HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-08-10 City Council Minutes Approved Anacortes City Council Minutes —August 10, 2020
Mayor Laurie Gere called to order the Anacortes City Council meeting of August 10, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.
Councilmembers Anthony Young,Ryan Walters, Christine Cleland-McGrath, Bruce McDougall and Matt
Miller all participated in the meeting in absentia via video conference. Councilmembers Jeremy Carter and
Carolyn Moulton were absent.
Mr. Miller moved, seconded by Mr. Young,to excuse the absence of Mr. Carter. The motion carried
unanimously by voice vote.
Mayor Gere noted that the Public Comment portion of the agenda had been reinstated following City Council
adoption of Resolution 2096 and that the meetings were now being held using Zoom Webinar. The instructions
for public participation in the City Council meetings were displayed.
Announcements and Committee Reports
COVID-19 Update: Mayor Gere reported current case statistics for Anacortes, Skagit County and Washington
State. She reviewed the county's status on the five metrics required to move to Phase 3 of the Safe Start
Washington plan.
At approximately 6:06 p.m. Councilmember Carolyn Moulton joined the meeting in absentia via video
Public Safety Committee: Mr. Miller reported from the committee meeting the prior week. He said the Fire
Department discussed letters of support from the public,promotional testing, and the proposed extension of the
contract with the IAFF which would be considered later on the agenda. Mr. Miller said the Police Department
discussed letters of support from the public, its two newest officers, promotional testing, and progress resolving
drug houses. Ms. Cleland-McGrath added that the new fingerprinting machine had arrived and would be
available to the public once Skagit County moved to Phase 3 of the Safe Start Washington plan.
Housing Affordability&Community Services Committee: Ms. Cleland-McGrath reported from the committee
meeting earlier in the afternoon. She reported on topics discussed including rental assistance funding,processing
the Small Business Stabilization grants, and a meeting with the Anacortes 100 Food Bank and Helping Hands
regarding the potential for Helping Hands to work with local agencies to assist those in need.
Planning Committee: Ms. Cleland-McGrath reported from the committee meeting earlier in the evening. She
said the group debriefed on the recent site visit with Port of Anacortes staff, elected officials and consultants to
discuss the Port's planned NW basin redevelopment and event center. Mr. Young requested more information
on that topic.
Public Comment
Nick , 2618 R Avenue, expressed his concerns about the housing crisis. He described the difficult, often
unprecedented situation of non-essential workers who may now be several months behind on their rent. He said
the rental assistance available through the Anacortes Family Center would be woefully inadequate and that he
expected to see evictions and homelessness increase during the winter as soon as the governor lifted the ban on
evictions. He urged the city to find more means of helping residents with rent.
Eric Petersen, 14489 Gibralter Road,treasurer of the Anacortes Museum Foundation, thanked the City Council
and mayor for tireless efforts to work with the Museum and the Museum Foundation on the Mitchell Mural
Project. Mr. Petersen spoke of the importance of the project to attract interest in how history has shaped
Anacortes City Council Minutes August 10, 2020 1
Anacortes and to preserve the legacy of Bill Mitchell.Mr. Petersen said the Foundation was working tirelessly
to raise funds to support the ongoing costs to maintain the murals and had a solid plan in place to achieve that.
He thanked the Council for considering accepting the donation of the murals.
Consent Agenda
Mr. Miller moved, seconded by Ms. Moulton,to approve the following Consent Agenda items. The motion
carried unanimously by voice vote.
a. Minutes of August 3,2020
b. Approval of Claims in the amount of: $272,904.81
The following vouchers/checks were approved for payment:
EFT numbers: 97826 through 97874 and 97887,total $227,148.95
Check numbers: 97875 through 97886,total $29,525.81
Wire transfer numbers: 272013 through 272210, total $17,173.49
Critical Area Regulations -Workshop: Draft 2 General Provisions and Critical Areas Procedures
Associate Planner Tess Cooper presented present Draft 2 of the 2016 critical areas regulations update, as
required under the periodic update requirements of the Growth Management Act. Ms. Cooper's slide
presentation was added to the packet materials for the meeting. She reviewed the proposed schedule for the City
Council public workshops,to be followed by compilation of a third draft of the CAO,then review,public
comment and public hearing on the third draft. Ms. Cooper provided an overview of Draft 2,then guided
Council through a discussion of the proposed changes to new Chapter 19.70 of the Anacortes Municipal Code,
focusing on General Provisions and Critical Area Review Procedures. Councilmembers provided extensive
feedback during the nearly two-hour discussion of these sections but took no final action.
At approximately 8:15 p.m. Councilmember Bruce McDougall left the meeting.
Resolution 2097: Authorizing Extension of IAFF Contract with 2% COLA through 2021
Finance Director Steve Hoglund presented a draft ordinance extending the collective bargaining agreement by
MOU between the City of Anacortes and the International Association of Firefighters Local 1537 to
December 31, 2021. Mr. Hoglund advised that the City Council Personnel Committee had been informed of the
proposed changes, and that the union had already voted to approve the extension. He called the extension a very
reasonable option.
Mr. Miller moved, seconded by Mr. Walters,to approve Resolution 2097 authorizing extension of the IAFF
Contract with 2%COLA through 2021. Vote: Ayes—Young,Walters, Cleland-McGrath, Moulton and Miller.
Motion carried.
Resolution 2098: Authorizing Extension of the Anacortes Police Guild Non-Commissioned Staff Contract
with 2% COLA through 2021
Mr. Hoglund presented a draft ordinance extending the collective bargaining agreement by MOU between the
City of Anacortes and the Anacortes Police Guild Non-Commissioned Staff to December 31,2021. He advised
that the City Council Personnel Committee had been informed of the proposed changes, and that the union had
already voted to approve the extension.
Mr. Young moved, seconded by Ms. Moulton,to approve Resolution 2098 as presented. Vote: Ayes—Walters,
Cleland-McGrath, Moulton, Miller and Young. Motion carried.
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Ordinance 3070: Accepting the Donation of the Murals from the Bill Mitchell Estate for the Anacortes
Mural Protect
Museum Director Bret Lunsford presented a draft ordinance to accept the donation of the murals from the Bill
Mitchell Estate for the Anacortes Mural Project. Mr. Lunsford explained the Mural Project, referring to his slide
presentation which was added to the packet materials for the meeting. Mr. Lunsford responded to
councilmember questions about the project.
Mayor Gere inquired if any members of the virtual audience wished to comment on this agenda item.No
members of the public wished to comment.
Ms. Moulton moved, seconded by Mr. Young,to approve Ordinance 3070 accepting the donation of the murals
from the Bill Mitchell Estate for the Anacortes Mural Project. Vote: Ayes—Cleland-McGrath,Moulton,Miller,
Young and Walters. Motion carried.
In response to a question from Ms. Moulton, staff reported that seven members of the public had virtually
attended some portion of the evening's meeting.
There being no further business, at approximately 8:35 p.m. the Anacortes City Council meeting of
August 10, 2020 was adjourned.
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