HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-04-25 City Council Minutes Approved Anacortes City Council Minutes - April 25, 2022
Call to Order
Mayor Matt Miller called to order the Anacortes City Council meeting of April 25, 2022 at 6:00 p.m.
Councilmembers Jeremy Carter,Ryan Walters, Christine Cleland-McGrath, Carolyn Moulton,Bruce
McDougall and Amanda Hubik were present. Councilmember Anthony Young participated in the meeting
remotely via Zoom.
Pledge of Allegiance
The assembly joined in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Announcements and Committee Reports
Mayor Miller reported that COVID case rates continue to fall locally.
Mayor Miller noted that April 26 is the 100th anniversary of the Anacortes-Sidney ferry run, which is not
scheduled to run in 2022.
Mayor Miller announced that April 30 is National Prescription Drug Take Back Day. He said drugs can be
dropped off for disposal at the Anacortes Police Station.
Housing Affordability and Community Services Committee
Mr. Walters reported from the Committee meeting held the previous week. He said Jennifer Johnson from
Skagit County Public Health joined the group to discuss distribution of the public safety sales tax in the county.
Planning Committee
Ms. Moulton reported from the Committee meeting held earlier in the evening. The topics discussed included
revisions to the Critical Areas regulations,the sea level rise report being prepared for the floodplain
management plan update, a citizen request for a map of current development projects, a development project on
5th Street, and regulatory measures for Commercial Avenue parklets.
Public Comment
Mayor Miller invited the public to comment on any item not on the agenda. No one present wished to address
the Council on any topic not already on the agenda.
Consent Agenda
Mr. McDougall moved, seconded by Mr. Young,to approve the following Consent Agenda items. The motion
carried unanimously by voice vote.
a. Minutes of April 15,2022 and April 18, 2022
b. Approval of claims in the amount of$324,623.76
The following vouchers/checks were approved for payment:
EFT numbers: 103035 through 103075,total$108,943.22
Check numbers: 103076 through 103096, total $197,757.04
Wire transfer numbers: 302212 through 302614, total $17,923.45
c. Interlocal Agreement#22-081-AFD-001 with Washington State Department of Natural Resources for
Fire District Assistance
d. Contract Award: Boom Mower Replacement Purchase#22-128-ERR-001
Anacortes City Council Minutes -April 25, 2022 1
CDBG 2022 Annual Action Plan
Planning Director Don Measamer presented the Anacortes Community Development Block Grant 2022 Annual
Action Plan. The complete materials had been included in the packet materials for the meeting. Mr. Measamer
recommended leaving the hearing open until Monday,May 9,2022 at which point the plan would come back to
Council for final action.
Mayor Miller invited members of the audience to comment on this agenda item. No one present wished to
address the Council.
Resolution 3078: City Council Ward Redistricting Plan
Finance Director Steve Hoglund reviewed the resolution that had been opened for public hearing on April 11.
He said no public comments had been received since the April 11 meeting. Mr. Hoglund noted that the
resolution had been edited since the prior meeting per a request from councilmembers.
Mayor Miller invited members of the audience to comment on this agenda item. No one present wished to
address the Council. Mayor Miller closed the public hearing.
CAROLYN MOULTON moved, seconded by JEREMY CARTER,to adopt Resolution 3078 adopting the
City's redistricting plan. Vote: Ayes -JEREMY CARTER,ANTHONY YOUNG,RYAN WALTERS,
HUBIK. Nays -None. Result: Passed
Closed Record Decision Hearing: CUP-2022-0002-Samish Early Learning Center
Senior Planner Emily Morgan presented an application for a Conditional Use Permit with Site Plan Review from
the Samish Indian Nation for an Early Learning Center.Ms. Morgan summarized the project,referring to the
extensive packet materials for this project. Ms. Morgan reported that the project meets all code requirements and
that no public comments were received. Ms. Morgan reported that PC recommended approval. Staff also
recommended approval.
Mayor Miller invited the only party of record(the applicant)to address the Council. The applicant declined.
