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06-28-2021 Drainage Report Accepted
1N Y Storm Water Drainage Report Minimum Requirements 1 through 5 Minimum Requirement 1 through 9 C(J ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 904 6th Street Anacortes, WA 98221 www.anacorteswa.gov Official Use Only: (Information to Inspectors) Required Storm Water Facility and other related requirements: 6ce,t•i• Ct iul.lcr 31c11 1-C1 S1- €) 46 Sr�� rm i '�2 t-�S 9 2 Zy_p -E Project Address: 2803 W 3RD PLACE Submittal Date: 06/17/2021 Parcel Number: P127424 Revision Number: 7— Permit Number: Reviewer: U=14.1 Acceptance Date (C ): -7',-2 L( FRONT OF REPORT: Submittal Checklist: (All items listed below are required for a complete submittal) o Cover Sheet(Preparer to Provide): Project title, Location, Revision dates, Engineer's Stamp o TAB 2: Minimum Requirement#2 —Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention (SWPP) o APPENDIX 1 - Survey performed by a Professional Land Surveyor o APPENDIX 3 - Model Soil Management Plan for BMP T5.13 o APPENDIX 4- Determining Construction Site Sediment Damage Potential (Appendix 7) o APPENDIX 5 - Site Plan with all applicable information (Minimum Size 11x17—30 scale) o APPENDIX 6 - Documented Site Photos (North, South, East and West) Stormwater Management Requirements: o Refer to the 2012\14 Department of Ecology Manual, as amended in 2014 for further required information. o See also, City of Anacortes Municipal Code 19.76 for additional information o See also, current Engineering Development Standards, Chapter 2- Storm Drainage for additional information. Protect Description and Summary: Summary Table Existing Proposed Development Type SFR Number of Lots 1 1 Lot Acreage in SF 13,499 sf 13,499 sf Soil Type(s) ML-CL, CH Site Sediment Transport Score (High\Low) >100 Depth to Ground Water Table (Feet and Inches) Site is mostly rock and impervious (See completed Soils Analysis(Volume 1, Chapter 3.1.1) Infiltration Rate during Rainy Season (Inch\Per Hour) Version Date: October 7, 2019 Previous Version Date: February 20, 2019 Impervious Surface (on-site) 0 (Except ground is mostly rock) 4,769 sf Impervious Surface (off-site) New and Replaced Hard Surface Total (SF) 4,769 sf Lot Coverage (Percentage) 35.32% BMP (Required Minimum Requirement 5) Direct connection for CPD Water Quality Method (Minimum Requirement 6) Water Quantity Method (Minimum Requirement 7) Existing Site Conditions Summary: (Additionally, provide information on previous permits, if any, like Grade and Fill, Clear and Grade, topography, vegetation, drainage, Critical Areas adjacent to the site and how it may affect this project if soils are disturbed, Soils Type (Included in Soils Analysis Report), Erosion Problem Areas, Construction Phasing\Sequence) (0.3100 ac) LOT 5, THE HIGHLANDS ON FIDALGO ISLAND, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED MARCH 17, 2008, UNDER AUDITORS FILE NO. 200803170001, RECORDS OF SKAGIT COUNTY, WASHINGTON. The site is sloped from the South-East side to the North West. The site does have varying slopes of 16% South side to 44.4% on the North East side. A geotechnical analysis was done by GeoEnqineers and the report has been submitted with the Building Permit Application. Construction Sequencing: (Note: sequence may not fall in this order, but close) o Installation of Erosion and Sedimentation BMP's. o Minor excavation work to ensure compliance with required BMP's under Minimum Requirement 5 and 6. o Installation of the footings and foundations. o Construction of the home. o Connection of the utilities to the home. o Installation of MR#5 required BMP's o Backfill of site with BMP T5.15 Post Construction Soils, Landscaping, driveway, driveway access. See Appendix- Model Soil Management Plan for BMP T5.13 Developed Conditions Summary: (Additionally, to be shown on the site plan. Identify cut and fill areas, proposed slopes of all hard surfaces, proposed contours) Proposed slopes on hard surfaces are showing. Cut and fill T.B.D. Drainage Basin (2007 Storm Comp Plan— City website\publicworks\engineering\comprehensive plans): What Drainage Basin are you in? G9 Identify any downstream drainage issues (Storm Comp Plan: If so, describe: Flow Control Exempt. The downstream was fixed with the Highland Development. Complete the Applicability Requirements —Flow Chart (Figure I-2.4.1 Attached, Figure 1-2.4.2 Attached and Figure 1-2.5.1 Attached) - Highlight the path and attach Version Date: October 7, 2019 Previous Version Date: February 20, 2019 r Does the projein iez• 1:: or rrc new plus replaced hard surface .3... OR d disturb:rg activity 7,CDO sq. feet greater? Yes No Minimum F rnents throug- apply to the new and re :iced hard Minimum Requirement#2 applies. s.irfaces and the E.,turbed Next Question i -?E the projec: square feet or M•71.-? OR Convert 34 acres or more of vegetation to lawn :Iscapeo areas? OR Convert 2.5 acres or rrore of rative veget.,' to pa : Yes No All Minimum Requirements apply Next Question is ths a 10.30 to the new hard surfaces and the - No p converted vegetation areas. Yes Does the project add .00O square feet or more of new hand su-faces? Yes No 7_, the :otal c ::ard surfa.7=, Do the new hard 5.000 square feet -e. surfaces add 540%or No No additional No AND more to the existing IP 4 toes the value of the proposed improve,---e-4:-; requirements. hard surfaces within - including interior imoroverrents - exceed the project limits? 50% d'the assessed value ior ref: acisirerl! vr, cf thee- site *Cr': '7- rer—_ Yes All Minimum Requirements apply to the new and replaced hard surfaces and converted vegetation areas. Ves • Figure 1-') 4 ") Flow Chart for Determining Reguirementsfot Redevelopment DEPARTMENT OF Fievisel :.:',is ECOLOGY iease see ht4r: 46.4wecy,wa_gow.‘copyrigitithrin:ror oopyrignt fiquoe including permission, State or INasningtoi rriltaror of tinnily,and dIsclalTsr. Version Date: October 7, 2019 Previous Version Date: February 20, 2019 TAB 2 (MINIMUM REQUIREMENT#2) • 1-2.5.2 Minimum Requirement#2—Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPP) - All projects are required to complete Minimum Requirement 2. - Refer to the 13 Elements of the SWPP (See document below, complete and attach) - See attached Table 4.1.1, Table 4.2.1 and Table - Provide Engineering Calculations as an attachment for Sediment Ponds\Traps, Diversions, Waterways and Runoff/Stormwater Detention Calculations. Version Date: October 7, 2019 Previous Version Date: February 20, 2019 Table 4.1.1 Source Control BMP's by SWPPP Element Element#1 Element#2 Element#5 Element#6 Element#9 Element#11 Element#12 Element#13 BMP or Element Name Preserve Establish Protect Low Stabilize Protect Control Maintain Manage the Vegetation/Mark Construction Soils Slopes Pollutants BM Ps Project Impact Clearing Limits Access Development BMP C101: Preserving Natural Vegetation ✓ BMP C102:Buffer Zones ✓ ✓ BMP C103:High Visibility Plastic or Metal ✓ ✓ Fence BMP C105: Stabilized Construction ✓ Entrance/Exit BMP C106: Wheel Wash ✓ BMP C107: Construction Road/Parking ✓ Area Stabilization BMP C120:Temporary and Permanent V ✓ Seeding BMP C121: Mulching ✓ ✓ BMP C122: Nets and Blankets ✓ ✓ BMP C123: Plastic Covering V BMP C124: Sodding ✓ BMP C125: Topsoiling/Composting ✓ BMP C126: Polyacrylamide for Soil Erosion ✓ Protection BMP C130: Surface Roughening ✓ ✓ BMP C131: Gradient Terraces V ✓ BMP C140: Dust Control ✓ BMP C150: Materials On Hand ✓ ✓ BMP C151: Concrete Handling ✓ BMP C152: Sawcutting and Surfacing V Pollution Prevention BMP C153: Material Delivery,Storage and ✓ Containment BMP C154: Concrete Washout Area ✓ BMP C160: Certified Erosion and ✓ V Sediment Control Lead BMP C162:Scheduling V Version Date: October 7, 2019 Previous Version Date: February 20, 2019 Table 4.2.1 Runoff Conveyance and Treatment BMP's by SWPPP Element �ont nr #4 i Element OS Element til3 Element PS Element N6 E1em3nt 147 Element NS Element Ott Wail Stabilize Protect Low BMP or Element Jean Control Sediment Protect Pbtvc! Chime,* pollutants Control Do- Impact Flow Rates Slo s Drain halals Pollutants Wetetinp C •I- end Outiols _ ?erelar rrrent tiMP c200: Aiteroeptor(like and Swale 11111 111 111 MI BMP G2)}1: Gram-1 pled Channels BAP