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1 CITY OF ANACORTES Public Works Department Large Parcel Storm Water Plan For 3007 W. 3rd Place Driveway July 3, 2007 Section 13.36.110 Chapter 13.36 Drainage Requirements and Regulations Project Name: 3007 W. 3`d Place Driveway Owner: Jay N. Smith 13620 State Route 9 SE Snohomish, WA 98296 Site Address: 3007 W. 3rd Place Driveway Parcel ID Numbers: P114283 }��,o�� Sec._23_Twn_35 N_ Rng_1 East_, W.M. Prepared By: Dale Herrigstad PE pi-ram: Z, Herrigstad Engineering PS �� 4320 Whistle Lake Road Anacortes, WA 98221 360-299-8804 The Large Parcel Storm Water Plan needs to be submitted with a Storm Water Quality Plan. To assist City Staff in reviewing your plans, please include any notes or comments you may have regarding individual requirements as tlley may pertain to this development. The Large Parcel Storm Water Plan shall be prepared by a professional civil engineer registered in the state. (Ord. 2441 § 11, 1997) �it..F wnsk, S % `SroNAL s4G EXPIRES:610209 R:\Procedure\Standard Forms\Development\Drainage\Large Parcel Storm Water Plan 13.36.110.doc 2 1. LPSPR No. 1 -- Erosion and Sediment Control Plan. A large parcel storm water plan shall be prepared showing how the following requirements will be accomplished: a) Soil Stabilization and Sediment Trapping. All exposed and unworked soils shall be stabilized according to a timetable established by the director using suitable application of BMP's. Prior to leaving the site, storm water runoff shall pass through a sediment point or sediment trap, or other appropriate BMP's. Most soils disturbed from this site will be removed due to no area to stockpile soils. Exposed soils will be covered with gravel backfill. Much of the site will be rock requiring chipping or blasting. Downstream catch basins near the site will be provided with inlet protection. b) Delineate Clearing and Easement Limits. Clearing limits, easements, setbacks, sensitive/critical areas and their buffers, trees, and drainage courses shall be delineated, by the project surveyor, with orange plastic construction fencing prior to the commencement of land clearing activities. The construction boundary will be defined by orange construction fencing and trying to limit the clearing extent in the road right-of-way to as little as possible. • c) Protection of Adjacent Properties. Properties adjacent to the project site shall be protected from sediment deposition. During construction silt fencing will be used where feasible and effective. Much of the adjacent lot downhill of part of the driveway construction is where rock will be removed and little sediment deposition is expected. d) Timing and Stabilization of Sediment Trapping Measures. Sediment ponds and traps, perimeter dikes, sediment barriers, and other BMP's intended to trap sediment on-site shall be constructed as a first step in grading. These BMP's shall be functional before land-disturbing activities take place. Earthen structures such as dams, dikes and diversions shall be seeded and mulched. To as much as possible undisturbed soils will be used to filter sediment. W 3rd Place will receive the brunt of any runoff and downstream catch basins near the site will be provided with inlet protection for sediment trapping. Other options are limited due to the steep nature of the site. e) Cut and Fill Slopes. Cut and fill slopes shall be designed and constructed in a manner that will minimize erosion. In addition, slopes shall be stabilized in accordance with erosion and sediment control requirements in this section. Most cut slopes will be in rock with steep side slopes. No fill slopes are proposed. f) Controlling Off-Site Erosion. Properties and waterways downstream from development sites shall be protected from erosion due to increases in the volume, velocity and peak flow rate of storm water runoff from the project site. The downstream system from this site to Guemes Channel are open swales and enclosed drainage pipe. The open swales are on the flatter slopes at R:\Procedure\Standard Forms\Development\Drainage\Large Parcel Storm Water Plan 13.36.110.doc 3 the bottom of Eire Avenue and along Oakes Avenue to Dakota Avenue. The swales are well vegetated with grass. No flow control is proposed for this project. g) Stabilization of Temporary Conveyance Systems. All temporary on-site