
in the memorandum from the
covenants as presented to
Stitt, Separovich, Brown,
Horn seconded that the preliminary plat
approved subject to the conditions contained
Public Works Director and inclusion of the
Council this evening. Ayes - Rock, Coleman,
Horn, Smith. Motion carried.
Bed & Breakfast Establishment - 819 35th St - Public Hearing
Mayor Rice declared a public hearing open on request for a conditional
use permit for a Bed & Breakfast establishment at 819 35th Street.
The Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter and
recommended approval. There were no comments from the audience and
Mayor Rice declared the public hearing closed.
Mr. Brown moved and Mr. Rock seconded that the conditional use permit
for a Bed & Breakfast establishment at 819 35th Street be approved.
Vote: Ayes - Coleman, Stitt, Separovich, Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock.
Motion carried.
Amendment to Shell Oil Contract - Resolution
Mayor Rice stated Shell Oil has given approval to new water rate
calculations effective April 1 and an amendment to their contract
with the City reflecting these changes is before Council for approval.
Mr. Separovich moved and Mr. Stitt seconded that the resolution
authorizing execution.of an amendment to water contract, by and
between the City of Anacortes and Shell Oil Company be adopted
and given RESOLUTION NO. 877. Vote: Ayes - Stitt, Separovich,
Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman. Motion carried.
Amending Washington Park Fees - Resolution
Steve Colby, Director of Parks & Recreation, addressed Council
explaining the increase in fees at Washington Park would be used to
offset the increase in fees for storm sewer, solid waste and electri-
cal costs. Washington Park does not receive tax funds for its opera-
tion and maintenance and is self-sustaining. Discussion was held
on various services of the park and provision for camping. Mr.
Dannenmiller, 1613 37th Street, Anacortes, addressed Council stating
the problems -he encountered with power and water connections and Mr.
Gail Brado, 1909 24th Street, Anacortes, discussed reservations and
fees. A suggestion was made by Mr. Stitt that consideration be given,
in the future, to charging for different lengths of camping units.
Mr. Stitt moved and Mrs. Smith seconded that the resolution amending
the fee schedule for the use of Washington Park be adopted and given
RESOLUTION NO. 878. Vote: Ayes - Separovich, Brown, Horn, Smith,
Rock, Stitt. Nayes - Coleman. Motion carried.
Fuel Bids
Mayor Rice stated bids were received from two companies for supplying
fuel to the City for a 12 month period ending May 1987; these were
as follows: Reisner Distributors, Inc. - Regular -.549, Unleaded -.599,
and Diesel -.433; and. Chevron U.S.A., Inc. - Regular -.572, Unleaded -.599,
and Diesel -.433. It is staff's recommendation to accept the low bid
of Reisner Distributors.
Mr. Coleman moved and Mr. Rock seconded that the low bid of Reisner
Distributing be accepted. Vote: Ayes - Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock,
Coleman, Stitt, Separovich. Motion carried.
Surplus Property - Water Pipe
Mayor Rice stated the Maintenance Department has approximately 610
lineal feet of asbestos cement pipe which they are not using as City
policy is to use ductile iron pipe for all new water line extension.
City staff is requesting that this pipe be declared surplus and if it
is determined there is no use for the pipe, it will be sold or disposed
of in an acceptable manner.
Mr. Stitt moved and Mr. Rock seconded that the asbestos cement pipe
be declared surplus. Vote: Ayes - Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman, Stitt,
Separovich, Brown. Motion carried.
754 May 5, 1986 - continued
Proposal to Develop West 8th & Kansas Area
Mayor Rice stated a proposal would be brought before Council at their
next meeting on development of the West 8th & Kansas area. Don
Semrau, an engineer on the project, will be available to answer
Appointment to Planning Commission
Mayor Rice asked that approval be given to appoint Mr. Bill Carlisle,
2607 Highland Drive, to the Planning Commission. Mr. Separovich
moved and Mr. Brown seconded the appointment of Mr. Carlisle be
approved. Vote: Ayes - Smith, Rock, Coleman, Stitt, Separovich,
Brown, Horn. Motion carried.
Secondary Sewer Treatment
Mayor Rice discussed a compliance schedule for secondary sewer treat-
ment stating Anacortes is going to try to get a schedule.which would
give the City until 1993 to complete construction for a secondary
sewage treatment plant.
Study Session
Mayor Rice stated implementation of a personnel contract and adoption
of 1985 building codes would be discussed at the study session on
May 12th.
Heritage Days
Dick Staples, representing the Anacortes Business Community, asked
if Commercial Avenue between 6th .& 7th Streets could be closed on
May 16th & 17th to allow for Heritage Days activities. Mr. Staples
gave Heritage Days agendas to.the Council.
Mrs. Horn moved and Mr. Brown seconded that Commercial Avenue be
closed between 6th & 7th on May 16th and 17th. Vote: Ayes -
Separovich, Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman, Stitt. Motion
Mr. Staples also inquired if Council could provide funds for him,
or someone else from ABC, to attend a centennial task force con-
ference for two days. Mayor Rice stated he had concerns about this
request and felt he could not approve it.
There being no further business, Mayor Rice adjourned the meeting
at 9:00 P.M.
C. E,22n, Executive Secretary
May 19, 1986
�� i�-
James Rice, Mayor
Mayor Rice called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. Invocation
was offered by Pastor Duchemin, followed by Pledge of Allegiance to
the Flag.
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Mr. Brown moved and Mr. Rock seconded that the minutes of May 5,,
1986 be approved as if read. Vote: Ayes - Stitt, Separovich,
Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman. Motion carried.
Mayor Rice stated he received a letter from the Governor's office
requesting support in raising $100,000 to build a Vietnam Veterans
Memorial in Olympia. A copy of the letter has been sent to the
service clubs in Anacortes, and anyone wishing to donate should
send their contributions to First Interstate Bank.
Amend Zoning Code from RL to Commercial Marine - Skyline Division
13, Lot 5
Mayor Rice stated an ordinance was before Council to adopt the
rezone of Lot 5, Division 13, Skyline, from RL to Commercial Marine.
This rezone was previously approved by Council.
May 19, 1986 - continued
Mr. Stitt moved and Mrs. Horn seconded that the Ordinance amending
the zoning map of the City of Anacortes to change the zoning classi-
fication of a certain area within the City of Anacortes subject to the
conditions of the property use and development agreement be adopted
and given ORDINANCE NO. 2008. Vote: Ayes - Brown, Horn,.Rock, Coleman,
Stitt. Motion carried. (Smith and Separovich did not participate in
the vote.)
Citizen Hearings
Mr. Preston Holton addressed Council asking that citizens volunteer
in helping Mayor Rice and Tommy Thompson in construction of Mr.
Thompson's railroad.
Charter Boats in Residential areas of Skyline
Mayor Rice stated he has received many complaints of charter boats
making use of residential space in Skyline. This is in violation of
the zoning ordinance, and letters will be written apprising those
involved of the violation.
Findings of Fact - Skyline Division 21
Ian Munce, Planning Director, stated the preliminary plat of Skyline
Division 21 was previously approved by Council and the Findings of
Fact pertaining to this plat were now before Council for adoption.
Mr. Coleman moved and Mr. Separovich seconded that the preface, find-
ings of fact and conclusion regarding Cheung/Mavar preliminary plat
of Skyline Division 21 dated May 5, 1986 be adopted. Vote: Ayes -
Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman, Stitt, Separovich. Motion carried.
Resolution - Memorandum of Agreement - Non -Union Employees
Mayor Rice stated discussion has taken place regarding employment
contracts for non-union personnel of the City and a resolution is
now before Council adopting the proposed contracts.
Mr. Stitt moved and Mrs. Smith seconded that the resolution approving
the concept of executing Memorandums of Agreement as to employment
between the City and certain non-union, management employees except
those covered by Civil Service be adopted and given RESOLUTION NO.
879. Vote - Ayes: Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman, Stitt, Separovich,
Brown. Motion carried.
Street Vacation - Port of Anacortes
Mayor Rice declared a public hearing open on a request by the Port
of Anacortes to vacate lst Street located between the east right of
way of 0 Avenue and the east right of way of Commercial Avenue.
Mr. Bob Levy, from the Port of Anacortes, displayed a transparency
of the proposed vacation and explained the need to use this area
for storage purposes. He also stated the Port recognized the need
for continued public access to the beach and this will be maintained
and coordinated with site improvements in the future.
Dave Ford, Director of Public Works, stated he had no objection to
the proposed vacation, bud did note that utilities existed in the
subject area and asked that the right be reserved to maintain these
Bob Pickett, 1212 29th St., addressed Council stating his concern
regarding public access to the beach.
Richard Dildine, 1211 6th St., stated he felt the wisest thing
to do would be to wait until the Port had some specific use for
the property before vacating the street.
Ben Root, Port Commissioner, 1417 6th St., stated there is now
specific use for this area and the Port does have a commitment to
keep public beach access open; the vacation of this property would
benefit both the City and the Port, therefore, it should be vacated.
Mr. Dildine suggested the area be blocked temporarily for Port use.
There being no further comments from the audience, Mayor Rice declared
the public hearing closed.
756 May 19, 1986 - continued
Mr. Brown stated with the assurance that the Port would stand
behind their commitment to allow public beach access, and with the
right reserved to maintain utilities in the area, he moved that the
request for vacation of a portion of lst Street between the east
right of way of 0 Avenue and the east right of way of Commercial
Avenue be approved. Mr. Stitt seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes -
Smith, Rock, Coleman, Stitt, Separovich, Brown, Horn. Motion
Uniform Building Code - Ordinance
Mrs. Horn moved and Mrs. Smith seconded that the ordinance adopting
the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, Uniform Code
for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, Uniform Fire Code, Uni-
form Plumbing Code, Residential Fireplace and Chimney Construction
Standards, Washington State Energy Code, and State Regulations for
Barrier Free Facilities, providing for the issuance of permits and
collections of fees therefore, providing certain changes to said
Uniform Code, providing penalties therefore, and repealing Ordinance
No. 1961 be adopted and given ORDINANCE 2009. Vote: Ayes - Rock,
Coleman, Stitt, Separovich, Brown, Horn, Smith. Motion carried.
West 8th Street & Kansas
Mr. Separovich moved and Mr. Rock seconded that a public hearing
date of June 16, 1986 be set to hear a request for variance from
street improvements on a project in the West 8th and Kansas area.
Vote: Ayes - Coleman, Stitt, Separovich, Brown, Horn, Smith,
Rock. Motion carried.
Proclamation - Public Works Week
Mayor Rice read a proclamation declaring the week of May 19 - 24,
1986 National Public Works Week in Anacortes and invited all citizens
to acquaint themselves with the problems involved in providing
public works services and to recognize" contributions of public works
officials. Mayor Rice then acknowledged the leadership and qualifi-
cations of the City of Anacortes Public Works Director, David Ford.
Joint Port/City Report
Mayor Rice stated Council had been given a report by the joint City/
Port committee regarding the barge loading facilities proposed in
the Industrial Park and he requested approval of the report and to
move forward with the concept.
Mrs. Horn moved and Mr. Separovich seconded that the concept and
report of the joint City/Port Committee on the barge loading
facility be approved. Vote: Ayes - Coleman, Stitt, Separovich,
Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock. Motion carried.
June 16th Council Agenda
Mayor Rice stated the Council agenda for June 16th will be very
short due to a very thorough discussion which will be held on
secondary sewage treatment. He added some time this year sewer
rates will again be increased.
There being no further business
the meeting at 8:30 P.M. to an
sale in the Urban Renewal area.
C'. Mo a an, Executive Secretary
June 2, 1986
to discuss, Mayor Rice adjourned
executive session to discuss land
James Rice, Mayor
Mayor Rice called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. Invocation was
offered by Pastor Bitz, followed by Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll call found present: Bill Coleman, Bill Stitt, Ray Separovich,
Ken Brown, Ruth Horn, Helen Smith, Bud Rock.
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Mr. Brown moved and Mr. Stitt seconded that the minutes of May 19,
1986 be approved as if read. Vote: Ayes - Stitt, Separovich,
Ken Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman. Motion carried.
June 2,.1986 - continued
Fireworks Permits
Cecil Little, Fire Chief, stated he had received two applications for
fireworks permits; one from the Lions Club to put a stand in at 11th
and Commercial Avenue and the other from Bruce Wersen for a stand at
1607 Commercial Avenue. Chief Little recommended Council approve the
Mr. Separovich moved and Mrs. Horn seconded the two applications be
approved. Vote: Ayes - Separovich, Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman,
Stitt. Motion carried.
Vacation of Railroad Avenue between O Avenue and Commercial Avenue
Council previously approved the vacation request by the Port of Ana-
cortes to vacate.a portion of Railroad Avenue located between the east
right of way of 0 Avenue and the east right of way of Commercial
Avenue and an ordinance was now before Council for adoption.
Mr. Brown moved and Mrs. Horn seconded that an Ordinance vacating
a portion of Railroad Avenue located between the east right of way
line of 0 Avenue and the east right of way line of Commercial Avenue,
Original Plat of Anacortes be adopted and given ORDINANCE NO. 2010.
Vote: Ayes - Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman, Stitt, Separovich.
Motion carried.
Real Estate Tax Ordinance
Mayor Rice stated previously Council approved the imposition of a
1/4 of 1% real estate tax for the City and an ordinance was now
before Council for adoption. The ordinance designates that the
proceeds will be placed in a Capital Improvement fund for construction
of wastewater treatment facilities.
Mr. Coleman moved and Mr. Stitt seconded that the ordinance imposing
an excise tax on the sale of real estate, providing for the collection
thereof, limiting use of the proceeds therefrom, and fixing pen-
alties for the violation thereof be adopted and given ORDINANCE NO.
2011. Vote: Ayes - Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman, Stitt, Separovich,
Brown. Motion carried.
GTE Switching Substation 5200 Sunset Avenue - Conditional Use Permit
Dave Ford explained after a site plan review of the proposed GTE
substation at 5200 Sunset Avenue, it was noted that street improve-
ments were not addressed, therefore, it was requested under Ordinance
No. 1954 that these improvements be constructed at the site. Sub-
sequently a letter from Fakkema & Kingma, Engineers on the project,
was received requesting a variance from the street improvement
ordinance. Mr. Ford recommended the variance be granted as the re-
quest conformed to the three waiver conditions and GTE is willing
to participate in any future LID.