C202;Channel Linkimom BMP C200: Water Bars BMP CRC Pipe Slope Drains LIMP C206: Subsurface Drains NI BMP C206: Level Spreader BMP C207: Chock Dams 'l BMP C201t: Triangular Silt Dike(GeotexlW Encased Check Darr BMP C209: Outlet Protection BMP C220: Storm Drain inlet Protection WI 1111111111111- I" BMP C231: Brush Barrier ✓ 1 BMP C232: Oravel Filter Berm 11.1.111MilLIM BMP C2334 Silt Fence BMP C234: WQelaNd Strip BMP C236:WattlesIII IIIIIIMIIIMIIII BMP C236 Voglt©tive Filtration BMP CM Sediment Trap BMP C241: Temporary Setdrnent Pond ✓ BMP C250: Construction StormaMc*r Chemical Treatrraant BMP C251:Construction Sterrimator Filtration I I I I I I I I Im BMP C252:High pH Neutralization llsinp COI _______t �_. BMP C253:pH Control for High pH Water �� I ✓ l MI Version Date: October 7, 2019 Previous Version Date: February 20, 2019 13 Elements of SWPPP (Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan) Please check off boxes to show that each element has been read and understood. Provide details where applicable and if certain aspects are unnecessary or exempt, clearly justify. Details of the 13 Elements and the correlating BMPs are listed Above from the 2014 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington (SWMMWW). A link is provided on the City of Anacortes website, under Planning, Community, & Economic Development Department, as well as under Stormwater on the Engineering Division of Public Work's page. Owner Name:_ Chris & Marcia Hendricks Site Address:_2803 W 3RD PLACE Prepared By:Jason Sterling The Stormwater checklist or building permit determined that: ❑ The 13 elements must be addressed ❑ These elements must be addressed for construction activity adding under for construction activity adding 2,000 2,000 sq. ft. of hard surface area. sq. ft. or more of hard surface area. This means that an attached narrative and site plan are required with this document. Under each element, provide the BMP's that will be applicable to your project. Use the attached Tables provided. ELEMENT 1: Preserve Vegetation/Mark Clearing Limits ❑ Before beginning land disturbing activities, including clearing and grading, clearly mark all clearing limits, sensitive areas and their buffers, and trees that are to be preserved within the construction area. ❑ Retain the duff layer, native top soil, and natural vegetation in an undisturbed state to the maximum degree practical. A high visability construction fence will be installed at the North, West, East and South lot boundary. This will be installed prior to beginning construction. BMP to be monitored daily and repaired as needed. ELEMENT 2: Establish Construction Access ❑ Limit construction vehicle access and exit to one route, if possible. ❑ Stabilize access points with a pad of quarry spalls, crushed rock, or other equivalent BMPs, to minimize tracking onto roads. ❑ Locate wheel wash or tire baths on site, if the stabilized construction entrance is not effective in preventing tracking sediment onto roads. ❑ If sediment is tracked off site, clean the affected roadway thoroughly at the end of each day, or more frequently as necessary (ex: wet weather). Remove sediment from roads by shoveling, sweeping, or pick up and transport the sediment to a controlled sediment disposal area. ❑ Conduct street washing only after sediment is removed in accordance with the above bullet. ❑ Control street wash wastewater by pumping back on site or otherwise preventing it from discharging into systems tributary to waters of the State. Per BMP C105 a Stabilized Construction Entrance will be installed. Vehicle traffic to the construction site will be limited to one route. Any dirt or mud that is tracked onto the roadway will be clean immediately. Will use the lower driveway as entrance. To be installed prior to construction. BMP to be monitored daily and repaired as needed. Version Date: October 7, 2019 Previous Version Date: February 20, 2019 ELEMENT 3: Control Flow Rates ❑ Protect properties and waterways downstream of development sites from erosion and the associated discharge of turbid waters due to increases in the velocity and peak volumetric flow rate of stormwater runoff from the project site. ❑ Where necessary to comply with the bullet above, construct stormwater retention or detention facilities as one of the first steps in grading. Assure that detention facilities function properly before constructing site improvement(e.g. impervious surfaces). ❑ If permanent infiltration ponds are used for flow control during construction, protect these facilities from siltation during the construction phase. Not applicable to this project as the site is mostly rock in which case adding impervious area shouldn't effect the flow rates. It is anticipated that the upstream properties may dischage downstream, which means it may be necessary to bypass this water to protect this site from unnecessary flows. There are no storm-water swales or retention facilities to control. Please verify. ELEMENT 4: Install Sediment Controls ❑ Design, install, and maintain effective erosion controls and sediment controls to minimize the discharge of pollutants. ❑ Construct sediment control BMPs (sediment ponds, traps, filters, etc.) as one of the first steps in grading. These BMPs shall be functional before other land disturbing activities take place. ❑ Minimize sediment discharges from the site. The design, installation and maintenance of erosion and sediment controls must address factors such as the amount, frequency, intensity and duration of precipitation, the nature of resulting stormwater runoff, and soil characteristics, including the range of soil particle sizes expected to be present on the site. ❑ Direct stormwater runoff from disturbed areas through a sediment pond or other appropriate sediment removal BMP, before the runoff leaves a construction site or before discharge to an infiltration facility. Runoff from fully stabilized areas may be discharged without a sediment removal BMP, but must meet the flow control performance standard in Element#3, bullet#1. ❑ Locate BMPs intended to trap sediment on-site in a manner to avoid interference with the movement of juvenile salmonids attempting to enter off-channel areas or drainages. ❑ Provide and maintain natural buffers around surface waters, direct stormwater to vegetated areas to increase sediment removal, and maximize stormwater infiltration. ❑ Where feasible, design outlet structures that withdraw impounded stormwater from the surface to avoid discharging sediment that is still suspended lower in the water column. Per BMP C233 a silt fence will be installed on the lower section of the lot boundaries per the site plan. BMP C220 (1-40.20-00) and BMP C123 are also being implemented as well as BMPs C105/107. To be installed prior to the start of construction. BMP to be monitored daily and repaired as needed. ELEMENT 5: Stabilize Soils ❑ Stabilize exposed and unworked soils by application of effective BMPs that prevent erosion. Applicable BMPs include, but are not limited to: temporary and permanent seeding, sodding, mulching, plastic covering, erosion control fabrics and matting, soil application of polyacrylamide (PAM), the early application of gravel base early on areas to be paved, and dust control. ❑ Control stormwater volume and velocity within the site to minimize soil erosion. ❑ Control stormwater discharges, including both peak flow rates and total stormwater volume, to minimize erosion at outlets and to minimize downstream channel and stream bank erosion. ❑ Soils must not remain exposed and unworked for more than the time periods set forth below to prevent erosion. o During the dry season (May 1 —Sept 30): 7 days o During the wet season (Oct 1 —Apr 30): 2 days Version Date: October 7, 2019 Previous Version Date: February 20, 2019 ❑ Stabilize soils at the end of the shift before a holiday or weekend if needed based on the weather forecast. ❑ Stabilize soil stockpiles from erosion, protect with sediment trapping measures, and where possible, be located away from storm drain inlets, waterways, and drainage channels. ❑ Minimize the amount of soil exposed during construction activity. ❑ Minimize the disturbance of steep slopes. ❑ Minimize soil compaction and, unless