HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit File BLD-2019-0447 1509 10th Street (3) Y 0 Cl of Aaf�� COL- ,Os llnvoiee/Permit #: BL®-201 04 7 904 6th Street Apppied date: 07/15/2019 w. P.O.Box 547 issue date: 07/30/2019 Anaccrtes, WA 98221 -0547 1$9► r: Exp rye date: 01/25/202 d (360) 293-1901 Job Address: 1509 10TH ST Permit Type: Single Family Alteration/Repair Permit ANACORTES WA 98221-1925 Project: APN: P55825 Remarks: Replace existing garage with new, smaller garage. REVISIONS RECEIVED 6/22/2020 FOR MAKING NEW GARAGE AN ADU FOR THE FUTURE. ***ADU PERMIT REQUIRED BEFORE FINAL INSPECTION *** Owner: SCHEETZ MAUREEN K Contractor: Address: PO BOX 1717 Address: ANACORTES WA 98221-6717 Phone: Phone: License #: General information: Fees: Building Valuation 23231 Additional Plan Check 60.00 Lot Area 6000 Building Permit Fee 377.25 Garage Square Footage 324 Plan Review Fee 245.21 # of Kitchen Sinks 1 State Building Code Fee Resi 6.50 # of Hand Sinks 1 Mechanical Permit Fees 34.15 # of Water Closets (Toilets) 1 Plumbing Permit Fee 48.00 # of Water Heaters 1 Total Calculated: 771 .11 # of Range Hoods 1 Deposits/Receipts: 628.96 Total Due: 142.15 The issuance or granting of this permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or approval of, any violation of this Code or any other ordinance or order of the City, of any state or federal law, or of any order, proclamation, guidance advice or decision of the Governor of this State. To the extent the issuance or granting of this permit is interpreted to allow construction activity during any period of time when such construction is prohibited or restricted by any state or federal law, or order, proclamation, guidance advice or decision of the Governor of this State, this permit shall not authorize such work and shall not be valid. The building official is authorized to prevent occupancy or use of a structure where in violation of this Code, any other City ordinances of this jurisdiction or any other ordinance or executive order of the City, or of any state or federal law, or of any order, proclamation, guidance advice or decision of the Governor. The building official is authorized to suspend or revoke this permit if it is determined to be issued in error or on the basis of incorrect, inaccurate or incomplete information, or in violation of any City ordinance, regulation or order, state or federal law, or any order, proclamation, guidance or decision of the Governor. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days or if construction work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days at any time after work is commenced. I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. J SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR AUTHORIZED AGENT ISSUEDTY ✓ . % { Ci of AnacortesYInvoice/Permit #: BLD-2020-0364 904 6th Street Applied date: 06/24/2020 y P.O.Box 547 Issue date: 06/24/2020 4-4 Anacoi tes, VVA 98221-0547 591 Expire date: 12/21/2021 (360) 293-1901 Job Address: 1509 10TH ST Permit Type: Accessory Dwelling Unit ANACORTES WA 98221-1925 Project: APN: P55825 Remarks: ADU IN NEW GARAGE ON PERMIT #: BLD-2019-0447 ADU PERMIT REQUIRED BEFORE FINAL INSPECTION OF GARAGE. Owner: SCHEETZ MAUREEN K Contractor: TBD Address: PO BOX 1717 Address: ANACORTES WA 98221-6717 Phone: Phone: License #: General Information: Fees: # OF HOURS 1 Accessory Dwelling Unit 120.00 Total Calculated: 120.00 Deposits/Receipts: 0.00 Total Due: 120.00 The issuance or granting of this permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or approval of, any violation of this Code or any other ordinance or order of the City, of any state or federal law, or of any order, proclamation, guidance advice or decision of the Governor of this State. To the extent the issuance or granting of this permit is interpreted to allow construction activity during any period of time when such construction is prohibited or restricted by any state or federal law, or order, proclamation, guidance advice or decision of the Governor of this State, this permit shall not authorize such work and shall not be valid. The building official is authorized to prevent occupancy or use of a structure where in violation of this Code, any other City ordinances of this jurisdiction or any other ordinance or executive order of the City, or of any state or federal law, or of any order, proclamation, guidance advice or decision of the Governor. The building official is authorized to suspend or revoke this permit if it is determined to be issued in error or on the basis of incorrect, inaccurate or incomplete information, or in violation of any City ordinance, regulation or order, state or federal law, or any order, proclamation, guidance or decision of the Governor. