HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Application w/ Optional DNS
File Number: PLN-2020-0017
Project Location: 2109 34th St. (Assessor Parcel # P32217)
Project Name: Samish 34th Street Housing
Applicant: Leslie Eastwood, General Manager, Samish Indian Nation, P.O. Box 217, Anacortes, WA 98221
Contact Person: Ryan Walters, Director of Planning and Community Development, Samish Indian Nation, 360-
293-6404; rrwalters@samishtribe.nsn.us
Date of Application: August 10, 2020
Date of Complete Application: August 28, 2020
Date of Notice of Application: September 2, 2020
Application Type / Description: The applicant requests Type 2 Site Plan Review and approval for a cottage
housing development consisting of 14 cottages, a community building with a 2nd floor apartment for an on-site
manager, new multi-modal shared access drive and alleys, site utilities, stormwater management facilities, open
space, and landscaping. Buffer width averaging is proposed for a Category IV wetland located near the south end
of the property. The project also includes improvements to 34th Street.
Other Required Project Permits/Approvals: The following may be required in addition to the above:
Construction stormwater general permit from WADOE, construction plan approval, right-of-way permit, building
SEPA Review: The City of Anacortes has determined that this proposal is not likely to result in any significant
adverse environmental impact, and that issuance of a Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS) is likely following the
comment period for this notice. The optional DNS process of WAC 197-11-355 is being used for this proposal and
includes the following:
This may be your only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal.
The proposal may include mitigation measures under applicable codes, and the project review process may
incorporate or require mitigation measures regardless of whether an EIS is prepared.
A copy of the subsequent threshold determination for this proposal, once issued, may be obtained upon request.
Existing Environmental Documents: The following environmental documents evaluate the proposed project:
SEPA checklist, Critical Areas Assessment, Wetland Buffer Width Averaging analysis, Traffic Impact Analysis.
Application documents may be reviewed at https://www.anacorteswa.gov/161/Planning-Community-Economic-
Development by clicking “Notices of Application” and then opening the appropriate project file number folder.
Public Comment Period: Written comments regarding the proposal must be submitted to the City project
contact below by 5:00 PM on September 16, 2020. Any person may comment on the application, receive notice of
and participate in any hearings, and request a copy of the decision, once made.
Public Hearing: A public hearing is not required for this proposal.
Preliminary Determination of Consistency: At a minimum, this project will be subject to the following plans and
regulations: Anacortes Municipal Code Title 18 Environmental Protection, Title 19 Unified Development Code
Municipal Code, and the Anacortes Engineering Design Standards.
A decision on this application will be made within 120 days from the date of complete application.
Appeals: Please refer to AMC 19.20.030 and AMC 19.20.210 for appeal procedures.
Project Contact: Libby Grage, Planning Manager; Phone: (360) 299-1986; libbyb@cityofanacortes.org; City of
Anacortes, P.O. Box 547, Anacortes, WA 98221