HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit File BLD-2021-0508 1608 10th Street • Cuty OO'u ° n 1c0O ties invoice/Permit i # m 0��� ©uc��,/PCB �, a QL® 2021 0508 904 6th Street PTpOned date: 06/22/2021 "'" '' P.O.Box 547 � e� date: 0 /22/202 Anacortes, WA 98221-0547 ssExpire date: it 2/`i 0/2022 1891 et' (360) 293-1901 Job Address: 1608 10TH ST Permit Type: Single Family Alteration/Repair Permit ANACORTES WA 98221-1928 Project: APN: P55938 Remarks: ENLARGE OPENING INTO LIVING ROOM, INCLUDING FLOOR COVERING AND FINISH WORK. Owner: KRISTINE WHITELY Contractor: KREIDER CONSTRUCTION Address: 1608 10TH ST Address: 1010 22ND ST ANACORTES WA 98221-1928 ANACORTES WA 98221-2521 Phone: Phone: (360) 707-5588 License #: General Information: Fees: Flood plain development N Building Permit Fee 111 .25 Building Valuation 5000 Plan Review Fee 72.31 State Building Code Fee Resi 6.50 Total Calculated: 190.06 Deposits/Receipts: 0.00 Total Due: 190.06 The issuance or granting of this permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or approval of, any violation of this Code or any other ordinance or order of the City, of any state or federal law, or of any order, proclamation, guidance advice or decision of the Governor of this State. To the extent the issuance or granting of this permit is interpreted to allow construction activity during any period of time when such construction is prohibited or restricted by any state or federal law, or order, proclamation, guidance advice or decision of the Governor of this State, this permit shall not authorize such work and shall not be valid. The building official is authorized to prevent occupancy or use of a structure where in violation of this Code, any other City ordinances of this jurisdiction or any other ordinance or executive order of the City, or of any state or federal law, or of any order, proclamation, guidance advice or decision of the Governor. The building official is authorized to suspend or revoke this permit if it is determined to be issued in error or on the basis of incorrect, inaccurate or incomplete information, or in violation of any City ordinance, regulation or order, state or federal law, or any order, proclamation, guidance or decision of the Governor. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced.within 180 days or if construction work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days at any time after work is commenced. I have read and e athined ttjis application and know the same to be true and correct. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR AUTHORIZED AGENT ISSUED BY 1 _ _ _ t �_-_ - �� i t-- li A i IS, ll { q(\ _ 4" —_ ' 3 I CITY.�OF ANACORTFs PEA 1JING-ANC-BUILOING---DEFT- . _- i I s .—`;—. k. APPROVED PLANS _- .— - __-- i _i, •>4� _i____ !, __a>, IEWED.,FOR CODE COMPLIANCE + i 1 -L PER �tt: •� ..., f III ,• ' t ADD : h' �� ' su . ...,, —_ - € APPREDB -1a�iu.. SUBJECT,T/, ELD INSPECTION• .0 -LNI, ,• S_, ALL NC i 1 I : ON. k 3 LT WITHOUTAUTGi IZA 11. $ t _ COI ! t I t fr‘ J I _T4_ •SA: 7 ' , ]ILi + il\ 1' 77E1 ,C♦"�` ._may... i I i • ti7 4 r k I 1 N, I , -, . IT ; 4 1"----1 r tIly y 1 x ( I I o m 1 , -�. _ S s t i ' ,--i---- :71 r 4, 4%• -- � - - I ..:: _11-- -,,i —it—— —-•- 0 "- ili I ! 1 1 : i _ : ! Ai 1 I ,k 1+1 _ ....,_ _ _ vy .-- -1 1 k t '1i14i ± I i ! I 11 11 1 f --}'° - -- -- t i —i 1 l . I ' -i- -----t----ii------- -t --- 1 1 ; r----! Ir—i , ; ri —'---- IIII IN „.. ,,,,, ii,,, ,; , _ , , •4. . , SERUM' MEM 1 IN ,;„,;!,,o4L, egiiiiiiiMMININERINIUMENUMINE INE11111;444 : 17101411Mi - ' ; I- 1 1, ::,:,,, ,k .#'" isili ',Ig'ilmmim ammimm / / , . 11 „ , , 1, 11111111111111111114111 km 4I I minmommommumperitteII misminummompor ming, -; ,, -.' . iPIIIIIL!JI!IIIMIIIII - NZariiiiiiiNNNERINEMINSIrk% 1 motimmin Evitimplo3,- .....;...., '' : - 1111111 lii!ciligillilliiimIll ..,. ..._ , , _ ,„ H ut ..