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days or if construction work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days at any time after work is commenced. I have read and examine is application and know the same to be true and correct. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR AUTHORIZED AGENT ISSUED B -- I V I, '41k*Ojkleinir Finance Department 020237-0297 Erin M. 06/29/2020 04:54PM PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS SCHEETZ MAUREEN K BLD-2020-0364 Accessory Dwelling Unit ADU IN NEW GARAGE ON PERMIT #: BLD-2019 issued 2020 Item: BLD-2020-0364 Accessory Dwelling Unit 120.00 Payment Id: 286547 SCHEETZ MAUREEN K BLD-2019-0447 Single Family Alteration/Repair Permit Replace existing garage with new, smalle issued 2020 Item: BLD-2019-0447 Building Permit Fee 0.00 Plan Review Fee 0,00 Additional Plan Check 60.00 State Building Code Fee Resi 0,00 Mechanical Permit Fees 34,15 Plumbing Permit Fee 48.00 Payment Id: 286548 262.15 Subtotal 262.15 Total 262.15 CHECK 262.15 Check Number1002 Change due 0.00 Paid by: SCHEETZ MAUREEN K 111111111011111111111111111111111111111111111 • 1.330i! ' • ,waft,a,44,f_ e-.474:-1.447,7,761 wilf**14" ;14444 Nowt Lr-t14:444117 -,,,, PLANNING, COMMUNITY, &ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT AL/ PLAN REVISION /ADDITIONAL INFO COVER SHEET .7 a3 W',� , - EMailingAddress:P.O. Box 547, Anacortes, WA 98221 co f 'Office Location: 904 6th Street, Anacortes WA 98821 �'" 2 �`'��� r ' • Phone: (360) 299-1984, Fax: (360) 293-1938 a'` r N.` ' 0t �_ 6LD - 2019--0 I 7 Please use this form to submit r isions or additional information to your permit application. Permit/Project#: , Date: %\,j U rl % / 7 ) Z..O 2,e Project Name: LC z rte r*Z. R&.rzi p C7'}Rf1-- , Project Address: /5-0 -/ ^- )o Try r '. Project Contact: Cl/,i p_E ry aS ��i i Company Name: Contact Phone: 3 la 6 J'q -3 7 ) Contact Email: ✓` ) 6 f i g 61 7 E h'L0-C 'co,+-, Has the permit been issued yet? Et Yes ❑ No J J All revisions must be either clouded or highlighted &wet stamped by an architect/engineer(if applicable). Has this been done? ❑ Yes ❑ No What department(s) is this resubmittal/revision/additional information to go to? ❑ Planning Dept. 0 Building Dept. 0 Fire Dept. 0 Stormwater 0 Public Works Dept. Is the plan revision or additional information,in response to a plan review letter? ❑ Yes. A copy of the plan review letter with itemized responses to each item is required. (S No, the revision or additional information is initiated by the applicant,landowner, designer,or builder. If not in response to a Plan Review Letter, please explain the nature of the revisions and/or additional info: Re,iii5.e,—r 1r4rr) 2.0/b E3,.).leL.Ks( pL&,'1 .fti a t(ee: -re tuft)re 6.00 z_C2c Are you submitting a full replacement? (9' Yes ❑ No If not what page# is being replaced? Two full sized copies of all revised/additional information is required.Has this been done? fg Yes ❑ No Two 11"X 17" reduced copies of revised site or floor plan is required.Has this been done? IS Yes ❑ No Check the box next to the type of plan, report, or calculation where revisions or additional information can be found. B Site Plan Et Building Plans Structural Plan ❑ Landscape Plan ❑ Parking Plan ❑ Tree Preservation Plan ❑ Arborist Report ❑ SEPA checklist ❑ Wetland Report ❑ Geotechnical Report ❑ Storui Drainage Analysis ❑ TESC Plan ❑ Civil Plan ❑ Lot Coverage Calculations ❑ Impervious Surface Calculations ❑ FAR Calculations ❑ Grading Plan ❑ Survey(Boundary/Topo) ❑ Mechanical Plan 0 Plumbing Plan 0 Other: l./L,/G-1/—"_./ ,--..',R.s LAV,—,11..4:4.,IL-1,, ,r,I It V 1 V LA, .'; 610»-'*.,'A lcPs' ri 'PLP-AX .-5:160)oNiallqi--fvuNildi<;.•-,,,,,i--NiNouv.N.n.N1 610:7.iikitA A0)01 NOL.a:4(:',1•4.0) 6Z96 d :# 119Nd 5Nol-Nlwicl im,, A 0.1.?,-..Acrial J- 1A.1-5'ROI 6061 '5. aCidV noi zi,11Pos N:lovvy '.1, 'OS -17•Z - J-N111.loo nai MN NVid IIIS MIN '8 N..1-51X1 '15: 'OS -17 -J-NI?c,1-001V\N N1,1-51X (x0,07.:0 o--)) :oi- “!51 9,7v.1)5,--;.1Z!`..77-;•.!:lkici,.17,-;',,,ZZ (XCOl•,,,) 0`)) .0Z-,,i';'i 11,,P1...-;---"3715?1;04.4.,/,..1 x I1 \VIC . ,,e S AA \ \Vlo '.- \IIS X' fp' A1V A=11V -,, Ar..1 1-0d :ltivad S312401'Nfri,V)L-4Q Al i',.... 0 •—•-- . ,—• I LH Li ' ) ZO-1-';P.X-1 1W.i;;;12,066t5/1,.1.-Ii'—'''' , Aliirt .:*,:lNil.A.1:4-laaiJ NO a'A.:1,.1115 11V.15N1 , ' i . ! 1 i OZOt'1 c Nnr , '.1 ,-;;Ilop,,--;..;N1-1-11W..,1V,AVAIJ--.1 54336 M.01;;C4 `-tli 1 -1.---- - . - im aNrIOX 111 1 ;I .....,...".. 0071 -1.11,1 [iwz'Oil%,b i i t ------- 6 r V I Il •' I I , 1 6-,,dx.,1-1-v . 13c., 1 . 1 ii 1 • o iti. ii • ti... 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