HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-06-14 City Council Minutes Approved Anacortes City Council Minutes - June 14, 2021
Call to Order
Mayor Laurie Gere called to order the Anacortes City Council meeting of June 14, 2021 at 6:00 p.m.
Councilmembers Ryan Walters, Christine Cleland-McGrath, Carolyn Moulton,Bruce McDougall and Matt
Miller all participated in the meeting in absentia via video conference. Councilmembers Jeremy Carter and
Anthony Young were absent.
Ms. Cleland-McGrath moved, seconded by Mr.Miller,to excuse the absence of Councilmember Anthony
Young. The motion carried unanimously by voice vote. Councilmember Jeremy Carter had been excused in
advance at the May 24,2021 regular City Council meeting.
Announcements and Committee Reports
COVID-19 Update: Mayor Gere announced that City Hall had reopened for half days 9-1 daily until July 6, at
which point City Hall would be open on a regular 8-5 schedule Monday through Friday. The mayor shared
current case statistics and vaccination progress for Anacortes, Skagit County,Washington State, and the nation.
Finance Committee: Mr. McDougall reported from the Committee meeting held the previous Wednesday. The
topics discussed included Resolution 3037 which would appear later on the evening's agenda and a potential
extension of the emergency City Council procedures for COVID-19 which would be discussed at the June 21,
2021 regular City Council meeting.
Planning Committee: Mr.Walters reported from the Committee meeting held earlier in the evening. The topics
discussed included the Critical Areas regulations that would be addressed later on the agenda and then the
pressing need for childcare in Anacortes.
Public Comment
No one present wished to address the Council on any topic not already on the agenda.
Consent Agenda
MATT MILLER moved, seconded by BRUCE MCDOUGALL,to approve the following Consent Agenda
items. The motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
a. Minutes of June 7,2021
b. Approval of claims in the amount of$537,657.13
The following vouchers/checks were approved for payment:
EFT numbers: 100315 through 100366,total $411,408.07
Check numbers: 100367 through 100383,total$103,316.50
Wire transfer numbers: 285380 through 285677,total$22,932.56
c. Contract Award: Anacortes Street Repair 2021 #21-126-TRN-001
Friends of Skagit Beaches Citizen Science Outfall Monitoring Program
Stormwater Program Manager Diane Hennebert introduced Wayne Huseby and Tim Gohrke from Friends of
Skagit Beaches to present the Anacortes Stormwater Management Project. The presenter slides were added to
the packet materials for the meeting. Ms. Hennebert explained how this innovative citizen science program
Anacortes City Council Minutes-June 14,2021
helped the City achieve no fewer than five requirements of its NPDES permit. The presenters invited the public
to follow posted sampling results at the project website.
Ordinance 3064: Critical Area Regulations Draft 3
Senior Planner Tess Cooper presented Draft 3,version 2 of the critical area regulations,which reflected the
changes to Draft 3 that had been requested by City Council during its review of the document on April 19,
May 3,May 10, and June 7. Ms. Cooper's presentation had been included in the packet materials for the
meeting. Ms. Cooper noted additional changes requested by councilmembers and confirmed that any additional
public comment periods for changes of that magnitude would be duly advertised.
Resolution 3037: Waiving Competitive Bidding for 271 Multi-port Service Terminals(MSTs)
Fiber Manager Jim Lemberg presented Resolution 3037 to waive the bidding requirements for the purchase of
271 Multi-port Service Terminals(MSTs)for the City's Access Fiber Project from Millennium. Mr. Lemberg
summarized the special market conditions requiring this action,referring to the packet materials for the agenda
RYAN WALTERS moved, seconded by BRUCE MCDOUGALL,to approve Resolution 3037 authorizing the
purchase of 271 Multi-port Service Terminals (MSTs)for the City's Access Fiber Project from Millennium,and
waiving the competitive bidding requirement due to special market conditions. Vote: Ayes -RYAN WALTERS,
Nays-None. Result: Passed
There being no further business,at approximately 7:45 p.m.the Anacortes City Council meeting of
June 14,2021 was adjourned.
Anacortes City Council Minutes -June 14, 2021