Mr. Walters advised that he would abstain from voting because he had been employed by the Samish Indian
Nation at the time the CUP application had been filed.
CHRISTINE CLELAND-MCGRATH moved, seconded by ANTHONY YOUNG,to approve CUP-2022-0002,
a conditional use permit with site plan review for the Samish Early Learning Center subject to the conditions of
approval within the staff report of record. Vote: Ayes -JEREMY CARTER,ANTHONY YOUNG,
HUBIK. Nays -None. Abstain-Walters. Result:Passed
Skagit 911 Interlocal Agreement
Assistant Fire Chief Jack Kennedy opened discussion of a proposed modification to the interlocal agreement
between agencies in Skagit County for 911 dispatch services. He introduced Helen Rasmussen,Executive
Director of the Skagit 911 center,to summarize the proposed changes to the ILA and the rationale for asking the
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public to vote on a 0.1%public safety sales tax increase to fund critically needed capital infrastructure. Ms.
Rasmussen's slides were included in the packet materials for the meeting.
Mayor Miller invited members of the audience to comment on this agenda item. No one present wished to
address the Council.
Council informally agreed that the Mayor could convey Anacortes support to the 911 board for taking the
proposal to the voters in November.
Community Youth Center Update
Parks Director Jonn Lunsford introduced former mayor Laurie Gere to present a proposal for a Community
Youth Center adjacent to the current skate board park on R Avenue. Ms. Gere's slides were included in the
packet materials for the meeting.
Mayor Miller invited members of the audience to comment on this agenda item. No one present wished to
address the Council.
All councilmembers enthusiastically supported the proposal.
Grand View Cemetery Fee Update
Mr. Lunsford introduced a discussion of fee adjustments for Grand View Cemetery as the new expansion area
opens for lot sales. Mr. Lunsford referred to his slides which had been included in the packet materials for the
Mayor Miller invited members of the audience to comment on this agenda item. No one present wished to
address the Council.
Contract Modification: Wastewater Treatment Plant Outfall-Design#20-032-SEW-007
Interim Public Works Director Brian McDaniel requested City Council consent to award a contract modification
in the amount of$217,406 to HDR Engineering, Inc., increasing the total contract price to $1,208,929.18,to
include the construction management services for the marine portion of the Wastewater Treatment Plant Outfall
BRUCE MCDOUGALL moved, seconded by JEREMY CARTER,to authorize the Mayor to sign a
modification to contract 20-032-SEW-007 with HDR Engineering, Inc. in the amount of$217,406.00,
increasing the total contract price to$1,208,929.18. Vote: Ayes -JEREMY CARTER,ANTHONY YOUNG,
AMANDA HUBIK. Nays-None. Result: Passed
Resolution 3080 Establishing the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee for 2022
Mr. Measamer presented Resolution 3080 which would establish the members of the LTAC for 2022. Mr.
Measamer clarified the RCW requirements for membership on the committee. Mr. Young, chair of the LTAC,
endorsed the resolution as presented.
Ms. Hubik asked the duration of the terms for the slate of members if approved. Mr. Measamer clarified that the
appointments are for the calendar year, though members are eligible for reappointment in future years.
Mr. Walters asked the spelling of"lodging"be corrected and that the actual RCW language for the two
categories be used. Mr. Measamer agreed.
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RYAN WALTERS moved, seconded by CAROLYN MOULTON, to amend Resolution 3080 to strike Christy
Lyman and replace with Nancy Rytand-Carey. Vote: Ayes -RYAN WALTERS, CHRISTINE CLELAND-
RYAN WALTERS moved, seconded by CAROLYN MOULTON, to amend Resolution 3080 to strike
Anastasia Brencick and replace with Jennifer Wilson.Vote: Ayes -RYAN WALTERS, CHRISTINE
ANTHONY YOUNG moved, seconded by JEREMY CARTER, to approve Resolution 3080 as amended and
with correction of spelling and conforming to RCW language. Vote: Ayes -RYAN WALTERS, CHRISTINE
There being no further business, at approximately 8:35 p.m. the Anacortes City Council meeting of April 25,
2022 was adjourned.
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