HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-06-21 City Council Minutes Approved Anacortes City Council Minutes - June 21, 2021 Call to Order Mayor Laurie Gere called to order the Anacortes City Council meeting of June 21, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. Councilmembers Anthony Young, Ryan Walters, Christine Cleland-McGrath,Carolyn Moulton,Bruce McDougall and Matt Miller all participated in the meeting in absentia via video conference. Councilmember Jeremy Carter was absent. Councilmember Jeremy Carter had been excused in advance at the May 24,2021 regular City Council meeting Announcements and Committee Reports COVID-19 Update: Mayor Gere summarized new open hours for City Hall. The Mayor shared current case statistics and vaccination progress for Anacortes, Skagit County,Washington State, and the nation. The Mayor reported on the national chlorine shortage and the potential impacts on water treatment and wastewater treatment in the region. Housing Affordability and Community Services Committee: Mr. Walters reported from the Committee meeting held the previous week,with the AFC and the Salvation Army in attendance. The topics discussed included services provided by Skagit Community Action in Anacortes and the committee's upcoming briefing to the full Council. Mr. Walters said that a code revision addressing childcare in the R4 zone would be presented to Council within two weeks. Public Works Committee: Ms. Moulton reported from the Committee meeting held earlier in the evening. The topics discussed included the potential acquisition of the South Fidalgo water system,the Craley sensing system to address potential threats to the water system,the national chlorine shortage,the 12th and Commercial Avenue roundabout design, and the wastewater influent pump repair. Public Comment No one present wished to address the Council on any topic not already on the agenda. Consent Agenda Mr.Young moved, seconded by Mr. Miller,to approve the following Consent Agenda items. The motion carried unanimously by voice vote. a. Minutes of June 14,2021 b. Approval of claims in the amount of$881,141.87 The following vouchers/checks were approved for payment: EFT numbers: 100384 through 100439,total $566,889.94 Check numbers: 100440 through 100459,total$194,225.23 Wire transfer numbers: 285862 through 286014,total$119,950.86 c. Street Fair Application: 4th of July Town Photo and Parade d. Fourth Amendment to the Jail Facility Use Agreement OTHER BUSINESS Resolution 3038: Extending the Duration of Resolution 2082 Providing Temporary Procedures to Respond to the COVID-19 Epidemic Finance Director Steve Hoglund introduced Resolution 3038 to extend modified temporary procedures after June 30.Mr. Hoglund outlined the changes between the current temporary procedures and the proposed Anacortes City Council Minutes-June 21,2021 1 procedures. Mr. Walters suggested rewording the resolution to state which provisions would remain in effect. He asked what hybrid meetings would look like and suggested the IT Committee review that topic. Mr. Walters also said the plastic bag ban had been superseded by a state ban;he suggested that the Council repeal by ordinance the Anacortes bag ban. Ms. Moulton asked about the conflicting 12/31/21 and 9/30/21 expiration dates.Mr. Hoglund clarified that the September date was what had been intended. Ms.Moulton also clarified with Mr.Hoglund about remote meeting requirements. Mr.Miller requested a track changes version of the resolution. Mr.McDougall suggested that if no hybrid technology was available by July 6, that Council meeting might happen in person only. Mayor Gere directed Mr. Hoglund to bring the resolution back to Council for action at the June 28,2021 meeting with the changes requested by councilmembers. Access Anacortes Fiber Internet Update Fiber Manager Jim Lemberg provided the regular monthly update on Access Anacortes Fiber Internet.Mr. Lemberg's slides were added to the packet materials for the meeting. He reported on customers in service, pending orders and revenue received,noting 772 active customers. Mr. Lemberg reported the take rate by district,which was exceeding a 38%take rate in the current service areas. He also reported on potential funding opportunities,the status of construction by zone, special projects, and financial and network expansion projections for 2021 through 2023. Thompson Train Static Display Plan Mayor Gere introduced City Attorney Darcy Swetnam