Mr. Stitt moved and Mrs. Smith seconded that the waiver to the street
improvement ordinance be granted and recommended by the City
Engineer. Vote: Ayes - Rock, Coleman, Stitt, Separovich, Brown,
Horn, Smith. Motion carried.
Vacation 2nd Street Between Commercial & Q and Q between 2nd & 3rd
Street - Resolution
Mrs. Smith moved and Mr. Rock seconded that a RESOLUTION NO. 880 be
adopted fixing a time of July 7th, 1986 when a petition for vacation,
by the Port of Anacortes, of 2nd street between Commercial and Q
and Q between 2nd and 3rd may be heard. Vote: Ayes - Coleman,
Stitt, Separovich, Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock. Motion carried.
Bid Surplus City Property
Mayor Rice asked Council to approve call for bids on property which
has been declared surplus at 20th Street and K Avenue and is 70' x
61' in size. He noted a 950 S.F. residence could be constructed
on this site.
Mr. Stitt moved and Mr. Brown seconded that the permission be granted
to call for bids on the subject property. Vote: Ayes - Stitt,
Separovich, Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman. Motion carried.
June 2, 1986 - continued
Amendment to Interlocal Agreement with PSCIA - Resolution
Steve Mansfield, City Attorney, explained the Puget Sound Cities
Insurance Authority, of which the City is a member, has expanded
in size from 26 cities to 52, including a.number of cities from
eastern Washington, therefore, it is proposed to change the name
to Washington Cities Authority which would reflect the larger
Mrs. Smith moved and Mr. Rock seconded the resolution to approve
an amendment to the Interlocal Agreement creating the Puget Sound
Cities Interlocal Insurance Authority be adopted and given
RESOLUTION NO. 881. Vote: Ayes - Separovich, Brown, Horn, Smith,
Rock, Coleman, Stitt. Motion carried.
Increase in Washington Park Change Fund - Resolution
Mr. Separovich moved and Mr. Brown seconded that the resolution
amending the change fund for Washington Park from $100 to $125 be
adopted and given RESOLUTION NO. 882. Vote: Ayes - Brown, Horn,
Smith, Rick, Coleman, Stitt, Separovich. Motion carried.
Set Public Hearing Date for Six Year Street Improvement Program
Mr. Brown moved and Mrs. Smith seconded that the date of July 7,
1986 be set to hold a public hearing on the Six Year Street
Improvement Program. Vote: Ayes - Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman,
Stitt, Separovich, Brown. Motion carried.
Continued Meeting
Mayor Rice stated this meeting will be continued until June 9, 1986
at which time the following items will be discussed:
1. Funding for litter receptacles.
2. Funding for recycling aluminum cans.
3. Public Works Trust Fund.
4. Privatization of Secondary Sewer Treatment.
5. Six Year Street Improvement Program.
6. Executive Session to discuss a) possible land sale in urban
renewal; b) lease of Mt. Erie tower site. (approx 30 mins.)
June 16th Meeting
Mayor Rice stated the regular Council meeting of June 16th will be
devoted primarily to discussion of secondary sewer treatment.
Vela Luka Dancers
Mayor Rice stated the Anacortes School Board has initiated a fund
raising program to assist the Vela Luke Dancers on their trip to
New York for the unveiling of the Statue of Liberty. Information
and tickets on this function can be obtained from the Anacortes
and Mt. Vernon Chamber of Commerce and the Bellingham Tourist
Vietnam Vets
Mr. Coleman stated he learned the names of the three men from
Anacortes who died during the Vietnam War; these are: Gordon
Logan, Darwin Engman and Russ Hibler.
KLKI Telethon
Mrs. Horn stated she wanted to commend radio station KLKI for the
fund raising telethon and asked that a resolution be prepared
reflecting this commendation.
Mrs. Horn moved and Mrs. Smith seconded that a resolution be
prepared commending radio station KLKI on the fund raising telethon
for Childrens Orthopedic Hospital. Vote: Ayes - Rock, Coleman,
Stitt, Separovich, Brown, Horn, Smith. Motion carried.
There being no further business
the meeting to 'Juane 9, 1986.
C�Mo�falhan, Executive Secretary
to conduct, Mayor Rice continued
James Rice, Mayor
June 9, 1986 - continued meeting of June 2, 1986 759
Mayor Rice called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.
Roll call found present: Bill Coleman, Ken Brown, Ruth Horn,
Helen Smith, Bud Rock. Absent: Bill Stitt and Ray Separovich.
Gerry Wallrath Trail
Mr. Coleman moved and Mr. Rock seconded that Council approve naming
the trail from the parking lot to Whistle Lake "Gerry Wallrath Trail"
honoring Mr. Wallrath for his community service. Motion passed
Ferry Parking - West End
Mrs. Horn moved .and Mr. Rock seconded the approval of no parking
signs being placed as follows:
1. Oakes Avenue - Hilltop to Ferry Terminal Road
2. Sunset - Ferry Terminal Road to Washington Park
3. Skyline Way - Sunset to Kingsway.
4. Anaco Beach Road - Sunset to 500 feet south of Sterling Dr.
5. Glasgow Way - Oakes Avenue to Cypress Drive
6. Camano Place - Glasgow to cul-de-sac.
Motion passed unanimously.
The meeting then adjourned approximately 9:00 p.m. to executive
C. Monahan, Executive Secretary James Rice, Mayor
June 16, 1986
Mayor Rice called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M., followed by
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll call found present: Bill Coleman, Ray Separovich, Ruth Horn,
Helen Smith, Bud Rock. Absent: Bill Stitt, Ken Brown.
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Mrs. Smith moved and Mrs. Horn seconded that the minutes of June 2nd
and June 9th, 1986 be approved as if read. Vote: Ayes.- Separovich,
Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman. Motion carried.
Thompson Railroad
Mr. Tom Thompson reported to Council that the Anacortes Railway would
be checked out this evening and ready for its first trip on Saturday.
He extended an invitation to Council to take the first trip on
Saturday at 10:00 a.m.
Bed & Breakfast Conditional Use Permit - 4403 Oakes Avenue
Mayor Rice declared a public hearing open on a request for Conditional
Use Permit to operate a Bed & Breakfast establishment at 4403 Oakes
Avenue. There were no adverse comments received on this request, and
the Planning Commission, after holding their public hearing, recommended
There were no comments from the audience and Mayor Rice declared the
public hearing closed.
Mrs. Horn moved and Mrs. Smith seconded -that the conditional use permit
for a bed & breakfast establishment at 4403 Oakes Avenue be approved.
Vote: Ayes - Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman, Separovich. Motion carried.
Request for Waiver from Street Improvement Ordinance - West 8th and
Mayor Rice declared a public hearing open on a request by Mr. Buehl
Berentson for waiver from the street improvement ordinance at approx-
imately West 8th and Kansas. The request included reduced street
widths, elimination of concrete curb and gutters and closed storm
drains, elimination of sidewalks, allowance for grade in excess of
present standards, termination of road and waterline construction
approximately 140' short of development limits.
760 June 16, 1986 - continued
Paul Russell, 3607 West 6th Street, addressed Council stating his
concerns regarding open storm drains.
Steve Jaffray, 3708 West 6th Street, stated he was not in agree-
ment with any of what Mr. Berentson proposed in the area.
Jim Pemberton, Maintenance Superientendant, reviewed his concerns
with Council and recommended Council require a minimum of 24' wide
paved streets with concrete curb and gutters, closed storm drain-
age, sidewalks on one side of the proposed street extension and to
extend street and waterline the full length of the project. Mr.
Pemberton also stated he would like to see the sanitary sewer labeled
as a private sewer.
Don Semrau, engineer for Mr. Berentson, addressed Council stating
his reasons for the request and adding he felt there would not be
a problem to anyone by allowing open ditches.
George Savchenko, 3505 West 6th, stated his concerns regarding
storm water runoff. He also asked that a gate be placed on ease-
ment to the sanitary sewer.
Richard Dildine, 1211 6th Street, also stated his concern over
storm water runoff due to construction.
Mayor Rice stated this meeting would be continued until tomorrow,
June 17th, at 5:00 P.M., in the Council Chambers where Council would
convene and then view the site.
Specialty Seafoods
Ian Munce, Planning Director, stated at the last Council meeting
discussion had been held regarding the purchase of land in the
urban renewal area by Specialty Seafoods. Since that meeting, dis-
cussion evolved around the lease of property rather than purchase.
A new proposal will be brought to Council at their regular meeting
of July 7th.
Baker View Estates - Final Plat
Mayor Rice stated the Planning Commission reviewed the final plat
of Baker View Estates and recommended approval. The developer,
Mr. Ron Gold, has asked that the City accept a $1,000 cash payment
in lieu of a playground. Mayor Rice pointed out there were several
playgrounds in the vicinity of this plat and it would be more
beneficial to the City to accept the money and apply it to other
playgrounds in the City. Dave Ford, Director of Public Works stated
he also recommended approval of the final plat.
Mrs. Horn moved and Mr. Coleman seconded that the final plat of
Baker View Estates be approved and the City accept a $1,000 cash
payment in lieu of playground dedication. Vote: Ayes - Smith,
Rock, Coleman, Separovich, Horn. Motion carried.
Application for IAC Funds - Resolution
Steve Colby, Park Director, stated IAC funds were available for
improvements to the boat facilities in Washington park and he was
requesting Council approval of a site plan and to make application
for $50,000 in IAC funds for the improvements.
Mr. Coleman moved and Mrs. Horn seconded that the resolution
approving application for funding and site improvements be adopted
and given RESOLUTION NO. 884. Vote: Ayes - Rock, Coleman,
Separovich, Horn, Smith. Motion carried.
KLKI Telethon
Mrs. Horn moved and Mrs. Smith seconded that a resolution commend-
ing KLKI on their fund raising efforts for Childrens Orthopedic
Hospital be adopted and given RESOLUTION NO. 885. Vote: Ayes -
Coleman, Separovich, Horn, Smith, Rock. Motion carried.
Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement - Secondary Sewer
Mayor Rice stated a public meeting had been called to discuss the
supplemental environmental impact statement on the secondary sewer
treatment plant site. Public comments would be accepted on the
Supplemental EIS until July 7th. Bob Wubbena, Consulting Engineer
June 16, 1986 - continued
from Economic & Engineering Services and Jim Jordan from Parametrics
were present to answer questions.
Mr. Barton, 403 East Park Drive, addressed Council regarding his
concern that development in the area would not occur if a treatment
plant were to be constructed on the proposed site. Other people in
the audience expressed their concern over odors which may be emitted
from the plant. Mr. Pres Holton discussed availability of sites.
Mayor Rice stated acceptance of 50% funding for construction of
the secondary sewer treatment plant will be on the July 7th Council
agenda and Ian Munce stated application for a conditional use permit
to construct the plant will be on the July 23rd Planning Commission
There were no further comments, and Mayor Rice continued the meeting
at 9:30 P.M. to 5:00 P.M.,: June 17, 1986.
C. Monahan, Secretar y
Julv 7, 1986
/ / James Rice, Mayor
Mayor Rice called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. Invocation was
offered by Pastor Tom Duchemin, followed by Pledge of Allegiance to
-the Flag.
Roll call fount. present: Bill Coleman, Rill Stitt, Ray Separovich,
Ken Brown, Ruth Horn, Helen Smith, Bud Rock.
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Mrs. Smith moved and Mr. Brown seconded that the minutes of June 16,
1986 be approved as if read. Vote: Ayes - Stitt, Separovich, Brown,
Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman. Motion carried.
Variance from Street Improvement Ordinance - West 8th & Kansas
Mayor Rice explained a public hearing was opened at the June 16th
meeting to hear a request by Buehl Berentson for a variance from the
street improvement ordinance in the area of West 8th and Kansas.
Council viewed the site and the hearing was continued to this meeting.
Jim Pemberton, Maintenance Supervisor, displayed a transparency of
the area as it now existed and another of what is proposed. Mr.
Berentson, 3307 H Avenue, addressed Council and read into the record
a statement, marked Exhibit A, offering reasons why the variance as
requested should be granted.
Ralph Rowland, 3508 West 6th Street, addressed Council describing
some of the problems which exist in the area due to water runoff,
and the dangers to children due to open ditches, and the lack of
street lights and sidewalks. Mr. Berentson suggested a neighborhood
L.I.D. would alleviate these problems.
There were no further comments from the audience and Mayor Rice
declared -the public hearing closed.
After discussion on various requirements to be imposed, Mrs. Horn
moved and Mr. Brown seconded that the variance _request be approved
subject to the following requirements: 1. Kansas .Avenue from
West 7th Place to West 8th Place and West 8th Place to a point 30
feet beyond the west line of Lot 4 be required to be paved 24 feet
wide in a curvilinear manner within the platted right of way to
accommodate grade and speed control; 2. Lot 3 be permitted access
through a private drive easement on Lot 4; 3. a hammerhead turn-
around on West 8th Place be constructed in cooperation with the Fire
Department and Public Works Department; 4. a fire hydrant be installed
on West 8th Place per code requirements; 5. a pump to provide adequate
water pressure for fire protection be installed.in an area agreed to
by the City and developer; 6. Owner assume responsibility for proposed
sanitary sewer on private property to 7th place; 7. Owner agrees the
July 7, 1986 - continued
easement for sanitary sewer be for utilities only and not access;
8. the waterline be constructed as requested by petitioner and not
to the east end of the proposed development.
Mr. Rock then moved to amend the motion by requiring enclosed storm
drainage and rolled curbs. Mrs. Smith seconded the motion. Vote:
Ayes - Separovich, Smith, Rock, Coleman. Nayes - Brown, Horn,
Stitt. Motion carried.
Vote on original motion: Ayes - Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman,
Stitt, Separovich. Motion carried.