infeasible, preserve topsoil. Stabilize exposed and unworked soils by application of effective BMPs that prevent erosion. Applicable BMPs include, but are not limited to: temporary and permanent seeding, sodding, mulching, plastic covering, erosion control fabrics and matting, soil application of polyacrylamide (PAM), the early application of gravel base early on areas to be paved, and dust control. Install plastic covering per BMP C123 on Soils Stockpiles. BMP to be monitored daily and repaired as needed. ELEMENT 6: Protect Slopes ❑ Design and construct cut-and-fill slopes in a manner to minimize erosion. Applicable practices include, but are not limited to, reducing continuous length of slope with terracing and diversions, reducing slope steepness, and roughening slope surfaces (Ex: track walking). ❑ Divert off-site stormwater(run-on) or ground water away from slopes and disturbed areas with interceptor dikes, pipes, and/or swales. Off-site stormwater should be managed separately from stormwater generated on the site. ❑ At the top of slopes, collect drainage in pipe slop drains or protected channels to prevent erosion. o *Temporary pipe slope drains must handle the peak volumetric flow rate calculated using a 10- minute time step from a Type 1A, 10-year, 24-hour frequency storm for the developed condition. Alternatively, the 10-year, 1-hour flow rate predicted/indicated by an approved continuous runoff model, increased by a factor of 1.6, may be used. The hydrologic analysis must use the existing land cover condition for predicting flow rates from tributary areas outside the project limits. For tributary areas on the project site, the analysis must use the temporary or permanent project land cover condition, whichever will produce the highest flow rates. If using the Western Washington Hydrology Model (WWHM) to predict flows, bare soil areas should be modeled as "landscaped" area. o Where 15-minute time steps are available in an approved continuous runoff model, they may be used directly without a correction factor. ❑ Place excavated material on the uphill side of trenches, consistent with safety and space considerations. ❑ Place check dams at regular intervals within constructed channels that are cut down a slope. ❑ Consider soil types and its potential for erosion. ❑ Stabilize soils on slopes, as specified in Element 5. ❑ BMP combinations are the most effective method of protecting slopes with disturbed soils. Ex: Use both mulching and straw erosion control blankets. Design and construct cut-and-fill slopes in a manner to minimize erosion. Applicable practices include, but are not limited to, reducing continuous length of slope with terracing and diversions, reducing slope steepness, and roughening slope surfaces (for example, track walking). To be installed as soon as grading for home site is established and slopes are present at the site. BMP to be monitored daily and repaired as needed. ELEMENT 7: Protect Drain Inlets ❑ Protect all storm drain inlets made operable during construction so that stormwater runoff does not enter the conveyance system without first being filtered or treated to remove sediment. ❑ Clean or remove and replace inlet protection devices when sediment has filled one-third of the available storage (unless a different standard is specified by the product manufacturer). Version Date: October 7, 2019 Previous Version Date: February 20, 2019 ❑ Where possible, protect all existing storm drain inlets so that stormwater runoff does not enter the conveyance system without first being filtered or treated to remove sediment. ❑ Keep all approach roads clean. Do not allow sediment and street wash water to enter storm drains without prior and adequate treatment unless treatment is provided before the storm drain discharges to waters of the State. ❑ Inlets should be inspected weekly at a minimum and daily during storm events. Per detail 1-40.20-00 Storm Drain Inlet protection devices will be installed at existing catch basins in the immediate vicinity of the project. To be installed prior to the start of any construction. BMP to be monitored daily and repaired as needed. ELEMENT 8: Stabilize Channels and Outlets ❑ Design, construct, and stabilize all on-site conveyance channels to prevent erosion from the following expected peak flows: o *Channels must handle same peak volumetric flow rate as temporary pipe slope drains listed in Element 6, above. ❑ Provide stabilization, including armoring material, adequate to prevent erosion of outlets, adjacent streambanks, slopes, and downstream reaches at the outlets of all conveyance systems. ❑ The best method for stabilizing channels is to completely line the channel with a blanket product first, then add check dams as necessary to function as an anchor and to slow the flow of water. No stormwater runoff will be conveyed off site via channels, swales, or streams. To be verified. ELEMENT 9: Control Pollutants ❑ Design, install, implement, and maintain effective pollution prevention measures to minimize the discharge of pollutants. ❑ Handle and dispose of all pollutants, including waste materials and demolition debris that occur on-site in a manner that does not cause contamination of stormwater. ❑ Provide cover, containment, and protection from vandalism for all chemicals, liquid products, petroleum products, and other materials that have the potential to pose a threat to human health or the environment. On-site fueling tanks must include secondary containment. Secondary containment means placing tanks or containers within an impervious structure capable of containing 110% of the volume contained in the largest tank within the containment structure. Double-walled tanks do not require additional secondary containment. ❑ Conduct maintenance, fueling, and repair of heavy equipment and vehicles using spill prevention and control measures. Clean contaminated surfaces immediately following any spill incident. ❑ Discharge wheel wash or tire bath wastewater to a separate on-site treatment system that prevents discharge to surface water, such as closed-loop recirculation or upland land application, or to the sanitary sewer, with local sewer district approval. Wheel wash or tire bath wastewater should not include wastewater from concrete washout areas. ❑ Apply fertilizers and pesticides in a manner and at application rates that will not result in loss of chemical to stormwater runoff. Follow manufacturers' label requirements for application rates and procedures. ❑ Use BMPs to prevent contamination of stormwater runoff by pH-modifying sources. The sources for this contamination include, but are not limited to: bulk cement, cement kiln dust, fly ash, new concrete washing and curing waters, waste streams generated from concrete grinding and sawing, exposed aggregate processes, dewatering concrete vaults, concrete pumping, and mixer washout waters. Adjust the pH of stormwater if necessary to prevent violations of the water quality standards. ❑ Assure that washout of concrete trucks is performed off-site or in designated concrete washout areas only. Do not wash out concrete trucks onto the ground, or into storm drains, open ditches, streets, or streams. Do not dump excess concrete on site, except in designated concrete washout areas. Concrete spillage or concrete discharge to surface waters of the State is prohibited. Do not use upland land applications for discharging wastewater from concrete washout areas. Version Date: October 7, 2019 Previous Version Date: February 20, 2019 ❑ Obtain written approval from Ecology and provide to the City before using chemical treatment other than CO2 or dry ice to adjust pH. ❑ Woody debris may be chopped and spread on site. ❑ Conduct oil changes, hydraulic system drain down, solvent and de-greasing cleaning operations, fuel tank drain down and removal, and other activities which may result in discharge or spillage of pollutants to the ground or into stormwater runoff using spill prevention measures, such as drip pans. ❑ Clean contaminated surfaces immediately following any discharge or spill incident. Emergency repairs may be performed on-site using temporary plastic placed beneath and, if raining, over the vehicle. Per BMP C154 a Concrete Washout