to present the plan Council had asked staff to prepare to provide for a static display of the Tommy Thompson train. Ms. Swetnam's slides were added to the packet materials for the meeting.Her presentation summarized the capital investment and ongoing maintenance and operations expenses that would be involved. Mr.Young noted the letter submitted by the Anacortes Railway Group,which had been included in the packet materials for the meeting.He asked that the Finance Committee consider budgetary options for implementing the plan. Ms. Moulton wondered what might be cut from the existing budget in the face of high priorities already identified. She supported returning the train to the Thompson family. Mr.Miller thanked staff for drafting the plan but reiterated his position against spending city funds on the static display. Mr.Walters said the city did not have sufficient funds in the budget to implement the plan without adversely affecting other priorities. He wondered if private donors or service clubs might be able to fund a static display. Ms. Moulton asked Museum Director Bret Lunsford to address past efforts to raise funds for a static display of the train. Mr. Lunsford explained how that question conflated with past community focus on operating rather than displaying the train. Anacortes City Council Minutes-June 21, 2021 2 Mayor Gere invited members of the audience to comment on this agenda item. Lisa Carney,representing the Thompson Family, clarified that at no time in the past had the Thompson family wanted the train to operate in Anacortes.Ms. Carney observed that no progress had been made in nine years to achieve a static display. She said further discussion was not likely to reach a different result. She encouraged Council to make a decision in the best interest of the citizens of Anacortes, decide to return the train to the Thompson family, and move on. Tammy Guffey thanked Ms. Carney for her comments. She said the ongoing discussion of the train was causing a bad feeling. Ms. Guffey supported returning the train to the Thompson family. Ms. Cleland-McGrath noted the lack of audience participation expressing support for keeping and displaying the train in Anacortes. She said she could not support the ongoing annual staff cost for this purpose in the face of other priorities. She supported returning the train to the Thompson family. Mr. McDougall agreed with Ms. Cleland-McGrath. He said the city did not have funding available to implement the plan. Mr. Walters and Mr.Young suggested asking the public one more time if private donors would fund the plan. Ms. Moulton noted the lack of success of past fundraising efforts. She supported returning the train and honoring the Thompson legacy in another way.Mayor Gere suggested giving the community three weeks to raise funds before voting.Ms. Cleland-McGrath and Mr.Miller agreed. Lisa Carney urged Council to identify parameters that would define "community support" for the static display plan. Resolution 3039: Authorizing the Purchase of Storage Box for Emergency Safety Equipment Containment, and Waiving the Competitive Bidding Requirement due to Special Market Conditions, Pursuant to RCW 39.04.280 Fire Chief Bill Harris introduced Resolution 3039 to enable purchase of a used container to store disaster preparedness supplies. Mr. Walters questioned locating the container at the wastewater treatment plant. MATT MILLER moved, seconded by ANTHONY YOUNG,to adopt Resolution 3039 waiving bid requirements due to special market conditions as authorized in RCW 39.04.280. Vote: Ayes -ANTHONY YOUNG,RYAN WALTERS, CHRISTINE CLELAND-MCGRATH, CAROLYN MOULTON,BRUCE MCDOUGALL,MATT MILLER.Nays -None. Result: Passed EXECUTIVE SESSION Potential Litigation or Litigation per RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) (30 minutes) Mayor Gere announced that City Council and the City Attorney would convene in Executive Session per RCW 42.30.110(i) for approximately 45 minutes to discuss potential litigation or litigation. The mayor advised that the regular meeting would then adjourn with no action having been taken. Councilmembers Anthony Young, Ryan Walters, Christine Cleland-McGrath, Carolyn Moulton,Bruce McDougall and Matt Miller attended the executive session in absentia via video conference. Adjournment There being no further business,at approximately 8:45 p.m.the Anacortes City Council meeting of June 21, 2021 was adjourned. Anacortes City Council Minutes-June 21, 2021 3