HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-05-17 City Council Minutes Approved Anacortes City Council Minutes - May 17, 2021 Call to Order Mayor Laurie Gere called to order the Anacortes City Council meeting of May 17, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. Councilmembers Anthony Young, Ryan Walters, Christine Cleland-McGrath,Carolyn Moulton,Bruce McDougall and Matt Miller all participated in the meeting in absentia via video conference. Councilmember Jeremy Carter was absent. Announcements and Committee Reports COVID-19 Update: Mayor Gere relayed the Governor's announcement that the entire state would move to Phase 3 of the Roadmap to Recovery effective May 18,to be followed by full reopening statewide on June 30, and that the state would fully adopt CDC masking guidance. The mayor shared current case statistics for Anacortes, Skagit County,Washington State, and the nation. Skagit County Law&Justice Council: Mr. Miller reported from the LJC meeting held virtually the previous week. The group received a report from Compass Health on the embedded social worker program in the county. Finance Committee: Mr.Walters reported from the Committee meeting held the previous week. The committee received a demonstration from Domo of its budget data presentation software. Public Works Committee: Ms. Moulton reported from the committee meeting held earlier in the evening. The topics discussed included the WWTP solids handling presentation later on the agenda, and also the risk and resiliency assessment and emergency response plan for the water system. Public Comment Julie Gold stated her continuing support of allowing and promoting bicycling on all trails in the city. She enumerated the environmental and health benefits of cycling. Ms. Gold also supported making trails accessible to all users including wheelchair users. Consent Agenda Mr. Miller moved, seconded by Mr.Young,to approve the following Consent Agenda items. The motion carried unanimously by voice vote. a. Minutes of May 10,2021 b. Approval of claims in the amount of$536,027.16 The following vouchers/checks were approved for payment: EFT numbers: 100085 through 100144,total$284,472.94 Check numbers: 100145through 100170,total $110,782.51 Wire transfer numbers: 248282 through 284421,total $141,425.99 c. Contract Award: 2021 Pedestrian Improvements Project#21-092-TRN-001 OTHER BUSINESS Legislative Update Representative Alex Ramel and Senator Liz Lovelett provided an update on the 2021 Legislative Session. Rep. Ramel reported four identified priorities for the session: public health response to COVID, economic recovery from the pandemic,responding to systemic racial injustice and responding to the climate crisis. Senator Lovelett addressed police reform and accountability,the Blake decision,the new 988 emergency call number for citizens Anacortes City Council Minutes-May 17,2021 1 in mental health crisis, eviction reform,broadband, and local capital projects. Rep. Ramel highlighted legislation supporting increased flexibility of local spending of dedicated revenue streams, childcare,clean energy, affordable housing, and electric ferry procurement. Resolution 3028: Updating the Work Plan Adopted in Resolution 3005 Regarding Bonus Height Provisions in the R4 Zone West of the Commercial Zone Related to Ordinance 3088 Planning Director Don Measamer introduced Resolution 3028,companion legislation to Ordinance 3088.Mr. Measamer reviewed the proposed work plan. He recommended approval of the resolution. ANTHONY YOUNG moved, seconded by RYAN WALTERS,to adopt Resolution 3028,updating the work plan for the bonus height provisions in the R4 zone west of the Commercial zone.Vote: Ayes -ANTHONY YOUNG,RYAN WALTERS, CHRISTINE CLELAND-MCGRATH, CAROLYN MOULTON,BRUCE MCDOUGALL,MATT MILLER.Nays -None. Result: Passed Access Anacortes Fiber Internet Update Administrative Services Director Emily Schuh provided the regular monthly update on Access Anacortes Fiber Internet.Ms. Schuh's slides were added to the packet materials for the meeting. She reported on customers in service,pending orders and revenue received, celebrating 720 customers in service at close of business earlier in the day. She noted the take rate by district and the overall 36%take rate in the current service areas. Ms. Schuh also shared current financials, fiber provisions in the American Recovery Plan Act,projected network expansion, and progress on special projects. Wastewater Treatment Plant Solids Handling Report Public Works Director Fred Buckenmeyer advised that the selection process for solids handling options had been accelerated due to a funding opportunity for hydrothermal liquefaction. Mr. Buckenmeyer introduced Brown and Caldwell staff Rick Kelly,Brinlee Frinzel and John Willis to present the firm's analysis of all known solids handling options. The consultant's slide presentation was added to the packet materials for the meeting. Ms. Frinzel described each of the non-fatally flawed technologies. Mr. Kelly reviewed the scoring of the options. Councilmembers requested time to review the options presented after the slide presentation had been provided to them. They requested clarification on the timing for making a decision on which option(s)to pursue. Mr. Willis explained that the DOE grant application due June 20 would pay for half of the HTL project if that option were to be selected. He elaborated on several different funding scenarios. Mr. Willis indicated that if HTL were one of the two alternatives Council wished to consider, and if Council determined that at its May 24,2021 regular meeting,Brown and Caldwell would still have sufficient time to prepare a grant application by the deadline. Mayor Gere directed staff to bring the topic back to Council for scoring and potential decision at the May 24,2021 meeting. Adjournment There being no further business,at approximately 8:30 p.m.the Anacortes City Council meeting of May 17,2021 was adjourned. Anacortes City Council Minutes -May 17, 2021 2