Area is to be installed onsite to capture contaminated water from concrete washouts. To be installed prior to foundation /concrete installation. Shown on site plan near driveway. BMP to be monitored daily and repaired as needed. ELEMENT 10: Control De-Watering ❑ Discharge foundation, vault, and trench dewatering water, which have characteristics similar to stormwater runoff at the site, into a controlled conveyance system before discharge to a sediment trap or sediment pond. ❑ Discharge clean, non-turbid de-watering water, such as well-point ground water, to systems tributary to, or directly into surface waters of the State, as specified in Element 8, provided the de-watering flow does not cause erosion or flooding of receiving waters or interfere with the operation of the system. Do not route clean dewatering water through stormwater sediment ponds. Note that"surface waters of the State" may exist on a construction site as well as off site; for example, a creek running through a site. ❑ Handle highly turbid or contaminated dewatering water separately from stormwater. ❑ Other treatment or disposal options may include: 1. Infiltration 2. Transport off-site in a vehicle, such as a vacuum flush truck, for legal disposal in a manner that does not pollute state waters. 3. Ecology-approved on-site chemical treatment or other suitable treatment technologies. 4. Sanitary or combined sewer discharge with local sewer district approval, if there is no other option. 5. Use of a sedimentation bag with outfall to a ditch or swale for small volumes of localized dewatering. ❑ Construction equipment operation, clamshell digging, concrete tremie pour, or work inside a cofferdam can create highly turbid or contaminated dewatering water. ❑ Discharging sediment-laden (muddy) water into waters of the State likely constitutes a violation of water quality standards for turbidity. The easiest way to avoid discharging muddy water is through infiltration and preserving vegetation. No dewaterinq will occur during the construction of this site. ELEMENT 11: Maintain BMPs ❑ Maintain and repair all temporary and permanent erosion and sediment control BMPs as needed to assure continued performance of their intended function in accordance with BMP specifications. ❑ Remove all temporary erosion and sediment control BMPs within 30 days after achieving final site stabilization or after the temporary BMPs are no longer needed. Some temporary erosion and sediment control BMPs are bio-degradable and designed to remain in place following construction such as compost socks. ❑ Provide protection to all BMPs installed for the permanent control of stormwater from sediment and compaction. All BMPs that are to remain in place following completion of construction shall be examined and placed in full operating conditions. If sediment enters the BMPs during construction, it shall be removed and the facility shall be returned to the conditions specified in the construction documents. Version Date: October 7, 2019 Previous Version Date: February 20, 2019 ❑ Remove or stabilize trapped sediment on site. Permanently stabilize disturbed soil resulting from removal of BMPs or vegetation. BMP to be monitored daily and repaired as needed. ELEMENT 12: Manage the Project— Projects subject to Minimum Requirements 1-9 must have a Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead (CESCL) for site inspections. Projects subject to Minimum Requirements 1-5 do not require the inspector to be certified. By the initiation of construction, the SWPPP must identify the CESCL or inspector, who shall be present on-site or on-call at all times. ❑ Phase development projects to the maximum degree practicable and take into account seasonal work limits to prevent soil erosion and prevent transporting sediment from the site during construction. ❑ Inspection and monitoring — Inspect, maintain, and repair all BMPs as needed to assure continued performance of their intended function. ❑ Maintain, update, and implement the SWPPP. ❑ Clearing and grading activities for developments shall be permitted only if conducted using an approved site development plan (e.g., subdivision approval). ❑ From Oct 1 through Apr 30, clearing, grading, and other soil disturbing activities is permitted only if shown that the site operator will prevent silt-laden runoff from leaving the site through a combination of the following: 1. Site conditions including existing vegetative coverage, slope, soil type, and proximity to receiving waters. 2. Limit activities and the extent of disturbed areas. 3. Proposed erosion and sediment control measures. Weather conditions can influence the seasonal limitation on site disturbance. The City of Anacortes has the authority to take enforcement action per AMC 19.76 Stormwater. ❑ The following activities are exempt from the seasonal clearing and grading limitations: 1. Routine maintenance and necessary repair of erosion and sediment control BMPs; 2. Routine maintenance of public facilities or existing utility structures that do not expose the soil or result in the removal of the vegetative cover to soil 3. Activities where there is 100% infiltration of surface water runoff within the site in approved and installed erosion and sediment control facilities. BMP to be monitored daily and repaired as needed. Weekly erosion and sedimentation reports to the building department to be submitted. ELEMENT 13: Protect Low Impact Development BMPS ❑ If implementing any bioretention facilities or rain gardens, refer to the applicable BMP sections of the Manual for requirements. There are no LID BMP's proposed on this project. Jason Sterling 6/17/21 Applicant Signature Date Version Date: October 7, 2019 Previous Version Date: February 20, 2019 APPENDIX 1 —Survey performed by a Professional Land Surveyor The object of this appendix is to ensure that the property has a minimum of 3 out of 5 property corners visible to ensure that the structures are placed within the required setbacks. - Attatched Version Date: October 7, 2019 Previous Version Date: February 20, 2019 o -/ ^� i LOT 4 u --1°T RAWHOUSER LOT 2 n in' .. W p./cL - �� _ SHORT T F cf z w 4i ij R R I ?e °= - E 0 / ‘-`,:;1 1 PO 9569 9569 20W06010078 PC 9569 PC 9509 W a :� = ,� z lip s e9'39'3s•w s33.s4' E,) < d'r 7p,00' 60.00' T 78.00' L 78. 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CI 1301 SF Fli ¢i et, 4 10• �• . 181341I ZW20D10510ot42 t E Mw I/ / er s69'39'39,1 113.95' _I- � ¢a S- !_•E' TR/04 10'PUBLIC - I \ \ "i , ".-„e '-PRIVATE p cm3^ F UE ° 1,278 SF OMEN ESMT N� _ ♦ 6.97' /.4,‘",,,,. /! \ j ACCESS k I w N'm M w CO p Z �\ _ .-u's 6118•E N8101-9 ♦ y@i / i ts\ / MTV ESMT z Ee xYc� p 6�7 H 3 F--. 2• 516'W\ ;_ 6T.42: 18.98'� 00� 20'PUBUCy ♦ ¢/'g/. ;p'S. , TO LOT 6 m Ee Alto�^ Z W vi _ IRIUTY ESML \`� s6• g 31?42.•E Ne23'181W ttfl poi/ LOT 1'' 15; LOT 7 R 30�� s',ri= c 0• 18 42E 226.59'- 4¢ LOT 12 •� .% 10 z75 SF m a<` n n o f g p p CE 4 9180 SF .014,^ ,/,,,,,,,,, Xb�BYy 9�i71a1 \\ \ Iz7o91 LANDSCAPING� � o w EL Q w 75.BR__ ' 4b� 128071 .. / / \e\ ,74 $'� ,Q EASEMENT ryj o i Q �.e N w.PUBIIC A-- `ussi• /', `T2'�i`jry 7p`S 1 6. w Z W C f 16. _ H¢30oD -,:- - ESMT•'o 2 \ `r`� s.lreoD w 24ss � TOY __-A LOT 11 � 4p �/ �LOT 14 f\� y 2 �-o� „ ' `LP-- 84W SF �,4 / "/ 8,277 SF .?. N8739'S7'E 111.01' �. ,.1 301, -_ Lt.I-p W a� ACCESSATE xw\� 1z6111 da', / q1,\q" / sz71 o a a pod , 4 8 f \`f unu1Y ,}m c41 g• / "so'To Big ri z )T 9o5a s^" A TO LOT 11 \4'.! 3� / LOT 15 e„4 -,r422- oz w¢ 'q yrog 12Q171 " \\ o� /, ,,, e,26D SF y '954'a a E p z L,_ \ .� 9.ii 4, .LOT 10 / / , �&i // .T\ 23" 1r o 0 0 N \'11;570 SF i/,/ ',q,� d'ip� /,^4// ACCESS 71 UTMY`\ - LANDSCAPING _ I Qy d U v 128151 , /1/ , //2, ESMT FOR LOT +o w ��PRNAYEESIEE95 L I°� , / LOT 16 '\`� _ I" EASEMENT \ �' MIIIY ESMT TO LOT 6 �.� 4pry6'\p�//- ,� [3,260 SF ,/ az.LOT 46 �_I_o 01 ¢vt o \ / // AR, Imo ,/ ,� / 11,310 SF . RFBN2.ora Fi / ''P?• /cif iP Sh.:13, 127071 • ,,c• otratl oB'SOUTN ,i, LC/ 9 - / ,/v' ��^��1!!!%%%•E- .. -; 9 .4 ..OF 1RVIE CORNER ,1 �, \ 15,420 SF o / /J LOT 7 / , 'kr„ ♦' S 89'39'39'W 80.00� (� Z _ 1Z ,° ® ` /. r..1 N,rq,.�1281321 ./ .♦'5 // js'�• LOT 45 ej V &\ / , / 12,s73 5F - 43 . / 9 /•, ,.CCg /64 "�•s� I LOT 47 N as p Q W W\ \ti '/ ,r/ /off '1 / ® 12,482 SF r i a LOT 18 ��{�/ LOT 44 01 1 S 0-4 ri /6'•h :-. 