Vacation Request - 2nd from Commercial to Q Avenue and Q Avenuefron
2nd to 3rd Streets
Mayor Rice declared the public hearing open to consider a request
by the Port of Anacortes to vacate 2nd street from Commercial to
Q Avenue and Q Avenue from 2nd to 3rd Streets. The vacation has
been requested by the Port to accommodate a major expansion pro-
posed by Dakota Creek Industries; the property does not abut the
waterfront and there appears to be no practical need for use by
the public. It is suggested that if the property is vacated that
there be no charge to Dakota Creek for use of the property in an
attempt to help local businesses expand.
Richard Dildine, 1211 6th Street, addressed Council stating his
opposition to the vacation as he felt the property was far more
valuable to the people of Anacortes.
Mr. Rock stated he felt a property trade for a sewer treatment
plant site should be considered and asked what plans Dakota Creek
had for the area. Mr. Dick Nelson of Dakota Creek Industries ex-
plained the plans for constructing a heavy lift platform which
would allow them to work with larger marine vessels.
Pres Holton, 2320 11th Street, stated he wanted to see a trade of
City property with Port property.
There were no further comments from the audience and Mayor Rice
declared the public hearing closed.
Mr. Separovich moved and Mr. Stitt seconded that the ordinance
vacating 2nd street between Commercial and Q Avenue and Q Avenue
between 2nd Street and 3rd Street, Original Addition to the City
of Anacorted, be adopted and given ORDINANCE NO. 2012. Vote:
Ayes - Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman, Stitt, Separovich, Brown.
Motion carried.
Interlocal Agreements
Dave Ford, Director of Public Works explained two interlocal agree-
ments were proposed for Council consideration. One was between the
City and Port of Anacortes regarding payment by the Port to the
City of $15,000 conditioned on release of Scott Paper outfall. The
$15,000 would be the difference in cost between connection to and
rehabilitation of the Scott outfall and the City's construction
costs for extending the existing outfall. Final costs would be
determined by an audit at the end of the construction of a
secondary sewer treatment plant.
The secondagreement is proposed between the City of Anacortes and
Dakota Creek Industries regarding relocation of a storm sewer out-
fall. Dakota Creek Industries has agreed to pay the costs and re-
locate an existing storm sewer outfall. Relocation is necessary
due to a sea lift proposal. Cost of relocation is estimated at
$30,000. The City agrees to expedite issuance of all necessary
Mr. Stitt moved and Mr. Brown seconded that the City enter into
the interlocal agreement, as proposed, with the Port of Anacortes
and the interlocal agreement, as proposed, with Dakota Creek
Industries. Vote: Ayes - Smith, Rock, Coleman, Stitt, Separovich,
Brown, Horn. Motion carried.
July 7, 1986 - continued 7 6
Demolition Bids - Water Treatment Plant
Mayor Rice stated 3 bids were received for demolition of obsolete
structures at the Water Treatment Plant in Mt. Vernon; these were as
follows: Sheldrup Construction, Inc. - $145,551.00; Chris Berg
Construction - $266,689.01; and Iconco of Nevada - $376,382.00. Dave
Ford stated, after staff _review of the bids, it is their recommendation
that the low bid of Sheldrup Construction, Inc. be accepted.
Mr. Brown moved and Mrs. Horn seconded that the bid of Sheldrup Con-
struction, Inc. in the total bid amount of $145,551.00 be accepted.
Vote: Ayes - Rick, Coleman, Stitt, Separovich, Brown, Horn, Smith.
Motion carried.
Grant Acceptance - Secondary Sewage Treatment Plant
Mayor Rice stated a grant from the Department of Ecology has been
offered to the City in the amount of 9.6 million dollars which would
amount to a 50% grant of all eligible items. At the present time the
City has to meet a compliance schedule of 1990 and he recommended
that the grant be accepted.
Mr. Stitt moved and Mr. Coleman seconded the grant offer from the
Department of Ecology in the amount of 9.6 million dollars be accepted
for secondary sewer treatment facilities. Vote: Ayes - Coleman,
Stitt, Separovich, Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock. Council individually
commented on their appreciation of being offered the 50% grant but
expressed their opinion on the lack of necessity for secondary sewage
Sewer Rates
Mayor Rice stated in September of this year an ordinance will be
before Council to raise sewer rates $1.00 per month.
Proposed Six Year Street Plan
Mayor Rice declared a public hearing open on a proposed Six Year
Street Improvement Program, and then explained the plan is a yearly
update of proposed improvements within the City and is required by
State law.
Mrs. Margaret Murphy, 1020 E Avenue, stated the proposed improvements
enforce the need that developers be required to make improvements
when developing their property.
Jim Pemberton, Engineering Supervisor, reviewed the streets proposed
for improvement.
There being no further comments, Mayor Rice declared the public hearing
Mr. Coleman moved and Mr. Separovich seconded that the resolution
adopting a revised and extended comprehensive street program be
adopted and given RESOLUTION NO. 886. Vote: Ayes - Stitt, Separovich,
Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman. Motion carried.
Mens Groups Using Storvik Park Ballfield
Steve Colby, Parks Director, stated his department has had requests
in the past by mens groups to utilize Storvik Park for ball games.
He explained the problems and liability involved and proposed a
compromise of regulations, until the next Council meeting, by allow-
ing ball games as long as a mush ball would be used. He would then
return to Council with a proposal for on the use of the park for their
Nola Davis, 504 Gibralter Road, stated her group had a game planned
for July 26th and this would give Council a chance to view the pro-
Mr. Brown moved and Mrs. Horn seconded that mens groups be allowed
to play ball in Storvik Park, on an interim basis, with the use of
a mush ball. Vote: Ayes - Separovich, Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock,
Coleman, Stitt. Motion carried.
764 July 7, 1986 - continued
Specialty Seafood Lease
Ian Munce explained the terms of a proposed lease with Specialty
Seafoods to operate their business in the approximate location
of Paragon Paintings in the Urban Renewal Area.
Mr. Rock moved and Mrs. Smith seconded that the resolution author-
izing and directing execution of that certain lease agreement by
and between the City of Anacortes and Specialty Seafood I ncorporater..
a Washington Corporation, be adopted and given RESOLUTION NO. 887.
Vote: Ayes.- Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman, Stitt, Separovich.
Motion carried.
Voucher Approval
Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer (City Clerk -
Treasurer) as. required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reim-
bursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been
recorded on Warrant Register which has been made available to the
Council Committee. These vouchers are as follows:
Mrs. Smith moved and
the Council approve
above list. Vote:
Separovich, Brown.
Voucher No.
#1677 -
1961 -
2237 -
2533 -
1531 -
1961 -
2042 -
2297 -
Mrs. Coleman seconded that as of July 7, 1986
for payment those vouchers included in the
Ayes - Horn, Smith, Rick, Coleman, Stitt,
Motion carried.
Utility Tax Amendment - Ordinance
Mayor Rice explained an ordinance was before Council which would
reduce the City Utility Tax on garbage from 7% to 3.40. This was
done because of recent state legislation imposing a 3.6% State
Utility Tax on the customer. Hence, the City's 3.4% plus the
State's 3.6% totals to the current 7% utility tax currently being
charged by the City.
Mr. Brown moved and Mrs. Horn seconded that an ordinance amending
Ordinance No. 1866 passed and approved on the 7th day of December,
1981 be adopted and given ORDINANCE NO. 2013. Vote: Ayes -
Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman, Stitt, Separovich, Brown. Motion
Discussion on Park Policy
A discussion was held on park policies of the City of Anacortes.
There being no further business to discuss, Mayor Rice adjourned
the meeting at 10:15 P.M.
C.!Mo alh i, Executive Secretary JjXmes Rice, Mayor
July 21, 1986
Mayor Rice called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. Pastor
Bachman offered the invocation, followed by Pledge of Allegiance
to the Flag.
Roll call found present: Bill Coleman, Bill Stitt, Ray Separovich,
Ken Brown, Helen Smith, Bud Rock. Absent: Ruth Horn.
July 21, 1986 - continued
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Mr. Brown moved and Mr. Rock seconded that the minutes of July 7, 1986
by approved as if read. Vote: Ayes - Stitt, Separovich, Brown, Smith,
Rock, Coleman. Motion carried.
Citizen Hearings
Mr. Pres Holton addressed Council stating his concerns over thefts taking
place during the early morning hours and suggested a curfew law for the
City be considered. Steve Mansfield, City Attorney, will obtain a copy
of the proposed state ordinance dealing with curfews for Council review.
Approval of Predesign - Secondary Sewage Treatment Facilities
Dave Ford, Director of Public Works, stated the City is now in a position
to move ahead with the predesign phase of the secondary sewage treat-
ment project and the Department of Ecology would like to have some
type of engineering report. Phase I of the predesign will provide
that report. Mr. Ford explained the time frame and cost estimates
involved in Phase I of the predesign.
Mr. Gregg Kirmeyer of Economic & Engineering Services reviewed, with
Council, the tasks and related costs involved in the Scope of Work.
Mr. Dick Dildine addressed Council stating he felt citizens should
not have to pay for calculations of future growth; this should be
paid for by the developers.
Mrs. Smith moved and Mr. Brown seconded that the Scope of Work,
estimated budget and time frame be approved as presented, and that
a contract be entered into with Economic & Engineering Services and
CH2M Hill to perform this work. Vote: Ayes - Brown, Smith, Rock,
Coleman, Stitt. Nayes - Separovich. Motion carried.
Mr. Rock asked that monthly reports from the Engineering Department be
made available to Council for their review.
Vacation of a Portion of 8th Street - Set Public Hearing Date -Resolution
Mr. Coleman moved and Mr. Brown seconded that the resolution fixing
August 18, 1986 as a time when the petition for vacation of a portion
of 8th Street may be heard and determined by Council be adopted and
given RESOLUTION NO. 888. Vote: Ayes - Brown, Smith, Rock, Coleman,
Stitt, Separovich. Motion carried.
Cranberry Dam
Dave Ford explained to Council that due to requirements of the National
Dam Safety Act, a safety inspection was performed on Cranberry Dam. A
report was submitted and the City subsequently hired Landau & Associates
to do a study and confirm recommendations of the report. Mr. Ford
discussed the findings of Phase I of the report and recommended the City
proceed with Phase II of the Geotechnical and Hydrological Investiga-
tion of Cranberry Lake Dam.
After some discussion regarding costs, Mr. Stitt moved to instruct the
City Engineer and Park Department to drain Little Cranberry Lake and
remove the dam. The motion died for lack of a second. Steve Mansfield,
City Attorney, commented at this time that one of the very few exceptions
in the City's insurance is coverage of damage caused by failure of a dam.
Mr. Brown moved and Mrs. Smith seconded that authorization be granted
to proceed with Phase II of the Cranberry Lake Dam investigation.
Vote: Ayes - Smith, Rock, Coleman, Brown. Nayes - Stitt, Separovich.
Motion carried.
Baseball Policy Storvik Park
Steve Colby, Park Director, stated a policy regarding the use of
Storvik Park baseball field was given to Council for their review.
He explained the policy would allow mens groups to use the ball field
as long as a "mush" ball was utilized.
Mr. Brown moved and Mr. Separovich seconded that the proposed policy
be accepted and entered into the Park & Recreation Policies. Vote:
Ayes - Rock, Coleman, Stitt, Separovich, Brown, Smith. Motion carried.
766 July 21, 1986 - continued
Ambulance Service
Mayor Rice explained discussions have taken place regarding whether
the Fire Department should assume jurisdiction over the ambulance
service for the City or if it should remain with Island Hospital and
he was now asking that a decision be made regarding this matter.
Each member of the Council cited reasons for arriving at the de-
cision they made.
Mr. Brown.moved and Mr. Separovich seconded that the ambulance serv-
ices remain as they are now. Vote: Ayes - Separovich, Brown,
Smith, Rock. Nayes - Coleman, Stitt. Motion carried.
Mr. Phil Sandifer, Hospital Administrator, addressed Council stating
that the current costs for the 911 system will soon be negotiated.
Special Events Garbage Collection
Mayor Rice explained to Council that he would like some direction
from Council as what policy should be set regarding special events
garbage collection, i.e., Taste of Skagit, Anachords, Flotilla of
Wooden Ships, trailer groups coming to Anacortes, air show, Arts &
Crafts Festival, Eagles Barbeque, etc. He has had requests at
various times that this garbage be picked up on a no -charge basis
and he felt a policy should be set.
Mr. Stitt moved and Mr. Coleman seconded that all special events
groups who require garbage containers pay the standard fee. Vote:
Ayes - Stitt, Separovich, Brown, Smith, Rock, Coleman. Motion
Council Meeting July 28th
Mayor Rice stated Council will have a pre -budget meeting with City
department heads next Monday.
Executive Session
Mayor Rice stated Council will now meet in executive session to
discuss the lease of real property. He then adjourned the meeting
to executive session at 9:00 P.M.
C.onahan, Executive Secretary
August 4, 1986
6/James Rice, Mayor
Mayor Rice called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. Invocation
was offered by Pastor Brian Classen, followed by Pledge of Alle-
giance to the Flag.
Roll call found present: Bill Coleman, Ray Separovich, Ken Brown,
Ruth Horn, Helen Smith, Bud Rock. Absent: Bill Stitt.
Minutes Previous Meeting
Mr. Brown requested the minutes of July 21, 1986 be corrected as
follows: Page 2, under Ambulance Service, the motion should read
"Mr. Brown moved and Mr. Separovich seconded that the ambulance
services remain as they are now and a joint committee be set up
consisting of a member of the paramedic service, the ambulance
service, the hospital administration and the City administration to
look at the system as it is now in place and come up with guide-
lines and policies that will make the system work to the advantage
of the patients that need the service."
Mrs. Smith moved and Mr. Coleman seconded that the minutes be
approved as corrected. Vote: Ayes - Separovich, Brown, Horn,
Smith, Rock, Coleman. Motion carried.
Eagles Barbeque
Mayor Rice stated.the Eagles have requested that the east half of
7th Street and west side of Q Avenue be barricaded and cones be
supplied for their annual salmon barbeque to be held on August 15th,
16th and 17th.
August 4, 1986
Mr. Coleman moved and Mr. Rock seconded that closures be approved
and the City provide the Eagles with barricades and cones for their
annual event. Vote: Ayes - Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman,
Separovich. Motion carried.