-,-_. - , , -.....].... "IiM!IuIIiitiIii liii 11211 'b `Qv',f, 8 .G .541 �./1Jr/ k 0 ',e;-1;" . 4CP ..i AP a, 4, 1 - IN 1111 1 i , X/ T/ 4 is/.• s '‘'' — El NE -Kesmonsiiimmillanii-L " ' aT ' eci is nomiluTionswin i - - , grill , 18" X18" X6" ... minimum at beam ends iiiRii1iii1lII'IIIlIiiiii Shane Maroney From: Shane Maroney Sent: Monday, May 24, 2021 12:12 PM To: Tim K Garrison Subject: Fwd: ScanFile Attachments: image0 jpeg; image1 jpeg; image2.jpeg; image3 jpeg; image4.jpeg; 05242021scan.pdf Tim. Here is the layout where I need a beam spec'd. Removing walls with red slashed.The one separating the kitchen and living room is non bearing.Site built rafters with 8/12 pitch. I was thinking 3"1/2x13 glb with 4"1/2 bearing at each end. There is a 6x10 beam centered in the floor. Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: HP Scanner<scanner@kreiderconstruction.com> Date: May 24,2021 at 11:54:50 AM PDT To:Shane Maroney<shane@kreiderconstruction.com> Subject:ScanFile w o " Y V41"- 1 1 Shane Maroney From: Tim K Garrison <timg@timkgarrison.com> Sent: Monday, May 24, 2021 12:41 PM To: Shane Maroney Subject: RE: ScanFile Hi Shane, You can use a 3.5x12 glulam. Make sure to connect the top of beam to the ceiling joists so the beam can't go sideways.There is about 3,600 lb at each support so be sure to squash block the floor and have decent footings. Best! Tim K. Garrison, P.E. 2316 Antone Way, Anacortes, WA 98221 email: TimGc TimKGarrison.com Phone and text: 360-708-1865 Facebook Page: Uncle Timmus Website: TimKGarrison.com Check my backlog and status of jobs in queue here: https://www.timkgarrison.com/my-schedule/ From:Shane Maroney Sent: Monday, May 24, 2021 12:12 PM To:Tim K Garrison <timg@timkgarrison.com> Subject: Fwd: ScanFile Tim. Here is tt `' a o t g '-I need a beam spec'd. Removing walls with red slashed. The one separating the kitchen and living room is non bearing.Site built rafters with & �+ inking 3"1/2x13 glb with 4"1/2 bearing at each end. There is a 64, .-. e -. g the floor. ti Sent from my iPhorig Begin forwarded message: 2 1 Shane Maroney From: Tim K Garrison <timg@timkgarrison.com> Sent: Monday, May 24, 2021 2:55 PM To: Shane Maroney Subject: RE: ScanFile Yes, LVL, PSL,and glulam are all about the same strength. Tim K. Garrison, P.E. 2316 Antone Way, Anacortes, WA 98221 email: TimG@TimKGarrison.com Phone and text: 360-708-1865 Facebook Page: Uncle Timmus Website: TimKGarrison.com Check my backlog and status of jobs in queue here: https://www.timkgarrison.com/my-schedule/ From: Shane Maroney Sent: Monday, May 24,2021 2:54 PM To:Tim K Garrison<timg@timkgarrison.com> Subject: RE:ScanFile Will a 3"1/2x14 LVL work?Frontier has one in their yard From:Tim K Garrison<timg@timkgarrison.com> Sent: Monday, May 24, 2021 1:10 PM To:Shane Mar GE ne kreiderconstruction.com> Subject: RE: '4 1; .94- �� No charge f'3 tri- Have a great Tim K. Garrison, P.E. 1 X PLANNING, COMMUNITY, & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Mailing Address:P.O. Box 547, Anacortes, WA 98221 y 4, Office Location:904 6th Street,Anacortes WA 98821 VfrilICIPsPftv Phone: (360)293-1901 Residential Building Permit App Submittal Packet New Single Family Residences (SFR) Duplexes Additions and Remodels (SFR& Duplex) Accessory Dwelling Units Manufactured Homes Residential decks and retaining walls r.: FORM BP-1: RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICAT ON 1. PROPERTY INFORMATION Project Address(Street,Suite#): Assessor Parcel Number: Subdivision/Lot#: Zoning Designation: Lot area (size): / //7 /2r s 2. TYPE OF PROJECT ❑ New SFR 0 New Accessory Dwelling Unit: 0 Deck/porch (new/repair) ❑ New Duplex ❑ Attached to Primary Unit n Detached from Primary Unit 0 Interior remodel ❑ New Addition to SFR ❑ Garage,carport or accessory building El Retaining wall or duplex (new/repair) Other: Project Summary: EA-14-f f C.),PAhoive4 /A722,7 1 oo r l,,.,(X/rL 4 /S,V zAiatze Project Valuation: $ Soo 3. PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION Name: = Phone: Address(Street,;r City,State,Zip): Email Address: /�‘0 aD /L2rig 5-7 ,. ,/ Y / 4. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Name:* Phone: 360 5. G„ 7:1 360 0 7-SS r'`', , Contractor's Business Licenses State License#: City License#: i *All Contractors&Subcontractors must have a valid City E it)4./0 2.7r of Anacortes business license prior to doing work in the Expiration Date: Expiration Date: City. /10/3D)2.OZ,/ Address(Street,City,State,Zip): Email Address: /0/0 22,v Sr.26 i s�.v. ,E iZa r2Go S722ve.r/ 't &Nell Ef AvAGv 'TES 4t./,4 4b'2 2/ Res.Building Permit Application Submittal Checklist Page 1 of 19 Updated April 20,2021 CA PLANNING, COMMUNITY, & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT e Mailing Address:P.O. Box 547,Anacortes, WA 98221 z Office Location:904 6th Street,Anacortes WA 98821 M' Phone: (360)293-1901 5. CONTACT PERSON Select one person the city will contact for anything related to this project: ❑ Applicant ❑ Property OwnerContractor r—t othpr(list helnwl Name: 4, Phone: Address(Street,City,State,Zip): Email Address: 5A,44,40"E„6,4,2640eiecaA457224/erip40, eam 6. LENDER INFORMATION RCW 19.27.095 requires the City to obtain information with regard to lenders. If there are no lenders involved with your project, write"no lenders"on the Nam. Line below. Name: Phone: Address(Street, 'ty,S at , Email Address: 7. ACKNOWLE GEMENTS & SIGNATURE Read and initial each of the following statements prior to signing this application: I understand that when a building permit application is taken in over the counter it does not mean the application has been deemed technically complete and sufficient for staff review. I understand that if I submit incomplete, inaccurate,and/or erroneous information it will take the "' City longer to process my permits. .;. I understand and acknowledge that I could be responsible for providing as-built drawings(on paper or electronically)as part of the project's certificate of occupancy p y process. '40;a," I understand and acknowledge that Special Inspections could be required as part of my project, and if needed I will be required to pay for the cost of these inspections. I understand and acknowledge that financial securities could be required as part of the work I am completing and I agree to provide the items needed for the City to calculate these securities and to provide the securities themselves. I understand that if permits are reviewed concurrently such as design review,site plan,traffic concurrency,etc.,any required revisions to one permit may affect the entire plan set and could add costs and time to the project. Res.Building Permit Application Submittal Checklist Updated April 20,2021 Page 2 of 19 y 0 PLANNING,COMMUNITY,& ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT c' Mailing Address: P.O. Box 547, Anacortes, WA 98221 Office Location:904 6th Street,Anacortes WA 98821 ,'� ``'IIC Phone: (360)293-1901 ( hereby declare that I am either the owner of the property listed on this application or the owner of this property has authorized me to be their representative to act for them. I also declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that all of the statements and answers contained herein, and the information submitted with this application form is in all respects,true, correct,and complete to the best of knowledge and belief. (p/Z 2..- signature Date Printed Name Res.Building Permit Application Submittal Checklist Updated April 20,2021 Page 3 of 19