HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-12-14 City Council Minutes Approved Anacortes City Council Minutes — December 14, 2020 Mayor Laurie Gere called to order the Anacortes City Council meeting of December 14, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. Councilmembers Jeremy Carter, Anthony Young,Ryan Walters, Carolyn Moulton, Christine Cleland-McGrath and Matt Miller all participated in the meeting in absentia via video conference. Councilmember Bruce McDougall was absent. Announcements and Committee Reports COVID-19 Update: Mayor Gere shared current case statistics for Anacortes, Skagit County,Washington State, and the nation. The mayor noted the significant increase in cases in Skagit County over the prior month. Pride in Service Award Presentation to Russ Pittis: The mayor honored Conservation Manager Russ Pittis for his 35 years of service in a number of different positions during his long tenure with the city. Reappointment of Gary Molyneaux to Planning Commission: Mayor Gere recommended that Council reappoint Gary Molyneaux to the Planning Commission for a term beginning January 1, 2021 and ending December 31, 2026. Mr. Young moved, seconded by Ms. Cleland-McGrath, to reappoint Gary Molyneaux to the Planning Commission. The motion carried unanimously by voice vote. Finance Committee: Mr. Carter reported from the committee meeting the prior Wednesday. The committee had discussed the status of CARES funding and the proposed 2021 budget. Fiber Committee: No report Housing Affordability&Community Services Committee: Ms. Moulton reported from the committee meeting earlier in the evening. The committee learned about the community resource manager employed by the Anacortes Family Center. This presentation was part of the committee's review of available social service and mental health resources in the county. Planning Committee: Ms. Moulton and Mr. Walters reported from the committee meeting earlier in the evening. The committee discussed CDBG funding and how that could be used to counter the economic impact of COVID-19 on downtown merchants and small businesses. Reports to full Council on both the CDBG funding and the hearing examiner were scheduled for the December 21,2020 City Council meeting. Mr. Young asked if staff had received any revised guidance from the State about allowing local purchasing preference to counter economic impacts of COVID-19. Ms. Swetnam said that no revised guidance had been issued but that staff would continue to monitor the topic and report back. Public Comment No members of the public wished to address the Council on any topic not on the agenda. At approximately 6:15 p.m. Mr. McDougall joined the meeting. Consent Agenda Mr. Miller moved, seconded by Mr. Carter, to approve the following Consent Agenda items. The motion carried unanimously by voice vote. a. Minutes of December 7,2020 b. Approval of Claims in the amount of: $1,615,138.41 c. Contract Modification: Municipal Fiber Network Coordinated Services#19-040-FBR-001 Anacortes City Council Minutes December 14, 2020 1 The following vouchers/checks were approved for payment: EFT numbers: 98831 through 98894,total$522,496.56 Check numbers: 98895 through 98909,total $1,070,870.36 Wire transfer numbers: 277088 through 277381,total $21,771.49 OTHER BUSINESS Mayor Gere removed Item 5c, Contract Award: R Avenue Long-Term Improvement Project-Consultant Services#20-127-TRN-001, from the agenda. Contract Award: Hydrothermal Processing of Wastewater Biosolids#20-217-SEW-001 Public Works Director Fred Buckenmeyer summarized the current incineration of biosolids at the wastewater treatment plant and the regulatory and fiduciary reasons for evaluating alternative technologies. He recommended contracting for a comparative feasibility study of the Genifuel HYPOWERS system and an engineering report that would support potential funding options for the recommended technology. Mr. Buckenmeyer introduced John Willis, Feasibility Analysis Lead Engineer from Brown and Caldwell. Mr. Willis introduced his colleagues Tadd Giesbrecht, Rick Kelly and Brinlee Finzel. Mr. Willis presented the proposed scope of work for the subject contract,referring to the slide presentation included in the packet materials for the meeting. Mr. Willis, Mr. Buckenmeyer and Wastewater Plant Manager Becky Fox responded to councilmember questions. Councilmembers requested information about additional technology options at a future meeting and declined to act on