Request for Marquee
Mark Estvold, architect, addressed Council and displayed a drawing
of a building he designed .for construction on the west side of
Commercial at 17th Street. Part of the design included a marquee
which is not addressed in the zoning code and he was requesting
Council approval of the marquee.
Mr. Separovich moved and Mr. Coleman seconded that construction of a
marquee be permitted and the Planning Commission be directed to set
a public hearing on the matter of constructing marquees in Commercial
and Central Business Districts. Vote: Ayes - Horn, Smith, Rock,
Coleman, Separovich, Brown. Motion carried.
Conditional Use Permit - Bed & Breakfast - Public Hearing
Mayor Ri-e declared a public hearing open on a request for conditional
use permit for the operation of a bed and breakfast establishment at
5708 Kingsway. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on this
request and recommended approval. There were no comments from the
audience and Mayor Rice declared the public hearing closed.
Mrs. Smith moved and Mrs. Horn seconded that the conditional use
permit for a bed and breakfast establishment at 4708 Kingsway be
approved. Vote: Ayes - Smith, Rock, Coleman, Separovich, Brown,
Horn. Motion carried.
Sanitary Sewer Surcharge
Mayor Rice stated an ordinance was before Council which would
establish a sewer surcharge fee of $1.00 per month effective
September of 1986 and an annual increase of $1.00 per month would
continue every September for 8 years. A review would be made
next August to determine whether there is a need to increase the
fee more than $1.00.
Mr. Coleman moved and Mrs. Smith seconded that the ordinance setting
charges for use and furnishing.of sewer services of the sanitary
sewage system of the City of Anacortes be adopted and given ORDINANCE
NO. 2014.. Vote: Ayes - Rock, Coleman, Separovich, Brown, Horn, Smith.
Motion carried.
Mayor Rice stated a study session would be held next Monday to hear
a report on a meeting with the Department of Ecology regarding the
City's compliance schedule for secondary sewage treatment facilities.
Local Government Investment Pool
Mayor Rice explained the last legislature approved the setting up
by the State of Washington of a local government investment pool,
which allows municipalities the use of another investment tool. A
resolution is now before Council authorizing the City of Anacortes
to participate in the pool.
Mrs. Horn moved and Mr. Brown .seconded that the resolution authoriz-
ing investment of City of Anacortes monies in the local government
investment pool be adopted and given RESOLUTION NO. 889. Vote:
Coleman, Separovich, Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock. Motion carried.
Bids on City Property
Mayor Rice stated the City called for bids on the sale of surplus
City property at 20th & K Streets. Two bids were received: one from
Gary Stromberg of Mt. Vernon in the amount of $100 and another from
Girts Rekevics and Doug Richards of Anacortes in the amount of $3,000.
It is staff's recommendation to accept the bid of Girts Rekevics
and Doug Richards.
Mrs. Horn moved and Mrs. Brown seconded that the bid of Girts Rekevics
and Doug Richards in the amount of $3,000 be accepted. Vote: Ayes-
Separovich, Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman. Motion carried.
August 4, 1986
Voucher Approval
Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer (City
Clerk -Treasurer) as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense
reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have
been recorded on warrant register which has been made available
to the Council Committee. These vouchers are as follows:
Claims Fund
Month Voucher Number Amount
June 2915 - 3169 $303,730.84
Payroll Fund
June 2556 - 2820 $209,807.44
Mrs. Smith moved and Mr. Coleman seconded that as of August 4,
1986, the Council approve for payment those vouchers included in
the above list. Votes: Ayes - Brown,- Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman,
Separovich. Motion carried.
3% Real Estate Commission
Ian Munce, Planning Director, addressed Council stating at the
March 17, 1986 City Council meeting authorization was given to
advertise for the sale of urban renewal property but action was
omitted on the request to allow a 3% real estate commission for
the sale or lease of the urban renewal property. (In the case
of a lease, the 3% commission will be calculated from the fixed
term of the lease.)
Mr. Brown moved and Mr. Rock seconded that a 3% real estate
commission for sale or lease of urban renewal property be approved.
Vote: Ayes - Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman, Separovich, Brown.
Motion carried.
Study Session
Mayor Rice stated the recommended sewer hookup fees by the City's
consulting engineers, Economic & Engineering Services will be
discussed at next Monday's study session.
Water Service Connections
Mayor Rice explained the City currently does charge $10 to turn
water service back on after a shutoff has been made due to lack of
payment. He suggested Council consider charging a reconnect fee
for other than delinquent payment reconnects.
Arts & Crafts
Mr. Separovich stated the Arts & Crafts festival this year was the
most successful one yet and moved that a resolution be written
thanking the Arts & Crafts Committee for their efforts. Mrs. Horn
seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes - Smith, Rock, Coleman, Separovich,
Brown, Horn. Motion carried.
There being no further business, Mayor Rice adjourned the meeting
at 8:00 P.M.
C.Mona an�,Exiecutive Secretary
August 18, 1986
James Rice, Mayor
Mayor Rice called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. Invocation was
offered by Father Clanahan, followed by Pledge of Allegiance to the
Roll call found present: Bill Coleman, Ray Separovich, Ken Brown,
Ruth Horn, Helen Smith, Bud Rock and Bill Stitt.
The minutes of the August 4, 1986 meeting were approved on a motion
from Mr. Brown seconded by Mr. Stitt. Vote: Ayes - Coleman,
Separovich, Horn, Smith, Rock. Motion carried.
August 18, 1986 - continued
Vacation of a Portion of 8th Street - Public Hearing
Mayor Rice then opened a public hearing on a proposed
adjacent to the City of Anacortes Housing Authority's
Mrs. Elaine Lynch, Executive Director of the Housing
duced the following statement"
street vacation
Harbor House.
Authority, intro -
"The Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the City of
Anacortes have requested that I appear tonight on behalf of the Housing
Authority of the City of Anacortes, owners of the property abutting a
portion of 8th Street referred to in the Resolution regarding street
"Since the North half of 8th Street, between Q Avenue and R Avenue,
provides the Housing Authority with access to the east side of Harbor
House for fire fighting, as well as for the large boom type trucks
used to paint the building, and other large trucks used for extra-
ordinary maintenance, it was unanimously decided by the Board of
Commissioners at their meeting held today, August 18, 1986, at 3:30
P.M. that they would object to the City vacating the portion of 8th
Street referred to in the petition. However, as an alternative to
the petitioner, the Board of Commissioners would consider that there
would be no objection to the City vacating the South half of 8th
Street, adjoining Tract 32 of the Tidelands, which is approximately
120 feet x 40 feet wide, provided that in the transaction with the
City the north half, approximately 25' x 40' that adjoins Tract 21
of the Tidelands, be also vacated and that title be transferred to
the Housing Authority of the City of Anacortes, any costs to be
borne by the McKees and/or Assigns, and that the family also donate
to the Housing Authority of the City of Anacortes, that portion of
Lot 14, Block 25 lying within the Tidelands, along R Avenue. All
legal costs and expenses of transfer to be borne by the McKees and/or
Assigns, family heirs. It is only under these conditions that the
Housing Authority will not then allow the Housing Authority sufficient
access to the east side of Harbor House, and will not interfere with
any drainage system that has been installed to eliminate the flood-
ing of our property. If this transaction is not agreeable to the
McKees and/or Assigns, then the Housing Authority of the City of
Anacortes is not in favor of the petition for vacating that portion
of 8th Street."
Mr. Steve Jaffray, Maintenance Director of the Housing Authority,
added that the vacation causes severe access problems for Housing
Authority staff.
There were no other comments. Mayor Rice closed the hearing. The
Council decided to discuss the matter further at their September 2nd
Secondary Sewer Treatment - 4th and T - Public Hearing
Mayor Rice opened a public hearing on a conditional use application
to locate a secondary sewer treatment plant on a site between 4th
and 6th Streets and "S" and "T" Avenues. Mr. Barton of 403 East
Park Drive spoke against the site because of the potential for
negative impact on proposed tourist -related development plans and
present property uses in the general vicinity.
Mr. Pres Holton spoke in favor of utilizing the primary plant location
and therefore recommended against this location. Mr. Dick Dildine
spoke against the need for the City to comply with secondary sewer
treatment requirements. Mr. Wayne Palmer, 412 5th Street, spoke
against the application based on the potential negative impacts on
the surrounding area. Mr. Gary Smith spoke in favor of locating
the plant in a slightly different configuration. Mrs. Bauer spoke
against the location and urged that the Council study the whole
matter of site selection more carefully. Mr. Joe Lynch of St. Mary's
Drive, spoke about the potential odor. Mr. John Noyes, 2429 12th St.
stated that the effects should not ,be that severe. There being no
additional comments, the public hearing was closed.
After making the statement that the Council is keeping an option open
rather than making a final site selection, Mr. Stitt moved that the
conditional use application be approved. The motion was seconded by
Mr. Coleman. Under discussion, Mr. Rock and Mrs. Horn spoke in favor
of delaying action on this application and in favor of using property
from the vicinity of the primary treatment plant. Mr. Coleman moved
to table this motion until the next meeting. Mr. Brown seconded the
motion. Vote: Ayes - Stitt, Separovich, Horn, Smith, Rock Motion
August 18, 1986 - continued
Lease -',Mt. Erie
Mr. Steve Colby, City Park's Director, presented a resolution re".�
newing the lease with Puget Power for the Mt. Erie communications
site for a period of 25 years. Mr. Brown moved that this resolu-
tion be adopted and given a number. The motion was seconded by
Mr. Coleman and passed unanimously. Vote: Ayes - Horn, Smith,
Rock, Stitt, Separovich. Motion carried.
There being no further business, Mayor Rice adjourned the meeting
at 9:00 P.M.
C: Morfahan, Executive Secretary James Rice, Mayor
September 2, 1986
Mayor Rice called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. followed by I Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll call found present: Bill Coleman, Ray Separovich, Ken Brown,
Ruth Horn, Helen Smith, and Bud Rock. Absent: Bill Stitt
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved on a motion from
Mrs. Smith seconded by Mr. Brown. Vote: Ayes - Coleman, Separovich,
Horn, and Rock.
There was no correspondence.
Citizens' Hearings
The question of the recently -installed channelization on Commercial
Avenue was raised. Mayor Rice indicated that this would be the
subject of a study session on September 8, 1986 in the Municipal
Building Council Chambers beginning at 7:30 P.M.
New Business
The Council discussed a proposed sale of approximately 11 acres of
Urban Renewal property to the Sugiyo Company. This firm proposes
to initially employ 100 people in the surimi processing plant. Mrs.
Horn moved that Resolution No. 891 be adopted. This Resolution
authorizes the Mayor to execute sale documents to the Sugiyo Co.
The motion was seconded by Mr. Rock. Vote: Ayes - Separovich,
Brown, Smith, and Coleman. Motion carried.
The Council then took action to set October 6, 1986 as a public
hearing date to consider a vacation request for that portion of
32nd St. lying between "R" and "T" Avenues. This street presently
divides the property that the City is selling to the Sugiyo Co.
Mr. Rock moved that a resolution setting this hearing date be
adopted. The motion was seconded by Mr. Brown. Vote: Ayes -
Horn, Smith, Coleman, and Separovich. Motion carried.
The Public works Director then presented a No Parking Ordinance for
Q Avenue in the vicinity of the Cap Sante Marina. This Ordinance
had been discussed at a previous Council Meeting and the Council
had asked that it be presented to them for action. Ordinance No.
2015 was adopted on a motion by Mr. Brown seconded by Mrs. Smith.
Vote: Ayes - Rock, Coleman, Separovich, and Horn. Motion carried.
Old Business
The Council addressed a street vacation request for a portion of
8th Avenue. A portion of the street in question presently divides
property owned by Mrs. Billie McKee and abuts property owned by
the City of Anacortes Housing Authority. Mayor Rice recommended
that the vacation request by granted at no cost to Mrs. Billie
McKee with a stipulation that Mrs. McKee transfer title at no cost
to the Housing Authority the triangular piece of property she owns
north of 8th together with title to the north 40 feet of 8th that
is vacated to her. He stated that this action would ensure that
the Housing Authority will own the property they need to access
their facility and that both Mrs. McKee and the Housing Authority'
are in agreement with this recommendation. Mrs. Horn moved that
vacation request be granted subject to the stipulation detailed by
Mayor Rice. Mr. Brown seconded this motion. Vote: Ayes -
Coleman, Separovich, Smith, and Rock. Motion carried.
September 2, 1986 - continued
The Council then continued their discussion of a proposed conditional
use permit to authorize location of a secondary sewer treatment plant
south of 4th Avenue. This matter was the subject of a public hearing
at a previous Council Meeting. Mr. Brown asked the Council to authorize
a letter to the Port. of Anacortes requesting that they reconsider their
opposition to releasing property to the City adjacent to the City's
primary treatment plant. After some discussion Mr. Brown moved that
action on the conditional use permit be delayed until the September 15
Council Meeting and that a letter be sent to the.Port Commissioners
urging that the primary treatment plant location be utilized for
secondary treatment. The.motion was seconded by Mr. Separovich.
Vote: Ayes - Horn, Smith, Rock, and Coleman. Motion carried.
Public Works.Director, Dave Ford then presented an August 25, 1986
memorandum covering chemical bids. On a motion by Mr. Coleman seconded
by Mr. Brown, the Council approved the Public Works Director's recom-
mendation. Vote: Ayes - Smith, Rock, Separovich, and Horn. Motion
Mayor Rice reappointed Mr. Richard Dickison to the Board of Adjustment.
He also announced Mr. Ron Doctor of the Arthur Young Company would be
present at the next City Council meeting to discuss privitization of
secondary sewer treatment plants and the possibilities for this approach
to be utilized in Anacortes.
The.meeting adjourned at approximately 8:15 P.M.
September 15, 1986
Mayor .Rice called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. Invocation was
offered by Pastor Brian Classen, followed by Pledge of Allegiance to
the Flag.
Roll call found present: Bill Coleman, Bill Stitt, Ray Separovich,
Ken Brown, Ruth Horn, Helen Smith, Bud Rock.