conveyance channels shall be designed, constructed, and stabilized to prevent erosion from the expected peak velocity of flow from a two-year, twenty-four-hour frequency storm for the developed condition. Stabilization adequate to prevent erosion of outlets, adjacent stream banks, slopes and downstream reaches shall be provided at the outlets of conveyance systems. The open swale within Erie Avenue in this project will be the first item enclosed in a drainpipe. The 20% slope of this pipe will have ample capacity for the upstream drainage. h) Storm Drain Inlet Protection. All storm drain inlets made operable during construction shall be protected so that storm water runoff shall not enter the conveyance system without first being filtered or otherwise treated to remove sediment. Adjacent storm catch basins will be protected as needed during construction with inlet protection. The downstream ditches should be monitored for excess silt until the site is well stabilized. i) Underground Utility Construction. The construction of underground utilities shall be subject to the following: • ii) Where feasible, no more than two hundred fifty feet of trench shall be opened at one time. Noted. iii) Where consistent with safety and space considerations, excavated material shall be placed on the uphill side of trenches. Noted. iv) Trench and foundation dewatering devices shall discharge into a sediment trap or sediment pond, where practicable. Noted. j. Construction Access Routes. Wherever construction vehicle access routes intersect paved roads, provisions must be made to minimize the transport of sediment (mud and dirt) onto the paved road. If sediment is transported onto a road surface, the roads shall be cleaned thoroughly at the end of each day. Sediment shall be removed from roads by shoveling or sweeping and be transported to a controlled sediment disposal area. Street washing shall be allowed only after sediment is removed in this manner. A construction entrance will be identified at the entrance to the site to be used during clearing and construction. k. Removal of Temporary BMP's. All temporary erosion and sediment control BMP's shall be removed within thirty days after final site stabilization is achieved or after the temporary BMP's are no longer needed. Trapped sediment shall be removed or stabilized on site. Disturbed soil areas resulting from removal shall be permanently stabilized. Will be noted in erosion control notes under note BB. Dewatering Construction Sites. Dewatering devices shall discharge into a sediment trap or sediment ponds. R:\Procedure\Standard Forms\Development\Drainage\Large Parcel Storm Water Plan 13.36.110.doc 4 Dewatering will not be a concern on this site. m. Control of Pollutants. All pollutants other than sediment that occur on site during construction shall be handled and disposed of in a manner that does not cause contamination of storm water or surface waters. The contractor will follow state requirements. n. Maintenance. All temporary and permanent erosion and sediment control BMPs shall be maintained and repaired as needed to assure continued performance of their intended function. All maintenance and repair shall be conducted in accordance with the Department of Ecology Manual. Maintenance will be address in the erosion control notes. - o. Financial Liability. Performance bonding, or other appropriate instruments, may be required for all projects to ensure compliance with the approved erosion and sediment control plan. Financial Liability will be provided as shown in #11 below. 2. LPSPR No. 2 -- Preservation of Natural Drainage Systems. Unless otherwise directed, natural drainage patterns shall be maintained, and discharged from the site into the naturally occurring drainage basins at the natural location, to the maximum extent practicable, as determined by the official. The site currently drains to the north and will continue the same. 3. LPSPR No. 3 -- Source Control of Pollution. Source control BMP's shall be applied to all projects to the maximum extent practicable. Source control BMP's shall be selected, designed, and maintained according to the Department of Ecology and King County manuals. Clearing will be limited to as much as practical a few feet out side the proposed 15' driveway thus limiting potential pollution. 