'v 11325,1 ' \6/ 12,334 sr :,.. 589'39?,1-y, . 1 �l• 1 8g@ `�`\ 0' 804 / ,,�• o 7.43 125.59' I � S Q Cr) (�• '1;4 I S t ,6 Qs' 127191 d 3 SS V 1 0 '7� `'J' / _ P\ ',,^o � 6 8.193912E 10336'r 9'3 3.02 T• b,O m1 N-�1 z �+ d LOT 19 ems• / ry '11.`o6 is L PRIVATE sEw1R ESaT� `, 13,185 SF �YOf7 // ^ q\ . O �� 20 D16 I LOT 40 E4 H\ 128061 89'3830'w 133.06' y C�. ,.'30'E 24.90' / / 9,� 0 _ 51.36 =1 ti 25,886 sF o1"^., z F-, 1050069 • 5•. /:� 4 m 1p PRIVATE _ -(�� "1. o jA F•-1 10'WBUC MLIIY ESMT d ACCESS AND C. p4]°ly _N89'4026'E 133.81 -1 7 r,,.- MU7Y ESMT. ' III- T 1•-I. "1 z LCJ TO LOTS 42& S31 L !�� I I LOT 4v 1 u 9RE PROP6 z o N i 10'PUBLIC MLITY ESMT 1 1.1:_ ,o 4a. $I =1 SOBL1N m �o¢ t.i 13,3k4 sF. rot LOT 42 s / b = m": 1�> Q C CO L4, a ▪ 126091 12 17Za51sF 1,.1/ /LOT 41 lyi,COMMON ' iicF o z i U) , LOT 20 7 \ \\ _ d 1/ 2o,6zs sF , ENT FOR N J a �o �"� W 14,08fi SF 7 \ \ • / 125131 o j'yLOTS 39 AND 40. - m a z = o m ♦ 0 ,�I' .� S89'39'3DIV o n v1 z FMi 6 E�' 128081 hticp \ \`�\ j\6h `'x e'' I '`J ,4' /n, 114.85' •• °',,V�'n ; 40 V o N89'40'26'E 107.11' 7 �\ _70 PUBLC lLfROY'SSMT ..../ / �Q�a'+. PIE, x col Q� F� .1- 5i3' `\ \„ as6s 2 - se LOT 39 a�3���w �m �i I ♦ s 15,731 SF c, o a w L F W ,°➢i 1 Q' •.��40 -. 125 •07 �� o. x a o o w „'a ® to �J CQ O'SEWER 175ENENr F �N8939o3E 2�� m c� � aNONzo W 2 TO LOT 28. 1: \ 1� -- i 0.," ,1op¢o fzr Ci4 LOT 31 ?--lit N 4879 z686 rs�y y ^ ���t�w sax�o°0 O I-20'COMMON Sy' a'to' z�o ��//�-� �I--W A5 ,1 I t 3a1 S89'39'30"W Y.I 3 m z z g z o LL 'm o CID `�I q, 22,1135E n _- •• ¢z o �LL� -{ ACCESS EASEMENT I .- '` / 152.62' R ¢a O,N o 0 y„ i 228101.____ I z'LOT 22 in FOR LOTS 22 A60 1'. 'O-\, `�/ 4/•\ Fw b 3 U a oF�j' " h� [t+' 2 23,1D EACH ,�� "�i87b \ 0i 3�¢�- IN ZU6INv1SIP 15,341 SF ' 511E OF PROP. : ..hod \ k'o z z z�z wQ z w��m I UNE. m M \ LOT 38 z _ W V ' I - of LO;T 24' ♦ 12'756 SF - 4 i • LOT 23 210 .f- sF \ \ f28191 J�(O� 0-4 �-, I 13'485 SF z 1-2�-A. a_ © 71 .=�vi d ui 10 n ci m \ 128141 I . W N89'40'26'E �-- 109.89' f. I I • 118.46' 'nc• S82'41149 _100.89' =f I • _ 89'39 30'W 109.791 x `` S8741 49 'a41. 1 ^I BAR k CAP I F ��/ p 1 10 R STORK&SEW-EASEMEM ;;L4 1 &' _�1 OFFSET 2.0'WEST I LOT 28 N �( '� �' g LOT 27 ▪`J x' I OF TRUE CORNER I = a, �� liiei6 M1 7'$15 m LOT 26 Rio I LOT 37 1 IEua w 0.929 SF e LOT 25 / I 12,149 SF 4 b z! 2908 b"1 13,837 SF .,y / E p z z 6 l� rr,, 3 / -3B.39- 129041 t,/ / I� P.T4 ///J� / ¢`43-e- / "�1� =;.59939'30'W 733.38' u 7,�j�( N 89'40'26'E M� >"`43 I am , -I-• I : (ty ,oy 112.099' 41 40',-0'PUBLIC U7nig 1 -691 _ IIT111 8j. r / 36.T,_,'.� 731� 40.42• �.! '--,6,,,�,�s • /' X-'-'''''LOT 36 L.- ..-).4 W r v \ 4�p 6 I ��B t) Z,f�Y_ 159_83_ '42'SYE' /NGTA9 ,�,69 '• f327,0SF 1 to U o 1 A1-'1-7TK STRE�'T �IrON A;>,. t ,\\ \. r 0-1, 1,.. "s LOT 29 „a to 4Pue1 �z411-&- _ \ '. '.:._ x 4 p 11;518 SF 4'.., EMT _ ▪ .T S89!39 301Y ` p, qJ' COMMON ACCESS -q • �A 3. 129171 �"-, ..o,mi,,IM TOR \\ 90<!t(S d ., ��' LOrs zs,3D ANoI I 'L coaGo scars a '£ W • o {T 9`.0'17 31. lye• loll. I '•\ I EASEMENT FOR 'ry' '�y N LOIS 34,PND 36 g°o m LOT 30 LOT 31 E m LOT 32 it' LOT 33 5 LOT 34 Loi35 �F z °i m 14.956 SF - ro 14.051 SF n b 15,016 SF 15,643 SF m 14,82.2 SF -b .� m 15,, SF ^ o �oI W IN 129111 N I2sD91 'I� 1z9071 m1� 129051 b a" �L RN I 1 I �Iy " 1 30' NGPE BUFFER =< a'30" W e36 122 48' • 97.53' 97 52' • 97 54' •97.53' A q, s 8939'30'w 610.16' FOREST LANDS APPENDIX 3 v Model Soil Management Plan for BMP T5.13 An alternate document acceptable to the City of Anacortes is a Test Report provided by the Soils Supplier that identifies the soils to be used meet the specifications outlined under Minimum Requirement 5. The specifications are in both WSDOT and CSI Formats. For specifications, refer to the above referenced PDF. This submittal can be a deferred submittal since most projects are not sure who the supplier will be at the time of building permit application. For projects that trigger Minimum Requirements 1 through 5, the Test Report will be provided to the Building Department. Projects triggering Minimum Requirements 1 through 9, the Test Report will be provided to the Engineering Department. - BMP T5. 13 to be a deffered submittal, to be completed at final grading Version Date: October 7, 2019 Previous Version Date: February 20, 2019 DEFERRED SUBMITTAL: PROVIDE A TEST REPORT FROM SOILS SUPPLIER TO THE BUILDING DEPT. PROJECT INFORMATION "Model Soil Management Plan for BMP T5.13" age# of pages Complete all information on page 1;only site address and permit number on additional pages. Site Address/Lot No.: Permit Type: Permit Number: Permit Holder: Phone: Mailing Address: Contact Person: Phone: Plan Prepared By: ATTACHMENTS REQUIRED(Check off required items that are attached to this plan) Site Plan showing,to scale: Areas of undisturbed native vegetation(no amendment required) New planting beds and turf areas(amendment required) Type of soil improvement proposed for each area Soil test results(required if proposing custom amendment rates) Product test results for proposed amendments AREA# (should match Area#on Site Plan) PLANTING TYPE Turf Undisturbed native vegetation Planting Beds Other: SQUARE FOOTAGE OF THIS AREA: square feet SCARIFICATION inches(depth)of scarification needed to achieve fmished total 12"loosened depth. Subsoil will be scarified PRE-APPROVED inches of compost or imported topsoil applied AMENDMENT METHOD: X 3.1 (conversion factor, inches to cubic yards) PRODUCT: Topsoil import =cu.yards per 1,000 sq.ft. Amend with compost X ,000s sq.ft.in this area Stockpile and amend =cubic yards of amendment —>—>->->—* QUANTITY: CU.YDS. ( cu.yds.stockpiled) (needed to cover this area to designated depth) CUSTOM AMENDMENT Attach test results and calculations. Topsoil import inches organic matter or topsoil import PRODUCT: Topsoil&compost lift X 3_1 Amend =cu.yards/1,000 sq.ft. Stockpile and amend X ,000s sq.ft.in this area ( cu.yds.stockpiled) =cubic yards of amendment —>—>—>—>—> QUANTITY: CU.YDS. MULCH ,000 sq.ft. PRODUCT: X 6.2 (conversion, to give 2 inch mulch depth) =cubic yards of mulch —> —>—*—> QUANTITY: CU.YDS. TOTAL AMENDMENT/TOPSOIL/MULCH FOR ALL AREAS(complete on page 1 only, totaling all areas/pages in this Plan) ❑ Product#1: ❑Quantity: cu.yds. ❑ Test Results: %organic matter C:N ratio<25:1 (except mulch,or<35:1 for native plants) "stable"(yes/no) ❑ Product#2: ❑Quantity: cu.yds. ❑ Test Results: %organic matter C:N ratio<25:1 (except mulch,or<35:1 for native plants) "stable"(yes/no) ❑ Product#3: ❑Quantity: cu.yds. ❑ Test Results: %organic matter C:N ratio<25:1(except mulch,or<35:1 for native plants) "stable"(yes/no) Date: Inspector: Approved: Revisions Required: Date: Inspector: Approved: Revisions Required: Version Date: October 7, 2019 Previous Version Date: February 20, 2019 APPENDIX 4—Determining Construction Site Sediment Damage Potential (Appendix 7— NPDES Phase II Permit) Note: See attached. All projects within the City of Anacortes are required to complete that document under Appendix 4. - Done Version Date: October 7, 2019 Previous Version Date: February 20, 2019 Western Washington Phase II Stormwater Permit APPENDIX 7 — Determining Construction Site Sediment Damage Potential The following rating system allows objective evaluation of a particular development site's potential to discharge sediment. Permittees may use the rating system below or develop alternative process designed to identify site-specific features which indicate that the site must be inspected prior to clearing and construction. Any alternative evaluation process must be documented and provide for equivalent environmental review. Step one is to determine if there is a sediment/erosion sensitive feature downstream of the development site. If there is such a site downstream complete step two, assessment of hydraulic nearness. If there is a sediment/erosion sensitive feature and it is hydraulically near the site then go to step three to determine the construction site sediment transport potential. ii. STEP 1 —Sediment/Erosion Sensitive Feature Identification Sediment/erosion sensitive features are areas subject to significant degradation due to the effect of sediment deposition or erosion. Special protection must be provided to protect