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Mrs. Smith noted that the minutes of September 2, 1986 should be
corrected as follows: Page 2, 6th line, the sentence beginning
"After" should read: "After some discussion Mr. Brown moved that
action..." Mr. Separovich moved and Mr. Rock seconded that the
minutes be approved with the correction. Vote: Ayes - Stitt,
Separovich, Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman. Motion carried.
Citizen Hearings
Mr. Otis Piburn addressed Council and discussed fire protection for
the west end of Anacortes.
Lavina Longstaff addressed Council regarding the impoundment of her
son's motorcycle.
Conditional Use Permit
Mr. Rock moved and Mrs. Smith seconded that the Conditional Use
Permit for construction of a secondary sewage treatment plant at a
site located between 4th & 6th and T & S Streets be approved.
Vote: Ayes - Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman, Stitt. Nayes -
Separovich. Motion carried.
Mr. Rock commented he felt it was time to move ahead and there
still may be a time when Council has to say no. Mr. Brown stated
he wanted Dakota Creek and other users of the shoreline property to
know that the City was not trying to impact them adversely, and the
City was trying to put the plant in the best location possible.
Mr. Separovich stated he felt the secondary treatment plant did not
belong in the heart of town.
Skyline Division 21
Mayor Rice stated that there were still some items pending in
order to consider final plat approval of Skyline Division 21;
therefore, this item was withdrawn from the agenda.
772 September 15, 1986 - continued
Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan
Mayor Rice declared a public hearing open on an amendment to the
Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan. Jim Pemberton, City
Engineer, explained the Urban Arterial Board had requested that,
contrary to their previous information, they now wanted the 32nd
Street project included on the Six Year Transportation Plan for
1987 to 1992. Mr. Pemberton also requested, as a housekeeping
measure, that the proposed access road from Anacopper Mine Road
into the Clearidge Subdivision be included in the Program.
There were no comments from the audience and Mayor Rice declared
the public hearing closed.
Mr. Brown moved and Mr. Rock seconded that the amendments be
approved and the resolution amending Resolution No. 886 passed
and approved on the 7th day of July, 1986, adopting a revised and
extended Comprehensive Street Program be adopted and given Resolu-
tion No. 893. Vote: Ayes - Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman,
Stitt, Separovich. Motion carried.
Skagit County Solid Waste Program
Mayor Rice requested Council approval of the Skagit County Solid
Waste Program, wherein the County is the prime contractor for
disposal of solid waste for the Cities within Skagit County for
the next 20 years. He stated the cities will have a voice in any
capital improvement expenditures, rate increases and tipping fees.
The agreement has been signed by all the other cities.
Mr. Stitt moved and Mr. Brown seconded that the City of Anacortes'
participation in the Skagit County Solid Waste Program be approved.
Vote: Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman, Stitt, Separovich, Brown - Ayes.
Motion carried.
Mr. Erie Easement for Puget Power
Mayor Rice stated Puget Power has requested an easement from the
City for their powerline located from Hart Lake Road to the mountain
summit and also to place underground, along the roadway, the existing
overhead powerlines.
Mrs. Smith moved and Mrs. Horn seconded that the easement be granted
to Puget Power and the power lines be placed underground. Vote
Ayes - Smith, Rock, Coleman, Stitt, Separovich, Brown, Horn.
Motion carried.
Key Deposit Policy
Mayor Rice stated all the locks in the City will soon be replaced
and due to problems in the past with keys being lost, he was
requesting that a policy be set where a $50.00 deposit would be
requested from any private citizen, club or part time City employee
borrowing a key. The deposit would be returned at the time the key
was returned. Discussion took place on the amount�of deposit.
Mrs. Smith then moved and Mrs. Horn seconded that a policy be set
where a $25.00 deposit fee will be charged any .private citizen,
club or part time employee for the use of a key. Vote: Ayes -
Rock, Coleman, Stitt, Separovich, Brown, Horn, Smith. Motion
Police Department Petty Cash Fund - Resolution
Mayor Rice stated the Police Department has requested, for in-
vestigative purposes, that their petty cash fund be raised from
the current $5,000 to $15,000.
Mr. Brown moved and Mr. Coleman seconded that the resolution
amending Resolution No. 617, dated July 7, 1980, and as further
amended by Resolution 807, dated July 16, 1984 adjusting the Police
Department petty cash fund be adopted and given RESOLUTION NO. 894.
Vote: Ayes - Coleman, Stitt, Separovich, Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock.
Motion carried.
Amendment to Street Vacation Ordinance No. 2012
Mayor Rice stated an ordinance passed on July 7th, 1986 approving
vacation of a portion of Q Avenue and 2nd Street omitted the in-
clusion of the intersection. The ordinance before Council was to
September 15, 1986 - continued 7 7 J
amend Ordinance No. 2012 to include the intersection.
Mr. Separovich moved and Mrs. Horn seconded that the ordinance
amending Ordinance No. 2012, passed and approved on the 7th day of
July, 1986 to correct an inaccurate legal description be adopted and
given Ordinance No. 2016. Vote: Ayes - Stitt, Separovich, Brown,
Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman. Motion carried.
Specialty Seafoods,
Ian Munce, Planning Director, addressed Council stating past negotia-
tions with Specialty Seafoods indicated their interest in leasing a
portion of Urban Renewal Property. Currently they are considering
restructuring their proposal to purchase a portion of land with an
option on additional property so they can expand.
Mavor Rice stated this matter would be continued until Monday,
September 22, 1986 for further discussion.
Items to be Discussed Monday September 22, 1986
Mayor Rice stated the following items would be set for discussion on
September 22nd: 1. Specialty Seafoods property acquisition; 2.
tow truck policy, and; 3. an executive session to discuss possible
There being no further business, Mayor Rice continued the meeting
at 8:30 P.M. to Monday, September 22nd, 1986 at 7:30 P.M.
C. ona Zn�'E xecutive Secretary James Rice, Mayor
Continued Meeting of September 15, 1986
to September 22, 1986
Mayor Rice called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.
Roll call found present: Bill Coleman, Bill Stitt, Ray Separovich,
Ken Brown, Ruth Horn, Helen Smith, Bud Rock.
Planning Director, Ian Munce, introduced a resolution authorizing a
land sale in the City Industrial Park to Specialty Seafoods, Inc.
After a. discussionof the details of this proposal, Mr. Rock moved
that Resolution 895 be adopted. The motion was seconded by Mr. Brown.
Vote: Ayes - Coleman, Stitt, Separovich, Horn and Smith. Motion
The Council then informally discussed tow truck regulations and charges
for reconnection of disconnected water service. Both of these items
will be considered in detail at future meetings.
Mayor Rice noted that Mr. Bob Rose had resigned from the City Forest
Board and asked that the Council appoint Mr. Jim Merritt as his
replacement. Mrs. Smith moved that Jim Merritt be appointed to the
City Forest Board. Mrs. Horn seconded the motion. Vote: Stitt,
Separovich, Brown, Rock and Coleman. Motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 8:30 P.M.
Ian S. Munce, Secretary Pro -Tem James Rice, Mayor
October 6, 1986
Mayor Rice called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M., followed by
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
774 October 6, 1986 - continued
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Mr. Brown moved and Mrs. Horn seconded that the minutes of Septem-
ber 15th and September 22, 1986 be approved as if read. Vote:
Ayes - Stitt, Separovich, Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman.
Motion carried.
Citizen Hearings
Mrs. Juddie Murphy addressed Council inquiring if there could be
a fall cleanup similar to the spring cleanup program which would
allow people to clean their yards of leaves, etc. without paying
the extra $2.50 per bag for pickup. Mayor Rice stated he would
look into the matter. He also stated during spring cleanup there
will be a central area to dispose of hazardous wastes rather than
being picked up by the sanitation trucks.
Mayor Rice stated the company which has been filming,a movie in
Anacortes has offered a small donation to the City for the use of
the cannon in Causland Park. Because of the recent ground work
done in Causland Park and time involved, Mr. Coleman moved and
Mr. Separovich seconded that the request be denied. Vote:
Separovich, Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman, Stitt. Motion
Criminal Code - Ordinance
Steve Mansfield, City Attorney, explained to Council the purpose
of the Criminal Code ordinance and that it will provide the same
penalties for offenses as the State Code.
Mrs..Horn moved and Mr. Brown seconded that an ordinance to
forbid and prevent conduct that inflicts, or threatens substantial
harm to individual or public interests within the City of Ana-
cortes, defining certain offenses, and providing penalties for
violation thereof, and repealing ordinance No. 1766, and constitut-
ing Code Section 9.02.010 to 9.02.130 be adopted and given
Ordinance No. 2017. Vote: Ayes - Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman,
Stitt, Separovich, Brown. Motion carried.
Amending Washington State Model Traffic Ordinance
Mr. Mansfield stated the amendment to the Model Traffic Ordinance
was simply a housekeeping measure which added driving without a
valid driver's license to the offenses that carry a potential or
possible jail penalty.
Mrs. Smith moved and Mr. Brown seconded that the ordinance amending
Section 3 of Ordinance No. 1732, passed and approved on the 6th day
of February, 1978, and repealing Ordinance No. 1984, passed and
approved on the 17th day of June, 1985 be adopted and given
Ordinance No. '2018.- Vote: Ayes - Smith, Rock, Coleman, Stitt,
Separovich, Brown, Horn. Motion carried.
Vacation 32nd Street Between T & R Avenues
Mayor Rice declared a public hearing open on a request to vacate
32nd Street lying east of the east line of R Avenue and west of
the west line of T Avenue. He explained this vacation would en-
able Sugiyo U.S.A., who proposes to construct a fish processing
plant in the Industrial Park, to utilize this area for their
Mrs. Margaret Murphy addressed Council stating her concerns re-
garding the routing of through traffic in that area.
Mr. Richard Dildine also stated his concerns over the loss of
City right-of-way.
There were no further comments from the audience and Mayor Rice
declared the public hearing closed.
Mrs. Smith asked if the City would retain the 15' buffer strip
and Mr. Mansfield stated this area would not be deeded to Sugiyo.
In answer'to Mr. Dildine's question regarding leasing the right
of way, Mr. Mansfield said there is no provision in state law to
lease rights of way.
October 6, 1986 - continued
Mr. Stitt stated there is confusion as to where the public interest
lies and he felt the primary public interest is in having healthy in-
dustries in the industrial area. Mr. Stitt then moved and Mrs. Horn
seconded that the ordinance vacating 32nd Street lying east of the east
line of R Avenue and west of the west line of T Avenue be adopted and
given ORDINANCE NO. 2019. Vote: Ayes - Rock, Coleman, Stitt, Separovich
Brown, Horn, Smith. Motion carried. Mrs. Horn stated she agreed with
Mr. Stitt that in order to have healthy industry and job opportunities
it is at times necessary to vacate streets such as has recently been
done for Dakota Creek Industries.
Industrial Park Land Sale to Anacortes Refrigeration - Resolution
Ian Munce, Planning Director, indicated on a drawing the area to be
purchased by Anacortes Refrigeration. He stated they are proposing to
construct a shop building which would house their business along with
areas for other businesses who may wish to lease from them.
Mr. Separovich moved and Mrs. Horn seconded that the resolution author-
izing execution of that certain real estate purchase agreement by and
between the City of Anacortes and Anacortes Refrigeration be adopted
and given RESOLUTION NO. 896. Vote: Ayes - Coleman, Stitt, Separovich,
Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock. Motion carried.
Request for Waiver from Sidewalk Requirements - Sugiyo U.S.A.
Mayor Rice stated the City has received a request from Sugiyo U.S.A.
to waive the sidewalk requirement involving their proposed construc-
tion in the Industrial Park.
Sue Mortenson, representing Economic Development Association of Skagit
County, read a letter addressed to the Mayor dated October 6, 1986
urging the City to waive the sidewalk requirements.
Mayor Rice stated due to past actions it is difficult to grant a waiver
on this request but he would recommend that the requirement for side-
walks on T Avenue be waived and not on 34th Street.
Mr. Separovich moved that the sidewalk requirement on T Avenue be waived,
and that sidewalks be constructed on 34th Street. Mrs. Smith seconded
the motion. Mrs. Smith then moved to amend the motion by allowing a
two year extension on the construction of the sidewalk on 34th Street.
Mr. Rock seconded the amendment. Vote on amended motion: Ayes -
Stitt, Separovich, Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman. Motion carried.
Vote on original motion: Ayes - Separovich, Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock,
Coleman, Stitt. Motion carried.
Structure Demolition at Water Treatment Plant
Mayor Rice stated the contract to demolish obsolete structures at the
Water Treatment Plant is now complete with an estimated total project
cost of $144,450 and an estimated retainage held of $6,700. It is
requested that Council accept the project as complete and authorize re-
lease of retainage monies provided no claims have been filed with
Department of Labor & Industries.
Mr. Rock moved and Mr. Brown seconded that the project be accepted as
complete and authorization be given to administratively release retainage
monies. Vote: Ayes - Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman, Stitt,
Separovich. Motion carried.
Limited Parking on 20th Street Between I Avenue and J Avenue
Mayor Rice stated a request has been made by the Anacortes School
District to limit parking on the north side of 20th Street between I
Avenue and J Avenue to provide space for visitor parking. The Traffic
Safety Committee reviewed the request and recommended approval.
Mr. Coleman moved and Mr. Brown seconded that the ordinance limiting
parking time on 20th Street between I and J Avenue to 15 minutes from
7:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M., Monday through Friday be adopted and given
ORDINANCE NO. 2020. Vote: Ayes - Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman, Stitt,
Separovich, Brown. Motion carried.
776 October 6, 1986 - continued
Negative Cash Balance
Mayor Rice explained, due to auditor's request, the Finance Depart-
ment has to keep track of negative cash balances on a monthly basis.
The resolution before Council will authorize interfund loans from a
solvent fund to any fund which develops a negative cash balance.
Mr. Brown moved and Mrs. Horn seconded that the resolution regard-
ing negative cash balances in the City funds and authorization for
correction thereof be adopted and given RESOLUTION NO. 897. Motion
carried. Vote: Ayes - Smith, Rock, Coleman, Stitt, Separovich,
Brown, Horn. Motion carried.