4. LPSPR No. 4-- Runoff Treatment BMP's. a. All projects shall provide treatment of storm water. Treatment BMP's shall be sized to capture and treat the water quality design storm, defined as the six- month, twenty-four-hour return-period storm. The first priority for treatment shall be to infiltrate as much as possible of the water quality design storm, only if site conditions are appropriate and groundwater quality will not be impaired. Direct discharge of untreated storm water to groundwater is prohibited except for roof drains. All treatment BMP's shall be selected, designed and maintained according to the Department of Ecology Manual. This site is upstream of a recently installed water quality vault that was designed to treat this entire basin including this site. b. Storm water treatment BMP's shall not be built within critical area vegetated buffers, except for necessary conveyance systems as approved. No critical areas are identified on this site. 5. LPSPR No. 5 -- Detention. The requirement below must be met in addition to meeting the requirement of LPSPR No. 4. a. Storm water discharges leaving a site shall be detained by designing a pond that will limit the peak rate of runoff from individual development sites for the two-year, twenty-four-hour design storm to fifty percent of the current condition two-year, twenty-four-hour design storm runoff rate while R:\Procedure\Standard Forms\Development\Drainage\Large Parcel Storm Water Plan 1 3.36.110.doc 5 maintaining the current condition peak runoff rate for the ten-year, twenty- four-hour and one hundred=year, twenty-four-hour design storms. The project will utilize the downstream drainage system to convey the 100-year storm event for this site and drainage basin to Guemes Channel. This small project will not increase flow above the 0.5 cfs threshold and require detention. b. After sizing the pond and the outlet structure according to the criteria listed above, a thirty percent increase in storage volume must be added at each foot of depth. As the first priority, stream bank erosion control BMP's shall utilize infiltration to the fullest extent practicable, only if site conditions are appropriate and groundwater quality is protected. These control BMP's shall be selected, designed and maintained in accordance with the Department of Ecology Manual. N/A. c. Storm water treatment BMP's shall not be built within vegetated buffers, except for necessary conveyance systems as approved. N/A. d. An adopted city storm water quality management plan may establish detention requirements that supersede the requirements contained within this section. Noted. 6. LPSPR No. 6 --Wetlands. There are no wetlands on this site. Where storm water discharges to a wetland, in addition to the requirements of LPSPR No. 4, the following apply: a. Prior to discharge to wetlands, storm water will be treated with all reasonable best management practices for water quality protection. N/A. b. Discharges to wetlands shall maintain water level fluctuations similar to those which would be present under natural conditions. There are no wetlands downstream of this site. c. The project applicant shall obtain all necessary state and federal wetlands permits prior to commencing any work on the site. N/A. d. Storm water treatment BMP's shall not be built within natural vegetated critical area buffers, except for necessary conveyance systems as approved. N/A. 7. LPSPR No. 7 --Water Quality Sensitive Areas. Where the official determines that the minimum requirements do not provide adequate protection of water quality sensitive areas, either on site or within the drainage basin, more stringent controls shall be required to protect water quality. Storm water treatment BMP's shall not be built within natural vegetated critical area buffers except for necessary conveyance systems as approved. Not applicable. 