them. Sediment/erosion sensitive features include but are not limited to: i. Salmonid bearing fresh water streams and their tributaries or freshwater streams that would be Salmonid bearing if not for anthropogenic barriers; ii. Lakes; iii. Category I, II, and III wetlands; iv. Marine near-shore habitat; v. Sites containing contaminated soils where erosion could cause dispersal of contaminants; and vi. Steep slopes (25% or greater) associated with one of the above features. Identify any sediment/erosion sensitive features, and proceed to step two. If there are none the assessment is complete. iii. STEP 2— Hydraulic Nearness Assessment Sites are hydraulically near a feature if the pollutant load and peak quantity of runoff from the site will not be naturally attenuated before entering the feature. The conditions that render a site hydraulically near to a feature include, but are not limited to, the following: i. The feature or a buffer to protect the feature is within 200 feet downstream of the site. ii. Runoff from the site is tight-lined to the feature or flows to the feature through a channel or ditch. August 1, 2013, Modified January 16, 2015 Appendix Determining Sediment Damage Potential Page 1 of 3 Version Date: October 7, 2019 Previous Version Date: February 20, 2019 A site is not hydraulically near a feature if one of the following takes place to provide attenuation before runoff from the site enters the feature: iv. Sheet flow through a vegetated area with dense ground cover v. Flow through a wetland not included as a sensitive feature vi. Flow through a significant shallow or adverse slope, not in a conveyance channel, between the site and the sensitive feature. Identify any of the sediment/erosion sensitive features from step one that are hydraulically near the site, and proceed to step three. If none of the sediment/erosion sensitive features are hydraulically near the site, the assessment is complete. vii. STEP 3—Construction Site Sediment Transport Potential Using the worksheet below, determine the total points for each development site. Assign points based on the most critical condition that affects 10% or more of the site. If soil testing has been performed on site, the results should be used to determine the predominant soil type on the site. Otherwise, soil information should be obtained from the county soil survey to determine Hydrologic Soil Group (Table of Engineering Index Properties for step 1.D) and Erosion Potential (Table of Water Features for step 1.E) When using the county soil survey, the dominant soil type may be in question, particularly when the site falls on a boundary between two soil types or when one of two soil types may be present on a site. In this case, the soil type resulting in the most points on the rating system will be assumed unless site soil tests indicate that another soil type dominates the site. Use the point score from Step 3 to determine whether the development site has a high potential for sediment transport off of the site. Total Score Transport Rating <100 Low ❑100 High A high transport rating indicates a higher risk that the site will generate sediment contaminated runoff. Construction Site Sediment Transport Potential Worksheet A. Existing slope of site (average, weighted by aerial extent): Points 2% or less 0 >2-5% 5 >5-10% 15 >10-15% 30 >15% 50 B. Site Area to be cleared and/or graded: <5,000 sq. ft 0 5,000 sq. ft. — 1 acre 30 >1 acres 50 C. Quantity of cut and/or fill on site: <500 cubic yards 0 500—5,000 cubic yards 5 >5,000— 10,000 cubic yards 10 >10,000—20,000 cubic yards 25 >20,000 cubic yards 40 D. Runoff potential of predominant soils (Natural Resources Conservation Service): Hydrologic soil group A 0 Hydrologic soil group B 10 Hydrologic soil group C 20 Hydrologic soil group D 40 E. Erosion Potential of predominant soils (Unified Classification System): GW, GP, SW, SP soils 0 Dual classifications (GW-GM, GP-GM, GW-GC, GP-GC, SW-SM, SW-SC, SP-SM, SP-SC) 10 GM, GC, SM, SC soils 20 ML, CL, MH, CH soils 40 F. Surface or Groundwater entering site identified and intercepted1: Yes 0 No 25 G. Depth of cut or height of fill >10 feet: Yes 25 No 0 H. Clearing and grading will occur in the wet season (October 1 — May 1): Yes 50 No 0 TOTAL POINTS >100 1 If no surface or groundwater enters site, give 0 points. APPENDIX 5—Site Plan with all applicable information (Minimum Size 11x17 at a legible scale) -Attatched V -- /VICINITY MAP-NO SCALE •' - // / / : - —-,-- N LANDSCAPE LEGEND J.STERLNG LAWN AREA OR J.BASS 'A ' ---- / - .---'--''',,'--%---'::" ."'•'-...'-,' -T-, ,'',-' EXISTING VEGETATION i I .„ - CONCRETE DRIVE OT, p SS&SD EASEMENT; „--„-',------ ,---,%/ .----%,7(YERJ.r6„ ...'- ..,-- /•„/ ,..,--. , 6-11-21 ----- -,'" M ,..- ....-- ..--....2 0, -F---":"7,./7,,,---L3::,--..==.7 4:,. / / i ...------ 1 ,-,-- ---------' MULCH-PLANTING BED SS SID ,-'„---..„---,--- % ';111---i-,--7:-///,---/---4 :. ..-/- --' „--,------ 6"SE --'.- -/ ,-----'--". .-----; co- ',---r----••'- ' "— --"----------------`li---''----1- C5?-___ /' EXISTING BEDROCK IDE ,z-- ..--'7',- • z'--- ..-- ,-7,>-- 5 --:-.-::-_- _-___ ---- -- ,--, 150_, :,, , .T, _ ......_. ,--7 7 //,, , ,,, rn:4:111 -- __ -----__, ---- ,-' , -_-------- — •cif, (f)._///',/' ci) / ....--r- k,.,..., DECIDUOUS TREE / ---.--- ---F--—..--1--co -.., LOT -, I i/1 / ef 1,1 )1 , - , -2 --Xs,\-;.-------", - . -- ,,-,--:7;,-- __, ..,L2_,,/ :::,.,,,,,- /- ,-- -.,,,,„-___,,,..---: ,s\,,,---,-- CONIFER TREE --5--;',",<-.:---_---..----------'-'--. _:TI1,I 5 ,-,'' ,/\'/.-,:,-:15Z:::-- ;AT:\ \\;',7.W.-- /0 r- ---- 0. r , -- ...,- -- . - •-• ,,,,,- o ,„ . „..._:,....,,,''', •' ii -..u.„--. : -7---- SHRUBS/PLANTINGS c 1 . ,.,„. I . `;.- 7':,--',/ /,r7-17:„--?,.--c- ,...."/,—, ,'"!'/'1%--1,\---s-ve;',1.'..-;---;:-.- `•••._:_\_jot, / ....,v,„--: 7 h/ T''(/,g2g,n,gr"'1" itj 1 ,..,„---• .,,,--_,,,,,, 7,7'7;2 ) . r- , 7 i , „-.„7-, „,,, //I vkl-,140 ,:<- 4-• i ,/ '.....---",-,...-- 77:7-7 ,7",,,/,--/ ,/ / ),•,,„.--_,---_7;1:---- ,',,,,,,c----1)441,,' r*- sFR .--fi-_-_-.1-- •-',:"ifc,-„.....-T ------t.„//,=.ore.°.g.,17 ans5041 (,) ' / „..- ,7-e7 7-„;,-,,,, .7,7,,,,,../ ,,, ,,ii[,-- -- ..7 _.-/••;' - ,0,.!. .-;,,,,so‘,.‘,7 \,.;;. „....5. ir, " _ , ...,. , > ,,, ,.(001, . ,s , ,,:165 ; /( i joie\ FAV:Lia... ii ----ACCESS ESMT. '/' ' y ' -' -' -- -ALL OF LOT 5's , ,v e-4--,.), 104 N... ' IrS, P'.... ' lOir---.1.-, . 2 ' __------ 177:-.:.', , 4s, .., Th` e - / 'AMINg.1-,TT"' - .., -----FOR LOTS 5& / •-'/' / -- ,-- 7 PANHANDLE IS A .--------- ----- -------- z•z - ' z' -'-- -- ---'-'12 •"--"--7 -----•'------' z.---.------• z',z,--',",---' ---:,-",--;;;;--- _----" C.)/' - AMA,GUIDING COVERAGE 23.939)A 3,230 SORT. .,,,,y \ s/ ,,,, sit, ,.„ 0-1,--• ,.. ,„ I ) Z 05-----------:---------------:,--N -,,-- --- „7,-,<,--,-,--- „--,--,--,/,-,-:=:---,,- •,..1,v \ .,-... „,,/,,,,..- ----..-, , F AR W/DERHANGS•3 471 SO Fr :/'7175 .//•• In I- , ,. , FP=168.5' ,--;/....---..'') ,''''''' .,.• .',,,..,""'.-'''',' LT. '=,.0 / 1 l . AM \," 1./\ .... TOTAL DAPERVIOUS AREA:4,761)SORT C.) ------.------.-.'---- .""r•-••-•',A 4.--5:--,-----:-.--- ,--,--,,,-,-;:-/ 7, i ! ! c, , f I i ik. W ( '.410<:::'./..:-.-..-'. c.- -•--„_______ . 7/A,„/,./ ,..\ \ ; , OVERALL BUILDING HIGHT. I.'''IL` , ,' /1/..',/,')1•‘, , . ' MINIMUM REQUIREMENT#2 BMP'S zi- LLJ z ¢▪..- o u)ci 2 - , SOIL QUALITY AND DEPTH Lu0 0 n. .7rTC'ET;CICTII'1'E P : '' '- ''' 4 - \ ') •'V',Ie.!// /'2,2 2 i/./•'' /,',./ .- eI BMP CM SILT FENCE , ....CI i , . ' A : I>...,4-,z '7::' >, r , ,;, 0;,' / , r / r , 1 / / , / ( , 1 . ; ; . .... , ' " ' ' :- ...?'''''' //" ".".."4"- ---- 121. B C105.STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION CC • • • '.. ' Z. i -,' ......., .*-' : '''''' -,------'4.---",,...: ''''''''/' V/,X:..,,4 ,„ , ,,,,,,,,,,,;<, ErRANcilExcr °- 0 i i ! I I r 7 ; i 1 : .... - .'17-.,-..",• • ------- ,s„ ';'1".' ..,',.,. ./,,'z.,..':-\,Y ),1( ...;'•//,',/, '%,,,'‹Z /185 fai.... Z i ' V / ! / "n".-,=E / / : ! : !W•,!,g•";i:,,_•-: . •/fc// // /t' '''-• (!'!!! if)/2 ).1/4! 'LI ,,, A%STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION I / ' ' . ' NAG• +--:'l-'''tIV.,!:,7( ,''' ' y Ur 140.20.00 . - ,)c/1-:..T.'./2-....} , .IFTIT,',AY ''./ ' , ' .. , ; ' ' ' L., 1 , • , , , • i•_...---, —NNAI - ..