Voucher Approval
Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer (City Clerk
Treasurer) as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reim-
bursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been
recorded on warrant register which has been made available to the
Council Committee. These vouchers are as follows:
Claims Fund
Month Voucher No. Amount
July #3170-3465* $616,369.14
*3458-3459 -Aug.
August #3458-3791* $469,064.79
*3460-3456 -Jul.
July #2821-3086 $221,913.70
August .#3087-3357 $220,333.07
Mr. Coleman moved and Mr. Separovich seconded that as of October 6,
1986, the Council approve for payment those vouchers included in
the above list. Vote: Ayes - Rock, Coleman, Separovich, Brown,
Horn, Smith. Motion carried.
Study Session
Mayor Rice stated the Commercial Avenue traffic revision will be
discussed at the Study Session on October 13th.
There being no further business to discuss, Mayor Rice adjourned
the meeting at 8:30 P.M.
✓((/ /!/W'/'f/,&e � moi - 6elele�
C. Monahan, Executive Secretary James Rice, Mayor
October 20, 1986
Mayor Rice called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M., followed by
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll call found present: Bill Coleman, Ray Separovich, Ken Brown,
Ruth Horn, Helen Smith, Bud Rock. Absent: Bill Stitt.
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Mr. Seaprovich moved and Mr. Brown seconded that the minutes of
October 6, 1986 be approved as if read. Vote: Ayes - Separovich,
Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman. Motion carried.
Citizen Hearings
Mr. Ben Root, representing the Ball Room Association and Tradition-
al Music Society, discussed the upcoming Rag Time Band Program
to be performed at Brodniak Hall on November 8th. The program will
offer an opportunity to introduce the City Hall ballroom restora-
tion program. Mr. Root invited Council to attend and gave them
complimentary tickets for the occasion.
City Purchase of Burlington Northern Railroad Right of Way
Mayor Rice stated the City has recently been negotiating with
Burlington Northern Railroad to purchase the railroad right of
way from I Avenue to Illinois Avenue for the purpose of constructing
a public trail and bike path approximately 15' to 20' wide from
the Guemes Ferry to Ship Harbor area. If the City is successful
in purchasing this property, any property not needed for the con-
October 20, 1986 - continued
struction of the trail will be
for purchase at the same price
Mayor Rice stated Interagency
monies from sales to abutting
the purchase of this property.
offered to abutting property owners
per square foot as the City paid.
Committee for Outdoor Recreation and
property owners will provide revenues for
Mr. Steve Colby, Park Director, addressed Council stating this trail
is addressed both in the Park Comprehensive Plan and the City's Shore-
line Plan. He asked Council to look at what it will add to the
community in the future.
Juddie Murphy addressed Council stating as a member of the Steering
Committee of the City's Comprehensive Plan she was aware that this
was a high priority of the Committee and urged Council to take action
and find a way to afford the purchase of this property.
Buz Paulson, abutting property owner, stated he felt the City does
not have funds to purchase property or develop it. He also addressed
security problems and the impact the trail would have on businesses
along the trail.
Mr. Rick Wallace, 818 25th Street, stated he and his wife participated
on the Recreation and Tourism Committee, development of the latest
Comprehensive Plan and they are also members of the Evergreen Islands.
They highly support this purchase and feel it is a very sound plan
to fund the proposal.
Tom Wynn, 11th & B Avenue, stated his back yard faces Guemes Channel
and he was concerned what kind of problems may be caused in the
neighborhood due to parking and the possibility of creating a high
crime area.
Anton Lovric, Lovric's Sea, stated his concerns regarding disruption
of his business by people utilizing the trail. Mr. Colby explained
that adequate fencing could be placed around these areas with access
for through use with gates.
Preston Holton, 11th & B, questioned the maintenance of the area
and the impact of the industries.
Richard Dildine, 1211 6th Street, stated he did not see an alterna-
tive to the City acquiring this property.
Ben Root, 1417 6th Street, commented he felt it would be extremely
far sighted on Council's part to.purchase the property and property
owners may find that City ownership of the property would be more
of a benefit than a detriment.
Jerry McCormick questioned the financial aspect of the proposal.
After Council discussed the long range benefits of the proposal and
financial concerns, Mr. Separovich moved and Mr. Coleman seconded
that the resolution authorizing the purchase by the City of Anacortes
of a portion of Burlington Northern right of way lying betwgen Illinois
Avenue and I Avenue along Guemes Channel and directing the Mayor to
take necessary steps to consumate said purchase be approved and given
RESOLUTION NO. 898. Vote: Ayes - Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman,
Seaprovich. Motion carried.
Amendment to Sidewalk Requirements in the Industrial Park
Mayor Rice stated because of the interest in purchase of land in the
Industrial Park recently the subject of sidewalk requirements has
been discussed and it is the recommendation of City staff that certain
sidewalk requirements in that area be deleted. Dave Ford, Director
of Public Works, stated he agreed with the proposal.
Mrs. Horn moved and.Mrs. Smith seconded that an ordinance be drawn
up to delete sidewalk requirements in the Industrial Park between and
including 28th Street and 34th Street and R Avenue and T Avenue with
the exception of the north side of 34th Street between R Avenue and
V Avenue. Vote: Ayes - Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman, Separovich,
Brown. Motion carried.
778 October 20, 1986 - continued
Rezone Request Block 29 - Beales Maple Grove Addition from RM to
Mayor Rice declared the public hearing open on the request to re-
zone Lots 1 to 8 and 11 to 20 in Beales Maple Grove Addition and a
portion of Government Lot 8 from residential medium to heavy
Ian Munce, Planning Director, stated a public hearing was held by
the Planning Commission and they recommended the rezone be approved.
The purpose of the rezone is to make the area compatible with the
zoning of the plywood mill and the industrial park.
There were no comments from the audience and Mayor Rice declared
the public hearing closed.
Mrs. Horn moved and Mr. Brown seconded that the rezone be approved
as requested. Vote: Ayes - Smith, Rock, Coleman, Separovich,
Brown, Horn. Motion carried.
Nationwide Cablevision Lease Expansion
Mayor Rice stated currently Nationwide Cablevision leases a 60' x
45' portion of City property on H Avenue for their satellite
station. They are now requesting to expand the existing fence area
20 feet east to allow turning of one of the satellites. The lease
fee would be increased by $450.00 per year.
Mrs. Smith moved and Mr. Separovich seconded the request by Nation-
wide Cablevision to increase their fence area by 20 feet with an
added lease fee of $450 per year be approved. Vote: Ayes - Rock,
Coleman, Separovich, Brown, Horn, Smith. Motion carried.
Sale of Lot 14 Industrial Park
Ian Munce stated Mr. Vito Ruzich, owner of Hydraulic Fishing, has,
in order to expand his business, requested to purchase Parcel 14
(located behind Hydraulic Fishing) at the same price property is
currently being sold in that area.
Vito Ruzich addressed Council offering his employment history and
the reasons for expansion.
Mr. Separovich moved and Mr. Coleman seconded that the resolution
authorizing and directing execution of that certain real estate
purchase agreement by and between the City of Anacortes and
Hydraulic Fishing Supply, Inc. be approved and given RESOLUTION
NO. 899. Vote: Ayes - Coleman, Seaprovich, Brown, Horn, Smith,
Rock. Motion carried.
Interlocal Agreement with Port of Anacortes
Mayor Rice explained with the approval of a Shoreline Permit for
the Port of Anacortes five years ago, conditions were attached to
the permit requiring the construction of full street improvements
over eight blodcs,.including sidewalks, in certain areas of the
Cap Sante Boat Basin. The agreement before Council this evening
spells out that within the next 3 years the Port of Anacortes shall
pave, to City standards, three streets in the Cap Sante Boat Basin
area and contribute $10,000 toward connecting necessary utilities.
Bob Hogg, Chairman of the Planning Commission, stated he hasre-
viewed and is happy with the agreement. He added the exact loca-
tion of the 3 blocks to be paved will be determined through
negotiations by the City and the Port.
Mrs. Smith moved and Mr. Rock seconded that the Interlocal Agree-
ment between the City of Anacortes and the Port of Anacortes
dated the 20th day of October, 1986 be approved. Vote: Ayes -
Separovich, Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman. Motion carried.
Final Plat Skyline Division 21
Dave Ford reviewed the changes in the proposed final plat with
Council and recommended the plat be approved.
October 20, 1986 - continued
Mrs. Horn moved and Mr. Brown seconded that the final plat of
Skyline Division 21 be approved. Vote: Ayes - Brown, Horn, Smith,
Rock, Coleman, Separovich. Motion carried.
Downtown Development Authority
Steve Mansfield, City Attorney, read the ordinance creating the Ana-
cortes downtown Development Authority by title and explained its powers
of authority and that this Ordinance did nothing more than create the
Mr. Brown moved and Mr. Separovich seconded that the ordinance relating
to job creation and economic development; creating the Anacortes
Downtown Development Authority; enumerating the powers of the Authority;
specifying the limited liability of the City under this Ordinance;
authorizing and approving a Charter and Bylawsfor the Authority;
establishing the Board of Directors to govern the affairs of the
Authority; providing for dissolution of the Authority; and generally
providing how the Authority shall conduct its affairs be approved and
given ORDINANCE NO. 2021. Vote: Ayes - Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman,
Separovich, Brown. Motion carried.
Restricted Parking on Commercial Avenue from 29th to 35th Streets
Mayor Rice stated because of some problems relating to the restriping
of.Commercial Avenue it has been suggested that parking on the west
side of Commercial Avenue between 29th Street and 35th Street be pro-
hibited. An ordinance prohibiting this parking was before Council
for their approval.
Discussion regarding the restriping took place with suggestions of
left turn lanes at 15th Street and leaving the lanes as they are now
until the first of the year to give it a chance to work.
Mr. Brown moved that the parking be prohibited on the west side of
Commercial from 30th Street to 35th Street. Mrs. Horn seconded the
Mr. Rock moved to table this matter until the latter part of December
or first part of January. Mr. Coleman seconded the motion. Vote:
Ayes - Smith, Rock, Coleman, Separovich. Nayes - Horn, Brown.
Motion carried.
There being no further business to discuss, Mayor Rice adjourned the,,
meeting at 9:30 P.M.
C. Manahan, Execu_ti`ve Secretary ice Mayor
November 3, 1986
Mayor Rice called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. Pastor Alexander
offered the invocation followed by Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll call found present: Bill Coleman, Bill Stitt, Ray Separovich,
Ken Brown, Ruth Horn, Helen Smith, Bud Rock.
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Mr. Brown moved and Mrs. Horn seconded that the minutes of October 20,
1986 be approved as if read. Vote: Ayes - Stitt, Separovich, Brown,
Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman. Motion carried.
Citizen Hearings
Mr. John Noyes, representing the Chamber of Commerce & Tourism and
Events Committee, addressed Council regarding the "Taste of Skagit
Event" proposed to be located in the downtown boat basin area of
Anacortes on April 2, 3, 4, and 5 of next year. He explained how
successful the event was this year and that it would continue to be
held in Anacortes as part of the Tulip Festival. In order to help
in promotion of the festival, Mr. Noyes requested the Council to
budget $5,000 from the motel/hotel tax for this purpose. Mayor
Rice stated this budget will be considered on November 18th.
November 3, 1986 - continued
Personal Services Contract
Mayor Rice stated Mr. Del Kahn has been staying on the Preston
and performing certain duties while there. A resolution was
before Council authorizing execution of a personal services
agreement which would allow the City to pay Mr. Kahn $50 a month
except for the months of June, July and August when he would
receive $100 a month for services performed while staying on the
Mr. Separovich moved and Mr. Coleman seconded that the resolution
authorizing execution of that certain personal services contract
by and between the City of Anacortes and Del Kahn, contractor, be
approved and given RESOLUTION NO. 900. Vote: Ayes - Separovich,
Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman, Stitt. Motion carried.
Sale of 3 Parcels in Industrial Park
Ian Munce, Planning Director, stated three agreements were before
Council this evening regarding the sale of property in the
Industrial Park. The proposals were from Ballenger Marine of
Anacortes to operate a marine repair and equipment facility;
Triad Marine of Mt. Vernon to construct a boat building operation;
and Red River Fisheries to purchase a small portion of property
for a net shed. All properties are proposed to sell at approxi-
mately $1.00 a square foot.
Council discussed the purchase price and the possibility of adding
an anti speculation clause. It was decided not to add the clause
to these particular agreements.
Mrs. Horn moved and Mr. Brown seconded that the resolution author-
izing and directing execution of that certain real estate purchase
agreement by and between the City of Anacortes and Triad Marine,
Inc. be adopted and given RESOLUTION NO. 901. Vote: Ayes -
Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman, Stitt, Separovich. Motion
Mr. Brown moved and Mr. Separovich seconded that the resolution
authorizing and directing execution of that certain real estate
purchase agreement by and between the City of Anacortes and
Ballenger Marine be adopted and given RESOLUTION NO. 902. Vote:
Ayes - Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman, Stitt, Separovich, Brown.
Motion carried.
Mr. Stitt moved and Mr. Rock seconded that the resolution author-
izing and directing execution of that certain real estate pur-
chase agreement by and between the City of Anacortes and Red River
Fisheries be adopted and given RESOLUTION NO. 903. Vote: Ayes -
Smith, Rock, Coleman, Stitt, Separovich, Brown, Horn. Motion
Gelco Grouting Service Contract
Jim Pemberton, Assistant Director of Public Works, explained to
Council a sanitary sewer cleaning and T.V. inspection contract
had been awarded to Gelco Grouting to inspect sewers within the
northerly section of Anacortes. The contract was now complete
and staff was requesting the contract, in the amount of $33,627.50,
be accepted by Council which would start a 30 day lien period.
He asked that, after this lien period, Council give staff author-
ity to administratively release the 5% retainage if no liens were
Mrs. Smith moved and Mr. Rock seconded that the Contract with
Gelco Grouting be accepted as complete and that staff be allowed
to administratively release the 5% retainage if no liens are
filed after the 30 day lien period. Vote: Ayes - Rock, Coleman,
Stitt, Separovich, Brown, Horn, Smith. Motion carried.