8. LPSPR No. 8 --Off-Site Analysis and Mitigation. All projects shall conduct a written analysis of off-site water quality and quantity impacts resulting from the project and shall mitigate these impacts. The analysis shall extend a minimum of one-fourth-mile downstream from the project. The existing or potential impacts to be evaluated and mitigated shall include, at a minimum, but not be limited to: R:\Procedure\Standard Forms\Development\Drainage\Large Parcel Storm Water Plan 13.36.110.doc 6 This project will discharge to Erie Avenue drainage system that flow north through a series of 12" storm pipes'and open ditches to Oakes Avenue. The flow continues east to Dakota Avenue and enters a recently upgraded storm system north to Guemes Channel and through a water quality vault just prior to discharge to the Channel. The new system was designed for the 100-year flow from the entire basin including this property. The remaining downstream system has proven to have ample capacity for this portion of the basin included around this site. a. Excessive sedimentation; b. Stream bank erosion; c. Discharges to groundwater contributing or recharge zones; d. Violations of water quality standards; e. Spills and discharges of priority pollutants; f. Inadequate or nonexistent storm water conveyance system capacities; g. Excessive storm water velocities; h. Existing problems. • 9. LPSPR No. 9 --City Basin Planning. Adopted city plans with requirements for individual watershed-basins may be used to modify any or all of these large parcel storm water plan requirements, provided that the level of protection for surface or groundwater achieved by the plans will equal or exceed that which would be achieved by the LPSP requirements in the absence of these plans. Basin plans shall evaluate and include, as necessary, retrofitting of BMP's for existing development and/or redevelopment in order to achieve watershed-wide pollutant reduction goals. Standards developed from basin plans shall not modify any of the above requirements until the basin plan is formally adopted and fully implemented by the city. The city Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan by Gray & Osborn, Inc., January 2007,identifies this basin as G9 with an outfall as No. 19. This was identified as a problem outfall but has since been corrected. 10. LPSPR No. 10 --Operation and Maintenance. An operation and maintenance schedule shall be provided for all proposed storm water facilities and BMP's, and the party (or parties) responsible for maintenance and operation shall be identified. Maintenance will be provided by the City of Anacortes according to their maintenance schedule. 11. LPSPR No. 11 -- Financial Liability. Performance bonding and/or other appropriate financial instruments shall be required for all projects to ensure compliance with these standards. Drainage Facilities Restoration and Site Stabilization Financial Guarantee Prior to commencing construction,the applicant required to construct drainage facilities pursuant to the drainage requirements in the KCSWD manual must post a drainage facilities restoration and site stabilization financial guarantee. This guarantee must be an amount sufficient to cover the cost of corrective work on or off the site performed specifically for the given project. Before The City of R:\Procedure\Standard Forms\Development\Drainage\Large Parcel Storm Water Plan 13.36.110.doc 7 Anacortes will release the project's drainage facilities restoration and site stabilization financial guarantee,the applicant must do the following: 1. Construct the drainage facilities 2. Receive final construction approval from the City of Anacortes 3. Pay all required fees. Drainage Defect and Maintenance Financial Guarantee For any constructed or modified drainage facilities to be maintained and operated by The City of Anacortes,the applicant must do the following: 1. A 2-year Maintenance Bond at 10% of the construction cost will be provided at Final Plat Approval. Before The City of Anacortes will release the Maintenance Bond financial guarantee and assume maintenance and operation of drainage facilities,the applicant must do the following: 1. For plats,record the final plat. 2. For tracts containing drainage facilities to be maintained by the City of Anacortes and not located within the final plat, deed the tract to the City of Anacortes and set property comers in conformance with state surveying standards. 3. For easements containing drainage facilities to be maintained by the City of Anacortes and not located within the final plat, provide easement documents and set temporary survey markers to delineate the easement location. 4. Receive a final City inspection to ensure the drainage facilities have been properly maintained and are operating as designed. 