--,'',-, „ ,:- •/- /. ',-- -,.-w,„ IEW 0 Z 1 11 a w t,rq 4:4,, 4 . /,/,////- ' . .--- =.1..,--q"?"-'. ,,,,'',/,-/, A. -'',e.-/ /77 /,',2 Q. /- --- ..=.BMP C123:PLASTIC COVERING ' ' ' : Ll.f.:4, • . /' ' / 1 . it •,R,',. AP`r-/,/ //// ;/ 0 ,-- xtr /SOIL STOCKPILE < 110 \ 10111.1 ,o ,. rk BMP C154:CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA VW LOT 5 -,5 - ,-, ,•"4•••\ --; /7/ / , .. ,, ,,AIL BMP C130:SURFACE ROUGHENING / VW Z 1110 ,\ " I ."'41- '13 499 SF-I-', \ /- '/,',',/,'// -- / • • , = ....,. ••'' - , , -/ CODE&PROJECT DESCRIPTION 0_ laii . ........ • , EXISTING'FREES INERIRO •'/W/ONV • ' =NINO)RSA q1:1 ees .1. - OCCUPANCY GROUP AND USE:SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE '''', r --- -..--------../;';',/ /1 ' CONSTRUCTION TYPE,TM,/ WIION TO COMPLY MX LOCAL COM AND 0S4 in OM I,or ,. , ' 1,886 SCLFT. D'ItOrAVETAND THE FOLLOWING: I= 4n ei,,41 N • ----. ---.1fD 1,158 SC:LET. -SOU WASHINGTON STATE ENERGY GOON CI) iir (VERIFY) 20'PUBLIC TOTAL LIVING AREA. 3,044 SQ,FT, OWNER/DESIGN INFORMATION , OWNER APPROVAL UTILITY ESMT „://' ,‘1,- (:) ,--;,--:5,,,,„ , „,1 GARAGE 8°'SO•FT• DESIGNER INFO ,_,..,_ DESIGNER JASON STERLING-STRANDBERG CONSTRUCTION INC. 105..I.S.R I. EMIL JASONSFSSTRANDBEROCONSTRUOTION.COM Arros. PAGES. ' .7/ /•'" / //./' ..' (;) /.../ / 'ENTRY PORCH 123 SQ.FE a0.1=gesgrosatioTATLZASTgnu"'"1". FIRE HYDRANT#664 C 1 2,011GPM @ 20 PSI i /\X Cb ,, /COVERED PORCH 157 SQ'FT. IMIES=OBERS CONSTRUCTION.INC;., DISTANCE TO PROPERTY 3'-8" / / COVERED DECK 26'SQ.Ft T.EDrIgirs=s%V.'" PAGE. DISTANCE TO FRONT OF GARAGE 213'-8" 258 SQ.FT. OWNER INFO ,./ / /'/ NAME.CHRISTOPHER SMARM IIENORICAS 2 of 18 „/ ,,-L MASTER DECK 52 sa.,-.ADDRESS I.TELEPHONE AVAIL/JAE UPON REDDEST Q BMP C154:CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA OO BMP C235:WATTLES ©BMP C1D5:STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE/EXIT AO BMP T5.13:POST-CONSTRUCTION SOIL QUAUTYAND '""'-'E4' vunrose ETxEDiecxnnDEo=voumnxrsromoeuwn,ea=so.Coxo,mEwnmErrCououcnxe vuxroae DEPTH J.STERLING ixnoesiowaen.wvrovnEvwrrouvo.ursmou STEF:xcoxsm x e ,ecmwe.sr.N.neor.00rw.xR.v.usa ex51 soencewnreeaaeeneuxswmEe. _ J.BAss�R .aEiuneuEmEoce C[namucnoxvxwEmswxen' usoveovmEmxroeunmuoxwm,us "'' i mm� oiuw was�urib%uonq�oa�ruix .eEnw nib .� ... qq y t/.-,cnUN.O.4 r=eousexsmx.xus swH.emoau vueenoomoxntxn,enwswiueune,entecaxnuc,onroixmu[rxew,wmenexvoeo. rawu nxouwiumsrx[ue[ovoxsoue w+azuvixo ,v Dxuxs.wuonexea,oxw.rexeoDies.ixcwowewE,wiDsFsF 6.11.21 xessvEe eoo=mEvw.rne, eexe.w.rn .xe,w .r , sa xo,roseea ao s ee.,ee eror,.c emoFCurnuea.,HeeuvuuaeCoxs,rxED s.x .rov. SME0.0 exvs a esao a . .o . eo,e = o TriP A i Esv[cw.vnv,ensoxi=rcnxrnux=nua.s,eevswovso2s. /�/ �r iF��£�ti•. � esrv:"'E�mmieEnxo O O O a 0-us Section A-A ///�/ `jiryli?'►YY. oaeu ID Ip Plan w � BESE x u e w nE,r Puur un ero ue esaxwou'� 1 Tvpe^emow craee^ LW 4.4er 414,x, ,odorvsMPOM m.4H.,.n n,.. g./ i{ant pry- x ov a xoo a=,x eD D g1 a e 4"."— c"e.n. -,1-i' �I-Vi. 44'5 e e r D r.DL,Hie. V / r.. sr.a ...wr V, 'PI �.�.\ R {:`d `�ss!'- m.xo H cu.T,E..,,,s,..xo. nxmwu o[sxo,xE[o,osa.uaxo=n. PI s..mvs s«uo e.e ' y,v, v�,y /n"\\ �•/r D c[Esr.waxeo.rsoreor=e'' 1 W sue'"x'^e " • ' �'"'N ""'. w.nw ,xvrmxnxvworowxeM[xTvoHmaxnEsmausxaovx.mices. g"s,Hvnaicross.xo=es,wiDCs.a.,Hsx 2 xm.>." Plan "�: .. Fl^^^"4: 0 0 Type"Above Grade with Wood Plonks / v. �tlivg 0 la U =c 01, Figure 144.1.7a «<. .a: .,`� Figure II-4.1.1 d > Concrete Washout Area s d..m ,,t 7 a 611 Stabilized Construction Entrance=.e,,.�.mu m K�<a. OFF/Mi./PIT OF v...w,..mnDEPARTMWM . ECOLOGY .na........,v....w.. me..N°m."` .... ECOLOGY „n,�N,w'.PnYurcwv.H.de=..we.. U SOW at w.., e.....H...... . d..".. , `1 .n ...I w,....m. .mwa.m..um:.�e«.°° BMP C130:SURFACE ROUGHENING -a, STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION 1-40.20.00Wue LU W I-. ""°tli"'"•"�"""""°""" �" "'" ,xe xo�..[x.w.s rr x.. eae=Earo„Hw r�` D 'nvnusE Q BMP C233:SILT FENCE O O pxnin'='e'rcuyen'bmmmnn'ed�m pei.p oinuuw mNMvmwuWeim�eminn�'u n >•a ro-r,f..l arxeemee e v mro,wrenw� ww Fle Z U ."_ CI I/ ..vavox..wxrex.xceix.Cca,w,c. rn...osvEcmc.noxaDcm,o�. s. I=es CEu[sC„ser=exCeCoxs,eDDnox. Ewar�aso=o.eeu,.D= .seE Dee - W Z gee„" ao`�m�mN,e .„.,N... x,...m. O` - - W ¢" c[uen�m� `.�/c rx.rxrowai.oeownTx[rwor LL 11 •N am..m..w.oi.q,n..e.nwb.ie..ww A'ry.wnw.a ws.w U CO U Oda -----1 .o[a<reuHTx000=s[,Coxm53.:.xrm xooaE,eerHaxsx[moHou[euxoaow xono=.x am ,=== —,..—_,I: W -o \ CD �mJ H.Hx p Frgure'II-0.2.14d Hor roswxE ` � mw.q..... ...�.v.. tL z \� �pplI,,^ g Wattles e..... ..nm �)l 1 wW N W o. ( r 17`� ®." DEPART/FEW OF;::: x,„.`ws ...amrow......x.,....r,w,vw.+..w's l I/ -� r y err ! = t =N S �r r roomy.fir. - __. i t— ,, z m� i ro xt:t rc ^a a :PLASTIC COVERING i i�.m �4 fish VI \g --?,� eex ae DesInHED.re sxoe,.,exneeoswx veoreDnoxroa E oDw,.xeEo.ee.s. X.� �" �.•`. "�`z'�'t} '�s-.� a 9�t oli Tracking .c 'o""!P d� �!r7r a�v,.„ W k 991 nw.c.xcox+Ev ............. .......... v........ Q ea 7/„"M n m l nouov=vxeunvxa[cE eD.x aooxorurcucweDxo===nou.vwncsove oa ovewnxos ill\j' Contour Furrows .,,...„,,,..� ,,,,,,,,,,,."„ c 'il ^ \ OWNERMPROVNL ". Figure 11-4.1.5 xorro _ .m ...w.a xo„o-.u: C2 Surface Roughening by Tracking Figure 11-4.2.12 and Contour Furrows Silt Fence wee ECOLOGY u" , ...�. or orw.,w..,m1+ 3 of 18 >a..v:.w.i.,.W...e...row.n.at STANDARD PLAN F-10.12-03—CONCRETE CURBS STANDARD PLAN F-80.10-04—CONCRETE DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE J°STERLING MAX 20'DRIVEWAY WIDTH PER STR-28 OF EDS STANDARDS GR^FT`-Tr. #3 xx.Mg 0.1.0u --f,<eef.e fo<earane -rxeof 0. _ ,m. _.v I- - fxexmr,' Iw 1/4'-1'U N.O. t• is mAxmnor e ,•tlrox ,m r u No E ii mncij Al^4 `'p .-,{ mwiofxc wlmrord 1 M,<q . \a ` ,`WOK POMMY ,rrPo 11/ JN""o"re""ro"`n ,r, .j1 /- x.mmw,.e le I Ir m"" ,v[mmxo.,ww,w,� cex. rm 4 � / E-11a1 x<D,Ifa tr0 rreaa b�j �t�f / Klw per i rim Rogro+ x�a � Asa<°ma< ``tea' iI�/ �� N n meet.. °e'l mmr a m r - I r r �� R ' mg..,U ERrwmma. O / I ca m„px,pmw�t,mnx m�Fww.,D xIwRR t te,2 : ,1,� a a oDPATDNwwrmaaam� " /`t' �t _ Lti DUAL-FACED CEMENT CONCRETE CEMENT CONCRETE DEPRESSED CURB SECTION Pux TRAFFIC CURB AND GUTTER TRAFFIC CURB AND GUTTER A+mwanxPvaaxo auemmxcume �oremvD.xBmrn 4:01070eexm, O nxpa9TR¢e»o mr. PLa4YMw 0 L-- -IUSETHIS DETAIL J PE' 001� 00. TYPES g V P .on the ,POR. I---rrlw. a pe>a[n<xcrerz 14,car..it NA depth aIFe I¢m ''' ''tenl,ace°s.(111n«nmw.la " x <wemwxcxerzex ,INa euxew.N0.uudxG N� I .. 0 ewey�aroe enure 9P IM1v b n,RPtTWxcuE,E rlro 21141'nr 1 eea,Dntledrt ... Mnt.E gran", 5w5b..blen F40,c1 amr Npetwtnmw,x Vyapnpx 0. fxmAxce COMatllm Jowl petl - for debts RRe6Nm[R E aN awebn aw ].Cpmbantl GUlbr aM1oxn aro lM1e ComaCPen,hrlea ` e•pro,a nxp L�` 6eotllkMpnbeN�YIme4W tor ceoemwu1 nraa p 4 v Cuboeu°Y, fie45x5unEaNItIn fIVI II: oci cm x 3 1 —L� apxln r,r-valf m mMWrN�e9ummmb aoewir,Pg E.SE<[ION OA -a¢ neev rm a mad bW anima aamma.Iumamm> / \ mu.,/,wn a N ,a,- 0000Pnax0. .gmrue O a mNvtions n front alMwway mlmna, ye et"bee xmxl me, J /}� mNcve¢eDe.Wm e[n x S....II..tanxrwu- C `v 5 Where to.aDE...1*m etl cep a en...nlus. 9ECTpN gwwiwNorpemeeAe I CEMENT CONCRETE PEDESTRIAN CURB CEMENT CONCRETE PEDESTRIAN CURB ""'/ ' -- -- E The Pap Aen Ramp leneNbnmlawne to et..feel LEGEND wopmeawn"amaueea L \ PmrxnCt) bI"e E Nun me oN eanaun nNe Canuan Varel W,en epWM cone xema j . wtSS mlmm bnpn finemueE hag ,icvxea • ,. n /V//�1 i9 flop Nopeal Ae p:BE'ramp'elbw�m mmetl 0.]% pATRIGd.� 1 ° ] T Va r..f,7b1"Wawa''', I,r"lEbtmu gFweaa nd''.. MdaCNRB •me cvweo J M \l.lq¢xmeal MOMownunto ¢ i.Beyond �Nm ' &F� N '-E SEGRa�„ mp I IN,MmF Immmmnnln4pMcww „ETarNna i m m Cne.m, raroa 10 1. roa n• ,lean +.g ...0 �wxppx;pww',°Eow'LL:men:�r�°oc od oueL e� r moarawyar ,fwa_ ,�rl nww,w —� / A Rmwuv L6ws� k ls¢nde 0.007 �• s 8 _ -_ STANDARD PLAN P-10.12.03$ rennxxp ec. p[u mnxwwuec CEMENT CONCRETE z E' CEMENT CONCRETE CURBS DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE Ww ja �/ TYPES 1,ENTRANCE m iK STANDARD PLAN F410.10-04 o '0 =1 1— 111 I a, .,i Mmm<01.1013021 a5,DRaal 01. '",m,anroman,'. ;m :1 a:it N 1 DUAL PACED CEMENT CEMENT CONCRETE MOUNTABLE CEMENT UDNETRI<VEW Swwm.":17. �.wex....a.*. CONCRETETRAFFIC CURB TRAFFIC CURB CONCRETE TRAFFIC CURB ��"r+ea.r.....rn-".r TYPE.'