Sanitary Sewer Hookup Fees
Mayor Rice stated an ordinance would be before Council at the
next regular meeting which would reflect an increase, beginning
next year, of $100 in sewer connection fees and a continuing
increase of $100 per year for the next six years.
Proposed Fees for Water Connect & Disconnect Service
Dave Ford, Director of Public Works, explained Public Works crews
are often called out after hours and on holidays to connect and
November 3, 1986 - continued
disconnect water services, and to make repairs to meters damaged
when people turned them on themselves. He stated he would like to
see the costs involved in this recovered through a fee schedule for
the service.
The following fees were considered: $5.00 fee for disconnect and
reconnection when requested and can be handled during regular work
schedule; $10 fee for reconnection due to lack of payment; $40 fee
for someone turning on meter themselves; and $40 fee for after hours
or holiday reconnect. An ordinance reflecting these fees will be
before Council for consideration at the next meeting.
Towing Regulations
Mayor Rice stated Council will consider, at the next meeting, an
ordinance regulating towing company fees within the City.
Business License Fees
Mayor Rice stated Council will consider, at the next meeting, an
ordinance regulating towing company fees within the City.
Business License Fees
Mayor Rice explained currently business license fees within the
City are charged on a yearly basis and as some businesses only'
perform a one-time service in Anacortes. Some consideration has
been given to charging on prorated or monthly basis. He asked
Council for their input on this proposal.
Park Board Appointment
Mayor Rice stated Linda Franulovich has been reappointed to the
Park Board for another term.
Secret Harbor School
Mayor Rice stated that in a recent letter to the Editor of the
Skagit Valley Herald a person indicated a Special Use permit to
operate a transition home by Secret Harbor School had been denied
by the City. He explained he wanted to make it clear that Secret
Harbor had never been before Council for a permit and never been
denied a permit for a transition home.
Bill Coleman commented he has played golf for the last two years
with Secret Harbor boys in their annual golf tournament and anyone
would be proud of the way the boys acted.
John Noyes addressed Council stating last month he had the
opportunity to observe several of Secret Harbor boys cut wood in
Skagit Valley for senior citizens and they work harder than any
he has seen and felt they were "above reproach".
Mayor Rice stated there would be a hearing held in the Hearing
Examiner's Office at the County Court House on a request for a
permit to operate a transition home and if anyone wished to offer
their comments, they should write or contact the Hearing Examiner.
Budget Sessions
Mayor Rice stated budget meetings would begin on November 18th in
the Council Chambers and anyone interested should attend.
There being no further business, Mayor Rice adjourned the meeting
at 8.30 P.M.
C. onhan, Executive Secretary
November 17, 1986
James Rice, Mayor
Mayor Rice called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. Invocation
was offered by Pastor Bitz, followed by Pledge of Allegiance to
the Flag.
Roll call found present: Bill Coleman, Bill Stitt, Ray Separovich,
Ken Brown, Ruth Horn, Helen Smith, Bud Rock.
November 17, 1986
Minutes of Previous
Ken Brown moved and
meeting of November
- Stitt, Separovich,
Mrs. Horn seconded that the minutes of the
3, 1986 be approved as if read. Vote: Ayes
Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman. Motion
Rezone Portion of 34th Street from RM to HM - Ordinance
Mayor Rice stated rezone of a portion of 34th Street from
Residential Medium Density to Heavy Manufacturing was approved
previously by Council and an ordinance was now before Council
for adoption regarding this rezone.
Mr. Coleman moved and Mr. Separovich seconded the ordinance
amending the zoning code to change the zoning classification of a
certain described area within the City of Anacortes from
Residential Medium Density to Heavy Manufacturing be adopted and
given ORDINANCE NO. 2022. Vote: Ayes - Separovich, Brown, Horn,
Smith, Rock, Coleman, Stitt. Motion carried.
Vacation of a Portion of 8th Street - Ordinance
Mayor Rice stated previously Council approved the vacation of a
portion of 8th Street in Bowman's Central Ship Harbor Addition.
An ordinance was now before Council for adoption.
Mr. Stitt moved and Mr. Brown seconded that the ordinance vaca-
ting a portion of 8th Street in the City of Anacortes, Washington
be adopted and given ORDINANCE NO. 2023. Vote: Ayes - Brown,
Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman, Stitt, Separovich. Motion carried.
Proposed Amendment to Sign Ordinance
Mayor Rice stated he had received a request from Oregon Sign
Corporation requesting a change in the Thrifty Food sign which
would include Payless Drugs on the freestanding sign. The sign
is now a non -conforming sign and in order to do this an amendment
would have to be made to the sign ordinance. Mr. Separovich
stated he felt some consideration should be given to allowing
such a change so the name Payless Drugs can be advertised.
Mr. Rock moved and Mrs. Smith seconded that the request by
Oregon Sign Corporation be denied. Vote: Ayes - Horn, Smith,
Rock, Coleman, Stitt, Brown. Nayes - Separovich. Motion carried.
Design Contract for Industrial Park.
Ian Munce, Planning Director, explained the content of a proposal
by URS Corporation to design the access road, utilities and barge
loading facilities in the Industrial Park. He stated he had
discussed the proposal with Dave Ford, Director of Public Works.
Mr. Ford stated two concerns regarding fire hydrant and waterline
design which will be taken care of and with that he approved of
the proposal.
Mr. Brown moved that with site visits and attendance at Council
meetings when necessary included in the proposal, the City enter
into a contract with URS for engineering services as specified.
Mr. Separovich seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes - Smith, Rock,
Coleman, Stitt, Separovich, Brown, Horn. Motion carried.
Non -Union City Personnel Job Descriptions
Mayor Rice stated Council had been given copies of the job descrip-
tions of non-union personnel for their review. He was now asking
that Council formally approve those job descriptions.
Mr. Stitt moved and Mr. Coleman seconded that the non-union
personnel job description be approved. Vote: Ayes - Rock,
Coleman, Stitt, Separovich, Brown, Horn, Smith. Motion carried.
Street Vacation of a Portion of S Avenue - Resolution
Mr. Rock moved and Mrs. Horn seconded that the resolution fixing
the time of December 15th when a petition for vacation of a
portion of S Avenue in Block 15 and 16 of Beales Maple Grove
Addition may be heard and determined by the City Council be
adopted and given RESOLUTION NO. 904. Vote: Ayes - Coleman,
Stitt, Separovich, Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock. Motion carried.
November 17, 1987 - continued 78,3
Alley Vacation Portion of Block 15, Beale's Maple Grove Addition -
Mr.Brown moved and Mr. Separovich seconded that the resolution fixing
a time of December 15th when a petition for vacation of an alley located
in Lots 1-6, Block 15, Beale's Maple Grove Addition may be heard and
determined by the City Council be adopted and given RESOLUTION NO. 905.
Vote: Ayes - Separovich, Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman, Stitt.
Motion carried.
Termination of Lease with Anacortes Plywood - Resolution
Ian Munce explained the lease entered into between the City of Anacortes
and Anacortes Plywood on July 1985 for the lease of property in the
urban renewal area was now.requested to be terminated by Anacortes
Plywood. All obligations of the lease had been met.and Mr. Munce
recommended the termination be approved.. .
Mrs. Smith moved and Mrs. Horn seconded the resolution authorizing and
directing execution of an agreement to terminate lease by and between
the City of Anacortes and Anacortes Plywood, Inc. be adopted and given
Sale of Urban Renewal Property - Jurkovich
Mayor Rice stated a Real Estate Purchase Agreement had been drawn up for
purchase, by Branko Jurkovich, of urban renewal property in the area
of 34th and T Avenue at a cost of $1.00 per square foot totaling $65,000.
A counter offer has been submitted by Mr. Jurkovich which would change
the property location slightly and reduce the amount of 40,000 square
feet at a total cost of $28,000. Also Mr. Jurkovich requested the
deletion of Page 9, paragraph 16, the words "and within the same period
of time discontinue the Buyer's present boat building businesses at
Stevenson Road and 25th Street". Mr. Munce stated he had no objection
to the change in property description and amount or the deletion of
the words in paragraph 16, but he felt the price should stay $1.00 per
square foot.
Mrs. Smith moved and Mrs. Horn seconded that the requested changes in
the legal description and square footage to 40,000 in the purchase
agreement be made along with the deletion of the words on Page 9, para-
graph 16, but that the selling price remain at $1.00 per square foot
and that the offer be accepted no later than November 28, 1986. Vote:
Ayes - Rock, Coleman, Stitt, Separovich, Brown, Horn, Smith. Motion
Skagit County Solid Waste Plan
Mayor Rice stated previously County had approved, by motion, the Skagit
County 1986 Solid Waste Plan but in order to satisfy State requirement
it was necessary to pass a resolution adopting the Plan.
Mr. Stitt moved and Mr. Separovich seconded the resolution accepting
the 1986 Skagit County Solid Waste Management Plan as it relates to the
City of Anacortes be adopted and given RESOLUTION NO. 907. Vote:
Ayes - Coleman, Stitt, Separovich, Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock. Motion
Budget Hearings
Mayor Rice stated November 18th, 19th, 20th & 24th budget sessions will
be held at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers. The public is invited
to attend.
There being no further business, Mayor Rice adjourned the meeting at
8:15 P.M. to an executive session to discuss possible trade of City
C. Mo Executive Secretary James Rice, Mayor
December 1, 1986
Mayor Rice called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. Invocation was
offered by Father Clenahan followed by Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
December 1, 1986 - continued
Roll call found present: Bill Coleman, Bill Stitt, Ray Separovich,
Ken Brown, Ruth Horn, Helen Smith, Bud Rock.
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Mr. Brown moved and Mrs. Horn seconded that the minutes of November
17, 1986 be approved as if read. Vote: Ayes - Stitt, Separovich,
Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman. Motion carried.
Library Board Appointment
Council voted unanimously to reappoint John Lienesch for another term
on the Library Board.
Police Surveillance of Sugiyo U.S.A. Property
Mayor Rice stated questions had been raised regarding the appropriate-
ness of the Anacortes Police Department providing surveillance of
Sugiyo property in the industrial park which is currently being
Police Chief Tony Lippe stated the Police Department had been approached
by Cobra Construction of Everett who expressed a concern for -peace-
keeping around Sugiyo property and asked if the City could provide
constant patrol around the area. Members of the police department
were polled and they were willing to work for the normal wage at time
and a half plus benefits. The City is being reimbursed at $20 an
hour for this service.
Steve Mansfield, City Attorney, stated the issue had been looked at
and it was decided this type of surveillance would be preferable over.
Cobra Construction hiring off-duty policemen with the City being
liable for any arrests made on behalf of Cobra.
Council members expressed their concerns regarding the City becoming
involved in policing private enterprise.
Dean Maxwell, from the audience, questioned the police department
being involved.in union activities. Chuck Mason of the Carpenter's
Union questioned the reimbursement to the City in this matter.
It was decided that the police department would no longer offer con-
stant surveillance but would respond on an on-call basis.
Sale of Urban Renewal Property - Jurkovich
Ian Munce, Planning Director, explained that Mr. Branko Jurkovich had
accepted the terms of purchase for urban renewal property as outlined
by Council at their meeting of November 17th.
Mr. Coleman moved and Mr. Separovich seconded that the resolution
authorizing direction and execution of that certail real estate pur-
chase agreement by and between the City of Anacortes and Branko
Jurkovich be adopted and given RESOLUTION NO. 908. Vote: Ayes -
Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman, Stitt, Separovich. Motion carried.
Nationwide Cablevision
Mayor Rice explained recently Nationwide Cablevision had been pur-
chased by TCI Cablevision, a parent company, and the Council was
being asked to approve transfer of the franchise granted by the City
to Nationwide Cablevision.
Mrs. Smith moved and Mr. Brown seconded that the resolution consenting
to assignment of franchise from Nationwide Cablevision, Inc. to TCI
Cablevision of Washington, Inc. be adopted and given RESOLUTION NO.
909. Vote: Ayes - Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman, Stitt, Separovich,
Brown. Motion carried.
1987 Budget - Public Hearing
Mayor Rice declared the public hearing open on the 1987 City of Ana-
cortes budget. He stated the total amount of the budget for 198.7 is
$13,344,617 which is less than 1986 which totaled $14,055,000 due to
less capital outlay costs and a decrease in grants.
December 1, 1986 - continued
Mr. Separovich asked George Khtaian, Finance Director, if there were
monies in the budget which would allow an increase in the Mayor's
salary and was informed that, because expenditures and revenues are
estimates, there is a little extra at the end of the year.
There were no comments from the audience and Mayor Rice declared the
public hearing closed.
Mr. Rock stated his opposition to the hiring of 3 new .staff in the
Engineering Department, Street Department, and Water Department and his
concern over the monies received from sale of urban renewal property
being transferred to other funds to pay for extra personnel when the
money should be applied to paying off -the urban renewal notes. Dave
Ford, Director of Public Works, explained the necessity for an extra
person in the Engineering Department because, as more workload develops,
at times it leaves him as the only person available to do inspections,
etc., which is pretty costly for the City. For the two positions in
the Water and Street Department funding would come from the Water Utility
Fund and the Storm Sewer Fund.
Mrs. Smith moved and Mr. Stitt seconded that the ordinance adopting the
budget and salary schedule for all municipal purposes and uses for the
year 1987 be adopted and given ORDINANCE NO. 2024. Vote: Ayes -
Smith, Coleman, Stitt, Separovich, Brown, Horn. Nayes - Rock. Motion
Mrs. Smith moved and Mr. Stitt seconded that the ordinance adopting the
budget and salary schedule for all municipal purposes and uses for the
year 1987 be adopted and given ORDINANCE NO. 2024. Vote: Ayes - Smith,
Coleman, Stitt, Separovich, Brown, Horn. Nayes - Rock. Motion carried.
Property Tax Levy
Mayor Rice explained that in order to comply with statutory requirements
it is necessary that a real and personal property tax be levied in the
City of Anacortes. The total amount for 1987 will be $1,128,193.
Mr. Brown moved and Mr. Separovich seconded that the ordinance levying
a tax upon real and personal property within the City of Anacortes,
Skagit County, Washington, for municipal purposes for the year 1987
be adopted and given ORDINANCE NO. 2025. Vote: Ayes - Rock, Coleman,
Stitt, Separovich, Brown, Horn, Smith. Motion carried.