5. Correct any defects noted in the final inspection. R:\Procedure\Standard Forms\Development\Drainage\Large Parcel Storm Water Plan 13.36.110.doc • . I .! /1 ! I LT I I i I I i : i L._ ______ i ! f i r----- up 4 1 ' 1 : : : • , i I 41 0 2'PAVED ROAD SURFACE . . , i i I I ' ! _.--.------1 C452.ClaElf130 6'PlIr-RUNSUMME rn • . ,--- 1 27 f=4 II , . , • ! i • II -:. i i DEPTH OF EXCAVATION NAY - _OM __: - __,___..4-_ _ - ,-....- -..----- . 1 ! - \ i I ---1-..7.-..''2. - ::, BE tifiEATIM BASED 11N SOD- -. .------- , -, . ,,,.. -.:,...',,.• -..:- '...- '.,!':.7 ---:-:i..- -•..- .. awn= N-SO SEE NOTE I 1 11,10.11 I\ 1-17,1S..TING_ HOUS- lurAt Tam IF ibuip..N4D -----,-,--,.:---,-.!::-.,:i'!:--.-=:;:r.--.,i:,-H:-i:-:.,:f.,---,.•:-..:..---:: ;IL I 1--------1..----1 4 BEM. A ' A -A 6. mp w El, e13 #1/36 I YPE.1 te-- k' \ V.' 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UNIERGRIUM SPECIFICARpts,COMPACTED TO A MINIMUM OF 92%RICE DENSiTY.MERE PROPOSED UGP - - "-- - - ';', POWER ASPHALT ,AM. =ONG ASPHALT THE COSTING ASPHALT SHALL BE SAW CUT FULL _.._ ___., ,. • -•.,..., „ ' ' : i rt". f2.' . „I _ DEPTH AND TACK COATED 99EDIAIELY OREBEF PAVING..411 SURFNX JOINTS SHALL - -N.: • ' '.. \ "-- \ •\-, -- , - VIEW BE SEALED WITH AR-4000 OR EQUAL SS 0 - ..:I SEVER Cg r CRUSHED SURFACMG TOP COURSE SHALL CONFORM TO SECTION 9-03.9(3).0€ , CO THE CURRENT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS.COMPACTED TO A MINIMUM OF 95%Ammo •-- y,,,..:, ,z,fr..7./,- a- - -'CZ)I STURM SEWER SD DENSITY M ACCORDANCE MTH ASTIO D-1557 TESTING. ___ _ _ _ .. - Tr -...65.-"Y I II ilica-- I VATER © 6.GRAVEL BALLAST PER SECTION 9-7( THE CURRENT STANDARD SPF_C1RCATIONS MN ` COMPACTED TO A MINIMUM ION 951(MAMAS DENSITY PER AMA D-1557 TESTING. . O W 4TH STREET ROW 15' VIOE GRA 3 r ./ ! EX. SSMH PERCDRAGE PASSING THE.200 SIEVE SHALL NOT EXCEED 5%. PV ® . (v) ACCESS PAD I •••', > #U-209 SRO a ® THE EXCAVATED SUBGREE SAL BE FREE OF TOPSOIL ORGANICS,AND OTHER UP DELETERIOUS MATERIAL COMPACTED TO A MINIMUM OF 95%Roam DENSITY IN CO TIP,WI 2'.4 -. 0 3 I ROCK , 1 I TM •5.05' ssca • tccosoccE WM(ASIM D-1557 TESTING PREPARED CONFORMING TO SECTION • C\B - - - - - - - - / i • CLAY PLUG SON cli -oe 1 OF DE amen'STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. DO 1V Ch I Ian EPS OF () 5'WIDE X 4. THICK CONCRETE SIDEWALK. 5'WDE X 6*THICK CONC.SiDEIVAU(AT DRIVBVAIS. -4 SITE PLAN 9,15,,--- --'s _SPILLS TO V6V N PER COY STANDARDS. ,....,PL•ri.),a) CT IC VIET 11 il q ,,, i PIE MT •- GED-TEKTILE FOLIC In 1E MIRED DURING ONSTRUCTIOR zooms"-ER CURRENT StOL marrows .4 SCALD 19=30' . &VEATIER GEO-TOCTILE FABRIC SHALL IEEE WSICIT SPECIFIC/MINS 9-33 CIDGIMETMN GEOMMLE 5-C. SHALL ALSO IEEE TIE=GT OUOLITY PRODUCTS LIST. GRAPHIC SCALE - PI C/D a r') .. . ALIGNMENT: B N. Q. . 40' -c4I 40' 30 0 15 30 L20 CAB XI Elevation displayed at IX sane. ?1.n 21 ,',I 8.0 __...__ gz,, ----1,7.-- ---r--71.' _T.- r...ig ---.,- 4'.5!'-'•a „ 175.00 - CeD • ,4- (DT IL% I Inah o 30 ft ..., •...el i:, __ ____ ----- ---- - ----- - ------.. - T-ifitertlitictilkir - _ .______ ___ --.---------g---- , r 150.00 . . ' e---- . . i . 20 -----gag- . • I I _ __145-.L0r.CHT_T 1 „ ,.1...., ----,- - . ...,4:i.;,•- , ------- --- -----.-------------- - - . . --1 .8, pvc 1 .. CATCH BASIN ct c::. •-, on 6. mia w . ErCB A1736 TYPE1 E6 rti "1\4 PROTECT= PER 0--z c,z ..t..• .....r S iii r.,.;L3 SP R 8 S S - - - ,, ..- • , . .-- -- .-.- -1- -.- -- • INV. ELEV.--424.85'0`'"- • 4.41 ., i,.. sum PLAN I-7 , 1 R 56 8 8 8 S g L 8 8 5 V 3RD PLACE ., . ...., __ liftzp..... IX.WDEVALK ''.' - '04 'Y* lillift..iiki ---;---. ...._ . -Ise" -',../„.‘• ZITA Rou ,.2. - -.. .- _.---.DRIVEWAY PROFILE . -EX.2'CPEP_sa-%A" ';,' -"- \. .1 , . DORMICE SCALD l'=307 1'=30' VERTICAL .., •-•------ --. . ....---- -, .------- --STAICT----, -. ......p6 ---- • I rtie.---..'4%1'4...7 41. liii R-&'''' ' '-. .. el I STND RAI 1-14 --- , ,..,.. ZusE - '''-------- - - , ., , .... _ ,..--- PROPOSED - , A! -- \-, ..JI EROSION CONTROL NOTES \:-.. ...---„, ppippi j„LoaR \ .. LLLV.=1ZULF . -----...... A.A Certified Erosion and Sediment Control,Ppervisor Is required The ETC Supervisor must have attended and Erosion and Sediment Control IN ‘:, ----........._..0_. Ei2t:EvS,D43IN5101;i t . -,e I- .:.----... ,,,_.,....„- __ -------.1•.-1 0 ",_ i ... . •-----.. : -. • clue sttie 3-years free today's date.Rust provide certification card -- COURT:-.--ii.01;=.;1. . :--.