..PAY UMIT9 '' TYPE 2-PAY LIMITS U STANDARD PLAN F-30.10-03—CONCRETE SIDEWALKS STANDARD PLAN F-80.10-04'—CONCRETE DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE w ILI MAX 20'DRIVEWAY WIDTH PER STR-28 OF EDS STANDARDS z mT Dt m wl- pxn m m a,T p ro rex a9 xr ,° w rpn>ce,.M,mA, , Ill z ReoPaneoew.LxamDx, ren m __. xm,nl _e, a _kE;ME r �y,i *1 ' / urn_°E\ _ -.. L.- �� ml - ':`:: -` ...ax z M . mJ /A /-,¢a,awweePuxr,a,a Jun4kn Bmm.Code VeuMelder.must I.0 2 m Pnul u n rvva eiN Ma / -� .,.. a¢tbgtt 8emoentlmMe49 M1 e - �� Pe et.eUew9N wMma,mmm�mu vmwd.mwmltll 5400 marm'rl'.f w¢ -] /�1 Is ``wn sne,, 500l O xo,ea 1 L. C> m+a'mr7" gram ymucuawmee-T .'y. MAMMY/ v\.p PLANV EW ¢m'DiweOm - $ • TYPES aDraLor7 ml TYPE:* fal rz to g .a Roew.ux rmreoa. r7 7. mmwud ms wutx s,ww R9m. tl13 x. reeemmmnm Lune !, I J �I-r„„, . - 2Lag 9 tgAr" re f ,nxpMpmnxr.,n e g 9'''''*I.. nce "� €�;. m G wn Q < gIg wx mwrlAxraam .a«barn"`[nMO1O r �m Q d L. centurr latno iwm e0L r g �, ,(/ ei�rth s¢ n`l tx ,¢ y- - eon SAE amR¢e W Wz(;�E .Pe4 lgyy9 mIm€n AD,ACENTTOCURB SIDEWALK aaaeD,rrowaLL DETAL t .., \ ,,,,,''..,1"--- � j ` , t .. iig ".°°�° /. /�' / se Dsfte,n[x,mawapux, r°,71 ¢xmEa_ae P.vr ....,.0 Lre¢xneb. f1 ° SIIIsiiSg �� un asECTaN O xxb [Nd o g,yi4p eoxlwnaµ,'�.+ mxmaueR LEVEL epa .d4m pE.TIVQ.Q,, nv0 P r LL 5IB1 Ft / ft¢ 7:: Ims-13.0°a a�m b�� m4 Sa're B�9 '..\ our,ev ,,,_a, = Q �42ae mepnxt "'WPm J ND 1111.1 I'a15.517.1,07 /, �` PIDL PO.PAr 1111 AD AM..0.5MIDMNND GRWALL DETA I221" v�`b, • u/l J., 9.vnL OWNER APPROVAL <ux ,alrt,ro.....wmmae nm c,nx,nn cw 16F£Ntl1E ��� CEMENT CONCRETE se reacwrtwm e¢ramrvcR ai-!�r,D,N. CEMENT CONCRETE / DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE Pa aD-na°i"`N"f • r-i�°a sm,'�O'+mumrw+P,pn °r SIDEWALK ,\ - oen srnuonwamec wr.a TYPES 1,2,3,84 GEEy��y �.•.re ar, .'� STANDARD PLAN FJ0.70-05 STANDARD PLAN.30.10.04 b K wmrn�mn. D r < ?MOM mnmmaxam rerxp m[<Rrxe�n ox PAGE. L J e awAGERrTDADFFD[eTRIP Or ]-Par uNRa ryPOMeTPRIcvIEW Ana QPiVANMONJdXT ©CDaRRACRON.IOINT ^4g»-1^•-a-®-�%•n---^es a-a.LRAM W...w,.";:." ......,..*. 4 O(18 APPENDIX 6—Documented Site Photos Show all directions of the site, includin• fronta•e) [ , t i' ;F { , p t :'Ft,' io,M,j .-** -..>.S �} *;� ✓�te;. e in"r 1{'fr, > #Y -, '! ,'` ' c' `_ A - - lfr try - C+$ € '$� aS^',`3' e, . :..,. 'S fir_ ' 4TT a o :aa. k f hair r,. ,* `n5c -, z :j i t a . „, ,,,-- -* : , ___ ,.. .. ‘,0,.;v ', - ` ri -ai v3 / Ny ' ._ Location: Aerial Shot Description of the photo: Looking down on lot Photo taken by: Imap a . 7• ,y � �' -�" it � � - g ' fit&. 9 _. of F Jkt y.� ". , } Sl ..0 t _' _t_ ..� -----4,-, - ,.'t-. -. - ,,,-..,,„,:- -4.-4,,-1' -:.,,,,,,..--,,,=,...,";1,-," -_,-,- - - '.‘!", ,.2,4-0,-,, ,,,191r:49-444,,, -tt-- 5-1 r'..i.ne ,,e-r,-;', i',..-1.:'-,t-,_ 51 ,__ s at f 'Fx 2 4.P%' , ,aW a Y V a$% .- " - j r ii `.._. - y i i ,ems' ., kc� , `,i :<_m; ` .z,'�,�.,{, ,,,,,.a � ;z�, '; 5 x` -i.4 52,, .' ,... *�ra y ". R -.tea' a " a.. '� �,� ,: x i� • 4 `' x,.d rk y.<_� s. & r ' 'L } s �-�,s5 Via` ,, flA 4y 4.- .-. �- �. & �, 4 � t, -.r q ,0� , l ,, .. : ' -4 to .-<- tt 7_. ,�. . a..'` { .ti +-i4 ,�}Y ��Pos .4. v3 F'^tJ:'`� �i- 5: .�e..w- `.E' ! ,r t. r +t 2 v� iii .. '�'.., '. , 's' -r y `... 'All? z .L�.. F car o-r., °.r k''" t' 's' ' a x- it:' ';. k1. - iO 'r a 'f' _,''t,A* 9 tom r mot' r ')F k' . s yy r 0,>` '" or- :.. ',� �• :: ? }a5 ` { §i-t , y t . key` 4 G�zwa k 4srgg _ ..' '`2 „e ". � r a r.s^sN, 9u ts��a L �� ^#., "h. -' (4r of+( s< ep y4„ 7 Pao ; '1 �-' ,,,,-,; ,.;) , i !. �.sa-- 4.'a�".< ...-6. } r fit' r.. -t_ ,-R .._s_._ �.� _ :s'== r`�'-. � _* Location: South side of lot looking West Description of the photo: Looking at slope of lot towards west and back "frontage" Photo taken by: Jason Sterling }'P- "4 s: _ sm x I ,`"h. ' .rod` r '',T- •-I" t �4-1''' y = ak ` _ ,NYC r,�w- - - -,--„s �, .. . 'lr .e!r 3 ''_$„V • " ;, xr .."' e,--• ;'• � t'-+� I Yam ;;8'Y f r F --1. v ;1' i I I :\ * ' 5 .7 - c • g-,� . 3. v .S -" ` ..a 1 4 �c.r. "''f5dss ya D ate y�s�''` s .4 f ,k ,..4.gw_T, t'k { :y' .t ` `". • vy �r r - t fF 4 �* ��++ ,1(- ,.. f��S L - v #'}' .,_ i "s+� _ -'^k 4 ,x �,l Y 7 1w` J -'i i-" ▪ ,_ rr Y'� `' •eP'„i .- .sn ' :� ' 3f „' 1 r -ye'4 '',,,f S g E.s3h k, a „�Xf --�':',.F c} ,x' .'> -. 11 'E g 41 h r. cli r•itia "Y t 'ri•. • .. '"i y , ;, sue,yle, 4 f,' -7J '� �-ma z:��y � _. �� � �,ei:. s�`y Alt- �' sv". >s"�' v ^,_Y a {s .� �:t - a�� a� —_A B F a,. �i & �'1'-,rz "'s , t • is a `*..*, a e y x a- ,x _,' t t L� '4. '.„-a - tj,Y.� ,-. r C 4 e,t'.: Y z'.. , S< 'r} c's �''` i r"^t `fi:Y 3 �` t -..s 1r ,_ '.. - rs - -. ? r� "ter�!-,;4 3� `i fe } n"' -lr�` `, akr-11 ,e pi.tr /� J x ",y * �:h �' 1 eah ? r/ < n 1l Q'.,eY # � t `- ,'„..4e„.00,„,., * 0s N,g rgp, st .` n i, r'� ci,A I� x y�l. _a ' ! 4 y,', �'- .. • r- _ * sY 1 r rA :3 d r F p-�.' Y + R �v" ¢f... '� A ar"-Oct -fin i, ra- .. by :,fir fr 4$>u 4;_ 'it Location: South side of lot looking North Description of the photo: South side of lot looking North down the lot. Shows rocky terrain. Photo taken by: Jason Sterling - �1 t �y YS•'k-. ,,r s-y;k 1.` 'w. kM � � fit- ,tiY �. �':•_ �.4`•r ,r + '}c+1E �s s .9 .: p. .tee � , s A rfy t 'S 2' r f"�` 3- -?n:A R i lY 2 r� 7 - A t? S, . r- �r3: • n �, Y n : ry,u h.`v` <.a ,y r' T - y r -a. f - ,�.." r r�, .z,fd • t -� , �; .,Fc -.1y '- it '# £`, 2 „ -V�a.,';,_,;J` i� ;�,�,`3$`t ! 0c�.ix yyt.-g--. ��-!SS5:1•� 1. .„ ; 1 n�.05;, 3. if t-{} £} E, .Fs -'-a 4 ,..' A v 1K- z i A"' x7 �f w _ �.} 'U'^. � e. � �'„`"`T'qc 1��' k vaa �ri +�,f �� 73�y!`�;q s,-f � �-1f ,: :,� y�`jri �. 'zy � .� �, � - . hD_ 3+r-` d.,c irIF' 1' t-,. x i' f§hal t�f;#�°, )w. •is :.,` y _ r c`. `s -4. f dd't E $�ti �g'f, •' I� •14! i� ':Yv , fd. 6& M 6'$' 1 .- l r.. 7A } ft j Cf{y tv t Vie. f xP. f x ff t j: -_ ,4: o f _ ,4 „ , r.�,"!,U .,,y i,'A i 4 y4- f`` �� �', 1 S .I �e, '*- ,S-'c , �''''In"'''rt rt r ' {�.! a. r• F`C�4f- Y i i! t .. �' . I ' y ,,0,- 5 ,, } T Y'* ✓s'v. �Y;4 * ,I• �t t*i} R' 4 1' •WT% /• A '" i-t '" f �-- r st 3 u • a ii r rr l,-.4 i t!� ° .4,,, . i''`r ; �r r - t E V .a t ! �� 1 rt d, .� E dr. S7. 3 .a n ' r ":4.;- /� r N 1 zgo `f + r S A ' Lti, f ty i �' sA Y, R; -{Fs �,-y 1 41 }�+".'-,,,„--A„,„ a/ 4 / 1 '� k., s t -7 i 4'.R Sv. _ .; i ,-r ' � '� Y`'3 i ![.'i 4 r.t , i hi, ,.•t ' y ` :', ,c.,, x1'f., a. • . e ..„mo , ,. f 1,i ; �" '�r/'?7,.`,' ,-t rr a ��b... :. e ale, c S' ,� I - ! th�..Fe {�'.il�� t !'s y y jl m' '�p 5:. �,t, t y_ v ,� I`ly =kYYry''ci'f l n'3 .SE i t 4` 1 - r'F s �" .,zy_ rVin • ' 4 fi"t T .YS ! §'i424.,. • 04._ r. .1'',S �.• �._.�kC ... i.,._ � - h. iw`. 'J 11 4rr .i Location: West side of lot looking at driveway entrance/frontage Description of the photo: West side of lot looking at driveway entrance/frontage Photo taken by: Jason Sterling �' .a ?k:' C .,.5 fix.} w kf '` fki n 'rn lTS CL- .... ",t-i'+.i q C ,} - `n �u i i'� /3_ .'L:",' .. P r .Y J' � '� 1w . �, -NSE:" 1 x..s' t r� f+ t S `.z SV ��'''„a k•v Fe �9C.- err °.'' r x r.r�.'4...•. 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'" S w ' Y Ya ` ',�q ' ° 1 1 .41. to - Itf 1`u4c\ f 7f fi r ': ,„ - t q t�' 1 , �s..N..F• '1, :V• vft+r y `ti011 #+rk 1,,kAe:,.�#C.,4k_w„ i{ 'eas -.'u x , rp { t?� R ' 4 t y, 1, i - 1 ,}'i Stir 3 't'+` 1=� ,��. „i ..i, -. i; ;: ��-�._! r d Y r �5 k. -r ii� 1'� 's ` s -%? LI' f' "i i 4 r t* ,,T�++�' iT�s," \;, 1 7 1-4 - },.� 1 { - i,c. �}v Srr'r -r•' ' r, s�,_ 04 iF 1 i r a -�:, l S r.'¢. �` ',T>� sue,. 3x 'et-- a ;jam s' 9 S ....pc.. .,,,. ¢,�. °r4 i'yg z 5�3 'r•p,{ � 6�L,}., allltx Y! - - - - .i s_'�f_ -t _ ,48.6 t5 18&� v G-aYlS41��e...�!.r f 1+``.+'''. Location: Mid West side of lot looking East Description of the photo: Majority of lot is rock Photo taken by: Jason Sterling tt m 3 B r Zr ' "9 S + `,'- ,.>ram '.J %1*%,,, .e�-34 . ' - ' /4 >•3..* 4 a, -c f ,u µ c+:'°` A $ / ', 'al4 4 } g .�-fu v_ ter ,1\ yy 34 .lrat ,c Z. .,$"G- -�'iqt �r y; v10, X`'c,R� E zr' � i� , � =' fie• - si,A,',A- 7.. C .. 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'� . ? e > .�, .';' �J^�^�h. - .fit'?ems t , Y 1 b x, 'tS ,,,,�g" �y t'Y' d t f f 7 l` ,1. i +tiY# .�. ,tG`4"f "'-�. iv y ° t, del r- .'t'r a`,'° k 'z`.i$� p Kf _ l �. rarE`" 51` >tr, r ptx, =-t � .' .. Location: South side of lot looking at ground to the West Description of the photo: Majority of lot is rock, South side of lot is a rock face. Photo taken by: Jason Sterling