the proposed contract. Contract Award: Prosecution Services 2021 City Attorney Darcy Swetnam requested approval of a contract with Craig Cammock to provide prosecution services for the calendar year 2021. She described Mr. Cammock's service in that capacity since 2011 and recommended approval of the contract. Ms. Swetnam introduced Mr. Cammock to describe developments in the court system including the new Community Court. Mr. Young moved, seconded by Mr. Carter, to authorize Mayor Gere to execute Contract 21-007-LEG-001 between the City and Craig Cammock to provide prosecution services to the City for 2021. Mr. Walters advised that because his cousin was a subcontractor under the proposed contract he would abstain from voting on the motion. Vote: Ayes—Young, Cleland-McGrath, Moulton,McDougall,Miller and Carter.Abstain: Walters. Motion carried. Resolution 3009: Authorizing Distribution of Tourism Promotion Funds Planning Director Don Measamer presented Resolution 3009 to approve 20 applications for the 2021 Lodging Tax funding to advertise,publicize, or distribute information or undertake other activities specifically authorized by RCW 67.28.180 to attract visitors to Anacortes. Mr.Measamer reported on the new applications and the recommendations of the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee. He recommended approval of Resolution 3009. Mr. Miller, chair of the LTAC, concurred. Ms. Moulton moved, seconded by Mr. Carter, to approve Resolution 3009 authorizing execution of the Tourism Promotion Fund contracts by and between the City of Anacortes and recipient agencies. Ms. Cleland-McGrath advised that she was on the board of one of the grantees,the Anacortes Arts Festival, and so would abstain from voting on the motion. Vote: Ayes—Walters,Moulton,McDougall,Miller, Carter and Young.Abstain: Cleland- McGrath. Motion carried. Anacortes City Council Minutes December 14, 2020 2 Ordinance 3079: Adding Section 13.56.050 to the AMC regarding Dark Fiber Leases Ms. Swetnam presented Ordinance 3079 amending the Anacortes Municipal Code to adopt rules and policy regarding the City's ability to enter into dark fiber leases. She explained the provisions of the ordinance, referring to the packet materials for the meeting. All three members of the fiber committee spoke in support of the ordinance. Mr. Walters moved, seconded by Mr. Miller,to adopt Ordinance 3079, an ordinance adding section 13.56.050 and amending subsection 1.30.080(A) of the Anacortes Municipal Code to establish and limit the City's use of dark fiber leases. Vote: Ayes—Cleland-McGrath,Moulton,McDougall,Miller, Carter, Young and Walters. Motion carried. Property Agreement to Obtain Easements for Trail Purposes Ms. Swetnam presented an agreement that had been negotiated with two property owners in Anacortes along the Guemes Channel,which would require the City to initiate the vacation process for several areas of City right-of- way in exchange for easements which could be used in the future for a trail. Ms. Swetnam's slide presentation was added to the packet materials for the meeting. She responded to councilmember questions about the agreement. Mr. Miller moved, seconded by Mr. Walters,to authorize Mayor Gere to execute the Property Agreement between the City of Anacortes and Property Owners for trail purposes as presented. Vote: Ayes—Moulton, McDougall,Miller, Carter, Young,Walters and Cleland-McGrath. Motion carried. Ordinance 3080: 2021-2026 Capital Facilities Plan Update Ordinance 3078: Adopting the 2021 Budget Finance Director Steve Hoglund presented updated Ordinances 3080 and 3078 which had been revised per Council's request at the December 7, 2020 City Council meeting. Mr. Hoglund summarized those changes. His slide presentation was added to the packet materials for the meeting. Councilmembers discussed the budget allocation for the pavement overlay program at length. Councilmembers did not request any other changes to the ordinances as revised. Mayor Gere eventually reported councilmember consensus to increase the allocation for the overlay program by$300K for a total of$1.85M,in both the Capital Facilities Plan and the 2021 budget, using REET reserves. Mayor Gere instructed Mr. Hoglund to bring Ordinances 3080 and 3078 back to Council for action on the Consent Agenda. There being no further business, at approximately 8:45 p.m. the Anacortes City Council meeting of December 14, 2020 was adjourned. Anacortes City Council Minutes December 14, 2020 3