--------- -., --- --------, CI:$ ' D.The Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Sopervlsor sit oversee and be responslie for all erosion controL The facilites shall be •-c- .?..e. % .-.'- .. r-•-•4 Inspected daily and maintained to ensure proper functioning.Written records shall be kept of weedy reviews sod after every significant .-- , 1 II:I-4- ,=....„ .______ -- --- ., t.1.1 , ,--4 store event of the ESC facilities during the set season(October 1 to Awl 30.Monthly reviews dreg the dry season Oily I to Septenber I - 301 WM2,1 records shall be turned into the Project*onager or Inspector on a weeldy bads at the weedy schedded project neetings. -1 -----•-:.:--, -- -. ' --- '. .---" . •r--I :• : C.Erosion control shall be In place per the approved set of Muth prior to any construction start '-'-' \ --\ ''' • --------s.,. . 1,,,,--- PUBLIC WORKS # 07-018-DEV q...1 D.The erosion control shall be Inspected once a day and muffled to meet the arroundng conditions as needed, . . 'I--..-- - Cl.) 0 , . E.Provkie a sign displaying a 24-hoar contact nueiber orni none of the ETC Supervisor.The letter sloe skit be a*Ake of 2'letters iNs . ------,.._ ••1•••.) This de sheet is approved for condrudion in cwoordonce with the •.. .1 ;.-4 shell be in place prior to construction start Renerber,the look of the sign ill be a reflection of the Contractor and Developer and .,_ .., 7160',../ ,-- :re -•-_._..L.1- City al Moines ordireine end policies. Actual conformance of the cieD fa., Development. - -- ‘ -----_ ,O"r ..,./., - .; A ' , '''-- ....ri-.. '-..--../ dodge wah mpkoble Ian is the sole responekeiti of the F.The storn drain systen and eidsthg(Itches shall be cleaned dolly(Section 7-07.3).All&thaw systems shall be cleaned to the profeedonal enyher,whom rare and stomp appear on Ma sheet -7, aRti_. ...-.., '.,..3 s.,,\\..,F.---,., f.,:..,,, ,,.._ ,,, -.._____. . ._ AccolIeg.cornpliie with.and preicfmg ronlyalion for di FederaL acceptonce of the City of Anaccirtes prior to acceptance of the project • Stabs.county,me LOW lon„pent*,and rnmelcitee,hieing bot gun NO I Stabilized construction entrances and roads shall be Detailed at the beg/ring of construction and maintained during the duration of the - /4i -- . - - 'C)1 project.Addibral measures nay be required such as wash pads to emery thot ak poved areos are kept clean.No mud Is allowed to enter kimirumpistgr'7./ z.,.. ' ' rot kited to the Endogered Species Act,Federal Viethed Permit State Department of Fisheries Ildrados Permit,Federal Rood Pith. C 1. onto Clty streets. - Permits,Robed Folded Discharge Birnhation System Permits is ' H.My ads exposed that NI not be etstrbed for two CM days&ring the wet season or seven CD days in the dry season shall be 'Ili 1 r ,,,, - ------' I . . the reeporsibilly of the Developer,tradowner,and their Engineer. .,, inneektely stabilized with the approved ESC methods(seeing,nulding,plastk covering,etc> rH STREET ROW I ,HE The 1310:11C0 of this pang ehoi not be consbued os proof of Rrit.:A . ', comprove.11h amicable kin and perma requirements. L Teo(2)weeks prior to the begirning of the wet season(October D,all dsturbeol areas shall be reviewed to Identify which ones can be • JOB NO:816 seeded In preparation for the wider ells.liskrbed areos shall be seeded*the one Cl)week ofthe begerang of the wet season A ii MANSE CONSTRILTMN FENCE I - e 4 . sketch nap of those areas to be seeded and those areas to meth uncovered shell be subritted to the Project Manager.The Project f ' DIM Aily 3,2007 _ - ..... Manager con require seedng In aditioncd areas In order to protect surface waters,adjacent m we lien or drainage facittles `. i CITY DATE SCAM:1'40' . I Penalties for an Erosion Control violation ore subject to a$300 to S1000 fine under Chapter 17.66-Penalties for Violation Each day Is The approval via expire one year treat the date , noted above. . considered a cifferent violation EROSION CONTROL PLAN . ,,z,.., DRA.1R0 D.HKERIGSTAD .,. 11/3.AR tersicrory erosion and sednent control DIP's shall be removed den 30 days after final site stabilization Is(relieved or after the - t. ..,-Et/., CUM D.HEREGSTAD terporary BIP's ore no longer needed. Trooped secheent shall be removed or stabilized on site. Disturbed sod areas resulting from renovat SCALD 1'=30' shall be pervionently stabilized . EgentakLOVOLI Revision A, July 3, 2007 MST 1 OF 1 „_.. - .,.. . •