Sale of Urban Renewal Property - Wooding, Franulovich, Sarah Lingwood
Ian Munce,,Planning Director, displayed a transparency of the property
in the industrial park to be purchased,by Bill Wooding who proposes to
operate a deisel engine and heavy equipment repair shop; Tony
Franulovich who wants to provide storage for fishing gear and possibly
a small fish processing operation; and Sarah Lingwood's Kitchen who
wants to move the current establishment of making gingerbread cookies
to the industrial park area. All properties are proposed to be sold
for $1.00 per square foot.
Mr. Stitt moved and Mrs. Horn seconded that the resolution authorizing
and directing execution of that certain real estate purchase agreement
by and between the City of Anacortes and William W. Wooding be adopted
and given RESOLUTION NO. 910. Vote: Ayes - Coleman, Stitt, Separovich,
Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock. Motion carried.
Mr. Separovich moved and Mr. Rock seconded that the resolution authori-
zing and directing execution of that certain real estate purchase agree-
ment by and between the City of Anacortes and Tony Franulovich be
adopted and given RESOLUTION NO. 911. Vote: Ayes - Stitt, Separovich,
Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman. Motion carried.
Mr. Rock moved and Mr. Brown seconded that the resolution authorizing
and directing execution of that certain real estate purchase agreement
by and between the City of Anacortes and Sarah Lingwood's Kitchen be
adopted and given RESOLUTION NO. 912. Vote: Ayes - Separovich, Brown,
Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman, Stitt. Motion carried.
786 December 1, 1986 - continued
Utility Extension Agreement
Mayor Rice stated an agreement between the City of Anacortes and
Leeward development will be discussed at a future meeting.
Voucher Approval
Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer (City Clerk
Treasurer) as required by RCW 42.24.080 and those expense reimburse-,
ment claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded
on warrant register which has been made available to the Council
Committee. These vouchers are as follows:
Claims Fund
Month Voucher # Amount
September No. 3792 through 4146 $435,791.80
October No. 4147 through 4434 514,007.17
Payroll Fund
September No. 3358 through 3622 220,500.98
October No. 3623 through 3883 214,292.09
Mr. Coleman moved and Mrs. Smith seconded that as of December 1, 1986
the Council approve for payment those vouchers included in the above
list. Vote: Ayes - Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman, Stitt,
Separovich. Motion carried.
Industrial Development Bonds - Sugiyo
Ian Munce explained a resolution was before Council which provides
for the issuance by.Port of Anacortes of industrial revenue bonds
on behalf of Sugiyo, U.S.A., Inc. and since the City was the entity
having jurisdiction over the.planning process that we were required
by State statute to approve issuance of the bonds.
Mr. Coleman moved and Mrs. Horn seconded that.the resolution of the
City council of the City of Anacortes approving the issuance of non-
recourse industrial development revenue bonds by the Industrial
Development Corporation of the Port of Anacortes for the Sugiyo,U.S.A.
Inc. food processing project pursuant to R.C.W. 39.84.060 be adopted
and given RESOLUTION NO. 913. Vote: Ayes - Horn, Smith, Rock,
Coleman, Stitt, Separovich, Brown. Motion carried.
Policies Regarding Services Provided by City Crews
Mayor Rice stated recently a movie company was in Anacortes and during
that time they requested services of the City for which they agreed
to reimburse the City. They left without paying for the services
and Mayor Rice asked Council to consider some recommendations on how
to handle, similar requests in the future. This subject will be re-
viewed at a future meeting.
Annexation of Forest Lands
Mayor Rice stated consideration has been given to annexing all City
forest landand steps are currently being taken to proceed with this.
Sewer Charges, Water Connection Charges and Towing Regulations
Mayor Rice stated the following ordinances would be on the next
Council agenda for consideration: sewer surcharge rates, water
connect and disconnect charges, and towing regulations.
Meeting with EPA Re Secondary Sewer Treatment
Mayor Rice stated last Tuesday that he, Steve Mansfield, Dave Ford
and Ian Muhce met with EPA and DOE people. It appeared a compromise
might have been reached of October 1992 when secondard treatment
facilities will have to be constructed. Also discussed was the re-
quirements for extension of outfall, 50% funding rather than 44%
and a waiver from meeting discharge standards in winter months. He
expects to hear from DOE within the next week.
Property Adjacent to Library and Causland Park
Negotiations have been taking place regarding a land trade of City
property for property adjacent to Causland Park and the Library but
it has recently been learned that that property has just been sold
by Peoples Trust to a private party.
December 1, 1986 - continued
Increase in Mayor's Salary
Mr. Mansfield read an ordinance by title referenceing an increase in
the Mayor's monthly salary to $2,916.67 per month. Mr. Separovich
moved and Mrs. Horn seconded that the ordinance amending Section 2 of
Ordinance No. 1865, passed and approved on November 30., 1981, establish-
ing a compensation plan for the Mayor of the City of Anacortes be
adopted and given ORDINANCE NO. 2026. Vote: Ayes - Smith, Coleman,
Separovich, Brown, Horn. Nayes - Rock. Abstained - Stitt. Mr. Rock
stated there was no question that Mayor Rice earned the salary, but
again, he was concerned about a balanced budget. Mr. Stitt stated he
was also sure Mayor Rice deserved the increase, but was not sure who-
ever became Mayor after his retirement would.
There was no further business to discuss and Mayor Rice adjourned the
meeting at 9:00 P.M.
�/ )��Ilev�,
C. Monahan, Executive
December 15, 1986
Secretary James Rice, Mayor
Mayor James Rice called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. Invocation
was offered by Pastor Todd Ferguson, followed by Pledge of Allegiance
to the Flag.
Roll call found present: Bill Stitt, Ray Separovich, Ken Brown, Ruth
Horn, Helen Smith, Bud Rock. Absent: Bill Coleman.
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Mr. Brown moved and Mr. Rock seconded that the minutes of December 1,
1986 be approved as if read. Vote: Ayes - Stitt, Separovich, Brown,
Horn, Smith, Rock. Motion carried.
1986 Community Service Honor - Charles Hopke
Mayor Rice stated it is his policy to honor an Anacortes citizen who
has.performed outstanding community service. This year he was honoring
Charles Hopke who has provided many hours of service to the Parks
Department. Mr. Hopke was.presented with a plaque and a key to the
City of Anacortes.
Vacation of a Portion of S Avenue
Mayor Rice declared a public hearing open on a request by Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Eaton to vacate the west 25' to 35' of S Avenue adjacent to
their property located at Lots 19 and 20, Block 16, Beales Maples
Grove Addition.
Mrs. Eaton addressed Council stating they wanted to construct a carport
which would encroach intothe setback area and, therefore, needed the
extra property.
Dave Ford, Director of Public Works, displayed a transparency of the
subject area. He stated the Engineering Department recommended the
maximum that should be vacated is 15' and he was opposed to vacating
25' to 35' as there were ditches in the area.which would be encom-
passed by the vacation and new ones would have to be put in. The
Building Department felt 35' was excessive and a minimum right of way
should be retained for garbage trucks and fire vehicles.
Mr. Ralph Eaton addressed Council identifying the property he owned
in the area and offered reasons why this right of way should be
There were no other comments from the audience and Mayor Rice declared
the public hearing closed.
Mr. Brown moved and Mrs. -Horn seconded that approval be granted to
vacate 15' of S Avenue right of way adjacent to the property of Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Eaton at 702 35th Street. Vote: Ayes - Separovich,
Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock, Stitt. Motion carried.
December 15, 1986 - continued
788 Vacation of Alley in Block 15 of Beales Maple Grove Addition
Mayor Rice declared a public hearing open on a request by Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Eaton to vacate an alley in Block 15 of Beales Maple Grove
Dave Ford stated there is a sanitary sewer located in the alley and
an adequate easement would have to be granted to the City in order
to maintain that line. Mr. Eaton stated he would be glad to grant
the easement, he just wanted to join his two pieces of property.
'There were no comments from the audience and Mayor Rice declared the
public hearing closed.
Mr. Stitt moved and Mrs. Smith seconded that the request to vacate
the alley in Block 15 of Beales Maple Grove Addition be denied.
Vote: Ayes - Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock, Stitt, Separovich. Motion
Honoring Women's Club - Resolution
Mayor Rice read a resolution honoring the Anacortes Women's Club for
their seventy years of community service and contribution of $2,000
toward restoring the City Hall Ballroom.
Mrs. Smith moved and Mrs. Horn seconded that the resolution of the
City Council of the City of Anacortes expressing appreciation to the
Anacortes Women's Club for their contribution towards restoration of
the City Hall Ballroom and honoring and commending said club for its
seventy years of service to the community be adopted and given
RESOLUTION NO. 914. Vote: Ayes - Horn, Smith, Rock, Stitt., Separovich,
Brown. Motion carried.
Amend 1986 Budget - Ordinance
George Khtaian, Finance Director, addressed Council explaining the
need to amend the 1986 budget and expend additional revenues in the
following funds: Library; Street; Tourism; Forest Land Management;
Community Development; Federal Revenue Sharing; Washington Park
Campground Upgrade; Library Expansion Project; Cap Sante Improvement
City Medical Benefit Plan; and Firemen's Pension.
Mr. Brown moved and Mr. Stitt seconded that the ordinance amending
Ordinance No. 1998, approved and adopted on December 16, 1985, and
entitled "An Ordinance Adopting the Budget and Salary Schedule for
all Municipal Purposes and Uses for the Year 1986" be adopted and
given ORDINANCE NO. 2027. Vote: Ayes - Smith, Rock, Stitt,
Separovich, Brown, Horn. Motion carried.
1986 Year End Cash Transfers
George Khtaian explained the year-end cash adjustment transfers were
for final debt service payment to the Water Fund.
Mr. Separovich moved and Mr. Brown seconded that the ordinance re-
questing Council approval of various 1986 year-end cash adjustment
transfers between City funds be adopted and given ORDINANCE NO.
2028. Vote: Ayes - Rock, Stitt, Separovich, Brown, Horn, Smith.
Motion carried.
L.I.D. 195 Loan from General Fund - Resolution
Mayor Rice explained because of pending litigation monies were ex-
pended on preliminary engineering for L.I.D. 195 and expenses were
charged against the General Fund which now requires repayment by
L.I.D. 195 fund. The resolution before Council authorizes this
Mr. Stitt moved and Mr. Brown seconded that the resolution authori-
zing a loan .from the General Fund (001) to .the Local Improvement
District Fund 195 (725) and setting forth amounts and rates appli-
cable thereto be adopted and given RESOLUTION NO. 915. Vote: Ayes -
Stitt, Separovich, Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock. Motion carried.
Mayor Rice stated the following reappointments have been recommended
to the various boards:
Karmen Hardy, Civil Service Commission; Willard Evans, Housing
Authority; Girts Rekevics, Community Center Board; Jim Malson,
Community Center Board; Charles Kiel, Forest Advisory Board;
Michael Brogan, Museum of History Board
December 15, 1986 - continued
Ruth Horn moved and Bud Rock seconded the above reappointments be
approved. Vote: Ayes - Separovich, Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock, Stitt.
Motion carried.
Mayor Rice thanked Mrs. Margaret Murphy for her work in providing in-
formation regarding makup of City Boards and Commissions.
Veto of Ordinance No. 2026
Mr. Separovich moved and Mrs. Horn seconded that, due to the absence
of one Council member, the matter of reconsidering the Mayor's salary
be tabled until the January 5, 1987 meeting. Vote: Ayes - Brown,
Horn, Smith, Stitt, Separovich. Nayes - Rock.' Motion carried.
Regular Meeting and Study Session
Mayor Rice stated the next regular meeting of City Council will be
held on January 5, 1987 and a study session.will be.held on January
14th to discuss restriping of Commercial Avenue and an update on
secondary sewage treatment requirements.
Restriping of Commercial.Avenue
Mrs. Horn brought to the attention of Council an article written in
the Seattle Post Intelligencer newspaper on Tuesday, December 9th
regarding the restriping of Commercial'Avenue. She asked Glen
Huntley of the Skagit Valley Herald if it was possible for his
newspaper to reprint this article.
There being no further business, Mayor Rice adjourned the meeting
at 8:10 P.M. to a study session to discuss Park and Cemetery policies
and procedures.
C. Monahan, Executive Secretary James Rice, Mayor
January 5, 1987
Mayor Rice called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M., followed by
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll call found present: Bill Coleman, Bill Stitt, Ray Separovich,
Ken Brown, Ruth Horn,.Helen Smith, Bud Rock.
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Mr. Brown moved and Mr. Coleman
December 15, 1986 be approved a
Separovich, Brown, Horn, Smith,
seconded that the minutes of
if read. Vote: Ayes - Stitt,
Rock, Coleman. Motion carried.
Old Business - Veto of Ordinance No. 2026
Mr. Separovich discussed the attributes and performance of Mayor Rice
and moved that the veto of Ordinance No. 2026 increasing the Mayor's
salary be overridden. Mrs. Horn seconded the motion. Under discussion
consideration was given by Council that, although the Mayor was de-
serving of an increase, .this expenditure was not included in the 1987
budget process and also the Mayor's wishes regarding this matter should
be appreciated. Vote: Ayes - Separovich. Nayes - Brown, Horn, Smith,
Rock, Coleman, Stitt. Motion failed.
Chamber of Commerce Contract
Mayor Rice explained a resolution was before Council directing execu-
tion of a contract with the Anacortes Chamber of Commerce which would
authorize the City to pay the Chamber of Commerce $9,056 for the year
1987 to advertise, and publicize and distribute information to
attract visitors and encourage tourism in Anacortes.
Mrs. Smith moved and Mrs. Horn seconded that the resolution authorizing
and directing the Mayor and City Clerk -Treasurer to execute a contract
by and between the City of Anacortes and the Anacortes Chamber of
Commerce be adopted and given RESOLUTION NO. 916. Vote: Ayes -
Brown, Horn, Smith, Rock, Coleman, Stitt, Separovich. Motion carried.